Announcement of the Appointment of 11 Members of the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee (HCFAC), 90029-90030 [2024-26444]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 220 / Thursday, November 14, 2024 / Notices
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
and will include any personal
information you provide. Therefore,
submitting this information makes it
public. You may wish to consider
limiting the amount of personal
information that you provide in any
voluntary submission you make to DHS.
DHS may withhold information
provided in comments from public
viewing that it determines may impact
the privacy of an individual or is
offensive. For additional information,
please read the Privacy Act notice that
is available via the link in the footer of
Written comments and suggestions
from the public and affected agencies
should address one or more of the
following four points:
(1) Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
(2) Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information,
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
(3) Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
(4) Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated,
electronic, mechanical, or other
technological collection techniques or
other forms of information technology,
e.g., permitting electronic submission of
Overview of This Information
(1) Type of Information Collection:
Revision of a Currently Approved
(2) Title of the Form/Collection:
Report of Immigration Medical
Examination and Vaccination Record
and Supplemental Screening.
(3) Agency form number, if any, and
the applicable component of the DHS
sponsoring the collection: I–693 and I–
693A; USCIS.
(4) Affected public who will be asked
or required to respond, as well as a brief
abstract: Primary: Individuals or
households. The information on the
application will be used by USCIS in
considering the eligibility for
adjustment of status under 8 CFR part
209 and 8 CFR 210.5, 245.1, and 245a.3.
(5) An estimate of the total number of
respondents and the amount of time
estimated for an average respondent to
respond: The estimated total number of
respondents for the information
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collection I–693 is 578,034 and the
estimated hour burden per response is
3 hours. The estimated total number of
respondents for the information
collection I–693A is 4,941 and the
estimated hour burden per response is
1.83 hours.
(6) An estimate of the total public
burden (in hours) associated with the
collection: The total estimated annual
hour burden associated with this
collection is 1,743,264 hours.
(7) An estimate of the total public
burden (in cost) associated with the
collection: The estimated total annual
cost burden associated with this
collection of information is
Dated: November 8, 2024.
Jerry L. Rigdon,
Deputy Chief, Regulatory Coordination
Division, Office of Policy and Strategy, U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services,
Department of Homeland Security.
[FR Doc. 2024–26505 Filed 11–13–24; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. FR–6465–N–02]
Announcement of the Appointment of
11 Members of the Housing
Counseling Federal Advisory
Committee (HCFAC)
Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Housing—Federal Housing
Commissioner, Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD).
ACTION: Notice.
This notice informs the public
of members appointed or reappointed to
the Department of Housing and Urban
Development’s (HUD) Housing
Counseling Federal Advisory Committee
(HCFAC) on October 16, 2024. Members
are professionals from the mortgage and
real estate industry, including HUDapproved housing counseling agencies,
and consumers.
Virginia F. Holman, Housing Program
Technical Specialist, U.S. Department of
Housing and Urban Development, Office
of Housing Counseling, Office of
Outreach and Capacity Building,, telephone
number 540–894–7790 (this is not a tollfree number). HUD welcomes and is
prepared to receive calls from
individuals who are deaf or hard of
hearing, as well as individuals with
speech and communication disabilities.
To learn more about how to make an
accessible telephone call, please visit:
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Individuals may also email for
I. Background
Section 4 of the Department of
Housing and Urban Development Act of
1965 (HUD Act) (42 U.S.C. 3533(g)(4))
requires the Secretary to appoint an
advisory committee of not more than 12
individuals to provide advice to the
Director of the Office of Housing
Counseling (OHC) regarding the
Housing Counseling Program. The
membership of the committee must
equally represent the mortgage and real
estate industry, including consumers
and HUD-appointed housing counseling
agencies. Each member serves in his or
her individual capacity for a term of up
to 3 years.
HUD established the Housing
Counseling Federal Advisory Committee
(HCFAC) on April 14, 2015. The HFCAC
provides OHC valuable advice regarding
its mission to provide individuals and
families with the knowledge they need
to obtain, sustain, and improve their
housing through a strong network of
HUD-approved housing counseling
agencies and HUD-certified counselors.
The HCFAC, however, does not have
any role in reviewing or awarding OHC
housing counseling grants or
procurement contracts.
The HFCAC is subject to the
requirements of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (Pub. L. 92–463, 5 U.S.C.
1001 et seq.). Further information about
the HFCAC is available on HUD’s
website at
housing_counseling and on HUD
Exchange at https://
II. Current HCFAC Members
The following members have been
appointed or reappointed to the HCFAC.
The new members will serve three-year
terms and begin their service in January
• Tamara Gifford—Director,
Community and External Relations,
Onity Group
• Leigh Lester—Founder and Executive
Director, Ubuntu Institute of Learning
• Helene Raynaud—Senior Vice
President of Housing Initiatives,
Money Management International
• Elizabeth Karwowski Sdoucos—CEO
and Chief Customer Officer,
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 220 / Thursday, November 14, 2024 / Notices
• Hanna Tester—Homeownership
Director, NeighborWorks Montana
• Carol Ventura—CEO and Executive
Director, Rhode Island Housing and
Mortgage Finance Corporation
• David Young—Director of Capacity
Building, Housing Action Illinois
These newly appointed members are
joined by the following Committee
members who have been reappointed
for additional three-year terms:
• Lawrence Batiste—Branch Manager
and Real Estate Broker, NID Atlanta
Metro Regional Office
• Carol Ann Dujanovich—Senior Vice
President and Director, Reverse
Mortgage Division, University Bank
• Angie Liou—Executive Director,
Asian Community Development
• Paul Yorkis—President, Patriot Real
Estate, Inc.
Sherri Eckles, who was appointed in
June 2023 and is Senior Vice President
of the Renovation and Construction
Lending Programs at Norcom Mortgage,
will also continue to serve on the
Jeffrey D. Little,
General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office
of Housing.
[FR Doc. 2024–26444 Filed 11–13–24; 8:45 am]
Fish and Wildlife Service
[Docket No. FWS–R2–ES–2024–N049;
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants; Initiation of 5-Year Status
Reviews of 38 Species in the
Fish and Wildlife Service,
Notice of initiation of reviews;
request for information.
We, the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, are conducting 5-year
status reviews of 38 animal and plant
species under the Endangered Species
Act. A 5-year status review is based on
the best scientific and commercial data
available at the time of the review;
therefore, we are requesting submission
of any such information that has become
available since the last reviews for the
DATES: To ensure consideration, we are
requesting submission of new
information no later than December 16,
2024. However, we will continue to
accept new information about any listed
species at any time.
ADDRESSES: For details on how to
request or submit information, see
Request for Information and How Do I
Ask Questions or Provide Information?
information on a particular species,
contact the appropriate person or office
listed in the table in the SUPPLEMENTARY
INFORMATION section. For general
information, contact Beth Forbus, by
telephone at 505–318–8972 or by email
Individuals in the United States who
are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or
have a speech disability may dial 711
(TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access
telecommunications relay services.
Individuals outside the United States
should use the relay services offered
within their country to make
international calls to the point-ofcontact in the United States.
Why do we conduct 5-year reviews?
Under the Endangered Species Act of
1973, as amended (ESA; 16 U.S.C. 1531
et seq.), we maintain Lists of
Endangered and Threatened Wildlife
and Plants (which we collectively refer
to as the List) in the Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) at 50 CFR 17.11 (for
animals) and 17.12 (for plants). Section
4(c)(2)(A) of the ESA requires us to
review each listed species’ status at least
once every 5 years. Our regulations at 50
CFR 424.21 require that we publish a
notice in the Federal Register
announcing those species under active
review. For additional information
about 5-year status reviews, refer to our
factsheet at
What information do we consider in
our review?
A 5-year status review considers all
new information available at the time of
the review. In conducting these reviews,
we consider the best scientific and
commercial data that have become
available since the listing determination
or most recent status review, such as:
A. Species biology, including but not
limited to population trends,
distribution, abundance, demographics,
and genetics;
B. Habitat conditions, including but
not limited to amount, distribution, and
C. Conservation measures that have
been implemented that benefit the
D. Threat status and trends in relation
to the five listing factors (as defined in
section 4(a)(1) of the ESA); and
E. Other new information, data, or
corrections, including but not limited to
taxonomic or nomenclatural changes,
identification of erroneous information
contained in the List, and improved
analytical methods.
Any new information will be
considered during the 5-year status
review and will also be useful in
evaluating the ongoing recovery
programs for the species.
Which species are under review?
The species in table 1 are under active
5-year status review.
Final listing rule
(Federal Register
citation and publication date)
Contact person,
phone, email
Contact person’s U.S.
mail address
Field Supervisor, 512–
937–7371 (phone) or
U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service, Austin Ecological Services Field
Office, 1505 Ferguson Lane, Austin,
TX 78754.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Pecos amphipod ...
Gammarus pecos
Endangered ......
Texas ................
78 FR 41228; 7/9/2013
Madla Cave
Robber Baron Cave
Cokendolpher Cave
Helotes mold beetle
Cicurina madla .....
Endangered ......
Texas ................
65 FR 81419; 12/26/2000
Cicurina baronia ...
Endangered ......
Texas ................
65 FR 81419; 12/26/2000
Batrisosdes venyivi
Endangered ......
Texas ................
65 FR 81419; 12/26/2000
Endangered ......
Texas ................
62 FR 81419; 12/26/2000
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[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 220 (Thursday, November 14, 2024)]
[Pages 90029-90030]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-26444]
[Docket No. FR-6465-N-02]
Announcement of the Appointment of 11 Members of the Housing
Counseling Federal Advisory Committee (HCFAC)
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing
Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice informs the public of members appointed or
reappointed to the Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD)
Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee (HCFAC) on October 16,
2024. Members are professionals from the mortgage and real estate
industry, including HUD-approved housing counseling agencies, and
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Virginia F. Holman, Housing Program
Technical Specialist, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development,
Office of Housing Counseling, Office of Outreach and Capacity Building,
[email protected], telephone number 540-894-7790 (this is not a
toll-free number). HUD welcomes and is prepared to receive calls from
individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as individuals
with speech and communication disabilities. To learn more about how to
make an accessible telephone call, please visit: Individuals may
also email [email protected] for information.
I. Background
Section 4 of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act of
1965 (HUD Act) (42 U.S.C. 3533(g)(4)) requires the Secretary to appoint
an advisory committee of not more than 12 individuals to provide advice
to the Director of the Office of Housing Counseling (OHC) regarding the
Housing Counseling Program. The membership of the committee must
equally represent the mortgage and real estate industry, including
consumers and HUD-appointed housing counseling agencies. Each member
serves in his or her individual capacity for a term of up to 3 years.
HUD established the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee
(HCFAC) on April 14, 2015. The HFCAC provides OHC valuable advice
regarding its mission to provide individuals and families with the
knowledge they need to obtain, sustain, and improve their housing
through a strong network of HUD-approved housing counseling agencies
and HUD-certified counselors. The HCFAC, however, does not have any
role in reviewing or awarding OHC housing counseling grants or
procurement contracts.
The HFCAC is subject to the requirements of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 5 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.). Further
information about the HFCAC is available on HUD's website at and on
HUD Exchange at
II. Current HCFAC Members
The following members have been appointed or reappointed to the
HCFAC. The new members will serve three-year terms and begin their
service in January 2025:
Tamara Gifford--Director, Community and External Relations,
Onity Group
Leigh Lester--Founder and Executive Director, Ubuntu Institute
of Learning
Helene Raynaud--Senior Vice President of Housing Initiatives,
Money Management International
Elizabeth Karwowski Sdoucos--CEO and Chief Customer Officer,
[[Page 90030]]
Hanna Tester--Homeownership Director, NeighborWorks Montana
Carol Ventura--CEO and Executive Director, Rhode Island
Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation
David Young--Director of Capacity Building, Housing Action
These newly appointed members are joined by the following Committee
members who have been reappointed for additional three-year terms:
Lawrence Batiste--Branch Manager and Real Estate Broker, NID
Atlanta Metro Regional Office
Carol Ann Dujanovich--Senior Vice President and Director,
Reverse Mortgage Division, University Bank
Angie Liou--Executive Director, Asian Community Development
Paul Yorkis--President, Patriot Real Estate, Inc.
Sherri Eckles, who was appointed in June 2023 and is Senior Vice
President of the Renovation and Construction Lending Programs at Norcom
Mortgage, will also continue to serve on the Committee.
Jeffrey D. Little,
General Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Housing.
[FR Doc. 2024-26444 Filed 11-13-24; 8:45 am]