Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P.; Notice of Application Tendered for Filing With the Commission and Establishing Procedural Schedule for Licensing and Deadline for Submission of Final Amendments, 77134-77136 [2024-21484]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 183 / Friday, September 20, 2024 / Notices
to continue project operations until the
Commission issues someone else a
license for the project or otherwise
orders disposition of the project.
If the project is subject to section 15
of the FPA, notice is hereby given that
an annual license for Project No. 2347
is issued to Midwest Hydro, LLC for a
period effective September 1, 2024,
through August 31, 2025, or until the
issuance of a new license for the project
or other disposition under the FPA,
whichever comes first.
If issuance of a new license (or other
disposition) does not take place on or
before August 31, 2025, notice is hereby
given that, pursuant to 18 CFR 16.18(c),
an annual license under section 15(a)(1)
of the FPA is renewed automatically
without further order or notice by the
Commission, unless the Commission
orders otherwise.
If the project is not subject to section
15 of the FPA, notice is hereby given
that Midwest Hydro, LLC is authorized
to continue operation of the Janesville
Central Hydroelectric Project under the
terms and conditions of the prior license
until the issuance of a subsequent
license for the project or other
disposition under the FPA, whichever
comes first.
Dated: September 13, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024–21478 Filed 9–19–24; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 2569–169]
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P.;
Notice of Application Tendered for
Filing With the Commission and
Establishing Procedural Schedule for
Licensing and Deadline for
Submission of Final Amendments
Take notice that the following
hydroelectric application has been filed
with the Commission and is available
for public inspection.
a. Type of Application: New Major
b. Project No.: 2569–169.
c. Date Filed: August 30, 2024.
d. Applicant: Erie Boulevard
Hydropower, L.P. (Erie).
e. Name of Project: Black River
Hydroelectric Project (project).
f. Location: On the Black River in
Jefferson County, New York.
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power
Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)–825(r).
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h. Applicant Contact: Mr. Steven P.
Murphy, Director—U.S. Licensing,
Brookfield Renewable, 33 West 1st
Street South, Fulton, NY 13069;
telephone at (315) 598–6130; email at
i. FERC Contact: Nicholas Ettema,
Project Coordinator, Great Lakes Branch,
Division of Hydropower Licensing;
telephone at (312) 596–4447; email at
j. The application is not ready for
environmental analysis at this time.
k. Project Description: The project
consists of the following five
developments from upstream to
downstream: the 5.0625-megawatt (MW)
Herrings Development, the 10.8–MW
Deferiet Development, the 5.4–MW
Kamargo Development, the 6–MW Black
River Development, and the 1.875–MW
Sewalls Development.
Project Facilities
Herrings Development
The Herrings Development consists of
a concrete dam (Herrings Dam) that
includes the following sections: (1) a
536-foot-long section that includes a
512-foot-long ogee spillway with 1-foothigh flashboards that have a crest
elevation of 680.1 feet North American
Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) and
a 9-foot-long stoplog gate; and (2) a 137foot-long, 33-foot-wide powerhouse that
includes: (a) a 110-foot-long intake
structure with nine sluice gates, a
skimmer equipped with a stoplog gate,
and a trashrack with 2-inch clear bar
spacing; and (b) three 1.6875–MW
vertical propeller turbine-generators, for
a total installed capacity of 5.0625–MW.
The dam creates an impoundment that
has a surface area of 140 acres at 680.1
feet NAVD 88. From the impoundment,
water flows through the powerhouse to
an approximately 110-foot-long tailrace.
The project recreation facilities
include: (1) a hand-carry boat access site
on the north shoreline of the
impoundment, approximately 300 feet
upstream of the dam, including a picnic
area and parking area; (2) an 800-footlong portage trail that extends from the
hand-carry boat access area to a put-in
site on the north shoreline of the Black
River, 140 feet downstream of the
powerhouse; (3) a fishing access area on
the north shoreline of the
impoundment, approximately 100 feet
upstream of the dam; and (4) a fishing
access area on the north shoreline of the
Black River, which is co-located with
the boat put-in site downstream of the
The generators are connected to the
regional electric grid by two 100-foot-
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long, 2.3-kilovolt (kV) overhead
generator lead lines and a 2.3/23-kV
step-up transformer. The minimum and
maximum hydraulic capacities of the
powerhouse are 220 and 3,435 cfs,
respectively. The average annual energy
production of the development from
2010 through 2020, was 55,708
megawatt-hours (MWh).
Deferiet Development
The Deferiet Development consists of
a concrete dam (Deferiet Dam) that
includes the following sections: (1) a
503.9-foot-long spillway with a 3-foothigh inflatable rubber crest gate with a
maximum crest elevation of 659.53 feet
NAVD 88; (2) a 192-foot-long section
with eleven 14-foot-long stoplog gates;
(3) a 52.3-foot-long non-overflow
section; and (4) a headgate structure
with ten sluice gates. The dam creates
an impoundment that has a surface area
of 70 acres at 659.53 feet NAVD 88.
From the impoundment, water flows
through the headgate structure to a
4,200-foot-long power canal. From the
power canal, water enters a 145.4-footlong, 92.5-foot-wide powerhouse that
includes: (1) a 107.8-foot-long intake
structure that includes three sluice gates
and a trashrack with 2-inch clear bar
spacing; and (2) three 3.6-MW vertical
Francis turbine-generators, for a total
installed capacity of 10.8 MW. Water is
discharged from the powerhouse to an
approximately 1,400-foot-long tailrace.
The development creates an
approximately 1.73-mile-long bypassed
reach of the Black River.
The development also includes a
stoplog gate adjacent to the intake
structure that conveys water to an ice
chute that discharges downstream of the
The project recreation facilities
include: (1) a hand-carry boat access site
and parking area immediately east of the
headgate structure; (2) a hand-carry boat
portage route with a take-out site at the
hand-carry boat access site, a 960-footlong portage trail, and a put-in site on
the north shoreline of the Black River,
approximately 200 feet downstream of
the dam; (3) a boat access site and
parking area on the shoreline of an
island, at the confluence of the tailrace
and bypassed reach; (4) a hand-carry
boat access site on the south shoreline
of the impoundment, approximately 0.5
mile upstream of the dam, that includes
a 170-foot-long access path and parking
area; and (5) a 0.68-mile-long hiking
trail that follows the northern shoreline
of the Black River downstream of the
The generators are connected to the
regional electric grid by three 65-footlong, 2.3-kV overhead generator lead
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 183 / Friday, September 20, 2024 / Notices
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
lines and a 2.3/23-kV step-up
transformer. The minimum and
maximum hydraulic capacities of the
powerhouse are 85 and 571 cfs,
respectively. The average annual energy
production of the development from
2010 through 2020, was 32,298 MWh.
Kamargo Development
The Kamargo Development consists of
a concrete dam (Kamargo Dam) that
includes the following sections: (1) a
188-foot-long headgate structure that
includes a 131.7-foot-long section with
fourteen 8-foot-long sluice gates; (2) a
168-foot-long non-overflow section; and
(3) a 718-foot-long section that includes
a 647-foot-long ogee spillway with 2foot-high flashboards that have a crest
elevation of 565.48 feet NAVD 88 and a
5.7-foot-long notch. The dam creates an
impoundment that has a surface area of
40 acres at 565.48 feet NAVD 88.
From the impoundment, water flows
through the headgate structure to a
3,850-foot-long power canal with an
approximately 700-foot-long section that
includes: (1) a bulkhead with
flashboards that have a crest elevation of
565.48 feet NAVD 88; (2) a 190-foot-long
section with a crest elevation of 566.68
NAVD 88 (3) a 230-foot-long section
with 1-foot-high flashboards that have a
crest elevation of 565.48 feet NAVD 88;
and (4) a 160.8-foot-long ogee spillway
with twelve stoplog gates. From the
power canal, water enters a 97.5-footlong, 37-foot-wide powerhouse that
includes: (1) a 66-foot-long intake
structure with nine sluice gates and a
trashrack with 2-inch clear bar spacing;
and (2) three 1.8-MW vertical Francis
turbine-generators, for a total installed
capacity of 5.4 MW. Water is discharged
from the powerhouse to an
approximately 385-foot-long tailrace.
The development creates an
approximately 0.69-mile-long bypassed
reach of the Black River.
The project includes the Poors Island
Recreation Area that includes two
portage trails, fishing access areas, a
picnic area, a bicycle rack, a hiking trail,
and parking area.
The generators are connected to the
regional electric grid by four 25-footlong, 2.3-kV underground generator lead
lines and a 2.3/23-kV step-up
transformer. The minimum and
maximum hydraulic capacities of the
powerhouse are 450 and 3,300 cfs,
respectively. The average annual energy
production of the development from
2010 through 2020, was 21,512 MWh.
Black River Development
The Black River Development consists
of a dam (Black River Dam) that
includes the following sections: (1) a 30-
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foot-long retaining wall; (2) a 36.5-footlong non-overflow section with two
sluice gates; (3) a 296-foot-long section
that includes a 291-foot-long ogee
spillway with 2-foot-high flashboards
that have a crest elevation of 535.68 feet
NAVD 88, a notch and a 5-foot-long
stoplog gate; and (4) a 99.6-foot-long
headgate structure that includes a 79.6foot-long section with twelve sluice
gates. The dam creates an impoundment
that has a surface area of 25 acres at
535.68 feet NAVD 88.
From the impoundment, water flows
through the headgate structure to a
2,250-foot-long power canal that
includes: (1) a 250-foot-long waste weir
with a crest elevation of 537.68 NAVD
88; and (2) a 134-foot-long waste weir
with 2-foot-high flashboards and a lowlevel outlet gate. From the power canal,
water enters a 117.8-foot-long, 66.3-footwide powerhouse that includes: (1) an
81.8-foot-long intake structure that
includes nine sluice gates, a skimmer
equipped with two sluice gates, and a
trashrack with 2-inch clear bar spacing;
(2) three 2-MW vertical Francis turbinegenerators, for a total installed capacity
of 6 MW. Water is discharged from the
powerhouse to an approximately 100foot-long tailrace. The development
creates an approximately 0.6-mile-long
bypassed reach of the Black River.
The project recreation facilities
include: (1) a parking area, picnic area,
and fishing platform, referred to as the
‘‘Stone Drive Recreation Area,’’ located
on the north shoreline of the
impoundment, approximately 110 feet
upstream of the dam; (2) a hand-carry
boat portage route with an
impoundment take-out site at the Stone
Drive Recreation Area, a 0.3-mile-long
portage trail, and a put-in site on the
east shoreline of the Black River,
approximately 550 feet downstream of
the dam; and (3) a picnic and parking
area located approximately 500 feet
southeast of the dam.
The generators are connected to the
regional electric grid by two 95-footlong, 2.3-kV underground generator lead
lines and a 2.3/23-kV step-up
transformer. The minimum and
maximum hydraulic capacities of the
powerhouse are 220 and 3,210 cfs,
respectively. The average annual energy
production of the development from
2010 through 2020, was 32,692 MWh.
Sewalls Development
The Sewalls Development consists of
a concrete dam (Sewalls Dam) that
includes the following sections: (1) a
south dam section that includes: (a) a
243-foot-long ogee spillway with a crest
elevation of 463.73 feet NAVD 88; (b) an
18-foot-long section with two 7.5-foot-
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long stoplog gates; and (c) a 47.5-footlong headgate structure two 15-foot-long
sluice gates; and (2) a north dam section
that includes a 95.9-foot-long spillway
with a crest elevation of 463.73 feet
NAVD 88 and a 3.61-foot-long notch.
The dam creates an impoundment that
has a surface area of 4 acres at 463.73
feet NAVD 88.
From the impoundment, water flows
through the sluice gates of the headgate
structure to a 400-foot-long power canal
that includes 2-foot-high flashboards
along its entire length, a sluice gate, and
a low-level outlet gate. From the power
canal, water enters a 81-foot-long, 32foot-wide powerhouse that includes: (1)
a 69-foot-long intake structure with four
sluice gates and a trashrack with 2-inch
clear bar spacing; and (2) two 0.9375MW vertical propeller turbinegenerators, for a total installed capacity
of 1.875 MW. Water is discharged from
the powerhouse to an approximately
129-foot-long tailrace. The development
creates an approximately 400-foot-long
bypassed reach of the Black River
downstream of the south dam (south
channel bypassed reach); and an
approximately 528-foot-long bypassed
reach downstream of the north dam
(north channel bypassed reach).
The project recreation facilities
include: (1) a parking area and scenic
overlook on the south shoreline of the
impoundment, immediately upstream of
the spillway; and (2) a hand-carry boat
portage route that includes a portage
trail with an impoundment take-out site
on the south shoreline of the
impoundment, approximately 50 feet
upstream of the spillway.
The generators are connected to the
regional electric grid by two 50-footlong, 2.3-kV underground generator lead
lines and a 2.3/23-kV step-up
transformer. The minimum and
maximum hydraulic capacities of the
powerhouse are 450 and 1,800 cfs,
respectively. The average annual energy
production of the development from
2010 through 2020, was 11,394 MWh.
Project Operation
Article 401 of the current license
requires Erie to maintain the surface
elevation of each impoundment at no
lower than 0.5 foot below either the
crest elevation of the dam or the crest
of the flashboards, when in place.
During the period of May 1 through
September 30, when inflow is between
1,400 and 1,900 cfs, Article 402 requires
Erie to maintain the surface elevation of
the impoundment at the Herrings
Development no lower than 0.2 foot
below either the crest elevation of the
dam or the crest of the flashboards when
in place, to the extent possible. Article
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 183 / Friday, September 20, 2024 / Notices
402 also requires Erie to operate the
Sewalls Development in a run-of-river
mode from May 1 through September
30, when inflow is below 2,000 cfs, such
that outflow approximates inflow to the
impoundment at any given point in
time. Article 404 requires a minimum
flow of 1,000 cfs or inflow, whichever
is less, downstream of each
Article 403 requires Erie to install
flashboards at each development by
May 1 or as soon thereafter as safely
possible, and remove the flashboards in
the fall prior to ice conditions. Article
410 requires Erie to install trashrack
overlays with 1-inch clear bar spacing at
the top half portion of the trashracks of
each development, except the Sewalls
Development, from May 1 through
October 1.
To protect aquatic habitat in the
bypassed reaches and provide
downstream fish passage, Article 405
requires Erie to release the following
minimum flows: (1) for the Herrings
Development, 20 cfs through the 9-footlong stoplog gate adjacent to the
trashracks; (2) for the Deferiet
Development: (a) 45 cfs through the ice
chute; and (b) the following flows from
the spillway and leakage at the dam: 800
cfs during walleye spawning season and
245 cfs for the remainder of the year; (3)
for the Kamargo Development, 120 cfs
through the notch in the spillway; (4)
for the Black River Development: (a) 80
cfs through the notch in the flashboards;
and (b) 300 cfs from the notch and
stoplog gate during walleye spawning
season; and (5) for the Sewalls
Development: (a) 137 cfs of leakage ‘‘or
other mechanisms’’ to the south channel
bypassed reach; and (b) 32 cfs to the
north channel bypassed reach that
includes 20 cfs through the notch in the
spillway and 12 cfs of leakage ‘‘or other
The current license also requires the
implementation of a Flow Monitoring
Plan to ensure compliance with the
project flow requirements and a Record
Keeping Plan to maintain records of the
impoundment elevations and discharges
at each of the five developments, in
compliance with Articles 408 and 409.
Article 413 requires the
implementation of a Recreation Plan
that requires operation and maintenance
of the project recreation facilities.
Article 416 requires the implementation
of a Cultural Resources Management
Plan to protect historic properties.
Article 415 requires Erie to maintain the
existing woodland buffer areas along the
five developments’ shorelines and
provide buffers along the access road
and parking area at the Deferiet
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Erie is not proposing to add any new
project facilities. However, Erie
proposes to revise the project boundary
around the impoundments to follow the
normal maximum impoundment
elevations and add/remove land that is
occupied by or adjacent to project
facilities, which would result in a net
decrease of land and water in the project
boundary from 773 acres under the
current license to 763.7 acres under the
proposed license.
Erie proposes to continue operating
the project as required under the current
license. Erie proposes to update the
Recreation Plan and Streamflow and
Headpond Monitoring Plan. In addition,
Erie proposes to develop a minimum
flow fish conveyance plan and a historic
properties management plan. Erie also
proposes to: (1) develop the trail to the
impoundment fishing access area at the
Herrings Development; (2) enhance the
staircase at the hand-carry boat put-in
site at the Deferiet Development, to
improve access for whitewater boaters;
and (3) notify the public, via an online
platform, of bypassed reach flows and
safety information for the Deferiet
l. In addition to publishing the full
text of this notice in the Federal
Register, the Commission provides all
interested persons an opportunity to
view and/or print the contents of this
notice, as well as other documents in
the proceeding (e.g., license application)
via the internet through the
Commission’s Home Page (https:// using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link.
Enter the docket number excluding the
last three digits in the docket number
field to access the document (P–2569).
For assistance, contact FERC at, (866)
208–3676 (toll free), or (202) 502–8659
You may also register online at
Online.aspx to be notified via email of
new filings and issuances related to this
or other pending projects. For
assistance, contact FERC Online
m. The Commission’s Office of Public
Participation (OPP) supports meaningful
public engagement and participation in
Commission proceedings. OPP can help
members of the public, including
landowners, environmental justice
communities, Tribal members and
others, access publicly available
information and navigate Commission
processes. For public inquiries and
assistance with making filings such as
interventions, comments, or requests for
rehearing, the public is encouraged to
contact OPP at (202) 502–6595 or OPP@
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n. Procedural Schedule: The
application will be processed according
to the following preliminary schedule.
Revisions to the schedule will be made
as appropriate.
Deficiency Letter and Additional
Information Request—September
Notice of Acceptance—February 2025
o. Final amendments to the
application must be filed with the
Commission no later than 30 days from
the issuance date of the notice of ready
for environmental analysis.
Dated: September 13, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024–21484 Filed 9–19–24; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 2446–000]
Notice of Authorization for Continued
Project Operation; STS Hydropower,
The license for the Dixon
Hydroelectric Project No. 2446 was
issued for a period ending August 31,
Section 15(a)(1) of the FPA, 16 U.S.C.
808(a)(1), requires the Commission, at
the expiration of a license term, to issue
from year-to-year an annual license to
the then licensee(s) under the terms and
conditions of the prior license until a
new license is issued, or the project is
otherwise disposed of as provided in
section 15 or any other applicable
section of the FPA. If the project’s prior
license waived the applicability of
section 15 of the FPA, then, based on
section 9(b) of the Administrative
Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 558(c), and as
set forth at 18 CFR 16.21(a), if the
licensee of such project has filed an
application for a subsequent license, the
licensee may continue to operate the
project in accordance with the terms
and conditions of the license after the
minor or minor part license expires,
until the Commission acts on its
application. If the licensee of such a
project has not filed an application for
a subsequent license, then it may be
required, pursuant to 18 CFR 16.21(b),
to continue project operations until the
Commission issues someone else a
license for the project or otherwise
orders disposition of the project.
If the project is subject to section 15
of the FPA, notice is hereby given that
an annual license for Project No. 2446
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 183 (Friday, September 20, 2024)]
[Pages 77134-77136]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-21484]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Project No. 2569-169]
Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P.; Notice of Application Tendered
for Filing With the Commission and Establishing Procedural Schedule for
Licensing and Deadline for Submission of Final Amendments
Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been
filed with the Commission and is available for public inspection.
a. Type of Application: New Major License.
b. Project No.: 2569-169.
c. Date Filed: August 30, 2024.
d. Applicant: Erie Boulevard Hydropower, L.P. (Erie).
e. Name of Project: Black River Hydroelectric Project (project).
f. Location: On the Black River in Jefferson County, New York.
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act, 16 U.S.C. 791(a)-825(r).
h. Applicant Contact: Mr. Steven P. Murphy, Director--U.S.
Licensing, Brookfield Renewable, 33 West 1st Street South, Fulton, NY
13069; telephone at (315) 598-6130; email at
[email protected].
i. FERC Contact: Nicholas Ettema, Project Coordinator, Great Lakes
Branch, Division of Hydropower Licensing; telephone at (312) 596-4447;
email at [email protected].
j. The application is not ready for environmental analysis at this
k. Project Description: The project consists of the following five
developments from upstream to downstream: the 5.0625-megawatt (MW)
Herrings Development, the 10.8-MW Deferiet Development, the 5.4-MW
Kamargo Development, the 6-MW Black River Development, and the 1.875-MW
Sewalls Development.
Project Facilities
Herrings Development
The Herrings Development consists of a concrete dam (Herrings Dam)
that includes the following sections: (1) a 536-foot-long section that
includes a 512-foot-long ogee spillway with 1-foot-high flashboards
that have a crest elevation of 680.1 feet North American Vertical Datum
of 1988 (NAVD 88) and a 9-foot-long stoplog gate; and (2) a 137-foot-
long, 33-foot-wide powerhouse that includes: (a) a 110-foot-long intake
structure with nine sluice gates, a skimmer equipped with a stoplog
gate, and a trashrack with 2-inch clear bar spacing; and (b) three
1.6875-MW vertical propeller turbine-generators, for a total installed
capacity of 5.0625-MW. The dam creates an impoundment that has a
surface area of 140 acres at 680.1 feet NAVD 88. From the impoundment,
water flows through the powerhouse to an approximately 110-foot-long
The project recreation facilities include: (1) a hand-carry boat
access site on the north shoreline of the impoundment, approximately
300 feet upstream of the dam, including a picnic area and parking area;
(2) an 800-foot-long portage trail that extends from the hand-carry
boat access area to a put-in site on the north shoreline of the Black
River, 140 feet downstream of the powerhouse; (3) a fishing access area
on the north shoreline of the impoundment, approximately 100 feet
upstream of the dam; and (4) a fishing access area on the north
shoreline of the Black River, which is co-located with the boat put-in
site downstream of the powerhouse.
The generators are connected to the regional electric grid by two
100-foot-long, 2.3-kilovolt (kV) overhead generator lead lines and a
2.3/23-kV step-up transformer. The minimum and maximum hydraulic
capacities of the powerhouse are 220 and 3,435 cfs, respectively. The
average annual energy production of the development from 2010 through
2020, was 55,708 megawatt-hours (MWh).
Deferiet Development
The Deferiet Development consists of a concrete dam (Deferiet Dam)
that includes the following sections: (1) a 503.9-foot-long spillway
with a 3-foot-high inflatable rubber crest gate with a maximum crest
elevation of 659.53 feet NAVD 88; (2) a 192-foot-long section with
eleven 14-foot-long stoplog gates; (3) a 52.3-foot-long non-overflow
section; and (4) a headgate structure with ten sluice gates. The dam
creates an impoundment that has a surface area of 70 acres at 659.53
feet NAVD 88.
From the impoundment, water flows through the headgate structure to
a 4,200-foot-long power canal. From the power canal, water enters a
145.4-foot-long, 92.5-foot-wide powerhouse that includes: (1) a 107.8-
foot-long intake structure that includes three sluice gates and a
trashrack with 2-inch clear bar spacing; and (2) three 3.6-MW vertical
Francis turbine-generators, for a total installed capacity of 10.8 MW.
Water is discharged from the powerhouse to an approximately 1,400-foot-
long tailrace. The development creates an approximately 1.73-mile-long
bypassed reach of the Black River.
The development also includes a stoplog gate adjacent to the intake
structure that conveys water to an ice chute that discharges downstream
of the powerhouse.
The project recreation facilities include: (1) a hand-carry boat
access site and parking area immediately east of the headgate
structure; (2) a hand-carry boat portage route with a take-out site at
the hand-carry boat access site, a 960-foot-long portage trail, and a
put-in site on the north shoreline of the Black River, approximately
200 feet downstream of the dam; (3) a boat access site and parking area
on the shoreline of an island, at the confluence of the tailrace and
bypassed reach; (4) a hand-carry boat access site on the south
shoreline of the impoundment, approximately 0.5 mile upstream of the
dam, that includes a 170-foot-long access path and parking area; and
(5) a 0.68-mile-long hiking trail that follows the northern shoreline
of the Black River downstream of the dam.
The generators are connected to the regional electric grid by three
65-foot-long, 2.3-kV overhead generator lead
[[Page 77135]]
lines and a 2.3/23-kV step-up transformer. The minimum and maximum
hydraulic capacities of the powerhouse are 85 and 571 cfs,
respectively. The average annual energy production of the development
from 2010 through 2020, was 32,298 MWh.
Kamargo Development
The Kamargo Development consists of a concrete dam (Kamargo Dam)
that includes the following sections: (1) a 188-foot-long headgate
structure that includes a 131.7-foot-long section with fourteen 8-foot-
long sluice gates; (2) a 168-foot-long non-overflow section; and (3) a
718-foot-long section that includes a 647-foot-long ogee spillway with
2-foot-high flashboards that have a crest elevation of 565.48 feet NAVD
88 and a 5.7-foot-long notch. The dam creates an impoundment that has a
surface area of 40 acres at 565.48 feet NAVD 88.
From the impoundment, water flows through the headgate structure to
a 3,850-foot-long power canal with an approximately 700-foot-long
section that includes: (1) a bulkhead with flashboards that have a
crest elevation of 565.48 feet NAVD 88; (2) a 190-foot-long section
with a crest elevation of 566.68 NAVD 88 (3) a 230-foot-long section
with 1-foot-high flashboards that have a crest elevation of 565.48 feet
NAVD 88; and (4) a 160.8-foot-long ogee spillway with twelve stoplog
gates. From the power canal, water enters a 97.5-foot-long, 37-foot-
wide powerhouse that includes: (1) a 66-foot-long intake structure with
nine sluice gates and a trashrack with 2-inch clear bar spacing; and
(2) three 1.8-MW vertical Francis turbine-generators, for a total
installed capacity of 5.4 MW. Water is discharged from the powerhouse
to an approximately 385-foot-long tailrace. The development creates an
approximately 0.69-mile-long bypassed reach of the Black River.
The project includes the Poors Island Recreation Area that includes
two portage trails, fishing access areas, a picnic area, a bicycle
rack, a hiking trail, and parking area.
The generators are connected to the regional electric grid by four
25-foot-long, 2.3-kV underground generator lead lines and a 2.3/23-kV
step-up transformer. The minimum and maximum hydraulic capacities of
the powerhouse are 450 and 3,300 cfs, respectively. The average annual
energy production of the development from 2010 through 2020, was 21,512
Black River Development
The Black River Development consists of a dam (Black River Dam)
that includes the following sections: (1) a 30-foot-long retaining
wall; (2) a 36.5-foot-long non-overflow section with two sluice gates;
(3) a 296-foot-long section that includes a 291-foot-long ogee spillway
with 2-foot-high flashboards that have a crest elevation of 535.68 feet
NAVD 88, a notch and a 5-foot-long stoplog gate; and (4) a 99.6-foot-
long headgate structure that includes a 79.6-foot-long section with
twelve sluice gates. The dam creates an impoundment that has a surface
area of 25 acres at 535.68 feet NAVD 88.
From the impoundment, water flows through the headgate structure to
a 2,250-foot-long power canal that includes: (1) a 250-foot-long waste
weir with a crest elevation of 537.68 NAVD 88; and (2) a 134-foot-long
waste weir with 2-foot-high flashboards and a low-level outlet gate.
From the power canal, water enters a 117.8-foot-long, 66.3-foot-wide
powerhouse that includes: (1) an 81.8-foot-long intake structure that
includes nine sluice gates, a skimmer equipped with two sluice gates,
and a trashrack with 2-inch clear bar spacing; (2) three 2-MW vertical
Francis turbine-generators, for a total installed capacity of 6 MW.
Water is discharged from the powerhouse to an approximately 100-foot-
long tailrace. The development creates an approximately 0.6-mile-long
bypassed reach of the Black River.
The project recreation facilities include: (1) a parking area,
picnic area, and fishing platform, referred to as the ``Stone Drive
Recreation Area,'' located on the north shoreline of the impoundment,
approximately 110 feet upstream of the dam; (2) a hand-carry boat
portage route with an impoundment take-out site at the Stone Drive
Recreation Area, a 0.3-mile-long portage trail, and a put-in site on
the east shoreline of the Black River, approximately 550 feet
downstream of the dam; and (3) a picnic and parking area located
approximately 500 feet southeast of the dam.
The generators are connected to the regional electric grid by two
95-foot-long, 2.3-kV underground generator lead lines and a 2.3/23-kV
step-up transformer. The minimum and maximum hydraulic capacities of
the powerhouse are 220 and 3,210 cfs, respectively. The average annual
energy production of the development from 2010 through 2020, was 32,692
Sewalls Development
The Sewalls Development consists of a concrete dam (Sewalls Dam)
that includes the following sections: (1) a south dam section that
includes: (a) a 243-foot-long ogee spillway with a crest elevation of
463.73 feet NAVD 88; (b) an 18-foot-long section with two 7.5-foot-long
stoplog gates; and (c) a 47.5-foot-long headgate structure two 15-foot-
long sluice gates; and (2) a north dam section that includes a 95.9-
foot-long spillway with a crest elevation of 463.73 feet NAVD 88 and a
3.61-foot-long notch. The dam creates an impoundment that has a surface
area of 4 acres at 463.73 feet NAVD 88.
From the impoundment, water flows through the sluice gates of the
headgate structure to a 400-foot-long power canal that includes 2-foot-
high flashboards along its entire length, a sluice gate, and a low-
level outlet gate. From the power canal, water enters a 81-foot-long,
32-foot-wide powerhouse that includes: (1) a 69-foot-long intake
structure with four sluice gates and a trashrack with 2-inch clear bar
spacing; and (2) two 0.9375-MW vertical propeller turbine-generators,
for a total installed capacity of 1.875 MW. Water is discharged from
the powerhouse to an approximately 129-foot-long tailrace. The
development creates an approximately 400-foot-long bypassed reach of
the Black River downstream of the south dam (south channel bypassed
reach); and an approximately 528-foot-long bypassed reach downstream of
the north dam (north channel bypassed reach).
The project recreation facilities include: (1) a parking area and
scenic overlook on the south shoreline of the impoundment, immediately
upstream of the spillway; and (2) a hand-carry boat portage route that
includes a portage trail with an impoundment take-out site on the south
shoreline of the impoundment, approximately 50 feet upstream of the
The generators are connected to the regional electric grid by two
50-foot-long, 2.3-kV underground generator lead lines and a 2.3/23-kV
step-up transformer. The minimum and maximum hydraulic capacities of
the powerhouse are 450 and 1,800 cfs, respectively. The average annual
energy production of the development from 2010 through 2020, was 11,394
Project Operation
Article 401 of the current license requires Erie to maintain the
surface elevation of each impoundment at no lower than 0.5 foot below
either the crest elevation of the dam or the crest of the flashboards,
when in place. During the period of May 1 through September 30, when
inflow is between 1,400 and 1,900 cfs, Article 402 requires Erie to
maintain the surface elevation of the impoundment at the Herrings
Development no lower than 0.2 foot below either the crest elevation of
the dam or the crest of the flashboards when in place, to the extent
possible. Article
[[Page 77136]]
402 also requires Erie to operate the Sewalls Development in a run-of-
river mode from May 1 through September 30, when inflow is below 2,000
cfs, such that outflow approximates inflow to the impoundment at any
given point in time. Article 404 requires a minimum flow of 1,000 cfs
or inflow, whichever is less, downstream of each development.
Article 403 requires Erie to install flashboards at each
development by May 1 or as soon thereafter as safely possible, and
remove the flashboards in the fall prior to ice conditions. Article 410
requires Erie to install trashrack overlays with 1-inch clear bar
spacing at the top half portion of the trashracks of each development,
except the Sewalls Development, from May 1 through October 1.
To protect aquatic habitat in the bypassed reaches and provide
downstream fish passage, Article 405 requires Erie to release the
following minimum flows: (1) for the Herrings Development, 20 cfs
through the 9-foot-long stoplog gate adjacent to the trashracks; (2)
for the Deferiet Development: (a) 45 cfs through the ice chute; and (b)
the following flows from the spillway and leakage at the dam: 800 cfs
during walleye spawning season and 245 cfs for the remainder of the
year; (3) for the Kamargo Development, 120 cfs through the notch in the
spillway; (4) for the Black River Development: (a) 80 cfs through the
notch in the flashboards; and (b) 300 cfs from the notch and stoplog
gate during walleye spawning season; and (5) for the Sewalls
Development: (a) 137 cfs of leakage ``or other mechanisms'' to the
south channel bypassed reach; and (b) 32 cfs to the north channel
bypassed reach that includes 20 cfs through the notch in the spillway
and 12 cfs of leakage ``or other mechanisms.''
The current license also requires the implementation of a Flow
Monitoring Plan to ensure compliance with the project flow requirements
and a Record Keeping Plan to maintain records of the impoundment
elevations and discharges at each of the five developments, in
compliance with Articles 408 and 409.
Article 413 requires the implementation of a Recreation Plan that
requires operation and maintenance of the project recreation
facilities. Article 416 requires the implementation of a Cultural
Resources Management Plan to protect historic properties. Article 415
requires Erie to maintain the existing woodland buffer areas along the
five developments' shorelines and provide buffers along the access road
and parking area at the Deferiet Development.
Erie is not proposing to add any new project facilities. However,
Erie proposes to revise the project boundary around the impoundments to
follow the normal maximum impoundment elevations and add/remove land
that is occupied by or adjacent to project facilities, which would
result in a net decrease of land and water in the project boundary from
773 acres under the current license to 763.7 acres under the proposed
Erie proposes to continue operating the project as required under
the current license. Erie proposes to update the Recreation Plan and
Streamflow and Headpond Monitoring Plan. In addition, Erie proposes to
develop a minimum flow fish conveyance plan and a historic properties
management plan. Erie also proposes to: (1) develop the trail to the
impoundment fishing access area at the Herrings Development; (2)
enhance the staircase at the hand-carry boat put-in site at the
Deferiet Development, to improve access for whitewater boaters; and (3)
notify the public, via an online platform, of bypassed reach flows and
safety information for the Deferiet Development.
l. In addition to publishing the full text of this notice in the
Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons an
opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this notice, as well
as other documents in the proceeding (e.g., license application) via
the internet through the Commission's Home Page (
using the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the docket number excluding the last
three digits in the docket number field to access the document (P-
2569). For assistance, contact FERC at [email protected],
(866) 208-3676 (toll free), or (202) 502-8659 (TTY).
You may also register online at to be notified via email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, contact FERC
Online Support.
m. The Commission's Office of Public Participation (OPP) supports
meaningful public engagement and participation in Commission
proceedings. OPP can help members of the public, including landowners,
environmental justice communities, Tribal members and others, access
publicly available information and navigate Commission processes. For
public inquiries and assistance with making filings such as
interventions, comments, or requests for rehearing, the public is
encouraged to contact OPP at (202) 502-6595 or [email protected].
n. Procedural Schedule: The application will be processed according
to the following preliminary schedule. Revisions to the schedule will
be made as appropriate.
Deficiency Letter and Additional Information Request--September 2024
Notice of Acceptance--February 2025
o. Final amendments to the application must be filed with the
Commission no later than 30 days from the issuance date of the notice
of ready for environmental analysis.
Dated: September 13, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024-21484 Filed 9-19-24; 8:45 am]