Agency Information Collection Extension, 46103-46104 [2024-11630]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 103 / Tuesday, May 28, 2024 / Notices
Federal awards—that is, the risk posed
by you as an applicant—before we make
an award. In doing so, we must consider
any information about you that is in the
integrity and performance system
(currently referred to as the Federal
Awardee Performance and Integrity
Information System (FAPIIS)),
accessible through the System for
Award Management. You may review
and comment on any information about
yourself that a Federal agency
previously entered and that is currently
Please note that, if the total value of
your currently active grants, cooperative
agreements, and procurement contracts
from the Federal Government exceeds
$10,000,000, the reporting requirements
in 2 CFR part 200, Appendix XII,
require you to report certain integrity
information to FAPIIS semiannually.
Please review the requirements in 2 CFR
part 200, Appendix XII, if this grant
plus all the other Federal funds you
receive exceed $10,000,000.
5. In General: In accordance with the
Office of Management and Budget’s
guidance located at 2 CFR part 200, all
applicable Federal laws, and relevant
Executive guidance, the Department
will review and consider applications
for funding pursuant to this notice
inviting applications in accordance
(a) Selecting recipients most likely to
be successful in delivering results based
on the program objectives through an
objective process of evaluating Federal
award applications (2 CFR 200.205);
(b) Prohibiting the purchase of certain
telecommunication and video
surveillance services or equipment in
alignment with section 889 of the
National Defense Authorization Act of
2019 (Pub. L. 115–232) (2 CFR 200.216);
(c) Providing a preference, to the
extent permitted by law, to maximize
use of goods, products, and materials
produced in the United States (2 CFR
200.322); and
(d) Terminating agreements in whole
or in part to the greatest extent
authorized by law if an award no longer
effectuates the program goals or agency
priorities (2 CFR 200.340).
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VI. Award Administration Information
1. Award Notices: If your application
is successful, we notify your U.S.
Representative and U.S. Senators and
send you a Grant Award Notification
(GAN); or we may send you an email
containing a link to access an electronic
version of your GAN. We may notify
you informally, also.
If your application is not evaluated or
not selected for funding, we notify you.
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2. Administrative and National Policy
Requirements: We identify
administrative and national policy
requirements in the application package
and reference these and other
requirements in the Applicable
Regulations section of this notice.
We reference the regulations outlining
the terms and conditions of an award in
the Applicable Regulations section of
this notice and include these and other
specific conditions in the GAN. The
GAN also incorporates your approved
application as part of your binding
commitments under the grant.
3. Open Licensing Requirements:
Unless an exception applies, if you are
awarded a grant under this competition,
you will be required to openly license
to the public grant deliverables created
in whole, or in part, with Department
grant funds. When the deliverable
consists of modifications to pre-existing
works, the license extends only to those
modifications that can be separately
identified and only to the extent that
open licensing is permitted under the
terms of any licenses or other legal
restrictions on the use of pre-existing
works. Additionally, a grantee that is
awarded competitive grant funds must
have a plan to disseminate these public
grant deliverables. This dissemination
plan can be developed and submitted
after your application has been
reviewed and selected for funding. For
additional information on the open
licensing requirements please refer to 2
CFR 3474.20.
4. Reporting: (a) If you apply for a
grant under this competition, you must
ensure that you have in place the
necessary processes and systems to
comply with the reporting requirements
in 2 CFR part 170 should you receive
funding under the competition. This
does not apply if you have an exception
under 2 CFR 170.110(b).
(b) At the end of your project period,
you must submit a final performance
report, including financial information,
as directed by the Secretary. If you
receive a multiyear award, you must
submit an annual performance report
that provides the most current
performance and financial expenditure
information as directed by the Secretary
under 34 CFR 75.118. The Secretary
may also require more frequent
performance reports under 34 CFR
75.720(c). For specific requirements on
reporting, please go to
5. Performance Measures: Under 34
CFR 75.110, the Secretary has
established the following performance
measures for the CEVSS Program: (1)
The extent to which the project is
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institutionalized at the end of the
project period; and (2) The extent to
which funded projects increase
enrollment, persistence, and completion
rates of veteran students at their
These measures constitute the
Department’s indicators of success for
this program. Consequently, we advise
an applicant for a grant under this
program to give careful consideration to
these measures in conceptualizing the
approach and evaluation for its
proposed project.
If funded, you will be required to
collect and report data in your project’s
annual performance report (34 CFR
VII. Other Information
Accessible Format: On request to the
program contact person listed under FOR
individuals with disabilities can obtain
this document and a copy of the
application package in an accessible
format. The Department will provide the
requestor with an accessible format that
may include Rich Text Format (RTF) or
text format (txt), a thumb drive, an MP3
file, braille, large print, audiotape, or
compact disc, or other accessible format.
Electronic Access to This Document:
The official version of this document is
the document published in the Federal
Register. You may access the official
edition of the Federal Register and the
Code of Federal Regulations at At this site you can
view this document, as well as all other
documents of this Department
published in the Federal Register, in
text or Portable Document Format
(PDF). To use PDF you must have
Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is
available free at the site.
You may also access documents of the
Department published in the Federal
Register by using the article search
feature at
Specifically, through the advanced
search feature at this site, you can limit
your search to documents published by
the Department.
Nasser H. Paydar,
Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary
[FR Doc. 2024–11658 Filed 5–24–24; 8:45 am]
Agency Information Collection
U.S. Department of Energy.
Notice of request for comments.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 103 / Tuesday, May 28, 2024 / Notices
The Department of Energy
(DOE), pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, intends to
extend for three years, an information
collection request with the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB).
DATES: Comments regarding this
proposed information collection must
be received on or before July 29, 2024.
If you anticipate any difficulty in
submitting comments within that
period, contact the person listed in the
section as soon as possible.
Written comments may be
sent to Vanessa Grisko by email at
Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection
instrument and instructions should be
directed to Vanessa Grisko by email at, (240) 388–
PRA of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–13; 44 U.S.C.
3501–3521), Federal agencies must
obtain approval from OMB for each
collection of information they conduct
or sponsor. This request for comment is
being made pursuant to section
3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA. With respect
to the following collection of
information, DOE invites comments on:
(a) Whether the extended collection of
information is necessary for the proper
performance of the functions of the
agency, including whether the
information shall have practical utility;
(b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate
of the burden of the proposed collection
of information, including the validity of
the methodology and assumptions used;
(c) ways to enhance the quality, utility,
and clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden of the collection of information
on respondents, including through the
use of automated collection techniques
or other forms of information
This information collection request
(1) OMB No.: 1910–5179;
(2) Information Collection Request
Titled: United States Energy and
Employment Report Survey;
(3) Type of Review: Revision of
currently approved information
(4) Purpose: The rapidly changing
nature of energy production,
distribution, and consumption
throughout the United States economy
is having a dramatic impact on job
creation and economic competitiveness,
but is inadequately understood and, in
some sectors, incompletely measured by
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traditional labor market sources. The
U.S. Energy and Employment Report
Survey will collect data from businesses
in in-scope industries, quantifying and
qualifying employment among energy
activities, workforce demographics,
wages, benefits, workforce needs, and
the industry’s perception on the
difficulty of recruiting qualified
workers. The data will be used to
generate the annual U.S. Energy and
Employment Report
(5) Annual Estimated Number of
Respondents: 42,000;
(6) Annual Estimated Number of
Total Responses: 42,000
(7) Annual Estimated Number of
Burden Hours: 4,154.22;
(8) Annual Estimated Reporting and
Recordkeeping Cost Burden:
Statutory Authority: Sec. 301 of the
Department of Energy Organization Act
(42 U.S.C. 7151); sec. 5 of the Federal
Energy Administration Act of 1974 (15
U.S.C. 764); and sec. 103 of the Energy
Reorganization Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C.
Signing Authority
This document of the Department of
Energy was signed on May 22, 2024, by
Vanessa Grisko, Chief of Staff in the
Office of Energy Jobs, pursuant to
delegated authority from the Secretary
of Energy. That document with the
original signature and date is
maintained by DOE. For administrative
purposes only, and in compliance with
requirements of the Office of the Federal
Register, the undersigned DOE Federal
Register Liaison Officer has been
authorized to sign and submit the
document in electronic format for
publication, as an official document of
the Department of Energy. This
administrative process in no way alters
the legal effect of this document upon
publication in the Federal Register.
Signed in Washington, DC on May 22,
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S.
Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2024–11630 Filed 5–24–24; 8:45 am]
Energy Information Administration
Agency Information Collection
U.S. Energy Information
Administration (EIA), U.S. Department
of Energy (DOE).
ACTION: Notice and request for OMB
review and comment.
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EIA invites public comment
on the reinstatement with changes to the
Residential Energy Consumption Survey
(RECS) Forms EIA 457–A, D, E, F, and
G under OMB Control Number 1905–
0092, as required under the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995. RECS collects
data on energy characteristics,
consumption, and expenditures for the
residential sector of the United States
and is comprised of five forms
including: Form EIA 457–A Household
Survey, Form EIA 457–D Energy
Supplier Survey: Household Propane
Usage, Form EIA 457–E Energy Supplier
Survey: Household Electricity Usage,
Form EIA 457–F, Energy Supplier
Survey: Household Natural Gas Usage,
Form EIA 457–G Energy Supplier
Survey: Household Fuel Oil or Kerosene
Usage. These forms will be used to
collect information in calendar years
2024 and 2025 and will be used to
produce household energy usage
estimates for the reference year 2024.
DATES: EIA must receive all comments
on this proposed information collection
no later than June 27, 2024. If you
anticipate that you will be submitting
comments but find it difficult to do so
within the period allowed by this
notice, please advise the OMB Desk
Officer of your intention to make a
submission as soon as possible. The
Desk Officer may be telephoned at (202)
ADDRESSES: Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
PRAMain. Find this particular
information collection by selecting
‘‘Currently under 30-day Review—Open
for Public Comments’’ or by using the
search function.
Chip Berry, U.S. Energy Information
Administration, by telephone at (202)
586–5543, or by email at chip.berry@ The proposed forms and
instructions are available on EIA’s
website at
information collection request contains:
(1) OMB No.: 1905–0092;
(2) Information Collection Request
Title: Residential Energy Consumption
(3) Type of Request: Reinstatement
with changes;
(4) Purpose: The RECS is a
nationwide study of energy use in
housing units and includes a series of
data collections from households and
household energy suppliers. RECS
results include official statistics about
the energy characteristics, consumption,
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 103 (Tuesday, May 28, 2024)]
[Pages 46103-46104]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-11630]
Agency Information Collection Extension
AGENCY: U.S. Department of Energy.
ACTION: Notice of request for comments.
[[Page 46104]]
SUMMARY: The Department of Energy (DOE), pursuant to the Paperwork
Reduction Act of 1995, intends to extend for three years, an
information collection request with the Office of Management and Budget
DATES: Comments regarding this proposed information collection must be
received on or before July 29, 2024. If you anticipate any difficulty
in submitting comments within that period, contact the person listed in
the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section as soon as possible.
ADDRESSES: Written comments may be sent to Vanessa Grisko by email at
[email protected].
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Requests for additional information or
copies of the information collection instrument and instructions should
be directed to Vanessa Grisko by email at [email protected],
(240) 388-5944.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the PRA of 1995 (Pub. L. 104-13; 44
U.S.C. 3501-3521), Federal agencies must obtain approval from OMB for
each collection of information they conduct or sponsor. This request
for comment is being made pursuant to section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA.
With respect to the following collection of information, DOE invites
comments on: (a) Whether the extended collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency,
including whether the information shall have practical utility; (b) the
accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information, including the validity of the methodology
and assumptions used; (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be collected; and (d) ways to minimize
the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including
through the use of automated collection techniques or other forms of
information technology.
This information collection request contains:
(1) OMB No.: 1910-5179;
(2) Information Collection Request Titled: United States Energy and
Employment Report Survey;
(3) Type of Review: Revision of currently approved information
(4) Purpose: The rapidly changing nature of energy production,
distribution, and consumption throughout the United States economy is
having a dramatic impact on job creation and economic competitiveness,
but is inadequately understood and, in some sectors, incompletely
measured by traditional labor market sources. The U.S. Energy and
Employment Report Survey will collect data from businesses in in-scope
industries, quantifying and qualifying employment among energy
activities, workforce demographics, wages, benefits, workforce needs,
and the industry's perception on the difficulty of recruiting qualified
workers. The data will be used to generate the annual U.S. Energy and
Employment Report
(5) Annual Estimated Number of Respondents: 42,000;
(6) Annual Estimated Number of Total Responses: 42,000
(7) Annual Estimated Number of Burden Hours: 4,154.22;
(8) Annual Estimated Reporting and Recordkeeping Cost Burden:
Statutory Authority: Sec. 301 of the Department of Energy
Organization Act (42 U.S.C. 7151); sec. 5 of the Federal Energy
Administration Act of 1974 (15 U.S.C. 764); and sec. 103 of the Energy
Reorganization Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5813).
Signing Authority
This document of the Department of Energy was signed on May 22,
2024, by Vanessa Grisko, Chief of Staff in the Office of Energy Jobs,
pursuant to delegated authority from the Secretary of Energy. That
document with the original signature and date is maintained by DOE. For
administrative purposes only, and in compliance with requirements of
the Office of the Federal Register, the undersigned DOE Federal
Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to sign and submit the
document in electronic format for publication, as an official document
of the Department of Energy. This administrative process in no way
alters the legal effect of this document upon publication in the
Federal Register.
Signed in Washington, DC on May 22, 2024.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2024-11630 Filed 5-24-24; 8:45 am]