Notice of Availability of Final Health Center Program Policy Guidance Regarding Services To Support Transitions in Care for Justice-Involved Individuals Reentering the Community, 94742 [2024-27903]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Notices
attribute this adjustment to a slight
increase in the overall number of
submissions we received over the last
few years.
Dated: November 19, 2024.
P. Ritu Nalubola,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2024–28036 Filed 11–27–24; 8:45 am]
Health Resources and Services
Notice of Availability of Final Health
Center Program Policy Guidance
Regarding Services To Support
Transitions in Care for JusticeInvolved Individuals Reentering the
Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA), Department of
Health and Human Services.
ACTION: Final notice.
The final Health Center
Program Policy Guidance Regarding
Services to Support Transitions in Care
for Justice-Involved Individuals
Reentering the Community Policy
Information Notice (JI–R PIN) has been
developed to assist health centers who
choose to provide certain primary
health care services to support the
transition of JI–R individuals from the
carceral setting back into the
community setting.
DATES: This Final JI–R PIN is effective
on the date of publication of this notice.
questions regarding this notice, use the
HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care
Contact Form:
support/s/ or call Jennifer Joseph,
Director, Office of Policy and Program
Development, Bureau of Primary Health
Care, HRSA, at 301–594–4300.
provides grants to eligible applicants
under section 330 of the Public Health
Service Act, as amended (42 U.S.C.
254b), to support the delivery of
preventive and primary care services to
the nation’s underserved individuals
and families. HRSA also certifies
eligible applicants under the Health
Center Look-Alike Program (see sections
1861(aa)(4)(B) and 1905(l)(2)(B) of the
Social Security Act). Look-alikes do not
receive Health Center Program funding
but must meet the Health Center
Program statutory and regulatory
requirements. Health centers are local
organizations that provide
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VerDate Sep<11>2014
21:22 Nov 27, 2024
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comprehensive, high-quality primary
health care services tailored to their
communities regardless of their
patients’ ability to pay. Nearly 1,400
Health Center Program-funded health
centers and more than 100 Health
Center Program look-alike organizations
operate more than 16,100 service
delivery sites that provide care to more
than 32 million patients in every U.S.
state, the District of Columbia, Puerto
Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the
Pacific Basin. Note that for the purposes
of this document, the term ‘‘health
center’’ refers to entities that receive a
federal award under section 330 of the
Public Health Service Act, as well as
subrecipients and organizations
designated as look-alikes, unless
otherwise stated.
This final JI–R PIN establishes policy
for all health centers that apply for and
receive a federal award under the Health
Center Program, as authorized by
section 330 of the Public Health Service
(PHS) Act (including sections 330(e),
(g), (h), and (i)), as well as section 330
subrecipient organizations and Health
Center Program look-alikes. This final
JI–R PIN is intended to support health
centers in providing certain health
services—delivered under the exclusive
control and authority of the health
center—to support the transition of JI–
R individuals from the carceral setting
back into the community setting. The
services the health center provides are
limited to services that support reentry.
A health center may not take on or
replace the provision of any other health
care services the carceral authority
provides to those who are incarcerated
or detained.
HRSA released a draft of the JI–R PIN
for a 60-day public comment period.
HRSA revised the JI–R PIN in response
to comments and posted a summary of
comments and HRSA’s responses at
Organizations receiving Health Center
Program federal awards, including
subrecipients, and organizations
designated as Health Center Program
look-alikes, continue to be subject to all
requirements stated in Notices of
Funding Opportunity, Notices of
Award, Look-Alike Initial Designation
and Redesignation Instructions, Notices
of Look-Alike Designation, as well as
other applicable laws, regulations, and
policies. Organizations are also subject
to the distinct statutory, regulatory, and
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policy requirements of other federal
programs in which they participate.
Carole Johnson,
[FR Doc. 2024–27903 Filed 11–27–24; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Federal Financial Participation in State
Assistance Expenditures; Federal
Matching Shares for Medicaid, the
Children’s Health Insurance Program,
and Aid to Needy Aged, Blind, or
Disabled Persons for October 1, 2025,
Through September 30, 2026
Office of the Secretary, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
The Federal Medical
Assistance Percentages (FMAP),
Enhanced Federal Medical Assistance
Percentages (eFMAP), and disasterrecovery FMAP adjustments for fiscal
year 2026 have been calculated
pursuant to the Social Security Act (the
Act). These percentages will be effective
from October 1, 2025, through
September 30, 2026. This notice
announces the calculated FMAP rates,
in accordance with the Act, that the U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) will use in determining
the amount of Federal matching for state
medical assistance (Medicaid),
Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF) Contingency Funds,
Child Support collections, Child Care
Mandatory and Matching Funds of the
Child Care and Development Fund,
Title IV–E Foster Care Maintenance
payments, Adoption Assistance
payments and Kinship Guardianship
Assistance payments, and the eFMAP
rates for the Children’s Health Insurance
Program (CHIP) expenditures. Table 1
gives figures for each of the 50 states,
the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,
the Virgin Islands, Guam, American
Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands. This notice
reminds states of adjustments available
for states meeting requirements for
disproportionate employer pension or
insurance fund contributions and
adjustments for disaster recovery. Based
on the criteria for a qualifying state, one
state meets the requirements for an
adjustment for disaster recovery.
DATES: The percentages listed in Table
1 will be effective for each of the four
quarter-year periods beginning October
1, 2025, and ending September 30, 2026.
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 230 (Friday, November 29, 2024)]
[Page 94742]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-27903]
Health Resources and Services Administration
Notice of Availability of Final Health Center Program Policy
Guidance Regarding Services To Support Transitions in Care for Justice-
Involved Individuals Reentering the Community
AGENCY: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department
of Health and Human Services.
ACTION: Final notice.
SUMMARY: The final Health Center Program Policy Guidance Regarding
Services to Support Transitions in Care for Justice-Involved
Individuals Reentering the Community Policy Information Notice (JI-R
PIN) has been developed to assist health centers who choose to provide
certain primary health care services to support the transition of JI-R
individuals from the carceral setting back into the community setting.
DATES: This Final JI-R PIN is effective on the date of publication of
this notice.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions regarding this notice,
use the HRSA Bureau of Primary Health Care Contact Form: or call Jennifer Joseph, Director, Office of
Policy and Program Development, Bureau of Primary Health Care, HRSA, at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: HRSA provides grants to eligible applicants
under section 330 of the Public Health Service Act, as amended (42
U.S.C. 254b), to support the delivery of preventive and primary care
services to the nation's underserved individuals and families. HRSA
also certifies eligible applicants under the Health Center Look-Alike
Program (see sections 1861(aa)(4)(B) and 1905(l)(2)(B) of the Social
Security Act). Look-alikes do not receive Health Center Program funding
but must meet the Health Center Program statutory and regulatory
requirements. Health centers are local organizations that provide
comprehensive, high-quality primary health care services tailored to
their communities regardless of their patients' ability to pay. Nearly
1,400 Health Center Program-funded health centers and more than 100
Health Center Program look-alike organizations operate more than 16,100
service delivery sites that provide care to more than 32 million
patients in every U.S. state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico,
the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Pacific Basin. Note that for the
purposes of this document, the term ``health center'' refers to
entities that receive a federal award under section 330 of the Public
Health Service Act, as well as subrecipients and organizations
designated as look-alikes, unless otherwise stated.
This final JI-R PIN establishes policy for all health centers that
apply for and receive a federal award under the Health Center Program,
as authorized by section 330 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act
(including sections 330(e), (g), (h), and (i)), as well as section 330
subrecipient organizations and Health Center Program look-alikes. This
final JI-R PIN is intended to support health centers in providing
certain health services--delivered under the exclusive control and
authority of the health center--to support the transition of JI-R
individuals from the carceral setting back into the community setting.
The services the health center provides are limited to services that
support reentry. A health center may not take on or replace the
provision of any other health care services the carceral authority
provides to those who are incarcerated or detained.
HRSA released a draft of the JI-R PIN for a 60-day public comment
period. HRSA revised the JI-R PIN in response to comments and posted a
summary of comments and HRSA's responses at
Organizations receiving Health Center Program federal awards,
including subrecipients, and organizations designated as Health Center
Program look-alikes, continue to be subject to all requirements stated
in Notices of Funding Opportunity, Notices of Award, Look-Alike Initial
Designation and Redesignation Instructions, Notices of Look-Alike
Designation, as well as other applicable laws, regulations, and
policies. Organizations are also subject to the distinct statutory,
regulatory, and policy requirements of other federal programs in which
they participate.
Carole Johnson,
[FR Doc. 2024-27903 Filed 11-27-24; 8:45 am]