National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures; Correction, 41300-41301 [2024-10415]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 93 / Monday, May 13, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Tribe(s) or on either the relationship or
the distribution of powers and
responsibilities between the Federal
Government and Indian Tribes. Thus,
this final rule is not subject to the
requirements of Executive Order 13175.
If Tribal leaders are interested in
consulting with RUS on this final rule,
they are encouraged to contact USDA’s
Office of Tribal Relations or RD’s Native
American Coordinator at: AIAN@ to request such a consultation.
Assistance Listing Number (Formally
Known as the Catalog of Federal
Domestic Assistance)
The Assistance Listing Number
assigned to the program affected by this
final rule is 10.751—Rural Energy
Savings Program.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with RULES1
Civil Rights Impact Analysis
RD has reviewed this final rule in
accordance with USDA Regulation
4300–4, Civil Rights Impact Analysis, to
identify any major civil rights impacts
the rule might have on program
participants on the basis of age, race,
color, national origin, sex, disability,
marital or familial status. Based on the
review and analysis of the rule and all
available data, issuance of this final rule
is not likely to negatively impact low
and moderate-income populations,
minority populations, women, Indian
Tribes or persons with disability, by
virtue of their age, race, color, national
origin, sex, disability, or marital or
familial status. No major civil rights
impact is likely to result from this final
USDA Non-Discrimination Statement
In accordance with Federal civil
rights laws and USDA civil rights
regulations and policies, the USDA, its
Mission Areas, agencies, staff offices,
employees, and institutions
participating in or administering USDA
programs are prohibited from
discriminating based on race, color,
national origin, religion, sex, gender
identity (including gender expression),
sexual orientation, disability, age,
marital status, family/parental status,
income derived from a public assistance
program, political beliefs, or reprisal or
retaliation for prior civil rights activity,
in any program or activity conducted or
funded by USDA (not all bases apply to
all programs). Remedies and complaint
filing deadlines vary by program or
Program information may be made
available in languages other than
English. Persons with disabilities who
require alternative means of
communication to obtain program
information (e.g., Braille, large print,
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audiotape, American Sign Language)
should contact the responsible Mission
Area, agency, or staff office; or the 711
Relay Service.
To file a program discrimination
complaint, a complainant should
complete a Form AD–3027, USDA
Program Discrimination Complaint
Form, which can be obtained online at
documents/ad-3027.pdf, from any
USDA office, by calling (866) 632–9992,
or by writing a letter addressed to
USDA. The letter must contain the
complainant’s name, address, telephone
number, and a written description of the
alleged discriminatory action in
sufficient detail to inform the Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about
the nature and date of an alleged civil
rights violation. The completed AD–
3027 form or letter must be submitted to
USDA by:
(1) Mail: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400
Independence Avenue SW, Washington,
DC 20250–9410; or
(2) Fax: (833) 256–1665 or (202) 690–
7442; or
(3) Email:
List of Subjects in 7 CFR Part 1719
Electric power, Grant programsenergy, Loan programs-energy,
Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Rural areas.
Accordingly, for the reasons set forth
in the preamble, the Rural Utilities
Service amends 7 CFR part 1719 as
subsequently amended or required for
Federal funding.
Andrew Berke,
Administrator, Rural Utilities Service, Rural
Development, USDA.
[FR Doc. 2024–10402 Filed 5–10–24; 8:45 am]
10 CFR Part 1021
RIN 1990–AA48
National Environmental Policy Act
Implementing Procedures; Correction
Office of the General Counsel,
Department of Energy.
ACTION: Final rule; correction.
The U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE or the Department) is
correcting a final rule that was
published in the Federal Register on
April 30, 2024. The final rule revised
National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) implementing procedures
(regulations). This document corrects an
error in that final rule.
DATES: Effective May 30, 2024.
information regarding DOE’s NEPA
regulations, contact Ms. Carrie
Abravanel, Deputy Director, Office of
NEPA Policy and Compliance, at or 202–
I. Background
§ 1719.5 Application process and required
DOE published a final rule in the
Federal Register on April 30, 2024,
revising NEPA implementing
procedures to add a categorical
exclusion for certain energy storage
systems and revise categorical
exclusions for upgrading and rebuilding
powerlines and for solar photovoltaic
systems, as well as to make conforming
changes to related sections of DOE’s
NEPA regulations. 89 FR 34074. These
changes will help ensure that DOE
conducts an appropriate and efficient
environmental review of proposed
projects that normally do not result in
significant environmental impacts.
II. Correction
1. The authority citation for part 1719
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 7 U.S.C. 8107a.
Subpart B—Application, Submission
and Administration of RESP Loans
2. Amend § 1719.5 by revising
paragraph (b)(2)(ii) to read as follows:
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) The Applicant’s tax identification
number, Unique Entity Identifier, and
such similar information as it may be
PO 00000
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In FR Doc. 2024–09186 appearing on
pg. 34093 in the Federal Register of
Tuesday, April 30, 2024, the following
correction is made:
On pg. 34093 in the first column,
correct paragraph M, Congressional
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 93 / Monday, May 13, 2024 / Rules and Regulations
Notification, to read: ‘‘As required by 5
U.S.C. 801, DOE will report to Congress
on the promulgation of this rule prior to
its effective date. The report will state
that the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs has determined that
the rule does not meet the criteria set
forth in 5 U.S.C. 804(2).’’
Signing Authority
This document of the Department of
Energy was signed on May 8, 2024, by
Samuel T. Walsh, General Counsel,
pursuant to delegated authority from the
Secretary of Energy. That document
with the original signature and date is
maintained by DOE. For administrative
purposes only, and in compliance with
requirements of the Office of the Federal
Register, the undersigned DOE Federal
Register Liaison Officer has been
authorized to sign and submit the
document in electronic format for
publication, as an official document of
the Department of Energy. This
administrative process in no way alters
the legal effect of this document upon
publication in the Federal Register.
Signed in Washington, DC, on May 8, 2024.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S.
Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2024–10415 Filed 5–10–24; 8:45 am]
Federal Aviation Administration
14 CFR Part 39
[Docket No. FAA–2023–2397; Project
Identifier MCAI–2023–00601–T; Amendment
39–22730; AD 2024–07–09]
RIN 2120–AA64
Airworthiness Directives; Bombardier,
Inc., Airplanes
Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA), DOT.
ACTION: Final rule.
The FAA is adopting a new
airworthiness directive (AD) for certain
Bombardier, Inc., Model BD–700–1A10
and BD–700–1A11 airplanes. This AD
was prompted by the discovery that
existing maintenance tasks do not detect
the potential failure of the passenger
door detent mechanism because there is
no procedure for inspecting the
passenger door locking mechanism.
This AD requires revising the
maintenance or inspection program, as
applicable, to require use of a certain
aircraft maintenance manual (AMM)
task during accomplishment of a
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specified maintenance check. The FAA
is issuing this AD to address the unsafe
condition on these products.
DATES: This AD is effective June 17,
The Director of the Federal Register
approved the incorporation by reference
of certain publications listed in this AD
as of June 17, 2024.
AD Docket: You may examine the AD
docket at under Docket
No. FAA–2023–2397; or in person at
Docket Operations between 9 a.m. and
5 p.m., Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays. The AD docket
contains this final rule, the mandatory
continuing airworthiness information
(MCAI), any comments received, and
other information. The address for
Docket Operations is U.S. Department of
Transportation, Docket Operations, M–
30, West Building Ground Floor, Room
W12–140, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE,
Washington, DC 20590.
Material Incorporated by Reference:
• For Bombardier material, contact
Bombardier Business Aircraft Customer
Response Center, 400 Coˆte-Vertu Road
West, Dorval, Que´bec H4S 1Y9, Canada;
telephone 514–855–2999; email ac.yul@; website
• You may view this material at the
FAA, Airworthiness Products Section,
Operational Safety Branch, 2200 South
216th St., Des Moines, WA. For
information on the availability of this
material at the FAA, call 206–231–3195.
It is also available at
under Docket No. FAA–2023–2397.
Gabriel Kim, Aviation Safety Engineer,
FAA, 1600 Stewart Avenue, Suite 410,
Westbury, NY 11590; phone: 516–228–
7300; email:
The FAA issued a notice of proposed
rulemaking (NPRM) to amend 14 CFR
part 39 by adding an AD that would
apply to certain Bombardier, Inc., Model
BD–700–1A10 and BD–700–1A11
airplanes. The NPRM published in the
Federal Register on December 22, 2023
(88 FR 88541). The NPRM was
prompted by AD CF–2023–25, dated
April 13, 2023 (referred to after this as
the MCAI), issued by Transport Canada,
which is the aviation authority for
Canada. The MCAI states time limited
maintenance check (TLMC) item 52–11–
00–201, ‘‘Passenger Door Mechanism
Functional Test,’’ does not detect
potential failure of the passenger door
detent mechanism. Associated aircraft
maintenance manual (AMM) task 52–
PO 00000
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11–00–720–801, ‘‘Passenger Door
Mechanism Functional Test,’’ does not
provide a procedure for inspecting the
passenger door locking mechanism.
In the NPRM, the FAA proposed to
require revising the maintenance or
inspection program, as applicable, to
require use of a certain AMM task
during accomplishment of a specified
maintenance check. The FAA is issuing
this AD to address potential failures of
the uninspected detents (external
handle detent and torque tube detent) in
combination with a failure of the
tension pot spring assembly. The unsafe
condition, if not addressed, could result
in the main passenger door opening
during unpressurized flight.
You may examine the MCAI in the
AD docket at under
Docket No. FAA–2023–2397.
Discussion of Final Airworthiness
The FAA received a comment from
NetJets Inc. The following presents the
comment received on the NPRM and the
FAA’s response to the comment.
Request To Refer to Most Recent AMM
Revision Level
NetJets Inc. asked that the AMM task
revision levels identified in the NPRM
be changed, as there have been recent
improvements to the documents. NetJets
Inc. added that credit for the revisions
currently listed should also be included
in the proposed AD. Bombardier noted
that the referenced AMM revision levels
were revised during the public comment
period of the NPRM.
The FAA provides the following
clarification denoting that the requested
changes are unnecessary. This AD
requires incorporating the information
specified in the referenced AMM
revisions identified in figure 1 to
paragraph (g) of this AD. The language
in paragraph (g) of this AD allows the
incorporation of the specific
information, regardless of the AMM
revision level in use, provided the
language is identical to the information
provided in Task 52–11–00–720–801,
specified in the applicable AMMs
specified in figure 1 to paragraph (g) of
this AD. The language in a later revision
of the applicable AMMs specified in
figure 1 to paragraph (g) of this AD may
be incorporated if it is identical.
Therefore, if operators incorporate later
AMMs into the maintenance or
inspection program, as applicable, with
identical language they are in
compliance with paragraph (g) of this
AD. The FAA has confirmed that the
revisions cited by the commenter are
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 93 (Monday, May 13, 2024)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Pages 41300-41301]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-10415]
10 CFR Part 1021
RIN 1990-AA48
National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures;
AGENCY: Office of the General Counsel, Department of Energy.
ACTION: Final rule; correction.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE or the Department) is
correcting a final rule that was published in the Federal Register on
April 30, 2024. The final rule revised National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA) implementing procedures (regulations). This document
corrects an error in that final rule.
DATES: Effective May 30, 2024.
regulations, contact Ms. Carrie Abravanel, Deputy Director, Office of
NEPA Policy and Compliance, at [email protected] or 202-586-
I. Background
DOE published a final rule in the Federal Register on April 30,
2024, revising NEPA implementing procedures to add a categorical
exclusion for certain energy storage systems and revise categorical
exclusions for upgrading and rebuilding powerlines and for solar
photovoltaic systems, as well as to make conforming changes to related
sections of DOE's NEPA regulations. 89 FR 34074. These changes will
help ensure that DOE conducts an appropriate and efficient
environmental review of proposed projects that normally do not result
in significant environmental impacts.
II. Correction
In FR Doc. 2024-09186 appearing on pg. 34093 in the Federal
Register of Tuesday, April 30, 2024, the following correction is made:
On pg. 34093 in the first column, correct paragraph M,
[[Page 41301]]
Notification, to read: ``As required by 5 U.S.C. 801, DOE will report
to Congress on the promulgation of this rule prior to its effective
date. The report will state that the Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs has determined that the rule does not meet the
criteria set forth in 5 U.S.C. 804(2).''
Signing Authority
This document of the Department of Energy was signed on May 8,
2024, by Samuel T. Walsh, General Counsel, pursuant to delegated
authority from the Secretary of Energy. That document with the original
signature and date is maintained by DOE. For administrative purposes
only, and in compliance with requirements of the Office of the Federal
Register, the undersigned DOE Federal Register Liaison Officer has been
authorized to sign and submit the document in electronic format for
publication, as an official document of the Department of Energy. This
administrative process in no way alters the legal effect of this
document upon publication in the Federal Register.
Signed in Washington, DC, on May 8, 2024.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer, U.S. Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2024-10415 Filed 5-10-24; 8:45 am]