Supply Chain Risk Management Reliability Standards, 79794-79804 [2024-22230]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 190 / Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Emmonak VOR/DME and the McGrath
VORTAC. As amended, V–510 would
extend between the McGrath VORTAC
and the Big Lake VORTAC.
V–510 [Amended]
From McGrath, AK, INT McGrath 121° and
Big Lake, AK 294° radials; Big Lake, AK.
Regulatory Notices and Analyses
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
24, 2024.
Frank Lias,
Manager, Rules and Regulations Group.
The FAA has determined that this
proposed regulation only involves an
established body of technical
regulations for which frequent and
routine amendments are necessary to
keep them operationally current. It,
therefore: (1) is not a ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’ under Executive
Order 12866; (2) is not a ‘‘significant
rule’’ under DOT Regulatory Policies
and Procedures (44 FR 11034; February
26, 1979); and (3) does not warrant
preparation of a regulatory evaluation as
the anticipated impact is so minimal.
Since this is a routine matter that will
only affect air traffic procedures and air
navigation, it is certified that this
proposed rule, when promulgated, will
not have a significant economic impact
on a substantial number of small entities
under the criteria of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act.
Environmental Review
This proposal will be subject to an
environmental analysis in accordance
with FAA Order 1050.1F,
‘‘Environmental Impacts: Policies and
Procedures’’ prior to any FAA final
regulatory action.
List of Subjects in 14 CFR Part 71
Airspace, Incorporation by reference,
Navigation (air).
The Proposed Amendment
In consideration of the foregoing, the
Federal Aviation Administration
proposes to amend 14 CFR part 71 as
1. The authority citation for 14 CFR
part 71 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 106(f), 106(g); 40103,
40113, 40120; E.O. 10854, 24 FR 9565, 3 CFR,
1959–1963 Comp., p. 389.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
§ 71.1
2. The incorporation by reference in
14 CFR 71.1 of FAA Order JO 7400.11J,
Airspace Designations and Reporting
Points, dated July 31, 2024, and
effective September 15, 2024, is
amended as follows:
Paragraph 6010(b) Alaskan VOR Federal
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[FR Doc. 2024–22282 Filed 9–30–24; 8:45 am]
Simon Slobodnik (Technical
Information), Office of Electric
Reliability, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502–
Alexandra Holmes (Legal Information),
Office of the General Counsel, Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888
First Street NE, Washington, DC
20426, (202) 502–6229,
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Federal Energy Regulatory
(Issued September 19, 2024)
1. Pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of the
Federal Power Act (FPA),1 the
Commission proposes to direct the
North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC), the Commissioncertified Electric Reliability
Organization (ERO), to submit new or
modified Reliability Standards within
12 months of the effective date of a final
rule that address ongoing risks to the
reliability and security of the BulkPower System posed by gaps in the
Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
Reliability Standards related to supply
chain risk management (SCRM)
(collectively, the SCRM Reliability
Standards).2 Specifically, we propose to
direct NERC to develop new or modified
Reliability Standards to address the: (A)
sufficiency of responsible entities’
SCRM plans related to their (1)
identification of, (2) assessment of, and
(3) response to supply chain risks, and
(B) applicability of SCRM Reliability
Standards to protected cyber assets
(PCA).3 Our proposed directives in this
NOPR are forward-looking and
2. Although the currently effective
SCRM Reliability Standards provide a
baseline of protection against supply
chain threats, there are increasing
18 CFR Part 40
[Docket No. RM24–4–000]
Supply Chain Risk Management
Reliability Standards
Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
The Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission (Commission)
proposes to direct the North American
Electric Reliability Corporation, the
Commission-certified Electric
Reliability Organization, to develop and
submit for Commission approval new or
modified Reliability Standards that
address the: sufficiency of responsible
entities’ supply chain risk management
plans related to the identification of,
assessment of, and response to supply
chain risks, and applicability of
Reliability Standards’ supply chain
protections to protected cyber assets.
DATES: Comments are due December 2,
ADDRESSES: Comments, identified by
docket number, may be filed in the
following ways. Electronic filing
through, is
• Electronic Filing: Documents must
be filed in acceptable native
applications and print-to-PDF, but not
in scanned or picture format.
• For those unable to file
electronically, comments may be filed
by USPS mail or by hand (including
courier) delivery.
Æ Mail via U.S. Postal Service Only:
Addressed to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the
Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426.
Æ Hand (including courier) delivery:
Deliver to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue,
Rockville, MD 20852.
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1 16
U.S.C 824o(d)(5); see also 18 CFR 39.5(f).
this notice of proposed rulemaking, the term
SCRM Reliability Standards includes Reliability
Standards CIP–005–7 (Electronic Security
Perimeter(s)), CIP–010–4 (Configuration Change
Management and Vulnerability Assessments), and
CIP–013–2 (Supply Chain Risk Management).
3 The Glossary of Terms Used in NERC Reliability
Standards (NERC Glossary) defines PCAs as ‘‘[o]ne
or more Cyber Assets connected using a routable
protocol within or on an Electronic Security
Perimeter that is not part of the highest impact BES
Cyber System within the same Electronic Security
Perimeter. . . .’’ The NERC Glossary defines
Electronic Security Perimeter as ‘‘[t]he logical
border surrounding a network to which BES Cyber
Systems are connected using a routable protocol.’’
See NERC, Glossary of Terms Used in NERC
Reliability Standards (July 2024), https://
4 See Revised Critical Infrastructure Prot.
Reliability Standards, Order No. 829, 81 FR 49878
(July 29, 2016), 156 FERC ¶ 61,050, at P 43 (2016).
2 In
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 190 / Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / Proposed Rules
opportunities for attacks posed by the
global supply chain. As we have
observed in prior proceedings, while the
global supply chain provides the
opportunity for significant customer
benefits such as low cost, variety of
products, and rapid innovation, it also
introduces risk to the security and
reliability of the Bulk-Power System by
facilitating attacks by adversaries.5
Using the global supply chain,
adversaries have inserted counterfeit
and malicious software, tampered with
hardware, and enabled remote access.6
Based on these known risks, over the
last decade, the Commission, other
Federal agencies, and the energy
industry have focused on SCRM and
mitigating cybersecurity risks associated
with the supply chain for critical
infrastructure. In light of the increasing
threat environment and the need for
improved mitigation strategies, we have
identified significant gaps in the
provisions of the SCRM Reliability
Standards. Specifically, we
preliminarily find that gaps remain in
the SCRM Reliability Standards related
to the: (A) sufficiency of responsible
entities’ SCRM plans related to the (1)
identification of, (2) assessment of, and
(3) response to supply chain risks, and
(B) applicability of SCRM Reliability
Standards to PCAs.
3. We believe that directing NERC to
address these gaps in the SCRM
Reliability Standards will strengthen the
reliability and security of the BulkPower System. These reliability gaps
present an increasingly urgent threat to
the Bulk-Power System that requires
timely action. As such, we propose to
direct NERC to file new or modified
Reliability Standards with the
Commission within 12 months of the
effective date of a final rule addressing
the reliability concerns discussed in this
NOPR. We seek comments on all aspects
of the proposed directive to NERC,
including the appropriate deadline by
which NERC would file the new or
modified Reliability Standards.
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I. Background
A. Legal Authority
4. Section 215 of the FPA provides
that the Commission may certify an
ERO, the purpose of which is to
establish and enforce Reliability
Standards, which are subject to
Commission review and approval.
Reliability Standards may be enforced
5 See, e.g., Id. at PP 11, 25; see also, e.g., Supply
Chain Risk Mgmt. Reliability Standards, Order No.
850, 83 FR 53992 (Oct. 26, 2018), 165 FERC
¶ 61,020, at P 2 (2018).
6 See infra n.80 (discussing SolarWinds Orion
network management software compromise).
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by the ERO, subject to Commission
oversight, or by the Commission
independently.7 Pursuant to section 215
of the FPA, the Commission established
a process to select and certify an ERO,8
and subsequently certified NERC as the
5. The Commission has the authority
pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of the FPA
and consistent with § 39.5(f) of the
Commission’s regulations, upon its own
motion or upon complaint, to order the
ERO to submit to the Commission a
proposed Reliability Standard or a
modification to a Reliability Standard
that addresses a specific matter if the
Commission considers such a new or
modified Reliability Standard
appropriate to carry out section 215 of
the FPA.10 Further, pursuant to § 39.5(g)
of the Commission’s regulations, when
ordering the ERO to submit to the
Commission a proposed or modified
Reliability Standard that addresses a
specific matter, the Commission may
order a deadline by which the ERO must
submit such Reliability Standard.11
the supply chain is so complex, it is
extremely challenging to identify,
assess, and respond to risk. The various
processes, practices, and methodologies
used to do so are collectively referred to
as ‘‘SCRM.’’ SCRM includes
implementing processes, tools, or
techniques that minimize adverse
impacts of adversary attacks.14
C. SCRM Reliability Standards
7. The currently effective SCRM
Reliability Standards provide a baseline
for supply chain risk protection for high
and medium impact bulk electric
system (BES) Cyber Systems 15 and
various associated systems and assets as
outlined in each Standard.16 The SCRM
Reliability Standards, except for
Reliability Standard CIP–005–7, do not
include protections for PCAs.17
8. The SCRM Reliability Standards
address four security objectives: (1)
software integrity and authenticity to
mitigate the risk of software made more
vulnerable by the insertion of
unauthorized malicious code or
software patches into the software; (2)
B. Supply Chain Risk Management
vendor remote access to mitigate the
6. The supply chain refers to the
risk of malicious exploitation of a
sequence of processes involved in the
software backdoor by addressing
production and distribution of, inter
responsible entities’ logging and
alia, industrial control system hardware, controlling all third-party (i.e., vendor)
software, and services.12 Such supply
initiated remote access sessions; (3)
chains are complex, globally
information system planning and
distributed, and interconnected systems procurement to ensure that responsible
with geographically diverse routes that
entities consider the risks associated
consist of multiple tiers of suppliers
with proposed information system
who collectively build components
planning and system development
necessary to deliver final products to
actions and to provide broad
customers. Further, the origins of
programmatic safeguards to mitigate
products or components may be
vulnerabilities inserted into Bulk-Power
intentionally or inadvertently obscured.
Certain foreign suppliers may also be
subject to policies or laws that compel
14 See NIST, Computer Security Resource
those suppliers to covertly provide their
Center—Definition of Supply Chain Risk
governments with customer data, trade
secrets, and intellectual property
obtained by embedding spyware or
15 Each BES Cyber System, per Reliability
other compromising software in
Standard CIP–002–5.1a (BES Cyber System
Categorization), is placed into one of three impact
products, parts, or services.13 Because
7 16
U.S.C. 824o(e).
8 Rules Concerning Certification of the Elec.
Reliability Org. & Procs. for the Establishment,
Approval, & Enf’t of Elec. Reliability Standards,
Order No. 672, 71 FR 8662 (Feb. 17, 2006), 114
FERC ¶ 61,104, order on reh’g, Order No. 672–A, 71
FR 19814 (Apr. 18, 2006), 114 FERC ¶ 61,328
9 N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp., 116 FERC
¶ 61,062, order on reh’g & compliance, 117 FERC
¶ 61,126 (2006), aff’d sub nom. Alcoa, Inc. v. FERC,
564 F.3d 1342 (D.C. Cir. 2009).
10 16 U.S.C. 824o(d)(5); 18 CFR 39.5(f).
11 18 CFR 39.5(g).
12 See, e.g., Order No. 829, 156 FERC ¶ 61,050 at
P 4 (discussing the reliability concerns posed by the
supply chain).
13 See Office of the Dir. of Nat’l Intelligence,
Protecting Critical Supply Chains: Risks from
Foreign Adversarial Exposure (2024), https://
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categories, high, medium, or low. The purpose of
categorizing BES Cyber Systems is to apply
cybersecurity requirements consistently, efficiently,
and commensurate with the adverse impact that
loss, compromise, or misuse of those systems could
have on the reliable operation of the Bulk-Power
System. At a minimum, all BES Cyber Systems
must be categorized as low impact. See Reliability
Standard CIP–002–5.1a (Cyber Security—BES Cyber
System Categorization), Attachment 1: Impact rating
16 Order No. 850, 165 FERC ¶ 61,020; Order No
829, 156 FERC ¶ 61,050 (SCRM Reliability
Standards require responsible entities to develop
and implement SCRM plans that include supply
chain management security controls for industrial
control system hardware and software, as well as
services associated with Bulk-Power System
17 See Reliability Standard CIP–005–7,
Requirements R1 and R2.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 190 / Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / Proposed Rules
System software or hardware
throughout their life cycle; and (4)
vendor risk management and
procurement controls to address the risk
that entities could enter into contracts
with vendors who pose significant risks
to their systems, as well as the risk that
products procured by a responsible
entity fail to meet minimum security
1. Reliability Standard CIP–005–7
(Electronic Security Perimeter(s))
9. Reliability Standard CIP–005–7 is
applicable to high impact BES Cyber
Systems and their associated PCAs and
medium impact BES Cyber Systems
with external routable connectivity and
their associated PCAs. The Standard
requires responsible entities to manage
electronic access to their BES Cyber
Systems and requires each responsible
entity to have one or more methods to
determine active vendor remote access
sessions and one or more methods to
disable vendor remote access.
Requirements R2 and R3 of Reliability
Standard CIP–005–7 work in tandem
with Requirement R1.2.6 of Reliability
Standard CIP–013–2, described in more
detail below, to address vendor remote
access controls in the operational phase.
Requirements R2 Parts 2.4 and 2.5 of
Reliability Standard CIP–005–7 require
one or more methods for determining
and disabling, respectively, active
vendor remote access sessions,
including interactive remote access and
system-to-system remote access, taking
place on a responsible entity’s system.
Requirement R3 is applicable to the
electronic access control or monitoring
systems 19 and physical access control
systems 20 associated with high impact
BES Cyber Systems and medium impact
BES Cyber Systems with external
routable connectivity. Requirement R3
includes Parts 3.1 and 3.2 and addresses
remote access controls for electronic
access control or monitoring systems
and physical access control systems
18 Order
No. 829, 156 FERC ¶ 61,050 at P 2.
defines electronic access control or
monitoring systems as ‘‘Cyber Assets that perform
electronic access control or electronic access
monitoring of the Electronic Security Perimeter(s)
or BES Cyber Systems. This includes Intermediate
Systems.’’ See NERC Glossary at 12. In Order No.
850, the Commission directed NERC to include
electronic access control or monitoring systems
within the scope of the SCRM Reliability Standards.
Order No. 850, 165 FERC ¶ 61,020 at P 46. The
Commission then later approved those
modifications. See N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp.,
174 FERC ¶ 61,193, at P 9 (2021).
20 NERC defines physical access control systems
as ‘‘Cyber Assets that control, alert, or log access to
the Physical Security Perimeter(s), exclusive of
locally mounted hardware or devices at the
Physical Security Perimeter such as motion sensors,
electronic lock control mechanisms, and badge
readers.’’ See NERC Glossary at 22.
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associated with high impact BES Cyber
Systems and medium impact BES Cyber
Systems with external routable
2. Reliability Standard CIP–010–4
(Configuration Change Management and
Vulnerability Assessments)
10. Reliability Standard CIP–010–4 is
applicable to high and medium impact
BES Cyber Systems and their associated
electronic access control or monitoring
systems and physical access control
systems and requires responsible
entities to prevent and detect
unauthorized changes to their BES
Cyber Systems. This includes requiring
that responsible entities verify the
identity and integrity of software and its
source, when possible, prior to
installation. These steps help reduce the
likelihood that an attacker could exploit
legitimate vendor patch management
processes to deliver compromised
software updates or patches to a BES
Cyber System.
3. Reliability Standard CIP–013–2
(Supply Chain Risk Management)
11. Reliability Standard CIP–013–2
requires each responsible entity to
develop a written SCRM plan for its
high and medium impact BES Cyber
Systems and their associated electronic
access control or monitoring systems
and physical access control systems.
Reliability Standard CIP–013–2 focuses
on the steps that responsible entities
must take to consider and address
cybersecurity risks from vendor
products and services during BES Cyber
System planning and procurement.21
The goal of the Standard is to ensure
that responsible entities establish
organizationally-defined processes that
integrate a cybersecurity risk
management framework into the system
development lifecycle.22 The SCRM
plan must include processes for
procuring and installing vendor
equipment and software; identifying
and assessing cybersecurity risks;
notification, coordination, and
disclosure of known vendor
vulnerabilities; and verification of the
integrity and authenticity of software
and patches provided by vendors for use
in the BES Cyber Systems and their
associated electronic access control or
monitoring systems and physical access
control systems.
21 Order
No. 850, 165 FERC ¶ 61,020 at P 15.
22 Id.
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D. Ongoing Activities To Mitigate
Supply Chain Risks
1. Federal Efforts on SCRM
12. Since approving the SCRM
Reliability Standards in 2018, the
Commission has continued its focus on
identifying additional improvements for
addressing the risk posed by the global
supply chain. For example, in December
of 2022, the Commission convened a
joint technical conference with the U.S.
Department of Energy to discuss supply
chain security challenges, the current
SCRM Reliability Standards, and their
challenges, gaps, and opportunities for
improvement.23 In December of 2023,
Commission staff issued a report that
included recommendations for users,
owners, and operators of the BulkPower System to improve their
compliance with CIP Reliability
Standards generally, and SCRM
specifically.24 Among other things, the
2023 Lessons Learned Report
recommended that entities enhance
their SCRM programs to include
evaluating the risks of existing vendors
and developing a plan to mitigate those
risks once identified. And in March
2023, the Commission approved
modifications to Reliability Standard
CIP–003–9 (Security Management
Controls), which added new
requirements focused on SCRM for low
impact BES Cyber Systems.25
13. There has also been recent action
in the Federal Government’s broader
effort to secure U.S. communications
networks and prohibit the use of
equipment that could give a foreign
adversary the ability to exploit those
networks. On May 12, 2021, the
President issued Executive Order 14028
on improving the nation’s cybersecurity
that directed multiple government
agencies to partner with the private
sector to enhance cybersecurity through
a variety of initiatives.26 Executive
Order 14028 requires the Secretary of
Commerce and the Director of the
National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) to create and publish
supply chain guidelines that include
criteria to evaluate software security,
criteria to evaluate security practices of
23 Supply Chain Risk Mgmt. Tech. Conference,
Docket No. AD22–12–000 (Dec. 7, 2022), https://
24 FERC Staff Report, 2023 Lessons Learned from
Commission-led CIP Reliability Audits, at 17–19
(Dec. 12, 2023),
(2023 Lessons Learned Report).
25 N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp., 182 FERC
¶ 61,155 (2023).
26 E.O. 14028, 88 FR 26633, 26637 (May 12,
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 190 / Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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software developers and suppliers, and
tools or methods to demonstrate
conformance with security practices.27
In response to Executive Order 14028,
NIST and the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) issued several guidance
and memoranda documents to enhance
supply chain protections for Federal
14. Additionally, the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC), an
independent agency that regulates U.S.
interstate and international
communications, is also addressing
supply chain risks and threats within its
jurisdiction. Effective February 6, 2023,
the FCC issued a new rule restricting
telecommunication and video
surveillance equipment produced by
entities that pose national security risks
from being imported to or sold within
the United States.29 Under the rule, the
FCC will not issue authorizations for
equipment on the ‘‘Covered List’’ that
the FCC publishes under the Secure
Networks Act.30 On March 8, 2023, the
FCC proposed an additional rulemaking
seeking input on whether to extend the
prohibition to component parts that
pose an unacceptable risk to national
27 Id. See also NIST, Improving the Nation’s
Cybersecurity: NIST’s Responsibilities Under the
May 2021 Executive Order,
28 E.g., NIST, Secure Software Development
Framework (SSDF) Version 1.1 (Feb. 2022), https://
NIST.SP.800-218.pdf; NIST, Software Supply Chain
Security Guidance Under Executive Order 14028
Section 4e (Feb. 2022),
system/files/documents/2022/02/04/softwaresupply-chain-security-guidance-under-E.O.-14028section-4e.pdf; OMB, Memorandum for the Heads
of Executive Departments and Agencies: Protecting
Critical Software Through Enhanced Security
Measures, M–21–30, 2–3 (Aug. 10, 2021) (OMB
Memorandum of August 2021), https:// (directing Federal agencies to comply with
and implement the security measures developed by
NIST outlined in the NIST Security Measures for
E.O.-Critical Software Use and implement those
protections in phases).
29 Under its equipment authorization authority,
the FCC requires radio-frequency devices to be
authorized by the FCC before being imported or
marketed into the United States.
30 FCC, Protecting Against Nat’l Sec. Threats to
the Commc’ns Supply Chain Through the Equip.
Authorization Program, 88 FR 7592, 7593 (Feb. 6,
2023) (citing Secure Equipment Act of 2021, Pub.
L. 117–55, 135 Stat. 423, (Nov. 11, 2021) that
requires, among other things, that the FCC publish
and periodically update a list of covered equipment
that have been determined to pose national security
risks and equipment or services produced or
provided by entities that meet certain capabilities).
31 FCC, Protecting Against National Security
Threats to the Communications Supply Chain
Through the Equipment Authorization Program and
the Competitive Bidding Program, 88 FR 14312
(Mar. 8, 2023).
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2. NERC Efforts on SCRM
15. Since the Commission directed
and then approved the first set of SCRM
Reliability Standards, NERC has
independently taken additional actions
to improve supply chain controls. For
example, in 2019, NERC completed a
study of supply chain risks including
those associated with low impact assets
not currently subject to Reliability
Standard CIP–013.32 Pursuant to this
study, NERC modified Reliability
Standard CIP–003 to include supply
chain controls for vendor remote access,
which the Commission approved in
March of 2023.33
16. Separately, stemming in part from
cybersecurity events such as the
SolarWinds Orion compromise, the
NERC Board of Trustees directed NERC
staff to complete a review and analysis
of the risk posed by low impact BES
Cyber Assets and report on whether to
modify criteria for determining whether
a BES Cyber System be categorized as
low impact.34 Based on the resulting
Low Impact Criteria Review Report,35
NERC initiated a standards development
project to modify Reliability Standard
CIP–003. The stated purpose of the
project is to further revise CIP–003 to,
among other things, improve vendor
remote access protections.36
17. Yet another effort regarding
supply chain security was NERC’s
development of a draft standards
authorization request (SAR) to revise
Reliability Standard CIP–013–2. On
September 20, 2023, NERC staff
submitted a draft SAR to the NERC
Standards Committee to revise
Reliability Standard CIP–013–2.37 The
32 NERC, Supply Chain Risk Assessment:
Analysis of Data Collected under the NERC Rules
of Procedure Section 1600 Data Request (Dec. 9,
33 N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp., 182 FERC
¶ 61,155 (2023).
34 See NERC, Minutes: Board of Trustees, 7 (Feb.
4, 2021),
35 NERC, Low Impact Criteria Review Report:
NERC Low Impact Criteria Review Team White
Paper (Oct. 2022),
36 NERC, Project 2023–04 Modifications to CIP–
003, (stating the
purpose and industry need for the modifications to
Reliability Standard CIP–003).
37 See NERC, Agenda: Standards Committee
Meeting, Agenda Item 6a, 2 (Sept. 20, 2023), https://
Package_September_20_2023.pdf (NERC Draft
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purpose of the standard development
project was to revise ‘‘CIP–013–2 to
have complete and accurate assessments
of supply chain security risks that
reflect actual threat(s) posed to the
entity’’ and ‘‘provide triggers on when
the supply chain risk assessment(s)
must be performed (i.e., planning for
procurement, procurement, and
installation) and require a response to
risks identified.’’ 38 Specifically, the
draft SAR project scope was to revise
Reliability Standard CIP–013–2 to
require entities to: (1) create specific
triggers to activate the supply chain risk
assessment(s); (2) include the
performance of supply chain risk
assessment(s) during the different
phases of planning for procurement,
procurement, installation of equipment/
software/services, and post procurement
assessment; (3) include steps to validate
the completeness and accuracy of the
data, assess the risks, consider the
vendor’s mitigation activities, and
document and track any residual risks;
(4) track and respond to all risks
identified; (5) re-assess standing
contract risks on a set timeframe; and (6)
re-assess time delay installation beyond
a set timeframe. The NERC Standards
Committee declined to move forward
with this SAR and there has been no
further activity on this proposed project.
18. In addition to standards
development projects, studies, and
surveys, and pursuant to a resolution
from the NERC Board of Trustees, NERC
also initiated a collaborative SCRM
program with industry, trade
organizations, and key stakeholders to
manage the effective mitigation of
supply chain risks.39 This program
included a study of supply chain risks,
communication of those risks to the
electric industry, and the development
of white papers on topics such as the
effectiveness of the SCRM Reliability
Standards and SCRM best practices.40
Finally, NERC has also published
voluntary security guidelines and
whitepapers on topics relevant to
supply chain risk management such as
38 Id.
39 See NERC, Proposed Additional Resolutions for
Agenda Item 9.a: Cyber Security—Supply Chain
Risk Management—CIP–005–6, CIP–010–3, and
CIP–013–1: Board of Trustees Meeting (Aug. 10,
Chain%20Follow-up%20v2.pdf (NERC SCRM
Board Resolution).
40 See NERC, Supply Chain Risk Mitigation
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 190 / Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / Proposed Rules
key practices and guidance for
responsible entities.41
3. Industry Efforts on SCRM
19. Industry stakeholders have also
taken the initiative to develop various
guidelines and best practice documents
to improve SCRM. For example, the
Electric Power Research Institute issued
a 2018 report recommending that
responsible entities develop and
implement supply chain traceability of
their systems and components and to
consider cloud services as a part of an
entity’s supply chain.42 Similarly,
Edison Electric Institute released
voluntary guidance with model
procurement contract language to help
responsible entities address
cybersecurity supply chain risk with
their vendors.43 And the North
American Transmission Forum (NATF)
developed an ERO-endorsed CIP–013
Implementation Guide,44 as well as
several documents pertaining to supply
chain risk management that represent
approaches that responsible entities
may take to comply with Reliability
Standard CIP–013 in a systematic and
comprehensive manner.45
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
II. Discussion
20. While the SCRM Reliability
Standards provide a strong foundation
of protection against supply chain
threats, we are concerned that there are
gaps in the requirements of those
Reliability Standards that may lead to a
responsible entity’s SCRM plan being
insufficient to identify, assess, and
respond to SCRM risks. As discussed
below, we believe that the SCRM plans
required by the currently effective
SCRM Reliability Standards are
41 The eight NERC-approved security guidelines
include: (1) Cyber Security Risk Management
Lifecycle; (2) Open Source Software; (3) Secure
Equipment Delivery; (4) Supply Chain Procurement
Language; (5) Vendor Incident Response; (6) Vendor
Risk Management Lifecycle; (7) Supply Chain
Provenance; and (8) Cloud Computing. NERC,
Reliability Guidelines, Security Guidelines,
Technical Reference Documents, and White Papers,
42 Elec. Power Research Inst., Supply Chain Risk
Assessment: Final Report (July 2018), https://
43 Edison Elec. Inst., Model Procurement Contract
Language Addressing Cybersecurity Supply Chain
Risk (Oct. 2022),
44 See NATF, NATF CIP–013 Implementation
Guidance: Supply Chain Risk Management Plans
(Oct. 2023),
45 Additional NATF documents related to supply
chain collaboration are available at https://
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insufficient to protect against the
myriad of supply chain threats. Further,
our concern with the exclusion of PCAs
from the SCRM Reliability Standards
has grown since initially discussed in
Order No. 850. As such, pursuant to
section 215(d)(5) of the FPA, we
propose to direct NERC to develop new
or modified Reliability Standards to
address the: (A) sufficiency of
responsible entities’ SCRM plans related
to the (1) identification of, (2)
assessment of, and (3) response to
supply chain risks; and (B) applicability
of SCRM Reliability Standards to PCAs.
21. We are aware of and appreciate
the continuing efforts of NERC,
industry, and other Federal agencies to
address supply chain risks. In
particular, we note that NERC has
identified areas for improvement of the
SCRM Reliability Standards,46 and
NERC and industry continue to develop
voluntary guidance or best practices to
address supply chain risks. Nonetheless,
we do not believe existing efforts
sufficiently address known gaps in the
SCRM Reliability Standards, and we
believe further Commission action is
warranted to address them.
22. Similarly, while we view the
FCC’s recent actions as beneficial for
Bulk-Power System reliability, these
actions address only certain aspects of
identified supply chain risks. For
example, the new FCC rules prohibit
import and installation of
telecommunications and video
surveillance equipment and software
produced by a relatively small number
of entities. By contrast, the purpose of
the SCRM Reliability Standards is to
provide risk mitigation against a broader
set of potential threats, including risks
associated with entities that are not
currently banned under the FCC’s
authority.47 We therefore believe that it
is appropriate to address SCRM gaps
that are within our jurisdiction to better
protect the security and reliability of the
Bulk-Power System.
A. Sufficiency of SCRM Plans Related to
the Identification of, Assessment of, and
Response to Supply Chain Risks
23. As discussed further below, we
believe that the lack of clear
requirements and criteria in the SCRM
Reliability Standards as to how
responsible entities should identify,
assess, and respond to supply chain
risks has left the Bulk-Power System
vulnerable to attack. We believe that the
proposed directives discussed in this
46 See, e.g., infra n.80 (discussing the Orion
software attack); infra n.82 (discussing XZ Utils
supply chain attack).
47 See supra n.29.
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NOPR will address these reliability gaps
by providing responsible entities with
clear and detailed requirements for what
their SCRM plans should include and
what their responsibilities are in
carrying out those plans.
1. Commission Concerns Regarding
Reliability Gaps Within the SCRM
Reliability Standards
24. The SCRM Reliability Standards
require each responsible entity to
develop a SCRM plan to identify and
assess supply chain and cybersecurity
risks based on certain information
collected from its vendors. While
providing a baseline of protection, the
Reliability Standards do not provide
specific requirements as to when and
how an entity should identify and
assess supply chain risks, nor do the
Standards require entities to respond to
those risks identified through their
SCRM plans.
25. The lack of specific requirements
related to the (1) identification of, (2)
assessment of, and (3) response to risk
is also inconsistent with generally
established risk management
frameworks. Risk management
frameworks generally follow three
tenets: identify, assess, and respond.48 A
responsible entity’s failure to properly
identify and assess supply chain risks
could lead to an entity installing
vulnerable products and allowing
compromise of its systems, ‘‘effectively
bypassing security controls established
by CIP Reliability Standards.’’ 49
Further, incomplete or inaccurate risk
identification may result in entity
assessments of the likelihood and
potential impact of supply chain risks
that do not reflect the actual threat and
risk posed to the responsible entity. In
the absence of clear criteria, procedures
of entities with ad hoc approaches do
not include steps to validate the
completeness and accuracy of the
vendor responses, assess the risks,
consider the vendors’ mitigation
activities, or respond to any residual
26. As described in the 2023 Lessons
Learned Report, Commission audit staff
observed multiple gaps in SCRM. In
Fiscal Year 2023, Commission staff
48 For example, the NIST Risk Management
Framework includes these three tenants of risk and
further breaks them down into a seven-step process
that entities can use to manage information security
and privacy risk for organizations and systems.
NIST, Special Publication 800–37, Revision 2: Risk
Management Framework for Information Systems
and Organizations, Task R–3, Risk Response at 72
(Dec. 2018),
SpecialPublications/NIST.SP.800-37r2.pdf. (NIST
Risk Management Framework).
49 2023 Lessons Learned Report at 17–18.
50 Id.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 190 / Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / Proposed Rules
completed non-public audits of several
responsible entities to evaluate their
compliance with the CIP Reliability
Standards. While these audits found
that most of the responsible entities
were compliant with the SCRM
Reliability Standards, there were
nevertheless a number of security risks
that remained due to the entities’ SCRM
processes and procedures.51
27. In particular, staff found a lack of
consistency and effectiveness in SCRM
plans for evaluating vendors and their
supplied equipment and software.
While a minority of audited entities had
comprehensive vendor risk evaluation
processes in place and displayed a
consistent application of the risk
identification process to each of their
vendors, other entities displayed
inconsistent and ad hoc vendor risk
identification processes. These risk
identification processes were typically
completed by only using vendor
questionnaires.52 Further, using only
vendor questionnaires resulted in
inconsistency of the information
collected and was limited to only ‘‘yes/
no’’ responses regarding the vendors’
security posture. Unlike the approach of
relying on a vendor questionnaire, a
comprehensive approach may validate
the data provided by vendors and
consider additional factors (e.g.,
independent third-party evaluation of
products and services) that inform how
risks of individual assets impact other
assets and systems of assets that reside
in the same electronic security
28. Commission staff also observed
that many SCRM plans did not establish
procedures to respond to risks once
identified.53 The 2023 Lessons Learned
Report documented that audited
entities’ SCRM plans did not include
processes or procedures to respond to
risks identified pursuant to Reliability
Standard CIP–013–2, Requirement
R1.1.54 A responsible entity has many
51 Id.
at 1.
at 17–18.
53 Id. Further, many entities did not include
processes in their SCRM plans to identify, assess,
or respond to risks associated with existing
contracts prior to the effective date of the SCRM
Reliability Standards, though the Standards neither
require entities to respond to risk nor reassess
existing contracts. Id.
54 Id. Reliability Standard CIP–013–2,
Requirement R1.1, requires entities to develop
supply chain cyber security risk management plans
that include:
[o]ne or more process(es) used in planning for the
procurement of BES Cyber Systems and their
associated [electronic access control or monitoring
systems and physical access control systems] to
identify and assess cyber security risk(s) to the Bulk
Electric System from vendor products or services
resulting from: (i) procuring and installing vendor
equipment and software; and (ii) transitions from
one vendor(s) to another vendor(s).
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52 Id.
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options as to how it may respond to
risks, including mitigation, acceptance,
transfer, or avoidance. Regardless of the
chosen option, however, a response
typically includes documenting and
tracking the risk.55 In instances where a
responsible entity has decided that the
risk is sufficiently low that no
mitigation is required, the entity should
document and track its conclusions,
such as in a risk register where
identified and assessed risks are stored
and monitored. As noted in the report,
since the SCRM Reliability Standards do
not require any action beyond the
identification and assessment of risk,
responsible entities are not required to
take action to respond to or otherwise
mitigate identified risks, regardless of
severity. Further, staff also found that
there were disparities in entity
understanding and characterization of
risk exposure from existing contracts
and vendor relationships that were not
fully considered by their supply chain
risk management plans, versus those
that had complete risk assessments
under the parameters required by the
criteria in CIP–013. This disparity
resulted in entities not having a
definitive strategy regarding how they
would respond to various risk events
posed by potential issues that may arise
from existing contracts.56
29. Staff’s observations in the 2023
Lessons Learned report are consistent
with gaps identified by NERC staff in its
draft SAR proposing to revise Reliability
Standard CIP–013–2. Specifically, the
draft SAR explained that ‘‘the language
in CIP–013–2 Requirement R1 lacks
specificity to properly identify, assess,
and respond to supply chain security
risks.’’ 57 The NERC draft SAR further
identified that ‘‘Requirement R1.1 does
not indicate how to perform risk
identification and assess vendor risks
effectively,’’ nor does CIP–013–2
‘‘contain sufficient triggers requiring
[the activation of] an entity’s [SCRM]
plan.’’ 58 The draft SAR goes on to
explain that implementation of SCRM
plans is ‘‘wide ranging and variable’’
and that ‘‘the implemented [i]ndustry
supply chain risk processes are
ambiguous and generally lack rigor for
validating the completeness and
accuracy of the data, assessing the risks,
considering the vendor’s mitigation
activities, and documenting and
tracking residual risks.’’ 59 Finally, the
draft SAR proposed to initiate a
55 See, e.g., NIST Risk Management Framework,
Task R–3, Risk Response at 72.
56 2023 Lessons Learned Report at 17.
57 See NERC Draft SAR, Agenda Item 6a, 2.
58 Id.
59 Id.
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standard development project to revise
Reliability Standard ‘‘CIP–013–2 to have
complete and accurate assessments of
supply chain security risks that reflect
actual threat(s) posed to the entity’’ and
‘‘provide triggers on when the supply
chain risk assessment(s) must be
performed (i.e., planning for
procurement, procurement, and
installation) and require a response to
risks identified.’’ 60
30. In light of these identified gaps,
we are concerned that the existing
SCRM Reliability Standards lack a
detailed and consistent approach for
entities to develop adequate SCRM
plans related to the (1) identification of,
(2) assessment of, and (3) response to
supply chain risk. Specifically, we are
concerned that the SCRM Reliability
Standards lack clear requirements for
when responsible entities should
perform risk assessments to identify
risks and how those risk assessments
should be conducted to properly assess
risk. Further, we are concerned that the
Reliability Standards lack any
requirement for an entity to respond to
supply chain risks once identified and
assessed, regardless of severity.
2. Proposed Directives
31. To address the reliability and
security gaps discussed above, we
propose to direct NERC pursuant to
section 215(d)(5) of the FPA, to develop
new or modified Reliability Standards
to address the sufficiency of SCRM
plans related to the: (1) identification of,
(2) assessment of, and (3) response to
supply chain risks.
a. Identification
32. We propose to direct NERC to
submit to the Commission for approval
new or modified Reliability Standards
that would establish specific timing
requirements for a responsible entity to
evaluate its equipment and vendors to
better identify supply chain risks.
Specifically, we propose to direct NERC
to establish a maximum time frame
between when an entity performs its
initial risk assessment during the
procurement process and when it
installs the equipment. If an entity does
not install the equipment or software
within the specified time limit, the
entity should be required to perform an
updated risk assessment prior to
installation. As discussed above, we are
concerned that the lack of specific
requirements in the SCRM Reliability
Standards as to when in the
procurement and deployment process
an entity must apply its SCRM plan to
identify supply chain risks can lead to
60 Id.
at 26.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 190 / Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
incomplete or inaccurate risk
identification that may result in
assessments of supply chain risks that
do not reflect the actual threat and risk
posed to the responsible entity. We seek
comment on what factors should be
considered in developing a maximum
time frame between the initial risk
assessment and installation before
entities would be required to perform a
subsequent risk assessment. We also
seek comment on whether this time
frame should vary based on certain
factors (e.g., equipment type) and the
reasons for any proposed time frame
33. Further, to satisfy the Commission
directive, the new or modified
Reliability Standards must establish
periodic requirements for an entity to
reassess the risk associated with
vendors, products, and services
procured under any contracts for supply
chain risks that may have developed
since the contract commenced. For
example, an entity that has a long-term
contract with a vendor would be
required to conduct a periodic risk
assessment of that contract to identify
any new or developed supply chain
risks since the initial risk assessment.
While this requirement would apply to
all vendor, product, and service
contracts, including existing contracts,
we are not proposing to direct NERC to
require entities to abrogate or
renegotiate contracts with vendors,
suppliers, or other entities.
34. We believe this proposed directive
is consistent with Order Nos. 829 and
850 and would strengthen SCRM plans
identification, assessment, and response
to, evolving supply chain risks
associated with long-term standing
contracts that may not have been
contemplated or in existence at the time
the contract commenced. We seek
comment on factors to be considered in
developing a proposed requirement for
entities to reassess their supply chain
risks of existing contracts with vendors,
including the frequency of those
assessments and any specific changed
circumstances that should trigger the
need for a reassessment (e.g., acquisition
or merger of an existing supplier).
b. Assessment
35. Next, to satisfy the Commission
directive, NERC must submit to the
Commission for approval new or
modified Reliability Standards that
require a responsible entity to establish
steps in its SCRM plan to validate the
completeness and accuracy of
information received from vendors
during the procurement process to
better inform the identification and
assessment of supply chain risks
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associated with vendors’ software,
hardware, or services. While we are not
proposing to require that entities
guarantee the accuracy of information
provided by their vendors, we do
believe that entities should be required
to take certain steps to validate such
36. For example, the SCRM plan
could require an entity to secure from
its vendors: (1) a self-attestation
addressing all of the risk questions
posed by the responsible entity
accompanied by any relevant
documentation to support the vendors’
claims; or (2) a certification of an
assessment from a qualified auditor,
assessor, or other reputable third party
addressing all risk questions posed by
the responsible entity. Upon receipt of
a self-attestation, the responsible entity
would review and validate vendors’
responses to ensure that it has complete
information to ensure a rigorous risk
assessment. This could represent a
proactive effort to validate the
information being provided by a vendor
to ensure that the information the entity
is using to identify and assess risks is
accurate. In the absence of a selfattestation and supporting
documentation provided by a vendor to
the responsible entity, the responsible
entity could instead accept an
independent third-party certification
that an assessment was conducted by a
qualified auditor, assessor, or other
reputable third-party addressing all risk
questions posed by the responsible
37. We are concerned that a
responsible entity’s failure to take any
steps to validate a vendor’s information
could lead to an entity failing to
properly identify or assess risk posed by
that vendor and installing vulnerable
products that allow compromise of its
systems. Further, the lack of validation
could result in entities performing risk
assessments based on inaccurate or
incomplete information which would
not reflect the actual threat and risk
posed to the responsible entity. We seek
comment on what other types of steps
an entity could take to validate the data
provided by vendors and how
burdensome those steps might be.
c. Response
38. Finally, we propose to direct
NERC to ensure that the new or
modified Reliability Standards require
that entities establish a process to
document, track, and respond to all
identified supply chain risks. We are
concerned that the existing SCRM
Reliability Standards are inadequate to
ensure consistent, timely, and
appropriate documented responses to
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identified vendor risks. We believe that
the proposed directive would better
align with widely accepted risk
management frameworks and address
the lack of requirements in the SCRM
Reliability Standards for entities to
respond to risks once they are
39. A responsible entity can respond
to risk in a variety of ways, including by
taking specific steps to mitigate the
identified security risk (e.g.,
implementing additional security
monitoring of the associated asset or
software), transferring the identified
security risk (e.g., to a security-as-aservice vendor or through cybersecurity
insurance), avoiding the security risk
(e.g., by not deploying hardware or
software associated with an identified
risk), or accepting the security risk, in
instances where none of the other
responses are possible. Regardless of the
approach taken, a responsible entity
should document and track its actions.61
Documentation should include what
cybersecurity controls are in place or
will be put in place to manage the risk
while maintaining the overall reliability
of the responsible entity’s BES Cyber
Systems and associated Cyber Assets.
For example, a SCRM plan could
include defined processes and tasks to
respond to the identified and assessed
risk, including maintaining
documentation, such as those discussed
in table E–6 of the NIST Risk
Management Framework.62 Specific
mitigation steps could be similar to the
mitigation requirements described in
Reliability Standard CIP–007–6,
Requirement R2.63 We seek comment on
61 Mandatory Reliability Standards for Critical
Infrastructure Protection, Order No. 706, 73 FR
7368 (Feb. 7, 2008), 122 FERC ¶ 61,040, at P 377
(2008) (discussing Reliability Standard CIP–003–1
requirement for the development and
implementation of a security policy, the
Commission states that the goal of documentation
and justification for an exception to the policy be
that there is ‘‘reasoned decision-making,
consistency, and subsequent effectiveness in
implementing the policy’’ and that the Commission
require[s] that the reasoning be documented to
ensure that the responsible entity is indeed
implementing the security policy as required by
Requirement R1 of CIP–003–1.’’).
62 See NIST Risk Management Framework at 136.
63 Reliability Standard CIP–007–6 (Security
Configuration Management), Requirement R2
(Security Patch Management). Requirement R2 Part
2.1 requires a patch management process for
tracking, evaluation, and installing cyber security
patches for applicable Cyber Assets. Requirement
R2 Part 2.2 establishes a maximum window of 35
calendar days to evaluate the security patches that
have been released for applicability. Building on
Parts 2.1 and 2.2, Requirement R2 Part 2.3 requires
one of the following actions: (1) apply the
applicable patches; (2) create a dated mitigation
plan; or (3) revise an existing mitigation plan.
Building on Part 2.3, Requirement R2 Part 2.4
requires for each mitigation plan, to implement the
plan within a specified timeframe.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 190 / Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / Proposed Rules
whether and how a standard
documentation process could be
developed to ensure entities can
properly track identified risks and
mitigate those risks according to the
entity’s specific risk assessment.
40. We further propose to direct NERC
to submit responsive new or revised
SCRM Reliability Standards within 12
months of the effective date of a final
rule in this proceeding, given NERC has
already begun the work to address
several of the proposed directives in its
2023 draft SAR 64 which it may be able
to leverage to timely address the risks
identified in this NOPR. However, while
we propose a compliance deadline of 12
months, we also seek comment on
whether a longer timeline (e.g., 18
months) is necessary, as we recognize
that NERC is currently devoting
resources to other standards
development projects with Commissionimposed timelines.
B. Applicability of SCRM Requirements
to PCAs
1. Prior Activity Regarding PCAs
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
41. PCAs are ancillary equipment that
reside behind a responsible entity’s
electronic access point 65 within the
responsible entity’s BES Cyber Systems.
Electronic access points, often firewalls,
are important lines of defense for BES
Cyber Systems that reside at an
electronic security perimeter. The
likelihood of PCAs’ compromise
through the supply chain has increased
in recent years. Because PCAs are
located within the electronic security
perimeter, the exploitation of PCAs
directly puts at risk the interconnected
BES Cyber Systems housed in the same
electronic security perimeter. A supply
chain attack could potentially make use
of a compromised PCA to bypass the
electronic security perimeter to directly
attack medium and high impact BES
64 See NERC Draft SAR, Agenda Item 6a
(including in its scope to: (1) create specific triggers
to activate the supply chain risk assessment(s); (2)
include the performance of supply chain risk
assessment(s) during the different phases of
planning for procurement, procurement of
equipment/software/services, installation, and post
procurement assessment; (3) include steps to
validate the completeness and accuracy of the data,
assess the risks, consider the vendor’s mitigation
activities, and document and track any residual
risks; (4) track and respond to all risks identified;
(5) re-assess standing contract risks on a set
timeframe; (6) re-assess time delay installation
beyond a set timeframe).
65 NERC defines an electronic access point as a
‘‘Cyber Asset interface on an Electronic Security
Perimeter that allows routable communication
between Cyber Assets outside an Electronic
Security Perimeter and Cyber Assets inside an
Electronic Security Perimeter.’’ See NERC Glossary
at 12.
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Cyber Systems within the same
electronic security perimeter.
42. The Commission initially
considered the applicability of the
SCRM Reliability Standards to PCAs in
Order No. 850 but did not direct NERC
to include them in the scope of the
SCRM Reliability Standards. At that
time, the Commission believed it was
appropriate to await the findings of the
study evaluating cybersecurity supply
chain risks presented by low impact
BES Cyber Systems, physical access
control systems, and PCAs. 66 Reasoning
that the likelihood of PCAs being
compromised was lower than the
likelihood that electronic access control
or monitoring systems would be
compromised, the Commission accepted
NERC’s commitment, as directed by the
NERC Board of Trustees, to study the
risk of PCAs in greater depth. The
Commission expressed its concern,
however, that excluding PCAs may
leave a gap in the SCRM Reliability
Standards and stated that it would be in
a better position to consider whether the
inclusion of PCAs would be warranted
to protect the reliability of the BulkPower System after reviewing NERC’s
43. In response to the Commission’s
directive, NERC submitted its Supply
Chain Risk Report in May 2019.68 The
report contained recommendations for
actions to address risks associated with
certain categories of assets including,
among others, PCAs.69 The report stated
that, due to the variety of assets that
may be categorized as PCAs, it was not
possible to clearly define a general risk
posed by their potential supply chain
vulnerabilities.70 As such, NERC staff
recommended that, as a best practice,
entities should ‘‘evaluate each PCA type
on a case-by-case basis to identify any
specific risks associated with
[SCRM].’’ 71 The NERC Supply Chain
Risks Report also assessed the risks to
PCAs posed by common mode
vulnerabilities and found that as PCAs
are ‘‘often the same cyber asset type as
many common BES Cyber Assets,’’ they
may act as an attack vector to BES Cyber
Systems sharing the same electronic
security perimeter.72
The report asserts that the SCRM plan
required by Reliability Standard CIP–
66 Order No. 850, 165 FERC ¶ 61,020 at PP 66, 67.
See also NERC SCRM Board Resolution.
67 Order No. 850, 165 FERC ¶ 61,020 at P 66.
68 NERC, Cyber Security Supply Chain Risks: Staff
Report and Recommended Actions, Docket No.
RM17–13–000 (May 28, 2019) (NERC Supply Chain
Risks Report).
69 Id. at 2.
70 Id. at 21.
71 Id.
72 Id. at 22.
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013–1, Requirement R1 could be used
effectively to mitigate PCA risks for
those PCAs ‘‘obtained under the same
[SCRM] procurement plan as BES Cyber
Systems associated with high and
medium impact BES Cyber Systems.’’ 73
With respect to next steps, the report
stated that NERC would continue to
develop a guideline for entities to use
when evaluating their PCAs and when
determining what, if any, additional
SCRM protections are needed. NERC
added that it would also determine
whether to collect additional data
regarding PCAs.74 NERC has not yet
released any additional guideline
documents on PCAs associated with
SCRM protections, nor has NERC
initiated any additional data collection.
2. Commission Concerns Regarding
44. Under the existing SCRM
Reliability Standards, PCAs receive only
limited protections. Specifically, while
the SCRM Reliability Standards address
four categories of SCRM protections: (1)
software integrity and authenticity, (2)
vendor remote access protections, (3)
information system planning, and (4)
vendor risk management and
procurement controls—PCAs are only
subject to the second category: vendor
remote access protections. We believe
that the additional protections should
apply to PCAs to better mitigate the
associated risks and close this known
security gap. As such, we preliminarily
find that addressing such unprotected
PCAs within the SCRM Reliability
Standards is necessary to maintain the
reliability of the Bulk-Power System in
light of evolving threats.
45. As mentioned above, the
Commission in Order No. 850
considered but ultimately declined to
direct that NERC develop SCRM
Reliability Standards that apply to PCAs
until the Commission could consider
NERC’s Board of Trustees-directed
study. After reviewing NERC’s findings,
we preliminarily find that the risks
associated with PCAs warrant their
inclusion in the SCRM Reliability
Standards. As discussed below, recent
sophisticated supply chain incidents
such as SolarWinds highlight the
vulnerabilities and need to protect PCAs
from supply chain threats. The NERC
Supply Chain Risks Report submitted in
response to the Commission’s directive
in Order No. 850 assessed the risks to
PCAs posed by common mode
vulnerabilities and found that PCAs
share the same risk profile as many BES
Cyber Assets that are protected under
73 Id.
74 Id.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 190 / Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the SCRM Reliability Standards. NERC
further found that due to their shared
location within an electronic security
perimeter, PCAs may be used as an
attack vector to BES Cyber Systems.
46. Responsible entities that have
robust processes for the identification
and assessment of SCRM risks
associated with PCAs are better
protected against the unintentional
procurement and installation of
unsecure equipment or software that
could serve as a potential attack vector
to compromise medium or high impact
BES Cyber Systems residing in the same
electronic security perimeter. The
Commission reasoned in Order No. 829
that without integrity and authenticity
controls: (1) attackers could exploit the
legitimate vendor patch management
process to deliver compromised
software updates or patches to
applicable systems; 75 and (2) vendor
credentials could be stolen and used to
access a BES Cyber System without the
responsible entities knowledge and
traverse over an unmonitored
connection into a responsible entity’s
BES Cyber System.76 Responsible
entities could unintentionally have
procured and installed unsecure
equipment or software and may fail to
meet minimum security criteria.77
47. Upon reviewing NERC’s report
and gaining a better understanding of
the risk profile associated with PCAs
since Order No. 850, we believe that our
reasoning as applied to BES Cyber
Systems in Order No. 829 supports the
inclusion of PCAs under the protection
of the SCRM Reliability Standards
because these assets also reside within
the same electronic security perimeter
as BES Cyber Systems. Accordingly, we
believe that all assets within an
electronic security perimeter should be
assessed for supply chain risk.
48. Moreover, we are not persuaded
by the NERC report which demurred
from recommending additional SCRM
Reliability Standard protections for
PCAs. While the NERC report
recognized the risks associated with
PCAs, it asserted that it is not possible
to clearly define a general risk to the
Bulk-Power System in the event PCAs
are compromised.78 NERC did not
recommend revising the SCRM
Reliability Standards to include PCAs
and instead recommended that entities
evaluate PCAs on a voluntary, case-bycase basis for supply chain risks. While
we agree with the NERC report that a
wide range of assets fall under the
75 Order
No. 829, 156 FERC ¶ 61,050 at P 49.
P 52.
77 Id. PP 57, 60.
78 NERC Supply Chain Risks Report at 21.
76 Id.
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category of PCA, we also believe that
such a wide range of assets allows for
a wide range of vulnerabilities, therefore
proportionately increasing the risk
associated with PCAs as an asset class.
We further acknowledge that each PCA
type may have a different risk profile
based on how it interacts with BES
Cyber Systems and their impact on the
Bulk-Power System that may present
unique challenges during risk
assessment. However, because PCAs are
a clearly defined class of assets, we are
not persuaded that the inability to
quantify the risk that PCAs present as an
asset class renders infeasible the ability
to develop a Reliability Standard that
addresses the known SCRM risks
associated with PCAs.
49. We do, however, agree with
NERC’s assessment in its report
regarding the risk posed by common
mode vulnerabilities of unprotected
PCAs, i.e., that they are often the same
Cyber Asset type as many common BES
Cyber Assets and that they may act as
an attack vector to BES Cyber Systems
sharing the same electronic security
perimeter. For example, SolarWinds’
Orion software, an enterprise
infrastructure monitoring and
management platform, was famously
compromised by a foreign state actor in
2020. This software would likely be
categorized as a PCA if used by a
responsible entity and deployed inside
an electronic security perimeter.79
While NERC found that this event did
not materially or adversely impact BulkPower System operations, a subsequent
compromise impacting PCAs could have
more severe consequences in the future,
including material, adverse impacts on
Bulk-Power System operations.80
Similarly, the XZ Utils supply chain
attack demonstrates another close call
where PCAs could have been affected if
the compromise had not been
discovered and detected before further
exploitation occurred.81 Thus,
79 FERC Staff and the Electricity Information and
Analysis Sharing Center, SolarWinds and Related
Supply Chain Compromise (July 6, 2021), https://
80 Robert Walton, NERC finding 25% of utilities
exposed to SolarWinds hack indicates growing ICS
vulnerabilities, analysts say, Utility Dive (Apr. 15,
81 In this supply chain attack, an unidentified
threat actor used social engineering to become an
authorized maintainer of XZ Utils, a widely used
data compression and decompression library found
on many Linux systems. The threat actor then
inserted a backdoor into legitimate software updates
that would allow them to bypass Secure Shell
Protocol authentication and conduct remote code
execution on any infected device connected to the
PO 00000
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addressing supply chain risk of
unprotected PCAs that may perform
security-critical functions or pose
similar significant potential for harm if
compromised is critical to maintaining
the security of an electronic security
perimeter and would improve an
entity’s overall security posture.
50. We also agree with NERC’s
assertion that the supply chain risks
associated with PCAs could be
mitigated if responsible entities include
PCAs in their existing SCRM plans that
inform the procurement of medium and
high impact BES Cyber Systems.82 We
do not agree, however, that this should
be done on a voluntary basis since many
PCAs have a similar risk profile to BES
Cyber Systems. Finally, we note that
applying supply chain protections to
PCAs is consistent with risk
management practices required for
Federal agencies. Specifically,
extending supply chain related
protections to PCAs aligns with the
OMB Memorandum of August 2021 and
its phased implementation strategy by
ensuring that all software, especially
those performing security-critical
functions, is fortified against supply
chain risks.83 By proactively evaluating
the supply chain risks posed by PCAs,
the electric sector can address the risk
of supply chain attacks, which have
been exemplified by incidents like the
SolarWinds breach. The OMB
Memorandum of August 2021 provides
instructions and creates a phased
implementation plan for Federal
agencies to adopt the security measures
required by Executive Order 14028.
Included in the initial phase of
implementation are software
applications that provide network
monitoring and configuration services
(e.g., PCAs).84 This directive, while
binding only on Federal agencies,
further supports the extension of SCRM
protective measures to PCAs. PCAs, if
compromised, could serve as conduits
for adversaries to infiltrate BES Cyber
Systems, potentially leading to breaches
originating from within the electronic
security perimeters.
3. Proposed Directives
51. For the reasons set forth above, we
preliminarily find that the existing
SCRM Reliability Standards are
internet. See Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
Security Agency, Reported Supply Chain
Compromise Affecting XZ Utils Data Compression
Library, CVE–2024–3094 (Mar. 29, 2024), https://
82 NERC Supply Chain Risks Report at 22.
83 See supra n.28.
84 See id.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 190 / Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / Proposed Rules
inadequate to ensure that PCAs are
sufficiently protected from supply chain
risk. Because PCAs represent an attack
vector to BES Cyber Systems contained
within the same electronic security
perimeter as the PCAs, the
Commission’s concern about the threat
that these unprotected assets present to
the security and reliability of the BulkPower System has grown since initially
discussed in Order No. 850. As
discussed above, these risks are
highlighted by recent sophisticated
incidents such as the SolarWinds
software vulnerability and the XZ Utils
supply chain attack. While the current
SCRM Reliability Standards require
entities to protect PCAs’ vendor remote
access management, the Reliability
Standards should provide a
comprehensive protection of PCAs.
52. Accordingly, we propose to direct
NERC, pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of
the FPA, to modify the SCRM Reliability
Standards to include PCAs as applicable
assets. Further, we propose to direct
NERC to protect PCAs from supply
chain risk at the same level as other
assets inside an electronic security
perimeter (i.e., high and medium impact
BES Cyber Systems, electronic access
control or monitoring systems, and
physical access control systems located
inside an electronic security perimeter).
Given the broad range of assets that may
be categorized as PCAs, we seek
comment on potential comprehensive
and scalable approaches that could be
implemented for identifying and
assessing supply chain risks posed by
PCAs. Comments on such approaches
may inform our directives in a final rule
and may also provide valuable input for
a possible future NERC standard
drafting team tasked with developing
directed modifications. Finally, we
propose to direct NERC to submit these
modifications within 12 months of the
effective date of a final rule in this
respond to this collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a valid OMB control number.
Comments are solicited on the
Commission’s need for the information
proposed to be reported, whether the
information will have practical utility,
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected, and any suggested methods
for minimizing the respondent’s burden,
including the use of automated
information techniques.
54. The proposal to direct NERC to
develop new, or to modify existing,
reliability standards (and the
corresponding burden) are covered by,
and already included in, the existing
OMB-approved information collection
FERC–725 (Certification of Electric
Reliability Organization; Procedures for
Electric Reliability Standards; OMB
Control No. 1902–0225),87 under
Reliability Standards Development.88
The reporting requirements in FERC–
725 include the ERO’s overall
responsibility for developing Reliability
Standards, such as any Reliability
Standards that relate to supply chain
risk management.
III. Information Collection Statement
53. The information collection
requirements contained in this notice of
proposed rulemaking are subject to
review by the OMB under section
3507(d) of the Paperwork Reduction Act
of 1995.85 OMB’s regulations require
approval of certain information
collection requirements imposed by
agency rules.86 Upon approval of a
collection of information, OMB will
assign an OMB control number and
expiration date. Respondents subject to
the filing requirements of this proposed
rule will not be penalized for failing to
V. Regulatory Flexibility Act
57. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of
1980 (RFA) 91 generally requires a
85 44
86 5
U.S.C. 3507(d).
CFR 1320.11.
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IV. Environmental Analysis
55. The Commission is required to
prepare an Environmental Assessment
or an Environmental Impact Statement
for any action that may have a
significant adverse effect on the human
56. The Commission has categorically
excluded certain actions from this
requirement as not having a significant
effect on the human environment.
Included in the exclusion are rules that
are clarifying, corrective, or procedural
or that do not substantially change the
effect of the regulations being
amended.90 The actions proposed
herein fall within this categorical
exclusion in the Commission’s
87 Another item for FERC–725 is pending review
at this time, and only one item per OMB Control
No. can be pending OMB review at a time. In order
to submit this NOPR timely to OMB, we are using
FERC–725(1B) (a temporary, placeholder
information collection number).
88 Reliability Standards development as described
in FERC–725 covers standards development
initiated by NERC, the Regional Entities, and
industry, as well as standards the Commission may
direct NERC to develop or modify.
89 Reguls. Implementing the Nat’l Env’t Pol’y Act,
Order No. 486, 52 FR 47897 (Dec. 17, 1987), FERC
Stats. & Regs. ¶ 30,783 (1987) (cross-referenced at 41
FERC ¶ 61,284).
90 18 CFR 380.4(a)(2)(ii) (2021).
91 5 U.S.C. 601–612.
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description and analysis of proposed
rules that will have significant
economic impact on a substantial
number of small entities.
58. We are proposing only to direct
NERC, the Commission-certified ERO, to
develop modified Reliability Standards
to improve the sufficiency of the SCRM
Plans required by CIP–013–2, and to
protect PCAs under the SCRM
Reliability Standards. These Standards
are only applicable to high and medium
impact BES Cyber Systems and their
associated systems such as electronic
access control or monitoring systems
and physical access control systems.92
Therefore, this NOPR will not have a
significant or substantial impact on
entities other than NERC. Consequently,
the Commission certifies that this NOPR
will not have a significant economic
impact on a substantial number of small
59. Any Reliability Standards
proposed by NERC in compliance with
this rulemaking will be considered by
the Commission in future proceedings.
As part of any future proceedings, the
Commission will make determinations
pertaining to the RFA based on the
content of the Reliability Standards
proposed by NERC.
VI. Comment Procedures
60. The Commission invites interested
persons to submit comments on the
matters and issues proposed in this
rulemaking to be adopted, including any
related matters or alternative proposals
that commenters may wish to discuss.
Comments are due December 2, 2024.
Comments must refer to Docket No.
RM24–4–000, and must include the
commenter’s name, the organization
they represent, if applicable, and their
address in their comments. All
comments will be placed in the
Commission’s public files and may be
viewed, printed, or downloaded
remotely as described in the Document
Availability section below. Commenters
on this proposal are not required to
serve copies of their comments on other
61. The Commission encourages
comments to be filed electronically via
the eFiling link on the Commission’s
website at The
Commission accepts most standard
word processing formats. Documents
92 Cf. Cyber Security Incident Reporting
Reliability Standards, Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking, 82 FR 61499 (Dec. 28, 2017), 161 FERC
¶ 61,291 (2017) (proposing to direct NERC to
develop and submit modifications to the Reliability
Standards to improve mandatory reporting of Cyber
Security Incidents, including incidents that might
facilitate subsequent efforts to harm the reliable
operation of the Bulk-Power System).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 190 / Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / Proposed Rules
created electronically using word
processing software must be filed in
native applications or print-to-PDF
format and not in a scanned format.
Commenters filing electronically do not
need to make a paper filing.
62. Commenters that are not able to
file comments electronically may file an
original of their comment by USPS mail
or by courier-or other delivery services.
For submission sent via USPS only,
filings should be mailed to: Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, Office
of the Secretary, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426. Submission of
filings other than by USPS should be
delivered to: Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue,
Rockville, MD 20852.
VII. Document Availability
63. In addition to publishing the full
text of this document in the Federal
Register, the Commission provides all
interested persons an opportunity to
view and/or print the contents of this
document via the internet through the
Commission’s Home Page (https:// From the Commission’s
Home Page on the internet, this
information is available on eLibrary.
The full text of this document is
available on eLibrary in .pdf and
Microsoft Word format for viewing,
printing, and/or downloading. To access
this document in eLibrary, type the
docket number excluding the last three
digits of this document in the docket
number field.
64. User assistance is available for
eLibrary and the Commission’s website
during normal business hours from
FERC Online Support at (202) 502–6652
(toll free at 1–866–208–3676) or email at, or the
Public Reference Room at (202) 502–
8371, TTY (202)502–8659. Email the
Public Reference Room at
By direction of the Commission.
Dated: September 19, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024–22230 Filed 9–30–24; 8:45 am]
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Merlyn Jenkins, phone number: (703)
681–7346, mailing address: Office of the
Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs,
Health Resources Management and
Policy, 1200 Defense Pentagon,
Washington, DC 20301–1200; email
address: mailto:merlyn.jenkins.civ@
Office of the Secretary
32 CFR Part 220
[Docket ID: DoD–2022–HA–0054]
RIN 0720–AB87
Medical Billing for Healthcare Services
Provided by Department of Defense
Military Medical Treatment Facilities to
Civilian Non-Beneficiaries
Defense Health Agency (DHA),
Department of Defense (DoD).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
As required by the James M.
Inhofe National Defense Authorization
Act for Fiscal Year 2023 (NDAA–23),
this document proposes to reduce
financial harm to civilians who are not
covered beneficiaries of the Military
Health System (MHS), and who receive
healthcare services at DoD military
medical treatment facilities (MTF). The
rulemaking, once finalized, will
implement the MHS Modified Payment
and Waiver Program (MPWP) through
which the DoD will apply a sliding fee
scale and/or a catastrophic fee waiver to
medical invoices of certain nonbeneficiaries and will accept payments
from health insurers of nonbeneficiaries as full payment except for
copays, coinsurance, deductibles,
nominal fees and non-covered services.
DATES: This rulemaking, once finalized,
will apply to non-beneficiary patient
medical care provided on or after June
21, 2023. Comments to this proposed
rule are being accepted and must be
received by December 2, 2024.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments,
identified by docket number and/or
Regulation Identifier Number (RIN)
number and title, by any of the
following methods:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
• Mail: Department of Defense, Office
of the Assistant to the Secretary of
Defense for Privacy, Civil Liberties, and
Transparency, Regulatory Directorate,
4800 Mark Center Drive, Attn: Mailbox
24, Suite 08D09, Alexandria, VA 22350–
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and
docket number or RIN. The general
policy for comments is to make these
submissions available for public
viewing at
as they are received without change,
including any personal identifiers or
contact information.
PO 00000
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NDAA–23 also grants the Director of
DHA discretionary authority to waive
assessment of medical fees of nonbeneficiaries when the healthcare
provided enhances the knowledge,
skills, and abilities (KSAs) of healthcare
providers, as determined by the Director
of DHA. The DHA is proposing to
implement the amendments to 10 U.S.C.
1079b enacted through the NDAA–23.
By statute (Pub. L. 117–263, div. A, title
VII, § 716(c), Dec. 23, 2022, 136 Stat.
2661), the sliding fee scale and/or
catastrophic fee waivers apply to bills
for healthcare services provided at
MTFs on or after June 21, 2023.
I. Background and Authority
Title 10, United States Code (U.S.C.),
section 1073d requires the Department
of Defense (DoD) to maintain MTFs for
the purposes of supporting the medical
readiness of the armed forces and the
readiness of deployable medical
personnel. To maintain medical
currency and bolster the KSAs of DoD
healthcare providers, the DoD renders
emergency, trauma, and other medical
services to beneficiaries of the MHS
which consist of service members and
former service members, and their
dependents. The MHS may provide
healthcare services to other individuals
who are not eligible beneficiaries, in
certain circumstances, as authorized by
law, and typically on a reimbursable
basis (Pub. L. 114–328, 717(c), Dec. 23,
2016, as amended (10 U.S.C. 1071 note);
and § 1074(c)).
Proposed rules implementing DoD’s
authority under 10 U.S.C. 1095 and
related provisions of law to compute
reasonable charges for inpatient and
ambulatory (outpatient) care provided
by MTFs, including charges for
pharmaceuticals, durable medical
equipment, supplies, immunizations,
injections, or other medications, are at
32 CFR part 220, last updated on August
20, 2020 (55 FR 21742–21750). Medical
billing is structured under three existing
healthcare cost recovery programs:
Third Party Collections (10 U.S.C.
1095); Medical Services Account (10
U.S.C. 1079b, 1085, and 1104); and
Medical Affirmative Claims (42 U.S.C.
2651–2653). The rates used for billing
are modeled after the rates published by
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 190 (Tuesday, October 1, 2024)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 79794-79804]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-22230]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
18 CFR Part 40
[Docket No. RM24-4-000]
Supply Chain Risk Management Reliability Standards
AGENCY: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking.
SUMMARY: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Commission) proposes
to direct the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, the
Commission-certified Electric Reliability Organization, to develop and
submit for Commission approval new or modified Reliability Standards
that address the: sufficiency of responsible entities' supply chain
risk management plans related to the identification of, assessment of,
and response to supply chain risks, and applicability of Reliability
Standards' supply chain protections to protected cyber assets.
DATES: Comments are due December 2, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Comments, identified by docket number, may be filed in the
following ways. Electronic filing through, is
Electronic Filing: Documents must be filed in acceptable
native applications and print-to-PDF, but not in scanned or picture
For those unable to file electronically, comments may be
filed by USPS mail or by hand (including courier) delivery.
[cir] Mail via U.S. Postal Service Only: Addressed to: Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, Secretary of the Commission, 888 First
Street NE, Washington, DC 20426.
[cir] Hand (including courier) delivery: Deliver to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, MD 20852.
Simon Slobodnik (Technical Information), Office of Electric
Reliability, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE,
Washington, DC 20426, (202) 502-6707, [email protected]
Alexandra Holmes (Legal Information), Office of the General Counsel,
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington,
DC 20426, (202) 502-6229, [email protected]
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
(Issued September 19, 2024)
1. Pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of the Federal Power Act (FPA),\1\
the Commission proposes to direct the North American Electric
Reliability Corporation (NERC), the Commission-certified Electric
Reliability Organization (ERO), to submit new or modified Reliability
Standards within 12 months of the effective date of a final rule that
address ongoing risks to the reliability and security of the Bulk-Power
System posed by gaps in the Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP)
Reliability Standards related to supply chain risk management (SCRM)
(collectively, the SCRM Reliability Standards).\2\ Specifically, we
propose to direct NERC to develop new or modified Reliability Standards
to address the: (A) sufficiency of responsible entities' SCRM plans
related to their (1) identification of, (2) assessment of, and (3)
response to supply chain risks, and (B) applicability of SCRM
Reliability Standards to protected cyber assets (PCA).\3\ Our proposed
directives in this NOPR are forward-looking and objective-driven.\4\
\1\ 16 U.S.C 824o(d)(5); see also 18 CFR 39.5(f).
\2\ In this notice of proposed rulemaking, the term SCRM
Reliability Standards includes Reliability Standards CIP-005-7
(Electronic Security Perimeter(s)), CIP-010-4 (Configuration Change
Management and Vulnerability Assessments), and CIP-013-2 (Supply
Chain Risk Management).
\3\ The Glossary of Terms Used in NERC Reliability Standards
(NERC Glossary) defines PCAs as ``[o]ne or more Cyber Assets
connected using a routable protocol within or on an Electronic
Security Perimeter that is not part of the highest impact BES Cyber
System within the same Electronic Security Perimeter. . . .'' The
NERC Glossary defines Electronic Security Perimeter as ``[t]he
logical border surrounding a network to which BES Cyber Systems are
connected using a routable protocol.'' See NERC, Glossary of Terms
Used in NERC Reliability Standards (July 2024),
\4\ See Revised Critical Infrastructure Prot. Reliability
Standards, Order No. 829, 81 FR 49878 (July 29, 2016), 156 FERC ]
61,050, at P 43 (2016).
2. Although the currently effective SCRM Reliability Standards
provide a baseline of protection against supply chain threats, there
are increasing
[[Page 79795]]
opportunities for attacks posed by the global supply chain. As we have
observed in prior proceedings, while the global supply chain provides
the opportunity for significant customer benefits such as low cost,
variety of products, and rapid innovation, it also introduces risk to
the security and reliability of the Bulk-Power System by facilitating
attacks by adversaries.\5\ Using the global supply chain, adversaries
have inserted counterfeit and malicious software, tampered with
hardware, and enabled remote access.\6\ Based on these known risks,
over the last decade, the Commission, other Federal agencies, and the
energy industry have focused on SCRM and mitigating cybersecurity risks
associated with the supply chain for critical infrastructure. In light
of the increasing threat environment and the need for improved
mitigation strategies, we have identified significant gaps in the
provisions of the SCRM Reliability Standards. Specifically, we
preliminarily find that gaps remain in the SCRM Reliability Standards
related to the: (A) sufficiency of responsible entities' SCRM plans
related to the (1) identification of, (2) assessment of, and (3)
response to supply chain risks, and (B) applicability of SCRM
Reliability Standards to PCAs.
\5\ See, e.g., Id. at PP 11, 25; see also, e.g., Supply Chain
Risk Mgmt. Reliability Standards, Order No. 850, 83 FR 53992 (Oct.
26, 2018), 165 FERC ] 61,020, at P 2 (2018).
\6\ See infra n.80 (discussing SolarWinds Orion network
management software compromise).
3. We believe that directing NERC to address these gaps in the SCRM
Reliability Standards will strengthen the reliability and security of
the Bulk-Power System. These reliability gaps present an increasingly
urgent threat to the Bulk-Power System that requires timely action. As
such, we propose to direct NERC to file new or modified Reliability
Standards with the Commission within 12 months of the effective date of
a final rule addressing the reliability concerns discussed in this
NOPR. We seek comments on all aspects of the proposed directive to
NERC, including the appropriate deadline by which NERC would file the
new or modified Reliability Standards.
I. Background
A. Legal Authority
4. Section 215 of the FPA provides that the Commission may certify
an ERO, the purpose of which is to establish and enforce Reliability
Standards, which are subject to Commission review and approval.
Reliability Standards may be enforced by the ERO, subject to Commission
oversight, or by the Commission independently.\7\ Pursuant to section
215 of the FPA, the Commission established a process to select and
certify an ERO,\8\ and subsequently certified NERC as the ERO.\9\
\7\ 16 U.S.C. 824o(e).
\8\ Rules Concerning Certification of the Elec. Reliability Org.
& Procs. for the Establishment, Approval, & Enf't of Elec.
Reliability Standards, Order No. 672, 71 FR 8662 (Feb. 17, 2006),
114 FERC ] 61,104, order on reh'g, Order No. 672-A, 71 FR 19814
(Apr. 18, 2006), 114 FERC ] 61,328 (2006).
\9\ N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp., 116 FERC ] 61,062, order on
reh'g & compliance, 117 FERC ] 61,126 (2006), aff'd sub nom. Alcoa,
Inc. v. FERC, 564 F.3d 1342 (D.C. Cir. 2009).
5. The Commission has the authority pursuant to section 215(d)(5)
of the FPA and consistent with Sec. 39.5(f) of the Commission's
regulations, upon its own motion or upon complaint, to order the ERO to
submit to the Commission a proposed Reliability Standard or a
modification to a Reliability Standard that addresses a specific matter
if the Commission considers such a new or modified Reliability Standard
appropriate to carry out section 215 of the FPA.\10\ Further, pursuant
to Sec. 39.5(g) of the Commission's regulations, when ordering the ERO
to submit to the Commission a proposed or modified Reliability Standard
that addresses a specific matter, the Commission may order a deadline
by which the ERO must submit such Reliability Standard.\11\
\10\ 16 U.S.C. 824o(d)(5); 18 CFR 39.5(f).
\11\ 18 CFR 39.5(g).
B. Supply Chain Risk Management
6. The supply chain refers to the sequence of processes involved in
the production and distribution of, inter alia, industrial control
system hardware, software, and services.\12\ Such supply chains are
complex, globally distributed, and interconnected systems with
geographically diverse routes that consist of multiple tiers of
suppliers who collectively build components necessary to deliver final
products to customers. Further, the origins of products or components
may be intentionally or inadvertently obscured. Certain foreign
suppliers may also be subject to policies or laws that compel those
suppliers to covertly provide their governments with customer data,
trade secrets, and intellectual property obtained by embedding spyware
or other compromising software in products, parts, or services.\13\
Because the supply chain is so complex, it is extremely challenging to
identify, assess, and respond to risk. The various processes,
practices, and methodologies used to do so are collectively referred to
as ``SCRM.'' SCRM includes implementing processes, tools, or techniques
that minimize adverse impacts of adversary attacks.\14\
\12\ See, e.g., Order No. 829, 156 FERC ] 61,050 at P 4
(discussing the reliability concerns posed by the supply chain).
\13\ See Office of the Dir. of Nat'l Intelligence, Protecting
Critical Supply Chains: Risks from Foreign Adversarial Exposure
\14\ See NIST, Computer Security Resource Center--Definition of
Supply Chain Risk Management,
C. SCRM Reliability Standards
7. The currently effective SCRM Reliability Standards provide a
baseline for supply chain risk protection for high and medium impact
bulk electric system (BES) Cyber Systems \15\ and various associated
systems and assets as outlined in each Standard.\16\ The SCRM
Reliability Standards, except for Reliability Standard CIP-005-7, do
not include protections for PCAs.\17\
\15\ Each BES Cyber System, per Reliability Standard CIP-002-
5.1a (BES Cyber System Categorization), is placed into one of three
impact categories, high, medium, or low. The purpose of categorizing
BES Cyber Systems is to apply cybersecurity requirements
consistently, efficiently, and commensurate with the adverse impact
that loss, compromise, or misuse of those systems could have on the
reliable operation of the Bulk-Power System. At a minimum, all BES
Cyber Systems must be categorized as low impact. See Reliability
Standard CIP-002-5.1a (Cyber Security--BES Cyber System
Categorization), Attachment 1: Impact rating Criteria,
\16\ Order No. 850, 165 FERC ] 61,020; Order No 829, 156 FERC ]
61,050 (SCRM Reliability Standards require responsible entities to
develop and implement SCRM plans that include supply chain
management security controls for industrial control system hardware
and software, as well as services associated with Bulk-Power System
\17\ See Reliability Standard CIP-005-7, Requirements R1 and R2.
8. The SCRM Reliability Standards address four security objectives:
(1) software integrity and authenticity to mitigate the risk of
software made more vulnerable by the insertion of unauthorized
malicious code or software patches into the software; (2) vendor remote
access to mitigate the risk of malicious exploitation of a software
backdoor by addressing responsible entities' logging and controlling
all third-party (i.e., vendor) initiated remote access sessions; (3)
information system planning and procurement to ensure that responsible
entities consider the risks associated with proposed information system
planning and system development actions and to provide broad
programmatic safeguards to mitigate vulnerabilities inserted into Bulk-
[[Page 79796]]
System software or hardware throughout their life cycle; and (4) vendor
risk management and procurement controls to address the risk that
entities could enter into contracts with vendors who pose significant
risks to their systems, as well as the risk that products procured by a
responsible entity fail to meet minimum security criteria.\18\
\18\ Order No. 829, 156 FERC ] 61,050 at P 2.
1. Reliability Standard CIP-005-7 (Electronic Security Perimeter(s))
9. Reliability Standard CIP-005-7 is applicable to high impact BES
Cyber Systems and their associated PCAs and medium impact BES Cyber
Systems with external routable connectivity and their associated PCAs.
The Standard requires responsible entities to manage electronic access
to their BES Cyber Systems and requires each responsible entity to have
one or more methods to determine active vendor remote access sessions
and one or more methods to disable vendor remote access. Requirements
R2 and R3 of Reliability Standard CIP-005-7 work in tandem with
Requirement R1.2.6 of Reliability Standard CIP-013-2, described in more
detail below, to address vendor remote access controls in the
operational phase. Requirements R2 Parts 2.4 and 2.5 of Reliability
Standard CIP-005-7 require one or more methods for determining and
disabling, respectively, active vendor remote access sessions,
including interactive remote access and system-to-system remote access,
taking place on a responsible entity's system. Requirement R3 is
applicable to the electronic access control or monitoring systems \19\
and physical access control systems \20\ associated with high impact
BES Cyber Systems and medium impact BES Cyber Systems with external
routable connectivity. Requirement R3 includes Parts 3.1 and 3.2 and
addresses remote access controls for electronic access control or
monitoring systems and physical access control systems associated with
high impact BES Cyber Systems and medium impact BES Cyber Systems with
external routable connectivity.
\19\ NERC defines electronic access control or monitoring
systems as ``Cyber Assets that perform electronic access control or
electronic access monitoring of the Electronic Security Perimeter(s)
or BES Cyber Systems. This includes Intermediate Systems.'' See NERC
Glossary at 12. In Order No. 850, the Commission directed NERC to
include electronic access control or monitoring systems within the
scope of the SCRM Reliability Standards. Order No. 850, 165 FERC ]
61,020 at P 46. The Commission then later approved those
modifications. See N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp., 174 FERC ]
61,193, at P 9 (2021).
\20\ NERC defines physical access control systems as ``Cyber
Assets that control, alert, or log access to the Physical Security
Perimeter(s), exclusive of locally mounted hardware or devices at
the Physical Security Perimeter such as motion sensors, electronic
lock control mechanisms, and badge readers.'' See NERC Glossary at
2. Reliability Standard CIP-010-4 (Configuration Change Management and
Vulnerability Assessments)
10. Reliability Standard CIP-010-4 is applicable to high and medium
impact BES Cyber Systems and their associated electronic access control
or monitoring systems and physical access control systems and requires
responsible entities to prevent and detect unauthorized changes to
their BES Cyber Systems. This includes requiring that responsible
entities verify the identity and integrity of software and its source,
when possible, prior to installation. These steps help reduce the
likelihood that an attacker could exploit legitimate vendor patch
management processes to deliver compromised software updates or patches
to a BES Cyber System.
3. Reliability Standard CIP-013-2 (Supply Chain Risk Management)
11. Reliability Standard CIP-013-2 requires each responsible entity
to develop a written SCRM plan for its high and medium impact BES Cyber
Systems and their associated electronic access control or monitoring
systems and physical access control systems. Reliability Standard CIP-
013-2 focuses on the steps that responsible entities must take to
consider and address cybersecurity risks from vendor products and
services during BES Cyber System planning and procurement.\21\ The goal
of the Standard is to ensure that responsible entities establish
organizationally-defined processes that integrate a cybersecurity risk
management framework into the system development lifecycle.\22\ The
SCRM plan must include processes for procuring and installing vendor
equipment and software; identifying and assessing cybersecurity risks;
notification, coordination, and disclosure of known vendor
vulnerabilities; and verification of the integrity and authenticity of
software and patches provided by vendors for use in the BES Cyber
Systems and their associated electronic access control or monitoring
systems and physical access control systems.
\21\ Order No. 850, 165 FERC ] 61,020 at P 15.
\22\ Id.
D. Ongoing Activities To Mitigate Supply Chain Risks
1. Federal Efforts on SCRM
12. Since approving the SCRM Reliability Standards in 2018, the
Commission has continued its focus on identifying additional
improvements for addressing the risk posed by the global supply chain.
For example, in December of 2022, the Commission convened a joint
technical conference with the U.S. Department of Energy to discuss
supply chain security challenges, the current SCRM Reliability
Standards, and their challenges, gaps, and opportunities for
improvement.\23\ In December of 2023, Commission staff issued a report
that included recommendations for users, owners, and operators of the
Bulk-Power System to improve their compliance with CIP Reliability
Standards generally, and SCRM specifically.\24\ Among other things, the
2023 Lessons Learned Report recommended that entities enhance their
SCRM programs to include evaluating the risks of existing vendors and
developing a plan to mitigate those risks once identified. And in March
2023, the Commission approved modifications to Reliability Standard
CIP-003-9 (Security Management Controls), which added new requirements
focused on SCRM for low impact BES Cyber Systems.\25\
\23\ Supply Chain Risk Mgmt. Tech. Conference, Docket No. AD22-
12-000 (Dec. 7, 2022),
\24\ FERC Staff Report, 2023 Lessons Learned from Commission-led
CIP Reliability Audits, at 17-19 (Dec. 12, 2023), (2023 Lessons Learned Report).
\25\ N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp., 182 FERC ] 61,155 (2023).
13. There has also been recent action in the Federal Government's
broader effort to secure U.S. communications networks and prohibit the
use of equipment that could give a foreign adversary the ability to
exploit those networks. On May 12, 2021, the President issued Executive
Order 14028 on improving the nation's cybersecurity that directed
multiple government agencies to partner with the private sector to
enhance cybersecurity through a variety of initiatives.\26\ Executive
Order 14028 requires the Secretary of Commerce and the Director of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to create and
publish supply chain guidelines that include criteria to evaluate
software security, criteria to evaluate security practices of
[[Page 79797]]
software developers and suppliers, and tools or methods to demonstrate
conformance with security practices.\27\ In response to Executive Order
14028, NIST and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued
several guidance and memoranda documents to enhance supply chain
protections for Federal entities.\28\
\26\ E.O. 14028, 88 FR 26633, 26637 (May 12, 2021).
\27\ Id. See also NIST, Improving the Nation's Cybersecurity:
NIST's Responsibilities Under the May 2021 Executive Order,
\28\ E.g., NIST, Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF)
Version 1.1 (Feb. 2022),; NIST, Software Supply Chain
Security Guidance Under Executive Order 14028 Section 4e (Feb.
2022),; OMB, Memorandum for the Heads of Executive Departments and
Agencies: Protecting Critical Software Through Enhanced Security
Measures, M-21-30, 2-3 (Aug. 10, 2021) (OMB Memorandum of August
(directing Federal agencies to comply with and implement the
security measures developed by NIST outlined in the NIST Security
Measures for E.O.-Critical Software Use and implement those
protections in phases).
14. Additionally, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), an
independent agency that regulates U.S. interstate and international
communications, is also addressing supply chain risks and threats
within its jurisdiction. Effective February 6, 2023, the FCC issued a
new rule restricting telecommunication and video surveillance equipment
produced by entities that pose national security risks from being
imported to or sold within the United States.\29\ Under the rule, the
FCC will not issue authorizations for equipment on the ``Covered List''
that the FCC publishes under the Secure Networks Act.\30\ On March 8,
2023, the FCC proposed an additional rulemaking seeking input on
whether to extend the prohibition to component parts that pose an
unacceptable risk to national security.\31\
\29\ Under its equipment authorization authority, the FCC
requires radio-frequency devices to be authorized by the FCC before
being imported or marketed into the United States.
\30\ FCC, Protecting Against Nat'l Sec. Threats to the Commc'ns
Supply Chain Through the Equip. Authorization Program, 88 FR 7592,
7593 (Feb. 6, 2023) (citing Secure Equipment Act of 2021, Pub. L.
117-55, 135 Stat. 423, (Nov. 11, 2021) that requires, among other
things, that the FCC publish and periodically update a list of
covered equipment that have been determined to pose national
security risks and equipment or services produced or provided by
entities that meet certain capabilities).
\31\ FCC, Protecting Against National Security Threats to the
Communications Supply Chain Through the Equipment Authorization
Program and the Competitive Bidding Program, 88 FR 14312 (Mar. 8,
2. NERC Efforts on SCRM
15. Since the Commission directed and then approved the first set
of SCRM Reliability Standards, NERC has independently taken additional
actions to improve supply chain controls. For example, in 2019, NERC
completed a study of supply chain risks including those associated with
low impact assets not currently subject to Reliability Standard CIP-
013.\32\ Pursuant to this study, NERC modified Reliability Standard
CIP-003 to include supply chain controls for vendor remote access,
which the Commission approved in March of 2023.\33\
\32\ NERC, Supply Chain Risk Assessment: Analysis of Data
Collected under the NERC Rules of Procedure Section 1600 Data
Request (Dec. 9, 2019),
\33\ N. Am. Elec. Reliability Corp., 182 FERC ] 61,155 (2023).
16. Separately, stemming in part from cybersecurity events such as
the SolarWinds Orion compromise, the NERC Board of Trustees directed
NERC staff to complete a review and analysis of the risk posed by low
impact BES Cyber Assets and report on whether to modify criteria for
determining whether a BES Cyber System be categorized as low
impact.\34\ Based on the resulting Low Impact Criteria Review
Report,\35\ NERC initiated a standards development project to modify
Reliability Standard CIP-003. The stated purpose of the project is to
further revise CIP-003 to, among other things, improve vendor remote
access protections.\36\
\34\ See NERC, Minutes: Board of Trustees, 7 (Feb. 4, 2021),
\35\ NERC, Low Impact Criteria Review Report: NERC Low Impact
Criteria Review Team White Paper (Oct. 2022),
\36\ NERC, Project 2023-04 Modifications to CIP-003, (stating the purpose and industry need for the
modifications to Reliability Standard CIP-003).
17. Yet another effort regarding supply chain security was NERC's
development of a draft standards authorization request (SAR) to revise
Reliability Standard CIP-013-2. On September 20, 2023, NERC staff
submitted a draft SAR to the NERC Standards Committee to revise
Reliability Standard CIP-013-2.\37\ The purpose of the standard
development project was to revise ``CIP-013-2 to have complete and
accurate assessments of supply chain security risks that reflect actual
threat(s) posed to the entity'' and ``provide triggers on when the
supply chain risk assessment(s) must be performed (i.e., planning for
procurement, procurement, and installation) and require a response to
risks identified.'' \38\ Specifically, the draft SAR project scope was
to revise Reliability Standard CIP-013-2 to require entities to: (1)
create specific triggers to activate the supply chain risk
assessment(s); (2) include the performance of supply chain risk
assessment(s) during the different phases of planning for procurement,
procurement, installation of equipment/software/services, and post
procurement assessment; (3) include steps to validate the completeness
and accuracy of the data, assess the risks, consider the vendor's
mitigation activities, and document and track any residual risks; (4)
track and respond to all risks identified; (5) re-assess standing
contract risks on a set timeframe; and (6) re-assess time delay
installation beyond a set timeframe. The NERC Standards Committee
declined to move forward with this SAR and there has been no further
activity on this proposed project.
\37\ See NERC, Agenda: Standards Committee Meeting, Agenda Item
6a, 2 (Sept. 20, 2023), (NERC Draft SAR).
\38\ Id.
18. In addition to standards development projects, studies, and
surveys, and pursuant to a resolution from the NERC Board of Trustees,
NERC also initiated a collaborative SCRM program with industry, trade
organizations, and key stakeholders to manage the effective mitigation
of supply chain risks.\39\ This program included a study of supply
chain risks, communication of those risks to the electric industry, and
the development of white papers on topics such as the effectiveness of
the SCRM Reliability Standards and SCRM best practices.\40\ Finally,
NERC has also published voluntary security guidelines and whitepapers
on topics relevant to supply chain risk management such as
[[Page 79798]]
key practices and guidance for responsible entities.\41\
\39\ See NERC, Proposed Additional Resolutions for Agenda Item
9.a: Cyber Security--Supply Chain Risk Management--CIP-005-6, CIP-
010-3, and CIP-013-1: Board of Trustees Meeting (Aug. 10, 2017),
(NERC SCRM Board Resolution).
\40\ See NERC, Supply Chain Risk Mitigation Program,
\41\ The eight NERC-approved security guidelines include: (1)
Cyber Security Risk Management Lifecycle; (2) Open Source Software;
(3) Secure Equipment Delivery; (4) Supply Chain Procurement
Language; (5) Vendor Incident Response; (6) Vendor Risk Management
Lifecycle; (7) Supply Chain Provenance; and (8) Cloud Computing.
NERC, Reliability Guidelines, Security Guidelines, Technical
Reference Documents, and White Papers,
3. Industry Efforts on SCRM
19. Industry stakeholders have also taken the initiative to develop
various guidelines and best practice documents to improve SCRM. For
example, the Electric Power Research Institute issued a 2018 report
recommending that responsible entities develop and implement supply
chain traceability of their systems and components and to consider
cloud services as a part of an entity's supply chain.\42\ Similarly,
Edison Electric Institute released voluntary guidance with model
procurement contract language to help responsible entities address
cybersecurity supply chain risk with their vendors.\43\ And the North
American Transmission Forum (NATF) developed an ERO-endorsed CIP-013
Implementation Guide,\44\ as well as several documents pertaining to
supply chain risk management that represent approaches that responsible
entities may take to comply with Reliability Standard CIP-013 in a
systematic and comprehensive manner.\45\
\42\ Elec. Power Research Inst., Supply Chain Risk Assessment:
Final Report (July 2018),
\43\ Edison Elec. Inst., Model Procurement Contract Language
Addressing Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk (Oct. 2022), https://
\44\ See NATF, NATF CIP-013 Implementation Guidance: Supply
Chain Risk Management Plans (Oct. 2023),
\45\ Additional NATF documents related to supply chain
collaboration are available at
II. Discussion
20. While the SCRM Reliability Standards provide a strong
foundation of protection against supply chain threats, we are concerned
that there are gaps in the requirements of those Reliability Standards
that may lead to a responsible entity's SCRM plan being insufficient to
identify, assess, and respond to SCRM risks. As discussed below, we
believe that the SCRM plans required by the currently effective SCRM
Reliability Standards are insufficient to protect against the myriad of
supply chain threats. Further, our concern with the exclusion of PCAs
from the SCRM Reliability Standards has grown since initially discussed
in Order No. 850. As such, pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of the FPA, we
propose to direct NERC to develop new or modified Reliability Standards
to address the: (A) sufficiency of responsible entities' SCRM plans
related to the (1) identification of, (2) assessment of, and (3)
response to supply chain risks; and (B) applicability of SCRM
Reliability Standards to PCAs.
21. We are aware of and appreciate the continuing efforts of NERC,
industry, and other Federal agencies to address supply chain risks. In
particular, we note that NERC has identified areas for improvement of
the SCRM Reliability Standards,\46\ and NERC and industry continue to
develop voluntary guidance or best practices to address supply chain
risks. Nonetheless, we do not believe existing efforts sufficiently
address known gaps in the SCRM Reliability Standards, and we believe
further Commission action is warranted to address them.
\46\ See, e.g., infra n.80 (discussing the Orion software
attack); infra n.82 (discussing XZ Utils supply chain attack).
22. Similarly, while we view the FCC's recent actions as beneficial
for Bulk-Power System reliability, these actions address only certain
aspects of identified supply chain risks. For example, the new FCC
rules prohibit import and installation of telecommunications and video
surveillance equipment and software produced by a relatively small
number of entities. By contrast, the purpose of the SCRM Reliability
Standards is to provide risk mitigation against a broader set of
potential threats, including risks associated with entities that are
not currently banned under the FCC's authority.\47\ We therefore
believe that it is appropriate to address SCRM gaps that are within our
jurisdiction to better protect the security and reliability of the
Bulk-Power System.
\47\ See supra n.29.
A. Sufficiency of SCRM Plans Related to the Identification of,
Assessment of, and Response to Supply Chain Risks
23. As discussed further below, we believe that the lack of clear
requirements and criteria in the SCRM Reliability Standards as to how
responsible entities should identify, assess, and respond to supply
chain risks has left the Bulk-Power System vulnerable to attack. We
believe that the proposed directives discussed in this NOPR will
address these reliability gaps by providing responsible entities with
clear and detailed requirements for what their SCRM plans should
include and what their responsibilities are in carrying out those
1. Commission Concerns Regarding Reliability Gaps Within the SCRM
Reliability Standards
24. The SCRM Reliability Standards require each responsible entity
to develop a SCRM plan to identify and assess supply chain and
cybersecurity risks based on certain information collected from its
vendors. While providing a baseline of protection, the Reliability
Standards do not provide specific requirements as to when and how an
entity should identify and assess supply chain risks, nor do the
Standards require entities to respond to those risks identified through
their SCRM plans.
25. The lack of specific requirements related to the (1)
identification of, (2) assessment of, and (3) response to risk is also
inconsistent with generally established risk management frameworks.
Risk management frameworks generally follow three tenets: identify,
assess, and respond.\48\ A responsible entity's failure to properly
identify and assess supply chain risks could lead to an entity
installing vulnerable products and allowing compromise of its systems,
``effectively bypassing security controls established by CIP
Reliability Standards.'' \49\ Further, incomplete or inaccurate risk
identification may result in entity assessments of the likelihood and
potential impact of supply chain risks that do not reflect the actual
threat and risk posed to the responsible entity. In the absence of
clear criteria, procedures of entities with ad hoc approaches do not
include steps to validate the completeness and accuracy of the vendor
responses, assess the risks, consider the vendors' mitigation
activities, or respond to any residual risks.\50\
\48\ For example, the NIST Risk Management Framework includes
these three tenants of risk and further breaks them down into a
seven-step process that entities can use to manage information
security and privacy risk for organizations and systems. NIST,
Special Publication 800-37, Revision 2: Risk Management Framework
for Information Systems and Organizations, Task R-3, Risk Response
at 72 (Dec. 2018), (NIST Risk Management
\49\ 2023 Lessons Learned Report at 17-18.
\50\ Id.
26. As described in the 2023 Lessons Learned Report, Commission
audit staff observed multiple gaps in SCRM. In Fiscal Year 2023,
Commission staff
[[Page 79799]]
completed non-public audits of several responsible entities to evaluate
their compliance with the CIP Reliability Standards. While these audits
found that most of the responsible entities were compliant with the
SCRM Reliability Standards, there were nevertheless a number of
security risks that remained due to the entities' SCRM processes and
\51\ Id. at 1.
27. In particular, staff found a lack of consistency and
effectiveness in SCRM plans for evaluating vendors and their supplied
equipment and software. While a minority of audited entities had
comprehensive vendor risk evaluation processes in place and displayed a
consistent application of the risk identification process to each of
their vendors, other entities displayed inconsistent and ad hoc vendor
risk identification processes. These risk identification processes were
typically completed by only using vendor questionnaires.\52\ Further,
using only vendor questionnaires resulted in inconsistency of the
information collected and was limited to only ``yes/no'' responses
regarding the vendors' security posture. Unlike the approach of relying
on a vendor questionnaire, a comprehensive approach may validate the
data provided by vendors and consider additional factors (e.g.,
independent third-party evaluation of products and services) that
inform how risks of individual assets impact other assets and systems
of assets that reside in the same electronic security perimeter.
\52\ Id. at 17-18.
28. Commission staff also observed that many SCRM plans did not
establish procedures to respond to risks once identified.\53\ The 2023
Lessons Learned Report documented that audited entities' SCRM plans did
not include processes or procedures to respond to risks identified
pursuant to Reliability Standard CIP-013-2, Requirement R1.1.\54\ A
responsible entity has many options as to how it may respond to risks,
including mitigation, acceptance, transfer, or avoidance. Regardless of
the chosen option, however, a response typically includes documenting
and tracking the risk.\55\ In instances where a responsible entity has
decided that the risk is sufficiently low that no mitigation is
required, the entity should document and track its conclusions, such as
in a risk register where identified and assessed risks are stored and
monitored. As noted in the report, since the SCRM Reliability Standards
do not require any action beyond the identification and assessment of
risk, responsible entities are not required to take action to respond
to or otherwise mitigate identified risks, regardless of severity.
Further, staff also found that there were disparities in entity
understanding and characterization of risk exposure from existing
contracts and vendor relationships that were not fully considered by
their supply chain risk management plans, versus those that had
complete risk assessments under the parameters required by the criteria
in CIP-013. This disparity resulted in entities not having a definitive
strategy regarding how they would respond to various risk events posed
by potential issues that may arise from existing contracts.\56\
\53\ Id. Further, many entities did not include processes in
their SCRM plans to identify, assess, or respond to risks associated
with existing contracts prior to the effective date of the SCRM
Reliability Standards, though the Standards neither require entities
to respond to risk nor reassess existing contracts. Id.
\54\ Id. Reliability Standard CIP-013-2, Requirement R1.1,
requires entities to develop supply chain cyber security risk
management plans that include:
[o]ne or more process(es) used in planning for the procurement
of BES Cyber Systems and their associated [electronic access control
or monitoring systems and physical access control systems] to
identify and assess cyber security risk(s) to the Bulk Electric
System from vendor products or services resulting from: (i)
procuring and installing vendor equipment and software; and (ii)
transitions from one vendor(s) to another vendor(s).
\55\ See, e.g., NIST Risk Management Framework, Task R-3, Risk
Response at 72.
\56\ 2023 Lessons Learned Report at 17.
29. Staff's observations in the 2023 Lessons Learned report are
consistent with gaps identified by NERC staff in its draft SAR
proposing to revise Reliability Standard CIP-013-2. Specifically, the
draft SAR explained that ``the language in CIP-013-2 Requirement R1
lacks specificity to properly identify, assess, and respond to supply
chain security risks.'' \57\ The NERC draft SAR further identified that
``Requirement R1.1 does not indicate how to perform risk identification
and assess vendor risks effectively,'' nor does CIP-013-2 ``contain
sufficient triggers requiring [the activation of] an entity's [SCRM]
plan.'' \58\ The draft SAR goes on to explain that implementation of
SCRM plans is ``wide ranging and variable'' and that ``the implemented
[i]ndustry supply chain risk processes are ambiguous and generally lack
rigor for validating the completeness and accuracy of the data,
assessing the risks, considering the vendor's mitigation activities,
and documenting and tracking residual risks.'' \59\ Finally, the draft
SAR proposed to initiate a standard development project to revise
Reliability Standard ``CIP-013-2 to have complete and accurate
assessments of supply chain security risks that reflect actual
threat(s) posed to the entity'' and ``provide triggers on when the
supply chain risk assessment(s) must be performed (i.e., planning for
procurement, procurement, and installation) and require a response to
risks identified.'' \60\
\57\ See NERC Draft SAR, Agenda Item 6a, 2.
\58\ Id.
\59\ Id.
\60\ Id. at 26.
30. In light of these identified gaps, we are concerned that the
existing SCRM Reliability Standards lack a detailed and consistent
approach for entities to develop adequate SCRM plans related to the (1)
identification of, (2) assessment of, and (3) response to supply chain
risk. Specifically, we are concerned that the SCRM Reliability
Standards lack clear requirements for when responsible entities should
perform risk assessments to identify risks and how those risk
assessments should be conducted to properly assess risk. Further, we
are concerned that the Reliability Standards lack any requirement for
an entity to respond to supply chain risks once identified and
assessed, regardless of severity.
2. Proposed Directives
31. To address the reliability and security gaps discussed above,
we propose to direct NERC pursuant to section 215(d)(5) of the FPA, to
develop new or modified Reliability Standards to address the
sufficiency of SCRM plans related to the: (1) identification of, (2)
assessment of, and (3) response to supply chain risks.
a. Identification
32. We propose to direct NERC to submit to the Commission for
approval new or modified Reliability Standards that would establish
specific timing requirements for a responsible entity to evaluate its
equipment and vendors to better identify supply chain risks.
Specifically, we propose to direct NERC to establish a maximum time
frame between when an entity performs its initial risk assessment
during the procurement process and when it installs the equipment. If
an entity does not install the equipment or software within the
specified time limit, the entity should be required to perform an
updated risk assessment prior to installation. As discussed above, we
are concerned that the lack of specific requirements in the SCRM
Reliability Standards as to when in the procurement and deployment
process an entity must apply its SCRM plan to identify supply chain
risks can lead to
[[Page 79800]]
incomplete or inaccurate risk identification that may result in
assessments of supply chain risks that do not reflect the actual threat
and risk posed to the responsible entity. We seek comment on what
factors should be considered in developing a maximum time frame between
the initial risk assessment and installation before entities would be
required to perform a subsequent risk assessment. We also seek comment
on whether this time frame should vary based on certain factors (e.g.,
equipment type) and the reasons for any proposed time frame variation.
33. Further, to satisfy the Commission directive, the new or
modified Reliability Standards must establish periodic requirements for
an entity to reassess the risk associated with vendors, products, and
services procured under any contracts for supply chain risks that may
have developed since the contract commenced. For example, an entity
that has a long-term contract with a vendor would be required to
conduct a periodic risk assessment of that contract to identify any new
or developed supply chain risks since the initial risk assessment.
While this requirement would apply to all vendor, product, and service
contracts, including existing contracts, we are not proposing to direct
NERC to require entities to abrogate or renegotiate contracts with
vendors, suppliers, or other entities.
34. We believe this proposed directive is consistent with Order
Nos. 829 and 850 and would strengthen SCRM plans identification,
assessment, and response to, evolving supply chain risks associated
with long-term standing contracts that may not have been contemplated
or in existence at the time the contract commenced. We seek comment on
factors to be considered in developing a proposed requirement for
entities to reassess their supply chain risks of existing contracts
with vendors, including the frequency of those assessments and any
specific changed circumstances that should trigger the need for a
reassessment (e.g., acquisition or merger of an existing supplier).
b. Assessment
35. Next, to satisfy the Commission directive, NERC must submit to
the Commission for approval new or modified Reliability Standards that
require a responsible entity to establish steps in its SCRM plan to
validate the completeness and accuracy of information received from
vendors during the procurement process to better inform the
identification and assessment of supply chain risks associated with
vendors' software, hardware, or services. While we are not proposing to
require that entities guarantee the accuracy of information provided by
their vendors, we do believe that entities should be required to take
certain steps to validate such information.
36. For example, the SCRM plan could require an entity to secure
from its vendors: (1) a self-attestation addressing all of the risk
questions posed by the responsible entity accompanied by any relevant
documentation to support the vendors' claims; or (2) a certification of
an assessment from a qualified auditor, assessor, or other reputable
third party addressing all risk questions posed by the responsible
entity. Upon receipt of a self-attestation, the responsible entity
would review and validate vendors' responses to ensure that it has
complete information to ensure a rigorous risk assessment. This could
represent a proactive effort to validate the information being provided
by a vendor to ensure that the information the entity is using to
identify and assess risks is accurate. In the absence of a self-
attestation and supporting documentation provided by a vendor to the
responsible entity, the responsible entity could instead accept an
independent third-party certification that an assessment was conducted
by a qualified auditor, assessor, or other reputable third-party
addressing all risk questions posed by the responsible entity.
37. We are concerned that a responsible entity's failure to take
any steps to validate a vendor's information could lead to an entity
failing to properly identify or assess risk posed by that vendor and
installing vulnerable products that allow compromise of its systems.
Further, the lack of validation could result in entities performing
risk assessments based on inaccurate or incomplete information which
would not reflect the actual threat and risk posed to the responsible
entity. We seek comment on what other types of steps an entity could
take to validate the data provided by vendors and how burdensome those
steps might be.
c. Response
38. Finally, we propose to direct NERC to ensure that the new or
modified Reliability Standards require that entities establish a
process to document, track, and respond to all identified supply chain
risks. We are concerned that the existing SCRM Reliability Standards
are inadequate to ensure consistent, timely, and appropriate documented
responses to identified vendor risks. We believe that the proposed
directive would better align with widely accepted risk management
frameworks and address the lack of requirements in the SCRM Reliability
Standards for entities to respond to risks once they are identified.
39. A responsible entity can respond to risk in a variety of ways,
including by taking specific steps to mitigate the identified security
risk (e.g., implementing additional security monitoring of the
associated asset or software), transferring the identified security
risk (e.g., to a security-as-a-service vendor or through cybersecurity
insurance), avoiding the security risk (e.g., by not deploying hardware
or software associated with an identified risk), or accepting the
security risk, in instances where none of the other responses are
possible. Regardless of the approach taken, a responsible entity should
document and track its actions.\61\ Documentation should include what
cybersecurity controls are in place or will be put in place to manage
the risk while maintaining the overall reliability of the responsible
entity's BES Cyber Systems and associated Cyber Assets. For example, a
SCRM plan could include defined processes and tasks to respond to the
identified and assessed risk, including maintaining documentation, such
as those discussed in table E-6 of the NIST Risk Management
Framework.\62\ Specific mitigation steps could be similar to the
mitigation requirements described in Reliability Standard CIP-007-6,
Requirement R2.\63\ We seek comment on
[[Page 79801]]
whether and how a standard documentation process could be developed to
ensure entities can properly track identified risks and mitigate those
risks according to the entity's specific risk assessment.
\61\ Mandatory Reliability Standards for Critical Infrastructure
Protection, Order No. 706, 73 FR 7368 (Feb. 7, 2008), 122 FERC ]
61,040, at P 377 (2008) (discussing Reliability Standard CIP-003-1
requirement for the development and implementation of a security
policy, the Commission states that the goal of documentation and
justification for an exception to the policy be that there is
``reasoned decision-making, consistency, and subsequent
effectiveness in implementing the policy'' and that the Commission
require[s] that the reasoning be documented to ensure that the
responsible entity is indeed implementing the security policy as
required by Requirement R1 of CIP-003-1.'').
\62\ See NIST Risk Management Framework at 136.
\63\ Reliability Standard CIP-007-6 (Security Configuration
Management), Requirement R2 (Security Patch Management). Requirement
R2 Part 2.1 requires a patch management process for tracking,
evaluation, and installing cyber security patches for applicable
Cyber Assets. Requirement R2 Part 2.2 establishes a maximum window
of 35 calendar days to evaluate the security patches that have been
released for applicability. Building on Parts 2.1 and 2.2,
Requirement R2 Part 2.3 requires one of the following actions: (1)
apply the applicable patches; (2) create a dated mitigation plan; or
(3) revise an existing mitigation plan. Building on Part 2.3,
Requirement R2 Part 2.4 requires for each mitigation plan, to
implement the plan within a specified timeframe.
40. We further propose to direct NERC to submit responsive new or
revised SCRM Reliability Standards within 12 months of the effective
date of a final rule in this proceeding, given NERC has already begun
the work to address several of the proposed directives in its 2023
draft SAR \64\ which it may be able to leverage to timely address the
risks identified in this NOPR. However, while we propose a compliance
deadline of 12 months, we also seek comment on whether a longer
timeline (e.g., 18 months) is necessary, as we recognize that NERC is
currently devoting resources to other standards development projects
with Commission-imposed timelines.
\64\ See NERC Draft SAR, Agenda Item 6a (including in its scope
to: (1) create specific triggers to activate the supply chain risk
assessment(s); (2) include the performance of supply chain risk
assessment(s) during the different phases of planning for
procurement, procurement of equipment/software/services,
installation, and post procurement assessment; (3) include steps to
validate the completeness and accuracy of the data, assess the
risks, consider the vendor's mitigation activities, and document and
track any residual risks; (4) track and respond to all risks
identified; (5) re-assess standing contract risks on a set
timeframe; (6) re-assess time delay installation beyond a set
B. Applicability of SCRM Requirements to PCAs
1. Prior Activity Regarding PCAs
41. PCAs are ancillary equipment that reside behind a responsible
entity's electronic access point \65\ within the responsible entity's
BES Cyber Systems. Electronic access points, often firewalls, are
important lines of defense for BES Cyber Systems that reside at an
electronic security perimeter. The likelihood of PCAs' compromise
through the supply chain has increased in recent years. Because PCAs
are located within the electronic security perimeter, the exploitation
of PCAs directly puts at risk the interconnected BES Cyber Systems
housed in the same electronic security perimeter. A supply chain attack
could potentially make use of a compromised PCA to bypass the
electronic security perimeter to directly attack medium and high impact
BES Cyber Systems within the same electronic security perimeter.
\65\ NERC defines an electronic access point as a ``Cyber Asset
interface on an Electronic Security Perimeter that allows routable
communication between Cyber Assets outside an Electronic Security
Perimeter and Cyber Assets inside an Electronic Security
Perimeter.'' See NERC Glossary at 12.
42. The Commission initially considered the applicability of the
SCRM Reliability Standards to PCAs in Order No. 850 but did not direct
NERC to include them in the scope of the SCRM Reliability Standards. At
that time, the Commission believed it was appropriate to await the
findings of the study evaluating cybersecurity supply chain risks
presented by low impact BES Cyber Systems, physical access control
systems, and PCAs. \66\ Reasoning that the likelihood of PCAs being
compromised was lower than the likelihood that electronic access
control or monitoring systems would be compromised, the Commission
accepted NERC's commitment, as directed by the NERC Board of Trustees,
to study the risk of PCAs in greater depth. The Commission expressed
its concern, however, that excluding PCAs may leave a gap in the SCRM
Reliability Standards and stated that it would be in a better position
to consider whether the inclusion of PCAs would be warranted to protect
the reliability of the Bulk-Power System after reviewing NERC's
\66\ Order No. 850, 165 FERC ] 61,020 at PP 66, 67. See also
NERC SCRM Board Resolution.
\67\ Order No. 850, 165 FERC ] 61,020 at P 66.
43. In response to the Commission's directive, NERC submitted its
Supply Chain Risk Report in May 2019.\68\ The report contained
recommendations for actions to address risks associated with certain
categories of assets including, among others, PCAs.\69\ The report
stated that, due to the variety of assets that may be categorized as
PCAs, it was not possible to clearly define a general risk posed by
their potential supply chain vulnerabilities.\70\ As such, NERC staff
recommended that, as a best practice, entities should ``evaluate each
PCA type on a case-by-case basis to identify any specific risks
associated with [SCRM].'' \71\ The NERC Supply Chain Risks Report also
assessed the risks to PCAs posed by common mode vulnerabilities and
found that as PCAs are ``often the same cyber asset type as many common
BES Cyber Assets,'' they may act as an attack vector to BES Cyber
Systems sharing the same electronic security perimeter.\72\
\68\ NERC, Cyber Security Supply Chain Risks: Staff Report and
Recommended Actions, Docket No. RM17-13-000 (May 28, 2019) (NERC
Supply Chain Risks Report).
\69\ Id. at 2.
\70\ Id. at 21.
\71\ Id.
\72\ Id. at 22.
The report asserts that the SCRM plan required by Reliability
Standard CIP-013-1, Requirement R1 could be used effectively to
mitigate PCA risks for those PCAs ``obtained under the same [SCRM]
procurement plan as BES Cyber Systems associated with high and medium
impact BES Cyber Systems.'' \73\ With respect to next steps, the report
stated that NERC would continue to develop a guideline for entities to
use when evaluating their PCAs and when determining what, if any,
additional SCRM protections are needed. NERC added that it would also
determine whether to collect additional data regarding PCAs.\74\ NERC
has not yet released any additional guideline documents on PCAs
associated with SCRM protections, nor has NERC initiated any additional
data collection.
\73\ Id.
\74\ Id.
2. Commission Concerns Regarding PCAs
44. Under the existing SCRM Reliability Standards, PCAs receive
only limited protections. Specifically, while the SCRM Reliability
Standards address four categories of SCRM protections: (1) software
integrity and authenticity, (2) vendor remote access protections, (3)
information system planning, and (4) vendor risk management and
procurement controls--PCAs are only subject to the second category:
vendor remote access protections. We believe that the additional
protections should apply to PCAs to better mitigate the associated
risks and close this known security gap. As such, we preliminarily find
that addressing such unprotected PCAs within the SCRM Reliability
Standards is necessary to maintain the reliability of the Bulk-Power
System in light of evolving threats.
45. As mentioned above, the Commission in Order No. 850 considered
but ultimately declined to direct that NERC develop SCRM Reliability
Standards that apply to PCAs until the Commission could consider NERC's
Board of Trustees-directed study. After reviewing NERC's findings, we
preliminarily find that the risks associated with PCAs warrant their
inclusion in the SCRM Reliability Standards. As discussed below, recent
sophisticated supply chain incidents such as SolarWinds highlight the
vulnerabilities and need to protect PCAs from supply chain threats. The
NERC Supply Chain Risks Report submitted in response to the
Commission's directive in Order No. 850 assessed the risks to PCAs
posed by common mode vulnerabilities and found that PCAs share the same
risk profile as many BES Cyber Assets that are protected under
[[Page 79802]]
the SCRM Reliability Standards. NERC further found that due to their
shared location within an electronic security perimeter, PCAs may be
used as an attack vector to BES Cyber Systems.
46. Responsible entities that have robust processes for the
identification and assessment of SCRM risks associated with PCAs are
better protected against the unintentional procurement and installation
of unsecure equipment or software that could serve as a potential
attack vector to compromise medium or high impact BES Cyber Systems
residing in the same electronic security perimeter. The Commission
reasoned in Order No. 829 that without integrity and authenticity
controls: (1) attackers could exploit the legitimate vendor patch
management process to deliver compromised software updates or patches
to applicable systems; \75\ and (2) vendor credentials could be stolen
and used to access a BES Cyber System without the responsible entities
knowledge and traverse over an unmonitored connection into a
responsible entity's BES Cyber System.\76\ Responsible entities could
unintentionally have procured and installed unsecure equipment or
software and may fail to meet minimum security criteria.\77\
\75\ Order No. 829, 156 FERC ] 61,050 at P 49.
\76\ Id. P 52.
\77\ Id. PP 57, 60.
47. Upon reviewing NERC's report and gaining a better understanding
of the risk profile associated with PCAs since Order No. 850, we
believe that our reasoning as applied to BES Cyber Systems in Order No.
829 supports the inclusion of PCAs under the protection of the SCRM
Reliability Standards because these assets also reside within the same
electronic security perimeter as BES Cyber Systems. Accordingly, we
believe that all assets within an electronic security perimeter should
be assessed for supply chain risk.
48. Moreover, we are not persuaded by the NERC report which
demurred from recommending additional SCRM Reliability Standard
protections for PCAs. While the NERC report recognized the risks
associated with PCAs, it asserted that it is not possible to clearly
define a general risk to the Bulk-Power System in the event PCAs are
compromised.\78\ NERC did not recommend revising the SCRM Reliability
Standards to include PCAs and instead recommended that entities
evaluate PCAs on a voluntary, case-by-case basis for supply chain
risks. While we agree with the NERC report that a wide range of assets
fall under the category of PCA, we also believe that such a wide range
of assets allows for a wide range of vulnerabilities, therefore
proportionately increasing the risk associated with PCAs as an asset
class. We further acknowledge that each PCA type may have a different
risk profile based on how it interacts with BES Cyber Systems and their
impact on the Bulk-Power System that may present unique challenges
during risk assessment. However, because PCAs are a clearly defined
class of assets, we are not persuaded that the inability to quantify
the risk that PCAs present as an asset class renders infeasible the
ability to develop a Reliability Standard that addresses the known SCRM
risks associated with PCAs.
\78\ NERC Supply Chain Risks Report at 21.
49. We do, however, agree with NERC's assessment in its report
regarding the risk posed by common mode vulnerabilities of unprotected
PCAs, i.e., that they are often the same Cyber Asset type as many
common BES Cyber Assets and that they may act as an attack vector to
BES Cyber Systems sharing the same electronic security perimeter. For
example, SolarWinds' Orion software, an enterprise infrastructure
monitoring and management platform, was famously compromised by a
foreign state actor in 2020. This software would likely be categorized
as a PCA if used by a responsible entity and deployed inside an
electronic security perimeter.\79\ While NERC found that this event did
not materially or adversely impact Bulk-Power System operations, a
subsequent compromise impacting PCAs could have more severe
consequences in the future, including material, adverse impacts on
Bulk-Power System operations.\80\ Similarly, the XZ Utils supply chain
attack demonstrates another close call where PCAs could have been
affected if the compromise had not been discovered and detected before
further exploitation occurred.\81\ Thus, addressing supply chain risk
of unprotected PCAs that may perform security-critical functions or
pose similar significant potential for harm if compromised is critical
to maintaining the security of an electronic security perimeter and
would improve an entity's overall security posture.
\79\ FERC Staff and the Electricity Information and Analysis
Sharing Center, SolarWinds and Related Supply Chain Compromise (July
6, 2021),
\80\ Robert Walton, NERC finding 25% of utilities exposed to
SolarWinds hack indicates growing ICS vulnerabilities, analysts say,
Utility Dive (Apr. 15, 2021),
\81\ In this supply chain attack, an unidentified threat actor
used social engineering to become an authorized maintainer of XZ
Utils, a widely used data compression and decompression library
found on many Linux systems. The threat actor then inserted a
backdoor into legitimate software updates that would allow them to
bypass Secure Shell Protocol authentication and conduct remote code
execution on any infected device connected to the internet. See
Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Reported Supply
Chain Compromise Affecting XZ Utils Data Compression Library, CVE-
2024-3094 (Mar. 29, 2024),
50. We also agree with NERC's assertion that the supply chain risks
associated with PCAs could be mitigated if responsible entities include
PCAs in their existing SCRM plans that inform the procurement of medium
and high impact BES Cyber Systems.\82\ We do not agree, however, that
this should be done on a voluntary basis since many PCAs have a similar
risk profile to BES Cyber Systems. Finally, we note that applying
supply chain protections to PCAs is consistent with risk management
practices required for Federal agencies. Specifically, extending supply
chain related protections to PCAs aligns with the OMB Memorandum of
August 2021 and its phased implementation strategy by ensuring that all
software, especially those performing security-critical functions, is
fortified against supply chain risks.\83\ By proactively evaluating the
supply chain risks posed by PCAs, the electric sector can address the
risk of supply chain attacks, which have been exemplified by incidents
like the SolarWinds breach. The OMB Memorandum of August 2021 provides
instructions and creates a phased implementation plan for Federal
agencies to adopt the security measures required by Executive Order
14028. Included in the initial phase of implementation are software
applications that provide network monitoring and configuration services
(e.g., PCAs).\84\ This directive, while binding only on Federal
agencies, further supports the extension of SCRM protective measures to
PCAs. PCAs, if compromised, could serve as conduits for adversaries to
infiltrate BES Cyber Systems, potentially leading to breaches
originating from within the electronic security perimeters.
\82\ NERC Supply Chain Risks Report at 22.
\83\ See supra n.28.
\84\ See id.
3. Proposed Directives
51. For the reasons set forth above, we preliminarily find that the
existing SCRM Reliability Standards are
[[Page 79803]]
inadequate to ensure that PCAs are sufficiently protected from supply
chain risk. Because PCAs represent an attack vector to BES Cyber
Systems contained within the same electronic security perimeter as the
PCAs, the Commission's concern about the threat that these unprotected
assets present to the security and reliability of the Bulk-Power System
has grown since initially discussed in Order No. 850. As discussed
above, these risks are highlighted by recent sophisticated incidents
such as the SolarWinds software vulnerability and the XZ Utils supply
chain attack. While the current SCRM Reliability Standards require
entities to protect PCAs' vendor remote access management, the
Reliability Standards should provide a comprehensive protection of
52. Accordingly, we propose to direct NERC, pursuant to section
215(d)(5) of the FPA, to modify the SCRM Reliability Standards to
include PCAs as applicable assets. Further, we propose to direct NERC
to protect PCAs from supply chain risk at the same level as other
assets inside an electronic security perimeter (i.e., high and medium
impact BES Cyber Systems, electronic access control or monitoring
systems, and physical access control systems located inside an
electronic security perimeter). Given the broad range of assets that
may be categorized as PCAs, we seek comment on potential comprehensive
and scalable approaches that could be implemented for identifying and
assessing supply chain risks posed by PCAs. Comments on such approaches
may inform our directives in a final rule and may also provide valuable
input for a possible future NERC standard drafting team tasked with
developing directed modifications. Finally, we propose to direct NERC
to submit these modifications within 12 months of the effective date of
a final rule in this proceeding.
III. Information Collection Statement
53. The information collection requirements contained in this
notice of proposed rulemaking are subject to review by the OMB under
section 3507(d) of the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995.\85\ OMB's
regulations require approval of certain information collection
requirements imposed by agency rules.\86\ Upon approval of a collection
of information, OMB will assign an OMB control number and expiration
date. Respondents subject to the filing requirements of this proposed
rule will not be penalized for failing to respond to this collection of
information unless the collection of information displays a valid OMB
control number. Comments are solicited on the Commission's need for the
information proposed to be reported, whether the information will have
practical utility, ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of
the information to be collected, and any suggested methods for
minimizing the respondent's burden, including the use of automated
information techniques.
\85\ 44 U.S.C. 3507(d).
\86\ 5 CFR 1320.11.
54. The proposal to direct NERC to develop new, or to modify
existing, reliability standards (and the corresponding burden) are
covered by, and already included in, the existing OMB-approved
information collection FERC-725 (Certification of Electric Reliability
Organization; Procedures for Electric Reliability Standards; OMB
Control No. 1902-0225),\87\ under Reliability Standards
Development.\88\ The reporting requirements in FERC-725 include the
ERO's overall responsibility for developing Reliability Standards, such
as any Reliability Standards that relate to supply chain risk
\87\ Another item for FERC-725 is pending review at this time,
and only one item per OMB Control No. can be pending OMB review at a
time. In order to submit this NOPR timely to OMB, we are using FERC-
725(1B) (a temporary, placeholder information collection number).
\88\ Reliability Standards development as described in FERC-725
covers standards development initiated by NERC, the Regional
Entities, and industry, as well as standards the Commission may
direct NERC to develop or modify.
IV. Environmental Analysis
55. The Commission is required to prepare an Environmental
Assessment or an Environmental Impact Statement for any action that may
have a significant adverse effect on the human environment.\89\
\89\ Reguls. Implementing the Nat'l Env't Pol'y Act, Order No.
486, 52 FR 47897 (Dec. 17, 1987), FERC Stats. & Regs. ] 30,783
(1987) (cross-referenced at 41 FERC ] 61,284).
56. The Commission has categorically excluded certain actions from
this requirement as not having a significant effect on the human
environment. Included in the exclusion are rules that are clarifying,
corrective, or procedural or that do not substantially change the
effect of the regulations being amended.\90\ The actions proposed
herein fall within this categorical exclusion in the Commission's
\90\ 18 CFR 380.4(a)(2)(ii) (2021).
V. Regulatory Flexibility Act
57. The Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980 (RFA) \91\ generally
requires a description and analysis of proposed rules that will have
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities.
\91\ 5 U.S.C. 601-612.
58. We are proposing only to direct NERC, the Commission-certified
ERO, to develop modified Reliability Standards to improve the
sufficiency of the SCRM Plans required by CIP-013-2, and to protect
PCAs under the SCRM Reliability Standards. These Standards are only
applicable to high and medium impact BES Cyber Systems and their
associated systems such as electronic access control or monitoring
systems and physical access control systems.\92\ Therefore, this NOPR
will not have a significant or substantial impact on entities other
than NERC. Consequently, the Commission certifies that this NOPR will
not have a significant economic impact on a substantial number of small
\92\ Cf. Cyber Security Incident Reporting Reliability
Standards, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 82 FR 61499 (Dec. 28,
2017), 161 FERC ] 61,291 (2017) (proposing to direct NERC to develop
and submit modifications to the Reliability Standards to improve
mandatory reporting of Cyber Security Incidents, including incidents
that might facilitate subsequent efforts to harm the reliable
operation of the Bulk-Power System).
59. Any Reliability Standards proposed by NERC in compliance with
this rulemaking will be considered by the Commission in future
proceedings. As part of any future proceedings, the Commission will
make determinations pertaining to the RFA based on the content of the
Reliability Standards proposed by NERC.
VI. Comment Procedures
60. The Commission invites interested persons to submit comments on
the matters and issues proposed in this rulemaking to be adopted,
including any related matters or alternative proposals that commenters
may wish to discuss. Comments are due December 2, 2024. Comments must
refer to Docket No. RM24-4-000, and must include the commenter's name,
the organization they represent, if applicable, and their address in
their comments. All comments will be placed in the Commission's public
files and may be viewed, printed, or downloaded remotely as described
in the Document Availability section below. Commenters on this proposal
are not required to serve copies of their comments on other commenters.
61. The Commission encourages comments to be filed electronically
via the eFiling link on the Commission's website at The Commission accepts most standard word processing
formats. Documents
[[Page 79804]]
created electronically using word processing software must be filed in
native applications or print-to-PDF format and not in a scanned format.
Commenters filing electronically do not need to make a paper filing.
62. Commenters that are not able to file comments electronically
may file an original of their comment by USPS mail or by courier-or
other delivery services. For submission sent via USPS only, filings
should be mailed to: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Office of
the Secretary, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426. Submission of
filings other than by USPS should be delivered to: Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, MD 20852.
VII. Document Availability
63. In addition to publishing the full text of this document in the
Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons an
opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this document via the
internet through the Commission's Home Page (
From the Commission's Home Page on the internet, this information is
available on eLibrary. The full text of this document is available on
eLibrary in .pdf and Microsoft Word format for viewing, printing, and/
or downloading. To access this document in eLibrary, type the docket
number excluding the last three digits of this document in the docket
number field.
64. User assistance is available for eLibrary and the Commission's
website during normal business hours from FERC Online Support at (202)
502-6652 (toll free at 1-866-208-3676) or email at
[email protected], or the Public Reference Room at (202) 502-
8371, TTY (202)502-8659. Email the Public Reference Room at
[email protected].
By direction of the Commission.
Dated: September 19, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024-22230 Filed 9-30-24; 8:45 am]