Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC; Notice of Application and Establishing Intervention Deadline, 54808-54810 [2024-14511]

Download as PDF lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 54808 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 127 / Tuesday, July 2, 2024 / Notices accommodate oral public comments whenever possible. PCAST expects that public statements presented at its meetings will not be repetitive of previously submitted oral or written statements. The public comment period for this meeting will take place on July 11, 2024, at a time specified in the meeting agenda. This public comment period is designed only for substantive commentary on PCAST’s work, not for business marketing purposes. This notice is being published less than 15 days prior to the meeting due to scheduling difficulties and members’ availability. Oral Comments: To be considered for the public speaker list at the meeting, interested parties should register to speak at, no later than 12 p.m. EDT on July 3, 2024. To accommodate as many speakers as possible, the time for public comments will be limited to two (2) minutes per person, with a total public comment period of up to 10 minutes. If more speakers register than there is space available on the agenda, PCAST will select speakers on a first-come, firstserved basis from those who registered. Those not able to present oral comments may file written comments with the council. Written Comments: Although written comments are accepted continuously, written comments should be submitted to no later than 12 p.m. EDT on July 3, 2024, so that the comments can be made available to the PCAST members for their consideration prior to this meeting. PCAST operates under the provisions of FACA, all public comments and/or presentations will be treated as public documents and will be made available for public inspection, including being posted on the PCAST website at: Minutes: Minutes will be available within 45 days at: PCAST/meetings. Signing Authority: This document of the Department of Energy was signed on June 27, 2024, by David Borak, Committee Management Officer, pursuant to delegated authority from the Secretary of Energy. That document with the original signature and date is maintained by DOE. For administrative purposes only, and in compliance with requirements of the Office of the Federal Register, the undersigned DOE Federal Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to sign and submit the document in electronic format for publication, as an official document of the Department of Energy. This administrative process in no way alters VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Jul 01, 2024 Jkt 262001 the legal effect of this document upon publication in the Federal Register. Signed in Washington, DC, on June 27, 2024. Treena V. Garrett, Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy. [FR Doc. 2024–14547 Filed 7–1–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6450–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Project No. 7630–005] Town of South Hill; Notice of Availability of Environmental Assessment In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (Commission or FERC) regulations, 18 CFR part 380, Commission staff reviewed the Town of South Hill, Virginia’s application for surrender of exemption from licensing for the Whittles Mill Dam Project No. 7630 and have prepared an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed surrender. The Town of South Hill proposes to keep the dam, powerhouse, and associated facilities intact to serve as a historic landmark and remove other electrical and mechanical components. The impoundment would be maintained at the level of the dam, and the Town of South Hill would retain ownership and management responsibilities associated with the property. The project is located on the Meherrin River in the Town of South Hill in Mecklenburg County, Virginia. The project does not occupy federal lands. The EA contains Commission staff’s analysis of the potential environmental effects of surrendering the exemption, and concludes that the proposed amendment, with appropriate environmental protective measures, would not constitute a major federal action that would significantly affect the quality of the human environment. The EA may be viewed on the Commission’s website at https:// using the ‘‘elibrary’’ link. Enter the docket number (P–7630) in the docket number field to access the document. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support at or tollfree at 1–866–208–3676, or for TTY, (202) 502–8659. You may also register online at https:// asp to be notified via email of new PO 00000 Frm 00047 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 filings and issuances related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, contact FERC Online Support. All comments must be filed by July 25, 2024. The Commission strongly encourages electronic filing. Please file comments using the Commission’s eFiling system at efiling.asp. Commenters can submit brief comments up to 6,000 characters, without prior registration, using the eComment system at https:// ecomment.asp. For assistance, please contact FERC Online Support. In lieu of electronic filing, you may submit a paper copy. Submissions sent via the U.S. Postal Service must be addressed to: Debbie-Anne Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426. Submissions sent via any other carrier must be addressed to: Debbie-Anne Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20852. The first page of any filing should include docket number P–7630–005. The Commission’s Office of Public Participation (OPP) supports meaningful public engagement and participation in Commission proceedings. OPP can help members of the public, including landowners, environmental justice communities, Tribal members and others, access publicly available information and navigate Commission processes. For public inquiries and assistance with making filings such as interventions, comments, or requests for rehearing, the public is encouraged to contact OPP at (202) 502–6595 or OPP@ For further information, contact Rebecca Martin at 202–502–6012 or Dated: June 25, 2024. Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary. [FR Doc. 2024–14507 Filed 7–1–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission [Docket No. CP24–478–000] Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC; Notice of Application and Establishing Intervention Deadline Take notice that on June 13, 2024, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC (Transco), P.O. Box E:\FR\FM\02JYN1.SGM 02JYN1 lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 127 / Tuesday, July 2, 2024 / Notices 1396, Houston, Texas 77251, filed an application under section 7(b) of the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and Part 157 of the Commission’s regulations requesting authorization to abandon its offshore platforms, gathering and transmission laterals in federal waters, offshore Louisiana in Vermillion (VR) Blocks 66, 67, 76 and 131 (Project). Specifically, Transco proposes to abandon: (1) the VR–66 Platform; (2) the VR–67 Platform; (3) the approximately 21.4-mile-long, 16-inch-diameter Pipeline Segment Number (PSN) 1584; (4) the approximately 1.6-mile-long, 16-inchdiameter PSN 1557; (5) the approximately 13.1-mile-long, 12-inchdiameter PSN 1552; (6) the approximately 1.4-mile-long, 16-inchdiameter PSN 1569; (7) the approximately 13.65-mile-long, 16-inchdiameter PSN 3531; (8) the approximately 13.72-mile-long, 20-inchdiameter PSN 3529; and (9) various appurtenances. Transco states the abandonment will eliminate costs and risks associated with retaining the facilities on its Central Louisiana Gathering System. Transco estimates the Project’s total cost to be $19,764,345, all as more fully set forth in the application which is on file with the Commission and open for public inspection. In addition to publishing the full text of this document in the Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons an opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this document via the internet through the Commission’s Home Page (https:// From the Commission’s Home Page on the internet, this information is available on eLibrary. The full text of this document is available on eLibrary in PDF and Microsoft Word format for viewing, printing, and/or downloading. To access this document in eLibrary, type the docket number excluding the last three digits of this document in the docket number field. User assistance is available for eLibrary and the Commission’s website during normal business hours from FERC Online Support at (202) 502–6652 (toll free at 1–866–208–3676) or email at, or the Public Reference Room at (202) 502– 8371, TTY (202) 502–8659. Email the Public Reference Room at Any questions regarding the proposed project should be directed to Travis Beach, Sr. Regulatory Analyst, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC, P.O. Box 1396, Houston, Texas 77251, by phone at (346) 439– 0447, or by email at Travis.Beach@ VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Jul 01, 2024 Jkt 262001 Pursuant to section 157.9 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure,1 within 90 days of this Notice the Commission staff will either: complete its environmental review and place it into the Commission’s public record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or issue a Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review. If a Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review is issued, it will indicate, among other milestones, the anticipated date for the Commission staff’s issuance of the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) or environmental assessment (EA) for this proposal. The filing of an EA in the Commission’s public record for this proceeding or the issuance of a Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review will serve to notify federal and state agencies of the timing for the completion of all necessary reviews, and the subsequent need to complete all federal authorizations within 90 days of the date of issuance of the Commission staff’s FEIS or EA. Public Participation There are three ways to become involved in the Commission’s review of this project: you can file comments on the project, you can protest the filing, and you can file a motion to intervene in the proceeding. There is no fee or cost for filing comments or intervening. The deadline for filing a motion to intervene is 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on July 16, 2024. How to file protests, motions to intervene, and comments is explained below. The Commission’s Office of Public Participation (OPP) supports meaningful public engagement and participation in Commission proceedings. OPP can help members of the public, including landowners, environmental justice communities, Tribal members and others, access publicly available information and navigate Commission processes. For public inquiries and assistance with making filings such as interventions, comments, or requests for rehearing, the public is encouraged to contact OPP at (202) 502–6595 or OPP@ Comments Any person wishing to comment on the project may do so. Comments may include statements of support or objections, to the project as a whole or specific aspects of the project. The more specific your comments, the more useful they will be. PO 00000 1 18 CFR 157.9. Frm 00048 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 54809 Protests Pursuant to sections 157.10(a)(4) 2 and 385.211 3 of the Commission’s regulations under the NGA, any person 4 may file a protest to the application. Protests must comply with the requirements specified in section 385.2001 5 of the Commission’s regulations. A protest may also serve as a motion to intervene so long as the protestor states it also seeks to be an intervenor. To ensure that your comments or protests are timely and properly recorded, please submit your comments on or before July 16, 2024. There are three methods you can use to submit your comments or protests to the Commission. In all instances, please reference the Project docket number CP24–478–000 in your submission. (1) You may file your comments electronically by using the eComment feature, which is located on the Commission’s website at under the link to Documents and Filings. Using eComment is an easy method for interested persons to submit brief, text-only comments on a project; (2) You may file your comments or protests electronically by using the eFiling feature, which is located on the Commission’s website ( under the link to Documents and Filings. With eFiling, you can provide comments in a variety of formats by attaching them as a file with your submission. New eFiling users must first create an account by clicking on ‘‘eRegister.’’ You will be asked to select the type of filing you are making; first select ‘‘General’’ and then select ‘‘Comment on a Filing’’; or (3) You can file a paper copy of your comments or protests by mailing them to the following address below. Your written comments must reference the Project docket number (CP24–478–000). To file via USPS: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 To file via any other courier: DebbieAnne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20852 The Commission encourages electronic filing of comments (options 1 and 2 above) and has eFiling staff available to assist you at (202) 502–8258 or 2 18 CFR 157.10(a)(4). CFR 385.211. 4 Persons include individuals, organizations, businesses, municipalities, and other entities. 18 CFR 385.102(d). 5 18 CFR 385.2001. 3 18 E:\FR\FM\02JYN1.SGM 02JYN1 54810 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 127 / Tuesday, July 2, 2024 / Notices lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Persons who comment on the environmental review of this project will be placed on the Commission’s environmental mailing list, and will receive notification when the environmental documents (EA or EIS) are issued for this project and will be notified of meetings associated with the Commission’s environmental review process. The Commission considers all comments received about the project in determining the appropriate action to be taken. However, the filing of a comment alone will not serve to make the filer a party to the proceeding. To become a party, you must intervene in the proceeding. For instructions on how to intervene, see below. Interventions Any person, which includes individuals, organizations, businesses, municipalities, and other entities,6 has the option to file a motion to intervene in this proceeding. Only intervenors have the right to request rehearing of Commission orders issued in this proceeding and to subsequently challenge the Commission’s orders in the U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal. To intervene, you must submit a motion to intervene to the Commission in accordance with Rule 214 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure 7 and the regulations under the NGA 8 by the intervention deadline for the project, which is July 16, 2024. As described further in Rule 214, your motion to intervene must state, to the extent known, your position regarding the proceeding, as well as your interest in the proceeding. For an individual, this could include your status as a landowner, ratepayer, resident of an impacted community, or recreationist. You do not need to have property directly impacted by the project in order to intervene. For more information about motions to intervene, refer to the FERC website at resources/guides/how-to/intervene.asp. There are two ways to submit your motion to intervene. In both instances, please reference the Project docket number CP24–478–000 in your submission. (1) You may file your motion to intervene by using the Commission’s eFiling feature, which is located on the Commission’s website ( under the link to Documents and Filings. New eFiling users must first create an account by clicking on ‘‘eRegister.’’ You will be asked to select 6 18 CFR 385.102(d). CFR 385.214. 8 18 CFR 157.10. 7 18 VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:34 Jul 01, 2024 Jkt 262001 the type of filing you are making; first select ‘‘General’’ and then select ‘‘Intervention.’’ The eFiling feature includes a document-less intervention option; for more information, visit document-less-intervention.pdf.; or (2) You can file a paper copy of your motion to intervene, along with three copies, by mailing the documents to the address below. Your motion to intervene must reference the Project docket number CP24–478–000. To file via USPS: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426 To file via any other courier: DebbieAnne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20852 The Commission encourages electronic filing of motions to intervene (option 1 above) and has eFiling staff available to assist you at (202) 502–8258 or Protests and motions to intervene must be served on the applicant either by mail or email at: Travis Beach, Sr. Regulatory Analyst, P.O. Box 1396, Houston, Texas 77251, or by email at Any subsequent submissions by an intervenor must be served on the applicant and all other parties to the proceeding. Contact information for parties can be downloaded from the service list at the eService link on FERC Online. Service can be via email with a link to the document. All timely, unopposed 9 motions to intervene are automatically granted by operation of Rule 214(c)(1).10 Motions to intervene that are filed after the intervention deadline are untimely, and may be denied. Any late-filed motion to intervene must show good cause for being late and must explain why the time limitation should be waived and provide justification by reference to factors set forth in Rule 214(d) of the Commission’s Rules and Regulations.11 A person obtaining party status will be placed on the service list maintained by the Secretary of the Commission and will receive copies (paper or electronic) of all documents filed by the applicant and by all other parties. Tracking the Proceeding Throughout the proceeding, additional information about the project 9 The applicant has 15 days from the submittal of a motion to intervene to file a written objection to the intervention. 10 18 CFR 385.214(c)(1). 11 18 CFR 385.214(b)(3) and (d). PO 00000 Frm 00049 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 will be available from the Commission’s Office of External Affairs, at (866) 208– FERC, or on the FERC website at using the ‘‘eLibrary’’ link as described above. The eLibrary link also provides access to the texts of all formal documents issued by the Commission, such as orders, notices, and rulemakings. In addition, the Commission offers a free service called eSubscription which allows you to keep track of all formal issuances and submittals in specific dockets. This can reduce the amount of time you spend researching proceedings by automatically providing you with notification of these filings, document summaries, and direct links to the documents. For more information and to register, go to esubscription.asp. Intervention Deadline: 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on July 16, 2024. Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary. [FR Doc. 2024–14511 Filed 7–1–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6717–01–P DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Combined Notice of Filings Take notice that the Commission has received the following Natural Gas Pipeline Rate and Refund Report filings: Filings Instituting Proceedings Docket Numbers: PR24–78–000. Applicants: Gulf Coast Express Pipeline LLC. Description: § 284.123(g) Rate Filing: Revised Statement of Operating Conditions to be effective 6/29/2024. Filed Date: 6/24/24. Accession Number: 20240624–5197. Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 7/15/24. § 284.123(g) Protest: 5 p.m. ET 8/23/ 24. Docket Numbers: RP24–840–000. Applicants: Mountain Valley Pipeline, LLC. Description: § 4(d) Rate Filing: Negotiated Rate Agreement—6/26/2024 to be effective 6/26/2024. Filed Date: 6/25/24. Accession Number: 20240625–5105. Comment Date: 5 p.m. ET 7/8/24. Any person desiring to intervene, to protest, or to answer a complaint in any of the above proceedings must file in accordance with Rules 211, 214, or 206 of the Commission’s Regulations (18 CFR 385.211, 385.214, or 385.206) on or before 5:00 p.m. Eastern time on the specified comment date. Protests may be E:\FR\FM\02JYN1.SGM 02JYN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 127 (Tuesday, July 2, 2024)]
[Pages 54808-54810]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-14511]



Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

[Docket No. CP24-478-000]

Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line Company, LLC; Notice of 
Application and Establishing Intervention Deadline

    Take notice that on June 13, 2024, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line 
Company, LLC (Transco), P.O. Box

[[Page 54809]]

1396, Houston, Texas 77251, filed an application under section 7(b) of 
the Natural Gas Act (NGA) and Part 157 of the Commission's regulations 
requesting authorization to abandon its offshore platforms, gathering 
and transmission laterals in federal waters, offshore Louisiana in 
Vermillion (VR) Blocks 66, 67, 76 and 131 (Project). Specifically, 
Transco proposes to abandon: (1) the VR-66 Platform; (2) the VR-67 
Platform; (3) the approximately 21.4-mile-long, 16-inch-diameter 
Pipeline Segment Number (PSN) 1584; (4) the approximately 1.6-mile-
long, 16-inch-diameter PSN 1557; (5) the approximately 13.1-mile-long, 
12-inch-diameter PSN 1552; (6) the approximately 1.4-mile-long, 16-
inch-diameter PSN 1569; (7) the approximately 13.65-mile-long, 16-inch-
diameter PSN 3531; (8) the approximately 13.72-mile-long, 20-inch-
diameter PSN 3529; and (9) various appurtenances. Transco states the 
abandonment will eliminate costs and risks associated with retaining 
the facilities on its Central Louisiana Gathering System. Transco 
estimates the Project's total cost to be $19,764,345, all as more fully 
set forth in the application which is on file with the Commission and 
open for public inspection.
    In addition to publishing the full text of this document in the 
Federal Register, the Commission provides all interested persons an 
opportunity to view and/or print the contents of this document via the 
internet through the Commission's Home Page ( From 
the Commission's Home Page on the internet, this information is 
available on eLibrary. The full text of this document is available on 
eLibrary in PDF and Microsoft Word format for viewing, printing, and/or 
downloading. To access this document in eLibrary, type the docket 
number excluding the last three digits of this document in the docket 
number field.
    User assistance is available for eLibrary and the Commission's 
website during normal business hours from FERC Online Support at (202) 
502-6652 (toll free at 1-866-208-3676) or email at 
[email protected], or the Public Reference Room at (202) 502-
8371, TTY (202) 502-8659. Email the Public Reference Room at 
[email protected].
    Any questions regarding the proposed project should be directed to 
Travis Beach, Sr. Regulatory Analyst, Transcontinental Gas Pipe Line 
Company, LLC, P.O. Box 1396, Houston, Texas 77251, by phone at (346) 
439-0447, or by email at [email protected].
    Pursuant to section 157.9 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and 
Procedure,\1\ within 90 days of this Notice the Commission staff will 
either: complete its environmental review and place it into the 
Commission's public record (eLibrary) for this proceeding; or issue a 
Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review. If a Notice of Schedule 
for Environmental Review is issued, it will indicate, among other 
milestones, the anticipated date for the Commission staff's issuance of 
the final environmental impact statement (FEIS) or environmental 
assessment (EA) for this proposal. The filing of an EA in the 
Commission's public record for this proceeding or the issuance of a 
Notice of Schedule for Environmental Review will serve to notify 
federal and state agencies of the timing for the completion of all 
necessary reviews, and the subsequent need to complete all federal 
authorizations within 90 days of the date of issuance of the Commission 
staff's FEIS or EA.

    \1\ 18 CFR 157.9.

Public Participation

    There are three ways to become involved in the Commission's review 
of this project: you can file comments on the project, you can protest 
the filing, and you can file a motion to intervene in the proceeding. 
There is no fee or cost for filing comments or intervening. The 
deadline for filing a motion to intervene is 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on 
July 16, 2024. How to file protests, motions to intervene, and comments 
is explained below.
    The Commission's Office of Public Participation (OPP) supports 
meaningful public engagement and participation in Commission 
proceedings. OPP can help members of the public, including landowners, 
environmental justice communities, Tribal members and others, access 
publicly available information and navigate Commission processes. For 
public inquiries and assistance with making filings such as 
interventions, comments, or requests for rehearing, the public is 
encouraged to contact OPP at (202) 502-6595 or [email protected].


    Any person wishing to comment on the project may do so. Comments 
may include statements of support or objections, to the project as a 
whole or specific aspects of the project. The more specific your 
comments, the more useful they will be.


    Pursuant to sections 157.10(a)(4) \2\ and 385.211 \3\ of the 
Commission's regulations under the NGA, any person \4\ may file a 
protest to the application. Protests must comply with the requirements 
specified in section 385.2001 \5\ of the Commission's regulations. A 
protest may also serve as a motion to intervene so long as the 
protestor states it also seeks to be an intervenor.

    \2\ 18 CFR 157.10(a)(4).
    \3\ 18 CFR 385.211.
    \4\ Persons include individuals, organizations, businesses, 
municipalities, and other entities. 18 CFR 385.102(d).
    \5\ 18 CFR 385.2001.

    To ensure that your comments or protests are timely and properly 
recorded, please submit your comments on or before July 16, 2024.
    There are three methods you can use to submit your comments or 
protests to the Commission. In all instances, please reference the 
Project docket number CP24-478-000 in your submission.
    (1) You may file your comments electronically by using the eComment 
feature, which is located on the Commission's website at 
under the link to Documents and Filings. Using eComment is an easy 
method for interested persons to submit brief, text-only comments on a 
    (2) You may file your comments or protests electronically by using 
the eFiling feature, which is located on the Commission's website 
( under the link to Documents and Filings. With eFiling, 
you can provide comments in a variety of formats by attaching them as a 
file with your submission. New eFiling users must first create an 
account by clicking on ``eRegister.'' You will be asked to select the 
type of filing you are making; first select ``General'' and then select 
``Comment on a Filing''; or
    (3) You can file a paper copy of your comments or protests by 
mailing them to the following address below. Your written comments must 
reference the Project docket number (CP24-478-000).

To file via USPS: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal 
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426
To file via any other courier: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, 
Maryland 20852

    The Commission encourages electronic filing of comments (options 1 
and 2 above) and has eFiling staff available to assist you at (202) 
502-8258 or [email protected].

[[Page 54810]]

    Persons who comment on the environmental review of this project 
will be placed on the Commission's environmental mailing list, and will 
receive notification when the environmental documents (EA or EIS) are 
issued for this project and will be notified of meetings associated 
with the Commission's environmental review process.
    The Commission considers all comments received about the project in 
determining the appropriate action to be taken. However, the filing of 
a comment alone will not serve to make the filer a party to the 
proceeding. To become a party, you must intervene in the proceeding. 
For instructions on how to intervene, see below.


    Any person, which includes individuals, organizations, businesses, 
municipalities, and other entities,\6\ has the option to file a motion 
to intervene in this proceeding. Only intervenors have the right to 
request rehearing of Commission orders issued in this proceeding and to 
subsequently challenge the Commission's orders in the U.S. Circuit 
Courts of Appeal.

    \6\ 18 CFR 385.102(d).

    To intervene, you must submit a motion to intervene to the 
Commission in accordance with Rule 214 of the Commission's Rules of 
Practice and Procedure \7\ and the regulations under the NGA \8\ by the 
intervention deadline for the project, which is July 16, 2024. As 
described further in Rule 214, your motion to intervene must state, to 
the extent known, your position regarding the proceeding, as well as 
your interest in the proceeding. For an individual, this could include 
your status as a landowner, ratepayer, resident of an impacted 
community, or recreationist. You do not need to have property directly 
impacted by the project in order to intervene. For more information 
about motions to intervene, refer to the FERC website at

    \7\ 18 CFR 385.214.
    \8\ 18 CFR 157.10.

    There are two ways to submit your motion to intervene. In both 
instances, please reference the Project docket number CP24-478-000 in 
your submission.
    (1) You may file your motion to intervene by using the Commission's 
eFiling feature, which is located on the Commission's website 
( under the link to Documents and Filings. New eFiling 
users must first create an account by clicking on ``eRegister.'' You 
will be asked to select the type of filing you are making; first select 
``General'' and then select ``Intervention.'' The eFiling feature 
includes a document-less intervention option; for more information, 
visit; or
    (2) You can file a paper copy of your motion to intervene, along 
with three copies, by mailing the documents to the address below. Your 
motion to intervene must reference the Project docket number CP24-478-

To file via USPS: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal 
Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Washington, DC 20426
To file via any other courier: Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, 
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, 
Maryland 20852

    The Commission encourages electronic filing of motions to intervene 
(option 1 above) and has eFiling staff available to assist you at (202) 
502-8258 or [email protected].
    Protests and motions to intervene must be served on the applicant 
either by mail or email at: Travis Beach, Sr. Regulatory Analyst, P.O. 
Box 1396, Houston, Texas 77251, or by email at 
[email protected]. Any subsequent submissions by an intervenor 
must be served on the applicant and all other parties to the 
proceeding. Contact information for parties can be downloaded from the 
service list at the eService link on FERC Online. Service can be via 
email with a link to the document.
    All timely, unopposed \9\ motions to intervene are automatically 
granted by operation of Rule 214(c)(1).\10\ Motions to intervene that 
are filed after the intervention deadline are untimely, and may be 
denied. Any late-filed motion to intervene must show good cause for 
being late and must explain why the time limitation should be waived 
and provide justification by reference to factors set forth in Rule 
214(d) of the Commission's Rules and Regulations.\11\ A person 
obtaining party status will be placed on the service list maintained by 
the Secretary of the Commission and will receive copies (paper or 
electronic) of all documents filed by the applicant and by all other 

    \9\ The applicant has 15 days from the submittal of a motion to 
intervene to file a written objection to the intervention.
    \10\ 18 CFR 385.214(c)(1).
    \11\ 18 CFR 385.214(b)(3) and (d).

Tracking the Proceeding

    Throughout the proceeding, additional information about the project 
will be available from the Commission's Office of External Affairs, at 
(866) 208-FERC, or on the FERC website at using the 
``eLibrary'' link as described above. The eLibrary link also provides 
access to the texts of all formal documents issued by the Commission, 
such as orders, notices, and rulemakings.
    In addition, the Commission offers a free service called 
eSubscription which allows you to keep track of all formal issuances 
and submittals in specific dockets. This can reduce the amount of time 
you spend researching proceedings by automatically providing you with 
notification of these filings, document summaries, and direct links to 
the documents. For more information and to register, go to
    Intervention Deadline: 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on July 16, 2024.

Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024-14511 Filed 7-1-24; 8:45 am]

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