Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection Renewal; Comment Request, 46398-46400 [2024-11718]

Download as PDF 46398 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 104 / Wednesday, May 29, 2024 / Notices copy of this information collection request (ICR) submitted to OMB: (1) go to the web page public/do/PRAMain, (2) look for the section of the web page called ‘‘Currently Under Review,’’ (3) click on the downward-pointing arrow in the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box below the ‘‘Currently Under Review’’ heading, (4) select ‘‘Federal Communications Commission’’ from the list of agencies presented in the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box, (5) click the ‘‘Submit’’ button to the right of the ‘‘Select Agency’’ box, (6) when the list of FCC ICRs currently under review appears, look for the Title of this ICR and then click on the ICR Reference Number. A copy of the FCC submission to OMB will be displayed. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission may not conduct or sponsor a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number. No person shall be subject to any penalty for failing to comply with a collection of information subject to the PRA that does not display a valid OMB control number. As part of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork burdens, as required by the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501–3520), the FCC invited the general public and other Federal Agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the following information collection. Comments are requested concerning: (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the Commission, including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the Commission’s burden estimates; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information collected; and (d) ways to identities (MMSI). The information would be used by search and rescue personnel to identify vessels in distress and to select the proper rescue units and search methods. The requirement to collect this information is contained in international agreements with the U.S. Coast Guard and private sector entities that issue MMSI’s. The information is used by private entities to maintain a database used to provide information about the vessel owner in distress using marine VHF radios with DSC capability. If the data were not collected, the U.S. Coast Guard would not have access to this information which would increase the time and effort needed to complete a search and rescue operation. Federal Communications Commission. Marlene Dortch, Secretary, Office of the Secretary. [FR Doc. 2024–11777 Filed 5–28–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION [FR ID 222500] Deletion of Items From May 23, 2024 Open Meeting May 22, 2024. The following items have been deleted from the list of items scheduled for consideration at the Thursday, May 23, 2024, Open Meeting. Item Nos. 5 and 6 were adopted by the Commission on May 20, 2024. Item No. 2 was adopted and released on May 21, 2024. The items were previously listed in the Commission’s Sunshine Notice on Thursday, May 16, 2024. Item No. Bureau Subject 2 ................................... MEDIA ......................... 5 ................................... ENFORCEMENT ........ 6 ................................... ENFORCEMENT ........ Title: Restricted Adjudicatory Matter. Summary: The Commission will consider a restricted adjudicatory matter from the Media Bureau. Title: Enforcement Bureau Action. Summary: The Commission will consider an enforcement action. Title: Enforcement Bureau Action. Summary: The Commission will consider an enforcement action. Federal Communications Commission. Marlene Dortch, Secretary. lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 minimize the burden of the collection of information on the respondents, including the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. Pursuant to the Small Business Paperwork Relief Act of 2002, Public Law 107–198, see 44 U.S.C. 3506(c)(4), the FCC seeks specific comment on how it might ‘‘further reduce the information collection burden for small business concerns with fewer than 25 employees.’’ OMB Control Number: 3060–0931. Title: Section 80.103, Digital Selective Calling (DSC) Operating Procedures— Maritime Mobile Identity (MMSI). Form Number: N/A. Type of Review: Extension of a currently approved collection. Respondents: Individuals or households; business or other for-profit entities and Federal Government. Number of Respondents and Responses: 40,000 respondents; 40,000 responses. Estimated Time per Response: .25 hours. Frequency of Response: On occasion reporting requirement and third-party disclosure requirement. Obligation to Respond: Required to obtain or retain benefits. Statutory authority for this information collection is in 47 U.S.C. 154, 303, 307(e), 309 and 332 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended. The reporting requirement is contained in international agreements and ITU–R M.541.9. Total Annual Burden: 10,000 hours. Total Annual Cost: No cost. Needs and Uses: The information collected is necessary to require owners of marine VHF radios with Digital Selective Calling (DSC) capability to register information such as the name, address, type of vessel with a private entity issuing marine mobile service [FR Doc. 2024–11781 Filed 5–28–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6712–01–P FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection Renewal; Comment Request Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). ACTION: Notice and request for comment. AGENCY: VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:05 May 28, 2024 Jkt 262001 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 The FDIC, as part of its obligations under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, invites the general public and other Federal agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the request to renew the existing information collections described below (OMB Control No. 3064–0097, –0115, and –0208). The notice of the proposed renewal for these SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\29MYN1.SGM 29MYN1 46399 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 104 / Wednesday, May 29, 2024 / Notices Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20429. • Hand Delivery: Comments may be hand-delivered to the guard station at the rear of the 17th Street NW building (located on F Street NW), on business days between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of this notice to PRAMain. Find this particular information collection by selecting ‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or by using the search function. information collections were previously published in the Federal Register on March 5, 2024 and March 11, 2024, allowing for a 60-day comment period. DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before June 28, 2024. ADDRESSES: Interested parties are invited to submit written comments to the FDIC by any of the following methods: • Agency Website: https:// federal-register-publications/. • Email: Include the name and number of the collection in the subject line of the message. • Mail: Manny Cabeza (202–898– 3767), Regulatory Counsel, MB–3128, FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Manny Cabeza, Regulatory Counsel, 202–898–3767,, MB– 3128, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20429. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Proposal to renew the following currently approved collection of information: 1. Title: Interagency Notice of Change in Director or Executive Officer. OMB Number: 3064–0097. Forms: 6822/02. Affected Public: Insured state nonmember banks and state savings associations. Burden Estimate: SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED ANNUAL BURDEN [OMB No. 3064–0097] Information collection (IC) (obligation to respond) Type of burden (frequency of response) 1. Interagency Notice of Change in Director or Executive Officer, 12 USC 1831i (Mandatory). Reporting (On Occasion). Total Annual Burden (Hours) ........................ ....................................... Number of responses per respondent Number of respondents Time per response (HH:MM) Annual burden (hours) 23 2.7 02:00 124 ........................ ........................ ........................ 124 Source: FDIC. General Description of Collection: Section 32 of the FDIA (12 U.S.C. 1831i) requires an insured depository institution or depository institution holding company under certain circumstances to notify the appropriate federal banking agency of the proposed addition of any individual to the board of directors or the employment of any individual as a senior executive officer of such institution at least 30 days before such addition or employment becomes effective. Section 32 of the FDIA also provides that the FDIC may disapprove an individual’s service as a the individual’s competence, experience, character, and integrity. There is no change in the methodology or substance of this information collection. The reduction in estimated annual burden (from 214 hours in 2021 to 124 hours currently) is due to the decrease in the estimated number of annual responses. 2. Title: Prompt Corrective Action OMB Number: 3064–0115 Affected Public: Insured state nonmember banks and state savings associations. Burden Estimate: director or senior executive officer of certain state nonmember banks or state savings associations if, upon assessing the individual’s competence, experience, character, and integrity, it is determined that the individual’s service would not be in the best interest of the depositors of the institution or the public. The Interagency Notice of Change in Director or Senior Executive Officer, with the information contained in the Interagency Biographical and Financial Report (described above) as an attachment, is used by the FDIC to collect information relevant to assess SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED ANNUAL BURDEN [OMB No. 3064–0115] Information collection (obligation to respond) Type of burden (frequency of response) Prompt Corrective Action, 12 USC 1831o (Voluntary). Total Annual Burden (Hours) ........................ Number of responses per respondent Number of respondents Time per response (HH:MM) Annual burden (hours) Reporting (Annual) ....... 4 4 04:00 64 ....................................... ........................ ........................ ........................ 64 lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Source: FDIC. General Description of Collection: The Prompt Corrective Action (PCA) provisions of section 38 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act requires or permits the FDIC and other federal banking agencies to take certain supervisory actions when FDIC-insured VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:05 May 28, 2024 Jkt 262001 institutions fall within certain capital categories. They also restrict or prohibit certain activities and require the submission of a capital restoration plan when an insured institution becomes undercapitalized. Various provisions of the statute and the FDIC’s implementing PO 00000 Frm 00042 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 regulations require the prior approval of the FDIC before an FDIC-supervised institution, or certain insured depository institutions, can engage in certain activities, or allow the FDIC to make exceptions to restrictions that would otherwise be imposed. This E:\FR\FM\29MYN1.SGM 29MYN1 46400 Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 104 / Wednesday, May 29, 2024 / Notices collection of information consists of the applications that are required to obtain the FDIC’s prior approval to engage in these activities. There is no change in the methodology or substance of this Master Netting Agreement and Related Definitions OMB Number: 3064–0208 Forms: None Affected Public: Private Sector Burden Estimate: information collection. The estimated burden remains unchanged from 2021. 3. Title: Restrictions on Qualified Financial Contracts of Subsidiaries of certain FDIC Supervised Institutions; Revisions to the Definition of Qualifying SUMMARY OF ESTIMATED ANNUAL BURDEN [OMB No. 3064–0208] Information collection (obligation to respond) Type of burden (frequency of response) Restrictions on Qualified Financial Contracts of Subsidiaries of Certain FDIC-Supervised Institutions and Applicable Subsidiaries; Revisions to the Definition of Qualifying Master Netting Agreement and Related Definitions, 12 CFR 382 (Voluntary). Reporting (On Occasion). lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1 Total Annual Burden (Hours) ........................ General Description of Collection: Part 382 of the FDIC regulations (part 382) is necessary to give effect to such crossdefault restrictions in the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. (ISDA) 2015 Universal Resolution Stay Protocol (ISDA Protocol). Part 382 requires that FDIC-supervised institutions that are subsidiaries of global systemically important banks (GSIBs) and their counterparties either adhere to the ISDA Protocol or take the prescribed steps to amend the contractual provisions of their Qualified Financial Contracts (QFCs), consistent with the requirements in the rule, within a specified period of time. If such institutions elect to amend their QFCs in lieu of adhering to the ISDA Protocol, they must seek the FDIC’s approval of the proposed amendments, giving rise to this information collection. The information collection is necessary to ensure QFCs are amended in compliance with part 382. The rule applies to FDIC-supervised institutions that are subsidiaries of GSIBs and sets forth requirements parallel to those contained in similar rules recently published by the Federal Reserve Board and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency with regard to entities they supervise to ensure consistent regulatory treatment of QFCs among the various entities within a GSIB group. There is no change in the methodology or substance of this information collection. The total estimated annual burden for this information collection is 10 hours, which is a decrease of 10 hours from the 2021 information collection submission (20 hours). This decrease is a result of a reduction in the estimated annual number of respondents because of the VerDate Sep<11>2014 18:05 May 28, 2024 Jkt 262001 ....................................... Number of responses per respondent Number of respondents 1 10:00 10 ........................ ........................ ........................ 10 Request for Comment Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the collection of information is necessary for the proper performance of the FDIC’s functions, including whether the information has practical utility; (b) the accuracy of the estimates of the burden of the information collection, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of information technology. All comments will become a matter of public record. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Dated at Washington, DC, on May 23, 2024. James P. Sheesley, Assistant Executive Secretary. [FR Doc. 2024–11718 Filed 5–28–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6714–01–P FEDERAL FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS EXAMINATION COUNCIL Appraisal Subcommittee Notice of Meeting Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council. ACTION: Notice of special closed meeting. AGENCY: Description: In accordance with section 1104(b) of title XI of the Fmt 4703 Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, as amended, notice is hereby given that the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) met for a Special Closed Meeting on this date. Location: Virtual meeting via Webex. Date: May 22, 2024. Time: 11:10 a.m. ET. Action and Discussion Item Personnel Matter The ASC convened a Special Closed Meeting to discuss a personnel matter pursuant to section 1104(b) of title XI (12 U.S.C. 3333(b)). No action was taken by the ASC. James R. Park, Executive Director. [FR Doc. 2024–11762 Filed 5–28–24; 8:45 am] BILLING CODE 6700–01–P DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Notice of Award of a Single Source Cooperative Agreement To Fund Universidad del Valle de Guatemala Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). ACTION: Notice. AGENCY: [Docket No. AS24–12] Frm 00043 Annual burden (hours) 1 automation and standardization of business processes. PO 00000 Time per response (HH:MM) Sfmt 4703 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), located within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), announces the award of approximately $5,000,000 with an expected total funding of approximately $25,000,000 over a 5-year period, to the Universidad del Valle de SUMMARY: E:\FR\FM\29MYN1.SGM 29MYN1


[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 104 (Wednesday, May 29, 2024)]
[Pages 46398-46400]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-11718]



Agency Information Collection Activities: Proposed Collection 
Renewal; Comment Request

AGENCY: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC).

ACTION: Notice and request for comment.


SUMMARY: The FDIC, as part of its obligations under the Paperwork 
Reduction Act of 1995, invites the general public and other Federal 
agencies to take this opportunity to comment on the request to renew 
the existing information collections described below (OMB Control No. 
3064-0097, -0115, and -0208). The notice of the proposed renewal for 

[[Page 46399]]

information collections were previously published in the Federal 
Register on March 5, 2024 and March 11, 2024, allowing for a 60-day 
comment period.

DATES: Comments must be submitted on or before June 28, 2024.

ADDRESSES: Interested parties are invited to submit written comments to 
the FDIC by any of the following methods:
     Agency Website:
     Email: [email protected]. Include the name and number of 
the collection in the subject line of the message.
     Mail: Manny Cabeza (202-898-3767), Regulatory Counsel, MB-
3128, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 550 17th Street NW, 
Washington, DC 20429.
     Hand Delivery: Comments may be hand-delivered to the guard 
station at the rear of the 17th Street NW building (located on F Street 
NW), on business days between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
    Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information 
collection should be sent within 30 days of publication of this notice 
to Find this particular information 
collection by selecting ``Currently under 30-day Review--Open for 
Public Comments'' or by using the search function.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Manny Cabeza, Regulatory Counsel, 202-
898-3767, [email protected], MB-3128, Federal Deposit Insurance 
Corporation, 550 17th Street NW, Washington, DC 20429.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Proposal to renew the following currently 
approved collection of information:
    1. Title: Interagency Notice of Change in Director or Executive 
    OMB Number: 3064-0097.
    Forms: 6822/02.
    Affected Public: Insured state nonmember banks and state savings 
    Burden Estimate:

                                       Summary of Estimated Annual Burden
                                               [OMB No. 3064-0097]
                                 Type of burden                      Number of       Time per
  Information collection (IC)     (frequency of      Number of     responses per     response      Annual burden
    (obligation to respond)         response)       respondents     respondent        (HH:MM)         (hours)
1. Interagency Notice of        Reporting (On                 23             2.7           02:00             124
 Change in Director or           Occasion).
 Executive Officer, 12 USC
 1831i (Mandatory).
    Total Annual Burden         ................  ..............  ..............  ..............             124
Source: FDIC.

    General Description of Collection: Section 32 of the FDIA (12 
U.S.C. 1831i) requires an insured depository institution or depository 
institution holding company under certain circumstances to notify the 
appropriate federal banking agency of the proposed addition of any 
individual to the board of directors or the employment of any 
individual as a senior executive officer of such institution at least 
30 days before such addition or employment becomes effective. Section 
32 of the FDIA also provides that the FDIC may disapprove an 
individual's service as a director or senior executive officer of 
certain state nonmember banks or state savings associations if, upon 
assessing the individual's competence, experience, character, and 
integrity, it is determined that the individual's service would not be 
in the best interest of the depositors of the institution or the 
public. The Interagency Notice of Change in Director or Senior 
Executive Officer, with the information contained in the Interagency 
Biographical and Financial Report (described above) as an attachment, 
is used by the FDIC to collect information relevant to assess the 
individual's competence, experience, character, and integrity. There is 
no change in the methodology or substance of this information 
collection. The reduction in estimated annual burden (from 214 hours in 
2021 to 124 hours currently) is due to the decrease in the estimated 
number of annual responses.
    2. Title: Prompt Corrective Action
    OMB Number: 3064-0115
    Affected Public: Insured state nonmember banks and state savings 
    Burden Estimate:

                                       Summary of Estimated Annual Burden
                                               [OMB No. 3064-0115]
                                 Type of burden                      Number of       Time per
    Information collection        (frequency of      Number of     responses per     response      Annual burden
    (obligation to respond)         response)       respondents     respondent        (HH:MM)         (hours)
Prompt Corrective Action, 12    Reporting                      4               4           04:00              64
 USC 1831o (Voluntary).          (Annual).
    Total Annual Burden         ................  ..............  ..............  ..............              64
Source: FDIC.

    General Description of Collection: The Prompt Corrective Action 
(PCA) provisions of section 38 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act 
requires or permits the FDIC and other federal banking agencies to take 
certain supervisory actions when FDIC-insured institutions fall within 
certain capital categories. They also restrict or prohibit certain 
activities and require the submission of a capital restoration plan 
when an insured institution becomes undercapitalized. Various 
provisions of the statute and the FDIC's implementing regulations 
require the prior approval of the FDIC before an FDIC-supervised 
institution, or certain insured depository institutions, can engage in 
certain activities, or allow the FDIC to make exceptions to 
restrictions that would otherwise be imposed. This

[[Page 46400]]

collection of information consists of the applications that are 
required to obtain the FDIC's prior approval to engage in these 
activities. There is no change in the methodology or substance of this 
information collection. The estimated burden remains unchanged from 
    3. Title: Restrictions on Qualified Financial Contracts of 
Subsidiaries of certain FDIC Supervised Institutions; Revisions to the 
Definition of Qualifying Master Netting Agreement and Related 
    OMB Number: 3064-0208
    Forms: None
    Affected Public: Private Sector
    Burden Estimate:

                                       Summary of Estimated Annual Burden
                                               [OMB No. 3064-0208]
                                 Type of burden                      Number of       Time per
    Information collection        (frequency of      Number of     responses per     response      Annual burden
    (obligation to respond)         response)       respondents     respondent        (HH:MM)         (hours)
Restrictions on Qualified       Reporting (On                  1               1           10:00              10
 Financial Contracts of          Occasion).
 Subsidiaries of Certain FDIC-
 Supervised Institutions and
 Applicable Subsidiaries;
 Revisions to the Definition
 of Qualifying Master Netting
 Agreement and Related
 Definitions, 12 CFR 382
    Total Annual Burden         ................  ..............  ..............  ..............              10

    General Description of Collection: Part 382 of the FDIC regulations 
(part 382) is necessary to give effect to such cross-default 
restrictions in the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, 
Inc. (ISDA) 2015 Universal Resolution Stay Protocol (ISDA Protocol). 
Part 382 requires that FDIC-supervised institutions that are 
subsidiaries of global systemically important banks (GSIBs) and their 
counterparties either adhere to the ISDA Protocol or take the 
prescribed steps to amend the contractual provisions of their Qualified 
Financial Contracts (QFCs), consistent with the requirements in the 
rule, within a specified period of time. If such institutions elect to 
amend their QFCs in lieu of adhering to the ISDA Protocol, they must 
seek the FDIC's approval of the proposed amendments, giving rise to 
this information collection. The information collection is necessary to 
ensure QFCs are amended in compliance with part 382. The rule applies 
to FDIC-supervised institutions that are subsidiaries of GSIBs and sets 
forth requirements parallel to those contained in similar rules 
recently published by the Federal Reserve Board and the Office of the 
Comptroller of the Currency with regard to entities they supervise to 
ensure consistent regulatory treatment of QFCs among the various 
entities within a GSIB group.
    There is no change in the methodology or substance of this 
information collection. The total estimated annual burden for this 
information collection is 10 hours, which is a decrease of 10 hours 
from the 2021 information collection submission (20 hours). This 
decrease is a result of a reduction in the estimated annual number of 
respondents because of the automation and standardization of business 

Request for Comment

    Comments are invited on: (a) Whether the collection of information 
is necessary for the proper performance of the FDIC's functions, 
including whether the information has practical utility; (b) the 
accuracy of the estimates of the burden of the information collection, 
including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used; (c) 
ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to 
be collected; and (d) ways to minimize the burden of the collection of 
information on respondents, including through the use of automated 
collection techniques or other forms of information technology. All 
comments will become a matter of public record.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
    Dated at Washington, DC, on May 23, 2024.
James P. Sheesley,
Assistant Executive Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024-11718 Filed 5-28-24; 8:45 am]

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