Briar Hydro Associates; Notice of Application Ready for Environmental Analysis and Soliciting Comments, Recommendations, Terms and Conditions, and Prescriptions, 53611-53612 [2024-14047]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 124 / Thursday, June 27, 2024 / Notices
11, 2024 to discuss opportunities for
increasing real-time and day-ahead
market and planning efficiency of the
bulk power system through improved
software. Attached to this Supplemental
Notice is the agenda for the technical
conference and speakers’ summaries of
their presentations.
While the intent of the technical
conference is not to focus on any
specific matters before the Commission,
some conference discussions might
include topics at issue in proceedings
that are currently pending before the
Commission. These proceedings
include, but are not limited to:
Docket No.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C ................................................................................................................................
PJM Interconnection, L.L.C ................................................................................................................................
Southwest Power Pool, Inc ................................................................................................................................
Southwest Power Pool, Inc ................................................................................................................................
Southwest Power Pool, Inc ................................................................................................................................
Southwest Power Pool, Inc ................................................................................................................................
Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc ..............................................................................................
Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc ..............................................................................................
ISO New England Inc ........................................................................................................................................
California Independent System Operator Corp .................................................................................................
New York Independent System Operator, Inc ...................................................................................................
New York Independent System Operator, Inc ...................................................................................................
The conference will allow presenters
and attendees to participate either inperson or virtually. Further details on
both in-person and virtual participation
will be available on the conference web
Attendees are requested to register
through the Commission’s website on or
before June 3, 2024. Registration will
help ensure that Commission staff can
provide sufficient physical and virtual
facilities and to communicate with
attendees in the case of unanticipated
emergencies or other changes to the
conference schedule or location. Access
to the conference (virtual or in-person)
may not be available to those who do
not register by June 3.
Slides are due from selected speakers
by 5:00 p.m. EDT on July 1, 2024. Before
1:00 p.m. EDT on July 8, 2024,
Commission staff will work with
presenters to provide quality assurance
that their presentation materials are
prepared, formatted correctly, and ready
for delivery during the conference. All
updates to slides submitted before 1:00
p.m. on July 8, 2024 will be posted to
the Commission website in advance of
the conference. Any updated slides
submitted after 1:00 p.m. on July 8, 2024
will be posted to the Commission
website after the conference; however,
the live conference may use slides
versions submitted by 1:00 p.m. on July
8, 2024.
The Commission will accept
comments following the conference,
with a deadline of August 12, 2024.
There is an ‘‘eSubscription’’ link on
the Commission’s website that enables
subscribers to receive email notification
when a document is added to a
subscribed docket(s). For assistance
with any FERC Online service, please
email, or
call (866) 208–3676 (toll free). For TTY,
call (202) 502–8659.
FERC conferences are accessible
under section 508 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973. For accessibility
accommodations please send an email
to or call toll free
(866) 208–3372 (voice) or (202) 502–
8659 (TTY), or send a fax to (202) 208–
2106 with the required
For further information about these
conferences, please contact:
Sarah McKinley (Logistical
Information), Office of External
Alexander Smith (Technical
Information), Office of Energy Policy
and Innovation, Alexander.Smith@
Monica Ferrera (Technical Information),
Office of Energy Policy and
Dated: June 20, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024–14053 Filed 6–26–24; 8:45 am]
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ER24–99–000, –001, –002, –003
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 3240–040]
Briar Hydro Associates; Notice of
Application Ready for Environmental
Analysis and Soliciting Comments,
Recommendations, Terms and
Conditions, and Prescriptions
Take notice that the following
hydroelectric application has been filed
with the Commission and is available
for public inspection.
a. Type of Application: New License.
b. Project No.: 3240–040.
c. Date Filed: November 30, 2022.
d. Applicant: Briar Hydro Associates.
e. Name of Project: Rolfe Canal
Hydroelectric Project.
f. Location: On the Contoocook River,
in the City of Concord, Merrimack
County New Hampshire.
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power
Act 16 U.S.C. 791(a)–825(r).
h. Applicant Contact: Andrew J.
Locke, Essex Hydro Associates, LLC, 55
Union Street, Boston, MA 02108; (617)
357–0032, or
i. FERC Contact: Jeanne Edwards at
(202) 502–6181; or jeanne.edwards@
j. Deadline for filing comments,
recommendations, terms and
conditions, and prescriptions: 60 days
from the issuance date of this notice;
reply comments are due 105 days from
the issuance date of this notice.
The Commission strongly encourages
electronic filing. Please file comments,
recommendations, terms and
conditions, and prescriptions using the
Commission’s eFiling system at https://
Commenters can submit brief comments
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 124 / Thursday, June 27, 2024 / Notices
up to 6,000 characters, without prior
registration, using the eComment system
QuickComment.aspx. For assistance,
please contact FERC Online Support at, (866)
208–3676 (toll free), or (202) 502–8659
(TTY). In lieu of electronic filing, you
may submit a paper copy. Submissions
sent via the U.S. Postal Service must be
addressed to: Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street
NE, Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426.
Submissions sent via any other carrier
must be addressed to: Debbie-Anne A.
Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins
Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20852. All
filings must clearly identify the project
name and docket number on the first
page: Rolfe Canal Project (P–3240–040).
The Commission’s Rules of Practice
require all intervenors filing documents
with the Commission to serve a copy of
that document on each person on the
official service list for the project.
Further, if an intervenor files comments
or documents with the Commission
relating to the merits of an issue that
may affect the responsibilities of a
particular resource agency, they must
also serve a copy of the document on
that resource agency.
k. This application has been accepted
and is now ready for environmental
l. The Rolfe Canal Project diverts
water from the York Dam into the Rolfe
Canal and consists of the following
facilities: (1) the York impoundment
with a surface area of 50-acres, at
elevation of 342.5 feet National Geodetic
Vertical Datum 1929 (NGVD29); (2) a
300-foot-long, 10-foot-high diversion
dam (York Dam); (3) a 50-foot-wide
concrete gated intake structure; (4) a
7,000-foot-long, 75-foot-wide, and 9foot-deep power canal; (5) an additional
impoundment (created by York Dam at
the end of the power canal), with
surface area of 3-acres, at elevation of
342.5 feet NGVD29, and a negligible
storage capacity; (6) a 130-foot-long, 17foot-high granite block intake dam; (7) a
950-foot-long underground penstock; (8)
a 32-foot-wide by 90-foot-long, concrete
powerhouse containing one Kaplan
turbine-generating unit with a capacity
of 4.285 megawatts; (9) a 1,200-foot-long
tailrace; (10) transmission facilities
consisting of a three-phase 4.16/34.5kilovolt (kV) transformer; and a 34.5-kV,
650-foot-long transmission line; and (11)
other appurtenances. The project has a
4,000-foot-long bypassed reach.
The project operates in a run-of-river
mode with a minimum flow of 338
cubic feet per second (cfs), or inflow,
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whichever is less, into the York
impoundment, a minimum flow of 50
cfs into the York bypass, and a
minimum flow of 5 cfs into a historic
channel that bypasses the penstock. The
project had an average annual
generation of 19,585,884 kilowatt-hours
between 2014 and 2018. Briar Hydro
proposes to increase the minimum flow
into the York bypass to 100 cfs.
m. Copies of the application may be
viewed on the Commission’s website at using the
‘‘eLibrary’’ link. Enter the docket
number excluding the last three digits in
the docket number field to access the
document (P–3240). For assistance,
contact FERC Online Support at or call
toll-free, (866) 208–3676 or (202) 502–
8659 (TTY).
All filings must (1) bear in all capital
letters the title ‘‘COMMENTS,’’ ‘‘REPLY
‘‘PRESCRIPTIONS;’’ (2) set forth in the
heading the name of the applicant and
the project number of the application to
which the filing responds; (3) furnish
the name, address, and telephone
number of the person submitting the
filing; and (4) otherwise comply with
the requirements of 18 CFR 385.2001
through 385.2005. All comments,
recommendations, terms and conditions
or prescriptions must set forth their
evidentiary basis and otherwise comply
with the requirements of 18 CFR 4.34(b).
Agencies may obtain copies of the
application directly from the applicant.
Each filing must be accompanied by
proof of service on all persons listed on
the service list prepared by the
Commission in this proceeding, in
accordance with 18 CFR 4.34(b) and
The Commission’s Office of Public
Participation (OPP) supports meaningful
public engagement and participation in
Commission proceedings. OPP can help
members of the public, including
landowners, environmental justice
communities, Tribal members, and
others, access publicly available
information and navigate Commission
processes. For public inquiries and
assistance with making filings such as
interventions, comments, or requests for
rehearing, the public is encouraged to
contact OPP at (202) 502–6595 or OPP@
You may also register online at
FERCOnline.aspx to be notified via
email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects.
For assistance, contact FERC Online
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n. The applicant must file no later
than 60 days following the date of
issuance of this notice: (1) a copy of the
water quality certification; (2) a copy of
the request for certification, including
proof of the date on which the certifying
agency received the request; or (3)
evidence of waiver of water quality
o. Procedural schedule: The
application will be processed according
to the following schedule. Revisions to
the schedule will be made as
Deadline for Filing Comments,
Recommendations, and Agency Terms and Conditions/Prescriptions.
Licensee’s Reply to REA Comments.
Target date
August 2024.
October 2024.
Dated: June 20, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024–14047 Filed 6–26–24; 8:45 am]
Federal Energy Regulatory
[Project No. 2800–054]
Essex Company, LLC, Lawrence
Hydroelectric Project; Notice of
Dispute Resolution Panel Meeting and
Technical Conference
On June 18, 2024, Commission staff,
in response to the filing of a notice of
study dispute by the National Marine
Fisheries Service on May 28, 2024,
convened a single three-person Dispute
Resolution Panel (Panel) pursuant to 18
CFR 5.14(d).
The Panel will hold a technical
conference to address two study
disputes regarding potential effects of
the Lawrence Project (P–2800) on
shortnose and Atlantic sturgeon and
their habitat in the Merrimack River.
The purpose of the technical session is
for the disputing agency, applicant, and
Commission staff to provide the Panel
with additional information necessary
to evaluate the disputed studies, and for
the Panel to ask questions and seek
clarification regarding the matters in
dispute. All local, state, and federal
agencies, Indian tribes, and other
interested parties are invited to attend
the meeting as observers. The Panel may
also request information or clarification
on written submissions as necessary to
understand the matters in dispute. The
Panel will limit all input that it receives
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 124 (Thursday, June 27, 2024)]
[Pages 53611-53612]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-14047]
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Project No. 3240-040]
Briar Hydro Associates; Notice of Application Ready for
Environmental Analysis and Soliciting Comments, Recommendations, Terms
and Conditions, and Prescriptions
Take notice that the following hydroelectric application has been
filed with the Commission and is available for public inspection.
a. Type of Application: New License.
b. Project No.: 3240-040.
c. Date Filed: November 30, 2022.
d. Applicant: Briar Hydro Associates.
e. Name of Project: Rolfe Canal Hydroelectric Project.
f. Location: On the Contoocook River, in the City of Concord,
Merrimack County New Hampshire.
g. Filed Pursuant to: Federal Power Act 16 U.S.C. 791(a)-825(r).
h. Applicant Contact: Andrew J. Locke, Essex Hydro Associates, LLC,
55 Union Street, Boston, MA 02108; (617) 357-0032, or
[email protected].
i. FERC Contact: Jeanne Edwards at (202) 502-6181; or
[email protected].
j. Deadline for filing comments, recommendations, terms and
conditions, and prescriptions: 60 days from the issuance date of this
notice; reply comments are due 105 days from the issuance date of this
The Commission strongly encourages electronic filing. Please file
comments, recommendations, terms and conditions, and prescriptions
using the Commission's eFiling system at Commenters can submit brief comments
[[Page 53612]]
up to 6,000 characters, without prior registration, using the eComment
system at For
assistance, please contact FERC Online Support at
[email protected], (866) 208-3676 (toll free), or (202) 502-
8659 (TTY). In lieu of electronic filing, you may submit a paper copy.
Submissions sent via the U.S. Postal Service must be addressed to:
Debbie-Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE, Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426.
Submissions sent via any other carrier must be addressed to: Debbie-
Anne A. Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,
12225 Wilkins Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20852. All filings must
clearly identify the project name and docket number on the first page:
Rolfe Canal Project (P-3240-040).
The Commission's Rules of Practice require all intervenors filing
documents with the Commission to serve a copy of that document on each
person on the official service list for the project. Further, if an
intervenor files comments or documents with the Commission relating to
the merits of an issue that may affect the responsibilities of a
particular resource agency, they must also serve a copy of the document
on that resource agency.
k. This application has been accepted and is now ready for
environmental analysis.
l. The Rolfe Canal Project diverts water from the York Dam into the
Rolfe Canal and consists of the following facilities: (1) the York
impoundment with a surface area of 50-acres, at elevation of 342.5 feet
National Geodetic Vertical Datum 1929 (NGVD29); (2) a 300-foot-long,
10-foot-high diversion dam (York Dam); (3) a 50-foot-wide concrete
gated intake structure; (4) a 7,000-foot-long, 75-foot-wide, and 9-
foot-deep power canal; (5) an additional impoundment (created by York
Dam at the end of the power canal), with surface area of 3-acres, at
elevation of 342.5 feet NGVD29, and a negligible storage capacity; (6)
a 130-foot-long, 17-foot-high granite block intake dam; (7) a 950-foot-
long underground penstock; (8) a 32-foot-wide by 90-foot-long, concrete
powerhouse containing one Kaplan turbine-generating unit with a
capacity of 4.285 megawatts; (9) a 1,200-foot-long tailrace; (10)
transmission facilities consisting of a three-phase 4.16/34.5- kilovolt
(kV) transformer; and a 34.5-kV, 650-foot-long transmission line; and
(11) other appurtenances. The project has a 4,000-foot-long bypassed
The project operates in a run-of-river mode with a minimum flow of
338 cubic feet per second (cfs), or inflow, whichever is less, into the
York impoundment, a minimum flow of 50 cfs into the York bypass, and a
minimum flow of 5 cfs into a historic channel that bypasses the
penstock. The project had an average annual generation of 19,585,884
kilowatt-hours between 2014 and 2018. Briar Hydro proposes to increase
the minimum flow into the York bypass to 100 cfs.
m. Copies of the application may be viewed on the Commission's
website at using the ``eLibrary'' link. Enter the
docket number excluding the last three digits in the docket number
field to access the document (P-3240). For assistance, contact FERC
Online Support at [email protected] or call toll-free, (866)
208-3676 or (202) 502-8659 (TTY).
All filings must (1) bear in all capital letters the title
CONDITIONS,'' or ``PRESCRIPTIONS;'' (2) set forth in the heading the
name of the applicant and the project number of the application to
which the filing responds; (3) furnish the name, address, and telephone
number of the person submitting the filing; and (4) otherwise comply
with the requirements of 18 CFR 385.2001 through 385.2005. All
comments, recommendations, terms and conditions or prescriptions must
set forth their evidentiary basis and otherwise comply with the
requirements of 18 CFR 4.34(b). Agencies may obtain copies of the
application directly from the applicant. Each filing must be
accompanied by proof of service on all persons listed on the service
list prepared by the Commission in this proceeding, in accordance with
18 CFR 4.34(b) and 385.2010.
The Commission's Office of Public Participation (OPP) supports
meaningful public engagement and participation in Commission
proceedings. OPP can help members of the public, including landowners,
environmental justice communities, Tribal members, and others, access
publicly available information and navigate Commission processes. For
public inquiries and assistance with making filings such as
interventions, comments, or requests for rehearing, the public is
encouraged to contact OPP at (202) 502-6595 or [email protected].
You may also register online at to be notified via email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects. For assistance, contact FERC
Online Support.
n. The applicant must file no later than 60 days following the date
of issuance of this notice: (1) a copy of the water quality
certification; (2) a copy of the request for certification, including
proof of the date on which the certifying agency received the request;
or (3) evidence of waiver of water quality certification.
o. Procedural schedule: The application will be processed according
to the following schedule. Revisions to the schedule will be made as
Milestone Target date
Deadline for Filing Comments, August 2024.
Recommendations, and Agency Terms and
Licensee's Reply to REA Comments........ October 2024.
Dated: June 20, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024-14047 Filed 6-26-24; 8:45 am]