Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Forms 1065, 1066, 1120, 1120-C, 1120-F, 1120-H, 1120-ND, 1120-S,1120-SF,1120-FSC,1120-L,1120-PC,1120-REIT,1120-RIC,1120-POL, and Related Attachments, 73752-73761 [2024-20568]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 11, 2024 / Notices
TD 9998 .......................................
Unrelated Business Taxable Income Separately Computed for Each Trade or Business.
Tax on Excess Tax-Exempt Organization Executive Compensation.
Electronic-Filing Requirements for Specified Returns and Other Documents.
Pre-Filing Registration Requirements for Certain Tax Credit Elections.
Additional Guidance on Low-Income Communities Bonus Credit Program.
Elective Payment of Applicable Credits; Elective Payment of Advanced Manufacturing Investment Credit;
Final Rules; Election To Exclude Certain Unincorporated Organizations Owned by Applicable Entities From
Application of the Rules on Partners and Partnerships.
Increased Amounts of Credit or Deduction for Satisfying Certain Prevailing Wage and Registered Apprenticeship Requirements.
[FR Doc. 2024–20539 Filed 9–10–24; 8:45 am]
Internal Revenue Service
Proposed Collection; Comment
Request for Forms 1065, 1066, 1120,
1120–C, 1120–F, 1120–H, 1120–ND,
POL, and Related Attachments
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Notice and request for
The Internal Revenue Service,
as part of its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork and respondent burden,
invites the general public and other
Federal agencies to take this
opportunity to comment on proposed
and/or continuing information
collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA). The IRS is soliciting comments
on forms used by business entity
taxpayers. (See Appendix-A of this
notice for a list of forms, schedules, and
related attachments).
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before November 12,
2024 to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Andres Garcia, Internal Revenue
Service, Room 6526, 1111 Constitution
Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20224, or
by email to
Include OMB Control No. 1545–0123 in
the subject line of the message.
Requests for additional information or
copies of the form and instructions
should be directed to LaNita Van Dyke,
at (202)–317–6009, Internal Revenue
Service, Room 6526, 1111 constitution
Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20224, or
through the internet at lanita.vandyke@
Tax Compliance Burden
Tax compliance burden is defined as
the time and money taxpayers spend to
comply with their tax filing
responsibilities. Time-related activities
include recordkeeping, tax planning,
gathering tax materials, learning about
the law and what you need to do, and
completing and submitting the return.
Out-of-pocket costs include expenses
such as purchasing tax software, paying
a third-party preparer, and printing and
postage. Tax compliance burden does
not include a taxpayer’s tax liability,
economic inefficiencies caused by suboptimal choices related to tax
deductions or credits, or psychological
Proposed PRA Submission to OMB
Title: U.S. Business Income Tax
OMB Number: 1545–0123.
Form Numbers: Forms 1065, 1066,
1120, 1120–C, 1120–F, 1120–H, 1120–
ND, 1120–S, 1120–SF, 1120–FSC, 1120–
L, 1120–PC, 1120–REIT, 1120–RIC,
1120–POL and all attachments to these
forms (see the Appendices to this
Abstract: These forms are used by
businesses to report their income tax
Current Actions: There have been
changes in regulatory guidance related
to various forms approved under this
approval package during the past year.
There have been additions and removals
of forms included in this approval
package. It is anticipated that these
changes will have an impact on the
overall burden and cost estimates
requested for this approval package,
however these estimates were not
finalized at the time of release of this
notice. These estimated figures are
expected to be available by the release
of the 30-day comment notice from
Treasury. This approval package is
being submitted for renewal purposes.
Type of Review: Revision of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Corporations,
Partnerships and Pass-Through Entities.
Preliminary Estimated Number of
Respondents: 13,500,000.
Preliminary Estimated Time Per
Respondent (Hours): 70 hours, 4
Preliminary Estimated Total Annual
Time (Hours): 946,000,000.
Preliminary Estimated Total Annual
Monetized Time ($): 56,955,000,000.
Preliminary Estimated Total Out-ofPocket Costs ($): 68,491,000,000.
Preliminary Estimated Total
Monetized Burden ($): 125,446,000,000.
Note: Total Monetized Burden = Total Outof-Pocket Costs + Total Annual Monetized
Note: Amounts below are estimates for
Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. Reported time and
cost burdens are national averages and do not
necessarily reflect a ‘‘typical case.’’ Most
taxpayers experience lower than average
burden, with taxpayer burden varying
considerably by taxpayer type. Detail may
not add due to rounding.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
FY 24
Number of Respondents ............................................................................................
Burden in Hours .........................................................................................................
Monetized Time Burden ............................................................................................
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Program change
due to adjustment
FY 25
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 11, 2024 / Notices
Program change
due to adjustment
FY 24
Out-of-Pocket Costs ..................................................................................................
Total Monetized Burden ............................................................................................
The following paragraph applies to all
the collections of information contained
within the OMB approval for 1545–
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
An agency may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond to,
a collection of information unless the
collection of information displays a valid
OMB Control Number. Books or records
relating to a collection of information must
be retained as long as their contents may
become material in the administration of any
internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns
and tax return information are confidential,
as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
Request for Comments
Comments submitted in response to
this notice will be summarized and/or
included in the request for OMB
approval. All comments will become a
matter of public record. Comments are
invited on: (a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information will have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the collection of
information; (c) ways to enhance the
FY 25
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on respondents, including
through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology; and (e) estimates of capital
or start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services
to provide information.
Approved: September 6, 2024.
Jon R. Callahan,
Senior Tax Analyst.
Appendix A
* Form 1042 .........................................................
* Form 1042 (SCH Q) ..........................................
* Form 1042–S ....................................................
* Form 1042–T .....................................................
Form 1065 ...........................................................
Form 1065 (SCH B–1) ........................................
Form 1065 (SCH B–2) ........................................
Form 1065 (SCH C) ............................................
Form 1065 (SCH D) ............................................
Form 1065 (SCH K–1) ........................................
Form 1065 (SCH K–2) ........................................
Form 1065 (SCH K–3) ........................................
Form 1065 (SCH M–3) ........................................
Form 1065X ........................................................
Form 1066 ...........................................................
Form 1066 (SCH Q) ............................................
Form 1118 ...........................................................
Form 1118 (SCH I) ..............................................
Form 1118 (SCH J) .............................................
Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons.
Schedule Q (Form 1042).
Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding.
Annual Summary and Transmittal of Forms 1042–S.
U.S. Return of Partnership Income.
Information for Partners Owning 50% or More of the Partnership.
Election Out of the Centralized Partnership Audit Regime.
Additional Information for Schedule M–3 Filers.
Capital Gains and Losses.
Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.
Partner’s Distributive Share Items-International.
Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.-International.
Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for Certain Partnerships.
Amended Return or Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR).
U.S. Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (REMIC) Income Tax Return.
Quarterly Notice to Residual Interest Holder of REMIC Taxable Income or Net Loss Allocation.
Foreign Tax Credit-Corporations.
Reduction of Foreign Oil and Gas Taxes.
Adjustments to Separate Limitation Income (Loss) Categories for Determining Numerators of
Limitation Fractions, Year-End Recharacterization Balances, and Overall Foreign and Domestic Loss Account Balances.
Foreign Tax Carryover Reconciliation Schedule.
Foreign Tax Redeterminations.
U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return.
Additional Information for Schedule M–3 Filers.
Capital Gains and Losses.
Information on Certain Persons Owning the Corporation’s Voting Stock.
Section 280H Limitations for a Personal Service Corporation (PSC).
Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for Corporations With Total Assets of $10 Million of More.
Foreign Operations of U.S. Corporations.
Consent Plan and Apportionment Schedule for a Controlled Group.
U.S. Personal Holding Company (PHC) Tax.
Uncertain Tax Position Statement.
U.S. Income Tax Return for Cooperative Associations.
U.S. Income Tax Return of a Foreign Corporation.
Deductions Allocated to Effectively Connected Income Under Regulations Section 1.861–8.
Interest Expense Allocation Under Regulations Section 1.882–5.
Reconciliation of Income (Loss) and Analysis of Unappropriated Retained Earnings per Books.
Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for Foreign Corporations With Reportable Assets of $10 Million or More.
List of Foreign Partner Interests in Partnerships.
Tax Liability of Qualified Derivatives Dealer (QDD).
Exclusion of Income From the International Operation of Ships or Aircraft Under Section 883.
List of Vessels or Aircraft, Operators, and Owners.
U.S. Income Tax Return of a Foreign Sales Corporation.
1118 (SCH K) ............................................
1118 (SCH L) .............................................
1120 ...........................................................
1120 (SCH B) ............................................
1120 (SCH D) ............................................
1120 (SCH G) ............................................
1120 (SCH H) ............................................
1120 (SCH M–3) ........................................
1120 (SCH N) ............................................
1120 (SCH O) ............................................
1120 (SCH PH) ..........................................
1120 (SCH UTP) .......................................
1120–C ......................................................
1120–F .......................................................
1120–F (SCH H) ........................................
1120–F (SCH I) .........................................
1120–F (SCH M1 & M2) ............................
1120–F (SCH M–3) ...................................
1120–F (SCH P) ........................................
1120–F (SCH Q) ........................................
1120–F (SCH S) ........................................
1120–F (SCH V) ........................................
1120–FSC ..................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 11, 2024 / Notices
1120–FSC (SCH P) ...................................
1120–H ......................................................
1120–IC–DISC ...........................................
1120–IC–DISC (SCH K) ............................
1120–IC–DISC (SCH P) ............................
1120–IC–DISC (SCH Q) ............................
1120–L .......................................................
1120–L (SCH M–3) ....................................
* Form 1120–ND ..................................................
Form 1120–PC ....................................................
Form 1120–PC (SCH M–3) .................................
1120–POL ..................................................
1120–REIT .................................................
1120–RIC ...................................................
1120–S ......................................................
1120–S (SCH B–1) ....................................
1120–S (SCH D) ........................................
1120–S (SCH K–1) ....................................
1120–S (SCH K–2) ....................................
1120–S (SCH K–3) ....................................
1120–S (SCH M–3) ...................................
1120–SF ....................................................
1120–X ......................................................
1122 ...........................................................
1125–A ......................................................
1125–E ......................................................
1127 ...........................................................
1128 ...........................................................
1138 ...........................................................
Form 1139 ...........................................................
Form 2220 ...........................................................
Form 2438 ...........................................................
Form 2439 ...........................................................
Form 2553 ...........................................................
* Form 2848 .........................................................
* Form 3115 .........................................................
* Form 3468 .........................................................
* Form 3520 .........................................................
* Form 3520–A ....................................................
* Form 3800 .........................................................
* Form 4136 .........................................................
* Form 4255 .........................................................
* Form 4466 .........................................................
* Form 4562 .........................................................
* Form 4684 .........................................................
* Form 4797 .........................................................
* Form 4810 .........................................................
* Form 4876–A ....................................................
Form 5452 ...........................................................
Form 5471 ...........................................................
Form 5471 (SCH E) ............................................
Form 5471 (SCH G–I) .........................................
Form 5471 (SCH H) ............................................
Form 5471 (SCH I–1) ..........................................
Form 5471 (SCH J) .............................................
Form 5471 (SCH M) ............................................
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Form 5471 (SCH O) ............................................
* Form
* Form
* Form
* Form
* Form
(SCH P) ............................................
(SCH Q) ............................................
(SCH R) ............................................
56 .............................................................
56–F .........................................................
5713 .........................................................
5713 (SCH A) ..........................................
5713 (SCH B) ..........................................
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Transfer Price or Commission.
U.S. Income Tax Return for Homeowners Associations.
Interest Charge Domestic International Sales Corporation Return.
Shareholder’s Statement of IC–DISC Distributions.
Intercompany Transfer Price or Commission.
Borrower’s Certificate of Compliance With the Rules for Producer’s Loans.
U.S. Life Insurance Company Income Tax Return.
Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for U.S. Life Insurance Companies With Total Assets of $10
Million or More.
Return for Nuclear Decommissioning Funds and Certain Related Persons.
U.S. Property and Casualty Insurance Company Income Tax Return.
Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for U.S. Property and Casualty Insurance Companies With
Total Assets of $10 Million or More.
U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain Political Organizations.
U.S. Income Tax Return for Real Estate Investment Trusts.
U.S. Income Tax Return for Regulated Investment Companies.
U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation.
Information on Certain Shareholders of an S Corporation.
Capital Gains and Losses and Built-In Gains.
Shareholder’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.
Shareholder’s Pro Rata Share Items-International.
Shareholder’s Share of Income, deductions, Credits, etc.-International.
Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for S Corporations With Total Assets of $10 Million or More.
U.S. Income Tax Return for Settlement Funds (Under Section 468B).
Amended U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return.
Authorization and Consent of Subsidiary Corporation to be Included in a Consolidated Income
Tax Return.
Cost of Goods Sold.
Compensation of Officers.
Application for Extension of Time for Payment of Tax Due to Undue Hardship.
Application to Adopt, Change, or Retain a Tax Year.
Extension of Time For Payment of Taxes By a Corporation Expecting a Net Operating Loss
Corporation Application for Tentative Refund.
Underpayment of Estimated Tax By Corporations.
Undistributed Capital Gains Tax Return.
Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains.
Election by a Small Business Corporation.
Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative.
Application for Change in Accounting Method.
Investment Credit.
Annual Return To Report Transactions With Foreign Trusts and Receipt of Certain Foreign
Annual Return of Foreign Trust With a U.S. Owner.
General Business Credit.
Credit for Federal Tax Paid on Fuels.
Recapture of Investment Credit.
Corporation Application for Quick Refund of Overpayment of Estimated Tax.
Depreciation and Amortization (Including Information on Listed Property).
Casualties and Thefts.
Sales of Business Property.
Request for Prompt Assessment Under Internal Revenue Code Section 6501(d).
Election to Be Treated as an Interest Charge DISC.
Corporate Report of Nondividend Distributions.
Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect To Certain Foreign Corporations.
Income, War Profits, and Excess Profits Taxes Paid or Accrued.
Schedule G–1 (Form 5471), Cost Sharing Arrangement.
Current Earnings and Profits.
Information for Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income.
Accumulated Earnings and Profits (E&P) of Controlled Foreign Corporation.
Transactions Between Controlled Foreign Corporation and Shareholders or Other Related
Organization or Reorganization of Foreign Corporation, and Acquisitions and Dispositions of
its Stock.
Previously Taxed Earnings and Profits of U.S. Shareholder of Certain Foreign Corporations.
CFC Income by CFC Income Groups.
Distributions From a Foreign Corporation.
Information Return of a 25% Foreign-Owned U.S. Corporation or a Foreign Corporation Engaged in a U.S. Trade or Business.
Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship.
Notice Concerning Fiduciary Relationship of Financial Institution.
International Boycott Report.
International Boycott Factor (Section 999(c)(1)).
Specifically, Attributable Taxes and Income (Section 999(c)(2)).
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 11, 2024 / Notices
* Form
* Form
* Form
* Form
* Form
5713 (SCH C) ..........................................
5735 .........................................................
5735 Schedule P .....................................
5884 .........................................................
5884–A ....................................................
* Form
* Form
* Form
* Form
* Form
* Form
* Form 7205 .........................................................
* Form 7207 .........................................................
* Form 7210 .........................................................
* Form 7211 .........................................................
Form 7213 ...........................................................
* Form 7217 .........................................................
* Form 7218 .........................................................
Form 8023 ...........................................................
Form 8050 ...........................................................
* Form 8082 .........................................................
* Form 8275 .........................................................
* Form 8275–R ....................................................
* Form 8288 .........................................................
* Form 8288–A ....................................................
* Form 8288–B ....................................................
Form 8288–C ......................................................
* Form 8300 .........................................................
* Form 8302 .........................................................
Form 8308 ...........................................................
* Form 8329 .........................................................
Form 8404 ...........................................................
Form 8453–CORP ..............................................
Form 8453–PE ....................................................
Form 851 .............................................................
* Form 8586 .........................................................
* Form 8594 .........................................................
* Form 8609 .........................................................
* Form 8609–A ....................................................
* Form 8611 .........................................................
* Form 8621 .........................................................
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
* Form 8621–A ....................................................
* Form 8655 .........................................................
* Form 8697 .........................................................
* Form 8703 .........................................................
Form 8716 ...........................................................
Form 8752 ...........................................................
Form 8804 ...........................................................
Form 8804 (SCH A) ............................................
Form 8804–C ......................................................
Form 8804–W .....................................................
Form 8805 ...........................................................
Form 8806 ...........................................................
Form 8810 ...........................................................
* Form 8813 .........................................................
Form 8819 ...........................................................
* Form 8820 .........................................................
* Form 8822–B ....................................................
* Form 8824 .........................................................
Form 8825 ...........................................................
* Form 8826 .........................................................
Form 8827 ...........................................................
* Form 8830 .........................................................
* Form 8832 .........................................................
* Form 8833 .........................................................
* Form 8834 .........................................................
* Form 8835 .........................................................
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Tax Effect of the International Boycott Provisions.
American Samoa Economic Development Credit.
Allocation of Income and Expenses Under Section 936(h)(5).
Work Opportunity Credit.
Credits for Affected Midwestern Disaster Area Employers (for Employers Affected by Hurricane Harvey, Irma, or Maria or Certain California Wildfires).
At-Risk Limitations.
Biofuel Producer Credit.
Environmental Taxes.
Credit for Increasing Research Activities.
Gains and Losses From Section 1256 Contracts and Straddles.
Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns.
Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings Deduction.
Advanced Manufacturing Production Credit.
Clean Hydrogen Production Credit.
Clean Electricity Production Credit.
Nuclear Power Production Credit.
Partner’s Report of Property Distributed by a Partnership.
Clean Fuel Production Credit.
Elections Under Section 338 for Corporations Making Qualified Stock Purchases.
Direct Deposit Corporate Tax Refund.
Notice of Inconsistent Treatment or Administrative Adjustment Request (AAR).
Disclosure Statement.
Regulation Disclosure Statement.
U.S. Withholding Tax Return for Dispositions by Foreign Persons of U.S. Real Property Interests.
Statement of Withholding on Dispositions by Foreign Persons of U.S. Real Property Interests.
Application for Withholding Certificate for Dispositions by Foreign Persons of U.S. Real Property Interests.
Statement of Withholding Under Section 1446(f)(4) on Dispositions by Foreign Persons of
Partnership Interests.
Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000 Received In a Trade or Business.
Electronic Deposit of Tax Refund of $1 Million or More.
Report of a Sale or Exchange of Certain Partnership Interests.
Lender’s Information Return for Mortgage Credit Certificates (MCCs).
Interest Charge on DISC-Related Deferred Tax Liability.
E-file Declaration for Corporations.
U.S. Partnership Declaration for an IRS e-file Return.
Affiliations Schedule.
Low-Income Housing Credit.
Asset Acquisition Statement Under Section 1060.
Low-Income Housing Credit Allocation and Certification.
Annual Statement for Low-Income Housing Credit.
Recapture of Low-Income Housing Credit.
Information Return By Shareholder of a Passive Foreign Investment Company or Qualified
Electing Fund.
Return by a Shareholder Making Certain Late Elections to End Treatment as a Passive Foreign Investment Company.
Reporting Agent Authorization.
Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Completed Long-Term Contracts.
Annual Certification of a Residential Rental Project.
Election To Have a Tax Year Other Than a Required Tax Year.
Required Payment or Refund Under Section 7519.
Annual Return for Partnership Withholding Tax (Section 1446).
Penalty for Underpayment of Estimated Section 1446 Tax for Partnerships.
Certificate of Partner-Level Items to Reduce Section 1446 Withholding.
Installment Payments of Section 1446 Tax for Partnerships.
Foreign Partner’s Information Statement of Section 1446 Withholding tax.
Information Return for Acquisition of Control or Substantial Change in Capital Structure.
Corporate Passive Activity Loss and Credit Limitations.
Partnership Withholding Tax Payment Voucher (Section 1446).
Dollar Election Under Section 985.
Orphan Drug Credit.
Change of Address—Business.
Like-Kind Exchanges.
Rental Real Estate Income and Expenses of a Partnership or an S Corporation.
Disabled Access Credit.
Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax-Corporations.
Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit.
Entity Classification Election.
Treaty-Based Return Position Disclosure Under Section 6114 or 7701(b).
Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit.
Renewable Electricity, Refined Coal, and Indian Coal Production Credit.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 11, 2024 / Notices
* Form 8838 .........................................................
* Form 8838–P ....................................................
Consent to Extend the Time To Assess Tax Under Section 367-Gain Recognition Agreement.
Consent To Extend the Time To Assess Tax Pursuant to the Gain Deferral Method (Section
Election to Use Different Annualization Periods for Corporate Estimated Tax.
Empowerment Zone Employment Credit.
Indian Employment Credit.
Credit for Employer Social Security and Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain Employee Tips.
Consent to Extend the Time to Assess the Branch Profits Tax Under Regulations Sections
1.884–2(a) and (c).
Information Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Foreign Disregarded Entities (FDEs) and
Foreign Branches (FBs).
Transactions Between Foreign Disregarded Entity (FDE) or Foreign Branch (FB) and the Filer
or Other Related Entities.
Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels Credit.
Return of U.S. Persons With Respect to Certain Foreign Partnerships.
Statement of Application for the Gain Deferral Method Under Section 721Ö.
Acceleration Events and Exceptions Reporting Relating to Gain Deferral Method Under Section 721Ö.
Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.
Partner’s Distributive Share Items-International.
Partner’s Share of Income, Deductions, Credits, etc.-International.
Transfer of Property to a Foreign Partnership.
Acquisitions, Dispositions, and Changes of Interests in a Foreign Partnership.
Interest Computation Under the Look-Back Method for Property Depreciated Under the Income Forecast Method.
Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary Election.
Extraterritorial Income Exclusion.
New Markets Credit.
Taxable REIT Subsidiary Election.
IRS e-file Electronic Funds Withdrawal Authorization for Form 7004.
E-file Authorization for Corporations.
IRS e-file Signature Authorization for Form 1065.
Credit for Small Employer Pension Plan Startup Costs.
Credit for Employer-Provided Childcare Facilities and Services.
Asset Allocation Statement Under Section 338.
Reportable Transaction Disclosure Statement.
Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Production Credit.
Qualified Railroad Track Maintenance Credit.
Alternative Tax on Qualified Shipping Activities.
Domestic Production Activities Deduction.
Distilled Spirits Credit.
Energy Efficient Home Credit.
Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit.
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property Credit.
Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling Property.
Credit to Holders of Tax Credit Bonds.
Reconciliation of Schedule M–3 Taxable Income with Tax Return Taxable Income for Mixed
Supplemental Attachment to Schedule M–3.
Material Advisor Disclosure Statement.
Mining Rescue Team Training Credit.
Report of Employer-Owned Life Insurance Contracts.
Disqualified Corporate Interest Expense disallowed under section 163(j) and Related Information.
Determination Under Section 860Ö(4) by a Qualified Investment Entity.
Credit for Employer Differential Wage Payments.
Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit.
Disposal or Enhanced Oil Recovery Owner Certification.
Disposal Operator Certification.
Enhanced Oil Recovery Operator Certification.
Recapture Certification.
Election Certification.
Utilization Certification.
Clean Vehicle Credit.
Clean Vehicle Credit Amount.
Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicle Credit.
Schedule for Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicle.
Report of Organizational Actions Affecting Basis of Securities.
Statement of Foreign Financial Assets.
Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums.
Report of Branded Prescription Drug Information.
FATCA Report.
Cover Sheet for Form 8966 Paper Submissions.
Country-by-Country Report.
Form 8842 ...........................................................
* Form 8844 .........................................................
Form 8845 ...........................................................
Form 8846 ...........................................................
Form 8848 ...........................................................
* Form 8858 .........................................................
* Form 8858 (SCH M) ..........................................
* Form 8864 .........................................................
Form 8865 ...........................................................
Form 8865 (SCH G) ............................................
Form 8865 (SCH H) ............................................
Form 8865 (SCH K–1) ........................................
Form 8865 (SCH K–2) ........................................
Form 8865 (SCH K–3) ........................................
Form 8865 (SCH O) ............................................
Form 8865 (SCH P) ............................................
* Form 8866 .........................................................
Form 8869 ...........................................................
* Form 8873 .........................................................
* Form 8874 .........................................................
Form 8875 ...........................................................
* Form 8878–A ....................................................
Form 8879–CORP ..............................................
Form 8879–PE ....................................................
* Form 8881 .........................................................
* Form 8882 .........................................................
* Form 8883 .........................................................
* Form 8886 .........................................................
* Form 8896 .........................................................
* Form 8900 .........................................................
* Form 8902 .........................................................
* Form 8903 .........................................................
* Form 8906 .........................................................
* Form 8908 .........................................................
* Form 8910 .........................................................
* Form 8911 .........................................................
* Form 8911 Schedule A .....................................
* Form 8912 .........................................................
Form 8916 ...........................................................
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Form 8916–A ......................................................
* Form 8918 .........................................................
Form 8923 ...........................................................
* Form 8925 .........................................................
* Form 8926 .........................................................
* Form 8927 .........................................................
* Form 8932 .........................................................
* Form 8933 .........................................................
* Form 8933 Sch A ..............................................
* Form 8933 Sch B ..............................................
* Form 8933 Sch C ..............................................
* Form 8933 Sch D ..............................................
* Form 8933 Sch E ..............................................
* Form 8933 Sch F ..............................................
* Form 8936 .........................................................
* Form 8936 Sch A ..............................................
Form 8936–A ......................................................
Form 8936–A Sch 1 ............................................
* Form 8937 .........................................................
* Form 8938 .........................................................
* Form 8941 .........................................................
* Form 8947 .........................................................
* Form 8966 .........................................................
* Form 8966–C ....................................................
* Form 8975 .........................................................
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* Form 8975 Sch A ..............................................
Form 8978 ...........................................................
Form 8978–Sch–A ..............................................
Form 8979 ...........................................................
Form 8990 ...........................................................
Form 8991 ...........................................................
Form 8992 ...........................................................
Form 8992 Sch–A ...............................................
Form 8992–Sch–B ..............................................
Tax Jurisdiction and Constituent Entity Information.
Partner’s Additional Reporting Year Tax.
Partners Additional Reporting Year Tax.
Partnership Representative Revocation/Resignation and Designation.
Limitation on Business Interest Expense IRC 163(j).
Tax on Base Erosion Payments of Taxpayers with Substantial Gross Receipts.
U.S Shareholder Calculation of Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI).
Schedule A, Global Intangible Low-taxed Income (GILTI).
Calculation of Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) for Members of a U.S. Consolidated Group Who Are U.S. Shareholders of a CFC.
Section 250 Deduction for Foreign-Derived Intangible Income (FDII)and Global Intangible LowTaxed Income (GILTI).
Employer Credit for Paid Family and Medical Leave.
Qualified Business Income Deduction Simplified Computation.
Qualified Business Income Deduction.
Specified Service Trades or Businesses.
Aggregation of Business Operations.
Loss Netting And Carryforward.
Special Rules for Patrons Of Agricultural Or Horticultural Cooperatives.
Qualified Opportunity Fund.
Initial and Annual Statement of Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF) Investments.
Return by a U.S. Transferor of Property to a Foreign Corporation.
Corporate and Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) Report of Net 965 Tax Liability and Electing REIT Report of 965 Amounts.
Transfer Agreement Under Section 965(h)(3).
Transfer Agreement Under 965(i)(2).
Consent Agreement Under 965(i)(4)(D).
Corporate Dissolution or Liquidation.
Application to Use LIFO Inventory Method.
Consent of Shareholder to Include Specific Amount in Gross Income.
Corporation Claim for Deduction for Consent Dividends.
Claim for Deficiency Dividends Deductions by a Personal Holding Company, Regulated Investment Company, or Real Estate Investment Trust.
Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to Discharge of Indebtedness (and Section 1082 Basis Adjustment).
Application for Employer Identification Number.
Solicitud de Número de Identificación Patronal (EIN).
Forest Activities Schedule.
Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding (Individuals).
Certificate of Entities Status of Beneficial Owner for United States Tax Withholding (Entities).
Certificate of Foreign Person’s Claim That Income is Effectively Connected With the Conduct
of a Trade or Business in the United States.
Certificate of Foreign Intermediary, Foreign Flow-Through Entity, or Certain U.S. Branches for
United States Tax Withholding and Reporting
Form 8993 ...........................................................
* Form 8994 .........................................................
* Form 8995 .........................................................
* Form 8995–A ....................................................
* Form 8995–A (SCH A) ......................................
* Form 8995–A (SCH B) ......................................
* Form 8995–A (SCH C) ......................................
* Form 8995–A (SCH D) ......................................
Form 8996 ...........................................................
Form 8997 ...........................................................
Form 926 .............................................................
Form 965–B ........................................................
Form 965–C ........................................................
Form 965–D ........................................................
Form 965–E ........................................................
Form 966 .............................................................
* Form 970 ...........................................................
* Form 972 ...........................................................
Form 973 .............................................................
Form 976 .............................................................
* Form 982 ...........................................................
* Form
* Form
* Form
* Form
SS–4 ........................................................
SS–4(PR) .................................................
T (TIMBER) ..............................................
W–8BEN ..................................................
* Form W–8BEN(E) .............................................
* Form W–8ECI ...................................................
* Form W–8IMY ...................................................
Forms marked with an asterisk (*) are also filed by other taxpayers (e.g., individuals, tax-exempt organizations).
Appendix B
Previous OMB No.
1545–0731 ..........................................................
1545–0746 ..........................................................
1545–0755 ..........................................................
Definition of an S Corporation.
LR–100–78 (Final) Creditability of Foreign Taxes.
Related Group Election With Respect to Qualified Investments in Foreign Base Company
Shipping Operations.
TD 8864 (Final); EE–63–88 (Final and temp regulations) Taxation of Fringe Benefits and Exclusions From Gross Income for Certain Fringe Benefits; IA–140–86 (Temporary) Fringe
Benefits Treas reg 1.274.
(TD 7533) Final, DISC Rules on Procedure and Administration; Rules on Export Trade Corporations, and (TD 7896) Final, Income from Trade Shows.
TD 8426—Certain Returned Magazines, Paperbacks or Records (IA–195–78).
FI–27–89 (Temporary and Final) Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduits; Reporting Requirements and Other Administrative Matters; FI–61–91 (Final) Allocation of Allocable Investment.
TD 8316 Cooperative Housing Corporations.
TD 8556 (Final)—Computation and Characterization of Income and Earnings and Profits
Under the Dollar Approximate Separate Transactions Method of Accounting
T.D. 8618—Definition of a Controlled Foreign Corporation, Foreign Base Company Income,
and Foreign Personal Holding Company Income of a Controlled Foreign Corporation (INTL–
Effectively connected income and the branch profits tax.
1545–0771 ..........................................................
1545–0807 ..........................................................
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1545–0879 ..........................................................
1545–1018 ..........................................................
1545–1041 ..........................................................
1545–1051 ..........................................................
1545–1068 ..........................................................
1545–1070 ..........................................................
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Previous OMB No.
1545–1072 ..........................................................
INTL–952–86 (Final-TD 8410) and TD 8228 Allocation and Apportionment of Interest Expense
and Certain Other Expenses.
Treatment of Dual Consolidated Losses.
Final Minimum Tax-Tax Benefit Rule (TD 8416).
PS–19–92 (TD 9420—Final) Carryover Allocations and Other Rules Relating to the Low-Income Housing Credit.
Special Loss Discount Account and Special Estimated Tax Payments for Insurance Companies.
Applicable Conventions Under the Accelerated Cost.
Information with Respect to Certain Foreign-Owned Corporations—IRC Section 6038A.
CO–25–96 (TD 8824—Final) Regulations Under Section 1502 of the Internal Revenue Code
of 1986; Limitations on Net Operating Loss Carryforwards and Certain Built-in Losses and
Credits Following.
T. D. 8337 (Final) Allocation and Apportionment of Deduction for State Income Taxes (INTL–
Adjusted Current Earnings (IA–14–91) (Final).
REG–209831–96 (TD 8823) Consolidated Returns—Limitation on the Use of Certain Losses
and Deductions.
TD 8437—Limitations on Percentage Depletion in the Case of Oil and Gas Wells.
TD 8396—Conclusive Presumption of Worthlessness of Debts Held by Banks (FI–34–91).
CO–62–89 (Final) Final Regulations under Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986;
Limitations on Corporate Net Operating Loss Carryforwards.
Treatment of transfers of stock or securities to foreign corporations.
Limitations on net operating loss carryforwards and certain built-in losses following ownership
FI–3–91 (TD 8456—Final) Capitalization of Certain Policy Acquisition Expenses.
TD 8513—Bad Debt Reserves of Banks.
TD 8459—Settlement Funds.
Treatment of Acquisition of Certain Financial Institutions: Certain Tax Consequences of Federal Financial Assistance to Financial Institutions.
TD 8449 (Final) Election, Revocation, Termination, and Tax Effect of Subchapter S Status.
CO–88–90 (TD 8530) Limitation on Net Operating Loss Carryforwards and Certain Built-in
Losses Following Ownership Change; Special Rule for Value of a Loss Corporation Under
the Jurisdiction.
Election Out of Subchapter K for Producers of Natural Gas—TD 8578.
TD 8560 (CO–30–92) Consolidated Returns—Stock Basis and Excess Loss Accounts, Earnings and Profits, Absorption of Deductions and Losses, Joining and Leaving Consolidated
Groups, Worthless (Final).
TD 8586 (Final) Treatment of Gain From Disposition of Certain Natural Resource Recapture
PS–78–91 (TD 8521)(TD 8859) Procedures for Monitoring Compliance with Low-Income
Housing Credit Requirements; PS–50–92 Rules to Carry Out the Purposes of Section 42
and for Correcting.
Methods To Determine Taxable Income in connection with a Cost Sharing Arrangement—IRC
Section 482.
FI–54–93 (Final) Clear Reflection of Income in the Case of Hedging Transactions.
Consolidated and Controlled Groups—Intercompany Transactions and Related Rules.
CO–26–96 (Final) Regulations Under Section 382 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; Application of Section 382 in Short Taxable Years and With Respect to Controlled Groups.
TD 8643 (Final) Distributions of Stock and Stock Rights.
TD 8611, Conduit Arrangements Regulations—Final (INTL–64–93).
CO–46–94 (TD 8594—Final) Losses on Small Business Stock.
PS–268–82 (TD 8696) Definitions Under Subchapter S of the Internal Revenue Code.
Source of Income From Sales of Inventory and Natural Resources Produced in One Jurisdiction and Sold in Another Jurisdiction.
TD 8985—Hedging Transactions.
TD 8881(Final) REG–242282–97 (formerly Intl-62–90, Intl-32–93, Intl-52–86, and Intl-52–94)
General Revision of Regulations Relating to Withholding of Tax on Certain U.S. Source Income Paid to Foreign.
TD 8746—Amortizable Bond Premium.
TD 8684—Treatment of Gain From the Disposition of Interest in Certain Natural Resource Recapture Property by S Corporations and Their Shareholders.
(TD 8701)—Treatment of Shareholders of Certain Passive Investment Companies; (TD
8178)—Passive Foreign Investment Companies.
Revenue Procedure 2017–52, 2017–1, 2017–3 Rulings and determination letters.
Rev. Proc. 2007–32—Tip Rate Determination Agreement (Gaming Industry); Gaming Industry
Tip Compliance Agreement Program.
REG–208172–91 (TD 8787—final) Basis Reduction Due to Discharge of Indebtedness.
Revenue Procedure 97–27, Changes in Methods of Accounting.
Revenue Procedure 97–33, EFTPS (Electronic Federal Tax Payment System).
Rev. Proc. 2013–30, Uniform Late S Corporation Election Revenue Procedure.
Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment (TRAC) Agreement and Tip Rate Determination
(TRDA) for Use in the Food and Beverage Industry.
Changes in Methods of Accounting (RP 2016–29).
1545–1083 ..........................................................
1545–1093 ..........................................................
1545–1102 ..........................................................
1545–1130 ..........................................................
1545–1146 ..........................................................
1545–1191 ..........................................................
1545–1218 ..........................................................
1545–1224 ..........................................................
1545–1233 ..........................................................
1545–1237 ..........................................................
1545–1251 ..........................................................
1545–1254 ..........................................................
1545–1260 ..........................................................
1545–1271 ..........................................................
1545–1275 ..........................................................
1545–1308 ..........................................................
1545–1324 ..........................................................
1545–1338 ..........................................................
1545–1344 ..........................................................
1545–1352 ..........................................................
1545–1357 ..........................................................
1545–1364 ..........................................................
1545–1412 ..........................................................
1545–1433 ..........................................................
1545–1434 ..........................................................
1545–1480 ..........................................................
1545–1484 ..........................................................
1545–1491 ..........................................................
1545–1493 ..........................................................
1545–1507 ..........................................................
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1545–1522 ..........................................................
1545–1530 ..........................................................
1545–1551 ..........................................................
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 176 / Wednesday, September 11, 2024 / Notices
Previous OMB No.
1545–1555 ..........................................................
REG–115795–97 (Final) General Rules for Making and Maintaining Qualified Electing Fund
TD 8786—Source of Income From Sales of Inventory Partly From Sources Within a Possession of the U.S.; Also, Source of Income Derived From Certain Purchases From a Corp.
Electing Sec. 936.
Rev. Proc. 98–46 (modifies Rev. Proc.97–43)—Procedures for Electing Out of Exemptions
Under Section 1.475(c)–1; and Rev. Rul. 97–39, Mark-to-Market Accounting Method for
Dealers in Securities.
Revenue Procedures 98–46 and 97–44, LIFO Conformity Requirement.
Notice 2010–46, Prevention of Over-Withholding of U.S. Tax Avoidance With Respect to Certain Substitute Dividend Payments.
Adjustments Following Sales of Partnership Interests.
REG–251698–96 (T.D. 8869—Final) Subchapter S Subsidiaries.
REG–124069–02 (Final) Section 6038—Returns Required with Respect to Controlled Foreign
Partnerships; REG–118966–97 (Final) Information Reporting with Respect to Certain Foreign Partnership.
TD 9595 (REG–141399–07) Consolidated Overall Foreign Losses, Separate Limitation
Losses, and Overall Domestic Losses.
Rev. Proc. 99–17—Mark to Market Election for Commodities Dealers and Securities and Commodities Traders.
TD 8853 (Final), Recharacterizing Financing Arrangements Involving Fast-Pay Stock.
TD 8851—Return Requirement for United States Persons Acquiring or Disposing of an Interest in a Foreign Partnership, or Whose Proportional Interest in a Foreign Partnership
Revenue Procedure 2001–21 Debt Roll-Ups.
Revenue Procedure 99–32—Conforming Adjustments Subsequent to Section 482 Allocations.
Purchase Price Allocations in Deemed Actual Asset Acquisitions.
Qualified lessee construction allowances for short-term leases.
T.D. 9047—Certain Transfers of Property to Regulated Investment Companies (RICs) and
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).
Treatment of taxable income of a residual interest holder in excess of daily accruals.
Exclusions From Gross Income of Foreign Corporations.
Pre-Filing Agreements Program.
Notice 2000–28, Coal Exports.
TD 9715; Rev. Proc. 2015–26 (Formerly TD 9002; Rev Proc 2002–43), Agent for Consolidated Group.
Revenue Procedure 2000–37—Reverse Like-kind Exchanges (as modified by Rev Proc.
TD 9315—Section 1503(d) Closing Agreement Requests.
TD 9273—Stock Transfer Rules: Carryover of Earnings and Taxes (REG–116050–99).
Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment (TRAC) for most industries.
Employer-Designed Tip Reporting Program for the Food and Beverage Industry (EmTRAC)—
Notice 2001–1.
Tip Rate Determination Agreement (TRDA) for Most Industries.
Source of Income from Certain Space and Ocean Activities; Source of Communications Income (TD 9305—final).
Manner of making election to terminate tax-exempt bond financing.
Extraterritorial Income Exclusion Elections.
Advanced Insurance Commissions—Revenue Procedure 2001–24.
Changes in Accounting Periods—REG–106917–99 (TD 8669/Final).
Revenue Procedure 2008–38, Revenue Procedure 2008–39, Revenue Procedure 2008–40,
Revenue Procedure 2008–41, Revenue Procedure 2008–42.
Revenue Procedure 2001–56, Demonstration Automobile Use.
T.D. 9171, New Markets Tax Credit.
Revenue Procedure 2003–84, Optional Election to Make Monthly Sec. 706 Allocations.
Extensions of Time to Elect Method for Determining Allowable Loss.
Rev Proc 2002–32 as Modified by Rev Proc 2006–21, Waiver of 60-month Bar on Reconsolidation after Disaffiliation.
Changes in Periods of Accounting.
Notice 2002–69, Interest Rates and Appropriate Foreign Loss Payment Patterns For Determining the Qualified Insurance Income of Certain Controlled Corporations under Section
Revenue Procedure 2002–67, Settlement of Section 351 Contingent Liability Tax Shelter
Revenue Procedure 2003–33, Section 9100 Relief for 338 Elections.
TD 9048; 9254—Guidance under Section 1502; Suspension of Losses on Certain Stock Disposition (REG–131478–02).
TD 9157 (Final) Guidance Regarding the Treatment of Certain Contingent Payment Debt Instruments w/one or more Payments that are Denominated in, or Determined by Reference
to, a Nonfunctional Currency.
Revenue Procedure 2003–37, Documentation Provisions for Certain Taxpayers Using the Fair
Market Value Method of Interest Expense Apportionment.
Revenue Procedure 2003–39, Section 1031 LKE (Like-Kind Exchanges) Auto Leasing Programs.
1545–1556 ..........................................................
1545–1558 ..........................................................
1545–1559 ..........................................................
1545–1566 ..........................................................
1545–1588 ..........................................................
1545–1590 ..........................................................
1545–1617 ..........................................................
1545–1634 ..........................................................
1545–1641 ..........................................................
1545–1642 ..........................................................
1545–1646 ..........................................................
1545–1701 ..........................................................
1545–1717 ..........................................................
1545–1718 ..........................................................
1545–1786 ..........................................................
1545–1799 ..........................................................
1545–1801 ..........................................................
1545–1820 ..........................................................
1545–1828 ..........................................................
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1545–1831 ..........................................................
1545–1833 ..........................................................
1545–1834 ..........................................................
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Previous OMB No.
1545–1837 ..........................................................
1545–1847 ..........................................................
1545–1855 ..........................................................
Revenue Procedure 2003–36, Industry Issue Resolution Program.
Revenue Procedure 2004–29—Statistical Sampling in Sec. 274 Context.
TD 9285—Limitation on Use of the Nonaccrual-Experience Method of Accounting Under Section 448(d)(5).
Revenue Procedure 2004–19—Probable or Prospective Reserves Safe Harbor.
TD 9107—Guidance Regarding Deduction and Capitalization of Expenditures.
Rollover of Gain from Qualified Small Business Stock to Another Qualified Small Business
(TD 9212) Final, Source of Compensation for Labor or Personal Services.
TD 9168—Optional 10-Year Write-off of Certain Tax Preferences (REG–124405–03).
TD 9289 (Final) Treatment of Disregarded Entities Under Section 752.
TD 9210—LIFO Recapture Under Section 1363(d).
Notice 2005–4, Fuel Tax Guidance, as modified.
Notification Requirement for Transfer of Partnership Interest in Electing Investment Partnership (EIP).
26 U.S. Code § 475—Mark to market accounting method for dealers in securities.
T.D. 9315 (Final) Dual Consolidated Loss Regulations.
TD 9360 (REG–133446–03)(Final) Guidance on Passive Foreign Company (PFIC) Purging
Qualified Railroad Track Maintenance Credit.
Notice 2006–47, Elections Created or Effected by the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.
Application of Section 338 to Insurance Companies.
Rev. Proc. 2006–16, Renewal Community Depreciation Provisions.
Notice 2006–25 (superseded by Notice 2007–53), Qualifying Gasification Project Program.
Notice 2006–24, Qualifying Advanced Coal Project Program.
Deduction for Energy Efficient Commercial Buildings.
Nonconventional Source Fuel Credit.
TD 9452—Application of Separate Limitations to Dividends from Noncontrolled Section 902
Notice 2006–46 Announcement of Rules to be included in Final Regulations under Section
897(d) and (e) of the Internal Revenue Code.
TD 9451—Guidance Necessary to Facilitate Business Election Filing; Finalization of Controlled
Group Qualification Rules (TD 9329).
Fuel Cell Motor Vehicle Credit.
REG–120509–06 (TD 9465—Final), Determination of Interest Expense Deduction of Foreign
Taxation and Reporting of REIT Excess Inclusion Income by REITs, RICs, and Other PassThrough Entities (Notice 2006–97).
Rev. Proc. 2007–48 Rotable Spare Parts Safe Harbor Method.
Revenue Procedure 2007–35—Statistical Sampling for Purposes of Section 199.
TD 9512 (Final)—Nuclear Decommissioning Funds.
Loss on Subsidiary Stock—REG–157711–02 (TD 9424—Final).
Election to Expense Certain Refineries.
REG–127770–07 (Final), Modifications of Commercial Mortgage Loans Held by a Real Estate
Mortgage Investment Conduit.
S Corporation Guidance under AJCA of 2004 (TD 9422 Final—REG–143326–05).
REG–143544–04 Regulations Enabling Elections for Certain Transaction Under Section
Rev. Proc. 2009–16, Section 168(k)(4) Election Procedures and Rev. Proc. 2009–33, Section
168(k)(4) Extension Property Elections.
Notice 2009–41—Credit for Residential Energy Efficient Property.
Notice 2009–52, Election of Investment Tax Credit in Lieu of Production Tax Credit; Coordination with Department of Treasury Grants for Specified Energy Property in Lieu of Tax Credits.
Internal Revenue Code Section 108(i) Election.
Treatment of Services Under Section 482; Allocation of Income and Deductions From Intangibles; Stewardship Expense (TD 9456).
Notice 2009–58, Manufacturers’ Certification of Specified Plug-in Electric Vehicles.
Qualifying Advanced Energy Project Credit—Notice 2013–12.
Notice 2009–83—Credit for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Under Section 45Q.
TD 9469 (REG–102822–08) Section 108 Reduction of Tax Attributes for S Corporations.
Revenue Procedure 2010–13, Disclosure of Activities Grouped under Section 469.
Notice 2010–54: Production Tax Credit for Refined Coal.
TD 9490—Extended Carryback of Losses to or from a Consolidated Group.
Transfers by Domestic Corporations That Are Subject to Section 367(a)(5); Distributions by
Domestic Corporations That Are Subject to Section 1248(f). (TD 9614 & 9615).
TD 9504, Basis Reporting by Securities Brokers and Basis Determination for Stock; TD 9616,
TD9713, and TD 9750.
Rules for Certain Rental Real Estate Activities.
REG–112805–10—Branded Prescription Drugs.
REG–135491–10—Updating of Employer Identification Numbers.
REG–160873–04—American Jobs Creation Act Modifications to Section 6708, Failure to
Maintain List of Advisees With Respect to Reportable Transactions.
TD 9633—Limitations on Duplication of Net Built-in Losses.
1545–1861 ..........................................................
1545–1870 ..........................................................
1545–1893 ..........................................................
1545–1945 ..........................................................
1545–1946 ..........................................................
1545–1965 ..........................................................
1545–2017 ..........................................................
1545–2019 ..........................................................
1545–2028 ..........................................................
1545–2030 ..........................................................
1545–2036 ..........................................................
1545–2114 ..........................................................
1545–2125 ..........................................................
1545–2133 ..........................................................
1545–2134 ..........................................................
1545–2145 ..........................................................
1545–2147 ..........................................................
1545–2149 ..........................................................
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1545–2186 ..........................................................
1545–2247 ..........................................................
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Previous OMB No.
1545–2259 ..........................................................
1545–2276 ..........................................................
* 1545–2291 ........................................................
Performance & Quality for Small Wind Energy Property.
Safe Harbor for Inadvertent Normalization Violations.
TD 9866 (REG–951A) and Notice 2020–69 (S Corporation Guidance under Section 958
(Rules for Determining Stock Ownership) and Guidance Regarding the Treatment of Qualified Improvement Property under the Alternative Depreciation System for Purposes of the
QBAI Rules for FDII and GILTI (NOT–114860–20).
Notice 2024–60—Required Procedures to Claim a Section 45Q Credit for Utilization of Carbon
TD 9993—Transfer of Certain Credits.
TD 9998—Increased Amounts of Credit or Deduction for Satisfying Certain Prevailing Wage
and Registered Apprenticeship Requirements.
TD 10004—Guidance Under Section 367(b) Related to Certain Triangular Reorganizations
and Inbound Nonrecognition Transactions.
1545–0123 ..........................................................
1545–0123 ..........................................................
1545–0123 ..........................................................
1545–0123 ..........................................................
* Merged into 1545–0123 since the last OMB approval.
[FR Doc. 2024–20568 Filed 9–10–24; 8:45 am]
Internal Revenue Service
Agency Collection Activities;
Requesting Comments on Form 8995
and Form 8995–A and Schedules A, B,
C, and D
Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
ACTION: Notice and request for
The Internal Revenue Service,
as part of its continuing effort to reduce
paperwork and respondent burden,
invites the general public and other
federal agencies to take this opportunity
to comment on proposed and/or
continuing information collections, as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995. The IRS is soliciting
comments concerning Form 8995,
Qualified Business Income Deduction
Simplified Computation, Form 8995–A,
Qualified Business Income Deduction,
Form 8895–A Schedule A, Specified
Service Trades or Businesses, Form
8895–A Schedule B, Aggregation of
Business Operations, Form 8895–A
Schedule C, Loss Netting and
Carryforward, and Form 8895–A
Schedule D, Special Rules for Patrons of
Agricultural or Horticultural
DATES: Written comments should be
received on or before November 12,
2024 to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments
to Andres Garcia, Internal Revenue
Service, Room 6526, 1111 Constitution
Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20224, or
by email to
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
Include OMB Control No. 1545–2294 in
the subject line of the message.
Requests for additional information or
copies of this collection should be
directed to Jason Schoonmaker, (801)
620–2128, at Internal Revenue Service,
Room 6526, 1111 Constitution Avenue
NW, Washington, DC 20224, or through
the internet at jason.m.schoonmaker@
currently seeking comments concerning
the following information collection
tools, reporting, and record-keeping
Title: Qualified Business Income
OMB Number: 1545–2294.
Form Number: Form 8995, Form
8995–A, Schedules A, B, C, and D.
Abstract: Form 8995 and Form 8995–
A is used to figure and report qualified
business income (QBI) deduction. These
burden estimates are only for trust and
estate filers. The burden estimates for
other filers are covered under OMB
control numbers 1545–0047 for taxexempt filers, 1545–0074 for individual
filers, and 1545–0123 for business filers.
Current Actions: There are no changes
to the burden previously approved by
OMB. However, the estimated number
of responses was updated to eliminate
duplication of the burden associated
with individual filers captured under
OMB control number 1545–0074. This
submission is for renewal purposes.
Type of Review: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Individuals or
Households, Business or other for-profit
Estimated Number of Responses:
Estimated Time per Respondent: 8
hours, 2 minutes.
PO 00000
Frm 00141
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 9990
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 5,596,107.
The following paragraph applies to all
of the collections of information covered
by this notice:
An agency may not conduct or
sponsor, and a person is not required to
respond to, a collection of information
unless the collection of information
displays a valid OMB control number.
Books or records relating to a collection
of information must be retained as long
as their contents may become material
in the administration of any internal
revenue law. Generally, tax returns and
tax return information are confidential,
as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
Request for Comments: Comments
submitted in response to this notice will
be summarized and/or included in the
request for OMB approval. All
comments will become a matter of
public record. Comments are invited on:
(a) Whether the collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the collection of
information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; (d) ways to
minimize the burden of the collection of
information on respondents, including
through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology; and (e) estimates of capital
or start-up costs and costs of operation,
maintenance, and purchase of services
to provide information.
Approved: September 6, 2024.
Jason M. Schoonmaker,
Tax Analyst.
[FR Doc. 2024–20548 Filed 9–10–24; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 176 (Wednesday, September 11, 2024)]
[Pages 73752-73761]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-20568]
Internal Revenue Service
Proposed Collection; Comment Request for Forms 1065, 1066, 1120,
1120-C, 1120-F, 1120-H, 1120-ND, 1120-S,1120-SF,1120-FSC,1120-L,1120-
PC,1120-REIT,1120-RIC,1120-POL, and Related Attachments
AGENCY: Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury.
ACTION: Notice and request for comments.
SUMMARY: The Internal Revenue Service, as part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork and respondent burden, invites the general public
and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on
proposed and/or continuing information collections, as required by the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA). The IRS is soliciting comments
on forms used by business entity taxpayers. (See Appendix-A of this
notice for a list of forms, schedules, and related attachments).
DATES: Written comments should be received on or before November 12,
2024 to be assured of consideration.
ADDRESSES: Direct all written comments to Andres Garcia, Internal
Revenue Service, Room 6526, 1111 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC
20224, or by email to [email protected]. Include OMB Control No.
1545-0123 in the subject line of the message.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or
copies of the form and instructions should be directed to LaNita Van
Dyke, at (202)-317-6009, Internal Revenue Service, Room 6526, 1111
constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20224, or through the internet
at [email protected].
Tax Compliance Burden
Tax compliance burden is defined as the time and money taxpayers
spend to comply with their tax filing responsibilities. Time-related
activities include recordkeeping, tax planning, gathering tax
materials, learning about the law and what you need to do, and
completing and submitting the return. Out-of-pocket costs include
expenses such as purchasing tax software, paying a third-party
preparer, and printing and postage. Tax compliance burden does not
include a taxpayer's tax liability, economic inefficiencies caused by
sub-optimal choices related to tax deductions or credits, or
psychological costs.
Proposed PRA Submission to OMB
Title: U.S. Business Income Tax Return.
OMB Number: 1545-0123.
Form Numbers: Forms 1065, 1066, 1120, 1120-C, 1120-F, 1120-H, 1120-
ND, 1120-S, 1120-SF, 1120-FSC, 1120-L, 1120-PC, 1120-REIT, 1120-RIC,
1120-POL and all attachments to these forms (see the Appendices to this
Abstract: These forms are used by businesses to report their income
tax liability.
Current Actions: There have been changes in regulatory guidance
related to various forms approved under this approval package during
the past year. There have been additions and removals of forms included
in this approval package. It is anticipated that these changes will
have an impact on the overall burden and cost estimates requested for
this approval package, however these estimates were not finalized at
the time of release of this notice. These estimated figures are
expected to be available by the release of the 30-day comment notice
from Treasury. This approval package is being submitted for renewal
Type of Review: Revision of a currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Corporations, Partnerships and Pass-Through
Preliminary Estimated Number of Respondents: 13,500,000.
Preliminary Estimated Time Per Respondent (Hours): 70 hours, 4
Preliminary Estimated Total Annual Time (Hours): 946,000,000.
Preliminary Estimated Total Annual Monetized Time ($):
Preliminary Estimated Total Out-of-Pocket Costs ($):
Preliminary Estimated Total Monetized Burden ($): 125,446,000,000.
Total Monetized Burden = Total Out-of-Pocket Costs + Total
Annual Monetized Time.
Amounts below are estimates for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. Reported
time and cost burdens are national averages and do not necessarily
reflect a ``typical case.'' Most taxpayers experience lower than
average burden, with taxpayer burden varying considerably by
taxpayer type. Detail may not add due to rounding.
Estimates for Form 1120, 1120S and 1065 Series of Returns and Forms and Schedules
Program change
FY 24 due to adjustment FY 25
Number of Respondents.................................. 13,300,000 200,000 13,500,000
Burden in Hours........................................ 920,000,000 26,000,000 946,000,000
Monetized Time Burden.................................. $54,743,000,000 $2,212,000,000 $56,955,000,000
[[Page 73753]]
Out-of-Pocket Costs.................................... $66,717,000,000 $1,774,000,000 $68,491,000,000
Total Monetized Burden................................. $121,460,000,000 $3,986,000,000 $125,446,000,000
The following paragraph applies to all the collections of
information contained within the OMB approval for 1545-0123.
An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not
required to respond to, a collection of information unless the
collection of information displays a valid OMB Control Number. Books
or records relating to a collection of information must be retained
as long as their contents may become material in the administration
of any internal revenue law. Generally, tax returns and tax return
information are confidential, as required by 26 U.S.C. 6103.
Request for Comments
Comments submitted in response to this notice will be summarized
and/or included in the request for OMB approval. All comments will
become a matter of public record. Comments are invited on: (a) Whether
the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance
of the functions of the agency, including whether the information will
have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the agency's estimate of
the burden of the collection of information; (c) ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; (d)
ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on
respondents, including through the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information technology; and (e) estimates
of capital or start-up costs and costs of operation, maintenance, and
purchase of services to provide information.
Approved: September 6, 2024.
Jon R. Callahan,
Senior Tax Analyst.
Appendix A
Product Title
* Form 1042....................... Annual Withholding Tax Return for
U.S. Source Income of Foreign
* Form 1042 (SCH Q)............... Schedule Q (Form 1042).
* Form 1042-S..................... Foreign Person's U.S. Source Income
Subject to Withholding.
* Form 1042-T..................... Annual Summary and Transmittal of
Forms 1042-S.
Form 1065......................... U.S. Return of Partnership Income.
Form 1065 (SCH B-1)............... Information for Partners Owning 50%
or More of the Partnership.
Form 1065 (SCH B-2)............... Election Out of the Centralized
Partnership Audit Regime.
Form 1065 (SCH C)................. Additional Information for Schedule
M-3 Filers.
Form 1065 (SCH D)................. Capital Gains and Losses.
Form 1065 (SCH K-1)............... Partner's Share of Income,
Deductions, Credits, etc.
Form 1065 (SCH K-2)............... Partner's Distributive Share Items-
Form 1065 (SCH K-3)............... Partner's Share of Income,
Deductions, Credits, etc.-
Form 1065 (SCH M-3)............... Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for
Certain Partnerships.
Form 1065X........................ Amended Return or Administrative
Adjustment Request (AAR).
Form 1066......................... U.S. Real Estate Mortgage Investment
Conduit (REMIC) Income Tax Return.
Form 1066 (SCH Q)................. Quarterly Notice to Residual
Interest Holder of REMIC Taxable
Income or Net Loss Allocation.
Form 1118......................... Foreign Tax Credit-Corporations.
Form 1118 (SCH I)................. Reduction of Foreign Oil and Gas
Form 1118 (SCH J)................. Adjustments to Separate Limitation
Income (Loss) Categories for
Determining Numerators of
Limitation Fractions, Year-End
Recharacterization Balances, and
Overall Foreign and Domestic Loss
Account Balances.
Form 1118 (SCH K)................. Foreign Tax Carryover Reconciliation
Form 1118 (SCH L)................. Foreign Tax Redeterminations.
Form 1120......................... U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return.
Form 1120 (SCH B)................. Additional Information for Schedule
M-3 Filers.
Form 1120 (SCH D)................. Capital Gains and Losses.
Form 1120 (SCH G)................. Information on Certain Persons
Owning the Corporation's Voting
Form 1120 (SCH H)................. Section 280H Limitations for a
Personal Service Corporation (PSC).
Form 1120 (SCH M-3)............... Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for
Corporations With Total Assets of
$10 Million of More.
Form 1120 (SCH N)................. Foreign Operations of U.S.
Form 1120 (SCH O)................. Consent Plan and Apportionment
Schedule for a Controlled Group.
Form 1120 (SCH PH)................ U.S. Personal Holding Company (PHC)
Form 1120 (SCH UTP)............... Uncertain Tax Position Statement.
Form 1120-C....................... U.S. Income Tax Return for
Cooperative Associations.
Form 1120-F....................... U.S. Income Tax Return of a Foreign
Form 1120-F (SCH H)............... Deductions Allocated to Effectively
Connected Income Under Regulations
Section 1.861-8.
Form 1120-F (SCH I)............... Interest Expense Allocation Under
Regulations Section 1.882-5.
Form 1120-F (SCH M1 & M2)......... Reconciliation of Income (Loss) and
Analysis of Unappropriated Retained
Earnings per Books.
Form 1120-F (SCH M-3)............. Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for
Foreign Corporations With
Reportable Assets of $10 Million or
Form 1120-F (SCH P)............... List of Foreign Partner Interests in
Form 1120-F (SCH Q)............... Tax Liability of Qualified
Derivatives Dealer (QDD).
Form 1120-F (SCH S)............... Exclusion of Income From the
International Operation of Ships or
Aircraft Under Section 883.
Form 1120-F (SCH V)............... List of Vessels or Aircraft,
Operators, and Owners.
Form 1120-FSC..................... U.S. Income Tax Return of a Foreign
Sales Corporation.
[[Page 73754]]
Form 1120-FSC (SCH P)............. Transfer Price or Commission.
Form 1120-H....................... U.S. Income Tax Return for
Homeowners Associations.
Form 1120-IC-DISC................. Interest Charge Domestic
International Sales Corporation
Form 1120-IC-DISC (SCH K)......... Shareholder's Statement of IC-DISC
Form 1120-IC-DISC (SCH P)......... Intercompany Transfer Price or
Form 1120-IC-DISC (SCH Q)......... Borrower's Certificate of Compliance
With the Rules for Producer's
Form 1120-L....................... U.S. Life Insurance Company Income
Tax Return.
Form 1120-L (SCH M-3)............. Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for
U.S. Life Insurance Companies With
Total Assets of $10 Million or
* Form 1120-ND.................... Return for Nuclear Decommissioning
Funds and Certain Related Persons.
Form 1120-PC...................... U.S. Property and Casualty Insurance
Company Income Tax Return.
Form 1120-PC (SCH M-3)............ Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for
U.S. Property and Casualty
Insurance Companies With Total
Assets of $10 Million or More.
Form 1120-POL..................... U.S. Income Tax Return for Certain
Political Organizations.
Form 1120-REIT.................... U.S. Income Tax Return for Real
Estate Investment Trusts.
Form 1120-RIC..................... U.S. Income Tax Return for Regulated
Investment Companies.
Form 1120-S....................... U.S. Income Tax Return for an S
Form 1120-S (SCH B-1)............. Information on Certain Shareholders
of an S Corporation.
Form 1120-S (SCH D)............... Capital Gains and Losses and Built-
In Gains.
Form 1120-S (SCH K-1)............. Shareholder's Share of Income,
Deductions, Credits, etc.
Form 1120-S (SCH K-2)............. Shareholder's Pro Rata Share Items-
Form 1120-S (SCH K-3)............. Shareholder's Share of Income,
deductions, Credits, etc.-
Form 1120-S (SCH M-3)............. Net Income (Loss) Reconciliation for
S Corporations With Total Assets of
$10 Million or More.
Form 1120-SF...................... U.S. Income Tax Return for
Settlement Funds (Under Section
Form 1120-X....................... Amended U.S. Corporation Income Tax
Form 1122......................... Authorization and Consent of
Subsidiary Corporation to be
Included in a Consolidated Income
Tax Return.
Form 1125-A....................... Cost of Goods Sold.
Form 1125-E....................... Compensation of Officers.
Form 1127......................... Application for Extension of Time
for Payment of Tax Due to Undue
Form 1128......................... Application to Adopt, Change, or
Retain a Tax Year.
Form 1138......................... Extension of Time For Payment of
Taxes By a Corporation Expecting a
Net Operating Loss Carryback.
Form 1139......................... Corporation Application for
Tentative Refund.
Form 2220......................... Underpayment of Estimated Tax By
Form 2438......................... Undistributed Capital Gains Tax
Form 2439......................... Notice to Shareholder of
Undistributed Long-Term Capital
Form 2553......................... Election by a Small Business
* Form 2848....................... Power of Attorney and Declaration of
* Form 3115....................... Application for Change in Accounting
* Form 3468....................... Investment Credit.
* Form 3520....................... Annual Return To Report Transactions
With Foreign Trusts and Receipt of
Certain Foreign Gifts.
* Form 3520-A..................... Annual Return of Foreign Trust With
a U.S. Owner.
* Form 3800....................... General Business Credit.
* Form 4136....................... Credit for Federal Tax Paid on
* Form 4255....................... Recapture of Investment Credit.
* Form 4466....................... Corporation Application for Quick
Refund of Overpayment of Estimated
* Form 4562....................... Depreciation and Amortization
(Including Information on Listed
* Form 4684....................... Casualties and Thefts.
* Form 4797....................... Sales of Business Property.
* Form 4810....................... Request for Prompt Assessment Under
Internal Revenue Code Section
* Form 4876-A..................... Election to Be Treated as an
Interest Charge DISC.
Form 5452......................... Corporate Report of Nondividend
Form 5471......................... Information Return of U.S. Persons
With Respect To Certain Foreign
Form 5471 (SCH E)................. Income, War Profits, and Excess
Profits Taxes Paid or Accrued.
Form 5471 (SCH G-I)............... Schedule G-1 (Form 5471), Cost
Sharing Arrangement.
Form 5471 (SCH H)................. Current Earnings and Profits.
Form 5471 (SCH I-1)............... Information for Global Intangible
Low-Taxed Income.
Form 5471 (SCH J)................. Accumulated Earnings and Profits
(E&P) of Controlled Foreign
Form 5471 (SCH M)................. Transactions Between Controlled
Foreign Corporation and
Shareholders or Other Related
Form 5471 (SCH O)................. Organization or Reorganization of
Foreign Corporation, and
Acquisitions and Dispositions of
its Stock.
Form 5471 (SCH P)................. Previously Taxed Earnings and
Profits of U.S. Shareholder of
Certain Foreign Corporations.
Form 5471 (SCH Q)................. CFC Income by CFC Income Groups.
Form 5471 (SCH R)................. Distributions From a Foreign
Form 5472......................... Information Return of a 25% Foreign-
Owned U.S. Corporation or a Foreign
Corporation Engaged in a U.S. Trade
or Business.
* Form 56......................... Notice Concerning Fiduciary
* Form 56-F....................... Notice Concerning Fiduciary
Relationship of Financial
* Form 5713....................... International Boycott Report.
* Form 5713 (SCH A)............... International Boycott Factor
(Section 999(c)(1)).
* Form 5713 (SCH B)............... Specifically, Attributable Taxes and
Income (Section 999(c)(2)).
[[Page 73755]]
* Form 5713 (SCH C)............... Tax Effect of the International
Boycott Provisions.
* Form 5735....................... American Samoa Economic Development
* Form 5735 Schedule P............ Allocation of Income and Expenses
Under Section 936(h)(5).
* Form 5884....................... Work Opportunity Credit.
* Form 5884-A..................... Credits for Affected Midwestern
Disaster Area Employers (for
Employers Affected by Hurricane
Harvey, Irma, or Maria or Certain
California Wildfires).
* Form 6198....................... At-Risk Limitations.
* Form 6478....................... Biofuel Producer Credit.
* Form 6627....................... Environmental Taxes.
* Form 6765....................... Credit for Increasing Research
* Form 6781....................... Gains and Losses From Section 1256
Contracts and Straddles.
* Form 7004....................... Application for Automatic Extension
of Time To File Certain Business
Income Tax, Information, and Other
* Form 7205....................... Energy Efficient Commercial
Buildings Deduction.
* Form 7207....................... Advanced Manufacturing Production
* Form 7210....................... Clean Hydrogen Production Credit.
* Form 7211....................... Clean Electricity Production Credit.
Form 7213......................... Nuclear Power Production Credit.
* Form 7217....................... Partner's Report of Property
Distributed by a Partnership.
* Form 7218....................... Clean Fuel Production Credit.
Form 8023......................... Elections Under Section 338 for
Corporations Making Qualified Stock
Form 8050......................... Direct Deposit Corporate Tax Refund.
* Form 8082....................... Notice of Inconsistent Treatment or
Administrative Adjustment Request
* Form 8275....................... Disclosure Statement.
* Form 8275-R..................... Regulation Disclosure Statement.
* Form 8288....................... U.S. Withholding Tax Return for
Dispositions by Foreign Persons of
U.S. Real Property Interests.
* Form 8288-A..................... Statement of Withholding on
Dispositions by Foreign Persons of
U.S. Real Property Interests.
* Form 8288-B..................... Application for Withholding
Certificate for Dispositions by
Foreign Persons of U.S. Real
Property Interests.
Form 8288-C....................... Statement of Withholding Under
Section 1446(f)(4) on Dispositions
by Foreign Persons of Partnership
* Form 8300....................... Report of Cash Payments Over $10,000
Received In a Trade or Business.
* Form 8302....................... Electronic Deposit of Tax Refund of
$1 Million or More.
Form 8308......................... Report of a Sale or Exchange of
Certain Partnership Interests.
* Form 8329....................... Lender's Information Return for
Mortgage Credit Certificates
Form 8404......................... Interest Charge on DISC-Related
Deferred Tax Liability.
Form 8453-CORP.................... E-file Declaration for Corporations.
Form 8453-PE...................... U.S. Partnership Declaration for an
IRS e-file Return.
Form 851.......................... Affiliations Schedule.
* Form 8586....................... Low-Income Housing Credit.
* Form 8594....................... Asset Acquisition Statement Under
Section 1060.
* Form 8609....................... Low-Income Housing Credit Allocation
and Certification.
* Form 8609-A..................... Annual Statement for Low-Income
Housing Credit.
* Form 8611....................... Recapture of Low-Income Housing
* Form 8621....................... Information Return By Shareholder of
a Passive Foreign Investment
Company or Qualified Electing Fund.
* Form 8621-A..................... Return by a Shareholder Making
Certain Late Elections to End
Treatment as a Passive Foreign
Investment Company.
* Form 8655....................... Reporting Agent Authorization.
* Form 8697....................... Interest Computation Under the Look-
Back Method for Completed Long-Term
* Form 8703....................... Annual Certification of a
Residential Rental Project.
Form 8716......................... Election To Have a Tax Year Other
Than a Required Tax Year.
Form 8752......................... Required Payment or Refund Under
Section 7519.
Form 8804......................... Annual Return for Partnership
Withholding Tax (Section 1446).
Form 8804 (SCH A)................. Penalty for Underpayment of
Estimated Section 1446 Tax for
Form 8804-C....................... Certificate of Partner-Level Items
to Reduce Section 1446 Withholding.
Form 8804-W....................... Installment Payments of Section 1446
Tax for Partnerships.
Form 8805......................... Foreign Partner's Information
Statement of Section 1446
Withholding tax.
Form 8806......................... Information Return for Acquisition
of Control or Substantial Change in
Capital Structure.
Form 8810......................... Corporate Passive Activity Loss and
Credit Limitations.
* Form 8813....................... Partnership Withholding Tax Payment
Voucher (Section 1446).
Form 8819......................... Dollar Election Under Section 985.
* Form 8820....................... Orphan Drug Credit.
* Form 8822-B..................... Change of Address--Business.
* Form 8824....................... Like-Kind Exchanges.
Form 8825......................... Rental Real Estate Income and
Expenses of a Partnership or an S
* Form 8826....................... Disabled Access Credit.
Form 8827......................... Credit for Prior Year Minimum Tax-
* Form 8830....................... Enhanced Oil Recovery Credit.
* Form 8832....................... Entity Classification Election.
* Form 8833....................... Treaty-Based Return Position
Disclosure Under Section 6114 or
* Form 8834....................... Qualified Electric Vehicle Credit.
* Form 8835....................... Renewable Electricity, Refined Coal,
and Indian Coal Production Credit.
[[Page 73756]]
* Form 8838....................... Consent to Extend the Time To Assess
Tax Under Section 367-Gain
Recognition Agreement.
* Form 8838-P..................... Consent To Extend the Time To Assess
Tax Pursuant to the Gain Deferral
Method (Section 721(c)).
Form 8842......................... Election to Use Different
Annualization Periods for Corporate
Estimated Tax.
* Form 8844....................... Empowerment Zone Employment Credit.
Form 8845......................... Indian Employment Credit.
Form 8846......................... Credit for Employer Social Security
and Medicare Taxes Paid on Certain
Employee Tips.
Form 8848......................... Consent to Extend the Time to Assess
the Branch Profits Tax Under
Regulations Sections 1.884-2(a) and
* Form 8858....................... Information Return of U.S. Persons
With Respect to Foreign Disregarded
Entities (FDEs) and Foreign
Branches (FBs).
* Form 8858 (SCH M)............... Transactions Between Foreign
Disregarded Entity (FDE) or Foreign
Branch (FB) and the Filer or Other
Related Entities.
* Form 8864....................... Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Fuels
Form 8865......................... Return of U.S. Persons With Respect
to Certain Foreign Partnerships.
Form 8865 (SCH G)................. Statement of Application for the
Gain Deferral Method Under Section
Form 8865 (SCH H)................. Acceleration Events and Exceptions
Reporting Relating to Gain Deferral
Method Under Section 721[euro].
Form 8865 (SCH K-1)............... Partner's Share of Income,
Deductions, Credits, etc.
Form 8865 (SCH K-2)............... Partner's Distributive Share Items-
Form 8865 (SCH K-3)............... Partner's Share of Income,
Deductions, Credits, etc.-
Form 8865 (SCH O)................. Transfer of Property to a Foreign
Form 8865 (SCH P)................. Acquisitions, Dispositions, and
Changes of Interests in a Foreign
* Form 8866....................... Interest Computation Under the Look-
Back Method for Property
Depreciated Under the Income
Forecast Method.
Form 8869......................... Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary
* Form 8873....................... Extraterritorial Income Exclusion.
* Form 8874....................... New Markets Credit.
Form 8875......................... Taxable REIT Subsidiary Election.
* Form 8878-A..................... IRS e-file Electronic Funds
Withdrawal Authorization for Form
Form 8879-CORP.................... E-file Authorization for
Form 8879-PE...................... IRS e-file Signature Authorization
for Form 1065.
* Form 8881....................... Credit for Small Employer Pension
Plan Startup Costs.
* Form 8882....................... Credit for Employer-Provided
Childcare Facilities and Services.
* Form 8883....................... Asset Allocation Statement Under
Section 338.
* Form 8886....................... Reportable Transaction Disclosure
* Form 8896....................... Low Sulfur Diesel Fuel Production
* Form 8900....................... Qualified Railroad Track Maintenance
* Form 8902....................... Alternative Tax on Qualified
Shipping Activities.
* Form 8903....................... Domestic Production Activities
* Form 8906....................... Distilled Spirits Credit.
* Form 8908....................... Energy Efficient Home Credit.
* Form 8910....................... Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit.
* Form 8911....................... Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling
Property Credit.
* Form 8911 Schedule A............ Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling
* Form 8912....................... Credit to Holders of Tax Credit
Form 8916......................... Reconciliation of Schedule M-3
Taxable Income with Tax Return
Taxable Income for Mixed Groups.
Form 8916-A....................... Supplemental Attachment to Schedule
* Form 8918....................... Material Advisor Disclosure
Form 8923......................... Mining Rescue Team Training Credit.
* Form 8925....................... Report of Employer-Owned Life
Insurance Contracts.
* Form 8926....................... Disqualified Corporate Interest
Expense disallowed under section
163(j) and Related Information.
* Form 8927....................... Determination Under Section
860[euro](4) by a Qualified
Investment Entity.
* Form 8932....................... Credit for Employer Differential
Wage Payments.
* Form 8933....................... Carbon Oxide Sequestration Credit.
* Form 8933 Sch A................. Disposal or Enhanced Oil Recovery
Owner Certification.
* Form 8933 Sch B................. Disposal Operator Certification.
* Form 8933 Sch C................. Enhanced Oil Recovery Operator
* Form 8933 Sch D................. Recapture Certification.
* Form 8933 Sch E................. Election Certification.
* Form 8933 Sch F................. Utilization Certification.
* Form 8936....................... Clean Vehicle Credit.
* Form 8936 Sch A................. Clean Vehicle Credit Amount.
Form 8936-A....................... Qualified Commercial Clean Vehicle
Form 8936-A Sch 1................. Schedule for Qualified Commercial
Clean Vehicle.
* Form 8937....................... Report of Organizational Actions
Affecting Basis of Securities.
* Form 8938....................... Statement of Foreign Financial
* Form 8941....................... Credit for Small Employer Health
Insurance Premiums.
* Form 8947....................... Report of Branded Prescription Drug
* Form 8966....................... FATCA Report.
* Form 8966-C..................... Cover Sheet for Form 8966 Paper
* Form 8975....................... Country-by-Country Report.
[[Page 73757]]
* Form 8975 Sch A................. Tax Jurisdiction and Constituent
Entity Information.
Form 8978......................... Partner's Additional Reporting Year
Form 8978-Sch-A................... Partners Additional Reporting Year
Form 8979......................... Partnership Representative
Revocation/Resignation and
Form 8990......................... Limitation on Business Interest
Expense IRC 163(j).
Form 8991......................... Tax on Base Erosion Payments of
Taxpayers with Substantial Gross
Form 8992......................... U.S Shareholder Calculation of
Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income
Form 8992 Sch-A................... Schedule A, Global Intangible Low-
taxed Income (GILTI).
Form 8992-Sch-B................... Calculation of Global Intangible Low-
Taxed Income (GILTI) for Members of
a U.S. Consolidated Group Who Are
U.S. Shareholders of a CFC.
Form 8993......................... Section 250 Deduction for Foreign-
Derived Intangible Income (FDII)and
Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income
* Form 8994....................... Employer Credit for Paid Family and
Medical Leave.
* Form 8995....................... Qualified Business Income Deduction
Simplified Computation.
* Form 8995-A..................... Qualified Business Income Deduction.
* Form 8995-A (SCH A)............. Specified Service Trades or
* Form 8995-A (SCH B)............. Aggregation of Business Operations.
* Form 8995-A (SCH C)............. Loss Netting And Carryforward.
* Form 8995-A (SCH D)............. Special Rules for Patrons Of
Agricultural Or Horticultural
Form 8996......................... Qualified Opportunity Fund.
Form 8997......................... Initial and Annual Statement of
Qualified Opportunity Fund (QOF)
Form 926.......................... Return by a U.S. Transferor of
Property to a Foreign Corporation.
Form 965-B........................ Corporate and Real Estate Investment
Trust (REIT) Report of Net 965 Tax
Liability and Electing REIT Report
of 965 Amounts.
Form 965-C........................ Transfer Agreement Under Section
Form 965-D........................ Transfer Agreement Under 965(i)(2).
Form 965-E........................ Consent Agreement Under
Form 966.......................... Corporate Dissolution or
* Form 970........................ Application to Use LIFO Inventory
* Form 972........................ Consent of Shareholder to Include
Specific Amount in Gross Income.
Form 973.......................... Corporation Claim for Deduction for
Consent Dividends.
Form 976.......................... Claim for Deficiency Dividends
Deductions by a Personal Holding
Company, Regulated Investment
Company, or Real Estate Investment
* Form 982........................ Reduction of Tax Attributes Due to
Discharge of Indebtedness (and
Section 1082 Basis Adjustment).
* Form SS-4....................... Application for Employer
Identification Number.
* Form SS-4(PR)................... Solicitud de N[uacute]mero de
Identificaci[oacute]n Patronal
* Form T (TIMBER)................. Forest Activities Schedule.
* Form W-8BEN..................... Certificate of Foreign Status of
Beneficial Owner for United States
Tax Withholding (Individuals).
* Form W-8BEN(E).................. Certificate of Entities Status of
Beneficial Owner for United States
Tax Withholding (Entities).
* Form W-8ECI..................... Certificate of Foreign Person's
Claim That Income is Effectively
Connected With the Conduct of a
Trade or Business in the United
* Form W-8IMY..................... Certificate of Foreign Intermediary,
Foreign Flow-Through Entity, or
Certain U.S. Branches for United
States Tax Withholding and
Forms marked with an asterisk (*) are also filed by other taxpayers
(e.g., individuals, tax-exempt organizations).
Appendix B
Previous OMB No. Title
1545-0731......................... Definition of an S Corporation.
1545-0746......................... LR-100-78 (Final) Creditability of
Foreign Taxes.
1545-0755......................... Related Group Election With Respect
to Qualified Investments in Foreign
Base Company Shipping Operations.
1545-0771......................... TD 8864 (Final); EE-63-88 (Final and
temp regulations) Taxation of
Fringe Benefits and Exclusions From
Gross Income for Certain Fringe
Benefits; IA-140-86 (Temporary)
Fringe Benefits Treas reg 1.274.
1545-0807......................... (TD 7533) Final, DISC Rules on
Procedure and Administration; Rules
on Export Trade Corporations, and
(TD 7896) Final, Income from Trade
1545-0879......................... TD 8426--Certain Returned Magazines,
Paperbacks or Records (IA-195-78).
1545-1018......................... FI-27-89 (Temporary and Final) Real
Estate Mortgage Investment
Conduits; Reporting Requirements
and Other Administrative Matters;
FI-61-91 (Final) Allocation of
Allocable Investment.
1545-1041......................... TD 8316 Cooperative Housing
1545-1051......................... TD 8556 (Final)--Computation and
Characterization of Income and
Earnings and Profits Under the
Dollar Approximate Separate
Transactions Method of Accounting
1545-1068......................... T.D. 8618--Definition of a
Controlled Foreign Corporation,
Foreign Base Company Income, and
Foreign Personal Holding Company
Income of a Controlled Foreign
Corporation (INTL-362-88).
1545-1070......................... Effectively connected income and the
branch profits tax.
[[Page 73758]]
1545-1072......................... INTL-952-86 (Final-TD 8410) and TD
8228 Allocation and Apportionment
of Interest Expense and Certain
Other Expenses.
1545-1083......................... Treatment of Dual Consolidated
1545-1093......................... Final Minimum Tax-Tax Benefit Rule
(TD 8416).
1545-1102......................... PS-19-92 (TD 9420--Final) Carryover
Allocations and Other Rules
Relating to the Low-Income Housing
1545-1130......................... Special Loss Discount Account and
Special Estimated Tax Payments for
Insurance Companies.
1545-1146......................... Applicable Conventions Under the
Accelerated Cost.
1545-1191......................... Information with Respect to Certain
Foreign-Owned Corporations--IRC
Section 6038A.
1545-1218......................... CO-25-96 (TD 8824--Final)
Regulations Under Section 1502 of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1986;
Limitations on Net Operating Loss
Carryforwards and Certain Built-in
Losses and Credits Following.
1545-1224......................... T. D. 8337 (Final) Allocation and
Apportionment of Deduction for
State Income Taxes (INTL-112-88).
1545-1233......................... Adjusted Current Earnings (IA-14-91)
1545-1237......................... REG-209831-96 (TD 8823) Consolidated
Returns--Limitation on the Use of
Certain Losses and Deductions.
1545-1251......................... TD 8437--Limitations on Percentage
Depletion in the Case of Oil and
Gas Wells.
1545-1254......................... TD 8396--Conclusive Presumption of
Worthlessness of Debts Held by
Banks (FI-34-91).
1545-1260......................... CO-62-89 (Final) Final Regulations
under Section 382 of the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986; Limitations
on Corporate Net Operating Loss
1545-1271......................... Treatment of transfers of stock or
securities to foreign corporations.
1545-1275......................... Limitations on net operating loss
carryforwards and certain built-in
losses following ownership change.
1545-1287......................... FI-3-91 (TD 8456--Final)
Capitalization of Certain Policy
Acquisition Expenses.
1545-1290......................... TD 8513--Bad Debt Reserves of Banks.
1545-1299......................... TD 8459--Settlement Funds.
1545-1300......................... Treatment of Acquisition of Certain
Financial Institutions: Certain Tax
Consequences of Federal Financial
Assistance to Financial
1545-1308......................... TD 8449 (Final) Election,
Revocation, Termination, and Tax
Effect of Subchapter S Status.
1545-1324......................... CO-88-90 (TD 8530) Limitation on Net
Operating Loss Carryforwards and
Certain Built-in Losses Following
Ownership Change; Special Rule for
Value of a Loss Corporation Under
the Jurisdiction.
1545-1338......................... Election Out of Subchapter K for
Producers of Natural Gas--TD 8578.
1545-1344......................... TD 8560 (CO-30-92) Consolidated
Returns--Stock Basis and Excess
Loss Accounts, Earnings and
Profits, Absorption of Deductions
and Losses, Joining and Leaving
Consolidated Groups, Worthless
1545-1352......................... TD 8586 (Final) Treatment of Gain
From Disposition of Certain Natural
Resource Recapture Property.
1545-1357......................... PS-78-91 (TD 8521)(TD 8859)
Procedures for Monitoring
Compliance with Low-Income Housing
Credit Requirements; PS-50-92 Rules
to Carry Out the Purposes of
Section 42 and for Correcting.
1545-1364......................... Methods To Determine Taxable Income
in connection with a Cost Sharing
Arrangement--IRC Section 482.
1545-1412......................... FI-54-93 (Final) Clear Reflection of
Income in the Case of Hedging
1545-1433......................... Consolidated and Controlled Groups--
Intercompany Transactions and
Related Rules.
1545-1434......................... CO-26-96 (Final) Regulations Under
Section 382 of the Internal Revenue
Code of 1986; Application of
Section 382 in Short Taxable Years
and With Respect to Controlled
1545-1438......................... TD 8643 (Final) Distributions of
Stock and Stock Rights.
1545-1440......................... TD 8611, Conduit Arrangements
Regulations--Final (INTL-64-93).
1545-1447......................... CO-46-94 (TD 8594--Final) Losses on
Small Business Stock.
1545-1462......................... PS-268-82 (TD 8696) Definitions
Under Subchapter S of the Internal
Revenue Code.
1545-1476......................... Source of Income From Sales of
Inventory and Natural Resources
Produced in One Jurisdiction and
Sold in Another Jurisdiction.
1545-1480......................... TD 8985--Hedging Transactions.
1545-1484......................... TD 8881(Final) REG-242282-97
(formerly Intl-62-90, Intl-32-93,
Intl-52-86, and Intl-52-94) General
Revision of Regulations Relating to
Withholding of Tax on Certain U.S.
Source Income Paid to Foreign.
1545-1491......................... TD 8746--Amortizable Bond Premium.
1545-1493......................... TD 8684--Treatment of Gain From the
Disposition of Interest in Certain
Natural Resource Recapture Property
by S Corporations and Their
1545-1507......................... (TD 8701)--Treatment of Shareholders
of Certain Passive Investment
Companies; (TD 8178)--Passive
Foreign Investment Companies.
1545-1522......................... Revenue Procedure 2017-52, 2017-1,
2017-3 Rulings and determination
1545-1530......................... Rev. Proc. 2007-32--Tip Rate
Determination Agreement (Gaming
Industry); Gaming Industry Tip
Compliance Agreement Program.
1545-1539......................... REG-208172-91 (TD 8787--final) Basis
Reduction Due to Discharge of
1545-1541......................... Revenue Procedure 97-27, Changes in
Methods of Accounting.
1545-1546......................... Revenue Procedure 97-33, EFTPS
(Electronic Federal Tax Payment
1545-1548......................... Rev. Proc. 2013-30, Uniform Late S
Corporation Election Revenue
1545-1549......................... Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment
(TRAC) Agreement and Tip Rate
Determination (TRDA) for Use in the
Food and Beverage Industry.
1545-1551......................... Changes in Methods of Accounting (RP
[[Page 73759]]
1545-1555......................... REG-115795-97 (Final) General Rules
for Making and Maintaining
Qualified Electing Fund Elections.
1545-1556......................... TD 8786--Source of Income From Sales
of Inventory Partly From Sources
Within a Possession of the U.S.;
Also, Source of Income Derived From
Certain Purchases From a Corp.
Electing Sec. 936.
1545-1558......................... Rev. Proc. 98-46 (modifies Rev.
Proc.97-43)--Procedures for
Electing Out of Exemptions Under
Section 1.475(c)-1; and Rev. Rul.
97-39, Mark-to-Market Accounting
Method for Dealers in Securities.
1545-1559......................... Revenue Procedures 98-46 and 97-44,
LIFO Conformity Requirement.
1545-1566......................... Notice 2010-46, Prevention of Over-
Withholding of U.S. Tax Avoidance
With Respect to Certain Substitute
Dividend Payments.
1545-1588......................... Adjustments Following Sales of
Partnership Interests.
1545-1590......................... REG-251698-96 (T.D. 8869--Final)
Subchapter S Subsidiaries.
1545-1617......................... REG-124069-02 (Final) Section 6038--
Returns Required with Respect to
Controlled Foreign Partnerships;
REG-118966-97 (Final) Information
Reporting with Respect to Certain
Foreign Partnership.
1545-1634......................... TD 9595 (REG-141399-07) Consolidated
Overall Foreign Losses, Separate
Limitation Losses, and Overall
Domestic Losses.
1545-1641......................... Rev. Proc. 99-17--Mark to Market
Election for Commodities Dealers
and Securities and Commodities
1545-1642......................... TD 8853 (Final), Recharacterizing
Financing Arrangements Involving
Fast-Pay Stock.
1545-1646......................... TD 8851--Return Requirement for
United States Persons Acquiring or
Disposing of an Interest in a
Foreign Partnership, or Whose
Proportional Interest in a Foreign
Partnership Changes.
1545-1647......................... Revenue Procedure 2001-21 Debt Roll-
1545-1657......................... Revenue Procedure 99-32--Conforming
Adjustments Subsequent to Section
482 Allocations.
1545-1658......................... Purchase Price Allocations in Deemed
Actual Asset Acquisitions.
1545-1661......................... Qualified lessee construction
allowances for short-term leases.
1545-1672......................... T.D. 9047--Certain Transfers of
Property to Regulated Investment
Companies (RICs) and Real Estate
Investment Trusts (REITs).
1545-1675......................... Treatment of taxable income of a
residual interest holder in excess
of daily accruals.
1545-1677......................... Exclusions From Gross Income of
Foreign Corporations.
1545-1684......................... Pre-Filing Agreements Program.
1545-1690......................... Notice 2000-28, Coal Exports.
1545-1699......................... TD 9715; Rev. Proc. 2015-26
(Formerly TD 9002; Rev Proc 2002-
43), Agent for Consolidated Group.
1545-1701......................... Revenue Procedure 2000-37--Reverse
Like-kind Exchanges (as modified by
Rev Proc. 2004-51).
1545-1706......................... TD 9315--Section 1503(d) Closing
Agreement Requests.
1545-1711......................... TD 9273--Stock Transfer Rules:
Carryover of Earnings and Taxes
1545-1714......................... Tip Reporting Alternative Commitment
(TRAC) for most industries.
1545-1716......................... Employer-Designed Tip Reporting
Program for the Food and Beverage
Industry (EmTRAC)--Notice 2001-1.
1545-1717......................... Tip Rate Determination Agreement
(TRDA) for Most Industries.
1545-1718......................... Source of Income from Certain Space
and Ocean Activities; Source of
Communications Income (TD 9305--
1545-1730......................... Manner of making election to
terminate tax-exempt bond
1545-1731......................... Extraterritorial Income Exclusion
1545-1736......................... Advanced Insurance Commissions--
Revenue Procedure 2001-24.
1545-1748......................... Changes in Accounting Periods--REG-
106917-99 (TD 8669/Final).
1545-1752......................... Revenue Procedure 2008-38, Revenue
Procedure 2008-39, Revenue
Procedure 2008-40, Revenue
Procedure 2008-41, Revenue
Procedure 2008-42.
1545-1756......................... Revenue Procedure 2001-56,
Demonstration Automobile Use.
1545-1765......................... T.D. 9171, New Markets Tax Credit.
1545-1768......................... Revenue Procedure 2003-84, Optional
Election to Make Monthly Sec. 706
1545-1774......................... Extensions of Time to Elect Method
for Determining Allowable Loss.
1545-1784......................... Rev Proc 2002-32 as Modified by Rev
Proc 2006-21, Waiver of 60-month
Bar on Reconsolidation after
1545-1786......................... Changes in Periods of Accounting.
1545-1799......................... Notice 2002-69, Interest Rates and
Appropriate Foreign Loss Payment
Patterns For Determining the
Qualified Insurance Income of
Certain Controlled Corporations
under Section 954(f).
1545-1801......................... Revenue Procedure 2002-67,
Settlement of Section 351
Contingent Liability Tax Shelter
1545-1820......................... Revenue Procedure 2003-33, Section
9100 Relief for 338 Elections.
1545-1828......................... TD 9048; 9254--Guidance under
Section 1502; Suspension of Losses
on Certain Stock Disposition (REG-
1545-1831......................... TD 9157 (Final) Guidance Regarding
the Treatment of Certain Contingent
Payment Debt Instruments w/one or
more Payments that are Denominated
in, or Determined by Reference to,
a Nonfunctional Currency.
1545-1833......................... Revenue Procedure 2003-37,
Documentation Provisions for
Certain Taxpayers Using the Fair
Market Value Method of Interest
Expense Apportionment.
1545-1834......................... Revenue Procedure 2003-39, Section
1031 LKE (Like-Kind Exchanges) Auto
Leasing Programs.
[[Page 73760]]
1545-1837......................... Revenue Procedure 2003-36, Industry
Issue Resolution Program.
1545-1847......................... Revenue Procedure 2004-29--
Statistical Sampling in Sec. 274
1545-1855......................... TD 9285--Limitation on Use of the
Nonaccrual-Experience Method of
Accounting Under Section 448(d)(5).
1545-1861......................... Revenue Procedure 2004-19--Probable
or Prospective Reserves Safe
1545-1870......................... TD 9107--Guidance Regarding
Deduction and Capitalization of
1545-1893......................... Rollover of Gain from Qualified
Small Business Stock to Another
Qualified Small Business Stock.
1545-1900......................... (TD 9212) Final, Source of
Compensation for Labor or Personal
1545-1903......................... TD 9168--Optional 10-Year Write-off
of Certain Tax Preferences (REG-
1545-1905......................... TD 9289 (Final) Treatment of
Disregarded Entities Under Section
1545-1906......................... TD 9210--LIFO Recapture Under
Section 1363(d).
1545-1915......................... Notice 2005-4, Fuel Tax Guidance, as
1545-1939......................... Notification Requirement for
Transfer of Partnership Interest in
Electing Investment Partnership
1545-1945......................... 26 U.S. Code Sec. 475--Mark to
market accounting method for
dealers in securities.
1545-1946......................... T.D. 9315 (Final) Dual Consolidated
Loss Regulations.
1545-1965......................... TD 9360 (REG-133446-03)(Final)
Guidance on Passive Foreign Company
(PFIC) Purging Elections.
1545-1983......................... Qualified Railroad Track Maintenance
1545-1986......................... Notice 2006-47, Elections Created or
Effected by the American Jobs
Creation Act of 2004.
1545-1990......................... Application of Section 338 to
Insurance Companies.
1545-2001......................... Rev. Proc. 2006-16, Renewal
Community Depreciation Provisions.
1545-2002......................... Notice 2006-25 (superseded by Notice
2007-53), Qualifying Gasification
Project Program.
1545-2003......................... Notice 2006-24, Qualifying Advanced
Coal Project Program.
1545-2004......................... Deduction for Energy Efficient
Commercial Buildings.
1545-2008......................... Nonconventional Source Fuel Credit.
1545-2014......................... TD 9452--Application of Separate
Limitations to Dividends from
Noncontrolled Section 902
1545-2017......................... Notice 2006-46 Announcement of Rules
to be included in Final Regulations
under Section 897(d) and (e) of the
Internal Revenue Code.
1545-2019......................... TD 9451--Guidance Necessary to
Facilitate Business Election
Filing; Finalization of Controlled
Group Qualification Rules (TD
1545-2028......................... Fuel Cell Motor Vehicle Credit.
1545-2030......................... REG-120509-06 (TD 9465--Final),
Determination of Interest Expense
Deduction of Foreign Corporations.
1545-2036......................... Taxation and Reporting of REIT
Excess Inclusion Income by REITs,
RICs, and Other Pass-Through
Entities (Notice 2006-97).
1545-2070......................... Rev. Proc. 2007-48 Rotable Spare
Parts Safe Harbor Method.
1545-2072......................... Revenue Procedure 2007-35--
Statistical Sampling for Purposes
of Section 199.
1545-2091......................... TD 9512 (Final)--Nuclear
Decommissioning Funds.
1545-2096......................... Loss on Subsidiary Stock--REG-157711-
02 (TD 9424--Final).
1545-2103......................... Election to Expense Certain
1545-2110......................... REG-127770-07 (Final), Modifications
of Commercial Mortgage Loans Held
by a Real Estate Mortgage
Investment Conduit.
1545-2114......................... S Corporation Guidance under AJCA of
2004 (TD 9422 Final--REG-143326-
1545-2125......................... REG-143544-04 Regulations Enabling
Elections for Certain Transaction
Under Section 336(e).
1545-2133......................... Rev. Proc. 2009-16, Section
168(k)(4) Election Procedures and
Rev. Proc. 2009-33, Section
168(k)(4) Extension Property
1545-2134......................... Notice 2009-41--Credit for
Residential Energy Efficient
1545-2145......................... Notice 2009-52, Election of
Investment Tax Credit in Lieu of
Production Tax Credit; Coordination
with Department of Treasury Grants
for Specified Energy Property in
Lieu of Tax Credits.
1545-2147......................... Internal Revenue Code Section 108(i)
1545-2149......................... Treatment of Services Under Section
482; Allocation of Income and
Deductions From Intangibles;
Stewardship Expense (TD 9456).
1545-2150......................... Notice 2009-58, Manufacturers'
Certification of Specified Plug-in
Electric Vehicles.
1545-2151......................... Qualifying Advanced Energy Project
Credit--Notice 2013-12.
1545-2153......................... Notice 2009-83--Credit for Carbon
Dioxide Sequestration Under Section
1545-2155......................... TD 9469 (REG-102822-08) Section 108
Reduction of Tax Attributes for S
1545-2156......................... Revenue Procedure 2010-13,
Disclosure of Activities Grouped
under Section 469.
1545-2158......................... Notice 2010-54: Production Tax
Credit for Refined Coal.
1545-2171......................... TD 9490--Extended Carryback of
Losses to or from a Consolidated
1545-2183......................... Transfers by Domestic Corporations
That Are Subject to Section
367(a)(5); Distributions by
Domestic Corporations That Are
Subject to Section 1248(f). (TD
9614 & 9615).
1545-2186......................... TD 9504, Basis Reporting by
Securities Brokers and Basis
Determination for Stock; TD 9616,
TD9713, and TD 9750.
1545-2194......................... Rules for Certain Rental Real Estate
1545-2209......................... REG-112805-10--Branded Prescription
1545-2242......................... REG-135491-10--Updating of Employer
Identification Numbers.
1545-2245......................... REG-160873-04--American Jobs
Creation Act Modifications to
Section 6708, Failure to Maintain
List of Advisees With Respect to
Reportable Transactions.
1545-2247......................... TD 9633--Limitations on Duplication
of Net Built-in Losses.
[[Page 73761]]
1545-2259......................... Performance & Quality for Small Wind
Energy Property.
1545-2276......................... Safe Harbor for Inadvertent
Normalization Violations.
* 1545-2291....................... TD 9866 (REG-951A) and Notice 2020-
69 (S Corporation Guidance under
Section 958 (Rules for Determining
Stock Ownership) and Guidance
Regarding the Treatment of
Qualified Improvement Property
under the Alternative Depreciation
System for Purposes of the QBAI
Rules for FDII and GILTI (NOT-
1545-0123......................... Notice 2024-60--Required Procedures
to Claim a Section 45Q Credit for
Utilization of Carbon Oxide.
1545-0123......................... TD 9993--Transfer of Certain
1545-0123......................... TD 9998--Increased Amounts of Credit
or Deduction for Satisfying Certain
Prevailing Wage and Registered
Apprenticeship Requirements.
1545-0123......................... TD 10004--Guidance Under Section
367(b) Related to Certain
Triangular Reorganizations and
Inbound Nonrecognition
* Merged into 1545-0123 since the last OMB approval.
[FR Doc. 2024-20568 Filed 9-10-24; 8:45 am]