OEL and Carrier Route Information Lines, 53913-53914 [2024-13942]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 125 / Friday, June 28, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Affected part
Ship date
LW–15288 .....
Rod Assembly.
Note 1 to paragraph (c): The affected parts
are known to be installed on Lycoming
Model AEIO–320 series, AEIO–360 series,
AEIO–390 series, AEIO–540 series, AEIO–
580–B1A, AIO–320 series, AIO–360 series,
HIO–360 series, HIO–390–A1A, HIO–540–
A1A, HO–360 series, IO–320 series, IO–360
series, IO–390 series, IO–540 series, IVO–
360–A1A, IVO–540–A1A, LHIO–360 series,
LIO–320 series, LIO–360 series, LO–360
series, LTIO–540 series, LTO–360 series, O–
233–A1, O–235 series, O–320 series, O–340
series, O–360 series, O–435 series, O–540
series, SO–580 series, TEO–540 series, TIGO–
541 series, TIO–360 series, TIO–540 series,
TIO–541 series, TIVO–540–A2A, TO–360
series, TVO–435 series, TVO–540–A1A, VO–
360 series, VO–435 series, VO–540 series,
and VSO–580–A1A engines.
(d) Subject
Joint Aircraft System Component (JASC)
Code 8500, Engine (Reciprocating).
(e) Unsafe Condition
This AD was prompted by several reports
of connecting rod failures resulting in
uncontained engine failure and in-flight
shutdowns (IFSDs). The FAA is issuing this
AD to prevent connecting rod failure. The
unsafe condition, if not addressed, could
result in engine failure, an IFSD, and loss of
control of the aircraft.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
(f) Compliance
Comply with this AD within the
compliance times specified, unless already
(g) Required Actions
(1) At the next oil change or within 4
months after the effective date of this AD,
whichever occurs first, and thereafter at
every oil change until the bushing
replacement required by either paragraph
(g)(3) or (4) of this AD is done, perform a
visual inspection of the engine oil filter, oil
pressure screen, and oil suction screen
(depending on the engine configuration) for
bronze metal particulates. The actions
required by this paragraph may be performed
by the owner/operator (pilot) holding at least
a private pilot certificate and must be entered
into the aircraft records showing compliance
with this AD in accordance with 14 CFR
43.9(a) and 91.417(a)(2)(v). The record must
be maintained as required by 14 CFR 91.417,
121.380, or 135.439.
Note 2 to paragraph (g)(1): Guidance for
engine oil filter, oil pressure screen, and oil
suction screen inspection instructions and
identification of metallic solids may be found
in Lycoming Mandatory Service Bulletin
(MSB) No. 480F, dated May 25, 2017 (MSB
(2) If, during any inspection required by
paragraph (g)(1) of this AD, any bronze metal
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particulates are found and the source is
identified as the connecting rod bushings,
before further flight, inspect all affected
connecting rod bushings for damage (e.g.
deterioration, missing metal), proper fit,
movement, and wear in accordance with
‘‘Connecting Rod Bushing Inspection,’’ of
Lycoming MSB 630A, dated June 13, 2017.
Note 3 to paragraph (g)(2): Guidance for
identifying the source of metallic
contamination may be found in Table 3 of
MSB 480F.
(3) If the connecting rod bushings fail any
inspection required by paragraph (g)(2) of
this AD, before further flight, replace the
connecting rod bushings with parts eligible
for installation. This terminates the repetitive
inspection required by paragraph (g)(1) of
this AD.
(4) At the next engine overhaul, replace the
connecting rod bushings with parts eligible
for installation. This terminates the repetitive
inspection required by paragraph (g)(1) of
this AD.
(ii) [Reserved]
(3) For service information identified in
this AD, contact Lycoming Engines, 652
Oliver Street, Williamsport, PA 17701;
phone: (800) 258–3279; website:
(4) You may view this service information
at FAA, Airworthiness Products Section,
Operational Safety Branch, 1200 District
Avenue, Burlington, MA 01803. For
information on the availability of this
material at the FAA, call (817) 222–5110.
(5) You may view this material at the
National Archives and Records
Administration (NARA). For information on
the availability of this material at NARA,
visit www.archives.gov/federal-register/cfr/
ibr-locations or email fr.inspection@nara.gov.
(h) Definition
For the purpose of this AD, a ‘‘part eligible
for installation’’ is any connecting rod
bushing having P/N 01K28983.
[FR Doc. 2024–14100 Filed 6–27–24; 8:45 am]
(i) Credit for Previous Actions
You may take credit for the actions
required by paragraph (g)(1) of this AD if you
performed those actions before the effective
date of this AD using MSB 480F.
(j) Alternative Methods of Compliance
(1) The Manager, East Certification Branch,
FAA, has the authority to approve AMOCs
for this AD, if requested using the procedures
found in 14 CFR 39.19. In accordance with
14 CFR 39.19, send your request to your
principal inspector or local Flight Standards
District Office, as appropriate. If sending
information directly to the manager of the
branch office, send it to the attention of the
person identified in paragraph (k)(1) of this
AD and email to: 9-avs-nyaco-cos@faa.gov.
(2) Before using any approved AMOC,
notify your appropriate principal inspector,
or lacking a principal inspector, the manager
of the local flight standards district office/
certificate holding district office.
(k) Additional Information
(1) For more information about this AD,
contact James Delisio, Aviation Safety
Engineer, FAA, 1701 Columbia Avenue,
College Park, GA 30337; phone: (516) 228–
7321; email: james.delisio@faa.gov.
(2) Service information identified in this
AD that is not incorporated by reference is
available at the address specified in
paragraph (l)(3) of this AD.
(l) Material Incorporated by Reference
(1) The Director of the Federal Register
approved the incorporation by reference
(IBR) of the service information listed in this
paragraph under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR
part 51.
(2) You must use this service information
as applicable to do the actions required by
this AD, unless the AD specifies otherwise.
(i) Lycoming Engines Mandatory Service
Bulletin No. 630A, dated June 13, 2017.
PO 00000
Frm 00028
Fmt 4702
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Issued on June 21, 2024.
Victor Wicklund,
Deputy Director, Compliance & Airworthiness
Division, Aircraft Certification Service.
39 CFR Part 111
OEL and Carrier Route Information
Postal ServiceTM.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The Postal Service is
proposing to amend Mailing Standards
of the United States Postal Service,
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) to
revise the requirements for using
optional endorsement lines (OEL) or
carrier route information lines on USPS
Marketing Mail carrier route letters.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
July 29, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written
comments to the Director, Product
Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475
L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446,
Washington, DC 20260–5015. If sending
comments by email, include the name
and address of the commenter and send
to PCFederalRegister@usps.gov, with a
subject line of ‘‘OEL and Carrier Route
Information Lines’’. Faxed comments
are not accepted.
You may inspect and photocopy all
written comments, by appointment
only, at USPS® Headquarters Library,
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor
North, Washington, DC, 20260. These
records are available for review on
Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.,
by calling 202–268–2906.
Kennedy at (202) 268–6592 or Doriane
Harley at (202) 268–2537.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 125 / Friday, June 28, 2024 / Proposed Rules
submitted comments and attachments
are part of the public record and subject
to disclosure. Do not enclose any
material in your comments that you
consider to be confidential or
inappropriate for public disclosure.
Currently, the standards in DMM
section do not require the use
of optional endorsement lines or carrier
route information lines on USPS
Marketing Mail letters in full carrier
route trays.
The Postal Service is proposing to
amend the standards in DMM section
203.8.1 to require optional endorsement
lines or carrier route information lines
on all USPS Marketing Mail carrier
route letters.
The Postal Service is proposing to
implement this change effective August
25, 2024.
We believe that the proposed revision
will provide consistency and clarity for
carrier route mail preparation.
Although exempt from the notice and
comment requirements of the
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C.
553(b), (c)) regarding proposed
rulemaking by 39 U.S.C. 410(a), the
Postal Service invites public comment
on the following proposed revisions to
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM), incorporated by reference in the
Code of Federal Regulations.
We will publish an appropriate
amendment to 39 CFR part 111 to reflect
these changes.
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111
Administrative practice and
procedure, Postal Service.
Accordingly, the Postal Service
proposes the following changes to
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
(DMM), incorporated by reference in the
Code of Federal Regulations (see 39 CFR
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR
part 111 continues to read as follows:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301–
307; 18 U.S.C. 1692–1737; 39 U.S.C. 101,
401, 403, 404, 414, 416, 3001–3011, 3201–
3219, 3403–3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632,
3633, and 5001.
2. Revise the Mailing Standards of the
United States Postal Service, Domestic
Mail Manual (DMM) as follows:
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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200 Commercial Letters, Cards, Flats,
and Parcels
203 Basic Postage Statement,
Documentation, and Preparation
Carrier Route Information Lines
Basic Information
[Revise the last sentence of 8.1 to read
as follows:]
* * * Mailers must use optional
endorsement lines or carrier route
information lines on all pieces in
mailings of USPS Marketing Mail letters
prepared under 245.6.7.
Ruth Stevenson,
Attorney, Ethics and Legal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2024–13942 Filed 6–27–24; 8:45 am]
39 CFR Part 111
Parcel Processing Categories
Postal ServiceTM.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
The Postal Service is
proposing to amend Mailing Standards
of the United States Postal Service,
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) in
various sections to simplify the parcel
processing categories.
DATES: Submit comments on or before
July 29, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written
comments to the manager, Product
Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475
L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446,
Washington, DC 20260–5015. If sending
comments by email, include the name
and address of the commenter and send
to PCFederalRegister@usps.gov, with a
subject line of ‘‘Parcel Processing
Categories’’. Faxed comments are not
You may inspect and photocopy all
written comments, by appointment
only, at USPS® Headquarters Library,
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor
North, Washington, DC, 20260. These
records are available for review on
Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.,
by calling 202–268–2906.
Steven Jarboe at (202) 268–7690, or
Garry Rodriguez at (202) 268–7281.
submitted comments and attachments
PO 00000
Frm 00029
Fmt 4702
Sfmt 4702
are part of the public record and subject
to disclosure. Do not enclose any
material in your comments that you
consider to be confidential or
inappropriate for public disclosure.
Currently, the Postal Service has three
parcel processing categories:
machinable, irregular, and
nonmachinable. The Postal Service is
proposing to simplify the parcel
processing categories by making
revisions to the physical standards of
the machinable processing category and
consolidating the irregular and
nonmachinable processing categories
and renaming it ‘‘Nonstandard Parcels’’.
The Postal Service is proposing to
revise the ‘‘machinable’’ processing
category by removing the minimum size
dimensions requirement and, except for
USPS Marketing Mail parcels, the
minimum weight requirement. Except
for cylindrical tubes and rolls or similar
shaped pieces, and for labeling
requirements in Publication 52,
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable
Mail, the minimum size of a machinable
parcel will be determined by if it is large
enough to hold the required delivery
address, return address, mailing labels,
postage, barcode, endorsements, and
other mail markings on a single optical
plane without bending, folding, or
overlapping. All labels and markings
must meet the applicable specifications
(e.g., DMM, Publication 199, Parcel
Labeling Guide). A parcel that does not
meet this requirement will be
considered nonmailable. Except for
USPS Marketing Mail parcels, which
will continue to have the 3.5 ounce
minimum to be a machinable parcel, the
minimum weight requirement for other
parcels will no longer be a factor in
determining machinability.
The proposed ‘‘Nonstandard Parcels’’
processing category will continue to
have a size and weight component that
will consist of parcels that exceed the
maximum dimensions of a machinable
parcel, parcels that weigh less than the
3.5-ounce minimum weight for USPS
Marketing Mail parcels only, and
parcels that exceed the 25 pound
maximum weight for a machinable
parcel. The ‘‘Nonstandard Parcels’’
processing category will also have a
‘‘Characteristics’’ component that will
define the criteria that will be used to
determine if a parcel is nonstandard
(e.g., cylindrical tubes and rolls,
packaging). The ‘‘Characteristics’’
component of ‘‘Nonstandard Parcels’’
will be supported by DMM sections
601.3.0, Packaging, and 601.4.0,
Acceptable Mailing Containers. The
packaging criteria in DMM section
601.7.0, Packaging Standards for Mail
Processed at Network Distribution
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 125 (Friday, June 28, 2024)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 53913-53914]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office [www.gpo.gov]
[FR Doc No: 2024-13942]
39 CFR Part 111
OEL and Carrier Route Information Lines
AGENCY: Postal ServiceTM.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Postal Service is proposing to amend Mailing Standards of
the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM[supreg]) to
revise the requirements for using optional endorsement lines (OEL) or
carrier route information lines on USPS Marketing Mail carrier route
DATES: Submit comments on or before July 29, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the Director, Product
Classification, U.S. Postal Service, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446,
Washington, DC 20260-5015. If sending comments by email, include the
name and address of the commenter and send to
[email protected], with a subject line of ``OEL and Carrier
Route Information Lines''. Faxed comments are not accepted.
You may inspect and photocopy all written comments, by appointment
only, at USPS[supreg] Headquarters Library, 475 L'Enfant Plaza SW, 11th
Floor North, Washington, DC, 20260. These records are available for
review on Monday through Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., by calling 202-268-
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Dale Kennedy at (202) 268-6592 or
Doriane Harley at (202) 268-2537.
[[Page 53914]]
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: All submitted comments and attachments are
part of the public record and subject to disclosure. Do not enclose any
material in your comments that you consider to be confidential or
inappropriate for public disclosure.
Currently, the standards in DMM section do not require
the use of optional endorsement lines or carrier route information
lines on USPS Marketing Mail letters in full carrier route trays.
The Postal Service is proposing to amend the standards in DMM
section 203.8.1 to require optional endorsement lines or carrier route
information lines on all USPS Marketing Mail carrier route letters.
The Postal Service is proposing to implement this change effective
August 25, 2024.
We believe that the proposed revision will provide consistency and
clarity for carrier route mail preparation.
Although exempt from the notice and comment requirements of the
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553(b), (c)) regarding proposed
rulemaking by 39 U.S.C. 410(a), the Postal Service invites public
comment on the following proposed revisions to Mailing Standards of the
United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM), incorporated
by reference in the Code of Federal Regulations.
We will publish an appropriate amendment to 39 CFR part 111 to
reflect these changes.
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111
Administrative practice and procedure, Postal Service.
Accordingly, the Postal Service proposes the following changes to
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail
Manual (DMM), incorporated by reference in the Code of Federal
Regulations (see 39 CFR 111.1):
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR part 111 continues to read as
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301-307; 18 U.S.C. 1692-
1737; 39 U.S.C. 101, 401, 403, 404, 414, 416, 3001-3011, 3201-3219,
3403-3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632, 3633, and 5001.
2. Revise the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service,
Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) as follows:
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail
Manual (DMM)
* * * * *
200 Commercial Letters, Cards, Flats, and Parcels
* * * * *
203 Basic Postage Statement, Documentation, and Preparation Standards
* * * * *
8.0 Carrier Route Information Lines
8.1 Basic Information
[Revise the last sentence of 8.1 to read as follows:]
* * * Mailers must use optional endorsement lines or carrier route
information lines on all pieces in mailings of USPS Marketing Mail
letters prepared under 245.6.7.
* * * * *
Ruth Stevenson,
Attorney, Ethics and Legal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2024-13942 Filed 6-27-24; 8:45 am]