Postal Service Health Benefits Program: Additional Requirements and Clarifications, 85012-85034 [2024-24796]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
April 6, 2023, at 88 FR 20383, with
minor clarifying changes.
5 CFR Part 890
[Docket ID: OPM–2024–0002]
RIN 3206–AO59
Postal Service Health Benefits
Program: Additional Requirements and
Office of Personnel
ACTION: Final rule.
The Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) is issuing this final
rule to clarify and establish additional
requirements regarding the Postal
Service Health Benefits (PSHB)
Program, which was established
pursuant to the Postal Service Reform
Act of 2022 (PSRA). This final rule
expands on previous regulations
concerning the PSHB Program and is
intended to provide greater detail and
clarity necessary to properly implement
PSHB in 2025 and beyond. In particular,
this final rule includes details on
reconsideration of PSHB eligibility
decisions, the Medicare Part B
enrollment requirement, allocation of
reserve credits, calendar year alignment
of Government contribution
requirements, financial reporting and
actuarial calculations, premium
payment prioritization from the Postal
Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund,
and Medicare Part D integration.
DATES: This final rule is effective
October 24, 2024.
Cameron Stokes, Senior Policy Analyst,
at (202) 936–2847 or Cameron.Stokes@
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Executive Summary
On May 24, 2024, OPM issued a
notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM)
‘‘Postal Service Health Benefits
Program: Additional Requirements and
Clarifications’’ at 89 FR 45782, to clarify
and establish additional requirements
regarding the Postal Service Health
Benefits (PSHB) Program, which was
established pursuant to the PSRA. The
NPRM followed OPM’s May 6, 2024,
publication of a final rulemaking,
‘‘Postal Service Reform Act;
Establishment of the Postal Service
Health Benefits Program’’ at 89 FR
37061, that established the PSHB
Program for Postal Service employees,
Postal Service annuitants, and their
eligible family members. The May 6,
2024, final rule adopted the provisions
of OPM’s interim final rule, published
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OPM, the United States Postal Service
(USPS or Postal Service), and PSHB
Carriers have been working to
implement the provisions of the PSHB
Program set out in the PSRA and
previous rulemaking in anticipation of
the 2024 Open Season. The provisions
in this final rule are intended to
complement and clarify various areas of
the program that have been identified
during its development. While OPM
intends for this final rule, combined
with the PSRA and the earlier interim
final rule with request for comment and
its subsequent final rule, and notice of
proposed rulemaking, to create a
comprehensive legal framework for the
PSHB Program’s January 1, 2025 start
date, the agency recognizes the
operation of the program will inevitably
give rise to further changes as the
Program is implemented over time.
As with previous PSHB rulemakings,
OPM consulted with partner agencies in
the development of these regulations as
consistent with 5 U.S.C. 8903c. OPM
has worked closely with USPS and the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS), specifically, on the
substance of this rulemaking,
particularly as it relates to the impact of
the Part D benefit integration on Postal
Service annuitants and eligible family
The May 24, 2024, proposed rule had
a 30-day comment period during which
OPM received 22 comments, of which
15 comments were responsive,
addressing the issues raised in the
proposed rule. Five comments were
from organizations consisting of
employee unions, Federal Employees
Health Benefits (FEHB) or potential
PSHB Carriers, and trade groups, and 10
were from individuals or anonymous
commenters with six nonresponsive or
duplicative comments and one
comment from an individual that is not
publicly available due to the inclusion
of personally identifiable information.
The comment containing personally
identifiable information expressed
concerns about the personal impact of
the Medicare integration provisions of
the PSRA. The responsive comments are
summarized and responded to below.
Court Review—5 CFR 890.107(f)
OPM proposed to add new paragraph
(f) to 5 CFR 890.107 to establish that
PSHB enrollment related lawsuits
concerning Postal Service annuitants
and their family members, involving
data received under agreements with
source agencies but where OPM lacks
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authority or means to obtain
independent verification, may not be
brought later than December 31 of the
third year after the year in which the
enrollment action was effectuated. This
proposal also limited the review of OPM
final decisions based on data obtained
under data exchange agreements with
source agencies to the administrative
record before OPM when OPM
effectuated the enrollment action.
OPM did not receive any comments
on this proposal. OPM is adopting this
provision as proposed.
Definitions and Deemed References—5
CFR 890.1602(c)
OPM proposed to add new definitions
for ‘‘Reconsideration’’ and ‘‘Source
agency’’ for purposes of initial decisions
and reconsiderations of eligibility
determinations. Under existing
regulations at § 890.1602, for purposes
of this part, the USPS is the employing
office for Postal Service employees, and
the Retirement Services office within
OPM is the employing office for Postal
Service annuitants. These proposed
changes reflect that OPM would retain
authority under this part to reconsider
certain initial decisions and issue final
agency decisions regarding enrollments
and coverage of family members with
respect to Postal Service employees and
Postal Service annuitants in the PSHB
Two commenters expressed support
for OPM’s approach to determining
eligibility for family members of USPS
employees and annuitants. The
commenters suggest that this approach,
which streamlines eligibility
determinations within OPM for these
groups, will enhance consistency and
accuracy of eligibility determinations.
OPM welcomes these comments in
support of the proposed approach to
determining eligibility for family
members of USPS employees and
annuitants. OPM agrees that this
approach will result in efficiencies in
the eligibility process and will promote
accuracy in the process.
Another commenter requested
clarification on what would make a
Postal Service employee or annuitant
ineligible for the PSHB Program. They
asked whether there are pre-existing
condition exclusions or any other
eligibility limitations based on health
OPM appreciates this comment and
request for clarification around PSHB
eligibility. This comment is beyond the
scope of this rulemaking as this
rulemaking does not establish new
eligibility criteria for PSHB Program
participation. In response to the inquiry
about the use of health status in
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
eligibility determinations, OPM is
clarifying that the FEHB statute, at 5
U.S.C. 8902(f), prohibits the use of
health status, including pre-existing
conditions, in eligibility determinations
in FEHB and PSHB. OPM and USPS
have developed, and will continue to
develop, educational resources that
address questions such as those relating
to eligibility. More information about
the PSHB is available on OPM’s
website,1 and USPS has additional
resources including the USPS MyHR 2
PSHB page and
OPM and USPS encourage anyone with
questions to review these resources.
OPM is finalizing these definitions as
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Medicare Enrollment Requirement for
Certain Postal Service Annuitants and
Eligible Family Members; Survivor
Annuitants—5 CFR 890.1604(c), (d),
and (f)
OPM proposed in § 890.1604(c) to
clarify that a survivor annuitant who is
entitled to Medicare Part A 4 must be
enrolled in Medicare Part B to continue
enrollment in PSHB, unless the
individual qualifies for an exception as
set forth in § 890.1604(d)(3). In
§ 890.1604(d)(3), OPM proposed
exceptions to the Medicare Part B
enrollment requirement for those
survivor annuitants who are entitled to
Part A. Specifically, OPM proposed that
a survivor annuitant would retain any
exception that the Postal Service
annuitant qualified for prior to the
annuitant’s death. A survivor annuitant
would also individually qualify for a
Part B enrollment exception in several
additional circumstances: if the survivor
annuitant resides outside of the United
States and its territories, if the survivor
annuitant is enrolled in health care
benefits provided by the Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) (including
individuals who are not required to
enroll in the VA’s system of patient
enrollment referred to in 38 U.S.C.
1 OPM’s PSHB Program information can be found
2 MyHR is the new USPS human resources
website and is only accessible to USPS employees.
The name and location of USPS human resources
website is subject change with time.
3 Keeping Posted is a USPS-operated website
providing benefits information targeted at Postal
retirees. The PSHB resources page can be accessed
at The name and location of the
USPS website is subject change with time.
4 Under 5 U.S.C. 8903c(a)(1), as adopted by
reference in 5 CFR 890.1602(b), the definition of a
Medicare covered individual excludes those eligible
to enroll pursuant to sections 1818 and 1818A of
the Social Security Act. All references to Medicare
Part A should be read to exclude those enrolled
under these sections.
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1705(a)), or if the survivor annuitant is
eligible for health services from the
Indian Health Service. Survivor
annuitants would be subject to all
documentation requirements. In
§ 890.1604(f), OPM proposed to require
all Medicare covered annuitants,
Medicare covered family members, and
survivor annuitants to provide OPM or
the Postal Service with written
notification if the individual chooses
not to enroll in or disenrolls from
Medicare Part B. The following
scenarios were included in the preamble
of the NPRM and are being reproduced
here to provide additional clarity:
Example 1. A spouse is married to a
Postal Service annuitant who is not
required to enroll in Part B as a
condition of eligibility to enroll in a
PSHB plan under § 890.1604(c)(1)(i) (as
of January 1, 2025, the annuitant was
not both entitled to premium-free
Medicare Part A and enrolled in Part B).
The spouse, who is eligible for
Medicare, is also not required to enroll
in Part B as their Postal Service
annuitant spouse has an exception to
Part B enrollment. If the Postal Service
annuitant dies and the surviving spouse
becomes a survivor annuitant, the
surviving spouse will not be required to
enroll in Part B to continue enrollment
in a PSHB plan.
Example 2. A spouse is married to a
Postal Service annuitant who is not
required to enroll in Part B as a
condition of eligibility to enroll in a
PSHB plan under § 890.1604(c)(1)(iv)
(enrolled in VA health care benefits).
The spouse is not eligible for Medicare
because they are not yet 65. If the Postal
Service annuitant dies before the
surviving spouse becomes eligible for
Medicare and the surviving spouse
becomes a survivor annuitant, the
surviving spouse will not be required to
enroll in Part B to continue enrollment
in a PSHB plan when becoming eligible
for Medicare.
Several commenters, including an
association representing Federal
employees and a labor organization,
expressed support for the proposal to
clarify an exception to the requirement
to enroll in Medicare Part B for certain
survivor annuitants who had relied on
a Part B enrollment exception of a
deceased annuitant while they were
enrolled as a family member. The
commenters generally supported this
approach as consistent with the statute
and noted that the failure to clarify this
exception could result in inequities for
some survivor annuitants and therefore
supported finalizing as proposed. One
commenter suggested this proposal
would impact a limited number of
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individuals and would have a negligible
financial impact on the program.
OPM appreciates comments
supporting this proposal and agrees that
it will promote fairness and
predictability for survivor annuitants
who made decisions regarding Medicare
Part B enrollment based on the
expectation that the annuitant’s Part B
exception would continue to apply to
them. As noted by commenters, this
approach will also ensure the
individuals who reasonably relied on
the deceased annuitant’s Part B
exception do not later become subject to
a Medicare Part B late enrollment
penalty which could make coverage
unaffordable or even result in the loss
of coverage. Accordingly, OPM is
finalizing as proposed.
Enrollment in the Initial Contract
Year—5 CFR 890.1605(c)
Section 890.1605(c) implements the
automatic enrollment requirements of
the PSRA found at 5 U.S.C. 8903c(f)(2).
As proposed, OPM would automatically
enroll each Postal Service employee,
annuitant, and their covered family
members into a plan offered by their
2024 FEHB Carrier if the carrier offers
a 2025 PSHB plan. If the carrier offers
the corresponding plan in FEHB and
PSHB in 2025, with at least one option
that has equivalent benefits and cost
sharing, the enrollees and their covered
family would be enrolled into that
carrier’s plan and the equivalent option.
If the carrier does not offer an
equivalent option, the enrollees and
their family members would be enrolled
in the lowest cost option that is not a
high deductible health plan (HDHP) and
does not charge an association or
membership fee, unless the only option
is a HDHP. If the only option is a HDHP,
individuals would be enrolled in that
carrier’s HDHP.
Individuals enrolled in a carrier’s
2024 FEHB plan where the carrier does
not offer a 2025 FEHB plan would be
enrolled in the carrier’s 2025 PSHB plan
if the plan offers at least one option with
similar benefits and cost sharing as the
2024 FEHB plan. Individuals would be
enrolled into the similar option with
similar benefits and cost sharing as the
2024 FEHB option. If there is no similar
option, individuals would be enrolled
in the lowest-cost option of the 2025
PSHB plan. If the plan has more than
two options, the individuals would be
enrolled the lowest cost option that is
not a HDHP.
If an individual’s 2024 FEHB Carrier’s
plan does not meet any of the other
criteria, that individual would be
enrolled in the lowest cost nationwide
plan that is not a HDHP and does not
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
charge an association or membership
fee. All determinations on equivalent or
similar plans would be determined by
OPM. All Postal Service annuitants and
employees would be automatically
enrolled into the same enrollment type
(self, self plus one, or self and family),
as their 2024 enrollment type. All
automatic enrollment decisions would
take into account the geographic region
limitations of the plan offered.
Commenters were generally
supportive of the approach in proposed
§ 890.1605(c). One carrier suggested that
this approach would increase continuity
of coverage and reduce administrative
burdens during the transition from
FEHB to PSHB. Another commenter
supported the approach and stressed
that the process for automatic
enrollment should be made clear in
educational information distributed to
Postal Service employees and
A carrier asked whether OPM
intended to enroll as many enrollees as
possible into a 2025 PSHB plan offered
by the carrier of their 2024 FEHB
enrollment and, in scenarios where this
is not possible, to use the default plan
as defined in § 890.1605.
Under 5 U.S.C. 8903c(f), OPM is
required to automatically enroll Postal
Service employees and annuitants who
do not make an election to enroll in a
PSHB plan during the transitional Open
Season. OPM’s intent is to minimize
disruption for Postal Service employees
and annuitants as they transition to the
PSHB Program. Without a process for
automatic enrollment, an individual
transitioning to the PSHB Program for
2025 who takes no action during the
transitional Open Season—either
because they are not aware of the new
program or do not understand they must
make an affirmative selection in order to
effectuate their enrollment—otherwise
would lose their health insurance
coverage for plan year 2025 (or lose
eligibility for PSHB coverage altogether
in the case of annuitants) unless they
have a qualifying life event. The
proposed automatic enrollment process
would prevent such unintended loss of
coverage for individuals transitioning
from FEHB to PSHB. In addition, this
proposal would ensure that individuals
are enrolled into coverage that is
equivalent or similar to their 2024 FEHB
plan when available. Individuals will be
enrolled into the default plan as
required by the law only when
enrollment with the same carrier is not
One commenter raised a concern
about this approach as it relates to
enrollees in certain U.S. territories. The
commenter suggested the nationwide
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plans are less competitive and more
expensive than the regional plans would
be. The commenter recommended
altering § 890.1605 so that when an
enrollee’s FEHB Carrier is not
participating in the PSHB Program
within the enrollee’s geographic area
and the enrollee takes no action during
transitional Open Season, the enrollee
would be automatically enrolled in a
comparable PSHB plan offered by an
approved regional carrier.
OPM appreciates the concerns raised
by the commenter. The proposed
approach on automatic enrollment
aligns with the statutory requirements
under 5 U.S.C. 8903c(f)(2), which, in
certain circumstances, includes
automatically enrolling an individual in
the lowest-cost nationwide plan option
that is not a HDHP and does not charge
a membership fee. For individuals in
certain geographical areas, enrollees
may have limited PSHB plan options. In
some cases, certain carriers offering
plans in geographic areas with fewer
PSHB Carriers would not be included in
the automatic enrollment hierarchy
proposed in § 890.1605. OPM
recognized that, in some instances,
under the proposed automatic
enrollment hierarchy, individuals may
be enrolled into a plan that does not
best meet their needs. However, the
proposed approach is designed to meet
the needs of the majority of Postal
Service enrollees, while ensuring that
all Postal Service enrollees have
continuous coverage without requiring
active plan selections. Therefore, OPM
is finalizing § 890.1605 as proposed.
This approach will ensure that the vast
majority of PSHB enrollees who take no
action during transitional Open Season
will have the best outcome for 2025
coverage. OPM is adopting this
approach to ensure that the majority of
Postal Service enrollees who do not
actively select a plan are not surprised
with an unexpectedly high premium
and ensures as robust of a network as
possible across the United States,
regardless of the enrollee’s location.
In addition, pursuant to 5 CFR
890.301(n), which describes how OPM
determines the lowest-cost nationwide
plan option, OPM reserves the right to
select an alternate plan for automatic
enrollment if circumstances warrant it,
as determined by OPM. Therefore, if, for
example, OPM determines that the
automatic fallback option for enrollees
in a certain geographic area is not in the
best interest of enrollees, OPM may
designate an alternate plan option most
suitable to the circumstances of those
Enrollees are encouraged to review all
available PSHB plans leading up to and
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during the upcoming transitional Open
Season to assist them in making the best
selection for their personal
circumstances. OPM’s PSHB decision
support tool is designed to provide
enrollees with the information
necessary to make an informed decision
regarding PSHB coverage. The tool is
scheduled to be available by Open
Season at
OPM is finalizing its proposal with
two minor technical changes. In
§ 890.1605(c), OPM is replacing the
reference to ‘‘§ 890.1605(b)’’ with the
term ‘‘paragraph (b) of this section’’ for
consistency within the section. In
§ 890.1605(c)(1), OPM is replacing the
term ‘‘same’’ with the term
‘‘corresponding’’ for consistency within
the section. Otherwise, OPM is
finalizing § 890.1605 as proposed.
Opportunities To Enroll, Change
Enrollment, or Reenroll; Effective
Dates—5 CFR 890.1606(c) and (d)
OPM proposed to amend 5 CFR
890.1606(c) related to automatic
reinstatement of enrollment for
individuals returning to civilian status
after separation from the uniformed
services, as described in 5 CFR 890.305.
OPM identified that this proposal was
included in the NPRM in error and is
not finalizing this proposed amendment
in this rule. 5 CFR 890.1606(c) remains
OPM proposed to amend 5 CFR
890.1606(d) to reflect the initial
decision and reconsideration process
that would govern PSHB eligibility or
enrollment decisions as proposed in
§ 890.1607. As proposed, this provision
was also amended to remove the
existing cross-references to the process
set forth at § 890.104, which would no
longer apply to PSHB. See the
discussion below for additional details
about the initial decision and
reconsideration process under 5 CFR
890.1607. OPM did not receive any
comments on the proposed amendments
to § 890.1606. OPM is finalizing 5 CFR
890.1606(d) as proposed.
Initial Decision and Reconsideration—
5 CFR 890.1607
OPM proposed a process for initial
decisions and reconsideration to reflect
OPM’s new role in eligibility
determinations. As proposed,
individuals would file a request with
the employing office or OPM, as
applicable. OPM would be responsible
for initial decisions concerning family
member eligibility determination under
§ 890.302, as well as initial decisions
concerning whether a Postal Service
annuitant or their family member is not
required to enroll in Medicare Part B
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
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because the annuitant or family member
is entitled to Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) benefits under 38 U.S.C.
1705(a), or whether a Postal Service
annuitant or their family members is not
required to enroll in Medicare Part B
because they are eligible for health
services from the Indian Health Service
(IHS). OPM would also be responsible
for initial decisions based on
information OPM receives as the result
of an information sharing agreement
between OPM and a source agency. As
proposed, a reconsideration must be an
independent review at or above the
level at which the initial decision was
issued. Reconsiderations must be filed
within 30 calendar days from the date
of the decision stating the right to
reconsideration. The employing agency
or OPM can extend the time limit if the
individual shows they were not
informed, needed to obtain information
from an outside source, or if they were
prevented by circumstances beyond
their control from complying with the
time limit. The employing agency or
OPM would issue a final decision
within 30 days of the request for
OPM did not receive any comments
on this proposal. OPM is finalizing as
proposed with a minor technical
correction in § 890.1607(d) to change a
reference to the ‘‘employing office’’ to
‘‘employing agency’’ for consistency
within the section. Otherwise, the
provision is finalized without
Disenrollment, Removal, Termination,
Cancellation, and Suspension—5 CFR
As proposed, a Postal Service
annuitant or family member who is
required, as a condition of PSHB
Program eligibility, to be enrolled in
Medicare Part B but is not enrolled in
Part B, would be given a one-time
opportunity to enroll in Part B during
the next available Medicare enrollment
period. As proposed, the individual
would not be removed from PSHB
coverage until after the end of the next
Medicare enrollment period. OPM
requested comment on this proposal,
including the deadline by which the
individual must be enrolled in Part B
before PSHB coverage is terminated.
Commenters generally supported the
proposed one-time opportunity for
individuals who are required to be, but
are not yet, enrolled in Part B in order
to be eligible to enroll in the PSHB
Program. One carrier commented that
this approach provides clear parameters
for enrollees, smooths the transition to
PSHB, and reduces the risk of
interruption in an individual’s health
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coverage. A carrier also commented to
support the proposed approach but
requested that OPM provide Postal
Service annuitants with as generous of
a window as possible to enroll in Part
B, noting that the goal is to assist people
with enrolling in Part B as soon as
possible. A commenter sought
confirmation that the approach outlined
would allow individuals who are
required to enroll in Part B, but have not
done so, to remain enrolled in a PSHB
plan if they enroll in Part B during their
next Medicare enrollment period. The
commenter suggested that, if the
individual fails to enroll in Part B at that
point, OPM may disenroll the
individual from the PSHB plan.
One commenter, a union organization,
suggested the Medicare Part B
enrollment deadline for these
individuals should be the end of the
next Medicare General Enrollment
Period that starts at least six months
after the individual is required to enroll
in Part B, suggesting that this privilege
would be infrequently utilized. In some
cases, such as where the individual is
required to enroll near the end of a
calendar year, the enrollment
opportunity could run beyond a full
year, because the next Medicare General
Enrollment period would not start at
least six months after the individual is
required to enroll in Part B.
OPM supports providing a generous
opportunity for Part B enrollment and
understands that the PSHB program
eligibility rules and enrollment
processes may be confusing for Postal
Service annuitants and their families
during the early stages of this program,
especially as it relates to the Part B
enrollment requirement. It is for these
reasons that OPM proposed the onetime enrollment opportunity for these
individuals. The approach proposed by
the commenter, recommending
extending the deadline to the Medicare
General Enrollment Periods starting at
least six-months after the individual is
required to enroll in Part B, could
conflict with the cost savings intent of
the PSRA. Providing PSHB enrollees, in
certain circumstances, with more than a
full plan year to enroll in Part B could
result in a higher cost burden on USPS
and the PSHB program. This cost-saving
goal must be balanced against the
flexibility provided to enrollees. OPM
agrees with the commenter’s assertion
that these enrollment opportunities
should be needed infrequently,
particularly as education and
experience regarding the PSHB Program
improves and believes that the policy as
proposed by OPM will provide
sufficient flexibility for these
individuals to enroll in Part B and
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remain enrolled in the PSHB Program.
OPM is finalizing with two minor
technical corrections. In § 890.1608(b)
the term ‘‘re-enroll’’ has been replaced
with ‘‘reenroll’’ to conform to drafting
conventions in Subpart P. In
§ 890.1608(b)(6), the term ‘‘from’’ was
moved within the first sentence from
after ‘‘. . . initial decision disenrolling
them from PSHB or removing . . .’’ to
after ‘‘them’’ and before ‘‘coverage
under a PSHB enrollment at the time
OPM becomes aware of the Medicare
disenrollment’’ to correct a
typographical error.
Information Sharing—5 CFR
890.1612(f) and (g)
OPM proposed to amend the
information sharing provisions at
§ 890.1612 by adding new paragraphs (f)
and (g). First, in subsection (f), OPM
proposed to provide a written notice
prior to issuing an initial decision on
eligibility for PSHB enrollment or
coverage based on information or data
OPM receives from a source agency
through an information sharing
agreement that establishes a basis that
the individual may be ineligible for
PSHB enrollment or coverage. The
proposed notice would include certain
required information, such as the
specific data impacting the individual’s
PSHB enrollment or coverage, source
agency contact information, timelines,
and information on the individual’s
rights during the dispute. OPM solicited
comments on this proposal.
In proposed paragraph (g) of
§ 890.1612 OPM proposed that, if OPM
issues an initial decision to remove or
disenroll the individual based on the
information or data from a source
agency, the individual would have
reconsideration rights pursuant to
§ 890.1607. As proposed,
reconsideration would be limited to the
data or information from the source
agency that was before OPM at the time
OPM made the initial decision.
OPM did not receive any comments
on these proposals. OPM is finalizing as
A trade association commented to
request that OPM expand its
information sharing rule at 5 CFR
890.1612 to include the entire FEHB
Program, not just PSHB, and allow
carriers access to that database for
coordination of benefits and Section 111
reporting purposes. The commenter
noted that Medicare Part A becomes
primary over FEHB coverage on the last
day of work preceding retirement and
requests that OPM include a field for
this date in the database.
OPM appreciates this feedback, but
this comment is beyond the scope of
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this rulemaking. As a general matter,
OPM agrees that information sharing
between agencies is critical to
administer the PSHB Program
effectively. OPM is not expanding its
information sharing effort to the entire
FEHB Program since the PSRA’s
information sharing provisions are
intended to implement the PSHB
Program and its Medicare enrollment
requirement for certain Postal Service
annuitants and their family members.
Similarly, OPM does not intend to
provide the information that is the
subject of interagency information
sharing agreements with carriers, except
in limited circumstances required to
operate the PSHB Program as permitted
under the Privacy Act.
Postal Service Contract Year Beginning
Date, Medicare Late Enrollment
Penalty, Calculations for the Postal
Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund,
and Clarifications of Statutory Terms—
5 CFR 890.1613(a), (c), and (e)
OPM proposed in § 890.1613(a) to
calculate the contributions and
withholdings for coverage for the PSHB
program as described under 5 U.S.C.
8906 and subpart E of part 890. As
proposed, the subscription charge and
the Government contribution would
begin on January 1 of each year for
Postal Service annuitants and Postal
Service employees.
Under § 890.1613(c), OPM proposed
that, upon request from the USPS, and
until the Postal Service Retiree Health
Benefits Fund (the PSRHBF) is depleted,
OPM will pay out from the PSRHBF any
late enrollment penalties required under
section 1839(e)(1) of the Social Security
Act for individuals who enrolled during
the Special Enrollment Period
established under section 1837(o) of the
Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395p).
As required under the PSRA, if the
PSRHBF is depleted, the Postal Service
will pay the late enrollment penalties
from the Postal Service Fund,
established under 39 U.S.C. 2003. OPM
has proposed to prioritize use of the
PSRHBF to pay health benefit premiums
of individuals described in 5 U.S.C.
8906(g)(2)(A) before use of the PSRHBF
for payment of late enrollment
In § 890.1613(e), OPM proposed that
the ‘‘net claims costs’’ in the calculation
in 5 U.S.C. 8909a(e)(1) is equivalent to
‘‘estimated net claims costs’’ as defined
in 5 U.S.C. 8909a(g). As proposed, the
computations for post-retirement health
obligations computed under 39 U.S.C.
3654(b) will be performed using an
aggregate entry-age normal cost method
described in 5 U.S.C. 8331(17) and in
accordance with OPM’s actuarial
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funding methods under 5 U.S.C.
8348(h). OPM proposed to remove the
word ‘‘future’’ from before ‘‘net claim
costs’’ in § 890.1613(e)(1) to clarify the
equivalence in terms is between net
claims costs and estimated net claims
OPM did not receive any comments
on these proposals. OPM is finalizing as
proposed with a minor technical
correction in § 890.1613(c) to change a
reference to the ‘‘special enrollment
period’’ to ‘‘Special Enrollment Period’’
to conform with the drafting
conventions of the Social Security Act.
Otherwise, OPM is finalizing without
Other Administrative Provisions—5
CFR 890.1614(a)
OPM proposed to amend
§ 890.1614(a) to reflect OPM’s central
role in administering the PSHB
enrollment process. As proposed, OPM
may make prospective or retroactive
corrections of administrative errors at
any time and may make a correction of
an administrative error for purposes of
equity and good conscience, in addition
to ordering an employing office to make
such corrections. OPM, rather than the
employing office, would also be able to
make retroactive corrections of enrollee
enrollment code errors. OPM proposed
to adopt the standards in § 890.103(d)
with the addition of a reference to
PSHB. As proposed, retroactive
corrections would be subject to
withholdings and contributions under
the provisions of both §§ 890.502 and
OPM did not receive any comments
on these proposed amendments to 5
CFR 890.1614(a). OPM is finalizing as
Crediting Separate Reserves for PSHB—
5 CFR 890.1615
OPM proposed a Reserve credit
methodology for crediting the reserves
from FEHB options to PSHB options. To
effectively credit reserves OPM
proposed definitions that only apply for
crediting purposes. These definitions
include 2024 FEHB Option premium,
2024 Postal Service premium, Amount
available, Corresponding PSHB option,
Option, Plan, and Runout. OPM
proposed to credit reserves as soon as
practicable on or after January 1, 2025,
using the methodology proposed in this
section. Reserves will be credited by
determining the 2024 Postal Service
premium by multiplying the 2024 FEHB
Option’s enrollment types (self only,
self plus one, self and family) by the
number of Postal Service enrollments of
the Option and taking the sum of those
amounts. OPM will then determine the
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Postal Service Percentage, which is the
2024 premium attributable to Postal
Service enrollees divided by the 2024
premium attributable to both Postal
Service and non-Postal Service
enrollees, for each 2024 FEHB Option.
OPM proposed to apply that percentage
to the amounts available in the 2024
FEHB Option’s reserves, taking into
account the need for Runout, for each
2024 FEHB Option as of December 31,
2024. OPM will credit the resulting
reserve amount to the PSHB Options for
2025. The reserves will be allocated to
the PSHB Options, for experience-rated
and community-rated Options,
depending on the conditions that the
Option meets. Each condition is based
on the number of 2024 FEHB Options
and the number of Corresponding PSHB
Options offered by the carrier in 2025.
OPM also proposed conditions for 2024
FEHB Carriers that do not offer a 2025
PSHB plan and for those 2025 PSHB
Carriers that do not offer a 2025 FEHB
As proposed, OPM will estimate the
Runout amount considering any income
attributable to periods for FEHB
experience-rated Options. Finally, OPM
proposed that any funds OPM receives
under 5 U.S.C. 8909(b) for premiums
attributable to periods on or before, but
not yet received by, December 31, 2024,
will be credited to PSHB Options’ and
FEHB Options’ Contingency Reserves
using the Reserve Credit methodology
detailed above.
Two commenters addressed the
reserve credit portion of the proposed
rule. A carrier commented to note the
importance of codifying reserve
allocation guidance provided in a
detailed carrier letter, Methodology for
Crediting Postal Service Health Benefits
(PSHB) Program Plan Reserves and
Earned FEHB Medical Loss Ratio
Credits (Letter Number 2023–13),5 dated
July 19, 2023, on the topic of reserve
credit and stated its appreciation for this
detailed guidance. A trade association
commented to request that OPM
confirm that the letter remains in effect
except to the extent it conflicts with this
OPM confirms that Carrier Letter
2023–13 remains in effect. While OPM
is unaware of any conflict between
Carrier Letter 2023–13 and this rule,
nonetheless we agree that a conflict
between the Carrier Letter and the rule
would properly be resolved in favor of
this rule.
5 Methodology for Crediting Postal Service Health
Benefits (PSHB) Program Plan Reserves and Earned
FEHB Medical Loss Ratio Credits (Letter Number
2023–13), July 19, 2023, available at https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Another commenter sought clarity on
requirements for Runout accounts.
Specifically, the commenter asked
whether plans would need two separate
runout accounts: one for FEHB paying
claims for services rendered on or before
December 31, 2024, but paid after
January 1, 2025, and another account for
As it relates to Runout accounts, there
could be up to three LOCA Runout
accounts: one for paying FEHB claims
for services rendered on or before
December 31, 2024, but paid after
January 1, 2025, one for FEHB claims for
services on or after January 1, 2025, and
one for PSHB claims for services on or
after January 1, 2025.
A commenter also recommended that
OPM promote fair allocation of carrier
As stated in the proposed rule and
Carrier Letter 2023–13, reserves will be
allocated proportionately, based on
2024 premium attributable to the Postal
Service and non-Postal Service
populations for each Option. OPM
considered incorporating a risk
component in the allocation of reserves;
however, OPM determined the method
outlined in Carrier Letter 2023–13 is
most consistent with current FEHB
Finally, a trade association requested
that OPM issue guidance soliciting
waiver requests from any FEHB plan
that expects the cost of calculating the
reserve transfer will approximate or
exceed the amount of the reserve
transfer, with a submission deadline of
October 1, 2024.
This comment is outside of the scope
of this regulation. OPM notes that any
carrier concerns can be addressed to the
appropriate contracting officer.
OPM is finalizing the proposal
without changes.
Medicare Part D—5 CFR 890.1616
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§ 890.1616(a): Carrier Requirement To
Offer Medicare Part D Prescription Drug
As proposed, a carrier offering a plan
in the PSHB program must provide
prescription drug benefits to any Part Deligible Postal Service annuitant and
their family members who are Part Deligible through a Medicare Part D
employer group waiver plan (EGWP).
The carrier must offer a Part D EGWP
through a prescription drug plan (PDP)
EGWP or contract with a PDP sponsor.
A carrier may, with the approval of
OPM, offer a Medicare Advantage plan
(MAPD) EGWP in PSHB; however, the
carrier must also offer a PDP EGWP. All
PSHB Carriers must be approved by and
contracted with CMS prior to offering
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PSHB Part D coverage through a PDP or
A commenter recommended that
OPM allow carriers to decide whether to
offer a PDP EGWP or MAPD EGWP, or
both, rather than requiring PSHB
Carriers to offer a PDP EGWP as the
default method of Part D benefits
Section 8903c(h)(2) of title 5 U.S.C.
states that OPM ‘‘shall require each
Program plan’’ to provide prescription
drug benefits to Part D-eligible Postal
Service annuitants and their eligible
family members through a PDP EGWP
or ‘‘through a contract with a PDP
sponsor.’’ The statute requires all
carriers to offer a PDP EGWP to all Part
D-eligible annuitants and their Part Deligible family members. OPM’s final
rule ‘‘Postal Service Reform Act;
Establishment of the Postal Service
Health Benefits Program’’ (at 89 FR
37061) permits carriers to offer an
MAPD EGWP, as approved by OPM, in
PSHB so long as the carrier also offers
a PDP EGWP pursuant to the statutory
requirement. OPM does not have the
authority under the statute to permit
carriers to decide whether to offer a PDP
EGWP in the PSHB Program.
Another commenter suggested that
OPM align PSHB EGWP guidance with
existing FEHB EGWP guidance.
While the PSHB is included under the
FEHB Program umbrella, PSHB is
subject to distinct statutory
requirements, including those governing
the requirement to offer a PDP EGWP
and to integrate Medicare Part D
benefits under 5 U.S.C. 8903c(h)(1) and
(2). When enacting the PSRA, Congress
was addressing specific policy goals,
including increasing enrollment in
Medicare by USPS annuitants and
promoting long term financial health for
the PSHB Program, which require
certain variances from policies that are
generally applicable in the FEHB
Program. As discussed in more detail
below, the specific statutory
requirements governing the PSHB
Program as well as the unique policy
goals of PSHB require separate
regulations, policies, and
implementation of PSHB EGWPs within
the FEHB Program.
OPM is finalizing the proposal
without changes.
§ 890.1616(b): Prescription Drug
Coverage Under a PSHB Plan Through
Medicare Part D and § 890.1616(e):
Effect of Opting Out of Group
Enrollment Into or Disenrolling From a
Medicare EGWP
In 5 CFR 890.1616(b), OPM proposed
that Postal Service annuitants and
family members who are Part D-eligible
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must be enrolled in the PSHB plan’s
Part D EGWP to receive prescription
drug coverage under the PSHB plan. A
Part D-eligible individual who is not
covered by the EGWP would not receive
prescription drug coverage as a benefit
under the PSHB plan. OPM also
proposed that a Part D-eligible
individual would also not receive
prescription drug coverage through their
PSHB coverage if they opted out of the
PSHB Part D group enrollment process
in 5 CFR 890.1616(e) and did not
otherwise select a PDP EGWP or MAPD
EGWP associated with their PSHB plan.
As proposed, OPM would require all
PSHB Carriers to group enroll all Part Deligible Postal Service annuitants and
their Part D-eligible family members
into the EGWP offered by their PSHB
plan. This proposal is consistent with
CMS rules 6 and permits these Part Deligible individuals to opt out of the
group enrollment process. OPM
proposed that, if an individual opts out
of group enrollment, the individual
would not receive prescription drug
coverage under the PSHB plan. The
individual would retain their rights to
change their elections during Open
Season or a qualifying life event and
could later elect to enroll in Part D
coverage offered by their chosen PSHB
OPM received numerous comments
on these proposals. One carrier stated
they were aligned with the proposal and
stated that they are prepared to proceed
as proposed. Another carrier supported
the approach and noted the importance
of ensuring PSHB enrollees understand
their options for receiving prescription
drug coverage. The carrier suggested
that allowing Part D-eligible individuals
to opt out of the PDP EGWP and into an
MAPD EGWP serves the interests of
Other commenters, including
individuals and a union, indicated that
individuals may want to opt out of the
Part D plan offered by their PSHB
Carrier to avoid paying an IncomeRelated Monthly Adjustment Amount
(IRMAA), an income-related monthly
adjustment amount assessed and
applied by Medicare. An individual
commenter also noted that Postal
Service annuitants and their family
members who opted out of Part D would
be paying for a plan that includes drug
coverage and not receiving any of the
6 See 40.1.6—Group Enrollment Mechanisms for
Employer/Union Sponsored PDPs, Medicare
Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Chapter 3—
Eligibility, Enrollment and Disenrollment, available
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
benefits because declining Part D
coverage would not result in a reduced
premium. Another commenter noted
that Part D enrollees cannot use drug
company discounts for expensive drugs,
thus limiting PSHB enrollees’ access to
these discounts.
A union representing Federal
employees and retirees stated that it
believes OPM incorrectly interpreted
the statute, specifically noting that the
PSRA does not impose a Part D
enrollment requirement on Medicare
Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitants
but instead mandates that PSHB Carriers
provide prescription drug benefits
through Part D benefits integration. The
union suggested that Congress would
not create detailed grandfathering and
exemption provisions from the Part B
requirement and not do the same for
Part D if the Part D provisions were a
mandate. Thus, the commenter
concluded that Congress intended to
allow Part D-eligible individuals to opt
out of the Part D EGWPs without losing
all prescription drug coverage under the
PSHB plan. Instead, the commenter
suggested, OPM and carriers could limit
the number of opt-outs by educating
Postal Service annuitants about the
substantial changes to the Part D
program in 2025. Several commenters
also noted that the PSRA does not
impose a Part D enrollment requirement
on Medicare Part D-eligible Postal
Service annuitants and their family
members, but instead mandates that
PSHB plans provide prescription drug
benefits through Part D. Several
commenters requested that OPM allow
Postal Service annuitants and their
family members to choose whether to
enroll in the Part D EGWP offered by
their PSHB plan or to retain the nonMedicare prescription drug coverage
offered by their PSHB plan.
Finally, a trade association
commented asserting that the FEHB
program is subject to Section 1557 of the
Affordable Care Act (ACA) and that a
Medicare-eligible annuitant in the PSHB
program could allege the Part D opt-out
proposal violates Section 1557’s
prohibition on age discrimination. This
commenter argued that this proposal
would impose additional cost-sharing or
impose other limitations on coverage for
a protected class of individuals. The
commenter requested that OPM provide
a legitimate, non-discriminatory basis
for this proposal.
OPM appreciates these comments and
the thoughtful concerns they raised.
OPM believes that its proposed
approach—namely, that Part D-eligible
Postal Service annuitants and their
eligible family members who opt out of
the Medicare Part D plan offered by
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their PSHB plan will lose prescription
drug benefits under their PSHB plan—
is most consistent with the PSRA and its
policy goals. As commenters noted, the
PSRA, at 5 U.S.C. 8903c(h)(2), clearly
requires carriers to provide PSHB
prescription drug benefits to Part-D
eligible annuitants and their Part-Deligible family members through a
Medicare Part D EGWP. And it requires,
at 5 U.S.C. 8903c(c)(2), for carriers to
integrate Part D coverage. While
commenters are correct that the PSRA
does not explicitly require Part Deligible annuitants and their family
members to enroll in Medicare Part D as
a condition of PSHB enrollment—and,
indeed, CMS regulations afford
individuals that are group enrolled into
a Part D EGWP the right to opt-out—the
PSRA’s express goal is to create cost
savings for the PSHB Program, in part
through shifting costs to Medicare. OPM
believes that requiring Part D-eligible
annuitants and their Part D-eligible
family members to obtain PSHB
prescription drug coverage through a
Part D EGWP, rather than through their
PSHB plan, best advances Congress’
Further, OPM expects very few PSHB
enrollees and family members to opt out
of or decline coverage from their PSHB
plan’s Part D EGWP, as the vast majority
of individuals eligible for Part D will be
better off retaining their PSHB
prescription drug coverage, there will be
seamless coordination between the
PSHB plan and Medicare, and the cost
of the Part D EGWP will be included in
their PSHB premium, with no reduction
for those who opt out. Those who
choose to opt out of group enrollment
into the PSHB plan’s EGWP or decline
enrollment once effectuated will be
doing so after receiving notice regarding
the loss of prescription drug coverage
under the PSHB plan. For these reasons,
OPM is finalizing the proposal to
require Part D-eligible Postal Service
annuitants and their eligible family
members to receive their prescription
drug benefits under their PSHB plan
through the Medicare Part D plan
offered by their PSHB plan.
OPM is, however, making changes in
response to comments expressing
concern about the consequences of
opting out of or disenrolling from the
Part D EGWP for individuals who make
the choice inadvertently or without full
awareness of the implications of their
decision. OPM is finalizing with
changes to 5 CFR 890.1616(d), discussed
in more detail in a separate section, and
paragraph (e) to address these concerns.
OPM believes that these changes will
add important protections for Part D-
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eligible annuitants and their Part Deligible family members.
OPM is amending proposed
890.1616(e) to add new subparagraph
(4) establishing enrollment flexibility to
individuals who opt out or decline the
plan’s Part D EGWP due to an error.
OPM is clarifying that a Part D-eligible
annuitant or family member who is not
enrolled in the Part D EGWP, either by
opting out of group enrollment or
actively declining the plan’s Part D
EGWP, can enroll in the plan’s Part D
EGWP during this limited enrollment
flexibility. This flexibility is available
where an individual opted out or
declined the plan’s Part D EGWP due to
an error. OPM’s policy is to construe
this flexibility broadly, especially
during the first year of the PSHB
Program, consistent with applicable
This enrollment flexibility will allow
individuals who are not enrolled in the
Part D EGWP to enroll in Part D EGWP
coverage within 90 days from the date
at which their Part D coverage would
have been effective. The effective date of
the enrollment will be retroactive to the
extent permitted in CMS regulations
and guidance. OPM has determined the
high risk of confusion, especially during
early years of implementation of the
PSHB Program, and the potential
consequences for Part D-eligible
annuitants and family members
associated with errors around Part D
EGWP enrollment, warrants this
flexibility to allow for corrections when
timely reported. OPM notes that this
enrollment flexibility itself does not
impact whether or not an individual
may be subject to a Part D LEP if they
remain without Medicare Part D or other
creditable prescription drug coverage for
more than 63 consecutive days.7 As the
PSHB Program matures and there is
more familiarity with Part D, the need
for this flexibility is anticipated to
decline and it is our expectation that it
will be needed infrequently.
Recognizing that the flexibility in
§ 890.1616(e)(4)(i) may not provide
sufficient time for all individuals to
request correction of Part D EGWP
enrollment errors, OPM is further
clarifying in § 890.1616(e)(4)(ii) that
individuals who identify an error 91
days or more after their plan’s effective
date can also request Part D EGWP plan
corrections with a prospective effective
date. An individual may be permitted to
enroll or reenroll into the Part D EGWP
plan offered by their PSHB plan option
based on exceptional circumstances,
broadly defined and as determined by
OPM. The effective date of enrollment
7 See
42 CFR 423.46(a).
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will be prospective. The flexibilities
described above are limited to new Part
D EGWP enrollments (either PDP or
MAPD, as applicable). The flexibility
does not permit a change to the
individual’s PSHB plan enrollment and
does not permit an individual to change
enrollment from a PDP EGWP to an
to a PDP EGWP, offered by their PSHB
plan. OPM appreciates and shares
commenters’ concerns with making sure
that all PSHB enrollees have access to
prescription drug coverage. OPM
believes that its final rule—which
requires Part D-eligible annuitants and
their Part D-eligible family members to
obtain drug coverage through a Part D
EGWP but provides significant
enrollment flexibility for those who opt
out of Part D inadvertently or without
understanding the consequences—
appropriately balances the PSRA’s
express goals of cost-savings with the
important goal of protecting enrollees
and making sure they have the option of
obtaining prescription drug coverage.
In response to the comment raising
concerns related to Section 1557 of the
Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act (ACA), and age discrimination
issues in particular, OPM notes that
discrimination complaints in the PSHB
are not subject to the Section 1557
complaint process; rather, as stated in
HHS’s May 6, 2024 final rule
implementing Section 1557, entitled
‘‘Nondiscrimination in Health Programs
and Activities,’’ 89 FR 37522, 37627,
HHS will ‘‘refer to OPM complaints
alleging discrimination in the FEHB
Program (including the Postal Service
Health Benefits Program).’’ More
substantively, OPM ensures that the
FEHB and PSHB Programs comply with
applicable Federal nondiscrimination
laws, and, as noted above, has chosen
this approach to Part D coverage for
multiple nondiscriminatory reasons,
including that it is most consistent with
the PSRA and helps advance the PSRA’s
cost-saving goals.
Medicare Part D Enrollment for Part DEligible Postal Service Annuitants and
Family Members Living Abroad
One commenter, a carrier
organization, noted that individuals
living outside of the United States
cannot obtain Medicare Part D coverage,
as eligibility is limited to individuals
who live within a Part D plan’s service
area, which must be within the United
States. The commenter suggested that
Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitants
and their family members who live
outside the United States and its
territories be exempt from the
requirement that their PSHB plan may
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only provide them with prescription
drug coverage through a Part D EGWP.
OPM appreciates this comment raising
this important issue regarding access to
Part D coverage outside of the United
After considering these issues, OPM
recognizes the need for a narrow
exception to the proposal to group
enrollment and limitation of
prescription drug coverage for Part Deligible annuitants and their eligible
family members who reside outside of
the Part D plan’s service area and are
ineligible to enroll in Medicare Part D.
Under CMS rules, individuals must live
within a Part D plan’s service area to be
eligible to enroll in that Part D plan.8
OPM is clarifying in the final rule that
Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitants
and their family members who live
outside of the United States (including
the 50 States, the District of Columbia,
the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa,
and the Northern Mariana Islands)
would not be group enrolled into their
PSHB plan’s Part D EGWP because they
reside outside of the Part D plan’s
service area and are therefore not
eligible to enroll. Accordingly, OPM is
amending § 890.1616(b) to clarify that
PSHB plans may not group enroll
individuals residing outside of the
United States into the Part D plan and
must provide these individuals with
prescription drug coverage through the
PSHB plan benefits.
§ 890.1616(c): PSHB Plan Enrollment or
Disenrollment and Medicare EGWPs
In § 890.1616(c), OPM proposed that
changes to PSHB enrollments during
Open Season or because of a qualifying
life event, as defined in part 892, would
include the ability to change enrollment
in the Part D EGWP offered by the PSHB
Two commenters, a carrier and an
individual, requested clarity on the
specific timeframes and circumstances
in which an individual would be
allowed to enroll into a Part D EGWP or
make changes to their enrollment. The
individual asserted that FEHB MAPDs
allow members to enroll in or disenroll
from the MAPD during the plan year
and asked whether Postal Service
enrollees would only be allowed to
enroll in the PSHB MAPD EGWP during
Open Season or pursuant to a qualifying
life event. The commenter also
requested clarity on whether the
Medicare Part D-eligible annuitant who
opts out of or disenrolls from their
8 See 42 CFR 423.4, 423.30 and 423.44(b)(2)(i), as
well as 42 CFR 422.2, 422.50(a)(3), and
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PSHB plan’s MAPD EGWP would be
automatically enrolled in their PSHB
plan’s PDP EGWP or would instead
receive no prescription drug benefits
under PSHB.
We appreciate these comments and
requests for clarification. Consistent
with the rules governing FEHB
enrollment, PSHB enrollees will be
allowed to make changes to their
enrollment during Open Season or
subject to a qualifying life event. These
existing rules will apply to PSHB Part
D coverage, either through the PSHB
same as they apply to the PSHB plan,
meaning a Part D-eligible annuitant or
family member will have an opportunity
to enroll in Part D coverage during the
next available Open Season or during
any qualifying life event that may apply.
An individual who opts out of or
disenrolls from their PSHB MAPD plan
would have opted out of the Part D plan
offered by their PSHB Carrier and would
not receive prescription drug coverage
as a benefit under the PSHB plan unless
they make an active plan selection into
the PDP EGWP during Open Season or
any available qualifying life events (or
during the flexibility period under
1616(e)(4)). The individual would not
be automatically group enrolled into the
PSHB Carrier’s PDP EGWP. OPM is
finalizing as proposed.
§ 890.1616(d): Carrier Requirements for
Group Enrollment Into Medicare EGWPs
OPM proposed that all carriers
automatically group enroll all Part Deligible Postal Service annuitants and
their eligible family members into the
plan’s Part D EGWP. Group enrollment
is a waiver permitted by CMS that
allows carriers to enroll individuals into
the Part D EGWP without the need for
the individual to complete an additional
enrollment. All carriers are required to
comply with all applicable CMS
requirements, including all notice
requirements for group enrollment into
PDP and MAPD EGWPs. As proposed,
the group enrollment requirement for
carriers does not impact the individual’s
right to choose a PSHB plan during
Open Season or during a qualifying life
The proposed requirement for
automatic group enrollment applies to
both PDP and MAPD EGWPs. For PDP
EGWPs, the carrier, at the end of Open
Season or during a qualifying life event,
would be required to automatically
group enroll Part D-eligible annuitants
and their Part D-eligible family members
into the PDP EGWP, unless the
individual elects to enroll into the
plan’s MAPD EGWP or opts out of group
enrollment. For MAPD EGWPs, at the
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
end of Open Season or during a
qualifying life event, the carrier must
automatically group enroll Part Deligible Postal Service annuitants and
family members if they elect to enroll in
the carrier’s MAPD EGWP. During the
2025 transitional Open Season, a PSHB
MAPD EGWP may only automatically
group enroll individuals if they were
covered by the carrier’s 2024 FEHB
MAPD or if the individual actively
elects to enroll in the carrier’s MAPD
plan for plan year 2025. OPM has also
proposed that in addition to CMS notice
requirements, that each year, not less
than 30 days prior to Open Season,
PSHB Carriers must send notice to Part
D-eligible individuals detailing that the
carrier intends to group enroll the
individual into the Part D plan, that the
individual may opt out of the group
enrollment, the impact of opting out, the
date by which the individual must opt
out, how to opt out, that the individual
will not receive prescription drug
coverage under the PSHB plan, and that
no adjustment will be made to the
premium. An MAPD plan must also
inform the individual that they may
enroll in the plan’s PDP EGWP and
inform individuals that they may be
required to remain enrolled in Medicare
Part B to maintain eligibility for the
PSHB Program.
Two carriers expressed support for
the use of automatic group enrollment
of individuals eligible for Part D and not
currently receiving a Medicare Part D
product. Each commenter counseled
caution, however, stressing the
importance of coordination between
OPM and carriers to ensure smooth
enrollment and clear communication to
affected enrollees, as well as the tight
timing between group enrollment, Open
Season, and the January 1 PSHB
coverage effective date.
OPM appreciates the comments in
support of this proposal as well as
comments raising concerns about the
potential risks associated with this
proposal. OPM is committed to working
closely with PSHB Carriers to ensure a
seamless process for Part D-eligible
annuitants and their Part D-eligible
family members. OPM understands the
carriers’ concerns about the timeline
between Open Season and the PSHB
coverage effective date of January 1,
2025. OPM is working on additional
guidance for carriers to ensure a smooth
transition to the PSHB Program for both
the enrollees and the carriers. OPM is
clarifying that all Part D-eligible Postal
Service annuitants and their eligible
family members will be automatically
group enrolled into the Part D plan
offered by their carrier in 2025. There is
no limitation to only those annuitants
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and family members currently enrolled
in a Part D plan in 2024. Additionally,
OPM is amending § 890.1616(d)(1)(ii), to
require the carriers to group enroll and
provide the required notice to all Postal
Service annuitants and family members,
annually. This amendment requires
carriers to annually group enroll all
Medicare Part D-eligible Postal Service
annuitants and family members
regardless of the individual’s decision to
opt out of the plan’s Part D EGWP in the
prior plan year. OPM is amending this
section in consideration of the
comments, as detailed in § 890.1616(b)
and (e), about the risk of Postal Service
annuitants and family members not
understanding the consequences of
opting out of the group enrollment into
the Part D EGWP offered by their PSHB
plan. This amendment will require an
individual to opt out of the Part D
EGWP offered by their PSHB plan on an
annual basis.
OPM is finalizing the Medicare Part D
group enrollment requirement with the
amendments described above.
§ 890.1616(f): EGWP Prescription Drug
OPM proposed that a carrier must
provide the same prescription drug
benefits to Part D-eligible individuals
under the PDP or MAPD EGWP, as the
carrier provides to the non-Part Deligible individuals enrolled in
prescription drug benefits under the
PSHB plan, except to the extent
necessary to integrate Medicare Part D
prescription drug benefits, as
determined by OPM. OPM identified
that in the preamble text this standard
was described as requiring carriers to
offer ‘‘equal or better’’ benefits in their
Part D plans as is offered in the PSHB
plan formulary, whereas in the
proposed regulatory text the standard
was described as ‘‘the same.’’ This error
is addressed in the final rule, as
discussed in more detail below.
Several commenters provided
feedback on this proposal. One
commenter supported the approach,
emphasizing the importance of OPM’s
position. A carrier commented that it
understood the proposal to require Part
D EGWP formularies to cover the same
medications as PSHB formularies, with
equivalent or better cost-sharing and
A Federal employee association
requested clarification about the
difference in language used in the
preamble to the proposed rule,
proposing the ‘‘equal or better’’
standard, from the proposed regulatory
language at 5 CFR 890.1616(f),
proposing that benefits must be the
‘‘same.’’ This commenter requested
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additional clarity around these
standards to ensure Part D-eligible
individuals receive coverage that is
equal or better than existing coverage. A
commenter asserted that some Part D
coverage offered in the FEHB Program
in plan year 2024 may not have met the
equal or better standard, noting that in
certain instances tier classifications may
have resulted in enrollees paying higher
out-of-pocket costs for the same
prescription medication. This
commenter supported language
included in the 2024 Carrier Call
Letter,9 issued February 8, 2024, which
included a requirement that PDP EGWP
formularies include the same covered
drugs at the same or lower cost-sharing
as the plan’s non-PDP EGWP formulary,
and encouraged OPM to incorporate
similar language in the final rule to
ensure that Part D coverage is really
equal to or better than PSHB plan drug
A carrier requested further clarity
regarding the specifics of formulary
match standards between the Part D
EGWP prescription drug benefit and the
PSHB plan prescription drug benefit.
The commenter requested greater detail
on formulary design requirements and
clarity on cost implications. This
commenter further stated that carriers
could promote health care savings and
promote enrollee choice in the PSHB
Program by designing PSHB formularies
to meet the needs for active employees,
while designing PDP formularies to
meet the needs of Medicare Part Deligible individuals.
One commenter suggested that the
language in proposed § 890.1616(f) is
not strong enough to ensure that Part D
drug coverage will be equal to or better
than PSHB plan drug coverage. The
other suggested a potentially
unintended impact on the ability to
generate cost savings based on the
proposed requirement that Part D EGWP
formularies cover the same drugs as
PSHB formularies, with equivalent or
better cost-sharing and tiering. The
commenter suggested that the
requirement for parity in prescription
drug benefits could limit the flexibility
needed to leverage rebates and
innovative pricing strategies effectively
on the smaller membership population.
These constraints might reduce the
potential for cost savings typically
achieved through negotiated agreements
and formulary management within the
Part D framework. They suggested that
9 See Federal Employees Health Benefits and
Postal Service Health Benefits Programs Call Letter,
Office of Personnel Management, Letter No. 2024–
04, Feb. 8, 2024, available at
healthcare-insurance/carriers/fehb/2024/202404.pdf at pp 6–7.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
OPM consider these factors to ensure
that the implementation of this
requirement does not inadvertently
hinder cost-saving opportunities for the
PSHB Program and its enrollees.
OPM appreciates these comments
requesting additional clarifications and
is finalizing with amendments to
provide more clarity and to better
ensure Postal Service annuitants and
family members who are Medicare Part
D enrollees receive at least equal
benefits to those offered in the
corresponding PSHB plan, to the extent
consistent with applicable Medicare
Part D requirements. OPM previously
provided carriers with details on PSHB
formulary requirements in Carrier Letter
2024–06,10 and OPM is amending
§ 890.1616(f) to explicitly incorporate
these standards. Section 890.1616(f), as
amended, adds new paragraphs (1) and
(2) that require that the Part D EGWP
formularies within the PSHB Program
include the same medications, products,
and supplies as covered in the PSHB
formulary with the same or lower costsharing, and that carriers may not lower
or otherwise limit or restrict benefits,
such as by limiting the number or types
of medications on the formulary or
increasing cost sharing, offered in the
PSHB formulary to meet this standard.
New paragraph (3) provides that OPM
has authority to grant exceptions to
these requirements, in OPM’s discretion
to the extent necessary and consistent
with applicable law, where requested by
We appreciate comments seeking
additional flexibility to innovate and
leverage prescription medication
rebates. While OPM appreciates the
benefits that may be derived from
carrier innovation, the need to ensure
all PSHB enrollees receive equal
benefits, regardless of their Part D
eligibility status, outweighs the
potential theoretical benefits that may
be derived through the types of
innovations commenters asserted may
be limited by the proposed approach.
OPM believes that this approach strikes
a balance between innovation and
ensuring that all individuals in the
PSHB Program continue to have access
to the same high quality prescription
drug coverage.
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Medicare Part D Premium
One individual commenter expressed
concern that mandating payment of
Medicare Part D premiums will increase
the cost of health coverage for Postal
10 Technical Guidance and Instructions for 2025
Benefit Proposals, Letter No. 2024–06, March 7,
2024, available at
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Service annuitants, given they will
already be required to pay Medicare Part
B premiums.
OPM appreciates this comment
seeking clarity regarding the Part D
premium. A Part D-eligible Postal
Service annuitant and family member
enrolled in the Part D EGWP will not
pay an additional premium for Part D
coverage. Part D coverage is included in
the premium for PSHB coverage. The
FEHB Program requires that all FEHB
enrollees enrolled in the same plan and
coverage level, as well as all PSHB
enrollees enrolled in the same plan and
coverage level, pay the same premium
whether an eligible individual chooses
to stay in or opt out of the available Part
D EGWP.11 This means that those who
opt out of Part D coverage will not
receive a reduction in premium costs as
a result of opting out of Part D.
Comments Beyond the Scope of This
The following comments are outside
of the scope of this rulemaking, but
OPM summarizes them here for the sake
of completeness.
Contracting and Carrier Requirements
A trade association submitted
comments raising several questions
pertaining to contracting issues. The
commenter asserted that OPM did not
request advance agreement as it relates
to precontract costs under the FEHBAR
(48 CFR 1631.205–77) from FEHB plans
joining the PSHB Program, asserting that
OPM stated this would be an
unnecessary technicality. The
commenter requested that OPM state in
the final rule that such precontract costs
‘‘are allowable to the extent they would
have been allowable if incurred after the
date of the contract.’’ OPM appreciates
this comment, but it is beyond the scope
of the proposed rule.
PSHB Special Enrollment Period
Two commenters made suggestions
regarding the Postal Service Reform
Act’s Medicare Part B Special
Enrollment Period, which ran from
April 1, 2024, through September 30,
2024. One commenter suggested that the
existence of a Medicare Part B Special
Enrollment Period for Postal Service
annuitants is wrong or unlawful given
that a number of Postal Service
annuitants are already paying late
enrollment penalties for Medicare Part
B. This commenter requested that USPS
pay Part B late enrollment penalties for
all Postal Service annuitants, regardless
of when the Postal Service annuitant or
the family member enrolled in Medicare
11 See
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5 U.S.C. 8906(d).
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Part B. The other commenter suggested
USPS would not pay Part B late
enrollment penalties for those who
enroll in Part B during the Postal SEP.
With respect to the first comment, we
note that the Special Enrollment Period
at issue is established by the PSRA. In
any event, both comments are beyond
the scope of this rulemaking.
Automatic Enrollment Into Medicare
Part B
One commenter suggested that OPM
explore with SSA and CMS automatic
enrollment into Medicare Part B like
there is for Part D group enrollment.
OPM appreciates this commenter’s
suggestion to simplify the Medicare Part
B enrollment requirement for Postal
Service annuitants and their eligible
family members and promote
administrative simplicity, but this
comment is outside of the scope of this
True Out-of-Pocket and Maximum Outof-Pocket Metrics
One carrier commenter recommended
that OPM maintain separate
accumulation metrics for true out-ofpocket (TrOOP) and maximum out-ofpocket (MOOP) metrics, suggesting that
integrating the two metrics could strain
government budgets by allowing
individuals to reach their out-of-pocket
limits quicker and placing more of the
cost burden on the Federal system.
Another carrier commenter added that
the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
included significant changes to the PDP
plans that go into effect on January 1,
2025. The changes make the PDP
designs institute zero-dollar cost share
once the enrollee meets the $2,000
OPM appreciates these comments, but
they are outside the scope of this
General Program Education
Multiple comments from USPS
employees, annuitants, and their
families made it clear that enrollee and
family member education remain very
important as the PSHB Program moves
towards implementation and providing
coverage. Several commenters asked for
available resources to learn about
Medicare-related options and costs, as
well as eligibility requirements for the
PSHB, rights related to the Medicare
Part B Special Enrollment Period, and
how Medicare-related matters relate to
PSHB integration. Another requested a
PSHB plan comparison tool to facilitate
plan selection during the first PSHB
Open Season.
OPM appreciates commenters raising
these questions and concerns and
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
understands the importance of
providing Postal Service employees and
annuitants with sufficient information
to make informed PSHB plan
enrollment decisions. While these
comments are out of scope, OPM
reminds stakeholders of the range of
educational resources currently
available from OPM 12 and USPS
through the MyHR 13 PSHB page and,14 in addition to
PSHB educational resources mailed to
employees and annuitants. Anyone with
questions about the range of options
available under the PSHB Program and
the impacts on Postal Service employees
and annuitants are encouraged to review
all available resources.
In addition, individuals will have
available a web-based decision support
tool to simplify the comparison of
covered benefits, premiums, provider
networks and pharmacy information for
enrollees choosing among a wide array
of plan choices. OPM plans to launch
the tool in late October, and it will be
available within the PSHB System, the
online enrollment portal.
OPM continues to work closely with
USPS to develop and release PSHB
educational materials for Postal Service
employees, annuitants, and their family
members. In June 2024, OPM posted a
series of FAQs explaining parts of the
proposed rule for consumers.15 In late
July 2024, USPS developed and
distributed a new PSHB guide covering
OPM’s proposed rules on EGWP
coverage, among other relevant updates.
Regulatory Changes in This Final Rule
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES2
OPM is making several changes to this
final rule from the NPRM in response to
comments as well as changes to address
one error in the proposed rule and
several technical corrections.
OPM is making minor technical
corrections throughout this rule to
replace the term ‘‘open season’’ with
‘‘Open Season’’ to reflect drafting
conventions in part 890 of Title 5. OPM
is also making minor technical
corrections throughout this rule to add
the term ‘‘paragraph’’ where applicable
to conform with drafting conventions in
12 OPM’s PSHB Program information can be
found at
13 MyHR is the new USPS human resources
website and is only accessible to USPS employees.
14 Keeping Posted is a USPS-operated website
providing benefits information targeted at Postal
retirees. The PSHB resources page can be accessed
15 Office of Personnel Management, Postal Service
Health Benefits Program, ‘‘PSHB Program NPRM
FAQ,’’ June 11, 2024, available at https://
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part 890 of Title 5. This change was
made to §§ 890.1602(c)(4),
890.1604(d)(3)(i), and 890.1616(f).
Section 890.1606(c)
The proposed rule included a
proposed amendment to § 890.1606(c).
This amendment was included in error,
so OPM is not finalizing this proposal.
Section 890.1605(c)
OPM is making a minor technical
correction in § 890.1605(c) to replace
the reference to ‘‘§ 890.1605(b)’’ with
the term ‘‘paragraph (b) of this section’’
for consistency within the section.
OPM is making a minor technical
correction in § 890.1605(c)(1) to replace
the term ‘‘same plan’’ with the term
‘‘corresponding plan’’ for consistency
within the section.
Section 890.1607(d)
OPM is making a minor technical
correction in § 890.1607(d) to replace
the term ‘‘employing office’’ with the
term ‘‘employing agency’’ for
consistency within the section.
Section 890.1608(b)
OPM is making two minor technical
corrections in § 890.1608(b). First, the
term ‘‘re-enroll’’ has been replaced with
‘‘reenroll’’ to conform to drafting
conventions in Subpart P. In
§ 890.1608(b)(6), the term ‘‘from’’ was
moved to correct a typographical error.
Section 890.1613(c)
OPM is making minor technical
corrections in this section to replace the
term ‘‘special enrollment period’’ with
‘‘Special Enrollment Period’’ to conform
to drafting conventions of the Social
Security Act.
Section 890.1616(a)
OPM is making minor technical
corrections in this section to add the
term ‘‘section’’ prior to 1860D–22(b),
(c)(1), to conform to the drafting
conventions of the Social Security Act.
Section 890.1616(b)(1)
Under 5 CFR 890.1616(b), a Part Deligible individual (as defined in section
1860D–1(a)(3)(A) of the Social Security
Act) must be enrolled in their PSHB
plan’s Part D EGWP by their PSHB
Carrier in order to receive prescription
drug coverage under the PSHB Program.
However, under CMS regulations at 42
CFR 423.30(a)(1)(ii), an individual who
is living abroad is not eligible to enroll
in Part D as they cannot meet the
requirement of residing in the service
area of a Part D plan.
In § 890.1616(b)(1), OPM is clarifying
that a Part D-eligible Postal Service
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annuitant or family member of
annuitant who resides outside of the
United States must not be group
enrolled in the Part D EGWP. Instead,
these individuals will receive nonMedicare prescription drug coverage
provided by the PSHB plan for as long
as they reside outside of the United
Section 890.1616(d)
In consideration of the comments
about the risk of Postal Service
annuitants and family members not
understanding the consequences of
opting out of the Part D EGWP offered
by their PSHB plan, OPM is amending
§ 890.1616(d)(1)(ii), to require the
carriers to group enroll and provide the
required notice to all Postal Service
annuitants and family members,
annually. This amendment also requires
carriers to annually group enroll all
Medicare Part D-eligible Postal Service
annuitants and family members
regardless of the individual’s decision to
opt out of the plan’s Part D EGWP in the
prior plan year. This amendment will
require an individual to opt out of the
Part D EGWP offered by their PSHB plan
on an annual basis. OPM is making this
change in part to address concerns
about individuals losing access to
prescription drug benefits
Section 890.1616(e)(4)
OPM received several public
comments expressing concern for
individuals who may opt out of or
disenroll from the Part D EGWP due to
a lack of complete understanding of the
consequences of that decision, despite
OPM’s and USPS’s best efforts to
provide education and awareness to the
affected population. In the interest of
providing greater flexibility for Postal
Service annuitants and their family
members during the transition to PSHB,
OPM is establishing a Part D EGWP
enrollment flexibility for Part D-eligible
Postal Service annuitants and their
eligible family members. This
enrollment flexibility will allow these
individuals to enroll in their PSHB plan
option’s Part D EGWP for up to 90 days
after the start of the plan year or the
effective date of coverage after a
qualifying life event that permitted a
plan change. For those who utilize the
enrollment opportunity, Part D coverage
will be retroactive to the extent
permitted by CMS regulations and
guidance. In addition, for individuals
who seek to enroll after 90 days, an
individual will be permitted to request
to enroll or reenroll into the Part D plan
offered by their PSHB plan option based
on exceptional circumstances, as
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
determined by OPM. For those who
utilize this enrollment opportunity, Part
D coverage will be prospective as
permitted by OPM regulations. These
enrollment flexibilities are limited. This
flexibility does not permit a change to
the individual’s PSHB plan enrollment
and does not permit an individual to
change enrollment from a PDP EGWP to
an MAPD EGWP, or from an MAPD
OPM notes that a Part D-eligible
individual may be subject to a Part D
LEP if they remain without Medicare
Part D or other creditable prescription
drug coverage for more than 63
consecutive days.16 This possible LEP is
not affected by the availability of the
enrollment opportunity. This Part D LEP
is separate and apart from the Part B
LEP that is paid by the Postal Service for
annuitants participating in the PSRA
SEP. All Part D LEP for delayed Part D
enrollment is the responsibility of the
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Section 890.1616(f)(1) & (2)
As proposed in the NPRM, carriers
would be required to provide the same
prescription drug benefits to Part Deligible individuals under a PSHB
plan’s EGWP as the prescription drug
benefits provided to individuals covered
under the PSHB plan who are not
eligible for Part D and not enrolled in
the PSHB plan’s EGWP except to the
extent necessary, as determined by
OPM, to integrate the Medicare Part D
prescription drug benefit coverage.
As a result of comments received,
OPM is amending § 890.1616(f) by
changing ‘‘the same as’’ standard to
‘‘equal to or better’’ to correct the
drafting error in the NPRM. OPM is also
adding new (f)(1), (2), and (3) to specify
that: (1) Prescription drug benefits
under the EGWP must cover the same
medications as in the PSHB formulary
with the same or lower cost-sharing, to
the extent consistent with applicable
Medicare provisions; (2) Carriers must
not lower benefits, such as by limiting
the number or types of medications on
the formulary or increasing cost sharing
offered in the PSHB formulary to meet
this standard; and (3) a carrier may
request OPM approval to offer different
medications, products, or supplies, or
modify cost sharing on their EGWP
formulary, subject to OPM’s approval,
where the requests are necessary and
consistent with applicable law.
16 See
42 CFR 423.46(a).
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Expected Impact of This Final Rule
Statement of Need
This rulemaking follows a previous
rulemaking 17 implementing sections
101 and 102 of the PSRA, which
directed OPM to establish the PSHB
Program for Postal Service employees,
Postal Service annuitants, and their
eligible family members. The PSHB
Program is codified within 5 U.S.C.
chapter 89, which governs the FEHB
Program generally.
While developing and implementing
the regulatory provisions found in the
initial rulemaking, OPM determined
that a number of topics associated with
the PSHB Program needed further
refinement, development, or
clarification. For example, in the initial
rulemaking, OPM enacted procedures
for handling requests for
reconsideration of initial decisions
affecting enrollment in the PSHB
Program. After further consideration,
OPM determined that specific changes
were needed to distinguish the different
relationship between employing offices
and OPM as it relates to the PSHB
Program as compared to the FEHB
Program. Similarly, several regulatory
changes to the PSHB Medicare Part B
requirement were identified as needed
to make the transition from FEHB,
where there is no Medicare Part B
requirement, to PSHB as consumer
friendly as possible and to provide
policies for certain processes and
situations that were not contemplated
when the interim final rule was initially
developed. As an example, OPM
received public comments on the
interim final rule concerning survivor
annuitants as it relates to the Medicare
Part B requirement indicating a need to
provide clear regulation of the treatment
of this group and informed the proposal
in the proposed rule.
In addition, some issues required
more time for policy development and
were not able to be included in the
initial rulemaking. Those issues
included reconsiderations of PSHB
eligibility decisions, various
applications of the Medicare Part B
enrollment requirement, allocation of
reserves credits, calendar year
alignment of Government contribution
requirements, financial reporting and
actuarial calculations, premium
17 The previous rulemaking referred to here is the
collective interim final rule and the final rule under
the title Postal Service Reform Act; Establishment
of the Postal Service Health Benefits Program.
These documents are herein referred to collectively
as the ‘‘initial rulemaking.’’ The final rule can be
found at 89 FR 37061, which adopted the
provisions of OPM’s interim final rule, published at
88 FR 20383, with minor clarifying changes.
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payment prioritization from the
PSRHBF, and Medicare Part D
Because the PSRA included a
statutory deadline for OPM to publish
regulations for the program, OPM
reserved for this rulemaking some of the
more complex issues that required more
time than the interim final rule
timeframe allowed, such as the
methodology for allocation of reserve
credits. This rulemaking provides an
additional vehicle for a more
comprehensive regulatory scheme
before the PSHB Program begins
operation in 2025.
OPM is finalizing the provisions in 5
CFR 890.1607 regarding
reconsiderations, which will ensure that
policies and procedures related to
eligibility decisions in the PSHB
Program properly account for aspects
that are unique to the PSHB Program.
Without these clarifications, there
would be confusion among agencies as
to their responsibilities when faced with
a PSHB reconsideration request. These
PSHB-specific reconsideration
regulations also account for the use of
a centralized enrollment system, which
is not used for enrollment in FEHB
plans. Because some of the data used in
eligibility determinations will come
from source agencies rather than OPM
directly, the regulations establish a
multistep process for an affected
individual where the information does
not belong to OPM and therefore cannot
be independently verified.
OPM is further clarifying Medicare
Part B requirements and exceptions in
this rulemaking. While the most
common Part B exception scenarios are
provided in the PSRA and largely
clarified in detail through OPM’s initial
rulemaking, the scenarios addressed in
this final rule regarding the applicability
of the Medicare Part B requirement and
exceptions to survivor annuitants were
beyond the scope of the initial
rulemaking. Confusion or inequitable
treatment among current or future Postal
Service annuitants and their family
members could result if OPM does not
address these scenarios before PSHB
enrollment begins.
Several of the policies found in this
rulemaking are necessary to properly
operationalize financial aspects of the
PSHB Program before it begins in 2025.
The inclusion of the methodology for
the allocation of reserve credits from
2024 FEHB plans, with Postal Service
employee and Postal Service annuitant
enrollees, to 2025 PSHB plans is
necessary to implement the calculations
of this one-time allocation that is
required in order create the reserves for
PSHB plans. Implementing
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
requirements that align the government
contribution adjustment for Postal
Service employees and Postal Service
annuitants with the calendar year is
necessary to ensure the adjustment
aligns with the PSHB plan year, which
is also on a calendar-year basis.
Regulations regarding financial
reporting and actuarial calculations are
necessary to align PSRA financial
requirements of both OPM and USPS
with current actuarial methods. This
rule’s provisions regarding prioritizing
premium payments from the PSRHBF,
and thereafter Medicare Part B late
enrollment penalty payments, establish
an order of priority for funds. Without
this section, it would be unclear how
OPM prioritizes payments statutorily
allowed from the PSRHBF at times
when the fund may be depleted.
Finally, the integration of Medicare
Part D benefits into the PSHB Program,
which is a significant aspect of the
PSRA, requires further regulation,
particularly as it relates to group
enrollment into the Part D EGWP as
well as how an individual may opt-out
or decline Part D coverage and the
consequences of doing so. This
clarification is necessary to fully
implement the Part D integration
sections of the PSRA, as interpreted and
determined appropriate by OPM, in
compliance with Medicare regulations
and requirements.
In addition, this rulemaking is
necessary to clarify the meaning of the
statutory provision contained in 5
U.S.C. 8903c(h)(2) that requires carriers
to provide prescription drug benefits to
Postal Service annuitants and their
eligible family members who are Part Deligible (as defined in the statute)
through employment-based retiree
health coverage via a Part D prescription
drug plan (PDP) or contracts between a
carrier and a PDP sponsor. Specifically,
this rule codifies preamble discussion
from the interim final rule stating that
a carrier may, in addition to offering one
of the above options, also offer a
Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug
(MAPD) Plan. This rule codifies that
carriers must group enroll all Medicare
Part D-eligible annuitants and their
eligible family members, consistent with
applicable CMS requirements, including
the right to opt out or decline Part D
EGWP coverage. This rule further
clarifies that PSHB Part D EGWP
prescription drug coverage must be
equal to or better than the PSHB
prescription drug coverage available to
active PSHB employees and their family
members, to ensure that Medicare Part
D-eligible PSHB annuitants and their
eligible family members continue to
receive the same high level of coverage.
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Further, the rule makes clear that the
only way that a Medicare Part D-eligible
annuitant or their eligible family
member may receive PSHB prescription
drug coverage is through a carrier’s
PSHB EGWP, unless the Part D-eligible
annuitant or their eligible family
member resides outside of the United
States. OPM determined that regulations
were necessary to provide clarity to both
carriers and Postal Service annuitants
on implementation of 5 U.S.C.
8903c(h)(2). These issues were not
addressed in the initial rulemaking with
sufficient clarity for the regulated
community and other stakeholders.
This rulemaking establishes
additional requirements and
clarifications for the operations and
management of the PSHB Program.
Based on OPM’s estimates, OPM
determined that this regulation will not
have a significant impact on the broader
Federal health insurance market. In
2023, Postal premiums accounted for
about 21% of the total FEHB premiums,
meaning that Postal Service employees,
Postal Service annuitants, and their
family members make up about one fifth
of health insurance carriers’ overall
FEHB books of business.
As with the initial rulemaking, this
rulemaking is intended to help promote
the financial stability and long-term
viability of the Postal Service by
implementing the PSHB Program as
effectively as possible, while ensuring
minimal disruptions to enrollees during
the early years of the program. The
largest potential impact from this rule is
found in the regulatory portions
addressing reserves. OPM estimates that
$4.9 billion of the estimated $23 billion
in total FEHB reserves—which includes
contingency reserves and the Letter of
Credit Account within the EHB Fund—
as of the end of 2023 is attributable to
the Postal population. In addition, OPM
estimates that the vast majority of PSHB
enrollees will remain with the same
carrier during the move from FEHB to
PSHB. In this scenario, the move of
funds from FEHB to PSHB reserves will
have no economic impact—the money
will remain with the same carrier, still
overseen by OPM. Based on 2023
enrollment and expected carrier
participation in the PSHB, OPM
estimates that the total reserves that will
be transferred between carriers will be
approximately $100 million.
The other changes in this rule are not
expected to be economically significant.
The reconsideration process largely
mirrors that of the FEHB Program,
except to the extent the PSHB Program
requires incorporation of verification of
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the requirement to enroll in Medicare
Part B. Discussions of the application of
various Part B exceptions are
clarifications rather than deviations
from the status quo. To the extent there
are impacts from the various proposals,
they are discussed below.
A. Impacts on PSHB Carriers
The reserves policies addressed in
this rule will result in a shift of funds
from FEHB plan reserves to PSHB
Option reserves based on the proportion
of enrollment attributable to Postal
Service employees and Postal Service
annuitants between 2024 and 2025.
However, as discussed above, in large
part we expect these funds to shift
between plans or Options within the
same carrier, as we expect many PSHB
enrollees to remain with their current
FEHB Carrier to the extent possible.18
B. Impacts on PSHB Enrollees
The rule provides clarification on
several circumstances concerning
Medicare Part B enrollment
requirements and exceptions under the
PSHB Program. The rule clarifies
treatment of survivor annuitants as well
as Postal Service annuitants and family
members returning to the U.S. after
living abroad as it relates to PSHB
Program exception regarding Medicare
Part B enrollment. These clarifications
benefit affected enrollees and family
members by providing greater certainty
relating to an affected individual’s rights
or responsibilities concerning Part B
enrollment as they remain enrolled in
the PSHB Program. They also allow
affected enrollees and family members
to plan ahead when making Medicare
enrollment decisions upon reaching
Medicare eligibility.
This rule also reiterates the policy
first included in the interim final rule at
88 FR 20387 and codified at 5 CFR
890.1608(b)(2) that individuals who are
required under the PSRA to enroll in
Medicare Part B in order to enroll in the
PSHB Program will be given the
opportunity to correct a non-enrollment
in Part B if OPM discovers the
discrepancy after the individual is
enrolled in the PSHB Program. This
policy is intended only to allow for
good-faith corrections of inadvertently
or mistakenly missing Part B coverage
and should apply to a very small
number of individuals. This rule
clarifies that this opportunity is a onetime benefit, and any subsequent
instances where the individual lacks
required Medicare Part B enrollment
18 The reserves for FEHB and PSHB are held in
the Employees Health Benefits Fund. Interest on the
reserves accrues to the Fund.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
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would result in PSHB termination. OPM
expects the number of individuals who
face multiple good-faith instances of
missing Medicare Part B enrollment to
be negligible, so the impact of limiting
this benefit to one use will be very
The right to request reconsideration of
PSHB Program eligibility and
enrollment decisions is important to
enrollees and family members. The
FEHB Program has a robust
reconsideration process, and the PSHB
Program incorporates FEHB Program
rights and processes where appropriate.
However, this rulemaking is necessary
to clarify differences due to several
unique aspects of the PSHB Program.
Without these clarifying regulations,
enrollees could face confusion over
which agency should receive their
reconsideration request and how they
may challenge an adverse PSHB
determination that is not covered by the
reconsideration process related to FEHB
plan eligibility and enrollment. Most
notably, the PSHB Program contains a
Medicare Part B enrollment requirement
for many Postal Service annuitants and
eligible family members, which does not
exist for annuitants or family members
eligible for enrollment in FEHB plans.
OPM will receive information from
various source agencies that have the
ability to verify certain information
about an individual upon which OPM
can determine PSHB eligibility and
compliance with Medicare Part B
C. Impacts on Employing Agencies
Under this rule, employing agencies
(USPS for Postal Service employees, or
OPM for Postal Service annuitants) will
have similar responsibilities when
addressing reconsideration requests for
the PSHB Program as they do for the
FEHB Program. With the Medicare Part
B requirement for most Medicareeligible Postal Service annuitants and
eligible family members in order to be
enrolled in or covered under the PSHB
Program, there will be additional
verification for affected Medicareeligible Postal Service annuitants and
family members. In addition to
performing verification checks where
appropriate, an adverse outcome for
enrollees and family members may
increase the number of eligibility
reconsideration requests made by
individuals seeking coverage.
This rule will also ensure that the
government contribution adjustment for
PSHB premiums aligns with the January
1 to December 31 PSHB plan year
already set out in the May 6, 2024 Final
Rule. Changing the effective date for the
government contribution adjustment to
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align with the PSHB plan year will have
a slight impact on employing agencies
that are responsible for ensuring
amounts withheld from the pay of each
enrolled Postal Service employee and
from the annuity of each enrolled Postal
Service annuitant are correctly
calculated and align with the pro-rated
period of coverage for which premium
is being paid and that may need to adapt
procedures for timing the adjustment.
Because the changes to the plan year
and government contribution
adjustment date only apply to the PSHB
Program, the overall impact is limited to
OPM determined that prioritizing
PSHB premium payments over
Medicare Part B late enrollment
penalties payments from the PSRHBF
will not result in increased costs for
USPS, regardless of the extent to which
Postal Service annuitants take advantage
of the PSRA Medicare Part B Special
Enrollment Period. Should the PSRHBF
be depleted at any time and OPM is
unable to pay Part B late enrollment
penalties out of the fund, the Part B late
enrollment penalties will be paid
directly by USPS’ general operating
fund, as described in the PSRA. The
status of the PSRHBF will not
jeopardize USPS’ ability to pay these
penalties on behalf of their Postal
Service annuitants.
Carriers will need to account for the
Part D opt-outs in calculating overall
premiums, although the effect of optouts on premiums is expected to be
insignificant. The impact for enrollees
who retain Part D coverage through the
PSHB plan is expected to be negligible;
however, the impact for any Part Deligible individual who opts out will be
large as those who opt out will pay an
identical premium but receive no
prescription drug benefit through PSHB.
In the event that they opt out
erroneously or due to not understanding
the negative implications of doing so,
the financial penalty could be severe.
Out-of-pocket drug costs can be high,
particularly for name brand drugs, and
should an individual later choose to opt
back into the Part D EGWP, they may be
faced with a Part D late enrollment
penalty from Medicare. In an effort to
ensure that all PSHB enrollees
understand the consequences of opting
out of Medicare Part D under the PSHB
plan, OPM and USPS will provide
education regarding the consequences of
opting out of Part D coverage and the
effect that will have on their
prescription drug benefits. This
education will be provided in addition
to a detailed notice that all PSHB
enrollees will receive, as required by
CMS regulations. OPM is also finalizing
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the rule to provide enrollment flexibility
for Medicare Part D-eligible annuitants
and family members who opt out or
disenroll from their plan’s Part D EGWP
in error. OPM seeks to ensure that any
individual who opts out is doing so
based on an informed understanding of
the consequences and that anyone who
opts out in error can have their Part D
EGWP enrollment corrected.
OPM does not anticipate that this
regulatory action will result in
significant or quantifiable economic
costs. The provisions related to reserves
are strictly distributional and are not
expected to result in any costs.
Discussions of the application of the
various PSHB Program Medicare Part B
exceptions are clarifications of the
requirements established in the interim
final rule. Thus, while costs may be
incurred as a result of specific,
individual scenarios, these costs were
addressed in the initial rulemaking and
will not be significantly impacted by the
clarifications provided by this rule.
In particular, this rule clarifies the
May 6, 2024 final rulemaking provision
related to PSHB enrollees and family
members who are belatedly discovered
to be ineligible based on their nonenrollment in Part B by limiting the
exception to a one-time privilege, thus
minimizing the potential costs to
agencies. To the extent that these
scenarios result in additional costs,
OPM anticipates that these would be
negligible, given the number of
eligibility checks, and would be
infeasible to quantify. Because enrollees
and family members who use this onetime privilege may be responsible for a
Part B late enrollment penalty, there
remains a financial incentive to enroll
in Part B when first eligible.
As with the interim final rule, this
final rule is intended to promote the
financial stability and long-term
viability of the Postal Service by
implementing the PSHB Program as
effectively as possible. The resulting
societal benefits associated with these
outcomes were appropriately discussed
in the interim final rule and are not
expected to be significantly impacted by
these clarifications.
Distributional Effects
OPM estimates that $4.9 billion of the
$23 billion in 2023 FEHB reserves will
be attributable to PSHB enrollees, based
on 2023 enrollment, and will therefore
be reallocated to PSHB plans in 2025.
Despite the size of funds being
reallocated, OPM does not expect these
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transactions to result in an economically
significant transfer, as defined in OMB
Circular A–4, for several reasons.
First, although allocated to individual
plans, unobligated reserves ultimately
belong to the FEHB and PSHB Programs
upon the carrier’s discontinuation of its
plan under the FEHB. Program
Payments or transfers from the
contingency reserves are regulated, as
outlined in 5 CFR 890.503 and in 48
CFR chapter 16, the Federal Employees
Health Benefits Program Acquisition
Regulation (FEHBAR) at 48 CFR
1632.770, and balances are closely
monitored by OPM to ensure
compliance with minimum balance
standards. Further, if an existing
Employee Organization plan is
discontinued and not merged with other
Employee Organizations under the
FEHB Program, or if a Comprehensive
Medical Plan is discontinued under the
FEHB Program, the reserve balances
credited to those plans are redistributed
to the plans continuing under the FEHB
Program, as indicated at 5 U.S.C.
Second, OPM estimates that more
than 97% of the reserve fund transfers
will be attributed to FEHB Carriers that
plan to offer PSHB plans. In these cases,
reserve funds will remain with the
carrier and will be reallocated from
FEHB plans to the PSHB plans, as
outlined in the proposed methodology
(scenarios found in § 1615(c)(5)(i)–(iii).
Thus, to the degree that reserve funds
afford any monetary benefit, the
aggregated benefit afforded to the
carrier, across the entire portfolio of
plans offered, would remain the same.
Third, OPM estimates that less than
3% of the funds transferred will be
attributed to FEHB Carriers that do not
plan to offer PSHB plans. In these cases,
a portion of the reserve funds for each
FEHB plan will be redistributed across
the PSHB Options based on the
percentage of 2024 premiums
attributable to Postal enrollees, as
described in the proposed methodology
(scenario found in § 1615(c)(5)(iv)).
Based on 2023 enrollments and
anticipated carrier participation in the
PSHB Program, OPM estimates that the
total amount of these between-carrier
transfers will be approximately $100M,
well below the $200M threshold for
economic significance.
This rule provides that individuals
eligible for Medicare Part D may opt out
of group enrollment or disenroll from
the Part D EGWP associated with their
PSHB plan. As a result of opting out or
disenrolling from their PSHB plan’s Part
D EGWP, the individual will not receive
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prescription drug benefits under the
Part D EGWP or under the PSHB plan.
OPM considered this policy and several
alternatives extensively and ultimately
decided on the policy as written
considering enrollee and family member
interests, the PSRA Medicare integration
requirement, the cost saving intent of
the PSRA, and consistency with
Medicare regulations.
One alternative approach would have
been to prohibit Part D-eligible
individuals from opting out of the Part
D EGWP associated with their PSHB
plan. Construing Medicare Part D as an
eligibility requirement would promote
the goals of the PSRA by establishing
Program-wide enrollment in Part D,
consistent with Congressional intent to
promote access to high-quality drug
coverage and savings to the PSHB
Program. This approach combined with
the group enrollment feature of
Medicare EGWPs would limit
inadvertent failure to enroll or
inadvertent disenrollment from
Medicare Part D and provide
administrative simplicity for OPM and
carriers. Making Medicare Part D an
eligibility requirement, however, would
create a burden for those who may have
an alternative Part D plan or for those
who cannot access Part D benefits, such
as individuals living abroad. It would
require a host of exceptions to a Part D
enrollment requirement. This approach
would also require carriers to
communicate with OPM and Postal
Service annuitants and family members
to ensure that they are aware that
disenrolling or failing to enroll in Part
D would not only result in loss of access
to prescription drug coverage but also
result in loss of PSHB coverage. For
Postal Service annuitants, PSHB
coverage in retirement cannot be
reinstated once it is terminated. As
established in the PSRA, the
requirement to provide Medicare Part D
through a PDP EGWP rests with the
carrier. There is no equivalent
requirement placed on a Postal Service
annuitant or their family member to
enroll in Medicare Part D, which is a
voluntary program. The PSRA does not
expressly require Postal Service
annuitants to enroll in Part D. While
OPM identified several benefits of this
approach, OPM has declined to require
enrollment in Part D as an eligibility
requirement as it is not the most
reasonable interpretation of the statute.
Another alternative OPM considered
was to allow Part D-eligible individuals
to opt out of the Part D EGWP and
receive prescription drug benefits
through their PSHB plan. This approach
is consistent with the current structure
in the FEHB program, which does not
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require carriers to offer Medicare Part D
EGWPs. Annuitants who are not Postal
Service annuitants and who are enrolled
in FEHB plans receive comprehensive
drug coverage through their FEHB plan
without a need to enroll in a Medicare
Part D plan. However, OPM determined
this was not the best interpretation of
the statute in light of Congressional
intent. Congress expressly mandated the
integration of Medicare Part D in the
PSHB Program to coordinate benefits
between PSHB plans and Medicare Part
D prescription drug coverage. Congress
intended to achieve cost savings to
USPS through this coordination in part
by providing prescription drug coverage
to Postal Service annuitants and their
family members through Medicare Part
D. OPM finds that any alternative
approach that would provide
individuals with the ability to opt out of
or otherwise decline Part D coverage
under the PSHB plan and then receive
PSHB prescription drug benefits would
not be the most efficient approach to
promote these cost-savings goals.
As a result, OPM considers the policy
included in this rulemaking to be the
most consistent with the PSRA statutory
language and Congressional intent. This
proposal provides Postal Service
annuitants and their family members
with flexibility for enrollment in
Medicare Part D while creating
incentives to enroll in the Medicare Part
D EGWP offered by their carrier, which
are expected to lead to cost savings for
the program. This proposal is also
consistent with the voluntary nature of
the Medicare Part D program. OPM
views this approach to be the most
customer centric because it avoids the
potential for loss of PSHB eligibility for
failing to enroll in Medicare Part D. This
approach strikes a balance between
Congress’ intent to save costs under the
PSHB Program and the prescription
drug coverage needs of Postal Service
annuitants and their family members.
Treatment of survivor annuitants
under the Program as it relates to the
requirement for Medicare Part B
enrollment is another area where OPM
considered alternative approaches. OPM
considered whether a Medicare-eligible
family member of a Postal Service
annuitant could lose their exception to
the Part B requirement upon the death
of that Postal Service annuitant in a case
where the family member does not have
their own Part B exception. The
rationale for this approach is that the
family member’s exception is derived
from the Postal Service annuitant’s
status, and with the Postal Service
annuitant no longer on the enrollment
there is no Part B exception to apply to
the family member. However, this
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
alternative approach was deemed
inequitable for the family member who
relied on their Postal Service
annuitant’s exception in making
decisions on their own Medicare
enrollment options. To provide the most
consumer-friendly approach, OPM
decided to establish the policy in this
rulemaking that a family member of a
Postal Service annuitant will receive
that Postal Service annuitant’s Part B
exception permanently so that, if they
become a survivor annuitant who was
entitled to a Part B exception due to the
status of their former Postal Service
annuitant, that exception remains with
them going forward.
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Administrative Procedure Act
OPM finds good cause to make this
final rule effective upon publication.
See 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3). As discussed
more fully in the NPRM, OPM is
balancing the interests of carriers and
Postal Service employees, Postal Service
annuitants, and their eligible family
members affected by this rulemaking.
OPM worked with carriers on their plan
benefit proposals, and individuals who
will be enrolled in the PSHB Program as
of January 1, 2025, have begun receiving
information regarding the transition.
The provisions in this final rule are
time-sensitive, as they will address the
remaining issues needed to finalize the
Program. For example, Postal Service
Medicare covered annuitants need
information about their rights so that
they can make informed decisions about
prescription drug coverage during the
transitional Open Season.
Generally, the delay in the effective
date of a final rule provides regulated
parties with some time to make
adjustments to come into compliance
with the new regulation. For this rule,
the requirements are all prospective in
the sense that the PSHB Program will
not be fully operational until January 1,
2025. Nonetheless, carriers have long
been developing their proposals and
plans for coverage and will benefit from
this rule being finalized immediately.
Similarly, the individuals eligible for
coverage under the PSHB Program will
not need to take action in response to
the finalization of the rule but will
benefit from the rule being final as the
transitional Open Season begins.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Acting Director of OPM certifies
that this rule will not have a significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
Regulatory Review
OPM has examined the impact of this
rule as required by Executive Orders
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13563, 12866, and 14094, which direct
agencies to assess all costs and benefits
of available regulatory alternatives and,
if regulation is necessary, to select
regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential
economic, environmental, public health
and safety effects, distributive impacts,
and equity). The Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) has designated this
rulemaking as a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ under section 3(f) of Executive
Order 12866, as supplemented by
Executive Orders 13563 and 14094.
If any of the provisions of this final
rule is held to be invalid or
unenforceable by its terms, or as applied
to any person or circumstance, it shall
be severable from the remaining
sections and shall not affect the
remainder thereof or the application of
the provision to other persons not
similarly situated or to other dissimilar
circumstances. For example, if a court
were to invalidate any portions of this
final rule regarding non-enrollment in
Medicare Part B, the other portions of
the rule—including the provisions
regarding non-enrollment in Medicare
Part D—would independently remain
workable and valuable. Similarly, the
portions of this rule providing
procedures for challenging enrollment
decisions can and would function
independently of any of the other
portions of this rule.
E.O. 13132, Federalism
OPM examined this rule in
accordance with Executive Order 13132,
Federalism, and determined that it will
not have any negative impact on the
rights, roles, and responsibilities of
State, local, or Tribal governments.
E.O. 12988, Civil Justice Reform
This rule meets the applicable
standard set forth in Executive Order
12988, Civil Justice Reform.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531–1538) (UMRA)
requires Federal agencies to assess the
effects of their discretionary regulatory
actions. Section 202 of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA)
requires that agencies assess anticipated
costs and benefits before issuing any
rule that would impose spending costs
on State, local, or Tribal governments in
the aggregate, or on the private sector,
in any 1 year of $100 million in 1995
dollars, updated annually for inflation.
That threshold is currently,
approximately $183 million. Although
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we have not been able to quantify all
costs, this rule does not contain
mandates that would impose spending
costs on State, local, and Tribal
governments or the private sector in
excess of the threshold. Therefore, no
actions were deemed necessary under
the provisions of the Unfunded
Mandates Reform Act of 1995.
Congressional Review Act
The Administrator of the Office of
Information and Regulatory Affairs has
determined that this rule does not meet
the criteria specified in 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. Chapter 35)
Notwithstanding any other provision
of law, no person is required to respond
to, nor shall any person be subject to a
penalty for failure to comply with a
collection of information subject to the
requirements of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501
et seq.) (PRA), unless that collection of
information displays a currently valid
OMB Control Number.
The information collection for form
SF 2809 (OMB Control Number 3206–
0160) is currently approved with an
estimated public burden of 9,000 hours.
OPM notes that there is a corresponding
health benefits election form for retirees,
OPM 2809. The information collection
request (OMB control number 3206–
0141) associated with that information
collection is currently approved with an
estimated public burden of 11,667
hours. A list of routine uses associated
with these forms can be found in the
Privacy Act System of Records Notice
(SORN), OPM/Central-23 FEHB Program
Enrollment Records, available at 89 FR
72902 (September 6, 2024) at https://
On May 6, 2024, OPM published
‘‘Submission for Review: Revision and
Consolidation of Two Existing
Information Collections Related to
Health Benefits Election Forms’’ (89 FR
37269). This publication provided a 60day notice for an extension of this
information collection. OPM proposed
changes to the SF 2809 and the OPM
2809 for clarity, ease of use, and
implementation of the PSHB Program.
OPM provided copies of the revised
drafts of the SF 2809 and OPM 2809
forms for review in the docket at https:// OPM is not
consolidating the SF 2809 and the OPM
2809 into a single form; however, we are
proposing to manage the two forms
under a single information collection,
OMB Control No. 3206–0160, going
forward. During the 60-day comment
period, OPM received fourteen
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
comments, including six unique
comments and one comment
representing eight submissions, from
agencies regarding aspects of the SF
One commenter suggested that the SF
2809 form should allow one to list
addresses for minor children who live at
a different location than enrollee.
Another commenter noted that the SF
2809 form should allow an option to
remove a family member. We agree with
these recommendations and are
amending the SF 2809 accordingly.
Three commenters suggested changes to
the formatting of the paper form SF
2809. We are declining to make these
changes because most enrollees will use
electronic systems to enroll. There were
also comments about the eOPF that
were beyond the scope of this
information collection request. OPM
made a technical correction indicating
that common law marriage must be
initiated in any ‘‘state, the District of
Columbia, or other jurisdiction’’ instead
of ‘‘state’’ that recognizes such
marriages; the technical correction
accounts for common law marriages in
the District of Columbia. OPM
published a 30-day notice with a request
for comments on September 24, 2024, at
89 FR 77899.
List of Subjects in Title 5 CFR Part 890
Administrative practice and
procedure, Government employees,
Health facilities, Health insurance,
Health professions, Postal Service
employees, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements,
1. The authority citation for part 890
continues to read as follows:
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES2
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; Sec. 890.102
also issued under sections 11202(f), 11232(e),
and 11246 (b) of Pub. L. 105–33, 111 Stat.
251; Sec. 890.111 also issued under 36 U.S.C.
5522; Sec. 890.112 also issued under 2 U.S.C.
2051; Sec. 890.113 also issued under section
1110 of Pub. L. 116–92, 133 Stat. 1198 (5
U.S.C. 8702 note); Sec. 890.301 also issued
under 26 U.S.C. 9801; Sec. 890.302(b) also
issued under 42 U.S.C. 300gg–14; Sec.
890.803 also issued under 50 U.S.C. 3516
(formerly 50 U.S.C. 403p) and 22 U.S.C.
4069c and 4069c–1; subpart L also issued
under section 599C of Pub. L. 101–513, 104
Stat. 2064 (5 U.S.C. 5561 note); subpart M
also issued under 10 U.S.C. 1108 and 25
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2. Amend § 890.107 by adding
paragraph (f) to read as follows:
§ 890.107
Court review.
(f) A suit to compel enrollment or for
equitable relief from an adverse
enrollment action founded on 5 U.S.C.
chapter 89 that is based on information
received by OPM pursuant to an
agreement with a source agency as
defined at § 890.1602, to determine
whether Postal Service annuitants or
family members of such annuitants
satisfy the enrollment requirements set
forth in 5 U.S.C. 8903c, may not be
brought later than December 31 of the
3rd year after the year in which the
enrollment action was effectuated, and
will be limited to the record that was
before OPM when it effectuated the
enrollment action.
Subpart P—Postal Service Health
Benefits Program
3. Amend § 890.1602 by adding in
alphabetical order definitions for
‘‘Reconsideration’’ and ‘‘Source agency’’
to paragraph (c) to read as follows:
Accordingly, OPM amends 5 CFR part
890 as follows:
19:17 Oct 23, 2024
Subpart A—Administration and
General Provisions
§ 890.1602 Definitions and deemed
Office of Personnel Management.
Kayyonne Marston,
Federal Register Liaison.
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U.S.C. 1647b; and subpart P issued under 5
U.S.C. 8903c.
(c) * * *
Reconsideration means the final level
of administrative review of an initial
decision by an employing office or
OPM, as applicable.
Source agency means an agency that
periodically provides information or
data to OPM pursuant to an agreement
under § 890.1612.
■ 4. Amend § 890.1604, by adding
paragraphs (c) and (d)(3) and revising
paragraph (f) to read as follows:
§ 890.1604 Medicare enrollment
requirement for certain Postal Service
annuitants and eligible family members.
(c) Survivor annuitant. (1) A Postal
Service annuitant’s member of family
who is an annuitant as defined in 5
U.S.C. 8901(3)(B) and who is entitled to
Medicare Part A must be enrolled in
Medicare Part B to continue enrollment
in a health benefits plan under this
subpart, except as otherwise provided
by paragraph (d)(3) of this section;
(2) A Postal Service employee’s
member of family who is an annuitant
as defined in 5 U.S.C. 8901(3)(B) and
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who is entitled to Medicare Part A, must
be enrolled in Medicare Part B to
continue enrollment in a health benefits
plan under this subpart, except as
provided in paragraphs (d)(3)(ii)
through (iv) of this section.
(d) * * *
(3) To a survivor annuitant, as
described in paragraph (c) of this
section, who:
(i) At the time of becoming a survivor
annuitant the Postal Service annuitant
was subject to an exception under
paragraph (d)(1) of this section;
(ii) Resides outside the United States
(which includes the States, the District
of Columbia, the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam,
American Samoa, and the Northern
Mariana Islands), provided that the
individual demonstrates such residency;
(iii) Is enrolled in health care benefits
provided by the Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) under 38 U.S.C. chapter 17,
subchapter II, including individuals
who are not required to enroll in the
VA’s system of patient enrollment
referred to in 38 U.S.C. 1705(a), subject
to the documentation requirements in
paragraph (e)(2) of this section; or
(iv) Is eligible for health services from
the Indian Health Service, subject to the
documentation requirements in
paragraph (e)(3) of this section.
(f) Notification of non-enrollment in
Medicare Part B. A Postal Service
Medicare covered annuitant, a Medicare
covered member of family, or a survivor
annuitant, as described in paragraph (c)
of this section, who is required to be
enrolled in Medicare Part B must
promptly notify OPM or the Postal
Service, in writing, if they choose not to
enroll in or to disenroll from Medicare
Part B as described in § 890.1608(e).
■ 5. Amend § 890.1605 by revising
paragraph (c) to read as follows:
§ 890.1605 Enrollment in the initial
contract year.
(c) Automatic enrollment. Each Postal
Service employee or Postal Service
annuitant who is enrolled in an FEHB
plan on December 31, 2024, and does
not make an enrollment action during
the transitional Open Season under
paragraph (b) of this section, will be
automatically enrolled in the PSHB
Program as follows:
(1) Into corresponding plan.
Individuals enrolled in a carrier’s 2024
FEHB plan where the carrier offers the
same plan in 2025 in FEHB and offers
a 2025 PSHB plan with at least one
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
option that has equivalent benefits and
cost sharing and in the same geographic
area as the 2025 FEHB plan, will be
enrolled in that 2025 PSHB plan and
into an option as follows:
(i) Equivalent option. Individuals
enrolled in a carrier’s 2024 FEHB option
where the carrier offers that option in
2025 in FEHB and also offers a 2025
PSHB option with equivalent benefits
and cost sharing as the 2025 FEHB
option, as determined by OPM, will be
automatically enrolled into that 2025
PSHB option; or
(ii) No equivalent option. Individuals
enrolled in a carrier’s 2024 FEHB option
where the carrier does not offer a 2025
PSHB option that meets the criteria in
(1)(i), will be automatically enrolled
into the lowest-cost option of the 2025
PSHB plan, that is not a High
Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) and
does not charge an association or
membership fee, except that if the only
option is an HDHP, then the individual
will be enrolled in that HDHP option.
(2) Into a 2025 PSHB plan where the
carrier offers no 2025 FEHB plan.
Individuals enrolled in a carrier’s 2024
FEHB plan where the carrier offers no
2025 FEHB plan and offers a 2025 PSHB
plan with at least one option with
similar benefits and cost sharing and in
the same geographic area as the 2024
FEHB plan, as determined by OPM, will
be enrolled in that 2025 PSHB plan and
into an option as follows:
(i) Similar option. Individuals
enrolled in a carrier’s 2024 FEHB option
where the carrier offers a 2025 PSHB
option with similar benefits and cost
sharing as the 2024 FEHB option, as
determined by OPM, will be
automatically enrolled into that 2025
PSHB option; or
(ii) No similar option. Individuals
enrolled in a carrier’s 2024 FEHB option
where the carrier does not offer a 2025
PSHB option that meets the criteria in
paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, will
be automatically enrolled into the
lowest-cost option of the 2025 PSHB
plan, or in the case where the 2025
PSHB plan has two or more options,
into the lowest-cost option that is not a
High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)
and does not charge an association or
membership fee.
(3) Into different plan. Individuals
enrolled in a carrier’s 2024 FEHB plan
where paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this
section do not apply will be enrolled in
the lowest-cost nationwide PSHB
option, consistent with § 890.301(n).
(4) Same enrollment type. Individuals
automatically enrolled under this
section will be automatically enrolled
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into the same enrollment type as the
individual’s 2024 enrollment type.
■ 6. Amend § 890.1606 by revising
paragraph (d) to read as follows:
§ 890.1606 Opportunities to enroll, change
enrollment, or reenroll; effective dates.
(d) Initial decisions and
reconsiderations of PSHB eligibility or
enrollment will be made pursuant to
§ 890.1607.
■ 7. Add § 890.1607 to read as follows:
§ 890.1607 Initial decision and
(a) Who may file. An individual may
request the employing agency or OPM,
as applicable, to reconsider the
employing office’s or OPM’s initial
decision denying eligibility for, or
enrollment in, or coverage under, the
PSHB Program. Individuals subject to
§ 890.1112 are not entitled to
reconsideration as used in this subpart.
(b) Initial decision. An employing
office’s or OPM’s initial decision must
be in writing and state the right to an
independent level of review
(1) Except as otherwise provided in
this subpart, employing offices are
responsible for initial decisions
concerning PSHB eligibility for Postal
Service employees or Postal Service
(2) OPM is responsible for initial
decisions concerning:
(i) Verification that an individual is
an eligible member of family under
§ 890.302;
(ii) Postal Service annuitants or their
family members who are not required to
enroll in VA’s system of patient
enrollment referred to in 38 U.S.C.
1705(a), and who must provide
documentation from the VA under
§ 890.1604(d)(2) indicating they satisfy
the requirements for an exception
described in § 890.1604(c)(1)(iv) or
(c)(2)(iii); and
(iii) Postal Service annuitants or their
family members who must provide
documentation from the Indian Health
Service under § 890.1604(d)(3)
indicating they satisfy the requirements
for an exception described in
§ 890.1604(c)(1)(v) or (c)(2)(iv).
(3) OPM is responsible for initial
decisions regarding enrollment actions
made based on information received
from source agencies with which OPM
has an information sharing agreement
established pursuant to § 890.1612. An
initial decision under this paragraph
will be issued only after the notice
process under § 890.1612 is completed.
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(c) Reconsideration. (1) A request for
reconsideration must be made in
writing, must include the claimant’s
name, address, date of birth, Social
Security number or other unique
identifier, name of the carrier, reason(s)
for the request, documentary evidence
in support of the request, if any, and, if
applicable, retirement claim number.
(2) The reconsideration review must
be an independent review designated at
or above the level at which the initial
decision was rendered.
(d) Time limit. A request for
reconsideration of an initial decision
must be filed with the employing
agency or OPM, as applicable, within 30
calendar days from the date of the
written decision stating the right to a
reconsideration. The time limit on filing
may be extended, at the discretion of the
employing agency or OPM, when the
individual shows that they were not
notified of the time limit and were not
otherwise aware of it, demonstrates a
good faith effort to obtain the
documentation as described under
paragraph (b)(2)(ii) or (iii) of this
section, or that they were prevented by
circumstances beyond their control from
making the request within the time
limit. The employing agency’s or OPM’s
decision in response to a request for
reconsideration of an employing office’s
initial decision is a final decision as
described in paragraph (e) of this
Final decision. After reconsideration,
the employing agency or OPM, as
applicable, must issue a final decision
within 30 days of the request for
reconsideration, which must be in
writing and must fully set forth the
findings and conclusions.
■ 8. Amend § 890.1608 by revising
paragraph (a), adding paragraph (b)
introductory text, revising paragraphs
(b)(2) and (5), and adding paragraphs
(b)(6) through (9) to read as follows:
§ 890.1608 Disenrollment, removal,
termination, cancellation, and suspension.
(a) Enrollment in FEHB plan
terminates prior to the initial PSHB
contract year. For individuals who are
eligible to enroll under this subpart
pursuant to § 890.1603(a), enrollment in
an FEHB plan and coverage of the
enrollee and covered family members
under that FEHB plan will terminate at
the end of the contract year preceding
the initial contract year.
(1) Coverage under an FEHB plan will
remain available for an eligible family
member who is or becomes covered as
a member of family of an FEHB plan
enrollee who is not eligible for a PSHB
plan pursuant to § 890.1603(a)(1) or (2).
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
(2) Coverage as a family member
under an FEHB plan will remain
available for a Postal Service employee
or Postal Service annuitant who is or
becomes covered under their family
member’s FEHB enrollment. A Postal
Service annuitant’s or Postal Service
employee’s family member who meets
the eligibility requirements for their
own enrollment in an FEHB plan will
remain eligible to enroll in an FEHB
(3) Individuals whose coverage is
terminated under this paragraph (a) are
not eligible for temporary continuation
of coverage under subpart K of this part
pursuant to § 890.1103(b).
(b) * * * An individual who is
required to be enrolled in Medicare Part
B and is not enrolled in Medicare Part
B will not be disenrolled or removed
from PSHB coverage immediately and
will be given one opportunity to remain
enrolled in or covered by PSHB if they
enroll or reenroll in Medicare Part B
during their next available Medicare
enrollment period, which may be the
next Medicare General Enrollment
Period, except that an individual who
was excepted from the Medicare Part B
requirement pursuant to
§ 890.1604(d)(1)(iii) or (d)(2)(ii) must
enroll not later than the end of the
Medicare General Enrollment Period
beginning January 1 of the following
calendar year. Failure to enroll or
reenroll in Medicare Part B at the next
enrollment period may result in
disenrollment from PSHB or removal
from coverage under a PSHB
enrollment. If disenrolled, a Postal
Service annuitant will not be permitted
to reenroll in PSHB, as described in
paragraph (b)(5) of this section, and a
family member who is removed from
coverage under a PSHB enrollment, may
have their PSHB coverage reinstated
only as described in paragraph (b)(9) of
this section.
(2) A Postal Service Medicare covered
annuitant will not be disenrolled from
PSHB and a Medicare covered member
of family will not be removed from
PSHB coverage in a case where that
individual was not informed of their
obligation to enroll in Medicare Part B,
or it would be against equity and good
conscience to remove the individual.
(5) Disenrollment of a Postal Service
Medicare covered annuitant from a
PSHB plan under this section shall be
considered a termination with
entitlement of the enrollee and their
covered family members to a 31-day
temporary extension of coverage and the
right of conversion under § 890.401,
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except as provided at paragraph
(b)(5)(ii) of this section.
(i) A Postal Service annuitant will
have no further opportunity to reenroll
in a PSHB plan. Disenrollment of a
Postal Service annuitant will also result
in the removal of covered family
members from PSHB coverage.
(ii) Disenrollment or removal from
coverage under an enrollment will be
prospective in all cases except where
fraud or intentional misrepresentation
of material fact is found, in which case
the individual’s coverage will be
terminated retroactively, as applicable,
and no right to a 31-day temporary
extension of coverage or to conversion
under § 890.401 will be available.
(iii) Disenrollment or removal under
this section will occur only after a
notice process under § 890.1612, if
applicable, is completed and an initial
decision to disenroll or remove, subject
to reconsideration under § 890.1607(b),
is issued.
(6) An individual who is disenrolled
from Medicare Part B, where the
individual is required to be enrolled in
Medicare Part B and does not have an
exception under this subpart, will be
issued an initial decision disenrolling
them from PSHB or removing them from
coverage under a PSHB enrollment at
the time OPM becomes aware of the
Medicare disenrollment. Individuals
disenrolled or removed from PSHB
coverage will be entitled to a 31-day
temporary extension of coverage and
rights to conversion.
(7) Within 60 days of OPM’s initial
decision, a Postal Service Medicare
covered annuitant or Medicare covered
member of family, as applicable, may
request reconsideration of OPM’s initial
decision to disenroll or remove the
individual from PSHB coverage. OPM
will notify the carrier when a request for
reconsideration of the decision to
disenroll or remove the individual from
the enrollment is made. The time limit
for filing may be extended as noted in
§ 890.1607.
(8) If the Postal Service Medicare
covered annuitant provides acceptable
proof of PSHB eligibility subsequent to
disenrollment which renders the
disenrollment inappropriate, the
enrollment shall be reinstated
retroactively so that there is no gap in
enrollment, as appropriate. A Postal
Service Medicare covered annuitant’s
PSHB enrollment cannot be reinstated
after disenrollment from a PSHB plan
based on failure to enroll in,
disenrolling from, or being disenrolled
from Medicare Part B, except that a onetime opportunity as set forth at
§ 890.1608(b) may be available if the
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Postal Service annuitant has not
previously invoked and used it.
(9) If the Postal Service Medicare
covered member of family, who is
required to be enrolled in Medicare Part
B and is removed from a Postal Service
Medicare covered annuitant’s PSHB
enrollment because the family member
failed to enroll in, disenrolls from, or is
disenrolled from Medicare Part B, the
family member’s PSHB coverage may be
reinstated. Reinstatement of the family
member’s PSHB coverage will be
permitted only if the Postal Service
Medicare covered annuitant’s PSHB
enrollment continues, and only if proof
of the family member’s Medicare Part B
enrollment which renders the removal
inappropriate, is provided by the Postal
Service Medicare covered annuitant or
Medicare covered member of family, as
applicable. The family member’s PSHB
coverage will be reinstated upon request
by the Postal Service Medicare covered
annuitant to reinstate the family
member’s PSHB coverage subsequent to
removal, at the Postal Service Medicare
covered annuitant’s option, as follows:
(i) Prospectively, within 60 days of
the Medicare covered family member
gaining coverage under Medicare Part B,
(ii) Retroactively to the date of
termination of PSHB coverage, so that
there is no gap in coverage, provided
that the proof demonstrates the family
member was continuously enrolled in
Medicare Part B since that date and
subsequent to removal, as appropriate.
■ 9. Amend § 890.1612 by adding
paragraphs (f) and (g) to read as follows:
§ 890.1612
Information sharing.
(f) If a source agency has provided
information or data, regarding a Postal
Service Medicare covered annuitant or
Medicare covered member of family,
which establishes a basis that the
individual may be ineligible for PSHB
enrollment or coverage, OPM will
provide the individual with written
notice that will contain at a minimum:
(1) An explanation of the PSHB
enrollment requirements and exceptions
described in § 890.1604 and the specific
information or data provided to OPM
from the source agency that was the
basis for the notice;
(2) The source agency’s contact
information where the individual may
ask questions or contest the accuracy of
the information or data on which OPM
based the notice;
(3) An explanation of the required
process and timeframe(s) for providing
OPM with evidence that the individual
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
is engaged in a dispute with the source
agency identified in the notice for the
purposes of seeking the source agency’s
correction of the information or data,
affecting the individual’s PSHB
eligibility, provided to OPM pursuant to
the agreements described in this section;
(4) That the individual will remain
enrolled or covered under PSHB while
the individual is engaged in disputing
the information or data with the source
agency, as described in paragraph (f)(2)
of this section;
(5) That the individual will be
disenrolled or removed from PSHB, as
described in § 890.1608 and subject to
reconsideration, within 60 days of the
date of the notice if the individual does
not provide sufficient evidence, in the
discretion of OPM, as described in
paragraph (f)(3) of this section; and
(6) That the individual will be
disenrolled or removed from PSHB, as
described in § 890.1608 and subject to
reconsideration, within 60 days of the
notice, notwithstanding evidence of a
dispute, if the information or data OPM
receives from the source agency
continues to provide no basis for OPM
to establish that the individual satisfies
PSHB enrollment requirements.
(g) OPM will issue an initial decision
in accordance with § 890.1607(b)(3). If
an individual will be disenrolled or
removed from PSHB based on the
information or data from the source
agency, in paragraph (f) of this section,
the individual will be notified in
writing that the disenrollment or
removal, as applicable, is subject to
reconsideration pursuant to § 890.1607,
and that such reconsideration is limited
to a review of the source agency’s data
or information, received pursuant to an
agreement under this section or 5 U.S.C.
8903c(e)(3)(C) that was before OPM at
the time it effectuated the disenrollment
or removal action.
■ 10. Amend § 890.1613 by revising the
section heading and paragraphs (a), (c),
and (e) to read as follows:
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§ 890.1613 Postal Service contract year
beginning date, Medicare late enrollment
penalty, calculations for the Postal Service
Retiree Health Benefits Fund, and
clarification of statutory terms.
(a) In general. The calculations for
contributions and withholdings for
coverage under this subpart will be
made in the same manner as 5 U.S.C.
8906 and subpart E of this part. For
purposes of this subpart, the
subscription charge and the Government
contribution under 5 U.S.C. 8906(b) will
begin on January 1 of each year for
Postal Service employees and Postal
Service annuitants.
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(c) Medicare late enrollment penalty.
Upon request by the Postal Service, and
only until the Postal Service Retiree
Health Benefits Fund established under
5 U.S.C. 8909a is depleted, OPM will
pay out of such Fund any late
enrollment penalties required under
section 1839(e)(1) of the Social Security
Act for individuals who enrolled during
the Special Enrollment Period
established under section 1837(o) of the
Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395p). If
at any time the PSRHBF is depleted,
USPS shall pay late enrollment
penalties out of its funds established
under 39 U.S.C. 2003. In making such
late enrollment penalty payments, OPM,
as administrator of the Fund under 5
U.S.C. 8909a(a), will prioritize the
payment of health benefit premiums for
individuals described in 5 U.S.C.
8906(g)(2)(A), over the late enrollment
(e) Clarification of statutory terms. (1)
OPM has determined that ‘‘net claims
costs’’ in the calculation in 5 U.S.C.
8909a(e)(1) is equivalent to ‘‘estimated
net claims costs’’ as defined in 5 U.S.C.
(2) The computations for postretirement health obligations computed
under 39 U.S.C. 3654(b) shall be
performed using an aggregate entry-age
normal cost method described in 5
U.S.C. 8331(17) and in accordance with
(3) In accordance with 5 U.S.C.
8348(h), for purposes of computing the
amounts described in 39 U.S.C. 3654(b),
this includes:
(i) Current annuitants as described in
5 U.S.C. 8909a(e)(1)(A) means
individuals who are Postal Service
annuitants on September 30 of the
relevant reporting year described in 5
U.S.C. 8909a(d); and
(ii) Current employees as described in
5 U.S.C. 8909a(e)(1)(B) means
individuals who are Postal Service
employees on September 30 of that year.
■ 11. Amend § 890.1614 by revising
paragraph (a) to read as follows:
§ 890.1614 Other administrative
(a) Correction of errors. (1) Except as
otherwise provided in this section, the
employing office or OPM may make
prospective or retroactive corrections of
administrative errors at any time.
Retroactive corrections may not apply
retroactively beyond the initial contract
(2) OPM may order or make, as
applicable, a correction of an
administrative error upon a showing
satisfactory to OPM that it would be
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against equity and good conscience not
to do so.
(3) OPM may make retroactive
correction of enrollee enrollment code
errors if the enrollee reports the error by
the end of the pay period following the
one in which they received the first
written documentation (i.e., pay
statement or enrollment change
confirmation) indicating the error.
(4) OPM may order the termination of
an enrollment in any comprehensive
medical plan described in 5 U.S.C.
8903(4) and permit the individual to
enroll in another PSHB plan for
purposes of this subpart, upon a
showing satisfactory to OPM that the
furnishing of adequate medical care is
jeopardized by a seriously impaired
relationship between a patient and the
comprehensive medical plan’s affiliated
health care providers.
(5) Retroactive corrections are subject
to withholdings and contributions
under the provisions of §§ 890.502 and
■ 12. Add §§ 890.1615 and 890.1616 to
read as follows:
§ 890.1615
Crediting separate reserves for
(a) Definitions. For purposes of this
section concerning crediting separate
reserves from FEHB Options to PSHB
Options, and for these purposes only,
the following definitions apply:
2024 FEHB Option premium means,
for a 2024 FEHB Option, the 2024
premium attributable to both Postal
Service and non-Postal Service
2024 Postal Service premium means,
for a 2024 FEHB Option, the 2024
premium attributable to Postal Service
employees and Postal Service
annuitants as defined under 5 U.S.C.
Amounts available means:
(i) With respect to experience-rated
2024 FEHB Options, the sum of the
balances in the Option’s Contingency
Reserve Account and Letter of Credit
Account less the Runout as of December
31, 2024; and
(ii) With respect to community-rated
2024 FEHB Options, the Option’s
Contingency Reserve Account balance
as of December 31, 2024.
Corresponding PSHB option means a
2025 PSHB Option that is in the same
geographic area and has equivalent
benefits and cost-sharing as a 2025
FEHB Option, and that 2025 FEHB
Option was also offered in 2024 by the
same carrier.
Option means a level of benefits
offered by a carrier to self only, self plus
one, and self and family enrollees in a
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
specific geographic area, with a unique
set of premiums.
Plan means all Options offered by a
carrier within a defined geographic area
under a single contract.
Runout means the amount estimated
by OPM, as of December 31, 2024,
needed to pay claims and expenses
incurred but not paid for periods on or
before December 31, 2024, for an
experience-rated FEHB Option,
considering any income attributable to
periods on or before, but not yet
received by, December 31, 2024.
(b) Reserve credits. As soon as
practicable on or after January 1, 2025,
OPM will credit each PSHB Option’s
reserves according to the method
described in paragraph (c) of this
(c) Reserve credit methodology. OPM
will determine the Reserve credit for
each 2024 FEHB Option and allocate it
to the PSHB.
(1) OPM will determine the 2024
Postal Service premium by multiplying
a 2024 FEHB Option’s self only, self
plus one, and self and family 2024
premiums by the number of Postal
Service enrollments of that Option in
each enrollment type and taking the
sum of these three amounts.
(2) OPM will determine the 2024
FEHB Option premium by multiplying
each 2024 FEHB Option’s self only, self
plus one, and self and family premiums
by the number of total enrollments
(inclusive of both Postal Service and
non-Postal Service enrollments) in each
enrollment type for that Option and
taking the sum of these three amounts.
OPM will use its March 2024
enrollment reports to determine the
total enrollments.
(3) OPM will calculate the Postal
Service Percentage for each 2024 FEHB
Option by dividing the 2024 Postal
Service Premium by 2024 FEHB Option
(4) OPM will calculate the Reserve
Credit by multiplying the Postal Service
Percentage for each 2024 FEHB Option
by the Amounts Available for that
(5) OPM will reallocate the Reserve
Credit for each 2024 FEHB Option into
a PSHB Contingency Reserves and
Letter of Credit Account, as applicable,
as follows:
(i) If a carrier offers an FEHB Plan
with one, two, or three Options in 2024
and offers the same number of
Corresponding PSHB Options in 2025,
the Reserve Credits for those Options
will be allocated to the Corresponding
PSHB Options’ reserves.
(ii) If a carrier offers an FEHB Plan
with two or three Options in 2024 and
offers only one Corresponding PSHB
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Option in 2025, the Reserve Credits
attributable to all the 2024 FEHB Plan’s
Options will be allocated to that
Corresponding PSHB Option’s reserve.
(iii) If a carrier offers an FEHB Plan
with three Options in 2024 and offers
only two Corresponding PSHB Options
in 2025, the Reserve Credits attributable
to the two FEHB Options that have
Corresponding PSHB Options will be
allocated to those two Corresponding
PSHB Options’ reserves. The Reserve
Credit from the third FEHB Option (that
does not have a Corresponding PSHB
Option) will be allocated to one of the
two Corresponding PSHB Plan Options
that has the lowest self only premium
and is not a High Deductible Health
Plan (HDHP).
(iv) If a carrier offers an FEHB Plan in
2024 and offers no FEHB Plan in 2025,
but offers at least one 2025 PSHB
Option with similar benefits and cost
sharing and in the same geographic area
as the carrier’s 2024 FEHB Plan, as
determined by OPM, the Reserve
Credit(s) attributable to that FEHB Plan
will be credited to the reserves of the
carrier’s 2025 PSHB Options as
described in paragraphs (c)(5)(i) through
(iii) of this section as if the 2025 PSHB
Option(s) were a Corresponding PSHB
(v) If a carrier offers an FEHB Plan in
2024, and offers that FEHB Plan in 2025,
but offers no Corresponding PSHB
Options for that 2025 FEHB Plan, the
Reserve Credit(s) attributable to that
FEHB Plan will be credited to the
reserves of the PSHB Options offered in
2025, proportionately, consistent with 5
U.S.C. 8903c(j)(2) where the
subscription charges paid are the 2024
Postal Service Premium.
(vi) If a carrier offers a 2025 PSHB
Option for which no 2024 Postal Service
Premium is attributable, then that 2025
PSHB Option will receive no Reserve
§ 890.1616
Medicare Part D.
(a) Carrier requirement to offer
Medicare Part D prescription drug
benefits. (1) A carrier that offers a PSHB
plan must provide prescription drug
benefits to any Postal Service annuitant
and member of family of such annuitant
who is a Part D-eligible individual (as
defined in section 1860D–1(a)(3)(A) of
the Social Security Act) through a
Medicare Part D EGWP as described as
employer-based retiree health coverage
under section 1860D–22(b), (c)(1), and
(3)(A) of such Act .
(2) A carrier must provide Medicare
Part D coverage through a prescription
drug plan (PDP), as defined in section
1860D–41(a)(14) of such Act, or through
contracts between the PSHB plan and a
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PDP sponsor, as defined in section
1860D–41(a)(13) of such Act, of such a
prescription drug plan.
(3) A carrier may, in addition to
offering a PDP required under paragraph
(a)(2) of this section and subject to
OPM’s approval, offer a Medicare
Advantage plan with prescription drug
coverage (MAPD), as defined in section
1860D–1(a)(3)(C) of such Act.
(b) Prescription drug coverage under a
PSHB plan through Medicare Part D. A
Postal Service annuitant and a member
of family of such annuitant who is a Part
D-eligible individual must be enrolled
in a PSHB plan’s Part D EGWP in order
to receive prescription drug coverage
under the PSHB plan. The prescription
drug benefit is not covered under a
PSHB plan for a Part D-eligible
individual who is not enrolled in the
PSHB plan’s Part D EGWP.
(1) Prescription Drug Coverage for
Medicare Part D-eligible annuitants and
members of family residing outside of
the United States. A carrier will not
group enroll, as described in paragraph
(d) of this section, a Medicare Part
D-eligible Postal Service annuitant or a
member of family of such annuitant
who resides outside of the United States
(which includes the States, the District
of Columbia, the Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam,
American Samoa, and the Northern
Mariana Islands) into the Medicare Part
D EGWP offered by the plan. A carrier
must provide prescription drug coverage
through the PSHB plan to these
(c) PSHB plan enrollment or
disenrollment and Medicare EGWPs.
Changes to enrollment during Open
Season under § 890.301(f) or because of
a qualifying life event as defined in part
892 of this chapter apply with respect
to changes to PSHB plans that include
a Medicare Part D EGWP.
(d) Carrier requirements for group
enrollment into Medicare EGWPs. A
carrier must comply with all applicable
CMS requirements regarding Part Deligible individual group enrollment
into Medicare EGWPs, including all
applicable CMS notice requirements.
Nothing in this section shall be
construed as affecting an individual’s
ability to select a PSHB plan pursuant
to § 890.1606.
(1) PDP EGWP. Annually at the
conclusion of Open Season under
§ 890.301(f), or when an enrollee makes
a change to their PSHB enrollment
because of a qualifying life event under
§ 892.101 of this chapter, a carrier must
automatically group enroll a Part
D-eligible individual, who is covered by
the carrier’s PSHB plan, into the PSHB
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
plan’s PDP EGWP, unless the
(i) Elects to enroll or is enrolled in the
PSHB plan’s MAPD EGWP described in
paragraph (d)(2) of this section; or
(ii) Has opted out of group enrollment
in the PSHB plan’s PDP EGWP or MAPD
EGWP for the current or upcoming plan
year, as applicable.
(2) MAPD EGWP. Annually, at the
conclusion of Open Season under
§ 890.301(f), or when an enrollee makes
a change to their PSHB enrollment
because of a qualifying life event, a
carrier must automatically enroll a Part
D-eligible individual who is covered by
the carrier’s PSHB plan into the carrier’s
PSHB plan’s MAPD EGWP if the
individual elects to enroll in the
carrier’s MAPD EGWP. During the
transitional Open Season, a carrier must
automatically enroll a Part D-eligible
individual into the carrier’s 2025 PSHB
plan’s MAPD EGWP if the individual is
covered by that carrier’s 2024 FEHB
plan’s MAPD EGWP, and if the
individual elects the carrier’s 2025
PSHB plan or is automatically enrolled
into the carrier’s 2025 PSHB plan under
§ 890.1605.
(3) Notice. In addition to the CMS
notice requirements, each year, not less
than 30 calendar days prior to the start
of Open Season under § 890.301(f), a
carrier must send written notice to Part
D-eligible individuals who are enrolled
in the carrier’s PSHB plan that they will
be group enrolled into the PDP EGWP
offered under the carrier’s PSHB plan.
In addition, when an enrollee makes a
change because of a qualifying life
event, a carrier must send such written
notice to the Part D-eligible individuals
covered under the enrollment. The
notice shall state:
(i) The carrier intends to enroll the
individual in the carrier’s Medicare Part
D PDP EGWP as described under
paragraph (d)(1) of this section, or
MAPD EGWP as described under
paragraph (d)(2) of this section as
applicable, during Open Season under
§ 890.301(f), or as a result of a qualifying
life event, as applicable;
(ii) The individual may affirmatively
opt out of group enrollment;
(iii) Opting out of group enrollment
means that the individual is deciding
not to be enrolled in the PSHB plan’s
(iv) The date by which the individual
must opt out of group enrollment, if the
individual chooses to opt out;
(v) The procedure for how an
individual affirmatively opts out of
group enrollment;
(vi) The individual will not receive
prescription drug coverage under the
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PSHB plan if the individual is not
enrolled in the PSHB plan’s PDP EGWP,
or MAPD EGWP if applicable; and
(vii) That no adjustment will be made
to the enrollee’s share of the PSHB plan
option premium.
(4) Additional requirements for PSHB
plans providing an MAPD EGWP. If a
PSHB plan offers an MAPD EGWP, the
carrier must comply with all applicable
Medicare requirements and the carrier
must also provide the notices as
described in (d)(3) of this section. In
addition, such notice must state how the
individual can enroll in the PSHB plan’s
PDP EGWP if the individual is opting
out of group enrollment or disenrolling
from a PSHB plan’s MAPD EGWP
during Open Season or as a result of a
qualifying life event, the date by which
the individual must enroll in the PDP
EGWP, and must state that if the
individual is required to be enrolled in
Medicare Part B in order to maintain
eligibility for PSHB plan coverage and
does not qualify for an exception under
§ 890.1604, the individual must remain
enrolled in Part B.
(5) Notices to be shared with OPM. A
carrier must provide OPM with the
notices under this section and the
notices that CMS requires regarding PDP
EGWP and MAPD EGWP group
enrollment each year, at the time the
carrier submits its benefits and rate
(e) Effect of opting out of group
enrollment into or disenrolling from a
Medicare EGWP—(1) Effect of opting out
of group enrollment. By opting out of
group enrollment in a PSHB plan’s
as applicable, the individual will not
receive prescription drug coverage
under the PSHB plan unless, during the
Open Season or pursuant to the
qualifying life event in which the
individual opted out of group
enrollment, the individual elects to
enroll in a Part D EGWP under their
PSHB plan.
(2) Opportunity to enroll other than
group enrollment. A Part D-eligible
individual may enroll in a PDP EGWP
or, if eligible, an MAPD EGWP, under a
PSHB plan, under the same conditions
that govern enrollment in a PSHB plan
during Open Season or pursuant to a
qualifying life event.
(3) Disenrollment. An individual may
disenroll from their PSHB plan’s Part D
EGWP at any time during the plan year
which means they will not receive
prescription drug coverage under the
PSHB plan.
(4) Enrollment flexibility. A Part
D-eligible individual who is not
enrolled in the PDP EGWP or MAPD
EGWP, as applicable, for prescription
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drug benefits offered by their PSHB plan
may request enrollment into their PSHB
plan’s EGWP outside of Open
Enrollment or a qualifying life event to
correct errors.
(i) Part D EGWP Enrollment
Flexibility. A Part D-eligible individual
who opts out of Part D EGWP group
enrollment or disenrolls from their
PSHB plan’s Part D EGWP can request
enrollment into their plan’s Part D
EGWP within 90 days of the start of
plan year or 90 days from the effective
date of coverage after a qualifying life
event that permitted a plan change.
Enrollments made under this paragraph
(e)(4)(i) will be retroactive to the extent
consistent with applicable CMS
(ii) Exceptional circumstances. A Part
D-eligible individual who opts out of
Part D EGWP group enrollment or
disenrolls from their PSHB plan’s Part D
EGWP can request enrollment into their
plan’s Part D EGWP 91 days or more
after the start of the plan year or the
effective date of coverage after a
qualifying life event that permitted a
plan change as determined by OPM.
Enrollments made under this paragraph
(e)(4)(ii) will be prospective.
(iii) Changes to enrollment under this
paragraph (e)(4) are limited to new
enrollments into the individual’s
current PSHB plan’s Part D EGWP.
prescription drug benefits. A carrier
must provide prescription drug benefits
to a PSHB EGWP plan’s Part D-eligible
covered individuals that are equal to or
better than the prescription drug
benefits provided to that PSHB plan’s
covered individuals who are not eligible
to enroll in Part D and not enrolled in
the plan’s EGWP, subject to paragraph
(f)(3) of this section. For purposes of this
(1) A carrier must ensure that a
Medicare Part D EGWP within the PSHB
Program includes the same medications,
products, and supplies covered in the
corresponding plan option’s PSHB
pharmacy benefit with the same or
lower cost sharing, to the extent
consistent with applicable Medicare
provisions; and
(2) A carrier must not reduce or
otherwise limit prescription drug
benefits to meet this standard, for
example by limiting the coverage of
medications, products, and supplies or
increasing cost sharing of the
prescription drug benefits provided to
individuals covered under the PSHB
plan who are not eligible for Part D.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
(3) A carrier may request OPM
approval to offer different medications,
products, or supplies, or modify cost
sharing on their EGWP formulary. OPM
has discretion to determine whether and
to what extent a carrier request under
this subsection is necessary and
consistent with 5 U.S.C. 8903c.
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[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 206 (Thursday, October 24, 2024)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 85012-85034]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-24796]
[[Page 85011]]
Vol. 89
No. 206
October 24, 2024
Part II
Office of Personnel Management
5 Part 890
Postal Service Health Benefits Program: Additional Requirements and
Clarifications; Final Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 89 , No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 /
Rules and Regulations
[[Page 85012]]
5 CFR Part 890
[Docket ID: OPM-2024-0002]
RIN 3206-AO59
Postal Service Health Benefits Program: Additional Requirements
and Clarifications
AGENCY: Office of Personnel Management.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is issuing this final
rule to clarify and establish additional requirements regarding the
Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program, which was established
pursuant to the Postal Service Reform Act of 2022 (PSRA). This final
rule expands on previous regulations concerning the PSHB Program and is
intended to provide greater detail and clarity necessary to properly
implement PSHB in 2025 and beyond. In particular, this final rule
includes details on reconsideration of PSHB eligibility decisions, the
Medicare Part B enrollment requirement, allocation of reserve credits,
calendar year alignment of Government contribution requirements,
financial reporting and actuarial calculations, premium payment
prioritization from the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund,
and Medicare Part D integration.
DATES: This final rule is effective October 24, 2024.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cameron Stokes, Senior Policy Analyst,
at (202) 936-2847 or [email protected].
Executive Summary
On May 24, 2024, OPM issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM)
``Postal Service Health Benefits Program: Additional Requirements and
Clarifications'' at 89 FR 45782, to clarify and establish additional
requirements regarding the Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB)
Program, which was established pursuant to the PSRA. The NPRM followed
OPM's May 6, 2024, publication of a final rulemaking, ``Postal Service
Reform Act; Establishment of the Postal Service Health Benefits
Program'' at 89 FR 37061, that established the PSHB Program for Postal
Service employees, Postal Service annuitants, and their eligible family
members. The May 6, 2024, final rule adopted the provisions of OPM's
interim final rule, published April 6, 2023, at 88 FR 20383, with minor
clarifying changes.
OPM, the United States Postal Service (USPS or Postal Service), and
PSHB Carriers have been working to implement the provisions of the PSHB
Program set out in the PSRA and previous rulemaking in anticipation of
the 2024 Open Season. The provisions in this final rule are intended to
complement and clarify various areas of the program that have been
identified during its development. While OPM intends for this final
rule, combined with the PSRA and the earlier interim final rule with
request for comment and its subsequent final rule, and notice of
proposed rulemaking, to create a comprehensive legal framework for the
PSHB Program's January 1, 2025 start date, the agency recognizes the
operation of the program will inevitably give rise to further changes
as the Program is implemented over time.
As with previous PSHB rulemakings, OPM consulted with partner
agencies in the development of these regulations as consistent with 5
U.S.C. 8903c. OPM has worked closely with USPS and the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), specifically, on the substance of
this rulemaking, particularly as it relates to the impact of the Part D
benefit integration on Postal Service annuitants and eligible family
The May 24, 2024, proposed rule had a 30-day comment period during
which OPM received 22 comments, of which 15 comments were responsive,
addressing the issues raised in the proposed rule. Five comments were
from organizations consisting of employee unions, Federal Employees
Health Benefits (FEHB) or potential PSHB Carriers, and trade groups,
and 10 were from individuals or anonymous commenters with six
nonresponsive or duplicative comments and one comment from an
individual that is not publicly available due to the inclusion of
personally identifiable information. The comment containing personally
identifiable information expressed concerns about the personal impact
of the Medicare integration provisions of the PSRA. The responsive
comments are summarized and responded to below.
Court Review--5 CFR 890.107(f)
OPM proposed to add new paragraph (f) to 5 CFR 890.107 to establish
that PSHB enrollment related lawsuits concerning Postal Service
annuitants and their family members, involving data received under
agreements with source agencies but where OPM lacks authority or means
to obtain independent verification, may not be brought later than
December 31 of the third year after the year in which the enrollment
action was effectuated. This proposal also limited the review of OPM
final decisions based on data obtained under data exchange agreements
with source agencies to the administrative record before OPM when OPM
effectuated the enrollment action.
OPM did not receive any comments on this proposal. OPM is adopting
this provision as proposed.
Definitions and Deemed References--5 CFR 890.1602(c)
OPM proposed to add new definitions for ``Reconsideration'' and
``Source agency'' for purposes of initial decisions and
reconsiderations of eligibility determinations. Under existing
regulations at Sec. 890.1602, for purposes of this part, the USPS is
the employing office for Postal Service employees, and the Retirement
Services office within OPM is the employing office for Postal Service
annuitants. These proposed changes reflect that OPM would retain
authority under this part to reconsider certain initial decisions and
issue final agency decisions regarding enrollments and coverage of
family members with respect to Postal Service employees and Postal
Service annuitants in the PSHB Program.
Two commenters expressed support for OPM's approach to determining
eligibility for family members of USPS employees and annuitants. The
commenters suggest that this approach, which streamlines eligibility
determinations within OPM for these groups, will enhance consistency
and accuracy of eligibility determinations.
OPM welcomes these comments in support of the proposed approach to
determining eligibility for family members of USPS employees and
annuitants. OPM agrees that this approach will result in efficiencies
in the eligibility process and will promote accuracy in the process.
Another commenter requested clarification on what would make a
Postal Service employee or annuitant ineligible for the PSHB Program.
They asked whether there are pre-existing condition exclusions or any
other eligibility limitations based on health status.
OPM appreciates this comment and request for clarification around
PSHB eligibility. This comment is beyond the scope of this rulemaking
as this rulemaking does not establish new eligibility criteria for PSHB
Program participation. In response to the inquiry about the use of
health status in
[[Page 85013]]
eligibility determinations, OPM is clarifying that the FEHB statute, at
5 U.S.C. 8902(f), prohibits the use of health status, including pre-
existing conditions, in eligibility determinations in FEHB and PSHB.
OPM and USPS have developed, and will continue to develop, educational
resources that address questions such as those relating to eligibility.
More information about the PSHB is available on OPM's website,\1\ and
USPS has additional resources including the USPS MyHR \2\ PSHB page and\3\ OPM and USPS encourage anyone with questions to
review these resources. OPM is finalizing these definitions as
\1\ OPM's PSHB Program information can be found at
\2\ MyHR is the new USPS human resources website and is only
accessible to USPS employees. The name and location of USPS human
resources website is subject change with time.
\3\ Keeping Posted is a USPS-operated website providing benefits
information targeted at Postal retirees. The PSHB resources page can
be accessed at The name and location of the USPS website is subject
change with time.
Medicare Enrollment Requirement for Certain Postal Service Annuitants
and Eligible Family Members; Survivor Annuitants--5 CFR 890.1604(c),
(d), and (f)
OPM proposed in Sec. 890.1604(c) to clarify that a survivor
annuitant who is entitled to Medicare Part A \4\ must be enrolled in
Medicare Part B to continue enrollment in PSHB, unless the individual
qualifies for an exception as set forth in Sec. 890.1604(d)(3). In
Sec. 890.1604(d)(3), OPM proposed exceptions to the Medicare Part B
enrollment requirement for those survivor annuitants who are entitled
to Part A. Specifically, OPM proposed that a survivor annuitant would
retain any exception that the Postal Service annuitant qualified for
prior to the annuitant's death. A survivor annuitant would also
individually qualify for a Part B enrollment exception in several
additional circumstances: if the survivor annuitant resides outside of
the United States and its territories, if the survivor annuitant is
enrolled in health care benefits provided by the Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) (including individuals who are not required to enroll in
the VA's system of patient enrollment referred to in 38 U.S.C.
1705(a)), or if the survivor annuitant is eligible for health services
from the Indian Health Service. Survivor annuitants would be subject to
all documentation requirements. In Sec. 890.1604(f), OPM proposed to
require all Medicare covered annuitants, Medicare covered family
members, and survivor annuitants to provide OPM or the Postal Service
with written notification if the individual chooses not to enroll in or
disenrolls from Medicare Part B. The following scenarios were included
in the preamble of the NPRM and are being reproduced here to provide
additional clarity:
\4\ Under 5 U.S.C. 8903c(a)(1), as adopted by reference in 5 CFR
890.1602(b), the definition of a Medicare covered individual
excludes those eligible to enroll pursuant to sections 1818 and
1818A of the Social Security Act. All references to Medicare Part A
should be read to exclude those enrolled under these sections.
Example 1. A spouse is married to a Postal Service annuitant who is
not required to enroll in Part B as a condition of eligibility to
enroll in a PSHB plan under Sec. 890.1604(c)(1)(i) (as of January 1,
2025, the annuitant was not both entitled to premium-free Medicare Part
A and enrolled in Part B). The spouse, who is eligible for Medicare, is
also not required to enroll in Part B as their Postal Service annuitant
spouse has an exception to Part B enrollment. If the Postal Service
annuitant dies and the surviving spouse becomes a survivor annuitant,
the surviving spouse will not be required to enroll in Part B to
continue enrollment in a PSHB plan.
Example 2. A spouse is married to a Postal Service annuitant who is
not required to enroll in Part B as a condition of eligibility to
enroll in a PSHB plan under Sec. 890.1604(c)(1)(iv) (enrolled in VA
health care benefits). The spouse is not eligible for Medicare because
they are not yet 65. If the Postal Service annuitant dies before the
surviving spouse becomes eligible for Medicare and the surviving spouse
becomes a survivor annuitant, the surviving spouse will not be required
to enroll in Part B to continue enrollment in a PSHB plan when becoming
eligible for Medicare.
Several commenters, including an association representing Federal
employees and a labor organization, expressed support for the proposal
to clarify an exception to the requirement to enroll in Medicare Part B
for certain survivor annuitants who had relied on a Part B enrollment
exception of a deceased annuitant while they were enrolled as a family
member. The commenters generally supported this approach as consistent
with the statute and noted that the failure to clarify this exception
could result in inequities for some survivor annuitants and therefore
supported finalizing as proposed. One commenter suggested this proposal
would impact a limited number of individuals and would have a
negligible financial impact on the program.
OPM appreciates comments supporting this proposal and agrees that
it will promote fairness and predictability for survivor annuitants who
made decisions regarding Medicare Part B enrollment based on the
expectation that the annuitant's Part B exception would continue to
apply to them. As noted by commenters, this approach will also ensure
the individuals who reasonably relied on the deceased annuitant's Part
B exception do not later become subject to a Medicare Part B late
enrollment penalty which could make coverage unaffordable or even
result in the loss of coverage. Accordingly, OPM is finalizing as
Enrollment in the Initial Contract Year--5 CFR 890.1605(c)
Section 890.1605(c) implements the automatic enrollment
requirements of the PSRA found at 5 U.S.C. 8903c(f)(2). As proposed,
OPM would automatically enroll each Postal Service employee, annuitant,
and their covered family members into a plan offered by their 2024 FEHB
Carrier if the carrier offers a 2025 PSHB plan. If the carrier offers
the corresponding plan in FEHB and PSHB in 2025, with at least one
option that has equivalent benefits and cost sharing, the enrollees and
their covered family would be enrolled into that carrier's plan and the
equivalent option. If the carrier does not offer an equivalent option,
the enrollees and their family members would be enrolled in the lowest
cost option that is not a high deductible health plan (HDHP) and does
not charge an association or membership fee, unless the only option is
a HDHP. If the only option is a HDHP, individuals would be enrolled in
that carrier's HDHP.
Individuals enrolled in a carrier's 2024 FEHB plan where the
carrier does not offer a 2025 FEHB plan would be enrolled in the
carrier's 2025 PSHB plan if the plan offers at least one option with
similar benefits and cost sharing as the 2024 FEHB plan. Individuals
would be enrolled into the similar option with similar benefits and
cost sharing as the 2024 FEHB option. If there is no similar option,
individuals would be enrolled in the lowest-cost option of the 2025
PSHB plan. If the plan has more than two options, the individuals would
be enrolled the lowest cost option that is not a HDHP.
If an individual's 2024 FEHB Carrier's plan does not meet any of
the other criteria, that individual would be enrolled in the lowest
cost nationwide plan that is not a HDHP and does not
[[Page 85014]]
charge an association or membership fee. All determinations on
equivalent or similar plans would be determined by OPM. All Postal
Service annuitants and employees would be automatically enrolled into
the same enrollment type (self, self plus one, or self and family), as
their 2024 enrollment type. All automatic enrollment decisions would
take into account the geographic region limitations of the plan
Commenters were generally supportive of the approach in proposed
Sec. 890.1605(c). One carrier suggested that this approach would
increase continuity of coverage and reduce administrative burdens
during the transition from FEHB to PSHB. Another commenter supported
the approach and stressed that the process for automatic enrollment
should be made clear in educational information distributed to Postal
Service employees and annuitants.
A carrier asked whether OPM intended to enroll as many enrollees as
possible into a 2025 PSHB plan offered by the carrier of their 2024
FEHB enrollment and, in scenarios where this is not possible, to use
the default plan as defined in Sec. 890.1605.
Under 5 U.S.C. 8903c(f), OPM is required to automatically enroll
Postal Service employees and annuitants who do not make an election to
enroll in a PSHB plan during the transitional Open Season. OPM's intent
is to minimize disruption for Postal Service employees and annuitants
as they transition to the PSHB Program. Without a process for automatic
enrollment, an individual transitioning to the PSHB Program for 2025
who takes no action during the transitional Open Season--either because
they are not aware of the new program or do not understand they must
make an affirmative selection in order to effectuate their enrollment--
otherwise would lose their health insurance coverage for plan year 2025
(or lose eligibility for PSHB coverage altogether in the case of
annuitants) unless they have a qualifying life event. The proposed
automatic enrollment process would prevent such unintended loss of
coverage for individuals transitioning from FEHB to PSHB. In addition,
this proposal would ensure that individuals are enrolled into coverage
that is equivalent or similar to their 2024 FEHB plan when available.
Individuals will be enrolled into the default plan as required by the
law only when enrollment with the same carrier is not available.
One commenter raised a concern about this approach as it relates to
enrollees in certain U.S. territories. The commenter suggested the
nationwide plans are less competitive and more expensive than the
regional plans would be. The commenter recommended altering Sec.
890.1605 so that when an enrollee's FEHB Carrier is not participating
in the PSHB Program within the enrollee's geographic area and the
enrollee takes no action during transitional Open Season, the enrollee
would be automatically enrolled in a comparable PSHB plan offered by an
approved regional carrier.
OPM appreciates the concerns raised by the commenter. The proposed
approach on automatic enrollment aligns with the statutory requirements
under 5 U.S.C. 8903c(f)(2), which, in certain circumstances, includes
automatically enrolling an individual in the lowest-cost nationwide
plan option that is not a HDHP and does not charge a membership fee.
For individuals in certain geographical areas, enrollees may have
limited PSHB plan options. In some cases, certain carriers offering
plans in geographic areas with fewer PSHB Carriers would not be
included in the automatic enrollment hierarchy proposed in Sec.
890.1605. OPM recognized that, in some instances, under the proposed
automatic enrollment hierarchy, individuals may be enrolled into a plan
that does not best meet their needs. However, the proposed approach is
designed to meet the needs of the majority of Postal Service enrollees,
while ensuring that all Postal Service enrollees have continuous
coverage without requiring active plan selections. Therefore, OPM is
finalizing Sec. 890.1605 as proposed. This approach will ensure that
the vast majority of PSHB enrollees who take no action during
transitional Open Season will have the best outcome for 2025 coverage.
OPM is adopting this approach to ensure that the majority of Postal
Service enrollees who do not actively select a plan are not surprised
with an unexpectedly high premium and ensures as robust of a network as
possible across the United States, regardless of the enrollee's
In addition, pursuant to 5 CFR 890.301(n), which describes how OPM
determines the lowest-cost nationwide plan option, OPM reserves the
right to select an alternate plan for automatic enrollment if
circumstances warrant it, as determined by OPM. Therefore, if, for
example, OPM determines that the automatic fallback option for
enrollees in a certain geographic area is not in the best interest of
enrollees, OPM may designate an alternate plan option most suitable to
the circumstances of those enrollees.
Enrollees are encouraged to review all available PSHB plans leading
up to and during the upcoming transitional Open Season to assist them
in making the best selection for their personal circumstances. OPM's
PSHB decision support tool is designed to provide enrollees with the
information necessary to make an informed decision regarding PSHB
coverage. The tool is scheduled to be available by Open Season at
OPM is finalizing its proposal with two minor technical changes. In
Sec. 890.1605(c), OPM is replacing the reference to ``Sec.
890.1605(b)'' with the term ``paragraph (b) of this section'' for
consistency within the section. In Sec. 890.1605(c)(1), OPM is
replacing the term ``same'' with the term ``corresponding'' for
consistency within the section. Otherwise, OPM is finalizing Sec.
890.1605 as proposed.
Opportunities To Enroll, Change Enrollment, or Reenroll; Effective
Dates--5 CFR 890.1606(c) and (d)
OPM proposed to amend 5 CFR 890.1606(c) related to automatic
reinstatement of enrollment for individuals returning to civilian
status after separation from the uniformed services, as described in 5
CFR 890.305. OPM identified that this proposal was included in the NPRM
in error and is not finalizing this proposed amendment in this rule. 5
CFR 890.1606(c) remains unchanged.
OPM proposed to amend 5 CFR 890.1606(d) to reflect the initial
decision and reconsideration process that would govern PSHB eligibility
or enrollment decisions as proposed in Sec. 890.1607. As proposed,
this provision was also amended to remove the existing cross-references
to the process set forth at Sec. 890.104, which would no longer apply
to PSHB. See the discussion below for additional details about the
initial decision and reconsideration process under 5 CFR 890.1607. OPM
did not receive any comments on the proposed amendments to Sec.
890.1606. OPM is finalizing 5 CFR 890.1606(d) as proposed.
Initial Decision and Reconsideration--5 CFR 890.1607
OPM proposed a process for initial decisions and reconsideration to
reflect OPM's new role in eligibility determinations. As proposed,
individuals would file a request with the employing office or OPM, as
applicable. OPM would be responsible for initial decisions concerning
family member eligibility determination under Sec. 890.302, as well as
initial decisions concerning whether a Postal Service annuitant or
their family member is not required to enroll in Medicare Part B
[[Page 85015]]
because the annuitant or family member is entitled to Department of
Veterans Affairs (VA) benefits under 38 U.S.C. 1705(a), or whether a
Postal Service annuitant or their family members is not required to
enroll in Medicare Part B because they are eligible for health services
from the Indian Health Service (IHS). OPM would also be responsible for
initial decisions based on information OPM receives as the result of an
information sharing agreement between OPM and a source agency. As
proposed, a reconsideration must be an independent review at or above
the level at which the initial decision was issued. Reconsiderations
must be filed within 30 calendar days from the date of the decision
stating the right to reconsideration. The employing agency or OPM can
extend the time limit if the individual shows they were not informed,
needed to obtain information from an outside source, or if they were
prevented by circumstances beyond their control from complying with the
time limit. The employing agency or OPM would issue a final decision
within 30 days of the request for reconsideration.
OPM did not receive any comments on this proposal. OPM is
finalizing as proposed with a minor technical correction in Sec.
890.1607(d) to change a reference to the ``employing office'' to
``employing agency'' for consistency within the section. Otherwise, the
provision is finalized without modification.
Disenrollment, Removal, Termination, Cancellation, and Suspension--5
CFR 890.1608(b)
As proposed, a Postal Service annuitant or family member who is
required, as a condition of PSHB Program eligibility, to be enrolled in
Medicare Part B but is not enrolled in Part B, would be given a one-
time opportunity to enroll in Part B during the next available Medicare
enrollment period. As proposed, the individual would not be removed
from PSHB coverage until after the end of the next Medicare enrollment
period. OPM requested comment on this proposal, including the deadline
by which the individual must be enrolled in Part B before PSHB coverage
is terminated.
Commenters generally supported the proposed one-time opportunity
for individuals who are required to be, but are not yet, enrolled in
Part B in order to be eligible to enroll in the PSHB Program. One
carrier commented that this approach provides clear parameters for
enrollees, smooths the transition to PSHB, and reduces the risk of
interruption in an individual's health coverage. A carrier also
commented to support the proposed approach but requested that OPM
provide Postal Service annuitants with as generous of a window as
possible to enroll in Part B, noting that the goal is to assist people
with enrolling in Part B as soon as possible. A commenter sought
confirmation that the approach outlined would allow individuals who are
required to enroll in Part B, but have not done so, to remain enrolled
in a PSHB plan if they enroll in Part B during their next Medicare
enrollment period. The commenter suggested that, if the individual
fails to enroll in Part B at that point, OPM may disenroll the
individual from the PSHB plan.
One commenter, a union organization, suggested the Medicare Part B
enrollment deadline for these individuals should be the end of the next
Medicare General Enrollment Period that starts at least six months
after the individual is required to enroll in Part B, suggesting that
this privilege would be infrequently utilized. In some cases, such as
where the individual is required to enroll near the end of a calendar
year, the enrollment opportunity could run beyond a full year, because
the next Medicare General Enrollment period would not start at least
six months after the individual is required to enroll in Part B.
OPM supports providing a generous opportunity for Part B enrollment
and understands that the PSHB program eligibility rules and enrollment
processes may be confusing for Postal Service annuitants and their
families during the early stages of this program, especially as it
relates to the Part B enrollment requirement. It is for these reasons
that OPM proposed the one-time enrollment opportunity for these
individuals. The approach proposed by the commenter, recommending
extending the deadline to the Medicare General Enrollment Periods
starting at least six-months after the individual is required to enroll
in Part B, could conflict with the cost savings intent of the PSRA.
Providing PSHB enrollees, in certain circumstances, with more than a
full plan year to enroll in Part B could result in a higher cost burden
on USPS and the PSHB program. This cost-saving goal must be balanced
against the flexibility provided to enrollees. OPM agrees with the
commenter's assertion that these enrollment opportunities should be
needed infrequently, particularly as education and experience regarding
the PSHB Program improves and believes that the policy as proposed by
OPM will provide sufficient flexibility for these individuals to enroll
in Part B and remain enrolled in the PSHB Program. OPM is finalizing
with two minor technical corrections. In Sec. 890.1608(b) the term
``re-enroll'' has been replaced with ``reenroll'' to conform to
drafting conventions in Subpart P. In Sec. 890.1608(b)(6), the term
``from'' was moved within the first sentence from after ``. . . initial
decision disenrolling them from PSHB or removing . . .'' to after
``them'' and before ``coverage under a PSHB enrollment at the time OPM
becomes aware of the Medicare disenrollment'' to correct a
typographical error.
Information Sharing--5 CFR 890.1612(f) and (g)
OPM proposed to amend the information sharing provisions at Sec.
890.1612 by adding new paragraphs (f) and (g). First, in subsection
(f), OPM proposed to provide a written notice prior to issuing an
initial decision on eligibility for PSHB enrollment or coverage based
on information or data OPM receives from a source agency through an
information sharing agreement that establishes a basis that the
individual may be ineligible for PSHB enrollment or coverage. The
proposed notice would include certain required information, such as the
specific data impacting the individual's PSHB enrollment or coverage,
source agency contact information, timelines, and information on the
individual's rights during the dispute. OPM solicited comments on this
In proposed paragraph (g) of Sec. 890.1612 OPM proposed that, if
OPM issues an initial decision to remove or disenroll the individual
based on the information or data from a source agency, the individual
would have reconsideration rights pursuant to Sec. 890.1607. As
proposed, reconsideration would be limited to the data or information
from the source agency that was before OPM at the time OPM made the
initial decision.
OPM did not receive any comments on these proposals. OPM is
finalizing as proposed.
A trade association commented to request that OPM expand its
information sharing rule at 5 CFR 890.1612 to include the entire FEHB
Program, not just PSHB, and allow carriers access to that database for
coordination of benefits and Section 111 reporting purposes. The
commenter noted that Medicare Part A becomes primary over FEHB coverage
on the last day of work preceding retirement and requests that OPM
include a field for this date in the database.
OPM appreciates this feedback, but this comment is beyond the scope
[[Page 85016]]
this rulemaking. As a general matter, OPM agrees that information
sharing between agencies is critical to administer the PSHB Program
effectively. OPM is not expanding its information sharing effort to the
entire FEHB Program since the PSRA's information sharing provisions are
intended to implement the PSHB Program and its Medicare enrollment
requirement for certain Postal Service annuitants and their family
members. Similarly, OPM does not intend to provide the information that
is the subject of interagency information sharing agreements with
carriers, except in limited circumstances required to operate the PSHB
Program as permitted under the Privacy Act.
Postal Service Contract Year Beginning Date, Medicare Late Enrollment
Penalty, Calculations for the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits
Fund, and Clarifications of Statutory Terms--5 CFR 890.1613(a), (c),
and (e)
OPM proposed in Sec. 890.1613(a) to calculate the contributions
and withholdings for coverage for the PSHB program as described under 5
U.S.C. 8906 and subpart E of part 890. As proposed, the subscription
charge and the Government contribution would begin on January 1 of each
year for Postal Service annuitants and Postal Service employees.
Under Sec. 890.1613(c), OPM proposed that, upon request from the
USPS, and until the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund (the
PSRHBF) is depleted, OPM will pay out from the PSRHBF any late
enrollment penalties required under section 1839(e)(1) of the Social
Security Act for individuals who enrolled during the Special Enrollment
Period established under section 1837(o) of the Social Security Act (42
U.S.C. 1395p). As required under the PSRA, if the PSRHBF is depleted,
the Postal Service will pay the late enrollment penalties from the
Postal Service Fund, established under 39 U.S.C. 2003. OPM has proposed
to prioritize use of the PSRHBF to pay health benefit premiums of
individuals described in 5 U.S.C. 8906(g)(2)(A) before use of the
PSRHBF for payment of late enrollment penalties.
In Sec. 890.1613(e), OPM proposed that the ``net claims costs'' in
the calculation in 5 U.S.C. 8909a(e)(1) is equivalent to ``estimated
net claims costs'' as defined in 5 U.S.C. 8909a(g). As proposed, the
computations for post-retirement health obligations computed under 39
U.S.C. 3654(b) will be performed using an aggregate entry-age normal
cost method described in 5 U.S.C. 8331(17) and in accordance with OPM's
actuarial funding methods under 5 U.S.C. 8348(h). OPM proposed to
remove the word ``future'' from before ``net claim costs'' in Sec.
890.1613(e)(1) to clarify the equivalence in terms is between net
claims costs and estimated net claims costs.
OPM did not receive any comments on these proposals. OPM is
finalizing as proposed with a minor technical correction in Sec.
890.1613(c) to change a reference to the ``special enrollment period''
to ``Special Enrollment Period'' to conform with the drafting
conventions of the Social Security Act. Otherwise, OPM is finalizing
without change.
Other Administrative Provisions--5 CFR 890.1614(a)
OPM proposed to amend Sec. 890.1614(a) to reflect OPM's central
role in administering the PSHB enrollment process. As proposed, OPM may
make prospective or retroactive corrections of administrative errors at
any time and may make a correction of an administrative error for
purposes of equity and good conscience, in addition to ordering an
employing office to make such corrections. OPM, rather than the
employing office, would also be able to make retroactive corrections of
enrollee enrollment code errors. OPM proposed to adopt the standards in
Sec. 890.103(d) with the addition of a reference to PSHB. As proposed,
retroactive corrections would be subject to withholdings and
contributions under the provisions of both Sec. Sec. 890.502 and
OPM did not receive any comments on these proposed amendments to 5
CFR 890.1614(a). OPM is finalizing as proposed.
Crediting Separate Reserves for PSHB--5 CFR 890.1615
OPM proposed a Reserve credit methodology for crediting the
reserves from FEHB options to PSHB options. To effectively credit
reserves OPM proposed definitions that only apply for crediting
purposes. These definitions include 2024 FEHB Option premium, 2024
Postal Service premium, Amount available, Corresponding PSHB option,
Option, Plan, and Runout. OPM proposed to credit reserves as soon as
practicable on or after January 1, 2025, using the methodology proposed
in this section. Reserves will be credited by determining the 2024
Postal Service premium by multiplying the 2024 FEHB Option's enrollment
types (self only, self plus one, self and family) by the number of
Postal Service enrollments of the Option and taking the sum of those
amounts. OPM will then determine the Postal Service Percentage, which
is the 2024 premium attributable to Postal Service enrollees divided by
the 2024 premium attributable to both Postal Service and non-Postal
Service enrollees, for each 2024 FEHB Option. OPM proposed to apply
that percentage to the amounts available in the 2024 FEHB Option's
reserves, taking into account the need for Runout, for each 2024 FEHB
Option as of December 31, 2024. OPM will credit the resulting reserve
amount to the PSHB Options for 2025. The reserves will be allocated to
the PSHB Options, for experience-rated and community-rated Options,
depending on the conditions that the Option meets. Each condition is
based on the number of 2024 FEHB Options and the number of
Corresponding PSHB Options offered by the carrier in 2025. OPM also
proposed conditions for 2024 FEHB Carriers that do not offer a 2025
PSHB plan and for those 2025 PSHB Carriers that do not offer a 2025
FEHB plan.
As proposed, OPM will estimate the Runout amount considering any
income attributable to periods for FEHB experience-rated Options.
Finally, OPM proposed that any funds OPM receives under 5 U.S.C.
8909(b) for premiums attributable to periods on or before, but not yet
received by, December 31, 2024, will be credited to PSHB Options' and
FEHB Options' Contingency Reserves using the Reserve Credit methodology
detailed above.
Two commenters addressed the reserve credit portion of the proposed
rule. A carrier commented to note the importance of codifying reserve
allocation guidance provided in a detailed carrier letter, Methodology
for Crediting Postal Service Health Benefits (PSHB) Program Plan
Reserves and Earned FEHB Medical Loss Ratio Credits (Letter Number
2023-13),\5\ dated July 19, 2023, on the topic of reserve credit and
stated its appreciation for this detailed guidance. A trade association
commented to request that OPM confirm that the letter remains in effect
except to the extent it conflicts with this rule.
\5\ Methodology for Crediting Postal Service Health Benefits
(PSHB) Program Plan Reserves and Earned FEHB Medical Loss Ratio
Credits (Letter Number 2023-13), July 19, 2023, available at
OPM confirms that Carrier Letter 2023-13 remains in effect. While
OPM is unaware of any conflict between Carrier Letter 2023-13 and this
rule, nonetheless we agree that a conflict between the Carrier Letter
and the rule would properly be resolved in favor of this rule.
[[Page 85017]]
Another commenter sought clarity on requirements for Runout
accounts. Specifically, the commenter asked whether plans would need
two separate runout accounts: one for FEHB paying claims for services
rendered on or before December 31, 2024, but paid after January 1,
2025, and another account for PSHB.
As it relates to Runout accounts, there could be up to three LOCA
Runout accounts: one for paying FEHB claims for services rendered on or
before December 31, 2024, but paid after January 1, 2025, one for FEHB
claims for services on or after January 1, 2025, and one for PSHB
claims for services on or after January 1, 2025.
A commenter also recommended that OPM promote fair allocation of
carrier reserves.
As stated in the proposed rule and Carrier Letter 2023-13, reserves
will be allocated proportionately, based on 2024 premium attributable
to the Postal Service and non-Postal Service populations for each
Option. OPM considered incorporating a risk component in the allocation
of reserves; however, OPM determined the method outlined in Carrier
Letter 2023-13 is most consistent with current FEHB practice.
Finally, a trade association requested that OPM issue guidance
soliciting waiver requests from any FEHB plan that expects the cost of
calculating the reserve transfer will approximate or exceed the amount
of the reserve transfer, with a submission deadline of October 1, 2024.
This comment is outside of the scope of this regulation. OPM notes
that any carrier concerns can be addressed to the appropriate
contracting officer.
OPM is finalizing the proposal without changes.
Medicare Part D--5 CFR 890.1616
Sec. 890.1616(a): Carrier Requirement To Offer Medicare Part D
Prescription Drug Benefits
As proposed, a carrier offering a plan in the PSHB program must
provide prescription drug benefits to any Part D-eligible Postal
Service annuitant and their family members who are Part D-eligible
through a Medicare Part D employer group waiver plan (EGWP). The
carrier must offer a Part D EGWP through a prescription drug plan (PDP)
EGWP or contract with a PDP sponsor. A carrier may, with the approval
of OPM, offer a Medicare Advantage plan (MAPD) EGWP in PSHB; however,
the carrier must also offer a PDP EGWP. All PSHB Carriers must be
approved by and contracted with CMS prior to offering PSHB Part D
coverage through a PDP or MAPD EGWP.
A commenter recommended that OPM allow carriers to decide whether
to offer a PDP EGWP or MAPD EGWP, or both, rather than requiring PSHB
Carriers to offer a PDP EGWP as the default method of Part D benefits
Section 8903c(h)(2) of title 5 U.S.C. states that OPM ``shall
require each Program plan'' to provide prescription drug benefits to
Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitants and their eligible family
members through a PDP EGWP or ``through a contract with a PDP
sponsor.'' The statute requires all carriers to offer a PDP EGWP to all
Part D-eligible annuitants and their Part D-eligible family members.
OPM's final rule ``Postal Service Reform Act; Establishment of the
Postal Service Health Benefits Program'' (at 89 FR 37061) permits
carriers to offer an MAPD EGWP, as approved by OPM, in PSHB so long as
the carrier also offers a PDP EGWP pursuant to the statutory
requirement. OPM does not have the authority under the statute to
permit carriers to decide whether to offer a PDP EGWP in the PSHB
Another commenter suggested that OPM align PSHB EGWP guidance with
existing FEHB EGWP guidance.
While the PSHB is included under the FEHB Program umbrella, PSHB is
subject to distinct statutory requirements, including those governing
the requirement to offer a PDP EGWP and to integrate Medicare Part D
benefits under 5 U.S.C. 8903c(h)(1) and (2). When enacting the PSRA,
Congress was addressing specific policy goals, including increasing
enrollment in Medicare by USPS annuitants and promoting long term
financial health for the PSHB Program, which require certain variances
from policies that are generally applicable in the FEHB Program. As
discussed in more detail below, the specific statutory requirements
governing the PSHB Program as well as the unique policy goals of PSHB
require separate regulations, policies, and implementation of PSHB
EGWPs within the FEHB Program.
OPM is finalizing the proposal without changes.
Sec. 890.1616(b): Prescription Drug Coverage Under a PSHB Plan Through
Medicare Part D and Sec. 890.1616(e): Effect of Opting Out of Group
Enrollment Into or Disenrolling From a Medicare EGWP
In 5 CFR 890.1616(b), OPM proposed that Postal Service annuitants
and family members who are Part D-eligible must be enrolled in the PSHB
plan's Part D EGWP to receive prescription drug coverage under the PSHB
plan. A Part D-eligible individual who is not covered by the EGWP would
not receive prescription drug coverage as a benefit under the PSHB
plan. OPM also proposed that a Part D-eligible individual would also
not receive prescription drug coverage through their PSHB coverage if
they opted out of the PSHB Part D group enrollment process in 5 CFR
890.1616(e) and did not otherwise select a PDP EGWP or MAPD EGWP
associated with their PSHB plan.
As proposed, OPM would require all PSHB Carriers to group enroll
all Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitants and their Part D-eligible
family members into the EGWP offered by their PSHB plan. This proposal
is consistent with CMS rules \6\ and permits these Part D-eligible
individuals to opt out of the group enrollment process. OPM proposed
that, if an individual opts out of group enrollment, the individual
would not receive prescription drug coverage under the PSHB plan. The
individual would retain their rights to change their elections during
Open Season or a qualifying life event and could later elect to enroll
in Part D coverage offered by their chosen PSHB plan.
\6\ See 40.1.6--Group Enrollment Mechanisms for Employer/Union
Sponsored PDPs, Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit Manual, Chapter
3--Eligibility, Enrollment and Disenrollment, available at
OPM received numerous comments on these proposals. One carrier
stated they were aligned with the proposal and stated that they are
prepared to proceed as proposed. Another carrier supported the approach
and noted the importance of ensuring PSHB enrollees understand their
options for receiving prescription drug coverage. The carrier suggested
that allowing Part D-eligible individuals to opt out of the PDP EGWP
and into an MAPD EGWP serves the interests of annuitants.
Other commenters, including individuals and a union, indicated that
individuals may want to opt out of the Part D plan offered by their
PSHB Carrier to avoid paying an Income-Related Monthly Adjustment
Amount (IRMAA), an income-related monthly adjustment amount assessed
and applied by Medicare. An individual commenter also noted that Postal
Service annuitants and their family members who opted out of Part D
would be paying for a plan that includes drug coverage and not
receiving any of the
[[Page 85018]]
benefits because declining Part D coverage would not result in a
reduced premium. Another commenter noted that Part D enrollees cannot
use drug company discounts for expensive drugs, thus limiting PSHB
enrollees' access to these discounts.
A union representing Federal employees and retirees stated that it
believes OPM incorrectly interpreted the statute, specifically noting
that the PSRA does not impose a Part D enrollment requirement on
Medicare Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitants but instead mandates
that PSHB Carriers provide prescription drug benefits through Part D
benefits integration. The union suggested that Congress would not
create detailed grandfathering and exemption provisions from the Part B
requirement and not do the same for Part D if the Part D provisions
were a mandate. Thus, the commenter concluded that Congress intended to
allow Part D-eligible individuals to opt out of the Part D EGWPs
without losing all prescription drug coverage under the PSHB plan.
Instead, the commenter suggested, OPM and carriers could limit the
number of opt-outs by educating Postal Service annuitants about the
substantial changes to the Part D program in 2025. Several commenters
also noted that the PSRA does not impose a Part D enrollment
requirement on Medicare Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitants and
their family members, but instead mandates that PSHB plans provide
prescription drug benefits through Part D. Several commenters requested
that OPM allow Postal Service annuitants and their family members to
choose whether to enroll in the Part D EGWP offered by their PSHB plan
or to retain the non-Medicare prescription drug coverage offered by
their PSHB plan.
Finally, a trade association commented asserting that the FEHB
program is subject to Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and
that a Medicare-eligible annuitant in the PSHB program could allege the
Part D opt-out proposal violates Section 1557's prohibition on age
discrimination. This commenter argued that this proposal would impose
additional cost-sharing or impose other limitations on coverage for a
protected class of individuals. The commenter requested that OPM
provide a legitimate, non-discriminatory basis for this proposal.
OPM appreciates these comments and the thoughtful concerns they
raised. OPM believes that its proposed approach--namely, that Part D-
eligible Postal Service annuitants and their eligible family members
who opt out of the Medicare Part D plan offered by their PSHB plan will
lose prescription drug benefits under their PSHB plan--is most
consistent with the PSRA and its policy goals. As commenters noted, the
PSRA, at 5 U.S.C. 8903c(h)(2), clearly requires carriers to provide
PSHB prescription drug benefits to Part-D eligible annuitants and their
Part-D-eligible family members through a Medicare Part D EGWP. And it
requires, at 5 U.S.C. 8903c(c)(2), for carriers to integrate Part D
coverage. While commenters are correct that the PSRA does not
explicitly require Part D-eligible annuitants and their family members
to enroll in Medicare Part D as a condition of PSHB enrollment--and,
indeed, CMS regulations afford individuals that are group enrolled into
a Part D EGWP the right to opt-out--the PSRA's express goal is to
create cost savings for the PSHB Program, in part through shifting
costs to Medicare. OPM believes that requiring Part D-eligible
annuitants and their Part D-eligible family members to obtain PSHB
prescription drug coverage through a Part D EGWP, rather than through
their PSHB plan, best advances Congress' intent.
Further, OPM expects very few PSHB enrollees and family members to
opt out of or decline coverage from their PSHB plan's Part D EGWP, as
the vast majority of individuals eligible for Part D will be better off
retaining their PSHB prescription drug coverage, there will be seamless
coordination between the PSHB plan and Medicare, and the cost of the
Part D EGWP will be included in their PSHB premium, with no reduction
for those who opt out. Those who choose to opt out of group enrollment
into the PSHB plan's EGWP or decline enrollment once effectuated will
be doing so after receiving notice regarding the loss of prescription
drug coverage under the PSHB plan. For these reasons, OPM is finalizing
the proposal to require Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitants and
their eligible family members to receive their prescription drug
benefits under their PSHB plan through the Medicare Part D plan offered
by their PSHB plan.
OPM is, however, making changes in response to comments expressing
concern about the consequences of opting out of or disenrolling from
the Part D EGWP for individuals who make the choice inadvertently or
without full awareness of the implications of their decision. OPM is
finalizing with changes to 5 CFR 890.1616(d), discussed in more detail
in a separate section, and paragraph (e) to address these concerns. OPM
believes that these changes will add important protections for Part D-
eligible annuitants and their Part D-eligible family members.
OPM is amending proposed 890.1616(e) to add new subparagraph (4)
establishing enrollment flexibility to individuals who opt out or
decline the plan's Part D EGWP due to an error. OPM is clarifying that
a Part D-eligible annuitant or family member who is not enrolled in the
Part D EGWP, either by opting out of group enrollment or actively
declining the plan's Part D EGWP, can enroll in the plan's Part D EGWP
during this limited enrollment flexibility. This flexibility is
available where an individual opted out or declined the plan's Part D
EGWP due to an error. OPM's policy is to construe this flexibility
broadly, especially during the first year of the PSHB Program,
consistent with applicable law.
This enrollment flexibility will allow individuals who are not
enrolled in the Part D EGWP to enroll in Part D EGWP coverage within 90
days from the date at which their Part D coverage would have been
effective. The effective date of the enrollment will be retroactive to
the extent permitted in CMS regulations and guidance. OPM has
determined the high risk of confusion, especially during early years of
implementation of the PSHB Program, and the potential consequences for
Part D-eligible annuitants and family members associated with errors
around Part D EGWP enrollment, warrants this flexibility to allow for
corrections when timely reported. OPM notes that this enrollment
flexibility itself does not impact whether or not an individual may be
subject to a Part D LEP if they remain without Medicare Part D or other
creditable prescription drug coverage for more than 63 consecutive
days.\7\ As the PSHB Program matures and there is more familiarity with
Part D, the need for this flexibility is anticipated to decline and it
is our expectation that it will be needed infrequently.
\7\ See 42 CFR 423.46(a).
Recognizing that the flexibility in Sec. 890.1616(e)(4)(i) may not
provide sufficient time for all individuals to request correction of
Part D EGWP enrollment errors, OPM is further clarifying in Sec.
890.1616(e)(4)(ii) that individuals who identify an error 91 days or
more after their plan's effective date can also request Part D EGWP
plan corrections with a prospective effective date. An individual may
be permitted to enroll or reenroll into the Part D EGWP plan offered by
their PSHB plan option based on exceptional circumstances, broadly
defined and as determined by OPM. The effective date of enrollment
[[Page 85019]]
will be prospective. The flexibilities described above are limited to
new Part D EGWP enrollments (either PDP or MAPD, as applicable). The
flexibility does not permit a change to the individual's PSHB plan
enrollment and does not permit an individual to change enrollment from
a PDP EGWP to an MAPD EGWP, or from an MAPD EGWP to a PDP EGWP, offered
by their PSHB plan. OPM appreciates and shares commenters' concerns
with making sure that all PSHB enrollees have access to prescription
drug coverage. OPM believes that its final rule--which requires Part D-
eligible annuitants and their Part D-eligible family members to obtain
drug coverage through a Part D EGWP but provides significant enrollment
flexibility for those who opt out of Part D inadvertently or without
understanding the consequences--appropriately balances the PSRA's
express goals of cost-savings with the important goal of protecting
enrollees and making sure they have the option of obtaining
prescription drug coverage.
In response to the comment raising concerns related to Section 1557
of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), and age
discrimination issues in particular, OPM notes that discrimination
complaints in the PSHB are not subject to the Section 1557 complaint
process; rather, as stated in HHS's May 6, 2024 final rule implementing
Section 1557, entitled ``Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and
Activities,'' 89 FR 37522, 37627, HHS will ``refer to OPM complaints
alleging discrimination in the FEHB Program (including the Postal
Service Health Benefits Program).'' More substantively, OPM ensures
that the FEHB and PSHB Programs comply with applicable Federal
nondiscrimination laws, and, as noted above, has chosen this approach
to Part D coverage for multiple nondiscriminatory reasons, including
that it is most consistent with the PSRA and helps advance the PSRA's
cost-saving goals.
Medicare Part D Enrollment for Part D-Eligible Postal Service
Annuitants and Family Members Living Abroad
One commenter, a carrier organization, noted that individuals
living outside of the United States cannot obtain Medicare Part D
coverage, as eligibility is limited to individuals who live within a
Part D plan's service area, which must be within the United States. The
commenter suggested that Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitants and
their family members who live outside the United States and its
territories be exempt from the requirement that their PSHB plan may
only provide them with prescription drug coverage through a Part D
EGWP. OPM appreciates this comment raising this important issue
regarding access to Part D coverage outside of the United States.
After considering these issues, OPM recognizes the need for a
narrow exception to the proposal to group enrollment and limitation of
prescription drug coverage for Part D-eligible annuitants and their
eligible family members who reside outside of the Part D plan's service
area and are ineligible to enroll in Medicare Part D. Under CMS rules,
individuals must live within a Part D plan's service area to be
eligible to enroll in that Part D plan.\8\ OPM is clarifying in the
final rule that Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitants and their
family members who live outside of the United States (including the 50
States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the
Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands)
would not be group enrolled into their PSHB plan's Part D EGWP because
they reside outside of the Part D plan's service area and are therefore
not eligible to enroll. Accordingly, OPM is amending Sec. 890.1616(b)
to clarify that PSHB plans may not group enroll individuals residing
outside of the United States into the Part D plan and must provide
these individuals with prescription drug coverage through the PSHB plan
\8\ See 42 CFR 423.4, 423.30 and 423.44(b)(2)(i), as well as 42
CFR 422.2, 422.50(a)(3), and 422.74(b)(2)(i).
Sec. 890.1616(c): PSHB Plan Enrollment or Disenrollment and Medicare
In Sec. 890.1616(c), OPM proposed that changes to PSHB enrollments
during Open Season or because of a qualifying life event, as defined in
part 892, would include the ability to change enrollment in the Part D
EGWP offered by the PSHB Carrier.
Two commenters, a carrier and an individual, requested clarity on
the specific timeframes and circumstances in which an individual would
be allowed to enroll into a Part D EGWP or make changes to their
enrollment. The individual asserted that FEHB MAPDs allow members to
enroll in or disenroll from the MAPD during the plan year and asked
whether Postal Service enrollees would only be allowed to enroll in the
PSHB MAPD EGWP during Open Season or pursuant to a qualifying life
event. The commenter also requested clarity on whether the Medicare
Part D-eligible annuitant who opts out of or disenrolls from their PSHB
plan's MAPD EGWP would be automatically enrolled in their PSHB plan's
PDP EGWP or would instead receive no prescription drug benefits under
We appreciate these comments and requests for clarification.
Consistent with the rules governing FEHB enrollment, PSHB enrollees
will be allowed to make changes to their enrollment during Open Season
or subject to a qualifying life event. These existing rules will apply
to PSHB Part D coverage, either through the PSHB PDP EGWP or an MAPD
EGWP, the same as they apply to the PSHB plan, meaning a Part D-
eligible annuitant or family member will have an opportunity to enroll
in Part D coverage during the next available Open Season or during any
qualifying life event that may apply. An individual who opts out of or
disenrolls from their PSHB MAPD plan would have opted out of the Part D
plan offered by their PSHB Carrier and would not receive prescription
drug coverage as a benefit under the PSHB plan unless they make an
active plan selection into the PDP EGWP during Open Season or any
available qualifying life events (or during the flexibility period
under 1616(e)(4)). The individual would not be automatically group
enrolled into the PSHB Carrier's PDP EGWP. OPM is finalizing as
Sec. 890.1616(d): Carrier Requirements for Group Enrollment Into
Medicare EGWPs
OPM proposed that all carriers automatically group enroll all Part
D-eligible Postal Service annuitants and their eligible family members
into the plan's Part D EGWP. Group enrollment is a waiver permitted by
CMS that allows carriers to enroll individuals into the Part D EGWP
without the need for the individual to complete an additional
enrollment. All carriers are required to comply with all applicable CMS
requirements, including all notice requirements for group enrollment
into PDP and MAPD EGWPs. As proposed, the group enrollment requirement
for carriers does not impact the individual's right to choose a PSHB
plan during Open Season or during a qualifying life event.
The proposed requirement for automatic group enrollment applies to
both PDP and MAPD EGWPs. For PDP EGWPs, the carrier, at the end of Open
Season or during a qualifying life event, would be required to
automatically group enroll Part D-eligible annuitants and their Part D-
eligible family members into the PDP EGWP, unless the individual elects
to enroll into the plan's MAPD EGWP or opts out of group enrollment.
For MAPD EGWPs, at the
[[Page 85020]]
end of Open Season or during a qualifying life event, the carrier must
automatically group enroll Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitants
and family members if they elect to enroll in the carrier's MAPD EGWP.
During the 2025 transitional Open Season, a PSHB MAPD EGWP may only
automatically group enroll individuals if they were covered by the
carrier's 2024 FEHB MAPD or if the individual actively elects to enroll
in the carrier's MAPD plan for plan year 2025. OPM has also proposed
that in addition to CMS notice requirements, that each year, not less
than 30 days prior to Open Season, PSHB Carriers must send notice to
Part D-eligible individuals detailing that the carrier intends to group
enroll the individual into the Part D plan, that the individual may opt
out of the group enrollment, the impact of opting out, the date by
which the individual must opt out, how to opt out, that the individual
will not receive prescription drug coverage under the PSHB plan, and
that no adjustment will be made to the premium. An MAPD plan must also
inform the individual that they may enroll in the plan's PDP EGWP and
inform individuals that they may be required to remain enrolled in
Medicare Part B to maintain eligibility for the PSHB Program.
Two carriers expressed support for the use of automatic group
enrollment of individuals eligible for Part D and not currently
receiving a Medicare Part D product. Each commenter counseled caution,
however, stressing the importance of coordination between OPM and
carriers to ensure smooth enrollment and clear communication to
affected enrollees, as well as the tight timing between group
enrollment, Open Season, and the January 1 PSHB coverage effective
OPM appreciates the comments in support of this proposal as well as
comments raising concerns about the potential risks associated with
this proposal. OPM is committed to working closely with PSHB Carriers
to ensure a seamless process for Part D-eligible annuitants and their
Part D-eligible family members. OPM understands the carriers' concerns
about the timeline between Open Season and the PSHB coverage effective
date of January 1, 2025. OPM is working on additional guidance for
carriers to ensure a smooth transition to the PSHB Program for both the
enrollees and the carriers. OPM is clarifying that all Part D-eligible
Postal Service annuitants and their eligible family members will be
automatically group enrolled into the Part D plan offered by their
carrier in 2025. There is no limitation to only those annuitants and
family members currently enrolled in a Part D plan in 2024.
Additionally, OPM is amending Sec. 890.1616(d)(1)(ii), to require the
carriers to group enroll and provide the required notice to all Postal
Service annuitants and family members, annually. This amendment
requires carriers to annually group enroll all Medicare Part D-eligible
Postal Service annuitants and family members regardless of the
individual's decision to opt out of the plan's Part D EGWP in the prior
plan year. OPM is amending this section in consideration of the
comments, as detailed in Sec. 890.1616(b) and (e), about the risk of
Postal Service annuitants and family members not understanding the
consequences of opting out of the group enrollment into the Part D EGWP
offered by their PSHB plan. This amendment will require an individual
to opt out of the Part D EGWP offered by their PSHB plan on an annual
OPM is finalizing the Medicare Part D group enrollment requirement
with the amendments described above.
Sec. 890.1616(f): EGWP Prescription Drug Benefits
OPM proposed that a carrier must provide the same prescription drug
benefits to Part D-eligible individuals under the PDP or MAPD EGWP, as
the carrier provides to the non-Part D-eligible individuals enrolled in
prescription drug benefits under the PSHB plan, except to the extent
necessary to integrate Medicare Part D prescription drug benefits, as
determined by OPM. OPM identified that in the preamble text this
standard was described as requiring carriers to offer ``equal or
better'' benefits in their Part D plans as is offered in the PSHB plan
formulary, whereas in the proposed regulatory text the standard was
described as ``the same.'' This error is addressed in the final rule,
as discussed in more detail below.
Several commenters provided feedback on this proposal. One
commenter supported the approach, emphasizing the importance of OPM's
position. A carrier commented that it understood the proposal to
require Part D EGWP formularies to cover the same medications as PSHB
formularies, with equivalent or better cost-sharing and tiering.
A Federal employee association requested clarification about the
difference in language used in the preamble to the proposed rule,
proposing the ``equal or better'' standard, from the proposed
regulatory language at 5 CFR 890.1616(f), proposing that benefits must
be the ``same.'' This commenter requested additional clarity around
these standards to ensure Part D-eligible individuals receive coverage
that is equal or better than existing coverage. A commenter asserted
that some Part D coverage offered in the FEHB Program in plan year 2024
may not have met the equal or better standard, noting that in certain
instances tier classifications may have resulted in enrollees paying
higher out-of-pocket costs for the same prescription medication. This
commenter supported language included in the 2024 Carrier Call
Letter,\9\ issued February 8, 2024, which included a requirement that
PDP EGWP formularies include the same covered drugs at the same or
lower cost-sharing as the plan's non-PDP EGWP formulary, and encouraged
OPM to incorporate similar language in the final rule to ensure that
Part D coverage is really equal to or better than PSHB plan drug
\9\ See Federal Employees Health Benefits and Postal Service
Health Benefits Programs Call Letter, Office of Personnel
Management, Letter No. 2024-04, Feb. 8, 2024, available at at
pp 6-7.
A carrier requested further clarity regarding the specifics of
formulary match standards between the Part D EGWP prescription drug
benefit and the PSHB plan prescription drug benefit. The commenter
requested greater detail on formulary design requirements and clarity
on cost implications. This commenter further stated that carriers could
promote health care savings and promote enrollee choice in the PSHB
Program by designing PSHB formularies to meet the needs for active
employees, while designing PDP formularies to meet the needs of
Medicare Part D-eligible individuals.
One commenter suggested that the language in proposed Sec.
890.1616(f) is not strong enough to ensure that Part D drug coverage
will be equal to or better than PSHB plan drug coverage. The other
suggested a potentially unintended impact on the ability to generate
cost savings based on the proposed requirement that Part D EGWP
formularies cover the same drugs as PSHB formularies, with equivalent
or better cost-sharing and tiering. The commenter suggested that the
requirement for parity in prescription drug benefits could limit the
flexibility needed to leverage rebates and innovative pricing
strategies effectively on the smaller membership population. These
constraints might reduce the potential for cost savings typically
achieved through negotiated agreements and formulary management within
the Part D framework. They suggested that
[[Page 85021]]
OPM consider these factors to ensure that the implementation of this
requirement does not inadvertently hinder cost-saving opportunities for
the PSHB Program and its enrollees.
OPM appreciates these comments requesting additional clarifications
and is finalizing with amendments to provide more clarity and to better
ensure Postal Service annuitants and family members who are Medicare
Part D enrollees receive at least equal benefits to those offered in
the corresponding PSHB plan, to the extent consistent with applicable
Medicare Part D requirements. OPM previously provided carriers with
details on PSHB formulary requirements in Carrier Letter 2024-06,\10\
and OPM is amending Sec. 890.1616(f) to explicitly incorporate these
standards. Section 890.1616(f), as amended, adds new paragraphs (1) and
(2) that require that the Part D EGWP formularies within the PSHB
Program include the same medications, products, and supplies as covered
in the PSHB formulary with the same or lower cost-sharing, and that
carriers may not lower or otherwise limit or restrict benefits, such as
by limiting the number or types of medications on the formulary or
increasing cost sharing, offered in the PSHB formulary to meet this
standard. New paragraph (3) provides that OPM has authority to grant
exceptions to these requirements, in OPM's discretion to the extent
necessary and consistent with applicable law, where requested by
\10\ Technical Guidance and Instructions for 2025 Benefit
Proposals, Letter No. 2024-06, March 7, 2024, available at
We appreciate comments seeking additional flexibility to innovate
and leverage prescription medication rebates. While OPM appreciates the
benefits that may be derived from carrier innovation, the need to
ensure all PSHB enrollees receive equal benefits, regardless of their
Part D eligibility status, outweighs the potential theoretical benefits
that may be derived through the types of innovations commenters
asserted may be limited by the proposed approach. OPM believes that
this approach strikes a balance between innovation and ensuring that
all individuals in the PSHB Program continue to have access to the same
high quality prescription drug coverage.
Medicare Part D Premium
One individual commenter expressed concern that mandating payment
of Medicare Part D premiums will increase the cost of health coverage
for Postal Service annuitants, given they will already be required to
pay Medicare Part B premiums.
OPM appreciates this comment seeking clarity regarding the Part D
premium. A Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitant and family member
enrolled in the Part D EGWP will not pay an additional premium for Part
D coverage. Part D coverage is included in the premium for PSHB
coverage. The FEHB Program requires that all FEHB enrollees enrolled in
the same plan and coverage level, as well as all PSHB enrollees
enrolled in the same plan and coverage level, pay the same premium
whether an eligible individual chooses to stay in or opt out of the
available Part D EGWP.\11\ This means that those who opt out of Part D
coverage will not receive a reduction in premium costs as a result of
opting out of Part D.
\11\ See 5 U.S.C. 8906(d).
Comments Beyond the Scope of This Rulemaking
The following comments are outside of the scope of this rulemaking,
but OPM summarizes them here for the sake of completeness.
Contracting and Carrier Requirements
A trade association submitted comments raising several questions
pertaining to contracting issues. The commenter asserted that OPM did
not request advance agreement as it relates to precontract costs under
the FEHBAR (48 CFR 1631.205-77) from FEHB plans joining the PSHB
Program, asserting that OPM stated this would be an unnecessary
technicality. The commenter requested that OPM state in the final rule
that such precontract costs ``are allowable to the extent they would
have been allowable if incurred after the date of the contract.'' OPM
appreciates this comment, but it is beyond the scope of the proposed
PSHB Special Enrollment Period
Two commenters made suggestions regarding the Postal Service Reform
Act's Medicare Part B Special Enrollment Period, which ran from April
1, 2024, through September 30, 2024. One commenter suggested that the
existence of a Medicare Part B Special Enrollment Period for Postal
Service annuitants is wrong or unlawful given that a number of Postal
Service annuitants are already paying late enrollment penalties for
Medicare Part B. This commenter requested that USPS pay Part B late
enrollment penalties for all Postal Service annuitants, regardless of
when the Postal Service annuitant or the family member enrolled in
Medicare Part B. The other commenter suggested USPS would not pay Part
B late enrollment penalties for those who enroll in Part B during the
Postal SEP.
With respect to the first comment, we note that the Special
Enrollment Period at issue is established by the PSRA. In any event,
both comments are beyond the scope of this rulemaking.
Automatic Enrollment Into Medicare Part B
One commenter suggested that OPM explore with SSA and CMS automatic
enrollment into Medicare Part B like there is for Part D group
OPM appreciates this commenter's suggestion to simplify the
Medicare Part B enrollment requirement for Postal Service annuitants
and their eligible family members and promote administrative
simplicity, but this comment is outside of the scope of this
True Out-of-Pocket and Maximum Out-of-Pocket Metrics
One carrier commenter recommended that OPM maintain separate
accumulation metrics for true out-of-pocket (TrOOP) and maximum out-of-
pocket (MOOP) metrics, suggesting that integrating the two metrics
could strain government budgets by allowing individuals to reach their
out-of-pocket limits quicker and placing more of the cost burden on the
Federal system. Another carrier commenter added that the Inflation
Reduction Act (IRA) included significant changes to the PDP plans that
go into effect on January 1, 2025. The changes make the PDP designs
institute zero-dollar cost share once the enrollee meets the $2,000
OPM appreciates these comments, but they are outside the scope of
this regulation.
General Program Education
Multiple comments from USPS employees, annuitants, and their
families made it clear that enrollee and family member education remain
very important as the PSHB Program moves towards implementation and
providing coverage. Several commenters asked for available resources to
learn about Medicare-related options and costs, as well as eligibility
requirements for the PSHB, rights related to the Medicare Part B
Special Enrollment Period, and how Medicare-related matters relate to
PSHB integration. Another requested a PSHB plan comparison tool to
facilitate plan selection during the first PSHB Open Season.
OPM appreciates commenters raising these questions and concerns and
[[Page 85022]]
understands the importance of providing Postal Service employees and
annuitants with sufficient information to make informed PSHB plan
enrollment decisions. While these comments are out of scope, OPM
reminds stakeholders of the range of educational resources currently
available from OPM \12\ and USPS through the MyHR \13\ PSHB page and,\14\ in addition to PSHB educational resources mailed
to employees and annuitants. Anyone with questions about the range of
options available under the PSHB Program and the impacts on Postal
Service employees and annuitants are encouraged to review all available
\12\ OPM's PSHB Program information can be found at
\13\ MyHR is the new USPS human resources website and is only
accessible to USPS employees.
\14\ Keeping Posted is a USPS-operated website providing
benefits information targeted at Postal retirees. The PSHB resources
page can be accessed at
In addition, individuals will have available a web-based decision
support tool to simplify the comparison of covered benefits, premiums,
provider networks and pharmacy information for enrollees choosing among
a wide array of plan choices. OPM plans to launch the tool in late
October, and it will be available within the PSHB System, the online
enrollment portal.
OPM continues to work closely with USPS to develop and release PSHB
educational materials for Postal Service employees, annuitants, and
their family members. In June 2024, OPM posted a series of FAQs
explaining parts of the proposed rule for consumers.\15\ In late July
2024, USPS developed and distributed a new PSHB guide covering OPM's
proposed rules on EGWP coverage, among other relevant updates.
\15\ Office of Personnel Management, Postal Service Health
Benefits Program, ``PSHB Program NPRM FAQ,'' June 11, 2024,
available at
Regulatory Changes in This Final Rule
OPM is making several changes to this final rule from the NPRM in
response to comments as well as changes to address one error in the
proposed rule and several technical corrections.
OPM is making minor technical corrections throughout this rule to
replace the term ``open season'' with ``Open Season'' to reflect
drafting conventions in part 890 of Title 5. OPM is also making minor
technical corrections throughout this rule to add the term
``paragraph'' where applicable to conform with drafting conventions in
part 890 of Title 5. This change was made to Sec. Sec. 890.1602(c)(4),
890.1604(d)(3)(i), and 890.1616(f).
Section 890.1606(c)
The proposed rule included a proposed amendment to Sec.
890.1606(c). This amendment was included in error, so OPM is not
finalizing this proposal.
Section 890.1605(c)
OPM is making a minor technical correction in Sec. 890.1605(c) to
replace the reference to ``Sec. 890.1605(b)'' with the term
``paragraph (b) of this section'' for consistency within the section.
OPM is making a minor technical correction in Sec. 890.1605(c)(1)
to replace the term ``same plan'' with the term ``corresponding plan''
for consistency within the section.
Section 890.1607(d)
OPM is making a minor technical correction in Sec. 890.1607(d) to
replace the term ``employing office'' with the term ``employing
agency'' for consistency within the section.
Section 890.1608(b)
OPM is making two minor technical corrections in Sec. 890.1608(b).
First, the term ``re-enroll'' has been replaced with ``reenroll'' to
conform to drafting conventions in Subpart P. In Sec. 890.1608(b)(6),
the term ``from'' was moved to correct a typographical error.
Section 890.1613(c)
OPM is making minor technical corrections in this section to
replace the term ``special enrollment period'' with ``Special
Enrollment Period'' to conform to drafting conventions of the Social
Security Act.
Section 890.1616(a)
OPM is making minor technical corrections in this section to add
the term ``section'' prior to 1860D-22(b), (c)(1), to conform to the
drafting conventions of the Social Security Act.
Section 890.1616(b)(1)
Under 5 CFR 890.1616(b), a Part D-eligible individual (as defined
in section 1860D-1(a)(3)(A) of the Social Security Act) must be
enrolled in their PSHB plan's Part D EGWP by their PSHB Carrier in
order to receive prescription drug coverage under the PSHB Program.
However, under CMS regulations at 42 CFR 423.30(a)(1)(ii), an
individual who is living abroad is not eligible to enroll in Part D as
they cannot meet the requirement of residing in the service area of a
Part D plan.
In Sec. 890.1616(b)(1), OPM is clarifying that a Part D-eligible
Postal Service annuitant or family member of annuitant who resides
outside of the United States must not be group enrolled in the Part D
EGWP. Instead, these individuals will receive non-Medicare prescription
drug coverage provided by the PSHB plan for as long as they reside
outside of the United States.
Section 890.1616(d)
In consideration of the comments about the risk of Postal Service
annuitants and family members not understanding the consequences of
opting out of the Part D EGWP offered by their PSHB plan, OPM is
amending Sec. 890.1616(d)(1)(ii), to require the carriers to group
enroll and provide the required notice to all Postal Service annuitants
and family members, annually. This amendment also requires carriers to
annually group enroll all Medicare Part D-eligible Postal Service
annuitants and family members regardless of the individual's decision
to opt out of the plan's Part D EGWP in the prior plan year. This
amendment will require an individual to opt out of the Part D EGWP
offered by their PSHB plan on an annual basis. OPM is making this
change in part to address concerns about individuals losing access to
prescription drug benefits unintentionally.
Section 890.1616(e)(4)
OPM received several public comments expressing concern for
individuals who may opt out of or disenroll from the Part D EGWP due to
a lack of complete understanding of the consequences of that decision,
despite OPM's and USPS's best efforts to provide education and
awareness to the affected population. In the interest of providing
greater flexibility for Postal Service annuitants and their family
members during the transition to PSHB, OPM is establishing a Part D
EGWP enrollment flexibility for Part D-eligible Postal Service
annuitants and their eligible family members. This enrollment
flexibility will allow these individuals to enroll in their PSHB plan
option's Part D EGWP for up to 90 days after the start of the plan year
or the effective date of coverage after a qualifying life event that
permitted a plan change. For those who utilize the enrollment
opportunity, Part D coverage will be retroactive to the extent
permitted by CMS regulations and guidance. In addition, for individuals
who seek to enroll after 90 days, an individual will be permitted to
request to enroll or reenroll into the Part D plan offered by their
PSHB plan option based on exceptional circumstances, as
[[Page 85023]]
determined by OPM. For those who utilize this enrollment opportunity,
Part D coverage will be prospective as permitted by OPM regulations.
These enrollment flexibilities are limited. This flexibility does not
permit a change to the individual's PSHB plan enrollment and does not
permit an individual to change enrollment from a PDP EGWP to an MAPD
EGWP, or from an MAPD EGWP to a PDP EGWP.
OPM notes that a Part D-eligible individual may be subject to a
Part D LEP if they remain without Medicare Part D or other creditable
prescription drug coverage for more than 63 consecutive days.\16\ This
possible LEP is not affected by the availability of the enrollment
opportunity. This Part D LEP is separate and apart from the Part B LEP
that is paid by the Postal Service for annuitants participating in the
PSRA SEP. All Part D LEP for delayed Part D enrollment is the
responsibility of the enrollee.
\16\ See 42 CFR 423.46(a).
Section 890.1616(f)(1) & (2)
As proposed in the NPRM, carriers would be required to provide the
same prescription drug benefits to Part D-eligible individuals under a
PSHB plan's EGWP as the prescription drug benefits provided to
individuals covered under the PSHB plan who are not eligible for Part D
and not enrolled in the PSHB plan's EGWP except to the extent
necessary, as determined by OPM, to integrate the Medicare Part D
prescription drug benefit coverage.
As a result of comments received, OPM is amending Sec. 890.1616(f)
by changing ``the same as'' standard to ``equal to or better'' to
correct the drafting error in the NPRM. OPM is also adding new (f)(1),
(2), and (3) to specify that: (1) Prescription drug benefits under the
EGWP must cover the same medications as in the PSHB formulary with the
same or lower cost-sharing, to the extent consistent with applicable
Medicare provisions; (2) Carriers must not lower benefits, such as by
limiting the number or types of medications on the formulary or
increasing cost sharing offered in the PSHB formulary to meet this
standard; and (3) a carrier may request OPM approval to offer different
medications, products, or supplies, or modify cost sharing on their
EGWP formulary, subject to OPM's approval, where the requests are
necessary and consistent with applicable law.
Expected Impact of This Final Rule
Statement of Need
This rulemaking follows a previous rulemaking \17\ implementing
sections 101 and 102 of the PSRA, which directed OPM to establish the
PSHB Program for Postal Service employees, Postal Service annuitants,
and their eligible family members. The PSHB Program is codified within
5 U.S.C. chapter 89, which governs the FEHB Program generally.
\17\ The previous rulemaking referred to here is the collective
interim final rule and the final rule under the title Postal Service
Reform Act; Establishment of the Postal Service Health Benefits
Program. These documents are herein referred to collectively as the
``initial rulemaking.'' The final rule can be found at 89 FR 37061,
which adopted the provisions of OPM's interim final rule, published
at 88 FR 20383, with minor clarifying changes.
While developing and implementing the regulatory provisions found
in the initial rulemaking, OPM determined that a number of topics
associated with the PSHB Program needed further refinement,
development, or clarification. For example, in the initial rulemaking,
OPM enacted procedures for handling requests for reconsideration of
initial decisions affecting enrollment in the PSHB Program. After
further consideration, OPM determined that specific changes were needed
to distinguish the different relationship between employing offices and
OPM as it relates to the PSHB Program as compared to the FEHB Program.
Similarly, several regulatory changes to the PSHB Medicare Part B
requirement were identified as needed to make the transition from FEHB,
where there is no Medicare Part B requirement, to PSHB as consumer
friendly as possible and to provide policies for certain processes and
situations that were not contemplated when the interim final rule was
initially developed. As an example, OPM received public comments on the
interim final rule concerning survivor annuitants as it relates to the
Medicare Part B requirement indicating a need to provide clear
regulation of the treatment of this group and informed the proposal in
the proposed rule.
In addition, some issues required more time for policy development
and were not able to be included in the initial rulemaking. Those
issues included reconsiderations of PSHB eligibility decisions, various
applications of the Medicare Part B enrollment requirement, allocation
of reserves credits, calendar year alignment of Government contribution
requirements, financial reporting and actuarial calculations, premium
payment prioritization from the PSRHBF, and Medicare Part D
Because the PSRA included a statutory deadline for OPM to publish
regulations for the program, OPM reserved for this rulemaking some of
the more complex issues that required more time than the interim final
rule timeframe allowed, such as the methodology for allocation of
reserve credits. This rulemaking provides an additional vehicle for a
more comprehensive regulatory scheme before the PSHB Program begins
operation in 2025.
OPM is finalizing the provisions in 5 CFR 890.1607 regarding
reconsiderations, which will ensure that policies and procedures
related to eligibility decisions in the PSHB Program properly account
for aspects that are unique to the PSHB Program. Without these
clarifications, there would be confusion among agencies as to their
responsibilities when faced with a PSHB reconsideration request. These
PSHB-specific reconsideration regulations also account for the use of a
centralized enrollment system, which is not used for enrollment in FEHB
plans. Because some of the data used in eligibility determinations will
come from source agencies rather than OPM directly, the regulations
establish a multistep process for an affected individual where the
information does not belong to OPM and therefore cannot be
independently verified.
OPM is further clarifying Medicare Part B requirements and
exceptions in this rulemaking. While the most common Part B exception
scenarios are provided in the PSRA and largely clarified in detail
through OPM's initial rulemaking, the scenarios addressed in this final
rule regarding the applicability of the Medicare Part B requirement and
exceptions to survivor annuitants were beyond the scope of the initial
rulemaking. Confusion or inequitable treatment among current or future
Postal Service annuitants and their family members could result if OPM
does not address these scenarios before PSHB enrollment begins.
Several of the policies found in this rulemaking are necessary to
properly operationalize financial aspects of the PSHB Program before it
begins in 2025. The inclusion of the methodology for the allocation of
reserve credits from 2024 FEHB plans, with Postal Service employee and
Postal Service annuitant enrollees, to 2025 PSHB plans is necessary to
implement the calculations of this one-time allocation that is required
in order create the reserves for PSHB plans. Implementing
[[Page 85024]]
requirements that align the government contribution adjustment for
Postal Service employees and Postal Service annuitants with the
calendar year is necessary to ensure the adjustment aligns with the
PSHB plan year, which is also on a calendar-year basis. Regulations
regarding financial reporting and actuarial calculations are necessary
to align PSRA financial requirements of both OPM and USPS with current
actuarial methods. This rule's provisions regarding prioritizing
premium payments from the PSRHBF, and thereafter Medicare Part B late
enrollment penalty payments, establish an order of priority for funds.
Without this section, it would be unclear how OPM prioritizes payments
statutorily allowed from the PSRHBF at times when the fund may be
Finally, the integration of Medicare Part D benefits into the PSHB
Program, which is a significant aspect of the PSRA, requires further
regulation, particularly as it relates to group enrollment into the
Part D EGWP as well as how an individual may opt-out or decline Part D
coverage and the consequences of doing so. This clarification is
necessary to fully implement the Part D integration sections of the
PSRA, as interpreted and determined appropriate by OPM, in compliance
with Medicare regulations and requirements.
In addition, this rulemaking is necessary to clarify the meaning of
the statutory provision contained in 5 U.S.C. 8903c(h)(2) that requires
carriers to provide prescription drug benefits to Postal Service
annuitants and their eligible family members who are Part D-eligible
(as defined in the statute) through employment-based retiree health
coverage via a Part D prescription drug plan (PDP) or contracts between
a carrier and a PDP sponsor. Specifically, this rule codifies preamble
discussion from the interim final rule stating that a carrier may, in
addition to offering one of the above options, also offer a Medicare
Advantage Prescription Drug (MAPD) Plan. This rule codifies that
carriers must group enroll all Medicare Part D-eligible annuitants and
their eligible family members, consistent with applicable CMS
requirements, including the right to opt out or decline Part D EGWP
coverage. This rule further clarifies that PSHB Part D EGWP
prescription drug coverage must be equal to or better than the PSHB
prescription drug coverage available to active PSHB employees and their
family members, to ensure that Medicare Part D-eligible PSHB annuitants
and their eligible family members continue to receive the same high
level of coverage. Further, the rule makes clear that the only way that
a Medicare Part D-eligible annuitant or their eligible family member
may receive PSHB prescription drug coverage is through a carrier's PSHB
EGWP, unless the Part D-eligible annuitant or their eligible family
member resides outside of the United States. OPM determined that
regulations were necessary to provide clarity to both carriers and
Postal Service annuitants on implementation of 5 U.S.C. 8903c(h)(2).
These issues were not addressed in the initial rulemaking with
sufficient clarity for the regulated community and other stakeholders.
This rulemaking establishes additional requirements and
clarifications for the operations and management of the PSHB Program.
Based on OPM's estimates, OPM determined that this regulation will not
have a significant impact on the broader Federal health insurance
market. In 2023, Postal premiums accounted for about 21% of the total
FEHB premiums, meaning that Postal Service employees, Postal Service
annuitants, and their family members make up about one fifth of health
insurance carriers' overall FEHB books of business.
As with the initial rulemaking, this rulemaking is intended to help
promote the financial stability and long-term viability of the Postal
Service by implementing the PSHB Program as effectively as possible,
while ensuring minimal disruptions to enrollees during the early years
of the program. The largest potential impact from this rule is found in
the regulatory portions addressing reserves. OPM estimates that $4.9
billion of the estimated $23 billion in total FEHB reserves--which
includes contingency reserves and the Letter of Credit Account within
the EHB Fund--as of the end of 2023 is attributable to the Postal
population. In addition, OPM estimates that the vast majority of PSHB
enrollees will remain with the same carrier during the move from FEHB
to PSHB. In this scenario, the move of funds from FEHB to PSHB reserves
will have no economic impact--the money will remain with the same
carrier, still overseen by OPM. Based on 2023 enrollment and expected
carrier participation in the PSHB, OPM estimates that the total
reserves that will be transferred between carriers will be
approximately $100 million.
The other changes in this rule are not expected to be economically
significant. The reconsideration process largely mirrors that of the
FEHB Program, except to the extent the PSHB Program requires
incorporation of verification of the requirement to enroll in Medicare
Part B. Discussions of the application of various Part B exceptions are
clarifications rather than deviations from the status quo. To the
extent there are impacts from the various proposals, they are discussed
A. Impacts on PSHB Carriers
The reserves policies addressed in this rule will result in a shift
of funds from FEHB plan reserves to PSHB Option reserves based on the
proportion of enrollment attributable to Postal Service employees and
Postal Service annuitants between 2024 and 2025. However, as discussed
above, in large part we expect these funds to shift between plans or
Options within the same carrier, as we expect many PSHB enrollees to
remain with their current FEHB Carrier to the extent possible.\18\
\18\ The reserves for FEHB and PSHB are held in the Employees
Health Benefits Fund. Interest on the reserves accrues to the Fund.
B. Impacts on PSHB Enrollees
The rule provides clarification on several circumstances concerning
Medicare Part B enrollment requirements and exceptions under the PSHB
Program. The rule clarifies treatment of survivor annuitants as well as
Postal Service annuitants and family members returning to the U.S.
after living abroad as it relates to PSHB Program exception regarding
Medicare Part B enrollment. These clarifications benefit affected
enrollees and family members by providing greater certainty relating to
an affected individual's rights or responsibilities concerning Part B
enrollment as they remain enrolled in the PSHB Program. They also allow
affected enrollees and family members to plan ahead when making
Medicare enrollment decisions upon reaching Medicare eligibility.
This rule also reiterates the policy first included in the interim
final rule at 88 FR 20387 and codified at 5 CFR 890.1608(b)(2) that
individuals who are required under the PSRA to enroll in Medicare Part
B in order to enroll in the PSHB Program will be given the opportunity
to correct a non-enrollment in Part B if OPM discovers the discrepancy
after the individual is enrolled in the PSHB Program. This policy is
intended only to allow for good-faith corrections of inadvertently or
mistakenly missing Part B coverage and should apply to a very small
number of individuals. This rule clarifies that this opportunity is a
one-time benefit, and any subsequent instances where the individual
lacks required Medicare Part B enrollment
[[Page 85025]]
would result in PSHB termination. OPM expects the number of individuals
who face multiple good-faith instances of missing Medicare Part B
enrollment to be negligible, so the impact of limiting this benefit to
one use will be very small.
The right to request reconsideration of PSHB Program eligibility
and enrollment decisions is important to enrollees and family members.
The FEHB Program has a robust reconsideration process, and the PSHB
Program incorporates FEHB Program rights and processes where
appropriate. However, this rulemaking is necessary to clarify
differences due to several unique aspects of the PSHB Program. Without
these clarifying regulations, enrollees could face confusion over which
agency should receive their reconsideration request and how they may
challenge an adverse PSHB determination that is not covered by the
reconsideration process related to FEHB plan eligibility and
enrollment. Most notably, the PSHB Program contains a Medicare Part B
enrollment requirement for many Postal Service annuitants and eligible
family members, which does not exist for annuitants or family members
eligible for enrollment in FEHB plans. OPM will receive information
from various source agencies that have the ability to verify certain
information about an individual upon which OPM can determine PSHB
eligibility and compliance with Medicare Part B requirements.
C. Impacts on Employing Agencies
Under this rule, employing agencies (USPS for Postal Service
employees, or OPM for Postal Service annuitants) will have similar
responsibilities when addressing reconsideration requests for the PSHB
Program as they do for the FEHB Program. With the Medicare Part B
requirement for most Medicare-eligible Postal Service annuitants and
eligible family members in order to be enrolled in or covered under the
PSHB Program, there will be additional verification for affected
Medicare-eligible Postal Service annuitants and family members. In
addition to performing verification checks where appropriate, an
adverse outcome for enrollees and family members may increase the
number of eligibility reconsideration requests made by individuals
seeking coverage.
This rule will also ensure that the government contribution
adjustment for PSHB premiums aligns with the January 1 to December 31
PSHB plan year already set out in the May 6, 2024 Final Rule. Changing
the effective date for the government contribution adjustment to align
with the PSHB plan year will have a slight impact on employing agencies
that are responsible for ensuring amounts withheld from the pay of each
enrolled Postal Service employee and from the annuity of each enrolled
Postal Service annuitant are correctly calculated and align with the
pro-rated period of coverage for which premium is being paid and that
may need to adapt procedures for timing the adjustment. Because the
changes to the plan year and government contribution adjustment date
only apply to the PSHB Program, the overall impact is limited to USPS,
OPM, and DOL.
OPM determined that prioritizing PSHB premium payments over
Medicare Part B late enrollment penalties payments from the PSRHBF will
not result in increased costs for USPS, regardless of the extent to
which Postal Service annuitants take advantage of the PSRA Medicare
Part B Special Enrollment Period. Should the PSRHBF be depleted at any
time and OPM is unable to pay Part B late enrollment penalties out of
the fund, the Part B late enrollment penalties will be paid directly by
USPS' general operating fund, as described in the PSRA. The status of
the PSRHBF will not jeopardize USPS' ability to pay these penalties on
behalf of their Postal Service annuitants.
Carriers will need to account for the Part D opt-outs in
calculating overall premiums, although the effect of opt-outs on
premiums is expected to be insignificant. The impact for enrollees who
retain Part D coverage through the PSHB plan is expected to be
negligible; however, the impact for any Part D-eligible individual who
opts out will be large as those who opt out will pay an identical
premium but receive no prescription drug benefit through PSHB. In the
event that they opt out erroneously or due to not understanding the
negative implications of doing so, the financial penalty could be
severe. Out-of-pocket drug costs can be high, particularly for name
brand drugs, and should an individual later choose to opt back into the
Part D EGWP, they may be faced with a Part D late enrollment penalty
from Medicare. In an effort to ensure that all PSHB enrollees
understand the consequences of opting out of Medicare Part D under the
PSHB plan, OPM and USPS will provide education regarding the
consequences of opting out of Part D coverage and the effect that will
have on their prescription drug benefits. This education will be
provided in addition to a detailed notice that all PSHB enrollees will
receive, as required by CMS regulations. OPM is also finalizing the
rule to provide enrollment flexibility for Medicare Part D-eligible
annuitants and family members who opt out or disenroll from their
plan's Part D EGWP in error. OPM seeks to ensure that any individual
who opts out is doing so based on an informed understanding of the
consequences and that anyone who opts out in error can have their Part
D EGWP enrollment corrected.
OPM does not anticipate that this regulatory action will result in
significant or quantifiable economic costs. The provisions related to
reserves are strictly distributional and are not expected to result in
any costs. Discussions of the application of the various PSHB Program
Medicare Part B exceptions are clarifications of the requirements
established in the interim final rule. Thus, while costs may be
incurred as a result of specific, individual scenarios, these costs
were addressed in the initial rulemaking and will not be significantly
impacted by the clarifications provided by this rule.
In particular, this rule clarifies the May 6, 2024 final rulemaking
provision related to PSHB enrollees and family members who are
belatedly discovered to be ineligible based on their non-enrollment in
Part B by limiting the exception to a one-time privilege, thus
minimizing the potential costs to agencies. To the extent that these
scenarios result in additional costs, OPM anticipates that these would
be negligible, given the number of eligibility checks, and would be
infeasible to quantify. Because enrollees and family members who use
this one-time privilege may be responsible for a Part B late enrollment
penalty, there remains a financial incentive to enroll in Part B when
first eligible.
As with the interim final rule, this final rule is intended to
promote the financial stability and long-term viability of the Postal
Service by implementing the PSHB Program as effectively as possible.
The resulting societal benefits associated with these outcomes were
appropriately discussed in the interim final rule and are not expected
to be significantly impacted by these clarifications.
Distributional Effects
OPM estimates that $4.9 billion of the $23 billion in 2023 FEHB
reserves will be attributable to PSHB enrollees, based on 2023
enrollment, and will therefore be reallocated to PSHB plans in 2025.
Despite the size of funds being reallocated, OPM does not expect these
[[Page 85026]]
transactions to result in an economically significant transfer, as
defined in OMB Circular A-4, for several reasons.
First, although allocated to individual plans, unobligated reserves
ultimately belong to the FEHB and PSHB Programs upon the carrier's
discontinuation of its plan under the FEHB. Program Payments or
transfers from the contingency reserves are regulated, as outlined in 5
CFR 890.503 and in 48 CFR chapter 16, the Federal Employees Health
Benefits Program Acquisition Regulation (FEHBAR) at 48 CFR 1632.770,
and balances are closely monitored by OPM to ensure compliance with
minimum balance standards. Further, if an existing Employee
Organization plan is discontinued and not merged with other Employee
Organizations under the FEHB Program, or if a Comprehensive Medical
Plan is discontinued under the FEHB Program, the reserve balances
credited to those plans are redistributed to the plans continuing under
the FEHB Program, as indicated at 5 U.S.C. 8909(e).
Second, OPM estimates that more than 97% of the reserve fund
transfers will be attributed to FEHB Carriers that plan to offer PSHB
plans. In these cases, reserve funds will remain with the carrier and
will be reallocated from FEHB plans to the PSHB plans, as outlined in
the proposed methodology (scenarios found in Sec. 1615(c)(5)(i)-(iii).
Thus, to the degree that reserve funds afford any monetary benefit, the
aggregated benefit afforded to the carrier, across the entire portfolio
of plans offered, would remain the same.
Third, OPM estimates that less than 3% of the funds transferred
will be attributed to FEHB Carriers that do not plan to offer PSHB
plans. In these cases, a portion of the reserve funds for each FEHB
plan will be redistributed across the PSHB Options based on the
percentage of 2024 premiums attributable to Postal enrollees, as
described in the proposed methodology (scenario found in Sec.
1615(c)(5)(iv)). Based on 2023 enrollments and anticipated carrier
participation in the PSHB Program, OPM estimates that the total amount
of these between-carrier transfers will be approximately $100M, well
below the $200M threshold for economic significance.
This rule provides that individuals eligible for Medicare Part D
may opt out of group enrollment or disenroll from the Part D EGWP
associated with their PSHB plan. As a result of opting out or
disenrolling from their PSHB plan's Part D EGWP, the individual will
not receive prescription drug benefits under the Part D EGWP or under
the PSHB plan. OPM considered this policy and several alternatives
extensively and ultimately decided on the policy as written considering
enrollee and family member interests, the PSRA Medicare integration
requirement, the cost saving intent of the PSRA, and consistency with
Medicare regulations.
One alternative approach would have been to prohibit Part D-
eligible individuals from opting out of the Part D EGWP associated with
their PSHB plan. Construing Medicare Part D as an eligibility
requirement would promote the goals of the PSRA by establishing
Program-wide enrollment in Part D, consistent with Congressional intent
to promote access to high-quality drug coverage and savings to the PSHB
Program. This approach combined with the group enrollment feature of
Medicare EGWPs would limit inadvertent failure to enroll or inadvertent
disenrollment from Medicare Part D and provide administrative
simplicity for OPM and carriers. Making Medicare Part D an eligibility
requirement, however, would create a burden for those who may have an
alternative Part D plan or for those who cannot access Part D benefits,
such as individuals living abroad. It would require a host of
exceptions to a Part D enrollment requirement. This approach would also
require carriers to communicate with OPM and Postal Service annuitants
and family members to ensure that they are aware that disenrolling or
failing to enroll in Part D would not only result in loss of access to
prescription drug coverage but also result in loss of PSHB coverage.
For Postal Service annuitants, PSHB coverage in retirement cannot be
reinstated once it is terminated. As established in the PSRA, the
requirement to provide Medicare Part D through a PDP EGWP rests with
the carrier. There is no equivalent requirement placed on a Postal
Service annuitant or their family member to enroll in Medicare Part D,
which is a voluntary program. The PSRA does not expressly require
Postal Service annuitants to enroll in Part D. While OPM identified
several benefits of this approach, OPM has declined to require
enrollment in Part D as an eligibility requirement as it is not the
most reasonable interpretation of the statute.
Another alternative OPM considered was to allow Part D-eligible
individuals to opt out of the Part D EGWP and receive prescription drug
benefits through their PSHB plan. This approach is consistent with the
current structure in the FEHB program, which does not require carriers
to offer Medicare Part D EGWPs. Annuitants who are not Postal Service
annuitants and who are enrolled in FEHB plans receive comprehensive
drug coverage through their FEHB plan without a need to enroll in a
Medicare Part D plan. However, OPM determined this was not the best
interpretation of the statute in light of Congressional intent.
Congress expressly mandated the integration of Medicare Part D in the
PSHB Program to coordinate benefits between PSHB plans and Medicare
Part D prescription drug coverage. Congress intended to achieve cost
savings to USPS through this coordination in part by providing
prescription drug coverage to Postal Service annuitants and their
family members through Medicare Part D. OPM finds that any alternative
approach that would provide individuals with the ability to opt out of
or otherwise decline Part D coverage under the PSHB plan and then
receive PSHB prescription drug benefits would not be the most efficient
approach to promote these cost-savings goals.
As a result, OPM considers the policy included in this rulemaking
to be the most consistent with the PSRA statutory language and
Congressional intent. This proposal provides Postal Service annuitants
and their family members with flexibility for enrollment in Medicare
Part D while creating incentives to enroll in the Medicare Part D EGWP
offered by their carrier, which are expected to lead to cost savings
for the program. This proposal is also consistent with the voluntary
nature of the Medicare Part D program. OPM views this approach to be
the most customer centric because it avoids the potential for loss of
PSHB eligibility for failing to enroll in Medicare Part D. This
approach strikes a balance between Congress' intent to save costs under
the PSHB Program and the prescription drug coverage needs of Postal
Service annuitants and their family members.
Treatment of survivor annuitants under the Program as it relates to
the requirement for Medicare Part B enrollment is another area where
OPM considered alternative approaches. OPM considered whether a
Medicare-eligible family member of a Postal Service annuitant could
lose their exception to the Part B requirement upon the death of that
Postal Service annuitant in a case where the family member does not
have their own Part B exception. The rationale for this approach is
that the family member's exception is derived from the Postal Service
annuitant's status, and with the Postal Service annuitant no longer on
the enrollment there is no Part B exception to apply to the family
member. However, this
[[Page 85027]]
alternative approach was deemed inequitable for the family member who
relied on their Postal Service annuitant's exception in making
decisions on their own Medicare enrollment options. To provide the most
consumer-friendly approach, OPM decided to establish the policy in this
rulemaking that a family member of a Postal Service annuitant will
receive that Postal Service annuitant's Part B exception permanently so
that, if they become a survivor annuitant who was entitled to a Part B
exception due to the status of their former Postal Service annuitant,
that exception remains with them going forward.
Administrative Procedure Act
OPM finds good cause to make this final rule effective upon
publication. See 5 U.S.C. 553(d)(3). As discussed more fully in the
NPRM, OPM is balancing the interests of carriers and Postal Service
employees, Postal Service annuitants, and their eligible family members
affected by this rulemaking. OPM worked with carriers on their plan
benefit proposals, and individuals who will be enrolled in the PSHB
Program as of January 1, 2025, have begun receiving information
regarding the transition. The provisions in this final rule are time-
sensitive, as they will address the remaining issues needed to finalize
the Program. For example, Postal Service Medicare covered annuitants
need information about their rights so that they can make informed
decisions about prescription drug coverage during the transitional Open
Generally, the delay in the effective date of a final rule provides
regulated parties with some time to make adjustments to come into
compliance with the new regulation. For this rule, the requirements are
all prospective in the sense that the PSHB Program will not be fully
operational until January 1, 2025. Nonetheless, carriers have long been
developing their proposals and plans for coverage and will benefit from
this rule being finalized immediately. Similarly, the individuals
eligible for coverage under the PSHB Program will not need to take
action in response to the finalization of the rule but will benefit
from the rule being final as the transitional Open Season begins.
Regulatory Flexibility Act
The Acting Director of OPM certifies that this rule will not have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
Regulatory Review
OPM has examined the impact of this rule as required by Executive
Orders 13563, 12866, and 14094, which direct agencies to assess all
costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential economic, environmental, public
health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity). The
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has designated this rulemaking as
a ``significant regulatory action'' under section 3(f) of Executive
Order 12866, as supplemented by Executive Orders 13563 and 14094.
If any of the provisions of this final rule is held to be invalid
or unenforceable by its terms, or as applied to any person or
circumstance, it shall be severable from the remaining sections and
shall not affect the remainder thereof or the application of the
provision to other persons not similarly situated or to other
dissimilar circumstances. For example, if a court were to invalidate
any portions of this final rule regarding non-enrollment in Medicare
Part B, the other portions of the rule--including the provisions
regarding non-enrollment in Medicare Part D--would independently remain
workable and valuable. Similarly, the portions of this rule providing
procedures for challenging enrollment decisions can and would function
independently of any of the other portions of this rule.
E.O. 13132, Federalism
OPM examined this rule in accordance with Executive Order 13132,
Federalism, and determined that it will not have any negative impact on
the rights, roles, and responsibilities of State, local, or Tribal
E.O. 12988, Civil Justice Reform
This rule meets the applicable standard set forth in Executive
Order 12988, Civil Justice Reform.
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
The Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (2 U.S.C. 1531-1538)
(UMRA) requires Federal agencies to assess the effects of their
discretionary regulatory actions. Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA) requires that agencies assess anticipated
costs and benefits before issuing any rule that would impose spending
costs on State, local, or Tribal governments in the aggregate, or on
the private sector, in any 1 year of $100 million in 1995 dollars,
updated annually for inflation. That threshold is currently,
approximately $183 million. Although we have not been able to quantify
all costs, this rule does not contain mandates that would impose
spending costs on State, local, and Tribal governments or the private
sector in excess of the threshold. Therefore, no actions were deemed
necessary under the provisions of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of
Congressional Review Act
The Administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs has determined that this rule does not meet the criteria
specified in 5 U.S.C. 804(2).
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. Chapter 35)
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is required
to respond to, nor shall any person be subject to a penalty for failure
to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements
of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) (PRA),
unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB
Control Number.
The information collection for form SF 2809 (OMB Control Number
3206-0160) is currently approved with an estimated public burden of
9,000 hours. OPM notes that there is a corresponding health benefits
election form for retirees, OPM 2809. The information collection
request (OMB control number 3206-0141) associated with that information
collection is currently approved with an estimated public burden of
11,667 hours. A list of routine uses associated with these forms can be
found in the Privacy Act System of Records Notice (SORN), OPM/Central-
23 FEHB Program Enrollment Records, available at 89 FR 72902 (September
6, 2024) at
On May 6, 2024, OPM published ``Submission for Review: Revision and
Consolidation of Two Existing Information Collections Related to Health
Benefits Election Forms'' (89 FR 37269). This publication provided a
60-day notice for an extension of this information collection. OPM
proposed changes to the SF 2809 and the OPM 2809 for clarity, ease of
use, and implementation of the PSHB Program. OPM provided copies of the
revised drafts of the SF 2809 and OPM 2809 forms for review in the
docket at
OPM is not consolidating the SF 2809 and the OPM 2809 into a single
form; however, we are proposing to manage the two forms under a single
information collection, OMB Control No. 3206-0160, going forward.
During the 60-day comment period, OPM received fourteen
[[Page 85028]]
comments, including six unique comments and one comment representing
eight submissions, from agencies regarding aspects of the SF 2809.
One commenter suggested that the SF 2809 form should allow one to
list addresses for minor children who live at a different location than
enrollee. Another commenter noted that the SF 2809 form should allow an
option to remove a family member. We agree with these recommendations
and are amending the SF 2809 accordingly. Three commenters suggested
changes to the formatting of the paper form SF 2809. We are declining
to make these changes because most enrollees will use electronic
systems to enroll. There were also comments about the eOPF that were
beyond the scope of this information collection request. OPM made a
technical correction indicating that common law marriage must be
initiated in any ``state, the District of Columbia, or other
jurisdiction'' instead of ``state'' that recognizes such marriages; the
technical correction accounts for common law marriages in the District
of Columbia. OPM published a 30-day notice with a request for comments
on September 24, 2024, at 89 FR 77899.
List of Subjects in Title 5 CFR Part 890
Administrative practice and procedure, Government employees, Health
facilities, Health insurance, Health professions, Postal Service
employees, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Retirement.
Office of Personnel Management.
Kayyonne Marston,
Federal Register Liaison.
Accordingly, OPM amends 5 CFR part 890 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 890 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 8913; Sec. 890.102 also issued under
sections 11202(f), 11232(e), and 11246 (b) of Pub. L. 105-33, 111
Stat. 251; Sec. 890.111 also issued under 36 U.S.C. 5522; Sec.
890.112 also issued under 2 U.S.C. 2051; Sec. 890.113 also issued
under section 1110 of Pub. L. 116-92, 133 Stat. 1198 (5 U.S.C. 8702
note); Sec. 890.301 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9801; Sec.
890.302(b) also issued under 42 U.S.C. 300gg-14; Sec. 890.803 also
issued under 50 U.S.C. 3516 (formerly 50 U.S.C. 403p) and 22 U.S.C.
4069c and 4069c-1; subpart L also issued under section 599C of Pub.
L. 101-513, 104 Stat. 2064 (5 U.S.C. 5561 note); subpart M also
issued under 10 U.S.C. 1108 and 25 U.S.C. 1647b; and subpart P
issued under 5 U.S.C. 8903c.
Subpart A--Administration and General Provisions
2. Amend Sec. 890.107 by adding paragraph (f) to read as follows:
Sec. 890.107 Court review.
* * * * *
(f) A suit to compel enrollment or for equitable relief from an
adverse enrollment action founded on 5 U.S.C. chapter 89 that is based
on information received by OPM pursuant to an agreement with a source
agency as defined at Sec. 890.1602, to determine whether Postal
Service annuitants or family members of such annuitants satisfy the
enrollment requirements set forth in 5 U.S.C. 8903c, may not be brought
later than December 31 of the 3rd year after the year in which the
enrollment action was effectuated, and will be limited to the record
that was before OPM when it effectuated the enrollment action.
Subpart P--Postal Service Health Benefits Program
3. Amend Sec. 890.1602 by adding in alphabetical order definitions for
``Reconsideration'' and ``Source agency'' to paragraph (c) to read as
Sec. 890.1602 Definitions and deemed references.
* * * * *
(c) * * *
Reconsideration means the final level of administrative review of
an initial decision by an employing office or OPM, as applicable.
Source agency means an agency that periodically provides
information or data to OPM pursuant to an agreement under Sec.
* * * * *
4. Amend Sec. 890.1604, by adding paragraphs (c) and (d)(3) and
revising paragraph (f) to read as follows:
Sec. 890.1604 Medicare enrollment requirement for certain Postal
Service annuitants and eligible family members.
* * * * *
(c) Survivor annuitant. (1) A Postal Service annuitant's member of
family who is an annuitant as defined in 5 U.S.C. 8901(3)(B) and who is
entitled to Medicare Part A must be enrolled in Medicare Part B to
continue enrollment in a health benefits plan under this subpart,
except as otherwise provided by paragraph (d)(3) of this section;
(2) A Postal Service employee's member of family who is an
annuitant as defined in 5 U.S.C. 8901(3)(B) and who is entitled to
Medicare Part A, must be enrolled in Medicare Part B to continue
enrollment in a health benefits plan under this subpart, except as
provided in paragraphs (d)(3)(ii) through (iv) of this section.
* * * * *
(d) * * *
(3) To a survivor annuitant, as described in paragraph (c) of this
section, who:
(i) At the time of becoming a survivor annuitant the Postal Service
annuitant was subject to an exception under paragraph (d)(1) of this
(ii) Resides outside the United States (which includes the States,
the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin
Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands),
provided that the individual demonstrates such residency;
(iii) Is enrolled in health care benefits provided by the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) under 38 U.S.C. chapter 17,
subchapter II, including individuals who are not required to enroll in
the VA's system of patient enrollment referred to in 38 U.S.C. 1705(a),
subject to the documentation requirements in paragraph (e)(2) of this
section; or
(iv) Is eligible for health services from the Indian Health
Service, subject to the documentation requirements in paragraph (e)(3)
of this section.
* * * * *
(f) Notification of non-enrollment in Medicare Part B. A Postal
Service Medicare covered annuitant, a Medicare covered member of
family, or a survivor annuitant, as described in paragraph (c) of this
section, who is required to be enrolled in Medicare Part B must
promptly notify OPM or the Postal Service, in writing, if they choose
not to enroll in or to disenroll from Medicare Part B as described in
Sec. 890.1608(e).
* * * * *
5. Amend Sec. 890.1605 by revising paragraph (c) to read as follows:
Sec. 890.1605 Enrollment in the initial contract year.
* * * * *
(c) Automatic enrollment. Each Postal Service employee or Postal
Service annuitant who is enrolled in an FEHB plan on December 31, 2024,
and does not make an enrollment action during the transitional Open
Season under paragraph (b) of this section, will be automatically
enrolled in the PSHB Program as follows:
(1) Into corresponding plan. Individuals enrolled in a carrier's
2024 FEHB plan where the carrier offers the same plan in 2025 in FEHB
and offers a 2025 PSHB plan with at least one
[[Page 85029]]
option that has equivalent benefits and cost sharing and in the same
geographic area as the 2025 FEHB plan, will be enrolled in that 2025
PSHB plan and into an option as follows:
(i) Equivalent option. Individuals enrolled in a carrier's 2024
FEHB option where the carrier offers that option in 2025 in FEHB and
also offers a 2025 PSHB option with equivalent benefits and cost
sharing as the 2025 FEHB option, as determined by OPM, will be
automatically enrolled into that 2025 PSHB option; or
(ii) No equivalent option. Individuals enrolled in a carrier's 2024
FEHB option where the carrier does not offer a 2025 PSHB option that
meets the criteria in (1)(i), will be automatically enrolled into the
lowest-cost option of the 2025 PSHB plan, that is not a High Deductible
Health Plan (HDHP) and does not charge an association or membership
fee, except that if the only option is an HDHP, then the individual
will be enrolled in that HDHP option.
(2) Into a 2025 PSHB plan where the carrier offers no 2025 FEHB
plan. Individuals enrolled in a carrier's 2024 FEHB plan where the
carrier offers no 2025 FEHB plan and offers a 2025 PSHB plan with at
least one option with similar benefits and cost sharing and in the same
geographic area as the 2024 FEHB plan, as determined by OPM, will be
enrolled in that 2025 PSHB plan and into an option as follows:
(i) Similar option. Individuals enrolled in a carrier's 2024 FEHB
option where the carrier offers a 2025 PSHB option with similar
benefits and cost sharing as the 2024 FEHB option, as determined by
OPM, will be automatically enrolled into that 2025 PSHB option; or
(ii) No similar option. Individuals enrolled in a carrier's 2024
FEHB option where the carrier does not offer a 2025 PSHB option that
meets the criteria in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section, will be
automatically enrolled into the lowest-cost option of the 2025 PSHB
plan, or in the case where the 2025 PSHB plan has two or more options,
into the lowest-cost option that is not a High Deductible Health Plan
(HDHP) and does not charge an association or membership fee.
(3) Into different plan. Individuals enrolled in a carrier's 2024
FEHB plan where paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section do not apply
will be enrolled in the lowest-cost nationwide PSHB option, consistent
with Sec. 890.301(n).
(4) Same enrollment type. Individuals automatically enrolled under
this section will be automatically enrolled into the same enrollment
type as the individual's 2024 enrollment type.
* * * * *
6. Amend Sec. 890.1606 by revising paragraph (d) to read as follows:
Sec. 890.1606 Opportunities to enroll, change enrollment, or
reenroll; effective dates.
* * * * *
(d) Initial decisions and reconsiderations of PSHB eligibility or
enrollment will be made pursuant to Sec. 890.1607.
* * * * *
7. Add Sec. 890.1607 to read as follows:
Sec. 890.1607 Initial decision and reconsideration.
(a) Who may file. An individual may request the employing agency or
OPM, as applicable, to reconsider the employing office's or OPM's
initial decision denying eligibility for, or enrollment in, or coverage
under, the PSHB Program. Individuals subject to Sec. 890.1112 are not
entitled to reconsideration as used in this subpart.
(b) Initial decision. An employing office's or OPM's initial
decision must be in writing and state the right to an independent level
of review (reconsideration).
(1) Except as otherwise provided in this subpart, employing offices
are responsible for initial decisions concerning PSHB eligibility for
Postal Service employees or Postal Service annuitants.
(2) OPM is responsible for initial decisions concerning:
(i) Verification that an individual is an eligible member of family
under Sec. 890.302;
(ii) Postal Service annuitants or their family members who are not
required to enroll in VA's system of patient enrollment referred to in
38 U.S.C. 1705(a), and who must provide documentation from the VA under
Sec. 890.1604(d)(2) indicating they satisfy the requirements for an
exception described in Sec. 890.1604(c)(1)(iv) or (c)(2)(iii); and
(iii) Postal Service annuitants or their family members who must
provide documentation from the Indian Health Service under Sec.
890.1604(d)(3) indicating they satisfy the requirements for an
exception described in Sec. 890.1604(c)(1)(v) or (c)(2)(iv).
(3) OPM is responsible for initial decisions regarding enrollment
actions made based on information received from source agencies with
which OPM has an information sharing agreement established pursuant to
Sec. 890.1612. An initial decision under this paragraph will be issued
only after the notice process under Sec. 890.1612 is completed.
(c) Reconsideration. (1) A request for reconsideration must be made
in writing, must include the claimant's name, address, date of birth,
Social Security number or other unique identifier, name of the carrier,
reason(s) for the request, documentary evidence in support of the
request, if any, and, if applicable, retirement claim number.
(2) The reconsideration review must be an independent review
designated at or above the level at which the initial decision was
(d) Time limit. A request for reconsideration of an initial
decision must be filed with the employing agency or OPM, as applicable,
within 30 calendar days from the date of the written decision stating
the right to a reconsideration. The time limit on filing may be
extended, at the discretion of the employing agency or OPM, when the
individual shows that they were not notified of the time limit and were
not otherwise aware of it, demonstrates a good faith effort to obtain
the documentation as described under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) or (iii) of
this section, or that they were prevented by circumstances beyond their
control from making the request within the time limit. The employing
agency's or OPM's decision in response to a request for reconsideration
of an employing office's initial decision is a final decision as
described in paragraph (e) of this section.
Final decision. After reconsideration, the employing agency or OPM,
as applicable, must issue a final decision within 30 days of the
request for reconsideration, which must be in writing and must fully
set forth the findings and conclusions.
8. Amend Sec. 890.1608 by revising paragraph (a), adding paragraph (b)
introductory text, revising paragraphs (b)(2) and (5), and adding
paragraphs (b)(6) through (9) to read as follows:
Sec. 890.1608 Disenrollment, removal, termination, cancellation, and
(a) Enrollment in FEHB plan terminates prior to the initial PSHB
contract year. For individuals who are eligible to enroll under this
subpart pursuant to Sec. 890.1603(a), enrollment in an FEHB plan and
coverage of the enrollee and covered family members under that FEHB
plan will terminate at the end of the contract year preceding the
initial contract year.
(1) Coverage under an FEHB plan will remain available for an
eligible family member who is or becomes covered as a member of family
of an FEHB plan enrollee who is not eligible for a PSHB plan pursuant
to Sec. 890.1603(a)(1) or (2).
[[Page 85030]]
(2) Coverage as a family member under an FEHB plan will remain
available for a Postal Service employee or Postal Service annuitant who
is or becomes covered under their family member's FEHB enrollment. A
Postal Service annuitant's or Postal Service employee's family member
who meets the eligibility requirements for their own enrollment in an
FEHB plan will remain eligible to enroll in an FEHB plan.
(3) Individuals whose coverage is terminated under this paragraph
(a) are not eligible for temporary continuation of coverage under
subpart K of this part pursuant to Sec. 890.1103(b).
(b) * * * An individual who is required to be enrolled in Medicare
Part B and is not enrolled in Medicare Part B will not be disenrolled
or removed from PSHB coverage immediately and will be given one
opportunity to remain enrolled in or covered by PSHB if they enroll or
reenroll in Medicare Part B during their next available Medicare
enrollment period, which may be the next Medicare General Enrollment
Period, except that an individual who was excepted from the Medicare
Part B requirement pursuant to Sec. 890.1604(d)(1)(iii) or (d)(2)(ii)
must enroll not later than the end of the Medicare General Enrollment
Period beginning January 1 of the following calendar year. Failure to
enroll or reenroll in Medicare Part B at the next enrollment period may
result in disenrollment from PSHB or removal from coverage under a PSHB
enrollment. If disenrolled, a Postal Service annuitant will not be
permitted to reenroll in PSHB, as described in paragraph (b)(5) of this
section, and a family member who is removed from coverage under a PSHB
enrollment, may have their PSHB coverage reinstated only as described
in paragraph (b)(9) of this section.
* * * * *
(2) A Postal Service Medicare covered annuitant will not be
disenrolled from PSHB and a Medicare covered member of family will not
be removed from PSHB coverage in a case where that individual was not
informed of their obligation to enroll in Medicare Part B, or it would
be against equity and good conscience to remove the individual.
* * * * *
(5) Disenrollment of a Postal Service Medicare covered annuitant
from a PSHB plan under this section shall be considered a termination
with entitlement of the enrollee and their covered family members to a
31-day temporary extension of coverage and the right of conversion
under Sec. 890.401, except as provided at paragraph (b)(5)(ii) of this
(i) A Postal Service annuitant will have no further opportunity to
reenroll in a PSHB plan. Disenrollment of a Postal Service annuitant
will also result in the removal of covered family members from PSHB
(ii) Disenrollment or removal from coverage under an enrollment
will be prospective in all cases except where fraud or intentional
misrepresentation of material fact is found, in which case the
individual's coverage will be terminated retroactively, as applicable,
and no right to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage or to
conversion under Sec. 890.401 will be available.
(iii) Disenrollment or removal under this section will occur only
after a notice process under Sec. 890.1612, if applicable, is
completed and an initial decision to disenroll or remove, subject to
reconsideration under Sec. 890.1607(b), is issued.
(6) An individual who is disenrolled from Medicare Part B, where
the individual is required to be enrolled in Medicare Part B and does
not have an exception under this subpart, will be issued an initial
decision disenrolling them from PSHB or removing them from coverage
under a PSHB enrollment at the time OPM becomes aware of the Medicare
disenrollment. Individuals disenrolled or removed from PSHB coverage
will be entitled to a 31-day temporary extension of coverage and rights
to conversion.
(7) Within 60 days of OPM's initial decision, a Postal Service
Medicare covered annuitant or Medicare covered member of family, as
applicable, may request reconsideration of OPM's initial decision to
disenroll or remove the individual from PSHB coverage. OPM will notify
the carrier when a request for reconsideration of the decision to
disenroll or remove the individual from the enrollment is made. The
time limit for filing may be extended as noted in Sec. 890.1607.
(8) If the Postal Service Medicare covered annuitant provides
acceptable proof of PSHB eligibility subsequent to disenrollment which
renders the disenrollment inappropriate, the enrollment shall be
reinstated retroactively so that there is no gap in enrollment, as
appropriate. A Postal Service Medicare covered annuitant's PSHB
enrollment cannot be reinstated after disenrollment from a PSHB plan
based on failure to enroll in, disenrolling from, or being disenrolled
from Medicare Part B, except that a one-time opportunity as set forth
at Sec. 890.1608(b) may be available if the Postal Service annuitant
has not previously invoked and used it.
(9) If the Postal Service Medicare covered member of family, who is
required to be enrolled in Medicare Part B and is removed from a Postal
Service Medicare covered annuitant's PSHB enrollment because the family
member failed to enroll in, disenrolls from, or is disenrolled from
Medicare Part B, the family member's PSHB coverage may be reinstated.
Reinstatement of the family member's PSHB coverage will be permitted
only if the Postal Service Medicare covered annuitant's PSHB enrollment
continues, and only if proof of the family member's Medicare Part B
enrollment which renders the removal inappropriate, is provided by the
Postal Service Medicare covered annuitant or Medicare covered member of
family, as applicable. The family member's PSHB coverage will be
reinstated upon request by the Postal Service Medicare covered
annuitant to reinstate the family member's PSHB coverage subsequent to
removal, at the Postal Service Medicare covered annuitant's option, as
(i) Prospectively, within 60 days of the Medicare covered family
member gaining coverage under Medicare Part B, or
(ii) Retroactively to the date of termination of PSHB coverage, so
that there is no gap in coverage, provided that the proof demonstrates
the family member was continuously enrolled in Medicare Part B since
that date and subsequent to removal, as appropriate.
* * * * *
9. Amend Sec. 890.1612 by adding paragraphs (f) and (g) to read as
Sec. 890.1612 Information sharing.
* * * * *
(f) If a source agency has provided information or data, regarding
a Postal Service Medicare covered annuitant or Medicare covered member
of family, which establishes a basis that the individual may be
ineligible for PSHB enrollment or coverage, OPM will provide the
individual with written notice that will contain at a minimum:
(1) An explanation of the PSHB enrollment requirements and
exceptions described in Sec. 890.1604 and the specific information or
data provided to OPM from the source agency that was the basis for the
(2) The source agency's contact information where the individual
may ask questions or contest the accuracy of the information or data on
which OPM based the notice;
(3) An explanation of the required process and timeframe(s) for
providing OPM with evidence that the individual
[[Page 85031]]
is engaged in a dispute with the source agency identified in the notice
for the purposes of seeking the source agency's correction of the
information or data, affecting the individual's PSHB eligibility,
provided to OPM pursuant to the agreements described in this section;
(4) That the individual will remain enrolled or covered under PSHB
while the individual is engaged in disputing the information or data
with the source agency, as described in paragraph (f)(2) of this
(5) That the individual will be disenrolled or removed from PSHB,
as described in Sec. 890.1608 and subject to reconsideration, within
60 days of the date of the notice if the individual does not provide
sufficient evidence, in the discretion of OPM, as described in
paragraph (f)(3) of this section; and
(6) That the individual will be disenrolled or removed from PSHB,
as described in Sec. 890.1608 and subject to reconsideration, within
60 days of the notice, notwithstanding evidence of a dispute, if the
information or data OPM receives from the source agency continues to
provide no basis for OPM to establish that the individual satisfies
PSHB enrollment requirements.
(g) OPM will issue an initial decision in accordance with Sec.
890.1607(b)(3). If an individual will be disenrolled or removed from
PSHB based on the information or data from the source agency, in
paragraph (f) of this section, the individual will be notified in
writing that the disenrollment or removal, as applicable, is subject to
reconsideration pursuant to Sec. 890.1607, and that such
reconsideration is limited to a review of the source agency's data or
information, received pursuant to an agreement under this section or 5
U.S.C. 8903c(e)(3)(C) that was before OPM at the time it effectuated
the disenrollment or removal action.
10. Amend Sec. 890.1613 by revising the section heading and paragraphs
(a), (c), and (e) to read as follows:
Sec. 890.1613 Postal Service contract year beginning date, Medicare
late enrollment penalty, calculations for the Postal Service Retiree
Health Benefits Fund, and clarification of statutory terms.
(a) In general. The calculations for contributions and withholdings
for coverage under this subpart will be made in the same manner as 5
U.S.C. 8906 and subpart E of this part. For purposes of this subpart,
the subscription charge and the Government contribution under 5 U.S.C.
8906(b) will begin on January 1 of each year for Postal Service
employees and Postal Service annuitants.
* * * * *
(c) Medicare late enrollment penalty. Upon request by the Postal
Service, and only until the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund
established under 5 U.S.C. 8909a is depleted, OPM will pay out of such
Fund any late enrollment penalties required under section 1839(e)(1) of
the Social Security Act for individuals who enrolled during the Special
Enrollment Period established under section 1837(o) of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395p). If at any time the PSRHBF is depleted,
USPS shall pay late enrollment penalties out of its funds established
under 39 U.S.C. 2003. In making such late enrollment penalty payments,
OPM, as administrator of the Fund under 5 U.S.C. 8909a(a), will
prioritize the payment of health benefit premiums for individuals
described in 5 U.S.C. 8906(g)(2)(A), over the late enrollment
* * * * *
(e) Clarification of statutory terms. (1) OPM has determined that
``net claims costs'' in the calculation in 5 U.S.C. 8909a(e)(1) is
equivalent to ``estimated net claims costs'' as defined in 5 U.S.C.
(2) The computations for post-retirement health obligations
computed under 39 U.S.C. 3654(b) shall be performed using an aggregate
entry-age normal cost method described in 5 U.S.C. 8331(17) and in
accordance with 8348(h).
(3) In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 8348(h), for purposes of computing
the amounts described in 39 U.S.C. 3654(b), this includes:
(i) Current annuitants as described in 5 U.S.C. 8909a(e)(1)(A)
means individuals who are Postal Service annuitants on September 30 of
the relevant reporting year described in 5 U.S.C. 8909a(d); and
(ii) Current employees as described in 5 U.S.C. 8909a(e)(1)(B)
means individuals who are Postal Service employees on September 30 of
that year.
11. Amend Sec. 890.1614 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:
Sec. 890.1614 Other administrative provisions.
(a) Correction of errors. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this
section, the employing office or OPM may make prospective or
retroactive corrections of administrative errors at any time.
Retroactive corrections may not apply retroactively beyond the initial
contract year.
(2) OPM may order or make, as applicable, a correction of an
administrative error upon a showing satisfactory to OPM that it would
be against equity and good conscience not to do so.
(3) OPM may make retroactive correction of enrollee enrollment code
errors if the enrollee reports the error by the end of the pay period
following the one in which they received the first written
documentation (i.e., pay statement or enrollment change confirmation)
indicating the error.
(4) OPM may order the termination of an enrollment in any
comprehensive medical plan described in 5 U.S.C. 8903(4) and permit the
individual to enroll in another PSHB plan for purposes of this subpart,
upon a showing satisfactory to OPM that the furnishing of adequate
medical care is jeopardized by a seriously impaired relationship
between a patient and the comprehensive medical plan's affiliated
health care providers.
(5) Retroactive corrections are subject to withholdings and
contributions under the provisions of Sec. Sec. 890.502 and 890.1613.
* * * * *
12. Add Sec. Sec. 890.1615 and 890.1616 to read as follows:
Sec. 890.1615 Crediting separate reserves for PSHB.
(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section concerning crediting
separate reserves from FEHB Options to PSHB Options, and for these
purposes only, the following definitions apply:
2024 FEHB Option premium means, for a 2024 FEHB Option, the 2024
premium attributable to both Postal Service and non-Postal Service
2024 Postal Service premium means, for a 2024 FEHB Option, the 2024
premium attributable to Postal Service employees and Postal Service
annuitants as defined under 5 U.S.C. 8903c(a).
Amounts available means:
(i) With respect to experience-rated 2024 FEHB Options, the sum of
the balances in the Option's Contingency Reserve Account and Letter of
Credit Account less the Runout as of December 31, 2024; and
(ii) With respect to community-rated 2024 FEHB Options, the
Option's Contingency Reserve Account balance as of December 31, 2024.
Corresponding PSHB option means a 2025 PSHB Option that is in the
same geographic area and has equivalent benefits and cost-sharing as a
2025 FEHB Option, and that 2025 FEHB Option was also offered in 2024 by
the same carrier.
Option means a level of benefits offered by a carrier to self only,
self plus one, and self and family enrollees in a
[[Page 85032]]
specific geographic area, with a unique set of premiums.
Plan means all Options offered by a carrier within a defined
geographic area under a single contract.
Runout means the amount estimated by OPM, as of December 31, 2024,
needed to pay claims and expenses incurred but not paid for periods on
or before December 31, 2024, for an experience-rated FEHB Option,
considering any income attributable to periods on or before, but not
yet received by, December 31, 2024.
(b) Reserve credits. As soon as practicable on or after January 1,
2025, OPM will credit each PSHB Option's reserves according to the
method described in paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) Reserve credit methodology. OPM will determine the Reserve
credit for each 2024 FEHB Option and allocate it to the PSHB.
(1) OPM will determine the 2024 Postal Service premium by
multiplying a 2024 FEHB Option's self only, self plus one, and self and
family 2024 premiums by the number of Postal Service enrollments of
that Option in each enrollment type and taking the sum of these three
(2) OPM will determine the 2024 FEHB Option premium by multiplying
each 2024 FEHB Option's self only, self plus one, and self and family
premiums by the number of total enrollments (inclusive of both Postal
Service and non-Postal Service enrollments) in each enrollment type for
that Option and taking the sum of these three amounts. OPM will use its
March 2024 enrollment reports to determine the total enrollments.
(3) OPM will calculate the Postal Service Percentage for each 2024
FEHB Option by dividing the 2024 Postal Service Premium by 2024 FEHB
Option Premium.
(4) OPM will calculate the Reserve Credit by multiplying the Postal
Service Percentage for each 2024 FEHB Option by the Amounts Available
for that Option.
(5) OPM will reallocate the Reserve Credit for each 2024 FEHB
Option into a PSHB Contingency Reserves and Letter of Credit Account,
as applicable, as follows:
(i) If a carrier offers an FEHB Plan with one, two, or three
Options in 2024 and offers the same number of Corresponding PSHB
Options in 2025, the Reserve Credits for those Options will be
allocated to the Corresponding PSHB Options' reserves.
(ii) If a carrier offers an FEHB Plan with two or three Options in
2024 and offers only one Corresponding PSHB Option in 2025, the Reserve
Credits attributable to all the 2024 FEHB Plan's Options will be
allocated to that Corresponding PSHB Option's reserve.
(iii) If a carrier offers an FEHB Plan with three Options in 2024
and offers only two Corresponding PSHB Options in 2025, the Reserve
Credits attributable to the two FEHB Options that have Corresponding
PSHB Options will be allocated to those two Corresponding PSHB Options'
reserves. The Reserve Credit from the third FEHB Option (that does not
have a Corresponding PSHB Option) will be allocated to one of the two
Corresponding PSHB Plan Options that has the lowest self only premium
and is not a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP).
(iv) If a carrier offers an FEHB Plan in 2024 and offers no FEHB
Plan in 2025, but offers at least one 2025 PSHB Option with similar
benefits and cost sharing and in the same geographic area as the
carrier's 2024 FEHB Plan, as determined by OPM, the Reserve Credit(s)
attributable to that FEHB Plan will be credited to the reserves of the
carrier's 2025 PSHB Options as described in paragraphs (c)(5)(i)
through (iii) of this section as if the 2025 PSHB Option(s) were a
Corresponding PSHB Option.
(v) If a carrier offers an FEHB Plan in 2024, and offers that FEHB
Plan in 2025, but offers no Corresponding PSHB Options for that 2025
FEHB Plan, the Reserve Credit(s) attributable to that FEHB Plan will be
credited to the reserves of the PSHB Options offered in 2025,
proportionately, consistent with 5 U.S.C. 8903c(j)(2) where the
subscription charges paid are the 2024 Postal Service Premium.
(vi) If a carrier offers a 2025 PSHB Option for which no 2024
Postal Service Premium is attributable, then that 2025 PSHB Option will
receive no Reserve Credit.
Sec. 890.1616 Medicare Part D.
(a) Carrier requirement to offer Medicare Part D prescription drug
benefits. (1) A carrier that offers a PSHB plan must provide
prescription drug benefits to any Postal Service annuitant and member
of family of such annuitant who is a Part D-eligible individual (as
defined in section 1860D-1(a)(3)(A) of the Social Security Act) through
a Medicare Part D EGWP as described as employer-based retiree health
coverage under section 1860D-22(b), (c)(1), and (3)(A) of such Act .
(2) A carrier must provide Medicare Part D coverage through a
prescription drug plan (PDP), as defined in section 1860D-41(a)(14) of
such Act, or through contracts between the PSHB plan and a PDP sponsor,
as defined in section 1860D-41(a)(13) of such Act, of such a
prescription drug plan.
(3) A carrier may, in addition to offering a PDP required under
paragraph (a)(2) of this section and subject to OPM's approval, offer a
Medicare Advantage plan with prescription drug coverage (MAPD), as
defined in section 1860D-1(a)(3)(C) of such Act.
(b) Prescription drug coverage under a PSHB plan through Medicare
Part D. A Postal Service annuitant and a member of family of such
annuitant who is a Part D-eligible individual must be enrolled in a
PSHB plan's Part D EGWP in order to receive prescription drug coverage
under the PSHB plan. The prescription drug benefit is not covered under
a PSHB plan for a Part D-eligible individual who is not enrolled in the
PSHB plan's Part D EGWP.
(1) Prescription Drug Coverage for Medicare Part D-eligible
annuitants and members of family residing outside of the United States.
A carrier will not group enroll, as described in paragraph (d) of this
section, a Medicare Part D-eligible Postal Service annuitant or a
member of family of such annuitant who resides outside of the United
States (which includes the States, the District of Columbia, the
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa,
and the Northern Mariana Islands) into the Medicare Part D EGWP offered
by the plan. A carrier must provide prescription drug coverage through
the PSHB plan to these individuals.
(c) PSHB plan enrollment or disenrollment and Medicare EGWPs.
Changes to enrollment during Open Season under Sec. 890.301(f) or
because of a qualifying life event as defined in part 892 of this
chapter apply with respect to changes to PSHB plans that include a
Medicare Part D EGWP.
(d) Carrier requirements for group enrollment into Medicare EGWPs.
A carrier must comply with all applicable CMS requirements regarding
Part D-eligible individual group enrollment into Medicare EGWPs,
including all applicable CMS notice requirements. Nothing in this
section shall be construed as affecting an individual's ability to
select a PSHB plan pursuant to Sec. 890.1606.
(1) PDP EGWP. Annually at the conclusion of Open Season under Sec.
890.301(f), or when an enrollee makes a change to their PSHB enrollment
because of a qualifying life event under Sec. 892.101 of this chapter,
a carrier must automatically group enroll a Part D-eligible individual,
who is covered by the carrier's PSHB plan, into the PSHB
[[Page 85033]]
plan's PDP EGWP, unless the individual:
(i) Elects to enroll or is enrolled in the PSHB plan's MAPD EGWP
described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section; or
(ii) Has opted out of group enrollment in the PSHB plan's PDP EGWP
or MAPD EGWP for the current or upcoming plan year, as applicable.
(2) MAPD EGWP. Annually, at the conclusion of Open Season under
Sec. 890.301(f), or when an enrollee makes a change to their PSHB
enrollment because of a qualifying life event, a carrier must
automatically enroll a Part D-eligible individual who is covered by the
carrier's PSHB plan into the carrier's PSHB plan's MAPD EGWP if the
individual elects to enroll in the carrier's MAPD EGWP. During the
transitional Open Season, a carrier must automatically enroll a Part D-
eligible individual into the carrier's 2025 PSHB plan's MAPD EGWP if
the individual is covered by that carrier's 2024 FEHB plan's MAPD EGWP,
and if the individual elects the carrier's 2025 PSHB plan or is
automatically enrolled into the carrier's 2025 PSHB plan under Sec.
(3) Notice. In addition to the CMS notice requirements, each year,
not less than 30 calendar days prior to the start of Open Season under
Sec. 890.301(f), a carrier must send written notice to Part D-eligible
individuals who are enrolled in the carrier's PSHB plan that they will
be group enrolled into the PDP EGWP offered under the carrier's PSHB
plan. In addition, when an enrollee makes a change because of a
qualifying life event, a carrier must send such written notice to the
Part D-eligible individuals covered under the enrollment. The notice
shall state:
(i) The carrier intends to enroll the individual in the carrier's
Medicare Part D PDP EGWP as described under paragraph (d)(1) of this
section, or MAPD EGWP as described under paragraph (d)(2) of this
section as applicable, during Open Season under Sec. 890.301(f), or as
a result of a qualifying life event, as applicable;
(ii) The individual may affirmatively opt out of group enrollment;
(iii) Opting out of group enrollment means that the individual is
deciding not to be enrolled in the PSHB plan's PDP EGWP, or MAPD EGWP
if applicable;
(iv) The date by which the individual must opt out of group
enrollment, if the individual chooses to opt out;
(v) The procedure for how an individual affirmatively opts out of
group enrollment;
(vi) The individual will not receive prescription drug coverage
under the PSHB plan if the individual is not enrolled in the PSHB
plan's PDP EGWP, or MAPD EGWP if applicable; and
(vii) That no adjustment will be made to the enrollee's share of
the PSHB plan option premium.
(4) Additional requirements for PSHB plans providing an MAPD EGWP.
If a PSHB plan offers an MAPD EGWP, the carrier must comply with all
applicable Medicare requirements and the carrier must also provide the
notices as described in (d)(3) of this section. In addition, such
notice must state how the individual can enroll in the PSHB plan's PDP
EGWP if the individual is opting out of group enrollment or
disenrolling from a PSHB plan's MAPD EGWP during Open Season or as a
result of a qualifying life event, the date by which the individual
must enroll in the PDP EGWP, and must state that if the individual is
required to be enrolled in Medicare Part B in order to maintain
eligibility for PSHB plan coverage and does not qualify for an
exception under Sec. 890.1604, the individual must remain enrolled in
Part B.
(5) Notices to be shared with OPM. A carrier must provide OPM with
the notices under this section and the notices that CMS requires
regarding PDP EGWP and MAPD EGWP group enrollment each year, at the
time the carrier submits its benefits and rate proposal.
(e) Effect of opting out of group enrollment into or disenrolling
from a Medicare EGWP--(1) Effect of opting out of group enrollment. By
opting out of group enrollment in a PSHB plan's Medicare PDP EGWP or
MAPD EGWP, as applicable, the individual will not receive prescription
drug coverage under the PSHB plan unless, during the Open Season or
pursuant to the qualifying life event in which the individual opted out
of group enrollment, the individual elects to enroll in a Part D EGWP
under their PSHB plan.
(2) Opportunity to enroll other than group enrollment. A Part D-
eligible individual may enroll in a PDP EGWP or, if eligible, an MAPD
EGWP, under a PSHB plan, under the same conditions that govern
enrollment in a PSHB plan during Open Season or pursuant to a
qualifying life event.
(3) Disenrollment. An individual may disenroll from their PSHB
plan's Part D EGWP at any time during the plan year which means they
will not receive prescription drug coverage under the PSHB plan.
(4) Enrollment flexibility. A Part D-eligible individual who is not
enrolled in the PDP EGWP or MAPD EGWP, as applicable, for prescription
drug benefits offered by their PSHB plan may request enrollment into
their PSHB plan's EGWP outside of Open Enrollment or a qualifying life
event to correct errors.
(i) Part D EGWP Enrollment Flexibility. A Part D-eligible
individual who opts out of Part D EGWP group enrollment or disenrolls
from their PSHB plan's Part D EGWP can request enrollment into their
plan's Part D EGWP within 90 days of the start of plan year or 90 days
from the effective date of coverage after a qualifying life event that
permitted a plan change. Enrollments made under this paragraph
(e)(4)(i) will be retroactive to the extent consistent with applicable
CMS regulations.
(ii) Exceptional circumstances. A Part D-eligible individual who
opts out of Part D EGWP group enrollment or disenrolls from their PSHB
plan's Part D EGWP can request enrollment into their plan's Part D EGWP
91 days or more after the start of the plan year or the effective date
of coverage after a qualifying life event that permitted a plan change
as determined by OPM. Enrollments made under this paragraph (e)(4)(ii)
will be prospective.
(iii) Changes to enrollment under this paragraph (e)(4) are limited
to new enrollments into the individual's current PSHB plan's Part D
(f) PDP EGWP and MAPD EGWP prescription drug benefits. A carrier
must provide prescription drug benefits to a PSHB EGWP plan's Part D-
eligible covered individuals that are equal to or better than the
prescription drug benefits provided to that PSHB plan's covered
individuals who are not eligible to enroll in Part D and not enrolled
in the plan's EGWP, subject to paragraph (f)(3) of this section. For
purposes of this section:
(1) A carrier must ensure that a Medicare Part D EGWP within the
PSHB Program includes the same medications, products, and supplies
covered in the corresponding plan option's PSHB pharmacy benefit with
the same or lower cost sharing, to the extent consistent with
applicable Medicare provisions; and
(2) A carrier must not reduce or otherwise limit prescription drug
benefits to meet this standard, for example by limiting the coverage of
medications, products, and supplies or increasing cost sharing of the
prescription drug benefits provided to individuals covered under the
PSHB plan who are not eligible for Part D.
[[Page 85034]]
(3) A carrier may request OPM approval to offer different
medications, products, or supplies, or modify cost sharing on their
EGWP formulary. OPM has discretion to determine whether and to what
extent a carrier request under this subsection is necessary and
consistent with 5 U.S.C. 8903c.
[FR Doc. 2024-24796 Filed 10-23-24; 8:45 am]