Listening Sessions on Draft Environmental Justice Strategy Approach, 49160-49162 [2024-12775]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 113 / Tuesday, June 11, 2024 / Notices
can be found at https://sanctuaries.
Matters to be discussed: The meeting
will include updates from Capitol Hill
Ocean Week, member updates, and
voting on amendments to the council’s
charter. For a complete agenda,
including times and topics, please visit
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1431, et seq.
John Armor,
Director, Office of National Marine
Sanctuaries, National Ocean Service,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[FR Doc. 2024–12699 Filed 6–10–24; 8:45 am]
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Notice of Availability of Draft Guidance
on Designation of New Regional Ocean
Office for Coastal Management,
National Ocean Service, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, U.S. Department of
ACTION: Notice of availability of draft
guidance regarding the designation of
new regional ocean partnerships;
request for comments.
Under the James M. Inhofe
National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2023 (NDAA), Coastal States
(including Puerto Rico, the United
States Virgin Islands, Guam, the
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana
Islands, the Trust Territories of the
Pacific Islands, and American Samoa),
federally-recognized Indian Tribes
(including Alaska native villages), and
other entities may form new
partnerships and apply to the National
Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) (as delegated)
for designation as a regional ocean
partnership. Regional ocean
partnerships coordinate the
management of ocean, coastal, and Great
Lakes resources. NOAA invites public
comment on draft guidance on
designating new regional ocean
partnerships under the NDAA.
DATES: Comments are due by July 11,
ADDRESSES: Copies of the draft
designation guidance document may be
found on (search
for NOAA–NOS–2024–0066) and
NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management
website at
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coasthome/funding/_pdf/bil-ropdesignation-guidance.pdf. Comments
may be submitted by:
• Electronic Submission: Submit all
electronic public comments via the
Federal eRulemaking Portal. Go to and enter NOAA–
NOS–2024–0066 in the search box, then
click the ‘‘comment’’ icon, complete the
required fields, and enter or attach your
• Mail: Submit written comments to
Joshua Lott, Office for Coastal
Management, NOS, NOAA, 1305 EastWest Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland
20910; ATTN: Regional Ocean
Partnership Designation Guidance.
Instructions: All comments received
are a part of the public record and
generally will be posted for public
viewing on
without change. All personally
identifiable information (name, address,
etc.), confidential business information,
or otherwise sensitive information
submitted voluntarily by the commenter
will be publicly accessible. The Federal
agencies will accept anonymous
comments (enter ‘‘N/A’’ in the required
fields you wish to remain anonymous).
Multimedia submissions (audio, video,
etc.) must be accompanied by a written
comment. The written comment is
considered the official comment and
should include discussion of all points
you wish to make. The Federal agencies
will generally not consider comments or
comment contents located outside of the
primary submission (i.e., on the web,
cloud, or other file sharing system).
Comments that are not responsive or
contain profanity, vulgarity, threats, or
other inappropriate language will not be
Joshua Lott, Office for Coastal
Management, NOS, NOAA, 1305 EastWest Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland
20910; ATTN: Regional Ocean
Partnership Designation Guidance.
Phone: (202) 670–3826; or Email:
ocean partnerships are regional
organizations, voluntarily convened by
coastal States and Indian Tribes and
designated by NOAA (as delegated, per
the NDAA) to coordinate the
management of ocean, coastal, and Great
Lakes resources. These partnerships
work in collaboration with other
governments (including Tribal, Federal,
and local) and stakeholders to address
ocean and coastal issues of common
concern in that region.
There are four existing regional ocean
partnerships: the Gulf of Mexico
Alliance, the Northeast Regional Ocean
PO 00000
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Council, the Mid-Atlantic Regional
Council on the Ocean, and the West
Coast Ocean Alliance. Section
10102(b)(3) of the NDAA, codified at 16
U.S.C. 1468(b)(3), designates these four
entities as regional ocean partnerships;
as such, this draft designation guidance
and application process for new
partnerships does not apply to them.
This draft designation guidance has
been developed to address the
membership, organization, and required
elements of new partnerships. NOAA
proposes to include the following
information in the guidance:
introduction and background;
instructions on submitting a new
partnership application to NOAA;
requirements for new regional ocean
partnerships; and eligibility for funding
as a partnership. Applications to NOAA
for new regional ocean partnerships
must identify: the members of the new
partnership, the governing body of the
new partnership, and the purposes and
functions of the new partnership.
The draft designation guidance
document may be found on (search for NOAA–
NOS–2024–0066) and NOAA’s Office
for Coastal Management website at
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1468
Jeffrey L. Payne,
Director, Office for Coastal Management,
National Ocean Service, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration.
[FR Doc. 2024–12670 Filed 6–10–24; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
Listening Sessions on Draft
Environmental Justice Strategy
Office of the Undersecretary of
Defense for Acquisition and
Sustainment, Department of Defense
ACTION: Notice; listening sessions and
notice of availability.
Pursuant to an Executive
order (E.O.), the DoD is updating its EJ
Strategy. DoD is soliciting feedback on
its draft goals and overall approach to
addressing EJ. This draft information is
included in the SUPPLEMENTARY
DATES: Interested individuals are invited
to provide verbal and written feedback
on DoD’s draft goals and overall
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 113 / Tuesday, June 11, 2024 / Notices
approach to addressing EJ throughout
the Department.
DoD is offering the following two
public, virtual listening sessions:
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 10:00 a.m.–
12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
(EST), Virtual, Registration link:
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:00 p.m.–6:00
p.m. EST Virtual, Registration link:
Individuals in the United States who
are deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, or
have a speech disability may dial 711
(TTY, TDD, or TeleBraille) to access
telecommunications relay services.
DoD will consider all comments
received during the public listening
sessions. Please clarify whether
feedback is intended for the
Department’s draft EJ goals or overall
approach to addressing EJ. DoD also
plans to record these listening sessions
to accurately capture inputs on the draft
EJ goals and implementation approach.
DoD plans to only use the recordings for
this purpose. All feedback, including
personal information, provided during
the listening sessions may be made
public. The Department cautions
commenters from including personal or
other identifying information they do
not want made publicly available when
submitting their feedback.
ADDRESSES: Individuals may also
provide written feedback. DoD will
consider all comments postmarked by
07/09/2024. Please clarify whether
feedback is intended for the
Department’s draft EJ goals or overall
approach to addressing EJ.
Submitting Comments: Individuals
may submit written comments via one
of the following methods:
• Email to: terry.l.bowers14.civ@; or
• Mail hard copy to: Terry Bowers,
Office of the Assistant Secretary of
Defense for Energy, Installations, and
Environment, 3400 Defense Pentagon,
Washington, DC 20301–3400.
Written comments must include the
commenter’s name and reference the
Department’s EJ Strategy. All feedback,
including personal information,
provided via written comment may be
made public. The Department cautions
commenters from including personal or
other identifying information they do
not want made publicly available when
submitting their feedback.
Accessing Documents and Additional
Information: Individuals may access
additional information on the
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Department’s EJ efforts through the
following link: https://
Terry Bowers, 571–232–2482, and
Background: E.O. 14096 directs Federal
agencies to develop an EJ Strategy that
will ‘‘set forth the agency’s vision, goals,
priority actions, and metrics to address
and advance environmental justice and
to fulfill the directives of the E.O.,
including through the identification of
new staffing, policies, regulations, or
guidance documents’’, as well as
‘‘identify and address opportunities
through regulations, policies, permits,
or other means to improve
accountability and compliance with any
statute the agency administers that
affects the health and environment of
communities with environmental justice
To advance its EJ efforts, the
Department is updating its EJ Strategy in
accordance with E.O. 14096. DoD will
evaluate all verbal and written feedback
received on the draft goals and overall
approach to advancing EJ across the
Listening Session Format: The
listening sessions listed above will be
two hours. Each session will start with
an overview and then participants will
have an opportunity to provide feedback
through a variety of engagement tools. If
you require a reasonable
accommodation to attend one of the
listening sessions, please email:,
Draft Goals and Overall Approach to
Addressing EJ: DoD would appreciate
feedback on the following questions:
1. Do the drafted EJ goals and overall
implementation approach address your
concerns regarding the advancement of
EJ throughout the Department? Why or
why not? Note: the drafted items are
included below.
2. Are there any concerns with the
Department’s drafted overall approach
to addressing EJ?
3. Are there any concerns not
currently reflected in the drafted
materials included below?
DoD drafted the following Goals in
response to E.O. 14096:
• Regularly assess EJ-related plans,
policies, programs, and actions across
all DoD programs after first educating
and expanding EJ awareness of actions
disproportionately impacting low
income, minority, Tribal, disabled, and/
or descendant populations across all
DoD programs.
PO 00000
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• Identify, characterize, and assess
effects of DoD plans, programs, policies,
and activities disproportionately
impacting communities and
stakeholders, including whether effects
are chronic or acute.
• Investigate methods to mitigate
impacts of DoD plans, programs,
policies, and activities after first
identifying potentially affected
communities and stakeholders.
• Provide tools to improve DoD’s
capacity to conduct meaningful and
effective work supporting EJ.
• Strengthen outreach to
communities and stakeholders that may
be disproportionately affected by high
and adverse environmental, human
health, or cultural impacts from DoD
programs, policies, and activities
through appropriate public engagement.
DoD also drafted the following overall
approach to addressing EJ:
DoD anticipates that it will need to
execute a considerable amount of work
to effectively integrate EJ across the
enterprise to meet E.O. 14096.
Historically, DoD has used compliance
with the National Environmental Policy
Act, National Historic Preservation Act,
and Comprehensive Environmental
Response, Compensation, and Liability
Act processes to address EJ. The
Department may take a more proactive
approach by incorporating EJ into Office
of the Secretary of Defense (OSD),
Military Department (MILDEP), and
installation-level planning processes.
These plans may include or discuss
installation master planning, climate
change, cultural and natural resources
conservation, integrated installation
resilience, and others. Integrating EJ into
the Department’s policies and programs
will require consistent coordination
across OSD, the MILDEPs, individual
installations, and other DoD equities.
The Department may investigate
methods to streamline EJ
implementation, including:
• Issuing a Secretary of Defense or
Deputy Secretary of Defense message,
discussing the importance of EJ and
explaining CEQ’s EJ guidance;
• Designating a Chief EJ Officer for
each MILDEP;
• Coordinating with the MILDEPs and
DoD Components on the best methods
to integrate EJ into existing
programming, planning, acquisition,
and other actions;
• Issuing a DoD Directive, Instruction,
and/or Manual, describing consistent EJ
implementation across all programs and
services and identifying actions better
managed at the OSD-level versus the
MILDEP- and installation-levels;
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 113 / Tuesday, June 11, 2024 / Notices
• Developing EJ training and
communication materials for DoD
leadership; and
• Beginning integration of available
EJ tools into planning documents.
Dated: June 6, 2024.
Patricia L. Toppings,
OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer,
Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2024–12775 Filed 6–10–24; 8:45 am]
Denali Commission Fiscal Year 2025
Draft Work Plan
Denali Commission.
The Denali Commission
(Commission) is an independent Federal
agency based on an innovative FederalState partnership designed to provide
critical utilities, infrastructure and
support for economic development and
training in Alaska by delivering federal
services in the most cost-effective
manner possible. The Commission is
required to develop an annual work
plan for future spending which will be
published in the Federal Register,
providing an opportunity for a 30-day
period of public review and written
comment. This Federal Register notice
serves to announce the 30-day
opportunity for public comment on the
Denali Commission Draft Work Plan for
Federal Fiscal Year 2025 (FY 2025).
DATES: Comments and related material
to be received by, July 11, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Submit comments to the
Denali Commission, Attention: Elinda
Hetemi, 550 W 7th Avenue, Suite 1230,
Anchorage, AK 99501.
Elinda Hetemi, Denali Commission, 550
W 7th Avenue, Suite 1230, Anchorage,
AK 99501. Telephone: 907–271–3415.
Background: The Denali
Commission’s mission is to partner with
Tribal, Federal, State, and local
governments and collaborate with all
Alaskans to improve the effectiveness
and efficiency of government services,
to build and ensure the operation and
maintenance of Alaska’s basic
infrastructure, and to develop a welltrained labor force employed in a
diversified and sustainable economy.
By creating the Commission, Congress
mandated that all parties involved
partner together to find new and
innovative solutions to the unique
infrastructure and economic
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development challenges in America’s
most remote communities. Pursuant to
the Denali Commission Act, the
Commission determines its own basic
operating principles and funding
criteria on an annual federal fiscal year
(October 1 to September 30) basis. The
Commission outlines these priorities
and funding recommendations in an
annual work plan. The FY 2025 Work
Plan was developed in the following
• At a meeting of the Denali
Commissioners the Commissioners
voted to adopt the FY 2025 Workplan.
• The work plan was published on for review by the public in
advance of public testimony.
• A public hearing was held to record
public comments and recommendations
on the preliminary draft work plan.
• No public comments were received.
• The Federal Co-Chair prepared the
draft work plan for publication in the
Federal Register providing a 30-day
period for public review and written
comment. During this time, the draft
work plan will also be disseminated to
Commission program partners
including, but not limited to, the Bureau
of Indian Affairs (BIA), the Economic
Development Administration (EDA),
Department of Agriculture—Rural
Utilities Service (USDA/RUS), and the
State of Alaska.
• At the conclusion of the Federal
Register public comment period
Commission staff will provide the
Federal Co-Chair with a summary of
public comments and
recommendations, if any, on the draft
work plan.
• If no revisions are made to the draft,
the Federal Co-Chair will provide notice
of approval of the work plan to the
Commissioners, and forwards the work
plan to the Secretary of Commerce for
approval; or, if there are revisions the
Federal Co-Chair provides notice of
modifications to the Commissioners for
their consideration and approval, and
upon receipt of approval from
Commissioners, forwards the work plan
to the Secretary of Commerce for
• The Secretary of Commerce
approves the work plan.
• The Federal Co-Chair then approves
grants and contracts based upon the
approved work plan.
FY 2025 Appropriations Summary
The Commission has historically
received federal funding from several
sources. The two primary sources at this
time include the Energy & Water
Appropriation Bill (‘‘base’’ or
‘‘discretionary’’ funds), Transportation
Housing and Urban Development
PO 00000
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(THUD) and an annual allocation from
the Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability
(TAPL) fund. The proposed FY 2025
Work Plan assumes the Commission
will receive $15,000,000 of base funds,
which is the amount referenced in the
reauthorization of the Commission
passed by Congress in 2016 (ref: Pub. L.
114–322), $18,000,000 from THUD, less
administrative expenses, and a
$2,917,000 TAPL allocation based on
discussions with the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB).
Approximately $4,000,000 of the base
funds will be used for administrative
expenses and non-project program
support. The total base funding shown
in the Work Plan also includes an
amount typically available from project
closeouts and other de-obligations that
occur in any given year. Approximately
$117,000 of the TAPL funds will be
utilized for administrative expenses and
non-project program support, leaving
$2,800,000 available for program
activities. Absent any new specific
direction or limitations provided by
Congress these funding sources are
governed by the following general
principles, either by statute or by
language in the Work Plan itself:
• Funds from the Energy & Water
Appropriation are eligible for use in all
• TAPL funds can only be used for
bulk fuel related projects and activities
while THUD funds can only be used for
• Appropriated funds may be reduced
due to Congressional action, rescissions
by OMB, and other federal agency
• All investment amounts identified
in the work plan, are ‘‘up to’’ amounts,
and may be reassigned to other
programs included in the current year
work plan, if they are not fully
expended in a program component area
or a specific project.
• Funds set aside for administrative
expenses that subsequently become
available, may be used for program
activities included in the current year
work plan.
Available for
Energy and Water Funds .....
TAPL Funds ..........................
THUD Funds .........................
Grand Total ...................
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 113 (Tuesday, June 11, 2024)]
[Pages 49160-49162]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-12775]
Office of the Secretary
Listening Sessions on Draft Environmental Justice Strategy
AGENCY: Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition and
Sustainment, Department of Defense (DoD).
ACTION: Notice; listening sessions and notice of availability.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to an Executive order (E.O.), the DoD is updating its
EJ Strategy. DoD is soliciting feedback on its draft goals and overall
approach to addressing EJ. This draft information is included in the
DATES: Interested individuals are invited to provide verbal and written
feedback on DoD's draft goals and overall
[[Page 49161]]
approach to addressing EJ throughout the Department.
DoD is offering the following two public, virtual listening
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time
(EST), Virtual, Registration link:
Thursday, June 27, 2024 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. EST Virtual, Registration
Individuals in the United States who are deaf, deafblind, hard of
hearing, or have a speech disability may dial 711 (TTY, TDD, or
TeleBraille) to access telecommunications relay services.
DoD will consider all comments received during the public listening
sessions. Please clarify whether feedback is intended for the
Department's draft EJ goals or overall approach to addressing EJ. DoD
also plans to record these listening sessions to accurately capture
inputs on the draft EJ goals and implementation approach. DoD plans to
only use the recordings for this purpose. All feedback, including
personal information, provided during the listening sessions may be
made public. The Department cautions commenters from including personal
or other identifying information they do not want made publicly
available when submitting their feedback.
ADDRESSES: Individuals may also provide written feedback. DoD will
consider all comments postmarked by 07/09/2024. Please clarify whether
feedback is intended for the Department's draft EJ goals or overall
approach to addressing EJ.
Submitting Comments: Individuals may submit written comments via
one of the following methods:
Email to: [email protected];
[email protected] or
Mail hard copy to: Terry Bowers, Office of the Assistant
Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations, and Environment, 3400
Defense Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301-3400.
Written comments must include the commenter's name and reference
the Department's EJ Strategy. All feedback, including personal
information, provided via written comment may be made public. The
Department cautions commenters from including personal or other
identifying information they do not want made publicly available when
submitting their feedback.
Accessing Documents and Additional Information: Individuals may
access additional information on the Department's EJ efforts through
the following link:
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Mr. Terry Bowers, 571-232-2482,
[email protected] and [email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background: E.O. 14096 directs Federal
agencies to develop an EJ Strategy that will ``set forth the agency's
vision, goals, priority actions, and metrics to address and advance
environmental justice and to fulfill the directives of the E.O.,
including through the identification of new staffing, policies,
regulations, or guidance documents'', as well as ``identify and address
opportunities through regulations, policies, permits, or other means to
improve accountability and compliance with any statute the agency
administers that affects the health and environment of communities with
environmental justice concerns.''
To advance its EJ efforts, the Department is updating its EJ
Strategy in accordance with E.O. 14096. DoD will evaluate all verbal
and written feedback received on the draft goals and overall approach
to advancing EJ across the Department.
Listening Session Format: The listening sessions listed above will
be two hours. Each session will start with an overview and then
participants will have an opportunity to provide feedback through a
variety of engagement tools. If you require a reasonable accommodation
to attend one of the listening sessions, please email:
[email protected], [email protected]">or[email protected].
Draft Goals and Overall Approach to Addressing EJ: DoD would
appreciate feedback on the following questions:
1. Do the drafted EJ goals and overall implementation approach
address your concerns regarding the advancement of EJ throughout the
Department? Why or why not? Note: the drafted items are included below.
2. Are there any concerns with the Department's drafted overall
approach to addressing EJ?
3. Are there any concerns not currently reflected in the drafted
materials included below?
DoD drafted the following Goals in response to E.O. 14096:
Regularly assess EJ-related plans, policies, programs, and
actions across all DoD programs after first educating and expanding EJ
awareness of actions disproportionately impacting low income, minority,
Tribal, disabled, and/or descendant populations across all DoD
Identify, characterize, and assess effects of DoD plans,
programs, policies, and activities disproportionately impacting
communities and stakeholders, including whether effects are chronic or
Investigate methods to mitigate impacts of DoD plans,
programs, policies, and activities after first identifying potentially
affected communities and stakeholders.
Provide tools to improve DoD's capacity to conduct
meaningful and effective work supporting EJ.
Strengthen outreach to communities and stakeholders that
may be disproportionately affected by high and adverse environmental,
human health, or cultural impacts from DoD programs, policies, and
activities through appropriate public engagement.
DoD also drafted the following overall approach to addressing EJ:
DoD anticipates that it will need to execute a considerable amount
of work to effectively integrate EJ across the enterprise to meet E.O.
14096. Historically, DoD has used compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act, National Historic Preservation Act, and
Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act
processes to address EJ. The Department may take a more proactive
approach by incorporating EJ into Office of the Secretary of Defense
(OSD), Military Department (MILDEP), and installation-level planning
processes. These plans may include or discuss installation master
planning, climate change, cultural and natural resources conservation,
integrated installation resilience, and others. Integrating EJ into the
Department's policies and programs will require consistent coordination
across OSD, the MILDEPs, individual installations, and other DoD
The Department may investigate methods to streamline EJ
implementation, including:
Issuing a Secretary of Defense or Deputy Secretary of
Defense message, discussing the importance of EJ and explaining CEQ's
EJ guidance;
Designating a Chief EJ Officer for each MILDEP;
Coordinating with the MILDEPs and DoD Components on the
best methods to integrate EJ into existing programming, planning,
acquisition, and other actions;
Issuing a DoD Directive, Instruction, and/or Manual,
describing consistent EJ implementation across all programs and
services and identifying actions better managed at the OSD-level versus
the MILDEP- and installation-levels;
[[Page 49162]]
Developing EJ training and communication materials for DoD
leadership; and
Beginning integration of available EJ tools into planning
Dated: June 6, 2024.
Patricia L. Toppings,
OSD Federal Register Liaison Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2024-12775 Filed 6-10-24; 8:45 am]