Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Public Access to Results of Federally Funded Research (2020-D028), 79003-79005 [2024-21097]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 187 / Thursday, September 26, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Defense Acquisition Regulations
48 CFR Parts 235 and 252
[Docket DARS–2024–0027]
RIN 0750–AL43
Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement: Public Access
to Results of Federally Funded
Research (2020–D028)
Defense Acquisition
Regulations System, Department of
Defense (DoD).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
DoD is proposing to amend
the Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to
implement a recommendation of the
Government Accountability Office
regarding DoD-funded fundamental
Comments on the proposed rule
should be submitted in writing to the
address shown below on or before
November 25, 2024, to be considered in
the formation of a final rule.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments
identified by DFARS Case 2020–D028,
using either of the following methods:
Æ Federal eRulemaking Portal: Search for
DFARS Case 2020–D028. Select
‘‘Comment’’ and follow the instructions
to submit a comment. Please include
‘‘DFARS Case 2020–D028’’ on any
attached documents.
Æ Email: Include
DFARS Case 2020–D028 in the subject
line of the message.
Comments received generally will be
posted without change to https://, including any
personal information provided. To
confirm receipt of your comment(s),
please check https://, approximately
two to three days after submission to
verify posting.
Jon M. Snyder, telephone 703–945–
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
I. Background
DoD is proposing to revise the DFARS
to implement a recommendation made
by the Government Accountability
Office (GAO) in its report GAO–20–81,
Additional Actions Needed to Improve
Public Access to Research Results,
published in November 2019. GAO
reviewed the progress agencies have
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made in implementing their plans to
increase public access to Federally
funded research results (publications
and data), as called for in a 2013 Office
of Science and Technology Policy
(OSTP) memorandum. In this report,
GAO recommended that DoD take steps
to ensure appropriate agency-funded
research data are readily findable and
accessible to the public.
The OSTP memorandum of February
22, 2013, entitled ‘‘Increasing Access to
the Results of Federal Funded Scientific
Research’’, directed that each Federal
agency with over $100 million in annual
research and development expenditures
develop a plan to support increased
public access to the results of research
funded by the Federal Government. This
includes any results published in peerreviewed scholarly publications that are
based on research that directly arises
from Federal funds. The required plan’s
objectives were developed with input
from the National Science and
Technology Council and public
consultation in compliance with the
America COMPETES Reauthorization
Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111–358).
II. Discussion and Analysis
This rule proposes changes to DFARS
part 235 and adds two clauses that
require contractors to submit final peerreviewed manuscripts to the Defense
Technical Information Center’s publicly
accessible repository and to develop and
maintain a data management plan.
Definitions are proposed at DFARS
235.001 for ‘‘data’’, ‘‘data management
plan’’, ‘‘fundamental research’’, and
‘‘peer-reviewed’’. A policy statement
reflects that for DoD-funded
fundamental research, data management
planning must be an integral part of
research planning as required by
Department of Defense Instruction
3200.12, DoD Scientific and Technical
Information Program (STIP). DFARS
235.011 provides guidance for the
submission of peer-reviewed
manuscripts and development and
submission of data management plans.
Prescriptions are added at DFARS
235.072 for the following new DFARS
part 252 contract clauses: (1) 252.235–
70XX, Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts; and
(2) 252.235–70YY, Data Management
Plan. The clauses apply to solicitations
and contracts that include fundamental
research funded in whole or in part by
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III. Applicability to Contracts at or
Below the Simplified Acquisition
Threshold (SAT), for Commercial
Products (Including Commercially
Available Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Items),
and for Commercial Services
This proposed rule proposes to create
two new clauses: (1) DFARS 252.235–
70XX, Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts; and
(2) DFARS 252.235–70YY, Data
Management Plan. The clauses at
DFARS 252.235–70XX and 252.235–
70YY are prescribed at DFARS 235.702
for use in research and development
solicitations and contracts that include
fundamental research funded in whole
or in part by DoD. The clauses are
applicable to contracts at or below the
SAT. The clauses are not applicable to
contracts for the acquisition of
commercial products including COTS
items and for the acquisition of
commercial services. Not applying the
clauses to contracts valued at or below
the SAT would exclude contracts
intended to be covered by this proposed
rule and undermine the overarching
purpose of the proposed rule, given
GAO’s recommendation that DoD take
steps to ensure appropriate agencyfunded research data are readily
findable and accessible to the public.
IV. Expected Impact of the Rule
The Defense Technical Information
Center is responsible for collecting all
scientific and technical reports. This
proposed rule, when finalized, will
require contractors under research and
development contracts that include
fundamental research, funded in whole
or in part by DoD, to submit the author’s
final peer-reviewed manuscript to one
of the Defense Technical Information
Center’s publicly accessible repositories.
Currently, a contractor’s data
management plan is not required for
research and development contracts.
The proposed rule, when finalized, will
require contractors awarded research
and development contracts to
implement and maintain a data
management plan throughout the
performance of the contract.
This proposed rule will ensure the
results of fundamental research, funded
in whole or in part by DoD, will be
made as widely available as permitted
by law, regulation, or policy to ensure
the accuracy, validity, and
reproducibility of the scientific results.
V. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866 and
13563 direct agencies to assess all costs
and benefits of available regulatory
alternatives and, if regulation is
necessary, to select regulatory
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 187 / Thursday, September 26, 2024 / Proposed Rules
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, distributive impacts, and
equity). E.O. 13563 emphasizes the
importance of quantifying both costs
and benefits, of reducing costs, of
harmonizing rules, and of promoting
flexibility. This is not a significant
regulatory action and, therefore, was not
subject to review under section 6(b) of
E.O. 12866, Regulatory Planning and
Review, as amended.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act
DoD does not expect this proposed
rule, when finalized, to have a
significant economic impact on a
substantial number of small entities
within the meaning of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.,
because it is limited to contracts for DoD
funded fundamental research. However,
an initial regulatory flexibility analysis
has been performed and is summarized
as follows:
DoD is proposing to amend the
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation
Supplement (DFARS) to implement a
recommendation made by the
Government Accountability Office
(GAO) in Report GAO–20–81,
Additional Actions Needed to Improve
Public Access to Research Results,
published in November 2019. GAO
reviewed the progress agencies have
made in implementing their plans to
increase public access to Federally
funded research results (publications
and data), as called for in a 2013 Office
of Science and Technology Policy
(OSTP) memorandum. In this report,
GAO recommended that DoD take steps
to ensure appropriate agency-funded
research data are readily findable and
accessible to the public.
The OSTP memorandum of February
22, 2013, entitled ‘‘Increasing Access to
the Results of Federal Funded Scientific
Research,’’ directed that each Federal
agency with over $100 million in annual
research and development expenditures
develop a plan to support increased
public access to the results of research
funded by the Federal Government. This
includes any results published in peerreviewed scholarly publications that are
based on research that directly arises
from Federal funds. The required plan’s
objectives were developed with input
from the National Science and
Technology Council and public
consultation in compliance with the
America COMPETES Reauthorization
Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111–358).
The objective of this proposed rule is
to implement the recommendation to
DoD in the GAO report GAO–20–81.
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The legal basis for this proposed rule is
41 U.S.C. 1303.
Data was obtained on contracts that
include DFARS clause 252.235–7011,
Final Scientific or Technical Report.
This DFARS clause is required to be
included in solicitations and contracts
for research and development, which
includes fundamental research.
According to the Procurement Business
Intelligence Service in the last three
fiscal years, DoD awarded contracts
including this clause to unique small
entities as follows: 2,086 in fiscal year
(FY) 2021, 2,389 in FY 2022, and 1,799
in FY 2023, which averages out to 2,091
per FY. Therefore, the number of small
entities to which this proposed rule may
apply is approximately 2,091.
This proposed rule does not impose
any new reporting, recordkeeping, or
other compliance requirements for small
This proposed rule does not
duplicate, overlap, or conflict with any
other Federal rules.
There are no known alternatives that
would accomplish the stated objectives
of the applicable policy.
DoD invites comments from small
business concerns and other interested
parties on the expected impact of this
proposed rule on small entities.
DoD will also consider comments
from small entities concerning the
existing regulations in subparts affected
by this proposed rule in accordance
with 5 U.S.C. 610. Interested parties
must submit such comments separately
and should cite 5 U.S.C. 610 (DFARS
Case 2020–D028), in correspondence.
VII. Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed rule does not contain
any information collection requirements
that require the approval of the Office of
Management and Budget under the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
chapter 35).
List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 235 and
Government procurement.
Jennifer D. Johnson,
Editor/Publisher, Defense Acquisition
Regulations System.
Therefore, the Defense Acquisition
Regulations System proposes to amend
48 CFR parts 235 and 252 as follows:
■ 1. The authority citation for 48 CFR
parts 235 and 252 continues to read as
Authority: 41 U.S.C. 1303 and 48 CFR
chapter 1.
2. Amend section 235.001 by—
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a. Adding introductory text; and
b. Adding, in alphabetical order, the
definitions for ‘‘Data’’, ‘‘Data
management plan’’, ‘‘Fundamental
research’’, and ‘‘Peer-reviewed’’.
The additions read as follows:
As used in this subpart—
Data means the digitally recorded
factual material commonly accepted in
the scientific community as necessary to
validate research findings, including
data sets used to support scholarly
publications including publicly
releasable digital data, algorithms, or
other information central to the
conclusions of published peer-reviewed
scientific research.
Data management plan means a
document that describes which data
generated during performance of a
research and development contract will
be publicly shared and preserved and
how it will be accomplished, or a
justification of why such actions cannot
be accomplished.
Fundamental research means basic
and applied research in science and
engineering, the results of which
ordinarily are published and shared
broadly within the scientific
community, as distinguished from
proprietary research and from industrial
development, design, production, and
product utilization, the results of which
ordinarily are restricted for proprietary
or national security reasons. (Under
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition,
Technology, and Logistics (USD(AT&L))
memorandum on Fundamental
Research, dated May 24, 2010)
Peer-reviewed means a process that
subjects an author’s scholarly work,
research, or ideas to the scrutiny of
others who are experts in the same field
and is considered necessary to ensure
scientific quality.
■ 3. Add section 235.003 to read as
It is DoD policy that for DoD-funded
fundamental research (see 204.403(2)),
data management planning should be an
integral part of research planning. See
Department of Defense Instruction
3200.12, DoD Scientific and Technical
Information Program.
■ 4. Add section 235.010–70 to read as
Peer-reviewed manuscripts.
The contracting officer shall require
the contractor to submit peer-reviewed
manuscripts as required by the clause at
252.235–70XX, Peer-Reviewed
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 187 / Thursday, September 26, 2024 / Proposed Rules
5. Add section 235.011 to read as
(1) The contracting officer shall obtain
a data management plan from the
contractor at the start of the research
project as required by the clause at
252.235–70YY, Data Management Plan.
(2) The contracting officer shall
provide the contractor’s data
management plan to the program
manager for approval and notify the
contractor of such approval or
■ 6. Amend section 235.072 by adding
paragraphs (f) and (g) to read as follows:
Additional contract clauses.
(f) Use the clause at 252.235–70XX,
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts, in
solicitations and contracts for research
and development that include
fundamental research funded in whole
or in part by DoD.
(g) Use the clause at 252.235–70YY,
Data Management Plan, in solicitations
and contracts for research and
development that include fundamental
research funded in whole or in part by
7. Add sections 252.235–70XX and
252.235–70YY to read as follows:
As prescribed in 235.072(f), use the
following clause:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts (DATE)
(a) Definitions. As used in this clause—
Final peer-reviewed manuscript means an
author’s final manuscript of a peer-reviewed
paper accepted for journal publication,
including all modifications from the peerreview process and manuscripts jointly
authored with DoD personnel during the
period of performance of the fundamental
research contract. It does not include reports
required to be delivered under the terms of
the contract.
Peer-reviewed means a process that
subjects an author’s scholarly work, research,
or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are
experts in the same field and is considered
necessary to ensure scientific quality.
(b) Submission of final peer-reviewed
manuscript. When the final title and date of
publication of the author’s final peerreviewed manuscript are known, the
Contractor shall submit an electronic copy of
the manuscript to one of the following
Defense Technical Information Center
(1) Contractors with a common access card
(CAC), personal identity verification (PIV), or
external certification authority (ECA) shall
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submit to; or
(2) Contractors without a CAC, PIV, or ECA
shall submit to
(End of clause)
48 CFR Parts 212, 214, 215, and 252
[Docket DARS–2024–0028]
Data Management Plan.
As prescribed in 235.072(g), insert the
following clause:
Data Management Plan (DATE)
(a) Definitions. As used in this clause—
Data means the digitally recorded factual
material commonly accepted in the scientific
community as necessary to validate research
findings, including data sets used to support
scholarly publications including publicly
releasable digital data, algorithms, or other
information central to the conclusions of
published peer-reviewed scientific research.
Data management plan means a document
that describes which data generated during
performance of a research and development
contract will be publicly shared and
preserved and how it will be accomplished,
or a justification of why such actions cannot
be accomplished.
(b) Submission of data management plan.
Within 30 days of contract award, the
Contractor shall submit to the Contracting
Officer, with a copy to the Contracting
Officer’s Representative and the Program
Manager, a data management plan for
approval by the Program Manager. Generally,
the data management plan should not exceed
2 pages and should address elements relevant
to the research discipline for the following
areas (see DoD Instruction 3200.12):
(1) The types of data, software, and other
materials to be produced.
(2) How the data will be acquired.
(3) Time and location of data acquisition,
if scientifically pertinent.
(4) How the data will be processed.
(5) The file formats and the naming
conventions that will be used.
(6) A description of the quality assurance
and quality control measures during
collection, analysis, and processing.
(7) A description of dataset origin when
existing data resources are used.
(8) A description of the standards to be
used for data and metadata format and
(9) Appropriate timeframe for preservation.
(10) The plan may consider the balance
between the relative value of data
preservation and other factors such as the
associated cost and administrative burden.
The plan will provide a justification for such
(11) A statement that the data cannot be
made available to the public when there are
national security or controlled unclassified
information concerns.
(c) Implementation and maintenance of the
data management plan. The Contractor shall
implement and maintain the approved data
management plan throughout the
performance of the contract.
(End of clause)
[FR Doc. 2024–21097 Filed 9–25–24; 8:45 am]
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Defense Acquisition Regulations
RIN 0750–AL55
Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement: DoD Cost or
Pricing Data Requirements (DFARS
Case 2022–D004)
Defense Acquisition
Regulations System, Department of
Defense (DoD).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
DoD is proposing to amend
the Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to
implement sections of the National
Defense Authorization Acts for Fiscal
Years 2018, 2021, and 2022 that update
requirements for contractors to submit
cost or pricing data.
DATES: Comments on the proposed rule
should be submitted in writing to the
address shown below on or before
November 25, 2024, to be considered in
the formation of a final rule.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments
identified by DFARS Case 2022–D004,
using either of the following methods:
Æ Federal eRulemaking Portal: Search for
DFARS Case 2022–D004. Select
‘‘Comment’’ and follow the instructions
to submit a comment. Please include
‘‘DFARS Case 2022–D004’’ on any
attached documents.
Æ Email: Include
DFARS Case 2022–D004 in the subject
line of the message.
Comments received will generally be
posted without change to https://, including any
personal information provided. To
confirm receipt of your comment(s),
please check https://, approximately
two to three days after submission to
verify posting.
Jon Snyder, telephone 703–945–5341.
I. Background
DoD is proposing to revise the DFARS
to implement section 811(b) of the
National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 (Pub.
L. 115–91), section 814 of the NDAA for
FY 2021 (Pub. L. 116–283), and section
804 of the NDAA for FY 2022 (Pub. L.
117–81). Section 811(b) of the NDAA for
FY 2018 (10 U.S.C. 2306a(d), now 10
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 187 (Thursday, September 26, 2024)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 79003-79005]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-21097]
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 187 / Thursday, September 26, 2024 /
Proposed Rules
[[Page 79003]]
Defense Acquisition Regulations System
48 CFR Parts 235 and 252
[Docket DARS-2024-0027]
RIN 0750-AL43
Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Public Access
to Results of Federally Funded Research (2020-D028)
AGENCY: Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Department of Defense
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: DoD is proposing to amend the Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to implement a recommendation of the
Government Accountability Office regarding DoD-funded fundamental
DATES: Comments on the proposed rule should be submitted in writing to
the address shown below on or before November 25, 2024, to be
considered in the formation of a final rule.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments identified by DFARS Case 2020-D028, using
either of the following methods:
[cir] Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Search for DFARS Case 2020-D028. Select ``Comment'' and follow the
instructions to submit a comment. Please include ``DFARS Case 2020-
D028'' on any attached documents.
[cir] Email: [email protected]. Include DFARS Case 2020-D028 in
the subject line of the message.
Comments received generally will be posted without change to, including any personal information
provided. To confirm receipt of your comment(s), please check, approximately two to three days after submission
to verify posting.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Jon M. Snyder, telephone 703-945-
I. Background
DoD is proposing to revise the DFARS to implement a recommendation
made by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) in its report GAO-
20-81, Additional Actions Needed to Improve Public Access to Research
Results, published in November 2019. GAO reviewed the progress agencies
have made in implementing their plans to increase public access to
Federally funded research results (publications and data), as called
for in a 2013 Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
memorandum. In this report, GAO recommended that DoD take steps to
ensure appropriate agency-funded research data are readily findable and
accessible to the public.
The OSTP memorandum of February 22, 2013, entitled ``Increasing
Access to the Results of Federal Funded Scientific Research'', directed
that each Federal agency with over $100 million in annual research and
development expenditures develop a plan to support increased public
access to the results of research funded by the Federal Government.
This includes any results published in peer-reviewed scholarly
publications that are based on research that directly arises from
Federal funds. The required plan's objectives were developed with input
from the National Science and Technology Council and public
consultation in compliance with the America COMPETES Reauthorization
Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-358).
II. Discussion and Analysis
This rule proposes changes to DFARS part 235 and adds two clauses
that require contractors to submit final peer-reviewed manuscripts to
the Defense Technical Information Center's publicly accessible
repository and to develop and maintain a data management plan.
Definitions are proposed at DFARS 235.001 for ``data'', ``data
management plan'', ``fundamental research'', and ``peer-reviewed''. A
policy statement reflects that for DoD-funded fundamental research,
data management planning must be an integral part of research planning
as required by Department of Defense Instruction 3200.12, DoD
Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP). DFARS 235.011
provides guidance for the submission of peer-reviewed manuscripts and
development and submission of data management plans. Prescriptions are
added at DFARS 235.072 for the following new DFARS part 252 contract
clauses: (1) 252.235-70XX, Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts; and (2) 252.235-
70YY, Data Management Plan. The clauses apply to solicitations and
contracts that include fundamental research funded in whole or in part
by DoD.
III. Applicability to Contracts at or Below the Simplified Acquisition
Threshold (SAT), for Commercial Products (Including Commercially
Available Off-the-Shelf (COTS) Items), and for Commercial Services
This proposed rule proposes to create two new clauses: (1) DFARS
252.235-70XX, Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts; and (2) DFARS 252.235-70YY,
Data Management Plan. The clauses at DFARS 252.235-70XX and 252.235-
70YY are prescribed at DFARS 235.702 for use in research and
development solicitations and contracts that include fundamental
research funded in whole or in part by DoD. The clauses are applicable
to contracts at or below the SAT. The clauses are not applicable to
contracts for the acquisition of commercial products including COTS
items and for the acquisition of commercial services. Not applying the
clauses to contracts valued at or below the SAT would exclude contracts
intended to be covered by this proposed rule and undermine the
overarching purpose of the proposed rule, given GAO's recommendation
that DoD take steps to ensure appropriate agency-funded research data
are readily findable and accessible to the public.
IV. Expected Impact of the Rule
The Defense Technical Information Center is responsible for
collecting all scientific and technical reports. This proposed rule,
when finalized, will require contractors under research and development
contracts that include fundamental research, funded in whole or in part
by DoD, to submit the author's final peer-reviewed manuscript to one of
the Defense Technical Information Center's publicly accessible
Currently, a contractor's data management plan is not required for
research and development contracts. The proposed rule, when finalized,
will require contractors awarded research and development contracts to
implement and maintain a data management plan throughout the
performance of the contract.
This proposed rule will ensure the results of fundamental research,
funded in whole or in part by DoD, will be made as widely available as
permitted by law, regulation, or policy to ensure the accuracy,
validity, and reproducibility of the scientific results.
V. Executive Orders 12866 and 13563
Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866 and 13563 direct agencies to assess
all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory
[[Page 79004]]
approaches that maximize net benefits (including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety effects, distributive impacts,
and equity). E.O. 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both
costs and benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of
promoting flexibility. This is not a significant regulatory action and,
therefore, was not subject to review under section 6(b) of E.O. 12866,
Regulatory Planning and Review, as amended.
VI. Regulatory Flexibility Act
DoD does not expect this proposed rule, when finalized, to have a
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities
within the meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et
seq., because it is limited to contracts for DoD funded fundamental
research. However, an initial regulatory flexibility analysis has been
performed and is summarized as follows:
DoD is proposing to amend the Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (DFARS) to implement a recommendation made by the
Government Accountability Office (GAO) in Report GAO-20-81, Additional
Actions Needed to Improve Public Access to Research Results, published
in November 2019. GAO reviewed the progress agencies have made in
implementing their plans to increase public access to Federally funded
research results (publications and data), as called for in a 2013
Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) memorandum. In this
report, GAO recommended that DoD take steps to ensure appropriate
agency-funded research data are readily findable and accessible to the
The OSTP memorandum of February 22, 2013, entitled ``Increasing
Access to the Results of Federal Funded Scientific Research,'' directed
that each Federal agency with over $100 million in annual research and
development expenditures develop a plan to support increased public
access to the results of research funded by the Federal Government.
This includes any results published in peer-reviewed scholarly
publications that are based on research that directly arises from
Federal funds. The required plan's objectives were developed with input
from the National Science and Technology Council and public
consultation in compliance with the America COMPETES Reauthorization
Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-358).
The objective of this proposed rule is to implement the
recommendation to DoD in the GAO report GAO-20-81. The legal basis for
this proposed rule is 41 U.S.C. 1303.
Data was obtained on contracts that include DFARS clause 252.235-
7011, Final Scientific or Technical Report. This DFARS clause is
required to be included in solicitations and contracts for research and
development, which includes fundamental research. According to the
Procurement Business Intelligence Service in the last three fiscal
years, DoD awarded contracts including this clause to unique small
entities as follows: 2,086 in fiscal year (FY) 2021, 2,389 in FY 2022,
and 1,799 in FY 2023, which averages out to 2,091 per FY. Therefore,
the number of small entities to which this proposed rule may apply is
approximately 2,091.
This proposed rule does not impose any new reporting,
recordkeeping, or other compliance requirements for small entities.
This proposed rule does not duplicate, overlap, or conflict with
any other Federal rules.
There are no known alternatives that would accomplish the stated
objectives of the applicable policy.
DoD invites comments from small business concerns and other
interested parties on the expected impact of this proposed rule on
small entities.
DoD will also consider comments from small entities concerning the
existing regulations in subparts affected by this proposed rule in
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 610. Interested parties must submit such
comments separately and should cite 5 U.S.C. 610 (DFARS Case 2020-
D028), in correspondence.
VII. Paperwork Reduction Act
This proposed rule does not contain any information collection
requirements that require the approval of the Office of Management and
Budget under the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35).
List of Subjects in 48 CFR Parts 235 and 252
Government procurement.
Jennifer D. Johnson,
Editor/Publisher, Defense Acquisition Regulations System.
Therefore, the Defense Acquisition Regulations System proposes to
amend 48 CFR parts 235 and 252 as follows:
1. The authority citation for 48 CFR parts 235 and 252 continues to
read as follows:
Authority: 41 U.S.C. 1303 and 48 CFR chapter 1.
2. Amend section 235.001 by--
a. Adding introductory text; and
b. Adding, in alphabetical order, the definitions for ``Data'', ``Data
management plan'', ``Fundamental research'', and ``Peer-reviewed''.
The additions read as follows:
235.001 Definitions.
As used in this subpart--
Data means the digitally recorded factual material commonly
accepted in the scientific community as necessary to validate research
findings, including data sets used to support scholarly publications
including publicly releasable digital data, algorithms, or other
information central to the conclusions of published peer-reviewed
scientific research.
Data management plan means a document that describes which data
generated during performance of a research and development contract
will be publicly shared and preserved and how it will be accomplished,
or a justification of why such actions cannot be accomplished.
Fundamental research means basic and applied research in science
and engineering, the results of which ordinarily are published and
shared broadly within the scientific community, as distinguished from
proprietary research and from industrial development, design,
production, and product utilization, the results of which ordinarily
are restricted for proprietary or national security reasons. (Under
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
(USD(AT&L)) memorandum on Fundamental Research, dated May 24, 2010)
Peer-reviewed means a process that subjects an author's scholarly
work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are experts in
the same field and is considered necessary to ensure scientific
* * * * *
3. Add section 235.003 to read as follows:
235.003 Policy.
It is DoD policy that for DoD-funded fundamental research (see
204.403(2)), data management planning should be an integral part of
research planning. See Department of Defense Instruction 3200.12, DoD
Scientific and Technical Information Program.
4. Add section 235.010-70 to read as follows:
235.010-70 Peer-reviewed manuscripts.
The contracting officer shall require the contractor to submit
peer-reviewed manuscripts as required by the clause at 252.235-70XX,
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts.
[[Page 79005]]
5. Add section 235.011 to read as follows:
235.011 Data.
(1) The contracting officer shall obtain a data management plan
from the contractor at the start of the research project as required by
the clause at 252.235-70YY, Data Management Plan.
(2) The contracting officer shall provide the contractor's data
management plan to the program manager for approval and notify the
contractor of such approval or disapproval.
6. Amend section 235.072 by adding paragraphs (f) and (g) to read as
235.072 Additional contract clauses.
* * * * *
(f) Use the clause at 252.235-70XX, Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts, in
solicitations and contracts for research and development that include
fundamental research funded in whole or in part by DoD.
(g) Use the clause at 252.235-70YY, Data Management Plan, in
solicitations and contracts for research and development that include
fundamental research funded in whole or in part by DoD.
7. Add sections 252.235-70XX and 252.235-70YY to read as follows:
252.235-70XX Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts.
As prescribed in 235.072(f), use the following clause:
Peer-Reviewed Manuscripts (DATE)
(a) Definitions. As used in this clause--
Final peer-reviewed manuscript means an author's final
manuscript of a peer-reviewed paper accepted for journal
publication, including all modifications from the peer-review
process and manuscripts jointly authored with DoD personnel during
the period of performance of the fundamental research contract. It
does not include reports required to be delivered under the terms of
the contract.
Peer-reviewed means a process that subjects an author's
scholarly work, research, or ideas to the scrutiny of others who are
experts in the same field and is considered necessary to ensure
scientific quality.
(b) Submission of final peer-reviewed manuscript. When the final
title and date of publication of the author's final peer-reviewed
manuscript are known, the Contractor shall submit an electronic copy
of the manuscript to one of the following Defense Technical
Information Center repositories:
(1) Contractors with a common access card (CAC), personal
identity verification (PIV), or external certification authority
(ECA) shall submit to;
(2) Contractors without a CAC, PIV, or ECA shall submit to
(End of clause)
252.235-70YY Data Management Plan.
As prescribed in 235.072(g), insert the following clause:
Data Management Plan (DATE)
(a) Definitions. As used in this clause--
Data means the digitally recorded factual material commonly
accepted in the scientific community as necessary to validate
research findings, including data sets used to support scholarly
publications including publicly releasable digital data, algorithms,
or other information central to the conclusions of published peer-
reviewed scientific research.
Data management plan means a document that describes which data
generated during performance of a research and development contract
will be publicly shared and preserved and how it will be
accomplished, or a justification of why such actions cannot be
(b) Submission of data management plan. Within 30 days of
contract award, the Contractor shall submit to the Contracting
Officer, with a copy to the Contracting Officer's Representative and
the Program Manager, a data management plan for approval by the
Program Manager. Generally, the data management plan should not
exceed 2 pages and should address elements relevant to the research
discipline for the following areas (see DoD Instruction 3200.12):
(1) The types of data, software, and other materials to be
(2) How the data will be acquired.
(3) Time and location of data acquisition, if scientifically
(4) How the data will be processed.
(5) The file formats and the naming conventions that will be
(6) A description of the quality assurance and quality control
measures during collection, analysis, and processing.
(7) A description of dataset origin when existing data resources
are used.
(8) A description of the standards to be used for data and
metadata format and content.
(9) Appropriate timeframe for preservation.
(10) The plan may consider the balance between the relative
value of data preservation and other factors such as the associated
cost and administrative burden. The plan will provide a
justification for such decisions.
(11) A statement that the data cannot be made available to the
public when there are national security or controlled unclassified
information concerns.
(c) Implementation and maintenance of the data management plan.
The Contractor shall implement and maintain the approved data
management plan throughout the performance of the contract.
(End of clause)
[FR Doc. 2024-21097 Filed 9-25-24; 8:45 am]