Advanced Research Projects Agency-Infrastructure; Request for Information, 77236-77237 [2024-21512]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 183 / Friday, September 20, 2024 / Notices
collect and submit the reports to
NHTSA and the labor hours and
associated labor costs for computer
Public Comments Invited: You are
asked to comment on any aspects of this
information collection, including (a)
whether the proposed collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Department, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the Department’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
information collection; (c) ways to
enhance the quality, utility and clarity
of the information to be collected; and
(d) ways to minimize the burden of the
collection of information on
respondents, including the use of
automated collection techniques or
other forms of information technology.
Authority: The Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995; 44 U.S.C. chapter 35, as
amended; 49 CFR 1.49; and DOT Order
Eileen Sullivan,
Associate Administrator, Enforcement.
[FR Doc. 2024–21509 Filed 9–19–24; 8:45 am]
[Docket No. DOT–OST–2024–0104]
Advanced Research Projects Agency—
Infrastructure; Request for Information
Department of Transportation
ACTION: Notice; request for information
The U.S. Department of
Transportation’s (U.S. DOT) Advanced
Research Projects Agency—
Infrastructure (ARPA–I) is seeking
statements of qualifications from
eligible entities, defined by the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024
as ‘‘an accredited university of higher
education in the northeast United States
that has experience leading a regional
university transportation center [defined
as a current or past U.S. DOT-funded
Regional University Transportation
Center (UTC) grantee] and a proven
record of developing, patenting,
deploying, and commercializing
innovative composite materials and
technologies for bridge and other
transportation applications, as well as
conducting research and developing
prototypes using very large-scale
polymer-based additive manufacturing’’.
The purpose of this Request for
Information (RFI) is for the U.S. DOT to
determine the eligibility of entities
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seeking to perform research,
development, and demonstration tasks
on durability, resiliency, and
sustainability of bridges and other
infrastructure to be funded by ARPA–I
as stated in the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024. This request
for information is not a request for
proposals or a notice of funding
opportunity. Subsequent to this RFI,
ARPA–I intends to develop a
Cooperative Agreement with a single
institution of higher education if only
one respondent is found to be eligible,
or to issue a subsequent Request for
Proposals to the multiple eligible
institutions of higher education
identified. Respondents are required to
meet the legislative requirements
detailed in the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024.
DATES: Written submissions must be
received by October 21, 2024.
Submission Instructions: Responses
should be submitted electronically as a
Microsoft Word document, not to
exceed 15 single-sided pages in length,
and 15 MB in file size. Recommended
format for responses includes Times
New Roman 12-point font and 1 inch
page margins. Responses should be
emailed to (with the
Subject Line of ‘‘ARPA–I RFI Response
questions about this RFI, please email You may also contact
Mr. Timothy A. Klein, Director,
Technology Policy and Outreach, Office
of the Assistant Secretary for Research
and Technology (202–366–0075), U.S.
DOT or by email at timothy.klein@
seeks information that will assist
ARPA–I in carrying out its research and
development funding responsibilities as
set forth in the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 (Pub. L. 118–
42; Division F, Title I; March 9, 2024)
and authorized under 49 U.S.C. 119,
‘‘Advanced Research Projects Agency—
About ARPA–I
The Advanced Research Projects
Agency—Infrastructure (ARPA–I) is an
agency within U.S. DOT (see https:// that
Congress established ‘‘to support the
development of science and technology
solutions that overcomes long-term
challenges and advances the state of the
art for United States transportation
infrastructure.’’ (49 U.S.C. 119(b)).
ARPA–I is modeled after the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) within the U.S. Department of
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Defense and the Advanced Research
Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA–E)
within the U.S. Department of Energy.
ARPA–I offers a once-in-a-generation
opportunity to improve our nation’s
transportation infrastructure, both
physical and digital, and supports
DOT’s strategic goals of Safety,
Economic Strength and Global
Competitiveness, Equity, Climate and
Sustainability, and Transformation.
ARPA–I focuses on developing and
implementing technologies, rather than
developing policies and processes or
providing regulatory support. ARPA–I
has a single overarching goal and focus:
to fund external innovative advanced
research and development (R&D)
programs that develop innovative
technologies, systems, and capabilities
to improve transportation infrastructure
in the United States.
The aims of ARPA–I include
‘‘lowering the long-term costs of
infrastructure development, including
costs of planning, construction, and
maintenance; reducing the lifecycle
impacts of transportation infrastructure
on the environment, including through
the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions; contributing significantly to
improving the safe, secure, and efficient
movement of goods and people;
promoting the resilience of
infrastructure from physical and cyber
threats; and ensuring that the United
States is a global leader in developing
and deploying advanced transportation
infrastructure technologies and
materials.’’ (49 U.S.C. 119(c)(1)).
Funding the development and use of
advanced infrastructure technologies to
address these challenges is expected to
be a key future activity of ARPA–I.
ARPA–I FY 2024 Budget and Activities
The Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2024 (Pub. L. 118–42; Division F, Title
I; March 9, 2024) directed that
‘‘$10,000,000 shall be for necessary
expenses of the Advanced Research
Projects Agency—Infrastructure (ARPA–
I) as authorized by section 119 of title
49, United States Code: provided
further, that within the funds made
available under the preceding proviso,
not less than $8,000,000 shall be
available for research on durability,
resiliency, and sustainability of bridges
and other infrastructure and shall be
directed to an accredited university of
higher education in the northeast
United States that has experience
leading a regional university
transportation center [defined as a
current or past U.S. DOT-funded
Regional University Transportation
Center (UTC) grantee selected under 49
U.S.C. 5505] and a proven record of
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 183 / Friday, September 20, 2024 / Notices
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
developing, patenting, deploying, and
commercializing innovative composite
materials and technologies for bridge
and other transportation applications, as
well as conducting research and
developing prototypes using very largescale polymer-based additive
Specific Information Required
This RFI seeks information from
respondents that will assist ARPA–I and
the U.S. Department of Transportation
in carrying out their responsibilities
under Public Law 118–42. This RFI is
not a request for proposals or a notice
of funding opportunity. ARPA–I and the
U.S. Department of Transportation are
seeking responses only from
respondents that meet the criteria
presented in the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 (Pub. L. 118–
42; Division F, Title I; March 9, 2024)
as quoted above.
Respondents are requested to supply
the following information at a minimum
in their written response (statement of
A. Name of the responding entity
B. Respondent’s physical address,
SAM number, and Census tract.
C. Respondent’s Business Contact
information, including that individual’s
title, name, address, telephone number
and email address.
D. Respondent’s Research Contact
information, including that individual’s
title, name, address, telephone number
and email address.
E. Confirmation through the provision
of supporting details that the
respondent is ‘‘an accredited university
of higher education in the northeast
United States that has experience
leading a regional university
transportation center’’ [defined as a
current or past U.S. DOT-funded
Regional University Transportation
Center (UTC) grantee selected under 49
U.S.C. 5505].
F. Confirmation through the provision
of supporting details that the
respondent has ‘‘a proven record of
developing, patenting, deploying, and
commercializing innovative composite
materials and technologies for bridge
and other transportation applications’’.
G. Confirmation through the provision
of supporting details that the
respondent has a proven record of
‘‘conducting research and developing
prototypes using very large-scale
polymer-based additive manufacturing’’.
H. A description of the respondent’s
research and development (R&D)
experience in developing innovative
science and technology solutions in the
‘‘durability, resiliency, and
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sustainability of bridges and other
Confidential Business Information
Do not submit information disclosure
of which is restricted by statute, such as
trade secrets and commercial or
financial information (hereinafter
referred to as Confidential Business
Information ‘‘CBI’’) to ARPA–I.
Responses submitted to ARPA–I cannot
be claimed as CBI. Responses received
by ARPA–I will waive any CBI claims
for the information submitted.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September
16, 2024.
Robert C. Hampshire,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for
Research and Technology.
[FR Doc. 2024–21512 Filed 9–19–24; 8:45 am]
Office of Foreign Assets Control
Notice of OFAC Sanctions Action
Office of Foreign Assets
Control, Treasury.
ACTION: Notice.
The U.S. Department of the
Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets
Control (OFAC) is publishing the names
of five individuals and one entity that
have been placed on OFAC’s Specially
Designated Nationals and Blocked
Persons List based on OFAC’s
determination that one or more
applicable legal criteria were satisfied.
All property and interests in property
subject to U.S. jurisdiction of the
individuals and entity are blocked, and
U.S. persons are generally prohibited
from engaging in transactions with
section for applicable date(s).
OFAC: Lisa M. Palluconi, Acting
Director, tel.: 202–622–2490; Associate
Director for Global Targeting, tel.: 202–
622–2420; Assistant Director for
Licensing, tel.: 202–622–2480; Assistant
Director for Regulatory Affairs, tel.: 202–
622–4855; or the Assistant Director for
Compliance, tel.: 202–622–2490.
Electronic Availability
The Specially Designated Nationals
and Blocked Persons List and additional
information concerning OFAC sanctions
programs are available on OFAC’s
website (
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Notice of OFAC Action
On September 16, 2024, OFAC
determined that the property and
interests in property subject to U.S.
jurisdiction of the following individuals
and entity are blocked under the
relevant sanctions authorities listed
1. ARTEMIOU, Artemis, CY–3046
Limassol, Patmou, Zakaki 11A, Cyprus;
Hungary; DOB 15 Dec 1979; nationality
Cyprus; Gender Female (individual)
Designated pursuant to section 1(a)(ii) of
Executive Order 13694 of April 1, 2015,
‘‘Blocking the Property of Certain Persons
Engaging in Significant Malicious CyberEnabled Activities,’’ 80 FR 18077, 3 CFR,
2015 Comp., p. 297, as amended by
Executive Order 13757 of December 28, 2016,
‘‘Taking Additional Steps to Address the
National Emergency With Respect to
Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled
Activities,’’ 82 FR 1, 3 CFR., 2016 Comp., p.
659 (‘‘E.O. 13694, as amended’’), for being
responsible for or complicit in, or having
engaged in, directly or indirectly, cyberenabled activities originating from, or
directed by persons located, in whole or in
substantial part, outside the United States
that are reasonably likely to result in, or have
materially contributed to, a significant threat
to the national security, foreign policy, or
economic health or financial stability of the
United States and that have the purpose or
effect of causing a significant
misappropriation of funds or economic
resources, trade secrets, personal identifiers,
or financial information for commercial or
competitive advantage or private financial
2. BITZIOS, Felix, Valaoritou 9, Filothei,
Attica 15237, Greece; DOB 01 May 1974; POB
Athens, Greece; nationality Greece; Gender
Male; Passport AT1170869 (Greece); National
ID No. AA026331 (Greece) (individual)
Designated pursuant to section 1(a)(ii) of
E.O. 13694, as amended, for being
responsible for or complicit in, or having
engaged in, directly or indirectly, cyberenabled activities originating from, or
directed by persons located, in whole or in
substantial part, outside the United States
that are reasonably likely to result in, or have
materially contributed to, a significant threat
to the national security, foreign policy, or
economic health or financial stability of the
United States and that have the purpose or
effect of causing a significant
misappropriation of funds or economic
resources, trade secrets, personal identifiers,
or financial information for commercial or
competitive advantage or private financial
3. GAMBAZZI, Andrea Nicola Costantino
Hermes, United Arab Emirates; 6 King Street,
Frome, England BA11 1BH, United Kingdom;
DOB 06 Dec 1967; POB Lugano, Switzerland;
nationality Switzerland; Gender Male;
Passport X4320258 (Switzerland)
(individual) [CYBER2].
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 183 (Friday, September 20, 2024)]
[Pages 77236-77237]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-21512]
[Docket No. DOT-OST-2024-0104]
Advanced Research Projects Agency--Infrastructure; Request for
AGENCY: Department of Transportation (DOT).
ACTION: Notice; request for information (RFI).
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Transportation's (U.S. DOT) Advanced
Research Projects Agency--Infrastructure (ARPA-I) is seeking statements
of qualifications from eligible entities, defined by the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 as ``an accredited university of higher
education in the northeast United States that has experience leading a
regional university transportation center [defined as a current or past
U.S. DOT-funded Regional University Transportation Center (UTC)
grantee] and a proven record of developing, patenting, deploying, and
commercializing innovative composite materials and technologies for
bridge and other transportation applications, as well as conducting
research and developing prototypes using very large-scale polymer-based
additive manufacturing''. The purpose of this Request for Information
(RFI) is for the U.S. DOT to determine the eligibility of entities
seeking to perform research, development, and demonstration tasks on
durability, resiliency, and sustainability of bridges and other
infrastructure to be funded by ARPA-I as stated in the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024. This request for information is not a request
for proposals or a notice of funding opportunity. Subsequent to this
RFI, ARPA-I intends to develop a Cooperative Agreement with a single
institution of higher education if only one respondent is found to be
eligible, or to issue a subsequent Request for Proposals to the
multiple eligible institutions of higher education identified.
Respondents are required to meet the legislative requirements detailed
in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024.
DATES: Written submissions must be received by October 21, 2024.
Submission Instructions: Responses should be submitted
electronically as a Microsoft Word document, not to exceed 15 single-
sided pages in length, and 15 MB in file size. Recommended format for
responses includes Times New Roman 12-point font and 1 inch page
margins. Responses should be emailed to [email protected] (with the
Subject Line of ``ARPA-I RFI Response ''.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions about this RFI, please
email [email protected]. You may also contact Mr. Timothy A. Klein,
Director, Technology Policy and Outreach, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Research and Technology (202-366-0075), U.S. DOT or by
email at [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This RFI seeks information that will assist
ARPA-I in carrying out its research and development funding
responsibilities as set forth in the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2024 (Pub. L. 118-42; Division F, Title I; March 9, 2024) and
authorized under 49 U.S.C. 119, ``Advanced Research Projects Agency--
About ARPA-I
The Advanced Research Projects Agency--Infrastructure (ARPA-I) is
an agency within U.S. DOT (see
that Congress established ``to support the development of science and
technology solutions that overcomes long-term challenges and advances
the state of the art for United States transportation infrastructure.''
(49 U.S.C. 119(b)). ARPA-I is modeled after the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) within the U.S. Department of Defense
and the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) within the
U.S. Department of Energy. ARPA-I offers a once-in-a-generation
opportunity to improve our nation's transportation infrastructure, both
physical and digital, and supports DOT's strategic goals of Safety,
Economic Strength and Global Competitiveness, Equity, Climate and
Sustainability, and Transformation. ARPA-I focuses on developing and
implementing technologies, rather than developing policies and
processes or providing regulatory support. ARPA-I has a single
overarching goal and focus: to fund external innovative advanced
research and development (R&D) programs that develop innovative
technologies, systems, and capabilities to improve transportation
infrastructure in the United States.
The aims of ARPA-I include ``lowering the long-term costs of
infrastructure development, including costs of planning, construction,
and maintenance; reducing the lifecycle impacts of transportation
infrastructure on the environment, including through the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions; contributing significantly to improving the
safe, secure, and efficient movement of goods and people; promoting the
resilience of infrastructure from physical and cyber threats; and
ensuring that the United States is a global leader in developing and
deploying advanced transportation infrastructure technologies and
materials.'' (49 U.S.C. 119(c)(1)). Funding the development and use of
advanced infrastructure technologies to address these challenges is
expected to be a key future activity of ARPA-I.
ARPA-I FY 2024 Budget and Activities
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (Pub. L. 118-42; Division
F, Title I; March 9, 2024) directed that ``$10,000,000 shall be for
necessary expenses of the Advanced Research Projects Agency--
Infrastructure (ARPA-I) as authorized by section 119 of title 49,
United States Code: provided further, that within the funds made
available under the preceding proviso, not less than $8,000,000 shall
be available for research on durability, resiliency, and sustainability
of bridges and other infrastructure and shall be directed to an
accredited university of higher education in the northeast United
States that has experience leading a regional university transportation
center [defined as a current or past U.S. DOT-funded Regional
University Transportation Center (UTC) grantee selected under 49 U.S.C.
5505] and a proven record of
[[Page 77237]]
developing, patenting, deploying, and commercializing innovative
composite materials and technologies for bridge and other
transportation applications, as well as conducting research and
developing prototypes using very large-scale polymer-based additive
Specific Information Required
This RFI seeks information from respondents that will assist ARPA-I
and the U.S. Department of Transportation in carrying out their
responsibilities under Public Law 118-42. This RFI is not a request for
proposals or a notice of funding opportunity. ARPA-I and the U.S.
Department of Transportation are seeking responses only from
respondents that meet the criteria presented in the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 (Pub. L. 118-42; Division F, Title I; March 9,
2024) as quoted above.
Respondents are requested to supply the following information at a
minimum in their written response (statement of qualifications):
A. Name of the responding entity (``respondent'').
B. Respondent's physical address, SAM number, and Census tract.
C. Respondent's Business Contact information, including that
individual's title, name, address, telephone number and email address.
D. Respondent's Research Contact information, including that
individual's title, name, address, telephone number and email address.
E. Confirmation through the provision of supporting details that
the respondent is ``an accredited university of higher education in the
northeast United States that has experience leading a regional
university transportation center'' [defined as a current or past U.S.
DOT-funded Regional University Transportation Center (UTC) grantee
selected under 49 U.S.C. 5505].
F. Confirmation through the provision of supporting details that
the respondent has ``a proven record of developing, patenting,
deploying, and commercializing innovative composite materials and
technologies for bridge and other transportation applications''.
G. Confirmation through the provision of supporting details that
the respondent has a proven record of ``conducting research and
developing prototypes using very large-scale polymer-based additive
H. A description of the respondent's research and development (R&D)
experience in developing innovative science and technology solutions in
the ``durability, resiliency, and sustainability of bridges and other
Confidential Business Information
Do not submit information disclosure of which is restricted by
statute, such as trade secrets and commercial or financial information
(hereinafter referred to as Confidential Business Information ``CBI'')
to ARPA-I. Responses submitted to ARPA-I cannot be claimed as CBI.
Responses received by ARPA-I will waive any CBI claims for the
information submitted.
Issued in Washington, DC, on September 16, 2024.
Robert C. Hampshire,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology.
[FR Doc. 2024-21512 Filed 9-19-24; 8:45 am]