Texas: Incorporation by Reference of State Hazardous Waste Management Program, 92066-92075 [2024-26905]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 225 / Thursday, November 21, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Name of source
Permit No.
EPA approval
Bowen Steam-Electric
Generating Plant.
International Paper—Savannah.
Brunswick Cellulose LLC ..
3. In § 52.570(e), amend the table by
adding an entry for ‘‘Regional Haze
11/21/2024, [Insert first
page of Federal Register citation].
11/21/2024, [Insert first
page of Federal Register citation].
11/21/2024, [Insert first
page of Federal Register citation].
Plan—Second Planning Period’’ at the
end of the table to read as follows:
In Condition 6.2.52, the phrase ‘‘shall
use emissions factors’’ means ‘‘shall
use an emissions factor of 157 S lb/
(e) * * *
Name of nonregulatory SIP provision
Regional Haze Plan—Second Planning
geographic or
nonattainment area
Georgia ..................
[FR Doc. 2024–26977 Filed 11–20–24; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 272
[EPA–R06–RCRA–2021–0330; FRL–9522–
Texas: Incorporation by Reference of
State Hazardous Waste Management
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
This rule codifies in the
regulations the prior approval of Texas’
hazardous waste management program
and incorporates by reference
authorized provisions of the State’s
statutes and regulations. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
uses the regulations entitled ‘‘Approved
State Hazardous Waste Management
Programs’’ to provide notice of the
authorization status of State programs
and to incorporate by reference those
provisions of the State statutes and
regulations that are authorized and that
EPA will enforce under the Solid Waste
Disposal Act, commonly referred to as
the Resource Conservation and
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State submittal
EPA approval date
11/21/2024, [Insert first page of Federal
Register citation].
Recovery Act (RCRA). The EPA
previously provided notices and
opportunity for comments on the
Agency’s decisions to authorize the
State of Texas program and the EPA is
not now reopening the decisions, nor
requesting comments, on the Texas
authorizations as previously published
in the Federal Register documents
specified in Section I.C of this final rule
DATES: This regulation is effective on
December 23, 2024. The Director of the
Federal Register approves this
incorporation by reference as of
December 23, 2024, in accordance with
5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket ID
No. EPA–R06–RCRA–2021–0330. All
documents in the docket are listed on
the https://www.regulations.gov
website. Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly
available, e.g., Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, will be publicly
available only in hard copy. Publicly
available docket materials are available
electronically through https://
You can view and copy the
documents that form the basis for this
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codification and associated publicly
available materials from 8:30 a.m. to
4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at
the following location: EPA, Region 6,
1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Dallas,
Texas 75270, phone number: (214) 665–
8533. Interested persons wanting to
examine these documents should make
an appointment with the office.
Alima Patterson, EPA Region 6 Regional
Authorization/Codification Coordinator,
RCRA Permits and Solid Waste Section
(LCR–RP), Land, Chemicals and
Redevelopment Division, EPA Region 6,
1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Dallas,
Texas 75270, phone number: (214) 665–
8533, Email address: patterson.alima@
I. Incorporation by Reference
A. What is codification?
Codification is the process of placing
a State’s statutes and regulations that
comprise the State’s authorized
hazardous waste management program
into the Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR). Section 3006(b) of RCRA, as
amended, allows the EPA to authorize
State hazardous waste management
programs to operate in lieu of the
Federal hazardous waste management
regulatory program. The EPA codifies its
authorization of State programs in 40
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 225 / Thursday, November 21, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
CFR part 272 and incorporates by
reference State statutes and regulations
that the EPA will enforce under sections
3007 and 3008 of RCRA and any other
applicable statutory provisions.
The incorporation by reference of
State authorized programs in the CFR
should substantially enhance the
public’s ability to discern the current
status of the authorized State program
and State requirements that can be
federally enforced. This effort provides
clear notice to the public of the scope
of the authorized program in each State.
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B. Why wasn’t there a proposed rule
before this rule?
The EPA is publishing this rule to
codify Texas’ authorized hazardous
waste management program without a
prior proposal because we believe this
action is not controversial. The reason
being that, in accordance with section
3006(b) of RCRA, EPA has already
evaluated the State’s regulatory and
statutory requirements and has
determined that the State’s program
meets the statutory and regulatory
requirements established by RCRA. The
EPA previously provided notices and
opportunity for comments on the
Agency’s decisions to authorize the
Texas program. The EPA is not now
reopening the decisions, nor requesting
new comments, on the Texas
authorizations as previously published
in the Federal Register documents
specified in Section I.C of this final rule
document. The previous authorizations
form the basis for the codification
addressed in this final rule.
C. What is the history of the
authorization and codification of Texas’
hazardous waste management program?
The State of Texas initially received
final authorization on December 26,
1984 (49 FR 48300), to implement its
Base Hazardous Waste Management
Program. This authorization was
clarified in a notice published March
26, 1985 (50 FR 11858). Texas received
authorization for revisions to its
program, effective October 4, 1985 (51
FR 3952), February 17, 1987 (51 FR
45320), March 15, 1990 (55 FR 7318),
July 23, 1990 (55 FR 21383), October 21,
1991 (56 FR 41626), December 4, 1992
(57 FR 45719), June 27, 1994 (59 FR
16987), June 27, 1994 (59 FR 17273),
November 26, 1997 (62 FR 47947),
December 3, 1997 (62 FR 49163),
October 18, 1999 (64 FR 44836),
November 15, 1999 (64 FR 49673),
September 11, 2000 (65 FR 43246), June
14, 2005 (70 FR 34371), December 29,
2008, (73 FR 64252), and July 13, 2009
(74 FR 22469); March 7, 2011 (76 FR
12283), effective May 6, 2011; March 6,
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2012 (77 FR 13200), effective May 7,
2012; November 30, 2012 (77 FR 71344),
effective January 29, 2013; September 3,
2014 (79 FR 52220), effective November
3, 2014; October 21, 2015 (80 FR 63691),
effective December 21, 2015; December
28, 2015 (80 FR 80672), effective
February 26, 2016; April 10, 2020 (85
FR 20187), effective April 10, 2020; and
March 5, 2021 (86 FR 12834), effective
March 5, 2021.
The EPA incorporated by reference
Texas’ then authorized hazardous waste
program effective December 3, 1997 (62
FR 49163), November 15, 1999 (64 FR
49673), December 29, 2008 (73 FR
64252), May 6, 2011 (76 FR 12283),
January 29, 2013 (77 FR 71344), and
February 26, 2016 (80 FR 80672), and
April 10, 2020 (85 FR 20187).
In this document, EPA is revising
subpart SS of 40 CFR part 272 to
include the recent authorization
revision actions effective March 5, 2021
(86 FR 12834).
D. What codification decisions have we
made in this rule?
In this rule, the EPA is finalizing
regulatory text that includes
incorporation by reference of the
authorized hazardous waste
management program of the State of
Texas. In accordance with requirements
of 1 CFR 51.5, the EPA is finalizing the
incorporation by reference of the Texas
rules described in the amendments to 40
CFR part 272 set forth in section
272.2201. The EPA has made, and will
continue to make, these documents
available electronically through https://
www.regulations.gov and in hard copy
at the appropriate EPA office (see the
ADDRESSES section of this preamble for
more information).
The purpose of this document is to
codify Texas’ base hazardous waste
management program and the State’s
revisions to that program. This
document incorporates by reference
Texas’ hazardous waste statutes and
regulations and clarifies which of these
provisions are included in the
authorized and federally enforceable
program. By codifying Texas’ authorized
program and by amending the Code of
Federal Regulations, the public will be
more easily able to discern the status of
federally approved requirements of the
Texas hazardous waste management
The EPA is incorporating by reference
the Texas authorized hazardous waste
program in subpart SS of 40 CFR part
272. Section 272.2201(c)(1) incorporates
by reference Texas’ authorized
hazardous waste statutes and
regulations. Section 272.2201 also
references material which is not being
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incorporated by reference, but which
EPA considered in determining the
adequacy of Texas’ program. Section
272.2201(c)(2) references sections of the
Texas statutes which provide the legal
basis for the State’s implementation of
the hazardous waste management
program. In addition, §§ 272.2201(c)(5),
(6), and (7) reference the Memorandum
of Agreement, the Attorney General’s
Statements, and the Program
Description, respectively. These
documents are evaluated as part of the
hazardous waste management program
in accordance with subtitle C of RCRA
but are not part of the material to be
incorporated by reference.
State provisions that are ‘‘broader in
scope’’ than the Federal program are not
incorporated by reference in 40 CFR
part 272. For reference and clarity, the
EPA lists in 40 CFR 272.2201(c)(3) the
Texas statutory and regulatory
provisions that are ‘‘broader in scope’’
than the Federal program, and which
are not part of the authorized program
being incorporated by reference. While
‘‘broader in scope’’ provisions are not
part of the authorized program and
cannot be enforced by the EPA, the State
may enforce such provisions under
State law. At 40 CFR 272.2201(c)(4),
EPA lists amendments to Texas
regulations and Federal rules which are
not part of the Texas authorized
E. What is the effect of Texas’
codification on enforcement?
The EPA retains its authority under
statutory provisions, including but not
limited to, RCRA sections 3007, 3008,
3013, and 7003, and other applicable
statutory and regulatory provisions to
undertake inspections and enforcement
actions and to issue orders in authorized
States. With respect to these actions, the
EPA will rely on Federal sanctions,
Federal inspection authorities, and
Federal procedures rather than any
authorized State analogues to these
provisions. Therefore, the EPA is not
incorporating by reference such
particular, approved Texas procedural
and enforcement authorities. Section
272.2201(c)(2) of 40 CFR lists the
statutory and regulatory provisions
which provide the legal basis for the
State’s implementation of the hazardous
waste management program, as well as
those procedural and enforcement
authorities that are part of the State’s
approved program, but these are not
incorporated by reference.
F. What State provisions are not part of
the codification?
The public needs to be aware that
some provisions of Texas’ hazardous
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 225 / Thursday, November 21, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
waste management program are not part
of the federally authorized State
program. These non-authorized
provisions include:
(1) Provisions that are not part of the
RCRA subtitle C program because they
are ‘‘broader in scope’’ than RCRA
subtitle C (see 40 CFR 271.1(i));
(2) Federal rules for which Texas is
not authorized, but which have been
incorporated into the State regulations
because of the way the State adopted
Federal regulations by reference;
(3) Unauthorized amendments to
authorized State provisions;
(4) New unauthorized State
(5) Federal rules for which Texas is
authorized but which were vacated by
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Cir. No. 98–
1379 and 98–1379; June 27, 2014); and
(6) Federal rules which Texas adopted
but which were vacated by the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit (D.C. Cir. No. 09–
1038, rulings dated July 7, 2017 and
March 6, 2018).
State provisions that are ‘‘broader in
scope’’ than the Federal program are not
part of the RCRA authorized program
and the EPA will not enforce them.
Therefore, they are not incorporated by
reference in 40 CFR part 272. For
reference and clarity, 40 CFR
272.2201(c)(3) lists the Texas regulatory
provisions which are ‘‘broader in scope’’
than the Federal program and which are
not part of the authorized program being
incorporated by reference. ‘‘Broader in
scope’’ provisions cannot be enforced by
the EPA; the State, however, may
enforce such provisions under State
Additionally, Texas’ hazardous waste
regulations include amendments which
have not been authorized by the EPA.
Since the EPA cannot enforce a State’s
requirements which have not been
reviewed and authorized in accordance
with RCRA section 3006 and 40 CFR
part 271, it is important to be precise in
delineating the scope of a State’s
authorized hazardous waste program.
Regulatory provisions that have not
been authorized by the EPA include
amendments to previously authorized
State regulations as well as certain
Federal rules.
Texas has adopted but is not
authorized for the following Federal
rules published in the Federal Register
on December 31, 1985 (50 FR 53315);
January 21, 1986 (51 FR 2702);
September 22, 1986 (51 FR 33612);
October 5, 1990 (55 FR 40834); February
1, 1991 (56 FR 3978); February 13, 1991
(56 FR 5910); April 2, 1991 (56 FR
13406); May 1, 1991 (56 FR 19951); May
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13, 1991 (56 FR 21955); September 5,
1991 (56 FR 43874); September 19, 1994
(59 FR 47980); April 8, 1996 (61 FR
15660); April 12, 1996 (61 FR 16290);
April 30, 1996 (61 FR 19117); June 28,
1996 (61 FR 33680); July 10, 1996 (61
FR 36419); August 26, 1996 (61 FR
43924); February 19, 1997 (62 FR 7502);
June 8, 2000 (65 FR 36365); May 14,
2001 (66 FR 24270); July 3, 2001 (66 FR
35087); July 24, 2002 (67 FR 48393);
October 7, 2002 (67 FR 62618); April 26,
2004 (69 FR 22601); June 16, 2005 (70
FR 35032); January 8, 2010 (75 FR
1236); December 17, 2010 (75 FR
78918); and June 26, 2014 (79 FR
36220). Therefore, these Federal
amendments included in Texas’
adoption by reference at 30 Texas
Administrative Code (TAC) sections
335.1(146)(A)(iv), 335.27; 335.112(a)(1)
and (a)(4), 335.152(a)(1) and (a)(4),
335.431(c)(1) and (c)(3), and 335.504(1)
are not part of the State’s authorized
program and are not part of the
incorporation by reference addressed by
this document.
In those instances where Texas has
made unauthorized amendments to
previously authorized sections of State
code, the EPA is identifying in 40 CFR
272.2201(c)(4)(i) any regulations which,
while adopted by the State and
incorporated by reference, include
language not authorized by the EPA.
Those unauthorized portions of the
State regulations are not federally
enforceable. Thus, notwithstanding the
language in Texas hazardous waste
regulations incorporated by reference at
40 CFR 272.2201(c)(1), the EPA will
only enforce those portions of the State
regulations that are actually authorized
by the EPA. For the convenience of the
regulated community, the actual State
regulatory text authorized by the EPA
for the citations listed at 272.2201(c)(4)
(i.e., without the unauthorized
amendments) is compiled as a separate
document, Addendum to the EPA
Approved Texas Regulatory
Requirements Applicable to the
Hazardous Waste Management
Program, dated March, 2021. This
document is available from EPA Region
6, 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Dallas,
Texas 75270, phone number: (214) 665–
State regulations that are not
incorporated by reference in this rule at
40 CFR 272.2201(c)(1), or that are not
listed in 40 CFR 272.2201(c)(2) (‘‘legal
basis for the State’s implementation of
the hazardous waste management
program’’), 40 CFR 272.2201(c)(3)
(‘‘broader in scope’’) or 40 CFR
272.2201(c)(4) (‘‘unauthorized State
amendments’’), are considered new
unauthorized State requirements. These
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requirements are not federally
enforceable. After review and analysis
of the State’s regulations, the EPA has
notified the State to seek authorization
for the unauthorized rules that the State
has adopted and are documented in this
Federal Register document. The EPA
expects the State to include these rules
as part of their next Program Revision
Application package.
Texas has adopted and was
authorized for the following Federal
rules which have since been vacated by
the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District
of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Cir. No. 98–
1379 and 08–1144, respectively, June
27, 2014): (1) the Comparable Fuels
Exclusion at 40 CFR 261.4(a)(16) and
261.38 published in the Federal
Register on June 19, 1998 (63 FR 33782),
as amended on June 15, 2010 (75 FR
33712); and (2) the Gasification
Exclusion Rule published on January 2,
2008 (73 FR 57).
With respect to any requirement
pursuant to the Hazardous and Solid
Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA) for
which the State has not yet been
authorized, the EPA will continue to
enforce the Federal HSWA standards
until the State is authorized for these
G. What will be the effect of Federal
HSWA requirements on the
The EPA is not amending 40 CFR part
272 to include HSWA requirements and
prohibitions that are implemented by
EPA. Section 3006(g) of RCRA provides
that any HSWA requirement or
prohibition (including implementing
regulations) takes effect in authorized
and not authorized States at the same
time. A HSWA requirement or
prohibition supersedes any less
stringent or inconsistent State provision
which may have been previously
authorized by the EPA (50 FR 28702,
July 15, 1985). The EPA has the
authority to implement HSWA
requirements in all States, including
authorized States, until the States
become authorized for such requirement
or prohibition. Authorized States are
required to revise their programs to
adopt the HSWA requirements and
prohibitions, and then to seek
authorization for those revisions
pursuant to 40 CFR part 271.
Instead of amending the 40 CFR part
272 every time a new HSWA provision
takes effect under the authority of RCRA
section 3006(g), the EPA will wait until
the State receives authorization for its
analog to the new HSWA provision
before amending the State’s 40 CFR part
272 incorporation by reference. Until
then, persons wanting to know whether
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 225 / Thursday, November 21, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
a HSWA requirement or prohibition is
in effect should refer to 40 CFR 271.1(j),
as amended, which lists each such
Some existing State requirements may
be similar to the HSWA requirement
implemented by the EPA. However,
until the EPA authorizes those State
requirements, the EPA can only enforce
the HSWA requirements and not the
State analogs. The EPA will not codify
those State requirements until the State
receives authorization for those
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II. Environmental Justice
Executive Order 12898 (Federal
Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations, 59 FR 7629,
Feb. 16, 1994) directs federal agencies to
identify and address
‘‘disproportionately high and adverse
human health or environmental effects’’
of their actions on minority populations
and low-income populations to the
greatest extent practicable and
permitted by law. The EPA defines
environmental justice (EJ) as ‘‘the fair
treatment and meaningful involvement
of all people regardless of race, color,
national origin, or income with respect
to the development, implementation,
and enforcement of environmental laws,
regulations, and policies.’’ The EPA
further defines the term fair treatment to
mean that ‘‘no group of people should
bear a disproportionate burden of
environmental harms and risks,
including those resulting from the
negative environmental consequences of
industrial, governmental, and
commercial operations or programs and
policies.’’ 1
This rule codifies in the regulations
the prior approval of Texas’ hazardous
waste management program and
incorporates by reference authorized
provisions of the State’s statutes and
regulations. EPA is not now reopening
prior decisions. The incorporation by
reference of State authorized programs
in the CFR should enhance the public’s
ability to discern the current status of
the authorized State program and State
requirements that can be federally
enforced. This effort provides clear
notice to the public of the scope of the
authorized program in each State.
Therefore, we conclude that this final
rule does not have disproportionately
high or adverse human health or
environmental effects on communities
with environmental justice concerns.
1 https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/
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III. Statutory and Executive Order
The Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) has exempted this action from
the requirements of Executive Order
12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993)
and 13563 (76 FR 3821, January 21,
2011). This action incorporates by
reference Texas’ authorized hazardous
waste management regulations and
imposes no additional requirements
beyond those imposed by State law.
Therefore, this action is not subject to
review by OMB. This action is not an
Executive Order 13771 (82 FR 9339,
February 3, 2017) regulatory action
because actions such as this codification
of Texas’ revised hazardous waste
program under RCRA are exempted
under Executive Order 12866.
Accordingly, I certify that this action
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
entities under the Regulatory Flexibility
Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.). Because this
action incorporates by reference preexisting requirements under State law
and does not impose any additional
enforceable duty beyond that required
by State law, it does not contain any
unfunded mandate or significantly or
uniquely affect small governments, as
described in the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–
1538). For the same reason, this action
also does not significantly or uniquely
affect the communities of tribal
governments, as specified by Executive
Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9,
This action will not have substantial
direct effects on the States, on the
relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in
Executive Order 13132 (64 FR 43255,
August 10, 1999), because it merely
incorporates by reference existing State
hazardous waste management program
requirements as part of the State RCRA
hazardous waste management program
without altering the relationship or the
distribution of power and
responsibilities established by RCRA.
This action also is not subject to
Executive Order 13045 (62 FR 19885,
April 23, 1997), because it is not
economically significant and it does not
make decisions based on environmental
health or safety risks. This action is not
subject to Executive Order 13211,
‘‘Actions Concerning Regulations That
Significantly Affect Energy Supply
Distribution or Use’’ (66 FR 28344, May
22, 2001) because it is not a significant
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regulatory action under Executive Order
Under RCRA section 3006(b), EPA
grants a State’s application for
authorization as long as the State meets
the criteria required by RCRA. It would
thus be inconsistent with applicable law
for EPA, when it reviews a State
authorization application, to require the
use of any particular voluntary
consensus standard in place of another
standard that otherwise satisfies the
requirements of RCRA. The
requirements being codified are the
result of Texas’ voluntary participation
in the EPA’s State program
authorization process under RCRA
Subtitle C. Thus, the requirements of
section 10(d) of the National
Technology Transfer and Advancement
Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) do not
apply. As required by section 3 of
Executive Order 12988 (61 FR 4729,
February 7, 1996), in issuing this rule,
the EPA has taken the necessary steps
to eliminate drafting errors and
ambiguity, minimize potential litigation,
and provide a clear legal standard for
affected conduct. The EPA has complied
with Executive Order 12630 (53 FR
8859, March 15, 1988) by examining the
takings implications of the rule in
accordance with the ‘‘Attorney
General’s Supplemental Guidelines for
the Evaluation of Risk and Avoidance of
Unanticipated Takings’’ issued under
the executive order. This rule does not
impose an information collection
burden under the provisions of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.). ‘‘Burden’’ is
defined at 5 CFR 1320.3(b).
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629,
Feb. 16, 1994) establishes Federal
executive policy on environmental
justice. Because this rule codifies preexisting State rules which are at least
equivalent to, and no less stringent than
existing Federal requirements, and
imposes no additional requirements
beyond those imposed by State law, and
there are no anticipated significant
adverse human health or environmental
effects, the rule is not subject to
Executive Order 12898.
The Congressional Review Act, 5
U.S.C. 801–808, generally provides that
before a rule may take effect, the agency
promulgating the rule must submit a
rule report, which includes a copy of
the rule, to each House of the Congress
and to the Comptroller General of the
United States. The EPA will submit a
report containing this document and
other required information to the U.S.
Senate, the U.S. House of
Representatives, and the Comptroller
General of the United States prior to
publication in the Federal Register. A
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 225 / Thursday, November 21, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
major rule cannot take effect until 60
days after it is published in the Federal
Register. This action is not a ‘‘major
rule’’ as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2). This
action will be effective November 21,
2024 because it is a final rule.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 272
Environmental protection, Hazardous
materials transportation, Hazardous
waste, Incorporation by reference,
Intergovernmental relations, Water
pollution control, Water supply.
Authority: This notice is issued under
the authority of Sections 2002(a), 3006
and 7004(b) of the Solid Waste Disposal
Act as amended 42 U.S.C. 6912(a), 6926,
Dated: November 13, 2024.
Earthea Nance,
Regional Administrator, Region 6.
For the reasons set forth in the
preamble, the EPA is amending 40 CFR
part 272 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 272
continues to read as follows:
Authority: Sections 2002(a), 3006, and
7004(b) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act, as
amended by the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act of 1976, as amended, 42 U.S.C.
6912(a), 6926, and 6974(b).
2. Revise § 272.2201 to read as
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§ 272.2201 Texas State-Administered
program: Final authorization.
(a) History of the State of Texas
authorization. Pursuant to section
3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), the
EPA granted Texas final authorization
for the following elements as submitted
to EPA in Texas’ Base program
application for final authorization
which was approved by EPA effective
on December 26, 1984. Subsequent
program revision applications were
approved effective on October 4, 1985,
February 17, 1987, March 15, 1990, July
23, 1990, October 21, 1991, December 4,
1992, June 27, 1994, November 26,
1997, December 3, 1997, October 18,
1999, November 15, 1999, September
11, 2000, June 14, 2005, December 29,
2008, July 13, 2009, May 6, 2011, May
7, 2012, January 9, 2013, November 3,
2014, December 21, 2015, February 26,
2016, April 10, 2020, and March 5,
(b) Enforcement authority. The State
of Texas has primary responsibility for
enforcing its hazardous waste
management program. However, EPA
retains the authority to exercise its
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inspection and enforcement authorities
in accordance with sections 3007, 3008,
3013, 7003 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6927,
6928, 6934, 6973, and any other
applicable statutory and regulatory
provisions, regardless of whether the
State has taken its own actions, as well
as in accordance with other statutory
and regulatory provisions.
(c) State statutes and regulations—(1)
Incorporation by reference. The Texas
statutes and regulations cited in
paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section are
incorporated by reference as part of the
hazardous waste management program
under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C.
6921 et seq. This incorporation by
reference is approved by the Director of
the Federal Register in accordance with
5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. You
may obtain copies of the Texas statutes
and regulations that are incorporated by
reference in this paragraph from
Thomson Reuters, 610 Opperman Drive,
Eagan, MN 55123; Phone: 1–888–728–
7677; website: https://legalsolutions.
thomsonreuters.com. You may inspect a
copy at EPA Region 6, 1201 Elm Street,
Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75270, Phone
number: (214) 665–8533, or at the
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For
information on the availability of this
material at NARA, email fr.inspection@
nara.gov, or go to: https://
(i) ‘‘EPA-Approved Texas Statutory
and Regulatory Requirements
Applicable to the Hazardous Waste
Management Program’’, dated March
(ii) [Reserved]
(2) Legal basis. The following
provisions provide the legal basis for the
State’s implementation of the hazardous
waste management program, but they
are not being incorporated by reference
and do not replace Federal authorities:
(i) Texas Health and Safety Code
(THSC) Annotated, (Vernon, 2016);
Chapter 361, The Texas Solid Waste
Disposal Act (TSWDA), sections
361.002, 361.016, 361.017, 361.018,
361.0215(b)(2) and (b)(3), 361.023,
361.024, 361.029, 361.032, 361.033,
361.035, 361.036, 361.037(a), 361.061,
361.063, 361.0635, 361.064, 361.0641,
361.066(b) and (c), 361.0666, 361.068,
361.069, 361.078, 361.079, 361.0791,
361.080, 361.081, 361.082 (except
361.082(a) and (f)), 361.083, 361.084,
361.085, 361.0861(c), 361.0871(b),
361.088, 361.0885, 361.089, 361.095(b)(f), 361.096, 361.097, 361.098,
361.099(a), 361.100, 361.101, 361.102
through 361.109, 361.113, 361.114,
361.116, 361.271 through 361.275,
361.301, 361.321(a) and (b), 361.321(c)
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(except the phrase ‘‘Except as provided
by Section 361.322(a)’’), 361.321(d),
361.321(e) (except the phrase ‘‘Except as
provided by Section 361.322(e)’’),
361.451, 361.501 through 361.506, and
361.509(a) introductory paragraph,
(a)(11), (b), (c) introductory paragraph,
and (c)(2); Chapter 371, Texas Used Oil
Collection, Management, and Recycling
Act, sections 371.0025(b) and (c),
371.024(a), (c) and (d), 371.026(a) and
(b), and 371.028.
(ii) Texas Water Code (TWC), as
amended effective September 1, 2017:
Chapter 5, sections 5.102 through 5.105,
5.112, 5.177, 5.351, 5.501 through 5.505,
5.509 through 5.512, 5.515, 5.551
through 5.556, and 5.557; Chapter 7,
sections 7.031, 7.032, 7.051(a), 7.052(a),
7.052(c) and (d), 7.053 through 7.062,
7.064 through 7.069, 7.075, 7.101, 7.102,
7.104, 7.105, 7.107, 7.110, 7.162, 7.163,
7.176, 7.187(a), 7.189, 7.190, 7.252(1),
7.351, 7.3511, 7.353; Chapter 26,
sections 26.001(13), 26.011, 26.020
through 26.022, 26.039, and 26.341
through 26.367; and Chapter 27,
sections 27.003, 27.017(a), 27.018(a)–
(d), and 27.019.
(iii) Texas Government Code as
amended effective September 1, 2017,
section 311.027.
(iv) Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, as
amended effective September 1, 2017,
Rule 60.
(v) Texas Administrative Code (TAC),
Title 30, Environmental Quality, 2017,
as amended, effective through December
31, 2016:
(A) Chapter 10; Chapter 39, sections
39.5(g) and (h), 39.11, 39.13 (except
(10)), 39.103 (except (f) and (h)),
39.403(b)(1), 39.405(f)(1), 39.411 (except
(b)(4)(B), (b)(10), (b)(11), and (b)(13)),
39.413 (except (10)), 39.420 (except (c)
and (d)), 39.503 (except the reference to
39.405(h) in (d) introductory paragraph,
and (g)), and 39.801 through 39.810;
(B) Chapter 50, sections 50.13, 50.19,
50.39, 50.113 (except (d)), 50.117(f),
50.119, 50.133, and 50.139;
(C) Chapter 55, sections 55.25(a) and
(b), 55.27 (except (b)), 55.152(a)(4),
55.152(b), 55.154, 55.156 (except (d)–
(g)), 55.201 (except as applicable to
contested case hearings), and 55.211
(except as applicable to contested case
(D) Chapter 70, section 70.10;
(E) Chapter 281, sections 281.1
(except the clause ‘‘except as provided
by . . . Prioritization Process’’), 281.2
introductory paragraph and (4), 281.3(a)
and (b), 281.5 (except the clause
‘‘Except as provided by . . . Discharge
Permits)’’ and the phrases ‘‘subsurface
area drip dispersal systems’’ and
‘‘radioactive material’’ in the
introductory paragraph), 281.17(d)
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 225 / Thursday, November 21, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
(except the references to radioactive
material licenses), 281.17(e) and (f),
281.18(a) (except for the sentence ‘‘For
applications for radioactive . . . within
thirty days.’’), 281.19(a) (except the last
sentence), 281.19(b) (except the phrase
‘‘Except as provided in subsection (c) of
this section’’), 281.20, 281.21(a) (except
‘‘and 32’’ and the phrase ‘‘and the Texas
Radiation Control Act.’’), 281.21(b),
281.21(c) (except the phrase
‘‘radioactive materials,’’ in 281.21(c)(2)),
281.21(d), 281.22(a) (except the phrase
‘‘For applications for radioactive . . . to
deny the license.’’), 281.22(b) (except
the phrase ‘‘or an injection well,’’ in the
first sentence and the phrase ‘‘For
underground injection wells . . . the
same facility or activity.’’), 281.23(a),
and 281.24;
(F) Chapter 305, sections, 305.29,
305.30, 305.64(d) and (f), 305.66(c),
305.66(e) (except for the last sentence),
305.66(f)–(l), 305.123 (except the
phrases ‘‘and 32’’ and ‘‘and 401’’),
305.125(1) and (3), 305.125(20),
305.127(1)(B)(i), 305.127(4)(A) and (C),
305.127(6), 305.401 (except the text
‘‘§ 55.21 of this title (relating to Requests
for Contested Case Hearings, Public
Comment)’’ at (b), and 305.401(c)); and
(G) Chapter 335, sections 335.2(b),
335.43(b), 335.206, 335.391 through
(3) Related legal provisions. The
following statutory and regulatory
provisions are broader in scope than the
Federal program, are not part of the
authorized program, and are not
incorporated by reference:
(i) Texas Health and Safety Code
(THSC) Annotated, (Vernon, 2016):
Chapter 361, The Texas Solid Waste
Disposal Act (TSWDA), sections
361.131 through 361.140; Chapter 371,
Texas Used Oil Collection,
Management, and Recycling Act,
sections 371.021, 371.022, 371.024(e),
371.0245, 371.0246, 371.025, and
(ii) Texas Administrative Code (TAC),
Title 30, Environmental Quality, 2017,
as amended, effective through December
31, 2016: Chapter 305, sections 305.53,
305.64(b)(4), and 305.69(b)(1)(A) (as it
relates to the Application Fee); Chapter
335, sections 335.1(146) ‘‘Solid waste’’
(a)(iv) introductory paragraph (IBR of 40
CFR 261.4(a)(24)), 335.18(a)(6),
335.19(d), 335.27 (IBR of 40 CFR
260.43(a)(4)), 335.321 through 335.332,
Appendices I and II, and 335.401
through 335.412.
(4) Unauthorized state amendments
and provisions. (i) The following
authorized provisions of the Texas
regulations include amendments
published in the Texas Register that are
not approved by EPA. Such
unauthorized amendments are not part
of the State’s authorized program and
are, therefore, not Federally enforceable.
Thus, notwithstanding the language in
the Texas hazardous waste regulations
incorporated by reference at paragraph
(c)(1)(i) of this section, EPA will enforce
the State provisions that are actually
authorized by EPA. The effective dates
of the State’s authorized provisions are
listed in the Table below. The actual
State regulatory text authorized by EPA
(i.e., without the unauthorized
amendments) is available as a separate
document, Addendum to the EPAApproved Texas Regulatory and
Statutory Requirements Applicable to
the Hazardous Waste Management
Program, dated March 2021. Copies of
the document can be obtained from EPA
Region 6, 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500,
Dallas, TX 75270.
Effective date
of authorized
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
State provision
(December 31, 2016)
335.6(a) ...................................................................
335.6(c) introductory paragraph .............................
335.6(g) ...................................................................
335.24(b) introductory paragraph ...........................
335.24(c) introductory paragraph ...........................
335.45(b) .................................................................
335.204(a)(1) ..........................................................
335.204(b)(1) ..........................................................
335.204(b)(6) ..........................................................
335.204(c)(1) ..........................................................
335.204(d)(1) ..........................................................
335.204(e)(6) ..........................................................
(ii) Texas has partially or fully
adopted, but is not authorized to
implement, the Federal rules that are
listed in the following table. The EPA
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Unauthorized State amendments
Texas Register reference
2799 ....................................................
12060 ..................................................
10878 ..................................................
8010 ....................................................
2709 ....................................................
3722 ....................................................
1425 ....................................................
2400 ....................................................
12060 ..................................................
10878 ..................................................
9135 ....................................................
3814 ....................................................
12060 ..................................................
10878 ..................................................
10983 ..................................................
10878 ..................................................
970 ......................................................
10983 ..................................................
10878 ..................................................
970 ......................................................
5017 ....................................................
6065 ....................................................
6065 ....................................................
6065 ....................................................
6065 ....................................................
6065 ....................................................
6065 ....................................................
will continue to implement the Federal
HSWA requirements for which Texas is
not authorized until the State receives
specific authorization for those
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Effective date
requirements. The EPA will not enforce
the non-HSWA Federal rules although
they may be enforceable under State
law. For those Federal rules that contain
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 225 / Thursday, November 21, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
both HSWA and non-HSWA
requirements, the EPA will enforce only
the HSWA portions of the rules.
Federal Register
Federal requirement
Listing of Spent Solvents (HSWA) (Checklist 20 and Rule 20.1) ...........................................
Listing of Spent Pickle Liquor (Non-HSWA) (Checklist Rule 26.1) .........................................
Toxicity Characteristic; Hydrocarbon Recovery Operations (HSWA) (Checklist 80 and
Rules 80.1 and 80.2).
Toxicity Characteristic; Chlorofluorocarbon Refrigerants (HSWA) (Checklist 84) ...................
Administrative Stay for K069 Listing (Non-HSWA) (Checklist 88) ..........................................
Revision to the Petroleum Refining Primary and Secondary Oil/Water/Solids Separation
Sludge Listings (HSWA) (Checklist 89).
Coke Oven Administrative Stay (HSWA) (Checklist 98) .........................................................
Hazardous Waste Management System; Testing and Monitoring Activities, Land Disposal
Restrictions Correction (HSWA) (Checklist Rule 126.1).
Land Disposal Restrictions Phase III—Decharacterized Wastewaters, Carbamate Wastes,
and Spent Potliners (HSWA) (Checklist Rules 151.1, 151.2, 151.3, 151.4, 151.5, and
Organobromine Production Wastes; Petroleum Refining Wastes; Identification and Listing
of Hazardous Waste; Land Disposal Restrictions (HSWA) (Checklist 187).
Hazardous Air Pollutant Standards; Technical Corrections (Non-HSWA) (Checklist Rules
188.1 and 188.2.
Zinc Fertilizers Made from Recycled Hazardous Secondary Materials (HSWA and NonHSWA) (Checklist 200).
Land Disposal Restrictions: National Treatment Variance to Designate New Treatment
Subcategories for Radioactively Contaminated Cadmium, Mercury-Containing Batteries
and Silver-Containing Batteries (HSWA) (Checklist 201).
NESHAP: Surface Coating of Automobiles and Light-Duty Trucks (Non-HSWA) (Checklist
Non-wastewaters from Dyes and Pigments Correction (HSWA) (Checklist Rule 206.1) .......
Removal of Saccharin and Its Salts from the Lists of Hazardous Constituents (Non-HSWA)
(Checklist Rule 225).
Hazardous Waste Technical Corrections and Clarifications Rule (Non-HSWA) (Checklist
Revisions to the Export Provisions of the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Rule (HSWA) (Checklist 232).
(iii) The Federal rules listed in the
table below are not delegable to States.
Texas has adopted these provisions and
Publication date
53315 .....................
2702 .......................
33612 .....................
40834 .....................
3978 .......................
13406 .....................
5910 .......................
19951 .....................
21955 .....................
December 31, 1985.
January 21, 1986.
September 22, 1986.
October 5, 1990.
February 1, 1991.
April 2, 1991.
56 FR 5910.
May 1, 1991.
May 13, 1991.
56 FR 43874 .....................
59 FR 47980 .....................
September 5, 1991.
September 19, 1994.
April 8, 1996.
April 30, 1996.
June 28, 1996.
July 10, 1996.
August 26, 1996.
February 19, 1997.
June 8, 2000.
15660 .....................
19117 .....................
33680 .....................
36419 .....................
43924 .....................
7502 .......................
36365 .....................
66 FR 24270 .....................
66 FR 35087 .....................
67 FR 48393 .....................
May 14, 2001.
July 3, 2001.
July 24, 2002.
67 FR 62618 .....................
October 7, 2002.
69 FR 22601 .....................
April 26, 2004.
70 FR 35032 .....................
75 FR 78918 .....................
June 16, 2005.
December 17, 2010.
77 FR 22229 .....................
April 13, 2012.
79 FR 36220 .....................
June 26, 2014.
left the authority to the EPA for
implementation and enforcement.
TABLE 3 TO PARAGRAPH (c)(4)(iii)
Federal Register
Federal requirement
Imports and Exports of Hazardous Waste: Implementation of OECD Council Decision
(HSWA) (Checklist 152).
OECD Requirements; Export Shipments of Spent Lead-Acid Batteries (Non-HSWA)
(Checklist 222).
Publication date
61 FR 16290 .....................
April 12, 1996.
75 FR 1236 .......................
January 8, 2010.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
(iv) Texas has chosen not to adopt,
and is not authorized to implement, the
following optional Federal rules:
Federal Register
Federal requirement
Storage, Treatment, Transportation and Disposal of Mixed Waste (Non-HSWA) (Checklist
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66 FR 27218 .....................
Publication date
May 16, 2001.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 225 / Thursday, November 21, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
TABLE 4 TO PARAGRAPH (c)(4)(iv)—Continued
Federal requirement
Federal Register
Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing Waste Identification and Listing (HSWA/Non-HSWA)
(Checklist Rule 195.1).
Revisions to the Definition of Solid Waste (Non-HSWA) (Checklist 219) ...............................
Expansion of RCRA Comparable Fuel Exclusion (Non-HSWA) (Checklist 221) ....................
Withdrawal of the Emission Comparable Fuel Exclusion (Non-HSWA) (Checklist 224) ........
67 FR 17119 .....................
April 9, 2002.
73 FR 64668 .....................
73 FR 77954 .....................
73 FR 33712 .....................
October 30, 2008.
December 19, 2008.
June 15, 2010.
(5) Vacated Federal rules. (i) Texas
adopted and was authorized for the
following Federal rules which have
since been vacated by the U.S. Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia
Publication date
Circuit (D.C. Cir. No. 98–1379 and 08–
1144, respectively; June 27, 2014):
Federal Register
Federal requirement
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Hazardous Waste Combustors; Revised Standards (HSWA) (Checklist 168—40 CFR
261.4(a)(16) and 261.38 only).
Exclusion of Oil-Bearing Secondary Materials Processed in a Gasification System to
Produce Synthesis Gas (Checklist 216—Definition of ‘‘Gasification’’ at 40 CFR 260.10
and amendment to 40 CFR 261.4(a)(12)(i)).
(ii) Texas has adopted the following
Federal provisions from the Revisions to
the Definition of Solid Waste Rule (80
FR 1694); January 13, 2015, which have
since been vacated by the United States
Court of Appeals for the District of
Columbia Circuit (Am. Petroleum Inst.
v. EPA, 862 F.3d 50 (D.C. Cir. 2017) and
Am. Petroleum Inst. v. EPA, No. 09–
1038 (D.C. Cir. Mar. 6, 2018):
(A) one criterion in the determination
of whether recycling is legitimate at 40
CFR 260.43(a)(4);
(B) one criterion related to the
management of hazardous secondary
materials at verified recycler facilities at
40 CFR 260.30(f);
(C) one criterion in the variance
determination for exceptions to the
classification of hazardous secondary
materials as a solid waste (at 40 CFR
260.31(d)(6)); and
(D) the verified recycler exclusion,
which allowed generators to send their
hazardous secondary materials to
certain reclaimers at 40 CFR
(6) Memorandum of Agreement. The
Memorandum of Agreement between
EPA Region 6 and the State of Texas
was signed by the Executive Director of
the Texas Commission on
Environmental Quality (TCEQ) on
December 20, 2011, and by the EPA
Regional Administrator on February 17,
2012. The 2012 Memorandum of
Agreement was re-certified by the
Executive Director of the TCEQ on
March 26, 2015, and the EPA Regional
Administrator on September 30, 2015,
and is referenced as part of the
authorized hazardous waste
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63 FR 33782 .....................
June 19, 1998.
73 FR 57 ...........................
January 2, 2008.
management program under Subtitle C
of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.
(7) Statement of legal authority.
‘‘Attorney General’s Statement for Final
Authorization’’, signed by the Attorney
General of Texas on May 22, 1984 and
revisions, supplements, and addenda to
that Statement dated November 21,
1986, July 21, 1988, December 4, 1989,
April 11, 1990, July 31, 1991, February
25, 1992, November 30, 1992, March 8,
1993, January 7, 1994, August 9, 1996,
October 16, 1996, as amended February
7, 1997, March 11, 1997, January 5,
1999, November 2, 1999, March 1, 2002,
July 16, 2008, December 6, 2011,
February 22, 2013, June 10, 2016, and
July 9, 2020 are referenced as part of the
authorized hazardous waste
management program under Subtitle C
of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.
(8) Program Description. The Program
Description and any other materials
submitted as part of the original
application or as supplements thereto
are referenced as part of the authorized
hazardous waste management program
under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C.
6921 et seq.
■ 3. Appendix A to part 272 is amended
by revising the listing for ‘‘Texas’’ to
read as follows:
Appendix A to Part 272—State
The statutory provisions include:
Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC)
Annotated, (Vernon, 2016): Chapter 361, The
Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, sections
361.003 (except (3), (6), (11), (14), (14–a),
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Publication date
(15), (18–a), (19), (27), (33), (35), (37), and
(39)), 361.019(a), 361.0235, 361.066(a),
361.082(a) and (f), 361.086, 361.087,
361.0871(a), 361.094, 361.095(a), 361.099(b),
and 361.110; Chapter 371, The Texas Used
Oil Collection, Management, and Recycling
Act, sections 371.003, 371.024(b), 371.026(d),
and 371.041.
Copies of the Texas statutes that are
incorporated by reference are available from
Thomson Reuters, 610 Opperman Drive,
Eagan, MN 55123; Phone: 1–888–728–7677;
website: https://legalsolutions.
The regulatory provisions include:
Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30,
Environmental Quality, 2017, as amended,
effective through December 31, 2016. Please
note that for some provisions, the authorized
versions are found in the TAC, Title 30,
Environmental Quality, as amended effective
January 1, 1994, January 1, 1997, December
31, 1999, December 31, 2001, December 31,
December 31, 2014, or January 8, 2015.
Texas made subsequent changes to these
provisions, but these changes have not been
authorized by EPA. Where the provisions are
taken from regulations other than those
effective December 31, 2016, notations are
made below.
Chapter 3, Section 3.2(25) ‘‘Person’’;
Chapter 20, Section 20.15; Chapter 35,
Section 35.402(e); Chapter 37, Sections 37.1
through 37.81, 37.100 through 37.161, 37.200
through 37.281, 37.301 through 37.381,
37.400 through 37.411, 37.501 through
37.551, 37.601 through 37.671, and 37.6001
through 37.6041; Chapter 281, Section
Chapter 305, Subchapter A—General
Provisions, Sections 305.1(a) (except the
reference to Chapter 401, relative to
Radioactive Materials); 305.2 introductory
paragraph (except the references to THSC
sections 401.003 and 401.004, relative to
Radioactive Materials and the reference to
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 225 / Thursday, November 21, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
TWC 32.002); 305.2(1), (6), (11), (12), (14),
(15), (19), (20), (24), (26), (27), (28), (31), and
(40)–(42); 305.3;
Chapter 305, Subchapter C—Application
for Permit or Post-Closure Order, Sections
305.41 (except the reference to Chapter 401,
relative to Radioactive Materials and the
reference to TWC Chapter 32); 305.42(a), (b),
(d), and (f); 305.43(b); 305.44 (except (d));
305.45 (except (a)(7)(I) and (J) and reference
to ‘‘and for a Post-closure order’’ at
305.45(a)(8)(C)); 305.47; 305.50(a)
introductory paragraph—(a)(3) (except the
last two sentences in 305.50(a)(2));
305.50(a)(4) (December 31, 2012);
305.50(a)(5)–(a)(8); 305.50(a)(13)–(a)(16);
305.50(b); 305.51;
Chapter 305, Subchapter D—Amendments,
Renewals, Transfers, Corrections, Revocation,
and Suspension of Permits, Sections 305.61;
305.62(a) (except the phrase in the first
sentence ‘‘under § 305.70 of this title . . .
Solid Waste Class I Modifications)’’ and the
fifth sentence ‘‘If the permittee requests a
modification of a municipal solid waste
permit . . . § 305.70 of this title.’’); 305.62(b);
305.62(c) introductory paragraph (except the
phrase ‘‘other than . . . subsection (i) of this
section’’); 305.62(c)(1); 305.62(c)(2)
introductory paragraph; 305.62(c)(2)(A)
(except the phrase ‘‘except for Texas
Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(TPDES) permits,’’); 305.62(c)(2)(B) (except
the phrase ‘‘except for TPDES permits’’);
305.62(d) (except (d)(6)); 305.62(e)–(h);
305.63(a) (except the last sentence of (a)(3),
and (a)(7)); 305.64(a); 305.64(b) (except (b)(4)
and (b)(5)); 305.64(c) and (e); 305.64(g);
305.65; 305.66(a) (except (a)(7)–(a)(9));
305.66(d); 305.67(a) and (b); 305.69(a);
305.69(b) (except the phrases ‘‘Additional
Contents of Application for an Injection Well
Permit’’ and ‘‘Waste Containing Radioactive
Materials; and Application Fee’’ at (b)(1)(A));
305.69(c); 305.69(d) (except (d)(7));
305.69(e)–(h); 305.69(i)(3) and (i)(4);
305.69(j); 305.69(k) (except (k) A.8–A.10);
Chapter 305, Subchapter F—Permit
Characteristics and Conditions, Sections
305.121 (except the phrases ‘‘radioactive
material disposal’’ and ‘‘subsurface area drip
dispersal systems’’); 305.122 (except (e));
305.124; 305.125 introductory paragraph;
305.125(2) and (4); 305.125(5) (except the
second sentence); 305.125(6)–(8); 305.125(9)
(except (9)(C)); 305.125(10) (except the
phrases ‘‘and 32’’ and ‘‘and 401.603’’);
305.125(11) (except the phrase ‘‘as otherwise
required by Chapter 336 of this title’’ relative
to Radioactive Substances in (11)(B));
305.125(12)–(19), and (21); 305.127
introductory paragraph; 305.127(1)(B)(iii);
305.127(1)(E) and (F); 305.127(2);
305.127(3)(A) (except the last two sentences);
305.127(3)(B) and (C); 305.127(4)(B);
305.127(5)(C); 305.128;
Chapter 305, Subchapter G—Additional
Conditions for Hazardous and Industrial
Solid Waste Storage, Processing, or Disposal
Permits, Sections 305.141 through 305.145;
Chapter 305, Subchapter I—Hazardous
Waste Incinerator Permits, Sections 305.171
through 305.176;
Chapter 305, Subchapter J—Permits for
Land Treatment Demonstrations Using Field
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Tests or Laboratory Analyses, Sections
305.181 through 305.184;
Chapter 305, Subchapter K—Research,
Development, and Demonstration Permits,
Sections 305.191 through 305.194;
Chapter 305, Subchapter L—Groundwater
Compliance Plan, Section 305.401(c);
Chapter 305, Subchapter Q—Permits for
Boilers and Industrial Furnaces Burning
Hazardous Waste, Sections 305.571 through
Chapter 305, Subchapter R—Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act Standard
Permits for Storage and Treatment Units,
Sections 305.650 through 305.661;
Chapter 324, Subchapter A—Used Oil
Recycling, Sections 324.1; 324.2 (except
324.2(2)); 324.3 (except 324.3(5)); 324.4;
324.6; 324.7; 324.11 through 324.16; 324.21;
Chapter 335, Subchapter A—Industrial
Solid Waste and Municipal Hazardous Waste
in General, Sections 335.1 introductory
paragraph—(4), (6)–(12), (16)–(19), (21)–(23),
(27), (28), (30)–(35), (38), (40), (42)–(51), (52)
(except for the phrase ‘‘or is used for
neutralizing the pH of non-hazardous
industrial solid waste’’), (54)–(59), (61)–(65),
(67), (68), (70), (71), (73)–(82), (84)–(120)
(except the phrase ‘‘solid waste or’’ at (94),
(95), (96), (99), (100), and (105)), (122)–(124)
(except the phrase ‘‘solid waste or’’ at (122)),
(128)–(134) (except two instances of the
phrase ‘‘solid waste or’’ at (129)), (136),
(138)–(142), (144)–(146)(A)(iii), (146)(A)(iv)
introductory paragraph (except the last
sentence and the IBR of 40 CFR 261.4(a)(24)),
(146)(B)–(G) (except the phrase ‘‘Except for
materials described in subparagraph (H) of
this paragraph.’’ at (D) and (G) introductory
paragraphs), (146)(I)–(K), (147), (148), (150)–
(160) (except the phrase ‘‘solid waste or’’ at
(153), (156) and (158)), (161)–(165) (except
the phrase ‘‘or industrial solid’’ at (161),
(164), and (165)), (167)–(180) (except two
instances of the phrase ‘‘solid waste or’’ at
(170)), (181) (except the phrase ‘‘or industrial
solid’’ at (181)(B)), (182)–(184), and (185)
(except two instances of the phrase ‘‘solid
waste or’’); 335.2 (except (b), (d), (h), (k) and
(n)); 335.4; 335.5 (except (d)); 335.6(a);
335.6(b) (January 1, 1997); 335.6(c); 335.6(d)
(except the last sentence) (January 1, 1994);
335.6(e) (January 1, 1994); 335.6(f) and (g);
335.6(h) (except the third sentence); 335.6(i)
and (j); 335.7; 335.8(a)(1) and (2); 335.9(a)
(except (a)(2) and (3)); 335.9(a)(2) and (3)
(January 1, 1997); 335.9(b) (January 1, 1994);
335.10(a) and (b); 335.11(a); 335.12(a);
335.13(a) (January 1, 1997); 335.13(c) and (d)
(January 1, 1994); 335.13(e) and (f) (January
1, 1997); 335.13(g) (January 1, 1994);
335.13(k); 335.14; 335.15 introductory
paragraph (January 1, 1994); 335.15(1);
335.15(3) (except two references to ‘‘Class 1
waste’’ at introductory paragraph); 335.17(a);
335.18(a) (except (a)(6); 335.19 (except
335.19(d) and (e)); 335.20 through 335.23(1);
335.23(2) (January 1, 1994); 335.24(a)–(f);
335.24(m) and (n); 335.26; 335.27 (except the
IBR of 40 CFR 260.43(a)(4)); 335.29 (except
335.29(3)); 335.29(3) (December 31, 2014);
335.30 through 335.32;
Chapter 335, Subchapter B—Hazardous
Waste Management General Provisions,
Sections 335.41(a)–(c); 335.41(d)
PO 00000
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introductory paragraph and (d)(2)–(4);
335.41(d)(1) (December 31, 2001); 335.41(e)–
(j); 335.43(a); 335.44; 335.45; 335.47 (except
(b) and second sentence in (c)(3)); 335.47(b)
(December 31, 1999);
Chapter 335, Subchapter C—Standards
Applicable to Generators of Hazardous
Waste, Sections 335.61 (except (f)); 335.62;
335.63; 335.65 through 335.68; 335.69
(except ‘‘and (n)’’ in (a) introductory
paragraph, (i), and (n)); 335.70; 335.71;
335.73 through 335.75; 335.76 (except (h));
335.77; 335.78(a); 335.78(b) (January 1, 1997);
335.78(c); 335.78(d) (except (d)(2)); 335.78(e)
introductory paragraph (January 1, 1997);
335.78(e)(1) and (2); 335.78(f) (except
335.78(f)(2)); 335.78(f)(2) (January 1, 1997);
335.78(g) (except (g)(2)); 335.78(g)(2) (January
1, 1997); 335.78(h)–(j); 335.79;
Chapter 335, Subchapter D—Standards
Applicable to Transporters of Hazardous
Waste, Sections 335.91 (except (e)); 335.92;
335.93 (except (e)); 335.93(e) (December 31,
1999); 335.94;
Chapter 335, Subchapter E—Interim
Standards for Owners and Operators of
Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or
Disposal Facilities, Sections 335.111; 335.112
(except (a)(17)); 335.113; 335.115 through
Chapter 335, Subchapter F—Permitting
Standards for Owners and Operators of
Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or
Disposal Facilities, Sections 335.151 through
335.153; 335.155 through 335.179;
Chapter 335, Subchapter G—Location
Standards for Hazardous Waste Storage,
Processing, or Disposal, Sections 335.201(a)
(except (a)(3)); 335.201(c); 335.202
introductory paragraph; 335.202(2), (4), (9)–
(11), (13), and (15)–(18); 335.203; 335.204(a)
introductory paragraph—(a)(5);
335.204(b)(1)–(6); 335.204(c)(1)–(5);
335.204(d)(1)–(5); 335.204(e) introductory
paragraph; 335.204(e)(1) introductory
paragraph (except the phrase ‘‘Except as . . .
(B) of this paragraph,’’ and the word ‘‘event’’
at the end of the paragraph); 335.204(e)(2)–
(7); 335.204(f); 335.205(a) introductory
paragraph—(a)(2) and (e);
Chapter 335, Subchapter H—Standards for
the Management of Specific Wastes and
Specific Types of Facilities, Sections 335.211
through 335.214; 335.221 through 335.225;
335.241(except (b)(4)); 335.251; 335.261
(except (e)); 335.271; 335.272;
Chapter 335, Subchapter O—Land Disposal
Restrictions, Section 335.431;
Chapter 335, Subchapter R—Waste
Classification, Sections 335.504 (except (2));
335.504(2) (January 8, 2015, 40 TexReg 77;
August 22, 2014 proposed rule, 39 TexReg
Chapter 335, Subchapter U, Standards for
Owners and Operators of Hazardous Waste
Facilities Operating Under a Standard
Permit, Sections 601 and 602;
Chapter 335, Subchapter V, Standards for
Reclamation of Hazardous Secondary
Materials, Sections 701 through 706.
Copies of the Texas regulations that are
incorporated by reference are available from
Thomson Reuters, 610 Opperman Drive,
Eagan, MN 55123; Phone: 1–888–728–7677;
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 225 / Thursday, November 21, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
website: https://legalsolutions.
Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).
In addition, the direct final rule codifies
the EPA’s approval and incorporates by
reference those provisions of the State
statutes and regulations that the EPA
has determined meet the requirements
for approval. This document corrects
inadvertent errors introduced in
preparing the amendatory regulatory
text for publication. These corrections
do not include any substantive changes
to the direct final rule.
[FR Doc. 2024–26905 Filed 11–20–24; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 282
[EPA–R04–UST–2024–0279; FRL–12181–
North Carolina: Final Approval of State
Underground Storage Tank Program
Revisions, Codification, and
Incorporation by Reference; Correction
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Direct final rule; correction.
The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is issuing a correction to
a direct final rule that was published in
the Federal Register on Tuesday,
October 1, 2024, which will be effective
on December 2, 2024. In the direct final
rule, the EPA is approving revisions to
the State of North Carolina’s
Underground Storage Tank Program
under subtitle I of the Resource
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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The correction is effective
December 2, 2024.
The EPA has established a
docket for this action under Docket ID
No. EPA–R04–UST–2024–0279. All
documents in the docket are listed on
the https://www.regulations.gov
website. Although listed in the index,
some information is not publicly
available, e.g., CBI or other information
whose disclosure is restricted by statute.
Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, is not placed on
the internet and will be publicly
available only in hard copy form.
Publicly available docket materials are
available electronically through https://
PO 00000
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Upendra Giri, RCRA Programs and
Cleanup Branch, Land, Chemicals, and
Redevelopment Division, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency,
Region 4, Atlanta Federal Center, 61
Forsyth Street SW, Atlanta, Georgia
30303–8960; Phone number: (404) 562–
8185; email address: giri.upendra@
epa.gov. Please contact Upendra Giri by
phone or email for further information.
2024–22541 appearing at 89 FR 79756
in the Federal Register of Tuesday,
October 1, 2024, the following
corrections are made:
§ 282.83
In § 282.83(d)(1), beginning in the first
column of page 79761 and ending in the
third column of page 79762, correct the
paragraph level designation for each of
the 5th level paragraphs from nonitalicized Arabic numerals to italicized
Arabic numerals.
Dated: November 15, 2024.
César A. Zapata,
Acting Deputy Regional Administrator,
Region 4.
[FR Doc. 2024–27123 Filed 11–20–24; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 225 (Thursday, November 21, 2024)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 92066-92075]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-26905]
40 CFR Part 272
[EPA-R06-RCRA-2021-0330; FRL-9522-01-R6]
Texas: Incorporation by Reference of State Hazardous Waste
Management Program
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: This rule codifies in the regulations the prior approval of
Texas' hazardous waste management program and incorporates by reference
authorized provisions of the State's statutes and regulations. The
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses the regulations entitled
``Approved State Hazardous Waste Management Programs'' to provide
notice of the authorization status of State programs and to incorporate
by reference those provisions of the State statutes and regulations
that are authorized and that EPA will enforce under the Solid Waste
Disposal Act, commonly referred to as the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA). The EPA previously provided notices and
opportunity for comments on the Agency's decisions to authorize the
State of Texas program and the EPA is not now reopening the decisions,
nor requesting comments, on the Texas authorizations as previously
published in the Federal Register documents specified in Section I.C of
this final rule document.
DATES: This regulation is effective on December 23, 2024. The Director
of the Federal Register approves this incorporation by reference as of
December 23, 2024, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part
ADDRESSES: The EPA has established a docket for this action under
Docket ID No. EPA-R06-RCRA-2021-0330. All documents in the docket are
listed on the https://www.regulations.gov website. Although listed in
the index, some information is not publicly available, e.g.,
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as
copyrighted material, will be publicly available only in hard copy.
Publicly available docket materials are available electronically
through https://www.regulations.gov.
You can view and copy the documents that form the basis for this
codification and associated publicly available materials from 8:30 a.m.
to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, at the following location: EPA,
Region 6, 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75270, phone
number: (214) 665-8533. Interested persons wanting to examine these
documents should make an appointment with the office.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alima Patterson, EPA Region 6 Regional
Authorization/Codification Coordinator, RCRA Permits and Solid Waste
Section (LCR-RP), Land, Chemicals and Redevelopment Division, EPA
Region 6, 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75270, phone
number: (214) 665-8533, Email address: [email protected].
I. Incorporation by Reference
A. What is codification?
Codification is the process of placing a State's statutes and
regulations that comprise the State's authorized hazardous waste
management program into the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Section
3006(b) of RCRA, as amended, allows the EPA to authorize State
hazardous waste management programs to operate in lieu of the Federal
hazardous waste management regulatory program. The EPA codifies its
authorization of State programs in 40
[[Page 92067]]
CFR part 272 and incorporates by reference State statutes and
regulations that the EPA will enforce under sections 3007 and 3008 of
RCRA and any other applicable statutory provisions.
The incorporation by reference of State authorized programs in the
CFR should substantially enhance the public's ability to discern the
current status of the authorized State program and State requirements
that can be federally enforced. This effort provides clear notice to
the public of the scope of the authorized program in each State.
B. Why wasn't there a proposed rule before this rule?
The EPA is publishing this rule to codify Texas' authorized
hazardous waste management program without a prior proposal because we
believe this action is not controversial. The reason being that, in
accordance with section 3006(b) of RCRA, EPA has already evaluated the
State's regulatory and statutory requirements and has determined that
the State's program meets the statutory and regulatory requirements
established by RCRA. The EPA previously provided notices and
opportunity for comments on the Agency's decisions to authorize the
Texas program. The EPA is not now reopening the decisions, nor
requesting new comments, on the Texas authorizations as previously
published in the Federal Register documents specified in Section I.C of
this final rule document. The previous authorizations form the basis
for the codification addressed in this final rule.
C. What is the history of the authorization and codification of Texas'
hazardous waste management program?
The State of Texas initially received final authorization on
December 26, 1984 (49 FR 48300), to implement its Base Hazardous Waste
Management Program. This authorization was clarified in a notice
published March 26, 1985 (50 FR 11858). Texas received authorization
for revisions to its program, effective October 4, 1985 (51 FR 3952),
February 17, 1987 (51 FR 45320), March 15, 1990 (55 FR 7318), July 23,
1990 (55 FR 21383), October 21, 1991 (56 FR 41626), December 4, 1992
(57 FR 45719), June 27, 1994 (59 FR 16987), June 27, 1994 (59 FR
17273), November 26, 1997 (62 FR 47947), December 3, 1997 (62 FR
49163), October 18, 1999 (64 FR 44836), November 15, 1999 (64 FR
49673), September 11, 2000 (65 FR 43246), June 14, 2005 (70 FR 34371),
December 29, 2008, (73 FR 64252), and July 13, 2009 (74 FR 22469);
March 7, 2011 (76 FR 12283), effective May 6, 2011; March 6, 2012 (77
FR 13200), effective May 7, 2012; November 30, 2012 (77 FR 71344),
effective January 29, 2013; September 3, 2014 (79 FR 52220), effective
November 3, 2014; October 21, 2015 (80 FR 63691), effective December
21, 2015; December 28, 2015 (80 FR 80672), effective February 26, 2016;
April 10, 2020 (85 FR 20187), effective April 10, 2020; and March 5,
2021 (86 FR 12834), effective March 5, 2021.
The EPA incorporated by reference Texas' then authorized hazardous
waste program effective December 3, 1997 (62 FR 49163), November 15,
1999 (64 FR 49673), December 29, 2008 (73 FR 64252), May 6, 2011 (76 FR
12283), January 29, 2013 (77 FR 71344), and February 26, 2016 (80 FR
80672), and April 10, 2020 (85 FR 20187).
In this document, EPA is revising subpart SS of 40 CFR part 272 to
include the recent authorization revision actions effective March 5,
2021 (86 FR 12834).
D. What codification decisions have we made in this rule?
In this rule, the EPA is finalizing regulatory text that includes
incorporation by reference of the authorized hazardous waste management
program of the State of Texas. In accordance with requirements of 1 CFR
51.5, the EPA is finalizing the incorporation by reference of the Texas
rules described in the amendments to 40 CFR part 272 set forth in
section 272.2201. The EPA has made, and will continue to make, these
documents available electronically through https://www.regulations.gov
and in hard copy at the appropriate EPA office (see the ADDRESSES
section of this preamble for more information).
The purpose of this document is to codify Texas' base hazardous
waste management program and the State's revisions to that program.
This document incorporates by reference Texas' hazardous waste statutes
and regulations and clarifies which of these provisions are included in
the authorized and federally enforceable program. By codifying Texas'
authorized program and by amending the Code of Federal Regulations, the
public will be more easily able to discern the status of federally
approved requirements of the Texas hazardous waste management program.
The EPA is incorporating by reference the Texas authorized
hazardous waste program in subpart SS of 40 CFR part 272. Section
272.2201(c)(1) incorporates by reference Texas' authorized hazardous
waste statutes and regulations. Section 272.2201 also references
material which is not being incorporated by reference, but which EPA
considered in determining the adequacy of Texas' program. Section
272.2201(c)(2) references sections of the Texas statutes which provide
the legal basis for the State's implementation of the hazardous waste
management program. In addition, Sec. Sec. 272.2201(c)(5), (6), and
(7) reference the Memorandum of Agreement, the Attorney General's
Statements, and the Program Description, respectively. These documents
are evaluated as part of the hazardous waste management program in
accordance with subtitle C of RCRA but are not part of the material to
be incorporated by reference.
State provisions that are ``broader in scope'' than the Federal
program are not incorporated by reference in 40 CFR part 272. For
reference and clarity, the EPA lists in 40 CFR 272.2201(c)(3) the Texas
statutory and regulatory provisions that are ``broader in scope'' than
the Federal program, and which are not part of the authorized program
being incorporated by reference. While ``broader in scope'' provisions
are not part of the authorized program and cannot be enforced by the
EPA, the State may enforce such provisions under State law. At 40 CFR
272.2201(c)(4), EPA lists amendments to Texas regulations and Federal
rules which are not part of the Texas authorized program.
E. What is the effect of Texas' codification on enforcement?
The EPA retains its authority under statutory provisions, including
but not limited to, RCRA sections 3007, 3008, 3013, and 7003, and other
applicable statutory and regulatory provisions to undertake inspections
and enforcement actions and to issue orders in authorized States. With
respect to these actions, the EPA will rely on Federal sanctions,
Federal inspection authorities, and Federal procedures rather than any
authorized State analogues to these provisions. Therefore, the EPA is
not incorporating by reference such particular, approved Texas
procedural and enforcement authorities. Section 272.2201(c)(2) of 40
CFR lists the statutory and regulatory provisions which provide the
legal basis for the State's implementation of the hazardous waste
management program, as well as those procedural and enforcement
authorities that are part of the State's approved program, but these
are not incorporated by reference.
F. What State provisions are not part of the codification?
The public needs to be aware that some provisions of Texas'
[[Page 92068]]
waste management program are not part of the federally authorized State
program. These non-authorized provisions include:
(1) Provisions that are not part of the RCRA subtitle C program
because they are ``broader in scope'' than RCRA subtitle C (see 40 CFR
(2) Federal rules for which Texas is not authorized, but which have
been incorporated into the State regulations because of the way the
State adopted Federal regulations by reference;
(3) Unauthorized amendments to authorized State provisions;
(4) New unauthorized State requirements;
(5) Federal rules for which Texas is authorized but which were
vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia
Circuit (D.C. Cir. No. 98-1379 and 98-1379; June 27, 2014); and
(6) Federal rules which Texas adopted but which were vacated by the
U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Cir.
No. 09-1038, rulings dated July 7, 2017 and March 6, 2018).
State provisions that are ``broader in scope'' than the Federal
program are not part of the RCRA authorized program and the EPA will
not enforce them. Therefore, they are not incorporated by reference in
40 CFR part 272. For reference and clarity, 40 CFR 272.2201(c)(3) lists
the Texas regulatory provisions which are ``broader in scope'' than the
Federal program and which are not part of the authorized program being
incorporated by reference. ``Broader in scope'' provisions cannot be
enforced by the EPA; the State, however, may enforce such provisions
under State law.
Additionally, Texas' hazardous waste regulations include amendments
which have not been authorized by the EPA. Since the EPA cannot enforce
a State's requirements which have not been reviewed and authorized in
accordance with RCRA section 3006 and 40 CFR part 271, it is important
to be precise in delineating the scope of a State's authorized
hazardous waste program. Regulatory provisions that have not been
authorized by the EPA include amendments to previously authorized State
regulations as well as certain Federal rules.
Texas has adopted but is not authorized for the following Federal
rules published in the Federal Register on December 31, 1985 (50 FR
53315); January 21, 1986 (51 FR 2702); September 22, 1986 (51 FR
33612); October 5, 1990 (55 FR 40834); February 1, 1991 (56 FR 3978);
February 13, 1991 (56 FR 5910); April 2, 1991 (56 FR 13406); May 1,
1991 (56 FR 19951); May 13, 1991 (56 FR 21955); September 5, 1991 (56
FR 43874); September 19, 1994 (59 FR 47980); April 8, 1996 (61 FR
15660); April 12, 1996 (61 FR 16290); April 30, 1996 (61 FR 19117);
June 28, 1996 (61 FR 33680); July 10, 1996 (61 FR 36419); August 26,
1996 (61 FR 43924); February 19, 1997 (62 FR 7502); June 8, 2000 (65 FR
36365); May 14, 2001 (66 FR 24270); July 3, 2001 (66 FR 35087); July
24, 2002 (67 FR 48393); October 7, 2002 (67 FR 62618); April 26, 2004
(69 FR 22601); June 16, 2005 (70 FR 35032); January 8, 2010 (75 FR
1236); December 17, 2010 (75 FR 78918); and June 26, 2014 (79 FR
36220). Therefore, these Federal amendments included in Texas' adoption
by reference at 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) sections
335.1(146)(A)(iv), 335.27; 335.112(a)(1) and (a)(4), 335.152(a)(1) and
(a)(4), 335.431(c)(1) and (c)(3), and 335.504(1) are not part of the
State's authorized program and are not part of the incorporation by
reference addressed by this document.
In those instances where Texas has made unauthorized amendments to
previously authorized sections of State code, the EPA is identifying in
40 CFR 272.2201(c)(4)(i) any regulations which, while adopted by the
State and incorporated by reference, include language not authorized by
the EPA. Those unauthorized portions of the State regulations are not
federally enforceable. Thus, notwithstanding the language in Texas
hazardous waste regulations incorporated by reference at 40 CFR
272.2201(c)(1), the EPA will only enforce those portions of the State
regulations that are actually authorized by the EPA. For the
convenience of the regulated community, the actual State regulatory
text authorized by the EPA for the citations listed at 272.2201(c)(4)
(i.e., without the unauthorized amendments) is compiled as a separate
document, Addendum to the EPA Approved Texas Regulatory Requirements
Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program, dated March,
2021. This document is available from EPA Region 6, 1201 Elm Street,
Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75270, phone number: (214) 665-8533.
State regulations that are not incorporated by reference in this
rule at 40 CFR 272.2201(c)(1), or that are not listed in 40 CFR
272.2201(c)(2) (``legal basis for the State's implementation of the
hazardous waste management program''), 40 CFR 272.2201(c)(3) (``broader
in scope'') or 40 CFR 272.2201(c)(4) (``unauthorized State
amendments''), are considered new unauthorized State requirements.
These requirements are not federally enforceable. After review and
analysis of the State's regulations, the EPA has notified the State to
seek authorization for the unauthorized rules that the State has
adopted and are documented in this Federal Register document. The EPA
expects the State to include these rules as part of their next Program
Revision Application package.
Texas has adopted and was authorized for the following Federal
rules which have since been vacated by the U.S. Court of Appeals for
the District of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Cir. No. 98-1379 and 08-1144,
respectively, June 27, 2014): (1) the Comparable Fuels Exclusion at 40
CFR 261.4(a)(16) and 261.38 published in the Federal Register on June
19, 1998 (63 FR 33782), as amended on June 15, 2010 (75 FR 33712); and
(2) the Gasification Exclusion Rule published on January 2, 2008 (73 FR
With respect to any requirement pursuant to the Hazardous and Solid
Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA) for which the State has not yet been
authorized, the EPA will continue to enforce the Federal HSWA standards
until the State is authorized for these provisions.
G. What will be the effect of Federal HSWA requirements on the
The EPA is not amending 40 CFR part 272 to include HSWA
requirements and prohibitions that are implemented by EPA. Section
3006(g) of RCRA provides that any HSWA requirement or prohibition
(including implementing regulations) takes effect in authorized and not
authorized States at the same time. A HSWA requirement or prohibition
supersedes any less stringent or inconsistent State provision which may
have been previously authorized by the EPA (50 FR 28702, July 15,
1985). The EPA has the authority to implement HSWA requirements in all
States, including authorized States, until the States become authorized
for such requirement or prohibition. Authorized States are required to
revise their programs to adopt the HSWA requirements and prohibitions,
and then to seek authorization for those revisions pursuant to 40 CFR
part 271.
Instead of amending the 40 CFR part 272 every time a new HSWA
provision takes effect under the authority of RCRA section 3006(g), the
EPA will wait until the State receives authorization for its analog to
the new HSWA provision before amending the State's 40 CFR part 272
incorporation by reference. Until then, persons wanting to know whether
[[Page 92069]]
a HSWA requirement or prohibition is in effect should refer to 40 CFR
271.1(j), as amended, which lists each such provision.
Some existing State requirements may be similar to the HSWA
requirement implemented by the EPA. However, until the EPA authorizes
those State requirements, the EPA can only enforce the HSWA
requirements and not the State analogs. The EPA will not codify those
State requirements until the State receives authorization for those
II. Environmental Justice Considerations
Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions To Address Environmental
Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations, 59 FR 7629,
Feb. 16, 1994) directs federal agencies to identify and address
``disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental
effects'' of their actions on minority populations and low-income
populations to the greatest extent practicable and permitted by law.
The EPA defines environmental justice (EJ) as ``the fair treatment and
meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color,
national origin, or income with respect to the development,
implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and
policies.'' The EPA further defines the term fair treatment to mean
that ``no group of people should bear a disproportionate burden of
environmental harms and risks, including those resulting from the
negative environmental consequences of industrial, governmental, and
commercial operations or programs and policies.'' \1\
\1\ https://www.epa.gov/environmentaljustice/learn-about-environmental-justice.
This rule codifies in the regulations the prior approval of Texas'
hazardous waste management program and incorporates by reference
authorized provisions of the State's statutes and regulations. EPA is
not now reopening prior decisions. The incorporation by reference of
State authorized programs in the CFR should enhance the public's
ability to discern the current status of the authorized State program
and State requirements that can be federally enforced. This effort
provides clear notice to the public of the scope of the authorized
program in each State. Therefore, we conclude that this final rule does
not have disproportionately high or adverse human health or
environmental effects on communities with environmental justice
III. Statutory and Executive Order Reviews
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has exempted this action
from the requirements of Executive Order 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4,
1993) and 13563 (76 FR 3821, January 21, 2011). This action
incorporates by reference Texas' authorized hazardous waste management
regulations and imposes no additional requirements beyond those imposed
by State law. Therefore, this action is not subject to review by OMB.
This action is not an Executive Order 13771 (82 FR 9339, February 3,
2017) regulatory action because actions such as this codification of
Texas' revised hazardous waste program under RCRA are exempted under
Executive Order 12866. Accordingly, I certify that this action will not
have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
entities under the Regulatory Flexibility Act (5 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).
Because this action incorporates by reference pre-existing requirements
under State law and does not impose any additional enforceable duty
beyond that required by State law, it does not contain any unfunded
mandate or significantly or uniquely affect small governments, as
described in the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531-
1538). For the same reason, this action also does not significantly or
uniquely affect the communities of tribal governments, as specified by
Executive Order 13175 (65 FR 67249, November 9, 2000).
This action will not have substantial direct effects on the States,
on the relationship between the national government and the States, or
on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various
levels of government, as specified in Executive Order 13132 (64 FR
43255, August 10, 1999), because it merely incorporates by reference
existing State hazardous waste management program requirements as part
of the State RCRA hazardous waste management program without altering
the relationship or the distribution of power and responsibilities
established by RCRA.
This action also is not subject to Executive Order 13045 (62 FR
19885, April 23, 1997), because it is not economically significant and
it does not make decisions based on environmental health or safety
risks. This action is not subject to Executive Order 13211, ``Actions
Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply
Distribution or Use'' (66 FR 28344, May 22, 2001) because it is not a
significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866.
Under RCRA section 3006(b), EPA grants a State's application for
authorization as long as the State meets the criteria required by RCRA.
It would thus be inconsistent with applicable law for EPA, when it
reviews a State authorization application, to require the use of any
particular voluntary consensus standard in place of another standard
that otherwise satisfies the requirements of RCRA. The requirements
being codified are the result of Texas' voluntary participation in the
EPA's State program authorization process under RCRA Subtitle C. Thus,
the requirements of section 10(d) of the National Technology Transfer
and Advancement Act of 1995 (15 U.S.C. 272 note) do not apply. As
required by section 3 of Executive Order 12988 (61 FR 4729, February 7,
1996), in issuing this rule, the EPA has taken the necessary steps to
eliminate drafting errors and ambiguity, minimize potential litigation,
and provide a clear legal standard for affected conduct. The EPA has
complied with Executive Order 12630 (53 FR 8859, March 15, 1988) by
examining the takings implications of the rule in accordance with the
``Attorney General's Supplemental Guidelines for the Evaluation of Risk
and Avoidance of Unanticipated Takings'' issued under the executive
order. This rule does not impose an information collection burden under
the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.). ``Burden'' is defined at 5 CFR 1320.3(b).
Executive Order 12898 (59 FR 7629, Feb. 16, 1994) establishes
Federal executive policy on environmental justice. Because this rule
codifies pre-existing State rules which are at least equivalent to, and
no less stringent than existing Federal requirements, and imposes no
additional requirements beyond those imposed by State law, and there
are no anticipated significant adverse human health or environmental
effects, the rule is not subject to Executive Order 12898.
The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801-808, generally provides
that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating the rule
must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, to each
House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the United
States. The EPA will submit a report containing this document and other
required information to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of
Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior
to publication in the Federal Register. A
[[Page 92070]]
major rule cannot take effect until 60 days after it is published in
the Federal Register. This action is not a ``major rule'' as defined by
5 U.S.C. 804(2). This action will be effective November 21, 2024
because it is a final rule.
List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 272
Environmental protection, Hazardous materials transportation,
Hazardous waste, Incorporation by reference, Intergovernmental
relations, Water pollution control, Water supply.
Authority: This notice is issued under the authority of Sections
2002(a), 3006 and 7004(b) of the Solid Waste Disposal Act as amended 42
U.S.C. 6912(a), 6926, 6974(b).
Dated: November 13, 2024.
Earthea Nance,
Regional Administrator, Region 6.
For the reasons set forth in the preamble, the EPA is amending 40
CFR part 272 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 272 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Sections 2002(a), 3006, and 7004(b) of the Solid
Waste Disposal Act, as amended by the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act of 1976, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 6912(a), 6926, and
2. Revise Sec. 272.2201 to read as follows:
Sec. 272.2201 Texas State-Administered program: Final authorization.
(a) History of the State of Texas authorization. Pursuant to
section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), the EPA granted Texas final
authorization for the following elements as submitted to EPA in Texas'
Base program application for final authorization which was approved by
EPA effective on December 26, 1984. Subsequent program revision
applications were approved effective on October 4, 1985, February 17,
1987, March 15, 1990, July 23, 1990, October 21, 1991, December 4,
1992, June 27, 1994, November 26, 1997, December 3, 1997, October 18,
1999, November 15, 1999, September 11, 2000, June 14, 2005, December
29, 2008, July 13, 2009, May 6, 2011, May 7, 2012, January 9, 2013,
November 3, 2014, December 21, 2015, February 26, 2016, April 10, 2020,
and March 5, 2021.
(b) Enforcement authority. The State of Texas has primary
responsibility for enforcing its hazardous waste management program.
However, EPA retains the authority to exercise its inspection and
enforcement authorities in accordance with sections 3007, 3008, 3013,
7003 of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6927, 6928, 6934, 6973, and any other
applicable statutory and regulatory provisions, regardless of whether
the State has taken its own actions, as well as in accordance with
other statutory and regulatory provisions.
(c) State statutes and regulations--(1) Incorporation by reference.
The Texas statutes and regulations cited in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this
section are incorporated by reference as part of the hazardous waste
management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.
This incorporation by reference is approved by the Director of the
Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
You may obtain copies of the Texas statutes and regulations that are
incorporated by reference in this paragraph from Thomson Reuters, 610
Opperman Drive, Eagan, MN 55123; Phone: 1-888-728-7677; website:
https://legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com. You may inspect a copy at
EPA Region 6, 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Dallas, Texas 75270, Phone
number: (214) 665-8533, or at the National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this
material at NARA, email [email protected], or go to: https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/ibr-locations.html.
(i) ``EPA-Approved Texas Statutory and Regulatory Requirements
Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program'', dated March
(ii) [Reserved]
(2) Legal basis. The following provisions provide the legal basis
for the State's implementation of the hazardous waste management
program, but they are not being incorporated by reference and do not
replace Federal authorities:
(i) Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) Annotated, (Vernon, 2016);
Chapter 361, The Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act (TSWDA), sections
361.002, 361.016, 361.017, 361.018, 361.0215(b)(2) and (b)(3), 361.023,
361.024, 361.029, 361.032, 361.033, 361.035, 361.036, 361.037(a),
361.061, 361.063, 361.0635, 361.064, 361.0641, 361.066(b) and (c),
361.0666, 361.068, 361.069, 361.078, 361.079, 361.0791, 361.080,
361.081, 361.082 (except 361.082(a) and (f)), 361.083, 361.084,
361.085, 361.0861(c), 361.0871(b), 361.088, 361.0885, 361.089,
361.095(b)-(f), 361.096, 361.097, 361.098, 361.099(a), 361.100,
361.101, 361.102 through 361.109, 361.113, 361.114, 361.116, 361.271
through 361.275, 361.301, 361.321(a) and (b), 361.321(c) (except the
phrase ``Except as provided by Section 361.322(a)''), 361.321(d),
361.321(e) (except the phrase ``Except as provided by Section
361.322(e)''), 361.451, 361.501 through 361.506, and 361.509(a)
introductory paragraph, (a)(11), (b), (c) introductory paragraph, and
(c)(2); Chapter 371, Texas Used Oil Collection, Management, and
Recycling Act, sections 371.0025(b) and (c), 371.024(a), (c) and (d),
371.026(a) and (b), and 371.028.
(ii) Texas Water Code (TWC), as amended effective September 1,
2017: Chapter 5, sections 5.102 through 5.105, 5.112, 5.177, 5.351,
5.501 through 5.505, 5.509 through 5.512, 5.515, 5.551 through 5.556,
and 5.557; Chapter 7, sections 7.031, 7.032, 7.051(a), 7.052(a),
7.052(c) and (d), 7.053 through 7.062, 7.064 through 7.069, 7.075,
7.101, 7.102, 7.104, 7.105, 7.107, 7.110, 7.162, 7.163, 7.176,
7.187(a), 7.189, 7.190, 7.252(1), 7.351, 7.3511, 7.353; Chapter 26,
sections 26.001(13), 26.011, 26.020 through 26.022, 26.039, and 26.341
through 26.367; and Chapter 27, sections 27.003, 27.017(a), 27.018(a)-
(d), and 27.019.
(iii) Texas Government Code as amended effective September 1, 2017,
section 311.027.
(iv) Texas Rules of Civil Procedure, as amended effective September
1, 2017, Rule 60.
(v) Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30, Environmental
Quality, 2017, as amended, effective through December 31, 2016:
(A) Chapter 10; Chapter 39, sections 39.5(g) and (h), 39.11, 39.13
(except (10)), 39.103 (except (f) and (h)), 39.403(b)(1), 39.405(f)(1),
39.411 (except (b)(4)(B), (b)(10), (b)(11), and (b)(13)), 39.413
(except (10)), 39.420 (except (c) and (d)), 39.503 (except the
reference to 39.405(h) in (d) introductory paragraph, and (g)), and
39.801 through 39.810;
(B) Chapter 50, sections 50.13, 50.19, 50.39, 50.113 (except (d)),
50.117(f), 50.119, 50.133, and 50.139;
(C) Chapter 55, sections 55.25(a) and (b), 55.27 (except (b)),
55.152(a)(4), 55.152(b), 55.154, 55.156 (except (d)-(g)), 55.201
(except as applicable to contested case hearings), and 55.211 (except
as applicable to contested case hearings);
(D) Chapter 70, section 70.10;
(E) Chapter 281, sections 281.1 (except the clause ``except as
provided by . . . Prioritization Process''), 281.2 introductory
paragraph and (4), 281.3(a) and (b), 281.5 (except the clause ``Except
as provided by . . . Discharge Permits)'' and the phrases ``subsurface
area drip dispersal systems'' and ``radioactive material'' in the
introductory paragraph), 281.17(d)
[[Page 92071]]
(except the references to radioactive material licenses), 281.17(e) and
(f), 281.18(a) (except for the sentence ``For applications for
radioactive . . . within thirty days.''), 281.19(a) (except the last
sentence), 281.19(b) (except the phrase ``Except as provided in
subsection (c) of this section''), 281.20, 281.21(a) (except ``and 32''
and the phrase ``and the Texas Radiation Control Act.''), 281.21(b),
281.21(c) (except the phrase ``radioactive materials,'' in
281.21(c)(2)), 281.21(d), 281.22(a) (except the phrase ``For
applications for radioactive . . . to deny the license.''), 281.22(b)
(except the phrase ``or an injection well,'' in the first sentence and
the phrase ``For underground injection wells . . . the same facility or
activity.''), 281.23(a), and 281.24;
(F) Chapter 305, sections, 305.29, 305.30, 305.64(d) and (f),
305.66(c), 305.66(e) (except for the last sentence), 305.66(f)-(l),
305.123 (except the phrases ``and 32'' and ``and 401''), 305.125(1) and
(3), 305.125(20), 305.127(1)(B)(i), 305.127(4)(A) and (C), 305.127(6),
305.401 (except the text ``Sec. 55.21 of this title (relating to
Requests for Contested Case Hearings, Public Comment)'' at (b), and
305.401(c)); and
(G) Chapter 335, sections 335.2(b), 335.43(b), 335.206, 335.391
through 335.393.
(3) Related legal provisions. The following statutory and
regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program,
are not part of the authorized program, and are not incorporated by
(i) Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) Annotated, (Vernon, 2016):
Chapter 361, The Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act (TSWDA), sections
361.131 through 361.140; Chapter 371, Texas Used Oil Collection,
Management, and Recycling Act, sections 371.021, 371.022, 371.024(e),
371.0245, 371.0246, 371.025, and 371.026(c).
(ii) Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30, Environmental
Quality, 2017, as amended, effective through December 31, 2016: Chapter
305, sections 305.53, 305.64(b)(4), and 305.69(b)(1)(A) (as it relates
to the Application Fee); Chapter 335, sections 335.1(146) ``Solid
waste'' (a)(iv) introductory paragraph (IBR of 40 CFR 261.4(a)(24)),
335.18(a)(6), 335.19(d), 335.27 (IBR of 40 CFR 260.43(a)(4)), 335.321
through 335.332, Appendices I and II, and 335.401 through 335.412.
(4) Unauthorized state amendments and provisions. (i) The following
authorized provisions of the Texas regulations include amendments
published in the Texas Register that are not approved by EPA. Such
unauthorized amendments are not part of the State's authorized program
and are, therefore, not Federally enforceable. Thus, notwithstanding
the language in the Texas hazardous waste regulations incorporated by
reference at paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, EPA will enforce the
State provisions that are actually authorized by EPA. The effective
dates of the State's authorized provisions are listed in the Table
below. The actual State regulatory text authorized by EPA (i.e.,
without the unauthorized amendments) is available as a separate
document, Addendum to the EPA-Approved Texas Regulatory and Statutory
Requirements Applicable to the Hazardous Waste Management Program,
dated March 2021. Copies of the document can be obtained from EPA
Region 6, 1201 Elm Street, Suite 500, Dallas, TX 75270.
Table 1 to Paragraph (c)(4)(i)
Effective date of Unauthorized State amendments
State provision (December 31, 2016) authorized -------------------------------------------------
provision Texas Register reference Effective date
335.6(a)................................... 7/29/92 18 TexReg 2799............... 5/12/93
22 TexReg 12060.............. 12/15/97
23 TexReg 10878.............. 10/19/98
335.6(c) introductory paragraph............ 7/29/92 17 TexReg 8010............... 11/27/92
20 TexReg 2709............... 4/24/95
20 TexReg 3722............... 5/30/95
21 TexReg 1425............... 3/1/96
21 TexReg 2400............... 3/6/96
22 TexReg 12060.............. 12/15/97
23 TexReg 10878.............. 10/19/98
26 TexReg 9135............... 11/15/01
335.6(g)................................... 7/29/92 18 TexReg 3814............... 6/28/93
22 TexReg 12060.............. 12/15/97
23 TexReg 10878.............. 10/19/98
335.24(b) introductory paragraph........... 3/1/96 21 TexReg 10983.............. 11/20/96
23 TexReg 10878.............. 10/19/98
38 TexReg 970................ 2/21/13
335.24(c) introductory paragraph........... 3/1/96 21 TexReg 10983.............. 11/20/96
23 TexReg 10878.............. 10/19/98
38 TexReg 970................ 2/21/13
335.45(b).................................. 9/1/86 17 TexReg 5017............... 7/29/92
335.204(a)(1).............................. 5/28/86 16 TexReg 6065............... 11/7/91
335.204(b)(1).............................. 5/28/86 16 TexReg 6065............... 11/7/91
335.204(b)(6).............................. 5/28/86 16 TexReg 6065............... 11/7/91
335.204(c)(1).............................. 5/28/86 16 TexReg 6065............... 11/7/91
335.204(d)(1).............................. 5/28/86 16 TexReg 6065............... 11/7/91
335.204(e)(6).............................. 5/28/86 16 TexReg 6065............... 11/7/91
(ii) Texas has partially or fully adopted, but is not authorized to
implement, the Federal rules that are listed in the following table.
The EPA will continue to implement the Federal HSWA requirements for
which Texas is not authorized until the State receives specific
authorization for those requirements. The EPA will not enforce the non-
HSWA Federal rules although they may be enforceable under State law.
For those Federal rules that contain
[[Page 92072]]
both HSWA and non-HSWA requirements, the EPA will enforce only the HSWA
portions of the rules.
Table 2 to Paragraph (c)(4)(ii)
Federal requirement Federal Register reference Publication date
Listing of Spent Solvents (HSWA) 50 FR 53315................. December 31, 1985.
(Checklist 20 and Rule 20.1). 51 FR 2702.................. January 21, 1986.
Listing of Spent Pickle Liquor (Non-HSWA) 51 FR 33612................. September 22, 1986.
(Checklist Rule 26.1).
Toxicity Characteristic; Hydrocarbon 55 FR 40834................. October 5, 1990.
Recovery Operations (HSWA) (Checklist 80 56 FR 3978.................. February 1, 1991.
and Rules 80.1 and 80.2). 56 FR 13406................. April 2, 1991.
Toxicity Characteristic; 56 FR 5910.................. 56 FR 5910.
Chlorofluorocarbon Refrigerants (HSWA)
(Checklist 84).
Administrative Stay for K069 Listing (Non- 56 FR 19951................. May 1, 1991.
HSWA) (Checklist 88).
Revision to the Petroleum Refining 56 FR 21955................. May 13, 1991.
Primary and Secondary Oil/Water/Solids
Separation Sludge Listings (HSWA)
(Checklist 89).
Coke Oven Administrative Stay (HSWA) 56 FR 43874................. September 5, 1991.
(Checklist 98).
Hazardous Waste Management System; 59 FR 47980................. September 19, 1994.
Testing and Monitoring Activities, Land
Disposal Restrictions Correction (HSWA)
(Checklist Rule 126.1).
Land Disposal Restrictions Phase III-- 61 FR 15660................. April 8, 1996.
Decharacterized Wastewaters, Carbamate 61 FR 19117................. April 30, 1996.
Wastes, and Spent Potliners (HSWA) 61 FR 33680................. June 28, 1996.
(Checklist Rules 151.1, 151.2, 151.3, 61 FR 36419................. July 10, 1996.
151.4, 151.5, and 151.6).
61 FR 43924................. August 26, 1996.
62 FR 7502.................. February 19, 1997.
Organobromine Production Wastes; 64 FR 36365................. June 8, 2000.
Petroleum Refining Wastes;
Identification and Listing of Hazardous
Waste; Land Disposal Restrictions (HSWA)
(Checklist 187).
Hazardous Air Pollutant Standards; 66 FR 24270................. May 14, 2001.
Technical Corrections (Non-HSWA) 66 FR 35087................. July 3, 2001.
(Checklist Rules 188.1 and 188.2.
Zinc Fertilizers Made from Recycled 67 FR 48393................. July 24, 2002.
Hazardous Secondary Materials (HSWA and
Non-HSWA) (Checklist 200).
Land Disposal Restrictions: National 67 FR 62618................. October 7, 2002.
Treatment Variance to Designate New
Treatment Subcategories for
Radioactively Contaminated Cadmium,
Mercury-Containing Batteries and Silver-
Containing Batteries (HSWA) (Checklist
NESHAP: Surface Coating of Automobiles 69 FR 22601................. April 26, 2004.
and Light-Duty Trucks (Non-HSWA)
(Checklist 205).
Non-wastewaters from Dyes and Pigments 70 FR 35032................. June 16, 2005.
Correction (HSWA) (Checklist Rule 206.1).
Removal of Saccharin and Its Salts from 75 FR 78918................. December 17, 2010.
the Lists of Hazardous Constituents (Non-
HSWA) (Checklist Rule 225).
Hazardous Waste Technical Corrections and 77 FR 22229................. April 13, 2012.
Clarifications Rule (Non-HSWA)
(Checklist 228).
Revisions to the Export Provisions of the 79 FR 36220................. June 26, 2014.
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Rule (HSWA)
(Checklist 232).
(iii) The Federal rules listed in the table below are not delegable
to States. Texas has adopted these provisions and left the authority to
the EPA for implementation and enforcement.
Table 3 to Paragraph (c)(4)(iii)
Federal requirement Federal Register reference Publication date
Imports and Exports of Hazardous Waste: 61 FR 16290................. April 12, 1996.
Implementation of OECD Council Decision
(HSWA) (Checklist 152).
OECD Requirements; Export Shipments of 75 FR 1236.................. January 8, 2010.
Spent Lead-Acid Batteries (Non-HSWA)
(Checklist 222).
(iv) Texas has chosen not to adopt, and is not authorized to
implement, the following optional Federal rules:
Table 4 to Paragraph (c)(4)(iv)
Federal requirement Federal Register reference Publication date
Storage, Treatment, Transportation and 66 FR 27218................. May 16, 2001.
Disposal of Mixed Waste (Non-HSWA)
(Checklist 191).
[[Page 92073]]
Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing Waste 67 FR 17119................. April 9, 2002.
Identification and Listing (HSWA/Non-
HSWA) (Checklist Rule 195.1).
Revisions to the Definition of Solid 73 FR 64668................. October 30, 2008.
Waste (Non-HSWA) (Checklist 219).
Expansion of RCRA Comparable Fuel 73 FR 77954................. December 19, 2008.
Exclusion (Non-HSWA) (Checklist 221).
Withdrawal of the Emission Comparable 73 FR 33712................. June 15, 2010.
Fuel Exclusion (Non-HSWA) (Checklist
(5) Vacated Federal rules. (i) Texas adopted and was authorized for
the following Federal rules which have since been vacated by the U.S.
Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Cir. No.
98-1379 and 08-1144, respectively; June 27, 2014):
Table 5 to Paragraph (c)(5)(i)
Federal requirement Federal Register reference Publication date
Hazardous Waste Combustors; Revised 63 FR 33782................. June 19, 1998.
Standards (HSWA) (Checklist 168--40 CFR
261.4(a)(16) and 261.38 only).
Exclusion of Oil-Bearing Secondary 73 FR 57.................... January 2, 2008.
Materials Processed in a Gasification
System to Produce Synthesis Gas
(Checklist 216--Definition of
``Gasification'' at 40 CFR 260.10 and
amendment to 40 CFR 261.4(a)(12)(i)).
(ii) Texas has adopted the following Federal provisions from the
Revisions to the Definition of Solid Waste Rule (80 FR 1694); January
13, 2015, which have since been vacated by the United States Court of
Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (Am. Petroleum Inst. v.
EPA, 862 F.3d 50 (D.C. Cir. 2017) and Am. Petroleum Inst. v. EPA, No.
09-1038 (D.C. Cir. Mar. 6, 2018):
(A) one criterion in the determination of whether recycling is
legitimate at 40 CFR 260.43(a)(4);
(B) one criterion related to the management of hazardous secondary
materials at verified recycler facilities at 40 CFR 260.30(f);
(C) one criterion in the variance determination for exceptions to
the classification of hazardous secondary materials as a solid waste
(at 40 CFR 260.31(d)(6)); and
(D) the verified recycler exclusion, which allowed generators to
send their hazardous secondary materials to certain reclaimers at 40
CFR 261.4(a)(24).
(6) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between
EPA Region 6 and the State of Texas was signed by the Executive
Director of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) on
December 20, 2011, and by the EPA Regional Administrator on February
17, 2012. The 2012 Memorandum of Agreement was re-certified by the
Executive Director of the TCEQ on March 26, 2015, and the EPA Regional
Administrator on September 30, 2015, and is referenced as part of the
authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA,
42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.
(7) Statement of legal authority. ``Attorney General's Statement
for Final Authorization'', signed by the Attorney General of Texas on
May 22, 1984 and revisions, supplements, and addenda to that Statement
dated November 21, 1986, July 21, 1988, December 4, 1989, April 11,
1990, July 31, 1991, February 25, 1992, November 30, 1992, March 8,
1993, January 7, 1994, August 9, 1996, October 16, 1996, as amended
February 7, 1997, March 11, 1997, January 5, 1999, November 2, 1999,
March 1, 2002, July 16, 2008, December 6, 2011, February 22, 2013, June
10, 2016, and July 9, 2020 are referenced as part of the authorized
hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C.
6921 et seq.
(8) Program Description. The Program Description and any other
materials submitted as part of the original application or as
supplements thereto are referenced as part of the authorized hazardous
waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et
3. Appendix A to part 272 is amended by revising the listing for
``Texas'' to read as follows:
Appendix A to Part 272--State Requirements
* * * * *
The statutory provisions include:
Texas Health and Safety Code (THSC) Annotated, (Vernon, 2016):
Chapter 361, The Texas Solid Waste Disposal Act, sections 361.003
(except (3), (6), (11), (14), (14-a), (15), (18-a), (19), (27),
(33), (35), (37), and (39)), 361.019(a), 361.0235, 361.066(a),
361.082(a) and (f), 361.086, 361.087, 361.0871(a), 361.094,
361.095(a), 361.099(b), and 361.110; Chapter 371, The Texas Used Oil
Collection, Management, and Recycling Act, sections 371.003,
371.024(b), 371.026(d), and 371.041.
Copies of the Texas statutes that are incorporated by reference
are available from Thomson Reuters, 610 Opperman Drive, Eagan, MN
55123; Phone: 1-888-728-7677; website: https://legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com.
The regulatory provisions include:
Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 30, Environmental
Quality, 2017, as amended, effective through December 31, 2016.
Please note that for some provisions, the authorized versions are
found in the TAC, Title 30, Environmental Quality, as amended
effective January 1, 1994, January 1, 1997, December 31, 1999,
December 31, 2001, December 31, 2012,
December 31, 2014, or January 8, 2015. Texas made subsequent
changes to these provisions, but these changes have not been
authorized by EPA. Where the provisions are taken from regulations
other than those effective December 31, 2016, notations are made
Chapter 3, Section 3.2(25) ``Person''; Chapter 20, Section
20.15; Chapter 35, Section 35.402(e); Chapter 37, Sections 37.1
through 37.81, 37.100 through 37.161, 37.200 through 37.281, 37.301
through 37.381, 37.400 through 37.411, 37.501 through 37.551, 37.601
through 37.671, and 37.6001 through 37.6041; Chapter 281, Section
Chapter 305, Subchapter A--General Provisions, Sections 305.1(a)
(except the reference to Chapter 401, relative to Radioactive
Materials); 305.2 introductory paragraph (except the references to
THSC sections 401.003 and 401.004, relative to Radioactive Materials
and the reference to
[[Page 92074]]
TWC 32.002); 305.2(1), (6), (11), (12), (14), (15), (19), (20),
(24), (26), (27), (28), (31), and (40)-(42); 305.3;
Chapter 305, Subchapter C--Application for Permit or Post-
Closure Order, Sections 305.41 (except the reference to Chapter 401,
relative to Radioactive Materials and the reference to TWC Chapter
32); 305.42(a), (b), (d), and (f); 305.43(b); 305.44 (except (d));
305.45 (except (a)(7)(I) and (J) and reference to ``and for a Post-
closure order'' at 305.45(a)(8)(C)); 305.47; 305.50(a) introductory
paragraph--(a)(3) (except the last two sentences in 305.50(a)(2));
305.50(a)(4) (December 31, 2012); 305.50(a)(5)-(a)(8);
305.50(a)(13)-(a)(16); 305.50(b); 305.51;
Chapter 305, Subchapter D--Amendments, Renewals, Transfers,
Corrections, Revocation, and Suspension of Permits, Sections 305.61;
305.62(a) (except the phrase in the first sentence ``under Sec.
305.70 of this title . . . Solid Waste Class I Modifications)'' and
the fifth sentence ``If the permittee requests a modification of a
municipal solid waste permit . . . Sec. 305.70 of this title.'');
305.62(b); 305.62(c) introductory paragraph (except the phrase
``other than . . . subsection (i) of this section''); 305.62(c)(1);
305.62(c)(2) introductory paragraph; 305.62(c)(2)(A) (except the
phrase ``except for Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
(TPDES) permits,''); 305.62(c)(2)(B) (except the phrase ``except for
TPDES permits''); 305.62(d) (except (d)(6)); 305.62(e)-(h);
305.63(a) (except the last sentence of (a)(3), and (a)(7));
305.64(a); 305.64(b) (except (b)(4) and (b)(5)); 305.64(c) and (e);
305.64(g); 305.65; 305.66(a) (except (a)(7)-(a)(9)); 305.66(d);
305.67(a) and (b); 305.69(a); 305.69(b) (except the phrases
``Additional Contents of Application for an Injection Well Permit''
and ``Waste Containing Radioactive Materials; and Application Fee''
at (b)(1)(A)); 305.69(c); 305.69(d) (except (d)(7)); 305.69(e)-(h);
305.69(i)(3) and (i)(4); 305.69(j); 305.69(k) (except (k) A.8-A.10);
Chapter 305, Subchapter F--Permit Characteristics and
Conditions, Sections 305.121 (except the phrases ``radioactive
material disposal'' and ``subsurface area drip dispersal systems'');
305.122 (except (e)); 305.124; 305.125 introductory paragraph;
305.125(2) and (4); 305.125(5) (except the second sentence);
305.125(6)-(8); 305.125(9) (except (9)(C)); 305.125(10) (except the
phrases ``and 32'' and ``and 401.603''); 305.125(11) (except the
phrase ``as otherwise required by Chapter 336 of this title''
relative to Radioactive Substances in (11)(B)); 305.125(12)-(19),
and (21); 305.127 introductory paragraph; 305.127(1)(B)(iii);
305.127(1)(E) and (F); 305.127(2); 305.127(3)(A) (except the last
two sentences); 305.127(3)(B) and (C); 305.127(4)(B); 305.127(5)(C);
Chapter 305, Subchapter G--Additional Conditions for Hazardous
and Industrial Solid Waste Storage, Processing, or Disposal Permits,
Sections 305.141 through 305.145; 305.150;
Chapter 305, Subchapter I--Hazardous Waste Incinerator Permits,
Sections 305.171 through 305.176;
Chapter 305, Subchapter J--Permits for Land Treatment
Demonstrations Using Field Tests or Laboratory Analyses, Sections
305.181 through 305.184;
Chapter 305, Subchapter K--Research, Development, and
Demonstration Permits, Sections 305.191 through 305.194;
Chapter 305, Subchapter L--Groundwater Compliance Plan, Section
Chapter 305, Subchapter Q--Permits for Boilers and Industrial
Furnaces Burning Hazardous Waste, Sections 305.571 through 305.573;
Chapter 305, Subchapter R--Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act Standard Permits for Storage and Treatment Units, Sections
305.650 through 305.661;
Chapter 324, Subchapter A--Used Oil Recycling, Sections 324.1;
324.2 (except 324.2(2)); 324.3 (except 324.3(5)); 324.4; 324.6;
324.7; 324.11 through 324.16; 324.21; 324.22(d)(3);
Chapter 335, Subchapter A--Industrial Solid Waste and Municipal
Hazardous Waste in General, Sections 335.1 introductory paragraph--
(4), (6)-(12), (16)-(19), (21)-(23), (27), (28), (30)-(35), (38),
(40), (42)-(51), (52) (except for the phrase ``or is used for
neutralizing the pH of non-hazardous industrial solid waste''),
(54)-(59), (61)-(65), (67), (68), (70), (71), (73)-(82), (84)-(120)
(except the phrase ``solid waste or'' at (94), (95), (96), (99),
(100), and (105)), (122)-(124) (except the phrase ``solid waste or''
at (122)), (128)-(134) (except two instances of the phrase ``solid
waste or'' at (129)), (136), (138)-(142), (144)-(146)(A)(iii),
(146)(A)(iv) introductory paragraph (except the last sentence and
the IBR of 40 CFR 261.4(a)(24)), (146)(B)-(G) (except the phrase
``Except for materials described in subparagraph (H) of this
paragraph.'' at (D) and (G) introductory paragraphs), (146)(I)-(K),
(147), (148), (150)-(160) (except the phrase ``solid waste or'' at
(153), (156) and (158)), (161)-(165) (except the phrase ``or
industrial solid'' at (161), (164), and (165)), (167)-(180) (except
two instances of the phrase ``solid waste or'' at (170)), (181)
(except the phrase ``or industrial solid'' at (181)(B)), (182)-
(184), and (185) (except two instances of the phrase ``solid waste
or''); 335.2 (except (b), (d), (h), (k) and (n)); 335.4; 335.5
(except (d)); 335.6(a); 335.6(b) (January 1, 1997); 335.6(c);
335.6(d) (except the last sentence) (January 1, 1994); 335.6(e)
(January 1, 1994); 335.6(f) and (g); 335.6(h) (except the third
sentence); 335.6(i) and (j); 335.7; 335.8(a)(1) and (2); 335.9(a)
(except (a)(2) and (3)); 335.9(a)(2) and (3) (January 1, 1997);
335.9(b) (January 1, 1994); 335.10(a) and (b); 335.11(a); 335.12(a);
335.13(a) (January 1, 1997); 335.13(c) and (d) (January 1, 1994);
335.13(e) and (f) (January 1, 1997); 335.13(g) (January 1, 1994);
335.13(k); 335.14; 335.15 introductory paragraph (January 1, 1994);
335.15(1); 335.15(3) (except two references to ``Class 1 waste'' at
introductory paragraph); 335.17(a); 335.18(a) (except (a)(6); 335.19
(except 335.19(d) and (e)); 335.20 through 335.23(1); 335.23(2)
(January 1, 1994); 335.24(a)-(f); 335.24(m) and (n); 335.26; 335.27
(except the IBR of 40 CFR 260.43(a)(4)); 335.29 (except 335.29(3));
335.29(3) (December 31, 2014); 335.30 through 335.32;
Chapter 335, Subchapter B--Hazardous Waste Management General
Provisions, Sections 335.41(a)-(c); 335.41(d) introductory paragraph
and (d)(2)-(4); 335.41(d)(1) (December 31, 2001); 335.41(e)-(j);
335.43(a); 335.44; 335.45; 335.47 (except (b) and second sentence in
(c)(3)); 335.47(b) (December 31, 1999);
Chapter 335, Subchapter C--Standards Applicable to Generators of
Hazardous Waste, Sections 335.61 (except (f)); 335.62; 335.63;
335.65 through 335.68; 335.69 (except ``and (n)'' in (a)
introductory paragraph, (i), and (n)); 335.70; 335.71; 335.73
through 335.75; 335.76 (except (h)); 335.77; 335.78(a); 335.78(b)
(January 1, 1997); 335.78(c); 335.78(d) (except (d)(2)); 335.78(e)
introductory paragraph (January 1, 1997); 335.78(e)(1) and (2);
335.78(f) (except 335.78(f)(2)); 335.78(f)(2) (January 1, 1997);
335.78(g) (except (g)(2)); 335.78(g)(2) (January 1, 1997);
335.78(h)-(j); 335.79;
Chapter 335, Subchapter D--Standards Applicable to Transporters
of Hazardous Waste, Sections 335.91 (except (e)); 335.92; 335.93
(except (e)); 335.93(e) (December 31, 1999); 335.94;
Chapter 335, Subchapter E--Interim Standards for Owners and
Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal
Facilities, Sections 335.111; 335.112 (except (a)(17)); 335.113;
335.115 through 335.128;
Chapter 335, Subchapter F--Permitting Standards for Owners and
Operators of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal
Facilities, Sections 335.151 through 335.153; 335.155 through
Chapter 335, Subchapter G--Location Standards for Hazardous
Waste Storage, Processing, or Disposal, Sections 335.201(a) (except
(a)(3)); 335.201(c); 335.202 introductory paragraph; 335.202(2),
(4), (9)-(11), (13), and (15)-(18); 335.203; 335.204(a) introductory
paragraph--(a)(5); 335.204(b)(1)-(6); 335.204(c)(1)-(5);
335.204(d)(1)-(5); 335.204(e) introductory paragraph; 335.204(e)(1)
introductory paragraph (except the phrase ``Except as . . . (B) of
this paragraph,'' and the word ``event'' at the end of the
paragraph); 335.204(e)(2)-(7); 335.204(f); 335.205(a) introductory
paragraph--(a)(2) and (e);
Chapter 335, Subchapter H--Standards for the Management of
Specific Wastes and Specific Types of Facilities, Sections 335.211
through 335.214; 335.221 through 335.225; 335.241(except (b)(4));
335.251; 335.261 (except (e)); 335.271; 335.272;
Chapter 335, Subchapter O--Land Disposal Restrictions, Section
Chapter 335, Subchapter R--Waste Classification, Sections
335.504 (except (2)); 335.504(2) (January 8, 2015, 40 TexReg 77;
August 22, 2014 proposed rule, 39 TexReg 6376);
Chapter 335, Subchapter U, Standards for Owners and Operators of
Hazardous Waste Facilities Operating Under a Standard Permit,
Sections 601 and 602;
Chapter 335, Subchapter V, Standards for Reclamation of
Hazardous Secondary Materials, Sections 701 through 706.
Copies of the Texas regulations that are incorporated by
reference are available from Thomson Reuters, 610 Opperman Drive,
Eagan, MN 55123; Phone: 1-888-728-7677;
[[Page 92075]]
website: https://legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. 2024-26905 Filed 11-20-24; 8:45 am]