Market Dominant Postal Products, 79489-79491 [2024-22125]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 189 / Monday, September 30, 2024 / Proposed Rules
toys containing button cell or coin cell
batteries. The amendments would align
the requirements more closely with the
Commission’s new rule for consumer
products containing button cell or coin
batteries, codified at part 1263, and
provide the highest level of safety that
is feasible (89 FR 65791). In the August
13 notice, the Commission provided a
60-day comment period closing on
October 15, 2024.
proposal.3 Subsequently, the
Commission sought supplemental
comments.4 Having considered the
comments that it received, the
Commission proposes further changes to
its rules.
The Commission seeks
comment on amendments to its rules
concerning rate incentives for Market
Dominant products. The Commission
proposes to revise the criteria that a rate
incentive must satisfy to be included in
the percentage change in rates
calculation. The Commission also
proposes to revise the definition of ‘‘rate
of general applicability’’ for Market
Dominant rate adjustment proceedings.
Further, the Commission proposes to
modify associated filing and reporting
I. Background
In its general Market Dominant rate
adjustment filings, the Postal Service
routinely proposes to offer rate
incentives in the form of promotions
that reduce rates by providing
discounts, rebates, or credits to
participating mailers of certain types of
mailpieces. Typically, such promotions
are offered for several months during a
particular calendar year for certain
mailpieces in the First-Class Mail and
USPS Marketing Mail classes. If the
Commission approves, then the
promotion may be offered again, with or
without modifications, in the next
calendar year.
Each rate incentive offered by the
Postal Service is either a rate of general
applicability or a rate not of general
applicability. A rate incentive of general
applicability may be eligible for
inclusion in the percentage change in
rates calculation (provided that it
satisfies all the applicable criteria under
the Commission’s rules), which will
allow for the Postal Service to generate
price cap authority for the applicable
class of mail. By contrast, a rate
incentive not of general applicability
has been ineligible for inclusion in the
percentage change in rates calculation.
The Commission previously adopted
regulations concerning rate incentives
for Market Dominant products.1
However, in connection with an appeal,
the Commission stated that it would
reconsider Order No. 5510 and that it
‘‘does not intend to enforce Order No.
5510 during the reconsideration
period.’’ 2 In Order No. 6325, the
Commission proposed modifying its
rules and sought comments on its
II. Basis for Proposed Rule Change
The Commission proposes to modify
its rules by revising the criteria that a
rate incentive must satisfy to be
included in the percentage change in
rates calculation; revising the definition
of ‘‘rate of general applicability’’; and
revising filing and reporting
First, the Commission proposes to
create a mechanism allowing certain
rate incentives that are not rates of
general applicability to be included in
the percentage change in rates
calculation. Second, the Commission
proposes to remove the currently-notenforced requirement that a rate
incentive must be made available to all
mailers equally on the same terms and
conditions to be included in the
percentage change in rates calculation.
Third, the Commission proposes to
revise the definition of ‘‘rate of general
applicability’’ at § 3030.101(j). This
revision would clarify a potential
ambiguity. The Commission also
continues to propose to revise
§ 3030.101(j) as initially proposed in
Order No. 6325 to clarify that to qualify
as a rate of general applicability, a rate
incentive cannot have eligibility criteria
based on historical mail volumes or
prior participation in a rate incentive or
promotion. Fourth, the Commission
proposes to revise filing requirements to
ensure that the Postal Service provides
sufficient information at the outset of a
Market Dominant rate adjustment
proceeding. Fifth, the Commission
proposes to add a provision authorizing
it to require the submission of
information to ensure that rate
incentives included in the percentage
change in rates calculation comply with
applicable requirements.
The proposed mechanism allowing
certain rate incentives that are not rates
of general applicability to be included
in the percentage change in rates
calculation would allow a rate incentive
for which a mailer’s eligibility depends
on the mailer increasing its volumes of
a product (or multiple products) to be
included in the percentage change in
Comments are due: October 30,
2024. Reply comments are due:
November 14, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments
electronically via the Commission’s
Filing Online system at https:// Those who cannot submit
1 Docket No. RM2020–5, Order Adopting Final
Rules Regarding Rate Incentives for Market
Dominant Products, May 15, 2020 (Order No. 5510).
2 Docket No. RM2020–5, Notice of Intent to
Reconsider, August 26, 2020, at 2 (Order No. 5655);
see U.S. Postal Serv. v. Postal Reg. Comm’n, Joint
Motion for Voluntary Dismissal and Vacatur, No.
20–1208 (DC Cir. Sept. 11, 2020).
3 Docket No. RM2020–5, Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking to Amend Rules Regarding Rate
Incentives for Market Dominant Products,
November 14, 2022 (Order No. 6325).
4 Docket No. RM2020–5, Supplemental Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking to Amend Rules Regarding
Rate Incentives for Market Dominant Products,
November 17, 2023 (Order No. 6801).
B. Comment Period Extension
Section III.D of the NPR states that
CPSC would make available for review
and comment, to the extent allowed by
applicable law, the underlying incident
data associated with the proposed rule.
This data was to be made available upon
publication of the NPR in the Federal
Register on August 13, 2024. However,
release of the underlying data was
delayed until September 10, 2024. The
Commission therefore is extending the
comment period by 30 days, until
November 14, 2024, so that the public
has ample time to review and comment
on the data.
Alberta E. Mills,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety
[FR Doc. 2024–22063 Filed 9–27–24; 8:45 am]
39 CFR Part 3030
[Docket No. RM2020–5; Order No. 7559]
RIN 3211–AA27
Market Dominant Postal Products
Postal Regulatory Commission.
Proposed rule.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
comments electronically should contact
the person identified in the FOR FURTHER
telephone for advice on filing
alternatives. The Rule Summary can be
found on the Commission’s Rule
Summary Page at
David A. Trissell, General Counsel, at
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Table of Contents
I. Background
II. Basis for Proposed Rule Change
III. Proposed Rule
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ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 189 / Monday, September 30, 2024 / Proposed Rules
rates calculation. The Commission
proposes this mechanism to encourage
the Postal Service to develop and offer
such rate incentives, with the goal of
combatting volume decline.
The Commission also proposes to
remove the currently-not-enforced
requirement that a rate incentive must
be made available to all mailers equally
on the same terms and conditions to be
included in the percentage change in
rates calculation. The Commission
proposes to remove this requirement
because fairness concerns can be
addressed through other means and
because this requirement has the
potential to cause confusion.
The Commission proposes revising
the definition of ‘‘rate of general
applicability’’ in § 3030.101(j) by adding
the word ‘‘only’’ to the sentence
addressing rates benefiting a single
mailer so that the sentence reads as
follows: ‘‘A rate is not a rate of general
applicability if it benefits only a single
mailer.’’ This change removes a
potential ambiguity in the sentence and
ensures that the sentence reflects the
Commission’s intent in adding the
sentence to the definition.
The Commission also continues to
propose the changes to § 3030.101(j) that
it proposed in Order No. 6325. See
Order No. 6325 at 26–34. These
proposed changes to the definition of
‘‘rate of general applicability’’ in
§ 3030.101(j) are designed to clarify
what rate incentives may qualify for
inclusion in the percentage change in
rates calculation as rates of general
applicability. Under the Commission’s
existing rules ‘‘[a] rate is not a rate of
general applicability if eligibility for the
rate is dependent on factors other than
the characteristics of the mail to which
the rate applies[.]’’ 39 CFR 3030.101(j).
As initially proposed in Order No. 6325,
the proposed changes add an additional
sentence to clarify that a rate incentive
is not a rate of general applicability if
eligibility for the rate is dependent in
whole or in part on the volume of mail
sent by a mailer in a past year or years
or on the participation by a mailer in a
rate incentive or promotion in a past
year or years.
The Commission proposes to modify
its rules for the technical documentation
required to support proposed rate
incentives. These proposed changes
would implement changes conforming
to the Commission’s proposed changes
to its rules for including rate incentives
in the percentage change in rates
calculation. Thus, under the proposed
revision, the Commission’s rules would
require a statement describing the
purpose of the rate incentive. Similarly,
and to conform with the proposed
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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change to the definition of ‘‘rate of
general applicability,’’ under the
proposed revision, the rule would
require a statement affirming that a rate
incentive proposed to be included in the
percentage change in rate calculation
will not benefit only a single mailer.
In addition, the Commission proposes
requiring each request to include a rate
incentive in the percentage change in
rates calculation to include an estimate
of the effect of the rate incentive on
mailers in the affected class that do not
participate in the rate incentive, as well
as all information and calculations
relied upon to develop such estimate.
The Commission proposes this change
for transparency. This proposed change
would ensure that the public is
provided notice of the estimated effect
of the proposed rate incentive on nonparticipating mailers in the affected
class. The Commission requires the
information and calculations relied
upon to develop the estimate to ensure
that it understands the basis for the
estimate and to provide transparency to
the public and affected stakeholders.
The Commission also proposes
adding a provision authorizing it to
require the submission of information to
ensure that rate incentives included in
the percentage change in rates
calculation comply with applicable
requirements. In the Commission’s
experience, reporting requirements are
important to ensure that the
Commission understands how rate
incentives operate in practice. The
Commission’s revised proposal codifies
the Commission’s authority to impose
such reporting requirements.
III. Proposed Rule
List of Subjects
39 CFR Part 3030
Administrative practice and
procedure, Fees, Postal Service.
For the reasons stated in the
preamble, the Commission proposes to
amend 39 CFR part 3030 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 3030
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 39 U.S.C. 503; 3622.
2. Amend § 3030.101 by revising
paragraph (j) to read as follows:
§ 3030.101
(j) Rate of general applicability means
a rate applicable to all mail meeting
standards established by the Mail
Classification Schedule, the Domestic
PO 00000
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Mail Manual, and the International Mail
Manual. A rate is not a rate of general
applicability if eligibility for the rate is
dependent on factors other than the
characteristics of the mail to which the
rate applies. A rate incentive is not a
rate of general applicability if eligibility
for the rate is wholly or partially
dependent on the volume of mail sent
by a mailer in a past year or years or on
the participation by a mailer in a rate
incentive or promotion in a past year or
years. A rate is not a rate of general
applicability if it benefits only a single
mailer. A rate that is only available
upon the written agreement of both the
Postal Service and a mailer, a group of
mailers, or a foreign postal operator is
not a rate of general applicability.
■ 3. Amend § 3030.123 by revising
paragraph (j) to read as follows:
§ 3030.123 Supporting technical
(j) Whenever the Postal Service
includes a rate incentive with its
planned rate adjustment, it must
include with its filing:
(1) Whether the rate incentive is being
treated under § 3030.128(f)(2) or under
§ 3030.128(f)(1) and (g);
(2) If the Postal Service seeks to
include the rate incentive in the
calculation of the percentage change in
rates under § 3030.128(f)(2):
(i) The terms and conditions of the
rate incentive;
(ii) The factors that determine
eligibility for the rate incentive;
(iii) A statement that affirms that the
rate incentive will not benefit only a
single mailer;
(iv) A statement that affirms that the
rate incentive is not only available upon
the written agreement of both the Postal
Service and a mailer, or group of
mailers, or a foreign postal operator;
(v) A statement describing the
purpose of the rate incentive; and
(vi) An estimate of the effect of the
rate incentive on mailers in the affected
class that do not participate in the rate
incentive and all information and
calculations relied upon to develop
such estimate.
■ 4. Amend § 3030.128 by:
■ a. Revising paragraph (f)(2);
■ b. Adding paragraph (f)(3); and
■ c. Revising paragraph (g)(1).
The addition and revisions read as
§ 3030.128 Calculation of percentage
change in rates.
(f) * * *
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with PROPOSALS1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 189 / Monday, September 30, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(2) A rate incentive may be included
in a percentage change in rates
calculation if it meets the following
(i) The rate incentive is in the form of
a discount or can be easily translated
into a discount;
(ii) Sufficient billing determinants are
available for the rate incentive to be
included in the percentage change in
rate calculation for the class, which may
be adjusted based on known mail
characteristics or historical volume data
(as opposed to forecasts of mailer
behavior); and
(iii) The rate incentive is either:
(A) A rate of general applicability; or
(B) A rate not of general applicability
that satisfies the following
(1) The rate incentive is not only
available upon the written agreement of
both the Postal Service and a mailer, or
group of mailers, or a foreign postal
(2) The rate incentive is applicable to
all mail meeting standards established
by the Mail Classification Schedule, the
Domestic Mail Manual, and the
International Mail Manual;
(3) The rate incentive does not benefit
only a single mailer;
(4) The rate incentive is designed to
increase volume; and
(5) A mailer’s eligibility for the rate
incentive depends on the mailer’s
sending, in a specified period of time
(which must not be less than three
months) a volume of mail of specified
products that exceeds a specified
threshold volume of mail, provided that
such threshold volume of mail is not
less than the volume of the specified
products that the mailer sent in the
specified period of time in the
immediately preceding fiscal year or
calendar year.
(3) The Commission may require
submission of such information as it
deems necessary to ensure that rate
incentives included in the percentage
change in rates calculation comply with
the requirements of this section.
(g)(1) Mail volumes sent at rates under
a negotiated service agreement or a rate
incentive that is not a rate of general
applicability are to be included in the
calculation of the percentage change in
rates under this section as though they
paid the appropriate rates of general
applicability, except as provided in
paragraph (f)(2) of this section. Where it
is impractical to identify the rates of
general applicability (e.g., because
unique rate categories are created for a
mailer), the volumes associated with the
mail sent under the terms of the
negotiated service agreement or the rate
incentive that is not a rate of general
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applicability shall be excluded from the
calculation of the percentage change in
By the Commission.
Erica A. Barker,
[FR Doc. 2024–22125 Filed 9–27–24; 8:45 am]
40 CFR Part 271
[EPA–R03–RCRA–2024–0046; FRL–11702–
West Virginia: Final Authorization of
State Hazardous Waste Management
Program Revisions
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The state of West Virginia has
applied to the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
for final authorization of revisions to its
hazardous waste program under the
Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act (RCRA). EPA has determined that
these revisions satisfy all requirements
needed to qualify for final authorization,
subject to public comment. Therefore, in
the ‘‘Rules and Regulations’’ section of
this Federal Register, we are
authorizing West Virginia for these
changes as a final action without a prior
proposed rule. If we receive no adverse
comment, we will not take further
action on this proposed rule.
DATES: Send written comments by
October 30, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by Docket ID No. EPA–R03–
RCRA–2024–0046, at Follow the online
instructions for submitting comments.
Once submitted, comments cannot be
edited or removed from The EPA may
publish any comment received to its
public docket. Do not submit
electronically any information you
consider to be Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or other information
the disclosure of which is restricted by
statute. Multimedia submissions (audio,
video, etc.) must be accompanied by a
written comment. The written comment
is considered the official comment and
should include discussion of all points
you wish to make. The EPA will
generally not consider comments or
comment contents located outside of the
primary submission (i.e. on the web,
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cloud, or other file sharing system). For
additional submission methods, the full
EPA public comment policy,
information about CBI or multimedia
submissions, and general guidance on
making effective comments, please visit
The EPA encourages electronic
submittals, but if you are unable to
submit electronically or need other
assistance, please contact Priscilla Ortiz
Carrero, the contact listed in the FOR
below. Please also contact Priscilla Ortiz
Carrero if you need assistance in a
language other than English or if you are
a person with disabilities who needs a
reasonable accommodation at no cost to
Priscilla Ortiz Carrero, RCRA Programs
Branch; Land, Chemicals, and
Redevelopment Division, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency
Region 3, Four Penn Center, 1600 John
F. Kennedy Blvd. (Mail code 3LD31),
Philadelphia, PA 19103–2852; phone:
(215) 814–3428, email:
document proposes to take action on
West Virginia ’s revisions to its
hazardous waste management program
under the Resource Conservation and
Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended. We
have published a direct final rule
authorizing these revisions in the
‘‘Rules and Regulations’’ section of this
issue of the Federal Register because we
view this as a noncontroversial action
and anticipate no adverse comment. We
have explained our reasons for this
action in the preamble to the direct final
If we receive no adverse comment, we
will not take further action on this
proposed rule. If we receive adverse
comment pertaining to the State
revisions, we will withdraw the final
action and it will not take effect. We
would then address all public
comments in a subsequent final action
and base any further decision on the
authorization of the State program
revisions after considering all comments
received during the comment period.
We do not intend to institute a second
comment period on this action. Any
parties interested in commenting must
do so at this time. For further
information, please see the information
provided in the ADDRESSES section of
this document.
Authority: This action is issued under the
authority of sections 2002(a), 3006 and
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 189 (Monday, September 30, 2024)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 79489-79491]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-22125]
39 CFR Part 3030
[Docket No. RM2020-5; Order No. 7559]
RIN 3211-AA27
Market Dominant Postal Products
AGENCY: Postal Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Commission seeks comment on amendments to its rules
concerning rate incentives for Market Dominant products. The Commission
proposes to revise the criteria that a rate incentive must satisfy to
be included in the percentage change in rates calculation. The
Commission also proposes to revise the definition of ``rate of general
applicability'' for Market Dominant rate adjustment proceedings.
Further, the Commission proposes to modify associated filing and
reporting requirements.
DATES: Comments are due: October 30, 2024. Reply comments are due:
November 14, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments electronically via the Commission's Filing
Online system at Those who cannot submit comments
electronically should contact the person identified in the FOR FURTHER
INFORMATION CONTACT section by telephone for advice on filing
alternatives. The Rule Summary can be found on the Commission's Rule
Summary Page at
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: David A. Trissell, General Counsel, at
Table of Contents
I. Background
II. Basis for Proposed Rule Change
III. Proposed Rule
I. Background
In its general Market Dominant rate adjustment filings, the Postal
Service routinely proposes to offer rate incentives in the form of
promotions that reduce rates by providing discounts, rebates, or
credits to participating mailers of certain types of mailpieces.
Typically, such promotions are offered for several months during a
particular calendar year for certain mailpieces in the First-Class Mail
and USPS Marketing Mail classes. If the Commission approves, then the
promotion may be offered again, with or without modifications, in the
next calendar year.
Each rate incentive offered by the Postal Service is either a rate
of general applicability or a rate not of general applicability. A rate
incentive of general applicability may be eligible for inclusion in the
percentage change in rates calculation (provided that it satisfies all
the applicable criteria under the Commission's rules), which will allow
for the Postal Service to generate price cap authority for the
applicable class of mail. By contrast, a rate incentive not of general
applicability has been ineligible for inclusion in the percentage
change in rates calculation.
The Commission previously adopted regulations concerning rate
incentives for Market Dominant products.\1\ However, in connection with
an appeal, the Commission stated that it would reconsider Order No.
5510 and that it ``does not intend to enforce Order No. 5510 during the
reconsideration period.'' \2\ In Order No. 6325, the Commission
proposed modifying its rules and sought comments on its proposal.\3\
Subsequently, the Commission sought supplemental comments.\4\ Having
considered the comments that it received, the Commission proposes
further changes to its rules.
\1\ Docket No. RM2020-5, Order Adopting Final Rules Regarding
Rate Incentives for Market Dominant Products, May 15, 2020 (Order
No. 5510).
\2\ Docket No. RM2020-5, Notice of Intent to Reconsider, August
26, 2020, at 2 (Order No. 5655); see U.S. Postal Serv. v. Postal
Reg. Comm'n, Joint Motion for Voluntary Dismissal and Vacatur, No.
20-1208 (DC Cir. Sept. 11, 2020).
\3\ Docket No. RM2020-5, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Amend
Rules Regarding Rate Incentives for Market Dominant Products,
November 14, 2022 (Order No. 6325).
\4\ Docket No. RM2020-5, Supplemental Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking to Amend Rules Regarding Rate Incentives for Market
Dominant Products, November 17, 2023 (Order No. 6801).
II. Basis for Proposed Rule Change
The Commission proposes to modify its rules by revising the
criteria that a rate incentive must satisfy to be included in the
percentage change in rates calculation; revising the definition of
``rate of general applicability''; and revising filing and reporting
First, the Commission proposes to create a mechanism allowing
certain rate incentives that are not rates of general applicability to
be included in the percentage change in rates calculation. Second, the
Commission proposes to remove the currently-not-enforced requirement
that a rate incentive must be made available to all mailers equally on
the same terms and conditions to be included in the percentage change
in rates calculation. Third, the Commission proposes to revise the
definition of ``rate of general applicability'' at Sec. 3030.101(j).
This revision would clarify a potential ambiguity. The Commission also
continues to propose to revise Sec. 3030.101(j) as initially proposed
in Order No. 6325 to clarify that to qualify as a rate of general
applicability, a rate incentive cannot have eligibility criteria based
on historical mail volumes or prior participation in a rate incentive
or promotion. Fourth, the Commission proposes to revise filing
requirements to ensure that the Postal Service provides sufficient
information at the outset of a Market Dominant rate adjustment
proceeding. Fifth, the Commission proposes to add a provision
authorizing it to require the submission of information to ensure that
rate incentives included in the percentage change in rates calculation
comply with applicable requirements.
The proposed mechanism allowing certain rate incentives that are
not rates of general applicability to be included in the percentage
change in rates calculation would allow a rate incentive for which a
mailer's eligibility depends on the mailer increasing its volumes of a
product (or multiple products) to be included in the percentage change
[[Page 79490]]
rates calculation. The Commission proposes this mechanism to encourage
the Postal Service to develop and offer such rate incentives, with the
goal of combatting volume decline.
The Commission also proposes to remove the currently-not-enforced
requirement that a rate incentive must be made available to all mailers
equally on the same terms and conditions to be included in the
percentage change in rates calculation. The Commission proposes to
remove this requirement because fairness concerns can be addressed
through other means and because this requirement has the potential to
cause confusion.
The Commission proposes revising the definition of ``rate of
general applicability'' in Sec. 3030.101(j) by adding the word
``only'' to the sentence addressing rates benefiting a single mailer so
that the sentence reads as follows: ``A rate is not a rate of general
applicability if it benefits only a single mailer.'' This change
removes a potential ambiguity in the sentence and ensures that the
sentence reflects the Commission's intent in adding the sentence to the
The Commission also continues to propose the changes to Sec.
3030.101(j) that it proposed in Order No. 6325. See Order No. 6325 at
26-34. These proposed changes to the definition of ``rate of general
applicability'' in Sec. 3030.101(j) are designed to clarify what rate
incentives may qualify for inclusion in the percentage change in rates
calculation as rates of general applicability. Under the Commission's
existing rules ``[a] rate is not a rate of general applicability if
eligibility for the rate is dependent on factors other than the
characteristics of the mail to which the rate applies[.]'' 39 CFR
3030.101(j). As initially proposed in Order No. 6325, the proposed
changes add an additional sentence to clarify that a rate incentive is
not a rate of general applicability if eligibility for the rate is
dependent in whole or in part on the volume of mail sent by a mailer in
a past year or years or on the participation by a mailer in a rate
incentive or promotion in a past year or years.
The Commission proposes to modify its rules for the technical
documentation required to support proposed rate incentives. These
proposed changes would implement changes conforming to the Commission's
proposed changes to its rules for including rate incentives in the
percentage change in rates calculation. Thus, under the proposed
revision, the Commission's rules would require a statement describing
the purpose of the rate incentive. Similarly, and to conform with the
proposed change to the definition of ``rate of general applicability,''
under the proposed revision, the rule would require a statement
affirming that a rate incentive proposed to be included in the
percentage change in rate calculation will not benefit only a single
In addition, the Commission proposes requiring each request to
include a rate incentive in the percentage change in rates calculation
to include an estimate of the effect of the rate incentive on mailers
in the affected class that do not participate in the rate incentive, as
well as all information and calculations relied upon to develop such
estimate. The Commission proposes this change for transparency. This
proposed change would ensure that the public is provided notice of the
estimated effect of the proposed rate incentive on non-participating
mailers in the affected class. The Commission requires the information
and calculations relied upon to develop the estimate to ensure that it
understands the basis for the estimate and to provide transparency to
the public and affected stakeholders.
The Commission also proposes adding a provision authorizing it to
require the submission of information to ensure that rate incentives
included in the percentage change in rates calculation comply with
applicable requirements. In the Commission's experience, reporting
requirements are important to ensure that the Commission understands
how rate incentives operate in practice. The Commission's revised
proposal codifies the Commission's authority to impose such reporting
III. Proposed Rule
List of Subjects
39 CFR Part 3030
Administrative practice and procedure, Fees, Postal Service.
For the reasons stated in the preamble, the Commission proposes to
amend 39 CFR part 3030 as follows:
1. The authority citation for part 3030 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 39 U.S.C. 503; 3622.
2. Amend Sec. 3030.101 by revising paragraph (j) to read as follows:
Sec. 3030.101 Definitions.
* * * * *
(j) Rate of general applicability means a rate applicable to all
mail meeting standards established by the Mail Classification Schedule,
the Domestic Mail Manual, and the International Mail Manual. A rate is
not a rate of general applicability if eligibility for the rate is
dependent on factors other than the characteristics of the mail to
which the rate applies. A rate incentive is not a rate of general
applicability if eligibility for the rate is wholly or partially
dependent on the volume of mail sent by a mailer in a past year or
years or on the participation by a mailer in a rate incentive or
promotion in a past year or years. A rate is not a rate of general
applicability if it benefits only a single mailer. A rate that is only
available upon the written agreement of both the Postal Service and a
mailer, a group of mailers, or a foreign postal operator is not a rate
of general applicability.
* * * * *
3. Amend Sec. 3030.123 by revising paragraph (j) to read as follows:
Sec. 3030.123 Supporting technical documentation.
* * * * *
(j) Whenever the Postal Service includes a rate incentive with its
planned rate adjustment, it must include with its filing:
(1) Whether the rate incentive is being treated under Sec.
3030.128(f)(2) or under Sec. 3030.128(f)(1) and (g);
(2) If the Postal Service seeks to include the rate incentive in
the calculation of the percentage change in rates under Sec.
(i) The terms and conditions of the rate incentive;
(ii) The factors that determine eligibility for the rate incentive;
(iii) A statement that affirms that the rate incentive will not
benefit only a single mailer;
(iv) A statement that affirms that the rate incentive is not only
available upon the written agreement of both the Postal Service and a
mailer, or group of mailers, or a foreign postal operator;
(v) A statement describing the purpose of the rate incentive; and
(vi) An estimate of the effect of the rate incentive on mailers in
the affected class that do not participate in the rate incentive and
all information and calculations relied upon to develop such estimate.
* * * * *
4. Amend Sec. 3030.128 by:
a. Revising paragraph (f)(2);
b. Adding paragraph (f)(3); and
c. Revising paragraph (g)(1).
The addition and revisions read as follows:
Sec. 3030.128 Calculation of percentage change in rates.
* * * * *
(f) * * *
[[Page 79491]]
(2) A rate incentive may be included in a percentage change in
rates calculation if it meets the following criteria:
(i) The rate incentive is in the form of a discount or can be
easily translated into a discount;
(ii) Sufficient billing determinants are available for the rate
incentive to be included in the percentage change in rate calculation
for the class, which may be adjusted based on known mail
characteristics or historical volume data (as opposed to forecasts of
mailer behavior); and
(iii) The rate incentive is either:
(A) A rate of general applicability; or
(B) A rate not of general applicability that satisfies the
following requirements:
(1) The rate incentive is not only available upon the written
agreement of both the Postal Service and a mailer, or group of mailers,
or a foreign postal operator;
(2) The rate incentive is applicable to all mail meeting standards
established by the Mail Classification Schedule, the Domestic Mail
Manual, and the International Mail Manual;
(3) The rate incentive does not benefit only a single mailer;
(4) The rate incentive is designed to increase volume; and
(5) A mailer's eligibility for the rate incentive depends on the
mailer's sending, in a specified period of time (which must not be less
than three months) a volume of mail of specified products that exceeds
a specified threshold volume of mail, provided that such threshold
volume of mail is not less than the volume of the specified products
that the mailer sent in the specified period of time in the immediately
preceding fiscal year or calendar year.
(3) The Commission may require submission of such information as it
deems necessary to ensure that rate incentives included in the
percentage change in rates calculation comply with the requirements of
this section.
(g)(1) Mail volumes sent at rates under a negotiated service
agreement or a rate incentive that is not a rate of general
applicability are to be included in the calculation of the percentage
change in rates under this section as though they paid the appropriate
rates of general applicability, except as provided in paragraph (f)(2)
of this section. Where it is impractical to identify the rates of
general applicability (e.g., because unique rate categories are created
for a mailer), the volumes associated with the mail sent under the
terms of the negotiated service agreement or the rate incentive that is
not a rate of general applicability shall be excluded from the
calculation of the percentage change in rates.
* * * * *
By the Commission.
Erica A. Barker,
[FR Doc. 2024-22125 Filed 9-27-24; 8:45 am]