November 2024 – Federal Register Recent Federal Regulation Documents

Results 151 - 200 of 2,465
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27894
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27893
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27892
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27891
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27890
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27889
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27888
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27887
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27886
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27885
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27935
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27934
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27933
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27932
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27931
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27930
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27929
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27928
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27927
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27926
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
National Institute of Mental Health; Notice of Closed Meeting
Document Number: 2024-27915
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances (22-1.5e)
Document Number: 2024-27914
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
EPA is issuing this supplemental proposal to update the significant new use rules (SNURs) previously proposed under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for seventeen chemical substances that were the subject of premanufacture notices (PMNs) and are also subject to an Order issued by EPA pursuant to TSCA. The SNURs would require persons who intend to manufacture (defined by statute to include import) or process any of these seventeen chemical substances for an activity that is proposed as a significant new use by this rulemaking to notify EPA at least 90 days before commencing that activity. The required notification initiates EPA's evaluation of the conditions of use for that chemical substance. In addition, the manufacture or processing for the significant new use may not commence until EPA has conducted a review of the required notification, made an appropriate determination regarding that notification, and taken such actions as required by that determination.
Significant New Use Rules on Certain Chemical Substances (24-1.F)
Document Number: 2024-27913
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
EPA is proposing significant new use rules (SNURs) under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) for certain chemical substances that were the subject of premanufacture notices (PMNs). The chemical substances received "not likely to present an unreasonable risk" determinations pursuant to TSCA. The SNURs require persons who intend to manufacture (defined by statute to include import) or process any of these chemical substances for an activity that is proposed as a significant new use by this rulemaking to notify EPA at least 90 days before commencing that activity. The required notification initiates EPA's evaluation of that use, under the conditions of use for that chemical substance. In addition, the manufacture or processing for the significant new use may not commence until EPA has conducted a review of the required notification, made an appropriate determination regarding that notification, and taken such actions as required by that determination.
Federal Financial Participation in State Assistance Expenditures; Federal Matching Shares for Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program, and Aid to Needy Aged, Blind, or Disabled Persons for October 1, 2025, Through September 30, 2026
Document Number: 2024-27910
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Secretary
The Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (FMAP), Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentages (eFMAP), and disaster-recovery FMAP adjustments for fiscal year 2026 have been calculated pursuant to the Social Security Act (the Act). These percentages will be effective from October 1, 2025, through September 30, 2026. This notice announces the calculated FMAP rates, in accordance with the Act, that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) will use in determining the amount of Federal matching for state medical assistance (Medicaid), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Contingency Funds, Child Support collections, Child Care Mandatory and Matching Funds of the Child Care and Development Fund, Title IV-E Foster Care Maintenance payments, Adoption Assistance payments and Kinship Guardianship Assistance payments, and the eFMAP rates for the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) expenditures. Table 1 gives figures for each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. This notice reminds states of adjustments available for states meeting requirements for disproportionate employer pension or insurance fund contributions and adjustments for disaster recovery. Based on the criteria for a qualifying state, one state meets the requirements for an adjustment for disaster recovery.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27909
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27908
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27907
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27906
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27905
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Information Collection; National Visitor Use Monitoring
Document Number: 2024-27884
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Department of Agriculture, Forest Service
In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the Forest Service (Forest Service or Agency) is requesting public comment on reapproval and proposed revisions of an approved information collection request (ICR), 0596-0110, National Visitor Use Monitoring.
Human Studies Review Board (HSRB) Meetings for 2025
Document Number: 2024-27883
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Environmental Protection Agency
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Research and Development (ORD), gives notice of its public meetings of the Human Studies Review Board (HSRB) for 2025. The HSRB provides advice, information, and recommendations on issues related to scientific and ethical aspects of third-party human subjects' research that are submitted to the Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) to be used for regulatory purposes.
Certain Pasta From Italy: Final Results of Countervailing Duty Administrative Review; 2022
Document Number: 2024-27882
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration
The U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) determines that certain producers and exporters of certain pasta (pasta) from Italy received countervailable subsidies during the period of review (POR) January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022.
Federal Acquisition Regulation: Inflation Adjustment of Acquisition-Related Thresholds
Document Number: 2024-27851
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Department of Defense, General Services Administration, Agencies and Commissions, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
DoD, GSA, and NASA are proposing to amend the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) to further implement the statute, which requires an adjustment every five years of statutory acquisition- related thresholds for inflation. The adjustment uses the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers and does not apply to the Construction Wage Rate Requirements statute (Davis-Bacon Act), Service Contract Labor Standards statute, performance and payment bonds, and trade agreements thresholds. DoD, GSA, and NASA are also proposing to use the same methodology to adjust nonstatutory FAR acquisition-related thresholds in 2025.
Modification of Class E Airspace; Colusa County Airport, Colusa, CA
Document Number: 2024-27837
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This action proposes to modify the Class E airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface of the earth and remove the Class E airspace extending upward from 1,200 feet above the surface at Colusa County Airport, Colusa, CA. Additionally, this action proposes administrative amendments to update the airport's Class E airspace legal description. These actions would support the safety and management of instrument flight rules (IFR) operations at the airport.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Helicopters (Type Certificate Previously Held by Eurocopter France)
Document Number: 2024-27814
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA proposes to supersede Airworthiness Directive (AD) 2008-10-01 and AD 2010-05-51, which apply to certain Eurocopter France (now Airbus Helicopters) Model EC120B helicopters. AD 2008-10-01 requires replacing certain part-numbered and serial-numbered spherical thrust bearings. AD 2010-05-51 requires repetitively inspecting the main rotor (M/R) head rotor hub (rotor hub) and, depending on the results, taking corrective action. Since the FAA issued those ADs, the manufacturer revised the airworthiness limitations section (ALS) to incorporate various airworthiness limitations, tasks, and associated thresholds and intervals that were previously contained in service bulletins, as well as incorporate a new task. This proposed AD would require revising the ALS of the existing maintenance manual (MM) or instructions for continued airworthiness (ICAs) and the existing approved maintenance or inspection program, as applicable, as specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is proposed for incorporation by reference. The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Airworthiness Directives; Airbus Helicopters
Document Number: 2024-27813
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
The FAA proposes to adopt a new airworthiness directive (AD) for certain Airbus Helicopters Model SA341G and SA342J helicopters. This proposed AD was prompted by a report of a pilot collective pitch stick handle grip that broke when pulled. This proposed AD would require replacing certain pilot collective pitch stick handle grips and prohibit installing those pilot collective pitch stick handle grips. These actions are specified in a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD, which is proposed for incorporation by reference. The FAA is proposing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these products.
Amendment of Class D and Class E Airspace; Goldsboro, NC
Document Number: 2024-27803
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation
This action proposes to amend Class E airspace extending upward from 700 feet above the surface for Goldsboro, NC, by adding airspace for Wayne Memorial Hospital Inc. Heliport, Goldsboro, NC. Additionally, this action would bring the Goldsboro Class D and Class E airspace into compliance with FAA orders and support instrument flight rule (IFR) procedures and operations.
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for Review and Approval; Comment Request; State Digital Equity Capacity Grant Program
Document Number: 2024-27800
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Telecommunications and Information Administration
The Department of Commerce, in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA), invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed and continuing information collections, which help us assess the impact of our information collection requirements and minimize the public's reporting burden. The purpose of this notice is to allow for 60 days of public comment preceding submission of the collection to OMB.
Debt Collection Practices (Regulation F); Deceptive and Unfair Collection of Medical Debt
Document Number: 2024-27791
Type: Rule
Date: 2024-11-29
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is revising the date of applicability of the advisory opinion entitled "Debt Collection Practices (Regulation F); Deceptive and Unfair Collection of Medical Debt" to January 2, 2025.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27904
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Notice of Availability of Final Health Center Program Policy Guidance Regarding Services To Support Transitions in Care for Justice-Involved Individuals Reentering the Community
Document Number: 2024-27903
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
The final Health Center Program Policy Guidance Regarding Services to Support Transitions in Care for Justice-Involved Individuals Reentering the Community Policy Information Notice (JI-R PIN) has been developed to assist health centers who choose to provide certain primary health care services to support the transition of JI-R individuals from the carceral setting back into the community setting.
Proposed Collection; 60-Day Comment Request; Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery (National Institute Allergy and Infectious Diseases)
Document Number: 2024-27902
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health
In compliance with the requirement of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 to provide opportunity for public comment on proposed data collection projects, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) will publish periodic summaries of proposed projects to be submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and approval.
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
Document Number: 2024-27901
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Department of Housing and Urban Development
Pursuant to the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, the Department of the Housing and Urban Development (HUD), per Circular No. A-108, Federal Agency Responsibilities for Review, Reporting, and Publication under the Privacy Act (PA), notice is hereby given by the Office of Administration, the Privacy Office is establishing a new system called "Privacy Act Request Files (PARF)". This system covers all information collected, or stored, by HUD from the public under, and protected by the PA.
Product Change-Priority Mail and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27900
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27899
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27898
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings
Document Number: 2024-27897
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OSHA is extending the period for submitting comments by 15 days until January 14, 2025, to allow stakeholders interested in the NPRM on Heat Injury and Illness Prevention in Outdoor and Indoor Work Settings additional time to review the NPRM and collect information and data necessary for comment. In addition, OSHA is scheduling an informal public hearing on this proposed rule. The public hearing will begin June 16, 2025. The proposed rule was published in the Federal Register on August 30, 2024.
Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone Off Alaska; Gulf of Alaska; Proposed 2025 and 2026 Harvest Specifications for Groundfish
Document Number: 2024-27896
Type: Proposed Rule
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NMFS proposes 2025 and 2026 harvest specifications, apportionments, and Pacific halibut prohibited species catch (PSC) limits for the groundfish fisheries of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA). This action is necessary to establish harvest limits for groundfish during the 2025 and 2026 fishing years and to accomplish the goals and objectives of the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the GOA (FMP). The 2025 harvest specifications supersede those previously set in the final 2024 and 2025 harvest specifications, and the 2026 harvest specifications will be superseded in early 2026 when the final 2026 and 2027 harvest specifications are published. The intended effect of this action is to conserve and manage the groundfish resources in the GOA in accordance with the Magnuson- Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (Magnuson-Stevens Act).
Product Change-Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, and USPS Ground Advantage® Negotiated Service Agreement
Document Number: 2024-27895
Type: Notice
Date: 2024-11-29
Agency: Postal Service, Agencies and Commissions
The Postal Service gives notice of filing a request with the Postal Regulatory Commission to add a domestic shipping services contract to the list of Negotiated Service Agreements in the Mail Classification Schedule's Competitive Products List.
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