Presidential Declaration of a Major Disaster for the State of New Mexico, 53471-53472 [2024-14003]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 123 / Wednesday, June 26, 2024 / Notices collection at the following website: Find this particular information collection by selecting ‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or by using the search function. Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information collection should be sent by July 26, 2024 to (i) public/do/PRAMain and (ii) David Bottom, Director/Chief Information Officer, Securities and Exchange Commission, c/o John Pezzullo, 100 F Street NE, Washington, DC 20549, or by sending an email to: PRA_Mailbox@ Dated: June 20, 2024. Sherry R. Haywood, Assistant Secretary. Daniel A. Lauretano, General Counsel/Federal Register Liaison. [FR Doc. 2024–13997 Filed 6–25–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 8015–01–P SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [Disaster Declaration #20401 and #20402; Tennessee Disaster Number TN–20014] [FR Doc. 2024–13947 Filed 6–25–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 8011–01–P Presidential Declaration of a Major Disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Tennessee SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM AGENCY: Forms Submitted to the Office of Management and Budget for Extension of Clearance SUMMARY: Selective Service System. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: The following form has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for extension of clearance without change in compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. chapter 35): ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 System, 1501 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22209. A copy of the comments should be sent to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer, Selective Service System, Office of Management and Budget, New Executive Office Building, Room 3235, Washington, DC 20503. SSS Forms 1 Title: Selective Service System Registration Form. Purpose: Used to register males and establish a database for use in identifying manpower to the military services during a national emergency. Respondents: All 18-year-old males who are United States citizens and those male immigrants residing in the United States at the time of their 18th birthday. Frequency: Registration with the Selective Service System is a one-time occurrence. Burden: A burden of two minutes or less on the individual respondent. Change: None. Copies of the above-identified forms can be obtained upon written request to the Selective Service System, Public & Intergovernmental Affairs Directorate, 1501 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22209. Written comments and recommendations for the proposed extension of clearance of the forms should be sent within 60 days of the publication of this notice to: Daniel A. Lauretano, Sr., General Counsel/Federal Register Liaison, Selective Service VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:15 Jun 25, 2024 Jkt 262001 Small Business Administration. ACTION: Notice. This is a Notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for Public Assistance Only for the State of Tennessee (FEMA—4792– DR), dated 06/17/2024. Incident: Severe Storms, Tornadoes, and Flooding. Incident Period: 05/08/2024 through 05/09/2024. DATES: Issued on 06/17/2024. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 08/16/2024. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 03/17/2025. ADDRESSES: Visit the MySBA Loan Portal at to apply for a disaster assistance loan. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alan Escobar, Office of Disaster Recovery & Resilience, U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 3rd Street SW, Suite 6050, Washington, DC 20416, (202) 205–6734. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is hereby given that as a result of the President’s major disaster declaration on 06/17/2024, Private Non-Profit organizations that provide essential services of a governmental nature may file disaster loan applications online using the MySBA Loan Portal https:// or other locally announced locations. Please contact the SBA disaster assistance customer service center by email at or by phone at 1–800–659–2955 for further assistance. The following areas have been determined to be adversely affected by the disaster: PO 00000 Frm 00090 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 53471 Primary Counties: Cannon, Cheatham, Giles, Hamilton, Jackson, Macon, Maury, Montgomery, Polk, Smith, Sumner, Warren. The Interest Rates are: Percent For Physical Damage: Non-Profit Organizations with Credit Available Elsewhere ... Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available Elsewhere ..................................... For Economic Injury: Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available Elsewhere ..................................... 3.250 3.250 3.250 The number assigned to this disaster for physical damage is 20401C and for economic injury is 204020. (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 59008) Francisco Sánchez, Jr., Associate Administrator, Office of Disaster Recovery & Resilience. [FR Doc. 2024–13948 Filed 6–25–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 8026–09–P SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [Disaster Declaration #20407 and #20408; New Mexico Disaster Number NM–20004] Presidential Declaration of a Major Disaster for the State of New Mexico Small Business Administration. Notice. AGENCY: ACTION: This is a Notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of New Mexico (FEMA–4795–DR), dated 06/20/2024. Incident: South Fork Fire and Salt Fire. Incident Period: 06/17/2024 and continuing. SUMMARY: Issued on 06/20/2024. Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 08/19/2024. Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 03/20/2025. ADDRESSES: Visit the MySBA Loan Portal at to apply for a disaster assistance loan. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alan Escobar, Office of Disaster Recovery & Resilience, U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 3rd Street SW, Suite 6050, Washington, DC 20416, (202) 205–6734. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is hereby given that as a result of the President’s major disaster declaration on 06/20/2024, applications for disaster DATES: E:\FR\FM\26JNN1.SGM 26JNN1 53472 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 123 / Wednesday, June 26, 2024 / Notices loans may be submitted online using the MySBA Loan Portal https:// or other locally announced locations. Please contact the SBA disaster assistance customer service center by email at or by phone at 1–800–659–2955 for further assistance. The following areas have been determined to be adversely affected by the disaster: Primary Counties (Physical Damage and Economic Injury Loans): Lincoln. Tribal Region (Physical Damage and Economic Injury Loans): Mescalero Apache Tribe. Contiguous Counties (Economic Injury Loans Only): New Mexico: Chaves, De Baca, Guadalupe, Otero, Sierra, Socorro, Torrance. The Interest Rates are: Percent For Physical Damage: Homeowners with Credit Available Elsewhere .................... Homeowners without Credit Available Elsewhere ............ Businesses with Credit Available Elsewhere .................... Businesses without Credit Available Elsewhere ............ Non-Profit Organizations with Credit Available Elsewhere Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available Elsewhere ................................... For Economic Injury: Business and Small Agricultural Cooperatives without Credit Available Elsewhere Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available Elsewhere ................................... 5.375 2.688 8.000 4.000 3.250 3.250 4.000 3.250 The number assigned to this disaster for physical damage is 204075 and for economic injury is 204080. (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 59008) Francisco Sánchez, Jr., Associate Administrator, Office of Disaster Recovery & Resilience. [FR Doc. 2024–14003 Filed 6–25–24; 8:45 am] ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 BILLING CODE 8026–09–P SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION [Docket No: SSA–2024–0023] Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Request The Social Security Administration (SSA) publishes a list of information collection packages requiring clearance VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:15 Jun 25, 2024 Jkt 262001 by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in compliance with Public Law 104–13, the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, effective October 1, 1995. This notice includes one new collection for OMB-approval. SSA is soliciting comments on the accuracy of the agency’s burden estimate; the need for the information; its practical utility; ways to enhance its quality, utility, and clarity; and ways to minimize burden on respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Mail, email, or fax your comments and recommendations on the information collection(s) to the OMB Desk Officer and SSA Reports Clearance Officer at the following addresses or fax numbers. (OMB) Office of Management and Budget, Attn: Desk Officer for SSA, Fax: 202–395–6974 (SSA) Social Security Administration, OLCA, Attn: Reports Clearance Director, Mail Stop 3253 Altmeyer, 6401 Security Blvd., Baltimore, MD 21235, Fax: 833–410–1631, Email address: OR.Reports.Clearance@ Or you may submit your comments online through public/do/PRAmain by clicking on Currently under Review—Open for Public Comments and choosing to click on one of SSA’s published items. Please reference Docket ID Number [SSA– 2024–0023] in your submitted response. The information collection below is pending at SSA. SSA will submit it to OMB within 60 days from the date of this notice. To be sure we consider your comments, we must receive them no later than August 26, 2024. Individuals can obtain copies of the collection instruments by writing to the above email address. Transition Exploration Demonstration (TED)—0960–NEW Background SSA is requesting clearance to collect data necessary to evaluate the Transition Exploration Demonstration (TED) under the Interventional Cooperative Agreement Program (ICAP). SSA awarded its second set of cooperative agreements for ICAP on December 22, 2022. ICAP allows SSA to partner with various non-federal groups and organizations to advance interventional research connected to the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) programs. SSA awarded Mathematica a cooperative agreement to lead the Transition Exploration Demonstration (TED), which will help PO 00000 Frm 00091 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 youth with disabilities transition successfully into the adult labor force and competitive, integrated employment. In addition, Mathematica is partnering with the Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) to recruit youth and deliver intervention services and the University of Maryland’s Center for Transition and Career Innovation (UMD) to provide training and technical assistance to OVR. TED Project Description The Transition Exploration (TE) intervention is part of a broader effort by policymakers to identify new approaches to help potential beneficiaries and their families many of whom have low income, increase their incomes and self-sufficiency through work. The TE evaluation will assess the effect of TED services on employment and earnings; Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefit receipt; satisfaction; and well-being. TED will include the following three components: (1) implementation analysis; (2) impact analysis; and (3) benefit cost analysis: • Implementation Analysis: will yield critical information about the rollout and administration of TED, such as implications for the impact analysis and for developing relationships with community partners. Specifically, the implementation analysis will assess (1) whether the intervention was implemented as intended; (2) what successes and challenges were encountered during service delivery, and (3) how OVR developed new or stronger collaborative relationships with community partners. • Impact Analysis: will leverage the experimental design to provide rigorous quantitative estimates of the effects of TED on the outcomes of enrollees. Because the study uses random assignment, the treatment and control group members will have similar observed and unobserved characteristics in statistical expectation when they enroll in the study. Hence, the evaluation’s impact estimates will provide an unbiased assessment of whether the intervention can help youth with disabilities earn or work more, become less reliant on SSI or SSDI benefits, and experience greater satisfaction and well-being. • Benefit-Cost Analysis: will assess whether the impacts of TED on enrollee outcomes are large enough to justify the resources required to produce them. By placing a dollar value on each benefit and cost of the intervention, a benefit- E:\FR\FM\26JNN1.SGM 26JNN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 123 (Wednesday, June 26, 2024)]
[Pages 53471-53472]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-14003]



[Disaster Declaration #20407 and #20408; New Mexico Disaster Number NM-

Presidential Declaration of a Major Disaster for the State of New 

AGENCY: Small Business Administration.

ACTION: Notice.


SUMMARY: This is a Notice of the Presidential declaration of a major 
disaster for the State of New Mexico (FEMA-4795-DR), dated 06/20/2024.
    Incident: South Fork Fire and Salt Fire.
    Incident Period: 06/17/2024 and continuing.

DATES: Issued on 06/20/2024.
    Physical Loan Application Deadline Date: 08/19/2024.
    Economic Injury (EIDL) Loan Application Deadline Date: 03/20/2025.

ADDRESSES: Visit the MySBA Loan Portal at to 
apply for a disaster assistance loan.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Alan Escobar, Office of Disaster 
Recovery & Resilience, U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 3rd 
Street SW, Suite 6050, Washington, DC 20416, (202) 205-6734.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Notice is hereby given that as a result of 
the President's major disaster declaration on 06/20/2024, applications 
for disaster

[[Page 53472]]

loans may be submitted online using the MySBA Loan Portal or other locally announced locations. Please contact 
the SBA disaster assistance customer service center by email at 
[email protected] or by phone at 1-800-659-2955 for 
further assistance.
    The following areas have been determined to be adversely affected 
by the disaster:

Primary Counties (Physical Damage and Economic Injury Loans): Lincoln.
Tribal Region (Physical Damage and Economic Injury Loans): Mescalero 
Apache Tribe.
Contiguous Counties (Economic Injury Loans Only):
    New Mexico: Chaves, De Baca, Guadalupe, Otero, Sierra, Socorro, 

    The Interest Rates are:

For Physical Damage:
  Homeowners with Credit Available Elsewhere................       5.375
  Homeowners without Credit Available Elsewhere.............       2.688
  Businesses with Credit Available Elsewhere................       8.000
  Businesses without Credit Available Elsewhere.............       4.000
  Non-Profit Organizations with Credit Available Elsewhere..       3.250
  Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available                3.250
For Economic Injury:
  Business and Small Agricultural Cooperatives without             4.000
   Credit Available Elsewhere...............................
  Non-Profit Organizations without Credit Available                3.250

    The number assigned to this disaster for physical damage is 204075 
and for economic injury is 204080.

(Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 59008)

Francisco S[aacute]nchez, Jr.,
Associate Administrator, Office of Disaster Recovery & Resilience.
[FR Doc. 2024-14003 Filed 6-25-24; 8:45 am]

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