Jugfork Solar Project Environmental Impact Statement, 72694-72696 [2024-19557]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 172 / Thursday, September 5, 2024 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
(Pet. 1.) However, it ‘‘believes that
alternate transportation service by truck
or rail/truck transload is available’’ for
the three remaining customers, all of
whom were served a copy of the
petition. (Id. at 6.)
Midcoast asserts that, because this
proceeding would involve the
discontinuance of common carrier
service and not abandonment of the
Line, the question of whether the Line
contains any federally granted rights-ofway is inapplicable. (Id. at 2.) Midcoast
states that any documentation related to
federally granted rights-of-way
pertaining to this petition in Midcoast’s
possession will be made promptly
available to those requesting it. (Id.)
According to Midcoast, the Line
constitutes the entirety of its operations.
(Id. at 8–9.) Where, as here, a rail carrier
is discontinuing service over its entire
system, the Board does not normally
impose labor protection under 49 U.S.C.
10502(g), unless the evidence indicates
the existence of: (1) a corporate affiliate
that will continue substantially similar
rail operations; or (2) a corporate parent
that will realize substantial financial
benefits over and above relief from the
burden of deficit operations by its
subsidiary railroad. See Honey Creek
R.R.—Aban. Exemption—in Henry
Cnty., Ind., AB 865X (STB served Aug.
20, 2004); Northampton & Bath R.R.—
Aban. near Northampton & Bath
Junction in Northampton Cnty., Pa.
(Northampton), 354 I.C.C. 784, 785–86
(1978); Wellsville, Addison & Galeton
R.R.—Aban. of Entire Line in Potter &
Tioga Cntys., Pa., 354 I.C.C. 744 (1978).
According to Midcoast, it does not have
a corporate affiliate that has similar rail
operations, and its corporate parent,
Finger Lakes Railway Corp., will not
benefit from the proposed
discontinuance beyond the relief it
receives from the burden of deficit
operations. (Pet. 9–10.) Therefore, if the
Board grants the petition for exemption,
in the absence of a showing that one or
more of the exceptions articulated in
Northampton are present, no labor
protective conditions would be
By issuance of this notice, the Board
is instituting an exemption proceeding
pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 10502(b). A final
decision will be issued by December 4,
Brunswick Terminal Area line were changed at
some point.
It does not appear there was a subsequent
proceeding authorizing MEC or ST to extinguish
their common carrier obligations. MEC and ST have
since been acquired by CSX Transportation, Inc.
See CSX Corp.—Control & Merger—Pan Am Sys.,
Inc., FD 36472 et al., slip op. at 2, 50 (STB served
Apr. 14, 2022).
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Because this is a discontinuance
proceeding and not an abandonment,
interim trail use/rail banking and public
use conditions are not appropriate.
Because the majority of the Line (from
milepost 33.79 to the end of the line at
Rockport) was abandoned before it was
acquired by Maine DOT,3 and there will
be environmental review during any
subsequent abandonment for the
remainder of the Line (from milepost
33.79 to milepost 28.03),4 this
discontinuance does not require an
environmental review.
Any offer of financial assistance
(OFA) for subsidy under 49 CFR
1152.27(b)(2) will be due no later than
120 days after the filing of the petition
for exemption, or 10 days after service
of a decision granting the petition for
exemption, whichever occurs sooner.5
Persons interested in submitting an OFA
must first file a formal expression of
intent to file an offer by September 16,
2024, indicating the intent to file an
OFA for subsidy and demonstrating that
they are preliminarily financially
responsible. See 49 CFR 1152.27(c)(1)(i).
All pleadings, referring to Docket No.
AB 1341X, must be filed with the
Surface Transportation Board either via
e-filing on the Board’s website or in
writing addressed to 395 E Street SW,
Washington, DC 20423–0001. In
addition, a copy of each pleading must
be served on Midcoast’s representative,
Justin J. Marks, Clark Hill PLC, 1001
Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 1300
South, Washington, DC 20004. Replies
to the petition are due on or before
September 25, 2024.
Persons seeking further information
concerning discontinuance procedures
may contact the Board’s Office of Public
Assistance, Governmental Affairs, and
Compliance at (202) 245–0238 or refer
to the full abandonment and
discontinuance regulations at 49 CFR
part 1152. Questions concerning
environmental issues may be directed to
3 See Me. Cent. R.R.—Pet. for Review of
Arbitration Award, FD 31434 et al., slip op. at 1
(ICC served Apr. 19, 1990) (noting that ‘‘MEC
abandoned the Rockland Branch,’’ as authorized for
abandonment in AB 83 (Sub-No. 8), ‘‘in November
1985’’); Me. Cent. R.R.—Aban.—in Cumberland,
Sagahadoc, Lincoln, & Knox Cntys., Me., AB 83
(Sub-No. 8) (ICC served Oct. 23, 1985) (approving
abandonment of rail line between milepost 33.79 at
Brunswick and milepost 85.91 at Rockland); see
also Me. Coast R.R.—Modified Rail Certificate, FD
31727, slip op. at 1 (ICC served Oct. 5, 1990)
(authorizing operations over rail line between
milepost 33.79 at Brunswick and milepost 85.91 at
Rockland pursuant to a modified certificate).
4 Me. Dep’t of Transp.—Acquis. & Operation
Exemption, 8 I.C.C.2d at 837, 838 n.8 (stating that
MEC will need abandonment authority if it wishes
to be relieved of its residual common carrier
5 The filing fee for OFAs can be found at 49 CFR
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the Board’s Office of Environmental
Analysis at (202) 245–0294. If you
require an accommodation under the
Americans with Disabilities Act, please
call (202) 245–0245.
Board decisions and notices are
available at www.stb.gov.
Decided: August 30, 2024.
By the Board, Valerie O. Quinn, Acting
Director, Office of Proceedings.
Andrea Pope-Matheson,
Clearance Clerk.
[FR Doc. 2024–19963 Filed 9–4–24; 8:45 am]
Jugfork Solar Project Environmental
Impact Statement
Tennessee Valley Authority.
Notice of Intent.
The Tennessee Valley
Authority (TVA) intends to prepare an
environmental impact statement (EIS)
for the purchase of electricity generated
by the proposed Jugfork Solar Project in
Lee and Union Counties, Mississippi.
The EIS will assess the potential
environmental effects of constructing,
operating, and maintaining the
proposed 200-megawatt (MW)
alternating current (AC) solar facility,
along with a 20 MW Battery Energy
Storage System (BESS). The proposed
200 MW AC solar panel facility would
occupy approximately 1,000 acres of the
approximately 1,700-acre Project Study
Area. The project would also include
the upgrade of 6.4 miles of the Tupelo
to Union 161-kV transmission line.
Public comments are invited concerning
the scope of the EIS, alternatives being
considered, and environmental issues
that should be addressed as a part of
this EIS. TVA is also requesting data,
information, and analysis relevant to the
proposed action from the public;
affected federal, state, tribal, and local
governments, agencies, and offices; the
scientific community; industry; or any
other interested party.
DATES: The public scoping period begins
with the publication of this Notice of
Intent in the Federal Register. To ensure
consideration, comments must be
postmarked, emailed, or submitted
online no later than October 7, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should
be sent to Neil Schock, NEPA Specialist,
Tennessee Valley Authority, 400 West
Summit Hill Drive, WT 11B, Knoxville,
Tennessee 37902. Comments may be
submitted online at: www.tva.gov/nepa,
or by email to nepa@tva.gov. To ensure
comments are correctly dispositioned,
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 172 / Thursday, September 5, 2024 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
please specify the project when
submitting comments. Please note that
TVA encourages comments submitted
Schock by email at ntschock@tva.gov,
by phone at (865) 632–3053, or by mail
at the address above.
notice is provided in accordance with
the Council on Environmental Quality’s
Regulations (40 CFR parts 1500 to 1508)
and TVA’s procedures for implementing
the NEPA (18 CFR 1318). TVA is an
agency and instrumentality of the
United States, established by an act of
Congress in 1933, to foster the social
and economic welfare of the people of
the Tennessee Valley region and to
promote the proper use and
conservation of the region’s natural
resources. One component of this
mission is the generation, transmission,
and sale of reliable and affordable
electric energy.
In June 2019, TVA completed the
final Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) and
associated EIS. The 2019 IRP identified
the various resources that TVA intends
to use to meet the energy needs of the
TVA region over the 20-year planning
period while achieving TVA’s objectives
to deliver reliable, low-cost, and cleaner
energy with fewer environmental
impacts. The 2019 IRP anticipates
growth of solar in all scenarios
analyzed, with most scenarios
anticipating 5,000 to 8,000 MW and one
anticipating up to 14,000 MW by 2038
(TVA 2019). The 2019 IRP remains valid
and guides future generation planning
consistent with least cost planning
principles. With the demand for solar
energy increasing, TVA has an
expansion target of 10,000 MW of solar
by 2035 (TVA 2021). Customer demand
for cleaner energy prompted TVA to
release a Request for Proposal (RFP) for
renewable energy resources (2022
Carbon-Free RFP).
TVA has entered into a Power
Purchase Agreement (PPA) with
Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) to
purchase 200 MW AC of power
generated by the proposed Jugfork Solar
Project, hereafter referred to as the
Project. The proposed 200 MW AC solar
facility would occupy approximately
1,000 acres of the approximately 1,700acre Project Study Area which is located
in Lee and Union Counties, in northeast
Mississippi. The project site is north of
Tupelo, Mississippi, along State
Highway 348 east of New Albany,
Mississippi. The project site is mostly
farmland with areas of woody wetlands,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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deciduous forest, and hay/pasture. The
land surplus is to accommodate access
roads and the potential repositioning of
the array if any areas need to be avoided
as a result of the NEPA review. A map
showing the project site is available at
Preliminary Proposed Action and
In addition to a No Action
Alternative, TVA will evaluate the
action alternative of purchasing power
from the proposed Jugfork Solar Project
under the terms of a PPA. In evaluating
alternatives, TVA considered other solar
proposals, prior to selecting the Jugfork
Solar site for further evaluation. Part of
the screening process included a review
of transmission options, including key
connection points to TVA’s
transmission system. The screening
process indicated that the Jugfork site is
a viable option for connectivity.
Environmental and cultural
considerations were also included in
TVA’s screening process. The EIS will
evaluate ways to avoid impacts, as well
as mitigate impacts that cannot be
avoided. The description and analysis of
these alternatives in the EIS will inform
decision makers, other agencies, and the
public about the potential for
environmental impacts. TVA solicits
comments on whether there are other
alternatives that should be assessed in
the EIS.
Project Purpose and Need
The Jugfork Solar Project that was
submitted as a result of TVA’s 2022
Carbon-Free RFP will help TVA meet
the need for additional renewable
generating capacity in response to
customer demands and fulfill the
renewable energy goals established in
the 2019 IRP which remains valid. This
EIS will identify the purpose and need
of the project and will contain
descriptions of the existing
environmental and socioeconomic
resources within the area that could be
affected by the proposed solar facility,
including the documented historical,
cultural, and environmental resources.
Evaluation of potential environmental
impacts to these resources will include,
but not be limited to, air quality and
greenhouse gas emissions, surface
water, groundwater, wetlands,
floodplains, vegetation, wildlife,
threatened and endangered species,
land use, natural areas and parks and
recreation, geology, soils, prime
farmland, visual resources, noise,
cultural resources, socioeconomics and
environmental justice, solid and
hazardous waste, public and
PO 00000
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occupational health and safety, utilities,
and transportation.
Based on a preliminary evaluation of
these resources, potential impacts to
vegetation and wildlife due to the
conversion of deciduous forest of
various ages to early maintained grassdominated fields may occur. Impacts to
water resources would likely be minor
with the use of best management
practices and avoidance of siting project
components in or near streams,
wetlands, and riparian areas to the
extent feasible. Land use would be
impacted by the conversion of farmland
to industrial use and the elimination of
current farming operations. This would
also result in visual impacts. Beneficial
impacts are expected by facilitating the
development of renewable energy and
thereby increasing local job
opportunities. The EIS will analyze
measures that would avoid, minimize,
or mitigate environmental effects. The
final range of issues to be addressed in
the environmental review will be
determined, in part, from scoping
comments received.
Request for Identification of Potential
Alternatives, Information, and
Analyses Relevant to the Proposed
The final range of issues to be
addressed in the environmental review
will be determined, in part, from
scoping comments received. TVA is
particularly interested in public input
on other reasonable alternatives that
should be considered in the EIS. The
preliminary identification of reasonable
alternatives and environmental issues in
this notice is not meant to be exhaustive
or final.
Public Participation
The public is invited to submit
comments on the scope of this EIS no
later than the date identified in the
DATES section of this notice. Federal,
state, and local agencies and Native
American Tribes are also invited to
provide comments. Information about
this project is available on the TVA web
page at www.tva.gov/nepa, including a
link to an online public comment page.
Any comments received, including
names and addresses, will become part
of the administrative record and will be
available for public inspection. After
consideration of comments received
during the scoping period, TVA will
develop and distribute a scoping
document that will summarize public
and agency comments that were
received and identify the schedule for
completing the EIS process. Following
analysis of the issues, TVA will prepare
the draft EIS for public review and
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 172 / Thursday, September 5, 2024 / Notices
comment; expected to be released
summer of 2025. TVA anticipates the
final EIS in spring 2026. In finalizing
the EIS and in making its final decision,
TVA will consider the comments that it
receives on the draft. Information
regarding the release of the draft EIS, the
associated comment period, the final
EIS, and the schedule will be posted on
TVA’s website.
Michael McCall,
Vice President, Environment and
[FR Doc. 2024–19557 Filed 9–4–24; 8:45 am]
[Docket Number USTR–2024–0017]
Request for Comments on the U.S.-EU
Trade and Technology Council (TTC)
Global Trade Challenges Working
Office of the United States
Trade Representative.
ACTION: Request for comments.
The Office of the United
States Trade Representative (USTR)
seeks comments on the U.S.-EU Trade
and Technology Council (TTC) Global
Trade Challenges Working Group. USTR
will use these comments as it considers
future TTC-related collaboration it may
pursue with the European Commission’s
Directorate-General for Trade (DG
DATES: To be assured of consideration,
submit written comments by the
October 21, 2024, 11:59 p.m. ET
ADDRESSES: USTR strongly prefers
electronic submissions made through
the Federal eRulemaking Portal: https://
www.regulations.gov (Regulations.gov).
Follow the instructions for submitting
comments in section III below, using
docket number is USTR–2024–0017. For
alternatives to online submissions,
please contact Michael Rogers, Deputy
Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for
Europe, at Michael.A.Rogers@
ustr.eop.gov or 202.395.2684, in
advance of the deadline.
Michael Rogers, Deputy Assistant U.S.
Trade Representative for Europe, at
Michael.A.Rogers@ustr.eop.gov or
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
I. Background
On June 15, 2021, the United States
and the European Union (EU)
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announced the creation of the TTC with
goals to:
• Grow the bilateral trade and
investment relationship.
• Avoid new unnecessary technical
barriers to trade.
• Coordinate, seek common ground,
and strengthen global cooperation on
technology, digital issues, and supply
• Support collaborative research and
• Cooperate on compatible and
international standards development.
• Facilitate regulatory policy and
enforcement cooperation and, where
possible, convergence.
• Promote innovation and leadership
by U.S. and European firms.
• Contribute to the creation of a
stronger, more sustainable, and more
resilient transatlantic marketplace
through the facilitation of
environmentally responsible trade in
goods and technologies.
• Advance cooperation to benefit
workers in the global economy.
• Strengthen other areas of
The work undertaken in the TTC is
without prejudice to the regulatory
autonomy of the U.S. and the EU and
respects the different legal systems in
both jurisdictions.
The U.S. and the EU established ten
working groups to undertake the work
of the TTC. USTR and DG Trade serve
as the U.S. and EU co-chairs of the
Global Trade Challenges Working Group
(Trade Working Group). Many of the
activities of the Trade Working Group
fall within three broad categories of
1. To enhance inclusive and
sustainable bilateral U.S.-EU trade in
goods and services, including through
the use of digital technology.
2. To address and counter non-market
policies and practices that unfairly
undermine the competitiveness of U.S
and EU workers and firms.
3. On trade and labor issues,
including through the tripartite
transatlantic Trade and Labor Dialogue
(TALD), established through the TTC.
Non-market policies and practices of
concern include, but are not limited to:
• Targeting of key industries for
• Creation and maintenance of nonmarket excess capacity.
• Unfair labor practices including the
use of forced labor.
• Forced or pressured technology
transfer, including through statesponsored theft of intellectual property.
• Market-distorting industrial
subsidies, including support given to
and through state-owned enterprises
PO 00000
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(SOEs), and all other types of support
offered by governments.
• Discriminatory treatment of foreign
companies and their products and
services in support of industrial policy
• Anti-competitive and non-market
actions of SOEs.
In April 2024, the U.S. and the EU
held the sixth ministerial-level meeting
of the TTC in Leuven, Belgium. In the
joint statement released at the end of the
ministerial, the U.S. and the EU
announced their intention to consult
with stakeholders on the work of the
TTC and potential future work that the
TTC may undertake.
II. Public Participation
To help inform USTR as it considers
future cooperation within the Trade
Working Group, USTR invites
comments on the following:
• With specific regard to the Trade
Working Group’s efforts to enhance
inclusive and sustainable bilateral trade
in goods and services, including
through the use of digital tools, how
might USTR and DG Trade further
improve or expand cooperation in a
manner that is mutually beneficial to
U.S. and EU stakeholders.
• With specific regard to the work of
the Trade Working Group related to
non-market policies and practices of
third countries:
• How might USTR and DG Trade
expand or enhance our cooperation and
coordination of trade tools available to
us or to create new tools.
• How might USTR and DG Trade,
respectively or in coordination, use
existing tools more effectively to deter
and counter non-market policies and
• Are there particular sectors that
USTR and DG Trade should focus on?
• Are there particular non-market
policies and practices that are of greatest
concern to you? Why? How do those
non-market policies and practices
hinder or harm your interests?
• With specific regard to the work of
the Trade Working Group related to
trade and labor, including within the
TALD, how might USTR, the U.S.
Department of Labor, DG Trade, and the
Directorate-General for Employment
expand or enhance our cooperation and
coordination to better address the needs
of U.S. and EU workers and businesses.
• What steps can USTR take to
provide a wide-range of U.S. and EU
stakeholders the opportunity to
periodically provide suggestions,
feedback, and input to the Trade
Working Group.
USTR will review these
recommendations as it considers
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 172 (Thursday, September 5, 2024)]
[Pages 72694-72696]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-19557]
Jugfork Solar Project Environmental Impact Statement
AGENCY: Tennessee Valley Authority.
ACTION: Notice of Intent.
SUMMARY: The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) intends to prepare an
environmental impact statement (EIS) for the purchase of electricity
generated by the proposed Jugfork Solar Project in Lee and Union
Counties, Mississippi. The EIS will assess the potential environmental
effects of constructing, operating, and maintaining the proposed 200-
megawatt (MW) alternating current (AC) solar facility, along with a 20
MW Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). The proposed 200 MW AC solar
panel facility would occupy approximately 1,000 acres of the
approximately 1,700-acre Project Study Area. The project would also
include the upgrade of 6.4 miles of the Tupelo to Union 161-kV
transmission line. Public comments are invited concerning the scope of
the EIS, alternatives being considered, and environmental issues that
should be addressed as a part of this EIS. TVA is also requesting data,
information, and analysis relevant to the proposed action from the
public; affected federal, state, tribal, and local governments,
agencies, and offices; the scientific community; industry; or any other
interested party.
DATES: The public scoping period begins with the publication of this
Notice of Intent in the Federal Register. To ensure consideration,
comments must be postmarked, emailed, or submitted online no later than
October 7, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Written comments should be sent to Neil Schock, NEPA
Specialist, Tennessee Valley Authority, 400 West Summit Hill Drive, WT
11B, Knoxville, Tennessee 37902. Comments may be submitted online at:
www.tva.gov/nepa, or by email to [email protected]. To ensure comments are
correctly dispositioned,
[[Page 72695]]
please specify the project when submitting comments. Please note that
TVA encourages comments submitted electronically.
[email protected], by phone at (865) 632-3053, or by mail at the address
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is provided in accordance with
the Council on Environmental Quality's Regulations (40 CFR parts 1500
to 1508) and TVA's procedures for implementing the NEPA (18 CFR 1318).
TVA is an agency and instrumentality of the United States, established
by an act of Congress in 1933, to foster the social and economic
welfare of the people of the Tennessee Valley region and to promote the
proper use and conservation of the region's natural resources. One
component of this mission is the generation, transmission, and sale of
reliable and affordable electric energy.
In June 2019, TVA completed the final Integrated Resource Plan
(IRP) and associated EIS. The 2019 IRP identified the various resources
that TVA intends to use to meet the energy needs of the TVA region over
the 20-year planning period while achieving TVA's objectives to deliver
reliable, low-cost, and cleaner energy with fewer environmental
impacts. The 2019 IRP anticipates growth of solar in all scenarios
analyzed, with most scenarios anticipating 5,000 to 8,000 MW and one
anticipating up to 14,000 MW by 2038 (TVA 2019). The 2019 IRP remains
valid and guides future generation planning consistent with least cost
planning principles. With the demand for solar energy increasing, TVA
has an expansion target of 10,000 MW of solar by 2035 (TVA 2021).
Customer demand for cleaner energy prompted TVA to release a Request
for Proposal (RFP) for renewable energy resources (2022 Carbon-Free
TVA has entered into a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with
Competitive Power Ventures (CPV) to purchase 200 MW AC of power
generated by the proposed Jugfork Solar Project, hereafter referred to
as the Project. The proposed 200 MW AC solar facility would occupy
approximately 1,000 acres of the approximately 1,700-acre Project Study
Area which is located in Lee and Union Counties, in northeast
Mississippi. The project site is north of Tupelo, Mississippi, along
State Highway 348 east of New Albany, Mississippi. The project site is
mostly farmland with areas of woody wetlands, deciduous forest, and
hay/pasture. The land surplus is to accommodate access roads and the
potential repositioning of the array if any areas need to be avoided as
a result of the NEPA review. A map showing the project site is
available at www.tva.gov/nepa.
Preliminary Proposed Action and Alternatives
In addition to a No Action Alternative, TVA will evaluate the
action alternative of purchasing power from the proposed Jugfork Solar
Project under the terms of a PPA. In evaluating alternatives, TVA
considered other solar proposals, prior to selecting the Jugfork Solar
site for further evaluation. Part of the screening process included a
review of transmission options, including key connection points to
TVA's transmission system. The screening process indicated that the
Jugfork site is a viable option for connectivity. Environmental and
cultural considerations were also included in TVA's screening process.
The EIS will evaluate ways to avoid impacts, as well as mitigate
impacts that cannot be avoided. The description and analysis of these
alternatives in the EIS will inform decision makers, other agencies,
and the public about the potential for environmental impacts. TVA
solicits comments on whether there are other alternatives that should
be assessed in the EIS.
Project Purpose and Need
The Jugfork Solar Project that was submitted as a result of TVA's
2022 Carbon-Free RFP will help TVA meet the need for additional
renewable generating capacity in response to customer demands and
fulfill the renewable energy goals established in the 2019 IRP which
remains valid. This EIS will identify the purpose and need of the
project and will contain descriptions of the existing environmental and
socioeconomic resources within the area that could be affected by the
proposed solar facility, including the documented historical, cultural,
and environmental resources. Evaluation of potential environmental
impacts to these resources will include, but not be limited to, air
quality and greenhouse gas emissions, surface water, groundwater,
wetlands, floodplains, vegetation, wildlife, threatened and endangered
species, land use, natural areas and parks and recreation, geology,
soils, prime farmland, visual resources, noise, cultural resources,
socioeconomics and environmental justice, solid and hazardous waste,
public and occupational health and safety, utilities, and
Based on a preliminary evaluation of these resources, potential
impacts to vegetation and wildlife due to the conversion of deciduous
forest of various ages to early maintained grass-dominated fields may
occur. Impacts to water resources would likely be minor with the use of
best management practices and avoidance of siting project components in
or near streams, wetlands, and riparian areas to the extent feasible.
Land use would be impacted by the conversion of farmland to industrial
use and the elimination of current farming operations. This would also
result in visual impacts. Beneficial impacts are expected by
facilitating the development of renewable energy and thereby increasing
local job opportunities. The EIS will analyze measures that would
avoid, minimize, or mitigate environmental effects. The final range of
issues to be addressed in the environmental review will be determined,
in part, from scoping comments received.
Request for Identification of Potential Alternatives, Information, and
Analyses Relevant to the Proposed Action
The final range of issues to be addressed in the environmental
review will be determined, in part, from scoping comments received. TVA
is particularly interested in public input on other reasonable
alternatives that should be considered in the EIS. The preliminary
identification of reasonable alternatives and environmental issues in
this notice is not meant to be exhaustive or final.
Public Participation
The public is invited to submit comments on the scope of this EIS
no later than the date identified in the DATES section of this notice.
Federal, state, and local agencies and Native American Tribes are also
invited to provide comments. Information about this project is
available on the TVA web page at www.tva.gov/nepa, including a link to
an online public comment page. Any comments received, including names
and addresses, will become part of the administrative record and will
be available for public inspection. After consideration of comments
received during the scoping period, TVA will develop and distribute a
scoping document that will summarize public and agency comments that
were received and identify the schedule for completing the EIS process.
Following analysis of the issues, TVA will prepare the draft EIS for
public review and
[[Page 72696]]
comment; expected to be released summer of 2025. TVA anticipates the
final EIS in spring 2026. In finalizing the EIS and in making its final
decision, TVA will consider the comments that it receives on the draft.
Information regarding the release of the draft EIS, the associated
comment period, the final EIS, and the schedule will be posted on TVA's
Michael McCall,
Vice President, Environment and Sustainability.
[FR Doc. 2024-19557 Filed 9-4-24; 8:45 am]