Notice of Reporting Instructions Under the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act, 60568-60569 [2024-16479]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 144 / Friday, July 26, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
specialist at one of the public passport
agency/center counters located within
the United States as an alternative to
requiring a notarized statement, when
an application is pending at a passport
List of Subjects in 22 CFR Part 51
Accordingly, for the reasons set forth
in the preamble, 22 CFR part 51 is
amended as follows:
Authority: 8 U.S.C. 1104; 8 U.S.C. 1185;
8 U.S.C. 1185n (text of Pub. L. 108–458, 118
Stat. 3638, 3823 (Dec. 17, 2004)); 8 U.S.C.
1504; 8 U.S.C. 1714;; 22 U.S.C. 211a, 212,
212a, 212b, 213, 213n (Pub. L. 106–113 Div.
B, Sec. 1000(a)(7) [Div. A, Title II, Sec. 236],
113 Stat. 1536, 1501A–430); 214, 214a, 217a,
218, 2651a, 2671(d)(3), 2705, 2714, 2714a,
2721, and 3926; 26 U.S.C. 6039E; 26 CFR
301.6039E–1; 31 U.S.C. 9701; 34 U.S.C.
21501–21510; 42 U.S.C. 652(k) ; E.O. 11295,
Aug. 5, 1966, 31 FR 10603, 3 CFR, 1966–1970
Comp., p. 570; Pub. L. 114–119, 130 Stat. 15.
2. In § 51.28, revise paragraphs
(a)(3)(i), and (a)(4)(i) and (ii) to read as
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
(a) * * *
(3) * * *
(i) A written statement or affidavit
from the non-applying parent or legal
guardian, if applicable, consenting to
the issuance of the passport, and signed
before a notary public or, when
authorized by the Department, a
passport specialist at a public passport
agency/center counter operated by the
Department of State.
(4) * * *
(i) A person may apply in loco
parentis on behalf of a minor under age
16 by submitting a written statement or
affidavit from all parents or each legal
guardian, if any, specifically authorizing
the application, and signed before a
notary public or, when authorized by
the Department, a passport specialist at
a public passport agency/center counter
operated by the Department of State.
(ii) If only one parent or legal
guardian provides the written statement
or affidavit, the applicant must provide
documentary evidence that an
application may be made by one parent
16:03 Jul 25, 2024
Office of Foreign Assets Control
31 CFR Chapter V
1. The authority citation for part 51
continues to read as follows:
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Donald Jacobson,
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau
of Consular Affairs, Department of State.
[FR Doc. 2024–16363 Filed 7–25–24; 8:45 am]
§ 51.28
or legal guardian, consistent with this
Jkt 262001
Notice of Reporting Instructions Under
the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity
and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act
Office of Foreign Assets
Control, Treasury.
ACTION: Notification of reporting
instructions under the Rebuilding
Economic Prosperity and Opportunity
for Ukrainians Act.
The U.S. Department of the
Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets
Control (OFAC) is publishing reporting
instructions in the Federal Register. The
reporting instructions, issued pursuant
to the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity
and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act
were published on the OFAC website on
July 23, 2024.
DATES: Reporting Instructions under the
Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and
Opportunity for Ukrainians Act, Public
Law 118–50, Division F, were issued on
July 23, 2024.
OFAC: Associate Director for Global
Targeting, tel.: 202–622–2420; Assistant
Director for Licensing, tel.: 202–622–
2480; Assistant Director for Regulatory
Affairs, tel.: 202–622–4855; or Assistant
Director for Compliance, tel.: 202–622–
Electronic Availability
This document and additional
information concerning OFAC are
available on OFAC’s website: https://
The Rebuilding Economic Prosperity
and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act,
Public Law 118–50, Division F (the
‘‘REPO for Ukrainians Act’’ or the
‘‘Act’’), was enacted on April 24, 2024.
Section 104(a)(1) of the Act provides
that ‘‘the President shall, by means of
such instructions or regulations as the
President may prescribe, require any
financial institution at which Russian
PO 00000
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sovereign assets are located, and that
knows or should know of such assets, to
provide notice of such assets, including
relevant information required under
section 501.603(b)(ii) [sic] of title 31,
Code of Federal Regulations (or
successor regulations), to the Secretary
of the Treasury not later than 10 days
after detection of such assets.’’
On July 22, 2024, the President
delegated the functions and authorities
in section 104(a)(1) of the Act to the
Secretary of the Treasury. On July 23,
2024, OFAC issued Reporting
Instructions under the Act.
Paperwork Reduction Act
Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507), the
collections of information related to the
Reporting, Procedures and Penalties
Regulations, 31 CFR part 501 (the
‘‘Regulations’’), have been previously
approved by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) under OMB control
number 1505–0164 Reporting,
Procedures and Penalties Regulation.
These reporting instructions, issued
pursuant to the REPO for Ukrainians
Act, and the form used to collect that
information, are substantially similar to
the collections of information issued
pursuant to the Regulations.
Specifically, these reporting instructions
require financial institutions to report
on Russian sovereign assets that they
hold that have not already been reported
pursuant to § 501.603 of the Regulations
or Directive 4 under Executive Order
14024, both of which are included
within the existing collections of
information related to the Regulations
that have been previously approved by
These instructions, and the form
available to report such information,
have been submitted to OMB for review
and approval under OMB control
number 1505–0164 Reporting,
Procedures and Penalties Regulation.
The likely respondents and recordkeepers affected by these reporting
instructions are financial institutions.
OFAC has reviewed its existing data on
reports of blocked or immobilized
property, as well as data on the number
of financial institutions likely to be
holding Russian sovereign assets, to
estimate the reporting burden, as set
forth below.
Title: Reporting, Procedures and
Penalties Regulations.
OMB Control Number: 1505–0164.
Form Name: REPO For Ukrainians
Act Report Form.
Form Number: TD–F 93.09.
Type of Review: Revision.
Affected Public: Private Sector—
Financial Institutions.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 144 / Friday, July 26, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Estimated Number of Financial
Institution Respondents: 300.
Frequency of Response: On occasion.
Estimated Total Number of Annual
Responses: 300.
Estimated Time per Response: 30
Estimated Total Annual Burden
Hours: 150 hours.
The text of the reporting instructions
is provided below.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with RULES1
Reporting Instructions Under the
Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and
Opportunity for Ukrainians Act
Pursuant to section 104(a) of the
Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and
Opportunity for Ukrainians Act, Public
Law 118–50, Division F (the ‘‘REPO for
Ukrainians Act,’’ or the ‘‘Act’’), all
financial institutions at which Russian
sovereign assets are located, and that
know or should know of such assets, are
required to provide notice of such assets
to the Office of Foreign Assets Control
(OFAC) no later than August 2, 2024 or
within 10 days of the detection of such
assets. Financial institutions that
maintain correspondent or payablethrough accounts on behalf of foreign
financial institutions should exercise
reasonable due diligence to report any
Russian sovereign assets held in such
Financial institutions may rely on
reports regarding Russian sovereign
assets located at the financial institution
that are filed pursuant to Directive 4
under Executive Order (E.O.) 14024 or
in reports of blocked property filed
pursuant to 31 CFR 501.603(b) to fulfill
their obligations under section 104(a) of
the Act with respect to those assets and
should not re-report to OFAC any such
assets under this instruction. Reports
provided under this instruction shall
identify Russian sovereign assets not
otherwise reported to OFAC pursuant to
Directive 4 under E.O. 14024 or in
reports of blocked property filed
pursuant to 31 CFR 501.603(b).
(a) Reports. Reports of Russian
sovereign assets shall include the
(1) The name and address of the
person in possession or control of the
(2) The date the property came into
the possession or control of such
(3) The person that owns the account
or property;
(4) A description of the property and
its location in the United States or
otherwise, including any relevant
account types, account numbers,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
16:03 Jul 25, 2024
Jkt 262001
reference numbers, dates, or other
information necessary to identify the
(5) The actual, or if unknown,
estimated value of the property in U.S.
dollars. Foreign currencies must be
reported in U.S. dollars with the foreign
currency amount and notional exchange
rate in the narrative; and
(6) A copy of the most recent relevant
account statement or other
documentation to support the estimated
value of the property.
Reports under this instruction should
be submitted using the REPO for
Ukrainians Act Report Form, which is
available on OFAC’s website (https:// Financial
institutions with responsive information
should email completed forms to with the subject
line, ‘‘[Name of Financial Institution]
REPO for Ukrainians Act Report.’’
(b) Definitions. Pursuant to section 2
of the Act and for purposes of these
(1) The term ‘‘financial institution’’
means a financial institution specified
in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), (D), (E),
(F), (G), (H), (I), (J), (M), or (Z) of section
5312(a)(2) of title 31 United States Code.
(2) The term ‘‘Russian sovereign
asset’’ means any of the following,
regardless of whether such asset is
blocked or effectively immobilized by
the Department of the Treasury: (A)
Funds and other property of (i) the
Central Bank of the Russian Federation,
(ii) the Russian National Wealth Fund,
or (iii) the Ministry of Finance of the
Russian Federation; or (B) any other
funds or other property that are owned
by the Government of the Russian
Federation, including by any
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality
of that government.
Bradley T. Smith,
Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control.
[FR Doc. 2024–16479 Filed 7–25–24; 8:45 am]
Coast Guard
33 CFR Part 100
[Docket Number USCG–2024–0359]
RIN 1625–AA08
Special Local Regulation; San Jacinto
River, Houston, TX
Coast Guard, DHS.
Final rule.
PO 00000
Frm 00021
Fmt 4700
Sfmt 4700
The Coast Guard is
establishing a special local regulation to
provide for the safety of life on certain
waters of the San Jacinto River, in
Houston, TX. This regulation will be
enforced during a high-speed boat race
every third weekend in July. This
regulation prohibits persons and vessels
from being in the regulated areas unless
authorized by the Captain of the Port
Houston-Galveston or designated Coast
Guard Patrol Commander.
DATES: This rule is effective without
actual notice from July 26, 2024. For the
purposes of enforcement, actual notice
will be used from July 20, 2024, until
July 26, 2024.
ADDRESSES: To view documents
mentioned in this preamble as being
available in the docket, go to https://, type USCG–2024–
0359 in the search box and click
‘‘Search.’’ Next, in the Document Type
column, select ‘‘Supporting & Related
you have questions about this
rulemaking, call or email Lieutenant
Rudy Ortega, Sector Houston-Galveston
Waterways Management Division, U.S.
Coast Guard; telephone 713–398–5823,
I. Table of Abbreviations
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
COTP Captain of the Port HoustonGalveston
DHS Department of Homeland Security
FR Federal Register
NPRM Notice of proposed rulemaking
§ Section
U.S.C. United States Code
II. Background Information and
Regulatory History
On April 18, 2024, an organization
notified the Coast Guard that it will be
conducting an annual high speed boat
race every third weekend in July in the
navigable waters of San Jacinto River,
Houston, TX. The Captain of the Port
Houston-Galveston (COTP) has
determined that potential hazards
associated with the power boat race will
be a safety concern for anyone within
the Pre-Stage Zone, Approach Zone,
Course Run Zone, and Shut-Down Zone
before, during, and after the scheduled
event. In response, on June 3, 2024, the
Coast Guard published a notice of
proposed rulemaking (NPRM) titled
Special Local regulation; San Jacinto
River, Houston, TX (89 FR 55131).
There we stated why we issued the
NPRM and invited comments on our
proposed regulatory action related to
this boat race. During the comment
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 144 (Friday, July 26, 2024)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 60568-60569]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-16479]
Office of Foreign Assets Control
31 CFR Chapter V
Notice of Reporting Instructions Under the Rebuilding Economic
Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act
AGENCY: Office of Foreign Assets Control, Treasury.
ACTION: Notification of reporting instructions under the Rebuilding
Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets
Control (OFAC) is publishing reporting instructions in the Federal
Register. The reporting instructions, issued pursuant to the Rebuilding
Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act were published
on the OFAC website on July 23, 2024.
DATES: Reporting Instructions under the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity
and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act, Public Law 118-50, Division F, were
issued on July 23, 2024.
Targeting, tel.: 202-622-2420; Assistant Director for Licensing, tel.:
202-622-2480; Assistant Director for Regulatory Affairs, tel.: 202-622-
4855; or Assistant Director for Compliance, tel.: 202-622-2490.
Electronic Availability
This document and additional information concerning OFAC are
available on OFAC's website:
The Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and Opportunity for Ukrainians
Act, Public Law 118-50, Division F (the ``REPO for Ukrainians Act'' or
the ``Act''), was enacted on April 24, 2024. Section 104(a)(1) of the
Act provides that ``the President shall, by means of such instructions
or regulations as the President may prescribe, require any financial
institution at which Russian sovereign assets are located, and that
knows or should know of such assets, to provide notice of such assets,
including relevant information required under section 501.603(b)(ii)
[sic] of title 31, Code of Federal Regulations (or successor
regulations), to the Secretary of the Treasury not later than 10 days
after detection of such assets.''
On July 22, 2024, the President delegated the functions and
authorities in section 104(a)(1) of the Act to the Secretary of the
Treasury. On July 23, 2024, OFAC issued Reporting Instructions under
the Act.
Paperwork Reduction Act
Pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3507),
the collections of information related to the Reporting, Procedures and
Penalties Regulations, 31 CFR part 501 (the ``Regulations''), have been
previously approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under
OMB control number 1505-0164 Reporting, Procedures and Penalties
Regulation. These reporting instructions, issued pursuant to the REPO
for Ukrainians Act, and the form used to collect that information, are
substantially similar to the collections of information issued pursuant
to the Regulations. Specifically, these reporting instructions require
financial institutions to report on Russian sovereign assets that they
hold that have not already been reported pursuant to Sec. 501.603 of
the Regulations or Directive 4 under Executive Order 14024, both of
which are included within the existing collections of information
related to the Regulations that have been previously approved by OMB.
These instructions, and the form available to report such
information, have been submitted to OMB for review and approval under
OMB control number 1505-0164 Reporting, Procedures and Penalties
Regulation. The likely respondents and record-keepers affected by these
reporting instructions are financial institutions. OFAC has reviewed
its existing data on reports of blocked or immobilized property, as
well as data on the number of financial institutions likely to be
holding Russian sovereign assets, to estimate the reporting burden, as
set forth below.
Title: Reporting, Procedures and Penalties Regulations.
OMB Control Number: 1505-0164.
Form Name: REPO For Ukrainians Act Report Form.
Form Number: TD-F 93.09.
Type of Review: Revision.
Affected Public: Private Sector--Financial Institutions.
[[Page 60569]]
Estimated Number of Financial Institution Respondents: 300.
Frequency of Response: On occasion.
Estimated Total Number of Annual Responses: 300.
Estimated Time per Response: 30 minutes.
Estimated Total Annual Burden Hours: 150 hours.
The text of the reporting instructions is provided below.
Reporting Instructions Under the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity and
Opportunity for Ukrainians Act
Pursuant to section 104(a) of the Rebuilding Economic Prosperity
and Opportunity for Ukrainians Act, Public Law 118-50, Division F (the
``REPO for Ukrainians Act,'' or the ``Act''), all financial
institutions at which Russian sovereign assets are located, and that
know or should know of such assets, are required to provide notice of
such assets to the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) no later
than August 2, 2024 or within 10 days of the detection of such assets.
Financial institutions that maintain correspondent or payable-through
accounts on behalf of foreign financial institutions should exercise
reasonable due diligence to report any Russian sovereign assets held in
such accounts.
Financial institutions may rely on reports regarding Russian
sovereign assets located at the financial institution that are filed
pursuant to Directive 4 under Executive Order (E.O.) 14024 or in
reports of blocked property filed pursuant to 31 CFR 501.603(b) to
fulfill their obligations under section 104(a) of the Act with respect
to those assets and should not re-report to OFAC any such assets under
this instruction. Reports provided under this instruction shall
identify Russian sovereign assets not otherwise reported to OFAC
pursuant to Directive 4 under E.O. 14024 or in reports of blocked
property filed pursuant to 31 CFR 501.603(b).
(a) Reports. Reports of Russian sovereign assets shall include the
(1) The name and address of the person in possession or control of
the property;
(2) The date the property came into the possession or control of
such person;
(3) The person that owns the account or property;
(4) A description of the property and its location in the United
States or otherwise, including any relevant account types, account
numbers, reference numbers, dates, or other information necessary to
identify the property;
(5) The actual, or if unknown, estimated value of the property in
U.S. dollars. Foreign currencies must be reported in U.S. dollars with
the foreign currency amount and notional exchange rate in the
narrative; and
(6) A copy of the most recent relevant account statement or other
documentation to support the estimated value of the property.
Reports under this instruction should be submitted using the REPO
for Ukrainians Act Report Form, which is available on OFAC's website
( Financial institutions with responsive
information should email completed forms to [email protected]
with the subject line, ``[Name of Financial Institution] REPO for
Ukrainians Act Report.''
(b) Definitions. Pursuant to section 2 of the Act and for purposes
of these instructions:
(1) The term ``financial institution'' means a financial
institution specified in subparagraph (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F),
(G), (H), (I), (J), (M), or (Z) of section 5312(a)(2) of title 31
United States Code.
(2) The term ``Russian sovereign asset'' means any of the
following, regardless of whether such asset is blocked or effectively
immobilized by the Department of the Treasury: (A) Funds and other
property of (i) the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, (ii) the
Russian National Wealth Fund, or (iii) the Ministry of Finance of the
Russian Federation; or (B) any other funds or other property that are
owned by the Government of the Russian Federation, including by any
subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of that government.
Bradley T. Smith,
Director, Office of Foreign Assets Control.
[FR Doc. 2024-16479 Filed 7-25-24; 8:45 am]