Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority, 49889-49894 [2024-12806]

Download as PDF Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 12, 2024 / Notices DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases; Notice of Closed Meeting Pursuant to section 1009 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended, notice is hereby given of the following meeting. The meeting will be closed to the public in accordance with the provisions set forth in sections 552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), title 5 U.S.C., as amended. The grant applications and the discussions could disclose confidential trade secrets or commercial property such as patentable material, and personal information concerning individuals associated with the grant applications, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Name of Committee: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Special Emphasis Panel; Integrated Preclinical/ Clinical AIDS Vaccine Development Program (IPCAVD) (U19 Clinical Trial Not Allowed). Date: July 11–12, 2024. Time: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.. Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, 5601 Fishers Lane Rockville, MD 20892 (Video Assisted Meeting). Contact Person: Stephen A. Gallo, Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer, Scientific Review Program, Division of Extramural Activities, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, 5601 Fishers Lane, MSC 9834, Rockville, MD 20892, (240) 669–2858, (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Program Nos. 93.855, Allergy, Immunology, and Transplantation Research; 93.856, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Research, National Institutes of Health, HHS) Dated: June 6, 2024. Lauren A. Fleck, Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory Committee Policy. [FR Doc. 2024–12831 Filed 6–11–24; 8:45 am] ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES National Institutes of Health National Institute of Mental Health; Notice of Closed Meeting Pursuant to section 1009 of the Federal Advisory Committee Act, as amended, notice is hereby given of the following meeting. 17:43 Jun 11, 2024 Name of Committee: National Institute of Mental Health Special Emphasis Panel; Mental Health Services Research Not Involving Clinical Trials. Date: July 15, 2024. Time: 12:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Agenda: To review and evaluate grant applications. Place: National Institutes of Health, Neuroscience Center, 6001 Executive Boulevard, Rockville, MD 20852 (Virtual Meeting). Contact Person: Aileen Schulte, Ph.D., Scientific Review Officer, Division of Extramural Activities, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, Neuroscience Center, 6001 Executive Blvd., Bethesda, MD 20892–9608, 301–443–1225, (Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance Program No. 93.242, Mental Health Research Grants, National Institutes of Health, HHS) Dated: June 6, 2024. David W Freeman, Supervisory Program Analyst, Office of Federal Advisory Committee Policy. [FR Doc. 2024–12836 Filed 6–11–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4140–01–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Office of Refugee Resettlement Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Families, HHS. ACTION: Notice; realignment of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. AGENCY: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has realigned the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). This notice makes ORR’s Refugee Program and Unaccompanied Children Program the Refugee Program Bureau and the Unaccompanied Children Bureau, respectively; creates the Bureau of Operations; and aligns divisions with the bureau they support. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Smith, Chief Operating Officer, Office of Refugee Resettlement, 330 C SUMMARY: BILLING CODE 4140–01–P VerDate Sep<11>2014 The meeting will be closed to the public in accordance with the provisions set forth in sections 552b(c)(4) and 552b(c)(6), title 5 U.S.C., as amended. The grant applications and the discussions could disclose confidential trade secrets or commercial property such as patentable material, and personal information concerning individuals associated with the grant applications, the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy. Jkt 262001 PO 00000 Frm 00066 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 49889 Street SW, Washington, DC 20201, phone 202–401–4657. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice amends Part K of the Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), as follows: Chapter KR, Office of Refugee Resettlement, as last amended by 85 FR 85643, 2020–28706 (December 29, 2020). I. Under Chapter KR, Office of Refugee Resettlement, delete KR.10 Organization in its entirety and replace with the following: KR.10 Organization. The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is headed by a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Humanitarian Services and Director, who reports directly to the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families. The office is organized as follows: Office of the Director/Deputy Assistant Secretary for Humanitarian Services (KRA) Refugee Program Bureau (KRB) Division of Refugee Assistance (KRB1) Division of Refugee Services (KRB2) Division of Refugee Health (KRB3) Division of Refugee Children Services (KRB4) Division of Refugee Policy (KRB5) Division of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (KRB6) Division of Refugee Data and Information (KRB7) Division of Interagency Outreach and Response (KRB8) Unaccompanied Children Bureau (KRC) Division of Unaccompanied Children Services (KRC1) Division of Planning and Logistics (KRC2) Division of Health for Unaccompanied Children (KRC3) Division of Unaccompanied Children Field Operations (KRC4) Division of Unaccompanied Children Policy (KRC5) Division of Unaccompanied Child Protection Investigations (KRC6) Division of Grants Management (KRC7) Division of Unaccompanied Children Placements (KRC8) Division of Quality Improvement and Performance Management (KRC9) Division of Unaccompanied Children Data Analytics and Information Management (KRC10) Bureau of Operations (KRD) Division of Budget Planning and Analysis (KRD1) Division of Office Operations (KRD2) Division of Acquisitions Requirements (KRD3) Division of Technology (KRD4) E:\FR\FM\12JNN1.SGM 12JNN1 ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 49890 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 12, 2024 / Notices II. Under Chapter KR, Office of Refugee Resettlement, deletes KR.20 Functions in its entirety and replaces it with the following: KR.20 Function. A. The Office of the Director/Deputy Assistant Secretary for Humanitarian Services (ORR Director/ DAS–HS) is directly responsible to the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families for carrying out ORR’s statutory mandates and mission and providing guidance and general supervision to the components of ORR. The ORR Director/DAS–HS has specific legal authorities provided by section 411 of the Refugee Act of 1980, section 462 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, and delegated per section 235 of the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, and provides executive level leadership and direction on national policy and programming. The Principal Deputy Director, in coordination with the ORR Director/DAS–HS, oversees overall program effectiveness. Program administration and management is carried out by the Director of the Refugee Program Bureau, the Director of the Unaccompanied Children Bureau, and the Chief Operating Officer. The ORR Director/DAS–HS coordinates with the lead refugee and entrant program offices of other Federal departments; provides leadership in representing refugee and entrant programs, policies, and administration to a variety of governmental entities and other public and private interests; and acts as the coordinator of the refugee and entrant resettlement efforts for ACF and the Department. The ORR Director/ DAS–HS oversees the care and custody of unaccompanied children, grants specific consent for those who wish to invoke the jurisdiction of a state court for a dependency order to seek Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) status, and makes placement determinations for those eligible for the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) Program. The Office of the Director/DAS–HS develops regulations, legislative proposals, and routine interpretations of policy; implements strategic initiatives and management priorities; and oversees communications for the office, including responses to media requests, congressional inquiries, and stakeholder engagements. In the absence of the ORR Director/DAS–HS, the Principal Deputy Director serves as head of office. Within the Office of the Director, the Strategic Initiatives team, the Enterprise Analytics team, the Integrity and Accountability team, and the Communications and Partnerships team provide direct support to the Office of the Director/DAS–HS. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:43 Jun 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 The Strategic Initiatives team oversees the development and monitoring of office-wide and bureau-specific strategic priorities and provides periodic reviews of progress. The Enterprise Analytics team provides ORR leadership with analytics-related programmatic briefs, leads data analysis on projects in collaboration with supporting divisions across the ORR bureaus, and supports the office of the ORR Director/DAS–HS. The Integrity and Accountability team is responsible for the mitigation, identification, and reporting of attempted fraud. The Communications and Partnerships team monitors and responds to media outlets; provides support for stakeholder engagement; manages digital communication channels; oversees the clearance processes for communication materials, rollout plans, and reports and documents that ORR is required to publicly post; and manages both internal and external communications. B. The Refugee Program Bureau is responsible for carrying out programs that assist all populations deemed eligible by Congress for Refugee Program services, including refugees, asylees, Cuban and Haitian entrants, certain Amerasians, certain Humanitarian Parolees and Special Immigrants, Survivors of Torture, and certified victims of severe forms of trafficking in persons. The Refugee Program Bureau consists of the Division of Refugee Assistance; the Division of Refugee Services; the Division of Refugee Health; the Division of Refugee Children Services; the Division of Refugee Policy; the Division of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning; the Division of Refugee Data and Information; and the Division of Interagency Outreach and Response. The Director of the Refugee Program Bureau reports directly to the ORR Director/DAS–HS. Division of Refugee Assistance (KRB1) The Division of Refugee Assistance represents ORR nationally and regionally in coordinating services and capacity for refugees in a manner that helps refugees become employed and economically self-sufficient and integrated into their local communities soon after they arrive in the United States. The Division oversees and provides technical assistance to the state- administered domestic assistance programs and Wilson/Fish projects. The Division works closely with each state in designing a resettlement program specific to the needs of incoming populations. The Division develops guidance and procedures for their implementation and manages special PO 00000 Frm 00067 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 initiatives to increase refugee selfsufficiency, such as through statefunded discretionary grants or pilot programs. The Division assists in coordinating and planning refugee support services among public and private agencies and supports the flow of information on refugee profiles and community resources in support of effective placement at the state and local levels. The Division manages the effective allocation of formula social services and targeted assistance in support of newly arriving populations. The Division tracks all state costs related to refugee assistance. Division of Refugee Services (KRB2) The Division of Refugee Services manages effective refugee resettlement through the programmatic implementation of grants, contracts, and special initiatives of transitional services. The Division initiates, publishes, oversees, and manages most Refugee Program Bureau discretionary grants; develops program guidelines; recommends grantee allocation; coordinates with the grants management office to review the financial expenditures under discretionary grant programs; provides data in support of apportionment requests; and provides technical assistance on discretionary grant operations. The Division coordinates and provides liaison with other Federal entities on discretionary grant operational issues and other activities as specified by the Bureau Director or required by Congressional mandate. The Division responds to unanticipated refugee and entrant arrivals or significant increases in arrivals to communities where adequate or appropriate services do not exist through supplemental initiatives. The Division works to promote economic independence among refugees through employment-related services, social services, educational services, and intensive case management and community development initiatives. Division of Refugee Health (KRB3) The Division of Refugee Health provides direction for ensuring that refugees are provided medical assistance and mental health services through state-administered programs and alternative programs. The Division ensures the quality of medical screening and initial medical treatment of refugees through its administration of grant programs, development of program guidance, technical assistance, and interagency agreements in support of comprehensive medical and mental health services. The Division also supports mental health services for E:\FR\FM\12JNN1.SGM 12JNN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 12, 2024 / Notices victims of torture. The Division works closely with State Refugee Health Coordinators in the planning and provision of medical and mental health services to meet the individual needs of incoming populations through the Refugee Health Promotion Program and other behavioral health discretionary grant initiatives. The Division oversees the provision of psychosocial and rehabilitative services through Survivors of Torture programs. The Division tracks all state costs related to refugee medical assistance and screening. ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Division of Refugee Children Services (KRB4) The Division of Refugee Children Services provides oversight of foster care placement and services to unaccompanied refugee minors and other special populations of youth in the United States. The Division has two primary components: (1) the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) Program, which focuses on the safety, education, well-being, permanency, and self-sufficiency of youth in foster care, and (2) coordination of services through technical assistance and capacity building across ORR programs with a child-protection lens to ensure the safety and well-being of children and youth as they navigate the refugee resettlement and integration process. The Division oversees the work of the URM Program, working closely with states to ensure sufficient capacity to serve all URM-eligible populations. The Division provides oversight to the state administered URM Program, develops guidance for program administration and implementation, and provides technical assistance on a variety of administrative, case, programmatic, financial, and policy matters. The Division also manages all data collected on youth served in the URM Program and through other refugee-related programs. Division of Refugee Policy (KRB5) The Division of Refugee Policy develops clearance and informational memoranda, briefing materials, and summary statements for ORR, ACF, and department leadership on complex and sensitive matters. The Division collaborates with other ORR divisions and regional staff to clarify and enhance existing policies and guidance, particularly in areas where the work of two or more divisions and the regions overlaps. The Division’s main activities include: interpreting and developing statutory and regulatory guidance, reviewing legislation and its impacts on the Refugee Program Bureau, coordinating with the Office of General VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:43 Jun 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 Counsel on all relevant legal issues, drafting and publishing policy letters and other forms of responsive guidance in collaboration with ORR leadership and other ORR divisions, clarifying eligibility for ORR services, enhancing existing guidance and procedures, providing technical assistance and training on policy, and reviewing OMBapproved data collections and interagency data-sharing agreements. The Division also serves as the Refugee Program Bureau’s point of contact for other ACF and HHS offices related to legal and congressional coordination, such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO), Office of the Inspector General (OIG), Office of the General Counsel (OGC), Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget (OLAB), and others, and takes the lead in coordinating the development of the Annual Report to Congress and responding to congressional inquiries. Division of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (KRB6) The Division of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning leads crossdivisional monitoring of all refugee programs and services, including the development of monitoring instruments, conducting monitoring reviews, investigating grievances, maintaining dashboards to visualize monitoring results, and tracking programmatic outcomes and grantee performance. The Division leads the development of learning agendas and oversight of research and evaluation projects, such as the Annual Survey of Refugees. The Division also coordinates crossdivisional assessment and utilization of ORR refugee-related data to ensure it is being leveraged in a unified and effective manner and that it is supporting data-informed decision making and learning. Division of Refugee Data and Information (KRB7) The Division of Refugee Data and Information provides integrated governance and data management for all new and existing tools and technologies designed to capture, track, and analyze refugee program data. The Division develops data sharing agreements to ensure the receipt of arrival data from key Federal sources. The Division identifies data needs to support best-inclass data services for the Refugee Program Bureau and oversees relevant data strategy and governance policies. The Division tracks the different populations served by the Refugee Program Bureau for planning and estimation purposes, and creates dashboards to organize data and address PO 00000 Frm 00068 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 49891 information, reporting, and quality control needs. The Division collaborates with other ORR divisions to analyze, interpret, and leverage data for enhanced efficiency, transparency, and integrity. The Division ensures that the Refugee Program Bureau is compliant with the National Archives and Records Administration’s regulations. The Division works with stakeholders and partners to establish and maintain secure linkages between data sources and provides account management and training to the Refugee Program Bureau data users. Division of Interagency Outreach and Response (KRB8) The Division of Interagency Outreach and Response has three key components: leading the Refugee Program Bureau’s work on emergency preparedness and response, conducting national outreach to partners and stakeholders, and coordinating with other Federal partners to improve access to refugee program services and benefits for all eligible populations. The Division serves as the subject matter expert on responding to increases in nontraditional eligible populations and emergency scenarios involving eligible populations already in the United States; coordinates with interagency partners to ensure ORR presence in response planning and implementation for events that impact refugee communities; and develops state interagency plans and capabilities to support preparedness for potential emergency events. The Division develops national partnerships to facilitate regional and local collaboration in support of the Refugee Program Bureau and develops and implements education and training initiatives to improve partners’ understanding of ORR and its services and populations. Through outreach, the Division solicits, designs, and integrates the lived experience of refugees and diaspora communities into ORR programs, policies, and partnerships; develops and launches advisory councils in support of refugee community outreach; and conducts listening sessions and information sessions with refugee communities to better understand their needs and share available resources. C. The Unaccompanied Children Bureau is directly responsible for providing care and services to unaccompanied children who are in Federal custody by reason of their immigration status and are referred to ORR for care and custody, pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 2002 and the William Wilberforce Trafficking E:\FR\FM\12JNN1.SGM 12JNN1 49892 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 12, 2024 / Notices ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 Victims Protections Reauthorization Act of 2008. The Unaccompanied Children Bureau consists of the Division of Unaccompanied Children Services, Division of Planning and Logistics, Division of Health for Unaccompanied Children, Division of Unaccompanied Children Field Operations, Division of Unaccompanied Children Policy, Division of Child Protection Investigations, Division of Grants Management, Division of Unaccompanied Children Placements, Division of Quality Improvement and Performance Management, and Division of Unaccompanied Children Data Analytics and Information Management. The Bureau maintains statistical information and data on each child and any actions concerning the child while the child is under the Director’s care; oversees receipt and investigations of allegations of abuse; and monitors and inspects facilities and placement locations in which unaccompanied children reside. Further, Unaccompanied Children Bureau staff ensure that services are administered in a manner that supports child welfare standards of care and services, ensuring consideration of the child’s best interest in care and custody decisions. The Director of the Unaccompanied Children Bureau reports directly to the ORR Director/DAS–HS. Division of Unaccompanied Children Services (KRC1) The Division of Unaccompanied Children Services oversees the provision of culturally appropriate legal, language, advocacy, and educational services to children in ORR facilities, which are funded through contracts and grants. The Division manages the integration of lived experience and youth voice into ORR’s practices and recommendations for policies to the Division of Unaccompanied Children Policy. The Division has a regional component with staff who serve as liaisons of the Unaccompanied Children Bureau in local communities, in order to foster communication and collaboration with state and local governments, as well as community level stakeholders. The regional staff provide best practices training and technical assistance to post-release service providers and community partners who work with unaccompanied children and their sponsors. Division of Planning and Logistics (KRC2) The Division of Planning and Logistics oversees the development of comprehensive plans relating to influx care shelters and assists in the VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:43 Jun 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 development and review of the annual plan to ensure that the Unaccompanied Children Bureau can accommodate the number of referrals of children to ORR care. The Division prepares plans for anticipated influx or emergency shelter capacity and staffing needs, as well as shipping and storage of materials. When ORR requires emergency or influx facilities to care for unaccompanied children, the Division leads the operational and logistical support of that incident response and coordination with other Federal agencies. Division of Health of Unaccompanied Children (KRC3) The Division of Health for Unaccompanied Children oversees the provision of medical and mental health services for unaccompanied children in ORR care, including vaccinations and medical examinations. The Division manages relevant public health responses to communicable diseases in collaboration with local public health authorities. Division of Unaccompanied Children Field Operations (KRC4) The Division of Unaccompanied Children Field Operations is responsible for working directly with unaccompanied children provider programs to ensure the safety of children in ORR care and the compliance with ORR regulations and policy guidance. The Division works with provider programs to deliver technical assistance and/or corrective action plans to ensure compliance with all program requirements. The Division also reviews, approves, or denies potential sponsors for the safe and timely release of children under the care and custody of ORR. Division of Unaccompanied Children Policy (KRC5) The Division of Unaccompanied Children Policy is responsible for drafting, researching, developing, reviewing, coordinating, and implementing program regulations and other Federal Register publications, policies, procedures, guidance, and information collections; interpreting program authorities, including statutes; coordinating relevant legal matters with the OGC; representing ORR in unaccompanied children redetermination hearings; assisting with the organization and management of administrative hearings and matters; ensuring the Unaccompanied Children Bureau’s compliance with court orders, settlements, and court mandated reporting; responding to congressional inquiries and correspondence; PO 00000 Frm 00069 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 reviewing proposed legislation and reports to Congress; and coordinating responses to oversight requests, including audits and investigations by the OIG, congressional committees, and the GAO. The Division advises ACF, ORR, and the Unaccompanied Children Bureau leadership, deputies, division directors, and staff on program authorities and requirements. The Division prepares formal, written memoranda; briefings with executive and legislative branch officials and state and local government officials; hearing documents; and litigation documents for ORR, the Unaccompanied Children Bureau leadership, and others as directed. Division of Child Protection Investigations (KRC6) The Unaccompanied Children Bureau, Division of Child Protection Investigations investigates certain allegations of child abuse or neglect at ORR care provider facilities, where the Division has jurisdiction. The Division receives reports of alleged abuse or neglect involving unaccompanied children in ORR custody; investigates those claims where it has jurisdiction; initiates and conducts investigations to establish findings in relation to alleged abuse or neglect, including examining evidence and conducting interviews; issues reports; follows administrative processes as required; and submits final reports or findings to appropriate Federal, state, and local officials. The Division issues recommended corrective actions or other disciplinary actions following their investigation to ORR officials and others, as appropriate. Division of Grants Management (KRC7) The Division of Grants Management supports specialized care through grants and conducts grants compliance and administration monitoring and oversight of facilities and services where unaccompanied children reside, as well as grants for services provided to children after their release from ORR care. The Division also ensures staff working with unaccompanied children, while in care and post-release, meet minimum qualifications and background check requirements. Division of Unaccompanied Children Placements (KRC8) The Division of Unaccompanied Children Placements implements intake and placement decisions for all unaccompanied children referred to ORR. The Division provides interagency coordination between ORR and Federal agencies referring placement into ORR care and custody. The Division is also E:\FR\FM\12JNN1.SGM 12JNN1 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 12, 2024 / Notices responsible for transfers within the ORR provider network of programs and the placement of unaccompanied children who qualify for long-term placements within ORR care. Division of Quality Improvement and Performance Management (KRC9) The Division of Quality Improvement and Performance Management includes the following teams: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, Monitoring, Provider Performance Management, and Continuous Quality Improvement. The Division supports and promotes a continuous quality improvement approach by focusing on the prevention of abuse and neglect, monitoring Unaccompanied Children programs for quality and compliance, addressing concerns, and supporting the capacity of care providers to ensure the safety and well-being of unaccompanied children. The Division of Budget Planning and Analysis Division of Unaccompanied Children Data Analytics and Information Management (KRC10) The Division of Unaccompanied Children Data Analytics and Information Management provides realtime situational awareness for the Unaccompanied Children Bureau and enables data-driven decision-making and planning through data analytics, predictive modeling, and information sharing. The Division monitors and analyzes internal and external data and statistical information on funded programs, service providers, and on specific cases, as applicable. D. The Bureau of Operations oversees the resourcing of operational requirements in support of ORR’s mission. The Bureau of Operations receives mission requirements (budget, acquisitions, human resource requirements, and technology) and provides resources as directed by the ORR Director/DAS–HS. The team coordinates with ORR, ACF, and HHS counterparts to ensure regulatory compliance and timely response to requirements and maintains a customer service focus in meeting needs. The Chief Operating Officer reports directly to the Office of the ORR Director/DAS– HS. ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 The Division of Office Operations In collaboration and coordination with ACF, the Division of Office Operations provides advice and assistance to ORR managers in their personnel management activities, including recruitment, selection, position management, performance management, designated performance and incentive awards, employee VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:43 Jun 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 assistance programs, and other services. The Division provides management, direction, and oversight of the following personnel administrative services: the exercise of appointing authority, position classification, awards authorization, performance management evaluation, personnel action processing and record keeping, merit promotion, special hiring, and placement programs. The Division serves as liaison between ORR, ACF, HHS, the Staffing, Recruitment and Operations Center (SROC), and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). The Division provides technical advice and assistance on personnel policy, regulations, and laws. The Division formulates and interprets policies pertaining to existing personnel administration and management matters and formulates and interprets new human resource programs and strategies. The Division of Budget Planning and Analysis leads ORR in the development, analysis, formulation, planning, tracking, execution, and implementation of budgetary resources and fiscal compliance functions for the office. The Division prepares annual budget estimates and related materials, coordinates technical assistance for appropriations committees and other budget stakeholders, and performs allocation and tracking of funds for all programs. The Division performs analysis on the changing needs of the populations served by ORR, provides leadership to identify budget resources, and formulates fiscal impact estimates for regulatory requirements and other policy proposals. The team certifies funding availability for grants, contracts, travel, and other expenses; oversees inter-agency agreement execution; and facilitates compliance with congressional appropriations report requirements to ensure timely mission execution. As projects end, the Division reviews unliquidated obligations to identify potential for recoupment of any funds remaining to be re-allocated. The Division of Acquisitions Requirements The Division of Acquisitions Requirements oversees the development and coordination of contracting solutions to meet programmatic needs across ORR. It drives and develops acquisition forecasts for ORR programs with program directors and works with ORR project managers and technical representatives to define needs and develop requirements. The Division PO 00000 Frm 00070 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 49893 coordinates review of acquisition documents with ORR stakeholders and coordinates program and contract management reviews with ORR project managers and ACF, HHS, and other contract offices. The Division works closely with the Division of Budget Planning and Analysis to align procurement needs against funding plans and constraints. Post-award, the Division performs delegated contract administration functions to ensure the full range of contract performance oversight, including but not limited to performance monitoring and assessment, quality assurance surveillance, and contract modification and follow-on action planning as appropriate. The Division develops ORR acquisition requirement processes and procedures and coordinates contractor corrective action with program managers, subject matter experts, and ORR monitoring and other teams. The Division of Technology The Division of Technology oversees the development and implementation of technological solutions to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness across all three ORR bureaus. The Division takes program requirements and works within the development teams to design or procure systems to meet ORR requirements. The Division also analyzes cybersecurity requirements to ensure sensitive data and information is safeguarded against unauthorized access and ensures a customer service focus to meet operational needs. III. Continuation of Policy. Except as inconsistent with this reorganization, all statements of policy and interpretations with respect to organizational components affected by this notice within ACF, heretofore issued and in effect on this date of this reorganization, are continued in full force and effect. IV. Delegation of Authority. All delegations and re-delegations of authority made to officials and employees of affected organizational components will continue in them or their successors pending further redelegations, provided they are consistent with this reorganization. V. Funds, Personnel, and Equipment. Transfer of organizations and functions affected by this reorganization shall be accompanied in each instance by direct and support funds, positions, personnel, records, equipment, supplies, and other resources. E:\FR\FM\12JNN1.SGM 12JNN1 49894 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 12, 2024 / Notices This reorganization will be effective upon date of signature. Steven J. Hild, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Administration for Children and Families, performing the delegable duties of the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families. [FR Doc. 2024–12806 Filed 6–11–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 4184–45–P DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Notice Regarding the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act Entity List Department of Homeland Security. ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), as the Chair of the Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force (FLETF), announces the publication and availability of the updated Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA) Entity List, a consolidated register of the four lists required to be developed and maintained pursuant to the UFLPA, on the DHS UFLPA website. The updated UFLPA Entity List is also published as an appendix to this notice. This update adds three entities to the UFLPA Entity List, as entities working with the government of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region to recruit, transport, transfer, harbor or receive forced labor or Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, or members of other persecuted groups out of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Details related to the process for revising the UFLPA Entity List are included in this Federal Register notice. DATES: This notice announces the publication and availability of the UFLPA Entity List updated as of June 12, 2024, included as an appendix to this notice. ADDRESSES: Persons seeking additional information on the UFLPA Entity List should email the FLETF at FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: LeRoy Potts, Director, Entity List Office, Trade and Economic Security, Office of Strategy, Policy, and Plans, DHS. Phone: (202) 891–2331, Email: SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), on behalf of the Forced Labor Enforcement Task Force (FLETF), is announcing the publication of the updated UFLPA Entity List, a consolidated register of the four lists ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 SUMMARY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:43 Jun 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 required to be developed and maintained pursuant to section 2(d)(2)(B) of the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (Pub. L. 117–78) (UFLPA), to The UFLPA Entity List is available as an appendix to this notice. This update adds three entities to the section 2(d)(2)(B)(ii) list of the UFLPA, which identifies entities working with the government of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region to recruit, transport, transfer, harbor or receive forced labor or Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, or members of other persecuted groups out of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. Future revisions to the UFLPA Entity List, which may include additions, removals or technical corrections, will be published to https:// and in the appendices of future Federal Register notices. See appendix 1. Beginning on June 21, 2022, the UFLPA requires the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection to apply a rebuttable presumption that goods mined, produced, or manufactured by entities on the UFLPA Entity List are made with forced labor, and therefore, prohibited from importation into the United States under 19 U.S.C. 1307. See section 3(a) of the UFLPA. As the FLETF revises the UFLPA Entity List, including by making additions, removals, or technical corrections, DHS, on its behalf, will post such revisions to the DHS UFLPA website ( and also publish the revised UFLPA Entity List as an appendix to a Federal Register notice. Order 13923 (May 15, 2020). In addition, the FLETF includes six observer agencies: the Departments of Energy and Agriculture, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the National Security Council, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Homeland Security Investigations. B. The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act: Preventing Goods Made With Forced Labor in the People’s Republic of China From Being Imported Into the United States The UFLPA requires, among other things, that the FLETF, in consultation with the Secretary of Commerce and the Director of National Intelligence, develop a strategy (UFLPA section 2(c)) for supporting enforcement of section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930, to prevent the importation into the United States of goods, wares, articles, and merchandise mined, produced, or manufactured wholly or in part with forced labor in the People’s Republic of China. As required by the UFLPA, the Strategy to Prevent the Importation of Goods Mined, Produced, or Manufactured with Forced Labor in the People’s Republic of China, which was published on the DHS website on June 17, 2022 (see https://, includes the initial UFLPA Entity List, a consolidated register of the four lists required to be developed and maintained pursuant to the UFLPA. See UFLPA Section 2(d)(2)(B). C. UFLPA Entity List The UFLPA Entity List addresses distinct requirements set forth in Background clauses (i), (ii), (iv), and (v) of section 2(d)(2)(B) of the UFLPA that the FLETF A. The Forced Labor Enforcement Task identify and publish the following four Force lists: Section 741 of the United States(1) a list of entities in the Xinjiang Mexico-Canada Agreement Uyghur Autonomous Region that mine, Implementation Act established the produce, or manufacture wholly or in FLETF to monitor United States part any goods, wares, articles, and enforcement of the prohibition under merchandise with forced labor; section 307 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as (2) a list of entities working with the amended (19 U.S.C. 1307). See 19 U.S.C. government of the Xinjiang Uyghur 4681. Pursuant to DHS Delegation Order Autonomous Region to recruit, No. 23034, the DHS Under Secretary for transport, transfer, harbor or receive Strategy, Policy, and Plans serves as forced labor or Uyghurs, Kazakhs, Chair of the FLETF, an interagency task Kyrgyz, or members of other persecuted force that includes the Department of groups out of the Xinjiang Uyghur Homeland Security, the Office of the Autonomous Region; U.S. Trade Representative, and the (3) a list of entities that exported Departments of Labor, State, Justice, the products made by entities in lists 1 and Treasury, and Commerce (member 2 from the People’s Republic of China agencies).1 See 19 U.S.C. 4681; Executive into the United States; and (4) a list of facilities and entities, 1 The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as including the Xinjiang Production and the FLETF Chair, has the authority to invite representatives from other executive departments and agencies, as appropriate. See Executive Order 13923 (May 15, 2020). The U.S. Department of PO 00000 Frm 00071 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 Commerce is a member of the FLETF as invited by the Chair. E:\FR\FM\12JNN1.SGM 12JNN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 114 (Wednesday, June 12, 2024)]
[Pages 49889-49894]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-12806]



Office of Refugee Resettlement

Statement of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of 

AGENCY: Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and 
Families, HHS.

ACTION: Notice; realignment of the Office of Refugee Resettlement.


SUMMARY: The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) has 
realigned the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). This notice makes 
ORR's Refugee Program and Unaccompanied Children Program the Refugee 
Program Bureau and the Unaccompanied Children Bureau, respectively; 
creates the Bureau of Operations; and aligns divisions with the bureau 
they support.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Smith, Chief Operating 
Officer, Office of Refugee Resettlement, 330 C Street SW, Washington, 
DC 20201, phone 202-401-4657.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice amends Part K of the Statement 
of Organization, Functions, and Delegations of Authority of the 
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Administration for 
Children and Families (ACF), as follows: Chapter KR, Office of Refugee 
Resettlement, as last amended by 85 FR 85643, 2020-28706 (December 29, 
    I. Under Chapter KR, Office of Refugee Resettlement, delete KR.10 
Organization in its entirety and replace with the following:
    KR.10 Organization. The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is 
headed by a Deputy Assistant Secretary for Humanitarian Services and 
Director, who reports directly to the Assistant Secretary for Children 
and Families. The office is organized as follows:

Office of the Director/Deputy Assistant Secretary for Humanitarian 
Services (KRA)
Refugee Program Bureau (KRB)
Division of Refugee Assistance (KRB1)
Division of Refugee Services (KRB2)
Division of Refugee Health (KRB3)
Division of Refugee Children Services (KRB4)
Division of Refugee Policy (KRB5)
Division of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (KRB6)
Division of Refugee Data and Information (KRB7)
Division of Interagency Outreach and Response (KRB8)
Unaccompanied Children Bureau (KRC)
Division of Unaccompanied Children Services (KRC1)
Division of Planning and Logistics (KRC2)
Division of Health for Unaccompanied Children (KRC3)
Division of Unaccompanied Children Field Operations (KRC4)
Division of Unaccompanied Children Policy (KRC5)
Division of Unaccompanied Child Protection Investigations (KRC6)
Division of Grants Management (KRC7)
Division of Unaccompanied Children Placements (KRC8)
Division of Quality Improvement and Performance Management (KRC9)
Division of Unaccompanied Children Data Analytics and Information 
Management (KRC10)
Bureau of Operations (KRD)
Division of Budget Planning and Analysis (KRD1)
Division of Office Operations (KRD2)
Division of Acquisitions Requirements (KRD3)
Division of Technology (KRD4)

[[Page 49890]]

    II. Under Chapter KR, Office of Refugee Resettlement, deletes KR.20 
Functions in its entirety and replaces it with the following:
    KR.20 Function. A. The Office of the Director/Deputy Assistant 
Secretary for Humanitarian Services (ORR Director/DAS-HS) is directly 
responsible to the Assistant Secretary for Children and Families for 
carrying out ORR's statutory mandates and mission and providing 
guidance and general supervision to the components of ORR. The ORR 
Director/DAS-HS has specific legal authorities provided by section 411 
of the Refugee Act of 1980, section 462 of the Homeland Security Act of 
2002, and delegated per section 235 of the William Wilberforce 
Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, and 
provides executive level leadership and direction on national policy 
and programming. The Principal Deputy Director, in coordination with 
the ORR Director/DAS-HS, oversees overall program effectiveness. 
Program administration and management is carried out by the Director of 
the Refugee Program Bureau, the Director of the Unaccompanied Children 
Bureau, and the Chief Operating Officer.
    The ORR Director/DAS-HS coordinates with the lead refugee and 
entrant program offices of other Federal departments; provides 
leadership in representing refugee and entrant programs, policies, and 
administration to a variety of governmental entities and other public 
and private interests; and acts as the coordinator of the refugee and 
entrant resettlement efforts for ACF and the Department. The ORR 
Director/DAS-HS oversees the care and custody of unaccompanied 
children, grants specific consent for those who wish to invoke the 
jurisdiction of a state court for a dependency order to seek Special 
Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) status, and makes placement determinations for 
those eligible for the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) Program. The 
Office of the Director/DAS-HS develops regulations, legislative 
proposals, and routine interpretations of policy; implements strategic 
initiatives and management priorities; and oversees communications for 
the office, including responses to media requests, congressional 
inquiries, and stakeholder engagements. In the absence of the ORR 
Director/DAS-HS, the Principal Deputy Director serves as head of 
office. Within the Office of the Director, the Strategic Initiatives 
team, the Enterprise Analytics team, the Integrity and Accountability 
team, and the Communications and Partnerships team provide direct 
support to the Office of the Director/DAS-HS.
    The Strategic Initiatives team oversees the development and 
monitoring of office-wide and bureau-specific strategic priorities and 
provides periodic reviews of progress. The Enterprise Analytics team 
provides ORR leadership with analytics-related programmatic briefs, 
leads data analysis on projects in collaboration with supporting 
divisions across the ORR bureaus, and supports the office of the ORR 
Director/DAS-HS. The Integrity and Accountability team is responsible 
for the mitigation, identification, and reporting of attempted fraud. 
The Communications and Partnerships team monitors and responds to media 
outlets; provides support for stakeholder engagement; manages digital 
communication channels; oversees the clearance processes for 
communication materials, rollout plans, and reports and documents that 
ORR is required to publicly post; and manages both internal and 
external communications.
    B. The Refugee Program Bureau is responsible for carrying out 
programs that assist all populations deemed eligible by Congress for 
Refugee Program services, including refugees, asylees, Cuban and 
Haitian entrants, certain Amerasians, certain Humanitarian Parolees and 
Special Immigrants, Survivors of Torture, and certified victims of 
severe forms of trafficking in persons. The Refugee Program Bureau 
consists of the Division of Refugee Assistance; the Division of Refugee 
Services; the Division of Refugee Health; the Division of Refugee 
Children Services; the Division of Refugee Policy; the Division of 
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning; the Division of Refugee Data and 
Information; and the Division of Interagency Outreach and Response. The 
Director of the Refugee Program Bureau reports directly to the ORR 

Division of Refugee Assistance (KRB1)

    The Division of Refugee Assistance represents ORR nationally and 
regionally in coordinating services and capacity for refugees in a 
manner that helps refugees become employed and economically self-
sufficient and integrated into their local communities soon after they 
arrive in the United States. The Division oversees and provides 
technical assistance to the state- administered domestic assistance 
programs and Wilson/Fish projects. The Division works closely with each 
state in designing a resettlement program specific to the needs of 
incoming populations. The Division develops guidance and procedures for 
their implementation and manages special initiatives to increase 
refugee self-sufficiency, such as through state-funded discretionary 
grants or pilot programs. The Division assists in coordinating and 
planning refugee support services among public and private agencies and 
supports the flow of information on refugee profiles and community 
resources in support of effective placement at the state and local 
levels. The Division manages the effective allocation of formula social 
services and targeted assistance in support of newly arriving 
populations. The Division tracks all state costs related to refugee 

Division of Refugee Services (KRB2)

    The Division of Refugee Services manages effective refugee 
resettlement through the programmatic implementation of grants, 
contracts, and special initiatives of transitional services. The 
Division initiates, publishes, oversees, and manages most Refugee 
Program Bureau discretionary grants; develops program guidelines; 
recommends grantee allocation; coordinates with the grants management 
office to review the financial expenditures under discretionary grant 
programs; provides data in support of apportionment requests; and 
provides technical assistance on discretionary grant operations. The 
Division coordinates and provides liaison with other Federal entities 
on discretionary grant operational issues and other activities as 
specified by the Bureau Director or required by Congressional mandate. 
The Division responds to unanticipated refugee and entrant arrivals or 
significant increases in arrivals to communities where adequate or 
appropriate services do not exist through supplemental initiatives. The 
Division works to promote economic independence among refugees through 
employment-related services, social services, educational services, and 
intensive case management and community development initiatives.

Division of Refugee Health (KRB3)

    The Division of Refugee Health provides direction for ensuring that 
refugees are provided medical assistance and mental health services 
through state-administered programs and alternative programs. The 
Division ensures the quality of medical screening and initial medical 
treatment of refugees through its administration of grant programs, 
development of program guidance, technical assistance, and interagency 
agreements in support of comprehensive medical and mental health 
services. The Division also supports mental health services for

[[Page 49891]]

victims of torture. The Division works closely with State Refugee 
Health Coordinators in the planning and provision of medical and mental 
health services to meet the individual needs of incoming populations 
through the Refugee Health Promotion Program and other behavioral 
health discretionary grant initiatives. The Division oversees the 
provision of psychosocial and rehabilitative services through Survivors 
of Torture programs. The Division tracks all state costs related to 
refugee medical assistance and screening.

Division of Refugee Children Services (KRB4)

    The Division of Refugee Children Services provides oversight of 
foster care placement and services to unaccompanied refugee minors and 
other special populations of youth in the United States. The Division 
has two primary components: (1) the Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM) 
Program, which focuses on the safety, education, well-being, 
permanency, and self-sufficiency of youth in foster care, and (2) 
coordination of services through technical assistance and capacity 
building across ORR programs with a child-protection lens to ensure the 
safety and well-being of children and youth as they navigate the 
refugee resettlement and integration process. The Division oversees the 
work of the URM Program, working closely with states to ensure 
sufficient capacity to serve all URM-eligible populations. The Division 
provides oversight to the state administered URM Program, develops 
guidance for program administration and implementation, and provides 
technical assistance on a variety of administrative, case, 
programmatic, financial, and policy matters. The Division also manages 
all data collected on youth served in the URM Program and through other 
refugee-related programs.

Division of Refugee Policy (KRB5)

    The Division of Refugee Policy develops clearance and informational 
memoranda, briefing materials, and summary statements for ORR, ACF, and 
department leadership on complex and sensitive matters. The Division 
collaborates with other ORR divisions and regional staff to clarify and 
enhance existing policies and guidance, particularly in areas where the 
work of two or more divisions and the regions overlaps. The Division's 
main activities include: interpreting and developing statutory and 
regulatory guidance, reviewing legislation and its impacts on the 
Refugee Program Bureau, coordinating with the Office of General Counsel 
on all relevant legal issues, drafting and publishing policy letters 
and other forms of responsive guidance in collaboration with ORR 
leadership and other ORR divisions, clarifying eligibility for ORR 
services, enhancing existing guidance and procedures, providing 
technical assistance and training on policy, and reviewing OMB-approved 
data collections and interagency data-sharing agreements. The Division 
also serves as the Refugee Program Bureau's point of contact for other 
ACF and HHS offices related to legal and congressional coordination, 
such as the Government Accountability Office (GAO), Office of the 
Inspector General (OIG), Office of the General Counsel (OGC), Office of 
Legislative Affairs and Budget (OLAB), and others, and takes the lead 
in coordinating the development of the Annual Report to Congress and 
responding to congressional inquiries.

Division of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (KRB6)

    The Division of Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning leads cross-
divisional monitoring of all refugee programs and services, including 
the development of monitoring instruments, conducting monitoring 
reviews, investigating grievances, maintaining dashboards to visualize 
monitoring results, and tracking programmatic outcomes and grantee 
performance. The Division leads the development of learning agendas and 
oversight of research and evaluation projects, such as the Annual 
Survey of Refugees. The Division also coordinates cross-divisional 
assessment and utilization of ORR refugee-related data to ensure it is 
being leveraged in a unified and effective manner and that it is 
supporting data-informed decision making and learning.

Division of Refugee Data and Information (KRB7)

    The Division of Refugee Data and Information provides integrated 
governance and data management for all new and existing tools and 
technologies designed to capture, track, and analyze refugee program 
data. The Division develops data sharing agreements to ensure the 
receipt of arrival data from key Federal sources. The Division 
identifies data needs to support best-in-class data services for the 
Refugee Program Bureau and oversees relevant data strategy and 
governance policies. The Division tracks the different populations 
served by the Refugee Program Bureau for planning and estimation 
purposes, and creates dashboards to organize data and address 
information, reporting, and quality control needs. The Division 
collaborates with other ORR divisions to analyze, interpret, and 
leverage data for enhanced efficiency, transparency, and integrity. The 
Division ensures that the Refugee Program Bureau is compliant with the 
National Archives and Records Administration's regulations. The 
Division works with stakeholders and partners to establish and maintain 
secure linkages between data sources and provides account management 
and training to the Refugee Program Bureau data users.

Division of Interagency Outreach and Response (KRB8)

    The Division of Interagency Outreach and Response has three key 
components: leading the Refugee Program Bureau's work on emergency 
preparedness and response, conducting national outreach to partners and 
stakeholders, and coordinating with other Federal partners to improve 
access to refugee program services and benefits for all eligible 
populations. The Division serves as the subject matter expert on 
responding to increases in non-traditional eligible populations and 
emergency scenarios involving eligible populations already in the 
United States; coordinates with interagency partners to ensure ORR 
presence in response planning and implementation for events that impact 
refugee communities; and develops state interagency plans and 
capabilities to support preparedness for potential emergency events. 
The Division develops national partnerships to facilitate regional and 
local collaboration in support of the Refugee Program Bureau and 
develops and implements education and training initiatives to improve 
partners' understanding of ORR and its services and populations. 
Through outreach, the Division solicits, designs, and integrates the 
lived experience of refugees and diaspora communities into ORR 
programs, policies, and partnerships; develops and launches advisory 
councils in support of refugee community outreach; and conducts 
listening sessions and information sessions with refugee communities to 
better understand their needs and share available resources.
    C. The Unaccompanied Children Bureau is directly responsible for 
providing care and services to unaccompanied children who are in 
Federal custody by reason of their immigration status and are referred 
to ORR for care and custody, pursuant to the Homeland Security Act of 
2002 and the William Wilberforce Trafficking

[[Page 49892]]

Victims Protections Reauthorization Act of 2008. The Unaccompanied 
Children Bureau consists of the Division of Unaccompanied Children 
Services, Division of Planning and Logistics, Division of Health for 
Unaccompanied Children, Division of Unaccompanied Children Field 
Operations, Division of Unaccompanied Children Policy, Division of 
Child Protection Investigations, Division of Grants Management, 
Division of Unaccompanied Children Placements, Division of Quality 
Improvement and Performance Management, and Division of Unaccompanied 
Children Data Analytics and Information Management. The Bureau 
maintains statistical information and data on each child and any 
actions concerning the child while the child is under the Director's 
care; oversees receipt and investigations of allegations of abuse; and 
monitors and inspects facilities and placement locations in which 
unaccompanied children reside. Further, Unaccompanied Children Bureau 
staff ensure that services are administered in a manner that supports 
child welfare standards of care and services, ensuring consideration of 
the child's best interest in care and custody decisions. The Director 
of the Unaccompanied Children Bureau reports directly to the ORR 

Division of Unaccompanied Children Services (KRC1)

    The Division of Unaccompanied Children Services oversees the 
provision of culturally appropriate legal, language, advocacy, and 
educational services to children in ORR facilities, which are funded 
through contracts and grants. The Division manages the integration of 
lived experience and youth voice into ORR's practices and 
recommendations for policies to the Division of Unaccompanied Children 
Policy. The Division has a regional component with staff who serve as 
liaisons of the Unaccompanied Children Bureau in local communities, in 
order to foster communication and collaboration with state and local 
governments, as well as community level stakeholders. The regional 
staff provide best practices training and technical assistance to post-
release service providers and community partners who work with 
unaccompanied children and their sponsors.

Division of Planning and Logistics (KRC2)

    The Division of Planning and Logistics oversees the development of 
comprehensive plans relating to influx care shelters and assists in the 
development and review of the annual plan to ensure that the 
Unaccompanied Children Bureau can accommodate the number of referrals 
of children to ORR care. The Division prepares plans for anticipated 
influx or emergency shelter capacity and staffing needs, as well as 
shipping and storage of materials. When ORR requires emergency or 
influx facilities to care for unaccompanied children, the Division 
leads the operational and logistical support of that incident response 
and coordination with other Federal agencies.

Division of Health of Unaccompanied Children (KRC3)

    The Division of Health for Unaccompanied Children oversees the 
provision of medical and mental health services for unaccompanied 
children in ORR care, including vaccinations and medical examinations. 
The Division manages relevant public health responses to communicable 
diseases in collaboration with local public health authorities.

Division of Unaccompanied Children Field Operations (KRC4)

    The Division of Unaccompanied Children Field Operations is 
responsible for working directly with unaccompanied children provider 
programs to ensure the safety of children in ORR care and the 
compliance with ORR regulations and policy guidance. The Division works 
with provider programs to deliver technical assistance and/or 
corrective action plans to ensure compliance with all program 
requirements. The Division also reviews, approves, or denies potential 
sponsors for the safe and timely release of children under the care and 
custody of ORR.

Division of Unaccompanied Children Policy (KRC5)

    The Division of Unaccompanied Children Policy is responsible for 
drafting, researching, developing, reviewing, coordinating, and 
implementing program regulations and other Federal Register 
publications, policies, procedures, guidance, and information 
collections; interpreting program authorities, including statutes; 
coordinating relevant legal matters with the OGC; representing ORR in 
unaccompanied children redetermination hearings; assisting with the 
organization and management of administrative hearings and matters; 
ensuring the Unaccompanied Children Bureau's compliance with court 
orders, settlements, and court mandated reporting; responding to 
congressional inquiries and correspondence; reviewing proposed 
legislation and reports to Congress; and coordinating responses to 
oversight requests, including audits and investigations by the OIG, 
congressional committees, and the GAO. The Division advises ACF, ORR, 
and the Unaccompanied Children Bureau leadership, deputies, division 
directors, and staff on program authorities and requirements. The 
Division prepares formal, written memoranda; briefings with executive 
and legislative branch officials and state and local government 
officials; hearing documents; and litigation documents for ORR, the 
Unaccompanied Children Bureau leadership, and others as directed.

Division of Child Protection Investigations (KRC6)

    The Unaccompanied Children Bureau, Division of Child Protection 
Investigations investigates certain allegations of child abuse or 
neglect at ORR care provider facilities, where the Division has 
jurisdiction. The Division receives reports of alleged abuse or neglect 
involving unaccompanied children in ORR custody; investigates those 
claims where it has jurisdiction; initiates and conducts investigations 
to establish findings in relation to alleged abuse or neglect, 
including examining evidence and conducting interviews; issues reports; 
follows administrative processes as required; and submits final reports 
or findings to appropriate Federal, state, and local officials. The 
Division issues recommended corrective actions or other disciplinary 
actions following their investigation to ORR officials and others, as 

Division of Grants Management (KRC7)

    The Division of Grants Management supports specialized care through 
grants and conducts grants compliance and administration monitoring and 
oversight of facilities and services where unaccompanied children 
reside, as well as grants for services provided to children after their 
release from ORR care. The Division also ensures staff working with 
unaccompanied children, while in care and post-release, meet minimum 
qualifications and background check requirements.

Division of Unaccompanied Children Placements (KRC8)

    The Division of Unaccompanied Children Placements implements intake 
and placement decisions for all unaccompanied children referred to ORR. 
The Division provides interagency coordination between ORR and Federal 
agencies referring placement into ORR care and custody. The Division is 

[[Page 49893]]

responsible for transfers within the ORR provider network of programs 
and the placement of unaccompanied children who qualify for long-term 
placements within ORR care.

Division of Quality Improvement and Performance Management (KRC9)

    The Division of Quality Improvement and Performance Management 
includes the following teams: Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect, 
Monitoring, Provider Performance Management, and Continuous Quality 
Improvement. The Division supports and promotes a continuous quality 
improvement approach by focusing on the prevention of abuse and 
neglect, monitoring Unaccompanied Children programs for quality and 
compliance, addressing concerns, and supporting the capacity of care 
providers to ensure the safety and well-being of unaccompanied 

Division of Unaccompanied Children Data Analytics and Information 
Management (KRC10)

    The Division of Unaccompanied Children Data Analytics and 
Information Management provides real-time situational awareness for the 
Unaccompanied Children Bureau and enables data-driven decision-making 
and planning through data analytics, predictive modeling, and 
information sharing. The Division monitors and analyzes internal and 
external data and statistical information on funded programs, service 
providers, and on specific cases, as applicable.
    D. The Bureau of Operations oversees the resourcing of operational 
requirements in support of ORR's mission. The Bureau of Operations 
receives mission requirements (budget, acquisitions, human resource 
requirements, and technology) and provides resources as directed by the 
ORR Director/DAS-HS. The team coordinates with ORR, ACF, and HHS 
counterparts to ensure regulatory compliance and timely response to 
requirements and maintains a customer service focus in meeting needs. 
The Chief Operating Officer reports directly to the Office of the ORR 

The Division of Office Operations

    In collaboration and coordination with ACF, the Division of Office 
Operations provides advice and assistance to ORR managers in their 
personnel management activities, including recruitment, selection, 
position management, performance management, designated performance and 
incentive awards, employee assistance programs, and other services. The 
Division provides management, direction, and oversight of the following 
personnel administrative services: the exercise of appointing 
authority, position classification, awards authorization, performance 
management evaluation, personnel action processing and record keeping, 
merit promotion, special hiring, and placement programs. The Division 
serves as liaison between ORR, ACF, HHS, the Staffing, Recruitment and 
Operations Center (SROC), and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). 
The Division provides technical advice and assistance on personnel 
policy, regulations, and laws. The Division formulates and interprets 
policies pertaining to existing personnel administration and management 
matters and formulates and interprets new human resource programs and 

The Division of Budget Planning and Analysis

    The Division of Budget Planning and Analysis leads ORR in the 
development, analysis, formulation, planning, tracking, execution, and 
implementation of budgetary resources and fiscal compliance functions 
for the office. The Division prepares annual budget estimates and 
related materials, coordinates technical assistance for appropriations 
committees and other budget stakeholders, and performs allocation and 
tracking of funds for all programs. The Division performs analysis on 
the changing needs of the populations served by ORR, provides 
leadership to identify budget resources, and formulates fiscal impact 
estimates for regulatory requirements and other policy proposals. The 
team certifies funding availability for grants, contracts, travel, and 
other expenses; oversees inter-agency agreement execution; and 
facilitates compliance with congressional appropriations report 
requirements to ensure timely mission execution. As projects end, the 
Division reviews unliquidated obligations to identify potential for 
recoupment of any funds remaining to be re-allocated.

The Division of Acquisitions Requirements

    The Division of Acquisitions Requirements oversees the development 
and coordination of contracting solutions to meet programmatic needs 
across ORR. It drives and develops acquisition forecasts for ORR 
programs with program directors and works with ORR project managers and 
technical representatives to define needs and develop requirements. The 
Division coordinates review of acquisition documents with ORR 
stakeholders and coordinates program and contract management reviews 
with ORR project managers and ACF, HHS, and other contract offices.
    The Division works closely with the Division of Budget Planning and 
Analysis to align procurement needs against funding plans and 
constraints. Post-award, the Division performs delegated contract 
administration functions to ensure the full range of contract 
performance oversight, including but not limited to performance 
monitoring and assessment, quality assurance surveillance, and contract 
modification and follow-on action planning as appropriate. The Division 
develops ORR acquisition requirement processes and procedures and 
coordinates contractor corrective action with program managers, subject 
matter experts, and ORR monitoring and other teams.

The Division of Technology

    The Division of Technology oversees the development and 
implementation of technological solutions to enhance the efficiency and 
effectiveness across all three ORR bureaus. The Division takes program 
requirements and works within the development teams to design or 
procure systems to meet ORR requirements. The Division also analyzes 
cybersecurity requirements to ensure sensitive data and information is 
safeguarded against unauthorized access and ensures a customer service 
focus to meet operational needs.
    III. Continuation of Policy. Except as inconsistent with this 
reorganization, all statements of policy and interpretations with 
respect to organizational components affected by this notice within 
ACF, heretofore issued and in effect on this date of this 
reorganization, are continued in full force and effect.
    IV. Delegation of Authority. All delegations and re-delegations of 
authority made to officials and employees of affected organizational 
components will continue in them or their successors pending further 
re-delegations, provided they are consistent with this reorganization.
    V. Funds, Personnel, and Equipment. Transfer of organizations and 
functions affected by this reorganization shall be accompanied in each 
instance by direct and support funds, positions, personnel, records, 
equipment, supplies, and other resources.

[[Page 49894]]

    This reorganization will be effective upon date of signature.

Steven J. Hild,
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Administration for 
Children and Families, performing the delegable duties of the Assistant 
Secretary for Children and Families.
[FR Doc. 2024-12806 Filed 6-11-24; 8:45 am]
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