Announcement of Funding Awards, 75551-75559 [2024-20966]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 179 / Monday, September 16, 2024 / Notices The meeting will be closed to the public in accordance with the provisions set forth in sections 552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), Title 5 U.S.C., as amended. The grant applications and the discussions could disclose confidential trade secrets or commercial property such as patentable material, and personal information concerning individuals associated with the grant applications, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Name of Committee: National Institute on Aging Special Emphasis Panel; Alzheimer’s Disease Research Centers. Date: October 21–22, 2024. Time: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: National Institute on Aging, 5601 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20892 (Virtual Meeting). Contact Person: Maurizio Grimaldi, M.D., Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer, National Institute of Aging, National Institute of Health, 5601 Fishers Lane, Rm. 2C218, Rockville, MD 20892, 301–496–9374, (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Nos. 93.866, Aging Research, National Institutes of Health, HHS) Dated: September 10, 2024. Miguelina Perez, Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory Committee Policy. Time: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: Hilton Garden Inn Washington DC/ Georgetown, 2201 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20037 (In-Person and Virtual Meeting). Contact Person: Latarsha J. Carithers, Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer, Office of Scientific Review, National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health, 45 Center Drive, Room 3AN12C, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, 301–594–4859, Name of Committee: National Institute of General Medical Sciences Initial Review Group; Training and Workforce Development Study Section—A. Date: November 7–8, 2024. Time: 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: Hilton Garden Inn Washington DC/ Georgetown, 2201 M Street NW, Washington, DC 20037 (In-Person and Virtual Meeting). Contact Person: Adam Lawrence Heuberger, Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer, Office of Scientific Review National Institute of General Medical Sciences, National Institutes of Health, 45 Center Drive, MSC 6200, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, 301–480– 4151, (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.859, Biomedical Research and Research Training, National Institutes of Health, HHS) [FR Doc. 2024–20949 Filed 9–13–24; 8:45 am] Dated: September 10, 2024. Miguelina Perez, Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory Committee Policy. BILLING CODE 4140–01–P [FR Doc. 2024–20956 Filed 9–13–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4140–01–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT National Institutes of Health [Docket No. FR–6418–N–04] lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 National Institute of General Medical Sciences; Notice of Closed Meetings Announcement of Funding Awards Pursuant to section 1009 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended, notice is hereby given of the following meetings. The meetings will be closed to the public in accordance with the provisions set forth in sections 552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), title 5 U.S.C., as amended. The grant applications and the discussions could disclose confidential trade secrets or commercial property such as patentable material, and personal information concerning individuals associated with the grant applications, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Name of Committee: National Institute of General Medical Sciences Initial Review Group; Training and Workforce Development Study Section—B. Date: October 17–18, 2024. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:23 Sep 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 Office of Chief Financial Officer, HUD. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: In accordance with section 102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989, this announcement notifies the public of funding decisions made by the Department in competitions for funding under the Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) and Notices for the following program (s): Procedural Guidance for Fiscal Year 2023 HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing Renewal and Replacement Grant Application, FY 2022 Family Unification Program (FUP), FY 2023 Housing Mobility-Related Services, FY 2023 HUD VASH PIH Notice 2023–22, FY 2023 HUD VASH PIH Notice 2023–09, FY 2023 Choice SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00026 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 75551 Neighborhoods Planning Grants, FY 2023 Emergencies and NonPresidentially Declared Disaster Fund PIH Notice 2012–48(HA), FY 2023 HOPE VI Main Street Grant Program, FY22 and FY23 Distressed Cities Technical Assistance (DCTA) Program, FY22 HUDRD—Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Research Center of Excellence, FY2022 Authority to Accept Unsolicited Proposals for Research Partnerships, FY2023 HUDRD-Closing the Homeownership Gap and Preserving Homeownership During Economic Decline, FY23 HUDRD Grants for University-Nonprofit Partnerships Supporting Community-Engaged Research Designed to Address Homelessness Program, FY2023 and FY2024 Radon Testing and Mitigation Demonstration for Public Housing and Healthy Homes Production Grant Program. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christine Brown, Acting Director, Grants Management and Oversight, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Office of the Chief Financial Officer (Systems), Grants Management and Oversight at or the contact person listed in each appendix. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: HUD posted Procedural Guidance for Fiscal Year 2023 HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing Renewal and Replacement Grant Application Program on April 12. 2023, (CPD–23– 03). The competition closed on June 13, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the notice. This competition awarded $30,289,401 to 27 recipients to provide funds to eligible expiring HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing grantees to provide permanent supportive housing (PSH) as the primary grant activity to HOPWAeligible clients. For the purposes of the Notice, ‘‘permanent housing’’ means housing in which the eligible person has a continuous legal right to remain in the unit established by a lease or legally binding occupancy agreement. HUD posted FY 2022 Family Unification Program (FUP) on April 25, 2023, (FR–6600–N–84). The competition closed on May 25, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $9,968,902 to 13 recipients to make Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) assistance available to Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) in partnership with Public Child Welfare Agencies (PCWAs) for eligible families and youth. HUD posted FY 2023 FY 2023 Housing Mobility-Related Services E:\FR\FM\16SEN1.SGM 16SEN1 lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 75552 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 179 / Monday, September 16, 2024 / Notices Program on June 1, 2023, (FR–6700–N–87). The competition closed on September 13, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $24,510,137 to 7 recipients to expand housing choices for Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) families with children by increasing access to opportunity neighborhoods. The awardees will administer housing mobility programs which will increase the number of HCV families with children residing in lowerpoverty neighborhoods. HUD posted FY 2023 HUD VASH Program on August 14, 2023, (PIH Notice 2023–22). The Registration of Interest application window closed on September 15, 2023. HUD selected PHAs for funding based on selection criteria contained in the notice. This process awarded $14,554,810 to 67 recipients to assist homeless veterans with housing assistance. The PHAs will provide a HUD–VASH voucher to an eligible veteran referred by a partnering VA Medical Center. HUD posted FY 2023 HUD VASH Program on April 10, 2023, (PIH Notice 2023–09). The Registration of Interest application window closed on June 5, 2023. HUD selected PHAs for funding based on selection criteria contained in the notice. This process awarded $16,126,622 to 71 recipients to assist homeless veterans with housing assistance. The PHAs will provide a HUD–VASH voucher to an eligible veteran referred by a partnering VA Medical Center. HUD posted FY 2023 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants NOFO on April 4, 2023, (FR–6700– N–38). The competition closed on June 6, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $7,000,000 to 14 recipients focused on severely distressed public housing and HUDassisted housing. Planning Grants support communities in developing a comprehensive neighborhood revitalization strategy, or Transformation Plan. The Transformation Plan will become the guiding document for the revitalization of the public and/or assisted housing units while simultaneously directing the transformation of the surrounding neighborhood and positive outcomes for families. HUD posted FY 2023 Emergencies and Non-Presidentially Declared Disaster Fund PIH Notice 2012–48(HA) on November 28, 2012, (PIH 2012–48(HA)) on an as-needed basis. HUD rated and selected for funding VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:23 Sep 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 based on selection criteria contained in the Notice. This competition awarded $7,039,081 to 8 recipients from July 1, 2023, to August 31, 2023, to assist public housing agencies with capital needs arising from emergencies and non-presidentially declared natural disasters. The funds are to be used to correct emergency conditions, which constitute an immediate threat to the health and safety of public housing residents. HUD posted FY 2023 HOPE VI Main Street Grant Program on June 14, 2023, (FR–6700–N–03). The competition closed on December 11, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $2,000,000 to 3 recipients to communities smaller than 50,000 in population to assist in the renovation of a historic, traditional central business district, or ‘‘Main Street’’ area by replacing unused, obsolete, commercial space in buildings with affordable housing units. HUD posted FY22 and FY23 Distressed Cities Technical Assistance (DCTA) Program on March 20, 2023, (FR–6700–N–54). The competition closed on May 19, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $6,950,000 to 5recipients to provide technical assistance to units of general local government and their non-profit partners serving communities experiencing economic hardship. HUD posted HUDRD—Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Research Center of Excellence Program on January 17, 2023, (FR–6600– N–29G). The competition closed on June 1, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $10,500,000 to 4 recipients to conduct research projects on multiple topics of strategic interest to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. HUD posted FY2022 Authority to Accept Unsolicited Proposals for Research Partnerships Program on September 7, 2022, (FR– 6600–N–USP). The notice closed on June 30, 2023, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOTICE. This Notice awarded $1,600,000 to 3 recipients to allow greater flexibility in addressing evidence gaps concerning strategic policy questions and to better utilize external expertise in evaluating effectiveness of programs affecting residents of urban, suburban, rural, and PO 00000 Frm 00027 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 tribal areas as well as local innovations in the delivery of these programs. HUD posted FY2023 HUDRD-Closing the Homeownership Gap and Preserving Homeownership During Economic Decline Program on May 25, 2023 (FR–6700–N–29I). The competition closed on July 24, 2023, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $998,283 to 3 recipients to fund rigorous evaluations of (a) the factors that contribute to the gaps in homeownership rates among different demographic groups, and the effect of public policies and other initiatives (including private or philanthropic efforts) on addressing these gaps, and (b) how homeownership can be preserved during economic decline, including the effects of related public policies and other initiatives (including private or philanthropic efforts on achieving preservation goals). HUD posted FY23 HUDRD Grants for University-Nonprofit Partnerships Supporting Community-Engaged Research Designed to Address Homelessness Program on May 4, 2023 (FR–6700–N–29K). The competition closed on July 13, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $1,358,208 to 2 recipients to address homelessness in communities, while elevating the perspectives and insights of people with lived experience. HUD posted FY2023 and FY2024 Radon Testing and Mitigation Demonstration for Public Housing Program on July 7, 2023, (FR– 6700–N–80). The competition closed on August 21, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $3,047,932 to 6 recipients to provide funds to public housing agencies (PHAs) to conduct testing and as-needed mitigation of radon in the units that they manage and where applicable, to support the development of a plan for future testing and mitigation. HUD posted FY 2023 Healthy Homes Production Grant Program on September 15, 2023, (FR–6700–N–44). The competition closed on November 7, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $39,080,629 to 22 recipients to address multiple housingrelated hazards in a comprehensive fashion. In accordance with section 102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of Housing and Urban Development E:\FR\FM\16SEN1.SGM 16SEN1 75553 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 179 / Monday, September 16, 2024 / Notices Reform Act of 1989 (103 Stat. 1987, 42 U.S.C. 3545(a)(4)(C)), the Department is publishing the awardees and the amounts of the awards in Appendix A thru O of this document. Christine Brown, Acting Director, Grants Management and Oversight, Office of the Chief Financial Officer. Appendix A Procedural Guidance for Fiscal Year 2023 HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing Renewal and Replacement Grant Application (CPD–23–03) Contact: Vanessa Larkin, vanessa.t.larkin@ Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City Action, Inc ..................................................................... AIDS Alabama, Inc ........................................................ AIDS Foundation of Chicago ........................................ AIDS Foundation of Chicago ........................................ Alameda County ............................................................ Alaska Housing Finance Corp ...................................... Gloucester .................... Birmingham .................. Chicago ........................ Chicago ........................ Hayward ....................... Anchorage .................... MA AL IL IL CA AK 01930–6002 35222–3210 60606–5036 60606–5036 94544 99510–1020 $1,300,585.00 987,317.00 1,483,450.00 1,422,571.00 1,561,072.00 924,965.00 Nashua ......................... Savannah ..................... Savannah ..................... Minneapolis .................. Minneapolis .................. Bisbee ........................... Denver .......................... Jackson ........................ Nashua ......................... Anniston ........................ Kingsport ...................... Lexington ...................... Wailuku ......................... St. Thomas ................... NH GA GA MN MN AZ CO MS NH AL TN KY HI VI 03060–2938 31402 31402 55413–2404 55413–2404 85603 80204 39202–1404 03060–2938 36202 37660–5233 40504 96793–1784 00803–6816 1,532,092.00 261,995.00 692,757.00 994,072.00 431,806.00 643,013.00 627,772.00 1,266,240.00 512,470.00 915,881.00 1,133,529.00 1,506,791.00 1,520,103.00 1,510,082.00 Oregon Health Authority ............................................... Pima County .................................................................. State of Montana ........................................................... University of Illinois, College of Medicine ..................... Salvation Army .............................................................. Vermont Housing .......................................................... Vivent ............................................................................ 180 Main Street ............................... 3529 7th Avenue South ................... 200 W Monroe Street Suite 1150 .... 201 W Monroe Street Suite 1150 .... 224 W Winton Ave Room 108 ......... P.O. Box 101020 4300 Boniface Parkway. 229 Main Street ............................... P.O. Box 1027 ................................. P.O. Box 1027 ................................. 929 Central Avenue NE ................... 929 Central Avenue NE ................... 1415 Melody Lane Building G ......... 3275 W 14th Avenue Suite #202 .... 2219 N Lamar Street ....................... 77 Northeastern Blvd ....................... P.O. Box 1347 ................................. 906 E Sevier Avenue ....................... 200 East Main Street ....................... 1935 Main Street Suite 100 ............. 4A Kronprindsens Gade P.O. Box 306816. 800 NE Oregon St Suite 105 ........... 2797 East Ajo Way .......................... 1400 Carter Dr ................................. 809 S Marshfield Ave ...................... 2445 Prior Avenue ........................... 58 East State Street ........................ 648 N Plankinton Ave. Suite 200 .... Portland ........................ Tucson .......................... Helena .......................... Chicago ........................ Roseville ....................... Montpelier ..................... Milwaukee ..................... OR AZ MT IL MN VT WI 97232 85713 59601 60612–4305 55113–2714 05602–3403 53203 1,453,052.00 1,425,283.00 1,512,514.00 1,311,404.00 473,084.00 1,497,540.00 1,387,961.00 Total ....................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... ........................ 30,289,401.00 Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City Santa Clara County Housing Authority ......................... Sonoma County Housing Authority ............................... Housing Authority of the County of San Diego ............ Housing Authority of the City and County of Denver ... Hialeah Housing Authority ............................................ Chicago Housing Authority ........................................... Jefferson Parish Housing Services and Development District. Mississippi Regional Housing Authority VIII ................. Home Forward .............................................................. Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation. Housing Authority of the City of Austin ......................... Housing Authority of the County of Salt Lake dba Housing Connect. King County Housing Authority ..................................... 505 West Julian Street .................... 1440 Guerneville Road .................... 3989 Ruffin Road ............................. 1035 Osage Street ........................... 75 East 6th Street ............................ 60 E Van Buren St ........................... P.O. Box 9 ....................................... San Jose ...................... Santa Rosa ................... San Diego ..................... Denver .......................... Hialeah ......................... Chicago ........................ Gretna ........................... CA CA CA CO FL IL LA 95110 95403 92123 80204 33010 60605 70054 $1,175,590.00 1,182,229.00 1,131,976.00 862,761.00 566,650.00 778,477.00 417,064.00 P.O. Box 2347 ................................. 135 SW Ash Street .......................... 44 Washington Street ...................... Gulfport ......................... Portland ........................ Providence .................... MS OR RI 39505 97204 02903 376,940.00 788,081.00 354,369.00 P.O. Box 41119 ............................... 3595 S Main Street .......................... Austin ............................ Salt Lake City ............... TX UT 78704 84115 772,020.00 628,548.00 600 Andover Park West ................... Seattle .......................... WA 98188 934,197.00 .......................................................... ....................................... ........................ 9,968,902.00 City of Nashua .............................................................. City of Savannah, Daniel Flagg .................................... City of Savannah, Project House .................................. Clare Housing ............................................................... Clare Housing ............................................................... Cochise County ............................................................. Del Norte Neighborhood Dev ........................................ Grace House ................................................................. Harbor Homes ............................................................... Health Services Center ................................................. Kingsport Housing and Redevelopment ....................... Lexington-Fayette Urban County .................................. Maui AIDS Foundation .................................................. Meeting the Needs of Our Community ......................... State Zip Award amount Appendix B lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 FY 2022 Family Unification Program (FUP) FR–6600–N–84 Contact: Celia Carpentier (202) 402–7093 and Ryan Jones (202) 402–2677. Total ....................................................................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:23 Sep 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\16SEN1.SGM State 16SEN1 Zip code Award amount 75554 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 179 / Monday, September 16, 2024 / Notices Appendix C FY 2023 Housing Mobility-Related Services (FR–6700–N–84) Contact: Alison Bell (202) 402–5673. State Street address or P.O. Box City Housing Authority of the Birmingham District ............... Boston Housing Authority ............................................. The Housing Authority of the City of Dallas, TX ........... Houston Housing Authority ........................................... Seattle Housing Authority ............................................. Milwaukee County Housing Authority ........................... Connecticut Department of Housing ............................. 1826 3rd Avenue S .......................... 52 Chauncy Street ........................... 3939 N Hampton Road .................... 2640 Fountain View Drive ............... 190 Queen Anne Avenue North ...... 600 W Walnut Street ....................... 505 Hudson Street ........................... Birmingham .................. Boston .......................... Dallas ............................ Houston ........................ Seattle .......................... Milwaukee ..................... Hartford ......................... Total ....................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... Organization name Street address City Housing Authority of the Birmingham District ............... Huntsville Housing Authority ......................................... Bessemer Housing Authority ........................................ City of Tucson ............................................................... Tempe Housing Authority ............................................. Housing Authority of Cochise County ........................... Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa ........ Housing Authority of the County of San Mateo ............ Housing Authority County of San Joaquin .................... Stanislaus Regional Housing Authority ......................... San Diego Housing Commission .................................. Housing Authority of the City of San Luis Obispo ........ City of Fairfield Housing Authority ................................ Alameda County Housing Authority .............................. Housing Authority of the County of Santa Cruz ........... Housing Authority of the City of Redding ..................... Housing Authority of the County of San Diego ............ Roseville Housing Authority .......................................... Housing Catalyst ........................................................... Metro West Housing Solutions ..................................... Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport .................. West Haven Housing dba Savin Rock Communities ... Connecticut Department of Housing ............................. Lakeland Housing Authority .......................................... Hernando County Housing Authority ............................ DuPage Housing Authority ............................................ The City of Evansville Housing Authority ..................... Boston Housing Authority ............................................. Cambridge Housing Authority ....................................... Brockton Housing Authority .......................................... Somerville Housing Authority ........................................ Brookline Housing Authority .......................................... Dedham Housing Authority ........................................... Watertown Housing Authority ....................................... Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County, MD. Grand Rapids Housing Commission ............................. Kent County Housing Commission ............................... Housing Authority of the City of Lumberton ................. The Housing Authority of the City of Rocky Mount ...... Sanford Housing Authority ............................................ Long Branch Housing Authority City of Long Branch ... New Jersey Department of Community Affairs ............ New Jersey Department of Community Affairs ............ Nevada Rural Housing Authority .................................. Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority .......................... Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority ........................... Housing Authority of Washington County ..................... Philadelphia Housing Authority ..................................... Harrisburg Housing Authority ........................................ The Housing Authority of the County of Butler ............. Mercer County Housing Authority ................................. Housing Authority of the City of York ........................... Housing Authority of Chester County ........................... North Providence Housing Authority ............................. Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation. 1826 3rd Ave S ................................ 200 Washington St NE .................... 1515 Fairfax Ave .............................. 310 N Commerce Park Loop ........... 3500 S Rural Rd .............................. 1415 Melody Ln Bldg. A .................. 3133 Estudillo St .............................. 264 Harbor Blvd ............................... 2575 Grand Canal Blvd ................... 1701 Robertson Rd .......................... 1122 Broadway Ste 300 .................. 487 Leff St ....................................... 823 Jefferson St Ste B .................... 22941 Atherton St ............................ 2160 41st Ave .................................. 777 Cypress Ave ............................. 3989 Ruffin Rd ................................. 316 Vernon St Ste 150 .................... 1715 W Mountain Ave ..................... 575 Union Blvd Ste 100 ................... 150 Highland Ave ............................ 15 Glade St ...................................... 505 Hudson St ................................. 430 Hartsell Ave .............................. 621 W Jefferson St .......................... 711 E Roosevelt Rd ......................... 500 SE 10th St ................................ 52 Chauncy St ................................. 362 Green St ................................... 45 Goddard Rd ................................ 30 Memorial Rd ............................... 90 Longwood Ave ............................ 163 Dedham Blvd ............................ 55 Waverley Ave .............................. 100 Cambridge St Ste 300 .............. 10400 Detrick Ave ........................... Birmingham .................. Huntsville ...................... Bessemer ..................... Tucson .......................... Tempe .......................... Bisbee ........................... Martinez ........................ Belmont ........................ Stockton ........................ Modesto ........................ San Diego ..................... San Luis Obispo ........... Fairfield ......................... Hayward ....................... Capitola ........................ Redding ........................ San Diego ..................... Roseville ....................... Fort Collins ................... Lakewood ..................... Bridgeport ..................... West Haven .................. Hartford ......................... Lakeland ....................... Brooksville .................... Wheaton ....................... Evansville ..................... Boston .......................... Cambridge .................... Brockton ....................... Somerville ..................... Brookline ....................... Dedham ........................ Watertown .................... Boston .......................... Kensington .................... AL AL AL AZ AZ AZ CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CA CO CO CT CT CT FL FL IL IN MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MA MD 35233 35801 35020 85745 85282 85603 94553 94002 95207 95351 92101 93401 94533 94541 95010 96001 92123 95678 80521 80228 6604 6516 6106 33815 34601 60187 47713 2111 2139 2301 2145 2446 2026 2472 2114 20895 $180,378.00 200,323.00 198,979.00 602,505.00 226,306.00 66,533.00 892,320.00 693,742.00 80,008.00 158,023.00 894,210.00 223,346.00 264,948.00 403,437.00 573,559.00 56,496.00 91,360.00 165,182.00 272,829.00 293,659.00 125,118.00 108,738.00 266,357.00 43,235.00 49,218.00 331,517.00 143,255.00 253,129.00 91,099.00 48,682.00 195,653.00 118,639.00 183,711.00 198,280.00 68,808.00 317,182.00 1420 Fuller Ave SE .......................... 121 S Martin L King Blvd ................. 407 N Sycamore St ......................... 1065 Pinehurst Dr ............................ 1000 Carthage St ............................. 2 Hope Lane .................................... 101 S Broad St ................................ 101 S Broad St ................................ 3695 Desatoya Dr ............................ 100 W Cedar St ............................... 400 Tuscarawas St E ...................... 161 NW Adams Ave ........................ 2013 Ridge Ave ............................... 351 Chestnut St ............................... 114 Woody Dr .................................. 80 Jefferson Ave .............................. 31 S Broad St .................................. 30 W Barnard St .............................. 945 Charles St ................................. 44 Washington St ............................ Grand Rapids ............... Grand Rapids ............... Lumberton .................... Rocky Mount ................ Sanford ......................... Long Branch ................. Trenton ......................... Trenton ......................... Carson City ................... Akron ............................ Canton .......................... Hillsboro ........................ Philadelphia .................. Harrisburg ..................... Butler ............................ Sharon .......................... York .............................. West Chester ................ North Providence .......... Providence .................... MI MI NC NC NC NJ NJ NJ NV OH OH OR PA PA PA PA PA PA RI RI 49507 49503 28358 27801 27330 7740 8608 8608 89701 44307 44702 97124 19121 17101 16001 16146 17403 19382 2904 2903 115,974.00 131,583.00 21,922.00 62,998.00 64,938.00 63,350.00 54,266.00 54,266.00 403,272.00 105,118.00 160,834.00 301,998.00 746,196.00 270,043.00 60,455.00 26,816.00 81,320.00 402,514.00 248,877.00 337,554.00 AL MA TX TX WA WI CT Zip code Award amount and total Organization name 35233 02111 75212 77057 98109 53212 06106 $2,119,900 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 1,075,200 1,815,037 4,500,000 ........................ 24,510,137 Appendix D lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 FY 2023 HUD VASH PIH Notice 2023–22 Contact: Courtney Herring, 202–402–5000. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:23 Sep 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 PO 00000 Frm 00029 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\16SEN1.SGM State 16SEN1 Zip code Award amount 75555 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 179 / Monday, September 16, 2024 / Notices Organization name Street address City State SC State Housing Finance & Development Authority .. Housing Authority of the City of Dallas, Texas (DHA) .. San Marcos Housing Authority ..................................... Tatum Housing Authority .............................................. Housing Authority of the City of New Braunfels ........... City of Marshall Housing Authority ............................... Lynchburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority ...... Staunton Redevelopment and Housing Authority ......... Seattle Housing Authority ............................................. Spokane Housing Authority .......................................... Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority. 300 Outlet Pointe Blvd Ste C .......... 3939 N Hampton Rd ........................ 1201 Thorpe Ln ............................... 200 Forest Acres Cir ........................ 300 Laurel Ln ................................... 1401 Poplar St ................................. 1948 Thomson Dr ............................ 900 Elizabeth Miller Gdns ................ 190 Queen Anne Ave N .................. 25 W Nora Ave ................................ 201 W Washington Ave Ste 700 ..... Columbia ...................... Dallas ............................ San Marcos .................. Tatum ........................... New Braunfels .............. Marshall ........................ Lynchburg ..................... Staunton ....................... Seattle .......................... Spokane ....................... Madison ........................ Total ....................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... SC TX TX TX TX TX VA VA WA WA WI Zip code Award amount 29210 75212 78666 75691 78130 75670 24501 24401 98109 99205 53703 42,231.00 177,199.00 73,650.00 31,708.00 45,393.00 33,730.00 72,233.00 36,303.00 285,099.00 934,728.00 27,478.00 ........................ 14,554,810.00 Appendix E lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 FY 2023 HUD VASH PIH Notice 2023–09 Contact: Courtney Herring, 202–402–5000. Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City Alaska Housing Finance Corporation .................................... Housing Authority of the City of Dothan ................................ Housing Authority of the County Contra Costa ..................... Housing Authority of the County of San Bernardino ............. Housing Authority of the City of Needles .............................. San Diego Housing Commission ........................................... Orange County Housing Authority ......................................... Housing Authority of the City of Redondo Beach ................. City of Anaheim Housing Authority ........................................ Delta Housing Authority ......................................................... Boulder County Housing Authority ........................................ Boulder County Housing Authority ........................................ Montrose County Housing Authority ...................................... Colorado Division of Housing ................................................ New Castle County Housing Authority .................................. Sarasota Housing Authority ................................................... Delray Beach Housing Authority ............................................ Citrus County Housing Services ............................................ County of Hawaii ................................................................... County of Maui ...................................................................... Hawaii Public Housing Authority ............................................ City of Sioux City Housing Authority ..................................... Housing Authority of the City of Bloomington, IL .................. Wichita Housing Authority ...................................................... Boston Housing Authority ...................................................... Braintree Housing Authority ................................................... Housing Authority of Prince Georges County ....................... Michigan State Housing Development Authority ................... St. Louis Housing Authority ................................................... Housing Authority of St. Louis County .................................. Springfield Housing Authority ................................................ Housing Authority of the City of Joplin, MO .......................... Franklin County Public Housing Agency ............................... Missoula Housing Authority ................................................... Housing Authority of the City of Goldsboro ........................... WNC Source .......................................................................... Western Piedmont Council of Governments ......................... New Hampshire Housing Finance Agency ............................ Hoboken Housing Authority ................................................... Gloucester County Housing Authority ................................... City of Reno Housing Authority ............................................. Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority ............................ Clermont Metropolitan Housing Authority .............................. Housing Authority of the City of Lawton ................................ Housing Authority of Clackamas County ............................... Linn-Benton Housing Authority .............................................. Housing Authority of the City of York .................................... Housing Authority of the County of Berks ............................. Housing Authority of the County of Cumberland ................... Lancaster County Housing Authority ..................................... The Greenville Housing Authority .......................................... SC State Housing Authority ................................................... Crossville Housing Authority .................................................. Tennessee Housing Development Agency ........................... Housing Authority of the City of Brownsville ......................... McAllen Housing Authority .................................................... Big Spring Housing Authority ................................................ Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs ............ St. George Housing Authority ................................................ 4300 Boniface Parkway ......................... 602 S Lena Street ................................. 3133 Estudillo Street ............................. 715 E Brier Dr ....................................... 908 Sycamore Drive .............................. 1122 Broadway Suite 300 ..................... 1501 E St. Andrew Place, First Floor ... 1922 Artesia Blvd .................................. 201 South Anaheim Boulevard ............. 501 14TH Street .................................... 3460 N Broadway .................................. 3460 N Broadway .................................. 222 Hap Court ....................................... 1313 Sherman Street ............................ 77 Read’s Way ...................................... 269 S Osprey Ave ................................. 82 NW 5th Avenue ................................ 2804 W Marc Knighton Ct ..................... 1990 Kino’ole St., Suite 102 .................. 2065 Main Street ................................... 1002 North School Street ...................... 405 6th St.—#107 ................................. 104 E Wood Street ................................ City Hall ................................................. 52 Chauncy Street ................................. 25 Roosevelt Street ............................... 9200 Basil Court .................................... 735 E Michigan ...................................... 3520 Page Boulevard ............................ 8865 Natural Bridge Road ..................... 421 W Madison Street ........................... 1834 W 24TH Street ............................. 2 Merchant Dr ........................................ 1235 34th Street .................................... 700 N Jefferson Ave .............................. 220 King Creek Blvd ............................. 1880 2nd Avenue NW ........................... 32 Constitution Drive ............................. 400 Harrison Street ............................... 100 POP Moylan Boulevard .................. 1525 E 9th Street .................................. 880 East 11th Ave ................................. 65 S Market Street ................................ 609 SW F Avenue ................................. 13930 South Gain Street ....................... 1250 SE Queen Ave ............................. 31 S Broad Street .................................. 1803 Butter Lane ................................... 114 N Hanover Street ........................... 28 Penn Square .................................... 122 Edinburgh Court ............................. 300–C Outlet Pointe Boulevard ............. 67 Irwin Avenue ..................................... 502 Deaderick Street ............................. 2606 Boca Chica Boulevard .................. 1200 N 25th St ...................................... 201 NE 7th Street .................................. 221 E 11th Street .................................. 975 N 1725 W ....................................... Anchorage .................... Dothan .......................... Martinez ........................ San Bernardino ............ Needles ........................ San Diego ..................... Santa Ana ..................... Redondo Beach ............ Anaheim ....................... Delta ............................. Boulder ......................... Boulder ......................... Olathe ........................... Denver .......................... New Castle ................... Sarasota ....................... Delray Beach ................ Lecanto ......................... Hilo ............................... Wailuku ......................... Honolulu ....................... Sioux City ..................... Bloomington .................. Wichita .......................... Boston .......................... Braintree ....................... Largo ............................ Lansing ......................... Saint Louis .................... Saint Louis .................... Springfield ..................... Joplin ............................ Hillsboro ........................ Missoula ....................... Goldsboro ..................... Hendersonville .............. Hickory .......................... Bedford ......................... Hoboken ....................... Deptford ........................ Reno ............................. Columbus ..................... Batavia .......................... Lawton .......................... Oregon City .................. Albany ........................... York .............................. Reading ........................ Carlisle .......................... Lancaster ...................... Greenville ..................... Columbia ...................... Crossville ...................... Nashville ....................... Brownsville ................... McAllen ......................... Big Spring ..................... Austin ............................ St. George .................... VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:23 Sep 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\16SEN1.SGM Zip code 16SEN1 99504 36301 94553 92408 92363 92101 92705 90278 92805 81416 80304 80304 81425 80203 19720 34236 33444 34461 96720 96793 96817 51101 61701 67202 02111 02184 20774 48912 63106 63121 65806 64804 63050 59801 27530 28792 28601 03110 07030 08096 89512 43211 45103 73501 97045 97322 17403 19606 17013 17603 29607 29210 38555 37243 78521 78501 79720 78701 84770 Award amount $155,376.00 141,216.00 2,107,886.00 753,434.00 211,572.00 422,061.00 168,348.00 186,386.00 155,461.00 30,239.00 44,282.00 38,362.00 32,422.00 271,779.00 680,918.00 1,262,250.00 68,836.00 29,824.00 95,116.00 157,760.00 111,455.00 24,593.00 32,621.00 292,630.00 252,857.00 204,757.00 130,530.00 110,372.00 53,202.00 62,674.00 110,130.00 94,726.00 24,060.00 158,911.00 39,424.00 32,585.00 53,335.00 250,935.00 234,764.00 75,107.00 963,720.00 385,068.00 46,922.00 44,003.00 268,962.00 175,005.00 54,222.00 106,859.00 84,303.00 146,935.00 184,752.00 392,472.00 91,544.00 160,070.00 28,031.00 27,251.00 69,276.00 29,408.00 31,889.00 75556 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 179 / Monday, September 16, 2024 / Notices Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City Zip code Award amount Roanoke Redevelopment & Housing Authority ..................... Harrisonburg Redevelopment & Housing Authority ............... Fairfax County Redevelopment & Hsg Authority ................... Prince William County Office of HCD .................................... Housing Authority of the City of Bremerton ........................... HA City of Tacoma ................................................................ HA Of Grays Harbor County .................................................. HA City of Pasco and Franklin County .................................. Housing Authority City of Bellingham .................................... Kitsap County Consolidated Housing Auth ........................... Housing Authority of Snohomish County ............................... HA Of Pierce County ............................................................. HA City of Spokane ............................................................... 2624 Salem Turnpike NW ..................... 286 Kelley Street ................................... 3700 Pender Drive ................................ 15941 Donald Curtis Drive, Suite 112 .. 600 Park Avenue ................................... 902 S L Street ....................................... 602 East First Street ............................. 2505 West Lewis Street ........................ 208 Unity Street ..................................... 2244 NW Bucklin Hill Road ................... 12711 4TH Avenue West ...................... 603 So Polk St ...................................... 25 W Nora Ave ...................................... Roanoke ....................... Harrisburg ..................... Fairfax ........................... Woodbridge .................. Bremerton ..................... Tacoma ......................... Aberdeen ...................... Pasco ............................ Bellingham .................... Silverdale ...................... Everett .......................... Tacoma ......................... Spokane ....................... 24017 22802 22030 22191 98337 98405 98520 99301 98225 98383 98204 98444 99205 155,891.00 70,978.00 266,011.00 362,745.00 189,013.00 520,986.00 26,620.00 153,314.00 37,643.00 69,113.00 344,547.00 480,708.00 795,165.00 Total ................................................................................ ................................................................ ....................................... ........................ 16,126,622.00 Appendix F FY 2023 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants (FR–6700–N–38) Contact: Luci Blackburn (202) 402–4190. Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City Housing Authority of the City of Hagerstown ............... Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority ........................... Housing Authority of the City of Bridgeport .................. City of Albuquerque ...................................................... City of Bethlehem .......................................................... Gainesville Housing Authority ....................................... Housing Authority of the City of Daytona Beach .......... Lift Orlando .................................................................... Oklahoma City Housing Authority ................................. Peoria Housing Authority .............................................. Philadelphia Housing Authority ..................................... Selma Housing Authority .............................................. Housing Authority of Kansas City, Missouri ................. Housing Authority of New Haven .................................. 35 W Baltimore St ............................ 400 E Tuscarawas Street ................ 150 Highland Avenue ...................... P.O. Box 1293 ................................. 10 E Church St ................................ 1900 SE 4th Street .......................... 211 N Ridgewood Ave ..................... 710 South Tampa Ave ..................... 1700 NE 4th Street .......................... 100 S Richard Pryor Place .............. 2013 Ridge Avenue ......................... 444 Washington St .......................... 3822 Summit .................................... 360 Orange Street, New Haven, CT Hagerstown .................. Canton .......................... Bridgeport ..................... Albuquerque ................. Bethlehem .................... Gainesville .................... Daytona Beach ............. Orlando ......................... Oklahoma City .............. Peoria ........................... Philadelphia .................. Selma ........................... Kansas City .................. New Haven ................... Total ....................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... State MD OH CT NM PA FL FL FL OK IL PA AL MO CT Zip Award amount 21740 44702 6604 87103 18018 32641 32114 32805 73117 61605 19121 36703 64111 06511 $500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 500,000.00 ........................ 7,000,000.00 Appendix G FY 2023 Emergencies and NonPresidentially Declare Disaster Fund PIH Notice 2012–48(HA) Contact: Luci Blackburn (202) 402–4190. Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City Guttenberg Housing Authority ....................................... St. Joseph Housing Commission .................................. Yale Housing Authority ................................................. Dahlonega Housing Authority ....................................... Village of Great Neck Housing Authority ...................... Lowell Housing Authority .............................................. Leachville Housing Authority ......................................... Jefferson Housing Authority .......................................... 6900 Broadway Avenue ................... 601 Port Street ................................. 601 Watson Drive ............................ 90 Thompson Circle ......................... 700 Middle Neck Road .................... 350 Moody Street ............................ 410 E 5th Street ............................... 1040 Myrtle Avenue ......................... Guttenberg .................... St. Joseph .................... Yale .............................. Dahlonega .................... Great Neck ................... Lowell ........................... Leachville ...................... Jefferson City ............... Total ....................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City City of Caney ................................................................ City of Emporia Kansas ................................................ Municipality of Manati ................................................... 100 W 4th Ave ................................. 522 Mechanic Street ........................ #10 Calle Quinones ......................... Caney ........................... Emporia ........................ Manati ........................... Total ....................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... State NJ MI OK GA NY MA AR MO Zip code Award amount 07093 49085 74085 30533 11023 01854 72438 65102 $730,000.00 1,242,880.00 739,085.00 518,400.00 225,900.00 1,970,773.00 812,889.00 799,154.00 ........................ 7,039,081.00 Appendix H lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 FY 2023 HOPE VI Main Street Grant Program (FR–6700–N–03) Contact: John Holtgreive (202) 402–6645. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:23 Sep 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\16SEN1.SGM State KS KS PR 16SEN1 Zip code Award and amount of total 67333 66801 00674 $500,000.00 500,000.00 1,000,000.00 ........................ 2,000,000.00 75557 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 179 / Monday, September 16, 2024 / Notices Appendix I FY22 and FY23 Distressed Cities Technical Assistance (DCTA) Program (FR–6700–N–54) Contact: Carol Gilliam, 202–402–4354. State Zip code Award and amount of total Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City BCT Partners, LLC ........................................................ Capital Access, Inc ....................................................... Enterprise Community Partners, Inc ............................. Newark ......................... Philadelphia .................. Columbia ...................... NJ PA MD 07103 19106 21044 $2,000,000 1,000,000 1,950,000 Local Initiatives Support Corporation ............................ Midwest Evaluation and Research, LLC ....................... 105 Lock Street, Suite 311 .............. 220 Locust Street, Suite 16C .......... 70 Corporate Center, 11000 Broken Land Parkway. 28 Liberty Street, 34th Floor ............ 1005 Constitution Street, Suite 500 New York City .............. Emporia ........................ NY KS 10005 66801 1,000,000 1,000,000 Total ....................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... ........................ 6,950,000 Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City Texas Tech University .................................................. Arizona State University ................................................ Research Services, 349 Admin Bldg Office Research Sponsored Programs Administration, P.O. Box 876011. 3925 West Braker Lane, Building 156, Suite 3340. 400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway, South, Suite 300. Lubbock ........................ Tempe .......................... TX AZ 79409 85287 $3,207,839 3,000,000.00 Austin ............................ TX 78759 2,459,527 College Station ............. TX 77845 1,832,634 .......................................................... ....................................... ........................ 10,500,000 Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City New York University, Furman Center ........................... The Regents of the University of California U.C. San Diego. City of NOME ................................................................ 665 Broadway, Suite 801 ................ 9500 Gilmore Drive .......................... Total ....................................................................... Appendix J HUDRD—Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Research Center of Excellence Program (FR–6600–N–29G) Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354. University of Texas at Austin ........................................ Texas Agricultural and Mechanical University .............. Total ....................................................................... State Zip code Amount Appendix K FY2022 Authority To Accept Unsolicited Proposals for Research Partnerships (FR– 6600–N–USP) Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354. State Zip code Amount New York ...................... La Jolla ......................... NY CA 10012–233 92093–9934 $650,000 350,000 P.O. Box 281 ................................... Nome ............................ AK 99762–0281 600,000 .......................................................... ....................................... ........................ 1,600,000 Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City New America Foundation .............................................. The Regents of the University of Michigan .................. Abt Associates .............................................................. 740 15th Street NW, Suite 900 ....... 3003 S State Street ......................... 6130 Executive Blvd ........................ Washington ................... Ann Arbor ..................... Rockville ....................... Total ....................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... Appendix L lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 FY2023 HUDRD—Closing the Homeownership Gap and Preserving Homeownership During Economic Decline (FR–6700–N–29I) Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:23 Sep 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\16SEN1.SGM State Zip code DC MI MD 20005–1031 48109–1274 20852–4907 $251,925 330,000.00 416,358 ........................ 998,283 16SEN1 Amount 75558 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 179 / Monday, September 16, 2024 / Notices Appendix M FY23 HUDRD Grants for UniversityNonprofit Partnerships Supporting Community—Engaged Research Designed To Address Homelessness (FR–6700–N–29K) Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402–4354. Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City State Zip code Amount The Arizona Board of Regents for and on behalf of Northern Arizona University. New York University (NYU) Grossman School of Medicine. P.O. Beaver Box 4130, 525 S Beaver Street, Bldg. 20, 4th Floor. One Park Avenue ............................ Flagstaff ........................ AZ 86011–4130 $726,306 New York ...................... NY 10016–5802 631,902 Total ....................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... ........................ 1,358,208 Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City Warren County Housing Authority ................................ Housing Authority of Prince George’s County .............. The Housing Authority of Kansas City Missouri ........... Blair Housing Authority ................................................. Columbiana Metropolitan Housing Authority ................ Maryville Housing Authority .......................................... 200 E Harlem Ave ........................... 9200 Basil Court .............................. 3822 Summit .................................... 758 S 16th Street ............................. 325 Moore Street ............................. 311 Atlantic Ave ............................... Monmouth ..................... Largo ............................ Kansas City .................. Blair .............................. East Liverpool ............... Maryville ....................... Total ....................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... Organization name Street address or P.O. Box City Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing Services ................. Rural Alaska Community Action Program, Inc., (Rural CAP). Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan) ................................... City of Long Beach ....................................................... Greater Miami Service Corps ....................................... Troup County—Habitat for Humanity ............................ City of Atlanta ................................................................ City of Waterloo ............................................................ Young Adult Development in Action, Inc ...................... Frontier Housing, Inc ..................................................... Mult-County Community Service Agency, INC ............. Northern Cheyenne Tribal Housing Authority ............... Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada ........................ Genesee County ........................................................... County of Madison, NY ................................................. Albany Community Development Agency .................... Community Housing Solutions ...................................... Neighborhood Housing Services of Toledo, Inc ........... S.A.F.E.-Housing INC ................................................... Shelby County ............................................................... Weber-Morgan Health Dept .......................................... Tulalip Tribes of Washington ........................................ 1427 Gillam Way ............................. 731 E 8th Ave .................................. Fairbanks ...................... Anchorage .................... AK AK 99701 99501 $2,000,000.00 1,997,325.00 HC60 Box 2207 ............................... 2525 Grand Avenue ......................... 810 NW 28th Street ......................... 333 Main St ...................................... 55 Trinity Avenue SW ...................... 620 Mulberry Street ......................... 800 S Preston Street ....................... 5445 Flemingsburg Rd .................... 2906 St. Paul Street P.O. Box 905 P.O. Box 327 ................................... 611 South Ninth Street .................... 3837 West Main St. Rd ................... 138 N Court Street ........................... 200 Henry Johnson Blvd ................. 12114 Larchmere Blvd ..................... 704 Second Street ........................... 434 Peepytown Road ...................... 1075 Mullins Station Road ............... 477 23rd Street ................................ 6406 Marine Drive ........................... Klukwan ........................ Long Beach .................. Miami ............................ LaGrange ...................... Atlanta .......................... Waterloo ....................... Louisville ....................... Morehead ..................... Lauderdale .................... Lame Deer .................... Las Vegas .................... Batavia .......................... Wampsville ................... Albany ........................... Cleveland ...................... Toledo ........................... East Berlin .................... Memphis ....................... Ogden City ................... Tulalip ........................... AK CA FL GA GA IA KY KY MS MT NV NY NY NY OH OH PA TN UT WA 99827 90815 33127 30240 30303 50703 40203 40351 39301 59043 89101 14020 13163 12210 44120 43605 17316 38134 84401 98271 1,000,000.00 1,706,641.00 1,605,735.00 1,987,070.00 1,753,802.00 1,999,991.00 1,999,969.00 1,408,469.00 2,000,000.00 1,833,082.00 1,250,000.00 1,182,681.00 2,000,000.00 1,890,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,994,245.00 2,000,000.00 1,500,000.00 2,000,000.00 1,971,619.00 Total ....................................................................... .......................................................... ....................................... ........................ 39,080,629.00 Appendix N FY2023 and FY2024 Radon Testing and Mitigation Demonstration for Public Housing (FR–6700–N–80) Contact: Rhona Julien Sc.D. (202) 402– 6842. Award amount and total State Zip code IL MD MO NE OH TN 61462–1273 20774–5358 64111–4652 68008–2387 43920–2572 37801–2166 $600,000.00 450,678.00 508,274.00 442,858.00 600,000.00 446,122.00 ........................ 3,047,932.00 Appendix O lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Healthy Homes Production Grant Program (FR–6700–N–44) Contact: Sacsheen Scott (202) 402–4370. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:23 Sep 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 PO 00000 Frm 00033 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 9990 E:\FR\FM\16SEN1.SGM State 16SEN1 Zip code Award amount and total Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 179 / Monday, September 16, 2024 / Notices [FR Doc. 2024–20966 Filed 9–13–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4210–67–P DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT [Docket No. FR–6487–N–01] Allocating Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes Grant Funding Using a Formula Approach; Request for Information Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). ACTION: Request for information. AGENCY: Through this request for information (RFI), HUD seeks public input regarding the development of program components for a formula grant program to allocate funding for HUD’s Lead Hazard Reduction and Healthy Homes grant programs. Currently, these grant programs are statutorily required to make funding awards on a competitive basis; however, HUD has requested Congressional approval to award a portion of grant funds to eligible jurisdictions using a formula rather than using the competitive, and procedurally more complex, process for these jurisdictions to apply for grants. HUD believes that a formula grant program may allow more efficient distribution of funding to highest need communities, streamline the selection and award of grants, and help maximize funding utilization. DATES: Comment Due Date: November 15, 2024. Late-filed comments will be considered to the extent practicable. ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments responsive to this RFI. There are two methods for submitting public comments. All submissions must refer to the above docket number and title. 1. Electronic Submission of Comments. Comments may be submitted electronically through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at HUD strongly encourages commenters to submit comments electronically. Electronic submission of comments allows the commenter maximum time to prepare and submit a comment, ensures timely receipt by HUD, and enables HUD to make comments immediately available to the public. Comments submitted electronically through can be viewed by other commenters and interested members of the public. Commenters should follow the instructions provided lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:23 Sep 13, 2024 Jkt 262001 on that website to submit comments electronically. 2. Submission of Comments by Mail. Comments may be submitted by mail to the Regulations Division, Office of General Counsel, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW, Room 10276, Washington, DC 20410–0500. Public Inspection of Public Comments. All properly submitted comments and communications will be available for public inspection and copying between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. eastern time weekdays at the above address. Due to security measures at the HUD Headquarters building, you must schedule an appointment in advance to review the public comments by calling the Regulations Division at 202–708– 3055 (this is not a toll-free number). HUD welcomes and is prepared to receive calls from individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as individuals with speech or communication disabilities. To learn more about how to make an accessible telephone call, please visit https:// telecommunications-relay-service-trs. Copies of all comments submitted are available for inspection and downloading at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Peter Han, Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 7th Street SW, Room 8236, Washington, DC 20410–3000, telephone 202–402–7698 (this is not a toll-free number). HUD welcomes and is prepared to receive calls from individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing, as well as individuals with speech or communication disabilities. To learn more about how to make an accessible telephone call, please visit telecommunications-relay-service-trs. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Background The purpose of HUD’s Lead Hazard Reduction grant programs is to maximize the number of children under the age of six protected from lead poisoning by assisting certain States and Tribes,1 as well as cities, counties/ parishes, and other units of local government in undertaking comprehensive programs to identify and control lead-based paint hazards 2 in 1 States and federally recognized Native American Tribes must have an Environmental Protection Agency- (EPA-) authorized lead abatement certification program to receive funding through HUD’s Lead Hazard Reduction grant program. 2 42 U.S.C. 4851b, for which ‘‘appropriate Federal agency’’ is, per 15 U.S.C. 2683, the EPA, which PO 00000 Frm 00034 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 75559 eligible privately-owned rental or owner-occupied housing populations. Operating since 1993, these programs award grants on a competitive basis as required by statute.3 Under the Residential Lead-Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992, commonly referred to as title X,4 States and units of local government are eligible for these grant programs if they have an approved comprehensive housing affordability strategy. States and Tribes must also be authorized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to administer the certification program for lead abatement professionals and contractors to conduct such work within their jurisdiction.5 Under the Lead Hazard Reduction grant programs, HUD makes available Healthy Homes Supplemental funding that is intended to enhance the leadbased paint hazard control activities by comprehensively identifying and addressing other housing-related hazards that affect occupants’ health in homes where lead hazard reduction work is being conducted under the grant programs. The Healthy Homes Supplements are authorized under section 501 and 502 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970.6 Funding for these Lead Hazard Reduction grant programs is provided in annual appropriations to HUD, specifically to its Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH). As of the publication of this RFI, the two most recent fiscal years’ appropriations were: • The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023.7 The OLHCHH’s appropriation is within division L, title II, of the Act. • The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024.8 The OLHCHH’s issues its regulation operationalizing the statutory definition at 40 CFR 745.65. 3 See 42 U.S.C. 4852. 4 42 U.S.C. 4822 et seq., 4851 et seq. 5 As noted in fn. 1, EPA allows federally recognized Tribes to be authorized to administer lead abatement certification programs. For additional information, see the Environmental Protection Agency, Lead; Requirements for LeadBased Paint Activities in Target Housing and ChildOccupied Facilities, section IX.F (Treatment of Tribes as a State), 61 FR 45778, 45805 (Aug. 29, 1996). Because title X, sec. 1011(n) (Relationship to other law) requires that States have lead abatement certification program authorization from EPA to be awarded a Lead Hazard Reduction grant, HUD also treats Tribes as a State for this purpose and requires that they have such authorization to be awarded such a grant. 6 12 U.S.C. 1701z–1 and 1701z–2. 7 Public Law 117–328, 136 Stat. 4459, 5167–68 (Dec. 29, 2022). 8 Public Law 118–42, 138 Stat. 7, 370–372 (Mar. 29, 2024). E:\FR\FM\16SEN1.SGM 16SEN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 179 (Monday, September 16, 2024)]
[Pages 75551-75559]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-20966]



[Docket No. FR-6418-N-04]

Announcement of Funding Awards

AGENCY: Office of Chief Financial Officer, HUD.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: In accordance with section 102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of 
Housing and Urban Development Reform Act of 1989, this announcement 
notifies the public of funding decisions made by the Department in 
competitions for funding under the Notices of Funding Opportunity 
(NOFOs) and Notices for the following program (s): Procedural Guidance 
for Fiscal Year 2023 HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing Renewal and 
Replacement Grant Application, FY 2022 Family Unification Program 
(FUP), FY 2023 Housing Mobility-Related Services, FY 2023 HUD VASH PIH 
Notice 2023-22, FY 2023 HUD VASH PIH Notice 2023-09, FY 2023 Choice 
Neighborhoods Planning Grants, FY 2023 Emergencies and Non-
Presidentially Declared Disaster Fund PIH Notice 2012-48(HA), FY 2023 
HOPE VI Main Street Grant Program, FY22 and FY23 Distressed Cities 
Technical Assistance (DCTA) Program, FY22 HUDRD--Hispanic Serving 
Institutions (HSI) Research Center of Excellence, FY2022 Authority to 
Accept Unsolicited Proposals for Research Partnerships, FY2023 HUDRD-
Closing the Homeownership Gap and Preserving Homeownership During 
Economic Decline, FY23 HUDRD Grants for University-Nonprofit 
Partnerships Supporting Community-Engaged Research Designed to Address 
Homelessness Program, FY2023 and FY2024 Radon Testing and Mitigation 
Demonstration for Public Housing and Healthy Homes Production Grant 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Christine Brown, Acting Director, 
Grants Management and Oversight, Office of the Chief Financial Officer, 
Office of the Chief Financial Officer (Systems), Grants Management and 
Oversight at [email protected] or the contact person listed in each 

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: HUD posted Procedural Guidance for Fiscal 
Year 2023 HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing Renewal and Replacement 
Grant Application Program on April 12. 2023, (CPD-23-03). 
The competition closed on June 13, 2023. HUD rated and selected for 
funding based on selection criteria contained in the notice. This 
competition awarded $30,289,401 to 27 recipients to provide funds to 
eligible expiring HOPWA Permanent Supportive Housing grantees to 
provide permanent supportive housing (PSH) as the primary grant 
activity to HOPWA-eligible clients. For the purposes of the Notice, 
``permanent housing'' means housing in which the eligible person has a 
continuous legal right to remain in the unit established by a lease or 
legally binding occupancy agreement.
    HUD posted FY 2022 Family Unification Program (FUP) on 
April 25, 2023, (FR-6600-N-84). The competition closed on May 25, 2023. 
HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria 
contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $9,968,902 to 13 
recipients to make Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) assistance available to 
Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) in partnership with Public Child Welfare 
Agencies (PCWAs) for eligible families and youth.
    HUD posted FY 2023 FY 2023 Housing Mobility-Related Services

[[Page 75552]]

Program on June 1, 2023, (FR-6700-N-87). The competition 
closed on September 13, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based 
on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded 
$24,510,137 to 7 recipients to expand housing choices for Housing 
Choice Voucher (HCV) families with children by increasing access to 
opportunity neighborhoods. The awardees will administer housing 
mobility programs which will increase the number of HCV families with 
children residing in lower-poverty neighborhoods.
    HUD posted FY 2023 HUD VASH Program on August 14, 2023, 
(PIH Notice 2023-22). The Registration of Interest application window 
closed on September 15, 2023. HUD selected PHAs for funding based on 
selection criteria contained in the notice. This process awarded 
$14,554,810 to 67 recipients to assist homeless veterans with housing 
assistance. The PHAs will provide a HUD-VASH voucher to an eligible 
veteran referred by a partnering VA Medical Center.
    HUD posted FY 2023 HUD VASH Program on April 10, 2023, 
(PIH Notice 2023-09). The Registration of Interest application window 
closed on June 5, 2023. HUD selected PHAs for funding based on 
selection criteria contained in the notice. This process awarded 
$16,126,622 to 71 recipients to assist homeless veterans with housing 
assistance. The PHAs will provide a HUD-VASH voucher to an eligible 
veteran referred by a partnering VA Medical Center.
    HUD posted FY 2023 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants NOFO on April 4, 2023, (FR-6700-N-38). The competition closed on 
June 6, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection 
criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $7,000,000 to 
14 recipients focused on severely distressed public housing and HUD-
assisted housing. Planning Grants support communities in developing a 
comprehensive neighborhood revitalization strategy, or Transformation 
Plan. The Transformation Plan will become the guiding document for the 
revitalization of the public and/or assisted housing units while 
simultaneously directing the transformation of the surrounding 
neighborhood and positive outcomes for families.
    HUD posted FY 2023 Emergencies and Non-Presidentially Declared 
Disaster Fund PIH Notice 2012-48(HA) on November 28, 2012, 
(PIH 2012-48(HA)) on an as-needed basis. HUD rated and selected for 
funding based on selection criteria contained in the Notice. This 
competition awarded $7,039,081 to 8 recipients from July 1, 2023, to 
August 31, 2023, to assist public housing agencies with capital needs 
arising from emergencies and non-presidentially declared natural 
disasters. The funds are to be used to correct emergency conditions, 
which constitute an immediate threat to the health and safety of public 
housing residents.
    HUD posted FY 2023 HOPE VI Main Street Grant Program on 
June 14, 2023, (FR-6700-N-03). The competition closed on December 11, 
2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria 
contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $2,000,000 to 3 
recipients to communities smaller than 50,000 in population to assist 
in the renovation of a historic, traditional central business district, 
or ``Main Street'' area by replacing unused, obsolete, commercial space 
in buildings with affordable housing units.
    HUD posted FY22 and FY23 Distressed Cities Technical Assistance 
(DCTA) Program on March 20, 2023, (FR-6700-N-54). The 
competition closed on May 19, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding 
based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition 
awarded $6,950,000 to 5recipients to provide technical assistance to 
units of general local government and their non-profit partners serving 
communities experiencing economic hardship.
    HUD posted HUDRD--Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Research 
Center of Excellence Program on January 17, 2023, (FR-6600-
N-29G). The competition closed on June 1, 2023. HUD rated and selected 
for funding based on selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This 
competition awarded $10,500,000 to 4 recipients to conduct research 
projects on multiple topics of strategic interest to the Department of 
Housing and Urban Development.
    HUD posted FY2022 Authority to Accept Unsolicited Proposals for 
Research Partnerships Program on September 7, 2022, (FR-
6600-N-USP). The notice closed on June 30, 2023, 2023. HUD rated and 
selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the 
NOTICE. This Notice awarded $1,600,000 to 3 recipients to allow greater 
flexibility in addressing evidence gaps concerning strategic policy 
questions and to better utilize external expertise in evaluating 
effectiveness of programs affecting residents of urban, suburban, 
rural, and tribal areas as well as local innovations in the delivery of 
these programs.
    HUD posted FY2023 HUDRD-Closing the Homeownership Gap and 
Preserving Homeownership During Economic Decline Program on 
May 25, 2023 (FR-6700-N-29I). The competition closed on July 24, 2023, 
2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on selection criteria 
contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded $998,283 to 3 
recipients to fund rigorous evaluations of (a) the factors that 
contribute to the gaps in homeownership rates among different 
demographic groups, and the effect of public policies and other 
initiatives (including private or philanthropic efforts) on addressing 
these gaps, and (b) how homeownership can be preserved during economic 
decline, including the effects of related public policies and other 
initiatives (including private or philanthropic efforts on achieving 
preservation goals).
    HUD posted FY23 HUDRD Grants for University-Nonprofit Partnerships 
Supporting Community-Engaged Research Designed to Address Homelessness 
Program on May 4, 2023 (FR-6700-N-29K). The competition 
closed on July 13, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on 
selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded 
$1,358,208 to 2 recipients to address homelessness in communities, 
while elevating the perspectives and insights of people with lived 
    HUD posted FY2023 and FY2024 Radon Testing and Mitigation 
Demonstration for Public Housing Program on July 7, 2023, 
(FR-6700-N-80). The competition closed on August 21, 2023. HUD rated 
and selected for funding based on selection criteria contained in the 
NOFO. This competition awarded $3,047,932 to 6 recipients to provide 
funds to public housing agencies (PHAs) to conduct testing and as-
needed mitigation of radon in the units that they manage and where 
applicable, to support the development of a plan for future testing and 
    HUD posted FY 2023 Healthy Homes Production Grant Program on September 15, 2023, (FR-6700-N-44). The competition closed 
on November 7, 2023. HUD rated and selected for funding based on 
selection criteria contained in the NOFO. This competition awarded 
$39,080,629 to 22 recipients to address multiple housing-related 
hazards in a comprehensive fashion.
    In accordance with section 102(a)(4)(C) of the Department of 
Housing and Urban Development

[[Page 75553]]

Reform Act of 1989 (103 Stat. 1987, 42 U.S.C. 3545(a)(4)(C)), the 
Department is publishing the awardees and the amounts of the awards in 
Appendix A thru O of this document.

Christine Brown,
Acting Director, Grants Management and Oversight, Office of the Chief 
Financial Officer.

Appendix A

Procedural Guidance for Fiscal Year 2023 HOPWA Permanent Supportive 
Housing Renewal and Replacement Grant Application (CPD-23-03)

    Contact: Vanessa Larkin, [email protected].

                                          Street address or P.O.
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State             Zip         Award amount
Action, Inc...........................  180 Main Street..........  Gloucester........................  MA                   01930-6002     $1,300,585.00
AIDS Alabama, Inc.....................  3529 7th Avenue South....  Birmingham........................  AL                   35222-3210        987,317.00
AIDS Foundation of Chicago............  200 W Monroe Street Suite  Chicago...........................  IL                   60606-5036      1,483,450.00
AIDS Foundation of Chicago............  201 W Monroe Street Suite  Chicago...........................  IL                   60606-5036      1,422,571.00
Alameda County........................  224 W Winton Ave Room 108  Hayward...........................  CA                        94544      1,561,072.00
Alaska Housing Finance Corp...........  P.O. Box 101020 4300       Anchorage.........................  AK                   99510-1020        924,965.00
                                         Boniface Parkway.
City of Nashua........................  229 Main Street..........  Nashua............................  NH                   03060-2938      1,532,092.00
City of Savannah, Daniel Flagg........  P.O. Box 1027............  Savannah..........................  GA                        31402        261,995.00
City of Savannah, Project House.......  P.O. Box 1027............  Savannah..........................  GA                        31402        692,757.00
Clare Housing.........................  929 Central Avenue NE....  Minneapolis.......................  MN                   55413-2404        994,072.00
Clare Housing.........................  929 Central Avenue NE....  Minneapolis.......................  MN                   55413-2404        431,806.00
Cochise County........................  1415 Melody Lane Building  Bisbee............................  AZ                        85603        643,013.00
Del Norte Neighborhood Dev............  3275 W 14th Avenue Suite   Denver............................  CO                        80204        627,772.00
Grace House...........................  2219 N Lamar Street......  Jackson...........................  MS                   39202-1404      1,266,240.00
Harbor Homes..........................  77 Northeastern Blvd.....  Nashua............................  NH                   03060-2938        512,470.00
Health Services Center................  P.O. Box 1347............  Anniston..........................  AL                        36202        915,881.00
Kingsport Housing and Redevelopment...  906 E Sevier Avenue......  Kingsport.........................  TN                   37660-5233      1,133,529.00
Lexington-Fayette Urban County........  200 East Main Street.....  Lexington.........................  KY                        40504      1,506,791.00
Maui AIDS Foundation..................  1935 Main Street Suite     Wailuku...........................  HI                   96793-1784      1,520,103.00
Meeting the Needs of Our Community....  4A Kronprindsens Gade      St. Thomas........................  VI                   00803-6816      1,510,082.00
                                         P.O. Box 306816.
Oregon Health Authority...............  800 NE Oregon St Suite     Portland..........................  OR                        97232      1,453,052.00
Pima County...........................  2797 East Ajo Way........  Tucson............................  AZ                        85713      1,425,283.00
State of Montana......................  1400 Carter Dr...........  Helena............................  MT                        59601      1,512,514.00
University of Illinois, College of      809 S Marshfield Ave.....  Chicago...........................  IL                   60612-4305      1,311,404.00
Salvation Army........................  2445 Prior Avenue........  Roseville.........................  MN                   55113-2714        473,084.00
Vermont Housing.......................  58 East State Street.....  Montpelier........................  VT                   05602-3403      1,497,540.00
Vivent................................  648 N Plankinton Ave.      Milwaukee.........................  WI                        53203      1,387,961.00
                                         Suite 200.
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............     30,289,401.00

Appendix B

FY 2022 Family Unification Program (FUP) FR-6600-N-84

    Contact: Celia Carpentier (202) 402-7093 and Ryan Jones (202) 

                                          Street address or P.O.
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State          Zip code       Award amount
Santa Clara County Housing Authority..  505 West Julian Street...  San Jose..........................  CA                        95110     $1,175,590.00
Sonoma County Housing Authority.......  1440 Guerneville Road....  Santa Rosa........................  CA                        95403      1,182,229.00
Housing Authority of the County of San  3989 Ruffin Road.........  San Diego.........................  CA                        92123      1,131,976.00
Housing Authority of the City and       1035 Osage Street........  Denver............................  CO                        80204        862,761.00
 County of Denver.
Hialeah Housing Authority.............  75 East 6th Street.......  Hialeah...........................  FL                        33010        566,650.00
Chicago Housing Authority.............  60 E Van Buren St........  Chicago...........................  IL                        60605        778,477.00
Jefferson Parish Housing Services and   P.O. Box 9...............  Gretna............................  LA                        70054        417,064.00
 Development District.
Mississippi Regional Housing Authority  P.O. Box 2347............  Gulfport..........................  MS                        39505        376,940.00
Home Forward..........................  135 SW Ash Street........  Portland..........................  OR                        97204        788,081.00
Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage       44 Washington Street.....  Providence........................  RI                        02903        354,369.00
 Finance Corporation.
Housing Authority of the City of        P.O. Box 41119...........  Austin............................  TX                        78704        772,020.00
Housing Authority of the County of      3595 S Main Street.......  Salt Lake City....................  UT                        84115        628,548.00
 Salt Lake dba Housing Connect.
King County Housing Authority.........  600 Andover Park West....  Seattle...........................  WA                        98188        934,197.00
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............      9,968,902.00

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Appendix C

FY 2023 Housing Mobility-Related Services (FR-6700-N-84)

    Contact: Alison Bell (202) 402-5673.

                                          Street address or P.O.                                                                        Award amount and
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State          Zip code           total
Housing Authority of the Birmingham     1826 3rd Avenue S........  Birmingham........................  AL                        35233        $2,119,900
Boston Housing Authority..............  52 Chauncy Street........  Boston............................  MA                        02111         5,000,000
The Housing Authority of the City of    3939 N Hampton Road......  Dallas............................  TX                        75212         5,000,000
 Dallas, TX.
Houston Housing Authority.............  2640 Fountain View Drive.  Houston...........................  TX                        77057         5,000,000
Seattle Housing Authority.............  190 Queen Anne Avenue      Seattle...........................  WA                        98109         1,075,200
Milwaukee County Housing Authority....  600 W Walnut Street......  Milwaukee.........................  WI                        53212         1,815,037
Connecticut Department of Housing.....  505 Hudson Street........  Hartford..........................  CT                        06106         4,500,000
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............        24,510,137

Appendix D

FY 2023 HUD VASH PIH Notice 2023-22

    Contact: Courtney Herring, 202-402-5000.

           Organization name                  Street address                      City                      State          Zip code       Award amount
Housing Authority of the Birmingham     1826 3rd Ave S...........  Birmingham........................  AL                        35233       $180,378.00
Huntsville Housing Authority..........  200 Washington St NE.....  Huntsville........................  AL                        35801        200,323.00
Bessemer Housing Authority............  1515 Fairfax Ave.........  Bessemer..........................  AL                        35020        198,979.00
City of Tucson........................  310 N Commerce Park Loop.  Tucson............................  AZ                        85745        602,505.00
Tempe Housing Authority...............  3500 S Rural Rd..........  Tempe.............................  AZ                        85282        226,306.00
Housing Authority of Cochise County...  1415 Melody Ln Bldg. A...  Bisbee............................  AZ                        85603         66,533.00
Housing Authority of the County of      3133 Estudillo St........  Martinez..........................  CA                        94553        892,320.00
 Contra Costa.
Housing Authority of the County of San  264 Harbor Blvd..........  Belmont...........................  CA                        94002        693,742.00
Housing Authority County of San         2575 Grand Canal Blvd....  Stockton..........................  CA                        95207         80,008.00
Stanislaus Regional Housing Authority.  1701 Robertson Rd........  Modesto...........................  CA                        95351        158,023.00
San Diego Housing Commission..........  1122 Broadway Ste 300....  San Diego.........................  CA                        92101        894,210.00
Housing Authority of the City of San    487 Leff St..............  San Luis Obispo...................  CA                        93401        223,346.00
 Luis Obispo.
City of Fairfield Housing Authority...  823 Jefferson St Ste B...  Fairfield.........................  CA                        94533        264,948.00
Alameda County Housing Authority......  22941 Atherton St........  Hayward...........................  CA                        94541        403,437.00
Housing Authority of the County of      2160 41st Ave............  Capitola..........................  CA                        95010        573,559.00
 Santa Cruz.
Housing Authority of the City of        777 Cypress Ave..........  Redding...........................  CA                        96001         56,496.00
Housing Authority of the County of San  3989 Ruffin Rd...........  San Diego.........................  CA                        92123         91,360.00
Roseville Housing Authority...........  316 Vernon St Ste 150....  Roseville.........................  CA                        95678        165,182.00
Housing Catalyst......................  1715 W Mountain Ave......  Fort Collins......................  CO                        80521        272,829.00
Metro West Housing Solutions..........  575 Union Blvd Ste 100...  Lakewood..........................  CO                        80228        293,659.00
Housing Authority of the City of        150 Highland Ave.........  Bridgeport........................  CT                         6604        125,118.00
West Haven Housing dba Savin Rock       15 Glade St..............  West Haven........................  CT                         6516        108,738.00
Connecticut Department of Housing.....  505 Hudson St............  Hartford..........................  CT                         6106        266,357.00
Lakeland Housing Authority............  430 Hartsell Ave.........  Lakeland..........................  FL                        33815         43,235.00
Hernando County Housing Authority.....  621 W Jefferson St.......  Brooksville.......................  FL                        34601         49,218.00
DuPage Housing Authority..............  711 E Roosevelt Rd.......  Wheaton...........................  IL                        60187        331,517.00
The City of Evansville Housing          500 SE 10th St...........  Evansville........................  IN                        47713        143,255.00
Boston Housing Authority..............  52 Chauncy St............  Boston............................  MA                         2111        253,129.00
Cambridge Housing Authority...........  362 Green St.............  Cambridge.........................  MA                         2139         91,099.00
Brockton Housing Authority............  45 Goddard Rd............  Brockton..........................  MA                         2301         48,682.00
Somerville Housing Authority..........  30 Memorial Rd...........  Somerville........................  MA                         2145        195,653.00
Brookline Housing Authority...........  90 Longwood Ave..........  Brookline.........................  MA                         2446        118,639.00
Dedham Housing Authority..............  163 Dedham Blvd..........  Dedham............................  MA                         2026        183,711.00
Watertown Housing Authority...........  55 Waverley Ave..........  Watertown.........................  MA                         2472        198,280.00
Executive Office of Housing and         100 Cambridge St Ste 300.  Boston............................  MA                         2114         68,808.00
 Livable Communities.
Housing Opportunities Commission of     10400 Detrick Ave........  Kensington........................  MD                        20895        317,182.00
 Montgomery County, MD.
Grand Rapids Housing Commission.......  1420 Fuller Ave SE.......  Grand Rapids......................  MI                        49507        115,974.00
Kent County Housing Commission........  121 S Martin L King Blvd.  Grand Rapids......................  MI                        49503        131,583.00
Housing Authority of the City of        407 N Sycamore St........  Lumberton.........................  NC                        28358         21,922.00
The Housing Authority of the City of    1065 Pinehurst Dr........  Rocky Mount.......................  NC                        27801         62,998.00
 Rocky Mount.
Sanford Housing Authority.............  1000 Carthage St.........  Sanford...........................  NC                        27330         64,938.00
Long Branch Housing Authority City of   2 Hope Lane..............  Long Branch.......................  NJ                         7740         63,350.00
 Long Branch.
New Jersey Department of Community      101 S Broad St...........  Trenton...........................  NJ                         8608         54,266.00
New Jersey Department of Community      101 S Broad St...........  Trenton...........................  NJ                         8608         54,266.00
Nevada Rural Housing Authority........  3695 Desatoya Dr.........  Carson City.......................  NV                        89701        403,272.00
Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority..  100 W Cedar St...........  Akron.............................  OH                        44307        105,118.00
Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority..  400 Tuscarawas St E......  Canton............................  OH                        44702        160,834.00
Housing Authority of Washington County  161 NW Adams Ave.........  Hillsboro.........................  OR                        97124        301,998.00
Philadelphia Housing Authority........  2013 Ridge Ave...........  Philadelphia......................  PA                        19121        746,196.00
Harrisburg Housing Authority..........  351 Chestnut St..........  Harrisburg........................  PA                        17101        270,043.00
The Housing Authority of the County of  114 Woody Dr.............  Butler............................  PA                        16001         60,455.00
Mercer County Housing Authority.......  80 Jefferson Ave.........  Sharon............................  PA                        16146         26,816.00
Housing Authority of the City of York.  31 S Broad St............  York..............................  PA                        17403         81,320.00
Housing Authority of Chester County...  30 W Barnard St..........  West Chester......................  PA                        19382        402,514.00
North Providence Housing Authority....  945 Charles St...........  North Providence..................  RI                         2904        248,877.00
Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage       44 Washington St.........  Providence........................  RI                         2903        337,554.00
 Finance Corporation.

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SC State Housing Finance & Development  300 Outlet Pointe Blvd     Columbia..........................  SC                        29210         42,231.00
 Authority.                              Ste C.
Housing Authority of the City of        3939 N Hampton Rd........  Dallas............................  TX                        75212        177,199.00
 Dallas, Texas (DHA).
San Marcos Housing Authority..........  1201 Thorpe Ln...........  San Marcos........................  TX                        78666         73,650.00
Tatum Housing Authority...............  200 Forest Acres Cir.....  Tatum.............................  TX                        75691         31,708.00
Housing Authority of the City of New    300 Laurel Ln............  New Braunfels.....................  TX                        78130         45,393.00
City of Marshall Housing Authority....  1401 Poplar St...........  Marshall..........................  TX                        75670         33,730.00
Lynchburg Redevelopment and Housing     1948 Thomson Dr..........  Lynchburg.........................  VA                        24501         72,233.00
Staunton Redevelopment and Housing      900 Elizabeth Miller Gdns  Staunton..........................  VA                        24401         36,303.00
Seattle Housing Authority.............  190 Queen Anne Ave N.....  Seattle...........................  WA                        98109        285,099.00
Spokane Housing Authority.............  25 W Nora Ave............  Spokane...........................  WA                        99205        934,728.00
Wisconsin Housing and Economic          201 W Washington Ave Ste   Madison...........................  WI                        53703         27,478.00
 Development Authority.                  700.
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............     14,554,810.00

Appendix E

FY 2023 HUD VASH PIH Notice 2023-09

    Contact: Courtney Herring, 202-402-5000.

                                Street address or
       Organization name             P.O. Box                  City                Zip code       Award amount
Alaska Housing Finance          4300 Boniface      Anchorage..................           99504       $155,376.00
 Corporation.                    Parkway.
Housing Authority of the City   602 S Lena Street  Dothan.....................           36301        141,216.00
 of Dothan.
Housing Authority of the        3133 Estudillo     Martinez...................           94553      2,107,886.00
 County Contra Costa.            Street.
Housing Authority of the        715 E Brier Dr...  San Bernardino.............           92408        753,434.00
 County of San Bernardino.
Housing Authority of the City   908 Sycamore       Needles....................           92363        211,572.00
 of Needles.                     Drive.
San Diego Housing Commission..  1122 Broadway      San Diego..................           92101        422,061.00
                                 Suite 300.
Orange County Housing           1501 E St. Andrew  Santa Ana..................           92705        168,348.00
 Authority.                      Place, First
Housing Authority of the City   1922 Artesia Blvd  Redondo Beach..............           90278        186,386.00
 of Redondo Beach.
City of Anaheim Housing         201 South Anaheim  Anaheim....................           92805        155,461.00
 Authority.                      Boulevard.
Delta Housing Authority.......  501 14TH Street..  Delta......................           81416         30,239.00
Boulder County Housing          3460 N Broadway..  Boulder....................           80304         44,282.00
Boulder County Housing          3460 N Broadway..  Boulder....................           80304         38,362.00
Montrose County Housing         222 Hap Court....  Olathe.....................           81425         32,422.00
Colorado Division of Housing..  1313 Sherman       Denver.....................           80203        271,779.00
New Castle County Housing       77 Read's Way....  New Castle.................           19720        680,918.00
Sarasota Housing Authority....  269 S Osprey Ave.  Sarasota...................           34236      1,262,250.00
Delray Beach Housing Authority  82 NW 5th Avenue.  Delray Beach...............           33444         68,836.00
Citrus County Housing Services  2804 W Marc        Lecanto....................           34461         29,824.00
                                 Knighton Ct.
County of Hawaii..............  1990 Kino'ole      Hilo.......................           96720         95,116.00
                                 St., Suite 102.
County of Maui................  2065 Main Street.  Wailuku....................           96793        157,760.00
Hawaii Public Housing           1002 North School  Honolulu...................           96817        111,455.00
 Authority.                      Street.
City of Sioux City Housing      405 6th St.--#107  Sioux City.................           51101         24,593.00
Housing Authority of the City   104 E Wood Street  Bloomington................           61701         32,621.00
 of Bloomington, IL.
Wichita Housing Authority.....  City Hall........  Wichita....................           67202        292,630.00
Boston Housing Authority......  52 Chauncy Street  Boston.....................           02111        252,857.00
Braintree Housing Authority...  25 Roosevelt       Braintree..................           02184        204,757.00
Housing Authority of Prince     9200 Basil Court.  Largo......................           20774        130,530.00
 Georges County.
Michigan State Housing          735 E Michigan...  Lansing....................           48912        110,372.00
 Development Authority.
St. Louis Housing Authority...  3520 Page          Saint Louis................           63106         53,202.00
Housing Authority of St. Louis  8865 Natural       Saint Louis................           63121         62,674.00
 County.                         Bridge Road.
Springfield Housing Authority.  421 W Madison      Springfield................           65806        110,130.00
Housing Authority of the City   1834 W 24TH        Joplin.....................           64804         94,726.00
 of Joplin, MO.                  Street.
Franklin County Public Housing  2 Merchant Dr....  Hillsboro..................           63050         24,060.00
Missoula Housing Authority....  1235 34th Street.  Missoula...................           59801        158,911.00
Housing Authority of the City   700 N Jefferson    Goldsboro..................           27530         39,424.00
 of Goldsboro.                   Ave.
WNC Source....................  220 King Creek     Hendersonville.............           28792         32,585.00
Western Piedmont Council of     1880 2nd Avenue    Hickory....................           28601         53,335.00
 Governments.                    NW.
New Hampshire Housing Finance   32 Constitution    Bedford....................           03110        250,935.00
 Agency.                         Drive.
Hoboken Housing Authority.....  400 Harrison       Hoboken....................           07030        234,764.00
Gloucester County Housing       100 POP Moylan     Deptford...................           08096         75,107.00
 Authority.                      Boulevard.
City of Reno Housing Authority  1525 E 9th Street  Reno.......................           89512        963,720.00
Columbus Metropolitan Housing   880 East 11th Ave  Columbus...................           43211        385,068.00
Clermont Metropolitan Housing   65 S Market        Batavia....................           45103         46,922.00
 Authority.                      Street.
Housing Authority of the City   609 SW F Avenue..  Lawton.....................           73501         44,003.00
 of Lawton.
Housing Authority of Clackamas  13930 South Gain   Oregon City................           97045        268,962.00
 County.                         Street.
Linn-Benton Housing Authority.  1250 SE Queen Ave  Albany.....................           97322        175,005.00
Housing Authority of the City   31 S Broad Street  York.......................           17403         54,222.00
 of York.
Housing Authority of the        1803 Butter Lane.  Reading....................           19606        106,859.00
 County of Berks.
Housing Authority of the        114 N Hanover      Carlisle...................           17013         84,303.00
 County of Cumberland.           Street.
Lancaster County Housing        28 Penn Square...  Lancaster..................           17603        146,935.00
The Greenville Housing          122 Edinburgh      Greenville.................           29607        184,752.00
 Authority.                      Court.
SC State Housing Authority....  300-C Outlet       Columbia...................           29210        392,472.00
                                 Pointe Boulevard.
Crossville Housing Authority..  67 Irwin Avenue..  Crossville.................           38555         91,544.00
Tennessee Housing Development   502 Deaderick      Nashville..................           37243        160,070.00
 Agency.                         Street.
Housing Authority of the City   2606 Boca Chica    Brownsville................           78521         28,031.00
 of Brownsville.                 Boulevard.
McAllen Housing Authority.....  1200 N 25th St...  McAllen....................           78501         27,251.00
Big Spring Housing Authority..  201 NE 7th Street  Big Spring.................           79720         69,276.00
Texas Department of Housing &   221 E 11th Street  Austin.....................           78701         29,408.00
 Community Affairs.
St. George Housing Authority..  975 N 1725 W.....  St. George.................           84770         31,889.00

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Roanoke Redevelopment &         2624 Salem         Roanoke....................           24017        155,891.00
 Housing Authority.              Turnpike NW.
Harrisonburg Redevelopment &    286 Kelley Street  Harrisburg.................           22802         70,978.00
 Housing Authority.
Fairfax County Redevelopment &  3700 Pender Drive  Fairfax....................           22030        266,011.00
 Hsg Authority.
Prince William County Office    15941 Donald       Woodbridge.................           22191        362,745.00
 of HCD.                         Curtis Drive,
                                 Suite 112.
Housing Authority of the City   600 Park Avenue..  Bremerton..................           98337        189,013.00
 of Bremerton.
HA City of Tacoma.............  902 S L Street...  Tacoma.....................           98405        520,986.00
HA Of Grays Harbor County.....  602 East First     Aberdeen...................           98520         26,620.00
HA City of Pasco and Franklin   2505 West Lewis    Pasco......................           99301        153,314.00
 County.                         Street.
Housing Authority City of       208 Unity Street.  Bellingham.................           98225         37,643.00
Kitsap County Consolidated      2244 NW Bucklin    Silverdale.................           98383         69,113.00
 Housing Auth.                   Hill Road.
Housing Authority of Snohomish  12711 4TH Avenue   Everett....................           98204        344,547.00
 County.                         West.
HA Of Pierce County...........  603 So Polk St...  Tacoma.....................           98444        480,708.00
HA City of Spokane............  25 W Nora Ave....  Spokane....................           99205        795,165.00
    Total.....................  .................  ...........................  ..............     16,126,622.00

Appendix F

FY 2023 Choice Neighborhoods Planning Grants (FR-6700-N-38)

    Contact: Luci Blackburn (202) 402-4190.

                                          Street address or P.O.
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State             Zip         Award amount
Housing Authority of the City of        35 W Baltimore St........  Hagerstown........................  MD                        21740       $500,000.00
Stark Metropolitan Housing Authority..  400 E Tuscarawas Street..  Canton............................  OH                        44702        500,000.00
Housing Authority of the City of        150 Highland Avenue......  Bridgeport........................  CT                         6604        500,000.00
City of Albuquerque...................  P.O. Box 1293............  Albuquerque.......................  NM                        87103        500,000.00
City of Bethlehem.....................  10 E Church St...........  Bethlehem.........................  PA                        18018        500,000.00
Gainesville Housing Authority.........  1900 SE 4th Street.......  Gainesville.......................  FL                        32641        500,000.00
Housing Authority of the City of        211 N Ridgewood Ave......  Daytona Beach.....................  FL                        32114        500,000.00
 Daytona Beach.
Lift Orlando..........................  710 South Tampa Ave......  Orlando...........................  FL                        32805        500,000.00
Oklahoma City Housing Authority.......  1700 NE 4th Street.......  Oklahoma City.....................  OK                        73117        500,000.00
Peoria Housing Authority..............  100 S Richard Pryor Place  Peoria............................  IL                        61605        500,000.00
Philadelphia Housing Authority........  2013 Ridge Avenue........  Philadelphia......................  PA                        19121        500,000.00
Selma Housing Authority...............  444 Washington St........  Selma.............................  AL                        36703        500,000.00
Housing Authority of Kansas City,       3822 Summit..............  Kansas City.......................  MO                        64111        500,000.00
Housing Authority of New Haven........  360 Orange Street, New     New Haven.........................  CT                        06511        500,000.00
                                         Haven, CT.
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............      7,000,000.00

Appendix G

FY 2023 Emergencies and Non-Presidentially Declare Disaster Fund PIH 
Notice 2012-48(HA)

    Contact: Luci Blackburn (202) 402-4190.

                                          Street address or P.O.
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State          Zip code       Award amount
Guttenberg Housing Authority..........  6900 Broadway Avenue.....  Guttenberg........................  NJ                        07093       $730,000.00
St. Joseph Housing Commission.........  601 Port Street..........  St. Joseph........................  MI                        49085      1,242,880.00
Yale Housing Authority................  601 Watson Drive.........  Yale..............................  OK                        74085        739,085.00
Dahlonega Housing Authority...........  90 Thompson Circle.......  Dahlonega.........................  GA                        30533        518,400.00
Village of Great Neck Housing           700 Middle Neck Road.....  Great Neck........................  NY                        11023        225,900.00
Lowell Housing Authority..............  350 Moody Street.........  Lowell............................  MA                        01854      1,970,773.00
Leachville Housing Authority..........  410 E 5th Street.........  Leachville........................  AR                        72438        812,889.00
Jefferson Housing Authority...........  1040 Myrtle Avenue.......  Jefferson City....................  MO                        65102        799,154.00
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............      7,039,081.00

Appendix H

FY 2023 HOPE VI Main Street Grant Program (FR-6700-N-03)

    Contact: John Holtgreive (202) 402-6645.

                                          Street address or P.O.                                                                        Award and amount
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State          Zip code         of total
City of Caney.........................  100 W 4th Ave............  Caney.............................  KS                        67333       $500,000.00
City of Emporia Kansas................  522 Mechanic Street......  Emporia...........................  KS                        66801        500,000.00
Municipality of Manati................  #10 Calle Quinones.......  Manati............................  PR                        00674      1,000,000.00
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............      2,000,000.00

[[Page 75557]]

Appendix I

FY22 and FY23 Distressed Cities Technical Assistance (DCTA) Program 

    Contact: Carol Gilliam, 202-402-4354.

                                          Street address or P.O.                                                                        Award and amount
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State          Zip code         of total
BCT Partners, LLC.....................  105 Lock Street, Suite     Newark............................  NJ                        07103        $2,000,000
Capital Access, Inc...................  220 Locust Street, Suite   Philadelphia......................  PA                        19106         1,000,000
Enterprise Community Partners, Inc....  70 Corporate Center,       Columbia..........................  MD                        21044         1,950,000
                                         11000 Broken Land
Local Initiatives Support Corporation.  28 Liberty Street, 34th    New York City.....................  NY                        10005         1,000,000
Midwest Evaluation and Research, LLC..  1005 Constitution Street,  Emporia...........................  KS                        66801         1,000,000
                                         Suite 500.
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............         6,950,000

Appendix J

HUDRD--Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI) Research Center of 
Excellence Program (FR-6600-N-29G)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402-4354.

                                          Street address or P.O.
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State          Zip code          Amount
Texas Tech University.................  Research Services, 349     Lubbock...........................  TX                        79409        $3,207,839
                                         Admin Bldg.
Arizona State University..............  Office Research Sponsored  Tempe.............................  AZ                        85287      3,000,000.00
                                         Programs Administration,
                                         P.O. Box 876011.
University of Texas at Austin.........  3925 West Braker Lane,     Austin............................  TX                        78759         2,459,527
                                         Building 156, Suite 3340.
Texas Agricultural and Mechanical       400 Harvey Mitchell        College Station...................  TX                        77845         1,832,634
 University.                             Parkway, South, Suite
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............        10,500,000

Appendix K

FY2022 Authority To Accept Unsolicited Proposals for Research 
Partnerships (FR-6600-N-USP)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402-4354.

                                          Street address or P.O.
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State          Zip code          Amount
New York University, Furman Center....  665 Broadway, Suite 801..  New York..........................  NY                    10012-233          $650,000
The Regents of the University of        9500 Gilmore Drive.......  La Jolla..........................  CA                   92093-9934           350,000
 California U.C. San Diego.
City of NOME..........................  P.O. Box 281.............  Nome..............................  AK                   99762-0281           600,000
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............         1,600,000

Appendix L

FY2023 HUDRD--Closing the Homeownership Gap and Preserving 
Homeownership During Economic Decline (FR-6700-N-29I)

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402-4354.

                                          Street address or P.O.
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State          Zip code          Amount
New America Foundation................  740 15th Street NW, Suite  Washington........................  DC                   20005-1031          $251,925
The Regents of the University of        3003 S State Street......  Ann Arbor.........................  MI                   48109-1274        330,000.00
Abt Associates........................  6130 Executive Blvd......  Rockville.........................  MD                   20852-4907           416,358
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............           998,283

[[Page 75558]]

Appendix M

FY23 HUDRD Grants for University-Nonprofit Partnerships Supporting 
Community--Engaged Research Designed To Address Homelessness (FR-6700-

    Contact: Carol Gilliam (202) 402-4354.

                                          Street address or P.O.
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State          Zip code          Amount
The Arizona Board of Regents for and    P.O. Beaver Box 4130, 525  Flagstaff.........................  AZ                   86011-4130          $726,306
 on behalf of Northern Arizona           S Beaver Street, Bldg.
 University.                             20, 4th Floor.
New York University (NYU) Grossman      One Park Avenue..........  New York..........................  NY                   10016-5802           631,902
 School of Medicine.
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............         1,358,208

Appendix N

FY2023 and FY2024 Radon Testing and Mitigation Demonstration for Public 
Housing (FR-6700-N-80)

    Contact: Rhona Julien Sc.D. (202) 402-6842.

                                          Street address or P.O.                                                                        Award amount and
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State          Zip code           total
Warren County Housing Authority.......  200 E Harlem Ave.........  Monmouth..........................  IL                   61462-1273       $600,000.00
Housing Authority of Prince George's    9200 Basil Court.........  Largo.............................  MD                   20774-5358        450,678.00
The Housing Authority of Kansas City    3822 Summit..............  Kansas City.......................  MO                   64111-4652        508,274.00
Blair Housing Authority...............  758 S 16th Street........  Blair.............................  NE                   68008-2387        442,858.00
Columbiana Metropolitan Housing         325 Moore Street.........  East Liverpool....................  OH                   43920-2572        600,000.00
Maryville Housing Authority...........  311 Atlantic Ave.........  Maryville.........................  TN                   37801-2166        446,122.00
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............      3,047,932.00

Appendix O

Healthy Homes Production Grant Program (FR-6700-N-44)

    Contact: Sacsheen Scott (202) 402-4370.

                                          Street address or P.O.                                                                        Award amount and
           Organization name                       Box                            City                      State          Zip code           total
Fairbanks Neighborhood Housing          1427 Gillam Way..........  Fairbanks.........................  AK                        99701     $2,000,000.00
Rural Alaska Community Action Program,  731 E 8th Ave............  Anchorage.........................  AK                        99501      1,997,325.00
 Inc., (Rural CAP).
Chilkat Indian Village (Klukwan)......  HC60 Box 2207............  Klukwan...........................  AK                        99827      1,000,000.00
City of Long Beach....................  2525 Grand Avenue........  Long Beach........................  CA                        90815      1,706,641.00
Greater Miami Service Corps...........  810 NW 28th Street.......  Miami.............................  FL                        33127      1,605,735.00
Troup County--Habitat for Humanity....  333 Main St..............  LaGrange..........................  GA                        30240      1,987,070.00
City of Atlanta.......................  55 Trinity Avenue SW.....  Atlanta...........................  GA                        30303      1,753,802.00
City of Waterloo......................  620 Mulberry Street......  Waterloo..........................  IA                        50703      1,999,991.00
Young Adult Development in Action, Inc  800 S Preston Street.....  Louisville........................  KY                        40203      1,999,969.00
Frontier Housing, Inc.................  5445 Flemingsburg Rd.....  Morehead..........................  KY                        40351      1,408,469.00
Mult-County Community Service Agency,   2906 St. Paul Street P.O.  Lauderdale........................  MS                        39301      2,000,000.00
 INC.                                    Box 905.
Northern Cheyenne Tribal Housing        P.O. Box 327.............  Lame Deer.........................  MT                        59043      1,833,082.00
Rebuilding Together Southern Nevada...  611 South Ninth Street...  Las Vegas.........................  NV                        89101      1,250,000.00
Genesee County........................  3837 West Main St. Rd....  Batavia...........................  NY                        14020      1,182,681.00
County of Madison, NY.................  138 N Court Street.......  Wampsville........................  NY                        13163      2,000,000.00
Albany Community Development Agency...  200 Henry Johnson Blvd...  Albany............................  NY                        12210      1,890,000.00
Community Housing Solutions...........  12114 Larchmere Blvd.....  Cleveland.........................  OH                        44120      2,000,000.00
Neighborhood Housing Services of        704 Second Street........  Toledo............................  OH                        43605      1,994,245.00
 Toledo, Inc.
S.A.F.E.-Housing INC..................  434 Peepytown Road.......  East Berlin.......................  PA                        17316      2,000,000.00
Shelby County.........................  1075 Mullins Station Road  Memphis...........................  TN                        38134      1,500,000.00
Weber-Morgan Health Dept..............  477 23rd Street..........  Ogden City........................  UT                        84401      2,000,000.00
Tulalip Tribes of Washington..........  6406 Marine Drive........  Tulalip...........................  WA                        98271      1,971,619.00
    Total.............................  .........................  ..................................  ...............  ..............     39,080,629.00

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[FR Doc. 2024-20966 Filed 9-13-24; 8:45 am]

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