Loveland Area Projects, Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority, and Colorado River Storage Project-Rate Order No. WAPA-214, 47945-47954 [2024-12212]
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ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 4, 2024 / Notices
Environmental Assessment (EA) for the
proposed amendment. PG&E is
proposing to remove Inskip Diversion
Dam, adjacent infrastructure, fish
ladder, and approximately 30,000 to
56,000 cubic yards of sediment from
behind the dam. No changes to longterm operations of the project are
proposed. The Battle Creek
Hydroelectric Project consists of five
developments that divert water from the
North and South Forks of Battle Creek,
and several tributaries and springs, for
power generation. The project is located
on Battle Creek, and North Fork and
South Fork Battle Creek in Shasta and
Tehama counties, California. The
project occupies Federal lands managed
by the U.S. Forest Service and the U.S.
Bureau of Land Management.
The EA contains Commission staff’s
analysis of the potential environmental
effects of removing Inskip Diversion
Dam, and concludes that the proposed
amendment, with appropriate
environmental protective measures,
would not constitute a major Federal
action that would significantly affect the
quality of the human environment.
The EA may be viewed on the
Commission’s website at https:// using the ‘‘elibrary’’ link.
Enter the docket number (P–1121) in the
docket number field to access the
document. For assistance, contact FERC
Online Support at or tollfree at 1–866–208–3676, or for TTY,
(202) 502–8659.
You may also register online at https://
esubscription.asp to be notified via
email of new filings and issuances
related to this or other pending projects.
For assistance, contact FERC Online
All comments must be filed by June
28, 2024.
The Commission strongly encourages
electronic filing. Please file comments
using the Commission’s eFiling system
efiling.asp. Commenters can submit
brief comments up to 6,000 characters,
without prior registration, using the
eComment system at https://
ecomment.asp. For assistance, please
contact FERC Online Support. In lieu of
electronic filing, you may submit a
paper copy. Submissions sent via the
U.S. Postal Service must be addressed
to: Debbie-Anne Reese, Acting
Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, 888 First Street NE, Room
1A, Washington, DC 20426.
Submissions sent via any other carrier
must be addressed to: Debbie-Anne
Reese, Acting Secretary, Federal Energy
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Regulatory Commission, 12225 Wilkins
Avenue, Rockville, Maryland 20852.
The first page of any filing should
include docket number P–1121–136.
The Commission’s Office of Public
Participation (OPP) supports meaningful
public engagement and participation in
Commission proceedings. OPP can help
members of the public, including
landowners, environmental justice
communities, Tribal members and
others, access publicly available
information and navigate Commission
processes. For public inquiries and
assistance with making filings such as
interventions, comments, or requests for
rehearing, the public is encouraged to
contact OPP at (202) 502–6595 or OPP@
For further information, contact
Rebecca Martin at 202–502–6012 or
Dated: May 29, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024–12181 Filed 6–3–24; 8:45 am]
Western Area Power Administration
Loveland Area Projects, Western Area
Colorado Missouri Balancing
Authority, and Colorado River Storage
Project—Rate Order No. WAPA–214
Western Area Power
Administration, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of rate order extending
transmission and ancillary services
formula rates.
The extension of the Rocky
Mountain (RM) region’s existing
Loveland Area Projects (LAP)
transmission and LAP, Western Area
Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority
(WACM), and Colorado River Storage
Project (CRSP) ancillary services
formula rates has been confirmed,
approved, and placed into effect on an
interim basis. The existing formula rates
under Rate Schedules L–NT1 (network),
L–FPT1 (firm point-to-point), L–NFPT1
(non-firm point-to-point), L–NFJDT
(joint dispatch transmission), L–UU1
(unreserved use), L–AS1 (scheduling
and dispatch), L–AS2 (reactive supply
and voltage control support), L–AS3
(regulation), L–AS4 (energy imbalance),
L–AS5 (spinning reserves), L–AS6
(supplemental reserves), L–AS7
(balancing authority real power losses),
and L–AS9 (generator imbalance) are set
to expire on September 30, 2024. This
rate extension makes no changes to the
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existing formula rates and extends them
through September 30, 2026.
The extended formula rates
under Rate Schedules L–NT1, L–FPT1,
AS2, L–AS3, L–AS4, L–AS5, L–AS6, L–
AS7, and L–AS9 will be placed into
effect on an interim basis on October 1,
Barton Barnhart, Regional Manager,
Rocky Mountain Region, Western Area
Power Administration, 5555 East
Crossroads Boulevard, Loveland, CO
80538–8986, or email: LAPtransadj@, or Sheila Cook, Rates
Manager, Rocky Mountain Region,
Western Area Power Administration,
(970) 685–9562, or email: scook@
Area Power Administration (WAPA)
published a Federal Register notice
(Proposed FRN) on February 7, 2024 (89
FR 8423), proposing to extend the
existing formula rates under Rate
Schedules L–NT1, L–FPT1, L–NFPT1,
L–NFJDT, L–UU1, L–AS1, L–AS2, L–
AS3, L–AS4, L–AS5, L–AS6, L–AS7,
and L–AS9. The Proposed FRN also
initiated a 30-day public consultation
and comment period.
Legal Authority
By Delegation Order No. S1–DEL–
RATES–2016, effective November 19,
2016, the Secretary of Energy delegated:
(1) the authority to develop power and
transmission rates to the WAPA
Administrator; (2) the authority to
confirm, approve, and place such rates
into effect on an interim basis to the
Deputy Secretary of Energy; and (3) the
authority to confirm, approve, and place
into effect on a final basis, or to remand
or disapprove such rates, to the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
By Delegation Order No. S1–DEL–S3–
2023, effective April 10, 2023, the
Secretary of Energy also delegated the
authority to confirm, approve, and place
such rates into effect on an interim basis
to the Under Secretary for
Infrastructure. By Redelegation Order
No. S3–DEL–WAPA1–2023, effective
April 10, 2023, the Under Secretary for
Infrastructure further redelegated the
authority to confirm, approve, and place
such rates into effect on an interim basis
to WAPA’s Administrator. This
extension is issued under Redelegation
Order No. S3–DEL–WAPA1–2023 and
Department of Energy rate extension
procedures set forth at 10 CFR part 903.1
1 50 FR 37835 (Sept. 18, 1985) and 84 FR 5347
(Feb. 21, 2019).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 4, 2024 / Notices
Following review of RM’s proposal,
Rate Order No. WAPA–214 is hereby
confirmed, approved, and placed into
effect on an interim basis. This extends,
without adjustment, the existing Rate
Schedules L–NT1, L–FPT1, L–NFPT1,
L–NFJDT, L–UU1, L–AS1, L–AS2, L–
AS3, L–AS4, L–AS5, L–AS6, L–AS7,
and L–AS9 through September 30, 2026.
WAPA will submit Rate Order No.
WAPA–214 and the extended rate
schedules to FERC for confirmation and
approval on a final basis.
Department of Energy
Administrator, Western Area Power
In the Matter of: Western Area Power
Administration, Extension for the
Rocky Mountain Region,
Transmission and Ancillary Services,
Formula Rates; Rate Order No.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Order Confirming, Approving, and
Placing the Formula Rates for the
Loveland Area Projects, Western Area
Colorado Missouri Balancing
Authority, and the Colorado River
Storage Project Into Effect on an
Interim Basis
The formula rates in Rate Order No.
WAPA–214 are established following
section 302 of the Department of Energy
(DOE) Organization Act (42 U.S.C.
By Delegation Order No. S1–DEL–
RATES–2016, effective November 19,
2016, the Secretary of Energy delegated:
(1) the authority to develop power and
transmission rates to the Western Area
Power Administration (WAPA)
Administrator; (2) the authority to
confirm, approve, and place such rates
into effect on an interim basis to the
Deputy Secretary of Energy; and (3) the
authority to confirm, approve, and place
into effect on a final basis, or to remand
or disapprove such rates, to the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
By Delegation Order No. S1–DEL–S3–
2023, effective April 10, 2023, the
Secretary of Energy also delegated the
authority to confirm, approve, and place
such rates into effect on an interim basis
to the Under Secretary for
Infrastructure. By Redelegation Order
No. S3–DEL–WAPA1–2023, effective
April 10, 2023, the Under Secretary for
1 This Act transferred to, and vested in, the
Secretary of Energy the power marketing functions
of the Secretary of the Department of the Interior
and the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) under
the Reclamation Act of 1902 (ch. 1093, 32 Stat.
388), as amended and supplemented by subsequent
laws, particularly section 9(c) of the Reclamation
Project Act of 1939 (43 U.S.C. 485h(c)) and section
5 of the Flood Control Act of 1944 (16 U.S.C. 825s);
and other acts that specifically apply to the projects
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Infrastructure further redelegated the
authority to confirm, approve, and place
such rates into effect on an interim basis
to WAPA’s Administrator. This
extension is issued under Redelegation
Order No. S3–DEL–WAPA1–2023 and
DOE rate extension procedures set forth
at 10 CFR part 903.2
On March 9, 2017, FERC approved
and confirmed Loveland Area Projects
(LAP) transmission and LAP, Western
Area Colorado Missouri Balancing
Authority (WACM), and Colorado River
Storage Project (CRSP) ancillary services
formula rates under Rate Schedules L–
NT1 (network), L–FPT1 (firm point-topoint), L–NFPT1 (non-firm point-topoint), L–UU1 (unreserved use), L–AS1
(scheduling and dispatch), L–AS2
(reactive supply and voltage control
support), L–AS3 (regulation), L–AS4
(energy imbalance), L–AS5 (spinning
reserves), L–AS6 (supplemental
reserves), L–AS7 (transmission losses),
and L–AS9 (generator imbalance) under
Rate Order No. WAPA–174 for a 5-year
period through September 30, 2021.3
On December 29, 2020, WAPA’s
Administrator approved rates for shortterm sales for the Rocky Mountain (RM)
region to use under the Western Energy
Imbalance Service (WEIS) Market under
Rate Schedules L–NFJDT (joint dispatch
transmission), L–AS4, (generator
imbalance), L–AS7 (balancing authority
real power losses), and L–AS9
(generator imbalance). The new shortterm Rate Schedules L–AS4, L–AS7,
and L–AS9 superseded Rate Schedules
L–AS4, L–AS7, and L–AS9 under Rate
Order No. WAPA–174, for the 8-month
period of February 1, 2021, through
September 30, 2021.
On March 10, 2022, FERC confirmed
and approved Rate Order No. WAPA–
196 extending Rate Schedules L–NT1,
L–FPT1, L–NFPT1, L–UU1, L–AS1, L–
AS2, L–AS3, L–AS5, and L–AS6
through September 30, 2024, on a final
On March 29, 2022, FERC confirmed
and approved Rate Order No. WAPA–
197, putting long-term rates in place for
RM to use under the WEIS Market under
Rate Schedules L–NFJDT (joint dispatch
transmission), L–AS4 (energy
imbalance), L–AS7 (balancing authority
2 50 FR 37835 (Sept. 18, 1985) and 84 FR 5347
(Feb. 21, 2019).
3 Order Confirming and Approving Rate
Schedules on a Final Basis, FERC Docket Nos.
EF16–5–000 and EF16–5–001, 158 FERC ¶ 62,181
4 Order Confirming and Approving Rate
Schedules on a Final Basis, FERC Docket Nos.
EF21–8–000 and EF21–10–000, 178 FERC ¶ 62,147
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real power losses), and L–AS9
(generator imbalance) through
September 30, 2024, on a final basis.5
Details about the rate schedules and
the formula rates are viewable on RM’s
website at:
regions/rm/rm-rates. The existing rates
continue the formula-based
methodology that includes an annual
update to the data in the rate formulas,
which provides adequate revenue to
recover annual expenses, including
interest expense, and repay capital
investments within allowable time
periods. This ensures repayment within
the cost recovery criteria set forth in
DOE Order RA 6120.2.
In accordance with 10 CFR 903.23(a),
RM filed a notice in the Federal
Register (Proposed FRN) on February 7,
2024, proposing to extend, without
adjustment, Rate Schedules L–NT1, L–
AS1, L–AS2, L–AS3, L–AS4, L–AS5, L–
AS6, L–AS7, and L–AS9 under Rate
Order No. WAPA–214.6 RM determined
it was not necessary to hold public
information or public comment forums
on the proposed formula rate extension,
but provided a 30-day consultation and
comment period to give the public an
opportunity to comment on the
proposed extension. The consultation
and comment period ended on March 8,
2024, and RM received one written
comment letter.
Written comments were received from
the following organization: Colorado
River Energy Distributors Association,
The comments expressed have been
paraphrased and/or combined, where
appropriate, without compromising the
meaning of the comments.
Comment: The commenter supports
the proposed formula rate extension as
described in the Proposed FRN. The
commenter also requested revising and
removing language referenced in the
Proposed FRN which ‘‘may be
interpreted to go beyond the language
contained in the Administrator’s
September 8, 2023, directive, and refers
to potential future actions that are the
subject of separate processes.’’
Response: RM appreciates the support
for this rate action. RM had no intention
of using language that could be
interpreted to go beyond the
Administrator’s directive. RM agrees the
5 Order Confirming and Approving Rate
Schedules on a Final Basis, FERC Docket No. EF21–
9–000, 178 FERC ¶ 62,177 (2022).
6 89 FR 8423 (2024).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 4, 2024 / Notices
Ratemaking Procedure Requirements
Environmental Compliance
Categorical exclusion determinations
were previously issued for these rates
under the following categorical
exclusion listed in appendix B to
subpart D of 10 CFR part 1021: B4.3
(Electric power marketing rate
changes).7 Those categorical exclusion
determinations are also applicable to
this rate action. Copies of the categorical
exclusion determinations are available
on RM’s website at:
about-wapa/regions/rm/rmenvironment. The file titled ‘‘2016–077Proposed Formula Rate Adjustment for
Transmission Ancillary Services and
Sale of Surplus’’ is located within the
‘‘2016’’ folder, and the file titled ‘‘2021–
088 Rate Change Extension CX–WAPA–
197–03262024’’ is located within the
‘‘2024’’ folder.
Determination Under Executive Order
WAPA has an exemption from
centralized regulatory review under
Executive Order 12866; accordingly, no
clearance of this notice by the Office of
Management and Budget is required.
Submission to the Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission
The provisional formula rates herein
confirmed, approved, and placed into
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Monthly Charge
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Signing Authority
This document of the Department of
Energy was signed on May 28, 2024, by
Tracey A. LeBeau, Administrator,
Western Area Power Administration,
pursuant to delegated authority from the
Secretary of Energy. That document,
with the original signature and date, is
maintained by DOE. For administrative
purposes only, and in compliance with
requirements of the Office of the Federal
Register, the undersigned DOE Federal
Register Liaison Officer has been
authorized to sign and submit the
document in electronic format for
publication, as an official document of
the Department of Energy. This
administrative process in no way alters
the legal effect of this document upon
publication in the Federal Register.
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Attachment H to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L–NT1
dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Network Integration Transmission
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
2016, and extending through September
30, 2021, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–196 through
September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order
No. WAPA–214 through September 30,
The Transmission Customer will
compensate the Loveland Area Projects
Transmission Service Provider (LAPT)
each month for Network Integration
Transmission Service under the
applicable Network Integration
Transmission Service Agreement and
the Annual Transmission Revenue
Requirement described herein.
Formula Rate
Network Service Customer's
Load Ratio Share
Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for
implementing NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500–1508); and
PO 00000
Signed in Washington, DC, on May 30,
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S.
Department of Energy.
Rate Schedule L–NT1
In view of the above and under the
authority delegated to me, I hereby
confirm, approve, and place into effect
on an interim basis, Rate Order No.
WAPA–214, which extends the existing
LAP transmission and LAP, WACM, and
CRSP ancillary services formula rates
under Rate Schedules L–NT1, L–FPT1,
AS2, L–AS3, L–AS4, L–AS5, L–AS6, L–
AS7, and L–AS9 through September 30,
2026. The rates will remain in effect on
an interim basis until: (1) FERC
confirms and approves of this extension
on a final basis, (2) subsequent rates are
confirmed and approved, or (3) such
rates are superseded.
Annual Transmission
Revenue Requirement ($)
7 The determination was done in compliance with
the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of
1969, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 4321–4347, the
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effect on an interim basis, together with
supporting documents, will be
submitted to FERC for confirmation and
final approval.
DOE NEPA Implementing Procedures and
Guidelines (10 CFR part 1021).
Proposed FRN language refers to
specific future events subject to separate
processes and a more general reference
to future market activity could have
been used. The intent of including the
language in the Proposed FRN was to
provide context for pursuing an
extension as opposed to a major rate
action, along with the reasoning for the
length of the extension period.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 4, 2024 / Notices
A calculated Annual Transmission
Revenue Requirement will go into effect
every October 1 based on updated
financial projections and the true-up of
previous projections. The Annual
Transmission Revenue Requirement
will be posted on the LAPT Open
Access Same-Time Information System
Rate Schedule L–FPT1
Western Area Power Administration
2016, and extending through September
30, 2021, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–196 through
September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order
No. WAPA–214 through September 30,
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
The Transmission Customer shall
compensate the Loveland Area Projects
Transmission Service Provider (LAPT)
each month for reserved capacity under
the applicable Firm Point-to-Point
Transmission Service Agreement and
the formula rate described herein.
Schedule 7 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L–FPT1
dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Long-Term Firm and Short-Term Firm
Point-to-Point Transmission Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
Formula Rate
Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement ($)
Firm Transmission Capacity Reservations (kW) plus
Service Formula Rate Network Integration Transmission Service Capacity (kW)
Three principal requirements apply to
discounts for transmission service as
follows: (1) any offer of a discount made
by LAPT must be announced to all
eligible customers solely by posting on
the LAPT OASIS website; (2) any
customer-initiated requests for
discounts, including requests for use by
LAP Marketing, must occur solely by
posting on the LAPT OASIS website;
and (3) once a discount is negotiated,
details must be immediately posted on
the LAPT OASIS website. For any
discount agreed upon for service on a
path, from Point(s) of Receipt to Point(s)
of Delivery, LAPT must offer the same
Rate Schedule L–NFPT1
Schedule 8 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L–NFPT1
dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Power Area Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
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The Transmission Customer will
compensate the Loveland Area Projects
Transmission Service Provider (LAPT)
for Non-Firm Point-to-Point
Transmission Service under the
applicable Non-Firm Point-to-Point
Transmission Service Agreement and
the formula rate described herein.
Formula Rate
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
Firm Point-to-Point
Transmission Service Formula Rate
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(Approved Under Rate Order No.
Maximum Non-Firm Point-to-Point
A calculated charge will go into effect
every October 1 based on the formula
above, updated financial and load
projections, and the true-up of previous
projections. The annual charge will be
posted on the LAPT Open Access Same-
2016, and extending through September
30, 2021, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–196 through
September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order
No. WAPA–214 through September 30,
Transmission Service Formula Rate
Time Information System (OASIS)
Three principal requirements apply to
discounts for transmission service as
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follows: (1) any offer of a discount made
by LAPT must be announced to all
eligible customers solely by posting on
the LAPT OASIS website; (2) any
customer-initiated requests for
discounts, including requests for use by
discounted transmission service rate for
the same time period to all eligible
customers on all unconstrained
transmission paths that go to the same
point(s) of delivery on the transmission
A calculated charge will go into effect
every October 1 based on the formula
above, updated financial and load
projections, and the true-up of previous
projections. The annual charge will be
posted on the LAPT Open Access SameTime Information System (OASIS)
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 4, 2024 / Notices
LAP Marketing, must occur solely by
posting on the LAPT OASIS; and (3)
once a discount is negotiated, details
must be immediately posted on the
LAPT OASIS. For any discount agreed
upon for service on a path, from Point(s)
of Receipt to Point(s) of Delivery, LAPT
must offer the same discounted
transmission service charge for the same
time period to all eligible customers on
all unconstrained transmission paths
that go to the same point(s) of delivery
on the transmission system.
Rate Schedule L–NFJDT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L–NFJDT
dated February 1, 2021, through
September 30, 2021)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Joint Dispatch Transmission Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
2021, and extending through September
30, 2024, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–214 through
September 30, 2026.]
This rate schedule applies to the
Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as the
Transmission Service Provider (TSP)
when the Rocky Mountain region is
participating in the Western Energy
Imbalance Service (WEIS) Market. The
Joint Dispatch Transmission Service
(JDTS) Customer shall compensate the
LAPT TSP for JDTS commensurate with
the receipt or delivery of energy
dispatched for the JDTS Customer
pursuant to the WEIS Tariff under the
formula rate described herein.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Hourly delivery:
On-Peak Hours: the on-peak charge
Off-Peak Hours: the off-peak charge
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Schedule 10 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L–UU1
dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Unreserved Use Penalties
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
2016, and extending through September
30, 2021, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–196 through
September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order
No. WAPA–214 through September 30,
Schedule 8R to OATT Attachment R
Formula Rate
Rate Schedule L–UU1
The Transmission Customer shall
compensate the Loveland Area Projects
Transmission Service Provider (LAPT)
each month for any unreserved use of
the transmission system (Unreserved
Use) under the applicable transmission
service formula rates as described
herein. Unreserved Use occurs when an
eligible customer uses transmission
service it has not reserved, or a
Transmission Customer uses
transmission service in excess of its
reserved capacity. Unreserved Use may
also include a Transmission Customer’s
failure to curtail transmission when
requested, a Network Integration
Transmission Service (Network)
Customer’s scheduled delivery of offsystem, non-designated purchases using
transmission capacity reserved for
designated Network resources, and a
Network Customer’s use of Network
service or secondary service to facilitate
a wholesale sale that does not serve a
Network load.
Penalty Rate
The penalty charge for a Transmission
Customer who engages in Unreserved
Use is 200 percent of the Loveland Area
Project’s approved formula rate for Firm
Point-to-Point Transmission Service
assessed as follows: the Unreserved Use
Penalty for a single hour of Unreserved
Use is based upon the charge for daily
Firm Point-to-Point Transmission
Service. The Unreserved Use Penalty for
more than one assessment for a given
duration (e.g., daily) increases to the
next longest duration (e.g., weekly). The
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Unreserved Use Penalty for multiple
instances of Unreserved Use (e.g., more
than one hour) within a day is based on
the charge for daily Firm Point-to-Point
Transmission Service. The Unreserved
Use Penalty for multiple instances of
Unreserved Use isolated to one calendar
week is based on the charge for weekly
Firm Point-to-Point Transmission
Service. The Unreserved Use Penalty for
multiple instances of Unreserved Use
during more than one week in a
calendar month is based on the charge
for monthly Firm Point-to-Point
Transmission Service.
A Transmission Customer who
exceeds their reserved capacity at any
point of receipt or point of delivery, or
an eligible customer who uses
transmission service at a point of receipt
or point of delivery it has not reserved,
is required to pay for all ancillary
services provided by LAPT and
associated with the Unreserved Use.
The Transmission Customer will pay for
ancillary services based on the amount
of transmission service it used and did
not reserve.
Rate Schedule L–AS1
Schedule 1 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule SP–SD4 and
Rate Schedule L–AS1 dated October 1,
2011, through September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Colorado River Storage Project
Loveland Area Projects
Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority
Scheduling, System Control, and
Dispatch Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
2016, and extending through September
30, 2021, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–196 through
September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order
No. WAPA–214 through September 30,
This rate schedule applies to Colorado
River Storage Project Transmission
(CRCM) and Loveland Area Projects
Transmission (LAPT) as Transmission
Service Providers (TSPs) and to Western
Area Colorado Missouri Balancing
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 4, 2024 / Notices
Authority (WACM) as the Control Area
operator. Scheduling, System Control,
and Dispatch Service is required to
schedule the movement of power
through, out of, within, or into WACM.
This service can be provided only by the
operator of the Control Area in which
the transmission facilities used for
transmission service are located.
The CRCM and LAPT TSPs must offer
this service, and the federal
Transmission Customers must purchase
this service from the CRCM and LAPT
TSPs. WACM provides this service on
behalf of all TSPs within WACM and
those TSPs must purchase this service
from WACM.
The charge will be applied to all
schedules, except those for the delivery
of transmission losses to WACM.
WACM will accept any number of
scheduling changes over the course of
the day without any additional charge.
Unless other arrangements are made
Number of Schedules per Year, excluding schedules for
Delivery of Losses to WACM
Schedule 2 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule SP–RS4 and
Rate Schedule L–AS2 dated October 1,
2011, through September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Colorado River Storage Project
Loveland Area Projects
Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control
From Generation or Other Sources
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
2016, and extending through September
30, 2021, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs first.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–196 through
September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order
No. WAPA–214 through September 30,
This rate schedule applies to Colorado
River Storage Project (CRCM) and
Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as
Transmission Service Providers (TSPs)
and to Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority (WACM) as the
Support Service
Formula Rate
Jkt 262001
Control Area operator. Reactive Supply
and Voltage Control from Generation or
Other Sources Services (VAR Support
Service) is required to maintain
transmission voltages on the TSPs’
transmission facilities within acceptable
limits, using generation facilities and
non-generation resources capable of
providing this service to produce or
absorb reactive power. Thus, VAR
Support Service must be provided for
each transaction on the transmission
facilities within the Control Area. The
amount of VAR Support Service
supplied to the transmission
transactions will be based on the VAR
Support Service necessary to maintain
transmission voltages within limits
generally accepted in the region and
consistently adhered to by WACM.
The CRCM and LAPT TSPs must offer
this service for each transaction and the
federal Transmission Customers must
purchase this service from the CRCM
and LAPT TSPs, unless the
Transmission Customer has generating
resources capable of providing VARs
directly connected to a federal
transmission facility owned and
operated by CRCM and/or LAPT and
has executed a contract stipulating all
the provisions of their self-supply. If
WACM provides VAR Support Service
on behalf of any non-federal TSP, VAR
Support Service will be assessed based
on either the TSP’s reserved capacity or
the tagged megawatt usage of the TSP’s
Transmission Customers.
Formula Rate
Annual Revenue Requirement for VAR Support Service ($)
Transmission Transactions Requiring
VAR Support Service (kW)
PO 00000
Frm 00059
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4725
Rate Schedule L–AS2
The annual cost of scheduling
personnel and related costs includes
annual costs associated with
transmission scheduling (i.e., personnel,
facilities, equipment, and software, as
well as credits representing fees for
agent services).
The number of schedules per year is
the yearly total of daily tags which
result in a schedule, excluding loss
A calculated charge will go into effect
every October 1 based on the formula
above and updated financial and
schedule data. The annual charge will
be posted on the CRCM and LAPT Open
Access Same-Time Information System
17:15 Jun 03, 2024
Formula Rate
Annual Cost of Scheduling Personnel and Related Costs ($)
VerDate Sep<11>2014
with WACM, the charge will be
allocated equally among all TSPs, both
federal and non-federal, listed on the
schedule who are inside WACM. The
federal transmission segments of the
schedule are exempt from invoicing, as
costs for these segments are included in
the CRCM and LAPT transmission
service rates.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 4, 2024 / Notices
The annual revenue requirement for
VAR Support Service equals the
revenue requirement for federal
generation times the % of resource
capacity used for VAR Support Service
(1 minus power factor) plus other
resources, e.g., energy and transmission
costs for condensing federal generating
units minus applicable revenue credits
related to WACM providing service.
The transmission transactions
requiring VAR Support Service equals
transmission capacity use of the federal
transmission systems; including pointto-point and network service on LAPT
and CRCM transmission systems.
A calculated charge will go into effect
every October 1 based on the formula
above and updated financial and
capacity data. The annual charge will be
posted on the CRCM and LAPT Open
Access Same-Time Information System
Rate Schedule L–AS3
Schedule 3 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule SP–FR4 and
Rate Schedule L–AS3 dated October 1,
2011, through September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Colorado River Storage Project
Loveland Area Projects
Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority
Regulation and Frequency Response
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
2016, and extending through September
30, 2021, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–196 through
September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order
No. WAPA–214 through September 30,
This rate schedule applies to Colorado
River Storage Project (CRCM) and
Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as
Transmission Service Providers (TSPs)
and to Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority (WACM) as the
Formula Rate
Control Area operator. Regulation and
Frequency Response Service (Regulation
Service) is necessary to provide for the
continuous balancing of resources,
generation, and interchange with load
and for maintaining scheduled
interconnection frequency at sixty
cycles per second (60 Hz). Regulation
Service is accomplished by committing
on-line generation whose output is
raised or lowered, predominantly
through the use of automatic generation
control (AGC) equipment as necessary,
to follow the moment-by-moment
changes in load. All loads inside the
Control Area consume regulation;
therefore, WACM, by default, provides
Regulation Service to all loads inside
the Control Area.
The CRCM and LAPT TSPs offer this
service when transmission service is
used to serve load within WACM, and
the federal Transmission Customers
must purchase this service from the
CRCM and LAPT TSPs or make
alternative comparable arrangements
with WACM to satisfy their regulation
obligations. For the Load Serving
Entities (LSEs) who are not taking
transmission service from CRCM and
LAPT, WACM will assess Regulation
Service charges for their load and for
their variable resources inside WACM.
The formula rate will be assessed to
all applicable federal Transmission
Customers and to all applicable nonfederal LSEs serving load inside WACM.
Formula Rate
Total Annual Revenue Requirement for Regulation Service ($)
= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The total annual revenue requirement
for Regulation Service includes such
costs as LAP and CRSP plant costs,
purchases of regulation products,
purchases of power in support of the
generating units’ ability to regulate,
purchases of transmission for regulating
units trapped geographically inside
another balancing authority, purchases
of transmission required to relocate
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:15 Jun 03, 2024
Jkt 262001
energy due to regulation/load following
issues, and lost on-peak sales
opportunities resulting from the
requirement to generate at night to
permit units to have ‘‘down’’ regulating
The total load for Regulation Service
equals load inside WACM requiring
Regulation Service, plus the installed
nameplate capacity of wind generators
PO 00000
Frm 00060
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
serving load inside WACM times the
wind capacity multiplier, plus the
installed nameplate capacity of solar
generators serving load inside WACM
times the solar capacity multiplier.
A calculated charge will go into effect
every October 1 based on the formula
above and updated financial, load, and
capacity multiplier data. The annual
charge and multipliers will be posted on
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Load inside W ACM Requiring Regulation Service (kW)
(Installed Nameplate Capacity of Wind Generators Serving Load inside WACM
Wind Capacity Multiplier) (kW)
(Installed Nameplate Capacity of Solar Generators Serving Load inside W ACM
Solar Capacity Multiplier) (kW)
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 4, 2024 / Notices
the CRCM and LAPT Open Access
Same-Time Information System
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
There are two different applications of
this formula rate:
1. Load-based Assessment: The charge
is assessed on an entity’s auxiliary load
(total metered load less applicable
federal entitlements) and on the amount
stated in any BA or transmission service
agreements. The charge is also applied
to the installed nameplate capacity of all
variable energy resources, including
wind and solar generators, serving load
inside WACM multiplied by the
applicable annually calculated Capacity
2. Self-provision Assessment: WACM
allows entities with AGC to self-provide
for all or a portion of their loads.
Entities with AGC are known as SubBalancing Authorities (SBA) and must
meet all of the following criteria:
a. Have a well-defined boundary, with
WACM-approved revenue-quality
metering, accurate as defined by the
North American Electric Reliability
Corporation (NERC), to include
megawatt (MW) flow data availability at
6-second or smaller intervals;
b. Have AGC responsive unit(s);
c. Demonstrate Regulation Service
capability; and
d. Execute a contract with WACM in
which entities agree to:
i. Provide all requested data to
ii. Meet SBA error criteria as
described below.
Self-provision is measured by use of
the entity’s 1-minute average Area
Control Error (ACE) to determine the
amount of self-provision. The ACE is
used to calculate the Regulation Service
charges every hour as follows:
a. If the entity’s 1-minute average ACE
for the hour is less than or equal to 0.5
percent of its hourly average load, no
Regulation Service charge is assessed for
that hour.
b. If the entity’s 1-minute average ACE
for the hour is greater than or equal to
1.5 percent of its hourly average load,
WACM assesses Regulation Service
charges to the entity’s entire auxiliary
load, using the hourly Load-based
Assessment applied to the entity’s
auxiliary 12-cp load for that month.
c. If the entity’s 1-minute average ACE
for the hour is greater than 0.5 percent
of its hourly average load, but less than
1.5 percent of its hourly average load,
WACM assesses Regulation Service
charges based on linear interpolation of
zero charge and full charge, using the
hourly Load-based Assessment applied
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:15 Jun 03, 2024
Jkt 262001
to the entity’s auxiliary 12-cp load for
that month.
d. WACM monitors the entity’s Selfprovision on a regular basis. If WACM
determines the entity has not been
attempting to self-regulate, WACM will,
upon notification, employ the Loadbased Assessment described in No. 1,
Rate Schedule L–AS4
Alternative Arrangements
Loveland Area Projects
Exporting Variable Resource
Requirement: WACM does not provide
Regulation Service to variable resources
inside the WACM Control Area which
are not used to serve load inside the
WACM Control Area. An entity that
exports the output from a variable
generator to another Control Area will
be required to dynamically meter or
dynamically schedule the resource out
of the WACM Control Area to another
Control Area unless arrangements,
satisfactory to WACM, are made for the
entity to acquire this service from a
third party or self-supply (as outlined
below). A variable generator is one
whose output is volatile and variable
due to factors beyond direct operational
control and, therefore, is not
Self- or Third-party Supply: WACM
may allow an entity to supply some or
all of its required regulation, or contract
with a third party to do so. This entity
must have revenue quality metering at
every load and generation point,
accurate as defined by NERC, to include
MW flow data availability at 6-second or
smaller intervals. WACM will evaluate
the entity’s metering,
telecommunications and regulating
resource, as well as the required level of
regulation, and determine whether the
entity qualifies to self-supply under this
provision. If approved, the entity is
required to enter into a separate
agreement with WACM which will
specify the terms of the self-supply
Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority
Customer Accommodation
For entities unwilling to take
Regulation Service, self-provide as
described above, or acquire the service
from a third party, WACM will assist
the entity in dynamically metering its
loads/resources to another Control Area.
Until such time as meter configuration
is accomplished, the entity will be
responsible for charges assessed under
the formula rate in effect.
PO 00000
Frm 00061
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Schedule 4R to OATT Attachment R
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L–AS4
dated February 1, 2021, through
September 30, 2021)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Energy Imbalance Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
2021, and extending through September
30, 2024, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–214 through
September 30, 2026.]
This rate schedule applies to the
Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority (WACM) as the
Balancing Authority Area (BAA)
operator and to Loveland Area Projects
(LAPT) as the Transmission Service
Provider (TSP) when the Rocky
Mountain region (RM) is participating in
the Western Energy Imbalance Service
(WEIS) Market and the WEIS Market is
providing such ancillary service.
Within the BAA(s) in the WEIS
Market footprint, Energy Imbalance
Service is provided when a difference
occurs between the expected and the
actual delivery of energy within such
BAA(s) over a Dispatch Interval.
All loads in the WEIS Market will be
subject to settlement related to Energy
Imbalance Service in the WEIS Market.
Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP), as the
WEIS Market administrator, will obtain
and provide this service under the WEIS
Market and will calculate and bill
applicable charges and credits.
As a participating balancing authority
in the WEIS Market footprint, WACM is
required to register loads and resources
for non-participating entities within the
WACM BAA. Such entities must enter
into separate agreements with WACM
which will specify the terms of the
Energy Imbalance Service contracted
through the WEIS Market.
The LAPT TSP offers this service
when the transmission service is used to
serve load within the WACM BAA, and
the Transmission Customers must either
purchase this service from the LAPT
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 4, 2024 / Notices
TSP or make alternative arrangements
with WACM to satisfy their Energy
Imbalance Service obligations.
Formula Rate
Charges shall reflect the pass-through
of all applicable charges/credits
associated with the WEIS Tariff assessed
to RM for embedded load in the WACM
BAA of such entity that does not make
adequate alternate arrangements in the
WEIS Market to satisfy its Energy
Imbalance Service obligation. RM will
also charge an administrative fee to
cover RM’s cost of administering this
service on behalf of such entities.
The WEIS charges/credits attributed
to specific settlement location(s) (as
defined in the WEIS Tariff) will be
passed directly through to the
applicable asset owners (as defined in
the WEIS Tariff) at those settlement
location(s). Other WEIS charges/credits,
i.e., WEIS Administration costs, will be
allocated based on each entity’s
proportional share of Net Energy for
Load (NEL) (or as otherwise determined
by the WEIS administrator).
RM’s Administrative Fee will be
allocated to the non-participating
entities using the higher of either RM’s
calculated minimum fee or the entity’s
proportional share of the nonparticipating entities’ NEL.
Rate Schedule L–AS5
Schedule 5 to OATT
Formula Rate
The LAPT TSP and WACM have no
Spinning Reserves available for sale. At
a customer’s request, the Rocky
Mountain region will purchase
Spinning Reserves and pass through the
cost and any activation energy, plus a
fee for administration. The customer
will be responsible for providing the
transmission to deliver the Spinning
Reserves purchased.
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L–AS5
dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
Rate Schedule L–AS6
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L–AS6
dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
Rocky Mountain Region
United States Department of Energy
Loveland Area Projects and Western
Area Colorado Missouri Balancing
Western Area Power Administration
Operating Reserve—Spinning Reserve
Loveland Area Projects and Western
Area Colorado Missouri Balancing
Schedule 6 to OATT
Rocky Mountain Region
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Transmission Service Provider (TSP)
and to Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority (WACM) as the
Control Area operator. Spinning Reserve
Service is needed to serve load
immediately in the event of a system
contingency. Spinning Reserve Service
may be provided by generating units
that are on-line and loaded at less than
maximum output.
The LAPT TSP must offer this service
when transmission service is used to
serve load within WACM and the
federal Transmission Customers must
purchase this service from the LAPT
TSP or make alternative comparable
arrangements with WACM to satisfy
their Spinning Reserve obligations.
WACM may be willing to provide
Spinning Reserves to other entities,
providing the entities enter into separate
agreements with WACM which will
specify the terms of the Spinning
Reserve Service.
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
2016, and extending through September
30, 2021, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–196 through
September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order
No. WAPA–214 through September 30,
This rate schedule applies to
Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:15 Jun 03, 2024
Jkt 262001
This rate schedule applies to the
Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as the
Transmission Service Provider (TSP)
and the Western Area Colorado
Missouri Balancing Authority (WACM)
as the Control Area operator.
Supplemental Reserve Service is needed
to serve load in the event of a system
contingency; however, it is not available
immediately to serve load but rather
within a short period of time.
Supplemental Reserve Service may be
provided by generating units that are
on-line but unloaded, by quick-start
generation, or by interruptible load.
The LAPT TSP must offer this service
when the transmission service is used to
serve load within WACM, and the
federal Transmission Customers must
purchase this service from the LAPT
TSP or make alternative comparable
arrangements with WACM to satisfy
their Supplemental Reserve obligations.
WACM may be willing to provide
Supplemental Reserves to other entities,
providing the entities enter into separate
agreements with WACM which will
specify the terms of the Supplemental
Reserve Service.
Formula Rate
The LAPT TSP and WACM have no
Supplemental Reserves available for
sale. At a customer’s request, the Rocky
Mountain region will purchase
Supplemental Reserves and pass
through the cost and any activation
energy, plus a fee for administration.
The customer will be responsible for
providing the transmission to deliver
the Supplemental Reserves purchased.
Rate Schedule L–AS7
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L–AS7
dated February 1, 2021, through
September 30, 2021)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Operating Reserve—Supplemental
Reserve Service
Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
Balancing Authority Real Power Losses
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
2016, and extending through September
30, 2021, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–196 through
September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order
No. WAPA–214 through September 30,
PO 00000
Frm 00062
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
2021, and extending through September
30, 2024, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–214 through
September 30, 2026.]
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 108 / Tuesday, June 4, 2024 / Notices
Rate Schedule L–AS9
This rate schedule applies to the
Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority (WACM) as the
Balancing Authority Area (BAA)
operator when the Rocky Mountain
region is participating in the Western
Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS)
Market. Balancing Authority (BA) Real
Power Losses Service is needed to
account for the energy loss of the
transmission systems within the BAA,
which the BAA operator must account
for and be compensated where
applicable. BA Real Power Losses are
applicable for all real-time and
prescheduled transactions on
transmission facilities inside the WACM
In accordance with WACM’s Business
Practices, the BA Real Power Losses
obligation falls: (1) to load inside the
WACM BAA; (2) to the last
Transmission Service Provider (TSP)
inside the WACM BAA listed on the
applicable import, export, or wheeledthrough point-to-point transmission
service schedule; or (3) to the TSP
which any dynamically transferred load
and generation is connected to. This
prevents duplicate assessment of the
real power losses for schedules which
involve more than one TSP inside the
Schedule 9R to OATT Attachment R
ddrumheller on DSK120RN23PROD with NOTICES1
Formula Rate
WACM’s BA Real Power Loss Factor
Percentage is posted in WACM’s
‘‘Ancillary Services and Losses’’
Business Practices which is posted on
the Loveland Area Projects
Transmission (LAPT) Open Access
Same-Time Information System website.
Entities with load in the WACM BAA
are required to submit balanced load
forecasts and actual meter data with real
power losses included.
Financial settlement for applicable
point-to-point transactions and for load
and generation which have been
dynamically transferred out of WACM
BAA into another BAA, as detailed in
WACM’s ‘‘Ancillary Services and
Losses’’ Business Practices, will be
calculated using WACM’s then current
BA Real Power Loss Factor Percentage
and a charge assessed based on the
WEIS Market’s hourly Locational
Marginal Price for the LAP settlement
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:15 Jun 03, 2024
Jkt 262001
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L–AS9
dated February 1, 2021, through
September 30, 2021)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Formula Rate
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority
Generator Imbalance Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No.
The first day of the first full billing
period beginning on or after October 1,
2021, and extending through September
30, 2024, or until superseded by another
rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended
by Rate Order No. WAPA–214 through
September 30, 2026.]
This rate schedule applies to the
Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority (WACM) as the
Balancing Authority Area (BAA)
operator and to Loveland Area Projects
(LAPT) as the Transmission Service
Provider (TSP) when the Rocky
Mountain region (RM) is participating in
the Western Energy Imbalance Service
(WEIS) Market and the WEIS Market is
providing such ancillary service.
Within the BAA(s) in the WEIS
Market footprint, Generator Imbalance
Service is provided when a difference
occurs between the expected and the
actual delivery of energy within such
BAA(s) over a Dispatch Interval. All
resources in the WEIS Market will be
subject to settlement related to
Generator Imbalance Service in the
WEIS Market. Southwest Power Pool,
Inc. (SPP), as the WEIS Market
administrator, will obtain and provide
this service under the WEIS Market and
will calculate and bill applicable
charges and credits.
As a participating balancing authority
in the WEIS Market footprint, WACM is
required to register loads and resources
for non-participating entities within the
WACM BAA. Such entities must enter
into separate agreements with WACM
which will specify the terms of the
Generator Imbalance Service contracted
through the WEIS Market.
The LAPT TSP offers this service, to
the extent it is physically feasible to do
so from its resources or from resources
available to it, when Transmission
PO 00000
Frm 00063
Fmt 4703
Sfmt 4703
Service is used to deliver energy from a
generator located within the WACM
BAA and the Transmission Customers
must either purchase this service from
the LAPT TSP or make alternative
arrangements with WACM to satisfy
their Generator Imbalance Service
Charges shall reflect the pass-through
of all applicable charges/credits
associated with the WEIS Tariff assessed
to RM for embedded resources in the
WACM BAA of such entity that does not
make adequate alternate arrangements
in the WEIS Market to satisfy its
Generator Imbalance Service obligation.
RM will also charge an administrative
fee to cover RM’s cost of administering
this service on behalf of such entities.
The WEIS charges/credits attributed
to specific settlement location(s) (as
defined in the WEIS Tariff) will be
passed directly through to the
applicable asset owners (as defined in
the WEIS Tariff) at the settlement
RM’s Administrative Fee will be
allocated using the higher of either RM’s
calculated minimum fee or the entity’s
proportional share of the nonparticipating entities’ Net Energy for
[FR Doc. 2024–12212 Filed 6–3–24; 8:45 am]
[EPA–HQ–OPP–2024–0154; FRL–11988–01–
Dicamba; Pesticide Product
Registration; Notice of Receipt of
Application for New Use; Request for
Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Notice.
EPA has received an
application proposing to register new
uses for a new pesticide product
containing a currently registered active
ingredient. Pursuant to the Federal
Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide
Act (FIFRA), EPA is hereby providing
notice of receipt and opportunity to
comment on this application.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before July 5, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Submit your comments,
identified by docket identification (ID)
number EPA–HQ–OPP–2024–0154,
through the Federal eRulemaking Portal
at Follow
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 108 (Tuesday, June 4, 2024)]
[Pages 47945-47954]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-12212]
Western Area Power Administration
Loveland Area Projects, Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing
Authority, and Colorado River Storage Project--Rate Order No. WAPA-214
AGENCY: Western Area Power Administration, DOE.
ACTION: Notice of rate order extending transmission and ancillary
services formula rates.
SUMMARY: The extension of the Rocky Mountain (RM) region's existing
Loveland Area Projects (LAP) transmission and LAP, Western Area
Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority (WACM), and Colorado River
Storage Project (CRSP) ancillary services formula rates has been
confirmed, approved, and placed into effect on an interim basis. The
existing formula rates under Rate Schedules L-NT1 (network), L-FPT1
(firm point-to-point), L-NFPT1 (non-firm point-to-point), L-NFJDT
(joint dispatch transmission), L-UU1 (unreserved use), L-AS1
(scheduling and dispatch), L-AS2 (reactive supply and voltage control
support), L-AS3 (regulation), L-AS4 (energy imbalance), L-AS5 (spinning
reserves), L-AS6 (supplemental reserves), L-AS7 (balancing authority
real power losses), and L-AS9 (generator imbalance) are set to expire
on September 30, 2024. This rate extension makes no changes to the
existing formula rates and extends them through September 30, 2026.
DATES: The extended formula rates under Rate Schedules L-NT1, L-FPT1,
L-NFPT1, L-NFJDT, L-UU1, L-AS1, L-AS2, L-AS3, L-AS4, L-AS5, L-AS6, L-
AS7, and L-AS9 will be placed into effect on an interim basis on
October 1, 2024.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Barton Barnhart, Regional Manager,
Rocky Mountain Region, Western Area Power Administration, 5555 East
Crossroads Boulevard, Loveland, CO 80538-8986, or email:
[email protected], or Sheila Cook, Rates Manager, Rocky Mountain
Region, Western Area Power Administration, (970) 685-9562, or email:
[email protected].
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Western Area Power Administration (WAPA)
published a Federal Register notice (Proposed FRN) on February 7, 2024
(89 FR 8423), proposing to extend the existing formula rates under Rate
Schedules L-NT1, L-FPT1, L-NFPT1, L-NFJDT, L-UU1, L-AS1, L-AS2, L-AS3,
L-AS4, L-AS5, L-AS6, L-AS7, and L-AS9. The Proposed FRN also initiated
a 30-day public consultation and comment period.
Legal Authority
By Delegation Order No. S1-DEL-RATES-2016, effective November 19,
2016, the Secretary of Energy delegated: (1) the authority to develop
power and transmission rates to the WAPA Administrator; (2) the
authority to confirm, approve, and place such rates into effect on an
interim basis to the Deputy Secretary of Energy; and (3) the authority
to confirm, approve, and place into effect on a final basis, or to
remand or disapprove such rates, to the Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission (FERC). By Delegation Order No. S1-DEL-S3-2023, effective
April 10, 2023, the Secretary of Energy also delegated the authority to
confirm, approve, and place such rates into effect on an interim basis
to the Under Secretary for Infrastructure. By Redelegation Order No.
S3-DEL-WAPA1-2023, effective April 10, 2023, the Under Secretary for
Infrastructure further redelegated the authority to confirm, approve,
and place such rates into effect on an interim basis to WAPA's
Administrator. This extension is issued under Redelegation Order No.
S3-DEL-WAPA1-2023 and Department of Energy rate extension procedures
set forth at 10 CFR part 903.\1\
\1\ 50 FR 37835 (Sept. 18, 1985) and 84 FR 5347 (Feb. 21, 2019).
[[Page 47946]]
Following review of RM's proposal, Rate Order No. WAPA-214 is
hereby confirmed, approved, and placed into effect on an interim basis.
This extends, without adjustment, the existing Rate Schedules L-NT1, L-
FPT1, L-NFPT1, L-NFJDT, L-UU1, L-AS1, L-AS2, L-AS3, L-AS4, L-AS5, L-
AS6, L-AS7, and L-AS9 through September 30, 2026. WAPA will submit Rate
Order No. WAPA-214 and the extended rate schedules to FERC for
confirmation and approval on a final basis.
Department of Energy
Administrator, Western Area Power Administration
In the Matter of: Western Area Power Administration, Extension for the
Rocky Mountain Region, Transmission and Ancillary Services, Formula
Rates; Rate Order No. WAPA-214
Order Confirming, Approving, and Placing the Formula Rates for the
Loveland Area Projects, Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing
Authority, and the Colorado River Storage Project Into Effect on an
Interim Basis
The formula rates in Rate Order No. WAPA-214 are established
following section 302 of the Department of Energy (DOE) Organization
Act (42 U.S.C. 7152).\1\
\1\ This Act transferred to, and vested in, the Secretary of
Energy the power marketing functions of the Secretary of the
Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Reclamation
(Reclamation) under the Reclamation Act of 1902 (ch. 1093, 32 Stat.
388), as amended and supplemented by subsequent laws, particularly
section 9(c) of the Reclamation Project Act of 1939 (43 U.S.C.
485h(c)) and section 5 of the Flood Control Act of 1944 (16 U.S.C.
825s); and other acts that specifically apply to the projects
By Delegation Order No. S1-DEL-RATES-2016, effective November 19,
2016, the Secretary of Energy delegated: (1) the authority to develop
power and transmission rates to the Western Area Power Administration
(WAPA) Administrator; (2) the authority to confirm, approve, and place
such rates into effect on an interim basis to the Deputy Secretary of
Energy; and (3) the authority to confirm, approve, and place into
effect on a final basis, or to remand or disapprove such rates, to the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). By Delegation Order No.
S1-DEL-S3-2023, effective April 10, 2023, the Secretary of Energy also
delegated the authority to confirm, approve, and place such rates into
effect on an interim basis to the Under Secretary for Infrastructure.
By Redelegation Order No. S3-DEL-WAPA1-2023, effective April 10, 2023,
the Under Secretary for Infrastructure further redelegated the
authority to confirm, approve, and place such rates into effect on an
interim basis to WAPA's Administrator. This extension is issued under
Redelegation Order No. S3-DEL-WAPA1-2023 and DOE rate extension
procedures set forth at 10 CFR part 903.\2\
\2\ 50 FR 37835 (Sept. 18, 1985) and 84 FR 5347 (Feb. 21, 2019).
On March 9, 2017, FERC approved and confirmed Loveland Area
Projects (LAP) transmission and LAP, Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority (WACM), and Colorado River Storage Project (CRSP)
ancillary services formula rates under Rate Schedules L-NT1 (network),
L-FPT1 (firm point-to-point), L-NFPT1 (non-firm point-to-point), L-UU1
(unreserved use), L-AS1 (scheduling and dispatch), L-AS2 (reactive
supply and voltage control support), L-AS3 (regulation), L-AS4 (energy
imbalance), L-AS5 (spinning reserves), L-AS6 (supplemental reserves),
L-AS7 (transmission losses), and L-AS9 (generator imbalance) under Rate
Order No. WAPA-174 for a 5-year period through September 30, 2021.\3\
\3\ Order Confirming and Approving Rate Schedules on a Final
Basis, FERC Docket Nos. EF16-5-000 and EF16-5-001, 158 FERC ] 62,181
On December 29, 2020, WAPA's Administrator approved rates for
short-term sales for the Rocky Mountain (RM) region to use under the
Western Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS) Market under Rate Schedules L-
NFJDT (joint dispatch transmission), L-AS4, (generator imbalance), L-
AS7 (balancing authority real power losses), and L-AS9 (generator
imbalance). The new short-term Rate Schedules L-AS4, L-AS7, and L-AS9
superseded Rate Schedules L-AS4, L-AS7, and L-AS9 under Rate Order No.
WAPA-174, for the 8-month period of February 1, 2021, through September
30, 2021.
On March 10, 2022, FERC confirmed and approved Rate Order No. WAPA-
196 extending Rate Schedules L-NT1, L-FPT1, L-NFPT1, L-UU1, L-AS1, L-
AS2, L-AS3, L-AS5, and L-AS6 through September 30, 2024, on a final
\4\ Order Confirming and Approving Rate Schedules on a Final
Basis, FERC Docket Nos. EF21-8-000 and EF21-10-000, 178 FERC ]
62,147 (2022).
On March 29, 2022, FERC confirmed and approved Rate Order No. WAPA-
197, putting long-term rates in place for RM to use under the WEIS
Market under Rate Schedules L-NFJDT (joint dispatch transmission), L-
AS4 (energy imbalance), L-AS7 (balancing authority real power losses),
and L-AS9 (generator imbalance) through September 30, 2024, on a final
\5\ Order Confirming and Approving Rate Schedules on a Final
Basis, FERC Docket No. EF21-9-000, 178 FERC ] 62,177 (2022).
Details about the rate schedules and the formula rates are viewable
on RM's website at: The
existing rates continue the formula-based methodology that includes an
annual update to the data in the rate formulas, which provides adequate
revenue to recover annual expenses, including interest expense, and
repay capital investments within allowable time periods. This ensures
repayment within the cost recovery criteria set forth in DOE Order RA
In accordance with 10 CFR 903.23(a), RM filed a notice in the
Federal Register (Proposed FRN) on February 7, 2024, proposing to
extend, without adjustment, Rate Schedules L-NT1, L-FPT1, L-NFPT1, L-
NFJDT, L-UU1, L-AS1, L-AS2, L-AS3, L-AS4, L-AS5, L-AS6, L-AS7, and L-
AS9 under Rate Order No. WAPA-214.\6\ RM determined it was not
necessary to hold public information or public comment forums on the
proposed formula rate extension, but provided a 30-day consultation and
comment period to give the public an opportunity to comment on the
proposed extension. The consultation and comment period ended on March
8, 2024, and RM received one written comment letter.
\6\ 89 FR 8423 (2024).
Written comments were received from the following organization:
Colorado River Energy Distributors Association, Arizona.
The comments expressed have been paraphrased and/or combined, where
appropriate, without compromising the meaning of the comments.
Comment: The commenter supports the proposed formula rate extension
as described in the Proposed FRN. The commenter also requested revising
and removing language referenced in the Proposed FRN which ``may be
interpreted to go beyond the language contained in the Administrator's
September 8, 2023, directive, and refers to potential future actions
that are the subject of separate processes.''
Response: RM appreciates the support for this rate action. RM had
no intention of using language that could be interpreted to go beyond
the Administrator's directive. RM agrees the
[[Page 47947]]
Proposed FRN language refers to specific future events subject to
separate processes and a more general reference to future market
activity could have been used. The intent of including the language in
the Proposed FRN was to provide context for pursuing an extension as
opposed to a major rate action, along with the reasoning for the length
of the extension period.
Ratemaking Procedure Requirements
Environmental Compliance
Categorical exclusion determinations were previously issued for
these rates under the following categorical exclusion listed in
appendix B to subpart D of 10 CFR part 1021: B4.3 (Electric power
marketing rate changes).\7\ Those categorical exclusion determinations
are also applicable to this rate action. Copies of the categorical
exclusion determinations are available on RM's website at: The file titled
``2016-077-Proposed Formula Rate Adjustment for Transmission Ancillary
Services and Sale of Surplus'' is located within the ``2016'' folder,
and the file titled ``2021-088 Rate Change Extension CX-WAPA-197-
03262024'' is located within the ``2024'' folder.
\7\ The determination was done in compliance with the National
Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969, as amended, 42 U.S.C. 4321-
4347, the Council on Environmental Quality Regulations for
implementing NEPA (40 CFR parts 1500-1508); and DOE NEPA
Implementing Procedures and Guidelines (10 CFR part 1021).
Determination Under Executive Order 12866
WAPA has an exemption from centralized regulatory review under
Executive Order 12866; accordingly, no clearance of this notice by the
Office of Management and Budget is required.
Submission to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
The provisional formula rates herein confirmed, approved, and
placed into effect on an interim basis, together with supporting
documents, will be submitted to FERC for confirmation and final
In view of the above and under the authority delegated to me, I
hereby confirm, approve, and place into effect on an interim basis,
Rate Order No. WAPA-214, which extends the existing LAP transmission
and LAP, WACM, and CRSP ancillary services formula rates under Rate
Schedules L-NT1, L-FPT1, L-NFPT1, L-NFJDT, L-UU1, L-AS1, L-AS2, L-AS3,
L-AS4, L-AS5, L-AS6, L-AS7, and L-AS9 through September 30, 2026. The
rates will remain in effect on an interim basis until: (1) FERC
confirms and approves of this extension on a final basis, (2)
subsequent rates are confirmed and approved, or (3) such rates are
Signing Authority
This document of the Department of Energy was signed on May 28,
2024, by Tracey A. LeBeau, Administrator, Western Area Power
Administration, pursuant to delegated authority from the Secretary of
Energy. That document, with the original signature and date, is
maintained by DOE. For administrative purposes only, and in compliance
with requirements of the Office of the Federal Register, the
undersigned DOE Federal Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to
sign and submit the document in electronic format for publication, as
an official document of the Department of Energy. This administrative
process in no way alters the legal effect of this document upon
publication in the Federal Register.
Signed in Washington, DC, on May 30, 2024.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy.
Rate Schedule L-NT1
Attachment H to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L-NT1 dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Network Integration Transmission Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-174)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2016, and extending through September 30, 2021, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-196
through September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order No. WAPA-214 through
September 30, 2026.]
The Transmission Customer will compensate the Loveland Area
Projects Transmission Service Provider (LAPT) each month for Network
Integration Transmission Service under the applicable Network
Integration Transmission Service Agreement and the Annual Transmission
Revenue Requirement described herein.
Formula Rate
[[Page 47948]]
A calculated Annual Transmission Revenue Requirement will go into
effect every October 1 based on updated financial projections and the
true-up of previous projections. The Annual Transmission Revenue
Requirement will be posted on the LAPT Open Access Same-Time
Information System website.
Rate Schedule L-FPT1
Schedule 7 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L-FPT1 dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Long-Term Firm and Short-Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-174)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2016, and extending through September 30, 2021, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-196
through September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order No. WAPA-214 through
September 30, 2026.]
The Transmission Customer shall compensate the Loveland Area
Projects Transmission Service Provider (LAPT) each month for reserved
capacity under the applicable Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service
Agreement and the formula rate described herein.
Formula Rate
A calculated charge will go into effect every October 1 based on
the formula above, updated financial and load projections, and the
true-up of previous projections. The annual charge will be posted on
the LAPT Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS) website.
Three principal requirements apply to discounts for transmission
service as follows: (1) any offer of a discount made by LAPT must be
announced to all eligible customers solely by posting on the LAPT OASIS
website; (2) any customer-initiated requests for discounts, including
requests for use by LAP Marketing, must occur solely by posting on the
LAPT OASIS website; and (3) once a discount is negotiated, details must
be immediately posted on the LAPT OASIS website. For any discount
agreed upon for service on a path, from Point(s) of Receipt to Point(s)
of Delivery, LAPT must offer the same discounted transmission service
rate for the same time period to all eligible customers on all
unconstrained transmission paths that go to the same point(s) of
delivery on the transmission system.
Rate Schedule L-NFPT1
Schedule 8 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L-NFPT1 dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Power Area Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-174)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2016, and extending through September 30, 2021, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-196
through September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order No. WAPA-214 through
September 30, 2026.]
The Transmission Customer will compensate the Loveland Area
Projects Transmission Service Provider (LAPT) for Non-Firm Point-to-
Point Transmission Service under the applicable Non-Firm Point-to-Point
Transmission Service Agreement and the formula rate described herein.
Formula Rate
A calculated charge will go into effect every October 1 based on
the formula above, updated financial and load projections, and the
true-up of previous projections. The annual charge will be posted on
the LAPT Open Access Same-Time Information System (OASIS) website.
Three principal requirements apply to discounts for transmission
service as follows: (1) any offer of a discount made by LAPT must be
announced to all eligible customers solely by posting on the LAPT OASIS
website; (2) any customer-initiated requests for discounts, including
requests for use by
[[Page 47949]]
LAP Marketing, must occur solely by posting on the LAPT OASIS; and (3)
once a discount is negotiated, details must be immediately posted on
the LAPT OASIS. For any discount agreed upon for service on a path,
from Point(s) of Receipt to Point(s) of Delivery, LAPT must offer the
same discounted transmission service charge for the same time period to
all eligible customers on all unconstrained transmission paths that go
to the same point(s) of delivery on the transmission system.
Rate Schedule L-NFJDT
Schedule 8R to OATT Attachment R
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L-NFJDT dated February 1, 2021, through
September 30, 2021)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Joint Dispatch Transmission Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-197)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2021, and extending through September 30, 2024, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-214
through September 30, 2026.]
This rate schedule applies to the Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as
the Transmission Service Provider (TSP) when the Rocky Mountain region
is participating in the Western Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS) Market.
The Joint Dispatch Transmission Service (JDTS) Customer shall
compensate the LAPT TSP for JDTS commensurate with the receipt or
delivery of energy dispatched for the JDTS Customer pursuant to the
WEIS Tariff under the formula rate described herein.
Formula Rate
Hourly delivery:
On-Peak Hours: the on-peak charge $0.00/MWh
Off-Peak Hours: the off-peak charge $0.00/MWh
Rate Schedule L-UU1
Schedule 10 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L-UU1 dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Unreserved Use Penalties
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-174)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2016, and extending through September 30, 2021, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-196
through September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order No. WAPA-214 through
September 30, 2026.]
The Transmission Customer shall compensate the Loveland Area
Projects Transmission Service Provider (LAPT) each month for any
unreserved use of the transmission system (Unreserved Use) under the
applicable transmission service formula rates as described herein.
Unreserved Use occurs when an eligible customer uses transmission
service it has not reserved, or a Transmission Customer uses
transmission service in excess of its reserved capacity. Unreserved Use
may also include a Transmission Customer's failure to curtail
transmission when requested, a Network Integration Transmission Service
(Network) Customer's scheduled delivery of off-system, non-designated
purchases using transmission capacity reserved for designated Network
resources, and a Network Customer's use of Network service or secondary
service to facilitate a wholesale sale that does not serve a Network
Penalty Rate
The penalty charge for a Transmission Customer who engages in
Unreserved Use is 200 percent of the Loveland Area Project's approved
formula rate for Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service assessed as
follows: the Unreserved Use Penalty for a single hour of Unreserved Use
is based upon the charge for daily Firm Point-to-Point Transmission
Service. The Unreserved Use Penalty for more than one assessment for a
given duration (e.g., daily) increases to the next longest duration
(e.g., weekly). The Unreserved Use Penalty for multiple instances of
Unreserved Use (e.g., more than one hour) within a day is based on the
charge for daily Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service. The
Unreserved Use Penalty for multiple instances of Unreserved Use
isolated to one calendar week is based on the charge for weekly Firm
Point-to-Point Transmission Service. The Unreserved Use Penalty for
multiple instances of Unreserved Use during more than one week in a
calendar month is based on the charge for monthly Firm Point-to-Point
Transmission Service.
A Transmission Customer who exceeds their reserved capacity at any
point of receipt or point of delivery, or an eligible customer who uses
transmission service at a point of receipt or point of delivery it has
not reserved, is required to pay for all ancillary services provided by
LAPT and associated with the Unreserved Use. The Transmission Customer
will pay for ancillary services based on the amount of transmission
service it used and did not reserve.
Rate Schedule L-AS1
Schedule 1 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule SP-SD4 and Rate Schedule L-AS1 dated October
1, 2011, through September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Colorado River Storage Project
Loveland Area Projects
Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority
Scheduling, System Control, and Dispatch Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-174)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2016, and extending through September 30, 2021, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-196
through September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order No. WAPA-214 through
September 30, 2026.]
This rate schedule applies to Colorado River Storage Project
Transmission (CRCM) and Loveland Area Projects Transmission (LAPT) as
Transmission Service Providers (TSPs) and to Western Area Colorado
Missouri Balancing
[[Page 47950]]
Authority (WACM) as the Control Area operator. Scheduling, System
Control, and Dispatch Service is required to schedule the movement of
power through, out of, within, or into WACM. This service can be
provided only by the operator of the Control Area in which the
transmission facilities used for transmission service are located.
The CRCM and LAPT TSPs must offer this service, and the federal
Transmission Customers must purchase this service from the CRCM and
LAPT TSPs. WACM provides this service on behalf of all TSPs within WACM
and those TSPs must purchase this service from WACM.
The charge will be applied to all schedules, except those for the
delivery of transmission losses to WACM. WACM will accept any number of
scheduling changes over the course of the day without any additional
charge. Unless other arrangements are made with WACM, the charge will
be allocated equally among all TSPs, both federal and non-federal,
listed on the schedule who are inside WACM. The federal transmission
segments of the schedule are exempt from invoicing, as costs for these
segments are included in the CRCM and LAPT transmission service rates.
Formula Rate
The annual cost of scheduling personnel and related costs includes
annual costs associated with transmission scheduling (i.e., personnel,
facilities, equipment, and software, as well as credits representing
fees for agent services).
The number of schedules per year is the yearly total of daily tags
which result in a schedule, excluding loss schedules.
A calculated charge will go into effect every October 1 based on
the formula above and updated financial and schedule data. The annual
charge will be posted on the CRCM and LAPT Open Access Same-Time
Information System websites.
Rate Schedule L-AS2
Schedule 2 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule SP-RS4 and Rate Schedule L-AS2 dated October
1, 2011, through September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Colorado River Storage Project
Loveland Area Projects
Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority
Reactive Supply and Voltage Control From Generation or Other Sources
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-174)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2016, and extending through September 30, 2021, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs first.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-196
through September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order No. WAPA-214 through
September 30, 2026.]
This rate schedule applies to Colorado River Storage Project (CRCM)
and Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as Transmission Service Providers
(TSPs) and to Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority (WACM)
as the Control Area operator. Reactive Supply and Voltage Control from
Generation or Other Sources Services (VAR Support Service) is required
to maintain transmission voltages on the TSPs' transmission facilities
within acceptable limits, using generation facilities and non-
generation resources capable of providing this service to produce or
absorb reactive power. Thus, VAR Support Service must be provided for
each transaction on the transmission facilities within the Control
Area. The amount of VAR Support Service supplied to the transmission
transactions will be based on the VAR Support Service necessary to
maintain transmission voltages within limits generally accepted in the
region and consistently adhered to by WACM.
The CRCM and LAPT TSPs must offer this service for each transaction
and the federal Transmission Customers must purchase this service from
the CRCM and LAPT TSPs, unless the Transmission Customer has generating
resources capable of providing VARs directly connected to a federal
transmission facility owned and operated by CRCM and/or LAPT and has
executed a contract stipulating all the provisions of their self-
supply. If WACM provides VAR Support Service on behalf of any non-
federal TSP, VAR Support Service will be assessed based on either the
TSP's reserved capacity or the tagged megawatt usage of the TSP's
Transmission Customers.
Formula Rate
[[Page 47951]]
The annual revenue requirement for VAR Support Service equals the
revenue requirement for federal generation times the % of resource
capacity used for VAR Support Service (1 minus power factor) plus other
resources, e.g., energy and transmission costs for condensing federal
generating units minus applicable revenue credits related to WACM
providing service.
The transmission transactions requiring VAR Support Service equals
transmission capacity use of the federal transmission systems;
including point-to-point and network service on LAPT and CRCM
transmission systems.
A calculated charge will go into effect every October 1 based on
the formula above and updated financial and capacity data. The annual
charge will be posted on the CRCM and LAPT Open Access Same-Time
Information System websites.
Rate Schedule L-AS3
Schedule 3 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule SP-FR4 and Rate Schedule L-AS3 dated October
1, 2011, through September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Colorado River Storage Project
Loveland Area Projects
Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority
Regulation and Frequency Response Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-174)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2016, and extending through September 30, 2021, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-196
through September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order No. WAPA-214 through
September 30, 2026.]
This rate schedule applies to Colorado River Storage Project (CRCM)
and Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as Transmission Service Providers
(TSPs) and to Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority (WACM)
as the Control Area operator. Regulation and Frequency Response Service
(Regulation Service) is necessary to provide for the continuous
balancing of resources, generation, and interchange with load and for
maintaining scheduled interconnection frequency at sixty cycles per
second (60 Hz). Regulation Service is accomplished by committing on-
line generation whose output is raised or lowered, predominantly
through the use of automatic generation control (AGC) equipment as
necessary, to follow the moment-by-moment changes in load. All loads
inside the Control Area consume regulation; therefore, WACM, by
default, provides Regulation Service to all loads inside the Control
The CRCM and LAPT TSPs offer this service when transmission service
is used to serve load within WACM, and the federal Transmission
Customers must purchase this service from the CRCM and LAPT TSPs or
make alternative comparable arrangements with WACM to satisfy their
regulation obligations. For the Load Serving Entities (LSEs) who are
not taking transmission service from CRCM and LAPT, WACM will assess
Regulation Service charges for their load and for their variable
resources inside WACM.
The formula rate will be assessed to all applicable federal
Transmission Customers and to all applicable non-federal LSEs serving
load inside WACM.
Formula Rate
The total annual revenue requirement for Regulation Service
includes such costs as LAP and CRSP plant costs, purchases of
regulation products, purchases of power in support of the generating
units' ability to regulate, purchases of transmission for regulating
units trapped geographically inside another balancing authority,
purchases of transmission required to relocate energy due to
regulation/load following issues, and lost on-peak sales opportunities
resulting from the requirement to generate at night to permit units to
have ``down'' regulating capability.
The total load for Regulation Service equals load inside WACM
requiring Regulation Service, plus the installed nameplate capacity of
wind generators serving load inside WACM times the wind capacity
multiplier, plus the installed nameplate capacity of solar generators
serving load inside WACM times the solar capacity multiplier.
A calculated charge will go into effect every October 1 based on
the formula above and updated financial, load, and capacity multiplier
data. The annual charge and multipliers will be posted on
[[Page 47952]]
the CRCM and LAPT Open Access Same-Time Information System websites.
There are two different applications of this formula rate:
1. Load-based Assessment: The charge is assessed on an entity's
auxiliary load (total metered load less applicable federal
entitlements) and on the amount stated in any BA or transmission
service agreements. The charge is also applied to the installed
nameplate capacity of all variable energy resources, including wind and
solar generators, serving load inside WACM multiplied by the applicable
annually calculated Capacity Multiplier.
2. Self-provision Assessment: WACM allows entities with AGC to
self-provide for all or a portion of their loads. Entities with AGC are
known as Sub-Balancing Authorities (SBA) and must meet all of the
following criteria:
a. Have a well-defined boundary, with WACM-approved revenue-quality
metering, accurate as defined by the North American Electric
Reliability Corporation (NERC), to include megawatt (MW) flow data
availability at 6-second or smaller intervals;
b. Have AGC responsive unit(s);
c. Demonstrate Regulation Service capability; and
d. Execute a contract with WACM in which entities agree to:
i. Provide all requested data to WACM.
ii. Meet SBA error criteria as described below.
Self-provision is measured by use of the entity's 1-minute average
Area Control Error (ACE) to determine the amount of self-provision. The
ACE is used to calculate the Regulation Service charges every hour as
a. If the entity's 1-minute average ACE for the hour is less than
or equal to 0.5 percent of its hourly average load, no Regulation
Service charge is assessed for that hour.
b. If the entity's 1-minute average ACE for the hour is greater
than or equal to 1.5 percent of its hourly average load, WACM assesses
Regulation Service charges to the entity's entire auxiliary load, using
the hourly Load-based Assessment applied to the entity's auxiliary 12-
cp load for that month.
c. If the entity's 1-minute average ACE for the hour is greater
than 0.5 percent of its hourly average load, but less than 1.5 percent
of its hourly average load, WACM assesses Regulation Service charges
based on linear interpolation of zero charge and full charge, using the
hourly Load-based Assessment applied to the entity's auxiliary 12-cp
load for that month.
d. WACM monitors the entity's Self-provision on a regular basis. If
WACM determines the entity has not been attempting to self-regulate,
WACM will, upon notification, employ the Load-based Assessment
described in No. 1, above.
Alternative Arrangements
Exporting Variable Resource Requirement: WACM does not provide
Regulation Service to variable resources inside the WACM Control Area
which are not used to serve load inside the WACM Control Area. An
entity that exports the output from a variable generator to another
Control Area will be required to dynamically meter or dynamically
schedule the resource out of the WACM Control Area to another Control
Area unless arrangements, satisfactory to WACM, are made for the entity
to acquire this service from a third party or self-supply (as outlined
below). A variable generator is one whose output is volatile and
variable due to factors beyond direct operational control and,
therefore, is not dispatchable.
Self- or Third-party Supply: WACM may allow an entity to supply
some or all of its required regulation, or contract with a third party
to do so. This entity must have revenue quality metering at every load
and generation point, accurate as defined by NERC, to include MW flow
data availability at 6-second or smaller intervals. WACM will evaluate
the entity's metering, telecommunications and regulating resource, as
well as the required level of regulation, and determine whether the
entity qualifies to self-supply under this provision. If approved, the
entity is required to enter into a separate agreement with WACM which
will specify the terms of the self-supply application.
Customer Accommodation
For entities unwilling to take Regulation Service, self-provide as
described above, or acquire the service from a third party, WACM will
assist the entity in dynamically metering its loads/resources to
another Control Area. Until such time as meter configuration is
accomplished, the entity will be responsible for charges assessed under
the formula rate in effect.
Rate Schedule L-AS4
Schedule 4R to OATT Attachment R
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L-AS4 dated February 1, 2021, through
September 30, 2021)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority
Energy Imbalance Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-197)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2021, and extending through September 30, 2024, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-214
through September 30, 2026.]
This rate schedule applies to the Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority (WACM) as the Balancing Authority Area (BAA)
operator and to Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as the Transmission
Service Provider (TSP) when the Rocky Mountain region (RM) is
participating in the Western Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS) Market and
the WEIS Market is providing such ancillary service.
Within the BAA(s) in the WEIS Market footprint, Energy Imbalance
Service is provided when a difference occurs between the expected and
the actual delivery of energy within such BAA(s) over a Dispatch
All loads in the WEIS Market will be subject to settlement related
to Energy Imbalance Service in the WEIS Market. Southwest Power Pool,
Inc. (SPP), as the WEIS Market administrator, will obtain and provide
this service under the WEIS Market and will calculate and bill
applicable charges and credits.
As a participating balancing authority in the WEIS Market
footprint, WACM is required to register loads and resources for non-
participating entities within the WACM BAA. Such entities must enter
into separate agreements with WACM which will specify the terms of the
Energy Imbalance Service contracted through the WEIS Market.
The LAPT TSP offers this service when the transmission service is
used to serve load within the WACM BAA, and the Transmission Customers
must either purchase this service from the LAPT
[[Page 47953]]
TSP or make alternative arrangements with WACM to satisfy their Energy
Imbalance Service obligations.
Formula Rate
Charges shall reflect the pass-through of all applicable charges/
credits associated with the WEIS Tariff assessed to RM for embedded
load in the WACM BAA of such entity that does not make adequate
alternate arrangements in the WEIS Market to satisfy its Energy
Imbalance Service obligation. RM will also charge an administrative fee
to cover RM's cost of administering this service on behalf of such
The WEIS charges/credits attributed to specific settlement
location(s) (as defined in the WEIS Tariff) will be passed directly
through to the applicable asset owners (as defined in the WEIS Tariff)
at those settlement location(s). Other WEIS charges/credits, i.e., WEIS
Administration costs, will be allocated based on each entity's
proportional share of Net Energy for Load (NEL) (or as otherwise
determined by the WEIS administrator).
RM's Administrative Fee will be allocated to the non-participating
entities using the higher of either RM's calculated minimum fee or the
entity's proportional share of the non-participating entities' NEL.
Rate Schedule L-AS5
Schedule 5 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L-AS5 dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects and Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing
Operating Reserve--Spinning Reserve Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-174)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2016, and extending through September 30, 2021, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-196
through September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order No. WAPA-214 through
September 30, 2026.]
This rate schedule applies to Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as the
Transmission Service Provider (TSP) and to Western Area Colorado
Missouri Balancing Authority (WACM) as the Control Area operator.
Spinning Reserve Service is needed to serve load immediately in the
event of a system contingency. Spinning Reserve Service may be provided
by generating units that are on-line and loaded at less than maximum
The LAPT TSP must offer this service when transmission service is
used to serve load within WACM and the federal Transmission Customers
must purchase this service from the LAPT TSP or make alternative
comparable arrangements with WACM to satisfy their Spinning Reserve
obligations. WACM may be willing to provide Spinning Reserves to other
entities, providing the entities enter into separate agreements with
WACM which will specify the terms of the Spinning Reserve Service.
Formula Rate
The LAPT TSP and WACM have no Spinning Reserves available for sale.
At a customer's request, the Rocky Mountain region will purchase
Spinning Reserves and pass through the cost and any activation energy,
plus a fee for administration. The customer will be responsible for
providing the transmission to deliver the Spinning Reserves purchased.
Rate Schedule L-AS6
Schedule 6 to OATT
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L-AS6 dated October 1, 2011, through
September 30, 2016)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects and Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing
Operating Reserve--Supplemental Reserve Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-174)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2016, and extending through September 30, 2021, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-196
through September 30, 2024, and by Rate Order No. WAPA-214 through
September 30, 2026.]
This rate schedule applies to the Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as
the Transmission Service Provider (TSP) and the Western Area Colorado
Missouri Balancing Authority (WACM) as the Control Area operator.
Supplemental Reserve Service is needed to serve load in the event of a
system contingency; however, it is not available immediately to serve
load but rather within a short period of time. Supplemental Reserve
Service may be provided by generating units that are on-line but
unloaded, by quick-start generation, or by interruptible load.
The LAPT TSP must offer this service when the transmission service
is used to serve load within WACM, and the federal Transmission
Customers must purchase this service from the LAPT TSP or make
alternative comparable arrangements with WACM to satisfy their
Supplemental Reserve obligations. WACM may be willing to provide
Supplemental Reserves to other entities, providing the entities enter
into separate agreements with WACM which will specify the terms of the
Supplemental Reserve Service.
Formula Rate
The LAPT TSP and WACM have no Supplemental Reserves available for
sale. At a customer's request, the Rocky Mountain region will purchase
Supplemental Reserves and pass through the cost and any activation
energy, plus a fee for administration. The customer will be responsible
for providing the transmission to deliver the Supplemental Reserves
Rate Schedule L-AS7
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L-AS7 dated February 1, 2021, through
September 30, 2021)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority
Balancing Authority Real Power Losses Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-197)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2021, and extending through September 30, 2024, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-214
through September 30, 2026.]
[[Page 47954]]
This rate schedule applies to the Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority (WACM) as the Balancing Authority Area (BAA)
operator when the Rocky Mountain region is participating in the Western
Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS) Market. Balancing Authority (BA) Real
Power Losses Service is needed to account for the energy loss of the
transmission systems within the BAA, which the BAA operator must
account for and be compensated where applicable. BA Real Power Losses
are applicable for all real-time and prescheduled transactions on
transmission facilities inside the WACM BAA.
In accordance with WACM's Business Practices, the BA Real Power
Losses obligation falls: (1) to load inside the WACM BAA; (2) to the
last Transmission Service Provider (TSP) inside the WACM BAA listed on
the applicable import, export, or wheeled-through point-to-point
transmission service schedule; or (3) to the TSP which any dynamically
transferred load and generation is connected to. This prevents
duplicate assessment of the real power losses for schedules which
involve more than one TSP inside the WACM BAA.
Formula Rate
WACM's BA Real Power Loss Factor Percentage is posted in WACM's
``Ancillary Services and Losses'' Business Practices which is posted on
the Loveland Area Projects Transmission (LAPT) Open Access Same-Time
Information System website.
Entities with load in the WACM BAA are required to submit balanced
load forecasts and actual meter data with real power losses included.
Financial settlement for applicable point-to-point transactions and
for load and generation which have been dynamically transferred out of
WACM BAA into another BAA, as detailed in WACM's ``Ancillary Services
and Losses'' Business Practices, will be calculated using WACM's then
current BA Real Power Loss Factor Percentage and a charge assessed
based on the WEIS Market's hourly Locational Marginal Price for the LAP
settlement location.
Rate Schedule L-AS9
Schedule 9R to OATT Attachment R
(Supersedes Rate Schedule L-AS9 dated February 1, 2021, through
September 30, 2021)
United States Department of Energy
Western Area Power Administration
Rocky Mountain Region
Loveland Area Projects
Western Area Colorado Missouri Balancing Authority
Generator Imbalance Service
(Approved Under Rate Order No. WAPA-197)
The first day of the first full billing period beginning on or
after October 1, 2021, and extending through September 30, 2024, or
until superseded by another rate schedule, whichever occurs earlier.
[Note: This rate schedule was extended by Rate Order No. WAPA-214
through September 30, 2026.]
This rate schedule applies to the Western Area Colorado Missouri
Balancing Authority (WACM) as the Balancing Authority Area (BAA)
operator and to Loveland Area Projects (LAPT) as the Transmission
Service Provider (TSP) when the Rocky Mountain region (RM) is
participating in the Western Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS) Market and
the WEIS Market is providing such ancillary service.
Within the BAA(s) in the WEIS Market footprint, Generator Imbalance
Service is provided when a difference occurs between the expected and
the actual delivery of energy within such BAA(s) over a Dispatch
Interval. All resources in the WEIS Market will be subject to
settlement related to Generator Imbalance Service in the WEIS Market.
Southwest Power Pool, Inc. (SPP), as the WEIS Market administrator,
will obtain and provide this service under the WEIS Market and will
calculate and bill applicable charges and credits.
As a participating balancing authority in the WEIS Market
footprint, WACM is required to register loads and resources for non-
participating entities within the WACM BAA. Such entities must enter
into separate agreements with WACM which will specify the terms of the
Generator Imbalance Service contracted through the WEIS Market.
The LAPT TSP offers this service, to the extent it is physically
feasible to do so from its resources or from resources available to it,
when Transmission Service is used to deliver energy from a generator
located within the WACM BAA and the Transmission Customers must either
purchase this service from the LAPT TSP or make alternative
arrangements with WACM to satisfy their Generator Imbalance Service
Formula Rate
Charges shall reflect the pass-through of all applicable charges/
credits associated with the WEIS Tariff assessed to RM for embedded
resources in the WACM BAA of such entity that does not make adequate
alternate arrangements in the WEIS Market to satisfy its Generator
Imbalance Service obligation. RM will also charge an administrative fee
to cover RM's cost of administering this service on behalf of such
The WEIS charges/credits attributed to specific settlement
location(s) (as defined in the WEIS Tariff) will be passed directly
through to the applicable asset owners (as defined in the WEIS Tariff)
at the settlement location(s).
RM's Administrative Fee will be allocated using the higher of
either RM's calculated minimum fee or the entity's proportional share
of the non-participating entities' Net Energy for Load.
[FR Doc. 2024-12212 Filed 6-3-24; 8:45 am]