Airworthiness Directives; Robinson Helicopter Company Helicopters, 84808-84810 [2024-24531]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
before further flight using a method approved
by the Manager, International Validation
Branch, FAA; or EASA; or Airbus SAS’s
EASA Design Organization Approval (DOA).
If approved by the DOA, the approval must
include the DOA-authorized signature.’’
(3) This AD does not adopt the ‘‘Remarks’’
section of EASA AD 2024–0060R1.
(i) No Reporting Required
Although EASA AD 2024–0060R1 specifies
to submit certain information to the
manufacturer, this AD does not include that
(j) Additional AD Provisions
The following provisions also apply to this
(1) Alternative Methods of Compliance
(AMOCs): The Manager, International
Validation Branch, FAA, has the authority to
approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested
using the procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19.
In accordance with 14 CFR 39.19, send your
request to your principal inspector or
responsible Flight Standards Office, as
appropriate. If sending information directly
to the manager of the International Validation
Branch, mail it to the address identified in
paragraph (k) of this AD. Information may be
emailed to:
Before using any approved AMOC, notify
your appropriate principal inspector, or
lacking a principal inspector, the manager of
the responsible Flight Standards Office.
(2) Contacting the Manufacturer: For any
requirement in this AD to obtain instructions
from a manufacturer, the instructions must
be accomplished using a method approved
by the Manager, International Validation
Branch, FAA; or EASA; or Airbus SAS’s
EASA DOA. If approved by the DOA, the
approval must include the DOA-authorized
(3) Required for Compliance (RC): Except
as required by paragraph (h)(2) of this AD, if
any material contains procedures or tests that
are identified as RC, those procedures and
tests must be done to comply with this AD;
any procedures or tests that are not identified
as RC are recommended. Those procedures
and tests that are not identified as RC may
be deviated from using accepted methods in
accordance with the operator’s maintenance
or inspection program without obtaining
approval of an AMOC, provided the
procedures and tests identified as RC can be
done and the airplane can be put back in an
airworthy condition. Any substitutions or
changes to procedures or tests identified as
RC require approval of an AMOC.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
(k) Additional Information
For more information about this AD,
contact Dat Le, Aviation Safety Engineer,
FAA, 1600 Stewart Avenue, Suite 410,
Westbury, NY 11590; telephone 516–228–
7317; email
(l) Material Incorporated by Reference
(1) The Director of the Federal Register
approved the incorporation by reference
(IBR) of the material listed in this paragraph
under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
(2) You must use this material as
applicable to do the actions required by this
AD, unless this AD specifies otherwise.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
15:49 Oct 23, 2024
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(i) European Union Aviation Safety Agency
(EASA) AD 2024–0060R1, dated April 16,
(ii) [Reserved]
(3) For EASA material identified in this
AD, contact EASA, Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3,
50668 Cologne, Germany; telephone +49 221
8999 000; email;
website You may find this
EASA AD on the EASA website
(4) You may view this material at the FAA,
Airworthiness Products Section, Operational
Safety Branch, 2200 South 216th Street, Des
Moines, WA. For information on the
availability of this material at the FAA, call
(5) You may view this material at the
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at NARA,
ibr-locations, or email fr.inspection@
Issued on September 13, 2024.
Peter A. White,
Deputy Director, Integrated Certificate
Management Division, Aircraft Certification
[FR Doc. 2024–24466 Filed 10–23–24; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2024–1886; Project
Identifier AD–2023–01018–R; Amendment
39–22862; AD 2024–20–03]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Robinson
Helicopter Company Helicopters
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
The FAA is adopting a new
airworthiness directive (AD) for
Robinson Helicopter Company
(Robinson Helicopter) Model R22 Beta,
R22 Mariner, R44, and R44 II
helicopters with a certain governor
controller installed. This AD was
prompted by reports of engine governor
failure, which was a result of water
intrusion inside of the governor
controller. This AD requires replacing
certain governor controllers and
prohibits installing those governor
controllers on any helicopter. The FAA
is issuing this AD to address the unsafe
condition on these products.
DATES: This AD is effective November
29, 2024.
The Director of the Federal Register
approved the incorporation by reference
PO 00000
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of certain publications listed in this AD
as of November 29, 2024.
AD Docket: You may examine the AD
docket at under Docket
No. FAA–2024–1886; or in person at
Docket Operations between 9 a.m. and
5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays. The AD docket
contains this final rule, any comments
received, and other information. The
address for Docket Operations is U.S.
Department of Transportation, Docket
Operations, M–30, West Building
Ground Floor, Room W12–140, 1200
New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC
Material Incorporated by Reference:
• For Robinson Helicopter material
identified in this AD, contact Robinson
Helicopter Company, Technical Support
Department, 2901 Airport Drive,
Torrance, CA 90505; phone: (310) 539–
0508; fax: (310) 539–5198; email: ts1@; or at
• You may view this material at the
FAA, Office of the Regional Counsel,
Southwest Region, 10101 Hillwood
Parkway, Room 6N–321, Fort Worth, TX
76177. For information on the
availability of this material at the FAA,
call (817) 222–5110. It is also available
at under Docket No.
Other Related Material: For Robinson
Helicopter material identified in this
AD, contact Robinson Helicopter
Company at its contact information
under Material Incorporated by
Reference above.
Moreland, Aviation Safety Engineer,
FAA, 3960 Paramount Boulevard,
Lakewood, CA 90712; phone: (562) 627–
5364; email:
The FAA issued a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR
part 39 by adding an AD that would
apply to Robinson Helicopter Model
R22 Beta, R22 Mariner, R44, and R44 II
helicopters with a governor controller
part number (P/N) D270–1, Revision A
through E inclusive, installed. The
NPRM published in the Federal
Register on July 17, 2024 (89 FR 58084).
The NPRM was prompted by three
reports of governor controller failures
involving Robinson Helicopter Model
R22 Beta and R44 II helicopters. Prior to
these governor controller failures,
several operators notified Robinson
Helicopter of a malfunction of the
governor controller. As a result of an
investigation, it has been determined
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
that the root cause for these
malfunctions is water intrusion in the
circuit board of the governor controller.
In light of this, Robinson Helicopter
issued service bulletins which specify
exchanging the existing governor
controller with a governor which
provides additional moisture protection.
In the NPRM, the FAA proposed to
require removing any governor
controller P/N D270–1, Revision A thru
E inclusive, from service and installing
a governor controller P/N D270–1,
Revision F or later approved revision. In
the NPRM, the FAA also proposed to
prohibit installing governor controller
P/N D270–1, Revision A through E
inclusive, on any helicopter, since the
affected parts may also be installed on
Robinson Helicopter Model R22 Mariner
and R44 helicopters. The unsafe
condition, if not addressed, could result
in loss of engine speed governing such
as an engine overspeed or underspeed
condition, and subsequent unexpected
loss of power during critical phases of
flight and landing. The FAA is issuing
this AD to address the unsafe condition
on these products.
Discussion of Final Airworthiness
The FAA received comments from
one commenter, Robinson Helicopter,
who stated that they had no comment.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
The FAA reviewed the relevant data,
considered the comment received, and
determined that air safety requires
adopting the AD as proposed.
Accordingly, the FAA is issuing this AD
to address the unsafe condition on these
products. Except for minor editorial
changes, this AD is adopted as proposed
in the NPRM.
Technician’s PC Software Guide, dated
Oct 9, 2020. This material provides
information to program the new EMU ID
for the governor controller.
Differences Between This AD and the
Referenced Material
The referenced material applies to
Robinson Helicopter Model R22-series
and R44-series helicopters with certain
P/N D270–1 governor controllers
installed and also identifies which
serial-numbered helicopters the affected
parts were factory installed on, whereas
this AD applies to all Robinson
Helicopter Model R22 Beta, R22
Mariner, R44, and R44 II helicopters
with a certain P/N D270–1 governor
controller installed. This AD requires
accomplishing certain actions specified
in SB–121 or SB–114, as applicable to
your helicopter model, except the
procedures in paragraph 4. of SB–121
and SB–114 must be accomplished by
persons authorized under 14 CFR 43.3.,
instead of ‘‘an appropriately rated
Costs of Compliance
The FAA estimates that this AD
affects 140 helicopters of U.S. registry.
Labor costs are estimated at $85 per
work-hour. Based on these numbers, the
FAA estimates the following costs to
comply with this AD.
Replacing the governor controller will
take 2 work-hours and parts will cost
$1,800 for an estimated cost of $1,970
per helicopter and $275,800 for the U.S.
Material Incorporated by Reference
Under 1 CFR Part 51
The FAA reviewed Robinson
Helicopter R22 Service Bulletin SB–121
and Robinson Helicopter R44 Service
Bulletin SB–114, each dated June 28,
2023 (SB–121 and SB–114). This
material specifies procedures for
removing governor controller, part
number D270–1, Revision A thru E, and
replacing it with governor controller P/
N D270–1, Revision F (or subsequent).
This material is reasonably available
because the interested parties have
access to it through their normal course
of business or by the means identified
in the ADDRESSES section.
Authority for This Rulemaking
Title 49 of the United States Code
specifies the FAA’s authority to issue
rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I,
section 106, describes the authority of
the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII:
Aviation Programs, describes in more
detail the scope of the Agency’s
The FAA is issuing this rulemaking
under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section
44701: General requirements. Under
that section, Congress charges the FAA
with promoting safe flight of civil
aircraft in air commerce by prescribing
regulations for practices, methods, and
procedures the Administrator finds
necessary for safety in air commerce.
This regulation is within the scope of
that authority because it addresses an
unsafe condition that is likely to exist or
develop on products identified in this
rulemaking action.
Other Related Material
The FAA also reviewed Robinson R22
and R44 Engine Monitoring Unit (EMU)
Regulatory Findings
This AD will not have federalism
implications under Executive Order
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13132. This AD will not have a
substantial direct effect on the States, on
the relationship between the national
government and the States, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
For the reasons discussed above, I
certify that this AD:
(1) Is not a ‘‘significant regulatory
action’’ under Executive Order 12866,
(2) Will not affect intrastate aviation
in Alaska, and
(3) Will not have a significant
economic impact, positive or negative,
on a substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation
safety, Incorporation by reference,
The Amendment
Accordingly, under the authority
delegated to me by the Administrator,
the FAA amends 14 CFR part 39 as
1. The authority citation for part 39
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
§ 39.13
2. The FAA amends § 39.13 by adding
the following new airworthiness
2024–20–03 Robinson Helicopter Company:
Amendment 39–22862; Docket No.
FAA–2024–1886; Project Identifier AD–
(a) Effective Date
This airworthiness directive (AD) is
effective November 29, 2024.
(b) Affected ADs
(c) Applicability
This AD applies to all Robinson Helicopter
Company Model R22 Beta, R22 Mariner, R44,
and R44 II helicopters, certificated in any
category, with a governor controller part
number (P/N) D270–1, Revision A through E
inclusive, installed.
(d) Subject
Joint Aircraft System Component (JASC)
Code: 2700, Flight Control System.
(e) Unsafe Condition
This AD was prompted by reports of
engine governor failures caused by water
intrusion. The FAA is issuing this AD to
prevent engine governor failures. The unsafe
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 206 / Thursday, October 24, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
condition, if not addressed, could result in
loss of engine speed governing such as an
engine overspeed or underspeed condition,
and subsequent unexpected loss of power
during critical phases of flight and landing.
(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the
compliance times specified, unless already
(g) Required Actions
(1) Within 90 days after the effective date
of this AD, remove the governor controller
from service and install a governor controller
P/N D270–1, Revision F or later approved
revision by following the Compliance
Procedure, paragraphs 2. though 5., of
Robinson Helicopter Company R22 Service
Bulletin SB–121 or R44 Service Bulletin SB–
114, each dated June 28, 2023 (SB–121 or
SB–114), as applicable to your helicopter
model, except the procedures in paragraph 4.
of SB–121 and SB–114 must be accomplished
by persons authorized under 14 CFR 43.3.
(2) As of the effective date of this AD, do
not install any governor controller P/N D270–
1, Revision A through E inclusive, on any
(h) Alternative Methods of Compliance
(1) The Manager, West Certification
Branch, FAA, has the authority to approve
AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the
procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. In
accordance with 14 CFR 39.19, send your
request to your principal inspector or local
Flight Standards District Office, as
appropriate. If sending information directly
to the manager of the West Certification
Branch, send it to the attention of the person
identified in paragraph (i) of this AD.
Information may be emailed to: AMOC@
(2) Before using any approved AMOC,
notify your appropriate principal inspector,
or lacking a principal inspector, the manager
of the local flight standards district office/
certificate holding district office.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
(i) Additional Information
For more information about this AD,
contact Eric Moreland, Aviation Safety
Engineer, FAA, 3960 Paramount Boulevard,
Lakewood, CA 90712; phone: (562) 627–
5364; email:
(j) Material Incorporated by Reference
(1) The Director of the Federal Register
approved the incorporation by reference of
the material listed in this paragraph under 5
U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
(2) You must use this material as
applicable to do the actions required by this
AD, unless the AD specifies otherwise.
(i) Robinson Helicopter Company R22
Service Bulletin SB–121, dated June 28,
(ii) Robinson Helicopter Company R44
Service Bulletin SB–114, dated June 28,
(3) For Robinson Helicopter Company
material identified in this AD, contact
Robinson Helicopter Company, Technical
Support Department, 2901 Airport Drive,
Torrance, CA 90505; phone: (310) 539–0508;
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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fax: (310) 539–5198; email: ts1@; or at
(4) You may view this material at the FAA,
Office of the Regional Counsel, Southwest
Region, 10101 Hillwood Parkway, Room 6N–
321, Fort Worth, TX 76177. For information
on the availability of this material at the
FAA, call (817) 222–5110.
(5) You may view this material at the
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at NARA,
Issued on October 3, 2024.
Steven W. Thompson,
Acting Deputy Director, Compliance &
Airworthiness Division, Aircraft Certification
[FR Doc. 2024–24531 Filed 10–23–24; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 71
[Docket No. FAA–2024–0020; Airspace
Docket No. 23–AAL–19]
RIN 2120–AA66
Revocation of Jet Route J–179 and
Amendment of United States Area
Navigation Route Q–10 in the Vicinity
of Emmonak, AK
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
This action revokes Jet Route
J–179 in its entirety and amends United
States Area Navigation Route (RNAV)
Q–10 in the vicinity of Emmonak, AK.
The FAA is taking this action due to the
pending decommissioning of the Aniak,
AK, Nondirectional Radio Beacon (NDB)
and the St Marys, AK, NDB.
DATES: Effective date 0901 UTC,
December 26, 2024. The Director of the
Federal Register approves this
incorporation by reference action under
1 CFR part 51, subject to the annual
revision of FAA Order JO 7400.11 and
publication of conforming amendments.
ADDRESSES: A copy of the Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), all
comments received, this final rule, and
all background material may be viewed
online at using the
FAA Docket number. Electronic
retrieval help and guidelines are
available on the website. It is available
24 hours each day, 365 days each year.
FAA Order JO 7400.11J, Airspace
Designations and Reporting Points, and
subsequent amendments can be viewed
online at
PO 00000
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publications/. You may also contact the
Rules and Regulations Group, Office of
Policy, Federal Aviation
Administration, 600 Independence
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20597;
telephone: (202) 267–8783.
Steven Roff, Rules and Regulations
Group, Office of Policy, Federal
Aviation Administration, 600
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20597; telephone: (202) 267–8783.
Authority for This Rulemaking
The FAA’s authority to issue rules
regarding aviation safety is found in
Title 49 of the United States Code.
Subtitle I, Section 106 describes the
authority of the FAA Administrator.
Subtitle VII, Aviation Programs,
describes in more detail the scope of the
agency’s authority. This rulemaking is
promulgated under the authority
described in Subtitle VII, Part A,
Subpart I, Section 40103. Under that
section, the FAA is charged with
prescribing regulations to assign the use
of the airspace necessary to ensure the
safety of aircraft and the efficient use of
airspace. This regulation is within the
scope of that authority as it modifies the
Air Traffic Service (ATS) route structure
as necessary to preserve the safe and
efficient flow of air traffic within the
National Airspace System.
The FAA published a NPRM for
Docket No. FAA 2024–0020 in the
Federal Register (89 FR 3900; January
22, 2024), proposing to revoke J–179
and amend Q–10 in Alaska. Interested
parties were invited to participate in
this rulemaking effort by submitting
written comments on the proposal to the
FAA. One comment was received and
was in favor of this action.
Incorporation by Reference
Jet Routes are published in paragraph
2004 and United States Area Navigation
Routes are published in paragraph 2006
of FAA Order JO 7400.11, Airspace
Designations and Reporting Points,
which is incorporated by reference in 14
CFR 71.1 on an annual basis. This
document amends the current version of
that order, FAA Order JO 7400.11J,
dated July 31, 2024, and effective
September 15, 2024. FAA Order JO
7400.11J is publicly available as listed
in the ADDRESSES section of this
document. These amendments will be
published in the next update to FAA
Order JO 7400.11.
FAA Order JO 7400.11J lists Class A,
B, C, D, and E airspace areas, air traffic
service routes, and reporting points.
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 206 (Thursday, October 24, 2024)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 84808-84810]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-24531]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA-2024-1886; Project Identifier AD-2023-01018-R;
Amendment 39-22862; AD 2024-20-03]
RIN 2120-AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Robinson Helicopter Company Helicopters
AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
SUMMARY: The FAA is adopting a new airworthiness directive (AD) for
Robinson Helicopter Company (Robinson Helicopter) Model R22 Beta, R22
Mariner, R44, and R44 II helicopters with a certain governor controller
installed. This AD was prompted by reports of engine governor failure,
which was a result of water intrusion inside of the governor
controller. This AD requires replacing certain governor controllers and
prohibits installing those governor controllers on any helicopter. The
FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe condition on these
DATES: This AD is effective November 29, 2024.
The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by
reference of certain publications listed in this AD as of November 29,
AD Docket: You may examine the AD docket at under
Docket No. FAA-2024-1886; or in person at Docket Operations between 9
a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays. The AD
docket contains this final rule, any comments received, and other
information. The address for Docket Operations is U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations, M-30, West Building Ground Floor,
Room W12-140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590.
Material Incorporated by Reference:
For Robinson Helicopter material identified in this AD,
contact Robinson Helicopter Company, Technical Support Department, 2901
Airport Drive, Torrance, CA 90505; phone: (310) 539-0508; fax: (310)
539-5198; email:">; or at
You may view this material at the FAA, Office of the
Regional Counsel, Southwest Region, 10101 Hillwood Parkway, Room 6N-
321, Fort Worth, TX 76177. For information on the availability of this
material at the FAA, call (817) 222-5110. It is also available at under Docket No. FAA-2024-1886.
Other Related Material: For Robinson Helicopter material identified
in this AD, contact Robinson Helicopter Company at its contact
information under Material Incorporated by Reference above.
Engineer, FAA, 3960 Paramount Boulevard, Lakewood, CA 90712; phone:
(562) 627-5364; email: [email protected].
The FAA issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14
CFR part 39 by adding an AD that would apply to Robinson Helicopter
Model R22 Beta, R22 Mariner, R44, and R44 II helicopters with a
governor controller part number (P/N) D270-1, Revision A through E
inclusive, installed. The NPRM published in the Federal Register on
July 17, 2024 (89 FR 58084). The NPRM was prompted by three reports of
governor controller failures involving Robinson Helicopter Model R22
Beta and R44 II helicopters. Prior to these governor controller
failures, several operators notified Robinson Helicopter of a
malfunction of the governor controller. As a result of an
investigation, it has been determined
[[Page 84809]]
that the root cause for these malfunctions is water intrusion in the
circuit board of the governor controller. In light of this, Robinson
Helicopter issued service bulletins which specify exchanging the
existing governor controller with a governor which provides additional
moisture protection.
In the NPRM, the FAA proposed to require removing any governor
controller P/N D270-1, Revision A thru E inclusive, from service and
installing a governor controller P/N D270-1, Revision F or later
approved revision. In the NPRM, the FAA also proposed to prohibit
installing governor controller P/N D270-1, Revision A through E
inclusive, on any helicopter, since the affected parts may also be
installed on Robinson Helicopter Model R22 Mariner and R44 helicopters.
The unsafe condition, if not addressed, could result in loss of engine
speed governing such as an engine overspeed or underspeed condition,
and subsequent unexpected loss of power during critical phases of
flight and landing. The FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe
condition on these products.
Discussion of Final Airworthiness Directive
The FAA received comments from one commenter, Robinson Helicopter,
who stated that they had no comment.
The FAA reviewed the relevant data, considered the comment
received, and determined that air safety requires adopting the AD as
proposed. Accordingly, the FAA is issuing this AD to address the unsafe
condition on these products. Except for minor editorial changes, this
AD is adopted as proposed in the NPRM.
Material Incorporated by Reference Under 1 CFR Part 51
The FAA reviewed Robinson Helicopter R22 Service Bulletin SB-121
and Robinson Helicopter R44 Service Bulletin SB-114, each dated June
28, 2023 (SB-121 and SB-114). This material specifies procedures for
removing governor controller, part number D270-1, Revision A thru E,
and replacing it with governor controller P/N D270-1, Revision F (or
subsequent). This material is reasonably available because the
interested parties have access to it through their normal course of
business or by the means identified in the ADDRESSES section.
Other Related Material
The FAA also reviewed Robinson R22 and R44 Engine Monitoring Unit
(EMU) Technician's PC Software Guide, dated Oct 9, 2020. This material
provides information to program the new EMU ID for the governor
Differences Between This AD and the Referenced Material
The referenced material applies to Robinson Helicopter Model R22-
series and R44-series helicopters with certain P/N D270-1 governor
controllers installed and also identifies which serial-numbered
helicopters the affected parts were factory installed on, whereas this
AD applies to all Robinson Helicopter Model R22 Beta, R22 Mariner, R44,
and R44 II helicopters with a certain P/N D270-1 governor controller
installed. This AD requires accomplishing certain actions specified in
SB-121 or SB-114, as applicable to your helicopter model, except the
procedures in paragraph 4. of SB-121 and SB-114 must be accomplished by
persons authorized under 14 CFR 43.3., instead of ``an appropriately
rated person.''
Costs of Compliance
The FAA estimates that this AD affects 140 helicopters of U.S.
registry. Labor costs are estimated at $85 per work-hour. Based on
these numbers, the FAA estimates the following costs to comply with
this AD.
Replacing the governor controller will take 2 work-hours and parts
will cost $1,800 for an estimated cost of $1,970 per helicopter and
$275,800 for the U.S. fleet.
Authority for This Rulemaking
Title 49 of the United States Code specifies the FAA's authority to
issue rules on aviation safety. Subtitle I, section 106, describes the
authority of the FAA Administrator. Subtitle VII: Aviation Programs,
describes in more detail the scope of the Agency's authority.
The FAA is issuing this rulemaking under the authority described in
Subtitle VII, Part A, Subpart III, Section 44701: General requirements.
Under that section, Congress charges the FAA with promoting safe flight
of civil aircraft in air commerce by prescribing regulations for
practices, methods, and procedures the Administrator finds necessary
for safety in air commerce. This regulation is within the scope of that
authority because it addresses an unsafe condition that is likely to
exist or develop on products identified in this rulemaking action.
Regulatory Findings
This AD will not have federalism implications under Executive Order
13132. This AD will not have a substantial direct effect on the States,
on the relationship between the national government and the States, or
on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various
levels of government.
For the reasons discussed above, I certify that this AD:
(1) Is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under Executive
Order 12866,
(2) Will not affect intrastate aviation in Alaska, and
(3) Will not have a significant economic impact, positive or
negative, on a substantial number of small entities under the criteria
of the Regulatory Flexibility Act.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 39
Air transportation, Aircraft, Aviation safety, Incorporation by
reference, Safety.
The Amendment
Accordingly, under the authority delegated to me by the
Administrator, the FAA amends 14 CFR part 39 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 39 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701.
Sec. 39.13 [Amended]
2. The FAA amends Sec. 39.13 by adding the following new airworthiness
2024-20-03 Robinson Helicopter Company: Amendment 39-22862; Docket
No. FAA-2024-1886; Project Identifier AD-2023-01018-R.
(a) Effective Date
This airworthiness directive (AD) is effective November 29,
(b) Affected ADs
(c) Applicability
This AD applies to all Robinson Helicopter Company Model R22
Beta, R22 Mariner, R44, and R44 II helicopters, certificated in any
category, with a governor controller part number (P/N) D270-1,
Revision A through E inclusive, installed.
(d) Subject
Joint Aircraft System Component (JASC) Code: 2700, Flight
Control System.
(e) Unsafe Condition
This AD was prompted by reports of engine governor failures
caused by water intrusion. The FAA is issuing this AD to prevent
engine governor failures. The unsafe
[[Page 84810]]
condition, if not addressed, could result in loss of engine speed
governing such as an engine overspeed or underspeed condition, and
subsequent unexpected loss of power during critical phases of flight
and landing.
(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the compliance times specified,
unless already done.
(g) Required Actions
(1) Within 90 days after the effective date of this AD, remove
the governor controller from service and install a governor
controller P/N D270-1, Revision F or later approved revision by
following the Compliance Procedure, paragraphs 2. though 5., of
Robinson Helicopter Company R22 Service Bulletin SB-121 or R44
Service Bulletin SB-114, each dated June 28, 2023 (SB-121 or SB-
114), as applicable to your helicopter model, except the procedures
in paragraph 4. of SB-121 and SB-114 must be accomplished by persons
authorized under 14 CFR 43.3.
(2) As of the effective date of this AD, do not install any
governor controller P/N D270-1, Revision A through E inclusive, on
any helicopter.
(h) Alternative Methods of Compliance (AMOCs)
(1) The Manager, West Certification Branch, FAA, has the
authority to approve AMOCs for this AD, if requested using the
procedures found in 14 CFR 39.19. In accordance with 14 CFR 39.19,
send your request to your principal inspector or local Flight
Standards District Office, as appropriate. If sending information
directly to the manager of the West Certification Branch, send it to
the attention of the person identified in paragraph (i) of this AD.
Information may be emailed to: [email protected].
(2) Before using any approved AMOC, notify your appropriate
principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager
of the local flight standards district office/certificate holding
district office.
(i) Additional Information
For more information about this AD, contact Eric Moreland,
Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, 3960 Paramount Boulevard, Lakewood,
CA 90712; phone: (562) 627-5364; email: [email protected].
(j) Material Incorporated by Reference
(1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the
incorporation by reference of the material listed in this paragraph
under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51.
(2) You must use this material as applicable to do the actions
required by this AD, unless the AD specifies otherwise.
(i) Robinson Helicopter Company R22 Service Bulletin SB-121,
dated June 28, 2023.
(ii) Robinson Helicopter Company R44 Service Bulletin SB-114,
dated June 28, 2023.
(3) For Robinson Helicopter Company material identified in this
AD, contact Robinson Helicopter Company, Technical Support
Department, 2901 Airport Drive, Torrance, CA 90505; phone: (310)
539-0508; fax: (310) 539-5198; email:">; or at
(4) You may view this material at the FAA, Office of the
Regional Counsel, Southwest Region, 10101 Hillwood Parkway, Room 6N-
321, Fort Worth, TX 76177. For information on the availability of
this material at the FAA, call (817) 222-5110.
(5) You may view this material at the National Archives and
Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability
of this material at NARA, visit[email protected]">[email protected].
Issued on October 3, 2024.
Steven W. Thompson,
Acting Deputy Director, Compliance & Airworthiness Division, Aircraft
Certification Service.
[FR Doc. 2024-24531 Filed 10-23-24; 8:45 am]