USAID Assistance Regulation: Plain Language and Conforming Revisions, 63073-63079 [2024-16945]
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Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
Vol. 89, No. 149
Friday, August 2, 2024
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains regulatory documents having general
applicability and legal effect, most of which
are keyed to and codified in the Code of
Federal Regulations, which is published under
50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by
the Superintendent of Documents.
I. Public Participation
2 CFR Parts 700
RIN 0412–AB12
USAID Assistance Regulation: Plain
Language and Conforming Revisions
U.S. Agency for International
ACTION: Direct final rule.
The U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) is
issuing this final rule revising the
Agency for International Development
Assistance Regulation to maintain
consistency with Federal and agency
regulations and guidance, make
editorial amendments to clarify the
regulation, and implement the Office of
Management and Budget’s April 2024
This rule is effective October 1,
2024, without further action, unless
significant adverse comments are
received by September 3, 2024. If
significant adverse comment(s) are
received, USAID will publish a timely
withdrawal of those portion(s) of the
rule in the Federal Register. Submit
comments on or before September 3,
You may send comments,
identified by your name, company name
(if any), and the Regulatory Information
Number (RIN) 0412–AB12 for this
rulemaking via the following method:
• Federal eRulemaking Portal: Follow the
instructions for sending comments.
Instructions: All submissions received
must include the agency name and RIN
for this rulemaking. All comments
received will be posted without change
including any personal information
provided. We recommend that you do
not submit information that you
consider Confidential Business
Information (CBI) or any information
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that is otherwise protected from
disclosure by statute. If your comment
cannot be submitted using https://, please email the
point of contact in the FOR FURTHER
document for alternate instructions.
Kelly Miskowski, 202–256–7378,
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USAID is publishing this revision as
a direct final rule as the changes are
conforming and administrative
amendments, and the agency does not
anticipate any significant adverse
comments. This rule will be effective on
the date specified in the DATES section
above without further notice unless
significant adverse comment(s) are
received by the date specified in the
DATES section above.
USAID will only address comments
that explain why the rule would be
inappropriate, ineffective, or
unacceptable without a change. USAID
may not consider comments that are
insubstantial or outside the scope of the
If significant adverse comments are
received on the direct final rule, USAID
will publish a timely partial withdrawal
in the Federal Register informing the
public what sections of the rule will not
take effect. Any portions of the final rule
for which no significant adverse
comments are received will become
final after the designated period.
Additionally, USAID is publishing a
separate document in the ‘‘Proposed
Rules’’ section of this Federal Register
that will serve as the proposal to
approve revision for which significant
adverse comments may be received. In
this case, USAID will address all public
comments in a subsequent final rule
based on the proposed rule. USAID will
not institute a second comment period
on this action. Any parties interested in
commenting must do so at this time.
II. Background
On December 13, 2021, the President
issued Executive Order 14058 entitled
‘‘Transforming Federal Customer
Experience and Service Delivery to
Rebuild trust in Government’’. Section
4(m) of this E.O. requires that USAID
review and revise regulations to ensure
that they are clear and intelligible, do
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not contain unjustified administrative
burdens or excessive paperwork
requirements, and do not place undue
burdens on local organizations and
underserved communities.
On April 22, 2024, The Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) issued
a final rule revising the Uniform
Guidance for Federal Financial
Assistance (89 FR 30046). This was the
result of a comprehensive process to
revise and strengthen Title 2 of the Code
of Federal Regulations (‘‘2024
Revisions’’) with multiple opportunities
for the public to provide feedback. OMB
then issued OMB Memo M–24–11,
‘‘Reducing Burden in the
Administration of Federal Financial
Assistance’’ which provided
implementation guidance to agencies.
This memo directs agencies to
implement the 2024 Revisions quickly
and consistently but no later than
October 1, 2024. The purpose of the
2024 revisions was to: (1) incorporate
statutory requirements and
administration priorities; (2) reduce
agency and recipient burden; (3) clarify
sections that recipients or agencies have
interpreted in different ways; and (4)
rewrite applicable sections in plain
In furtherance of both E.O. 14058 and
the 2024 Revisions, USAID proposes to
revise 2 CFR 700 in its entirety to clarify
the regulation, make plain language
revisions, align text to the 2024
revisions, and reduce agency and
recipient burden. Given that USAID will
be making mostly editorial revisions to
the chapter in its entirety, a courtesy
redline copy is located here for ease of
This rule incorporates updates to 2
CFR 700.
The following changes are
implemented by this final rule:
• Subpart A of 2 CFR 700 at 2 CFR
700.1 is revised to relocate definitions
which are specific to Branding and
Marking 2 CFR 700.16 and provide
plain language definitions. 2 CFR 700.0,
Acronyms, is added and reserved.
• Subpart B of 2 CFR 700 at 2 CFR
700.2, 700.3, 700.4, and 700.5 is revised
to align language with the 2024
Revisions and clarify that Subparts A
through D of 2 CFR part 200 apply to
for-profit entities located in the United
States or its territories. The Federal
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 149 / Friday, August 2, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Acquisition Regulation at 48 Part 30 and
31 takes precedence over the cost
principles in Subpart E for both U.S.
based and foreign for-profit entities.
This is already USAID’s policy; so, the
language in the applicability section has
been revised for clarity.
• Subpart C of 2 CFR 700 at 700.6 and
700.7 is revised for clarity.
• Subpart D of 2 CFR 700 at 700.8,
700.9, 700.10, 700.11, 700.12, 700.13,
700.14, and 700.15 is revised to align
language with the 2024 Revisions and
for clarity.
• Subpart E of 2 CFR 700 is added
and reserved to align with the structure
of 2 CFR 200.
• Subpart F of 2 CFR 700 is added
and reserved to align with the structure
of 2 CFR 200.
• Subpart G is added, and 2 CFR
700.16 is moved to this section to
outline USAID specific requirements
that are not derived from 2 CFR 200.
This section is revised for plain
language revisions, to conform with
changes to underlying laws, and to
reduce agency and recipient burden.
Specifically, this section is revised to
allow for Agreement Officers to indicate
in the Notice of Funding Opportunity
that an apparently successful applicant
may submit a Branding Strategy and
Marking Plan after the award is made
rather than requiring one before.
III. Impact Assessments
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(1) Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory
Planning and Review), 13563
(Improving Regulation and Regulatory
Review), and 14094 (Modernizing
Regulatory Review)
Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866,
Regulatory Planning and Review, and
13563, Improving Regulation and
Regulatory Review, direct agencies to
assess all costs and benefits of available
regulatory alternatives and, if regulation
is necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, distributive impacts, and
equity). E.O. 13563 emphasizes the
importance of quantifying both costs
and benefits, of reducing costs, of
harmonizing rules, and of promoting
E.O. 14094 amends section 3(f)(1) of
E.O. 12866 to define a ‘‘significant
regulatory action’’ as an action that is
likely to result in a rule: (1) having an
annual effect on the economy of $200
million or more in any 1 year (adjusted
every 3 years by the Administrator of
OIRA for changes in gross domestic
product), or adversely affect in a
material way the economy, a sector of
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the economy, productivity, competition,
jobs, the environment, public health or
safety, or State, local, territorial, or tribal
governments or communities; (2)
creating a serious inconsistency or
otherwise interfering with an action
taken or planned by another agency; (3)
materially altering the budgetary
impacts of entitlement grants, user fees,
or loan programs or the rights and
obligations of recipients thereof; or (4)
raising legal or policy issues for which
centralized review would meaningfully
further the President’s priorities or the
principles set forth in this Executive
order, as specifically authorized in a
timely manner by the Administrator of
OIRA in each case. A regulatory impact
analysis (RIA) must be prepared for
regulatory actions with significant
effects ($200 million or more in any 1
year). This rule has been determined
‘‘nonsignificant’’ under E.O. 12866.
(2) Congressional Review Act
This final rule is not a major rule
under the Congressional Review Act (5
U.S.C. 801 et seq.).
(3) Executive Order No. 13132
This rule will not have a substantial
direct effect on the states, on the
relationships between the national
government and the states, or on the
distribution of power and
responsibilities among the various
levels of government. Therefore, it is
determined that this final rule does not
contain policies that have federalism
(4) Regulatory Flexibility Act
For the reasons discussed in the
preamble, USAID revises and
republishes 2 CFR Part 700 as follows:
Subpart A—Acronyms and Definitions
700.0 Acronyms.
700.1 Definitions.
Subpart B—General Provisions
700.2 Adoption of 2 CFR Part 200.
700.3 Applicability.
700.4 Exceptions.
700.5 Supersession.
Subpart C—Pre-Federal Award
Requirements and Contents of Federal
700.6 Metric system of measurement.
700.7 Advance payment.
Subpart D—Post Federal Award
700.8 Payment.
700.9 Property standards.
700.10 Cost sharing.
700.11 Contracting with small and minority
businesses, women’s business
enterprises, and labor surplus area firms.
700.12 Contract provisions.
700.13 Additional provisions for awards to
for-profit entities.
700.14 Award Suspension and
700.15 Disputes.
Subpart E—Cost Principles
Subpart F—Audit Requirements
The rule will not have an impact on
a substantial number of small entities
within the meaning of the Regulatory
Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601, et seq.
Further, the rule incorporates
administrative changes to 2 CFR 700
and does not add any new requirements
on USAID recipients or subrecipients.
Therefore, an Initial Regulatory
Flexibility Analysis has not been
Subpart G—USAID-Specific Requirements
700.16 Marking.
(5) Paperwork Reduction Act
§ 700.1
This rule does not establish a new
collection of information that requires
the approval of the Office of
Management and Budget under the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C.
chapter 35).
List of Subjects in 2 CFR Part 700
Administration of Federal financial
assistance, Administrative practice and
procedure, Federal financial assistance
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Authority: Sec. 621, Public L. 87–195, 75
Stat 445, (22 U.S.C. 2381) as amended, E.O.
12163, Sept 29, 1979, 44 FR 56673; 2 CFR
1979 Comp., p. 435.
Subpart A—Acronyms and Definitions
§ 700.0
These are the definitions for terms
used in this part. Different definitions
may be found in Federal statutes or
regulations that apply more specifically
to particular programs or activities.
Agreement Officer means a person
with the authority to enter into,
administer, terminate, and closeout
assistance agreements subject to this
part, and make related determinations
and findings on behalf of USAID. An
Agreement Officer can only act within
the scope of a duly authorized warrant
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 149 / Friday, August 2, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
or other valid delegation of authority.
The term ‘‘Agreement Officer’’ includes
persons warranted as ‘‘Grant Officers’’
and certain authorized representatives
of the Agreement Officer acting within
the limits of their authority as delegated
by the Agreement Officer.
An apparently successful applicant
means the applicant for USAID funding
that the Agreement Officer recommends
for an award after merit review, but who
has not yet been awarded a grant,
cooperative agreement or other
assistance award. Apparently successful
applicant status confers no right and
constitutes no USAID commitment to an
award, which still must be executed by
the Agreement Officer.
Award has the same meaning as
Federal award as defined in 2 CFR
Commodities mean any material,
article, supply, goods or equipment,
excluding recipient offices, vehicles,
and non-deliverable items for recipient’s
internal use in administration of the
USAID-funded grant, cooperative
agreement, or other agreement or
End date means the date on which the
recipient or subrecipient completes all
work under an award or the date on the
award document, or any supplement or
amendment, on which USAID
sponsorship ends.
Program means the organized set of
activities directed toward a common
purpose, objective, or goal that a
recipient or subrecipient undertakes or
Suspension means an action by
USAID that temporarily withdraws
Federal sponsorship under an award,
pending corrective action by the
recipient or pending a decision to
resume or terminate the award.
Suspension of an award is a separate
action from suspension under USAID
regulations implementing E.O.s 12549
and 12689, ‘‘Debarment and
Suspension.’’ See 2 CFR part 780.
USAID means the United States
Agency for International Development.
Subpart B—General Provisions
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§ 700.2
Adoption of 2 CFR Part 200.
Under the authority listed above, the
United States Agency for International
Development (USAID) adopts the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
guidance for Federal Financial
Assistance (subparts A through F of 2
CFR part 200), as supplemented by this
part, as the USAID policies and
procedures for Federal financial
assistance administration. This part
satisfies the requirements of 2 CFR
200.110(a) and gives regulatory effect to
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the OMB guidance as supplemented by
this part.
§ 700.3
(a) Subparts A through D of 2 CFR
part 200 apply to for-profit entities
located in the United States or its
territories. The Federal Acquisition
Regulation (FAR) at 48 CFR part 30,
Cost Accounting Standards, and Part 31,
Contract Cost Principles and
Procedures, takes precedence over the
cost principles in Subpart E for Federal
awards to U.S. for-profit entities.
(b) Subpart E applies to foreign
organizations and foreign public
entities, except where the Federal
agency determines that the application
of these subparts would be inconsistent
with the international responsibilities of
the United States or the laws of a foreign
government. The Federal Acquisition
Regulation (FAR) at 48 CFR part 30,
Cost Accounting Standards, and Part 31,
Contract Cost Principles and
Procedures, takes precedence over the
cost principles in Subpart E for Federal
awards to foreign for-profit entities.
§ 700.4
Consistent with 2 CFR 200.102:
(a) USAID’s Assistant Administrator,
Bureau for Management, or designee as
delegated in Agency policy, may
authorize exceptions on a case-by-case
basis for individual federal awards,
recipients, or subrecipients except
where otherwise required by law or
where OMB or other approval is
expressly required by this Part. No caseby-case exceptions may be granted to
the provisions of Subpart F—Audit
Requirements of this Part.
(b) USAID’s Assistant Administrator,
Bureau for Management, or designee as
delegated in Agency policy, may
authorize exceptions, on a class or an
individual case basis, to USAID program
specific assistance regulations other
than those which implement statutory
and executive order requirements.
(c) The Federal agency may apply
more restrictive requirements to a class
of Federal awards or non-Federal
entities when approved by OMB,
required by Federal statutes, or
regulations except for the requirements
in Subpart F—Audit Requirements of
this part. The Federal agency may apply
less restrictive requirements when
making awards at or below the
simplified acquisition threshold, or
when making fixed amount awards as
defined in Subpart A—Acronyms and
Definitions of 2 CFR part 200, except for
those requirements imposed by statute
or in Subpart F—Audit Requirements of
this part.
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§ 700.5
Effective December 26, 2014, this part
supersedes the following regulations
under Title 22 of the Code of Federal
Regulations: 22 CFR part 226,
‘‘Administration of Assistance Awards
To U.S. Non-Governmental
Subpart C—Pre-Federal Award
Requirements and Contents of Federal
§ 700.6
Metric system of measurement.
(a) The Metric Conversion Act, as
amended by the Omnibus Trade and
Competitiveness Act (15 U.S.C. 205)
declares that the metric system is the
preferred measurement system for U.S.
trade and commerce.
(b) Wherever measurements are
required or authorized, the recipient
must make, compute, and record in
metric system units of measurement,
unless the Agreement Officer authorizes
in writing that such usage is impractical
or is likely to cause U.S. firms to
experience significant inefficiencies or
the loss of markets. Where the metric
system is not the predominant standard
for a particular application, the
recipient may express the measurements
in both the metric and the traditional
equivalent units, provided the metric
units are listed first.
§ 700.7
Advance payment.
Advance payment mechanisms
include, but are not limited to, Letter of
Credit, Treasury check and electronic
funds transfer and must comply with
applicable guidance in 31 CFR part 205.
Subpart D—Post Federal Award
§ 700.8
(a) Use of resources before requesting
advance payments. To the extent
available, the non-Federal entity must
disburse funds available from program
income (including repayments to a
revolving fund), rebates, refunds,
contract settlements, audit recoveries,
and interest earned on such funds
before requesting additional cash
payments. This paragraph is not
applicable to such earnings which are
generated as foreign currencies.
(b) Standards governing the use of
banks and other institutions as
depositories of advance payments under
Federal awards are as follows:
(1) Except for situations described in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section, USAID
does not require separate depository
accounts for funds provided to a nonFederal entity or establish any eligibility
requirements for depositories for funds
provided to the non-Federal entity.
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However, the non-Federal entity must
be able to account for receipt, obligation
and expenditure of funds.
(2) Recipients must deposit and
maintain advance payments of Federal
funds in insured accounts whenever
§ 700.9
Property standards.
(a) Real property. Unless the
agreement provides otherwise, title to
real property will vest in accordance
with 2 CFR 200.311.
(b) Equipment. Unless the agreement
provides otherwise, title to equipment
will vest in accordance with 2 CFR
§ 700.10
Cost sharing.
(a) ‘‘Unrecovered indirect costs’’ has
the same meaning as in 2 CFR
(b) Unrecovered indirect costs,
including indirect costs on cost sharing,
may be included as part of cost sharing.
§ 700.11 Contracting with small and
minority businesses, women’s business
enterprises, and labor surplus area firms.
(a) To permit USAID, in accordance
with the small business provisions of
the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as
amended, to give United States small
business firms an opportunity to
participate in supplying commodities
and services procured under the award,
the recipient should provide the
following information to the Office of
Small Disadvantaged Business
Utilization (OSDBU), USAID,
Washington, DC 20523, at least 45 days
prior to placing any order or contract in
excess of the simplified acquisition
(1) Brief general description and
quantity of goods or services;
(2) Closing date for receiving
quotations, proposals or bids; and
(3) Address where solicitations or
specifications can be obtained.
(b) [Reserved]
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§ 700.12
Contract provisions.
(a) The recipient or subrecipient’s
contracts must contain the applicable
provisions described in Appendix II to
Part 200.
(b) All negotiated contracts (except
those for less than the simplified
acquisition threshold) awarded by the
recipient or subrecipient must include a
provision to the effect that the recipient
or subrecipient, USAID, the Comptroller
General of the United States, or any of
their duly authorized representatives,
must have access to any books,
documents, papers and records of the
contractor which are directly pertinent
to a specific program for the purpose of
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making audits, examinations, excerpts
and transcriptions.
§ 700.13 Additional provisions for awards
to for-profit entities.
(a) This paragraph contains additional
provisions that apply to awards to forprofit entities. These provisions
supplement and make exceptions for
awards to for-profit entities from other
provisions of this part.
(1) Prohibition against profit. The
agency or pass-through entity will not
provide funds as profit to any for-profit
entity receiving or administering
Federal financial assistance as a
recipient or subrecipient. Federal
financial assistance does not include
contracts as defined at 2 CFR 200.1,
other contracts a Federal agency uses to
buy goods or services from a contractor,
or contracts to operate Federal
government owned, contractor operated
facilities (GOCOs). Profit is any amount
in excess of allowable direct and
indirect costs.
(2) [Reserved]
(b) [Reserved]
§ 700.14 Award Suspension and
If at any time USAID determines that
continuation of all or part of the funding
for a program should be suspended or
terminated because such assistance
would not be in the national interest of
the United States or would be in
violation of an applicable law, then
USAID may, following notice to the
recipient, suspend or terminate the
award in whole or in part and prohibit
the recipient from incurring additional
obligations chargeable to the award
other than those costs specified in the
notice of suspension. If a suspension is
put into effect and the situation causing
the suspension continues for 60
calendar days or more, then USAID may
terminate the award in whole or in part
on written notice to the recipient and
cancel any portion of the award which
has not been disbursed or irrevocably
committed to third parties.
§ 700.15
(a) The USAID Agreement Officer will
decide any dispute under or relating to
Federal financial assistance. The
Agreement Officer must furnish the
recipient a written copy of the decision.
(b) Decisions of the USAID Agreement
Officer will be final unless, within 30
calendar days of receipt of the decision,
the recipient appeals the decision to
USAID’s Assistant Administrator,
Bureau for Management, or designee as
delegated in Agency policy. Appeals
must be in writing with a copy
concurrently furnished to the
Agreement Officer.
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(c) In order to facilitate review of the
record by the USAID’s Assistant
Administrator, Bureau for Management,
or designee as delegated in Agency
policy, the recipient will be given an
opportunity to submit written evidence
in support of its appeal. No hearing will
be provided.
(d) Decisions by the Assistant
Administrator, Bureau for Management,
or designee as delegated in Agency
policy, will be final.
Subpart E—Cost Principles
Subpart F—Audit Requirements
Subpart G—USAID-Specific
§ 700.16
(a) Definitions. For the purposes of
this section, the following definitions
(1) Activity means a set of a recipient
or subrecipient’s actions using
resources—such as commodities,
technical assistance, or training to
produce specific results, such as
vaccinations given, schools built,
microenterprise loans issued, or policies
changed. The recipient or subrecipient
undertakes activities to achieve the
formally approved objectives of the
(2) Branding strategy means a strategy
the apparently successful applicant or
recipient submits describing how they
will name and position the program,
project, or activity and how they will
promote and communicate it to
beneficiaries and cooperating country
citizens. In the branding strategy, the
apparently successful applicant or
recipient identifies all donors and
explains how they will be
(3) Marking plan means a plan that
the apparently successful applicant or
recipient submits after merit review of
an application for USAID funding,
detailing the public communications,
commodities, and program materials
and other items that will visibly bear the
USAID Identity.
(4) Public communications are
documents and messages the recipient
or subrecipient intends to distribute to
external audiences. They include, but
are not limited to, correspondence,
publications, studies, reports, audiovisual productions, and other
informational products; applications,
forms, press and promotional materials
used in connection with USAID-funded
programs, projects or activities,
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including signage and plaques;
websites/internet activities; and events
such as training courses, conferences,
seminars, and press conferences.
(5) USAID Identity (Identity) means
the official marking for the United
States Agency for International
Development (USAID) comprised of the
USAID logo or seal and new brandmark
with the tagline that clearly
communicates our assistance is ‘‘from
the American people.’’ Upon a written
determination by the USAID
Administrator, or delegate, the
definition of the USAID Identity may be
amended to include additional or
substitute use of a logo or seal and
tagline representing a presidential
initiative or other high level interagency
Federal initiative that requires
consistent and uniform branding and
marking by all participating agencies.
The USAID Identity (including any
required additional insignia or related
identity) is available on the USAID
website at
branding and is provided without
royalty, license or other fee to recipients
of USAID funded grants or cooperative
agreements or other assistance awards.
(6) Principal officer means the most
senior officer in an USAID Operating
Unit in the field, for example, a USAID
Mission Director or USAID
Representative. For global programs
managed from Washington but executed
across many countries, such as disaster
relief programs and assistance to
internally displaced persons,
humanitarian emergencies or immediate
post conflict and political crisis
responses, the cognizant Principal
Officer may be an Office Director, for
example, the Directors of USAID/W/
Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
and Office of Transition Initiatives. For
non-presence countries, the cognizant
Principal Officer is the Senior USAID
officer in a regional USAID Operating
Unit responsible for the non-presence
country, or in the absence of such a
responsible operating unit, the Principal
U.S Diplomatic Officer in the nonpresence country exercising delegated
authority from USAID.
(b) USAID policy is that a recipient or
subrecipient must mark all programs,
projects, activities, public
communications, and commodities,
specified further at paragraphs (d)
through (g) of this section, partially or
fully funded by a USAID grant or
cooperative agreement or other
assistance award or subaward with the
USAID Identity, of a size and
prominence equivalent to or greater
than the recipient’s, other donor’s or
any other third party’s identity or logo.
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(1) USAID reserves the right to require
the USAID Identity to be larger and
more prominent if it is the majority
donor, or to require that a cooperating
country government’s identity be larger
and more prominent if circumstances
warrant; any such requirement will be
on a case-by-case basis depending on
the audience, program goals and
materials produced.
(2) USAID reserves the right to request
pre-production review of USAID funded
public communications and program
materials for compliance with the
approved Marking Plan.
(3) USAID reserves the right to require
marking with the USAID Identity in the
event the recipient does not choose to
mark with its own identity or logo.
(4) Recipients of USAID funded grants
and cooperative agreements or other
assistance awards must include a
USAID-approved marking provision in
any USAID funded subaward, to read as
As a condition of receipt of this
subaward, marking with the USAID
Identity of a size and prominence
equivalent to or greater than the
recipient’s, subrecipient’s, other donor’s
or third party’s is required. In the event
the recipient chooses not to require
marking with its own identity or logo by
the subrecipient, USAID may, at its
discretion, require marking by the
subrecipient with the USAID Identity.
(c) Subject to § 700.16(b), (i), and (k),
the recipient or subrecipient must mark
program, project, or activity sites funded
by USAID, including visible
infrastructure projects (for example,
roads, bridges, buildings) or other
programs, projects, or activities that are
physical in nature (for example,
agriculture, forestry, water
management), with the USAID Identity.
The recipient or subrecipient should
erect temporary signs or plaques early in
the construction or implementation
phase. When construction or
implementation is complete, the
recipient or subrecipient must install a
permanent, durable sign, plaque or
other marking.
(d) Subject to § 700.16(b), (i), and (k),
the recipient or subrecipient must mark
technical assistance, studies, reports,
papers, publications, audio-visual
productions, public service
announcements, websites/internet
activities and other promotional,
informational, media, or
communications products funded by
USAID with the USAID Identity.
(1) Any ‘‘public communications’’ as
defined in § 700.1, funded by USAID, in
which the content has not been
approved by USAID, must contain the
following disclaimer:
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This study/report/audio/visual/other
information/media product (specify) is
made possible by the generous support
of the American people through the
United States Agency for International
Development (USAID). The contents are
the responsibility of [insert recipient
name] and do not necessarily reflect the
views of USAID or the United States
(2) The recipient must provide the
Agreement Officer’s Representative
(AOR) or other USAID personnel
designated in the grant or cooperative
agreement with at least two copies of all
program and communications materials
produced under the award. In addition,
the recipient must submit one electronic
and/or one hard copy of all final
documents to USAID’s Development
Experience Clearinghouse.
(e) Subject to § 700.16(b), (i), and (k),
the recipient or subrecipient must mark
events financed by USAID such as
training courses, conferences, seminars,
exhibitions, fairs, workshops, press
conferences and other public activities,
with the USAID Identity. Unless
directly prohibited and as appropriate to
the surroundings, recipients should
display additional materials such as
signs and banners with the USAID
Identity. In circumstances in which the
USAID Identity cannot be displayed
visually, recipients should otherwise
acknowledge USAID and the American
people’s support.
(f) Subject to § 700.16(b), (i), and (k),
the recipient or subrecipient must mark
all commodities financed by USAID,
including commodities or equipment
provided under humanitarian assistance
or disaster relief programs, and all other
equipment, supplies and other materials
funded by USAID, and their export
packaging, with the USAID Identity.
(g) After merit review of applications
for USAID funding, USAID Agreement
Officers will request apparently
successful applicants to submit a
Branding Strategy, defined in § 700.1.
The proposed Branding Strategy will
not be evaluated competitively. The
Agreement Officer will review the
proposed Branding Strategy for
adequacy, and will negotiate, approve
and include the Branding Strategy in the
award. The Agreement Officer will
specify the timeline for submission in
the Notice of Funding Opportunity. If
the Notice of Funding Opportunity
indicates that the apparently successful
applicant may submit a Branding
Strategy after the award is made, the
Agreement Officer must include a
special award condition to indicate the
required submission date. If the
Agreement Officer requires submission
before award, failure to submit or
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 149 / Friday, August 2, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
negotiate a Branding Strategy within the
time specified by the Agreement Officer
will make the apparently successful
applicant ineligible for award.
(h) After merit review of applications
for USAID funding, USAID Agreement
Officers will request apparently
successful applicants to submit a
Marking Plan, defined in § 700.1. The
Marking Plan may include requests for
approval of Presumptive Exceptions,
paragraph (i) of this section. The
apparently successful applicant must
include all estimated costs associated
with branding and marking USAID
programs, such as plaques, labels,
banners, press events, promotional
materials, and the like, in the total cost
estimate of the grant or cooperative
agreement or other assistance award.
These costs are subject to revision and
negotiation with the Agreement Officer
upon submission of the Marking Plan.
The Marking Plan will not be evaluated
competitively. The Agreement Officer
will review the proposed Marking Plan
for adequacy, and will negotiate,
approve and include the Marking Plan
in the award. The Agreement Officer
will specify the timeline for submission
in the Notice of Funding Opportunity. If
the Notice of Funding Opportunity
indicates that the apparently successful
applicant may submit a Marking Plan
after the award is made, the Agreement
Officer must include a special award
condition to indicate the required
submission date. If the Agreement
Officer requires submission before
award, failure to submit or negotiate a
Marking Plan within the time specified
by the Agreement Officer will make the
apparently successful applicant
ineligible for award. Agreement Officers
have the discretion to suspend the
implementation requirements of the
Marking Plan if circumstances warrant.
Recipients of a USAID funded grant or
cooperative agreement or other
assistance award or subaward should
retain copies of any specific marking
instructions or waivers in their project,
program or activity files.
(i) Presumptive exceptions:
(1) The above marking requirements
in § 700.16(b) through (f) may not apply
if marking would:
(i) Compromise the intrinsic
independence or neutrality of a program
or materials where independence or
neutrality is an inherent aspect of the
program and materials, such as election
monitoring or ballots, and voter
information literature; political party
support or public policy advocacy or
reform; independent media, such as
television and radio broadcasts,
newspaper articles and editorials;
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public service announcements or public
opinion polls and surveys.
(ii) Diminish the credibility of audits,
reports, analyses, studies, or policy
recommendations whose data or
findings must be seen as independent.
(iii) Undercut host-country
government ‘‘ownership’’ of
constitutions, laws, regulations,
policies, studies, assessments, reports,
publications, surveys or audits, public
service announcements, or other
communications better positioned as
‘‘by’’ or ‘‘from’’ a cooperating country
ministry or government official.
(iv) Impair the functionality of an
item, such as sterilized equipment or
spare parts.
(v) Incur substantial costs or be
impractical, such as items too small or
other otherwise unsuited for individual
marking, such as food in bulk.
(vi) Offend local cultural or social
norms, or be considered inappropriate
on such items as condoms, toilets, bed
pans, or similar commodities.
(vii) Conflict with international law.
(2) The Agreement Officer must
approve these exceptions. Apparently
successful applicants may request
approval of one or more of the
presumptive exceptions, depending on
the circumstances, in their Marking
Plan. The Agreement Officer will review
requests for presumptive exceptions for
adequacy, along with the rest of the
Marking Plan. When reviewing a request
for approval of a presumptive exception,
the Agreement Officer may review how
program materials will be marked (if at
all) if the USAID identity is removed.
Exceptions approved will apply to
subrecipients unless otherwise provided
(j) In cases where the recipient does
not comply with the Marking Plan, the
Agreement Officer will initiate
corrective action. Such action may
involve informing the recipient of a
USAID grant or cooperative agreement
or other assistance award or subaward
of instances of noncompliance and
requesting that the recipient carry out
its responsibilities as set forth in the
Marking Plan and award. Major or
repeated non compliance with the
Marking Plan will be governed by the
uniform suspension and termination
procedures set forth at 2 CFR 200.340
through 2 CFR 200.343, and 2 CFR
(k) (1) Waivers. USAID Principal
Officers may at any time after award
waive in whole or in part the USAID
approved Marking Plan, including
USAID marking requirements for each
USAID funded program, project,
activity, public communication or
commodity, or in exceptional
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circumstances may make a waiver by
region or country, if the Principal
Officer determines that otherwise
USAID required marking would pose
compelling political, safety, or security
concerns, or marking would have an
adverse impact in the cooperating
country. USAID recipients may request
waivers of the Marking Plan in whole or
in part, through the AOR. No marking
is required while a waiver
determination is pending. The Principal
Officer must make the waiver
determination on safety or security
grounds in consultation with U.S.
Government security personnel if
available, and must consider the same
information that applies to
determinations of the safety and
security of U.S. Government employees
in the cooperating country, as well as
any information supplied by the AOR or
the recipient for whom the waiver is
sought. When reviewing a request for
approval of a waiver, the Principal
Officer may review how program
materials will be marked (if at all) if the
USAID Identity is removed. Approved
waivers are not limited in duration but
are subject to Principal Officer review at
any time due to changed circumstances.
Approved waivers ‘‘flow down’’ to
recipients of subawards unless specified
otherwise. Principal Officers may also
authorize the removal of USAID
markings already affixed if
circumstances warrant. Principal
Officers’ determinations regarding
waiver requests are subject to appeal to
the Principal Officer’s cognizant
Assistant Administrator. Recipients may
appeal by submitting a written request
to reconsider the Principal Officer’s
waiver determination to the cognizant
Assistant Administrator.
(2) Non-retroactivity. Marking
requirements apply to any obligation of
USAID funds for new awards as of
January 2, 2006. Marking requirements
also will apply to new obligations under
existing awards, such as incremental
funding actions, as of January 2, 2006,
when the total estimated cost of the
existing award has been increased by
USAID or the scope of effort is changed
to accommodate any costs associated
with marking. In the event a waiver is
rescinded, the marking requirements
will apply from the date forward that
the waiver is rescinded. In the event a
waiver is rescinded after the period of
performance but before closeout as
defined in 2 CFR 200.1, the USAID
mission or operating unit with initial
responsibility to administer the marking
requirements must make a cost benefit
analysis as to requiring USAID marking
requirements after the end date of the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 149 / Friday, August 2, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
affected programs, projects, activities,
public communications or commodities.
(l) USAID will provide the USAID
Identity and other guidance at no cost
or fee to recipients of USAID grants,
cooperative agreements or other
assistance awards or subawards. USAID
will fund additional costs associated
with marking requirements if
reasonable, allowable, and allocable
under 2 CFR part 200, subpart E.
Recipients must follow the standard
cost reimbursement provisions of the
grant, cooperative agreement, other
assistance award or subaward when
applying for reimbursement of
additional marking costs.
Jami J. Rodgers,
Chief Acquisition Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024–16945 Filed 8–1–24; 8:45 am]
Agricultural Marketing Service
7 CFR Part 959
[Doc. No. AMS–SC–23–0040]
Onions Grown in South Texas;
Redistricting and Reapportionment of
Committee Membership
Agricultural Marketing Service,
Department of Agriculture (USDA).
ACTION: Final rule.
This final rule implements a
recommendation from the South Texas
Onion Committee (Committee) to
reestablish the districts in the
production area and reapportion
representation on the Committee. This
action reduces the number of districts
from two to one and reapportions
membership to reflect changes in the
industry, provide equitable
representation on the Committee, and
create the opportunity for more
producers and handlers to serve on the
DATES: Effective September 3, 2024.
Delaney Fuhrmeister, Marketing
Specialist, or Christian D. Nissen, Chief,
Southeast Region Branch, Market
Development Division, Specialty Crops
Program, AMS, USDA; Telephone: (863)
324–3375, Fax: (863) 291–8614, or
Small businesses may request
information on complying with this
regulation by contacting Richard Lower,
Market Development Division, Specialty
Crops Program, AMS, USDA, 1400
Independence Avenue SW, STOP 0237,
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Washington, DC 20250–0237;
Telephone: (202) 720–8085, Fax: (202)
720–8938, or Email: Richard.Lower@
action, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 553,
amends regulations issued to carry out
a marketing order as defined in 7 CFR
900.2(j). This rule is issued under
Marketing Order No. 959, as amended (7
CFR part 959), regulating the handling
of onions in South Texas. Part 959
(referred to as the ‘‘Order’’) is effective
under the Agricultural Marketing
Agreement Act of 1937, as amended (7
U.S.C. 601–674), hereinafter referred to
as the ‘‘Act.’’ The Committee locally
administers the Order and is comprised
of producers and handlers of onions
operating within the production area.
The Agricultural Marketing Service
(AMS) is issuing this rule in
conformance with Executive Orders
12866, 13563, and 14094. Executive
Orders 12866, 13563, and 14094 direct
agencies to assess all costs and benefits
of available regulatory alternatives and,
if regulation is necessary, to select
regulatory approaches that maximize
net benefits (including potential
economic, environmental, public health
and safety effects, distributive impacts,
and equity). Executive Order 13563
emphasizes the importance of
quantifying both costs and benefits,
reducing costs, harmonizing rules, and
promoting flexibility. Executive Order
14094 reaffirms, supplements, and
updates Executive Order 12866 and
further directs agencies to solicit and
consider input from a wide range of
affected and interested parties through a
variety of means. This action falls
within a category of regulatory actions
that the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) exempted from Executive
Order 12866 review.
This rule has been reviewed under
Executive Order 13175—Consultation
and Coordination with Indian Tribal
Governments, which requires agencies
to consider whether their rulemaking
actions would have Tribal implications.
AMS has determined that this rule is
unlikely to have substantial direct
effects on one or more Indian Tribes, on
the relationship between the Federal
Government and Indian Tribes, or on
the distribution of power and
responsibilities between the Federal
Government and Indian Tribes.
This rule has been reviewed under
Executive Order 12988—Civil Justice
Reform. This rule is not intended to
have retroactive effect.
The Act provides that administrative
proceedings must be exhausted before
parties may file suit in court. Under sec.
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608c(15)(A) of the Act, any handler
subject to an order may file with the
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
a petition stating that the order, any
provision of the order, or any obligation
imposed in connection with the order is
not in accordance with law and request
a modification of the order or to be
exempted therefrom. Such handler is
afforded the opportunity for a hearing
on the petition. After the hearing, USDA
would rule on the petition. The Act
provides that the district court of the
United States in any district in which
the handler is an inhabitant, or has his
or her principal place of business, has
jurisdiction to review USDA’s ruling on
the petition, provided an action is filed
not later than 20 days after the date of
the entry of the ruling.
This rule redistricts and reapportions
the membership of the Committee as
prescribed under the Order. This rule
consolidates the current two districts
into a single district and reapportions
all Committee membership to the single
district. These actions reflect changes in
the industry, will help provide equitable
representation on the Committee and
create opportunity for more producers
and handlers to serve on the Committee.
Further, these changes will better enable
Committee staff to conduct nominations
and ensure the appointment of a full
Committee, allowing for an easier
achievement of quorum at assembled
meetings. The Committee unanimously
recommended these changes when
meeting on June 8, 2023.
Section 959.22 of the Order provides
for the establishment of membership on
the Committee and states that the
Committee shall consist of thirteen
members, eight of whom shall be
producers and five of whom shall be
handlers. Each member shall have an
Section 959.24 currently defines the
counties in Texas that make up District
No. 1 and District No. 2 for the purpose
of selecting Committee members.
Section 959.26 specifies that District No.
1 is represented by five producer
members and alternates and three
handler members and alternates, and
District No. 2 is represented by three
producer members and alternates and
two handler members and alternates.
Section 959.25 authorizes the
Committee to recommend, with the
approval of the Secretary,
reapportionment of members among
districts, and the reestablishment of
districts within the production area.
This section also provides that, in
making such recommendations, the
Committee shall consider shifts in onion
acreage or production within the
districts, the importance of new
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 149 (Friday, August 2, 2024)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 63073-63079]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-16945]
Rules and Regulations
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains regulatory documents
having general applicability and legal effect, most of which are keyed
to and codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, which is published
under 50 titles pursuant to 44 U.S.C. 1510.
The Code of Federal Regulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 149 / Friday, August 2, 2024 / Rules
and Regulations
[[Page 63073]]
2 CFR Parts 700
RIN 0412-AB12
USAID Assistance Regulation: Plain Language and Conforming
AGENCY: U.S. Agency for International Development.
ACTION: Direct final rule.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is
issuing this final rule revising the Agency for International
Development Assistance Regulation to maintain consistency with Federal
and agency regulations and guidance, make editorial amendments to
clarify the regulation, and implement the Office of Management and
Budget's April 2024 revisions.
DATES: This rule is effective October 1, 2024, without further action,
unless significant adverse comments are received by September 3, 2024.
If significant adverse comment(s) are received, USAID will publish a
timely withdrawal of those portion(s) of the rule in the Federal
Register. Submit comments on or before September 3, 2024.
ADDRESSES: You may send comments, identified by your name, company name
(if any), and the Regulatory Information Number (RIN) 0412-AB12 for
this rulemaking via the following method:
Federal eRulemaking Portal:
Follow the instructions for sending comments.
Instructions: All submissions received must include the agency name
and RIN for this rulemaking. All comments received will be posted
without change to, including any personal
information provided. We recommend that you do not submit information
that you consider Confidential Business Information (CBI) or any
information that is otherwise protected from disclosure by statute. If
your comment cannot be submitted using,
please email the point of contact in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
CONTACT section of this document for alternate instructions.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kelly Miskowski, 202-256-7378,
[email protected].
I. Public Participation
USAID is publishing this revision as a direct final rule as the
changes are conforming and administrative amendments, and the agency
does not anticipate any significant adverse comments. This rule will be
effective on the date specified in the DATES section above without
further notice unless significant adverse comment(s) are received by
the date specified in the DATES section above.
USAID will only address comments that explain why the rule would be
inappropriate, ineffective, or unacceptable without a change. USAID may
not consider comments that are insubstantial or outside the scope of
the rule.
If significant adverse comments are received on the direct final
rule, USAID will publish a timely partial withdrawal in the Federal
Register informing the public what sections of the rule will not take
effect. Any portions of the final rule for which no significant adverse
comments are received will become final after the designated period.
Additionally, USAID is publishing a separate document in the
``Proposed Rules'' section of this Federal Register that will serve as
the proposal to approve revision for which significant adverse comments
may be received. In this case, USAID will address all public comments
in a subsequent final rule based on the proposed rule. USAID will not
institute a second comment period on this action. Any parties
interested in commenting must do so at this time.
II. Background
On December 13, 2021, the President issued Executive Order 14058
entitled ``Transforming Federal Customer Experience and Service
Delivery to Rebuild trust in Government''. Section 4(m) of this E.O.
requires that USAID review and revise regulations to ensure that they
are clear and intelligible, do not contain unjustified administrative
burdens or excessive paperwork requirements, and do not place undue
burdens on local organizations and underserved communities.
On April 22, 2024, The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued
a final rule revising the Uniform Guidance for Federal Financial
Assistance (89 FR 30046). This was the result of a comprehensive
process to revise and strengthen Title 2 of the Code of Federal
Regulations (``2024 Revisions'') with multiple opportunities for the
public to provide feedback. OMB then issued OMB Memo M-24-11,
``Reducing Burden in the Administration of Federal Financial
Assistance'' which provided implementation guidance to agencies. This
memo directs agencies to implement the 2024 Revisions quickly and
consistently but no later than October 1, 2024. The purpose of the 2024
revisions was to: (1) incorporate statutory requirements and
administration priorities; (2) reduce agency and recipient burden; (3)
clarify sections that recipients or agencies have interpreted in
different ways; and (4) rewrite applicable sections in plain language.
In furtherance of both E.O. 14058 and the 2024 Revisions, USAID
proposes to revise 2 CFR 700 in its entirety to clarify the regulation,
make plain language revisions, align text to the 2024 revisions, and
reduce agency and recipient burden. Given that USAID will be making
mostly editorial revisions to the chapter in its entirety, a courtesy
redline copy is located here for ease of reference:
This rule incorporates updates to 2 CFR 700.
The following changes are implemented by this final rule:
Subpart A of 2 CFR 700 at 2 CFR 700.1 is revised to
relocate definitions which are specific to Branding and Marking 2 CFR
700.16 and provide plain language definitions. 2 CFR 700.0, Acronyms,
is added and reserved.
Subpart B of 2 CFR 700 at 2 CFR 700.2, 700.3, 700.4, and
700.5 is revised to align language with the 2024 Revisions and clarify
that Subparts A through D of 2 CFR part 200 apply to for-profit
entities located in the United States or its territories. The Federal
[[Page 63074]]
Acquisition Regulation at 48 Part 30 and 31 takes precedence over the
cost principles in Subpart E for both U.S. based and foreign for-profit
entities. This is already USAID's policy; so, the language in the
applicability section has been revised for clarity.
Subpart C of 2 CFR 700 at 700.6 and 700.7 is revised for
Subpart D of 2 CFR 700 at 700.8, 700.9, 700.10, 700.11,
700.12, 700.13, 700.14, and 700.15 is revised to align language with
the 2024 Revisions and for clarity.
Subpart E of 2 CFR 700 is added and reserved to align with
the structure of 2 CFR 200.
Subpart F of 2 CFR 700 is added and reserved to align with
the structure of 2 CFR 200.
Subpart G is added, and 2 CFR 700.16 is moved to this
section to outline USAID specific requirements that are not derived
from 2 CFR 200. This section is revised for plain language revisions,
to conform with changes to underlying laws, and to reduce agency and
recipient burden. Specifically, this section is revised to allow for
Agreement Officers to indicate in the Notice of Funding Opportunity
that an apparently successful applicant may submit a Branding Strategy
and Marking Plan after the award is made rather than requiring one
III. Impact Assessments
(1) Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Planning and Review), 13563
(Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review), and 14094 (Modernizing
Regulatory Review)
Executive Orders (E.O.s) 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, and
13563, Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review, direct agencies to
assess all costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives and,
if regulation is necessary, to select regulatory approaches that
maximize net benefits (including potential economic, environmental,
public health and safety effects, distributive impacts, and equity).
E.O. 13563 emphasizes the importance of quantifying both costs and
benefits, of reducing costs, of harmonizing rules, and of promoting
E.O. 14094 amends section 3(f)(1) of E.O. 12866 to define a
``significant regulatory action'' as an action that is likely to result
in a rule: (1) having an annual effect on the economy of $200 million
or more in any 1 year (adjusted every 3 years by the Administrator of
OIRA for changes in gross domestic product), or adversely affect in a
material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity,
competition, jobs, the environment, public health or safety, or State,
local, territorial, or tribal governments or communities; (2) creating
a serious inconsistency or otherwise interfering with an action taken
or planned by another agency; (3) materially altering the budgetary
impacts of entitlement grants, user fees, or loan programs or the
rights and obligations of recipients thereof; or (4) raising legal or
policy issues for which centralized review would meaningfully further
the President's priorities or the principles set forth in this
Executive order, as specifically authorized in a timely manner by the
Administrator of OIRA in each case. A regulatory impact analysis (RIA)
must be prepared for regulatory actions with significant effects ($200
million or more in any 1 year). This rule has been determined
``nonsignificant'' under E.O. 12866.
(2) Congressional Review Act
This final rule is not a major rule under the Congressional Review
Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq.).
(3) Executive Order No. 13132
This rule will not have a substantial direct effect on the states,
on the relationships between the national government and the states, or
on the distribution of power and responsibilities among the various
levels of government. Therefore, it is determined that this final rule
does not contain policies that have federalism implications.
(4) Regulatory Flexibility Act
The rule will not have an impact on a substantial number of small
entities within the meaning of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C.
601, et seq. Further, the rule incorporates administrative changes to 2
CFR 700 and does not add any new requirements on USAID recipients or
subrecipients. Therefore, an Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
has not been performed.
(5) Paperwork Reduction Act
This rule does not establish a new collection of information that
requires the approval of the Office of Management and Budget under the
Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35).
List of Subjects in 2 CFR Part 700
Administration of Federal financial assistance, Administrative
practice and procedure, Federal financial assistance programs.
For the reasons discussed in the preamble, USAID revises and
republishes 2 CFR Part 700 as follows:
Subpart A--Acronyms and Definitions
700.0 Acronyms.
700.1 Definitions.
Subpart B--General Provisions
700.2 Adoption of 2 CFR Part 200.
700.3 Applicability.
700.4 Exceptions.
700.5 Supersession.
Subpart C--Pre-Federal Award Requirements and Contents of Federal
700.6 Metric system of measurement.
700.7 Advance payment.
Subpart D--Post Federal Award Requirements
700.8 Payment.
700.9 Property standards.
700.10 Cost sharing.
700.11 Contracting with small and minority businesses, women's
business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms.
700.12 Contract provisions.
700.13 Additional provisions for awards to for-profit entities.
700.14 Award Suspension and Termination.
700.15 Disputes.
Subpart E--Cost Principles
Subpart F--Audit Requirements
Subpart G--USAID-Specific Requirements
700.16 Marking.
Authority: Sec. 621, Public L. 87-195, 75 Stat 445, (22 U.S.C.
2381) as amended, E.O. 12163, Sept 29, 1979, 44 FR 56673; 2 CFR 1979
Comp., p. 435.
Subpart A--Acronyms and Definitions
Sec. 700.0 Acronyms.
Sec. 700.1 Definitions.
These are the definitions for terms used in this part. Different
definitions may be found in Federal statutes or regulations that apply
more specifically to particular programs or activities.
Agreement Officer means a person with the authority to enter into,
administer, terminate, and closeout assistance agreements subject to
this part, and make related determinations and findings on behalf of
USAID. An Agreement Officer can only act within the scope of a duly
authorized warrant
[[Page 63075]]
or other valid delegation of authority. The term ``Agreement Officer''
includes persons warranted as ``Grant Officers'' and certain authorized
representatives of the Agreement Officer acting within the limits of
their authority as delegated by the Agreement Officer.
An apparently successful applicant means the applicant for USAID
funding that the Agreement Officer recommends for an award after merit
review, but who has not yet been awarded a grant, cooperative agreement
or other assistance award. Apparently successful applicant status
confers no right and constitutes no USAID commitment to an award, which
still must be executed by the Agreement Officer.
Award has the same meaning as Federal award as defined in 2 CFR
Commodities mean any material, article, supply, goods or equipment,
excluding recipient offices, vehicles, and non-deliverable items for
recipient's internal use in administration of the USAID-funded grant,
cooperative agreement, or other agreement or subaward.
End date means the date on which the recipient or subrecipient
completes all work under an award or the date on the award document, or
any supplement or amendment, on which USAID sponsorship ends.
Program means the organized set of activities directed toward a
common purpose, objective, or goal that a recipient or subrecipient
undertakes or proposes.
Suspension means an action by USAID that temporarily withdraws
Federal sponsorship under an award, pending corrective action by the
recipient or pending a decision to resume or terminate the award.
Suspension of an award is a separate action from suspension under USAID
regulations implementing E.O.s 12549 and 12689, ``Debarment and
Suspension.'' See 2 CFR part 780.
USAID means the United States Agency for International Development.
Subpart B--General Provisions
Sec. 700.2 Adoption of 2 CFR Part 200.
Under the authority listed above, the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID) adopts the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB) guidance for Federal Financial Assistance (subparts A
through F of 2 CFR part 200), as supplemented by this part, as the
USAID policies and procedures for Federal financial assistance
administration. This part satisfies the requirements of 2 CFR
200.110(a) and gives regulatory effect to the OMB guidance as
supplemented by this part.
Sec. 700.3 Applicability.
(a) Subparts A through D of 2 CFR part 200 apply to for-profit
entities located in the United States or its territories. The Federal
Acquisition Regulation (FAR) at 48 CFR part 30, Cost Accounting
Standards, and Part 31, Contract Cost Principles and Procedures, takes
precedence over the cost principles in Subpart E for Federal awards to
U.S. for-profit entities.
(b) Subpart E applies to foreign organizations and foreign public
entities, except where the Federal agency determines that the
application of these subparts would be inconsistent with the
international responsibilities of the United States or the laws of a
foreign government. The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) at 48 CFR
part 30, Cost Accounting Standards, and Part 31, Contract Cost
Principles and Procedures, takes precedence over the cost principles in
Subpart E for Federal awards to foreign for-profit entities.
Sec. 700.4 Exceptions.
Consistent with 2 CFR 200.102:
(a) USAID's Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Management, or
designee as delegated in Agency policy, may authorize exceptions on a
case-by-case basis for individual federal awards, recipients, or
subrecipients except where otherwise required by law or where OMB or
other approval is expressly required by this Part. No case-by-case
exceptions may be granted to the provisions of Subpart F--Audit
Requirements of this Part.
(b) USAID's Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Management, or
designee as delegated in Agency policy, may authorize exceptions, on a
class or an individual case basis, to USAID program specific assistance
regulations other than those which implement statutory and executive
order requirements.
(c) The Federal agency may apply more restrictive requirements to a
class of Federal awards or non-Federal entities when approved by OMB,
required by Federal statutes, or regulations except for the
requirements in Subpart F--Audit Requirements of this part. The Federal
agency may apply less restrictive requirements when making awards at or
below the simplified acquisition threshold, or when making fixed amount
awards as defined in Subpart A--Acronyms and Definitions of 2 CFR part
200, except for those requirements imposed by statute or in Subpart F--
Audit Requirements of this part.
Sec. 700.5 Supersession.
Effective December 26, 2014, this part supersedes the following
regulations under Title 22 of the Code of Federal Regulations: 22 CFR
part 226, ``Administration of Assistance Awards To U.S. Non-
Governmental Organizations.''
Subpart C--Pre-Federal Award Requirements and Contents of Federal
Sec. 700.6 Metric system of measurement.
(a) The Metric Conversion Act, as amended by the Omnibus Trade and
Competitiveness Act (15 U.S.C. 205) declares that the metric system is
the preferred measurement system for U.S. trade and commerce.
(b) Wherever measurements are required or authorized, the recipient
must make, compute, and record in metric system units of measurement,
unless the Agreement Officer authorizes in writing that such usage is
impractical or is likely to cause U.S. firms to experience significant
inefficiencies or the loss of markets. Where the metric system is not
the predominant standard for a particular application, the recipient
may express the measurements in both the metric and the traditional
equivalent units, provided the metric units are listed first.
Sec. 700.7 Advance payment.
Advance payment mechanisms include, but are not limited to, Letter
of Credit, Treasury check and electronic funds transfer and must comply
with applicable guidance in 31 CFR part 205.
Subpart D--Post Federal Award Requirements
Sec. 700.8 Payment.
(a) Use of resources before requesting advance payments. To the
extent available, the non-Federal entity must disburse funds available
from program income (including repayments to a revolving fund),
rebates, refunds, contract settlements, audit recoveries, and interest
earned on such funds before requesting additional cash payments. This
paragraph is not applicable to such earnings which are generated as
foreign currencies.
(b) Standards governing the use of banks and other institutions as
depositories of advance payments under Federal awards are as follows:
(1) Except for situations described in paragraph (b)(2) of this
section, USAID does not require separate depository accounts for funds
provided to a non-Federal entity or establish any eligibility
requirements for depositories for funds provided to the non-Federal
[[Page 63076]]
However, the non-Federal entity must be able to account for receipt,
obligation and expenditure of funds.
(2) Recipients must deposit and maintain advance payments of
Federal funds in insured accounts whenever possible.
Sec. 700.9 Property standards.
(a) Real property. Unless the agreement provides otherwise, title
to real property will vest in accordance with 2 CFR 200.311.
(b) Equipment. Unless the agreement provides otherwise, title to
equipment will vest in accordance with 2 CFR 200.313.
Sec. 700.10 Cost sharing.
(a) ``Unrecovered indirect costs'' has the same meaning as in 2 CFR
(b) Unrecovered indirect costs, including indirect costs on cost
sharing, may be included as part of cost sharing.
Sec. 700.11 Contracting with small and minority businesses, women's
business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms.
(a) To permit USAID, in accordance with the small business
provisions of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, to give
United States small business firms an opportunity to participate in
supplying commodities and services procured under the award, the
recipient should provide the following information to the Office of
Small Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), USAID, Washington, DC
20523, at least 45 days prior to placing any order or contract in
excess of the simplified acquisition threshold:
(1) Brief general description and quantity of goods or services;
(2) Closing date for receiving quotations, proposals or bids; and
(3) Address where solicitations or specifications can be obtained.
(b) [Reserved]
Sec. 700.12 Contract provisions.
(a) The recipient or subrecipient's contracts must contain the
applicable provisions described in Appendix II to Part 200.
(b) All negotiated contracts (except those for less than the
simplified acquisition threshold) awarded by the recipient or
subrecipient must include a provision to the effect that the recipient
or subrecipient, USAID, the Comptroller General of the United States,
or any of their duly authorized representatives, must have access to
any books, documents, papers and records of the contractor which are
directly pertinent to a specific program for the purpose of making
audits, examinations, excerpts and transcriptions.
Sec. 700.13 Additional provisions for awards to for-profit entities.
(a) This paragraph contains additional provisions that apply to
awards to for-profit entities. These provisions supplement and make
exceptions for awards to for-profit entities from other provisions of
this part.
(1) Prohibition against profit. The agency or pass-through entity
will not provide funds as profit to any for-profit entity receiving or
administering Federal financial assistance as a recipient or
subrecipient. Federal financial assistance does not include contracts
as defined at 2 CFR 200.1, other contracts a Federal agency uses to buy
goods or services from a contractor, or contracts to operate Federal
government owned, contractor operated facilities (GOCOs). Profit is any
amount in excess of allowable direct and indirect costs.
(2) [Reserved]
(b) [Reserved]
Sec. 700.14 Award Suspension and Termination.
If at any time USAID determines that continuation of all or part of
the funding for a program should be suspended or terminated because
such assistance would not be in the national interest of the United
States or would be in violation of an applicable law, then USAID may,
following notice to the recipient, suspend or terminate the award in
whole or in part and prohibit the recipient from incurring additional
obligations chargeable to the award other than those costs specified in
the notice of suspension. If a suspension is put into effect and the
situation causing the suspension continues for 60 calendar days or
more, then USAID may terminate the award in whole or in part on written
notice to the recipient and cancel any portion of the award which has
not been disbursed or irrevocably committed to third parties.
Sec. 700.15 Disputes.
(a) The USAID Agreement Officer will decide any dispute under or
relating to Federal financial assistance. The Agreement Officer must
furnish the recipient a written copy of the decision.
(b) Decisions of the USAID Agreement Officer will be final unless,
within 30 calendar days of receipt of the decision, the recipient
appeals the decision to USAID's Assistant Administrator, Bureau for
Management, or designee as delegated in Agency policy. Appeals must be
in writing with a copy concurrently furnished to the Agreement Officer.
(c) In order to facilitate review of the record by the USAID's
Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Management, or designee as
delegated in Agency policy, the recipient will be given an opportunity
to submit written evidence in support of its appeal. No hearing will be
(d) Decisions by the Assistant Administrator, Bureau for
Management, or designee as delegated in Agency policy, will be final.
Subpart E--Cost Principles
Subpart F--Audit Requirements
Subpart G--USAID-Specific Requirements
Sec. 700.16 Marking.
(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following
definitions apply:
(1) Activity means a set of a recipient or subrecipient's actions
using resources--such as commodities, technical assistance, or training
to produce specific results, such as vaccinations given, schools built,
microenterprise loans issued, or policies changed. The recipient or
subrecipient undertakes activities to achieve the formally approved
objectives of the award.
(2) Branding strategy means a strategy the apparently successful
applicant or recipient submits describing how they will name and
position the program, project, or activity and how they will promote
and communicate it to beneficiaries and cooperating country citizens.
In the branding strategy, the apparently successful applicant or
recipient identifies all donors and explains how they will be
(3) Marking plan means a plan that the apparently successful
applicant or recipient submits after merit review of an application for
USAID funding, detailing the public communications, commodities, and
program materials and other items that will visibly bear the USAID
(4) Public communications are documents and messages the recipient
or subrecipient intends to distribute to external audiences. They
include, but are not limited to, correspondence, publications, studies,
reports, audio-visual productions, and other informational products;
applications, forms, press and promotional materials used in connection
with USAID-funded programs, projects or activities,
[[Page 63077]]
including signage and plaques; websites/internet activities; and events
such as training courses, conferences, seminars, and press conferences.
(5) USAID Identity (Identity) means the official marking for the
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) comprised of
the USAID logo or seal and new brandmark with the tagline that clearly
communicates our assistance is ``from the American people.'' Upon a
written determination by the USAID Administrator, or delegate, the
definition of the USAID Identity may be amended to include additional
or substitute use of a logo or seal and tagline representing a
presidential initiative or other high level interagency Federal
initiative that requires consistent and uniform branding and marking by
all participating agencies. The USAID Identity (including any required
additional insignia or related identity) is available on the USAID
website at and is provided without
royalty, license or other fee to recipients of USAID funded grants or
cooperative agreements or other assistance awards.
(6) Principal officer means the most senior officer in an USAID
Operating Unit in the field, for example, a USAID Mission Director or
USAID Representative. For global programs managed from Washington but
executed across many countries, such as disaster relief programs and
assistance to internally displaced persons, humanitarian emergencies or
immediate post conflict and political crisis responses, the cognizant
Principal Officer may be an Office Director, for example, the Directors
of USAID/W/Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance and Office of
Transition Initiatives. For non-presence countries, the cognizant
Principal Officer is the Senior USAID officer in a regional USAID
Operating Unit responsible for the non-presence country, or in the
absence of such a responsible operating unit, the Principal U.S
Diplomatic Officer in the non-presence country exercising delegated
authority from USAID.
(b) USAID policy is that a recipient or subrecipient must mark all
programs, projects, activities, public communications, and commodities,
specified further at paragraphs (d) through (g) of this section,
partially or fully funded by a USAID grant or cooperative agreement or
other assistance award or subaward with the USAID Identity, of a size
and prominence equivalent to or greater than the recipient's, other
donor's or any other third party's identity or logo.
(1) USAID reserves the right to require the USAID Identity to be
larger and more prominent if it is the majority donor, or to require
that a cooperating country government's identity be larger and more
prominent if circumstances warrant; any such requirement will be on a
case-by-case basis depending on the audience, program goals and
materials produced.
(2) USAID reserves the right to request pre-production review of
USAID funded public communications and program materials for compliance
with the approved Marking Plan.
(3) USAID reserves the right to require marking with the USAID
Identity in the event the recipient does not choose to mark with its
own identity or logo.
(4) Recipients of USAID funded grants and cooperative agreements or
other assistance awards must include a USAID-approved marking provision
in any USAID funded subaward, to read as follows:
As a condition of receipt of this subaward, marking with the USAID
Identity of a size and prominence equivalent to or greater than the
recipient's, subrecipient's, other donor's or third party's is
required. In the event the recipient chooses not to require marking
with its own identity or logo by the subrecipient, USAID may, at its
discretion, require marking by the subrecipient with the USAID
(c) Subject to Sec. 700.16(b), (i), and (k), the recipient or
subrecipient must mark program, project, or activity sites funded by
USAID, including visible infrastructure projects (for example, roads,
bridges, buildings) or other programs, projects, or activities that are
physical in nature (for example, agriculture, forestry, water
management), with the USAID Identity. The recipient or subrecipient
should erect temporary signs or plaques early in the construction or
implementation phase. When construction or implementation is complete,
the recipient or subrecipient must install a permanent, durable sign,
plaque or other marking.
(d) Subject to Sec. 700.16(b), (i), and (k), the recipient or
subrecipient must mark technical assistance, studies, reports, papers,
publications, audio-visual productions, public service announcements,
websites/internet activities and other promotional, informational,
media, or communications products funded by USAID with the USAID
(1) Any ``public communications'' as defined in Sec. 700.1, funded
by USAID, in which the content has not been approved by USAID, must
contain the following disclaimer:
This study/report/audio/visual/other information/media product
(specify) is made possible by the generous support of the American
people through the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID). The contents are the responsibility of [insert recipient name]
and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States
(2) The recipient must provide the Agreement Officer's
Representative (AOR) or other USAID personnel designated in the grant
or cooperative agreement with at least two copies of all program and
communications materials produced under the award. In addition, the
recipient must submit one electronic and/or one hard copy of all final
documents to USAID's Development Experience Clearinghouse.
(e) Subject to Sec. 700.16(b), (i), and (k), the recipient or
subrecipient must mark events financed by USAID such as training
courses, conferences, seminars, exhibitions, fairs, workshops, press
conferences and other public activities, with the USAID Identity.
Unless directly prohibited and as appropriate to the surroundings,
recipients should display additional materials such as signs and
banners with the USAID Identity. In circumstances in which the USAID
Identity cannot be displayed visually, recipients should otherwise
acknowledge USAID and the American people's support.
(f) Subject to Sec. 700.16(b), (i), and (k), the recipient or
subrecipient must mark all commodities financed by USAID, including
commodities or equipment provided under humanitarian assistance or
disaster relief programs, and all other equipment, supplies and other
materials funded by USAID, and their export packaging, with the USAID
(g) After merit review of applications for USAID funding, USAID
Agreement Officers will request apparently successful applicants to
submit a Branding Strategy, defined in Sec. 700.1. The proposed
Branding Strategy will not be evaluated competitively. The Agreement
Officer will review the proposed Branding Strategy for adequacy, and
will negotiate, approve and include the Branding Strategy in the award.
The Agreement Officer will specify the timeline for submission in the
Notice of Funding Opportunity. If the Notice of Funding Opportunity
indicates that the apparently successful applicant may submit a
Branding Strategy after the award is made, the Agreement Officer must
include a special award condition to indicate the required submission
date. If the Agreement Officer requires submission before award,
failure to submit or
[[Page 63078]]
negotiate a Branding Strategy within the time specified by the
Agreement Officer will make the apparently successful applicant
ineligible for award.
(h) After merit review of applications for USAID funding, USAID
Agreement Officers will request apparently successful applicants to
submit a Marking Plan, defined in Sec. 700.1. The Marking Plan may
include requests for approval of Presumptive Exceptions, paragraph (i)
of this section. The apparently successful applicant must include all
estimated costs associated with branding and marking USAID programs,
such as plaques, labels, banners, press events, promotional materials,
and the like, in the total cost estimate of the grant or cooperative
agreement or other assistance award. These costs are subject to
revision and negotiation with the Agreement Officer upon submission of
the Marking Plan. The Marking Plan will not be evaluated competitively.
The Agreement Officer will review the proposed Marking Plan for
adequacy, and will negotiate, approve and include the Marking Plan in
the award. The Agreement Officer will specify the timeline for
submission in the Notice of Funding Opportunity. If the Notice of
Funding Opportunity indicates that the apparently successful applicant
may submit a Marking Plan after the award is made, the Agreement
Officer must include a special award condition to indicate the required
submission date. If the Agreement Officer requires submission before
award, failure to submit or negotiate a Marking Plan within the time
specified by the Agreement Officer will make the apparently successful
applicant ineligible for award. Agreement Officers have the discretion
to suspend the implementation requirements of the Marking Plan if
circumstances warrant. Recipients of a USAID funded grant or
cooperative agreement or other assistance award or subaward should
retain copies of any specific marking instructions or waivers in their
project, program or activity files.
(i) Presumptive exceptions:
(1) The above marking requirements in Sec. 700.16(b) through (f)
may not apply if marking would:
(i) Compromise the intrinsic independence or neutrality of a
program or materials where independence or neutrality is an inherent
aspect of the program and materials, such as election monitoring or
ballots, and voter information literature; political party support or
public policy advocacy or reform; independent media, such as television
and radio broadcasts, newspaper articles and editorials; public service
announcements or public opinion polls and surveys.
(ii) Diminish the credibility of audits, reports, analyses,
studies, or policy recommendations whose data or findings must be seen
as independent.
(iii) Undercut host-country government ``ownership'' of
constitutions, laws, regulations, policies, studies, assessments,
reports, publications, surveys or audits, public service announcements,
or other communications better positioned as ``by'' or ``from'' a
cooperating country ministry or government official.
(iv) Impair the functionality of an item, such as sterilized
equipment or spare parts.
(v) Incur substantial costs or be impractical, such as items too
small or other otherwise unsuited for individual marking, such as food
in bulk.
(vi) Offend local cultural or social norms, or be considered
inappropriate on such items as condoms, toilets, bed pans, or similar
(vii) Conflict with international law.
(2) The Agreement Officer must approve these exceptions. Apparently
successful applicants may request approval of one or more of the
presumptive exceptions, depending on the circumstances, in their
Marking Plan. The Agreement Officer will review requests for
presumptive exceptions for adequacy, along with the rest of the Marking
Plan. When reviewing a request for approval of a presumptive exception,
the Agreement Officer may review how program materials will be marked
(if at all) if the USAID identity is removed. Exceptions approved will
apply to subrecipients unless otherwise provided by USAID.
(j) In cases where the recipient does not comply with the Marking
Plan, the Agreement Officer will initiate corrective action. Such
action may involve informing the recipient of a USAID grant or
cooperative agreement or other assistance award or subaward of
instances of noncompliance and requesting that the recipient carry out
its responsibilities as set forth in the Marking Plan and award. Major
or repeated non compliance with the Marking Plan will be governed by
the uniform suspension and termination procedures set forth at 2 CFR
200.340 through 2 CFR 200.343, and 2 CFR 700.14.
(k) (1) Waivers. USAID Principal Officers may at any time after
award waive in whole or in part the USAID approved Marking Plan,
including USAID marking requirements for each USAID funded program,
project, activity, public communication or commodity, or in exceptional
circumstances may make a waiver by region or country, if the Principal
Officer determines that otherwise USAID required marking would pose
compelling political, safety, or security concerns, or marking would
have an adverse impact in the cooperating country. USAID recipients may
request waivers of the Marking Plan in whole or in part, through the
AOR. No marking is required while a waiver determination is pending.
The Principal Officer must make the waiver determination on safety or
security grounds in consultation with U.S. Government security
personnel if available, and must consider the same information that
applies to determinations of the safety and security of U.S. Government
employees in the cooperating country, as well as any information
supplied by the AOR or the recipient for whom the waiver is sought.
When reviewing a request for approval of a waiver, the Principal
Officer may review how program materials will be marked (if at all) if
the USAID Identity is removed. Approved waivers are not limited in
duration but are subject to Principal Officer review at any time due to
changed circumstances. Approved waivers ``flow down'' to recipients of
subawards unless specified otherwise. Principal Officers may also
authorize the removal of USAID markings already affixed if
circumstances warrant. Principal Officers' determinations regarding
waiver requests are subject to appeal to the Principal Officer's
cognizant Assistant Administrator. Recipients may appeal by submitting
a written request to reconsider the Principal Officer's waiver
determination to the cognizant Assistant Administrator.
(2) Non-retroactivity. Marking requirements apply to any obligation
of USAID funds for new awards as of January 2, 2006. Marking
requirements also will apply to new obligations under existing awards,
such as incremental funding actions, as of January 2, 2006, when the
total estimated cost of the existing award has been increased by USAID
or the scope of effort is changed to accommodate any costs associated
with marking. In the event a waiver is rescinded, the marking
requirements will apply from the date forward that the waiver is
rescinded. In the event a waiver is rescinded after the period of
performance but before closeout as defined in 2 CFR 200.1, the USAID
mission or operating unit with initial responsibility to administer the
marking requirements must make a cost benefit analysis as to requiring
USAID marking requirements after the end date of the
[[Page 63079]]
affected programs, projects, activities, public communications or
(l) USAID will provide the USAID Identity and other guidance at no
cost or fee to recipients of USAID grants, cooperative agreements or
other assistance awards or subawards. USAID will fund additional costs
associated with marking requirements if reasonable, allowable, and
allocable under 2 CFR part 200, subpart E. Recipients must follow the
standard cost reimbursement provisions of the grant, cooperative
agreement, other assistance award or subaward when applying for
reimbursement of additional marking costs.
Jami J. Rodgers,
Chief Acquisition Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024-16945 Filed 8-1-24; 8:45 am]