Establishment of United States Area Navigation Route Q-161 and Amendment of United States Area Navigation Routes Q-97, Q-133, Q-437, Q-439, Q-445, and Q-481; Eastern United States, 85455-85459 [2024-24938]

Download as PDF 85455 Proposed Rules Federal Register Vol. 89, No. 208 Monday, October 28, 2024 This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains notices to the public of the proposed issuance of rules and regulations. The purpose of these notices is to give interested persons an opportunity to participate in the rule making prior to the adoption of the final rules. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 71 Proposed Amendment of Class C Airspace at Palm Beach International Airport, FL; Public Meeting Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notification of meeting. AGENCY: This document announces a fact-finding informal airspace meeting regarding a plan to amend Class C Airspace at Palm Beach International Airport, FL (KPBI). The purpose of the meeting is to solicit aeronautical comments on the proposal’s effects on local aviation operations. All comments received during the meeting, and the subsequent comment period, will be considered prior to the issuance of a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). DATES: The meeting will be held on Thursday, December 5, 2024, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (Eastern Time). Comments must be received on or before January 4, 2025. Format: This will be a virtual informal airspace meeting using the Zoom teleconferencing tool. The meeting will also be recorded and available to watch on the FAA YouTube social media channel. ADDRESSES: Comments: Send comments on the proposal to: Matthew Cathcart, Manager, Operations Support Group, Eastern Service Center, Air Traffic Organization, Federal Aviation Administration, 1701 Columbia Avenue, College Park, GA 30337; or via email to: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mark Siviglia, Acting Air Traffic Manager, Palm Beach Airport Traffic Control Tower, 3550 Belvedere Rd., West Palm Beach, FL 33406. Telephone Number (561) 275–1401, Email: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1 SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:25 Oct 25, 2024 Jkt 265001 Meeting Procedures The meeting will provide interested parties an opportunity to present views, recommendations, and comments on the proposed airspace. (a) Registration: To attend the meeting, the public can register here: webinar/register/WN_v-ZwjHMtTc6DxR jewMawAg. (b) The meeting will be open to all persons on a space-available basis. There will be no admission fee or other charge to attend and participate. The meeting will be informal in nature and will be conducted by one or more representatives of the FAA Eastern Service Area. A representative from the FAA will present a briefing on the planned airspace modifications. (c) Each participant will be given an opportunity to deliver comments or make a presentation, although a time limit may be imposed to accommodate closing times. Only comments concerning the plan to amend the Palm Beach International Airport Class C airspace area will be accepted. (d) Each person wishing to make a presentation will be asked to note their intent when registering for the meeting so those time frames can be established. This meeting will not be adjourned until everyone registered to speak has had an opportunity to address the panel. This meeting may be adjourned at any time if all persons present have had an opportunity to speak. (e) Position papers or other handout material relating to the substance of the meeting will be accepted. Participants submitting papers or handout materials should send them to the mail or email address noted in the COMMENTS section, above. (f) This meeting will be formally recorded and available on the FAA YouTube channel. A summary of the comments made at the meeting will be filed in the rulemaking docket. Information gathered through this meeting will assist the FAA in drafting a NPRM that would be published in the Federal Register. The public will be afforded the opportunity to comment on any NPRM published on this matter. A graphic depiction of the proposed airspace modifications may be viewed at the following URL: palmbeach. Agenda for the Meeting • Presentation of Meeting Procedures PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 • Informal Presentation of the proposed amendment to the Class C Airspace area • Public Presentations • Discussions and Questions • Closing Comments Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–1963 Comp., p. 389. Issued in Washington, DC, on October 22, 2024. Frank Lias, Manager, Rules and Regulations Group. [FR Doc. 2024–24935 Filed 10–25–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Aviation Administration 14 CFR Part 71 [Docket No. FAA–2024–2352; Airspace Docket No. 24–AEA–4] RIN 2120–AA66 Establishment of United States Area Navigation Route Q–161 and Amendment of United States Area Navigation Routes Q–97, Q–133, Q– 437, Q–439, Q–445, and Q–481; Eastern United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM). AGENCY: This action proposes to establish United States Area Navigation (RNAV) Route Q–161 and amend RNAV Routes Q–97, Q–133, Q–437, Q–439, Q– 445, and Q–481 in the eastern United States. This action supports the Northeast Corridor Atlantic Coast Route (NEC ACR) Optimization Project to improve the efficiency of the National Airspace System (NAS). DATES: Comments must be received on or before December 12, 2024. ADDRESSES: Send comments identified by FAA Docket No. FAA–2024–2352 and Airspace Docket No. 24–AEA–4 using any of the following methods: * Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to and follow the online instructions for sending your comments electronically. * Mail: Send comments to Docket Operations, M–30; U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\28OCP1.SGM 28OCP1 85456 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 208 / Monday, October 28, 2024 / Proposed Rules Avenue SE, Room W12–140, West Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC 20590–0001. * Hand Delivery or Courier: Take comments to Docket Operations in Room W12–140 of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. * Fax: Fax comments to Docket Operations at (202) 493–2251. Docket: Background documents or comments received may be read at at any time. Follow the online instructions for accessing the docket or go to the Docket Operations in Room W12–140 of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. FAA Order JO 7400.11J, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, and subsequent amendments can be viewed online at publications/. You may also contact the Rules and Regulations Group, Policy Directorate, Federal Aviation Administration, 600 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20597; telephone: (202) 267–8783. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Brian Vidis, Rules and Regulations Group, Policy Directorate, Federal Aviation Administration, 600 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20597; telephone: (202) 267–8783. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Authority for This Rulemaking lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1 The FAA’s authority to issue rules regarding aviation safety is found in Title 49 of the United States Code. Subtitle I, section 106 describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency’s authority. This rulemaking is promulgated under the authority described in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that section, the FAA is charged with prescribing regulations to assign the use of the airspace necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft and the efficient use of airspace. This regulation is within the scope of that authority as it amends the route structure to maintain the efficient flow of air traffic within the NAS. Comments Invited The FAA invites interested persons to participate in this rulemaking by submitting written comments, data, or views. Comments are specifically invited on the overall regulatory, aeronautical, economic, environmental, VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:25 Oct 25, 2024 Jkt 265001 and energy-related aspects of the proposal. The most helpful comments reference a specific portion of the proposal, explain the reason for any recommended change, and include supporting data. To ensure the docket does not contain duplicate comments, commenters should submit only one time if comments are filed electronically, or commenters should send only one copy of written comments if comments are filed in writing. The FAA will file in the docket all comments it receives, as well as a report summarizing each substantive public contact with FAA personnel concerning this proposed rulemaking. Before acting on this proposal, the FAA will consider all comments it receives on or before the closing date for comments. The FAA will consider comments filed after the comment period has closed if it is possible to do so without incurring expense or delay. The FAA may change this proposal in light of the comments it receives. Privacy: In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT solicits comments from the public to better inform its rulemaking process. DOT posts these comments, without edit, including any personal information the commenter provides, to, as described in the system of records notice (DOT/ALL– 14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at Availability of Rulemaking Documents An electronic copy of this document may be downloaded through the internet at Recently published rulemaking documents can also be accessed through the FAA’s web page at traffic/publications/airspace_ amendments/. You may review the public docket containing the proposal, any comments received and any final disposition in person in the Dockets Operations office (see ADDRESSES section for address, phone number, and hours of operations). An informal docket may also be examined during normal business hours at the office of the Eastern Service Center, Federal Aviation Administration, Room 210, 1701 Columbia Avenue, College Park, GA, 30337. Incorporation by Reference United States Area Navigation Routes (Q-Routes) are published in paragraph 2006 of FAA Order JO 7400.11, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, which is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 on an annual basis. This document proposes to amend the PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 current version of that order, FAA Order JO 7400.11J, dated July 31, 2024, and effective September 15, 2024. These updates would be published in the next update to FAA Order JO 7400.11. That order is publicly available as listed in the ADDRESSES section of this document. FAA Order JO 7400.11J lists Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace areas, air traffic service routes, and reporting points. The Proposal The FAA is proposing an amendment to 14 CFR part 71 to establish RNAV Route Q–161 and amend RNAV Routes Q–97, Q–133, Q–437, Q–439, Q–445, and Q–481 in the eastern United States This action supports the NEC ACR Optimization Project to improve the efficiency of the NAS. The proposed route changes are described below. Additionally, the FAA identified that the route descriptions of RNAV Routes Q–133 and Q–437 list the KALDA, VA; VILLS, NJ; and LLUND, NY route points as Fixes, in error. These route points were modified on June 20, 2023, from a Fix to become a waypoint (WP). The KALDA, VILLS, and LLUND route points are identified as a WP in the National Airspace System Resource (NASR) database and charted as a WP accordingly. This proposal would correct these errors and refer to the KALDA, VILLS, and LLUND route points as a WP. In place of a two-letter state abbreviation for multiple listed route points in route descriptions the ‘‘OA’’ means ‘‘Offshore Atlantic’’. Q–97: Q–97 currently extends between the TOVAR, FL, WP and the Presque Isle, ME (PQI), Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range/ Distance Measuring Equipment (VOR/ DME). The FAA proposes to remove the BYSEL, MD, WP from the route description as it is a turn of less than one degree. Additionally, the FAA proposes to add six route points between the ZJAAY, MD, WP and the Calverton, NY (CCC), VOR/DME. The route points that would be added are the PAJET, DE, WP; CAANO, DE, WP; TBONN, OA, WP; ZIZZI, NJ, WP; YAZUU, NJ, WP; and HEADI, NJ, WP. The proposed route modification would move RNAV Route Q–97 to the east to eliminate traffic conflicts between aircraft flying southbound on RNAV Route Q–97 and aircraft flying northbound on RNAV Route Q–439 descending into the New York and Connecticut areas. As amended, the route would continue to extend between the TOVAR WP and the Presque Isle VOR/DME. Q–133: Q–133 currently extends between the CHIEZ, NC, WP and the E:\FR\FM\28OCP1.SGM 28OCP1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 208 / Monday, October 28, 2024 / Proposed Rules lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1 PONCT, NY, WP. The FAA proposes to remove the airway segments between the CHIEZ WP and the CONFR, MD, WP and replace it with the airway segment between the JAMIE, VA, Fix and the CONFR WP. The route segment between the CHIEZ WP and the KALDA, VA, WP is still needed for navigation, and this action proposes to continue to provide this RNAV connectivity to the KALDA WP as new RNAV Route Q–161 proposed in this action. Additionally, the FAA proposes to remove the airway segment between the Kennedy, NY (JFK) VOR/DME and the PONCT WP and replace it with the airway segments between the Kennedy VOR/DME and the PBERG, NY, WP. These proposed changes improve the connectivity of multiple airports along the east coast of the United States to the MontrealTrudeau Airport, Canada, where the preferred arrival route is over the PBERG WP. As amended, the route would be changed to extend between the JAMIE Fix and the PBERG WP. Q–161: Q–161 is a new RNAV route proposed to extend between the CHIEZ, NC, WP and the KALDA, VA, WP. This new proposed RNAV route overlays a portion of RNAV Route Q–133, proposed to be amended in this action, but would provide additional efficiency by becoming its own distinct route. The new proposed route would continue to provide RNAV connectivity between the CHIEZ WP and the KALDA WP. Q–437: Q–437 currently extends between the VILLS, NJ, WP and the LLUND, NY, WP. The FAA proposes to remove the airway segments between the VILLS WP and the LLUND WP and replace it with the airway segments between the CRPLR, VA, WP and the PONCT, NY, WP due to high traffic density over the New York City area. These proposed changes would move aircraft from being directly over New York City to an area west of Newark, NJ. Additionally, the proposed would expand RNAV connectivity further to the south to Norfolk, VA area, and further to the north to the Albany, NY area. As amended, the route would be changed to extend between the CRPLR WP and the PONCT WP. Q–439: Q–439 currently extends between the HOWYU, DE, WP and the Presque Isle, ME (PQI), VOR/DME. The FAA proposes to remove the airway segments between the HOWYU WP and the MANTA, NJ, Fix and replace it with the airway segments between the KALDA, VA, WP and the MANTA Fix due to a need to separate aircraft arriving to the John F. Kennedy International Airport, NY from aircraft arriving to other airports in the New York City area. As amended, the route would be changed to extend between the KALDA WP and the Presque Isle VOR/DME. Q–445: Q–445 currently extends between the SHAUP, OA, WP and the KYSKY, NY, WP. The FAA proposes to extend RNAV Route Q–445 to the south between the KALDA, VA, WP and the SHAUP WP. The proposed route extension would provide RNAV connectivity from the KALDA WP to the eastern Massachusetts area. As amended, the route would be changed to extend between the KALDA WP and the KYSKY WP. Q–481: Q–481 currently extends between the CONFR, MD, WP and the Deer Park, NY (DPK), VOR/DME. The FAA proposes to extend RNAV Route Q–481 to the south between the JAMIE, VA, WP and the CONFR WP; and remove the LEEAH, NJ, Fix from the route and replace it with the SOSBY, OA, WP and the ECOIL, OA, WP. These proposed route modifications are necessary to ensure adequate separation with other parallel RNAV routes in the Atlantic City, NJ area. As amended, the route would be changed to extend between the JAMIE WP and the Deer Park VOR/DME. Regulatory Notices and Analyses The FAA has determined that this proposed regulation only involves an established body of technical regulations for which frequent and routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current. It, therefore: (1) is not a ‘‘significant Q–97 TOVAR, FL to Presque Isle, ME (PQI) [Amended] TOVAR, FL WP (Lat. 26°33′05.09″ MALET, FL FIX (Lat. 28°41′29.90″ DEBRL, FL WP (Lat. 29°17′48.73″ KENLL, FL WP (Lat. 29°34′28.35″ PRMUS, FL WP (Lat. 29°49′05.67″ WOPNR, OA WP (Lat. 30°37′36.03″ JEVED, GA WP (Lat. 31°15′02.60″ CAKET, SC WP (Lat. 32°31′08.63″ ELLDE, NC WP (Lat. 34°24′14.57″ PAACK, NC WP (Lat. 35°55′40.26″ SAWED, VA WP (Lat. 37°32′00.73″ KALDA, VA WP (Lat. 37°50′31.06″ ZJAAY, MD WP (Lat. 38°03′09.95″ PAJET, DE WP (Lat. 38°28′04.13″ VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:25 Oct 25, 2024 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. 85457 regulatory action’’ under Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ‘‘significant rule’’ under DOT Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant preparation of a regulatory evaluation as the anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that will only affect air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is certified that this proposed rule, when promulgated, will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act. Environmental Review This proposal will be subject to an environmental analysis in accordance with FAA Order 1050.1F, ‘‘Environmental Impacts: Policies and Procedures’’ prior to any FAA final regulatory action. List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71 Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air). The Proposed Amendment In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation Administration proposes to amend 14 CFR part 71 as follows: PART 71—DESIGNATION OF CLASS A, B, C, D, AND E AIRSPACE AREAS; AIR TRAFFIC SERVICE ROUTES; AND REPORTING POINTS 1. The authority citation for 14 CFR part 71 continues to read as follows: ■ Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959–1963 Comp., p. 389. § 71.1 [Amended] 2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order JO 7400.11J, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated July 31, 2024, and effective September 15, 2024, is amended as follows: ■ Paragraph 2006 United States Area Navigation Routes. * * 080°02′19.75″ 080°52′04.30″ 081°08′02.88″ 081°07′25.26″ 081°07′20.74″ 081°04′26.44″ 081°03′40.14″ 080°16′09.21″ 078°41′50.60″ 077°15′30.99″ 075°51′29.10″ 075°37′35.34″ 075°26′34.27″ 075°03′00.55″ E:\FR\FM\28OCP1.SGM * W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) 28OCP1 * * 85458 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 208 / Monday, October 28, 2024 / Proposed Rules CAANO, DE TBONN, OA ZIZZI, NJ YAZUU, NJ HEADI, NJ Calverton, NY (CCC) NTMEG, CT VENTE, MA BLENO, NH FRIAR, ME Presque Isle, ME (PQI) * * * * WP WP WP WP WP VOR/DME WP WP WP FIX VOR/DME * * * * * * N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. 074°58′52.32″ 074°45′03.77″ 074°31′44.28″ 074°01′01.55″ 073°43′28.85″ 072°47′55.89″ 072°28′52.08″ 071°53′38.08″ 071°04′43.37″ 069°53′04.38″ 068°05′40.37″ W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. 37°36′20.58″ 38°16′10.90″ 38°46′16.00″ 39°15′39.27″ 40°20′42.97″ 40°37′58.38″ 41°17′02.86″ 42°59′39.44″ 44°42′06.25″ N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. 075°57′48.81″ 075°24′32.98″ 075°18′09.00″ 074°57′11.01″ 073°56′58.07″ 073°46′17.01″ 073°34′50.20″ 073°20′38.47″ 073°31′22.18″ W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. 34°31′05.93″ 35°54′21.71″ 37°05′19.78″ 37°50′31.06″ N, N, N, N, long. long. long. long. 077°32′25.74″ 076°41′56.22″ 075°53′22.19″ 075°37′35.34″ W) W) W) W) * Q–161 CHIEZ, NC to KALDA, VA [New] CHIEZ, NC WP KOOKI, NC WP PYSTN, VA WP KALDA, VA WP * 38°31′46.37″ 38°45′02.83″ 38°56′26.46″ 39°24′44.82″ 39°57′49.56″ 40°55′46.63″ 41°16′30.75″ 42°08′24.33″ 42°54′55.00″ 44°26′28.93″ 46°46′27.07″ * Q–133 JAMIE, VA to PBERG, NY [Amended] JAMIE, VA FIX CONFR, MD WP MGERK, DE WP LEEAH, NJ FIX MYRCA, NJ WP Kennedy, NY (JFK) VOR/DME BIZEX, NY WP Cambridge, NY (CAM) VOR/DME WP PBERG, NY * (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. (Lat. * Q–437 CRPLR, VA to PONCT, NY [Amended] CRPLR, VA WP (Lat. 37°36′24.01″ N, long. 076°09′57.67″ W) TRPOD, MD WP (Lat. 38°20′20.33″ N, long. 075°32′01.85″ W) OYVAY, OA WP (Lat. 39°01′03.58″ N, long. 075°26′28.07″ W) VILLS, NJ WP (Lat. 39°18′03.87″ N, long. 075°06′37.90″ W) SIZZR, NJ WP (Lat. 39°33′57.22″ N, long. 074°53′58.83″ W) METRO, NJ WP (Lat. 40°25′21.77″ N, long. 074°40′10.30″ W) CLAUS, NJ WP (Lat. 40°48′50.07″ N, long. 074°10′08.96″ W) GANDE, NY WP (Lat. 41°30′36.66″ N, long. 073°48′52.03″ W) WP (Lat. 42°44′48.83″ N, long. 073°48′48.07″ W) PONCT, NY * * * * * Q–439 KALDA, VA to Presque Isle, ME (PQI) [Amended] KALDA, VA WP (Lat. 37°50′31.06″ N, long. 075°37′35.34″ W) ZJAAY, MD WP (Lat. 38°03′09.95″ N, long. 075°26′34.27″ W) BYSEL, MD WP (Lat. 38°15′02.70″ N, long. 075°16′52.87″ W) RADDS, DE FIX (Lat. 38°38′54.80″ N, long. 075°05′18.48″ W) SHHAY, DE WP (Lat. 38°47′04.08″ N, long. 074°55′55.42″ W) BRIGS, NJ FIX (Lat. 39°31′24.72″ N, long. 074°08′19.67″ W) MANTA, NJ FIX (Lat. 39°54′07.01″ N, long. 073°32′31.63″ W) SARDI, NY FIX (Lat. 40°31′26.61″ N, long. 072°47′55.87″ W) WP (Lat. 40°41′24.18″ N, long. 072°34′54.89″ W) RIFLE, NY FOXWD, CT WP (Lat. 41°48′21.66″ N, long. 071°48′07.03″ W) BOGRT, MA WP (Lat. 42°13′56.08″ N, long. 071°31′07.37″ W) BLENO, NH WP (Lat. 42°54′55.00″ N, long. 071°04′43.37″ W) BEEKN, ME WP (Lat. 43°20′51.95″ N, long. 070°44′50.28″ W) Presque Isle, ME (PQI) VOR/DME (Lat. 46°46′27.07″ N, long. 068°05′40.37″ W) lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1 * * * * * Q–445 KALDA, VA to KYSKY, NY [Amended] KALDA, VA WP (Lat. ZJAAY, MD WP (Lat. PAJET, DE WP (Lat. CAANO, DE WP (Lat. TBONN, OA WP (Lat. ZIZZI, NJ WP (Lat. YAZUU, NJ WP (Lat. SHAUP, OA WP (Lat. VALCO, OA WP (Lat. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:25 Oct 25, 2024 Jkt 265001 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4702 37°50′31.06″ 38°03′09.95″ 38°28′04.13″ 38°31′46.37″ 38°45′02.83″ 38°56′26.46″ 39°24′44.82″ 39°44′23.91″ 40°05′29.86″ Sfmt 4702 N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, N, long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. long. 075°37′35.34″ 075°26′34.27″ 075°03′00.55″ 074°58′52.32″ 074°45′03.77″ 074°31′44.28″ 074°01′01.55″ 073°34′33.84″ 073°08′22.91″ E:\FR\FM\28OCP1.SGM W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) W) 28OCP1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 208 / Monday, October 28, 2024 / Proposed Rules KYSKY, NY * * * * WP (Lat. 40°46′52.75″ N, long. 072°12′21.45″ W) * Q–481 JAMIE, VA to Deer Park, NY (DPK) [Amended] JAMIE, VA WP (Lat. 37°36′20.58″ CONFR, MD WP (Lat. 38°16′10.90″ MGERK, DE WP (Lat. 38°46′16.00″ SOSBY, OA WP (Lat. 39°15′24.74″ ECOIL, OA WP (Lat. 39°49′58.45″ ZIGGI, NJ FIX (Lat. 40°03′07.01″ Deer Park, NY (DPK) VOR/DME (Lat. 40°47′30.30″ * * * * * Issued in Washington, DC, on October 22, 2024. Frank Lias, Manager, Rules and Regulations Group. [FR Doc. 2024–24938 Filed 10–25–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Drug Enforcement Administration 21 CFR Part 1310 [Docket No. DEA–1282] Possible Control of Phenethyl Bromide as a List I Chemical Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice. ACTION: Advanced notice of proposed rulemaking. AGENCY: The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) finds that phenethyl bromide is used in the illicit manufacture of the controlled substance fentanyl, as well as fentanyl analogues and fentanyl-related substances, and is important to the manufacture of these substances because it is often used in synthetic pathways to illicitly manufacture fentanyl, fentanyl analogues, and fentanyl-related substances. Prior to proposing to list phenethyl bromide as a list I chemical under the Controlled Substances Act, DEA is soliciting information on the current uses of phenethyl bromide (other than for the synthesis of fentanyl) in order to properly determine the effect such a proposed action would have on legitimate industry. DATES: Comments must be submitted electronically or postmarked on or before November 27, 2024. Commenters should be aware that the electronic Federal Docket Management System will not accept any comments after 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the last day of the comment period. ADDRESSES: To ensure proper handling of comments, please reference ‘‘Docket No. DEA–1282’’ on all electronic and lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1 SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 85459 16:25 Oct 25, 2024 Jkt 265001 N, N, N, N, N, N, N, long. long. long. long. long. long. long. 075°57′48.81″ 075°24′32.98″ 075°18′09.00″ 074°55′30.57″ 074°14′06.07″ 074°00′49.34″ 073°18′13.17″ written correspondence, including any attachments. • Electronic comments: The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) encourages that all comments be submitted electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal, which provides the ability to type short comments directly into the comment field on the web page or attach a file for lengthier comments. Please go to and follow the online instructions at that site for submitting comments. Upon completion of your comment submission, you will receive a Comment Tracking Number. Please be aware that submitted comments are not instantaneously available for public view on If you have received a Comment Tracking Number, your comment has been successfully submitted and there is no need to resubmit the same comment. • Paper comments: Paper comments that duplicate electronic submissions are not necessary. Should you wish to mail a paper comment, in lieu of an electronic comment, it should be sent via regular or express mail to: Drug Enforcement Administration, Attn: DEA Federal Register Representative/DPW, 8701 Morrissette Drive, Springfield, Virginia 22152. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Terrence L. Boos, Drug and Chemical Evaluation Section, Diversion Control Division, Drug Enforcement Administration; Telephone: (571) 362– 3249. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Posting of Public Comments Please note that all comments received in response to this docket are considered part of the public record. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) will make comments available for public inspection online at https:// Such information includes personal or business identifying information (such as name, address, State or Federal identifiers, etc.) voluntarily submitted by the commenter. Generally, all information PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 W) W) W) W) W) W) W) voluntarily submitted by the commenter, unless clearly marked as Confidential Information in the method described below, will be publicly posted. Comments may be submitted anonymously. The Freedom of Information Act applies to all comments received. Commenters submitting comments which include personal identifying information (PII), confidential, or proprietary business information that the commenter does not want made publicly available should submit two copies of the comment. 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[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 208 (Monday, October 28, 2024)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 85455-85459]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-24938]



Federal Aviation Administration

14 CFR Part 71

[Docket No. FAA-2024-2352; Airspace Docket No. 24-AEA-4]
RIN 2120-AA66

Establishment of United States Area Navigation Route Q-161 and 
Amendment of United States Area Navigation Routes Q-97, Q-133, Q-437, 
Q-439, Q-445, and Q-481; Eastern United States

AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.

ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM).


SUMMARY: This action proposes to establish United States Area 
Navigation (RNAV) Route Q-161 and amend RNAV Routes Q-97, Q-133, Q-437, 
Q-439, Q-445, and Q-481 in the eastern United States. This action 
supports the Northeast Corridor Atlantic Coast Route (NEC ACR) 
Optimization Project to improve the efficiency of the National Airspace 
System (NAS).

DATES: Comments must be received on or before December 12, 2024.

ADDRESSES: Send comments identified by FAA Docket No. FAA-2024-2352 and 
Airspace Docket No. 24-AEA-4 using any of the following methods:
    * Federal eRulemaking Portal: Go to and follow 
the online instructions for sending your comments electronically.
    * Mail: Send comments to Docket Operations, M-30; U.S. Department 
of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey

[[Page 85456]]

Avenue SE, Room W12-140, West Building Ground Floor, Washington, DC 
    * Hand Delivery or Courier: Take comments to Docket Operations in 
Room W12-140 of the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey 
Avenue SE, Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through 
Friday, except Federal holidays.
    * Fax: Fax comments to Docket Operations at (202) 493-2251.
    Docket: Background documents or comments received may be read at at any time. Follow the online instructions for 
accessing the docket or go to the Docket Operations in Room W12-140 of 
the West Building Ground Floor at 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, 
Washington, DC, between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 
except Federal holidays.
    FAA Order JO 7400.11J, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, 
and subsequent amendments can be viewed online at You may also contact the Rules and 
Regulations Group, Policy Directorate, Federal Aviation Administration, 
600 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20597; telephone: (202) 267-

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Brian Vidis, Rules and Regulations 
Group, Policy Directorate, Federal Aviation Administration, 600 
Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20597; telephone: (202) 267-


Authority for This Rulemaking

    The FAA's authority to issue rules regarding aviation safety is 
found in Title 49 of the United States Code. Subtitle I, section 106 
describes the authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII, 
Aviation Programs, describes in more detail the scope of the agency's 
authority. This rulemaking is promulgated under the authority described 
in Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that section, 
the FAA is charged with prescribing regulations to assign the use of 
the airspace necessary to ensure the safety of aircraft and the 
efficient use of airspace. This regulation is within the scope of that 
authority as it amends the route structure to maintain the efficient 
flow of air traffic within the NAS.

Comments Invited

    The FAA invites interested persons to participate in this 
rulemaking by submitting written comments, data, or views. Comments are 
specifically invited on the overall regulatory, aeronautical, economic, 
environmental, and energy-related aspects of the proposal. The most 
helpful comments reference a specific portion of the proposal, explain 
the reason for any recommended change, and include supporting data. To 
ensure the docket does not contain duplicate comments, commenters 
should submit only one time if comments are filed electronically, or 
commenters should send only one copy of written comments if comments 
are filed in writing.
    The FAA will file in the docket all comments it receives, as well 
as a report summarizing each substantive public contact with FAA 
personnel concerning this proposed rulemaking. Before acting on this 
proposal, the FAA will consider all comments it receives on or before 
the closing date for comments. The FAA will consider comments filed 
after the comment period has closed if it is possible to do so without 
incurring expense or delay. The FAA may change this proposal in light 
of the comments it receives.
    Privacy: In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(c), DOT solicits comments 
from the public to better inform its rulemaking process. DOT posts 
these comments, without edit, including any personal information the 
commenter provides, to, as described in the system 
of records notice (DOT/ALL-14 FDMS), which can be reviewed at

Availability of Rulemaking Documents

    An electronic copy of this document may be downloaded through the 
internet at Recently published rulemaking 
documents can also be accessed through the FAA's web page at
    You may review the public docket containing the proposal, any 
comments received and any final disposition in person in the Dockets 
Operations office (see ADDRESSES section for address, phone number, and 
hours of operations). An informal docket may also be examined during 
normal business hours at the office of the Eastern Service Center, 
Federal Aviation Administration, Room 210, 1701 Columbia Avenue, 
College Park, GA, 30337.

Incorporation by Reference

    United States Area Navigation Routes (Q-Routes) are published in 
paragraph 2006 of FAA Order JO 7400.11, Airspace Designations and 
Reporting Points, which is incorporated by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 on 
an annual basis. This document proposes to amend the current version of 
that order, FAA Order JO 7400.11J, dated July 31, 2024, and effective 
September 15, 2024. These updates would be published in the next update 
to FAA Order JO 7400.11. That order is publicly available as listed in 
the ADDRESSES section of this document.
    FAA Order JO 7400.11J lists Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace areas, 
air traffic service routes, and reporting points.

The Proposal

    The FAA is proposing an amendment to 14 CFR part 71 to establish 
RNAV Route Q-161 and amend RNAV Routes Q-97, Q-133, Q-437, Q-439, Q-
445, and Q-481 in the eastern United States This action supports the 
NEC ACR Optimization Project to improve the efficiency of the NAS. The 
proposed route changes are described below.
    Additionally, the FAA identified that the route descriptions of 
RNAV Routes Q-133 and Q-437 list the KALDA, VA; VILLS, NJ; and LLUND, 
NY route points as Fixes, in error. These route points were modified on 
June 20, 2023, from a Fix to become a waypoint (WP). The KALDA, VILLS, 
and LLUND route points are identified as a WP in the National Airspace 
System Resource (NASR) database and charted as a WP accordingly. This 
proposal would correct these errors and refer to the KALDA, VILLS, and 
LLUND route points as a WP.
    In place of a two-letter state abbreviation for multiple listed 
route points in route descriptions the ``OA'' means ``Offshore 
    Q-97: Q-97 currently extends between the TOVAR, FL, WP and the 
Presque Isle, ME (PQI), Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range/
Distance Measuring Equipment (VOR/DME). The FAA proposes to remove the 
BYSEL, MD, WP from the route description as it is a turn of less than 
one degree. Additionally, the FAA proposes to add six route points 
between the ZJAAY, MD, WP and the Calverton, NY (CCC), VOR/DME. The 
route points that would be added are the PAJET, DE, WP; CAANO, DE, WP; 
proposed route modification would move RNAV Route Q-97 to the east to 
eliminate traffic conflicts between aircraft flying southbound on RNAV 
Route Q-97 and aircraft flying northbound on RNAV Route Q-439 
descending into the New York and Connecticut areas. As amended, the 
route would continue to extend between the TOVAR WP and the Presque 
    Q-133: Q-133 currently extends between the CHIEZ, NC, WP and the

[[Page 85457]]

PONCT, NY, WP. The FAA proposes to remove the airway segments between 
the CHIEZ WP and the CONFR, MD, WP and replace it with the airway 
segment between the JAMIE, VA, Fix and the CONFR WP. The route segment 
between the CHIEZ WP and the KALDA, VA, WP is still needed for 
navigation, and this action proposes to continue to provide this RNAV 
connectivity to the KALDA WP as new RNAV Route Q-161 proposed in this 
action. Additionally, the FAA proposes to remove the airway segment 
between the Kennedy, NY (JFK) VOR/DME and the PONCT WP and replace it 
with the airway segments between the Kennedy VOR/DME and the PBERG, NY, 
WP. These proposed changes improve the connectivity of multiple 
airports along the east coast of the United States to the Montreal-
Trudeau Airport, Canada, where the preferred arrival route is over the 
PBERG WP. As amended, the route would be changed to extend between the 
JAMIE Fix and the PBERG WP.
    Q-161: Q-161 is a new RNAV route proposed to extend between the 
CHIEZ, NC, WP and the KALDA, VA, WP. This new proposed RNAV route 
overlays a portion of RNAV Route Q-133, proposed to be amended in this 
action, but would provide additional efficiency by becoming its own 
distinct route. The new proposed route would continue to provide RNAV 
connectivity between the CHIEZ WP and the KALDA WP.
    Q-437: Q-437 currently extends between the VILLS, NJ, WP and the 
LLUND, NY, WP. The FAA proposes to remove the airway segments between 
the VILLS WP and the LLUND WP and replace it with the airway segments 
between the CRPLR, VA, WP and the PONCT, NY, WP due to high traffic 
density over the New York City area. These proposed changes would move 
aircraft from being directly over New York City to an area west of 
Newark, NJ. Additionally, the proposed would expand RNAV connectivity 
further to the south to Norfolk, VA area, and further to the north to 
the Albany, NY area. As amended, the route would be changed to extend 
between the CRPLR WP and the PONCT WP.
    Q-439: Q-439 currently extends between the HOWYU, DE, WP and the 
Presque Isle, ME (PQI), VOR/DME. The FAA proposes to remove the airway 
segments between the HOWYU WP and the MANTA, NJ, Fix and replace it 
with the airway segments between the KALDA, VA, WP and the MANTA Fix 
due to a need to separate aircraft arriving to the John F. Kennedy 
International Airport, NY from aircraft arriving to other airports in 
the New York City area. As amended, the route would be changed to 
extend between the KALDA WP and the Presque Isle VOR/DME.
    Q-445: Q-445 currently extends between the SHAUP, OA, WP and the 
KYSKY, NY, WP. The FAA proposes to extend RNAV Route Q-445 to the south 
between the KALDA, VA, WP and the SHAUP WP. The proposed route 
extension would provide RNAV connectivity from the KALDA WP to the 
eastern Massachusetts area. As amended, the route would be changed to 
extend between the KALDA WP and the KYSKY WP.
    Q-481: Q-481 currently extends between the CONFR, MD, WP and the 
Deer Park, NY (DPK), VOR/DME. The FAA proposes to extend RNAV Route Q-
481 to the south between the JAMIE, VA, WP and the CONFR WP; and remove 
the LEEAH, NJ, Fix from the route and replace it with the SOSBY, OA, WP 
and the ECOIL, OA, WP. These proposed route modifications are necessary 
to ensure adequate separation with other parallel RNAV routes in the 
Atlantic City, NJ area. As amended, the route would be changed to 
extend between the JAMIE WP and the Deer Park VOR/DME.

Regulatory Notices and Analyses

    The FAA has determined that this proposed regulation only involves 
an established body of technical regulations for which frequent and 
routine amendments are necessary to keep them operationally current. 
It, therefore: (1) is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under 
Executive Order 12866; (2) is not a ``significant rule'' under DOT 
Regulatory Policies and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February 26, 1979); 
and (3) does not warrant preparation of a regulatory evaluation as the 
anticipated impact is so minimal. Since this is a routine matter that 
will only affect air traffic procedures and air navigation, it is 
certified that this proposed rule, when promulgated, will not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
under the criteria of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.

Environmental Review

    This proposal will be subject to an environmental analysis in 
accordance with FAA Order 1050.1F, ``Environmental Impacts: Policies 
and Procedures'' prior to any FAA final regulatory action.

List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71

    Airspace, Incorporation by reference, Navigation (air).

The Proposed Amendment

    In consideration of the foregoing, the Federal Aviation 
Administration proposes to amend 14 CFR part 71 as follows:


1. The authority citation for 14 CFR part 71 continues to read as 

    Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103, 40113, 40120; E.O. 
10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR, 1959-1963 Comp., p. 389.

Sec.  71.1   [Amended]

2. The incorporation by reference in 14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order JO 
7400.11J, Airspace Designations and Reporting Points, dated July 31, 
2024, and effective September 15, 2024, is amended as follows:

Paragraph 2006 United States Area Navigation Routes.

* * * * *

Q-97 TOVAR, FL to Presque Isle, ME (PQI) [Amended]
TOVAR, FL                        WP                 (Lat. 26[deg]33'05.09'' N, long. 080[deg]02'19.75'' W)
MALET, FL                        FIX                (Lat. 28[deg]41'29.90'' N, long. 080[deg]52'04.30'' W)
DEBRL, FL                        WP                 (Lat. 29[deg]17'48.73'' N, long. 081[deg]08'02.88'' W)
KENLL, FL                        WP                 (Lat. 29[deg]34'28.35'' N, long. 081[deg]07'25.26'' W)
PRMUS, FL                        WP                 (Lat. 29[deg]49'05.67'' N, long. 081[deg]07'20.74'' W)
WOPNR, OA                        WP                 (Lat. 30[deg]37'36.03'' N, long. 081[deg]04'26.44'' W)
JEVED, GA                        WP                 (Lat. 31[deg]15'02.60'' N, long. 081[deg]03'40.14'' W)
CAKET, SC                        WP                 (Lat. 32[deg]31'08.63'' N, long. 080[deg]16'09.21'' W)
ELLDE, NC                        WP                 (Lat. 34[deg]24'14.57'' N, long. 078[deg]41'50.60'' W)
PAACK, NC                        WP                 (Lat. 35[deg]55'40.26'' N, long. 077[deg]15'30.99'' W)
SAWED, VA                        WP                 (Lat. 37[deg]32'00.73'' N, long. 075[deg]51'29.10'' W)
KALDA, VA                        WP                 (Lat. 37[deg]50'31.06'' N, long. 075[deg]37'35.34'' W)
ZJAAY, MD                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]03'09.95'' N, long. 075[deg]26'34.27'' W)
PAJET, DE                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]28'04.13'' N, long. 075[deg]03'00.55'' W)

[[Page 85458]]

CAANO, DE                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]31'46.37'' N, long. 074[deg]58'52.32'' W)
TBONN, OA                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]45'02.83'' N, long. 074[deg]45'03.77'' W)
ZIZZI, NJ                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]56'26.46'' N, long. 074[deg]31'44.28'' W)
YAZUU, NJ                        WP                 (Lat. 39[deg]24'44.82'' N, long. 074[deg]01'01.55'' W)
HEADI, NJ                        WP                 (Lat. 39[deg]57'49.56'' N, long. 073[deg]43'28.85'' W)
Calverton, NY (CCC)              VOR/DME            (Lat. 40[deg]55'46.63'' N, long. 072[deg]47'55.89'' W)
NTMEG, CT                        WP                 (Lat. 41[deg]16'30.75'' N, long. 072[deg]28'52.08'' W)
VENTE, MA                        WP                 (Lat. 42[deg]08'24.33'' N, long. 071[deg]53'38.08'' W)
BLENO, NH                        WP                 (Lat. 42[deg]54'55.00'' N, long. 071[deg]04'43.37'' W)
FRIAR, ME                        FIX                (Lat. 44[deg]26'28.93'' N, long. 069[deg]53'04.38'' W)
Presque Isle, ME (PQI)           VOR/DME            (Lat. 46[deg]46'27.07'' N, long. 068[deg]05'40.37'' W)

* * * * *

Q-133 JAMIE, VA to PBERG, NY [Amended]
JAMIE, VA                        FIX                (Lat. 37[deg]36'20.58'' N, long. 075[deg]57'48.81'' W)
CONFR, MD                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]16'10.90'' N, long. 075[deg]24'32.98'' W)
MGERK, DE                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]46'16.00'' N, long. 075[deg]18'09.00'' W)
LEEAH, NJ                        FIX                (Lat. 39[deg]15'39.27'' N, long. 074[deg]57'11.01'' W)
MYRCA, NJ                        WP                 (Lat. 40[deg]20'42.97'' N, long. 073[deg]56'58.07'' W)
Kennedy, NY (JFK)                VOR/DME            (Lat. 40[deg]37'58.38'' N, long. 073[deg]46'17.01'' W)
BIZEX, NY                        WP                 (Lat. 41[deg]17'02.86'' N, long. 073[deg]34'50.20'' W)
Cambridge, NY (CAM)              VOR/DME            (Lat. 42[deg]59'39.44'' N, long. 073[deg]20'38.47'' W)
PBERG, NY                        WP                 (Lat. 44[deg]42'06.25'' N, long. 073[deg]31'22.18'' W)

* * * * *

Q-161 CHIEZ, NC to KALDA, VA [New]
CHIEZ, NC                        WP                 (Lat. 34[deg]31'05.93'' N, long. 077[deg]32'25.74'' W)
KOOKI, NC                        WP                 (Lat. 35[deg]54'21.71'' N, long. 076[deg]41'56.22'' W)
PYSTN, VA                        WP                 (Lat. 37[deg]05'19.78'' N, long. 075[deg]53'22.19'' W)
KALDA, VA                        WP                 (Lat. 37[deg]50'31.06'' N, long. 075[deg]37'35.34'' W)

* * * * *

Q-437 CRPLR, VA to PONCT, NY [Amended]
CRPLR, VA                        WP                 (Lat. 37[deg]36'24.01'' N, long. 076[deg]09'57.67'' W)
TRPOD, MD                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]20'20.33'' N, long. 075[deg]32'01.85'' W)
OYVAY, OA                        WP                 (Lat. 39[deg]01'03.58'' N, long. 075[deg]26'28.07'' W)
VILLS, NJ                        WP                 (Lat. 39[deg]18'03.87'' N, long. 075[deg]06'37.90'' W)
SIZZR, NJ                        WP                 (Lat. 39[deg]33'57.22'' N, long. 074[deg]53'58.83'' W)
METRO, NJ                        WP                 (Lat. 40[deg]25'21.77'' N, long. 074[deg]40'10.30'' W)
CLAUS, NJ                        WP                 (Lat. 40[deg]48'50.07'' N, long. 074[deg]10'08.96'' W)
GANDE, NY                        WP                 (Lat. 41[deg]30'36.66'' N, long. 073[deg]48'52.03'' W)
PONCT, NY                        WP                 (Lat. 42[deg]44'48.83'' N, long. 073[deg]48'48.07'' W)

* * * * *

Q-439 KALDA, VA to Presque Isle, ME (PQI) [Amended]
KALDA, VA                        WP                 (Lat. 37[deg]50'31.06'' N, long. 075[deg]37'35.34'' W)
ZJAAY, MD                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]03'09.95'' N, long. 075[deg]26'34.27'' W)
BYSEL, MD                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]15'02.70'' N, long. 075[deg]16'52.87'' W)
RADDS, DE                        FIX                (Lat. 38[deg]38'54.80'' N, long. 075[deg]05'18.48'' W)
SHHAY, DE                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]47'04.08'' N, long. 074[deg]55'55.42'' W)
BRIGS, NJ                        FIX                (Lat. 39[deg]31'24.72'' N, long. 074[deg]08'19.67'' W)
MANTA, NJ                        FIX                (Lat. 39[deg]54'07.01'' N, long. 073[deg]32'31.63'' W)
SARDI, NY                        FIX                (Lat. 40[deg]31'26.61'' N, long. 072[deg]47'55.87'' W)
RIFLE, NY                        WP                 (Lat. 40[deg]41'24.18'' N, long. 072[deg]34'54.89'' W)
FOXWD, CT                        WP                 (Lat. 41[deg]48'21.66'' N, long. 071[deg]48'07.03'' W)
BOGRT, MA                        WP                 (Lat. 42[deg]13'56.08'' N, long. 071[deg]31'07.37'' W)
BLENO, NH                        WP                 (Lat. 42[deg]54'55.00'' N, long. 071[deg]04'43.37'' W)
BEEKN, ME                        WP                 (Lat. 43[deg]20'51.95'' N, long. 070[deg]44'50.28'' W)
Presque Isle, ME (PQI)           VOR/DME            (Lat. 46[deg]46'27.07'' N, long. 068[deg]05'40.37'' W)

* * * * *

Q-445 KALDA, VA to KYSKY, NY [Amended]
KALDA, VA                        WP                 (Lat. 37[deg]50'31.06'' N, long. 075[deg]37'35.34'' W)
ZJAAY, MD                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]03'09.95'' N, long. 075[deg]26'34.27'' W)
PAJET, DE                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]28'04.13'' N, long. 075[deg]03'00.55'' W)
CAANO, DE                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]31'46.37'' N, long. 074[deg]58'52.32'' W)
TBONN, OA                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]45'02.83'' N, long. 074[deg]45'03.77'' W)
ZIZZI, NJ                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]56'26.46'' N, long. 074[deg]31'44.28'' W)
YAZUU, NJ                        WP                 (Lat. 39[deg]24'44.82'' N, long. 074[deg]01'01.55'' W)
SHAUP, OA                        WP                 (Lat. 39[deg]44'23.91'' N, long. 073[deg]34'33.84'' W)
VALCO, OA                        WP                 (Lat. 40[deg]05'29.86'' N, long. 073[deg]08'22.91'' W)

[[Page 85459]]

KYSKY, NY                        WP                 (Lat. 40[deg]46'52.75'' N, long. 072[deg]12'21.45'' W)

* * * * *

Q-481 JAMIE, VA to Deer Park, NY (DPK) [Amended]
JAMIE, VA                        WP                 (Lat. 37[deg]36'20.58'' N, long. 075[deg]57'48.81'' W)
CONFR, MD                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]16'10.90'' N, long. 075[deg]24'32.98'' W)
MGERK, DE                        WP                 (Lat. 38[deg]46'16.00'' N, long. 075[deg]18'09.00'' W)
SOSBY, OA                        WP                 (Lat. 39[deg]15'24.74'' N, long. 074[deg]55'30.57'' W)
ECOIL, OA                        WP                 (Lat. 39[deg]49'58.45'' N, long. 074[deg]14'06.07'' W)
ZIGGI, NJ                        FIX                (Lat. 40[deg]03'07.01'' N, long. 074[deg]00'49.34'' W)
Deer Park, NY (DPK)              VOR/DME            (Lat. 40[deg]47'30.30'' N, long. 073[deg]18'13.17'' W)

* * * * *

    Issued in Washington, DC, on October 22, 2024.
Frank Lias,
Manager, Rules and Regulations Group.
[FR Doc. 2024-24938 Filed 10-25-24; 8:45 am]
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