Proposed High-Priority Substance Designations Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA); Notice of Availability, 60420-60424 [2024-16394]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 143 / Thursday, July 25, 2024 / Notices
submitted to EPA under TSCA. This
document presents statements of
findings made by EPA on such
submissions during the period from
May 1, 2024, to May 31, 2024.
ADDRESSES: The docket for this action,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2024–0159, is
available online at https:// or in-person at the
Office of Pollution Prevention and
Toxics Docket (OPPT Docket),
Environmental Protection Agency
Docket Center (EPA/DC), West William
Jefferson Clinton Bldg., Rm. 3334, 1301
Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC.
The Public Reading Room is open from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through
Friday, excluding legal holidays. The
telephone number for the Public
Reading Room is (202) 566–1744, and
the telephone number for the OPPT
Docket is (202) 566–0280. For the latest
status information on EPA/DC services
and docket access, visit https://
For technical information contact:
Rebecca Edelstein, New Chemical
Division (7405M), Office of Pollution
Prevention and Toxics, Environmental
Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania
Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460–0001;
telephone number: (202) 564–1667
email address: edelstein.rebecca@
For general information contact: The
TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 422
South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY
14620; telephone number: (202) 554–
1404; email address: TSCA-Hotline@
risk of injury to health or the
environment. Among those potential
findings is that the chemical substance
or significant new use is not likely to
present an unreasonable risk of injury to
health or the environment per TSCA
Section 5(a)(3)(C).
TSCA section 5(g) requires EPA to
publish in the Federal Register a
statement of its findings after its review
of a submission under TSCA section
5(a) when EPA makes a finding that a
new chemical substance or significant
new use is not likely to present an
unreasonable risk of injury to health or
the environment. Such statements apply
to PMNs, MCANs, and SNUNs
submitted to EPA under TSCA section
Anyone who plans to manufacture
(which includes import) a new chemical
substance for a non-exempt commercial
purpose and any manufacturer or
processor wishing to engage in a use of
a chemical substance designated by EPA
as a significant new use must submit a
notice to EPA at least 90 days before
commencing manufacture of the new
chemical substance or before engaging
in the significant new use.
The submitter of a notice to EPA for
which EPA has made a finding of ‘‘not
likely to present an unreasonable risk of
injury to health or the environment’’
may commence manufacture of the
chemical substance or manufacture or
processing for the significant new use
notwithstanding any remaining portion
of the applicable review period.
I. Executive Summary
II. Statements of Findings Under TSCA
Section 5(a)(3)(C)
In this unit, EPA provides the
following information (to the extent that
such information is not claimed as
Confidential Business Information
(CBI)) on the PMNs, MCANs and
SNUNs for which, during this period,
EPA has made findings under TSCA
section 5(a)(3)(C) that the new chemical
substances or significant new uses are
not likely to present an unreasonable
risk of injury to health or the
The following list provides the EPA
case number assigned to the TSCA
section 5(a) submission and the
chemical identity (generic name if the
specific name is claimed as CBI).
• P–21–0181, 1,3Benzenedicarboxamide, N1,N3bis(carbomonocyclic)-5[[(carbomonocyclic)amino]sulfonyl](Generic Name).
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
A. Does this action apply to me?
This action provides information that
is directed to the public in general.
B. What action is the Agency taking?
This document lists the statements of
findings made by EPA after review of
submissions under TSCA section 5(a)
that certain new chemical substances or
significant new uses are not likely to
present an unreasonable risk of injury to
health or the environment. This
document presents statements of
findings made by EPA during the
reporting period.
C. What is the Agency’s authority for
taking this action?
TSCA section 5(a)(3) requires EPA to
review a submission under TSCA
section 5(a) and make one of several
specific findings pertaining to whether
the substance may present unreasonable
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D. Does this action have any
incremental economic impacts or
paperwork burdens?
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• P–22–0046, Fibroins; CASRN:
• P–22–0166, Dicarboxylic acid,
calcium salt (Generic Name).
• P–23–0170, Ethanaminium, 2-[3(2,5-dioxo-1-heteromonocyclic)
monopolyisobutylene derivs., Me
ethanedioate (Generic Name).
• P–23–0187, Substituted
benzenedicarboxylic acid, sodium salt,
polymer with benzenedicarboxylic acids
and 1,2-ethanediol (Generic Name).
To access EPA’s decision document
describing the basis of the ‘‘not likely to
present an unreasonable risk’’ finding
made by EPA under TSCA section
5(a)(3)(C), look up the specific case
number at
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.
Dated: July 19, 2024.
Shari Z. Barash,
Director, New Chemicals Division, Office of
Pollution Prevention and Toxics.
[FR Doc. 2024–16362 Filed 7–24–24; 8:45 am]
[EPA–HQ–OPPT- 2023–0601; FRL–11581–
Proposed High-Priority Substance
Designations Under the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA); Notice
of Availability
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
Under the Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA) and related
implementing regulations, the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA
or Agency) is proposing to designate
acetaldehyde (CASRN 75–07–0),
acrylonitrile (CASRN 107–13–1),
benzenamine (CASRN 62–53–3), vinyl
chloride (CASRN 75–01–4), and 4,4methylene bis(2-chloroaniline)
(MBOCA) (CASRN 101–14–4) as HighPriority Substances for risk evaluation.
EPA is providing a 90-day comment
period, during which interested persons
may submit comments on the proposed
designations of these chemicals as HighPriority Substances for risk evaluation.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before October 23, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number, through https:// Follow the online
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 143 / Thursday, July 25, 2024 / Notices
instructions for submitting comments.
For comments not related to a specific
chemical, including general comments
on Unit IV.A., use docket ID number
EPA–HQ–OPPT–2023–0601; submit
information on the candidates for which
EPA is initiating the prioritization
process to the applicable chemicalspecific docket ID number identified in
Unit V. Do not submit electronically any
information you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Additional
instructions on commenting or visiting
the docket, along with more information
about dockets generally, is available at
For technical information: Sarah Au,
Data Gathering, Management, and
Policy Division (7406M), Office of
Pollution Prevention and Toxics,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC
20460–0001; telephone number: (202)
564–0398; email address: au.sarah@
For general information: The TSCAHotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 422 South
Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14620;
telephone number: (202) 554–1404;
email address:
I. Executive Summary
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
A. Does this action apply to me?
This action is directed to the public
in general and may be of interest to
entities that currently or may
manufacture (including import) a
chemical substance regulated under
TSCA (e.g., entities identified under
North American Industrial
Classification System (NAICS) codes
325 and 324110). The action may also
be of interest to chemical processors,
distributors in commerce, users, nonprofit organizations in the
environmental and public health
sectors, state and local government
agencies, and members of the public.
Since other entities may also be
interested, the Agency has not
attempted to describe all the specific
entities and corresponding NAICS codes
for entities that may be interested in or
affected by this action.
B. What action is the Agency taking?
EPA is proposing to designate five
chemical substances as High-Priority
Substances for risk evaluation pursuant
to TSCA section 6(b), 15 U.S.C. 2605(b):
acetaldehyde (CASRN 75–07–0),
acrylonitrile (CASRN 107–13–1),
benzenamine (CASRN 62–53–3), vinyl
chloride (CASRN 75–01–4), and 4,4’-
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methylene bis(2-chloroaniline)
(MBOCA) (CASRN 101–14–4). This
document includes a summary of the
approach EPA used to support the
proposed designation for each chemical
substance and instructions on how to
access the chemical-specific
information, analysis, and basis EPA
used to make the proposed designation
for each chemical substance.
C. Why is the Agency taking this action?
TSCA section 6(b) and implementing
regulations at 40 CFR part 702, subpart
A require EPA to carry out the
prioritization process for chemical
substances that may be designated as
High-Priority Substances for risk
evaluation. Because EPA generally
expects to complete five risk evaluations
per year over the next several years,
EPA is proposing the designation of five
chemical substances as High-Priority
Substances under TSCA section
6(b)(3)(C), which requires EPA to
designate at least one chemical
substance as a High-Priority Substance
upon completion of each risk evaluation
of a High-Priority Substance. By
proposing the designation of these five
chemical substances as High-Priority
Substances, EPA continues to build a
sustainable pipeline of existing
chemical risk evaluations under TSCA
section 6(b). The request for interested
persons to submit comments on EPA’s
proposed designation of chemical
substances as High-Priority Substances
is required by TSCA section
6(b)(1)(C)(ii) and implementing
regulations (40 CFR 702.9(g)).
D. What is the Agency’s authority for
taking this action?
This document is issued pursuant to
authorities in TSCA section 6(b)(1) and
TSCA section 6(b)(3)(C), and the EPA
implementing regulations in 40 CFR
part 702.
E. What are the estimated incremental
impacts of this action?
This document identifies five
chemical substances for proposed
designation as High-Priority Substances
for risk evaluation and provides a 90day comment period for interested
persons to submit comments on the
proposed designations. This document
does not establish requirements on
persons or entities outside of the
Agency. No incremental impacts are
therefore anticipated, and consequently
EPA did not estimate potential
incremental impacts for this action.
F. What should I consider as I prepare
my comments for EPA?
1. Submitting CBI.
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Do not submit CBI to EPA through or email. If
you wish to include CBI in your
comment, please follow the applicable
instructions at
and clearly mark the part or all of the
information that you claim to be CBI. In
addition to one complete version of the
comment that includes information
claimed as CBI, a copy of the comment
that does not contain the information
claimed as CBI must be submitted for
inclusion in the public docket.
Information so marked will not be
disclosed except in accordance with
procedures set forth in 40 CFR part 2
and/or 40 CFR part 703, as applicable.
2. Tips for preparing your comments.
When preparing and submitting your
comments, see the commenting tips at
II. Background
As required by TSCA section 6(b) and
as described in 40 CFR 702.7, on
December 18, 2023 (Ref. 1), EPA
initiated the prioritization process for
five chemical substances identified as
candidates for High-Priority Substance
designation. Under TSCA section
6(b)(1)(B) and its implementing
regulations (40 CFR 702.3), a HighPriority Substance is defined as a
chemical substance that EPA
determines, without consideration of
costs or other non-risk factors, may
present an unreasonable risk of injury to
health or the environment because of a
potential hazard and a potential route of
exposure under the conditions of use,
including an unreasonable risk to
potentially exposed or susceptible
subpopulations identified as relevant by
A proposed designation of a chemical
substance as a High-Priority Substance
is not a finding of unreasonable risk.
Rather, when prioritization is complete,
for those chemical substances
designated as High-Priority Substances,
the Agency will have evidence that each
such substance may present an
unreasonable risk of injury to health or
the environment because of a potential
hazard and a potential route of exposure
under the conditions of use. Final
designation of a chemical substance as
a High-Priority Substance initiates the
TSCA risk evaluation process (40 CFR
702.17), which culminates in a finding
of whether the chemical substance
presents an unreasonable risk under its
conditions of use.
This document is intended to fulfill
the TSCA section 6(b)(1)(C)(ii)
requirement that EPA propose the
designation of a chemical substance as
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 143 / Thursday, July 25, 2024 / Notices
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
a High-Priority Substance for risk
evaluation after conducting a screening
review as required by TSCA section
6(b)(1)(A) (see also 40 CFR 702.9(a)).
This document is also intended to fulfill
the requirement in TSCA section
6(b)(1)(C)(ii) that EPA request public
comments on proposed priority
designations (see 40 CFR 702.9(g)).
EPA generally used reasonably
available information to screen each of
the five candidate chemical substances
against the following criteria and
considerations (see also 40 CFR
• The chemical substance’s hazard
and exposure potential;
• The chemical substance’s
persistence and bioaccumulation;
• Potentially exposed or susceptible
• Storage of the chemical substance
near significant sources of drinking
• The chemical substance’s
conditions of use or significant changes
in conditions of use;
• The chemical substance’s
production volume or significant
changes in production volume; and
• Other risk-based criteria that EPA
determines to be relevant to the
designation of the chemical substance’s
As described in 40 CFR 702.9(b), in
conducting the screening review during
the prioritization process, EPA
considered sources of information
relevant to the screening review criteria
as outlined in the statute (TSCA section
6(b)(1)(A)) and implementing
regulations (40 CFR 702.9(a)) and
consistent with the scientific standards
of TSCA section 26(h), including, as
appropriate, sources for hazard and
exposure data listed in Appendices A
and B of the TSCA Work Plan
Chemicals: Methods Document
(February 2012) (Ref. 2). In addition, as
required by 40 CFR 702.9, EPA
considered the hazard and exposure
potential of the chemical substances and
did not consider costs or other non-risk
factors in making a proposed priority
III. Information and Comments
The initiation of the prioritization
process (Ref. 1) included a 90-day
public comment period during which
interested persons were able to submit
relevant information on the five
chemical substances identified as
candidates for High-Priority Substance
designation. EPA received over 9,000
submissions from commenters,
including private citizens, potentially
affected businesses, trade associations,
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Tribes, environmental and public health
advocacy groups, and academia.
Comments addressed the overall
prioritization process (e.g., the
collection and consideration of relevant
information); the review process (e.g.,
the use of data and approaches in risk
evaluation); information specific to the
candidate chemical substances (e.g.,
relevant studies, assessments, and
conditions of use); and topics not
germane to this prioritization process
(e.g., scheduling future chemicals for
prioritization and concerns about risk
evaluation fees). To the extent that
comments provided information on
additional conditions of use for these
candidate High-Priority Substances,
those conditions of use are discussed in
the proposed designation documents for
each chemical substance. EPA will
respond to those and any additional
comments on the proposed designations
when EPA issues the final priority
designation of these chemical
IV. Screening Review Criteria and
Chemical Substances for Which EPA Is
Proposing a High-Priority Designation
A. What information, analysis, and
basis were used to support the proposed
High-Priority Substance designations?
EPA used reasonably available
information, including public comments
received during the 90-day comment
period following initiation of the
prioritization process (Ref. 1), to analyze
the candidate chemical substances
against the criteria and considerations
in TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A) and 40 CFR
702.9 (see Unit IV.). EPA developed a
proposed designation document for
each chemical substance that identifies
the information, analysis, and basis
used to support the proposed
designation of each as a High-Priority
Substance for risk evaluation.
Additionally, EPA developed a
systematic review support document
titled ‘‘Updated Search Strategies Used
to Identify Potentially Relevant
Discipline-Specific Information’’ (Ref. 3)
to further explain how potentially
relevant data sources for various
disciplines (e.g., physical and chemical
properties, occupational exposure and
environmental release, environmental
and human health hazard), are
identified from the larger set of data
sources identified for each of the
chemical substances currently being
proposed as High-Priority Substances
for risk evaluation. These documents are
available in the docket for each
chemical substance proposed for
designation as a High-Priority Substance
for risk evaluation.
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Also included in each document is an
explanation of the approach EPA used
to conduct the review. Each document
includes an overview of the
requirements in TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A)
and the regulatory section addressing
the following review criteria and
considerations (40 CFR 702.9):
1. Production volume or significant
changes in production volume.
EPA considered the reasonably
available information on the current
production volume or significant
changes in production volume of the
chemical substance. EPA primarily used
reported information from
manufacturers (including importers)
under EPA’s Chemical Data Reporting
(CDR) rule (40 CFR part 711). EPA
assembled information reported to the
Agency from 1986 through 2020 on the
production volume under the Inventory
Update Rule (IUR) and CDR. The most
recent principal reporting year for
which CDR data are available is 2019,
for which information was reported in
2. Conditions of use or significant
changes in conditions of use.
EPA considered the reasonably
available information on conditions of
use or significant changes in conditions
of use of the chemical substances. TSCA
section 3(4) defines the term
‘‘conditions of use’’ to mean the
circumstances, as determined by the
Administrator, under which a chemical
substance is intended, known, or
reasonably foreseen to be manufactured,
processed, distributed in commerce,
used, or disposed of. EPA assembled
information submitted by manufacturers
(including importers) during the 2016
and 2020 CDR reporting cycles. CDR
requires manufacturers (including
importers) to report information on the
chemical substances they produce
domestically or import into the United
States. The threshold for such reporting
is generally production volume of more
than 25,000 lbs per site. Based on the
manufacturing information, industrial
processing and use information,
consumer and commercial use
information reported under CDR during
the 2016 and 2020 reporting cycles, EPA
developed a list of conditions of use. In
addition, EPA reviewed uses from other
publicly available data sources such as
the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI),
Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMRs),
National Emissions Inventory (NEI),
Safety Data Sheets (SDS), Chemical
Exposure Knowledgebase (ChemExpo),
High Priority Chemicals Data System
(HPCDS), chemical-specific information
received from public commenters, and
chemical-specific information from
EPA’s screening review of the
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 143 / Thursday, July 25, 2024 / Notices
reasonably available information for
each chemical substance. Should EPA
make a final decision to designate a
chemical substance as a High-Priority
Substance for risk evaluation, further
characterization of relevant TSCA
conditions of use will be identified
during the risk evaluation process as
part of the Agency’s scope document.
3. Potentially exposed or susceptible
In this review, EPA considered
reasonably available information to
identify potentially exposed or
susceptible subpopulations. At this
stage, EPA analyzed information about
children, women of reproductive age,
consumers, workers, and overburdened
communities for the following
• For children, EPA screened for each
chemical substance’s use in products
and articles regulated under TSCA and
intended for children, using CDR
information reported during the 2016
and 2020 CDR cycles. EPA presented
information regarding those commercial
and consumer uses when the chemical
substance was identified as being used
in products intended for children and
also indicated if use in children’s
products was identified in the High
Priority Chemicals Data System
(HPCDS). Additionally, EPA identified
the potential for developmental hazards
resulting from exposure to the chemical
substance that may affect children.
• For women of reproductive age,
EPA screened against the exposure and
hazard information for the chemical
substance that characterized potential
for reproductive and/or developmental
effects following exposure to the
chemical substance.
• For consumers, EPA characterized
the potential for consumer exposure
based on consumer uses reported to
CDR during the 2016 and 2020 reporting
cycles, and reported consumer uses in
the Chemical and Products database
(CPDat), HPCDS, and public comment.
• For workers, EPA characterized the
potential for occupational exposures to
workers based on the conditions of use
of each chemical.
• For overburdened communities,
EPA described the considerations for
overburdened communities that may
experience disproportionate
environmental harms, risks, or multiple
burdens from chemical exposure.
4. Persistence and bioaccumulation.
EPA considered reasonably available
information of the chemical substance
and assessed physical and chemical
properties used to determine persistence
and bioaccumulation based on the best
available science. In the proposed
designation documents, EPA presents a
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summary of the physical, chemical,
environmental fate, and transport
properties of each chemical substance.
5. Storage near significant sources of
drinking water.
TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A) specifically
requires the Agency to consider the
chemical substance’s storage near
significant sources of drinking water.
EPA reviewed reasonably available
information, including certain existing
regulations or protections in place for
the proposed chemical substances, such
as existing National Primary Drinking
Water Regulations (40 CFR part 141)
and other regulations under the Clean
Water Act (CWA) (40 CFR 401.15). In
addition, EPA considered the
consolidated list of chemicals subject to
reporting requirements under the
Emergency Planning and Community
Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) section 302
and section 313, Comprehensive
Environmental Response,
Compensation, and Liability Act
(CERCLA), and the Clean Air Act (CAA)
(section 112) (Regulated Chemicals for
Accidental Release Prevention).
Regulation under one or more of these
authorities is an indication that a
substance is a potential health or
environmental hazard, which, if
released near a significant source of
drinking water, may present
unreasonable risk to health or the
environment. To identify storage of
chemical substances near significant
sources of drinking water, EPA also
identified facilities reporting the
chemical substances to the TRI in 2022
near potential sources of drinking water
using public water systems data stored
in EPA’s Safe Drinking Water
Information System Federal Data
Warehouse. EPA determined whether
TRI reporting facilities are located
inside defined Source Water Protection
Areas or within 4 miles of wellheads to
identify potential storage of each
chemical substance near sources of
surface water and groundwater,
6. Hazard potential.
EPA considered reasonably available
information to identify the potential
hazards for each chemical substance.
EPA surveyed information from
previous assessments and databases and
summarized the reasonably available
information for potential human health
and environmental hazards by
endpoints of concern.
7. Exposure potential.
EPA considered reasonably available
information to identify potential
environmental, worker/occupational,
consumer, and general population
exposure for each chemical substances
for the following scenarios:
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• For environmental exposure, EPA
considered the conditions of use and
activities associated with those
conditions of use and considered
environmental monitoring data and fate
properties of each chemical substance to
anticipate its presence in different
environmental media.
• For worker/occupational exposure,
EPA identified the conditions of use
likely to result in workers being exposed
to the chemical substance, such as
manufacturing, processing, industrial
and commercial use, distribution in
commerce, and disposal.
• For consumer exposure, EPA
considered consumer uses using CDR
information and information from
CPDat. Additionally, EPA considered
the potential use in children’s products
from the High Priority Chemicals Data
System (HPCDS) and through public
• For general population exposure,
EPA considered releases from certain
conditions of use as reported in TRI,
such as manufacturing, that may result
in general population exposure via
pathways and routes such as drinking
water ingestion and/or inhalation from
releases to the atmosphere.
8. Other risk-based criteria EPA
determined to be relevant to the
designation of the chemical substance.
EPA did not identify other risk-based
criteria relevant to the proposed
designations of the candidate chemical
substances as High-Priority Substances
for risk evaluation.
EPA is including in the docket a
technical support document titled
‘‘Updated Search Strategies Used to
Identify Potentially Relevant DisciplineSpecific Information’’ (Ref 3.), which
provides information describing the
Agency’s search methods for publicly
available peer-reviewed and gray
literature. The document also provides
information describing the processes
and tools used to identify disciplinespecific pools of information from EPA’s
search for publicly available peerreviewed and gray literature.
B. What are the chemicals being
proposed as High-Priority Substances
for risk evaluation?
EPA is proposing to designate
acetaldehyde (CASRN 75–07–0),
acrylonitrile (CASRN 107–13–1),
benzenamine (CASRN 62–53–3), vinyl
chloride (CASRN 75–01–4), and 4,4’methylene bis(2-chloroaniline)
(MBOCA) (CASRN 101–14–4) as HighPriority Substances for risk evaluation.
The proposed designations are based on
the preliminary conclusion that each
such chemical substance satisfies the
definition of High-Priority Substance in
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 143 / Thursday, July 25, 2024 / Notices
TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B) and 40 CFR
702.3. As mentioned previously, a
proposed designation of a chemical
substance as a High-Priority Substance
is not a finding of unreasonable risk.
Rather, when prioritization is complete,
a final designation as a High-Priority
Substance will initiate the risk
evaluation for the chemical substance,
which will culminate in a finding of
whether the chemical substance
presents an unreasonable risk to health
or the environment under the
conditions of use. Based on the
information provided in the proposed
designation documents, the Agency is
proposing these five chemical
substances as High-Priority Substances
for risk evaluation. In each chemical
substance’s docket, EPA has included
the chemical-specific designation
document containing the information,
analysis, and basis used to support the
proposed designation.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
V. Request for Comment
EPA is interested in comments that
would inform the exposure and hazard
assessments and the identification of
conditions of use for the following
• Acetaldehyde, CASRN 75–07–0,
Docket ID number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–
• Acrylonitrile, CASRN 107–13–1,
Docket ID number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–
• Benzenamine, CASRN 62–53–3,
Docket ID number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–
• Vinyl chloride CASRN 75–01–4,
Docket ID number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–
2018–0448, and
• 4,4’-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline)
(MBOCA), CASRN 101–14–4, Docket ID
number: EPA–HQ–OPPT–2018–0464.
VI. References
The following is a list of the
documents specifically referenced in
this document. The docket includes
these documents and other information
considered by EPA, including
documents referenced within the
documents included in the docket, even
if the referenced documents are not
physically located in the docket. For
assistance in locating these other
documents, please consult the person
1. EPA. Initiation of Prioritization Under
the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA).
Notice (88 FR 87423, December 18, 2023
(FRL 11581–01–OCSPP)).
2. EPA. TSCA Work Plan Chemicals;
Methods Document. February 2012.
3. EPA. Updated Search Strategies Used to
Identify Potentially Relevant DisciplineSpecific Information. 2024.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
19:41 Jul 24, 2024
Jkt 262001
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.
Dated: July 22, 2024.
Michal Freedhoff,
Assistant Administrator, Office of Chemical
Safety and Pollution Prevention.
[FR Doc. 2024–16394 Filed 7–24–24; 8:45 am]
Notice of Issuance of Technical
Release 23, Omnibus Technical
Release Amendments 2024:
Conforming Amendments to Technical
Releases 10, 16, 20, and 21
Federal Accounting Standards
Advisory Board.
ACTION: Notice.
Notice is hereby given that
the Federal Accounting Standards
Advisory Board (FASAB) has issued
Technical Release 23 titled Omnibus
Technical Release Amendments:
Conforming Amendments to Technical
Releases 10, 16, 20, 21.
ADDRESSES: Technical Release 23 is
available on the FASAB website at
. Copies can be obtained by contacting
FASAB at (202) 512–7350.
Monica R. Valentine, Executive
Director, 441 G Street NW, Suite 1155,
Washington, DC 20548, or call (202)
Authority: 31 U.S.C. 3511(d); Federal
Advisory Committee Act, 5 U.S.C.
Dated: July 22, 2024.
Monica R. Valentine,
Executive Director.
[FR Doc. 2024–16389 Filed 7–24–24; 8:45 am]
[GN Docket No. 17–208; FR ID 233855]
Meeting of the Communications Equity
and Diversity Council
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice.
In accordance with the
Federal Advisory Committee Act, this
notice announces the second meeting of
the Federal Communications
Commission’s (FCC or Commission) rechartered Communications Equity and
Diversity Council (CEDC). The charter
PO 00000
Frm 00076
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
for the CEDC was renewed for a twoyear period beginning June 22, 2023.
DATES: Tuesday, August 13, 2024, from
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
ADDRESSES: The CEDC meeting will be
held in a hybrid manner. The public
may attend the meeting in person at
FCC headquarters at 45 L Street NE,
Washington, DC. The meeting also will
be available to the public for viewing
via the internet at
Rodney McDonald, Designated Federal
Officer (DFO) of the CEDC, (202) 418–
7513,; Diana
Coho, Deputy DFO of the CEDC, (717)
338–2848,; Jaime
McCoy, Deputy DFO of the CEDC, (202)
418–2320,; or
Sima Nilsson, Deputy DFO of the CEDC,
(202) 418–2708,
More information about the CEDC is
available at
meeting is accessible to the public on
the internet via live feed from the FCC’s
web page at
Open captioning will be provided for
this event. Other reasonable
accommodations for persons with
disabilities are available upon request.
Requests for such accommodations
should be submitted via email to or by calling the
Consumer and Governmental Affairs
Bureau at (202) 418–0530 (voice). Such
requests should include a detailed
description of the accommodation
needed. In addition, please include a
way for the Commission to contact the
requester if more information is needed
to fulfill the request. Please allow at
least five days’ advance notice for
accommodation requests; last minute
requests will be accepted but may not be
possible to accommodate. Members of
the public may submit any questions
during the meeting to livequestions@ Oral statements at the meeting
by parties or entities not represented on
the CEDC will be permitted to the extent
time permits and at the discretion of the
CEDC Chair and the DFO.
Members of the public also may
submit comments to the CEDC using the
FCC’s Electronic Comment Filing
System, ECFS, at
Comments to the CEDC should be filed
in GN Docket No. 17–208.
Proposed Agenda: The agenda for the
meeting will include introducing CEDC
working group chairs, discussing
working group plans going forward, and
receiving information from the FCC
Office of Communications Business
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 143 (Thursday, July 25, 2024)]
[Pages 60420-60424]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-16394]
[EPA-HQ-OPPT- 2023-0601; FRL-11581-03-OCSPP]
Proposed High-Priority Substance Designations Under the Toxic
Substances Control Act (TSCA); Notice of Availability
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) and related
implementing regulations, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or
Agency) is proposing to designate acetaldehyde (CASRN 75-07-0),
acrylonitrile (CASRN 107-13-1), benzenamine (CASRN 62-53-3), vinyl
chloride (CASRN 75-01-4), and 4,4-methylene bis(2-chloroaniline)
(MBOCA) (CASRN 101-14-4) as High-Priority Substances for risk
evaluation. EPA is providing a 90-day comment period, during which
interested persons may submit comments on the proposed designations of
these chemicals as High-Priority Substances for risk evaluation.
DATES: Comments must be received on or before October 23, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by docket identification
(ID) number, through Follow the online
[[Page 60421]]
instructions for submitting comments. For comments not related to a
specific chemical, including general comments on Unit IV.A., use docket
ID number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2023-0601; submit information on the candidates
for which EPA is initiating the prioritization process to the
applicable chemical-specific docket ID number identified in Unit V. Do
not submit electronically any information you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other information whose
disclosure is restricted by statute. Additional instructions on
commenting or visiting the docket, along with more information about
dockets generally, is available at
For technical information: Sarah Au, Data Gathering, Management,
and Policy Division (7406M), Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington,
DC 20460-0001; telephone number: (202) 564-0398; email address:
[email protected].
For general information: The TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 422 South
Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14620; telephone number: (202) 554-1404;
email address: [email protected].
I. Executive Summary
A. Does this action apply to me?
This action is directed to the public in general and may be of
interest to entities that currently or may manufacture (including
import) a chemical substance regulated under TSCA (e.g., entities
identified under North American Industrial Classification System
(NAICS) codes 325 and 324110). The action may also be of interest to
chemical processors, distributors in commerce, users, non-profit
organizations in the environmental and public health sectors, state and
local government agencies, and members of the public. Since other
entities may also be interested, the Agency has not attempted to
describe all the specific entities and corresponding NAICS codes for
entities that may be interested in or affected by this action.
B. What action is the Agency taking?
EPA is proposing to designate five chemical substances as High-
Priority Substances for risk evaluation pursuant to TSCA section 6(b),
15 U.S.C. 2605(b): acetaldehyde (CASRN 75-07-0), acrylonitrile (CASRN
107-13-1), benzenamine (CASRN 62-53-3), vinyl chloride (CASRN 75-01-4),
and 4,4'-methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MBOCA) (CASRN 101-14-4). This
document includes a summary of the approach EPA used to support the
proposed designation for each chemical substance and instructions on
how to access the chemical-specific information, analysis, and basis
EPA used to make the proposed designation for each chemical substance.
C. Why is the Agency taking this action?
TSCA section 6(b) and implementing regulations at 40 CFR part 702,
subpart A require EPA to carry out the prioritization process for
chemical substances that may be designated as High-Priority Substances
for risk evaluation. Because EPA generally expects to complete five
risk evaluations per year over the next several years, EPA is proposing
the designation of five chemical substances as High-Priority Substances
under TSCA section 6(b)(3)(C), which requires EPA to designate at least
one chemical substance as a High-Priority Substance upon completion of
each risk evaluation of a High-Priority Substance. By proposing the
designation of these five chemical substances as High-Priority
Substances, EPA continues to build a sustainable pipeline of existing
chemical risk evaluations under TSCA section 6(b). The request for
interested persons to submit comments on EPA's proposed designation of
chemical substances as High-Priority Substances is required by TSCA
section 6(b)(1)(C)(ii) and implementing regulations (40 CFR 702.9(g)).
D. What is the Agency's authority for taking this action?
This document is issued pursuant to authorities in TSCA section
6(b)(1) and TSCA section 6(b)(3)(C), and the EPA implementing
regulations in 40 CFR part 702.
E. What are the estimated incremental impacts of this action?
This document identifies five chemical substances for proposed
designation as High-Priority Substances for risk evaluation and
provides a 90-day comment period for interested persons to submit
comments on the proposed designations. This document does not establish
requirements on persons or entities outside of the Agency. No
incremental impacts are therefore anticipated, and consequently EPA did
not estimate potential incremental impacts for this action.
F. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for EPA?
1. Submitting CBI.
Do not submit CBI to EPA through or
email. If you wish to include CBI in your comment, please follow the
applicable instructions at and clearly mark the part or all of the information that
you claim to be CBI. In addition to one complete version of the comment
that includes information claimed as CBI, a copy of the comment that
does not contain the information claimed as CBI must be submitted for
inclusion in the public docket. Information so marked will not be
disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part
2 and/or 40 CFR part 703, as applicable.
2. Tips for preparing your comments.
When preparing and submitting your comments, see the commenting
tips at
II. Background
As required by TSCA section 6(b) and as described in 40 CFR 702.7,
on December 18, 2023 (Ref. 1), EPA initiated the prioritization process
for five chemical substances identified as candidates for High-Priority
Substance designation. Under TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B) and its
implementing regulations (40 CFR 702.3), a High-Priority Substance is
defined as a chemical substance that EPA determines, without
consideration of costs or other non-risk factors, may present an
unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment because of a
potential hazard and a potential route of exposure under the conditions
of use, including an unreasonable risk to potentially exposed or
susceptible subpopulations identified as relevant by EPA.
A proposed designation of a chemical substance as a High-Priority
Substance is not a finding of unreasonable risk. Rather, when
prioritization is complete, for those chemical substances designated as
High-Priority Substances, the Agency will have evidence that each such
substance may present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the
environment because of a potential hazard and a potential route of
exposure under the conditions of use. Final designation of a chemical
substance as a High-Priority Substance initiates the TSCA risk
evaluation process (40 CFR 702.17), which culminates in a finding of
whether the chemical substance presents an unreasonable risk under its
conditions of use.
This document is intended to fulfill the TSCA section
6(b)(1)(C)(ii) requirement that EPA propose the designation of a
chemical substance as
[[Page 60422]]
a High-Priority Substance for risk evaluation after conducting a
screening review as required by TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A) (see also 40
CFR 702.9(a)). This document is also intended to fulfill the
requirement in TSCA section 6(b)(1)(C)(ii) that EPA request public
comments on proposed priority designations (see 40 CFR 702.9(g)).
EPA generally used reasonably available information to screen each
of the five candidate chemical substances against the following
criteria and considerations (see also 40 CFR 702.9(a)):
The chemical substance's hazard and exposure potential;
The chemical substance's persistence and bioaccumulation;
Potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulations;
Storage of the chemical substance near significant sources
of drinking water;
The chemical substance's conditions of use or significant
changes in conditions of use;
The chemical substance's production volume or significant
changes in production volume; and
Other risk-based criteria that EPA determines to be
relevant to the designation of the chemical substance's priority.
As described in 40 CFR 702.9(b), in conducting the screening review
during the prioritization process, EPA considered sources of
information relevant to the screening review criteria as outlined in
the statute (TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A)) and implementing regulations (40
CFR 702.9(a)) and consistent with the scientific standards of TSCA
section 26(h), including, as appropriate, sources for hazard and
exposure data listed in Appendices A and B of the TSCA Work Plan
Chemicals: Methods Document (February 2012) (Ref. 2). In addition, as
required by 40 CFR 702.9, EPA considered the hazard and exposure
potential of the chemical substances and did not consider costs or
other non-risk factors in making a proposed priority designation.
III. Information and Comments Received
The initiation of the prioritization process (Ref. 1) included a
90-day public comment period during which interested persons were able
to submit relevant information on the five chemical substances
identified as candidates for High-Priority Substance designation. EPA
received over 9,000 submissions from commenters, including private
citizens, potentially affected businesses, trade associations, Tribes,
environmental and public health advocacy groups, and academia. Comments
addressed the overall prioritization process (e.g., the collection and
consideration of relevant information); the review process (e.g., the
use of data and approaches in risk evaluation); information specific to
the candidate chemical substances (e.g., relevant studies, assessments,
and conditions of use); and topics not germane to this prioritization
process (e.g., scheduling future chemicals for prioritization and
concerns about risk evaluation fees). To the extent that comments
provided information on additional conditions of use for these
candidate High-Priority Substances, those conditions of use are
discussed in the proposed designation documents for each chemical
substance. EPA will respond to those and any additional comments on the
proposed designations when EPA issues the final priority designation of
these chemical substances.
IV. Screening Review Criteria and Chemical Substances for Which EPA Is
Proposing a High-Priority Designation
A. What information, analysis, and basis were used to support the
proposed High-Priority Substance designations?
EPA used reasonably available information, including public
comments received during the 90-day comment period following initiation
of the prioritization process (Ref. 1), to analyze the candidate
chemical substances against the criteria and considerations in TSCA
section 6(b)(1)(A) and 40 CFR 702.9 (see Unit IV.). EPA developed a
proposed designation document for each chemical substance that
identifies the information, analysis, and basis used to support the
proposed designation of each as a High-Priority Substance for risk
evaluation. Additionally, EPA developed a systematic review support
document titled ``Updated Search Strategies Used to Identify
Potentially Relevant Discipline-Specific Information'' (Ref. 3) to
further explain how potentially relevant data sources for various
disciplines (e.g., physical and chemical properties, occupational
exposure and environmental release, environmental and human health
hazard), are identified from the larger set of data sources identified
for each of the chemical substances currently being proposed as High-
Priority Substances for risk evaluation. These documents are available
in the docket for each chemical substance proposed for designation as a
High-Priority Substance for risk evaluation.
Also included in each document is an explanation of the approach
EPA used to conduct the review. Each document includes an overview of
the requirements in TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A) and the regulatory section
addressing the following review criteria and considerations (40 CFR
1. Production volume or significant changes in production volume.
EPA considered the reasonably available information on the current
production volume or significant changes in production volume of the
chemical substance. EPA primarily used reported information from
manufacturers (including importers) under EPA's Chemical Data Reporting
(CDR) rule (40 CFR part 711). EPA assembled information reported to the
Agency from 1986 through 2020 on the production volume under the
Inventory Update Rule (IUR) and CDR. The most recent principal
reporting year for which CDR data are available is 2019, for which
information was reported in 2020.
2. Conditions of use or significant changes in conditions of use.
EPA considered the reasonably available information on conditions
of use or significant changes in conditions of use of the chemical
substances. TSCA section 3(4) defines the term ``conditions of use'' to
mean the circumstances, as determined by the Administrator, under which
a chemical substance is intended, known, or reasonably foreseen to be
manufactured, processed, distributed in commerce, used, or disposed of.
EPA assembled information submitted by manufacturers (including
importers) during the 2016 and 2020 CDR reporting cycles. CDR requires
manufacturers (including importers) to report information on the
chemical substances they produce domestically or import into the United
States. The threshold for such reporting is generally production volume
of more than 25,000 lbs per site. Based on the manufacturing
information, industrial processing and use information, consumer and
commercial use information reported under CDR during the 2016 and 2020
reporting cycles, EPA developed a list of conditions of use. In
addition, EPA reviewed uses from other publicly available data sources
such as the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), Discharge Monitoring
Reports (DMRs), National Emissions Inventory (NEI), Safety Data Sheets
(SDS), Chemical Exposure Knowledgebase (ChemExpo), High Priority
Chemicals Data System (HPCDS), chemical-specific information received
from public commenters, and chemical-specific information from EPA's
screening review of the
[[Page 60423]]
reasonably available information for each chemical substance. Should
EPA make a final decision to designate a chemical substance as a High-
Priority Substance for risk evaluation, further characterization of
relevant TSCA conditions of use will be identified during the risk
evaluation process as part of the Agency's scope document.
3. Potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulations.
In this review, EPA considered reasonably available information to
identify potentially exposed or susceptible subpopulations. At this
stage, EPA analyzed information about children, women of reproductive
age, consumers, workers, and overburdened communities for the following
For children, EPA screened for each chemical substance's
use in products and articles regulated under TSCA and intended for
children, using CDR information reported during the 2016 and 2020 CDR
cycles. EPA presented information regarding those commercial and
consumer uses when the chemical substance was identified as being used
in products intended for children and also indicated if use in
children's products was identified in the High Priority Chemicals Data
System (HPCDS). Additionally, EPA identified the potential for
developmental hazards resulting from exposure to the chemical substance
that may affect children.
For women of reproductive age, EPA screened against the
exposure and hazard information for the chemical substance that
characterized potential for reproductive and/or developmental effects
following exposure to the chemical substance.
For consumers, EPA characterized the potential for
consumer exposure based on consumer uses reported to CDR during the
2016 and 2020 reporting cycles, and reported consumer uses in the
Chemical and Products database (CPDat), HPCDS, and public comment.
For workers, EPA characterized the potential for
occupational exposures to workers based on the conditions of use of
each chemical.
For overburdened communities, EPA described the
considerations for overburdened communities that may experience
disproportionate environmental harms, risks, or multiple burdens from
chemical exposure.
4. Persistence and bioaccumulation.
EPA considered reasonably available information of the chemical
substance and assessed physical and chemical properties used to
determine persistence and bioaccumulation based on the best available
science. In the proposed designation documents, EPA presents a summary
of the physical, chemical, environmental fate, and transport properties
of each chemical substance.
5. Storage near significant sources of drinking water.
TSCA section 6(b)(1)(A) specifically requires the Agency to
consider the chemical substance's storage near significant sources of
drinking water. EPA reviewed reasonably available information,
including certain existing regulations or protections in place for the
proposed chemical substances, such as existing National Primary
Drinking Water Regulations (40 CFR part 141) and other regulations
under the Clean Water Act (CWA) (40 CFR 401.15). In addition, EPA
considered the consolidated list of chemicals subject to reporting
requirements under the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know
Act (EPCRA) section 302 and section 313, Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), and the Clean Air
Act (CAA) (section 112) (Regulated Chemicals for Accidental Release
Prevention). Regulation under one or more of these authorities is an
indication that a substance is a potential health or environmental
hazard, which, if released near a significant source of drinking water,
may present unreasonable risk to health or the environment. To identify
storage of chemical substances near significant sources of drinking
water, EPA also identified facilities reporting the chemical substances
to the TRI in 2022 near potential sources of drinking water using
public water systems data stored in EPA's Safe Drinking Water
Information System Federal Data Warehouse. EPA determined whether TRI
reporting facilities are located inside defined Source Water Protection
Areas or within 4 miles of wellheads to identify potential storage of
each chemical substance near sources of surface water and groundwater,
6. Hazard potential.
EPA considered reasonably available information to identify the
potential hazards for each chemical substance. EPA surveyed information
from previous assessments and databases and summarized the reasonably
available information for potential human health and environmental
hazards by endpoints of concern.
7. Exposure potential.
EPA considered reasonably available information to identify
potential environmental, worker/occupational, consumer, and general
population exposure for each chemical substances for the following
For environmental exposure, EPA considered the conditions
of use and activities associated with those conditions of use and
considered environmental monitoring data and fate properties of each
chemical substance to anticipate its presence in different
environmental media.
For worker/occupational exposure, EPA identified the
conditions of use likely to result in workers being exposed to the
chemical substance, such as manufacturing, processing, industrial and
commercial use, distribution in commerce, and disposal.
For consumer exposure, EPA considered consumer uses using
CDR information and information from CPDat. Additionally, EPA
considered the potential use in children's products from the High
Priority Chemicals Data System (HPCDS) and through public comments.
For general population exposure, EPA considered releases
from certain conditions of use as reported in TRI, such as
manufacturing, that may result in general population exposure via
pathways and routes such as drinking water ingestion and/or inhalation
from releases to the atmosphere.
8. Other risk-based criteria EPA determined to be relevant to the
designation of the chemical substance.
EPA did not identify other risk-based criteria relevant to the
proposed designations of the candidate chemical substances as High-
Priority Substances for risk evaluation.
EPA is including in the docket a technical support document titled
``Updated Search Strategies Used to Identify Potentially Relevant
Discipline-Specific Information'' (Ref 3.), which provides information
describing the Agency's search methods for publicly available peer-
reviewed and gray literature. The document also provides information
describing the processes and tools used to identify discipline-specific
pools of information from EPA's search for publicly available peer-
reviewed and gray literature.
B. What are the chemicals being proposed as High-Priority Substances
for risk evaluation?
EPA is proposing to designate acetaldehyde (CASRN 75-07-0),
acrylonitrile (CASRN 107-13-1), benzenamine (CASRN 62-53-3), vinyl
chloride (CASRN 75-01-4), and 4,4'-methylene bis(2-chloroaniline)
(MBOCA) (CASRN 101-14-4) as High-Priority Substances for risk
evaluation. The proposed designations are based on the preliminary
conclusion that each such chemical substance satisfies the definition
of High-Priority Substance in
[[Page 60424]]
TSCA section 6(b)(1)(B) and 40 CFR 702.3. As mentioned previously, a
proposed designation of a chemical substance as a High-Priority
Substance is not a finding of unreasonable risk. Rather, when
prioritization is complete, a final designation as a High-Priority
Substance will initiate the risk evaluation for the chemical substance,
which will culminate in a finding of whether the chemical substance
presents an unreasonable risk to health or the environment under the
conditions of use. Based on the information provided in the proposed
designation documents, the Agency is proposing these five chemical
substances as High-Priority Substances for risk evaluation. In each
chemical substance's docket, EPA has included the chemical-specific
designation document containing the information, analysis, and basis
used to support the proposed designation.
V. Request for Comment
EPA is interested in comments that would inform the exposure and
hazard assessments and the identification of conditions of use for the
following chemicals:
Acetaldehyde, CASRN 75-07-0, Docket ID number: EPA-HQ-
Acrylonitrile, CASRN 107-13-1, Docket ID number: EPA-HQ-
Benzenamine, CASRN 62-53-3, Docket ID number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-
Vinyl chloride CASRN 75-01-4, Docket ID number: EPA-HQ-
OPPT-2018-0448, and
4,4'-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline) (MBOCA), CASRN 101-14-
4, Docket ID number: EPA-HQ-OPPT-2018-0464.
VI. References
The following is a list of the documents specifically referenced in
this document. The docket includes these documents and other
information considered by EPA, including documents referenced within
the documents included in the docket, even if the referenced documents
are not physically located in the docket. For assistance in locating
these other documents, please consult the person listed under FOR
1. EPA. Initiation of Prioritization Under the Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA). Notice (88 FR 87423, December 18, 2023 (FRL
2. EPA. TSCA Work Plan Chemicals; Methods Document. February
3. EPA. Updated Search Strategies Used to Identify Potentially
Relevant Discipline-Specific Information. 2024.
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.
Dated: July 22, 2024.
Michal Freedhoff,
Assistant Administrator, Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution
[FR Doc. 2024-16394 Filed 7-24-24; 8:45 am]