Environmental Impact Statements; Notice of Availability, 74940 [2024-20825]

Download as PDF 74940 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 178 / Friday, September 13, 2024 / Notices ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY [FRL OP–OFA–143] Environmental Impact Statements; Notice of Availability Responsible Agency: Office of Federal Activities, General Information 202– 564–5632 or https://www.epa.gov/nepa. Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) Filed August 30, 2024 10 a.m. EST Through September 9, 2024 10 a.m. EST Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9. Notice Section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act requires that EPA make public its comments on EISs issued by other Federal agencies. EPA’s comment letters on EISs are available at: https:// cdxapps.epa.gov/cdx-enepa-II/public/ action/eis/search. EIS No. 20240162, Draft, BLM, NV, Greenlink North Transmission Project, Comment Period Ends: 12/11/ 2024, Contact: Brian L. Buttazoni 775–861–6491. Dated: September 9, 2024. Timothy Witman, Acting Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office of Federal Activities. [FR Doc. 2024–20825 Filed 9–12–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6560–50–P ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY I. Executive Summary [EPA–HQ–OPPT–2022–0835; FRL–10293– 02–OCSPP] Update to EPA’s Recommendations of Specifications, Standards and Ecolabels for Federal Purchasing; Notice of Availability and Request for Comment Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: In November 2022, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or Agency) announced the expansion of the Recommendations of Specifications, Standards and Ecolabels for Federal Purchasing (Recommendations) and invited managers of standards development organizations, ecolabel programs, and associated conformity assessment bodies to apply for potential assessment against EPA’s Framework for the Assessment of Environmental Performance Standards and Ecolabels. In August 2023, EPA announced the first five purchase categories chosen for khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:53 Sep 12, 2024 Jkt 262001 assessment. With this document, EPA is announcing the availability of and seeking feedback on the proposed additions to the Recommendations based on assessments against the Framework, as well as the proposed removals of standards/ecolabels already included in the Recommendations based on implementation of new eligibility criteria. DATES: Comments must be received on or before October 15, 2024. ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by docket identification (ID) number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2022–0835, through the Federal eRulemaking Portal at https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions for submitting comments. Do not submit electronically any information you consider to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Additional instructions on commenting and visiting the docket, along with more information about dockets generally, is available at https://www.epa.gov/ dockets. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jenna Larkin, Environmental Protection Specialist, Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program (7409M), Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001; telephone number: (202) 564–3395; email address: larkin.jenna@epa.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A. Does this action apply to me? These updates may be of specific interest to those who represent or use sustainability standards and ecolabels, including institutional or governmental purchasers, manufacturers seeking certification, and standards development organizations. B. What action is the Agency taking? EPA has completed the assessment of the standards and ecolabels that volunteered to be assessed in November 2022 against the Framework for the Assessment of Environmental Performance Standards and Ecolabels in the following product and service categories: • Healthcare; • Laboratories; • Uniforms & Clothing; • Food Service Ware (e.g., containers, cutlery and dishware); and • Professional Services. Based on these assessments, EPA is now seeking feedback on the proposed additions of specifications, standards, and ecolabels in the above categories. PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 EPA is also seeking feedback on the proposed removals of standards and ecolabels in already existing purchase categories. C. What is the Agency’s authority for taking this action? Executive Order 14057, entitled ‘‘Catalyzing Clean Energy Industries and Jobs Through Federal Sustainability’’ (86 FR 70935, December 13, 2021), and associated implementing instructions direct EPA to consider expanding the Recommendations to facilitate net-zero emissions procurement and other related sustainable purchasing goals. In addition, Executive Order 14057 directs Federal purchasers to prioritize products and services that address multiple environmental impacts. After meeting applicable statutory mandates (BioPreferred, SNAP, CPG, ENERGY STAR/FEMP), agencies are directed to buy products and services that meet one or more of the applicable EPA purchasing programs, including those meeting the specifications, standards, and ecolabels included in the Recommendations. Executive Order 14008, entitled ‘‘Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad’’ (86 FR 7619, February 1, 2021), directs the Federal Government to lead by example and leverage its buying power to ‘‘catalyze private sector investment into, and accelerate the advancement of America’s industrial capacity to supply domestic clean energy, buildings, vehicles, and other necessary products and materials.’’ The expansion of the Recommendations will help to spur this market demand for more sustainable products and services. Section 12(d) of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA), 15 U.S.C. 272 note, as well as mandates from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) identified as Circular A–119, entitled ‘‘Federal Participation in the Development and Use of Voluntary Consensus Standards and in Conformity Assessment Activities,’’ direct Federal agencies to use voluntary consensus standards (VCS) in lieu of governmentunique standards as a means to carry out policy and procurement objectives, except where inconsistent with applicable law or otherwise impractical. Section 6604(b)(11) of the Pollution Prevention Act (PPA), 42 U.S.C. 13103(b)(11), directs EPA to identify opportunities to use Federal procurement to encourage pollution prevention. E:\FR\FM\13SEN1.SGM 13SEN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 178 (Friday, September 13, 2024)]
[Page 74940]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-20825]

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[FRL OP-OFA-143]

Environmental Impact Statements; Notice of Availability

    Responsible Agency: Office of Federal Activities, General 
Information 202-564-5632 or https://www.epa.gov/nepa.

Weekly receipt of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
Filed August 30, 2024 10 a.m. EST Through September 9, 2024 10 a.m. EST
Pursuant to 40 CFR 1506.9.


    Section 309(a) of the Clean Air Act requires that EPA make public 
its comments on EISs issued by other Federal agencies. EPA's comment 
letters on EISs are available at: https://cdxapps.epa.gov/cdx-enepa-II/public/action/eis/search.

EIS No. 20240162, Draft, BLM, NV, Greenlink North Transmission Project, 
Comment Period Ends: 12/11/2024, Contact: Brian L. Buttazoni 775-861-

    Dated: September 9, 2024.
Timothy Witman,
Acting Director, NEPA Compliance Division, Office of Federal 
[FR Doc. 2024-20825 Filed 9-12-24; 8:45 am]
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