Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Application From The Joint Commission for Continued Approval of Its Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC) Accreditation Program, 58380-58382 [2024-15816]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2024 / Notices
at 5 p.m., EDT, and will conclude at 6
p.m., EDT, or following the final call for
public comment, whichever comes first.
Written comments must be received
on or before August 5, 2024.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
by mail to: Rashaun Roberts, National
Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health, 1090 Tusculum Avenue,
Mailstop C–24, Cincinnati, Ohio 45226.
Meeting Information: The USA tollfree dial-in numbers are: +1 669 254
5252 US (San Jose); and +1 646 828
7666 US (New York). The meeting ID is:
160 6763 3819; the Passcode is:
98685439; and the Web conference by
Zoom meeting connection is: https://
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Rashaun Roberts, Ph.D., Designated
Federal Official, National Institute for
Occupational Safety & Health, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention,
1090 Tusculum Avenue, Mailstop C–24,
Cincinnati, Ohio 45226, Telephone:
(513) 533–6800; Toll Free 1 (800) 232–
4636; Email:
Background: The Advisory Board was
established under the Energy Employees
Occupational Illness Compensation
Program Act of 2000 to advise the
President on a variety of policy and
technical functions required to
implement and effectively manage the
new compensation program. Key
functions of the Advisory Board include
providing advice on the development of
probability of causation guidelines, that
have been promulgated by the
Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) as a final rule, advice on
methods of dose reconstruction which
have also been promulgated by HHS as
a final rule; advice on the scientific
validity and quality of dose estimation
and reconstruction efforts being
performed for purposes of the
compensation program, and advice on
petitions to add classes of workers to the
Special Exposure Cohort (SEC). In
December 2000, the President delegated
responsibility for funding, staffing, and
operating the Advisory Board to HHS,
which subsequently delegated this
authority to the CDC. NIOSH
implements this responsibility for CDC.
The charter was issued on August 3,
2001, renewed at appropriate intervals,
and rechartered under Executive Order
13179 on March 22, 2024. Unless
continued by the President the Board
will terminate on September 30, 2025,
consistent with E.O. 14109 of September
29, 2023.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Purpose: This Advisory Board is
charged with (a) providing advice to the
Secretary, HHS, on the development of
guidelines under Executive Order
13179; (b) providing advice to the
Secretary, HHS, on the scientific
validity and quality of dose
reconstruction efforts performed for this
program; and (c) upon request by the
Secretary, HHS, advising the Secretary
on whether there is a class of employees
at any Department of Energy (DOE)
facility who were exposed to radiation
but for whom it is not feasible to
estimate their radiation dose, and on
whether there is reasonable likelihood
that such radiation doses may have
endangered the health of members of
this class.
Matters to be Considered: The agenda
will include discussions on the
following: National Institute for
Occupational Safety & Health Program
Update; Department of Labor Program
Update; Department of Energy Program
Update; SEC Petitions Update;
Procedures Review Finalization/
Document Approvals; Idaho National
Lab; Savannah River Site, Pinellas
Workgroup, and Subcommittee on Dose
Reconstruction Review updates; a Board
Work Session; and Board
Correspondence review. Agenda items
are subject to change as priorities
dictate. For additional information,
please contact Toll Free 1–800–232–
The Director, Office of Strategic
Business Initiatives, Office of the Chief
Operating Officer, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, has been
delegated the authority to sign Federal
Register notices pertaining to
announcements of meetings and other
committee management activities, for
both the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention and the Agency for Toxic
Substances and Disease Registry.
Kalwant Smagh,
Director, Office of Strategic Business
Initiatives, Office of the Chief Operating
Officer, Centers for Disease Control and
[FR Doc. 2024–15797 Filed 7–17–24; 8:45 am]
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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Medicare and Medicaid Programs:
Application From The Joint
Commission for Continued Approval of
Its Ambulatory Surgical Center (ASC)
Accreditation Program
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
This notice announces our
decision to approve The Joint
Commission for continued recognition
as a national accrediting organization
for Ambulatory Surgical Centers that
wish to participate in the Medicare or
Medicaid programs.
DATES: The decision announced in this
notice is applicable September 1, 2024,
to September 1, 2030.
Caecilia Andrews (410) 786–2190.
I. Background
Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs)
are distinct entities that operate
exclusively for the purpose of
furnishing outpatient surgical services
to patients. Under the Medicare
program, eligible beneficiaries may
receive covered services from an ASC
provided certain requirements are met.
Section 1832(a)(2)(F)(i) of the Social
Security Act (the Act) establishes
distinct criteria for a facility seeking
designation as an ASC. Regulations
concerning provider agreements are at
42 CFR part 489 and those pertaining to
activities relating to the survey and
certification of facilities are at 42 CFR
part 488. The regulations at 42 CFR part
416 specify the conditions that an ASC
must meet in order to participate in the
Medicare program, the scope of covered
services, and the conditions for
Medicare payment for ASCs.
Generally, to enter into an agreement,
an ASC must first be certified by a State
survey agency (SA) as complying with
the conditions or requirements set forth
in part 416 of our Medicare regulations.
Thereafter, the ASC is subject to regular
surveys by an SA to determine whether
it continues to meet these requirements.
Section 1865(a)(1) of the Act provides
that, if a provider entity demonstrates
through accreditation by a Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)
approved national accrediting
organization (AO) that all applicable
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2024 / Notices
Medicare conditions are met or
exceeded, we may deem that provider
entity as having met the requirements.
Accreditation by an AO is voluntary and
is not required for Medicare
If an AO is recognized by the
Secretary of the Department of Health
and Human Services as having
standards for accreditation that meet or
exceed Medicare requirements, any
provider entity accredited by the
national accrediting body’s approved
program may be deemed to meet the
Medicare conditions. The AO applying
for approval of its accreditation program
under part 488, subpart A, must provide
CMS with reasonable assurance that the
AO requires the accredited provider
entities to meet requirements that are at
least as stringent as the Medicare
conditions. Our regulations concerning
the approval of AOs are set forth at
§ 488.5.
The Joint Commission’s (TJC’s)
current term of approval for its ASC
program expires December 20, 2024.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
II. Application Approval Process
Section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act
provides a statutory timetable to ensure
that our review of applications for CMSapproval of an accreditation program is
conducted in a timely manner. The Act
provides us 210 days after the date of
receipt of a complete application, with
any documentation necessary to make
the determination, to complete our
survey activities and application
process. Within 60 days after receiving
a complete application, we must
publish a notice in the Federal Register
that identifies the national accrediting
body making the request, describes the
request, and provides no less than a 30day public comment period. At the end
of the 210-day period, we must publish
a notice in the Federal Register
approving or denying the application.
We note, TJC submitted the
application for continued CMS-approval
in advance; therefore the 210-days from
the receipt of a complete application
and our decision to approve has reset
TJC’s approval terms from December to
III. Provisions of the Proposed Notice
On February 26, 2024, CMS published
a proposed notice in the Federal
Register (89 FR 14076), announcing
TJC’s request for continued approval of
its Medicare ASC accreditation program.
In the February 26, 2024, proposed
notice, we detailed our evaluation
criteria. Under section 1865(a)(2) of the
Act and in our regulations at § 488.5, we
conducted a review of TJC’s Medicare
ASC accreditation application in
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accordance with the criteria specified by
our regulations, which include, but are
not limited to the following:
• An administrative review of TJC’s:
(1) corporate policies; (2) financial and
human resources available to
accomplish the proposed surveys; (3)
procedures for training, monitoring, and
evaluation of its ASC surveyors; (4)
ability to investigate and respond
appropriately to complaints against
accredited ASCs; and (5) survey review
and decision-making process for
• The equivalency of TJC’s standards
for ASCs as compared with Medicare’s
Conditions for Coverage (CfCs) for
• TJC’s survey process to determine
the following:
++ The composition of the survey
team, surveyor qualifications, and the
ability of the organization to provide
continuing surveyor training.
++ The comparability of TJC’s
processes to those of State agencies,
including survey frequency, and the
ability to investigate and respond
appropriately to complaints against
accredited facilities.
++ TJC’s processes and procedures for
monitoring an ASC found out of
compliance with TJC’s program
requirements. These monitoring
procedures are used only when TJC
identifies noncompliance. If
noncompliance is identified through
validation reviews or complaint
surveys, the State survey agency
monitors corrections as specified at
§ 488.9(c)(1).
++ TJC’s capacity to report
deficiencies to the surveyed facilities
and respond to the facility’s plan of
correction in a timely manner.
++ TJC’s capacity to provide CMS
with electronic data and reports
necessary for the effective validation
and assessment of the organization’s
survey process.
++ The adequacy of TJC’s staff and
other resources, and its financial
++ TJC’s capacity to adequately fund
required surveys.
++ TJC’s policies with respect to
whether surveys are announced or
unannounced, to ensure that surveys are
++ TJC’s policies and procedures to
avoid conflicts of interest, including the
appearance of conflicts of interest,
involving individuals who conduct
surveys or participate in accreditation
++ TJC’s agreement to provide CMS
with a copy of the most current
accreditation survey together with any
other information related to the survey
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as CMS may require (including
corrective action plans).
IV. Analysis of and Responses to Public
Comments on the Proposed Notice
In accordance with section
1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act, the February
26, 2024 proposed notice also solicited
public comments regarding whether
TJC’s requirements met or exceeded the
Medicare CfCs for ASCs. No comments
were received in response to our
proposed notice.
V. Provisions of the Final Notice
A. Differences Between TJC’s Standards
and Requirements for Accreditation and
Medicare Conditions and Survey
We compared TJC’s ASC accreditation
requirements and survey process with
the Medicare CfCs of parts 416, and the
survey and certification process
requirements of parts 488 and 489. Our
review and evaluation of TJC’s ASC
application, which were conducted as
described in section III. of this final
notice, yielded the following areas
where, as of the date of this notice, TJC
has completed revising its standards
and certification processes in order to
do all of the following:
• Meet the standard’s requirements of
all of the following regulations:
++ Section 416.42 to clarify that ASCs
may only allow qualified physicians to
perform surgery.
++ Section 416.44(b)(1) to ensure
ASCs to meet the provisions applicable
to Ambulatory Health Care Occupancies
and address the Life Safety Code (LSC)
Tentative Interim Amendments (TIAs),
TIA 12–2, TIA 12–3, and TIA 12–4
++ Section 416.44(b)(2) to clarify
within TJC’s existing standard related to
LSC waivers, that the timeframe for
achieving compliance begins when the
facility receives the survey report and in
accordance with the timeframes in
§ 488.28(d).
++ Section 416.44(c) to incorporate
the requirement for ASCs to comply
with Health Care Facilities Code (HCFC)
NFPA 99, and Tentative Interim
Amendments (TIAs), TIA 12–2, TIA 12–
3, TIA 12–4, TIA 12–5 and TIA 12–6
and to revise TJC’s introductory
paragraph of the Statement of Condition
Instructions to include HCFC
++ Section 416.50(e)(2) to clarify the
standard to ensure if a patient is
adjudged incompetent under applicable
State laws by a court of proper
jurisdiction, the rights of the patient are
exercised by the person appointed
under State law to act on the patient’s
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 138 / Thursday, July 18, 2024 / Notices
++ Section 416.50(e)(3) to clearly
identify that if a State court has not
deemed a patient incompetent, any legal
representative or surrogate designated
by the patient in accordance with State
law may exercise the patient’s rights to
the extent allowed by State law.
CMS also reviewed TJC’s comparable
survey processes, which were
conducted as described in section III. of
this final notice, and yielded the
following areas where, as of the date of
this notice, TJC has completed revising
its survey processes in order to
demonstrate that it uses survey
processes that are comparable to state
survey agency processes by:
++ Clarifying TJC’s survey activity for
Life Safety Code (LSC) related to the
length of time required to complete an
LSC/Health Care Facilities Code (HCFC)
survey, as the survey activity will
depend upon various circumstances (for
example, age & condition, size of ASC/
building, construction type, number of
stories, sprinkler system, essential
electric system, etc.).
++ Updating TJC’s survey procedures
to ensure all areas of the LSC/HCFC are
surveyed and reflected in TJC’s
Surveyor Activity Guide.
++ Providing clarification to its
Surveyor Activity Guide indicating that
the 2012 edition of the NFPA Life Safety
Code and NFPA 99 applies to ASCs.
++ Clarifying that any LSC/HCFC
waivers can only be granted by CMS, in
accordance with § 416.44(c)(2).
++ Providing additional surveyor
training as it relates to scope, manner
and degree of citations related to
medication administration, physical
environment, and Life Safety Code, in
accordance with the State Operations
Manual (SOM) Appendix L, Task 4.
++ Providing additional surveyor
education comparable to CMS’
Principles of Documentation,
specifically to ensure records reviewed
and reported on TJC’s survey report to
the facility are clear.
++ Revising TJC’s process to ensure
the appropriate sample of patient
records is reviewed during surveys
based on ASC case volume.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
B. Term of Approval
Based on our review described in
section III. and section V. of this final
notice, we approve TJC as a national
accreditation organization for ASCs that
request participation in the Medicare
program. The decision announced in
this final notice is effective September
1, 2024 through September 1, 2030. In
accordance with § 488.5(e)(2)(i) the term
of the approval will not exceed 6 years.
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VI. Collection of Information and
Regulatory Impact Statement
This document does not impose
information collection requirements,
that is, reporting, recordkeeping or third
party disclosure requirements.
Consequently, there is no need for
review by the Office of Management and
Budget under the authority of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44
U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
The Administrator of the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS),
Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, having
reviewed and approved this document,
authorizes Vanessa Garcia, who is the
Federal Register Liaison, to
electronically sign this document for
purposes of publication in the Federal
Vanessa Garcia,
Federal Register Liaison, Centers for Medicare
& Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2024–15816 Filed 7–17–24; 8:45 am]
Administration for Children and
Submission for Office of Management
and Budget Review; Request for
Assistance for Child Victims of Human
Office on Trafficking in
Persons, Administration for Children
and Families, U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services.
ACTION: Request for public comments.
The Administration for
Children and Families (ACF), Office on
Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) is
requesting a three-year extension of the
form: Request for Assistance (RFA) for
Child Victims of Human Trafficking
(Office of Management and Budget
(OMB) #0970–0362, expiration 09/30/
2024). Burden estimates have been
updated based on observed increases in
the volume of requests received. The
RFA form and estimated time per
response remains the same.
DATES: Comments due within 30 days of
publication. OMB must make a decision
about the collection of information
between 30 and 60 days after
publication of this document in the
Federal Register. Therefore, a comment
is best assured of having its full effect
if OMB receives it within 30 days of
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
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information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function. You can also obtain
copies of the proposed collection of
information by emailing infocollection@ Identify all emailed
requests by the title of the information
Description: The Trafficking Victims
Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, as
amended, directs the Secretary of the
U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS), upon receipt of credible
information that a foreign national
minor may have been subjected to a
severe form of trafficking in persons and
is seeking assistance available to victims
of trafficking, to promptly determine if
the child is eligible for benefits and
services to the same extent as refugees.
HHS delegated this authority to OTIP.
OTIP developed a RFA form for case
managers, attorneys, law enforcement
officers, child welfare workers, and
other representatives to report these
trafficking concerns to HHS in
accordance with the TVPA of 2000, as
amended, and allow for OTIP to review
the concerns and determine eligibility
for benefits.
Specifically, the RFA form asks the
requester for their identifying
information, identifying information for
the child, and information describing
the potential trafficking concerns. The
RFA form takes into consideration the
need to compile information regarding a
child’s experiences in a traumainformed and child-centered manner
and assists the requester in assessing
whether the child may have been
subjected to a severe form of trafficking
in persons.
The information provided through the
completion of a RFA form enables OTIP
to make prompt determinations
regarding a foreign national minor’s
eligibility for assistance, facilitate the
required consultation process should
the minor receive interim assistance,
and enable OTIP to assess and address
potential child protection issues. OTIP
also uses the information provided to
respond to congressional inquiries,
fulfill Federal reporting requirements,
and inform policy and program
development that is responsive to the
needs of victims.
In 2019, OTIP launched Shepherd, an
online case management system, to
process requests for assistance and
certification on behalf of foreign
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 138 (Thursday, July 18, 2024)]
[Pages 58380-58382]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-15816]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Application From The Joint
Commission for Continued Approval of Its Ambulatory Surgical Center
(ASC) Accreditation Program
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: This notice announces our decision to approve The Joint
Commission for continued recognition as a national accrediting
organization for Ambulatory Surgical Centers that wish to participate
in the Medicare or Medicaid programs.
DATES: The decision announced in this notice is applicable September 1,
2024, to September 1, 2030.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Caecilia Andrews (410) 786-2190.
I. Background
Ambulatory Surgical Centers (ASCs) are distinct entities that
operate exclusively for the purpose of furnishing outpatient surgical
services to patients. Under the Medicare program, eligible
beneficiaries may receive covered services from an ASC provided certain
requirements are met. Section 1832(a)(2)(F)(i) of the Social Security
Act (the Act) establishes distinct criteria for a facility seeking
designation as an ASC. Regulations concerning provider agreements are
at 42 CFR part 489 and those pertaining to activities relating to the
survey and certification of facilities are at 42 CFR part 488. The
regulations at 42 CFR part 416 specify the conditions that an ASC must
meet in order to participate in the Medicare program, the scope of
covered services, and the conditions for Medicare payment for ASCs.
Generally, to enter into an agreement, an ASC must first be
certified by a State survey agency (SA) as complying with the
conditions or requirements set forth in part 416 of our Medicare
regulations. Thereafter, the ASC is subject to regular surveys by an SA
to determine whether it continues to meet these requirements.
Section 1865(a)(1) of the Act provides that, if a provider entity
demonstrates through accreditation by a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS) approved national accrediting organization (AO) that all
[[Page 58381]]
Medicare conditions are met or exceeded, we may deem that provider
entity as having met the requirements. Accreditation by an AO is
voluntary and is not required for Medicare participation.
If an AO is recognized by the Secretary of the Department of Health
and Human Services as having standards for accreditation that meet or
exceed Medicare requirements, any provider entity accredited by the
national accrediting body's approved program may be deemed to meet the
Medicare conditions. The AO applying for approval of its accreditation
program under part 488, subpart A, must provide CMS with reasonable
assurance that the AO requires the accredited provider entities to meet
requirements that are at least as stringent as the Medicare conditions.
Our regulations concerning the approval of AOs are set forth at Sec.
The Joint Commission's (TJC's) current term of approval for its ASC
program expires December 20, 2024.
II. Application Approval Process
Section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act provides a statutory timetable to
ensure that our review of applications for CMS-approval of an
accreditation program is conducted in a timely manner. The Act provides
us 210 days after the date of receipt of a complete application, with
any documentation necessary to make the determination, to complete our
survey activities and application process. Within 60 days after
receiving a complete application, we must publish a notice in the
Federal Register that identifies the national accrediting body making
the request, describes the request, and provides no less than a 30-day
public comment period. At the end of the 210-day period, we must
publish a notice in the Federal Register approving or denying the
We note, TJC submitted the application for continued CMS-approval
in advance; therefore the 210-days from the receipt of a complete
application and our decision to approve has reset TJC's approval terms
from December to September.
III. Provisions of the Proposed Notice
On February 26, 2024, CMS published a proposed notice in the
Federal Register (89 FR 14076), announcing TJC's request for continued
approval of its Medicare ASC accreditation program. In the February 26,
2024, proposed notice, we detailed our evaluation criteria. Under
section 1865(a)(2) of the Act and in our regulations at Sec. 488.5, we
conducted a review of TJC's Medicare ASC accreditation application in
accordance with the criteria specified by our regulations, which
include, but are not limited to the following:
An administrative review of TJC's: (1) corporate policies;
(2) financial and human resources available to accomplish the proposed
surveys; (3) procedures for training, monitoring, and evaluation of its
ASC surveyors; (4) ability to investigate and respond appropriately to
complaints against accredited ASCs; and (5) survey review and decision-
making process for accreditation.
The equivalency of TJC's standards for ASCs as compared
with Medicare's Conditions for Coverage (CfCs) for ASCs.
TJC's survey process to determine the following:
++ The composition of the survey team, surveyor qualifications, and
the ability of the organization to provide continuing surveyor
++ The comparability of TJC's processes to those of State agencies,
including survey frequency, and the ability to investigate and respond
appropriately to complaints against accredited facilities.
++ TJC's processes and procedures for monitoring an ASC found out
of compliance with TJC's program requirements. These monitoring
procedures are used only when TJC identifies noncompliance. If
noncompliance is identified through validation reviews or complaint
surveys, the State survey agency monitors corrections as specified at
Sec. 488.9(c)(1).
++ TJC's capacity to report deficiencies to the surveyed facilities
and respond to the facility's plan of correction in a timely manner.
++ TJC's capacity to provide CMS with electronic data and reports
necessary for the effective validation and assessment of the
organization's survey process.
++ The adequacy of TJC's staff and other resources, and its
financial viability.
++ TJC's capacity to adequately fund required surveys.
++ TJC's policies with respect to whether surveys are announced or
unannounced, to ensure that surveys are unannounced.
++ TJC's policies and procedures to avoid conflicts of interest,
including the appearance of conflicts of interest, involving
individuals who conduct surveys or participate in accreditation
++ TJC's agreement to provide CMS with a copy of the most current
accreditation survey together with any other information related to the
survey as CMS may require (including corrective action plans).
IV. Analysis of and Responses to Public Comments on the Proposed Notice
In accordance with section 1865(a)(3)(A) of the Act, the February
26, 2024 proposed notice also solicited public comments regarding
whether TJC's requirements met or exceeded the Medicare CfCs for ASCs.
No comments were received in response to our proposed notice.
V. Provisions of the Final Notice
A. Differences Between TJC's Standards and Requirements for
Accreditation and Medicare Conditions and Survey Requirements
We compared TJC's ASC accreditation requirements and survey process
with the Medicare CfCs of parts 416, and the survey and certification
process requirements of parts 488 and 489. Our review and evaluation of
TJC's ASC application, which were conducted as described in section
III. of this final notice, yielded the following areas where, as of the
date of this notice, TJC has completed revising its standards and
certification processes in order to do all of the following:
Meet the standard's requirements of all of the following
++ Section 416.42 to clarify that ASCs may only allow qualified
physicians to perform surgery.
++ Section 416.44(b)(1) to ensure ASCs to meet the provisions
applicable to Ambulatory Health Care Occupancies and address the Life
Safety Code (LSC) Tentative Interim Amendments (TIAs), TIA 12-2, TIA
12-3, and TIA 12-4 requirements.
++ Section 416.44(b)(2) to clarify within TJC's existing standard
related to LSC waivers, that the timeframe for achieving compliance
begins when the facility receives the survey report and in accordance
with the timeframes in Sec. 488.28(d).
++ Section 416.44(c) to incorporate the requirement for ASCs to
comply with Health Care Facilities Code (HCFC) NFPA 99, and Tentative
Interim Amendments (TIAs), TIA 12-2, TIA 12-3, TIA 12-4, TIA 12-5 and
TIA 12-6 and to revise TJC's introductory paragraph of the Statement of
Condition Instructions to include HCFC deficiencies.
++ Section 416.50(e)(2) to clarify the standard to ensure if a
patient is adjudged incompetent under applicable State laws by a court
of proper jurisdiction, the rights of the patient are exercised by the
person appointed under State law to act on the patient's behalf.
[[Page 58382]]
++ Section 416.50(e)(3) to clearly identify that if a State court
has not deemed a patient incompetent, any legal representative or
surrogate designated by the patient in accordance with State law may
exercise the patient's rights to the extent allowed by State law.
CMS also reviewed TJC's comparable survey processes, which were
conducted as described in section III. of this final notice, and
yielded the following areas where, as of the date of this notice, TJC
has completed revising its survey processes in order to demonstrate
that it uses survey processes that are comparable to state survey
agency processes by:
++ Clarifying TJC's survey activity for Life Safety Code (LSC)
related to the length of time required to complete an LSC/Health Care
Facilities Code (HCFC) survey, as the survey activity will depend upon
various circumstances (for example, age & condition, size of ASC/
building, construction type, number of stories, sprinkler system,
essential electric system, etc.).
++ Updating TJC's survey procedures to ensure all areas of the LSC/
HCFC are surveyed and reflected in TJC's Surveyor Activity Guide.
++ Providing clarification to its Surveyor Activity Guide
indicating that the 2012 edition of the NFPA Life Safety Code and NFPA
99 applies to ASCs.
++ Clarifying that any LSC/HCFC waivers can only be granted by CMS,
in accordance with Sec. 416.44(c)(2).
++ Providing additional surveyor training as it relates to scope,
manner and degree of citations related to medication administration,
physical environment, and Life Safety Code, in accordance with the
State Operations Manual (SOM) Appendix L, Task 4.
++ Providing additional surveyor education comparable to CMS'
Principles of Documentation, specifically to ensure records reviewed
and reported on TJC's survey report to the facility are clear.
++ Revising TJC's process to ensure the appropriate sample of
patient records is reviewed during surveys based on ASC case volume.
B. Term of Approval
Based on our review described in section III. and section V. of
this final notice, we approve TJC as a national accreditation
organization for ASCs that request participation in the Medicare
program. The decision announced in this final notice is effective
September 1, 2024 through September 1, 2030. In accordance with Sec.
488.5(e)(2)(i) the term of the approval will not exceed 6 years.
VI. Collection of Information and Regulatory Impact Statement
This document does not impose information collection requirements,
that is, reporting, recordkeeping or third party disclosure
requirements. Consequently, there is no need for review by the Office
of Management and Budget under the authority of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.).
The Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS), Chiquita Brooks-LaSure, having reviewed and approved this
document, authorizes Vanessa Garcia, who is the Federal Register
Liaison, to electronically sign this document for purposes of
publication in the Federal Register.
Vanessa Garcia,
Federal Register Liaison, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2024-15816 Filed 7-17-24; 8:45 am]