Certain New Chemicals; Receipt and Status Information for June 2024, 58369-58373 [2024-15856]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2024 / Notices
participate should register by contacting
the Designated Federal Officer (DFO) at
Online participation will be via
Microsoft Teams. Once available, the
agenda and other supportive meeting
materials will be available online at
and will be emailed to all registered. In
the event of cancellation for unforeseen
circumstances, please contact the DFO
or check the website above for
reschedule information.
Edlynzia Barnes,
Designated Federal Officer, Office of
Congressional and Intergovernmental
[FR Doc. 2024–15855 Filed 7–17–24; 8:45 am]
[EPA–HQ–OPPT–2024–0057; FRL–11683–
Certain New Chemicals; Receipt and
Status Information for June 2024
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
EPA is required under the
Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA),
as amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg
Chemical Safety for the 21st Century
Act, to make information publicly
available and to publish information in
the Federal Register pertaining to
submissions under TSCA Section 5,
including notice of receipt of a
Premanufacture notice (PMN),
Significant New Use Notice (SNUN) or
Microbial Commercial Activity Notice
(MCAN), including an amended notice
or test information; an exemption
application (Biotech exemption); an
application for a test marketing
exemption (TME), both pending and/or
concluded; a notice of commencement
(NOC) of manufacture (including
import) for new chemical substances;
and a periodic status report on new
chemical substances that are currently
under EPA review or have recently
concluded review. This document
covers the period from 6/01/2024 to
DATES: Comments identified by the
specific case number provided in this
document must be received on or before
August 19, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number EPA–HQ–OPPT–2024–0057,
through the Federal eRulemaking Portal
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at https://www.regulations.gov. Follow
the online instructions for submitting
comments. Do not submit electronically
any information you consider to be
Confidential Business Information (CBI)
or other information whose disclosure is
restricted by statute. Additional
instructions on commenting and visiting
the docket, along with more information
about dockets generally, is available at
technical information contact: Jim
Rahai, Project Management and
Operations Division (MC 7407M), Office
of Pollution Prevention and Toxics,
Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC
20460–0001; telephone number: (202)
564–8593; email address: rahai.jim@
For general information contact: The
TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill, 422
South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY
14620; telephone number: (202) 554–
1404; email address: TSCA-Hotline@
I. Executive Summary
A. What action is the Agency taking?
This document provides the receipt
and status reports for the period from
6/01/2024 to 6/30/2024. The Agency is
providing notice of receipt of PMNs,
SNUNs, and MCANs (including
amended notices and test information);
an exemption application under 40 CFR
part 725 (Biotech exemption); TMEs,
both pending and/or concluded; NOCs
to manufacture a new chemical
substance; and a periodic status report
on new chemical substances that are
currently under EPA review or have
recently concluded review.
EPA is also providing information on
its website about cases reviewed under
the amended TSCA, including the
section 5 PMN/SNUN/MCAN and
exemption notices received, the date of
receipt, the final EPA determination on
the notice, and the effective date of
EPA’s determination for PMN/SNUN/
MCAN notices on its website at: https://
status-pre-manufacture-notices. This
information is updated on a weekly
B. What is the Agency’s authority for
taking this action?
Under the Toxic Substances Control
Act (TSCA), 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq., a
chemical substance may be either an
‘‘existing’’ chemical substance or a
‘‘new’’ chemical substance. Any
chemical substance that is not on EPA’s
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TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances
(TSCA Inventory) is classified as a ‘‘new
chemical substance,’’ while a chemical
substance that is listed on the TSCA
Inventory is classified as an ‘‘existing
chemical substance.’’ (See TSCA section
3(11).) For more information about the
TSCA Inventory please go to: https://
Any person who intends to
manufacture (including import) a new
chemical substance for a non-exempt
commercial purpose, or to manufacture
or process a chemical substance in a
non-exempt manner for a use that EPA
has determined is a significant new use,
is required by TSCA section 5 to
provide EPA with a PMN, MCAN, or
SNUN, as appropriate, before initiating
the activity. EPA will review the notice,
make a risk determination on the
chemical substance or significant new
use, and take appropriate action as
described in TSCA section 5(a)(3).
TSCA section 5(h)(1) authorizes EPA
to allow persons, upon application and
under appropriate restrictions, to
manufacture or process a new chemical
substance, or a chemical substance
subject to a significant new use rule
(SNUR) issued under TSCA section
5(a)(2), for ‘‘test marketing’’ purposes,
upon a showing that the manufacture,
processing, distribution in commerce,
use, and disposal of the chemical will
not present an unreasonable risk of
injury to health or the environment.
This is referred to as a test marketing
exemption, or TME. For more
information about the requirements
applicable to a new chemical go to:
Under TSCA sections 5 and 8 and
EPA regulations, EPA is required to
publish in the Federal Register certain
information, including notice of receipt
of a PMN/SNUN/MCAN (including
amended notices and test information);
an exemption application under 40 CFR
part 725 (biotech exemption); an
application for a TME, both pending
and concluded; NOCs to manufacture a
new chemical substance; and a periodic
status report on the new chemical
substances that are currently under EPA
review or have recently concluded
C. Does this action apply to me?
This action provides information that
is directed to the public in general.
D. Does this action have any
incremental economic impacts or
paperwork burdens?
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2024 / Notices
E. What should I consider as I prepare
my comments for EPA?
1. Submitting confidential business
information (CBI). Do not submit this
information to EPA through
regulations.gov or email. Clearly mark
the part or all of the information that
you claim to be CBI. For CBI
information in a disk or CD–ROM that
you mail to EPA, mark the outside of the
disk or CD–ROM as CBI and then
identify electronically within the disk or
CD–ROM the specific information that
is claimed as CBI. In addition to one
complete version of the comment that
includes information claimed as CBI, a
copy of the comment that does not
contain the information claimed as CBI
must be submitted for inclusion in the
public docket. Information so marked
will not be disclosed except in
accordance with procedures set forth in
40 CFR part 2.
2. Tips for preparing your comments.
When preparing and submitting your
comments, see the commenting tips at
II. Status Reports
In the past, EPA has published
individual notices reflecting the status
of TSCA section 5 filings received,
pending or concluded. In 1995, the
Agency modified its approach and
streamlined the information published
in the Federal Register after providing
notice of such changes to the public and
an opportunity to comment (see the
Federal Register of May 12, 1995 (60 FR
25798) (FRL–4942–7)). Since the
passage of the Lautenberg amendments
to TSCA in 2016, public interest in
information on the status of section 5
cases under EPA review and, in
particular, the final determination of
such cases, has increased. In an effort to
be responsive to the regulated
community, the users of this
information, and the general public, to
comply with the requirements of TSCA,
to conserve EPA resources and to
streamline the process and make it more
timely, EPA is providing information on
its website about cases reviewed under
the amended TSCA, including the
section 5 PMN/SNUN/MCAN and
exemption notices received, the date of
receipt, the final EPA determination on
the notice, and the effective date of
EPA’s determination for PMN/SNUN/
MCAN notices on its website at: https://
status-pre-manufacture-notices. This
information is updated on a weekly
III. Receipt Reports
For the PMN/SNUN/MCANs that
have passed an initial screening by EPA
during this period, table I provides the
following information (to the extent that
such information is not subject to a CBI
claim) on the notices screened by EPA
during this period: The EPA case
number assigned to the notice that
indicates whether the submission is an
initial submission, or an amendment, a
notation of which version was received,
the date the notice was received by EPA,
the submitting manufacturer (i.e.,
domestic producer or importer), the
potential uses identified by the
manufacturer in the notice, and the
chemical substance identity.
As used in each of the tables in this
unit, (S) indicates that the information
in the table is the specific information
provided by the submitter, and (G)
indicates that this information in the
table is generic information because the
specific information provided by the
submitter was claimed as CBI.
Submissions which are initial
submissions will not have a letter
following the case number. Submissions
which are amendments to previous
submissions will have a case number
followed by the letter ‘‘A’’ (e.g. P–18–
1234A). The version column designates
submissions in sequence as ‘‘1’’, ‘‘2’’,
‘‘3’’, etc. Note that in some cases, an
initial submission is not numbered as
version 1; this is because earlier
version(s) were rejected as incomplete
or invalid submissions. Note also that
future versions of the following tables
may adjust slightly as the Agency works
to automate population of the data in
the tables.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Case No.
Chemical substance
(S) This polymer
constitutes the wall
of microcapsules
containing fragrance that can be
used in different
homecare and personal-care applications.
(S) All-purpose hard
surface cleaner,
Low foam floor
scrubber, Spray
Metal Cleaning
(G) Industrial use for
roll-on, brushing,
and spray application.
(S) Resin/binder in
paint formulations
for industrial coatings.
(S) Cellulose, polymer with 1,1′-[2-ethyl-2-[(3mercapto-1-oxopropoxy)methyl]-1,3propanediyl] bis(3-mercaptopropanoate) and
1,2,3-propanetriol bis(2-methyl-2propenoate), peroxydisulfuric acid
([(HO)S(O)2]2O2) ammonium salt (1:2)- and
sodium (disulfite) (2:1)-initiated.
P–22–0126A .............
Takasago .................
P–22–0149A .............
Colonial Chemical,
P–23–0150A .............
CBI ...........................
P–24–0013A .............
Momentive Performance Materials.
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(S) Hexanoic acid, 3,5,5-trimethyl-, sodium salt
(G) Branched Glycidyl Ester and Bisphenol
Glycidyl Ether polymer adduct with Aralkyl
(G) Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, hydroxyterminated, polymers with 3-[[3-alkoxy-1(alkoxycarbonyl)-3-oxoalkyl]heteroatom]
propyl Me silsesquioxanes, alkoxy-terminated.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2024 / Notices
TABLE I—PMN/SNUN/MCANS APPROVED * FROM 6/01/2024 TO 6/30/2024—Continued
Case No.
Chemical substance
(G) Additive for commercial, non-spray
commercial and
consumer applications.
(G) Ingredient for
cleaning products.
(S) Curative for polyurethane sealant.
(G) Metal, aqua[(alkylnitrocarbocyclepolyhetero
polyheterocyclopolyalkane-ketone)polyoxidato]-, metal.
P–24–0040A .............
Sudoc, LLC ..............
P–24–0083A .............
CBI ...........................
P–24–0085A .............
Luna Labs ................
P–24–0110A .............
US Paint Corp. .........
(G) Component of
P–24–0114A .............
HPC Holdings, Inc. ..
P–24–0125 ...............
CBI ...........................
P–24–0128A .............
CBI ...........................
P–24–0132A .............
P–24–0137 ...............
P–24–0160A .............
CBI ...........................
KAO Specialties
Americas, LLC.
CBI ...........................
P–24–0163A .............
CBI ...........................
P–24–0164 ...............
Huntsman International, LLC.
P–24–0166 ...............
Nagase America,
(G) Chemical Intermediate.
(G) Plasticizer Additive.
(S) Chemical intermediate.
(G) Sizing agent .......
(G) Component of
liquid detergent.
(G) Photoacid generator use at customer sites.
(G) Gas adsorption
cartridges. Protective Garments.
(S) Intermediate in
the production of a
(S) Heat transfer fluid
in a cooling system
for a reaction
In table II of this unit, EPA provides
the following information (to the extent
that such information is not claimed as
CBI) on the NOCs that have passed an
initial screening by EPA during this
period: The EPA case number assigned
to the NOC including whether the
submission was an initial or amended
submission, the date the NOC was
received by EPA, the date of
commencement provided by the
submitter in the NOC, a notation of the
(G) Branched alcohol alkoxylate.
(S) Siloxanes and Silicones, di-Me, 3-[[[[4-[(4isocyanantocyclohexyl)methyl] cyclohexyl]
amino] carbonyl] oxy] propyl group terminated.
(G) Alkyl fatty acids, polymers with substituted
alkene, heteromonocyclic alkenoate, substituted heteropolycyclic, substituted alkyl
alkenoate, substituted alkanoic acid,
carbomonocyclic dicarboxylic acid, alkyl
alkenoate, alkyl alkenoate, alkenoic acid,
substituted carbomonocycle, and
trisubstituted alkyl, alkyl substituted alkyl
alkanoate and substituted bis
(S) 1,3-Butanediol, 4,4,4-trifluoro-3(trifluoromethyl)-.
(G) Dialkyl carbomonocyclodiate.
(S) Sunflower oil, oleic acid-high, maleated.
(G) Alkene, reaction products with oxide,
hydrolyzed, alkali metal salts.
(G) Iodonium, bis(dialkyl carbomonocycle) salt
with alkyl carbomonocycle hetero-acid.
(G) Transition metal polykis (heteroatom substituted carbomonocycle), hydroxy- oxo-.
(S) 2-Propanamine, N ,N ′-(oxydi-2,1ethanediyl)bis-.
(S) Pentane, 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4-octafluoro-5(1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethoxy)-.
type of amendment (e.g., amendment to
generic name, specific name, technical
contact information, etc.) and chemical
substance identity.
TABLE II—NOCS APPROVED * FROM 6/01/2024 TO 6/30/2024
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Case No.
J–24–0009 ...............
J–24–0010 ...............
J–24–0011 ...............
J–24–0012 ...............
J–24–0013 ...............
P–15–0446 ..............
P–17–0235A ............
P–18–0226 ..............
P–19–0166A ............
P–22–0025 ..............
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If amendment, type
of amendment
N ..............................
N ..............................
N ..............................
N ..............................
N ..............................
N ..............................
Amended the generic chemical
N ..............................
Amended the generic chemical
N ..............................
PO 00000
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Chemical substance
Chromosomally-modified saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Chromosomally modified saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Chromosomally modified saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Chromosomally-modified saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Chromosomally-modified saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Rare earth doped zirconium oxide.
Fatty amidopropyl trialkyl ammonium alkyl sulfate.
(G) Trialkylammonioethyl fatty-alkylate, alkyl sulfate.
(G) Triaryl sulfonium, multicycloalkylalkoxycarbonyloxymonofluoroalkylsulfonate.
(G) Oxirane, 2-(chloromethyl)-, homopolymer, ether with dialkyl-alkanediol (2:1).
Sfmt 4703
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2024 / Notices
TABLE II—NOCS APPROVED * FROM 6/01/2024 TO 6/30/2024—Continued
Case No.
If amendment, type
of amendment
P–22–0090 ..............
P–22–0093 ..............
N ..............................
N ..............................
P–22–0175 ..............
P–87–1177 ..............
N ..............................
N ..............................
In table III of this unit, EPA provides
the following information (to the extent
such information is not subject to a CBI
claim) on the test information that has
Chemical substance
(S) 4,8,11-dodecatrienal.
(G) Alkenoic acid, alkyl-substituted alkyl ester, polymer with (polyalkylamino)alkyl
alkylalkenoate, alkyl-substituted alkylalkenoate, alpha-(alkyl-oxoalkenyl)-omegaalkoxypoly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), [(alkoxy-alkyl-alkenyl)oxy]polyalkylsilane-initiated,
compds. with polyethylene glycol phosphoric acid based alkyl ether.
(G) Modified silsesquioxane, alkoxy-terminated.
(G) Siloxanes and silicones, di-me, vinyl group-terminated, reaction products with
been received during this time period:
The EPA case number assigned to the
test information; the date the test
information was received by EPA, the
type of test information submitted, and
chemical substance identity.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Case No.
Type of test information
Chemical substance
L–24–0235 .....................
P–12–0241 .....................
P–14–0712 .....................
P–16–0543 .....................
P–21–0166 .....................
P–21–0180, ....................
P–21–0202, ....................
Determination of Water Solubility (Shake Flask
P–22–0056 .....................
Determination of Tin in Dermal Penetration Media
Samples Validation.
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Bioconcentration Factor Predictions; Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test (OECD Test Guideline
471); Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study
(OECD Test Guideline 414); Carcinogenicity
(OECD Test Guideline 451); Acute Dermal Toxicity (OECD Test Guideline 402); Skin Sensitization (OECD Test Guideline 406); Acute
Dermal Irritation (OECD Test Guideline 404);
Acute Eye Irritation (OECD Test Guideline 405);
Chromosomal Aberration Testing.
Analyte Reports ......................................................
Polychlorinated Dibenzodioxins and Polychlorinated dibenzofurans Testing.
Exposure Monitoring Report ..................................
Gel Permeation Chromatography Testing .............
Determination of Dissociation Constant
(Conductometric Method).
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(G) Diisopropyl imidazolium salt.
(G) [2-Propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, 2-hydroxyethyl
esters, telomers with c18–26-alkyl acrylate, 1dodecanethiol, N-(hydroxymethyl)-2-methyl-2propenamide, 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,8tridecaflourooctyl methacrylate, 2,2-[1,2
diazenedylbis(1-methylethylidene)]bis[4,5dihydro-1Himidazole]hydrochloride (1:2)-initiated].
(S) Waste plastics, pyrolyzed, C5–55 fraction.
(G) Halogenophosphoric acid metal salt.
(G) Siloxanes and silicones, di-me,
[alkylpiperazinium-hydroxyalkoxy]alkyl groupterminated, arylsulfonates (salts).
(G) Sulfonium, (halocarbomonocycle)diphenyl-,
salt with 1-heterosubstituted-2-methylalkyl
trihalobenzoate (1:1); (G) Phenoxathiinium, 10phenyl-, 5-alkyl-2-alkyl-4-(2,4,6-substituted tricarbopolycycle, hetero-acid)benzenesulfonate
(1:1); (G) Heterotrisubstituted-bile acid, 1(difluorosulfomethyl)-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl ester,
ion(1-), (5)-, 5-phenyldibenzothiophenium(1:1);
(G) Sulfonium, (alkylsubstitutedphenyl)diphenyl, salt with 1-(heterosubstitutedalkyl)-2,2,2triheterosubstitutedalkyl trisubstitutedbenzoate
(1:1); (G) Dibenzothiophenium, 5-phenyl-, 4-[1(heterosubstitutedalkyl)-2,2,2-triheterosubstitute
dalkoxy]-4-oxoalkyl trisubstitutedbenzoate (1:1);
(G) Sulfonium, tris(4-fluorophenyl)-,
(substitutedphenoxy)alkyl substitutedbenzoate
(G) Sulfonium, carbomonocycle bis[
(trihaloalkyl)carbomonocycle], substituted
carbomonocyclic ester; (G) Sulfonium,
carbomonocycle bis[(trihaloalkyl)
carbomonocycle], disubstituted carbomonocyclic
(S) Tin, dioctylbis(2,4-pentanedionato.kappa.o2,.kappa.o4)-.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2024 / Notices
Case No.
Type of test information
P–22–0086 .....................
Dissociation Constants in Water (OECD Test
Guideline 112).
P–22–0122 .....................
Dissociation Constants in Water (OECD Test
Guideline 112).
P–24–0137 .....................
Acute Eye Irritation (OECD Test Guideline 405);
Combined Repeated Dose Toxicity with the Reproduction/Development Toxicity Screening
Test (OECD Test Guideline 422); Earthworm,
Acute Toxicity Tests (OECD Test Guideline
207); Daphnia sp., Acute Immobilization Test
(OECD Test Guideline 202); Daphnia magna
Reproduction Test (OECD Test Guideline 211);
Freshwater and Saltwater Fish Acute Toxicity
Test (OECD Test Guideline 203); In Vitro Mammalian Cell Gene Mutation Test (OECD Test
Guideline 476); Mammalian Spermatogonial
Chromosomal Aberration Test (OECD Test
Guideline 483); Prenatal Developmental Toxicity Study (OECD Test Guideline 414);.
Inherent Biodegradability—Concawe Test
(OCSPP Test Guideline 835.3215); Ready
Biodegradability (OECD Test Guideline 301);
Fish Short-Term Reproduction (OECD Test
Guideline 299); Seed Germination/Root Elongation Toxicity Test (OPPTS Test Guideline
850.4200); Sediment-Water Chironomid Toxicity
Test Using Spiked Sediment (OECD Test
Guideline 218); Skin Sensitization (OECD Test
Guideline 406); 90-Day Oral Toxicity in Rodents
(OECD Test Guideline 408); Modified Activated
Sludge, Respiration Inhibition Test (OCSPP
Test Guideline 850.3300); Acute Dermal Irritation (OECD Test Guideline 404); Acute Dermal
Toxicity/Pathology (OCSPP Test Guideline
885.3100); Acute Oral Toxicity/Pathogenicity
(OCSPP Test Guideline 885.3050); Algal Toxicity (OECD Test Guideline 201); Adsorption/
Desorption (Batch Equilibrium) (OECD Test
Guideline 106); Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test
(OECD Test Guideline 471).
If you are interested in information
that is not included in these tables, you
may contact EPA’s technical
information contact or general
information contact as described under
access additional non-CBI information
that may be available.
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.
Dated: July 15, 2024.
Pamela Myrick,
Director, Project Management and Operations
Division, Office of Pollution Prevention and
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Chemical substance
[FR Doc. 2024–15856 Filed 7–17–24; 8:45 am]
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(G) Phenoxathiinium, 10-phenyl-, 5-alkyl-2-alkyl-4(2,4,6-substituted tri- carbopolycycle, heteroacid)benzenesulfonate (1:1).
(G) Heterotrisubstituted-bile acid, 1-(difluorosul
fomethyl)-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl ester, ion(1-), (5)-,
(G) Alkene, reaction products with oxide,
hydrolyzed, alkali metal salts.
[OMB 3060–1158; FR ID 232916]
Information Collection Being Reviewed
by the Federal Communications
Federal Communications
ACTION: Notice and request for
As part of its continuing effort
to reduce paperwork burdens, and as
required by the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA) of 1995, the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC or
the Commission) invites the general
public and other Federal agencies to
take this opportunity to comment on the
following information collection.
Comments are requested concerning:
whether the proposed collection of
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information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
Commission, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
the accuracy of the Commission’s
burden estimate; ways to enhance the
quality, utility, and clarity of the
information collected; ways to minimize
the burden of the collection of
information on the respondents,
including the use of automated
collection techniques or other forms of
information technology; and ways to
further reduce the information
collection burden on small business
concerns with fewer than 25 employees.
Written PRA comments should
be submitted on or before September 16,
2024. If you anticipate that you will be
submitting comments, but find it
difficult to do so within the period of
time allowed by this notice, you should
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 138 (Thursday, July 18, 2024)]
[Pages 58369-58373]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-15856]
[EPA-HQ-OPPT-2024-0057; FRL-11683-06-OCSPP]
Certain New Chemicals; Receipt and Status Information for June
AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: EPA is required under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA),
as amended by the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st
Century Act, to make information publicly available and to publish
information in the Federal Register pertaining to submissions under
TSCA Section 5, including notice of receipt of a Premanufacture notice
(PMN), Significant New Use Notice (SNUN) or Microbial Commercial
Activity Notice (MCAN), including an amended notice or test
information; an exemption application (Biotech exemption); an
application for a test marketing exemption (TME), both pending and/or
concluded; a notice of commencement (NOC) of manufacture (including
import) for new chemical substances; and a periodic status report on
new chemical substances that are currently under EPA review or have
recently concluded review. This document covers the period from 6/01/
2024 to 6/30/2024.
DATES: Comments identified by the specific case number provided in this
document must be received on or before August 19, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments, identified by docket identification
(ID) number EPA-HQ-OPPT-2024-0057, through the Federal eRulemaking
Portal at https://www.regulations.gov. Follow the online instructions
for submitting comments. Do not submit electronically any information
you consider to be Confidential Business Information (CBI) or other
information whose disclosure is restricted by statute. Additional
instructions on commenting and visiting the docket, along with more
information about dockets generally, is available at https://www.epa.gov/dockets.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For technical information contact: Jim
Rahai, Project Management and Operations Division (MC 7407M), Office of
Pollution Prevention and Toxics, Environmental Protection Agency, 1200
Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20460-0001; telephone number:
(202) 564-8593; email address: [email protected].
For general information contact: The TSCA-Hotline, ABVI-Goodwill,
422 South Clinton Ave., Rochester, NY 14620; telephone number: (202)
554-1404; email address: [email protected].
I. Executive Summary
A. What action is the Agency taking?
This document provides the receipt and status reports for the
period from 6/01/2024 to 6/30/2024. The Agency is providing notice of
receipt of PMNs, SNUNs, and MCANs (including amended notices and test
information); an exemption application under 40 CFR part 725 (Biotech
exemption); TMEs, both pending and/or concluded; NOCs to manufacture a
new chemical substance; and a periodic status report on new chemical
substances that are currently under EPA review or have recently
concluded review.
EPA is also providing information on its website about cases
reviewed under the amended TSCA, including the section 5 PMN/SNUN/MCAN
and exemption notices received, the date of receipt, the final EPA
determination on the notice, and the effective date of EPA's
determination for PMN/SNUN/MCAN notices on its website at: https://www.epa.gov/reviewing-new-chemicals-under-toxic-substances-control-act-tsca/status-pre-manufacture-notices. This information is updated on a
weekly basis.
B. What is the Agency's authority for taking this action?
Under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 15 U.S.C. 2601 et
seq., a chemical substance may be either an ``existing'' chemical
substance or a ``new'' chemical substance. Any chemical substance that
is not on EPA's TSCA Inventory of Chemical Substances (TSCA Inventory)
is classified as a ``new chemical substance,'' while a chemical
substance that is listed on the TSCA Inventory is classified as an
``existing chemical substance.'' (See TSCA section 3(11).) For more
information about the TSCA Inventory please go to: https://www.epa.gov/tsca-inventory.
Any person who intends to manufacture (including import) a new
chemical substance for a non-exempt commercial purpose, or to
manufacture or process a chemical substance in a non-exempt manner for
a use that EPA has determined is a significant new use, is required by
TSCA section 5 to provide EPA with a PMN, MCAN, or SNUN, as
appropriate, before initiating the activity. EPA will review the
notice, make a risk determination on the chemical substance or
significant new use, and take appropriate action as described in TSCA
section 5(a)(3).
TSCA section 5(h)(1) authorizes EPA to allow persons, upon
application and under appropriate restrictions, to manufacture or
process a new chemical substance, or a chemical substance subject to a
significant new use rule (SNUR) issued under TSCA section 5(a)(2), for
``test marketing'' purposes, upon a showing that the manufacture,
processing, distribution in commerce, use, and disposal of the chemical
will not present an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the
environment. This is referred to as a test marketing exemption, or TME.
For more information about the requirements applicable to a new
chemical go to: https://www.epa.gov/chemicals-under-tsca.
Under TSCA sections 5 and 8 and EPA regulations, EPA is required to
publish in the Federal Register certain information, including notice
of receipt of a PMN/SNUN/MCAN (including amended notices and test
information); an exemption application under 40 CFR part 725 (biotech
exemption); an application for a TME, both pending and concluded; NOCs
to manufacture a new chemical substance; and a periodic status report
on the new chemical substances that are currently under EPA review or
have recently concluded review.
C. Does this action apply to me?
This action provides information that is directed to the public in
D. Does this action have any incremental economic impacts or paperwork
[[Page 58370]]
E. What should I consider as I prepare my comments for EPA?
1. Submitting confidential business information (CBI). Do not
submit this information to EPA through regulations.gov or email.
Clearly mark the part or all of the information that you claim to be
CBI. For CBI information in a disk or CD-ROM that you mail to EPA, mark
the outside of the disk or CD-ROM as CBI and then identify
electronically within the disk or CD-ROM the specific information that
is claimed as CBI. In addition to one complete version of the comment
that includes information claimed as CBI, a copy of the comment that
does not contain the information claimed as CBI must be submitted for
inclusion in the public docket. Information so marked will not be
disclosed except in accordance with procedures set forth in 40 CFR part
2. Tips for preparing your comments. When preparing and submitting
your comments, see the commenting tips at https://www.epa.gov/dockets/commenting-epa-dockets.
II. Status Reports
In the past, EPA has published individual notices reflecting the
status of TSCA section 5 filings received, pending or concluded. In
1995, the Agency modified its approach and streamlined the information
published in the Federal Register after providing notice of such
changes to the public and an opportunity to comment (see the Federal
Register of May 12, 1995 (60 FR 25798) (FRL-4942-7)). Since the passage
of the Lautenberg amendments to TSCA in 2016, public interest in
information on the status of section 5 cases under EPA review and, in
particular, the final determination of such cases, has increased. In an
effort to be responsive to the regulated community, the users of this
information, and the general public, to comply with the requirements of
TSCA, to conserve EPA resources and to streamline the process and make
it more timely, EPA is providing information on its website about cases
reviewed under the amended TSCA, including the section 5 PMN/SNUN/MCAN
and exemption notices received, the date of receipt, the final EPA
determination on the notice, and the effective date of EPA's
determination for PMN/SNUN/MCAN notices on its website at: https://www.epa.gov/reviewing-new-chemicals-under-toxic-substances-control-act-tsca/status-pre-manufacture-notices. This information is updated on a
weekly basis.
III. Receipt Reports
For the PMN/SNUN/MCANs that have passed an initial screening by EPA
during this period, table I provides the following information (to the
extent that such information is not subject to a CBI claim) on the
notices screened by EPA during this period: The EPA case number
assigned to the notice that indicates whether the submission is an
initial submission, or an amendment, a notation of which version was
received, the date the notice was received by EPA, the submitting
manufacturer (i.e., domestic producer or importer), the potential uses
identified by the manufacturer in the notice, and the chemical
substance identity.
As used in each of the tables in this unit, (S) indicates that the
information in the table is the specific information provided by the
submitter, and (G) indicates that this information in the table is
generic information because the specific information provided by the
submitter was claimed as CBI. Submissions which are initial submissions
will not have a letter following the case number. Submissions which are
amendments to previous submissions will have a case number followed by
the letter ``A'' (e.g. P-18-1234A). The version column designates
submissions in sequence as ``1'', ``2'', ``3'', etc. Note that in some
cases, an initial submission is not numbered as version 1; this is
because earlier version(s) were rejected as incomplete or invalid
submissions. Note also that future versions of the following tables may
adjust slightly as the Agency works to automate population of the data
in the tables.
Table I--PMN/SNUN/MCANs Approved * From 6/01/2024 to 6/30/2024
Case No. Version date Manufacturer Use Chemical substance
P-22-0126A................... 3 06/07/2024 Takasago........ (S) This polymer (S) Cellulose, polymer
constitutes the with 1,1'-[2-ethyl-2-
wall of [(3-mercapto-1-
microcapsules oxopropoxy)methyl]-
containing 1,3-propanediyl]
fragrance that bis(3-
can be used in mercaptopropanoate)
different and 1,2,3-
homecare and propanetriol bis(2-
personal-care methyl-2-propenoate),
applications. peroxydisulfuric acid
ammonium salt (1:2)-
and sodium
(disulfite) (2:1)-
P-22-0149A................... 4 06/14/2024 Colonial (S) All-purpose (S) Hexanoic acid,
Chemical, Inc.. hard surface 3,5,5-trimethyl-,
cleaner, Low sodium salt (1:1).
foam floor
scrubber, Spray
Metal Cleaning
P-23-0150A................... 6 06/19/2024 CBI............. (G) Industrial (G) Branched Glycidyl
use for roll- Ester and Bisphenol
on, brushing, Glycidyl Ether
and spray polymer adduct with
application. Aralkyl Diamine.
P-24-0013A................... 2 06/13/2024 Momentive (S) Resin/binder (G) Siloxanes and
Performance in paint Silicones, di-Me,
Materials. formulations hydroxy-terminated,
for industrial polymers with 3-[[3-
coatings. alkoxy-1-
propyl Me
[[Page 58371]]
P-24-0040A................... 3 06/20/2024 Sudoc, LLC...... (G) Additive for (G) Metal,
commercial, non- aqua[(alkylnitrocarbo
spray cyclepolyheteropolyhe
commercial and terocyclopolyalkane-
consumer ketone)-polyoxidato]-
applications. , metal.
P-24-0083A................... 3 06/21/2024 CBI............. (G) Ingredient (G) Branched alcohol
for cleaning alkoxylate.
P-24-0085A................... 3 06/04/2024 Luna Labs....... (S) Curative for (S) Siloxanes and
polyurethane Silicones, di-Me, 3-
sealant. [[[[4-[(4-
)methyl] cyclohexyl]
amino] carbonyl] oxy]
propyl group
P-24-0110A................... 2 05/31/2024 US Paint Corp... (G) Component of (G) Alkyl fatty acids,
coating. polymers with
substituted alkene,
substituted alkyl
substituted alkanoic
acid, carbomonocyclic
dicarboxylic acid,
alkyl alkenoate,
alkyl alkenoate,
alkenoic acid,
carbomonocycle, and
trisubstituted alkyl,
alkyl substituted
alkyl alkanoate and
substituted bis
P-24-0114A................... 2 05/31/2024 HPC Holdings, (G) Chemical (S) 1,3-Butanediol,
Inc.. Intermediate. 4,4,4-trifluoro-3-
P-24-0125.................... 1 04/17/2024 CBI............. (G) Plasticizer (G) Dialkyl
Additive. carbomonocyclodiate.
P-24-0128A................... 4 06/06/2024 CBI............. (S) Chemical (G)
intermediate. Tetramethyldisiloxane
P-24-0132A................... 2 06/11/2024 CBI............. (G) Sizing agent (S) Sunflower oil,
oleic acid-high,
P-24-0137.................... 1 04/19/2024 KAO Specialties (G) Component of (G) Alkene, reaction
Americas, LLC. liquid products with oxide,
detergent. hydrolyzed, alkali
metal salts.
P-24-0160A................... 2 06/05/2024 CBI............. (G) Photoacid (G) Iodonium,
generator use bis(dialkyl
at customer carbomonocycle) salt
sites. with alkyl
carbomonocycle hetero-
P-24-0163A................... 2 06/13/2024 CBI............. (G) Gas (G) Transition metal
adsorption polykis (heteroatom
cartridges. substituted
Protective carbomonocycle),
Garments. hydroxy- oxo-.
P-24-0164.................... 1 06/13/2024 Huntsman (S) Intermediate (S) 2-Propanamine, N
International, in the ,N '-(oxydi-2,1-
LLC. production of a ethanediyl)bis-.
P-24-0166.................... 1 06/24/2024 Nagase America, (S) Heat (S) Pentane,
LLC. transfer fluid 1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4-
in a cooling octafluoro-5-(1,1,2,2-
system for a tetrafluoroethoxy)-.
In table II of this unit, EPA provides the following information
(to the extent that such information is not claimed as CBI) on the NOCs
that have passed an initial screening by EPA during this period: The
EPA case number assigned to the NOC including whether the submission
was an initial or amended submission, the date the NOC was received by
EPA, the date of commencement provided by the submitter in the NOC, a
notation of the type of amendment (e.g., amendment to generic name,
specific name, technical contact information, etc.) and chemical
substance identity.
Table II--NOCs Approved * From 6/01/2024 to 6/30/2024
Received Commencement If amendment, type
Case No. date date of amendment Chemical substance
J-24-0009........................ 06/03/2024 05/30/2024 N................... (G) Chromosomally-
modified saccharomyces
J-24-0010........................ 06/03/2024 05/30/2024 N................... (G) Chromosomally
modified saccharomyces
J-24-0011........................ 06/03/2024 05/30/2024 N................... (G) Chromosomally
modified saccharomyces
J-24-0012........................ 06/03/2024 05/30/2024 N................... (G) Chromosomally-
modified saccharomyces
J-24-0013........................ 06/03/2024 05/30/2024 N................... (G) Chromosomally-
modified saccharomyces
P-15-0446........................ 06/10/2024 06/05/2024 N................... (G) Rare earth doped
zirconium oxide.
P-17-0235A....................... 05/31/2024 11/28/2022 Amended the generic (G) Fatty amidopropyl
chemical name. trialkyl ammonium alkyl
P-18-0226........................ 05/31/2024 03/04/2024 N................... (G) Trialkylammonioethyl
fatty-alkylate, alkyl
P-19-0166A....................... 06/14/2024 06/27/2022 Amended the generic (G) Triaryl sulfonium,
chemical name. multicycloalkylalkoxyca
P-22-0025........................ 06/19/2024 06/10/2024 N................... (G) Oxirane, 2-
homopolymer, ether with
[[Page 58372]]
P-22-0090........................ 06/14/2024 05/21/2024 N................... (S) 4,8,11-
P-22-0093........................ 06/03/2024 05/24/2024 N................... (G) Alkenoic acid, alkyl-
substituted alkyl
ester, polymer with
alkylalkenoate, alkyl-
alkylalkenoate, alpha-
lane-initiated, compds.
with polyethylene
glycol phosphoric acid
based alkyl ether.
P-22-0175........................ 06/06/2024 05/23/2024 N................... (G) Modified
silsesquioxane, alkoxy-
P-87-1177........................ 06/20/2024 03/21/1990 N................... (G) Siloxanes and
silicones, di-me, vinyl
reaction products with
In table III of this unit, EPA provides the following information
(to the extent such information is not subject to a CBI claim) on the
test information that has been received during this time period: The
EPA case number assigned to the test information; the date the test
information was received by EPA, the type of test information
submitted, and chemical substance identity.
Table III--Test Information Received From 6/01/2024 to 6/30/2024
Case No. date Type of test information Chemical substance
L-24-0235............................ 06/20/2024 Bioconcentration Factor (G) Diisopropyl imidazolium
Predictions; Bacterial salt.
Reverse Mutation Test (OECD
Test Guideline 471);
Prenatal Developmental
Toxicity Study (OECD Test
Guideline 414);
Carcinogenicity (OECD Test
Guideline 451); Acute Dermal
Toxicity (OECD Test
Guideline 402); Skin
Sensitization (OECD Test
Guideline 406); Acute Dermal
Irritation (OECD Test
Guideline 404); Acute Eye
Irritation (OECD Test
Guideline 405); Chromosomal
Aberration Testing.
P-12-0241............................ 06/21/2024 Analyte Reports.............. (G) [2-Propenoic acid, 2-
methyl-, 2-hydroxyethyl
esters, telomers with c18-26-
alkyl acrylate, 1-
dodecanethiol, N-
methacrylate, 2,2-[1,2
P-14-0712............................ 06/27/2024 Polychlorinated (S) Waste plastics,
Dibenzodioxins and pyrolyzed, C5-55 fraction.
dibenzofurans Testing.
P-16-0543............................ 06/25/2024 Exposure Monitoring Report... (G) Halogenophosphoric acid
metal salt.
P-21-0166............................ 06/20/2024 Gel Permeation Chromatography (G) Siloxanes and silicones,
Testing. di-me, [alkylpiperazinium-
hydroxyalkoxy]alkyl group-
terminated, arylsulfonates
P-21-0180,........................... 6/20/2024 Determination of Dissociation (G) Sulfonium,
P-22-0086,........................... Constant (Conductometric (halocarbomonocycle)diphenyl-
P-22-0122,........................... Method). , salt with 1-
P-22-0179,........................... heterosubstituted-2-
P-22-0180,........................... methylalkyl trihalobenzoate
P-24-0097............................ (1:1); (G) Phenoxathiinium,
10-phenyl-, 5-alkyl-2-alkyl-
4-(2,4,6-substituted tri-
carbopolycycle, hetero-
acid)benzenesulfonate (1:1);
(G) Heterotrisubstituted-
bile acid, 1-
trifluoroethyl ester, ion(1-
), (5)-, 5-
); (G) Sulfonium,
enyl-, salt with 1-
(1:1); (G)
Dibenzothiophenium, 5-phenyl-
, 4-[1-
(1:1); (G) Sulfonium, tris(4-
substitutedbenzoate (1:1).
P-21-0202,........................... 06/07/2024 Determination of Water (G) Sulfonium, carbomonocycle
P-23-0104............................ Solubility (Shake Flask bis[(trihaloalkyl)carbomonoc
Method). ycle], substituted
carbomonocyclic ester; (G)
Sulfonium, carbomonocycle
ycle], disubstituted
carbomonocyclic ester.
P-22-0056............................ 06/25/2024 Determination of Tin in (S) Tin, dioctylbis(2,4-
Dermal Penetration Media pentanedionato-
Samples Validation. .kappa.o2,.kappa.o4)-.
[[Page 58373]]
P-22-0086............................ 06/20/2024 Dissociation Constants in (G) Phenoxathiinium, 10-
Water (OECD Test Guideline phenyl-, 5-alkyl-2-alkyl-4-
112). (2,4,6-substituted tri-
carbopolycycle, hetero-
acid)benzenesulfonate (1:1).
P-22-0122............................ 06/20/2024 Dissociation Constants in (G) Heterotrisubstituted-bile
Water (OECD Test Guideline acid, 1-
112). (difluorosulfomethyl)-2,2,2-
trifluoroethyl ester, ion(1-
), (5)-, 5-
P-24-0137............................ 04/19/2024 Acute Eye Irritation (OECD (G) Alkene, reaction products
Test Guideline 405); with oxide, hydrolyzed,
Combined Repeated Dose alkali metal salts.
Toxicity with the
Toxicity Screening Test
(OECD Test Guideline 422);
Earthworm, Acute Toxicity
Tests (OECD Test Guideline
207); Daphnia sp., Acute
Immobilization Test (OECD
Test Guideline 202); Daphnia
magna Reproduction Test
(OECD Test Guideline 211);
Freshwater and Saltwater
Fish Acute Toxicity Test
(OECD Test Guideline 203);
In Vitro Mammalian Cell Gene
Mutation Test (OECD Test
Guideline 476); Mammalian
Spermatogonial Chromosomal
Aberration Test (OECD Test
Guideline 483); Prenatal
Developmental Toxicity Study
(OECD Test Guideline 414);.
........... Inherent Biodegradability--
Concawe Test (OCSPP Test
Guideline 835.3215); Ready
Biodegradability (OECD Test
Guideline 301); Fish Short-
Term Reproduction (OECD Test
Guideline 299); Seed
Germination/Root Elongation
Toxicity Test (OPPTS Test
Guideline 850.4200);
Sediment-Water Chironomid
Toxicity Test Using Spiked
Sediment (OECD Test
Guideline 218); Skin
Sensitization (OECD Test
Guideline 406); 90-Day Oral
Toxicity in Rodents (OECD
Test Guideline 408);
Modified Activated Sludge,
Respiration Inhibition Test
(OCSPP Test Guideline
850.3300); Acute Dermal
Irritation (OECD Test
Guideline 404); Acute Dermal
Toxicity/Pathology (OCSPP
Test Guideline 885.3100);
Acute Oral Toxicity/
Pathogenicity (OCSPP Test
Guideline 885.3050); Algal
Toxicity (OECD Test
Guideline 201); Adsorption/
Desorption (Batch
Equilibrium) (OECD Test
Guideline 106); Bacterial
Reverse Mutation Test (OECD
Test Guideline 471).
If you are interested in information that is not included in these
tables, you may contact EPA's technical information contact or general
information contact as described under FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT
to access additional non-CBI information that may be available.
Authority: 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.
Dated: July 15, 2024.
Pamela Myrick,
Director, Project Management and Operations Division, Office of
Pollution Prevention and Toxics.
[FR Doc. 2024-15856 Filed 7-17-24; 8:45 am]