Notice of Solicitation of Applications for the Rural Business Development Grant Programs for Fiscal Year 2025, 83827-83833 [2024-20344]

Download as PDF khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 202 / Friday, October 18, 2024 / Notices Specifically, the study’s objective is to produce: 1. A longitudinal data collection framework that completely and accurately documents the approach to ensuring an enduring and robust annual data collection 2. Descriptive statistics on a wide range of sociodemographic and economic characteristics of households 3. Descriptive statistics on other key household characteristics 4. Cross-tabulations between key sociodemographic, economic, and other key characteristics of households, and identification of statistically significant differences 5. Descriptive statistics on the dietary quality of a randomly selected adult household member in a subsample of households 6. Cross-tabulations between key sociodemographic and economic characteristics and markers of dietary quality 7. Public and restricted-use data sets and documentation that allow FNS to reproduce analysis results and public-use data sets that will promote use of the data by the research community At the first wave of data collection, the 35-minute longitudinal survey will be conducted among a representative sample of 9,000 SNAP participants. The survey will employ a multistage sampling approach, first identifying States, and then counties within those States, from which to draw the sample. Within selected counties, the study will use States’ SNAP data to draw a random sample of households, producing a nationally representative sample for key subgroups (households with children, households with a person who is age 60 or older, and households without an older adult but with a person with a disability), as well as the full SNAP population. During the first wave, FNS will also field a dietary intake instrument among approximately 25 percent of households that complete the survey. Affected Public: Respondent groups identified include: (a) Individuals/ Households (county residents in the selected counties); (b) State, Local and Tribal Government (State/County SNAP agencies). Estimated Number of Respondents: The total estimated number of respondents is 19,489. The number of respondents includes: 19,464 SNAP participants (47% of whom will complete interviews) and 25 State SNAP agency directors or other State agency staff. The total estimated number of non-respondents is 4,871 and includes VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:48 Oct 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 4,866 SNAP participants (who will be contacted to complete surveys) and 5 State SNAP agency or other State agency staff. Estimated Number of Responses per Respondent: Across all respondents, the average number of responses is 11.87. Respondents include SNAP participants, members of SNAP households, and State SNAP agency directors or other State agency staff. Sampled SNAP participants will be asked to participate in a household survey. SNAP participants will receive several notifications about the survey, including an invitation letter, emails or text messages, and reminder letters. Participants who choose to complete the survey will complete a 35-minute web or phone survey. After completing the survey, a subset of cases will receive an invitation to participate in a dietary recall interview. A random member of the household will be selected and invited to participate in this second interview. Dietary recall interview respondents may receive a mailed invitation and text and email reminder notifications. State SNAP agency staff will provide administrative data to the study team quarterly. Estimated Total Annual Responses: 317,923 (231,423 respondents and 86,500 nonrespondents). Estimated Time per Response: The estimated time of response varies from a few minutes to over an hour, depending on respondent group, but averages 0.051 hours (or about 3 minutes) for all respondents as shown in the table below. Estimated Total Annual Burden on Respondents: 1,281,441 minutes (21,357.35 hours). See the table below for estimated total annual burden for each type of respondent. Tameka Owens, Acting Administrator and Assistant Administrator, Food and Nutrition Service. [FR Doc. 2024–24160 Filed 10–17–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3410–30–P DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rural Business-Cooperative Service [Docket #: RBS–24–Business–0014] Notice of Solicitation of Applications for the Rural Business Development Grant Programs for Fiscal Year 2025 Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: The Rural BusinessCooperative Service (RBCS or the SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 83827 Agency), a Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) invites the submission of applications for grants under the Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) Program for fiscal year (FY) 2025, subject to the availability of funding. This notice is being issued prior to passage of a FY 2025 Appropriations Act in order to allow applicants sufficient time to leverage financing, prepare and submit their applications, and give the Agency time to process applications within FY 2025. Based on FY 2024 appropriated funding, the Agency estimates that approximately $30 million will be available for FY 2025. Successful applications will be selected by the Agency for funding and subsequently awarded to the extent that funding may ultimately be made available through appropriations. All applicants are responsible for any expenses incurred in developing their applications. Complete applications may be submitted in paper or electronic format and must be received by 4:30 p.m. local time on February 28, 2025, in the USDARD State Office for the State where the project is located. A list of the USDA RD State Offices can be found at: DATES: This funding announcement will also be announced on Applications must be submitted to the USDA RD State Office for the State where the project is located. For projects involving multiple states, the application must be filed in the RD State Office where the Applicant is located. Applicants are encouraged to contact their respective RD State Office for an email contact to submit an electronic application prior to the submission deadline date. A list of the USDA RD State Office contacts can be found at: state-offices. ADDRESSES: FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cindy Mason at, Program Management Division, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Mail Stop 3226, Room 5160-South, Washington, DC 20250–3226, or call (202) 720–1400. For further information on submitting program applications under this notice, please contact the USDA RD State Office in the State where the applicant’s headquarters is located. A list of RD State Office contacts is provided at the following link: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: E:\FR\FM\18OCN1.SGM 18OCN1 83828 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 202 / Friday, October 18, 2024 / Notices Overview Federal Agency Name: Rural Business-Cooperative Service. Funding Opportunity Title: Rural Business Development Grant Program. Announcement Type: Notice of Solicitation Announcement (NOSA). Funding Opportunity Number: RDBCP–RBDG–2025. Assistance Listing: 10.351. Dates: Complete applications may be submitted in paper or electronic format and must be received by 4:30 p.m. local time on February 28, 2025, in the USDA RD State Office for the State where the project is located. A list of the USDA RD State Offices can be found at: Rural Development Key Priorities: The Agency encourages applicants to consider projects that will advance the following key priorities (more details available at • Creating More and Better Markets. Assist rural communities to recover economically through more and better market opportunities and through improved infrastructure. • Advancing Racial Justice, PlaceBased Equity, and Opportunity. Ensure all rural residents have equitable access to RD programs and benefits from RD funded projects. • Addressing Climate Change and Environmental Justice. Reduce climate pollution and increase resilience to the impacts of climate change through economic support to rural communities. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES A. Program Description 1. Purpose of the Program. The purpose of the RBDG Program is to promote economic development and job creation projects through the awarding of grant funds to eligible entities. Applications will compete in two separate categories, business opportunity grants and business enterprise grants, for use in funding various business and community projects that serve rural areas. Business opportunity projects must be in compliance with eligible uses as stated in 7 CFR 4280.417(a)(1) that include the establishment of business support centers or providing funds for job training and leadership development in rural areas. Business opportunity projects must be consistent with any tribal, local and area-wide strategic plans for community and economic development, coordinated with other economic development activities in the project area, and consistent with any RD State Strategic Plan. Business enterprise projects must be in compliance with eligible uses as VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:48 Oct 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 stated in 7 CFR 4280.417(a)(2) and are to be used to finance or develop small and emerging businesses in rural areas. Enterprise grant purposes include projects for the acquisition and development of land, access streets and roads, the conversion or modernization of buildings, capitalization of revolving loan funds and the purchase of machinery and equipment for businesses located in a rural area. 2. Statutory and Regulatory Authority. (a) RBDG Program: The RBDG Program is authorized under 310B(c) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 1932(c) ( 7/1932) and implemented by 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E ( title-7/part-4280/subpart-E). Assistance provided under the RBDG Program will be made to eligible entities and will be used for funding various business opportunity projects and business enterprise projects, as applicable, that serve Rural Areas. All applicants must indicate if the application is for enterprise or opportunity type funds. (b) Set-Aside Funding: The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (Pub. L. 118–42), designated funding for Federally-Recognized Native American Tribes, Rural Empowerment Zone/ Enterprise Communities/Rural Economic Area Partnerships, projects in Persistent Poverty Counties (as discussed below), Native American Persistent Poverty areas and for Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD) projects in FY 2024. Set-aside funding may or may not be made available through appropriations in FY 2025 where continued emphasis is given to financial assistance for projects located in these areas. For funding made available in FY 2024, eligible applicants for the Native American and Rural Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Communities/Rural Economic Area Partnership set-aside funds were required to demonstrate that at least 75 percent of the benefits of an approved grant would assist beneficiaries in the designated areas. For funding made available in FY 2024, eligible applicants for the Persistent Poverty Counties, Native American Persistent Poverty areas, and the SECD set-aside funds were required to demonstrate that 100 percent of the benefits of an approved grant would assist beneficiaries in the designated areas. The completed application deadline for these set-aside funds, if available, is consistent with the RBDG application deadline date of February 28, 2025. Applicants for set-aside funds must indicate that they are applying for PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 set-aside funds and may not submit a duplicate application for regular RBDG funds. In addition, the applications for set aside must also indicate if the application is for enterprise or opportunity type funds. If funding for an anticipated set-aside program is not appropriated in FY 2025, or if any eligible applications for set-aside funding are not funded due to insufficient funds, such applications will be allowed to compete for available FY 2025 regular RBDG funds in the State where the project is located. (c) Persistent Poverty Funding: The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (Pub. L. 118–42) provided designated funding for projects in Persistent Poverty Counties. ‘‘Persistent Poverty Counties’’ as defined in Section 736 is ‘‘any county that has had 20 percent or more of its population living in poverty over the past 30 years, as measured by the 1990 and 2000 decennial censuses, and 2007–2011 American Community Survey 5-year average, or any territory or possession of the United States’’. Section 736 expanded the eligible population in Persistent Poverty Counties to include any county seat of such a Persistent Poverty County that had a population that did not exceed the authorized population limit by more than 10 percent, expanding the current 50,000 population limit to 55,000 for only county seats located in Persistent Poverty Counties. Therefore, beneficiaries of technical assistance services located in county seats of Persistent Poverty Counties with populations up to 55,000 (per the 2020 Census) were deemed eligible. Comparable statutory provisions may or may not be included in the appropriations act for FY 2025. 3. Definitions. The definitions applicable to this notice are published at 7 CFR 4280.403 ( current/title-7/section-4280.403). 4. Application of Awards. Awards under the RBDG Program will be made on a competitive basis using specific selection criteria contained in 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E ( current/title-7/part-4280/subpart-E). The Agency will review, evaluate, and score applications received in response to this notice based on the provisions found in 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E ( subpart-E), and as indicated in this notice. The Agency advises all interested parties that the applicant bears the full burden of preparing and submitting an application in response to this notice whether or not funding is appropriated for this program in FY 2025. E:\FR\FM\18OCN1.SGM 18OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 202 / Friday, October 18, 2024 / Notices B. Federal Award Information Type of Awards: Grants. Fiscal Year Funds: FY 2025. Available Funds: Dependent upon FY 2025 appropriations. Funding is anticipated to be approximately $30 million based on FY 2024 amounts. RBCS may, at its discretion, increase the total level of funding available in this funding round (or in any category in this funding round) from any available source provided the awards meet the requirements of the statute which made the funding available to the Agency. Award Amounts: The RBDG program does not have a minimum or maximum amount. Applicants should note that in accordance with 7 CFR 4280.435(i) applications requesting smaller grant requests will receive more priority points. Anticipated Award Dates: Set-Aside awards, if applicable: May 31, 2025. Regular awards: August 31, 2025. Performance Period: The period of time in which the grantee must initiate and complete the project is June 1, 2025, through September 30, 2027. However, as indicated in 7 CFR 4280.421, to be considered for funding, the project must reasonably be expected to be completed within one full year after it has begun. Renewal or Supplemental Awards: None. Type of Financial Assistance Instrument: Financial Assistance Agreement. khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES C. Eligibility Information 1. Eligible Applicants. Grants may be made to a Public Body/Government Entity, an Indian Tribe, or a Nonprofit entity primarily serving rural areas. In accordance with 7 CFR 4280.416(d) (, applicants that are not delinquent on any Federal debt or not otherwise disqualified from participation in these Programs are eligible to apply. The Agency will check the System for Award Management (SAM) to determine if the applicant has been debarred or suspended at the time of application and prior to the awarding of grant funds. 2. Cost Sharing or Matching. There are no cost sharing or matching requirements associated with this grant. Matching funds are not required for eligibility purposes; however, additional priority points may be awarded for leveraging per 7 CFR 4280.435(a). 3. Other. Grant funds may be used for projects identified in 7 CFR 4280.417(a) ( as either a business opportunity type grant or a business enterprise type grant. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:48 Oct 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 D. Application and Submission Information 1. Address to Request Application Package. Entities wishing to apply for financial assistance should contact the USDA RD State Office provided in the ADDRESSES section of this notice to obtain copies of the application package. 2. Content and Form of Application Submission. (a) The applicant documentation and forms needed for a complete application are located in 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E (, a copy of which will be provided to any interested applicant making a request to a USDA RD State Office for the State where the project is located. A list of the USDA RD State Offices can be found at: (b) The Agency requires information to make an eligibility determination through applications that must include the items identified in 7 CFR 4280.427 ( The written narrative outlined in 7 CFR 4280.427(d) should include the following for Other Information: (1) Please note that no assistance or funding can be provided to hemp producers or processors unless they have a valid license issued from an approved State, Tribal or Federal plan as per Section 10113 of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, Public Law 115–334 ( PLAW-115publ334). Verification of valid hemp licenses will occur at the time of award; and (2) Any additional information the Agency may request to assist in making a grant award determination. Each selection priority criterion outlined in 7 CFR 4280.435 ( must be addressed in the application. Failure to address any of the criterion will result in a zero-point score for that criterion and will impact the overall evaluation of the application. (c) The application must be submitted in one package. The single package should be well organized and include a table of contents, if appropriate. There are no specific limitations on number of pages, font size and type face, margins, paper size, and the sequence or assembly requirements other than those described in 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E ( subpart-E). (d) An original copy of the application must be filed with the RD State Office for the State where the project is located. For projects involving multiple PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 83829 states, the application must be filed in the RD State Office where the Applicant is located. (e) The component pieces of this application require original signatures on the original application. Any form that requires an original signature but is signed electronically in the application submission must be signed in ink by the authorized person prior to the disbursement of funds. (f) RBDG grants must conform with the environmental policies and procedures of 7 CFR part 1970 ( 3. System for Award Management and Unique Entity Identifier. (a) At the time of application, each applicant must have an active registration in SAM before submitting its application in accordance with 2 CFR part 25 ( In order to register in SAM, entities will be required to obtain a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). Instructions for obtaining the UEI are available at (b) Applicants must maintain an active SAM registration, with current, accurate and complete information, at all times during which it has an active Federal award or an application under consideration by a Federal awarding agency. (c) Applicants must ensure they complete the Financial Assistance General Certifications and Representations in SAM. (d) Applicants must provide a valid UEI in its application, unless determined exempt under 2 CFR 25.110 ( chapter-I/part-25/subpart-A/section25.110). (e) The Agency will not make an award until the applicant has complied with all SAM requirements including providing the UEI. If an applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time the Agency is ready to make an award, the Agency may determine that the applicant is not qualified to receive a Federal award and use that determination as a basis for making a Federal award to another applicant. 4. Submission Dates and Times. (a) Application Technical Assistance Deadline Date. Prior to official submission of grant applications, applicants may request technical assistance or other application guidance from the Agency, as long as such requests are made prior to February 10, 2025. Technical assistance is not meant to be an analysis or assessment of the quality of the materials submitted, a E:\FR\FM\18OCN1.SGM 18OCN1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES 83830 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 202 / Friday, October 18, 2024 / Notices substitute for agency review of completed applications, nor a determination of eligibility. (b) Application Deadline Date. Applications (paper or electronic format) must be submitted to the appropriate RD State Office no later than 4:30 p.m. (local time) on February 28, 2025. If completed applications are not received by the deadline date, the application will neither be reviewed nor considered for funding under any circumstances. The Agency will not solicit or consider scoring or eligibility information that is submitted after the application deadline. The Agency reserves the right to contact applicants to seek clarification information on materials contained in the submitted application. 5. Intergovernmental Review. Executive Order (E.O.) 12372, ‘‘Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs,’’ applies to this program. This E.O. requires that Federal agencies provide opportunities for consultation on proposed assistance with State and local governments. Many states have established a Single Point of Contact (SPOC) to facilitate this consultation. For a list of States that maintain a SPOC, please see the White House website: management/office-federal-financialmanagement/. If your State has a SPOC, you may submit a copy of the application directly for review. Any comments obtained through the SPOC must be provided to your State Office for consideration as part of your application. If your state has not established a SPOC, you may submit your application directly to the Agency. Applications from Federally recognized Indian Tribes are not subject to this requirement. 6. Funding Restrictions. (a) Indirect costs will be permitted in accordance with applicable law and in accordance with 2 CFR part 200 ( Pre-Federal award costs will only be permitted with prior written approval by the Agency. (b) In accordance with 7 CFR 4280.421 ( section-4280.421), a project must reasonably be expected to be completed within one (1) full year after it has begun. 7. Other Submission Requirements. Applicants may submit applications in hard copy or electronic format as previously indicated in the Application and Submission Information section of this notice. If the applicant wishes to hand deliver its application, the addresses for these deliveries are VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:48 Oct 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 located in the ADDRESSES section of this notice. E. Application Review Information 1. Criteria. (a) The Agency will review each application for assistance in accordance with the priorities established in 7 CFR 4280.435. The Agency will assign each application a priority rating and will select applications for funding based on the priority ratings and the total funds available to the program. Failure to address any one of the criteria by the application deadline will result in the application being determined ineligible, and the application will not be considered for funding. (b) The Agency will use the criteria in 7 CFR 4280.435 and this notice to score applications for purposes identified under 7 CFR 4280.417(a)(1) and (2). (1) Leveraging. In addition to the requirements provided in 7 CFR 4280.435(a), and to the extent that an applicant contributes leveraged funds to a project, the application must contain a firm commitment in writing of other funding for the project or points will not be awarded to the application for leveraging. (2) Discretionary points. Either the State Director or Administrator may assign up to 50 discretionary points to an application. Assignment of discretionary points must include a written justification. Permissible justifications are geographic distribution of funds, special Secretary of Agriculture initiatives such as Priority Communities, or a state’s strategic goals. Discretionary points may only be assigned to initial grants. However, in the case where two projects have the same score, the State Director may add one point to the project that best fits the State’s strategic plan regardless of whether the project is an initial or subsequent grant. (c) The following are examples of special Secretary of Agriculture initiatives that can support obtaining discretionary points. (1) Assisting rural communities recover economically through more and better market opportunities and through improved infrastructure. Applicant would receive priority points if the project is located in or is serving a rural community whose economic well-being ranks in the most distressed tier (distress score of 80 or higher) of the Distressed Communities Index using the Distressed Communities Look-Up Map available at (2) Ensuring all rural residents have equitable access to RD programs and benefits from RD funded projects. Using PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) Look-Up Map (available at, an applicant would receive priority points if the project: • Is located in or serving a community with a score 0.75 or above on the SVI; • Is a Federally recognized tribe, including Tribal instrumentalities and entities that are wholly owned by Tribes; or • Is a project where at least 50 percent of the project beneficiaries are members of Federally Recognized Tribes and non-Tribal applicants include a Tribal Resolution of Consent from the Tribe or Tribes that the applicant is proposing to serve. • Is an application from or benefiting a Rural Partner’s Network’s (RPN) community network. Currently, RPN Networks exist in Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Use the Community Look-Up map (available at to determine if your project qualifies. (3) Reducing climate pollution and increasing resilience to the impacts of climate change through economic support to rural communities. Using the Disadvantaged Community and Energy Community Look-Up Map (available at, applicants can receive priority points in one of the three ways: • If the project is located in or serves a Disadvantaged Community as defined by the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool (CEJST), from the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), or • If the project is located in or serves an Energy Community as defined by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA). • If applicants demonstrate through written narrative how proposed climateimpact projects improve the livelihoods of community residents and meet pollution mitigation or clean energy goals. The Agency will assign each application a priority rating based on the total score and will select applications for funding based on the priority ratings and the total funds available to the program for opportunity-type projects and enterprise-type projects. 2. Review and Selection Process. The RD State Offices will review applications to determine if they are eligible for assistance based on requirements contained in 7 CFR 4280.416 ( section-4280.416) and 7 CFR 4280.417 ( E:\FR\FM\18OCN1.SGM 18OCN1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 202 / Friday, October 18, 2024 / Notices 4280.417). Funding of projects is subject to the availability of funds and Applicant’s satisfactory submission of the items required by 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E ( part-4280/subpart-E) and this notice, in addition to any conditions specifically outlined in any issued USDA RD Letter of Conditions if available funds are to be awarded. The agency reserves the right to offer the applicant less than the amount of grant funding requested. The Agency will score each application based on the information contained in the application and its supporting information. All applications submitted for funding must be in one package and contain sufficient information to permit the Agency to complete a thorough priority rating. Agency employees may not consider any information that is not provided by the applicant in writing for scoring purposes. Applications will not be considered for funding if they do not provide sufficient information to determine eligibility or are missing required elements. Applications for set-aside funds, if available, will compete at the National Office in their respective categories. Applications for regular RBDG projects will compete at the state level in their respective category, business opportunity grants or business enterprise grants, for funding made available through RD State allocated funds. Applications will be reviewed, prioritized by score, and funded by ranking each project in highest to lowest score order until available funds are exhausted. If funds are exhausted at the state level, each State’s highest scoring unfunded business enterprise project will have the opportunity to compete for funding through a final national competition. The Agency will notify eligible applicants in writing if RBDG funds are not available. The applicant is permitted to respond in writing that they wish their application to be reconsidered in the next FY. The applicant may provide additional updated information to the Agency prior to the next FY’s application deadline for their project. The Agency will notify eligible applicants in writing if set-aside funds are not available. Applications that are eligible for set-aside funds but are unfunded due to the unavailability of funds will be allowed to compete for available FY 2025 regular RBDG funds in the State where the project is located. For projects involving multiple states, the application will be returned to the RD State Office where the Applicant is located and will compete for funds in that State. The Agency will notify VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:48 Oct 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 eligible applicants in writing if their application will not be funded in FY 2025 due to insufficient funds in the setaside and regular RBDG programs. F. Federal Award Administration Information 1. Federal Award Notices. Successful applicants will receive notification for funding from the USDA RD State Office. Applicants must comply with all applicable statutes and regulations before the grant award can be approved and funded. If an application is withdrawn by the applicant, it can be resubmitted later and will be evaluated as a new application in the period submitted. 2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements. (a) Additional Requirements. (1) Additional requirements that apply to grantees selected for this Program can be found in 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E ( title-7/part-4280/subpart-E), and in the Grants and Agreements regulations of the Department of Agriculture codified in 2 CFR parts 25, 170, 180, 200, 400, 415, 417, 418, 421, and successor regulations to these parts. (2) All awards are subject to USDA grant regulations at 2 CFR part 400 ( which incorporates the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations at 2 CFR part 200 ( (3) All successful applicants will be notified by letter which will include a Letter of Conditions and a Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions. This letter is not an authorization to begin performance, but it is a notification that grant funds may be awarded subject to the applicant meeting certain specified conditions. The grant will be considered officially awarded when all conditions in the Letter of Conditions have been met and the Agency obligates the funding for the project. If the applicant wishes to consider beginning their project performance prior to the grant being officially closed, all pre-award costs must be approved in writing and in advance by the Agency. (4) All recipients of Federal financial assistance are required to report information about first-tier sub-awards and executive compensation (see 2 CFR part 170 ( title-2/part-170)). The applicant will be required to have the necessary processes and systems in place to comply with the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 109– 282—Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006—Content Details—( reporting PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 83831 requirements (see 2 CFR 170.200(b) ( section-170.200#p-170.200(b)), unless the recipient is exempt under 2 CFR 170.110(b) ( current/title-2/section-170.110#p170.110(b))). (5) The following additional requirements apply to grantees selected for these programs: (i) Form RD 4280–2 ‘‘Rural BusinessCooperative Service Financial Assistance Agreement.’’ (ii) Letter of Conditions. (iii) Form RD 1940–1, ‘‘Request for Obligation of Funds.’’ (iv) Form RD 1942–46, ‘‘Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions.’’ (v) SF LLL, ‘‘Disclosure of Lobbying Activities,’’ if applicable. (vi) Grantees will use Form SF 270, ‘‘Request for Advance or Reimbursement’’ when requesting grant funds from the Agency. (b) Build America, Buy America. Awardees that are Non-Federal Entities, defined pursuant to 2 CFR 200.1 as any State, local government, Indian tribe, Institution of Higher Education, or nonprofit organization, shall be governed by the requirements of Section 70914 of the Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA) within the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (Pub. L. 117–58). Any requests for waiver of these requirements must be submitted pursuant to USDA’s guidance available online at https:// USDABuyAmericaWaiver. (c) Geospatial Information. Awardee, and any and all contracts entered into by the Awardee with respect to the Award, shall ensure that geospatial data required to be collected and provided to the agency, conforms with the requirements of USDA Department Regulation DR–3465–001 and the Geospatial Metadata Standards set forth in DM 3465–001, which can be obtained online at and dm-3465-001. 3. Reporting. (a) A Financial Status Report and a Project Performance Activity Report will be required of all grantees on a quarterly basis until initial funds are expended and yearly thereafter, if applicable, based on the Federal FY. Grantees must continuously monitor performance to ensure that time schedules are being met, projected work by time periods is being accomplished, and other performance objectives are being achieved. Grantees must submit an original of each report to the Agency no later than 30 days after the end of the E:\FR\FM\18OCN1.SGM 18OCN1 khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES 83832 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 202 / Friday, October 18, 2024 / Notices quarter. The grantee will complete the project within the total time available to it in accordance with the Scope of Work and any necessary modifications thereof prepared by the grantee and approved by the Agency. A final Project Performance Report will be required with the final Financial Status Report. The final report may serve as the last quarterly report. The final report must provide complete information regarding the jobs created and supported as a result of the RBDG grant, if applicable. The Project Performance Reports must include, but not be limited to, the following: (1) A comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives established for that period. (2) Problems, delays, or adverse conditions, if any, which have affected or will affect attainment of overall project objectives, prevent meeting time schedules or objectives, or preclude the attainment of particular project work elements during established time periods. This disclosure shall be accompanied by a statement of the action taken or planned to resolve the situation. (3) Objectives and timetable established for the next reporting period. (4) Any special reporting requirements, such as jobs supported and created, businesses assisted, or economic development which results in improvements in median household incomes, and any other specific requirements, will be placed in the reporting section of the Letter of Conditions. (5) Within 90 days after the conclusion of the project, the grantee will provide a final Project Evaluation Report. The last quarterly payment will be withheld until the final report is received and approved by the Agency. Even though the grantee may request reimbursement on a monthly basis, the last 3 months of reimbursements will be withheld until the final Project Evaluation, Project Performance, and Financial Status Reports are received and approved by the Agency. (b) In addition to any reports required by 2 CFR part 200 ( current/title-2/part-200) and 2 CFR chapter IV (, the grantee must provide reports as required by 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E ( current/title-7/part-4280/subpart-E). G. Federal Awarding Agency Contact(s) For general questions about this announcement, please contact your USDA RD State Office provided in the ADDRESSES section of this notice. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:48 Oct 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 H. Other Information 1. Paperwork Reduction Act. In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35), the information collection requirements associated with the programs, as covered in this notice, have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under OMB Control Number 0570–0070. 2. National Environmental Policy Act. All recipients under this notice are subject to the requirements of 7 CFR part 1970. RBCS will review each grant application to determine its compliance with 7 CFR part 1970. The applicant may be asked to provide additional information or documentation to assist RBCS with this determination. 3. Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act. All applicants, in accordance with 2 CFR part 25, must be registered in SAM and have a UEI number as stated in Section D.3 of this notice. All recipients of Federal financial assistance are required to report information about first-tier subawards and executive total compensation in accordance with 2 CFR part 170. 4. Civil Rights Act. All grants made under this notice are subject to title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as required by the USDA (7 CFR part 15, subpart) and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, title IX, Executive Order 13166 (Limited English Proficiency), Executive Order 11246, and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974. 5. Equal Opportunity for Religious Organizations. (a) Faith-based organizations may apply for this award on the same basis as any other organization, as set forth at, and subject to the protections and requirements of, this part and any applicable constitutional and statutory requirements, including 42 U.S.C. 2000bb et seq. USDA will not, in the selection of recipients, discriminate for or against an organization on the basis of the organization’s religious character, motives, or affiliation, or lack thereof, or on the basis of conduct that would not be considered grounds to favor or disfavor a similarly situated secular organization. (b) A faith-based organization that participates in this program will retain its independence from the Government and may continue to carry out its mission consistent with religious freedom and conscience protections in Federal law. Religious accommodations may also be sought under many of these PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 religious freedom and conscience protection laws. (c) A faith-based organization may not use direct Federal financial assistance from USDA to support or engage in any explicitly religious activities except when consistent with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment and any other applicable requirements. An organization receiving Federal financial assistance also may not, in providing services funded by USDA, or in their outreach activities related to such services, discriminate against a program beneficiary or prospective program beneficiary on the basis of religion, a religious belief, a refusal to hold a religious belief, or a refusal to attend or participate in a religious practice. 6. Nondiscrimination Statement. In accordance with Federal civil rights laws and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Mission Areas, agencies, staff offices, employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language) should contact the responsible Mission Area, agency, staff office or the 711 Relay Service. To file a program discrimination complaint, a complainant should complete a Form AD–3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, which can be obtained online at documents/ad-3027.pdf, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632–9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD– E:\FR\FM\18OCN1.SGM 18OCN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 202 / Friday, October 18, 2024 / Notices 3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by: (1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250–9410; or (2) Fax: (833) 256–1665 or (202) 690– 7442; or (3) Email: USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender. Kathryn E. Dirksen Londrigan, Administrator, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA Rural Development. [FR Doc. 2024–20344 Filed 10–17–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3410–XY–P DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Rural Utilities Service [Docket #: RUS–23–ELECTRIC–0017] Central Electric Power Cooperative, Inc.; Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement Rural Utilities Service, USDA. Notice of availability of a final environmental impact statement. AGENCY: ACTION: Notice is hereby given that the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) has prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for Central Electric Power Cooperative’s (the Applicant/ Central Electric) proposed McClellanville 115-kilovolt (kV) Transmission Project (Project) in South Carolina, to meet RUS’s responsibilities under National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and their implementing regulations related to providing financial assistance to Central Electric for its share in constructing the proposed transmission line and associated infrastructure. The U.S. Forest Service, Francis Marion National Forest, and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers are cooperating agencies in the preparation of the EIS. The Final EIS analyzes the environmental impacts of constructing, operating, and maintaining a new 23.3-mile, 115-kV transmission line along the Jamestown corridor (Proposed Action), and two other alternatives, that includes the Jamestown Alternative (a variation of the Proposed Action) and the Charity Alternative. It also addresses comments received during the comment period for the Supplemental Draft EIS, which was prepared in 2019. As part of its broad environmental review process, RUS must consider the effect of the Project on historic properties in accordance with the National Historic Preservation khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:48 Oct 17, 2024 Jkt 265001 Act (section 106) and its implementing regulation, ‘‘Protection of Historic Properties’’. This Notice of Availability also serves as a notice of proposed wetland and floodplain actions. DATES: Written comments on this Final EIS will be accepted for 45 days following publication of the Environmental Protection Agency’s environmental impact statement notice of receipt in the Federal Register. Notices of Availability of the Final EIS will also be published in local newspapers. After a 45-day comment period on the Final EIS, RUS may prepare a Record of Decision. The environmental compliance and permitting process is expected to conclude in 2025. ADDRESSES: The Final EIS and other Project-related information are available at the following RUS website: https:// environmental-studies/impactstatement/mcclellanville-115kvtransmission-line-berkeley-charlestonand-georgetown-counties-sc. Comments can be submitted by email at: or by mail to: WSP USA, Subject: McClellanville Transmission Line Project, 1308 Patton Ave., Asheville, NC 28806, during the comment period. All comments submitted during the comment period will become part of the public record. Comments submitted after the comment period will not be considered by the agency. Before including your address, telephone number, email address, or other personal identifying information in your comment, you should be aware that your entire comment—including your personal identifying information—may be made publicly available at any time. All comments will be reviewed and included in the Record of Decision. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: To download electronic copies of the Final EIS or previous NEPA analyses and documents, go to: https:// environmental-studies/impactstatement/mcclellanville-115kvtransmission-line-berkeley-charlestonand-georgetown-counties-sc. For information specific to this notice contact Suzanne Kopich, Environmental Protection Specialist, Rural Utilities Service, Rural Development, telephone 202–961–8514. Electronic comments may be submitted at mcclellanvilleeis@ during the open comment period. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: RUS is serving as the lead federal agency for the preparation of this EIS. The United States Forest Service (USFS) and U.S. PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 83833 Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Charleston District, are cooperating agencies. Because the proposed transmission line would cross the Francis Marion National Forest (FMNF), USFS has responsibility to decide whether to issue a Special Use Permit (SUP) to Central Electric for authorization of the Project on National Forest System lands. USACE has primary responsibility to issue permits for work in, over, or otherwise affecting navigable waters of the United States and to authorize the discharge of dredged or fill material into jurisdictional wetlands. The purpose of the proposed Project is to address system capacity, system reliability, human safety, and power quality issues resulting from the current use of the aging distribution line supplying electricity to Berkeley Electric, supplying the McClellanville area. Central Electric is a not-for-profit electric generation and transmission cooperative made up of twenty (20) retail electric cooperatives in South Carolina that provide wholesale power to its member-owners, including Berkeley Electric Incorporated. Organized in 1948, Central Electric designs and builds transmission lines that connect the state’s bulk transmission system (the coordinated and integrated Central Electric/South Carolina Public Service Authority [Santee Cooper] system) and the member-cooperative system substations. The 20 electric cooperatives own Central Electric and are self-regulated for rates and follow state and federal construction standards. South Carolina Code of State Regulations, chapter 103– 304, Public Service Commission, Territory and Certificates, states in part, that no electrical utility supplying electric service to the public shall hereafter begin the construction or operation of any electric facilities, or of any extension thereof, without first obtaining from the commission a certificate that public convenience and necessity requires or will require such construction or operation. The regulation further states that the regulation shall not be construed to require any such electrical utility to secure a certificate for any extension within a municipality or district within which it has heretofore lawfully commenced operations, or for an extension within or to territory already served by it, necessary in the ordinary course of its business, or for an extension into territory contiguous to that already occupied by it and not receiving similar service from another electrical utility. This proposed project E:\FR\FM\18OCN1.SGM 18OCN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 202 (Friday, October 18, 2024)]
[Pages 83827-83833]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-20344]



Rural Business-Cooperative Service

[Docket #: RBS-24-Business-0014]

Notice of Solicitation of Applications for the Rural Business 
Development Grant Programs for Fiscal Year 2025

AGENCY: Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: The Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBCS or the Agency), a 
Rural Development (RD) agency of the United States Department of 
Agriculture (USDA) invites the submission of applications for grants 
under the Rural Business Development Grant (RBDG) Program for fiscal 
year (FY) 2025, subject to the availability of funding. This notice is 
being issued prior to passage of a FY 2025 Appropriations Act in order 
to allow applicants sufficient time to leverage financing, prepare and 
submit their applications, and give the Agency time to process 
applications within FY 2025. Based on FY 2024 appropriated funding, the 
Agency estimates that approximately $30 million will be available for 
FY 2025. Successful applications will be selected by the Agency for 
funding and subsequently awarded to the extent that funding may 
ultimately be made available through appropriations. All applicants are 
responsible for any expenses incurred in developing their applications.

DATES: Complete applications may be submitted in paper or electronic 
format and must be received by 4:30 p.m. local time on February 28, 
2025, in the USDARD State Office for the State where the project is 
located. A list of the USDA RD State Offices can be found at:

ADDRESSES: This funding announcement will also be announced on Applications must be submitted to the USDA RD State 
Office for the State where the project is located. For projects 
involving multiple states, the application must be filed in the RD 
State Office where the Applicant is located. Applicants are encouraged 
to contact their respective RD State Office for an email contact to 
submit an electronic application prior to the submission deadline date. 
A list of the USDA RD State Office contacts can be found at:

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Cindy Mason at [email protected], 
Program Management Division, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA, 
1400 Independence Avenue SW, Mail Stop 3226, Room 5160-South, 
Washington, DC 20250-3226, or call (202) 720-1400. For further 
information on submitting program applications under this notice, 
please contact the USDA RD State Office in the State where the 
applicant's headquarters is located. A list of RD State Office contacts 
is provided at the following link:


[[Page 83828]]


    Federal Agency Name: Rural Business-Cooperative Service.
    Funding Opportunity Title: Rural Business Development Grant 
    Announcement Type: Notice of Solicitation Announcement (NOSA).
    Funding Opportunity Number: RDBCP-RBDG-2025.
    Assistance Listing: 10.351.
    Dates: Complete applications may be submitted in paper or 
electronic format and must be received by 4:30 p.m. local time on 
February 28, 2025, in the USDA RD State Office for the State where the 
project is located. A list of the USDA RD State Offices can be found 
    Rural Development Key Priorities: The Agency encourages applicants 
to consider projects that will advance the following key priorities 
(more details available at
     Creating More and Better Markets. Assist rural communities 
to recover economically through more and better market opportunities 
and through improved infrastructure.
     Advancing Racial Justice, Place-Based Equity, and 
Opportunity. Ensure all rural residents have equitable access to RD 
programs and benefits from RD funded projects.
     Addressing Climate Change and Environmental Justice. 
Reduce climate pollution and increase resilience to the impacts of 
climate change through economic support to rural communities.

A. Program Description

    1. Purpose of the Program. The purpose of the RBDG Program is to 
promote economic development and job creation projects through the 
awarding of grant funds to eligible entities. Applications will compete 
in two separate categories, business opportunity grants and business 
enterprise grants, for use in funding various business and community 
projects that serve rural areas.
    Business opportunity projects must be in compliance with eligible 
uses as stated in 7 CFR 4280.417(a)(1) that include the establishment 
of business support centers or providing funds for job training and 
leadership development in rural areas. Business opportunity projects 
must be consistent with any tribal, local and area-wide strategic plans 
for community and economic development, coordinated with other economic 
development activities in the project area, and consistent with any RD 
State Strategic Plan.
    Business enterprise projects must be in compliance with eligible 
uses as stated in 7 CFR 4280.417(a)(2) and are to be used to finance or 
develop small and emerging businesses in rural areas. Enterprise grant 
purposes include projects for the acquisition and development of land, 
access streets and roads, the conversion or modernization of buildings, 
capitalization of revolving loan funds and the purchase of machinery 
and equipment for businesses located in a rural area.
    2. Statutory and Regulatory Authority.
    (a) RBDG Program: The RBDG Program is authorized under 310B(c) of 
the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 
1932(c) ( and implemented by 7 CFR 
part 4280, subpart E ( Assistance provided under the RBDG Program will be made to eligible 
entities and will be used for funding various business opportunity 
projects and business enterprise projects, as applicable, that serve 
Rural Areas. All applicants must indicate if the application is for 
enterprise or opportunity type funds.
    (b) Set-Aside Funding: The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 
(Pub. L. 118-42), designated funding for Federally-Recognized Native 
American Tribes, Rural Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Communities/Rural 
Economic Area Partnerships, projects in Persistent Poverty Counties (as 
discussed below), Native American Persistent Poverty areas and for 
Strategic Economic and Community Development (SECD) projects in FY 
    Set-aside funding may or may not be made available through 
appropriations in FY 2025 where continued emphasis is given to 
financial assistance for projects located in these areas. For funding 
made available in FY 2024, eligible applicants for the Native American 
and Rural Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Communities/Rural Economic Area 
Partnership set-aside funds were required to demonstrate that at least 
75 percent of the benefits of an approved grant would assist 
beneficiaries in the designated areas. For funding made available in FY 
2024, eligible applicants for the Persistent Poverty Counties, Native 
American Persistent Poverty areas, and the SECD set-aside funds were 
required to demonstrate that 100 percent of the benefits of an approved 
grant would assist beneficiaries in the designated areas. The completed 
application deadline for these set-aside funds, if available, is 
consistent with the RBDG application deadline date of February 28, 
2025. Applicants for set-aside funds must indicate that they are 
applying for set-aside funds and may not submit a duplicate application 
for regular RBDG funds. In addition, the applications for set aside 
must also indicate if the application is for enterprise or opportunity 
type funds. If funding for an anticipated set-aside program is not 
appropriated in FY 2025, or if any eligible applications for set-aside 
funding are not funded due to insufficient funds, such applications 
will be allowed to compete for available FY 2025 regular RBDG funds in 
the State where the project is located.
    (c) Persistent Poverty Funding: The Consolidated Appropriations 
Act, 2024 (Pub. L. 118-42) provided designated funding for projects in 
Persistent Poverty Counties. ``Persistent Poverty Counties'' as defined 
in Section 736 is ``any county that has had 20 percent or more of its 
population living in poverty over the past 30 years, as measured by the 
1990 and 2000 decennial censuses, and 2007-2011 American Community 
Survey 5-year average, or any territory or possession of the United 
States''. Section 736 expanded the eligible population in Persistent 
Poverty Counties to include any county seat of such a Persistent 
Poverty County that had a population that did not exceed the authorized 
population limit by more than 10 percent, expanding the current 50,000 
population limit to 55,000 for only county seats located in Persistent 
Poverty Counties. Therefore, beneficiaries of technical assistance 
services located in county seats of Persistent Poverty Counties with 
populations up to 55,000 (per the 2020 Census) were deemed eligible. 
Comparable statutory provisions may or may not be included in the 
appropriations act for FY 2025.
    3. Definitions. The definitions applicable to this notice are 
published at 7 CFR 4280.403 (
    4. Application of Awards. Awards under the RBDG Program will be 
made on a competitive basis using specific selection criteria contained 
in 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E ( The Agency will review, evaluate, and score applications 
received in response to this notice based on the provisions found in 7 
CFR part 4280, subpart E (, and as indicated in this notice. The Agency advises all 
interested parties that the applicant bears the full burden of 
preparing and submitting an application in response to this notice 
whether or not funding is appropriated for this program in FY 2025.

[[Page 83829]]

B. Federal Award Information

    Type of Awards: Grants.
    Fiscal Year Funds: FY 2025.
    Available Funds: Dependent upon FY 2025 appropriations. Funding is 
anticipated to be approximately $30 million based on FY 2024 amounts. 
RBCS may, at its discretion, increase the total level of funding 
available in this funding round (or in any category in this funding 
round) from any available source provided the awards meet the 
requirements of the statute which made the funding available to the 
    Award Amounts: The RBDG program does not have a minimum or maximum 
amount. Applicants should note that in accordance with 7 CFR 
4280.435(i) applications requesting smaller grant requests will receive 
more priority points.
    Anticipated Award Dates: Set-Aside awards, if applicable: May 31, 
2025. Regular awards: August 31, 2025.
    Performance Period: The period of time in which the grantee must 
initiate and complete the project is June 1, 2025, through September 
30, 2027. However, as indicated in 7 CFR 4280.421, to be considered for 
funding, the project must reasonably be expected to be completed within 
one full year after it has begun.
    Renewal or Supplemental Awards: None.
    Type of Financial Assistance Instrument: Financial Assistance 

C. Eligibility Information

    1. Eligible Applicants. Grants may be made to a Public Body/
Government Entity, an Indian Tribe, or a Nonprofit entity primarily 
serving rural areas. In accordance with 7 CFR 4280.416(d) 
applicants that are not delinquent on any Federal debt or not otherwise 
disqualified from participation in these Programs are eligible to 
apply. The Agency will check the System for Award Management (SAM) to 
determine if the applicant has been debarred or suspended at the time 
of application and prior to the awarding of grant funds.
    2. Cost Sharing or Matching. There are no cost sharing or matching 
requirements associated with this grant. Matching funds are not 
required for eligibility purposes; however, additional priority points 
may be awarded for leveraging per 7 CFR 4280.435(a).
    3. Other. Grant funds may be used for projects identified in 7 CFR 
4280.417(a) ( as either a 
business opportunity type grant or a business enterprise type grant.

D. Application and Submission Information

    1. Address to Request Application Package. Entities wishing to 
apply for financial assistance should contact the USDA RD State Office 
provided in the ADDRESSES section of this notice to obtain copies of 
the application package.
    2. Content and Form of Application Submission.
    (a) The applicant documentation and forms needed for a complete 
application are located in 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E (, a copy of which will be provided 
to any interested applicant making a request to a USDA RD State Office 
for the State where the project is located. A list of the USDA RD State 
Offices can be found at:
    (b) The Agency requires information to make an eligibility 
determination through applications that must include the items 
identified in 7 CFR 4280.427 ( The written narrative outlined in 7 CFR 4280.427(d) should 
include the following for Other Information:
    (1) Please note that no assistance or funding can be provided to 
hemp producers or processors unless they have a valid license issued 
from an approved State, Tribal or Federal plan as per Section 10113 of 
the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, Public Law 115-334 
( Verification of valid 
hemp licenses will occur at the time of award; and
    (2) Any additional information the Agency may request to assist in 
making a grant award determination.
    Each selection priority criterion outlined in 7 CFR 4280.435 
( must be addressed in 
the application. Failure to address any of the criterion will result in 
a zero-point score for that criterion and will impact the overall 
evaluation of the application.
    (c) The application must be submitted in one package. The single 
package should be well organized and include a table of contents, if 
appropriate. There are no specific limitations on number of pages, font 
size and type face, margins, paper size, and the sequence or assembly 
requirements other than those described in 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E 
    (d) An original copy of the application must be filed with the RD 
State Office for the State where the project is located. For projects 
involving multiple states, the application must be filed in the RD 
State Office where the Applicant is located.
    (e) The component pieces of this application require original 
signatures on the original application. Any form that requires an 
original signature but is signed electronically in the application 
submission must be signed in ink by the authorized person prior to the 
disbursement of funds.
    (f) RBDG grants must conform with the environmental policies and 
procedures of 7 CFR part 1970 (
    3. System for Award Management and Unique Entity Identifier.
    (a) At the time of application, each applicant must have an active 
registration in SAM before submitting its application in accordance 
with 2 CFR part 25 ( In order to register in SAM, entities will be required to 
obtain a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). Instructions for obtaining the 
UEI are available at
    (b) Applicants must maintain an active SAM registration, with 
current, accurate and complete information, at all times during which 
it has an active Federal award or an application under consideration by 
a Federal awarding agency.
    (c) Applicants must ensure they complete the Financial Assistance 
General Certifications and Representations in SAM.
    (d) Applicants must provide a valid UEI in its application, unless 
determined exempt under 2 CFR 25.110 (
    (e) The Agency will not make an award until the applicant has 
complied with all SAM requirements including providing the UEI. If an 
applicant has not fully complied with the requirements by the time the 
Agency is ready to make an award, the Agency may determine that the 
applicant is not qualified to receive a Federal award and use that 
determination as a basis for making a Federal award to another 
    4. Submission Dates and Times.
    (a) Application Technical Assistance Deadline Date. Prior to 
official submission of grant applications, applicants may request 
technical assistance or other application guidance from the Agency, as 
long as such requests are made prior to February 10, 2025. Technical 
assistance is not meant to be an analysis or assessment of the quality 
of the materials submitted, a

[[Page 83830]]

substitute for agency review of completed applications, nor a 
determination of eligibility.
    (b) Application Deadline Date. Applications (paper or electronic 
format) must be submitted to the appropriate RD State Office no later 
than 4:30 p.m. (local time) on February 28, 2025. If completed 
applications are not received by the deadline date, the application 
will neither be reviewed nor considered for funding under any 
    The Agency will not solicit or consider scoring or eligibility 
information that is submitted after the application deadline. The 
Agency reserves the right to contact applicants to seek clarification 
information on materials contained in the submitted application.
    5. Intergovernmental Review. Executive Order (E.O.) 12372, 
``Intergovernmental Review of Federal Programs,'' applies to this 
program. This E.O. requires that Federal agencies provide opportunities 
for consultation on proposed assistance with State and local 
governments. Many states have established a Single Point of Contact 
(SPOC) to facilitate this consultation. For a list of States that 
maintain a SPOC, please see the White House website: 
If your State has a SPOC, you may submit a copy of the application 
directly for review. Any comments obtained through the SPOC must be 
provided to your State Office for consideration as part of your 
application. If your state has not established a SPOC, you may submit 
your application directly to the Agency. Applications from Federally 
recognized Indian Tribes are not subject to this requirement.
    6. Funding Restrictions.
    (a) Indirect costs will be permitted in accordance with applicable 
law and in accordance with 2 CFR part 200 ( Pre-Federal award costs will only be permitted with prior 
written approval by the Agency.
    (b) In accordance with 7 CFR 4280.421 (, a project must reasonably be expected to be 
completed within one (1) full year after it has begun.
    7. Other Submission Requirements. Applicants may submit 
applications in hard copy or electronic format as previously indicated 
in the Application and Submission Information section of this notice. 
If the applicant wishes to hand deliver its application, the addresses 
for these deliveries are located in the ADDRESSES section of this 

E. Application Review Information

    1. Criteria.
    (a) The Agency will review each application for assistance in 
accordance with the priorities established in 7 CFR 4280.435. The 
Agency will assign each application a priority rating and will select 
applications for funding based on the priority ratings and the total 
funds available to the program. Failure to address any one of the 
criteria by the application deadline will result in the application 
being determined ineligible, and the application will not be considered 
for funding.
    (b) The Agency will use the criteria in 7 CFR 4280.435 and this 
notice to score applications for purposes identified under 7 CFR 
4280.417(a)(1) and (2).
    (1) Leveraging. In addition to the requirements provided in 7 CFR 
4280.435(a), and to the extent that an applicant contributes leveraged 
funds to a project, the application must contain a firm commitment in 
writing of other funding for the project or points will not be awarded 
to the application for leveraging.
    (2) Discretionary points. Either the State Director or 
Administrator may assign up to 50 discretionary points to an 
application. Assignment of discretionary points must include a written 
justification. Permissible justifications are geographic distribution 
of funds, special Secretary of Agriculture initiatives such as Priority 
Communities, or a state's strategic goals. Discretionary points may 
only be assigned to initial grants. However, in the case where two 
projects have the same score, the State Director may add one point to 
the project that best fits the State's strategic plan regardless of 
whether the project is an initial or subsequent grant.
    (c) The following are examples of special Secretary of Agriculture 
initiatives that can support obtaining discretionary points.
    (1) Assisting rural communities recover economically through more 
and better market opportunities and through improved infrastructure. 
Applicant would receive priority points if the project is located in or 
is serving a rural community whose economic well-being ranks in the 
most distressed tier (distress score of 80 or higher) of the Distressed 
Communities Index using the Distressed Communities Look-Up Map 
available at
    (2) Ensuring all rural residents have equitable access to RD 
programs and benefits from RD funded projects. Using the Social 
Vulnerability Index (SVI) Look-Up Map (available at, an applicant would receive priority points if the 
     Is located in or serving a community with a score 0.75 or 
above on the SVI;
     Is a Federally recognized tribe, including Tribal 
instrumentalities and entities that are wholly owned by Tribes; or
     Is a project where at least 50 percent of the project 
beneficiaries are members of Federally Recognized Tribes and non-Tribal 
applicants include a Tribal Resolution of Consent from the Tribe or 
Tribes that the applicant is proposing to serve.
     Is an application from or benefiting a Rural Partner's 
Network's (RPN) community network. Currently, RPN Networks exist in 
Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Nevada, New Mexico, 
North Carolina, Puerto Rico, West Virginia and Wisconsin. Use the 
Community Look-Up map (available at to 
determine if your project qualifies.
    (3) Reducing climate pollution and increasing resilience to the 
impacts of climate change through economic support to rural 
communities. Using the Disadvantaged Community and Energy Community 
Look-Up Map (available at, 
applicants can receive priority points in one of the three ways:
     If the project is located in or serves a Disadvantaged 
Community as defined by the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool 
(CEJST), from the White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 
     If the project is located in or serves an Energy Community 
as defined by the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).
     If applicants demonstrate through written narrative how 
proposed climate-impact projects improve the livelihoods of community 
residents and meet pollution mitigation or clean energy goals.
    The Agency will assign each application a priority rating based on 
the total score and will select applications for funding based on the 
priority ratings and the total funds available to the program for 
opportunity-type projects and enterprise-type projects.
    2. Review and Selection Process.
    The RD State Offices will review applications to determine if they 
are eligible for assistance based on requirements contained in 7 CFR 
4280.416 ( and 7 CFR 
4280.417 (

[[Page 83831]]

4280.417). Funding of projects is subject to the availability of funds 
and Applicant's satisfactory submission of the items required by 7 CFR 
part 4280, subpart E ( 
and this notice, in addition to any conditions specifically outlined in 
any issued USDA RD Letter of Conditions if available funds are to be 
awarded. The agency reserves the right to offer the applicant less than 
the amount of grant funding requested.
    The Agency will score each application based on the information 
contained in the application and its supporting information. All 
applications submitted for funding must be in one package and contain 
sufficient information to permit the Agency to complete a thorough 
priority rating. Agency employees may not consider any information that 
is not provided by the applicant in writing for scoring purposes. 
Applications will not be considered for funding if they do not provide 
sufficient information to determine eligibility or are missing required 
    Applications for set-aside funds, if available, will compete at the 
National Office in their respective categories. Applications for 
regular RBDG projects will compete at the state level in their 
respective category, business opportunity grants or business enterprise 
grants, for funding made available through RD State allocated funds. 
Applications will be reviewed, prioritized by score, and funded by 
ranking each project in highest to lowest score order until available 
funds are exhausted. If funds are exhausted at the state level, each 
State's highest scoring unfunded business enterprise project will have 
the opportunity to compete for funding through a final national 
    The Agency will notify eligible applicants in writing if RBDG funds 
are not available. The applicant is permitted to respond in writing 
that they wish their application to be reconsidered in the next FY. The 
applicant may provide additional updated information to the Agency 
prior to the next FY's application deadline for their project.
    The Agency will notify eligible applicants in writing if set-aside 
funds are not available. Applications that are eligible for set-aside 
funds but are unfunded due to the unavailability of funds will be 
allowed to compete for available FY 2025 regular RBDG funds in the 
State where the project is located. For projects involving multiple 
states, the application will be returned to the RD State Office where 
the Applicant is located and will compete for funds in that State. The 
Agency will notify eligible applicants in writing if their application 
will not be funded in FY 2025 due to insufficient funds in the set-
aside and regular RBDG programs.

F. Federal Award Administration Information

    1. Federal Award Notices.
    Successful applicants will receive notification for funding from 
the USDA RD State Office. Applicants must comply with all applicable 
statutes and regulations before the grant award can be approved and 
funded. If an application is withdrawn by the applicant, it can be 
resubmitted later and will be evaluated as a new application in the 
period submitted.
    2. Administrative and National Policy Requirements.
    (a) Additional Requirements.
    (1) Additional requirements that apply to grantees selected for 
this Program can be found in 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E (, and in the Grants and Agreements 
regulations of the Department of Agriculture codified in 2 CFR parts 
25, 170, 180, 200, 400, 415, 417, 418, 421, and successor regulations 
to these parts.
    (2) All awards are subject to USDA grant regulations at 2 CFR part 
400 ( which incorporates the 
Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations at 2 CFR part 200 
    (3) All successful applicants will be notified by letter which will 
include a Letter of Conditions and a Letter of Intent to Meet 
Conditions. This letter is not an authorization to begin performance, 
but it is a notification that grant funds may be awarded subject to the 
applicant meeting certain specified conditions. The grant will be 
considered officially awarded when all conditions in the Letter of 
Conditions have been met and the Agency obligates the funding for the 
project. If the applicant wishes to consider beginning their project 
performance prior to the grant being officially closed, all pre-award 
costs must be approved in writing and in advance by the Agency.
    (4) All recipients of Federal financial assistance are required to 
report information about first-tier sub-awards and executive 
compensation (see 2 CFR part 170 ( The applicant will be required to have the necessary 
processes and systems in place to comply with the Federal Funding 
Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006 (Pub. L. 109-282--Federal 
Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006--Content Details--
( reporting requirements (see 2 CFR 170.200(b) (, unless the 
recipient is exempt under 2 CFR 170.110(b) (
    (5) The following additional requirements apply to grantees 
selected for these programs:
    (i) Form RD 4280-2 ``Rural Business-Cooperative Service Financial 
Assistance Agreement.''
    (ii) Letter of Conditions.
    (iii) Form RD 1940-1, ``Request for Obligation of Funds.''
    (iv) Form RD 1942-46, ``Letter of Intent to Meet Conditions.''
    (v) SF LLL, ``Disclosure of Lobbying Activities,'' if applicable.
    (vi) Grantees will use Form SF 270, ``Request for Advance or 
Reimbursement'' when requesting grant funds from the Agency.
    (b) Build America, Buy America. Awardees that are Non-Federal 
Entities, defined pursuant to 2 CFR 200.1 as any State, local 
government, Indian tribe, Institution of Higher Education, or nonprofit 
organization, shall be governed by the requirements of Section 70914 of 
the Build America, Buy America Act (BABAA) within the Infrastructure 
Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) (Pub. L. 117-58). Any requests for 
waiver of these requirements must be submitted pursuant to USDA's 
guidance available online at
    (c) Geospatial Information. Awardee, and any and all contracts 
entered into by the Awardee with respect to the Award, shall ensure 
that geospatial data required to be collected and provided to the 
agency, conforms with the requirements of USDA Department Regulation 
DR-3465-001 and the Geospatial Metadata Standards set forth in DM 3465-
001, which can be obtained online at and
    3. Reporting.
    (a) A Financial Status Report and a Project Performance Activity 
Report will be required of all grantees on a quarterly basis until 
initial funds are expended and yearly thereafter, if applicable, based 
on the Federal FY. Grantees must continuously monitor performance to 
ensure that time schedules are being met, projected work by time 
periods is being accomplished, and other performance objectives are 
being achieved. Grantees must submit an original of each report to the 
Agency no later than 30 days after the end of the

[[Page 83832]]

quarter. The grantee will complete the project within the total time 
available to it in accordance with the Scope of Work and any necessary 
modifications thereof prepared by the grantee and approved by the 
Agency. A final Project Performance Report will be required with the 
final Financial Status Report. The final report may serve as the last 
quarterly report. The final report must provide complete information 
regarding the jobs created and supported as a result of the RBDG grant, 
if applicable. The Project Performance Reports must include, but not be 
limited to, the following:
    (1) A comparison of actual accomplishments to the objectives 
established for that period.
    (2) Problems, delays, or adverse conditions, if any, which have 
affected or will affect attainment of overall project objectives, 
prevent meeting time schedules or objectives, or preclude the 
attainment of particular project work elements during established time 
periods. This disclosure shall be accompanied by a statement of the 
action taken or planned to resolve the situation.
    (3) Objectives and timetable established for the next reporting 
    (4) Any special reporting requirements, such as jobs supported and 
created, businesses assisted, or economic development which results in 
improvements in median household incomes, and any other specific 
requirements, will be placed in the reporting section of the Letter of 
    (5) Within 90 days after the conclusion of the project, the grantee 
will provide a final Project Evaluation Report. The last quarterly 
payment will be withheld until the final report is received and 
approved by the Agency. Even though the grantee may request 
reimbursement on a monthly basis, the last 3 months of reimbursements 
will be withheld until the final Project Evaluation, Project 
Performance, and Financial Status Reports are received and approved by 
the Agency.
    (b) In addition to any reports required by 2 CFR part 200 
( and 2 CFR chapter IV 
(, the grantee must 
provide reports as required by 7 CFR part 4280, subpart E 

G. Federal Awarding Agency Contact(s)

    For general questions about this announcement, please contact your 
USDA RD State Office provided in the ADDRESSES section of this notice.

H. Other Information

    1. Paperwork Reduction Act. In accordance with the Paperwork 
Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. chapter 35), the information 
collection requirements associated with the programs, as covered in 
this notice, have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget 
(OMB) under OMB Control Number 0570-0070.
    2. National Environmental Policy Act. All recipients under this 
notice are subject to the requirements of 7 CFR part 1970. RBCS will 
review each grant application to determine its compliance with 7 CFR 
part 1970. The applicant may be asked to provide additional information 
or documentation to assist RBCS with this determination.
    3. Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act. All 
applicants, in accordance with 2 CFR part 25, must be registered in SAM 
and have a UEI number as stated in Section D.3 of this notice. All 
recipients of Federal financial assistance are required to report 
information about first-tier sub-awards and executive total 
compensation in accordance with 2 CFR part 170.
    4. Civil Rights Act. All grants made under this notice are subject 
to title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as required by the USDA (7 
CFR part 15, subpart) and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 
1973, title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, title IX, Executive 
Order 13166 (Limited English Proficiency), Executive Order 11246, and 
the Equal Credit Opportunity Act of 1974.
    5. Equal Opportunity for Religious Organizations.
    (a) Faith-based organizations may apply for this award on the same 
basis as any other organization, as set forth at, and subject to the 
protections and requirements of, this part and any applicable 
constitutional and statutory requirements, including 42 U.S.C. 2000bb 
et seq. USDA will not, in the selection of recipients, discriminate for 
or against an organization on the basis of the organization's religious 
character, motives, or affiliation, or lack thereof, or on the basis of 
conduct that would not be considered grounds to favor or disfavor a 
similarly situated secular organization.
    (b) A faith-based organization that participates in this program 
will retain its independence from the Government and may continue to 
carry out its mission consistent with religious freedom and conscience 
protections in Federal law. Religious accommodations may also be sought 
under many of these religious freedom and conscience protection laws.
    (c) A faith-based organization may not use direct Federal financial 
assistance from USDA to support or engage in any explicitly religious 
activities except when consistent with the Establishment Clause of the 
First Amendment and any other applicable requirements. An organization 
receiving Federal financial assistance also may not, in providing 
services funded by USDA, or in their outreach activities related to 
such services, discriminate against a program beneficiary or 
prospective program beneficiary on the basis of religion, a religious 
belief, a refusal to hold a religious belief, or a refusal to attend or 
participate in a religious practice.
    6. Nondiscrimination Statement. In accordance with Federal civil 
rights laws and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights 
regulations and policies, the USDA, its Mission Areas, agencies, staff 
offices, employees, and institutions participating in or administering 
USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, 
national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender 
expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, 
family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance 
program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil 
rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA 
(not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing 
deadlines vary by program or incident.
    Program information may be made available in languages other than 
English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of 
communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large 
print, audiotape, American Sign Language) should contact the 
responsible Mission Area, agency, staff office or the 711 Relay 
    To file a program discrimination complaint, a complainant should 
complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, 
which can be obtained online at, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, 
or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the 
complainant's name, address, telephone number, and a written 
description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail 
to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the 
nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-

[[Page 83833]]

3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
    (1) Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant 
Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 
20250-9410; or
    (2) Fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
    (3) Email: [email protected].
    USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.

Kathryn E. Dirksen Londrigan,
Administrator, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, USDA Rural 
[FR Doc. 2024-20344 Filed 10-17-24; 8:45 am]

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