Monthly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations, 85994-85999 [2024-24963]

Download as PDF 85994 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 29, 2024 / Notices [FR Doc. 2024–25080 Filed 10–28–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7590–01–P NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION [NRC–2024–0187] Monthly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards Considerations Nuclear Regulatory Commission. ACTION: Monthly notice. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES AGENCY: see ‘‘Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments’’ in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susan Lent, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555– 0001; telephone: 301–415–1365; email: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments A. Obtaining Information Please refer to Docket ID NRC–2024– 0187, facility name, unit number(s), SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 189a.(2) of docket number(s), application date, and the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as subject when contacting the NRC about amended (the Act), the U.S. Nuclear the availability of information for this Regulatory Commission (NRC) is action. You may obtain publicly publishing this regular monthly notice. available information related to this The Act requires the Commission to action by any of the following methods: publish notice of any amendments • Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to issued, or proposed to be issued, and and search grants the Commission the authority to for Docket ID NRC–2024–0187. issue and make immediately effective • NRC’s Agencywide Documents any amendment to an operating license Access and Management System or combined license, as applicable, (ADAMS): You may obtain publicly upon a determination by the available documents online in the Commission that such amendment ADAMS Public Documents collection at involves no significant hazards consideration (NSHC), notwithstanding adams.html. To begin the search, select the pendency before the Commission of ‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.’’ For a request for a hearing from any person. problems with ADAMS, please contact DATES: Comments must be filed by the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR) November 29, 2024. A request for a reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, at hearing or petitions for leave to 301–415–4737, or by email to intervene must be filed by December 30, For the 2024. This monthly notice includes all convenience of the reader, instructions amendments issued, or proposed to be about obtaining materials referenced in issued, from September 13, 2024, to this document are provided in the October 10, 2024. The last monthly ‘‘Availability of Documents’’ section. notice was published on October 1, • NRC’s PDR: The PDR, where you 2024. may examine and order copies of publicly available documents, is open ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by appointment. To make an by any of the following methods; however, the NRC encourages electronic appointment to visit the PDR, please send an email to comment submission through the or call 1–800–397–4209 or 301–415– Federal rulemaking website. • Federal rulemaking website: Go to 4737, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. eastern and search time (ET), Monday through Friday, for Docket ID NRC–2024–0187. Address except Federal holidays. questions about Docket IDs in B. Submitting Comments to Stacy Schumann; The NRC encourages electronic telephone: 301–415–0624; email: For technical comment submission through the Federal rulemaking website (https:// questions, contact the individual listed Please include in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION Docket ID NRC–2024–0187, facility CONTACT section of this document. name, unit number(s), docket • Mail comments to: Office of number(s), application date, and Administration, Mail Stop: TWFN–7– subject, in your comment submission. A60M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory The NRC cautions you not to include Commission, Washington, DC 20555– identifying or contact information that 0001, ATTN: Program Management, you do not want to be publicly Announcements and Editing Staff. disclosed in your comment submission. For additional direction on obtaining The NRC will post all comment information and submitting comments, VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Oct 28, 2024 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00060 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 submissions at https:// as well as enter the comment submissions into ADAMS. The NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to remove identifying or contact information. If you are requesting or aggregating comments from other persons for submission to the NRC, then you should inform those persons not to include identifying or contact information that they do not want to be publicly disclosed in their comment submission. Your request should state that the NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to remove such information before making the comment submissions available to the public or entering the comment into ADAMS. II. Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses and Proposed No Significant Hazards Consideration Determination For the facility-specific amendment requests shown in this notice, the Commission finds that the licensees’ analyses provided, consistent with section 50.91 of title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR) ‘‘Notice for public comment; State consultation,’’ are sufficient to support the proposed determinations that these amendment requests involve NSHC. Under the Commission’s regulations in 10 CFR 50.92, operation of the facilities in accordance with the proposed amendments would not (1) involve a significant increase in the probability or consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or (2) create the possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident previously evaluated; or (3) involve a significant reduction in a margin of safety. The Commission is seeking public comments on these proposed determinations. Any comments received within 30 days after the date of publication of this notice will be considered in making any final determinations. Normally, the Commission will not issue the amendments until the expiration of 60 days after the date of publication of this notice. The Commission may issue any of these license amendments before expiration of the 60-day period provided that its final determination is that the amendment involves NSHC. In addition, the Commission may issue any of these amendments prior to the expiration of the 30-day comment period if circumstances change during the 30-day comment period such that failure to act in a timely way would result, for example in derating or shutdown of the E:\FR\FM\29OCN1.SGM 29OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 29, 2024 / Notices facility. If the Commission takes action on any of these amendments prior to the expiration of either the comment period or the notice period, it will publish in the Federal Register a notice of issuance. If the Commission makes a final NSHC determination for any of these amendments, any hearing will take place after issuance. The Commission expects that the need to take action on any amendment before 60 days have elapsed will occur very infrequently. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES A. Opportunity To Request a Hearing and Petition for Leave To Intervene Within 60 days after the date of publication of this notice, any person (petitioner) whose interest may be affected by any of these actions may file a request for a hearing and petition for leave to intervene (petition) with respect to that action. Petitions shall be filed in accordance with the Commission’s ‘‘Agency Rules of Practice and Procedure’’ in 10 CFR part 2. Interested persons should consult a current copy of 10 CFR 2.309. If a petition is filed, the Commission or a presiding officer will rule on the petition and, if appropriate, a notice of a hearing will be issued. Petitions must be filed no later than 60 days from the date of publication of this notice in accordance with the filing instructions in the ‘‘Electronic Submissions (E-Filing)’’ section of this document. Petitions and motions for leave to file new or amended contentions that are filed after the deadline will not be entertained absent a determination by the presiding officer that the filing demonstrates good cause by satisfying the three factors in 10 CFR 2.309(c)(1)(i) through (iii). If a hearing is requested, and the Commission has not made a final determination on the issue of no significant hazards consideration, the Commission will make a final determination on the issue of no significant hazards consideration, which will serve to establish when the hearing is held. If the final determination is that the amendment request involves no significant hazards consideration, the Commission may issue the amendment and make it immediately effective, notwithstanding the request for a hearing. Any hearing would take place after issuance of the amendment. If the final determination is that the amendment request involves a significant hazards consideration, then any hearing held would take place before the issuance of the amendment unless the Commission finds an imminent danger to the health or safety of the public, in which case it will issue VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Oct 28, 2024 Jkt 265001 an appropriate order or rule under 10 CFR part 2. A State, local governmental body, Federally recognized Indian Tribe, or designated agency thereof, may submit a petition to the Commission to participate as a party under 10 CFR 2.309(h) no later than 60 days from the date of publication of this notice. Alternatively, a State, local governmental body, Federally recognized Indian Tribe, or agency thereof may participate as a non-party under 10 CFR 2.315(c). For information about filing a petition and about participation by a person not a party under 10 CFR 2.315, see ADAMS Accession No. ML20340A053 (https:// main.jsp?AccessionNumber= ML20340A053) and on the NRC’s public website at html#participate. B. Electronic Submissions (E-Filing) All documents filed in NRC adjudicatory proceedings, including documents filed by an interested State, local governmental body, Federally recognized Indian Tribe, or designated agency thereof that requests to participate under 10 CFR 2.315(c), must be filed in accordance with 10 CFR 2.302. The E-Filing process requires participants to submit and serve all adjudicatory documents over the internet, or in some cases, to mail copies on electronic storage media, unless an exemption permitting an alternative filing method, as further discussed, is granted. Detailed guidance on electronic submissions is located in the ‘‘Guidance for Electronic Submissions to the NRC’’ (ADAMS Accession No. ML13031A056) and on the NRC’s public website at To comply with the procedural requirements of E-Filing, at least 10 days prior to the filing deadline, the participant should contact the Office of the Secretary by email at, or by telephone at 301–415–1677, to (1) request a digital identification (ID) certificate, which allows the participant (or its counsel or representative) to digitally sign submissions and access the E-Filing system for any proceeding in which it is participating; and (2) advise the Secretary that the participant will be submitting a petition or other adjudicatory document (even in instances in which the participant, or its counsel or representative, already holds an NRC-issued digital ID certificate). Based upon this information, the Secretary will establish an electronic PO 00000 Frm 00061 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 85995 docket for the proceeding if the Secretary has not already established an electronic docket. Information about applying for a digital ID certificate is available on the NRC’s public website at https:// getting-started.html. After a digital ID certificate is obtained and a docket created, the participant must submit adjudicatory documents in Portable Document Format. Guidance on submissions is available on the NRC’s public website at site-help/electronic-sub-ref-mat.html. A filing is considered complete at the time the document is submitted through the NRC’s E-Filing system. To be timely, an electronic filing must be submitted to the E-Filing system no later than 11:59 p.m. ET on the due date. Upon receipt of a transmission, the E-Filing system time-stamps the document and sends the submitter an email confirming receipt of the document. The E-Filing system also distributes an email that provides access to the document to the NRC’s Office of the General Counsel and any others who have advised the Office of the Secretary that they wish to participate in the proceeding, so that the filer need not serve the document on those participants separately. Therefore, applicants and other participants (or their counsel or representative) must apply for and receive a digital ID certificate before adjudicatory documents are filed to obtain access to the documents via the E-Filing system. A person filing electronically using the NRC’s adjudicatory E-Filing system may seek assistance by contacting the NRC’s Electronic Filing Help Desk through the ‘‘Contact Us’’ link located on the NRC’s public website at https://, by email to, or by a tollfree call at 1–866–672–7640. The NRC Electronic Filing Help Desk is available between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., ET, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. Participants who believe that they have good cause for not submitting documents electronically must file an exemption request, in accordance with 10 CFR 2.302(g), with their initial paper filing stating why there is good cause for not filing electronically and requesting authorization to continue to submit documents in paper format. Such filings must be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 2.302(b)–(d). Participants filing adjudicatory documents in this manner are responsible for serving their documents on all other participants. Participants granted an exemption under 10 CFR 2.302(g)(2) must still meet the electronic formatting requirement in E:\FR\FM\29OCN1.SGM 29OCN1 85996 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 29, 2024 / Notices 10 CFR 2.302(g)(1), unless the participant also seeks and is granted an exemption from 10 CFR 2.302(g)(1). Documents submitted in adjudicatory proceedings will appear in the NRC’s electronic hearing docket, which is publicly available at https://, unless excluded pursuant to an order of the presiding officer. If you do not have an NRCissued digital ID certificate as previously described, click ‘‘cancel’’ when the link requests certificates and you will be automatically directed to the NRC’s electronic hearing docket where you will be able to access any publicly available documents in a particular hearing docket. Participants are requested not to include personal privacy information such as social security numbers, home addresses, or personal phone numbers in their filings unless an NRC regulation or other law requires submission of such information. With respect to copyrighted works, except for limited excerpts that serve the purpose of the adjudicatory filings and would constitute a Fair Use application, participants should not include copyrighted materials in their submission. The following table provides the plant name, docket number, date of application, ADAMS accession number, and location in the application of the licensees’ proposed NSHC determinations. For further details with respect to these license amendment applications, see the applications for amendment, which are available for public inspection in ADAMS. For additional direction on accessing information related to this document, see the ‘‘Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments’’ section of this document. LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUESTS Florida Power & Light Company, et al.; St. Lucie Plant, Unit 2; St. Lucie County, FL Docket No ........................................................... Application date .................................................. ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Location in Application of NSHC ........................ Brief Description of Amendment ......................... Proposed Determination ..................................... Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number ....... 50–389. September 11, 2024. ML24255A118. Pages 8–9 of Enclosure 1. The proposed license amendment would revise St. Lucie Plant, Unit 2, Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.3, ‘‘Core Operating Limits Report,’’ by updating the listing of NRC-approved analytical methods used to determine the core operating limits. Specifically, changes to the fuel thermal-mechanics, core thermal-hydraulics, emergency core cooling, nuclear design, and select design basis event analyses are proposed using NRC-approved advanced codes and methods in support of a St. Lucie Plant, Unit 2, transition to 24-month fuel cycles. NSHC. James Petro, Managing Attorney—Nuclear, Florida Power & Light Company, 700 Universe Boulevard, MS LAW/JB, Juno Beach, FL 33408–0420. Natreon Jordan, 301–415–7410. Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.; Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Appling County, GA Docket Nos ......................................................... Application date .................................................. ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Location in Application of NSHC ........................ Brief Description of Amendments ....................... Proposed Determination ..................................... Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number ....... 50–321, 50–366. September 11, 2024. ML24255A892. Pages E–1 to E–3 of the Enclosure. The proposed amendments would modify the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, technical specifications (TS) to adopt Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF)–591, ‘‘Revise Risk Informed Completion Time (RICT) Program.’’ TSTF–591 revises TS Section 5.5 Program, ‘‘Risk Informed Completion Time Program,’’ to reference Regulatory Guide 1.200, Revision 3 (instead of Revision 2) and to make other changes. Also, a new report would be added to TS Section 5.6, ‘‘Reporting Requirements,’’ to inform the NRC of newly developed methods used to calculate a RICT. NSHC. Millicent Ronnlund, Vice President and General Counsel, Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1295, Birmingham, AL 35201–1295. Dawnmathews Kalathiveettil, 301–415–5905. Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Houston County, AL khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Docket Nos ......................................................... Application date .................................................. ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Location in Application of NSHC ........................ Brief Description of Amendments ....................... Proposed Determination ..................................... Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number ....... 50–348, 50–364. September 4, 2024. ML24248A273. Pages E–6 through E–8 of the Enclosure. The proposed amendments would revise Technical Specification (TS) 3.4.14, ‘‘[Reactor Coolant System] Pressure Isolation Valve (PIV) Leakage,’’ Surveillance Requirement (SR) Acceptance Criteria, remove obsolete requirements found in TS 3.4.14, TS SR, and TS 3.3.5, ‘‘Loss of Power [LOP] Diesel Generator (DG) Start Instrumentation,’’ in addition to making editorial corrections resulting from these changes. NSHC. Millicent Ronnlund, Vice President and General Counsel, Southern Nuclear Operating Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1295, Birmingham, AL 35201–1295. Zachary Turner 415–6303. Tennessee Valley Authority; Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2; Hamilton County, TN Docket Nos ......................................................... Application date .................................................. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Oct 28, 2024 Jkt 265001 50–327, 50–328. August 28, 2024. PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\29OCN1.SGM 29OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 29, 2024 / Notices 85997 LICENSE AMENDMENT REQUESTS—Continued ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Location in Application of NSHC ........................ Brief Description of Amendments ....................... Proposed Determination ..................................... Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number ....... ML24247A185 (Package). Pages E1–11–E1–13 of Enclosure 1. The proposed amendments would revise the Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, fuel handling accident analysis, delete Technical Specification (TS) 3.9.4, ‘‘Containment Penetrations,’’ and modify TS 3.3.6, ‘‘Containment Ventilation Isolation Instrumentation.’’ NSHC. David Fountain, Executive VP and General Counsel, Tennessee Valley Authority, 400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT 6A–K, Knoxville, TN 37902. Perry Buckberg, 301–415–1383. Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation; Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit 1; Coffey County, KS Docket No ........................................................... Application date .................................................. ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Location in Application of NSHC ........................ Brief Description of Amendment ......................... Proposed Determination ..................................... Name of Attorney for Licensee, Mailing Address NRC Project Manager, Telephone Number ....... III. Notice of Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses During the period since publication of the last monthly notice, the Commission has issued the following amendments. The Commission has determined for each of these amendments that the application complies with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (the Act), and the Commission’s rules and regulations. The Commission has made appropriate findings as required by the Act and the Commission’s rules and regulations in 10 CFR chapter I, which are set forth in the license amendment. A notice of consideration of issuance of amendment to facility operating 50–482. August 14, 2024. ML24227A556. Pages 3–4 of Attachment I. The proposed amendment would adopt Technical Specifications Task Force (TSTF) Traveler TSTF–569–A, Revision 2, ‘‘Revise Response Time Testing Definition.’’ The proposed changes would revise the technical specification definitions for engineered safety feature and reactor trip system response times. NSHC. Chris Johnson, Corporate Counsel Director, Evergy, One Kansas City Place, 1KC–Missouri HQ 16, 1200 Main Street, Kansas City, MO 64105. Samson Lee, 301–415–3168. license or combined license, as applicable, proposed NSHC determination, and opportunity for a hearing in connection with these actions, were published in the Federal Register as indicated in the safety evaluation for each amendment. Unless otherwise indicated, the Commission has determined that these amendments satisfy the criteria for categorical exclusion in accordance with 10 CFR 51.22. Therefore, pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be prepared for these amendments. If the Commission has prepared an environmental assessment under the special circumstances provision in 10 CFR 51.22(b) and has made a determination based on that assessment, it is so indicated in the safety evaluation for the amendment. For further details with respect to each action, see the amendment and associated documents such as the Commission’s letter and safety evaluation, which may be obtained using the ADAMS accession numbers indicated in the following table. The safety evaluation will provide the ADAMS accession numbers for the application for amendment and the Federal Register citation for any environmental assessment. All of these items can be accessed as described in the ‘‘Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments’’ section of this document. LICENSE AMENDMENT ISSUANCES Constellation FitzPatrick, LLC and Constellation Energy Generation, LLC; James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant; Oswego County, NY Docket No ........................................................... Amendment Date ................................................ ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Amendment No ................................................... Brief Description of Amendment ......................... Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No). 50–333. September 4, 2024. ML24165A038. 356. The amendment revised the technical specifications to change the fuel handling accident analyses in support of the transition from the refuel bridge mast NF–400 (i.e., triangular mast) to the new NF–500 mast. No. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Entergy Operations, Inc.; Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2; Pope County, AR Docket No ........................................................... Amendment Date ................................................ ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Amendment No ................................................... Brief Description of Amendment ......................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Oct 28, 2024 Jkt 265001 50–368. October 4, 2024. ML24185A260. 335. The amendment corrected three typographical errors to Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2 (ANO– 2) Technical Specification (TS) 6.5.18, ‘‘Surveillance Frequency Control Program,’’ and TS 6.6.8, ‘‘Specific Activity,’’ which were inadvertently introduced into the ANO–2 TSs by License Amendments Nos. 315 (ML19063B948) and 326 (ML21313A008). PO 00000 Frm 00063 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\29OCN1.SGM 29OCN1 85998 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 29, 2024 / Notices LICENSE AMENDMENT ISSUANCES—Continued Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No). No. Nebraska Public Power District; Cooper Nuclear Station; Nemaha County, NE Docket No ........................................................... Amendment Date ................................................ ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Amendment No ................................................... Brief Description of Amendment ......................... Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No). 50–298. October 8, 2024. ML24250A205. 278. The amendment revised Technical Specification (TS) Table–1, ‘‘Control Rod Block Instrumentation,’’ to reference the core operating limits report and added a reference to TS 5.6.5, ‘‘Core Operating Limits Report (COLR).’’ No. NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC; Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1; Rockingham County, NH Docket No ........................................................... Amendment Date ................................................ ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Amendment No ................................................... Brief Description of Amendment ......................... Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No). 50–443. September 20, 2024. ML24239A538. 175. The amendment modified technical specification limiting condition for operation (LCO), ‘‘A.C. Sources—Operating,’’ by increasing the allowed outage time for an inoperable offsite circuit from 72 hours (3 days) to 240 hours (10 days). The change allowed Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1, to change plant modes from Cold Shutdown (MODE 5) to Startup (MODE 2) to support the replacement of the main generator breaker and outage startup activities while one independent circuit between the offsite transmission network and the onsite Class 1E Distribution System is out of service. No. Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC and Constellation Energy Generation, LLC; Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2; Oswego County, NY Docket Nos ......................................................... Amendment Date ................................................ ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Amendment Nos ................................................. Brief Description of Amendments ....................... Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No). 50–220, 50–410. September 26, 2024. ML24190A001. 252 (Unit 1), 197 (Unit 2). The amendments removed the Nine Mile Point 3 Nuclear Project, LLC, (NMP3) designation from the NMP1 and NMP2 technical specifications (TSs) which is not applicable to the current design features of the NMP site. Specifically, Section 5.0, ‘‘Design Features,’’ (Section 5.1, ‘‘Site’’ and Figure 5.1–1) in the NMP1 Technical Specifications (TSs) and Section 4.0, ‘‘Design Features,’’ (Figure 4.1–1) in the NMP2 TS is revised to reflect as the TSs were at the time Constellation Energy Nuclear Group, LLC, the previous owners of NMP1 and NMP2, were pursuing a combined license for NMP3. Additionally, the name ‘‘Entergy Nuclear FitzPatrick, LLC’’ is revised in NMP1 TS Figure 5.1–1 and NMP2 TS Figure 4.1–1 to ‘‘Constellation FitzPatrick, LLC,’’ to reflect the current owner for the James A. FitzPatrick nuclear power plant site. No. Northern States Power Company; Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant; Wright County, MN Docket No ........................................................... Amendment Date ................................................ ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Amendment No ................................................... Brief Description of Amendment ......................... Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No). 50–263. October 1, 2024. ML24199A175. 212. The amendment revised Technical Specification 3.8.6, ‘‘Battery Parameters,’’ Surveillance Requirement, acceptance criteria for the capacity of the 125-volt direct current batteries. No. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Northern States Power Company; Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant, Units 1 and 2; Goodhue County, MN Docket Nos ......................................................... Amendment Date ................................................ ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Amendment Nos ................................................. Brief Description of Amendments ....................... Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No). VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Oct 28, 2024 Jkt 265001 50–282, 50–306. September 27, 2024. ML24221A362. 245 (Unit 1), 233 (Unit 2). The amendments revised Technical Specification 3.8.1, AC [Alternating Current] Sources—Operating and Surveillance Requirement, Note 3, to remove details of a modified diesel generator start and reference to manufacturer’s recommendations. No. PO 00000 Frm 00064 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\29OCN1.SGM 29OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 209 / Tuesday, October 29, 2024 / Notices 85999 LICENSE AMENDMENT ISSUANCES—Continued Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation; Wolf Creek Generating Station, Unit 1; Coffey County, KS Docket No ........................................................... Amendment Date ................................................ ADAMS Accession No ........................................ Amendment No ................................................... Brief Description of Amendment ......................... Public Comments Received as to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No). Dated: October 22, 2024. For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Jamie Pelton, Deputy Director, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. [FR Doc. 2024–24963 Filed 10–28–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7590–01–P [Release No. 34–101420; File No. SRCboeBYX–2024–034] Self-Regulatory Organizations; Cboe BYX Exchange, Inc.; Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change With Respect to Amendments to the Seventh Amended and Restated Bylaws (the ‘‘CGM Bylaws’’) of Its Parent Corporation, Cboe Global Markets, Inc. (‘‘Cboe’’ or ‘‘Corporation’’) October 23, 2024. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Pursuant to Section 19(b)(1) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (the ‘‘Act’’),1 and Rule 19b–4 thereunder,2 notice is hereby given that on October 11, 2024, Cboe BYX Exchange, Inc. (the ‘‘Exchange’’ or ‘‘BYX’’) filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (‘‘Commission’’) the proposed rule change as described in Items I, II, and III below, which Items have been prepared by the Exchange. The Commission is publishing this notice to solicit comments on the proposed rule change from interested persons. I. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement of the Terms of Substance of the Proposed Rule Change Cboe BYX Exchange, Inc. (the ‘‘Exchange’’ or ‘‘BYX’’) is filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the ‘‘Commission’’) a proposed rule change with respect to amendments to the Seventh Amended and Restated Bylaws (the ‘‘CGM Bylaws’’) of its parent corporation, Cboe Global Markets, Inc. (‘‘Cboe’’ or ‘‘Corporation’’). 2 17 U.S.C. 78s(b)(1). CFR 240.19b–4. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Oct 28, 2024 Jkt 265001 The text of the proposed rule change is provided in Exhibit 5. The text of the proposed rule change is also available on the Exchange’s website ( equities/regulation/rule_filings/byx/), at the Exchange’s Office of the Secretary, and at the Commission’s Public Reference Room. II. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION 1 15 50–482. September 17, 2024. ML24199A171. 241. The amendment revised Technical Specification 5.5.11.b for the Ventilation Filter Testing Program by changing the testing requirements for the in place test of the charcoal absorber penetration and system bypass. No. In its filing with the Commission, the Exchange included statements concerning the purpose of and basis for the proposed rule change and discussed any comments it received on the proposed rule change. The text of these statements may be examined at the places specified in Item IV below. The Exchange has prepared summaries, set forth in sections A, B, and C below, of the most significant aspects of such statements. A. Self-Regulatory Organization’s Statement of the Purpose of, and Statutory Basis for, the Proposed Rule Change 1. Purpose At Cboe’s annual meeting held on May 16, 2024, Cboe’s stockholders considered two advisory proposals that would provide Cboe stockholders with the right to call a special meeting of the stockholders provided that a certain threshold percentage of stockholders propose to call such a meeting. The two proposals were submitted separately. One of the proposals was submitted by an individual stockholder (‘‘Stockholder Proposal’’). The other proposal was submitted by Cboe Management (‘‘Management Proposal’’). The Stockholder Proposal, which did not pass but received 45% of the votes cast, requested that the CGM Board take steps to enable stockholders having at least 10% of Cboe’s voting power to call a special meeting of the stockholders. The Management Proposal, which passed with 65% of the votes cast, requested PO 00000 Frm 00065 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 that the CGM Board take steps to enable stockholders having at least 25% of Cboe’s voting power to call a special meeting of the stockholders. The Nominating & Governance Committee of the CGM Board reviewed the voting results of the Stockholder Proposal and the Management Proposal and discussed the stockholder voting standards and rights contemplated by the CGM Bylaws. Following this review, the Nominating & Governance Committee recommended to the CGM Board, and the CGM Board approved, certain changes to the CGM Bylaws to implement the Management Proposal. The CGM Board also approved amending the CGM Bylaws to improve the governance processes of Cboe, to make certain provisions more consistent with Delaware General Corporation Law (‘‘DGCL’’), and to make clarifying and cleanup changes to the CGM Bylaws. The proposed rule change amends the CGM Bylaws to implement the changes approved by the CGM Board. Proposed Changes to Article 2— Stockholders Current Section 2.3 (Special Meeting) of the CGM Bylaws provides that only the Chair of the Board, the Chief Executive Officer or the CGM Board may call a special meeting of the stockholders. To respond to feedback from its stockholders, as discussed above, Cboe proposes to delete portions of this provision and add language that will provide Cboe stockholders with the right to call special stockholder meetings (a ‘‘Stockholder Requested Special Meeting’’) after following particular procedures. In defining the procedural requirements, Cboe’s goals are to ensure timely notice of a meeting request and to gather sufficient information about the proposing stockholder(s) and the proposed business itself. Among other things, this information will help ensure that Cboe is able to comply with its disclosure and other requirements under applicable law and that Cboe, the CGM Board and its stockholders are able to adequately assess proposed business E:\FR\FM\29OCN1.SGM 29OCN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 209 (Tuesday, October 29, 2024)]
[Pages 85994-85999]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-24963]




Monthly Notice; Applications and Amendments to Facility Operating 
Licenses and Combined Licenses Involving No Significant Hazards 

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Monthly notice.


SUMMARY: Pursuant to section 189a.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 
as amended (the Act), the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is 
publishing this regular monthly notice. The Act requires the Commission 
to publish notice of any amendments issued, or proposed to be issued, 
and grants the Commission the authority to issue and make immediately 
effective any amendment to an operating license or combined license, as 
applicable, upon a determination by the Commission that such amendment 
involves no significant hazards consideration (NSHC), notwithstanding 
the pendency before the Commission of a request for a hearing from any 

DATES: Comments must be filed by November 29, 2024. A request for a 
hearing or petitions for leave to intervene must be filed by December 
30, 2024. This monthly notice includes all amendments issued, or 
proposed to be issued, from September 13, 2024, to October 10, 2024. 
The last monthly notice was published on October 1, 2024.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments by any of the following methods; 
however, the NRC encourages electronic comment submission through the 
Federal rulemaking website.
     Federal rulemaking website: Go to and search for Docket ID NRC-2024-0187. Address 
questions about Docket IDs in to Stacy Schumann; 
telephone: 301-415-0624; email: [email protected]. For technical 
questions, contact the individual listed in the For Further Information 
Contact section of this document.
     Mail comments to: Office of Administration, Mail Stop: 
TWFN-7-A60M, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-
0001, ATTN: Program Management, Announcements and Editing Staff.
    For additional direction on obtaining information and submitting 
comments, see ``Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments'' in the 
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this document.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Susan Lent, Office of Nuclear Reactor 
Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-
0001; telephone: 301-415-1365; email: [email protected].


I. Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments

A. Obtaining Information

    Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2024-0187, facility name, unit 
number(s), docket number(s), application date, and subject when 
contacting the NRC about the availability of information for this 
action. You may obtain publicly available information related to this 
action by any of the following methods:
     Federal Rulemaking Website: Go to and search for Docket ID NRC-2024-0187.
     NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System 
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly available documents online in the 
ADAMS Public Documents collection at To begin the search, select ``Begin Web-based ADAMS 
Search.'' For problems with ADAMS, please contact the NRC's Public 
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, at 301-415-4737, 
or by email to [email protected]. For the convenience of the reader, 
instructions about obtaining materials referenced in this document are 
provided in the ``Availability of Documents'' section.
     NRC's PDR: The PDR, where you may examine and order copies 
of publicly available documents, is open by appointment. To make an 
appointment to visit the PDR, please send an email to 
[email protected] or call 1-800-397-4209 or 301-415-4737, between 8 
a.m. and 4 p.m. eastern time (ET), Monday through Friday, except 
Federal holidays.

B. Submitting Comments

    The NRC encourages electronic comment submission through the 
Federal rulemaking website ( Please 
include Docket ID NRC-2024-0187, facility name, unit number(s), docket 
number(s), application date, and subject, in your comment submission.
    The NRC cautions you not to include identifying or contact 
information that you do not want to be publicly disclosed in your 
comment submission. The NRC will post all comment submissions at as well as enter the comment submissions 
into ADAMS. The NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to 
remove identifying or contact information.
    If you are requesting or aggregating comments from other persons 
for submission to the NRC, then you should inform those persons not to 
include identifying or contact information that they do not want to be 
publicly disclosed in their comment submission. Your request should 
state that the NRC does not routinely edit comment submissions to 
remove such information before making the comment submissions available 
to the public or entering the comment into ADAMS.

II. Notice of Consideration of Issuance of Amendments to Facility 
Operating Licenses and Combined Licenses and Proposed No Significant 
Hazards Consideration Determination

    For the facility-specific amendment requests shown in this notice, 
the Commission finds that the licensees' analyses provided, consistent 
with section 50.91 of title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (10 
CFR) ``Notice for public comment; State consultation,'' are sufficient 
to support the proposed determinations that these amendment requests 
involve NSHC. Under the Commission's regulations in 10 CFR 50.92, 
operation of the facilities in accordance with the proposed amendments 
would not (1) involve a significant increase in the probability or 
consequences of an accident previously evaluated; or (2) create the 
possibility of a new or different kind of accident from any accident 
previously evaluated; or (3) involve a significant reduction in a 
margin of safety.
    The Commission is seeking public comments on these proposed 
determinations. Any comments received within 30 days after the date of 
publication of this notice will be considered in making any final 
    Normally, the Commission will not issue the amendments until the 
expiration of 60 days after the date of publication of this notice. The 
Commission may issue any of these license amendments before expiration 
of the 60-day period provided that its final determination is that the 
amendment involves NSHC. In addition, the Commission may issue any of 
these amendments prior to the expiration of the 30-day comment period 
if circumstances change during the 30-day comment period such that 
failure to act in a timely way would result, for example in derating or 
shutdown of the

[[Page 85995]]

facility. If the Commission takes action on any of these amendments 
prior to the expiration of either the comment period or the notice 
period, it will publish in the Federal Register a notice of issuance. 
If the Commission makes a final NSHC determination for any of these 
amendments, any hearing will take place after issuance. The Commission 
expects that the need to take action on any amendment before 60 days 
have elapsed will occur very infrequently.

A. Opportunity To Request a Hearing and Petition for Leave To Intervene

    Within 60 days after the date of publication of this notice, any 
person (petitioner) whose interest may be affected by any of these 
actions may file a request for a hearing and petition for leave to 
intervene (petition) with respect to that action. Petitions shall be 
filed in accordance with the Commission's ``Agency Rules of Practice 
and Procedure'' in 10 CFR part 2. Interested persons should consult a 
current copy of 10 CFR 2.309. If a petition is filed, the Commission or 
a presiding officer will rule on the petition and, if appropriate, a 
notice of a hearing will be issued.
    Petitions must be filed no later than 60 days from the date of 
publication of this notice in accordance with the filing instructions 
in the ``Electronic Submissions (E-Filing)'' section of this document. 
Petitions and motions for leave to file new or amended contentions that 
are filed after the deadline will not be entertained absent a 
determination by the presiding officer that the filing demonstrates 
good cause by satisfying the three factors in 10 CFR 2.309(c)(1)(i) 
through (iii).
    If a hearing is requested, and the Commission has not made a final 
determination on the issue of no significant hazards consideration, the 
Commission will make a final determination on the issue of no 
significant hazards consideration, which will serve to establish when 
the hearing is held. If the final determination is that the amendment 
request involves no significant hazards consideration, the Commission 
may issue the amendment and make it immediately effective, 
notwithstanding the request for a hearing. Any hearing would take place 
after issuance of the amendment. If the final determination is that the 
amendment request involves a significant hazards consideration, then 
any hearing held would take place before the issuance of the amendment 
unless the Commission finds an imminent danger to the health or safety 
of the public, in which case it will issue an appropriate order or rule 
under 10 CFR part 2.
    A State, local governmental body, Federally recognized Indian 
Tribe, or designated agency thereof, may submit a petition to the 
Commission to participate as a party under 10 CFR 2.309(h) no later 
than 60 days from the date of publication of this notice. 
Alternatively, a State, local governmental body, Federally recognized 
Indian Tribe, or agency thereof may participate as a non-party under 10 
CFR 2.315(c).
    For information about filing a petition and about participation by 
a person not a party under 10 CFR 2.315, see ADAMS Accession No. 
ML20340A053 ( and on the NRC's public website 

B. Electronic Submissions (E-Filing)

    All documents filed in NRC adjudicatory proceedings, including 
documents filed by an interested State, local governmental body, 
Federally recognized Indian Tribe, or designated agency thereof that 
requests to participate under 10 CFR 2.315(c), must be filed in 
accordance with 10 CFR 2.302. The E-Filing process requires 
participants to submit and serve all adjudicatory documents over the 
internet, or in some cases, to mail copies on electronic storage media, 
unless an exemption permitting an alternative filing method, as further 
discussed, is granted. Detailed guidance on electronic submissions is 
located in the ``Guidance for Electronic Submissions to the NRC'' 
(ADAMS Accession No. ML13031A056) and on the NRC's public website at
    To comply with the procedural requirements of E-Filing, at least 10 
days prior to the filing deadline, the participant should contact the 
Office of the Secretary by email at [email protected], or by 
telephone at 301-415-1677, to (1) request a digital identification (ID) 
certificate, which allows the participant (or its counsel or 
representative) to digitally sign submissions and access the E-Filing 
system for any proceeding in which it is participating; and (2) advise 
the Secretary that the participant will be submitting a petition or 
other adjudicatory document (even in instances in which the 
participant, or its counsel or representative, already holds an NRC-
issued digital ID certificate). Based upon this information, the 
Secretary will establish an electronic docket for the proceeding if the 
Secretary has not already established an electronic docket.
    Information about applying for a digital ID certificate is 
available on the NRC's public website at After a digital ID certificate is 
obtained and a docket created, the participant must submit adjudicatory 
documents in Portable Document Format. Guidance on submissions is 
available on the NRC's public website at A filing is considered complete at the 
time the document is submitted through the NRC's E-Filing system. To be 
timely, an electronic filing must be submitted to the E-Filing system 
no later than 11:59 p.m. ET on the due date. Upon receipt of a 
transmission, the E-Filing system time-stamps the document and sends 
the submitter an email confirming receipt of the document. The E-Filing 
system also distributes an email that provides access to the document 
to the NRC's Office of the General Counsel and any others who have 
advised the Office of the Secretary that they wish to participate in 
the proceeding, so that the filer need not serve the document on those 
participants separately. Therefore, applicants and other participants 
(or their counsel or representative) must apply for and receive a 
digital ID certificate before adjudicatory documents are filed to 
obtain access to the documents via the E-Filing system.
    A person filing electronically using the NRC's adjudicatory E-
Filing system may seek assistance by contacting the NRC's Electronic 
Filing Help Desk through the ``Contact Us'' link located on the NRC's 
public website at, by 
email to [email protected], or by a toll-free call at 1-866-672-
7640. The NRC Electronic Filing Help Desk is available between 9 a.m. 
and 6 p.m., ET, Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
    Participants who believe that they have good cause for not 
submitting documents electronically must file an exemption request, in 
accordance with 10 CFR 2.302(g), with their initial paper filing 
stating why there is good cause for not filing electronically and 
requesting authorization to continue to submit documents in paper 
format. Such filings must be submitted in accordance with 10 CFR 
2.302(b)-(d). Participants filing adjudicatory documents in this manner 
are responsible for serving their documents on all other participants. 
Participants granted an exemption under 10 CFR 2.302(g)(2) must still 
meet the electronic formatting requirement in

[[Page 85996]]

10 CFR 2.302(g)(1), unless the participant also seeks and is granted an 
exemption from 10 CFR 2.302(g)(1).
    Documents submitted in adjudicatory proceedings will appear in the 
NRC's electronic hearing docket, which is publicly available at, unless excluded pursuant to an order of the 
presiding officer. If you do not have an NRC-issued digital ID 
certificate as previously described, click ``cancel'' when the link 
requests certificates and you will be automatically directed to the 
NRC's electronic hearing docket where you will be able to access any 
publicly available documents in a particular hearing docket. 
Participants are requested not to include personal privacy information 
such as social security numbers, home addresses, or personal phone 
numbers in their filings unless an NRC regulation or other law requires 
submission of such information. With respect to copyrighted works, 
except for limited excerpts that serve the purpose of the adjudicatory 
filings and would constitute a Fair Use application, participants 
should not include copyrighted materials in their submission.
    The following table provides the plant name, docket number, date of 
application, ADAMS accession number, and location in the application of 
the licensees' proposed NSHC determinations. For further details with 
respect to these license amendment applications, see the applications 
for amendment, which are available for public inspection in ADAMS. For 
additional direction on accessing information related to this document, 
see the ``Obtaining Information and Submitting Comments'' section of 
this document.

                       License Amendment Requests
   Florida Power & Light Company, et al.; St. Lucie Plant, Unit 2; St.
                            Lucie County, FL
Docket No....................  50-389.
Application date.............  September 11, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24255A118.
Location in Application of     Pages 8-9 of Enclosure 1.
Brief Description of           The proposed license amendment would
 Amendment.                     revise St. Lucie Plant, Unit 2,
                                Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.3,
                                ``Core Operating Limits Report,'' by
                                updating the listing of NRC-approved
                                analytical methods used to determine the
                                core operating limits. Specifically,
                                changes to the fuel thermal-mechanics,
                                core thermal-hydraulics, emergency core
                                cooling, nuclear design, and select
                                design basis event analyses are proposed
                                using NRC-approved advanced codes and
                                methods in support of a St. Lucie Plant,
                                Unit 2, transition to 24-month fuel
Proposed Determination.......  NSHC.
Name of Attorney for           James Petro, Managing Attorney--Nuclear,
 Licensee, Mailing Address.     Florida Power & Light Company, 700
                                Universe Boulevard, MS LAW/JB, Juno
                                Beach, FL 33408-0420.
NRC Project Manager,           Natreon Jordan, 301-415-7410.
 Telephone Number.
 Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.; Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant,
                    Units 1 and 2; Appling County, GA
Docket Nos...................  50-321, 50-366.
Application date.............  September 11, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24255A892.
Location in Application of     Pages E-1 to E-3 of the Enclosure.
Brief Description of           The proposed amendments would modify the
 Amendments.                    Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Plant, Units 1
                                and 2, technical specifications (TS) to
                                adopt Technical Specifications Task
                                Force (TSTF)-591, ``Revise Risk Informed
                                Completion Time (RICT) Program.'' TSTF-
                                591 revises TS Section 5.5 Program,
                                ``Risk Informed Completion Time
                                Program,'' to reference Regulatory Guide
                                1.200, Revision 3 (instead of Revision
                                2) and to make other changes. Also, a
                                new report would be added to TS Section
                                5.6, ``Reporting Requirements,'' to
                                inform the NRC of newly developed
                                methods used to calculate a RICT.
Proposed Determination.......  NSHC.
Name of Attorney for           Millicent Ronnlund, Vice President and
 Licensee, Mailing Address.     General Counsel, Southern Nuclear
                                Operating Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1295,
                                Birmingham, AL 35201-1295.
NRC Project Manager,           Dawnmathews Kalathiveettil, 301-415-5905.
 Telephone Number.
   Southern Nuclear Operating Company, Inc.; Joseph M. Farley Nuclear
                Plant, Units 1 and 2; Houston County, AL
Docket Nos...................  50-348, 50-364.
Application date.............  September 4, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24248A273.
Location in Application of     Pages E-6 through E-8 of the Enclosure.
Brief Description of           The proposed amendments would revise
 Amendments.                    Technical Specification (TS) 3.4.14,
                                ``[Reactor Coolant System] Pressure
                                Isolation Valve (PIV) Leakage,''
                                Surveillance Requirement (SR)
                                Acceptance Criteria, remove obsolete
                                requirements found in TS 3.4.14, TS SR
                      , and TS 3.3.5, ``Loss of Power
                                [LOP] Diesel Generator (DG) Start
                                Instrumentation,'' in addition to making
                                editorial corrections resulting from
                                these changes.
Proposed Determination.......  NSHC.
Name of Attorney for           Millicent Ronnlund, Vice President and
 Licensee, Mailing Address.     General Counsel, Southern Nuclear
                                Operating Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1295,
                                Birmingham, AL 35201-1295.
NRC Project Manager,           Zachary Turner 415-6303.
 Telephone Number.
   Tennessee Valley Authority; Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2;
                           Hamilton County, TN
Docket Nos...................  50-327, 50-328.
Application date.............  August 28, 2024.

[[Page 85997]]

ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24247A185 (Package).
Location in Application of     Pages E1-11-E1-13 of Enclosure 1.
Brief Description of           The proposed amendments would revise the
 Amendments.                    Sequoyah Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2,
                                fuel handling accident analysis, delete
                                Technical Specification (TS) 3.9.4,
                                ``Containment Penetrations,'' and modify
                                TS 3.3.6, ``Containment Ventilation
                                Isolation Instrumentation.''
Proposed Determination.......  NSHC.
Name of Attorney for           David Fountain, Executive VP and General
 Licensee, Mailing Address.     Counsel, Tennessee Valley Authority, 400
                                West Summit Hill Drive, WT 6A-K,
                                Knoxville, TN 37902.
NRC Project Manager,           Perry Buckberg, 301-415-1383.
 Telephone Number.
Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation; Wolf Creek Generating Station,
                        Unit 1; Coffey County, KS
Docket No....................  50-482.
Application date.............  August 14, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24227A556.
Location in Application of     Pages 3-4 of Attachment I.
Brief Description of           The proposed amendment would adopt
 Amendment.                     Technical Specifications Task Force
                                (TSTF) Traveler TSTF-569-A, Revision 2,
                                ``Revise Response Time Testing
                                Definition.'' The proposed changes would
                                revise the technical specification
                                definitions for engineered safety
                                feature and reactor trip system response
Proposed Determination.......  NSHC.
Name of Attorney for           Chris Johnson, Corporate Counsel
 Licensee, Mailing Address.     Director, Evergy, One Kansas City Place,
                                1KC-Missouri HQ 16, 1200 Main Street,
                                Kansas City, MO 64105.
NRC Project Manager,           Samson Lee, 301-415-3168.
 Telephone Number.

III. Notice of Issuance of Amendments to Facility Operating Licenses 
and Combined Licenses

    During the period since publication of the last monthly notice, the 
Commission has issued the following amendments. The Commission has 
determined for each of these amendments that the application complies 
with the standards and requirements of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, 
as amended (the Act), and the Commission's rules and regulations. The 
Commission has made appropriate findings as required by the Act and the 
Commission's rules and regulations in 10 CFR chapter I, which are set 
forth in the license amendment.
    A notice of consideration of issuance of amendment to facility 
operating license or combined license, as applicable, proposed NSHC 
determination, and opportunity for a hearing in connection with these 
actions, were published in the Federal Register as indicated in the 
safety evaluation for each amendment.
    Unless otherwise indicated, the Commission has determined that 
these amendments satisfy the criteria for categorical exclusion in 
accordance with 10 CFR 51.22. Therefore, pursuant to 10 CFR 51.22(b), 
no environmental impact statement or environmental assessment need be 
prepared for these amendments. If the Commission has prepared an 
environmental assessment under the special circumstances provision in 
10 CFR 51.22(b) and has made a determination based on that assessment, 
it is so indicated in the safety evaluation for the amendment.
    For further details with respect to each action, see the amendment 
and associated documents such as the Commission's letter and safety 
evaluation, which may be obtained using the ADAMS accession numbers 
indicated in the following table. The safety evaluation will provide 
the ADAMS accession numbers for the application for amendment and the 
Federal Register citation for any environmental assessment. All of 
these items can be accessed as described in the ``Obtaining Information 
and Submitting Comments'' section of this document.

                       License Amendment Issuances
Constellation FitzPatrick, LLC and Constellation Energy Generation, LLC;
       James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant; Oswego County, NY
Docket No....................  50-333.
Amendment Date...............  September 4, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24165A038.
Amendment No.................  356.
Brief Description of           The amendment revised the technical
 Amendment.                     specifications to change the fuel
                                handling accident analyses in support of
                                the transition from the refuel bridge
                                mast NF-400 (i.e., triangular mast) to
                                the new NF-500 mast.
Public Comments Received as    No.
 to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No).
 Entergy Operations, Inc.; Arkansas Nuclear One, Unit 2; Pope County, AR
Docket No....................  50-368.
Amendment Date...............  October 4, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24185A260.
Amendment No.................  335.
Brief Description of           The amendment corrected three
 Amendment.                     typographical errors to Arkansas Nuclear
                                One, Unit 2 (ANO-2) Technical
                                Specification (TS) 6.5.18,
                                ``Surveillance Frequency Control
                                Program,'' and TS 6.6.8, ``Specific
                                Activity,'' which were inadvertently
                                introduced into the ANO-2 TSs by License
                                Amendments Nos. 315 (ML19063B948) and
                                326 (ML21313A008).

[[Page 85998]]

Public Comments Received as    No.
 to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No).
 Nebraska Public Power District; Cooper Nuclear Station; Nemaha County,
Docket No....................  50-298.
Amendment Date...............  October 8, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24250A205.
Amendment No.................  278.
Brief Description of           The amendment revised Technical
 Amendment.                     Specification (TS) Table,
                                ``Control Rod Block Instrumentation,''
                                to reference the core operating limits
                                report and added a reference to TS
                                5.6.5, ``Core Operating Limits Report
Public Comments Received as    No.
 to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No).
 NextEra Energy Seabrook, LLC; Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1; Rockingham
                               County, NH
Docket No....................  50-443.
Amendment Date...............  September 20, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24239A538.
Amendment No.................  175.
Brief Description of           The amendment modified technical
 Amendment.                     specification limiting condition for
                                operation (LCO), ``A.C. Sources--
                                Operating,'' by increasing the allowed
                                outage time for an inoperable offsite
                                circuit from 72 hours (3 days) to 240
                                hours (10 days). The change allowed
                                Seabrook Station, Unit No. 1, to change
                                plant modes from Cold Shutdown (MODE 5)
                                to Startup (MODE 2) to support the
                                replacement of the main generator
                                breaker and outage startup activities
                                while one independent circuit between
                                the offsite transmission network and the
                                onsite Class 1E Distribution System is
                                out of service.
Public Comments Received as    No.
 to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No).
      Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, LLC and Constellation Energy
 Generation, LLC; Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station, Units 1 and 2; Oswego
                               County, NY
Docket Nos...................  50-220, 50-410.
Amendment Date...............  September 26, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24190A001.
Amendment Nos................  252 (Unit 1), 197 (Unit 2).
Brief Description of           The amendments removed the Nine Mile
 Amendments.                    Point 3 Nuclear Project, LLC, (NMP3)
                                designation from the NMP1 and NMP2
                                technical specifications (TSs) which is
                                not applicable to the current design
                                features of the NMP site. Specifically,
                                Section 5.0, ``Design Features,''
                                (Section 5.1, ``Site'' and Figure 5.1-1)
                                in the NMP1 Technical Specifications
                                (TSs) and Section 4.0, ``Design
                                Features,'' (Figure 4.1-1) in the NMP2
                                TS is revised to reflect as the TSs were
                                at the time Constellation Energy Nuclear
                                Group, LLC, the previous owners of NMP1
                                and NMP2, were pursuing a combined
                                license for NMP3. Additionally, the name
                                ``Entergy Nuclear FitzPatrick, LLC'' is
                                revised in NMP1 TS Figure 5.1-1 and NMP2
                                TS Figure 4.1-1 to ``Constellation
                                FitzPatrick, LLC,'' to reflect the
                                current owner for the James A.
                                FitzPatrick nuclear power plant site.
Public Comments Received as    No.
 to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No).
   Northern States Power Company; Monticello Nuclear Generating Plant;
                            Wright County, MN
Docket No....................  50-263.
Amendment Date...............  October 1, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24199A175.
Amendment No.................  212.
Brief Description of           The amendment revised Technical
 Amendment.                     Specification 3.8.6, ``Battery
                                Parameters,'' Surveillance Requirement
                      , acceptance criteria for the
                                capacity of the 125-volt direct current
Public Comments Received as    No.
 to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No).
 Northern States Power Company; Prairie Island Nuclear Generating Plant,
                    Units 1 and 2; Goodhue County, MN
Docket Nos...................  50-282, 50-306.
Amendment Date...............  September 27, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24221A362.
Amendment Nos................  245 (Unit 1), 233 (Unit 2).
Brief Description of           The amendments revised Technical
 Amendments.                    Specification 3.8.1, AC [Alternating
                                Current] Sources--Operating and
                                Surveillance Requirement, Note
                                3, to remove details of a modified
                                diesel generator start and reference to
                                manufacturer's recommendations.
Public Comments Received as    No.
 to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No).

[[Page 85999]]

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation; Wolf Creek Generating Station,
                        Unit 1; Coffey County, KS
Docket No....................  50-482.
Amendment Date...............  September 17, 2024.
ADAMS Accession No...........  ML24199A171.
Amendment No.................  241.
Brief Description of           The amendment revised Technical
 Amendment.                     Specification 5.5.11.b for the
                                Ventilation Filter Testing Program by
                                changing the testing requirements for
                                the in place test of the charcoal
                                absorber penetration and system bypass.
Public Comments Received as    No.
 to Proposed NSHC (Yes/No).

    Dated: October 22, 2024.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Jamie Pelton,
Deputy Director, Division of Operating Reactor Licensing, Office of 
Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2024-24963 Filed 10-28-24; 8:45 am]

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