Record of Decision for the Long-Term Management and Storage of Elemental Mercury and Designation of a Long-Term Management and Storage Facility, 95189-95196 [2024-27859]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 231 / Monday, December 2, 2024 / Notices
improve the consistency of performance
data reported by States.
Dated: November 26, 2024.
Juliana Pearson,
PRA Coordinator, Strategic Collections and
Clearance, Governance and Strategy Division,
Office of Chief Data Officer, Office of
Planning, Evaluation and Policy
[FR Doc. 2024–28204 Filed 11–29–24; 8:45 am]
Record of Decision for the Long-Term
Management and Storage of Elemental
Mercury and Designation of a LongTerm Management and Storage Facility
Office of Environmental
Management, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Record of decision and facility
The U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) is issuing this Record of
Decision (ROD) for the long-term
management and storage of elemental
mercury to meet the purpose and need
for agency action, which is to fulfill
DOE’s statutory responsibility for longterm management and storage of
elemental mercury generated within the
United States as required by the
Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008 and the
Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for
the 21st Century Act (together referred
to herein as MEBA).
ADDRESSES: For copies of this ROD/
MEBA Designation or the Mercury
Storage SEIS–II, please contact Timothy
Herald at U.S. Department of Energy,
Office of Environmental Management,
Office of Waste and Materials
Management (EM–4.2), 1000
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC, 20585 or via email, Electronic
files can be accessed at https://
further information on the management
and storage of elemental mercury,
please contact Timothy Herald at or visit; by telephone: 240–243–8753.
For general information on the Office of
Environmental Management’s National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA) process, please contact Bill
Ostrum, NEPA Compliance Officer for
the Office of Environmental
Management, via email
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This ROD
is issued for the Long-Term
Management and Storage of Elemental
Mercury Supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement (DOE/EIS–0423–S2)
(Mercury Storage SEIS–II), which
evaluates the storage of up to 7,000
metric tons (7,700 tons) of elemental
mercury in one or more existing
facilities at alternative locations
including a government facility at the
Hawthorne Army Depot near
Hawthorne, Nevada, and seven
commercial candidate locations: Waste
Control Specialists, LLC (WCS) near
Andrews, Texas; Bethlehem Apparatus
Company in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania;
Perma-Fix Diversified Scientific
Services, Inc., in Kingston, Tennessee;
Veolia Environmental Services in Gum
Springs, Arkansas; and Clean Harbors
Environmental Services, with three
alternative facilities in Pecatonica,
Illinois; Greenbrier, Tennessee; and
Tooele, Utah. This ROD announces
DOE’s decision to select WCS from its
preferred alternative of selecting one or
more of the existing commercial
facilities evaluated in the SEIS–II. DOE
is also issuing this document to
designate a facility of the DOE for the
long-term management and storage of
elemental mercury generated within the
United States in accordance with
MEBA. In addition to the analysis in the
Mercury Storage SEIS–II, DOE based its
MEBA facility designation decision on a
combination of factors including
schedule, permitting, policy and
technical considerations, as well as cost
information (including information
gained during an independent and
competitive procurement process). DOE
designates WCS as that facility in
accordance with MEBA.
A. Background
The Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008
(Pub. L. 110–414) and the 2016 Frank R.
Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st
Century Act (Pub. L. 114–182) (together
referred to herein as MEBA), address,
among other things, the export and longterm management and storage of
elemental mercury. MEBA prohibits the
export of elemental mercury from the
United States (U.S.) (with certain
essential use exemptions). MEBA also
directs the Secretary of the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) to
designate a facility or facilities of DOE
for the long-term management and
storage of elemental mercury generated
within the U.S. (42 U.S.C. 6939f(a)(1)).
MEBA further provides the Secretary of
Energy with the authority to establish
such terms, conditions, and procedures
as are necessary to carry out this longterm management and storage function
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(42 U.S.C. 6939f(f)). Consistent with
these statutory provisions, and based on
longstanding authorities and practice,
DOE construes the term ‘‘facility of
DOE’’ to include a facility leased from
a commercial entity or another Federal
agency over which DOE provides an
appropriate level of responsibility and
The primary sources of elemental
mercury in the United States include
mercury generated as a byproduct of the
gold-mining process and mercury
reclaimed from recycling and wasterecovery activities. In addition, the DOE
National Nuclear Security
Administration (NNSA) stores at the
Oak Ridge Reservation in Tennessee
approximately 1,200 metric tons (1,300
tons) of elemental mercury that was
acquired in support of NNSA’s mission.
As identified in the Mercury Storage
SEIS–II, this NNSA elemental mercury
is included in the SEIS–II (for analytical
purposes), even though it is currently
designated as a commodity and not
In 2011, DOE prepared the Final
Long-Term Management and Storage of
Elemental Mercury Environmental
Impact Statement (DOE/EIS–0423)
(2011 Mercury Storage EIS) to evaluate
seven candidate locations for a facility
for management and storage of
elemental mercury, as well as a NoAction Alternative. The locations
included use of existing facilities, new
facility construction, or both. The
candidate locations evaluated in 2011
were the DOE Grand Junction Disposal
site near Grand Junction, Colorado (new
construction); DOE Hanford Site near
Richland, Washington (new
construction); Hawthorne Army Depot
(HWAD) near Hawthorne, Nevada
(modification of existing facilities); DOE
Idaho National Laboratory near Idaho
Falls, Idaho (new construction and
modification of an existing facility);
Kansas City Plant in Kansas City,
Missouri (existing facility); DOE
Savannah River Site near Aiken, South
Carolina (new construction); and the
Waste Control Specialists LLC (WCS)
site near Andrews, Texas (new
construction and an existing facility).
In 2013, DOE prepared the Final
Long-Term Management and Storage of
Elemental Mercury Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/
EIS–0423–S1) (2013 Mercury Storage
SEIS) to evaluate three additional
alternative locations, all in the vicinity
of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near
1 DOE has further analyzed the meaning of
‘‘facility or facilities of the [DOE]’’ in a memo
entitled The Meaning of ‘‘Facility or Facilities of the
Department of Energy’’ in the Mercury Export Ban
Act of 2008, in the Administrative Record.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 231 / Monday, December 2, 2024 / Notices
Carlsbad, New Mexico (all new
construction). The 2013 Mercury
Storage SEIS also updated some of the
relevant analyses for alternatives
presented in the 2011 Mercury Storage
For the 2011 Mercury Storage EIS and
the 2013 Mercury Storage SEIS, DOE
estimated that up to approximately
10,000 metric tons (11,000 tons) of
elemental mercury would need to be
managed and stored at the DOEdesignated facility during a 40-year
period assumed for analysis purposes.
In the 2011 Mercury Storage EIS and the
2013 Mercury Storage SEIS, DOE
identified WCS as the preferred
On December 6, 2019, DOE issued a
Record of Decision (ROD) to document
its designation of the WCS site near
Andrews, Texas, for the management
and storage of up to 6,800 metric tons
(7,480 tons) of elemental mercury in
leased portions of existing buildings at
the WCS site (84 FR 66890). The ROD
was supported by DOE’s Supplement
Analysis of the Final Long-Term
Management and Storage of Elemental
Mercury Environmental Impact
Statement (DOE/EIS–0423–SA–1),
which evaluated changes in
environmental conditions at WCS that
had occurred since the initial analyses
were completed in 2011 and 2013 and
determined that the long-term
management and storage of up to 6,800
metric tons of elemental mercury in
existing buildings at the WCS site
would not constitute a substantial
change from the proposal evaluated in
the 2011 Mercury Storage EIS and
updated in the 2013 Mercury Storage
SEIS. On December 23, 2019, DOE
published a rule adding 10 CFR part
955, which established the fee for longterm management and storage of
elemental mercury (84 FR 70402) (Fee
Two domestic generators of elemental
mercury subsequently filed complaints
in U.S. District Court challenging,
among other things, the validity of the
Fee Rule and the designation of WCS
(Coeur Rochester, Inc. v. Brouillette et
al., Case No. 1:19–cv–03860–RJL [D.D.C.
filed December 31, 2019] and Nevada
Gold Mines LLC v. Brouillette et al., Case
No. 1:20–cv–00141–RJL [D.D.C filed
January 17, 2020]). As part of a
settlement agreement, DOE withdrew
the designation of WCS in an amended
ROD on October 6, 2020 (85 FR 63105)
and subsequently removed Part 955 (89
FR 33203).
On May 24, 2021, DOE issued a
Notice of Intent in the Federal Register
(86 FR 27838) notifying the public of
DOE’s intent to prepare a second Long-
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Term Management and Storage of
Elemental Mercury Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/
EIS–0423–S2) (Mercury Storage SEIS–
On July 8, 2022, DOE published a
Notice of Availability (NOA) in the
Federal Register (87 FR 40830) of the
Draft Mercury Storage SEIS–II, inviting
public comment during the 45-day
public comment period and announcing
two virtual public hearings. The U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
published an NOA in the Federal
Register on the same day, which
officially began the 45-day comment
period on the Draft Mercury Storage
SEIS–II (87 FR 40838). In response to a
request from the public, DOE extended
the public comment period on the Draft
Mercury Storage SEIS–II and issued a
Federal Register notice on August 12,
2022 (87 FR 49817), announcing a 15day extension. The public comment
period ended on September 6, 2022.
The Draft Mercury Storage SEIS–II
evaluated the management and storage
of up to 7,000 metric tons (7,700 tons)
of elemental mercury in one or more
permitted, existing facilities at
alternative locations including HWAD, a
government facility near Hawthorne,
Nevada, and seven commercial
candidate locations: WCS; Bethlehem
Apparatus Company in Bethlehem,
Pennsylvania; Perma-Fix Diversified
Scientific Services, Inc., in Kingston,
Tennessee; Veolia Environmental
Services in Gum Springs, Arkansas; and
Clean Harbors Environmental Services,
with three alternative facilities in
Pecatonica, Illinois; Greenbrier,
Tennessee; and Tooele, Utah. In the
Draft Mercury Storage SEIS–II, DOE
identified its preferred alternative to
select one or more of the existing
commercial facilities for long-term
management and storage of elemental
On February 9, 2024, EPA published
in the Federal Register an NOA for the
Final Mercury Storage SEIS–II (89 FR
9147). The Final Mercury Storage SEIS–
II addressed comments received on the
Draft Mercury Storage SEIS–II.
Consistent with the Draft Mercury
Storage SEIS–II, DOE identified its
preferred alternative to select one or
more of the existing commercial
facilities for future designation as the
long-term elemental mercury
management and storage facility.
In parallel with the NEPA process,
DOE conducted a competitive
procurement action to identify a
company that could provide (1) leased
space for the long-term management and
storage of elemental mercury generated
in the United States and (2) the
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associated services necessary for the
long-term management and storage of
elemental mercury. Information gained
during the procurement action has
informed the MEBA designation of the
long-term elemental mercury
management and storage facility.
B. Purpose and Need for Agency Action
MEBA prohibits the export of
elemental mercury from the United
States (subject to certain essential use
exemptions) and, as of October 14, 2008,
prohibits a Federal agency from
conveying, selling, or distributing to any
other Federal agency, any state or local
government agency, or any private
individual or entity any elemental
mercury under the control or
jurisdiction of the Federal agency (with
certain limited exceptions).
Section 5 of MEBA (42 U.S.C.
6939f(a)(1)) directs the Secretary of
Energy to designate a facility or facilities
of the DOE for the purpose of long-term
management and storage of elemental
mercury generated within the United
States. In the Mercury Storage SEIS–II
(Section 2.1.2), DOE estimated the
storage capacity needed for the 40-year
period used for analysis to be up to
7,000 metric tons (7,700 tons) of
elemental mercury. Because the
statutory milestone date for the
designated facility to become
operational (January 1, 2019, see 42
U.S.C. 6939f(a)(2)) has passed, DOE also
identified a need to designate a facility
and begin accepting elemental mercury
as soon as practicable.
C. Proposed Action
As identified in the Mercury Storage
SEIS–II, DOE proposed to designate one
or more facilities for the long-term
management and storage of elemental
mercury in accordance with MEBA.
D. Alternatives
As described in Section 2.8 of the
Mercury Storage SEIS–II, DOE
considered but dismissed the following
from detailed analysis:
• Storage-related alternatives and
certain transportation methods
eliminated in the 2011 Mercury Storage
• Treatment and disposal options,
• Commercial facilities described in
Section 2.2 of the Mercury Storage
• Sites within the DOE complex that
met its objective criteria for
consideration as a reasonable
alternative, but as described in Section
2.2.4 of the Mercury Storage SEIS–II, no
reasonable alternatives were identified,
• Construction of a new facility.
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While previously addressed in the
2011 EIS and 2013 SEIS, new facility
construction was an alternative that was
considered but dismissed from further
analysis in the Mercury Storage SEIS–II
based on intervening developments. The
primary reasons that new construction
was not considered to be a reasonable
alternative in the SEIS–II include:
(1) Construction of a new facility
generally would not meet the purpose
and need for agency action because
schedule delays associated with new
construction would further exacerbate
the missed statutory deadline for the
DOE-designated management and
storage facility to be operational by
January 1, 2019. When compared to
using existing facilities, DOE estimates
that construction of a new facility
would add at least five years to the time
needed for the facility to be ready for
the long-term management and storage
of elemental mercury, delaying DOE’s
receipt of elemental mercury even
further beyond the deadline prescribed
by Congress and subjecting DOE to
additional financial liabilities under 42
U.S.C. 6939f(b)(1)(B)(iv), and
(2) In 2020, a petition was filed with
EPA for a site-specific Determination of
Equivalent Treatment that would
convert elemental mercury to a
stabilized mercury compound for land
disposal at a permitted disposal facility
in Beatty, Nevada. If approved, this
approach could offer a permanent
disposal solution for elemental mercury
in the U.S. EPA’s review of the petition
was ongoing during preparation of the
Mercury Storage SEIS–II and no
decision on the petition has been
issued. However, DOE believes there is
a realistic possibility that an approved
treatment and disposal method for
elemental mercury will be available
within 10 years. If such a treatment and
disposal method were to become
available, it would likely decrease both
the length of time the designated MEBA
facility would need to store elemental
mercury and the quantity of mercury to
be stored there at any given time. Use
of an existing facility allows for greater
managerial flexibility to accommodate a
shorter storage duration and associated
lower projected inventory of elemental
In addition to the No-Action
Alternative, the Mercury Storage SEIS–
II identified and evaluated the potential
environmental impacts associated with
implementation of the Proposed Action
in existing facilities at the following
reasonable alternative locations:
• Hawthorne Army Depot in
Hawthorne, Nevada;
• WCS in Andrews County, Texas;
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• Bethlehem Apparatus in
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania;
• Perma-Fix Diversified Scientific
Services, Inc., in Kingston, Tennessee;
• Veolia Environmental Services in
Gum Springs, Arkansas; and
• Clean Harbors Environmental
Services (facilities in Pecatonica,
Illinois; Greenbrier, Tennessee; and
Tooele, Utah).
In 2022, DOE issued a Request for
Proposals which initiated a competitive
procurement process soliciting bids
from commercial facilities for long-term
management and storage of elemental
mercury.2 DOE received two proposals.
One of the proposals was subsequently
withdrawn by the submitting entity.
While DOE, in the Mercury Storage
SEIS–II, analyzed all of the existing
facilities listed above, after the
solicitation, there were only two viable
action alternatives—one commercial
option—WCS and one non-commercial
Section E describes, generally, the
potential environmental impacts of all
of the action alternatives. As reflected in
the Mercury Storage SEIS–II, the
impacts for the facilities are generally
comparable. Where differences are
notable, these are noted in Section E.
Section E also includes additional
information for WCS, as the selected
alternative, to provide further
comparative context.
E. Potential Environmental Impacts
As noted in the Mercury Storage
SEIS–II, quantitative evaluation of
potential environmental consequences
under the No-Action Alternative would
be highly speculative. The SEIS–II
qualitatively evaluates the potential
environmental consequences of the
various options that are available to
entities under the No-Action Alternative
(e.g., continued accumulation, storage at
a permitted facility, or treatment and
disposal in Canada). It is possible that
some land, or land with more- or lesssensitive resources than those analyzed
under the action alternatives, could be
affected. Environmental consequences
to land use and ownership, visual,
geology, soils, ecological, and cultural
and paleontological resource areas are
dependent on the affected environment
disturbed and amount of land
disturbance that might occur. Potential
environmental consequences to water
resources would depend on the specific
location and proximity to surface
waterbodies and groundwater aquifers
2 Elemental Mercury Long-Term Management and
Storage Request for Proposal 89303320REM000081
(March 24, 2022), as amended (Request for
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and the current use of these water
resources. If elemental mercury were
transported to a RCRA-permitted storage
facility or to a treatment facility, the
potential transportation-related
consequences would not be markedly
different than those predicted for the
action alternatives.
Under the No-Action Alternative, the
management and storage of elemental
mercury may or may not be conducted
in accordance with RCRA regulations.
For example, long-term accumulation at
ore processor sites has not necessarily
been permitted for long-term storage. As
such, there could be a heightened risk
of facility accidents and inconsistent
management and storage of elemental
mercury containers. This could lead to
potentially greater environmental
consequences associated with air
quality, occupational and public health
and safety, and ecological resources. In
contrast, if much of the excess elemental
mercury remained at the generating
facilities and was not transferred to a
DOE long-term storage facility, it is
reasonable to expect that environmental
consequences associated with
transportation would be somewhat less
than those predicted to occur under the
action alternatives. Although, these
transportation consequences would
eventually be realized if the
accumulated elemental mercury were
eventually shipped offsite for storage,
treatment, or disposal. If elemental
mercury was transported to a RCRApermitted treatment facility and then on
to Canada for land disposal,
transportation impacts would be similar
to those predicted under the action
alternatives. There would be no
environmental consequences under the
No-Action Alternative related to DOE
storage at any of the candidate sites
because a DOE elemental mercury
storage facility(ies) would not be
For the Proposed Action, the Mercury
Storage SEIS–II evaluated the use of
existing facilities at each of the
alternative site locations for long-term
management and storage of elemental
mercury. In addition to operations of the
facilities for long-term management and
storage of elemental mercury, the
analysis also included the assessment of
potential impacts from the
transportation of the elemental mercury
from its origin sites to the long-term
management and storage locations via
truck. The analysis of potential
environmental impacts included an
evaluation of the following
environmental resource areas: land use
and ownership, and visual resources;
geology and soils; water resources; air
quality and noise; ecological resources;
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cultural resources; site infrastructure;
waste management; occupational and
public health and safety; ecological risk;
socioeconomics; and environmental
Land use and ownership, and visual
resources. No impacts on land use or
visual resources would be expected for
any of the alternative sites. If DOE were
to designate an action alternative(s), it
would obtain a leasehold interest or
other form of property interest in that
facility and would ensure that any such
interest would afford DOE an
appropriate level of responsibility and
control over the facility. Such
responsibility and control would
include exercising the authority
necessary to ensure that the facility is
managed and operated in compliance
with MEBA and other applicable legal
requirements and through contractual
Additional time would be required to
implement the HWAD alternative
because of preparatory activities that
would be required, including
modifications or upgrades of multiple
buildings, real estate transactions, and
regulatory permitting that would not be
required for the existing, permitted
commercial facilities. DOE estimates the
time required to complete the activities
to allow receipt of elemental mercury at
HWAD for long-term management and
storage would be at least five years from
the date that DOE designated HWAD for
such use. Whereas, WCS would be
capable of expeditiously accepting
elemental mercury for long-term
management and storage.
Geology, soils, and geologic hazards.
Except for the HWAD site, no impacts
to geology and soils are expected
because no new construction or soil
disturbance would be required. At
HWAD, external modifications would
require trenching for installation of
needed utilities and other systems and
services, resulting in negligible-to-minor
impacts to previously disturbed,
surrounding soils. This would also
include the upgrade or addition of
access roads to the modified buildings
at HWAD. The area surrounding HWAD
is one of high seismic activity. As
discussed in the 2011 Mercury Storage
EIS, while the Hawthorne, Nevada, area
has historically experienced numerous
earthquakes and significant ground
shaking, no depot facilities have
suffered damage due to earthquakes
over the 60-plus years of operations.
Updated USGS earthquake hazard data
recharacterize the PGA at HWAD as 0.62
g (USGS 2021b). This is the upper end
of the range for the sites evaluated in the
Mercury Storage SEIS–II (0.05–0.62 g).
There would be no new construction at
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the WCS site and no additional impacts
to geology and soils. The seismicity of
the WCS region is on the lower end of
the range of the alternative sites
evaluated in the Mercury Storage SEIS–
Water resources. Storage of elemental
mercury at any of the alternative sites
would increase water use for sanitary
purposes by up to 16,000 gallons per
year. The increased water use would
directly correlate to the number of
additional personnel required during
operations. No impacts to groundwater
or surface water would be expected.
None of the alternative sites are located
within a designated 100-year regulated
floodplain. The use of structural
controls at the WCS Container Storage
Building, such as concrete sealed floors
and containment berms inside the
building, would prevent release of
mercury outside of the building and
thus protect surface water and
groundwater from potential impacts.
Air quality and noise. Impacts to air
quality at each alternative site would be
negligible. The transportation of
elemental mercury from existing storage
sites and generators over a 40-year
period would release relatively small
quantities of air pollutants and
greenhouse gases (GHGs). The Mercury
Storage SEIS–II also evaluated the social
cost associated with these GHG
emissions. An average of 13 truck trips
per year would be required to transport
the 7,000 metric tons of elemental
mercury to a storage location(s). Total
GHG emissions in carbon dioxide
equivalent for the 40-year analysis
period would be between 592 tons and
4,312 tons dependent on the facility
location and whether or not pre-storage
treatment 3 is undertaken. The GHGs
associated with WCS would be between
1,161 tons and 3,477 tons. Noise created
by mercury storage operations,
including transportation, would be
indiscernible from existing noise levels.
Ecological resources. No impacts on
terrestrial resources, aquatic resources,
wetlands, and threatened or endangered
and other protected species would be
expected for any of the alternative sites
because of the use of existing buildings,
which would require minimal-to-no
external modifications. Because no
external modifications would be
expected at WCS, there would be no
impacts to terrestrial, aquatic, or
threatened or endangered species.
3 The Mercury Storage SEIS–II evaluates
transportation related impacts if elemental mercury
is transported for pre-storage treatment and then
transported to the designated management and
storage facility, as well as impacts if the elemental
mercury is only transported to the designated
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Cultural resources. Except for HWAD,
there are no known prehistoric or
historic cultural resources at any of the
alternative site locations, and any
potential unknown sites would not be
impacted since elemental mercury
storage would occur within existing
structures with no new construction or
surface disturbance planned. At HWAD,
the Group 110 design storehouses that
are proposed for elemental mercury
storage are historic architectural
properties that are part of a larger
historic district, as are many of the
structures at HWAD. None of the Group
110 structures would be impacted under
the Proposed Action other than by
proposed building modifications. These
modifications would be coordinated
with the Nevada State Historic
Preservation Office (SHPO). If HWAD
were considered for designation, DOE
would further consult with the Nevada
SHPO on the proposed storage building
modifications to determine the potential
impacts on those structures eligible for
listing on the National Register of
Historic Places and potential mitigation
measures, as appropriate. The
consultation process would need to be
completed prior to construction
activities involving the facilities at
HWAD.4 Therefore, the key activities
related to cultural resources that would
need to be completed prior to any
construction activities at HWAD would
include: (1) designation of HWAD for
long-term management and storage of
elemental mercury, (2) detailed design
of all modifications to specific HWAD
buildings and infrastructure, and (3)
closure of the consultation process with
the Nevada SHPO. Because WCS would
use an existing, permitted building and
not require any external modifications,
there would be no impacts to cultural
Site infrastructure. The frequency of
elemental mercury shipments is
projected to be small (average of 13 per
year) compared with baseline truck
traffic; therefore, existing road systems
would be adequate for supporting the
transfer of elemental mercury. All of the
alternative sites have sufficient utility
capacity to support elemental mercury
storage. Because most of the sites are
existing, permitted, operating facilities,
the incremental increase in utility
requirements would be small. At
HWAD, additional utility services
would have to be extended to the
designated storage buildings, as needed,
including electricity, heating, water, and
4 The consultation process under Section 106 of
the National Historic Preservation Act can be found
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communications even though the
service capacity on site is sufficient.
Additionally, access roads would have
to be upgraded and/or constructed, as
appropriate. The average of
approximately 13 shipments per year of
elemental mercury would represent an
increase of about 0.5 percent to current
shipments to the WCS site and there
would be no appreciable increase in
utility use at WCS.
Waste management. The operation of
an elemental mercury storage facility
would be expected to generate a
quantity of hazardous waste that is
commensurate with the amount of
elemental mercury stored at the facility.
The estimate of hazardous waste
generation was based on the analysis in
the 2011 Mercury Storage EIS, which
assumed some degree of repackaging of
potential leaking containers as well as a
larger amount (10,000 MT) of elemental
mercury. This is an extremely
conservative estimate and is bounding
for any of the alternative sites because
the elemental mercury containers would
not be routinely opened at the storage
facility, leaking containers are expected
to be a rare event, and the projected
maximum storage capacity is now 7,000
MT. Assuming a capacity of 7,000
metric tons of elemental mercury, the
Mercury Storage SEIS–II conservatively
estimated that up to 637, 55-gallon
drums of hazardous waste could be
generated over the 40-year analytical
period (about 16, 55-gallon drums per
year). Approximately 16,000 gallons of
sanitary wastewater would be expected
to be generated per year from elemental
mercury management and storage
operations. Considering that WCS likely
would not increase staff to support this
effort, there would be no, or limited,
increase in sanitary wastewater impacts
for the Proposed Action.
Occupational and public health and
safety. The Mercury Storage SEIS–II
presented potential impacts for normal
operations, facility accidents, and
transportation. Normal operations
would involve the receipt and long-term
management and storage of elemental
mercury. Exposures could arise during
normal operating conditions from small
amounts of mercury vapor accumulating
in the storage areas. The estimated
consequences to involved workers,
noninvolved workers, or members of the
public are anticipated to be negligible.
Facility accidents could include
elemental mercury spills inside or
outside the storage building. The SEIS–
II concluded that the potential risks
(considering accident probability and
potential consequences) to workers and
the offsite public would range between
negligible and low for these spills. The
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highest potential consequences would
be associated with the beyond-designbasis earthquake that, theoretically,
could cause a total building collapse. In
this extremely unlikely event, members
of the public around the Bethlehem
Apparatus and Clean Harbors
Greenbrier sites could be within 330 feet
of the storage buildings and could be
exposed to potentially lethal
concentrations. However, the
probability of a beyond-design-basis
earthquake in these areas is extremely
unlikely, as the peak ground
acceleration (g) for Bethlehem,
Pennsylvania, and Greenbrier,
Tennessee, is only 0.10 g and 0.14 g,
respectively, indicating areas of
relatively low seismic activity.
Additionally, these members of the
public likely would evacuate from the
area immediately, resulting in a
reduction of the potential severity level
to the low range. Residents and other
members of the public at other
alternative sites would be farther away
from the facilities and not subject to the
higher potential consequences of a
beyond-design-basis earthquake. As
mentioned above for geology and soils,
the seismicity of the region around WCS
is even lower (0.08 g) and a beyonddesign-basis earthquake that resulted in
the collapse of the Container Storage
Building is even more unlikely.
Additionally, the closest public access
to the WCS site is about 0.62 miles and
accident risks to members of the public
would be negligible-to-low.
For transportation health and safety,
the transportation risks under all
alternative sites are a function of the
number of miles driven and the nature
of the accident (fire or no fire). The
various potential accident scenarios
evaluated in the Mercury Storage SEIS–
II would result in risks that range from
negligible to low. Transportation of
7,000 MT of elemental mercury over 40
years to WCS would require about
627,000 miles of truck shipments.
Compared to other alternatives, this is
near the middle of the range (315,118 to
1,079,301 miles).
Ecological risks. Consequences, and
hence risks, would be negligible to all
ecological receptors except if there were
a fire that accompanied an accident.
Without fire, the primary risk is
inhalation of mercury vapor, which is
an insignificant pathway for exposure to
ecological receptors. Some ecological
receptors (e.g., sediment-dwelling biota,
soil invertebrates, American robin, river
otter, and plants) could have low risks
under some specific accident scenarios
with a fire. Under a very specific
scenario involving a fire, coincident
with rain, sediment-dwelling biota
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could be subject to moderate risks.
These risks are a function of the total
shipment miles and therefore, the
ecological risks from transportation of
elemental mercury to WCS would be
mid-range for all alternatives evaluated
in the Mercury Storage SEIS–II.
Socioeconomics. There would be
negligible impacts on socioeconomic
conditions, including overall
employment population trends,
available housing, and other community
services in the regions of influence
associated with all alternative sites,
including WCS.
Environmental justice. While there
may be individual minority or lowincome families living relatively near
some of the alternative site locations,
the sites are (or would be, in the case
of HWAD) permitted by their respective
states under RCRA for the storage of
hazardous waste. The Proposed Action
would not increase the human health
risk beyond that approved as part of the
RCRA permitting process. Implementing
the Proposed Action would result in
negligible offsite human health and
ecological risks from mercury emissions
during normal operations and most
accidents. Potentially high mercury
concentrations could occur in the event
of a beyond-design-basis earthquake for
some sites (Bethlehem Apparatus and
Clean Harbors Greenbrier). Considering
the probability of such an event, the
potential risks associated with this
extremely unlikely scenario are
considered low. Implementing the
Proposed Action at WCS would result in
negligible offsite human health and
ecological risks to both individuals and
communities from mercury emissions
during normal operations and accidents.
Therefore, there would be no
disproportionate and adverse effects on
communities with environmental justice
concerns under the Proposed Action at
Cumulative impacts. Considering the
negligible-to-low potential impacts of
the Proposed Action, the potential
contribution of the Proposed Action to
the cumulative impacts to the region of
each alternative site was shown to be
negligible, including WCS. Cumulative
impacts for the WCS Region of
Influence, including potential interim
storage of up to 40,000 MTUs (metric
tons of uranium) of commercial spent
nuclear fuel, were determined to be
either small or moderate for the
following resource areas: land use,
geology and soils, groundwater, air
quality, noise, and visual resources.
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F. Environmentally Preferable
Under the Proposed Action, the
potential impacts of continuing to
operate the existing, permitted,
commercial storage facilities would be
similar regardless of the location.
Transportation of mercury to any of the
existing facilities would be comparable,
resulting in negligible-to-low human
health risks from transportation
accidents. Greenhouse gas emissions
from transportation of mercury would
be relatively low for all of the
alternatives. However, the emissions are
lower for HWAD than most of the
commercial alternatives, if no prestorage treatment is assumed. If there
were pre-storage treatment, then the
emissions for HWAD are larger than
most of the commercial alternatives. For
HWAD, required modifications to the
Group 110 design storehouses and the
new or upgraded infrastructure at the
site would result in higher potential
impacts than at existing, permitted,
commercial storage facilities. These
modifications would also require
consultation with the Nevada SHPO
prior to any construction actions
because the proposed buildings are
potentially eligible for listing on the
National Register of Historic Places.
Therefore, management and storage of
elemental mercury at an existing,
permitted, commercial storage facility
would be the environmentally
preferable alternative.
Under the No-Action Alternative,
DOE would not consolidate, manage,
and store elemental mercury. However,
the No-Action Alternative could include
transportation to and from various
locations, as described in Section
of the Mercury Storage SEIS–II, and
therefore would not be significantly
different than the transportation impacts
under the action alternatives. Under the
No-Action Alternative, mercury could
be stored indefinitely at multiple nonDOE locations (some of which are
currently not permitted); therefore, an
impact of the No-Action Alternative,
other than DOE being non-compliant
with Federal statutes, would be widely
dispersed storage of mercury in
uncertain conditions. Taking this into
consideration, the No-Action
Alternative would not be the
environmentally preferable alternative.
G. Comments Received on the Final
Mercury Storage SEIS–II
During the development of the Final
SEIS–II, DOE considered the
alternatives, information, analyses, and
objections submitted by Federal, State,
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Tribal, and local governments and
public commenters.
DOE received comment letters from
Coeur and from the Environmental
Protection Agency after publishing the
Final Mercury Storage SEIS–II. DOE
considered these comments in
preparation of this ROD.
H. NEPA Decision
This NEPA decision is consistent with
the preferred alternative, which is to
designate one or more of the existing
commercial facilities evaluated in the
Final Mercury Storage SEIS–II. As
identified in Section E, Potential
Environmental Impacts, the impacts
presented in the Mercury Storage SEIS–
II for the WCS site were the same or
lower than most of the other existing,
permitted, commercial storage facility
sites analyzed in the SEIS–II. The
environmental impacts are generally
expected to be less than those at the
HWAD site, and designation of the WCS
site is expected to allow for the longterm management and storage of
elemental mercury years earlier than if
HWAD were utilized. The No Action
Alternative would not fulfill DOE’s
statutory obligations.
Based on consideration of the analysis
in the Mercury Storage SEIS–II as well
as other considerations detailed below
in Section J, DOE has decided to select
WCS for designation as the facility for
long-term management and storage of
elemental mercury. The additional basis
for the MEBA designation decision is
included in Section J, below.
I. Mitigation
The Mercury Storage SEIS–II
determined that potential
environmental impacts associated with
DOE’s long-term management and
storage of 7,000 metric tons (7,700 tons)
of elemental mercury would generally
be negligible-to-low and that the storage
and management of elemental mercury
would be subject to regulatory oversight
by permitting agencies, including
compliance with RCRA. Many features
of WCS are designed to meet applicable
permitting standards or to otherwise
avoid harm to the environment. The
WCS storage facility is located on a
13,500-acre tract of private land with no
human residents within 3.4 miles.
SEIS–II (Sections, 3.3.11). The
facility design includes concrete sealed
floors with a reinforced concrete
foundation, and bermed container
storage areas that provide protection
from the external environment and
isolation from other storage areas in the
event of a leaking source. SEIS–II
(Sections, 2.3.2). WCS also
features numerous safety and accident
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response systems, including a fire
suppression system, an exhaust-fanventilated storage area, a mercury vapor
monitor, and a full emergency response
organization that includes capabilities
for radiological, hazardous materials,
fire, and medical incidents. SEIS–II
(Sections 2.3.2; Based upon the
limited potential for adverse
environmental impacts identified in the
SEIS–II, the robust design and accident
response features of WCS, terms and
conditions of the proposed contract (see
Section J), and applicable regulatory and
statutory requirements, the selected
alternative incorporates all practicable
means to avoid or minimize
environmental harm.
J. Designation Decision Under MEBA
As explained in more detail above,
the alternatives analyzed in detail in the
SEIS–II included an existing Federal
facility (HWAD) and commercial
facilities at various locations (WCS;
Bethlehem Apparatus; Perma-Fix
Diversified Scientific Services; Veolia
Environmental Services; and Clean
Harbors Environmental Services).
During the NEPA process, DOE also
considered and dismissed numerous
other alternatives. The alternative of
constructing a new facility was
dismissed from detailed analysis in the
SEIS–II because it would add at least
five years to the timeline for DOE’s
designated MEBA facility to become
operational and ready to receive
elemental mercury, when compared to
the designation of an existing, permitted
facility. New construction would also
introduce uncertainty in the timeline for
having a fully operational MEBA
facility, as schedule delays in the
construction and/or RCRA permitting
process or other issues outside DOE’s
control might prevent a newly
constructed facility from becoming
operational for significantly more than
five years. A newly constructed facility
would therefore not meet DOE’s need to
begin accepting elemental mercury as
soon as practicable. DOE also
considered the possibility of
repurposing an existing facility on DOE
property. However, DOE was unable to
identify any such facility that met
certain minimum criteria for future use
as the designated MEBA facility.5
5 These criteria included that the facility: must
not create a significant conflict with any existing
DOE site mission and not interfere with future
mission compatibility; must be suitable for mercury
storage with the capability and flexibility for
operational expansion, if necessary; must be
capable of complying with RCRA permitting
requirements, including siting requirements; must
have supporting infrastructure and a capability or
potential capability for flooring that would support
mercury loadings; must be compatible with local
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 231 / Monday, December 2, 2024 / Notices
In parallel with the most recent NEPA
evaluation, DOE conducted an
independent and competitive
procurement process to evaluate a
contractor(s) that could provide DOE
both a leasehold interest in, and the
services associated with, a long-term
elemental mercury management and
storage facility (LTEMSF) meeting DOE
specifications and subject to DOE’s
technical direction. As part of that
process, a Request for Information/
Sources Sought notice was published on
October 14, 2020, a synopsis was posted
September 21, 2021, and the Request for
Proposals (RFP) was issued March 24,
2022. Two timely proposals were
received by the due date of June 1, 2022.
One of the proposals was later
withdrawn, but through this
procurement process, DOE identified
one commercial facility that responded
to the RFP. DOE evaluated its response
and determined that it met the lowest
evaluated price and met or exceeded the
acceptability standards for non-cost
factors in accordance with 48 CFR
15.101–2. The facility was WCS. The
owners of the other facilities analyzed
as commercial alternatives in the SEIS–
II did not compete in the procurement
DOE hereby designates as the
LTEMSF pursuant to MEBA, WCS in
Andrews County, Texas. In addition to
the reasons discussed previously under
Section H, NEPA Decision, the decision
to designate WCS as the LTEMSF is
based on the following considerations.
First, of the alternatives evaluated, the
designation of WCS allows for the most
expeditious and certain timeline for
DOE to have an LTEMSF operational
and ready to accept elemental mercury,
consistent with MEBA’s fundamental
objective of providing a safe option for
storing domestic elemental mercury at a
facility or facilities of the DOE. Congress
initially charged DOE to designate a
LTEMSF that would be operational by
January 1, 2013, and later extended that
deadline to January 1, 2019. Public Law
110–414, 122 Stat. 4344 (Oct. 14, 2008);
Public Law 114–182, 130 Stat. 478 (June
22, 2016). Although those milestone
dates have passed, Congress has not
extended the date by which the
LTEMSF must be operational. DOE
therefore identified a need to designate
an LTEMSF facility and begin accepting
elemental mercury as soon as
practicable. WCS is an established,
existing, permitted waste facility
and regional land use plans if used for mercury
storage, and new construction would be feasible, as
may be required; must be accessible to major
transportation routes; and must have sufficient
information on hand to adequately characterize the
site. SEIS–II (Section 2.2.4).
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capable of expeditiously accepting
elemental mercury for long-term
management and storage. In contrast,
selecting HWAD, a facility that requires
significant modifications and
development processes, time-consuming
real estate transactions, and a waste
permit, or constructing a new facility,
would both (1) extend the timeline for
having an operational storage facility,
and (2) create additional uncertainty in
that timeline. In a best-case scenario,
selecting HWAD or constructing a new
facility would likely result in elemental
mercury continuing to be stored for at
least five years longer in widely
dispersed storage locations in uncertain
conditions instead of in a DOEcontrolled LTEMSF.
Furthermore, issues outside DOE’s
control could arise during the planning,
budgeting, construction, and/or
permitting processes that prevent
HWAD or a new facility from becoming
fully operational for much longer than
five years. For example, due to statutory
prohibitions on the use of Department of
Defense (‘‘DoD’’) installations for the
storage of toxic or hazardous materials
not owned by the DoD, 10 U.S.C. 2692,
the relevant portion of HWAD would
likely need to be purchased by or
otherwise transferred to DOE before
non-DoD elemental mercury could be
stored at the facility. An acquisition or
administrative transfer process would
require actions by multiple Federal
agencies, including the Department of
the Army and the General Services
Administration, and the timing and
decision making of those agencies is
outside DOE’s control. The additional
time required to build a new facility or
modify an existing facility like HWAD
would cause DOE to fall significantly
further behind the statutory deadline for
a DOE-designated LTEMSF to be
operational. MEBA imposed financial
consequences on DOE for missing the
January 1, 2019, deadline, such that the
longer it takes for DOE to have an
operational LTEMSF, the greater the
amount of private mercury storage costs
that are borne by DOE, and indirectly,
by the United States.6 Selecting WCS as
the designated LTEMSF brings DOE into
compliance with MEBA’s directives as
soon as practicable, avoids introducing
6 Because the LTEMSF was not operational by
January 1, 2019, MEBA compels DOE to subtract the
costs to mercury generators of temporarily
accumulating certain elemental mercury after that
date from DOE’s future fee assessments to those
generators. 42 U.S.C. 6939f(b)(1)(B)(iv). The more
time that passes after January 1, 2019, and before
the LTEMSF is operational and accepts custody of
elemental mercury, the greater the amount DOE will
need to subtract from its future fee assessments to
mercury generators, resulting in correspondingly
greater costs to the United States.
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uncertainty in the timeline for when the
LTEMSF will become operational and
capable of accepting elemental mercury,
and minimizes DOE’s financial
responsibility for the ongoing storage of
elemental mercury by generators
pending the availability of the LTEMSF.
Second, leasing space for management
and storage at WCS provides DOE
managerial flexibility to adjust to
evolving circumstances as it conducts
its management and storage obligations
pursuant to MEBA. Based on currently
available information, DOE believes
there is a realistic possibility that an
approved treatment and disposal
method for elemental mercury in the
United States will be available within
10 years. An approved treatment and
disposal method would likely decrease
both the length of time the designated
MEBA facility would need to store
elemental mercury and the quantity of
elemental mercury to be stored. Given
the uncertainty in how long the
LTEMSF will be needed, designating
WCS enables DOE to evaluate the
impact of any forthcoming treatment
and disposal option or other statutory or
regulatory changes that may affect the
expected storage duration or capacity,
without making the larger commitments
of capital and administrative resources
necessary to purchase, construct, or
significantly modify a federally owned
Additionally, because there is a
realistic possibility that a treatment and
disposal method for domestic elemental
mercury will be available within 10
years, and because it will take at least
5 years after designation for HWAD or
a newly constructed facility to be ready
to receive elemental mercury, investing
resources to modify or construct a
facility that may only be used for 5 years
is not cost effective or a prudent
investment of resources. DOE has
prepared a relative cost comparison
workbook based on a 2007 EPA report
that demonstrates that, in the short-term
(e.g., about 10 years), management and
storage of elemental mercury at an
existing, permitted, commercial facility
like WCS is likely to be less expensive
than any of the previously evaluated
alternatives requiring capital
improvements (DOE-New, DOEExisting/Retrofit, and Hawthorne/
Retrofit). Other factors not reflected in
DOE’s cost comparison workbook also
weigh in favor of selecting WCS. The
workbook does not include
administrative burdens associated with
a federally funded project and DOE’s
acquisition of real property, which
would likely be required to establish an
LTEMSF at HWAD (see 10 U.S.C. 2692)
or for construction of a new facility.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 231 / Monday, December 2, 2024 / Notices
Selecting WCS avoids these costs to
DOE and other Federal agencies. The
cost comparison workbook also does not
reflect the fact that MEBA, as amended,
makes DOE indirectly financially
responsible for the costs of storing
certain elemental mercury accumulated
by mercury generators after January 1,
2019, by requiring DOE to subtract these
costs from its future MEBA fee
assessments to these generators. 42
U.S.C. 6939f(b)(1)(B)(iv). These indirect
costs to DOE, in the form of foregone
future fee assessments, increase the
longer it takes DOE’s designated
LTEMSF to become operational.
Selecting an existing, permitted facility
like WCS minimizes these costs.
Third, DOE’s selection of WCS as the
Secretary’s designated LTEMSF satisfies
the requirement of MEBA that ‘‘the
Secretary of Energy shall designate a
facility or facilities of the Department of
Energy for the purpose of long-term
management and storage of elemental
mercury generated within the United
States.’’ MEBA section 5(a)(1) (42 U.S.C.
6939f(a)(1)). MEBA does not define the
phrase, ‘‘facility or facilities of the
Department of Energy[,]’’ but it does
state that ‘‘[t]he Secretary is authorized
to establish such terms, conditions, and
procedures as are necessary to carry out
this section.’’ DOE construes the phrase
‘‘facility or facilities of the Department
of Energy’’ to include a facility leased
from a commercial entity or another
Federal agency, over which DOE
provides an appropriate level of
responsibility and control. This
construction is consistent with MEBA’s
plain language and DOE’s operational
history. Certain comments on the Draft
SEIS–II asserted that ‘‘facility or
facilities of the Department of Energy’’
could only mean one or more facilities
owned by DOE or owned and operated
by DOE. However, MEBA does not
expressly require the designated facility
to be owned by DOE or even by the U.S.
government. Similarly, MEBA does not
mandate that DOE employees operate
the designated facility and does not
prohibit DOE from using qualified
contractors in connection with the
facility. The phrase ‘‘facility or facilities
of the Department of Energy’’
encompasses facilities leased by DOE
and subject to an appropriate level of
DOE responsibility and control. This
structure provides DOE flexibility to
select a facility that best serves the
various requirements and purposes of
MEBA and the fiscal and mission
responsibilities of DOE, regardless of
DOE has determined that the lease
and contract with WCS, developed
through DOE’s competitive procurement
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process, will provide DOE a leasehold
interest in WCS property and an
appropriate level of responsibility and
control over the property such that it
will become a ‘‘facility or facilities of
the Department of Energy’’ within the
meaning of MEBA Section 5(a)(1). By
entering into the lease and contract DOE
can ensure that the LTEMSF is managed
and operated in compliance with MEBA
and other applicable legal requirements,
including those addressing the
protection of human health and the
environment. For example, as set forth
in the RFP, among other control
measures, DOE will ensure that the
designated facility: (1) complies with all
applicable local, state, and Federal
regulations including all applicable
RCRA requirements; (2) employs a fully
enclosed, weather-protected structure
that complies with all applicable
building, fire, and life safety codes and
standards; (3) meets RCRA and
Department of Transportation-compliant
performance measures covering, among
other things, receiving, handling,
container storage, and security; (4)
satisfies applicable local, state, and
Federal regulatory requirements for
recordkeeping and reporting; and (5)
submits operating records, inventories,
and other reports to DOE for periodic
review. In addition to contractually
imposed oversight, the arrangement
between DOE and WCS will involve
DOE entering into a lease agreement
covering the premises where the
operations will occur. The lease will
require, among other things, the
premises to be used exclusively for DOE
elemental mercury management and
storage, consistent with contract
provisions governing operations at the
premises, and will grant DOE access to
the premises.7 Awarding the contract to
WCS will formally conclude DOE’s
independent and competitive
procurement process, which was
conducted in compliance with
applicable Federal Acquisition
Therefore, DOE has selected WCS for
designation as the LTEMSF under
MEBA. As identified in Section E,
Potential Environmental Impacts, the
impacts presented in the Mercury
Storage SEIS–II for the WCS site were
comparable to the other action
alternatives. This MEBA decision is
consistent with the preferred alternative
in the Final Mercury Storage SEIS–II
and the NEPA decision in this ROD.
Although this document satisfies
DOE’s obligation to designate a facility
or facilities of the DOE for the purpose
of long-term management and storage of
elemental mercury generated within the
United States, MEBA Section 5(b) (42
U.S.C. 6939f(b)) also requires DOE to
assess and collect a fee at the time that
elemental mercury is delivered to the
designated facility. As explained in
responses to comments on the Draft
SEIS–II, after publication of this
document, DOE intends to focus on
issuing a rule to establish the fee. At this
time, however, DOE remains unable to
accept elemental mercury from
generators at a facility of the Department
of Energy for long-term management
and storage. DOE acknowledges that the
temporary storage provisions of MEBA
Section 5(g)(2) (42 U.S.C. 6939f(g)(2))
remain in effect until DOE is able to
accept elemental mercury shipments at
the designated facility or facilities,
which will generally require applying
DOE’s future fee rule to assess a fee
pursuant to MEBA Section 5(b).
Signing Authority
This document of the Department of
Energy was signed on November 21,
2024, by Candice Trummell, Senior
Advisor for Environmental
Management, pursuant to delegated
authority from the Secretary of Energy.
The document with the original
signature and date is maintained by
DOE. For administrative purposes only,
and in compliance with requirements of
the Office of the Federal Register, the
undersigned DOE Federal Register
Liaison Officer has been authorized to
sign and submit the document in
electronic format for publication, as an
official document of the Department of
Energy. This administrative process in
no way alters the legal effect of this
document upon publication in the
Federal Register.
Signed in Washington, DC, on November
22, 2024.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S.
Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2024–27859 Filed 11–29–24; 8:45 am]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of
U.S. Department of Energy.
Notice of a modified system of
7 Request
for Proposals, Section J.5.
8 The selection of WCS is also consistent with the
Federal Government’s general policy of using
commercial services and capabilities when they are
sufficient to meet the mission needs. See, e.g. FAR
Part 12.
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As required by the Privacy
Act of 1974 and the Office of
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 231 (Monday, December 2, 2024)]
[Pages 95189-95196]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-27859]
Record of Decision for the Long-Term Management and Storage of
Elemental Mercury and Designation of a Long-Term Management and Storage
AGENCY: Office of Environmental Management, U.S. Department of Energy.
ACTION: Record of decision and facility designation.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is issuing this Record of
Decision (ROD) for the long-term management and storage of elemental
mercury to meet the purpose and need for agency action, which is to
fulfill DOE's statutory responsibility for long-term management and
storage of elemental mercury generated within the United States as
required by the Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008 and the Frank R.
Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (together referred
to herein as MEBA).
ADDRESSES: For copies of this ROD/MEBA Designation or the Mercury
Storage SEIS-II, please contact Timothy Herald at U.S. Department of
Energy, Office of Environmental Management, Office of Waste and
Materials Management (EM-4.2), 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC, 20585 or via email, [email protected]. Electronic files can
be accessed at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For further information on the
management and storage of elemental mercury, please contact Timothy
Herald at [email protected] or visit; by telephone: 240-
243-8753. For general information on the Office of Environmental
Management's National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) process,
please contact Bill Ostrum, NEPA Compliance Officer for the Office of
Environmental Management, via email [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This ROD is issued for the Long-Term
Management and Storage of Elemental Mercury Supplemental Environmental
Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0423-S2) (Mercury Storage SEIS-II), which
evaluates the storage of up to 7,000 metric tons (7,700 tons) of
elemental mercury in one or more existing facilities at alternative
locations including a government facility at the Hawthorne Army Depot
near Hawthorne, Nevada, and seven commercial candidate locations: Waste
Control Specialists, LLC (WCS) near Andrews, Texas; Bethlehem Apparatus
Company in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Perma-Fix Diversified Scientific
Services, Inc., in Kingston, Tennessee; Veolia Environmental Services
in Gum Springs, Arkansas; and Clean Harbors Environmental Services,
with three alternative facilities in Pecatonica, Illinois; Greenbrier,
Tennessee; and Tooele, Utah. This ROD announces DOE's decision to
select WCS from its preferred alternative of selecting one or more of
the existing commercial facilities evaluated in the SEIS-II. DOE is
also issuing this document to designate a facility of the DOE for the
long-term management and storage of elemental mercury generated within
the United States in accordance with MEBA. In addition to the analysis
in the Mercury Storage SEIS-II, DOE based its MEBA facility designation
decision on a combination of factors including schedule, permitting,
policy and technical considerations, as well as cost information
(including information gained during an independent and competitive
procurement process). DOE designates WCS as that facility in accordance
with MEBA.
A. Background
The Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 110-414) and the 2016
Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (Pub. L.
114-182) (together referred to herein as MEBA), address, among other
things, the export and long-term management and storage of elemental
mercury. MEBA prohibits the export of elemental mercury from the United
States (U.S.) (with certain essential use exemptions). MEBA also
directs the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to
designate a facility or facilities of DOE for the long-term management
and storage of elemental mercury generated within the U.S. (42 U.S.C.
6939f(a)(1)). MEBA further provides the Secretary of Energy with the
authority to establish such terms, conditions, and procedures as are
necessary to carry out this long-term management and storage function
(42 U.S.C. 6939f(f)). Consistent with these statutory provisions, and
based on longstanding authorities and practice, DOE construes the term
``facility of DOE'' to include a facility leased from a commercial
entity or another Federal agency over which DOE provides an appropriate
level of responsibility and control.\1\
\1\ DOE has further analyzed the meaning of ``facility or
facilities of the [DOE]'' in a memo entitled The Meaning of
``Facility or Facilities of the Department of Energy'' in the
Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008, in the Administrative Record.
The primary sources of elemental mercury in the United States
include mercury generated as a byproduct of the gold-mining process and
mercury reclaimed from recycling and waste-recovery activities. In
addition, the DOE National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
stores at the Oak Ridge Reservation in Tennessee approximately 1,200
metric tons (1,300 tons) of elemental mercury that was acquired in
support of NNSA's mission. As identified in the Mercury Storage SEIS-
II, this NNSA elemental mercury is included in the SEIS-II (for
analytical purposes), even though it is currently designated as a
commodity and not waste.
In 2011, DOE prepared the Final Long-Term Management and Storage of
Elemental Mercury Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0423) (2011
Mercury Storage EIS) to evaluate seven candidate locations for a
facility for management and storage of elemental mercury, as well as a
No-Action Alternative. The locations included use of existing
facilities, new facility construction, or both. The candidate locations
evaluated in 2011 were the DOE Grand Junction Disposal site near Grand
Junction, Colorado (new construction); DOE Hanford Site near Richland,
Washington (new construction); Hawthorne Army Depot (HWAD) near
Hawthorne, Nevada (modification of existing facilities); DOE Idaho
National Laboratory near Idaho Falls, Idaho (new construction and
modification of an existing facility); Kansas City Plant in Kansas
City, Missouri (existing facility); DOE Savannah River Site near Aiken,
South Carolina (new construction); and the Waste Control Specialists
LLC (WCS) site near Andrews, Texas (new construction and an existing
In 2013, DOE prepared the Final Long-Term Management and Storage of
Elemental Mercury Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-
0423-S1) (2013 Mercury Storage SEIS) to evaluate three additional
alternative locations, all in the vicinity of the Waste Isolation Pilot
Plant near
[[Page 95190]]
Carlsbad, New Mexico (all new construction). The 2013 Mercury Storage
SEIS also updated some of the relevant analyses for alternatives
presented in the 2011 Mercury Storage EIS.
For the 2011 Mercury Storage EIS and the 2013 Mercury Storage SEIS,
DOE estimated that up to approximately 10,000 metric tons (11,000 tons)
of elemental mercury would need to be managed and stored at the DOE-
designated facility during a 40-year period assumed for analysis
purposes. In the 2011 Mercury Storage EIS and the 2013 Mercury Storage
SEIS, DOE identified WCS as the preferred alternative.
On December 6, 2019, DOE issued a Record of Decision (ROD) to
document its designation of the WCS site near Andrews, Texas, for the
management and storage of up to 6,800 metric tons (7,480 tons) of
elemental mercury in leased portions of existing buildings at the WCS
site (84 FR 66890). The ROD was supported by DOE's Supplement Analysis
of the Final Long-Term Management and Storage of Elemental Mercury
Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0423-SA-1), which evaluated
changes in environmental conditions at WCS that had occurred since the
initial analyses were completed in 2011 and 2013 and determined that
the long-term management and storage of up to 6,800 metric tons of
elemental mercury in existing buildings at the WCS site would not
constitute a substantial change from the proposal evaluated in the 2011
Mercury Storage EIS and updated in the 2013 Mercury Storage SEIS. On
December 23, 2019, DOE published a rule adding 10 CFR part 955, which
established the fee for long-term management and storage of elemental
mercury (84 FR 70402) (Fee Rule).
Two domestic generators of elemental mercury subsequently filed
complaints in U.S. District Court challenging, among other things, the
validity of the Fee Rule and the designation of WCS (Coeur Rochester,
Inc. v. Brouillette et al., Case No. 1:19-cv-03860-RJL [D.D.C. filed
December 31, 2019] and Nevada Gold Mines LLC v. Brouillette et al.,
Case No. 1:20-cv-00141-RJL [D.D.C filed January 17, 2020]). As part of
a settlement agreement, DOE withdrew the designation of WCS in an
amended ROD on October 6, 2020 (85 FR 63105) and subsequently removed
Part 955 (89 FR 33203).
On May 24, 2021, DOE issued a Notice of Intent in the Federal
Register (86 FR 27838) notifying the public of DOE's intent to prepare
a second Long-Term Management and Storage of Elemental Mercury
Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (DOE/EIS-0423-S2) (Mercury
Storage SEIS-II).
On July 8, 2022, DOE published a Notice of Availability (NOA) in
the Federal Register (87 FR 40830) of the Draft Mercury Storage SEIS-
II, inviting public comment during the 45-day public comment period and
announcing two virtual public hearings. The U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) published an NOA in the Federal Register on the
same day, which officially began the 45-day comment period on the Draft
Mercury Storage SEIS-II (87 FR 40838). In response to a request from
the public, DOE extended the public comment period on the Draft Mercury
Storage SEIS-II and issued a Federal Register notice on August 12, 2022
(87 FR 49817), announcing a 15-day extension. The public comment period
ended on September 6, 2022.
The Draft Mercury Storage SEIS-II evaluated the management and
storage of up to 7,000 metric tons (7,700 tons) of elemental mercury in
one or more permitted, existing facilities at alternative locations
including HWAD, a government facility near Hawthorne, Nevada, and seven
commercial candidate locations: WCS; Bethlehem Apparatus Company in
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania; Perma-Fix Diversified Scientific Services,
Inc., in Kingston, Tennessee; Veolia Environmental Services in Gum
Springs, Arkansas; and Clean Harbors Environmental Services, with three
alternative facilities in Pecatonica, Illinois; Greenbrier, Tennessee;
and Tooele, Utah. In the Draft Mercury Storage SEIS-II, DOE identified
its preferred alternative to select one or more of the existing
commercial facilities for long-term management and storage of elemental
On February 9, 2024, EPA published in the Federal Register an NOA
for the Final Mercury Storage SEIS-II (89 FR 9147). The Final Mercury
Storage SEIS-II addressed comments received on the Draft Mercury
Storage SEIS-II. Consistent with the Draft Mercury Storage SEIS-II, DOE
identified its preferred alternative to select one or more of the
existing commercial facilities for future designation as the long-term
elemental mercury management and storage facility.
In parallel with the NEPA process, DOE conducted a competitive
procurement action to identify a company that could provide (1) leased
space for the long-term management and storage of elemental mercury
generated in the United States and (2) the associated services
necessary for the long-term management and storage of elemental
mercury. Information gained during the procurement action has informed
the MEBA designation of the long-term elemental mercury management and
storage facility.
B. Purpose and Need for Agency Action
MEBA prohibits the export of elemental mercury from the United
States (subject to certain essential use exemptions) and, as of October
14, 2008, prohibits a Federal agency from conveying, selling, or
distributing to any other Federal agency, any state or local government
agency, or any private individual or entity any elemental mercury under
the control or jurisdiction of the Federal agency (with certain limited
Section 5 of MEBA (42 U.S.C. 6939f(a)(1)) directs the Secretary of
Energy to designate a facility or facilities of the DOE for the purpose
of long-term management and storage of elemental mercury generated
within the United States. In the Mercury Storage SEIS-II (Section
2.1.2), DOE estimated the storage capacity needed for the 40-year
period used for analysis to be up to 7,000 metric tons (7,700 tons) of
elemental mercury. Because the statutory milestone date for the
designated facility to become operational (January 1, 2019, see 42
U.S.C. 6939f(a)(2)) has passed, DOE also identified a need to designate
a facility and begin accepting elemental mercury as soon as
C. Proposed Action
As identified in the Mercury Storage SEIS-II, DOE proposed to
designate one or more facilities for the long-term management and
storage of elemental mercury in accordance with MEBA.
D. Alternatives
As described in Section 2.8 of the Mercury Storage SEIS-II, DOE
considered but dismissed the following from detailed analysis:
Storage-related alternatives and certain transportation
methods eliminated in the 2011 Mercury Storage SEIS,
Treatment and disposal options,
Commercial facilities described in Section 2.2 of the
Mercury Storage SEIS-II,
Sites within the DOE complex that met its objective
criteria for consideration as a reasonable alternative, but as
described in Section 2.2.4 of the Mercury Storage SEIS-II, no
reasonable alternatives were identified, and
Construction of a new facility.
[[Page 95191]]
While previously addressed in the 2011 EIS and 2013 SEIS, new
facility construction was an alternative that was considered but
dismissed from further analysis in the Mercury Storage SEIS-II based on
intervening developments. The primary reasons that new construction was
not considered to be a reasonable alternative in the SEIS-II include:
(1) Construction of a new facility generally would not meet the
purpose and need for agency action because schedule delays associated
with new construction would further exacerbate the missed statutory
deadline for the DOE-designated management and storage facility to be
operational by January 1, 2019. When compared to using existing
facilities, DOE estimates that construction of a new facility would add
at least five years to the time needed for the facility to be ready for
the long-term management and storage of elemental mercury, delaying
DOE's receipt of elemental mercury even further beyond the deadline
prescribed by Congress and subjecting DOE to additional financial
liabilities under 42 U.S.C. 6939f(b)(1)(B)(iv), and
(2) In 2020, a petition was filed with EPA for a site-specific
Determination of Equivalent Treatment that would convert elemental
mercury to a stabilized mercury compound for land disposal at a
permitted disposal facility in Beatty, Nevada. If approved, this
approach could offer a permanent disposal solution for elemental
mercury in the U.S. EPA's review of the petition was ongoing during
preparation of the Mercury Storage SEIS-II and no decision on the
petition has been issued. However, DOE believes there is a realistic
possibility that an approved treatment and disposal method for
elemental mercury will be available within 10 years. If such a
treatment and disposal method were to become available, it would likely
decrease both the length of time the designated MEBA facility would
need to store elemental mercury and the quantity of mercury to be
stored there at any given time. Use of an existing facility allows for
greater managerial flexibility to accommodate a shorter storage
duration and associated lower projected inventory of elemental mercury.
In addition to the No-Action Alternative, the Mercury Storage SEIS-
II identified and evaluated the potential environmental impacts
associated with implementation of the Proposed Action in existing
facilities at the following reasonable alternative locations:
Hawthorne Army Depot in Hawthorne, Nevada;
WCS in Andrews County, Texas;
Bethlehem Apparatus in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania;
Perma-Fix Diversified Scientific Services, Inc., in
Kingston, Tennessee;
Veolia Environmental Services in Gum Springs, Arkansas;
Clean Harbors Environmental Services (facilities in
Pecatonica, Illinois; Greenbrier, Tennessee; and Tooele, Utah).
In 2022, DOE issued a Request for Proposals which initiated a
competitive procurement process soliciting bids from commercial
facilities for long-term management and storage of elemental
mercury.\2\ DOE received two proposals. One of the proposals was
subsequently withdrawn by the submitting entity. While DOE, in the
Mercury Storage SEIS-II, analyzed all of the existing facilities listed
above, after the solicitation, there were only two viable action
alternatives--one commercial option--WCS and one non-commercial
\2\ Elemental Mercury Long-Term Management and Storage Request
for Proposal 89303320REM000081 (March 24, 2022), as amended (Request
for Proposal).
Section E describes, generally, the potential environmental impacts
of all of the action alternatives. As reflected in the Mercury Storage
SEIS-II, the impacts for the facilities are generally comparable. Where
differences are notable, these are noted in Section E. Section E also
includes additional information for WCS, as the selected alternative,
to provide further comparative context.
E. Potential Environmental Impacts
As noted in the Mercury Storage SEIS-II, quantitative evaluation of
potential environmental consequences under the No-Action Alternative
would be highly speculative. The SEIS-II qualitatively evaluates the
potential environmental consequences of the various options that are
available to entities under the No-Action Alternative (e.g., continued
accumulation, storage at a permitted facility, or treatment and
disposal in Canada). It is possible that some land, or land with more-
or less-sensitive resources than those analyzed under the action
alternatives, could be affected. Environmental consequences to land use
and ownership, visual, geology, soils, ecological, and cultural and
paleontological resource areas are dependent on the affected
environment disturbed and amount of land disturbance that might occur.
Potential environmental consequences to water resources would depend on
the specific location and proximity to surface waterbodies and
groundwater aquifers and the current use of these water resources. If
elemental mercury were transported to a RCRA-permitted storage facility
or to a treatment facility, the potential transportation-related
consequences would not be markedly different than those predicted for
the action alternatives.
Under the No-Action Alternative, the management and storage of
elemental mercury may or may not be conducted in accordance with RCRA
regulations. For example, long-term accumulation at ore processor sites
has not necessarily been permitted for long-term storage. As such,
there could be a heightened risk of facility accidents and inconsistent
management and storage of elemental mercury containers. This could lead
to potentially greater environmental consequences associated with air
quality, occupational and public health and safety, and ecological
resources. In contrast, if much of the excess elemental mercury
remained at the generating facilities and was not transferred to a DOE
long-term storage facility, it is reasonable to expect that
environmental consequences associated with transportation would be
somewhat less than those predicted to occur under the action
alternatives. Although, these transportation consequences would
eventually be realized if the accumulated elemental mercury were
eventually shipped offsite for storage, treatment, or disposal. If
elemental mercury was transported to a RCRA-permitted treatment
facility and then on to Canada for land disposal, transportation
impacts would be similar to those predicted under the action
alternatives. There would be no environmental consequences under the
No-Action Alternative related to DOE storage at any of the candidate
sites because a DOE elemental mercury storage facility(ies) would not
be operated.
For the Proposed Action, the Mercury Storage SEIS-II evaluated the
use of existing facilities at each of the alternative site locations
for long-term management and storage of elemental mercury. In addition
to operations of the facilities for long-term management and storage of
elemental mercury, the analysis also included the assessment of
potential impacts from the transportation of the elemental mercury from
its origin sites to the long-term management and storage locations via
truck. The analysis of potential environmental impacts included an
evaluation of the following environmental resource areas: land use and
ownership, and visual resources; geology and soils; water resources;
air quality and noise; ecological resources;
[[Page 95192]]
cultural resources; site infrastructure; waste management; occupational
and public health and safety; ecological risk; socioeconomics; and
environmental justice.
Land use and ownership, and visual resources. No impacts on land
use or visual resources would be expected for any of the alternative
sites. If DOE were to designate an action alternative(s), it would
obtain a leasehold interest or other form of property interest in that
facility and would ensure that any such interest would afford DOE an
appropriate level of responsibility and control over the facility. Such
responsibility and control would include exercising the authority
necessary to ensure that the facility is managed and operated in
compliance with MEBA and other applicable legal requirements and
through contractual provisions.
Additional time would be required to implement the HWAD alternative
because of preparatory activities that would be required, including
modifications or upgrades of multiple buildings, real estate
transactions, and regulatory permitting that would not be required for
the existing, permitted commercial facilities. DOE estimates the time
required to complete the activities to allow receipt of elemental
mercury at HWAD for long-term management and storage would be at least
five years from the date that DOE designated HWAD for such use.
Whereas, WCS would be capable of expeditiously accepting elemental
mercury for long-term management and storage.
Geology, soils, and geologic hazards. Except for the HWAD site, no
impacts to geology and soils are expected because no new construction
or soil disturbance would be required. At HWAD, external modifications
would require trenching for installation of needed utilities and other
systems and services, resulting in negligible-to-minor impacts to
previously disturbed, surrounding soils. This would also include the
upgrade or addition of access roads to the modified buildings at HWAD.
The area surrounding HWAD is one of high seismic activity. As discussed
in the 2011 Mercury Storage EIS, while the Hawthorne, Nevada, area has
historically experienced numerous earthquakes and significant ground
shaking, no depot facilities have suffered damage due to earthquakes
over the 60-plus years of operations. Updated USGS earthquake hazard
data recharacterize the PGA at HWAD as 0.62 g (USGS 2021b). This is the
upper end of the range for the sites evaluated in the Mercury Storage
SEIS-II (0.05-0.62 g). There would be no new construction at the WCS
site and no additional impacts to geology and soils. The seismicity of
the WCS region is on the lower end of the range of the alternative
sites evaluated in the Mercury Storage SEIS-II.
Water resources. Storage of elemental mercury at any of the
alternative sites would increase water use for sanitary purposes by up
to 16,000 gallons per year. The increased water use would directly
correlate to the number of additional personnel required during
operations. No impacts to groundwater or surface water would be
expected. None of the alternative sites are located within a designated
100-year regulated floodplain. The use of structural controls at the
WCS Container Storage Building, such as concrete sealed floors and
containment berms inside the building, would prevent release of mercury
outside of the building and thus protect surface water and groundwater
from potential impacts.
Air quality and noise. Impacts to air quality at each alternative
site would be negligible. The transportation of elemental mercury from
existing storage sites and generators over a 40-year period would
release relatively small quantities of air pollutants and greenhouse
gases (GHGs). The Mercury Storage SEIS-II also evaluated the social
cost associated with these GHG emissions. An average of 13 truck trips
per year would be required to transport the 7,000 metric tons of
elemental mercury to a storage location(s). Total GHG emissions in
carbon dioxide equivalent for the 40-year analysis period would be
between 592 tons and 4,312 tons dependent on the facility location and
whether or not pre-storage treatment \3\ is undertaken. The GHGs
associated with WCS would be between 1,161 tons and 3,477 tons. Noise
created by mercury storage operations, including transportation, would
be indiscernible from existing noise levels.
\3\ The Mercury Storage SEIS-II evaluates transportation related
impacts if elemental mercury is transported for pre-storage
treatment and then transported to the designated management and
storage facility, as well as impacts if the elemental mercury is
only transported to the designated facility.
Ecological resources. No impacts on terrestrial resources, aquatic
resources, wetlands, and threatened or endangered and other protected
species would be expected for any of the alternative sites because of
the use of existing buildings, which would require minimal-to-no
external modifications. Because no external modifications would be
expected at WCS, there would be no impacts to terrestrial, aquatic, or
threatened or endangered species.
Cultural resources. Except for HWAD, there are no known prehistoric
or historic cultural resources at any of the alternative site
locations, and any potential unknown sites would not be impacted since
elemental mercury storage would occur within existing structures with
no new construction or surface disturbance planned. At HWAD, the Group
110 design storehouses that are proposed for elemental mercury storage
are historic architectural properties that are part of a larger
historic district, as are many of the structures at HWAD. None of the
Group 110 structures would be impacted under the Proposed Action other
than by proposed building modifications. These modifications would be
coordinated with the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO).
If HWAD were considered for designation, DOE would further consult with
the Nevada SHPO on the proposed storage building modifications to
determine the potential impacts on those structures eligible for
listing on the National Register of Historic Places and potential
mitigation measures, as appropriate. The consultation process would
need to be completed prior to construction activities involving the
facilities at HWAD.\4\ Therefore, the key activities related to
cultural resources that would need to be completed prior to any
construction activities at HWAD would include: (1) designation of HWAD
for long-term management and storage of elemental mercury, (2) detailed
design of all modifications to specific HWAD buildings and
infrastructure, and (3) closure of the consultation process with the
Nevada SHPO. Because WCS would use an existing, permitted building and
not require any external modifications, there would be no impacts to
cultural resources.
\4\ The consultation process under Section 106 of the National
Historic Preservation Act can be found at:
Site infrastructure. The frequency of elemental mercury shipments
is projected to be small (average of 13 per year) compared with
baseline truck traffic; therefore, existing road systems would be
adequate for supporting the transfer of elemental mercury. All of the
alternative sites have sufficient utility capacity to support elemental
mercury storage. Because most of the sites are existing, permitted,
operating facilities, the incremental increase in utility requirements
would be small. At HWAD, additional utility services would have to be
extended to the designated storage buildings, as needed, including
electricity, heating, water, and
[[Page 95193]]
communications even though the service capacity on site is sufficient.
Additionally, access roads would have to be upgraded and/or
constructed, as appropriate. The average of approximately 13 shipments
per year of elemental mercury would represent an increase of about 0.5
percent to current shipments to the WCS site and there would be no
appreciable increase in utility use at WCS.
Waste management. The operation of an elemental mercury storage
facility would be expected to generate a quantity of hazardous waste
that is commensurate with the amount of elemental mercury stored at the
facility. The estimate of hazardous waste generation was based on the
analysis in the 2011 Mercury Storage EIS, which assumed some degree of
repackaging of potential leaking containers as well as a larger amount
(10,000 MT) of elemental mercury. This is an extremely conservative
estimate and is bounding for any of the alternative sites because the
elemental mercury containers would not be routinely opened at the
storage facility, leaking containers are expected to be a rare event,
and the projected maximum storage capacity is now 7,000 MT. Assuming a
capacity of 7,000 metric tons of elemental mercury, the Mercury Storage
SEIS-II conservatively estimated that up to 637, 55-gallon drums of
hazardous waste could be generated over the 40-year analytical period
(about 16, 55-gallon drums per year). Approximately 16,000 gallons of
sanitary wastewater would be expected to be generated per year from
elemental mercury management and storage operations. Considering that
WCS likely would not increase staff to support this effort, there would
be no, or limited, increase in sanitary wastewater impacts for the
Proposed Action.
Occupational and public health and safety. The Mercury Storage
SEIS-II presented potential impacts for normal operations, facility
accidents, and transportation. Normal operations would involve the
receipt and long-term management and storage of elemental mercury.
Exposures could arise during normal operating conditions from small
amounts of mercury vapor accumulating in the storage areas. The
estimated consequences to involved workers, noninvolved workers, or
members of the public are anticipated to be negligible. Facility
accidents could include elemental mercury spills inside or outside the
storage building. The SEIS-II concluded that the potential risks
(considering accident probability and potential consequences) to
workers and the offsite public would range between negligible and low
for these spills. The highest potential consequences would be
associated with the beyond-design-basis earthquake that, theoretically,
could cause a total building collapse. In this extremely unlikely
event, members of the public around the Bethlehem Apparatus and Clean
Harbors Greenbrier sites could be within 330 feet of the storage
buildings and could be exposed to potentially lethal concentrations.
However, the probability of a beyond-design-basis earthquake in these
areas is extremely unlikely, as the peak ground acceleration (g) for
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and Greenbrier, Tennessee, is only 0.10 g and
0.14 g, respectively, indicating areas of relatively low seismic
activity. Additionally, these members of the public likely would
evacuate from the area immediately, resulting in a reduction of the
potential severity level to the low range. Residents and other members
of the public at other alternative sites would be farther away from the
facilities and not subject to the higher potential consequences of a
beyond-design-basis earthquake. As mentioned above for geology and
soils, the seismicity of the region around WCS is even lower (0.08 g)
and a beyond-design-basis earthquake that resulted in the collapse of
the Container Storage Building is even more unlikely. Additionally, the
closest public access to the WCS site is about 0.62 miles and accident
risks to members of the public would be negligible-to-low.
For transportation health and safety, the transportation risks
under all alternative sites are a function of the number of miles
driven and the nature of the accident (fire or no fire). The various
potential accident scenarios evaluated in the Mercury Storage SEIS-II
would result in risks that range from negligible to low. Transportation
of 7,000 MT of elemental mercury over 40 years to WCS would require
about 627,000 miles of truck shipments. Compared to other alternatives,
this is near the middle of the range (315,118 to 1,079,301 miles).
Ecological risks. Consequences, and hence risks, would be
negligible to all ecological receptors except if there were a fire that
accompanied an accident. Without fire, the primary risk is inhalation
of mercury vapor, which is an insignificant pathway for exposure to
ecological receptors. Some ecological receptors (e.g., sediment-
dwelling biota, soil invertebrates, American robin, river otter, and
plants) could have low risks under some specific accident scenarios
with a fire. Under a very specific scenario involving a fire,
coincident with rain, sediment-dwelling biota could be subject to
moderate risks. These risks are a function of the total shipment miles
and therefore, the ecological risks from transportation of elemental
mercury to WCS would be mid-range for all alternatives evaluated in the
Mercury Storage SEIS-II.
Socioeconomics. There would be negligible impacts on socioeconomic
conditions, including overall employment population trends, available
housing, and other community services in the regions of influence
associated with all alternative sites, including WCS.
Environmental justice. While there may be individual minority or
low-income families living relatively near some of the alternative site
locations, the sites are (or would be, in the case of HWAD) permitted
by their respective states under RCRA for the storage of hazardous
waste. The Proposed Action would not increase the human health risk
beyond that approved as part of the RCRA permitting process.
Implementing the Proposed Action would result in negligible offsite
human health and ecological risks from mercury emissions during normal
operations and most accidents. Potentially high mercury concentrations
could occur in the event of a beyond-design-basis earthquake for some
sites (Bethlehem Apparatus and Clean Harbors Greenbrier). Considering
the probability of such an event, the potential risks associated with
this extremely unlikely scenario are considered low. Implementing the
Proposed Action at WCS would result in negligible offsite human health
and ecological risks to both individuals and communities from mercury
emissions during normal operations and accidents. Therefore, there
would be no disproportionate and adverse effects on communities with
environmental justice concerns under the Proposed Action at WCS.
Cumulative impacts. Considering the negligible-to-low potential
impacts of the Proposed Action, the potential contribution of the
Proposed Action to the cumulative impacts to the region of each
alternative site was shown to be negligible, including WCS. Cumulative
impacts for the WCS Region of Influence, including potential interim
storage of up to 40,000 MTUs (metric tons of uranium) of commercial
spent nuclear fuel, were determined to be either small or moderate for
the following resource areas: land use, geology and soils, groundwater,
air quality, noise, and visual resources.
[[Page 95194]]
F. Environmentally Preferable Alternative
Under the Proposed Action, the potential impacts of continuing to
operate the existing, permitted, commercial storage facilities would be
similar regardless of the location. Transportation of mercury to any of
the existing facilities would be comparable, resulting in negligible-
to-low human health risks from transportation accidents. Greenhouse gas
emissions from transportation of mercury would be relatively low for
all of the alternatives. However, the emissions are lower for HWAD than
most of the commercial alternatives, if no pre-storage treatment is
assumed. If there were pre-storage treatment, then the emissions for
HWAD are larger than most of the commercial alternatives. For HWAD,
required modifications to the Group 110 design storehouses and the new
or upgraded infrastructure at the site would result in higher potential
impacts than at existing, permitted, commercial storage facilities.
These modifications would also require consultation with the Nevada
SHPO prior to any construction actions because the proposed buildings
are potentially eligible for listing on the National Register of
Historic Places. Therefore, management and storage of elemental mercury
at an existing, permitted, commercial storage facility would be the
environmentally preferable alternative.
Under the No-Action Alternative, DOE would not consolidate, manage,
and store elemental mercury. However, the No-Action Alternative could
include transportation to and from various locations, as described in
Section of the Mercury Storage SEIS-II, and therefore would not
be significantly different than the transportation impacts under the
action alternatives. Under the No-Action Alternative, mercury could be
stored indefinitely at multiple non-DOE locations (some of which are
currently not permitted); therefore, an impact of the No-Action
Alternative, other than DOE being non-compliant with Federal statutes,
would be widely dispersed storage of mercury in uncertain conditions.
Taking this into consideration, the No-Action Alternative would not be
the environmentally preferable alternative.
G. Comments Received on the Final Mercury Storage SEIS-II
During the development of the Final SEIS-II, DOE considered the
alternatives, information, analyses, and objections submitted by
Federal, State, Tribal, and local governments and public commenters.
DOE received comment letters from Coeur and from the Environmental
Protection Agency after publishing the Final Mercury Storage SEIS-II.
DOE considered these comments in preparation of this ROD.
H. NEPA Decision
This NEPA decision is consistent with the preferred alternative,
which is to designate one or more of the existing commercial facilities
evaluated in the Final Mercury Storage SEIS-II. As identified in
Section E, Potential Environmental Impacts, the impacts presented in
the Mercury Storage SEIS-II for the WCS site were the same or lower
than most of the other existing, permitted, commercial storage facility
sites analyzed in the SEIS-II. The environmental impacts are generally
expected to be less than those at the HWAD site, and designation of the
WCS site is expected to allow for the long-term management and storage
of elemental mercury years earlier than if HWAD were utilized. The No
Action Alternative would not fulfill DOE's statutory obligations.
Based on consideration of the analysis in the Mercury Storage SEIS-
II as well as other considerations detailed below in Section J, DOE has
decided to select WCS for designation as the facility for long-term
management and storage of elemental mercury. The additional basis for
the MEBA designation decision is included in Section J, below.
I. Mitigation
The Mercury Storage SEIS-II determined that potential environmental
impacts associated with DOE's long-term management and storage of 7,000
metric tons (7,700 tons) of elemental mercury would generally be
negligible-to-low and that the storage and management of elemental
mercury would be subject to regulatory oversight by permitting
agencies, including compliance with RCRA. Many features of WCS are
designed to meet applicable permitting standards or to otherwise avoid
harm to the environment. The WCS storage facility is located on a
13,500-acre tract of private land with no human residents within 3.4
miles. SEIS-II (Sections, 3.3.11). The facility design includes
concrete sealed floors with a reinforced concrete foundation, and
bermed container storage areas that provide protection from the
external environment and isolation from other storage areas in the
event of a leaking source. SEIS-II (Sections, 2.3.2). WCS also
features numerous safety and accident response systems, including a
fire suppression system, an exhaust-fan-ventilated storage area, a
mercury vapor monitor, and a full emergency response organization that
includes capabilities for radiological, hazardous materials, fire, and
medical incidents. SEIS-II (Sections 2.3.2; Based upon the
limited potential for adverse environmental impacts identified in the
SEIS-II, the robust design and accident response features of WCS, terms
and conditions of the proposed contract (see Section J), and applicable
regulatory and statutory requirements, the selected alternative
incorporates all practicable means to avoid or minimize environmental
J. Designation Decision Under MEBA
As explained in more detail above, the alternatives analyzed in
detail in the SEIS-II included an existing Federal facility (HWAD) and
commercial facilities at various locations (WCS; Bethlehem Apparatus;
Perma-Fix Diversified Scientific Services; Veolia Environmental
Services; and Clean Harbors Environmental Services).
During the NEPA process, DOE also considered and dismissed numerous
other alternatives. The alternative of constructing a new facility was
dismissed from detailed analysis in the SEIS-II because it would add at
least five years to the timeline for DOE's designated MEBA facility to
become operational and ready to receive elemental mercury, when
compared to the designation of an existing, permitted facility. New
construction would also introduce uncertainty in the timeline for
having a fully operational MEBA facility, as schedule delays in the
construction and/or RCRA permitting process or other issues outside
DOE's control might prevent a newly constructed facility from becoming
operational for significantly more than five years. A newly constructed
facility would therefore not meet DOE's need to begin accepting
elemental mercury as soon as practicable. DOE also considered the
possibility of repurposing an existing facility on DOE property.
However, DOE was unable to identify any such facility that met certain
minimum criteria for future use as the designated MEBA facility.\5\
\5\ These criteria included that the facility: must not create a
significant conflict with any existing DOE site mission and not
interfere with future mission compatibility; must be suitable for
mercury storage with the capability and flexibility for operational
expansion, if necessary; must be capable of complying with RCRA
permitting requirements, including siting requirements; must have
supporting infrastructure and a capability or potential capability
for flooring that would support mercury loadings; must be compatible
with local and regional land use plans if used for mercury storage,
and new construction would be feasible, as may be required; must be
accessible to major transportation routes; and must have sufficient
information on hand to adequately characterize the site. SEIS-II
(Section 2.2.4).
[[Page 95195]]
In parallel with the most recent NEPA evaluation, DOE conducted an
independent and competitive procurement process to evaluate a
contractor(s) that could provide DOE both a leasehold interest in, and
the services associated with, a long-term elemental mercury management
and storage facility (LTEMSF) meeting DOE specifications and subject to
DOE's technical direction. As part of that process, a Request for
Information/Sources Sought notice was published on October 14, 2020, a
synopsis was posted September 21, 2021, and the Request for Proposals
(RFP) was issued March 24, 2022. Two timely proposals were received by
the due date of June 1, 2022. One of the proposals was later withdrawn,
but through this procurement process, DOE identified one commercial
facility that responded to the RFP. DOE evaluated its response and
determined that it met the lowest evaluated price and met or exceeded
the acceptability standards for non-cost factors in accordance with 48
CFR 15.101-2. The facility was WCS. The owners of the other facilities
analyzed as commercial alternatives in the SEIS-II did not compete in
the procurement process.
DOE hereby designates as the LTEMSF pursuant to MEBA, WCS in
Andrews County, Texas. In addition to the reasons discussed previously
under Section H, NEPA Decision, the decision to designate WCS as the
LTEMSF is based on the following considerations.
First, of the alternatives evaluated, the designation of WCS allows
for the most expeditious and certain timeline for DOE to have an LTEMSF
operational and ready to accept elemental mercury, consistent with
MEBA's fundamental objective of providing a safe option for storing
domestic elemental mercury at a facility or facilities of the DOE.
Congress initially charged DOE to designate a LTEMSF that would be
operational by January 1, 2013, and later extended that deadline to
January 1, 2019. Public Law 110-414, 122 Stat. 4344 (Oct. 14, 2008);
Public Law 114-182, 130 Stat. 478 (June 22, 2016). Although those
milestone dates have passed, Congress has not extended the date by
which the LTEMSF must be operational. DOE therefore identified a need
to designate an LTEMSF facility and begin accepting elemental mercury
as soon as practicable. WCS is an established, existing, permitted
waste facility capable of expeditiously accepting elemental mercury for
long-term management and storage. In contrast, selecting HWAD, a
facility that requires significant modifications and development
processes, time-consuming real estate transactions, and a waste permit,
or constructing a new facility, would both (1) extend the timeline for
having an operational storage facility, and (2) create additional
uncertainty in that timeline. In a best-case scenario, selecting HWAD
or constructing a new facility would likely result in elemental mercury
continuing to be stored for at least five years longer in widely
dispersed storage locations in uncertain conditions instead of in a
DOE-controlled LTEMSF.
Furthermore, issues outside DOE's control could arise during the
planning, budgeting, construction, and/or permitting processes that
prevent HWAD or a new facility from becoming fully operational for much
longer than five years. For example, due to statutory prohibitions on
the use of Department of Defense (``DoD'') installations for the
storage of toxic or hazardous materials not owned by the DoD, 10 U.S.C.
2692, the relevant portion of HWAD would likely need to be purchased by
or otherwise transferred to DOE before non-DoD elemental mercury could
be stored at the facility. An acquisition or administrative transfer
process would require actions by multiple Federal agencies, including
the Department of the Army and the General Services Administration, and
the timing and decision making of those agencies is outside DOE's
control. The additional time required to build a new facility or modify
an existing facility like HWAD would cause DOE to fall significantly
further behind the statutory deadline for a DOE-designated LTEMSF to be
operational. MEBA imposed financial consequences on DOE for missing the
January 1, 2019, deadline, such that the longer it takes for DOE to
have an operational LTEMSF, the greater the amount of private mercury
storage costs that are borne by DOE, and indirectly, by the United
States.\6\ Selecting WCS as the designated LTEMSF brings DOE into
compliance with MEBA's directives as soon as practicable, avoids
introducing uncertainty in the timeline for when the LTEMSF will become
operational and capable of accepting elemental mercury, and minimizes
DOE's financial responsibility for the ongoing storage of elemental
mercury by generators pending the availability of the LTEMSF.
\6\ Because the LTEMSF was not operational by January 1, 2019,
MEBA compels DOE to subtract the costs to mercury generators of
temporarily accumulating certain elemental mercury after that date
from DOE's future fee assessments to those generators. 42 U.S.C.
6939f(b)(1)(B)(iv). The more time that passes after January 1, 2019,
and before the LTEMSF is operational and accepts custody of
elemental mercury, the greater the amount DOE will need to subtract
from its future fee assessments to mercury generators, resulting in
correspondingly greater costs to the United States.
Second, leasing space for management and storage at WCS provides
DOE managerial flexibility to adjust to evolving circumstances as it
conducts its management and storage obligations pursuant to MEBA. Based
on currently available information, DOE believes there is a realistic
possibility that an approved treatment and disposal method for
elemental mercury in the United States will be available within 10
years. An approved treatment and disposal method would likely decrease
both the length of time the designated MEBA facility would need to
store elemental mercury and the quantity of elemental mercury to be
stored. Given the uncertainty in how long the LTEMSF will be needed,
designating WCS enables DOE to evaluate the impact of any forthcoming
treatment and disposal option or other statutory or regulatory changes
that may affect the expected storage duration or capacity, without
making the larger commitments of capital and administrative resources
necessary to purchase, construct, or significantly modify a federally
owned facility.
Additionally, because there is a realistic possibility that a
treatment and disposal method for domestic elemental mercury will be
available within 10 years, and because it will take at least 5 years
after designation for HWAD or a newly constructed facility to be ready
to receive elemental mercury, investing resources to modify or
construct a facility that may only be used for 5 years is not cost
effective or a prudent investment of resources. DOE has prepared a
relative cost comparison workbook based on a 2007 EPA report that
demonstrates that, in the short-term (e.g., about 10 years), management
and storage of elemental mercury at an existing, permitted, commercial
facility like WCS is likely to be less expensive than any of the
previously evaluated alternatives requiring capital improvements (DOE-
New, DOE-Existing/Retrofit, and Hawthorne/Retrofit). Other factors not
reflected in DOE's cost comparison workbook also weigh in favor of
selecting WCS. The workbook does not include administrative burdens
associated with a federally funded project and DOE's acquisition of
real property, which would likely be required to establish an LTEMSF at
HWAD (see 10 U.S.C. 2692) or for construction of a new facility.
[[Page 95196]]
Selecting WCS avoids these costs to DOE and other Federal agencies. The
cost comparison workbook also does not reflect the fact that MEBA, as
amended, makes DOE indirectly financially responsible for the costs of
storing certain elemental mercury accumulated by mercury generators
after January 1, 2019, by requiring DOE to subtract these costs from
its future MEBA fee assessments to these generators. 42 U.S.C.
6939f(b)(1)(B)(iv). These indirect costs to DOE, in the form of
foregone future fee assessments, increase the longer it takes DOE's
designated LTEMSF to become operational. Selecting an existing,
permitted facility like WCS minimizes these costs.
Third, DOE's selection of WCS as the Secretary's designated LTEMSF
satisfies the requirement of MEBA that ``the Secretary of Energy shall
designate a facility or facilities of the Department of Energy for the
purpose of long-term management and storage of elemental mercury
generated within the United States.'' MEBA section 5(a)(1) (42 U.S.C.
6939f(a)(1)). MEBA does not define the phrase, ``facility or facilities
of the Department of Energy[,]'' but it does state that ``[t]he
Secretary is authorized to establish such terms, conditions, and
procedures as are necessary to carry out this section.'' DOE construes
the phrase ``facility or facilities of the Department of Energy'' to
include a facility leased from a commercial entity or another Federal
agency, over which DOE provides an appropriate level of responsibility
and control. This construction is consistent with MEBA's plain language
and DOE's operational history. Certain comments on the Draft SEIS-II
asserted that ``facility or facilities of the Department of Energy''
could only mean one or more facilities owned by DOE or owned and
operated by DOE. However, MEBA does not expressly require the
designated facility to be owned by DOE or even by the U.S. government.
Similarly, MEBA does not mandate that DOE employees operate the
designated facility and does not prohibit DOE from using qualified
contractors in connection with the facility. The phrase ``facility or
facilities of the Department of Energy'' encompasses facilities leased
by DOE and subject to an appropriate level of DOE responsibility and
control. This structure provides DOE flexibility to select a facility
that best serves the various requirements and purposes of MEBA and the
fiscal and mission responsibilities of DOE, regardless of ownership.
DOE has determined that the lease and contract with WCS, developed
through DOE's competitive procurement process, will provide DOE a
leasehold interest in WCS property and an appropriate level of
responsibility and control over the property such that it will become a
``facility or facilities of the Department of Energy'' within the
meaning of MEBA Section 5(a)(1). By entering into the lease and
contract DOE can ensure that the LTEMSF is managed and operated in
compliance with MEBA and other applicable legal requirements, including
those addressing the protection of human health and the environment.
For example, as set forth in the RFP, among other control measures, DOE
will ensure that the designated facility: (1) complies with all
applicable local, state, and Federal regulations including all
applicable RCRA requirements; (2) employs a fully enclosed, weather-
protected structure that complies with all applicable building, fire,
and life safety codes and standards; (3) meets RCRA and Department of
Transportation-compliant performance measures covering, among other
things, receiving, handling, container storage, and security; (4)
satisfies applicable local, state, and Federal regulatory requirements
for recordkeeping and reporting; and (5) submits operating records,
inventories, and other reports to DOE for periodic review. In addition
to contractually imposed oversight, the arrangement between DOE and WCS
will involve DOE entering into a lease agreement covering the premises
where the operations will occur. The lease will require, among other
things, the premises to be used exclusively for DOE elemental mercury
management and storage, consistent with contract provisions governing
operations at the premises, and will grant DOE access to the
premises.\7\ Awarding the contract to WCS will formally conclude DOE's
independent and competitive procurement process, which was conducted in
compliance with applicable Federal Acquisition Regulations.\8\
\7\ Request for Proposals, Section J.5.
\8\ The selection of WCS is also consistent with the Federal
Government's general policy of using commercial services and
capabilities when they are sufficient to meet the mission needs.
See, e.g. FAR Part 12.
Therefore, DOE has selected WCS for designation as the LTEMSF under
MEBA. As identified in Section E, Potential Environmental Impacts, the
impacts presented in the Mercury Storage SEIS-II for the WCS site were
comparable to the other action alternatives. This MEBA decision is
consistent with the preferred alternative in the Final Mercury Storage
SEIS-II and the NEPA decision in this ROD.
Although this document satisfies DOE's obligation to designate a
facility or facilities of the DOE for the purpose of long-term
management and storage of elemental mercury generated within the United
States, MEBA Section 5(b) (42 U.S.C. 6939f(b)) also requires DOE to
assess and collect a fee at the time that elemental mercury is
delivered to the designated facility. As explained in responses to
comments on the Draft SEIS-II, after publication of this document, DOE
intends to focus on issuing a rule to establish the fee. At this time,
however, DOE remains unable to accept elemental mercury from generators
at a facility of the Department of Energy for long-term management and
storage. DOE acknowledges that the temporary storage provisions of MEBA
Section 5(g)(2) (42 U.S.C. 6939f(g)(2)) remain in effect until DOE is
able to accept elemental mercury shipments at the designated facility
or facilities, which will generally require applying DOE's future fee
rule to assess a fee pursuant to MEBA Section 5(b).
Signing Authority
This document of the Department of Energy was signed on November
21, 2024, by Candice Trummell, Senior Advisor for Environmental
Management, pursuant to delegated authority from the Secretary of
Energy. The document with the original signature and date is maintained
by DOE. For administrative purposes only, and in compliance with
requirements of the Office of the Federal Register, the undersigned DOE
Federal Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to sign and submit
the document in electronic format for publication, as an official
document of the Department of Energy. This administrative process in no
way alters the legal effect of this document upon publication in the
Federal Register.
Signed in Washington, DC, on November 22, 2024.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2024-27859 Filed 11-29-24; 8:45 am]