Safety Standard for Bassinets and Cradles; Notice of Comment Period Extension, 51475-51476 [2024-13330]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 118 / Tuesday, June 18, 2024 / Proposed Rules Branch, mail it to the address identified in paragraph (q) of this AD. Information may be emailed to: Before using any approved AMOC, notify your appropriate principal inspector, or lacking a principal inspector, the manager of the responsible Flight Standards Office. (2) Contacting the Manufacturer: For any requirement in this AD to obtain instructions from a manufacturer, the instructions must be accomplished using a method approved by the Manager, International Validation Branch, FAA; or EASA; or Airbus SAS’s EASA Design Organization Approval (DOA). If approved by the DOA, the approval must include the DOA-authorized signature. Issued on June 11, 2024. Suzanne Masterson, Deputy Director, Integrated Certificate Management Division, Aircraft Certification Service. (q) Additional Information Safety Standard for Bassinets and Cradles; Notice of Comment Period Extension For more information about this AD, contact Timothy Dowling, Aviation Safety Engineer, FAA, 1600 Stewart Avenue, Suite 410, Westbury, NY 11590; telephone 206– 231–3367; email lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1 (r) Material Incorporated by Reference (1) The Director of the Federal Register approved the incorporation by reference (IBR) of the service information listed in this paragraph under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. (2) You must use this service information as applicable to do the actions required by this AD, unless this AD specifies otherwise. (3) The following service information was approved for IBR on [DATE 35 DAYS AFTER PUBLICATION OF THE FINAL RULE]. (i) European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) AD 2024–0030, dated January 31, 2024. (ii) [Reserved] (4) The following service information was approved for IBR on April 22, 2024 (89 FR 19234, March 18, 2024). (i) EASA AD 2023–0138, dated July 13, 2023. (ii) [Reserved] (5) The following service information was approved for IBR on April 10, 2023 (88 FR 13665, March 6, 2023). (i) EASA AD 2022–0091, dated May 20, 2022. (ii) [Reserved] (6) For EASA AD 2024–0030, EASA AD 2023–0138, and EASA AD 2022–0091, contact EASA, Konrad-Adenauer-Ufer 3, 50668 Cologne, Germany; telephone +49 221 8999 000; email; website You may find these EASA ADs on the EASA website (7) You may view this material at the FAA, Airworthiness Products Section, Operational Safety Branch, 2200 South 216th Street, Des Moines, WA. For information on the availability of this material at the FAA, call 206–231–3195. (8) You may view this material at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, visit ibr-locations, or email fr.inspection@ VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:16 Jun 17, 2024 Jkt 262001 [FR Doc. 2024–13150 Filed 6–17–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4910–13–P CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY COMMISSION 16 CFR Part 1218 [CPSC Docket No. CPSC–2010–0028] Consumer Product Safety Commission. ACTION: Proposed rule; extension of comment period. AGENCY: On April 16, 2024, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) published in the Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPR) to amend the existing regulation for bassinets and cradles, to ensure that the rule addresses identified hazards and that these sleep products for young infants provide the highest level of safety feasible. The NPR invited the public to submit written comments during a 60-day comment period, beginning on the NPR publication date, and ending on June 17, 2024. In response to a request for a 90-day extension of the comment period, the Commission is extending the comment period for this NPR by 45 days. DATES: Submit comments by August 1, 2024. ADDRESSES: Comments related to the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of the marking, labeling, and instructional literature requirements of the NPR should be directed to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, the Office of Management and Budget, Attn: CPSC Desk Officer, FAX: 202–395–6974, or emailed to: oira_submission@ Submit all other comments, identified by Docket No. CPSC–2010–0028, by any of the following methods: Electronic Submissions: Submit electronic comments to the Federal eRulemaking Portal at: https:// Follow the instructions for submitting comments. CPSC typically does not accept comments submitted by email, except through CPSC encourages you to submit electronic comments by using the Federal eRulemaking Portal, as described above. SUMMARY: PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 51475 Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier/ Confidential Written Submissions: Submit comments by mail, hand delivery, or courier to: Office of the Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission, 4330 East-West Highway, Bethesda, MD 20814; (301) 504–7479. If you wish to submit confidential business information, trade secret information, or other sensitive or protected information that you do not want to be available to the public, you may submit such comments by mail, hand delivery, or courier, or you may email them to: Instructions: All submissions must include the agency name and docket number. CPSC may post all comments without change, including any personal identifiers, contact information, or other personal information provided, to Do not submit through this website: Confidential business information, trade secret information, or other sensitive or protected information that you do not want to be available to the public. If you wish to submit such information, please submit it according to the instructions for mail/hand delivery/courier/ confidential written submissions. Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or comments received, go to: https://, and insert the docket number, CPSC–2010–0028, into the ‘‘Search’’ box, and follow the prompts. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Celestine T. Kish, Project Manager, Division of Human Factors, Directorate for Engineering Sciences, Consumer Product Safety Commission, 5 Research Place, Rockville, MD 20850; 301–987– 2547; SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: A. Background Pursuant to section 104(b)(1) of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA; 15 U.S.C. 2056a(b)(1)), the Commission promulgated the current mandatory standard for bassinets and cradles (bassinets/cradles) in October 2013. 78 FR 63019 (Oct. 23, 2013); see Safety Standard for Bassinets and Cradles, codified at 16 CFR part 1218 (part 1218). Part 1218 incorporates by reference the 2013 version of the bassinets/cradles voluntary standard, ASTM F2194–13, Standard Consumer Safety Specification for Bassinets and Cradles (ASTM F2194–13), with modifications to make the standard more stringent, to E:\FR\FM\18JNP1.SGM 18JNP1 51476 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 118 / Tuesday, June 18, 2024 / Proposed Rules further reduce the risk of injury associated with bassinets/cradles.1 Section 104(b)(2) of the CPSIA requires that after the Commission issues mandatory safety standards for durable infant or toddler products, the Commission shall periodically review and revise the standards to ensure that such standards provide the highest level of safety for such products that is feasible. 15 U.S.C. 2056a(b)(2). Accordingly, on April 16, 2024, the Commission published an NPR in the Federal Register proposing to amend part 1218 to address the hazards identified in the NPR and to ensure that the mandatory bassinet/cradle regulation provides the highest level of safety feasible.2 89 FR 27246. The proposed modifications to part 1218 would remove a product category— compact bassinets—and address five identified hazard patterns associated with young infants. The NPR proposed to incorporate by reference ASTM F2194–22ε1, with modifications to further reduce the risk of injury associated with bassinets, and to provide the highest level of safety that is feasible for such products. 89 FR 27246, 27247. The 60-day comment period closes on June 17, 2024.3 lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with PROPOSALS1 B. Request for Comment Period Extension On May 22, 2024, Lisa Trofe, Executive Director of the Juvenile 1 After issuing the mandatory standard in 2013, ASTM International (ASTM) published several revisions to ASTM F2194, including ASTM F2194– 2013a, –2016, and –2016ε1. ASTM did not notify CPSC of these revisions, so the mandatory rule has not been updated since 2013. However, ASTM F2194–2016ε1 is substantially the same as the existing mandatory rule for bassinets/cradles codified in part 1218. 86 FR 33022, 33034–35 (June 3, 2021). 2 On March 20, 2024, the Commission voted (4– 0) to publish the NPR, available at: https:// FaEWn1fBre6eZ2r. 3 Staff provided a February 28, 2024, Memorandum, Staff’s Draft Proposed Rule to Revise the Safety Standard for Bassinets and Cradles in support of the NPR, which is available at: https:// l37iJVSjn32WnUTBDV27L6c37uJC4Iis. The NPR contains an overview of staff’s assessment and analysis, and the Commission’s basis for issuing the NPR, which is based on the 2022 Bassinet Rejection Staff Briefing Package. Based on the information and analysis in the NPR and related staff packages, the Commission preliminarily determined that the proposed requirements are more stringent than the requirements in ASTM F2194–22ε1, would further reduce the risk of injury associated with products within the scope of the NPR, and would provide the highest level of safety that is feasible for such products. The Commission specifically sought comment on the feasibility of each proposed requirement, including technical feasibility. VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:16 Jun 17, 2024 Jkt 262001 Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA), on behalf of JPMA’s members and ten companies that individually cosigned the request, submitted a request for a 90-day extension of the NPR comment period (JPMA request).4 5 The JPMA request asserts that the 60-day comment period is insufficient, providing three primary reasons for additional time to provide comments: (1) prototyping and evaluating new product designs to ‘‘understand if the proposed requirements are feasible, and what new hazards, if any, such designs could create’’; (2) testing to evaluate the proposed side-to-side ‘‘zero-degree tilt angle, plus or minus one degree,’’ including the proper equipment needed for repeatable measurements and considering the tilt angle requirement which they allege ‘‘does not consider the stacked tolerances of building construction and laboratory floors or consumer floors’’ and how this may impact the test results; and (3) evaluating the availability of equipment needed to test the proposed side wall rigidity requirement. C. Assessment of the JPMA Request The testing equipment identified in the NPR is the same equipment currently identified in the ASTM standard and CPSC’s regulation,6 7 and therefore, stakeholders do not require additional time to test and evaluate equipment. Moreover, based on CPSC staff’s experience testing sample bassinets/cradles to the NPR proposals, testing should not require more than 10 4 JMPA’s request has been placed on the docket for this rulemaking, as well as attached as to Staff’s June 5, 2024, Briefing Memorandum: Proposed Rule to Amend the Safety Standard for Bassinets and Cradles; Request to Extend Comment Period (Staff Briefing Memo), available at: s3fs-public/NPR-Safety-Standard-for-Bassinets-andCradles-Draft-Federal-Notice-Regarding-Extensionof-Comment-Period.pdf?VersionId=dBX_ tnUc3LSd5vG6_S0UbuLliqi4wPkx. 5 On June 11, 2024, the Commission voted (4–1) to publish this notice. Commissioner Feldman issued a statement with his vote, available at: pdf?VersionId=SbjP34yYPSsuhrXa6 p1TG9s9bVhkjVWg. 6 ASTM F2194–22ε1 specifies in section 4.6 that angle measurements shall be taken using a digital inclinometer with a 0.1° minimum resolution for angle measurements. However, section 7.8 specifies the use of a digital inclinometer with a 0.5° minimum resolution. Users of the standard should use the more precise instrumentation to ensure they are following all applicable sections of the standard. 7 It is common and a known test setup for lab floors to be 0 +/– 0.5 degrees. This is already addressed in ASTM F2194–22ε1, see section 7.10 Rock/Swing Angle Tests. Additionally, the test requires to ZERO out the inclinometer on that test surface (floor) before starting the test to minimize any influence of the floor on the bassinet angle measurements. PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4702 Sfmt 4702 business days to test up to 15 product samples; an additional 90 days, totaling 5 months (60 days plus 90 days), is unnecessary to assess products to the NPR requirements and provide feedback. However, we agree with JPMA that prototype design, evaluation, and testing to the zero-degree side-to-side tilt angle, plus or minus one degree, and other proposed requirements may require additional time. Assessing how to modify products to feasibly meet the proposed modifications, identifying any new potential hazards, and providing comments on these assessments may benefit from more than the 60 days provided in the NPR. Providing additional time in the comment period will allow manufacturers to produce prototypes that are closer to the final design specifications and that will more accurately reflect what a manufacturer finds to be achievable. D. Conclusion The Commission has considered the JPMA request to extend the comment period and staff’s assessment of the request. Currently, the comment period is due to close on June 17, 2024. To provide sufficient time for stakeholders to prototype and evaluate new designs, and to assess and provide comment on the NPR proposals, especially as it relates to specific products, the Commission will grant a 45-day extension of the comment period, until August 1, 2024. Alberta E. Mills, Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission. [FR Doc. 2024–13330 Filed 6–17–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6355–01–P DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Internal Revenue Service 26 CFR Part 1 [REG–124593–23] RIN 1545–BR07 Certain Partnership Related-Party Basis Adjustment Transactions as Transactions of Interest Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Treasury. ACTION: Notice of proposed rulemaking and public hearing. AGENCY: This document contains proposed regulations that would identify certain partnership relatedparty basis adjustment transactions and substantially similar transactions as transactions of interest, a type of SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\18JNP1.SGM 18JNP1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 118 (Tuesday, June 18, 2024)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 51475-51476]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-13330]



16 CFR Part 1218

[CPSC Docket No. CPSC-2010-0028]

Safety Standard for Bassinets and Cradles; Notice of Comment 
Period Extension

AGENCY: Consumer Product Safety Commission.

ACTION: Proposed rule; extension of comment period.


SUMMARY: On April 16, 2024, the Consumer Product Safety Commission 
(CPSC) published in the Federal Register a notice of proposed 
rulemaking (NPR) to amend the existing regulation for bassinets and 
cradles, to ensure that the rule addresses identified hazards and that 
these sleep products for young infants provide the highest level of 
safety feasible. The NPR invited the public to submit written comments 
during a 60-day comment period, beginning on the NPR publication date, 
and ending on June 17, 2024. In response to a request for a 90-day 
extension of the comment period, the Commission is extending the 
comment period for this NPR by 45 days.

DATES: Submit comments by August 1, 2024.

ADDRESSES: Comments related to the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of 
the marking, labeling, and instructional literature requirements of the 
NPR should be directed to the Office of Information and Regulatory 
Affairs, the Office of Management and Budget, Attn: CPSC Desk Officer, 
FAX: 202-395-6974, or emailed to: [email protected].
    Submit all other comments, identified by Docket No. CPSC-2010-0028, 
by any of the following methods:
    Electronic Submissions: Submit electronic comments to the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal at: Follow the 
instructions for submitting comments. CPSC typically does not accept 
comments submitted by email, except through CPSC 
encourages you to submit electronic comments by using the Federal 
eRulemaking Portal, as described above.
    Mail/Hand Delivery/Courier/Confidential Written Submissions: Submit 
comments by mail, hand delivery, or courier to: Office of the 
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission, 4330 East-West Highway, 
Bethesda, MD 20814; (301) 504-7479. If you wish to submit confidential 
business information, trade secret information, or other sensitive or 
protected information that you do not want to be available to the 
public, you may submit such comments by mail, hand delivery, or 
courier, or you may email them to: [email protected].
    Instructions: All submissions must include the agency name and 
docket number. CPSC may post all comments without change, including any 
personal identifiers, contact information, or other personal 
information provided, to Do not submit 
through this website: Confidential business information, trade secret 
information, or other sensitive or protected information that you do 
not want to be available to the public. If you wish to submit such 
information, please submit it according to the instructions for mail/
hand delivery/courier/confidential written submissions.
    Docket: For access to the docket to read background documents or 
comments received, go to:, and insert the 
docket number, CPSC-2010-0028, into the ``Search'' box, and follow the 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Celestine T. Kish, Project Manager, 
Division of Human Factors, Directorate for Engineering Sciences, 
Consumer Product Safety Commission, 5 Research Place, Rockville, MD 
20850; 301-987-2547; [email protected].


A. Background

    Pursuant to section 104(b)(1) of the Consumer Product Safety 
Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA; 15 U.S.C. 2056a(b)(1)), the Commission 
promulgated the current mandatory standard for bassinets and cradles 
(bassinets/cradles) in October 2013. 78 FR 63019 (Oct. 23, 2013); see 
Safety Standard for Bassinets and Cradles, codified at 16 CFR part 1218 
(part 1218). Part 1218 incorporates by reference the 2013 version of 
the bassinets/cradles voluntary standard, ASTM F2194-13, Standard 
Consumer Safety Specification for Bassinets and Cradles (ASTM F2194-
13), with modifications to make the standard more stringent, to

[[Page 51476]]

further reduce the risk of injury associated with bassinets/cradles.\1\

    \1\ After issuing the mandatory standard in 2013, ASTM 
International (ASTM) published several revisions to ASTM F2194, 
including ASTM F2194-2013a, -2016, and -2016[egr]\1\. ASTM did not 
notify CPSC of these revisions, so the mandatory rule has not been 
updated since 2013. However, ASTM F2194-2016[egr]\1\ is 
substantially the same as the existing mandatory rule for bassinets/
cradles codified in part 1218. 86 FR 33022, 33034-35 (June 3, 2021).

    Section 104(b)(2) of the CPSIA requires that after the Commission 
issues mandatory safety standards for durable infant or toddler 
products, the Commission shall periodically review and revise the 
standards to ensure that such standards provide the highest level of 
safety for such products that is feasible. 15 U.S.C. 2056a(b)(2). 
Accordingly, on April 16, 2024, the Commission published an NPR in the 
Federal Register proposing to amend part 1218 to address the hazards 
identified in the NPR and to ensure that the mandatory bassinet/cradle 
regulation provides the highest level of safety feasible.\2\ 89 FR 
27246. The proposed modifications to part 1218 would remove a product 
category--compact bassinets--and address five identified hazard 
patterns associated with young infants. The NPR proposed to incorporate 
by reference ASTM F2194-22[egr]\1\, with modifications to further 
reduce the risk of injury associated with bassinets, and to provide the 
highest level of safety that is feasible for such products. 89 FR 
27246, 27247. The 60-day comment period closes on June 17, 2024.\3\

    \2\ On March 20, 2024, the Commission voted (4-0) to publish the 
NPR, available at:
    \3\ Staff provided a February 28, 2024, Memorandum, Staff's 
Draft Proposed Rule to Revise the Safety Standard for Bassinets and 
Cradles in support of the NPR, which is available at: The NPR 
contains an overview of staff's assessment and analysis, and the 
Commission's basis for issuing the NPR, which is based on the 2022 
Bassinet Rejection Staff Briefing Package. Based on the information 
and analysis in the NPR and related staff packages, the Commission 
preliminarily determined that the proposed requirements are more 
stringent than the requirements in ASTM F2194-22[egr]\1\, would 
further reduce the risk of injury associated with products within 
the scope of the NPR, and would provide the highest level of safety 
that is feasible for such products. The Commission specifically 
sought comment on the feasibility of each proposed requirement, 
including technical feasibility.

B. Request for Comment Period Extension

    On May 22, 2024, Lisa Trofe, Executive Director of the Juvenile 
Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA), on behalf of JPMA's members 
and ten companies that individually co-signed the request, submitted a 
request for a 90-day extension of the NPR comment period (JPMA 
request).4 5 The JPMA request asserts that the 60-day 
comment period is insufficient, providing three primary reasons for 
additional time to provide comments: (1) prototyping and evaluating new 
product designs to ``understand if the proposed requirements are 
feasible, and what new hazards, if any, such designs could create''; 
(2) testing to evaluate the proposed side-to-side ``zero-degree tilt 
angle, plus or minus one degree,'' including the proper equipment 
needed for repeatable measurements and considering the tilt angle 
requirement which they allege ``does not consider the stacked 
tolerances of building construction and laboratory floors or consumer 
floors'' and how this may impact the test results; and (3) evaluating 
the availability of equipment needed to test the proposed side wall 
rigidity requirement.

    \4\ JMPA's request has been placed on the docket for this 
rulemaking, as well as attached as to Staff's June 5, 2024, Briefing 
Memorandum: Proposed Rule to Amend the Safety Standard for Bassinets 
and Cradles; Request to Extend Comment Period (Staff Briefing Memo), 
available at:
    \5\ On June 11, 2024, the Commission voted (4-1) to publish this 
notice. Commissioner Feldman issued a statement with his vote, 
available at:

C. Assessment of the JPMA Request

    The testing equipment identified in the NPR is the same equipment 
currently identified in the ASTM standard and CPSC's 
regulation,6 7 and therefore, stakeholders do not require 
additional time to test and evaluate equipment. Moreover, based on CPSC 
staff's experience testing sample bassinets/cradles to the NPR 
proposals, testing should not require more than 10 business days to 
test up to 15 product samples; an additional 90 days, totaling 5 months 
(60 days plus 90 days), is unnecessary to assess products to the NPR 
requirements and provide feedback. However, we agree with JPMA that 
prototype design, evaluation, and testing to the zero-degree side-to-
side tilt angle, plus or minus one degree, and other proposed 
requirements may require additional time. Assessing how to modify 
products to feasibly meet the proposed modifications, identifying any 
new potential hazards, and providing comments on these assessments may 
benefit from more than the 60 days provided in the NPR. Providing 
additional time in the comment period will allow manufacturers to 
produce prototypes that are closer to the final design specifications 
and that will more accurately reflect what a manufacturer finds to be 

    \6\ ASTM F2194-22[egr]\1\ specifies in section 4.6 that angle 
measurements shall be taken using a digital inclinometer with a 
0.1[deg] minimum resolution for angle measurements. However, section 
7.8 specifies the use of a digital inclinometer with a 0.5[deg] 
minimum resolution. Users of the standard should use the more 
precise instrumentation to ensure they are following all applicable 
sections of the standard.
    \7\ It is common and a known test setup for lab floors to be 0 
+/- 0.5 degrees. This is already addressed in ASTM F2194-22[egr]\1\, 
see section 7.10 Rock/Swing Angle Tests. Additionally, the test 
requires to ZERO out the inclinometer on that test surface (floor) 
before starting the test to minimize any influence of the floor on 
the bassinet angle measurements.

D. Conclusion

    The Commission has considered the JPMA request to extend the 
comment period and staff's assessment of the request. Currently, the 
comment period is due to close on June 17, 2024. To provide sufficient 
time for stakeholders to prototype and evaluate new designs, and to 
assess and provide comment on the NPR proposals, especially as it 
relates to specific products, the Commission will grant a 45-day 
extension of the comment period, until August 1, 2024.

Alberta E. Mills,
Secretary, Consumer Product Safety Commission.
[FR Doc. 2024-13330 Filed 6-17-24; 8:45 am]

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