Notice of Final Adoption and Effective Date for Submission Guidelines Equity Updates, 49916 [2024-12782]

Download as PDF ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1 49916 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 12, 2024 / Notices distinct? Occupations that are similar are included in the ‘‘excludes’’ statements of the occupation definition. • What changes should be made to existing SOC occupations that have the same or similar work? 4. Job titles: Provide known job titles used across the proposed occupation. This information helps inform additional research undertaken by the SOCPC, as well as their recommendations to update accompanying products such as the Direct Match Title File. Some questions to address include the following: • What job titles are commonly used by workers in this occupation? Are these titles unique to the proposed occupation? • Are titles listed in the Direct Match Title File actually in use? • Are there other titles commonly used by workers in the occupation? • Do titles vary geographically (urban versus rural, southern versus west coast, etc.)? 5. Indications of the number of jobs or workers in the proposed occupation: Employment size and expected growth are helpful to the SOCPC in evaluating collectability and reportability. Please provide references for the sources of this information including links, attachments, or other citations. 6. Types of employers: Understanding the types of employers of the proposed occupation helps clarify the nature of the work performed and assists the SOCPC in its evaluation of collectability and reportability. In particular, in which industries does this occupation occur? 7. Education and training: While education and training are not used for all occupation classification, the SOCPC uses such information, when helpful, to better understand the proposed occupation. Thus, identification of specific education requirements, training programs, and institutions may be helpful. Some questions to address include the following: • What education and training are typically required for workers to be able to perform this proposed occupation? • What types of schools or training providers offer this education or training? • How long does the education or training take? • What degrees or other credentials are generally required, if any? 8. Licensing: While licensing is not used for all occupation classification, the SOCPC uses such information, when helpful, to better understand the proposed occupation. Thus, identification of specific licensing requirements and licensing agencies may be helpful. VerDate Sep<11>2014 17:43 Jun 11, 2024 Jkt 262001 9. Tools and technologies: The SOCPC uses information on tools and technologies, when helpful, to better understand the proposed occupation. Some questions to address include the following: • What tools and technologies are generally used by workers in performing the occupation? • Are the tools and technologies mentioned in existing SOC occupation definitions accurate and up-to-date? 10. Professional trade associations and unions: The SOCPC uses information on professional trade associations and unions, when helpful, to better understand the proposed occupation. Some questions to address include the following: • Are there professional or trade associations or labor unions related to the proposed occupation? • What are the names of the specific associations or unions? 11. STEM categories: Comments on the domains, subdomains, and types of STEM groupings are welcome, as well as comments regarding changes to the content of the categories. Timing for the 2028 SOC Revision Process Following this public comment period, the SOCPC will review the comments and develop proposed revisions for the 2028 SOC. Then OMB will publish SOCPC’s proposed revisions for public comment in a subsequent Federal Register Notice. The SOCPC will then review the comments and develop final recommendations to the Chief Statistician of the United States at OMB on the proposed revisions for the 2028 SOC. OMB expects to consider the final recommendations from the SOCPC and finalize the final 2028 SOC in calendar year 2027. After the 2028 SOC is finalized, the SOCPC will prepare the online 2028 SOC Manual and supporting materials, make them available to the public on the BLS website, and continue its role of maintaining the SOC leading up to the next revision. Richard L. Revesz, Administrator, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. [FR Doc. 2024–12825 Filed 6–11–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 3110–01–P PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 NATIONAL CAPITAL PLANNING COMMISSION Notice of Final Adoption and Effective Date for Submission Guidelines Equity Updates National Capital Planning Commission. ACTION: Notice of final adoption and effective date. AGENCY: The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) adopted the Submission Guidelines Equity Updates on June 6, 2024. Federal and nonFederal agency applicants whose development proposals and plans are subject to statutory mandated Commission plan and project review must submit their proposals to the Commission following a process laid out in the Submission Guidelines. The updates to the Submission Guidelines support the updates to the Introduction Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements. The Submission Guidelines are available online at: https:// DATES: The revised Submission Guidelines will become effective August 12, 2024. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Laura Shipman at (202) 482–7251 or SUMMARY: (Authority: 40 U.S.C. 8721(e)(2)) Dated: June 6, 2024. Angela Dupont, Senior Urban Planner, Policy and Research Division. [FR Doc. 2024–12782 Filed 6–11–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 7502–02–P NATIONAL CAPITAL PLANNING COMMISSION Notice of Final Adoption and Effective Date for the Introduction Chapter Updates of the Comprehensive Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements National Capital Planning Commission. ACTION: Notice of final adoption and effective date. AGENCY: The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) adopted updates to the Introduction Chapter of the Comprehensive Plan for the National: Federal Elements on June 6, 2024. The Introduction Chapter establishes the planning framework for the Comprehensive Plan’s Federal Elements to guide agency actions, including review of projects and long-range plans SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\12JNN1.SGM 12JNN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 114 (Wednesday, June 12, 2024)]
[Page 49916]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-12782]



Notice of Final Adoption and Effective Date for Submission 
Guidelines Equity Updates

AGENCY: National Capital Planning Commission.

ACTION: Notice of final adoption and effective date.


SUMMARY: The National Capital Planning Commission (NCPC) adopted the 
Submission Guidelines Equity Updates on June 6, 2024. Federal and non-
Federal agency applicants whose development proposals and plans are 
subject to statutory mandated Commission plan and project review must 
submit their proposals to the Commission following a process laid out 
in the Submission Guidelines. The updates to the Submission Guidelines 
support the updates to the Introduction Chapter of the Comprehensive 
Plan for the National Capital: Federal Elements. The Submission 
Guidelines are available online at:

DATES: The revised Submission Guidelines will become effective August 
12, 2024.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Laura Shipman at (202) 482-7251 or 
[email protected].

(Authority: 40 U.S.C. 8721(e)(2))

    Dated: June 6, 2024.
Angela Dupont,
Senior Urban Planner, Policy and Research Division.
[FR Doc. 2024-12782 Filed 6-11-24; 8:45 am]

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