Request for Information on US DOT's Transportation Community Explorer (TC Explorer) Tool and Index Methodology, 95908-95910 [2024-28280]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2024 / Notices
in the Executive Summary of the
TrAMS application.
As part of completing the annual
certifications and assurances required of
FTA grant recipients, a successful
applicant must report on the suspension
or debarment status of itself and its
If the award recipient’s active grants,
cooperative agreements, and
procurement contracts from all Federal
awarding agencies exceed $10,000,000
for any period during the period of
performance of an award made pursuant
to this notice, the recipient must comply
with the Recipient Integrity and
Performance Matters reporting
requirements described in appendix XII
to 2 CFR part 200.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
4. Termination for Failure To Make
Progress on an Award
After providing written notice to the
recipient of a project selected for
funding, FTA may withdraw its support
for the selected project (if a cooperative
agreement has not yet been awarded) or
suspend or terminate all or any part of
the Federal assistance for the award if
the recipient has failed to make
reasonable progress implementing the
project. FTA may withdraw its support
for a project or terminate an award
agreement if, among other reasons:
1. A recipient has not completed its
application for funding in TrAMS
within 60 days of the date FTA
announces project selection.
2. A recipient has not begun its
demonstration project within one year
after funding was awarded in TrAMS.
3. A recipient has not delivered a
project evaluation to FTA within one
year of completing its demonstration
4. FTA may also withdraw support
from a project or terminate an award
agreement if the proposed activities are
no longer needed or if the recipient has
violated the terms of FTA’s Annual
G. Federal Awarding Agency Contacts
For further information concerning
this notice, please contact the T2
Program Manager, FTA Office of
Research, Demonstration, and
Innovation, by email at A TDD is
available for individuals who are deaf or
hard of hearing at 800–877–8339. In
addition, FTA will post answers to
questions and requests for clarifications
on FTA’s website at: https://
To ensure applicants receive accurate
eligibility information, applicants are
encouraged to contact FTA directly,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:09 Dec 02, 2024
Jkt 265001
rather than through intermediaries or
third parties, with questions. FTA staff
may also conduct briefings on the FY
2024 competitive grants selection and
award process upon request.
For issues with, please
contact by phone at 1–800–
518–4726 or by email at support@
H. Other Information
This program is not subject to
Executive Order 12372,
‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal
Programs.’’ There are resources
available that may help in responding to
this notice, as listed below. The FTA
website has information about FTA,
application forms, statutory and
administrative requirements, etc.
Applicants are encouraged to use the
FTA link provided and other
information, as listed, as much as is
Veronica Vanterpool,
Deputy Administrator.
[FR Doc. 2024–28271 Filed 12–2–24; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Request for Information on US DOT’s
Transportation Community Explorer
(TC Explorer) Tool and Index
Office of the Secretary (OST),
Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Request for information.
The Department of
Transportation is issuing this request for
information (RFI) to solicit feedback on
DOT’s updated Transportation
Community Explorer (TC Explorer) Tool
and Index methodology developed to
assist communities in their project
selection process and grant
Responses to this RFI should be
received by December 16, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to
the docket number above and submitted
by one of the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Docket Management Facility,
U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12–140,
Washington, DC 20590–0001.
• Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey
Avenue SE, West Building Ground
PO 00000
Frm 00177
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Floor, Room W12–140, Washington, DC,
between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. ET, Monday
through Friday, except Federal
Instructions: For detailed instructions
on submitting comments, see the Public
Participation heading of the
this document. Note that all comments
received will be posted without change
including any personal information
Privacy Act: Except as provided
below, all comments received into the
docket will be made public in their
entirety. The comments will be
searchable by the name of the
individual submitting the comment (or
signing the comment, if submitted on
behalf of an association, business, labor
union, etc.). You should not include
information in your comment that you
do not want to be made public. For
information on DOT’s compliance with
the Privacy Act, please visit https://
Docket: For access to the docket to
read background documents or
comments received, go to https:// or the street
address listed above. Follow the online
instructions for accessing the dockets.
further information, please contact
Kristin Wood, 774–293–2726.
I. Background
The TC Explorer is data driven tool
that allows communities to better
identify transportation investments that
can benefit communities, including
rural and Tribal communities, across a
variety of factors. When done right,
transportation policy can transform
economies, connect people to
opportunities, and empower
underserved communities to build
generational wealth for the future.
In January 2022, DOT developed its
first tool to measure how communities
were experiencing transportation related
disadvantage; then, in April 2023, the
Department launched an updated
version of the tool titled the DOT
Equitable Transportation Community
Explorer (ETC Explorer v1.1), which
included an updated format and
methodology. The Department is
currently seeking to make updates that
improve the usefulness and accuracy of
the tool, particularly for rural and tribal
communities, and rename the tool as the
Transportation Community (TC)
Over the last year and a half, DOT
received feedback on the TC Explorer
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2024 / Notices
through various RFIs, public meetings
and other venues. All comments and
recommendations were considered in
the proposed update of the tool (TC
Explorer). The proposed updates fall
into six categories:
1. Updated Methodologies:
a. DOT consolidated the current tool’s
five components of disadvantage into
i. Transportation Insecurity—When
people are unable to get to where they
need to go to meet the needs of their
daily life regularly, reliably, affordably,
and safely. Sub-components comprising
Transportation Insecurity are cost
burden, vehicle access vulnerability,
destination access vulnerability and
traffic fatality burden.
ii. Place-Based Burden—The
disadvantage inherent in a location and
experienced by all residents of the
location. Sub-components comprising
Place-Based Burden are extreme
weather hazard, proximity to
infrastructure, air pollution, and surface
iii. Population-Based Vulnerability—
The disadvantage experienced by a
population due to demographic and
socioeconomic traits that make them
particularly vulnerable. Subcomponents comprising PopulationBased Vulnerability are communication,
employment, income, housing, and
health vulnerabilities.
b. DOT modified the normalization
method used to process raw indicator
data for inclusion in disadvantage
scores to better account for the effects of
outliers in the data.
c. DOT has made significant updates
to the transportation insecurity
methodology. These updates are
reflected in both the TC Explorer
National and States results, as well as in
the Transportation Insecurity Analysis
Tool (TIAT).
d. DOT has updated its Climate
methodology using the Climate and
Transportation Vulnerabilities
Methodology from the Fifth National
Climate Assessment.
2. Updated Data:
a. The tool has been updated with the
most recent data available. (* note:
When the updated tool is formally
released this winter, it will contain the
2019–2023 American Community
Survey 5-year estimate data, if
b. Roads data has been divided into
two categories, for freeways and
expressways and for high-traffic roads
as reported by the Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) Highway
Performance Management System.
c. Data sets that contain data for all 50
states have been used.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:09 Dec 02, 2024
Jkt 265001
d. Some data sets have been replaced
to better represent/measure how a
community is experiencing
transportation disadvantage. Some
examples of those are—
i. Income Inequality.
ii. Housing Condition.
iii. Access Burden.
iv. Climate.
3. Updated Display: DOT seeks to
improve the interface display to
increase the user interface with the new
version of the TC Explorer. Updates to
the display include:
a. State and County Selectors are
b. Statistics related to residents and
tracts appears at the top right of the tool.
c. Tabs appear at the bottom right of
the tool include: Overall Disadvantage,
Transportation Insecurity, Place-Based
Burden, Population-Based Insecurity
and Raw Data.
d. Instead of bar charts, scores for
each component and sub-component are
provided on a dial. The scores still
represent a project area’s disadvantage
rating in relation to all other census
e. The Raw Data tab replaces the
current version’s pop-up databoxes. It
displays the salient raw indicator data
for the selected project area.
4. Updated Display Layers: DOT seeks
to improve the organization of layers to
improve usability by consolidating
multiple layers of a similar theme into
one layer. For example, in the current
tool users click on seven layers to see
the intercity bus network. In the
proposed updates, users will only need
to click on one layer titled ‘‘intercity
5. Removing the ‘‘Add Your Data’’
Tab: DOT found through the comments
and interface with users that this feature
was not used and further caused
confusion for non-GIS users. The data is
available for download and can be
integrated on a user’s platform to
integrate with localized data if needed.
6. Updated Transportation Insecurity
Analysis Tool (TIAT): Comprehensive
updates have been made to the tool’s
functionality and display. As mentioned
earlier, DOT’s transportation insecurity
methodology has been updated, which
is reflected in the TIAT.
The TC Explorer and TIAT mapping
tools, index methodologies, and datasets
are available at https://
II. Key Questions for Input
Through this request for information,
DOT seeks input, information, and
individual recommendations on DOT’s
proposed updates to the TC Explorer
PO 00000
Frm 00178
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
from a broad array of stakeholders in the
public sector, including state, Tribal,
and local governments, and territorial
areas, and in the private sector,
including advocacy, businesses, not-forprofit, academic, and philanthropic
organizations, as well as from any other
interested parties. DOT will use
responses to this RFI to consider both
the current proposed and additional
updates to the TC Explorer. After DOT
has updated the tool with any
appropriate modifications, the tool will
supersede the current version of the TC
Explorer tool. Respondents to this RFI
do not need to address every question,
but DOT welcomes input in the
following areas:
1. Methodology: Please refer to DOT’s
website for more information regarding
the tool’s updated methodology
available at https://experience.
91344bb991a1b149873f27af/page/Dataand-Methodology-Download/. Please
provide comments and specific
recommendations for improving the
2. Datasets: Data in this version of the
tool provides measures in the areas of
Transportation Insecurity, Place-Based
Burden, and Population-Based
Vulnerability available at https://
A. What recommendations for
additional datasets would enhance and
improve upon the set of indicators
currently used? In any comments
submitted, please include—
i. Why and how the data
recommendations would improve upon
the current set of data and/or indicators
used in the tool.
ii. Full information regarding data
sources (including URL, and source
government agency and/or
iii. Intended measure—what does the
dataset and/or indicator measure (for
example, pollution exposure or
emissions, health conditions,
transportation access, etc.)?
B. Scope—does the recommended
data and/or indicator include data from
all 50 states and territories? If not,
please provide comments as to how to
address the issue.
C. A summary of the quality (i.e.,
completeness, accuracy, consistency,
and reliability) of the data for use in the
tool; and
D. Geographic resolution of the data
(i.e., census block, census block group,
census tract, zip code, county, etc.).
E. Is this data set publicly available?
3. Map Usability and Accessibility.
The US DOT Transportation
Community Explorer map available at
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 232 / Tuesday, December 3, 2024 / Notices
149873f27af provides an online
geospatial platform that gives the user
the capability to identify the
communities identified as
disadvantaged. DOT is soliciting
information regarding usability and
accessibility of the updated geospatial
platform as follows:
i. What modifications can improve the
usability, accessibility, or design of the
mapping functions that display the data
and results?
ii. Are there specific features or
functions that will enhance the usability
of the interactive map by community
members and organizations, government
staff, and other stakeholders?
iii. Are there additional resources
DOT should consider developing to
help users understand the data included
in the tool and how to use it in project
selection decisions and grant
4. Additional Feedback:
i. Does the tool’s name reflect its
ii. DOT seeks any additional feedback
on the updated TC Explorer tool.
Please note: This version of the
Transportation Community Explorer
map has been developed for illustrative
purposes to demonstrate the proposed
index methodology. It is subject to
change following the public comment
III. Public Participation
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
How do I prepare and submit
To ensure that your comments are
filed correctly, please include the
docket number provided in (xx) in your
comments. Please submit one copy (two
copies if submitting by mail or hand
delivery) of your comments, including
any attachments, to the docket following
the instructions given above under
ADDRESSES. Please note, if you are
submitting comments electronically as a
PDF (Adobe) file, we ask that the
documents submitted be scanned using
an Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
process, thus allowing the Agency to
search and copy certain portions of your
How do I submit confidential business
Any submissions containing
Confidential Information must be
delivered to DOT in the following
• Submitted in a sealed envelope
marked ‘‘confidential treatment
• Document(s) or information that the
submitter would like withheld from the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:09 Dec 02, 2024
Jkt 265001
public docket should be marked
‘‘PROPIN’’ for ‘‘proprietary
• Accompanied by an index listing
the document(s) or information that the
submitter would like the Departments to
withhold. The index should include
information such as numbers used to
identify the relevant document(s) or
information, document title and
description, and relevant page numbers
and/or section numbers within a
document; and
• Submitted with a statement
explaining the submitter’s grounds for
objecting to disclosing the information
to the public.
DOT will treat such marked
submissions as confidential consistent
with the Freedom of Information Act
(FOIA) and not include them in the
public docket. DOT also requests that
submitters of Confidential Information
include a non-confidential version
(either redacted or summarized) of those
confidential submissions in the public
docket. If the submitter cannot provide
a non-confidential version of its
submission, DOT requests that the
submitter post a notice in the docket
stating that it has provided DOT with
Confidential Information. Should a
submitter fail to docket either a
nonconfidential version of its
submission or to post a notice that
Confidential Information has been
provided, we will note the receipt of the
submission on the docket, with the
submitter’s organization or name (to the
degree permitted by law) and the date
of submission.
Will the Agency consider late
DOT will consider all comments
received before the close of business on
the comment closing date indicated
above under DATES. To the extent
practicable, DOT will also consider
comments received after that date.
How can I read the comments submitted
by other people?
You may read the comments received
by contacting the Dockets office at the
address provided in the ADDRESSES
section. The hours of the Docket office
are indicated in the ADDRESSES section.
You may also see the comments on the
internet, identified by the docket
number at the heading of this notice, at
Please note, this RFI is a planning
document and will serve as such. The
RFI should not be construed as policy,
a solicitation for applications, or an
obligation on the part of the
PO 00000
Frm 00179
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Signed in Washington, DC, on November
26, 2024.
Christopher Coes,
Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy,
Department of Transportation.
[FR Doc. 2024–28280 Filed 12–2–24; 8:45 am]
Bureau of the Fiscal Service
Application and Renewal Fees
Imposed on Surety Companies and
Reinsuring Companies; Increase in
Fees Imposed
Bureau of the Fiscal Service,
ACTION: Notice of fees imposed on surety
companies and reinsuring companies.
The Department of the
Treasury, Bureau of the Fiscal Service,
is adding renewal fees for
Complementary and Alien Reinsurers as
well as Admitted Reinsurer—
Reinsurance Market companies and
increasing the existing fees it imposes
on and collects from surety companies
and reinsuring companies, effective
January 1, 2025.
Melvin Saunders, at (304) 480–5108 or; or
Bobbi McDonald, at (304) 480–7098 or
Independent Offices Appropriations Act
of 1952 (IOAA), codified at 31 U.S.C.
9701, authorizes Federal agencies to
establish fees for a service or thing of
value provided by the agency to
members of the public. Office of
Management and Budget Circular A–25
allows agencies to impose user fees for
services that confer a special benefit to
identifiable recipients beyond those
accruing to the general public. Pursuant
to 31 CFR 223.22, Treasury imposes fees
on surety companies and reinsuring
companies seeking to obtain or renew
certification or recognition from
Treasury. The fees imposed and
collected cover the costs incurred by the
Government for services performed
reviewing, analyzing, and evaluating the
companies’ applications, financial
statements, and other information.
Treasury determines the amount of fees
in accordance with the IOAA and the
Office of Management and Budget
Circular A–25, as amended. The change
in fees is the result of a thorough
analysis of costs associated with the
corporate Federal surety bond program.
The new fee rate schedule is as
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 232 (Tuesday, December 3, 2024)]
[Pages 95908-95910]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-28280]
Office of the Secretary
Request for Information on US DOT's Transportation Community
Explorer (TC Explorer) Tool and Index Methodology
AGENCY: Office of the Secretary (OST), Department of Transportation
ACTION: Request for information.
SUMMARY: The Department of Transportation is issuing this request for
information (RFI) to solicit feedback on DOT's updated Transportation
Community Explorer (TC Explorer) Tool and Index methodology developed
to assist communities in their project selection process and grant
DATES: Responses to this RFI should be received by December 16, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Comments should refer to the docket number above and
submitted by one of the following methods:
Federal Rulemaking Portal:
Follow the online instructions for submitting comments.
Mail: Docket Management Facility, U.S. Department of
Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building Ground Floor,
Room W12-140, Washington, DC 20590-0001.
Hand Delivery: 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12-140, Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
ET, Monday through Friday, except Federal Holidays.
Instructions: For detailed instructions on submitting comments, see
the Public Participation heading of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION
section of this document. Note that all comments received will be
posted without change to, including any
personal information provided.
Privacy Act: Except as provided below, all comments received into
the docket will be made public in their entirety. The comments will be
searchable by the name of the individual submitting the comment (or
signing the comment, if submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You should not include information in
your comment that you do not want to be made public. For information on
DOT's compliance with the Privacy Act, please visit
Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or
comments received, go to or the street
address listed above. Follow the online instructions for accessing the
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information, please
contact Kristin Wood, 774-293-2726.
I. Background
The TC Explorer is data driven tool that allows communities to
better identify transportation investments that can benefit
communities, including rural and Tribal communities, across a variety
of factors. When done right, transportation policy can transform
economies, connect people to opportunities, and empower underserved
communities to build generational wealth for the future.
In January 2022, DOT developed its first tool to measure how
communities were experiencing transportation related disadvantage;
then, in April 2023, the Department launched an updated version of the
tool titled the DOT Equitable Transportation Community Explorer (ETC
Explorer v1.1), which included an updated format and methodology. The
Department is currently seeking to make updates that improve the
usefulness and accuracy of the tool, particularly for rural and tribal
communities, and rename the tool as the Transportation Community (TC)
Over the last year and a half, DOT received feedback on the TC
[[Page 95909]]
through various RFIs, public meetings and other venues. All comments
and recommendations were considered in the proposed update of the tool
(TC Explorer). The proposed updates fall into six categories:
1. Updated Methodologies:
a. DOT consolidated the current tool's five components of
disadvantage into three:
i. Transportation Insecurity--When people are unable to get to
where they need to go to meet the needs of their daily life regularly,
reliably, affordably, and safely. Sub-components comprising
Transportation Insecurity are cost burden, vehicle access
vulnerability, destination access vulnerability and traffic fatality
ii. Place-Based Burden--The disadvantage inherent in a location and
experienced by all residents of the location. Sub-components comprising
Place-Based Burden are extreme weather hazard, proximity to
infrastructure, air pollution, and surface pollution.
iii. Population-Based Vulnerability--The disadvantage experienced
by a population due to demographic and socioeconomic traits that make
them particularly vulnerable. Sub-components comprising Population-
Based Vulnerability are communication, employment, income, housing, and
health vulnerabilities.
b. DOT modified the normalization method used to process raw
indicator data for inclusion in disadvantage scores to better account
for the effects of outliers in the data.
c. DOT has made significant updates to the transportation
insecurity methodology. These updates are reflected in both the TC
Explorer National and States results, as well as in the Transportation
Insecurity Analysis Tool (TIAT).
d. DOT has updated its Climate methodology using the Climate and
Transportation Vulnerabilities Methodology from the Fifth National
Climate Assessment.
2. Updated Data:
a. The tool has been updated with the most recent data available.
(* note: When the updated tool is formally released this winter, it
will contain the 2019-2023 American Community Survey 5-year estimate
data, if available.)
b. Roads data has been divided into two categories, for freeways
and expressways and for high-traffic roads as reported by the Federal
Highway Administration (FHWA) Highway Performance Management System.
c. Data sets that contain data for all 50 states have been used.
d. Some data sets have been replaced to better represent/measure
how a community is experiencing transportation disadvantage. Some
examples of those are--
i. Income Inequality.
ii. Housing Condition.
iii. Access Burden.
iv. Climate.
3. Updated Display: DOT seeks to improve the interface display to
increase the user interface with the new version of the TC Explorer.
Updates to the display include:
a. State and County Selectors are provided.
b. Statistics related to residents and tracts appears at the top
right of the tool.
c. Tabs appear at the bottom right of the tool include: Overall
Disadvantage, Transportation Insecurity, Place-Based Burden,
Population-Based Insecurity and Raw Data.
d. Instead of bar charts, scores for each component and sub-
component are provided on a dial. The scores still represent a project
area's disadvantage rating in relation to all other census tracts.
e. The Raw Data tab replaces the current version's pop-up
databoxes. It displays the salient raw indicator data for the selected
project area.
4. Updated Display Layers: DOT seeks to improve the organization of
layers to improve usability by consolidating multiple layers of a
similar theme into one layer. For example, in the current tool users
click on seven layers to see the intercity bus network. In the proposed
updates, users will only need to click on one layer titled ``intercity
5. Removing the ``Add Your Data'' Tab: DOT found through the
comments and interface with users that this feature was not used and
further caused confusion for non-GIS users. The data is available for
download and can be integrated on a user's platform to integrate with
localized data if needed.
6. Updated Transportation Insecurity Analysis Tool (TIAT):
Comprehensive updates have been made to the tool's functionality and
display. As mentioned earlier, DOT's transportation insecurity
methodology has been updated, which is reflected in the TIAT.
The TC Explorer and TIAT mapping tools, index methodologies, and
datasets are available at
II. Key Questions for Input
Through this request for information, DOT seeks input, information,
and individual recommendations on DOT's proposed updates to the TC
Explorer from a broad array of stakeholders in the public sector,
including state, Tribal, and local governments, and territorial areas,
and in the private sector, including advocacy, businesses, not-for-
profit, academic, and philanthropic organizations, as well as from any
other interested parties. DOT will use responses to this RFI to
consider both the current proposed and additional updates to the TC
Explorer. After DOT has updated the tool with any appropriate
modifications, the tool will supersede the current version of the TC
Explorer tool. Respondents to this RFI do not need to address every
question, but DOT welcomes input in the following areas:
1. Methodology: Please refer to DOT's website for more information
regarding the tool's updated methodology available at Please provide comments and specific
recommendations for improving the methodology.
2. Datasets: Data in this version of the tool provides measures in
the areas of Transportation Insecurity, Place-Based Burden, and
Population-Based Vulnerability available at
A. What recommendations for additional datasets would enhance and
improve upon the set of indicators currently used? In any comments
submitted, please include--
i. Why and how the data recommendations would improve upon the
current set of data and/or indicators used in the tool.
ii. Full information regarding data sources (including URL, and
source government agency and/or organization);
iii. Intended measure--what does the dataset and/or indicator
measure (for example, pollution exposure or emissions, health
conditions, transportation access, etc.)?
B. Scope--does the recommended data and/or indicator include data
from all 50 states and territories? If not, please provide comments as
to how to address the issue.
C. A summary of the quality (i.e., completeness, accuracy,
consistency, and reliability) of the data for use in the tool; and
D. Geographic resolution of the data (i.e., census block, census
block group, census tract, zip code, county, etc.).
E. Is this data set publicly available?
3. Map Usability and Accessibility. The US DOT Transportation
Community Explorer map available at
[[Page 95910]] provides an online geospatial platform
that gives the user the capability to identify the communities
identified as disadvantaged. DOT is soliciting information regarding
usability and accessibility of the updated geospatial platform as
i. What modifications can improve the usability, accessibility, or
design of the mapping functions that display the data and results?
ii. Are there specific features or functions that will enhance the
usability of the interactive map by community members and
organizations, government staff, and other stakeholders?
iii. Are there additional resources DOT should consider developing
to help users understand the data included in the tool and how to use
it in project selection decisions and grant applications?
4. Additional Feedback:
i. Does the tool's name reflect its purpose?
ii. DOT seeks any additional feedback on the updated TC Explorer
Please note: This version of the Transportation Community Explorer
map has been developed for illustrative purposes to demonstrate the
proposed index methodology. It is subject to change following the
public comment period.
III. Public Participation
How do I prepare and submit comments?
To ensure that your comments are filed correctly, please include
the docket number provided in (xx) in your comments. Please submit one
copy (two copies if submitting by mail or hand delivery) of your
comments, including any attachments, to the docket following the
instructions given above under ADDRESSES. Please note, if you are
submitting comments electronically as a PDF (Adobe) file, we ask that
the documents submitted be scanned using an Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) process, thus allowing the Agency to search and copy
certain portions of your submissions.
How do I submit confidential business information?
Any submissions containing Confidential Information must be
delivered to DOT in the following manner:
Submitted in a sealed envelope marked ``confidential
treatment requested;''
Document(s) or information that the submitter would like
withheld from the public docket should be marked ``PROPIN'' for
``proprietary information;''
Accompanied by an index listing the document(s) or
information that the submitter would like the Departments to withhold.
The index should include information such as numbers used to identify
the relevant document(s) or information, document title and
description, and relevant page numbers and/or section numbers within a
document; and
Submitted with a statement explaining the submitter's
grounds for objecting to disclosing the information to the public.
DOT will treat such marked submissions as confidential consistent
with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and not include them in the
public docket. DOT also requests that submitters of Confidential
Information include a non-confidential version (either redacted or
summarized) of those confidential submissions in the public docket. If
the submitter cannot provide a non-confidential version of its
submission, DOT requests that the submitter post a notice in the docket
stating that it has provided DOT with Confidential Information. Should
a submitter fail to docket either a nonconfidential version of its
submission or to post a notice that Confidential Information has been
provided, we will note the receipt of the submission on the docket,
with the submitter's organization or name (to the degree permitted by
law) and the date of submission.
Will the Agency consider late comments?
DOT will consider all comments received before the close of
business on the comment closing date indicated above under DATES. To
the extent practicable, DOT will also consider comments received after
that date.
How can I read the comments submitted by other people?
You may read the comments received by contacting the Dockets office
at the address provided in the ADDRESSES section. The hours of the
Docket office are indicated in the ADDRESSES section. You may also see
the comments on the internet, identified by the docket number at the
heading of this notice, at
Please note, this RFI is a planning document and will serve as
such. The RFI should not be construed as policy, a solicitation for
applications, or an obligation on the part of the government.
Signed in Washington, DC, on November 26, 2024.
Christopher Coes,
Assistant Secretary for Transportation Policy, Department of
[FR Doc. 2024-28280 Filed 12-2-24; 8:45 am]