Agency Information Collection Activities; Renewal of an Approved Information Collection; Waiver and Exemption Requirements, 97165-97166 [2024-28698]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 235 / Friday, December 6, 2024 / Notices
summarize or include your comments in
the request for OMB’s clearance of this
Issued under the authority of 49 CFR 1.87.
Thomas P. Keane,
Associate Administrator, Office of Research
and Registration.
[FR Doc. 2024–28696 Filed 12–5–24; 8:45 am]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
All submissions must include the
Agency name and docket number. For
detailed instructions on submitting
comments, see the Public Participation
heading below. Note that all comments
received will be posted without change
including any personal information
provided. Please see the Privacy Act
heading below.
[Docket No. FMCSA–2024–0216]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Renewal of an Approved
Information Collection; Waiver and
Exemption Requirements
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice and request for
In accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,
FMCSA announces its plan to submit
the Information Collection Request (ICR)
described below to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for its
review and approval and invites public
comment. FMCSA requests approval to
renew the ICR titled ‘‘Waiver and
Exemption Requirements’’. The ICR
estimates the burden applicants incur to
comply with the reporting tasks
required for requesting waivers and
Comments on this notice must be
received on or before February 4, 2025.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by Docket Number FMCSA–
2024–0216 using any of the following
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
online instructions for submitting
• Mail: Dockets Operations; U.S.
Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building,
Ground Floor, Washington, DC 20590–
• Hand Delivery or Courier: Dockets
Operations, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, West Building, Ground
Floor, Washington, DC, 20590–0001
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, Monday
through Friday, except Federal holidays.
To be sure someone is there to help you,
please call (202) 366–9317 or (202) 366–
9826 before visiting Dockets Operations.
• Fax: 1–202–493–2251.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
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To avoid duplication, please use only
one of these four methods. See the
‘‘Public Participation and Request for
Comments’’ portion of the
instructions on submitting comments.
Bernadette Walker, Driver and Carrier
Operations Division, DOT, FMCSA,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
Washington, DC 20590–0001; 202–385–
Public Participation and Request for
If you submit a comment, please
include the docket number for this
notice (FMCSA–2024–0216), indicate
the specific section of this document to
which your comment applies, and
provide a reason for each suggestion or
recommendation. You may submit your
comments and material online or by fax,
mail, or hand delivery, but please use
only one of these means. FMCSA
recommends that you include your
name and a mailing address, an email
address, or a phone number in the body
of your document so FMCSA can
contact you if there are questions
regarding your submission.
To submit your comment online, go to
FMCSA-2024-0216/document, click on
this notice, click ‘‘Comment,’’ and type
your comment into the text box on the
following screen.
If you submit your comments by mail
or hand delivery, submit them in an
unbound format, no larger than 81⁄2 by
11 inches, suitable for copying and
electronic filing.
Comments received after the comment
closing date will be included in the
docket and will be considered to the
extent practicable.
Privacy Act
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c),
DOT solicits comments from the public
to better inform its regulatory process.
DOT posts these comments, including
any personal information the
commenter provides, to as described in the
system of records notice DOT/ALL 14
PO 00000
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(Federal Docket Management System
(FDMS)), which can be reviewed at
individuals/privacy/privacy-act-systemrecords-notices. The comments are
posted without edits and are searchable
by the name of the submitter.
In 1998, the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA), the
predecessor agency of FMCSA, adopted
49 CFR part 381 as an interim final rule
(IFR), establishing procedures for
applying for waivers, exemptions, and
pilot programs (63 FR 67600, December
8, 1998). Section 4007 of the
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st
Century (TEA–21) amended 49 U.S.C.
31315 and 31136(e) to provide authority
to the Secretary of Transportation to
grant waivers and exemptions from
motor carrier safety regulations. Section
4007 of TEA–21 requires that the terms
and conditions for all waivers and
exemptions likely achieve a level of
safety equivalent to or greater than what
would be achieved by complying with
the safety regulations. In 2004, FMCSA
adopted its IFR as final at 49 CFR part
381, consistent with section 4007 of
TEA–21 (69 FR 51589, August 20, 2004).
The final rule also established
procedures that govern how FMCSA
reviews, grants, or denies requests for
waivers and applications for
exemptions. The final rule included
requirements for publishing notice of
exemption applications in the Federal
Register to afford the public an
opportunity for comment. There is no
statutory requirement to publish
Federal Register notices concerning
waiver applications.
The ICR estimates the burden an
individual, motor carrier, State, or State
Driver’s Licensing Agency (SDLA)
incurs to comply with the reporting
tasks required for requesting waivers
and exemptions in 49 CFR part 381. The
current burden estimate associated with
this information collection, approved by
OMB on May 23, 2022, is 97 hours.
Through this ICR renewal, the Agency
requests an increase in the burden hours
from 97 hours to 119 hours. The
increase is the result of the increase in
estimated waiver and exemption
applications the Agency expects to
receive in the next three years.
Title: Waiver and Exemption
OMB Control Number: 2126–0076.
Type of Request: Renewal, of a
currently approved ICR.
Respondents: Individuals and motor
Estimated Number of Respondents:
447 per year.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 235 / Friday, December 6, 2024 / Notices
Estimated Time per Response: 5
minutes to 2 hours.
Expiration Date: May 31, 2025.
Frequency of Response: On occasion
(respondents are not required to submit
request for waivers or exemptions).
Estimated Total Annual Burden: 119
Definitions: N/A.
Public Comments Invited: You are
asked to comment on any aspect of this
information collection, including: (1)
whether the proposed collection is
necessary for the performance of
FMCSA’s functions; (2) the accuracy of
the estimated burden; (3) ways for the
FMCSA to enhance the quality,
usefulness, and clarity of the collected
information; and (4) ways that the
burden could be minimized without
reducing the quality of the collected
The Agency will summarize or
include your comments in the request
for OMB’s clearance of this information
Issued under the authority of 49 CFR 1.87.
Thomas P. Keane,
Associate Administrator, Office of Research
and Registration.
[FR Doc. 2024–28698 Filed 12–5–24; 8:45 am]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
[Docket No. FMCSA–2024–0027]
Qualification of Drivers; Exemption
Applications; Epilepsy and Seizure
Disorders; Correction
Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA), Department
of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice of final disposition;
Larry W. Minor,
Associate Administrator for Policy.
FMCSA corrects its November
19, 2024, notice of final disposition
granting exemptions for 11 individuals
from the Agency’s requirement
interstate commercial motor vehicle
(CMV) drivers have ‘‘no established
medical history or clinical diagnosis of
epilepsy or any other condition which
is likely to cause loss of consciousness
or any loss of ability to control a CMV.’’
The expiration date for the exemptions
was incorrectly published as November
13, 2024. The correct expiration date is
November 13, 2026.
DATES: This correction is effective
December 6, 2024.
Christine A. Hydock, Chief, Medical
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Programs Division, FMCSA, DOT, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Room W64–224,
Washington, DC 20590–0001, (202) 366–
4001, Office
hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET
Monday through Friday, except Federal
holidays. If you have questions
regarding viewing materials in the
docket, contact Dockets Operations,
(202) 366–9826.
November 19, 2024 (89 FR 91479),
FMCSA published a notice of final
disposition in which the Agency
announced its decision to exempt 11
individuals from the requirement that
interstate CMV drivers have ‘‘no
established medical history or clinical
diagnosis of epilepsy or any other
condition which is likely to cause loss
of consciousness or any loss of ability to
control a CMV.’’ The exemptions enable
these individuals who have had one or
more seizures and are taking antiseizure medication to operate CMVs in
interstate commerce, provided certain
conditions are satisfied. The notice
incorrectly indicated that the expiration
date of the exemptions is November 13,
2024. Through this notice, FMCSA
corrects the expiration date.
In FR Doc. 2024–26972 appearing on
page 91479 in the Federal Register of
November 19, 2024, the following
correction is made:
1. On page 91479, in the third
column, under the dates section, ‘‘The
exemptions expire on November 13,
2024.’’ is corrected to read ‘‘The
exemptions expire on November 13,
Issued under authority delegated in
49 CFR 1.87.
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[FR Doc. 2024–28691 Filed 12–5–24; 8:45 am]
Maritime Administration
[Docket No. MARAD–2024–0157]
Request for Comments on the Renewal
of a Previously Approved Collection:
Centers of Excellence (CoE) for
Domestic Maritime Workforce Training
and Education Annual Application for
Maritime Administration, DOT.
The Maritime Administration
(MARAD) invites public comments on
our intention to request the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB)
PO 00000
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approval to renew an information
collection in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The
proposed collection OMB 2133–0549
(Centers of Excellence (CoE) for
Domestic Maritime Workforce Training
and Education Annual Application for
Designation) is used to determine the
eligibility of certain qualified training
entities to apply for CoE designation.
Due to a change in the CoE program
designation duration, the total
responses, respondents, and burden
hours for this collection have reduced
since the last renewal. We are required
to publish this notice in the Federal
Register to obtain comments from the
public and affected agencies.
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collections should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this information
collection by selecting ‘‘Currently under
30-day Review—Open for Public
Comments’’ or by using the search
Gerard Wall, Program Manager, 202–
366–7273, Centers of Excellence, Room
W23–470, Maritime Administration,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington,
DC, 20590, Email:
Title: Centers of Excellence (CoE) for
Domestic Maritime Workforce Training
and Education Annual Application for
OMB Control Number: 2133–0549.
Type of Request: Extension of a
previously approved information
Abstract: In order to implement
section 3507 of the National Defense
Authorization Act of 2018, Public Law
115–91 (the ‘‘Act’’), codified at 46
United States Code (U.S.C.) 51706
(previously designated as 46 U.S.C.
54102), MARAD developed a procedure
to recommend to the Secretary the
designation of eligible institutions as
Centers of Excellence (CoE) for
Domestic Maritime Workforce Training
and Education. Pursuant to the Act, the
Secretary of Transportation may
designate certain eligible and qualified
training entities as CoEs. Authority to
administer the CoE program is delegated
to MARAD in 49 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) 1.93(a). The
previously approved policy for
collecting information is required to
administer the Center of Excellence
program which supports the DOT
strategic goal of Economic
Competitiveness, and the MARAD
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 235 (Friday, December 6, 2024)]
[Pages 97165-97166]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-28698]
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
[Docket No. FMCSA-2024-0216]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Renewal of an Approved
Information Collection; Waiver and Exemption Requirements
AGENCY: Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), DOT.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FMCSA
announces its plan to submit the Information Collection Request (ICR)
described below to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for its
review and approval and invites public comment. FMCSA requests approval
to renew the ICR titled ``Waiver and Exemption Requirements''. The ICR
estimates the burden applicants incur to comply with the reporting
tasks required for requesting waivers and exemptions.
DATES: Comments on this notice must be received on or before February
4, 2025.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by Docket Number FMCSA-
2024-0216 using any of the following methods:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.
Mail: Dockets Operations; U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building, Ground Floor,
Washington, DC 20590-0001.
Hand Delivery or Courier: Dockets Operations, U.S.
Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building,
Ground Floor, Washington, DC, 20590-0001 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET,
Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. To be sure someone is
there to help you, please call (202) 366-9317 or (202) 366-9826 before
visiting Dockets Operations.
Fax: 1-202-493-2251.
To avoid duplication, please use only one of these four methods.
See the ``Public Participation and Request for Comments'' portion of
the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section for instructions on submitting
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Bernadette Walker, Driver and Carrier
Operations Division, DOT, FMCSA, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington,
DC 20590-0001; 202-385-2415; [email protected].
All submissions must include the Agency name and docket number. For
detailed instructions on submitting comments, see the Public
Participation heading below. Note that all comments received will be
posted without change to, including any
personal information provided. Please see the Privacy Act heading
Public Participation and Request for Comments
If you submit a comment, please include the docket number for this
notice (FMCSA-2024-0216), indicate the specific section of this
document to which your comment applies, and provide a reason for each
suggestion or recommendation. You may submit your comments and material
online or by fax, mail, or hand delivery, but please use only one of
these means. FMCSA recommends that you include your name and a mailing
address, an email address, or a phone number in the body of your
document so FMCSA can contact you if there are questions regarding your
To submit your comment online, go to, click on this notice, click
``Comment,'' and type your comment into the text box on the following
If you submit your comments by mail or hand delivery, submit them
in an unbound format, no larger than 8\1/2\ by 11 inches, suitable for
copying and electronic filing.
Comments received after the comment closing date will be included
in the docket and will be considered to the extent practicable.
Privacy Act
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT solicits comments from the
public to better inform its regulatory process. DOT posts these
comments, including any personal information the commenter provides, to as described in the system of records notice DOT/
ALL 14 (Federal Docket Management System (FDMS)), which can be reviewed
at The comments are posted without edits and are
searchable by the name of the submitter.
In 1998, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the predecessor
agency of FMCSA, adopted 49 CFR part 381 as an interim final rule
(IFR), establishing procedures for applying for waivers, exemptions,
and pilot programs (63 FR 67600, December 8, 1998). Section 4007 of the
Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century (TEA-21) amended 49
U.S.C. 31315 and 31136(e) to provide authority to the Secretary of
Transportation to grant waivers and exemptions from motor carrier
safety regulations. Section 4007 of TEA-21 requires that the terms and
conditions for all waivers and exemptions likely achieve a level of
safety equivalent to or greater than what would be achieved by
complying with the safety regulations. In 2004, FMCSA adopted its IFR
as final at 49 CFR part 381, consistent with section 4007 of TEA-21 (69
FR 51589, August 20, 2004). The final rule also established procedures
that govern how FMCSA reviews, grants, or denies requests for waivers
and applications for exemptions. The final rule included requirements
for publishing notice of exemption applications in the Federal Register
to afford the public an opportunity for comment. There is no statutory
requirement to publish Federal Register notices concerning waiver
The ICR estimates the burden an individual, motor carrier, State,
or State Driver's Licensing Agency (SDLA) incurs to comply with the
reporting tasks required for requesting waivers and exemptions in 49
CFR part 381. The current burden estimate associated with this
information collection, approved by OMB on May 23, 2022, is 97 hours.
Through this ICR renewal, the Agency requests an increase in the burden
hours from 97 hours to 119 hours. The increase is the result of the
increase in estimated waiver and exemption applications the Agency
expects to receive in the next three years.
Title: Waiver and Exemption Requirements.
OMB Control Number: 2126-0076.
Type of Request: Renewal, of a currently approved ICR.
Respondents: Individuals and motor carriers.
Estimated Number of Respondents: 447 per year.
[[Page 97166]]
Estimated Time per Response: 5 minutes to 2 hours.
Expiration Date: May 31, 2025.
Frequency of Response: On occasion (respondents are not required to
submit request for waivers or exemptions).
Estimated Total Annual Burden: 119 hours.
Definitions: N/A.
Public Comments Invited: You are asked to comment on any aspect of
this information collection, including: (1) whether the proposed
collection is necessary for the performance of FMCSA's functions; (2)
the accuracy of the estimated burden; (3) ways for the FMCSA to enhance
the quality, usefulness, and clarity of the collected information; and
(4) ways that the burden could be minimized without reducing the
quality of the collected information.
The Agency will summarize or include your comments in the request
for OMB's clearance of this information collection.
Issued under the authority of 49 CFR 1.87.
Thomas P. Keane,
Associate Administrator, Office of Research and Registration.
[FR Doc. 2024-28698 Filed 12-5-24; 8:45 am]