Procedures for Quantification, Reporting, and Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated With the Production of Domestic Agricultural Commodities Used as Biofuel Feedstocks, 53585-53587 [2024-14126]
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Federal Register
Vol. 89, No. 124
Thursday, June 27, 2024
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER
contains documents other than rules or
proposed rules that are applicable to the
public. Notices of hearings and investigations,
committee meetings, agency decisions and
rulings, delegations of authority, filing of
petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are
examples of documents appearing in this
[Docket No. USDA–2024–0003]
Procedures for Quantification,
Reporting, and Verification of
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Associated With the Production of
Domestic Agricultural Commodities
Used as Biofuel Feedstocks
Office of the Chief Economist,
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
ACTION: Request for information.
The U.S. Department of
Agriculture is seeking public input on
procedures for the quantification,
reporting, and verification of the effect
of climate-smart farming practices on
the greenhouse gas (GHG) net emissions
estimates associated with the
production of domestic (i.e., grown in
the U.S.) agricultural commodities used
as biofuel feedstocks. Agricultural
management practices that mitigate
GHG emissions and/or sequester soil
carbon can be integrated into GHG
analysis to reflect the differing GHG
outcomes of feedstocks based on their
production. However, many clean
transportation fuel programs currently
do not assign lower carbon intensity (CI)
estimates (i.e., lower lifecycle GHG
emissions of the fuel per unit of energy)
to crops grown with climate-smart
practices relative to the same crops
grown with conventional farming
practices. This Request for Information
seeks information on practices that have
the potential to mitigate GHG emissions
and/or sequester carbon, and
quantification, reporting, and
verification approaches for the GHG
outcomes associated with domestic
agricultural commodities used as
biofuel feedstocks.
DATES: Comments must be received by
July 25, 2024, to be assured of
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are
invited to submit comments concerning
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this notice by either of the following
• Federal Rulemaking Portal: Go to and search
for Docket No. USDA–2024–0003.
Follow the instructions for submitting
All comments submitted in response
to this notice will be included in the
record, will be made available to the
public, and can be viewed at: https:// Please be advised
that the identity of the individuals or
entities submitting the comments will
be made available to the public on the
internet at the address provided above.
Contact William Hohenstein, Director of
Office of Energy and Environmental
Policy, at (202) 720–0450, or via email
Department of Agriculture (USDA) is
considering a rulemaking to establish
voluntary standards for quantifying,
reporting, and verifying GHG outcomes
for domestic agricultural commodities
used as biofuel feedstocks and grown
with practices that mitigate GHG
emissions and/or sequester soil carbon.
These standards would be available for
consideration by entities that operate
international, national, or state clean
transportation fuel policies.
In establishing these standards, USDA
may utilize its authorities under the
Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of
2008, section 2709 (16 U.S.C. 3845:
Environmental services markets).
Section 2709 directs the Secretary to
‘‘establish technical guidelines that
outline science-based methods to
measure the environmental services
benefits from conservation and land
management activities in order to
facilitate the participation of farmers,
ranchers, and forest landowners in
emerging environmental services
markets.’’ It also directs the Secretary to
‘‘give priority to the establishment of
guidelines related to farmer, rancher,
and forest landowner participation in
carbon markets.’’ It further directs the
Secretary to establish verification
guidelines, including ‘‘the role of thirdparties in conducting independent
verification of benefits produced for
environmental services markets and
other functions.’’ Because of the
existence of clean transportation fuel
programs, there is an existing
environmental service market for
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biofuel feedstocks. The potential
incorporation of feedstocks produced
with climate-smart practices into these
programs represents an emerging
environmental service market
opportunity for farmers.
Feedstock production contributes a
significant percentage of the GHG
emissions associated with crop-based
biofuel production. However, clean
transportation fuel programs typically
base their feedstock production
emissions estimates on average farming
practices which include a range of both
conventional and climate-smart farming
practices. There is an opportunity to
improve the empirical basis and
verifiability of the effects of climatesmart farming practices on net GHG
emissions, and to quantify net GHG
emissions reductions more specifically
to only those feedstocks grown with
such practices. Standards that
differentiate between crops grown with
and without climate-smart farming
practices could incentivize further
adoption of climate-smart farming and
corresponding reductions in GHG
A greater adoption of climate-smart
farming practices could lower overall
GHG emissions associated with biofuel
production and provide other
environmental benefits, such as
improved water quality and soil health.
Accurate quantification and verification
are important to ensure that net GHG
emissions reductions are real.
Improving the ability to accurately
quantify and verify the GHG outcomes
of climate-smart farming practices can
also provide additional benefits,
including improved credibility and
confidence in a variety of climate-smart
The information received in response
to this notice will inform a potential
USDA rulemaking on these topics as
well as future improvements to
quantification methodologies.
Questions for Commenters
Qualifying Practices
(1) Which domestic biofuel feedstocks
should USDA consider including in its
analysis to quantify the GHG emissions
associated with climate smart farming
practices? USDA is considering corn,
soybeans, sorghum, and spring canola as
these are the dominant biofuel feedstock
crops in the United States. USDA is also
considering winter oilseed crops
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 124 / Thursday, June 27, 2024 / Notices
(brassica carinata, camelina, pennycress,
and winter canola). Are there other
potential biofuel feedstocks, including
crops, crop residues and biomaterials,
that USDA should analyze?
(2) Which farming practices should
USDA consider including in its analysis
to quantify the GHG emissions
outcomes for biofuel feedstocks?
Practices that can reduce the greenhouse
gas emissions associated with specific
feedstocks and/or increase soil carbon
sequestration may include, but are not
limited to: conservation tillage, no-till,
planting of cover crops, incorporation of
buffer strips, and nitrogen management
(e.g., applying fertilizer in the right
source, rate, place and time, including
using enhanced efficiency fertilizers,
biological fertilizers or amendments, or
manure). Should practices (and crops)
that reduce water consumption be
considered, taking into account the
energy needed to transport water for
irrigation? Should the farming practices
under consideration vary by feedstock
and/or by location? If so, how and why?
(3) For practices identified in question
2, how should these practices be
defined? What parameters should USDA
specify so that the GHG outcomes (as
opposed to other environmental and
economic benefits) resulting from the
practices can be quantified, reported,
and verified?
(4) For practices identified in question
2, to what extent do variations in
practice implementation affect the
overall GHG benefits of the practice
(e.g., the date at which cover crops are
harvested or terminated)? What
implementation strategies maximize the
GHG benefits of these climate-smart
agriculture practices?
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
(5) What scientific data, information,
and analysis should USDA consider
when quantifying the greenhouse gas
emissions outcomes of climate-smart
agricultural practices and conventional
farming practices? What additional
analysis should USDA prioritize to
improve the accuracy and reliability of
the GHG estimates? How should USDA
account for uncertainty in scientific
data? How should USDA analysis be
updated over time?
(6) Given the degree of geographic
variability associated with each
practice, on what geographic scale
should USDA quantify the GHG net
emissions of each practice (e.g., farmlevel, county-level, state, regional,
national)? What are the pros and cons of
each scale? How should differences in
local and regional conditions be
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(7) How should USDA estimate the
GHG emissions and soil carbon fluxes of
baseline crop production?
(8) Where models can be used to
quantify changes in greenhouse gas
emissions and sinks associated with
climate smart agricultural practices,
which model(s) are most appropriate for
quantifying the greenhouse gas effects of
these practices? What are the tradeoffs
of different modeling approaches for
accurately representing carbon,
methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes under
climate smart agricultural practices?
(9) How should net greenhouse gas
emissions, including soil carbon
sequestration, be attributed among crops
produced in a rotation, for example
crops grown in rotation with one or
multiple cover crops?
(10) To what extent do interactions
between practices either enhance or
reduce the GHG emissions outcomes of
each practice? Where multiple practices
are implemented in combination,
should the impacts of these practices be
measured individually or collectively?
(11) How should the GHG emissions
of nutrient management practices (e.g.,
applying fertilizer according to the
‘‘4Rs’’ of nutrient management—right
place, right source, right time, and right
rate; variable rate technology; enhanced
efficiency fertilizer application; manure
application) be quantified? What
empirical data exist to inform the
quantification? What factors should
USDA consider when quantifying the
GHG emissions outcomes of these
Verification and Recordkeeping
(15) What records, documentation,
and data are necessary to provide
sufficient evidence to verify practice
adoption and maintenance? What
records are typically maintained, why,
and by whom? Where possible, please
be specific to recommended practices
(e.g., refer to practices identified in
question two).
(16) How can market participants
leverage remote sensing and/or other
emergent technologies as an option to
verify practice adoption and
(17) Are there existing reporting
structures that can potentially be
(18) Should on-site audits be used to
verify practice adoption and
maintenance and if so, to what extent,
and on what frequency?
(19) If only a sample of farm/fields are
audited on-site, what sampling
methodology should be used to
determine the sample of farms selected
for an on-site audit, and how can the
sampling methodology ensure that
selected farms are representative across
geographies, crops, and other factors?
(20) What system(s) should be used to
trace feedstocks throughout biofuel
feedstock supply chains (e.g., mass
balance, book and claim, identity
preservation, geolocation of fields where
practices are adopted)? What data do
these tracking systems need to collect?
What are the pros and cons of these
traceability systems? How should this
information be verified?
Soil Carbon
(12) How should the GHG outcomes
of soil management practices that can
increase carbon sequestration or reduce
carbon dioxide emissions (e.g., no-till,
cover crops) be quantified? What
empirical data exist to inform the
quantification? Over what time scale
should practices that sequester soil
carbon be implemented to achieve
measurable and durable GHG benefits?
(13) For practices that can increase
soil carbon sequestration or reduce
carbon dioxide emissions, how should
the duration and any interruptions of
practice (e.g., length of time practice is
continued, whether the practice is put
in place continually or with
interruptions) be considered when
assessing the effects on soil carbon
(14) How should the baseline rates of
change in soil carbon and uncertainty
around the greenhouse gas benefits of
these practices be characterized? Does
this uncertainty and variability depend
on the type or longevity/permanence of
the practice?
Verifier Qualifications/Accreditation
(21) How could USDA best utilize
independent third-parties (i.e.,
unrelated party certifiers) to bolster
verification of practice adoption and
maintenance and/or supply chain
traceability? What standards or
processes should be in place to prevent
conflicts of interest between verifiers
and the entities they oversee?
(22) What qualifications should
independent third-party verifiers of
practice adoption and/or supply chain
traceability possess?
(23) What independent third-party
verification systems currently exist that
may be relevant for use in the context
of verifying climate-smart agricultural
practices (as identified under questions
1 and 2) and/or biofuel supply chains?
(24) How should oversight of verifiers
be performed? What procedures should
be in place if an independent thirdparty verifier fails to conform to
verification and audit requirements, or
otherwise conducts verification
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 124 / Thursday, June 27, 2024 / Notices
(25) What procedures should be in
place to prevent potential inaccurate or
fraudulent claims regarding feedstock
production practices or chain of custody
claims, how should monitoring occur to
identify such inaccurate claims, and
what should the remedy be when such
inaccurate claims are discovered?
(26) What preemptive measures are
appropriate to guard program integrity
against both potential intentional fraud
and inadvertent reversal or nonaccrual
of credited GHG emissions benefits?
William Hohenstein,
Director, Office of Energy and Environmental
[FR Doc. 2024–14126 Filed 6–26–24; 8:45 am]
Olivia J. Bradley,
Senior Procurement Executive and Director
for Acquisition Management.
[FR Doc. 2024–14118 Filed 6–26–24; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket No.: 240612–0157]
Public Availability of Department of
Commerce FY 2022 Service Contract
Inventory Data
Office of the Secretary,
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice of public availability.
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International Trade Administration
Corporation for Travel Promotion
Board of Directors
International Trade
Administration, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Notice of an opportunity for
travel and tourism industry leaders to
apply for membership on the Board of
Directors of the Corporation for Travel
Promotion (Corporation).
In accordance with section
743 of division C of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act of 2010, the
Department of Commerce (DOC) is
publishing this notice to advise the
public of the availability of the Fiscal
Year (FY) 2022 Service Contract
Inventory data, a report that analyzes
DOC’s FY 2022 Service Contract
Inventory and a plan for the analysis of
FY 2023 Service Contract Inventory.
ADDRESSES: The Department of
Commerce’s FY 2022 Service Contract
Inventory is included in the
government-wide inventory available at:, which can be
filtered to display the FY 2022
inventory for each agency. In addition to
the link to access DOC’s FY 2022 service
contract inventory, the FY 2022
Analysis Report and Plan for analyzing
the FY 2023 data is on the Office of
Acquisition Management homepage at
the following link: https://
Questions regarding the service contract
inventory should be directed to Virna
Winters, Executive Director, Acquisition
Policy, Oversight and Workforce at 202–
482–4248 or
service contract inventory provides
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
information on service contract actions
over $150,000 made in FY 2022. The
information is organized by function to
show how contracted resources are
distributed throughout the agency. The
inventory has been developed in
accordance with guidance on service
contract inventories issued on
November 5, 2010, by the Office of
Management and Budget’s Office of
Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) and
Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
4.17. DOC is publishing this notice to
advise the public of the availability of
the FY 2022 Service Contract Inventory
data and a plan for the analysis of FY
2023 Service Contract Inventory.
The Department of Commerce
(Department) is currently seeking
applications from travel and tourism
leaders from specific industry sectors
for membership on the Board of
Directors (Board) of the Corporation
(doing business as Brand USA). The
purpose of the Board is to guide the
Corporation on matters relating to the
promotion of the United States as a
travel destination and communication
of travel facilitation issues, among other
DATES: All applications must be
received by the National Travel and
Tourism Office by close of business on
Friday, September 6, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Please submit application
information by email to CTPBoard@
Cottle, National Travel and Tourism
Office, U.S. Department of Commerce;
telephone: 202–482–4601; email:
Travel Promotion Act of 2009 (TPA) was
signed into law on March 4, 2010, and
PO 00000
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was amended in July 2010, December
2014, and again in December 2019. The
TPA established the Corporation as a
non-profit corporation charged with the
development and execution of a plan to
(A) provide useful information to those
interested in traveling to the United
States; (B) identify and address
perceptions regarding U.S. entry
policies; (C) maximize economic and
diplomatic benefits of travel to the
United States through the use of various
promotional tools; (D) ensure that
international travel benefits all States,
territories of the United States, and the
District of Columbia; (E) identify
opportunities to promote tourism to
rural and urban areas equally, including
areas not traditionally visited by
international travelers; (F) give priority
to countries and populations most likely
to travel to the United States; and (G)
promote tourism to the United States
through digital media, online platforms,
and other appropriate mediums.
The Corporation is governed by a
Board of Directors, consisting of 11
members with knowledge of
international travel promotion or
marketing, broadly representing various
regions of the United States. The TPA
directs the Secretary of Commerce (after
consultation with the Secretary of
Homeland Security and the Secretary of
State) to appoint the Board for the
At this time, the Department will be
selecting four individuals with the
appropriate expertise and experience
from specific sectors of the travel and
tourism industry to serve on the Board
as follows:
1. One member having appropriate
expertise and experience as a State
Tourism Office representative;
2. One member having appropriate
expertise and experience as a City
Convention and Visitors’ Bureau
3. One member having appropriate
expertise and experience in the Hotel
Accommodations sector; and
4. One member having appropriate
expertise and experience in the
Restaurant sector.
To be eligible for Board membership,
individuals must have international
travel and tourism marketing
experience, and be a current or former
chief executive officer, chief financial
officer, or chief marketing officer or
have held an equivalent management
position. Additional consideration will
be given to individuals who have
experience working in U.S.
multinational entities with marketing
budgets, and/or who are audit
committee financial experts as defined
by the Securities and Exchange
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 124 (Thursday, June 27, 2024)]
[Pages 53585-53587]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-14126]
Federal Register
This section of the FEDERAL REGISTER contains documents other than rules
or proposed rules that are applicable to the public. Notices of hearings
and investigations, committee meetings, agency decisions and rulings,
delegations of authority, filing of petitions and applications and agency
statements of organization and functions are examples of documents
appearing in this section.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 124 / Thursday, June 27, 2024 /
[[Page 53585]]
[Docket No. USDA-2024-0003]
Procedures for Quantification, Reporting, and Verification of
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Associated With the Production of Domestic
Agricultural Commodities Used as Biofuel Feedstocks
AGENCY: Office of the Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
ACTION: Request for information.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Agriculture is seeking public input on
procedures for the quantification, reporting, and verification of the
effect of climate-smart farming practices on the greenhouse gas (GHG)
net emissions estimates associated with the production of domestic
(i.e., grown in the U.S.) agricultural commodities used as biofuel
feedstocks. Agricultural management practices that mitigate GHG
emissions and/or sequester soil carbon can be integrated into GHG
analysis to reflect the differing GHG outcomes of feedstocks based on
their production. However, many clean transportation fuel programs
currently do not assign lower carbon intensity (CI) estimates (i.e.,
lower lifecycle GHG emissions of the fuel per unit of energy) to crops
grown with climate-smart practices relative to the same crops grown
with conventional farming practices. This Request for Information seeks
information on practices that have the potential to mitigate GHG
emissions and/or sequester carbon, and quantification, reporting, and
verification approaches for the GHG outcomes associated with domestic
agricultural commodities used as biofuel feedstocks.
DATES: Comments must be received by July 25, 2024, to be assured of
ADDRESSES: Interested persons are invited to submit comments concerning
this notice by either of the following methods:
Federal Rulemaking Portal: Go to and search for Docket No. USDA-2024-0003. Follow
the instructions for submitting comments.
All comments submitted in response to this notice will be included
in the record, will be made available to the public, and can be viewed
at: Please be advised that the identity of
the individuals or entities submitting the comments will be made
available to the public on the internet at the address provided above.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Contact William Hohenstein, Director
of Office of Energy and Environmental Policy, at (202) 720-0450, or via
email at [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is
considering a rulemaking to establish voluntary standards for
quantifying, reporting, and verifying GHG outcomes for domestic
agricultural commodities used as biofuel feedstocks and grown with
practices that mitigate GHG emissions and/or sequester soil carbon.
These standards would be available for consideration by entities that
operate international, national, or state clean transportation fuel
In establishing these standards, USDA may utilize its authorities
under the Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008, section 2709 (16
U.S.C. 3845: Environmental services markets). Section 2709 directs the
Secretary to ``establish technical guidelines that outline science-
based methods to measure the environmental services benefits from
conservation and land management activities in order to facilitate the
participation of farmers, ranchers, and forest landowners in emerging
environmental services markets.'' It also directs the Secretary to
``give priority to the establishment of guidelines related to farmer,
rancher, and forest landowner participation in carbon markets.'' It
further directs the Secretary to establish verification guidelines,
including ``the role of third-parties in conducting independent
verification of benefits produced for environmental services markets
and other functions.'' Because of the existence of clean transportation
fuel programs, there is an existing environmental service market for
biofuel feedstocks. The potential incorporation of feedstocks produced
with climate-smart practices into these programs represents an emerging
environmental service market opportunity for farmers.
Feedstock production contributes a significant percentage of the
GHG emissions associated with crop-based biofuel production. However,
clean transportation fuel programs typically base their feedstock
production emissions estimates on average farming practices which
include a range of both conventional and climate-smart farming
practices. There is an opportunity to improve the empirical basis and
verifiability of the effects of climate-smart farming practices on net
GHG emissions, and to quantify net GHG emissions reductions more
specifically to only those feedstocks grown with such practices.
Standards that differentiate between crops grown with and without
climate-smart farming practices could incentivize further adoption of
climate-smart farming and corresponding reductions in GHG emissions.
A greater adoption of climate-smart farming practices could lower
overall GHG emissions associated with biofuel production and provide
other environmental benefits, such as improved water quality and soil
health. Accurate quantification and verification are important to
ensure that net GHG emissions reductions are real. Improving the
ability to accurately quantify and verify the GHG outcomes of climate-
smart farming practices can also provide additional benefits, including
improved credibility and confidence in a variety of climate-smart
The information received in response to this notice will inform a
potential USDA rulemaking on these topics as well as future
improvements to quantification methodologies.
Questions for Commenters
Qualifying Practices
(1) Which domestic biofuel feedstocks should USDA consider
including in its analysis to quantify the GHG emissions associated with
climate smart farming practices? USDA is considering corn, soybeans,
sorghum, and spring canola as these are the dominant biofuel feedstock
crops in the United States. USDA is also considering winter oilseed
[[Page 53586]]
(brassica carinata, camelina, pennycress, and winter canola). Are there
other potential biofuel feedstocks, including crops, crop residues and
biomaterials, that USDA should analyze?
(2) Which farming practices should USDA consider including in its
analysis to quantify the GHG emissions outcomes for biofuel feedstocks?
Practices that can reduce the greenhouse gas emissions associated with
specific feedstocks and/or increase soil carbon sequestration may
include, but are not limited to: conservation tillage, no-till,
planting of cover crops, incorporation of buffer strips, and nitrogen
management (e.g., applying fertilizer in the right source, rate, place
and time, including using enhanced efficiency fertilizers, biological
fertilizers or amendments, or manure). Should practices (and crops)
that reduce water consumption be considered, taking into account the
energy needed to transport water for irrigation? Should the farming
practices under consideration vary by feedstock and/or by location? If
so, how and why?
(3) For practices identified in question 2, how should these
practices be defined? What parameters should USDA specify so that the
GHG outcomes (as opposed to other environmental and economic benefits)
resulting from the practices can be quantified, reported, and verified?
(4) For practices identified in question 2, to what extent do
variations in practice implementation affect the overall GHG benefits
of the practice (e.g., the date at which cover crops are harvested or
terminated)? What implementation strategies maximize the GHG benefits
of these climate-smart agriculture practices?
(5) What scientific data, information, and analysis should USDA
consider when quantifying the greenhouse gas emissions outcomes of
climate-smart agricultural practices and conventional farming
practices? What additional analysis should USDA prioritize to improve
the accuracy and reliability of the GHG estimates? How should USDA
account for uncertainty in scientific data? How should USDA analysis be
updated over time?
(6) Given the degree of geographic variability associated with each
practice, on what geographic scale should USDA quantify the GHG net
emissions of each practice (e.g., farm-level, county-level, state,
regional, national)? What are the pros and cons of each scale? How
should differences in local and regional conditions be addressed?
(7) How should USDA estimate the GHG emissions and soil carbon
fluxes of baseline crop production?
(8) Where models can be used to quantify changes in greenhouse gas
emissions and sinks associated with climate smart agricultural
practices, which model(s) are most appropriate for quantifying the
greenhouse gas effects of these practices? What are the tradeoffs of
different modeling approaches for accurately representing carbon,
methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes under climate smart agricultural
(9) How should net greenhouse gas emissions, including soil carbon
sequestration, be attributed among crops produced in a rotation, for
example crops grown in rotation with one or multiple cover crops?
(10) To what extent do interactions between practices either
enhance or reduce the GHG emissions outcomes of each practice? Where
multiple practices are implemented in combination, should the impacts
of these practices be measured individually or collectively?
(11) How should the GHG emissions of nutrient management practices
(e.g., applying fertilizer according to the ``4Rs'' of nutrient
management--right place, right source, right time, and right rate;
variable rate technology; enhanced efficiency fertilizer application;
manure application) be quantified? What empirical data exist to inform
the quantification? What factors should USDA consider when quantifying
the GHG emissions outcomes of these practices?
Soil Carbon
(12) How should the GHG outcomes of soil management practices that
can increase carbon sequestration or reduce carbon dioxide emissions
(e.g., no-till, cover crops) be quantified? What empirical data exist
to inform the quantification? Over what time scale should practices
that sequester soil carbon be implemented to achieve measurable and
durable GHG benefits?
(13) For practices that can increase soil carbon sequestration or
reduce carbon dioxide emissions, how should the duration and any
interruptions of practice (e.g., length of time practice is continued,
whether the practice is put in place continually or with interruptions)
be considered when assessing the effects on soil carbon sequestration?
(14) How should the baseline rates of change in soil carbon and
uncertainty around the greenhouse gas benefits of these practices be
characterized? Does this uncertainty and variability depend on the type
or longevity/permanence of the practice?
Verification and Recordkeeping
(15) What records, documentation, and data are necessary to provide
sufficient evidence to verify practice adoption and maintenance? What
records are typically maintained, why, and by whom? Where possible,
please be specific to recommended practices (e.g., refer to practices
identified in question two).
(16) How can market participants leverage remote sensing and/or
other emergent technologies as an option to verify practice adoption
and maintenance?
(17) Are there existing reporting structures that can potentially
be leveraged?
(18) Should on-site audits be used to verify practice adoption and
maintenance and if so, to what extent, and on what frequency?
(19) If only a sample of farm/fields are audited on-site, what
sampling methodology should be used to determine the sample of farms
selected for an on-site audit, and how can the sampling methodology
ensure that selected farms are representative across geographies,
crops, and other factors?
(20) What system(s) should be used to trace feedstocks throughout
biofuel feedstock supply chains (e.g., mass balance, book and claim,
identity preservation, geolocation of fields where practices are
adopted)? What data do these tracking systems need to collect? What are
the pros and cons of these traceability systems? How should this
information be verified?
Verifier Qualifications/Accreditation Requirements
(21) How could USDA best utilize independent third-parties (i.e.,
unrelated party certifiers) to bolster verification of practice
adoption and maintenance and/or supply chain traceability? What
standards or processes should be in place to prevent conflicts of
interest between verifiers and the entities they oversee?
(22) What qualifications should independent third-party verifiers
of practice adoption and/or supply chain traceability possess?
(23) What independent third-party verification systems currently
exist that may be relevant for use in the context of verifying climate-
smart agricultural practices (as identified under questions 1 and 2)
and/or biofuel supply chains?
(24) How should oversight of verifiers be performed? What
procedures should be in place if an independent third-party verifier
fails to conform to verification and audit requirements, or otherwise
conducts verification inappropriately?
[[Page 53587]]
(25) What procedures should be in place to prevent potential
inaccurate or fraudulent claims regarding feedstock production
practices or chain of custody claims, how should monitoring occur to
identify such inaccurate claims, and what should the remedy be when
such inaccurate claims are discovered?
(26) What preemptive measures are appropriate to guard program
integrity against both potential intentional fraud and inadvertent
reversal or nonaccrual of credited GHG emissions benefits?
William Hohenstein,
Director, Office of Energy and Environmental Policy.
[FR Doc. 2024-14126 Filed 6-26-24; 8:45 am]