Notice of Intended Repatriation: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, Sacramento, CA, 74985-74987 [2024-20878]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 178 / Friday, September 13, 2024 / Notices
National Park Service
Notice of Intended Repatriation: U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento
District, Sacramento, CA
National Park Service, Interior.
In accordance with the Native
American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento
District intends to repatriate certain
cultural items that meet the definition of
unassociated funerary objects and that
have a cultural affiliation with the
Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian
organizations in this notice.
DATES: Repatriation of the cultural items
in this notice may occur on or after
October 15, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Dr. Michelle Fitzgerald,
Physical Anthropologist and
Sacramento District NAGPRA Liaison,
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Sacramento District, Planning Division,
1325 J. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814,
telephone (916) 557–7114, email
notice is published as part of the
National Park Service’s administrative
responsibilities under NAGPRA. The
determinations in this notice are the
sole responsibility of the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District,
and additional information on the
determinations in this notice, including
the results of consultation, can be found
in the summary or related records. The
National Park Service is not responsible
for the determinations in this notice.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Abstract of Information Available
A total of 297 cultural items from 17
sites and unspecified locations located
within the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers, Sacramento District Black
Butte Dam and Lake operating project in
Glenn and Tehama counties, California
have been requested for repatriation.
These cultural items are described
Glenn County
One hundred thirty-three cultural
items have been requested for
repatriation. The 133 unassociated
funerary objects are: one faunal bone,
one metal fragment, one metal nail, one
drilled Olivella shell fragment, one
chipped stone, two pieces of
groundstone, two shell fragments, two
unmodified stones, four blue beads, four
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pieces of debitage, eight seed beads, 24
Olivella shell beads, and 82 shell disk
beads. The unassociated funerary
objects were removed from site CA–
GLE–10/H (Brownell Indian Cemetery)
at the Sacramento District operating
project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in
Glenn County, CA. Site CA–GLE–10/H
is a Native American cemetery that was
utilized into the late-1930s. Black Butte
Dam and Lake staff, Sacramento District
personnel, contractors, and/or park
visitors collected these cultural items on
unknown dates. The unassociated
funerary objects were stored at the Black
Butte Dam and Lake Project Office prior
to being transferred to the Veterans
Curation Program facility in San Mateo,
CA in 2018. The unassociated funerary
objects currently remain at the Veterans
Curation Program facility.
Two cultural items have been
requested for repatriation. The two
unassociated funerary objects are one
pestle fragment and one projectile point
(missing). The two unassociated
funerary objects were removed from site
CA–GLE–22 at the Sacramento District
operating project at Black Butte Dam
and Lake in Glenn County, CA. The
pestle was collected in 1960 by
archaeologists affiliated with San
Francisco State College, now San
Francisco State University. The pestle
currently remains at San Francisco State
University where it has been housed
since 1960. The projectile point was
removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists
affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract
with the Sacramento District. California
State University, Sacramento has
reported this projectile point as missing.
Six cultural items have been
requested for repatriation. The six
unassociated funerary objects are
column samples. The unassociated
funerary objects were removed from site
CA–GLE–25 at the Sacramento District
operating project at Black Butte Dam
and Lake in Glenn County, CA. The
unassociated funerary objects were
removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists
affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract
with the Sacramento District. The
unassociated funerary objects currently
remain at California State University,
One cultural item has been requested
for repatriation. The one unassociated
funerary object is a projectile point. The
unassociated funerary object was
removed from site CA–GLE–22 or site
CA–GLE–35 at the Sacramento District
operating project at Black Butte Dam
and Lake located in Glenn County, CA
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by Black Butte Dam and Lake staff,
Sacramento District personnel,
contractors, and/or park visitors on an
unknown date. This unassociated
funerary object was stored at the Black
Butte Dam and Lake Project Office prior
to being transferred to the Veterans
Curation Program facility in San Mateo,
CA in 2018. The unassociated funerary
object currently remains at the Veterans
Curation Program facility.
Ten cultural items have been
requested for repatriation. The 10
unassociated funerary objects are: three
pieces of debitage (one is missing), three
lithic tools (one is missing), and four
projectile points (one is missing). The
unassociated funerary objects were
removed from site CA–GLE–35 at the
Sacramento District operating project at
Black Butte Dam and Lake in Glenn
County, CA. One piece of debitage, one
lithic tool, and one projectile point were
removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists
affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract
with the Sacramento District. California
State University, Sacramento has
reported these three unassociated
funerary objects as missing. Two pieces
of debitage, two lithic tools, and three
projectile points were removed by Black
Butte Dam and Lake staff, Sacramento
District personnel, contractors, and/or
park visitors on an unknown date. The
unassociated funerary objects were
stored at the Black Butte Dam and Lake
Project Office prior to being transferred
to the Veterans Curation Program
facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The
seven unassociated funerary objects
currently remain at the Veterans
Curation Program facility.
Five cultural items have been
requested for repatriation. The five
unassociated funerary objects are: one
crescent, one piece of debitage
(missing), one worked stone (missing),
and two projectile points (one missing).
The unassociated funerary objects were
removed from site CA–GLE–306 at the
Sacramento District operating project at
Black Butte Dam and Lake in Glenn
County, CA. One piece of debitage, one
worked stone, and one projectile point
were removed in 1983 during survey
and excavation work done by
archaeologists affiliated with California
State University, Sacramento under
contract with the Sacramento District.
California State University, Sacramento
has reported these three unassociated
funerary objects as missing. One
crescent and one projectile point were
removed by Black Butte Dam and Lake
staff, Sacramento District personnel,
contractors, and/or park visitors on
unknown dates. The unassociated
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 178 / Friday, September 13, 2024 / Notices
funerary objects were stored at the Black
Butte Dam and Lake Project Office prior
to being transferred to the Veterans
Curation Program facility in San Mateo,
CA in 2018. The two unassociated
funerary objects currently remain at the
Veterans Curation Program facility.
One cultural item has been requested
for repatriation. The unassociated
funerary object is a historic-era bottle
(missing). The unassociated funerary
object was removed from site CA–GLE–
317 at the Sacramento District operating
project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in
Glenn County, CA. The unassociated
funerary object was removed in 1983
during survey and excavation work
done by archaeologists affiliated with
California State University, Sacramento
under contract with the Sacramento
District. California State University,
Sacramento has reported this
unassociated funerary object as missing.
One cultural item has been requested
for repatriation. The unassociated
funerary object is one flaked stone/core
(missing). The unassociated funerary
object was removed from site CA–GLE–
321 at the Sacramento District operating
project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in
Glenn County, CA. The unassociated
funerary object was removed in 1983
during survey and excavation work
done by archaeologists affiliated with
California State University, Sacramento
under contract with the Sacramento
District. California State University,
Sacramento has reported this
unassociated funerary object as missing.
Two cultural items have been
requested for repatriation. The
unassociated funerary objects are one
projectile point (missing) and one
unmodified obsidian cobble (missing).
The unassociated funerary objects were
removed from site CA–GLE–322 at the
Sacramento District operating project at
Black Butte Dam and Lake in Glenn
County, CA. The unassociated funerary
objects were removed in 1983 during
survey and excavation work done by
archaeologists affiliated with California
State University, Sacramento under
contract with the Sacramento District.
California State University, Sacramento
has reported these unassociated
funerary objects as missing.
Three cultural objects have been
requested for repatriation. The
unassociated funerary objects are three
projectile points. The unassociated
funerary objects were removed from
unspecified locations within the
Sacramento District operating project at
Black Butte Dam and Lake in Glenn
County, CA by Black Butte Dam Lake
staff, Sacramento District personnel,
contractors, and/or park visitors on
unknown dates. The unassociated
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funerary objects were stored at the Black
Butte Dam and Lake Project Office prior
to being transferred to the Veterans
Curation Program facility in San Mateo,
CA in 2018. The unassociated funerary
objects currently remain at the Veterans
Curation Program facility.
Tehama County
One lot of cultural items have been
requested for repatriation. The
unassociated funerary items are one lot
of faunal remains. The unassociated
funerary objects were removed from site
CA–TEH–10/TEH-Burris Creek at the
Sacramento District operating project at
Black Butte Dam and Lake in Tehama
County, CA by Black Butte Dam and
Lake staff, Sacramento District
personnel, contractors, and/or park
visitors on unknown dates. The
unassociated funerary objects were
stored at the Black Butte Dam and Lake
Project Office prior to being transferred
to the Veterans Curation Program
facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The
unassociated funerary objects currently
remain at the Veterans Curation
Program facility.
Forty-two cultural items have been
requested for repatriation. The 42
unassociated funerary objects are 42
column samples. The unassociated
funerary objects were removed from site
CA–TEH–231 at the Sacramento District
operating project at Black Butte Dam
and Lake in Tehama County, CA. The
unassociated funerary objects were
removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists
affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract
with the Sacramento District. The
unassociated funerary objects currently
remain at California State University,
Twenty-six cultural items have been
requested for repatriation. The 26
unassociated funerary objects are: one
chert flake, one handstone (missing),
and 24 column samples. The
unassociated funerary objects were
removed from site CA–TEH–1317 at the
Sacramento District operating project at
Black Butte Dam and Lake in Tehama
County, CA. The chert flake was
removed by Black Butte Dam and Lake
staff, Sacramento District personnel,
contractors, and/or park visitors on an
unknown date. This unassociated
funerary object was stored at the Black
Butte Dam and Lake Project Office prior
to being transferred to the Veterans
Curation Program facility in San Mateo,
CA in 2018. The chert flake currently
remains at the Veterans Curation
Program facility. The handstone and
column samples were removed in 1983
during survey and excavation work
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done by archaeologists affiliated with
California State University, Sacramento
under contract with the Sacramento
District. The column samples currently
remain at California State University,
Sacramento while the handstone has
been reported by the University as
Three cultural items have been
requested for repatriation. The three
unassociated funerary objects are one
glass sherd (missing) and two historicera ceramic sherds (missing). The
unassociated funerary objects were
removed from site CA–TEH–1318 at the
Sacramento District operating project at
Black Butte Dam and Lake in Tehama
County, CA. The unassociated funerary
objects were removed in 1983 during
survey and excavation work done by
archaeologists affiliated with California
State University, Sacramento under
contract with the Sacramento District.
California State University, Sacramento
has reported these three unassociated
funerary objects as missing.
Three cultural items have been
requested for repatriation. The three
unassociated funerary items are column
samples. The unassociated funerary
objects were removed from site CA–
TEH–1321 at the Sacramento District
operating project at Black Butte Dam
and Lake in Tehama County, CA. The
unassociated funerary objects were
removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists
affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract
with the Sacramento District. The
unassociated funerary objects currently
remain at California State University,
One cultural item has been requested
for repatriation. The one unassociated
funerary object is an obsidian biface
(missing). The unassociated funerary
object was removed from site CA–TEH–
1322 at the Sacramento District
operating project at Black Butte Dam
and Lake in Tehama County, CA. The
unassociated funerary object was
removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists
affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract
with the Sacramento District. California
State University, Sacramento has
reported this unassociated funerary
object as missing.
One cultural item has been requested
for repatriation. The one unassociated
funerary object is an obsidian projectile
point (missing). The unassociated
funerary object was removed from site
CA–TEH–1323 at the Sacramento
District operating project at Black Butte
Dam and Lake in Tehama County, CA.
The unassociated funerary object was
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 178 / Friday, September 13, 2024 / Notices
removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists
affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract
with the Sacramento District. California
State University, Sacramento has
reported this unassociated funerary
object as missing.
One cultural item has been requested
for repatriation. The one unassociated
funerary object is a chert flake. The
unassociated funerary object was
removed from site CA–TEH–1326 at the
Sacramento District operating project at
Black Butte Dam and Lake in Tehama
County, CA by Black Butte Dam and
Lake staff, Sacramento District
personnel, contractors, and/or park
visitors on an unknown date. The
unassociated funerary object was stored
at the Black Butte Dam and Lake Project
Office prior to being transferred to the
Veterans Curation Program facility in
San Mateo, CA in 2018. The
unassociated funerary object currently
remains at the Veterans Curation
Program facility.
One cultural item has been requested
for repatriation. The one unassociated
funerary object is a piece of debitage
(missing). The unassociated funerary
object was removed from site CA–TEH–
1328 at the Sacramento District
operating project at Black Butte Dam
and Lake in Tehama County, CA. The
unassociated funerary object was
removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists
affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract
with the Sacramento District. California
State University, Sacramento has
reported this unassociated funerary
object as missing.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Unspecified County (Glenn or Tehama)
Fifty-four cultural items have been
requested for repatriation. The 54
unassociated funerary objects are: one
chert flake, one projectile point, seven
Olivella shell beads, and 45 shell disk
beads. The unassociated funerary
objects were removed from unspecified
locations within the Sacramento District
operating project at Black Butte Dam
and Lake in Glenn and Tehama
counties, CA by Black Butte Dam and
Lake staff, Sacramento District
personnel, contractors, and/or park
visitors on unknown dates. The
unassociated funerary objects were
stored at the Black Butte Dam and Lake
Project Office prior to being transferred
to the Veterans Curation Program
facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The
unassociated funerary objects currently
remain at the Veterans Curation
Program facility.
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No information is available that
would indicate that any of the cultural
items in this notice have been treated
with potentially hazardous substances.
Dated: September 5, 2024.
Melanie O’Brien,
Manager, National NAGPRA Program.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Sacramento District has determined
• The 297 unassociated funerary
objects described in this notice are
reasonably believed to have been placed
intentionally with or near human
remains, and are connected, either at the
time of death or later as part of the death
rite or ceremony of a Native American
culture according to the Native
American traditional knowledge of a
lineal descendant, Indian Tribe, or
Native Hawaiian organization. The
unassociated funerary objects have been
identified by a preponderance of the
evidence as related to human remains,
specific individuals, or families, or
removed from a specific burial site or
burial area of an individual or
individuals with cultural affiliation to
an Indian Tribe or Native Hawaiian
• There is a reasonable connection
between the cultural items described in
this notice and the Paskenta Band of
Nomlaki Indians of California.
Requests for Repatriation
Additional, written requests for
repatriation of the cultural items in this
notice must be sent to the authorized
representative identified in this notice
under ADDRESSES. Requests for
repatriation may be submitted by any
lineal descendant, Indian Tribe, or
Native Hawaiian organization not
identified in this notice who shows, by
a preponderance of the evidence, that
the requestor is a lineal descendant or
a culturally affiliated Indian Tribe or
Native Hawaiian organization.
Repatriation of the cultural items in
this notice to a requestor may occur on
or after October 15, 2024. If competing
requests for repatriation are received,
the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Sacramento District must determine the
most appropriate requestor prior to
repatriation. Requests for joint
repatriation of the cultural items are
considered a single request and not
competing requests. The U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District
is responsible for sending a copy of this
notice to the Indian Tribes and Native
Hawaiian organizations identified in
this notice and to any other consulting
Authority: Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act, 25
U.S.C. 3004 and the implementing
regulations, 43 CFR 10.9.
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[FR Doc. 2024–20878 Filed 9–12–24; 8:45 am]
National Park Service
Notice of Inventory Completion: U.S.
Department of the Interior, National
Park Service, Fort Sumter and Fort
Moultrie National Historical Park,
Sullivan’s Island, SC
National Park Service, Interior.
In accordance with the Native
American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the U.S.
Department of the Interior, National
Park Service, Fort Sumter and Fort
Moultrie National Historical Park
(FOSU) has completed an inventory of
associated funerary objects and has
determined that there is a cultural
affiliation between the associated
funerary objects and Indian Tribes or
Native Hawaiian organizations in this
Repatriation of the associated
funerary objects in this notice may
occur on or after October 15, 2024.
ADDRESSES: J. Tracy Stakely,
Superintendent, Fort Sumter and Fort
Moultrie National Historical Park, 1214
Middle Street, Sullivan’s Island, SC
29482, telephone (843) 732–5014, email
notice is published as part of the
National Park Service’s administrative
responsibilities under NAGPRA. The
determinations in this notice are the
sole responsibility of the
Superintendent, FOSU, and additional
information on the determinations in
this notice, including the results of
consultation, can be found in the
inventory or related records.
Abstract of Information Available
In 1968 associated funerary objects
were removed from the grave of
Seminole leader Osceola in Charleston
County, SC during excavation by John
W. Griffin of the National Park Service.
This excavation was conducted in
response to a self-reported 1966 case of
vandalism, wherein an individual
claimed to have excavated and stolen
the remains of Osceola. The remains of
Osceola were re-interred following the
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 178 (Friday, September 13, 2024)]
[Pages 74985-74987]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-20878]
[[Page 74985]]
National Park Service
Notice of Intended Repatriation: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Sacramento District, Sacramento, CA
AGENCY: National Park Service, Interior.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Native American Graves Protection and
Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento
District intends to repatriate certain cultural items that meet the
definition of unassociated funerary objects and that have a cultural
affiliation with the Indian Tribes or Native Hawaiian organizations in
this notice.
DATES: Repatriation of the cultural items in this notice may occur on
or after October 15, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Dr. Michelle Fitzgerald, Physical Anthropologist and
Sacramento District NAGPRA Liaison, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Sacramento District, Planning Division, 1325 J. Street, Sacramento, CA
95814, telephone (916) 557-7114, email
[email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is published as part of the
National Park Service's administrative responsibilities under NAGPRA.
The determinations in this notice are the sole responsibility of the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District, and additional
information on the determinations in this notice, including the results
of consultation, can be found in the summary or related records. The
National Park Service is not responsible for the determinations in this
Abstract of Information Available
A total of 297 cultural items from 17 sites and unspecified
locations located within the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento
District Black Butte Dam and Lake operating project in Glenn and Tehama
counties, California have been requested for repatriation. These
cultural items are described below.
Glenn County
One hundred thirty-three cultural items have been requested for
repatriation. The 133 unassociated funerary objects are: one faunal
bone, one metal fragment, one metal nail, one drilled Olivella shell
fragment, one chipped stone, two pieces of groundstone, two shell
fragments, two unmodified stones, four blue beads, four pieces of
debitage, eight seed beads, 24 Olivella shell beads, and 82 shell disk
beads. The unassociated funerary objects were removed from site CA-GLE-
10/H (Brownell Indian Cemetery) at the Sacramento District operating
project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in Glenn County, CA. Site CA-GLE-
10/H is a Native American cemetery that was utilized into the late-
1930s. Black Butte Dam and Lake staff, Sacramento District personnel,
contractors, and/or park visitors collected these cultural items on
unknown dates. The unassociated funerary objects were stored at the
Black Butte Dam and Lake Project Office prior to being transferred to
the Veterans Curation Program facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The
unassociated funerary objects currently remain at the Veterans Curation
Program facility.
Two cultural items have been requested for repatriation. The two
unassociated funerary objects are one pestle fragment and one
projectile point (missing). The two unassociated funerary objects were
removed from site CA-GLE-22 at the Sacramento District operating
project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in Glenn County, CA. The pestle was
collected in 1960 by archaeologists affiliated with San Francisco State
College, now San Francisco State University. The pestle currently
remains at San Francisco State University where it has been housed
since 1960. The projectile point was removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract with the Sacramento District.
California State University, Sacramento has reported this projectile
point as missing.
Six cultural items have been requested for repatriation. The six
unassociated funerary objects are column samples. The unassociated
funerary objects were removed from site CA-GLE-25 at the Sacramento
District operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in Glenn County,
CA. The unassociated funerary objects were removed in 1983 during
survey and excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated with
California State University, Sacramento under contract with the
Sacramento District. The unassociated funerary objects currently remain
at California State University, Sacramento.
One cultural item has been requested for repatriation. The one
unassociated funerary object is a projectile point. The unassociated
funerary object was removed from site CA-GLE-22 or site CA-GLE-35 at
the Sacramento District operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake
located in Glenn County, CA by Black Butte Dam and Lake staff,
Sacramento District personnel, contractors, and/or park visitors on an
unknown date. This unassociated funerary object was stored at the Black
Butte Dam and Lake Project Office prior to being transferred to the
Veterans Curation Program facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The
unassociated funerary object currently remains at the Veterans Curation
Program facility.
Ten cultural items have been requested for repatriation. The 10
unassociated funerary objects are: three pieces of debitage (one is
missing), three lithic tools (one is missing), and four projectile
points (one is missing). The unassociated funerary objects were removed
from site CA-GLE-35 at the Sacramento District operating project at
Black Butte Dam and Lake in Glenn County, CA. One piece of debitage,
one lithic tool, and one projectile point were removed in 1983 during
survey and excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated with
California State University, Sacramento under contract with the
Sacramento District. California State University, Sacramento has
reported these three unassociated funerary objects as missing. Two
pieces of debitage, two lithic tools, and three projectile points were
removed by Black Butte Dam and Lake staff, Sacramento District
personnel, contractors, and/or park visitors on an unknown date. The
unassociated funerary objects were stored at the Black Butte Dam and
Lake Project Office prior to being transferred to the Veterans Curation
Program facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The seven unassociated
funerary objects currently remain at the Veterans Curation Program
Five cultural items have been requested for repatriation. The five
unassociated funerary objects are: one crescent, one piece of debitage
(missing), one worked stone (missing), and two projectile points (one
missing). The unassociated funerary objects were removed from site CA-
GLE-306 at the Sacramento District operating project at Black Butte Dam
and Lake in Glenn County, CA. One piece of debitage, one worked stone,
and one projectile point were removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract with the Sacramento District.
California State University, Sacramento has reported these three
unassociated funerary objects as missing. One crescent and one
projectile point were removed by Black Butte Dam and Lake staff,
Sacramento District personnel, contractors, and/or park visitors on
unknown dates. The unassociated
[[Page 74986]]
funerary objects were stored at the Black Butte Dam and Lake Project
Office prior to being transferred to the Veterans Curation Program
facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The two unassociated funerary
objects currently remain at the Veterans Curation Program facility.
One cultural item has been requested for repatriation. The
unassociated funerary object is a historic-era bottle (missing). The
unassociated funerary object was removed from site CA-GLE-317 at the
Sacramento District operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in
Glenn County, CA. The unassociated funerary object was removed in 1983
during survey and excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated
with California State University, Sacramento under contract with the
Sacramento District. California State University, Sacramento has
reported this unassociated funerary object as missing.
One cultural item has been requested for repatriation. The
unassociated funerary object is one flaked stone/core (missing). The
unassociated funerary object was removed from site CA-GLE-321 at the
Sacramento District operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in
Glenn County, CA. The unassociated funerary object was removed in 1983
during survey and excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated
with California State University, Sacramento under contract with the
Sacramento District. California State University, Sacramento has
reported this unassociated funerary object as missing.
Two cultural items have been requested for repatriation. The
unassociated funerary objects are one projectile point (missing) and
one unmodified obsidian cobble (missing). The unassociated funerary
objects were removed from site CA-GLE-322 at the Sacramento District
operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in Glenn County, CA. The
unassociated funerary objects were removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract with the Sacramento District.
California State University, Sacramento has reported these unassociated
funerary objects as missing.
Three cultural objects have been requested for repatriation. The
unassociated funerary objects are three projectile points. The
unassociated funerary objects were removed from unspecified locations
within the Sacramento District operating project at Black Butte Dam and
Lake in Glenn County, CA by Black Butte Dam Lake staff, Sacramento
District personnel, contractors, and/or park visitors on unknown dates.
The unassociated funerary objects were stored at the Black Butte Dam
and Lake Project Office prior to being transferred to the Veterans
Curation Program facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The unassociated
funerary objects currently remain at the Veterans Curation Program
Tehama County
One lot of cultural items have been requested for repatriation. The
unassociated funerary items are one lot of faunal remains. The
unassociated funerary objects were removed from site CA-TEH-10/TEH-
Burris Creek at the Sacramento District operating project at Black
Butte Dam and Lake in Tehama County, CA by Black Butte Dam and Lake
staff, Sacramento District personnel, contractors, and/or park visitors
on unknown dates. The unassociated funerary objects were stored at the
Black Butte Dam and Lake Project Office prior to being transferred to
the Veterans Curation Program facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The
unassociated funerary objects currently remain at the Veterans Curation
Program facility.
Forty-two cultural items have been requested for repatriation. The
42 unassociated funerary objects are 42 column samples. The
unassociated funerary objects were removed from site CA-TEH-231 at the
Sacramento District operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in
Tehama County, CA. The unassociated funerary objects were removed in
1983 during survey and excavation work done by archaeologists
affiliated with California State University, Sacramento under contract
with the Sacramento District. The unassociated funerary objects
currently remain at California State University, Sacramento.
Twenty-six cultural items have been requested for repatriation. The
26 unassociated funerary objects are: one chert flake, one handstone
(missing), and 24 column samples. The unassociated funerary objects
were removed from site CA-TEH-1317 at the Sacramento District operating
project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in Tehama County, CA. The chert
flake was removed by Black Butte Dam and Lake staff, Sacramento
District personnel, contractors, and/or park visitors on an unknown
date. This unassociated funerary object was stored at the Black Butte
Dam and Lake Project Office prior to being transferred to the Veterans
Curation Program facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The chert flake
currently remains at the Veterans Curation Program facility. The
handstone and column samples were removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract with the Sacramento District. The
column samples currently remain at California State University,
Sacramento while the handstone has been reported by the University as
Three cultural items have been requested for repatriation. The
three unassociated funerary objects are one glass sherd (missing) and
two historic-era ceramic sherds (missing). The unassociated funerary
objects were removed from site CA-TEH-1318 at the Sacramento District
operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in Tehama County, CA. The
unassociated funerary objects were removed in 1983 during survey and
excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated with California State
University, Sacramento under contract with the Sacramento District.
California State University, Sacramento has reported these three
unassociated funerary objects as missing.
Three cultural items have been requested for repatriation. The
three unassociated funerary items are column samples. The unassociated
funerary objects were removed from site CA-TEH-1321 at the Sacramento
District operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in Tehama
County, CA. The unassociated funerary objects were removed in 1983
during survey and excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated
with California State University, Sacramento under contract with the
Sacramento District. The unassociated funerary objects currently remain
at California State University, Sacramento.
One cultural item has been requested for repatriation. The one
unassociated funerary object is an obsidian biface (missing). The
unassociated funerary object was removed from site CA-TEH-1322 at the
Sacramento District operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in
Tehama County, CA. The unassociated funerary object was removed in 1983
during survey and excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated
with California State University, Sacramento under contract with the
Sacramento District. California State University, Sacramento has
reported this unassociated funerary object as missing.
One cultural item has been requested for repatriation. The one
unassociated funerary object is an obsidian projectile point (missing).
The unassociated funerary object was removed from site CA-TEH-1323 at
the Sacramento District operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake
in Tehama County, CA. The unassociated funerary object was
[[Page 74987]]
removed in 1983 during survey and excavation work done by
archaeologists affiliated with California State University, Sacramento
under contract with the Sacramento District. California State
University, Sacramento has reported this unassociated funerary object
as missing.
One cultural item has been requested for repatriation. The one
unassociated funerary object is a chert flake. The unassociated
funerary object was removed from site CA-TEH-1326 at the Sacramento
District operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in Tehama
County, CA by Black Butte Dam and Lake staff, Sacramento District
personnel, contractors, and/or park visitors on an unknown date. The
unassociated funerary object was stored at the Black Butte Dam and Lake
Project Office prior to being transferred to the Veterans Curation
Program facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The unassociated funerary
object currently remains at the Veterans Curation Program facility.
One cultural item has been requested for repatriation. The one
unassociated funerary object is a piece of debitage (missing). The
unassociated funerary object was removed from site CA-TEH-1328 at the
Sacramento District operating project at Black Butte Dam and Lake in
Tehama County, CA. The unassociated funerary object was removed in 1983
during survey and excavation work done by archaeologists affiliated
with California State University, Sacramento under contract with the
Sacramento District. California State University, Sacramento has
reported this unassociated funerary object as missing.
Unspecified County (Glenn or Tehama)
Fifty-four cultural items have been requested for repatriation. The
54 unassociated funerary objects are: one chert flake, one projectile
point, seven Olivella shell beads, and 45 shell disk beads. The
unassociated funerary objects were removed from unspecified locations
within the Sacramento District operating project at Black Butte Dam and
Lake in Glenn and Tehama counties, CA by Black Butte Dam and Lake
staff, Sacramento District personnel, contractors, and/or park visitors
on unknown dates. The unassociated funerary objects were stored at the
Black Butte Dam and Lake Project Office prior to being transferred to
the Veterans Curation Program facility in San Mateo, CA in 2018. The
unassociated funerary objects currently remain at the Veterans Curation
Program facility.
No information is available that would indicate that any of the
cultural items in this notice have been treated with potentially
hazardous substances.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District has
determined that:
The 297 unassociated funerary objects described in this
notice are reasonably believed to have been placed intentionally with
or near human remains, and are connected, either at the time of death
or later as part of the death rite or ceremony of a Native American
culture according to the Native American traditional knowledge of a
lineal descendant, Indian Tribe, or Native Hawaiian organization. The
unassociated funerary objects have been identified by a preponderance
of the evidence as related to human remains, specific individuals, or
families, or removed from a specific burial site or burial area of an
individual or individuals with cultural affiliation to an Indian Tribe
or Native Hawaiian organization.
There is a reasonable connection between the cultural
items described in this notice and the Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians
of California.
Requests for Repatriation
Additional, written requests for repatriation of the cultural items
in this notice must be sent to the authorized representative identified
in this notice under ADDRESSES. Requests for repatriation may be
submitted by any lineal descendant, Indian Tribe, or Native Hawaiian
organization not identified in this notice who shows, by a
preponderance of the evidence, that the requestor is a lineal
descendant or a culturally affiliated Indian Tribe or Native Hawaiian
Repatriation of the cultural items in this notice to a requestor
may occur on or after October 15, 2024. If competing requests for
repatriation are received, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Sacramento
District must determine the most appropriate requestor prior to
repatriation. Requests for joint repatriation of the cultural items are
considered a single request and not competing requests. The U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers, Sacramento District is responsible for sending a
copy of this notice to the Indian Tribes and Native Hawaiian
organizations identified in this notice and to any other consulting
Authority: Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act,
25 U.S.C. 3004 and the implementing regulations, 43 CFR 10.9.
Dated: September 5, 2024.
Melanie O'Brien,
Manager, National NAGPRA Program.
[FR Doc. 2024-20878 Filed 9-12-24; 8:45 am]