Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Substantial Equivalence Reports for Tobacco Products, 93305-93308 [2024-27654]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 228 / Tuesday, November 26, 2024 / Notices
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA–2024–N–2888]
Agency Information Collection
Activities; Submission for Office of
Management and Budget Review;
Comment Request; Substantial
Equivalence Reports for Tobacco
Food and Drug Administration,
The Food and Drug
Administration (FDA, Agency, or we) is
announcing that a proposed collection
of information has been submitted to the
Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) for review and clearance under
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Submit written comments
(including recommendations) on the
collection of information by December
26, 2024.
ADDRESSES: To ensure that comments on
the information collection are received,
OMB recommends that written
comments be submitted to https://
Find this particular information
collection by selecting ‘‘Currently under
Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or
by using the search function. The OMB
control number for this information
collection is 0910–0673. Also include
the FDA docket number found in
brackets in the heading of this
JonnaLynn Capezzuto, Office of
Operations, Food and Drug
Administration, Three White Flint
North, 10A–12M, 11601 Landsdown St.,
North Bethesda, MD 20852, 301–796–
compliance with 44 U.S.C. 3507, FDA
has submitted the following proposed
collection of information to OMB for
review and clearance.
Substantial Equivalence Reports for
Tobacco Products
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
OMB Control Number 0910–0673—
This information collection supports
FDA requirements for the content and
format of Substantial Equivalence (SE)
Reports which are utilized to establish
the substantial equivalence of a tobacco
product. Sections 905(j)(1)(A)(i) and
910(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C.
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387e(j)(1)(A)(i) and 387j(a)) established
requirements for substantial equivalence
and premarket review of new tobacco
products and the implementing
regulations per the SE final rule (86 FR
55224) are found in §§ 1107.18 and
1107.19 (21 CFR 1107.18 and 1107.19).
An SE Report can be submitted by any
manufacturer for any new tobacco
product seeking an FDA substantially
equivalent order, under section 905(j) of
the FD&C Act. A substantially
equivalent tobacco product is one that
has been found by FDA to have either
the same characteristics as a predicate
product or has different characteristics
than the predicate tobacco product, but
the SE Report demonstrates that the new
product does not raise different
questions of public health. A predicate
tobacco product is one that was
commercially marketed (other than for
test marketing) in the United States as
of February 15, 2007, or is a product
previously found to be substantially
equivalent by FDA. Generally, an
applicant may amend its SE Report (21
CFR 1107.20), withdraw its SE Report
after submission (21 CFR 1107.22), and
change the ownership of its SE Report
(21 CFR 1107.24). Electronic submission
of SE Reports is required, unless the
applicant requests and is granted a
FDA will have three forms required
for use (once this revision is approved)
under § 1107.18(a) when submitting an
SE Report to the Agency: Form FDA
3965; Form FDA 3965a; and Form FDA
Form FDA 3965 is for use when
submitting a tobacco SE Report to the
Agency. Form FDA 3965 and its
corresponding instructions have been
updated to assist industry users in
completing the form efficiently and
correctly. The flow and organization of
the form have been updated to follow a
consistent style and appearance with
other FDA forms related to tobacco
product submissions.
Form FDA 3965a is the Tobacco
Substantial Equivalence Report
Amendment and General
Correspondence Submission form that
was formerly Form FDA 3964. FDA has
revised the form number of Form FDA
3964 to Form FDA 3965a to align to
Form FDA 3965, the Tobacco
Substantial Equivalence Report
Submission. Form FDA 3965a is for use
when firms are submitting amendments
and other general correspondence for an
SE Report to the Agency. Form FDA
3965a and its corresponding
instructions have been updated to assist
industry users in completing the form
efficiently and correctly. The flow and
organization of the form have been
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updated to follow a consistent style and
appearance with Form FDA 3965. As
part of the form organization update,
Form FDA 3965a has been split into
three main parts: Applicant Information,
Amendment Information, and General
Correspondence. Industry users are able
to select the submission type, selecting
from Amendment or General
Correspondence, in Part B of Section I—
Applicant Information. After a selection
is made, industry users may skip to the
appropriate section to complete. Form
FDA 3965b is the new SE Unique
Identification for New and Predicate
Tobacco Products form that assists
industry and FDA in identifying the
products that are the subject of a
submission where an applicant groups
multiple SE Reports into a single
submission (referred to as a bundled
submission or a grouped submission).
The Consolidated Appropriations Act
of 2022 (Pub. L. 117–103) (the
Appropriations Act), enacted on March
15, 2022, amended the definition of the
term ‘‘tobacco product’’ in section
201(rr) of the FD&C Act (21 U.S.C.
321(rr)) to include products that contain
nicotine from any source. As a result,
non-tobacco nicotine (NTN) products
that were not previously subject to the
FD&C Act (e.g., products containing
synthetic nicotine) are now subject to all
of the tobacco product provisions in the
FD&C Act that began on April 14, 2022,
including the requirement of premarket
review for new tobacco products. The
Appropriations Act also makes all
regulations and guidances applicable to
tobacco products apply to NTN
products on that same effective date.
The Center for Tobacco Products
(CTP) is planning a significant upgrade
to the submission process for SE
applications. This upgrade, known as
the CTP Portal Next Generation (CTP
Portal NG), is a pivotal step forward in
streamlining the application process for
the tobacco industry. Presently, the
tobacco industry uses multiple tools in
the preparation and submission of SE
applications to CTP, including PDFediting software, FDA’s eSubmitter
Desktop tool, and FDA’s CTP Portal web
application. A submitter must first
download and complete PDF versions of
Form FDA 3965 and 3965a for SE
applications and amendments,
respectively, using any PDF-editing
software. Once the PDF form is
complete, the tobacco industry uses the
eSubmitter Desktop tool (https://
using-esubmitter-prepare-tobaccoproduct-submissions) to prepare the
submission for delivery to CTP, which
requires creating a new submission
using eSubmitter’s electronic CTP
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 228 / Tuesday, November 26, 2024 / Notices
Transmittal Form and providing contact
information, the completed Form FDA
3965 and/or 3965a, and any supporting
documentation. When complete, the
eSubmitter tool then packages the
submission form, data, and documents
into a ZIP file, saved locally, and the
tobacco industry must log into their CTP
Portal account (
submit-documents-ctp-portal) and
upload the packaged submission ZIP
file. To use CTP Portal, an organization
must first go through the process of
setting up an Industry Account Manager
(IAM) (, which will then allow the IAM
to manage CTP Portal accounts for their
organization and submit submissions.
The new CTP Portal NG application
transforms this process by providing the
tobacco industry with the ability to
create, prepare, and deliver their
submissions in one place. CTP Portal
NG will provide web forms of Form
FDA 3965 and 3965a for SE applications
and amendments, respectively, which
will improve the submission
preparation process for the tobacco
industry as it will provide tools to
expedite the entry of data and
supporting documentation, dynamically
guide users to relevant sections of the
forms based on their input, and improve
quality by providing helpful
information on the questions being
requested and verifying all required data
has been provided. CTP Portal NG has
a built-in process for applicants to
upload Form FDA 3965b after
applicants complete Form FDA 3965b
and validate it using a new validator
tool. When complete, CTP Portal NG
allows applicants to submit the
completed web forms to CTP for review.
This innovation eliminates the current
three-step process using PDF-editing
software, eSubmitter, and CTP Portal
and provides a more integrated, userfriendly experience.
Existing CTP Portal user accounts will
be migrated to CTP Portal NG. Users
may be prompted for a password reset
during their initial login to the new
system. The process for creating new
user accounts and overall user account
management will largely remain
consistent with the current system. CTP
is committed to ensuring a smooth
transition to CTP Portal NG and will
provide necessary support and guidance
throughout this change.
Submitters can visit the following
web page which describes the process
for submitting a SE Report: https://
In the Federal Register of July 16,
2024 (89 FR 57903), FDA published a
60-day notice requesting public
comment on the proposed collection of
information. FDA received one
comment responsive to the four
information collection topics solicited
and one comment that was not
responsive to those topics.
(Comment) FDA should provide
clarity around how Portal Next
Generation will operate and hold a
workshop to solicit feedback from
regulated industry prior to its
implementation. In addition, FDA
should focus on other SE process
reforms that can have an even greater
impact on efficiency.
(Response) Thank you for your
detailed comments in response to the
Federal Register Notice regarding the
proposed information collection for SE
reports and associated recordkeeping
requirements. We appreciate your
engagement and value your feedback on
the planned upgrade to the submission
process through the CTP Portal NG.
The purpose of the Federal Register
Notice was to introduce updates to the
FDA Form 3965 and 3965a (previously
3964) paper forms and to inform
stakeholders that FDA Forms 3965 and
3965a (previously 3964) will be made
available as web forms through the new
CTP Portal NG. The wireframes
included in the Notice were intended to
serve as an approximate representation
of the fields and workflow specifically
associated with the new 3965 and 3965a
web forms for public comment, and as
such, do not detail all of the planned
functionality for CTP Portal NG nor do
they represent the final versions of the
The CTP acknowledges and agrees
with the need for further clarity
regarding the implementation and
functionality of CTP Portal NG. To
address these concerns, CTP will
provide the regulated industry, and
other stakeholders, an opportunity to
engage directly with the new system,
navigate the platform, and offer
substantive feedback on the workflow
and usability of the new Portal.
Additionally, we would like to clarify
that SE applications submitted under
the current system will be seamlessly
integrated into the new platform. The
intent of CTP Portal NG is to streamline
and enhance the efficiency of the
submission process by providing webbased forms that simplify data entry,
minimize the need for multiple tools,
and support the submission of required
information in a structured manner.
CTP looks forward to engaging with
our industry partners and will take all
feedback into consideration to ensure
that the final implementation of CTP
Portal NG meets the needs of the
regulated community while fulfilling
CTP’s regulatory and statutory
FDA is also actively working on
improving the application review
process. As new processes are
developed, FDA is committed to
transparency with industry and other
stakeholders. CTP Portal NG is in line
with our intent to improve application
review. It helps the applicant provide
information required by the Substantial
Equivalent and Recordkeeping
Requirements regulations in an
identifiable format. Additionally, the
guidance provided in CTP Portal NG
will reduce applicant burden by
highlighting missing information in
fields that contain required content
prior to submission and providing
applicants with an opportunity to
include missing content.
FDA estimates the burden of this
collection of information as follows:
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Activity; FDA form; 21 CFR
Number of
SE Report—1107.18 .........................................................
SE Report where applicant provides certification for identical characteristics—1107.18(g) and 1107.18(l)(2).
Form FDA 3965—Tobacco Substantial Equivalence Report Submission.
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Number of
Average burden per
300 .........................
10 ...........................
0.75 (45 minutes) ..
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 228 / Tuesday, November 26, 2024 / Notices
Activity; FDA form; 21 CFR
Number of
Form FDA 3965a 2—Tobacco Amendment and General
Correspondence Report.
Form FDA 3965b—SE Unique Identification for New and
Predicate Tobacco Products.
SE Grouping Spreadsheet Validator .................................
Waiver from Electronic submission—1107.62(b) ..............
Totals ..........................................................................
1 There
Number of
Average burden per
0.16 (10 minutes) ...
1 .............................
0.08 (5 minutes) .....
0.25 (15 minutes) ...
are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.
Form FDA 3964, Tobacco Substantial Equivalence Report Amendment and General Correspondence Submission.
may not sum due to rounding.
2 Formerly
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
3 Totals
FDA has based these estimates on
experience with this information
collection, information we have
available from interactions with
industry, registration and listing data,
information related to other regulated
products, and FDA expectations
regarding the tobacco industry’s use of
the substantial equivalence pathway to
market their products. We have revised
our previous estimates based on these
experiences. Utilizing registration and
listing data for deemed tobacco
products, the estimated annual number
of SE Reports is expected to be 1,570.
When several full SE Reports contain
identical content, these SE Reports may
be bundled into a single submission.
Similarly, SE Reports in which the
characteristics of the products are
certified as identical and the contents of
the SE Reports are also identical, these
may also be bundled. FDA anticipates
the burden for an applicant to be
generally the same if they submit
bundled submissions or individual
applications as such, both are captured
under SE Reports. As mentioned
previously, NTN products that were not
previously subject to the FD&C Act (e.g.,
products containing synthetic nicotine)
are now subject to all tobacco product
provisions in the FD&C Act beginning
on April 14, 2022. Based on this new
authority, we do not believe a change is
needed in our burden estimates because
FDA has received significantly fewer
NTN SE Reports than anticipated.
Table 1 describes the annual reporting
burden per the requirements in
§§ 1107.18 and 1107.19. FDA estimates
that we will receive 1,139 full initial SE
Reports for a new tobacco product each
year under § 1107.18 that take a
manufacturer approximately 300 hours
to prepare. We have consolidated our
previous numbers in the burden chart of
full and bundled SE Reports (683 and
456) to reach the 1,139 estimate. In
addition, anyone submitting an SE
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Report is required to submit an
environmental assessment prepared in
accordance with 21 CFR 25.40 under
§ 1107.18(k). The burden for
environmental reports has been
included in the burden per response for
each type of SE Report.
FDA estimates receiving 239 SE
Reports where applicants provide a
certification for some identical
characteristics under §§ 1107.18(g) and
1107.18(l)(2). We also estimate receiving
192 bundled SE Reports where
applicants provide a certification for
some identical characteristics under
§§ 1107.18(g) and 1107.18(l)(2) (other
than the initial SE Report in the
bundle). FDA anticipates the burden for
an applicant to be generally the same if
they submit bundled submissions or
individual applications as such, both
are captured under SE Report where
applicant provides certification for
identical characteristics. We believe that
the number of SE Reports that include
a certification will increase because
applicants may certify that certain
characteristics are identical in the new
tobacco product and the predicate
tobacco product. However, in the
absence of specific information on how
many more applicants might choose to
certify, we are maintaining our previous
estimates at this time. As certification
statements and additional guidance are
given by the Agency within Form FDA
3965, FDA expects applicants to submit
less technical information. As a result,
we expect applicants total burden hours
per applications to decrease. Therefore,
we have decreased the burden per
response for these SE Reports.
Manufacturers are required to submit
SE Reports electronically (§ 1107.62 (21
CFR 1107.62)). We estimate that it
would initially take about 45 minutes
per product to fill out the Form FDA
3965. However, for amendments, we
estimate that filling out Form FDA
3965a will take 10 minutes as applicants
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can copy and paste from the first
submission. Section 1107.62(b) also
allows applicants to request a waiver
from the electronic format requirement.
Based on experience since
implementing the Premarket Tobacco
Product Application (PMTA) rule, FDA
does not believe we will receive many
waivers, so we have decreased the
number of respondents to five
respondents to acknowledge the option
to submit a waiver. Consistent with our
other application estimates for waivers,
we believe it would take 0.25 hours (15
minutes) per waiver for a total of 1 hour.
FDA is revising this collection to
include a new form (Form FDA 3965b)
and a validator tool for Form FDA 3965b
that will help applicants submit
information for their SE Reports in the
correct format. Form FDA 3965b assists
industry and FDA in identifying the
products that are the subject of a
submission, particularly where an
applicant groups multiple new tobacco
products into a single submission. This
includes grouping products that are
from the same manufacturer or domestic
importer and in the same product
category and subcategory into a single
submission. FDA discussed bundled
submissions in the SE rule (86 FR
55224) and noted that FDA intends to
consider information on each new
tobacco product and its corresponding
predicate tobacco product as a separate,
individual SE Report as required under
§ 1107.18(c)(7), § 1107.18(g), and
§ 1107.19. By having the identifying
information for products contained in
an SE Report be more clearly organized
within the required forms, FDA will be
able to process and review the
applications contained in a grouped
submission more efficiently.
The form assists applicants in
providing the unique identifying
information for each product in single
and grouped submissions of SE Reports.
A respondent would utilize Form FDA
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 228 / Tuesday, November 26, 2024 / Notices
3965b once for each submission. We
assume the submitter could include
from 1 to 2,000 products in each Form
FDA 3965b. Entering data for up to
2,000 rows can take approximately 4
hours on average per Form FDA 3965b
for manual data entry. We reflect the
average time of 60 minutes per response
based on the assumption that we expect
to receive an average of 25 bundled
products per submission. Assuming 60
minutes per Form FDA 3965b for 1,570
applications, we estimate a total burden
of 1,570 hours for this activity.
The FDA Tobacco Product Grouping
Spreadsheet Validator (Validator) is a
free software that validates the content
of FDA product grouping spreadsheets
such as ‘‘Form FDA 3965b—SE Unique
Identification for New and Predicate
Tobacco Products.’’ The Validator is
available for voluntary use by the
tobacco industry (sponsors,
manufacturers, and importers) prior to
submitting a product grouping
spreadsheet to FDA.
The Validator allows industry users to
validate product attributes in their
product grouping spreadsheet with the
defined and accepted product data
standards and to make corrections as
needed. If there are no errors found in
a spreadsheet, the Validator will
produce a certificate of completion that
can be saved locally and included with
the applicants FDA submission
voluntarily. If errors are found during
validation, the Validator will provide
the applicants with the error at the end
of each impacted row of the
spreadsheet, allowing applicants to
make necessary changes.
The software and any output files
reside locally on an applicant’s
computer, allowing them to work on the
product grouping spreadsheet offline.
The Validator does not transmit any
data across the web to FDA. FDA does
not have the ability to access, review, or
supplement the information on local
computers through this application. We
estimate that use of the Validator will
take an average of 5 minutes per
Number of
Activity; 21 CFR section
Recordkeeping SE Report under 1107.18–1107.58 ...........
Total annual
Average burden per recordkeeping
Total hours
There are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.
FDA estimates that 30 percent of SE
Reports or 471 respondents will
maintain required records related to
their SE Reports at 5 hours per record
for a total of 2,355 recordkeeping hours
(table 2). The first SE Report in a chain
must use a tobacco product
commercially marketed (other than for
test marketing) in the United States as
of February 15, 2007, as a predicate
product for the SE Report. Therefore, we
believe that manufacturers will have
records on those ‘‘original’’ predicate
tobacco products from their initial SE
Our estimated burden for the
information collection reflects an
overall increase of 69,010 hours and a
corresponding increase of 2,905
responses/records. We attribute this to
adding a new form, providing the
validator tool, and reevaluating our
current estimates.
Dated: November 20, 2024.
P. Ritu Nalubola,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2024–27654 Filed 11–25–24; 8:45 am]
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Number of
records per
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Jkt 265001
[Document Identifier: OS–4040–0008]
Agency Information Collection
Request; 60-Day Public Comment
Office of the Secretary, HHS.
In compliance with the
requirement of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, the Office of the
Secretary (OS), Department of Health
and Human Services, is publishing the
following summary of a proposed
collection for public comment.
DATES: Comments on the ICR must be
received on or before January 27, 2025.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments to or by calling (202)
When submitting comments or
requesting information, please include
the document identifier 4040–0008–60D
and project title for reference, to Sagal
Musa, email:, or
call (202) 205–2634 the Reports
Clearance Officer.
persons are invited to send comments
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regarding this burden estimate or any
other aspect of this collection of
information, including any of the
following subjects: (1) The necessity and
utility of the proposed information
collection for the proper performance of
the agency’s functions; (2) the accuracy
of the estimated burden; (3) ways to
enhance the quality, utility, and clarity
of the information to be collected; and
(4) the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology to minimize the information
collection burden.
Title of the Collection: Budget
Information for Construction Programs
Type of Collection: Extension.
OMB No.: 4040–0008.
Budget Information for Construction
Programs (SF–424C) is used by
applicants to apply for Federal financial
assistance. The Budget Information for
Construction Programs (SF–424C) form
allows the applicants to provide budget
details as part of their grant proposals.
This form is evaluated by Federal
agencies as part of the overall grant
application. This IC expires on February
28, 2025. seeks a three-year
clearance of these collections.
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 228 (Tuesday, November 26, 2024)]
[Pages 93305-93308]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-27654]
[[Page 93305]]
Food and Drug Administration
[Docket No. FDA-2024-N-2888]
Agency Information Collection Activities; Submission for Office
of Management and Budget Review; Comment Request; Substantial
Equivalence Reports for Tobacco Products
AGENCY: Food and Drug Administration, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA, Agency, or we) is
announcing that a proposed collection of information has been submitted
to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and clearance
under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.
DATES: Submit written comments (including recommendations) on the
collection of information by December 26, 2024.
ADDRESSES: To ensure that comments on the information collection are
received, OMB recommends that written comments be submitted to Find this particular information
collection by selecting ``Currently under Review--Open for Public
Comments'' or by using the search function. The OMB control number for
this information collection is 0910-0673. Also include the FDA docket
number found in brackets in the heading of this document.
Operations, Food and Drug Administration, Three White Flint North, 10A-
12M, 11601 Landsdown St., North Bethesda, MD 20852, 301-796-3794,
[email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In compliance with 44 U.S.C. 3507, FDA has
submitted the following proposed collection of information to OMB for
review and clearance.
Substantial Equivalence Reports for Tobacco Products
OMB Control Number 0910-0673--Revision
This information collection supports FDA requirements for the
content and format of Substantial Equivalence (SE) Reports which are
utilized to establish the substantial equivalence of a tobacco product.
Sections 905(j)(1)(A)(i) and 910(a) of the Federal Food, Drug, and
Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C. 387e(j)(1)(A)(i) and 387j(a))
established requirements for substantial equivalence and premarket
review of new tobacco products and the implementing regulations per the
SE final rule (86 FR 55224) are found in Sec. Sec. 1107.18 and 1107.19
(21 CFR 1107.18 and 1107.19).
An SE Report can be submitted by any manufacturer for any new
tobacco product seeking an FDA substantially equivalent order, under
section 905(j) of the FD&C Act. A substantially equivalent tobacco
product is one that has been found by FDA to have either the same
characteristics as a predicate product or has different characteristics
than the predicate tobacco product, but the SE Report demonstrates that
the new product does not raise different questions of public health. A
predicate tobacco product is one that was commercially marketed (other
than for test marketing) in the United States as of February 15, 2007,
or is a product previously found to be substantially equivalent by FDA.
Generally, an applicant may amend its SE Report (21 CFR 1107.20),
withdraw its SE Report after submission (21 CFR 1107.22), and change
the ownership of its SE Report (21 CFR 1107.24). Electronic submission
of SE Reports is required, unless the applicant requests and is granted
a waiver.
FDA will have three forms required for use (once this revision is
approved) under Sec. 1107.18(a) when submitting an SE Report to the
Agency: Form FDA 3965; Form FDA 3965a; and Form FDA 3965b.
Form FDA 3965 is for use when submitting a tobacco SE Report to the
Agency. Form FDA 3965 and its corresponding instructions have been
updated to assist industry users in completing the form efficiently and
correctly. The flow and organization of the form have been updated to
follow a consistent style and appearance with other FDA forms related
to tobacco product submissions.
Form FDA 3965a is the Tobacco Substantial Equivalence Report
Amendment and General Correspondence Submission form that was formerly
Form FDA 3964. FDA has revised the form number of Form FDA 3964 to Form
FDA 3965a to align to Form FDA 3965, the Tobacco Substantial
Equivalence Report Submission. Form FDA 3965a is for use when firms are
submitting amendments and other general correspondence for an SE Report
to the Agency. Form FDA 3965a and its corresponding instructions have
been updated to assist industry users in completing the form
efficiently and correctly. The flow and organization of the form have
been updated to follow a consistent style and appearance with Form FDA
3965. As part of the form organization update, Form FDA 3965a has been
split into three main parts: Applicant Information, Amendment
Information, and General Correspondence. Industry users are able to
select the submission type, selecting from Amendment or General
Correspondence, in Part B of Section I--Applicant Information. After a
selection is made, industry users may skip to the appropriate section
to complete. Form FDA 3965b is the new SE Unique Identification for New
and Predicate Tobacco Products form that assists industry and FDA in
identifying the products that are the subject of a submission where an
applicant groups multiple SE Reports into a single submission (referred
to as a bundled submission or a grouped submission).
The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2022 (Pub. L. 117-103) (the
Appropriations Act), enacted on March 15, 2022, amended the definition
of the term ``tobacco product'' in section 201(rr) of the FD&C Act (21
U.S.C. 321(rr)) to include products that contain nicotine from any
source. As a result, non-tobacco nicotine (NTN) products that were not
previously subject to the FD&C Act (e.g., products containing synthetic
nicotine) are now subject to all of the tobacco product provisions in
the FD&C Act that began on April 14, 2022, including the requirement of
premarket review for new tobacco products. The Appropriations Act also
makes all regulations and guidances applicable to tobacco products
apply to NTN products on that same effective date.
The Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) is planning a significant
upgrade to the submission process for SE applications. This upgrade,
known as the CTP Portal Next Generation (CTP Portal NG), is a pivotal
step forward in streamlining the application process for the tobacco
industry. Presently, the tobacco industry uses multiple tools in the
preparation and submission of SE applications to CTP, including PDF-
editing software, FDA's eSubmitter Desktop tool, and FDA's CTP Portal
web application. A submitter must first download and complete PDF
versions of Form FDA 3965 and 3965a for SE applications and amendments,
respectively, using any PDF-editing software. Once the PDF form is
complete, the tobacco industry uses the eSubmitter Desktop tool
( to prepare the submission for delivery to
CTP, which requires creating a new submission using eSubmitter's
electronic CTP
[[Page 93306]]
Transmittal Form and providing contact information, the completed Form
FDA 3965 and/or 3965a, and any supporting documentation. When complete,
the eSubmitter tool then packages the submission form, data, and
documents into a ZIP file, saved locally, and the tobacco industry must
log into their CTP Portal account ( and upload the
packaged submission ZIP file. To use CTP Portal, an organization must
first go through the process of setting up an Industry Account Manager
(IAM) (, which will then allow the IAM
to manage CTP Portal accounts for their organization and submit
The new CTP Portal NG application transforms this process by
providing the tobacco industry with the ability to create, prepare, and
deliver their submissions in one place. CTP Portal NG will provide web
forms of Form FDA 3965 and 3965a for SE applications and amendments,
respectively, which will improve the submission preparation process for
the tobacco industry as it will provide tools to expedite the entry of
data and supporting documentation, dynamically guide users to relevant
sections of the forms based on their input, and improve quality by
providing helpful information on the questions being requested and
verifying all required data has been provided. CTP Portal NG has a
built-in process for applicants to upload Form FDA 3965b after
applicants complete Form FDA 3965b and validate it using a new
validator tool. When complete, CTP Portal NG allows applicants to
submit the completed web forms to CTP for review. This innovation
eliminates the current three-step process using PDF-editing software,
eSubmitter, and CTP Portal and provides a more integrated, user-
friendly experience.
Existing CTP Portal user accounts will be migrated to CTP Portal
NG. Users may be prompted for a password reset during their initial
login to the new system. The process for creating new user accounts and
overall user account management will largely remain consistent with the
current system. CTP is committed to ensuring a smooth transition to CTP
Portal NG and will provide necessary support and guidance throughout
this change.
Submitters can visit the following web page which describes the
process for submitting a SE Report:
In the Federal Register of July 16, 2024 (89 FR 57903), FDA
published a 60-day notice requesting public comment on the proposed
collection of information. FDA received one comment responsive to the
four information collection topics solicited and one comment that was
not responsive to those topics.
(Comment) FDA should provide clarity around how Portal Next
Generation will operate and hold a workshop to solicit feedback from
regulated industry prior to its implementation. In addition, FDA should
focus on other SE process reforms that can have an even greater impact
on efficiency.
(Response) Thank you for your detailed comments in response to the
Federal Register Notice regarding the proposed information collection
for SE reports and associated recordkeeping requirements. We appreciate
your engagement and value your feedback on the planned upgrade to the
submission process through the CTP Portal NG.
The purpose of the Federal Register Notice was to introduce updates
to the FDA Form 3965 and 3965a (previously 3964) paper forms and to
inform stakeholders that FDA Forms 3965 and 3965a (previously 3964)
will be made available as web forms through the new CTP Portal NG. The
wireframes included in the Notice were intended to serve as an
approximate representation of the fields and workflow specifically
associated with the new 3965 and 3965a web forms for public comment,
and as such, do not detail all of the planned functionality for CTP
Portal NG nor do they represent the final versions of the forms.
The CTP acknowledges and agrees with the need for further clarity
regarding the implementation and functionality of CTP Portal NG. To
address these concerns, CTP will provide the regulated industry, and
other stakeholders, an opportunity to engage directly with the new
system, navigate the platform, and offer substantive feedback on the
workflow and usability of the new Portal.
Additionally, we would like to clarify that SE applications
submitted under the current system will be seamlessly integrated into
the new platform. The intent of CTP Portal NG is to streamline and
enhance the efficiency of the submission process by providing web-based
forms that simplify data entry, minimize the need for multiple tools,
and support the submission of required information in a structured
CTP looks forward to engaging with our industry partners and will
take all feedback into consideration to ensure that the final
implementation of CTP Portal NG meets the needs of the regulated
community while fulfilling CTP's regulatory and statutory obligations.
FDA is also actively working on improving the application review
process. As new processes are developed, FDA is committed to
transparency with industry and other stakeholders. CTP Portal NG is in
line with our intent to improve application review. It helps the
applicant provide information required by the Substantial Equivalent
and Recordkeeping Requirements regulations in an identifiable format.
Additionally, the guidance provided in CTP Portal NG will reduce
applicant burden by highlighting missing information in fields that
contain required content prior to submission and providing applicants
with an opportunity to include missing content.
FDA estimates the burden of this collection of information as
Table 1--Estimated Annual Reporting Burden 1 3
Number of
Number of responses Total annual
Activity; FDA form; 21 CFR section respondents per responses Average burden per response Total hours
SE Report--1107.18.............................. 1,139 1 1,139 300........................................ 341,700
SE Report where applicant provides certification 431 1 431 10......................................... 4,310
for identical characteristics--1107.18(g) and
Form FDA 3965--Tobacco Substantial Equivalence 1,570 1 1,570 0.75 (45 minutes).......................... 1,178
Report Submission.
[[Page 93307]]
Form FDA 3965a \2\--Tobacco Amendment and 628 1 628 0.16 (10 minutes).......................... 100
General Correspondence Report.
Form FDA 3965b--SE Unique Identification for New 1,570 1 1,570 1.......................................... 1,570
and Predicate Tobacco Products.
SE Grouping Spreadsheet Validator............... 1,570 1 1,570 0.08 (5 minutes)........................... 126
Waiver from Electronic submission--1107.62(b)... 5 1 5 0.25 (15 minutes).......................... 1
Totals...................................... ............ ........... 6,913 ........................................... 348,985
\1\ There are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of information.
\2\ Formerly Form FDA 3964, Tobacco Substantial Equivalence Report Amendment and General Correspondence Submission.
\3\ Totals may not sum due to rounding.
FDA has based these estimates on experience with this information
collection, information we have available from interactions with
industry, registration and listing data, information related to other
regulated products, and FDA expectations regarding the tobacco
industry's use of the substantial equivalence pathway to market their
products. We have revised our previous estimates based on these
experiences. Utilizing registration and listing data for deemed tobacco
products, the estimated annual number of SE Reports is expected to be
When several full SE Reports contain identical content, these SE
Reports may be bundled into a single submission. Similarly, SE Reports
in which the characteristics of the products are certified as identical
and the contents of the SE Reports are also identical, these may also
be bundled. FDA anticipates the burden for an applicant to be generally
the same if they submit bundled submissions or individual applications
as such, both are captured under SE Reports. As mentioned previously,
NTN products that were not previously subject to the FD&C Act (e.g.,
products containing synthetic nicotine) are now subject to all tobacco
product provisions in the FD&C Act beginning on April 14, 2022. Based
on this new authority, we do not believe a change is needed in our
burden estimates because FDA has received significantly fewer NTN SE
Reports than anticipated.
Table 1 describes the annual reporting burden per the requirements
in Sec. Sec. 1107.18 and 1107.19. FDA estimates that we will receive
1,139 full initial SE Reports for a new tobacco product each year under
Sec. 1107.18 that take a manufacturer approximately 300 hours to
prepare. We have consolidated our previous numbers in the burden chart
of full and bundled SE Reports (683 and 456) to reach the 1,139
estimate. In addition, anyone submitting an SE Report is required to
submit an environmental assessment prepared in accordance with 21 CFR
25.40 under Sec. 1107.18(k). The burden for environmental reports has
been included in the burden per response for each type of SE Report.
FDA estimates receiving 239 SE Reports where applicants provide a
certification for some identical characteristics under Sec. Sec.
1107.18(g) and 1107.18(l)(2). We also estimate receiving 192 bundled SE
Reports where applicants provide a certification for some identical
characteristics under Sec. Sec. 1107.18(g) and 1107.18(l)(2) (other
than the initial SE Report in the bundle). FDA anticipates the burden
for an applicant to be generally the same if they submit bundled
submissions or individual applications as such, both are captured under
SE Report where applicant provides certification for identical
characteristics. We believe that the number of SE Reports that include
a certification will increase because applicants may certify that
certain characteristics are identical in the new tobacco product and
the predicate tobacco product. However, in the absence of specific
information on how many more applicants might choose to certify, we are
maintaining our previous estimates at this time. As certification
statements and additional guidance are given by the Agency within Form
FDA 3965, FDA expects applicants to submit less technical information.
As a result, we expect applicants total burden hours per applications
to decrease. Therefore, we have decreased the burden per response for
these SE Reports.
Manufacturers are required to submit SE Reports electronically
(Sec. 1107.62 (21 CFR 1107.62)). We estimate that it would initially
take about 45 minutes per product to fill out the Form FDA 3965.
However, for amendments, we estimate that filling out Form FDA 3965a
will take 10 minutes as applicants can copy and paste from the first
submission. Section 1107.62(b) also allows applicants to request a
waiver from the electronic format requirement. Based on experience
since implementing the Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA)
rule, FDA does not believe we will receive many waivers, so we have
decreased the number of respondents to five respondents to acknowledge
the option to submit a waiver. Consistent with our other application
estimates for waivers, we believe it would take 0.25 hours (15 minutes)
per waiver for a total of 1 hour.
FDA is revising this collection to include a new form (Form FDA
3965b) and a validator tool for Form FDA 3965b that will help
applicants submit information for their SE Reports in the correct
format. Form FDA 3965b assists industry and FDA in identifying the
products that are the subject of a submission, particularly where an
applicant groups multiple new tobacco products into a single
submission. This includes grouping products that are from the same
manufacturer or domestic importer and in the same product category and
subcategory into a single submission. FDA discussed bundled submissions
in the SE rule (86 FR 55224) and noted that FDA intends to consider
information on each new tobacco product and its corresponding predicate
tobacco product as a separate, individual SE Report as required under
Sec. 1107.18(c)(7), Sec. 1107.18(g), and Sec. 1107.19. By having the
identifying information for products contained in an SE Report be more
clearly organized within the required forms, FDA will be able to
process and review the applications contained in a grouped submission
more efficiently.
The form assists applicants in providing the unique identifying
information for each product in single and grouped submissions of SE
Reports. A respondent would utilize Form FDA
[[Page 93308]]
3965b once for each submission. We assume the submitter could include
from 1 to 2,000 products in each Form FDA 3965b. Entering data for up
to 2,000 rows can take approximately 4 hours on average per Form FDA
3965b for manual data entry. We reflect the average time of 60 minutes
per response based on the assumption that we expect to receive an
average of 25 bundled products per submission. Assuming 60 minutes per
Form FDA 3965b for 1,570 applications, we estimate a total burden of
1,570 hours for this activity.
The FDA Tobacco Product Grouping Spreadsheet Validator (Validator)
is a free software that validates the content of FDA product grouping
spreadsheets such as ``Form FDA 3965b--SE Unique Identification for New
and Predicate Tobacco Products.'' The Validator is available for
voluntary use by the tobacco industry (sponsors, manufacturers, and
importers) prior to submitting a product grouping spreadsheet to FDA.
The Validator allows industry users to validate product attributes
in their product grouping spreadsheet with the defined and accepted
product data standards and to make corrections as needed. If there are
no errors found in a spreadsheet, the Validator will produce a
certificate of completion that can be saved locally and included with
the applicants FDA submission voluntarily. If errors are found during
validation, the Validator will provide the applicants with the error at
the end of each impacted row of the spreadsheet, allowing applicants to
make necessary changes.
The software and any output files reside locally on an applicant's
computer, allowing them to work on the product grouping spreadsheet
offline. The Validator does not transmit any data across the web to
FDA. FDA does not have the ability to access, review, or supplement the
information on local computers through this application. We estimate
that use of the Validator will take an average of 5 minutes per
Table 2--Estimated Annual Recordkeeping Burden \1\
Number of Average burden
Activity; 21 CFR section Number of records per Total annual per Total hours
recordkeepers recordkeeper records recordkeeping
Recordkeeping SE Report under 471 1 471 5 2,355
\1\ There are no capital costs or operating and maintenance costs associated with this collection of
FDA estimates that 30 percent of SE Reports or 471 respondents will
maintain required records related to their SE Reports at 5 hours per
record for a total of 2,355 recordkeeping hours (table 2). The first SE
Report in a chain must use a tobacco product commercially marketed
(other than for test marketing) in the United States as of February 15,
2007, as a predicate product for the SE Report. Therefore, we believe
that manufacturers will have records on those ``original'' predicate
tobacco products from their initial SE Reports.
Our estimated burden for the information collection reflects an
overall increase of 69,010 hours and a corresponding increase of 2,905
responses/records. We attribute this to adding a new form, providing
the validator tool, and reevaluating our current estimates.
Dated: November 20, 2024.
P. Ritu Nalubola,
Associate Commissioner for Policy.
[FR Doc. 2024-27654 Filed 11-25-24; 8:45 am]