Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB Review; Public Comment Request; the State Plan for Assistive Technology (OMB Control Number 0985-0048), 54006-54008 [2024-14226]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 125 / Friday, June 28, 2024 / Notices
on respondents, including using
automated collection techniques or
other forms of technology?
5. The accuracy of the agency’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information.
6. What, if any, additions, revisions,
or modifications to the information
collection would you suggest?
Consideration will be given to
comments and suggestions submitted
within 30 days of this publication.
Authority: 112 Stat. 2729; 42 U.S.C.
Mary C. Jones,
ACF/OPRE Certifying Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024–14172 Filed 6–27–24; 8:45 am]
Administration for Community Living
Intent to Award a Single-Source
Supplement for the Expanding ACL
Innovation Lab
Administration for Community
Living, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
The Administration for
Community Living (ACL) announces the
intent to award a single-source
supplement to the current cooperative
agreement held by the National Council
on Aging for the ACL Innovation Lab
(‘‘the Lab’’) program. The purpose of the
Lab is to support research,
demonstration, and evaluation efforts
related to falls prevention amongst older
adults and older adults with disabilities.
further information or comments
regarding this program supplement,
contact Shannon Skowronski, U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Services, Administration for
Community Living, Center for Policy
and Evaluation, Office of Performance
and Evaluation; telephone (202) 795–
7438 email shannon.skowronski@
primary activities of the ACL Innovation
Lab include:
• Developing a taxonomy for falls
prevention research.
• Funding a cohort of sub-awards to
community-based entities across the
nation to conduct research to
understand and measure the extent to
which existing interventions reduce
falls and risk factors.
• Developing a secure, dynamic
system to house the data collected and
evidence developed by sub-awardees.
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• Serving as a national focal point for
technical assistance that supports the
delivery and scaling of effective falls
prevention interventions across the
aging network.
The supplement for FY 2024 will be
approximately $4,441,320 and will not
be used for projects or activities outside
the scope of the approved award. The
supplement will provide sufficient
resources for:
• increasing the number and
geographic reach of sub-awards to
community-based entities.
• providing enhanced technical
assistance, with a particular focus on
individually tailored supports for subawardees, data collection, navigating
and securing Institutional Review Board
approval, and expanding dissemination.
Program Name: ACL Innovation Lab.
Recipient: The National Council on
Period of Performance: September 1,
2023 through August 31, 2026 (fullyfunded).
Award Amount: Approximately
Award Type: Cooperative Agreement
Statutory Authority: Older Americans
Act of 1965, sections 201 and 411, as
amended through Pub. L. 116–131 (42
U.S.C. 3011, 42 U.S.C. 3032).
Basis for Award: The National
Council on Aging (NCOA) is currently
funded to serve as the first-ever ACL
Innovation Lab (‘‘the Lab’’) for the
period of September 1, 2023 through
August 31, 2026. Since project
implementation began in September
2023, the grantee has accomplished a
great deal. This supplement will enable
the grantee to carry their work even
further, providing additional sub-grants
and enhanced technical assistance to
advance falls prevention efforts across
the nation.
The NCOA is uniquely positioned to
complete the work called for under this
project. NCOA’s primary partners on
this project include Impact Genome and
a Research Advisory Committee,
comprised of experts in the fields of
falls prevention, community-based
participatory research, and related areas.
Establishing an entirely new grant
project for this program would be
potentially disruptive to efforts
currently underway. The Lab was
authorized in 2020, but not funded and
established until FY2023. Work is
currently underway to build a solid
foundation and infrastructure for the
Lab. If this supplement were not
provided, this would make it difficult to
build the comprehensive and dynamic
infrastructure needed to advance the
goals and efforts of this program for
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years to come. Building a parallel
infrastructure this early in the process
would likely result in duplication of
effort. In addition, it has become evident
that sub-awardee technical assistance
needs will exceed initial estimates.
Providing this supplement to NCOA
will allow for the greater realization of
Congress’ intent in Titles II and IV of the
Older Americans Act (OAA), which
calls for the establishment of a Research,
Demonstration, and Evaluation Center
(‘‘the Lab’’) for the purposes of
‘‘[conducting] research, research
dissemination, evaluation,
demonstration projects, and related
activities . . .; ‘‘[providing] assessment
of the programs and interventions
authorized under [the OAA]; and
‘‘[increasing the repository of
information on evidence-based
programs and interventions available to
the aging network . . .’’ (Title II) and
supporting ‘‘applied social research,
aligned with evidence-based practice,
and analysis to improve access to and
delivery of services for older individuals
. . .’’ (Title IV).
Dated: June 24, 2024.
Alison Barkoff,
Principal Deputy Administrator for the
Administration for Community Living,
performing the delegable duties of the
Administrator and Assistant Secretary for
[FR Doc. 2024–14227 Filed 6–27–24; 8:45 am]
Administration for Community Living
Agency Information Collection
Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Public Comment Request; the
State Plan for Assistive Technology
(OMB Control Number 0985–0048)
Administration for Community
Living, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
The Administration for
Community Living (ACL) is announcing
that the proposed collection of
information listed above has been
submitted to the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) for review and
clearance as required under section
506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork Reduction
Act of 1995. This 30-day notice collects
comments on the information collection
requirements related to the proposed
extension of the information collection
requirements relating to the State Plan
of Assistive Technology (OMB Control
Number 0985–0048).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 125 / Friday, June 28, 2024 / Notices
Comments on the collection of
information must be submitted
electronically by 11:59 p.m. ET or
postmarked. July 29, 2024.
Submit written comments
and recommendations for the proposed
information collection within 30 days of
publication of this notice to
Find the information collection by
selecting ‘‘Currently under 30-day
Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or
by using the search function. By mail to
the Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, OMB, New Executive Office
Bldg., 725 17th St. NW, Rm. 10235,
Washington, DC 20503, Attention: OMB
Desk Officer for ACL.
compliance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3506), the
Administration for Community Living
(ACL) has submitted the following
proposed collection of information to
OMB for review and clearance. Section
4 of the 21st Century Assistive
Technology Act (AT Act) provides
grants to states and territories to operate
comprehensive statewide assistive
technology programs (Statewide AT
Programs) that increase access to and
acquisition of AT devices and services
for individuals with disabilities and
older Americans. States and territories
are required to apply to ACL in order to
receive funds under this grant program.
Section 4(d) of the AT Act requires that
this application contain:
(1) Information identifying and
describing the lead agency and
implementing entity (if applicable)
responsible for carrying out the
Statewide AT Program and a description
of how the implementing entity (if
applicable) coordinates and collaborates
with the state;
(2) A description of how public and
private entities were involved in the
development of the application and will
be involved in implementation of the
grant, including the resources to be
committed by these entities;
(3) A description of how the
Statewide AT Program will implement
the activities required under the grant,
which include state financing, device
reutilization, device loans, device
demonstrations, training, technical
assistance, and public awareness.
Statewide AT Programs must conduct
these activities in coordination and
collaboration with other appropriate
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(4) An explanation of how the grant
funds will be allocated, used, and
(5) A set of assurances; and
(6) A description of the activities that
will be supported with State funds.
Section 4 Requirements Necessitating
Submission of the State Plan for AT and
Annual Data Collection
Section 4 of the AT Act authorizes
grants to public agencies in the 50 states
and the District of Columbia, Puerto
Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam,
American Samoa, and the
Commonwealth of the Northern
Marianas (states and outlying areas).
With these funds, the 56 states and
territories operate ‘‘Statewide AT
Programs’’ that conduct activities to
increase access to, and acquisition of,
assistive technology (AT) for
individuals with disabilities and older
Americans. These comprehensive
activities are divided into two
categories: ‘‘State-level Activities’’ and
‘‘State Leadership Activities.’’
According to Section 4 of the AT Act,
as a condition of receiving a grant to
support their Statewide AT Programs,
the 56 states and territories must
provide to ACL: (1) applications and (2)
annual progress reports on their
Applications: The application
required of states and territories is a
three-year State Plan for Assistive
Technology (State Plan for AT or State
Plan) (OMB No. 0985–0048). The
content of the State Plan for AT is based
on the requirements in Section 4(d) of
the AT Act. As a part of this State Plan,
Section 4(d)(3) of the AT Act requires
that states and territories conduct
activities addressing the assistive
technology needs of individuals with
disabilities in education, employment,
community living and information
National aggregation of data related to
the required state-level and state
leadership activities is necessary for the
Government Performance and Results
Modernization Act of 2010 (GPRAMA)
as well as an Annual Report to
Congress. Therefore, this State Plan for
AT instrument provides a way for all 56
grantees—50 U.S. states, DC, Puerto
Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam,
American Samoa, and the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands to collect and report data on
their performance in a consistent
Annual Reports: In addition to
submitting a State Plan for AT every
three years, states and outlying areas are
required to submit annual progress
reports on their activities. The data
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required in that progress report is
specified in Section 4(f) of the AT Act.
Section 8 Requirements Necessitating
Section 8(d) of the AT Act requires
that ACL submit to Congress an annual
report on the activities identified in the
State Plan for AT and an analysis of the
progress of the states and territories in
meeting their measurable goals. The
State Plan for AT must include a
compilation and summary of the
activities conducted under Section 4(f).
In order to make this possible, states
and territories must provide their data
uniformly. This State Plan for AT
instrument was developed to ensure
that all 56 states and territories report
data in a consistent manner in
alignment with the requirements of
Section 4(f).
Comments in Response to the 60-Day
Federal Register Notice (FRN)
ACL published a 60-day FRN on
March 26, 2024, at 89 FR 20977. ACL
received six comments in support of the
updates to the State Plan for AT
instrument: one each from the Michigan
AT Program, the Wisconsin AT
Program, and the Association of
Assistive Technology Act Programs
(ATAP). A public comment summary
and ACL responses are provided below.
Comment Summary: Proposed overall
updates to the State Plan for Assistive
Technology (AT) information collection
(IC) instrument and instruction manual
to align with the reauthorization of the
Assistive Technology Act. Two State AT
Act Program grantees and the
Association of Assistive Technology Act
Programs (ATAP) commented in
support of the proposed updates to the
State Plan for AT IC as reasonable
changes to align with the 21st Century
Assistive Technology Act.
(1) Wisconsin Assistive Technology
Program: ‘‘I have reviewed the proposed
State Plan for AT Instrument and
Instructions and also reviewed it with
our Statewide Assistive Technology
Advisory Council. The reporting
structure and requirements appear to
satisfy the 21st Century Assistive
Technology Act. The updated
components and information do not
appear that they will cause our program
any undue burden or increase our level
of reporting for completion of the State
Plan for Assistive Technology. I look
forward to submitting our next threeyear State Plan to ACL once this is
(2) Michigan Assistive Technology
Program: ‘‘I just wanted to submit a
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 125 / Friday, June 28, 2024 / Notices
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comment on the proposed changes to
the state plan—the proposed changes
look great and won’t be a burden for our
state. Thank you for all you are doing.’’
(3) Association of Assistive
Technology Act Programs: ‘‘On behalf of
the Association of Assistive Technology
Act Programs (ATAP), we would like to
respond to the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services,
Administration for Community Living
(ACL)’s Federal Register Notice (FRN)
published on March 26, 2024 in 89 FR
20977 regarding the proposed updates
to the State Plan for Assistive
ATAP represents State and Territory
Assistive Technology Act Programs
formula funded under Section 4 of the
Assistive Technology (AT) Act. State
and Territory AT Act Programs operate
in all 50 states, the District of Columbia,
Puerto Rico and four territories and are
available for persons with all types of
disabilities, all ages, in all environments
(education, employment, community
living, and information technology).
State and Territory AT Act Programs are
able to best match the proper assistive
technology (AT) with individuals’
needs, provide a device demonstration,
loan a device, and provide training and
support for the use of the device.
Assistive technology and/or adaptive
equipment can facilitate, support, and
improve functionality so every
individual with disability can obtain an
education, gain, and maintain
employment, and live independently in
their community.
ATAP supports ACL’s proposed
updates to the State Plan for Assistive
Technology that mirror the changes
made to the Assistive Technology Act in
the 2022 reauthorization, retitling the
law to the 21st Century Assistive
Technology Act.
ATAP appreciates the opportunity to
comment. Please let me know if we can
provide any additional information.’’
ACL Response: ACL acknowledged
receipt of comments in support of the
updates to the State Plan for AT.
Comment Summary: The Texas
Assistive Technology Act Program
submitted three comments on proposed
changes for clarification of terms and
activities consistent with the
reauthorization of the AT Act.
Comment 1: Advisory Council
‘‘While I completely agree in the
proposed representation on the
Advisory Committee, unless the other
agency has a commensurate data point
or a fiscal incentive, they may not be
inclined to participate on a state AT
Program Advisory. I would assume a
state AT program would do their due
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diligence to acquire representation, and
could likely document doing so, it still
may not occur. I would hope the plan
would provide an opportunity for a
State AT Program to document such
As a specific example for Texas’ SEA
has been reluctant to engage the state
AT Program in any respect. While TTAP
has been able to gain participation at
Regional levels (Education Service
Centers which serve under Texas’
SEA—so in essence are representatives
but are not directly employed by the
SEA), and local levels (LEAs that engage
the TTAP Advisory in some capacity),
we have not been able to get an actual
SEA employee to participate in our
Advisory. We speculate, there are many
possible reasons—understaffing,
frequent turn over, lack of support for
AT/assumption that LEAs are ‘‘doing
fine’’ with AT, etc. I have heard from
other programs similar issues—also
extending to VA, housing, Medicaid/
HHS, and transportation representation.
To summarize, I see the value of this
expectation but think many programs
will not be able to make the mark. I am
hopeful there will be a mechanism to
share efforts programs have made to
fulfill this grant obligation even if it was
not realized—perhaps some place to
record future plans to encourage
ACL Response: ACL acknowledged
receipt of comment. The updated State
Plan for AT instrument enables grantees
to describe their efforts to secure
required Advisory Council membership.
Comment 2: Education/Training,
Technical Assistance, and Public
‘‘I think this section does not capture
the dept of work State AT programs put
into this activity. This changes practice
which eventually affects outcomes. We
can provide access to technology all day
long but if people (professionals, care
givers, and people with disabilities) do
not know what to do with it, it is
useless. The collection tool asks for no
more than three examples, but
education/training, and technical
assistance are what make the biggest
difference. Anecdotal and narrative
information does not measure the
impact these activities have on the
provision of AT devices and services. I
would also like to be able to highlight
more than one or two public awareness
event plans. These state leadership
activities drive increased state level
activities. State AT programs should be
able to share this robust information and
possibly outline 1-3-5-year plans for
increasing leadership to better support
state level programs.’’
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ACL Response: ACL acknowledged
receipt and agrees with the comment,
which is specific to data collection and
reporting for the AT Annual Progress
Report (APR) Information Collection
(IC) instrument. The State Plan for AT
is a high-level three-year planning
document outlining projected AT Act
activities. The AT APR provides an
expansive mechanism to report
annually on these activities.
Comment 3: Coordination/Collaboration
and State Improvement Initiatives
‘‘I did not see this reflected in the
State AT planning document though we
do collect data on this annually. It also
highlights the local control afforded
state programs to determine specific
needs for our consumers which is a
positive aspect of the grant.’’
ACL Response: ACL acknowledged
receipt and agrees with the comment
that is specific to the AT APR IC. The
State Plan for AT is a high-level threeyear planning document outlining
projected AT Act activities. The AT
APR provides an expansive mechanism
to report annually on these activities.
Estimated Program Burden
ACL estimates the burden of this
collection of information as follows:
Fifty-six grantees report to ACL using
the web-based data collection system. A
workgroup of grantees estimated that
the average amount of time required to
complete all responses to the data
collection instrument is 73 hours
annually. The burden estimates affect
the reporting responsibilities of the
Statewide AT Programs, and the
directors were chosen to represent the
diversity of the 56 programs based on
regions of the country, sizes of the
programs, types of agencies operating
the programs, and whether or not the
director is an individual with a
disability. The estimated response
burden includes time to review the
instructions, gather existing
information, and complete and review
the data entries.
a. Number of respondents—56
b. Frequency of response—1
c. Total annual responses (a × b)—56
d. Hours per response—73
e. Total burden hours (c × d)—4,088
Dated: June 24, 2024.
Alison Barkoff,
Principal Deputy Administrator for the
Administration for Community Living,
performing the delegable duties of the
Administrator and the Assistant Secretary for
[FR Doc. 2024–14226 Filed 6–27–24; 8:45 am]
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 125 (Friday, June 28, 2024)]
[Pages 54006-54008]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-14226]
Administration for Community Living
Agency Information Collection Activities: Submission for OMB
Review; Public Comment Request; the State Plan for Assistive Technology
(OMB Control Number 0985-0048)
AGENCY: Administration for Community Living, HHS.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The Administration for Community Living (ACL) is announcing
that the proposed collection of information listed above has been
submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review and
clearance as required under section 506(c)(2)(A) of the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. This 30-day notice collects comments on the
information collection requirements related to the proposed extension
of the information collection requirements relating to the State Plan
of Assistive Technology (OMB Control Number 0985-0048).
[[Page 54007]]
DATES: Comments on the collection of information must be submitted
electronically by 11:59 p.m. ET or postmarked. July 29, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Submit written comments and recommendations for the proposed
information collection within 30 days of publication of this notice to Find the information collection by
selecting ``Currently under 30-day Review--Open for Public Comments''
or by using the search function. By mail to the Office of Information
and Regulatory Affairs, OMB, New Executive Office Bldg., 725 17th St.
NW, Rm. 10235, Washington, DC 20503, Attention: OMB Desk Officer for
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: [email protected] (202)
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: In compliance with the Paperwork Reduction
Act (44 U.S.C. 3506), the Administration for Community Living (ACL) has
submitted the following proposed collection of information to OMB for
review and clearance. Section 4 of the 21st Century Assistive
Technology Act (AT Act) provides grants to states and territories to
operate comprehensive statewide assistive technology programs
(Statewide AT Programs) that increase access to and acquisition of AT
devices and services for individuals with disabilities and older
Americans. States and territories are required to apply to ACL in order
to receive funds under this grant program. Section 4(d) of the AT Act
requires that this application contain:
(1) Information identifying and describing the lead agency and
implementing entity (if applicable) responsible for carrying out the
Statewide AT Program and a description of how the implementing entity
(if applicable) coordinates and collaborates with the state;
(2) A description of how public and private entities were involved
in the development of the application and will be involved in
implementation of the grant, including the resources to be committed by
these entities;
(3) A description of how the Statewide AT Program will implement
the activities required under the grant, which include state financing,
device reutilization, device loans, device demonstrations, training,
technical assistance, and public awareness. Statewide AT Programs must
conduct these activities in coordination and collaboration with other
appropriate entities;
(4) An explanation of how the grant funds will be allocated, used,
and tracked;
(5) A set of assurances; and
(6) A description of the activities that will be supported with
State funds.
Section 4 Requirements Necessitating Submission of the State Plan for
AT and Annual Data Collection
Section 4 of the AT Act authorizes grants to public agencies in the
50 states and the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, the Virgin
Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern
Marianas (states and outlying areas). With these funds, the 56 states
and territories operate ``Statewide AT Programs'' that conduct
activities to increase access to, and acquisition of, assistive
technology (AT) for individuals with disabilities and older Americans.
These comprehensive activities are divided into two categories:
``State-level Activities'' and ``State Leadership Activities.''
According to Section 4 of the AT Act, as a condition of receiving a
grant to support their Statewide AT Programs, the 56 states and
territories must provide to ACL: (1) applications and (2) annual
progress reports on their activities.
Applications: The application required of states and territories is
a three-year State Plan for Assistive Technology (State Plan for AT or
State Plan) (OMB No. 0985-0048). The content of the State Plan for AT
is based on the requirements in Section 4(d) of the AT Act. As a part
of this State Plan, Section 4(d)(3) of the AT Act requires that states
and territories conduct activities addressing the assistive technology
needs of individuals with disabilities in education, employment,
community living and information technology/telecommunications.
National aggregation of data related to the required state-level
and state leadership activities is necessary for the Government
Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010 (GPRAMA) as well as
an Annual Report to Congress. Therefore, this State Plan for AT
instrument provides a way for all 56 grantees--50 U.S. states, DC,
Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to collect and report data
on their performance in a consistent manner.
Annual Reports: In addition to submitting a State Plan for AT every
three years, states and outlying areas are required to submit annual
progress reports on their activities. The data required in that
progress report is specified in Section 4(f) of the AT Act.
Section 8 Requirements Necessitating Collection
Section 8(d) of the AT Act requires that ACL submit to Congress an
annual report on the activities identified in the State Plan for AT and
an analysis of the progress of the states and territories in meeting
their measurable goals. The State Plan for AT must include a
compilation and summary of the activities conducted under Section 4(f).
In order to make this possible, states and territories must provide
their data uniformly. This State Plan for AT instrument was developed
to ensure that all 56 states and territories report data in a
consistent manner in alignment with the requirements of Section 4(f).
Comments in Response to the 60-Day Federal Register Notice (FRN)
ACL published a 60-day FRN on March 26, 2024, at 89 FR 20977. ACL
received six comments in support of the updates to the State Plan for
AT instrument: one each from the Michigan AT Program, the Wisconsin AT
Program, and the Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs
(ATAP). A public comment summary and ACL responses are provided below.
Comment Summary: Proposed overall updates to the State Plan for
Assistive Technology (AT) information collection (IC) instrument and
instruction manual to align with the reauthorization of the Assistive
Technology Act. Two State AT Act Program grantees and the Association
of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP) commented in support of the
proposed updates to the State Plan for AT IC as reasonable changes to
align with the 21st Century Assistive Technology Act.
(1) Wisconsin Assistive Technology Program: ``I have reviewed the
proposed State Plan for AT Instrument and Instructions and also
reviewed it with our Statewide Assistive Technology Advisory Council.
The reporting structure and requirements appear to satisfy the 21st
Century Assistive Technology Act. The updated components and
information do not appear that they will cause our program any undue
burden or increase our level of reporting for completion of the State
Plan for Assistive Technology. I look forward to submitting our next
three-year State Plan to ACL once this is finalized.''
(2) Michigan Assistive Technology Program: ``I just wanted to
submit a
[[Page 54008]]
comment on the proposed changes to the state plan--the proposed changes
look great and won't be a burden for our state. Thank you for all you
are doing.''
(3) Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs: ``On behalf
of the Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP), we
would like to respond to the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, Administration for Community Living (ACL)'s Federal Register
Notice (FRN) published on March 26, 2024 in 89 FR 20977 regarding the
proposed updates to the State Plan for Assistive Technology.
ATAP represents State and Territory Assistive Technology Act
Programs formula funded under Section 4 of the Assistive Technology
(AT) Act. State and Territory AT Act Programs operate in all 50 states,
the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and four territories and are
available for persons with all types of disabilities, all ages, in all
environments (education, employment, community living, and information
technology). State and Territory AT Act Programs are able to best match
the proper assistive technology (AT) with individuals' needs, provide a
device demonstration, loan a device, and provide training and support
for the use of the device. Assistive technology and/or adaptive
equipment can facilitate, support, and improve functionality so every
individual with disability can obtain an education, gain, and maintain
employment, and live independently in their community.
ATAP supports ACL's proposed updates to the State Plan for
Assistive Technology that mirror the changes made to the Assistive
Technology Act in the 2022 reauthorization, retitling the law to the
21st Century Assistive Technology Act.
ATAP appreciates the opportunity to comment. Please let me know if
we can provide any additional information.''
ACL Response: ACL acknowledged receipt of comments in support of
the updates to the State Plan for AT.
Comment Summary: The Texas Assistive Technology Act Program
submitted three comments on proposed changes for clarification of terms
and activities consistent with the reauthorization of the AT Act.
Comment 1: Advisory Council
``While I completely agree in the proposed representation on the
Advisory Committee, unless the other agency has a commensurate data
point or a fiscal incentive, they may not be inclined to participate on
a state AT Program Advisory. I would assume a state AT program would do
their due diligence to acquire representation, and could likely
document doing so, it still may not occur. I would hope the plan would
provide an opportunity for a State AT Program to document such efforts.
As a specific example for Texas' SEA has been reluctant to engage
the state AT Program in any respect. While TTAP has been able to gain
participation at Regional levels (Education Service Centers which serve
under Texas' SEA--so in essence are representatives but are not
directly employed by the SEA), and local levels (LEAs that engage the
TTAP Advisory in some capacity), we have not been able to get an actual
SEA employee to participate in our Advisory. We speculate, there are
many possible reasons--understaffing, frequent turn over, lack of
support for AT/assumption that LEAs are ``doing fine'' with AT, etc. I
have heard from other programs similar issues--also extending to VA,
housing, Medicaid/HHS, and transportation representation.
To summarize, I see the value of this expectation but think many
programs will not be able to make the mark. I am hopeful there will be
a mechanism to share efforts programs have made to fulfill this grant
obligation even if it was not realized--perhaps some place to record
future plans to encourage engagement.''
ACL Response: ACL acknowledged receipt of comment. The updated
State Plan for AT instrument enables grantees to describe their efforts
to secure required Advisory Council membership.
Comment 2: Education/Training, Technical Assistance, and Public
``I think this section does not capture the dept of work State AT
programs put into this activity. This changes practice which eventually
affects outcomes. We can provide access to technology all day long but
if people (professionals, care givers, and people with disabilities) do
not know what to do with it, it is useless. The collection tool asks
for no more than three examples, but education/training, and technical
assistance are what make the biggest difference. Anecdotal and
narrative information does not measure the impact these activities have
on the provision of AT devices and services. I would also like to be
able to highlight more than one or two public awareness event plans.
These state leadership activities drive increased state level
activities. State AT programs should be able to share this robust
information and possibly outline 1-3-5-year plans for increasing
leadership to better support state level programs.''
ACL Response: ACL acknowledged receipt and agrees with the comment,
which is specific to data collection and reporting for the AT Annual
Progress Report (APR) Information Collection (IC) instrument. The State
Plan for AT is a high-level three-year planning document outlining
projected AT Act activities. The AT APR provides an expansive mechanism
to report annually on these activities.
Comment 3: Coordination/Collaboration and State Improvement Initiatives
``I did not see this reflected in the State AT planning document
though we do collect data on this annually. It also highlights the
local control afforded state programs to determine specific needs for
our consumers which is a positive aspect of the grant.''
ACL Response: ACL acknowledged receipt and agrees with the comment
that is specific to the AT APR IC. The State Plan for AT is a high-
level three-year planning document outlining projected AT Act
activities. The AT APR provides an expansive mechanism to report
annually on these activities.
Estimated Program Burden
ACL estimates the burden of this collection of information as
Fifty-six grantees report to ACL using the web-based data
collection system. A workgroup of grantees estimated that the average
amount of time required to complete all responses to the data
collection instrument is 73 hours annually. The burden estimates affect
the reporting responsibilities of the Statewide AT Programs, and the
directors were chosen to represent the diversity of the 56 programs
based on regions of the country, sizes of the programs, types of
agencies operating the programs, and whether or not the director is an
individual with a disability. The estimated response burden includes
time to review the instructions, gather existing information, and
complete and review the data entries.
a. Number of respondents--56
b. Frequency of response--1
c. Total annual responses (a x b)--56
d. Hours per response--73
e. Total burden hours (c x d)--4,088
Dated: June 24, 2024.
Alison Barkoff,
Principal Deputy Administrator for the Administration for Community
Living, performing the delegable duties of the Administrator and the
Assistant Secretary for Aging.
[FR Doc. 2024-14226 Filed 6-27-24; 8:45 am]