Guideline on Air Quality Models; Enhancements to the AERMOD Dispersion Modeling System, 95034-95075 [2024-27636]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
include ‘‘2024 Revisions to the
Guideline on Air Quality Models’’ in the
subject line of the message).
40 CFR Part 51
[EPA–HQ–OAR–2022–0872; FRL–10391–02–
RIN 2060–AV92
Table of Contents
Guideline on Air Quality Models;
Enhancements to the AERMOD
Dispersion Modeling System
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
In this action, the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
promulgates revisions to the Guideline
on Air Quality Models (‘‘Guideline’’).
The Guideline has been incorporated
into the EPA’s regulations, satisfying a
requirement under the Clean Air Act
(CAA), for the EPA to specify, with
reasonable particularity, models to be
used in the Prevention of Significant
Deterioration (PSD) program. The
Guideline provides EPA-preferred
models and other recommended
techniques, as well as guidance for their
use in predicting ambient
concentrations of air pollutants. The
EPA is revising the Guideline, including
enhancements to the formulation and
application of the EPA’s near-field
dispersion modeling system, AERMOD,
and updates to the recommendations for
the development of appropriate
background concentration for
cumulative impact analyses.
DATES: This rule is effective January 28,
ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket ID
No. EPA–HQ–OAR–2022–0872. All
documents in the docket are listed on
website. Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly
available, e.g., Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, is not placed on
the internet and will be publicly
available only in hard copy form.
Publicly available docket materials are
available electronically through https://
George M. Bridgers, Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, Air
Quality Assessment Division, Air
Quality Modeling Group, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Mail
code C439–01, Research Triangle Park,
NC 27711; telephone: (919) 541–5563;
email: (and
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The information in this preamble is
organized as follows:
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I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
B. Where can I get a copy of this
C. Judicial Review
D. List of Acronyms
II. Background
A. The Guideline on Air Quality Models
and EPA Modeling Conferences
B. The Twelfth and Thirteenth Conferences
on Air Quality Modeling
C. Alpha and Beta Categorization of NonRegulatory Options
III. Discussion of Final Action on the
Revisions to the Guideline
A. Final Action
IV. Ongoing Model Development
V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive
Order 14094: Modernizing Regulatory
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions
To Address Environmental Justice in
Minority Populations and Low-Income
Populations and Executive Order 14096:
Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment
to Environmental Justice for All
K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
This action applies to Federal, State,
territorial, and local air quality
management programs that conduct or
review air quality modeling as part of
State Implementation Plan (SIP)
submittals and revisions, New Source
Review (NSR), including new or
modifying industrial sources under
Prevention of Significant Deterioration
(PSD), Conformity, and other programs
in which air quality assessments are
required under EPA regulation.
Categories and entities potentially
regulated by this action include:
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NAICS a code
local/Tribal government
a North
B. Where can I get a copy of this
In addition to being available in the
docket, an electronic copy of this final
rule and relative supporting
documentation will also be available on
the EPA’s Support Center for Regulatory
Atmospheric Modeling (SCRAM)
website. Following signature, these
materials will be posted on SCRAM at
the following address: https://
C. Judicial Review
Under section 307(b)(1) of the Clean
Air Act (CAA), this final rule is
‘‘nationally applicable’’ because it
revises the Guideline on Air Quality
Models, 40 CFR part 51, Appendix W.
Therefore, petitions for judicial review
of this final action must be filed in the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit by January 28, 2025.
Filing a petition for reconsideration by
the Administrator of this final action
does not affect the finality of the action
for the purposes of judicial review, nor
does it extend the time within which a
petition for judicial review must be
filed, and shall not postpone the
effectiveness of such action. 42 U.S.C.
7607(b)(1). This rule is also subject to
section 307(d) of the CAA because it
revises a regulation addressing a
requirement under section 165(e)(3)(D)
of the CAA, which is included in part
C of title I of the CAA (relating to
prevention of significant deterioration of
air quality and protection of visibility).
42 U.S.C. 7607(d)(1)(J).
D. List of Acronyms
AEDT Aviation Environmental Design Tool
AERMET Meteorological data preprocessor
AERMINUTE Pre-processor to AERMET to
read 1-minute ASOS data to calculate
hourly average winds for input into
AERMOD American Meteorological Society
(AMS)/EPA Regulatory Model
AERSCREEN Program to run AERMOD in
screening mode
AERSURFACE Land cover data tool in
AQRV Air Quality Related Value
AQS Air Quality System
ARM2 Ambient Ratio Method 2
ASOS Automated Surface Observing
ASTM American Society for Testing and
Bo Bowen ratio
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BID Buoyancy-induced dispersion
BLP Buoyant Line and Point Source model
BOEM Bureau of Ocean Energy
BPIPPRM Building Profile Input Program
CAA Clean Air Act
CAL3QHC Screening version of the
CALINE3 model
CAL3QHCR Refined version of the
CALINE3 model
CALINE3 CAlifornia LINE Source
Dispersion Model
CALMPRO Calms Processor
CALPUFF California Puff model
CAMx Comprehensive Air Quality Model
with Extensions
COARE Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere
Response Experiment
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CMAQ Community Multiscale Air Quality
CO Carbon monoxide
CTDMPLUS Complex Terrain Dispersion
Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable
CTSCREEN Screening version of
CTM Chemical transport model
dq/dz Vertical potential temperature
DT Temperature difference
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FLAG Federal Land Managers’ Air Quality
Related Values Work Group Phase I Report
FLM Federal Land Manager
GEP Good engineering practice
GRSM Generic Reaction Set Method
GUI Graphical user interface
IBL Inhomogeneous boundary layer
ISC Industrial Source Complex model
IWAQM Interagency Workgroup on Air
Quality Modeling
km kilometer
L Monin-Obukhov length
m meter
m/s meter per second
MAKEMET Program that generates a sitespecific matrix of meteorological
conditions for input to AERMOD
MCH Model Clearinghouse
MCHISRS Model Clearinghouse
Information Storage and Retrieval System
MERPs Model Emissions Rates for
METPRO Meteorological Processor for
dispersion models
MM5 Mesoscale Model 5
MMIF Mesoscale Model Interface program
MODELOPT Model option keyword
MPRM Meteorological Processor for
Regulatory Models
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality
NCEI National Centers for Environmental
NH3 Ammonia
NO Nitric oxide
NOX Nitrogen oxides
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide
NSR New Source Review
NWS National Weather Service
OCD Offshore and Coastal Dispersion
OCS Outer Continental Shelf
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OLM Ozone Limiting Method
PCRAMMET Meteorological Processor for
dispersion models
P–G stability Pasquill-Gifford stability
PM2.5 Particles less than or equal to 2.5
micrometers in diameter
PM10 Particles less than or equal to 10
micrometers in diameter
PRIME Plume Rise Model Enhancements
PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration
PVMRM Plume Volume Molar Ratio
r Albedo
RHC Robust Highest Concentration
RLINE Research LINE source model for
near-surface releases
RLINEXT Research LINE source model
SCICHEM Second-order Closure Integrated
Puff Model
SCRAM Support Center for Regulatory
Atmospheric Modeling
SCREEN3 A single source Gaussian plume
model which provides maximum groundlevel concentrations for point, area, flare,
and volume sources
SDM Shoreline Dispersion Model
SIP State Implementation Plan
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
SRDT Solar radiation/delta-T method
TSD Technical support document
u Values for wind speed
u* Surface friction velocity
VOC Volatile organic compound
w* Convective velocity scale
WRF Weather Research and Forecasting
zi Mixing height
Zo Surface roughness length
Zic Convective mixing height
Zim Mechanical mixing height
sv, sw Horizontal and vertical wind speeds
II. Background
A. The Guideline on Air Quality Models
and EPA Modeling Conferences
The Guideline is used by the EPA,
other Federal, State, territorial, and local
air quality agencies, and industry to
prepare and review preconstruction
permit applications for new sources and
modifications, SIP submittals and
revisions, determinations that actions by
Federal agencies are in conformity with
SIPs, and other air quality assessments
required under EPA regulation. The
Guideline serves as a means by which
national consistency is maintained in
air quality analyses for regulatory
activities under CAA regulations,
including 40 CFR 51.112, 51.117,
51.150, 51.160, 51.165, 51.166, 52.21,
93.116, 93.123, and 93.150.
The EPA originally published the
Guideline in April 1978 (EPA–450/2–
78–027), and it was incorporated by
reference in the regulations for the PSD
program in June 1978. The EPA revised
the Guideline in 1986 (51 FR 32176) and
updated it with supplement A in 1987
(53 FR 32081), supplement B in July
1993 (58 FR 38816), and supplement C
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in August 1995 (60 FR 40465). The EPA
published the Guideline as Appendix W
to 40 CFR part 51 when the EPA issued
supplement B. The EPA republished the
Guideline in August 1996 (61 FR 41838)
to adopt the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) system for designating
paragraphs. The publication and
incorporation of the Guideline by
reference into the EPA’s PSD regulations
satisfies the requirement under the CAA
section 165(e)(3)(D) for the EPA to
promulgate regulations that specify with
reasonable particularity models to be
used under specified sets of conditions
for purposes of the PSD program.
To support the process of developing
and revising the Guideline during the
period of 1977 to 1988, we held the
First, Second, and Third Conferences on
Air Quality Modeling as required by
CAA section 320 to help standardize
modeling procedures. These modeling
conferences provided a forum for
comments on the Guideline and
associated revisions, thereby helping us
introduce improved modeling
techniques into the regulatory process.
Between 1988 and 1995, we conducted
the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Conferences
on Air Quality Modeling to solicit
comments from the stakeholder
community to guide our consideration
of further revisions to the Guideline,
update the available modeling tools
based on the current state-of-thescience, and advise the public on new
modeling techniques.
The Seventh Conference was held in
June 2000 and also served as a public
hearing for the proposed revisions to the
recommended air quality models in the
Guideline (65 FR 21506). These changes
included the CALPUFF modeling
system, AERMOD Modeling System,
and ISC–PRIME model. Subsequently,
the EPA revised the Guideline on April
15, 2003 (68 FR 18440), to adopt
CALPUFF as the preferred model for
long-range transport of emissions from
50 to several hundred kilometers and to
make various editorial changes to
update and reorganize information and
remove obsolete models.
We held the Eighth Conference on Air
Quality Modeling in September 2005.
This conference provided details on
changes to the preferred air quality
models, including available methods for
model performance evaluation and the
notice of data availability that the EPA
published in September 2003, related to
the incorporation of the PRIME
downwash algorithm in the AERMOD
dispersion model (in response to
comments received from the Seventh
Conference). Additionally, at the Eighth
Conference, a panel of experts discussed
the use of state-of-the-science prognostic
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meteorological data for informing the
dispersion models. The EPA further
revised the Guideline on November 9,
2005 (70 FR 68218), to adopt AERMOD
as the preferred model for near-field
dispersion of emissions for distances up
to 50 kilometers.
The Ninth Conference on Air Quality
Modeling was held in October 2008 and
emphasized the following topics:
reinstituting the Model Clearinghouse,
review of non-guideline applications of
dispersion models, regulatory status
updates of AERMOD and CALPUFF,
continued discussions on the use of
prognostic meteorological data for
informing dispersion models, and
presentations reviewing the available
model evaluation methods. To further
inform the development of additional
revisions to the Guideline, we held the
Tenth Conference on Air Quality
Modeling in March 2012. The
conference addressed updates on: the
regulatory status and future
development of AERMOD and
CALPUFF, review of the Mesoscale
Model Interface (MMIF) prognostic
meteorological data processing tool for
dispersion models, draft modeling
guidance for compliance
demonstrations of the fine particulate
matter (PM2.5) national ambient air
quality standards (NAAQS), modeling
for compliance demonstration of the 1hour nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulfur
dioxide (SO2) NAAQS, and new and
emerging models/techniques for future
consideration under the Guideline to
address single-source modeling for
ozone and secondary PM2.5, as well as
long-range transport and chemistry.
The Eleventh Conference on Air
Quality Modeling was held in August
2015 and included the public hearing
for a 2015 proposed revision of the
Guideline. The conference included
presentations summarizing the
proposed updates to the AERMOD
Modeling System, replacement of
CALINE3 with AERMOD for modeling
of mobile sources, incorporation of
prognostic meteorological data for use
in dispersion modeling, the proposed
screening approach for long-range
transport for NAAQS and PSD
increments assessments with use of
CALPUFF as a screening technique
rather than an EPA-preferred model, the
proposed 2-tiered screening approach to
address ozone and PM2.5 in PSD
compliance demonstrations, the status
and role of the Model Clearinghouse,
and updates to procedures for singlesource and cumulative modeling
analyses (e.g., modeling domain, source
input data, background data, and
compliance demonstration procedures).
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Additionally, the 2015 proposed
action included a reorganization of the
Guideline to make it easier to use and
to streamline the compliance
assessment process (80 FR 45340), and
also included additional clarity in
distinguishing requirements from
recommendations while noting the
continued flexibilities provided within
the Guideline, including but not limited
to use and approval of alternative
models (82 FR 45344). These proposed
revisions were adopted and reflected in
the most recent version of the Guideline,
promulgated on January 17, 2017 (82 FR
B. The Twelfth and Thirteenth
Conferences on Air Quality Modeling
Following the 2017 revision of the
Guideline, the Twelfth Conference on
Air Quality Modeling was held in
August 2019 in continuing compliance
with CAA section 320. While not
associated with a regulatory action, the
Twelfth Conference was held with the
intent to inform the ongoing
development of the EPA’s preferred air
quality models and potential revisions
to the Guideline. The conference
included expert panel discussions and
invited presentations covering the
following model/technique
enhancements: treatment of low wind
conditions, overwater modeling, mobile
source modeling, building downwash,
prognostic meteorological data, nearfield and long-range model evaluation
criteria, NO2 modeling techniques,
plume rise, deposition, and single
source ozone and PM2.5 modeling
techniques. At the conclusion of the
expert panels and invited presentations,
there were several presentations given
by the public, including industrial trade
groups, on recommended areas for
additional model development and
future revision in the Guideline.
Based on the engagement and
presentations from the Twelfth
Conference and continuing model
formulation research and development
activities in the years since 2019, the
EPA proposed new revisions to the
Guideline on October 12, 2023,
including enhancements to the
formulation and application of the
EPA’s near-field dispersion modeling
system, AERMOD, updates to the
recommendations for the development
of appropriate background
concentration for cumulative impact
analyses, and various typographical
updates to the existing regulation (88 FR
72826). The Thirteenth Conference on
Air Quality Modeling, held on
November 14–15, 2023, provided a
formal venue for EPA presentations to
the public on the October 2023
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proposed revisions to the Guideline and
AERMOD. The Thirteenth Modeling
Conference also served as the public
hearing for the October 2023 proposed
Specific to the AERMOD Modeling
System, the October 2023 Guideline
proposed rule included an update to the
AERMET meteorological preprocessor
for AERMOD that would add the
capability to process measured and
prognostic marine-based meteorology
for offshore applications. Additionally,
the proposed rule had separate
AERMOD updates that would
incorporate a new Tier 3 screening
method for the conversion of nitrogen
oxides (NOX) emissions to NO2 and
would add a new source type for
modeling vehicle roadway emissions.
Finally, the proposed rule suggested
minor revisions to the recommendations
regarding the determination of
appropriate model input data,
specifically background concentration,
for use in NAAQS implementation
modeling demonstrations in section 8.3
of the Guideline. In conjunction with
the October 2023 Guideline proposed
rule, the EPA developed the Draft
Guidance on Developing Background
Concentrations for Use in Modeling
Demonstrations.1 This draft guidance
document detailed the EPArecommended framework with stepwise
considerations to assist permit
applicants in characterizing a credible
and appropriately representative
background concentration for
cumulative impact analyses through
qualitative and semi-quantitative
considerations within a transparent
process using the variety of emissions
and air quality data including the
contributions from nearby sources in
multi-source areas.
All of the presentations, along with
the transcript of the conference and
public hearing proceedings, are
available in the docket for the
Thirteenth Conference on Air Quality
Models (Docket ID No. EPA–HQ–OAR–
2022–0872). Additionally, all the
materials associated with the Thirteenth
Conference and the public hearing are
available on the EPA’s SCRAM website
C. Alpha and Beta Categorization of
Non-Regulatory Options
With the release of AERMOD version
18181 in 2018, the EPA adopted a new
1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023.
Draft Guidance on Developing Background
Concentrations for Use in Modeling
Demonstrations. Publication No. EPA–454/P–23–
001. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
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paradigm for engagement with the
scientific community to facilitate the
continued development of the AERMOD
Modeling System. Previously, updates
to the scientific formulation of the
model were not made available to the
public for review, testing, evaluation,
and comment prior to the proposal stage
of the formal rulemaking process when
an update was made to the Guideline.
This limited the public’s engagement
and feedback to a short, predefined
comment period, typically only one to
two months. The new approach enables
the EPA to release potential formulation
updates as non-regulatory ‘‘alpha’’ and
‘‘beta’’ options as they are being
developed. As non-regulatory options,
they can be made available during any
release cycle, thereby enabling feedback
as they are being developed. This
approach allows for more robust testing
and evaluation during development,
benefitting from the experience of a
broad expert community. A pathway
such as this that facilitates more
frequent and active engagement with the
external modeling community allows
for a more informed and timely
regulatory update process when the EPA
has determined an update has met the
criteria required for consideration as a
science formulation update to the
regulatory version of the model.
In this alpha/beta construct, alpha
options are updates to the scientific
formulation that are thought to have
merit but are considered experimental,
still in the research and development
stage. Alpha options require further
testing, performance evaluation, and/or
vetting through peer review and, thus,
are not intended for regulatory
applications of the model.
Beta options, on the other hand, have
been demonstrated to be suitable and
applicable to the modeling problem at
hand on a theoretical basis, have
undergone scientific peer review, and
are supported with performance
evaluations using available and
adequate databases that demonstrate
improved model performance and no
inappropriate model biases. In general,
beta options have met the necessary
criteria to be formally proposed and
adopted as updates to the regulatory
version of the model but have not yet
been proposed through the required
rulemaking process, which includes a
public hearing and formal comment
period. Beta options are mature enough
in the development process to be
considered for use as an alternative
model, provided an appropriate sitespecific modeling demonstration is
completed to show the alternative
model is appropriate for the site and
conditions where it will be applied and
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the requirements of the Guideline,
section 3.2, are fully satisfied, including
formal concurrence by the EPA’s Model
Clearinghouse. With the release of
AERMOD version 24142, each of the
beta options that existed in version
23132 are being promulgated as
regulatory updates to the formulation of
AERMOD. All previous alpha options in
version 23132 are being retained as
alpha options in version 24142. No
options are being added as beta options
and no alpha options are being updated
to beta status.
III. Discussion of Final Action on the
Revisions to the Guideline
In this action, the EPA is
promulgating revisions to the Guideline
corresponding to updates to the
scientific formulation of the AERMOD
Modeling System and updates to the
recommendations for the development
of appropriate background
concentration for cumulative impact
analyses. When and where appropriate,
the EPA has engaged with our Federal
partners, including the Bureau of Ocean
Energy Management (BOEM) and the
Federal Highway Administration
(FHWA), to collaborate on these updates
to the Guideline. There are additional
editorial changes being made to the
Guideline to correct minor
typographical errors found in the 2017
Guideline and to update website links.
A. Final Action
This section provides a detailed
overview of the substantive changes
being finalized in the Guideline to
improve the science of the models and
approaches used in regulatory
1. Updates to EPA’s AERMOD Modeling
Based on studies presented and
discussed at the Twelfth Conference on
Air Quality Models held on October 2–
3, 2019,2 and additional relevant
research since 2017, the EPA and other
researchers have conducted additional
model evaluations and developed
changes to the model formulation of the
AERMOD Modeling System to improve
model performance in its regulatory
applications. One update is to the
AERMET meteorological preprocessor
for AERMOD. This update provides the
capability to process measured and
prognostic marine-based meteorology
for offshore applications. Separate
updates are related to the AERMOD
dispersion model and include (1) a new
Tier 3 screening method for the
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conversion of nitrogen oxides (NOX)
emissions to NO2 and (2) a new source
type for modeling vehicle roadway
Each of these formulation updates to
the AERMOD Modeling System was
provided as a non-regulatory beta option
in the version 23132 release of the
relevant AERMOD Modeling System
components. With the release of the
AERMOD Modeling System version
24142, the EPA has removed the nonregulatory beta restriction and is
finalizing the following updates to the
AERMOD Modeling System to address
several technical concerns expressed by
a. Incorporation of COARE Algorithms
Into AERMET for Use in Overwater
Marine Boundary Layer Environments
The EPA received a few specific
comments in support of adding the
Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response
Experiment (COARE) into AERMET.
Therefore, the EPA is finalizing the
integration of the COARE 3 4 algorithms
to AERMET for meteorological data
processing in applications using either
observed or prognostic meteorological
data in overwater marine boundary
layer environments.
As discussed in the preamble to the
proposed rule, the algorithms in COARE
are better suited for overwater boundary
layer calculations than the existing
algorithms in AERMET that are better
suited for land-based data. The addition
of the COARE algorithms to AERMET
replaces the need of the standalone
AERCOARE program used for overwater
applications and ensures that the
COARE algorithms are updated
regularly as part of routine AERMET
updates. For prognostic applications
processed through the Mesoscale Model
Interface (MMIF), the addition of
COARE algorithms to AERMET replaces
the need to run MMIF for AERCOARE
input, and the user can run MMIF for
AERMET input for overwater
applications. The COARE option is
selected in AERMET by the user with
record in the AERMET Stage 2 input
We are including the COARE
algorithms into AERMET as a nondefault regulatory option. This
eliminates the previous alternative
3 Fairall, C.W., E.F. Bradley, J.E. Hare, A.A.
Grachev, and J.B. Edson, 2003: ‘‘Bulk
Parameterization of Air-Sea Fluxes: Updates and
Verification for the COARE Algorithm.’’ Journal of
Climate, 16, 571–591.
4 Evaluation of the Implementation of the
Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment
(COARE) algorithms into AERMET for Boundary
Layer Environments. EPA–2023/R–23–008, Office
of Air Quality Planning and Standards, RTP, NC.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
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model demonstration requirements for
use of AERMOD in marine
environments, and its use is contingent
upon consultation with the EPA
Regional Office and appropriate
reviewing authority to ensure that
platform downwash and shoreline
fumigation are adequately considered in
the modeling demonstration. Also note
that since COARE is a non-default
regulatory option, the user no longer
must include the BETA option with the
MODELOPT keyword in the AERMOD
input file to use AERMET data
generated using the COARE algorithms.
b. Addition of a New Tier 3 Detailed
Screening Technique for NO2
As supported by the discussions in
the October 2023 proposed revisions to
the Guideline, and based on the public
comments received, the EPA is
finalizing adoption of the Generic
Reaction Set Method (GRSM) as a
regulatory non-default, detailed Tier 3
NO2 screening option in AERMOD
version 24142.
As discussed in the preamble to the
October 2023 proposed revisions to the
Guideline, the functionality of the
GRSM implementation in AERMOD is
similar to that of the existing PVMRM
and OLM Tier 3 NO2 schemes, with
exception to some additional input
requirements necessary (i.e., hourly
NOX inputs) for treatment of the reverse
NO2 photolysis reaction during daytime
hours. Background NO2 concentrations
are accounted for in the GRSM daytime
equilibrium NO2 concentration
estimates based on the chemical
reaction balance between ozone
entrainment and NO titration,
photolysis of NO2 to NO, and ambient
background NO2 participation in
titration and photolysis reactions.
Similar to PVMRM and OLM, nighttime
GRSM NO2 estimates are based on
ozone entrainment and titration of
available NO in the NOX plume.
The EPA received several comments
in support of the proposed adoption of
GRSM as a Tier 3 NO2 screening option
in AERMOD. Several commenters
requested further clarification and
guidance from the EPA on the
suitability and regulatory modeling
application of GRSM, as well as the
selection of GRSM instead of PVMRM
and OLM for detailed Tier 3 NO2
screening modeling demonstrations.
The EPA plans to draft NO2 modeling
guidance in the future to respond to
these comments.
One commenter notes that the GRSM
supporting documentation is unclear on
what assessment or evaluation was
conducted that supports the assertion
that updates to the GRSM code in
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AERMOD version 23132 address NO2
model overpredictions farther
downwind, thereby improving model
performance. As discussed in the
preamble of the October 2023 proposed
revisions to the Guideline, updates to
the GRSM formulation in AERMOD
version 22112 were developed in late
2022 to address more realistic building
effects on instantaneous plume spread,
accounting of multiple plume effects on
entrainment of ozone, and the tendency
of GRSM to over-predict in the far-field
(e.g., beyond approximately 0.5 to 3 km
for typical point source releases). In
response to this comment, the GRSM
Technical Support Document (TSD) has
been updated with clarifying
information in an appendix.5
c. Addition of RLINE as Mobile Source
The EPA is finalizing RLINE as a new
regulatory source type in AERMOD for
mobile source modeling. The inclusion
of the RLINE source type is in addition
to the AREA, LINE, and VOLUME
source types already available for
mobile source modeling, giving
additional flexibility to users in
characterizing transportation projects
when modeling them with AERMOD.
As stated in the preamble to the
proposed rule, the addition of RLINE as
a regulatory source type is an extension
of the 2017 update to the Guideline in
which AERMOD replaced CALINE3 as
the Addendum A model for mobile
source modeling. The RLINE source
type has undergone significant
evaluation by the EPA and FHWA as
part of the Interagency Agreement
between the EPA and FHWA and, as
noted in the preamble to the proposed
rule, has shown improved performance
since its introduction into AERMOD in
2019.6 7
The EPA received several comments
supporting the inclusion of RLINE as a
regulatory option into AERMOD.
Several commenters also mentioned the
need to update the EPA’s guidance. The
EPA agrees that practitioners will need
guidance for using RLINE, and we plan
to update the relevant guidance.
5 Environmental Protection Agency, 2024.
Technical Support Document (TSD) for Adoption of
the Generic Reaction Set Method (GRSM) as a
Regulatory Non-Default Tier-3 NO2 Screening
Option, Publication No. EPA–454/R–24–005. Office
of Air Quality Planning & Standards, Research
Triangle Park, NC.
6 Incorporation and Evaluation of the RLINE
source type in AERMOD for Mobile Source
Applications. EPA–2023/R–23–011, Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, RTP, NC.
7 Owen, R., et al., 2024. Incorporation of RLINE
into AERMOD: An update and evaluation for
mobile source applications. Journal of the Air &
Waste Management Association, Manuscript
submitted for publication.
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The EPA also received a comment
supporting the retention of the
RLINEXT source type as an ALPHA
option. As described below, the EPA has
retained the RLINEXT as an ALPHA
option for further model development
and evaluation.
Commenters also asked whether the
CAL3QHC model could continue to be
used for carbon monoxide (CO) hot-spot
analyses. The EPA confirms that the
1992 CO Guidance that employs
CAL3QHC for CO screening analyses is
still an available screening approach for
CO hot-spot analyses of transportation
projects.8 In the EPA’s January 17, 2017
final rule, section of the
Guideline was modified, and the 1992
technical guidance (with CAL3QHC)
remains in place as the recommended
approach for CO screening analyses (82
FR 5192).
The RLINE source type includes the
ability to include terrain in AERMOD
modeling as well as the urban source
algorithms in AERMOD. However, as
stated in the preamble to the proposed
rule, the inclusion of RLINE with terrain
use does not change the EPA’s
recommendation in the PM Hot-spot
Guidance 9 to model transportation
projects with FLAT terrain. Since RLINE
is now a regulatory source type, the user
no longer has to include the BETA flag
with the MODELOPT keyword in the
AERMOD input file to use the RLINE
source, including the use of RLINE with
the AERMOD urban option or RLINE
with terrain.
The RLINEXT source type is based on
the same algorithm as the RLINE source
type but includes additional parameters
to allow modeling of other features of
the source, such as solid barriers and
the source below grade. As these are not
yet fully developed, the RLINEXT
source type continues to be an ALPHA
option. Therefore, the ALPHA flag must
be included with MODELOPT keyword
when using an RLINEXT source.
d. Support Information, Documentation,
and Model Code
Model performance evaluation and
peer-reviewed scientific references for
each of these three updates to the
AERMOD Modeling System are cited
and placed in the docket for this action.
An updated user’s guide and model
formulation documents for version
8 U.S. EPA, 1992: Guideline for modeling carbon
monoxide from roadway intersections. EPA–454/R–
92–005. U.S. EPA, Office of Air Quality Planning
& Standards, RTP, NC.
9 U.S. EPA, 2021: PM Hot-spot Guidance;
Transportation Conformity Guidance for
Quantitative Hot-spot Analyses in PM2.5 and PM10
Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas. EPA–42–B–
21–037. U.S. EPA, Office of Transportation and Air
Quality, Ann Arbor, MI.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
24142 have also been placed in the
docket for this action. We have updated
the summary description of the
AERMOD Modeling System to
Addendum A of the Guideline to reflect
these updates. The essential codes,
preprocessors, and test cases have been
updated and posted to the EPA’s
SCRAM website,
2. Updates to Recommendations on the
Development of Background
Based on comments received on the
2023 proposed revisions to the
Guideline, the EPA is finalizing
revisions to section 8 of the Guideline
to refine the recommendations regarding
the determination of appropriate model
input data, specifically background
concentration, for use in NAAQS
implementation modeling
demonstrations (e.g., PSD compliance
demonstrations, SIP demonstrations for
inert pollutants, and SO2 designations).
These revisions include the removal of
the term ‘‘significant concentration
gradient’’ and the associated
recommendations which are replaced
with a more robust framework for
characterizing background
concentrations for cumulative modeling
with particular attention to identifying
and modeling nearby sources in multisource areas.
The EPA has revised the
recommendations for the determination
of background concentrations in
constructing the design concentration,
or total air quality concentration in
multi-source areas (see section 8.3), as
part of a cumulative impact analysis for
NAAQS implementation modeling
demonstrations. The EPA is finalizing
the proposed framework, which
includes a stepwise set of
considerations to replace the narrow
recommendation of modeling nearby
sources that cause a significant
concentration gradient. This framework
focuses the inherent discretion in
defining representative background
concentrations through qualitative and
semi-quantitative considerations within
a transparent process using the variety
of emissions and air quality data
available to the permit applicant. To
construct a background concentration
for model input under the framework,
permit applicants should consider the
representativeness of relevant
emissions, air quality monitoring, and
pre-existing air quality modeling to
appropriately represent background
concentrations for the cumulative
impact analysis.
The EPA received numerous
comments on the proposed revisions to
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section 8 of the Guideline. Multiple
commenters expressed their support of
the revisions to section 8.3 and the
removal of the recommendation of
identifying sources which cause a
significant concentration gradient from
the Guideline. Based on this support,
the EPA is removing the
recommendations which highlight the
use of significant concentration
gradients and finalizing the framework
of stepwise considerations.
Several commenters expressed their
perspective on the contents of the
framework of stepwise considerations
for developing background
concentrations and its future
implementation. Some commenters
expressed their concern that the
framework would limit the flexibility
that has been afforded to permitting
authorities, while other commenters
stated that the framework documents
steps that have been unofficially used
by air agencies and modelers for many
years. Additionally, some commenters
feel that the steps detailed in the
framework do not remove the ambiguity
in the process of developing a
representative background
concentration. The EPA recognizes that
preferred methods for developing
background concentrations vary at both
the State and permit-specific level,
which explains the variety of stances on
the framework of stepwise
considerations. With this action, the
EPA is finalizing the proposed revisions
to section 8 of the Guideline. These
revisions strike an appropriate balance
of the interests raised by comments by
more clearly documenting the general
steps recommended for determining
background concentrations while
leaving discretion for and
recommending the exercise of
professional judgement by the reviewing
authority to ensure that the background
concentration is appropriately
represented in each cumulative impact
analysis. In conjunction with the
finalized revisions to section 8 of the
Guideline, the EPA is also finalizing the
Guidance on Developing Background
Concentrations for Use in Modeling
Demonstrations.10 This guidance
document details the EPArecommended framework with
illustrative examples to assist permit
applicants in characterizing a credible
and appropriately representative
background concentration for
cumulative impact analyses including
10 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2024.
Guidance on Developing Background
Concentrations for Use in Modeling
Demonstrations. Publication No. EPA–454/R–24–
003. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
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the contributions from nearby sources in
multi-source areas. The EPA requested
that the public submit comment through
the docket associated with the October
2023 proposed revisions to the
Guideline and received many comments
requesting clarification or revisions
which should be incorporated in the
finalized version of the guidance. A
majority of the comments were
generally requests for the EPA to
include examples and additional details
in the finalized version of the guidance.
The requests for additional details
ranged from minor sentence revisions to
improve clarity to requests for specific
metrics that may be used in the process
and requests for how to implement the
framework for specific modeling cases.
The EPA agreed with the commenters
requesting examples and has
incorporated hypothetical examples in
the finalized version of the guidance to
help the stakeholder community
implement the framework of stepwise
considerations. Additionally, the EPA
has revised the guidance to address
many of the clarification concerns stated
by commenters.
3. Transition Period for Applicability of
Revisions to the Guideline
As noted in the DATES section above,
this rule is effective December 30, 2024.
For all regulatory applications covered
under the Guideline, the changes to the
Addendum A preferred models and
revisions to the requirements and
recommendations of the Guideline
should be integrated into the regulatory
processes of respective reviewing
authorities and followed by applicants
as quickly as practicable. The EPA
encourages the transition to the revised
2024 version of the Guideline by no
later than November 29, 2025. During
the 1-year period following
promulgation, protocols for modeling
analyses based on the 2017 version of
the Guideline, which are submitted in a
timely manner, may be approved at the
discretion of the appropriate reviewing
The EPA notes that some States have
approved SIP provisions that authorize
the use of revised versions of the
Guideline, whereas other States have
SIP provisions that will require revision
to provide for the use of a revised
Guideline, such as the version
addressed in this notice. States that
have incorporated an older version of
the Guideline into their SIPs in order to
satisfy an infrastructure SIP requirement
under CAA section 110(a)(2) should
update their regulations as necessary to
incorporate this latest version of the
Guideline as soon as practicable into
their SIPs, but must do so no later than
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
February 7, 2027, which is the due date
for 2024 PM2.5 infrastructure SIP
submittals. For States that have chosen
to satisfy the modeling and permitting
requirements of CAA section 110(a)(2)
by adopting specific versions of the
Guideline in their State regulations, the
EPA expects States to update their
regulations to include this most recent
version of the Guideline by the
infrastructure SIP submittal due date.
The EPA will at that time be evaluating
infrastructure SIP submissions for
compliance with applicable
infrastructure SIP requirements under
CAA section 110, including CAA
sections 110(a)(2)(K), (C), (D)(i)(II), and
(J). However, the need for such an
update to a State or local regulation
should not, in most cases, preclude
regulatory application of the changes to
the Guideline adopted in this rule in
regulatory actions.
All applicants are encouraged to
consult with their respective reviewing
authority and EPA Regional office as
soon as possible to assure acceptance of
their modeling protocols and/or
modeling demonstration during this
period of regulatory transition.
4. Revisions by Section
a. Throughout Appendix W to Part
51—Guideline on Air Quality Models,
the EPA is revising the phrase
‘‘Appendix A’’ to ‘‘Addendum A’’ in
accordance with the requirements of the
Government Printing Office (GPO).
b. Section 1.0—Introduction
During publication, in the first
sentence of paragraph (i), the phrase
‘‘Appendix A’’ was separated, thereby
ending the sentence with ‘‘Appendix’’
and inadvertently creating a
subparagraph (A). The EPA is correcting
paragraph (i) so that the first sentence
ends with the phrase ‘‘Addendum A,’’
and including the rest of the text from
the inadvertently created paragraph (A).
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c. Section 3.0—Preferred and
Alternative Air Quality Models
The EPA is updating an outdated
website link in section 3.0(b).
In sections 3.1.1(c) and 3.1.2(a), the
phrase ‘‘Appendix A’’ was separated,
ending the sentences with ‘‘Appendix’’
and inadvertently creating a
subparagraph (A). The EPA is correcting
these sections by combining the
inadvertently created subparagraph (A)
with the sentences that end with
‘‘Appendix,’’ revising the phrase to
‘‘Addendum A,’’ and including the rest
of the text from the inadvertently
created subparagraphs (A).
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d. Section 4.0—Models for Carbon
Monoxide, Lead, Sulfur Dioxide,
Nitrogen Dioxide and Primary
Particulate Matter
The EPA is updating reference
numbers where necessary due to added
In sections 4.1(b) and 4.2.2(a), the
phrase ‘‘Appendix A’’ was separated,
ending the sentences with ‘‘Appendix’’
and inadvertently creating a
subparagraph (A). The EPA is correcting
these sections combining the
inadvertently created subparagraph (A)
with the sentences that end with
‘‘Appendix,’’ revising the phrase to
‘‘Addendum A,’’ and including the rest
of the text from the inadvertently
created subparagraphs (A).
In section, the EPA is adding
a new paragraph (f) regarding the use of
AERMOD in certain overwater
situations. A typographical correction is
made in section
The EPA is amending section
to account for circumstances where
OCD is available to evaluate situations
where shoreline fumigation and/or
platform downwash are important.
In section, the EPA is revising
paragraph (e) to adopt the Generic
Reaction Set Method (GRSM) as a
regulatory Tier 3 detailed screening
technique for NO2 modeling
demonstrations. Sentences in this
section are being updated to incorporate
GRSM with the existing regulatory Tier
3 screening techniques OLM and
PVMRM. An additional statement is
made indicating GRSM model
performance may be better than OLM
and PVMRM under certain source
characterization situations. The EPA
also is adding two references to the
section including one for the peerreviewed paper on development and
evaluation of GRSM, and a second
reference to the EPA Technical Support
Document (TSD) on GRSM.
The EPA is revising Table 4–1 in
section to include GRSM as a
Tier 3 detailed screening option.
e. Section 5.0—Models for Ozone and
Secondarily Formed Particulate Matter
The EPA is updating reference
numbers where necessary due to added
In section 5.2, the EPA is revising
paragraph (c) to include a reference for
guidance on the use of models to assess
the impacts of emissions from single
sources on secondarily formed ozone
and PM2.5.
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f. Section 6.0—Modeling for Air Quality
Related Values and Other Governmental
The EPA is updating reference
numbers where necessary due to added
references and is updating an outdated
website link in section 6.3(a).
g. Section 7.0—General Modeling
The EPA is updating reference
numbers where necessary due to added
In section 7.2.3, the EPA is revising
paragraph (b) to include the addition of
RLINE as a source type for use in
regulatory applications of AERMOD and
remove references to specific distances
that receptors can be placed from the
Also in section 7.2.3, the EPA is
revising paragraph (c) to include RLINE
as a source type that can be used to
model mobile sources and clarify that
an area source can be categorized in
AERMOD using the AREA, LINE, or
RLINE source type.
h. Section 8.0—Model Input Data
The EPA is updating reference
numbers where necessary due to added
The EPA is revising Table 8–1 and
Table 8–2 to correct typographical errors
and update the footnotes in each of the
The EPA is revising section 8.3.1 to
address current EPA practices and
recommendations for determining the
appropriate background concentration
as model input data for a new or
modifying source(s) or sources under
consideration for a revised permit limit.
This revision provides a stepwise
framework for modeling isolated single
sources and multi-source areas as part of
a cumulative impact analysis. The EPA
also is removing the term ‘‘significant
concentration gradient’’ and its related
content in section 8.3.1(a)(i) due to the
ambiguity and lack of definition of this
term in the context of modeling multisource areas.
The EPA is removing paragraph (d) in
section 8.3.2 and renumber paragraphs
(e) and (f) to (d) and (e), respectively.
The content of paragraph (d) is being
included in the revisions of paragraph
(a) in section 8.3.2.
In section 8.3.3, the EPA is revising
the content in section 8.3.3(b) on the
recommendations for determining
nearby sources to explicitly model as
part of a cumulative impact analysis.
The EPA is removing the content related
to the term ‘‘significant concentration
gradient’’ in section 8.3.3(b)(i), section
8.3.3(b)(ii), and section 8.3.3(b)(iii) due
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
to the lack of definition of this term in
the context of modeling multi-source
areas. The EPA is also removing an
undefined acronym inadvertently
included in the October 2023 Guideline
proposal in section 8.3.3(b)(ii). Finally,
the EPA is revising the example given
in section 8.3.3(d) to be consistent with
the discussion of other sources in
section 8.3.1(a)(ii) and the revisions to
Tables 8–1 and 8–2.
In section 8.4.1, the EPA is including
buoy data as an example of site-specific
data as a result of the inclusion of the
Coupled-Ocean Atmosphere Response
Experiment (COARE) algorithms to
AERMET for marine boundary layer
processing. The EPA is also revising the
heading for section 8.4.1(d) to correct a
capitalization typographical error.
The EPA is revising paragraph (a) of
section 8.4.2 to note that MMIF should
be used to process prognostic
meteorological data for both land-based
and overwater applications, and is
revising paragraph (b) to clarify that
AERSURFACE should be used to
calculate surface characteristics for
land-based data and AERMET calculates
surface characteristics for overwater
applications. Also, the EPA is revising
paragraph (e) of this section to clarify
that at least 1 year of site-specific data
applies to both land-based and
overwater-based data.
The EPA is revising paragraph (a) of
section to remove references to
specific Web links and to state that
users should refer to the latest guidance
documents for Web links.
The EPA is adding a new section 8.4.6
to discuss the implementation of
COARE for marine boundary layer
processing and to renumber the existing
section 8.4.6 (in the 2017 Guideline) to
a new section 8.4.7. References to
specific wind speed thresholds are
being replaced with guidance to consult
the appropriate guidance documents for
the latest thresholds.
i. Section 9.0—Regulatory Application
of Models
The EPA is updating reference
numbers where necessary due to added
In section 9.2.3, the EPA is revising
the example given in section 9.2.3(a)(ii)
to be consistent with the discussion of
other sources in section 8.3.1(a)(ii) and
the revisions to Tables 8–1 and 8–2.
j. Section 10.0—References
The EPA is updating references in
section 10.0 to remove outdated website
links and reflect current versions of
guidance documents, user’s guides, and
other supporting documentation where
applicable. The EPA also is adding
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references to support updates to the
AERMOD Modeling System described
in this update to the Guideline.
5. Revisions to Addendum A to
Appendix W to Part 51
a. Section A.0
The EPA is revising section A.0 to
remove references that indicate there are
‘‘many’’ preferred models while the
number is currently only three.
b. Section A.1
The EPA is revising the References
section to include additional references
that support our updates to the
AERMOD Modeling System consistent
with our October 2023 proposed
revisions to the Guideline and
In the Abstract section, the EPA is
adding line type sources as one of the
source types AERMOD can simulate.
The EPA is revising section A.1(a) to
include overwater applications for
regulatory modeling where shoreline
fumigation and/or platform downwash
are not important to facilitate the use of
AERMOD with COARE processing. This
revision removes the need to request an
alternative model demonstration for
such applications. The EPA also is
clarifying elevation data that can be
used in AERMOD, specifically the
change in the name of the U.S.
Geological Survey (USGS) National
Elevation Dataset (NED) to 3D Elevation
Program (3DEP). For consistency,
references to NED are being updated to
3DEP throughout section A.1.
The EPA is revising section A.1(b) to
include prognostic data as
meteorological input to the AERMOD
Modeling System, as applicable.
The EPA is revising section A.1(l) to
include the Generic Reaction Set
Method in the discussion on chemical
transformation in AERMOD. We also are
clarifying the status of the different
deposition options in A.1(l).
The EPA is revising section A.1(n) to
include references to additional
evaluation studies to support our
updates to the AERMOD Modeling
The EPA is updating a reference
added in the October 2023 Guideline
proposal in section A.1 from a
manuscript to an existing EPA
Technical Support Document.
c. Section A.3
In section A.3, the EPA is removing
the reference to the Bureau of Ocean
Energy Management’s (BOEM) outdated
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IV. Ongoing Model Development
With the release of AERMOD version
24142, no additional beta options
remain within AERMOD. The alpha
options in version 23132 have all been
retained in version 24142. The EPA is
committed to the continued
maintenance and development of
AERMOD to expand the model’s
capabilities and improve performance
where needed. Ongoing model
development priorities for model
improvement, many of which are
represented in the version 24142 as
alpha options, are described below.
• Modifications to PRIME Building
Beginning with AERMOD version
19191, two distinct sets of alpha options
were added that modify the formulation
of the building downwash algorithm,
PRIME. The two sets of options, ORD_
developed independently by the EPA’s
Office of Development and Research
(ORD) and the Air & Waste Management
Association (A&WMA), respectively.
With a couple of exceptions, the options
within each set can be employed
individually or combined with other
options from each set. In addition to
these alpha options that modify the
formulation of PRIME, are the building
input parameters required by the
algorithm. In conjunction with the
assessment and evaluation of these
alpha options, the EPA is focused on
improvement of the building
preprocessor, BPIPPRM, and the
parameterization of the buildings that is
input to AERMOD.
• Offshore Modeling
To enhance AERMOD’s offshore
modeling capabilities with the goal of
replacing the Offshore Coastal
Dispersion (OCD) dispersion model as
the EPA’s preferred model for offshore
dispersion modeling applications, a
platform downwash alpha option
(PLATFORM), adapted from OCD, was
incorporated into AERMOD version
22112. This model enhancement
specifically treats building downwash
effects from raised offshore drilling
platforms. The PLATFORM option
continues to undergo refinements and
evaluation. In addition to the
PLATFORM alpha option, the EPA is
implementing a shoreline fumigation
algorithm into AERMOD, also needed
for the eventual goal of replacing the
OCD model.
• Extended RLINE Source Type
Including Barriers and Depressed
The extended RLINE source type
(RLINEXT) source type was
implemented in AERMOD version
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
18181 as an alpha option that allows for
a more refined characterization of an
individual road segment. It accepts
separate inputs for the elevations of
each end of the road segment with
added capability to model road
segments that include roadway barriers
(RBARRIER) and/or are characterized as
depressed roadways (RDEPRESS).
alpha options and can only be used in
conjunction with the RLINEXT source
type. The development of the RLINEXT
source type and accompanying options
to account for barriers and depressed
roadways is ongoing.
• Highly Buoyant Plume
A Highly Buoyant Plume (HBP)
option was implemented as an alpha
option beginning with AERMOD version
23132 to explore and refine AERMOD’s
treatment of the penetrated plume. A
penetrated plume occurs when a plume
is released into the mixed layer, and a
portion of the plume eventually
penetrates the top of the mixed layer
during convective hours as it continues
to rise due to either buoyancy or
momentum. The BLP alpha option is
only applicable to POINT source types.
• Aircraft Plume Rise
Beginning with AERMOD version
23132, the ARCFTOPT alpha option was
added with the goal to extend the
capabilities of AERMOD to
appropriately model emissions from
aircraft on the ground and during
takeoffs and landings. The ARCFTOPT
option extends the AREA and VOLUME
source type inputs to account for the
buoyancy and horizontal momentum of
aircraft emissions.
• Low Wind Default Overrides
A LOW_WIND option was first
implemented as a collection of nonregulatory beta test options in AERMOD
version 12345 (LOWWIND1 and
LOWWIND2) and expanded in version
15481(LOWWIND3), before the alpha/
beta framework was implemented. Each
of these options altered the default
model values for minimum sigma-v,
minimum wind speed, and the
minimum meander factor with different
combinations of hardcoded values.
Though the original LOW_WIND beta
test options are no longer implemented
in AERMOD, the LOW_WIND option
was recategorized as an alpha option in
AERMOD version 18181 to include a
number of user defined default
overrides for wind data parameters. The
LOW_WIND option in version 24142
enables the user to override AERMOD
default values with user-defined values
for one or more of the following
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Æ Minimum standard deviation of the
lateral velocity to the average wind
Æ Minimum mean wind speed;
Æ Minimum and maximum meander
Æ Minimum standard deviation of the
vertical wind speed; and
Æ Time scale for random dispersion.
V. Statutory and Executive Order
Additional information about these
statutes and Executive Orders can be
found at
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory
Planning and Review and Executive
Order 14094: Modernizing Regulatory
This action is not a significant
regulatory action as defined in
Executive Order 12866, as amended by
Executive Order 14094, and was,
therefore, not subject to a requirement
for Executive Order 12866 review.
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
This action does not impose an
information collection burden under the
PRA. This action does not contain any
information collection activities, nor
does it add any information collection
requirements beyond those imposed by
existing New Source Review
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
I certify that this action will not have
a significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
under the RFA. This action will not
impose any requirements on small
entities. This action finalizes revisions
to the Guideline, including
enhancements to the formulation and
application of the EPA’s near-field
dispersion modeling system, AERMOD,
and updates to the recommendations for
the development of appropriate
background concentration for
cumulative impact analyses. Use of the
models and/or techniques described in
this action is not expected to pose any
additional burden on small entities.
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
This action does not contain an
unfunded mandate as described in
UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531–1538. This action
imposes no enforceable duty on any
State, local or Tribal governments or the
private sector.
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E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
This action does not have federalism
implications. It will not have substantial
direct effects on the States, on the
relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation
and Coordination With Indian Tribal
This action does not have Tribal
implications, as specified in Executive
Order 13175. This action provides final
revisions to the Guideline which is used
by the EPA, other Federal, State,
territorial, local, and Tribal air quality
agencies, and industry to prepare and
review preconstruction permit
applications, SIP submittals and
revisions, determinations of conformity,
and other air quality assessments
required under EPA regulation. Separate
from this action, the Tribal Air Rule
implements the provisions of section
301(d) of the CAA authorizing eligible
Tribes to implement their own Tribal air
program. Thus, Executive Order 13175
does not apply to this action.
The EPA specifically solicited
comments on the October 2023
proposed revisions to the Guideline
from Tribal officials and did not
formally receive any Tribal comments
during the public comment period for
the rule. Subsequently, the EPA
provided information regarding this
final action to the Tribes during a
monthly National Tribal Air Association
(NTAA) call earlier in 2024 and will
continue to provide any new or
subsequent updates to EPA modeling
guidance and other regulatory
compliance demonstration related
topics upon request of the NTAA.
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of
Children From Environmental Health
Risks and Safety Risks
The EPA interprets Executive Order
13045 as applying only to those
regulatory actions that concern
environmental health or safety risks that
the EPA has reason to believe may
disproportionately affect children, per
the definition of ‘‘covered regulatory
action’’ in section 2–202 of the
Executive Order. This action does not
address an environmental health risk or
safety risk that may disproportionately
affect children. Therefore, this action is
not subject to Executive Order 13045.
The EPA’s Policy on Children’s Health
also does not apply.
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H. Executive Order 13211: Actions
Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply,
Distribution, or Use
This action is not subject to Executive
Order 13211, because it is not a
significant regulatory action under
Executive Order 12866.
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I. National Technology Transfer and
Advancement Act
This rulemaking does not involve
technical standards.
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal
Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations and Executive
Order 14096: Revitalizing Our Nation’s
Commitment to Environmental Justice
for All
The EPA believes that this type of
action cannot be evaluated with respect
to potentially disproportionate and
adverse effects on communities with
environmental justice concerns because
this final action does not regulate air
pollutant emissions or establish an
environmental health or safety standard.
This action finalizes revisions to the
Guideline, including enhancements to
the formulations and application of
EPA’s near-field dispersion modeling
system, AERMOD, that would assist and
expand assessment of environmental
considerations in required compliance
demonstrations across various CAA
The EPA identifies and addresses
environmental justice concerns through
continuing efforts to improve the
scientific formulations of the EPA’s air
quality models, increase model overall
performance, and reduce uncertainties
of model projections for regulatory
applications, which ultimately provides
for protection of the environment and
human health. While the EPA does not
expect this action to directly impact air
quality, the revisions are important
because the Guideline is used by the
EPA, other Federal, State, territorial,
local, and Tribal air quality agencies,
and industry to prepare and review
preconstruction permit applications, SIP
submittals and revisions,
determinations of conformity, and other
air quality assessments required under
EPA regulation and serves as a
benchmark of consistency across the
nation. This consistency has value to all
communities including communities
with environmental justice concerns.
K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
This action is subject to the
Congressional Review Act (CRA), and
the EPA will submit a rule report to
each House of the Congress and to the
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Comptroller General of the United
States. This action is not a ‘‘major rule’’
as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 51
Environmental protection,
Administrative practice and procedure,
Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide,
Criteria pollutants, Intergovernmental
relations, Lead, Mobile sources,
Nitrogen oxides, Ozone, Particulate
Matter, Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Stationary sources, Sulfur
Michael S. Regan,
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, the Environmental Protection
Agency is amending title 40, chapter I
of the Code of Federal Regulations as
1. The authority citation for part 51
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 23 U.S.C. 101; 42 U.S.C. 7401–
2. Appendix W to part 51 is revised
to read as follows:
a. Industry and control agencies have long
expressed a need for consistency in the
application of air quality models for
regulatory purposes. In the 1977 Clean Air
Act (CAA), Congress mandated such
consistency and encouraged the
standardization of model applications. The
Guideline on Air Quality Models (hereafter,
Guideline) was first published in April 1978
to satisfy these requirements by specifying
models and providing guidance for their use.
The Guideline provides a common basis for
estimating the air quality concentrations of
criteria pollutants used in assessing control
strategies and developing emissions limits.
b. The continuing development of new air
quality models in response to regulatory
requirements and the expanded requirements
for models to cover even more complex
problems have emphasized the need for
periodic review and update of guidance on
these techniques. Historically, three primary
activities have provided direct input to
revisions of the Guideline. The first is a series
of periodic EPA workshops and modeling
conferences conducted for the purpose of
ensuring consistency and providing
clarification in the application of models.
The second activity was the solicitation and
review of new models from the technical and
user community. In the March 27, 1980
Federal Register, a procedure was outlined
for the submittal of privately developed
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models to the EPA. After extensive
evaluation and scientific review, these
models, as well as those made available by
the EPA, have been considered for
recognition in the Guideline. The third
activity is the extensive on-going research
efforts by the EPA and others in air quality
and meteorological modeling.
c. Based primarily on these three activities,
new sections and topics have been included
as needed. The EPA does not make changes
to the Guideline on a predetermined
schedule, but rather on an as-needed basis.
The EPA believes that revisions of the
Guideline should be timely and responsive to
user needs and should involve public
participation to the greatest possible extent.
All future changes to the Guideline will be
proposed and finalized in the Federal
Register. Information on the current status of
modeling guidance can always be obtained
from the EPA’s Regional offices.
Table of Contents
List of Tables
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Overview of Model Use
2.1 Suitability of Models
2.1.1 Model Accuracy and Uncertainty
2.2 Levels of Sophistication of Air Quality
Analyses and Models
2.3 Availability of Models
3.0 Preferred and Alternative Air Quality
3.1 Preferred Models
3.1.1 Discussion
3.1.2 Requirements
3.2 Alternative Models
3.2.1 Discussion
3.2.2 Requirements
3.3 EPA’s Model Clearinghouse
4.0 Models for Carbon Monoxide, Lead,
Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and
Primary Particulate Matter
4.1 Discussion
4.2 Requirements
4.2.1 Screening Models and Techniques AERSCREEN CTSCREEN Screening in Complex Terrain
4.2.2 Refined Models AERMOD CTDMPLUS OCD
4.2.3 Pollutant Specific Modeling
Requirements Models for Carbon Monoxide Models for Lead Models for Sulfur Dioxide Models for Nitrogen Dioxide Models for PM2.5 Models for PM10
5.0 Models for Ozone and Secondarily
Formed Particulate Matter
5.1 Discussion
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Recommended Models and Approaches
for Ozone
5.3.1 Models for NAAQS Attainment
Demonstrations and Multi-Source Air
Quality Assessments
5.3.2 Models for Single-Source Air
Quality Assessments
5.4 Recommended Models and
Approaches for Secondarily Formed
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5.4.1 Models for NAAQS Attainment
Demonstrations and Multi-Source Air
Quality Assessments
5.4.2 Models for Single-Source Air
Quality Assessments
6.0 Modeling for Air Quality Related Values
and Other Governmental Programs
6.1 Discussion
6.2 Air Quality Related Values
6.2.1 Visibility Models for Estimating Near-Field
Visibility Impairment Models for Estimating Visibility
Impairment for Long-Range Transport
6.2.2 Models for Estimating Deposition
6.3 Modeling Guidance for Other
Governmental Programs
7.0 General Modeling Considerations
7.1 Discussion
7.2 Recommendations
7.2.1 All sources Dispersion Coefficients Complex Winds Gravitational Settling and
7.2.2 Stationary Sources Good Engineering Practice Stack
Height Plume Rise
7.2.3 Mobile Sources
8.0 Model Input Data
8.1 Modeling Domain
8.1.1 Discussion
8.1.2 Requirements
8.2 Source Data
8.2.1 Discussion
8.2.2 Requirements
8.3 Background Concentrations
8.3.1 Discussion
8.3.2 Recommendations for Isolated
Single Sources
8.3.3 Recommendations for Multi-Source
8.4 Meteorological Input Data
8.4.1 Discussion
8.4.2 Recommendations and
8.4.3 National Weather Service Data Discussion Recommendations
8.4.4 Site-Specific Data Discussion Recommendations
8.4.5 Prognostic Meteorological Data Discussion Recommendations
8.4.6 Marine Boundary Layer
Environments Discussion Recommendations
8.4.7 Treatment of Near-Calms and Calms Discussion Recommendations
9.0 Regulatory Application of Models
9.1 Discussion
9.2 Recommendations
9.2.1 Modeling Protocol
9.2.2 Design Concentration and Receptor
9.2.3 NAAQS and PSD Increments
Compliance Demonstrations for New or
Modified Sources Considerations in Developing
Emissions Limits
9.2.4 Use of Measured Data in Lieu of
Model Estimates
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Addendum A to Appendix W of Part 51—
Summaries of Preferred Air Quality Models
List of Tables
Table No.
8–1 .................
8–2 .................
Point Source Model Emission Inputs for SIP Revisions of Inert Pollutants.
Point Source Model Emission Inputs for NAAQS
Compliance in PSD Demonstrations.
1.0 Introduction
a. The Guideline provides air quality
modeling techniques that should be applied
to State Implementation Plan (SIP) submittals
and revisions, to New Source Review (NSR),
including new or modifying sources under
Prevention of Significant Deterioration
(PSD),1 2 3 conformity analyses,4 and other air
quality assessments required under EPA
regulation. Applicable only to criteria air
pollutants, the Guideline is intended for use
by the EPA Regional offices in judging the
adequacy of modeling analyses performed by
the EPA, by State, local, and Tribal
permitting authorities, and by industry. It is
appropriate for use by other Federal
government agencies and by State, local, and
Tribal agencies with air quality and land
management responsibilities. The Guideline
serves to identify, for all interested parties,
those modeling techniques and databases
that the EPA considers acceptable. The
Guideline is not intended to be a
compendium of modeling techniques. Rather,
it should serve as a common measure of
acceptable technical analysis when
supported by sound scientific judgment.
b. Air quality measurements 5 are routinely
used to characterize ambient concentrations
of criteria pollutants throughout the nation
but are rarely sufficient for characterizing the
ambient impacts of individual sources or
demonstrating adequacy of emissions limits
for an existing source due to limitations in
spatial and temporal coverage of ambient
monitoring networks. The impacts of new
sources that do not yet exist, and
modifications to existing sources that have
yet to be implemented, can only be
determined through modeling. Thus, models
have become a primary analytical tool in
most air quality assessments. Air quality
measurements can be used in a
complementary manner to air quality models,
with due regard for the strengths and
weaknesses of both analysis techniques, and
are particularly useful in assessing the
accuracy of model estimates.
c. It would be advantageous to categorize
the various regulatory programs and to apply
a designated model to each proposed source
needing analysis under a given program.
However, the diversity of the nation’s
topography and climate, and variations in
source configurations and operating
characteristics dictate against a strict
modeling ‘‘cookbook.’’ There is no one model
capable of properly addressing all
conceivable situations even within a broad
category such as point sources.
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Meteorological phenomena associated with
threats to air quality standards are rarely
amenable to a single mathematical treatment;
thus, case-by-case analysis and judgment are
frequently required. As modeling efforts
become more complex, it is increasingly
important that they be directed by highly
competent individuals with a broad range of
experience and knowledge in air quality
meteorology. Further, they should be
coordinated closely with specialists in
emissions characteristics, air monitoring and
data processing. The judgment of
experienced meteorologists, atmospheric
scientists, and analysts is essential.
d. The model that most accurately
estimates concentrations in the area of
interest is always sought. However, it is clear
from the needs expressed by the EPA
Regional offices, by State, local, and Tribal
agencies, by many industries and trade
associations, and also by the deliberations of
Congress, that consistency in the selection
and application of models and databases
should also be sought, even in case-by-case
analyses. Consistency ensures that air quality
control agencies and the general public have
a common basis for estimating pollutant
concentrations, assessing control strategies,
and specifying emissions limits. Such
consistency is not, however, promoted at the
expense of model and database accuracy. The
Guideline provides a consistent basis for
selection of the most accurate models and
databases for use in air quality assessments.
e. Recommendations are made in the
Guideline concerning air quality models and
techniques, model evaluation procedures,
and model input databases and related
requirements. The guidance provided here
should be followed in air quality analyses
relative to SIPs, NSR, and in supporting
analyses required by the EPA and by State,
local, and Tribal permitting authorities.
Specific models are identified for particular
applications. The EPA may approve the use
of an alternative model or technique that can
be demonstrated to be more appropriate than
those recommended in the Guideline. In all
cases, the model or technique applied to a
given situation should be the one that
provides the most accurate representation of
atmospheric transport, dispersion, and
chemical transformations in the area of
interest. However, to ensure consistency,
deviations from the Guideline should be
carefully documented as part of the public
record and fully supported by the
appropriate reviewing authority, as discussed
f. From time to time, situations arise
requiring clarification of the intent of the
guidance on a specific topic. Periodic
workshops are held with EPA headquarters,
EPA Regional offices, and State, local, and
Tribal agency modeling representatives to
ensure consistency in modeling guidance and
to promote the use of more accurate air
quality models, techniques, and databases.
The workshops serve to provide further
explanations of Guideline requirements to
the EPA Regional offices and workshop
materials are issued with this clarifying
information. In addition, findings from
ongoing research programs, new model
development, or results from model
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evaluations and applications are
continuously evaluated. Based on this
information, changes in the applicable
guidance may be indicated and appropriate
revisions to the Guideline may be considered.
g. All changes to the Guideline must follow
rulemaking requirements since the Guideline
is codified in Appendix W to 40 Code of
Federal Regulations (CFR) part 51. The EPA
will promulgate rules in the Federal Register
to amend this appendix. The EPA utilizes the
existing procedures under CAA section 320
that requires the EPA to conduct a conference
on air quality modeling at least every 3 years
(CAA 320, 42 U.S.C. 7620). These modeling
conferences are intended to develop
standardized air quality modeling procedures
and form the basis for associated revisions to
this Guideline in support of the EPA’s
continuing effort to prescribe with
‘‘reasonable particularity’’ air quality models
and meteorological and emission databases
suitable for modeling national ambient air
quality standards (NAAQS) 6 and PSD
increments. Ample opportunity for public
comment will be provided for each proposed
change and public hearings scheduled.
h. A wide range of topics on modeling and
databases are discussed in the Guideline.
Section 2 gives an overview of models and
their suitability for use in regulatory
applications. Section 3 provides specific
guidance on the determination of preferred
air quality models and on the selection of
alternative models or techniques. Sections 4
through 6 provide recommendations on
modeling techniques for assessing criteria
pollutant impacts from single and multiple
sources with specific modeling requirements
for selected regulatory applications. Section
7 discusses general considerations common
to many modeling analyses for stationary and
mobile sources. Section 8 makes
recommendations for data inputs to models
including source, background air quality, and
meteorological data. Section 9 summarizes
how estimates and measurements of air
quality are used in assessing source impact
and in evaluating control strategies.
i. Appendix W to 40 CFR part 51 contains
an addendum: Addendum A. Thus, when
reference is made to ‘‘Addendum A’’ in this
document, it refers to Addendum A to
Appendix W to 40 CFR part 51. Addendum
A contains summaries of refined air quality
models that are ‘‘preferred’’ for particular
applications; both EPA models and models
developed by others are included.
2.0 Overview of Model Use
a. Increasing reliance has been placed on
concentration estimates from air quality
models as the primary basis for regulatory
decisions concerning source permits and
emission control requirements. In many
situations, such as review of a proposed new
source, no practical alternative exists. Before
attempting to implement the guidance
contained in this document, the reader
should be aware of certain general
information concerning air quality models
and their evaluation and use. Such
information is provided in this section.
2.1 Suitability of Models
a. The extent to which a specific air quality
model is suitable for the assessment of source
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impacts depends upon several factors. These
include: (1) the topographic and
meteorological complexities of the area; (2)
the detail and accuracy of the input
databases, i.e., emissions inventory,
meteorological data, and air quality data; (3)
the manner in which complexities of
atmospheric processes are handled in the
model; (4) the technical competence of those
undertaking such simulation modeling; and
(5) the resources available to apply the
model. Any of these factors can have a
significant influence on the overall model
performance, which must be thoroughly
evaluated to determine the suitability of an
air quality model to a particular application
or range of applications.
b. Air quality models are most accurate and
reliable in areas that have gradual transitions
of land use and topography. Meteorological
conditions in these areas are spatially
uniform such that observations are broadly
representative and air quality model
projections are not further complicated by a
heterogeneous environment. Areas subject to
major topographic influences experience
meteorological complexities that are often
difficult to measure and simulate. Models
with adequate performance are available for
increasingly complex environments.
However, they are resource intensive and
frequently require site-specific observations
and formulations. Such complexities and the
related challenges for the air quality
simulation should be considered when
selecting the most appropriate air quality
model for an application.
c. Appropriate model input data should be
available before an attempt is made to
evaluate or apply an air quality model.
Assuming the data are adequate, the greater
the detail with which a model considers the
spatial and temporal variations in
meteorological conditions and permitenforceable emissions, the greater the ability
to evaluate the source impact and to
distinguish the effects of various control
d. There are three types of models that
have historically been used in the regulatory
demonstrations applicable in the Guideline,
each having strengths and weaknesses that
lend themselves to particular regulatory
i. Gaussian plume models use a ‘‘steadystate’’ approximation, which assumes that
over the model time step, the emissions,
meteorology and other model inputs, are
constant throughout the model domain,
resulting in a resolved plume with the
emissions distributed throughout the plume
according to a Gaussian distribution. This
formulation allows Gaussian models to
estimate near-field impacts of a limited
number of sources at a relatively high
resolution, with temporal scales of an hour
and spatial scales of meters. However, this
formulation allows for only relatively inert
pollutants, with very limited considerations
of transformation and removal (e.g.,
deposition), and further limits the domain for
which the model may be used. Thus,
Gaussian models may not be appropriate if
model inputs are changing sharply over the
model time step or within the desired model
domain, or if more advanced considerations
of chemistry are needed.
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ii. Lagrangian puff models, on the other
hand, are non-steady-state, and assume that
model input conditions are changing over the
model domain and model time step.
Lagrangian models can also be used to
determine near- and far-field impacts from a
limited number of sources. Traditionally,
Lagrangian models have been used for
relatively inert pollutants, with slightly more
complex considerations of removal than
Gaussian models. Some Lagrangian models
treat in-plume gas and particulate chemistry.
However, these models require time and
space varying concentration fields of
oxidants and, in the case of fine particulate
matter (PM2.5), neutralizing agents, such as
ammonia. Reliable background fields are
critical for applications involving secondary
pollutant formation because secondary
impacts generally occur when in-plume
precursors mix and react with species in the
background atmosphere.7 8 These oxidant and
neutralizing agents are not routinely
measured, but can be generated with a threedimensional photochemical grid model.
iii. Photochemical grid models are threedimensional Eulerian grid-based models that
treat chemical and physical processes in each
grid cell and use diffusion and transport
processes to move chemical species between
grid cells.9 Eulerian models assume that
emissions are spread evenly throughout each
model grid cell. At coarse grid resolutions,
Eulerian models have difficulty with fine
scale resolution of individual plumes.
However, these types of models can be
appropriately applied for assessment of nearfield and regional scale reactive pollutant
impacts from specific sources7 10 11 12 or all
sources.13 14 15 Photochemical grid models
simulate a more realistic environment for
chemical transformation,7 12 but simulations
can be more resource intensive than
Lagrangian or Gaussian plume models.
e. Competent and experienced
meteorologists, atmospheric scientists, and
analysts are an essential prerequisite to the
successful application of air quality models.
The need for such specialists is critical when
sophisticated models are used or the area has
complicated meteorological or topographic
features. It is important to note that a model
applied improperly or with inappropriate
data can lead to serious misjudgments
regarding the source impact or the
effectiveness of a control strategy.
f. The resource demands generated by use
of air quality models vary widely depending
on the specific application. The resources
required may be important factors in the
selection and use of a model or technique for
a specific analysis. These resources depend
on the nature of the model and its
complexity, the detail of the databases, the
difficulty of the application, the amount and
level of expertise required, and the costs of
manpower and computational facilities.
2.1.1 Model Accuracy and Uncertainty
a. The formulation and application of air
quality models are accompanied by several
sources of uncertainty. ‘‘Irreducible’’
uncertainty stems from the ‘‘unknown’’
conditions, which may not be explicitly
accounted for in the model (e.g., the
turbulent velocity field). Thus, there are
likely to be deviations from the observed
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concentrations in individual events due to
variations in the unknown conditions.
‘‘Reducible’’ uncertainties 16 are caused by:
(1) uncertainties in the ‘‘known’’ input
conditions (e.g., emission characteristics and
meteorological data); (2) errors in the
measured concentrations; and (3) inadequate
model physics and formulation.
b. Evaluations of model accuracy should
focus on the reducible uncertainty associated
with physics and the formulation of the
model. The accuracy of the model is
normally determined by an evaluation
procedure which involves the comparison of
model concentration estimates with
measured air quality data.17 The statement of
model accuracy is based on statistical tests or
performance measures such as bias, error,
correlation, etc.18 19
c. Since the 1980’s, the EPA has worked
with the modeling community to encourage
development of standardized model
evaluation methods and the development of
continually improved methods for the
characterization of model
performance.16 18 20 21 22 There is general
consensus on what should be considered in
the evaluation of air quality models. Namely,
quality assurance planning, documentation
and scrutiny should be consistent with the
intended use and should include:
• Scientific peer review;
• Supportive analyses (diagnostic
evaluations, code verification, sensitivity
• Diagnostic and performance evaluations
with data obtained in trial locations; and
• Statistical performance evaluations in
the circumstances of the intended
Performance evaluations and diagnostic
evaluations assess different qualities of how
well a model is performing, and both are
needed to establish credibility within the
client and scientific community.
d. Performance evaluations allow the EPA
and model users to determine the relative
performance of a model in comparison with
alternative modeling systems. Diagnostic
evaluations allow determination of a model
capability to simulate individual processes
that affect the results, and usually employ
smaller spatial/temporal scale data sets (e.g.,
field studies). Diagnostic evaluations enable
the EPA and model users to build confidence
that model predictions are accurate for the
right reasons. However, the objective
comparison of modeled concentrations with
observed field data provides only a partial
means for assessing model performance. Due
to the limited supply of evaluation datasets,
there are practical limits in assessing model
performance. For this reason, the conclusions
reached in the science peer reviews and the
supportive analyses have particular relevance
in deciding whether a model will be useful
for its intended purposes.
2.2 Levels of Sophistication of Air Quality
Analyses and Models
a. It is desirable to begin an air quality
analysis by using simplified and conservative
methods followed, as appropriate, by more
complex and refined methods. The purpose
of this approach is to streamline the process
and sufficiently address regulatory
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requirements by eliminating the need of more
detailed modeling when it is not necessary in
a specific regulatory application. For
example, in the context of a PSD permit
application, a simplified and conservative
analysis may be sufficient where it shows the
proposed construction clearly will not cause
or contribute to ambient concentrations in
excess of either the NAAQS or the PSD
increments.2 3
b. There are two general levels of
sophistication of air quality models. The first
level consists of screening models that
provide conservative modeled estimates of
the air quality impact of a specific source or
source category based on simplified
assumptions of the model inputs (e.g., preset,
worst-case meteorological conditions). In the
case of a PSD assessment, if a screening
model indicates that the increase in
concentration attributable to the source could
cause or contribute to a violation of any
NAAQS or PSD increment, then the second
level of more sophisticated models should be
applied unless appropriate controls or
operational restrictions are implemented
based on the screening modeling.
c. The second level consists of refined
models that provide more detailed treatment
of physical and chemical atmospheric
processes, require more detailed and precise
input data, and provide spatially and
temporally resolved concentration estimates.
As a result, they provide a more
sophisticated and, at least theoretically, a
more accurate estimate of source impact and
the effectiveness of control strategies.
d. There are situations where a screening
model or a refined model is not available
such that screening and refined modeling are
not viable options to determine sourcespecific air quality impacts. In such
situations, a screening technique or reducedform model may be viable options for
estimating source impacts.
i. Screening techniques are differentiated
from a screening model in that screening
techniques are approaches that make
simplified and conservative assumptions
about the physical and chemical atmospheric
processes important to determining source
impacts, while screening models make
assumptions about conservative inputs to a
specific model. The complexity of screening
techniques ranges from simplified
assumptions of chemistry applied to refined
or screening model output to sophisticated
approximations of the chemistry applied
within a refined model.
ii. Reduced-form models are
computationally efficient simulation tools for
characterizing the pollutant response to
specific types of emission reductions for a
particular geographic area or background
environmental conditions that reflect
underlying atmospheric science of a refined
model but reduce the computational
resources of running a complex, numerical
air quality model such as a photochemical
grid model.
In such situations, an attempt should be
made to acquire or improve the necessary
databases and to develop appropriate
analytical techniques, but the screening
technique or reduced-form model may be
sufficient in conducting regulatory modeling
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applications when applied in consultation
with the EPA Regional office.
e. Consistent with the general principle
described in paragraph 2.2(a), the EPA may
establish a demonstration tool or method as
a sufficient means for a user or applicant to
make a demonstration required by regulation,
either by itself or as part of a modeling
demonstration. To be used for such
regulatory purposes, such a tool or method
must be reflected in a codified regulation or
have a well-documented technical basis and
reasoning that is contained or incorporated in
the record of the regulatory decision in
which it is applied.
2.3 Availability of Models
a. For most of the screening and refined
models discussed in the Guideline, codes,
associated documentation and other useful
information are publicly available for
download from the EPA’s Support Center for
Regulatory Atmospheric Modeling (SCRAM)
website at This
is a website with which air quality modelers
should become familiar and regularly visit
for important model updates and additional
clarifications and revisions to modeling
guidance documents that are applicable to
EPA programs and regulations. Codes and
documentation may also be available from
the National Technical Information Service
(NTIS),, and, when
available, is referenced with the appropriate
NTIS accession number.
3.0 Preferred and Alternative Air Quality
a. This section specifies the approach to be
taken in determining preferred models for
use in regulatory air quality programs. The
status of models developed by the EPA, as
well as those submitted to the EPA for review
and possible inclusion in this Guideline, is
discussed in this section. The section also
provides the criteria and process for
obtaining EPA approval for use of alternative
models for individual cases in situations
where the preferred models are not
applicable or available. Additional sources of
relevant modeling information are: the EPA’s
Model Clearinghouse 23 (section 3.3); EPA
modeling conferences; periodic Regional,
State, and Local Modelers’ Workshops; and
the EPA’s SCRAM website (section 2.3).
b. When approval is required for a specific
modeling technique or analytical procedure
in this Guideline, we refer to the
‘‘appropriate reviewing authority.’’ Many
States and some local agencies administer
NSR permitting under programs approved
into SIPs. In some EPA regions, Federal
authority to administer NSR permitting and
related activities has been delegated to State
or local agencies. In these cases, such
agencies ‘‘stand in the shoes’’ of the
respective EPA Region. Therefore, depending
on the circumstances, the appropriate
reviewing authority may be an EPA Regional
office, a State, local, or Tribal agency, or
perhaps the Federal Land Manager (FLM). In
some cases, the Guideline requires review
and approval of the use of an alternative
model by the EPA Regional office (sometimes
stated as ‘‘Regional Administrator’’). For all
approvals of alternative models or
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techniques, the EPA Regional office will
coordinate and seek concurrence with the
EPA’s Model Clearinghouse. If there is any
question as to the appropriate reviewing
authority, you should contact the EPA
Regional office modeling contact (https://, whose jurisdiction generally
includes the physical location of the source
in question and its expected impacts.
c. In all regulatory analyses, early
discussions among the EPA Regional office
staff, State, local, and Tribal agency staff,
industry representatives, and where
appropriate, the FLM, are invaluable and are
strongly encouraged. Prior to the actual
analyses, agreement on the databases to be
used, modeling techniques to be applied, and
the overall technical approach helps avoid
misunderstandings concerning the final
results and may reduce the later need for
additional analyses. The preparation of a
written modeling protocol that is vetted with
the appropriate reviewing authority helps to
keep misunderstandings and resource
expenditures at a minimum.
d. The identification of preferred models in
this Guideline should not be construed as a
determination that the preferred models
identified here are to be permanently used to
the exclusion of all others or that they are the
only models available for relating emissions
to air quality. The model that most accurately
estimates concentrations in the area of
interest is always sought. However,
designation of specific preferred models is
needed to promote consistency in model
selection and application.
3.1 Preferred Models
3.1.1 Discussion
a. The EPA has developed some models
suitable for regulatory application, while
other models have been submitted by private
developers for possible inclusion in the
Guideline. Refined models that are preferred
and required by the EPA for particular
applications have undergone the necessary
peer scientific reviews 24 25 and model
performance evaluation exercises 26 27 that
include statistical measures of model
performance in comparison with measured
air quality data as described in section 2.1.1.
b. An American Society for Testing and
Materials (ASTM) reference 28 provides a
general philosophy for developing and
implementing advanced statistical
evaluations of atmospheric dispersion
models, and provides an example statistical
technique to illustrate the application of this
philosophy. Consistent with this approach,
the EPA has determined and applied a
specific evaluation protocol that provides a
statistical technique for evaluating model
performance for predicting peak
concentration values, as might be observed at
individual monitoring locations.29
c. When a single model is found to perform
better than others, it is recommended for
application as a preferred model and listed
in Addendum A. If no one model is found
to clearly perform better through the
evaluation exercise, then the preferred model
listed in Addendum A may be selected on
the basis of other factors such as past use,
public familiarity, resource requirements,
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and availability. Accordingly, the models
listed in Addendum A meet these conditions:
i. The model must be written in a common
programming language, and the executable(s)
must run on a common computer platform.
ii. The model must be documented in a
user’s guide or model formulation report
which identifies the mathematics of the
model, data requirements and program
operating characteristics at a level of detail
comparable to that available for other
recommended models in Addendum A.
iii. The model must be accompanied by a
complete test dataset including input
parameters and output results. The test data
must be packaged with the model in
computer-readable form.
iv. The model must be useful to typical
users, e.g., State air agencies, for specific air
quality control problems. Such users should
be able to operate the computer program(s)
from available documentation.
v. The model documentation must include
a robust comparison with air quality data
(and/or tracer measurements) or with other
well-established analytical techniques.
vi. The developer must be willing to make
the model and source code available to users
at reasonable cost or make them available for
public access through the internet or
National Technical Information Service. The
model and its code cannot be proprietary.
d. The EPA’s process of establishing a
preferred model includes a determination of
technical merit, in accordance with the above
six items, including the practicality of the
model for use in ongoing regulatory
programs. Each model will also be subjected
to a performance evaluation for an
appropriate database and to a peer scientific
review. Models for wide use (not just an
isolated case) that are found to perform better
will be proposed for inclusion as preferred
models in future Guideline revisions.
e. No further evaluation of a preferred
model is required for a particular application
if the EPA requirements for regulatory use
specified for the model in the Guideline are
followed. Alternative models to those listed
in Addendum A should generally be
compared with measured air quality data
when they are used for regulatory
applications consistent with
recommendations in section 3.2.
3.1.2 Requirements
a. Addendum A identifies refined models
that are preferred for use in regulatory
applications. If a model is required for a
particular application, the user must select a
model from Addendum A or follow
procedures in section 3.2.2 for use of an
alternative model or technique. Preferred
models may be used without a formal
demonstration of applicability as long as they
are used as indicated in each model summary
in Addendum A. Further recommendations
for the application of preferred models to
specific source applications are found in
subsequent sections of the Guideline.
b. If changes are made to a preferred model
without affecting the modeled
concentrations, the preferred status of the
model is unchanged. Examples of
modifications that do not affect
concentrations are those made to enable use
of a different computer platform or those that
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only affect the format or averaging time of the
model results. The integration of a graphical
user interface (GUI) to facilitate setting up the
model inputs and/or analyzing the model
results without otherwise altering the
preferred model code is another example of
a modification that does not affect
concentrations. However, when any changes
are made, the Regional Administrator must
require a test case example to demonstrate
that the modeled concentrations are not
c. A preferred model must be operated
with the options listed in Addendum A for
its intended regulatory application. If the
regulatory options are not applied, the model
is no longer ‘‘preferred.’’ Any other
modification to a preferred model that would
result in a change in the concentration
estimates likewise alters its status so that it
is no longer a preferred model. Use of the
modified model must then be justified as an
alternative model on a case-by-case basis to
the appropriate reviewing authority and
approved by the Regional Administrator.
d. Where the EPA has not identified a
preferred model for a particular pollutant or
situation, the EPA may establish a multitiered approach for making a demonstration
required under PSD or another CAA program.
The initial tier or tiers may involve use of
demonstration tools, screening models,
screening techniques, or reduced-form
models; while the last tier may involve the
use of demonstration tools, refined models or
techniques, or alternative models approved
under section 3.2.
3.2 Alternative Models
3.2.1 Discussion
a. Selection of the best model or techniques
for each individual air quality analysis is
always encouraged, but the selection should
be done in a consistent manner. A simple
listing of models in this Guideline cannot
alone achieve that consistency nor can it
necessarily provide the best model for all
possible situations. As discussed in section
3.1.1, the EPA has determined and applied a
specific evaluation protocol that provides a
statistical technique for evaluating model
performance for predicting peak
concentration values, as might be observed at
individual monitoring locations.29 This
protocol is available to assist in developing
a consistent approach when justifying the use
of other-than-preferred models recommended
in the Guideline (i.e., alternative models).
The procedures in this protocol provide a
general framework for objective decisionmaking on the acceptability of an alternative
model for a given regulatory application.
These objective procedures may be used for
conducting both the technical evaluation of
the model and the field test or performance
b. This subsection discusses the use of
alternate models and defines three situations
when alternative models may be used. This
subsection also provides a procedure for
implementing 40 CFR 51.166(l)(2) in PSD
permitting. This provision requires written
approval of the Administrator for any
modification or substitution of an applicable
model. An applicable model for purposes of
40 CFR 51.166(l) is a preferred model in
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Addendum A to the Guideline. Approval to
use an alternative model under section 3.2 of
the Guideline qualifies as approval for the
modification or substitution of a model under
40 CFR 51.166(l)(2). The Regional
Administrators have delegated authority to
issue such approvals under section 3.2 of the
Guideline, provided that such approval is
issued after consultation with the EPA’s
Model Clearinghouse and formally
documented in a concurrence memorandum
from the EPA’s Model Clearinghouse which
demonstrates that the requirements within
section 3.2 for use of an alternative model
have been met.
3.2.2 Requirements
a. Determination of acceptability of an
alternative model is an EPA Regional office
responsibility in consultation with the EPA’s
Model Clearinghouse as discussed in
paragraphs 3.0(b) and 3.2.1(b). Where the
Regional Administrator finds that an
alternative model is more appropriate than a
preferred model, that model may be used
subject to the approval of the EPA Regional
office based on the requirements of this
subsection. This finding will normally result
from a determination that: (1) a preferred air
quality model is not appropriate for the
particular application; or (2) a more
appropriate model or technique is available
and applicable.
b. An alternative model shall be evaluated
from both a theoretical and a performance
perspective before it is selected for use. There
are three separate conditions under which
such a model may be approved for use:
i. If a demonstration can be made that the
model produces concentration estimates
equivalent to the estimates obtained using a
preferred model;
ii. If a statistical performance evaluation
has been conducted using measured air
quality data and the results of that evaluation
indicate the alternative model performs
better for the given application than a
comparable model in Addendum A; or
iii. If there is no preferred model.
Any one of these three separate conditions
may justify use of an alternative model. Some
known alternative models that are applicable
for selected situations are listed on the EPA’s
SCRAM website (section 2.3). However,
inclusion there does not confer any unique
status relative to other alternative models
that are being or will be developed in the
c. Equivalency, condition (1) in paragraph
(b) of this subsection, is established by
demonstrating that the appropriate regulatory
metric(s) are within +/¥ 2 percent of the
estimates obtained from the preferred model.
The option to show equivalency is intended
as a simple demonstration of acceptability for
an alternative model that is nearly identical
(or contains options that can make it
identical) to a preferred model that it can be
treated for practical purposes as the preferred
model. However, notwithstanding this
demonstration, models that are not
equivalent may be used when one of the two
other conditions described in paragraphs (d)
and (e) of this subsection are satisfied.
d. For condition (2) in paragraph (b) of this
subsection, established statistical
performance evaluation procedures and
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techniques 28 29 for determining the
acceptability of a model for an individual
case based on superior performance should
be followed, as appropriate. Preparation and
implementation of an evaluation protocol
that is acceptable to both control agencies
and regulated industry is an important
element in such an evaluation.
e. Finally, for condition (3) in paragraph (b)
of this subsection, an alternative model or
technique may be approved for use provided
i. The model or technique has received a
scientific peer review;
ii. The model or technique can be
demonstrated to be applicable to the problem
on a theoretical basis;
iii. The databases which are necessary to
perform the analysis are available and
iv. Appropriate performance evaluations of
the model or technique have shown that the
model or technique is not inappropriately
biased for regulatory application; a and
v. A protocol on methods and procedures
to be followed has been established.
f. To formally document that the
requirements of section 3.2 for use of an
alternative model are satisfied for a particular
application or range of applications, a
memorandum will be prepared by the EPA’s
Model Clearinghouse through a consultative
process with the EPA Regional office.
3.3 EPA’s Model Clearinghouse
a. The Regional Administrator has the
authority to select models that are
appropriate for use in a given situation.
However, there is a need for assistance and
guidance in the selection process so that
fairness, consistency, and transparency in
modeling decisions are fostered among the
EPA Regional offices and the State, local, and
Tribal agencies. To satisfy that need, the EPA
established the Model Clearinghouse 23 to
serve a central role of coordination and
collaboration between EPA headquarters and
the EPA Regional offices. Additionally, the
EPA holds periodic workshops with EPA
Headquarters, EPA Regional offices, and
State, local, and Tribal agency modeling
b. The appropriate EPA Regional office
should always be consulted for information
and guidance concerning modeling methods
and interpretations of modeling guidance,
and to ensure that the air quality model user
has available the latest most up-to-date
policy and procedures. As appropriate, the
EPA Regional office may also request
assistance from the EPA’s Model
Clearinghouse on other applications of
models, analytical techniques, or databases
or to clarify interpretation of the Guideline or
related modeling guidance.
c. The EPA Regional office will coordinate
with the EPA’s Model Clearinghouse after an
initial evaluation and decision has been
developed concerning the application of an
a For PSD and other applications that use the
model results in an absolute sense, the model
should not be biased toward underestimates.
Alternatively, for ozone and PM2.5 SIP attainment
demonstrations and other applications that use the
model results in a relative sense, the model should
not be biased toward overestimates.
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alternative model. The acceptability and
formal approval process for an alternative
model is described in section 3.2.
4.0 Models for Carbon Monoxide, Lead,
Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide and
Primary Particulate Matter
4.1 Discussion
a. This section identifies modeling
approaches generally used in the air quality
impact analysis of sources that emit the
criteria pollutants carbon monoxide (CO),
lead, sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide
(NO2), and primary particulates (PM2.5 and
b. The guidance in this section is specific
to the application of the Gaussian plume
models identified in Addendum A. Gaussian
plume models assume that emissions and
meteorology are in a steady-state, which is
typically based on an hourly time step. This
approach results in a plume that has an
hourly-averaged distribution of emission
mass according to a Gaussian curve through
the plume. Though Gaussian steady-state
models conserve the mass of the primary
pollutant throughout the plume, they can
still take into account a limited consideration
of first-order removal processes (e.g., wet and
dry deposition) and limited chemical
conversion (e.g., OH oxidation).
c. Due to the steady-state assumption,
Gaussian plume models are generally
considered applicable to distances less than
50 km, beyond which, modeled predictions
of plume impact are likely conservative. The
locations of these impacts are expected to be
unreliable due to changes in meteorology that
are likely to occur during the travel time.
d. The applicability of Gaussian plume
models may vary depending on the
topography of the modeling domain, i.e.,
simple or complex. Simple terrain is
considered to be an area where terrain
features are all lower in elevation than the
top of the stack(s) of the source(s) in
question. Complex terrain is defined as
terrain exceeding the height of the stack(s)
being modeled.
e. Gaussian models determine source
impacts at discrete locations (receptors) for
each meteorological and emission scenario,
and generally attempt to estimate
concentrations at specific sites that represent
an ensemble average of numerous repetitions
of the same ‘‘event.’’ Uncertainties in model
estimates are driven by this formulation, and
as noted in section 2.1.1, evaluations of
model accuracy should focus on the
reducible uncertainty associated with
physics and the formulation of the model.
The ‘‘irreducible’’ uncertainty associated
with Gaussian plume models may be
responsible for variation in concentrations of
as much as +/¥ 50 percent.30 ‘‘Reducible’’
uncertainties 16 can be on a similar scale. For
example, Pasquill 31 estimates that, apart
from data input errors, maximum groundlevel concentrations at a given hour for a
point source in flat terrain could be in error
by 50 percent due to these uncertainties.
Errors of 5 to 10 degrees in the measured
wind direction can result in concentration
errors of 20 to 70 percent for a particular time
and location, depending on stability and
station location. Such uncertainties do not
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indicate that an estimated concentration does
not occur, only that the precise time and
locations are in doubt. Composite errors in
highest estimated concentrations of 10 to 40
percent are found to be typical.32 33 However,
estimates of concentrations paired in time
and space with observed concentrations are
less certain.
f. Model evaluations and inter-comparisons
should take these aspects of uncertainty into
account. For a regulatory application of a
model, the emphasis of model evaluations is
generally placed on the highest modeled
impacts. Thus, the Cox-Tikvart model
evaluation approach, which compares the
highest modeled impacts on several
timescales, is recommended for comparisons
of models and measurements and model
inter-comparisons. The approach includes
bootstrap techniques to determine the
significance of various modeled predictions
and increases the robustness of such
comparisons when the number of available
measurements are limited.34 35 Because of the
uncertainty in paired modeled and observed
concentrations, any attempts at calibration of
models based on these comparisons is of
questionable benefit and shall not be done.
4.2 Requirements
a. For NAAQS compliance demonstrations
under PSD, use of the screening and
preferred models for the pollutants listed in
this subsection shall be limited to the nearfield at a nominal distance of 50 km or less.
Near-field application is consistent with
capabilities of Gaussian plume models and,
based on the EPA’s assessment, is sufficient
to address whether a source will cause or
contribute to ambient concentrations in
excess of a NAAQS. In most cases, maximum
source impacts of inert pollutants will occur
within the first 10 to 20 km from the source.
Therefore, the EPA does not consider a longrange transport assessment beyond 50 km
necessary for these pollutants if a near-field
NAAQS compliance demonstration is
b. For assessment of PSD increments
within the near-field distance of 50 km or
less, use of the screening and preferred
models for the pollutants listed in this
subsection shall be limited to the same
screening and preferred models approved for
NAAQS compliance demonstrations.
c. To determine if a compliance
demonstration for NAAQS and/or PSD
increments may be necessary beyond 50 km
(i.e., long-range transport assessment), the
following screening approach shall be used
to determine if a significant ambient impact
will occur with particular focus on Class I
areas and/or the applicable receptors that
may be threatened at such distances.
i. Based on application in the near-field of
the appropriate screening and/or preferred
model, determine the significance of the
ambient impacts at or about 50 km from the
new or modifying source. If a near-field
assessment is not available or this initial
analysis indicates there may be significant
ambient impacts at that distance, then further
assessment is necessary.
ii. For assessment of the significance of
ambient impacts for NAAQS and/or PSD
increments, there is not a preferred model or
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screening approach for distances beyond 50
km. Thus, the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the EPA
Regional office shall be consulted in
determining the appropriate and agreed upon
screening technique to conduct the second
level assessment. Typically, a Lagrangian
model is most appropriate to use for these
second level assessments, but applicants
shall reach agreement on the specific model
and modeling parameters on a case-by-case
basis in consultation with the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and
EPA Regional office. When Lagrangian
models are used in this manner, they shall
not include plume-depleting processes, such
that model estimates are considered
conservative, as is generally appropriate for
screening assessments.
d. In those situations where a cumulative
impact analysis for NAAQS and/or PSD
increments analysis beyond 50 km is
necessary, the selection and use of an
alternative model shall occur in agreement
with the appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) and approval by the EPA
Regional office based on the requirements of
paragraph 3.2.2(e).
4.2.1 Screening Models and Techniques
a. Where a preliminary or conservative
estimate is desired, point source screening
techniques are an acceptable approach to air
quality analyses.
b. As discussed in paragraph 2.2(a),
screening models or techniques are designed
to provide a conservative estimate of
concentrations. The screening models used
in most applications are the screening
versions of the preferred models for refined
applications. The two screening models,
screening versions of AERMOD (American
Meteorological Society (AMS)/EPA
Regulatory Model) and CTDMPLUS
(Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus
Algorithms for Unstable Situations),
respectively. AERSCREEN is the
recommended screening model for most
applications in all types of terrain and for
applications involving building downwash.
For those applications in complex terrain
where the application involves a welldefined hill or ridge, CTSCREEN 39 can be
are designed to address a single-source
scenario, there are approaches that can be
used on a case-by-case basis to address multisource situations using screening
meteorology or other conservative model
assumptions. However, the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) shall
be consulted, and concurrence obtained, on
the protocol for modeling multiple sources
with AERSCREEN or CTSCREEN to ensure
that the worst case is identified and assessed.
d. As discussed in section, there are
also screening techniques built into
AERMOD that use simplified or limited
chemistry assumptions for determining the
partitioning of NO and NO2 for NO2
modeling. These screening techniques are
part of the EPA’s preferred modeling
approach for NO2 and do not need to be
approved as an alternative model. However,
as with other screening models and
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techniques, their usage shall occur in
agreement with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
e. As discussed in section 4.2(c)(ii), there
are screening techniques needed for longrange transport assessments that will
typically involve the use of a Lagrangian
model. Based on the long-standing practice
and documented capabilities of these models
for long-range transport assessments, the use
of a Lagrangian model as a screening
technique for this purpose does not need to
be approved as an alternative model.
However, their usage shall occur in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the EPA
Regional office.
f. All screening models and techniques
shall be configured to appropriately address
the site and problem at hand. Close attention
must be paid to whether the area should be
classified urban or rural in accordance with
section The climatology of the area
must be studied to help define the worst-case
meteorological conditions. Agreement shall
be reached between the model user and the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) on the choice of the screening model
or technique for each analysis, on the input
data and model settings, and the appropriate
metric for satisfying regulatory requirements. AERSCREEN
a. Released in 2011, AERSCREEN is the
EPA’s recommended screening model for
simple and complex terrain for single sources
including point sources, area sources,
horizontal stacks, capped stacks, and flares.
AERSCREEN runs AERMOD in a screening
mode and consists of two main components:
(1) the MAKEMET program which generates
a site-specific matrix of meteorological
conditions for input to the AERMOD model;
and (2) the AERSCREEN command-prompt
b. The MAKEMET program generates a
matrix of meteorological conditions, in the
form of AERMOD-ready surface and profile
files, based on user-specified surface
characteristics, ambient temperatures,
minimum wind speed, and anemometer
height. The meteorological matrix is
generated based on looping through a range
of wind speeds, cloud covers, ambient
temperatures, solar elevation angles, and
convective velocity scales (w*, for convective
conditions only) based on user-specified
surface characteristics for surface roughness
(Zo), Bowen ratio (Bo), and albedo (r). For
unstable cases, the convective mixing height
(Zic) is calculated based on w*, and the
mechanical mixing height (Zim) is calculated
for unstable and stable conditions based on
the friction velocity, u*.
c. For applications involving simple or
complex terrain, AERSCREEN interfaces with
AERMAP. AERSCREEN also interfaces with
BPIPPRM to provide the necessary building
parameters for applications involving
building downwash using the Plume Rise
Model Enhancements (PRIME) downwash
algorithm. AERSCREEN generates inputs to
BPIPPRM and invokes AERMOD in a
screening mode. The screening mode of
AERMOD forces the AERMOD model
calculations to represent values for the plume
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centerline, regardless of the source-receptorwind direction orientation. The maximum
concentration output from AERSCREEN
represents a worst-case 1-hour concentration.
Averaging-time scaling factors of 1.0 for 3hour, 0.9 for 8-hour, 0.60 for 24-hour, and
0.10 for annual concentration averages are
applied internally by AERSCREEN to the
highest 1-hour concentration calculated by
the model for non-area type sources. For area
type source concentrations for averaging
times greater than one hour, the
concentrations are equal to the 1-hour
estimates.37 40 CTSCREEN
a. CTSCREEN 39 41 can be used to obtain
conservative, yet realistic, worst-case
estimates for receptors located on terrain
above stack height. CTSCREEN accounts for
the three-dimensional nature of plume and
terrain interaction and requires detailed
terrain data representative of the modeling
domain. The terrain data must be digitized in
the same manner as for CTDMPLUS and a
terrain processor is available.42 CTSCREEN is
designed to execute a fixed matrix of
meteorological values for wind speed (u),
standard deviation of horizontal and vertical
wind speeds (sv, sw), vertical potential
temperature gradient (dq/dz), friction
velocity (u*), Monin-Obukhov length (L),
mixing height (zi) as a function of terrain
height, and wind directions for both neutral/
stable conditions and unstable convective
conditions. The maximum concentration
output from CTSCREEN represents a worstcase 1-hour concentration. Time-scaling
factors of 0.7 for 3-hour, 0.15 for 24-hour and
0.03 for annual concentration averages are
applied internally by CTSCREEN to the
highest 1-hour concentration calculated by
the model. Screening in Complex Terrain
a. For applications utilizing AERSCREEN,
AERSCREEN automatically generates a polargrid receptor network with spacing
determined by the maximum distance to
model. If the application warrants a different
receptor network than that generated by
AERSCREEN, it may be necessary to run
AERMOD in screening mode with a userdefined network. For CTSCREEN
applications or AERMOD in screening mode
outside of AERSCREEN, placement of
receptors requires very careful attention
when modeling in complex terrain. Often the
highest concentrations are predicted to occur
under very stable conditions, when the
plume is near or impinges on the terrain.
Under such conditions, the plume may be
quite narrow in the vertical, so that even
relatively small changes in a receptor’s
location may substantially affect the
predicted concentration. Receptors within
about a kilometer of the source may be even
more sensitive to location. Thus, a dense
array of receptors may be required in some
b. For applications involving AERSCREEN,
AERSCREEN interfaces with AERMAP to
generate the receptor elevations. For
applications involving CTSCREEN, digitized
contour data must be preprocessed 42 to
provide hill shape parameters in suitable
input format. The user then supplies receptor
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locations either through an interactive
program that is part of the model or directly,
by using a text editor; using both methods to
select receptor locations will generally be
necessary to assure that the maximum
concentrations are estimated by either model.
In cases where a terrain feature may ‘‘appear
to the plume’’ as smaller, multiple hills, it
may be necessary to model the terrain both
as a single feature and as multiple hills to
determine design concentrations.
c. Other screening techniques may be
acceptable for complex terrain cases where
established procedures 43 are used. The user
is encouraged to confer with the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) if any
unforeseen problems are encountered, e.g.,
applicability, meteorological data, receptor
siting, or terrain contour processing issues.
4.2.2 Refined Models
a. Addendum A provides a brief
description of each preferred model for
refined applications. Also listed in that
addendum are availability, the model input
requirements, the standard options that shall
be selected when running the program, and
output options. AERMOD
a. For a wide range of regulatory
applications in all types of terrain, and for
aerodynamic building downwash, the
required model is AERMOD.44 45 The
AERMOD regulatory modeling system
consists of the AERMOD dispersion model,
the AERMET meteorological processor, and
the AERMAP terrain processor. AERMOD is
a steady-state Gaussian plume model
applicable to directly emitted air pollutants
that employs best state-of-practice
parameterizations for characterizing the
meteorological influences and dispersion.
Differentiation of simple versus complex
terrain is unnecessary with AERMOD. In
complex terrain, AERMOD employs the wellknown dividing-streamline concept in a
simplified simulation of the effects of plumeterrain interactions.
b. The AERMOD Modeling System has
been extensively evaluated across a wide
range of scenarios based on numerous field
studies, including tall stacks in flat and
complex terrain settings, sources subject to
building downwash influences, and lowlevel non-buoyant sources.27 These
evaluations included several long-term field
studies associated with operating plants as
well as several intensive tracer studies. Based
on these evaluations, AERMOD has shown
consistently good performance, with ‘‘errors’’
in predicted versus observed peak
concentrations, based on the Robust Highest
Concentration (RHC) metric, consistently
within the range of 10 to 40 percent (cited
in paragraph 4.1(e)).
c. AERMOD incorporates the PRIME
algorithm to account for enhanced plume
growth and restricted plume rise for plumes
affected by building wake effects.46 The
PRIME algorithm accounts for entrainment of
plume mass into the cavity recirculation
region, including re-entrainment of plume
mass into the wake region beyond the cavity.
d. AERMOD incorporates the Buoyant Line
and Point Source (BLP) Dispersion model to
account for buoyant plume rise from line
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sources. The BLP option utilizes the standard
meteorological inputs provided by the
AERMET meteorological processor.
e. The state-of-the-science for modeling
atmospheric deposition is evolving, new
modeling techniques are continually being
assessed, and their results are being
compared with observations. Consequently,
while deposition treatment is available in
AERMOD, the approach taken for any
purpose shall be coordinated with the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
f. The AERMET meteorological processor
incorporates the COARE algorithms to derive
marine boundary layer parameters for
overwater applications of AERMOD.47 48
AERMOD is applicable for some overwater
applications when platform downwash and
shoreline fumigation are adequately
considered in consultation with the Regional
office and appropriate reviewing authority.
Where the effects of shoreline fumigation and
platform downwash need to be assessed, the
Offshore and Coastal Dispersion (OCD)
model is the applicable model (paragraph
a. If the modeling application involves an
elevated point source with a well-defined hill
or ridge and a detailed dispersion analysis of
the spatial pattern of plume impacts is of
interest, CTDMPLUS is available.
CTDMPLUS provides greater resolution of
concentrations about the contour of the hill
feature than does AERMOD through a
different plume-terrain interaction algorithm.
a. The OCD (Offshore and Coastal
Dispersion) model is a straight-line Gaussian
model that incorporates overwater plume
transport and dispersion as well as changes
that occur as the plume crosses the shoreline.
The OCD model can determine the impact of
offshore emissions from point, area, or line
sources on the air quality of coastal regions.
The OCD model is also applicable for
situations that involve platform building
4.2.3 Pollutant Specific Modeling
Models for Carbon Monoxide
a. Models for assessing the impact of CO
emissions are needed to meet NSR
requirements to address compliance with the
CO NAAQS and to determine localized
impacts from transportations projects.
Examples include evaluating effects of point
sources, congested roadway intersections and
highways, as well as the cumulative effect of
numerous sources of CO in an urban area.
b. The general modeling recommendations
and requirements for screening models in
section 4.2.1 and refined models in section
4.2.2 shall be applied for CO modeling. Given
the relatively low CO background
concentrations, screening techniques are
likely to be adequate in most cases. In
applying these recommendations and
requirements, the existing 1992 EPA
guidance for screening CO impacts from
highways may be consulted.49
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Models for Lead
a. In January 1999 (40 CFR part 58,
appendix D), the EPA gave notice that
concern about ambient lead impacts was
being shifted away from roadways and
toward a focus on stationary point sources.
Thus, models for assessing the impact of lead
emissions are needed to meet NSR
requirements to address compliance with the
lead NAAQS and for SIP attainment
demonstrations. The EPA has also issued
guidance on siting ambient monitors in the
vicinity of stationary point sources.50 For
lead, the SIP should contain an air quality
analysis to determine the maximum rolling 3month average lead concentration resulting
from major lead point sources, such as
smelters, gasoline additive plants, etc. The
EPA has developed a post-processor to
calculate rolling 3-month average
concentrations from model output.51 General
guidance for lead SIP development is also
b. For major lead point sources, such as
smelters, which contribute fugitive emissions
and for which deposition is important,
professional judgment should be used, and
there shall be coordination with the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)). For most applications, the general
requirements for screening and refined
models of section 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 are
applicable to lead modeling.
Models for Sulfur Dioxide
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a. Models for SO2 are needed to meet NSR
requirements to address compliance with the
SO2 NAAQS and PSD increments, for SIP
attainment demonstrations,53 and for
characterizing current air quality via
modeling.54 SO2 is one of a group of highly
reactive gases known as ‘‘oxides of sulfur’’
with largest emissions sources being fossil
fuel combustion at power plants and other
industrial facilities.
b. Given the relatively inert nature of SO2
on the short-term time scales of interest (i.e.,
1-hour) and the sources of SO2 (i.e.,
stationary point sources), the general
modeling requirements for screening models
in section 4.2.1 and refined models in section
4.2.2 are applicable for SO2 modeling
applications. For urban areas, AERMOD
automatically invokes a half-life of 4 hours 55
to SO2. Therefore, care must be taken when
determining whether a source is urban or
rural (see section for urban/rural
determination methodology).
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Models for Nitrogen Dioxide
a. Models for assessing the impact of
sources on ambient NO2 concentrations are
needed to meet NSR requirements to address
compliance with the NO2 NAAQS and PSD
increments. Impact of an individual source
on ambient NO2 depends, in part, on the
chemical environment into which the
source’s plume is to be emitted. This is due
to the fact that NO2 sources co-emit NO along
with NO2 and any emitted NO may react with
ambient ozone to convert to additional NO2
downwind. Thus, comprehensive modeling
of NO2 would need to consider the ratio of
emitted NO and NO2, the ambient levels of
ozone and subsequent reactions between
ozone and NO, and the photolysis of NO2 to
b. Due to the complexity of NO2 modeling,
a multi-tiered screening approach is required
to obtain hourly and annual average
estimates of NO2.56 Since these methods are
considered screening techniques, their usage
shall occur in agreement with the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
Additionally, since screening techniques are
conservative by their nature, there are
limitations to how these options can be used.
Specifically, modeling of negative emissions
rates should only be done after consultation
with the EPA Regional office to ensure that
decreases in concentrations would not be
overestimated. Each tiered approach (see
Figure 4–1) accounts for increasingly
complex considerations of NO2 chemistry
and is described in paragraphs c through e
of this subsection. The tiers of NO2 modeling
i. A first-tier (most conservative) ‘‘full’’
conversion approach;
ii. A second-tier approach that assumes
ambient equilibrium between NO and NO2;
iii. A third-tier consisting of several
detailed screening techniques that account
for ambient ozone and the relative amount of
NO and NO2 emitted from a source.
c. For Tier 1, use an appropriate refined
model (section 4.2.2) to estimate nitrogen
oxides (NOX) concentrations and assume a
total conversion of NO to NO2.
d. For Tier 2, multiply the Tier 1 result(s)
by the Ambient Ratio Method 2 (ARM2),
which provides estimates of representative
equilibrium ratios of NO2/NOX value based
ambient levels of NO2 and NOX derived from
national data from the EPA’s Air Quality
System (AQS).57 The national default for
ARM2 includes a minimum ambient NO2/
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NOX ratio of 0.5 and a maximum ambient
ratio of 0.9. The reviewing agency may
establish alternative minimum ambient NO2/
NOX values based on the source’s in-stack
emissions ratios, with alternative minimum
ambient ratios reflecting the source’s in-stack
NO2/NOX ratios. Preferably, alternative
minimum ambient NO2/NOX ratios should be
based on source-specific data which satisfies
all quality assurance procedures that ensure
data accuracy for both NO2 and NOX within
the typical range of measured values.
However, alternate information may be used
to justify a source’s anticipated NO2/NOX instack ratios, such as manufacturer test data,
State or local agency guidance, peer-reviewed
literature, and/or the EPA’s NO2/NOX ratio
e. For Tier 3, a detailed screening
technique shall be applied on a case-by-case
basis. Because of the additional input data
requirements and complexities associated
with the Tier 3 options, their usage shall
occur in consultation with the EPA Regional
office in addition to the appropriate
reviewing authority. The Ozone Limiting
Method (OLM),58 the Plume Volume Molar
Ratio Method (PVMRM),59 and the Generic
Set Reaction Method (GRSM),60 61 are three
detailed screening techniques that may be
used for most sources. These three
techniques use an appropriate section 4.2.2
model to estimate NOX concentrations and
then estimate the conversion of primary NO
emissions to NO2 based on the ambient levels
of ozone and the plume characteristics. OLM
only accounts for NO2 formation based on the
ambient levels of ozone while PVMRM and
GRSM also accommodate distance-dependent
conversion ratios based on ambient ozone.
GRSM, PVMRM and OLM require explicit
specification of the NO2/NOX in-stack ratios
and that ambient ozone concentrations be
provided on an hourly basis. GRSM requires
hourly ambient NOX concentrations in
addition to hourly ozone.
f. Alternative models or techniques may be
considered on a case-by-case basis and their
usage shall be approved by the EPA Regional
office (section 3.2). Such models or
techniques should consider individual
quantities of NO and NO2 emissions,
atmospheric transport and dispersion, and
atmospheric transformation of NO to NO2.
Dispersion models that account for more
explicit photochemistry may also be
considered as an alternative model to
estimate ambient impacts of NOX sources.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Figure 4–1: Multi-Tiered Approach for
Estimating NO2 Concentrations Models for PM2.5
a. PM2.5 is a mixture consisting of several
diverse components.62 Ambient PM2.5
generally consists of two components: (1) the
primary component, emitted directly from a
source; and (2) the secondary component,
formed in the atmosphere from other
pollutants emitted from the source. Models
for PM2.5 are needed to meet NSR
requirements to address compliance with the
PM2.5 NAAQS and PSD increments and for
SIP attainment demonstrations.
b. For NSR modeling assessments, the
general modeling requirements for screening
models in section 4.2.1 and refined models
in section 4.2.2 are applicable for the primary
component of PM2.5, while the methods in
section 5.4 are applicable for addressing the
secondary component of PM2.5. Guidance for
PSD assessments is available for determining
the best approach to handling sources of
primary and secondary PM2.5.63
c. For SIP attainment demonstrations and
regional haze reasonable progress goal
analyses, effects of a control strategy on PM2.5
are estimated from the sum of the effects on
the primary and secondary components
composing PM2.5. Model users should refer to
section 5.4.1 and associated SIP modeling
guidance 64 for further details concerning
appropriate modeling approaches.
d. The general modeling requirements for
the refined models discussed in section 4.2.2
shall be applied for PM2.5 hot-spot modeling
for mobile sources. Specific guidance is
available for analyzing direct PM2.5 impacts
from highways, terminals, and other
transportation projects.65 Models for PM10
a. Models for PM10 are needed to meet NSR
requirements to address compliance with the
PM10 NAAQS and PSD increments and for
SIP attainment demonstrations.
b. For most sources, the general modeling
requirements for screening models in section
4.2.1 and refined models in section 4.2.2
shall be applied for PM10 modeling. In cases
where the particle size and its effect on
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ambient concentrations need to be
considered, particle deposition may be used
on a case-by-case basis and their usage shall
be coordinated with the appropriate
reviewing authority. A SIP development
guide 66 is also available to assist in PM10
analyses and control strategy development.
c. Fugitive dust usually refers to dust put
into the atmosphere by the wind blowing
over plowed fields, dirt roads, or desert or
sandy areas with little or no vegetation.
Fugitive emissions include the emissions
resulting from the industrial process that are
not captured and vented through a stack, but
may be released from various locations
within the complex. In some unique cases, a
model developed specifically for the
situation may be needed. Due to the difficult
nature of characterizing and modeling
fugitive dust and fugitive emissions, the
proposed procedure shall be determined in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) for each specific
situation before the modeling exercise is
begun. Re-entrained dust is created by
vehicles driving over dirt roads (e.g., haul
roads) and dust-covered roads typically
found in arid areas. Such sources can be
characterized as line, area or volume
sources.65 67 Emission rates may be based on
site-specific data or values from the general
d. Under certain conditions, recommended
dispersion models may not be suitable to
appropriately address the nature of ambient
PM10. In these circumstances, the alternative
modeling approach shall be approved by the
EPA Regional office (section 3.2).
e. The general modeling requirements for
the refined models discussed in section 4.2.2
shall be applied for PM10 hot-spot modeling
for mobile sources. Specific guidance is
available for analyzing direct PM10 impacts
from highways, terminals, and other
transportation projects.65
5.0 Models for Ozone and Secondarily
Formed Particulate Matter
5.1 Discussion
a. Air pollutants formed through chemical
reactions in the atmosphere are referred to as
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secondary pollutants. For example, groundlevel ozone and a portion of PM2.5 are
secondary pollutants formed through
photochemical reactions. Ozone and
secondarily formed particulate matter are
closely related to each other in that they
share common sources of emissions and are
formed in the atmosphere from chemical
reactions with similar precursors.
b. Ozone formation is driven by emissions
of NOX and volatile organic compounds
(VOCs). Ozone formation is a complicated
nonlinear process that requires favorable
meteorological conditions in addition to VOC
and NOX emissions. Sometimes complex
terrain features also contribute to the buildup of precursors and subsequent ozone
formation or destruction.
c. PM2.5 can be either primary (i.e., emitted
directly from sources) or secondary in nature.
The fraction of PM2.5 which is primary versus
secondary varies by location and season. In
the United States, PM2.5 is dominated by a
variety of chemical species or components of
atmospheric particles, such as ammonium
sulfate, ammonium nitrate, organic carbon
mass, elemental carbon, and other soil
compounds and oxidized metals. PM2.5
sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium ions are
predominantly the result of chemical
reactions of the oxidized products of SO2 and
NOX emissions with direct ammonia
d. Control measures reducing ozone and
PM2.5 precursor emissions may not lead to
proportional reductions in ozone and PM2.5.
Modeled strategies designed to reduce ozone
or PM2.5 levels typically need to consider the
chemical coupling between these pollutants.
This coupling is important in understanding
processes that control the levels of both
pollutants. Thus, when feasible, it is
important to use models that take into
account the chemical coupling between
ozone and PM2.5. In addition, using such a
multi-pollutant modeling system can reduce
the resource burden associated with applying
and evaluating separate models for each
pollutant and promotes consistency among
the strategies themselves.
e. PM2.5 is a mixture consisting of several
diverse chemical species or components of
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atmospheric particles. Because chemical and
physical properties and origins of each
component differ, it may be appropriate to
use either a single model capable of
addressing several of the important
components or to model primary and
secondary components using different
models. Effects of a control strategy on PM2.5
is estimated from the sum of the effects on
the specific components comprising PM2.5.
5.2 Recommendations
a. Chemical transformations can play an
important role in defining the concentrations
and properties of certain air pollutants.
Models that take into account chemical
reactions and physical processes of various
pollutants (including precursors) are needed
for determining the current state of air
quality, as well as predicting and projecting
the future evolution of these pollutants. It is
important that a modeling system provide a
realistic representation of chemical and
physical processes leading to secondary
pollutant formation and removal from the
b. Chemical transport models treat
atmospheric chemical and physical processes
such as deposition and motion. There are two
types of chemical transport models, Eulerian
(grid based) and Lagrangian. These types of
models are differentiated from each other by
their frame of reference. Eulerian models are
based on a fixed frame of reference and
Lagrangian models use a frame of reference
that moves with parcels of air between the
source and receptor point.9 Photochemical
grid models are three-dimensional Eulerian
grid-based models that treat chemical and
physical processes in each grid cell and use
diffusion and transport processes to move
chemical species between grid cells.9 These
types of models are appropriate for
assessment of near-field and regional scale
reactive pollutant impacts from specific
sources 7 10 11 12 or all sources.13 14 15 In some
limited cases, the secondary processes can be
treated with a box model, ideally in
combination with a number of other
modeling techniques and/or analyses to treat
individual source sectors.
c. Regardless of the modeling system used
to estimate secondary impacts of ozone and/
or PM2.5, model results should be compared
to observation data to generate confidence
that the modeling system is representative of
the local and regional air quality. For ozone
related projects, model estimates of ozone
should be compared with observations in
both time and space. For PM2.5, model
estimates of speciated PM2.5 components
(such as sulfate ion, nitrate ion, etc.) should
be compared with observations in both time
and space.69
d. Model performance metrics comparing
observations and predictions are often used
to summarize model performance. These
metrics include mean bias, mean error,
fractional bias, fractional error, and
correlation coefficient.69 There are no
specific levels of any model performance
metric that indicate ‘‘acceptable’’ model
performance. The EPA’s preferred approach
for providing context about model
performance is to compare model
performance metrics with similar
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contemporary applications.64 69 Because
model application purpose and scope vary,
model users should consult with the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) to determine what model performance
elements should be emphasized and
presented to provide confidence in the
regulatory model application.
e. There is no preferred modeling system
or technique for estimating ozone or
secondary PM2.5 for specific source impacts
or to assess impacts from multiple sources.
For assessing secondary pollutant impacts
from single sources, the degree of complexity
required to assess potential impacts varies
depending on the nature of the source, its
emissions, and the background environment.
The EPA recommends a two-tiered approach
where the first tier consists of using existing
technically credible and appropriate
relationships between emissions and impacts
developed from previous modeling that is
deemed sufficient for evaluating a source’s
impacts. The second tier consists of more
sophisticated case-specific modeling
analyses. The appropriate tier for a given
application should be selected in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and be consistent
with EPA guidance.70
5.3 Recommended Models and Approaches
for Ozone
a. Models that estimate ozone
concentrations are needed to guide the
choice of strategies for the purposes of a
nonattainment area demonstrating future
year attainment of the ozone NAAQS.
Additionally, models that estimate ozone
concentrations are needed to assess impacts
from specific sources or source complexes to
satisfy requirements for NSR and other
regulatory programs. Other purposes for
ozone modeling include estimating the
impacts of specific events on air quality,
ozone deposition impacts, and planning for
areas that may be attaining the ozone
5.3.1 Models for NAAQS Attainment
Demonstrations and Multi-Source Air
Quality Assessments
a. Simulation of ozone formation and
transport is a complex exercise. Control
agencies with jurisdiction over areas with
ozone problems should use photochemical
grid models to evaluate the relationship
between precursor species and ozone. Use of
photochemical grid models is the
recommended means for identifying control
strategies needed to address high ozone
concentrations in such areas. Judgment on
the suitability of a model for a given
application should consider factors that
include use of the model in an attainment
test, development of emissions and
meteorological inputs to the model, and
choice of episodes to model. Guidance on the
use of models and other analyses for
demonstrating attainment of the air quality
goals for ozone is available.63 64 Users should
consult with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) to ensure the
most current modeling guidance is applied.
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5.3.2 Models for Single-Source Air Quality
a. Depending on the magnitude of
emissions, estimating the impact of an
individual source’s emissions of NOX and
VOC on ambient ozone is necessary for
obtaining a permit. The simulation of ozone
formation and transport requires realistic
treatment of atmospheric chemistry and
deposition. Models (e.g., Lagrangian and
photochemical grid models) that integrate
chemical and physical processes important
in the formation, decay, and transport of
ozone and important precursor species
should be applied. Photochemical grid
models are primarily designed to characterize
precursor emissions and impacts from a wide
variety of sources over a large geographic
area but can also be used to assess the
impacts from specific sources.7 11 12
b. The first tier of assessment for ozone
impacts involves those situations where
existing technical information is available
(e.g., results from existing photochemical
grid modeling, published empirical estimates
of source specific impacts, or reduced-form
models) in combination with other
supportive information and analysis for the
purposes of estimating secondary impacts
from a particular source. The existing
technical information should provide a
credible and representative estimate of the
secondary impacts from the project source.
The appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) and appropriate EPA
guidance 70 71 should be consulted to
determine what types of assessments may be
appropriate on a case-by-case basis.
c. The second tier of assessment for ozone
impacts involves those situations where
existing technical information is not
available or a first tier demonstration
indicates a more refined assessment is
needed. For these situations, chemical
transport models should be used to address
single-source impacts. Special considerations
are needed when using these models to
evaluate the ozone impact from an individual
source. Guidance on the use of models and
other analyses for demonstrating the impacts
of single sources for ozone is available.70
This guidance document provides a more
detailed discussion of the appropriate
approaches to obtaining estimates of ozone
impacts from a single source. Model users
should use the latest version of the guidance
in consultation with the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) to
determine the most suitable refined approach
for single-source ozone modeling on a caseby-case basis.
5.4 Recommended Models and Approaches
for Secondarily Formed PM2.5
a. Models that estimate PM2.5
concentrations are needed to guide the
choice of strategies for the purposes of a
nonattainment area demonstrating future
year attainment of the PM2.5 NAAQS.
Additionally, models that estimate PM2.5
concentrations are needed to assess impacts
from specific sources or source complexes to
satisfy requirements for NSR and other
regulatory programs. Other purposes for
PM2.5 modeling include estimating the
impacts of specific events on air quality,
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visibility, deposition impacts, and planning
for areas that may be attaining the PM2.5
5.4.1 Models for NAAQS Attainment
Demonstrations and Multi-Source Air
Quality Assessments
a. Models for PM2.5 are needed to assess the
adequacy of a proposed strategy for meeting
the annual and 24-hour PM2.5 NAAQS.
Modeling primary and secondary PM2.5 can
be a multi-faceted and complex problem,
especially for secondary components of PM2.5
such as sulfates and nitrates. Control
agencies with jurisdiction over areas with
secondary PM2.5 problems should use models
that integrate chemical and physical
processes important in the formation, decay,
and transport of these species (e.g.,
photochemical grid models). Suitability of a
modeling approach or mix of modeling
approaches for a given application requires
technical judgment as well as professional
experience in choice of models, use of the
model(s) in an attainment test, development
of emissions and meteorological inputs to the
model, and selection of days to model.
Guidance on the use of models and other
analyses for demonstrating attainment of the
air quality goals for PM2.5 is available.63 64
Users should consult with the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) to
ensure the most current modeling guidance
is applied.
5.4.2 Models for Single-Source Air Quality
a. Depending on the magnitude of
emissions, estimating the impact of an
individual source’s emissions on secondary
particulate matter concentrations may be
necessary for obtaining a permit. Primary
PM2.5 components shall be simulated using
the general modeling requirements in section The simulation of secondary
particulate matter formation and transport is
a complex exercise requiring realistic
treatment of atmospheric chemistry and
deposition. Models should be applied that
integrate chemical and physical processes
important in the formation, decay, and
transport of these species (e.g., Lagrangian
and photochemical grid models).
Photochemical grid models are primarily
designed to characterize precursor emissions
and impacts from a wide variety of sources
over a large geographic area and can also be
used to assess the impacts from specific
sources.7 10 For situations where a project
source emits both primary PM2.5 and PM2.5
precursors, the contribution from both
should be combined for use in determining
the source’s ambient impact. Approaches for
combining primary and secondary impacts
are provided in appropriate guidance for
single source permit related
b. The first tier of assessment for secondary
PM2.5 impacts involves those situations
where existing technical information is
available (e.g., results from existing
photochemical grid modeling, published
empirical estimates of source specific
impacts, or reduced-form models) in
combination with other supportive
information and analysis for the purposes of
estimating secondary impacts from a
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particular source. The existing technical
information should provide a credible and
representative estimate of the secondary
impacts from the project source. The
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) and appropriate EPA guidance 70 71
should be consulted to determine what types
of assessments may be appropriate on a caseby-case basis.
c. The second tier of assessment for
secondary PM2.5 impacts involves those
situations where existing technical
information is not available or a first tier
demonstration indicates a more refined
assessment is needed. For these situations,
chemical transport models should be used for
assessments of single-source impacts. Special
considerations are needed when using these
models to evaluate the secondary particulate
matter impact from an individual source.
Guidance on the use of models and other
analyses for demonstrating the impacts of
single sources for secondary PM2.5 is
available.70 This guidance document
provides a more detailed discussion of the
appropriate approaches to obtaining
estimates of secondary particulate matter
concentrations from a single source. Model
users should use the latest version of this
guidance in consultation with the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) to determine the most suitable singlesource modeling approach for secondary
PM2.5 on a case-by-case basis.
6.0 Modeling for Air Quality Related
Values and Other Governmental Programs
6.1 Discussion
a. Other Federal government agencies and
State, local, and Tribal agencies with air
quality and land management responsibilities
have also developed specific modeling
approaches for their own regulatory or other
requirements. Although such regulatory
requirements and guidance have come about
because of EPA rules or standards, the
implementation of such regulations and the
use of the modeling techniques is under the
jurisdiction of the agency issuing the
guidance or directive. This section covers
such situations with reference to those
guidance documents, when they are
b. When using the model recommended or
discussed in the Guideline in support of
programmatic requirements not specifically
covered by EPA regulations, the model user
should consult the appropriate Federal, State,
local, or Tribal agency to ensure the proper
application and use of the models and/or
techniques. These agencies have developed
specific modeling approaches for their own
regulatory or other requirements. Most of the
programs have, or will have when fully
developed, separate guidance documents that
cover the program and a discussion of the
tools that are needed. The following
paragraphs reference those guidance
documents, when they are available.
6.2 Air Quality Related Values
a. The 1990 CAA Amendments give FLMs
an ‘‘affirmative responsibility’’ to protect the
natural and cultural resources of Class I areas
from the adverse impacts of air pollution and
to provide the appropriate procedures and
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analysis techniques. The CAA identifies the
FLM as the Secretary of the department, or
their designee, with authority over these
lands. Mandatory Federal Class I areas are
defined in the CAA as international parks,
national parks over 6,000 acres, and
wilderness areas and memorial parks over
5,000 acres, established as of 1977. The FLMs
are also concerned with the protection of
resources in federally managed Class II areas
because of other statutory mandates to
protect these areas. Where State or Tribal
agencies have successfully petitioned the
EPA and lands have been redesignated to
Class I status, these agencies may have
equivalent responsibilities to that of the
FLMs for these non-Federal Class I areas as
described throughout the remainder of
section 6.2.
b. The FLM agency responsibilities include
the review of air quality permit applications
from proposed new or modified major
pollution sources that may affect these Class
I areas to determine if emissions from a
proposed or modified source will cause or
contribute to adverse impacts on air quality
related values (AQRVs) of a Class I area and
making recommendations to the FLM.
AQRVs are resources, identified by the FLM
agencies, that have the potential to be
affected by air pollution. These resources
may include visibility, scenic, cultural,
physical, or ecological resources for a
particular area. The FLM agencies take into
account the particular resources and AQRVs
that would be affected; the frequency and
magnitude of any potential impacts; and the
direct, indirect, and cumulative effects of any
potential impacts in making their
c. While the AQRV notification and impact
analysis requirements are outlined in the
PSD regulations at 40 CFR 51.166(p) and 40
CFR 52.21(p), determination of appropriate
analytical methods and metrics for AQRV’s
are determined by the FLM agencies and are
published in guidance external to the general
recommendations of this paragraph.
d. To develop greater consistency in the
application of air quality models to assess
potential AQRV impacts in both Class I areas
and protected Class II areas, the FLM
agencies have developed the Federal Land
Managers’ Air Quality Related Values Work
Group Phase I Report (FLAG).72 FLAG
focuses upon specific technical and policy
issues associated with visibility impairment,
effects of pollutant deposition on soils and
surface waters, and ozone effects on
vegetation. Model users should consult the
latest version of the FLAG report for current
modeling guidance and with affected FLM
agency representatives for any application
specific guidance which is beyond the scope
of the Guideline.
6.2.1 Visibility
a. Visibility in important natural areas (e.g.,
Federal Class I areas) is protected under a
number of provisions of the CAA, including
sections 169A and 169B (addressing impacts
primarily from existing sources) and section
165 (new source review). Visibility
impairment is caused by light scattering and
light absorption associated with particles and
gases in the atmosphere. In most areas of the
country, light scattering by PM2.5 is the most
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significant component of visibility
impairment. The key components of PM2.5
contributing to visibility impairment include
sulfates, nitrates, organic carbon, elemental
carbon, and crustal material.72
b. Visibility regulations (40 CFR 51.300
through 51.309) require State, local, and
Tribal agencies to mitigate current and
prevent future visibility impairment in any of
the 156 mandatory Federal Class I areas
where visibility is considered an important
attribute. In 1999, the EPA issued revisions
to the regulations to address visibility
impairment in the form of regional haze,
which is caused by numerous, diverse
sources (e.g., stationary, mobile, and area
sources) located across a broad region (40
CFR 51.308 through 51.309). The state of
relevant scientific knowledge has expanded
significantly since that time. A number of
studies and reports 73 74 have concluded that
long-range transport (e.g., up to hundreds of
kilometers) of fine particulate matter plays a
significant role in visibility impairment
across the country. Section 169A of the CAA
requires States to develop SIPs containing
long-term strategies for remedying existing
and preventing future visibility impairment
in the 156 mandatory Class I Federal areas,
where visibility is considered an important
attribute. In order to develop long-term
strategies to address regional haze, many
State, local, and Tribal agencies will need to
conduct regional-scale modeling of fine
particulate concentrations and associated
visibility impairment.
c. The FLAG visibility modeling
recommendations are divided into two
distinct sections to address different
requirements for: (1) near field modeling
where plumes or layers are compared against
a viewing background, and (2) distant/multisource modeling for plumes and aggregations
of plumes that affect the general appearance
of a scene.72 The recommendations
separately address visibility assessments for
sources proposing to locate relatively near
and at farther distances from these areas.72 Models for Estimating Near-Field
Visibility Impairment
a. To calculate the potential impact of a
plume of specified emissions for specific
transport and dispersion conditions (‘‘plume
blight’’) for source-receptor distances less
than 50 km, a screening model and guidance
are available.72 75 If a more comprehensive
analysis is necessary, a refined model should
be selected. The model selection, procedures,
and analyses should be determined in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the affected
FLM(s). Models for Estimating Visibility
Impairment for Long-Range Transport
a. Chemical transformations can play an
important role in defining the concentrations
and properties of certain air pollutants.
Models that take into account chemical
reactions and physical processes of various
pollutants (including precursors) are needed
for determining the current state of air
quality, as well as predicting and projecting
the future evolution of these pollutants. It is
important that a modeling system provide a
realistic representation of chemical and
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physical processes leading to secondary
pollutant formation and removal from the
b. Chemical transport models treat
atmospheric chemical and physical processes
such as deposition and motion. There are two
types of chemical transport models, Eulerian
(grid based) and Lagrangian. These types of
models are differentiated from each other by
their frame of reference. Eulerian models are
based on a fixed frame of reference and
Lagrangian models use a frame of reference
that moves with parcels of air between the
source and receptor point.9 Photochemical
grid models are three-dimensional Eulerian
grid-based models that treat chemical and
physical processes in each grid cell and use
diffusion and transport processes to move
chemical species between grid cells.9 These
types of models are appropriate for
assessment of near-field and regional scale
reactive pollutant impacts from specific
sources 7 10 11 12 or all sources.13 14 15
c. Development of the requisite
meteorological and emissions databases
necessary for use of photochemical grid
models to estimate AQRVs should conform to
recommendations in section 8 and those
outlined in the EPA’s Modeling Guidance for
Demonstrating Attainment of Air Quality
Goals for Ozone, PM2.5, and Regional Haze.64
Demonstration of the adequacy of prognostic
meteorological fields can be established
through appropriate diagnostic and statistical
performance evaluations consistent with
recommendations provided in the
appropriate guidance.64 Model users should
consult the latest version of this guidance
and with the appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) for any applicationspecific guidance that is beyond the scope of
this subsection.
6.2.2 Models for Estimating Deposition
a. For many Class I areas, AQRVs have
been identified that are sensitive to
atmospheric deposition of air pollutants.
Emissions of NOX, sulfur oxides, NH3,
mercury, and secondary pollutants such as
ozone and particulate matter affect
components of ecosystems. In sensitive
ecosystems, these compounds can acidify
soils and surface waters, add nutrients that
change biodiversity, and affect the ecosystem
services provided by forests and natural
areas.72 To address the relationship between
deposition and ecosystem effects, the FLM
agencies have developed estimates of critical
loads. A critical load is defined as, ‘‘A
quantitative estimate of an exposure to one
or more pollutants below which significant
harmful effects on specified sensitive
elements of the environment do not occur
according to present knowledge.’’ 76
b. The FLM deposition modeling
recommendations are divided into two
distinct sections to address different
requirements for: (1) near field modeling, and
(2) distant/multi-source modeling for
cumulative effects. The recommendations
separately address deposition assessments for
sources proposing to locate relatively near
and at farther distances from these areas.72
Where the source and receptors are not in
close proximity, chemical transport (e.g.,
photochemical grid) models generally should
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be applied for an assessment of deposition
impacts due to one or a small group of
sources. Over these distances, chemical and
physical transformations can change
atmospheric residence time due to different
propensity for deposition to the surface of
different forms of nitrate and sulfate. Users
should consult the latest version of the FLAG
report 72 and relevant FLM representatives
for guidance on the use of models for
deposition. Where source and receptors are
in close proximity, users should contact the
appropriate FLM for application-specific
6.3 Modeling Guidance for Other
Governmental Programs
a. Dispersion and photochemical grid
modeling may need to be conducted to
ensure that individual and cumulative
offshore oil and gas exploration,
development, and production plans and
activities do not significantly affect the air
quality of any State as required under the
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA).
Air quality modeling requires various input
datasets, including emissions sources,
meteorology, and pre-existing pollutant
concentrations. For sources under the
reviewing authority of the Department of
Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy
Management (BOEM), guidance for the
development of all necessary Outer
Continental Shelf (OCS) air quality modeling
inputs and appropriate model selection and
application is available from the BOEM’s
b. The Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) is the appropriate reviewing authority
for air quality assessments of primary
pollutant impacts at airports and air bases.
The Aviation Environmental Design Tool
(AEDT) is developed and supported by the
FAA, and is appropriate for air quality
assessment of primary pollutant impacts at
airports or air bases. AEDT has adopted
AERMOD for treating dispersion. Application
of AEDT is intended for estimating the
change in emissions for aircraft operations,
point source, and mobile source emissions on
airport property and quantify the associated
pollutant level- concentrations. AEDT is not
intended for PSD, SIP, or other regulatory air
quality analyses of point or mobile sources at
or peripheral to airport property that are
unrelated to airport operations. The latest
version of AEDT may be obtained from the
FAA at:
General Modeling Considerations
7.1 Discussion
a. This section contains recommendations
concerning a number of different issues not
explicitly covered in other sections of the
Guideline. The topics covered here are not
specific to any one program or modeling area,
but are common to dispersion modeling
analyses for criteria pollutants.
7.2 Recommendations
7.2.1 All Sources Dispersion Coefficients
a. For any dispersion modeling exercise,
the urban or rural determination of a source
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is critical in determining the boundary layer
characteristics that affect the model’s
prediction of downwind concentrations.
Historically, steady-state Gaussian plume
models used in most applications have
employed dispersion coefficients based on
Pasquill-Gifford 77 in rural areas and
McElroy- Pooler 78 in urban areas. These
coefficients are still incorporated in the BLP
and OCD models. However, the AERMOD
model incorporates a more up-to-date
characterization of the atmospheric boundary
layer using continuous functions of
parameterized horizontal and vertical
turbulence based on Monin-Obukhov
similarity (scaling) relationships.44 Another
key feature of AERMOD’s formulation is the
option to use directly observed variables of
the boundary layer to parameterize
dispersion.44 45
b. The selection of rural or urban
dispersion coefficients in a specific
application should follow one of the
procedures suggested by Irwin 79 to
determine whether the character of an area is
primarily urban or rural (of the two methods,
the land use procedure is considered more
i. Land Use Procedure: (1) Classify the land
use within the total area, Ao, circumscribed
by a 3 km radius circle about the source
using the meteorological land use typing
scheme proposed by Auer; 80 (2) if land use
types I1, I2, C1, R2, and R3 account for 50
percent or more of Ao, use urban dispersion
coefficients; otherwise, use appropriate rural
dispersion coefficients.
ii. Population Density Procedure: (1)
Compute the average population density, p
per square kilometer with Ao as defined
above; (2) If p is greater than 750 people per
square kilometer, use urban dispersion
coefficients; otherwise use appropriate rural
dispersion coefficients.
c. Population density should be used with
caution and generally not be applied to
highly industrialized areas where the
population density may be low and, thus, a
rural classification would be indicated.
However, the area is likely to be sufficiently
built-up so that the urban land use criteria
would be satisfied. Therefore, in this case,
the classification should be ‘‘urban’’ and
urban dispersion parameters should be used.
d. For applications of AERMOD in urban
areas, under either the Land Use Procedure
or the Population Density Procedure, the user
needs to estimate the population of the urban
area affecting the modeling domain because
the urban influence in AERMOD is scaled
based on a user-specified population. For
non-population oriented urban areas, or areas
influenced by both population and industrial
activity, the user will need to estimate an
equivalent population to adequately account
for the combined effects of industrialized
areas and populated areas within the
modeling domain. Selection of the
appropriate population for these applications
should be determined in consultation with
the appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) and the latest version of
the AERMOD Implementation Guide.81
e. It should be noted that AERMOD allows
for modeling rural and urban sources in a
single model run. For analyses of whole
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urban complexes, the entire area should be
modeled as an urban region if most of the
sources are located in areas classified as
urban. For tall stacks located within or
adjacent to small or moderate sized urban
areas, the stack height or effective plume
height may extend above the urban boundary
layer and, therefore, may be more
appropriately modeled using rural
coefficients. Model users should consult with
the appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) and the latest version of
the AERMOD Implementation Guide 81 when
evaluating this situation.
f. Buoyancy-induced dispersion (BID), as
identified by Pasquill,82 is included in the
preferred models and should be used where
buoyant sources (e.g., those involving fuel
combustion) are involved. Complex Winds
a. Inhomogeneous local winds. In many
parts of the United States, the ground is
neither flat nor is the ground cover (or land
use) uniform. These geographical variations
can generate local winds and circulations,
and modify the prevailing ambient winds
and circulations. Typically, geographic
effects are more apparent when the ambient
winds are light or calm, as stronger synoptic
or mesoscale winds can modify, or even
eliminate the weak geographic circulations.83
In general, these geographically induced
wind circulation effects are named after the
source location of the winds, e.g., lake and
sea breezes, and mountain and valley winds.
In very rugged hilly or mountainous terrain,
along coastlines, or near large land use
variations, the characteristics of the winds
are a balance of various forces, such that the
assumptions of steady-state straight-line
transport both in time and space are
inappropriate. In such cases, a model should
be chosen to fully treat the time and space
variations of meteorology effects on transport
and dispersion. The setup and application of
such a model should be determined in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) consistent with
limitations of paragraph 3.2.2(e). The
meteorological input data requirements for
developing the time and space varying threedimensional winds and dispersion
meteorology for these situations are
discussed in paragraph Examples
of inhomogeneous winds include, but are not
limited to, situations described in the
following paragraphs:
i. Inversion breakup fumigation. Inversion
breakup fumigation occurs when a plume (or
multiple plumes) is emitted into a stable
layer of air and that layer is subsequently
mixed to the ground through convective
transfer of heat from the surface or because
of advection to less stable surroundings.
Fumigation may cause excessively high
concentrations, but is usually rather shortlived at a given receptor. There are no
recommended refined techniques to model
this phenomenon. There are, however,
screening procedures 40 that may be used to
approximate the concentrations.
Considerable care should be exercised in
using the results obtained from the screening
ii. Shoreline fumigation. Fumigation can be
an important phenomenon on and near the
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shoreline of bodies of water. This can affect
both individual plumes and area-wide
emissions. When fumigation conditions are
expected to occur from a source or sources
with tall stacks located on or just inland of
a shoreline, this should be addressed in the
air quality modeling analysis. The EPA has
evaluated several coastal fumigation models,
and the evaluation results of these models are
available for their possible application on a
case-by-case basis when air quality estimates
under shoreline fumigation conditions are
needed.84 Selection of the appropriate model
for applications where shoreline fumigation
is of concern should be determined in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
iii. Stagnation. Stagnation conditions are
characterized by calm or very low wind
speeds, and variable wind directions. These
stagnant meteorological conditions may
persist for several hours to several days.
During stagnation conditions, the dispersion
of air pollutants, especially those from lowlevel emissions sources, tends to be
minimized, potentially leading to relatively
high ground-level concentrations. If point
sources are of interest, users should note the
guidance provided in paragraph (a) of this
subsection. Selection of the appropriate
model for applications where stagnation is of
concern should be determined in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)). Gravitational Settling and
a. Gravitational settling and deposition
may be directly included in a model if either
is a significant factor. When particulate
matter sources can be quantified and settling
and dry deposition are problems, use
professional judgment along with
coordination with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)). AERMOD
contains algorithms for dry and wet
deposition of gases and particles.85 For other
Gaussian plume models, an ‘‘infinite halflife’’ may be used for estimates of particle
concentrations when only exponential decay
terms are used for treating settling and
deposition. Lagrangian models have varying
degrees of complexity for dealing with
settling and deposition and the selection of
a parameterization for such should be
included in the approval process for selecting
a Lagrangian model. Eulerian grid models
tend to have explicit parameterizations for
gravitational settling and deposition as well
as wet deposition parameters already
included as part of the chemistry scheme.
7.2.2 Stationary Sources Good Engineering Practice Stack
a. The use of stack height credit in excess
of Good Engineering Practice (GEP) stack
height or credit resulting from any other
dispersion technique is prohibited in the
development of emissions limits by 40 CFR
51.118 and 40 CFR 51.164. The definition of
GEP stack height and dispersion technique
are contained in 40 CFR 51.100. Methods and
procedures for making the appropriate stack
height calculations, determining stack height
credits and an example of applying those
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techniques are found in several
references,86 87 88 89 that provide a great deal
of additional information for evaluating and
describing building cavity and wake effects.
b. If stacks for new or existing major
sources are found to be less than the height
defined by the EPA’s refined formula for
determining GEP height, then air quality
impacts associated with cavity or wake
effects due to the nearby building structures
should be determined. The EPA refined
formula height is defined as H + 1.5L.88 Since
the definition of GEP stack height defines
excessive concentrations as a maximum
ground-level concentration due in whole or
in part to downwash of at least 40 percent
in excess of the maximum concentration
without downwash, the potential air quality
impacts associated with cavity and wake
effects should also be considered for stacks
that equal or exceed the EPA formula height
for GEP. The AERSCREEN model can be used
to obtain screening estimates of potential
downwash influences, based on the PRIME
downwash algorithm incorporated in the
AERMOD model. If more refined
concentration estimates are required,
AERMOD should be used (section 4.2.2). Plume Rise
a. The plume rise methods of Briggs 90 91
are incorporated in many of the preferred
models and are recommended for use in
many modeling applications. In
AERMOD,44 45 for the stable boundary layer,
plume rise is estimated using an iterative
approach, similar to that in the CTDMPLUS
model. In the convective boundary layer,
plume rise is superposed on the
displacements by random convective
velocities.92 In AERMOD, plume rise is
computed using the methods of Briggs,
except in cases involving building
downwash, in which a numerical solution of
the mass, energy, and momentum
conservation laws is performed.93 No explicit
provisions in these models are made for
multistack plume rise enhancement or the
handling of such special plumes as flares.
b. Gradual plume rise is generally
recommended where its use is appropriate:
(1) in AERMOD; (2) in complex terrain
screening procedures to determine close-in
impacts; and (3) when calculating the effects
of building wakes. The building wake
algorithm in AERMOD incorporates and
exercises the thermodynamically based
gradual plume rise calculations as described
in paragraph (a) of this subsection. If the
building wake is calculated to affect the
plume for any hour, gradual plume rise is
also used in downwind dispersion
calculations to the distance of final plume
rise, after which final plume rise is used.
Plumes captured by the near wake are reemitted to the far wake as a ground-level
volume source.
c. Stack tip downwash generally occurs
with poorly constructed stacks and when the
ratio of the stack exit velocity to wind speed
is small. An algorithm developed by Briggs 91
is the recommended technique for this
situation and is used in preferred models for
point sources.
d. On a case-by-case basis, refinements to
the preferred model may be considered for
plume rise and downwash effects and shall
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occur in agreement with the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and
approval by the EPA Regional office based on
the requirements of section 3.2.2.
7.2.3 Mobile Sources
a. Emissions of primary pollutants from
mobile sources can be modeled with an
appropriate model identified in section 4.2.
Screening of mobile sources can be
accomplished by using screening
meteorology, e.g., worst-case meteorological
conditions. Maximum hourly concentrations
computed from screening modeling can be
converted to longer averaging periods using
the scaling ratios specified in the
AERSCREEN User’s Guide.37
b. Mobile sources can be modeled in
AERMOD as either line (i.e., elongated area)
sources or as a series of volume sources. Line
sources can be represented in AERMOD with
the following source types: LINE, AREA,
VOLUME or RLINE. However, since mobile
source modeling usually includes an analysis
of very near-source impacts, the results can
be highly sensitive to the characterization of
the mobile emissions. Important
characteristics for both line/area and volume
sources include the plume release height,
source width, and initial dispersion
characteristics, and should also take into
account the impact of traffic-induced
turbulence that can cause roadway sources to
have larger initial dimensions than might
normally be used for representing line
c. The EPA’s quantitative PM hot-spot
guidance 65 and Haul Road Workgroup Final
Report 67 provide guidance on the
appropriate characterization of mobile
sources as a function of the roadway and
vehicle characteristics. The EPA’s
quantitative PM hot-spot guidance includes
important considerations and should be
consulted when modeling roadway links.
Area and line sources, which can be
characterized as AREA, LINE, and RLINE
source types in AERMOD, or volume sources,
may be used for modeling mobile sources.
However, experience in the field has shown
that area sources (characterized as AREA,
LINE, or RLINE source types) may be easier
to characterize correctly compared to volume
sources. If volume sources are used, it is
particularly important to ensure that roadway
emissions are appropriately spaced when
using volume source so that the emissions
field is uniform across the roadway.
Additionally, receptor placement is
particularly important for volume sources
that have ‘‘exclusion zones’’ where
concentrations are not calculated for
receptors located ‘‘within’’ the volume
sources, i.e., less than 2.15 times the initial
lateral dispersion coefficient from the center
of the volume.65 Therefore, placing receptors
in these ‘‘exclusion zones’’ will result in
underestimates of roadway impacts.
8.0 Model Input Data
a. Databases and related procedures for
estimating input parameters are an integral
part of the modeling process. The most
appropriate input data available should
always be selected for use in modeling
analyses. Modeled concentrations can vary
widely depending on the source data or
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meteorological data used. This section
attempts to minimize the uncertainty
associated with database selection and use by
identifying requirements for input data used
in modeling. More specific data requirements
and the format required for the individual
models are described in detail in the user’s
guide and/or associated documentation for
each model.
8.1 Modeling Domain
8.1.1 Discussion
a. The modeling domain is the geographic
area for which the required air quality
analyses for the NAAQS and PSD increments
are conducted.
8.1.2 Requirements
a. For a NAAQS or PSD increments
assessment, the modeling domain or project’s
impact area shall include all locations where
the emissions of a pollutant from the new or
modifying source(s) may cause a significant
ambient impact. This impact area is defined
as an area with a radius extending from the
new or modifying source to: (1) the most
distant location where air quality modeling
predicts a significant ambient impact will
occur, or (2) the nominal 50 km distance
considered applicable for Gaussian
dispersion models, whichever is less. The
required air quality analysis shall be carried
out within this geographical area with
characterization of source impacts, nearby
source impacts, and background
concentrations, as recommended later in this
b. For SIP attainment demonstrations for
ozone and PM2.5, or regional haze reasonable
progress goal analyses, the modeling domain
is determined by the nature of the problem
being modeled and the spatial scale of the
emissions that impact the nonattainment or
Class I area(s). The modeling domain shall be
designed so that all major upwind source
areas that influence the downwind
nonattainment area are included in addition
to all monitor locations that are currently or
recently violating the NAAQS or close to
violating the NAAQS in the nonattainment
area. Similarly, all Class I areas to be
evaluated in a regional haze modeling
application shall be included and sufficiently
distant from the edge of the modeling
domain. Guidance on the determination of
the appropriate modeling domain for
photochemical grid models in demonstrating
attainment of these air quality goals is
available.64 Users should consult the latest
version of this guidance for the most current
modeling guidance and the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) for any
application specific guidance that is beyond
the scope of this section.
8.2 Source Data
8.2.1 Discussion
a. Sources of pollutants can be classified as
point, line, area, and volume sources. Point
sources are defined in terms of size and may
vary between regulatory programs. The line
sources most frequently considered are
roadways and streets along which there are
well-defined movements of motor vehicles.
They may also be lines of roof vents or
stacks, such as in aluminum refineries. Area
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
and volume sources are often collections of
a multitude of minor sources with
individually small emissions that are
impractical to consider as separate point or
line sources. Large area sources are typically
treated as a grid network of square areas,
with pollutant emissions distributed
uniformly within each grid square. Generally,
input data requirements for air quality
models necessitate the use of metric units. As
necessary, any English units common to
engineering applications should be
appropriately converted to metric.
b. For point sources, there are many source
characteristics and operating conditions that
may be needed to appropriately model the
facility. For example, the plant layout (e.g.,
location of stacks and buildings), stack
parameters (e.g., height and diameter), boiler
size and type, potential operating conditions,
and pollution control equipment parameters.
Such details are required inputs to air quality
models and are needed to determine
maximum potential impacts.
c. Modeling mobile emissions from streets
and highways requires data on the road
layout, including the width of each traveled
lane, the number of lanes, and the width of
the median strip. Additionally, traffic
patterns should be taken into account (e.g.,
daily cycles of rush hour, differences in
weekday and weekend traffic volumes, and
changes in the distribution of heavy-duty
trucks and light-duty passenger vehicles), as
these patterns will affect the types and
amounts of pollutant emissions allocated to
each lane and the height of emissions.
d. Emission factors can be determined
through source-specific testing and
measurements (e.g., stack test data) from
existing sources or provided from a
manufacturing association or vendor.
Additionally, emissions factors for a variety
of source types are compiled in an EPA
publication commonly known as AP–42.94
AP–42 also provides an indication of the
quality and amount of data on which many
of the factors are based. Other information
concerning emissions is available in EPA
publications relating to specific source
categories. The appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) should be
consulted to determine appropriate source
definitions and for guidance concerning the
determination of emissions from and
techniques for modeling the various source
8.2.2 Requirements
a. For SIP attainment demonstrations for
the purpose of projecting future year NAAQS
attainment for ozone, PM2.5, and regional
haze reasonable progress goal analyses,
emissions which reflect actual emissions
during the base modeling year time period
should be input to models for base year
modeling. Emissions projections to future
years should account for key variables such
as growth due to increased or decreased
activity, expected emissions controls due to
regulations, settlement agreements or consent
decrees, fuel switches, and any other relevant
information. Guidance on emissions
estimation techniques (including future year
projections) for SIP attainment
demonstrations is available.64 95
b. For the purpose of SIP revisions for
stationary point sources, the regulatory
modeling of inert pollutants shall use the
emissions input data shown in Table 8–1 for
short-term and long-term NAAQS. To
demonstrate compliance and/or establish the
appropriate SIP emissions limits, Table 8–1
generally provides for the use of ‘‘allowable’’
emissions in the regulatory dispersion
modeling of the stationary point source(s) of
interest. In such modeling, these source(s)
should be modeled sequentially with these
loads for every hour of the year. As part of
a cumulative impact analysis, Table 8–1
allows for the model user to account for
actual operations in developing the
emissions inputs for dispersion modeling of
nearby sources, while other sources are best
represented by air quality monitoring data.
Consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) is advisable on
the establishment of the appropriate
emissions inputs for regulatory modeling
applications with respect to SIP revisions for
stationary point sources.
c. For the purposes of demonstrating
NAAQS compliance in a PSD assessment, the
regulatory modeling of inert pollutants shall
use the emissions input data shown in Table
8–2 for short and long-term NAAQS. The
new or modifying stationary point source
shall be modeled with ‘‘allowable’’ emissions
in the regulatory dispersion modeling. As
part of a cumulative impact analysis, Table
8–2 allows for the model user to account for
actual operations in developing the
emissions inputs for dispersion modeling of
nearby sources, while other sources are best
represented by air quality monitoring data.
For purposes of situations involving
emissions trading, refer to current EPA policy
and guidance to establish input data.
Consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) is advisable on
the establishment of the appropriate
emissions inputs for regulatory modeling
applications with respect to PSD assessments
for a proposed new or modifying source.
d. For stationary source applications,
changes in operating conditions that affect
the physical emission parameters (e.g.,
release height, initial plume volume, and exit
velocity) shall be considered to ensure that
maximum potential impacts are
appropriately determined in the assessment.
For example, the load or operating condition
for point sources that causes maximum
ground-level concentrations shall be
established. As a minimum, the source
should be modeled using the design capacity
(100 percent load). If a source operates at
greater than design capacity for periods that
could result in violations of the NAAQS or
PSD increments, this load should be
modeled. Where the source operates at
substantially less than design capacity, and
the changes in the stack parameters
associated with the operating conditions
could lead to higher ground level
concentrations, loads such as 50 percent and
75 percent of capacity should also be
modeled. Malfunctions which may result in
excess emissions are not considered to be a
normal operating condition. They generally
should not be considered in determining
allowable emissions. However, if the excess
emissions are the result of poor maintenance,
careless operation, or other preventable
conditions, it may be necessary to consider
them in determining source impact. A range
of operating conditions should be considered
in screening analyses. The load causing the
highest concentration, in addition to the
design load, should be included in refined
e. Emissions from mobile sources also have
physical and temporal characteristics that
should be appropriately accounted. For
example, an appropriate emissions model
shall be used to determine emissions profiles.
Such emissions should include speciation
specific for the vehicle types used on the
roadway (e.g., light duty and heavy duty
trucks), and subsequent parameterizations of
the physical emissions characteristics (e.g.,
release height) should reflect those emissions
sources. For long-term standards, annual
average emissions may be appropriate, but
for short-term standards, discrete temporal
representation of emissions should be used
(e.g., variations in weekday and weekend
traffic or the diurnal rush-hour profile typical
of many cities). Detailed information and
data requirements for modeling mobile
sources of pollution are provided in the
user’s manuals for each of the models
applicable to mobile sources.65 67
Emissions limit
(lb/MMBtu) 2
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
Averaging time
Operating level
(MMBtu/hr) 2
Operating factor
(e.g., hr/yr, hr/day)
Stationary Point Sources(s) Subject to SIP Emissions Limit(s) Evaluation for Compliance with Ambient Standards
(Including Areawide Demonstrations)
Annual & quarterly ...
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Maximum allowable emission
limit or federally enforceable
permit limit.
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PO 00000
Frm 00026
Actual or design capacity
(whichever is greater), or federally enforceable permit condition.3
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
Actual operating factor averaged over the most recent 2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Emissions limit
(lb/MMBtu) 2
Averaging time
Short term (≤24
Operating level
(MMBtu/hr) 2
Maximum allowable emission
limit or federally enforceable
permit limit.
Operating factor
(e.g., hr/yr, hr/day)
Actual or design capacity
(whichever is greater), or federally enforceable permit condition.3
Continuous operation, i.e., all
hours of each time period
under consideration (for all
hours of the meteorological
Nearby Source(s) 5
Annual & quarterly ...
Short term (≤24
Maximum allowable emission
limit or federally enforceable
permit limit.6
Maximum allowable emission
limit or federally enforceable
permit limit.6
Annual level when actually operating, averaged over the
most recent 2 years.4
Temporarily representative level
when actually operating, reflective of the most recent 2
years.4 7
Actual operating factor averaged over the most recent 2
years.4 8
Continuous operation, i.e., all
hours of each time period
under consideration (for all
hours of the meteorological
Other Source(s) 6 9
The ambient impacts from Non-nearby or Other Sources (e.g., natural, minor, distant major, and unidentified sources) can be represented by air
quality monitoring data unless adequate data do not exist.
1 For purposes of emissions trading, NSR, or PSD, other model input criteria may apply. See Section 8.2 for more information regarding attainment demonstrations of primary PM2.5.
2 Terminology applicable to fuel burning sources; analogoous terminology (e.g., lb/throughput) may be used for other types of sources.
3 Operating levels such as 50 percent and 75 percent of capacity should also be modeled to determine the load causing the highest concentration.
4 Unless it is determined that this period is not representative.
5 If operation does not occur for all hours of the time period of consideration (e.g., 3 or 24-hours) and the source operation is constrained by a
federally enforceable permit condition, an appropriate adjustment to the modeled emission rate may be made (e.g., if operation is only 8 a.m. to
4 p.m. each day, only these hours will be modeled with emissions from the source. Modeled emissions should not be averaged across non-operating time periods.)
6 See Section 8.3.3.
7 Temporarily representative operating level could be based on Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) data or other informtation and should
be determined through consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (Paragraph 3.0(b)).
8 For those permitted sources not in operation or that have not established an appropriate factor, continuous operation, (i.e., 8760) should be
9 See Section 8.3.2.
Emissions limit
(lb/MMBtu) 1
Averaging time
Annual & quarterly ...
Short term (≤24
Operating level
(MMBtu/hr) 1
Proposed Major New or Modified Source
Maximum allowable emission
Design capacity or federally enlimit or federally enforceable
forceable permit condition.2
permit limit.
Maximum allowable emission
Design capacity or federally enlimit or federally enforceable
forceable permit condition.2
permit limit.
Operating factor
(e.g., hr/yr, hr/day)
8760 hours.3
Continuous operation, i.e., all
hours of each time period
under consideration (for all
hours of the meteorological
Nearby Source(s) 4 5
Annual & quarterly ...
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
Short term (≤24
Maximum allowable emission
limit or federally enforceable
permit limit.5
Maximum allowable emission
limit or federally enforceable
permit limit.5
Annual level when actually operating, averaged over the
most recent 2 years 6.
Temporarily representative level
when actually operating, reflective of the most recent 2
years.6 7
Actual operating factor averaged over the most recent 2
years.6 8
Continuous operation, i.e., all
hours of each time period
under consideration (for all
hours of the meteorological
Other Source(s) 5 9
The ambient impacts from Non-nearby or Other Sources (e.g., natural, minor, distant major, and unidentified sources) can be represented by air
quality monitoring data unless adequate data do not exist.
1 Terminology
2 Operating
applicable to fuel burning sources; analogous terminology (e.g., lb/throughput) may be used for other types of sources.
levels such as 50 percent and 75 percent of capacity should also be modeled to determine the load causing the highest concentra-
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
3 If operation does not occur for all hours of the time period of consideration (e.g., 3 or 24-hours) and the source operation is constrained by a
federally enforceable permit condition, an appropriate adjustment to the modeled emission rate may be made (e.g., if operation is only 8 a.m. to
4 p.m. each day, only these hours will be modeled with emissions from the source. Modeled emissions should not be averaged across non-operating time periods.)
4 Includes existing facility to which modification is proposed if the emissions from the existing facility will not be affected by the modification.
Otherwise use the same parameters as for major modification.
5 See Section 8.3.3.
6 Unless it is determined that this period is not representative.
7 Temporarily representative operating level could be based on Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) data or other informtation and should
be determined through consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (Paragraph 3.0(b)).
8 For those permitted sources not in operation or that have not established an appropriate factor, continuous operation, (i.e., 8760) should be
9 See Section 8.3.2.
8.3 Background Concentrations
8.3.1 Discussion
a. Background concentrations are essential
in constructing the design concentration, or
total air quality concentration, as part of a
cumulative impact analysis for NAAQS and
PSD increments (section 9.2.3). To assist
applicants and reviewing authorities with
appropriately characterizing background
concentrations, the EPA has developed the
Draft Guidance on Developing Background
Concentrations for Use in Modeling
Demonstrations.96 The guidance provides a
recommended framework composed of steps
that should be used in parallel with the
recommendations made in this section.
Generally, background air quality should not
include the ambient impacts of the project
source under consideration. Instead, it
should include:
i. Nearby sources: These are individual
sources located in the vicinity of the
source(s) under consideration for emissions
limits that are not adequately represented by
ambient monitoring data. The ambient
contributions from these nearby sources are
thereby accounted for by explicitly modeling
their emissions (section 8.2).
ii. Other sources: That portion of the
background attributable to natural sources,
other unidentified sources in the vicinity of
the project, and regional transport
contributions from more distant sources
(domestic and international). The ambient
contributions from these sources are typically
accounted for through use of ambient
monitoring data or, in some cases, regionalscale photochemical grid modeling results.
b. The monitoring network used for
developing background concentrations is
expected to conform to the same quality
assurance and other requirements as those
networks established for PSD purposes.97
Accordingly, the air quality monitoring data
should be of sufficient completeness and
follow appropriate data validation
procedures. These data should be adequately
representative of the area to inform
calculation of the design concentration for
comparison to the applicable NAAQS
(section 9.2.2).
c. For photochemical grid modeling
conducted in SIP attainment demonstrations
for ozone, PM2.5 and regional haze, the
emissions from nearby and other sources are
included as model inputs and fully
accounted for in the modeling application
and predicted concentrations. The concept of
adding individual components to develop a
design concentration, therefore, do not apply
in these SIP applications. However, such
modeling results may then be appropriate for
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consideration in characterizing background
concentrations for other regulatory
applications. Also, as noted in section 5, this
modeling approach does provide for an
appropriate atmospheric environment to
assess single-source impacts for ozone and
secondary PM2.5.
d. For NAAQS assessments and SIP
attainment demonstrations for inert
pollutants, the development of the
appropriate background concentration for a
cumulative impact analysis involves proper
accounting of each contribution to the design
concentration and will depend upon whether
the project area’s situation consists of either
an isolated single source(s) or a multitude of
sources. For PSD increment assessments, all
impacts after the appropriate baseline dates
(i.e., trigger date, major source baseline date,
and minor source baseline date) from all
increment-consuming and incrementexpanding sources should be considered in
the design concentration (section 9.2.2).
8.3.2 Recommendations for Isolated Single
a. In areas with an isolated source(s),
determining the appropriate background
concentration should focus on
characterization of contributions from all
other sources through adequately
representative ambient monitoring data. The
application of the EPA’s recommended
framework for determining an appropriate
background concentration should be
consistent with appropriate EPA modeling
guidance 63 96 and justified in the modeling
protocol that is vetted with the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
b. The EPA recommends use of the most
recent quality assured air quality monitoring
data collected in the vicinity of the source to
determine the background concentration for
the averaging times of concern. In most cases,
the EPA recommends using data from the
monitor closest to and upwind of the project
area. If several monitors are available,
preference should be given to the monitor
with characteristics that are most similar to
the project area. If there are no monitors
located in the vicinity of the new or
modifying source, a ‘‘regional site’’ may be
used to determine background
concentrations. A regional site is one that is
located away from the area of interest but is
impacted by similar or adequately
representative sources.
c. Many of the challenges related to
cumulative impact analyses arise in the
context of defining the appropriate metric to
characterize background concentrations from
ambient monitoring data and determining the
appropriate method for combining this
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monitor-based background contribution to
the modeled impact of the project and other
nearby sources. For many cases, the best
starting point would be use of the current
design value for the applicable NAAQS as a
uniform monitored background contribution
across the project area. However, there are
cases in which the current design value may
not be appropriate. Such cases include but
are not limited to:
i. For situations involving a modifying
source where the existing facility is
determined to impact the ambient monitor,
the background concentration at each
monitor can be determined by excluding
values when the source in question is
impacting the monitor. In such cases,
monitoring sites inside a 90° sector
downwind of the source may be used to
determine the area of impact.
ii. There may be other circumstances
which would necessitate modifications to the
ambient data record. Such cases could
include removal of data from specific days or
hours when a monitor is being impacted by
activities that are not typical or not expected
to occur again in the future (e.g.,
construction, roadway repairs, forest fires, or
unusual agricultural activities). There may
also be cases where it may be appropriate to
scale (multiplying the monitored
concentrations with a scaling factor) or adjust
(adding or subtracting a constant value the
monitored concentrations) data from specific
days or hours. Such adjustments would make
the monitored background concentrations
more temporally and/or spatially
representative of the area around the new or
modifying source for the purposes of the
regulatory assessment.
iii. For short-term standards, the diurnal or
seasonal patterns of the air quality
monitoring data may differ significantly from
the patterns associated with the modeled
concentrations. When this occurs, it may be
appropriate to pair the air quality monitoring
data in a temporal manner that reflects these
patterns (e.g., pairing by season and/or hour
of day).98
iv. For situations where monitored air
quality concentrations vary across the
modeling domain, it may be appropriate to
consider air quality monitoring data from
multiple monitors within the project area.
d. Considering the spatial and temporal
variability throughout a typical modeling
domain on an hourly basis and the
complexities and limitations of hourly
observations from the ambient monitoring
network, the EPA does not recommend
hourly or daily pairing of monitored
background and modeled concentrations
except in rare cases of relatively isolated
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
sources where the available monitor can be
shown to be representative of the ambient
concentration levels in the areas of maximum
impact from the proposed new source. The
implicit assumption underlying hourly
pairing is that the background monitored
levels for each hour are spatially uniform and
that the monitored values are fully
representative of background levels at each
receptor for each hour. Such an assumption
clearly ignores the many factors that
contribute to the temporal and spatial
variability of ambient concentrations across a
typical modeling domain on an hourly basis.
In most cases, the seasonal (or quarterly)
pairing of monitored and modeled
concentrations should sufficiently address
situations to which the impacts from
modeled emissions are not temporally
correlated with background monitored levels.
e. In those cases where adequately
representative monitoring data to
characterize background concentrations are
not available, it may be appropriate to use
results from a regional-scale photochemical
grid model, or other representative model
application, as background concentrations
consistent with the considerations discussed
above and in consultation with the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
8.3.3 Recommendations for Multi-Source
a. In multi-source areas, determining the
appropriate background concentration
involves: (1) characterization of contributions
from other sources through adequately
representative ambient monitoring data, and
(2) identification and characterization of
contributions from nearby sources through
explicit modeling. A key point here is the
interconnectedness of each component in
that the question of which nearby sources to
include in the cumulative modeling is
inextricably linked to the question of what
the ambient monitoring data represents
within the project area.
b. Nearby sources: All sources in the
vicinity of the source(s) under consideration
for emissions limits that are not adequately
represented by ambient monitoring data
should be explicitly modeled. The EPA’s
recommended framework for determining an
appropriate background concentration 96
should be applied to identify such sources
and accurately account for their ambient
impacts through explicit modeling.
i. The determination of nearby sources
relies on the selection of adequately
representative ambient monitoring data
(section 8.3.2). The EPA recommends
determining the representativeness of the
monitoring data through a visual assessment
of the modeling domain considering any
relevant nearby sources and their respective
air quality data. The visual assessment
should consider any relevant air quality data
such as the proximity of nearby sources to
the project source and the ambient monitor,
the nearby source’s level of emissions with
respect to the ambient data, and the
dispersion environment (i.e., meteorological
patterns, terrain, etc.) of the modeling
ii. Nearby sources not adequately
represented by the ambient monitor through
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visual assessment should undergo further
qualitative and quantitative analysis before
being explicitly modeled. The EPA
recommends evaluating any modeling,
monitoring, or emissions data that may be
available for the identified nearby sources
with respect to possible violations to the
iii. The number of nearby sources to be
explicitly modeled in the air quality analysis
is expected to be few except in unusual
situations. The determination of nearby
sources through the application of the EPA’s
recommended framework calls for the
exercise of professional judgment by the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) and should be consistent with
appropriate EPA modeling guidance.63 96 This
guidance is not intended to alter the exercise
of that judgment or to comprehensively
prescribe which sources should be included
as nearby sources.
c. For cumulative impact analyses of shortterm and annual ambient standards, the
nearby sources as well as the project
source(s) must be evaluated using an
appropriate Addendum A model or approved
alternative model with the emission input
data shown in Table 8–1 or 8–2.
i. When modeling a nearby source that
does not have a permit and the emissions
limits contained in the SIP for a particular
source category is greater than the emissions
possible given the source’s maximum
physical capacity to emit, the ‘‘maximum
allowable emissions limit’’ for such a nearby
source may be calculated as the emissions
rate representative of the nearby source’s
maximum physical capacity to emit,
considering its design specifications and
allowable fuels and process materials.
However, the burden is on the permit
applicant to sufficiently document what the
maximum physical capacity to emit is for
such a nearby source.
ii. It is appropriate to model nearby sources
only during those times when they, by their
nature, operate at the same time as the
primary source(s) or could have impact on
the averaging period of concern. Accordingly,
it is not necessary to model impacts of a
nearby source that does not, by its nature,
operate at the same time as the primary
source or could have impact on the averaging
period of concern, regardless of an identified
significant concentration gradient from the
nearby source. The burden is on the permit
applicant to adequately justify the exclusion
of nearby sources to the satisfaction of the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)). The following examples illustrate two
cases in which a nearby source may be
shown not to operate at the same time as the
primary source(s) being modeled: (1)
Seasonal sources (only used during certain
seasons of the year). Such sources would not
be modeled as nearby sources during times
in which they do not operate; and (2)
Emergency backup generators, to the extent
that they do not operate simultaneously with
the sources that they back up. Such
emergency equipment would not be modeled
as nearby sources.
d. Other sources. That portion of the
background attributable to all other sources
(e.g., natural, minor, distant major, and
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unidentified sources) should be accounted
for through use of ambient monitoring data
and determined by the procedures found in
section 8.3.2 in keeping with eliminating or
reducing the source-oriented impacts from
nearby sources to avoid potential doublecounting of modeled and monitored
8.4 Meteorological Input Data
8.4.1 Discussion
a. This subsection covers meteorological
input data for use in dispersion modeling for
regulatory applications and is separate from
recommendations made for photochemical
grid modeling. Recommendations for
meteorological data for photochemical grid
modeling applications are outlined in the
latest version of the EPA’s Modeling
Guidance for Demonstrating Attainment of
Air Quality Goals for Ozone, PM2.5, and
Regional Haze.64 In cases where Lagrangian
models are applied for regulatory purposes,
appropriate meteorological inputs should be
determined in consultation with the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
b. The meteorological data used as input to
a dispersion model should be selected on the
basis of spatial and climatological (temporal)
representativeness as well as the ability of
the individual parameters selected to
characterize the transport and dispersion
conditions in the area of concern. The
representativeness of the measured data is
dependent on numerous factors including,
but not limited to: (1) the proximity of the
meteorological monitoring site to the area
under consideration; (2) the complexity of
the terrain; (3) the exposure of the
meteorological monitoring site; and (4) the
period of time during which data are
collected. The spatial representativeness of
the data can be adversely affected by large
distances between the source and receptors
of interest and the complex topographic
characteristics of the area. Temporal
representativeness is a function of the yearto-year variations in weather conditions.
Where appropriate, data representativeness
should be viewed in terms of the
appropriateness of the data for constructing
realistic boundary layer profiles and, where
applicable, three-dimensional meteorological
fields, as described in paragraphs (c) and (d)
of this subsection.
c. The meteorological data should be
adequately representative and may be sitespecific data (land-based or buoy data for
overwater applications), data from a nearby
National Weather Service (NWS) or
comparable station, or prognostic
meteorological data. The implementation of
NWS Automated Surface Observing Stations
(ASOS) in the early 1990’s should not
preclude the use of NWS ASOS data if such
a station is determined to be representative
of the modeled area.99
d. Model input data are normally obtained
either from the NWS or as part of a sitespecific measurement program. State
climatology offices, local universities, FAA,
military stations, industry, and pollution
control agencies may also be sources of such
data. In specific cases, prognostic
meteorological data may be appropriate for
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use and obtained from similar sources. Some
recommendations and requirements for the
use of each type of data are included in this
8.4.2 Recommendations and Requirements
a. AERMET 100 shall be used to preprocess
all meteorological data, be it observed or
prognostic, for use with AERMOD in
regulatory applications. The AERMINUTE 101
processor, in most cases, should be used to
process 1-minute ASOS wind data for input
to AERMET when processing NWS ASOS
sites in AERMET. When processing
prognostic meteorological data for AERMOD,
the Mesoscale Model Interface Program
(MMIF) 109 should be used to process data for
input to AERMET, both for land-based
applications and overwater applications.
Other methods of processing prognostic
meteorological data for input to AERMET
should be approved by the appropriate
reviewing authority. Additionally, the
following meteorological preprocessors are
recommended by the EPA: PCRAMMET,102
the recommended meteorological data
preprocessor for use in applications of OCD
employing hourly NWS data. MPRM is the
recommended meteorological data
preprocessor for applications of OCD
employing site-specific meteorological data.
METPRO is the recommended meteorological
data preprocessor for use with
b. Regulatory application of AERMOD
necessitates careful consideration of the
meteorological data for input to AERMET.
Data representativeness, in the case of
AERMOD, means utilizing data of an
appropriate type for constructing realistic
boundary layer profiles. Of particular
importance is the requirement that all
meteorological data used as input to
AERMOD should be adequately
representative of the transport and dispersion
within the analysis domain. Where surface
conditions vary significantly over the
analysis domain, the emphasis in assessing
representativeness should be given to
adequate characterization of transport and
dispersion between the source(s) of concern
and areas where maximum design
concentrations are anticipated to occur. The
EPA recommends that the surface
characteristics input to AERMET should be
representative of the land cover in the
vicinity of the meteorological data, i.e., the
location of the meteorological tower for
measured data or the representative grid cell
for prognostic data. Therefore, the model user
should apply the latest version
AERSURFACE,106 107 where applicable, for
determining surface characteristics when
processing measured land-based
meteorological data through AERMET. In
areas where it is not possible to use
AERSURFACE output, surface characteristics
can be determined using techniques that
apply the same analysis as AERSURFACE. In
the case of measured meteorological data for
overwater applications, AERMET calculates
the surface characteristics and AERSURFACE
outputs are not needed. In the case of
prognostic meteorological data, the surface
characteristics associated with the prognostic
meteorological model output for the
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representative grid cell should be used.108 109
Furthermore, since the spatial scope of each
variable could be different,
representativeness should be judged for each
variable separately. For example, for a
variable such as wind direction, the data
should ideally be collected near plume
height to be adequately representative,
especially for sources located in complex
terrain. Whereas, for a variable such as
temperature, data from a station several
kilometers away from the source may be
considered to be adequately representative.
More information about meteorological data,
representativeness, and surface
characteristics can be found in the AERMOD
Implementation Guide.81
c. Regulatory application of CTDMPLUS
requires the input of multi-level
measurements of wind speed, direction,
temperature, and turbulence from an
appropriately sited meteorological tower. The
measurements should be obtained up to the
representative plume height(s) of interest.
Plume heights of interest can be determined
by use of screening procedures such as
d. Regulatory application of OCD requires
meteorological data over land and over water.
The over land or surface data, processed
through PCRAMMET 102 or MPRM,103 that
provides hourly stability class, wind
direction and speed, ambient temperature,
and mixing height, are required. Data over
water requires hourly mixing height, relative
humidity, air temperature, and water surface
temperature. Missing winds are substituted
with the surface winds. Vertical wind
direction shear, vertical temperature
gradient, and turbulence intensities are
e. The model user should acquire enough
meteorological data to ensure that worst-case
meteorological conditions are adequately
represented in the model results. The use of
5 years of adequately representative NWS or
comparable meteorological data, at least 1
year of site-specific (either land-based or
overwater based), or at least 3 years of
prognostic meteorological data, are required.
If 1 year or more, up to 5 years, of sitespecific data are available, these data are
preferred for use in air quality analyses.
Depending on completeness of the data
record, consecutive years of NWS, sitespecific, or prognostic data are preferred.
Such data must be subjected to quality
assurance procedures as described in section
f. Objective analysis in meteorological
modeling is to improve meteorological
analyses (the ‘‘first guess field ’’) used as
initial conditions for prognostic
meteorological models by incorporating
information from meteorological
observations. Direct and indirect (using
remote sensing techniques) observations of
temperature, humidity, and wind from
surface and radiosonde reports are commonly
employed to improve these analysis fields.
For long-range transport applications, it is
recommended that objective analysis
procedures, using direct and indirect
meteorological observations, be employed in
preparing input fields to produce prognostic
meteorological datasets. The length of record
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of observations should conform to
recommendations outlined in paragraph
8.4.2(e) for prognostic meteorological model
8.4.3 National Weather Service Data Discussion
a. The NWS meteorological data are
routinely available and familiar to most
model users. Although the NWS does not
provide direct measurements of all the
needed dispersion model input variables,
methods have been developed and
successfully used to translate the basic NWS
data to the needed model input. Site-specific
measurements of model input parameters
have been made for many modeling studies,
and those methods and techniques are
becoming more widely applied, especially in
situations such as complex terrain
applications, where available NWS data are
not adequately representative. However,
there are many modeling applications where
NWS data are adequately representative and
the applications still rely heavily on the NWS
b. Many models use the standard hourly
weather observations available from the
National Centers for Environmental
Information (NCEI).b These observations are
then preprocessed before they can be used in
the models. Prior to the advent of ASOS in
the early 1990’s, the standard ‘‘hourly’’
weather observation was a human-based
observation reflecting a single 2-minute
average generally taken about 10 minutes
before the hour. However, beginning in
January 2000 for first-order stations and in
March 2005 for all stations, the NCEI has
archived the 1-minute ASOS wind data (i.e.,
the rolling 2-minute average winds) for the
processor 101 was developed to reduce the
number of calm and missing hours in
AERMET processing by substituting standard
hourly observations with full hourly average
winds calculated from 1-minute ASOS wind
data. Recommendations
a. The preferred models listed in
Addendum A all accept as input the NWS
meteorological data preprocessed into model
compatible form. If NWS data are judged to
be adequately representative for a specific
modeling application, they may be used. The
NCEI makes available surface and upper air
meteorological data online and in CD–ROM
format. Upper air data are also available at
the Earth System Research Laboratory Global
Systems Divisions website and from NCEI.
For the latest websites of available surface
and upper air data see reference 100.
b. Although most NWS wind
measurements are made at a standard height
of 10 m, the actual anemometer height
should be used as input to the preferred
meteorological processor and model.
c. Standard hourly NWS wind directions
are reported to the nearest 10 degrees. Due
to the coarse resolution of these data, a
specific set of randomly generated numbers
has been developed by the EPA and should
b Formerly the National Climatic Data Center
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be used when processing standard hourly
NWS data for use in the preferred EPA
models to ensure a lack of bias in wind
direction assignments within the models.
d. Beginning with year 2000, NCEI began
archiving 2-minute winds, reported every
minute to the nearest degree for NWS ASOS
sites. The AERMINUTE processor was
developed to read those winds and calculate
hourly average winds for input to AERMET.
When such data are available for the NWS
ASOS site being processed, the AERMINUTE
processor should be used, in most cases, to
calculate hourly average wind speed and
direction when processing NWS ASOS data
for input to AERMOD.99
e. Data from universities, FAA, military
stations, industry and pollution control
agencies may be used if such data are
equivalent in accuracy and detail (e.g., siting
criteria, frequency of observations, data
completeness, etc.) to the NWS data, they are
judged to be adequately representative for the
particular application, and have undergone
quality assurance checks.
f. After valid data retrieval requirements
have been met,110 large number of hours in
the record having missing data should be
treated according to an established data
substitution protocol provided that
adequately representative alternative data are
available. Data substitution guidance is
provided in section 5.3 of reference 110. If no
representative alternative data are available
for substitution, the absent data should be
coded as missing using missing data codes
appropriate to the applicable meteorological
pre-processor. Appropriate model options for
treating missing data, if available in the
model, should be employed.
8.4.4 Site-Specific Data Discussion
a. Spatial or geographical
representativeness is best achieved by
collection of all of the needed model input
data in close proximity to the actual site of
the source(s). Site-specific measured data are,
therefore, preferred as model input, provided
that appropriate instrumentation and quality
assurance procedures are followed, and that
the data collected are adequately
representative (free from inappropriate local
or microscale influences) and compatible
with the input requirements of the model to
be used. It should be noted that, while sitespecific measurements are frequently made
‘‘on-property’’ (i.e., on the source’s premises),
acquisition of adequately representative sitespecific data does not preclude collection of
data from a location off property. Conversely,
collection of meteorological data on a
source’s property does not of itself guarantee
adequate representativeness. For help in
determining representativeness of sitespecific measurements, technical
guidance 110 is available. Site-specific data
should always be reviewed for
representativeness and adequacy by an
experienced meteorologist, atmospheric
scientist, or other qualified scientist in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)). Recommendations
a. The EPA guidance 110 provides
recommendations on the collection and use
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of site-specific meteorological data.
Recommendations on characteristics, siting,
and exposure of meteorological instruments
and on data recording, processing,
completeness requirements, reporting, and
archiving are also included. This publication
should be used as a supplement to other
limited guidance on these subjects.5 97 111 112
Detailed information on quality assurance is
also available.113 As a minimum, site-specific
measurements of ambient air temperature,
transport wind speed and direction, and the
variables necessary to estimate atmospheric
dispersion should be available in
meteorological datasets to be used in
modeling. Care should be taken to ensure
that meteorological instruments are located
to provide an adequately representative
characterization of pollutant transport
between sources and receptors of interest.
The appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) is available to help
determine the appropriateness of the
measurement locations.
i. Solar radiation measurements. Total
solar radiation or net radiation should be
measured with a reliable pyranometer or net
radiometer sited and operated in accordance
with established site-specific meteorological
guidance.110 113
ii. Temperature measurements.
Temperature measurements should be made
at standard shelter height (2m) in accordance
with established site-specific meteorological
iii. Temperature difference measurements.
Temperature difference (DT) measurements
should be obtained using matched
thermometers or a reliable thermocouple
system to achieve adequate accuracy. Siting,
probe placement, and operation of DT
systems should be based on guidance found
in Chapter 3 of reference 110 and such
guidance should be followed when obtaining
vertical temperature gradient data. AERMET
may employ the Bulk Richardson scheme,
which requires measurements of temperature
difference, in lieu of cloud cover or
insolation data. To ensure correct application
and acceptance, AERMOD users should
consult with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) before using the
Bulk Richardson scheme for their analysis.
iv. Wind measurements. For simulation of
plume rise and dispersion of a plume emitted
from a stack, characterization of the wind
profile up through the layer in which the
plume disperses is desirable. This is
especially important in complex terrain and/
or complex wind situations where wind
measurements at heights up to hundreds of
meters above stack base may be required in
some circumstances. For tall stacks when
site-specific data are needed, these winds
have been obtained traditionally using
meteorological sensors mounted on tall
towers. A feasible alternative to tall towers is
the use of meteorological remote sensing
instruments (e.g., acoustic sounders or radar
wind profilers) to provide winds aloft,
coupled with 10-meter towers to provide the
near-surface winds. Note that when sitespecific wind measurements are used,
AERMOD, at a minimum, requires wind
observations at a height above ground
between seven times the local surface
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roughness height and 100 m. (For additional
requirements for AERMOD and CTDMPLUS,
see Addendum A.) Specifications for wind
measuring instruments and systems are
contained in reference 110.
b. All processed site-specific data should
be in the form of hourly averages for input
to the dispersion model.
i. Turbulence data. There are several
dispersion models that are capable of using
direct measurements of turbulence (wind
fluctuations) in the characterization of the
vertical and lateral dispersion (e.g.,
CTDMPLUS or AERMOD). When turbulence
data are used to directly characterize the
vertical and lateral dispersion, the averaging
time for the turbulence measurements should
be 1-hour. For technical guidance on
processing of turbulence parameters for use
in dispersion modeling, refer to the user’s
guide to the meteorological processor for
each model (see section 8.4.2(a)).
ii. Stability categories. For dispersion
models that employ P–G stability categories
for the characterization of the vertical and
lateral dispersion, the P–G stability
categories, as originally defined, couple nearsurface measurements of wind speed with
subjectively determined insolation
assessments based on hourly cloud cover and
ceiling height observations. The wind speed
measurements are made at or near 10 m. The
insolation rate is typically assessed using
observations of cloud cover and ceiling
height based on criteria outlined by Turner.77
It is recommended that the P–G stability
category be estimated using the Turner
method with site-specific wind speed
measured at or near 10 m and representative
cloud cover and ceiling height.
Implementation of the Turner method, as
well as considerations in determining
representativeness of cloud cover and ceiling
height in cases for which site-specific cloud
observations are unavailable, may be found
in section 6 of reference 110. In the absence
of requisite data to implement the Turner
method, the solar radiation/delta-T (SRDT)
method or wind fluctuation statistics (i.e., the
sE and sA methods) may be used.
iii. The SRDT method, described in section of reference 110, is modified slightly
from that published from earlier work 114 and
has been evaluated with three site-specific
databases.115 The two methods of stability
classification that use wind fluctuation
statistics, the sE and sA methods, are also
described in detail in section 6.4.4 of
reference 110 (note applicable tables in
section 6). For additional information on the
wind fluctuation methods, several references
are available.116 117 118 119
c. Missing data substitution. After valid
data retrieval requirements have been met,110
hours in the record having missing data
should be treated according to an established
data substitution protocol provided that
adequately representative alternative data are
available. Such protocols are usually part of
the approved monitoring program plan. Data
substitution guidance is provided in section
5.3 of reference 110. If no representative
alternative data are available for substitution,
the absent data should be coded as missing,
using missing data codes appropriate to the
applicable meteorological pre-processor.
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Appropriate model options for treating
missing data, if available in the model,
should be employed.
8.4.5 Prognostic meteorological data Discussion
a. For some modeling applications, there
may not be a representative NWS or
comparable meteorological station available
(e.g., complex terrain), and it may be cost
prohibitive or infeasible to collect adequately
representative site-specific data. For these
cases, it may be appropriate to use prognostic
meteorological data, if deemed adequately
representative, in a regulatory modeling
application. However, if prognostic
meteorological data are not representative of
transport and dispersion conditions in the
area of concern, the collection of site-specific
data is necessary.
b. The EPA has developed a processor, the
MMIF,108 to process MM5 (Mesoscale Model
5) or WRF (Weather Research and
Forecasting) model data for input to various
models including AERMOD. MMIF can
process data for input to AERMET or
AERMOD for a single grid cell or multiple
grid cells. MMIF output has been found to
compare favorably against observed data
(site-specific or NWS).120 Specific guidance
on processing MMIF for AERMOD can be
found in reference 109. When using MMIF to
process prognostic data for regulatory
applications, the data should be processed to
generate AERMET inputs and the data
subsequently processed through AERMET for
input to AERMOD. If an alternative method
of processing data for input to AERMET is
used, it must be approved by the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)). Recommendations
a. Prognostic model evaluation.
Appropriate effort by the applicant should be
devoted to the process of evaluating the
prognostic meteorological data. The
modeling data should be compared to NWS
observational data or other comparable data
in an effort to show that the data are
adequately replicating the observed
meteorological conditions of the time periods
modeled. An operational evaluation of the
modeling data for all model years (i.e.,
statistical, graphical) should be completed.64
The use of output from prognostic mesoscale
meteorological models is contingent upon the
concurrence with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) that the data are
of acceptable quality, which can be
demonstrated through statistical comparisons
with meteorological observations aloft and at
the surface at several appropriate locations.64
b. Representativeness. When processing
MMIF data for use with AERMOD, the grid
cell used for the dispersion modeling should
be adequately spatially representative of the
analysis domain. In most cases, this may be
the grid cell containing the emission source
of interest. Since the dispersion modeling
may involve multiple sources and the
domain may cover several grid cells,
depending on grid resolution of the
prognostic model, professional judgment may
be needed to select the appropriate grid cell
to use. In such cases, the selected grid cells
should be adequately representative of the
entire domain.
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c. Grid resolution. The grid resolution of
the prognostic meteorological data should be
considered and evaluated appropriately,
particularly for projects involving complex
terrain. The operational evaluation of the
modeling data should consider whether a
finer grid resolution is needed to ensure that
the data are representative. The use of output
from prognostic mesoscale meteorological
models is contingent upon the concurrence
with the appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) that the data are of
acceptable quality.
8.4.6 Marine Boundary Layer Environments Discussion
a. Calculations of boundary layer
parameters for the marine boundary layer
present special challenges as the marine
boundary layer can be very different from the
boundary layer over land. For example,
convective conditions can occur in the
overnight hours in the marine boundary layer
while typically over land, stable conditions
occur at night. Also, surface roughness in the
marine environment is a function of wave
height and wind speed and less static with
time than surface roughness over land.
b. While the Offshore and Coastal
Dispersion Model (OCD) is the preferred
model for overwater applications, there are
applications where the use of AERMOD is
applicable. These include applications that
utilize features of AERMOD not included in
OCD (e.g., NO2 chemistry). Such use of
AERMOD would require consultation with
the Regional Office and appropriate
reviewing authority to ensure that platform
downwash and shoreline fumigation are
adequately considered in the modeling
c. For the reasons stated above, a
standalone pre-processor to AERMOD, called
AERCOARE 47 was developed to use the
Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Response
Experiment (COARE) bulk-flux algorithms 48
to bypass AERMET and calculate the
boundary layer parameters for input to
AERMOD for the marine boundary layer.
AERCOARE can process either measurements
from water-based sites such as buoys or
prognostic data. To better facilitate the use of
the COARE algorithms for AERMOD, EPA
has included the COARE algorithms into
AERMET thus eliminating the need for a
standalone pre-processor and ensuring the
algorithms are updated as part of routine
AERMET updates. Recommendations
a. Measured data. For applications in the
marine environment that require the use of
AERMOD, measured surface data, such as
from a buoy or other offshore platform,
should be processed in AERMET with the
COARE processing option following
recommendations in the AERMET User’s
Guide 100 and AERMOD Implementation
Guide.81 For applications in the marine
environment that require the use of OCD,
users should use the recommended
meteorological pre-processor MPRM.
b. Prognostic data. For applications in the
marine environment that require the use of
AERMOD and prognostic data, the prognostic
data should be processed via MMIF for input
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to AERMET following recommendations in
paragraph and the guidance found
in reference 109.
8.4.7 Treatment of Near-Calms and Calms Discussion
a. Treatment of calm or light and variable
wind poses a special problem in modeling
applications since steady-state Gaussian
plume models assume that concentration is
inversely proportional to wind speed,
depending on model formulations.
Procedures have been developed to prevent
the occurrence of overly conservative
concentration estimates during periods of
calms. These procedures acknowledge that a
steady-state Gaussian plume model does not
apply during calm conditions, and that our
knowledge of wind patterns and plume
behavior during these conditions does not, at
present, permit the development of a better
technique. Therefore, the procedures
disregard hours that are identified as calm.
The hour is treated as missing and a
convention for handling missing hours is
recommended. With the advent of the
AERMINUTE processor, when processing
NWS ASOS data, the inclusion of hourly
averaged winds from AERMINUTE will, in
some instances, dramatically reduce the
number of calm and missing hours,
especially when the ASOS wind are derived
from a sonic anemometer. To alleviate
concerns about these issues, especially those
introduced with AERMINUTE, the EPA
implemented a wind speed threshold in
AERMET for use with ASOS derived
winds.99 100 Winds below the threshold will
be treated as calms.
b. AERMOD, while fundamentally a
steady-state Gaussian plume model, contains
algorithms for dealing with low wind speed
(near calm) conditions. As a result, AERMOD
can produce model estimates for conditions
when the wind speed may be less than
1 m/s, but still greater than the instrument
threshold. Required input to AERMET for
site-specific data, the meteorological
processor for AERMOD, includes a threshold
wind speed and a reference wind speed. The
threshold wind speed is the greater of the
threshold of the instrument used to collect
the wind speed data or wind direction
sensor.110 The reference wind speed is
selected by the model as the lowest level of
non-missing wind speed and direction data
where the speed is greater than the wind
speed threshold, and the height of the
measurement is between seven times the
local surface roughness length and 100 m. If
the only valid observation of the reference
wind speed between these heights is less
than the threshold, the hour is considered
calm, and no concentration is calculated.
None of the observed wind speeds in a
measured wind profile that are less than the
threshold speed are used in construction of
the modeled wind speed profile in AERMOD. Recommendations
a. Hourly concentrations calculated with
steady-state Gaussian plume models using
calms should not be considered valid; the
wind and concentration estimates for these
hours should be disregarded and considered
to be missing. Model predicted
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
concentrations for 3-, 8-, and 24-hour
averages should be calculated by dividing the
sum of the hourly concentrations for the
period by the number of valid or non-missing
hours. If the total number of valid hours is
less than 18 for 24-hour averages, less than
6 for 8-hour averages, or less than 3 for 3hour averages, the total concentration should
be divided by 18 for the 24-hour average, 6
for the 8-hour average, and 3 for the 3-hour
average. For annual averages, the sum of all
valid hourly concentrations is divided by the
number of non-calm hours during the year.
AERMOD has been coded to implement these
instructions. For hours that are calm or
missing, the AERMOD hourly concentrations
will be zero. For other models listed in
Addendum A, a post-processor computer
program, CALMPRO 121 has been prepared, is
available on the EPA’s SCRAM website
(section 2.3), and should be used.
b. Stagnant conditions that include
extended periods of calms often produce
high concentrations over wide areas for
relatively long averaging periods. The
standard steady-state Gaussian plume models
are often not applicable to such situations.
When stagnation conditions are of concern,
other modeling techniques should be
considered on a case-by-case basis (see also
c. When used in steady-state Gaussian
plume models other than AERMOD,
measured site-specific wind speeds of less
than 1 m/s but higher than the response
threshold of the instrument should be input
as 1 m/s; the corresponding wind direction
should also be input. Wind observations
below the response threshold of the
instrument should be set to zero, with the
input file in ASCII format. For input to
AERMOD, no such adjustment should be
made to the site-specific wind data, as
AERMOD has algorithms to account for light
or variable winds as discussed in section For NWS ASOS data, see the
AERMET User’s Guide 100 for guidance on
wind speed thresholds. For prognostic data,
see the latest guidance 109 for thresholds.
Observations with wind speeds less than the
threshold are considered calm, and no
concentration is calculated. In all cases
involving steady-state Gaussian plume
models, calm hours should be treated as
missing, and concentrations should be
calculated as in paragraph (a) of this
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Regulatory Application of Models
9.1 Discussion
a. Standardized procedures are valuable in
the review of air quality modeling and data
analyses conducted to support SIP submittals
and revisions, NSR, or other EPA
requirements to ensure consistency in their
regulatory application. This section
recommends procedures specific to NSR that
facilitate some degree of standardization
while at the same time allowing the
flexibility needed to assure the technically
best analysis for each regulatory application.
For SIP attainment demonstrations, refer to
the appropriate EPA guidance 53 64 for the
recommended procedures.
b. Air quality model estimates, especially
with the support of measured air quality
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data, are the preferred basis for air quality
demonstrations. A number of actions have
been taken to ensure that the best air quality
model is used correctly for each regulatory
application and that it is not arbitrarily
• First, the Guideline clearly recommends
that the most appropriate model be used in
each case. Preferred models are identified,
based on a number of factors, for many uses.
• Second, the preferred models have been
subjected to a systematic performance
evaluation and a scientific peer review.
Statistical performance measures, including
measures of difference (or residuals) such as
bias, variance of difference and gross
variability of the difference, and measures of
correlation such as time, space, and time and
space combined, as described in section
2.1.1, were generally followed.
• Third, more specific information has
been provided for considering the
incorporation of new models into the
Guideline (section 3.1), and the Guideline
contains procedures for justifying the caseby-case use of alternative models and
obtaining EPA approval (section 3.2).
c. Air quality modeling is the preferred
basis for air quality demonstrations.
Nevertheless, there are rare circumstances
where the performance of the preferred air
quality model may be shown to be less than
reasonably acceptable or where no preferred
air quality model, screening model or
technique, or alternative model are suitable
for the situation. In these unique instances,
there is the possibility of assuring
compliance and establishing emissions limits
for an existing source solely on the basis of
observed air quality data in lieu of an air
quality modeling analysis. Comprehensive
air quality monitoring in the vicinity of the
existing source with proposed modifications
will be necessary in these cases. The same
attention should be given to the detailed
analyses of the air quality data as would be
applied to a model performance evaluation.
d. The current levels and forms of the
NAAQS for the six criteria pollutants can be
found on the EPA’s NAAQS website at
As required by the CAA, the NAAQS are
subjected to extensive review every 5 years
and the standards, including the level and
the form, may be revised as part of that
review. The criteria pollutants have either
long-term (annual or quarterly) and/or shortterm (24-hour or less) forms that are not to
be exceeded more than a certain frequency
over a period of time (e.g., no exceedance on
a rolling 3-month average, no more than once
per year, or no more than once per year
averaged over 3 years), are averaged over a
period of time (e.g., an annual mean or an
annual mean averaged over 3 years), or are
some percentile that is averaged over a
period of time (e.g., annual 99th or 98th
percentile averaged over 3 years). The 3-year
period for ambient monitoring design values
does not dictate the length of the data periods
recommended for modeling (i.e., 5 years of
NWS meteorological data, at least 1 year of
site-specific, or at least 3 years of prognostic
meteorological data).
e. This section discusses general
recommendations on the regulatory
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application of models for the purposes of
NSR, including PSD permitting, and
particularly for estimating design
concentration(s), appropriately comparing
these estimates to NAAQS and PSD
increments, and developing emissions limits.
This section also provides the criteria
necessary for considering use of an analysis
based on measured ambient data in lieu of
modeling as the sole basis for demonstrating
compliance with NAAQS and PSD
9.2 Recommendations
9.2.1 Modeling Protocol
a. Every effort should be made by the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) to meet with all parties involved in
either a SIP submission or revision or a PSD
permit application prior to the start of any
work on such a project. During this meeting,
a protocol should be established between the
preparing and reviewing parties to define the
procedures to be followed, the data to be
collected, the model to be used, and the
analysis of the source and concentration data
to be performed. An example of the content
for such an effort is contained in the Air
Quality Analysis Checklist posted on the
EPA’s SCRAM website (section 2.3). This
checklist suggests the appropriate level of
detail to assess the air quality resulting from
the proposed action. Special cases may
require additional data collection or analysis
and this should be determined and agreed
upon at the pre-application meeting. The
protocol should be written and agreed upon
by the parties concerned, although it is not
intended that this protocol be a binding,
formal legal document. Changes in such a
protocol or deviations from the protocol are
often necessary as the data collection and
analysis progresses. However, the protocol
establishes a common understanding of how
the demonstration required to meet
regulatory requirements will be made.
9.2.2 Design Concentration and Receptor
a. Under the PSD permitting program, an
air quality analysis for criteria pollutants is
required to demonstrate that emissions from
the construction or operation of a proposed
new source or modification will not cause or
contribute to a violation of the NAAQS or
PSD increments.
i. For a NAAQS assessment, the design
concentration is the combination of the
appropriate background concentration
(section 8.3) with the estimated modeled
impact of the proposed source. The NAAQS
design concentration is then compared to the
applicable NAAQS.
ii. For a PSD increment assessment, the
design concentration includes impacts
occurring after the appropriate baseline date
from all increment-consuming and
increment-expanding sources. The PSD
increment design concentration is then
compared to the applicable PSD increment.
b. The specific form of the NAAQS for the
pollutant(s) of concern will also influence
how the background and modeled data
should be combined for appropriate
comparison with the respective NAAQS in
such a modeling demonstration. Given the
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potential for revision of the form of the
NAAQS and the complexities of combining
background and modeled data, specific
details on this process can be found in the
applicable modeling guidance available on
the EPA’s SCRAM website (section 2.3).
Modeled concentrations should not be
rounded before comparing the resulting
design concentration to the NAAQS or PSD
increments. Ambient monitoring and
dispersion modeling address different issues
and needs relative to each aspect of the
overall air quality assessment.
c. The PSD increments for criteria
pollutants are listed in 40 CFR 52.21(c) and
40 CFR 51.166(c). For short-term increments,
these maximum allowable increases in
pollutant concentrations may be exceeded
once per year at each site, while the annual
increment may not be exceeded. The highest,
second-highest increase in estimated
concentrations for the short-term averages, as
determined by a model, must be less than or
equal to the permitted increment. The
modeled annual averages must not exceed
the increment.
d. Receptor sites for refined dispersion
modeling should be located within the
modeling domain (section 8.1). In designing
a receptor network, the emphasis should be
placed on receptor density and location, not
total number of receptors. Typically, the
density of receptor sites should be
progressively more resolved near the new or
modifying source, areas of interest, and areas
with the highest concentrations with
sufficient detail to determine where possible
violations of a NAAQS or PSD increments are
most likely to occur. The placement of
receptor sites should be determined on a
case-by-case basis, taking into consideration
the source characteristics, topography,
climatology, and monitor sites. Locations of
particular importance include: (1) the area of
maximum impact of the point source; (2) the
area of maximum impact of nearby sources;
and (3) the area where all sources combine
to cause maximum impact. Depending on the
complexities of the source and the
environment to which the source is located,
a dense array of receptors may be required in
some cases. In order to avoid unreasonably
large computer runs due to an excessively
large array of receptors, it is often desirable
to model the area twice. The first model run
would use a moderate number of receptors
more resolved near the new or modifying
source and over areas of interest. The second
model run would modify the receptor
network from the first model run with a
denser array of receptors in areas showing
potential for high concentrations and
possible violations, as indicated by the
results of the first model run. Accordingly,
the EPA neither anticipates nor encourages
that numerous iterations of modeling runs be
made to continually refine the receptor
9.2.3 NAAQS and PSD Increments
Compliance Demonstrations for New or
Modifying Sources
a. As described in this subsection, the
recommended procedure for conducting
either a NAAQS or PSD increments
assessment under PSD permitting is a multi-
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stage approach that includes the following
two stages:
i. The EPA describes the first stage as a
single-source impact analysis, since this stage
involves considering only the impact of the
new or modifying source. There are two
possible levels of detail in conducting a
single-source impact analysis with the model
user beginning with use of a screening model
and proceeding to use of a refined model as
ii. The EPA describes the second stage as
a cumulative impact analysis, since it takes
into account all sources affecting the air
quality in an area. In addition to the project
source impact, this stage includes
consideration of background, which includes
contributions from nearby sources and other
sources (e.g., natural, minor, distant major,
and unidentified sources).
b. Each stage should involve increasing
complexity and details, as required, to fully
demonstrate that a new or modifying source
will not cause or contribute to a violation of
any NAAQS or PSD increment. As such,
starting with a single-source impact analysis
is recommended because, where the analysis
at this stage is sufficient to demonstrate that
a source will not cause or contribute to any
potential violation, this may alleviate the
need for a more time-consuming and
comprehensive cumulative modeling
c. The single-source impact analysis, or
first stage of an air quality analysis, should
begin by determining the potential of a
proposed new or modifying source to cause
or contribute to a NAAQS or PSD increment
violation. In certain circumstances, a
screening model or technique may be used
instead of the preferred model because it will
provide estimated worst-case ambient
impacts from the proposed new or modifying
source. If these worst case ambient
concentration estimates indicate that the
source will not cause or contribute to any
potential violation of a NAAQS or PSD
increment, then the screening analysis
should generally be sufficient for the
required demonstration under PSD. If the
ambient concentration estimates indicate that
the source’s emissions have the potential to
cause or contribute to a violation, then the
use of a refined model to estimate the
source’s impact should be pursued. The
refined modeling analysis should use a
model or technique consistent with the
Guideline (either a preferred model or
technique or an alternative model or
technique) and follow the requirements and
recommendations for model inputs outlined
in section 8. If the ambient concentration
increase predicted with refined modeling
indicates that the source will not cause or
contribute to any potential violation of a
NAAQS or PSD increment, then the refined
analysis should generally be sufficient for the
required demonstration under PSD. However,
if the ambient concentration estimates from
the refined modeling analysis indicate that
the source’s emissions have the potential to
cause or contribute to a violation, then a
cumulative impact analysis should be
undertaken. The receptors that indicate the
location of significant ambient impacts
should be used to define the modeling
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domain for use in the cumulative impact
analysis (section 8.2.2).
d. The cumulative impact analysis, or the
second stage of an air quality analysis,
should be conducted with the same refined
model or technique to characterize the
project source and then include the
appropriate background concentrations
(section 8.3). The resulting design
concentrations should be used to determine
whether the source will cause or contribute
to a NAAQS or PSD increment violation.
This determination should be based on: (1)
The appropriate design concentration for
each applicable NAAQS (and averaging
period); and (2) whether the source’s
emissions cause or contribute to a violation
at the time and location of any modeled
violation (i.e., when and where the predicted
design concentration is greater than the
NAAQS). For PSD increments, the
cumulative impact analysis should also
consider the amount of the air quality
increment that has already been consumed
by other sources, or, conversely, whether
increment has expanded relative to the
baseline concentration. Therefore, the
applicant should model the existing or
permitted nearby increment-consuming and
increment-expanding sources, rather than
using past modeling analyses of those
sources as part of background concentration.
This would permit the use of newly acquired
data or improved modeling techniques if
such data and/or techniques have become
available since the last source was permitted. Considerations in Developing
Emissions Limits
a. Emissions limits and resulting control
requirements should be established to
provide for compliance with each applicable
NAAQS (and averaging period) and PSD
increment. It is possible that multiple
emissions limits will be required for a source
to demonstrate compliance with several
criteria pollutants (and averaging periods)
and PSD increments. Case-by-case
determinations must be made as to the
appropriate form of the limits, i.e., whether
the emissions limits restrict the emission
factor (e.g., limiting lb/MMBTU), the
emission rate (e.g., lb/hr), or both. The
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) and appropriate EPA guidance should
be consulted to determine the appropriate
emissions limits on a case-by-case basis.
9.2.4 Use of Measured Data in Lieu of
Model Estimates
a. As described throughout the Guideline,
modeling is the preferred method for
demonstrating compliance with the NAAQS
and PSD increments and for determining the
most appropriate emissions limits for new
and existing sources. When a preferred
model or adequately justified and approved
alternative model is available, model results,
including the appropriate background, are
sufficient for air quality demonstrations and
establishing emissions limits, if necessary. In
instances when the modeling technique
available is only a screening technique, the
addition of air quality monitoring data to the
analysis may lend credence to the model
results. However, air quality monitoring data
alone will normally not be acceptable as the
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sole basis for demonstrating compliance with
the NAAQS and PSD increments or for
determining emissions limits.
b. There may be rare circumstances where
the performance of the preferred air quality
model will be shown to be less than
reasonably acceptable when compared with
air quality monitoring data measured in the
vicinity of an existing source. Additionally,
there may not be an applicable preferred air
quality model, screening technique, or
justifiable alternative model suitable for the
situation. In these unique instances, there
may be the possibility of establishing
emissions limits and demonstrating
compliance with the NAAQS and PSD
increments solely on the basis of analysis of
observed air quality data in lieu of an air
quality modeling analysis. However, only in
the case of a modification to an existing
source should air quality monitoring data
alone be a basis for determining adequate
emissions limits or for demonstration that the
modification will not cause or contribute to
a violation of any NAAQS or PSD increment.
c. The following items should be
considered prior to the acceptance of an
analysis of measured air quality data as the
sole basis for an air quality demonstration or
determining an emissions limit:
i. Does a monitoring network exist for the
pollutants and averaging times of concern in
the vicinity of the existing source?
ii. Has the monitoring network been
designed to locate points of maximum
iii. Do the monitoring network and the data
reduction and storage procedures meet EPA
monitoring and quality assurance
iv. Do the dataset and the analysis allow
impact of the most important individual
sources to be identified if more than one
source or emission point is involved?
v. Is at least one full year of valid ambient
data available?
vi. Can it be demonstrated through the
comparison of monitored data with model
results that available air quality models and
techniques are not applicable?
d. Comprehensive air quality monitoring in
the area affected by the existing source with
proposed modifications will be necessary in
these cases. Additional meteorological
monitoring may also be necessary. The
appropriate number of air quality and
meteorological monitors from a scientific and
technical standpoint is a function of the
situation being considered. The source
configuration, terrain configuration, and
meteorological variations all have an impact
on number and optimal placement of
monitors. Decisions on the monitoring
network appropriate for this type of analysis
can only be made on a case-by-case basis.
e. Sources should obtain approval from the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) and the EPA Regional Office for the
monitoring network prior to the start of
monitoring. A monitoring protocol agreed to
by all parties involved is necessary to assure
that ambient data are collected in a
consistent and appropriate manner. The
design of the network, the number, type, and
location of the monitors, the sampling
period, averaging time, as well as the need
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for meteorological monitoring or the use of
mobile sampling or plume tracking
techniques, should all be specified in the
protocol and agreed upon prior to start-up of
the network.
f. Given the uniqueness and complexities
of these rare circumstances, the procedures
can only be established on a case-by-case
basis for analyzing the source’s emissions
data and the measured air quality monitoring
data, and for projecting with a reasoned basis
the air quality impact of a proposed
modification to an existing source in order to
demonstrate that emissions from the
construction or operation of the modification
will not cause or contribute to a violation of
the applicable NAAQS and PSD increment,
and to determine adequate emissions limits.
The same attention should be given to the
detailed analyses of the air quality data as
would be applied to a comprehensive model
performance evaluation. In some cases, the
monitoring data collected for use in the
performance evaluation of preferred air
quality models, screening technique, or
existing alternative models may help inform
the development of a suitable new alternative
model. Early coordination with the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) and the EPA Regional Office is
fundamental with respect to any potential
use of measured data in lieu of model
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99. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
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105. Perry, S.G., D.J. Burns, L.H. Adams, R.J.
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Insley, 1989. User’s Guide to the
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107. Brode, R., K. Wesson, J. Thurman, and
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Paper #811 presented at the 101st Air &
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108. Ramboll, 2023. The Mesoscale Model
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110. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
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112. ASTM D5741: Standard Practice for
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Note: for copies of this handbook, you
may make inquiry to ORD Publications,
26 West Martin Luther King Dr.,
Cincinnati, OH 45268.
114. Bowen, B.M., J.M. Dewart and A.I. Chen,
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(NTIS No. PB 84–229467).
Addendum A to Appendix W of Part 51—
Summaries of Preferred Air Quality Models
Table of Contents
A.0 Introduction and Availability
A.1 AERMOD (AMS/EPA Regulatory Model)
A.2 CTDMPLUS (Complex Terrain
Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for
Unstable Situations)
A.3 OCD (Offshore and Coastal Dispersion
A.0 Introduction and Availability
(1) This appendix summarizes key features
of refined air quality models preferred for
specific regulatory applications. For each
model, information is provided on
availability, approximate cost (where
applicable), regulatory use, data input,
output format and options, simulation of
atmospheric physics, and accuracy. These
models may be used without a formal
demonstration of applicability provided they
satisfy the recommendations for regulatory
use; not all options in the models are
necessarily recommended for regulatory use.
(2) These models have been subjected to a
performance evaluation using comparisons
with observed air quality data. Where
possible, the models contained herein have
been subjected to evaluation exercises,
including: (1) statistical performance tests
recommended by the American
Meteorological Society, and (2) peer
scientific reviews. The models in this
appendix have been selected on the basis of
the results of the model evaluations,
experience with previous use, familiarity of
the model to various air quality programs,
and the costs and resource requirements for
(3) Codes and documentation for all
models listed in this appendix are available
from the EPA’s Support Center for Regulatory
Air Models (SCRAM) website at https:// Codes and
documentation may also be available from
the National Technical Information Service
(NTIS),, and, when
available, are referenced with the appropriate
NTIS accession number.
A.1 AERMOD (AMS/EPA Regulatory Model)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023.
AERMOD Model Formulation.
Publication No. EPA–454/B–23–010.
Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Cimorelli, A., et al., 2005. AERMOD: A
Dispersion Model for Industrial Source
Applications. Part I: General Model
Formulation and Boundary Layer
Characterization. Journal of Applied
Meteorology, 44(5): 682–693.
Perry, S., et al., 2005. AERMOD: A
Dispersion Model for Industrial Source
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Applications. Part II: Model Performance
against 17 Field Study Databases. Journal
of Applied Meteorology, 44(5): 694–708.
Heist, D., et al., 2013. Estimating near-road
pollutant dispersion: A model intercomparison. Transportation Research
Part D: Transport and Environment, 25:
pp 93–105.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023.
Incorporation and Evaluation of the
RLINE Source Type in AERMOD For
Mobile Source Applications. Publication
No. EPA–454/R–23–011. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023.
User’s Guide for the AMS/EPA
Regulatory Model (AERMOD).
Publication No. EPA–454/B–23–008.
Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023.
User’s Guide for the AERMOD
Meteorological Preprocessor (AERMET).
Publication No. EPA–454/B–23–005.
Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018.
User’s Guide for the AERMOD Terrain
Preprocessor (AERMAP). Publication No.
EPA–454/B–18–004. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, Research
Triangle Park, NC.
Schulman, L.L., D.G. Strimaitis and J.S. Scire,
2000. Development and evaluation of the
PRIME plume rise and building
downwash model. Journal of the Air &
Waste Management Association, 50:
Schulman, L.L., and Joseph S. Scire, 1980.
Buoyant Line and Point Source (BLP)
Dispersion Model User’s Guide.
Document P–7304B. Environmental
Research and Technology, Inc., Concord,
MA. (NTIS No. PB 81–164642).
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
The model codes and associated
documentation are available on EPA’s
SCRAM website (paragraph A.0(3)).
AERMOD is a steady-state plume
dispersion model for assessment of pollutant
concentrations from a variety of sources.
AERMOD simulates transport and dispersion
from multiple point, area, volume, and line
sources based on an up-to-date
characterization of the atmospheric boundary
layer. Sources may be located in rural or
urban areas, and receptors may be located in
simple or complex terrain. AERMOD
accounts for building wake effects (i.e.,
plume downwash) based on the PRIME
building downwash algorithms. The model
employs hourly sequential preprocessed
meteorological data to estimate
concentrations for averaging times from 1hour to 1-year (also multiple years).
AERMOD can be used to estimate the
concentrations of nonreactive pollutants from
highway traffic. AERMOD also handles
unique modeling problems associated with
aluminum reduction plants, and other
industrial sources where plume rise and
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downwash effects from stationary buoyant
line sources are important. AERMOD is
designed to operate in concert with two preprocessor codes: AERMET processes
meteorological data for input to AERMOD,
and AERMAP processes terrain elevation
data and generates receptor and hill height
information for input to AERMOD.
a. Regulatory Use
(1) AERMOD is appropriate for the
following applications:
• Point, volume, and area sources;
• Buoyant, elevated line sources (e.g.,
aluminum reduction plants);
• Mobile sources;
• Surface, near-surface, and elevated
• Rural or urban areas;
• Simple and complex terrain;
• Transport distances over which steadystate assumptions are appropriate, up to 50
• 1-hour to annual averaging times,
• Continuous toxic air emissions; and,
• Applications in the marine boundary
layer environment where the effects of
shoreline fumigation and/or platform
downwash are adequately assessed or are not
(2) For regulatory applications of
AERMOD, the regulatory default option
should be set, i.e., the parameter DFAULT
should be employed in the MODELOPT
record in the COntrol Pathway. The DFAULT
option requires the use of meteorological data
processed with the regulatory options in
AERMET, the use of terrain elevation data
processed through the AERMAP terrain
processor, stack-tip downwash, sequential
date checking, and does not permit the use
of the model in the SCREEN mode. In the
regulatory default mode, pollutant half-life or
decay options are not employed, except in
the case of an urban source of sulfur dioxide
where a 4-hour half-life is applied. Terrain
elevation data from the U.S. Geological
Survey (USGS) 7.5-Minute Digital Elevation
Model (DEM), or equivalent (approx. 30meter resolution and finer), (processed
through AERMAP) should be used in all
applications. Starting in 2011, data from the
3D Elevation Program (3DEP, https://apps., formerly the
National Elevation Dataset (NED), can also be
used in AERMOD, which includes a range of
resolutions, from 1-m to 2 arc seconds and
such high resolution would always be
preferred. In some cases, exceptions from the
terrain data requirement may be made in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: Required inputs include
source type, location, emission rate, stack
height, stack inside diameter, stack gas exit
velocity, stack gas exit temperature, area and
volume source dimensions, and source base
elevation. For point sources subject to the
influence of building downwash, directionspecific building dimensions (processed
through the BPIPPRM building processor)
should be input. Variable emission rates are
optional. Buoyant line sources require
coordinates of the end points of the line,
release height, emission rate, average line
PO 00000
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source width, average building width,
average spacing between buildings, and
average line source buoyancy parameter. For
mobile sources, traffic volume; emission
factor, source height, and mixing zone width
are needed to determine appropriate model
(2) Meteorological data: The AERMET
meteorological preprocessor requires input of
surface characteristics, including surface
roughness (zo), Bowen ratio, and albedo, as
well as, hourly observations of wind speed
between 7zo and 100 m (reference wind
speed measurement from which a vertical
profile can be developed), wind direction,
cloud cover, and temperature between zo and
100 m (reference temperature measurement
from which a vertical profile can be
developed). Meteorological data can be in the
form of observed data or prognostic modeled
data as discussed in paragraph 8.4.1(d).
Surface characteristics may be varied by
wind sector and by season or month. When
using observed meteorological data, a
morning sounding (in National Weather
Service format) from a representative upper
air station is required. Latitude, longitude,
and time zone of the surface, site-specific or
prognostic data (if applicable) and upper air
meteorological stations are required. The
wind speed starting threshold is also
required in AERMET for applications
involving site-specific data. When using
prognostic data, modeled profiles of
temperature and winds are input to
AERMET. These can be hourly or a time that
represents a morning sounding. Additionally,
measured profiles of wind, temperature,
vertical and lateral turbulence may be
required in certain applications (e.g., in
complex terrain) to adequately represent the
meteorology affecting plume transport and
dispersion. Optionally, measurements of
solar and/or net radiation may be input to
AERMET. Two files are produced by the
AERMET meteorological preprocessor for
input to the AERMOD dispersion model.
When using observed data, the surface file
contains observed and calculated surface
variables, one record per hour. For
applications with multi-level site-specific
meteorological data, the profile contains the
observations made at each level of the
meteorological tower (or remote sensor).
When using prognostic data, the surface file
contains surface variables calculated by the
prognostic model and AERMET. The profile
file contains the observations made at each
level of a meteorological tower (or remote
sensor), the one-level observations taken
from other representative data (e.g., National
Weather Service surface observations), one
record per level per hour, or in the case of
prognostic data, the prognostic modeled
values of temperature and winds at userspecified levels.
(i) Data used as input to AERMET should
possess an adequate degree of
representativeness to ensure that the wind,
temperature and turbulence profiles derived
by AERMOD are both laterally and vertically
representative of the source impact area. The
adequacy of input data should be judged
independently for each variable. The values
for surface roughness, Bowen ratio, and
albedo should reflect the surface
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
characteristics in the vicinity of the
meteorological tower or representative grid
cell when using prognostic data, and should
be adequately representative of the modeling
domain. Finally, the primary atmospheric
input variables, including wind speed and
direction, ambient temperature, cloud cover,
and a morning upper air sounding, should
also be adequately representative of the
source area when using observed data.
(ii) For applications involving the use of
site-specific meteorological data that
includes turbulences parameters (i.e., sigmatheta and/or sigma-w), the application of the
ADJ_U* option in AERMET would require
approval as an alternative model application
under section 3.2.
(iii) For recommendations regarding the
length of meteorological record needed to
perform a regulatory analysis with AERMOD,
see section 8.4.2.
(3) Receptor data: Receptor coordinates,
elevations, height above ground, and hill
height scales are produced by the AERMAP
terrain preprocessor for input to AERMOD.
Discrete receptors and/or multiple receptor
grids, Cartesian and/or polar, may be
employed in AERMOD. AERMAP requires
input of DEM or 3DEP terrain data produced
by the USGS, or other equivalent data.
AERMAP can be used optionally to estimate
source elevations.
c. Output
Printed output options include input
information, high concentration summary
tables by receptor for user-specified
averaging periods, maximum concentration
summary tables, and concurrent values
summarized by receptor for each day
processed. Optional output files can be
generated for: a listing of occurrences of
exceedances of user-specified threshold
value; a listing of concurrent (raw) results at
each receptor for each hour modeled, suitable
for post-processing; a listing of design values
that can be imported into graphics software
for plotting contours; a listing of results
suitable for NAAQS analyses including
NAAQS exceedances and culpability
analyses; an unformatted listing of raw
results above a threshold value with a special
structure for use with the TOXX model
component of TOXST; a listing of
concentrations by rank (e.g., for use in
quantile-quantile plots); and a listing of
concentrations, including arc-maximum
normalized concentrations, suitable for
model evaluation studies.
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
d. Type of Model
AERMOD is a steady-state plume model,
using Gaussian distributions in the vertical
and horizontal for stable conditions, and in
the horizontal for convective conditions. The
vertical concentration distribution for
convective conditions results from an
assumed bi-Gaussian probability density
function of the vertical velocity.
e. Pollutant Types
AERMOD is applicable to primary
pollutants and continuous releases of toxic
and hazardous waste pollutants. Chemical
transformation is treated by simple
exponential decay.
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f. Source-Receptor Relationships
i. Vertical Wind Speed
AERMOD applies user-specified locations
for sources and receptors. Actual separation
between each source-receptor pair is used.
Source and receptor elevations are user input
or are determined by AERMAP using USGS
DEM or 3DEP terrain data. Receptors may be
located at user-specified heights above
ground level.
In convective conditions, the effects of
random vertical updraft and downdraft
velocities are simulated with a bi-Gaussian
probability density function. In both
convective and stable conditions, the mean
vertical wind speed is assumed equal to zero.
g. Plume Behavior
(1) In the convective boundary layer (CBL),
the transport and dispersion of a plume is
characterized as the superposition of three
modeled plumes: (1) the direct plume (from
the stack); (2) the indirect plume; and (3) the
penetrated plume, where the indirect plume
accounts for the lofting of a buoyant plume
near the top of the boundary layer, and the
penetrated plume accounts for the portion of
a plume that, due to its buoyancy, penetrates
above the mixed layer, but can disperse
downward and re-enter the mixed layer. In
the CBL, plume rise is superposed on the
displacements by random convective
velocities (Weil, et al., 1997).
(2) In the stable boundary layer, plume rise
is estimated using an iterative approach to
account for height-dependent lapse rates,
similar to that in the CTDMPLUS model (see
A.2 in this appendix).
(3) Stack-tip downwash and buoyancy
induced dispersion effects are modeled.
Building wake effects are simulated for stacks
subject to building downwash using the
methods contained in the PRIME downwash
algorithms (Schulman, et al., 2000). For
plume rise affected by the presence of a
building, the PRIME downwash algorithm
uses a numerical solution of the mass, energy
and momentum conservation laws (Zhang
and Ghoniem, 1993). Streamline deflection
and the position of the stack relative to the
building affect plume trajectory and
dispersion. Enhanced dispersion is based on
the approach of Weil (1996). Plume mass
captured by the cavity is well-mixed within
the cavity. The captured plume mass is reemitted to the far wake as a volume source.
(4) For elevated terrain, AERMOD
incorporates the concept of the critical
dividing streamline height, in which flow
below this height remains horizontal, and
flow above this height tends to rise up and
over terrain (Snyder, et al., 1985). Plume
concentration estimates are the weighted sum
of these two limiting plume states. However,
consistent with the steady-state assumption
of uniform horizontal wind direction over the
modeling domain, straight-line plume
trajectories are assumed, with adjustment in
the plume/receptor geometry used to account
for the terrain effects.
h. Horizontal Winds
Vertical profiles of wind are calculated for
each hour based on measurements and
surface-layer similarity (scaling)
relationships. At a given height above
ground, for a given hour, winds are assumed
constant over the modeling domain. The
effect of the vertical variation in horizontal
wind speed on dispersion is accounted for
through simple averaging over the plume
PO 00000
Frm 00040
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
j. Horizontal Dispersion
Gaussian horizontal dispersion coefficients
are estimated as continuous functions of the
parameterized (or measured) ambient lateral
turbulence and also account for buoyancyinduced and building wake-induced
turbulence. Vertical profiles of lateral
turbulence are developed from measurements
and similarity (scaling) relationships.
Effective turbulence values are determined
from the portion of the vertical profile of
lateral turbulence between the plume height
and the receptor height. The effective lateral
turbulence is then used to estimate
horizontal dispersion.
k. Vertical Dispersion
In the stable boundary layer, Gaussian
vertical dispersion coefficients are estimated
as continuous functions of parameterized
vertical turbulence. In the convective
boundary layer, vertical dispersion is
characterized by a bi-Gaussian probability
density function and is also estimated as a
continuous function of parameterized
vertical turbulence. Vertical turbulence
profiles are developed from measurements
and similarity (scaling) relationships. These
turbulence profiles account for both
convective and mechanical turbulence.
Effective turbulence values are determined
from the portion of the vertical profile of
vertical turbulence between the plume height
and the receptor height. The effective vertical
turbulence is then used to estimate vertical
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformations are generally not
treated by AERMOD. However, AERMOD
does contain an option to treat chemical
transformation using simple exponential
decay, although this option is typically not
used in regulatory applications except for
sources of sulfur dioxide in urban areas.
Either a decay coefficient or a half-life is
input by the user. Note also that the Generic
Reaction Set Method, Plume Volume Molar
Ratio Method and the Ozone Limiting
Method (section for NO2 analyses are
m. Physical Removal
AERMOD can be used to treat dry and wet
deposition for both gases and particles.
Currently, Method 1 particle deposition is
available for regulatory applications. Method
2 particle deposition and gas deposition are
currently alpha options and not available for
regulatory applications
n. Evaluation Studies
American Petroleum Institute, 1998.
Evaluation of State of the Science of Air
Quality Dispersion Model, Scientific
Evaluation, prepared by WoodwardClyde Consultants, Lexington,
Massachusetts, for American Petroleum
Institute, Washington, DC, 20005–4070.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Brode, R.W., 2002. Implementation and
Evaluation of PRIME in AERMOD.
Preprints of the 12th Joint Conference on
Applications of Air Pollution
Meteorology, May 20–24, 2002;
American Meteorological Society,
Boston, MA.
Brode, R.W., 2004. Implementation and
Evaluation of Bulk Richardson Number
Scheme in AERMOD. 13th Joint
Conference on Applications of Air
Pollution Meteorology, August 23–26,
2004; American Meteorological Society,
Boston, MA.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2003.
AERMOD: Latest Features and
Evaluation Results. Publication No.
EPA–454/R–03–003. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
Heist, D., et al., 2013. Estimating near-road
pollutant dispersion: A model intercomparison. Transportation Research
Part D: Transport and Environment, 25:
pp 93–105.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023.
Incorporation and Evaluation of the
RLINE Source Type in AERMOD For
Mobile Source Applications. Publication
No. EPA–454/R–23–011. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
Carruthers, D.J.; Stocker, J.R.; Ellis, A.;
Seaton, M.D.; Smith, SE Evaluation of an
explicit NOX chemistry method in
AERMOD; Journal of the Air & Waste
Management Association. 2017, 67 (6),
702–712; DOI:10.1080/
Environmental Protection Agency, 2023.
Technical Support Document (TSD) for
Adoption of the Generic Reaction Set
Method (GRSM) as a Regulatory NonDefault Tier-3 NO2 Screening Option.
Publication No. EPA–454/R–23–009.
Office of Air Quality Planning &
Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
A.2 CTDMPLUS (Complex Terrain
Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for
Unstable Situations)
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
Perry, S.G., D.J. Burns, L.H. Adams, R.J.
Paine, M.G. Dennis, M.T. Mills, D.G.
Strimaitis, R.J. Yamartino and E.M.
Insley, 1989. User’s Guide to the
Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus
Algorithms for Unstable Situations
(CTDMPLUS). Volume 1: Model
Descriptions and User Instructions. EPA
Publication No. EPA–600/8–89–041. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No.
PB 89–181424).
Perry, S.G., 1992. CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion
Model for Sources near Complex
Topography. Part I: Technical
Formulations. Journal of Applied
Meteorology, 31(7): 633–645.
The model codes and associated
documentation are available on the EPA’s
SCRAM website (paragraph A.0(3)).
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CTDMPLUS is a refined point source
Gaussian air quality model for use in all
stability conditions for complex terrain
applications. The model contains, in its
entirety, the technology of CTDM for stable
and neutral conditions. However,
CTDMPLUS can also simulate daytime,
unstable conditions, and has a number of
additional capabilities for improved user
friendliness. Its use of meteorological data
and terrain information is different from
other EPA models; considerable detail for
both types of input data is required and is
supplied by preprocessors specifically
requires the parameterization of individual
hill shapes using the terrain preprocessor and
the association of each model receptor with
a particular hill.
a. Regulatory Use
CTDMPLUS is appropriate for the
following applications:
• Elevated point sources;
• Terrain elevations above stack top;
• Rural or urban areas;
• Transport distances less than 50
kilometers; and
• 1-hour to annual averaging times when
used with a post-processor program such as
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: For each source, user
supplies source location, height, stack
diameter, stack exit velocity, stack exit
temperature, and emission rate; if variable
emissions are appropriate, the user supplies
hourly values for emission rate, stack exit
velocity, and stack exit temperature.
(2) Meteorological data: For applications of
CTDMPLUS, multiple level (typically three
or more) measurements of wind speed and
direction, temperature and turbulence (wind
fluctuation statistics) are required to create
the basic meteorological data file
(‘‘PROFILE’’). Such measurements should be
obtained up to the representative plume
height(s) of interest (i.e., the plume height(s)
under those conditions important to the
determination of the design concentration).
The representative plume height(s) of interest
should be determined using an appropriate
complex terrain screening procedure (e.g.,
CTSCREEN) and should be documented in
the monitoring/modeling protocol. The
necessary meteorological measurements
should be obtained from an appropriately
sited meteorological tower augmented by
SODAR and/or RASS if the representative
plume height(s) of interest is above the levels
represented by the tower measurements.
Meteorological preprocessors then create a
SURFACE data file (hourly values of mixed
layer heights, surface friction velocity,
Monin-Obukhov length and surface
roughness length) and a RAWINsonde data
file (upper air measurements of pressure,
temperature, wind direction, and wind
(3) Receptor data: receptor names (up to
400) and coordinates, and hill number (each
receptor must have a hill number assigned).
(4) Terrain data: user inputs digitized
contour information to the terrain
PO 00000
Frm 00041
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
preprocessor which creates the TERRAIN
data file (for up to 25 hills).
c. Output
(1) When CTDMPLUS is run, it produces
a concentration file, in either binary or text
format (user’s choice), and a list file
containing a verification of model inputs, i.e.,
• Input meteorological data from
‘‘SURFACE’’ and ‘‘PROFILE,’’
• Stack data for each source,
• Terrain information,
• Receptor information, and
• Source-receptor location (line printer
(2) In addition, if the case-study option is
selected, the listing includes:
• Meteorological variables at plume height,
• Geometrical relationships between the
source and the hill, and
• Plume characteristics at each receptor,
Æ Distance in along-flow and cross flow
Æ Effective plume-receptor height
Æ Effective sy & sz values, both flat terrain
and hill induced (the difference shows the
effect of the hill)
Æ Concentration components due to
(3) If the user selects the TOPN option, a
summary table of the top four concentrations
at each receptor is given. If the ISOR option
is selected, a source contribution table for
every hour will be printed.
(4) A separate output file of predicted (1hour only) concentrations (‘‘CONC’’) is
written if the user chooses this option. Three
forms of output are possible:
(i) A binary file of concentrations, one
value for each receptor in the hourly
sequence as run;
(ii) A text file of concentrations, one value
for each receptor in the hourly sequence as
run; or
(iii) A text file as described above, but with
a listing of receptor information (names,
positions, hill number) at the beginning of
the file.
(5) Hourly information provided to these
files besides the concentrations themselves
includes the year, month, day, and hour
information as well as the receptor number
with the highest concentration.
d. Type of Model
CTDMPLUS is a refined steady-state, point
source plume model for use in all stability
conditions for complex terrain applications.
e. Pollutant Types
CTDMPLUS may be used to model nonreactive, primary pollutants.
f. Source-Receptor Relationship
Up to 40 point sources, 400 receptors and
25 hills may be used. Receptors and sources
are allowed at any location. Hill slopes are
assumed not to exceed 15°, so that the
linearized equation of motion for Boussinesq
flow are applicable. Receptors upwind of the
impingement point, or those associated with
any of the hills in the modeling domain,
require separate treatment.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
g. Plume Behavior
(1) As in CTDM, the basic plume rise
algorithms are based on Briggs’ (1975)
(2) A central feature of CTDMPLUS for
neutral/stable conditions is its use of a
critical dividing-streamline height (Hc) to
separate the flow in the vicinity of a hill into
two separate layers. The plume component in
the upper layer has sufficient kinetic energy
to pass over the top of the hill while
streamlines in the lower portion are
constrained to flow in a horizontal plane
around the hill. Two separate components of
CTDMPLUS compute ground-level
concentrations resulting from plume material
in each of these flows.
(3) The model calculates on an hourly (or
appropriate steady averaging period) basis
how the plume trajectory (and, in stable/
neutral conditions, the shape) is deformed by
each hill. Hourly profiles of wind and
temperature measurements are used by
CTDMPLUS to compute plume rise, plume
penetration (a formulation is included to
handle penetration into elevated stable
layers, based on Briggs (1984)), convective
scaling parameters, the value of Hc, and the
Froude number above Hc.
h. Horizontal Winds
CTDMPLUS does not simulate calm
meteorological conditions. Both scalar and
vector wind speed observations can be read
by the model. If vector wind speed is
unavailable, it is calculated from the scalar
wind speed. The assignment of wind speed
(either vector or scalar) at plume height is
done by either:
• Interpolating between observations
above and below the plume height, or
• Extrapolating (within the surface layer)
from the nearest measurement height to the
plume height.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical flow is treated for the plume
component above the critical dividing
streamline height (Hc); see ‘‘Plume
j. Horizontal Dispersion
Horizontal dispersion for stable/neutral
conditions is related to the turbulence
velocity scale for lateral fluctuations, sv, for
which a minimum value of 0.2 m/s is used.
Convective scaling formulations are used to
estimate horizontal dispersion for unstable
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
k. Vertical Dispersion
Direct estimates of vertical dispersion for
stable/neutral conditions are based on
observed vertical turbulence intensity, e.g.,
sw (standard deviation of the vertical
velocity fluctuation). In simulating unstable
(convective) conditions, CTDMPLUS relies
on a skewed, bi-Gaussian probability density
function (pdf) description of the vertical
velocities to estimate the vertical distribution
of pollutant concentration.
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformation is not treated by
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m. Physical Removal
Physical removal is not treated by
CTDMPLUS (complete reflection at the
ground/hill surface is assumed).
n. Evaluation Studies
Burns, D.J., L.H. Adams and S.G. Perry, 1990.
Testing and Evaluation of the
CTDMPLUS Dispersion Model: Daytime
Convective Conditions. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
Paumier, J.O., S.G. Perry and D.J. Burns,
1990. An Analysis of CTDMPLUS Model
Predictions with the Lovett Power Plant
Data Base. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Research Triangle
Park, NC.
Paumier, J.O., S.G. Perry and D.J. Burns,
1992. CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion Model
for Sources near Complex Topography.
Part II: Performance Characteristics.
Journal of Applied Meteorology, 31(7):
A.3 OCD (Offshore and Coastal Dispersion)
DiCristofaro, DC and S.R. Hanna, 1989. OCD:
The Offshore and Coastal Dispersion
Model, Version 4. Volume I: User’s
Guide, and Volume II: Appendices.
Sigma Research Corporation, Westford,
MA. (NTIS Nos. PB 93–144384 and PB
The model codes and associated
documentation are available on EPA’s
SCRAM website (paragraph A.0(3)).
(1) OCD is a straight-line Gaussian model
developed to determine the impact of
offshore emissions from point, area or line
sources on the air quality of coastal regions.
OCD incorporates overwater plume transport
and dispersion as well as changes that occur
as the plume crosses the shoreline. Hourly
meteorological data are needed from both
offshore and onshore locations. These
include water surface temperature, overwater
air temperature, mixing height, and relative
(2) Some of the key features include
platform building downwash, partial plume
penetration into elevated inversions, direct
use of turbulence intensities for plume
dispersion, interaction with the overland
internal boundary layer, and continuous
shoreline fumigation.
a. Regulatory Use
OCD is applicable for overwater sources
where onshore receptors are below the lowest
source height. Where onshore receptors are
above the lowest source height, offshore
plume transport and dispersion may be
modeled on a case-by-case basis in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: Point, area or line source
location, pollutant emission rate, building
height, stack height, stack gas temperature,
stack inside diameter, stack gas exit velocity,
PO 00000
Frm 00042
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4700
stack angle from vertical, elevation of stack
base above water surface and gridded
specification of the land/water surfaces. As
an option, emission rate, stack gas exit
velocity and temperature can be varied
(2) Meteorological data: PCRAMMET is the
recommended meteorological data
preprocessor for use in applications of OCD
employing hourly NWS data. MPRM is the
recommended meteorological data
preprocessor for applications of OCD
employing site-specific meteorological data
(i) Over land: Surface weather data
including hourly stability class, wind
direction, wind speed, ambient temperature,
and mixing height are required.
(ii) Over water: Hourly values for mixing
height, relative humidity, air temperature,
and water surface temperature are required;
if wind speed/direction are missing, values
over land will be used (if available); vertical
wind direction shear, vertical temperature
gradient, and turbulence intensities are
(3) Receptor data: Location, height above
local ground-level, ground-level elevation
above the water surface.
c. Output
(1) All input options, specification of
sources, receptors and land/water map
including locations of sources and receptors.
(2) Summary tables of five highest
concentrations at each receptor for each
averaging period, and average concentration
for entire run period at each receptor.
(3) Optional case study printout with
hourly plume and receptor characteristics.
Optional table of annual impact assessment
from non-permanent activities.
(4) Concentration output files can be used
by ANALYSIS postprocessor to produce the
highest concentrations for each receptor, the
cumulative frequency distributions for each
receptor, the tabulation of all concentrations
exceeding a given threshold, and the
manipulation of hourly concentration files.
d. Type of Model
OCD is a Gaussian plume model
constructed on the framework of the MPTER
e. Pollutant Types
OCD may be used to model primary
pollutants. Settling and deposition are not
f. Source-Receptor Relationship
(1) Up to 250 point sources, 5 area sources,
or 1 line source and 180 receptors may be
(2) Receptors and sources are allowed at
any location.
(3) The coastal configuration is determined
by a grid of up to 3600 rectangles. Each
element of the grid is designated as either
land or water to identify the coastline.
g. Plume Behavior
(1) The basic plume rise algorithms are
based on Briggs’ recommendations.
(2) Momentum rise includes consideration
of the stack angle from the vertical.
(3) The effect of drilling platforms, ships,
or any overwater obstructions near the source
are used to decrease plume rise using a
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
khammond on DSK9W7S144PROD with RULES3
revised platform downwash algorithm based
on laboratory experiments.
(4) Partial plume penetration of elevated
inversions is included using the suggestions
of Briggs (1975) and Weil and Brower (1984).
(5) Continuous shoreline fumigation is
parameterized using the Turner method
where complete vertical mixing through the
thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL)
occurs as soon as the plume intercepts the
h. Horizontal Winds
(1) Constant, uniform wind is assumed for
each hour.
(2) Overwater wind speed can be estimated
from overland wind speed using relationship
of Hsu (1981).
(3) Wind speed profiles are estimated using
similarity theory (Businger, 1973). Surface
layer fluxes for these formulas are calculated
from bulk aerodynamic methods.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical wind speed is assumed equal to
j. Horizontal Dispersion
(1) Lateral turbulence intensity is
recommended as a direct estimate of
horizontal dispersion. If lateral turbulence
intensity is not available, it is estimated from
boundary layer theory. For wind speeds less
than 8 m/s, lateral turbulence intensity is
assumed inversely proportional to wind
(2) Horizontal dispersion may be enhanced
because of obstructions near the source. A
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virtual source technique is used to simulate
the initial plume dilution due to downwash.
(3) Formulas recommended by Pasquill
(1976) are used to calculate buoyant plume
enhancement and wind direction shear
(4) At the water/land interface, the change
to overland dispersion rates is modeled using
a virtual source. The overland dispersion
rates can be calculated from either lateral
turbulence intensity or Pasquill-Gifford
curves. The change is implemented where
the plume intercepts the rising internal
boundary layer.
k. Vertical Dispersion
(1) Observed vertical turbulence intensity
is not recommended as a direct estimate of
vertical dispersion. Turbulence intensity
should be estimated from boundary layer
theory as default in the model. For very
stable conditions, vertical dispersion is also
a function of lapse rate.
(2) Vertical dispersion may be enhanced
because of obstructions near the source. A
virtual source technique is used to simulate
the initial plume dilution due to downwash.
(3) Formulas recommended by Pasquill
(1976) are used to calculate buoyant plume
(4) At the water/land interface, the change
to overland dispersion rates is modeled using
a virtual source. The overland dispersion
rates can be calculated from either vertical
turbulence intensity or the Pasquill-Gifford
coefficients. The change is implemented
PO 00000
Frm 00043
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 9990
where the plume intercepts the rising
internal boundary layer.
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformations are treated using
exponential decay. Different rates can be
specified by month and by day or night.
m. Physical Removal
Physical removal is also treated using
exponential decay.
n. Evaluation Studies
DiCristofaro, DC and S.R. Hanna, 1989. OCD:
The Offshore and Coastal Dispersion
Model. Volume I: User’s Guide. Sigma
Research Corporation, Westford, MA.
Hanna, S.R., L.L. Schulman, R.J. Paine and
J.E. Pleim, 1984. The Offshore and
Coastal Dispersion (OCD) Model User’s
Guide, Revised. OCS Study, MMS 84–
0069. Environmental Research &
Technology, Inc., Concord, MA. (NTIS
No. PB 86–159803).
Hanna, S.R., L.L. Schulman, R.J. Paine, J.E.
Pleim and M. Baer, 1985. Development
and Evaluation of the Offshore and
Coastal Dispersion (OCD) Model. Journal
of the Air Pollution Control Association,
35: 1039–1047.
Hanna, S.R. and DC DiCristofaro, 1988.
Development and Evaluation of the
OCD/API Model. Final Report, API Pub.
4461, American Petroleum Institute,
Washington, DC.
[FR Doc. 2024–27636 Filed 11–27–24; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 230 (Friday, November 29, 2024)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 95034-95075]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-27636]
[[Page 95033]]
Vol. 89
No. 230
November 29, 2024
Part V
Environmental Protection Agency
40 CFR Part 51
Guideline on Air Quality Models; Enhancements to the AERMOD Dispersion
Modeling System; Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 230 / Friday, November 29, 2024 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 95034]]
40 CFR Part 51
[EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0872; FRL-10391-02-OAR]
RIN 2060-AV92
Guideline on Air Quality Models; Enhancements to the AERMOD
Dispersion Modeling System
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: In this action, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
promulgates revisions to the Guideline on Air Quality Models
(``Guideline''). The Guideline has been incorporated into the EPA's
regulations, satisfying a requirement under the Clean Air Act (CAA),
for the EPA to specify, with reasonable particularity, models to be
used in the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) program. The
Guideline provides EPA-preferred models and other recommended
techniques, as well as guidance for their use in predicting ambient
concentrations of air pollutants. The EPA is revising the Guideline,
including enhancements to the formulation and application of the EPA's
near-field dispersion modeling system, AERMOD, and updates to the
recommendations for the development of appropriate background
concentration for cumulative impact analyses.
DATES: This rule is effective January 28, 2025.
ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a docket for this action under
Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2022-0872. All documents in the docket are
listed on the website. Although listed in
the index, some information is not publicly available, e.g.,
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, is not placed on the internet and will be
publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly available docket
materials are available electronically through
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. George M. Bridgers, Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, Air Quality Assessment Division, Air
Quality Modeling Group, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Mail code
C439-01, Research Triangle Park, NC 27711; telephone: (919) 541-5563;
email: [email protected] (and include ``2024 Revisions to the
Guideline on Air Quality Models'' in the subject line of the message).
The information in this preamble is organized as follows:
Table of Contents
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
B. Where can I get a copy of this document?
C. Judicial Review
D. List of Acronyms
II. Background
A. The Guideline on Air Quality Models and EPA Modeling
B. The Twelfth and Thirteenth Conferences on Air Quality
C. Alpha and Beta Categorization of Non-Regulatory Options
III. Discussion of Final Action on the Revisions to the Guideline
A. Final Action
IV. Ongoing Model Development
V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and
Executive Order 14094: Modernizing Regulatory Review
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With
Indian Tribal Governments
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address
Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income
Populations and Executive Order 14096: Revitalizing Our Nation's
Commitment to Environmental Justice for All
K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
I. General Information
A. Does this action apply to me?
This action applies to Federal, State, territorial, and local air
quality management programs that conduct or review air quality modeling
as part of State Implementation Plan (SIP) submittals and revisions,
New Source Review (NSR), including new or modifying industrial sources
under Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD), Conformity, and
other programs in which air quality assessments are required under EPA
regulation. Categories and entities potentially regulated by this
action include:
Category NAICS \a\ code
Federal/State/territorial/local/Tribal government.... 924110
\a\ North American Industry Classification System.
B. Where can I get a copy of this document?
In addition to being available in the docket, an electronic copy of
this final rule and relative supporting documentation will also be
available on the EPA's Support Center for Regulatory Atmospheric
Modeling (SCRAM) website. Following signature, these materials will be
posted on SCRAM at the following address:
C. Judicial Review
Under section 307(b)(1) of the Clean Air Act (CAA), this final rule
is ``nationally applicable'' because it revises the Guideline on Air
Quality Models, 40 CFR part 51, Appendix W. Therefore, petitions for
judicial review of this final action must be filed in the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit by January 28, 2025.
Filing a petition for reconsideration by the Administrator of this
final action does not affect the finality of the action for the
purposes of judicial review, nor does it extend the time within which a
petition for judicial review must be filed, and shall not postpone the
effectiveness of such action. 42 U.S.C. 7607(b)(1). This rule is also
subject to section 307(d) of the CAA because it revises a regulation
addressing a requirement under section 165(e)(3)(D) of the CAA, which
is included in part C of title I of the CAA (relating to prevention of
significant deterioration of air quality and protection of visibility).
42 U.S.C. 7607(d)(1)(J).
D. List of Acronyms
AEDT Aviation Environmental Design Tool
AERMET Meteorological data preprocessor for AERMOD
AERMINUTE Pre-processor to AERMET to read 1-minute ASOS data to
calculate hourly average winds for input into AERMET
AERMOD American Meteorological Society (AMS)/EPA Regulatory Model
AERSCREEN Program to run AERMOD in screening mode
AERSURFACE Land cover data tool in AERMET
AQRV Air Quality Related Value
AQS Air Quality System
ARM2 Ambient Ratio Method 2
ASOS Automated Surface Observing Stations
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
Bo Bowen ratio
[[Page 95035]]
BID Buoyancy-induced dispersion
BLP Buoyant Line and Point Source model
BOEM Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
BPIPPRM Building Profile Input Program for PRIME
CAA Clean Air Act
CAL3QHC Screening version of the CALINE3 model
CAL3QHCR Refined version of the CALINE3 model
CALINE3 CAlifornia LINE Source Dispersion Model
CALMPRO Calms Processor
CALPUFF California Puff model
CAMx Comprehensive Air Quality Model with Extensions
COARE Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CMAQ Community Multiscale Air Quality
CO Carbon monoxide
CTDMPLUS Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for
Unstable Situations
CTSCREEN Screening version of CTDMPLUS
CTM Chemical transport model
d[thgr]/dz Vertical potential temperature gradient
DT Temperature difference
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FLAG Federal Land Managers' Air Quality Related Values Work Group
Phase I Report
FLM Federal Land Manager
GEP Good engineering practice
GRSM Generic Reaction Set Method
GUI Graphical user interface
IBL Inhomogeneous boundary layer
ISC Industrial Source Complex model
IWAQM Interagency Workgroup on Air Quality Modeling
km kilometer
L Monin-Obukhov length
m meter
m/s meter per second
MAKEMET Program that generates a site-specific matrix of
meteorological conditions for input to AERMOD
MCH Model Clearinghouse
MCHISRS Model Clearinghouse Information Storage and Retrieval System
MERPs Model Emissions Rates for Precursors
METPRO Meteorological Processor for dispersion models
MM5 Mesoscale Model 5
MMIF Mesoscale Model Interface program
MODELOPT Model option keyword
MPRM Meteorological Processor for Regulatory Models
NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NCEI National Centers for Environmental Information
NH3 Ammonia
NO Nitric oxide
NOX Nitrogen oxides
NO2 Nitrogen dioxide
NSR New Source Review
NWS National Weather Service
OCD Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model
OCS Outer Continental Shelf
OLM Ozone Limiting Method
PCRAMMET Meteorological Processor for dispersion models
P-G stability Pasquill-Gifford stability
PM2.5 Particles less than or equal to 2.5 micrometers in
PM10 Particles less than or equal to 10 micrometers in
PRIME Plume Rise Model Enhancements algorithm
PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration
PVMRM Plume Volume Molar Ratio Method
r Albedo
RHC Robust Highest Concentration
RLINE Research LINE source model for near-surface releases
RLINEXT Research LINE source model extended
SCICHEM Second-order Closure Integrated Puff Model
SCRAM Support Center for Regulatory Atmospheric Modeling
SCREEN3 A single source Gaussian plume model which provides maximum
ground-level concentrations for point, area, flare, and volume
SDM Shoreline Dispersion Model
SIP State Implementation Plan
SO2 Sulfur dioxide
SRDT Solar radiation/delta-T method
TSD Technical support document
u Values for wind speed
u* Surface friction velocity
VOC Volatile organic compound
w* Convective velocity scale
WRF Weather Research and Forecasting model
zi Mixing height
Zo Surface roughness length
Zic Convective mixing height
Zim Mechanical mixing height
[sigma]v, [sigma]w Horizontal and vertical
wind speeds
II. Background
A. The Guideline on Air Quality Models and EPA Modeling Conferences
The Guideline is used by the EPA, other Federal, State,
territorial, and local air quality agencies, and industry to prepare
and review preconstruction permit applications for new sources and
modifications, SIP submittals and revisions, determinations that
actions by Federal agencies are in conformity with SIPs, and other air
quality assessments required under EPA regulation. The Guideline serves
as a means by which national consistency is maintained in air quality
analyses for regulatory activities under CAA regulations, including 40
CFR 51.112, 51.117, 51.150, 51.160, 51.165, 51.166, 52.21, 93.116,
93.123, and 93.150.
The EPA originally published the Guideline in April 1978 (EPA-450/
2-78-027), and it was incorporated by reference in the regulations for
the PSD program in June 1978. The EPA revised the Guideline in 1986 (51
FR 32176) and updated it with supplement A in 1987 (53 FR 32081),
supplement B in July 1993 (58 FR 38816), and supplement C in August
1995 (60 FR 40465). The EPA published the Guideline as Appendix W to 40
CFR part 51 when the EPA issued supplement B. The EPA republished the
Guideline in August 1996 (61 FR 41838) to adopt the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) system for designating paragraphs. The publication
and incorporation of the Guideline by reference into the EPA's PSD
regulations satisfies the requirement under the CAA section
165(e)(3)(D) for the EPA to promulgate regulations that specify with
reasonable particularity models to be used under specified sets of
conditions for purposes of the PSD program.
To support the process of developing and revising the Guideline
during the period of 1977 to 1988, we held the First, Second, and Third
Conferences on Air Quality Modeling as required by CAA section 320 to
help standardize modeling procedures. These modeling conferences
provided a forum for comments on the Guideline and associated
revisions, thereby helping us introduce improved modeling techniques
into the regulatory process. Between 1988 and 1995, we conducted the
Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Conferences on Air Quality Modeling to solicit
comments from the stakeholder community to guide our consideration of
further revisions to the Guideline, update the available modeling tools
based on the current state-of-the-science, and advise the public on new
modeling techniques.
The Seventh Conference was held in June 2000 and also served as a
public hearing for the proposed revisions to the recommended air
quality models in the Guideline (65 FR 21506). These changes included
the CALPUFF modeling system, AERMOD Modeling System, and ISC-PRIME
model. Subsequently, the EPA revised the Guideline on April 15, 2003
(68 FR 18440), to adopt CALPUFF as the preferred model for long-range
transport of emissions from 50 to several hundred kilometers and to
make various editorial changes to update and reorganize information and
remove obsolete models.
We held the Eighth Conference on Air Quality Modeling in September
2005. This conference provided details on changes to the preferred air
quality models, including available methods for model performance
evaluation and the notice of data availability that the EPA published
in September 2003, related to the incorporation of the PRIME downwash
algorithm in the AERMOD dispersion model (in response to comments
received from the Seventh Conference). Additionally, at the Eighth
Conference, a panel of experts discussed the use of state-of-the-
science prognostic
[[Page 95036]]
meteorological data for informing the dispersion models. The EPA
further revised the Guideline on November 9, 2005 (70 FR 68218), to
adopt AERMOD as the preferred model for near-field dispersion of
emissions for distances up to 50 kilometers.
The Ninth Conference on Air Quality Modeling was held in October
2008 and emphasized the following topics: reinstituting the Model
Clearinghouse, review of non-guideline applications of dispersion
models, regulatory status updates of AERMOD and CALPUFF, continued
discussions on the use of prognostic meteorological data for informing
dispersion models, and presentations reviewing the available model
evaluation methods. To further inform the development of additional
revisions to the Guideline, we held the Tenth Conference on Air Quality
Modeling in March 2012. The conference addressed updates on: the
regulatory status and future development of AERMOD and CALPUFF, review
of the Mesoscale Model Interface (MMIF) prognostic meteorological data
processing tool for dispersion models, draft modeling guidance for
compliance demonstrations of the fine particulate matter
(PM2.5) national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS),
modeling for compliance demonstration of the 1-hour nitrogen dioxide
(NO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) NAAQS, and new and
emerging models/techniques for future consideration under the Guideline
to address single-source modeling for ozone and secondary
PM2.5, as well as long-range transport and chemistry.
The Eleventh Conference on Air Quality Modeling was held in August
2015 and included the public hearing for a 2015 proposed revision of
the Guideline. The conference included presentations summarizing the
proposed updates to the AERMOD Modeling System, replacement of CALINE3
with AERMOD for modeling of mobile sources, incorporation of prognostic
meteorological data for use in dispersion modeling, the proposed
screening approach for long-range transport for NAAQS and PSD
increments assessments with use of CALPUFF as a screening technique
rather than an EPA-preferred model, the proposed 2-tiered screening
approach to address ozone and PM2.5 in PSD compliance
demonstrations, the status and role of the Model Clearinghouse, and
updates to procedures for single-source and cumulative modeling
analyses (e.g., modeling domain, source input data, background data,
and compliance demonstration procedures).
Additionally, the 2015 proposed action included a reorganization of
the Guideline to make it easier to use and to streamline the compliance
assessment process (80 FR 45340), and also included additional clarity
in distinguishing requirements from recommendations while noting the
continued flexibilities provided within the Guideline, including but
not limited to use and approval of alternative models (82 FR 45344).
These proposed revisions were adopted and reflected in the most recent
version of the Guideline, promulgated on January 17, 2017 (82 FR 5182).
B. The Twelfth and Thirteenth Conferences on Air Quality Modeling
Following the 2017 revision of the Guideline, the Twelfth
Conference on Air Quality Modeling was held in August 2019 in
continuing compliance with CAA section 320. While not associated with a
regulatory action, the Twelfth Conference was held with the intent to
inform the ongoing development of the EPA's preferred air quality
models and potential revisions to the Guideline. The conference
included expert panel discussions and invited presentations covering
the following model/technique enhancements: treatment of low wind
conditions, overwater modeling, mobile source modeling, building
downwash, prognostic meteorological data, near-field and long-range
model evaluation criteria, NO2 modeling techniques, plume
rise, deposition, and single source ozone and PM2.5 modeling
techniques. At the conclusion of the expert panels and invited
presentations, there were several presentations given by the public,
including industrial trade groups, on recommended areas for additional
model development and future revision in the Guideline.
Based on the engagement and presentations from the Twelfth
Conference and continuing model formulation research and development
activities in the years since 2019, the EPA proposed new revisions to
the Guideline on October 12, 2023, including enhancements to the
formulation and application of the EPA's near-field dispersion modeling
system, AERMOD, updates to the recommendations for the development of
appropriate background concentration for cumulative impact analyses,
and various typographical updates to the existing regulation (88 FR
72826). The Thirteenth Conference on Air Quality Modeling, held on
November 14-15, 2023, provided a formal venue for EPA presentations to
the public on the October 2023 proposed revisions to the Guideline and
AERMOD. The Thirteenth Modeling Conference also served as the public
hearing for the October 2023 proposed rule.
Specific to the AERMOD Modeling System, the October 2023 Guideline
proposed rule included an update to the AERMET meteorological
preprocessor for AERMOD that would add the capability to process
measured and prognostic marine-based meteorology for offshore
applications. Additionally, the proposed rule had separate AERMOD
updates that would incorporate a new Tier 3 screening method for the
conversion of nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions to
NO2 and would add a new source type for modeling vehicle
roadway emissions. Finally, the proposed rule suggested minor revisions
to the recommendations regarding the determination of appropriate model
input data, specifically background concentration, for use in NAAQS
implementation modeling demonstrations in section 8.3 of the Guideline.
In conjunction with the October 2023 Guideline proposed rule, the EPA
developed the Draft Guidance on Developing Background Concentrations
for Use in Modeling Demonstrations.\1\ This draft guidance document
detailed the EPA-recommended framework with stepwise considerations to
assist permit applicants in characterizing a credible and appropriately
representative background concentration for cumulative impact analyses
through qualitative and semi-quantitative considerations within a
transparent process using the variety of emissions and air quality data
including the contributions from nearby sources in multi-source areas.
\1\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023. Draft Guidance
on Developing Background Concentrations for Use in Modeling
Demonstrations. Publication No. EPA-454/P-23-001. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
All of the presentations, along with the transcript of the
conference and public hearing proceedings, are available in the docket
for the Thirteenth Conference on Air Quality Models (Docket ID No. EPA-
HQ-OAR-2022-0872). Additionally, all the materials associated with the
Thirteenth Conference and the public hearing are available on the EPA's
SCRAM website at
C. Alpha and Beta Categorization of Non-Regulatory Options
With the release of AERMOD version 18181 in 2018, the EPA adopted a
[[Page 95037]]
paradigm for engagement with the scientific community to facilitate the
continued development of the AERMOD Modeling System. Previously,
updates to the scientific formulation of the model were not made
available to the public for review, testing, evaluation, and comment
prior to the proposal stage of the formal rulemaking process when an
update was made to the Guideline. This limited the public's engagement
and feedback to a short, predefined comment period, typically only one
to two months. The new approach enables the EPA to release potential
formulation updates as non-regulatory ``alpha'' and ``beta'' options as
they are being developed. As non-regulatory options, they can be made
available during any release cycle, thereby enabling feedback as they
are being developed. This approach allows for more robust testing and
evaluation during development, benefitting from the experience of a
broad expert community. A pathway such as this that facilitates more
frequent and active engagement with the external modeling community
allows for a more informed and timely regulatory update process when
the EPA has determined an update has met the criteria required for
consideration as a science formulation update to the regulatory version
of the model.
In this alpha/beta construct, alpha options are updates to the
scientific formulation that are thought to have merit but are
considered experimental, still in the research and development stage.
Alpha options require further testing, performance evaluation, and/or
vetting through peer review and, thus, are not intended for regulatory
applications of the model.
Beta options, on the other hand, have been demonstrated to be
suitable and applicable to the modeling problem at hand on a
theoretical basis, have undergone scientific peer review, and are
supported with performance evaluations using available and adequate
databases that demonstrate improved model performance and no
inappropriate model biases. In general, beta options have met the
necessary criteria to be formally proposed and adopted as updates to
the regulatory version of the model but have not yet been proposed
through the required rulemaking process, which includes a public
hearing and formal comment period. Beta options are mature enough in
the development process to be considered for use as an alternative
model, provided an appropriate site-specific modeling demonstration is
completed to show the alternative model is appropriate for the site and
conditions where it will be applied and the requirements of the
Guideline, section 3.2, are fully satisfied, including formal
concurrence by the EPA's Model Clearinghouse. With the release of
AERMOD version 24142, each of the beta options that existed in version
23132 are being promulgated as regulatory updates to the formulation of
AERMOD. All previous alpha options in version 23132 are being retained
as alpha options in version 24142. No options are being added as beta
options and no alpha options are being updated to beta status.
III. Discussion of Final Action on the Revisions to the Guideline
In this action, the EPA is promulgating revisions to the Guideline
corresponding to updates to the scientific formulation of the AERMOD
Modeling System and updates to the recommendations for the development
of appropriate background concentration for cumulative impact analyses.
When and where appropriate, the EPA has engaged with our Federal
partners, including the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and
the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), to collaborate on these
updates to the Guideline. There are additional editorial changes being
made to the Guideline to correct minor typographical errors found in
the 2017 Guideline and to update website links.
A. Final Action
This section provides a detailed overview of the substantive
changes being finalized in the Guideline to improve the science of the
models and approaches used in regulatory assessments.
1. Updates to EPA's AERMOD Modeling System
Based on studies presented and discussed at the Twelfth Conference
on Air Quality Models held on October 2-3, 2019,\2\ and additional
relevant research since 2017, the EPA and other researchers have
conducted additional model evaluations and developed changes to the
model formulation of the AERMOD Modeling System to improve model
performance in its regulatory applications. One update is to the AERMET
meteorological preprocessor for AERMOD. This update provides the
capability to process measured and prognostic marine-based meteorology
for offshore applications. Separate updates are related to the AERMOD
dispersion model and include (1) a new Tier 3 screening method for the
conversion of nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions to
NO2 and (2) a new source type for modeling vehicle roadway
Each of these formulation updates to the AERMOD Modeling System was
provided as a non-regulatory beta option in the version 23132 release
of the relevant AERMOD Modeling System components. With the release of
the AERMOD Modeling System version 24142, the EPA has removed the non-
regulatory beta restriction and is finalizing the following updates to
the AERMOD Modeling System to address several technical concerns
expressed by stakeholders.
a. Incorporation of COARE Algorithms Into AERMET for Use in Overwater
Marine Boundary Layer Environments
The EPA received a few specific comments in support of adding the
Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) into AERMET.
Therefore, the EPA is finalizing the integration of the COARE
3 4 algorithms to AERMET for meteorological data processing
in applications using either observed or prognostic meteorological data
in overwater marine boundary layer environments.
\3\ Fairall, C.W., E.F. Bradley, J.E. Hare, A.A. Grachev, and
J.B. Edson, 2003: ``Bulk Parameterization of Air-Sea Fluxes: Updates
and Verification for the COARE Algorithm.'' Journal of Climate, 16,
\4\ Evaluation of the Implementation of the Coupled Ocean-
Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) algorithms into AERMET for
Boundary Layer Environments. EPA-2023/R-23-008, Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, RTP, NC.
As discussed in the preamble to the proposed rule, the algorithms
in COARE are better suited for overwater boundary layer calculations
than the existing algorithms in AERMET that are better suited for land-
based data. The addition of the COARE algorithms to AERMET replaces the
need of the standalone AERCOARE program used for overwater applications
and ensures that the COARE algorithms are updated regularly as part of
routine AERMET updates. For prognostic applications processed through
the Mesoscale Model Interface (MMIF), the addition of COARE algorithms
to AERMET replaces the need to run MMIF for AERCOARE input, and the
user can run MMIF for AERMET input for overwater applications. The
COARE option is selected in AERMET by the user with the METHOD COARE
RUN-COARE* record in the AERMET Stage 2 input file.
We are including the COARE algorithms into AERMET as a non-default
regulatory option. This eliminates the previous alternative
[[Page 95038]]
model demonstration requirements for use of AERMOD in marine
environments, and its use is contingent upon consultation with the EPA
Regional Office and appropriate reviewing authority to ensure that
platform downwash and shoreline fumigation are adequately considered in
the modeling demonstration. Also note that since COARE is a non-default
regulatory option, the user no longer must include the BETA option with
the MODELOPT keyword in the AERMOD input file to use AERMET data
generated using the COARE algorithms.
b. Addition of a New Tier 3 Detailed Screening Technique for
As supported by the discussions in the October 2023 proposed
revisions to the Guideline, and based on the public comments received,
the EPA is finalizing adoption of the Generic Reaction Set Method
(GRSM) as a regulatory non-default, detailed Tier 3 NO2
screening option in AERMOD version 24142.
As discussed in the preamble to the October 2023 proposed revisions
to the Guideline, the functionality of the GRSM implementation in
AERMOD is similar to that of the existing PVMRM and OLM Tier 3
NO2 schemes, with exception to some additional input
requirements necessary (i.e., hourly NOX inputs) for
treatment of the reverse NO2 photolysis reaction during
daytime hours. Background NO2 concentrations are accounted
for in the GRSM daytime equilibrium NO2 concentration
estimates based on the chemical reaction balance between ozone
entrainment and NO titration, photolysis of NO2 to NO, and
ambient background NO2 participation in titration and
photolysis reactions. Similar to PVMRM and OLM, nighttime GRSM
NO2 estimates are based on ozone entrainment and titration
of available NO in the NOX plume.
The EPA received several comments in support of the proposed
adoption of GRSM as a Tier 3 NO2 screening option in AERMOD.
Several commenters requested further clarification and guidance from
the EPA on the suitability and regulatory modeling application of GRSM,
as well as the selection of GRSM instead of PVMRM and OLM for detailed
Tier 3 NO2 screening modeling demonstrations. The EPA plans
to draft NO2 modeling guidance in the future to respond to
these comments.
One commenter notes that the GRSM supporting documentation is
unclear on what assessment or evaluation was conducted that supports
the assertion that updates to the GRSM code in AERMOD version 23132
address NO2 model overpredictions farther downwind, thereby
improving model performance. As discussed in the preamble of the
October 2023 proposed revisions to the Guideline, updates to the GRSM
formulation in AERMOD version 22112 were developed in late 2022 to
address more realistic building effects on instantaneous plume spread,
accounting of multiple plume effects on entrainment of ozone, and the
tendency of GRSM to over-predict in the far-field (e.g., beyond
approximately 0.5 to 3 km for typical point source releases). In
response to this comment, the GRSM Technical Support Document (TSD) has
been updated with clarifying information in an appendix.\5\
\5\ Environmental Protection Agency, 2024. Technical Support
Document (TSD) for Adoption of the Generic Reaction Set Method
(GRSM) as a Regulatory Non-Default Tier-3 NO2 Screening
Option, Publication No. EPA-454/R-24-005. Office of Air Quality
Planning & Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
c. Addition of RLINE as Mobile Source Type
The EPA is finalizing RLINE as a new regulatory source type in
AERMOD for mobile source modeling. The inclusion of the RLINE source
type is in addition to the AREA, LINE, and VOLUME source types already
available for mobile source modeling, giving additional flexibility to
users in characterizing transportation projects when modeling them with
AERMOD. As stated in the preamble to the proposed rule, the addition of
RLINE as a regulatory source type is an extension of the 2017 update to
the Guideline in which AERMOD replaced CALINE3 as the Addendum A model
for mobile source modeling. The RLINE source type has undergone
significant evaluation by the EPA and FHWA as part of the Interagency
Agreement between the EPA and FHWA and, as noted in the preamble to the
proposed rule, has shown improved performance since its introduction
into AERMOD in 2019.6 7
\6\ Incorporation and Evaluation of the RLINE source type in
AERMOD for Mobile Source Applications. EPA-2023/R-23-011, Office of
Air Quality Planning and Standards, RTP, NC.
\7\ Owen, R., et al., 2024. Incorporation of RLINE into AERMOD:
An update and evaluation for mobile source applications. Journal of
the Air & Waste Management Association, Manuscript submitted for
The EPA received several comments supporting the inclusion of RLINE
as a regulatory option into AERMOD. Several commenters also mentioned
the need to update the EPA's guidance. The EPA agrees that
practitioners will need guidance for using RLINE, and we plan to update
the relevant guidance.
The EPA also received a comment supporting the retention of the
RLINEXT source type as an ALPHA option. As described below, the EPA has
retained the RLINEXT as an ALPHA option for further model development
and evaluation.
Commenters also asked whether the CAL3QHC model could continue to
be used for carbon monoxide (CO) hot-spot analyses. The EPA confirms
that the 1992 CO Guidance that employs CAL3QHC for CO screening
analyses is still an available screening approach for CO hot-spot
analyses of transportation projects.\8\ In the EPA's January 17, 2017
final rule, section of the Guideline was modified, and the
1992 technical guidance (with CAL3QHC) remains in place as the
recommended approach for CO screening analyses (82 FR 5192).
\8\ U.S. EPA, 1992: Guideline for modeling carbon monoxide from
roadway intersections. EPA-454/R-92-005. U.S. EPA, Office of Air
Quality Planning & Standards, RTP, NC.
The RLINE source type includes the ability to include terrain in
AERMOD modeling as well as the urban source algorithms in AERMOD.
However, as stated in the preamble to the proposed rule, the inclusion
of RLINE with terrain use does not change the EPA's recommendation in
the PM Hot-spot Guidance \9\ to model transportation projects with FLAT
terrain. Since RLINE is now a regulatory source type, the user no
longer has to include the BETA flag with the MODELOPT keyword in the
AERMOD input file to use the RLINE source, including the use of RLINE
with the AERMOD urban option or RLINE with terrain.
\9\ U.S. EPA, 2021: PM Hot-spot Guidance; Transportation
Conformity Guidance for Quantitative Hot-spot Analyses in
PM2.5 and PM10 Nonattainment and Maintenance
Areas. EPA-42-B-21-037. U.S. EPA, Office of Transportation and Air
Quality, Ann Arbor, MI.
The RLINEXT source type is based on the same algorithm as the RLINE
source type but includes additional parameters to allow modeling of
other features of the source, such as solid barriers and the source
below grade. As these are not yet fully developed, the RLINEXT source
type continues to be an ALPHA option. Therefore, the ALPHA flag must be
included with MODELOPT keyword when using an RLINEXT source.
d. Support Information, Documentation, and Model Code
Model performance evaluation and peer-reviewed scientific
references for each of these three updates to the AERMOD Modeling
System are cited and placed in the docket for this action. An updated
user's guide and model formulation documents for version
[[Page 95039]]
24142 have also been placed in the docket for this action. We have
updated the summary description of the AERMOD Modeling System to
Addendum A of the Guideline to reflect these updates. The essential
codes, preprocessors, and test cases have been updated and posted to
the EPA's SCRAM website,
2. Updates to Recommendations on the Development of Background
Based on comments received on the 2023 proposed revisions to the
Guideline, the EPA is finalizing revisions to section 8 of the
Guideline to refine the recommendations regarding the determination of
appropriate model input data, specifically background concentration,
for use in NAAQS implementation modeling demonstrations (e.g., PSD
compliance demonstrations, SIP demonstrations for inert pollutants, and
SO2 designations). These revisions include the removal of
the term ``significant concentration gradient'' and the associated
recommendations which are replaced with a more robust framework for
characterizing background concentrations for cumulative modeling with
particular attention to identifying and modeling nearby sources in
multi-source areas.
The EPA has revised the recommendations for the determination of
background concentrations in constructing the design concentration, or
total air quality concentration in multi-source areas (see section
8.3), as part of a cumulative impact analysis for NAAQS implementation
modeling demonstrations. The EPA is finalizing the proposed framework,
which includes a stepwise set of considerations to replace the narrow
recommendation of modeling nearby sources that cause a significant
concentration gradient. This framework focuses the inherent discretion
in defining representative background concentrations through
qualitative and semi-quantitative considerations within a transparent
process using the variety of emissions and air quality data available
to the permit applicant. To construct a background concentration for
model input under the framework, permit applicants should consider the
representativeness of relevant emissions, air quality monitoring, and
pre-existing air quality modeling to appropriately represent background
concentrations for the cumulative impact analysis.
The EPA received numerous comments on the proposed revisions to
section 8 of the Guideline. Multiple commenters expressed their support
of the revisions to section 8.3 and the removal of the recommendation
of identifying sources which cause a significant concentration gradient
from the Guideline. Based on this support, the EPA is removing the
recommendations which highlight the use of significant concentration
gradients and finalizing the framework of stepwise considerations.
Several commenters expressed their perspective on the contents of
the framework of stepwise considerations for developing background
concentrations and its future implementation. Some commenters expressed
their concern that the framework would limit the flexibility that has
been afforded to permitting authorities, while other commenters stated
that the framework documents steps that have been unofficially used by
air agencies and modelers for many years. Additionally, some commenters
feel that the steps detailed in the framework do not remove the
ambiguity in the process of developing a representative background
concentration. The EPA recognizes that preferred methods for developing
background concentrations vary at both the State and permit-specific
level, which explains the variety of stances on the framework of
stepwise considerations. With this action, the EPA is finalizing the
proposed revisions to section 8 of the Guideline. These revisions
strike an appropriate balance of the interests raised by comments by
more clearly documenting the general steps recommended for determining
background concentrations while leaving discretion for and recommending
the exercise of professional judgement by the reviewing authority to
ensure that the background concentration is appropriately represented
in each cumulative impact analysis. In conjunction with the finalized
revisions to section 8 of the Guideline, the EPA is also finalizing the
Guidance on Developing Background Concentrations for Use in Modeling
Demonstrations.\10\ This guidance document details the EPA-recommended
framework with illustrative examples to assist permit applicants in
characterizing a credible and appropriately representative background
concentration for cumulative impact analyses including the
contributions from nearby sources in multi-source areas. The EPA
requested that the public submit comment through the docket associated
with the October 2023 proposed revisions to the Guideline and received
many comments requesting clarification or revisions which should be
incorporated in the finalized version of the guidance. A majority of
the comments were generally requests for the EPA to include examples
and additional details in the finalized version of the guidance. The
requests for additional details ranged from minor sentence revisions to
improve clarity to requests for specific metrics that may be used in
the process and requests for how to implement the framework for
specific modeling cases. The EPA agreed with the commenters requesting
examples and has incorporated hypothetical examples in the finalized
version of the guidance to help the stakeholder community implement the
framework of stepwise considerations. Additionally, the EPA has revised
the guidance to address many of the clarification concerns stated by
\10\ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2024. Guidance on
Developing Background Concentrations for Use in Modeling
Demonstrations. Publication No. EPA-454/R-24-003. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
3. Transition Period for Applicability of Revisions to the Guideline
As noted in the DATES section above, this rule is effective
December 30, 2024. For all regulatory applications covered under the
Guideline, the changes to the Addendum A preferred models and revisions
to the requirements and recommendations of the Guideline should be
integrated into the regulatory processes of respective reviewing
authorities and followed by applicants as quickly as practicable. The
EPA encourages the transition to the revised 2024 version of the
Guideline by no later than November 29, 2025. During the 1-year period
following promulgation, protocols for modeling analyses based on the
2017 version of the Guideline, which are submitted in a timely manner,
may be approved at the discretion of the appropriate reviewing
The EPA notes that some States have approved SIP provisions that
authorize the use of revised versions of the Guideline, whereas other
States have SIP provisions that will require revision to provide for
the use of a revised Guideline, such as the version addressed in this
notice. States that have incorporated an older version of the Guideline
into their SIPs in order to satisfy an infrastructure SIP requirement
under CAA section 110(a)(2) should update their regulations as
necessary to incorporate this latest version of the Guideline as soon
as practicable into their SIPs, but must do so no later than
[[Page 95040]]
February 7, 2027, which is the due date for 2024 PM2.5
infrastructure SIP submittals. For States that have chosen to satisfy
the modeling and permitting requirements of CAA section 110(a)(2) by
adopting specific versions of the Guideline in their State regulations,
the EPA expects States to update their regulations to include this most
recent version of the Guideline by the infrastructure SIP submittal due
date. The EPA will at that time be evaluating infrastructure SIP
submissions for compliance with applicable infrastructure SIP
requirements under CAA section 110, including CAA sections
110(a)(2)(K), (C), (D)(i)(II), and (J). However, the need for such an
update to a State or local regulation should not, in most cases,
preclude regulatory application of the changes to the Guideline adopted
in this rule in regulatory actions.
All applicants are encouraged to consult with their respective
reviewing authority and EPA Regional office as soon as possible to
assure acceptance of their modeling protocols and/or modeling
demonstration during this period of regulatory transition.
4. Revisions by Section
a. Throughout Appendix W to Part 51--Guideline on Air Quality
Models, the EPA is revising the phrase ``Appendix A'' to ``Addendum A''
in accordance with the requirements of the Government Printing Office
b. Section 1.0--Introduction
During publication, in the first sentence of paragraph (i), the
phrase ``Appendix A'' was separated, thereby ending the sentence with
``Appendix'' and inadvertently creating a subparagraph (A). The EPA is
correcting paragraph (i) so that the first sentence ends with the
phrase ``Addendum A,'' and including the rest of the text from the
inadvertently created paragraph (A).
c. Section 3.0--Preferred and Alternative Air Quality Models
The EPA is updating an outdated website link in section 3.0(b).
In sections 3.1.1(c) and 3.1.2(a), the phrase ``Appendix A'' was
separated, ending the sentences with ``Appendix'' and inadvertently
creating a subparagraph (A). The EPA is correcting these sections by
combining the inadvertently created subparagraph (A) with the sentences
that end with ``Appendix,'' revising the phrase to ``Addendum A,'' and
including the rest of the text from the inadvertently created
subparagraphs (A).
d. Section 4.0--Models for Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Sulfur Dioxide,
Nitrogen Dioxide and Primary Particulate Matter
The EPA is updating reference numbers where necessary due to added
In sections 4.1(b) and 4.2.2(a), the phrase ``Appendix A'' was
separated, ending the sentences with ``Appendix'' and inadvertently
creating a subparagraph (A). The EPA is correcting these sections
combining the inadvertently created subparagraph (A) with the sentences
that end with ``Appendix,'' revising the phrase to ``Addendum A,'' and
including the rest of the text from the inadvertently created
subparagraphs (A).
In section, the EPA is adding a new paragraph (f) regarding
the use of AERMOD in certain overwater situations. A typographical
correction is made in section
The EPA is amending section to account for circumstances
where OCD is available to evaluate situations where shoreline
fumigation and/or platform downwash are important.
In section, the EPA is revising paragraph (e) to adopt the
Generic Reaction Set Method (GRSM) as a regulatory Tier 3 detailed
screening technique for NO2 modeling demonstrations.
Sentences in this section are being updated to incorporate GRSM with
the existing regulatory Tier 3 screening techniques OLM and PVMRM. An
additional statement is made indicating GRSM model performance may be
better than OLM and PVMRM under certain source characterization
situations. The EPA also is adding two references to the section
including one for the peer-reviewed paper on development and evaluation
of GRSM, and a second reference to the EPA Technical Support Document
(TSD) on GRSM.
The EPA is revising Table 4-1 in section to include GRSM
as a Tier 3 detailed screening option.
e. Section 5.0--Models for Ozone and Secondarily Formed Particulate
The EPA is updating reference numbers where necessary due to added
In section 5.2, the EPA is revising paragraph (c) to include a
reference for guidance on the use of models to assess the impacts of
emissions from single sources on secondarily formed ozone and
f. Section 6.0--Modeling for Air Quality Related Values and Other
Governmental Programs
The EPA is updating reference numbers where necessary due to added
references and is updating an outdated website link in section 6.3(a).
g. Section 7.0--General Modeling Considerations
The EPA is updating reference numbers where necessary due to added
In section 7.2.3, the EPA is revising paragraph (b) to include the
addition of RLINE as a source type for use in regulatory applications
of AERMOD and remove references to specific distances that receptors
can be placed from the roadway.
Also in section 7.2.3, the EPA is revising paragraph (c) to include
RLINE as a source type that can be used to model mobile sources and
clarify that an area source can be categorized in AERMOD using the
AREA, LINE, or RLINE source type.
h. Section 8.0--Model Input Data
The EPA is updating reference numbers where necessary due to added
The EPA is revising Table 8-1 and Table 8-2 to correct
typographical errors and update the footnotes in each of the tables.
The EPA is revising section 8.3.1 to address current EPA practices
and recommendations for determining the appropriate background
concentration as model input data for a new or modifying source(s) or
sources under consideration for a revised permit limit. This revision
provides a stepwise framework for modeling isolated single sources and
multi-source areas as part of a cumulative impact analysis. The EPA
also is removing the term ``significant concentration gradient'' and
its related content in section 8.3.1(a)(i) due to the ambiguity and
lack of definition of this term in the context of modeling multi-source
The EPA is removing paragraph (d) in section 8.3.2 and renumber
paragraphs (e) and (f) to (d) and (e), respectively. The content of
paragraph (d) is being included in the revisions of paragraph (a) in
section 8.3.2.
In section 8.3.3, the EPA is revising the content in section
8.3.3(b) on the recommendations for determining nearby sources to
explicitly model as part of a cumulative impact analysis. The EPA is
removing the content related to the term ``significant concentration
gradient'' in section 8.3.3(b)(i), section 8.3.3(b)(ii), and section
8.3.3(b)(iii) due
[[Page 95041]]
to the lack of definition of this term in the context of modeling
multi-source areas. The EPA is also removing an undefined acronym
inadvertently included in the October 2023 Guideline proposal in
section 8.3.3(b)(ii). Finally, the EPA is revising the example given in
section 8.3.3(d) to be consistent with the discussion of other sources
in section 8.3.1(a)(ii) and the revisions to Tables 8-1 and 8-2.
In section 8.4.1, the EPA is including buoy data as an example of
site-specific data as a result of the inclusion of the Coupled-Ocean
Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) algorithms to AERMET for marine
boundary layer processing. The EPA is also revising the heading for
section 8.4.1(d) to correct a capitalization typographical error.
The EPA is revising paragraph (a) of section 8.4.2 to note that
MMIF should be used to process prognostic meteorological data for both
land-based and overwater applications, and is revising paragraph (b) to
clarify that AERSURFACE should be used to calculate surface
characteristics for land-based data and AERMET calculates surface
characteristics for overwater applications. Also, the EPA is revising
paragraph (e) of this section to clarify that at least 1 year of site-
specific data applies to both land-based and overwater-based data.
The EPA is revising paragraph (a) of section to remove
references to specific Web links and to state that users should refer
to the latest guidance documents for Web links.
The EPA is adding a new section 8.4.6 to discuss the implementation
of COARE for marine boundary layer processing and to renumber the
existing section 8.4.6 (in the 2017 Guideline) to a new section 8.4.7.
References to specific wind speed thresholds are being replaced with
guidance to consult the appropriate guidance documents for the latest
i. Section 9.0--Regulatory Application of Models
The EPA is updating reference numbers where necessary due to added
In section 9.2.3, the EPA is revising the example given in section
9.2.3(a)(ii) to be consistent with the discussion of other sources in
section 8.3.1(a)(ii) and the revisions to Tables 8-1 and 8-2.
j. Section 10.0--References
The EPA is updating references in section 10.0 to remove outdated
website links and reflect current versions of guidance documents,
user's guides, and other supporting documentation where applicable. The
EPA also is adding references to support updates to the AERMOD Modeling
System described in this update to the Guideline.
5. Revisions to Addendum A to Appendix W to Part 51
a. Section A.0
The EPA is revising section A.0 to remove references that indicate
there are ``many'' preferred models while the number is currently only
b. Section A.1
The EPA is revising the References section to include additional
references that support our updates to the AERMOD Modeling System
consistent with our October 2023 proposed revisions to the Guideline
In the Abstract section, the EPA is adding line type sources as one
of the source types AERMOD can simulate.
The EPA is revising section A.1(a) to include overwater
applications for regulatory modeling where shoreline fumigation and/or
platform downwash are not important to facilitate the use of AERMOD
with COARE processing. This revision removes the need to request an
alternative model demonstration for such applications. The EPA also is
clarifying elevation data that can be used in AERMOD, specifically the
change in the name of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) National
Elevation Dataset (NED) to 3D Elevation Program (3DEP). For
consistency, references to NED are being updated to 3DEP throughout
section A.1.
The EPA is revising section A.1(b) to include prognostic data as
meteorological input to the AERMOD Modeling System, as applicable.
The EPA is revising section A.1(l) to include the Generic Reaction
Set Method in the discussion on chemical transformation in AERMOD. We
also are clarifying the status of the different deposition options in
The EPA is revising section A.1(n) to include references to
additional evaluation studies to support our updates to the AERMOD
Modeling System.
The EPA is updating a reference added in the October 2023 Guideline
proposal in section A.1 from a manuscript to an existing EPA Technical
Support Document.
c. Section A.3
In section A.3, the EPA is removing the reference to the Bureau of
Ocean Energy Management's (BOEM) outdated guidance.
IV. Ongoing Model Development
With the release of AERMOD version 24142, no additional beta
options remain within AERMOD. The alpha options in version 23132 have
all been retained in version 24142. The EPA is committed to the
continued maintenance and development of AERMOD to expand the model's
capabilities and improve performance where needed. Ongoing model
development priorities for model improvement, many of which are
represented in the version 24142 as alpha options, are described below.
Modifications to PRIME Building Downwash
Beginning with AERMOD version 19191, two distinct sets of alpha
options were added that modify the formulation of the building downwash
algorithm, PRIME. The two sets of options, ORD_DWNW and AWMADWNW, were
developed independently by the EPA's Office of Development and Research
(ORD) and the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA), respectively.
With a couple of exceptions, the options within each set can be
employed individually or combined with other options from each set. In
addition to these alpha options that modify the formulation of PRIME,
are the building input parameters required by the algorithm. In
conjunction with the assessment and evaluation of these alpha options,
the EPA is focused on improvement of the building preprocessor,
BPIPPRM, and the parameterization of the buildings that is input to
Offshore Modeling
To enhance AERMOD's offshore modeling capabilities with the goal of
replacing the Offshore Coastal Dispersion (OCD) dispersion model as the
EPA's preferred model for offshore dispersion modeling applications, a
platform downwash alpha option (PLATFORM), adapted from OCD, was
incorporated into AERMOD version 22112. This model enhancement
specifically treats building downwash effects from raised offshore
drilling platforms. The PLATFORM option continues to undergo
refinements and evaluation. In addition to the PLATFORM alpha option,
the EPA is implementing a shoreline fumigation algorithm into AERMOD,
also needed for the eventual goal of replacing the OCD model.
Extended RLINE Source Type Including Barriers and
Depressed Roadways
The extended RLINE source type (RLINEXT) source type was
implemented in AERMOD version
[[Page 95042]]
18181 as an alpha option that allows for a more refined
characterization of an individual road segment. It accepts separate
inputs for the elevations of each end of the road segment with added
capability to model road segments that include roadway barriers
(RBARRIER) and/or are characterized as depressed roadways (RDEPRESS).
RBARRIER and RDEPRESS are also alpha options and can only be used in
conjunction with the RLINEXT source type. The development of the
RLINEXT source type and accompanying options to account for barriers
and depressed roadways is ongoing.
Highly Buoyant Plume
A Highly Buoyant Plume (HBP) option was implemented as an alpha
option beginning with AERMOD version 23132 to explore and refine
AERMOD's treatment of the penetrated plume. A penetrated plume occurs
when a plume is released into the mixed layer, and a portion of the
plume eventually penetrates the top of the mixed layer during
convective hours as it continues to rise due to either buoyancy or
momentum. The BLP alpha option is only applicable to POINT source
Aircraft Plume Rise
Beginning with AERMOD version 23132, the ARCFTOPT alpha option was
added with the goal to extend the capabilities of AERMOD to
appropriately model emissions from aircraft on the ground and during
takeoffs and landings. The ARCFTOPT option extends the AREA and VOLUME
source type inputs to account for the buoyancy and horizontal momentum
of aircraft emissions.
Low Wind Default Overrides (LOW_WIND)
A LOW_WIND option was first implemented as a collection of non-
regulatory beta test options in AERMOD version 12345 (LOWWIND1 and
LOWWIND2) and expanded in version 15481(LOWWIND3), before the alpha/
beta framework was implemented. Each of these options altered the
default model values for minimum sigma-v, minimum wind speed, and the
minimum meander factor with different combinations of hardcoded values.
Though the original LOW_WIND beta test options are no longer
implemented in AERMOD, the LOW_WIND option was recategorized as an
alpha option in AERMOD version 18181 to include a number of user
defined default overrides for wind data parameters. The LOW_WIND option
in version 24142 enables the user to override AERMOD default values
with user-defined values for one or more of the following parameters:
[cir] Minimum standard deviation of the lateral velocity to the
average wind direction;
[cir] Minimum mean wind speed;
[cir] Minimum and maximum meander factor;
[cir] Minimum standard deviation of the vertical wind speed; and
[cir] Time scale for random dispersion.
V. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
Additional information about these statutes and Executive Orders
can be found at
A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review and Executive
Order 14094: Modernizing Regulatory Review
This action is not a significant regulatory action as defined in
Executive Order 12866, as amended by Executive Order 14094, and was,
therefore, not subject to a requirement for Executive Order 12866
B. Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
This action does not impose an information collection burden under
the PRA. This action does not contain any information collection
activities, nor does it add any information collection requirements
beyond those imposed by existing New Source Review requirements.
C. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
I certify that this action will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small entities under the RFA. This
action will not impose any requirements on small entities. This action
finalizes revisions to the Guideline, including enhancements to the
formulation and application of the EPA's near-field dispersion modeling
system, AERMOD, and updates to the recommendations for the development
of appropriate background concentration for cumulative impact analyses.
Use of the models and/or techniques described in this action is not
expected to pose any additional burden on small entities.
D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act (UMRA)
This action does not contain an unfunded mandate as described in
UMRA, 2 U.S.C. 1531-1538. This action imposes no enforceable duty on
any State, local or Tribal governments or the private sector.
E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
This action does not have federalism implications. It will not have
substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship between
the national government and the States, or on the distribution of power
and responsibilities among the various levels of government.
F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian
Tribal Governments
This action does not have Tribal implications, as specified in
Executive Order 13175. This action provides final revisions to the
Guideline which is used by the EPA, other Federal, State, territorial,
local, and Tribal air quality agencies, and industry to prepare and
review preconstruction permit applications, SIP submittals and
revisions, determinations of conformity, and other air quality
assessments required under EPA regulation. Separate from this action,
the Tribal Air Rule implements the provisions of section 301(d) of the
CAA authorizing eligible Tribes to implement their own Tribal air
program. Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not apply to this action.
The EPA specifically solicited comments on the October 2023
proposed revisions to the Guideline from Tribal officials and did not
formally receive any Tribal comments during the public comment period
for the rule. Subsequently, the EPA provided information regarding this
final action to the Tribes during a monthly National Tribal Air
Association (NTAA) call earlier in 2024 and will continue to provide
any new or subsequent updates to EPA modeling guidance and other
regulatory compliance demonstration related topics upon request of the
G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental
Health Risks and Safety Risks
The EPA interprets Executive Order 13045 as applying only to those
regulatory actions that concern environmental health or safety risks
that the EPA has reason to believe may disproportionately affect
children, per the definition of ``covered regulatory action'' in
section 2-202 of the Executive Order. This action does not address an
environmental health risk or safety risk that may disproportionately
affect children. Therefore, this action is not subject to Executive
Order 13045. The EPA's Policy on Children's Health also does not apply.
[[Page 95043]]
H. Executive Order 13211: Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply, Distribution, or Use
This action is not subject to Executive Order 13211, because it is
not a significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866.
I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
This rulemaking does not involve technical standards.
J. Executive Order 12898: Federal Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations and
Executive Order 14096: Revitalizing Our Nation's Commitment to
Environmental Justice for All
The EPA believes that this type of action cannot be evaluated with
respect to potentially disproportionate and adverse effects on
communities with environmental justice concerns because this final
action does not regulate air pollutant emissions or establish an
environmental health or safety standard. This action finalizes
revisions to the Guideline, including enhancements to the formulations
and application of EPA's near-field dispersion modeling system, AERMOD,
that would assist and expand assessment of environmental considerations
in required compliance demonstrations across various CAA programs.
The EPA identifies and addresses environmental justice concerns
through continuing efforts to improve the scientific formulations of
the EPA's air quality models, increase model overall performance, and
reduce uncertainties of model projections for regulatory applications,
which ultimately provides for protection of the environment and human
health. While the EPA does not expect this action to directly impact
air quality, the revisions are important because the Guideline is used
by the EPA, other Federal, State, territorial, local, and Tribal air
quality agencies, and industry to prepare and review preconstruction
permit applications, SIP submittals and revisions, determinations of
conformity, and other air quality assessments required under EPA
regulation and serves as a benchmark of consistency across the nation.
This consistency has value to all communities including communities
with environmental justice concerns.
K. Congressional Review Act (CRA)
This action is subject to the Congressional Review Act (CRA), and
the EPA will submit a rule report to each House of the Congress and to
the Comptroller General of the United States. This action is not a
``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 51
Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure,
Air pollution control, Carbon monoxide, Criteria pollutants,
Intergovernmental relations, Lead, Mobile sources, Nitrogen oxides,
Ozone, Particulate Matter, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements,
Stationary sources, Sulfur oxides.
Michael S. Regan,
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Environmental
Protection Agency is amending title 40, chapter I of the Code of
Federal Regulations as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 51 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 23 U.S.C. 101; 42 U.S.C. 7401-7671q.
2. Appendix W to part 51 is revised to read as follows:
a. Industry and control agencies have long expressed a need for
consistency in the application of air quality models for regulatory
purposes. In the 1977 Clean Air Act (CAA), Congress mandated such
consistency and encouraged the standardization of model
applications. The Guideline on Air Quality Models (hereafter,
Guideline) was first published in April 1978 to satisfy these
requirements by specifying models and providing guidance for their
use. The Guideline provides a common basis for estimating the air
quality concentrations of criteria pollutants used in assessing
control strategies and developing emissions limits.
b. The continuing development of new air quality models in
response to regulatory requirements and the expanded requirements
for models to cover even more complex problems have emphasized the
need for periodic review and update of guidance on these techniques.
Historically, three primary activities have provided direct input to
revisions of the Guideline. The first is a series of periodic EPA
workshops and modeling conferences conducted for the purpose of
ensuring consistency and providing clarification in the application
of models. The second activity was the solicitation and review of
new models from the technical and user community. In the March 27,
1980 Federal Register, a procedure was outlined for the submittal of
privately developed models to the EPA. After extensive evaluation
and scientific review, these models, as well as those made available
by the EPA, have been considered for recognition in the Guideline.
The third activity is the extensive on-going research efforts by the
EPA and others in air quality and meteorological modeling.
c. Based primarily on these three activities, new sections and
topics have been included as needed. The EPA does not make changes
to the Guideline on a predetermined schedule, but rather on an as-
needed basis. The EPA believes that revisions of the Guideline
should be timely and responsive to user needs and should involve
public participation to the greatest possible extent. All future
changes to the Guideline will be proposed and finalized in the
Federal Register. Information on the current status of modeling
guidance can always be obtained from the EPA's Regional offices.
Table of Contents
List of Tables
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Overview of Model Use
2.1 Suitability of Models
2.1.1 Model Accuracy and Uncertainty
2.2 Levels of Sophistication of Air Quality Analyses and Models
2.3 Availability of Models
3.0 Preferred and Alternative Air Quality Models
3.1 Preferred Models
3.1.1 Discussion
3.1.2 Requirements
3.2 Alternative Models
3.2.1 Discussion
3.2.2 Requirements
3.3 EPA's Model Clearinghouse
4.0 Models for Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen
Dioxide and Primary Particulate Matter
4.1 Discussion
4.2 Requirements
4.2.1 Screening Models and Techniques AERSCREEN CTSCREEN Screening in Complex Terrain
4.2.2 Refined Models AERMOD CTDMPLUS OCD
4.2.3 Pollutant Specific Modeling Requirements Models for Carbon Monoxide Models for Lead Models for Sulfur Dioxide Models for Nitrogen Dioxide Models for PM2.5 Models for PM10
5.0 Models for Ozone and Secondarily Formed Particulate Matter
5.1 Discussion
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Recommended Models and Approaches for Ozone
5.3.1 Models for NAAQS Attainment Demonstrations and Multi-
Source Air Quality Assessments
5.3.2 Models for Single-Source Air Quality Assessments
5.4 Recommended Models and Approaches for Secondarily Formed
[[Page 95044]]
5.4.1 Models for NAAQS Attainment Demonstrations and Multi-
Source Air Quality Assessments
5.4.2 Models for Single-Source Air Quality Assessments
6.0 Modeling for Air Quality Related Values and Other Governmental
6.1 Discussion
6.2 Air Quality Related Values
6.2.1 Visibility Models for Estimating Near-Field Visibility Impairment Models for Estimating Visibility Impairment for Long-
Range Transport
6.2.2 Models for Estimating Deposition Impacts
6.3 Modeling Guidance for Other Governmental Programs
7.0 General Modeling Considerations
7.1 Discussion
7.2 Recommendations
7.2.1 All sources Dispersion Coefficients Complex Winds Gravitational Settling and Deposition
7.2.2 Stationary Sources Good Engineering Practice Stack Height Plume Rise
7.2.3 Mobile Sources
8.0 Model Input Data
8.1 Modeling Domain
8.1.1 Discussion
8.1.2 Requirements
8.2 Source Data
8.2.1 Discussion
8.2.2 Requirements
8.3 Background Concentrations
8.3.1 Discussion
8.3.2 Recommendations for Isolated Single Sources
8.3.3 Recommendations for Multi-Source Areas
8.4 Meteorological Input Data
8.4.1 Discussion
8.4.2 Recommendations and Requirements
8.4.3 National Weather Service Data Discussion Recommendations
8.4.4 Site-Specific Data Discussion Recommendations
8.4.5 Prognostic Meteorological Data Discussion Recommendations
8.4.6 Marine Boundary Layer Environments Discussion Recommendations
8.4.7 Treatment of Near-Calms and Calms Discussion Recommendations
9.0 Regulatory Application of Models
9.1 Discussion
9.2 Recommendations
9.2.1 Modeling Protocol
9.2.2 Design Concentration and Receptor Sites
9.2.3 NAAQS and PSD Increments Compliance Demonstrations for New
or Modified Sources Considerations in Developing Emissions Limits
9.2.4 Use of Measured Data in Lieu of Model Estimates
10.0 References
Addendum A to Appendix W of Part 51--Summaries of Preferred Air Quality
List of Tables
Table No. Title
8-1....................................... Point Source Model Emission
Inputs for SIP Revisions of
Inert Pollutants.
8-2....................................... Point Source Model Emission
Inputs for NAAQS Compliance
in PSD Demonstrations.
1.0 Introduction
a. The Guideline provides air quality modeling techniques that
should be applied to State Implementation Plan (SIP) submittals and
revisions, to New Source Review (NSR), including new or modifying
sources under Prevention of Significant Deterioration
(PSD),1 2 3 conformity analyses,\4\ and other air quality
assessments required under EPA regulation. Applicable only to
criteria air pollutants, the Guideline is intended for use by the
EPA Regional offices in judging the adequacy of modeling analyses
performed by the EPA, by State, local, and Tribal permitting
authorities, and by industry. It is appropriate for use by other
Federal government agencies and by State, local, and Tribal agencies
with air quality and land management responsibilities. The Guideline
serves to identify, for all interested parties, those modeling
techniques and databases that the EPA considers acceptable. The
Guideline is not intended to be a compendium of modeling techniques.
Rather, it should serve as a common measure of acceptable technical
analysis when supported by sound scientific judgment.
b. Air quality measurements \5\ are routinely used to
characterize ambient concentrations of criteria pollutants
throughout the nation but are rarely sufficient for characterizing
the ambient impacts of individual sources or demonstrating adequacy
of emissions limits for an existing source due to limitations in
spatial and temporal coverage of ambient monitoring networks. The
impacts of new sources that do not yet exist, and modifications to
existing sources that have yet to be implemented, can only be
determined through modeling. Thus, models have become a primary
analytical tool in most air quality assessments. Air quality
measurements can be used in a complementary manner to air quality
models, with due regard for the strengths and weaknesses of both
analysis techniques, and are particularly useful in assessing the
accuracy of model estimates.
c. It would be advantageous to categorize the various regulatory
programs and to apply a designated model to each proposed source
needing analysis under a given program. However, the diversity of
the nation's topography and climate, and variations in source
configurations and operating characteristics dictate against a
strict modeling ``cookbook.'' There is no one model capable of
properly addressing all conceivable situations even within a broad
category such as point sources. Meteorological phenomena associated
with threats to air quality standards are rarely amenable to a
single mathematical treatment; thus, case-by-case analysis and
judgment are frequently required. As modeling efforts become more
complex, it is increasingly important that they be directed by
highly competent individuals with a broad range of experience and
knowledge in air quality meteorology. Further, they should be
coordinated closely with specialists in emissions characteristics,
air monitoring and data processing. The judgment of experienced
meteorologists, atmospheric scientists, and analysts is essential.
d. The model that most accurately estimates concentrations in
the area of interest is always sought. However, it is clear from the
needs expressed by the EPA Regional offices, by State, local, and
Tribal agencies, by many industries and trade associations, and also
by the deliberations of Congress, that consistency in the selection
and application of models and databases should also be sought, even
in case-by-case analyses. Consistency ensures that air quality
control agencies and the general public have a common basis for
estimating pollutant concentrations, assessing control strategies,
and specifying emissions limits. Such consistency is not, however,
promoted at the expense of model and database accuracy. The
Guideline provides a consistent basis for selection of the most
accurate models and databases for use in air quality assessments.
e. Recommendations are made in the Guideline concerning air
quality models and techniques, model evaluation procedures, and
model input databases and related requirements. The guidance
provided here should be followed in air quality analyses relative to
SIPs, NSR, and in supporting analyses required by the EPA and by
State, local, and Tribal permitting authorities. Specific models are
identified for particular applications. The EPA may approve the use
of an alternative model or technique that can be demonstrated to be
more appropriate than those recommended in the Guideline. In all
cases, the model or technique applied to a given situation should be
the one that provides the most accurate representation of
atmospheric transport, dispersion, and chemical transformations in
the area of interest. However, to ensure consistency, deviations
from the Guideline should be carefully documented as part of the
public record and fully supported by the appropriate reviewing
authority, as discussed later.
f. From time to time, situations arise requiring clarification
of the intent of the guidance on a specific topic. Periodic
workshops are held with EPA headquarters, EPA Regional offices, and
State, local, and Tribal agency modeling representatives to ensure
consistency in modeling guidance and to promote the use of more
accurate air quality models, techniques, and databases. The
workshops serve to provide further explanations of Guideline
requirements to the EPA Regional offices and workshop materials are
issued with this clarifying information. In addition, findings from
ongoing research programs, new model development, or results from
[[Page 95045]]
evaluations and applications are continuously evaluated. Based on
this information, changes in the applicable guidance may be
indicated and appropriate revisions to the Guideline may be
g. All changes to the Guideline must follow rulemaking
requirements since the Guideline is codified in Appendix W to 40
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 51. The EPA will promulgate
rules in the Federal Register to amend this appendix. The EPA
utilizes the existing procedures under CAA section 320 that requires
the EPA to conduct a conference on air quality modeling at least
every 3 years (CAA 320, 42 U.S.C. 7620). These modeling conferences
are intended to develop standardized air quality modeling procedures
and form the basis for associated revisions to this Guideline in
support of the EPA's continuing effort to prescribe with
``reasonable particularity'' air quality models and meteorological
and emission databases suitable for modeling national ambient air
quality standards (NAAQS) \6\ and PSD increments. Ample opportunity
for public comment will be provided for each proposed change and
public hearings scheduled.
h. A wide range of topics on modeling and databases are
discussed in the Guideline. Section 2 gives an overview of models
and their suitability for use in regulatory applications. Section 3
provides specific guidance on the determination of preferred air
quality models and on the selection of alternative models or
techniques. Sections 4 through 6 provide recommendations on modeling
techniques for assessing criteria pollutant impacts from single and
multiple sources with specific modeling requirements for selected
regulatory applications. Section 7 discusses general considerations
common to many modeling analyses for stationary and mobile sources.
Section 8 makes recommendations for data inputs to models including
source, background air quality, and meteorological data. Section 9
summarizes how estimates and measurements of air quality are used in
assessing source impact and in evaluating control strategies.
i. Appendix W to 40 CFR part 51 contains an addendum: Addendum
A. Thus, when reference is made to ``Addendum A'' in this document,
it refers to Addendum A to Appendix W to 40 CFR part 51. Addendum A
contains summaries of refined air quality models that are
``preferred'' for particular applications; both EPA models and
models developed by others are included.
2.0 Overview of Model Use
a. Increasing reliance has been placed on concentration
estimates from air quality models as the primary basis for
regulatory decisions concerning source permits and emission control
requirements. In many situations, such as review of a proposed new
source, no practical alternative exists. Before attempting to
implement the guidance contained in this document, the reader should
be aware of certain general information concerning air quality
models and their evaluation and use. Such information is provided in
this section.
2.1 Suitability of Models
a. The extent to which a specific air quality model is suitable
for the assessment of source impacts depends upon several factors.
These include: (1) the topographic and meteorological complexities
of the area; (2) the detail and accuracy of the input databases,
i.e., emissions inventory, meteorological data, and air quality
data; (3) the manner in which complexities of atmospheric processes
are handled in the model; (4) the technical competence of those
undertaking such simulation modeling; and (5) the resources
available to apply the model. Any of these factors can have a
significant influence on the overall model performance, which must
be thoroughly evaluated to determine the suitability of an air
quality model to a particular application or range of applications.
b. Air quality models are most accurate and reliable in areas
that have gradual transitions of land use and topography.
Meteorological conditions in these areas are spatially uniform such
that observations are broadly representative and air quality model
projections are not further complicated by a heterogeneous
environment. Areas subject to major topographic influences
experience meteorological complexities that are often difficult to
measure and simulate. Models with adequate performance are available
for increasingly complex environments. However, they are resource
intensive and frequently require site-specific observations and
formulations. Such complexities and the related challenges for the
air quality simulation should be considered when selecting the most
appropriate air quality model for an application.
c. Appropriate model input data should be available before an
attempt is made to evaluate or apply an air quality model. Assuming
the data are adequate, the greater the detail with which a model
considers the spatial and temporal variations in meteorological
conditions and permit-enforceable emissions, the greater the ability
to evaluate the source impact and to distinguish the effects of
various control strategies.
d. There are three types of models that have historically been
used in the regulatory demonstrations applicable in the Guideline,
each having strengths and weaknesses that lend themselves to
particular regulatory applications.
i. Gaussian plume models use a ``steady-state'' approximation,
which assumes that over the model time step, the emissions,
meteorology and other model inputs, are constant throughout the
model domain, resulting in a resolved plume with the emissions
distributed throughout the plume according to a Gaussian
distribution. This formulation allows Gaussian models to estimate
near-field impacts of a limited number of sources at a relatively
high resolution, with temporal scales of an hour and spatial scales
of meters. However, this formulation allows for only relatively
inert pollutants, with very limited considerations of transformation
and removal (e.g., deposition), and further limits the domain for
which the model may be used. Thus, Gaussian models may not be
appropriate if model inputs are changing sharply over the model time
step or within the desired model domain, or if more advanced
considerations of chemistry are needed.
ii. Lagrangian puff models, on the other hand, are non-steady-
state, and assume that model input conditions are changing over the
model domain and model time step. Lagrangian models can also be used
to determine near- and far-field impacts from a limited number of
sources. Traditionally, Lagrangian models have been used for
relatively inert pollutants, with slightly more complex
considerations of removal than Gaussian models. Some Lagrangian
models treat in-plume gas and particulate chemistry. However, these
models require time and space varying concentration fields of
oxidants and, in the case of fine particulate matter
(PM2.5), neutralizing agents, such as ammonia. Reliable
background fields are critical for applications involving secondary
pollutant formation because secondary impacts generally occur when
in-plume precursors mix and react with species in the background
atmosphere.7 8 These oxidant and neutralizing agents are
not routinely measured, but can be generated with a three-
dimensional photochemical grid model.
iii. Photochemical grid models are three-dimensional Eulerian
grid-based models that treat chemical and physical processes in each
grid cell and use diffusion and transport processes to move chemical
species between grid cells.\9\ Eulerian models assume that emissions
are spread evenly throughout each model grid cell. At coarse grid
resolutions, Eulerian models have difficulty with fine scale
resolution of individual plumes. However, these types of models can
be appropriately applied for assessment of near-field and regional
scale reactive pollutant impacts from specific
sources7 10 11 12 or all sources.13 14 15
Photochemical grid models simulate a more realistic environment for
chemical transformation,7 12 but simulations can be more
resource intensive than Lagrangian or Gaussian plume models.
e. Competent and experienced meteorologists, atmospheric
scientists, and analysts are an essential prerequisite to the
successful application of air quality models. The need for such
specialists is critical when sophisticated models are used or the
area has complicated meteorological or topographic features. It is
important to note that a model applied improperly or with
inappropriate data can lead to serious misjudgments regarding the
source impact or the effectiveness of a control strategy.
f. The resource demands generated by use of air quality models
vary widely depending on the specific application. The resources
required may be important factors in the selection and use of a
model or technique for a specific analysis. These resources depend
on the nature of the model and its complexity, the detail of the
databases, the difficulty of the application, the amount and level
of expertise required, and the costs of manpower and computational
2.1.1 Model Accuracy and Uncertainty
a. The formulation and application of air quality models are
accompanied by several sources of uncertainty. ``Irreducible''
uncertainty stems from the ``unknown'' conditions, which may not be
explicitly accounted for in the model (e.g., the turbulent velocity
field). Thus, there are likely to be deviations from the observed
[[Page 95046]]
concentrations in individual events due to variations in the unknown
conditions. ``Reducible'' uncertainties \16\ are caused by: (1)
uncertainties in the ``known'' input conditions (e.g., emission
characteristics and meteorological data); (2) errors in the measured
concentrations; and (3) inadequate model physics and formulation.
b. Evaluations of model accuracy should focus on the reducible
uncertainty associated with physics and the formulation of the
model. The accuracy of the model is normally determined by an
evaluation procedure which involves the comparison of model
concentration estimates with measured air quality data.\17\ The
statement of model accuracy is based on statistical tests or
performance measures such as bias, error, correlation, etc.\18\ \19\
c. Since the 1980's, the EPA has worked with the modeling
community to encourage development of standardized model evaluation
methods and the development of continually improved methods for the
characterization of model performance.\16\ \18\ \20\ \21\ \22\ There
is general consensus on what should be considered in the evaluation
of air quality models. Namely, quality assurance planning,
documentation and scrutiny should be consistent with the intended
use and should include:
Scientific peer review;
Supportive analyses (diagnostic evaluations, code
verification, sensitivity analyses);
Diagnostic and performance evaluations with data
obtained in trial locations; and
Statistical performance evaluations in the
circumstances of the intended applications.
Performance evaluations and diagnostic evaluations assess
different qualities of how well a model is performing, and both are
needed to establish credibility within the client and scientific
d. Performance evaluations allow the EPA and model users to
determine the relative performance of a model in comparison with
alternative modeling systems. Diagnostic evaluations allow
determination of a model capability to simulate individual processes
that affect the results, and usually employ smaller spatial/temporal
scale data sets (e.g., field studies). Diagnostic evaluations enable
the EPA and model users to build confidence that model predictions
are accurate for the right reasons. However, the objective
comparison of modeled concentrations with observed field data
provides only a partial means for assessing model performance. Due
to the limited supply of evaluation datasets, there are practical
limits in assessing model performance. For this reason, the
conclusions reached in the science peer reviews and the supportive
analyses have particular relevance in deciding whether a model will
be useful for its intended purposes.
2.2 Levels of Sophistication of Air Quality Analyses and Models
a. It is desirable to begin an air quality analysis by using
simplified and conservative methods followed, as appropriate, by
more complex and refined methods. The purpose of this approach is to
streamline the process and sufficiently address regulatory
requirements by eliminating the need of more detailed modeling when
it is not necessary in a specific regulatory application. For
example, in the context of a PSD permit application, a simplified
and conservative analysis may be sufficient where it shows the
proposed construction clearly will not cause or contribute to
ambient concentrations in excess of either the NAAQS or the PSD
increments.\2\ \3\
b. There are two general levels of sophistication of air quality
models. The first level consists of screening models that provide
conservative modeled estimates of the air quality impact of a
specific source or source category based on simplified assumptions
of the model inputs (e.g., preset, worst-case meteorological
conditions). In the case of a PSD assessment, if a screening model
indicates that the increase in concentration attributable to the
source could cause or contribute to a violation of any NAAQS or PSD
increment, then the second level of more sophisticated models should
be applied unless appropriate controls or operational restrictions
are implemented based on the screening modeling.
c. The second level consists of refined models that provide more
detailed treatment of physical and chemical atmospheric processes,
require more detailed and precise input data, and provide spatially
and temporally resolved concentration estimates. As a result, they
provide a more sophisticated and, at least theoretically, a more
accurate estimate of source impact and the effectiveness of control
d. There are situations where a screening model or a refined
model is not available such that screening and refined modeling are
not viable options to determine source-specific air quality impacts.
In such situations, a screening technique or reduced-form model may
be viable options for estimating source impacts.
i. Screening techniques are differentiated from a screening
model in that screening techniques are approaches that make
simplified and conservative assumptions about the physical and
chemical atmospheric processes important to determining source
impacts, while screening models make assumptions about conservative
inputs to a specific model. The complexity of screening techniques
ranges from simplified assumptions of chemistry applied to refined
or screening model output to sophisticated approximations of the
chemistry applied within a refined model.
ii. Reduced-form models are computationally efficient simulation
tools for characterizing the pollutant response to specific types of
emission reductions for a particular geographic area or background
environmental conditions that reflect underlying atmospheric science
of a refined model but reduce the computational resources of running
a complex, numerical air quality model such as a photochemical grid
In such situations, an attempt should be made to acquire or
improve the necessary databases and to develop appropriate
analytical techniques, but the screening technique or reduced-form
model may be sufficient in conducting regulatory modeling
applications when applied in consultation with the EPA Regional
e. Consistent with the general principle described in paragraph
2.2(a), the EPA may establish a demonstration tool or method as a
sufficient means for a user or applicant to make a demonstration
required by regulation, either by itself or as part of a modeling
demonstration. To be used for such regulatory purposes, such a tool
or method must be reflected in a codified regulation or have a well-
documented technical basis and reasoning that is contained or
incorporated in the record of the regulatory decision in which it is
2.3 Availability of Models
a. For most of the screening and refined models discussed in the
Guideline, codes, associated documentation and other useful
information are publicly available for download from the EPA's
Support Center for Regulatory Atmospheric Modeling (SCRAM) website
at This is a website with which air
quality modelers should become familiar and regularly visit for
important model updates and additional clarifications and revisions
to modeling guidance documents that are applicable to EPA programs
and regulations. Codes and documentation may also be available from
the National Technical Information Service (NTIS),, and, when available, is referenced with the
appropriate NTIS accession number.
3.0 Preferred and Alternative Air Quality Models
a. This section specifies the approach to be taken in
determining preferred models for use in regulatory air quality
programs. The status of models developed by the EPA, as well as
those submitted to the EPA for review and possible inclusion in this
Guideline, is discussed in this section. The section also provides
the criteria and process for obtaining EPA approval for use of
alternative models for individual cases in situations where the
preferred models are not applicable or available. Additional sources
of relevant modeling information are: the EPA's Model Clearinghouse
\23\ (section 3.3); EPA modeling conferences; periodic Regional,
State, and Local Modelers' Workshops; and the EPA's SCRAM website
(section 2.3).
b. When approval is required for a specific modeling technique
or analytical procedure in this Guideline, we refer to the
``appropriate reviewing authority.'' Many States and some local
agencies administer NSR permitting under programs approved into
SIPs. In some EPA regions, Federal authority to administer NSR
permitting and related activities has been delegated to State or
local agencies. In these cases, such agencies ``stand in the shoes''
of the respective EPA Region. Therefore, depending on the
circumstances, the appropriate reviewing authority may be an EPA
Regional office, a State, local, or Tribal agency, or perhaps the
Federal Land Manager (FLM). In some cases, the Guideline requires
review and approval of the use of an alternative model by the EPA
Regional office (sometimes stated as ``Regional Administrator'').
For all approvals of alternative models or
[[Page 95047]]
techniques, the EPA Regional office will coordinate and seek
concurrence with the EPA's Model Clearinghouse. If there is any
question as to the appropriate reviewing authority, you should
contact the EPA Regional office modeling contact (, whose
jurisdiction generally includes the physical location of the source
in question and its expected impacts.
c. In all regulatory analyses, early discussions among the EPA
Regional office staff, State, local, and Tribal agency staff,
industry representatives, and where appropriate, the FLM, are
invaluable and are strongly encouraged. Prior to the actual
analyses, agreement on the databases to be used, modeling techniques
to be applied, and the overall technical approach helps avoid
misunderstandings concerning the final results and may reduce the
later need for additional analyses. The preparation of a written
modeling protocol that is vetted with the appropriate reviewing
authority helps to keep misunderstandings and resource expenditures
at a minimum.
d. The identification of preferred models in this Guideline
should not be construed as a determination that the preferred models
identified here are to be permanently used to the exclusion of all
others or that they are the only models available for relating
emissions to air quality. The model that most accurately estimates
concentrations in the area of interest is always sought. However,
designation of specific preferred models is needed to promote
consistency in model selection and application.
3.1 Preferred Models
3.1.1 Discussion
a. The EPA has developed some models suitable for regulatory
application, while other models have been submitted by private
developers for possible inclusion in the Guideline. Refined models
that are preferred and required by the EPA for particular
applications have undergone the necessary peer scientific reviews
\24\ \25\ and model performance evaluation exercises \26\ \27\ that
include statistical measures of model performance in comparison with
measured air quality data as described in section 2.1.1.
b. An American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
reference \28\ provides a general philosophy for developing and
implementing advanced statistical evaluations of atmospheric
dispersion models, and provides an example statistical technique to
illustrate the application of this philosophy. Consistent with this
approach, the EPA has determined and applied a specific evaluation
protocol that provides a statistical technique for evaluating model
performance for predicting peak concentration values, as might be
observed at individual monitoring locations.\29\
c. When a single model is found to perform better than others,
it is recommended for application as a preferred model and listed in
Addendum A. If no one model is found to clearly perform better
through the evaluation exercise, then the preferred model listed in
Addendum A may be selected on the basis of other factors such as
past use, public familiarity, resource requirements, and
availability. Accordingly, the models listed in Addendum A meet
these conditions:
i. The model must be written in a common programming language,
and the executable(s) must run on a common computer platform.
ii. The model must be documented in a user's guide or model
formulation report which identifies the mathematics of the model,
data requirements and program operating characteristics at a level
of detail comparable to that available for other recommended models
in Addendum A.
iii. The model must be accompanied by a complete test dataset
including input parameters and output results. The test data must be
packaged with the model in computer-readable form.
iv. The model must be useful to typical users, e.g., State air
agencies, for specific air quality control problems. Such users
should be able to operate the computer program(s) from available
v. The model documentation must include a robust comparison with
air quality data (and/or tracer measurements) or with other well-
established analytical techniques.
vi. The developer must be willing to make the model and source
code available to users at reasonable cost or make them available
for public access through the internet or National Technical
Information Service. The model and its code cannot be proprietary.
d. The EPA's process of establishing a preferred model includes
a determination of technical merit, in accordance with the above six
items, including the practicality of the model for use in ongoing
regulatory programs. Each model will also be subjected to a
performance evaluation for an appropriate database and to a peer
scientific review. Models for wide use (not just an isolated case)
that are found to perform better will be proposed for inclusion as
preferred models in future Guideline revisions.
e. No further evaluation of a preferred model is required for a
particular application if the EPA requirements for regulatory use
specified for the model in the Guideline are followed. Alternative
models to those listed in Addendum A should generally be compared
with measured air quality data when they are used for regulatory
applications consistent with recommendations in section 3.2.
3.1.2 Requirements
a. Addendum A identifies refined models that are preferred for
use in regulatory applications. If a model is required for a
particular application, the user must select a model from Addendum A
or follow procedures in section 3.2.2 for use of an alternative
model or technique. Preferred models may be used without a formal
demonstration of applicability as long as they are used as indicated
in each model summary in Addendum A. Further recommendations for the
application of preferred models to specific source applications are
found in subsequent sections of the Guideline.
b. If changes are made to a preferred model without affecting
the modeled concentrations, the preferred status of the model is
unchanged. Examples of modifications that do not affect
concentrations are those made to enable use of a different computer
platform or those that only affect the format or averaging time of
the model results. The integration of a graphical user interface
(GUI) to facilitate setting up the model inputs and/or analyzing the
model results without otherwise altering the preferred model code is
another example of a modification that does not affect
concentrations. However, when any changes are made, the Regional
Administrator must require a test case example to demonstrate that
the modeled concentrations are not affected.
c. A preferred model must be operated with the options listed in
Addendum A for its intended regulatory application. If the
regulatory options are not applied, the model is no longer
``preferred.'' Any other modification to a preferred model that
would result in a change in the concentration estimates likewise
alters its status so that it is no longer a preferred model. Use of
the modified model must then be justified as an alternative model on
a case-by-case basis to the appropriate reviewing authority and
approved by the Regional Administrator.
d. Where the EPA has not identified a preferred model for a
particular pollutant or situation, the EPA may establish a multi-
tiered approach for making a demonstration required under PSD or
another CAA program. The initial tier or tiers may involve use of
demonstration tools, screening models, screening techniques, or
reduced-form models; while the last tier may involve the use of
demonstration tools, refined models or techniques, or alternative
models approved under section 3.2.
3.2 Alternative Models
3.2.1 Discussion
a. Selection of the best model or techniques for each individual
air quality analysis is always encouraged, but the selection should
be done in a consistent manner. A simple listing of models in this
Guideline cannot alone achieve that consistency nor can it
necessarily provide the best model for all possible situations. As
discussed in section 3.1.1, the EPA has determined and applied a
specific evaluation protocol that provides a statistical technique
for evaluating model performance for predicting peak concentration
values, as might be observed at individual monitoring locations.\29\
This protocol is available to assist in developing a consistent
approach when justifying the use of other-than-preferred models
recommended in the Guideline (i.e., alternative models). The
procedures in this protocol provide a general framework for
objective decision-making on the acceptability of an alternative
model for a given regulatory application. These objective procedures
may be used for conducting both the technical evaluation of the
model and the field test or performance evaluation.
b. This subsection discusses the use of alternate models and
defines three situations when alternative models may be used. This
subsection also provides a procedure for implementing 40 CFR
51.166(l)(2) in PSD permitting. This provision requires written
approval of the Administrator for any modification or substitution
of an applicable model. An applicable model for purposes of 40 CFR
51.166(l) is a preferred model in
[[Page 95048]]
Addendum A to the Guideline. Approval to use an alternative model
under section 3.2 of the Guideline qualifies as approval for the
modification or substitution of a model under 40 CFR 51.166(l)(2).
The Regional Administrators have delegated authority to issue such
approvals under section 3.2 of the Guideline, provided that such
approval is issued after consultation with the EPA's Model
Clearinghouse and formally documented in a concurrence memorandum
from the EPA's Model Clearinghouse which demonstrates that the
requirements within section 3.2 for use of an alternative model have
been met.
3.2.2 Requirements
a. Determination of acceptability of an alternative model is an
EPA Regional office responsibility in consultation with the EPA's
Model Clearinghouse as discussed in paragraphs 3.0(b) and 3.2.1(b).
Where the Regional Administrator finds that an alternative model is
more appropriate than a preferred model, that model may be used
subject to the approval of the EPA Regional office based on the
requirements of this subsection. This finding will normally result
from a determination that: (1) a preferred air quality model is not
appropriate for the particular application; or (2) a more
appropriate model or technique is available and applicable.
b. An alternative model shall be evaluated from both a
theoretical and a performance perspective before it is selected for
use. There are three separate conditions under which such a model
may be approved for use:
i. If a demonstration can be made that the model produces
concentration estimates equivalent to the estimates obtained using a
preferred model;
ii. If a statistical performance evaluation has been conducted
using measured air quality data and the results of that evaluation
indicate the alternative model performs better for the given
application than a comparable model in Addendum A; or
iii. If there is no preferred model.
Any one of these three separate conditions may justify use of an
alternative model. Some known alternative models that are applicable
for selected situations are listed on the EPA's SCRAM website
(section 2.3). However, inclusion there does not confer any unique
status relative to other alternative models that are being or will
be developed in the future.
c. Equivalency, condition (1) in paragraph (b) of this
subsection, is established by demonstrating that the appropriate
regulatory metric(s) are within +/- 2 percent of the estimates
obtained from the preferred model. The option to show equivalency is
intended as a simple demonstration of acceptability for an
alternative model that is nearly identical (or contains options that
can make it identical) to a preferred model that it can be treated
for practical purposes as the preferred model. However,
notwithstanding this demonstration, models that are not equivalent
may be used when one of the two other conditions described in
paragraphs (d) and (e) of this subsection are satisfied.
d. For condition (2) in paragraph (b) of this subsection,
established statistical performance evaluation procedures and
techniques 28 29 for determining the acceptability of a
model for an individual case based on superior performance should be
followed, as appropriate. Preparation and implementation of an
evaluation protocol that is acceptable to both control agencies and
regulated industry is an important element in such an evaluation.
e. Finally, for condition (3) in paragraph (b) of this
subsection, an alternative model or technique may be approved for
use provided that:
i. The model or technique has received a scientific peer review;
ii. The model or technique can be demonstrated to be applicable
to the problem on a theoretical basis;
iii. The databases which are necessary to perform the analysis
are available and adequate;
iv. Appropriate performance evaluations of the model or
technique have shown that the model or technique is not
inappropriately biased for regulatory application; \a\ and
\a\ For PSD and other applications that use the model results in
an absolute sense, the model should not be biased toward
underestimates. Alternatively, for ozone and PM2.5 SIP
attainment demonstrations and other applications that use the model
results in a relative sense, the model should not be biased toward
v. A protocol on methods and procedures to be followed has been
f. To formally document that the requirements of section 3.2 for
use of an alternative model are satisfied for a particular
application or range of applications, a memorandum will be prepared
by the EPA's Model Clearinghouse through a consultative process with
the EPA Regional office.
3.3 EPA's Model Clearinghouse
a. The Regional Administrator has the authority to select models
that are appropriate for use in a given situation. However, there is
a need for assistance and guidance in the selection process so that
fairness, consistency, and transparency in modeling decisions are
fostered among the EPA Regional offices and the State, local, and
Tribal agencies. To satisfy that need, the EPA established the Model
Clearinghouse \23\ to serve a central role of coordination and
collaboration between EPA headquarters and the EPA Regional offices.
Additionally, the EPA holds periodic workshops with EPA
Headquarters, EPA Regional offices, and State, local, and Tribal
agency modeling representatives.
b. The appropriate EPA Regional office should always be
consulted for information and guidance concerning modeling methods
and interpretations of modeling guidance, and to ensure that the air
quality model user has available the latest most up-to-date policy
and procedures. As appropriate, the EPA Regional office may also
request assistance from the EPA's Model Clearinghouse on other
applications of models, analytical techniques, or databases or to
clarify interpretation of the Guideline or related modeling
c. The EPA Regional office will coordinate with the EPA's Model
Clearinghouse after an initial evaluation and decision has been
developed concerning the application of an alternative model. The
acceptability and formal approval process for an alternative model
is described in section 3.2.
4.0 Models for Carbon Monoxide, Lead, Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide
and Primary Particulate Matter
4.1 Discussion
a. This section identifies modeling approaches generally used in
the air quality impact analysis of sources that emit the criteria
pollutants carbon monoxide (CO), lead, sulfur dioxide
(SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and primary
particulates (PM2.5 and PM10).
b. The guidance in this section is specific to the application
of the Gaussian plume models identified in Addendum A. Gaussian
plume models assume that emissions and meteorology are in a steady-
state, which is typically based on an hourly time step. This
approach results in a plume that has an hourly-averaged distribution
of emission mass according to a Gaussian curve through the plume.
Though Gaussian steady-state models conserve the mass of the primary
pollutant throughout the plume, they can still take into account a
limited consideration of first-order removal processes (e.g., wet
and dry deposition) and limited chemical conversion (e.g., OH
c. Due to the steady-state assumption, Gaussian plume models are
generally considered applicable to distances less than 50 km, beyond
which, modeled predictions of plume impact are likely conservative.
The locations of these impacts are expected to be unreliable due to
changes in meteorology that are likely to occur during the travel
d. The applicability of Gaussian plume models may vary depending
on the topography of the modeling domain, i.e., simple or complex.
Simple terrain is considered to be an area where terrain features
are all lower in elevation than the top of the stack(s) of the
source(s) in question. Complex terrain is defined as terrain
exceeding the height of the stack(s) being modeled.
e. Gaussian models determine source impacts at discrete
locations (receptors) for each meteorological and emission scenario,
and generally attempt to estimate concentrations at specific sites
that represent an ensemble average of numerous repetitions of the
same ``event.'' Uncertainties in model estimates are driven by this
formulation, and as noted in section 2.1.1, evaluations of model
accuracy should focus on the reducible uncertainty associated with
physics and the formulation of the model. The ``irreducible''
uncertainty associated with Gaussian plume models may be responsible
for variation in concentrations of as much as +/- 50 percent.\30\
``Reducible'' uncertainties \16\ can be on a similar scale. For
example, Pasquill \31\ estimates that, apart from data input errors,
maximum ground-level concentrations at a given hour for a point
source in flat terrain could be in error by 50 percent due to these
uncertainties. Errors of 5 to 10 degrees in the measured wind
direction can result in concentration errors of 20 to 70 percent for
a particular time and location, depending on stability and station
location. Such uncertainties do not
[[Page 95049]]
indicate that an estimated concentration does not occur, only that
the precise time and locations are in doubt. Composite errors in
highest estimated concentrations of 10 to 40 percent are found to be
typical.32 33 However, estimates of concentrations paired
in time and space with observed concentrations are less certain.
f. Model evaluations and inter-comparisons should take these
aspects of uncertainty into account. For a regulatory application of
a model, the emphasis of model evaluations is generally placed on
the highest modeled impacts. Thus, the Cox-Tikvart model evaluation
approach, which compares the highest modeled impacts on several
timescales, is recommended for comparisons of models and
measurements and model inter-comparisons. The approach includes
bootstrap techniques to determine the significance of various
modeled predictions and increases the robustness of such comparisons
when the number of available measurements are
limited.34 35 Because of the uncertainty in paired
modeled and observed concentrations, any attempts at calibration of
models based on these comparisons is of questionable benefit and
shall not be done.
4.2 Requirements
a. For NAAQS compliance demonstrations under PSD, use of the
screening and preferred models for the pollutants listed in this
subsection shall be limited to the near-field at a nominal distance
of 50 km or less. Near-field application is consistent with
capabilities of Gaussian plume models and, based on the EPA's
assessment, is sufficient to address whether a source will cause or
contribute to ambient concentrations in excess of a NAAQS. In most
cases, maximum source impacts of inert pollutants will occur within
the first 10 to 20 km from the source. Therefore, the EPA does not
consider a long-range transport assessment beyond 50 km necessary
for these pollutants if a near-field NAAQS compliance demonstration
is required.\36\
b. For assessment of PSD increments within the near-field
distance of 50 km or less, use of the screening and preferred models
for the pollutants listed in this subsection shall be limited to the
same screening and preferred models approved for NAAQS compliance
c. To determine if a compliance demonstration for NAAQS and/or
PSD increments may be necessary beyond 50 km (i.e., long-range
transport assessment), the following screening approach shall be
used to determine if a significant ambient impact will occur with
particular focus on Class I areas and/or the applicable receptors
that may be threatened at such distances.
i. Based on application in the near-field of the appropriate
screening and/or preferred model, determine the significance of the
ambient impacts at or about 50 km from the new or modifying source.
If a near-field assessment is not available or this initial analysis
indicates there may be significant ambient impacts at that distance,
then further assessment is necessary.
ii. For assessment of the significance of ambient impacts for
NAAQS and/or PSD increments, there is not a preferred model or
screening approach for distances beyond 50 km. Thus, the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the EPA Regional office
shall be consulted in determining the appropriate and agreed upon
screening technique to conduct the second level assessment.
Typically, a Lagrangian model is most appropriate to use for these
second level assessments, but applicants shall reach agreement on
the specific model and modeling parameters on a case-by-case basis
in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) and EPA Regional office. When Lagrangian models are used in
this manner, they shall not include plume-depleting processes, such
that model estimates are considered conservative, as is generally
appropriate for screening assessments.
d. In those situations where a cumulative impact analysis for
NAAQS and/or PSD increments analysis beyond 50 km is necessary, the
selection and use of an alternative model shall occur in agreement
with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and
approval by the EPA Regional office based on the requirements of
paragraph 3.2.2(e).
4.2.1 Screening Models and Techniques
a. Where a preliminary or conservative estimate is desired,
point source screening techniques are an acceptable approach to air
quality analyses.
b. As discussed in paragraph 2.2(a), screening models or
techniques are designed to provide a conservative estimate of
concentrations. The screening models used in most applications are
the screening versions of the preferred models for refined
applications. The two screening models, AERSCREEN 37 38
and CTSCREEN, are screening versions of AERMOD (American
Meteorological Society (AMS)/EPA Regulatory Model) and CTDMPLUS
(Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for Unstable
Situations), respectively. AERSCREEN is the recommended screening
model for most applications in all types of terrain and for
applications involving building downwash. For those applications in
complex terrain where the application involves a well-defined hill
or ridge, CTSCREEN \39\ can be used.
c. Although AERSCREEN and CTSCREEN are designed to address a
single-source scenario, there are approaches that can be used on a
case-by-case basis to address multi-source situations using
screening meteorology or other conservative model assumptions.
However, the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b))
shall be consulted, and concurrence obtained, on the protocol for
modeling multiple sources with AERSCREEN or CTSCREEN to ensure that
the worst case is identified and assessed.
d. As discussed in section, there are also screening
techniques built into AERMOD that use simplified or limited
chemistry assumptions for determining the partitioning of NO and
NO2 for NO2 modeling. These screening
techniques are part of the EPA's preferred modeling approach for
NO2 and do not need to be approved as an alternative
model. However, as with other screening models and techniques, their
usage shall occur in agreement with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
e. As discussed in section 4.2(c)(ii), there are screening
techniques needed for long-range transport assessments that will
typically involve the use of a Lagrangian model. Based on the long-
standing practice and documented capabilities of these models for
long-range transport assessments, the use of a Lagrangian model as a
screening technique for this purpose does not need to be approved as
an alternative model. However, their usage shall occur in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) and the EPA Regional office.
f. All screening models and techniques shall be configured to
appropriately address the site and problem at hand. Close attention
must be paid to whether the area should be classified urban or rural
in accordance with section The climatology of the area must
be studied to help define the worst-case meteorological conditions.
Agreement shall be reached between the model user and the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) on the choice of
the screening model or technique for each analysis, on the input
data and model settings, and the appropriate metric for satisfying
regulatory requirements. AERSCREEN
a. Released in 2011, AERSCREEN is the EPA's recommended
screening model for simple and complex terrain for single sources
including point sources, area sources, horizontal stacks, capped
stacks, and flares. AERSCREEN runs AERMOD in a screening mode and
consists of two main components: (1) the MAKEMET program which
generates a site-specific matrix of meteorological conditions for
input to the AERMOD model; and (2) the AERSCREEN command-prompt
b. The MAKEMET program generates a matrix of meteorological
conditions, in the form of AERMOD-ready surface and profile files,
based on user-specified surface characteristics, ambient
temperatures, minimum wind speed, and anemometer height. The
meteorological matrix is generated based on looping through a range
of wind speeds, cloud covers, ambient temperatures, solar elevation
angles, and convective velocity scales (w*, for convective
conditions only) based on user-specified surface characteristics for
surface roughness (Zo), Bowen ratio (Bo), and
albedo (r). For unstable cases, the convective mixing height
(Zic) is calculated based on w*, and the mechanical
mixing height (Zim) is calculated for unstable and stable
conditions based on the friction velocity, u*.
c. For applications involving simple or complex terrain,
AERSCREEN interfaces with AERMAP. AERSCREEN also interfaces with
BPIPPRM to provide the necessary building parameters for
applications involving building downwash using the Plume Rise Model
Enhancements (PRIME) downwash algorithm. AERSCREEN generates inputs
to AERMOD via MAKEMET, AERMAP, and BPIPPRM and invokes AERMOD in a
screening mode. The screening mode of AERMOD forces the AERMOD model
calculations to represent values for the plume
[[Page 95050]]
centerline, regardless of the source-receptor-wind direction
orientation. The maximum concentration output from AERSCREEN
represents a worst-case 1-hour concentration. Averaging-time scaling
factors of 1.0 for 3-hour, 0.9 for 8-hour, 0.60 for 24-hour, and
0.10 for annual concentration averages are applied internally by
AERSCREEN to the highest 1-hour concentration calculated by the
model for non-area type sources. For area type source concentrations
for averaging times greater than one hour, the concentrations are
equal to the 1-hour estimates.37 40 CTSCREEN
a. CTSCREEN 39 41 can be used to obtain conservative,
yet realistic, worst-case estimates for receptors located on terrain
above stack height. CTSCREEN accounts for the three-dimensional
nature of plume and terrain interaction and requires detailed
terrain data representative of the modeling domain. The terrain data
must be digitized in the same manner as for CTDMPLUS and a terrain
processor is available.\42\ CTSCREEN is designed to execute a fixed
matrix of meteorological values for wind speed (u), standard
deviation of horizontal and vertical wind speeds ([sigma]v,
[sigma]w), vertical potential temperature gradient (d[thgr]/dz),
friction velocity (u*), Monin-Obukhov length (L), mixing height
(zi) as a function of terrain height, and wind directions
for both neutral/stable conditions and unstable convective
conditions. The maximum concentration output from CTSCREEN
represents a worst-case 1-hour concentration. Time-scaling factors
of 0.7 for 3-hour, 0.15 for 24-hour and 0.03 for annual
concentration averages are applied internally by CTSCREEN to the
highest 1-hour concentration calculated by the model. Screening in Complex Terrain
a. For applications utilizing AERSCREEN, AERSCREEN automatically
generates a polar-grid receptor network with spacing determined by
the maximum distance to model. If the application warrants a
different receptor network than that generated by AERSCREEN, it may
be necessary to run AERMOD in screening mode with a user-defined
network. For CTSCREEN applications or AERMOD in screening mode
outside of AERSCREEN, placement of receptors requires very careful
attention when modeling in complex terrain. Often the highest
concentrations are predicted to occur under very stable conditions,
when the plume is near or impinges on the terrain. Under such
conditions, the plume may be quite narrow in the vertical, so that
even relatively small changes in a receptor's location may
substantially affect the predicted concentration. Receptors within
about a kilometer of the source may be even more sensitive to
location. Thus, a dense array of receptors may be required in some
b. For applications involving AERSCREEN, AERSCREEN interfaces
with AERMAP to generate the receptor elevations. For applications
involving CTSCREEN, digitized contour data must be preprocessed \42\
to provide hill shape parameters in suitable input format. The user
then supplies receptor locations either through an interactive
program that is part of the model or directly, by using a text
editor; using both methods to select receptor locations will
generally be necessary to assure that the maximum concentrations are
estimated by either model. In cases where a terrain feature may
``appear to the plume'' as smaller, multiple hills, it may be
necessary to model the terrain both as a single feature and as
multiple hills to determine design concentrations.
c. Other screening techniques may be acceptable for complex
terrain cases where established procedures \43\ are used. The user
is encouraged to confer with the appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) if any unforeseen problems are encountered, e.g.,
applicability, meteorological data, receptor siting, or terrain
contour processing issues.
4.2.2 Refined Models
a. Addendum A provides a brief description of each preferred
model for refined applications. Also listed in that addendum are
availability, the model input requirements, the standard options
that shall be selected when running the program, and output options. AERMOD
a. For a wide range of regulatory applications in all types of
terrain, and for aerodynamic building downwash, the required model
is AERMOD.44 45 The AERMOD regulatory modeling system
consists of the AERMOD dispersion model, the AERMET meteorological
processor, and the AERMAP terrain processor. AERMOD is a steady-
state Gaussian plume model applicable to directly emitted air
pollutants that employs best state-of-practice parameterizations for
characterizing the meteorological influences and dispersion.
Differentiation of simple versus complex terrain is unnecessary with
AERMOD. In complex terrain, AERMOD employs the well-known dividing-
streamline concept in a simplified simulation of the effects of
plume-terrain interactions.
b. The AERMOD Modeling System has been extensively evaluated
across a wide range of scenarios based on numerous field studies,
including tall stacks in flat and complex terrain settings, sources
subject to building downwash influences, and low-level non-buoyant
sources.\27\ These evaluations included several long-term field
studies associated with operating plants as well as several
intensive tracer studies. Based on these evaluations, AERMOD has
shown consistently good performance, with ``errors'' in predicted
versus observed peak concentrations, based on the Robust Highest
Concentration (RHC) metric, consistently within the range of 10 to
40 percent (cited in paragraph 4.1(e)).
c. AERMOD incorporates the PRIME algorithm to account for
enhanced plume growth and restricted plume rise for plumes affected
by building wake effects.\46\ The PRIME algorithm accounts for
entrainment of plume mass into the cavity recirculation region,
including re-entrainment of plume mass into the wake region beyond
the cavity.
d. AERMOD incorporates the Buoyant Line and Point Source (BLP)
Dispersion model to account for buoyant plume rise from line
sources. The BLP option utilizes the standard meteorological inputs
provided by the AERMET meteorological processor.
e. The state-of-the-science for modeling atmospheric deposition
is evolving, new modeling techniques are continually being assessed,
and their results are being compared with observations.
Consequently, while deposition treatment is available in AERMOD, the
approach taken for any purpose shall be coordinated with the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
f. The AERMET meteorological processor incorporates the COARE
algorithms to derive marine boundary layer parameters for overwater
applications of AERMOD.47 48 AERMOD is applicable for
some overwater applications when platform downwash and shoreline
fumigation are adequately considered in consultation with the
Regional office and appropriate reviewing authority. Where the
effects of shoreline fumigation and platform downwash need to be
assessed, the Offshore and Coastal Dispersion (OCD) model is the
applicable model (paragraph CTDMPLUS
a. If the modeling application involves an elevated point source
with a well-defined hill or ridge and a detailed dispersion analysis
of the spatial pattern of plume impacts is of interest, CTDMPLUS is
available. CTDMPLUS provides greater resolution of concentrations
about the contour of the hill feature than does AERMOD through a
different plume-terrain interaction algorithm. OCD
a. The OCD (Offshore and Coastal Dispersion) model is a
straight-line Gaussian model that incorporates overwater plume
transport and dispersion as well as changes that occur as the plume
crosses the shoreline. The OCD model can determine the impact of
offshore emissions from point, area, or line sources on the air
quality of coastal regions. The OCD model is also applicable for
situations that involve platform building downwash.
4.2.3 Pollutant Specific Modeling Requirements Models for Carbon Monoxide
a. Models for assessing the impact of CO emissions are needed to
meet NSR requirements to address compliance with the CO NAAQS and to
determine localized impacts from transportations projects. Examples
include evaluating effects of point sources, congested roadway
intersections and highways, as well as the cumulative effect of
numerous sources of CO in an urban area.
b. The general modeling recommendations and requirements for
screening models in section 4.2.1 and refined models in section
4.2.2 shall be applied for CO modeling. Given the relatively low CO
background concentrations, screening techniques are likely to be
adequate in most cases. In applying these recommendations and
requirements, the existing 1992 EPA guidance for screening CO
impacts from highways may be consulted.\49\
[[Page 95051]] Models for Lead
a. In January 1999 (40 CFR part 58, appendix D), the EPA gave
notice that concern about ambient lead impacts was being shifted
away from roadways and toward a focus on stationary point sources.
Thus, models for assessing the impact of lead emissions are needed
to meet NSR requirements to address compliance with the lead NAAQS
and for SIP attainment demonstrations. The EPA has also issued
guidance on siting ambient monitors in the vicinity of stationary
point sources.\50\ For lead, the SIP should contain an air quality
analysis to determine the maximum rolling 3-month average lead
concentration resulting from major lead point sources, such as
smelters, gasoline additive plants, etc. The EPA has developed a
post-processor to calculate rolling 3-month average concentrations
from model output.\51\ General guidance for lead SIP development is
also available.\52\
b. For major lead point sources, such as smelters, which
contribute fugitive emissions and for which deposition is important,
professional judgment should be used, and there shall be
coordination with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)). For most applications, the general requirements for
screening and refined models of section 4.2.1 and 4.2.2 are
applicable to lead modeling. Models for Sulfur Dioxide
a. Models for SO2 are needed to meet NSR requirements
to address compliance with the SO2 NAAQS and PSD
increments, for SIP attainment demonstrations,\53\ and for
characterizing current air quality via modeling.\54\ SO2
is one of a group of highly reactive gases known as ``oxides of
sulfur'' with largest emissions sources being fossil fuel combustion
at power plants and other industrial facilities.
b. Given the relatively inert nature of SO2 on the
short-term time scales of interest (i.e., 1-hour) and the sources of
SO2 (i.e., stationary point sources), the general
modeling requirements for screening models in section 4.2.1 and
refined models in section 4.2.2 are applicable for SO2
modeling applications. For urban areas, AERMOD automatically invokes
a half-life of 4 hours \55\ to SO2. Therefore, care must
be taken when determining whether a source is urban or rural (see
section for urban/rural determination methodology). Models for Nitrogen Dioxide
a. Models for assessing the impact of sources on ambient
NO2 concentrations are needed to meet NSR requirements to
address compliance with the NO2 NAAQS and PSD increments.
Impact of an individual source on ambient NO2 depends, in
part, on the chemical environment into which the source's plume is
to be emitted. This is due to the fact that NO2 sources
co-emit NO along with NO2 and any emitted NO may react
with ambient ozone to convert to additional NO2 downwind.
Thus, comprehensive modeling of NO2 would need to
consider the ratio of emitted NO and NO2, the ambient
levels of ozone and subsequent reactions between ozone and NO, and
the photolysis of NO2 to NO.
b. Due to the complexity of NO2 modeling, a multi-
tiered screening approach is required to obtain hourly and annual
average estimates of NO2.\56\ Since these methods are
considered screening techniques, their usage shall occur in
agreement with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)). Additionally, since screening techniques are conservative
by their nature, there are limitations to how these options can be
used. Specifically, modeling of negative emissions rates should only
be done after consultation with the EPA Regional office to ensure
that decreases in concentrations would not be overestimated. Each
tiered approach (see Figure 4-1) accounts for increasingly complex
considerations of NO2 chemistry and is described in
paragraphs c through e of this subsection. The tiers of
NO2 modeling include:
i. A first-tier (most conservative) ``full'' conversion
ii. A second-tier approach that assumes ambient equilibrium
between NO and NO2; and
iii. A third-tier consisting of several detailed screening
techniques that account for ambient ozone and the relative amount of
NO and NO2 emitted from a source.
c. For Tier 1, use an appropriate refined model (section 4.2.2)
to estimate nitrogen oxides (NOX) concentrations and
assume a total conversion of NO to NO2.
d. For Tier 2, multiply the Tier 1 result(s) by the Ambient
Ratio Method 2 (ARM2), which provides estimates of representative
equilibrium ratios of NO2/NOX value based
ambient levels of NO2 and NOX derived from
national data from the EPA's Air Quality System (AQS).\57\ The
national default for ARM2 includes a minimum ambient NO2/
NOX ratio of 0.5 and a maximum ambient ratio of 0.9. The
reviewing agency may establish alternative minimum ambient
NO2/NOX values based on the source's in-stack
emissions ratios, with alternative minimum ambient ratios reflecting
the source's in-stack NO2/NOX ratios.
Preferably, alternative minimum ambient NO2/
NOX ratios should be based on source-specific data which
satisfies all quality assurance procedures that ensure data accuracy
for both NO2 and NOX within the typical range
of measured values. However, alternate information may be used to
justify a source's anticipated NO2/NOX in-
stack ratios, such as manufacturer test data, State or local agency
guidance, peer-reviewed literature, and/or the EPA's NO2/
NOX ratio database.
e. For Tier 3, a detailed screening technique shall be applied
on a case-by-case basis. Because of the additional input data
requirements and complexities associated with the Tier 3 options,
their usage shall occur in consultation with the EPA Regional office
in addition to the appropriate reviewing authority. The Ozone
Limiting Method (OLM),\58\ the Plume Volume Molar Ratio Method
(PVMRM),\59\ and the Generic Set Reaction Method
(GRSM),60 61 are three detailed screening techniques that
may be used for most sources. These three techniques use an
appropriate section 4.2.2 model to estimate NOX
concentrations and then estimate the conversion of primary NO
emissions to NO2 based on the ambient levels of ozone and
the plume characteristics. OLM only accounts for NO2
formation based on the ambient levels of ozone while PVMRM and GRSM
also accommodate distance-dependent conversion ratios based on
ambient ozone. GRSM, PVMRM and OLM require explicit specification of
the NO2/NOX in-stack ratios and that ambient
ozone concentrations be provided on an hourly basis. GRSM requires
hourly ambient NOX concentrations in addition to hourly
f. Alternative models or techniques may be considered on a case-
by-case basis and their usage shall be approved by the EPA Regional
office (section 3.2). Such models or techniques should consider
individual quantities of NO and NO2 emissions,
atmospheric transport and dispersion, and atmospheric transformation
of NO to NO2. Dispersion models that account for more
explicit photochemistry may also be considered as an alternative
model to estimate ambient impacts of NOX sources.
[[Page 95052]]
Figure 4-1: Multi-Tiered Approach for Estimating NO2
Concentrations Models for PM2.5
a. PM2.5 is a mixture consisting of several diverse
components.\62\ Ambient PM2.5 generally consists of two
components: (1) the primary component, emitted directly from a
source; and (2) the secondary component, formed in the atmosphere
from other pollutants emitted from the source. Models for
PM2.5 are needed to meet NSR requirements to address
compliance with the PM2.5 NAAQS and PSD increments and
for SIP attainment demonstrations.
b. For NSR modeling assessments, the general modeling
requirements for screening models in section 4.2.1 and refined
models in section 4.2.2 are applicable for the primary component of
PM2.5, while the methods in section 5.4 are applicable
for addressing the secondary component of PM2.5. Guidance
for PSD assessments is available for determining the best approach
to handling sources of primary and secondary PM2.5.\63\
c. For SIP attainment demonstrations and regional haze
reasonable progress goal analyses, effects of a control strategy on
PM2.5 are estimated from the sum of the effects on the
primary and secondary components composing PM2.5. Model
users should refer to section 5.4.1 and associated SIP modeling
guidance \64\ for further details concerning appropriate modeling
d. The general modeling requirements for the refined models
discussed in section 4.2.2 shall be applied for PM2.5
hot-spot modeling for mobile sources. Specific guidance is available
for analyzing direct PM2.5 impacts from highways,
terminals, and other transportation projects.\65\ Models for PM10
a. Models for PM10 are needed to meet NSR
requirements to address compliance with the PM10 NAAQS
and PSD increments and for SIP attainment demonstrations.
b. For most sources, the general modeling requirements for
screening models in section 4.2.1 and refined models in section
4.2.2 shall be applied for PM10 modeling. In cases where
the particle size and its effect on ambient concentrations need to
be considered, particle deposition may be used on a case-by-case
basis and their usage shall be coordinated with the appropriate
reviewing authority. A SIP development guide \66\ is also available
to assist in PM10 analyses and control strategy
c. Fugitive dust usually refers to dust put into the atmosphere
by the wind blowing over plowed fields, dirt roads, or desert or
sandy areas with little or no vegetation. Fugitive emissions include
the emissions resulting from the industrial process that are not
captured and vented through a stack, but may be released from
various locations within the complex. In some unique cases, a model
developed specifically for the situation may be needed. Due to the
difficult nature of characterizing and modeling fugitive dust and
fugitive emissions, the proposed procedure shall be determined in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) for each specific situation before the modeling exercise is
begun. Re-entrained dust is created by vehicles driving over dirt
roads (e.g., haul roads) and dust-covered roads typically found in
arid areas. Such sources can be characterized as line, area or
volume sources.\65\ \67\ Emission rates may be based on site-
specific data or values from the general literature.
d. Under certain conditions, recommended dispersion models may
not be suitable to appropriately address the nature of ambient
PM10. In these circumstances, the alternative modeling
approach shall be approved by the EPA Regional office (section 3.2).
e. The general modeling requirements for the refined models
discussed in section 4.2.2 shall be applied for PM10 hot-
spot modeling for mobile sources. Specific guidance is available for
analyzing direct PM10 impacts from highways, terminals,
and other transportation projects.\65\
5.0 Models for Ozone and Secondarily Formed Particulate Matter
5.1 Discussion
a. Air pollutants formed through chemical reactions in the
atmosphere are referred to as secondary pollutants. For example,
ground-level ozone and a portion of PM2.5 are secondary
pollutants formed through photochemical reactions. Ozone and
secondarily formed particulate matter are closely related to each
other in that they share common sources of emissions and are formed
in the atmosphere from chemical reactions with similar precursors.
b. Ozone formation is driven by emissions of NOX and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Ozone formation is a complicated
nonlinear process that requires favorable meteorological conditions
in addition to VOC and NOX emissions. Sometimes complex
terrain features also contribute to the build-up of precursors and
subsequent ozone formation or destruction.
c. PM2.5 can be either primary (i.e., emitted
directly from sources) or secondary in nature. The fraction of
PM2.5 which is primary versus secondary varies by
location and season. In the United States, PM2.5 is
dominated by a variety of chemical species or components of
atmospheric particles, such as ammonium sulfate, ammonium nitrate,
organic carbon mass, elemental carbon, and other soil compounds and
oxidized metals. PM2.5 sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium
ions are predominantly the result of chemical reactions of the
oxidized products of SO2 and NOX emissions
with direct ammonia emissions.\68\
d. Control measures reducing ozone and PM2.5
precursor emissions may not lead to proportional reductions in ozone
and PM2.5. Modeled strategies designed to reduce ozone or
PM2.5 levels typically need to consider the chemical
coupling between these pollutants. This coupling is important in
understanding processes that control the levels of both pollutants.
Thus, when feasible, it is important to use models that take into
account the chemical coupling between ozone and PM2.5. In
addition, using such a multi-pollutant modeling system can reduce
the resource burden associated with applying and evaluating separate
models for each pollutant and promotes consistency among the
strategies themselves.
e. PM2.5 is a mixture consisting of several diverse
chemical species or components of
[[Page 95053]]
atmospheric particles. Because chemical and physical properties and
origins of each component differ, it may be appropriate to use
either a single model capable of addressing several of the important
components or to model primary and secondary components using
different models. Effects of a control strategy on PM2.5
is estimated from the sum of the effects on the specific components
comprising PM2.5.
5.2 Recommendations
a. Chemical transformations can play an important role in
defining the concentrations and properties of certain air
pollutants. Models that take into account chemical reactions and
physical processes of various pollutants (including precursors) are
needed for determining the current state of air quality, as well as
predicting and projecting the future evolution of these pollutants.
It is important that a modeling system provide a realistic
representation of chemical and physical processes leading to
secondary pollutant formation and removal from the atmosphere.
b. Chemical transport models treat atmospheric chemical and
physical processes such as deposition and motion. There are two
types of chemical transport models, Eulerian (grid based) and
Lagrangian. These types of models are differentiated from each other
by their frame of reference. Eulerian models are based on a fixed
frame of reference and Lagrangian models use a frame of reference
that moves with parcels of air between the source and receptor
point.\9\ Photochemical grid models are three-dimensional Eulerian
grid-based models that treat chemical and physical processes in each
grid cell and use diffusion and transport processes to move chemical
species between grid cells.\9\ These types of models are appropriate
for assessment of near-field and regional scale reactive pollutant
impacts from specific sources \7\ \10\ \11\ \12\ or all sources.\13\
\14\ \15\ In some limited cases, the secondary processes can be
treated with a box model, ideally in combination with a number of
other modeling techniques and/or analyses to treat individual source
c. Regardless of the modeling system used to estimate secondary
impacts of ozone and/or PM2.5, model results should be
compared to observation data to generate confidence that the
modeling system is representative of the local and regional air
quality. For ozone related projects, model estimates of ozone should
be compared with observations in both time and space. For
PM2.5, model estimates of speciated PM2.5
components (such as sulfate ion, nitrate ion, etc.) should be
compared with observations in both time and space.\69\
d. Model performance metrics comparing observations and
predictions are often used to summarize model performance. These
metrics include mean bias, mean error, fractional bias, fractional
error, and correlation coefficient.\69\ There are no specific levels
of any model performance metric that indicate ``acceptable'' model
performance. The EPA's preferred approach for providing context
about model performance is to compare model performance metrics with
similar contemporary applications.\64\ \69\ Because model
application purpose and scope vary, model users should consult with
the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) to determine
what model performance elements should be emphasized and presented
to provide confidence in the regulatory model application.
e. There is no preferred modeling system or technique for
estimating ozone or secondary PM2.5 for specific source
impacts or to assess impacts from multiple sources. For assessing
secondary pollutant impacts from single sources, the degree of
complexity required to assess potential impacts varies depending on
the nature of the source, its emissions, and the background
environment. The EPA recommends a two-tiered approach where the
first tier consists of using existing technically credible and
appropriate relationships between emissions and impacts developed
from previous modeling that is deemed sufficient for evaluating a
source's impacts. The second tier consists of more sophisticated
case-specific modeling analyses. The appropriate tier for a given
application should be selected in consultation with the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and be consistent with EPA
5.3 Recommended Models and Approaches for Ozone
a. Models that estimate ozone concentrations are needed to guide
the choice of strategies for the purposes of a nonattainment area
demonstrating future year attainment of the ozone NAAQS.
Additionally, models that estimate ozone concentrations are needed
to assess impacts from specific sources or source complexes to
satisfy requirements for NSR and other regulatory programs. Other
purposes for ozone modeling include estimating the impacts of
specific events on air quality, ozone deposition impacts, and
planning for areas that may be attaining the ozone NAAQS.
5.3.1 Models for NAAQS Attainment Demonstrations and Multi-Source Air
Quality Assessments
a. Simulation of ozone formation and transport is a complex
exercise. Control agencies with jurisdiction over areas with ozone
problems should use photochemical grid models to evaluate the
relationship between precursor species and ozone. Use of
photochemical grid models is the recommended means for identifying
control strategies needed to address high ozone concentrations in
such areas. Judgment on the suitability of a model for a given
application should consider factors that include use of the model in
an attainment test, development of emissions and meteorological
inputs to the model, and choice of episodes to model. Guidance on
the use of models and other analyses for demonstrating attainment of
the air quality goals for ozone is available.63 64 Users
should consult with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) to ensure the most current modeling guidance is applied.
5.3.2 Models for Single-Source Air Quality Assessments
a. Depending on the magnitude of emissions, estimating the
impact of an individual source's emissions of NOX and VOC
on ambient ozone is necessary for obtaining a permit. The simulation
of ozone formation and transport requires realistic treatment of
atmospheric chemistry and deposition. Models (e.g., Lagrangian and
photochemical grid models) that integrate chemical and physical
processes important in the formation, decay, and transport of ozone
and important precursor species should be applied. Photochemical
grid models are primarily designed to characterize precursor
emissions and impacts from a wide variety of sources over a large
geographic area but can also be used to assess the impacts from
specific sources.7 11 12
b. The first tier of assessment for ozone impacts involves those
situations where existing technical information is available (e.g.,
results from existing photochemical grid modeling, published
empirical estimates of source specific impacts, or reduced-form
models) in combination with other supportive information and
analysis for the purposes of estimating secondary impacts from a
particular source. The existing technical information should provide
a credible and representative estimate of the secondary impacts from
the project source. The appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) and appropriate EPA guidance \70\ \71\ should be consulted
to determine what types of assessments may be appropriate on a case-
by-case basis.
c. The second tier of assessment for ozone impacts involves
those situations where existing technical information is not
available or a first tier demonstration indicates a more refined
assessment is needed. For these situations, chemical transport
models should be used to address single-source impacts. Special
considerations are needed when using these models to evaluate the
ozone impact from an individual source. Guidance on the use of
models and other analyses for demonstrating the impacts of single
sources for ozone is available.\70\ This guidance document provides
a more detailed discussion of the appropriate approaches to
obtaining estimates of ozone impacts from a single source. Model
users should use the latest version of the guidance in consultation
with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) to
determine the most suitable refined approach for single-source ozone
modeling on a case-by-case basis.
5.4 Recommended Models and Approaches for Secondarily Formed
a. Models that estimate PM2.5 concentrations are
needed to guide the choice of strategies for the purposes of a
nonattainment area demonstrating future year attainment of the
PM2.5 NAAQS. Additionally, models that estimate
PM2.5 concentrations are needed to assess impacts from
specific sources or source complexes to satisfy requirements for NSR
and other regulatory programs. Other purposes for PM2.5
modeling include estimating the impacts of specific events on air
[[Page 95054]]
visibility, deposition impacts, and planning for areas that may be
attaining the PM2.5 NAAQS.
5.4.1 Models for NAAQS Attainment Demonstrations and Multi-Source Air
Quality Assessments
a. Models for PM2.5 are needed to assess the adequacy
of a proposed strategy for meeting the annual and 24-hour
PM2.5 NAAQS. Modeling primary and secondary
PM2.5 can be a multi-faceted and complex problem,
especially for secondary components of PM2.5 such as
sulfates and nitrates. Control agencies with jurisdiction over areas
with secondary PM2.5 problems should use models that
integrate chemical and physical processes important in the
formation, decay, and transport of these species (e.g.,
photochemical grid models). Suitability of a modeling approach or
mix of modeling approaches for a given application requires
technical judgment as well as professional experience in choice of
models, use of the model(s) in an attainment test, development of
emissions and meteorological inputs to the model, and selection of
days to model. Guidance on the use of models and other analyses for
demonstrating attainment of the air quality goals for
PM2.5 is available.\63\ \64\ Users should consult with
the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) to ensure the
most current modeling guidance is applied.
5.4.2 Models for Single-Source Air Quality Assessments
a. Depending on the magnitude of emissions, estimating the
impact of an individual source's emissions on secondary particulate
matter concentrations may be necessary for obtaining a permit.
Primary PM2.5 components shall be simulated using the
general modeling requirements in section The simulation of
secondary particulate matter formation and transport is a complex
exercise requiring realistic treatment of atmospheric chemistry and
deposition. Models should be applied that integrate chemical and
physical processes important in the formation, decay, and transport
of these species (e.g., Lagrangian and photochemical grid models).
Photochemical grid models are primarily designed to characterize
precursor emissions and impacts from a wide variety of sources over
a large geographic area and can also be used to assess the impacts
from specific sources.\7\ \10\ For situations where a project source
emits both primary PM2.5 and PM2.5 precursors,
the contribution from both should be combined for use in determining
the source's ambient impact. Approaches for combining primary and
secondary impacts are provided in appropriate guidance for single
source permit related demonstrations.\70\
b. The first tier of assessment for secondary PM2.5
impacts involves those situations where existing technical
information is available (e.g., results from existing photochemical
grid modeling, published empirical estimates of source specific
impacts, or reduced-form models) in combination with other
supportive information and analysis for the purposes of estimating
secondary impacts from a particular source. The existing technical
information should provide a credible and representative estimate of
the secondary impacts from the project source. The appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and appropriate EPA guidance
\70\ \71\ should be consulted to determine what types of assessments
may be appropriate on a case-by-case basis.
c. The second tier of assessment for secondary PM2.5
impacts involves those situations where existing technical
information is not available or a first tier demonstration indicates
a more refined assessment is needed. For these situations, chemical
transport models should be used for assessments of single-source
impacts. Special considerations are needed when using these models
to evaluate the secondary particulate matter impact from an
individual source. Guidance on the use of models and other analyses
for demonstrating the impacts of single sources for secondary
PM2.5 is available.\70\ This guidance document provides a
more detailed discussion of the appropriate approaches to obtaining
estimates of secondary particulate matter concentrations from a
single source. Model users should use the latest version of this
guidance in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) to determine the most suitable single-source
modeling approach for secondary PM2.5 on a case-by-case
6.0 Modeling for Air Quality Related Values and Other Governmental
6.1 Discussion
a. Other Federal government agencies and State, local, and
Tribal agencies with air quality and land management
responsibilities have also developed specific modeling approaches
for their own regulatory or other requirements. Although such
regulatory requirements and guidance have come about because of EPA
rules or standards, the implementation of such regulations and the
use of the modeling techniques is under the jurisdiction of the
agency issuing the guidance or directive. This section covers such
situations with reference to those guidance documents, when they are
b. When using the model recommended or discussed in the
Guideline in support of programmatic requirements not specifically
covered by EPA regulations, the model user should consult the
appropriate Federal, State, local, or Tribal agency to ensure the
proper application and use of the models and/or techniques. These
agencies have developed specific modeling approaches for their own
regulatory or other requirements. Most of the programs have, or will
have when fully developed, separate guidance documents that cover
the program and a discussion of the tools that are needed. The
following paragraphs reference those guidance documents, when they
are available.
6.2 Air Quality Related Values
a. The 1990 CAA Amendments give FLMs an ``affirmative
responsibility'' to protect the natural and cultural resources of
Class I areas from the adverse impacts of air pollution and to
provide the appropriate procedures and analysis techniques. The CAA
identifies the FLM as the Secretary of the department, or their
designee, with authority over these lands. Mandatory Federal Class I
areas are defined in the CAA as international parks, national parks
over 6,000 acres, and wilderness areas and memorial parks over 5,000
acres, established as of 1977. The FLMs are also concerned with the
protection of resources in federally managed Class II areas because
of other statutory mandates to protect these areas. Where State or
Tribal agencies have successfully petitioned the EPA and lands have
been redesignated to Class I status, these agencies may have
equivalent responsibilities to that of the FLMs for these non-
Federal Class I areas as described throughout the remainder of
section 6.2.
b. The FLM agency responsibilities include the review of air
quality permit applications from proposed new or modified major
pollution sources that may affect these Class I areas to determine
if emissions from a proposed or modified source will cause or
contribute to adverse impacts on air quality related values (AQRVs)
of a Class I area and making recommendations to the FLM. AQRVs are
resources, identified by the FLM agencies, that have the potential
to be affected by air pollution. These resources may include
visibility, scenic, cultural, physical, or ecological resources for
a particular area. The FLM agencies take into account the particular
resources and AQRVs that would be affected; the frequency and
magnitude of any potential impacts; and the direct, indirect, and
cumulative effects of any potential impacts in making their
c. While the AQRV notification and impact analysis requirements
are outlined in the PSD regulations at 40 CFR 51.166(p) and 40 CFR
52.21(p), determination of appropriate analytical methods and
metrics for AQRV's are determined by the FLM agencies and are
published in guidance external to the general recommendations of
this paragraph.
d. To develop greater consistency in the application of air
quality models to assess potential AQRV impacts in both Class I
areas and protected Class II areas, the FLM agencies have developed
the Federal Land Managers' Air Quality Related Values Work Group
Phase I Report (FLAG).\72\ FLAG focuses upon specific technical and
policy issues associated with visibility impairment, effects of
pollutant deposition on soils and surface waters, and ozone effects
on vegetation. Model users should consult the latest version of the
FLAG report for current modeling guidance and with affected FLM
agency representatives for any application specific guidance which
is beyond the scope of the Guideline.
6.2.1 Visibility
a. Visibility in important natural areas (e.g., Federal Class I
areas) is protected under a number of provisions of the CAA,
including sections 169A and 169B (addressing impacts primarily from
existing sources) and section 165 (new source review). Visibility
impairment is caused by light scattering and light absorption
associated with particles and gases in the atmosphere. In most areas
of the country, light scattering by PM2.5 is the most
[[Page 95055]]
significant component of visibility impairment. The key components
of PM2.5 contributing to visibility impairment include
sulfates, nitrates, organic carbon, elemental carbon, and crustal
b. Visibility regulations (40 CFR 51.300 through 51.309) require
State, local, and Tribal agencies to mitigate current and prevent
future visibility impairment in any of the 156 mandatory Federal
Class I areas where visibility is considered an important attribute.
In 1999, the EPA issued revisions to the regulations to address
visibility impairment in the form of regional haze, which is caused
by numerous, diverse sources (e.g., stationary, mobile, and area
sources) located across a broad region (40 CFR 51.308 through
51.309). The state of relevant scientific knowledge has expanded
significantly since that time. A number of studies and reports \73\
\74\ have concluded that long-range transport (e.g., up to hundreds
of kilometers) of fine particulate matter plays a significant role
in visibility impairment across the country. Section 169A of the CAA
requires States to develop SIPs containing long-term strategies for
remedying existing and preventing future visibility impairment in
the 156 mandatory Class I Federal areas, where visibility is
considered an important attribute. In order to develop long-term
strategies to address regional haze, many State, local, and Tribal
agencies will need to conduct regional-scale modeling of fine
particulate concentrations and associated visibility impairment.
c. The FLAG visibility modeling recommendations are divided into
two distinct sections to address different requirements for: (1)
near field modeling where plumes or layers are compared against a
viewing background, and (2) distant/multi-source modeling for plumes
and aggregations of plumes that affect the general appearance of a
scene.\72\ The recommendations separately address visibility
assessments for sources proposing to locate relatively near and at
farther distances from these areas.\72\ Models for Estimating Near-Field Visibility Impairment
a. To calculate the potential impact of a plume of specified
emissions for specific transport and dispersion conditions (``plume
blight'') for source-receptor distances less than 50 km, a screening
model and guidance are available.\72\ \75\ If a more comprehensive
analysis is necessary, a refined model should be selected. The model
selection, procedures, and analyses should be determined in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) and the affected FLM(s). Models for Estimating Visibility Impairment for Long-Range
a. Chemical transformations can play an important role in
defining the concentrations and properties of certain air
pollutants. Models that take into account chemical reactions and
physical processes of various pollutants (including precursors) are
needed for determining the current state of air quality, as well as
predicting and projecting the future evolution of these pollutants.
It is important that a modeling system provide a realistic
representation of chemical and physical processes leading to
secondary pollutant formation and removal from the atmosphere.
b. Chemical transport models treat atmospheric chemical and
physical processes such as deposition and motion. There are two
types of chemical transport models, Eulerian (grid based) and
Lagrangian. These types of models are differentiated from each other
by their frame of reference. Eulerian models are based on a fixed
frame of reference and Lagrangian models use a frame of reference
that moves with parcels of air between the source and receptor
point.\9\ Photochemical grid models are three-dimensional Eulerian
grid-based models that treat chemical and physical processes in each
grid cell and use diffusion and transport processes to move chemical
species between grid cells.\9\ These types of models are appropriate
for assessment of near-field and regional scale reactive pollutant
impacts from specific sources 7 10 11 12 or all
sources.13 14 15
c. Development of the requisite meteorological and emissions
databases necessary for use of photochemical grid models to estimate
AQRVs should conform to recommendations in section 8 and those
outlined in the EPA's Modeling Guidance for Demonstrating Attainment
of Air Quality Goals for Ozone, PM2.5, and Regional
Haze.\64\ Demonstration of the adequacy of prognostic meteorological
fields can be established through appropriate diagnostic and
statistical performance evaluations consistent with recommendations
provided in the appropriate guidance.\64\ Model users should consult
the latest version of this guidance and with the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) for any application-specific
guidance that is beyond the scope of this subsection.
6.2.2 Models for Estimating Deposition Impacts
a. For many Class I areas, AQRVs have been identified that are
sensitive to atmospheric deposition of air pollutants. Emissions of
NOX, sulfur oxides, NH3, mercury, and
secondary pollutants such as ozone and particulate matter affect
components of ecosystems. In sensitive ecosystems, these compounds
can acidify soils and surface waters, add nutrients that change
biodiversity, and affect the ecosystem services provided by forests
and natural areas.\72\ To address the relationship between
deposition and ecosystem effects, the FLM agencies have developed
estimates of critical loads. A critical load is defined as, ``A
quantitative estimate of an exposure to one or more pollutants below
which significant harmful effects on specified sensitive elements of
the environment do not occur according to present knowledge.'' \76\
b. The FLM deposition modeling recommendations are divided into
two distinct sections to address different requirements for: (1)
near field modeling, and (2) distant/multi-source modeling for
cumulative effects. The recommendations separately address
deposition assessments for sources proposing to locate relatively
near and at farther distances from these areas.\72\ Where the source
and receptors are not in close proximity, chemical transport (e.g.,
photochemical grid) models generally should be applied for an
assessment of deposition impacts due to one or a small group of
sources. Over these distances, chemical and physical transformations
can change atmospheric residence time due to different propensity
for deposition to the surface of different forms of nitrate and
sulfate. Users should consult the latest version of the FLAG report
\72\ and relevant FLM representatives for guidance on the use of
models for deposition. Where source and receptors are in close
proximity, users should contact the appropriate FLM for application-
specific guidance.
6.3 Modeling Guidance for Other Governmental Programs
a. Dispersion and photochemical grid modeling may need to be
conducted to ensure that individual and cumulative offshore oil and
gas exploration, development, and production plans and activities do
not significantly affect the air quality of any State as required
under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA). Air quality
modeling requires various input datasets, including emissions
sources, meteorology, and pre-existing pollutant concentrations. For
sources under the reviewing authority of the Department of Interior,
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), guidance for the
development of all necessary Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) air
quality modeling inputs and appropriate model selection and
application is available from the BOEM's website:
b. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is the appropriate
reviewing authority for air quality assessments of primary pollutant
impacts at airports and air bases. The Aviation Environmental Design
Tool (AEDT) is developed and supported by the FAA, and is
appropriate for air quality assessment of primary pollutant impacts
at airports or air bases. AEDT has adopted AERMOD for treating
dispersion. Application of AEDT is intended for estimating the
change in emissions for aircraft operations, point source, and
mobile source emissions on airport property and quantify the
associated pollutant level- concentrations. AEDT is not intended for
PSD, SIP, or other regulatory air quality analyses of point or
mobile sources at or peripheral to airport property that are
unrelated to airport operations. The latest version of AEDT may be
obtained from the FAA at:
7.0 General Modeling Considerations
7.1 Discussion
a. This section contains recommendations concerning a number of
different issues not explicitly covered in other sections of the
Guideline. The topics covered here are not specific to any one
program or modeling area, but are common to dispersion modeling
analyses for criteria pollutants.
7.2 Recommendations
7.2.1 All Sources Dispersion Coefficients
a. For any dispersion modeling exercise, the urban or rural
determination of a source
[[Page 95056]]
is critical in determining the boundary layer characteristics that
affect the model's prediction of downwind concentrations.
Historically, steady-state Gaussian plume models used in most
applications have employed dispersion coefficients based on
Pasquill-Gifford \77\ in rural areas and McElroy- Pooler \78\ in
urban areas. These coefficients are still incorporated in the BLP
and OCD models. However, the AERMOD model incorporates a more up-to-
date characterization of the atmospheric boundary layer using
continuous functions of parameterized horizontal and vertical
turbulence based on Monin-Obukhov similarity (scaling)
relationships.\44\ Another key feature of AERMOD's formulation is
the option to use directly observed variables of the boundary layer
to parameterize dispersion.\44\ \45\
b. The selection of rural or urban dispersion coefficients in a
specific application should follow one of the procedures suggested
by Irwin \79\ to determine whether the character of an area is
primarily urban or rural (of the two methods, the land use procedure
is considered more definitive.):
i. Land Use Procedure: (1) Classify the land use within the
total area, Ao, circumscribed by a 3 km radius circle
about the source using the meteorological land use typing scheme
proposed by Auer; \80\ (2) if land use types I1, I2, C1, R2, and R3
account for 50 percent or more of Ao, use urban
dispersion coefficients; otherwise, use appropriate rural dispersion
ii. Population Density Procedure: (1) Compute the average
population density, p per square kilometer with Ao as
defined above; (2) If p is greater than 750 people per square
kilometer, use urban dispersion coefficients; otherwise use
appropriate rural dispersion coefficients.
c. Population density should be used with caution and generally
not be applied to highly industrialized areas where the population
density may be low and, thus, a rural classification would be
indicated. However, the area is likely to be sufficiently built-up
so that the urban land use criteria would be satisfied. Therefore,
in this case, the classification should be ``urban'' and urban
dispersion parameters should be used.
d. For applications of AERMOD in urban areas, under either the
Land Use Procedure or the Population Density Procedure, the user
needs to estimate the population of the urban area affecting the
modeling domain because the urban influence in AERMOD is scaled
based on a user-specified population. For non-population oriented
urban areas, or areas influenced by both population and industrial
activity, the user will need to estimate an equivalent population to
adequately account for the combined effects of industrialized areas
and populated areas within the modeling domain. Selection of the
appropriate population for these applications should be determined
in consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) and the latest version of the AERMOD Implementation
e. It should be noted that AERMOD allows for modeling rural and
urban sources in a single model run. For analyses of whole urban
complexes, the entire area should be modeled as an urban region if
most of the sources are located in areas classified as urban. For
tall stacks located within or adjacent to small or moderate sized
urban areas, the stack height or effective plume height may extend
above the urban boundary layer and, therefore, may be more
appropriately modeled using rural coefficients. Model users should
consult with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b))
and the latest version of the AERMOD Implementation Guide \81\ when
evaluating this situation.
f. Buoyancy-induced dispersion (BID), as identified by
Pasquill,\82\ is included in the preferred models and should be used
where buoyant sources (e.g., those involving fuel combustion) are
involved. Complex Winds
a. Inhomogeneous local winds. In many parts of the United
States, the ground is neither flat nor is the ground cover (or land
use) uniform. These geographical variations can generate local winds
and circulations, and modify the prevailing ambient winds and
circulations. Typically, geographic effects are more apparent when
the ambient winds are light or calm, as stronger synoptic or
mesoscale winds can modify, or even eliminate the weak geographic
circulations.\83\ In general, these geographically induced wind
circulation effects are named after the source location of the
winds, e.g., lake and sea breezes, and mountain and valley winds. In
very rugged hilly or mountainous terrain, along coastlines, or near
large land use variations, the characteristics of the winds are a
balance of various forces, such that the assumptions of steady-state
straight-line transport both in time and space are inappropriate. In
such cases, a model should be chosen to fully treat the time and
space variations of meteorology effects on transport and dispersion.
The setup and application of such a model should be determined in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) consistent with limitations of paragraph 3.2.2(e). The
meteorological input data requirements for developing the time and
space varying three-dimensional winds and dispersion meteorology for
these situations are discussed in paragraph Examples of
inhomogeneous winds include, but are not limited to, situations
described in the following paragraphs:
i. Inversion breakup fumigation. Inversion breakup fumigation
occurs when a plume (or multiple plumes) is emitted into a stable
layer of air and that layer is subsequently mixed to the ground
through convective transfer of heat from the surface or because of
advection to less stable surroundings. Fumigation may cause
excessively high concentrations, but is usually rather short-lived
at a given receptor. There are no recommended refined techniques to
model this phenomenon. There are, however, screening procedures \40\
that may be used to approximate the concentrations. Considerable
care should be exercised in using the results obtained from the
screening techniques.
ii. Shoreline fumigation. Fumigation can be an important
phenomenon on and near the shoreline of bodies of water. This can
affect both individual plumes and area-wide emissions. When
fumigation conditions are expected to occur from a source or sources
with tall stacks located on or just inland of a shoreline, this
should be addressed in the air quality modeling analysis. The EPA
has evaluated several coastal fumigation models, and the evaluation
results of these models are available for their possible application
on a case-by-case basis when air quality estimates under shoreline
fumigation conditions are needed.\84\ Selection of the appropriate
model for applications where shoreline fumigation is of concern
should be determined in consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
iii. Stagnation. Stagnation conditions are characterized by calm
or very low wind speeds, and variable wind directions. These
stagnant meteorological conditions may persist for several hours to
several days. During stagnation conditions, the dispersion of air
pollutants, especially those from low-level emissions sources, tends
to be minimized, potentially leading to relatively high ground-level
concentrations. If point sources are of interest, users should note
the guidance provided in paragraph (a) of this subsection. Selection
of the appropriate model for applications where stagnation is of
concern should be determined in consultation with the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)). Gravitational Settling and Deposition
a. Gravitational settling and deposition may be directly
included in a model if either is a significant factor. When
particulate matter sources can be quantified and settling and dry
deposition are problems, use professional judgment along with
coordination with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)). AERMOD contains algorithms for dry and wet deposition of
gases and particles.\85\ For other Gaussian plume models, an
``infinite half-life'' may be used for estimates of particle
concentrations when only exponential decay terms are used for
treating settling and deposition. Lagrangian models have varying
degrees of complexity for dealing with settling and deposition and
the selection of a parameterization for such should be included in
the approval process for selecting a Lagrangian model. Eulerian grid
models tend to have explicit parameterizations for gravitational
settling and deposition as well as wet deposition parameters already
included as part of the chemistry scheme.
7.2.2 Stationary Sources Good Engineering Practice Stack Height
a. The use of stack height credit in excess of Good Engineering
Practice (GEP) stack height or credit resulting from any other
dispersion technique is prohibited in the development of emissions
limits by 40 CFR 51.118 and 40 CFR 51.164. The definition of GEP
stack height and dispersion technique are contained in 40 CFR
51.100. Methods and procedures for making the appropriate stack
height calculations, determining stack height credits and an example
of applying those
[[Page 95057]]
techniques are found in several references,\86\ \87\ \88\ \89\ that
provide a great deal of additional information for evaluating and
describing building cavity and wake effects.
b. If stacks for new or existing major sources are found to be
less than the height defined by the EPA's refined formula for
determining GEP height, then air quality impacts associated with
cavity or wake effects due to the nearby building structures should
be determined. The EPA refined formula height is defined as H +
1.5L.\88\ Since the definition of GEP stack height defines excessive
concentrations as a maximum ground-level concentration due in whole
or in part to downwash of at least 40 percent in excess of the
maximum concentration without downwash, the potential air quality
impacts associated with cavity and wake effects should also be
considered for stacks that equal or exceed the EPA formula height
for GEP. The AERSCREEN model can be used to obtain screening
estimates of potential downwash influences, based on the PRIME
downwash algorithm incorporated in the AERMOD model. If more refined
concentration estimates are required, AERMOD should be used (section
4.2.2). Plume Rise
a. The plume rise methods of Briggs 90 91 are
incorporated in many of the preferred models and are recommended for
use in many modeling applications. In AERMOD,44 45 for
the stable boundary layer, plume rise is estimated using an
iterative approach, similar to that in the CTDMPLUS model. In the
convective boundary layer, plume rise is superposed on the
displacements by random convective velocities.\92\ In AERMOD, plume
rise is computed using the methods of Briggs, except in cases
involving building downwash, in which a numerical solution of the
mass, energy, and momentum conservation laws is performed.\93\ No
explicit provisions in these models are made for multistack plume
rise enhancement or the handling of such special plumes as flares.
b. Gradual plume rise is generally recommended where its use is
appropriate: (1) in AERMOD; (2) in complex terrain screening
procedures to determine close-in impacts; and (3) when calculating
the effects of building wakes. The building wake algorithm in AERMOD
incorporates and exercises the thermodynamically based gradual plume
rise calculations as described in paragraph (a) of this subsection.
If the building wake is calculated to affect the plume for any hour,
gradual plume rise is also used in downwind dispersion calculations
to the distance of final plume rise, after which final plume rise is
used. Plumes captured by the near wake are re-emitted to the far
wake as a ground-level volume source.
c. Stack tip downwash generally occurs with poorly constructed
stacks and when the ratio of the stack exit velocity to wind speed
is small. An algorithm developed by Briggs \91\ is the recommended
technique for this situation and is used in preferred models for
point sources.
d. On a case-by-case basis, refinements to the preferred model
may be considered for plume rise and downwash effects and shall
occur in agreement with the appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) and approval by the EPA Regional office based on
the requirements of section 3.2.2.
7.2.3 Mobile Sources
a. Emissions of primary pollutants from mobile sources can be
modeled with an appropriate model identified in section 4.2.
Screening of mobile sources can be accomplished by using screening
meteorology, e.g., worst-case meteorological conditions. Maximum
hourly concentrations computed from screening modeling can be
converted to longer averaging periods using the scaling ratios
specified in the AERSCREEN User's Guide.\37\
b. Mobile sources can be modeled in AERMOD as either line (i.e.,
elongated area) sources or as a series of volume sources. Line
sources can be represented in AERMOD with the following source
types: LINE, AREA, VOLUME or RLINE. However, since mobile source
modeling usually includes an analysis of very near-source impacts,
the results can be highly sensitive to the characterization of the
mobile emissions. Important characteristics for both line/area and
volume sources include the plume release height, source width, and
initial dispersion characteristics, and should also take into
account the impact of traffic-induced turbulence that can cause
roadway sources to have larger initial dimensions than might
normally be used for representing line sources.
c. The EPA's quantitative PM hot-spot guidance \65\ and Haul
Road Workgroup Final Report \67\ provide guidance on the appropriate
characterization of mobile sources as a function of the roadway and
vehicle characteristics. The EPA's quantitative PM hot-spot guidance
includes important considerations and should be consulted when
modeling roadway links. Area and line sources, which can be
characterized as AREA, LINE, and RLINE source types in AERMOD, or
volume sources, may be used for modeling mobile sources. However,
experience in the field has shown that area sources (characterized
as AREA, LINE, or RLINE source types) may be easier to characterize
correctly compared to volume sources. If volume sources are used, it
is particularly important to ensure that roadway emissions are
appropriately spaced when using volume source so that the emissions
field is uniform across the roadway. Additionally, receptor
placement is particularly important for volume sources that have
``exclusion zones'' where concentrations are not calculated for
receptors located ``within'' the volume sources, i.e., less than
2.15 times the initial lateral dispersion coefficient from the
center of the volume.\65\ Therefore, placing receptors in these
``exclusion zones'' will result in underestimates of roadway
8.0 Model Input Data
a. Databases and related procedures for estimating input
parameters are an integral part of the modeling process. The most
appropriate input data available should always be selected for use
in modeling analyses. Modeled concentrations can vary widely
depending on the source data or meteorological data used. This
section attempts to minimize the uncertainty associated with
database selection and use by identifying requirements for input
data used in modeling. More specific data requirements and the
format required for the individual models are described in detail in
the user's guide and/or associated documentation for each model.
8.1 Modeling Domain
8.1.1 Discussion
a. The modeling domain is the geographic area for which the
required air quality analyses for the NAAQS and PSD increments are
8.1.2 Requirements
a. For a NAAQS or PSD increments assessment, the modeling domain
or project's impact area shall include all locations where the
emissions of a pollutant from the new or modifying source(s) may
cause a significant ambient impact. This impact area is defined as
an area with a radius extending from the new or modifying source to:
(1) the most distant location where air quality modeling predicts a
significant ambient impact will occur, or (2) the nominal 50 km
distance considered applicable for Gaussian dispersion models,
whichever is less. The required air quality analysis shall be
carried out within this geographical area with characterization of
source impacts, nearby source impacts, and background
concentrations, as recommended later in this section.
b. For SIP attainment demonstrations for ozone and
PM2.5, or regional haze reasonable progress goal
analyses, the modeling domain is determined by the nature of the
problem being modeled and the spatial scale of the emissions that
impact the nonattainment or Class I area(s). The modeling domain
shall be designed so that all major upwind source areas that
influence the downwind nonattainment area are included in addition
to all monitor locations that are currently or recently violating
the NAAQS or close to violating the NAAQS in the nonattainment area.
Similarly, all Class I areas to be evaluated in a regional haze
modeling application shall be included and sufficiently distant from
the edge of the modeling domain. Guidance on the determination of
the appropriate modeling domain for photochemical grid models in
demonstrating attainment of these air quality goals is
available.\64\ Users should consult the latest version of this
guidance for the most current modeling guidance and the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) for any application specific
guidance that is beyond the scope of this section.
8.2 Source Data
8.2.1 Discussion
a. Sources of pollutants can be classified as point, line, area,
and volume sources. Point sources are defined in terms of size and
may vary between regulatory programs. The line sources most
frequently considered are roadways and streets along which there are
well-defined movements of motor vehicles. They may also be lines of
roof vents or stacks, such as in aluminum refineries. Area
[[Page 95058]]
and volume sources are often collections of a multitude of minor
sources with individually small emissions that are impractical to
consider as separate point or line sources. Large area sources are
typically treated as a grid network of square areas, with pollutant
emissions distributed uniformly within each grid square. Generally,
input data requirements for air quality models necessitate the use
of metric units. As necessary, any English units common to
engineering applications should be appropriately converted to
b. For point sources, there are many source characteristics and
operating conditions that may be needed to appropriately model the
facility. For example, the plant layout (e.g., location of stacks
and buildings), stack parameters (e.g., height and diameter), boiler
size and type, potential operating conditions, and pollution control
equipment parameters. Such details are required inputs to air
quality models and are needed to determine maximum potential
c. Modeling mobile emissions from streets and highways requires
data on the road layout, including the width of each traveled lane,
the number of lanes, and the width of the median strip.
Additionally, traffic patterns should be taken into account (e.g.,
daily cycles of rush hour, differences in weekday and weekend
traffic volumes, and changes in the distribution of heavy-duty
trucks and light-duty passenger vehicles), as these patterns will
affect the types and amounts of pollutant emissions allocated to
each lane and the height of emissions.
d. Emission factors can be determined through source-specific
testing and measurements (e.g., stack test data) from existing
sources or provided from a manufacturing association or vendor.
Additionally, emissions factors for a variety of source types are
compiled in an EPA publication commonly known as AP-42.\94\ AP-42
also provides an indication of the quality and amount of data on
which many of the factors are based. Other information concerning
emissions is available in EPA publications relating to specific
source categories. The appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) should be consulted to determine appropriate source
definitions and for guidance concerning the determination of
emissions from and techniques for modeling the various source types.
8.2.2 Requirements
a. For SIP attainment demonstrations for the purpose of
projecting future year NAAQS attainment for ozone, PM2.5,
and regional haze reasonable progress goal analyses, emissions which
reflect actual emissions during the base modeling year time period
should be input to models for base year modeling. Emissions
projections to future years should account for key variables such as
growth due to increased or decreased activity, expected emissions
controls due to regulations, settlement agreements or consent
decrees, fuel switches, and any other relevant information. Guidance
on emissions estimation techniques (including future year
projections) for SIP attainment demonstrations is
available.64 95
b. For the purpose of SIP revisions for stationary point
sources, the regulatory modeling of inert pollutants shall use the
emissions input data shown in Table 8-1 for short-term and long-term
NAAQS. To demonstrate compliance and/or establish the appropriate
SIP emissions limits, Table 8-1 generally provides for the use of
``allowable'' emissions in the regulatory dispersion modeling of the
stationary point source(s) of interest. In such modeling, these
source(s) should be modeled sequentially with these loads for every
hour of the year. As part of a cumulative impact analysis, Table 8-1
allows for the model user to account for actual operations in
developing the emissions inputs for dispersion modeling of nearby
sources, while other sources are best represented by air quality
monitoring data. Consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) is advisable on the establishment of
the appropriate emissions inputs for regulatory modeling
applications with respect to SIP revisions for stationary point
c. For the purposes of demonstrating NAAQS compliance in a PSD
assessment, the regulatory modeling of inert pollutants shall use
the emissions input data shown in Table 8-2 for short and long-term
NAAQS. The new or modifying stationary point source shall be modeled
with ``allowable'' emissions in the regulatory dispersion modeling.
As part of a cumulative impact analysis, Table 8-2 allows for the
model user to account for actual operations in developing the
emissions inputs for dispersion modeling of nearby sources, while
other sources are best represented by air quality monitoring data.
For purposes of situations involving emissions trading, refer to
current EPA policy and guidance to establish input data.
Consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)) is advisable on the establishment of the appropriate
emissions inputs for regulatory modeling applications with respect
to PSD assessments for a proposed new or modifying source.
d. For stationary source applications, changes in operating
conditions that affect the physical emission parameters (e.g.,
release height, initial plume volume, and exit velocity) shall be
considered to ensure that maximum potential impacts are
appropriately determined in the assessment. For example, the load or
operating condition for point sources that causes maximum ground-
level concentrations shall be established. As a minimum, the source
should be modeled using the design capacity (100 percent load). If a
source operates at greater than design capacity for periods that
could result in violations of the NAAQS or PSD increments, this load
should be modeled. Where the source operates at substantially less
than design capacity, and the changes in the stack parameters
associated with the operating conditions could lead to higher ground
level concentrations, loads such as 50 percent and 75 percent of
capacity should also be modeled. Malfunctions which may result in
excess emissions are not considered to be a normal operating
condition. They generally should not be considered in determining
allowable emissions. However, if the excess emissions are the result
of poor maintenance, careless operation, or other preventable
conditions, it may be necessary to consider them in determining
source impact. A range of operating conditions should be considered
in screening analyses. The load causing the highest concentration,
in addition to the design load, should be included in refined
e. Emissions from mobile sources also have physical and temporal
characteristics that should be appropriately accounted. For example,
an appropriate emissions model shall be used to determine emissions
profiles. Such emissions should include speciation specific for the
vehicle types used on the roadway (e.g., light duty and heavy duty
trucks), and subsequent parameterizations of the physical emissions
characteristics (e.g., release height) should reflect those
emissions sources. For long-term standards, annual average emissions
may be appropriate, but for short-term standards, discrete temporal
representation of emissions should be used (e.g., variations in
weekday and weekend traffic or the diurnal rush-hour profile typical
of many cities). Detailed information and data requirements for
modeling mobile sources of pollution are provided in the user's
manuals for each of the models applicable to mobile
sources.65 67
Table 8-1--Point Source Model Emission Inputs for SIP Revisions of Inert Pollutants \1\
Operating factor
Averaging time Emissions limit x Operating level x (e.g., hr/yr, hr/
(lb/MMBtu) \2\ (MMBtu/hr) \2\ day)
Stationary Point Sources(s) Subject to SIP Emissions Limit(s) Evaluation for Compliance with Ambient Standards
(Including Areawide Demonstrations)
Annual & quarterly.............. Maximum allowable Actual or design Actual operating
emission limit or capacity factor averaged
federally (whichever is over the most
enforceable permit greater), or recent 2
limit. federally years.\4\
enforceable permit
[[Page 95059]]
Short term (<=24 hours)......... Maximum allowable Actual or design Continuous
emission limit or capacity operation, i.e.,
federally (whichever is all hours of each
enforceable permit greater), or time period under
limit. federally consideration
enforceable permit (for all hours of
condition.\3\ the
Nearby Source(s) \5\
Annual & quarterly.............. Maximum allowable Annual level when Actual operating
emission limit or actually factor averaged
federally operating, over the most
enforceable permit averaged over the recent 2
limit.\6\ most recent 2 years.\4\ \8\
Short term (<=24 hours)......... Maximum allowable Temporarily Continuous
emission limit or representative operation, i.e.,
federally level when all hours of each
enforceable permit actually time period under
limit.\6\ operating, consideration
reflective of the (for all hours of
most recent 2 the
years.\4\ \7\ meteorological
Other Source(s) \6\ \9\
The ambient impacts from Non-nearby or Other Sources (e.g., natural, minor, distant major, and unidentified
sources) can be represented by air quality monitoring data unless adequate data do not exist.
\1\ For purposes of emissions trading, NSR, or PSD, other model input criteria may apply. See Section 8.2 for
more information regarding attainment demonstrations of primary PM2.5.
\2\ Terminology applicable to fuel burning sources; analogoous terminology (e.g., lb/throughput) may be used for
other types of sources.
\3\ Operating levels such as 50 percent and 75 percent of capacity should also be modeled to determine the load
causing the highest concentration.
\4\ Unless it is determined that this period is not representative.
\5\ If operation does not occur for all hours of the time period of consideration (e.g., 3 or 24-hours) and the
source operation is constrained by a federally enforceable permit condition, an appropriate adjustment to the
modeled emission rate may be made (e.g., if operation is only 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, only these hours will
be modeled with emissions from the source. Modeled emissions should not be averaged across non-operating time
\6\ See Section 8.3.3.
\7\ Temporarily representative operating level could be based on Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) data or
other informtation and should be determined through consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority
(Paragraph 3.0(b)).
\8\ For those permitted sources not in operation or that have not established an appropriate factor, continuous
operation, (i.e., 8760) should be used.
\9\ See Section 8.3.2.
Table 8-2--Point Source Model Emission Inputs for NAAQS Compliance in PSD Demonstrations \1\
Operating factor
Averaging time Emissions limit x Operating level x (e.g., hr/yr, hr/
(lb/MMBtu) \1\ (MMBtu/hr) \1\ day)
Proposed Major New or Modified Source
Annual & quarterly.............. Maximum allowable Design capacity or Continuous
emission limit or federally operation, (i.e.,
federally enforceable permit 8760 hours.\3\
enforceable permit condition.\2\
Short term (<=24 hours)......... Maximum allowable Design capacity or Continuous
emission limit or federally operation, i.e.,
federally enforceable permit all hours of each
enforceable permit condition.\2\ time period under
limit. consideration
(for all hours of
Nearby Source(s) \4\ \5\
Annual & quarterly.............. Maximum allowable Annual level when Actual operating
emission limit or actually factor averaged
federally operating, over the most
enforceable permit averaged over the recent 2
limit.\5\ most recent 2 years.\6\ \8\
years \6\.
Short term (<=24 hours)......... Maximum allowable Temporarily Continuous
emission limit or representative operation, i.e.,
federally level when all hours of each
enforceable permit actually time period under
limit.\5\ operating, consideration
reflective of the (for all hours of
most recent 2 the
years.\6\ \7\ meteorological
Other Source(s) \5\ \9\
The ambient impacts from Non-nearby or Other Sources (e.g., natural, minor, distant major, and unidentified
sources) can be represented by air quality monitoring data unless adequate data do not exist.
\1\ Terminology applicable to fuel burning sources; analogous terminology (e.g., lb/throughput) may be used for
other types of sources.
\2\ Operating levels such as 50 percent and 75 percent of capacity should also be modeled to determine the load
causing the highest concentration.
[[Page 95060]]
\3\ If operation does not occur for all hours of the time period of consideration (e.g., 3 or 24-hours) and the
source operation is constrained by a federally enforceable permit condition, an appropriate adjustment to the
modeled emission rate may be made (e.g., if operation is only 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, only these hours will
be modeled with emissions from the source. Modeled emissions should not be averaged across non-operating time
\4\ Includes existing facility to which modification is proposed if the emissions from the existing facility
will not be affected by the modification. Otherwise use the same parameters as for major modification.
\5\ See Section 8.3.3.
\6\ Unless it is determined that this period is not representative.
\7\ Temporarily representative operating level could be based on Continuous Emissions Monitoring (CEM) data or
other informtation and should be determined through consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority
(Paragraph 3.0(b)).
\8\ For those permitted sources not in operation or that have not established an appropriate factor, continuous
operation, (i.e., 8760) should be used.
\9\ See Section 8.3.2.
8.3 Background Concentrations
8.3.1 Discussion
a. Background concentrations are essential in constructing the
design concentration, or total air quality concentration, as part of
a cumulative impact analysis for NAAQS and PSD increments (section
9.2.3). To assist applicants and reviewing authorities with
appropriately characterizing background concentrations, the EPA has
developed the Draft Guidance on Developing Background Concentrations
for Use in Modeling Demonstrations.\96\ The guidance provides a
recommended framework composed of steps that should be used in
parallel with the recommendations made in this section. Generally,
background air quality should not include the ambient impacts of the
project source under consideration. Instead, it should include:
i. Nearby sources: These are individual sources located in the
vicinity of the source(s) under consideration for emissions limits
that are not adequately represented by ambient monitoring data. The
ambient contributions from these nearby sources are thereby
accounted for by explicitly modeling their emissions (section 8.2).
ii. Other sources: That portion of the background attributable
to natural sources, other unidentified sources in the vicinity of
the project, and regional transport contributions from more distant
sources (domestic and international). The ambient contributions from
these sources are typically accounted for through use of ambient
monitoring data or, in some cases, regional-scale photochemical grid
modeling results.
b. The monitoring network used for developing background
concentrations is expected to conform to the same quality assurance
and other requirements as those networks established for PSD
purposes.\97\ Accordingly, the air quality monitoring data should be
of sufficient completeness and follow appropriate data validation
procedures. These data should be adequately representative of the
area to inform calculation of the design concentration for
comparison to the applicable NAAQS (section 9.2.2).
c. For photochemical grid modeling conducted in SIP attainment
demonstrations for ozone, PM2.5 and regional haze, the
emissions from nearby and other sources are included as model inputs
and fully accounted for in the modeling application and predicted
concentrations. The concept of adding individual components to
develop a design concentration, therefore, do not apply in these SIP
applications. However, such modeling results may then be appropriate
for consideration in characterizing background concentrations for
other regulatory applications. Also, as noted in section 5, this
modeling approach does provide for an appropriate atmospheric
environment to assess single-source impacts for ozone and secondary
d. For NAAQS assessments and SIP attainment demonstrations for
inert pollutants, the development of the appropriate background
concentration for a cumulative impact analysis involves proper
accounting of each contribution to the design concentration and will
depend upon whether the project area's situation consists of either
an isolated single source(s) or a multitude of sources. For PSD
increment assessments, all impacts after the appropriate baseline
dates (i.e., trigger date, major source baseline date, and minor
source baseline date) from all increment-consuming and increment-
expanding sources should be considered in the design concentration
(section 9.2.2).
8.3.2 Recommendations for Isolated Single Sources
a. In areas with an isolated source(s), determining the
appropriate background concentration should focus on
characterization of contributions from all other sources through
adequately representative ambient monitoring data. The application
of the EPA's recommended framework for determining an appropriate
background concentration should be consistent with appropriate EPA
modeling guidance 63 96 and justified in the
modeling protocol that is vetted with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
b. The EPA recommends use of the most recent quality assured air
quality monitoring data collected in the vicinity of the source to
determine the background concentration for the averaging times of
concern. In most cases, the EPA recommends using data from the
monitor closest to and upwind of the project area. If several
monitors are available, preference should be given to the monitor
with characteristics that are most similar to the project area. If
there are no monitors located in the vicinity of the new or
modifying source, a ``regional site'' may be used to determine
background concentrations. A regional site is one that is located
away from the area of interest but is impacted by similar or
adequately representative sources.
c. Many of the challenges related to cumulative impact analyses
arise in the context of defining the appropriate metric to
characterize background concentrations from ambient monitoring data
and determining the appropriate method for combining this monitor-
based background contribution to the modeled impact of the project
and other nearby sources. For many cases, the best starting point
would be use of the current design value for the applicable NAAQS as
a uniform monitored background contribution across the project area.
However, there are cases in which the current design value may not
be appropriate. Such cases include but are not limited to:
i. For situations involving a modifying source where the
existing facility is determined to impact the ambient monitor, the
background concentration at each monitor can be determined by
excluding values when the source in question is impacting the
monitor. In such cases, monitoring sites inside a 90[deg] sector
downwind of the source may be used to determine the area of impact.
ii. There may be other circumstances which would necessitate
modifications to the ambient data record. Such cases could include
removal of data from specific days or hours when a monitor is being
impacted by activities that are not typical or not expected to occur
again in the future (e.g., construction, roadway repairs, forest
fires, or unusual agricultural activities). There may also be cases
where it may be appropriate to scale (multiplying the monitored
concentrations with a scaling factor) or adjust (adding or
subtracting a constant value the monitored concentrations) data from
specific days or hours. Such adjustments would make the monitored
background concentrations more temporally and/or spatially
representative of the area around the new or modifying source for
the purposes of the regulatory assessment.
iii. For short-term standards, the diurnal or seasonal patterns
of the air quality monitoring data may differ significantly from the
patterns associated with the modeled concentrations. When this
occurs, it may be appropriate to pair the air quality monitoring
data in a temporal manner that reflects these patterns (e.g.,
pairing by season and/or hour of day).\98\
iv. For situations where monitored air quality concentrations
vary across the modeling domain, it may be appropriate to consider
air quality monitoring data from multiple monitors within the
project area.
d. Considering the spatial and temporal variability throughout a
typical modeling domain on an hourly basis and the complexities and
limitations of hourly observations from the ambient monitoring
network, the EPA does not recommend hourly or daily pairing of
monitored background and modeled concentrations except in rare cases
of relatively isolated
[[Page 95061]]
sources where the available monitor can be shown to be
representative of the ambient concentration levels in the areas of
maximum impact from the proposed new source. The implicit assumption
underlying hourly pairing is that the background monitored levels
for each hour are spatially uniform and that the monitored values
are fully representative of background levels at each receptor for
each hour. Such an assumption clearly ignores the many factors that
contribute to the temporal and spatial variability of ambient
concentrations across a typical modeling domain on an hourly basis.
In most cases, the seasonal (or quarterly) pairing of monitored and
modeled concentrations should sufficiently address situations to
which the impacts from modeled emissions are not temporally
correlated with background monitored levels.
e. In those cases where adequately representative monitoring
data to characterize background concentrations are not available, it
may be appropriate to use results from a regional-scale
photochemical grid model, or other representative model application,
as background concentrations consistent with the considerations
discussed above and in consultation with the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
8.3.3 Recommendations for Multi-Source Areas
a. In multi-source areas, determining the appropriate background
concentration involves: (1) characterization of contributions from
other sources through adequately representative ambient monitoring
data, and (2) identification and characterization of contributions
from nearby sources through explicit modeling. A key point here is
the interconnectedness of each component in that the question of
which nearby sources to include in the cumulative modeling is
inextricably linked to the question of what the ambient monitoring
data represents within the project area.
b. Nearby sources: All sources in the vicinity of the source(s)
under consideration for emissions limits that are not adequately
represented by ambient monitoring data should be explicitly modeled.
The EPA's recommended framework for determining an appropriate
background concentration \96\ should be applied to identify such
sources and accurately account for their ambient impacts through
explicit modeling.
i. The determination of nearby sources relies on the selection
of adequately representative ambient monitoring data (section
8.3.2). The EPA recommends determining the representativeness of the
monitoring data through a visual assessment of the modeling domain
considering any relevant nearby sources and their respective air
quality data. The visual assessment should consider any relevant air
quality data such as the proximity of nearby sources to the project
source and the ambient monitor, the nearby source's level of
emissions with respect to the ambient data, and the dispersion
environment (i.e., meteorological patterns, terrain, etc.) of the
modeling domain.
ii. Nearby sources not adequately represented by the ambient
monitor through visual assessment should undergo further qualitative
and quantitative analysis before being explicitly modeled. The EPA
recommends evaluating any modeling, monitoring, or emissions data
that may be available for the identified nearby sources with respect
to possible violations to the NAAQS.
iii. The number of nearby sources to be explicitly modeled in
the air quality analysis is expected to be few except in unusual
situations. The determination of nearby sources through the
application of the EPA's recommended framework calls for the
exercise of professional judgment by the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and should be consistent with
appropriate EPA modeling guidance.63 96 This
guidance is not intended to alter the exercise of that judgment or
to comprehensively prescribe which sources should be included as
nearby sources.
c. For cumulative impact analyses of short-term and annual
ambient standards, the nearby sources as well as the project
source(s) must be evaluated using an appropriate Addendum A model or
approved alternative model with the emission input data shown in
Table 8-1 or 8-2.
i. When modeling a nearby source that does not have a permit and
the emissions limits contained in the SIP for a particular source
category is greater than the emissions possible given the source's
maximum physical capacity to emit, the ``maximum allowable emissions
limit'' for such a nearby source may be calculated as the emissions
rate representative of the nearby source's maximum physical capacity
to emit, considering its design specifications and allowable fuels
and process materials. However, the burden is on the permit
applicant to sufficiently document what the maximum physical
capacity to emit is for such a nearby source.
ii. It is appropriate to model nearby sources only during those
times when they, by their nature, operate at the same time as the
primary source(s) or could have impact on the averaging period of
concern. Accordingly, it is not necessary to model impacts of a
nearby source that does not, by its nature, operate at the same time
as the primary source or could have impact on the averaging period
of concern, regardless of an identified significant concentration
gradient from the nearby source. The burden is on the permit
applicant to adequately justify the exclusion of nearby sources to
the satisfaction of the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
3.0(b)). The following examples illustrate two cases in which a
nearby source may be shown not to operate at the same time as the
primary source(s) being modeled: (1) Seasonal sources (only used
during certain seasons of the year). Such sources would not be
modeled as nearby sources during times in which they do not operate;
and (2) Emergency backup generators, to the extent that they do not
operate simultaneously with the sources that they back up. Such
emergency equipment would not be modeled as nearby sources.
d. Other sources. That portion of the background attributable to
all other sources (e.g., natural, minor, distant major, and
unidentified sources) should be accounted for through use of ambient
monitoring data and determined by the procedures found in section
8.3.2 in keeping with eliminating or reducing the source-oriented
impacts from nearby sources to avoid potential double-counting of
modeled and monitored contributions.
8.4 Meteorological Input Data
8.4.1 Discussion
a. This subsection covers meteorological input data for use in
dispersion modeling for regulatory applications and is separate from
recommendations made for photochemical grid modeling.
Recommendations for meteorological data for photochemical grid
modeling applications are outlined in the latest version of the
EPA's Modeling Guidance for Demonstrating Attainment of Air Quality
Goals for Ozone, PM2.5, and Regional Haze.\64\ In cases
where Lagrangian models are applied for regulatory purposes,
appropriate meteorological inputs should be determined in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
b. The meteorological data used as input to a dispersion model
should be selected on the basis of spatial and climatological
(temporal) representativeness as well as the ability of the
individual parameters selected to characterize the transport and
dispersion conditions in the area of concern. The representativeness
of the measured data is dependent on numerous factors including, but
not limited to: (1) the proximity of the meteorological monitoring
site to the area under consideration; (2) the complexity of the
terrain; (3) the exposure of the meteorological monitoring site; and
(4) the period of time during which data are collected. The spatial
representativeness of the data can be adversely affected by large
distances between the source and receptors of interest and the
complex topographic characteristics of the area. Temporal
representativeness is a function of the year-to-year variations in
weather conditions. Where appropriate, data representativeness
should be viewed in terms of the appropriateness of the data for
constructing realistic boundary layer profiles and, where
applicable, three-dimensional meteorological fields, as described in
paragraphs (c) and (d) of this subsection.
c. The meteorological data should be adequately representative
and may be site-specific data (land-based or buoy data for overwater
applications), data from a nearby National Weather Service (NWS) or
comparable station, or prognostic meteorological data. The
implementation of NWS Automated Surface Observing Stations (ASOS) in
the early 1990's should not preclude the use of NWS ASOS data if
such a station is determined to be representative of the modeled
d. Model input data are normally obtained either from the NWS or
as part of a site-specific measurement program. State climatology
offices, local universities, FAA, military stations, industry, and
pollution control agencies may also be sources of such data. In
specific cases, prognostic meteorological data may be appropriate
[[Page 95062]]
use and obtained from similar sources. Some recommendations and
requirements for the use of each type of data are included in this
8.4.2 Recommendations and Requirements
a. AERMET \100\ shall be used to preprocess all meteorological
data, be it observed or prognostic, for use with AERMOD in
regulatory applications. The AERMINUTE \101\ processor, in most
cases, should be used to process 1-minute ASOS wind data for input
to AERMET when processing NWS ASOS sites in AERMET. When processing
prognostic meteorological data for AERMOD, the Mesoscale Model
Interface Program (MMIF) \109\ should be used to process data for
input to AERMET, both for land-based applications and overwater
applications. Other methods of processing prognostic meteorological
data for input to AERMET should be approved by the appropriate
reviewing authority. Additionally, the following meteorological
preprocessors are recommended by the EPA: PCRAMMET,\102\ MPRM,\103\
and METPRO.\104\ PCRAMMET is the recommended meteorological data
preprocessor for use in applications of OCD employing hourly NWS
data. MPRM is the recommended meteorological data preprocessor for
applications of OCD employing site-specific meteorological data.
METPRO is the recommended meteorological data preprocessor for use
with CTDMPLUS.\105\
b. Regulatory application of AERMOD necessitates careful
consideration of the meteorological data for input to AERMET. Data
representativeness, in the case of AERMOD, means utilizing data of
an appropriate type for constructing realistic boundary layer
profiles. Of particular importance is the requirement that all
meteorological data used as input to AERMOD should be adequately
representative of the transport and dispersion within the analysis
domain. Where surface conditions vary significantly over the
analysis domain, the emphasis in assessing representativeness should
be given to adequate characterization of transport and dispersion
between the source(s) of concern and areas where maximum design
concentrations are anticipated to occur. The EPA recommends that the
surface characteristics input to AERMET should be representative of
the land cover in the vicinity of the meteorological data, i.e., the
location of the meteorological tower for measured data or the
representative grid cell for prognostic data. Therefore, the model
user should apply the latest version AERSURFACE,106
107 where applicable, for determining surface
characteristics when processing measured land-based meteorological
data through AERMET. In areas where it is not possible to use
AERSURFACE output, surface characteristics can be determined using
techniques that apply the same analysis as AERSURFACE. In the case
of measured meteorological data for overwater applications, AERMET
calculates the surface characteristics and AERSURFACE outputs are
not needed. In the case of prognostic meteorological data, the
surface characteristics associated with the prognostic
meteorological model output for the representative grid cell should
be used.108 109 Furthermore, since the spatial
scope of each variable could be different, representativeness should
be judged for each variable separately. For example, for a variable
such as wind direction, the data should ideally be collected near
plume height to be adequately representative, especially for sources
located in complex terrain. Whereas, for a variable such as
temperature, data from a station several kilometers away from the
source may be considered to be adequately representative. More
information about meteorological data, representativeness, and
surface characteristics can be found in the AERMOD Implementation
c. Regulatory application of CTDMPLUS requires the input of
multi-level measurements of wind speed, direction, temperature, and
turbulence from an appropriately sited meteorological tower. The
measurements should be obtained up to the representative plume
height(s) of interest. Plume heights of interest can be determined
by use of screening procedures such as CTSCREEN.
d. Regulatory application of OCD requires meteorological data
over land and over water. The over land or surface data, processed
through PCRAMMET \102\ or MPRM,\103\ that provides hourly stability
class, wind direction and speed, ambient temperature, and mixing
height, are required. Data over water requires hourly mixing height,
relative humidity, air temperature, and water surface temperature.
Missing winds are substituted with the surface winds. Vertical wind
direction shear, vertical temperature gradient, and turbulence
intensities are optional.
e. The model user should acquire enough meteorological data to
ensure that worst-case meteorological conditions are adequately
represented in the model results. The use of 5 years of adequately
representative NWS or comparable meteorological data, at least 1
year of site-specific (either land-based or overwater based), or at
least 3 years of prognostic meteorological data, are required. If 1
year or more, up to 5 years, of site-specific data are available,
these data are preferred for use in air quality analyses. Depending
on completeness of the data record, consecutive years of NWS, site-
specific, or prognostic data are preferred. Such data must be
subjected to quality assurance procedures as described in section
f. Objective analysis in meteorological modeling is to improve
meteorological analyses (the ``first guess field '') used as initial
conditions for prognostic meteorological models by incorporating
information from meteorological observations. Direct and indirect
(using remote sensing techniques) observations of temperature,
humidity, and wind from surface and radiosonde reports are commonly
employed to improve these analysis fields. For long-range transport
applications, it is recommended that objective analysis procedures,
using direct and indirect meteorological observations, be employed
in preparing input fields to produce prognostic meteorological
datasets. The length of record of observations should conform to
recommendations outlined in paragraph 8.4.2(e) for prognostic
meteorological model datasets.
8.4.3 National Weather Service Data Discussion
a. The NWS meteorological data are routinely available and
familiar to most model users. Although the NWS does not provide
direct measurements of all the needed dispersion model input
variables, methods have been developed and successfully used to
translate the basic NWS data to the needed model input. Site-
specific measurements of model input parameters have been made for
many modeling studies, and those methods and techniques are becoming
more widely applied, especially in situations such as complex
terrain applications, where available NWS data are not adequately
representative. However, there are many modeling applications where
NWS data are adequately representative and the applications still
rely heavily on the NWS data.
b. Many models use the standard hourly weather observations
available from the National Centers for Environmental Information
(NCEI).\b\ These observations are then preprocessed before they can
be used in the models. Prior to the advent of ASOS in the early
1990's, the standard ``hourly'' weather observation was a human-
based observation reflecting a single 2-minute average generally
taken about 10 minutes before the hour. However, beginning in
January 2000 for first-order stations and in March 2005 for all
stations, the NCEI has archived the 1-minute ASOS wind data (i.e.,
the rolling 2-minute average winds) for the NWS ASOS sites. The
AERMINUTE processor \101\ was developed to reduce the number of calm
and missing hours in AERMET processing by substituting standard
hourly observations with full hourly average winds calculated from
1-minute ASOS wind data.
\b\ Formerly the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC).
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recommendations
a. The preferred models listed in Addendum A all accept as input
the NWS meteorological data preprocessed into model compatible form.
If NWS data are judged to be adequately representative for a
specific modeling application, they may be used. The NCEI makes
available surface and upper air meteorological data online and in
CD-ROM format. Upper air data are also available at the Earth System
Research Laboratory Global Systems Divisions website and from NCEI.
For the latest websites of available surface and upper air data see
reference 100.
b. Although most NWS wind measurements are made at a standard
height of 10 m, the actual anemometer height should be used as input
to the preferred meteorological processor and model.
c. Standard hourly NWS wind directions are reported to the
nearest 10 degrees. Due to the coarse resolution of these data, a
specific set of randomly generated numbers has been developed by the
EPA and should
[[Page 95063]]
be used when processing standard hourly NWS data for use in the
preferred EPA models to ensure a lack of bias in wind direction
assignments within the models.
d. Beginning with year 2000, NCEI began archiving 2-minute
winds, reported every minute to the nearest degree for NWS ASOS
sites. The AERMINUTE processor was developed to read those winds and
calculate hourly average winds for input to AERMET. When such data
are available for the NWS ASOS site being processed, the AERMINUTE
processor should be used, in most cases, to calculate hourly average
wind speed and direction when processing NWS ASOS data for input to
e. Data from universities, FAA, military stations, industry and
pollution control agencies may be used if such data are equivalent
in accuracy and detail (e.g., siting criteria, frequency of
observations, data completeness, etc.) to the NWS data, they are
judged to be adequately representative for the particular
application, and have undergone quality assurance checks.
f. After valid data retrieval requirements have been met,\110\
large number of hours in the record having missing data should be
treated according to an established data substitution protocol
provided that adequately representative alternative data are
available. Data substitution guidance is provided in section 5.3 of
reference 110. If no representative alternative data are available
for substitution, the absent data should be coded as missing using
missing data codes appropriate to the applicable meteorological pre-
processor. Appropriate model options for treating missing data, if
available in the model, should be employed.
8.4.4 Site-Specific Data Discussion
a. Spatial or geographical representativeness is best achieved
by collection of all of the needed model input data in close
proximity to the actual site of the source(s). Site-specific
measured data are, therefore, preferred as model input, provided
that appropriate instrumentation and quality assurance procedures
are followed, and that the data collected are adequately
representative (free from inappropriate local or microscale
influences) and compatible with the input requirements of the model
to be used. It should be noted that, while site-specific
measurements are frequently made ``on-property'' (i.e., on the
source's premises), acquisition of adequately representative site-
specific data does not preclude collection of data from a location
off property. Conversely, collection of meteorological data on a
source's property does not of itself guarantee adequate
representativeness. For help in determining representativeness of
site-specific measurements, technical guidance \110\ is available.
Site-specific data should always be reviewed for representativeness
and adequacy by an experienced meteorologist, atmospheric scientist,
or other qualified scientist in consultation with the appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)). Recommendations
a. The EPA guidance \110\ provides recommendations on the
collection and use of site-specific meteorological data.
Recommendations on characteristics, siting, and exposure of
meteorological instruments and on data recording, processing,
completeness requirements, reporting, and archiving are also
included. This publication should be used as a supplement to other
limited guidance on these subjects.5 97 111 112 Detailed
information on quality assurance is also available.\113\ As a
minimum, site-specific measurements of ambient air temperature,
transport wind speed and direction, and the variables necessary to
estimate atmospheric dispersion should be available in
meteorological datasets to be used in modeling. Care should be taken
to ensure that meteorological instruments are located to provide an
adequately representative characterization of pollutant transport
between sources and receptors of interest. The appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) is available to help determine the
appropriateness of the measurement locations.
i. Solar radiation measurements. Total solar radiation or net
radiation should be measured with a reliable pyranometer or net
radiometer sited and operated in accordance with established site-
specific meteorological guidance.110 113
ii. Temperature measurements. Temperature measurements should be
made at standard shelter height (2m) in accordance with established
site-specific meteorological guidance.\110\
iii. Temperature difference measurements. Temperature difference
(DT) measurements should be obtained using matched thermometers or a
reliable thermocouple system to achieve adequate accuracy. Siting,
probe placement, and operation of DT systems should be based on
guidance found in Chapter 3 of reference 110 and such guidance
should be followed when obtaining vertical temperature gradient
data. AERMET may employ the Bulk Richardson scheme, which requires
measurements of temperature difference, in lieu of cloud cover or
insolation data. To ensure correct application and acceptance,
AERMOD users should consult with the appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) before using the Bulk Richardson scheme for their
iv. Wind measurements. For simulation of plume rise and
dispersion of a plume emitted from a stack, characterization of the
wind profile up through the layer in which the plume disperses is
desirable. This is especially important in complex terrain and/or
complex wind situations where wind measurements at heights up to
hundreds of meters above stack base may be required in some
circumstances. For tall stacks when site-specific data are needed,
these winds have been obtained traditionally using meteorological
sensors mounted on tall towers. A feasible alternative to tall
towers is the use of meteorological remote sensing instruments
(e.g., acoustic sounders or radar wind profilers) to provide winds
aloft, coupled with 10-meter towers to provide the near-surface
winds. Note that when site-specific wind measurements are used,
AERMOD, at a minimum, requires wind observations at a height above
ground between seven times the local surface roughness height and
100 m. (For additional requirements for AERMOD and CTDMPLUS, see
Addendum A.) Specifications for wind measuring instruments and
systems are contained in reference 110.
b. All processed site-specific data should be in the form of
hourly averages for input to the dispersion model.
i. Turbulence data. There are several dispersion models that are
capable of using direct measurements of turbulence (wind
fluctuations) in the characterization of the vertical and lateral
dispersion (e.g., CTDMPLUS or AERMOD). When turbulence data are used
to directly characterize the vertical and lateral dispersion, the
averaging time for the turbulence measurements should be 1-hour. For
technical guidance on processing of turbulence parameters for use in
dispersion modeling, refer to the user's guide to the meteorological
processor for each model (see section 8.4.2(a)).
ii. Stability categories. For dispersion models that employ P-G
stability categories for the characterization of the vertical and
lateral dispersion, the P-G stability categories, as originally
defined, couple near-surface measurements of wind speed with
subjectively determined insolation assessments based on hourly cloud
cover and ceiling height observations. The wind speed measurements
are made at or near 10 m. The insolation rate is typically assessed
using observations of cloud cover and ceiling height based on
criteria outlined by Turner.\77\ It is recommended that the P-G
stability category be estimated using the Turner method with site-
specific wind speed measured at or near 10 m and representative
cloud cover and ceiling height. Implementation of the Turner method,
as well as considerations in determining representativeness of cloud
cover and ceiling height in cases for which site-specific cloud
observations are unavailable, may be found in section 6 of reference
110. In the absence of requisite data to implement the Turner
method, the solar radiation/delta-T (SRDT) method or wind
fluctuation statistics (i.e., the [sigma]E and
[sigma]A methods) may be used.
iii. The SRDT method, described in section of reference
110, is modified slightly from that published from earlier work
\114\ and has been evaluated with three site-specific
databases.\115\ The two methods of stability classification that use
wind fluctuation statistics, the [sigma]E and
[sigma]A methods, are also described in detail in section
6.4.4 of reference 110 (note applicable tables in section 6). For
additional information on the wind fluctuation methods, several
references are available.116 117 118 119
c. Missing data substitution. After valid data retrieval
requirements have been met,\110\ hours in the record having missing
data should be treated according to an established data substitution
protocol provided that adequately representative alternative data
are available. Such protocols are usually part of the approved
monitoring program plan. Data substitution guidance is provided in
section 5.3 of reference 110. If no representative alternative data
are available for substitution, the absent data should be coded as
missing, using missing data codes appropriate to the applicable
meteorological pre-processor.
[[Page 95064]]
Appropriate model options for treating missing data, if available in
the model, should be employed.
8.4.5 Prognostic meteorological data Discussion
a. For some modeling applications, there may not be a
representative NWS or comparable meteorological station available
(e.g., complex terrain), and it may be cost prohibitive or
infeasible to collect adequately representative site-specific data.
For these cases, it may be appropriate to use prognostic
meteorological data, if deemed adequately representative, in a
regulatory modeling application. However, if prognostic
meteorological data are not representative of transport and
dispersion conditions in the area of concern, the collection of
site-specific data is necessary.
b. The EPA has developed a processor, the MMIF,\108\ to process
MM5 (Mesoscale Model 5) or WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting)
model data for input to various models including AERMOD. MMIF can
process data for input to AERMET or AERMOD for a single grid cell or
multiple grid cells. MMIF output has been found to compare favorably
against observed data (site-specific or NWS).\120\ Specific guidance
on processing MMIF for AERMOD can be found in reference 109. When
using MMIF to process prognostic data for regulatory applications,
the data should be processed to generate AERMET inputs and the data
subsequently processed through AERMET for input to AERMOD. If an
alternative method of processing data for input to AERMET is used,
it must be approved by the appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)). Recommendations
a. Prognostic model evaluation. Appropriate effort by the
applicant should be devoted to the process of evaluating the
prognostic meteorological data. The modeling data should be compared
to NWS observational data or other comparable data in an effort to
show that the data are adequately replicating the observed
meteorological conditions of the time periods modeled. An
operational evaluation of the modeling data for all model years
(i.e., statistical, graphical) should be completed.\64\ The use of
output from prognostic mesoscale meteorological models is contingent
upon the concurrence with the appropriate reviewing authority
(paragraph 3.0(b)) that the data are of acceptable quality, which
can be demonstrated through statistical comparisons with
meteorological observations aloft and at the surface at several
appropriate locations.\64\
b. Representativeness. When processing MMIF data for use with
AERMOD, the grid cell used for the dispersion modeling should be
adequately spatially representative of the analysis domain. In most
cases, this may be the grid cell containing the emission source of
interest. Since the dispersion modeling may involve multiple sources
and the domain may cover several grid cells, depending on grid
resolution of the prognostic model, professional judgment may be
needed to select the appropriate grid cell to use. In such cases,
the selected grid cells should be adequately representative of the
entire domain.
c. Grid resolution. The grid resolution of the prognostic
meteorological data should be considered and evaluated
appropriately, particularly for projects involving complex terrain.
The operational evaluation of the modeling data should consider
whether a finer grid resolution is needed to ensure that the data
are representative. The use of output from prognostic mesoscale
meteorological models is contingent upon the concurrence with the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) that the data are
of acceptable quality.
8.4.6 Marine Boundary Layer Environments Discussion
a. Calculations of boundary layer parameters for the marine
boundary layer present special challenges as the marine boundary
layer can be very different from the boundary layer over land. For
example, convective conditions can occur in the overnight hours in
the marine boundary layer while typically over land, stable
conditions occur at night. Also, surface roughness in the marine
environment is a function of wave height and wind speed and less
static with time than surface roughness over land.
b. While the Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model (OCD) is the
preferred model for overwater applications, there are applications
where the use of AERMOD is applicable. These include applications
that utilize features of AERMOD not included in OCD (e.g.,
NO2 chemistry). Such use of AERMOD would require
consultation with the Regional Office and appropriate reviewing
authority to ensure that platform downwash and shoreline fumigation
are adequately considered in the modeling demonstration.
c. For the reasons stated above, a standalone pre-processor to
AERMOD, called AERCOARE \47\ was developed to use the Coupled Ocean
Atmosphere Response Experiment (COARE) bulk-flux algorithms \48\ to
bypass AERMET and calculate the boundary layer parameters for input
to AERMOD for the marine boundary layer. AERCOARE can process either
measurements from water-based sites such as buoys or prognostic
data. To better facilitate the use of the COARE algorithms for
AERMOD, EPA has included the COARE algorithms into AERMET thus
eliminating the need for a standalone pre-processor and ensuring the
algorithms are updated as part of routine AERMET updates. Recommendations
a. Measured data. For applications in the marine environment
that require the use of AERMOD, measured surface data, such as from
a buoy or other offshore platform, should be processed in AERMET
with the COARE processing option following recommendations in the
AERMET User's Guide \100\ and AERMOD Implementation Guide.\81\ For
applications in the marine environment that require the use of OCD,
users should use the recommended meteorological pre-processor MPRM.
b. Prognostic data. For applications in the marine environment
that require the use of AERMOD and prognostic data, the prognostic
data should be processed via MMIF for input to AERMET following
recommendations in paragraph and the guidance found in
reference 109.
8.4.7 Treatment of Near-Calms and Calms Discussion
a. Treatment of calm or light and variable wind poses a special
problem in modeling applications since steady-state Gaussian plume
models assume that concentration is inversely proportional to wind
speed, depending on model formulations. Procedures have been
developed to prevent the occurrence of overly conservative
concentration estimates during periods of calms. These procedures
acknowledge that a steady-state Gaussian plume model does not apply
during calm conditions, and that our knowledge of wind patterns and
plume behavior during these conditions does not, at present, permit
the development of a better technique. Therefore, the procedures
disregard hours that are identified as calm. The hour is treated as
missing and a convention for handling missing hours is recommended.
With the advent of the AERMINUTE processor, when processing NWS ASOS
data, the inclusion of hourly averaged winds from AERMINUTE will, in
some instances, dramatically reduce the number of calm and missing
hours, especially when the ASOS wind are derived from a sonic
anemometer. To alleviate concerns about these issues, especially
those introduced with AERMINUTE, the EPA implemented a wind speed
threshold in AERMET for use with ASOS derived
winds.99 100 Winds below the threshold will be treated as
b. AERMOD, while fundamentally a steady-state Gaussian plume
model, contains algorithms for dealing with low wind speed (near
calm) conditions. As a result, AERMOD can produce model estimates
for conditions when the wind speed may be less than 1 m/s, but still
greater than the instrument threshold. Required input to AERMET for
site-specific data, the meteorological processor for AERMOD,
includes a threshold wind speed and a reference wind speed. The
threshold wind speed is the greater of the threshold of the
instrument used to collect the wind speed data or wind direction
sensor.\110\ The reference wind speed is selected by the model as
the lowest level of non-missing wind speed and direction data where
the speed is greater than the wind speed threshold, and the height
of the measurement is between seven times the local surface
roughness length and 100 m. If the only valid observation of the
reference wind speed between these heights is less than the
threshold, the hour is considered calm, and no concentration is
calculated. None of the observed wind speeds in a measured wind
profile that are less than the threshold speed are used in
construction of the modeled wind speed profile in AERMOD. Recommendations
a. Hourly concentrations calculated with steady-state Gaussian
plume models using calms should not be considered valid; the wind
and concentration estimates for these hours should be disregarded
and considered to be missing. Model predicted
[[Page 95065]]
concentrations for 3-, 8-, and 24-hour averages should be calculated
by dividing the sum of the hourly concentrations for the period by
the number of valid or non-missing hours. If the total number of
valid hours is less than 18 for 24-hour averages, less than 6 for 8-
hour averages, or less than 3 for 3-hour averages, the total
concentration should be divided by 18 for the 24-hour average, 6 for
the 8-hour average, and 3 for the 3-hour average. For annual
averages, the sum of all valid hourly concentrations is divided by
the number of non-calm hours during the year. AERMOD has been coded
to implement these instructions. For hours that are calm or missing,
the AERMOD hourly concentrations will be zero. For other models
listed in Addendum A, a post-processor computer program, CALMPRO
\121\ has been prepared, is available on the EPA's SCRAM website
(section 2.3), and should be used.
b. Stagnant conditions that include extended periods of calms
often produce high concentrations over wide areas for relatively
long averaging periods. The standard steady-state Gaussian plume
models are often not applicable to such situations. When stagnation
conditions are of concern, other modeling techniques should be
considered on a case-by-case basis (see also section
c. When used in steady-state Gaussian plume models other than
AERMOD, measured site-specific wind speeds of less than 1 m/s but
higher than the response threshold of the instrument should be input
as 1 m/s; the corresponding wind direction should also be input.
Wind observations below the response threshold of the instrument
should be set to zero, with the input file in ASCII format. For
input to AERMOD, no such adjustment should be made to the site-
specific wind data, as AERMOD has algorithms to account for light or
variable winds as discussed in section For NWS ASOS
data, see the AERMET User's Guide \100\ for guidance on wind speed
thresholds. For prognostic data, see the latest guidance \109\ for
thresholds. Observations with wind speeds less than the threshold
are considered calm, and no concentration is calculated. In all
cases involving steady-state Gaussian plume models, calm hours
should be treated as missing, and concentrations should be
calculated as in paragraph (a) of this subsection.
9.0 Regulatory Application of Models
9.1 Discussion
a. Standardized procedures are valuable in the review of air
quality modeling and data analyses conducted to support SIP
submittals and revisions, NSR, or other EPA requirements to ensure
consistency in their regulatory application. This section recommends
procedures specific to NSR that facilitate some degree of
standardization while at the same time allowing the flexibility
needed to assure the technically best analysis for each regulatory
application. For SIP attainment demonstrations, refer to the
appropriate EPA guidance 53 64 for the recommended
b. Air quality model estimates, especially with the support of
measured air quality data, are the preferred basis for air quality
demonstrations. A number of actions have been taken to ensure that
the best air quality model is used correctly for each regulatory
application and that it is not arbitrarily imposed.
First, the Guideline clearly recommends that the most
appropriate model be used in each case. Preferred models are
identified, based on a number of factors, for many uses.
Second, the preferred models have been subjected to a
systematic performance evaluation and a scientific peer review.
Statistical performance measures, including measures of difference
(or residuals) such as bias, variance of difference and gross
variability of the difference, and measures of correlation such as
time, space, and time and space combined, as described in section
2.1.1, were generally followed.
Third, more specific information has been provided for
considering the incorporation of new models into the Guideline
(section 3.1), and the Guideline contains procedures for justifying
the case-by-case use of alternative models and obtaining EPA
approval (section 3.2).
c. Air quality modeling is the preferred basis for air quality
demonstrations. Nevertheless, there are rare circumstances where the
performance of the preferred air quality model may be shown to be
less than reasonably acceptable or where no preferred air quality
model, screening model or technique, or alternative model are
suitable for the situation. In these unique instances, there is the
possibility of assuring compliance and establishing emissions limits
for an existing source solely on the basis of observed air quality
data in lieu of an air quality modeling analysis. Comprehensive air
quality monitoring in the vicinity of the existing source with
proposed modifications will be necessary in these cases. The same
attention should be given to the detailed analyses of the air
quality data as would be applied to a model performance evaluation.
d. The current levels and forms of the NAAQS for the six
criteria pollutants can be found on the EPA's NAAQS website at As required by the CAA,
the NAAQS are subjected to extensive review every 5 years and the
standards, including the level and the form, may be revised as part
of that review. The criteria pollutants have either long-term
(annual or quarterly) and/or short-term (24-hour or less) forms that
are not to be exceeded more than a certain frequency over a period
of time (e.g., no exceedance on a rolling 3-month average, no more
than once per year, or no more than once per year averaged over 3
years), are averaged over a period of time (e.g., an annual mean or
an annual mean averaged over 3 years), or are some percentile that
is averaged over a period of time (e.g., annual 99th or 98th
percentile averaged over 3 years). The 3-year period for ambient
monitoring design values does not dictate the length of the data
periods recommended for modeling (i.e., 5 years of NWS
meteorological data, at least 1 year of site-specific, or at least 3
years of prognostic meteorological data).
e. This section discusses general recommendations on the
regulatory application of models for the purposes of NSR, including
PSD permitting, and particularly for estimating design
concentration(s), appropriately comparing these estimates to NAAQS
and PSD increments, and developing emissions limits. This section
also provides the criteria necessary for considering use of an
analysis based on measured ambient data in lieu of modeling as the
sole basis for demonstrating compliance with NAAQS and PSD
9.2 Recommendations
9.2.1 Modeling Protocol
a. Every effort should be made by the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) to meet with all parties involved in
either a SIP submission or revision or a PSD permit application
prior to the start of any work on such a project. During this
meeting, a protocol should be established between the preparing and
reviewing parties to define the procedures to be followed, the data
to be collected, the model to be used, and the analysis of the
source and concentration data to be performed. An example of the
content for such an effort is contained in the Air Quality Analysis
Checklist posted on the EPA's SCRAM website (section 2.3). This
checklist suggests the appropriate level of detail to assess the air
quality resulting from the proposed action. Special cases may
require additional data collection or analysis and this should be
determined and agreed upon at the pre-application meeting. The
protocol should be written and agreed upon by the parties concerned,
although it is not intended that this protocol be a binding, formal
legal document. Changes in such a protocol or deviations from the
protocol are often necessary as the data collection and analysis
progresses. However, the protocol establishes a common understanding
of how the demonstration required to meet regulatory requirements
will be made.
9.2.2 Design Concentration and Receptor Sites
a. Under the PSD permitting program, an air quality analysis for
criteria pollutants is required to demonstrate that emissions from
the construction or operation of a proposed new source or
modification will not cause or contribute to a violation of the
NAAQS or PSD increments.
i. For a NAAQS assessment, the design concentration is the
combination of the appropriate background concentration (section
8.3) with the estimated modeled impact of the proposed source. The
NAAQS design concentration is then compared to the applicable NAAQS.
ii. For a PSD increment assessment, the design concentration
includes impacts occurring after the appropriate baseline date from
all increment-consuming and increment-expanding sources. The PSD
increment design concentration is then compared to the applicable
PSD increment.
b. The specific form of the NAAQS for the pollutant(s) of
concern will also influence how the background and modeled data
should be combined for appropriate comparison with the respective
NAAQS in such a modeling demonstration. Given the
[[Page 95066]]
potential for revision of the form of the NAAQS and the complexities
of combining background and modeled data, specific details on this
process can be found in the applicable modeling guidance available
on the EPA's SCRAM website (section 2.3). Modeled concentrations
should not be rounded before comparing the resulting design
concentration to the NAAQS or PSD increments. Ambient monitoring and
dispersion modeling address different issues and needs relative to
each aspect of the overall air quality assessment.
c. The PSD increments for criteria pollutants are listed in 40
CFR 52.21(c) and 40 CFR 51.166(c). For short-term increments, these
maximum allowable increases in pollutant concentrations may be
exceeded once per year at each site, while the annual increment may
not be exceeded. The highest, second-highest increase in estimated
concentrations for the short-term averages, as determined by a
model, must be less than or equal to the permitted increment. The
modeled annual averages must not exceed the increment.
d. Receptor sites for refined dispersion modeling should be
located within the modeling domain (section 8.1). In designing a
receptor network, the emphasis should be placed on receptor density
and location, not total number of receptors. Typically, the density
of receptor sites should be progressively more resolved near the new
or modifying source, areas of interest, and areas with the highest
concentrations with sufficient detail to determine where possible
violations of a NAAQS or PSD increments are most likely to occur.
The placement of receptor sites should be determined on a case-by-
case basis, taking into consideration the source characteristics,
topography, climatology, and monitor sites. Locations of particular
importance include: (1) the area of maximum impact of the point
source; (2) the area of maximum impact of nearby sources; and (3)
the area where all sources combine to cause maximum impact.
Depending on the complexities of the source and the environment to
which the source is located, a dense array of receptors may be
required in some cases. In order to avoid unreasonably large
computer runs due to an excessively large array of receptors, it is
often desirable to model the area twice. The first model run would
use a moderate number of receptors more resolved near the new or
modifying source and over areas of interest. The second model run
would modify the receptor network from the first model run with a
denser array of receptors in areas showing potential for high
concentrations and possible violations, as indicated by the results
of the first model run. Accordingly, the EPA neither anticipates nor
encourages that numerous iterations of modeling runs be made to
continually refine the receptor network.
9.2.3 NAAQS and PSD Increments Compliance Demonstrations for New or
Modifying Sources
a. As described in this subsection, the recommended procedure
for conducting either a NAAQS or PSD increments assessment under PSD
permitting is a multi-stage approach that includes the following two
i. The EPA describes the first stage as a single-source impact
analysis, since this stage involves considering only the impact of
the new or modifying source. There are two possible levels of detail
in conducting a single-source impact analysis with the model user
beginning with use of a screening model and proceeding to use of a
refined model as necessary.
ii. The EPA describes the second stage as a cumulative impact
analysis, since it takes into account all sources affecting the air
quality in an area. In addition to the project source impact, this
stage includes consideration of background, which includes
contributions from nearby sources and other sources (e.g., natural,
minor, distant major, and unidentified sources).
b. Each stage should involve increasing complexity and details,
as required, to fully demonstrate that a new or modifying source
will not cause or contribute to a violation of any NAAQS or PSD
increment. As such, starting with a single-source impact analysis is
recommended because, where the analysis at this stage is sufficient
to demonstrate that a source will not cause or contribute to any
potential violation, this may alleviate the need for a more time-
consuming and comprehensive cumulative modeling analysis.
c. The single-source impact analysis, or first stage of an air
quality analysis, should begin by determining the potential of a
proposed new or modifying source to cause or contribute to a NAAQS
or PSD increment violation. In certain circumstances, a screening
model or technique may be used instead of the preferred model
because it will provide estimated worst-case ambient impacts from
the proposed new or modifying source. If these worst case ambient
concentration estimates indicate that the source will not cause or
contribute to any potential violation of a NAAQS or PSD increment,
then the screening analysis should generally be sufficient for the
required demonstration under PSD. If the ambient concentration
estimates indicate that the source's emissions have the potential to
cause or contribute to a violation, then the use of a refined model
to estimate the source's impact should be pursued. The refined
modeling analysis should use a model or technique consistent with
the Guideline (either a preferred model or technique or an
alternative model or technique) and follow the requirements and
recommendations for model inputs outlined in section 8. If the
ambient concentration increase predicted with refined modeling
indicates that the source will not cause or contribute to any
potential violation of a NAAQS or PSD increment, then the refined
analysis should generally be sufficient for the required
demonstration under PSD. However, if the ambient concentration
estimates from the refined modeling analysis indicate that the
source's emissions have the potential to cause or contribute to a
violation, then a cumulative impact analysis should be undertaken.
The receptors that indicate the location of significant ambient
impacts should be used to define the modeling domain for use in the
cumulative impact analysis (section 8.2.2).
d. The cumulative impact analysis, or the second stage of an air
quality analysis, should be conducted with the same refined model or
technique to characterize the project source and then include the
appropriate background concentrations (section 8.3). The resulting
design concentrations should be used to determine whether the source
will cause or contribute to a NAAQS or PSD increment violation. This
determination should be based on: (1) The appropriate design
concentration for each applicable NAAQS (and averaging period); and
(2) whether the source's emissions cause or contribute to a
violation at the time and location of any modeled violation (i.e.,
when and where the predicted design concentration is greater than
the NAAQS). For PSD increments, the cumulative impact analysis
should also consider the amount of the air quality increment that
has already been consumed by other sources, or, conversely, whether
increment has expanded relative to the baseline concentration.
Therefore, the applicant should model the existing or permitted
nearby increment-consuming and increment-expanding sources, rather
than using past modeling analyses of those sources as part of
background concentration. This would permit the use of newly
acquired data or improved modeling techniques if such data and/or
techniques have become available since the last source was
permitted. Considerations in Developing Emissions Limits
a. Emissions limits and resulting control requirements should be
established to provide for compliance with each applicable NAAQS
(and averaging period) and PSD increment. It is possible that
multiple emissions limits will be required for a source to
demonstrate compliance with several criteria pollutants (and
averaging periods) and PSD increments. Case-by-case determinations
must be made as to the appropriate form of the limits, i.e., whether
the emissions limits restrict the emission factor (e.g., limiting
lb/MMBTU), the emission rate (e.g., lb/hr), or both. The appropriate
reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and appropriate EPA guidance
should be consulted to determine the appropriate emissions limits on
a case-by-case basis.
9.2.4 Use of Measured Data in Lieu of Model Estimates
a. As described throughout the Guideline, modeling is the
preferred method for demonstrating compliance with the NAAQS and PSD
increments and for determining the most appropriate emissions limits
for new and existing sources. When a preferred model or adequately
justified and approved alternative model is available, model
results, including the appropriate background, are sufficient for
air quality demonstrations and establishing emissions limits, if
necessary. In instances when the modeling technique available is
only a screening technique, the addition of air quality monitoring
data to the analysis may lend credence to the model results.
However, air quality monitoring data alone will normally not be
acceptable as the
[[Page 95067]]
sole basis for demonstrating compliance with the NAAQS and PSD
increments or for determining emissions limits.
b. There may be rare circumstances where the performance of the
preferred air quality model will be shown to be less than reasonably
acceptable when compared with air quality monitoring data measured
in the vicinity of an existing source. Additionally, there may not
be an applicable preferred air quality model, screening technique,
or justifiable alternative model suitable for the situation. In
these unique instances, there may be the possibility of establishing
emissions limits and demonstrating compliance with the NAAQS and PSD
increments solely on the basis of analysis of observed air quality
data in lieu of an air quality modeling analysis. However, only in
the case of a modification to an existing source should air quality
monitoring data alone be a basis for determining adequate emissions
limits or for demonstration that the modification will not cause or
contribute to a violation of any NAAQS or PSD increment.
c. The following items should be considered prior to the
acceptance of an analysis of measured air quality data as the sole
basis for an air quality demonstration or determining an emissions
i. Does a monitoring network exist for the pollutants and
averaging times of concern in the vicinity of the existing source?
ii. Has the monitoring network been designed to locate points of
maximum concentration?
iii. Do the monitoring network and the data reduction and
storage procedures meet EPA monitoring and quality assurance
iv. Do the dataset and the analysis allow impact of the most
important individual sources to be identified if more than one
source or emission point is involved?
v. Is at least one full year of valid ambient data available?
vi. Can it be demonstrated through the comparison of monitored
data with model results that available air quality models and
techniques are not applicable?
d. Comprehensive air quality monitoring in the area affected by
the existing source with proposed modifications will be necessary in
these cases. Additional meteorological monitoring may also be
necessary. The appropriate number of air quality and meteorological
monitors from a scientific and technical standpoint is a function of
the situation being considered. The source configuration, terrain
configuration, and meteorological variations all have an impact on
number and optimal placement of monitors. Decisions on the
monitoring network appropriate for this type of analysis can only be
made on a case-by-case basis.
e. Sources should obtain approval from the appropriate reviewing
authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the EPA Regional Office for the
monitoring network prior to the start of monitoring. A monitoring
protocol agreed to by all parties involved is necessary to assure
that ambient data are collected in a consistent and appropriate
manner. The design of the network, the number, type, and location of
the monitors, the sampling period, averaging time, as well as the
need for meteorological monitoring or the use of mobile sampling or
plume tracking techniques, should all be specified in the protocol
and agreed upon prior to start-up of the network.
f. Given the uniqueness and complexities of these rare
circumstances, the procedures can only be established on a case-by-
case basis for analyzing the source's emissions data and the
measured air quality monitoring data, and for projecting with a
reasoned basis the air quality impact of a proposed modification to
an existing source in order to demonstrate that emissions from the
construction or operation of the modification will not cause or
contribute to a violation of the applicable NAAQS and PSD increment,
and to determine adequate emissions limits. The same attention
should be given to the detailed analyses of the air quality data as
would be applied to a comprehensive model performance evaluation. In
some cases, the monitoring data collected for use in the performance
evaluation of preferred air quality models, screening technique, or
existing alternative models may help inform the development of a
suitable new alternative model. Early coordination with the
appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)) and the EPA
Regional Office is fundamental with respect to any potential use of
measured data in lieu of model estimates.
10.0 References
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82. Pasquill, F., 1976. Atmospheric Dispersion Parameters in
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83. Stull, R.B., 1988. An Introduction to Boundary Layer
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86. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1981. Guideline for Use of
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Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 82-
87. Lawson, Jr., R.E. and W.H. Snyder, 1983. Determination of Good
Engineering Practice Stack Height: A Demonstration Study for a Power
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Development, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 83-207407).
88. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1985. Guideline for
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Support Document for the Stack Height Regulations), Revised.
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89. Snyder, W.H. and R.E. Lawson, Jr., 1985. Fluid Modeling
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90. Briggs, G.A., 1975. Plume Rise Predictions. Chapter 3 in
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91. Hanna, S.R., G.A. Briggs and R.P. Hosker, Jr., 1982. Plume Rise.
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Information Center, U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC; pp.
11-24. DOE/TIC-11223 (DE 82002045).
92. Weil, J.C., L.A. Corio and R.P. Brower, 1997. A PDF dispersion
model for buoyant plumes in the convective boundary layer. Journal
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93. L.L. Schulman, D.G. Strimaitis and J.S. Scire, 2002. Development
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Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 50: 378-390.
94. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995. Compilation of Air
Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume I: Stationary Point and Area
Sources (Fifth Edition, AP-42: GPO Stock No. 055-000-00500-1), and
Supplements A-D. Volume I can be downloaded from EPA's website at
95. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2017. Emissions Inventory
Guidance for Implementation of Ozone and Particulate Matter National
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Publication No. EPA-454/B-17-002. Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
96. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023. Draft Guidance on
Developing Background Concentrations for Use in Modeling
Demonstrations. Publication No. EPA-454/P-23-001. Office of Air
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97. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1987. Ambient Air
[[Page 95070]]
Guidelines for Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD).
Publication No. EPA-450/4-87-007. Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 90-168030).
98. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2011. Additional
Clarification Regarding Application of Appendix W Modeling Guidance
for the 1-hour NO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard.
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle
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99. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2013. Use of ASOS
meteorological data in AERMOD dispersion modeling. Memorandum dated
March 8, 2013, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
100. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023. User's Guide for
the AERMOD Meteorological Preprocessor (AERMET). Publication No.
EPA-454/B-23-005. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
101. U.S Environmental Protection Agency. 2023. AERMINUTE User's
Guide. Publication No. EPA-454/B-23-007. Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
102. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993. PCRAMMET User's
Guide. Publication No. EPA-454/R-96-001. Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 97-
103. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1996. Meteorological
Processor for Regulatory Models (MPRM). Publication No. EPA-454/R-
96-002. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research
Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 96-180518).
104. Paine, R.J., 1987. User's Guide to the CTDM Meteorological
Preprocessor Program. Publication No. EPA-600/8-88-004. Office of
Research and Development, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB-
105. Perry, S.G., D.J. Burns, L.H. Adams, R.J. Paine, M.G. Dennis,
M.T. Mills, D.G. Strimaitis, R.J. Yamartino and E.M. Insley, 1989.
User's Guide to the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms
for Unstable Situations (CTDMPLUS). Volume 1: Model Descriptions and
User Instructions. Publication No. EPA-600/8-89-041. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS
No. PB 89-181424).
106. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2020. User's Guide for
AERSURFACE Tool. Publication No. EPA-454/B-20-008. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
107. Brode, R., K. Wesson, J. Thurman, and C. Tillerson, 2008.
AERMOD Sensitivity to the Choice of Surface Characteristics. Paper
#811 presented at the 101st Air & Waste Management Association
Annual Conference and Exhibition, June 24-27, 2008, Portland, OR.
108. Ramboll, 2023. The Mesoscale Model Interface Program (MMIF)
Version 4.1 User's Manual.
109. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023. Guidance on the Use
of the Mesoscale Model Interface Program (MMIF) for AERMOD
Applications. Publication No. EPA-454/B-23-006. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
110. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2000. Meteorological
Monitoring Guidance for Regulatory Modeling Applications.
Publication No. EPA-454/R-99-005. Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS No. PB 2001-103606).
111. ASTM D5527: Standard Practice for Measuring Surface Winds and
Temperature by Acoustic Means. (2011).
112. ASTM D5741: Standard Practice for Characterizing Surface Wind
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113. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1995. Quality Assurance
for Air Pollution Measurement Systems, Volume IV--Meteorological
Measurements. Publication No. EPA600/R-94/038d. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. Note:
for copies of this handbook, you may make inquiry to ORD
Publications, 26 West Martin Luther King Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45268.
114. Bowen, B.M., J.M. Dewart and A.I. Chen, 1983. Stability Class
Determination: A Comparison for One Site. Proceedings, Sixth
Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion. American Meteorological
Society, Boston, MA; pp. 211-214. (Docket No. A-92-65, II-A-7).
115. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1993. An Evaluation of a
Solar Radiation/Delta-T (SRDT) Method for Estimating Pasquill-
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055. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle
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116. Irwin, J.S., 1980. Dispersion Estimate Suggestion #8:
Estimation of Pasquill Stability Categories. U.S. Environmental
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117. Mitchell, Jr., A.E. and K.O. Timbre, 1979. Atmospheric
Stability Class from Horizontal Wind Fluctuation. Presented at 72nd
Annual Meeting of Air Pollution Control Association, Cincinnati, OH;
June 24-29, 1979. (Docket No. A-80-46, II-P-9).
118. Smedman-Hogstrom, A. and V. Hogstrom, 1978. A Practical Method
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119. Smith, T.B. and S.M. Howard, 1972. Methodology for Treating
Diffusivity. MRI 72 FR-1030. Meteorology Research, Inc., Altadena,
CA. (Docket No. A-80-46, II-P-8).
120. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018. Evaluation of
Prognostic Meteorological Data in AERMOD Applications. Publication
No. EPA-454/R-18-002. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
121. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1984. Calms Processor
(CALMPRO) User's Guide. Publication No. EPA-901/9-84-001. Office of
Air Quality Planning and Standards, Region I, Boston, MA. (NTIS No.
PB 84-229467).
Addendum A to Appendix W of Part 51--Summaries of Preferred Air Quality
Table of Contents
A.0 Introduction and Availability
A.1 AERMOD (AMS/EPA Regulatory Model)
A.2 CTDMPLUS (Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for
Unstable Situations)
A.3 OCD (Offshore and Coastal Dispersion Model)
A.0 Introduction and Availability
(1) This appendix summarizes key features of refined air quality
models preferred for specific regulatory applications. For each
model, information is provided on availability, approximate cost
(where applicable), regulatory use, data input, output format and
options, simulation of atmospheric physics, and accuracy. These
models may be used without a formal demonstration of applicability
provided they satisfy the recommendations for regulatory use; not
all options in the models are necessarily recommended for regulatory
(2) These models have been subjected to a performance evaluation
using comparisons with observed air quality data. Where possible,
the models contained herein have been subjected to evaluation
exercises, including: (1) statistical performance tests recommended
by the American Meteorological Society, and (2) peer scientific
reviews. The models in this appendix have been selected on the basis
of the results of the model evaluations, experience with previous
use, familiarity of the model to various air quality programs, and
the costs and resource requirements for use.
(3) Codes and documentation for all models listed in this
appendix are available from the EPA's Support Center for Regulatory
Air Models (SCRAM) website at Codes and
documentation may also be available from the National Technical
Information Service (NTIS),, and, when
available, are referenced with the appropriate NTIS accession
A.1 AERMOD (AMS/EPA Regulatory Model)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023. AERMOD Model
Formulation. Publication No. EPA-454/B-23-010. Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Cimorelli, A., et al., 2005. AERMOD: A Dispersion Model for
Industrial Source Applications. Part I: General Model Formulation
and Boundary Layer Characterization. Journal of Applied Meteorology,
44(5): 682-693.
Perry, S., et al., 2005. AERMOD: A Dispersion Model for Industrial
[[Page 95071]]
Applications. Part II: Model Performance against 17 Field Study
Databases. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 44(5): 694-708.
Heist, D., et al., 2013. Estimating near-road pollutant dispersion:
A model inter-comparison. Transportation Research Part D: Transport
and Environment, 25: pp 93-105.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023. Incorporation and
Evaluation of the RLINE Source Type in AERMOD For Mobile Source
Applications. Publication No. EPA-454/R-23-011. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023. User's Guide for the
AMS/EPA Regulatory Model (AERMOD). Publication No. EPA-454/B-23-008.
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle
Park, NC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023. User's Guide for the
AERMOD Meteorological Preprocessor (AERMET). Publication No. EPA-
454/B-23-005. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research
Triangle Park, NC.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2018. User's Guide for the
AERMOD Terrain Preprocessor (AERMAP). Publication No. EPA-454/B-18-
004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Schulman, L.L., D.G. Strimaitis and J.S. Scire, 2000. Development
and evaluation of the PRIME plume rise and building downwash model.
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 50: 378-390.
Schulman, L.L., and Joseph S. Scire, 1980. Buoyant Line and Point
Source (BLP) Dispersion Model User's Guide. Document P-7304B.
Environmental Research and Technology, Inc., Concord, MA. (NTIS No.
PB 81-164642).
The model codes and associated documentation are available on
EPA's SCRAM website (paragraph A.0(3)).
AERMOD is a steady-state plume dispersion model for assessment
of pollutant concentrations from a variety of sources. AERMOD
simulates transport and dispersion from multiple point, area,
volume, and line sources based on an up-to-date characterization of
the atmospheric boundary layer. Sources may be located in rural or
urban areas, and receptors may be located in simple or complex
terrain. AERMOD accounts for building wake effects (i.e., plume
downwash) based on the PRIME building downwash algorithms. The model
employs hourly sequential preprocessed meteorological data to
estimate concentrations for averaging times from 1-hour to 1-year
(also multiple years). AERMOD can be used to estimate the
concentrations of nonreactive pollutants from highway traffic.
AERMOD also handles unique modeling problems associated with
aluminum reduction plants, and other industrial sources where plume
rise and downwash effects from stationary buoyant line sources are
important. AERMOD is designed to operate in concert with two pre-
processor codes: AERMET processes meteorological data for input to
AERMOD, and AERMAP processes terrain elevation data and generates
receptor and hill height information for input to AERMOD.
a. Regulatory Use
(1) AERMOD is appropriate for the following applications:
Point, volume, and area sources;
Buoyant, elevated line sources (e.g., aluminum
reduction plants);
Mobile sources;
Surface, near-surface, and elevated releases;
Rural or urban areas;
Simple and complex terrain;
Transport distances over which steady- state
assumptions are appropriate, up to 50 km;
1-hour to annual averaging times,
Continuous toxic air emissions; and,
Applications in the marine boundary layer environment
where the effects of shoreline fumigation and/or platform downwash
are adequately assessed or are not applicable.
(2) For regulatory applications of AERMOD, the regulatory
default option should be set, i.e., the parameter DFAULT should be
employed in the MODELOPT record in the COntrol Pathway. The DFAULT
option requires the use of meteorological data processed with the
regulatory options in AERMET, the use of terrain elevation data
processed through the AERMAP terrain processor, stack-tip downwash,
sequential date checking, and does not permit the use of the model
in the SCREEN mode. In the regulatory default mode, pollutant half-
life or decay options are not employed, except in the case of an
urban source of sulfur dioxide where a 4-hour half-life is applied.
Terrain elevation data from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) 7.5-
Minute Digital Elevation Model (DEM), or equivalent (approx. 30-
meter resolution and finer), (processed through AERMAP) should be
used in all applications. Starting in 2011, data from the 3D
Elevation Program (3DEP,,
formerly the National Elevation Dataset (NED), can also be used in
AERMOD, which includes a range of resolutions, from 1-m to 2 arc
seconds and such high resolution would always be preferred. In some
cases, exceptions from the terrain data requirement may be made in
consultation with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: Required inputs include source type, location,
emission rate, stack height, stack inside diameter, stack gas exit
velocity, stack gas exit temperature, area and volume source
dimensions, and source base elevation. For point sources subject to
the influence of building downwash, direction-specific building
dimensions (processed through the BPIPPRM building processor) should
be input. Variable emission rates are optional. Buoyant line sources
require coordinates of the end points of the line, release height,
emission rate, average line source width, average building width,
average spacing between buildings, and average line source buoyancy
parameter. For mobile sources, traffic volume; emission factor,
source height, and mixing zone width are needed to determine
appropriate model inputs.
(2) Meteorological data: The AERMET meteorological preprocessor
requires input of surface characteristics, including surface
roughness (zo), Bowen ratio, and albedo, as well as, hourly
observations of wind speed between 7zo and 100 m (reference wind
speed measurement from which a vertical profile can be developed),
wind direction, cloud cover, and temperature between zo and 100 m
(reference temperature measurement from which a vertical profile can
be developed). Meteorological data can be in the form of observed
data or prognostic modeled data as discussed in paragraph 8.4.1(d).
Surface characteristics may be varied by wind sector and by season
or month. When using observed meteorological data, a morning
sounding (in National Weather Service format) from a representative
upper air station is required. Latitude, longitude, and time zone of
the surface, site-specific or prognostic data (if applicable) and
upper air meteorological stations are required. The wind speed
starting threshold is also required in AERMET for applications
involving site-specific data. When using prognostic data, modeled
profiles of temperature and winds are input to AERMET. These can be
hourly or a time that represents a morning sounding. Additionally,
measured profiles of wind, temperature, vertical and lateral
turbulence may be required in certain applications (e.g., in complex
terrain) to adequately represent the meteorology affecting plume
transport and dispersion. Optionally, measurements of solar and/or
net radiation may be input to AERMET. Two files are produced by the
AERMET meteorological preprocessor for input to the AERMOD
dispersion model. When using observed data, the surface file
contains observed and calculated surface variables, one record per
hour. For applications with multi-level site-specific meteorological
data, the profile contains the observations made at each level of
the meteorological tower (or remote sensor). When using prognostic
data, the surface file contains surface variables calculated by the
prognostic model and AERMET. The profile file contains the
observations made at each level of a meteorological tower (or remote
sensor), the one-level observations taken from other representative
data (e.g., National Weather Service surface observations), one
record per level per hour, or in the case of prognostic data, the
prognostic modeled values of temperature and winds at user-specified
(i) Data used as input to AERMET should possess an adequate
degree of representativeness to ensure that the wind, temperature
and turbulence profiles derived by AERMOD are both laterally and
vertically representative of the source impact area. The adequacy of
input data should be judged independently for each variable. The
values for surface roughness, Bowen ratio, and albedo should reflect
the surface
[[Page 95072]]
characteristics in the vicinity of the meteorological tower or
representative grid cell when using prognostic data, and should be
adequately representative of the modeling domain. Finally, the
primary atmospheric input variables, including wind speed and
direction, ambient temperature, cloud cover, and a morning upper air
sounding, should also be adequately representative of the source
area when using observed data.
(ii) For applications involving the use of site-specific
meteorological data that includes turbulences parameters (i.e.,
sigma-theta and/or sigma-w), the application of the ADJ_U* option in
AERMET would require approval as an alternative model application
under section 3.2.
(iii) For recommendations regarding the length of meteorological
record needed to perform a regulatory analysis with AERMOD, see
section 8.4.2.
(3) Receptor data: Receptor coordinates, elevations, height
above ground, and hill height scales are produced by the AERMAP
terrain preprocessor for input to AERMOD. Discrete receptors and/or
multiple receptor grids, Cartesian and/or polar, may be employed in
AERMOD. AERMAP requires input of DEM or 3DEP terrain data produced
by the USGS, or other equivalent data. AERMAP can be used optionally
to estimate source elevations.
c. Output
Printed output options include input information, high
concentration summary tables by receptor for user-specified
averaging periods, maximum concentration summary tables, and
concurrent values summarized by receptor for each day processed.
Optional output files can be generated for: a listing of occurrences
of exceedances of user-specified threshold value; a listing of
concurrent (raw) results at each receptor for each hour modeled,
suitable for post-processing; a listing of design values that can be
imported into graphics software for plotting contours; a listing of
results suitable for NAAQS analyses including NAAQS exceedances and
culpability analyses; an unformatted listing of raw results above a
threshold value with a special structure for use with the TOXX model
component of TOXST; a listing of concentrations by rank (e.g., for
use in quantile-quantile plots); and a listing of concentrations,
including arc-maximum normalized concentrations, suitable for model
evaluation studies.
d. Type of Model
AERMOD is a steady-state plume model, using Gaussian
distributions in the vertical and horizontal for stable conditions,
and in the horizontal for convective conditions. The vertical
concentration distribution for convective conditions results from an
assumed bi-Gaussian probability density function of the vertical
e. Pollutant Types
AERMOD is applicable to primary pollutants and continuous
releases of toxic and hazardous waste pollutants. Chemical
transformation is treated by simple exponential decay.
f. Source-Receptor Relationships
AERMOD applies user-specified locations for sources and
receptors. Actual separation between each source-receptor pair is
used. Source and receptor elevations are user input or are
determined by AERMAP using USGS DEM or 3DEP terrain data. Receptors
may be located at user-specified heights above ground level.
g. Plume Behavior
(1) In the convective boundary layer (CBL), the transport and
dispersion of a plume is characterized as the superposition of three
modeled plumes: (1) the direct plume (from the stack); (2) the
indirect plume; and (3) the penetrated plume, where the indirect
plume accounts for the lofting of a buoyant plume near the top of
the boundary layer, and the penetrated plume accounts for the
portion of a plume that, due to its buoyancy, penetrates above the
mixed layer, but can disperse downward and re-enter the mixed layer.
In the CBL, plume rise is superposed on the displacements by random
convective velocities (Weil, et al., 1997).
(2) In the stable boundary layer, plume rise is estimated using
an iterative approach to account for height-dependent lapse rates,
similar to that in the CTDMPLUS model (see A.2 in this appendix).
(3) Stack-tip downwash and buoyancy induced dispersion effects
are modeled. Building wake effects are simulated for stacks subject
to building downwash using the methods contained in the PRIME
downwash algorithms (Schulman, et al., 2000). For plume rise
affected by the presence of a building, the PRIME downwash algorithm
uses a numerical solution of the mass, energy and momentum
conservation laws (Zhang and Ghoniem, 1993). Streamline deflection
and the position of the stack relative to the building affect plume
trajectory and dispersion. Enhanced dispersion is based on the
approach of Weil (1996). Plume mass captured by the cavity is well-
mixed within the cavity. The captured plume mass is re-emitted to
the far wake as a volume source.
(4) For elevated terrain, AERMOD incorporates the concept of the
critical dividing streamline height, in which flow below this height
remains horizontal, and flow above this height tends to rise up and
over terrain (Snyder, et al., 1985). Plume concentration estimates
are the weighted sum of these two limiting plume states. However,
consistent with the steady-state assumption of uniform horizontal
wind direction over the modeling domain, straight-line plume
trajectories are assumed, with adjustment in the plume/receptor
geometry used to account for the terrain effects.
h. Horizontal Winds
Vertical profiles of wind are calculated for each hour based on
measurements and surface-layer similarity (scaling) relationships.
At a given height above ground, for a given hour, winds are assumed
constant over the modeling domain. The effect of the vertical
variation in horizontal wind speed on dispersion is accounted for
through simple averaging over the plume depth.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
In convective conditions, the effects of random vertical updraft
and downdraft velocities are simulated with a bi-Gaussian
probability density function. In both convective and stable
conditions, the mean vertical wind speed is assumed equal to zero.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
Gaussian horizontal dispersion coefficients are estimated as
continuous functions of the parameterized (or measured) ambient
lateral turbulence and also account for buoyancy-induced and
building wake-induced turbulence. Vertical profiles of lateral
turbulence are developed from measurements and similarity (scaling)
relationships. Effective turbulence values are determined from the
portion of the vertical profile of lateral turbulence between the
plume height and the receptor height. The effective lateral
turbulence is then used to estimate horizontal dispersion.
k. Vertical Dispersion
In the stable boundary layer, Gaussian vertical dispersion
coefficients are estimated as continuous functions of parameterized
vertical turbulence. In the convective boundary layer, vertical
dispersion is characterized by a bi-Gaussian probability density
function and is also estimated as a continuous function of
parameterized vertical turbulence. Vertical turbulence profiles are
developed from measurements and similarity (scaling) relationships.
These turbulence profiles account for both convective and mechanical
turbulence. Effective turbulence values are determined from the
portion of the vertical profile of vertical turbulence between the
plume height and the receptor height. The effective vertical
turbulence is then used to estimate vertical dispersion.
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformations are generally not treated by AERMOD.
However, AERMOD does contain an option to treat chemical
transformation using simple exponential decay, although this option
is typically not used in regulatory applications except for sources
of sulfur dioxide in urban areas. Either a decay coefficient or a
half-life is input by the user. Note also that the Generic Reaction
Set Method, Plume Volume Molar Ratio Method and the Ozone Limiting
Method (section for NO2 analyses are available.
m. Physical Removal
AERMOD can be used to treat dry and wet deposition for both
gases and particles. Currently, Method 1 particle deposition is
available for regulatory applications. Method 2 particle deposition
and gas deposition are currently alpha options and not available for
regulatory applications
n. Evaluation Studies
American Petroleum Institute, 1998. Evaluation of State of the
Science of Air Quality Dispersion Model, Scientific Evaluation,
prepared by Woodward-Clyde Consultants, Lexington, Massachusetts,
for American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC, 20005-4070.
[[Page 95073]]
Brode, R.W., 2002. Implementation and Evaluation of PRIME in AERMOD.
Preprints of the 12th Joint Conference on Applications of Air
Pollution Meteorology, May 20-24, 2002; American Meteorological
Society, Boston, MA.
Brode, R.W., 2004. Implementation and Evaluation of Bulk Richardson
Number Scheme in AERMOD. 13th Joint Conference on Applications of
Air Pollution Meteorology, August 23-26, 2004; American
Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2003. AERMOD: Latest Features
and Evaluation Results. Publication No. EPA-454/R-03-003. Office of
Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Heist, D., et al., 2013. Estimating near-road pollutant dispersion:
A model inter-comparison. Transportation Research Part D: Transport
and Environment, 25: pp 93-105.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2023. Incorporation and
Evaluation of the RLINE Source Type in AERMOD For Mobile Source
Applications. Publication No. EPA-454/R-23-011. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Carruthers, D.J.; Stocker, J.R.; Ellis, A.; Seaton, M.D.; Smith, SE
Evaluation of an explicit NOX chemistry method in AERMOD;
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 2017, 67 (6),
702-712; DOI:10.1080/10962247.2017.1280096.
Environmental Protection Agency, 2023. Technical Support Document
(TSD) for Adoption of the Generic Reaction Set Method (GRSM) as a
Regulatory Non-Default Tier-3 NO2 Screening Option. Publication No.
EPA-454/R-23-009. Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards,
Research Triangle Park, NC.
A.2 CTDMPLUS (Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for
Unstable Situations)
Perry, S.G., D.J. Burns, L.H. Adams, R.J. Paine, M.G. Dennis, M.T.
Mills, D.G. Strimaitis, R.J. Yamartino and E.M. Insley, 1989. User's
Guide to the Complex Terrain Dispersion Model Plus Algorithms for
Unstable Situations (CTDMPLUS). Volume 1: Model Descriptions and
User Instructions. EPA Publication No. EPA-600/8-89-041. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. (NTIS
No. PB 89-181424).
Perry, S.G., 1992. CTDMPLUS: A Dispersion Model for Sources near
Complex Topography. Part I: Technical Formulations. Journal of
Applied Meteorology, 31(7): 633-645.
The model codes and associated documentation are available on
the EPA's SCRAM website (paragraph A.0(3)).
CTDMPLUS is a refined point source Gaussian air quality model
for use in all stability conditions for complex terrain
applications. The model contains, in its entirety, the technology of
CTDM for stable and neutral conditions. However, CTDMPLUS can also
simulate daytime, unstable conditions, and has a number of
additional capabilities for improved user friendliness. Its use of
meteorological data and terrain information is different from other
EPA models; considerable detail for both types of input data is
required and is supplied by preprocessors specifically designed for
CTDMPLUS. CTDMPLUS requires the parameterization of individual hill
shapes using the terrain preprocessor and the association of each
model receptor with a particular hill.
a. Regulatory Use
CTDMPLUS is appropriate for the following applications:
Elevated point sources;
Terrain elevations above stack top;
Rural or urban areas;
Transport distances less than 50 kilometers; and
1-hour to annual averaging times when used with a post-
processor program such as CHAVG.
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: For each source, user supplies source location,
height, stack diameter, stack exit velocity, stack exit temperature,
and emission rate; if variable emissions are appropriate, the user
supplies hourly values for emission rate, stack exit velocity, and
stack exit temperature.
(2) Meteorological data: For applications of CTDMPLUS, multiple
level (typically three or more) measurements of wind speed and
direction, temperature and turbulence (wind fluctuation statistics)
are required to create the basic meteorological data file
(``PROFILE''). Such measurements should be obtained up to the
representative plume height(s) of interest (i.e., the plume
height(s) under those conditions important to the determination of
the design concentration). The representative plume height(s) of
interest should be determined using an appropriate complex terrain
screening procedure (e.g., CTSCREEN) and should be documented in the
monitoring/modeling protocol. The necessary meteorological
measurements should be obtained from an appropriately sited
meteorological tower augmented by SODAR and/or RASS if the
representative plume height(s) of interest is above the levels
represented by the tower measurements. Meteorological preprocessors
then create a SURFACE data file (hourly values of mixed layer
heights, surface friction velocity, Monin-Obukhov length and surface
roughness length) and a RAWINsonde data file (upper air measurements
of pressure, temperature, wind direction, and wind speed).
(3) Receptor data: receptor names (up to 400) and coordinates,
and hill number (each receptor must have a hill number assigned).
(4) Terrain data: user inputs digitized contour information to
the terrain preprocessor which creates the TERRAIN data file (for up
to 25 hills).
c. Output
(1) When CTDMPLUS is run, it produces a concentration file, in
either binary or text format (user's choice), and a list file
containing a verification of model inputs, i.e.,
Input meteorological data from ``SURFACE'' and
Stack data for each source,
Terrain information,
Receptor information, and
Source-receptor location (line printer map).
(2) In addition, if the case-study option is selected, the
listing includes:
Meteorological variables at plume height,
Geometrical relationships between the source and the
hill, and
Plume characteristics at each receptor, i.e.,
[cir] Distance in along-flow and cross flow direction
[cir] Effective plume-receptor height difference
[cir] Effective [sigma]y & [sigma]z values, both flat terrain
and hill induced (the difference shows the effect of the hill)
[cir] Concentration components due to WRAP, LIFT and FLAT.
(3) If the user selects the TOPN option, a summary table of the
top four concentrations at each receptor is given. If the ISOR
option is selected, a source contribution table for every hour will
be printed.
(4) A separate output file of predicted (1-hour only)
concentrations (``CONC'') is written if the user chooses this
option. Three forms of output are possible:
(i) A binary file of concentrations, one value for each receptor
in the hourly sequence as run;
(ii) A text file of concentrations, one value for each receptor
in the hourly sequence as run; or
(iii) A text file as described above, but with a listing of
receptor information (names, positions, hill number) at the
beginning of the file.
(5) Hourly information provided to these files besides the
concentrations themselves includes the year, month, day, and hour
information as well as the receptor number with the highest
d. Type of Model
CTDMPLUS is a refined steady-state, point source plume model for
use in all stability conditions for complex terrain applications.
e. Pollutant Types
CTDMPLUS may be used to model non- reactive, primary pollutants.
f. Source-Receptor Relationship
Up to 40 point sources, 400 receptors and 25 hills may be used.
Receptors and sources are allowed at any location. Hill slopes are
assumed not to exceed 15[deg], so that the linearized equation of
motion for Boussinesq flow are applicable. Receptors upwind of the
impingement point, or those associated with any of the hills in the
modeling domain, require separate treatment.
[[Page 95074]]
g. Plume Behavior
(1) As in CTDM, the basic plume rise algorithms are based on
Briggs' (1975) recommendations.
(2) A central feature of CTDMPLUS for neutral/stable conditions
is its use of a critical dividing-streamline height (Hc)
to separate the flow in the vicinity of a hill into two separate
layers. The plume component in the upper layer has sufficient
kinetic energy to pass over the top of the hill while streamlines in
the lower portion are constrained to flow in a horizontal plane
around the hill. Two separate components of CTDMPLUS compute ground-
level concentrations resulting from plume material in each of these
(3) The model calculates on an hourly (or appropriate steady
averaging period) basis how the plume trajectory (and, in stable/
neutral conditions, the shape) is deformed by each hill. Hourly
profiles of wind and temperature measurements are used by CTDMPLUS
to compute plume rise, plume penetration (a formulation is included
to handle penetration into elevated stable layers, based on Briggs
(1984)), convective scaling parameters, the value of Hc,
and the Froude number above Hc.
h. Horizontal Winds
CTDMPLUS does not simulate calm meteorological conditions. Both
scalar and vector wind speed observations can be read by the model.
If vector wind speed is unavailable, it is calculated from the
scalar wind speed. The assignment of wind speed (either vector or
scalar) at plume height is done by either:
Interpolating between observations above and below the
plume height, or
Extrapolating (within the surface layer) from the
nearest measurement height to the plume height.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical flow is treated for the plume component above the
critical dividing streamline height (Hc); see ``Plume
j. Horizontal Dispersion
Horizontal dispersion for stable/neutral conditions is related
to the turbulence velocity scale for lateral fluctuations, [sigma]v,
for which a minimum value of 0.2 m/s is used. Convective scaling
formulations are used to estimate horizontal dispersion for unstable
k. Vertical Dispersion
Direct estimates of vertical dispersion for stable/neutral
conditions are based on observed vertical turbulence intensity,
e.g., [sigma]w (standard deviation of the vertical velocity
fluctuation). In simulating unstable (convective) conditions,
CTDMPLUS relies on a skewed, bi-Gaussian probability density
function (pdf) description of the vertical velocities to estimate
the vertical distribution of pollutant concentration.
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformation is not treated by CTDMPLUS.
m. Physical Removal
Physical removal is not treated by CTDMPLUS (complete reflection
at the ground/hill surface is assumed).
n. Evaluation Studies
Burns, D.J., L.H. Adams and S.G. Perry, 1990. Testing and Evaluation
of the CTDMPLUS Dispersion Model: Daytime Convective Conditions.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Paumier, J.O., S.G. Perry and D.J. Burns, 1990. An Analysis of
CTDMPLUS Model Predictions with the Lovett Power Plant Data Base.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Paumier, J.O., S.G. Perry and D.J. Burns, 1992. CTDMPLUS: A
Dispersion Model for Sources near Complex Topography. Part II:
Performance Characteristics. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 31(7):
A.3 OCD (Offshore and Coastal Dispersion) Model
DiCristofaro, DC and S.R. Hanna, 1989. OCD: The Offshore and Coastal
Dispersion Model, Version 4. Volume I: User's Guide, and Volume II:
Appendices. Sigma Research Corporation, Westford, MA. (NTIS Nos. PB
93-144384 and PB 93-144392).
The model codes and associated documentation are available on
EPA's SCRAM website (paragraph A.0(3)).
(1) OCD is a straight-line Gaussian model developed to determine
the impact of offshore emissions from point, area or line sources on
the air quality of coastal regions. OCD incorporates overwater plume
transport and dispersion as well as changes that occur as the plume
crosses the shoreline. Hourly meteorological data are needed from
both offshore and onshore locations. These include water surface
temperature, overwater air temperature, mixing height, and relative
(2) Some of the key features include platform building downwash,
partial plume penetration into elevated inversions, direct use of
turbulence intensities for plume dispersion, interaction with the
overland internal boundary layer, and continuous shoreline
a. Regulatory Use
OCD is applicable for overwater sources where onshore receptors
are below the lowest source height. Where onshore receptors are
above the lowest source height, offshore plume transport and
dispersion may be modeled on a case-by-case basis in consultation
with the appropriate reviewing authority (paragraph 3.0(b)).
b. Input Requirements
(1) Source data: Point, area or line source location, pollutant
emission rate, building height, stack height, stack gas temperature,
stack inside diameter, stack gas exit velocity, stack angle from
vertical, elevation of stack base above water surface and gridded
specification of the land/water surfaces. As an option, emission
rate, stack gas exit velocity and temperature can be varied hourly.
(2) Meteorological data: PCRAMMET is the recommended
meteorological data preprocessor for use in applications of OCD
employing hourly NWS data. MPRM is the recommended meteorological
data preprocessor for applications of OCD employing site-specific
meteorological data
(i) Over land: Surface weather data including hourly stability
class, wind direction, wind speed, ambient temperature, and mixing
height are required.
(ii) Over water: Hourly values for mixing height, relative
humidity, air temperature, and water surface temperature are
required; if wind speed/direction are missing, values over land will
be used (if available); vertical wind direction shear, vertical
temperature gradient, and turbulence intensities are optional.
(3) Receptor data: Location, height above local ground-level,
ground-level elevation above the water surface.
c. Output
(1) All input options, specification of sources, receptors and
land/water map including locations of sources and receptors.
(2) Summary tables of five highest concentrations at each
receptor for each averaging period, and average concentration for
entire run period at each receptor.
(3) Optional case study printout with hourly plume and receptor
characteristics. Optional table of annual impact assessment from
non-permanent activities.
(4) Concentration output files can be used by ANALYSIS
postprocessor to produce the highest concentrations for each
receptor, the cumulative frequency distributions for each receptor,
the tabulation of all concentrations exceeding a given threshold,
and the manipulation of hourly concentration files.
d. Type of Model
OCD is a Gaussian plume model constructed on the framework of
the MPTER model.
e. Pollutant Types
OCD may be used to model primary pollutants. Settling and
deposition are not treated.
f. Source-Receptor Relationship
(1) Up to 250 point sources, 5 area sources, or 1 line source
and 180 receptors may be used.
(2) Receptors and sources are allowed at any location.
(3) The coastal configuration is determined by a grid of up to
3600 rectangles. Each element of the grid is designated as either
land or water to identify the coastline.
g. Plume Behavior
(1) The basic plume rise algorithms are based on Briggs'
(2) Momentum rise includes consideration of the stack angle from
the vertical.
(3) The effect of drilling platforms, ships, or any overwater
obstructions near the source are used to decrease plume rise using a
[[Page 95075]]
revised platform downwash algorithm based on laboratory experiments.
(4) Partial plume penetration of elevated inversions is included
using the suggestions of Briggs (1975) and Weil and Brower (1984).
(5) Continuous shoreline fumigation is parameterized using the
Turner method where complete vertical mixing through the thermal
internal boundary layer (TIBL) occurs as soon as the plume
intercepts the TIBL.
h. Horizontal Winds
(1) Constant, uniform wind is assumed for each hour.
(2) Overwater wind speed can be estimated from overland wind
speed using relationship of Hsu (1981).
(3) Wind speed profiles are estimated using similarity theory
(Businger, 1973). Surface layer fluxes for these formulas are
calculated from bulk aerodynamic methods.
i. Vertical Wind Speed
Vertical wind speed is assumed equal to zero.
j. Horizontal Dispersion
(1) Lateral turbulence intensity is recommended as a direct
estimate of horizontal dispersion. If lateral turbulence intensity
is not available, it is estimated from boundary layer theory. For
wind speeds less than 8 m/s, lateral turbulence intensity is assumed
inversely proportional to wind speed.
(2) Horizontal dispersion may be enhanced because of
obstructions near the source. A virtual source technique is used to
simulate the initial plume dilution due to downwash.
(3) Formulas recommended by Pasquill (1976) are used to
calculate buoyant plume enhancement and wind direction shear
(4) At the water/land interface, the change to overland
dispersion rates is modeled using a virtual source. The overland
dispersion rates can be calculated from either lateral turbulence
intensity or Pasquill-Gifford curves. The change is implemented
where the plume intercepts the rising internal boundary layer.
k. Vertical Dispersion
(1) Observed vertical turbulence intensity is not recommended as
a direct estimate of vertical dispersion. Turbulence intensity
should be estimated from boundary layer theory as default in the
model. For very stable conditions, vertical dispersion is also a
function of lapse rate.
(2) Vertical dispersion may be enhanced because of obstructions
near the source. A virtual source technique is used to simulate the
initial plume dilution due to downwash.
(3) Formulas recommended by Pasquill (1976) are used to
calculate buoyant plume enhancement.
(4) At the water/land interface, the change to overland
dispersion rates is modeled using a virtual source. The overland
dispersion rates can be calculated from either vertical turbulence
intensity or the Pasquill-Gifford coefficients. The change is
implemented where the plume intercepts the rising internal boundary
l. Chemical Transformation
Chemical transformations are treated using exponential decay.
Different rates can be specified by month and by day or night.
m. Physical Removal
Physical removal is also treated using exponential decay.
n. Evaluation Studies
DiCristofaro, DC and S.R. Hanna, 1989. OCD: The Offshore and Coastal
Dispersion Model. Volume I: User's Guide. Sigma Research
Corporation, Westford, MA.
Hanna, S.R., L.L. Schulman, R.J. Paine and J.E. Pleim, 1984. The
Offshore and Coastal Dispersion (OCD) Model User's Guide, Revised.
OCS Study, MMS 84-0069. Environmental Research & Technology, Inc.,
Concord, MA. (NTIS No. PB 86-159803).
Hanna, S.R., L.L. Schulman, R.J. Paine, J.E. Pleim and M. Baer,
1985. Development and Evaluation of the Offshore and Coastal
Dispersion (OCD) Model. Journal of the Air Pollution Control
Association, 35: 1039-1047.
Hanna, S.R. and DC DiCristofaro, 1988. Development and Evaluation of
the OCD/API Model. Final Report, API Pub. 4461, American Petroleum
Institute, Washington, DC.
[FR Doc. 2024-27636 Filed 11-27-24; 8:45 am]