Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities; Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Pile Driving Training Exercises at Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme, 84534-84544 [2024-24555]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 205 / Wednesday, October 23, 2024 / Notices
National Institute of Standards and
NIST Consortium for Advancement of
Genome Editing
National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Department of
ACTION: Notice of Research Consortium;
Extension of Research Consortium.
The National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST)
extends the duration of the NIST
Consortium for Advancement of
Genome Editing (Genome Editing
Consortium or Consortium). The
Consortium duration was previously
through December 1, 2025. NIST is
taking this action to provide additional
time for interested parties to join the
Consortium to further pursue the
implementation and achievement of
outcomes of the current Consortium
activities, as well as to address
additional standards needs as defined
by the Consortium in qualification of
off-target assays and quality of genome
editing components. Beginning January
1, 2026 participation fees will increase
to $25,000 annually or in-kind
contributions of equivalent value.
Participants will be required to sign a
Cooperative Research and Development
Agreement (CRADA).
DATES: The Consortium’s activities will
continue as needed to complete the
updated research plan. NIST will accept
letters of interest to participate in this
Consortium on an ongoing basis.
Acceptance of participants into the
Consortium will depend on the
availability of resources.
ADDRESSES: Information in response to
this notice, including completed letters
of interest or requests for additional
information about the Consortium, can
be directed via mail to the Consortium
Manager, Dr. Samantha Maragh,
Biosystems and Biomaterials Division of
NIST’s Material Measurement
Laboratory, 100 Bureau Drive, Mail Stop
8312, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899 or
via electronic mail to samantha@
nist.gov, or by telephone at (301) 975–
January 11, 2018, NIST published a
notice in the Federal Register (83 FR
1335), establishing the Consortium, and
on February 2, 2021, NIST published a
notice in the Federal Register (86 FR
7859) extending the duration of the
Consortium until December 1, 2025. To
provide additional time for interested
parties to join the Consortium to further
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pursue the implementation and
achievement of the Consortium
objectives, NIST extends the term to
continue as needed to complete the
updated research plan and will accept
letters of interest on an ongoing basis.
Previously submitted letters of interest
do not need to be resubmitted.
The Consortium’s current activities
(as described in the original notice, 83
FR 1335) will continue, and the
Consortium research plan is amended to
include the following new activities:
Qualification of Off-Target Assays:
Identify sources of variability and
develop consensus approaches to
qualifying off-target assays (including
potential interlaboratory studies or
control materials).
Quality of Genome Editing
Components: Identify concepts/
information, approaches/assays, and
potential controls for assessing quality
of genome editing components.
[FR Doc. 2024–24514 Filed 10–22–24; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XE356]
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to
Specified Activities; Taking Marine
Mammals Incidental to Pile Driving
Training Exercises at Naval Base
Ventura County, Port Hueneme
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice; proposed issuance of an
incidental harassment authorization;
request for comments on proposed
authorization and possible renewal.
NMFS has received a request
from the United States Navy (Navy) for
authorization to take marine mammals,
by Level B harassment only, incidental
to pile driving training exercises at
Naval Base Ventura County, Port
Hueneme (NBVC).
NMFS previously issued an incidental
harassment authorization IHA to the
Navy for similar activities on April 28,
2023 (hereinafter referred to as the
initial IHA); however, during the initial
authorization period, only one of four
planned training exercise was
performed. The Navy is requesting, and
NMFS is proposing to issue an IHA
authorizing incidental take for an
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Comments and information must
be received no later than November 7,
Alicia Chambers,
NIST Executive Secretariat.
additional four training exercises.
Pursuant to the Marine Mammal
Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is
requesting comments on its proposal to
issue an IHA to incidentally take marine
mammals during the specified activities.
NMFS is also requesting comments on
a possible 1-year Renewal IHA that
could be issued under certain
circumstances and if all requirements
are met, as described in Request for
Public Comments at the end of this
notice. NMFS will consider public
comments prior to making any final
decision on the issuance of the
requested MMPA authorizations and
agency responses will be summarized in
the final notice of our decision. The
Navy’s activities are considered military
readiness activities pursuant to the
MMPA, as amended by the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal
Year 2004 (NDAA).
Comments should be
addressed to Jolie Harrison, Chief,
Permits and Conservation Division,
Office of Protected Resources, National
Marine Fisheries Service, and should be
submitted via email to
ITP.tyson.moore@noaa.gov. Electronic
copies of the application and supporting
documents, as well as a list of the
references cited in this document, may
be obtained online at: https://
incidental-take-authorizations-undermarine-mammal-protection-act. In case
of problems accessing these documents,
please call the contact listed below.
Instructions: NMFS is not responsible
for comments sent by any other method,
to any other address or individual, or
received after the end of the comment
period. Comments, including all
attachments, must not exceed a 25megabyte file size. All comments
received are a part of the public record
and will generally be posted online at
incidental-take-authorizations-undermarine-mammal-protection-act without
change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address)
voluntarily submitted by the commenter
may be publicly accessible. Do not
submit confidential business
information or otherwise sensitive or
protected information.
Reny Tyson Moore, Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427–8401.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 205 / Wednesday, October 23, 2024 / Notices
The MMPA prohibits the ‘‘take’’ of
marine mammals, with certain
exceptions. Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and
(D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361 et
seq.) direct the Secretary of Commerce
(as delegated to NMFS) to allow, upon
request, the incidental, but not
intentional, taking of small numbers of
marine mammals by U.S. citizens who
engage in a specified activity (other than
commercial fishing) within a specified
geographical region if certain findings
are made and either regulations are
issued or, if the taking is limited to
harassment, a notice of a proposed
incidental take authorization may be
provided to the public for review.
Authorization for incidental takings
shall be granted if NMFS finds that the
taking will have a negligible impact on
the species or stock(s) and will not have
an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for
taking for subsistence uses (where
relevant). Further, NMFS must prescribe
the permissible methods of taking and
other ‘‘means of effecting the least
practicable adverse impact’’ on the
affected species or stocks and their
habitat, paying particular attention to
rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of
similar significance, and on the
availability of such species or stocks for
taking for certain subsistence uses
(referred to in shorthand as
‘‘mitigation’’); and requirements
pertaining to the mitigation, monitoring
and reporting of such takings are set
The NDAA (Pub. L. 108–136)
removed the ‘‘small numbers’’ and
‘‘specified geographical region’’
limitations indicated above and
amended the definition of ‘‘harassment’’
as it applies to a ‘‘military readiness
activity.’’ The activity for which
incidental take of marine mammals is
being requested addressed here qualifies
as a military readiness activity.
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National Environmental Policy Act
To comply with the National
Environmental Policy Act of 1969
(NEPA; 42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and
NOAA Administrative Order (NAO)
216–6A, NMFS must review our
proposed action (i.e., the issuance of a
Renewal IHA) with respect to potential
impacts on the human environment.
This action is consistent with categories
of activities identified in Categorical
Exclusion B4 (incidental take
authorizations with no anticipated
serious injury or mortality) of the
Companion Manual for NOAA
Administrative Order 216–6A, which do
not individually or cumulatively have
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the potential for significant impacts on
the quality of the human environment
and for which we have not identified
any extraordinary circumstances that
would preclude this categorical
exclusion. Accordingly, NMFS has
preliminarily determined that the
issuance of the proposed IHA qualifies
to be categorically excluded from
further NEPA review.
We will review all comments
submitted in response to this
notification prior to concluding our
NEPA process or making a final
decision on the IHA request.
History of Request
On August 18, 2021, NMFS received
a request from the Navy for an IHA to
take marine mammals incidental to pile
driving training exercises at NBVC. That
application was deemed adequate and
complete on January 12, 2023. NMFS
published a notice of a proposed IHA
and request for comments in the Federal
Register on March 15, 2023 (88 FR
15956). We subsequently published the
final notice of our issuance of the IHA
on May 4, 2023 (88 FR 28517); the IHA
was effective from May 1, 2023 through
April 30, 2024. The specified activities
were expected to result in the take of
California sea lions (Zalophus
californius) and harbor seals (Phoca
vitulina richardii) by Level B
harassment only. Neither the Navy nor
NMFS expected serious injury or
mortality to result from this activity
and, therefore, an IHA was appropriate.
On February 22, 2024 NMFS received
notification from the Navy that only one
of four planned training exercises were
completed under the initial IHA. On
March 5, 2023 the Navy requested a
renewal of the initial IHA; however, the
Navy and NMFS deemed that it would
be appropriate to issue a proposed IHA
rather than undertake the renewal
process given the Navy’s desire to
request changes to the specified activity.
On May 13, 2024, the Navy submitted
an application requesting that a new
IHA be issued that would allow take of
California sea lions and harbor seals, by
Level B harassment only, incidental to
four pile driving training exercises at
NBVC, effective for 1 year after the date
of issuance. Revised applications were
received on August 6, 2024, and
September 12, 2024. The application
was deemed adequate and complete on
September 24, 2024. Proposed changes
from the initial IHA include those
associated with the Navy’s request, in
some instances, to install and remove
additional piles during the training
exercises over additional days (i.e.,
more than were addressed in the initial
IHA) due to emergent training
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requirements and tempo (see the
Description of the Specified Activities
and Anticipated Impacts section for
more details). In addition, on May 3,
2024, NMFS published and solicited
public comment on its draft Updated
Technical Guidance (89 FR 36762),
which includes updated hearing ranges
and names for marine mammal hearing
groups as well as updated thresholds
and weighting functions to inform
auditory injury estimates (i.e., for Level
A harassment). To ensure take by Level
A harassment is appropriately
considered, and in order to support
consideration of the best available
science, comparative calculations using
both the existing NMFS Technical
Guidance (NMFS, 2018) and the NMFS
Updated Technical Guidance (NMFS,
2024) have been conducted and
provided for consideration of take by
Level A harassment. These proposed
changes do not affect the previous
analyses, mitigation, and monitoring
requirements, or method of take
calculations, outside of the inclusion of
slightly larger Level A harassment zones
and shutdown zones due to the
increased numbers of piles anticipated
to be installed and or removed within a
day, and that the proposed training
exercises would be completed in 136
days instead of 96 days. In evaluating
the 2024 request and to the extent
deemed appropriate, NMFS relies on the
information presented in notices
associated with the issuance of the
initial IHA (88 FR 15956, March 15,
2023; 88 FR 28517, May 4, 2023).
The Navy submitted a monitoring
report on March 4, 2023, based on the
work completed under the initial IHA,
which confirms that the applicant
implemented the required mitigation
and monitoring during the initial year of
the activity, and that they did not
exceed the authorized levels of take
under the initial IHA. These monitoring
results, as well as the Navy’s current
request and application, are available to
the public on our website: https://
Description of the Proposed Activities
and Anticipated Impacts
The primary mission of NBVC is to
provide a home port and to furnish
training, administrative, and logistical
support for the Naval Construction
Battalions. As described in the initial
IHA, Naval Construction Group ONE
proposed to execute pile driving
training exercises at NBVC that are
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 205 / Wednesday, October 23, 2024 / Notices
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essential to construction battalion
personnel prior to deployment. The
specific components of each exercise
could vary based on the specific training
requirements for each battalion, but
could include vibratory and impact pile
driving, temporary pier construction,
and subsequent removal of all installed
materials. These are military readiness
activities, as defined under the NDAA of
Fiscal Year 2004 (Pub. L. 108–136).
Under the initial IHA, the Navy
requested take by Level B harassment
for California sea lions and harbor seals
incidental to up to four pile driving
training exercises, each of which could
include installation and removal of a
sheet pile wall and round pile pier.
Level A harassment was not anticipated,
requested, or authorized. It was
estimated that each training exercise
could take up to 24 days (12 days for
pile installation and 12 days for pile
removal), for a total of up to 96 days
over the four training exercises. Due to
issues with equipment, the Navy only
performed one training activity for 11
days during the initial authorization
period. The Navy is requesting a new
IHA so that it can complete an
additional four training exercises during
the new IHA period. Due to emergent
training requirements and tempo, the
Navy is requesting, in some instances, to
install and remove additional piles
during the training exercises across a
total of 136 days (34 active in-water pile
driving per training exercise). The new
IHA, if authorized, would be valid for 1
year from the date of issuance.
To support public review and
comment on the IHA that NMFS is
proposing to issue here, we refer to the
documents related to the previously
issued IHA and discuss any new or
changed information here. The previous
documents include the Federal Register
notice of the proposed IHA (88 FR
15956, March 15, 2023), the Federal
Register notice of issuance of the initial
IHA (88 FR 28517, May 4, 2023), and all
associated references and documents.
We also refer the reader to the Navy’s
previous and current applications and
monitoring reports which can be found
at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/
Dates and Duration
The initial IHA considered 96 total
annual days of active in-water pile
installation and removal, which would
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be spread over four annual training
exercises, each of which was estimated
to last 24 days. The current request
considers a total of 136 total annual
days of active water in-water pile
installation and removal spread over
four annual training exercises (i.e., each
training exercise is estimated to last up
to 34 days). Each workday would occur
during daylight hours, and would last
approximately 8 hours, but pile
installation/removal would not occur
for the entire eight hours. Due to the
availability of resources, requirements
by NBVC for port use, and battalion
training needs, it is not possible to
predict the precise dates of training
activities; however, no more than four
separate training events would occur
over the duration of the proposed 1-year
Specific Geographic Region
A detailed description of the specific
geographic region for the Navy’s
activities is found in the Federal
Register notice of the proposed IHA for
the initial IHA (88 FR 15956, March 15,
2023) and associated documents
(available at https://
incidental-take-authorization-us-navypile-training-exercises-naval-baseventura-county-port). This description
remains accurate and is referenced
Detailed Description of the Activity
A detailed description of the training
exercise for which take is proposed here
may be found in the Federal Register
notices of the proposed and final IHA
for the initial authorization (88 FR
15956, March 15, 2023 and 88 FR
28517, May 4, 2023, respectively), and
in associated documents (available at
incidental-take-authorization-us-navypile-training-exercises-naval-baseventura-county-port). The description,
including of the activities, including the
types of equipment planned for use, are
identical to those described in the
previous notices and remains accurate
with the exception of anticipated
production rates, which are described in
more detail below.
The Navy has requested, in some
instances, to increase the number of
piles that may be driven in a day due
to emergent training requirements and
tempo. Differences between the initial
and proposed IHAs are shown in table
1. Specifically, the initial IHA
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considered that a total of 15 24-inch
steel sheet piles, 10 16-inch timber
piles, and 4 14-inch H-beam steel piles
may be driven during each training
exercise. The current request proposes
that up to 30 24-inch steel sheet piles,
12 16-inch timber piles, and 6 14-inch
H-beam steel piles may be driven during
each training exercise. These changes
represent a 65.5-percent increase in the
total number of piles anticipated to be
installed and removed each training
Anticipated production rates for
installation and removal with a
vibratory and or impact hammer, and
how these rates compared to the initial
IHA, are provided in table 1. To allow
for unanticipated variation in
production rates and to account for any
training that is slowed or delayed due
to the need to meet specific training or
mitigation requirements (e.g., additional
delays or shutdowns due to larger
shutdown zones; see the Proposed
Mitigation section of this notice for
more details), the Navy has added buffer
days to the total anticipated activity
days proposed for the training exercises.
The buffers for vibratory pile
installation and removal include 12
days for 24-inch steel sheets, 3 days for
16-in round timber piles, and 3 days for
14-in steel H-piles. The buffers for
impact driving include 4 days for 16-in
round timber piles and 3 days for 14-in
steel H-piles. With these buffer days
added, the Navy anticipates that pile
driving could occur on up to 34 days
each training exercise, for a total of 136
days spread across the four training
exercises. Buffer days were not
considered in the initial IHA. The initial
IHA anticipated that it could take 5 days
to install and 5 days to remove the 24inch steel sheets, 5 days to install and
5 days to remove 16-in round timber
piles, and 2 days to install and 2 days
to remove the 14-in steel H-piles, for a
total of 24 days per training exercise and
96 days during the 1-year IHA effective
period (see table 1 in the Federal
Register notices of the proposed and
final IHA for the initial authorization;
88 FR 15956, March 15, 2023 and 88 FR
28517, May 4, 2023, respectively).
Therefore, the current proposed training
exercises could occur for up to 10
additional days each training exercise
and up to 40 additional days during the
proposed 1-year authorization period
compared to the initial IHA.
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Initial IHA ..............
Proposed IHA .......
Initial IHA ..............
Proposed IHA .......
Initial IHA ..............
Proposed IHA .......
24-in Steel Sheet ............
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Number of
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11 hours/24 hours .................
7.17 hours/12 hours ..............
Vibratory installation/
removal duration per pile
Production rate
Days of
Days of
days 1
days per
days are included in the proposed IHA to allow for unanticipated variation in production rates and to account for any training that is slowed or delayed due to the need to meet specific training or mitigation
requirements; buffer days were not considered in the initial IHA.
1 Buffer
Totals for the Proposed IHA ..............................................
Totals for the Initial IHA .....................................................
14-in H-Beam Pile ..........
12-in Timber Pile ............
Pile size/type/shape
per pile,
if needed
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The anticipated duration of vibratory
removal of steel sheet piles has also
changed from the initial IHA. The initial
IHA estimated that this activity would
take 20 minutes, whereas the Navy now
estimates that this activity could take 30
minutes (table 1). This increase in
duration, in addition to the increased
number of piles to be installed and
removed each training exercise,
increases both the daily duration and
the total duration of active pile driving
anticipated to occur. The initial IHA
considered that vibratory installation
and removal of all piles could take 7.17
hours and 12 hours, respectively, during
each training exercise; whereas the
current request anticipates that
vibratory installation and removal of all
piles could take 11 hours and 24 hours,
respectively, during each training
exercise (table 1). These changes
represent a 100-percent increase in the
total estimated amount of time required
each training exercise for vibratory
installation and removal of piles. The
number of strikes estimated to be
required per pile during impact hammer
installation is the same as that estimated
in the initial IHA; however, given more
piles are anticipated to be installed, it is
also anticipated that the total amount of
time for impact pile driving would also
This change in the total number of
piles and the increased daily durations
of pile durations would result in slightly
larger Level A harassment zones and
shutdown zones due to increased
durations of pile driving activities. In
addition, the additional days of
estimated activity would result in a
higher amount of take by Level B
harassment to be proposed to be
authorized compared to the initial IHA.
No other changes have been made to the
planned activities. The details of these
requested changes are provided in table
1 and in the Estimated Take of Marine
Mammals and Proposed Mitigation
sections of this notice. The proposed
IHA, if authorized, would be effective
for 1 year from the date of issuance.
Description of Marine Mammals
A description of the marine mammals
in the area of the activities for which
authorization of take is proposed here,
including information on abundance,
status, distribution, and hearing, may be
found in the Federal Register notice of
the proposed IHA (88 FR 15956, March
15, 2023) for the initial authorization.
NMFS has reviewed the monitoring data
from the initial IHA, 2023 draft Stock
Assessment Reports, information on
relevant Unusual Mortality Events, and
other scientific literature, and
determined there is no new information
that affects which species or stocks have
the potential to be affected or the
pertinent information in the Description
of the Marine Mammals in the Area of
Specified Activities contained in the
supporting documents for the initial
Marine Mammal Hearing
Hearing is the most important sensory
modality for marine mammals
underwater, and exposure to
anthropogenic sound can have
deleterious effects. To appropriately
assess the potential effects of exposure
to sound, it is necessary to understand
the frequency ranges marine mammals
are able to hear. Not all marine mammal
species have equal hearing capabilities
(e.g., Richardson et al., 1995; Wartzok
and Ketten, 1999; Au and Hastings,
2008). To reflect this, Southall et al.
(2007, 2019) recommended that marine
mammals be divided into hearing
groups based on directly measured
(behavioral or auditory evoked potential
techniques) or estimated hearing ranges
(behavioral response data, anatomical
modeling, etc.). Note that no direct
measurements of hearing ability have
been successfully completed for
mysticetes (i.e., low-frequency
cetaceans). Subsequently, NMFS (2018,
2024) described generalized hearing
ranges for these marine mammal hearing
groups. Generalized hearing ranges were
chosen based on the approximately 65decibel (dB) threshold from the
normalized composite audiograms, with
the exception for lower limits for lowfrequency cetaceans where the lower
bound was deemed to be biologically
implausible and the lower bound from
Southall et al. (2007) retained.
On May 3, 2024, NMFS published and
solicited public comment on its draft
Updated Technical Guidance (89 FR
36762), which includes updated hearing
ranges and names for the marine
mammal hearing groups and is intended
to replace the 2018 Technical Guidance
once finalized. The public comment
period ended on June 17th, 2024.
Because NMFS may finalize the
Guidance prior to taking a final agency
action on this proposed IHA, we
considered both the 2018 and 2024
Technical Guidance in our effects and
estimated take analysis below. Marine
mammal hearing groups and their
associated hearing ranges from NMFS
(2018) and NMFS (2024) are provided in
tables 2 and 3. In the draft Updated
Technical Guidance, mid-frequency
cetaceans have been re-classified as
high-frequency cetaceans, and highfrequency cetaceans have been updated
to very-high-frequency (VHF) cetaceans.
Additionally, the draft Updated
Technical Guidance includes in-air data
for phocid (PA) and otariid (OA)
[NMFS, 2018]
hearing range *
Hearing group
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Low-frequency (LF) cetaceans (baleen whales) .....................................................................................................................
Mid-frequency (MF) cetaceans (dolphins, toothed whales, beaked whales, bottlenose whales) ...........................................
High-frequency (HF) cetaceans (true porpoises, Kogia, river dolphins, Cephalorhynchid, Lagenorhynchus cruciger & L.
Phocid pinnipeds (PW) (underwater) (true seals) ...................................................................................................................
Otariid pinnipeds (OW) (underwater) (sea lions and fur seals) ..............................................................................................
7 Hz to 35 kHz.
150 Hz to 160 kHz.
275 Hz to 160 kHz.
50 Hz to 86 kHz.
60 Hz to 39 kHz.
* Represents the generalized hearing range for the entire group as a composite (i.e., all species within the group), where individual species’
hearing ranges are typically not as broad. Generalized hearing range chosen based on ∼65-dB threshold from normalized composite audiogram,
with the exception for lower limits for LF cetaceans (Southall et al., 2007) and PW pinniped (approximation).
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[NMFS, 2024]
hearing range *
Hearing group
Low-frequency (LF) cetaceans (baleen whales) ..............................................................................................................
High-frequency (HF) cetaceans (dolphins, toothed whales, beaked whales, bottlenose whales) ..................................
Very High-frequency (VHF) cetaceans (true porpoises, Kogia, river dolphins, Cephalorhynchid, Lagenorhynchus
cruciger & L. australis).
Phocid pinnipeds (PW) (underwater) (true seals) ............................................................................................................
Otariid pinnipeds (OW) (underwater) (sea lions and fur seals) .......................................................................................
Phocid pinnipeds (PA) (true seals) ..................................................................................................................................
Otariid pinnipeds (OA) (sea lions and fur seals) ..............................................................................................................
7 Hz to 36 kHz.
150 Hz to 160 kHz.
200 Hz to 165 kHz.
40 Hz to 90 kHz.
60 Hz to 68 kHz.
42 Hz to 52 kHz.
90 Hz to 40 kHz.
* Represents the generalized hearing range for the entire group as a composite (i.e., all species within the group), where individual species’
hearing ranges may not be as broad. Generalized hearing range chosen based on ∼65-dB threshold from composite audiogram, previous analysis in NMFS 2018, and/or data from Southall et al., 2007; Southall et al., 2019. Additionally, animals are able to detect very loud sounds above
and below that ‘‘generalized’’ hearing range
Potential Effects of Specified Activities
on Marine Mammals and Their Habitat
A description of the potential effects
of the specified activity on marine
mammals and their habitat for the
activities for which an authorization of
incidental take is proposed here may be
found in the Federal Register notice of
the proposed IHA (88 FR 15956, March
15, 2023) for the initial authorization.
NMFS has reviewed the monitoring data
from the initial IHA, recent draft Stock
Assessment Reports, information on
relevant Unusual Mortality Events, and
other scientific literature, and
determined that there is no new
information that affects our initial
analysis of impacts on marine mammals
and their habitat.
Estimated Take of Marine Mammals
A detailed description of the methods
and inputs used to estimate take for the
specified activity are found in the
Federal Register notices of the proposed
and final IHAs for the initial
authorization (88 FR 15956, March 15,
2023 and 88 FR 28517, May 4, 2023,
respectively). Specifically, the source
levels and marine mammal occurrence
data applicable to this authorization
remain unchanged from the previously
issued IHA, as do the thresholds and
methodology for estimating take by
Level B harassment.
The Navy, however, anticipates that
the number of piles that could be
installed or removed per day would
increase compared to the initial IHA so
that personnel can meet new training
requirements during the proposed IHA
authorization period (see table 1). In
addition, the Navy anticipates that the
vibratory removal of 24-in steel sheets
could take 30 minutes, whereas the
initial IHA considered this activity
could take 20 minutes. As described in
the Federal Register notices of the
proposed and final IHAs for the initial
authorization (88 FR 15956, March 15,
2023, and 88 FR 28517, May 4, 2023,
respectively) for the initial
authorization, the ensonified area
associated with Level A harassment
accounts for both source level of the
specified activity and duration of that
activity. Increasing the number of piles
to be installed/removed per day, as well
as the anticipated duration of vibratory
removal of steel sheet piles, increases
the total estimated daily duration of the
activity, and thus, the extent of the
Level A harassment zones. Note; the
estimated distances to the Level B
harassment isopleths would not
increase because activity duration is not
considered in their calculation.
Further, to ensure we have considered
an adequate estimate of take by Level A
harassment and in order to support
consideration of the best available
science, we have conducted basic
comparative calculations using both the
existing Technical Guidance (NMFS,
2018) and the draft Updated Technical
Guidance (NMFS, 2024) for the
purposes of understanding the number
of potential takes by Level A
harassment. The thresholds used to
assess Level A harassment from each
Guidance are provided in tables 4 and
5, respectively. The references, analysis,
and methodology used in the
development of these thresholds are
described in NMFS’ 2018 Technical
Guidance and NMFS’ 2024 draft
Updated Technical Guidance,
respectively, both of which may be
accessed at: https://
The Navy’s proposed activity includes
the use of impulsive (impact pile
driving) and non-impulsive (vibratory
driving) sources.
PTS onset acoustic thresholds 1
(received level)
Hearing group
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Low-Frequency (LF) Cetaceans ......................................
Mid-Frequency (MF) Cetaceans ......................................
High-Frequency (HF) Cetaceans .....................................
Phocid Pinnipeds (PW) (Underwater) .............................
Otariid Pinnipeds (OW) (Underwater) .............................
LE,LF,24h: 183 dB .........................
LE,MF,24h: 185 dB ........................
LE,HF,24h: 155 dB ........................
LE,PW,24h: 185 dB .......................
LE,OW,24h: 203 dB .......................
2: LE,LF,24h: 199 dB.
4: LE,MF,24h: 198 dB.
6: LE,HF,24h: 173 dB.
8: LE,PW,24h: 201 dB.
10: LE,OW,24h: 219 dB.
1 Dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds: Use whichever results in the largest isopleth for calculating PTS onset. If a non-impulsive sound has the potential of exceeding the peak sound pressure level thresholds associated with impulsive sounds, these thresholds should
also be considered.
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Note: Peak sound pressure (Lpk) has a reference value of 1 μPa, and cumulative sound exposure level (LE) has a reference value of 1μPa2s.
In this table, thresholds are abbreviated to reflect American National Standards Institute standards (ANSI, 2013). However, peak sound pressure
is defined by ANSI as incorporating frequency weighting, which is not the intent for NMFS’ 2018 Technical Guidance. Hence, the subscript ‘‘flat’’
is being included to indicate peak sound pressure should be flat weighted or unweighted within the generalized hearing range. The subscript associated with cumulative sound exposure level thresholds indicates the designated marine mammal auditory weighting function (LF, MF, and HF
cetaceans, and PW and OW pinnipeds) and that the recommended accumulation period is 24 hours. The cumulative sound exposure level
thresholds could be exceeded in a multitude of ways (i.e., varying exposure levels and durations, duty cycle). When possible, it is valuable for
action proponents to indicate the conditions under which these acoustic thresholds will be exceeded.
AUD INJ acoustic thresholds 1
(received level)
Hearing group
Low-Frequency (LF) Cetaceans ...............................
High-Frequency (HF) Cetaceans .............................
Very High-Frequency (VHF) Cetaceans ..................
Cell 1: Lp, 0-pk,flat: 222 dB; LE,p, LF,24h: 183 dB ...............
Cell 3: Lp,0-pk,flat: 230 dB; LE,p, HF,24h: 193 dB ................
Cell 5: Lp,0-pk,flat: 202 dB; LE,p,VHF,24h: 159 dB ...............
Phocid Pinnipeds (PW) (Underwater) ......................
Otariid Pinnipeds (OW) (Underwater) ......................
Cell 7: Lp,0-pk,flat: 223 dB; LE,p,PW,24h: 183 dB .................
Cell 9: Lp,0-pk,flat: 230 dB; LE,p,OW,24h: 185 dB ................
Cell 2: LE,p, LF,24h: 197 dB.
Cell 4: LE,p, HF,24h: 201 dB.
Cell 6: LE,p, VHF,24h: 181
Cell 8: LE,p,PW,24h: 195 dB.
Cell 10: LE,p,OW,24h: 199
Phocid Pinnipeds (PA) (In-Air) .................................
Otariid Pinnipeds (OA) (In-Air) .................................
Cell 11: Lp,0-pk.flat: 162 dB; LE,p,PA,24h: 140 dB ...............
Cell 13: Lp,0-pk,flat: 177 dB; LE,p,OA,24h: 163 dB ...............
Cell 12: LE,p,PA,24h: 154 dB.
Cell 14: LE,p,OA,24h: 177 dB.
1 Dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds: Use whichever results in the largest isopleth for calculating AUD INJ onset. If a non-impulsive sound has the potential of exceeding the peak sound pressure level thresholds associated with impulsive sounds, these thresholds
should also be considered.
Note: Peak sound pressure (Lpk) has a reference value of 1 μPa, and cumulative sound exposure level (LE) has a reference value of 1μPa2s.
In this table, thresholds are abbreviated to reflect American National Standards Institute standards (ANSI, 2013). However, peak sound pressure
is defined by ANSI as incorporating frequency weighting, which is not the intent for NMFS’ 2018 Technical Guidance. Hence, the subscript ‘‘flat’’
is being included to indicate peak sound pressure should be flat weighted or unweighted within the generalized hearing range. The subscript associated with cumulative sound exposure level thresholds indicates the designated marine mammal auditory weighting function (LF, MF, and HF
cetaceans, and PW and OW pinnipeds) and that the recommended accumulation period is 24 hours. The cumulative sound exposure level
thresholds could be exceeded in a multitude of ways (i.e., varying exposure levels and durations, duty cycle). When possible, it is valuable for
action proponents to indicate the conditions under which these acoustic thresholds will be exceeded.
NMFS developed optional User
Spreadsheet tools to accompany both
the 2018 Technical guidance and the
2024 draft Technical Guidance that can
be used to relatively simply predict an
isopleth distance for use in conjunction
with marine mammal density or
occurrence to help predict potential
takes. We note that because of some of
the assumptions included in the
methods underlying these optional
tools, we anticipate that the resulting
isopleth estimates are typically going to
be overestimates of some degree, which
may result in an overestimate of
potential take by Level A harassment.
However, these optional tools offers the
best way to estimate isopleth distances
when more sophisticated modeling
methods are not available or practical.
For stationary sources, such as vibratory
and impact pile driving, the optional
User Spreadsheet tools predict the
distance at which, if a marine mammal
remained at that distance for the
duration of the activity, it will be
expected to incur PTS. Inputs used in
the optional User Spreadsheet tools for
the proposed IHA based on the Navy’s
request are reported in table 6. The
isopleths calculated for the proposed
IHA based on NMFS’ 2018 Technical
guidance and NMFS’ 2024 draft
Technical guidance, as well as those
considered in the initial IHA (based on
NMFS’ 2018 Technical guidance), are
reported in table 7.
Vibratory pile driving
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Spreadsheet Tab Used .............................................
Source Level (SPL) ..................................................
Transmission Loss Coefficient ..................................
Weighting Factor Adjustment (kHz) ..........................
Time to install/remove single pile (minutes) .............
Number of strikes per pile ........................................
Piles to install/remove per day .................................
Distance of sound pressure level measurement
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Impact pile driving
16-Inch timber piles
14-Inch steel H
24-Inch steel sheet
16-Inch timber piles
A.1) Non-Impul,
Stat, Cont.
162 dB RMS ...........
15 ...........................
2.5 ..........................
30 ...........................
12 ...........................
10 ...........................
A.1) Non-Impul,
Stat, Cont.
147 dB RMS ...........
15 ...........................
2.5 ..........................
30 ...........................
6 .............................
10 ...........................
A.1) Non-Impul,
Stat, Cont.
159 dB RMS ...........
15 ...........................
2.5 ..........................
30 ...........................
30 ...........................
11 ...........................
E.1) Impact pile
160 dB SEL ............
15 ...........................
2 .............................
1,800 ......................
6 .............................
10 ...........................
PO 00000
Frm 00020
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
14-Inch steel H
E.1) Impact pile
170 dB SEL.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 205 / Wednesday, October 23, 2024 / Notices
Pile description
16-inch Timber Piles ...
Initial IHA ..............
Proposed IHA .......
Initial IHA ..............
Proposed IHA .......
Initial IHA ..............
Proposed IHA .......
Initial IHA ..............
Proposed IHA .......
Initial IHA ..............
Proposed IHA .......
Level A harassment distances
(2018 Technical Guidance/2024
Proposed Update to the 2018
Technical Guidance) 1
Vibratory Installation/
14-inch Steel H Beam
24-inch Steel Sheet ....
Impact Installation .......
16-inch Timber Piles ...
14-inch Steel H-Beam
4 20.4/4 58.4
Level A
areas (km2)
for all
groups 2
4 1.4/4 19.7
Level B
(m) all
Level B
areas (km2)
for all
groups 2
3 6,310
3 6,310
3 4,379
3 4,379
1 The initial IHA only calculated distances to the Level A harassment thresholds based on the 2018 Technical Guidance, whereas the proposed IHA considers calculated distances to the Level A harassment thresholds based on both the 2018 Technical Guidance and the 2024 Proposed Update to the 2018 Technical Guidance.
2 Harassment areas have been truncated where appropriate to account for land masses.
3 The maximum harassment distances are approximately 790 m for Wharf 4 South, 795 m for Wharf 4 East, and 655 m for Wharf D due to the presence of land
masses in the project area, which truncate sound transmission.
4 The Navy made a typographical error made in their calculation of the distance to the Level A harassment thresholds. Specifically they used a sound pressure level
measurement distance of 10 m when the correct measurement distance is 11 m. Therefore, the distances provided here are slightly larger than the distances provided in their IHA application.
The stocks taken, methods of take,
and types of take remain unchanged
from the initial authorization. Here, we
estimate the proposed amount of taking
by Level B harassment for both species
using the same method and rates of
daily occurrence for California sea lions
(342 individuals) and harbor seals (21
individuals) used in the initial IHA,
applied across the proposed 136 days of
activity, resulting in 46,512 and 2,856
instances of take by Level B harassment,
respectively (table 8). While the
estimated distances to the Level A
thresholds and the shutdown zones are
larger here than in the initial IHA (see
table 7 and the Proposed Mitigation
section of this notice), and in some
cases larger than the estimated distances
to the Level B thresholds (see distances
for impact driving in table 7), they are
still relatively small (i.e., less than 171
m or 283 m based on NMFS’ 2018
Technical Guidance and NMFS’ 2024
draft Technical Guidance, respectively)
and it is unlikely that an individual
would remain in these zones long
enough to incur PTS. Further, we
anticipate that the Navy will be able to
effectively shut down operations as
necessary to avoid any take by Level A
harassment. Therefore, take by Level A
harassment is not proposed to be
authorized. During the initial
authorization period, the Navy detected
40 California sea lions and 4 harbor
seals within the estimated Level B
harassment zone.
Proposed amount of taking
Level A
California Sea Lion .................
U.S .........................................
Harbor Seal .............................
California ................................
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Description of Proposed Mitigation,
Monitoring and Reporting Measures
The proposed mitigation, monitoring,
and reporting measures included as
requirements in this authorization are
identical to those included in the
Federal Register notice announcing the
issuance of the initial IHA (88 FR 28517,
May 4, 2023), except for the size of the
respective shutdown zones as discussed
below, and the discussion of the least
practicable adverse impact included in
that document remains accurate. The
following measures are proposed for
this IHA:
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Initial IHA ...............................
Proposed IHA ........................
Initial IHA ...............................
Proposed IHA ........................
• The Navy would conduct briefings
between supervisors and trainees, the
marine mammal monitoring team, and
Navy staff prior to the start of all inwater pile driving activity, and when
new personnel join the work, to ensure
that responsibilities, communication
procedures, marine mammal monitoring
protocols, and operational procedures
are clearly understood.
• During all in-water work other than
pile driving (e.g., pile placement, boat
use), in order to prevent injury from
physical interaction with construction
equipment, a shutdown zone of 10 m
would be implemented. If a marine
PO 00000
Frm 00021
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Level B
of stock
mammal comes within 10 m, operations
would cease and vessels would reduce
speed to the minimum level required to
maintain steerage and safe working
conditions. If human safety is at risk,
the in-water activity would be allowed
to continue until it is safe to stop.
• The Navy would establish
shutdown zones for all for in-water pile
driving activities. The purpose of a
shutdown zone is generally to define an
area within which shutdown of activity
will occur upon sighting of a marine
mammal (or in anticipation of an animal
entering the defined area). Shutdown
zones would vary based on the type of
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 205 / Wednesday, October 23, 2024 / Notices
pile installation/removal activity, but
are proposed to be larger than the
calculated Level A harassment isopleths
shown in table 9. The proposed
shutdown zones have increased slightly
from what was required in the initial
IHA based on the Navy’s request to
increase the number of piles that may be
installed and or removed each day, and
in the case of 24-in steel sheets, the
longer duration estimated to remove
piles with a vibratory hammer (see table
1). The placement of lookouts during all
pile driving activities (described in
detail in below) would ensure that the
entirety of all shutdown zones and
Level A harassment zones are visible
during pile installation and removal.
Pile description
Vibratory Installation/Removal ...........................
16-inch Timber Piles .........................................
14-inch Steel H Beam ......................................
24-inch Steel Sheet ..........................................
Impact Installation .............................................
16-inch Timber Piles .........................................
14-inch Steel H-Beam ......................................
Initial IHA ..........
Proposed IHA ...
Initial IHA ..........
Proposed IHA ...
Initial IHA ..........
Proposed IHA ...
Initial IHA ..........
Proposed IHA ...
Initial IHA ..........
Proposed IHA ...
Distance (m) 1
2 30/60
2 30/60
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
1 Shutdown zones for the proposed IHA consider calculated distances to the Level A harassment thresholds based on both the 2018 Technical
Guidance and the 2024 Proposed Update to the 2018 Technical Guidance, whereas shutdown zones for the initial IHA only considered calculated distances to the Level A harassment thresholds based on the 2018 Technical Guidance. Here, we are proposing the Navy implement the
larger distance as the shutdown zones, which consider the 2024 Proposed Update to the 2018 Technical Guidance.
2 The Navy considered a shutdown zone of 20 m due to a typographical error made in their calculation of the distance to the Level A harassment thresholds. Specifically they used a sound pressure level measurement distance of 10 m when the correct measurement distance is 11 m.
• The Navy would delay or shutdown
all in-water pile driving activities
should an animal approach or enter the
appropriate shutdown zone. The Navy
could resume in-water pile driving
activities after one of the following
conditions has been met: (1) the animal
is observed exiting the shutdown zone;
(2) the animal is thought to have exited
the shutdown zone based on a
determination of its course, speed, and
movement relative to the pile driving
location; or (3) the shutdown zone has
been clear from any additional sightings
for 15 minutes.
• The Navy would employ lookouts
trained in marine mammal
identification and behaviors to monitor
marine mammal presence in the action
area. Requirements for numbers and
locations of observers will be based on
hammer type, pile material, and Seabees
training location as described in section
5 of the proposed IHA. Lookouts would
track marine mammals observed
anywhere within their visual range
relative to in-water training activities,
and estimate the amount of time a
marine mammal spends within the
Level A or Level B harassment zones
while pile driving activities are
underway. The Navy would monitor the
project area, including the Level B
harassment zones, to the maximum
extent possible based on the required
number of lookouts, required
monitoring locations, and
environmental conditions. For all pile
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driving and removal activities, at least
one lookout would be used.
• The placement of the lookouts
during all pile driving and removal
activities would ensure that the entire
applicable shutdown zones are visible
during all in-water pile installation and
removal. One observer would be placed
in a position to implement shutdown/
delay procedures, when applicable, by
notifying the hammer operator of a need
for a shutdown of pile driving or
• Prior to the start of pile driving or
removal, the shutdown zone(s) would
be monitored for a minimum of 30
minutes to ensure that they are clear of
marine mammals (i.e., pre-clearance
monitoring). Pile driving would only
commence once observers have declared
the shutdown zone(s) are clear of
marine mammals. Monitoring would
also take place for 30 minutes postcompletion of pile driving.
• If in-water work ceases for more
than 30 minutes, the Navy would
conduct pre-clearance monitoring of
both the Level B harassment zone and
shutdown zone.
• Pre-start clearance monitoring
would be conducted during periods of
visibility sufficient for the lead lookout
to determine that the shutdown zones
indicated in table 5 are clear of marine
mammals. Pile driving could commence
following 30 minutes of observation
when the determination is made that the
shutdown zones are clear of marine
PO 00000
Frm 00022
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
• The Navy would use soft start
techniques when impact pile driving.
Soft start requires contractors to provide
an initial set of three strikes at reduced
energy, followed by a 30-second waiting
period, then two subsequent reduced
energy strike sets. A soft start would be
implemented at the start of each day’s
impact pile driving and at any time
following cessation of impact pile
driving for a period of 30 minutes or
longer. Soft starts would not be used for
vibratory pile installation and removal.
Lookouts would begin observing for
marine mammals 30 minutes before
‘‘soft start’’ or in-water pile installation
or removal begins.
• For any marine mammal species for
which take by Level B harassment has
not been requested or authorized, inwater pile installation/removal would
shut down immediately when the
animals are sighted.
• If take by Level B harassment
reaches the authorized limit for an
authorized species, pile installation
would be stopped as these species
approach the Level B harassment zone
to avoid additional take of them.
• Monitoring would be conducted by
qualified lookouts with support from
Navy biologists, in accordance with the
• Navy biologists would train and
certify lookouts in accordance with the
mitigation, monitoring and reporting
requirements of the issued IHA;
• All lookouts would maintain
contact via either handheld
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 205 / Wednesday, October 23, 2024 / Notices
communication devices or flags to
signal sightings and shutdowns;
• Lookouts would be placed at
vantage points to monitor for marine
mammals and implement shutdown/
delay procedures when applicable by
calling for the shutdown to the hammer
• The Lead lookout would be located
within auditory range of the pile driving
team and would have primary
responsibility for calling activity
• Lookouts would use a hand-held
global positioning device (GPS) device,
rangefinder, visual reference points, or
marker buoy to verify the required
monitoring distance from the project
• Monitoring would occur in allweather until training has concluded for
the day;
• Lookouts would scan the waters
within the Level A harassment and
Level B harassment zones using
binoculars (10x42 or similar) and or the
naked eye and make visual observations
of marine mammals present; and
• Lookouts would record all
observations of marine mammals as
described in the section 5 of the IHA,
regardless of distance from the pile
being driven. Lookouts would document
any behavioral reactions in concert with
distance from piles being driven or
• Lookouts would have the following
additional qualifications:
• Visual acuity in both eyes
(correction is permissible) sufficient for
discernment of moving targets at the
water’s surface with ability to estimate
target size and distance; use of
binoculars may be necessary to correctly
identify the target;
• Sufficient training, orientation, or
experience with the construction
operation to provide for personal safety
during observations;
• Writing skills sufficient to prepare a
report of observations including but not
limited to the number and species of
marine mammals observed; dates and
times when in-water construction
activities were conducted; dates, times,
and reason for implementation of
mitigation (or why mitigation was not
implemented when required); and
marine mammal behavior; and
• Ability to communicate orally, by
radio or in person, with project
personnel to provide real-time
information on marine mammals
observed in the area as necessary.
The Navy would submit a draft
marine mammal monitoring report to
NMFS within 90 days after the
completion of pile driving training
activities, or 60 days prior to a requested
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date of issuance of any future IHAs for
projects at the same location, whichever
comes first. NMFS would provide
comments within 30 days after receiving
the draft report, and the Navy would
address the comments and submit
revisions within 30 days of receipt. If no
comments are received from NMFS
within 30 days, the draft report would
be considered as final.
The draft and final marine mammal
monitoring reports would be submitted
to PR.ITP.MonitoringReports@noaa.gov
and ITP.tyson.moore@noaa.gov. The
reports would include an overall
description of work completed, a
narrative regarding marine mammal
sightings, and associated data sheets.
Specifically, the reports would include:
• Dates and times (begin and end) of
all marine mammal monitoring;
• Training activities occurring during
each daily observation period, including
the number and type of piles driven or
removed and by what method (i.e.,
impact or vibratory) and the total
equipment duration for vibratory
installation and removal for each pile or
estimated total number of strikes for
each pile for impact driving;
• Lookout locations during marine
mammal monitoring;
• Environmental conditions during
monitoring periods (at beginning and
end of lookout shift and whenever
conditions change significantly),
including Beaufort sea state and any
other relevant weather conditions
including cloud cover, fog, sun glare,
and overall visibility to the horizon, and
estimated observable distance;
• Description of any deviation from
initial proposal in pile numbers, pile
types, average driving times, etc.;
• Brief description of any
impediments to obtaining reliable
observations during training periods;
• Description of any impediments to
complying with the aforementioned
mitigation measures.
Lookouts would record all incidents
of marine mammal occurrence in the
area in which take is anticipated
regardless of distance from activity, and
would98 document any behavioral
reactions in concert with distance from
piles being driven or removed.
Specifically, lookouts would record the
• Name of lookout who sighted the
animal(s) and lookout location and
activity at time of sighting;
• Time of sighting;
• Identification of the animal(s) (e.g.,
genus/species, lowest possible
taxonomic level, or unidentified),
lookout confidence in identification,
PO 00000
Frm 00023
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
and the composition of the group if
there is a mix of species;
• Distance and bearing of each marine
mammal observed relative to the pile
being driven for each sighting (if pile
driving was occurring at time of
• Estimated number of animals (min/
max/best estimate);
• Estimated number of animals by
cohort (adults, juveniles, neonates,
group composition, sex class, etc.);
• Animal’s closest point of approach
and estimated time spent within the
harassment zone;
• Description of any marine mammal
behavioral observations (e.g., observed
behaviors such as feeding or traveling),
including an assessment of behavioral
responses thought to have resulted from
the activity (e.g., no response or changes
in behavioral state such as ceasing
feeding, changing direction, flushing, or
• Number of marine mammals
detected within the harassment zones
and shutdown zones, by species; and
• Detailed information about any
implementation of any mitigation
triggered (e.g., shutdowns and delays), a
description of specific actions that
ensued, and resulting changes in
behavior of the animal(s), if any.
Preliminary Determinations
The proposed IHA consists of the
same activities analyzed through the
initial authorization. The proposed IHA
would authorize the incidental take by
Level B harassment of California sea
lions and harbor seals to up to four 34day pile driving training exercises. This
activity was originally authorized under
the initial IHA, but the Navy only
completed one, 11-day, exercise. The
Navy is requesting an IHA so that it can
conduct an additional four training
exercises during the proposed
authorization period. However, due to
emergent training requirements and
tempo, the Navy is requesting, in some
instances, to install and remove
additional piles over additional days
during the training exercises than what
was analyzed in the initial IHA (i.e., 136
total days considered in the proposed
IHA versus 96 days considered in the
initial IHA), which results in an
increase in the number of takes by Level
B harassment proposed for
authorization for harbor seals and sea
lions (see table 8). In addition, on May
3, 2024 NMFS published and solicited
public comment on its draft Updated
Technical Guidance (89 FR 36762),
which includes updated hearing ranges
and names for marine mammal hearing
groups as well as updated thresholds
and weighting functions to inform
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 205 / Wednesday, October 23, 2024 / Notices
auditory injury estimates (i.e., for Level
A harassment). These changes result in
slightly larger Level A harassment zones
and shutdown zones due to increased
durations of pile driving activities. No
other changes have been made to the
planned activities.
In analyzing the effects of the
activities for the initial IHA, NMFS
determined that the Navy’s activities
would have a negligible impact on the
affected species or stocks. There is no
new information that affects NMFS’
determinations supporting issuance of
the initial IHA or this proposed IHA.
While the takes by Level B harassment
proposed for authorization are greater
than the takes by Level B harassment
authorized in the initial IHA, the
anticipated impacts of the Navy’s
training exercises on marine mammals
is the same as what was considered in
the initial IHA (e.g., temporary
modifications in behaviors or
Temporary Threshold Shifts (TTS) that
would not result in fitness impacts to
any individuals). In addition, the
specified activity and ensonification
areas are still very small relative to the
overall habitat ranges of all species and
do not include habitat areas of special
significance (Biologically Important
Areas or ESA-designated critical
habitat). Lastly, the intensity of
anticipated takes by Level B harassment
is relatively low for all stocks and
would not be of a duration or intensity
expected to result in impacts on
reproduction or survival. The mitigation
measures and monitoring and reporting
requirements as described above are
identical to the initial IHA, except for
the requirement of slightly larger
shutdown zones.
Based on the information contained
here and in the referenced documents,
NMFS has preliminarily determined the
following: (1) the required mitigation
measures will effect the least practicable
impact on marine mammal species or
stocks and their habitat; (2) the
proposed authorized takes will have a
negligible impact on the affected marine
mammal species or stocks; (3) the
proposed authorized takes represent
small numbers of marine mammals
relative to the affected stock
abundances; (4) the Navy’s activities
will not have an unmitigable adverse
impact on taking for subsistence
purposes as no relevant subsistence uses
of marine mammals are implicated by
this action; and (5) appropriate
monitoring and reporting requirements
are included.
Endangered Species Act
No incidental take of Endangered
Species Act (ESA)-listed species is
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authorized or expected to result from
this activity. Therefore, NMFS has
determined that formal consultation
under section 7 of the ESA is not
required for this action.
Proposed Renewal IHA and Request
for Public Comment
As a result of these preliminary
determinations, NMFS proposes to issue
an HA to the Navy for conducting pile
driving training exercises in NBVC for 1
year after the date of issuance, provided
the previously described mitigation,
monitoring, and reporting requirements
are incorporated. A draft of the
proposed IHA can be found at https://
Request for Public Comments
We request comment on our analyses
(included in both this document and the
referenced documents supporting the
initial IHA), the proposed authorization,
and any other aspect of this notice of
proposed IHA for the Navy’s proposed
pile driving training exercises at NBVC.
We also request comment on the
potential for renewal of this proposed
IHA as described in the paragraph
below. Please include with your
comments any supporting data or
literature citations to help inform our
final decision on the request for MMPA
On a case-by-case basis, NMFS may
issue a one-time, 1-year renewal IHA
following notice to the public providing
an additional 15 days for public
comments when (1) up to another year
of identical or nearly identical, or nearly
identical, activities as described in the
Description of the Proposed Activity
and Anticipated Impacts section of this
notice is planned or (2) the activities as
described in the Description of the
Proposed Activity and Anticipated
Impacts section of this notice would not
be completed by the time the IHA
expires and a renewal would allow for
completion of the activities beyond that
described in the Dates and Duration
section of this notice, provided all of the
following conditions are met:
• A request for renewal is received no
later than 60 days prior to the needed
renewal IHA effective date (recognizing
that the renewal IHA expiration date
cannot extend beyond 1 year from
expiration of the initial IHA).
• The request for renewal must
include the following:
(1) An explanation that the activities
to be conducted under the requested
renewal IHA are identical to the
activities analyzed under the initial
IHA, are a subset of the activities, or
PO 00000
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include changes so minor (e.g.,
reduction in pile size) that the changes
do not affect the previous analyses,
mitigation and monitoring
requirements, or take estimates (with
the exception of reducing the type or
amount of take).
(2) A preliminary monitoring report
showing the results of the required
monitoring to date and an explanation
showing that the monitoring results do
not indicate impacts of a scale or nature
not previously analyzed or authorized.
• Upon review of the request for
renewal, the status of the affected
species or stocks, and any other
pertinent information, NMFS
determines that there are no more than
minor changes in the activities, the
mitigation and monitoring measures
will remain the same and appropriate,
and the findings in the initial IHA
remain valid.
Dated: October 18, 2024.
Kimberly Damon-Randall,
Director, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2024–24555 Filed 10–22–24; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XE319]
Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management
Council; Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of public meeting.
The Gulf of Mexico Fishery
Management Council (Council) will
hold a Recreational Initiative Public
Engagement Workshop via webinar.
DATES: The webinar will convene
Monday, November 18, 2024, from 6
p.m. to 9 p.m., EST.
ADDRESSES: The workshop will take
place via webinar. You may participate
by accessing the log-on information by
visiting our website at https://
Council address: Gulf of Mexico
Fishery Management Council, 4107 W
Spruce Street, Suite 200, Tampa, FL
33607; telephone: (813) 348–1630.
Emily Muehlstein, Public Information
Officer, Gulf of Mexico Fishery
Management Council; telephone: (813)
348–1630; Emily.Muehlstein@
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 205 (Wednesday, October 23, 2024)]
[Pages 84534-84544]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-24555]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
[RTID 0648-XE356]
Takes of Marine Mammals Incidental to Specified Activities;
Taking Marine Mammals Incidental to Pile Driving Training Exercises at
Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme
AGENCY: National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Commerce.
ACTION: Notice; proposed issuance of an incidental harassment
authorization; request for comments on proposed authorization and
possible renewal.
SUMMARY: NMFS has received a request from the United States Navy (Navy)
for authorization to take marine mammals, by Level B harassment only,
incidental to pile driving training exercises at Naval Base Ventura
County, Port Hueneme (NBVC).
NMFS previously issued an incidental harassment authorization IHA
to the Navy for similar activities on April 28, 2023 (hereinafter
referred to as the initial IHA); however, during the initial
authorization period, only one of four planned training exercise was
performed. The Navy is requesting, and NMFS is proposing to issue an
IHA authorizing incidental take for an additional four training
exercises. Pursuant to the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA), NMFS is
requesting comments on its proposal to issue an IHA to incidentally
take marine mammals during the specified activities. NMFS is also
requesting comments on a possible 1-year Renewal IHA that could be
issued under certain circumstances and if all requirements are met, as
described in Request for Public Comments at the end of this notice.
NMFS will consider public comments prior to making any final decision
on the issuance of the requested MMPA authorizations and agency
responses will be summarized in the final notice of our decision. The
Navy's activities are considered military readiness activities pursuant
to the MMPA, as amended by the National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2004 (NDAA).
DATES: Comments and information must be received no later than November
7, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Comments should be addressed to Jolie Harrison, Chief,
Permits and Conservation Division, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service, and should be submitted via email to
[email protected]. Electronic copies of the application and
supporting documents, as well as a list of the references cited in this
document, may be obtained online at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/permit/incidental-take-authorizations-under-marine-mammal-protection-act. In case of problems accessing these documents, please call the
contact listed below.
Instructions: NMFS is not responsible for comments sent by any
other method, to any other address or individual, or received after the
end of the comment period. Comments, including all attachments, must
not exceed a 25-megabyte file size. All comments received are a part of
the public record and will generally be posted online at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/permit/incidental-take-authorizations-under-marine-mammal-protection-act without change. All personal identifying
information (e.g., name, address) voluntarily submitted by the
commenter may be publicly accessible. Do not submit confidential
business information or otherwise sensitive or protected information.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Reny Tyson Moore, Office of Protected
Resources, NMFS, (301) 427-8401.
[[Page 84535]]
The MMPA prohibits the ``take'' of marine mammals, with certain
exceptions. Sections 101(a)(5)(A) and (D) of the MMPA (16 U.S.C. 1361
et seq.) direct the Secretary of Commerce (as delegated to NMFS) to
allow, upon request, the incidental, but not intentional, taking of
small numbers of marine mammals by U.S. citizens who engage in a
specified activity (other than commercial fishing) within a specified
geographical region if certain findings are made and either regulations
are issued or, if the taking is limited to harassment, a notice of a
proposed incidental take authorization may be provided to the public
for review.
Authorization for incidental takings shall be granted if NMFS finds
that the taking will have a negligible impact on the species or
stock(s) and will not have an unmitigable adverse impact on the
availability of the species or stock(s) for taking for subsistence uses
(where relevant). Further, NMFS must prescribe the permissible methods
of taking and other ``means of effecting the least practicable adverse
impact'' on the affected species or stocks and their habitat, paying
particular attention to rookeries, mating grounds, and areas of similar
significance, and on the availability of such species or stocks for
taking for certain subsistence uses (referred to in shorthand as
``mitigation''); and requirements pertaining to the mitigation,
monitoring and reporting of such takings are set forth.
The NDAA (Pub. L. 108-136) removed the ``small numbers'' and
``specified geographical region'' limitations indicated above and
amended the definition of ``harassment'' as it applies to a ``military
readiness activity.'' The activity for which incidental take of marine
mammals is being requested addressed here qualifies as a military
readiness activity.
National Environmental Policy Act
To comply with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA;
42 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.) and NOAA Administrative Order (NAO) 216-6A,
NMFS must review our proposed action (i.e., the issuance of a Renewal
IHA) with respect to potential impacts on the human environment. This
action is consistent with categories of activities identified in
Categorical Exclusion B4 (incidental take authorizations with no
anticipated serious injury or mortality) of the Companion Manual for
NOAA Administrative Order 216-6A, which do not individually or
cumulatively have the potential for significant impacts on the quality
of the human environment and for which we have not identified any
extraordinary circumstances that would preclude this categorical
exclusion. Accordingly, NMFS has preliminarily determined that the
issuance of the proposed IHA qualifies to be categorically excluded
from further NEPA review.
We will review all comments submitted in response to this
notification prior to concluding our NEPA process or making a final
decision on the IHA request.
History of Request
On August 18, 2021, NMFS received a request from the Navy for an
IHA to take marine mammals incidental to pile driving training
exercises at NBVC. That application was deemed adequate and complete on
January 12, 2023. NMFS published a notice of a proposed IHA and request
for comments in the Federal Register on March 15, 2023 (88 FR 15956).
We subsequently published the final notice of our issuance of the IHA
on May 4, 2023 (88 FR 28517); the IHA was effective from May 1, 2023
through April 30, 2024. The specified activities were expected to
result in the take of California sea lions (Zalophus californius) and
harbor seals (Phoca vitulina richardii) by Level B harassment only.
Neither the Navy nor NMFS expected serious injury or mortality to
result from this activity and, therefore, an IHA was appropriate.
On February 22, 2024 NMFS received notification from the Navy that
only one of four planned training exercises were completed under the
initial IHA. On March 5, 2023 the Navy requested a renewal of the
initial IHA; however, the Navy and NMFS deemed that it would be
appropriate to issue a proposed IHA rather than undertake the renewal
process given the Navy's desire to request changes to the specified
activity. On May 13, 2024, the Navy submitted an application requesting
that a new IHA be issued that would allow take of California sea lions
and harbor seals, by Level B harassment only, incidental to four pile
driving training exercises at NBVC, effective for 1 year after the date
of issuance. Revised applications were received on August 6, 2024, and
September 12, 2024. The application was deemed adequate and complete on
September 24, 2024. Proposed changes from the initial IHA include those
associated with the Navy's request, in some instances, to install and
remove additional piles during the training exercises over additional
days (i.e., more than were addressed in the initial IHA) due to
emergent training requirements and tempo (see the Description of the
Specified Activities and Anticipated Impacts section for more details).
In addition, on May 3, 2024, NMFS published and solicited public
comment on its draft Updated Technical Guidance (89 FR 36762), which
includes updated hearing ranges and names for marine mammal hearing
groups as well as updated thresholds and weighting functions to inform
auditory injury estimates (i.e., for Level A harassment). To ensure
take by Level A harassment is appropriately considered, and in order to
support consideration of the best available science, comparative
calculations using both the existing NMFS Technical Guidance (NMFS,
2018) and the NMFS Updated Technical Guidance (NMFS, 2024) have been
conducted and provided for consideration of take by Level A harassment.
These proposed changes do not affect the previous analyses, mitigation,
and monitoring requirements, or method of take calculations, outside of
the inclusion of slightly larger Level A harassment zones and shutdown
zones due to the increased numbers of piles anticipated to be installed
and or removed within a day, and that the proposed training exercises
would be completed in 136 days instead of 96 days. In evaluating the
2024 request and to the extent deemed appropriate, NMFS relies on the
information presented in notices associated with the issuance of the
initial IHA (88 FR 15956, March 15, 2023; 88 FR 28517, May 4, 2023).
The Navy submitted a monitoring report on March 4, 2023, based on
the work completed under the initial IHA, which confirms that the
applicant implemented the required mitigation and monitoring during the
initial year of the activity, and that they did not exceed the
authorized levels of take under the initial IHA. These monitoring
results, as well as the Navy's current request and application, are
available to the public on our website: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/action/incidental-take-authorization-us-navy-pile-training-exercises-naval-base-ventura-county-port.
Description of the Proposed Activities and Anticipated Impacts
The primary mission of NBVC is to provide a home port and to
furnish training, administrative, and logistical support for the Naval
Construction Battalions. As described in the initial IHA, Naval
Construction Group ONE proposed to execute pile driving training
exercises at NBVC that are
[[Page 84536]]
essential to construction battalion personnel prior to deployment. The
specific components of each exercise could vary based on the specific
training requirements for each battalion, but could include vibratory
and impact pile driving, temporary pier construction, and subsequent
removal of all installed materials. These are military readiness
activities, as defined under the NDAA of Fiscal Year 2004 (Pub. L. 108-
Under the initial IHA, the Navy requested take by Level B
harassment for California sea lions and harbor seals incidental to up
to four pile driving training exercises, each of which could include
installation and removal of a sheet pile wall and round pile pier.
Level A harassment was not anticipated, requested, or authorized. It
was estimated that each training exercise could take up to 24 days (12
days for pile installation and 12 days for pile removal), for a total
of up to 96 days over the four training exercises. Due to issues with
equipment, the Navy only performed one training activity for 11 days
during the initial authorization period. The Navy is requesting a new
IHA so that it can complete an additional four training exercises
during the new IHA period. Due to emergent training requirements and
tempo, the Navy is requesting, in some instances, to install and remove
additional piles during the training exercises across a total of 136
days (34 active in-water pile driving per training exercise). The new
IHA, if authorized, would be valid for 1 year from the date of
To support public review and comment on the IHA that NMFS is
proposing to issue here, we refer to the documents related to the
previously issued IHA and discuss any new or changed information here.
The previous documents include the Federal Register notice of the
proposed IHA (88 FR 15956, March 15, 2023), the Federal Register notice
of issuance of the initial IHA (88 FR 28517, May 4, 2023), and all
associated references and documents. We also refer the reader to the
Navy's previous and current applications and monitoring reports which
can be found at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/action/incidental-take-authorization-us-navy-pile-training-exercises-naval-base-ventura-county-port.
Dates and Duration
The initial IHA considered 96 total annual days of active in-water
pile installation and removal, which would be spread over four annual
training exercises, each of which was estimated to last 24 days. The
current request considers a total of 136 total annual days of active
water in-water pile installation and removal spread over four annual
training exercises (i.e., each training exercise is estimated to last
up to 34 days). Each workday would occur during daylight hours, and
would last approximately 8 hours, but pile installation/removal would
not occur for the entire eight hours. Due to the availability of
resources, requirements by NBVC for port use, and battalion training
needs, it is not possible to predict the precise dates of training
activities; however, no more than four separate training events would
occur over the duration of the proposed 1-year IHA.
Specific Geographic Region
A detailed description of the specific geographic region for the
Navy's activities is found in the Federal Register notice of the
proposed IHA for the initial IHA (88 FR 15956, March 15, 2023) and
associated documents (available at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/action/incidental-take-authorization-us-navy-pile-training-exercises-naval-base-ventura-county-port). This description remains accurate and
is referenced herein.
Detailed Description of the Activity
A detailed description of the training exercise for which take is
proposed here may be found in the Federal Register notices of the
proposed and final IHA for the initial authorization (88 FR 15956,
March 15, 2023 and 88 FR 28517, May 4, 2023, respectively), and in
associated documents (available at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/action/incidental-take-authorization-us-navy-pile-training-exercises-naval-base-ventura-county-port). The description, including of the
activities, including the types of equipment planned for use, are
identical to those described in the previous notices and remains
accurate with the exception of anticipated production rates, which are
described in more detail below.
The Navy has requested, in some instances, to increase the number
of piles that may be driven in a day due to emergent training
requirements and tempo. Differences between the initial and proposed
IHAs are shown in table 1. Specifically, the initial IHA considered
that a total of 15 24-inch steel sheet piles, 10 16-inch timber piles,
and 4 14-inch H-beam steel piles may be driven during each training
exercise. The current request proposes that up to 30 24-inch steel
sheet piles, 12 16-inch timber piles, and 6 14-inch H-beam steel piles
may be driven during each training exercise. These changes represent a
65.5-percent increase in the total number of piles anticipated to be
installed and removed each training exercise.
Anticipated production rates for installation and removal with a
vibratory and or impact hammer, and how these rates compared to the
initial IHA, are provided in table 1. To allow for unanticipated
variation in production rates and to account for any training that is
slowed or delayed due to the need to meet specific training or
mitigation requirements (e.g., additional delays or shutdowns due to
larger shutdown zones; see the Proposed Mitigation section of this
notice for more details), the Navy has added buffer days to the total
anticipated activity days proposed for the training exercises. The
buffers for vibratory pile installation and removal include 12 days for
24-inch steel sheets, 3 days for 16-in round timber piles, and 3 days
for 14-in steel H-piles. The buffers for impact driving include 4 days
for 16-in round timber piles and 3 days for 14-in steel H-piles. With
these buffer days added, the Navy anticipates that pile driving could
occur on up to 34 days each training exercise, for a total of 136 days
spread across the four training exercises. Buffer days were not
considered in the initial IHA. The initial IHA anticipated that it
could take 5 days to install and 5 days to remove the 24-inch steel
sheets, 5 days to install and 5 days to remove 16-in round timber
piles, and 2 days to install and 2 days to remove the 14-in steel H-
piles, for a total of 24 days per training exercise and 96 days during
the 1-year IHA effective period (see table 1 in the Federal Register
notices of the proposed and final IHA for the initial authorization; 88
FR 15956, March 15, 2023 and 88 FR 28517, May 4, 2023, respectively).
Therefore, the current proposed training exercises could occur for up
to 10 additional days each training exercise and up to 40 additional
days during the proposed 1-year authorization period compared to the
initial IHA.
[[Page 84537]]
Table 1--Summary of Pile Details and Estimated Production Rates for Pile Installation and Removal During Each Training Exercise for the Initial and Proposed IHAs
Production rate (piles/day)
Vibratory Potential ------------------------------------------------
Number of installation/ impact Installation Removal Days of Days of Buffer Total days
Pile size/type/shape Authorization sheets/ removal duration strikes ------------------------------------------------ installation removal days \1\ per
piles per pile per pile, Vibratory Impact Vibratory Impact exercise
if needed hammer hammer hammer hammer
24-in Steel Sheet............ Initial IHA.......... 15 10/20 minutes... NA 3 3 3 NA 5 5 0 10
Proposed IHA......... 30 10/30 minutes... NA 30 NA 30 NA 1 1 12 14
12-in Timber Pile............ Initial IHA.......... 10 20/30 minutes... 1,800 2 2 2 NA 5 5 0 10
Proposed IHA......... 12 20/30 minutes... 1,800 12 6 12 NA 2 1 7 10
14-in H-Beam Pile............ Initial IHA.......... 4 20/30 minutes... 1,800 2 2 2 NA 2 2 0 4
Proposed IHA......... 6 20/30 minutes... 1,800 6 2 6 NA 3 1 6 10
Totals for the Initial IHA................................... 7.17 hours/12 .......... .......... .......... .......... NA 12 12 0 24
Totals for the Proposed IHA.................................. 11 hours/24 .......... .......... .......... .......... NA 6 3 25 34
\1\ Buffer days are included in the proposed IHA to allow for unanticipated variation in production rates and to account for any training that is slowed or delayed due to the need to meet
specific training or mitigation requirements; buffer days were not considered in the initial IHA.
[[Page 84538]]
The anticipated duration of vibratory removal of steel sheet piles
has also changed from the initial IHA. The initial IHA estimated that
this activity would take 20 minutes, whereas the Navy now estimates
that this activity could take 30 minutes (table 1). This increase in
duration, in addition to the increased number of piles to be installed
and removed each training exercise, increases both the daily duration
and the total duration of active pile driving anticipated to occur. The
initial IHA considered that vibratory installation and removal of all
piles could take 7.17 hours and 12 hours, respectively, during each
training exercise; whereas the current request anticipates that
vibratory installation and removal of all piles could take 11 hours and
24 hours, respectively, during each training exercise (table 1). These
changes represent a 100-percent increase in the total estimated amount
of time required each training exercise for vibratory installation and
removal of piles. The number of strikes estimated to be required per
pile during impact hammer installation is the same as that estimated in
the initial IHA; however, given more piles are anticipated to be
installed, it is also anticipated that the total amount of time for
impact pile driving would also increase.
This change in the total number of piles and the increased daily
durations of pile durations would result in slightly larger Level A
harassment zones and shutdown zones due to increased durations of pile
driving activities. In addition, the additional days of estimated
activity would result in a higher amount of take by Level B harassment
to be proposed to be authorized compared to the initial IHA. No other
changes have been made to the planned activities. The details of these
requested changes are provided in table 1 and in the Estimated Take of
Marine Mammals and Proposed Mitigation sections of this notice. The
proposed IHA, if authorized, would be effective for 1 year from the
date of issuance.
Description of Marine Mammals
A description of the marine mammals in the area of the activities
for which authorization of take is proposed here, including information
on abundance, status, distribution, and hearing, may be found in the
Federal Register notice of the proposed IHA (88 FR 15956, March 15,
2023) for the initial authorization. NMFS has reviewed the monitoring
data from the initial IHA, 2023 draft Stock Assessment Reports,
information on relevant Unusual Mortality Events, and other scientific
literature, and determined there is no new information that affects
which species or stocks have the potential to be affected or the
pertinent information in the Description of the Marine Mammals in the
Area of Specified Activities contained in the supporting documents for
the initial IHA.
Marine Mammal Hearing
Hearing is the most important sensory modality for marine mammals
underwater, and exposure to anthropogenic sound can have deleterious
effects. To appropriately assess the potential effects of exposure to
sound, it is necessary to understand the frequency ranges marine
mammals are able to hear. Not all marine mammal species have equal
hearing capabilities (e.g., Richardson et al., 1995; Wartzok and
Ketten, 1999; Au and Hastings, 2008). To reflect this, Southall et al.
(2007, 2019) recommended that marine mammals be divided into hearing
groups based on directly measured (behavioral or auditory evoked
potential techniques) or estimated hearing ranges (behavioral response
data, anatomical modeling, etc.). Note that no direct measurements of
hearing ability have been successfully completed for mysticetes (i.e.,
low-frequency cetaceans). Subsequently, NMFS (2018, 2024) described
generalized hearing ranges for these marine mammal hearing groups.
Generalized hearing ranges were chosen based on the approximately 65-
decibel (dB) threshold from the normalized composite audiograms, with
the exception for lower limits for low-frequency cetaceans where the
lower bound was deemed to be biologically implausible and the lower
bound from Southall et al. (2007) retained.
On May 3, 2024, NMFS published and solicited public comment on its
draft Updated Technical Guidance (89 FR 36762), which includes updated
hearing ranges and names for the marine mammal hearing groups and is
intended to replace the 2018 Technical Guidance once finalized. The
public comment period ended on June 17th, 2024. Because NMFS may
finalize the Guidance prior to taking a final agency action on this
proposed IHA, we considered both the 2018 and 2024 Technical Guidance
in our effects and estimated take analysis below. Marine mammal hearing
groups and their associated hearing ranges from NMFS (2018) and NMFS
(2024) are provided in tables 2 and 3. In the draft Updated Technical
Guidance, mid-frequency cetaceans have been re-classified as high-
frequency cetaceans, and high-frequency cetaceans have been updated to
very-high-frequency (VHF) cetaceans. Additionally, the draft Updated
Technical Guidance includes in-air data for phocid (PA) and otariid
(OA) pinnipeds.
Table 2--Marine Mammal Hearing Groups
[NMFS, 2018]
Hearing group Generalized hearing range *
Low-frequency (LF) cetaceans (baleen 7 Hz to 35 kHz.
Mid-frequency (MF) cetaceans 150 Hz to 160 kHz.
(dolphins, toothed whales, beaked
whales, bottlenose whales).
High-frequency (HF) cetaceans (true 275 Hz to 160 kHz.
porpoises, Kogia, river dolphins,
Cephalorhynchid, Lagenorhynchus
cruciger & L. australis).
Phocid pinnipeds (PW) (underwater) 50 Hz to 86 kHz.
(true seals).
Otariid pinnipeds (OW) (underwater) 60 Hz to 39 kHz.
(sea lions and fur seals).
* Represents the generalized hearing range for the entire group as a
composite (i.e., all species within the group), where individual
species' hearing ranges are typically not as broad. Generalized
hearing range chosen based on ~65-dB threshold from normalized
composite audiogram, with the exception for lower limits for LF
cetaceans (Southall et al., 2007) and PW pinniped (approximation).
[[Page 84539]]
Table 3--Marine Mammal Hearing Groups
[NMFS, 2024]
Hearing group Generalized hearing range *
Low-frequency (LF) cetaceans 7 Hz to 36 kHz.
(baleen whales).
High-frequency (HF) cetaceans 150 Hz to 160 kHz.
(dolphins, toothed whales,
beaked whales, bottlenose
Very High-frequency (VHF) 200 Hz to 165 kHz.
cetaceans (true porpoises,
Kogia, river dolphins,
Cephalorhynchid, Lagenorhynchus
cruciger & L. australis).
Phocid pinnipeds (PW) 40 Hz to 90 kHz.
(underwater) (true seals).
Otariid pinnipeds (OW) 60 Hz to 68 kHz.
(underwater) (sea lions and fur
Phocid pinnipeds (PA) (true 42 Hz to 52 kHz.
Otariid pinnipeds (OA) (sea lions 90 Hz to 40 kHz.
and fur seals).
* Represents the generalized hearing range for the entire group as a
composite (i.e., all species within the group), where individual
species' hearing ranges may not be as broad. Generalized hearing range
chosen based on ~65-dB threshold from composite audiogram, previous
analysis in NMFS 2018, and/or data from Southall et al., 2007;
Southall et al., 2019. Additionally, animals are able to detect very
loud sounds above and below that ``generalized'' hearing range
Potential Effects of Specified Activities on Marine Mammals and Their
A description of the potential effects of the specified activity on
marine mammals and their habitat for the activities for which an
authorization of incidental take is proposed here may be found in the
Federal Register notice of the proposed IHA (88 FR 15956, March 15,
2023) for the initial authorization. NMFS has reviewed the monitoring
data from the initial IHA, recent draft Stock Assessment Reports,
information on relevant Unusual Mortality Events, and other scientific
literature, and determined that there is no new information that
affects our initial analysis of impacts on marine mammals and their
Estimated Take of Marine Mammals
A detailed description of the methods and inputs used to estimate
take for the specified activity are found in the Federal Register
notices of the proposed and final IHAs for the initial authorization
(88 FR 15956, March 15, 2023 and 88 FR 28517, May 4, 2023,
respectively). Specifically, the source levels and marine mammal
occurrence data applicable to this authorization remain unchanged from
the previously issued IHA, as do the thresholds and methodology for
estimating take by Level B harassment.
The Navy, however, anticipates that the number of piles that could
be installed or removed per day would increase compared to the initial
IHA so that personnel can meet new training requirements during the
proposed IHA authorization period (see table 1). In addition, the Navy
anticipates that the vibratory removal of 24-in steel sheets could take
30 minutes, whereas the initial IHA considered this activity could take
20 minutes. As described in the Federal Register notices of the
proposed and final IHAs for the initial authorization (88 FR 15956,
March 15, 2023, and 88 FR 28517, May 4, 2023, respectively) for the
initial authorization, the ensonified area associated with Level A
harassment accounts for both source level of the specified activity and
duration of that activity. Increasing the number of piles to be
installed/removed per day, as well as the anticipated duration of
vibratory removal of steel sheet piles, increases the total estimated
daily duration of the activity, and thus, the extent of the Level A
harassment zones. Note; the estimated distances to the Level B
harassment isopleths would not increase because activity duration is
not considered in their calculation.
Further, to ensure we have considered an adequate estimate of take
by Level A harassment and in order to support consideration of the best
available science, we have conducted basic comparative calculations
using both the existing Technical Guidance (NMFS, 2018) and the draft
Updated Technical Guidance (NMFS, 2024) for the purposes of
understanding the number of potential takes by Level A harassment. The
thresholds used to assess Level A harassment from each Guidance are
provided in tables 4 and 5, respectively. The references, analysis, and
methodology used in the development of these thresholds are described
in NMFS' 2018 Technical Guidance and NMFS' 2024 draft Updated Technical
Guidance, respectively, both of which may be accessed at: https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/national/marine-mammal-protection/marine-mammal-acoustic-technical-guidance.
The Navy's proposed activity includes the use of impulsive (impact
pile driving) and non-impulsive (vibratory driving) sources.
Table 4--NMFS' 2018 Thresholds Identifying the Onset of Permanent Threshold Shift (PTS)
PTS onset acoustic thresholds \1\ (received level)
Hearing group ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Impulsive Non-impulsive
Low-Frequency (LF) Cetaceans........... Cell 1: Lpk,flat: 219 dB; Cell 2: LE,LF,24h: 199 dB.
LE,LF,24h: 183 dB.
Mid-Frequency (MF) Cetaceans........... Cell 3: Lpk,flat: 230 dB; Cell 4: LE,MF,24h: 198 dB.
LE,MF,24h: 185 dB.
High-Frequency (HF) Cetaceans.......... Cell 5: Lpk,flat: 202 dB; Cell 6: LE,HF,24h: 173 dB.
LE,HF,24h: 155 dB.
Phocid Pinnipeds (PW) (Underwater)..... Cell 7: Lpk,flat: 218 dB; Cell 8: LE,PW,24h: 201 dB.
LE,PW,24h: 185 dB.
Otariid Pinnipeds (OW) (Underwater).... Cell 9: Lpk,flat: 232 dB; Cell 10: LE,OW,24h: 219 dB.
LE,OW,24h: 203 dB.
\1\ Dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds: Use whichever results in the largest isopleth for
calculating PTS onset. If a non-impulsive sound has the potential of exceeding the peak sound pressure level
thresholds associated with impulsive sounds, these thresholds should also be considered.
[[Page 84540]]
Note: Peak sound pressure (Lpk) has a reference value of 1 [micro]Pa, and cumulative sound exposure level (LE)
has a reference value of 1[micro]Pa\2\s. In this table, thresholds are abbreviated to reflect American
National Standards Institute standards (ANSI, 2013). However, peak sound pressure is defined by ANSI as
incorporating frequency weighting, which is not the intent for NMFS' 2018 Technical Guidance. Hence, the
subscript ``flat'' is being included to indicate peak sound pressure should be flat weighted or unweighted
within the generalized hearing range. The subscript associated with cumulative sound exposure level thresholds
indicates the designated marine mammal auditory weighting function (LF, MF, and HF cetaceans, and PW and OW
pinnipeds) and that the recommended accumulation period is 24 hours. The cumulative sound exposure level
thresholds could be exceeded in a multitude of ways (i.e., varying exposure levels and durations, duty cycle).
When possible, it is valuable for action proponents to indicate the conditions under which these acoustic
thresholds will be exceeded.
Table 5--NMFS' 2024 Thresholds Identifying the Onset of Auditory Injury (AUD INJ)
AUD INJ acoustic thresholds \1\ (received level)
Hearing group ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Impulsive Non-impulsive
Low-Frequency (LF) Cetaceans....... Cell 1: L 0-pk,flat: 222 Cell 2: LE, LF,24h: 197 dB.
dB; LE, LF,24h: 183 dB.
High-Frequency (HF) Cetaceans...... Cell 3: L0-pk,flat: 230 Cell 4: LE, HF,24h: 201 dB.
dB; LE, HF,24h: 193 dB.
Very High-Frequency (VHF) Cetaceans Cell 5: L0-pk,flat: 202 Cell 6: LE, VHF,24h: 181 dB.
dB; LE,VHF,24h: 159 dB.
Phocid Pinnipeds (PW) (Underwater). Cell 7: L0-pk,flat: 223 Cell 8: LE,PW,24h: 195 dB.
dB; LE,PW,24h: 183 dB.
Otariid Pinnipeds (OW) (Underwater) Cell 9: L0-pk,flat: 230 Cell 10: LE,OW,24h: 199 dB.
dB; LE,OW,24h: 185 dB.
Phocid Pinnipeds (PA) (In-Air)..... Cell 11: L0-pk.flat: 162 Cell 12: LE,PA,24h: 154 dB.
dB; LE,PA,24h: 140 dB.
Otariid Pinnipeds (OA) (In-Air).... Cell 13: L0-pk,flat: 177 Cell 14: LE,OA,24h: 177 dB.
dB; LE,OA,24h: 163 dB.
\1\ Dual metric acoustic thresholds for impulsive sounds: Use whichever results in the largest isopleth for
calculating AUD INJ onset. If a non-impulsive sound has the potential of exceeding the peak sound pressure
level thresholds associated with impulsive sounds, these thresholds should also be considered.
Note: Peak sound pressure (Lpk) has a reference value of 1 [micro]Pa, and cumulative sound exposure level (LE)
has a reference value of 1[micro]Pa\2\s. In this table, thresholds are abbreviated to reflect American
National Standards Institute standards (ANSI, 2013). However, peak sound pressure is defined by ANSI as
incorporating frequency weighting, which is not the intent for NMFS' 2018 Technical Guidance. Hence, the
subscript ``flat'' is being included to indicate peak sound pressure should be flat weighted or unweighted
within the generalized hearing range. The subscript associated with cumulative sound exposure level thresholds
indicates the designated marine mammal auditory weighting function (LF, MF, and HF cetaceans, and PW and OW
pinnipeds) and that the recommended accumulation period is 24 hours. The cumulative sound exposure level
thresholds could be exceeded in a multitude of ways (i.e., varying exposure levels and durations, duty cycle).
When possible, it is valuable for action proponents to indicate the conditions under which these acoustic
thresholds will be exceeded.
NMFS developed optional User Spreadsheet tools to accompany both
the 2018 Technical guidance and the 2024 draft Technical Guidance that
can be used to relatively simply predict an isopleth distance for use
in conjunction with marine mammal density or occurrence to help predict
potential takes. We note that because of some of the assumptions
included in the methods underlying these optional tools, we anticipate
that the resulting isopleth estimates are typically going to be
overestimates of some degree, which may result in an overestimate of
potential take by Level A harassment. However, these optional tools
offers the best way to estimate isopleth distances when more
sophisticated modeling methods are not available or practical. For
stationary sources, such as vibratory and impact pile driving, the
optional User Spreadsheet tools predict the distance at which, if a
marine mammal remained at that distance for the duration of the
activity, it will be expected to incur PTS. Inputs used in the optional
User Spreadsheet tools for the proposed IHA based on the Navy's request
are reported in table 6. The isopleths calculated for the proposed IHA
based on NMFS' 2018 Technical guidance and NMFS' 2024 draft Technical
guidance, as well as those considered in the initial IHA (based on
NMFS' 2018 Technical guidance), are reported in table 7.
Table 6--NMFS User Spreadsheet Inputs
Vibratory pile driving Impact pile driving
16-Inch timber piles 14-Inch steel H beam 24-Inch steel sheet 16-Inch timber piles 14-Inch steel H beam
Spreadsheet Tab Used............... A.1) Non-Impul, Stat, A.1) Non-Impul, Stat, A.1) Non-Impul, Stat, E.1) Impact pile E.1) Impact pile
Cont. Cont. Cont. driving. driving.
Source Level (SPL)................. 162 dB RMS............ 147 dB RMS............ 159 dB RMS........... 160 dB SEL........... 170 dB SEL.
Transmission Loss Coefficient...... 15.................... 15.................... 15................... 15................... 15.
Weighting Factor Adjustment (kHz).. 2.5................... 2.5................... 2.5.................. 2.................... 2.
Time to install/remove single pile 30.................... 30.................... 30................... ..................... .....................
Number of strikes per pile......... ...................... ...................... ..................... 1,800................ 1,800.
Piles to install/remove per day.... 12.................... 6..................... 30................... 6.................... 2.
Distance of sound pressure level 10.................... 10.................... 11................... 10................... 10.
measurement (meters).
[[Page 84541]]
Table 7--Calculated Distances and Areas to the Estimated Level A (Based on NMFS' 2018 Technical Guidance and NMFS' Proposed 2024 Update to the 2018
Technical Guidance) and Level B Harassment Thresholds by Pile Type and Pile Driving Method for the Initial and Proposed IHAs
Level A harassment distances Level A Level B
(m) (2018 Technical Guidance/ harassment Level B harassment
Pile Piles 2024 Proposed Update to the areas harassment areas
Activity description Authorization period per day 2018 Technical Guidance) \1\ (km\2\) for distance (m) (km\2\) for
--------------------------------- all hearing all hearing all hearing
PW OW groups \2\ groups groups \2\
Vibratory Installation/ 16-inch Timber Initial IHA......... 3 4.8 0.3 <0.1 \3\ 6,310 <0.3
Removal. Piles. Proposed IHA........ 12 16.0/45.7 1.1/15.4 <0.1 \3\ 6,310 <0.3
14-inch Steel H Initial IHA......... 2 0.5 0 <0.1 631 <0.3
Beam. Proposed IHA........ 6 1.0/2.9 0.1/1.0 <0.1 631 <0.3
24-inch Steel Initial IHA......... 3 3.4 0.2 <0.1 \3\ 4,379 <0.3
Sheet. Proposed IHA........ 30 \4\ 20.4/\4\ \4\ 1.4/\4\ <0.1 \3\ 4,379 <0.3
58.4 19.7
Impact Installation......... 16-inch Timber Initial IHA......... 3 36.8 2.7 <0.1 47 <0.1
Piles. Proposed IHA........ 6 76.5/126.5 5.6/47.1 <0.1 47 <0.1
14-inch Steel H- Initial IHA......... 2 170.6 12.4 <0.1 216 <0.1
Beam. Proposed IHA........ 2 170.6/282.2 12.4/105.2 <0.1 216 <0.1
\1\ The initial IHA only calculated distances to the Level A harassment thresholds based on the 2018 Technical Guidance, whereas the proposed IHA
considers calculated distances to the Level A harassment thresholds based on both the 2018 Technical Guidance and the 2024 Proposed Update to the 2018
Technical Guidance.
\2\ Harassment areas have been truncated where appropriate to account for land masses.
\3\ The maximum harassment distances are approximately 790 m for Wharf 4 South, 795 m for Wharf 4 East, and 655 m for Wharf D due to the presence of
land masses in the project area, which truncate sound transmission.
\4\ The Navy made a typographical error made in their calculation of the distance to the Level A harassment thresholds. Specifically they used a sound
pressure level measurement distance of 10 m when the correct measurement distance is 11 m. Therefore, the distances provided here are slightly larger
than the distances provided in their IHA application.
The stocks taken, methods of take, and types of take remain
unchanged from the initial authorization. Here, we estimate the
proposed amount of taking by Level B harassment for both species using
the same method and rates of daily occurrence for California sea lions
(342 individuals) and harbor seals (21 individuals) used in the initial
IHA, applied across the proposed 136 days of activity, resulting in
46,512 and 2,856 instances of take by Level B harassment, respectively
(table 8). While the estimated distances to the Level A thresholds and
the shutdown zones are larger here than in the initial IHA (see table 7
and the Proposed Mitigation section of this notice), and in some cases
larger than the estimated distances to the Level B thresholds (see
distances for impact driving in table 7), they are still relatively
small (i.e., less than 171 m or 283 m based on NMFS' 2018 Technical
Guidance and NMFS' 2024 draft Technical Guidance, respectively) and it
is unlikely that an individual would remain in these zones long enough
to incur PTS. Further, we anticipate that the Navy will be able to
effectively shut down operations as necessary to avoid any take by
Level A harassment. Therefore, take by Level A harassment is not
proposed to be authorized. During the initial authorization period, the
Navy detected 40 California sea lions and 4 harbor seals within the
estimated Level B harassment zone.
Table 8--Amount of Authorized Take in the Initial IHA and Proposed Take as a Percentage of Stock Abundance, by
Stock and Harassment Type
Proposed amount of taking
Species Stock Authorization --------------------------------- Percent
Level A Level B Total of stock
California Sea Lion........... U.S.............. Initial IHA...... 0 36,960 36,960 14.30
Proposed IHA..... 0 46,512 46,512 18.05
Harbor Seal................... California....... Initial IHA...... 0 2,016 2,016 6.51
Proposed IHA..... 0 2,856 2,856 9.22
Description of Proposed Mitigation, Monitoring and Reporting Measures
The proposed mitigation, monitoring, and reporting measures
included as requirements in this authorization are identical to those
included in the Federal Register notice announcing the issuance of the
initial IHA (88 FR 28517, May 4, 2023), except for the size of the
respective shutdown zones as discussed below, and the discussion of the
least practicable adverse impact included in that document remains
accurate. The following measures are proposed for this IHA:
The Navy would conduct briefings between supervisors and
trainees, the marine mammal monitoring team, and Navy staff prior to
the start of all in-water pile driving activity, and when new personnel
join the work, to ensure that responsibilities, communication
procedures, marine mammal monitoring protocols, and operational
procedures are clearly understood.
During all in-water work other than pile driving (e.g.,
pile placement, boat use), in order to prevent injury from physical
interaction with construction equipment, a shutdown zone of 10 m would
be implemented. If a marine mammal comes within 10 m, operations would
cease and vessels would reduce speed to the minimum level required to
maintain steerage and safe working conditions. If human safety is at
risk, the in-water activity would be allowed to continue until it is
safe to stop.
The Navy would establish shutdown zones for all for in-
water pile driving activities. The purpose of a shutdown zone is
generally to define an area within which shutdown of activity will
occur upon sighting of a marine mammal (or in anticipation of an animal
entering the defined area). Shutdown zones would vary based on the type
[[Page 84542]]
pile installation/removal activity, but are proposed to be larger than
the calculated Level A harassment isopleths shown in table 9. The
proposed shutdown zones have increased slightly from what was required
in the initial IHA based on the Navy's request to increase the number
of piles that may be installed and or removed each day, and in the case
of 24-in steel sheets, the longer duration estimated to remove piles
with a vibratory hammer (see table 1). The placement of lookouts during
all pile driving activities (described in detail in below) would ensure
that the entirety of all shutdown zones and Level A harassment zones
are visible during pile installation and removal.
Table 9--Proposed Shutdown Zones During In-Water Pile Driving Activities for the Initial and Proposed IHAs
Distance (m) \1\
Activity Pile description Authorization period -------------------------
Vibratory Installation/Removal..... 16-inch Timber Piles. Initial IHA............... 15 15
Proposed IHA.............. 20/50 >20/50
14-inch Steel H Beam. Initial IHA............... 15 15
Proposed IHA.............. 20/20 20/20
24-inch Steel Sheet.. Initial IHA............... 15 15
Proposed IHA.............. \2\ 30/60 \2\ 30/60
Impact Installation................ 16-inch Timber Piles. Initial IHA............... 40 40
Proposed IHA.............. 80/130 80/130
14-inch Steel H-Beam. Initial IHA............... 175 175
Proposed IHA.............. 175/290 175/290
\1\ Shutdown zones for the proposed IHA consider calculated distances to the Level A harassment thresholds based
on both the 2018 Technical Guidance and the 2024 Proposed Update to the 2018 Technical Guidance, whereas
shutdown zones for the initial IHA only considered calculated distances to the Level A harassment thresholds
based on the 2018 Technical Guidance. Here, we are proposing the Navy implement the larger distance as the
shutdown zones, which consider the 2024 Proposed Update to the 2018 Technical Guidance.
\2\ The Navy considered a shutdown zone of 20 m due to a typographical error made in their calculation of the
distance to the Level A harassment thresholds. Specifically they used a sound pressure level measurement
distance of 10 m when the correct measurement distance is 11 m.
The Navy would delay or shutdown all in-water pile driving
activities should an animal approach or enter the appropriate shutdown
zone. The Navy could resume in-water pile driving activities after one
of the following conditions has been met: (1) the animal is observed
exiting the shutdown zone; (2) the animal is thought to have exited the
shutdown zone based on a determination of its course, speed, and
movement relative to the pile driving location; or (3) the shutdown
zone has been clear from any additional sightings for 15 minutes.
The Navy would employ lookouts trained in marine mammal
identification and behaviors to monitor marine mammal presence in the
action area. Requirements for numbers and locations of observers will
be based on hammer type, pile material, and Seabees training location
as described in section 5 of the proposed IHA. Lookouts would track
marine mammals observed anywhere within their visual range relative to
in-water training activities, and estimate the amount of time a marine
mammal spends within the Level A or Level B harassment zones while pile
driving activities are underway. The Navy would monitor the project
area, including the Level B harassment zones, to the maximum extent
possible based on the required number of lookouts, required monitoring
locations, and environmental conditions. For all pile driving and
removal activities, at least one lookout would be used.
The placement of the lookouts during all pile driving and
removal activities would ensure that the entire applicable shutdown
zones are visible during all in-water pile installation and removal.
One observer would be placed in a position to implement shutdown/delay
procedures, when applicable, by notifying the hammer operator of a need
for a shutdown of pile driving or removal.
Prior to the start of pile driving or removal, the
shutdown zone(s) would be monitored for a minimum of 30 minutes to
ensure that they are clear of marine mammals (i.e., pre-clearance
monitoring). Pile driving would only commence once observers have
declared the shutdown zone(s) are clear of marine mammals. Monitoring
would also take place for 30 minutes post-completion of pile driving.
If in-water work ceases for more than 30 minutes, the Navy
would conduct pre-clearance monitoring of both the Level B harassment
zone and shutdown zone.
Pre-start clearance monitoring would be conducted during
periods of visibility sufficient for the lead lookout to determine that
the shutdown zones indicated in table 5 are clear of marine mammals.
Pile driving could commence following 30 minutes of observation when
the determination is made that the shutdown zones are clear of marine
The Navy would use soft start techniques when impact pile
driving. Soft start requires contractors to provide an initial set of
three strikes at reduced energy, followed by a 30-second waiting
period, then two subsequent reduced energy strike sets. A soft start
would be implemented at the start of each day's impact pile driving and
at any time following cessation of impact pile driving for a period of
30 minutes or longer. Soft starts would not be used for vibratory pile
installation and removal. Lookouts would begin observing for marine
mammals 30 minutes before ``soft start'' or in-water pile installation
or removal begins.
For any marine mammal species for which take by Level B
harassment has not been requested or authorized, in-water pile
installation/removal would shut down immediately when the animals are
If take by Level B harassment reaches the authorized limit
for an authorized species, pile installation would be stopped as these
species approach the Level B harassment zone to avoid additional take
of them.
Monitoring would be conducted by qualified lookouts with
support from Navy biologists, in accordance with the following:
Navy biologists would train and certify lookouts in
accordance with the mitigation, monitoring and reporting requirements
of the issued IHA;
All lookouts would maintain contact via either handheld
[[Page 84543]]
communication devices or flags to signal sightings and shutdowns;
Lookouts would be placed at vantage points to monitor for
marine mammals and implement shutdown/delay procedures when applicable
by calling for the shutdown to the hammer operator;
The Lead lookout would be located within auditory range of
the pile driving team and would have primary responsibility for calling
activity shutdowns;
Lookouts would use a hand-held global positioning device
(GPS) device, rangefinder, visual reference points, or marker buoy to
verify the required monitoring distance from the project site;
Monitoring would occur in all-weather until training has
concluded for the day;
Lookouts would scan the waters within the Level A
harassment and Level B harassment zones using binoculars (10x42 or
similar) and or the naked eye and make visual observations of marine
mammals present; and
Lookouts would record all observations of marine mammals
as described in the section 5 of the IHA, regardless of distance from
the pile being driven. Lookouts would document any behavioral reactions
in concert with distance from piles being driven or removed.
Lookouts would have the following additional
Visual acuity in both eyes (correction is permissible)
sufficient for discernment of moving targets at the water's surface
with ability to estimate target size and distance; use of binoculars
may be necessary to correctly identify the target;
Sufficient training, orientation, or experience with the
construction operation to provide for personal safety during
Writing skills sufficient to prepare a report of
observations including but not limited to the number and species of
marine mammals observed; dates and times when in-water construction
activities were conducted; dates, times, and reason for implementation
of mitigation (or why mitigation was not implemented when required);
and marine mammal behavior; and
Ability to communicate orally, by radio or in person, with
project personnel to provide real-time information on marine mammals
observed in the area as necessary.
The Navy would submit a draft marine mammal monitoring report to
NMFS within 90 days after the completion of pile driving training
activities, or 60 days prior to a requested date of issuance of any
future IHAs for projects at the same location, whichever comes first.
NMFS would provide comments within 30 days after receiving the draft
report, and the Navy would address the comments and submit revisions
within 30 days of receipt. If no comments are received from NMFS within
30 days, the draft report would be considered as final.
The draft and final marine mammal monitoring reports would be
submitted to [email protected] and
[email protected]. The reports would include an overall
description of work completed, a narrative regarding marine mammal
sightings, and associated data sheets. Specifically, the reports would
Dates and times (begin and end) of all marine mammal
Training activities occurring during each daily
observation period, including the number and type of piles driven or
removed and by what method (i.e., impact or vibratory) and the total
equipment duration for vibratory installation and removal for each pile
or estimated total number of strikes for each pile for impact driving;
Lookout locations during marine mammal monitoring;
Environmental conditions during monitoring periods (at
beginning and end of lookout shift and whenever conditions change
significantly), including Beaufort sea state and any other relevant
weather conditions including cloud cover, fog, sun glare, and overall
visibility to the horizon, and estimated observable distance;
Description of any deviation from initial proposal in pile
numbers, pile types, average driving times, etc.;
Brief description of any impediments to obtaining reliable
observations during training periods; and
Description of any impediments to complying with the
aforementioned mitigation measures.
Lookouts would record all incidents of marine mammal occurrence in
the area in which take is anticipated regardless of distance from
activity, and would98 document any behavioral reactions in concert with
distance from piles being driven or removed. Specifically, lookouts
would record the following:
Name of lookout who sighted the animal(s) and lookout
location and activity at time of sighting;
Time of sighting;
Identification of the animal(s) (e.g., genus/species,
lowest possible taxonomic level, or unidentified), lookout confidence
in identification, and the composition of the group if there is a mix
of species;
Distance and bearing of each marine mammal observed
relative to the pile being driven for each sighting (if pile driving
was occurring at time of sighting);
Estimated number of animals (min/max/best estimate);
Estimated number of animals by cohort (adults, juveniles,
neonates, group composition, sex class, etc.);
Animal's closest point of approach and estimated time
spent within the harassment zone;
Description of any marine mammal behavioral observations
(e.g., observed behaviors such as feeding or traveling), including an
assessment of behavioral responses thought to have resulted from the
activity (e.g., no response or changes in behavioral state such as
ceasing feeding, changing direction, flushing, or breaching);
Number of marine mammals detected within the harassment
zones and shutdown zones, by species; and
Detailed information about any implementation of any
mitigation triggered (e.g., shutdowns and delays), a description of
specific actions that ensued, and resulting changes in behavior of the
animal(s), if any.
Preliminary Determinations
The proposed IHA consists of the same activities analyzed through
the initial authorization. The proposed IHA would authorize the
incidental take by Level B harassment of California sea lions and
harbor seals to up to four 34-day pile driving training exercises. This
activity was originally authorized under the initial IHA, but the Navy
only completed one, 11-day, exercise. The Navy is requesting an IHA so
that it can conduct an additional four training exercises during the
proposed authorization period. However, due to emergent training
requirements and tempo, the Navy is requesting, in some instances, to
install and remove additional piles over additional days during the
training exercises than what was analyzed in the initial IHA (i.e., 136
total days considered in the proposed IHA versus 96 days considered in
the initial IHA), which results in an increase in the number of takes
by Level B harassment proposed for authorization for harbor seals and
sea lions (see table 8). In addition, on May 3, 2024 NMFS published and
solicited public comment on its draft Updated Technical Guidance (89 FR
36762), which includes updated hearing ranges and names for marine
mammal hearing groups as well as updated thresholds and weighting
functions to inform
[[Page 84544]]
auditory injury estimates (i.e., for Level A harassment). These changes
result in slightly larger Level A harassment zones and shutdown zones
due to increased durations of pile driving activities. No other changes
have been made to the planned activities.
In analyzing the effects of the activities for the initial IHA,
NMFS determined that the Navy's activities would have a negligible
impact on the affected species or stocks. There is no new information
that affects NMFS' determinations supporting issuance of the initial
IHA or this proposed IHA. While the takes by Level B harassment
proposed for authorization are greater than the takes by Level B
harassment authorized in the initial IHA, the anticipated impacts of
the Navy's training exercises on marine mammals is the same as what was
considered in the initial IHA (e.g., temporary modifications in
behaviors or Temporary Threshold Shifts (TTS) that would not result in
fitness impacts to any individuals). In addition, the specified
activity and ensonification areas are still very small relative to the
overall habitat ranges of all species and do not include habitat areas
of special significance (Biologically Important Areas or ESA-designated
critical habitat). Lastly, the intensity of anticipated takes by Level
B harassment is relatively low for all stocks and would not be of a
duration or intensity expected to result in impacts on reproduction or
survival. The mitigation measures and monitoring and reporting
requirements as described above are identical to the initial IHA,
except for the requirement of slightly larger shutdown zones.
Based on the information contained here and in the referenced
documents, NMFS has preliminarily determined the following: (1) the
required mitigation measures will effect the least practicable impact
on marine mammal species or stocks and their habitat; (2) the proposed
authorized takes will have a negligible impact on the affected marine
mammal species or stocks; (3) the proposed authorized takes represent
small numbers of marine mammals relative to the affected stock
abundances; (4) the Navy's activities will not have an unmitigable
adverse impact on taking for subsistence purposes as no relevant
subsistence uses of marine mammals are implicated by this action; and
(5) appropriate monitoring and reporting requirements are included.
Endangered Species Act
No incidental take of Endangered Species Act (ESA)-listed species
is authorized or expected to result from this activity. Therefore, NMFS
has determined that formal consultation under section 7 of the ESA is
not required for this action.
Proposed Renewal IHA and Request for Public Comment
As a result of these preliminary determinations, NMFS proposes to
issue an HA to the Navy for conducting pile driving training exercises
in NBVC for 1 year after the date of issuance, provided the previously
described mitigation, monitoring, and reporting requirements are
incorporated. A draft of the proposed IHA can be found at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/action/incidental-take-authorization-us-navy-pile-training-exercises-naval-base-ventura-county-port.
Request for Public Comments
We request comment on our analyses (included in both this document
and the referenced documents supporting the initial IHA), the proposed
authorization, and any other aspect of this notice of proposed IHA for
the Navy's proposed pile driving training exercises at NBVC. We also
request comment on the potential for renewal of this proposed IHA as
described in the paragraph below. Please include with your comments any
supporting data or literature citations to help inform our final
decision on the request for MMPA authorization.
On a case-by-case basis, NMFS may issue a one-time, 1-year renewal
IHA following notice to the public providing an additional 15 days for
public comments when (1) up to another year of identical or nearly
identical, or nearly identical, activities as described in the
Description of the Proposed Activity and Anticipated Impacts section of
this notice is planned or (2) the activities as described in the
Description of the Proposed Activity and Anticipated Impacts section of
this notice would not be completed by the time the IHA expires and a
renewal would allow for completion of the activities beyond that
described in the Dates and Duration section of this notice, provided
all of the following conditions are met:
A request for renewal is received no later than 60 days
prior to the needed renewal IHA effective date (recognizing that the
renewal IHA expiration date cannot extend beyond 1 year from expiration
of the initial IHA).
The request for renewal must include the following:
(1) An explanation that the activities to be conducted under the
requested renewal IHA are identical to the activities analyzed under
the initial IHA, are a subset of the activities, or include changes so
minor (e.g., reduction in pile size) that the changes do not affect the
previous analyses, mitigation and monitoring requirements, or take
estimates (with the exception of reducing the type or amount of take).
(2) A preliminary monitoring report showing the results of the
required monitoring to date and an explanation showing that the
monitoring results do not indicate impacts of a scale or nature not
previously analyzed or authorized.
Upon review of the request for renewal, the status of the
affected species or stocks, and any other pertinent information, NMFS
determines that there are no more than minor changes in the activities,
the mitigation and monitoring measures will remain the same and
appropriate, and the findings in the initial IHA remain valid.
Dated: October 18, 2024.
Kimberly Damon-Randall,
Director, Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries
[FR Doc. 2024-24555 Filed 10-22-24; 8:45 am]