Medicare and Medicaid Programs and the Children's Health Insurance Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System and Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2025 Rates; Quality Programs Requirements; and Other Policy Changes, 35934-36649 [2024-07567]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
42 CFR Parts 412, 413, 431, 482, 485,
495, and 512
RIN 0938–AV34
Medicare and Medicaid Programs and
the Children’s Health Insurance
Program; Hospital Inpatient
Prospective Payment Systems for
Acute Care Hospitals and the LongTerm Care Hospital Prospective
Payment System and Policy Changes
and Fiscal Year 2025 Rates; Quality
Programs Requirements; and Other
Policy Changes
Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services (CMS), Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
This proposed rule would
revise the Medicare hospital inpatient
prospective payment systems (IPPS) for
operating and capital-related costs of
acute care hospitals; make changes
relating to Medicare graduate medical
education (GME) for teaching hospitals;
update the payment policies and the
annual payment rates for the Medicare
prospective payment system (PPS) for
inpatient hospital services provided by
long-term care hospitals (LTCHs); and
make other policy-related changes.
DATES: To be assured consideration,
comments must be received at one of
the addresses provided in the
ADDRESSES section, no later than 5 p.m.
EDT on June 10, 2024.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer
to file code CMS–1808–P. Because of
staff and resource limitations, we cannot
accept comments by facsimile (FAX)
transmission. Comments, including
mass comment submissions, must be
submitted in one of the following three
ways (please choose only one of the
ways listed):
1. Electronically. You may (and we
encourage you to) submit electronic
comments on this regulation to https:// Follow the
instructions under the ‘‘submit a
comment’’ tab.
2. By regular mail. You may mail
written comments to the following
address ONLY: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, Department of
Health and Human Services, Attention:
CMS–1808–P, P.O. Box 8013, Baltimore,
MD 21244–8013.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
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Please allow sufficient time for mailed
comments to be received before the
close of the comment period.
3. By express or overnight mail. You
may send written comments via express
or overnight mail to the following
address ONLY: Centers for Medicare &
Medicaid Services, Department of
Health and Human Services, Attention:
CMS–1808–P, Mail Stop C4–26–05,
7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD
For information on viewing public
comments, we refer readers to the
beginning of the SUPPLEMENTARY
Donald Thompson, and Michele
Hudson, (410) 786–4487 or DAC@, Operating Prospective
Payment, MS–DRG Relative Weights,
Wage Index, Hospital Geographic
Reclassifications, Graduate Medical
Education, Capital Prospective Payment,
Excluded Hospitals, Medicare
Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH)
Payment Adjustment, Sole Community
Hospitals (SCHs), Medicare-Dependent
Small Rural Hospital (MDH) Program,
Low-Volume Hospital Payment
Adjustment, and Inpatient Critical
Access Hospital (CAH) Issues.
Emily Lipkin, and Jim Mildenberger,, Long-Term Care
Hospital Prospective Payment System
and MS–LTC–DRG Relative Weights
Lily Yuan,,
New Technology Add-On Payments
Mady Hue,,
and Andrea Hazeley, andrea.hazeley@, MS–DRG Classifications
Siddhartha Mazumdar,
Rural Community Hospital
Demonstration Program Issues.
Jeris Smith,,
Frontier Community Health Integration
Project (FCHIP) Demonstration Issues.
Lang Le,,
Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program—Administration Issues.
Ngozi Uzokwe, ngozi.uzokwe@, Hospital Readmissions
Reduction Program—Measures Issues.
Jennifer Tate, jennifer.tate@, Hospital-Acquired
Condition Reduction Program—
Administration Issues.
Ngozi Uzokwe, ngozi.uzokwe@, Hospital-Acquired
Condition Reduction Program—
Measures Issues.
Julia Venanzi, julia.venanzi@, Hospital Inpatient Quality
Reporting Program and Hospital Value-
PO 00000
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Based Purchasing Program—
Administration Issues.
Melissa Hager, melissa.hager@, and Ngozi Uzokwe,—Hospital
Inpatient Quality Reporting Program
and Hospital Value-Based Purchasing
Program—Measures Issues Except
Hospital Consumer Assessment of
Healthcare Providers and Systems
Elizabeth Goldstein,,
Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
and Hospital Value-Based Purchasing—
Hospital Consumer Assessment of
Healthcare Providers and Systems
Measures Issues.
Ora Dawedeit, ora.dawedeit@, PPS-Exempt Cancer
Hospital Quality Reporting—
Administration Issues.
Leah Domino, leah.domino@, PPS-Exempt Cancer
Hospital Quality Reporting Program—
Measure Issues.
Lorraine Wickiser, lorraine.wickiser@, Long-Term Care Hospital
Quality Reporting Program—
Administration Issues.
Jessica Warren, jessica.warren@, and Elizabeth Holland,,
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Bridget Dickensheets, and
Mollie Knight, mollie.knight@, LTCH Market Basket
Benjamin Cohen, benjamin.cohen@, Provider Reimbursement
Review Board. and,
Payment Error Rate Measurement
Transforming Episode Accountability
Model (TEAM).
The Clinical Standards Group,,
Obstetrical Services Request for
Information (RFI).
of Public Comments: All comments
received before the close of the
comment period are available for
viewing by the public, including any
personally identifiable or confidential
business information that is included in
a comment. We post all comments
received before the close of the
comment period on the following
website as soon as possible after they
have been received: https:// Follow the search
instructions on that website to view
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
public comments. CMS will not post on public comments that
make threats to individuals or
institutions or suggest that the
commenter will take actions to harm an
individual. CMS continues to encourage
individuals not to submit duplicative
comments. We will post acceptable
comments from multiple unique
commenters even if the content is
identical or nearly identical to other
Plain Language Summary: In
accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(4), a
plain language summary of this rule
may be found at https://
Tables Available on the CMS Website
The IPPS tables for this fiscal year
(FY) 2025 proposed rule are available on
the CMS website at https://
PPS/. Click on the link on the
left side of the screen titled ‘‘FY 2025
IPPS Proposed rule Home Page’’ or
‘‘Acute Inpatient—Files for Download.’’
The LTCH PPS tables for this FY 2025
proposed rule are available on the CMS
website at
index.html under the list item for
Regulation Number CMS–1808–P. For
further details on the contents of the
tables referenced in this proposed rule,
we refer readers to section VI. of the
Addendum to this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule.
Readers who experience any problems
accessing any of the tables that are
posted on the CMS websites, as
previously identified, should contact
Michael Treitel,
I. Executive Summary and Background
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
A. Executive Summary
1. Purpose and Legal Authority
proposed rule would make payment and
policy changes under the Medicare
inpatient prospective payment system
(IPPS) for operating and capital-related
costs of acute care hospitals as well as
for certain hospitals and hospital units
excluded from the IPPS. In addition, it
would make payment and policy
changes for inpatient hospital services
provided by long-term care hospitals
(LTCHs) under the long-term care
hospital prospective payment system
(LTCH PPS). This proposed rule also
would make policy changes to programs
associated with Medicare IPPS
hospitals, IPPS-excluded hospitals, and
LTCHs. In this FY 2025 proposed rule,
we are proposing to continue policies to
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address wage index disparities
impacting low wage index hospitals. We
are also proposing changes relating to
Medicare graduate medical education
(GME) for teaching hospitals and new
technology add-on payments.
We are proposing a separate IPPS
payment for establishing and
maintaining access to essential
In the Hospital Value-Based
Purchasing (VBP) Program, we are
proposing to modify scoring of the
Person and Community Engagement
Domain for the FY 2027 through FY
2029 program years to only score six
unchanged dimensions of the Hospital
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems (HCAHPS)
Survey, and we are proposing to adopt
the updated HCAHPS Survey in the
Hospital VBP Program beginning with
the FY 2030 program year after the
updated survey would have been
publicly reported under the Hospital
Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR)
Program for 1 year. We are also
proposing to modify scoring on the
HCAHPS Survey beginning with the FY
2030 program year to incorporate the
updated HCAHPS Survey measure into
nine survey dimensions. Lastly, we are
providing previously and newly
established performance standards for
the FY 2027 through FY 2030 program
years for the Hospital VBP Program.
In the Hospital IQR Program, we are
proposing to add seven new measures,
modify two existing measures including
the HCAHPS Survey measure, and
remove five measures. We are also
proposing changes to the reporting and
submission requirements for electronic
clinical quality measures (eCQMs) and
the validation process for the Hospital
IQR Program data.
In the PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital
Quality Reporting Program (PCHQR), we
are proposing to adopt the Patient Safety
Structural measure beginning with the
CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
program year. We are also proposing to
modify the HCAHPS Survey measure
and to move up the start date for
publicly displaying hospital
performance on the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity measure.
In the LTCH QRP, we are proposing
to add four items to the LTCH
Continuity Assessment Record and
Evaluation (CARE) Data Set (LCDS) and
modify one item on the LCDS beginning
with the FY 2028 LTCH QRP.
Additionally, we are proposing to
extend the admission assessment
window for the LCDS beginning with
the FY 2028 LTCH QRP. Finally, we are
seeking information on future measure
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concepts for the LTCH QRP and a future
LTCH Star Rating system.
In the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program, we are
proposing to separate the Antimicrobial
Use and Resistance (AUR) Surveillance
measure into two measures, an
Antimicrobial Use (AU) Surveillance
measure and an Antimicrobial
Resistance (AR) Surveillance measure,
beginning with the electronic health
record (EHR) reporting period in CY
2025. We are proposing to increase the
performance-based scoring threshold
from 60 to 80 points beginning with the
EHR reporting period in CY 2025. We
are proposing to adopt two new eCQMs
and modify one eCQM, in alignment
with the Hospital IQR Program. Finally,
we are proposing changes to the
reporting and submission requirements
for eCQMs, in alignment with the
Hospital IQR Program.
The Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM) proposes
the creation and testing of a new
mandatory alternative payment model.
The intent of TEAM is to improve
beneficiary care through financial
accountability for episodes categories
that begin with one of the following
procedures: coronary artery bypass graft
(CABG), lower extremity joint
replacement (LEJR), major bowel
procedure, surgical hip/femur fracture
treatment (SHFFT), and spinal fusion.
TEAM would test whether financial
accountability for these episode
categories reduces Medicare
expenditures while preserving or
enhancing the quality of care for
Medicare beneficiaries. We anticipate
that TEAM would benefit Medicare
beneficiaries through improving the
coordination of items and services paid
for through Medicare fee-for-service
(FFS) payments, encouraging provider
investment in health care infrastructure
and redesigned care processes, and
incentivizing higher value care across
the inpatient and post-acute care
settings for the episode. We propose to
test TEAM for a 5-year model
performance period, beginning January
1, 2026, and ending December 31, 2030.
Under the Quality Payment Program
(QPP), we anticipate that TEAM would
be an Advanced Alternative Payment
Model (APM)for Track 2 and Track 3
and a Merit-based Incentive Payment
System (MIPS) APM for all participation
Under various statutory authorities,
we either discuss continued program
implementation or propose to make
changes to the Medicare IPPS, the LTCH
PPS, other related payment
methodologies and programs for FY
2025 and subsequent fiscal years, and
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
other policies and provisions included
in this rule. These statutory authorities
include, but are not limited to, the
• Section 1886(d) of the Social
Security Act (the Act), which sets forth
a system of payment for the operating
costs of acute care hospital inpatient
stays under Medicare Part A (Hospital
Insurance) based on prospectively set
rates. Section 1886(g) of the Act requires
that, instead of paying for capital-related
costs of inpatient hospital services on a
reasonable cost basis, the Secretary use
a prospective payment system (PPS).
• Section 1886(d)(1)(B) of the Act,
which specifies that certain hospitals
and hospital units are excluded from the
IPPS. These hospitals and units are:
rehabilitation hospitals and units;
LTCHs; psychiatric hospitals and units;
children’s hospitals; cancer hospitals;
extended neoplastic disease care
hospitals; and hospitals located outside
the 50 States, the District of Columbia,
and Puerto Rico (that is, hospitals
located in the U.S. Virgin Islands,
Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands,
and American Samoa). Religious
nonmedical health care institutions
(RNHCIs) are also excluded from the
• Sections 123(a) and (c) of the
Balanced Budget Refinement Act of
1999 (BBRA) (Public Law (Pub. L.) 106–
113) and section 307(b)(1) of the
Benefits Improvement and Protection
Act of 2000 (BIPA) (Pub. L. 106–554) (as
codified under section 1886(m)(1) of the
Act), which provide for the
development and implementation of a
prospective payment system for
payment for inpatient hospital services
of LTCHs described in section
1886(d)(1)(B)(iv) of the Act.
• Section 1814(l)(4) of the Act
requires downward adjustments to the
applicable percentage increase,
beginning with FY 2015, for CAHs that
do not successfully demonstrate
meaningful use of certified electronic
health record technology (CEHRT) for
an EHR reporting period for a payment
adjustment year.
• Section 1886(a)(4) of the Act, which
specifies that costs of approved
educational activities are excluded from
the operating costs of inpatient hospital
services. Hospitals with approved
graduate medical education (GME)
programs are paid for the direct costs of
GME in accordance with section 1886(h)
of the Act. Hospitals paid under the
IPPS with approved GME programs are
paid for the indirect costs of training
residents in accordance with section
1886(d)(5)(B) of the Act.
• Section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act
provides for additional Medicare IPPS
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payments to subsection (d) hospitals
that serve a significantly
disproportionate number of low-income
patients. These payments are known as
the Medicare disproportionate share
hospital (DSH) adjustment. Section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act specifies the
methods under which a hospital may
qualify for the DSH payment
• Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the
Act, which requires the Secretary to
reduce the applicable percentage
increase that would otherwise apply to
the standardized amount applicable to a
subsection (d) hospital for discharges
occurring in a fiscal year if the hospital
does not submit data on measures in a
form and manner, and at a time,
specified by the Secretary.
• Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act,
which requires downward adjustments
to the applicable percentage increase,
beginning with FY 2015 (and beginning
with FY 2022 for subsection (d) Puerto
Rico hospitals), for eligible hospitals
that do not successfully demonstrate
meaningful use of CEHRT for an EHR
reporting period for a payment
adjustment year.
• Section 1866(k) of the Act, which
provides for the establishment of a
quality reporting program for hospitals
described in section 1886(d)(1)(B)(v) of
the Act, referred to as ‘‘PPS-exempt
cancer hospitals.’’
• Section 1886(n) of the Act, which
establishes the requirements for an
eligible hospital to be treated as a
meaningful EHR user of CEHRT for an
EHR reporting period for a payment
adjustment year or, for purposes of
subsection (b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act, for a
fiscal year.
• Section 1886(o) of the Act, which
requires the Secretary to establish a
Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP)
Program, under which value-based
incentive payments are made in a fiscal
year to hospitals based on their
performance on measures established
for a performance period for such fiscal
• Section 1886(p) of the Act, which
establishes a Hospital-Acquired
Condition (HAC) Reduction Program,
under which payments to applicable
hospitals are adjusted to provide an
incentive to reduce hospital-acquired
• Section 1886(q) of the Act, as
amended by section 15002 of the 21st
Century Cures Act, which establishes
the Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program. Under the program, payments
for discharges from an applicable
hospital as defined under section
1886(d) of the Act will be reduced to
account for certain excess readmissions.
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Section 15002 of the 21st Century Cures
Act directs the Secretary to compare
hospitals with respect to the number of
their Medicare-Medicaid dual-eligible
beneficiaries in determining the extent
of excess readmissions.
• Section 1886(r) of the Act, as added
by section 3133 of the Affordable Care
Act, which provides for a reduction to
disproportionate share hospital (DSH)
payments under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of
the Act and for an additional
uncompensated care payment to eligible
hospitals. Specifically, section 1886(r)
of the Act requires that, for fiscal year
2014 and each subsequent fiscal year,
subsection (d) hospitals that would
otherwise receive a DSH payment made
under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act
will receive two separate payments: (1)
25 percent of the amount they
previously would have received under
the statutory formula for Medicare DSH
payments in section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the
Act if subsection (r) did not apply (‘‘the
empirically justified amount’’), and (2)
an additional payment for the DSH
hospital’s proportion of uncompensated
care, determined as the product of three
factors. These three factors are: (1) 75
percent of the payments that would
otherwise be made under section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act, in the absence
of section 1886(r) of the Act; (2) 1 minus
the percent change in the percent of
individuals who are uninsured; and (3)
the hospital’s uncompensated care
amount relative to the uncompensated
care amount of all DSH hospitals
expressed as a percentage.
• Section 1886(m)(5) of the Act,
which requires the Secretary to reduce
by 2 percentage points the annual
update to the standard Federal rate for
discharges for a long-term care hospital
(LTCH) during the rate year for LTCHs
that do not submit data on quality
measures in the form, manner, and at a
time, specified by the Secretary.
• Section 1886(m)(6) of the Act, as
added by section 1206(a)(1) of the
Pathway for Sustainable Growth Rate
(SGR) Reform Act of 2013 (Pub. L. 113–
67) and amended by section 51005(a) of
the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Pub.
L. 115–123), which provided for the
establishment of site neutral payment
rate criteria under the LTCH PPS, with
implementation beginning in FY 2016.
Section 51005(b) of the Bipartisan
Budget Act of 2018 amended section
1886(m)(6)(B) by adding new clause (iv),
which specifies that the IPPS
comparable amount defined in clause
(ii)(I) shall be reduced by 4.6 percent for
FYs 2018 through 2026.
• Section 1899B of the Act, which
provides for the establishment of
standardized data reporting for certain
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
post-acute care providers, including
• Section 1115A of the Act authorizes
the testing of innovative payment and
service delivery models that preserve or
enhance the quality of care furnished to
Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s
Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
beneficiaries while reducing program
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
2. Summary of the Major Provisions
The following is a summary of the
major provisions in this proposed rule.
In general, these major provisions are
being proposed as part of the annual
update to the payment policies and
payment rates, consistent with the
applicable statutory provisions. A
general summary of the changes in this
proposed rule is presented in section
I.D. of the preamble of this proposed
a. Proposed Continuation of the Low
Wage Index Hospital Policy
To help mitigate growing wage index
disparities between high wage and low
wage hospitals, in the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS rule (84 FR 42326 through
42332), we adopted a policy to increase
the wage index values for certain
hospitals with low wage index values
(the low wage index hospital policy).
This policy was adopted in a budget
neutral manner through an adjustment
applied to the standardized amounts for
all hospitals. We indicated our intention
that this policy would be effective for at
least 4 years, beginning in FY 2020, in
order to allow employee compensation
increases implemented by these
hospitals sufficient time to be reflected
in the wage index calculation. As
discussed in section III.G.5. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, while
we are using the FY 2021 cost report
data for the FY 2025 wage index, we are
unable to comprehensively evaluate the
effect, if any, the low wage index
hospital policy had on hospitals’ wage
increases during the years the COVID–
19 public health emergency (PHE) was
in effect. We believe it is necessary to
wait until we have useable data from
fiscal years after the PHE before
reaching any conclusions about the
efficacy of the policy. Therefore, we are
proposing that the low wage index
hospital policy and the related budget
neutrality adjustment would be effective
for at least three more years, beginning
in FY 2025.
b. Proposed Separate IPPS Payment for
Establishing and Maintaining Access to
Essential Medicines
As discussed in section V.J. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, the
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Biden-Harris administration has made it
a priority to strengthen the resilience of
medical supply chains and support
reliable access to products for public
health, including through prevention
and mitigation of medical product
shortages. As a first step in this
initiative, we are proposing to establish
a separate payment for small,
independent hospitals for the IPPS
shares of the additional resource costs to
voluntarily establish and maintain a 6month buffer stock of one or more of 86
essential medicines, either directly or
through contractual arrangements with a
pharmaceutical manufacturer,
distributor, or intermediary. For the
purposes of this policy, we define small,
independent hospitals as hospitals with
100 beds or fewer that are not part of a
chain organization. We are proposing to
make this separate payment in a nonbudget neutral manner under section
1886(d)(5)(I) of the Act. We are
proposing that the payment adjustments
would commence for cost reporting
periods beginning on or after October 1,
c. DSH Payment Adjustment, Additional
Payment for Uncompensated Care, and
Supplemental Payment
Under section 1886(r) of the Act,
which was added by section 3133 of the
Affordable Care Act, starting in FY
2014, Medicare disproportionate share
hospitals (DSHs) receive 25 percent of
the amount they previously would have
received under the statutory formula for
Medicare DSH payments in section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act. The remaining
amount, equal to 75 percent of the
amount that would have been paid as
Medicare DSH payments under section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act if subsection (r)
did not apply, is paid as additional
payments after the amount is reduced
for changes in the percentage of
individuals that are uninsured. Each
Medicare DSH that has uncompensated
care will receive an additional payment
based on its share of the total amount of
uncompensated care for all Medicare
DSHs for a given time period. This
additional payment is known as the
uncompensated care payment.
In this proposed rule, we are
proposing to update our estimates of the
three factors used to determine
uncompensated care payments for FY
2025. We are also proposing to continue
to use uninsured estimates produced by
CMS’ Office of the Actuary (OACT) as
part of the development of the National
Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA)
in conjunction with more recently
available data in the calculation of
Factor 2. Consistent with the regulation
at § 412.106(g)(1)(iii)(C)(11), which was
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adopted in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule, for FY 2025, we will use the
3 most recent years of audited data on
uncompensated care costs from
Worksheet S–10 of the FY 2019, FY
2020, and FY 2021 cost reports to
calculate Factor 3 in the uncompensated
care payment methodology for all
eligible hospitals.
Beginning with FY 2023 (87 FR 49047
through 49051), we also established a
supplemental payment for IHS and
Tribal hospitals and hospitals located in
Puerto Rico. In section IV.D of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we
summarize the ongoing methodology for
supplemental payments.
In this proposed rule, we are also
proposing, for FY 2025 and subsequent
fiscal years, to calculate the perdischarge amount for interim
uncompensated care payments using the
average of the most recent 3 years of
discharge data. Accordingly, for FY
2025, we propose to use an average of
discharge data from FY 2021, FY 2022,
and FY 2023. We believe that our
proposed approach will likely result in
a better estimate of the number of
discharges during FY 2025 and
subsequent years for purposes of the
interim uncompensated care payment
calculation. We propose to codify this
proposed approach in new
§ 412.106(i)(1).
d. Proposed Adoption of the Patient
Safety Structural Measure in the
Hospital IQR Program and PCHQR
The proposed Patient Safety
Structural measure is an attestationbased measure that assesses whether
hospitals have a structure and culture
that prioritizes safety as demonstrated
by the following five domains: (1)
leadership commitment to eliminating
preventable harm; (2) strategic planning
and organizational policy; (3) culture of
safety and learning health system; (4)
accountability and transparency; and (5)
patient and family engagement.
Hospitals would attest to whether they
engage in specific evidence-based best
practices within each of these domains
to achieve a score from zero to five out
of five points. We are proposing that
hospitals would be required to report
this measure beginning with the CY
2025 reporting period/FY 2027 program
year for the PCHQR Program and for the
CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
payment determination for the Hospital
IQR Program.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
e. Proposed Updated Hospital Consumer
Assessment of Healthcare Providers and
Systems (HCAHPS) Survey Measure in
the Hospital IQR Program, Hospital VBP
Program, and PCHQR Program
The proposal to use the updated
version of the HCAHPS Survey measure
aligns with the National Quality
Strategy goal to bring patient voices to
the forefront by incorporating feedback
from patients and caregivers. The
proposed updated HCAHPS Survey
measure would be adopted for the
Hospital IQR and PCHQR Programs
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 payment determination
and the CY 2025 reporting period/FY
2027 program year, respectively. For the
Hospital VBP Program, we are
proposing to modify scoring on the
Person and Community Engagement
Domain for the FY 2027 through FY
2029 program years to only score six
unchanged dimensions of the HCAHPS
Survey. We are proposing to adopt the
updated HCAHPS Survey measure
beginning with the FY 2030 program
year, which would result in nine
HCAHPS Survey dimensions for the
Person and Community Engagement
Domain. We are also proposing to
modify scoring of the Person and
Community Engagement Domain
beginning with the FY 2030 program
year to account for the proposed
updates to the HCAHPS Survey.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
f. Hospital Value-Based Purchasing
(VBP) Program
Section 1886(o) of the Act requires the
Secretary to establish a Hospital VBP
Program under which value-based
incentive payments are made in a fiscal
year to hospitals based on their
performance on measures established
for a performance period for such fiscal
year. In this proposed rule, we are
proposing to modify scoring on the
Person and Community Engagement
Domain for the FY 2027 through FY
2029 program years while the updated
HCAHPS Survey measure would be
publicly reported under the Hospital
IQR Program. In addition, we are
proposing to adopt the updated
HCAHPS Survey measure beginning
with the FY 2030 program year and
modify scoring beginning with the FY
2030 program year to account for the
updated HCAHPS Survey.
g. Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
(IQR) Program
Under section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of
the Act, subsection (d) hospitals are
required to report data on measures
selected by the Secretary for a fiscal year
in order to receive the full annual
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percentage increase. In the FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are
proposing several changes to the
Hospital IQR Program. We are proposing
the adoption of seven new measures: (1)
Patient Safety Structural measure
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 payment determination;
(2) Age Friendly Hospital measure
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 payment determination;
(3) Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract
Infection (CAUTI) Standardized
Infection Ratio Stratified for Oncology
Locations beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination; (4) Central LineAssociated Bloodstream Infection
(CLABSI) Standardized Infection Ratio
Stratified for Oncology Locations
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 reporting period; (5)
Hospital Harm—Falls with Injury eCQM
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination;
(6) Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure eCQM beginning
with the CY 2026 reporting period/FY
2028 payment determination; and (7)
Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death
Rate among Surgical Inpatients with
Complications (Failure-to-Rescue)
measure beginning with the July 1,
2023–June 30, 2025 reporting period/FY
2027 payment determination. We are
also proposing refinements to two
measures currently in the Hospital IQR
Program measure set: (1) Global
Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS)
eCQM, beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination; and (2) the HCAHPS
Survey beginning with the CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination. We are also proposing
the removal of five measures: (1) Death
Among Surgical Inpatients with Serious
Treatable Complications (CMS PSI 04)
measure beginning with the July 1,
2023–June 30, 2025 reporting period/FY
27 payment determination ; (2)
Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode-of-Care for Acute Myocardial
Infarction (AMI) measure beginning
with the July 1, 2021–June 30, 2024
reporting period/FY 2026 payment
determination; (3) Hospital-level, RiskStandardized Payment Associated with
a 30-Day Episode-of-Care for Heart
Failure (HF) measure beginning with the
July 1, 2021–June 30, 2024 reporting
period/FY 2026 payment determination;
(4) Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode-of-Care for Pneumonia (PN)
measure beginning with July 1, 2021–
June 30, 2024 reporting period/FY 2026
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payment determination and (5)
Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode-of-Care for Elective Primary
Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or
Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) measure
beginning with the April 1, 2021–March
31, 2024 reporting period/FY 2026
payment determination.
We are proposing to modify eCQM
data reporting and submission
requirements by proposing a progressive
increase in the number of mandatory
eCQMs a hospital would be required to
report on beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination. We are also proposing
two changes to current policies related
to validation of hospital data: (1) to
implement eCQM validation scoring
based on the accuracy of eCQM data
beginning with the validation of CY
2025 eCQM data affecting the FY 2028
payment determination; and (2)
modification of the data validation
reconsideration request requirements to
make medical records submission
optional for reconsideration requests
beginning with CY 2023 discharges/FY
2026 payment determination.
h. PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality
Reporting (PCHQR) Program
Section 1866(k)(1) of the Act requires,
for purposes of FY 2014 and each
subsequent fiscal year, that a hospital
described in section 1886(d)(1)(B)(v) of
the Act (a PPS-exempt cancer hospital,
or a PCH) submit data in accordance
with section 1866(k)(2) of the Act with
respect to such fiscal year. In the FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we
are proposing to adopt the Patient Safety
Structural measure beginning with the
CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
program year. We are also proposing to
modify the HCAHPS Survey measure
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 program year. We are
also proposing to move up the start date
for publicly displaying hospital
performance on the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity measure
from July 2026 to January 2026 or as
soon as feasible thereafter.
i. Long-Term Care Hospital Quality
Reporting Program (LTCH QRP)
We are proposing the following
changes to the LTCH QRP: (1) add four
items to the LCDS beginning with the
FY 2028 LTCH QRP; (2) modify one
item on the LCDS beginning with the FY
2028 LTCH QRP; and (3) extend the
admission assessment window for the
LCDS beginning with the FY 2028 LTCH
QRP. We are also seeking information
on future measure concepts for the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
LTCH QRP and a future LTCH Star
Rating system.
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j. Medicare Promoting Interoperability
In section X.F. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing several
changes to the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program. Specifically,
we are proposing: (1) to separate the
Antimicrobial Use and Resistance
(AUR) Surveillance measure into two
measures, an Antimicrobial Use (AU)
Surveillance measure and an
Antimicrobial Resistance (AR)
Surveillance measure, beginning with
the EHR reporting period in CY 2025; to
add a new exclusion for eligible
hospitals or critical access hospitals
(CAHs) that do not have a data source
containing the minimal discrete data
elements that are required for AU or AR
Surveillance reporting; to modify the
applicability of the existing exclusions
to either the AU or AR Surveillance
measures, respectively; and to treat the
AU and AR Surveillance measures as
new measures with respect to active
engagement beginning with the EHR
reporting period in CY 2025; (2) to
increase the performance-based scoring
threshold for eligible hospitals and
CAHs reporting under the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program
from 60 points to 80 points beginning
with the EHR reporting period in CY
2025; (3) to adopt two new eCQMs that
hospitals can select as one of their three
self-selected eCQMs beginning with the
CY 2026 reporting period: the Hospital
Harm—Falls with Injury eCQM and the
Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure eCQM; (4) beginning
with the CY 2026 reporting period, to
modify one eCQM, the Global
Malnutrition Composite Score eCQM;
and (5) to modify eCQM data reporting
and submission requirements by
proposing a progressive increase in the
number of mandatory eCQMs eligible
hospitals and CAHs would be required
to report on beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period.
k. Proposed Distribution of Additional
Residency Positions Under the
Provisions of Section 4122 of Subtitle C
of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2023 (CAA, 2023)
In this proposed rule, we are
including a proposal to implement
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023. Section
4122(a) of the CAA, 2023, amended
section 1886(h) of the Act by adding a
new section 1886(h)(10) of the Act
requiring the distribution of additional
residency positions (also referred to as
slots) to hospitals. We refer readers to
section V.F.2. of the preamble of this
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proposed rule for a summary of the
provisions of section 4122 of the CAA,
2023 that we are proposing to
implement in this proposed rule.
l. Extension of the Medicare-Dependent,
Small Rural Hospital (MDH) Program
and the Temporary Changes to the LowVolume Hospital Payment Adjustment
The Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2024 (CAA, 2024) (Pub. L. 118–42),
enacted on March 9, 2024, extended the
MDH program and the temporary
changes to the low-volume hospital
qualifying criteria and payment
adjustment under the IPPS for a portion
of FY 2025. Specifically, section 306 of
the CAA, 2024 further extended the
modified definition of low-volume
hospital and the methodology for
calculating the payment adjustment for
low-volume hospitals under section
1886(d)(12) of the Act through
December 31, 2024. Section 307 of the
CAA, 2024 extended the MDH program
under section 1886(d)(5)(G) of the Act
through December 31, 2024. Prior to
enactment of the CAA, 2024, the lowvolume hospital qualifying criteria and
payment adjustment were set revert to
the statutory requirements that were in
effect prior to FY 2011 at the end of FY
2024 and beginning October 1, 2024, the
MDH program would have no longer
been in effect.
We recognize the importance of these
extensions with respect to the goal of
advancing health equity by addressing
the health disparities that underlie the
health system is one of CMS’ strategic
pillars 1 and a Biden-Harris
Administration priority.2 These
provisions are projected to increase
payments to IPPS hospitals by
approximately $137 million in FY 2025.
m. Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM)
In section X.A. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we propose the
Transforming Episode Accountability
Model (TEAM). TEAM would be a 5year mandatory model tested under the
authority of section 1115A of the Act,
beginning on January 1, 2026, and
ending on December 31, 2030. The
intent of TEAM is to improve
beneficiary care through financial
accountability for episodes categories
that begin with one of the following
procedures: coronary artery bypass
(CABG), lower extremity joint
replacement (LEJR), major bowel
procedure, surgical hip/femur fracture
treatment (SHFFT), and spinal fusion.
TEAM would test whether financial
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accountability for these episode
categories reduces Medicare
expenditures while preserving or
enhancing the quality of care for
Medicare beneficiaries.
Under Traditional Medicare,
Medicare makes separate payments to
providers and suppliers for the items
and services furnished to a beneficiary
over the course of an episode of care.
Because providers and suppliers are
paid for each individual item or service
delivered, providers may not be
incentivized to invest in quality
improvement and care coordination
activities. As a result, care may be
fragmented, unnecessary, or duplicative.
By holding hospitals accountable for all
items and services provided during an
episode, providers would be better
incentivized to coordinate patient care,
avoid duplicative or unnecessary
services, and improve the beneficiary
care experience during care transitions.
Under the TEAM proposals, all acute
care hospitals, with limited exceptions,
located within the Core-Based Statistical
Areas that CMS selects for model
implementation would be required to
participate in TEAM. As proposed,
TEAM would have a 1-year glide path
opportunity that would allow TEAM
participants to ease into full financial
risk as well as different participation
tracks to accommodate different levels
of financial risk and reward. Episodes
would include non-excluded Medicare
Parts A and B items and services and
would begin with an anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure and
would end 30 days after hospital
discharge. We are proposing that the
following episode categories, when
furnished by a TEAM participant,
would initiate a TEAM Episode: lower
extremity joint replacement, surgical
hip femur fracture treatment, spinal
fusion, coronary artery bypass graft, and
major bowel procedure.
TEAM participants would continue to
bill Medicare FFS as usual but would
receive target prices for episodes prior
to each performance year. Target prices
would be based on 3 years of baseline
data, prospectively trended forward to
the relevant performance year, and
calculated at the level of MS–DRG/
HCPCS episode type and region. Target
prices would also include a discount
factor, normalization factor, and a riskadjustment. Performance in the model
would be assessed by comparing TEAM
participants’ actual Medicare FFS
spending during a performance year to
their reconciliation target price as well
as by assessing performance on three
quality measures. TEAM participants
would earn a payment from CMS,
subject to a quality performance
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
adjustment, if their spending is below
the reconciliation target price. TEAM
participants would owe CMS a
repayment amount, subject to a quality
performance adjustment, if their
spending was above the reconciliation
target price.
n. Maternity Care Request for
Information (RFI)
In alignment with our commitment to
addressing the maternal health crisis,
this RFI seeks to gather information on
differences between hospital resources
required to provide inpatient pregnancy
and childbirth services to Medicare
patients as compared to non-Medicare
patients. To the extent that the resources
required differ between patient
populations, we also wish to gather
information on the extent to which nonMedicare payers, or other commercial
insurers may be using the IPPS as a
basis for determining their payment
rates for inpatient pregnancy and
childbirth services and the effect, if any,
that the use of the IPPS as a basis for
determining payment by those payers
may have on maternal health outcomes.
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o. Obstetrical Services RFI
As a result of ongoing concerns about
the provision of maternity care in
Medicare and Medicaid certified
hospitals, CAHS, and REHs, this
proposed rule includes a request for
information regarding our intent to
propose baseline health and safety
standards for obstetrical services in
future rulemaking. Public comments on
the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule maternal health request for
information recommended that CMS
explore options to establish an
Obstetrical Services condition of
participation (CoP) for participating
hospitals in collaboration with relevant
stakeholders. With this RFI, we hope to
further explore such options as we
develop a proposal for a targeted
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Obstetrical Services CoP. We are seeking
public comment on multiple detailed
questions, ultimately seeking potential
solutions that can be implemented
through the hospital CoPs to address
well-documented concerns regarding
maternal morbidity, mortality, and
access in the United States. The goal is
to ensure that any policy changes
improve maternal health care outcomes,
addresses unjust disparities in care, and
do not exacerbate access to care issues.
p. Conditions of Participation
Requirements for Hospitals and Critical
Access Hospitals To Report Acute
Respiratory Illnesses
In section X.F. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to
update the hospital and CAH infection
prevention and control and antibiotic
stewardship programs conditions of
participation (CoPs) to extend a limited
subset of the current COVID–19 and
influenza data reporting requirements.
These proposed reporting requirements
ensure that hospitals and CAHs have
appropriate insight related to evolving
infection control needs. Specifically,
CMS is proposing to replace the
COVID–19 and Seasonal Influenza
reporting standards for hospitals and
CAHs with a new standard addressing
acute respiratory illnesses to require
that, beginning on October 1, 2024,
hospitals and CAHs would have to
electronically report information about
COVID–19, influenza, and RSV. CMS is
proposing that outside of a public health
emergency (PHE), hospitals and CAHs
would have to report these data on a
weekly basis.
q. Proposed Changes to the Severity
Level Designation for Z Codes
Describing Inadequate Housing and
Housing Instability
As discussed in section II.C. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to change the severity level
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designation for the social determinants
of health (SDOH) diagnosis codes
describing inadequate housing and
housing instability from noncomplication or comorbidity (NonCC) to
complication or comorbidity (CC) for FY
2025. Consistent with our annual
updates to account for changes in
resource consumption, treatment
patterns, and the clinical characteristics
of patients, CMS is recognizing
inadequate housing and housing
instability as indicators of increased
resource utilization in the acute
inpatient hospital setting.
Consistent with the Administration’s
goal of advancing health equity for all,
including members of historically
underserved and under-resourced
communities, as described in the
President’s January 20, 2021 Executive
Order 13985 on ‘‘Advancing Racial
Equity and Support for Underserved
Communities Through the Federal
Government,’’ [1] we also continue to be
interested in receiving feedback on how
we might further foster the
documentation and reporting of the
diagnosis codes describing social and
economic circumstances to more
accurately reflect each health care
encounter and improve the reliability
and validity of the coded data including
in support of efforts to advance health
3. Summary of Costs and Benefits
The following table provides a
summary of the costs, savings, and
benefits associated with the major
provisions described in section I.A.2. of
the preamble of this proposed rule.
[1] Available at 86 FR 7009 (January 25, 2021)
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Provision Description
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Uncompensated Care Payments
Frm 00009
Fmt 4701
Proposed Update to the !PPS Payment Rates and
Other Payment Policies
Sfmt 4725
Proposed Update to the LICH PPS Payment Rates
and Other Payment Policies
Proposed Distribution of Additional Residency
Positions Under the Provisions of Section 4122 of
Subtitle C of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2023 (CAA, 2023)
Changes to the Value-Based Incentive Payments
under the Hospital VBP Program
Changes to the Hospital TQR Program
We are proposing to continue the low wage index hospital policy and the related budget neutrality adjustment for
at least 3 years beginning in FY 2025.
We are proposing to make an IPPS payment adjustment for the additional resource costs that small, independent
hospitals incur in establishing and maintaining access to a 6-month buffer stock of one or more essential
medicine(s) beginning in FY 2025. This proposed payment adjustment would not be budget neutral. We estimate
that 493 hospitals would qualify under our proposal. We estimate that the cost to those hospitals to establish
buffer stocks of essential medicines would, in aggregate summed across aH 493 hospitals, be approximately $2.8
million. Under our proposal, Medicare would pay its share of those costs (approximately 11 percent of that
amount, or $0.3 million).
For FY 2025, we are proposing to update our estimates of the three factors used to determine uncompensated care
payments. We are proposing to continue using uninsured estimates produced by OACT as part of the
development of the NHEA in the calculation of Factor 2. As provided in the regulation at§
412.106(g)(1 )(iii)(C)(/ /), for FY 2025, we are proposing to use the 3 most recent years of audited data on
uncompensated care costs from Worksheet S-10 of the FY 2019, FY 2020, and FY 2021 cost reports to calculate
Factor 3 in the uncompensated care payment methodology for all eligible hospitals.
As discussed in Appendix A of this proposed rule, acute care hospitals are estimated to experience an increase of
approximately $3.2 billion in FY 2025, primarily driven by the changes in FY 2025 operating payments and
capital payments and the expiration of the temporary changes in the low-volume hospital program and the
exniration of the MDH pro!!ram on Januarv l. 2025.
As discussed in Appendix A of this proposed rule, based on the best available data for the 330 LTCHs in our
database, we estimate that the proposed changes to the payment rates and factors that we present in the preamble
of and Addendum of this proposed rule, which reflect the proposed update to the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate for FY 2025, would result in an estimated increase in payments in FY 2025 of approximately
$41 million.
Section 4122(a) of the CAA, 2023 amended section 1886(h) of the Act by adding a new paragraph 1886(hX10)
requiring the distribution of additional residency positions (also referred to as slots) to hospitals. We refer readers
to section V.J.2. of this proposed rule for a summary of the provisions of section 4122 that we are proposing to
implement in this proposed rule. We estimate that the proposal we present in the preamble of this proposed rule to
implement section 4122 of the CAA, 2023 would result in an estimated cost of approximately $10 million for FY
We estimate that there would be no net financial impact to the Hospital VBP Program for the FY 2025 program
year in the aggregate because, by law, the amount available for value-based incentive payments under the
program in a given year must be equal to the total amount of base operating MS-DRG payment amount
reductions for that year, as estimated by the Secretary. The estimated amount of base operating MS-DRG
payment amount reductions for the FY 2025 program year and, therefore, the estimated amount available for
value-based incentive payments for FY 2025 dischfil1!:es is approximately $1.7 billion.
Across 3,050 TPPS hospitals, we estimate that our proposed changes for the Hospital TQR Program would result
in a total information collection burden increase of 40,019 hours at a cost increase of $1,274,980 associated with
our proposed policies across a 3-year period from the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027 payment determination
through the CY 2027 reporting oeriod/FY 2029 oavment determination.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
Proposed Continuation of the Low Wage Index
Hospital Policy
Proposed Separate IPPS Payment for Establishing
and Maintaining Access to Essential Medicines
Description of Costs, Transfers, Savin2s, and Benefits
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Changes to the LTCH QRP
PO 00000
Changes to the Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Frm 00010
Transforming Episode Accountability Model
Fmt 4701
CoP Requirements for Hospitals and CAHs to Report
Acute Respiratory Illnesses
Sfmt 4702
Proposed Changes for the Add-On Payments for New
Services and Technologies
Description of Costs, Transfers, Savin~s, and Benefits
Across 11 PCHs, we estimate that our proposed changes for the PCHQR Program would result in a total
information collection burden increase of 166 hours at a cost increase of$4,047 beginning with the CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 program vear.
Across 329 LTCHs, we estimate that our proposed changes for the LTCH QRP would result in a total information
collection burden increase of 116.55 hours associated with our policies and updated burden estimates and a total
cost increase of approximately $138,231.88 for the FY 2028 LTCH QRP.
Across 4,550 eligible hospitals and CAHs, we estimate that our proposed changes for the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program would result in an increase of 5,038 hours at a cost increase of $262,581 to the
information collection burden for the EHR reporting period in CY 2027 and subsequent years.
We estimate that testing TEAM would result in saving the Medicare program $705 million across the 5
performance years.
Across 6,384 hospitals and CAHs, we estimate that our proposed changes would result in 248,976 hours and a
total cost of $19,420,128 for the weekly reporting, which is $3,042 per facility yearly. We estimate for PHE
reporting, if declared by the secretary, Low to high hours range 1,005,480 to 3,495,240 and total cost ranging
from $ 78,427,440 to S 272,628,720 depending on the frequencv ofreporting required.
As discussed in Appendix A of this proposed rule, we are proposing to change the April 1 cutoff to October 1 for
determining whether a technology would be within its 2- to 3-year newness period. Ifwe determine that all 10 of
the FY 2025 new technology add-on payment applications that have been FDA-approved or cleared since the start
of FY 2024 meet the specified criteria for new technology add-on payments and if we determine that none of
these for technologies would be substantially similar to those technologies that were first approved for new
technology add-on payments prior to FY 2025, based on preliminary information from the applicants at the time
of this proposed rule, this proposal would increase IPPS spending by approximately $380 million in FY 2027. We
are also proposing to no longer consider a hold status to be an inactive status for lhe purposes of eligibility for the
new technology add-on payment. We note that the cost impact of this proposal is not estimable. We expect that
some applicants who were ineligible to apply in FY 2025 may apply for new technology add-on payments for FY
2026. Finally, we are proposing, for certain gene therapies for the treatment of sickle cell disease, we will
temporarily increase the new technology add-on payment percentage to 75 percent. We note that it is premature to
estimate the potential payment impact for FY 2025 because we have not yet determined whether any gene therapy
indicated and used specifically for the treatment of SCD will meet the specified criteria for new technology addon payments for FY 2025.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
Provision Description
Changes to the PCHQR Program
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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B. Background Summary
1. Acute Care Hospital Inpatient
Prospective Payment System (IPPS)
Section 1886(d) of the Act sets forth
a system of payment for the operating
costs of acute care hospital inpatient
stays under Medicare Part A (Hospital
Insurance) based on prospectively set
rates. Section 1886(g) of the Act requires
the Secretary to use a prospective
payment system (PPS) to pay for the
capital-related costs of inpatient
hospital services for these ‘‘subsection
(d) hospitals.’’ Under these PPSs,
Medicare payment for hospital inpatient
operating and capital-related costs is
made at predetermined, specific rates
for each hospital discharge. Discharges
are classified according to a list of
diagnosis-related groups (DRGs).
The base payment rate is comprised of
a standardized amount that is divided
into a labor-related share and a
nonlabor-related share. The laborrelated share is adjusted by the wage
index applicable to the area where the
hospital is located. If the hospital is
located in Alaska or Hawaii, the
nonlabor-related share is adjusted by a
cost-of-living adjustment factor. This
base payment rate is multiplied by the
DRG relative weight.
If the hospital treats a high percentage
of certain low-income patients, it
receives a percentage add-on payment
applied to the DRG-adjusted base
payment rate. This add-on payment,
known as the disproportionate share
hospital (DSH) adjustment, provides for
a percentage increase in Medicare
payments to hospitals that qualify under
either of two statutory formulas
designed to identify hospitals that serve
a disproportionate share of low-income
patients. For qualifying hospitals, the
amount of this adjustment varies based
on the outcome of the statutory
calculations. The Affordable Care Act
revised the Medicare DSH payment
methodology and provides for an
additional Medicare payment beginning
on October 1, 2013, that considers the
amount of uncompensated care
furnished by the hospital relative to all
other qualifying hospitals.
If the hospital is training residents in
an approved residency program(s), it
receives a percentage add-on payment
for each case paid under the IPPS,
known as the indirect medical
education (IME) adjustment. This
percentage varies, depending on the
ratio of residents to beds.
Additional payments may be made for
cases that involve new technologies or
medical services that have been
approved for special add-on payments.
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In general, to qualify, a new technology
or medical service must demonstrate
that it is a substantial clinical
improvement over technologies or
services otherwise available, and that,
absent an add-on payment, it would be
inadequately paid under the regular
DRG payment. In addition, certain
transformative new devices and certain
antimicrobial products may qualify
under an alternative inpatient new
technology add-on payment pathway by
demonstrating that, absent an add-on
payment, they would be inadequately
paid under the regular DRG payment.
The costs incurred by the hospital for
a case are evaluated to determine
whether the hospital is eligible for an
additional payment as an outlier case.
This additional payment is designed to
protect the hospital from large financial
losses due to unusually expensive cases.
Any eligible outlier payment is added to
the DRG-adjusted base payment rate,
plus any DSH, IME, and new technology
or medical service add-on adjustments
and, beginning in FY 2023 for IHS and
Tribal hospitals and hospitals located in
Puerto Rico, the new supplemental
Although payments to most hospitals
under the IPPS are made on the basis of
the standardized amounts, some
categories of hospitals are paid in whole
or in part based on their hospitalspecific rate, which is determined from
their costs in a base year. For example,
sole community hospitals (SCHs)
receive the higher of a hospital-specific
rate based on their costs in a base year
(the highest of FY 1982, FY 1987, FY
1996, or FY 2006) or the IPPS Federal
rate based on the standardized amount.
SCHs are the sole source of care in their
areas. Specifically, section
1886(d)(5)(D)(iii) of the Act defines an
SCH as a hospital that is located more
than 35 road miles from another
hospital or that, by reason of factors
such as an isolated location, weather
conditions, travel conditions, or absence
of other like hospitals (as determined by
the Secretary), is the sole source of
hospital inpatient services reasonably
available to Medicare beneficiaries. In
addition, certain rural hospitals
previously designated by the Secretary
as essential access community hospitals
are considered SCHs.
With the recent enactment of section
307 of the CAA, 2024, under current
law, the Medicare-dependent, small
rural hospital (MDH) program is
effective through December 31, 2024.
For discharges occurring on or after
October 1, 2007, but before January 1,
2025, an MDH receives the higher of the
Federal rate or the Federal rate plus 75
percent of the amount by which the
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Federal rate is exceeded by the highest
of its FY 1982, FY 1987, or FY 2002
hospital-specific rate. MDHs are a major
source of care for Medicare beneficiaries
in their areas. Section 1886(d)(5)(G)(iv)
of the Act defines an MDH as a hospital
that is located in a rural area (or, as
amended by the Bipartisan Budget Act
of 2018, a hospital located in a State
with no rural area that meets certain
statutory criteria), has not more than
100 beds, is not an SCH, and has a high
percentage of Medicare discharges (not
less than 60 percent of its inpatient days
or discharges in its cost reporting year
beginning in FY 1987 or in two of its
three most recently settled Medicare
cost reporting years). As section 307 of
the CAA, 2024 extended the MDH
program through the first quarter of FY
2025 only, beginning on January 1,
2025, the MDH program will no longer
be in effect absent a change in law.
Because the MDH program is not
authorized by statute beyond December
31, 2024, beginning January 1, 2025, all
hospitals that previously qualified for
MDH status under section 1886(d)(5)(G)
of the Act will no longer have MDH
status and will be paid based on the
IPPS Federal rate.
Section 1886(g) of the Act requires the
Secretary to pay for the capital-related
costs of inpatient hospital services in
accordance with a prospective payment
system established by the Secretary. The
basic methodology for determining
capital prospective payments is set forth
in our regulations at 42 CFR 412.308
and 412.312. Under the capital IPPS,
payments are adjusted by the same DRG
for the case as they are under the
operating IPPS. Capital IPPS payments
are also adjusted for IME and DSH,
similar to the adjustments made under
the operating IPPS. In addition,
hospitals may receive outlier payments
for those cases that have unusually high
The existing regulations governing
payments to hospitals under the IPPS
are located in 42 CFR part 412, subparts
A through M.
2. Hospitals and Hospital Units
Excluded From the IPPS
Under section 1886(d)(1)(B) of the
Act, as amended, certain hospitals and
hospital units are excluded from the
IPPS. These hospitals and units are:
Inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF)
hospitals and units; long-term care
hospitals (LTCHs); psychiatric hospitals
and units; children’s hospitals; cancer
hospitals; extended neoplastic disease
care hospitals, and hospitals located
outside the 50 States, the District of
Columbia, and Puerto Rico (that is,
hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana
Islands, and American Samoa).
Religious nonmedical health care
institutions (RNHCIs) are also excluded
from the IPPS. Various sections of the
Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA)
(Pub. L. 105–33), the Medicare,
Medicaid and SCHIP [State Children’s
Health Insurance Program] Balanced
Budget Refinement Act of 1999 (BBRA,
Pub. L. 106–113), and the Medicare,
Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits
Improvement and Protection Act of
2000 (BIPA, Pub. L. 106–554) provide
for the implementation of PPSs for IRF
hospitals and units, LTCHs, and
psychiatric hospitals and units (referred
to as inpatient psychiatric facilities
(IPFs)). (We note that the annual
updates to the LTCH PPS are included
along with the IPPS annual update in
this document. Updates to the IRF PPS
and IPF PPS are issued as separate
documents.) Children’s hospitals,
cancer hospitals, hospitals located
outside the 50 States, the District of
Columbia, and Puerto Rico (that is,
hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin
Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana
Islands, and American Samoa), and
RNHCIs continue to be paid solely
under a reasonable cost-based system,
subject to a rate-of-increase ceiling on
inpatient operating costs. Similarly,
extended neoplastic disease care
hospitals are paid on a reasonable cost
basis, subject to a rate-of-increase
ceiling on inpatient operating costs.
The existing regulations governing
payments to excluded hospitals and
hospital units are located in 42 CFR
parts 412 and 413.
3. Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective
Payment System (LTCH PPS)
The Medicare prospective payment
system (PPS) for LTCHs applies to
hospitals described in section
1886(d)(1)(B)(iv) of the Act, effective for
cost reporting periods beginning on or
after October 1, 2002. The LTCH PPS
was established under the authority of
sections 123 of the BBRA and section
307(b) of the BIPA (as codified under
section 1886(m)(1) of the Act). Section
1206(a) of the Pathway for SGR Reform
Act of 2013 (Pub. L. 113–67) established
the site neutral payment rate under the
LTCH PPS, which made the LTCH PPS
a dual rate payment system beginning in
FY 2016. Under this statute, effective for
LTCH’s cost reporting periods beginning
in FY 2016 cost reporting period, LTCHs
are generally paid for discharges at the
site neutral payment rate unless the
discharge meets the patient criteria for
payment at the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate. The existing
regulations governing payment under
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the LTCH PPS are located in 42 CFR
part 412, subpart O. Beginning October
1, 2009, we issue the annual updates to
the LTCH PPS in the same documents
that update the IPPS.
4. Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs)
Under sections 1814(l), 1820, and
1834(g) of the Act, payments made to
critical access hospitals (CAHs) (that is,
rural hospitals or facilities that meet
certain statutory requirements) for
inpatient and outpatient services are
generally based on 101 percent of
reasonable cost. Reasonable cost is
determined under the provisions of
section 1861(v) of the Act and existing
regulations under 42 CFR part 413.
5. Payments for Graduate Medical
Education (GME)
Under section 1886(a)(4) of the Act,
costs of approved educational activities
are excluded from the operating costs of
inpatient hospital services. Hospitals
with approved graduate medical
education (GME) programs are paid for
the direct costs of GME in accordance
with section 1886(h) of the Act. The
amount of payment for direct GME costs
for a cost reporting period is based on
the hospital’s number of residents in
that period and the hospital’s costs per
resident in a base year. The existing
regulations governing payments to the
various types of hospitals are located in
42 CFR part 413. Section 1886(d)(5)(B)
of the Act provides that prospective
payment hospitals that have residents in
an approved GME program receive an
additional payment for each Medicare
discharge to reflect the higher patient
care costs of teaching hospitals relative
to non-teaching hospitals. The
additional payment is based on the
indirect medical education (IME)
adjustment factor, which is calculated
using a hospital’s ratio of residents to
beds and a multiplier, which is set by
Congress. Section 1886(d)(5)(B)(ii)(XII)
of the Act provides that, for discharges
occurring during FY 2008 and fiscal
years thereafter, the IME formula
multiplier is 1.35. The regulations
regarding the indirect medical
education (IME) adjustment are located
at 42 CFR 412.105.
C. Summary of Provisions of Recent
Legislation That Would Be Implemented
in This Proposed Rule
1. The Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2023 (CAA 2023; Pub. L. 117–328)
Section 4122 of the CAA, 2023,
amended section 1886(h) of the Act by
adding a new section 1886(h)(10) of the
Act requiring the distribution of
additional residency positions (also
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referred to as slots) to hospitals. Section
1886(h)(10)(A) of the Act requires that
for FY 2026, the Secretary shall initiate
an application round to distribute 200
residency positions. At least 100 of the
positions made available under section
1886(h)(10)(A) of the Act shall be
distributed for psychiatry or psychiatry
subspecialty residency training
programs. The Secretary is required,
subject to certain provisions in the law,
to increase the otherwise applicable
resident limit for each qualifying
hospital that submits a timely
application by the number of positions
that may be approved by the Secretary
for that hospital. The Secretary is
required to notify hospitals of the
number of positions distributed to them
by January 31, 2026, and the increase is
effective beginning July 1, 2026.
In determining the qualifying
hospitals for which an increase is
provided, section 1886(h)(10)(B)(i) of
the Act requires the Secretary to take
into account the ‘‘demonstrated
likelihood’’ of the hospital filling the
positions made available within the first
5 training years beginning after the date
the increase would be effective, as
determined by the Secretary.
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii) of the Act
requires a minimum distribution for
certain categories of hospitals.
Specifically, the Secretary is required to
distribute at least 10 percent of the
aggregate number of total residency
positions available to each of four
categories of hospitals. Stated briefly,
and discussed in greater detail later in
this proposed rule, the categories are as
follows: (1) hospitals located in rural
areas or that are treated as being located
in a rural area (pursuant to sections
1886(d)(2)(D) and 1886(d)(8)(E) of the
Act); (2) hospitals in which the
reference resident level of the hospital
is greater than the otherwise applicable
resident limit; (3) hospitals in States
with new medical schools or additional
locations and branches of existing
medical schools; and (4) hospitals that
serve areas designated as Health
Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs).
Section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Act
defines a qualifying hospital as a
hospital in one of these four categories.
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(iii) of the Act
further requires that each qualifying
hospital that submits a timely
application receive at least 1 (or a
fraction of 1) of the residency positions
made available under section
1886(h)(10) of the Act before any
qualifying hospital receives more than 1
residency position.
Section 1886(h)(10)(C) of the Act
places certain limitations on the
distribution of the residency positions.
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First, a hospital may not receive more
than 10 additional full-time equivalent
(FTE) residency positions. Second, no
increase in the otherwise applicable
resident limit of a hospital may be made
unless the hospital agrees to increase
the total number of FTE residency
positions under the approved medical
residency training program of the
hospital by the number of positions
made available to that hospital. Third, if
a hospital that receives an increase to its
otherwise applicable resident limit
under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act is
eligible for an increase to its otherwise
applicable resident limit under 42 CFR
413.79(e)(3) (or any successor
regulation), that hospital must ensure
that residency positions received under
section 1886(h)(10) of the Act are used
to expand an existing residency training
program and not for participation in a
new residency training program.
2. The Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2024 (CAA, 2024; Pub. L. 118–42)
Section 306 of the CAA, 2024
extended through the first 3 months of
FY 2025 the modified definition of a
low-volume hospital and the
methodology for calculating the
payment adjustment for low-volume
hospitals in effect for FYs 2019 through
2024. Specifically, under section
1886(d)(12)(C)(i) of the Act, as amended,
for FYs 2019 through 2024 and the
portion of FY 2025 occurring before
January 1, 2025, a subsection (d)
hospital qualifies as a low-volume
hospital if it is more than 15 road miles
from another subsection (d) hospital and
has less than 3,800 total discharges
during the fiscal year. Under section
1886(d)(12)(D) of the Act, as amended,
for discharges occurring in FYs 2019
through December 31, 2024, the
Secretary determines the applicable
percentage increase using a continuous,
linear sliding scale ranging from an
additional 25 percent payment
adjustment for low-volume hospitals
with 500 or fewer discharges to a zero
percent additional payment for lowvolume hospitals with more than 3,800
discharges in the fiscal year.
Section 307 of the CAA, 2024
amended sections 1886(d)(5)(G)(i) and
1886(d)(5)(G)(ii)(II) of the Act to provide
for an extension of the MDH program
through the first 3 months of FY 2025
(that is, through December 31, 2024).
D. Summary of the Proposed Provisions
In this proposed rule, we set forth
proposed payment and policy changes
to the Medicare IPPS for FY 2025
operating costs and capital-related costs
of acute care hospitals and certain
hospitals and hospital units that are
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excluded from IPPS. In addition, we set
forth proposed changes to the payment
rates, factors, and other payment and
policy-related changes to programs
associated with payment rate policies
under the LTCH PPS for FY 2025.
The following is a general summary of
the changes that we are proposing to
make in this proposed rule.
1. Proposed Changes to MS–DRG
Classifications and Recalibrations of
Relative Weights
In section II. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we include the
• Proposed changes to MS–DRG
classifications based on our yearly
review for FY 2025.
• Proposed recalibration of the MS–
DRG relative weights.
• A discussion of the proposed FY
2025 status of new technologies
approved for add-on payments for FY
2024, a presentation of our evaluation
and analysis of the FY 2025 applicants
for add-on payments for high-cost new
medical services and technologies
(including public input, as directed by
the Medicare Prescription Drug,
Improvement, and Modernization Act of
2003 (MMA) Pub. L. 108–173, obtained
in a town hall meeting for applications
not submitted under an alternative
pathway), and a discussion of the
proposed status of FY 2025 new
technology applicants under the
alternative pathways for certain medical
devices and certain antimicrobial
• A proposal to change the April 1
cutoff to October 1 for determining
whether a technology would be within
its 2- to 3-year newness period when
considering eligibility for new
technology add-on payments, beginning
in FY 2026, effective for those
technologies that are approved for new
technology add-on payments starting in
FY 2025 or a subsequent years (as
discussed in II.E.7. of the preamble of
this proposed rule).
• A proposal that, beginning with
new technology add-on payment
applications for FY 2026, we will no
longer consider a hold status to be an
inactive status for the purposes of
eligibility for the new technology addon payment (as discussed in section
II.E.8. of the preamble of this proposed
• A proposal that, subject to our
review of the new technology add-on
payment eligibility criteria, for certain
gene therapies approved for new
technology add-on payments in the FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH final rule for the
treatment of sickle cell disease (SCD),
effective with discharges on or after
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October 1, 2024, and concluding at the
end of the 2- to 3-year newness period
for such therapy, we will temporarily
increase the new technology add-on
payment percentage to 75 percent (as
discussed in section II.E.9. of the
preamble of this proposed rule).
2. Proposed Changes to the Hospital
Wage Index for Acute Care Hospitals
In section III. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we propose revisions to
the wage index for acute care hospitals
and the annual update of the wage data.
Specific issues addressed include, but
are not limited to, the following:
• Proposed changes in CBSAs as a
result of new OMB labor market area
delineations and proposed policies
related to the proposed changes in
• The proposed FY 2025 wage index
update using wage data from cost
reporting periods beginning in FY 2019.
• Calculation, analysis, and
implementation of the proposed
occupational mix adjustment to the
wage index for acute care hospitals for
FY 2025 based on the 2022
Occupational Mix Survey.
• Proposed application of the rural,
imputed and frontier State floors, and
continuation of the low wage index
hospital policy.
• Proposed revisions to the wage
index for acute care hospitals, based on
hospital redesignations and
reclassifications under sections
1886(d)(8)(B), (d)(8)(E), and (d)(10) of
the Act.
• Proposed adjustment to the wage
index for acute care hospitals for FY
2025 based on commuting patterns of
hospital employees who reside in a
county and work in a different area with
a higher wage index.
• Proposed labor-related share for the
FY 2025 wage index.
3. Payment Adjustment for Medicare
Disproportionate Share Hospitals
(DSHs) for FY 2025
In section IV. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss the following:
• Proposed calculation of Factor 1
and Factor 2 of the uncompensated care
payment methodology.
• Proposed methodological approach
for determining Factor 3 of the
uncompensated care payment for FY
2025, which is the same methodology
that was used for FY 2024.
• Proposed methodological approach
for determining the amount of interim
uncompensated care payments using the
average of the most recent 3 years of
discharge data.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
4. Other Decisions and Proposed
Changes to the IPPS for Operating Costs
In section V. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss proposed
changes or clarifications of a number of
the provisions of the regulations in 42
CFR parts 412 and 413, including the
• Proposed inpatient hospital update
for FY 2025.
• Proposed updated national and
regional case-mix values and discharges
for purposes of determining RRC status
and clarification of the qualification
under the discharge criterion for
osteopathic hospitals.
• Proposed implementation of the
statutory extension of the temporary
changes to the low-volume hospital
payment adjustment through December
31, 2024, the statutory expiration
beginning January 1, 2025, and the
proposed payment adjustments for lowvolume hospitals for FY 2025.
• Proposed implementation of the
statutory extension of the MDH program
through December 31, 2024, and the
statutory expiration beginning January
1, 2025.
• A proposal to implement a
provision of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act relating to payments
to hospitals for GME and IME costs,
proposed direct graduate medical
education (GME) and indirect medical
education (IME) policy modifications to
the criteria for new residency programs;
technical fixes to the DGME regulations;
a notice of closure of two teaching
hospitals and opportunities to apply for
available slots and a reminder of corebased statistical area (CBSA) changes
and application to GME policies;.
• Proposed nursing and allied health
education program Medicare Advantage
(MA) add-on rates and direct GME MA
percent reductions for CY 2023.
• Proposed update to the payment
adjustment for certain clinical trial and
expanded access use immunotherapy
Proposed separate IPPS payment for
establishing and maintaining access to
essential medicines.
• Updating the proposed estimate of
the financial impacts for the FY 2025
Hospital Readmissions Reduction
• Proposed modifications to the
scoring of the Person and Community
Engagement Domain in the Hospital
VBP Program.
++ For the FY 2027 through FY 2029
program years to only score on six
unchanged dimensions of the HCAHPS
++ Beginning with the FY 2030
program year to account for the
proposed updated HCAHPS Survey.
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• Updating the proposed estimate of
the financial impacts for the FY 2025
Hospital-Acquired Conditions
Reduction Program.
• Discussion of and proposed changes
relating to the implementation of the
Rural Community Hospital
Demonstration Program in FY 2025.
5. Proposed FY 2025 Policy Governing
the IPPS for Capital-Related Costs
In section VI. of the preamble of the
proposed rule, we discuss the proposed
payment policy requirements for
capital-related costs and capital
payments to hospitals for FY 2025.
6. Proposed Changes to the Payment
Rates for Certain Excluded Hospitals:
Rate-of-Increase Percentages
In section VII. of the preamble of the
proposed rule, we discuss the following:
• Proposed changes to payments to
certain excluded hospitals for FY 2025.
• Proposed continued
implementation of the Frontier
Community Health Integration Project
(FCHIP) Demonstration.
7. Proposed Changes to the LTCH PPS
In section VIII. of the preamble of the
proposed rule, we propose to rebase and
revise the LTCH market basket to reflect
a 2022 base year, which includes a
proposed update to the LTCH PPS laborrelated share. In section VIII. of the
preamble of the proposed rule, we set
forth proposed changes to the LTCH
PPS Federal payment rates, factors, and
other payment rate policies under the
LTCH PPS for FY 2025. We are also
proposing a technical clarification to the
regulations for hospitals seeking to be
classified as an LTCH.
8. Proposed Changes Relating to Quality
Data Reporting for Specific Providers
and Suppliers
In section IX. of the preamble of the
proposed rule, we addressed the
• Solicitation of comment on
adopting measures across the hospital
quality reporting and value-based
purchasing programs which capture
more forms of unplanned post-acute
care and encourage hospitals to improve
discharge processes.
• Proposed changes to the
requirements for the Hospital IQR
• Proposed changes to the
requirements for the PCHQR Program.
• Proposed adoption of the Patient
Safety Structural measure in the
Hospital IQR Program and the PCHQR
• Proposed updated HCAHPS Survey
measure in the Hospital IQR Program,
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PCHQR Program, and Hospital VBP
• Proposed changes to the
requirements for the Long-Term Care
Hospital Quality Reporting Program
(LTCH QRP), and request for
information on future measure concepts
for the LTCH QRP and a star rating
system for the LTCH QRP.
• Proposed changes to requirements
pertaining to eligible hospitals and
CAHs participating in the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program.
9. Other Proposals and Comment
Solicitations Included in the Proposed
Section X. of the preamble of the
proposed rule includes the following:
• Proposed implementation of TEAM
that would test whether an episodebased pricing methodology linked with
accountability for quality measure
performance for select acute care
hospitals reduces Medicare program
expenditures while preserving or
improving the quality of care for
Medicare beneficiaries.
• Proposed changes to permit a
Provider Reimbursement Review Board
(PRRB) member to serve up to 3
consecutive terms (9 consecutive years
total), and up to 4 consecutive terms (12
consecutive years total) in cases where
a PRRB Member who, in their second or
third consecutive term, is designated as
Chairperson, to continue serving as
Chairperson in the fourth consecutive
• Solicitation of comments to gather
information on differences between
hospital resources required to provide
inpatient pregnancy and childbirth
services to Medicare patients as
compared to non-Medicare patients.
• Solicitation of comments to gather
information on potential solutions that
can be implemented through the
hospital CoPs to address welldocumented concerns regarding
maternal morbidity, mortality,
disparities, and maternity care access in
the United States.
• Proposal to remove the exclusion of
Puerto Rico from the Payment Error Rate
Measurement (PERM) program found at
42 CFR 431.954(b)(3).
• Proposal for a new hospital CoP to
replace the COVID–19 and Seasonal
Influenza reporting standards for
hospitals and CAHs that were created
during PHE.
10. Other Provisions of the Proposed
Section XI.A. of the preamble of the
proposed rule includes our discussion
of the MedPAC Recommendations.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Section XI.B. of the preamble of the
proposed rule includes a descriptive
listing of the public use files associated
with this proposed rule.
Section XII. of the preamble of the
proposed rule includes the collection of
information requirements for entities
based on our proposals.
Section XIII. of the preamble of the
proposed rule includes information
regarding our responses to public
11. Determining Prospective Payment
Operating and Capital Rates and Rate-ofIncrease Limits for Acute Care Hospitals
In sections II. and III. of the
Addendum of the proposed rule, we set
forth proposed changes to the amounts
and factors for determining the
proposed FY 2025 prospective payment
rates for operating costs and capitalrelated costs for acute care hospitals. We
are proposing to establish the threshold
amounts for outlier cases. In addition, in
section IV. of the Addendum of the
proposed rule, we address the proposed
update factors for determining the rateof-increase limits for cost reporting
periods beginning in FY 2025 for certain
hospitals excluded from the IPPS.
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12. Determining Prospective Payment
Rates for LTCHs
In section V. of the Addendum of the
proposed rule, we set forth proposed
changes to the amounts and factors for
determining the proposed FY 2025
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate and other factors used to determine
LTCH PPS payments under both the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate and the site neutral payment rate in
FY 2025. We are proposing to establish
the adjustments for the wage index
(including proposed changes to the
LTCH PPS labor market area
delineations based on the new OMB
delineations), labor-related share, the
cost-of-living adjustment, and high-cost
outliers, including the applicable fixedloss amounts and the LTCH cost-tocharge ratios (CCRs) for both payment
13. Impact Analysis
In Appendix A of the proposed rule,
we set forth an analysis of the impact
the proposed changes would have on
affected acute care hospitals, CAHs,
LTCHs and other entities.
14. Recommendation of Update Factors
for Operating Cost Rates of Payment for
Hospital Inpatient Services
In Appendix B of the proposed rule,
as required by sections 1886(e)(4) and
(e)(5) of the Act, we provide our
recommendations of the appropriate
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percentage changes for FY 2025 for the
• A single average standardized
amount for all areas for hospital
inpatient services paid under the IPPS
for operating costs of acute care
hospitals (and hospital-specific rates
applicable to SCHs and MDHs).
• Target rate-of-increase limits to the
allowable operating costs of hospital
inpatient services furnished by certain
hospitals excluded from the IPPS.
• The LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate and the site neutral
payment rate for hospital inpatient
services provided for LTCH PPS
15. Discussion of Medicare Payment
Advisory Commission
Under section 1805(b) of the Act,
MedPAC is required to submit a report
to Congress, no later than March 15 of
each year, in which MedPAC reviews
and makes recommendations on
Medicare payment policies. MedPAC’s
March 2024 recommendations
concerning hospital inpatient payment
policies address the update factor for
hospital inpatient operating costs and
capital-related costs for hospitals under
the IPPS. We address these
recommendations in Appendix B of the
proposed rule. For further information
relating specifically to the MedPAC
March 2024 report or to obtain a copy
of the report, contact MedPAC at (202)
220–3700 or visit MedPAC’s website at
II. Proposed Changes to Medicare
Severity Diagnosis-Related Group (MS–
DRG) Classifications and Relative
A. Background
Section 1886(d) of the Act specifies
that the Secretary shall establish a
classification system (referred to as
diagnosis-related groups (DRGs)) for
inpatient discharges and adjust
payments under the IPPS based on
appropriate weighting factors assigned
to each DRG. Therefore, under the IPPS,
Medicare pays for inpatient hospital
services on a rate per discharge basis
that varies according to the DRG to
which a beneficiary’s stay is assigned.
The formula used to calculate payment
for a specific case multiplies an
individual hospital’s payment rate per
case by the weight of the DRG to which
the case is assigned. Each DRG weight
represents the average resources
required to care for cases in that
particular DRG, relative to the average
resources used to treat cases in all
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Section 1886(d)(4)(C) of the Act
requires that the Secretary adjust the
DRG classifications and relative weights
at least annually to account for changes
in resource consumption. These
adjustments are made to reflect changes
in treatment patterns, technology, and
any other factors that may change the
relative use of hospital resources.
B. Adoption of the MS–DRGs and MS–
DRG Reclassifications
For information on the adoption of
the MS–DRGs in FY 2008, we refer
readers to the FY 2008 IPPS final rule
with comment period (72 FR 47140
through 47189).
For general information about the
MS–DRG system, including yearly
reviews and changes to the MS–DRGs,
we refer readers to the previous
discussions in the FY 2010 IPPS/RY
2010 LTCH PPS final rule (74 FR 43764
through 43766) and the FYs 2011
through 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rules (75 FR 50053 through 50055; 76
FR 51485 through 51487; 77 FR 53273;
78 FR 50512; 79 FR 49871; 80 FR 49342;
81 FR 56787 through 56872; 82 FR
38010 through 38085; 83 FR 41158
through 41258; 84 FR 42058 through
42165; 85 FR 58445 through 58596; 86
FR 44795 through 44961; 87 FR 48800
through 48891; and 88 FR 58654
through 58787, respectively).
For discussion regarding our
previously finalized policies (including
our historical adjustments to the
payment rates) relating to the effect of
changes in documentation and coding
that do not reflect real changes in case
mix, we refer readers to the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48799
through 48800).
C. Proposed Changes to Specific MS–
DRG Classifications
1. Discussion of Changes to Coding
System and Basis for Proposed FY 2025
MS–DRG Updates
a. Conversion of MS–DRGs to the
International Classification of Diseases,
10th Revision (ICD–10)
As of October 1, 2015, providers use
the International Classification of
Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD–10) coding
system to report diagnoses and
procedures for Medicare hospital
inpatient services under the MS–DRG
system instead of the ICD–9–CM coding
system, which was used through
September 30, 2015. The ICD–10 coding
system includes the International
Classification of Diseases, 10th
Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD–
10–CM) for diagnosis coding and the
International Classification of Diseases,
10th Revision, Procedure Coding
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
System (ICD–10–PCS) for inpatient
hospital procedure coding, as well as
the ICD–10–CM and ICD–10–PCS
Official Guidelines for Coding and
Reporting. For a detailed discussion of
the conversion of the MS–DRGs to ICD–
10, we refer readers to the FY 2017
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR 56787
through 56789).
b. Basis for Proposed FY 2025 MS–DRG
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule (87 FR 28127)
and final rule (87 FR 48800 through
48801), beginning with FY 2024 MS–
DRG classification change requests, we
changed the deadline to request changes
to the MS–DRGs to October 20 of each
year to allow for additional time for the
review and consideration of any
proposed updates. We also described
the new process for submitting
requested changes to the MS–DRGs via
a new electronic application intake
system, Medicare Electronic
Application Request Information
SystemTM (MEARISTM), accessed at We stated that
effective with FY 2024 MS–DRG
classification change requests, CMS will
only accept requests submitted via
MEARISTM and will no longer consider
requests sent via email. Additionally,
we noted that within MEARISTM, we
have built in several resources to
support users, including a ‘‘Resources’’
section available at https://mearis. with technical
support available under ‘‘Useful Links’’
at the bottom of the MEARISTM site.
Questions regarding the MEARISTM
system can be submitted to CMS using
the form available under ‘‘Contact’’, also
at the bottom of the MEARISTM site.
Accordingly, interested parties had to
submit MS–DRG classification change
requests for FY 2025 by October 20,
We note that the burden associated
with this information collection
requirement is the time and effort
required to collect and submit the data
in the request for MS–DRG classification
changes to CMS. The aforementioned
burden is subject to the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) of 1995 and
approved under OMB control number
0938–1431 and has an expiration date of
Interested parties should submit any
MS–DRG classification change requests,
including any comments and
suggestions for FY 2026 consideration
by October 20, 2024 via MEARISTM at:
As we have discussed in prior
rulemaking, we may not be able to fully
consider all of the requests that we
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receive for the upcoming fiscal year. We
have found that, with the
implementation of ICD–10, some types
of requested changes to the MS–DRG
classifications require more extensive
research to identify and analyze all of
the data that are relevant to evaluating
the potential change. We note in the
discussion that follows those topics for
which further research and analysis are
required, and which we will continue to
consider in connection with future
We received four requests to modify
the GROUPER logic in a number of
cardiac MS–DRGs under Major
Diagnostic Category (MDC) 05 (Diseases
and Disorders of the Circulatory
System). Specifically, we received
requests to—
• Modify the GROUPER logic of new
MS–DRG 212 (Concomitant Aortic and
Mitral Valve Procedures) to be defined
by cases reporting procedure codes
describing a single open mitral or aortic
valve replacement/repair (MVR or AVR)
procedure, plus an open coronary artery
bypass graft procedure (CABG) or open
surgical ablation or cardiac
catheterization procedure plus a second
concomitant procedure.
• Modify the GROUPER logic of new
MS–DRG 212 by redefining the
procedure code list that describes the
performance of a cardiac catheterization
by either removing the ICD–10–PCS
codes that describe plain radiography of
coronary artery codes from the logic list
or adding ICD–10–PCS procedure codes
that involve computed tomography (CT)
or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
scanning using contrast to the list. This
requestor also suggested that CMS add
ICD–10–PCS procedures codes that
describe endovascular valve
replacement or repair procedures into
the GROUPER logic of MS–DRG 212.
• Modify the GROUPER logic of new
MS–DRGs 323, 324 and 325 (Coronary
Intravascular Lithotripsy with
Intraluminal Device with MCC, without
MCC, and without Intraluminal Device,
respectively). In two separate but related
requests, the requestors suggested that
we add procedure codes that describe
additional percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI) procedures such as
percutaneous coronary rotational, laser,
and orbital atherectomy to the
GROUPER logic of new MS–DRGs 323,
324, and 325.
We appreciate the submissions and
related analyses provided by the
requestors for our consideration as we
review MS–DRG classification change
requests for FY 2025; however, we note
the complexity of the GROUPER logic
for these MS–DRGs in connection with
these requests requires more extensive
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analyses to identify and evaluate all of
the data relevant to assessing these
potential modifications. Specifically, we
note the list of procedure codes that
describe the performance of a cardiac
catheterization is in the definition of
multiple MS–DRGs in MDC 05.
Analyzing the impact of revising this
list necessitates evaluating the impact
across numerous other MS–DRGs in
MDC 05 that also include this list in
their definition, in addition to new MS–
DRG 212. Secondly, as discussed further
in section II.C.4.c of this proposed rule,
our analysis continues to indicate that,
when performed, open cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures are clinically different from
endovascular cardiac valve replacement
and supplement procedures in terms of
technical complexity and hospital
resource use. Lastly, as we have stated
in prior rule making (88 FR 58708),
atherectomy is distinct from coronary
lithotripsy in that each of these
procedures are defined by clinically
distinct definitions and objectives.
Additional analysis to assess for
unintended consequences across the
classification is needed as we have
made a distinction between the root
operations used to describe atherectomy
(Extirpation) and the root operation
used to describe lithotripsy
(Fragmentation) in evaluating other
requests in rulemaking. We will need to
consider the application of these two
root operations in other scenarios where
we have also specifically stated that
Extirpation is not the same as
Fragmentation and do not warrant
similar MS–DRG assignment (85 FR
58572 through 58573). Furthermore, as
MS–DRG 212 and MS–DRGs 323, 324
and 325 recently became effective on
October 1, 2023 (FY 2024), we believe
additional time is needed to review and
evaluate extensive modifications to the
structure of these MS–DRGs.
We will continue to monitor the data
as we consider these issues in
connection with future rulemaking. As
we continue the analysis of the claims
data with respect to MS–DRGs in MDC
05, we welcome public comments and
feedback on other factors that should be
considered in the potential restructuring
of these MS–DRGs. Feedback and other
suggestions may be directed to
public/home. As noted, interested
parties should submit any MS–DRG
classification change requests, including
any comments and suggestions for FY
2026 consideration by October 20, 2024
via MEARISTM at: https://mearis.
As we did for the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule, for this FY 2025
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule we are
providing a test version of the ICD–10
MS–DRG GROUPER Software, Version
42, so that the public can better analyze
and understand the impact of the
proposals included in this proposed
rule. We note that this test software
reflects the proposed GROUPER logic
for FY 2025. Therefore, it includes the
new diagnosis and procedure codes that
are effective for FY 2025 as reflected in
Table 6A.—New Diagnosis Codes—FY
2025 and Table 6B.—New Procedure
Codes—FY 2025 associated with this
proposed rule and does not include the
diagnosis codes that are invalid
beginning in FY 2025 as reflected in
Table 6C.—Invalid Diagnosis Codes—
FY 2025, and Table 6D.—Invalid
Procedure Codes—FY 2025 associated
with this proposed rule. These tables are
not published in the Addendum to this
proposed rule, but are available on the
CMS website at:
as described in section VI. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule.
Because the diagnosis codes no longer
valid for FY 2025 are not reflected in the
test software, we are making available a
supplemental file in Table 6P.1a and
6P.1b that includes the mapped Version
42 FY 2025 ICD–10–CM and ICD–10–
PCS codes and the deleted Version 41
FY 2024 ICD–10–CM codes and V41.1
ICD–10–PCS codes that should be used
for testing purposes with users’
available claims data. Therefore, users
will have access to the test software
allowing them to build case examples
that reflect the proposals included in
this proposed rule. In addition, users
will be able to view the draft version of
the ICD–10 MS–DRG Definitions
Manual, Version 42.
We also note that in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
58764), we stated that, as discussed in
the CY 2024 Outpatient Prospective
Payment System and Ambulatory
Surgical Center (OPPS/ASC) proposed
rule (CY 2024 OPPS/ASC proposed rule)
(88 FR 49552, July 31, 2023), consistent
with the process that is used for updates
to the ‘‘Integrated’’ Outpatient Code
Editor (I/OCE) and other Medicare
claims editing systems, we proposed to
address any future revisions to the IPPS
Medicare Code Editor (MCE), including
any additions or deletions of claims
edits, as well as the addition or deletion
of ICD–10 diagnosis and procedure
codes to the applicable MCE edit code
lists, outside of the annual IPPS
rulemakings. As discussed in the CY
2024 OPPS/ASC proposed rule, we
proposed to remove discussion of the
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IPPS MCE from the annual IPPS
rulemakings, beginning with the FY
2025 rulemaking, and to generally
address future changes or updates to the
MCE through instruction to the
Medicare administrative contractors
(MACs). We encouraged readers to
review the discussion in the CY 2024
OPPS/ASC proposed rule and submit
comments in response to the proposal
by the applicable deadline by following
the instructions provided in that
proposed rule.
In the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC final rule
(88 FR 82121 through 82124), after
consideration of the public comments
we received, we finalized the proposal
to remove discussion of the MCE from
the annual IPPS rulemakings, beginning
with FY 2025 rulemaking, and to
generally address future changes or
updates to the MCE through instruction
to the MACs. Beginning with FY 2025,
in association with the annual proposed
rule, we are making available a draft
version of the Definitions of Medicare
Code Edits (MCE) Manual to provide the
public with an opportunity to review
any changes that will become effective
October 1 for the upcoming fiscal year.
In addition, as a result of new and
modified code updates approved after
the annual spring ICD–10 Coordination
and Maintenance Committee meeting,
any further changes to the MCE will be
reflected in the finalized Definitions of
Medicare Code Edits (MCE) Manual,
made available in association with the
annual final rule. We are making
available the draft FY 2025 ICD–10 MCE
Version 42 Manual file on the CMS
website at:
The MCE manual is comprised of two
chapters: Chapter 1: Edit code lists
provides a listing of each edit, an
explanation of each edit, and as
applicable, the diagnosis and/or
procedure codes for each edit, and
Chapter 2: Code list changes
summarizes the changes in the edit code
lists (for example, additions and
deletions) from the prior release of the
MCE software. The public may submit
any questions, comments, concerns, or
recommendations regarding the MCE to
the CMS mailbox at
MSDRGClassificationChange@ for our review and
The test version of the ICD–10 MS–
DRG GROUPER Software, Version 42,
the draft version of the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Definitions Manual, Version 42, the
draft version of the Definitions of
Medicare Code Edits Manual, Version
42, and the supplemental mapping files
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in Table 6P.1a and 6P.1b of the FY 2024
and FY 2025 ICD–10–CM diagnosis and
ICD–10–PCS procedure codes are
available at
Following are the changes that we are
proposing to the MS–DRGs for FY 2025.
We are inviting public comments on
each of the MS–DRG classification
proposed changes, as well as our
proposals to maintain certain existing
MS–DRG classifications discussed in
this proposed rule. In some cases, we
are proposing changes to the MS–DRG
classifications based on our analysis of
claims data and clinical
appropriateness. In other cases, we are
proposing to maintain the existing MS–
DRG classifications based on our
analysis of claims data and clinical
appropriateness. For this FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule, our MS–DRG
analysis was based on ICD–10 claims
data from the September 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file, which
contains hospital bills received from
October 1, 2022 through September 30,
2023. In our discussion of the proposed
MS–DRG reclassification changes, we
refer to these claims data as the
‘‘September 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file.’’
In deciding whether to propose to
make further modifications to the MS–
DRGs for particular circumstances
brought to our attention, we consider
whether the resource consumption and
clinical characteristics of the patients
with a given set of conditions are
significantly different than the
remaining patients represented in the
MS–DRG. We evaluate patient care costs
using average costs and lengths of stay
and rely on clinical factors to determine
whether patients are clinically distinct
or similar to other patients represented
in the MS–DRG. In evaluating resource
costs, we consider both the absolute and
percentage differences in average costs
between the cases we select for review
and the remainder of cases in the MS–
DRG. We also consider variation in costs
within these groups; that is, whether
observed average differences are
consistent across patients or attributable
to cases that are extreme in terms of
costs or length of stay, or both. Further,
we consider the number of patients who
will have a given set of characteristics
and generally prefer not to create a new
MS–DRG unless it would include a
substantial number of cases.
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58448), we finalized our
proposal to expand our existing criteria
to create a new complication or
comorbidity (CC) or major complication
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
or comorbidity (MCC) subgroup within
a base MS–DRG. Specifically, we
finalized the expansion of the criteria to
include the NonCC subgroup for a threeway severity level split. We stated we
believed that applying these criteria to
the NonCC subgroup would better
reflect resource stratification as well as
promote stability in the relative weights
by avoiding low volume counts for the
NonCC level MS–DRGs. We noted that
in our analysis of MS–DRG
classification requests for FY 2021 that
were received by November 1, 2019, as
well as any additional analyses that
were conducted in connection with
those requests, we applied these criteria
to each of the MCC, CC, and NonCC
subgroups. We also noted that the
application of the NonCC subgroup
criteria going forward may result in
modifications to certain MS–DRGs that
are currently split into three severity
levels and result in MS–DRGs that are
split into two severity levels. We stated
that any proposed modifications to the
MS–DRGs would be addressed in future
rulemaking consistent with our annual
process and reflected in Table 5—
Proposed List of Medicare Severity
Diagnosis Related Groups (MS–DRGs),
Relative Weighting Factors, and
Geometric and Arithmetic Mean Length
of Stay for the applicable fiscal year.
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 44798), we finalized a delay
in applying this technical criterion to
existing MS–DRGs until FY 2023 or
future rulemaking, in light of the public
health emergency (PHE). Interested
parties recommended that a complete
analysis of the MS–DRG changes to be
proposed for future rulemaking in
connection with the expanded threeway severity split criteria be conducted
and made available to enable the public
an opportunity to review and consider
the redistribution of cases, the impact to
the relative weights, payment rates, and
hospital case mix to allow meaningful
comment prior to implementation.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 48803), we also finalized a
delay in application of the NonCC
subgroup criteria to existing MS–DRGs
with a three-way severity level split in
light of the ongoing PHE and until such
time additional analyses can be
performed to assess impacts, as
discussed in response to public
comments in the FY 2022 and FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rules.
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In association with our discussion of
application of the NonCC subgroup
criteria in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (88 FR 26673 through
26676), we provided an alternate test
version of the ICD–10 MS–DRG
GROUPER Software, Version 41.A,
reflecting the proposed GROUPER logic
for FY 2024 as modified by the
application of the NonCC subgroup
criteria to existing MS–DRGs with a
three-way severity level split, available
AcuteInpatientPPS/MS-DRGClassifications-and-Software. Therefore,
users had access to the alternate test
software allowing them to build case
examples that reflect the proposals
included in the proposed rule with
application of the NonCC subgroup
criteria. We also provided additional
files including an alternate Table 5—
Alternate List of Medicare Severity
Diagnosis Related Groups (MS–DRGs),
Relative Weighting Factors, and
Geometric and Arithmetic Mean Length
of Stay, an alternate Length of Stay
(LOS) Statistics file, an alternate Case
Mix Index (CMI) file, and an alternate
After Outliers Removed and Before
Outliers Removed (AOR_BOR) file. The
files are available in association with
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule on the CMS website at: https://
We stated that the alternate test
software and additional files were made
available so that the public could better
analyze and understand the impact on
the proposals included in the proposed
rule if the NonCC subgroup criteria were
to be applied to existing MS–DRGs with
a three-way severity level split. We refer
readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (88 FR 26673 through
26676) for further discussion of the
alternate test software and additional
files that were made available.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 58655 through 58661), we
finalized to delay the application of the
NonCC subgroup criteria to existing
MS–DRGs with a three-way severity
level split for FY 2024. We stated that
we would continue to review and
consider the feedback we had received
in response to the additional
information we made available in
association with the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule for our
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development of the FY 2025 proposed
We note that the IPPS Payment
Impact File made available in
connection with our annual IPPS
rulemakings includes information used
to categorize hospitals by various
geographic and special payment
consideration groups, including
geographic location (urban or rural),
teaching hospital status (that is, whether
or not a hospital has GME residency
programs and receives an IME
adjustment), DSH hospital status (that
is, whether or not a hospital receives
Medicare DSH payments), special
payment groups (that is, SCHs, MDHs,
and RRCs) and other categories reflected
in the impact analysis generally shown
in Appendix A of the annual IPPS
rulemakings. The IPPS Payment Impact
File associated with the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule can be found on
the CMS website at: https://
We are proposing to continue to delay
application of the NonCC subgroup
criteria to existing MS–DRGs with a
three-way severity level split for FY
2025, as we continue to consider the
public comments received in response
to the FY 2024 rulemaking. We
encourage interested parties to review
the impacts and other information made
available with the alternate test software
(V41.A) and other additional files
provided in connection with the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, as
previously discussed, and we continue
to welcome feedback for consideration
for future rulemaking.
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58661), we
continue to apply the criteria to create
subgroups, including application of the
NonCC subgroup criteria, in our annual
analysis of MS–DRG classification
requests, consistent with our approach
since FY 2021 when we finalized the
expansion of the criteria to include the
NonCC subgroup for a three-way
severity level split. Accordingly, in our
analysis of the MS–DRG classification
requests for FY 2025 that we received by
October 20, 2023, as well as any
additional analyses that were conducted
in connection with those requests, we
applied these criteria to each of the
MCC, CC, and NonCC subgroups, as
described in the following table.
Criteria Number
1. At least 500 cases in the
MCC/CC/NonCC group
2. At least 5% ofthc patients arc
in the MCC/CC/NonCC group
3. There is at least a 20%
difference in average cost between
4. There is at least a $2,000
difference in average cost between
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
5. The R2 of the split groups is
m-eater than or eaual to 3
Three-Way Split
(MCC vs CC vs NonCC)
500+ cases for MCC group; and
500+ cases for CC group; and
500 I cases for NonCC group
5%+ cases for MCC group; and
5%+ cases for CC group; and
5%+ cases for NonCC group
20%+ difference in average cost
between MCC group and CC group;
and 20%+ difference in average cost
between CC group and Nonce group
$2,000+ difference in average cost
between MCC group and CC group;
$2,000+ difference in average cost
between cc IITOUP and Nonce IITOUP
R2 > 3 .0 for the three-way split
within the ha~e MS-DRG
In general, once the decision has been
made to propose to make further
modifications to the MS–DRGs as
described previously, such as creating a
new base MS–DRG, or in our evaluation
of a specific MS–DRG classification
request to split (or subdivide) an
existing base MS–DRG into severity
levels, all five criteria must be met for
the base MS–DRG to be split (or
subdivided) by a CC subgroup. We note
that in our analysis of requests to create
a new MS–DRG, we typically evaluate
the most recent year of MedPAR claims
data available. For example, we stated
earlier that for this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule, our MS–DRG
analysis was based on ICD–10 claims
data from the September 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file. However, in
our evaluation of requests to split an
existing base MS–DRG into severity
levels, as noted in prior rulemaking (80
FR 49368), we typically analyze the
most recent 2 years of data. This
analysis includes 2 years of MedPAR
claims data to compare the data results
from one year to the next to avoid
making determinations about whether
additional severity levels are warranted
based on an isolated year’s data
fluctuation and also, to validate that the
established severity levels within a base
MS–DRG are supported. The first step in
our process of evaluating if the creation
of a new CC subgroup within a base
MS–DRG is warranted is to determine if
all the criteria is satisfied for a threeway split. In applying the criteria for a
three-way split, a base MS–DRG is
initially subdivided into the three
subgroups: MCC, CC, and NonCC. Each
subgroup is then analyzed in relation to
the other two subgroups using the
volume (Criteria 1 and 2), average cost
(Criteria 3 and 4), and reduction in
variance (Criteria 5). If the criteria fail,
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Two-Way Split
I 23
MCC vs (CC+NonCC)
500+ cases for MCC group; and
500+ cases for (CC+NonCC) group
20%+ difference in average cost
between MCC group and
(CC+NonCC) group
Two-Way Split
12 3
(MCC+cC)vs NonCC
50o+ cases for (MCC+CC) group;
500 I cases for NonCC group
5%+ cases for (MCC+CC) group;
5%+ cases for NonCC IITOUP
20%+ difference in average cost
between (MCC+ CC) group and
NonCC group
$2,00o+ difference in average cost
between MCC group and (CC+
NonCC) group
$2,00o+ difference in average cost
between (MCC+ CC) group and
NonCC group
R2 > 3.0 for the two-way 1_ 23 split
within the ha~e MS-DRG
R2 > 3.0 for the two-way 12_3 split
within the ha~e \IIS-DRG
5%+ cases for MCC group; and
5%+ cases for (CC+NonCC) group
the next step is to determine if the
criteria are satisfied for a two-way split.
In applying the criteria for a two-way
split, a base MS–DRG is initially
subdivided into two subgroups: ‘‘with
MCC’’ and ‘‘without MCC’’ (1_23) or
‘‘with CC/MCC’’ and ‘‘without CC/
MCC’’ (12_3). Each subgroup is then
analyzed in relation to the other using
the volume (Criteria 1 and 2), average
cost (Criteria 3 and 4), and reduction in
variance (Criteria 5). If the criteria for
both of the two-way splits fail, then a
split (or CC subgroup) would generally
not be warranted for that base MS–DRG.
If the three-way split fails on any one of
the five criteria and all five criteria for
both two-way splits (1_23 and 12_3) are
met, we would apply the two-way split
with the highest R2 value. We note that
if the request to split (or subdivide) an
existing base MS–DRG into severity
levels specifies the request is for either
one of the two-way splits (1_23 or 12_
3), in response to the specific request,
we will evaluate the criteria for both of
the two-way splits; however, we do not
also evaluate the criteria for a three-way
2. Pre-MDC MS–DRG 018 Chimeric
Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell and
Other Immunotherapies
We received a request to revise the
title of Pre-MDC MS–DRG 018
(Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) Tcell and Other Immunotherapies) in
connection with an ICD–10–PCS
procedure code request that was
submitted via MEARISTM by the
December 1, 2023 deadline for
consideration as an agenda topic to be
discussed at the March 19–20, 2024
ICD–10 Coordination and Maintenance
Committee meeting. The procedure code
request involves the application of an
autologous genetically engineered cell-
PO 00000
Frm 00019
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
based gene therapy, prademagene
zamikeracel (PZ), that is indicated in the
treatment of recessive dystrophic
epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB), an
extremely rare genetic disease of the
skin that leads to large chronic wounds.
The proposal was presented and
discussed at the March 19–20, 2024
ICD–10 Coordination and Maintenance
Committee meeting. We refer the reader
to the CMS website at https://
icd-10-codes/icd-10-coordinationmaintenance-committee-materials for
additional detailed information
regarding the request, including a
recording of the discussion and the
related meeting materials. Public
comments in response to the code
proposal are due by April 19, 2024. The
requestor suggested that if finalized, a
new procedure code to identify the
application of PZ should be assigned to
Pre-MDC MS–DRG 018 and that the title
for Pre-MDC MS–DRG 018 be revised to
reflect ‘‘Chimeric Antigen Receptor
(CAR) T and Other Autologous Gene
and Cell Therapies’’.
Because the diagnosis and procedure
code proposals that are presented at the
March ICD–10–CM Coordination and
Maintenance Committee meeting for an
October 1 implementation (upcoming
FY) are not finalized in time to include
in Table 6A.—New Diagnosis Codes and
Table 6B.—New Procedure Codes in
association with the proposed rule, as
we have noted in prior rulemaking, we
use our established process to examine
the MS–DRG assignment for the
predecessor codes to determine the most
appropriate MS–DRG assignment.
Specifically, we review the predecessor
code and MS–DRG assignment most
closely associated with the new
procedure code, and in the absence of
claims data, we consider other factors
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
that may be relevant to the MS–DRG
assignment, including the severity of
illness, treatment difficulty, complexity
of service and the resources utilized in
the diagnosis and/or treatment of the
condition. We have noted in prior
rulemaking that this process does not
automatically result in the new
procedure code being assigned to the
same MS–DRG or to have the same
designation (O.R. versus Non-O.R.) as
the predecessor code. Under this
established process, the MS–DRG
assignment for the upcoming fiscal year
for any new diagnosis or procedure
codes finalized after the March meeting
would be reflected in Table 6A.—New
Diagnosis Codes and Table 6B.—New
Procedure Codes associated with the
final rule for that fiscal year.
Accordingly, the MS–DRG assignment
for any new procedure codes describing
PZ, if finalized following the March
meeting, would be reflected in Table
6B.—New Procedure Codes associated
with the final rule for FY 2025. As noted
in prior rulemaking (87 FR 28135), the
codes that are finalized after the March
meeting are specifically identified with
a footnote in Table 6A.—New Diagnosis
Codes and Table 6B.—New Procedure
Codes that are made publicly available
in association with the final rule on the
CMS website at
The public may provide feedback on
these finalized assignments, which is
then taken into consideration for the
following fiscal year.
We do not agree with the request to
revise the title for Pre-MDC MS–DRG
018 for FY 2025 as requested because
the logic for Pre-MDC MS–DRG 018 is
intended to include other
immunotherapies and is not restricted
to CAR T-cell and autologous gene and
cell therapies. As discussed in the FY
2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR
44798 through 44806), we finalized our
proposal to revise the title of Pre-MDC
MS–DRG 018 to include ‘‘Other
Immunotherapies’’ to better reflect the
cases reporting the administration of
non-CAR T-cell therapies and other
immunotherapies that would also be
assigned to this MS–DRG, in addition to
CAR T-cell therapies. We noted that the
term ‘‘Other Immunotherapies’’ is
intended to encompass the group of
therapies that are currently available
and being utilized today (for which
codes have been created for reporting in
response to industry requests or are
being considered for implementation),
and to enable appropriate MS–DRG
assignment for any future therapies that
may also fit into this category and are
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not specifically identified as a CAR Tcell product, that may become available
(for example receive marketing
authorization or a newly established
procedure code in the ICD–10–PCS
We also note, as discussed in prior
rulemaking, that this category of
therapies continues to evolve, and we
are in the process of carefully
considering the feedback we have
previously received about ways in
which we can continue to appropriately
reflect resource utilization while
maintaining clinical coherence and
stability in the relative weights under
the IPPS MS–DRGs. We appreciate the
recommendations and suggestions for
consideration we have received and will
continue to examine these complex
issues in connection with future
rulemaking. We acknowledge that there
may be distinctions to account for as we
continue to gain more experience in the
use of these therapies and have
additional claims data to analyze.
Therefore, we are not proposing to
revise the title for Pre-MDC MS–DRG
018 to reflect ‘‘Chimeric Antigen
Receptor (CAR) T and Other Autologous
Gene and Cell Therapies’’ at this time
and are proposing to maintain the
existing title to Pre-MDC MS–DRG 018,
‘‘Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) Tcell and Other Immunotherapies’’ for FY
3. MDC 01 (Diseases and Disorders of
the Nervous System)
a. Logic for MS–DRGs 023 Through 027
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 58661 through 58667), we
discussed a request to reassign cases
describing the insertion of a
neurostimulator generator into the skull
in combination with the insertion of a
neurostimulator lead into the brain from
MS–DRG 023 (Craniotomy with Major
Device Implant or Acute Complex CNS
Principal Diagnosis with MCC or
Chemotherapy Implant or Epilepsy with
Neurostimulator) to MS–DRG 021
(Intracranial Vascular Procedures with
Principal Diagnosis Hemorrhage with
CC) or reassign all cases currently
assigned to MS–DRG 023 that involve a
craniectomy or a craniotomy with the
insertion of device implant and create a
new MS–DRG for these cases.
We stated the requestor acknowledged
that the relatively low volume of cases
that only involve the insertion of a
neurostimulator generator into the skull
in combination with the insertion of a
neurostimulator lead into the brain in
the claims data was likely not sufficient
to warrant the creation of a new MS–
DRG. The requestor further stated given
PO 00000
Frm 00020
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
the limited options within the existing
MS–DRG structure that fit from both a
cost and clinical cohesiveness
perspective, they believed that MS–DRG
021 was the most logical fit in terms of
average costs and clinical coherence for
reassignment even though, according to
the requestor, the insertion of a
neurostimulator generator into the skull
in combination with the insertion of a
neurostimulator lead into the brain is
technically more complex and involves
a higher level of training, extreme
precision and sophisticated technology
than performing a craniectomy for
We noted that while our data findings
demonstrated the average costs are
higher for the cases with a principal
diagnosis of epilepsy with a
neurostimulator generator inserted into
the skull and insertion of a
neurostimulator lead into brain when
compared to all cases in MS–DRG 023,
these cases represented a small
percentage of the total number of cases
reported in this MS–DRG. We stated
that while we appreciated the
requestor’s concerns regarding the
differential in average costs for cases
describing the insertion of a
neurostimulator generator into the skull
in combination with the insertion of a
neurostimulator lead into the brain
when compared to all cases in their
assigned MS–DRG, we believed
additional time was needed to evaluate
these cases as part of our ongoing
examination of the case logic to the MS–
DRGs for craniotomy and endovascular
procedures, which are MS–DRG 023,
MS–DRG 024 (Craniotomy with Major
Device Implant or Acute Complex CNS
Principal Diagnosis without MCC), and
MS–DRGs 025, 026, and 027
(Craniotomy and Endovascular
Intracranial Procedures with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively).
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48808
through 48820), in connection with our
analysis of cases reporting laser
interstitial thermal therapy (LITT)
procedures performed on the brain or
brain stem in MDC 01, we stated we
have started to examine the logic for
case assignment to MS–DRGs 023
through 027 to determine where further
refinements could potentially be made
to better account for differences in the
technical complexity and resource
utilization among the procedures that
are currently assigned to those MS–
DRGs. We stated that specifically, we
were in the process of evaluating
procedures that are performed using an
open craniotomy (where it is necessary
to surgically remove a portion of the
skull) versus a percutaneous burr hole
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(where a hole approximately the size of
a pencil is drilled) to obtain access to
the brain in the performance of a
procedure. We stated we were also
reviewing the indications for these
procedures, for example, malignant
neoplasms versus epilepsy to consider if
there may be merit in considering
restructuring the current MS–DRGs to
better recognize the clinical distinctions
of these patient populations in the MS–
As part of this evaluation, as
discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, we have begun to analyze
the ICD–10 coded claims data to
determine if the patients’ diagnoses, the
objective of the procedure performed,
the specific anatomical site where the
procedure is performed or the surgical
approach used (for example, open,
percutaneous, percutaneous endoscopic,
among others) demonstrates a greater
severity of illness and/or increased
treatment difficulty as we consider
restructuring MS–DRGs 023 through
027, including how to better align the
clinical indications with the
performance of specific intracranial
procedures. We referred the reader to
Tables 6P.2b through 6P.2f associated
with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (available on the CMS
website at:
for data analysis findings of cases
assigned to MS–DRGs 023 through 027
from the September 2022 update of the
FY 2022 MedPAR file as we continue to
look for patterns of complexity and
resource intensity.
In summary, we stated that while we
agreed that neurostimulator cases can
have average costs that are higher than
the average costs of all cases in their
respective MS–DRGs, in our analysis of
this issue, it was difficult to detect
patterns of complexity and resource
intensity. Therefore, for the reasons
discussed, we finalized our proposal to
maintain the current assignment of
cases describing a neurostimulator
generator inserted into the skull with
the insertion of a neurostimulator lead
into the brain for FY 2024.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we stated we continue to believe
that additional time is needed to
evaluate these cases as part of our
ongoing examination of the case logic
for MS–DRGs 023 through 027. As part
of our ongoing, comprehensive analysis
of the MS–DRGs under ICD–10, we
stated we would continue to explore
mechanisms to ensure clinical
coherence between these cases and the
other cases with which they may
potentially be grouped. We stated that
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the data analysis as displayed in Tables
6P.2b through 6P.2f associated with the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule
was displayed to provide the public an
opportunity to review our examination
of the procedures by their approach
(open versus percutaneous), clinical
indications, and procedures that involve
the insertion or implantation of a device
and to reflect on what factors should be
considered in the potential restructuring
of these MS–DRGs. We welcomed
further feedback on how CMS should
define technical complexity, what
factors should be considered in the
analysis, and whether there are other
data not included in Tables 6P.2b
through 6P.2f that CMS should analyze.
We also stated we are interested in
receiving feedback on where further
refinements could potentially be made
to better account for differences in the
technical complexity and resource
utilization among the procedures that
are currently assigned to these MS–
In response to this discussion in the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
received two comments by the October
20, 2023 deadline. A commenter
recommended that CMS not use surgical
approach (for example, open versus
percutaneous) as a factor to reclassify
MS–DRGs 023 through 027. The
commenter stated whether the opening
is created via a drill into the skull
percutaneously or through a larger
incision in the skull for a craniotomy,
both approaches involve the risk of
intracranial bleeding, infection, and
brain swelling. The commenter further
stated they do not support a
consideration of the reassignment of the
ICD–10–PCS procedure codes
describing LITT, currently assigned to
MS–DRGs 025 through 027, based on
the diagnosis being treated. The
commenter stated that the LITT
procedure requires the same steps, time,
and clinical resources when performed
for brain cancer or epilepsy. In the
requestor’s view, differences in the
disease causing the tumors or lesions do
not affect the resources used for
performing the procedure or the postoperative care for the patient. Lastly, the
commenter stated they support the
current structure of MS–DRGs 023 and
024 based on an acute complicated
principal diagnosis, or chemotherapy
implant, or epilepsy with
neurostimulator. The commenter stated
these diagnoses represent severe
complex conditions that require
immediate and urgent intervention.
Another commenter stated that the
current logic for MS–DRGs 023 through
027 is sufficient and supports the
clinical and resource similarities of the
PO 00000
Frm 00021
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
procedures reflected in these MS–DRGs.
The commenter performed its own
analysis and stated they found that
realignment based on surgical approach
or root operation could create
significant new inequities. The
commenter recommended that CMS
maintain the current logic for MS–DRGs
025 through 027, as making changes
could be disruptive to hospitals and
create challenges for Medicare
beneficiary access to life-saving
technologies. The commenter stated
they strongly believe that maintaining
the current structure provides payment
stability and integrity of these
procedures over time.
CMS appreciates the comments
submitted in response to the request for
feedback in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule. As we continue analysis
of the claims data with respect to MS–
DRGs 023 through 027, we continue to
seek public comments and feedback on
other factors that should be considered
in the potential restructuring of these
MS–DRGs. As stated in prior
rulemaking, we recognize the logic for
MS–DRGs 023 through 027 has grown
more complex over the years and
believe there is opportunity for further
refinement. We refer the reader to the
ICD–10 MS–DRG Definitions Manual,
Version 41.1 (available on the CMS
website at:
ms-drg-classifications-and-software) for
complete documentation of the
GROUPER logic for MS–DRGs 023
through 027. Feedback and other
suggestions may continue to be directed
to MEARISTM, discussed in section
II.C.1.b. of the preamble of this
proposed rule at: https://
b. Intraoperative Radiation Therapy
We received a request to add ICD–10–
PCS procedure codes D0Y0CZZ
(Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT)
of brain) and D0Y1CZZ (Intraoperative
radiation therapy (IORT) of brain stem),
to the Chemotherapy Implant logic list
in MS–DRG 023 (Craniotomy with
Major Device Implant or Acute Complex
CNS Principal Diagnosis with MCC or
Chemotherapy Implant or Epilepsy with
Neurostimulator). According to the
requestor, intraoperative radiation
therapy (IORT) for the brain is always
performed as part of the surgery to
remove a brain tumor during the same
operative episode. The requestor stated
that once maximal safe tumor resection
is achieved, the tumor cavity is
examined for active egress of
cerebrospinal fluid or bleeding. Next,
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
intraoperative measurements are made
using neuro-navigation or intraoperative
imaging such as magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) or computed tomography
(CT) to ensure safe distance to organs or
tissues at risk, aid in appropriate dose
calculation, and selection of proper
applicator size. The applicator is then
implanted into the tumor cavity and the
radiation dose is delivered. The
requestor stated that delivery time can
be up to 40 minutes and upon
completion of the treatment, the source
is removed, and the cavity is reinspected for active egress of
cerebrospinal fluid and bleeding.
The requestor stated that currently the
ICD–10–PCS procedure codes for
excision of a brain tumor, 00B00ZZ
(Excision of brain, open approach) and
00B70ZZ (Excision of cerebral
hemisphere, open approach) map to
both sets of craniotomy MS–DRGs.
Specifically, MS–DRG 023 (Craniotomy
with Major Device Implant or Acute
Complex CNS Principal Diagnosis with
MCC or Chemotherapy Implant or
Epilepsy with Neurostimulator) and
MS–DRG 024 (Craniotomy with Major
Device Implant or Acute Complex CNS
Principal Diagnosis without MCC), and
MS–DRGs 025, 026, and 027
(Craniotomy and Endovascular
Intracranial Procedures with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively).
However, the requestor also stated that
the procedure codes describing IORT
(D0Y0CZZ or D0Y1CZZ) are not listed
in the GROUPER logic and do not affect
MS–DRG assignment. Therefore, cases
reporting a procedure code describing
excision of a brain tumor (00B00ZZ or
00B70ZZ) with IORT currently map to
MS–DRGs 025, 026, and 027. The
requestor suggested that cases reporting
a procedure code describing excision of
a brain tumor (00B00ZZ or 00B70ZZ)
with IORT (D0Y0CZZ or D0Y1CZZ)
should map to MS–DRG 023 because of
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the higher costs associated with the
addition of IORT to the excision of brain
tumor surgery. According to the
requestor, MS–DRG 023 includes
complicated craniotomy cases involving
the placement of radiological sources
and chemotherapy implants. The
requestor stated that because IORT
involves a full course of radiation
therapy delivered directly to the tumor
bed via an applicator that is implanted
into the tumor cavity during the same
surgical session and is clinically similar
to two other procedures listed in the
Chemotherapy Implant logic list, it
should also be included in the
Chemotherapy Implant logic list.
Specifically, the requestor stated
procedure code 00H004Z (Insertion of
radioactive element, cesium-131
collagen implant into brain, open
approach) and procedure code 3E0Q305
(Introduction of other antineoplastic
into cranial cavity and brain,
percutaneous approach) also involve the
delivery of either radiation or
chemotherapy directly after tumor
resection. According to the requestor,
the resources involved in placing the
delivery device are similar for all three
procedures and the distinction is that
the procedures described by codes
00H004Z and 3E0Q305 involve the
insertion of devices that deliver
radiation or chemotherapy over a period
of time, whereas IORT delivers the
entire dose of radiation during the
operative session. As such, the requestor
asserted that IORT is clinically aligned
with the other procedures from a
therapeutic and resource utilization
The requestor performed its own
analysis using the FY 2022 MedPAR file
that was made available in association
with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule and stated it found fewer than 11
cases reporting IORT in MS–DRGs 025,
026, and 027, with the majority of those
PO 00000
Frm 00022
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
cases mapping to MS–DRG 025.
According to the requestor, the volume
of claims reporting IORT is anticipated
to increase as appropriate use of the
technology is adopted.
The requestor is correct that currently,
the logic for case assignment to MS–
DRG 023 includes a Chemotherapy
Implant logic list and the procedure
codes that identify IORT (D0Y0CZZ and
D0Y1CZZ) are not listed in the
GROUPER logic and do not affect MS–
DRG assignment as the procedures are
designated as non-O.R. procedures. The
requestor is also correct that cases
reporting a procedure code describing
excision of a brain tumor (00B00ZZ or
00B70ZZ) with IORT currently map to
MS–DRGs 025, 026, and 027. We refer
the reader to the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Definitions Manual Version 41.1
(available on the CMS website at:
acute-inpatient-pps/ms-drgclassifications-and-software) for
complete documentation of the
GROUPER logic.
In review of this request, we analyzed
claims data from the September 2023
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file for
MS–DRGs 023, 024, 025, 026, and 027
and for cases reporting excision of brain
tumor and IORT. We identified claims
reporting excision of brain tumor with
procedure code 00B00ZZ or 00B70ZZ
and identified claims reporting IORT
with procedure code D0Y0CZZ or
D0Y1CZZ. The findings from our
analysis are shown in the following
table. We note that there were no cases
found to report IORT of brain
(D0Y0CZZ) or brain stem (D0Y1CZZ)
with excision of brain (00B00ZZ) or
excision of cerebral hemisphere
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Number of cases
All cases
Cases reporting excision of brain (00B00ZZ)
Cases reporting excision of cerebral hemisphere
Cases reporting excision of brain (00B00ZZ) with IORT
of brain stem (DOYICZZ)
Cases reporting excision of cerebral hemisphere
(00B70ZZ) with IORT of brain (D0Y0CZZ)
Cases reporting excision of cerebral hemisphere
(00B70ZZ) with IORT of brain stem 2014
All cases
Averaee Costs
Cases reporting excision of brain (00B00ZZ) with IORT
of brain (DOY0CZZ)
All other cases
Averaee Lenoth of Stav
Sfmt 4725
All cases
Cases reporting excision of brain (00B00ZZ)
Cases reporting excision of cerebral hemisphere
Cases reporting excision of brain (00B00ZZ) with IORT
of brain (DOY0CZZ)
Cases reporting excision of brain (00B00ZZ) with IORT
of brain stem (DOYlCZZ)
Cases reporting excision of cerebral hemisphere
(00B70ZZ) with IORT of brain (D0Y0CZZ)
Cases reporting excision of cerebral hemisphere
(00B70ZZ) with IORT of brain stem (D0YlCZZ)
All other cases
All cases
Cases reporting excision of brain (00B00ZZ)
Cases reporting excision of cerebral hemisphere
Cases reporting excision of brain (00B00ZZ) with IORT
of brain (DOY0CZZ)
Cases reporting excision of brain (00B00ZZ) with IORT
of brain stem (DOYlCZZ)
Cases reporting excision of cerebral hemisphere
(00B70ZZ) with IORT of brain ffi0Y0CZZ)
Cases reporting excision of cerebral hemisphere
(00B70ZZ) with IORT of brain stem (D0YlCZZ)
All other cases
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
As the data show, there were no cases
found to report the use of IORT in the
performance of a brain tumor excision;
therefore, we are unable to evaluate
whether the use of IORT directly
impacts resource utilization. For this
reason, we are proposing to maintain
the current structure of MS–DRGs 023,
024, 025, 026, and 027 for FY 2025. We
will continue to monitor the claims data
in consideration of any future
modifications to the MS–DRGs for
which IORT may be reported.
4. MDC 05 (Diseases and Disorders of
the Circulatory System)
a. Concomitant Left Atrial Appendage
Closure and Cardiac Ablation
We received a request to create a new
MS–DRG to better accommodate the
costs of concomitant left atrial
appendage closure and cardiac ablation
for atrial fibrillation in MDC 05
(Diseases and Disorders of the
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Circulatory System). Atrial fibrillation
(AF) is an irregular and often rapid heart
rate that occurs when the two upper
chambers of the heart experience
chaotic electrical signals. AF presents as
either paroxysmal (lasting <7 days),
persistent (lasting >7 day, but less than
1 year), or long standing persistent
(chronic) (lasting >1 year) based on time
duration and can increase the risk for
stroke, heart failure, and mortality.
Management of AF has two primary
goals: optimizing cardiac output
through rhythm or rate control and
decreasing the risk of cerebral and
systemic thromboembolism. Among
patients with AF, thrombus in the left
atrial appendage (LAA) is a primary
source for thromboembolism. Left Atrial
Appendage Closure (LAAC) is a surgical
or minimally invasive procedure to seal
off the LAA to reduce the risk of
embolic stroke.
According to the requestor, the
manufacturer of the WATCHMANTM
PO 00000
Frm 00024
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC)
device, patients who are indicated for a
LAAC device can also have
symptomatic AF. For these patients,
performing a cardiac ablation and LAAC
procedure at the same time is ideal.
Cardiac ablation is a procedure that
works by burning or freezing tissue on
the inside of the heart to disrupt faulty
electrical signals causing the
arrhythmia, which can help the heart
maintain a normal heart rhythm. The
requestor highlighted a recent study
(Piccini et al. Left atrial appendage
occlusion with the WATCHMANTM FLX
and concomitant catheter ablation
procedures. Heart Rhythm Society
Meeting 2023, May 19, 2023; New
Orleans, LA.). According to the
requestor, the results of this study
indicate that when LAAC is performed
concomitantly with cardiac ablation, the
outcomes are comparable to patients
who have undergone these procedures
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
ICD-10-PCS Code
Occlusion ofleft atrial a
Occlusion ofleft atrial a
Occlusion of left atrial a
Occlusion of left atrial a
Occlusion ofleft atrial A
Occlusion of left atrial a
Occlusion of left atrial a
Occlusion ofleft atrial a
Occlusion ofleft atrial a
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Similarly, as noted previously, the
requestor identified code 02583ZZ
(Destruction of conduction mechanism,
percutaneous approach) to describe
ICD-10-PCS Code
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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closure and cardiac ablation procedures
were consistently higher compared to
the average costs of other cases within
their respective MS–DRG, which it
asserted could limit beneficiary access
to these procedures. The requestor
asserted that improved Medicare
payment for providers who perform
these procedures concomitantly would
help Medicare patients to gain better
access to these lifesaving and qualityimproving services and decrease the risk
of future readmissions and the need for
future procedures.
We reviewed this request and noted
concerns regarding making proposed
MS–DRG changes based on a specific,
single technology (the WATCHMANTM
Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC)
device) identified by only one unique
procedure code versus considering
proposed changes based on a group of
related procedure codes that can be
reported to describe the same type or
class of technology, which is more
consistent with the intent of the MS–
DRGs. Therefore, in reviewing this
request, we identified eight additional
ICD–10–PCS procedure codes that
describe LAAC procedures and
included these codes in our analysis.
The nine codes we identified are listed
in the following table.
"th extralumin
1 device
taneous endos
cardiac ablation. In our review of the
ICD–10–PCS classification, we
identified 26 additional ICD–10–PCS
codes that describe cardiac ablation that
we also examined. The 27 codes we
included in our analysis are listed in the
following table.
Destruction of coronary vein, open annroach
Destruction of coronarv vein, percutaneous approach
Destruction of coronarv vein, nercutaneous endosconic annroach
Destruction of atrial septum, open approach
Destruction of atrial septum, percutaneous annroach
Destruction of atrial sentum, nercutaneous endosconic annroach
Destruction of right atrium, open approach
Destruction of right atrium, percutaneous approach
Destruction of right atrium, percutaneous endoscopic approach
Destruction of left atrial annendage, onen annroach
Destruction of left atrium, open approach
Destruction of left atrial appendage, percutaneous approach
Destruction of left atrium, nercutaneous annroach
Destruction of left atrial annendage, percutaneous endoscopic annroach
Destruction of left atrium, percutaneous endoscopic approach
Destruction of conduction mechanism onen annroach
Destruction of conduction mechanism, percutaneous annroach
Destruction of conduction mechanism, percutaneous endoscopic approach
Destruction of chordae tendineae, open approach
Destruction of chordae tendineae nercutaneous annroach
Destruction of chordae tendineae percutaneous endoscopic approach
Destruction of right pulmonary vein, open approach
Destruction of right nulmonary vein, nercutaneous annroach
Destruction of right pulmonary vein, percutaneous endoscopic annroach
Destruction of left pulmonary vein open approach
Destruction of left nulmonary vein nercutaneous annroach
Destruction of left pulmonary vein, percutaneous endoscopic approach
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00025
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
EP02MY24.005 EP02MY24.006
The requestor identified the following
potential procedure code combination
that would comprise a concomitant left
atrial appendage closure and cardiac
ablation procedure: ICD–10–PCS
procedure code 02L73DK (Occlusion of
left atrial appendage with intraluminal
device, percutaneous approach), that
identifies the WATCHMANTM device, in
combination with 02583ZZ (Destruction
of conduction mechanism, percutaneous
approach). The requestor performed its
own analysis of this procedure code
combination and stated that it found the
average costs of cases reporting
concomitant left atrial appendage
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
In the ICD–10 MS–DRGs Definitions
Manual Version 41.1, for concomitant
left atrial appendage closure and cardiac
ablation procedures, the GROUPER
logic assigns MS–DRGs 273 and 274
(Percutaneous and Other Intracardiac
Procedures with and without MCC,
respectively) depending on the presence
of any additional MCC secondary
diagnoses. We examined claims data
from the September 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR file for all cases in
MS–DRGs 273 and 274 and compared
the results to cases reporting procedure
codes describing concomitant left atrial
appendage closure and cardiac ablation.
Our findings are shown in the following
MS-DRGs 273 and 274: All Cases and Cases Reportin2 Concomitant Left Atrial Aooenda2e Closure and Cardiac Ablation
Average Length
Number of
of Stay
Avera!!:e Costs
All cases
Cases with a procedure code LAAC and a procedure
code for cardiac ablation
47 801
All Cases
Cases with a procedure code LAAC and a procedure
code for cardiac ablation
Number of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
shown in the table that follows, a threeway split of the proposed new MS–
DRGs failed the criterion that there be
at least 500 cases for each subgroup due
With CC
Without CC/MCC
Number of Cases
We then applied the criteria for a twoway split for the ‘‘with CC/MCC’’ and
‘‘without CC/MCC’’ subgroups and
found that the criterion that there be at
least a 20% difference in average cost
between subgroups could not be met.
Number of Cases
Without CC/MCC
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00026
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Length of Stay
to low volume. Specifically, for the
‘‘with MCC’’ split, there were only 268
cases in the subgroup.
Avera2e Len2th of Stay
Avera2e Costs
$60 667
$47 479
The following table illustrates our
Average Length of Stay
Average Costs
Proposed new MS-DRG
Proposed new MS-DRG XXX Concomitant Left Atrial Appendage Closure
and Cardiac Ablation
We applied the criteria to create
subgroups in a base MS–DRG as
discussed in section II.C.1.b. of this FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule. As
compared to all the cases in their
assigned MS–DRG. For these reasons,
we are proposing to create a new MS–
DRG for cases reporting a LAAC
procedure and a cardiac ablation
To compare and analyze the impact of
our suggested modifications, we ran a
simulation using the claims data from
the September 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file. The following table
illustrates our findings for all 1,723
cases reporting procedure codes
describing concomitant left atrial
appendage closure and cardiac ablation.
We believe the resulting proposed MS–
DRG assignment is more clinically
homogeneous, coherent and better
reflects hospital resource use.
left atrial appendage closure and cardiac
ablation, with average costs higher than
the average costs in the FY 2023
MedPAR file for MS–DRG 274 ($66,277
compared to $29,209) and a slightly
longer average length of stay (1.5 days
compared to 1.4 days).
We reviewed these data and note,
clinically, the management of AF by
performing concomitant left atrial
appendage closure and cardiac ablation
can improve symptoms, prevent stroke,
and reduce the risk of bleeding
compared with oral anticoagulants. The
data analysis clearly shows that cases
reporting concomitant left atrial
appendage closure and cardiac ablation
procedures have higher average costs
and slightly longer lengths of stay
EP02MY24.007 EP02MY24.008
As shown in the table, in MS–DRG
273, we identified a total of 7,250 cases
with an average length of stay of 5.4
days and average costs of $35,197. Of
those 7,250 cases, there were 80 cases
reporting procedure codes describing
concomitant left atrial appendage
closure and cardiac ablation with
average costs higher than the average
costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for
MS–DRG 273 ($70,447 compared to
$35,197) and a slightly longer average
length of stay (5.8 days compared to 5.4
days). In MS–DRG 274, we identified a
total of 47,801 cases with an average
length of stay of 1.4 days and average
costs of $29,209. Of those 47,801 cases,
there were 781 cases reporting
procedure codes describing concomitant
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
500 or more cases in each subgroup
similarly could not be met. The criterion
that there be at least a 20% difference
in average costs between the subgroups
With MCC
Without MCC
Number of Cases
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
b. Neuromodulation Device Implant for
Heart Failure (BarostimTM Baroreflex
Activation Therapy)
The BAROSTIMTM system is the first
neuromodulation device system
designed to trigger the body’s main
cardiovascular reflex to target symptoms
of heart failure. The system consists of
an implantable pulse generator (IPG)
that is implanted subcutaneously in the
upper chest below the clavicle, a
stimulation lead that is sutured to either
the right or left carotid sinus to activate
the baroreceptors in the wall of the
carotid artery, and a wireless
programmer system that is used to noninvasively program and adjust
BAROSTIMTM therapy via telemetry.
The BAROSTIMTM system is indicated
for the improvement of symptoms of
heart failure in a subset of patients with
symptomatic New York Heart
Association (NYHA) Class III or Class II
(who had a recent history of Class III)
heart failure, with a low left ventricular
ejection fraction, who also do not
00:35 May 02, 2024
Average Length of Stay
Therefore, for FY 2025, we are not
proposing to subdivide the proposed
new MS–DRG for cases reporting
procedure codes describing concomitant
left atrial appendage closure and cardiac
ablation into severity levels.
In summary, for FY 2025, taking into
consideration that it clinically requires
greater resources to perform
concomitant left atrial appendage
closure and cardiac ablation procedures,
we are proposing to create a new base
MS–DRG for cases reporting a LAAC
procedure and a cardiac ablation
procedure in MDC 05. The proposed
new MS–DRG is proposed new MS–
DRG 317 (Concomitant Left Atrial
Appendage Closure and Cardiac
Ablation). We are also proposing to
include the nine ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes that describe LAAC procedures
and 27 ICD–10–PCS procedure codes
that describe cardiac ablation listed
previously in the logic for assignment of
cases reporting a LAAC procedure and
a cardiac ablation procedure for the
proposed new MS–DRG. We note that
discussion of the surgical hierarchy for
the proposed modification is discussed
in section II.C.15. of this proposed rule.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
also was not met. The following table
illustrates our findings.
Jkt 262001
benefit from guideline directed
pharmacologic therapy or qualify for
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
(CRT). The BAROSTIMTM system was
approved for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2021 (85 FR 58716
through 58717) and FY 2022 (86 FR
44974). The new technology add-on
payment was subsequently
discontinued effective FY 2023 (87 FR
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 48837 through 48843), we
discussed a request we received to
reassign the ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes that describe the implantation of
the BAROSTIMTM system from MS–
DRGs 252, 253, and 254 (Other Vascular
Procedures with MCC, with CC, and
without MCC respectively) to MS–DRGs
222, 223, 224, 225, 226, and 227
(Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with and
without Cardiac Catheterization with
and without AMI/HF/Shock with and
without MCC, respectively). The
requestor stated that the subset of
patients that have an indication for the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system
also have indications for the
implantation of Implantable
Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD),
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy
Defibrillators (CRT–D) and/or Cardiac
Contractility Modulation (CCM) devices,
all of which also require the permanent
implantation of a programmable,
electrical pulse generator and at least
one electrical lead. The requestor
further stated that the average resource
utilization required to implant the
BAROSTIMTM system demonstrates a
significant disparity compared to all
procedures within MS–DRGs 252, 253,
and 254.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we stated that the results of the
claims analysis demonstrated we did
not have sufficient claims data on which
to base and evaluate any proposed
changes to the current MS–DRG
assignment. We also expressed concern
in equating the implantation of a
BAROSTIMTM system to the placement
of ICD, CRT–D, and CCM devices as
these devices all differ in terms of
technical complexity and anatomical
placement of the electrical lead(s). We
PO 00000
Frm 00027
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Average Costs
noted there is no intravascular
component or vascular puncture
involved when implanting a
BAROSTIMTM system. In contrast, the
placement of ICD, CRT–D, and CCM
devices generally involve a lead being
affixed to the myocardium, being
threaded through the coronary sinus or
crossing a heart valve and are
procedures that involve a greater level
of complexity than affixing the
stimulator lead to either the right or left
carotid sinus when implanting a
BAROSTIMTM system. We stated that
we believed that as the number of cases
reporting procedure codes describing
the implantation of neuromodulation
devices for heart failure increases, a
better view of the associated costs and
lengths of stay on average will be
reflected in the data for purposes of
assessing any reassignment of these
cases. Therefore, after consideration of
the public comments we received, and
for the reasons stated earlier, we
finalized our proposal to maintain the
assignment of cases reporting procedure
codes that describe the implantation of
a neuromodulation device in MS–DRGs
252, 253, and 254 for FY 2023.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 58712 through 58720), we
discussed a request we received to add
ICD–10–CM diagnosis code R57.0
(Cardiogenic shock) to the list of
‘‘secondary diagnoses’’ that grouped to
MS–DRGs 222 and 223 (Cardiac
Defibrillator Implant with Cardiac
Catheterization with Acute Myocardial
Infarction (AMI), Heart Failure (HF), or
Shock with and without MCC,
respectively). During our review of the
issue, we noted that the results of our
claims analysis showed that in
procedures involving a cardiac
defibrillator implant, the average costs
and length of stay were generally similar
without regard to the presence of
diagnosis codes describing AMI, HF, or
shock. We stated we believed that it
may no longer be necessary to subdivide
MS–DRGs 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, and
227 based on the diagnosis codes
reported. After consideration of the
public comments we received, and for
the reasons stated in the rule, we
finalized our proposal to delete MS–
We also applied the criteria for a twoway split for the ‘‘with MCC’’ and
‘‘without MCC’’ subgroups and found
that the criterion that there be at least
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
DRGs 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, and 227.
We also finalized our proposal to create
new MS–DRG 275 (Cardiac Defibrillator
Implant with Cardiac Catheterization
and MCC), new MS–DRG 276 (Cardiac
Defibrillator Implant with MCC) and
new MS–DRG 277 (Cardiac Defibrillator
Implant without MCC) in MDC 05 for
FY 2024.
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we received a similar
request to again review the MS–DRG
assignment of the ICD–10–PCS
procedure codes that describe the
implantation of the BAROSTIMTM
system. Specifically, the requestor
recommended that CMS consider
reassigning the ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes that describe the implantation of
the BAROSTIMTM system from MS–
DRGs 252, 253, and 254 (Other Vascular
Procedures with MCC, with CC, and
without MCC respectively) to MS–DRGs
275 (Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with
Cardiac Catheterization and MCC), MS–
DRG 276, and 277 (Cardiac Defibrillator
Implant with MCC and without MCC
respectively); or to other more clinically
coherent MS–DRGs for implantable
device procedures indicated for Class III
heart failure patients. The requestor
stated in their analysis the number of
claims reporting procedure codes that
describe the implantation of the
BAROSTIMTM system has been
consistently growing over the past few
years. The requestor acknowledged that
the implantation of the BAROSTIMTM
system is predominantly performed in
the outpatient setting but noted that a
significant number of severely sick
patients with multiple comorbidities
(such as chronic kidney disease, end
stage renal disease (ESRD), chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
and AF) are treated in an inpatient
setting. The requestor stated in their
experience, hospitals that have
performed BAROSTIMTM procedures
have stopped allowing patients to
receive the device in the inpatient
setting due to the high losses for each
Medicare claim. The requestor asserted
it is critically important to allow very
sick and fragile patients access to the
BAROSTIMTM procedure in an inpatient
setting and stated these patients should
not be denied access by hospitals due to
the perceived gross underpayment of
the current MS–DRG.
The requestor stated the
BAROSTIMTM procedure is not
clinically coherent with other
procedures assigned to MS–DRGs 252,
253, and 254 (Other Vascular
Procedures) as the majority of the ICD–
10–PCS codes assigned to MS–DRGs
252, 253, and 254 describe procedures
to identify, diagnose, clear and
restructure veins and arteries, excluding
those that require implantable devices.
Furthermore, the requestor stated the
costs of the implantable medical devices
used for the BAROSTIMTM system (that
is, the electrical pulse generator and
electrical lead) alone far exceed the
average costs of other cases assigned to
MS–DRGs 252, 253, and 254.
The following ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes uniquely identify the
implantation of the BAROSTIMTM
system: 0JH60MZ (Insertion of
stimulator generator into chest
subcutaneous tissue and fascia, open
approach) in combination with
03HK3MZ (Insertion of stimulator lead
into right internal carotid artery,
percutaneous approach) or 03HL3MZ
(Insertion of stimulator lead into left
internal carotid artery, percutaneous
To analyze this request, we first
examined claims data from the
September 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file for MS–DRGs 252, 253,
and 254 to identify cases reporting
procedure codes describing the
implantation of the BAROSTIMTM
system with or without a procedure
code describing the performance of a
cardiac catheterization as MS–DRG 275
is defined by the performance of cardiac
catheterization and a secondary
diagnosis of MCC. Our findings are
shown in the following table.
MS-DRGs 252-254: All Cases and Cases Reoortine: Procedures Describine: the lmolantation of a BAROSTIM.TM Svstem
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
All cases
Cases with diagnosis of heart failure with 0JH60MZ and
03HL3MZ or 03HK3MZ
with cardiac catheterization
Cases with diagnosis of heart failure with 0JH60MZ and
03HL3MZ or 03HK3MZ without cardiac catheterization
$30 456
$66 291
All cases
Cases with diagnosis of heart failure with 0JH60MZ and
03HL3MZ or 03HK3MZ
with cardiac catheterization
Cases with diagnosis of heart failure with 0JH60MZ and
03HL3MZ or 03HK3MZ without cardiac catheterization
All cases
Cases with diagnosis of heart failure with 0JH60MZ and
03HL3MZ or 03HK3MZ
with cardiac catheterization
Cases with diagnosis of heart failure with 0JH60MZ and
03HL3MZ or 03HK3MZ without cardiac catheterization
As shown in the table, in MS–DRG
252, we identified a total of 18,964 cases
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Average Length of
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
with an average length of stay of 8 days
and average costs of $30,456. Of those
PO 00000
Frm 00028
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
18,964 cases, there was one case
reporting procedure codes describing
Number of
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Number of Cases
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
As the table shows, for MS–DRG 275,
there were a total of 3,358 cases with an
average length of stay of 10.3 days and
average costs of $63,181. For MS–DRG
276, there were a total of 3,264 cases
with an average length of stay of 8.2
days and average costs of $54,993. For
MS–DRG 277, there were a total of 3,840
cases with an average length of stay of
4.2 days and average costs of $42,111.
In exploring mechanisms to address
this request, we noted in total, there
were only 23 cases reporting procedure
codes describing the implantation of a
BAROSTIMTM system in MS–DRGs 252,
253, and 254 (13, 7, and 3, respectively).
We reviewed these data, and while we
recognize that the average costs of the
23 cases reporting procedure codes
describing the implantation of a
BAROSTIMTM are greater when
compared to the average costs of all
cases in MS–DRGs 252, 253, and 254,
the number of cases continues to be too
small to warrant the creation of a new
MS–DRG for these cases.
We further note, that of the 23 cases
reporting procedure codes describing
the implantation of a BAROSTIMTM
system identified in MS–DRGs 252, 253,
and 254, only one case reported the
performance of cardiac catheterization.
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, when reviewing the
consumption of hospital resources for
the cases reporting a cardiac
defibrillator implant with cardiac
catheterization during a hospital stay,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Of those 15,551 cases, there were seven
cases reporting procedure codes
describing the implantation of the
BAROSTIMTM system without a
procedure code describing the
performance of a cardiac
catheterization, with average costs
higher than the average costs in the FY
2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRG 253
($52,788 compared to $22,870) and a
shorter average length of stay (4 days
compared to 5.2 days). We found zero
cases in MS–DRG 253 reporting
procedure codes describing the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system
with a procedure code describing the
performance of a cardiac
catheterization. In MS–DRG 254, we
identified a total of 5,973 cases with an
average length of stay of 2.3 days and
average costs of $15,778. Of those 5,973
cases, there were three cases reporting
Jkt 262001
Averae:e Lene:th of Stav
the claims data clearly showed that the
cases reporting secondary diagnoses
designated as MCCs were more resource
intensive as compared to other cases
reporting cardiac defibrillator implant.
Therefore, we finalized the creation of
MS–DRG 275 for cases reporting a
cardiac defibrillator implant with
cardiac catheterization and a secondary
diagnosis designated as an MCC. Of the
23 cases reporting procedure codes
describing the implantation of a
BAROSTIMTM system, there was only
one case reporting a procedure code
describing the performance of cardiac
catheterization and a secondary
diagnosis designated as an MCC, and we
note that there may have been other
factors contributing to the higher costs
of this one case. The results of the
claims analysis demonstrate we do not
have sufficient claims data on which to
base and propose a change to the
current MS–DRG assignment of cases
reporting procedure codes describing
the implantation of a BAROSTIMTM
system from MS–DRGs 252, 253, and
254 to MS–DRG 275.
Further analysis of the claims data
demonstrates that the 23 cases reporting
procedure codes describing the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system
had an average length of stay of 5.8 days
and average costs of $59,355, as
compared to the 3,264 cases in MS–DRG
276 that had an average length of stay
of 8.2 days and average costs of $54,993.
While the cases reporting procedure
PO 00000
Frm 00029
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
procedure codes describing the
implantation of the BAROSTIMTM
system without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, with average costs
higher than the average costs in the FY
2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRG 254
($29,740 compared to $15,778) and a
shorter average length of stay (1.3 days
compared to 2.3 days). We found zero
cases in MS–DRG 254 reporting
procedure codes describing the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system
with a procedure code describing the
performance of a cardiac
We then examined claims data from
the September 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRGs 275,
276, and 277. Our findings are shown in
the following table.
Averae:e Costs
$63 181
$54 993
codes describing the implantation of a
BAROSTIMTM system had average costs
that were $4,362 higher than the average
costs of all cases in MS–DRG 276, as
noted, there were only a total of 23
cases, and there may have been other
factors contributing to the higher costs.
We noted, however, reassigning all
cases reporting procedure codes
describing the implantation of a
BAROSTIMTM system to MS–DRG 276,
even if there is not a MCC present, the
cases would receive higher payment and
better account for the differences in
resource utilization of these cases than
in their respective MS–DRG.
We reviewed the clinical issues and
the claims data, and while we continue
to note that there is no intravascular
component or vascular puncture
involved when implanting a
BAROSTIMTM system, and that the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system
is distinguishable from the placement of
ICD, CRT–D, and CCM devices, as these
devices all differ in terms of technical
complexity and anatomical placement
of the electrical lead(s), as discussed in
the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(87 FR 48837 through 48843), we agree
that ICD, CRT–D, and CCM devices and
the BAROSTIMTM system are clinically
coherent in that they share an indication
of heart failure, a major cause of
morbidity and mortality in the United
States, and that these cases demonstrate
comparable resource utilization. Based
on our review of the clinical issues and
the implantation of the BAROSTIMTM
system with a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization with costs higher than
the average costs in the FY 2023
MedPAR file for MS–DRG 252 ($110,928
compared to $30,456) and a longer
length of stay (9 days compared to 8
days). There were 12 cases reporting
procedure codes describing the
implantation of the BAROSTIMTM
system without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, with average costs
higher than the average costs in the FY
2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRG 252
($66,291 compared to $30,456) and a
slighter shorter average length of stay
(7.8 days compared to 8 days). In MS–
DRG 253, we identified a total of 15,551
cases with an average length of stay of
5.2 days and average costs of $22,870.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
the claims data, and to better account
for the resources required, we are
proposing to reassign the cases reporting
procedure codes describing the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system
to MS–DRG 276, even if there is no MCC
reported, to better reflect the clinical
severity and resource use involved in
these cases.
Therefore, for FY 2025, we are
proposing to reassign all cases with one
of the following ICD–10–PCS code
combinations capturing cases reporting
procedure codes describing the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system,
to MS–DRG 276, even if there is no MCC
• 0JH60MZ (Insertion of stimulator
generator into chest subcutaneous tissue
and fascia, open approach) in
combination with 03HK3MZ (Insertion
of stimulator lead into right internal
carotid artery, percutaneous approach);
• 0JH60MZ (Insertion of stimulator
generator into chest subcutaneous tissue
and fascia, open approach) in
combination with 03HL3MZ (Insertion
of stimulator lead into left internal
carotid artery, percutaneous approach).
We also are proposing to change the
title of MS–DRG 276 from ‘‘Cardiac
Defibrillator Implant with MCC’’ to
‘‘Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with
MCC or Carotid Sinus Neurostimulator’’
to reflect the proposed modifications to
MS–DRG assignments. We note that
discussion of the surgical hierarchy for
this proposed modification is discussed
in section II.C.15. of this proposed rule.
c. Endovascular Cardiac Valve
The human heart contains four major
valves—the aortic, mitral, pulmonary,
and tricuspid valves. These valves
function to keep blood flowing through
the heart. When conditions such as
stenosis or insufficiency/regurgitation
occur in one or more of these valves,
valvular heart disease may result.
Intervention options, including surgical
aortic valve replacement or
transcatheter aortic valve replacement
can be performed to treat diseased or
damaged aortic heart valves. Surgical
aortic valve replacement (SAVR) is a
traditional, open-chest surgery where an
incision is made to access the heart. The
damaged valve is replaced, and the
chest is surgically closed. Since SAVR
is a major surgery that involves an
incision, recovery time tends to be
longer. Transcatheter aortic valve
replacement (TAVR) is a minimally
invasive procedure that involves a
catheter being inserted into an artery,
without an incision for most cases, and
then guided to the heart. The catheter
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
delivers the new valve without the need
for the chest or heart to be surgically
opened. Since TAVR is a non-surgical
procedure, it is generally associated
with a much shorter recovery time.
In the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (79 FR 49892 through 49893), we
discussed a request we received to
create a new MS–DRG that would only
include the various types of cardiac
valve replacements performed by an
endovascular or transcatheter technique.
We reviewed the claims data and stated
the data analysis showed that cardiac
valve replacements performed by an
endovascular or transcatheter technique
had a shorter average length of stay and
higher average costs in comparison to
all of the cases in their assigned MS–
DRGs, which were MS–DRGs 216, 217,
218, 219, 220, and 221 (Cardiac Valve &
Other Major Cardiothoracic Procedure
with and without Cardiac
Catheterization, with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively). In
the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
we stated that patients receiving
endovascular cardiac valve
replacements were significantly
different from those patients who
undergo an open chest cardiac valve
replacement and noted that patients
receiving endovascular cardiac valve
replacements are not eligible for open
chest cardiac valve procedures because
of a variety of health constraints, which
we said highlights the fact that perioperative complications and postoperative morbidity have significantly
different profiles for open chest
procedures compared with
endovascular interventions. We further
noted that separately grouping these
endovascular valve replacement
procedures provides greater clinical
cohesion for this subset of high-risk
patients. Therefore, we finalized our
proposal to create MS–DRGs 266 and
267 (Endovascular Cardiac Valve
Replacement, with MCC and without
MCC, respectively) for FY 2015.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42080 through 42089), we
discussed a request we received to
modify the MS–DRG assignment for
transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVR)
with implant procedures. We reviewed
the claims data and stated based on our
data analysis, transcatheter cardiac
valve repair procedures and
transcatheter (endovascular) cardiac
valve replacement procedures are more
clinically coherent in that they describe
endovascular cardiac valve
interventions with implants, and were
similar in terms of average length of stay
and average costs to cases in MS–DRGs
266 and 267 when compared to other
procedures in their current MS–DRG
PO 00000
Frm 00030
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
assignment. For the reasons described in
the rule and after consideration of the
public comments we received, we
finalized our proposal to modify the
structure of MS–DRGs 266 and 267 by
reassigning the procedure codes that
describe transcatheter cardiac valve
repair (supplement) procedures, to
revise the title of MS–DRG 266 from
‘‘Endovascular Cardiac Valve
Replacement with MCC’’ to
‘‘Endovascular Cardiac Valve
Replacement and Supplement
Procedures with MCC’’ and to revise the
title of MS–DRG 267 from
‘‘Endovascular Cardiac Valve
Replacement without MCC’’ to
‘‘Endovascular Cardiac Valve
Replacement and Supplement
Procedures without MCC’’, to reflect the
finalized restructuring.
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we received a request to
delete MS–DRGs 266 and 267 and to
move the cases reporting transcatheter
aortic valve replacement or repair
(supplement) procedures currently
assigned to those MS–DRGs into MS–
DRGs 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, and 221.
The requestor asserted that under the
current IPPS payment methodology,
TAVR procedures are not profitable to
hospitals and when patients are
clinically eligible for both a TAVR and
SAVR procedures, factors beyond
clinical appropriateness can drive
treatment decisions. According to the
requestor (the manufacturer of the
SAPIENTM family of transcatheter heart
valves) sharing a single set of MS–DRGs
would eliminate the current
disincentives hospitals face and create
financial neutrality between the two
lifesaving treatment options. The
requestor stated the current
disincentives are increasingly
problematic because they contribute to
treatment disparities among certain
racial, socioeconomic, and geographic
The requestor noted that currently
surgical cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures, such as SAVR,
are assigned to MS–DRGs 216, 217, 218,
219, 220, and 221, and endovascular
cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures, such as TAVR,
are assigned to MS–DRGs 266 and 267.
The requestor stated that both sets of
MS–DRGs address valve disease and
include valve repair or replacement
procedures for any of the four heart
valves. According to the requestor,
while the sets of MS–DRGs involve
clinically similar cases their payment
rates differ which may be
unintentionally influencing clinical
decision-making by incentivizing
hospitals to choose more invasive SAVR
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
procedures over less-invasive TAVR
As mentioned earlier, the requestor
recommended that CMS delete MS–
DRGs 266 and 267 and move the cases
reporting transcatheter aortic valve
replacement or repair (supplement)
procedures currently assigned to those
MS–DRGs into MS–DRGs 216, 217, 218,
219, 220, and 221. The requestor
performed their own analysis and stated
that their models of this suggested
solution indicated the change would
result in moderate differences in per
case payments by case type and would
not increase overall Medicare spending.
The requestor noted that while their
requested solution would potentially
decrease payment to cases currently
assigned to MS–DRGs 216, 217, 218,
219, 220, and 221, while at the same
time increasing the payment to cases
reporting endovascular cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures, the results of their claim
analysis demonstrated that the net
difference in total payments across all
cases would increase by approximately
$6.5 million. The requestor stated that
they anticipate that their proposed
solution could increase Medicare
patients’ access to innovative
endovascular cardiac valve procedures
by establishing payment neutrality
between SAVR and TAVR procedures.
We reviewed this request and note the
requestor is correct that in Version 41.1
cases reporting procedure codes that
describe endovascular cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures, including TAVR, group to
MS–DRGs 266 and 267. The requestor is
also correct that cases reporting
procedure codes that describe surgical
cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures, including
SAVR, group to MS–DRGs 216, 217,
218, 219, 220, and 221. We refer the
reader to the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Definitions Manual Version 41.1
(available on the CMS website at:
acute-inpatient-pps/ms-drgclassifications-and-software) for
complete documentation of the
GROUPER logic for MS–DRGs 216, 217,
218, 219, 220, 221, 266 and 267.
To begin our analysis, we identified
the ICD–10–PCS procedure codes that
describe endovascular (transcatheter)
cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures and the ICD–
10–PCS procedure codes that describe
surgical cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures. We also
identified the ICD–10–PCS codes that
describe cardiac catheterization, as MS–
DRGs 216, 217, and 218 (Cardiac Valve
and Other Major Cardiothoracic
Procedures with Cardiac Catheterization
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively) are defined by the
performance of cardiac catheterization.
We refer the reader to Table 6P.2a, Table
6P.2b, and Table 6P.2c, respectively,
associated with this proposed rule (and
available at:
for the lists of the ICD–10–PCS
procedure codes that we identified that
describe endovascular cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures, surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures, and cardiac catheterization
We then examined the claims data
from the September 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR file for all cases in
MS–DRGs 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, and
221 and compared the results to cases
reporting surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures in MS–DRG 216, 217, 218,
219, 220, and 221. The following table
shows our findings:
MS-DRGs 216-221: All Cases and Cases Reportine: Sur •ical Cardiac Valve Replacement and Suoolement Procedures
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Number of Cases
All cases
Surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement
Avera,le Len,lth of Stay
Avera,le Costs
5 033
All cases
Surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement
All cases
Surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement
All cases
Surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement
All cases
Surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement
All cases
Surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement
As shown in the table, in MS–DRG
216, we identified a total of 5,033 cases
with an average length of stay of 13.9
days and average costs of $84,176. Of
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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those 5,033 cases, there were 2,973
cases reporting surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures, with average costs higher
PO 00000
Frm 00031
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
than the average costs in the FY 2023
MedPAR file for MS–DRG 216 ($87,497
compared to $84,176) and a longer
average length of stay (16.8 days
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
compared to 13.9 days). In MS–DRG
217, we identified a total of 1,635 cases
with an average length of stay of 7.2
days and average costs of $58,381. Of
those 1,635 cases, there were 867 cases
reporting surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures, with average costs lower
than the average costs in the FY 2023
MedPAR file for MS–DRG 217 ($56,829
compared to $58,381) and a longer
average length of stay (9.5 days
compared to 7.2 days). In MS–DRG 218,
we identified a total of 275 cases with
an average length of stay of 3.4 days and
average costs of $54,624. Of those 275
cases, there were 60 cases reporting
surgical cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures, with average
costs lower than the average costs in the
FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRG 218
($45,096 compared to $54,624) and a
Number of Cases A vera2e Len 2th of Stay Avera2e Costs
$54 188
Because there is a two-way split
within MS–DRGs 266 and 267 and there
is a three-way split within MS–DRGs
216, 217, and 218, and MS–DRGs 219,
220, and 221 (Cardiac Valve and Other
Major Cardiothoracic Procedures
without Cardiac Catheterization with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively), we also analyzed the cases
reporting a code describing an
endovascular cardiac valve replacement
and supplement procedure with a
procedure code describing the
performance of a cardiac catheterization
for the presence or absence of a
secondary diagnosis designated as a
complication or comorbidity (CC) or a
major complication or comorbidity
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Number of Cases
Endo vascular cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures with cardiac catheterization
Endo vascular cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures without cardiac catheterization
Endo vascular cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures with cardiac catheterization
with CC
Endovascular cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures without cardiac catheterization
with CC
Endovascular cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures with cardiac catheterization
without CC/MCC
Endovascular cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures without cardiac catheterization
without CC/MCC
As shown in the table, the data
analysis performed indicates that the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
MedPAR file for MS–DRG 220 ($46,245
compared to $47,242) and a slightly
longer average length of stay (6.4 days
compared to 6.3 days). In MS–DRG 221,
we identified a total of 1,242 cases with
an average length of stay of 3.8 days and
average costs of $41,539. Of those 1,242
cases, there were 627 cases reporting
surgical cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures, with average
costs lower than the average costs in the
FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRG 221
($39,081 compared to $41,539) and a
longer average length of stay (4.9 days
compared to 3.8 days).
Next, we examined claims data from
the September 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRGs 266
and 267. Our findings are shown in the
following table.
Jkt 262001
Averae:e I..ene:th of Stay
Averae:e Costs
14 493
$50 831
22 996
$43 637
5,443 cases in MS–DRG 266 reporting
endovascular cardiac valve replacement
PO 00000
Frm 00032
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
(MCC). We also analyzed the cases
reporting a code describing an
endovascular cardiac valve replacement
and supplement procedure without a
procedure code describing the
performance of a cardiac catheterization
for the presence or absence of a
secondary diagnosis designated as a CC
or an MCC.
and supplement procedures with a
procedure code describing the
EP02MY24.015 EP02MY24.016
longer average length of stay (6.7 days
compared to 3.4 days). In MS–DRG 219,
we identified a total of 12,458 cases
with an average length of stay of 10.5
days and average costs of $67,228. Of
those 12,458 cases, there were 9,780
cases reporting surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures, with average costs lower
than the average costs in the FY 2023
MedPAR file for MS–DRG 219 ($64,954
compared to $67,228), and a slightly
shorter average length of stay (10.3 days
compared to 10.5 days). In MS–DRG
220, we identified a total of 9,829 cases
with an average length of stay of 6.3
days and average costs of $47,242. Of
those 9,829 cases, there were 7,841
cases reporting surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures, with average costs lower
than the average costs in the FY 2023
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
performance of a cardiac
catheterization, and with a secondary
diagnosis code designated as an MCC
have an average length of stay that is
shorter than the average length of stay
(7.9 days versus 16.8 days) and lower
average costs ($63,128 versus $87,497)
when compared to the cases in MS–DRG
216 reporting surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures with a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, and with a secondary
diagnosis code designated as an MCC.
The 4,761 cases in MS–DRG 267
reporting endovascular cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures with a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, and with a secondary
diagnosis code designated as a CC have
an average length of stay that is shorter
than the average length of stay (2 days
versus 9.5 days) and lower average costs
($42,163 versus $56,829) when
compared to the cases in MS–DRG 217
reporting surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures with a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, and with a secondary
diagnosis code designated as an CC. The
1,386 cases in MS–DRG 267 reporting
endovascular cardiac valve replacement
and supplement procedures with a
procedure code describing the
performance of a cardiac
catheterization, and without a
secondary diagnosis code designated as
a CC or MCC have an average length of
stay that is shorter than the average
length of stay (1.3 days versus 6.7 days)
and lower average costs ($39,709 versus
$45,096) when compared to the cases in
MS–DRG 218 reporting surgical cardiac
valve replacement and supplement
procedures with a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, without a secondary
diagnosis code designated as a CC or
The 14,493 cases in MS–DRG 266
reporting endovascular cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, and with a secondary
diagnosis code designated as an MCC
have an average length of stay that is
shorter than the average length of stay
(3.5 days versus 10.3 days) and lower
average costs ($50,831 versus $64,954)
when compared to the cases in MS–DRG
219 reporting surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, and with a secondary
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
diagnosis code designated as an MCC.
The 22,996 cases in MS–DRG 267
reporting endovascular cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, and with a secondary
diagnosis code designated as a CC have
an average length of stay that is shorter
than the average length of stay (1.5 days
versus 6.4 days) and lower average costs
($43,637 versus $46,245) when
compared to the cases in MS–DRG 220
reporting surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, and with a secondary
diagnosis code designated as an CC. The
7,522 cases in MS–DRG 267 reporting
endovascular cardiac valve replacement
and supplement procedures without a
procedure code describing the
performance of a cardiac
catheterization, and without a
secondary diagnosis code designated as
a CC or MCC have an average length of
stay that is shorter than the average
length of stay (1.2 days versus 4.9 days)
and higher average costs ($42,472 versus
$39,081) when compared to the cases in
MS–DRG 221 reporting surgical cardiac
valve replacement and supplement
procedures without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, without a secondary
diagnosis code designated as a CC or
This data analysis shows the cases in
MS–DRG 266 and 267 reporting
endovascular cardiac valve replacement
and supplement procedures with a
procedure code describing the
performance of a cardiac catheterization
when distributed based on the presence
or absence of a secondary diagnosis
designated as a CC or a MCC have
average costs lower than the average
costs of cases reporting surgical cardiac
valve replacement and supplement
procedures with a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization in the FY 2023 MedPAR
file for MS–DRGs 216, 217, and 218
respectively, and the average lengths of
stay are shorter. Similarly, the cases in
MS–DRG 266 and 267 reporting
endovascular cardiac valve replacement
and supplement procedures without a
procedure code describing the
performance of a cardiac catheterization
when distributed based on the presence
or absence of a secondary diagnosis
designated as a CC or a MCC generally
have average costs lower than the
average costs of cases reporting surgical
cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures without a
PO 00000
Frm 00033
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
procedure code describing the
performance of a cardiac catheterization
in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS–
DRGs 219, 220, and 221 respectively,
and the average lengths of stay are
For patients with an indication for
cardiac valve replacement, clinical and
anatomic factors must be considered
when decision-making between
procedures such as TAVR and SAVR.
We note that SAVR is not a treatment
option for patients with extreme
surgical risk (that is, high probability of
death or serious irreversible
complication), severe atheromatous
plaques of the ascending aorta such that
aortic cross-clamping is not feasible, or
with other conditions that would make
operation through sternotomy or
thoracotomy prohibitively hazardous.
We agree that the endovascular or
transcatheter technique presents a
viable option for high-risk patients who
are not candidates for the traditional
open surgical approach, however we
also note that TAVR is not indicated for
every patient. TAVR is contraindicated
in patients who cannot tolerate an
anticoagulation/antiplatelet regimen, or
who have active bacterial endocarditis
or other active infections, or who have
significant annuloplasty ring
We have concern with the assertion
that clinicians perform more invasive
surgical procedures, such as SAVR
procedures, only to increase payment to
their facility where minimally invasive
TAVR procedures are also viable option.
The choice of SAVR versus TAVR
should not be based on potential facility
payment. Instead, the decision on the
procedural approach to be utilized
should be based upon an individualized
risk-benefit assessment that includes
reviewing factors such as the patient’s
age, surgical risk, frailty, valve
morphology, and presence of
concomitant valve disease or coronary
artery disease. As we have stated in
prior rulemaking (83 FR 41201), it is not
appropriate for facilities to deny
treatment to beneficiaries needing a
specific type of therapy or treatment
that involves increased costs.
Conversely, it is not appropriate for
facilities to recommend a specific type
of therapy or treatment strictly because
it may involve higher payment to the
Also, we have concern with the
requestor’s assertion that sharing a
single set of MS–DRGs could eliminate
any perceived disincentives hospitals
may face and create financial neutrality
between the two lifesaving treatment
options. Data analysis shows that cases
reporting surgical cardiac valve
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
replacement and supplement
procedures have higher costs and longer
lengths of stay. If clinical decisionmaking is being driven by financial
motivations, as suggested by the
requestor, in circumstances where the
decision on which approach is best (for
example, TAVR or SAVR) is left to the
providers’ discretion, it is unclear how
reducing payment for surgical cardiac
valve replacement and supplement
procedures would eliminate possible
disincentives, or not have the opposite
effect, and instead incentivize
endovascular cardiac valve replacement
and supplement procedures.
The MS–DRGs are a classification
system intended to group together
diagnoses and procedures with similar
clinical characteristics and utilization of
resources and are not intended to be
utilized as a tool to incentivize the
performance of certain procedures.
When performed, surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement
procedures are clinically different from
endovascular cardiac valve replacement
and supplement procedures in terms of
technical complexity and hospital
resource use. In the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, we stated that separately
grouping endovascular valve
replacement procedures provides
greater clinical cohesion for this subset
of high-risk patients. Our claims
analysis for this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule demonstrates that
this continues to be substantiated by the
difference in average costs and average
lengths of stay demonstrated by the two
cohorts. We continue to believe that
endovascular cardiac valve replacement
and supplement procedures are
clinically coherent in their currently
assigned MS–DRGs. Therefore, we are
proposing to maintain the structure of
MS–DRGs 266 and 267 for FY 2025.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
d. MS–DRG Logic for MS–DRG 215
We received a request to review the
GROUPER logic for MS–DRG 215 (Other
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
Heart Assist System Implant) in MDC 05
(Diseases and Disorders of the
Circulatory System). The requestor
stated that when the procedure code
describing the revision of
malfunctioning devices within the heart
via an open approach is assigned, the
encounter groups to MS–DRG 215. The
requestor stated that, in their
observation, ICD–10–PCS code
02WA0JZ (Revision of synthetic
substitute in heart, open approach) can
only be assigned if a more specific
anatomical site is not documented in
the operative note. The requestor further
stated they interpreted this to mean that
an ICD–10–PCS procedure code
describing the open revision of a
synthetic substitute in the heart can
only apply to the ventricular wall or left
atrial appendage and excludes the atrial
or ventricular septum or any valve to
qualify for MS–DRG 215 and
recommended that CMS consider the
expansion of the open revision of heart
structures to include the atrial or
ventricular septum and heart valves.
To begin our analysis, we reviewed
the GROUPER logic. The requestor is
correct that ICD–10–PCS procedure
code 02WA0JZ is currently one of the
listed procedure codes in the GROUPER
logic for MS–DRG 215. While the
requestor stated that when procedures
codes describing the revisions of
malfunctioning devices within the heart
via an open approach are assigned, the
encounter groups to MS–DRG 215, we
wish to clarify that the revision codes
listed in the GROUPER logic for MS–
DRG 215 specifically describe
procedures to correct, to the extent
possible, a portion of a malfunctioning
heart assist device or the position of a
displaced heart assist device. Further, it
is unclear what is meant by the
requestor’s statement that ICD–10–PCS
code 02WA0JZ can only be assigned if
more specific anatomical site is not
documented in the operative note, as
PO 00000
Frm 00034
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
ICD–10–PCS code 02WA0JZ is used to
describe the open revision of artificial
heart systems. Total artificial hearts are
pulsating bi-ventricular devices that are
implanted into the chest to replace a
patient’s left and right ventricles and
can provide a bridge to heart
transplantation for patients who have no
other reasonable medical or surgical
treatment options. We refer the reader to
the ICD–10 MS–DRG Definitions
Manual Version 41.1 (available on the
CMS website at:
ms-drg-classifications-and-software) for
complete documentation of the
GROUPER logic for MS–DRG 215. We
encourage the requestor and any
providers that have cases involving
heart assist devices for which they need
ICD–10 coding assistance and
clarification on the usage of the codes,
to submit their questions to the
American Hospital Association’s Central
Office on ICD–10 at https://www.coding
As previously noted, the requestor
recommended that we consider
expansion of the open revision of heart
structures to include the atrial or
ventricular septum and heart valves.
The requestor did not provide a specific
list of procedure codes involving the
open revision of heart structures. While
not explicitly stated, we understood this
request to be for our consideration of the
reassignment of the procedure codes
describing the open revision of devices
in the heart valves, atrial septum, or
ventricular septum to MS–DRG 215,
therefore, we reviewed the ICD–10–PCS
classification and identified the
following 18 procedure codes. These 18
codes are all assigned to MS–DRGs 228
and 229 (Other Cardiothoracic
Procedures with and without MCC,
respectively) in MDC 05 in Version 41.1.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
ICD-10-PCS Code
Revision of synthetic substitute in atrial septum open approach
Revision of autologous tissue substitute in aortic valve open approach
Revision ofzooplastic tissue in aortic valve, open approach
Revision of synthetic substitute in aortic valve, open approach
Revision of nonautologous tissue substitute in aortic valve, open approach
Revision of autologous tissue substitute in mitral valve open approach
Revision of zooplastic tissue in mitral valve open approach
Revision of synthetic substitute in mitral valve, open aPProach
Revision of nonautologous tissue substitute in mitral valve, open approach
Revision of autologous tissue substitute in puhnonarv valve, open approach
Revision of zooplastic tissue in puhnonarv valve open approach
Revision of synthetic substitute in pulmonarv valve open approach
Revision of nonautologous tissue substitute in pulmonarv valve, open approach
Revision of autologous tissue substitute in tricuspid valve, open approach
Revision ofzooplastic tissue in tricuspid valve, open aPProach
Revision of svnthetic substitute in tricuspid valve. open approach
Revision ofnonautologous tissue substitute in tricuspid valve. open approach
Revision of synthetic substitute in ventricular septum, open aPProach
Next, we examined claims data from
the September 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRG 228 and
229 to identify cases reporting one of
the 18 codes listed previously that
describe the open revision of devices in
the heart valves, atrial septum, or
ventricular septum. Our findings are
shown in the following table:
MS-DRGs 228 - 229: All Cases and Cases Reporting Open Revision of Devices in the Heart Valves, Atrial Septum, or
Ventricular Septum
Number of Cases
Averae:e Lene:th ofStav
Averae:e Costs
All cases
Cases with a procedure code describing the
open revision of devices in the heart valves,
atrial septum, or ventricular septum
All Cases
Cases with a procedure code describing the
open revision of devices in the heart valves,
atrial septum, or ventricular septum
compared to $44,565) and a longer
average length of stay (15.7 days
compared to 8.7 days). In MS–DRG 229,
we identified a total of 5,712 cases with
an average length of stay of 3.3 days and
average costs of $28,987. Of those 5,712
cases, there was one case reporting a
procedure code describing the open
revision of devices in the heart valves,
atrial septum, or ventricular septum
with costs lower than the average costs
Number of Cases
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Our analysis indicates that the cases
assigned to MS–DRG 215 have much
higher average costs than the cases
reporting a procedure code describing
the open revision of devices in the heart
valves, atrial septum, or ventricular
septum currently assigned to MS–DRGs
228 and 229. Instead, the average costs
and average length of stay for case
reporting a procedure code describing
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
the open revision of devices in the heart
valves, atrial septum, or ventricular
septum appear to be generally more
aligned with the average costs and
average length of stay for all cases in
MS–DRGs 228 and 229, where they are
currently assigned.
In addition, based on our review of
the clinical considerations, we do not
believe the procedure codes describing
PO 00000
Frm 00035
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
the open revision of devices in the heart
valves, atrial septum, or ventricular
septum are clinically coherent with the
procedure codes currently assigned to
MS–DRG 215. Heart assist devices, such
as ventricular assist devices and
artificial heart systems, provide
circulatory support by taking over most
of the workload of the left ventricle.
Blood enters the pump through an
in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS–
DRG 229 ($11,322 compared to $28,987)
and a shorter length of stay (1 day
compared to 3.3 days).
We then examined claims data from
the September 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR for MS–DRG 215. Our
findings are shown in the following
EP02MY24.017 EP02MY24.018
As shown in the table, in MS–DRG
228, we identified a total of 4,391 cases
with an average length of stay of 8.7
days and average costs of $44,565. Of
those 4,391 cases, there were 12 cases
reporting a procedure code describing
the open revision of devices in the heart
valves, atrial septum, or ventricular
septum, with average costs higher than
the average costs in the FY 2023
MedPAR file for MS–DRG 228 ($51,549
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
inflow conduit connected to the left
ventricle and is ejected through an
outflow conduit into the body’s arterial
system. Heart assist devices can provide
temporary left, right, or biventricular
support for patients whose hearts have
failed and can also be used as a bridge
for patients who are awaiting a heart
transplant. Devices placed in the heart
valves, atrial septum, or ventricular
septum do not serve the same purpose
as heart assist devices and we do not
believe the procedure codes describing
the revision of these devices should be
assigned to MS–DRG 215. Further, the
various indications for devices placed in
the heart valves, atrial septum or
ventricular septum are not aligned with
the indications for heart assist devices.
ICD-10-PCS Code
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
00:35 May 02, 2024
among various approaches (open,
percutaneous, and percutaneous
endoscopic). We also noted that there
are four additional ICD–10–PCS code
translations that provide more detailed
and specific information for ICD–9–CM
code 45.33, however these four codes
currently group to MS–DRGs 329, 330,
and 331 (Major Small and Large Bowel
Procedures with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively), and not
MS–DRGs 347, 348, and 349, in the
ICD–10 MS–DRGs Version 41.1. These
four procedure codes are shown in the
following table:
Excision of small intestine, open approach
Excision of small intestine, percutaneous endoscopic annroach
Excision of ieiunum, open approach
Excision of ileum, open approach
We refer the reader to the ICD–10
MS–DRG Definitions Manual Version
41.1 (available on the CMS website at:
acute-inpatient-pps/ms-drgclassifications-and-software) for
VerDate Sep<11>2014
We identified a replication issue from
the ICD–9 based MS–DRGs to the ICD–
10 based MS–DRGs regarding the
assignment of eight ICD–10–PCS codes
that describe the excision of intestinal
body parts by open, percutaneous, or
percutaneous endoscopic approach.
Excision of small intestine percutaneous annroach
Excision of ieiunum percutaneous annroach
Excision of ieiunum, percutaneous endoscopic annroach
Excision of ileum, percutaneous annroach
Excision of ileum, percutaneous endoscopic approach
Excision of ileocecal valve. open approach
Excision of ileocecal valve percutaneous approach
Excision of ileocecal valve, percutaneous endoscopic approach
We noted during our review of this
issue that under ICD–9–CM, procedure
code 45.33 did not differentiate the
specific type of approach used to
perform the procedure. This is in
contrast to the eight comparable ICD–
10–PCS code translations listed in the
previous table that do differentiate
5. MDC 06 (Diseases and Disorders of
the Digestive System): Excision of
Intestinal Body Parts
Under the Version 32 ICD–9 based MS–
DRGs, ICD–9–CM procedure code 45.33
(Local excision of lesion or tissue of
small intestine, except duodenum) was
designated as an O.R. procedure and
was assigned to MDC 06 (Diseases and
Disorders of the Digestive System) in
MS–DRGs 347, 348, and 349 (Anal and
Stomal Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively).
There are eight ICD–10–PCS code
translations that provide more detailed
and specific information for ICD–9–CM
code 45.33 that also currently group to
MS–DRGs 347, 348, and 349 in the ICD–
10 MS–DRGs Version 41.1. These eight
procedure codes are shown in the
following table:
Jkt 262001
complete documentation of the
GROUPER logic for MS–DRGs 329, 330,
331, 347, 348, and 349.
Next, we examined claims data from
the September 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRG 347,
348, and 349 to identify cases reporting
PO 00000
Frm 00036
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
one of the eight codes listed previously
that describe excision of intestinal body
parts by an open, percutaneous, or
percutaneous endoscopic approach. Our
findings are shown in the following
EP02MY24.020 EP02MY24.021
ICD-10-PCS Code
We believe that patients with
indications for heart assist devices tend
to be more severely ill and these
inpatient admissions are associated with
greater resource utilization. Therefore,
for the reasons stated previously, we are
proposing to maintain the GROUPER
logic for MS–DRG 215 for FY 2025.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
MS-DRGs 347 - 349: All Cases and Cases Reporting One of Eight Procedure Codes Describing Excision of an Intestinal Body
Part bv Open, Percutaneous, or Percutaneous Endoscopic Approach
Averal!e Len!!th of Stav
Averal!e Costs
Number of Cases
All cases
Cases with 0DB83ZZ, 0DBA3ZZ,
$12 020
All cases
Cases with 0DB83ZZ, 0DBA3ZZ,
All Cases
Cases with 0DB83ZZ, 0DBA3ZZ,
$14 612
stay of 4.2 days and average costs of
$12,020. Of those 1,580 cases, there
were 192 cases reporting one of eight
procedure codes describing the excision
of intestinal body parts by an open,
percutaneous, or percutaneous
endoscopic approach, with average
costs higher than the average costs in
the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRG
348 ($17,063 compared to $12,020) and
a longer average length of stay (4.9 days
compared to 4.2 days). In MS–DRG 349,
we identified a total of 644 cases with
an average length of stay of 2.2 days and
average costs of $9,095. Of those 644
cases, there were 117 cases reporting
Number of Cases
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Averal!e Lenirth of Stav
While the average costs for all cases
in MS–DRGs 329, 330, and 331 are
higher than the average costs of the
cases reporting one of eight procedure
codes describing the excision of
intestinal body parts by an open,
percutaneous, or percutaneous
endoscopic approach, the data suggest
that overall, cases reporting one of eight
procedure codes describing the excision
of intestinal body parts by an open,
percutaneous, or percutaneous
endoscopic approach may be more
appropriately aligned with the average
costs of the cases in MS–DRGs 329, 330,
and 331 in comparison to MS–DRGs
347, 348, and 349, even though the
average lengths of stay are shorter.
We reviewed this grouping issue, and
our analysis indicates that the eight
procedure codes describing the excision
of intestinal body parts by an open,
percutaneous, or percutaneous
endoscopic approach were initially
assigned to the list of procedures in the
GROUPER logic for MS–DRGs 347, 348,
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
and 349 as a result of replication in the
transition from ICD–9 to ICD–10 based
MS–DRGs. We also note that procedure
codes 0DB83ZZ, 0DBA3ZZ, 0DBA4ZZ,
0DBC3ZZ, and 0DBC4ZZ do not
describe procedures on a stoma, which
is an artificial opening on the abdomen
that can be connected to either the
digestive or urinary system to allow
waste to be diverted out of the body, or
the anus. We support the reassignment
of codes 0DB83ZZ, 0DBA3ZZ,
0DBC0ZZ, 0DBC3ZZ, and 0DBC4ZZ for
clinical coherence and believe these
eight procedure codes should be
appropriately grouped along with the
four other procedure codes that describe
excision of intestinal body parts by an
open, or percutaneous endoscopic
approach currently assigned to MS–
DRGs 329, 330, and 331.
Accordingly, because the procedures
described by the eight procedure codes
that describe excision of intestinal body
PO 00000
one of eight procedure codes describing
the excision of intestinal body parts by
an open, percutaneous, or percutaneous
endoscopic approach, with average
costs higher than the average costs in
the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRG
349 ($14,612 compared to $9,095), and
a longer average length of stay (3 days
compared to 2.2 days).
We then examined claims data from
the September 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR for MS–DRGs 329, 330,
and 331. Our findings are shown in the
following table.
Frm 00037
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Averal!e Costs
$38 468
$20 852
parts by an open, percutaneous, or
percutaneous endoscopic approach are
not clinically consistent with
procedures on the anus or stoma, and it
is clinically appropriate to reassign
these procedures to be consistent with
the four other procedure codes that
describe excision of intestinal body
parts by an open, or percutaneous
endoscopic approach in MS–DRGs 329,
330, and 331, we are proposing the
reassignment of procedure codes
0DBC3ZZ, and 0DBC4ZZ from MS–
DRGs 347, 348, and 349 (Anal and
Stomal Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively) to
MS–DRGs 329, 330, and 331 (Major
Small and Large Bowel Procedures with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) in MDC 06, effective FY
EP02MY24.022 EP02MY24.023
As shown in the table, in MS–DRG
347, we identified a total of 752 cases
with an average length of stay of 7.6
days and average costs of $21,462. Of
those 752 cases, there were 66 cases
reporting one of eight procedure codes
describing the excision of intestinal
body parts by an open, percutaneous, or
percutaneous endoscopic approach,
with average costs higher than the
average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR
file for MS–DRG 347 ($27,081 compared
to $21,462) and a longer average length
of stay (8.5 days compared to 7.6 days).
In MS–DRG 348, we identified a total of
1,580 cases with an average length of
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
6. MDC 08 (Diseases and Disorders of
the Musculoskeletal System and
Connective Tissue)
a. MS–DRG Logic for MS–DRGs 456,
457, and 458
We identified an inconsistency in the
GROUPER logic for MS–DRGs 456, 457,
and 458 (Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
with Spinal Curvature, Malignancy,
Infection or Extensive Fusions with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) related to ICD–10–CM
diagnosis codes describing deforming
dorsopathies. The logic for case
assignment to MS–DRGs 456, 457, and
458 as displayed in the ICD–10 MS–
DRG Definitions Manual Version 41.1
(which is available on the CMS website
AcuteInpatientPPS/MS-DRGClassifications-and-Software) is
Other specified deforming
Other specified deforming
Other specified deforming
Other specified deforming
Other specified deforming
Other specified deforming
In the third logic list entitled ‘‘OR
Secondary Diagnosis’’ there are
currently 14 diagnosis codes listed, one
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
ICD-10-CM Code
00:35 May 02, 2024
dorsopathies, thoracic region
dorsopathies, thoracolumbar region
dorsopathies, lumbar region
dorsopathies, lumbosacral region
dorsopathies, sacral and sacrococcygeal region
dorsopathies, site unspecified
of which is diagnosis code M43.8X9
(Other specified deforming
dorsopathies, site unspecified) as shown
in the following table.
OR Secondary Diagnosis Codes
Other secondary kvphosis, site unspecified
Other secondary kyphosis, thoracic region
Other secondary kyphosis, thoracolumbar region
Neuromuscular scoliosis, site unspecified
Neuromuscular scoliosis, thoracic region
Neuromuscular scoliosis, thoracolumbar region
Neuromuscular scoliosis, lumbar region
Neuromuscular scoliosis, lumbosacral region
Other secondary scoliosis, site unspecified
Other secondary scoliosis, thoracic region
Other secondary scoliosis, thoracolumbar region
Other secondary scoliosis, lumbar region
Other secondary scoliosis, lumbosacral region
Other specified deforming dorsopathies site unspecified
We recognized that the five diagnosis
codes describing deforming
dorsopathies of specific anatomic sites
that are listed in the second logic list
entitled ‘‘Spinal Curvature/Malignancy/
Infection’’ are not listed in the third
logic list entitled ‘‘OR Secondary
Diagnosis’’, rather, only diagnosis code
M43.8X9 (Other specified deforming
dorsopathies, site unspecified) appears
VerDate Sep<11>2014
reported as a secondary diagnosis. The
fourth logic list is entitled ‘‘Extensive
Fusions’’ and is defined by a list of
procedure codes designated as O.R.
procedures that describe extensive
spinal fusion procedures. We refer the
reader to the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Definitions Manual Version 41.1,
(available on the CMS website at:
acute-inpatient-pps/ms-drgclassifications-and-software) for
complete documentation of the
GROUPER logic for MS–DRGs 456, 457,
and 458.
In the second logic list entitled
‘‘Spinal Curvature/Malignancy/
Infection’’ there are a subset of six
diagnosis codes describing other
specified deforming dorsopathies as
shown in the following table.
Jkt 262001
in both logic lists. Therefore, we
considered if it was clinically
appropriate to add the five diagnosis
codes describing deforming
dorsopathies of specific anatomic sites
that are listed in the second logic list
entitled ‘‘Spinal Curvature/Malignancy/
Infection’’ to the third logic list entitled
‘‘OR Secondary Diagnosis’’.
PO 00000
Frm 00038
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
A deforming dorsopathy is
characterized by abnormal bending or
flexion in the vertebral column. All
spinal deformities involve problems
with curve or rotation of the spine,
regardless of site specificity. We believe
the five diagnosis codes describing
deforming dorsopathies of specific
anatomic sites to be clinically aligned
with the diagnosis codes currently
EP02MY24.024 EP02MY24.025
ICD-10-CM Code
comprised of four logic lists. The first
logic list is entitled ‘‘Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical’’ and is defined by a list
of procedure codes designated as O.R.
procedures that describe spinal fusion
procedures of the thoracic,
thoracolumbar, lumbar, lumbosacral,
sacrococcygeal, coccygeal, and
sacroiliac joint. The second logic list is
entitled ‘‘Spinal Curvature/Malignancy/
Infection’’ and is defined by a list of
diagnosis codes describing spinal
curvature, spinal malignancy, and
spinal infection that are used to define
the logic for case assignment when any
one of the listed diagnosis codes is
reported as the principal diagnosis. The
third logic list is entitled ‘‘OR
Secondary Diagnosis’’ and is defined by
a list of diagnosis codes describing
curvature of the spine that are used to
define the logic for case assignment
when any one of the listed codes is
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
included in the ‘‘OR Secondary
Diagnosis’’ logic list. Therefore, for
clinical consistency we are proposing to
add diagnosis codes M43.8X4, M43.8X5,
M43.8X6, M43.8X7, and M43.8X8 to the
‘‘OR Secondary Diagnosis’’ logic list for
MS–DRGs 456, 457, and 458, effective
October 1, 2024 for FY 2025.
b. Interbody Spinal Fusion Procedures
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (88 FR 26726 through
26729) and final rule (88 FR 58731
through 58735, as corrected in the FY
2024 final rule correction notice at 88
FR 77211), we discussed a request we
received to reassign cases reporting
spinal fusion procedures using an
aprevoTM customized interbody fusion
device from the lower severity MS–DRG
455 (Combined Anterior and Posterior
Spinal Fusion without CC/MCC) to the
higher severity MS–DRG 453 (Combined
Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion
with MCC), from the lower severity MS–
DRG 458 (Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
with Spinal Curvature, Malignancy,
Infection or Extensive Fusions without
CC/MCC) to the higher severity level
MS–DRG 456 (Spinal Fusion Except
Cervical with Spinal Curvature,
Malignancy, Infection or Extensive
Fusions with MCC) when a diagnosis of
malalignment is reported, and from MS–
DRGs 459 and 460 (Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical with MCC and without
MCC, respectively) to MS–DRG 456. We
refer the reader to the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Definitions Manual Version 41.1
(available on the CMS website at:
acute-inpatient-pps/ms-drgclassifications-and-software) for
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
complete documentation of the
GROUPER logic.
We also noted that the aprevoTM
Intervertebral Body Fusion Device
technology was approved for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2022 (86 FR 45127 through 45133). We
further noted that, as discussed in the
FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87
FR 49468 through 49469), CMS
finalized the continuation of the new
technology add-on payments for this
technology for FY 2023. In the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
58802), we finalized the continuation of
new technology add-on payments for
the transforaminal lumbar interbody
fusion (TLIF) indication for aprevoTM
for FY 2024, and the discontinuation of
the new technology add-on payments
for the anterior lumbar interbody fusion
(ALIF) and lateral lumbar interbody
fusion (LLIF) indications for FY 2024.
We refer the reader to section II.E. for
discussion of the FY 2025 status of
technologies receiving new technology
add-on payments for FY 2024, including
the status for the aprevoTM technology.
As also discussed in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR
26726 through 26729) and final rule (88
FR 58731 through 58735), effective
October 1, 2021 (FY 2022), we
implemented 12 new ICD–10–PCS
procedure codes to identify and
describe spinal fusion procedures using
the aprevoTM customized interbody
fusion device. In the proposed rule we
noted that the manufacturer expressed
concerns that there may be
unintentional miscoded claims from
providers with whom they do not have
an explicit relationship and that
following the submission of the request
for the FY 2024 MS–DRG classification
PO 00000
Frm 00039
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
change for cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure utilizing an aprevoTM
customized interbody spinal fusion
device, it submitted a code proposal
requesting a revision to the title of the
procedure codes that were finalized
effective FY 2022. As discussed in the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, a
proposal to revise the code title for the
procedure codes that identify and
describe spinal fusion procedures using
the aprevoTM customized interbody
fusion device was presented and
discussed as an Addenda item at the
March 7–8, 2023 ICD–10 Coordination
and Maintenance Committee meeting
and subsequently finalized.
The code title changes for the 12 ICD–
10–PCS procedure codes to identify and
describe spinal fusion procedures using
the aprevoTM customized interbody
fusion device were reflected in the FY
2024 ICD–10–PCS Code Update files
available via the CMS website at:, as
well as in Table 6F.—Revised Procedure
Code Titles—FY 2024 associated with
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
and available via the CMS website at:
acute-inpatient-pps. We note that only
the code titles were revised and the
code numbers themselves did not
Accordingly, effective with discharges
on and after October 1, 2023 (FY 2024),
the 12 ICD–10–PCS procedure codes to
identify and describe spinal fusion
procedures using the aprevoTM
customized interbody fusion device
with their revised code titles are as
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Descri tion
Fusion ofthoracolwnbar vertebral joint using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device o n a oach new technolo
rou 7
Fusion ofthoracolwnbar vertebral joint using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device, ercutaneous a oach, new technolo
rou 7
Fusion ofthoracolwnbar vertebral joint using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device, ercutaneous endosco ic a oach, new technolo
rou 7
Fusion oflwnbar vertebral joint using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device,
o en a roach new technolo
rou 7
Fusion oflwnbar vertebral joint using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device,
ercutaneous a roach, new technolo
rou 7
Fusion oflwnbar vertebral joint using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device,
rou 7
ercutaneous endosco ic a oach, new technolo
Fusion of2 or more lwnbar vertebral joints using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device o n a roach new technolo
ou 7
Fusion of2 or more lwnbar vertebral joints using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device, ercutaneous a oach, new technolo
rou 7
Fusion of2 or more lwnbar vertebral joints using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device, ercutaneous endosco ic a oach, new technolo
rou 7
Fusion of lwnbosacral joint using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device, open
a roac new technolo
rou 7
Fusion oflwnbosacraljoint using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device,
ercutaneous a roach, new technolo
rou 7
Fusion oflwnbosacraljoint using custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device,
rou 7
ercutaneous endosco ic a roach, new technolo
As discussed in the FY 2024 proposed
and final rules, as part of our analysis
of the manufacturer’s request to reassign
cases involving the aprevoTM device, we
presented findings from our analysis of
claims data from the September 2022
update of the FY 2022 MedPAR file for
MS–DRGs 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458,
459, and 460 and cases reporting any
one of the 12 original procedure codes
describing utilization of an aprevoTM
customized interbody spinal fusion
device. We stated that while we agreed
that the findings from our analysis
appeared to indicate that cases reporting
the performance of a procedure using an
aprevoTM customized interbody spinal
fusion device reflected a higher
consumption of resources, due to the
concerns expressed with respect to
suspected inaccuracies of the coding
and therefore, reliability of the claims
data, we would continue to monitor the
claims data for resolution of the
potential coding issues identified by the
requestor (the manufacturer). We stated
that we continued to believe additional
review of claims data was warranted
and would be informative as we
continued to consider cases involving
this technology for future rulemaking.
Specifically, we stated we believed it
would be premature to propose any
MS–DRG modifications for spinal fusion
procedures using an aprevoTM
customized interbody spinal fusion
device for FY 2024 and finalized our
proposal to maintain the structure of
MS–DRGs 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458,
459, and 460, without modification, for
FY 2024 (88 FR 58734 through 58735).
As discussed further in the FY 2024
final rule correction, in response to the
manufacturer’s comment expressing
concern about the reliability of the
Medicare claims data in the MedPAR
file used for purposes of CMS’s claims
data analysis, as compared to the
manufacturer’s analysis of its own
customer claims data, we stated that in
order for us to consider using nonMedPAR data, the non-MedPAR data
must be independently validated,
meaning when an entity submits nonMedPAR data, we must be able to
independently review the medical
records and verify that a particular
procedure was performed for each of the
cases that purportedly involved the
procedure. We noted that, in this
particular circumstance, where external
data for cases reporting the use of an
aprevoTM spinal fusion device was
provided, we did not have access to the
medical records to conduct an
independent review; therefore, we were
not able to validate or confirm the nonMedPAR data submitted by the
commenter for consideration in FY
2024. However, we also noted that our
work in this area was ongoing, and we
would continue to examine the data and
consider these issues as we develop
potential future rulemaking proposals.
We refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS correction notice (88 FR
77211) for further discussion.
In advance of this FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule, the
manufacturer provided us with a list of
the providers with which it indicated it
has an explicit relationship to assist in
our ongoing review of its request for
reassignment of cases reporting spinal
fusion procedures using an aprevoTM
interbody fusion device from the lower
severity spinal fusion MS–DRGs to the
higher severity level spinal fusion MS–
To continue our analysis of cases
reporting spinal fusion procedures using
an aprevoTM customized interbody
fusion device, we first analyzed claims
data from the September 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRGs
453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, and
460, and cases reporting any one of the
previously listed procedure codes
describing the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device.3 Our findings
are shown in the following tables.
3 As noted earlier in the discussion, the code titles
were updated but the code numbers themselves did
not change.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00040
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
ICD-10-PCS Code
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Number of Cases
Averae:e Lene:th ofStav
Averae:e Costs
17 000
3 730
3 152
$53 140
Summarv Data for MS-DRGs 453, 454 and 455
Number of Cases
Averae:e Lene:th ofStav
MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455 All cases
MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455 Cases reporting spinal fusion
using a custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458 All cases
MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458 Cases reporting spinal fusion
using a custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
MS-DRGs 459 and 460 All cases
MS-DRGs 459 and 460 Cases reporting spinal fusion
using a custom-made anatomically designed interbody
fusion device
We identified the majority of cases
reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device in MS–DRGs
453, 454, and 455 with a total of 242
cases (26 + 129 + 87 = 242) with an
average length of stay of 4.6 days and
average costs of $68,526. The 26 cases
found in MS–DRG 453 appear to have
a comparable average length of stay (9.8
days versus 9.5 days) and higher average
costs ($99,162 versus $80,420)
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
Frm 00041
Fmt 4701
Averae:e Costs
compared to all the cases in MS–DRG
453, with a difference in average costs
of $18,742 for the cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device. The 129 cases found in
MS–DRG 454 appear to have a
comparable average length of stay (4.9
days versus 4.3 days) and higher average
costs ($71,527 versus $54,983)
compared to all the cases in MS–DRG
454, with a difference in average costs
PO 00000
Averae:e Costs
Summary Data for MS-DRGs 459 and 460
Number of Cases
Averae:e Lene:th ofStav
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Summary Data for MS-DRGs 456, 457 and 458
Average Lene:th ofStav
Number of Cases
Averae:e Costs
Sfmt 4702
of $16,544 for the cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device. The 87 cases found in
MS–DRG 455 have an identical average
length of stay of 2.6 days in comparison
to all the cases in MS–DRG 455,
however, the difference in average costs
is $13,907 ($54,922¥$41,015 = $13,907)
for the cases reporting the performance
of a spinal fusion procedure using an
MS-DRG 453 All cases
MS-DRG 453 Cases reporting spinal fusion using a custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device
MS-DRG 454 All cases
MS-DRG 454 Cases reporting spinal fusion using a custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device
MS-DRG 455 All cases
MS-DRG 455 Cases reporting spinal fusion using a custom-made
anatomically desi!!Tled interbody fusion device
MS-DRG 456 All cases
MS-DRG 456 Cases reporting spinal fusion using a custom-made
anatomically desi!!Iled interbody fusion device
MS-DRG 457 All cases
MS-DRG 457 Cases reporting spinal fusion using a custom-made
anatomically desi!!Iled interbody fusion device
MS-DRG 458 All cases
MS-DRG 458 Cases reporting spinal fusion using a custom-made
anatomicallv desi!!Tled interbodv fusion device
MS-DRG 459 All cases
MS-DRG 459 Cases reporting spinal fusion using a custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device
MS-DRG 460 All cases
MS-DRG 460 Cases reporting spinal fusion using a custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device.
For MS–DRGs 456, 457, and 458, we
found a total of 19 cases (2 + 11 + 6 =
19) reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device with
an average length of stay of 4.7 days and
average costs of $51,384. The 2 cases
found in MS–DRG 456 have a shorter
average length of stay (8.5 days versus
12.6 days) and lower average costs
($69,009 versus $76,060) compared to
all the cases in MS–DRG 456. The 11
cases found in MS–DRG 457 also have
a shorter average length of stay (5.0 days
versus 6.1 days) and lower average costs
($47,221 versus $52,179). For MS–DRG
458, we found 6 cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device with a comparable average
length of stay (3.0 days versus 3.1 days)
and higher average costs ($53,140 versus
$39,260) compared to the average costs
of all the cases in MS–DRG 458, with a
difference in average costs of $13,880
($53,140¥$39,260 = $13,880) for the
cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device.
For MS–DRGs 459 and 460, we found
a total of 65 cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device with an average length of
stay of 2.7 days and average costs of
$57,128. The single case found in MS–
DRG 459 had a longer average length of
stay (22 days versus 9.6 days) and
higher average costs ($288,499 versus
$53,192) compared to the average costs
of all the cases in MS–DRG 459. For
MS–DRG 460, the 64 cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device had a shorter average
length of stay (2.4 days versus 3.4 days)
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
and higher average cost ($53,513 versus
$32,586), compared to all the cases in
MS–DRG 460, with a difference in
average costs of $20,927
($53,513¥$32,586 = $20,927) for the
cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device.
As discussed in the FY 2024 final
rule, the manufacturer expressed
concern that there may be unintentional
miscoded claims from providers with
whom they do not have an explicit
relationship and, as previously
discussed, subsequently provided the
list of providers with which it indicated
it has an explicit relationship to assist
in our ongoing review. In connection
with the list of providers submitted, the
manufacturer also resubmitted claims
data from the Standard Analytical File
(SAF) that included FY 2022 claims and
the first two quarters (discharges
beginning October 1, 2022 through
March 31, 2023) of FY 2023 from these
providers. We note that the list of
providers the manufacturer submitted to
us was considered applicable for the
dates of service in connection with the
resubmitted claims data. The
manufacturer stated that the list of
providers with which it has an explicit
relationship is subject to change on a
weekly basis as additional providers
begin to use the technology. The
manufacturer also clarified that the
external customer data it had previously
referenced in connection with the FY
2024 rulemaking that was received
directly from the providers with which
it has an explicit relationship is
Medicare data. We reviewed the
September update of the FY 2022
MedPAR file and compared it against
the claims data file with the list of
providers submitted by the
manufacturer for FY 2022. In this
updated analysis of the September
update of the FY 2022 MedPAR claims
data, we were able to confirm that the
majority of the cases for the providers
with which the manufacturer indicated
PO 00000
Frm 00042
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
it has an explicit relationship matched
the claims data in our FY 2022 MedPAR
file. However, we identified 3 claims
that appeared in the manufacturer’s file
that were not found in our FY 2022
MedPAR file and could not be
validated. Next, we reviewed the
September update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file and compared it against
the claims data file with the list of
providers submitted by the
manufacturer for the first two quarters
of FY 2023. We were able to confirm
that the majority of the cases for the
providers with which the manufacturer
indicated it has an explicit relationship
matched the claims data in our FY 2023
MedPAR file. However, we identified 2
claims that appeared in the
manufacturer’s file that were not found
in our FY 2023 MedPAR file and also
could not be validated.
In our analysis of the cases reporting
the performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device in MS–DRGs 453, 454,
455, 456, 457, 458, 459, and 460 from
the September update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file, we also reviewed the
findings for cases identified based on
the list of providers with which the
manufacturer indicated it has an
explicit relationship and cases based on
other providers, (that is, those providers
not included on the manufacturer’s list),
and compared those to the findings from
all the cases we identified in the
September update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file reporting the performance
of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device in
MS–DRGs 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458,
459, and 460. The findings from our
analysis are shown in the following
table. We note that there were no cases
found to report the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device based
on the list of providers submitted by the
manufacturer in MS–DRG 456.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
MS-DRG 453 All cases
MS-DRG 453 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file
MS-DRG 453 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on the manufacturer provider list
MS-DRG 453 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on other providers
MS-DRG 454 All cases
MS-DRG 454 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file
MS-DRG 454 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on the manufacturer provider list
MS-DRG 454 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on other providers
MS-DRG 455 All cases
MS-DRG 455 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file
MS-DRG 455 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on the manufacturer provider list
MS-DRG 455 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on other providers
MS-DRG 456 All cases
MS-DRG 456 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file
MS-DRG 457 All cases
MS-DRG 457 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file
MS-DRG 457 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on the manufacturer provider list
MS-DRG 457 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on other providers
MS-DRG 458 All cases
MS-DRG 458 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file
MS-DRG 458 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on the manufacturer provider list
MS-DRG 458 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on other providers
MS-DRG 459 All cases
MS-DRG 459 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file
MS-DRG 459 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on the manufacturer provider list
MS-DRG 460 All cases
MS-DRG 460 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file
MS-DRG 460 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on the manufacturer provider list
MS-DRG 460 Cases reporting a custom-made anatomically designed
interbodv fusion device based on other providers
For MS–DRG 453, the data show that
of the 26 cases found to report the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device from the FY 2023
MedPAR file, 10 cases were reported
based on the manufacturer’s provider
list, and 16 cases were reported based
on other providers. The average length
of stay is longer (10.5 days versus 9.4
days), and the average costs are higher
($118,863 versus $86,849) for the 10
cases reported based on the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
Number of
Lene:th of Stav
manufacturer’s provider list compared
to the 16 cases that were reported based
on other providers. For MS–DRG 454,
the data show that of the 129 cases
found to report the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device from
the FY 2023 MedPAR file, 48 cases were
reported based on the manufacturer’s
provider list, and 81 cases were reported
based on other providers. The average
length of stay is longer (6.3 days versus
4.1 days), and the average costs are
PO 00000
Frm 00043
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
higher ($81,680 versus $65,510) for the
48 cases reported based on the
manufacturer’s provider list compared
to the 81 cases that were reported based
on other providers. For MS–DRG 455,
the data show that of the 87 cases found
to report the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device from the FY
2023 MedPAR file, 14 cases were
reported based on the manufacturer’s
provider list, and 73 cases were reported
based on other providers. The average
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
length of stay is shorter (2.5 days versus
2.6 days), and the average costs are
higher ($61,637 versus $53,634) for the
14 cases reported based on the
manufacturer’s provider list compared
to the 73 cases that were reported based
on other providers.
For MS–DRG 456, the data show that
of the 2 cases found to report the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device from the FY 2023
MedPAR file, there were no cases
reported based on the manufacturer’s
provider list and the 2 cases reported
were based on other providers. For MS–
DRG 457, the data show that of the 11
cases found to report the performance of
a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device from
the FY 2023 MedPAR file, 2 cases were
reported based on the manufacturer’s
provider list, and 9 cases were reported
based on other providers. The average
length of stay is shorter (4.5 days versus
5.1 days), and the average costs are
higher ($53,113 versus $45,912) for the
2 cases reported based on the
manufacturer’s provider list compared
to the 9 cases that were reported based
on other providers. For MS–DRG 458,
the data show that of the 6 cases found
to report the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device from the FY
2023 MedPAR file, 3 cases were
reported based on the manufacturer’s
provider list, and 3 cases were reported
based on other providers. The average
length of stay is longer (3.3 days versus
2.7 days), and the average costs are
lower ($52,760 versus $53,520) for the 3
cases reported based on the
manufacturer’s provider list compared
to the 3 cases that were reported for
other providers.
For MS–DRG 459, the data show that
the single case found to report the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device from the FY 2023
MedPAR file was based on the
manufacturer’s provider list. There were
no cases reported based on other
providers. For MS–DRG 460, the data
show that of the 64 cases found to report
the performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device from the FY 2023
MedPAR file, 13 cases were reported
based on the manufacturer’s provider
list, and 51 cases were reported based
on other providers. The average length
of stay is comparable (2.6 days versus
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
2.3 days), and the average costs are
higher ($62,829 versus $51,138) for the
13 cases reported based on the
manufacturer’s provider list compared
to the 51 cases that were reported from
other providers.
We considered these data findings
with regard to the concerns expressed
by the manufacturer that there may be
unintentional miscoded claims
reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device from providers
with whom the manufacturer does not
have an explicit relationship. Based on
our review and analysis of the claims
data, we are unable to confirm that the
claims from these providers with whom
the manufacturer indicated that it does
not have an explicit relationship are
We note that, while a newly
established ICD–10 code may be
associated with an application for new
technology add-on payment, such codes
are not generally established to be
product specific. If, after consulting the
official coding guidelines, a provider
determines that an ICD–10 code
associated with a new technology addon payment describes the technology
that they are billing, the hospital may
report the code and be eligible to receive
the associated add-on payment.
Providers are responsible for ensuring
that they are billing correctly for the
services they render. In addition, as we
noted in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (82 FR 38012), coding advice
is issued independently from payment
policy. We also note that, historically,
we have not provided coding advice in
rulemaking with respect to policy (82
FR 38045). As one of the Cooperating
Parties for ICD–10, we collaborate with
the American Hospital Association
(AHA) through the Coding Clinic for
ICD–10–CM and ICD–10–PCS to
promote proper coding. We recommend
that an entity seeking coding guidance
submit any questions pertaining to
correct coding to the AHA.
Accordingly, after review of the list of
providers and associated claims data
submitted by the manufacturer, and our
analysis of the MedPAR data, we believe
these MedPAR data are appropriate for
our FY 2025 analysis. Therefore, in
assessing the request for reassignment of
cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device from
the lower severity MS–DRG 455 to the
higher severity MS–DRG 453, from the
lower severity MS–DRG 458 to the
higher severity level MS–DRG 456 when
a diagnosis of malalignment is reported,
PO 00000
Frm 00044
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
and cases from MS–DRGs 459 and 460
to MS–DRG 456 for FY 2025, we
considered all the claims data reporting
the performance of a spinal fusion
procedure, including those spinal fusion
procedures using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device as identified in the
September update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file for these MS–DRGs.
Consequently, our analysis also
included claims based on the list of
providers submitted by the
manufacturer as well as other providers.
Based on the findings from our
analysis and clinical review, we do not
believe the requested reassignments are
supported. Specifically, it would not be
appropriate to propose to reassign the
87 cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device from
the lower severity level MS–DRG 455
(without CC/MCC) with an average
length of stay of 2.6 days and average
costs of $54,922 to the higher severity
level MS–DRG 453 (with MCC) with an
average length of stay of 9.5 days and
average costs of $80,420. If we were to
propose to reassign the 87 cases from
the lower severity MS–DRG 455 to the
higher severity MS–DRG 453, the MS–
DRGs would no longer be clinically
coherent with regard to severity of
illness of the patients, and the cases
would reflect a difference in resource
utilization, as demonstrated by the
difference in average costs of
approximately $25,498
($80,420¥$54,922 = $25,498), as well as
a difference in average length of stay
(2.6 days versus 9.5 days) compared to
all the cases in MS–DRG 453. Similarly,
it would not be appropriate to propose
to reassign the 6 cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device from the lower severity
level MS–DRG 458 (without CC/MCC)
with an average length of stay of 3.0
days and average costs of $53,140 to the
higher severity level MS–DRG 456 (with
MCC) with an average length of stay of
12.6 days and average costs of $76,060.
If we were to propose to reassign the 6
cases from the lower severity MS–DRG
458 to the higher severity MS–DRG 456,
the MS–DRGs would no longer be
clinically coherent with regard to
severity of illness of the patients and the
cases would reflect a difference in
resource utilization, as demonstrated by
the difference in average costs of
approximately $22,920
($76,060¥$53,140 = $22,920) as well as
a difference in average length of stay
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(3.0 days versus 12.6 days) compared to
all the cases in MS–DRG 456. Finally, it
would not be appropriate nor consistent
with the definition of the MS–DRGs to
propose to reassign the 65 cases
reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device from MS–DRGs
459 and 460 with an average length of
stay of 2.7 days and average costs of
$57,128 to MS–DRG 456. In addition to
the cases reflecting a difference in
resource utilization as demonstrated by
the difference in average costs of
approximately $18,932
($76,060¥$57,128 = $18,932) as well as
having a shorter average length of stay
(2.7 days versus 12.6 days), we note that
the logic for case assignment to MS–
DRGs 456, 457, and 458 is specifically
defined by principal diagnosis logic. As
such, cases grouping to this set of MS–
DRGs require a principal diagnosis of
spinal curvature, malignancy, or
infection, or an extensive fusion
procedure. Therefore, it would not be
clinically appropriate to propose to
reassign cases from MS–DRGs 459 and
460 that do not have a principal
diagnosis of spinal curvature,
malignancy, or infection, or an
extensive fusion procedure, and are not
consistent with the logic for case
assignment to MS–DRG 456.
In light of the higher average costs of
the cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device in
MS–DRGs 453, 454, 455, 458, and 460,
we further reviewed the claims data for
cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device in
these MS–DRGs and identified a wide
range in the average length of stay and
average costs. For example, in MS–DRG
453, the average length of stay for the 26
cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device ranged
from 3.0 days to 27 days and the average
costs ranged from $28,054 to $177,919.
In MS–DRG 454, the average length of
stay for the 129 cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device ranged from 1.0 day to 16
days and the average costs ranged from
$10,242 to $316,780. In MS–DRG 455,
the average length of stay for the 87
cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
designed interbody fusion device ranged
from 1.0 day to 9.0 days and the average
costs ranged from $7,961 to $216,200. In
MS–DRG 456, the average length of stay
for the 2 cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device were 8.0 days and 9.0
days, respectively, with average costs of
$107,457 and $30,560, respectively. In
MS–DRG 457, the average length of stay
for the 11 cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device ranged from 1.0 day to 17
days and the average costs ranged from
$25,955 to $89,176. In MS–DRG 458, the
average length of stay for the 6 cases
reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device ranged from 1.0
day to 5.0 days and the average costs
ranged from $33,165 to $78,720. In MS–
DRG 459, the length of stay for the
single case reporting the performance of
a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device was
22 days with a cost of $288,499,
indicating it is an outlier. In MS–DRG
460, the average length of stay for the 64
cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device ranged
from 1.0 day to 8.0 days and the average
costs ranged from $8,981 to $325,104.
In our analysis of the claims data for
MS–DRGs 453, 454, and 455, we also
identified a number of cases for which
additional spinal fusion procedures
were performed, beyond the logic for
case assignment to the respective MS–
DRG. For example, the logic for case
assignment to MS–DRGs 453, 454, and
455 requires at least one anterior
column fusion and one posterior
column fusion (that is, combined
anterior and posterior fusion). We note
that the aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion
device is used in the performance of an
anterior column fusion. Findings from
our analysis of MS–DRG 453 show that
of the 26 cases reporting a combined
anterior and posterior fusion (including
an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device), 24
cases also reported another spinal
fusion procedure. We categorized these
cases as ‘‘multiple level fusions’’ where
another procedure code describing a
spinal fusion procedure was reported in
addition to the combined anterior and
posterior fusion procedure codes.
PO 00000
Frm 00045
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Findings from our analysis of MS–DRG
454 show that of the 129 cases reporting
a combined anterior and posterior
fusion (including an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device), 100 cases also reported
another spinal fusion procedure. Lastly,
findings from our analysis of MS–DRG
455 show that of the 87 cases reporting
a combined anterior and posterior
fusion (including an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device), 51 cases also reported
another spinal fusion procedure.
While the findings from our analysis
indicate a wide range in the average
length of stay and average costs for cases
reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device, we believe the
increase in resource utilization for
certain cases may be partially
attributable to the performance of
multiple level fusion procedures and,
specifically for MS–DRGs 453 and 454,
the reporting of secondary diagnosis
MCC and CC conditions. Our analysis of
the data for MS–DRGs 453 and 454
show that the cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device also reported multiple
MCC and CC conditions, which we
believe may be an additional
contributing factor to the increase in
resource utilization for these cases,
combined with the reported
performance of multiple level fusions.
In our analysis of the data for MS–
DRGs 453, 454, and 455 and cases
reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device, we also
identified other procedures that were
reported, some of which are designated
as operating room (O.R.) procedures,
that we believe may be another
contributing factor to the increase in
resource utilization and complexity for
these cases. (We note that because a
discectomy is frequently performed in
connection with a spinal fusion
procedure, we did not consider these
procedures as contributing factors to
consumption of resources in these
spinal fusion cases). In the tables that
follow we provide a list of the top 5
MCC and CC conditions, as well as the
top 5 O.R. procedures (excluding
discectomy) reported in MS–DRGs 453,
454, and 455 that we believe may be
contributing factors to the increase in
resource utilization and complexity for
these cases. We note that the logic for
case assignment to MS–DRG 453
includes the reporting of at least one
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
secondary diagnosis MCC condition
(‘‘with MCC’’) and cases that group to
this MS–DRG may also report secondary
diagnosis CC conditions. We are
providing the frequency data for both
the top 5 secondary diagnosis MCC
conditions and the top 5 secondary
diagnosis CC conditions, in addition to
the top 5 O.R. procedures (excluding
discectomy) that were reported for
spinal fusion cases with an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device in MS–DRG
453. Because the logic for case
assignment to MS–DRG 454 includes
the reporting of at least one secondary
diagnosis CC condition (‘‘with CC’’) we
are providing the top 5 secondary
diagnosis CC conditions and the top 5
O.R. procedures (excluding discectomy)
that were reported for spinal fusion
cases with an aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion
device in MS–DRG 454. We note that
the logic for case assignment to MS–
DRG 455 is ‘‘without CC/MCC’’ and
does not include any secondary
diagnosis MCC or CC conditions,
therefore, we are only providing a table
with the top 5 O.R. procedures
(excluding discectomy) reported for that
MS–DRG in addition to a spinal fusion
ICD-10-CM Code
MS-DRG 453 Top 5 Secondarv Dia1mosis MCC Conditions Reported
Acute pulmonarv insufficiency following nonthoracic =erv
Other toxic encephalopathy
Hypovolemic shock
Pnewnonia, unspecified organism
Acute pulmonarv edema
ICD-10-CM Code
MS-DRG 453 Top 5 Secondarv Diae:nosis CC Conditions Reported
Acute posthemorrhagic anemia
Mixed disorder of acid-base balance
Acute kidney failure, unspecified
Hypo-osmolality and hyponatremia
Ileus unspecified
ICD-10-PCS Code
MS-DRG 453 Top 5 Operatine: Room Procedures Reported
Release lwnbar nerve open annroach
Release lwnbar soinal cord, open approach
Release sacral nerve, open annroach
Removal of internal fixation from lwnbar vertebra, open approach
Release cervical spinal cord, open annroach
2 011
ICD-10-CM Code
MS-DRG 454 Top 5 Secondarv Diae:nosis CC Conditions Reported
Acute posthemorrhagic anemia
Hypo-osmolalitv and hyponatremia
Ileus, unspecified
Pseudarthrosis after fusion or arthrodesis
ICD-10-PCS Code
MS-DRG 454 Top 5 Oneratine: Room Procedures Reported
Release lwnbar spinal cord, open approach
Release lwnbar nerve, onen anmoach
Removal of internal fixation device from lwnbar vertebral ioint, open approach
Removal of internal fixation device from lwnbar vertebra, onen anmoach
Release sacral nerve, open approach
2 398
ICD-10-PCS Code
MS-DRG 455 Top 5 Operatine: Room Procedures Reported
Removal of internal fixation device from lwnbar vertebra, open anmoach
Removal of internal fixation device from lwnbar vertebral joint, open approach
Release sacral nerve, open approach
Release lwnbar spinal cord, onen annroach
Release lwnbar nerve, onen anmoach
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
Frm 00046
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
factors may contribute to increases in
resource utilization, severity of illness
and technical complexity.
We began our expanded analysis with
MS–DRGs 453, 454, and 455. Based on
the findings for a subset of the cases
(that is, the subset of cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device) in these MS–DRGs as
previously discussed, and our review of
the logic for case assignment to these
MS–DRGs, we developed three
categories of spinal fusion procedures to
further examine. The first category was
for the single level combined anterior
and posterior fusions except cervical,
the second category was for the multiple
MS-DRG 453 All cases
MS-DRG 453 Cases with single level combined anterior and posterior fusion
except cervical
MS-DRG 453 Cases with multiple level combined anterior and posterior fusion
except cervical
MS-DRG 453 Cases with combined anterior and posterior cervical fusion
Number of
Length of
MS-DRG 454 All cases
MS-DRG 454 Cases with single level combined anterior and posterior fusion
except cervical
MS-DRG 454 Cases with multiple level combined anterior and posterior fusion
except cervical
MS-DRG 454 Cases with combined anterior and posterior cervical fusion
MS-DRG 455 All cases
MS-DRG 455 Cases with single level combined anterior and posterior fusion
except cervical
MS-DRG 455 Cases with multiple level combined anterior and posterior fusion
except cervical
MS-DRG 455 Cases with combined anterior and posterior cervical fusion
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The data show that across MS–DRGs
453, 454, and 455, cases reporting
multiple level combined anterior and
posterior fusion procedures have a
comparable average length of stay (9.6
days versus 9.5 days, 4.8 days versus 4.3
days, and 3.0 days versus 2.6 days,
respectively) and higher average costs
($91,358 versus $80,420, $64,065 versus
$54,983, and $50,097 versus $41,015)
compared to all the cases in MS–DRGs
453, 454, and 455, respectively. The
data also show that across MS–DRGs
453, 454, and 455, cases reporting
multiple level combined anterior and
posterior fusion procedures have a
longer average length of stay (9.6 days
versus 6.4 days, 4.8 days versus 3.4
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
days, and 3.0 days versus 2.3 days,
respectively) and higher average costs
($91,358 versus $47,031, $64,065 versus
$38,107, and $50,097 versus $33,010,
respectively) compared to cases
reporting a single level combined
anterior and posterior fusion. For cases
reporting a combined anterior and
posterior cervical fusion across MS–
DRGs 453 and 454, the data show a
longer average length of stay (12.5 days
versus 9.5 days, and 5.1 days versus 4.3
days, respectively) compared to all the
cases in MS–DRGs 453 and 454 and a
comparable average length of stay (2.9
days versus 2.6 days) for cases reporting
a combined anterior and posterior
cervical fusion in MS–DRG 455. The
PO 00000
Frm 00047
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
level combined anterior and posterior
fusions except cervical and the third
category was for the combined anterior
and posterior cervical spinal fusions.
We refer the reader to Table 6P.2d for
the list of procedure codes we identified
to categorize the single level combined
anterior and posterior fusions except
cervical, Table 6P.2e for the list of
procedure codes we identified to
categorize the multiple level combined
anterior and posterior fusions except
cervical, and Table 6P.2f for the list of
procedure codes we identified to
categorize the combined anterior and
posterior cervical spinal fusions.
Findings from our analysis are shown in
the following table.
data also show that across MS–DRGs
453, 454, and 455, cases reporting a
combined anterior and posterior
cervical fusion have higher average
costs ($75,077 versus $47,031, $52,274
versus $38,107, and $37,515 versus
$33,010, respectively) compared to the
single level combined anterior and
posterior fusion cases.
The data also reflect that in applying
the logic that was developed for the
three categories of spinal fusion in MS–
DRGs 453, 454, and 455 (single level
combined anterior and posterior fusion
except cervical, multiple level
combined anterior and posterior fusion
except cervical, and combined anterior
and posterior cervical fusion), there is a
As previously summarized, our
analysis of the claims data for cases
reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device demonstrated a
low volume of cases and higher average
costs in comparison to all the cases in
their respective MS–DRGs (that is, in
MS–DRGs 453, 454, 455, 458, 459, and
460). Therefore, we expanded our
analysis to include all spinal fusion
cases in MS–DRGs 453, 454, 455, 456,
457, 458, 459, and 460 to identify and
further examine the cases reporting
multiple level fusions versus single
level fusions, multiple MCCs or CCs,
and other O.R. procedures as we
believed that clinically, all of these
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file, the
total number of cases found in MS–DRG
455 is 17,000 and with application of
the logic for each of the three categories,
the total number of cases in MS–DRG
455 is 16,987 (9,763 + 6,879 + 345 =
16,987), a difference of 13 cases.
Overall, a total of 92 cases are
redistributed from MS–DRGs 453, 454,
and 455 to other spinal fusion MS–
The findings from our analysis of MS–
DRGs 453, 454, and 455 are consistent
with the expectation that clinically, the
greater the number of spinal fusion
procedures performed during a single
procedure (for example, intervertebral
levels fused), the greater the
consumption of resources expended. We
believe the use of interbody fusion
cages, other types of spinal
instrumentation, operating room time,
comorbidities, pharmaceuticals, and
length of stay may all be contributing
factors to resource utilization for spinal
fusion procedures. In addition, it is
expected that as a result of potential
changes to the logic for case assignment
to a MS–DRG, there will be a
redistribution of cases among the MS–
Based on our review and analysis of
the spinal fusion cases in MS–DRGs
453, 454, and 455, we believe new MS–
Number of
Proposed new MS-DRG
Proposed new MS-DRG XXX
Consistent with our established
process as discussed in section II.C.1.b.
of the preamble of this proposed rule,
once the decision has been made to
propose to make further modifications
to the MS–DRGs, such as creating a new
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
For the proposed new MS–DRGs,
there is (1) at least 500 or more cases in
the MCC group, the CC subgroup, and
in the without CC/MCC subgroup; (2) at
least 5 percent of the cases are in the
MCC subgroup, the CC subgroup, and in
the without CC/MCC subgroup; (3) at
least a 20 percent difference in average
costs between the MCC subgroup and
the CC subgroup and between the CC
group and NonCC subgroup; (4) at least
a $2,000 difference in average costs
between the MCC subgroup and the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Number of Cases
12 498
Frm 00048
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
table that follows, a three-way split of
this proposed new base MS–DRG was
met. The following table illustrates our
Averae:e Leni?th of Stay
with CC subgroup and between the CC
subgroup and NonCC subgroup; and (5)
at least a 3-percent reduction in cost
variance, indicating that the proposed
severity level splits increase the
explanatory power of the base MS–DRG
in capturing differences in expected cost
between the proposed MS–DRG severity
level splits by at least 3 percent and
thus improve the overall accuracy of the
IPPS payment system.
As a result, for FY 2025, we are
proposing to create new MS–DRG 426
PO 00000
Average Length
of Stay
base MS–DRG, all five criteria to create
subgroups must be met for the base MS–
DRG to be split (or subdivided) by a CC
subgroup. Therefore, we applied the
criteria to create subgroups in a base
MS–DRG. We note that, as shown in the
Proposed New MS-DRGs
With CC
Without CC/MCC
DRGs are warranted to differentiate
between multiple level combined
anterior and posterior spinal fusions
except cervical, single level combined
anterior and posterior spinal fusions
except cervical, and combined anterior
and posterior cervical spinal fusions, to
more appropriately reflect utilization of
resources for these procedures,
including those performed with an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device. We
note that the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device as identified by
any one of the 12 previously listed
procedure codes would not be reported
for a cervical spinal fusion procedure as
reflected in Table 6P.2f associated with
this proposed rule and available on the
CMS website at:
To compare and analyze the impact of
our suggested modifications, we ran
simulations using claims data from the
September 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file. The following table
illustrates our findings for all 23,017
cases reporting procedure codes
describing multiple level combined
anterior and posterior spinal fusions.
Averae:e Costs
(Multiple Level Combined Anterior and
Posterior Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
with MCC), new MS–DRG 427 (Multiple
Level Combined Anterior and Posterior
Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with CC),
and new MS–DRG 428 (Multiple Level
Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal
Fusion Except Cervical without CC/
MCC). The following table reflects a
simulation of the proposed new MS–
EP02MY24.031 EP02MY24.032
small redistribution of cases from the
current MS–DRGs 453, 454, and 455 to
other spinal fusion MS–DRGs because
the logic for case assignment to MS–
DRGs 453, 454, and 455 is currently
satisfied with any one procedure code
from the anterior spinal fusion logic list
and any one procedure code from the
posterior spinal fusion logic list,
however, the logic lists that were
developed for our analysis using the
three categories of spinal fusion are
comprised of specific procedure code
combinations to satisfy the criteria for
case assignment to any one of the three
categories developed. For example,
based on our analysis of MS–DRG 453
using the September update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file, the total number of
cases found in MS–DRG 453 is 4,066
and with application of the logic for
each of the three categories, the total
number of cases in MS–DRG 453 is
4,042 (791 + 2,664 + 587 = 4,042), a
difference of 24 cases. Using the
September update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file, the total number of cases
found in MS–DRG 454 is 20,425 and
with application of the logic for each of
the three categories, the total number of
cases in MS–DRG 454 is 20,370 (6,481
+ 12,498 + 1,391 = 20,370), a difference
of 55 cases. Lastly, using the September
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We note that because the criteria for
both of the two-way splits failed, a split
(or CC subgroup) is not warranted for
the proposed new base MS–DRG. As a
Number of Cases
failed to meet the criterion that there be
at least 5% or more of the cases in the
with MCC subgroup.
Averae:e Len!!th of Stay
difference in average costs between the
‘‘with CC/MCC and without CC/MCC’’
Averae:e Lene:th of Stav
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
result, for FY 2025, we are proposing to
create new base MS–DRG 402 (Single
Level Combined Anterior and Posterior
Spinal Fusion Except Cervical). The
following table reflects a simulation of
the proposed new base MS–DRG.
and 455 we reviewed the cases reporting
combined anterior and posterior
cervical fusions. The following table
PO 00000
Frm 00049
Fmt 4701
Averae:e Costs
Number of Cases
For the final step in our analysis of
the impact of our suggested
modifications to MS–DRGs 453, 454,
Averae:e Costs
in the table that follows, a two-way split
of this base MS–DRG failed to meet the
criterion that there be at least a 20%
Proposed New MS-DRGs
Without CC/MCC
Averae:e Costs
Sfmt 4702
Avera e Costs
$35 758
illustrates our findings for all 2,323
cases reporting procedure codes
We then applied the criteria for a twoway split for the ‘‘with CC/MCC and
without CC/MCC’’ subgroups. As shown
Number of Cases
subgroup. It also failed to meet the
criterion that there be at least a 20%
difference in average costs between the
CC and NonCC (without CC/MCC)
subgroup. The following table illustrates
our findings.
A verae:e Len!!th of Stay
therefore applied the criteria for a twoway split for the ‘‘with MCC and
without MCC’’ subgroups. We note that,
as shown in the table that follows, a
two-way split of this base MS–DRG
Proposed New MS-DRGs
DRG to be split (or subdivided) by a CC
subgroup. Therefore, we applied the
criteria to create subgroups in a base
MS–DRG. We note that, as shown in the
table that follows, a three-way split of
this proposed new base MS–DRG failed
to meet the criterion that at least 5% or
more of the cases are in the MCC
Number of Cases
Average Costs
As discussed in section II.C.1.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, if the
criteria for a three-way split fail, the
next step is to determine if the criteria
are satisfied for a two-way split. We
describing single level combined
anterior and posterior spinal fusions.
Average Length of Stay
Number of Cases
Proposed New MS-DRGs
With CC
Without CC/MCC
Averae:e Costs
combined anterior and posterior
cervical fusions. The following table
illustrates our findings for all 16,059
cases reporting procedure codes
Proposed new MS-DRG
Proposed new MS-DRG XXX
Consistent with our established
process as discussed in section II.C.1.b.
of the preamble of this proposed rule,
once the decision has been made to
propose to make further modifications
to the MS–DRGs, such as creating a new
base MS–DRG, all five criteria to create
subgroups must be met for the base MS–
Averae:e Len!!th of Stay
The next step in our analysis of the
impact of our suggested modifications to
MS–DRGs 453, 454, and 455 was to
review the cases reporting single
Number of Cases
EP02MY24.033 EP02MY24.034
Proposed New MS-DRGs
Prooosed new MS-DRG 426
Proposed new MS-DRG 427
Proposed new MS-DRG 428
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
describing combined anterior and
posterior cervical spinal fusions.
Proposed new MS-DRG
Proposed new MS-DRG XXX
Average Length of Stay
Number of Cases
Consistent with our established
process as discussed in section II.C.1.b.
of the preamble of this proposed rule,
once the decision has been made to
propose to make further modifications
to the MS–DRGs, such as creating a new
sed New MS-DRGs
As discussed in section II.C.1.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, if the
criteria for a three-way split fail, the
next step is to determine if the criteria
are satisfied for a two-way split. We
therefore applied the criteria for a twoway split for the ‘‘with MCC and
without MCC’’ subgroups. We note that,
as shown in the table that follows, a
two-way split of this proposed new base
MS–DRG was met. For the proposed
Number of Cases
Pro osed New MS..DRGs
Number of Cases
$55 844
table that follows, a three-way split of
this proposed new base MS–DRG failed
to meet the criterion that that there be
at least 500 cases in the NonCC
$52 274
$37 515
MS–DRGs, there is at least (1) 500 or
more cases in the MCC group and in the
without MCC subgroup; (2) 5 percent or
more of the cases in the MCC group and
in the without MCC subgroup; (3) a 20
percent difference in average costs
between the MCC group and the without
MCC group; (4) a $2,000 difference in
average costs between the MCC group
and the without MCC group; and (5) a
3-percent reduction in cost variance,
Accordingly, because the criteria for
the two-way split were met, we believe
a split (or CC subgroup) is warranted for
the proposed new base MS–DRG. As a
base MS–DRG, all five criteria to create
subgroups must be met for the base MS–
DRG to be split (or subdivided) by a CC
subgroup. Therefore, we applied the
criteria to create subgroups in a base
MS–DRG. We note that, as shown in the
With CC
Without CC/MCC
Average Costs
indicating that the proposed severity
level splits increase the explanatory
power of the base MS–DRG in capturing
differences in expected cost between the
proposed MS–DRG severity level splits
by at least 3 percent and thus improve
the overall accuracy of the IPPS
payment system. The following table
illustrates our findings for the suggested
MS–DRGs with a two-way severity level
$75 077
$49 341
result, for FY 2025, we are proposing to
create new MS–DRG 429 (Combined
Anterior and Posterior Cervical Spinal
Fusion with MCC) and new MS–DRG
430 (Combined Anterior and Posterior
Cervical Spinal Fusion without MCC).
The following table reflects a simulation
of the proposed new MS–DRGs.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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$49 341
and-software for complete
documentation of the GROUPER logic
for MS–DRGs 456, 457, and 458.
As also previously described, in our
initial analysis of cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device, the 13 cases we found in
MS–DRGs 456 and 457 (2 + 11 = 13,
respectively) appeared to be grouping
appropriately, however, the average
costs for the 6 cases found in MS–DRG
458 showed a difference of
approximately $13,880. Because of the
low volume of cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
PO 00000
Frm 00050
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device in the ‘‘without CC/MCC’’
MS–DRG 458, and the low volume of
cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device in
MS–DRGs 456, 457, and 458 overall (2
+ 11 + 6 = 19), for this expanded review
of the claims data, we are sharing the
results of our analysis in association
with cases reporting extensive fusion
procedures in MS–DRGs 456, 457, and
458. Our findings are shown in the
following table.
$75 077
We then analyzed the cases reporting
spinal fusion procedures in MS–DRGs
456, 457, and 458. As previously
described, the logic for case assignment
to MS–DRGs 456, 457, and 458 is
defined by principal diagnosis logic and
extensive fusion procedures. Cases
reporting a principal diagnosis of spinal
curvature, malignancy, or infection or
an extensive fusion procedure will
group to these MS–DRGs. We refer the
reader to the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Definitions Manual Version 41.1
available on the CMS website at: https://
1 736
EP02MY24.039 EP02MY24.040
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Number of Cases
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Average Length of Stay
Number of Cases
MS-DRG 456 All cases
MS-DRG 456 Cases reporting an extensive fusion
MS·DRG 457 All cases
MS-DRG 457 Cases reporting an extensive fusion
MS-DRG 458 All cases
MS-DRG 458 Cases reporting an extensive fusion
The data show that the 332 cases
reporting an extensive fusion procedure
in MS–DRG 456 have a shorter average
length of stay (11.5 days versus 12.6
days) and higher average costs ($89,773
versus $76,060) compared to all the
cases in MS–DRG 456. For MS–DRG
457, the data show that the 171 cases
reporting an extensive fusion have a
comparable average length of stay (6.6
days versus 6.1 days) and higher average
costs ($75,588 versus $52,179)
compared to all the cases in MS–DRG
457. Lastly, for MS–DRG 458, the data
show that the 146 cases reporting an
extensive fusion procedure have a
comparable average length of stay (3.8
days versus 3.1 days) and higher average
costs ($48,035 versus $39,260)
compared to all the cases in MS–DRG
We believe that over time, the volume
of cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device in
MS–DRGs 456, 457, and 458 may
increase and we could consider further
in the context of the cases reporting an
extensive fusion procedure. However,
due to the logic for case assignment to
these MS–DRGs also being defined by
diagnosis code logic, additional analysis
would be needed prior to considering
any modification to the current
structure of these MS–DRGs. As we
continue to evaluate how we may refine
these spinal fusion MS–DRGs, we are
also seeking public comments and
feedback on other factors that should be
considered in the potential restructuring
of MS–DRGs 456, 457, and 458. Thus,
for FY 2025, we are proposing to
maintain the current structure of MS–
DRGs 456, 457, and 458, without
modification. Feedback and other
suggestions for future rulemaking may
be submitted by October 20, 2024 and
directed to MEARISTM at https://
Next, we performed an expanded
analysis for spinal fusion cases reported
in MS–DRGs 459 and 460. We note that
cases grouping to MS–DRG 459 have at
least one secondary diagnosis MCC
condition reported (‘‘with MCC’’) and
because MS–DRG 460 is ‘‘without
MCC’’, cases grouping to this MS–DRG
Number of
MS-DRG 459 All cases
MS-DRG 459 Cases reporting single level spinal fusion except cervical
may include the reporting of at least one
secondary diagnosis CC condition (in
addition to cases that may not report a
CC (for example, NonCC)). Based on the
findings for a subset of the cases (that
is, the subset of cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custommade anatomically designed interbody
fusion device) in these MS–DRGs as
previously discussed, and our review of
the logic for case assignment to these
MS–DRGs, we developed two categories
of spinal fusion procedures to further
examine. The first category was for the
single level spinal fusions except
cervical, and the second category was
for the multiple level spinal fusions
except cervical. We refer the reader to
Table 6P.2g for the list of procedure
codes we identified to categorize the
single level spinal fusions except
cervical and Table 6P.2h for the list of
procedure codes we identified to
categorize the multiple level spinal
fusions except cervical. Findings from
our analysis are shown in the following
Average Length
of Stay
Average Costs
MS-DRG 459 Cases reporting multiple level spinal fusion except cervical
MS-DRG 460 All cases
MS-DRG 460 Cases reporting single level spinal fusion except cervical
The data show that the 2,069 cases
reporting a multiple level spinal fusion
except cervical in MS–DRG 459 have a
longer average length of stay (10.1 days
versus 9.6 days) and higher average
costs ($57,209 versus $53,192) when
compared to all the cases in MS–DRG
459. The data also show that the 2,069
cases reporting a multiple level spinal
fusion except cervical in MS–DRG 459
have a longer average length of stay
(10.1 days versus 8.9 days) and higher
average costs ($57,209 versus $46,031)
when compared to the 1,098 cases
reporting a single level spinal fusion
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
except cervical in MS–DRG 459. For
MS–DRG 460, the data show that the
14,677 cases reporting a multiple level
spinal fusion except cervical have a
comparable average length of stay (3.9
days versus 3.4 days) and higher average
costs ($36,932 versus $32,586) when
compared to all the cases in MS–DRG
460. The data also show that the 14,677
cases reporting a multiple level spinal
fusion except cervical have a
comparable average length of stay (3.9
days versus 3.0 days) and higher average
costs ($36,932 versus $28,110) when
compared to the 14,058 cases reporting
PO 00000
Frm 00051
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
a single level spinal fusion except
cervical in MS–DRG 460.
Based on our review and analysis of
the spinal fusion cases in MS–DRGs 459
and 460, we believe new MS–DRGs are
warranted to differentiate between
multiple level spinal fusions except
cervical and single level spinal fusions
except cervical to more appropriately
reflect utilization of resources for these
procedures, including those performed
with an aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion
EP02MY24.043 EP02MY24.044
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
MS-DRG 460 Cases reporting multiple level spinal fusion except cervical
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
September 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file. The following table
illustrates our findings for all 16,746
of Cases
I Number of Cases
As discussed in section II.C.1.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, if the
criteria for a three-way split fail, the
next step is to determine if the criteria
are satisfied for a two-way split. We
therefore applied the criteria for a twoway split for the ‘‘with MCC and
without MCC’’ subgroups. We note that,
as shown in the table that follows, a
two-way split of this proposed new base
MS–DRG was met. For the proposed
Proposed New MS-DRGs
MS–DRGs, there is at least (1) 500 or
more cases in the MCC group and in the
without MCC subgroup; (2) 5 percent or
more of the cases in the MCC group and
in the without MCC subgroup; (3) a 20
percent difference in average costs
between the MCC group and the without
MCC group; (4) a $2,000 difference in
average costs between the MCC group
and the without MCC group; and (5) a
3-percent reduction in cost variance,
Number of Cases
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
In conclusion, we are proposing to
delete MS–DRGs 453, 454, and 455 and
proposing to create 8 new MS–DRGs.
We are proposing to create new MS–
DRG 426 (Multiple Level Combined
Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical with MCC), MS–DRG
427 (Multiple Level Combined Anterior
and Posterior Spinal Fusion Except
Cervical with CC), MS–DRG 428
Jkt 262001
indicating that the proposed severity
level splits increase the explanatory
power of the base MS–DRG in capturing
differences in expected cost between the
proposed MS–DRG severity level splits
by at least 3 percent and thus improve
the overall accuracy of the IPPS
payment system. The following table
illustrates our findings for the suggested
MS–DRGs with a two-way severity level
Averae:e Length of Stav
(Multiple Level Combined Anterior and
Posterior Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
without CC/MCC), MS–DRG 402 (Single
Level Combined Anterior and Posterior
Spinal Fusion Except Cervical), MS–
DRG 429 (Combined Anterior and
Posterior Cervical Spinal Fusion with
MCC), MS–DRG 430 (Combined
Anterior and Posterior Cervical Spinal
Fusion without MCC), MS–DRG 447
PO 00000
Frm 00052
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Averfil!e Costs
multiple level spinal fusions that do not
include cervical spinal fusions in the
logic for case assignment. The following
table reflects a simulation of the
proposed new MS–DRGs.
Prooosed new MS-DRG 447
Prooosed new MS-DRG 448
00:35 May 02, 2024
$57 209
$34 546
Averae:e Lelli!"th of Sta'\'
existing MS–DRGs 459 and 460 to
‘‘Single Level Spinal Fusion Except
Cervical with MCC and without MCC’’,
respectively. This proposal would better
differentiate the resource utilization,
severity of illness and technical
complexity between single level and
Pronosed New MS-DRG
Number of Cases
As a result, for FY 2025, we are
proposing to create new MS–DRGs 447
(Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except
Cervical with MCC) and new MS–DRG
448 (Multiple Level Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical without MCC). We are
also proposing to revise the title for
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Averaue Lenl!th ofStav
8 695
5 982
Averae:e Costs
(Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except
Cervical with MCC) and MS–DRG 448
(Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except
Cervical without MCC) for FY 2025. We
are proposing the logic for case
assignment to these proposed new MS–
DRGs as displayed in Table 6P.2d, Table
6P.2e, Table 6P.2f, Table 6P.2g, and
Table 6P.2h. We are also proposing to
revise the title for MS–DRGs 459 and
Prooosed New MS-DRGs
proposed new base MS–DRG failed to
meet the criterion that there be at least
a 20% difference in average costs
between the CC and NonCC (without
CC/MCC) subgroup. The following table
illustrates our findings.
subgroups must be met for the proposed
new base MS–DRG to be split (or
subdivided) by a CC subgroup.
Therefore, we applied the criteria to
create subgroups in a base MS–DRG. We
note that, as shown in the table that
follows, a three-way split of this
With CC
Without CC/MCC
Average length
of Stay
Prooosed new MS-DRG
Proposed new MS-DRG XXX
Consistent with our established
process as discussed in section II.C.1.b.
of the preamble of this proposed rule,
once the decision has been made to
propose to make further modifications
to the MS–DRGs, such as creating a new
base MS–DRG, all five criteria to create
cases reporting procedure codes
describing multiple level spinal fusions
except cervical.
EP02MY24.045 EP02MY24.046
To compare and analyze the impact of
our suggested modifications, we ran
simulations using claims data from the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
460 to ‘‘Single Level Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical with MCC and without
MCC’’, respectively. Lastly, as discussed
in section II.C.14 of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing
conforming changes to the surgical
hierarchy for MDC 08.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
7. MDC 10 (Endocrine, Nutritional and
Metabolic Diseases and Disorders):
Resection of Right Large Intestine
We identified an inconsistency in the
MDC and MS–DRG assignment of
procedure codes describing resection of
the right large intestine and resection of
the left large intestine with an open and
percutaneous endoscopic approach.
ICD–10–PCS procedure codes 0DTG0ZZ
(Resection of left large intestine, open
approach) and 0DTG4ZZ (Resection of
left large intestine, percutaneous
endoscopic approach) are currently
assigned to MDC 10 in MS–DRGs 628,
629, and 630 (Other Endocrine,
Nutritional and Metabolic O.R.
Procedures with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively).
However, the procedure codes that
describe resection of the right large
intestine with an open or percutaneous
endoscopic approach, 0DTF0ZZ
(Resection of right large intestine, open
approach) and 0DTF4ZZ (Resection of
right large intestine, percutaneous
endoscopic approach) are not assigned
to MDC 10 in MS–DRGs 628, 629, and
630. To ensure clinical alignment and
consistency, as well as appropriate MS–
DRG assignment, we are proposing to
add procedure codes 0DTF0ZZ and
0DTF4ZZ to MDC 10 in MS–DRGs 628,
629, and 630 effective October 1, 2024
for FY 2025.
8. MDC 15 (Newborns and Other
Neonates With Conditions Originating
in Perinatal Period): MS–DRG 795
Normal Newborn
We received a request to review the
GROUPER logic that would determine
the assignment of cases to MS–DRG 794
(Neonate with Other Significant
Problems). The requestor stated that it
appears that MS–DRG 794 is the default
MS–DRG in MDC 15 (Newborns and
Other Neonates with Conditions
Originating in Perinatal Period), as the
GROUPER logic for MS–DRG 794
displayed in the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Version 41.1 Definitions Manual is
defined by a ‘‘principal or secondary
diagnosis of newborn or neonate, with
other significant problems, not assigned
to DRG 789 through 793 or 795’’. The
requestor expressed concern that
defaulting to MS–DRG 794, instead of
MS–DRG 795 (Normal Newborn), for
assignment of cases in MDC 15 could
contribute to overpayments in
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
healthcare by not aligning the payment
amount to the appropriate level of care
in newborn cases. The requestor
recommended that CMS update the
GROUPER logic that would determine
the assignment of cases to MS–DRGs in
MDC 15 to direct all cases that do not
have the diagnoses and procedures as
specified in the Definitions Manual to
instead be grouped to MS–DRG 795.
Specifically, the requestor expressed
concern that a newborn encounter
coded with a principal diagnosis code
from ICD–10–CM category Z38
(Liveborn infants according to place of
birth and type of delivery), followed by
code P05.19 (Newborn small for
gestational age, other), P59.9 (Neonatal
jaundice, unspecified), Q38.1
(Ankyloglossia), Q82.5 (Congenital nonneoplastic nevus), or Z23 (Encounter for
immunization) is assigned to MS–DRG
794. The requestor stated that they
performed a detailed claim level study,
and in their clinical assessment,
newborn encounters coded with a
principal diagnosis code from ICD–10–
CM category Z38, followed by diagnosis
code P05.19, P59.9, Q38.1, Q82.5, or
Z23 in fact clinically describe normal
newborn encounters and the case
assignment should instead be to MS–
DRG 795.
Our analysis of this grouping issue
confirmed that when a principal
diagnosis code from MDC 15, such as a
diagnosis code from category Z38
(Liveborn infants according to place of
birth and type of delivery), is reported
followed by ICD–10–CM code P05.19
(Newborn small for gestational age,
other), Q38.1 (Ankyloglossia) or Q82.5
(Congenital non-neoplastic nevus), the
case is assigned to MS–DRG 794.
However, as we examined the
GROUPER logic that would determine
an assignment of cases to MS–DRG 795,
we noted the ‘‘only secondary
diagnosis’’ list under MS–DRG 795
already includes ICD–10–CM codes
P59.9 (Neonatal jaundice, unspecified)
and Z23 (Encounter for immunization).
Therefore, when a principal diagnosis
code from MDC 15, such as a diagnosis
code from category Z38 (Liveborn
infants according to place of birth and
type of delivery) is reported, followed
by ICD–10–CM code P59.9 or Z23, the
case is currently assigned to MS–DRG
795, not MS–DRG 794, as suggested by
the requestor. We refer the reader to the
ICD–10 MS–DRG Version 41.1
Definitions Manual (available on the
CMS website at:
ms-drg-classifications-and-software) for
complete documentation of the
PO 00000
Frm 00053
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
GROUPER logic for MS–DRGs 794 and
Next, we reviewed the claims data
from the September 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR file; however, we
found zero cases across MS–DRGs 794
and 795. We then examined the clinical
factors. The description for ICD–10–CM
diagnosis code P05.19 is ‘‘Newborn
small for gestational age, other’’ and the
inclusion term in the ICD–10–CM
Tabular List of Diseases for this
diagnosis code is ‘‘Newborn small for
gestational age, 2500 grams and over.’’
We note that ‘‘small-for-gestational age’’
is diagnosed by assessing the gestational
age and the weight of the baby after
birth. There is no specific treatment for
small-for-gestational-age newborns.
Most newborns who are moderately
small for gestational age are healthy
babies who just happen to be on the
smaller side. Unless the newborn is
born with an infection or has a genetic
disorder, most small-for-gestational-age
newborns have no symptoms and catch
up in their growth during the first year
of life and have a normal adult height.
Next, ICD–10–CM diagnosis code Q38.1
describes ankyloglossia, also known as
tongue-tie, which is a condition that
impairs tongue movement due to a
restrictive lingual frenulum. In infants,
tongue-tie is treated by making a small
cut to the lingual frenulum to allow the
tongue to move more freely. This
procedure, called a frenotomy, can be
done in a healthcare provider’s office
without anesthesia. Newborns generally
recover within about a minute of the
procedure, and pain relief is usually not
indicated. Lastly, ICD–10–CM diagnosis
code Q82.5 describes a congenital nonneoplastic nevus. A congenital nevus is
a type of pigmented birthmark that
appears at birth or during a baby’s first
year. Most congenital nevi do not cause
health problems and may only require
future monitoring.
In reviewing these three ICD–10–CM
codes and the conditions they describe;
we believe these diagnoses generally do
not prolong the inpatient admission of
the newborn and newborns with these
diagnoses generally receive standard
follow-up care after birth. Clinically, we
agree with the requestor that newborn
encounters coded with a principal
diagnosis code from ICD–10–CM
category Z38 (Liveborn infants
according to place of birth and type of
delivery), followed by code P05.19
(Newborn small for gestational age,
other), Q38.1 (Ankyloglossia), or Q82.5
(Congenital non-neoplastic nevus)
should not map to MS–DRG 794
(Neonate with Other Significant
Problems) and should instead be
assigned to MS–DRG 795 (Normal
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
ICD-1()..CM Code
Epidennolvsis bullosa simplex
Epidennolvsis bullosa letalis
Epidennolvsis bullosa dystrophica
Other epidennolvsis bullosa
Epidermolvsis bullosa, unspecified
We reviewed this grouping issue and
noted that epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is
a group of genetic (inherited) disorders
that causes skin to be fragile, blister, and
tear easily in response to minimal
friction or trauma. In some cases,
blisters form inside the body in places
such as the mouth, esophagus, other
internal organs, or eyes. When the
blisters heal, they can cause painful
scarring. In severe cases, the blisters and
scars can harm internal organs and
tissue enough to be fatal. Patients
diagnosed with severe cases of EB have
a life expectancy that ranges from
infancy to 30 years of age.
EB has four primary types: simplex,
junctional, dystrophic, and Kindler
syndrome, and within each type there
are various subtypes, ranging from mild
to severe. A skin biopsy can confirm a
diagnosis of EB and identify which
layers of the skin are affected and
determine the type of epidermolysis
bullosa. Genetic testing may also be
ordered to diagnose the specific type
and subtype of the disease. In caring for
patients with EB, adaptions may be
necessary in the form of handling,
feeding, dressing, managing pain, and
treating wounds caused by the blisters
and tears. If there is a known diagnosis
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
significant problems, not assigned to
DRG 789 through 793 or 795’’. We
acknowledge that MS–DRG 794 utilizes
‘‘fall-through’’ logic, meaning if a
diagnosis code is not assigned to any of
the other MS–DRGs, then assignment
‘‘falls-through’’ to MS–DRG 794. We
have started to examine the GROUPER
logic that would determine the
assignment of cases to the MS–DRGs in
MDC 15, including MS–DRGs 794 and
795, to determine where further
refinements could potentially be made
to better account for differences in
clinical complexity and resource
utilization. However, as we have noted
in prior rulemaking (72 FR 47152), we
cannot adopt the same approach to
refine the newborn MS–DRGs because
of the extremely low volume of
Medicare patients there are in these
MS–DRGs. Additional time is needed to
fully and accurately evaluate cases
currently grouping to the MS–DRGs in
MDC 15 to consider if restructuring the
current MS–DRGs would better
Jkt 262001
606 and 607 (Minor Skin Disorders
with MCC and without MCC,
795 (Normal Newborn)
of EB, but the neonate has no physical
signs at birth, there will still need to be
specialty consultation in the inpatient
setting or referral for outpatient followup. We believe the five diagnosis codes
from ICD–10–CM category Q81
(Epidermolysis bullosa) describe
conditions that require advanced care
and resources similar to other
conditions already assigned to the logic
of MS–DRG 794 and MS–DRGs 595 and
596 (Major Skin Disorders with MCC
and without MCC, respectively), even in
cases where the type of EB is
Therefore, for clinical consistency, we
are proposing to reassign ICD–10–CM
diagnosis codes Q81.0, Q81.1, Q81.2,
Q81.8, and Q81.9 from MS–DRGs 606
and 607 in MDC 09 (Diseases and
Disorders of the Skin, Subcutaneous
Tissue and Breast) and MS–DRG 795
(Normal Newborn) in MDC 15 to MS–
DRGs 595 and 596 in MDC 09 and MS–
DRG 794 in MDC 15, effective October
1, 2024 for FY 2025.
9. MDC 17 (Myeloproliferative Diseases
and Disorders, Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms): Acute Leukemia
We identified a replication issue from
the ICD–9 based MS–DRGs to the ICD–
PO 00000
Frm 00054
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
recognize the clinical distinctions of
these patient populations. Any
proposed modifications to these MS–
DRGs will be addressed in future
rulemaking consistent with our annual
As noted earlier, we have started our
examination of the GROUPER logic that
would determine an assignment of cases
to MS–DRGs in MDC 15. During this
review we noted the logic for MS–DRG
795 (Normal Newborn) includes five
diagnosis codes from ICD–10–CM
category Q81 (Epidermolysis bullosa).
We refer the reader to the ICD–10 MS–
DRG Version 41.1 Definitions Manual
(available via on the CMS website at:
acute-inpatient-pps/ms-drgclassifications-and-software) for
complete documentation of the
GROUPER logic for MS–DRG 795. The
five diagnosis codes and their current
MDC and MS–DRG assignments are
listed in the following table.
10 based MS–DRGs regarding the
assignment of six ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes that describe a type of acute
leukemia. Under the Version 32 ICD–9–
CM based MS–DRGs, the ICD–9–CM
diagnosis codes as shown in the
following table were assigned to surgical
MS–DRGs 820, 821, and 822
(Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major
O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively),
surgical MS–DRGs 823, 824, and 825
(Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia
with Other Procedures with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively),
and medical MS–DRGs 840, 841, and
842 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute
Leukemia with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC
17 (Myeloproliferative Diseases and
Disorders, Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms). The six ICD–10–PCS code
translations also shown in the following
table, that provide more detailed and
specific information for the ICD–9–CM
codes reflected, also currently group to
MS–DRGs 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825,
840, 841 and 842 in the ICD–10 MS–
DRGs Version 41.1. We refer the reader
to the ICD–10 MS–DRG Definitions
Manual Version 41.1 (available on the
CMS website at:
Newborn). Therefore, for the reasons
discussed, we are proposing to reassign
diagnosis code P05.19 from the
‘‘principal or secondary diagnosis’’ list
under MS–DRG 794 to the ‘‘principal
diagnosis’’ list under MS–DRG 795
(Normal Newborn). We are also
proposing to add diagnosis codes Q38.1
and Q82.5 to the ‘‘only secondary
diagnosis’’ list under MS–DRG 795
(Normal Newborn). Under this proposal,
cases with a principal diagnosis
described by an ICD–10–CM code from
category Z38 (Liveborn infants
according to place of birth and type of
delivery), followed by codes P05.19,
Q38.1, or Q82.5 will be assigned to MS–
DRG 795.
In response to the recommendation
that CMS update the GROUPER logic
that would determine an assignment of
cases to MS–DRGs in MDC 15, we agree
with the requestor that the GROUPER
logic for MS–DRG 794 is defined by a
‘‘principal or secondary diagnosis of
newborn or neonate, with other
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
ICD-9-CM Diagnosis
ms-drg-classifications-and-software) for
complete documentation of the
Megakaryocytic leukemia,
without mention of having
achieved remission
Megakaryocytic leukemia, in
Megakaryocytic leukemia, in
Other lymphatic and
hematopoietic tissues
Other lymphatic and
hematopoietic tissues
Other lymphatic and
hematonoietic tissues
During our review of this issue, we
noted that under ICD–9–CM, the
diagnosis codes as reflected in the table
did not describe the acuity of the
diagnosis (for example, acute versus
chronic). This is in contrast to their six
comparable ICD–10–CM code
translations listed in the previous table
that provide more detailed and specific
information for the ICD–9–CM diagnosis
codes and do specify the acuity of the
We note that ICD–10–CM codes
C94.20, C94.21, and C94.22 describe
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia
(AMKL), a rare subtype of acute myeloid
leukemia (AML) that affects
megakaryocytes, platelet-producing
cells that reside in the bone marrow.
Similarly, ICD–10–CM codes C94.40,
C94.41, and C94.42 describe acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis
Diagnosis Code
GROUPER logic for MS–DRGs 820, 821,
822, 823, 824, 825, 840, 841, and 842.
Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia not
having achieved remission
Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia, in
Acute megakaryoblastic leukemia, in
Acute pamnyelosis with myelofibrosis
not having achieved remission
Acute pamnyelosis with
myelofibrosis, in remission
Acute pamnyelosis ,vith
mvelofibrosis, in relanse
(APMF), a rare form of acute myeloid
leukemia characterized by acute
panmyeloid proliferation with increased
blasts and accompanying fibrosis of the
bone marrow that does not meet the
criteria for AML with myelodysplasia
related changes. As previously
mentioned, these six diagnosis codes are
assigned to MS–DRGs 820, 821, 822,
823, 824, 825, 840, 841, and 842. The
GROUPER logic lists for MS–DRGs 820,
821, and 822 includes diagnosis codes
describing lymphoma and both acute
and non-acute leukemias, however the
logic lists for MS–DRGs 823, 824, 825,
840, 841, and 842 contain diagnosis
codes describing lymphoma and nonacute leukemias. In our analysis of this
grouping issue, we also noted that cases
reporting a chemotherapy principal
diagnosis with a secondary diagnosis
describing acute megakaryoblastic
leukemia or acute panmyelosis with
myelofibrosis are assigned to MS–DRGs
846, 847, and 848 (Chemotherapy
without Acute Leukemia as Secondary
Diagnosis, with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) in
Version 41.1.
Next, we examined claims data from
the September 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file for MS–DRG 823,
824, 825, 840, 841, and 842 to identify
cases reporting one of the six diagnosis
codes listed previously that describe
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or
acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis.
We also examined MS–DRGs 846, 847,
and 848 (Chemotherapy without Acute
Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis, with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively). Our findings are shown in
the following tables:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
All cases
Cases with C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41, or
All cases
Cases with C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41, or
All Cases
Cases with C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.4I, or
As shown in the table, in MS–DRG
823, we identified a total of 2,235 cases
with an average length of stay of 14 days
and average costs of $40,587. Of those
2,235 cases, there were two cases
reporting a diagnosis code that describes
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or
acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis,
with average costs higher than the
average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
$40 587
$10 959
file for MS–DRG 823 ($49,600 compared
to $40,587) and a longer average length
of stay (31.5 days compared to 14 days).
We found zero cases in MS–DRG 824
reporting a diagnosis code that describes
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or
acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis.
In MS–DRG 825, we identified a total of
427 cases with an average length of stay
of 2.9 days and average costs of $10,959.
PO 00000
Frm 00055
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Of those 427 cases, there was one case
reporting a diagnosis code that describes
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or
acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis,
with costs higher than the average costs
in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS–
DRG 825 ($17,293 compared to $10,959)
and a longer length of stay (6 days
compared to 2.9 days).
EP02MY24.050 EP02MY24.051
MS-DRGs 823, 824, and 825: All Cases and Cases Reporting Diagnosis Codes Describing Acute Megakaryoblastic
I.Alukemia or Acute Panmyelosis with Mveloflbrosis
Numberof Average I.Alngth
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
MS-DRGs 840, 841, and 842: All Cases and Cases Reporting Diagnosis Codes Describing Acnte Megakaryoblastic
Leukemia or Acute Panmvelosis with Mvelofibrosis
Number of
l..e112th of Stav
All cases
Cases with C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41, or
All cases
Cases with C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41, or
All Cases
Cases with C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41, or
As shown in the table, in MS–DRG
840, we identified a total of 7,747 cases
with an average length of stay of 9.6
days and average costs of $26,215. Of
those 7,747 cases, there were 12 cases
reporting a diagnosis code that describes
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or
acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis,
with average costs lower than the
average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR
$21 357
$13 502
file for MS–DRG 840 ($21,357 compared
to $26,215) and a shorter average length
of stay (8.7 days compared to 9.6 days).
In MS–DRG 841, we identified a total of
5,019 cases with an average length of
stay of 5.3 days and average costs of
$13,502. Of those 5,019 cases, there
were six cases reporting a diagnosis
code that describes acute
megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis, with
average costs lower than the average
costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for
MS–DRG 841 ($6,976 compared to
$13,502) and a shorter average length of
stay (2.8 days compared to 5.3 days). We
found zero cases in MS–DRG 842
reporting a diagnosis code that describes
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or
acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis.
MS-DRGs 846, 847, and 848: All Cases and Cases with a Chemotherapy Principal Diagnosis Code and a Secondary
Dia...,osis Code Describinu Acute Mee:akarvoblastic Leukemia or Acute Panmvelosis with Mvelofibrosis
Length of
Number of
Avenme Costs
All cases
Cases with a chemotherapy principal diagnosis code with a
secondary diagnosis code ofC94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40,
C94.41, or C94.42
All cases
Cases with a chemotherapy principal diagnosis code with a
secondary diagnosis code ofC94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40,
C94.41. or C94.42
All Cases
Cases with a chemotherapy principal diagnosis code with a
secondary diagnosis codeofC94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40,
C94.4 l or C94.42
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
As shown in the table, in MS–DRG
847, we identified a total of 7,329 cases
with an average length of stay of 4.4
days and average costs of $11,250. Of
those 7,329 cases, there were two cases
reporting a chemotherapy principal
diagnosis code with a secondary
diagnosis code that describes acute
megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis, with
average costs lower than the average
costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for
MS–DRG 840 ($7,569 compared to
$11,250) and a longer average length of
stay (5 days compared to 4.4 days). We
found zero cases in MS–DRGs 846 and
848 reporting a diagnosis code that
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
2 936
$22 705
describes acute megakaryoblastic
leukemia or acute panmyelosis with
Next, we examined the MS–DRGs
within MDC 17. Given that the six
diagnoses codes describe subtypes of
acute myeloid leukemia, we determined
that the cases reporting a principal
diagnosis of acute megakaryoblastic
leukemia or acute panmyelosis with
myelofibrosis would more suitably
group to medical MS–DRGs 834, 835,
and 836 (Acute Leukemia without Major
O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively).
Similarly, cases reporting a
chemotherapy principal diagnosis with
PO 00000
Frm 00056
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
a secondary diagnosis describing acute
megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis would
more suitably group to medical MS–
DRGs 837, 838, and 839 (Chemotherapy
with Acute Leukemia as Secondary
Diagnosis, or with High Dose
Chemotherapy Agent with MCC, with
CC or High Dose Chemotherapy Agent,
and without CC/MCC, respectively).
We then examined claims data from
the September 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR for MS–DRGs 834, 835,
836, 837, 838, and 839. Our findings are
shown in the following table.
EP02MY24.052 EP02MY24.053
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Acute Leukemia without Mai or O.R. Procedures with MCC
Acute Leukemia without Maior O.R. Procedures with CC
Acute Leukemia without Major OR. Procedures without
Chemotherapy with Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis
or with Hioh Dose Chemotheraov Agent with MCC
Chemotherapy with Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis
with CC or High Dose Chemotheraov Agent
Chemotherapy with Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis
without CC/MCC
While the average costs for all cases
in MS–DRGs 834, 835, 836, 837, 838,
and 839 are higher than the average
costs of the small number of cases
reporting a diagnosis code that describes
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or
acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis,
or reporting a chemotherapy principal
diagnosis with a secondary diagnosis
describing acute megakaryoblastic
leukemia or acute panmyelosis with
myelofibrosis, and the average lengths
of stay are longer, we note that diagnosis
codes C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40,
C94.41, and C94.42 describe types of
acute leukemia. For clinical coherence,
we believe these six diagnosis codes
would be more appropriately grouped
along with other ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes that describe types of acute
We reviewed this grouping issue, and
our analysis indicates that the six
diagnosis codes describing the acute
megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis were
initially assigned to the list of diagnoses
in the GROUPER logic for MS–DRGs
823, 824, 825, 840, 841, and 842 as a
result of replication in the transition
from ICD–9 to ICD–10 based MS–DRGs.
We also note that diagnosis codes
C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41,
and C94.42 do not describe non-acute
leukemia diagnoses.
Accordingly, because the six
diagnosis codes that describe acute
megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis are not
I.enoth of Stav
1 567
$43 195
(Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major
O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively) and
MS–DRGs 826, 827, and 828
(Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly
Differentiated Neoplasms with Major
O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively). We
note that the logic for case assignment
to MS–DRGs 820, 821, 822, 826, 827,
and 828 is comprised of a logic list
entitled ‘‘Operating Room Procedures’’
which is defined by a list of 4,320 ICD–
10–PCS procedure codes, including 90
ICD–10–PCS codes describing bypass
procedures from the cerebral ventricle
to various body parts. We refer the
reader to the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Definitions Manual Version 41.1
(available on the CMS website at:
acute-inpatient-pps) for complete
documentation of the GROUPER logic
for MS–DRGs 820, 821, 822, 826, 827,
and 828.
In our review of the procedures
currently assigned to MS–DRGs 820,
821, 822, 826, 827, and 828, we noted
12 ICD–10–PCS procedure codes that
describe bypass procedures from the
cerebral ventricle to the subgaleal space
or cerebral cisterns, such as subgaleal or
cisternal shunt placement, that are not
included in the logic for MS–DRGs 820,
821, 822, 826, 827, and 828. The 12
procedure codes are listed in the
following table.
clinically consistent with non-acute
leukemia diagnoses, and it is clinically
appropriate to reassign these diagnosis
codes to be consistent with the other
diagnosis codes that describe acute
leukemias in MS–DRGs 834, 835, 836,
837, 838, and 839, we are proposing the
reassignment of diagnosis codes C94.20,
C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41, and
C94.42 from MS–DRGs 823, 824 and 825
(Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia
with Other Procedures with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively),
and MS–DRGs 840, 841, and 842
(Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively) to MS–DRGs 834,
835, and 836 (Acute Leukemia without
Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively)
and MS–DRGs 837, 838, and 839
(Chemotherapy with Acute Leukemia as
Secondary Diagnosis, or with High Dose
Chemotherapy Agent with MCC, with
CC or High Dose Chemotherapy Agent,
and without CC/MCC, respectively) in
MDC 17, effective FY 2025. Under this
proposal, diagnosis codes C94.20,
C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41, and
C94.42 will continue to be assigned to
surgical MS–DRGs 820, 821, and 822
(Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major
O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively).
In our review of the MS–DRGs in
MDC 17 for further refinement, we next
examined the procedures currently
assigned to MS–DRGs 820, 821, and 822
• lion
Bypass cerebral ventricle to subgaleal space with autologous tissue substitute, open approach
cerebral ventricle to ce
cerebral ventricle to su
cerebral ventricle to su
ea space wtt auto ogous tissue su stttute, percutaneous en
cerebral ventricle to sub aleal s
utaneous endosco ic a roach
cerebral ventricle to subgaleal space wi nonauto ogous tissue su stitute, percutaneous endoscopic
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
Frm 00057
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EP02MY24.054 EP02MY24.055
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
procedure codes in the table that
describes bypass procedures from the
cerebral ventricle to the subgaleal space
or cerebral cisterns. Therefore, we are
proposing to add the 12 procedure
codes that describe bypass procedures
from the cerebral ventricle to the
subgaleal space or cerebral cisterns
listed previously to MS–DRGs 820, 821,
822, 826, 827, and 828 in MDC 17 for
FY 2025.
Lastly, in our analysis of the MS–
DRGs in MDC 17 for further refinement,
we noted that the logic for case
assignment to medical MS–DRGs 834,
835, and 836 (Acute Leukemia without
Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively)
as displayed in the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Version 41.1 Definitions Manual
(available on the CMS website at:
acute-inpatient-pps) is comprised of a
logic list entitled ‘‘Principal Diagnosis’’
and is defined by a list of 27 ICD–10–
CM diagnosis codes describing various
types of acute leukemias. When any one
of the 27 listed diagnosis codes from the
‘‘Principal Diagnosis’’ logic list is
reported as a principal diagnosis,
without a procedure code designated as
an O.R. procedure or without a
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
MS-DRGs 834. 835 and 836: All Cases and Cases Reoortine: an O.R Procedure
of Cases
All cases
Cases reporting an O.R. procedure
All cases
Cases reoorting an O.R. procedure
All Cases
Cases reoorting an O.R. orocedure
As shown by the table, in MS–DRG
834, we identified a total of 4,094 cases,
with an average length of stay of 16.3
days and average costs of $49,986. Of
those 4,094 cases, there were 277 cases
reporting an O.R. procedure, with
higher average costs as compared to all
cases in MS–DRG 834 ($92,246
compared to $49,986), and a longer
average length of stay (28.2 days
compared to 16.3 days). In MS–DRG
835, we identified a total of 1,682 cases
with an average length of stay of 7.2
days and average costs of $19,023. Of
those 1,682 cases, there were 79 cases
reporting an O.R. procedure, with
higher average costs as compared to all
cases in MS–DRG 835 ($30,771
compared to $19,023), and a longer
average length of stay (10.4 days
compared to 7.2 days). In MS–DRG 836,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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we identified a total of 230 cases with
an average length of stay of 4 days and
average costs of $11,225. Of those 230
cases, there were 7 cases reporting an
O.R. procedure, with higher average
costs as compared to all cases in MS–
DRG 836 ($17,950 compared to
$11,225), and a longer average length of
stay (5.9 days compared to 4 days). The
data analysis shows that the average
costs of cases reporting an O.R.
procedure are higher than for all cases
in their respective MS–DRG.
The data analysis clearly shows that
cases reporting a principal diagnosis
code describing a type of acute leukemia
with an ICD–10–PCS procedure code
designated as O.R. procedure that is not
listed in the logic list of MS–DRGs 820,
821, and 822 have higher average costs
and longer lengths of stay compared to
PO 00000
Frm 00058
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
procedure code designated as a nonO.R. procedure that affects the MS–
DRG, the case results in assignment to
MS–DRG 834, 835, or 836 depending on
the presence of any additional MCC or
CC secondary diagnoses. We note
however, that while not displayed in the
ICD–10 MS–DRG Version 41.1
Definitions Manual, when any one of
the 27 listed diagnosis codes from the
‘‘Principal Diagnosis’’ logic list is
reported as a principal diagnosis, along
with a procedure code designated as an
O.R. procedure that is not listed in the
logic list of MS–DRGs 820, 821, and 822
(Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major
O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively), the
case also results in assignment to
medical MS–DRG 834, 835, or 836
depending on the presence of any
additional MCC or CC secondary
As medical MS–DRG 834, 835, and
836 contains GROUPER logic that
includes ICD–10–PCS procedure codes
designated as O.R. procedures, we
examined claims data from the
September 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file for MS–DRG 834, 835, and
836 to identify cases reporting an O.R.
procedure. Our findings are shown in
the following table:
Lenirth of Stav
Averae:e Costs
$19 023
$30 771
$17 950
all the cases in their assigned MS–DRG.
For these reasons, we are proposing to
create a new surgical MS–DRG for cases
reporting a principal diagnosis code
describing a type of acute leukemia with
an O.R. procedure.
To compare and analyze the impact of
our suggested modifications, we ran a
simulation using the claims data from
the September 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file. The following table
illustrates our findings for all 367 cases
reporting a principal diagnosis code
describing a type of acute leukemia with
an ICD–10–PCS procedure code
designated as O.R. procedure that is not
listed in the logic list of MS–DRGs 820,
821, and 822. We believe the resulting
proposed MS–DRG assignment,
reflecting these modifications, is more
A subgaleal shunt consists of a shunt
tube with one end in the lateral
ventricles while the other end is
inserted into the subgaleal space of the
scalp, while a ventriculo-cisternal shunt
diverts the cerebrospinal fluid flow from
one of the lateral ventricles, via a
ventricular catheter, to the cisterna
magna of the posterior fossa. Both
procedures allow for the drainage of
excess cerebrospinal fluid. Indications
for ventriculosubgaleal or ventriculocisternal shunting include acute head
trauma, subdural hematoma,
hydrocephalus, and leptomeningeal
disease (LMD) in malignancies such as
breast cancer, lung cancer, melanoma,
acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and
non-hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL).
Recognizing that acute lymphocytic
leukemia (ALL) and non-hodgkin’s
lymphoma (NHL) are indications for
ventriculosubgaleal or ventriculocisternal shunting, we support adding
the 12 ICD–10–PCS codes identified in
the table to MS–DRGs 820, 821, 822,
826, 827, and 828 in MDC 17 for
consistency to align with the procedure
codes listed in the definition of MS–
DRGs 820, 821, 822, 826, 827, and 828
and also to permit proper case
assignment when a principal diagnosis
from MDC 17 is reported with one of the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
clinically homogeneous, coherent and
better reflects hospital resource use.
Length of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Proposed new MS-DRG XXX Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures
We applied the criteria to create
subgroups in a base MS–DRG as
discussed in section II.C.1.b. of this FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule. As
shown in the table, we identified a total
of 367 cases using the claims data from
the September 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file, so the criterion that
there are at least 500 or more cases in
each subgroup could not be met.
Therefore, for FY 2025, we are not
proposing to subdivide the proposed
new MS DRG for acute leukemia with
other procedures into severity levels.
In summary, for FY 2025, we are
proposing to create a new base surgical
MS–DRG for cases reporting a principal
diagnosis describing a type of acute
leukemia with an ICD–10–PCS
procedure code designated as O.R.
procedure that is not listed in the logic
list of MS–DRGs 820, 821, and 822 in
MDC 17. The proposed new MS–DRG is
proposed new MS–DRG 850 (Acute
Leukemia with Other Procedures). We
are proposing to add the 27 ICD–10–CM
diagnosis codes describing various types
of acute leukemias currently listed in
the logic list entitled ‘‘Principal
Diagnosis’’ in MS–DRGs 834, 835, and
836 as well as ICD–10–CM codes
C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41,
and C94.42 discussed earlier in this
section to the proposed new MS–DRG
850. We are also proposing to add the
procedure codes from current MS–DRGs
823, 824, and 825 (Lymphoma and NonAcute Leukemia with Other Procedures
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively) to the proposed new
MS–DRG 850. We note that in the
current logic list of MS–DRGs 823, 824,
and 825 there are 189 procedure codes
describing stereotactic radiosurgery of
various body parts that are designated as
non-O.R. procedures affecting the MS–
DRG, therefore, as part of the logic for
new MS–DRG 850, we are also
proposing to designate these 189 codes
as non-O.R. procedures affecting the
In addition, we are proposing to
revise the titles for MS–DRGs 834, 835,
and 836 by deleting the reference to
‘‘Major O.R. Procedures’’ in the title.
Specifically, we are proposing to revise
the titles of medical MS–DRGs 834, 835,
and 836 from ‘‘Acute Leukemia without
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC’’, respectively
to ‘‘Acute Leukemia with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC’’, respectively
to better reflect the GROUPER logic that
will no longer include ICD–10–PCS
procedure codes designated as O.R.
procedures. We note that discussion of
the surgical hierarchy for the proposed
modifications is discussed in section
II.C.15. of this proposed rule.
10. Review of Procedure Codes in MS–
DRGs 981 Through 983 and 987
Through 989
We annually conduct a review of
procedures producing assignment to
MS–DRGs 981 through 983 (Extensive
O.R. Procedure Unrelated to Principal
Diagnosis with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) or MS–
DRGs 987 through 989 (Non-Extensive
O.R. Procedure Unrelated to Principal
Diagnosis with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) on the
basis of volume, by procedure, to see if
it would be appropriate to move cases
reporting these procedure codes out of
these MS–DRGs into one of the surgical
MS–DRGs for the MDC into which the
principal diagnosis falls. The data are
arrayed in two ways for comparison
purposes. We look at a frequency count
of each major operative procedure code.
We also compare procedures across
MDCs by volume of procedure codes
within each MDC. We use this
information to determine which
procedure codes and diagnosis codes to
We identify those procedures
occurring in conjunction with certain
principal diagnoses with sufficient
frequency to justify adding them to one
of the surgical MS–DRGs for the MDC in
which the diagnosis falls. We also
consider whether it would be more
appropriate to move the principal
diagnosis codes into the MDC to which
the procedure is currently assigned.
Based on the results of our review of
the claims data from the September
2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR
file of cases found to group to MS–DRGs
981 through 983 or MS–DRGs 987
through 989, we did not identify any
cases for reassignment and are not
proposing to move any cases from MS–
PO 00000
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DRGs 981 through 983 or MS–DRGs 987
through 989 into a surgical MS–DRGs
for the MDC into which the principal
diagnosis or procedure is assigned.
In addition to the internal review of
procedures producing assignment to
MS–DRGs 981 through 983 or MS–DRGs
987 through 989, we also consider
requests that we receive to examine
cases found to group to MS–DRGs 981
through 983 or MS–DRGs 987 through
989 to determine if it would be
appropriate to add procedure codes to
one of the surgical MS–DRGs for the
MDC into which the principal diagnosis
falls or to move the principal diagnosis
to the surgical MS–DRGs to which the
procedure codes are assigned. We did
not receive any requests suggesting
We also review the list of ICD–10–
PCS procedures that, when in
combination with their principal
diagnosis code, result in assignment to
MS DRGs 981 through 983, or 987
through 989, to ascertain whether any of
those procedures should be reassigned
from one of those two groups of MS
DRGs to the other group of MS DRGs
based on average costs and the length of
stay. We look at the data for trends such
as shifts in treatment practice or
reporting practice that would make the
resulting MS DRG assignment illogical.
If we find these shifts, we would
propose to move cases to keep the MS
DRGs clinically similar or to provide
payment for the cases in a similar
manner. Generally, we move only those
procedures for which we have an
adequate number of discharges to
analyze the data.
Additionally, we also consider
requests that we receive to examine
cases found to group to MS–DRGs 981
through 983 or MS–DRGs 987 through
989 to determine if it would be
appropriate for the cases to be
reassigned from one of the MS–DRG
groups to the other. Based on the results
of our review of the claims data from the
September 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file we did not identify any
cases for reassignment. We also did not
receive any requests suggesting
reassignment. Therefore, for FY 2025 we
are not proposing to move any cases
reporting procedure codes from MS–
Proposed new MS..DRG
Number of
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
DRGs 981 through 983 to MS–DRGs 987
through 989 or vice versa.
11. Operating Room (O.R.) and Non-O.R.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
a. Background
Under the IPPS MS–DRGs (and former
CMS MS–DRGs), we have a list of
procedure codes that are considered
operating room (O.R.) procedures.
Historically, we developed this list
using physician panels that classified
each procedure code based on the
procedure and its effect on consumption
of hospital resources. For example,
generally the presence of a surgical
procedure which required the use of the
operating room would be expected to
have a significant effect on the type of
hospital resources (for example,
operating room, recovery room, and
anesthesia) used by a patient, and
therefore, these patients were
considered surgical. Because the claims
data generally available do not precisely
indicate whether a patient was taken to
the operating room, surgical patients
were identified based on the procedures
that were performed.
Generally, if the procedure was not
expected to require the use of the
operating room, the patient would be
considered medical (non-O.R.).
Currently, each ICD–10–PCS
procedure code has designations that
determine whether and in what way the
presence of that procedure on a claim
impacts the MS–DRG assignment. First,
each ICD–10–PCS procedure code is
either designated as an O.R. procedure
for purposes of MS–DRG assignment
(‘‘O.R. procedures’’) or is not designated
as an O.R. procedure for purposes of
MS–DRG assignment (‘‘non-O.R.
procedures’’). Second, for each
procedure that is designated as an O.R.
procedure, that O.R. procedure is
further classified as either extensive or
non-extensive. Third, for each
procedure that is designated as a nonO.R. procedure, that non-O.R. procedure
is further classified as either affecting
the MS–DRG assignment or not affecting
the MS–DRG assignment. We refer to
these designations that do affect MS–
DRG assignment as ‘‘non O.R. affecting
the MS–DRG.’’ For new procedure codes
that have been finalized through the
ICD–10 Coordination and Maintenance
Committee meeting process and are
proposed to be classified as
O.R. procedures or non-O.R.
procedures affecting the MS–DRG, we
recommend the MS–DRG assignment
which is then made available in
association with the proposed rule
(Table 6B.—New Procedure Codes) and
subject to public comment. These
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proposed assignments are generally
based on the assignment of predecessor
codes or the assignment of similar
codes. For example, we generally
examine the MS–DRG assignment for
similar procedures, such as the other
approaches for that procedure, to
determine the most appropriate MS–
DRG assignment for procedures
proposed to be newly designated as O.R.
procedures. As discussed in section
II.C.13 of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we are making Table 6B.—New
Procedure Codes—FY 2025 available on
the CMS website at: https://
prospective-payment-systems/acuteinpatient-pps.html. We also refer
readers to the ICD–10 MS–DRG Version
41.1 Definitions Manual at: https://
prospective-payment-systems/acuteinpatient-pps/ms-drg-classificationsand-software.html for detailed
information regarding the designation of
procedures as O.R. or non-O.R.
(affecting the MS–DRG) in Appendix
E—Operating Room Procedures and
Procedure Code/MS–DRG Index.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we stated that, given the
long period of time that has elapsed
since the original O.R. (extensive and
non-extensive) and non-O.R.
designations were established, the
incremental changes that have occurred
to these O.R. and non-O.R. procedure
code lists, and changes in the way
inpatient care is delivered, we plan to
conduct a comprehensive, systematic
review of the ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes. This will be a multiyear project
during which we will also review the
process for determining when a
procedure is considered an operating
room procedure. For example, we may
restructure the current O.R. and nonO.R. designations for procedures by
leveraging the detail that is now
available in the ICD–10 claims data. We
refer readers to the discussion regarding
the designation of procedure codes in
the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(82 FR 38066) where we stated that the
determination of when a procedure code
should be designated as an O.R.
procedure has become a much more
complex task. This is, in part, due to the
number of various approaches available
in the ICD–10–PCS classification, as
well as changes in medical practice.
While we have typically evaluated
procedures on the basis of whether or
not they would be performed in an
operating room, we believe that there
may be other factors to consider with
regard to resource utilization,
PO 00000
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particularly with the implementation of
We discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule that as a result
of this planned review and potential
restructuring, procedures that are
currently designated as O.R. procedures
may no longer warrant that designation,
and conversely, procedures that are
currently designated as non-O.R.
procedures may warrant an O.R. type of
designation. We intend to consider the
resources used and how a procedure
should affect the MS–DRG assignment.
We may also consider the effect of
specific surgical approaches to evaluate
whether to subdivide specific MS–DRGs
based on a specific surgical approach.
We stated we plan to utilize our
available MedPAR claims data as a basis
for this review and the input of our
clinical advisors. As part of this
comprehensive review of the procedure
codes, we also intend to evaluate the
MS–DRG assignment of the procedures
and the current surgical hierarchy
because both of these factor into the
process of refining the ICD–10 MS–
DRGs to better recognize complexity of
service and resource utilization.
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58540 through 58541), we
provided a summary of the comments
we had received in response to our
request for feedback on what factors or
criteria to consider in determining
whether a procedure is designated as an
O.R. procedure in the ICD–10–PCS
classification system for future
consideration. We also stated that in
consideration of the PHE, we believed it
may be appropriate to allow additional
time for the claims data to stabilize prior
to selecting the timeframe to analyze for
this review.
We stated in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (88 FR 58749) that we
continue to believe additional time is
necessary as we continue to develop our
process and methodology. Therefore, we
stated we will provide more detail on
this analysis and the methodology for
conducting this review in future
rulemaking. In response to this
discussion in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, we received a comment
by the October 20, 2023 deadline. The
commenter acknowledged that there is
no easy rule that would allow CMS to
designate certain surgeries as ‘‘nonO.R.’’ procedures. The commenter
stated that they believed that open
procedures should always be designated
O.R. procedures and approaches other
than open should not be a sole factor in
designating a procedure as non-O.R. as
some minimally-invasive procedures
using a percutaneous endoscopic
approach require more training,
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
specialized equipment, time, and
resources than traditional open
procedures. In addition, the commenter
stated that whether a procedure is
frequently or generally performed in the
outpatient setting should not be used for
determination of O.R. vs non-O.R.
designation and noted that a surgery
that can be performed in the outpatient
setting for a clinically stable patient may
not be able to be safely performed on a
patient who is clinically unstable. The
commenter also asserted that for
procedures that can be performed in
various locations within the hospital,
that is, bedside vs operating room, there
should be a mechanism to differentiate
the setting of the procedure to
determine the MS–DRG assignment as
in the commenter’s assessment, the
ICD–10 classification does not provide a
way to indicate the severity of certain
conditions, or the complexity of
procedures performed.
CMS appreciates the commenter’s
feedback and recommendations as to
factors to consider in evaluating O.R.
designations. We agree with the
commenter and believe that there may
be other factors to consider with regard
to resource utilization. As discussed in
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
we have signaled in prior rulemaking
that the designation of an O.R.
procedure encompasses more than the
physical location of the hospital room in
which the procedure may be performed;
in other words, the performance of a
procedure in an operating room is not
the sole determining factor we will
consider as we examine the designation
of a procedure in the ICD–10–PCS
classification system. We are exploring
alternatives on how we may restructure
the current O.R. and non-O.R.
designations for procedures by
leveraging the detail that is available in
the ICD–10 claims data. We are
considering the feedback received on
what factors and/or criteria to consider
in determining whether a procedure is
designated as an O.R. procedure in the
ICD–10–PCS classification system as
continue to develop our process and
methodology, and will provide more
detail on this analysis and the
methodology for conducting this
comprehensive review in future
rulemaking. We encourage the public to
continue to submit comments on any
other factors to consider in our
refinement efforts to recognize and
differentiate consumption of resources
for the ICD–10 MS–DRGs for
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we did not receive any
requests regarding changing the
designation of specific ICD–10–PCS
procedure codes from non-O.R. to O.R.
procedures, or to change the designation
from O.R. procedures to non-O.R.
procedures by the October 20, 2023
deadline. In this section of the proposed
rule, we discuss the proposals we are
making based on our internal review
and analysis and we discuss the process
that was utilized for evaluating each
procedure code. For each procedure, we
• Whether the procedure would
typically require the resources of an
operating room;
• Whether it is an extensive or a nonextensive procedure; and
• To which MS–DRGs the procedure
should be assigned.
We note that many MS–DRGs require
the presence of any O.R. procedure. As
a result, cases with a principal diagnosis
associated with a particular MS–DRG
would, by default, be grouped to that
MS–DRG. Therefore, we do not list
these MS–DRGs in our discussion in
this section of this proposed rule.
Instead, we only discuss MS–DRGs that
require explicitly adding the relevant
procedure codes to the GROUPER logic
in order for those procedure codes to
affect the MS–DRG assignment as
For procedures that would not
typically require the resources of an
operating room, we determined if the
procedure should affect the MS–DRG
assignment. In cases where we are
proposing to change the designation of
procedure codes from non-O.R.
procedures to O.R. procedures, we also
are proposing one or more MS–DRGs
with which these procedures are
clinically aligned and to which the
procedure code would be assigned.
In addition, cases that contain O.R.
procedures will map to MS–DRGs 981,
982, or 983 (Extensive O.R. Procedure
Unrelated to Principal Diagnosis with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) or MS–DRGs 987, 988, or
989 (Non-Extensive O.R. Procedure
Unrelated to Principal Diagnosis with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) when they do not contain
a principal diagnosis that corresponds
to one of the MDCs to which that
procedure is assigned. These procedures
need not be assigned to MS–DRGs 981
through 989 in order for this to occur.
Therefore, we did not specifically
address that aspect in summarizing the
proposals we are making based on our
internal review and analysis in this
section of this proposed rule.
b. Non-O.R. Procedures to O.R.
(1) Laparoscopic Biopsy of Intestinal
Body Parts
During our review, we noted
inconsistencies in how procedures
involving laparoscopic excisions of
intestinal body parts are designated.
Procedure codes describing the
laparoscopic excision of intestinal body
parts differ by qualifier. ICD–10–PCS
procedure codes describing excisions of
intestinal body parts with the diagnostic
qualifier ‘‘X’’, are used to report these
procedures when performed for
diagnostic purposes. We identified the
following five related codes:
ICD-10-PCS Code
Excision of ri
Excision of1
Excision of
Excision of
Excision of si
We noted the ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes describing the laparoscopic
excision of intestinal body parts for
diagnostic purposes listed previously
have been assigned different attributes
in terms of designation as an O.R. or
Non-O.R. procedure when compared to
similar procedures describing the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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laparoscopic excisions of intestinal
body parts for nondiagnostic purposes.
In the ICD–10 MS–DRGs Version 41,
these ICD–10–PCS codes are currently
recognized as non-O.R. procedures for
purposes of MS–DRG assignment, while
similar excision of intestinal body part
procedure codes with the same
PO 00000
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approach but different qualifiers are
recognized as O.R. procedures.
Upon further review and
consideration, we believe that
procedure codes 0DBF4ZX, 0DBG4ZX,
describing a laparoscopic excision of an
intestinal body parts for diagnostic
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
purposes warrant designation as an O.R.
procedures consistent with other
laparoscopic excision procedures
performed on the same intestinal body
parts for nondiagnostic purposes. We
also believe it is clinically appropriate
for these procedures to group to the
same MS–DRGs as the procedures
describing excision procedures
performed on the intestinal body parts
for nondiagnostic purposes. Therefore,
we are proposing to add procedure
codes 0DBF4ZX, 0DBG4ZX, 0DBL4ZX,
0DBM4ZX and 0DBN4ZX to the FY
2025 ICD–10 MS–DRG Version 42
Definitions Manual in Appendix E—
Operating Room Procedures and
Procedure Code/MS–DRG Index as O.R.
procedures assigned to MS–DRG 264
(Other Circulatory System O.R.
Procedures) in MDC 05 (Diseases and
Disorders of the Circulatory System);
00:35 May 02, 2024
DRG Version 42 Definitions Manual in
Appendix E—Operating Room
Procedures and Procedure Code/MS–
DRG Index as an O.R. procedure
assigned to MS–DRGs 411, 412, and 413
(Cholecystectomy with C.D.E., with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) and MS–DRGs 417, 418,
and 419 (Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
without C.D.E., with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC
07 (Diseases and Disorders of the
Hepatobiliary System and Pancreas);
MS–DRGs 820, 821, and 822
(Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major
O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively) and
MS–DRGS 826, 827, and 828
(Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly
Differentiated Neoplasms with Major
O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively) in
MDC 17 (Myeloproliferative Diseases
and Disorders, Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms); MS–DRGs 907, 908, and
909 (Other O.R. Procedures for Injuries
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively) in MDC 21 (Injuries,
Poisonings and Toxic Effects of Drugs);
and MS–DRGs 957, 958, and 959 (Other
O.R. Procedures for Multiple Significant
Trauma with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC
24 (Multiple Significant Trauma).
We are also proposing to add
procedure code 0FBG4ZX to the FY
2025 ICD–10 MS–DRG Version 42
Definitions Manual in Appendix E—
Operating Room Procedures and
Procedure Code/MS–DRG Index as an
O.R. procedure assigned to MS–DRGs
405, 406, and 407 (Pancreas, Liver and
Shunt Procedures, with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively) in
MDC 06 (Diseases and Disorders of the
Digestive System); MS–DRGs 628, 629
and 630 (Other Endocrine, Nutritional
and Metabolic O.R. Procedures with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) in MDC 10 (Endocrine,
Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and
Disorders); MS–DRGs 907, 908, and 909
(Other O.R. Procedures for Injuries with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) in MDC 21 (Injuries,
Poisonings and Toxic Effects of Drugs);
and MS–DRGs 957, 958, and 959 (Other
O.R. Procedures for Multiple Significant
Trauma with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC
24 (Multiple Significant Trauma).
(2) Laparoscopic Biopsy of Gallbladder
and Pancreas
During our review, we noted
inconsistencies in how procedures
involving laparoscopic excisions of
gallbladder or pancreas are designated.
Procedure codes describing the
laparoscopic excision of the gallbladder
or pancreas differ by qualifier. The ICD–
10–PCS procedure code describing an
excision of the gallbladder and the
procedure code describing an excision
of the pancreas with the diagnostic
qualifier ‘‘X’’, are used to report these
procedures when performed for
diagnostic purposes. We identified the
following two related codes:
Excision of
Excision of
We noted the ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes describing the laparoscopic
excision of the gallbladder or the
pancreas for diagnostic purposes listed
previously have been assigned different
attributes in terms of designation as an
O.R. or a Non-O.R. procedure when
compared to similar procedures
describing the laparoscopic excisions of
the gallbladder or the pancreas for
nondiagnostic purposes. In the ICD–10
MS–DRGs Version 41, these ICD–10–
PCS codes are currently recognized as
non-O.R. procedures for purposes of
MS–DRG assignment, while similar
excision of the gallbladder or the
pancreas procedure codes with the same
approach but different qualifiers are
recognized as O.R. procedures.
Upon further review and
consideration, we believe that
procedure code 0FB44ZX describing a
laparoscopic excision of the gallbladder
for diagnostic purposes and procedure
code 0FBG4ZX describing a
laparoscopic excision of the pancreas
for diagnostic purposes both warrant
designation as an O.R. procedure
consistent with other laparoscopic
excision procedures performed on the
same body parts for nondiagnostic
purposes. We also believe it is clinically
appropriate for these procedures to
group to the same MS–DRGs as the
procedures describing excision
procedures performed on the
gallbladder or pancreas for
nondiagnostic purposes. Therefore, we
are proposing to add procedure code
0FB44ZX to the FY 2025 ICD–10 MS–
VerDate Sep<11>2014
O.R. Procedures for Multiple Significant
Trauma with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC
24 (Multiple Significant Trauma).
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12. Proposed Changes to the MS–DRG
Diagnosis Codes for FY 2025
a. Background of the CC List and the CC
Exclusions List
Under the IPPS MS–DRG
classification system, we have
developed a standard list of diagnoses
that are considered CCs. Historically, we
developed this list using physician
panels that classified each diagnosis
code based on whether the diagnosis,
when present as a secondary condition,
would be considered a substantial
complication or comorbidity. A
substantial complication or comorbidity
was defined as a condition that, because
of its presence with a specific principal
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
ICD-10-PCS Code
MS–DRGs 329, 330, and 331 (Major
Small and Large Bowel Procedures, with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) in MDC 06 (Diseases and
Disorders of the Digestive System); MS–
DRGs 820, 821, and 822 (Lymphoma
and Leukemia with Major O.R.
Procedures with MCC, CC, without CC/
MCC, respectively) and MS–DRGS 826,
827, and 828 (Myeloproliferative
Disorders or Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms with Major O.R. Procedures
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively) in MDC 17
(Myeloproliferative Diseases and
Disorders, Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms); MS–DRGs 907, 908, and
909 (Other O.R. Procedures for Injuries
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively) in MDC 21 (Injuries,
Poisonings and Toxic Effects of Drugs);
and MS–DRGs 957, 958, and 959 (Other
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
diagnosis, would cause an increase in
the length-of-stay by at least 1 day in at
least 75 percent of the patients.
However, depending on the principal
diagnosis of the patient, some diagnoses
on the basic list of complications and
comorbidities may be excluded if they
are closely related to the principal
diagnosis. In FY 2008, we evaluated
each diagnosis code to determine its
impact on resource use and to
determine the most appropriate CC
subclassification (NonCC, CC, or MCC)
assignment. We refer readers to sections
II.D.2. and 3. of the preamble of the FY
2008 IPPS final rule with comment
period for a discussion of the refinement
of CCs in relation to the MS DRGs we
adopted for FY 2008 (72 FR 47152
through 47171).
b. Overview of Comprehensive CC/MCC
In the FY 2008 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (72 FR 47159), we described our
process for establishing three different
levels of CC severity into which we
would subdivide the diagnosis codes.
The categorization of diagnoses as a
MCC, a CC, or a NonCC was
accomplished using an iterative
approach in which each diagnosis was
evaluated to determine the extent to
which its presence as a secondary
diagnosis resulted in increased hospital
resource use. We refer readers to the FY
2008 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (72 FR
47159) for a complete discussion of our
approach. Since the comprehensive
analysis was completed for FY 2008, we
have evaluated diagnosis codes
individually when assigning severity
levels to new codes and when receiving
requests to change the severity level of
specific diagnosis codes.
We noted in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule (84 FR 19235
through 19246) that with the transition
to ICD–10–CM and the significant
changes that have occurred to diagnosis
codes since the FY 2008 review, we
believed it was necessary to conduct a
comprehensive analysis once again.
Based on this analysis, we proposed
changes to the severity level
designations for 1,492 ICD–10–CM
diagnosis codes and invited public
comments on those proposals. As
summarized in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, many commenters
expressed concern with the proposed
severity level designation changes
overall and recommended that CMS
conduct further analysis prior to
finalizing any proposals. After careful
consideration of the public comments
we received, as discussed further in the
FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
generally did not finalize our proposed
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changes to the severity designations for
the ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes, other
than the changes to the severity level
designations for the diagnosis codes in
category Z16 (Resistance to
antimicrobial drugs) from a NonCC to a
CC. We stated that postponing adoption
of the proposed comprehensive changes
in the severity level designations would
allow further opportunity to provide
additional background to the public on
the methodology utilized and clinical
rationale applied across diagnostic
categories to assist the public in its
review. We refer readers to the FY 2020
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42150
through 42152) for a complete
discussion of our response to public
comments regarding the proposed
severity level designation changes for
FY 2020.
As discussed in the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule (85 FR 32550),
to provide the public with more
information on the CC/MCC
comprehensive analysis discussed in
the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
and final rules, CMS hosted a listening
session on October 8, 2019. The
listening session included a review of
this methodology utilized to
mathematically measure the impact on
resource use. We refer readers to https://
SessionTrasncriptandQandAsand for the transcript and
audio file of the listening session. We
also refer readers to https://
prospective-payment-systems/acuteinpatient-pps/ms-drg-classificationsand-software for the supplementary file
containing the mathematical data
generated using claims from the FY
2018 MedPAR file describing the impact
on resource use of specific ICD–10–CM
diagnosis codes when reported as a
secondary diagnosis that was made
available for the listening session.
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58550 through 58554), we
discussed our plan to continue a
comprehensive CC/MCC analysis, using
a combination of mathematical analysis
of claims data as discussed in the FY
2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (84
FR 19235) and the application of nine
guiding principles and plan to present
the findings and proposals in future
rulemaking. The nine guiding principles
are as follows:
• Represents end of life/near death or
has reached an advanced stage
associated with systemic physiologic
decompensation and debility.
• Denotes organ system instability or
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• Involves a chronic illness with
susceptibility to exacerbations or abrupt
• Serves as a marker for advanced
disease states across multiple different
comorbid conditions.
• Reflects systemic impact.
• Post-operative/post-procedure
condition/complication impacting
• Typically requires higher level of
care (that is, intensive monitoring,
number of caregivers, additional
testing, intensive care unit care,
extended length of stay).
• Impedes patient cooperation or
management of care or both.
• Recent (last 10 years) change in best
practice, or in practice guidelines and
review of the extent to which these
changes have led to concomitant
changes in expected resource use.
We refer readers to the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule for a complete
summation of the comments we
received for each of the nine guiding
principles and our responses to those
comments. We note that since the FY
2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule we have
continued to solicit feedback regarding
the nine guiding principles, as well as
other possible ways we can incorporate
meaningful indicators of clinical
severity. We have encouraged the public
to provide a detailed explanation of how
applying a suggested concept or
principle would ensure that the severity
designation appropriately reflects
resource use for any diagnosis code
when providing feedback or comments.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (88 FR 26748 through
26750) we illustrated how the nine
guiding principles might be applied in
evaluating changes to the severity
designations of diagnosis codes in our
discussion of our proposed changes to
the severity level designation for certain
diagnosis codes that describe
homelessness. Since the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we have not
received any additional feedback or
comments on the nine guiding
principles; therefore, we are proposing
to finalize the nine guiding principles as
listed previously in this FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule. Under this
proposal, our evaluations to determine
the extent to which the presence of a
diagnosis code as a secondary diagnosis
results in increased hospital resource
use will include a combination of
mathematical analysis of claims data as
discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule (84 FR 19235) and
the application of the nine guiding
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (86 FR 25175 through
25180), as another interval step in our
comprehensive review of the severity
designations of ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes, we requested public comments
on a potential change to the severity
level designations for ‘‘unspecified’’
ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes that we
were considering adopting for FY 2022.
Specifically, we noted we were
considering changing the severity level
designation of ‘‘unspecified’’ diagnosis
codes to a NonCC where there are other
codes available in that code subcategory
that further specify the anatomic site. As
summarized in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, many commenters
expressed concern with the potential
severity level designation changes
overall and recommended that CMS
delay any possible change to the
designation of these codes to give
hospitals and their physicians time to
prepare. After careful consideration of
the public comments we received, we
maintained the severity level
designation of the ‘‘unspecified’’
diagnosis codes currently designated as
a CC or MCC where there are other
codes available in that code subcategory
that further specify the anatomic site for
FY 2022. We refer readers to the FY
2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR
44916 through 44926) for a complete
discussion of our response to public
comments regarding the potential
severity level designation changes.
Instead, for FY 2022, we finalized a new
Medicare Code Editor (MCE) code edit
for ‘‘unspecified’’ codes, effective with
discharges on and after April 1, 2022.
We stated we believe finalizing this new
edit would provide additional time for
providers to be educated while not
affecting the payment the provider is
eligible to receive. We refer the reader
to section II.D.14.e. of the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 44940
through 44943) for the complete
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48866), we
stated that as the new unspecified edit
became effective beginning with
discharges on and after April 1, 2022,
we believed it was appropriate to not
propose to change the designation of
any ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes,
including the unspecified codes that are
subject to the ‘‘Unspecified Code’’ edit,
as we continue our comprehensive CC/
MCC analysis to allow interested parties
the time needed to become acclimated
to the new edit.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH proposed
rule (87 FR 28177 through 28181), we
also requested public comments on how
the reporting of diagnosis codes in
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categories Z55–Z65 might improve our
ability to recognize severity of illness,
complexity of illness, and/or utilization
of resources under the MS–DRGs.
Consistent with the Administration’s
goal of advancing health equity for all,
including members of historically
underserved and under-resourced
communities, as described in the
President’s January 20, 2021 Executive
Order 13985 on ‘‘Advancing Racial
Equity and Support for Underserved
Communities Through the Federal
Government,’’ 4 we stated we were also
interested in receiving feedback on how
we might otherwise foster the
documentation and reporting of the
diagnosis codes describing social and
economic circumstances to more
accurately reflect each health care
encounter and improve the reliability
and validity of the coded data including
in support of efforts to advance health
We noted that social determinants of
health (SDOH) are the conditions in the
environments where people are born,
live, learn, work, play, worship, and age
that affect a wide range of health,
functioning, and quality-of-life
outcomes and risks.5 The subset of Z
codes that describe the social
determinants of health are found in
categories Z55–Z65 (Persons with
potential health hazards related to
socioeconomic and psychosocial
circumstances). These codes describe a
range of issues related—but not
limited—to education and literacy,
employment, housing, ability to obtain
adequate amounts of food or safe
drinking water, and occupational
exposure to toxic agents, dust, or
We received numerous public
comments that expressed a variety of
views on our comment solicitation,
including many comments that were
supportive, and others that offered
specific suggestions for our
consideration in future rulemaking.
Many commenters applauded CMS’
efforts to encourage documentation and
reporting of SDOH diagnosis codes
given the impact that social risks can
have on health outcomes. These
commenters stated that it is critical that
physicians, other health care
professionals, and facilities recognize
the impact SDOH have on the health of
their patients. Many commenters also
stated that the most immediate and
important action CMS could take to
4 Available at:
5 Available at:
PO 00000
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increase the use of SDOH Z codes is to
finalize the evidence-based ‘‘Screening
for Social Drivers of Health’’ and
‘‘Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers
of Health’’ measures proposed to be
adopted in the Hospital Inpatient
Quality Reporting (IQR) Program. In the
FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87
FR 49202 through 49220), CMS
finalized the ‘‘Screening for Social
Drivers of Health’’ and ‘‘Screen Positive
Rate for Social Drivers of Health’’
measures in the Hospital Inpatient
Quality Reporting (IQR) Program. We
refer readers to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (87 FR 48867 through
48872) for the complete discussion of
the public comments received regarding
the request for information on SDOH
diagnosis codes.
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58755
through 58759), based on our analysis of
the impact on resource use for the ICD–
10–CM Z codes that describe
homelessness and after consideration of
public comments, we finalized changes
to the severity levels for diagnosis codes
Z59.00 (Homelessness, unspecified),
Z59.01 (Sheltered homelessness), and
Z59.02 (Unsheltered homelessness),
from NonCC to CC. We stated our
expectation that finalizing the changes
would encourage the increased
documentation and reporting of the
diagnosis codes describing social and
economic circumstances and serve as an
example for providers that, when they
document and report SDOH codes, CMS
can further examine the claims data and
consider future changes to the
designation of these codes when
reported as a secondary diagnosis. We
further stated CMS would continue to
monitor and evaluate the reporting of
the diagnosis codes describing social
and economic circumstances.
We refer the reader to the following
section of this proposed rule for our
proposed changes to the severity level
designation for the diagnosis codes that
describe inadequate housing and
housing instability for FY 2025.
We have updated the Impact on
Resource Use Files on the CMS website
so that the public can review the
mathematical data for the impact on
resource use generated using claims
from the FY 2019 through the FY 2023
MedPAR files. These files are posted on
the CMS website at https://
prospective-payment-systems/acuteinpatient-pps/ms-drg-classificationsand-software. As discussed in prior
rulemaking, we also continue to be
interested in receiving feedback on how
we might further foster the
documentation and reporting of the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
most specific diagnosis codes supported
by the available medical record
documentation and clinical knowledge
of the patient’s health condition to more
accurately reflect each health care
encounter and improve the reliability
and validity of the coded data.
For new diagnosis codes approved for
FY 2025, consistent with our annual
process for designating a severity level
(MCC, CC, or NonCC) for new diagnosis
codes, we first review the predecessor
code designation, followed by review
and consideration of other factors that
may be relevant to the severity level
designation, including the severity of
illness, treatment difficulty, complexity
of service and the resources utilized in
the diagnosis or treatment of the
condition. We note that this process
does not automatically result in the new
ICD-10-CM Code•
diagnosis code having the same
designation as the predecessor code. We
refer the reader to section II.C.13 of this
proposed rule for the discussion of the
proposed changes to the ICD–10–CM
and ICD–10–PCS coding systems for FY
c. Proposed Changes to Severity Levels
1. SDOH—Inadequate Housing/Housing
As discussed earlier in this section, in
continuation of our examination of the
SDOH Z codes, for this proposed rule,
we reviewed the mathematical data on
the impact on resource use for the
subset of ICD–10–CM Z codes that
describe the social determinants of
health found in categories Z55–Z65
(Persons with potential health hazards
Total Count"
Inadequate housing,
Inadequate housing
Inadequate housing
Other inadeauate housinll'
Housing instability,
housed, with risk of
Housing instability,
housed, homelessness in
nast 12 months
Housing instability,
housed nn"""'"ified
related to socioeconomic and
psychosocial circumstances).
The ICD–10–CM SDOH Z codes that
describe inadequate housing and
housing instability are currently
designated as NonCCs when reported as
secondary diagnoses. The following
table reflects the impact on resource use
data generated using claims from the
September 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file. We refer readers to the FY
2008 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (72 FR
47159) for a complete discussion of our
historical approach to mathematically
evaluate the extent to which the
presence of an ICD–10–CM code as a
secondary diagnosis resulted in
increased hospital resource use, and a
more detailed explanation of the
columns in the table.
The table shows that the C1 value is
2.63 for ICD–10–CM diagnosis code
Z59.10 and 1.85 for ICD–10–CM
diagnosis code Z59.19. A value close to
2.0 in column C1 suggests that the
secondary diagnosis is more aligned
with a CC than a NonCC. Because the
C1 values in the table are generally close
to 2, the data suggest that when these
two SDOH Z codes are reported as a
secondary diagnosis, the resources
involved in caring for a patient
experiencing inadequate housing
support increasing the severity level
from a NonCC to a CC. In contrast, the
C1 value for ICD–10–CM diagnosis code
Z59.11 is 0.51 and is 0.99 for ICD–10–
CM diagnosis code Z59.12. A C1 value
generally closer to 1 suggests the
resources involved in caring for patients
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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experiencing inadequate housing in
terms of environmental temperature and
utilities are more aligned with a NonCC
severity level than a CC or an MCC
severity level.
The underlying cause of the
inconsistency between the C1 values for
inadequate housing, unspecified and
other inadequate housing and the two
more specific codes that describe the
necessities unavailable in the housing
environment is unclear. We note that
diagnosis codes Z59.10 (Inadequate
housing, unspecified), Z59.11
(Inadequate housing environmental
temperature), Z59.12 (Inadequate
housing utilities), and Z59.19 (Other
inadequate housing) became effective on
April 1, 2023 (FY 2023). In reviewing
the historical C1 values for code Z59.1
PO 00000
Frm 00065
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
(Inadequate housing), the predecessor
code before the code was expanded to
further describe inadequate housing and
the basic necessities unavailable in the
housing environment, we note the
mathematical data for the impact on
resource use generated using claims
from the FY 2019, FY 2020, FY 2021,
and FY 2022 MedPAR files reflects C1
values for code Z59.1 of 2.09, 1.73, 2.04,
and 2.69, respectively. We refer the
reader to the Impact on Resource Use
Files generated using claims from the
FY 2019 through the FY 2022 MedPAR
files posted on the CMS website at
acute-inpatient-pps/ms-drgclassifications-and-software. We believe
the lower C1 values for ICD–10–CM
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
• This column 1s the secondary diagnosis code (SDX).
' This column is the title of the SDX.
'The total count of discharge claims with the SDX.
• C-0unt of discharge claims with the SDX but with no other SDX or with all other SDX a Nonce.
'"Cl" impact on resource use of the SDXfordischarge claims in "Cntl".
'Count of discharge claims with the SDX and with at least one other SDX that is a CC but none that is an MCC.
• "C2" impact on resource use of the SDX for discharge claims in "Cnt2".
• Count of discharge claims with the SDX and with at least one other SDX that is a MCC.
'"Cr impact on resource use of the SDX for discharge claims in "Cnt3".
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
codes Z59.11 (Inadequate housing
environmental temperature) and Z59.12
(Inadequate housing utilities) reflected
in the mathematical data for the impact
on resource use generated using claims
from the FY 2023 MedPAR file may be
attributed to lack of use or knowledge
about the newly expanded codes, such
that the data may not yet reflect the full
impact on resource use for patients
experiencing these circumstances.
Similarly, the table shows that the C1
value is 1.97 for ICD–10–CM diagnosis
code Z59.811. A value close to 2.0 in
column C1 suggests that the secondary
diagnosis is more aligned with a CC
than a NonCC. Because the C1 value in
the table is generally close to 2, the data
suggest that when this SDOH Z code is
reported as a secondary diagnosis, the
resources involved in caring for a
patient experiencing an imminent risk
of homelessness support increasing the
severity level from a NonCC to a CC. In
contrast, the C1 value for ICD–10–CM
diagnosis code Z59.812 (Housing
instability, housed, homelessness in
past 12 months) and (Housing
instability, housed unspecified) is 0.76
and is 0.92 for ICD–10–CM diagnosis
code Z59.819. A C1 value generally
closer to 1 suggests the resources
involved in caring for patients
experiencing housing instability, with
history of homelessness in the past 12
months or housing instability,
unspecified are more aligned with a
NonCC severity level than a CC or an
MCC severity level. The underlying
cause of the inconsistency between the
C1 values for codes describing housing
instability is unclear.
We note that diagnosis codes Z59.811,
Z59.812, and Z59.819 became effective
on October 1, 2021 (FY 2022). In
reviewing the historical C1 values for
code Z59.8 (Other problems related to
housing and economic circumstances),
the predecessor code before the code
was expanded to further describe the
problems related to housing and
economic circumstances, we note the
mathematical data for the impact on
resource use generated using claims
from the FY 2019 and FY 2020 MedPAR
files reflects C1 values for code Z59.8 of
1.92 and 1.63, respectively. There were
no data reflected for this code in the
Impact on Resource Use File generated
using claims from the FY 2021 MedPAR
files. The mathematical data for the
impact on resource use generated using
claims from the FY 2022 MedPAR file
reflects C1 values for codes Z59.811,
Z59.812, and Z59.819 of 2.44, 3.12, and
2.09, respectively. We are uncertain if
the fluctuations in the C1 values from
year to year, or FY 2021, in particular,
may reflect fluctuations that may be a
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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result of the COVID–19 public health
emergency or even reduced
hospitalizations of certain conditions.
We are also uncertain if the fluctuations
may be attributed to lack of use or
knowledge about the expanded codes,
such that the data on the reporting of
codes Z59.812 and Z59.819 may not yet
reflect the full impact on resource use
for patients experiencing these
As discussed in the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58550
through 58554), following the listening
session on October 8, 2019, we
reconvened an internal workgroup
comprised of clinicians, consultants,
coding specialists and other policy
analysts to identify guiding principles to
apply in evaluating whether changes to
the severity level designations of
diagnoses are needed and to ensure the
severity designations appropriately
reflect resource use based on review of
the claims data, as well as consideration
of relevant clinical factors (for example,
the clinical nature of each of the
secondary diagnoses and the severity
level of clinically similar diagnoses) and
improve the overall accuracy of the IPPS
In considering the nine guiding
principles identified by the workgroup,
as summarized previously, we note that,
similar to homelessness, inadequate
housing and housing instability are
circumstances that can impede patient
cooperation or management of care, or
both. In addition, patients experiencing
inadequate housing and housing
instability can require a higher level of
care by needing an extended length of
Inadequate housing is defined as an
occupied housing unit that has
moderate or severe physical problems
(for example, deficiencies in plumbing,
heating, electricity, hallways, and
upkeep).6 7 Features of substandard
housing have long been identified as
contributing to the spread of infectious
diseases. Patients living in inadequate
housing may be exposed to health and
safety risks, such as vermin, mold, water
leaks, and inadequate heating or cooling
systems.8 9 An increasing body of
6 US Bureau of the Census. American Housing
Survey (AHS). Washington, DC: US Bureau of the
Census; 2010. Available at
7 US Bureau of the Census. Codebook for the
American Housing Survey, public use file: 1997 and
later. Washington, DC: US Bureau of the Census;
2009. Available at
8 Herna
´ ndez, D. (2016). Affording housing at the
expense of health: Exploring the housing and
neighborhood strategies of poor families. Journal of
Family Issues, 37(7), 921–946. doi: 10.1177/
PO 00000
Frm 00066
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
evidence has associated poor housing
conditions with morbidity from
infectious diseases, chronic illnesses,
exposure to toxins, injuries, poor
nutrition, and mental disorders.10
Housing instability encompasses a
number of challenges, such as having
trouble paying rent, overcrowding,
moving frequently, or spending the bulk
of household income on housing.11
These experiences may negatively affect
physical health and make it harder to
access health care. Studies have found
moderate evidence to suggest that
housing instability is associated with
higher prevalence of overweight/
obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and
cardiovascular disease, worse
hypertension and diabetes control, and
higher acute health care utilization
among those with diabetes and
cardiovascular disease.12
In reviewing the mathematical data
for the impact on resource use generated
using claims from the FY 2023 MedPAR
file for the seven ICD–10–CM codes
describing inadequate housing and
housing instability comprehensively
and reviewing the potential impact
these circumstances could have on
patients’ clinical course, we note that
whether the patient is experiencing
inadequate housing or housing
instability, the patient may have limited
or no access to prescription medicines
or over-the-counter medicines,
including adequate locations to store
medications away from the heat or cold,
and have difficulties adhering to
medication regimens. Experiencing
inadequate housing or housing
instability may negatively affect a
patient’s physical health and make it
harder to access timely health care.8,9
Delays in medical care may increase
morbidity and mortality risk among
those with underlying, preventable, and
treatable medical conditions.13 In
9 Joint Center for Housing Studies. (2020). The
state of the nation’s housing 2020. Harvard
10 Krieger J, Higgins DL. Housing and health: time
again for public health action. Am J Public Health.
2002 May;92(5):758–68. doi: 10.2105/ajph.92.5.758.
PMID: 11988443; PMCID: PMC1447157.
11 Office of Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion. Retrieved on December 27, 2023 from
12 Gu, K.D., Faulkner, K.C. & Thorndike, A.N.
Housing instability and cardiometabolic health in
the United States: a narrative review of the
literature. BMC Public Health 23, 931 (2023).
13 Gertz AH, Pollack CC, Schultheiss MD,
Brownstein JS. Delayed medical care and
underlying health in the United States during the
COVID–19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Prev
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
addition, findings also suggest that
patients experiencing inadequate
housing or housing instability are
associated with higher rates of inpatient
admissions for mental, behavioral, and
neurodevelopmental disorders, longer
hospital stays, and substantial health
care costs.14
Therefore, after considering the
impact on resource use data generated
using claims from the September 2023
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file for
the seven ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes
that describe inadequate housing and
housing instability and consideration of
the nine guiding principles, we are
proposing to change the severity level
designation for diagnosis codes Z59.10
(Inadequate housing, unspecified),
Z59.11 (Inadequate housing
environmental temperature), Z59.12
(Inadequate housing utilities), Z59.19
(Other inadequate housing), Z59.811
(Housing instability, housed, with risk
of homelessness), Z59.812 (Housing
instability, housed, homelessness in
past 12 months) and Z59.819 (Housing
instability, housed unspecified) from
NonCC to CC for FY 2025.
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48868), if
SDOH Z codes are not consistently
reported in inpatient claims data, our
methodology utilized to mathematically
measure the impact on resource use, as
described previously, may not
adequately reflect what additional
resources were expended by the
hospital to address these SDOH
circumstances in terms of requiring
clinical evaluation, extended length of
hospital stay, increased nursing care or
monitoring or both, and comprehensive
discharge planning. We will continue to
monitor SDOH Z code reporting,
including reporting based on SDOH
screening performed as a result of new
quality measures in the Hospital
Inpatient Quality Reporting program.
We may consider proposing changes for
other SDOH codes in the future based
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Med Rep. 2022 Aug;28:101882. doi: 10.1016/
j.pmedr.2022.101882. Epub 2022 Jul 5. PMID:
35813398; PMCID: PMC9254505.
14 Rollings KA, Kunnath N, Ryus CR, Janke AT,
Ibrahim AM. Association of Coded Housing
Instability and Hospitalization in the US. JAMA
Netw Open. 2022;5(11):e2241951. doi:10.1001/
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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on our analysis of the impact on
resource use, per our methodology, as
previously described, and consideration
of the guiding principles. We also
continue to be interested in receiving
feedback on how we might otherwise
foster the documentation and reporting
of the diagnosis codes describing social
and economic circumstances to more
accurately reflect each health care
encounter and improve the reliability
and validity of the coded data including
in support of efforts to advance health
To inform future rulemaking,
feedback and other suggestions may be
submitted by October 20, 2024 and
directed to MEARISTM at: https://
2. Causally Specified Delirium
Additionally, for this FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule, we received a
request to change the severity level
designations of the ICD–10–CM
diagnosis codes that describe causally
specified delirium from CC to MCC
when reported as secondary diagnoses.
Causally specified delirium is delirium
caused by the physiological effects of a
medical condition, by the direct
physiological effects of a substance or
medication, including withdrawal, or by
multiple or unknown etiological factors.
The requestor noted that ICD–10–CM
diagnosis codes G92.8 (Other toxic
encephalopathy), G92.9 (Unspecified
toxic encephalopathy) and G93.41
(Metabolic encephalopathy) are
currently all designated as MCCs.
According to the requestor, a diagnosis
of delirium implies an underlying acute
encephalopathy, and as such, the
severity designation of the diagnosis
codes that describe causally specified
delirium should be on par with the
severity designation of the diagnosis
codes that describe toxic
encephalopathy and metabolic
encephalopathy. The requestor stated
that toxic encephalopathy, metabolic
encephalopathy, and causally specified
delirium all describe core symptoms of
impairment of level of consciousness
and cognitive change caused by a
medical condition or substance.
The requestor further stated that there
is robust literature detailing the impact
PO 00000
Frm 00067
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
delirium can have on cognitive decline,
rates of functional decline, subsequent
dementia diagnosis, institutionalization,
care complexity and costs, readmission
rates, and mortality. The requestor
considered each of the nine guiding
principles discussed earlier in this
section and noted how each of the
principles could be applied in
evaluating changes to the severity
designations of the diagnosis codes that
describe causally specified delirium in
their request. Specifically, the requestor
stated that delirium is a textbook
example that maps to the nine guiding
principles for evaluating a potential
change in severity designation in that
delirium (1) has a bidirectional link
with dementia, (2) indexes
physiological vulnerability across
populations, (3) impacts healthcare
systems across levels of care, (4)
complicates postoperative recovery, (5)
consigns patients to higher levels of
care, and for longer, (6)impedes patient
engagement in care, (7) has several
recent treatment guidelines, (8)
indicates neuronal/brain injury, and (9)
represents a common expression of
terminal illness.
The requestor identified 37 ICD–10–
CM diagnosis codes that describe
causally specified delirium. We agree
that these 37 diagnosis codes are all
currently designated as CCs. We refer
the reader to Appendix G of the ICD–10
MS–DRG Version 41.1 Definitions
Manual (available on the CMS website
acute-inpatient-pps/ms-drgclassifications-and-software) for the
complete list of diagnoses designated as
CCs when reported as secondary
diagnoses, except when used in
conjunction with the principal
diagnosis in the corresponding CC
Exclusion List in Appendix C. To
evaluate this request, we analyzed the
claims data in the September 2023
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file. The
following table shows the analysis for
each of the diagnosis codes identified by
the requestor that describe causally
specified delirium.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
ICD-10-CM Code•
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Total Count0
Delirium due to known
ohvsiological condition
Alcohol abuse wilh intoxication
Alcohol abuse with withdrawal
Alcohol dependence with
intoxication delirium
Alcohol dependence with
withdrawal delirium
Alcohol use, unspecified with
intoxication delirium
Alcohol use, unspecified with
withdrawal delirium
Opioid abuse with intoxication
Opioid dependence with
intoxication delirium
Opioid use, unspecified with
intoxication delirium
Cannabis abuse with
intoxication delirium
Cannabis dependence with
intoxication delirium
Cannabis use, unspecified with
intoxication delirium
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic
abuse with intoxication
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic
abuse with withdrawal delirium
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic
dependence with intoxication
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic
dependence with withdrawal
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic
use, unspecified with
intoxication deliriwn
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic
use, unspecified with
withdrawal delirium
Cocaine abuse with
intoxication with delirium
Cocaine dependence with
intoxication delirium
Cocaine use, unspecified with
intoxication delirium
Other stimulant abuse with
intoxication delirium
Other stimulant dependence
with intoxication delirium
Other stimulant use,
unspecified with intoxication
Hallucinogen abuse with
intoxication with delirium
Hallucinogen dependence with
intoxication with delirium
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00068
Cl 0
4 906
103 564
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Hallucinogen use, unspecified
with intoxication with deliriwn
Inhalant abuse with
intoxication deliriwn
Inhalant dependence with
intoxication deliriwn
Inhalant use, unspecified with
intoxication with deliriwn
Other psychoactive substance
abuse with intoxication
Other psychoactive substance
abuse with withdrawal deliriwn
Other psychoactive substance
dependence with intoxication
Other psychoactive substance
dependence with withdrawal
Other psychoactive substance
use, unspecified with
intoxication with deliriwn
Other psychoactive substance
use, unspecified with
withdrawal deliriwn
• This column is the secondary diagnosis code (SDX).
b This column is the title of the SDX.
' The total count of discharge claims with the SDX.
d Count of discharge claims with the SDX but with no other SDX or with all other SDX a NonCC.
• "Cl" impact on resource use of the SDX for discharge claims in "Cntl".
r Count of discharge claims with the SDX and with at least one other SDX that is a CC but none that is an MCC.
8 "C2" impact on resource use of the SDX for discharge claims in "Cnt2".
h Count of discharge claims with the SDX and with at least one other SDX that is a MCC.
; "C3" impact on resource use of the SDX for discharge claims in "Cnt3".
We analyzed these data as described
in FY 2008 IPPS final rule (72 FR 47158
through 47161). The table shows that
the C1 values of the diagnosis codes that
describe causally specified delirium
range from a low of 0.35 to a high of
4.00. As stated earlier, a C1 value close
to 2.0 suggests the condition is more
like a CC than a non-CC but not as
significant in resource usage as an MCC.
On average, the C1 values of the
diagnoses that describe causally
specified delirium suggest that these
codes are more like a NonCC than a CC.
We note diagnosis code F11.221 (Opioid
dependence with intoxication delirium)
had a C1 value of 4.00, however our
analysis reflects that this diagnosis code
was reported as a secondary diagnosis
in only 42 claims, and only one claim
reported F11.221 as a secondary
diagnosis with no other secondary
diagnosis or with all other secondary
diagnoses that are NonCCs.
The C2 findings of the diagnosis
codes that describe causally specified
delirium range from a low of 0.28 to a
high of 3.22 and the C3 findings range
from a low of 1.25 to a high of 3.85. The
data are clearly mixed between the C2
and C3 findings, and do not consistently
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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support a change in the severity level.
On average, the C2 and C3 findings
again suggest that these codes that
describe causally specified delirium are
more similar to a NonCC.
In considering the nine guiding
principles, as summarized previously,
we note that delirium is a diagnosis that
can impede patient cooperation or
management of care or both. Delirium is
a confusional state that can manifest as
agitation, tremulousness, and
hallucinations or even somnolence and
decreased arousal. In addition, patients
diagnosed with delirium can require a
higher level of care by needing intensive
monitoring, and a greater number of
caregivers. Managing disruptive
behavior, particularly agitation and
combative behavior, is a challenging
aspect in caring for patients diagnosed
with delirium. Prevention and treatment
of delirium can include avoiding factors
known to cause or aggravate delirium;
identifying and treating the underlying
acute illness; and where appropriate
using low-dose, short-acting
pharmacologic agents.
After considering the C1, C2, and C3
values of the 37 ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes that describe causally specified
delirium and consideration of the nine
PO 00000
Frm 00069
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
guiding principles, we believe these 37
codes should not be designated as
MCCs. While there is a lack of
consistent claims data to support a
severity level change from CCs to MCCs,
we recognize patients with delirium can
utilize increased hospital resources and
can be at a higher severity level.
Therefore, we are proposing to retain
the severity designation of the 37 codes
listed previously as CCs for FY 2025.
d. Proposed Additions and Deletions to
the Diagnosis Code Severity Levels for
FY 2025
The following tables identify the
proposed additions and deletions to the
diagnosis code MCC severity levels list
and the proposed additions and
deletions to the diagnosis code CC
severity levels list for FY 2025 and are
available on the CMS website at: https://
Table 6I.1—Proposed Additions to the
MCC List–FY 2025;
Table 6J.1—Proposed Additions to the
CC List–FY 2025; and
Table 6J.2—Proposed Deletions to the
CC List–FY 2025
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
e. Proposed CC Exclusions List for FY
In the September 1, 1987 final notice
(52 FR 33143) concerning changes to the
DRG classification system, we modified
the GROUPER logic so that certain
diagnoses included on the standard list
of CCs would not be considered valid
CCs in combination with a particular
principal diagnosis. We created the CC
Exclusions List for the following
reasons: (1) to preclude coding of CCs
for closely related conditions; (2) to
preclude duplicative or inconsistent
coding from being treated as CCs; and
(3) to ensure that cases are appropriately
classified between the complicated and
uncomplicated DRGs in a pair.
In the May 19, 1987 proposed notice
(52 FR 18877) and the September 1,
1987 final notice (52 FR 33154), we
explained that the excluded secondary
diagnoses were established using the
following five principles:
• Chronic and acute manifestations of
the same condition should not be
considered CCs for one another;
• Specific and nonspecific (that is,
not otherwise specified (NOS))
diagnosis codes for the same condition
should not be considered CCs for one
• Codes for the same condition that
cannot coexist, such as partial/total,
unilateral/bilateral, obstructed/
unobstructed, and benign/malignant,
should not be considered CCs for one
• Codes for the same condition in
anatomically proximal sites should not
be considered CCs for one another; and
• Closely related conditions should
not be considered CCs for one another.
The creation of the CC Exclusions List
was a major project involving hundreds
of codes. We have continued to review
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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the remaining CCs to identify additional
exclusions and to remove diagnoses
from the master list that have been
shown not to meet the definition of a
CC. We refer readers to the FY 2014
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR 50541
through 50544) for detailed information
regarding revisions that were made to
the CC and CC Exclusion Lists under the
The ICD–10 MS–DRGs Version 41.1
CC Exclusion List is included as
Appendix C in the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Definitions Manual (available on the
CMS website at:
index.html) and includes two lists
identified as Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1 is
the list of all diagnosis codes that are
defined as a CC or MCC when reported
as a secondary diagnosis. For all
diagnosis codes on the list, a link is
provided to a collection of diagnosis
codes which, when reported as the
principal diagnosis, would cause the CC
or MCC diagnosis to be considered as a
NonCC. Part 2 is the list of diagnosis
codes designated as an MCC only for
patients discharged alive; otherwise,
they are assigned as a NonCC.
Effective for the April 1, 2024 release
of the ICD–10 MS–DRG Definitions
Manual, Version 41.1, a new section has
been added to Appendix C as follows:
Part 3: Secondary Diagnosis CC/MCC
Severity Exclusions in Select MS–DRGs
Part 3 lists diagnosis codes that are
designated as a complication or
comorbidity (CC) or major complication
or comorbidity (MCC) and included in
the definition of the logic for the listed
MS–DRGs. When reported as a
secondary diagnosis and grouped to one
of the listed MS–DRGs, the diagnosis is
PO 00000
Frm 00070
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
excluded from acting as a CC/MCC for
severity in DRG assignment.
The purpose of this new section is to
include the list of MS–DRGs subject to
what is referred to as suppression logic.
In addition to the suppression logic
excluding secondary diagnosis CC or
MCC conditions that may be included in
the definition of the logic for a DRG, it
is also based on the presence of other
secondary diagnosis logic defined
within certain base DRGs. Therefore, if
a MS–DRG has secondary diagnosis
logic, the suppression is activated
regardless of the severity of the
secondary diagnosis code(s) for
appropriate grouping and MS–DRG
Each MS–DRG is defined by a
particular set of patient attributes
including principal diagnosis, specific
secondary diagnoses, procedures, sex,
and discharge status. The patient
attributes which define each MS–DRG
are displayed in a series of headings
which indicate the patient
characteristics used to define the MS–
DRG. These headings indicate how the
patient’s diagnoses and procedures are
used in determining MS–DRG
assignment. Following each heading is a
complete list of all the ICD–10–CM
diagnosis or ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes included in the MS–DRG. One of
these headings is secondary diagnosis.
• Secondary diagnosis. Indicates that
a specific set of secondary diagnoses are
used in the definition of the MS–DRG.
For example, a secondary diagnosis of
acute leukemia with chemotherapy is
used to define MS–DRG 839.
The full list of MS–DRGs where
suppression occurs is shown in the
following table.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We believe this additional
information about the suppression logic
may further assist users of the ICD–10
MS–DRG GROUPER software and
related materials.
In our review of the MS–DRGs
containing secondary diagnosis logic in
association with the suppression logic
previously discussed, we identified
another set of MS–DRGs containing
secondary diagnosis logic in the
definition of the MS–DRG. Specifically,
we identified MS–DRGs 673, 674, and
675 (Other Kidney and Urinary Tract
Procedures with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC
11 (Diseases and Disorders of the
Kidney and Urinary Tract), as displayed
in the ICD–10 MS–DRG Version 41.1
Definitions Manual (which is available
on the CMS website at: https://
prospective-payment-systems/acuteinpatient-pps/ms-drg-classificationsand-software) which contains secondary
diagnosis logic.
Of the seven logic lists included in
the definition of MS–DRGs 673, 674,
and 675, there are three ‘‘Or Principal
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Diagnosis’’ logic lists and one ‘‘With
Secondary Diagnosis’’ logic list. The
first ‘‘Or Principal Diagnosis’’ logic list
is comprised of 21 diagnosis codes
describing conditions such as chronic
kidney disease, kidney failure, and
complications related to a vascular
dialysis catheter or kidney transplant.
The second ‘‘Or Principal Diagnosis’’
logic list is comprised of four diagnosis
codes describing diabetes with diabetic
chronic kidney disease followed by a
‘‘With Secondary Diagnosis’’ logic list
that includes diagnosis codes N18.5
(Chronic kidney disease, stage 5) and
N18.6 (End stage renal disease). These
logic lists are components of the special
logic in MS–DRGs 673, 674, and 675 for
certain MDC 11 diagnoses reported with
procedure codes for the insertion of
tunneled or totally implantable vascular
access devices. The third ‘‘Or Principal
Diagnosis’’ logic list is comprised of
three diagnosis codes describing Type 1
diabetes with different kidney
complications as part of the special
logic in MS–DRGs 673, 674, and 675 for
pancreatic islet cell transplantation
PO 00000
Frm 00071
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
performed in the absence of any other
surgical procedure.
Under the Version 41.1 ICD–10 MS–
DRGs, diagnosis code N18.5 (Chronic
kidney disease, stage 5) is currently
designated as a CC and diagnosis code
N18.6 (End stage renal disease) is
designated as an MCC. In our review of
the MS–DRGs containing secondary
diagnosis logic in association with the
suppression logic, we noted that
currently, when some diagnosis codes
from the ‘‘Or Principal Diagnosis’’ logic
lists in MS–DRGs 673, 674, and 675 are
reported as the principal diagnosis and
either diagnosis code N18.5 or N18.6
from the ‘‘With Secondary Diagnosis’’
logic list is reported as a secondary
diagnosis, some cases are grouping to
MS–DRG 673 (Other Kidney and
Urinary Tract Procedures with MCC) or
to MS–DRG 674 (Other Kidney and
Urinary Tract Procedures with CC) in
the absence of any other MCC or CC
secondary diagnoses being reported.
In our analysis of this issue, we noted
that diagnosis codes N18.5 and N18.6
are excluded from acting as a CC or
MCC, when reported with principal
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
*MS-DRGs 082-084
*MS-DRGs 177-179
*MS-DRGs 280-282
*MS-DRGs 283-285
*MS-DRGs 456-458
*MS-DRGs 582-583
*MS-DRGs 796-798
*MS-DRGs 805-807
*MS-DRGs 837-839
*MS-DRGs 928-929
MS-DRG 933
MS-DRG 935
*MS-DRGs 957-959
*MS-DRGs 963-965
*MS-DRGs 974-976
* The MS-DRG(s) contain diagnoses that are specifically excluded from acting as a CC/MCC for severity in MSDRG assignment.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
diagnoses from Principal Diagnosis
Collection Lists 1379 and 1380,
respectively, as reflected in Part 1 of
Appendix C in the CC Exclusion List.
We refer the reader to Part 1 of
Appendix C in the CC Exclusion List as
displayed in the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Version 41.1 Definitions Manual (which
is available on the CMS website at:
acute-inpatient-pps/ms-drgclassifications-and-software) for the
complete list of principal diagnoses in
Principal Diagnosis Collection Lists
1379 and 1380. Specifically, when
codes N18.5 or N18.6 are reported as
secondary diagnoses, they are
considered as NonCCs when the
diagnosis codes from the ‘‘Or Principal
Diagnosis’’ logic lists in MS–DRGs 673,
674, and 675 reflected in the following
table are reported as the principal
diagnosis under the CC Exclusion logic.
Principal Diagnoses Codes in the "Or Principal Diagnosis" Logic List for MS-DRGs 673,674,
and 675 currently listed in Principal Diagnosis Collection List 1379 or 1380 in ICD-10 MS-DRG
GROUPER Version 41
PDX Collection
Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic
chronic kidney disease
Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic kidney
El 1.22
Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic kidney
Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic
kidney disease
1379: 294 codes
Acute kidney failure with tubular necrosis
13 80: 295 codes
Acute kidney failure with acute cortical necrosis
Acute kidney failure with medullarv necrosis
Other acute kidney failure
Acute kidney failure, unspecified
Chronic kidney disease, stage 5
End stage renal disease
Unspecified kidney failure
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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when one of the 13 diagnosis codes
listed in the following table are reported
as the principal diagnosis, and either
diagnosis code N18.5 or N18.6 from the
‘‘With Secondary Diagnosis’’ logic list
are reported as a secondary diagnosis,
the cases are grouping to MS–DRG 673
PO 00000
Frm 00072
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
(Other Kidney and Urinary Tract
Procedures with MCC) or to MS–DRG
674 (Other Kidney and Urinary Tract
Procedures with CC) when also reported
with a procedure code describing the
insertion of a tunneled or totally
implantable vascular access device.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We also noted that currently, a subset
of diagnosis codes from the first ‘‘Or
Principal Diagnosis’’ logic list in MS–
DRGs 673, 674, and 675 are not listed
in Principal Diagnosis Collection Lists
1379 or 1380 for diagnosis codes N18.5
and N18.6, respectively. As a result,
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Consistent with how other similar
logic lists function in the ICD–10
GROUPER software for case assignment
to the ‘‘with MCC’’ or ‘‘with CC’’ MS–
DRGs, the logic for case assignment to
MS–DRG 673 is intended to require any
other diagnosis designated as an MCC
and reported as a secondary diagnosis
for appropriate assignment, and not the
diagnoses currently listed in the logic
for the definition of the MS–DRG.
Likewise, the logic for case assignment
to MS–DRG 674 is intended to require
any other diagnosis designated as a CC
and reported as a secondary diagnosis
for appropriate assignment.
Therefore, for FY 2025, we are
proposing to correct the logic for case
assignment to MS–DRGs 673, 674, and
675 by adding suppression logic to
exclude diagnosis codes N18.5 (Chronic
kidney disease, stage 5) and N18.6 (End
stage renal disease) from the logic list
entitled ‘‘With Secondary Diagnosis’’
from acting as a CC or an MCC,
respectively, when reported as a
secondary diagnosis with one of the 13
previously listed principal diagnosis
codes from the ‘‘Or Principal Diagnosis’’
logic lists in MS–DRGs 673, 674, and
675 for appropriate grouping and MS–
DRG assignment. Under this proposal,
when diagnosis codes N18.5 or N18.6
are reported as a secondary diagnosis
with one of the 13 previously listed
principal diagnosis codes, the
GROUPER will assign MS–DRG 675
(Other Kidney and Urinary Tract
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Procedures without CC/MCC) in the
absence of any other MCC or CC
secondary diagnoses being reported. We
also note that the current list of MS–
DRGs subject to suppression logic as
previously discussed and listed under
Version 41.1 includes MS–DRGs that are
not subdivided by a two-way severity
level split (‘‘with MCC and without
MCC’’ or ‘‘with CC/MCC and without
CC/MCC’’) or a three-way severity level
split (with MCC, with CC, and without
CC/MCC, respectively), or the listed
MS–DRG includes diagnoses that are
not currently designated as a CC or
MCC. To avoid potential confusion, we
are proposing to refine how the
suppression logic is displayed under
Appendix C—Part 3 to not display the
MS–DRGs where the suppression logic
has no impact on the grouping (meaning
the logic list for the affected MS–DRG
contains diagnoses that are all
designated as NonCCs, or the MS–DRG
is not subdivided by a severity level
split) as reflected in the draft Version 42
ICD–10 MS–DRG Definitions Manual,
which is available in association with
this proposed rule at: https://
In addition, we are proposing changes
to the ICD–10 MS–DRGs Version 42 CC
Exclusion List based on the diagnosis
code updates as discussed in section
II.C.13. of this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule. Therefore, we have
PO 00000
Frm 00073
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
developed Table 6G.1.—Proposed
Secondary Diagnosis Order Additions to
the CC Exclusions List—FY 2025; Table
6G.2.—Proposed Principal Diagnosis
Order Additions to the CC Exclusions
List—FY 2025; Table 6H.1.—Proposed
Secondary Diagnosis Order Deletions to
the CC Exclusions List—FY 2025; and
Table 6H.2.—Proposed Principal
Diagnosis Order Deletions to the CC
Exclusions List—FY 2025. For Table
6G.1, each secondary diagnosis code
proposed for addition to the CC
Exclusion List is shown with an asterisk
and the principal diagnoses proposed to
exclude the secondary diagnosis code
are provided in the indented column
immediately following it. For Table
6G.2, each of the principal diagnosis
codes for which there is a CC exclusion
is shown with an asterisk and the
conditions proposed for addition to the
CC Exclusion List that will not count as
a CC are provided in an indented
column immediately following the
affected principal diagnosis. For Table
6H.1, each secondary diagnosis code
proposed for deletion from the CC
Exclusion List is shown with an asterisk
followed by the principal diagnosis
codes that currently exclude it. For
Table 6H.2, each of the principal
diagnosis codes is shown with an
asterisk and the proposed deletions to
the CC Exclusions List are provided in
an indented column immediately
following the affected principal
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Principal Diagnoses Codes in the "Or Principal Diagnosis" Logic List for MS-DRGs 673,674,
and 675 not listed in Principal Diagnosis Collection List 1379 or 1380 in ICD-10 MS-DRG
GROUPER Version 41
Tumor lysis syndrome
Hypertensive chronic kidney disease with stage 5 chronic kidney disease or end
stage renal disease
Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure, with stage 5
chronic kidney disease, or end stage renal disease
Anuria and oliguria
Traumatic anuria, initial encounter
Breakdown (mechanical) of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
Displacement of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
Leakage of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
Other complication of vascular dialysis catheter, initial encounter
Kidney transplant rejection
T86.1 l
Kidney transplant failure
Kidney transplant infection
Other complication of kidney transplant
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
diagnosis. Tables 6G.1., 6G.2., 6H.1.,
and 6H.2. associated with this proposed
rule are available on the CMS website
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
13. Proposed Changes to the ICD–10–
CM and ICD–10–PCS Coding Systems
To identify new, revised and deleted
diagnosis and procedure codes, for FY
2025, we have developed Table 6A.—
New Diagnosis Codes, Table 6B.—New
Procedure Codes, Table 6C.—Invalid
Diagnosis Codes, Table 6D.—Invalid
Procedure Codes, Table 6E.—Revised
Diagnosis Code Titles, and Table 6F.—
Revised Procedure Code Titles for this
proposed rule. These tables are not
published in the Addendum to this
proposed rule, but are available on the
CMS website at:
as described in section VI. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule. As
discussed in section II.C.15. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, the code
titles are adopted as part of the ICD–10
(previously ICD–9–CM) Coordination
and Maintenance Committee meeting
process. Therefore, although we publish
the code titles in the IPPS proposed and
final rules, they are not subject to
comment in the proposed or final rules.
We are proposing the MDC and MS–
DRG assignments for the new diagnosis
codes and procedure codes as set forth
in Table 6A.—New Diagnosis Codes and
Table 6B.—New Procedure Codes. In
addition, the proposed severity level
designations for the new diagnosis
codes are set forth in Table 6A. and the
proposed O.R. status for the new
procedure codes are set forth in Table
6B. Consistent with our established
process, we examined the MS–DRG
assignment and the attributes (severity
level and O.R. status) of the predecessor
diagnosis or procedure code, as
applicable, to inform our proposed
assignments and designations.
Specifically, we review the predecessor
code and MS–DRG assignment most
closely associated with the new
diagnosis or procedure code, and in the
absence of claims data, we consider
other factors that may be relevant to the
MS–DRG assignment, including the
severity of illness, treatment difficulty,
complexity of service and the resources
utilized in the diagnosis and/or
treatment of the condition. We note that
this process does not automatically
result in the new diagnosis or procedure
code being proposed for assignment to
the same MS–DRG or to have the same
designation as the predecessor code.
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We are making available on the CMS
website at
the following tables associated with this
proposed rule:
• Table 6A.—New Diagnosis Codes—
FY 2025;
• Table 6B.—New Procedure Codes—
FY 2025;
• Table 6C.—Invalid Diagnosis
Codes—FY 2025;
• Table 6D.—Invalid Procedure
Codes—FY 2025;
• Table 6E.—Revised Diagnosis Code
Titles—FY 2025;
• Table 6F.—Revised Procedure Code
Titles—FY 2025;
• Table 6G.1.—Proposed Secondary
Diagnosis Order Additions to the CC
Exclusions List—FY 2025;
• Table 6G.2.—Proposed Principal
Diagnosis Order Additions to the CC
Exclusions List—FY 2025;
• Table 6H.1.—Proposed Secondary
Diagnosis Order Deletions to the CC
Exclusions List—FY 2025;
• Table 6H.2.—Proposed Principal
Diagnosis Order Deletions to the CC
Exclusions List—FY 2025;
• Table 6I.1.—Proposed Additions to
the MCC List—FY 2025;
• Table 6J.1.—Proposed Additions to
the CC List—FY 2025; and
• Table 6J.2.—Proposed Deletions to
the CC List—FY 2025.
14. Proposed Changes to the Surgical
Some inpatient stays entail multiple
surgical procedures, each one of which,
occurring by itself, could result in
assignment of the case to a different
MS–DRG within the MDC to which the
principal diagnosis is assigned.
Therefore, it is necessary to have a
decision rule within the GROUPER by
which these cases are assigned to a
single MS–DRG. The surgical hierarchy,
an ordering of surgical classes from
most resource-intensive to least
resource-intensive, performs that
function. Application of this hierarchy
ensures that cases involving multiple
surgical procedures are assigned to the
MS–DRG associated with the most
resource-intensive surgical class.
A surgical class can be composed of
one or more MS–DRGs. For example, in
MDC 11, the surgical class ‘‘kidney
transplant’’ consists of a single MS–DRG
(MS–DRG 652) and the class ‘‘major
bladder procedures’’ consists of three
MS–DRGs (MS–DRGs 653, 654, and
Consequently, in many cases, the
surgical hierarchy has an impact on
more than one MS–DRG. The
methodology for determining the most
PO 00000
Frm 00074
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
resource-intensive surgical class
involves weighting the average
resources for each MS–DRG by
frequency to determine the weighted
average resources for each surgical class.
For example, assume surgical class A
includes MS–DRGs 001 and 002 and
surgical class B includes MS–DRGs 003,
004, and 005. Assume also that the
average costs of MS–DRG 001 are higher
than that of MS–DRG 003, but the
average costs of MS–DRGs 004 and 005
are higher than the average costs of MS–
DRG 002. To determine whether
surgical class A should be higher or
lower than surgical class B in the
surgical hierarchy, we would weigh the
average costs of each MS–DRG in the
class by frequency (that is, by the
number of cases in the MS–DRG) to
determine average resource
consumption for the surgical class. The
surgical classes would then be ordered
from the class with the highest average
resource utilization to that with the
lowest, with the exception of ‘‘other
O.R. procedures’’ as discussed in this
proposed rule.
This methodology may occasionally
result in assignment of a case involving
multiple procedures to the lowerweighted MS–DRG (in the highest, most
resource-intensive surgical class) of the
available alternatives. However, given
that the logic underlying the surgical
hierarchy provides that the GROUPER
search for the procedure in the most
resource-intensive surgical class, in
cases involving multiple procedures,
this result is sometimes unavoidable.
We note that, notwithstanding the
foregoing discussion, there are a few
instances when a surgical class with a
lower average cost is ordered above a
surgical class with a higher average cost.
For example, the ‘‘other O.R.
procedures’’ surgical class is uniformly
ordered last in the surgical hierarchy of
each MDC in which it occurs, regardless
of the fact that the average costs for the
MS–DRG or MS–DRGs in that surgical
class may be higher than those for other
surgical classes in the MDC. The ‘‘other
O.R. procedures’’ class is a group of
procedures that are only infrequently
related to the diagnoses in the MDC but
are still occasionally performed on
patients with cases assigned to the MDC
with these diagnoses. Therefore,
assignment to these surgical classes
should only occur if no other surgical
class more closely related to the
diagnoses in the MDC is appropriate.
A second example occurs when the
difference between the average costs for
two surgical classes is very small. We
have found that small differences
generally do not warrant reordering of
the hierarchy because, as a result of
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
MS-DRGs 216-221
MS-DRGs 231-236
Proposed New MS-DRG 317
Proposed New Title MS-DRG 276
MS-DRGs 266-267
MS-DRGs 268-269
MS-DRGs 228-229
MS-DRGs 319-320
MS-DRGs 270-272
MS-DRGs 239-241
MS-DRGs 242-244
MS-DRGs 273-274
MS-DRGs 323-325
MS-DRGs 321-322
MS-DRGs 250-251
MS-DRGs 278-279
MS-DRGs 252-254
MS-DRGs 255-257
MS-DRGs 258-259
MS-DRGs 260-262
MS-DRG 264
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MCC’’ to ‘‘Cardiac Defibrillator Implant
with MCC or Carotid Sinus
As discussed in section II.C.6.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to delete MS–DRGs 453, 454,
and 455 (Combined Anterior and
Posterior Spinal Fusion with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively).
Based on the changes we are proposing
to make for those MS–DRGs in MDC 08
(Diseases and Disorders of the
Musculoskeletal System and Connective
Tissue), we are proposing to revise the
surgical hierarchy for MDC 08 as
follows: In MDC 08, we are proposing to
sequence proposed new MS–DRGs 426,
427, and 428 (Multiple Level Combined
Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) above
proposed new MS–DRG 402 (Single
Level Combined Anterior and Posterior
Spinal Fusion Except Cervical). We are
proposing to sequence proposed new
MS–DRGs 429 and 430 (Combined
Anterior and Posterior Cervical Spinal
Fusion with MCC and without MCC,
respectively) above MS–DRGs 456, 457,
and 458 (Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
with Spinal Curvature, Malignancy,
Infection or Extensive Fusions with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) and below proposed new
MS–DRG 402. We are proposing to
sequence proposed new MS–DRGs 447
and 448 (Multiple Level Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical with MCC and without
MCC, respectively) above proposed
revised MS–DRGs 459 and 460 (Single
Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
with and without MCC, respectively)
and below MS–DRGs 456, 457, and 458.
Lastly, as discussed in section II.C.9.
of the preamble of this proposed rule,
we are proposing to revise the surgical
hierarchy for the MDC 17
(Myeloproliferative Diseases and
Disorders, Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms) MS–DRGs as follows: For
the MDC 17 MS–DRGs, we are
proposing to sequence proposed new
MS–DRG 850 (Acute Leukemia with
Other Procedures) above MS–DRGs 823,
824 and 825 (Lymphoma and NonAcute Leukemia with Other Procedures
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively) and below MS–
DRGs 820, 821, and 822 (Lymphoma
and Leukemia with Major O.R.
Procedures with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively).
Our proposal for Appendix D MS–
DRG Surgical Hierarchy by MDC and
MS–DRG of the ICD–10 MS–DRG
Definitions Manual Version 42 is
illustrated in the following tables.
Proposed Sure;ical Hierarchy: MDC 05
Other Heart Assist System Implant
Concomitant Aortic and Mitral Valve Procedures
Cardiac Valve and Other Major Cardiothoracic Procedures
Coronary Bypass
Concomitant Left Atrial Appendage Closure and Cardiac Ablation
Cardiac Defibrillator lmolant with Cardiac Catheterization and MCC
Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with MCC or Carotid Sinus Neurostimulator
Cardiac Defibrillator Implant without MCC
Endovascular Cardiac Valve Reolacement and Suoolement Procedures
Aortic and Heart Assist Procedures
Other Cardiothoracic Procedures
Other Endovascular Cardiac Valve Procedures
Other Major Cardiovascular Procedures
Amputation for Circulatory System Disorders Except Upper Limb and Toe
Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Implant
AICD Generator Procedures
AICD Lead Procedures
Percutaneous and Other Intracardiac Procedures
Coronarv Intravascular Lithotriosv
Percutaneous Cardiovascular Procedures with Intraluminal Device
Percutaneous Cardiovascular Procedures without lntraluminal Device
Ultrasound Accelerated and Other Thrombolvsis
Other Vascular Procedures
Upper Limb and Toe Amputation for Circulatory System Disorders
Cardiac Pacemaker Device Replacement
Cardiac Pacemaker Revision Except Device Replacement
Vein Ligation and Striooing
Other Circulatory O.R Procedures
PO 00000
Frm 00075
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
reassigning cases on the basis of the
hierarchy change, the average costs are
likely to shift such that the higherordered surgical class has lower average
costs than the class ordered below it.
Based on the changes that we are
proposing to make for FY 2025, as
discussed in section II.C. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to modify the existing
surgical hierarchy for FY 2025 as
As discussed in section II.C.4.a. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to revise the surgical
hierarchy for the MDC 05 (Diseases and
Disorders of the Circulatory System)
MS–DRGs as follows: In the MDC 05
MS–DRGs, we are proposing to
sequence proposed new MS–DRG 317
(Concomitant Left Atrial Appendage
Closure and Cardiac Ablation) above
MS–DRG 275 (Cardiac Defibrillator
Implant with Cardiac Catheterization
and MCC) and below MS–DRGs 231,
232, 233, 234, 235, and 236 (Coronary
Bypass with or without PTCA, with or
without Cardiac Catheterization or Open
Ablation, with and without MCC,
respectively). As discussed in section
II.C.4.b. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to
revise the title for MS–DRG 276 from
‘‘Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Delete MS-DRGs 453-455
Proposed New MS-DRGs 426-428
Proposed New MS-DRG 402
Proposed New MS-DRGs 429-430
MS-DRGs 456-458
Proposed New MS-DRGs 447-448
Proposed New Title MS-DRGs 459-460
MS-DRGs 461-462
MS-DRGs 463-465
MS-DRGs 466-468
MS-DRGs 521-522
MS-DRGs 469-470
MS-DRGs 471-473
MS-DRGs 474-476
MS-DRGs 477-479
MS-DRGs 480-482
MS-DRG 483
MS-DRGs 485-489
MS-DRGs 518-520
MS-DRGs 492-494
MS-DRGs 495-497
MS-DRGs 498-499
MS-DRGs 500-502
MS-DRGs 503-505
MS-DRGs 507-508
MS-DRGs 510-512
MS-DRGs 513-514
MS-DRGs 515-517
Proposed Sur2ical Hierarchy: MDC 17
Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures
Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures
Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures
Myeloproliferative disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms with Major
O.R. Procedures
Myeloproliferative disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms with Other O.R.
MS-DRGs 820-822
Proposed New MS-DRG 850
MS-DRGs 823-825
MS-DRGs 826-828
MS-DRGs 829-830
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
15. Maintenance of the ICD–10–CM and
ICD–10–PCS Coding Systems
In September 1985, the ICD–9–CM
Coordination and Maintenance
Committee was formed. This is a
Federal interdepartmental committee,
co-chaired by the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention’s (CDC) National
Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and
CMS, charged with maintaining and
updating the ICD–9–CM system. The
final update to ICD–9–CM codes was
made on October 1, 2013. Thereafter,
the name of the Committee was changed
to the ICD–10 Coordination and
Maintenance Committee, effective with
the March 19–20, 2014 meeting. The
ICD–10 Coordination and Maintenance
Committee addresses updates to the
ICD- 10–CM and ICD–10–PCS coding
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Proposed Sur2ical Hierarchv: MDC 08
Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion
Multiple Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
Single Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
Combined Anterior and Posterior Cervical Spinal Fusion
Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with Spinal Curvature, Malignancy, Infection or
Extensive Fusions
Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
Single Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
Bilateral or Multiple Maior Joint Procedures of Lower Extremitv
Wound Debridement and Skin Graft Except Hand for Musculoskeletal and
Connective Tissue Disorders
Revision of Hip or Knee Replacement
Hip Replacement with Principal Diagnosis of Hip Fracture
Maior Hip and Knee Joint Replacement or Reattachment of Lower Extremitv
Cervical Spinal Fusion
Amputation for Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue Disorders
Biopsies of Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue
Hip and Femur Procedures Except Major Joint
Major Joint or Limb Reattachment Procedures of Upper Extremities
Knee Procedures
Back and Neck Procedures Except Spinal Fusion
Lower Extremity and Humerus Procedures Except Hip, Foot and Femur
Local Excision and Removal of Internal Fixation Devices Except Hip and Femur
Local Excision and Removal oflntemal Fixation Devices of Hip and Femur
Soft Tissue Procedures
Foot Procedures
Maior Thumb or Joint Procedures
Maior Shoulder or Elbow Joint Procedures
Shoulder, Elbow or Forearm Procedures, Except Maior Joint Procedures
Hand or Wrist Procedures, Except Maior Thumb or Joint Procedures
Other Musculoskeletal System and Connective Tissue O.R. Procedures
systems. The Committee is jointly
responsible for approving coding
changes, and developing errata,
addenda, and other modifications to the
coding systems to reflect newly
developed procedures and technologies
and newly identified diseases. The
Committee is also responsible for
promoting the use of Federal and nonFederal educational programs and other
communication techniques with a view
toward standardizing coding
applications and upgrading the quality
of the classification system.
The official list of ICD–9–CM
diagnosis and procedure codes by fiscal
year can be found on the CMS website
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The official list of ICD–10–CM and
ICD–10–PCS codes can be found on the
CMS website at:
The NCHS has lead responsibility for
the ICD–10–CM and ICD–9–CM
diagnosis codes included in the Tabular
List and Alphabetic Index for Diseases,
while CMS has lead responsibility for
the ICD–10–PCS and ICD–9–CM
procedure codes included in the
Tabular List and Alphabetic Index for
The Committee encourages
participation in the previously
mentioned process by health- related
organizations. In this regard, the
Committee holds public meetings for
discussion of educational issues and
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
proposed coding changes. These
meetings provide an opportunity for
representatives of recognized
organizations in the coding field, such
as the American Health Information
Management Association (AHIMA), the
American Hospital Association (AHA),
and various physician specialty groups,
as well as individual physicians, health
information management professionals,
and other members of the public, to
contribute ideas on coding matters.
After considering the opinions
expressed during the public meetings
and in writing, the Committee
formulates recommendations, which
then must be approved by the agencies.
The Committee presented proposals
for coding changes for implementation
in FY 2025 at a public meeting held on
September 12–13, 2023 and finalized
the coding changes after consideration
of comments received at the meetings
and in writing by November 15, 2023.
The Committee held its Spring 2024
meeting on March 19–20, 2024. The
deadline for submitting comments on
these code proposals is April 19, 2024.
It was announced at this meeting that
any new diagnosis and procedure codes
for which there was consensus of public
support, and for which complete tabular
and indexing changes would be made
by June 2024 would be included in the
October 1, 2024 update to the ICD–10–
CM diagnosis and ICD–10–PCS
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procedure code sets. As discussed in
earlier sections of the preamble of this
proposed rule, there are new, revised,
and deleted ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes and ICD–10–PCS procedure codes
that are captured in Table 6A.—New
Diagnosis Codes, Table 6B.—New
Procedure Codes, Table 6C.—Invalid
Diagnosis Codes, Table 6D.—Invalid
Procedure Codes, Table 6E.—Revised
Diagnosis Code Titles, and Table 6F.—
Revised Procedure Code Titles for this
proposed rule, which are available on
the CMS website at: https://
The code titles are adopted as part of
the ICD–10 (previously ICD–9–CM)
Coordination and Maintenance
Committee process. Therefore, although
we make the code titles available for the
IPPS proposed rule, they are not subject
to comment in the proposed rule.
Because of the length of these tables,
they are not published in the
Addendum to the proposed rule. Rather,
they are available on the CMS website
as discussed in section VI. of the
Addendum to the proposed rule.
Recordings for the virtual meeting
discussions of the procedure codes at
the Committee’s September 12–13, 2023
meeting and the March 19–20, 2024
meeting can be obtained from the CMS
website at:
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Medicare/Coding/ICD10/C-and-MMeeting-Materials. The materials for the
discussions relating to diagnosis codes
at the September 12–13, 2023 meeting
and March 19–20, 2024 meeting can be
found at:
icd10cm_maintenance.html. These
websites also provide detailed
information about the Committee,
including information on requesting a
new code, participating in a Committee
meeting, timeline requirements and
meeting dates.
We encourage commenters to submit
questions and comments on coding
issues involving diagnosis codes via
Email to:
Questions and comments concerning
the procedure codes should be
submitted via Email to:
CMS implemented 41 new procedure
codes including the insertion of a
palladium-103 collagen implant into the
brain, the excision or resection of
intestinal body parts using a
laparoscopic hand-assisted approach,
the transfer of omentum for pedicled
omentoplasty procedures, and the
administration of talquetamab into the
ICD–10–PCS classification effective
with discharges on and after April 1,
2024. The procedure codes are as
Procedure Code
Insertion of radioactive element, palladium- I 03 collagen
implant into brain, open approach
Destruction of conduction mechanism using irreversible
electroporation, percutaneous approach
Resection of spleen, percutaneous endoscopic approach, handassisted
Dilation of nasopharynx, open approach
Dilation of nasopharynx, via natural or artificial opening
Dilation of nasopharynx, via natural or artificial opening
Excision of right large intestine, percutaneous endoscopic
approach, hand-assisted
Excision ofleft large intestine, percutaneous endoscopic
approach, hand-assisted
Excision of appendix, percutaneous endoscopic approach, handassisted
Excision of transverse colon, percutaneous endoscopic
approach, hand-assisted
Excision of descending colon, percutaneous endoscopic
approach, hand-assisted
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PO 00000
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Excision of sigmoid colon, percutaneous endoscopic approach,
Resection of right large intestine, percutaneous endoscopic
approach, hand-assisted
Resection of lefi large intestine, percutaneous endoscopic
approach, hand-assisted
Resection of appendix, percutaneous endoscopic approach,
Resection of transverse colon, percutaneous endoscopic
approach, hand-assisted
Resection of descending colon, percutaneous endoscopic
approach, hand-assisted
Resection of sigmoid colon, percutaneous endoscopic approach,
Transfer omentum to thoracic region, open approach
Transfer omentum to abdominal region, open approach
Transfer omentum to oelvic reeion. ooen :mnroach
Transfer omentum to inguinal region, open aooroach
Transfer omentum to thoracic region, percutaneous endoscopic
Transfer omentum to abdominal region, percutaneous
endoscopic approach
Transfer omentum to pelvic region, percutanemL~ endoscopic
Transfer omentum to inguinal region, percutaneous endoscopic
Excision ofliver, percutaneous endoscopic approach, handassisted
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PO 00000
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Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Excision of right lobe liver, percutaneous endoscopic approach,
Excision of left lobe liver, percutaneous endoscopic approach,
Excision of pancreas, percutaneous endoscopic approach, handassisted
Resection of liver, percutaneous endoscopic approach, handassisted
Resection of right lobe liver, percutaneous endoscopic
approach, hand-assisted
Resection ofleft lobe liver, percutaneous endoscopic approach,
Resection of gallbladder, percutaneous endoscopic approach,
Resection of pancreas, percutaneous endoscopic approach,
Resection of right kidney, percutaneous endoscopic approach,
Resection of left kidney, percutaneous endoscopic approach,
Resection of bilateral kidneys, percutaneous endoscopic
approach, hand-assisted
Introduction of other thrombolytic into pleural cavity,
oercutaneous approach
Introduction oftalquetamab antineoplastic into subcutaneous
tissue, percutaneous approach, new technology group 9
Monitoring of interstitial fluid volume, sub-epidermal moisture
using electrical biocapacitance, external approach, new
technology group 9
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The 41 procedure codes are also
reflected in Table 6B- New Procedure
Codes, which is available on the CMS
website at:
Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-ServicePayment/AcuteInpatientPPS. We are
soliciting public comments on the most
appropriate MDC, MS–DRG, and
operating room status assignments for
these codes for FY 2025, as well as any
other options for the GROUPER logic.
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We note that Change Request (CR)
13458, Transmittal 12384, titled ‘‘April
2024 Update to the Medicare Severity—
Diagnosis Related Group (MS–DRG)
Grouper and Medicare Code Editor
(MCE) Version 41.1’’ was issued on
November 30, 2023 (available on the
CMS website at:
r12384cp) regarding the release of an
updated version of the ICD–10 MS–DRG
GROUPER and Medicare Code Editor
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4702
software, Version 41.1, effective with
discharges on and after April 1, 2024,
reflecting the new procedure codes. The
updated software, along with the
updated ICD–10 MS–DRG Version 41.1
Definitions Manual and the Definitions
of Medicare Code Edits Version 41.1
manual is available at: https://
*As the procedure codes are designated as non-O.R. procedures, there is no assigned MDC or MS-DRG. The ICD10 MS-DRG assignment is dependent on the reported principal diagnosis, any secondary diagnoses defined as a
complication or comorbidity (CC) or major complication or comorbidity (MCC), procedures or services performed,
age, sex, and discharge status.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
In the September 7, 2001 final rule
implementing the IPPS new technology
add-on payments (66 FR 46906), we
indicated we would attempt to include
proposals for procedure codes that
would describe new technology
discussed and approved at the Spring
meeting as part of the code revisions
effective the following October.
Section 503(a) of the Medicare
Modernization Act (Pub. L. 108–173)
included a requirement for updating
diagnosis and procedure codes twice a
year instead of a single update on
October 1 of each year. This
requirement was included as part of the
amendments to the Act relating to
recognition of new technology under the
IPPS. Section 503(a) of Public Law 108–
173 amended section 1886(d)(5)(K) of
the Act by adding a clause (vii) which
states that the Secretary shall provide
for the addition of new diagnosis and
procedure codes on April 1 of each year,
but the addition of such codes shall not
require the Secretary to adjust the
payment (or diagnosis-related group
classification) until the fiscal year that
begins after such date. This requirement
improves the recognition of new
technologies under the IPPS by
providing information on these new
technologies at an earlier date. Data will
be available 6 months earlier than
would be possible with updates
occurring only once a year on October
In the FY 2005 IPPS final rule, we
implemented section 1886(d)(5)(K)(vii)
of the Act, as added by section 503(a)
of Public Law 108–173, by developing a
mechanism for approving, in time for
the April update, diagnosis and
procedure code revisions needed to
describe new technologies and medical
services for purposes of the new
technology add-on payment process. We
also established the following process
for making these determinations. Topics
considered during the Fall ICD–10
(previously ICD–9–CM) Coordination
and Maintenance Committee meeting
were considered for an April 1 update
if a strong and convincing case was
made by the requestor during the
Committee’s public meeting. The
request needed to identify the reason
why a new code was needed in April for
purposes of the new technology process.
Meeting participants and those
reviewing the Committee meeting
materials were provided the opportunity
to comment on the expedited request.
We refer the reader to the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 44950) for
further discussion of the
implementation of this prior April 1
update for purposes of the new
technology add-on payment process.
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However, as discussed in the FY 2022
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 44950
through 44956), we adopted an April 1
implementation date, in addition to the
annual October 1 update, beginning
with April 1, 2022. We noted that the
intent of this April 1 implementation
date is to allow flexibility in the ICD–
10 code update process. With this new
April 1 update, CMS now uses the same
process for consideration of all requests
for an April 1 implementation date,
including for purposes of the new
technology add-on payment process
(that is, the prior process for
consideration of an April 1
implementation date only if a strong
and convincing case was made by the
requestor during the meeting no longer
applies). We are continuing to use
several aspects of our existing
established process to implement new
codes through the April 1 code update,
which includes presenting proposals for
April 1 consideration at the September
ICD–10 Coordination and Maintenance
Committee meeting, requesting public
comments, reviewing the public
comments, finalizing codes, and
announcing the new codes with their
assignments consistent with the new
GROUPER release information. We note
that under our established process,
requestors indicate whether they are
submitting their code request for
consideration for an April 1
implementation date or an October 1
implementation date. The ICD–10
Coordination and Maintenance
Committee makes efforts to
accommodate the requested
implementation date for each request
submitted. However, the Committee
determines which requests are to be
presented for consideration for an April
1 implementation date or an October 1
implementation date. As discussed
earlier in this section of the preamble of
this proposed rule, there were code
proposals presented for an April 1, 2024
implementation at the September 12–13,
2023 Committee meetings. Following
the receipt of public comments, the
code proposals were approved and
finalized, therefore, there were new
codes implemented April 1, 2024.
Consistent with the process we
outlined for the April 1 implementation
date, we announced the new codes in
November 2023 and provided the
updated code files in December 2023
and ICD–10–CM Official Guidelines for
Coding and Reporting in January 2024.
In the February 05, 2024 Federal
Register (89 FR 7710), notice for the
March 19–20, 2024 ICD–10
Coordination and Maintenance
Committee Meeting was published that
PO 00000
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includes the tentative agenda and
identifies which topics are related to a
new technology add-on payment
application. By February 1, 2024 we
made available the updated Version
software and related materials on the
CMS web page at:
ICD–9–CM addendum and code title
information is published on the CMS
website at
updates-revisions-icd-9-cm-procedurecodes-addendum. ICD–10–CM and ICD–
10–PCS addendum and code title
information is published on the CMS
website at
CMS also sends electronic files
containing all ICD–10–CM and ICD–10–
PCS coding changes to its Medicare
contractors for use in updating their
systems and providing education to
providers. Information on ICD–10–CM
diagnosis codes, along with the Official
ICD–10–CM Coding Guidelines, can be
found on the CDC website at https://
Additionally, information on new,
revised, and deleted ICD–10–CM
diagnosis and ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes is provided to the AHA for
publication in the Coding Clinic for
ICD–10. The AHA also distributes
coding update information to publishers
and software vendors.
For FY 2024, there are currently
74,044 diagnosis codes and 78,638
procedure codes. As displayed in Table
6A.—New Diagnosis Codes and in Table
6B.—New Procedure Codes associated
with this proposed rule (and available
on the CMS website at https://
prospective-payment-systems/acuteinpatient-pps), there are 252 new
diagnosis codes that have been finalized
for FY 2025 at the time of the
development of this proposed rule and
41 new procedure codes that were
effective with discharges on and after
April 1, 2024. The code titles are
adopted as part of the ICD–10
Coordination and Maintenance
Committee process. Thus, although we
publish the code titles in the IPPS
proposed and final rules, they are not
subject to comment in the proposed or
final rules. We will continue to provide
the October updates in this manner in
the IPPS proposed and final rules.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
16. Replaced Devices Offered Without
Cost or With a Credit
a. Background
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
In the FY 2008 IPPS final rule with
comment period (72 FR 47246 through
47251), we discussed the topic of
Medicare payment for devices that are
replaced without cost or where credit
for a replaced device is furnished to the
hospital. We implemented a policy to
reduce a hospital’s IPPS payment for
certain MS–DRGs where the
implantation of a device that
subsequently failed or was recalled
determined the base MS–DRG
assignment. At that time, we specified
that we will reduce a hospital’s IPPS
payment for those MS–DRGs where the
hospital received a credit for a replaced
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device equal to 50 percent or more of
the cost of the device.
In the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (76 FR 51556 through 51557), we
clarified this policy to state that the
policy applies if the hospital received a
credit equal to 50 percent or more of the
cost of the replacement device and
issued instructions to hospitals
b. Proposed Changes for FY 2025
As discussed in section II.C.5. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, for FY
2025, we are proposing to revise the title
of MS–DRG 276 from ‘‘Cardiac
Defibrillator Implant with MCC’’ to
‘‘Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with
MCC or Carotid Sinus
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As stated in the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule (80 FR 24409), we
generally map new MS–DRGs onto the
list when they are formed from
procedures previously assigned to MS–
DRGs that are already on the list.
Currently, MS–DRG 276 is on the list of
MS–DRGs subject to the policy for
payment under the IPPS for replaced
devices offered without cost or with a
credit as shown in the following table.
Therefore, we are proposing that if the
applicable proposed MS–DRG changes
are finalized, we would make
conforming changes to the title of MS–
DRG 276 as reflected in the table that
follows. We are also proposing to
continue to include the existing MS–
DRGs currently subject to the policy as
displayed in the following table.
Craniotomy with Major Device Implant or Acute Complex CNS Principal Diagnosis
Craniotomy and Endo vascular Intracranial Procedures with MCC
Peripheral, Cranial Nerve and Other Nervous System Procedures with MCC
Peripheral, Cranial Nerve and Other Nervous System Procedures with CC or
Peripheral Neurostimulator
Peripheral, Cranial Nerve and Other Nervous System Procedures without CC/MCC
Major Head and Neck Procedures with MCC
Cardiac Valve and Other Major Cardiothoracic Procedure with Cardiac
Catheterization with CC
Cardiac Valve and Other Major Cardiothoracic Procedure with Cardiac
Catheterization without CC/MCC
Cardiac Valve and Other Major Cardiothoracic Procedure without Cardiac
Catheterization with MCC
Cardiac Valve and Other Major Cardiothoracic Procedure without Cardiac
Catheterization with CC
Cardiac Valve and Other Major Cardiothoracic Procedure without Cardiac
Catheterization without CC/MCC
Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Implant with MCC
Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Implant with CC
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MS-DRG Title
Heart Transplant or Implant of Heart Assist System with MCC
Heart Transplant or Implant of Heart Assist System without MCC
Craniotomy with Major Device Implant or Acute Complex CNS Principal Diagnosis
with MCC or Chemotherapy Implant or Epilepsy with Neurostimulator
Craniotomy and Endovascular Intracranial Procedures with CC
Craniotomy and Endo vascular Intracranial Procedures without CC/MCC
Major Head and Neck Procedures with CC
Major Head and Neck Procedures without CC/MCC
Other Heart Assist System Implant
Cardiac Valve and Other Major Cardiothoracic Procedure with Cardiac
Catheterization with MCC
Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Implant without CC/MCC
AICD Generator Procedures
Cardiac Pacemaker Device Replacement with MCC
Cardiac Pacemaker Device Replacement without MCC
Cardiac Pacemaker Revision Except Device Replacement with MCC
Cardiac Pacemaker Revision Except Device Replacement with CC
Cardiac Pacemaker Revision Except Device Replacement without CC/MCC
AICD Lead Procedures
Endo vascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement Procedures with MCC
Endo vascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement Procedures without MCC
PO 00000
Frm 00083
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Aortic and Heart Assist Procedures Except Pulsation Balloon with MCC
Aortic and Heart Assist Procedures Except Pulsation Balloon without MCC
Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with MCC or Carotid Sinus Neurostimulator
Cardiac Defibrillator Implant without MCC
Other Endovascular Cardiac Valve Procedures with MCC
Bilateral or Multiple Major Joint Procedures of Lower Extremity without MCC
Revision of Hip or Knee Replacement with MCC
Major Hip and Knee Joint Replacement or Reattachment of Lower Extremity without
Hip Replacement with Principal Diagnosis of Hip Fracture with MCC
Hip Replacement with Principal Diagnosis of Hip Fracture without MCC
Other Major Cardiovascular Procedures with MCC
Other Major Cardiovascular Procedures with CC
Other Major Cardiovascular Procedures without CC/MCC
Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with Cardiac Catheterization and MCC
Other Endovascular Cardiac Valve Procedures without MCC
Bilateral or Multiple Major Joint Procedures of Lower Extremity with MCC
Revision of Hip or Knee Replacement with CC
Revision of Hip or Knee Replacement without CC/MCC
The final list of MS–DRGs subject to
the IPPS policy for replaced devices
offered without cost or with a credit will
be included in the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule and also will be issued to
providers in the form of a Change
Request (CR).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
D. Recalibration of the FY 2025 MS–
DRG Relative Weights
1. Data Sources for Developing the
Relative Weights
Consistent with our established
policy, in developing the MS–DRG
relative weights for FY 2025, we
propose to use two data sources: claims
data and cost report data. The claims
data source is the MedPAR file, which
includes fully coded diagnostic and
procedure data for all Medicare
inpatient hospital bills. The FY 2023
MedPAR data used in this proposed rule
include discharges occurring on October
1, 2022, through September 30, 2023,
based on bills received by CMS through
December 31, 2023, from all hospitals
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subject to the IPPS and short-term, acute
care hospitals in Maryland (which at
that time were under a waiver from the
The FY 2023 MedPAR file used in
calculating the relative weights includes
data for approximately 6,887,902
Medicare discharges from IPPS
providers. Discharges for Medicare
beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare
Advantage managed care plan are
excluded from this analysis. These
discharges are excluded when the
MedPAR ‘‘GHO Paid’’ indicator field on
the claim record is equal to ‘‘1’’ or when
the MedPAR DRG payment field, which
represents the total payment for the
claim, is equal to the MedPAR ‘‘Indirect
Medical Education (IME)’’ payment
field, indicating that the claim was an
‘‘IME only’’ claim submitted by a
teaching hospital on behalf of a
beneficiary enrolled in a Medicare
Advantage managed care plan. In
addition, the December 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file complies with
version 5010 of the X12 HIPAA
PO 00000
Frm 00084
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Sfmt 4702
Transaction and Code Set Standards,
and includes a variable called ‘‘claim
type.’’ Claim type ‘‘60’’ indicates that
the claim was an inpatient claim paid as
fee-for-service. Claim types ‘‘61,’’ ‘‘62,’’
‘‘63,’’ and ‘‘64’’ relate to encounter
claims, Medicare Advantage IME
claims, and HMO no-pay claims.
Therefore, the calculation of the
proposed relative weights for FY 2025
also excludes claims with claim type
values not equal to ‘‘60.’’ The data
exclude CAHs, including hospitals that
subsequently became CAHs after the
period from which the data were taken.
In addition, the data exclude Rural
Emergency Hospitals (REHs), including
hospitals that subsequently became
REHs after the period from which the
data were taken. We note that the
proposed FY 2025 relative weights are
based on the ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes and ICD–10–PCS procedure codes
from the FY 2023 MedPAR claims data,
grouped through the ICD–10 version of
Major Hip and Knee Joint Replacement or Reattachment of Lower Extremity with MCC
or Total Ankle Replacement
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the proposed FY 2025 GROUPER
(Version 42).
The second data source used in the
cost-based relative weighting
methodology is the Medicare cost report
data files from the Healthcare Cost
Report Information System (HCRIS). In
general, we use the HCRIS dataset that
is 3 years prior to the IPPS fiscal year.
Specifically, for this proposed rule, we
used the December 2023 update of the
FY 2022 HCRIS for calculating the FY
2025 cost-based relative weights.
Consistent with our historical practice,
for this FY 2025 proposed rule, we are
providing the version of the HCRIS from
which we calculated these 19 CCRs on
the CMS website at https://
PPS. Click on the link on the left side
of the screen titled ‘‘FY 2025 IPPS
Proposed Rule Home Page’’ or ‘‘Acute
Inpatient Files for Download.’’
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
2. Methodology for Calculation of the
Relative Weights
a. General
We calculated the proposed FY 2025
relative weights based on 19 CCRs. The
methodology we are proposing to use to
calculate the FY 2025 MS–DRG costbased relative weights based on claims
data in the FY 2023 MedPAR file and
data from the FY 2022 Medicare cost
reports is as follows:
• To the extent possible, all the
claims were regrouped using the
proposed FY 2025 MS–DRG
classifications discussed in sections II.B.
and II.C. of the preamble of this
proposed rule.
• The transplant cases that were used
to establish the relative weights for heart
and heart-lung, liver and/or intestinal,
and lung transplants (MS–DRGs 001,
002, 005, 006, and 007, respectively)
were limited to those Medicareapproved transplant centers that have
cases in the FY 2023 MedPAR file.
(Medicare coverage for heart, heart-lung,
liver and/or intestinal, and lung
transplants is limited to those facilities
that have received approval from CMS
as transplant centers.)
• Organ acquisition costs for kidney,
heart, heart-lung, liver, lung, pancreas,
and intestinal (or multivisceral organs)
transplants continue to be paid on a
reasonable cost basis.
Because these acquisition costs are
paid separately from the prospective
payment rate, it is necessary to subtract
the acquisition charges from the total
charges on each transplant bill that
showed acquisition charges before
computing the average cost for each
MS–DRG and before eliminating
statistical outliers.
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Section 108 of the Further
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020
provides that, for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2020,
costs related to hematopoietic stem cell
acquisition for the purpose of an
allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
transplant shall be paid on a reasonable
cost basis. We refer the reader to the FY
2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for
further discussion of the reasonable cost
basis payment for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2020
(85 FR 58835 through 58842). For FY
2022 and subsequent years, we subtract
the hematopoietic stem cell acquisition
charges from the total charges on each
transplant bill that showed
hematopoietic stem cell acquisition
charges before computing the average
cost for each MS–DRG and before
eliminating statistical outliers.
• Claims with total charges or total
lengths of stay less than or equal to zero
were deleted. Claims that had an
amount in the total charge field that
differed by more than $30.00 from the
sum of the routine day charges,
intensive care charges, pharmacy
charges, implantable devices charges,
supplies and equipment charges,
therapy services charges, operating
room charges, cardiology charges,
laboratory charges, radiology charges,
other service charges, labor and delivery
charges, inhalation therapy charges,
emergency room charges, blood and
blood products charges, anesthesia
charges, cardiac catheterization charges,
CT scan charges, and MRI charges were
also deleted.
• At least 92.6 percent of the
providers in the MedPAR file had
charges for 14 of the 19 cost centers. All
claims of providers that did not have
charges greater than zero for at least 14
of the 19 cost centers were deleted. In
other words, a provider must have no
more than five blank cost centers. If a
provider did not have charges greater
than zero in more than five cost centers,
the claims for the provider were deleted.
• Statistical outliers were eliminated
by removing all cases that were beyond
3.0 standard deviations from the
geometric mean of the log distribution
of both the total charges per case and
the total charges per day for each MS–
• Effective October 1, 2008, because
hospital inpatient claims include a
Present on Admission (POA) field for
each diagnosis present on the claim,
only for purposes of relative weightsetting, the POA indicator field was
reset to ‘‘Y’’ for ‘‘Yes’’ for all claims that
otherwise have an ‘‘N’’ (No) or a ‘‘U’’
(documentation insufficient to
determine if the condition was present
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at the time of inpatient admission) in
the POA field.
Under current payment policy, the
presence of specific HAC codes, as
indicated by the POA field values, can
generate a lower payment for the claim.
Specifically, if the particular condition
is present on admission (that is, a ‘‘Y’’
indicator is associated with the
diagnosis on the claim), it is not a HAC,
and the hospital is paid for the higher
severity (and, therefore, the higher
weighted MS–DRG). If the particular
condition is not present on admission
(that is, an ‘‘N’’ indicator is associated
with the diagnosis on the claim) and
there are no other complicating
conditions, the DRG GROUPER assigns
the claim to a lower severity (and,
therefore, the lower weighted MS–DRG)
as a penalty for allowing a Medicare
inpatient to contract a HAC. While the
POA reporting meets policy goals of
encouraging quality care and generates
program savings, it presents an issue for
the relative weight-setting process.
Because cases identified as HACs are
likely to be more complex than similar
cases that are not identified as HACs,
the charges associated with HAC cases
are likely to be higher as well.
Therefore, if the higher charges of these
HAC claims are grouped into lower
severity MS–DRGs prior to the relative
weight-setting process, the relative
weights of these particular MS–DRGs
would become artificially inflated,
potentially skewing the relative weights.
In addition, we want to protect the
integrity of the budget neutrality process
by ensuring that, in estimating
payments, no increase to the
standardized amount occurs as a result
of lower overall payments in a previous
year that stem from using weights and
case-mix that are based on lower
severity MS–DRG assignments. If this
would occur, the anticipated cost
savings from the HAC policy would be
To avoid these problems, we reset the
POA indicator field to ‘‘Y’’ only for
relative weight-setting purposes for all
claims that otherwise have an ‘‘N’’ or a
‘‘U’’ in the POA field. This resetting
‘‘forced’’ the more costly HAC claims
into the higher severity MS–DRGs as
appropriate, and the relative weights
calculated for each MS–DRG more
closely reflect the true costs of those
In addition, in the FY 2013 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, for FY 2013 and
subsequent fiscal years, we finalized a
policy to treat hospitals that participate
in the Bundled Payments for Care
Improvement (BPCI) initiative the same
as prior fiscal years for the IPPS
payment modeling and ratesetting
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
process without regard to hospitals’
participation within these bundled
payment models (77 FR 53341 through
53343). Specifically, because acute care
hospitals participating in the BPCI
Initiative still receive IPPS payments
under section 1886(d) of the Act, we
include all applicable data from these
subsection (d) hospitals in our IPPS
payment modeling and ratesetting
calculations as if the hospitals were not
participating in those models under the
BPCI initiative. We refer readers to the
FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for
a complete discussion on our final
policy for the treatment of hospitals
participating in the BPCI initiative in
our ratesetting process. For additional
information on the BPCI initiative, we
refer readers to the CMS’ Center for
Medicare and Medicaid Innovation’s
website at
index.html and to section IV.H.4. of the
preamble of the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (77 FR 53341 through
The participation of hospitals in the
BPCI initiative concluded on September
30, 2018. The participation of hospitals
in the BPCI Advanced model started on
October 1, 2018. The BPCI Advanced
model, tested under the authority of
section 1115A of the Act, is comprised
of a single payment and risk track,
which bundles payments for multiple
services that beneficiaries receive
during a Clinical Episode. Acute care
hospitals may participate in BPCI
Advanced in one of two capacities: as a
model Participant or as a downstream
Episode Initiator. Regardless of the
capacity in which they participate in the
BPCI Advanced model, participating
acute care hospitals will continue to
receive IPPS payments under section
1886(d) of the Act. Acute care hospitals
that are Participants also assume
financial and quality performance
accountability for Clinical Episodes in
the form of a reconciliation payment.
For additional information on the BPCI
Advanced model, we refer readers to the
BPCI Advanced web page on the CMS
Center for Medicare and Medicaid
Innovation’s website at https:// Consistent with our policy
for FY 2024, and consistent with how
we have treated hospitals that
participated in the BPCI Initiative, for
FY 2025, we continue to believe it is
appropriate to include all applicable
data from the subsection (d) hospitals
participating in the BPCI Advanced
model in our IPPS payment modeling
and ratesetting calculations because, as
noted previously, these hospitals are
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still receiving IPPS payments under
section 1886(d) of the Act. Consistent
with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we are also proposing to include
all applicable data from subsection (d)
hospitals participating in the
Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement (CJR) Model in our IPPS
payment modeling and ratesetting
The charges for each of the 19 cost
groups for each claim were standardized
to remove the effects of differences in
area wage levels, IME and DSH
payments, and for hospitals located in
Alaska and Hawaii, the applicable costof-living adjustment. Because hospital
charges include charges for both
operating and capital costs, we
standardized total charges to remove the
effects of differences in geographic
adjustment factors, cost-of-living
adjustments, and DSH payments under
the capital IPPS as well. Charges were
then summed by MS–DRG for each of
the 19 cost groups so that each MS–DRG
had 19 standardized charge totals.
Statistical outliers were then removed.
These charges were then adjusted to
cost by applying the proposed national
average CCRs developed from the FY
2022 cost report data.
The 19 cost centers that we used in
the relative weight calculation are
shown in a supplemental data file, Cost
Center HCRIS Lines Supplemental Data
File, posted via the internet on the CMS
website for this proposed rule and
available at
Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-ServicePayment/AcuteInpatientPPS. The
supplemental data file shows the lines
on the cost report and the corresponding
revenue codes that we used to create the
proposed 19 national cost center CCRs.
If we receive comments about the
groupings in this supplemental data file,
we may consider these comments as we
finalize our policy.
Consistent with historical practice, we
account for rare situations of nonmonotonicity in a base MS–DRG and its
severity levels, where the mean cost in
the higher severity level is less than the
mean cost in the lower severity level, in
determining the relative weights for the
different severity levels. If there are
initially non-monotonic relative weights
in the same base DRG and its severity
levels, then we combine the cases that
group to the specific non-monotonic
MS–DRGs for purposes of relative
weight calculations. For example, if
there are two non-monotonic MS–DRGs,
combining the cases across those two
MS–DRGs results in the same relative
weight for both MS–DRGs. The relative
weight calculated using the combined
cases for those severity levels is
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monotonic, effectively removing any
non-monotonicity with the base DRG
and its severity levels. For this FY 2025
proposed rule, this calculation was
applied to address non-monotonicity for
cases that grouped to the following:
MS–DRG 016 and MS–DRG 017, MS–
DRG 095 and MS–DRG 096, MS–DRG
504 and MS–DRG 505, MS–DRG 797
and MS–DRG 798. In the supplemental
file titled AOR/BOR File, we include
statistics for the affected MS–DRGs both
separately and with cases combined.
We are inviting public comments on
our proposals related to recalibration of
the proposed FY 2025 relative weights
and the changes in relative weights from
FY 2024.
b. Relative Weight Calculation for MS–
DRG 018
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58451 through 58453), we
created MS–DRG 018 for cases that
include procedures describing CAR
T-cell therapies. We also finalized our
proposal to modify our existing relative
weight methodology to ensure that the
relative weight for MS–DRG 018
appropriately reflects the relative
resources required for providing CAR
T-cell therapy outside of a clinical trial,
while still accounting for the clinical
trial cases in the overall average cost for
all MS–DRGs (85 FR 58599 through
58600). Specifically, we stated that
clinical trial claims that group to new
MS–DRG 018 would not be included
when calculating the average cost for
MS–DRG 018 that is used to calculate
the relative weight for this MS–DRG, so
that the relative weight reflects the costs
of the CAR T-cell therapy drug. We
stated that we identified clinical trial
claims as claims that contain ICD–10–
CM diagnosis code Z00.6 or contain
standardized drug charges of less than
$373,000, which was the average sales
price of KYMRIAH and YESCARTA, the
two CAR T-cell biological products
licensed to treat relapsed/refractory
large B-cell lymphoma as of the time of
the development of the FY 2021 final
rule. In addition, we stated that (a)
when the CAR T-cell therapy product is
purchased in the usual manner, but the
case involves a clinical trial of a
different product, the claim will be
included when calculating the average
cost for new MS–DRG 018 to the extent
such cases can be identified in the
historical data, and (b) when there is
expanded access use of immunotherapy,
these cases will not be included when
calculating the average cost for new
MS–DRG 018 to the extent such cases
can be identified in the historical data.
We also finalized our proposal to
calculate an adjustment to account for
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the CAR T-cell therapy cases identified
as clinical trial cases in calculating the
national average standardized cost per
case that is used to calculate the relative
weights for all MS–DRGs and for
purposes of budget neutrality and
outlier simulations. We calculate this
adjustor by dividing the average cost for
cases that we identify as clinical trial
cases by the average cost for cases that
we identify as non-clinical trial cases,
with the additional refinements that (a)
when the CAR T-cell therapy product is
purchased in the usual manner, but the
case involves a clinical trial of a
different product, the claim will be
included when calculating the average
cost for cases not determined to be
clinical trial cases to the extent such
cases can be identified in the historical
data, and (b) when there is expanded
access use of immunotherapy, these
cases will be included when calculating
the average cost for cases determined to
be clinical trial cases to the extent such
cases can be identified in the historical
data. We stated that to the best of our
knowledge, there were no claims in the
historical data used in the calculation of
this adjustment for cases involving a
clinical trial of a different product, and
to the extent the historical data contain
claims for cases involving expanded
access use of immunotherapy we
believe those claims would have drug
charges less than $373,000.
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58842), we also finalized an
adjustment to the payment amount for
applicable clinical trial and expanded
access use immunotherapy cases that
group to MS–DRG 018, and indicated
that we would provide instructions for
identifying these claims in separate
guidance. Following the issuance of the
FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
issued guidance 15 stating that providers
may enter a Billing Note NTE02
‘‘Expand Acc Use’’ on the electronic
claim 837I or a remark ‘‘Expand Acc
Use’’ on a paper claim to notify the
MAC of expanded access use of CAR
T-cell therapy. In this case, the MAC
would add payer-only condition code
‘‘ZB’’ so that Pricer will apply the
payment adjustment in calculating
payment for the case. In cases when the
CAR T-cell therapy product is
purchased in the usual manner, but the
case involves a clinical trial of a
different product, the provider may
enter a Billing Note NTE02 ‘‘Diff Prod
Clin Trial’’ on the electronic claim 837I
or a remark ‘‘Diff Prod Clin Trial’’ on a
paper claim. In this case, the MAC
would add payer-only condition code
‘‘ZC’’ so that the Pricer will not apply
the payment adjustment in calculating
payment for the case.
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we revised MS–DRG 018 to
include cases that report the procedure
codes for CAR T-cell and non-CAR
T-cell therapies and other
immunotherapies (86 FR 44798 through
44806). We also finalized our proposal
to continue to use the proxy of
standardized drug charges of less than
$373,000 (86 FR 44965) to identify
clinical trial claims. We also finalized
use of this same proxy for the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR
Following the issuance of the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we issued
guidance 16 stating where there is
expanded access use of immunotherapy,
the provider may submit condition code
‘‘90’’ on the claim so that Pricer will
apply the payment adjustment in
calculating payment for the case. We
stated that MACs would no longer
append Condition Code ‘ZB’ to
inpatient claims reporting Billing Note
NTE02 ‘‘Expand Acc Use’’ on the
electronic claim 837I or a remark
‘‘Expand Acc Use’’ on a paper claim,
effective for claims for discharges that
occur on or after October 1, 2022.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we explained that the MedPAR
claims data now includes a field that
identifies whether or not the claim
includes expanded access use of
immunotherapy. We stated that for the
FY 2022 MedPAR claims data, this field
identifies whether or not the claim
includes condition code ZB, and for the
FY 2023 MedPAR data and subsequent
years, this field will identify whether or
not the claim includes condition code
90. We further noted that the MedPAR
files now also include a variable that
indicates whether the claim includes
the payer-only condition code ‘‘ZC’’,
which identifies a case involving the
clinical trial of a different product
where the CAR T-cell, non-CAR T-cell,
or other immunotherapy product is
purchased in the usual manner.
Accordingly, and as discussed further
in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we finalized two modifications to
our methodology for identifying clinical
trial claims and expanded access use
claims in MS–DRG 018 (88 FR 58791).
First, we finalized to exclude claims
with the presence of condition code
‘‘90’’ (or, for FY 2024 ratesetting, which
was based on the FY 2022 MedPAR
data, the presence of condition code
‘‘ZB’’) and claims that contain ICD–10–
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CM diagnosis code Z00.6 without payeronly code ‘‘ZC’’ that group to MS–DRG
018 when calculating the average cost
for MS–DRG 018. Second, we finalized
to no longer use the proxy of
standardized drug charges of less than
$373,000 to identify clinical trial claims
and expanded access use cases when
calculating the average cost for MS–DRG
018. Accordingly, we finalized that in
calculating the relative weight for MS–
DRG 018 for FY 2024, only those claims
that group to MS–DRG 018 that (1)
contain ICD–10–CM diagnosis code
Z00.6 and do not include payer-only
code ‘‘ZC’’ or (2) contain condition code
‘‘ZB’’ (or, for subsequent fiscal years,
condition code ‘‘90’’) would be
excluded from the calculation of the
average cost for MS–DRG 018.
Consistent with this, we also finalized
modifications to our calculation of the
adjustment to account for the CAR
T-cell therapy cases identified as
clinical trial cases in calculating the
national average standardized cost per
case that is used to calculate the relative
weights for all MS–DRGs. We refer
readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule for further discussion of these
modifications (88 FR 58791).
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we are proposing to
continue to use our methodology as
modified in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule for identifying clinical
trial claims and expanded access use
claims in MS–DRG 018. First, we
exclude claims with the presence of
condition code ‘‘90’’ and claims that
contain ICD–10–CM diagnosis code
Z00.6 without payer-only code ‘‘ZC’’
that group to MS–DRG 018 when
calculating the average cost for MS–DRG
018. Second, we no longer use the proxy
of standardized drug charges of less
than $373,000 to identify clinical trial
claims and expanded access use cases
when calculating the average cost for
MS–DRG 018. Accordingly, we are
proposing that in calculating the relative
weight for MS–DRG 018 for FY 2025,
only those claims that group to MS–
DRG 018 that (1) contain ICD–10–CM
diagnosis code Z00.6 and do not include
payer-only code ‘‘ZC’’ or (2) contain
condition code ‘‘90’’ would be excluded
from the calculation of the average cost
for MS–DRG 018.
We are also proposing to continue to
use the methodology as modified in the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule to
calculate the adjustment to account for
the CAR T-cell therapy cases identified
as clinical trial cases in calculating the
national average standardized cost per
case that is used to calculate the relative
weights for all MS–DRGs:
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
• Calculate the average cost for cases
assigned to MS–DRG 018 that either (a)
contain ICD–10–CM diagnosis code
Z00.6 and do not contain condition
code ‘‘ZC’’ or (b) contain condition code
• Calculate the average cost for all
other cases assigned to MS–DRG 018.
• Calculate an adjustor by dividing
the average cost calculated in step 1 by
the average cost calculated in step 2.
• Apply the adjustor calculated in
step 3 to the cases identified in step 1
as applicable clinical trial or expanded
access use cases, then add this adjusted
case count to the non-clinical trial case
count prior to calculating the average
cost across all MS–DRGs.
Under our proposal to continue to
apply this methodology, based on the
December 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file used for this proposed
rule, we estimated that the average costs
of cases assigned to MS–DRG 018 that
are identified as clinical trial cases
($116,831) were 34 percent of the
average costs of the cases assigned to
MS–DRG 018 that are identified as nonclinical trial cases ($342,684).
Accordingly, as we did for FY 2024, we
are proposing to adjust the transferadjusted case count for MS–DRG 018 by
applying the proposed adjustor of 0.34
to the applicable clinical trial and
expanded access use immunotherapy
cases, and to use this adjusted case
count for MS–DRG 018 in calculating
the national average cost per case,
which is used in the calculation of the
relative weights. Therefore, in
calculating the national average cost per
case for purposes of this proposed rule,
each case identified as an applicable
clinical trial or expanded access use
immunotherapy case was adjusted by
0.34. As we did for FY 2024, we are
applying this same adjustor for the
applicable cases that group to MS–DRG
018 for purposes of budget neutrality
and outlier simulations. We are also
proposing to update the value of the
adjustor based on more recent data for
the final rule.
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d. Cap for Relative Weight Reductions
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we finalized a permanent 10percent cap on the reduction in an MS–
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DRG’s relative weight in a given fiscal
year, beginning in FY 2023. We also
finalized a budget neutrality adjustment
to the standardized amount for all
hospitals to ensure that application of
the permanent 10-percent cap does not
result in an increase or decrease of
estimated aggregate payments. We refer
the reader to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule for further discussion of
this policy. In the Addendum to this
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we
present the proposed budget neutrality
adjustment for reclassification and
recalibration of the FY 2025 MS–DRG
relative weights with application of this
cap. We are also making available on the
CMS website a supplemental file
demonstrating the application of the
permanent 10 percent cap for FY 2025.
For a further discussion of the proposed
budget neutrality adjustment for FY
2025, we refer readers to the Addendum
of this proposed rule.
3. Development of Proposed National
Average Cost-To-Charge Ratios (CCRs)
We developed the proposed national
average CCRs as follows:
Using the FY 2022 cost report data,
we removed CAHs, Indian Health
Service hospitals, all-inclusive rate
hospitals, and cost reports that
represented time periods of less than 1
year (365 days). We included hospitals
located in Maryland because we include
their charges in our claims database.
Then we created CCRs for each provider
for each cost center (see the
supplemental data file for line items
used in the calculations) and removed
any CCRs that were greater than 10 or
less than 0.01. We normalized the
departmental CCRs by dividing the CCR
for each department by the total CCR for
the hospital for the purpose of trimming
the data. Then we took the logs of the
normalized cost center CCRs and
removed any cost center CCRs where
the log of the cost center CCR was
greater or less than the mean log plus/
minus 3 times the standard deviation for
the log of that cost center CCR. Once the
cost report data were trimmed, we
calculated a Medicare-specific CCR. The
Medicare-specific CCR was determined
by taking the Medicare charges for each
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line item from Worksheet D–3 and
deriving the Medicare-specific costs by
applying the hospital-specific
departmental CCRs to the Medicarespecific charges for each line item from
Worksheet D–3. Once each hospital’s
Medicare-specific costs were
established, we summed the total
Medicare-specific costs and divided by
the sum of the total Medicare-specific
charges to produce national average,
charge-weighted CCRs.
After we multiplied the total charges
for each MS–DRG in each of the 19 cost
centers by the corresponding national
average CCR, we summed the 19 ‘‘costs’’
across each MS–DRG to produce a total
standardized cost for the MS–DRG. The
average standardized cost for each MS–
DRG was then computed as the total
standardized cost for the MS–DRG
divided by the transfer-adjusted case
count for the MS–DRG. The average cost
for each MS–DRG was then divided by
the national average standardized cost
per case to determine the proposed
relative weight. The proposed FY 2025
cost-based relative weights were then
normalized by an adjustment factor of
1.92287 so that the average case weight
after recalibration was equal to the
average case weight before recalibration.
The normalization adjustment is
intended to ensure that recalibration by
itself neither increases nor decreases
total payments under the IPPS, as
required by section 1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of
the Act. We then applied the permanent
10-percent cap on the reduction in a
MS–DRG’s relative weight in a given
fiscal year; specifically for those MS–
DRGs for which the relative weight
otherwise would have declined by more
than 10 percent from the FY 2024
relative weight, we set the proposed FY
2025 relative weight equal to 90 percent
of the FY 2024 relative weight. The
proposed relative weights for FY 2025
as set forth in Table 5 associated with
this proposed rule and available on the
CMS website at
Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-ServicePayment/AcuteInpatientPPS reflect the
application of this cap.
The proposed 19 national average
CCRs for FY 2025 are as follows:
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Proposed National Average CCRs
Routine Days
Intensive Days
Supplies & Equipment
Implantable Devices
Inhalation Theraov
Therapy Services
Labor & Delivery
Operating Room
Cardiac Catheterization
CT Scans
Emergency Room
Blood and Blood Products
Other Services
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use that same case threshold in
recalibrating the proposed MS–DRG
relative weights for FY 2025. Using data
from the FY 2023 MedPAR file, there
were 8 MS–DRGs that contain fewer
than 10 cases. For FY 2025, because we
do not have sufficient MedPAR data to
set accurate and stable cost relative
weights for these low-volume MS–
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DRGs, we are proposing to compute
relative weights for the low-volume
MS–DRGs by adjusting their final FY
2024 relative weights by the percentage
change in the average weight of the
cases in other MS–DRGs from FY 2024
to FY 2025. The crosswalk table is as
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Since FY 2009, the relative weights
have been based on 100 percent cost
weights based on our MS–DRG grouping
When we recalibrated the DRG
weights for previous years, we set a
threshold of 10 cases as the minimum
number of cases required to compute a
reasonable weight. We are proposing to
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Low-Volume MS-DRGs
MS-DRG Title
Crosswalk to MS-DRG
Neonates, Died or Transferred to Another
Acute Care Facility
Extreme Immaturity or Respiratory
Distress Syndrome, Neonate
Prematurity with Major Problems
Prematurity without Major Problems
Full-Term Neonate with Major Problems
Neonate with Other Significant Problems
Normal Newborn
Vaginal delivery with sterilization and/or
Final FY 2024 relative weight (adjusted by
percent change in average weight of the cases in
other MS-DRGs)
Final FY 2024 relative weight (adjusted by
percent change in average weight of the cases in
other MS-DRGs)
Final FY 2024 relative weight (adjusted by
percent change :in average weight of the cases in
other MS-DRGs)
Final FY 2024 relative weight (adjusted by
percent change in average weight of the cases in
other MS-DRGs)
Final FY 2024 relative weight (adjusted by
percent change in average weight of the cases in
other MS-DRGs)
Final FY 2024 relative weight (adjusted by
percent change in average weight of the cases in
other MS-DRGs)
Final FY 2024 relative weight (adjusted by
percent change in average weight of the cases in
other MS-DRGs)
Final FY 2024 relative weight (adjusted by
percent change in average weight of the cases in
other MS-DRGs)
E. Add-On Payments for New Services
and Technologies for FY 2025
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1. Background
Effective for discharges beginning on
or after October 1, 2001, section
1886(d)(5)(K)(i) of the Act requires the
Secretary to establish (after notice and
opportunity for public comment) a
mechanism to recognize the costs of
new medical services and technologies
(sometimes collectively referred to in
this section as ‘‘new technologies’’)
under the IPPS. Section
1886(d)(5)(K)(vi) of the Act specifies
that a medical service or technology will
be considered new if it meets criteria
established by the Secretary after notice
and opportunity for public comment.
Section 1886(d)(5)(K)(ii)(I) of the Act
specifies that a new medical service or
technology may be considered for new
technology add-on payment if, based on
the estimated costs incurred with
respect to discharges involving such
service or technology, the DRG
prospective payment rate otherwise
applicable to such discharges under this
subsection is inadequate. The
regulations at 42 CFR 412.87 implement
these provisions and § 412.87(b)
specifies three criteria for a new medical
service or technology to receive the
additional payment: (1) The medical
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service or technology must be new; (2)
the medical service or technology must
be costly such that the DRG rate
otherwise applicable to discharges
involving the medical service or
technology is determined to be
inadequate; and (3) the service or
technology must demonstrate a
substantial clinical improvement over
existing services or technologies. In
addition, certain transformative new
devices and antimicrobial products may
qualify under an alternative inpatient
new technology add-on payment
pathway, as set forth in the regulations
at § 412.87(c) and (d).
We note that section 1886(d)(5)(K)(i)
of the Act requires that the Secretary
establish a mechanism to recognize the
costs of new medical services and
technologies under the payment system
established under that subsection,
which establishes the system for paying
for the operating costs of inpatient
hospital services. The system of
payment for capital costs is established
under section 1886(g) of the Act.
Therefore, as discussed in prior
rulemaking (72 FR 47307 through
47308), we do not include capital costs
in the add-on payments for a new
medical service or technology or make
new technology add-on payments under
the IPPS for capital-related costs.
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In this rule, we highlight some of the
major statutory and regulatory
provisions relevant to the new
technology add-on payment criteria, as
well as other information. For further
discussion on the new technology addon payment criteria, we refer readers to
the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(76 FR 51572 through 51574), the FY
2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR
42288 through 42300), and the FY 2021
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58736
through 58742).
a. New Technology Add-on Payment
(1) Newness Criterion
Under the first criterion, as reflected
in § 412.87(b)(2), a specific medical
service or technology will no longer be
considered ‘‘new’’ for purposes of new
medical service or technology add-on
payments after CMS has recalibrated the
MS–DRGs, based on available data, to
reflect the cost of the technology. We
note that we do not consider a service
or technology to be new if it is
substantially similar to one or more
existing technologies. That is, even if a
medical product receives a new FDA
approval or clearance, it may not
necessarily be considered ‘‘new’’ for
purposes of new technology add-on
payments if it is ‘‘substantially similar’’
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to another medical product that was
approved or cleared by FDA and has
been on the market for more than 2 to
3 years. In the FY 2010 IPPS/RY 2010
LTCH PPS final rule (74 FR 43813
through 43814), we established criteria
for evaluating whether a new
technology is substantially similar to an
existing technology, specifically
whether: (1) a product uses the same or
a similar mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic outcome; (2) a
product is assigned to the same or a
different MS–DRG; and (3) the new use
of the technology involves the treatment
of the same or similar type of disease
and the same or similar patient
population. If a technology meets all
three of these criteria, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered ‘‘new’’ for purposes of new
technology add-on payments. For a
detailed discussion of the criteria for
substantial similarity, we refer readers
to the FY 2006 IPPS final rule (70 FR
47351 through 47352) and the FY 2010
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (74 FR 43813
through 43814).
(2) Cost Criterion
Under the second criterion,
§ 412.87(b)(3) further provides that, to
be eligible for the add-on payment for
new medical services or technologies,
the MS–DRG prospective payment rate
otherwise applicable to discharges
involving the new medical service or
technology must be assessed for
adequacy. Under the cost criterion,
consistent with the formula specified in
section 1886(d)(5)(K)(ii)(I) of the Act, to
assess the adequacy of payment for a
new technology paid under the
applicable MS–DRG prospective
payment rate, we evaluate whether the
charges of the cases involving a new
medical service or technology will
exceed a threshold amount that is the
lesser of 75 percent of the standardized
amount (increased to reflect the
difference between cost and charges) or
75 percent of one standard deviation
beyond the geometric mean
standardized charge for all cases in the
MS–DRG to which the new medical
service or technology is assigned (or the
case-weighted average of all relevant
MS–DRGs if the new medical service or
technology occurs in many different
MS–DRGs). The MS–DRG threshold
amounts generally used in evaluating
new technology add-on payment
applications for FY 2025 are presented
in a data file that is available, along with
the other data files associated with the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule and
correction notification, on the CMS
website at:
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We note that, under the policy
finalized in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (85 FR 58603 through
58605), beginning with FY 2022, we use
the proposed threshold values
associated with the proposed rule for
that fiscal year to evaluate the cost
criterion for all applications for new
technology add-on payments and
previously approved technologies that
may continue to receive new technology
add-on payments, if those technologies
would be assigned to a proposed new
MS–DRG for that same fiscal year.
As finalized in the FY 2019 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41275),
beginning with FY 2020, we include the
thresholds applicable to the next fiscal
year (previously included in Table 10 of
the annual IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
and final rules) in the data files
associated with the prior fiscal year.
Accordingly, the proposed thresholds
for applications for new technology addon payments for FY 2026 are presented
in a data file that is available on the
CMS website, along with the other data
files associated with the FY 2025
proposed rule, by clicking on the FY
2025 IPPS Proposed Rule Home Page at:
In the September 7, 2001 final rule
that established the new technology
add-on payment regulations (66 FR
46917), we discussed that applicants
should submit a significant sample of
data to demonstrate that the medical
service or technology meets the highcost threshold. Specifically, applicants
should submit a sample of sufficient
size to enable us to undertake an initial
validation and analysis of the data. We
also discussed in the September 7, 2001
final rule (66 FR 46917) the issue of
whether the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability Act
(HIPAA) Privacy Rule at 45 CFR parts
160 and 164 applies to claims
information that providers submit with
applications for new medical service or
technology add-on payments. We refer
readers to the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (76 FR 51573) for further
information on this issue.
(3) Substantial Clinical Improvement
Under the third criterion at
§ 412.87(b)(1), a medical service or
technology must represent an advance
that substantially improves, relative to
technologies previously available, the
diagnosis or treatment of Medicare
beneficiaries. In the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42288
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through 42292), we prospectively
codified in our regulations at § 412.87(b)
the following aspects of how we
evaluate substantial clinical
improvement for purposes of new
technology add-on payments under the
• The totality of the circumstances is
considered when making a
determination that a new medical
service or technology represents an
advance that substantially improves,
relative to services or technologies
previously available, the diagnosis or
treatment of Medicare beneficiaries.
• A determination that a new medical
service or technology represents an
advance that substantially improves,
relative to services or technologies
previously available, the diagnosis or
treatment of Medicare beneficiaries
++ The new medical service or
technology offers a treatment option for
a patient population unresponsive to, or
ineligible for, currently available
The new medical service or
technology offers a treatment option for
a patient population unresponsive to, or
ineligible for, currently available
The new medical service or
technology offers the ability to diagnose
a medical condition in a patient
population where that medical
condition is currently undetectable, or
offers the ability to diagnose a medical
condition earlier in a patient population
than allowed by currently available
methods, and there must also be
evidence that use of the new medical
service or technology to make a
diagnosis affects the management of the
patient. The new medical service or
technology offers a treatment option for
a patient population unresponsive to, or
ineligible for, currently available
The use of the new medical service or
technology significantly improves
clinical outcomes relative to services or
technologies previously available as
demonstrated by one or more of the
following: a reduction in at least one
clinically significant adverse event,
including a reduction in mortality or a
clinically significant complication; a
decreased rate of at least one subsequent
diagnostic or therapeutic intervention; a
decreased number of future
hospitalizations or physician visits; a
more rapid beneficial resolution of the
disease process treatment including, but
not limited to, a reduced length of stay
or recovery time; an improvement in
one or more activities of daily living; an
improved quality of life; or, a
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
demonstrated greater medication
adherence or compliance; or
++ The totality of the circumstances
otherwise demonstrates that the new
medical service or technology
substantially improves, relative to
technologies previously available, the
diagnosis or treatment of Medicare
• Evidence from the following
published or unpublished information
sources from within the United States or
elsewhere may be sufficient to establish
that a new medical service or
technology represents an advance that
substantially improves, relative to
services or technologies previously
available, the diagnosis or treatment of
Medicare beneficiaries: clinical trials,
peer reviewed journal articles; study
results; meta-analyses; consensus
statements; white papers; patient
surveys; case studies; reports;
systematic literature reviews; letters
from major healthcare associations;
editorials and letters to the editor; and
public comments. Other appropriate
information sources may be considered.
• The medical condition diagnosed or
treated by the new medical service or
technology may have a low prevalence
among Medicare beneficiaries.
• The new medical service or
technology may represent an advance
that substantially improves, relative to
services or technologies previously
available, the diagnosis or treatment of
a subpopulation of patients with the
medical condition diagnosed or treated
by the new medical service or
We refer the reader to the FY 2020
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42288
through 42292) for additional
discussion of the evaluation of
substantial clinical improvement for
purposes of new technology add-on
payments under the IPPS.
We note, consistent with the
discussion in the FY 2003 IPPS final
rule (67 FR 50015), that while FDA has
regulatory responsibility for decisions
related to marketing authorization (for
example, approval, clearance, etc.), we
do not rely upon FDA criteria in our
evaluation of substantial clinical
improvement for purposes of
determining what services and
technologies qualify for new technology
add-on payments under Medicare. This
criterion does not depend on the
standard of safety and effectiveness on
which FDA relies but on a
demonstration of substantial clinical
improvement in the Medicare
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b. Alternative Inpatient New
Technology Add-On Payment Pathway
Beginning with applications for FY
2021 new technology add-on payments,
under the regulations at § 412.87(c), a
medical device that is part of FDA’s
Breakthrough Devices Program may
qualify for the new technology add-on
payment under an alternative pathway.
Additionally, under the regulations at
§ 412.87(d) for certain antimicrobial
products, beginning with FY 2021, a
drug that is designated by FDA as a
Qualified Infectious Disease Product
(QIDP), and, beginning with FY 2022, a
drug that is approved by FDA under the
Limited Population Pathway for
Antibacterial and Antifungal Drugs
(LPAD), may also qualify for the new
technology add-on payment under an
alternative pathway. We refer the reader
to the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42292 through 42297) and
the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(85 FR 58737 through 58739) for further
discussion on this policy. We note that
CMS reviews the application based on
the information provided by the
applicant only under the alternative
pathway specified by the applicant at
the time of application submission. To
receive approval for the new technology
add-on payment under that alternative
pathway, the technology must have the
applicable FDA designation and meet
all other requirements in the regulations
in § 412.87(c) and (d), as applicable.
(1) Alternative Pathway for Certain
Transformative New Devices
For applications received for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2021 and subsequent fiscal years, a
medical device designated under FDA’s
Breakthrough Devices Program that has
received FDA marketing authorization
will be considered not substantially
similar to an existing technology for
purposes of the new technology add-on
payment under the IPPS, and will not
need to meet the requirement under
§ 412.87(b)(1) that it represent an
advance that substantially improves,
relative to technologies previously
available, the diagnosis or treatment of
Medicare beneficiaries. Under this
alternative pathway, a medical device
that has received FDA marketing
authorization (that is, has been
approved or cleared by, or had a De
Novo classification request granted by,
FDA) as a Breakthrough Device, for the
indication covered by the Breakthrough
Device designation, will need to meet
the requirements of § 412.87(c). We note
that in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (85 FR 58734 through 58736),
we clarified our policy that a new
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medical device under this alternative
pathway must receive marketing
authorization for the indication covered
by the Breakthrough Devices Program
designation. We refer the reader to the
FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85
FR 58734 through 58736) for further
discussion regarding this clarification.
(2) Alternative Pathway for Certain
Antimicrobial Products
For applications received for new
technology add-on payments for certain
antimicrobial products, beginning with
FY 2021, if a technology is designated
by FDA as a QIDP and received FDA
marketing authorization, and, beginning
with FY 2022, if a drug is approved
under FDA’s LPAD pathway and used
for the indication approved under the
LPAD pathway, it will be considered
not substantially similar to an existing
technology for purposes of new
technology add-on payments and will
not need to meet the requirement that it
represent an advance that substantially
improves, relative to technologies
previously available, the diagnosis or
treatment of Medicare beneficiaries.
Under this alternative pathway for
QIDPs and LPADs, a medical product
that has received FDA marketing
authorization and is designated by FDA
as a QIDP or approved under the LPAD
pathway will need to meet the
requirements of § 412.87(d). We refer
the reader to the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (84 FR 42292 through
42297) and FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (85 FR 58737 through 58739)
for further discussion on this policy.
We note that, in the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58737
through 58739), we clarified that a new
medical product seeking approval for
the new technology add-on payment
under the alternative pathway for QIDPs
must receive FDA marketing
authorization for the indication covered
by the QIDP designation. We also
finalized our policy to expand our
alternative new technology add-on
payment pathway for certain
antimicrobial products to include
products approved under the LPAD
pathway and used for the indication
approved under the LPAD pathway.
c. Additional Payment for New Medical
Service or Technology
The new medical service or
technology add-on payment policy
under the IPPS provides additional
payments for cases with relatively high
costs involving eligible new medical
services or technologies, while
preserving some of the incentives
inherent under an average-based
prospective payment system. The
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payment mechanism is based on the
cost to hospitals for the new medical
service or technology. As noted
previously, we do not include capital
costs in the add-on payments for a new
medical service or technology or make
new technology add-on payments under
the IPPS for capital-related costs (72 FR
47307 through 47308).
For discharges occurring before
October 1, 2019, under § 412.88, if the
costs of the discharge (determined by
applying operating cost-to-charge ratios
(CCRs) as described in § 412.84(h))
exceed the full DRG payment (including
payments for IME and DSH, but
excluding outlier payments), CMS made
an add-on payment equal to the lesser
of: (1) 50 percent of the costs of the new
medical service or technology; or (2) 50
percent of the amount by which the
costs of the case exceed the standard
DRG payment.
Beginning with discharges on or after
October 1, 2019, for the reasons
discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (84 FR 42297 through
42300), we finalized an increase in the
new technology add-on payment
percentage, as reflected at
§ 412.88(a)(2)(ii). Specifically, for a new
technology other than a medical product
designated by FDA as a QIDP, beginning
with discharges on or after October 1,
2019, if the costs of a discharge
involving a new technology (determined
by applying CCRs as described in
§ 412.84(h)) exceed the full DRG
payment (including payments for IME
and DSH, but excluding outlier
payments), Medicare will make an addon payment equal to the lesser of: (1) 65
percent of the costs of the new medical
service or technology; or (2) 65 percent
of the amount by which the costs of the
case exceed the standard DRG payment.
For a new technology that is a medical
product designated by FDA as a QIDP,
beginning with discharges on or after
October 1, 2019, if the costs of a
discharge involving a new technology
(determined by applying CCRs as
described in § 412.84(h)) exceed the full
DRG payment (including payments for
IME and DSH, but excluding outlier
payments), Medicare will make an addon payment equal to the lesser of: (1) 75
percent of the costs of the new medical
service or technology; or (2) 75 percent
of the amount by which the costs of the
case exceed the standard DRG payment.
For a new technology that is a medical
product approved under FDA’s LPAD
pathway, beginning with discharges on
or after October 1, 2020, if the costs of
a discharge involving a new technology
(determined by applying CCRs as
described in § 412.84(h)) exceed the full
DRG payment (including payments for
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IME and DSH, but excluding outlier
payments), Medicare will make an addon payment equal to the lesser of: (1) 75
percent of the costs of the new medical
service or technology; or (2) 75 percent
of the amount by which the costs of the
case exceed the standard DRG payment.
As set forth in § 412.88(b)(2), unless the
discharge qualifies for an outlier
payment, the additional Medicare
payment will be limited to the full MS–
DRG payment plus 65 percent (or 75
percent for certain antimicrobial
products (QIDPs and LPADs)) of the
estimated costs of the new technology or
medical service. We refer the reader to
the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(84 FR 42297 through 42300) for further
discussion on the increase in the new
technology add-on payment beginning
with discharges on or after October 1,
We note that, consistent with the
prospective nature of the IPPS, we
finalize the new technology add on
payment amount for technologies
approved or conditionally approved for
new technology add-on payments in the
final rule for each fiscal year and do not
make mid-year changes to new
technology add-on payment amounts.
Updated cost information may be
submitted and included in rulemaking
to be considered for the following fiscal
Section 503(d)(2) of the MMA (Pub. L.
108–173) provides that there shall be no
reduction or adjustment in aggregate
payments under the IPPS due to add-on
payments for new medical services and
technologies. Therefore, in accordance
with section 503(d)(2) of the MMA, addon payments for new medical services
or technologies for FY 2005 and
subsequent years have not been
subjected to budget neutrality.
d. Evaluation of Eligibility Criteria for
New Medical Service or Technology
In the FY 2009 IPPS final rule (73 FR
48561 through 48563), we modified our
regulation at § 412.87 to codify our
longstanding practice of how CMS
evaluates the eligibility criteria for new
medical service or technology add-on
payment applications. That is, we first
determine whether a medical service or
technology meets the newness criterion,
and only if so, do we then make a
determination as to whether the
technology meets the cost threshold and
represents a substantial clinical
improvement over existing medical
services or technologies. We specified
that all applicants for new technology
add-on payments must have FDA
approval or clearance by July 1 of the
year prior to the beginning of the fiscal
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year for which the application is being
considered. In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, to more precisely
describe the various types of FDA
approvals, clearances and classifications
that we consider under our new
technology add-on payment policy, we
finalized a technical clarification to the
regulation to indicate that new
technologies must receive FDA
marketing authorization (such as premarket approval (PMA); 510(k)
clearance; the granting of a De Novo
classification request, or approval of a
New Drug Application (NDA)) by July 1
of the year prior to the beginning of the
fiscal year for which the application is
being considered. Consistent with our
longstanding policy, we consider FDA
marketing authorization as representing
that a product has received FDA
approval or clearance when considering
eligibility for the new technology addon payment (85 FR 58742).
Additionally, in the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58739
through 58742), we finalized our
proposal to provide conditional
approval for new technology add-on
payment for a technology for which an
application is submitted under the
alternative pathway for certain
antimicrobial products at § 412.87(d)
that does not receive FDA marketing
authorization by July 1 prior to the
particular fiscal year for which the
applicant applied for new technology
add-on payments, provided that the
technology otherwise meets the
applicable add-on payment criteria.
Under this policy, cases involving
eligible antimicrobial products would
begin receiving the new technology addon payment sooner, effective for
discharges the quarter after the date of
FDA marketing authorization, provided
that the technology receives FDA
marketing authorization before July 1 of
the fiscal year for which the applicant
applied for new technology add-on
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 58948 through 58958), we
finalized that, beginning with the new
technology add-on payment
applications for FY 2025, for
technologies that are not already FDA
market authorized for the indication
that is the subject of the new technology
add-on payment application, applicants
must have a complete and active FDA
market authorization request at the time
of new technology add-on payment
application submission and must
provide documentation of FDA
acceptance or filing to CMS at the time
of application submission, consistent
with the type of FDA marketing
authorization application the applicant
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has submitted to FDA. See § 412.87(e)
and further discussion in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948
through 58958). We also finalized that,
beginning with FY 2025 applications, in
order to be eligible for consideration for
the new technology add-on payment for
the upcoming fiscal year, an applicant
for new technology add-on payments
must have received FDA approval or
clearance by May 1 (rather than July 1)
of the year prior to the beginning of the
fiscal year for which the application is
being considered (except for an
application that is submitted under the
alternative pathway for certain
antimicrobial products), as reflected at
§§ 412.87(f)(2) and (f)(3), as amended
and redesignated in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948
through 58958, 88 FR 59331).
e. New Technology Liaisons
Many interested parties (including
device/biologic/drug developers or
manufacturers, industry consultants,
others) engage CMS for coverage,
coding, and payment questions or
concerns. In order to streamline
engagement by centralizing the different
innovation pathways within CMS
including new technology add-on
payments, CMS has established a team
of new technology liaisons that can
serve as an initial resource for interested
parties. This team is available to assist
with all of the following:
• Help to point interested parties to
or provide information and resources
where possible regarding process,
requirements, and timelines.
• Coordinate and facilitate
opportunities for interested parties to
engage with various CMS components.
• Serve as a primary point of contact
for interested parties and provide
updates on developments where
possible or appropriate.
We receive many questions from
parties interested in pursuing new
technology add-on payments who may
not be entirely familiar with working
with CMS. While we encourage
interested parties to first review our
resources available at https://
PPS/newtech, we know that there may
be additional questions about the
application process. Interested parties
with further questions regarding
Medicare’s coverage, coding, and
payment processes, and how they can
navigate these processes, whether for
new technology add-on payments or
otherwise, should review the updated
resource guide available at: https://
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other-interested-parties. Parties that
would like to further discuss questions
or concerns with CMS should contact
the new technology liaison team at
f. Application Information for New
Medical Services or Technologies
Applicants for add-on payments for
new medical services or technologies for
FY 2026 must submit a formal request,
including a full description of the
clinical applications of the medical
service or technology and the results of
any clinical evaluations demonstrating
that the new medical service or
technology represents a substantial
clinical improvement (unless the
application is under one of the
alternative pathways as previously
described), along with a significant
sample of data to demonstrate that the
medical service or technology meets the
high-cost threshold. CMS will review
the application based on the
information provided by the applicant
under the pathway specified by the
applicant at the time of application
submission. Complete application
information, along with final deadlines
for submitting a full application, will be
posted as it becomes available on the
CMS website at:
To allow interested parties to identify
the new medical services or
technologies under review before the
publication of the proposed rule for FY
2026, once the application deadline has
closed, CMS will post on its website a
list of the applications submitted, along
with a brief description of each
technology as provided by the
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48986
through 48990), we finalized our
proposal to publicly post online new
technology add-on payment
applications, including the completed
application forms, certain related
materials, and any additional updated
application information submitted
subsequent to the initial application
submission (except certain volume, cost
and other information identified by the
applicant as confidential), beginning
with the application cycle for FY 2024,
at the time the proposed rule is
published. We also finalized that with
the exception of information included
in a confidential information section of
the application, cost and volume
information, and materials identified by
the applicant as copyrighted and/or not
otherwise releasable to the public, the
contents of the application and related
PO 00000
Frm 00094
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
materials may be posted publicly, and
that we will not post applications that
are withdrawn prior to publication of
the proposed rule. We refer the reader
to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 48986 through 48990) for
further information regarding this
We note that the burden associated
with this information collection
requirement is the time and effort
required to collect and submit the data
in the formal request for add-on
payments for new medical services and
technologies to CMS. The
aforementioned burden is subject to the
PRA and approved under OMB control
number 0938–1347 and has an
expiration date of December 31, 2026.
2. Public Input Before Publication of a
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on AddOn Payments
Section 1886(d)(5)(K)(viii) of the Act,
as amended by section 503(b)(2) of the
MMA, provides for a mechanism for
public input before publication of a
notice of proposed rulemaking regarding
whether a medical service or technology
represents a substantial clinical
improvement. The process for
evaluating new medical service and
technology applications requires the
Secretary to do all of the following:
• Provide, before publication of a
proposed rule, for public input
regarding whether a new service or
technology represents an advance in
medical technology that substantially
improves the diagnosis or treatment of
Medicare beneficiaries.
• Make public and periodically
update a list of the services and
technologies for which applications for
add-on payments are pending.
• Accept comments,
recommendations, and data from the
public regarding whether a service or
technology represents a substantial
clinical improvement.
• Provide, before publication of a
proposed rule, for a meeting at which
organizations representing hospitals,
physicians, manufacturers, and any
other interested party may present
comments, recommendations, and data
regarding whether a new medical
service or technology represents a
substantial clinical improvement to the
clinical staff of CMS.
In order to provide an opportunity for
public input regarding add-on payments
for new medical services and
technologies for FY 2025 prior to
publication of the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule, we published a
notice in the Federal Register on
September 28, 2023 (88 FR 66850) and
held a virtual town hall meeting on
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
December 13, 2023. In the
announcement notice for the meeting,
we stated that the opinions and
presentations provided during the
meeting would assist us in our
evaluations of applications by allowing
public discussion of the substantial
clinical improvement criterion for the
FY 2025 new medical service and
technology add-on payment
applications before the publication of
the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH IPPS proposed
Approximately 130 individuals
registered to attend the virtual town hall
meeting. We posted the recordings of
the virtual town hall on the CMS web
page at:
AcuteInpatientPPS/newtech. We
considered each applicant’s
presentation made at the town hall
meeting, as well as written comments
received by the December 18, 2023
deadline, in our evaluation of the new
technology add-on payment
applications for FY 2025 in the
development of the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule. In response to the
published notice and the December 13,
2023 New Technology Town Hall
meeting, we received written comments
regarding the applications for FY 2025
new technology add-on payments. As
explained earlier and in the Federal
Register notice announcing the New
Technology Town Hall meeting (88 FR
66850 through 66853), the purpose of
the meeting was specifically to discuss
the substantial clinical improvement
criterion with regard to pending new
technology add-on payment
applications for FY 2025. Therefore, we
are not summarizing any written
comments in this proposed rule that are
unrelated to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion. In section II.E.5.
of the preamble of the proposed rule, we
are summarizing comments regarding
individual applications, or, if
applicable, indicating that there were no
comments received in response to the
New Technology Town Hall meeting
notice or New Technology Town Hall
meeting, at the end of each discussion
of the individual applications.
3. ICD–10–PCS Section ‘‘X’’ Codes for
Certain New Medical Services and
As discussed in the FY 2016 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR 49434), the
ICD–10–PCS includes a new section
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containing the new Section ‘‘X’’ codes,
which began being used with discharges
occurring on or after October 1, 2015.
Decisions regarding changes to ICD–10–
PCS Section ‘‘X’’ codes will be handled
in the same manner as the decisions for
all of the other ICD–10–PCS code
changes. That is, proposals to create,
delete, or revise Section ‘‘X’’ codes
under the ICD–10–PCS structure will be
referred to the ICD–10 Coordination and
Maintenance Committee. In addition,
several of the new medical services and
technologies that have been, or may be,
approved for new technology add-on
payments may now, and in the future,
be assigned a Section ‘‘X’’ code within
the structure of the ICD–10–PCS. We
posted ICD–10–PCS Guidelines on the
CMS website at:
Medicare/Coding/ICD10, including
guidelines for ICD–10–PCS Section ‘‘X’’
codes. We encourage providers to view
the material provided on ICD–10–PCS
Section ‘‘X’’ codes.
4. Proposed FY 2025 Status of
Technologies Receiving New
Technology Add-On Payments for FY
In this section of the proposed rule,
we discuss the proposed FY 2025 status
of 31 technologies approved for FY 2024
new technology add-on payments, as set
forth in the tables that follow.
Specifically, we present our proposals
to continue the new technology add-on
payments for FY 2025 for those
technologies that were approved for the
new technology add-on payment for FY
2024, and which would still be
considered ‘‘new’’ for purposes of new
technology add-on payments for FY
2025. We also present our proposals to
discontinue new technology add-on
payments for FY 2025 for those
technologies that were approved for the
new technology add-on payment for FY
2024, and which would no longer be
considered ‘‘new’’ for purposes of new
technology add-on payments for FY
Additionally, we note that we
conditionally approved DefenCathTM
(taurolidine/heparin) for FY 2024 new
technology add-on payments under the
alternative pathway for certain
antimicrobial products (88 FR 58942
through 58944), subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing
authorization by July 1, 2024.
DefenCathTM (taurolidine/heparin)
received FDA marketing authorization
PO 00000
Frm 00095
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
on November 15, 2023, and was eligible
to receive new technology add-on
payments in FY 2024 beginning with
discharges on or after January 1, 2024.
As DefenCathTM (taurolidine/heparin)
received FDA marketing authorization
prior to July 1, 2024, and was approved
for new technology add-on payments in
FY 2024, we are proposing to continue
making new technology add-on
payments for taurolidine/heparin for FY
Our policy is that a medical service or
technology may continue to be
considered ‘‘new’’ for purposes of new
technology add-on payments within 2 or
3 years after the point at which data
begin to become available reflecting the
inpatient hospital code assigned to the
new service or technology. Our practice
has been to begin and end new
technology add-on payments on the
basis of a fiscal year, and we have
generally followed a guideline that uses
a 6-month window before and after the
start of the fiscal year to determine
whether to extend the new technology
add-on payment for an additional fiscal
year. In general, we extend new
technology add-on payments for an
additional year only if the 3-year
anniversary date of the product’s entry
onto the U.S. market occurs in the latter
half of the fiscal year (70 FR 47362).
Table II.E.—01 lists the technologies
for which we are proposing to continue
making new technology add-on
payments for FY 2025 because they are
still considered ‘‘new’’ for purposes of
new technology add-on payments. This
table also presents the newness start
date, new technology add-on payment
start date, 3-year anniversary date of the
product’s entry onto the U.S. market,
relevant final rule citations from prior
fiscal years, proposed maximum add-on
payment amount, and coding
assignments for each technology. We
refer readers to the cited final rules in
the following table for a complete
discussion of the new technology addon payment application, coding, and
payment amount for these technologies,
including the applicable indications and
discussion of the newness start date.
We are inviting public comments on
our proposals to continue new
technology add-on payments for FY
2025 for the technologies listed in the
following table.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
88 FR 58804 through 58810
88 FR 58810 through 58818
88 FR 58818 through 58835
88 FR 58835 through 58845
88 FR 58848 through 58868
XW03358 or XW04358
XW0H7X8 or XW0DXN9
88 FR 58879 through 58885
88 FR 58885 through 58891
88 FR 58927 through 58930
XW03367 or XW04367
X2H63V9 in combination
with X2HK3V9
88 FR 58930 through 58932
88 FR 58942 through 58944
88 FR 58932 through 58935
ViviStim® Paired VNS System
GORE'• TAG'" Thoracic Branch
iFuse Bedrock Granite Implant
CYTALUX® (pafolacianine)
(ovarian indication)
CYTALUX® (pafolacianine) (lung
EPKINL Y™ (epcoritamab-bysp)
and COLUMVJ™ (glofitamabgxbm)
Lunsumio rM (mosunetuzumab)
REBYOTA™ (fecal microbiota, livejslm) and VOWST™ (fecal
microbiota spores, live-brpk)
SPEVJGO® (spesolimab)
TECVA YLJ'M (teclistamab-cqyv)
TERLIVAZ® (terlipressin)
Aveir™ AR Leadless Pacemaker
Aveir™ Dual-Chamber Leadless
Ceribe/1 Status Epilepticus
DefenCath rM (taurolidine/heparin)
EchoGo Heart Failure 1.0
Phagenyx® System
Jkt 262001
Sfmt 4725
Fmt 4701
Thoraflex™ Hybrid Device
PO 00000
48974 through
48975 through
48966 through
48961 through
48969 through
Coding Used to Identify
Cases Eligible for NTAP
Previous Final Rule Citations
Maximum NTAP
Amount for FY
88 FR 58891 through 58906
88 FR 58919 through 58923
88 FR 58923 through 58925
88 FR 58935 through 58937
X2RX0N7 in combination
with X2VW0N7
02VW3DZ in combination
with 02VX3EZ
XNH6058 or XNH6358 or
XNH7058 or XNH7358 or
XRGE058 or XRGE358 or
XRGF058 or XRGF358
8E0W0EN, 8E0W3EN,
X2KH3D9, X2KH3E9,
X2KJ3D9, or X2KJ3E9
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Newness Start
Frm 00096
00:35 May 02, 2024
Anniversary Date
of Entry onto
U.S. Market
VerDate Sep<11>2014
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Jkt 262001
Frm 00097
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Previous Final Rule Citations
88 FR 58944 through 58946
SAINT Neuromodulation System
TOPS'M System
88 FR 58937 through 58939
88 FR 58940 through 58942
88 FR 58946 through 58948
Coding Used to Identify
Cases Eligible for NTAP
XW033R9 or XW043R9
XRHB018 in combination
with M48.062
XW033K9 or XW043K9 in
combination with one of the
following: Y95 and
J15.61; ORJ95.851 and
no longer ‘‘new’’ for purposes of new
technology add-on payments. This table
making new technology add-on
payments for FY 2025 because they are
PO 00000
Newness Start
Maximum NTAP
Amount for FY
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
Table II.E.-02 lists the technologies for
which we are proposing to discontinue
VerDate Sep<11>2014
REZZA YO'M (rezafungin for
Anniversary Date
of Entry onto
U.S. Market
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
lntercept 8 Flbrlnogen Complex (PRCFC)
Date of Entry onto
U.S. Market
Previous Final Rule Citations
86 FR 45149 through 45150
86 FR 67875
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Rybf!!vant"' (amivantamab)
aprevo® lntervertebra/ Body Fusion Device {TLIF
6/30/2021 (TLIF)
6/30/2024 {TLIF)
11/15/2024 /other)
Hemolung Respiratory Assist System (RAS) (non-
COVID-19 related use)
Uvtencity'M /maribavir)
87 FR 48948 through 48954
88 FR 58800
Canary Tibial Extension (CTE) with Canary Health
Implanted Reporting Processor (CHIRP) System
88 FR 58925 through 58927
We are inviting public comments on
our proposals to discontinue new
technology add-on payments for FY
2025 for the technologies listed in Table
87 FR48913
88 FR 58800
86 FR 44988 through
87 FR48913
88 FR 58800
86 FR 45079 through
87 FR48913
88 FR 58800
86 FR 45127 through
86 FR 67874 through
87 FR48913
88 FR 58800
87 FR 48937 through
88 FR 58800
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Frm 00098
NTAP Start Date
for a complete discussion of each new
technology add-on payment application
and the coding and payment amount for
these technologies, including the
applicable indications and discussion of
the newness start date.
PO 00000
Jkt 262001
3-year Anniversary
Newness Start
also presents the newness start date,
new technology add-on payment start
date, the 3-year anniversary date of the
product’s entry onto the U.S. market,
and relevant final rule citations from
prior fiscal years. We refer readers to the
cited final rules in the following table
00:35 May 02, 2024
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
6. Proposed FY 2025 Applications for
New Technology Add-On Payments
(Traditional Pathway)
As discussed previously, in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
finalized our policy to publicly post
online applications for new technology
add-on payment beginning with FY
2024 applications (87 FR 48986 through
48990). As noted in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we are continuing
to summarize each application in this
proposed rule. However, while we are
continuing to provide discussion of the
concerns or issues we identified with
respect to applications submitted under
the traditional pathway, we are
providing more succinct information as
part of the summaries in the proposed
and final rules regarding the applicant’s
assertions as to how the medical service
or technology meets the newness, cost,
and substantial clinical improvement
criteria. We refer readers to https://
ntap for the publicly posted FY 2025
new technology add-on payment
applications and supporting information
(with the exception of certain cost and
volume information, and information or
materials identified by the applicant as
confidential or copyrighted), including
tables listing the ICD–10–CM codes,
ICD–10–PCS codes, and/or MS–DRGs
related to the analyses of the cost
criterion for certain technologies for the
FY 2025 new technology add-on
payment applications.
We received 16 applications for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2025 under the new technology add-on
payment traditional pathway. As
discussed previously, in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948
through 58958), we finalized that
beginning with the new technology addon payment applications for FY 2025,
for technologies that are not already
FDA market authorized for the
indication that is the subject of the new
technology add-on payment application,
applicants must have a complete and
active FDA market authorization request
at the time of new technology add-on
payment application submission and
must provide documentation of FDA
acceptance or filing to CMS at the time
of application submission, consistent
with the type of FDA marketing
authorization application the applicant
has submitted to FDA. See § 412.87(e)
and further discussion in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948
through 58958). Of the 16 applications
received under the traditional pathway,
one applicant was not eligible for
consideration for new technology addon payment because it did not meet
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
these requirements, and three applicants
withdrew their application prior to the
issuance of this proposed rule. In
accordance with the regulations under
§ 412.87(f), applicants for FY 2025 new
technology add-on payments must have
received FDA approval or clearance by
May 1 of the year prior to the beginning
of the fiscal year for which the
application is being considered. We are
addressing the remaining 12
applications. We note that the
manufacturer for CasgevyTM
(exagamglogene autotemcel) submitted a
single application, but for two separate
indications, each of which is discussed
separately in this section.
a. CASGEVYTM (exagamglogene
autotemcel) First Indication: Sickle Cell
Disease (SCD)
Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for
CasgevyTM for FY 2025 for use in sickle
cell disease. According to the applicant,
CasgevyTM is a one-time, clustered
regularly interspaced short palindromic
repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated
protein 9 (Cas9) modified autologous
cluster of differentiation (CD)34+
hematopoietic stem & progenitor cell
(HSPC) cellular therapy approved for
the treatment of sickle cell disease
(SCD) in patients 12 years and older
with recurrent vaso-occlusive crises
(VOC). Per the applicant, using a
CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technique,
the patient’s CD34+ HSPCs are edited ex
vivo via Cas9, a nuclease enzyme that
uses a highly specific guide ribonucleic
acid (gRNA), at the critical transcription
factor binding site GATA1 in the
erythroid specific enhancer region of the
B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11A
(BCL11A) gene. According to the
applicant, as a result of the editing,
GATA1 binding is irreversibly
disrupted, and BCL11A expression is
reduced, resulting in an increased
production of fetal hemoglobin (HbF),
and recapitulating a naturally occurring,
clinically benign condition called
hereditary persistence of fetal
hemoglobin (HPFH) that reduces or
eliminates SCD symptoms. As stated by
the applicant, CasgevyTM infusion
induces increased HbF production in
SCD patients to ≥20 percent, which is
known to be associated with fewer SCD
complications via addressing the
underlying cause of SCD by preventing
RBC sickling. We note that the applicant
is also seeking new technology add-on
payments for CasgevyTM for FY 2025 for
use in treating transfusion-dependent
beta thalassemia (TDT), as discussed
separately later in this section.
PO 00000
Frm 00099
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Please refer to the online application
posting for CasgevyTM, available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by
the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion,
according to the applicant, CasgevyTM
was granted Biologics License
Application (BLA) approval from FDA
on December 8, 2023, for treatment of
SCD in patients 12 years of age or older
with recurrent VOCs. According to the
applicant, CasgevyTM became
commercially available immediately
after FDA approval. CasgevyTM is
available in 20 mL vials containing 4 to
13 × 106 CD34+ cells/mL frozen in 1.5
to 20 mL of solution. The minimum
dose is 3 × 106 CD34+ cells per kg of
body weight, which may be contained
within multiple vials.
Effective April 1, 2023, the following
ICD–10–PCS codes may be used to
uniquely describe procedures involving
the use of CasgevyTM: XW133J8
(Transfusion of exagamglogene
autotemcel into peripheral vein,
percutaneous approach, new technology
group 8) and XW143J8 (Transfusion of
exagamglogene autotemcel into central
vein, percutaneous approach, new
technology group 8). The applicant
provided a list of ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes that may be used to identify this
indication for CasgevyTM. Please refer to
the online application posting for the
complete list of ICD–10–CM codes
provided by the applicant. We believe
the relevant ICD–10–CM codes to
identify the indication of SCD would be:
D57.1 (Sickle-cell disease without
crisis), D57.20 (Sickle-cell/Hb-C disease
without crisis), D57.40 (Sickle-cell
thalassemia without crisis), D57.42
(Sickle-cell thalassemia beta zero
without crisis), D57.44 (Sickle-cell
thalassemia beta plus without crisis), or
D57.80 (Other sickle-cell disorders
without crisis). We are inviting public
comments on the use of these ICD–10–
CM diagnosis codes to identify the
indication of SCD for purposes of the
new technology add-on payment, if
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that CasgevyTM is not substantially
similar to other currently available
technologies, because CasgevyTM is the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
first approved therapy to use CRISPR
gene editing technology and no other
approved technology uses the same or a
similar mechanism of action; and
therefore, the technology meets the
Substantial Similaritv Criteria
newness criterion. The following table
summarizes the applicant’s assertions
regarding the substantial similarity
criteria. Please see the online
application posting for CasgevyTM for
Annlicant Resoonse
Does the technology use the same or
similar mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic outcome?
Is the technology assigned to the same
MS-DRG as existing technologies?
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Does new use of the technology
involve the treatment of the
same/similar type of disease and the
same/similar patient population when
compared to an existine: technoloe:v?
We note that CasgevyTM may have the
same or similar mechanism of action to
LyfgeniaTM, for which we also received
an application for new technology addon payments for FY 2025. CasgevyTM
and LyfgeniaTM are both gene therapies
using modified autologous CD34+
hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell
(HSPC) therapies administered via stem
cell transplantation for the treatment of
SCD. LyfgeniaTM was approved by FDA
for this indication on December 8, 2023.
We note that both technologies are
autologous, ex-vivo modified
hematopoietic stem-cell biological
products. For these technologies,
patients are required to undergo CD34+
HSPC mobilization followed by
apheresis to extract CD34+ HSPCs for
manufacturing and then myeloablative
conditioning using busulfan to deplete
the patient’s bone marrow in
preparation for the technologies’
modified stem cells to engraft to the
bone marrow. Once engraftment occurs
for both technologies, the patient’s cells
start to produce a different form of
hemoglobin in order to reduce the
sickling hemoglobin. Further, both
technologies appear to map to the same
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Aoolicant assertions ree:ardine: this criterion
Casgevy™ is the first technology to use the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing
mechanism of action. No other approved technologies use this mechanism of
action, and CRISPR technology has never previously been used in humans
outside of clinical trials. CasgevyTM is a one-time treatment that uses ex vivo
non-viral CRISPR/Cas9 to precisely edit the erythroid-specific enhancer region
ofBCLl lA in CD34+ HSPCs. The technology consists of the Cas9 nuclease and
single guide RNA ( sgRNA ), which together form a ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
complex. The Ca~9/sgRNA complex hinds DNA at a precise location, and Ca~9
cuts the DNA strand, generating a DNA double-stranded break. Naturally
occurring DNA repair systems are activated to resolve the double-strand break.
These changes in the target DNA sequence suppress the RCT, 11 A gene and
reactivate production ofHbF. While other therapeutic approaches such as
Hydrm,'Yfilea impact production ofHbF, no other approved technology has been
able to reactivate production of endogenous HbF to levels known to eliminate
disease complications (for example, VOCs), consistent with individuals with a
clinically benign condition called HPFH who experience no or minimal disease
complications from SCD when thev co-inherit bothHPFH and SCD.
In the FY 2024 IPPS Final Rule, CMS finalized assignment of the ICD-10--PCS
codes (XW133J8 and XW143J8) describing the transfusion ofCasgevy™ to MSDRGs 016 and 017. MS-DRGs 016 and 017 are also currently used for
autologous stem-cell transplants but not allogeneic stem cell transplants currently
used in the treatment of SCD. Allogeneic stem cell transplants are reimbursed on
a reasonable cost basis by operation of section 1886(dXSXM) of the Social
Securitv J\.ct.
Casgevy™ is the first therapy to use the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing mechanism
of action. There are currently several approved therapies that are used to treat
patients living with SClJ. However, no other approved single product would act
as a stand-alone one-time treatment intended permanently to address the root
cause ofSCD.
MS–DRGs, MS–DRG 016 (Autologous
Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC)
and 017 (Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant without CC/MCC), and to
treat the same or similar disease (sickle
cell disease) in the same or similar
patient population (patients 12 years of
age and older who have a history of
vaso-occlusive events). Accordingly, as
it appears that CasgevyTM and
LyfgeniaTM may use the same or similar
mechanism of action to achieve a
therapeutic outcome (that is, to reduce
the amount of sickling hemoglobin to
reduce and prevent VOEs associated
with SCD), would be assigned to the
same MS–DRG, and treat the same or
similar patient population and disease,
we believe that these technologies may
be substantially similar to each other
such that they should be considered as
a single application for purposes of new
technology add-on payments. We note
that if we determine that this technology
is substantially similar to LyfgeniaTM,
we believe the newness period would
begin on December 8, 2023, the date
both CasgevyTM and LyfgeniaTM
received FDA approval for SCD. We are
interested in information on how these
PO 00000
Frm 00100
the applicant’s complete statements in
support of its assertion that CasgevyTM
is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies.
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
two technologies may differ from each
other with respect to the substantial
similarity criteria and newness
criterion, to inform our analysis of
whether CasgevyTM and LyfgeniaTM are
substantially similar to each other and
therefore should be considered as a
single application for purposes of new
technology add-on payments.
We are inviting public comments on
whether CasgevyTM meets the newness
criterion, including whether CasgevyTM
is substantially similar to LyfgeniaTM
and whether these technologies should
be evaluated as a single technology for
purposes of new technology add-on
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR and provided multiple
analyses to demonstrate that CasgevyTM
meets the cost criterion. The applicant
included two cohorts in the analyses to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for
CasgevyTM: the first cohort included all
cases in MS–DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone
Marrow Transplant) to account for the
low volume of SCD or transfusiondependent beta thalassemia (TDT) cases,
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
and the second cohort included cases in
MS–DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow
Transplant) with any ICD–10–CM
diagnosis code of SCD or TDT. The
applicant explained that the cost
analyses for SCD and TDT were
combined because the volume of cases
with a sickle cell disease or beta
thalassemia diagnosis code was very
low, and because it believed both
indications would be approved in time
for new technology add-on payment. In
addition, the applicant noted that when
searching for cases in DRG 014 with
SCD or beta thalassemia diagnosis
codes, there were no beta thalassemia
cases. The applicant noted that cases
included in the analysis may not be a
completely accurate representation of
cases that will be eligible for CasgevyTM
but that the analyses were provided in
recognition of the low volume of cases.
The applicant performed two analyses
for each cohort: one with all prior drug
charges maintained, representing a
scenario in which there is no change to
patient drug regimen with the use of
CasgevyTM; and the other with all prior
drug charges removed, representing a
scenario in which no ancillary drugs are
used in the treatment of CasgevyTM
patients. Per the applicant, this was
done because some patients receiving
CasgevyTM could receive fewer ancillary
drugs during the inpatient stay, but it
was difficult to know with certainty
whether this would be the case or to
identify the exact differences in drug
regimens between patients receiving
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
CasgevyTM and those receiving
allogeneic bone marrow transplants.
The applicant noted the analyses with
drug charges removed were likely an
over-estimation of the ancillary drug
charges that would be removed in cases
involving the use of CasgevyTM, but
these were provided as sensitivity
According to the applicant, eligible
cases for CasgevyTM will be mapped to
either Pre-MDC MS–DRG 016
(Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant
with CC/MCC) or Pre-MDC MS–DRG
017 (Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant without CC/MCC),
depending on whether complications or
comorbidities (CCs) or major
complications or comorbidities (MCCs)
are present. For each analysis, the
applicant used the FY 2025 new
technology add-on payment threshold
for Pre-MDC MS–DRG 016 for all
identified cases, because it was typically
higher than the threshold for Pre-MDC
MS–DRG 017. Each analysis followed
the order of operations described in the
table later in this section.
For the first cohort, the applicant
included all cases associated with MS–
DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow
Transplant). The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the following table and identified 996
claims mapping to MS–DRG 014. With
all prior drug charges maintained
(Scenario 1), the applicant calculated a
final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
PO 00000
Frm 00101
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
$12,325,062, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491. With all prior drug charges
removed (Scenario 2), the applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $12,181,526, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491.
For the second cohort, the applicant
searched for cases within MS–DRG 014
(Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant)
with any ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes
representing SCD or TDT. The applicant
used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table and
identified 11 claims mapping to MS–
DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow
Transplant). With all prior drug charges
maintained (Scenario 3), the applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $12,125,212, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491. With all prior drug charges
removed (Scenario 4), the applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $12,086,551, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491.
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant maintained that
CasgevyTM meets the cost criterion.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and Time
FY 2022 Med.PAR File
List ofICD-10-CM codes
For the list ofICD-10-CM codes, see the online posting for Casgevy™.
List ofMS-DRGs
014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC)
Cohort 1: The applicant included all cases assigned to MS-DRG 0 14 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow
Charges removed for prior
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Standardized charges
Cohort 2: The applicant searched for cases within MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant)
with any ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes representing SCD or IDT using the codes listed in the online
oosting for Casgevv™.
Scenarios 1 and 3 (the first scenario of each cohort): The applicant removed 100% of charges associated
with allogeneic bone marrow transplants, as treatment with Casgevy™ would eliminate the need for an
allo-HSCT. The applicant did not remove any indirect charges related to ancillary drugs.
Scenarios 2 and 4 (the second scenario of each cohort): The applicant removed 100% of charges
associated with allogeneic bone marrow transplants, as treatment with Casgevy™ would eliminate the
need for an allo-HSCT. The annlicant removed all indirect charnes related to ancillarv drugs.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
Inflation factor
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 11.9% to the standardized charges, based on the two-year
inflation factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Charges added for the new
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by the
national average cost-to-charge ratio of0.184 for drugs from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The aoolicant did not add indirect charges related to the new technology.
We are inviting public comments on
whether CasgevyTM meets the cost
With regard to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion, the applicant
asserted that CasgevyTM represents a
substantial clinical improvement over
existing technologies because it is
anticipated to expand patient eligibility
for potentially curative SCD therapies,
have improved clinical outcomes
relative to available therapies, and avoid
certain serious risks or side effects
associated with existing potentially
curative treatment options for SCD. The
applicant provided one study to support
these claims, as well as eight
background articles about clinical
outcomes and safety risks of other SCD
17 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachments included
in the online posting for the technology.
18 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00102
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
treatments.18 The following table
summarizes the applicant’s assertions
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion. Please see the
online posting for CasgevyTM for the
applicant’s complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
exclusion criteria
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology offers a treatment option for a patient population unresponsive to,
or inelh!ible for currently available treatments.
Applicant statements in
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
Casgevy™ is anticipated to
CASGEVY (exagamglogene autotemcel) [package insert]. Boston, MA: Vertex Phannaceuticals, Inc.;
expand patient eligibility
for potentially curative
therapies for SCD due to
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via the
the lack of necessity for
online posting for the technology.
HLA-matching as an
autoloe:ous therapy.
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #2: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services or
technoloe:ies previously available.
Applicant statements in
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
Casgevy™ is the first gene
The applicant provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via the
therapy specifically
online posting for the technology.
approved for the treatment
of SCD in patients 12 years
and older with recurrent
Casgevy™ is anticipated to
Locatelli F, et al. Presented at the 28th Annual European Hematology Association; 11 June 2023.
have significantly improved Frangoul H, et al. Presented at the 65th Annual American Society of Hematology. 11 Dec 2023.
clinical outcomes relative
to available therapies as
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via the
shown by elimination of
online posting for the technology.
severe VOCs in SCD
patients 12 years and older
with recurrent VOCs.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Casgevy™ is expected to
avoid certain serious risks
or side effects associated
with existing potentially.
curative treatment options
CASGEVY (exagamglogene autotemcel) [package insert]. Boston, MA: Vertex Phannaceuticals, Inc.;
Locatelli F, et al. Presented at the 28th Annual European Hematology Association; 11 June 2023.
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via the
online oosting for the technology_
Locatelli F, et al. Presented at the 28th Annual European Hematology Association; 11 June 2023.
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via the
online posting for the technology.
After review of the information
provided by the applicant, we have the
following concerns regarding whether
CasgevyTM meets the substantial clinical
improvement criterion. We note that the
only assessment of the technology
submitted was from conference
presentations that provide data on the
ongoing CLIMB–121 trial, a phase 1/2/
3 single-arm trial assessing a single dose
of CasgevyTM in patients 12 to 35 years
old with SCD and a history of 2 or more
severe VOCs per year over 2 years. The
most recent data presented at ASH in
December 2023,19 which appears to
supersede the earlier results from
Locatelli et al. (2023),20 indicates 44
19 Frangoul H, et al. Presented at the 65th Annual
American Society of Hematology. 11 Dec 2023.
20 Locatelli F, et al. Presented at the 28th Annual
European Hematology Association; 11 June 2023.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
participants received CasgevyTM for
SCD, of which only 30 participants were
evaluable for the primary and key
secondary endpoints because they were
followed for at least 16 months (up to
45.5 months) post CasgevyTM infusion.
The applicant stated 96.7% of patients
achieved the primary efficacy endpoint
(free of severe VOCs for at least 12
consecutive months) and 100% of
patients achieved the key secondary
efficacy endpoint (free from in-patient
hospitalization for severe VOCs for at
least 12 consecutive months).
Additionally, the applicant noted a
safety profile consistent with
myeloablative busulfan and autologous
HSCT and that there were no
malignancies nor serious adverse events
related to CasgevyTM. However, we note
that the provided evidence did not
include peer-reviewed literature that
PO 00000
Frm 00103
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
directly assessed the use of CasgevyTM
for SCD. We also question whether the
small study population may limit the
generalizability of these study outcomes
to a Medicare population. In addition,
from the evidence submitted, we were
also unable to determine where the
study took place (that is, within the U.S.
or in locations outside the U.S), which
may also limit generalizability to the
Medicare population. Additionally, we
question if the short follow-up duration
is sufficient to assess improvements in
long-term clinical outcomes.
Furthermore, the applicant asserted
that CasgevyTM significantly improves
clinical outcomes relative to services or
technologies previously available.
Regarding the claim that CasgevyTM is
the first gene therapy specifically
approved for the treatment of SCD in
patients 12 years and older with
Casgevy™ is expected to
avoid certain serious risks
or side effects associated
with approved viral-based
gene therapies for SCD.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
recurrent VOCs, the applicant claims it
was first to submit and have their BLA
accepted for a genetic therapy for
treatment of SCD. The applicant states
the PDUFA date for CasgevyTM of
December 8, 2023, and the PDUFA data
for another gene therapy for SCD is
December 20, 2023, and that Casgevy
and another product were both
approved on December 8, 2023, as the
first gene therapies for SCD. However,
while this claim was made in support of
the assertion that CasgevyTM
significantly improves clinical
outcomes, we note that the information
submitted regarding PDUFA dates and
FDA approvals does not appear to
provide data regarding a significantly
improved clinical outcome under
§ 412.87(b)(1)(ii)(C).
With regards to the claim that
CasgevyTM is expected to avoid certain
serious risks or side effects associated
with approved viral-based gene
therapies for SCD, the applicant cites
the potential risk of insertional
oncogenesis after treatment with
LyfgeniaTM per the package insert for
this other gene therapy for SCD. We
note that because clinical trials are
conducted under widely varying
conditions, we question whether
adverse reaction rates observed in the
clinical trials of one drug can be directly
compared to rates in the clinical trials
of another drug. We also question if the
follow-up duration for patients treated
with CasgevyTM is sufficient to assess
improvement in the rate of malignancy.
With regard to the claim that
CasgevyTM is expected to avoid certain
serious risks or side effects associated
with existing potentially curative
treatment options for SCD, the applicant
states that there are significant risks
associated with allo-HSCT, including
graft failure (up to 9 percent frequency),
acute and chronic graft-versus-host
disease (GVHD) (with chronic GVHD up
to 18 percent frequency), severe
infection, hematologic malignancy,
bleeding events, and death. In contrast,
the applicant claims CasgevyTM does not
require an allogeneic donor as each
patient is their own donor and therefore
does not have risks of acute and chronic
GVHD or immunologic risks of
secondary graft failure/rejection, in
addition to not requiring post-transplant
immunosuppressive therapies.
However, we would be interested in
additional evidence regarding the
frequency and clinical relevance of side
effects such as severe infection,
hematologic malignancy, bleeding
events, and death for both therapies.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
We are inviting public comments on
whether CasgevyTM meets the
substantial clinical improvement
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for CasgevyTM.
b. CasgevyTM (exagamglogene
autotemcel) Second Indication:
Transfusion-Dependent b-Thalassemia
Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for
CasgevyTM for FY 2025 for TDT.
According to the applicant, CasgevyTM
is a one-time, clustered regularly
interspaced short palindromic repeats
(CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9
(Cas9) modified autologous cluster of
differentiation (CD)34+ hematopoietic
stem & progenitor cell (HSPC) cellular
therapy indicated for the treatment of
transfusion-dependent b-thalassemia
(TDT) in patients 12 years of age or
older. Per the applicant, using a
CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technique,
the patient’s CD34+ HSPCs are edited ex
vivo via Cas9, a nuclease enzyme that
uses a highly specific guide ribonucleic
acid (gRNA), at the critical transcription
factor binding site GATA1 in the
erythroid specific enhancer region of the
B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11A
(BCL11A) gene. According to the
applicant, as a result of the editing,
GATA1 binding is irreversibly
disrupted, and BCL11A expression is
reduced, resulting in an increased
production of fetal hemoglobin (HbF).
As stated by the applicant, this increase
in HbF recapitulates a naturally
occurring, clinically benign condition
called hereditary persistence of fetal
hemoglobin (HPFH). The applicant
states that as a result, CasgevyTM
infusion induces increased HbF
production in TDT patients so that
circulating red blood cells (RBC) exhibit
nearly 100 percent HbF, eliminating the
need for RBC transfusions. As
previously discussed earlier in this
section, the applicant is also seeking
new technology add-on payments for
CasgevyTM for FY 2025 for use in
treating SCD.
Please refer to the online application
posting for CasgevyTM, available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by
the technology.
PO 00000
Frm 00104
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
With respect to the newness criterion,
according to the applicant, CasgevyTM
was granted Biologics License
Application (BLA) approval from FDA
on January 16, 2024, for the treatment of
TDT in patients 12 years of age and
older. The applicant also explained that
the minimum dosage of CasgevyTM is
3x106 CD34 + cells per kg of patient’s
weight. A single dose of CasgevyTM is
supplied in one or more vials, with each
vial containing 4 to 13x106 cells/mL
suspended in 1.5 to 20 mL of cryopreservative medium.
Effective April 1, 2023, the following
ICD–10–PCS codes may be used to
uniquely describe procedures involving
the use of CasgevyTM: XW133J8
(Transfusion of exagamglogene
autotemcel into peripheral vein,
percutaneous approach, new technology
group 8) and XW143J8 (Transfusion of
exagamglogene autotemcel into central
vein, percutaneous approach, new
technology group 8). The applicant
provided a list of diagnosis codes that
may be used to currently identify this
indication for CasgevyTM under the
ICD–10–CM coding system. Please refer
to the online application posting for the
complete list of ICD–10–CM codes
provided by the applicant. We believe
the relevant ICD–10–CM codes to
identify the indication of TDT would be:
D56.1 (Beta thalassemia), D56.2 (Deltabeta thalassemia), or D56.5 (Hemoglobin
E-beta thalassemia). We are inviting
public comments on the use of these
ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes to identify
the indication of TDT for purposes of
the new technology add-on payment, if
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that CasgevyTM is not substantially
similar to other currently available
technologies because CasgevyTM is the
first approved therapy to use CRISPR
gene editing as its mechanism of action,
and therefore, the technology meets the
newness criterion. The following table
summarizes the applicant’s assertions
regarding the substantial similarity
criteria. Please see the online
application posting for CasgevyTM for
the applicant’s complete statements in
support of its assertion that CasgevyTM
is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Aoolicant Response
Does the technology use the same
or similar mechanism of action
to achieve a therapeutic
Is the technology assigned to the
same MS-DRG as existing
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Does new use of the technology
involve the treatment of the
same/similar type of disease and
the same/similar patient
population when compared to an
existing technology?
We question whether CasgevyTM may
be the same or similar to other gene
therapies used to treat TDT, specifically
ZyntegloTM, which was approved for
treatment of TDT on August 17, 2022.
CasgevyTM and ZyntegloTM are both
gene therapies using modified
autologous CD34+ HSPC therapies
administered via stem cell
transplantation for the treatment of
TDT. Both technologies are autologous,
ex-vivo modified hematopoietic stemcell biological products. For these
technologies, patients are required to
undergo CD34+ HSPC mobilization
followed by apheresis to extract CD34+
HSPCs for manufacturing and then
myeloablative conditioning using
busulfan to deplete the patient’s bone
marrow in preparation for the
technologies’ modified stem cells to
engraft to the bone marrow. Once
engraftment occurs, the patient’s cells
start to produce a different form of
hemoglobin to increase total
hemoglobin and reduce the need for
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
Aoolicant assertions regarding this criterion
Casgevy™ is the first technology to use the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing
mechanism of action. No other approved technologies use this mechanism of
action, and CRISPR technology has never previously been used in humans
outside of clinical trials. Casgevy™ is a one-time treatment that uses ex vivo
non-viral CRISPR/Cas9 to precisely edit the erythroid-specific enhancer
region ofBCT, 11 A in CD34+ HSPCs. The technology consists of the Cas9
nuclease and single guide RNA (sgRNA), which together form a
ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complex. The Cas9/sgRNA complex binds DNA at
a precise location, and Cas9 cuts the DNA strand, generating a DNA doublestranded break. Naturally occurring DNA repair systems are activated to
resolve the double-strand break. These changes in the target DNA sequence
suppress the BCLI IA gene and reactivate production ofHbF. While other
therapeutic approaches such as Hydroxyurea impact production ofHbF, no
other approved technology has been able to reactivate production of
endogenous HbF to levels known to eliminate disease complications (for
example, transfusion dependence), consistent with individuals with a
clinically benign condition called HPFH who experience no or minimal
disease complications from IDT when they co-inherit both HPFH and IDT.
There is a currently approved viral-based gene therapy for treatment of adult
and pediatric patients with B-thalassemia who require regular REC
transfusions; however, this gene therapy, Zynteglo™ (betibeglogene
autotemcel ), utilizes a different mechanism of action, using a different
technology called gene transfer to use a modified, inert lentivirus to add
working exogenous copies of the beta-globin gene to increase functional
hemoglobin A.
In the FY 2024 IPPS final rule, CMS finalized assignment of the I CD-10PCS codes (XWl 33J8 and XWl 43J8) describing the transfusion of exa-cel
to MS-DRGs 016 and 017. MS-DRGs 016 and 017 are also currently used
for autologous stem-cell transplants-but not allogeneic stem cell
transplants currently used in the treatment of IDT. Allogeneic stem cell
transplants are reimbursed on a reasonable cost basis by operation of section
1886(d)(5)(M) of the Act.
Casgevy™ is the first therapy to use the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing
mechanism of action. No other approved single product would act as a
stand-alone one-time treatment intended permanently to address the root
cause of both SCD and IDT.
RBC transfusions. Therefore, it appears
as if CasgevyTM and ZyntegloTM would
use a similar mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic outcome for the
treatment of TDT. Further, both
technologies appear to map to the same
MS–DRGs, MS–DRG 016 (Autologous
Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC)
and 017 (Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant without CC/MCC), and to
treat the same or similar disease (beta
thalassemia) in the same or similar
patient population (patients who require
regular blood transfusions).
Accordingly, we believe that these
technologies may be substantially
similar to each other. We note that if
CasgevyTM is substantially similar to
ZyntegloTM for the treatment of TDT, we
believe the newness period for this
technology would begin on August 17,
2022, with the Biologics License
Application (BLA) approval date for
We are inviting public comments on
whether CasgevyTM is substantially
PO 00000
Frm 00105
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
similar to existing technologies and
whether CasgevyTM meets the newness
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR and provided multiple
analyses to demonstrate that CasgevyTM
meets the cost criterion. The applicant
included two cohorts in the analyses to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for
CasgevyTM: the first cohort included all
cases in MS–DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone
Marrow Transplant) to account for the
low volume of sickle cell disease (SCD)
or TDT cases, and the second cohort
included cases in MS–DRG 014
(Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant)
with any ICD–10–CM diagnosis code of
SCD or TDT. The applicant explained
that the cost analyses for SCD and TDT
were combined because the volume of
cases with a sickle cell disease or beta
thalassemia diagnosis code was very
small, and because it believed both
indications would be approved in time
Substantial Similarity Criteria
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
for new technology add-on payment. In
addition, the applicant noted that when
searching for cases in DRG 014 with
SCD or beta thalassemia diagnosis
codes, there were no beta thalassemia
cases. The applicant noted that cases
included in the analysis may not be a
completely accurate representation of
cases that will be eligible for CasgevyTM
but that the analyses were provided in
recognition of the low volume of cases.
The applicant performed two analyses
for each cohort: one with all prior drug
charges maintained, representing a
scenario in which there is no change to
patient drug regimen with the use of
CasgevyTM; and the other with all prior
drug charges removed, representing a
scenario in which no ancillary drugs are
used in the treatment of CasgevyTM
patients. Per the applicant, this was
done because some patients receiving
CasgevyTM could receive fewer ancillary
drugs during the inpatient stay, but it
was difficult to know with certainty
whether this would be the case or to
identify the exact differences in drug
regimens between patients receiving
CasgevyTM and those receiving
allogeneic bone marrow transplants.
The applicant notes the analyses with
drug charges removed were likely an
over-estimation of the ancillary drug
charges that would be removed in cases
involving the use of CasgevyTM, but
these were provided as sensitivity
According to the applicant, eligible
cases for CasgevyTM will be mapped to
either Pre-MDC MS–DRG 016
(Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant
with CC/MCC) or Pre-MDC MS–DRG
017 (Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant without CC/MCC),
depending on whether complications or
comorbidities (CCs) or major
complications or comorbidities (MCCs)
are present. For each analysis, the
applicant used the FY 2025 new
technology add-on payment threshold
for Pre-MDC MS–DRG 016 for all
identified cases, because it was typically
higher than the threshold for Pre-MDC
MS–DRG 017. Each analysis followed
the order of operations described in the
table later in this section.
For the first cohort, the applicant
included all cases associated with MS–
DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow
Transplant). The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the following table and identified 996
claims mapping to MS–DRG 014. With
all prior drug charges maintained
(Scenario 1), the applicant calculated a
final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$12,325,062, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491. With all prior drug charges
removed (Scenario 2), the applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $12,181,526, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491.
For the second cohort, the applicant
searched for cases within MS–DRG 014
(Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant)
with any ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes
representing SCD or TDT. The applicant
used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table and
identified 11 claims mapping to MS–
DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow
Transplant). With all prior drug charges
maintained (Scenario 3), the applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $12,125,212, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491. With all prior drug charges
removed (Scenario 4), the applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $12,086,551, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491.
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant asserted that
CasgevyTM meets the cost criterion.
Data Source and Time Period
FY 2022 Med.PAR File
List ofICD-10-CM codes
For 1he list ofICD-10-CM codes, see 1he online posting for Casgevy™.
List ofMS-DRGs
0 14 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transolant with CC/MCC)
Cohort 1: The applicant included all cases assigned to MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow
exclusion criteria
Cohort 2: The applicant searched for cases wi1hin MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Done Marrow Transplant)
wi1h any ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes representing SCD or IDT using 1he codes listed in 1he online
posting for Casgevv™.
Scenarios 1 and 3 (the first scenario of each cohort): The applicant removed 100% of charges associated
wi1h allogeneic bone marrow transplants, as treatment wi1h CasgevyTM would eliminate 1he need for an
allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant (allo-HSCT). The applicant did not remove any indirect
charges related to ancillary drugs.
Charges removed for prior
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Standardized charges
Inflation factor
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 11. 9% to the standardized charges, based on the two-year
inflation factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in 1he FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS fmal rule.
Charges added for the new
The applicant added charges for 1he new technology by dividing the cost of 1he new technology by 1he
national average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.184 for drugs from 1he FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant did not add indirect charges related to the new technology_
21 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS-DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
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Scenarios 2 and 4 (1he second scenario of each cohort): The applicant removed 100% of charges
associated wi1h allogeneic bone marrow transplants, as treatment with Casgevy™ would elim.inate the
need for an allo-HSCT. The applicant removed all indirect charges related to ancillarv drugs.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in 1he Standardizing File posted with 1he FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We are inviting public comments on
whether CasgevyTM meets the cost
With regard to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion, the applicant
asserted that CasgevyTM represents a
substantial clinical improvement over
existing technologies because it is
expected to avoid certain serious risks
or side effects associated with the
existing approved gene therapy for TDT,
ZyntegloTM. The applicant provided one
study to support these claims, as well as
two package inserts.22 The following
table summarizes the applicant’s
assertion regarding the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. Please
see the online posting for CasgevyTM for
the applicant’s complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services or technologies
previously available.
Applicant statements in support
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
Casgevy™ is expected to avoid
CASGEVY (exagamglogene autotemcel) [package insert]. Boston, MA: Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.;
certain serious risks or side effects
associated with approved viralLocatelli F, et al. Presented at the 28th Annual European Hematology Association; 11 June 2023.
based gene therapies for TDT.
After review of the information
provided by the applicant, we have the
following concerns regarding whether
CasgevyTM meets the substantial clinical
improvement criterion. We note that the
provided evidence did not include any
peer-reviewed literature that directly
assessed the use of CasgevyTM for TDT.
We note that the only assessment of the
technology submitted was from a
conference presentation 23 that provides
data on the CLIMB–111 trial, an ongoing
phase 1/2/3 single-arm trial assessing a
single dose of CasgevyTM in patients 12
to 35 years old with TDT. The data
submitted by the applicant indicated 48
participants aged 12 to 35 years received
CasgevyTM for TDT, of which only 27
participants were evaluable for the
primary and key secondary endpoints
because they were followed for at least
16 months (up to 43.7 months) after
CasgevyTM infusion. Per the applicant’s
conference presentation, 88.9% of
participants achieved both the primary
efficacy endpoint (transfusion
independence for 12 consecutive
months while maintaining a weighted
average hemoglobin of at least 9 g/dL)
and the key secondary efficacy endpoint
(transfusion independence for 6
consecutive months while maintaining a
weighted average hemoglobin of at least
9 g/dL). The applicant noted that two
patients had serious adverse events
related to CasgevyTM. Due to the small
study population and the median age of
participants in the study, we question if
these study outcomes would be
generalizable to a Medicare population.
In addition, from the evidence
submitted, we were also unable to
determine where the study took place
(that is, within the U.S. or in locations
outside the U.S), which may also limit
generalizability to the Medicare
population. We also question if the
short follow-up duration is sufficient to
assess improvements in long-term
clinical outcomes.
Furthermore, with regard to the claim
that CasgevyTM is expected to avoid
certain serious risks or side effects
associated with approved viral-based
gene therapies for TDT, the applicant
stated that ZyntegloTM utilizes gene
transfer to use a modified, inert
lentivirus to add working exogenous
copies of the b-globin gene to increase
functional hemoglobin A; due to this
mechanism of action and the semirandom nature of viral integration, the
applicant stated that treatment with
ZyntegloTM carries the risk of lentiviral
vector (LVV)-mediated insertional
oncogenesis after treatment. The
applicant explained that CasgevyTM is
an autologous ex-vivo modified
hematopoietic stem-cell biological
product which uses a non-viral
mechanism of action (CRISPR/Cas9 gene
editing), and therefore, this technology
does not carry a risk for insertional
oncogenesis. The applicant also noted
that gene editing approaches, including
CRISPR/Cas9, have the potential to
produce off-target edits, but in trials to
date, off-target gene editing has not been
observed in the edited CD34+ cells from
healthy donors or patients. We note that
we are unclear regarding the frequency
and related clinical relevance of LVVmediated oncogenesis. We also question
if the follow-up duration for patients
treated with CasgevyTM is sufficient to
assess improvement in the rate of
malignancy. We would be interested in
more information on the overall safety
profile comparison between CasgevyTM
and ZyntegloTM, as well as any
comparisons of CasgevyTM to another
potentially curative treatment,
allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
transplant for patients with TDT.
We are inviting public comments on
whether CasgevyTM meets the
substantial clinical improvement
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for CasgevyTM.
22 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
23 Locatelli F, et al. Presented at the 28th Annual
European Hematology Association; 11 June 2023.
24 NASDAQ. Marizyme, Inc. Completes
Acquisition of Somahlution, Inc. and Raises $7.0
Million in Private Placement | Nasdaq (accessed 1/
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c. DuraGraft® (Vascular Conduit
Marizyme, Inc. submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for DuraGraft® for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, DuraGraft®
is an intraoperative vein-graft
preservation solution used during the
harvesting and grafting interval during
coronary artery bypass graft surgery
(CABG). The applicant stated that the
use of DuraGraft® does not change
clinical/surgical practice; it replaces
solutions currently used for flushing
and storage of the saphenous vein grafts
(SVG) from harvesting through grafting,
including tests for graft leakage. As
noted in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (88 FR 26795),
Somahlution, Inc., acquired by
Marizyme in 2020,24 submitted and
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via the
online posting for the technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
withdrew applications for new
technology add-on payments for
DuraGraft® for FY 2018 and FY 2019.
The applicant also submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2020, as summarized
in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (84 FR 19305 through
19312), that it withdrew prior to the
issuance of the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (84 FR 42180). We note that
the applicant also submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2024, as summarized
in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (88 FR 26795 through
26803), that it withdrew prior to the
issuance of the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (88 FR 58804).
Please refer to the online application
posting for DuraGraft®, available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and intraoperative ischemic
Substantial Similarity Criteria
With respect to the newness criterion,
according to the applicant, DuraGraft®
was granted De Novo classification from
FDA on October 4, 2023, for adult
patients undergoing Coronary Artery
Bypass Grafting surgeries and is
intended for flushing and storage of
SVGs from harvesting through grafting
for up to 4 hours. Per the applicant,
DuraGraft® is not yet commercially
available due to a delay related to
finalizing the label prior to
The applicant stated that effective
October 1, 2017, the following ICD–10–
PCS code may be used to uniquely
describe procedures involving the use of
DuraGraft®: XY0VX83 (Extracorporeal
introduction of endothelial damage
inhibitor to vein graft, new technology
group 3). Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list
of ICD–10–CM and PCS codes provided
by the applicant.
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
Annlicant Response
Does the technology use the same or
similar mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic outcome?
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Is the technology assigned to the
same MS-DRG as existing
Does new use of the technology
involve the treatment of the
same/similar type of disease and the
same/similar patient population
when compared to an existing
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (88 FR 26796), we
expressed concern that the mechanism
of action of DuraGraft® may be the same
or similar to other vein graft storage
solutions. Similarly, we note that
according to the applicant, DuraGraft®
prevents intraoperative ischemic injury
to the endothelial layer of free vascular
grafts, reducing the risks for post-CABG
vein graft disease and graft failure,
which are clinical manifestations of
graft ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI),
and we question whether DuraGraft®
might have a similar mechanism of
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Annlicant assertions regarding this criterion
DuraGraft® is a first-in-class product and there is no product that is
similar. Common storage solutions are only salt solutions and have
no ability to protect against oxidative damage and metabolic stress
which are the primary mechanisms associated with ischemic injury.
They are used to keep the graft wet. DuraGraft® has been formulated
into a wetting solution. DuraGraft® treatment is associated with a
reduction in both vein graft disease and clinical complications
associated with vein graft failure post-CABG. There are currently no
commercial products that prevent ischemic injury of vein grafts
during CABG surgery or products that reduce vein graft disease or
its complications following CABG surgery.
MS-DRGs used during CABG surgery are aligned to the same MSDRGs for which DuraGraft® use is indicated.
DuraGraft® is used in the CABG patient population.
action as existing treatments for
preventing ischemic injury of vein grafts
during CABG surgery and reducing vein
graft disease or its complications
following CABG surgery. We are
inviting public comments on whether
DuraGraft® is substantially similar to
existing technologies and whether
DuraGraft® meets the newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for
DuraGraft®, the applicant searched the
FY 2022 MedPAR file for cases
reporting a combination of ICD–10–CM/
PO 00000
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that DuraGraft® is not substantially
similar to other currently available
technologies because DuraGraft® is a
first-in-class product as a storage and
flushing solution for vascular grafts
used during CABG surgery and the
components of DuraGraft® directly
interfere with the mechanisms of
oxidative damage, and that therefore,
the technology meets the newness
criterion. The following table
summarizes the applicant’s assertions
regarding the substantial similarity
criteria. Please see the online
application posting for DuraGraft® for
the applicant’s complete statements in
support of its assertion that DuraGraft®
is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies.
Frm 00108
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
PCS codes that represent patients who
underwent CABG procedures. Please see
the online posting for DuraGraft® for a
complete list of MS–DRGs and ICD–10–
CM and PCS codes provided by the
applicant. Using the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the
following table, the applicant identified
33,511 cases mapping to 59 MS–DRGs,
including MS–DRG 236 (Coronary
Bypass Without Cardiac Catheterization
Without MCC) representing 21.9 percent
of the identified cases. The applicant
followed the order of operations
described in the following table and
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $321,620, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $235,829. Because the final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount, the
applicant asserted that DuraGraft®
meets the cost criterion.
IData Source and Time Period
IFY 2022 MedPAR file
!List ofICD-10-CM codes
!For the list ofICD-10-CM codes, see the online posting for DuraGraft®.
!List ofICD-10-PCS codes
IFor the list ofICD-10-PCS codes, see the online posting for DuraGraft®.
!List ofMS-DRGs
!For the list ofMS-DRGs, see the online posting for DuraGraft®.
lhe applicant identified cases by using a combination ofICD-10-CM/PCS codes provided by the applicant in
'11.e online posting that represent patients who underwent CABG procedures.
[he applicant excluded cases with the ICD-10-PCS code XY0VX83 (Extracorporeal introduction of
~ndothelial damage inhibitor to vein graft, new technology group 3). Per the applicant, DuraGraft® is first in
~lass product and there is no product that is similar. The applicant stated that since DuraGraft® is the only
product that is described by this code and it is not on the market yet, there is no procedure at this time for
~hich this code should be reported.
Charges removed for prior
[he applicant did not remove charges or indirect charges related to the prior technology.
Standardized charges
[he applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant used
hll relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
ilnflation factor
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(:barges added for the new
[he applicant applied an inflation factor ofl8.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
[he applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by the national
~verage cost-to-charge ratio of0.303 for supplies and equipment from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
[he applicanl did nol add indirecl charges relaled lo lhe new lechnology.
We note the following concerns
regarding the cost criterion. Although
the applicant did not remove direct or
indirect charges related to the prior
technology, we note that the applicant
indicated that the use of DuraGraft®
replaces solutions currently used for
flushing and storage of the SVGs
harvested through grafting, including
tests for graft leakage, in its discussion
of the newness criterion. Therefore, we
question whether the cost criterion
analysis should remove charges for
related or prior technologies, such as
autologous heparinized blood (AHB),
Plasmalyte/Normosol, Lactated Ringers,
and heparinized saline (HS).
We are inviting public comments on
whether DuraGraft® meets the cost
With regard to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion, the applicant
asserted that DuraGraft® represents a
substantial clinical improvement over
existing technologies because there is no
other product or technology that
reduces the incidence of peri-operative
myocardial infarction. The applicant
25 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
26 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
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provided four studies to support this
assertion, as well as 47 background
articles about reducing major adverse
cardiac events (MACE).26 The following
table summarizes the applicant’s
assertions regarding the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. Please
see the online posting for DuraGraft® for
the applicant’s complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
i[nclusion/exclusion criteria
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services or
tecbooloeies previously available.
Applicant statements in
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
Haime, M, \1cf ,ean RR, and Kurgan sky KE, et al (2018). Relationship hetween intra-operative
vein graft treatment with DuraGraft® or saline and clinical outcomes after coronary artery bypass
b'l'alling. Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy. 16:12, 963-970. DO!:
10.1080/l 4779072.2018.1532289
Reduced Long-term Repeat
Reduction in Acute Coronary
Syndrome (ACS) Requiring
Lopez-Menendez J, Castro-Pinto M, and Fajardo E. Miguelena J, et al. Vein graft preservation
with an endothelial damage inhibitor in isolated coronary artery hypass surgery: an observational
propensity score-matched analysis. J Thorac Dis 2023;15(10):5549-5558.
The applicant also provided backgrou°'l information to support this claim, which can be accessed
via the online posting for the technology.
Lopez-Menendez (2023) op.cit. pp. 5549-5558.
Haimc (2018), op.cit pp. 963-970.
Reduced Peri-operative
Myoeardial Infarction (Ml)
Improve l\'lyocardial
Reduced Mortality Through 3
Years Follow-up post-CABG
Significantly Reduced
Maximum (Peak) Values of
Reduced 12mo. Overall Mean
Wall Thickness (Whole Graft
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim. which can be accessed
via the online posting for the technolo_gy.
Szalkiewic,, P, Emmert, MY, and Heinisch, PP, el al (2022). (',rafi Preservation confers
myocardial protection during coronary artery hypass grafting< Frontiers in C:ardifJVa.t;cula1·
Medicine, July 2022, pp 1-10. DOI 10.3389/fcvm.2022.922357
The applicant also provided background infortnation to support this claim, which can be
accessed via the on line nostino- for the technolm2:v.
Marizyme. Internal Study Report. Safety of DuraGraft: A Comparison to Standard of Care Graft
Storage Solutions in Isolated CABG Patients in the Largest Worldwide CABG Registry 3-Ycar
Follow-up Post-Market L>urauraft2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
The applicant also provided background infonnation to support this claim, which can be accessed
via the online oostim, for the technoloo:v.
Perrault (2021) op.cit. pp. 96-106.
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed
via the online nostin2: for the technolmrv.
Lopez-Menemlcz (2023) op.cit. pp. 5549-5558.
Hain1e (2018) op.cit. pp. 963-970.
The applicant also provided background infonnation to support this claim, which can be accessed
via the online oostim, for the technology.
Szalkiewicz (2022) op.cit. pp. 1-10.
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim. which can be accessed
via the online oostino for the technoloo,.
Szalkiewicz (2022) op.cit. pp. 1-10.
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed
via the on line posting for the technolo_gy.
and Perrault et al. (2021) 28 studies, as
compared to the number of potentially
eligible patients for this technology, and
relatively short follow-up periods. We
continue to question whether the
sample was representative of the
number of Medicare beneficiaries
Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, July 2022, pp
1–10. DOI 10.3389/fcvm.2022.922357.
28 Perrault, LP, Carrier, M, and Voisine, P, et al
(2021). Sequential multidetector computed
tomography assessments after venous graft
treatment solution in coronary artery bypass
grafting. Journal of Thoracis and Cardiovascular
Surgery. Jan. 2021, Vol. 161, Number 1, 96–106.
PO 00000
Frm 00110
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
potentially eligible for DuraGraft®. We
refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule for further discussion
of these concerns. For its FY 2025
application, the applicant also cited
Lopez-Menendez et al. (2021),29 which
we note used a sample size of 180, and
therefore we similarly question whether
29 Lopez-Menendez J, Castro-Pinto M, and Fajardo
E, Miguelena J, et al. Vein graft preservation with
an endothelial damage inhibitor in isolated
coronary artery bypass surgery: an observational
propensity score-matched analysis. J Thorac Dis
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the results of this study would be
replicated with a larger patient sample.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH proposed
rule (88 FR 26800 through 26801), we
also questioned whether the results
from the Haime et al. (2018) 30 study
could be generalized to other patient
groups, including nonveterans, women,
or those from other racial or ethnic
groups. We continue to question
whether the demographic profiles in the
Perrault, Szalkiewicz, and Haime
studies that the applicant submitted
were comparable with those of the U.S.
Medicare patients who underwent
CABG surgery. For its FY 2025
application, the applicant also cited the
Lopez-Menendez et al. (2021) 31 study,
which was based on a European patient
population that was predominantly
male (82 percent to 90 percent).
However, as we noted in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR
26800 through 26801), among the
Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries
who underwent CABG surgery, male
patients accounted for two-thirds (66
percent) of this population. Therefore,
we continue to question whether the
findings of these studies would be
replicable among the Medicare
We are inviting public comments on
whether DuraGraft® meets the
substantial clinical improvement
In this section, we summarize and
respond to written public comments
received in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for DuraGraft®.
Comment: The applicant submitted a
public comment in response to our
question as to why two propensity
match models were used in the
propensity match comparison of the EU
DuraGraft® Registry to the STS Registry
that it presented during the New
Technology Town Hall meeting. The
applicant explained that the goal of
propensity matching was to balance
patient and technical factors predictive
of mortality throughout the observation
period and to correct for differences that
may be encountered in the U.S. and
Europe. The applicant stated that a
primary propensity score model (PSM)
with 35 variables (2,400 patients
matched), and a secondary PSM with 25
30 Haime, M, McLean RR, and Kurgansky KE, et
al (2018). Relationship between intra-operative vein
graft treatment with DuraGraft® or saline and
clinical outcomes after coronary artery bypass
grafting, Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy,
16:12, 963–970. DOI: 10.1080/
31 Ibid.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
variables (2,522 patients matched,
sensitivity analysis) were used. The
applicant noted that the propensity
variables were chosen with a goal of
comparing variables descriptive of (1)
U.S. and Western European
populations, (2) the general practice of
cardiac surgery, and (3) standards of
care for surgical technique. The
applicant noted that an important set of
variables that needed to be balanced
were the components of the EuroScore
II (ESII). ESII is comprised of 18 patient
variables and, per the applicant, is
considered to be the best predictor of
peri-operative and early mortality. ESII
variables relevant for shorter term
mortality were supplemented with
appropriate predictors for longer term
mortality.32 33 34
The applicant noted that the set of
variables for the primary PSM included
35 characteristics that are most strongly
associated with mortality across the
time periods (including 1-year postCABG) and were consistently observed
to have the highest degree of impact in
the studies. The applicant stated that
these variables include demographics,
cardiac and pre-op surgical risk factors,
coronary anatomy, and surgical/
procedural key characteristics (for
example, grafting strategy and conduit
selection) to serve as the primary
analysis. The applicant indicated that
all characteristics in the ESII are
included in the risk factors, with the
exception of endocarditis, surgery on
the thoracic aorta, weight of the
intervention, and poor mobility, as they
are not relevant to the subset of patients
being propensity matched, or in the case
of poor mobility, not collected in both
databases. The applicant stressed that
this list was reviewed and edited with
32 Aldea, G.S., Bakaeen, F.G., Pal, J., Fremes, S.,
Head, S.J., Sabik, J., Rosengart, T., Kappetein, A.P.,
Thourani, V.H., Firestone, S., Mitchell, J.D., &
Society of Thoracic Surgeons (2016). The Society of
Thoracic Surgeons Clinical Practice Guidelines on
Arterial Conduits for Coronary Artery Bypass
Grafting. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 101(2),
33 Kolh, P., Kurlansky, P., Cremer, J., Lawton, J.,
Siepe, M., & Fremes, S. (2016). Transatlantic
Editorial: A Comparison Between European and
North American Guidelines on Myocardial
Revascularization. The Annals of thoracic surgery,
101(6), 2031–2044.
34 Shahian, D.M., O’Brien, S.M., Sheng, S.,
Grover, F.L., Mayer, J.E., Jacobs, J.P., Weiss, J.M.,
Delong, E.R., Peterson, E.D., Weintraub, W.S., GrauSepulveda, M.V., Klein, L.W., Shaw, R.E., Garratt,
K.N., Moussa, I.D., Shewan, C.M., Dangas, G.D., &
Edwards, F.H. (2012). Predictors of long-term
survival after coronary artery bypass grafting
surgery: results from the Society of Thoracic
Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgery Database (the
ASCERT study). Circulation, 125(12), 1491–1500.
PO 00000
Frm 00111
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
FDA during the pre-submission process.
To further allow for the selection of a
cohort matched for standard of care and
surgical technique between the
European and U.S. populations,
additional relevant variables were
added including pre-op cardiac risk,
coronary anatomy, and surgical
The applicant further noted that the
set of variables for the secondary PSM
included 25 of the 35 variables from the
primary PSM, excluding characteristics
of pre-op cardiac risk factors, coronary
anatomy, and aspects of surgical
technique. The applicant asserted that
the secondary PSM serves as a
sensitivity analysis to estimate whether
the standard of care for the treatment of
patients with advanced coronary artery
disease and surgical techniques differ
for patients in the two cohorts which are
otherwise balanced for surgical risk
factors, and whether these differences
could affect mortality outcomes.
Response: We thank the applicant for
its comments. We also note that the
applicant has provided the baseline
demographic characteristics and
surgical risk factors of the two cohorts
before and after propensity score
matching, which appears to demonstrate
that the two cohorts were more similar
in those characteristics and factors as a
result of propensity score matching. We
will take this information into
consideration when deciding whether to
approve new technology add-on
payments for DuraGraft®.
d. ELREXFIOTM (elranatamab-bcmm)
Pfizer, Inc. submitted an application
for new technology add-on payments for
ELREXFIOTM for FY 2025. According to
the applicant, ELREXFIOTM is a B-cell
maturation antigen (BCMA) directed
cluster of differentiation (CD)3 T-cell
engager indicated for the treatment of
adult patients with relapsed or
refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM)
who have received at least four prior
lines of therapy, including a proteasome
inhibitor (PI), an immunomodulatory
agent (IMiD), and an anti-CD38
monoclonal antibody (mAb). Per the
applicant, ELREXFIOTM is a bispecific,
humanized immunoglobulin 2-alanine
(IgG2Da) kappa antibody derived from
two mAbs, administered as a fixed-dose,
subcutaneous treatment. We note that
the applicant submitted an application
for new technology add-on payments for
ELREXFIOTM for FY 2024 under the
name elranatamab, as summarized in
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule (88 FR 26803 through 26809), but
the technology did not meet the July 1,
2023 deadline for FDA approval or
clearance of the technology and,
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
therefore, was not eligible for
consideration for new technology addon payments for FY 2024 (88 FR 58804).
Please refer to the online application
posting for ELREXFIOTM available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by
the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion,
according to the applicant, ELREXFIOTM
was granted Biologics License
Application (BLA) approval from FDA
on August 14, 2023, for the treatment of
adult patients with RRMM who have
received at least four prior lines of
therapy, including a PI, an IMiD, and an
anti-CD38 mAb. According to the
applicant, ELREXFIOTM was
commercially available immediately
after FDA approval. Per the applicant,
the recommended doses of
ELREXFIOTM subcutaneous injection
are step-up doses of 12 mg on day 1 and
32 mg on day 4, followed by a first
treatment dose of 76 mg on day 8 and
subsequent treatment doses as indicated
in the label. The applicant noted that
treatment doses may be administered in
an inpatient or outpatient setting. Per
the applicant, patients should be
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
hospitalized for 48 hours after
administration of the first step-up dose,
and for 24 hours after administration of
the second step-up dose. The applicant
assumed that there would be a single
inpatient stay, with one 44 mg vial used
per dose, resulting in two doses (each a
step-up dose) being administered.
The applicant stated that effective
October 1, 2023, the following ICD–10–
PCS code may be used to uniquely
describe procedures involving the use of
ELREXFIOTM: XW013L9 (Introduction
of elranatamab antineoplastic into
subcutaneous tissue, percutaneous
approach, new technology group 9). The
applicant stated that C90.00 (Multiple
myeloma not having achieved
remission), C90.01 (Multiple myeloma
in remission), C90.02 (Multiple
myeloma in relapse), and Z51.12
(Encounter for antineoplastic
immunotherapy) may be used to
currently identify the indication for
ELREXFIOTM under the ICD–10–CM
coding system.
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
PO 00000
Frm 00112
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that ELREXFIOTM is not substantially
similar to other currently available
technologies because it is the only
therapy approved for the treatment of
patients with RRMM who have received
4 prior lines of therapy including a PI,
IMiD, and mAb that uses a humanized
IgG2a antibody for the mechanism of
action. Per the applicant, it is also the
only BCMA-directed bispecific antibody
(bsAb) therapy with clinical study data
in its prescribing information
supporting use in patients who have
received prior BCMA-directed therapy,
and that therefore, the technology meets
the newness criterion. The following
table summarizes the applicant’s
assertions regarding the substantial
similarity criteria. Please see the online
application posting for ELREXFIOTM for
the applicant’s complete statements in
support of its assertion that
ELREXFIOTM is not substantially similar
to other currently available
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Annlicant Response
There are currently three bsAb therapies approved for this patient
For ELREXFIO™, the two targets are BCMA on the myeloma
cancer cell and CD3 on the tumor killing I-cell. In addition to
the bsAb targets, the mechanism of action is also influenced by
the antibody strncture, including the antibody constant IgG
regions. ELREXFIOTM is currently the only BCMA-directed
bsAb therapy that uses a humanized IgG2Lla kappa antibody
backbone. Of the four human IgG isotypes, human IgG2
antibodies have the lowest overall level of effector function, as
they only weakly induce complement and cell activation due to
low affinity for human complement proteins (C lq) and immune
cell receptors (Fey receptors). Having a low level of effector
function in the IgG region is key to the mechanism of these
molecules. This means the antibody should activate I-cells only
in the presence of BCMA, which is highly expressed on tumor
cells. Having these changes in the molecule to lower effector
flmction means it should only stimulate an immune response in
the tumor. A different IgG backbone, for example an IgG4, that
has a high effector function could stimulate a bigger immune
response and increased inflammation which may mean increased
risk of immune-mediated toxicities. TECVA YLI® uses an IgG4
antibody backbone, which has a high affinity for Fe gamma
receptor subtype I but weak affinities for all other Fe gamma
receptor subtypes and are poor inducers of Fe-mediated effector
functions. ELREXFIO™ also has a unique complementaritydetermining region (CDR) sequence, which is the region of
antibody that recognizes and binds to target epitopes. The CDR
is critical to the mechanism of action of bsAb therapy because it
results in different targeted regions, which impacts how the drug
works to target the cancer cells.
It is unclear to which MS-DRG the ICD-10-PCS code for
administration ofELREXFIO™ (XW013L9) has been assigned
as we were unable to identify the assignment in the current MSDRG Grouper (version 41) on the CMS website. However, we
believe that RRMM patients treated with a bsAb therapy, such
received at least four prior lines of therapy including a PI, an
IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb will have a diagnosis code that is
assigned to MS-DRG 840, 841, 842, 846, 847, or 848.
Does the technology use the same or
similar mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic outcome?
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Is the technology assigned to the
same MS-DRG as existing
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
Annlicant assertions regarding this criterion
ELREXFIO™ does not use the same or similar mechanism of
action as any other therapy because it has a different protein
sequence and molecular strncture from other therapies.
Frm 00113
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Substantial Similaritv Criteria
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
ELREXFIO™ does not involve treatment of the same or similar
type of patient population when compared to existing therapies
because it is the only BCMA-directed CD3 T-cell engager that
includes in its FDA-approved prescribing information clinical
study data supporting its use in RRMM patients who received
prior BCMA-directed therapy.
Does use of the technology involve
the treatment of the same/similar
type of disease and the same/similar
patient population when compared
to an existing technology?
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
With regard to the newness criterion,
similar to our discussion in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR
26804), we note that ELREXFIOTM may
have a similar mechanism of action to
that of TECVAYLI®, for which we
approved an application for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2024 (88 FR 58891) for the treatment of
adult patients with RRMM after four or
more prior lines of therapy, including a
PI, an IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb. As
we previously noted, TECVAYLI®’s
mechanism of action is described as a
bsAb, with binding domains that
simultaneously bind the BCMA target
on tumor cells and the CD3 T-cell
receptor (88 FR 58886). The applicant
asserts that ELREXFIOTM has a unique
CDR (the region of antibody that
recognizes and binds to target epitopes)
that is critical to the mechanism of
action because it results in different
targeted regions, impacting how the
drug works to target the cancer cells.
However, it is unclear how these
differences result in a substantially
different mechanism of action from
TECVAYLI®. Because of the apparent
similarity with the bsAb for
ELREXFIOTM that uses binding domains
that simultaneously bind the BCMA
target on tumor cells and the CD3 T-cell
receptor, we believe that the mechanism
of action for ELREXFIOTM may be the
same or similar to that of TECVAYLI®.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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The applicant also asserts that
ELREXFIOTM is different from
TECVAYLI® because the two are based
on different immunoglobulin isotypes,
and with the lower effector function of
IgG2, ELREXFIOTM should only activate
T-cells in the presence of BCMA and
thus should only stimulate an immune
response in the tumor. Based on our
understanding, however, that this may
relate to the risk of adverse event from
ELREXFIOTM administration but is not
critical to the way the drug treats the
underlying disease, we question
whether this would therefore relate to
an assessment of substantial clinical
improvement, rather than of substantial
We also note that ELREXFIOTM and
TECVAYLI® may treat the same or
similar disease (RRMM) in the same or
similar patient population (patients who
have previously received a PI, IMiD, and
an anti-CD38 mAb). The applicant
claims ELREXFIOTM is different from
TECVAYLI® because the prescribing
information includes a new
subpopulation, the patient population
that had received prior BCMA-directed
therapy. However, we believe the lack of
inclusion of this population in the
prescribing information for TECVAYLI®
does not necessarily exclude the use of
TECVAYLI® in this patient population,
nor does the FDA prescribing
information for TECVAYLI® specifically
exclude this patient population. As
PO 00000
Frm 00114
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
such, it is unclear whether ELREXFIOTM
would in fact treat a patient population
different from TECVAYLI®.
Accordingly, as it appears that
the same or similar mechanism of action
to achieve a therapeutic outcome, would
be assigned to the same MS–DRG, and
treat the same or similar patient
population and disease, we believe that
these technologies may be substantially
similar to each other. We note that if we
determine that this technology is
substantially similar to TECVAYLI®, we
believe the newness period for this
technology would begin on November 9,
2022, the date TECVAYLI® became
commercially available.
Furthermore, we believe another
applicant for FY 2025 new technology
add-on payments, TALVEYTM, may also
be substantially similar to ELREXFIOTM.
Per the application for TALVEYTM,
TALVEYTM is a bispecific antibody
approved for the treatment of adults
with RRMM who have received at least
four prior lines of therapy, including a
PI, IMiD, and an anti-CD38 monoclonal
antibody. The applicant for TALVEYTM
states TALVEYTM recruits CD3expressing T cells to myeloma cells that
express GPRC5D, resulting in activation
of the T cell receptor pathway and lysis
of GPRC5D-expressing MM cells. Per the
applicant for TALVEYTM, TALVEYTM
was available for sale immediately after
its approval on August 9, 2023. We
There are three bsAb therapies, including ELREXFIO™, that are
generally indicated for the treatment of adult patients with
RR"MM who have received at least four prior lines of therapy
including a PI, an IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb. Two of those,
ELREXFIO™ and TECVA YLI®, are BCMA-directed therapies.
However, of the two, ELREXFIO™ is the only therapy for which
the FDA included clinical study data in section 14 of the
prescribing information describing efficacy and safety in a
patient population that had received prior BCMA-directed
therapy. The inclusion of clinical study data on the prior BCMAexposed patient population in the prescribing information is
important because patients who have received prior BCMAdirected therapy have generally received more prior lines of
therapy. For example, in MagnetisMM-3, prior BCMA exposed
patients had received a median of eight prior lines of therapy (the
range being 4-19). Even though the indications for use for
ELREXFIO™ are the same as that for TECVAYLI® and
TAL VEYTM, the inclusion of clinical study data is helpful for
informing the use of ELREXFIO™ in this particular patient
population in addition to treatment of patients without prior
BCMA-directed therapy.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
believe TALVEYTM may be substantially
similar to ELREXFIOTM because it is
also a bispecific antibody that treats
RRMM in patients who have previously
received a PI, IMiD, and an anti-CD38
mAb. Additionally, we note that similar
to ELREXFIOTM, the prescribing
information for TALVEYTM includes the
population with prior exposure to
BCMA T-cell redirection therapy.
Accordingly, as it appears that
use the same or similar mechanism of
action to achieve a therapeutic outcome,
would be assigned to the same MS–
DRG, and would treat the same or
similar disease in the same or similar
patient population, we believe that
these technologies may also be
substantially similar to each other such
that they should be considered as a
single application for purposes of new
technology add-on payments. We note
that if ELREXFIOTM is determined to
only be substantially similar to
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
believe the newness period for
ELREXFIOTM would begin on August 9,
2023, the date TALVEYTM received FDA
We are interested in receiving
information on how these technologies
may differ from each other with respect
to the substantial similarity and
newness criteria, to inform our analysis
of whether ELREXFIOTM is substantially
similar to TALVEYTM and/or
We are inviting public comments on
whether ELREXFIOTM is substantially
similar to existing technologies and
whether ELREXFIOTM meets the
newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for
ELREXFIOTM, the applicant searched
the FY 2022 MedPAR for cases reporting
one of the following ICD–10–CM codes
in any position: C90.00 (Multiple
myeloma not having achieved
remission), C90.01 (Multiple myeloma
PO 00000
Frm 00115
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
in remission), or C90.02 (Multiple
myeloma in relapse). Using the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the following table, the applicant
identified 4,689 claims mapping to five
MS–DRGs: MS–DRGs 840, 841, and 842
(Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively), and MS–DRGs 846
and 847 (Chemotherapy without Acute
Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with
MCC and with CC, respectively). The
applicant followed the order of
operations described in the following
table and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $170,699, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $77,190. Because
the final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case exceeded
the average case-weighted threshold
amount, the applicant asserted that
ELREXFIOTM meets the cost criterion.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and Time Period
FY 2022 MedPAR file
C90.00 (Multiple myeloma not having achieved remission)
C90.0l (Multiple myeloma in remission)
C90.02 (Multiple myeloma in relapse)
840 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with MCC)
841 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with CC)
842 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia without CC/MCC)
846 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with MCC)
847 (Chemotheranv without Acute Leukemia as Secondarv Dirumosis with CC)
The applicant identified cases reporting the I CD-10-CM codes in this table in any diagnosis position
that were assigned to one of the MS-DRGs listed in this table. Per the applicant, MS-DRGs 840,
841, 842 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC
respectively) were selected because patients with a primary diagnosis of multiple myeloma and
receiving chemotherapy treatment could be assigned to these MS-DRGs. MS-DRGs 846, 847, or
848 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) were selected by the applicant because cases reporting the
administration of chemotherapy/in:nnunotherapy with a secondary diagnosis of multiple myeloma
would be assigned to these MS-DRG-s. Managed care cases, claims submitted only for graduate
medical education payments, claims \vith ancillary costs of zero and claims that were statistical
outliers within the MS-DRG were excluded. The applicant did not identify any cases with a
diagnosis of multiple myeloma in the FY 2022 MedPAR file analysis that were grouped to MS-DRG
848. The applicant calculated the average unstandardized charge per case for each MS-DRG.
List ofICD-10-CM codes
List ofMS-DRGs
Inclusion/exclusion criteria
Charges removed for prior technology
Per the applicant, ELREXFIO™ would replace current chemotherapy, and patients would continue
to receive other drugs (for example antiemetics ). To be conservative, the applicant removed 80% of
drug charges since it could not separate out the type of drugs in the drug charges. The applicant did
not remove indirect charges related to the prior technology.
Standardized charges
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The
applicant used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation
factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by
the national average cost-to-charge ratio of0.18 for drugs from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
Inflation factor
The applicant added indirect charges related to use of the new technology for routine care, as the
length of stay would be at least 5 days for all cases receiving ELREXBO™. The applicant
calculated charges for routine care in accordance with the prescribing information and assumed the
two step-up doses ofF.T ,REXFTO™ must both be received under inpatient care. The applicant
estimated the average standardized charge per day of routine care by summing standardized charges
billed to the routine care cost center and length of stay across all cases that met the selection criteria.
The sum of routine care charges was divided by the sum oflength of stay days, for each MS-DRG.
The average number of days short of a 5-day stay and the proportion of stays less than 5 days long
was calculated, for each MS-DRG. The applicant multiplied the average standardized routine care
charge per day by the proportion of stays less than 5 days and by the average days short of a 5-day
stav, for eachMS-DRG.
We are inviting public comments on
whether ELREXFIOTM meets the cost
With regards to the substantial
clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that ELREXFIOTM
represents a substantial clinical
improvement over existing technologies
because it is a new treatment option for
late-line RRMM patients who are
refractory to or otherwise ineligible for
existing therapy. Per the applicant, it
significantly improves outcomes
compared to existing therapy (Cohort A
objective response rate (ORR) of 57.7
percent with a complete response (CR)
or better achieved in 25.8 percent and
very good partial response (VGPR) in
25.8 percent; Cohort B ORR of 33.3
percent with duration of response (DOR)
of 84.3 percent at 9 months), has a
manageable safety profile, and shorter
hospitalization than TECVAYLI® and
TALVEYTM. The applicant provided
nine studies assessing ELREXFIOTM to
support these claims, as well as 12
background articles about RRMM and
comparator technologies.35 The
following table summarizes the
applicant’s assertions regarding the
substantial clinical improvement
criterion. Please see the online posting
for ELREXFIOTM for the applicant’s
complete statements regarding the
substantial clinical improvement
criterion and the supporting evidence
35 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00116
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Charges added for the new technology
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology offers a treatment option for a patient population unresponsive to, or ineligible
for, currently available treatments
Sunnortinl! evidence provided bv the annlicant
Applicant statements in sunnort
ELREXFIO™ (elranatamab-bcmm) injection, for subcutaneous use; Pfizer Laboratories Division Pfizer Inc.,
ELREXFIQTM is a new treatment
option for late-line patients with
RRMM who arc refractory to
existing therapies or otherwise
ineligible for or unable to access
ELREXFIO™ is the only BCMAdirected bispccific that contains
clinical study data in the prescribing
information to support use in
patients who have been treated with
a prior BCMA-directed therapy.
CART-cell therapies are largely
unavailable to Medicare
beneficiaries with late-line RRMM.
Multiple Myeloma is an incurable
malignancy and the ability of a
patient to respond to therapy and
the amount of time spent in response
Lesokhin AM, Tomasson MH, Amulf B, et al. Elranatamab in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma: Phase
2 MagnetisMM-3 trial results. Nat Med. 2023 Aug 15. Online ahead of print.
Nooka, A. K., Lesokhin, AM., Mohty, M., Niesvizk.-y, R., Maisel, C., Amulf, B., Larson, S. M., Varshavsky
Yanovsky, A., Leleu, X. P., & Karlin, L. (2023). Efiicacy and safety of elranatamab in patients v.ith
relapsed/refi:actory multiple myeloma (RRMM) and prior TI-cell maturation antigen (TICMA )-directed
lheraoies: A pooled analvsis from MagnetisMM stuilies. 2023 ASCO Annual Meeting.
ELREXFIO™ (elranatamab-bcmm) injection, for subcutaneous use; Pfizer Laboratories Division Pfizer Inc.,
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via the
online posting for the technology.
The applicant provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
The applicant provided background infonnation to support this claim, ,'llhich can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
shortens and patients run out of
therapy options to control their
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #2: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services or technologies
previouslv available
Applicant statements in sunnort
Supporting evidence provided bv the annlicant
ELREXFIO™ (elranatamab-bcmm) injection, for subcutaneous use; Pfizer Laboratories Division Pfizer Inc.,
Lesokhin J\M, Tomasson MH, Amulf B, et al. Elranatamab in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma: Phase
2 MagnetisMM-3 trial result~. Nat Med. 2023 Aug 15. Online ahead of print.
In addition to being efficacious,
ELREXFIO™ has a generally
manageable safety profile without
dysgeusia and other toxicities that
severely impact quality of life.
Nooka, A. K., Lesokhin, AM., Mohty, M., Niesvizky, R., Maisel, C., Amulf, B., Larson, S. M., Varshavsky
Yanovsky, A., Lclcu, X. P., & Karlin, L. (2023). Efiicacy and safety of clranatamab inpatients v.ith
relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma (RRMM) and prior B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-directed
therapies: A pooled analysis from MagnetisMM studies. 2023 ASCO Annual Meeting.
Tomasson MH, et al., Long-Tenn Efiicacy and Safety ofElranatamab Monotherapy in the Pbase 2
MagnetisMM-3 Trial in Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Oral presentation at: 65th American
Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting; 2023 Dec. 9-12.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00117
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The applicant also provided background information lo support lhis claim, which can be accessed via lhe
online posting for the technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
ELREXF1O™ (elranatamab-bcmm) injection, for subcutaneous use; Pfizer Laboratories Division Pfizer Inc.,
Lesokhin AM, Tomasson MH, Arnulf B, et al. Elranatamab in relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma: Phase
2 MagnetisMM-3 trial results. Nat Med. 2023 Aug 15. Online ahead of print
Costa LJ, LeBlanc nv, Tesch H, et al. An indirect comparison of elranatamab's (ELRA) objective response
rate (ORR) from MagnetisMM-3 (MM-3) versus real-world external control arms in triple-class refractory
(TCR) multiple myeloma (MM). Presented at the European Hematology Association (EHA) Congress, 2023
June 8-11, Frankfurt, Germany.
Costa LJ, et al., An Indirect Comparison ofE!ranatamab's Progression-Free Survival and Overall Survival
from MagnetisMM-3 Versus Real-World fa.1:emal Control Arms in Triple-Class Refractory Multiple
Myeloma. Abstract presented at the 65th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Allllual Meeting; 2023 Dec.
ELREXFIO™ significantly
improves outcomes compared to
existing therapies approved for lateline RRMM, including prior BCMAexposed patients treated with a
BCMA-directed bispecific antibody.
Hlavacek P, Mol I, Hu Y, et al. Indirect treatment comparison of elranatamab with behnaf, sel-dex, and realworld physician's choice of treatment in patients with triple-class exposed relapsed/refractmy multiple
myeloma. Presented at the European Hematology Association (EHA) Congress, 2023 June 8-11, Frnnkfurt,
Jakubov:iak A,Bahlis N, Raje N, et al, Elranatamab, a BCMA-Targeted T-Cell Redirecting I1mnllllotherapy,
for Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma: Updated Results From MagnetisMM-1. ASCO
Nooka, A. K., Lesokhin, AM., Mohty, M., Niesvizk-y, R., Maisel, C., Arnul( B., Larson, S. M., Varshavsky
Yanovsky, A., Leleu, X. P., & Karlin, L. (2023). Efficacy and safety of elranatamab in patients with
relapsed/refractmy multiple myeloma (RRMM) and prior B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA )-directed
thernpies: A pooled analysis from MagnetisMM studies. 2023 ASCO Ammal Meeting.
lsha Mol, et al., A Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison of the Efficacy of Elranatamab and Teclistamab in
Patients with Triple-Class Exposed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Oral presentation at 65th American
Society of Hematology (ASH) Allllual Meeting; 2023 Dec. 9-12.
Tomasson MH, et al., Long-Term Efficacy and Safety ofElranatamab Monotherapy in the Phase 2
MagnetisMM-3 Trial in Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Oral presentation at: 65th American
Society of Hematology (ASH) Allllual Meeting; 2023 Dec. 9-12.
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can he accessed via the
online posting for the technology.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
After review of the information
provided by the applicant, we have the
following concerns regarding whether
ELREXFIOTM meets the substantial
clinical improvement criterion.
With respect to the claim
ELREXFIOTM is a new treatment option
for late-line patients with RRMM who
are refractory to existing therapies or
otherwise ineligible for or unable to
access them, the applicant states the
nature of the disease is such that
patients typically become refractory to
the available treatment options or
patients may be unable to access some
therapies for other reasons. The
applicant further notes patients need
new therapies with new mechanisms of
action that can provide better efficacy,
extend the duration of response, and be
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available to a larger subset of the lateline RRMM population, particularly
patients with prior BCMA-directed
therapy exposure. The applicant states
that ELREXFIOTM addresses these
limitations since it does not require
patient-specific manufacturing and is
the only BCMA-directed bispecific
antibody therapy that has clinical study
data on outcomes for patients exposed
to prior BCMA-directed therapy in its
prescribing information. We note the
evidence presented does not identify a
specific population that would benefit
from ELREXFIOTM that would not be
eligible for or benefit from other
therapies for late-line RRMM, including
and ABECMA®. With regard to the
population with prior BCMA-directed
therapy exposure, as noted previously,
PO 00000
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the prescribing information for
TALVEYTM also includes efficacy data
in this population and the lack of
inclusion of this population in the
prescribing information for TECVAYLI®
does not exclude the use of this drug for
these patients.
With respect to the claim that
ELREXFIOTM is the only BCMA-directed
bispecific antibody with clinical study
data in the prescribing information to
support use in patients who have been
treated with prior BCMA-directed
therapy, the applicant states that
although clinical studies evaluating
TECVAYLI® included prior BCMAexposed RRMM patients, in Section 14
of the prescribing information,36 the
36 TECVAYLI (teclistamab-cqyv), injection, for
subcutaneous use; Janssen Biotech, Inc., 2023.
ELREXFIO™ offers fewer
hospitalization days during the stepup dosing period than other
bispecific antibodies approved for
patients with RRMM thus lowering
barriers to patient access.
The applicant also provided background information lo support this claim, which can be accessed via the
online posting for the technology.
ELREXF1O™ (elranatamab-bcmm) injection, for subcutaneous use; Pfizer Laboratories Division Pfizer Inc.,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
FDA-approved labeling does not
acknowledge outcomes or safety data for
prior BCMA-exposed patients.
Furthermore, the applicant contends
this lack of inclusion suggests that priorBCMA exposed patients continue to
have a high unmet need despite the
availability of TECVAYLI®, and that the
inclusion of this clinical study data in
ELREXFIOTM’s prescribing information
suggests that ELREXFIOTM is able to fill
this unmet need. However, as noted
previously, the lack of inclusion of
similar study data in TECVAYLI®’s
prescribing information does not
exclude the use of this drug in these
patients. Additionally, TALVEYTM is a
bsAb that was also studied in this
patient population and has an
indication for patients with prior
BCMA-directed therapy.
With respect to the claim that CAR Tcell therapies are largely unavailable to
Medicare beneficiaries with late-line
RRMM, the applicant states CAR T-cells
take a significant amount of time to
manufacture, and given the rapid nature
of RRMM, some patients may die or
become ineligible for treatment by the
time the CAR T-cells are available for
infusion. However, we note that
TECVAYLI® and TALVEYTM have also
received FDA approval and would
therefore be options for patients who are
unable to access or receive CAR T-cell
The applicant states that MM is an
incurable malignancy and that patients’
ability to respond to therapy diminishes
over time, leading to a reduced duration
of response and eventually exhausting
available therapy options to manage the
disease. The applicant asserts that
patients typically undergo several lines
of therapy before exhausting therapy
options and succumbing to the disease.
The applicant references the low
objective response rates (ORRs) of
selinexor and conventional
chemotherapy in RRMM patients. We
note there are several treatments
available to patients with RRMM who
have received at least four prior lines of
therapy including a PI, an IMiD, and an
anti-CD38 mAb, such as TECVAYLI®,
CARVYKTI®. It is not clear from the
evidence provided that there is a patient
population eligible for and responsive to
ELREXFIOTM that is neither eligible for
nor responsive to any of these other
available therapies.
The applicant further claims that
ELREXFIOTM’s generally manageable
safety profile without dysgeusia and
other toxicities that severely impact
quality of life, in conjunction with the
improved efficacy in late-line RRMM,
makes it a substantial clinical
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improvement treatment over existing
therapies. Additionally, the applicant
asserts that dysgeusia and nail-related
and skin-related toxicities that reduce
quality of life with TALVEYTM are not
reported with ELREXFIOTM. However,
the safety profile of ELREXFIOTM was
not compared to ABECMA®,
note we did not receive evidence related
to improved efficacy that compares
TECVAYLI®, and we question if
ELREXFIOTM improves efficacy relative
to these other therapies.
With respect to the claim that
ELREXFIOTM significantly improves
outcomes compared to existing
therapies approved for late-line RRMM,
including prior BCMA-exposed patients,
the applicant provides study results
from MagnetisMM–3, an open-label,
phase 2 study where after receiving two
step-up priming doses, patients received
subcutaneous ELREXFIOTM once weekly
in 28-day cycles, which after six cycles,
was followed by once every 2 weeks for
persistent responders.37 The applicant
stated the ORR for ELREXFIOTM was 61
percent and the percentage of patients
that had at least a complete response
was 37.4 percent after a median followup of 17.6 months in patients with
RRMM and no prior exposure to BCMAdirected therapy.38 The applicant
acknowledges the lack of head-to-head
studies and submits indirect
comparison analyses comparing
ELREXFIOTM to belantamab, selinexordexamethasone, real-world physician’s
choice of treatment, real-world external
control arms, and TECVAYLI® in
patients with triple-class refractory
multiple myeloma. The referenced
indirect comparisons by Hlavacek et al.
(2023) 39 and Costa et al. (2023) 40 41
37 Lesokhin AM, Tomasson MH, Arnulf B, et al.
Elranatamab in relapsed or refractory multiple
myeloma: Phase 2 MagnetisMM–3 trial results. Nat
Med. 2023 Aug 15. Online ahead of print.
38 Michael H. Tomasson, et al., Long-Term
Efficacy and Safety of Elranatamab Monotherapy in
the Phase 2 MagnetisMM–3 Trial in Relapsed or
Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Oral presentation at:
65th American Society of Hematology (ASH)
Annual Meeting; 2023 Dec. 9–12.
39 Hlavacek P, Mol I, Hu Y, et al. Indirect
treatment comparison of elranatamab with belmaf,
sel-dex, and real-world physician’s choice of
treatment in patients with triple-class exposed
relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. Presented at
the European Hematology Association (EHA)
Congress, 2023 June 8–11, Frankfurt, Germany.
40 Costa LJ, LeBlanc TW, Tesch H, et al. An
indirect comparison of elranatamab’s (ELRA)
objective response rate (ORR) from MagnetisMM–3
(MM–3) versus real-world external control arms in
triple-class refractory (TCR) multiple myeloma
(MM). Presented at the European Hematology
Association (EHA) Congress, 2023 June 8–11,
Frankfurt, Germany.
PO 00000
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showed the ORR for ELREXFIOTM was
significantly higher compared to
belantamab, selinexor-dexamethasone,
real-world physician’s choice of
treatment based on local clinical
practice, and real-world external control
arms. We note, however, that no similar
comparative analyses were provided by
the applicant to compare ELREXFIOTM
CARVYKTI® . In the absence of direct
comparative trials between
applicant submitted the results of an
unanchored matching-adjusted indirect
comparison (MAIC) between the
MagnetisMM–3 study, previously
described, and the MajesTEC–1 study,
assessing the relative efficacy of the two
therapies in patients with relapsed or
refractory MM naı¨ve to prior BCMAdirected therapy (Isha Mol et al.,
2023).42 MajesTEC–1 was an open-label,
phase 1–2 study where patients with
RRMM and no prior exposure to BCMAtargeted therapy received a weekly
subcutaneous injection of TECVAYLI®
after two step-up doses.43 As stated by
the applicant, the results of the MAIC
demonstrate ELREXFIOTM significantly
improved ORR and PFS versus
TECVAYLI®. We note, however, that the
mechanism used in the MAIC to
reweight MagnetisMM–3 patients to
match the baseline characteristics of
patients from MajesTEC–1 is unclear, as
is the sensitivity analysis in which
missing values of the adjusted baseline
characteristics for ELREXFIOTM patients
were imputed by a random sample of
the observations in MagnetisMM–3 to
potentially increase the effective sample
size. In addition, while the ORR and
PFS in the two analyses (base case
adjusted and sensitivity analysis) were
significantly improved with
that the confidence intervals were wide,
reducing the certainty in these
conclusions. The ORR odds ratio 95
percent confidence interval was 1.01 to
3.19 for the base case adjusted analysis
and 1.04 to 3.14 for the sensitivity
analysis. Furthermore, other outcomes
41 Costa LJ, et al., An Indirect Comparison of
Elranatamab’s Progression-Free Survival and
Overall Survival from MagnetisMM–3 Versus RealWorld External Control Arms in Triple-Class
Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Abstract presented at
the 65th American Society of Hematology (ASH)
Annual Meeting; 2023 Dec. 9–12.
42 Isha Mol, et al., A Matching-Adjusted Indirect
Comparison of the Efficacy of Elranatamab and
Teclistamab in Patients with Triple-Class Exposed/
Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Oral presentation at:
65th American Society of Hematology (ASH)
Annual Meeting; 2023 Dec. 9–12.
43 Moreau P, Garfall AL, van de Donk NWCJ, et
al. Teclistamab in Relapsed or Refractory Multiple
Myeloma. NEJM. 2022 Aug 11.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
measured, such as the duration of
response and overall survival, did not
demonstrate significant improvement
with ELREXFIOTM. Additionally, we
note that with regard to the claim that
ELREXFIOTM significantly improves
outcomes specifically in RRMM patients
who have had prior BMCA-directed
therapy, the applicant references the
ELREXFIOTM prescribing information
and additional MagnetisMM–3 Cohort B
data showing an ORR of 33.3 percent in
patients with prior BCMA-directed
antibody drug conjugate (ADC) or CAR
T-cell therapy. However, we note that
be treatment options for BCMA-exposed
patients and we would appreciate
information on comparative efficacy
between ELREXFIOTM and these
treatment options in the prior BCMAdirected therapy population.
With respect to the claim that
ELREXFIOTM offers fewer
hospitalization days during the step-up
dosing period than other bispecific
antibodies approved for patients with
RRMM, thus lowering barriers to patient
access, the applicant references the
prescribing information for
TALVEYTM to indicate that assuming
patients are not sent home between
step-up doses, based on the step-up
dosing schedules, the patient would be
hospitalized for 5 days with
and 9 to 12 days with TALVEYTM.
While the shorter step-up dosing may
lead to a shorter hospitalization, the
applicant assumes, but does not
demonstrate that the shorter step-up
dosing period and potentially shorter
hospitalization would lower barriers to
patient access. Additionally, we note
that there are other variables besides
duration of inpatient stay for the stepup dosing that may affect availability or
access to therapies, such that a shorter
step-up dosing duration may not
necessarily result in better access to
therapy. For instance, social, financial,
age-related, prior therapy, and patient
and provider dosing preferences may
also affect access to therapy.
Furthermore, while the shorter step-up
dosing schedule should theoretically
lead to a shorter hospitalization, we
note that the risk and severity of adverse
drug events and patient response could
vary by drug, and that no clinical data
was provided to support this claim.
We are inviting public comments on
whether ELREXFIOTM meets the
substantial clinical improvement
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for ELREXFIOTM.
e. FloPatch FP120
Flosonics Medical (R.A. 1929803
Ontario Corp.) submitted an application
for new technology add-on payments for
FloPatch FP120 for FY 2025. According
to the applicant, FloPatch FP120 is a
wireless, wearable, continuous wave (4
MHz) Doppler ultrasound device that
adheres over peripheral vessels (that is,
carotid & jugular) that assesses blood
flow in the peripheral vessels, enabling
rapid and repeatable dynamic
assessments of both arterial and venous
flow simultaneously. According to the
applicant, the FloPatch FP120
cardiovascular blood flowmeter adheres
to a patient’s neck (or any other major
vessel) and transmits Doppler-shifted
ultrasonic waves from the transducer to
the artery and vein at a fixed angle of
insonation that are then reflected by
moving blood cells back to the
transducer. Per the applicant, the signal
processing unit wirelessly outputs data
to a secure iOS mobile medical
application, which displays metrics
from the Doppler signal, such as
maximal velocity trace and corrected
flow time, in a user-friendly interface.
Per the applicant, FloPatch FP120 will
optimize clinical workflow, is easy-touse and hands-free, cloud-connected,
and can be deployed in under one
minute, providing instantaneous results.
Please refer to the online application
posting for FloPatch FP120, available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and the types of conditions
that the technology might help diagnose
and/or treat.
With respect to the newness criterion,
according to the applicant, FloPatch
FP120 received 510(k) clearance from
FDA on May 3, 2023 for use for the
noninvasive assessment of blood flow in
the carotid artery. Per the applicant, in
a more recent FDA 510(k) submission,
the proposed indication is for use for
the noninvasive assessment of blood
flow in peripheral vasculature.
However, based on the application
submitted by the applicant, the new
technology add-on payment application
for FloPatch FP120 is not eligible for
consideration for FY 2025 for the
proposed indication (for use for the
noninvasive assessment of blood flow in
peripheral vasculature) because
documentation of FDA acceptance or
filing of the marketing authorization
request, that indicates that FDA has
determined that the application is
sufficiently complete to allow for
PO 00000
Frm 00120
Fmt 4701
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substantive review by FDA, was not
provided to CMS at the time of new
technology add-on payment application
submission. As such, the new
technology add-on payment application
for FloPatch FP120 is only eligible for
consideration for FY 2025 for the
narrower indication for use for the
noninvasive assessment of blood flow in
carotid artery.
We note that prior to the May 3, 2023
clearance, there were two FDA 510(k)
clearances for the FloPatch FP120; one
obtained in 2022 and one in 2020. The
indications in the 2020, 2022, and 2023
clearances are identical, that is, for use
for the noninvasive assessment of blood
flow in the carotid artery.44 In addition,
the 2020 clearance was based on
substantial equivalence to the FloPatch
FP110 device,45 which was an earlier
version of FloPatch FP120 and was also
FDA-cleared. According to the
applicant, FloPatch FP120 was
commercially available for this use as of
January 1, 2023. However, as noted
earlier, the provided FDA 510(k)
clearance was dated May 3, 2023.
Because the market availability date as
indicated by the applicant preceded the
2023 clearance date, and because the
2020 and 2022 clearances had the same
indication as the 2023 clearance, we
question when the technology first
became commercially available for use
for the noninvasive assessment of blood
flow in the carotid artery and request
additional information on the market
availability date for this indication. Per
the applicant, one FloPatch FP120
device would be used per inpatient stay.
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify FloPatch
FP120. We note that the applicant
submitted a request for approval for a
unique ICD–10–PCS procedure code for
FloPatch FP120 beginning in FY 2025.
The applicant provided a list of
diagnosis codes that may be used to
currently identify the indication for
FloPatch FP120 under the ICD–10–CM
coding system. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list
of ICD–10–CM codes provided by the
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered new for the purpose of new
technology add-on payments.
44 K223843, May 3, 2023; K222242, December 9,
2022; and K200337, March 24, 2020.
45 K191388, June 21, 2019.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Substantial Similarity Criteria
Per the applicant, FloPatch FP120
surpasses current methods by providing
continuous data, enhancing patient
safety, and addressing unmet clinical
needs for immediate, precise
assessments, and therefore, the
technology meets the newness criterion.
The following table summarizes the
applicant’s assertions regarding the
Aoolicant Response
Aoolicant assertions regardiru!: this criterion
The applicant stated that FloPatch FP120 represents a significant advancement in
hemodynamic monitoring technology, particularly in its application of Doppler
ultrasound techniques. According to the applicant, while FloPatch FP 120 employs
traditional Doppler ultrasound technology for assessing blood flow, the FloPatch
FP120 technology enhances this through its unique, patented sensor teclmology that
generates a broad-beam, wide ultrasonic curtain to simultaneous insonate the
arterial and venous vessels. The applicant noted that this allows for continuous,
automated quantification of Doppler blood flow assessments on a beat-to-beat
basis, providing a dynamic, real-time view of a patient's hemodynamic status,
which is a significant departure from traditional methods. Furthermore, the
applicant maintained that FloPatch FP120's unique capability to continuously
assess both arterial and venous blood t1ow simultaneously offers a more holistic
view of a patient's cardiovascular health and facilitates automated and continuous
data collection.
According lo the applicant, FloPatch FP120 technology is so new thal it has not
been reviewed or assigned to a MS-DRG, nor is it comparable to existing
technologies. ln the context ofMS-DRGs 870,871, and 872, which pertain to
septicemia or severe sepsis, the assessment of volun1e responsiveness is crucial.
The applicant stated that since the device is new, it has not undergone sufficient
review to be officially recognized as a standard or alternative treatment within the
existing MS-DRGs.
Per the applicant, existing technology does not provide clinicians with the
information they need. The current standard for assessing a patient's volume status
and fluid responsiveness involves either invasive cardiac output monitoring, which
carries risks and discomfort, or clinical judgment without real-time objective data.
The applicant argued that both methods have significant limitations, including the
potential for delayed or inaccurate assessments, leading to suboptinlal fluid
management or worse fluid overload resulting in patient harm and excess costs due
to longer and more complex lengths of stay. According to the applicant, in this
context, FloPatch FP120 introduces a significant clinical advancement. Per the
applicant, the FloPatch FP120 utilizes Doppler technology to continuously monitor
simultaneous changes in blood flow of the arterial and venous systems, providing
direct, real-tin1e data regarding a patient's hemodynamic response to fluid
administration. According to the applicant, this capability addresses a critical gap in
patient management, particularly in dynamic assessments where understanding
fluid responsiveness is crucial for decision-making and avoiding IV fluid overload
for septic patients. The applicant stated that because the FP120 offers continuous,
non-invasive assessments of changes in blood flow, use of the FP120 device not
only reduces the risks associated with invasive procedures but also enhances the
accuracy and frequency of assessments. Furthermore, the applicant asserted that the
ability of the FP120 device to detect rapid physiological changes in blood flow
enables healthcare professionals to make more informed decisions about fluid
management, reducing the likelihood of both fluid overload and underresuscitation. The applicant argued that the innnediacy of data provided by the
FloPatch F P120 allows for a more responsive form of care. The applicant
maintained that by using the FloPatch FP120, clinicians can adjust fluid
administration in real time, responding to the patient's current hemodynamic state
rather than relying on intermittent monitoring or static indicators, which may not
accurately reflect the patient's fluid responsiveness. The applicant maintained that
the introduction ofFloPatch FP120 represents a scientific and operational
advancement in the management of patients requiring fluid resuscitation,
particularly in settings characterized by a need for rapid, precise, and dynaniic
Does the technology use the
same or similar mechanism of
action to achieve a therapeutic
Is the technology assigned to
the same MS-DRG as existing
Does new use of the technology
involve the treatment of the
same/similar type of disease
and the same/similar patient
population when compared to
an existing technology?
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
substantial similarity criteria. Please see
the online application posting for
FloPatch FP120, for the applicant’s
complete statements in support of its
assertion that FloPatch FP120 is not
substantially similar to other currently
available technologies.
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PO 00000
Frm 00121
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that FloPatch FP120 is not substantially
similar to other currently available
technologies because FloPatch FP120
offers real-time, non-invasive
monitoring of hemodynamic changes of
both the arterial and venous blood flow,
improving fluid management decisions.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We note the following concerns with
regard to the newness criterion. With
respect to the first substantial similarity
criterion, whether FloPatch FP120 uses
the same or similar mechanism of action
for a therapeutic outcome when
compared to existing technologies, we
note we did not receive information
from the applicant regarding predicate
devices for FloPatch FP120 that were
previously FDA-cleared in its
discussion of existing technologies. As
noted, there are three prior FDA 510(k)
clearances for the FloPatch FP120, with
the same indication for use for the
noninvasive assessment of blood flow in
the carotid artery.46 In addition, the
2020 clearance was based on substantial
equivalence to the FloPatch FP110
device,47 which was an earlier version
of FloPatch FP120 and was also FDAcleared. We note that all of the FloPatch
FP120 FDA-cleared devices, as well as
the FP110 version have an identical
method of attachment of the ultrasound
probe to the human body, and the same
intended use and indications for use.
Accordingly, as the technology was
already approved for use for this same
indication outside of the 2- to 3-year
newness period, it appears that it would
no longer be considered new for
purposes of new technology add-on
In addition, we question whether a
different placement method or the
addition of a wearable functionality for
the noninvasive assessment of blood
flow would constitute a different
mechanism of action, and also whether
these differences may instead be
relevant to the assessment of substantial
clinical improvement, rather than of
newness. For example, while the
applicant described FloPatch FP120 as
user-friendly, we question whether easeof-use in itself represents a mechanism
of action unique from existing
technologies for a therapeutic outcome,
as the primary underlying mechanism of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
46 K223843, May 3, 2023; K222242, December 9,
2022; and K200337, March 24, 2020.
47 K191388, June 21, 2019.
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action is still Doppler ultrasound
With respect to the second substantial
similarity criterion, that is, whether a
product is assigned to the same or a
different MS–DRG, although the
applicant asserts that the device is new
and has not undergone sufficient review
to be recognized as a treatment within
the existing MS–DRGs, we note that the
applicant stated that FloPatch FP120
could be relevant to existing MS–DRGs
that pertain to septicemia or severe
sepsis for the assessment of volume
responsiveness. We believe that, based
on its indication, cases involving the
use FloPatch FP120 would be assigned
to the same MS–DRGs as those
involving existing technologies used for
invasive and non-invasive
measurements of blood flow, such as for
patients with septicemia or severe
With respect to the third substantial
similarity criterion, that is, whether the
technology involves treatment of the
same or similar type of disease or
patient population when compared to
an existing technology, the applicant
maintained that existing technologies do
not provide clinicians with the
information they need, and while
FloPatch LP120 serves a similar purpose
as existing technology, its process has
been optimized by providing a safer,
more accurate, and instantaneous
method of assessment. While this may
be relevant to the assessment of
substantial clinical improvement, it
does not appear to be related to
newness, and we remain unclear about
how the patient population for which
FloPatch FP120 is used differs from
other patients for which existing noninvasive (for example, Doppler
ultrasound devices) and invasive
technologies are used for hemodynamic
monitoring in a same or similar type of
disease (such as septicemia or severe
Accordingly, as it appears that the
May 3, 2023 FDA 510(k) clearance and
prior FDA 510(k) clearances for
FloPatch FP120 may use the same or
PO 00000
Frm 00122
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
similar mechanism of action to achieve
a therapeutic outcome, would be
assigned to the same MS–DRG, and treat
the same or similar patient population
and disease, we believe that these
technologies may be substantially
similar to each other. We note that if
FloPatch FP120 as described in its 2023
FDA 510(k) clearance is substantially
similar to prior versions as described in
the 2022 and 2020 FDA 510(k)
clearances, we believe the newness
period for this technology would begin
on March 24, 2020 with the earliest FDA
510(k) clearance date for FloPatch
FP120 (K200337) and therefore, because
the 3-year anniversary date of the
technology’s entry onto the U.S. market
(March 24, 2023) occurred in FY 2023,
the technology would no longer be
considered new and would not be
eligible for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2025.
We are inviting public comments on
whether FloPatch FP120 is substantially
similar to existing technologies and
whether FloPatch FP120 meets the
newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for
FloPatch FP120, the applicant searched
the FY 2022 MedPAR for cases with
ICD–10–CM diagnosis code category of
E877 (Fluid overload, unspecified) and
MS–DRG codes for septicemia or severe
sepsis. Using the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table,
the applicant identified 690,320 cases
mapping to septicemia or severe sepsis
MS–DRGs. The applicant followed the
order of operations described in the
following table and calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $93,703,
which exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount of $70,142.
Because the final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount, the applicant
asserted that FloPatch FP120 meets the
cost criterion.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and Time Period
FY 2022 Med.PAR file
List ofICD-10-CM codes
All codes within the category E877 (Fluid overload, unspecified)
Inclusion/exclusion criteria
870 (Septicemia or Severe Sepsis with MV >96 hours or Peripheral Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
871 (Septicemia or Severe Sepsis without MV >96 hours with MCC)
872 (Septicemia or Severe Seosis without MV >96 hours without MCC)
The applicant identified cases by using all codes within the ICD-10-CM code category E877 with an
accompanying MS-URG of 870 871. or 872.
Charges removed for prior
Per the applicant, the use ofFloPatch FP120 would replace the use of an invasive cardiac output monitor such as
Edwards Lifesciences Hemosphere, which uses an invasive arterial line and analyzes arterial pressure waveforms.
The applicant removed estimated charges per patient for monitor and disposable sensor from the identified cases.
The applicant did not remove indirect charges related to the prior technology.
Standardized charges
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant used all
relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Inflation factor
Charges added for the new
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor used
to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by the
corresponding national average cost-to-charge ratio from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. Per the
applicant, the cost of FloPatch FP120 device is determined based on the monthly software subscription plus the
single patient use cost for the wearable FloPatch FP120 device. The applicant did not add indirect charges related
to the new technology.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We note the following concern
regarding the cost criterion. Per the
applicant, FloPatch FP120 is not
indicated for use for a particular disease
or diagnosis, but rather to assess
changes in blood flow in response to a
preload challenge and that it monitors
hemodynamic change in response to a
clinical intervention. We note that the
applicant limited their coding
determination and cost analysis to cases
associated with a diagnosis of
septicemia or severe sepsis with the
identified MS–DRGs, 870, 871, and 872,
as these are the cases for which
FloPatch FP120 is best suited. However,
the applicant stated that patients who
are categorized under MS–DRGs other
than 870, 871, and 872 can develop
sepsis even though they are not initially
admitted under a sepsis-related DRG,
such as post-surgical patients or patients
admitted for acute conditions like heart
failure or chronic illnesses such as
diabetes or renal disease. As these
patients may also require vigilant
monitoring for sepsis and fluid overload
in a broader range of clinical scenarios,
we are interested in additional
information regarding whether such
cases using the technology would map
to other DRGs, and if those cases should
also be included in the cost analysis.
We are inviting public comments on
whether FloPatch FP120 meets the cost
With regard to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion, the applicant
asserted that FloPatch FP120 overcomes
barriers associated with traditional flowdirected therapies, which are often
invasive and require specific expertise,
by offering a non-invasive, user-friendly
alternative. Per the applicant, the
FloPatch FP120 makes precision fluid
management more accessible, enabling
early detection of preload
unresponsiveness, thereby minimizing
complications from over-resuscitation.
The applicant asserted that FloPatch
FP120 offers a treatment option for a
patient population unresponsive to, or
ineligible for, currently available
treatments; offers the ability to diagnose
a medical condition in a patient
population where that medical
condition is currently undetectable or
offers the ability to diagnose a medical
condition earlier in a patient population
than allowed by currently available
methods; and that use of FloPatch
FP120 significantly improves clinical
outcomes relative to services or
technologies previously available. The
applicant provided five studies to
support these claims. We also note that
seven other articles submitted as
supporting evidence should more
appropriately be characterized as
background articles because they do not
directly assess the use of FloPatch
FP120. Instead, those seven articles
focus on the relationship between fluid
responsiveness status during septic
shock resuscitation.48 The following
table summarizes the applicant’s
assertions regarding the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. Please
see the online posting for FloPatch
FP120 for the applicant’s complete
statements regarding the substantial
clinical improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
48 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
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List ofMS-DRGs
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology offers a treatment option for a patient population unresponsive to, or
inelil!ible for. currentlv available treatments
Annlicant statements in sunnort Supporting evidence provided by the annlicant
Kenny J-ES, Munding CE, Eibl JK, et al. (2021a) A novel, hands-free ultrasound patch for continuous
monitoring of quantilati ve Doppler in lhe carotid artery. Scientific Reports 11(1 ): 1-11.
Patient Accessibility to flow
Kenny J-ES, Gibbs SO, Johnston D, et al. (2023a) The time cost of physiologically ineffective intravenous
directed therapy
fluids in the emergency department: an observational pilot study employing wearable Doppler ultrasound.
Journal ofIntensive Care 11:7 httos:// 186/s40560-023-00655-6.
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #2: The technology offers the ability to diagnose a medical condition in a patient population
where that medical condition is currently undetedable or offers the ability to diagnose a medical wndition earlier in a patient population
than allowed by currently available methods
Annlicant statements in sunnort Sunnortin!! evidence nrovided bv the annlicant
Kenny J-ES, Munding CE, Eibl JK, et al. (2021 a) A novel, hands-free ultrasound patch for continuous
monitoring of quantitative Doppler in the carotid artery. Scientific Reports 11 (1 ): 1-11.
Kenny J-ES, Barjaktarevic I, Mackenzie DC, et al. (2021b) Inferring the Frank-Starling Curve From
Simultaneous Venous and Arterial Doppler: Measurements From a Wireless, Wearable Ultrasound Patch
fHypothcsis and Theory l- Frontiers in Medical Teclmology 2021-May-14 3(16). 10.3389/iinedt.2021.676995
Diagnosing preload
unresponsiveness early in care is
important because it reduces
Kenny JS, Barjaktarevic I, Mackenzie DC, et al. (2021 c) Carotid Doppler ultrasonography correlates with
stroke volume in a human model of mypovolae1nia and resuscitation: analysis of 48 570 cycles. British Journal
ofAnesthesia 127(2):E62-E63.
Kenny J-ES, Gibbs SO, Johnston D, et al. (2023a) The time cost of physiologically ineffective intravenous
fluids in the emergency department: an observational pilot study employing wearable Doppler ultrasound.
Journal ofintensive Care 11:7 186/s40560-023-00655-6.
Kenny JS, Gibbs SO, Eibl JK, et al. (2023b) Simultaneous venous-arterial Doppler during preload
augmentation: illustrating the Doppler Starling curve. Ultrasound J Jul 28. 1S( 1): 32.
httns://doi.orn 10.1186/s13089-023-00330-9
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #3: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services or technologies
previously available
Annlicant statements in sunnort Sunnortin!! evidence nrovided bv the annlicant
Kenny J-ES, Munding CE, Eibl JK, et al. (2021a) A novel, hands-free ultrasound patch for continuous
monitoring of quantitative Doppler in the carotid artery. Scientific Reports 11 (1 ): 1-11.
Current services for sepsis
patients are providing IV fluids
without flow guidance
Kenny J-ES, Gibbs SO, Johnston D, et al. (2023a) The time cost of physiologically ineffective intravenous
fluids in the emergency department: an observational pilot study employing wearable Doppler ultrasound.
Journal ofIntensive Care 11:7 186/s40560-023-00655-6
We note the following concerns
regarding whether FloPatch FP120
meets the substantial clinical
improvement criterion.
In support of its assertion that
FloPatch FP120 offers a treatment
option for a patient population
unresponsive to, or ineligible for,
currently available treatments, the
applicant stated that FloPatch FP120
improves patient accessibility to flowdirected therapy. The applicant referred
to the Kenny et al. (2021a) 49 study that
focused on a novel, hands-free CW
Doppler patch developed for easily and
continuously monitoring changes in
blood flow velocities in the common
´ S, Munding CE, Eibl JK, et al. (2021a)
49 Kenny J-E
A novel, hands-free ultrasound patch for
continuous monitoring of quantitative Doppler in
the carotid artery. Scientific Reports 11(1):1–11.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
carotid artery. The study included in
vitro experiments conducted using
moving string and blood-mimicking
flow phantoms; a small usability study
with 22 participants, and an in vivo
proof-of-concept study with one healthy
volunteer and one congestive heart
failure patient. While the study found
that the CW Doppler patch
demonstrated accuracy in identifying
changes in target velocity in string and
flow phantom experiments, that it was
easy to use, and that the Doppler patch
could continuously record and track
instantaneous changes in carotid
velocity time integral (VTI) during a
passive leg raise, we question if the
evidence demonstrates that the FloPatch
FP120 substantially improves patient
accessibility to flow directed therapy
relative to existing technologies. We
PO 00000
Frm 00124
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
would be interested in evidence
comparing the use of FloPatch FP120
and existing technologies to
demonstrate improvements in patient
accessibility. In addition, we note that
the study had small sample sizes, which
may raise concerns about the reliability
of the findings.
To support its claim that FloPatch
FP120 improves patient accessibility to
flow-directed therapy, the applicant also
included findings from the Kenny et al.
(2023a) 50 study about the time cost of
physiologically ineffective intravenous
fluid in the emergency department (ED).
Per the applicant, this study sought to
´ S, Gibbs SO, Johnston D, et al.
50 Kenny J-E
(2023a) The time cost of physiologically ineffective
intravenous fluids in the emergency department: an
observational pilot study employing wearable
Doppler ultrasound. Journal of Intensive Care 11:7
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Kenny JS, Gibbs SO, Eibl JK, et al. (2023b) Simultaneous venous-arterial Doppler during preload
augmentation: illustrating the Doppler Starling curve. Ultrasound J Jul 28. 15(1 ): 32.
hllns://doi.orn: 10 .1186/s l 3089-023-00330-9
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
quantify the burden of fluid
unresponsiveness early in ED care and
calculate the time spent providing
physiologically ineffective IV fluid
using FloPatch FP120. It was a
prospective study design, using a
convenience sample of 51 adult patients
presenting to a single community ED
requiring IV fluid expansion for any
indication, and identified 86 preload
challenges, and 19,667 carotid Doppler
beats. The study authors concluded that
a clinically significant fraction of fluid
unresponsive or refractory patients was
observed early in their ED care, and a
considerable amount of time was spent
providing physiologically ineffective IV
fluid, and that these findings may
indicate an area in ED care where using
wearable Doppler ultrasound
technology, like FloPatch FP120, would
improve clinical efficiency. We question
whether these findings can be replicated
in studies with a larger sample. We also
question if a study using a patient
sample representative of those
potentially appropriate for FloPatch
FP120 would yield similar results as
one using a convenience sample. In
addition, we are interested in whether a
multi-center trial would generate the
same result as a single-site study, where
site-specific attributes could potentially
confound study results, reducing the
reliability of the findings.
The applicant also asserted that
FloPatch FP120 is able to diagnose
sepsis in a population where sepsis is
currently undetectable, or to diagnose it
earlier than currently available
technologies. The applicant claimed
that diagnosing preload
unresponsiveness early in care is
important because doing so reduces
complications. However, although the
applicant provided studies
demonstrating that FloPatch FP120 can
diagnose sepsis, these studies do not
appear to demonstrate that the use of
the technology to make a diagnosis
affected the management of the patients,
as required under § 412.87(b)(1)(ii)(B).
For example, in the Kenny et al.
(2023a) 51 study on time cost of
physiologically ineffective intravenous
fluids in the ED, as discussed earlier,
there was no evidence linking the use of
FloPatch FP120 to changes in the
management of patients such as
initiating or discontinuing IV fluid
To further support its claim that
diagnosing preload unresponsiveness
´ S, Gibbs SO, Johnston D, et al.
51 Kenny J-E
(2023a) The time cost of physiologically ineffective
intravenous fluids in the emergency department: an
observational pilot study employing wearable
Doppler ultrasound. Journal of Intensive Care 11:7
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
early in care is important because doing
so reduces complications, the applicant
also used the Kenny et al. (2021c) 52
study about correlation between carotid
Doppler ultrasonography and stroke
volume. The study found that compared
with existing handheld Doppler devices,
FloPatch FP120 was able to capture and
analyze a large number of cardiac
cycles, account for inherent SV
variation over many cardiorespiratory
cycles, and eliminate the effects of
human errors. The applicant
hypothesized that when measured over
many cardiac cycles, monitoring SV
change using FloPatch FP120 might
support diagnosis and management of
evolving hypovolemia. While this study
and those discussed earlier
demonstrated that FloPatch FP120
provided noninvasive assessment of
blood flow to determine SV changes,
similar to our previous concern, we
remain interested in evidence showing
how use of the technology to make a
diagnosis affects the management of
patients, such as the use of FloPatch
FP120 to initiate or discontinue IV fluid
expansion in response to the observed
SV changes.
The applicant also referred to the
findings of the Kenny et al. (2023b) 53
study on simultaneous venous-arterial
Doppler during preload augmentation to
support its claim that diagnosing
preload unresponsiveness early in care
is important because it reduces
complications. In that study, the
researchers concluded that FloPatch
FP120 (referenced as the wearable
Doppler biosensor) can help identify
patients with dynamic fluid intolerance,
potentially guiding IV fluid
management and preventing
downstream complications and costs.
We are concerned that the small clinical
sample size and presence of potential
confounders could call into question the
reliability and validity of the findings.
In addition, we note that this study does
not appear to demonstrate that use of
FloPatch FP120 to assess preload
responsiveness affected the management
of the patients, as the study states that
the treating clinician was blinded to the
results of the wearable ultrasound and
that the choice for preload augmentation
was at the discretion of the treating
52 Kenny JS, Barjaktarevic I, Mackenzie DC, et al.
Carotid Doppler ultrasonography correlates with
stroke volume in a human model of mypovolaemia
and resuscitation: analysis of 48 570 cycles. British
Journal of Anesthesia 2021c. 127(2):E62–E63.
53 Kenny JS, Gibbs SO, Eibl JK, et al. (2023b)
Simultaneous venous-arterial Doppler during
preload augmentation: illustrating the Doppler
Starling curve. Ultrasound J Jul 28;15(1):32. https://
PO 00000
Frm 00125
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
To support the assertion that FloPatch
FP120 significantly improves clinical
outcomes relative to services or
technologies previously available, the
applicant claimed that current services
for sepsis patients are providing IV
fluids without flow guidance, and
referred to three Kenny studies (2021a,
2023a, and 2023b), discussed earlier. As
discussed, we are interested in
additional evidence that assesses the
impact of FloPatch FP120 compared to
existing technologies that can be used to
provide flow guidance on clinical
We are inviting public comments on
whether FloPatch FP120 meets the
substantial clinical improvement
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for FloPatch
f. HEPZATOTM KIT (Melphalan for
Injection/Hepatic Delivery System)
Delcath System submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for HEPZATOTM KIT for FY
2025. According to the applicant,
HEPZATOTM KIT is a drug/device
combination product consisting of
melphalan and the Hepatic Delivery
System (HDS), indicated as a liverdirected treatment for adult patients
with uveal melanoma with unresectable
hepatic metastases. Per the applicant,
the HDS is used to perform
percutaneous hepatic perfusion (PHP),
an intensive local hepatic chemotherapy
procedure, in which the alkylating agent
melphalan hydrochloride is delivered
intra-arterially to the liver with
simultaneous extracorporeal filtration of
hepatic venous blood return
Please refer to the online application
posting for HEPZATOTM KIT, available
for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by
the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion,
according to the applicant, HEPZATOTM
KIT was granted approval as a New
Drug Application (NDA) from FDA on
August 14, 2023, for use as a liverdirected treatment for adult patients
with uveal melanoma with unresectable
hepatic metastases affecting less than 50
percent of the liver and no extrahepatic
disease or extrahepatic disease limited
to the bone, lymph nodes, subcutaneous
tissues, or lung that is amenable to
resection or radiation. According to the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
applicant, the technology became
available for sale on January 8, 2024,
because manufacturing did not
commence until after FDA approval was
granted. Melphalan hydrochloride, a
component of the HEPZATOTM KIT, is
administered by intra-arterial infusion
into the hepatic artery at a dose of 3 mg/
kg of body weight with a maximum dose
of 220 mg during a single HEPZATO
treatment. The drug is infused over 30
minutes, followed by a 30-minute
washout period. According to the
applicant, treatments should be
administered every 6 to 8 weeks, but
can be delayed until recovery from
toxicities, and as per clinical judgement.
The applicant stated that, effective
October 1, 2023, the following ICD–10–
PCS code may be used to uniquely
describe procedures involving the use of
(Introduction of melphalan
hydrochloride antineoplastic into
peripheral artery, percutaneous
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approach, new technology group 9). The
applicant provided a list of diagnosis
codes that may be used to currently
identify the indication for HEPZATOTM
KIT under the ICD–10–CM coding
system. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list
of ICD–10–CM and ICD–10–PCS codes
provided by the applicant.
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that HEPZATOTM KIT is not
substantially similar to other currently
available technologies because it offers
the first liver-directed treatment option
to patients with liver-dominant
metastatic ocular melanoma (mOM)
PO 00000
Frm 00126
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
who may be poor candidates for liver
resection and/or who may have
difficulty tolerating systemic
chemotherapy. According to the
applicant, HEPZATOTM KIT uses a
unique PHP procedure to isolate liver
circulation and deliver a high
concentration of melphalan to liver
tumors via infusion followed by
filtration of the hepatic venous flow to
remove melphalan out of the blood with
extracorporeal filters, and that therefore,
the technology meets the newness
criterion. The following table
summarizes the applicant’s assertions
regarding the substantial similarity
criteria. Please see the online
application posting for HEPZATOTM
KIT for the applicant’s complete
statements in support of its assertion
that HEPZATOTM KIT is not
substantially similar to other currently
available technologies.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Substantial Similarity Criteria
Applicant Response
Applicant assertions regarding this criterion
The HEPZATO™ KIT uses a liver-directed PHP procedure
to isolate liver circulation and deliver a high concentration
of the chemotherapeutic, melphalan to liver tumors via
infusion followed by filtration of the hepatic venous flow to
remove melphalan out of the blood with extracorporeal
filters before returning the blood to the patient's systemic
circulation. Regional treatment of the liver is possible by
utilizing its unique dual blood supply. Whereas normal liver
cells receive their blood primarily from the portal vein, liver
tumors are supplied almost exclusively (up to 95%) by the
hepatic artery. This allows for isolation of the hepatic
arterial inflow and venous outflow, where a 30-minute
infusion ofmelphalan can be delivered directly to
unresectable liver metastases while sparing healthy liver
tissue by limiting systemic exposure. Chemosaturation with
PHP relies on placing a unique double-balloon catheter
percutaneously into the inferior vena cava to isolate the
hepatic venous blood. High doses of melphalan can then be
infused directly into the hepatic artery. A fenestrated section
in the double-balloon catheter allows the isolated hepatic
blood to be filtered extra-corporeally before being returned
to systemic circulation. There are currently no other FDA
approved liver-directed therapies for patients with liverdominant mOM.
Use of the HEPZATO™ KIT will likely be assigned to the
following DRGs where other chemotherapies administered
during inpatient stays would also be assigned:
826 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms with Major O.R. Procedures with MCC);
827 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms with Major O.R. Procedures with CC);
828 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms with Major O.R. Procedures without CC/MCC);
829 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms with other Procedures with CC/MCC);
830 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms with other Procedures without CC/MCC);
846 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary
Diagnosis with MCC);
847 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary
Diagnosis with CC); or
848 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary
Diagnosis without CC/MCC).
The HEPZATO™ KIT treats patients with liver-dominant
mOM who may be poor candidates for liver resection and/or
who may have difficulty tolerating systemic chemotherapy.
This patient population does not have FDA approved
treatment options available. Where possible, metastatic
ocular melanoma is treated through surgical resection,
although this is not always feasible, and clinicians may
employ a range of liver-directed and systemic therapies.
Liver-directed therapies can be utilized to deliver targeted
treatment to the liver, including regional isolation perfusion
of the liver, embolization techniques, and ablative
procedures. Systemic therapies use drugs to deliver
treatment throughout the body via blood circulation so as to
have an effect on all cells throughout the body, including
cancerous cells. However, there are currently no systemic
therapies that have reliably demonstrated improvement in
overall survival outcomes in patients with mOM in the liver.
Does the technology use the
same or similar mechanism of
action to achieve a therapeutic
Is the technology assigned to the
same MS-DRG as existing
Does new use of the technology
involve the treatment of the
same/similar type of disease and
the same/similar patient
population when compared to
an existing technology?
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We are inviting public comments on
whether HEPZATOTM KIT is
substantially similar to existing
technologies and whether HEPZATOTM
KIT meets the newness criterion. We are
also inviting public comments on drugdevice combination technology
considerations for new technology addon payments. Specifically, we seek
comment on whether reformatting the
delivery mechanism for a drug would
represent a new mechanism of action for
drug-device combination technologies,
and on factors that should be considered
when considering new technology addon payments for technologies that may
use a drug or device component that is
no longer new in combination with a
new drug or device component.
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided multiple analyses to
demonstrate that it meets the cost
criterion. For each analysis, the
applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR file using a combination of
ICD–10–CM and/or PCS codes to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for
HEPZATOTM KIT. The applicant
explained that it used different codes to
demonstrate different cohorts that may
be eligible for HEPZATOTM KIT because
it is indicated for a rare condition,
hepatic-dominant mOM, which does not
have a unique ICD–10–CM diagnosis
code to identify potential cases with the
specific diagnosis of interest, nor a
unique ICD–10–PCS procedure code
that would identify patients receiving
this specific procedure. The applicant
believed the cases identified in the
analysis are the closest proxies to the
cases potentially eligible for the use of
HEPZATOTM KIT. Each analysis
followed the order of operations
described in the table later in this
For the first analysis, the applicant
searched for cases with ICD–10–PCS
code 3E05305 (Introduction of other
antineoplastic into peripheral artery,
percutaneous approach) for the PHP
procedure, and ICD–10–CM code Z51.11
(Encounter for antineoplastic
chemotherapy) as the primary diagnosis
for the administration of chemotherapy
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during an inpatient stay. In addition, the
applicant narrowed the analysis to cases
with liver-dominant mOM using at least
one secondary liver metastases
diagnosis plus at least one ocular
melanoma diagnosis. Please see the
online posting for HEPZATOTM KIT for
the complete list of codes provided by
the applicant. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the following table. Under this analysis,
the applicant identified 11 claims
mapping to one MS–DRG: 829
(Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly
Differentiated Neoplasms with Other
Procedures with CC/MCC). The
applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $1,068,530, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $104,848.
For the second analysis, the applicant
searched for the following combination
of ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes: Z51.11
(Encounter for antineoplastic
chemotherapy) as the primary diagnosis
code, in combination with at least one
of the following secondary liver
metastases codes: C78.7 (Secondary
malignant neoplasm of liver and
intrahepatic bile duct), or C22.9
(Malignant neoplasm of liver, not
specified as primary or secondary). The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 1,134 claims mapping to nine
MS–DRGs, with 94 percent of identified
cases mapping to three MS–DRGs: 829
(Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly
Differentiated Neoplasms with Other
Procedures with CC/MCC), as well as
846 and 847 (Chemotherapy without
Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis
with MCC, and with CC, respectively).
The applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $1,066,207, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $81,652.
For the third analysis, the applicant
searched for cases where the ICD–10–
CM code Z51.11 (Encounter for
antineoplastic chemotherapy) is the
primary diagnosis or the ICD–10 PCS
code 3E05305 (Introduction of other
PO 00000
Frm 00128
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
antineoplastic into peripheral artery,
percutaneous approach) is reported. In
addition, the case also needed to
include at least one of the following
secondary liver metastases codes: C78.7
(Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver
and intrahepatic bile duct) or C22.9
(Malignant neoplasm of liver, not
specified as primary or secondary). The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 1,277 claims mapping to 12
MS–DRGs with 92 percent of identified
cases mapping to three MS–DRGs: 829
(Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly
Differentiated Neoplasms with Other
Procedures with CC/MCC); as well as
846 and 847 (Chemotherapy without
Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis
with MCC, and with CC, respectively).
The applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $1,067,772, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $80,245.
For the fourth analysis, the applicant
searched for cases reporting the
following combination of ICD–10–CM
diagnosis codes: C78.7 (Secondary
malignant neoplasm of liver and
intrahepatic bile duct) or C22.9
(Malignant neoplasm of liver), in
combination with at least one ocular
melanoma ICD–10–CM code. Please see
the online posting for HEPZATOTM KIT
for the complete list of codes provided
by the applicant. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the following table. Under this analysis,
the applicant identified 1,059 claims
mapping to 91 MS–DRGs with none
exceeding 4.91 percent. The applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $1,062,553, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $66,104.
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant asserted that
HEPZATOTM KIT meets the cost
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and Time Period
FY 2022 MedPAR File
Analysis 1 and 4:
For the list ofICD-10-CM codes, see the online posting for HEPZATO™ KIT.
List ofICD-10-CM codes
List ofICD-10-PCS codes
Analysis 2 and 3:
Z51.11 (Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy)
C78.7 (Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct)
C22.9 (Malignant neoplasm of liver, not specified as primary or secondary)
Analysis 1 and 3:
3E05305 (Introduction of other antineoplastic into peripheral artery, percutaneous approach)
Analvsis 2 and 4: Not aoolicable
Analysis 1:
829 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms with Other Procedures with
List ofMS-DRGs
Analysis 2:
004 (Tracheostomy with MV >96 Hours or Principal Diagnosis except Face, Mouth, and Neck
without Major O.R. Procedures)
016 (Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC)
018 (Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell and Other Immunotherapies)
826 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms with Major O.R. Procedures
829 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms with Other Procedures with
83 7 (Chemotherapy with Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis or with High Dose Chemotherapy
Agent with MCC)
83 8 (Chemotherapy with Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with CC or High Dose
Chemotherapy Agent)
846 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with MCC)
847 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with CC)
54 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS-DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Analysis 3:
004 (Tracheostomy with MV >96 Hours or Principal Diagnosis except Face, Mouth, and Neck
without Major O.R. Procedures)
016 (Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC)
018 (Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell and Other Immunotherapies)
826 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms with Major O.R. Procedures
829 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms with Other Procedures with
830 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms with Other Procedures
without CC/MCC)
83 7 (Chemotherapy with Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis or with High Dose Chemotherapy
Agent with MCC)
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
83 8 (Chemotherapy with Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with CC or High Dose
Chemotherapy Agent)
839 (Chemotherapy with Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis without CC/MCC)
846 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with MCC)
847 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with CC)
848 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis without CC/MCC)
Analysis 4:
For the list ofMS-DRGs, see the online posting for HEPZATO™ KIT.
Analysis 1: The applicant selected claims based on the ICD-10-PCS code listed previously, plus ICD10-CM code Z5 l. l 1 (Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy) as the primary diagnosis, and at
least one secondary liver metastases diagnosis plus at least one ocular melanoma diagnosis. Please
see the online posting for HEPZATO™ KIT for the complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided. The
applicant believes this analysis represents what would likely be used to report the HEPZATO™ KIT
procedure if it were billed today.
Analysis 2: The applicant selected claims based on the ICD-10-CM diagnosis code Z51.1 l
(Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy) as the primary diagnosis code, in combination with at
least one of the following secondary liver metastases ICD-10-CM codes: C78. 7 (Secondary
malignant neoplasm ofliver and intrahepatic bile duct) or C22.9 (Malignant neoplasm ofliver, not
specified as primary or secondary). The applicant provided this analysis to focus on the melphalan
hydrochloride chemotherapy component of the HEPZATO™ KIT.
Charges removed for prior
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Standardized charges
Analysis 3: The applicant selected claims based on the ICD-10-CM diagnosis code Z51.11
(Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy) as the primary diagnosis and/or reporting of the ICD10-PCS code listed previously. In addition, cases must include at least one of the following secondary
liver metastases codes: C78. 7 (Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct) or
C22.9 (Malignant neoplasm of liver, not specified as primary or secondary). The applicant included
this analysis to focus on the combination of the melphalan hydrochloride chemotherapy component
of the HEPZATO™ KIT and the PHP procedure.
Analysis 4: The applicant selected claims based on reporting of at least one secondary liver
metastasis diagnosis [either C78. 7 (Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct)
or C22.9 (Malignant neoplasm of liver)], in combination with at least one ocular melanoma ICD-10CM code. Please see the online posting for HEPZATO™ KIT for the complete list of ICD-10-CM
codes provided by the applicant. The applicant provided this analysis to demonstrate how the
costs/charges ofHEPZATO KIT compared to existing treatment options for liver-dominant mOM, so
the focus was inclusion of diagnosis codes for the target patient population.
The applicant stated HEPZATO™ KIT is expected to replace other drugs patients currently receive
for the treatment of metastatic ocular melanoma. As such, averages of charges (per MS-DRG)
associated with the drug cost center in the FY 2022 MedPAR file were removed. The applicant did
not remove indirect charges related to the prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The
applicant used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Inflation factor
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation
factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Charges added for the new
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by
the national average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.18 for drugs from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule. The applicant did not add indirect charges related to the new technology.
We are inviting public comments on
whether HEPZATOTM KIT meets the
cost criterion.
With regard to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion, the applicant
asserted that HEPZATOTM KIT
represents a substantial clinical
improvement over existing technologies
because it offers a minimally invasive,
targeted, effective, and safe treatment
option to patients with liver-dominant
mOM who may be poor candidates for
liver resection or who may have
difficulty tolerating systemic
chemotherapy which results in a
substantial clinical improvement in
response and survival rates over best
available care and quality of life
compared to pre-treatment. The
applicant provided 11 studies to
support these claims, as well as one
background article about use of
chemosaturation with PHP (CS–PHP) as
a palliative treatment option for patients
with unresectable
cholangiocarcinoma.55 The following
table summarizes the applicant’s
assertions regarding the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. Please
see the online posting for HEPZATOTM
55 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
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exclusion criteria
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
KIT for the applicant’s complete
statements regarding the substantial
clinical improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology offers a treatment option for a patient population
unresponsive to, or ineligible for, currently available treatments
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
Applicant statements in
Offers a treatment option for a
None Provided.
patient population
unresponsive or ineligible for,
currentlv available treatments
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #2: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services
or technologies previously available
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
Applicant statements in
Meijer TS, Geus-Oei LF, Martini CH, et al. Embolization of variant hepatic arteries in patients
undergoing percutaneous hepatic perfusion for unresectable liver metastases from ocular
melanoma. Diagn lnterv Radio!. Nov 2019;25(6):451-458.
Meijer TS, Burgmans MC, de Leede EM, et al. Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion with Melphalan
in Patients with Unresectable Ocular Melanoma Metastases Confined to the Liver: A
Prospective Phase II Study. Ann Surg Oncol. Feb 2021;28(2):1130-1141.
Delcath ASCO 2022 FOCUS Trial Poster.
Dewald CLA, Hinrichs .TB, Becker LS, et al. Chemosaturation with Percutaneous Hepatic
Perfusion: Outcome and Safety in Patients with Metastasized Uveal Melanoma. Rofo. Aug
2021; 193(8):928-936.
Increased response rate over
best available care
Artzner C, Mossakowski 0, Hefferman G, et al. Chemosaturation with percutaneous hepatic
perfusion ofmelphalan for liver-dominant metastatic uveal melanoma: a single center
experience. Cancer Imaging. May 30, 2019;19(1):31.
Vogl TJ, Koch SA, Lotz G, et al. Percutaneous Isolated Hepatic Perfusion as a Treatment for
Isolated Hepatic Metastases of Uveal Melanoma: Patient Outcome and Safety in a Multi-centre
Study. Cardiovasc lntervent Radio!. Jun 2017;40(6):864-872.
Tong TML, Samim M, Kapiteijn E, et al. Predictive parameters in patients undergoing
percutaneous hepatic perfusion with melphalan for unresectable liver metastases from uveal
melanoma: a retrospective pooled analysis. Cardiovasc lntervent Radio!. 2022;45(9):13041313. doi: 10.1007/s00270-022-03225-9.
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Karydis I, Gangi A, Wheater MJ, et al. Percutaneous hepatic perfusion with melphalan in uveal
melanoma: A safe and effective treatment modality in an orphan disease. J Surg Oncol. May
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Bruning R, Tiede M, Schneider M, et al. Unresectable Hepatic Metastasis ofUveal Melanoma:
Hepatic Chemosaturation with High-Dose Melphalan-Long-Term Overall Survival Negatively
Correlates with Tumor Burden. Radiol Res Pract. 2020.
The applicant provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed
via the online posting for the technology.
Hughes MS, Zager J, Faries M, et al. Results of a Randomized Controlled Multicenter Phase III
Trial of Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion Compared with Best Available Care for Patients with
Melanoma Liver Metastases. Ann Surg Oncol. Apr 2016;23(4):1309-19.
Meijer TS, Burgmans MC, de Leede EM, et al. Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion with Melphalan
in Patients with Unresectable Ocular Melanoma Metastases Confined to the Liver: A
Prospective Phase 11 Study. Ann Surg Oncol. Feb 2021;28(2):1130-1141.
Dewald CLA, Hinrichs .TB, Becker LS, et al. Chemosaturation with Percutaneous Hepatic
Perfusion: Outcome and Safety in Patients with Metastasized Uveal Melanoma. Rofo. Aug
2021; 193(8):928-936.
Artzner C, Mossakowski 0, Hefferman G, et al. Chemosaturation with percutaneous hepatic
perfusion of melphalan for liver-dominant metastatic uveal melanoma: a single center
experience. Cancer Imaging. May 30, 2019; 19(1 ):31.
Improves survival over other
treatment options
Vogl TJ, Koch SA, Lotz G, et al. Percutaneous Isolated Hepatic Perfusion as a Treatment for
Isolated Hepatic Metastases ofUveal Melanoma: Patient Outcome and Safety in a Multi-centre
Study. Cardiovasc Intervent Radio!. Jun 2017;40(6):864-872.
Tong TML, Samim M, Kapiteijn E, et al. Predictive parameters in patients undergoing
percutaneous hepatic perfusion with melphalan for unresectable liver metastases from uveal
melanoma: a retrospective pooled analysis. Cardiovasc lntervent Radiol. 2022;45(9):13041313. doi: 10.1007/s00270-022-03225-9.
Karydis I, Gangi A, Wheater MJ, et al. Percutaneous hepatic perfusion with melphalan in uveal
melanoma: A safe and effective treatment modality in an orphan disease. J Surg Oncol. May
Bruning R, Tiede M, Schneider M, et al. Unresectable Hepatic Metastasis ofUveal Melanoma:
Hepatic Chemosaturation with High-Dose Melphalan-Long-Term Overall Survival Negatively
Correlates with Tumor Burden. Radio! Res Pract. 2020.
Delcath ASCO 2022 FOCUS Trial Poster.
FOCUS Trial Ongoing (NCT02678572).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
After review of the information
provided by the applicant, we have the
following concerns regarding whether
HEPZATOTM KIT meets the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. With
respect to the applicant’s assertion that
HEPZATOTM KIT offers a treatment
option for a patient population
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unresponsive or ineligible for currently
available treatments, while the
applicant stated that HEPZATOTM KIT
offers an additional treatment option to
patients with liver-dominant mOM who
may be poor candidates for liver
resection or who may have difficulty
tolerating systemic chemotherapy, it did
not provide evidence in support of this
PO 00000
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assertion. We would be interested in
information regarding whether there are
potential Medicare patient populations
that may have difficulty tolerating (or be
unresponsive to) KIMMTRAK® or other
currently available treatments, but
would be a good candidate for
Improves quality of life over
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be
accessed via the online posting for the technology.
Vogl TJ, Koch SA, Lotz G, et al. Percutaneous Isolated Hepatic Perfusion as a Treatment for
Isolated Hepatic Metastases of Uveal Melanoma: Patient Outcome and Safety in a Multi-centre
Studv. Cardiovasc Intervent Radio!. Jun 2017;40(6):864-872.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Regarding the claim that HEPZATOTM
KIT improves survival over other
treatment options, the applicant
provided seven peer-reviewed cohort
studies, summary material from an
unpublished study, and one randomized
controlled clinical study to support the
The seven peer reviewed cohort
studies 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 provide a range of
results of overall survival as reported for
patients treated with the HEPZATOTM
KIT (median overall survival after first
Chemosaturation with Percutaneous
Hepatic Perfusion [CS–PHP] ranged
from 9.6 months to 27.4 months
depending on the study, and median
one-year overall survival rate raged from
44 percent to 77 percent depending on
study). A few of the seven peer
reviewed cohort studies (Karydis et al.
(2018), Tong et al. (2022); Meier et al.
(2021)) reported statistically significant
improvement in overall survival (OS)
when compared to non-responders or
stable disease groups. Only one of the
seven studies, Dewald et al. (2021),
compared results to alternative
treatments, but statistical significance
was not achieved (P = 0.97) with CS–
PHP resulting in a median OS of 24.1
months compared with 23.6 months for
patients receiving other therapies. We
believe that additional evidence
supporting that HEPZATOTM KIT offers
56 Bruning R, Tiede M, Schneider M, et al.
Unresectable Hepatic Metastasis of Uveal
Melanoma: Hepatic Chemosaturation with HighDose Melphalan-Long-Term Overall Survival
Negatively Correlates with Tumor Burden. Radiol
Res Pract. 2020.
57 Vogl TJ, Koch SA, Lotz G, et al. Percutaneous
Isolated Hepatic Perfusion as a Treatment for
Isolated Hepatic Metastases of Uveal Melanoma:
Patient Outcome and Safety in a Multi-centre
Study. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. Jun
58 Dewald CLA, Hinrichs JB, Becker LS, et al.
Chemosaturation with Percutaneous Hepatic
Perfusion: Outcome and Safety in Patients with
Metastasized Uveal Melanoma. Rofo. Aug
59 Meijer TS, Burgmans MC, de Leede EM, et al.
Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion with Melphalan in
Patients with Unresectable Ocular Melanoma
Metastases Confined to the Liver: A Prospective
Phase II Study. Ann Surg Oncol. Feb
60 Karydis I, Gangi A, Wheater MJ, et al.
Percutaneous hepatic perfusion with melphalan in
uveal melanoma: A safe and effective treatment
modality in an orphan disease. J Surg Oncol. May
61 Artzner C, Mossakowski O, Hefferman G, et al.
Chemosaturation with percutaneous hepatic
perfusion of melphalan for liver-dominant
metastatic uveal melanoma: a single center
experience. Cancer Imaging. Mayphip 30
62 Tong TML, Samim M, Kapiteijn E, et al.
Predictive parameters in patients undergoing
percutaneous hepatic perfusion with melphalan for
unresectable liver metastases from uveal melanoma:
a retrospective pooled analysis. Cardiovasc
Intervent Radiol. 2022;45(9):1304–1313.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
a significant difference in OS rates
compared to currently available
treatments would be helpful in our
evaluation of the applicant’s assertion.
We note that several of the studies
provided as evidence include small,
non-randomized studies without the use
of comparators or controls, which may
affect the ability to draw meaningful
conclusions about treatment outcomes
from the results of the studies. We also
note that a majority of the studies
provided (Bruning et al. (2020); Vogl et
al. (2017); Dewald et al. (2021); Meijer
et al. (2021); and Artzner et al. (2019))
were conducted outside the United
States. We question if there may be
differences in treatment guidelines
between these countries that may have
affected clinical outcomes.
The applicant also submitted
summary presentation material
evidence to support this claim in the
form of a poster and slides for the
FOCUS study,63 in which 144 patients
were enrolled, with 91 patients
receiving percutaneous hepatic
perfusion (PHP) treatment and 32
patients receiving best available care
(BAC). According to the applicant,
preliminary results from the phase III
FOCUS Trial show that progression free
survival (PFS) was 9.03 months among
PHP patients and just over 3 months
among best available care (BAC)
patients. OS among treated PHP patients
was 19.25 months and among treated
BAC patients was 14.49 months.
However, this study has yet to be
published and is not yet available for
analysis and peer review. At this point,
we are unable to verify the methods,
results, and conclusions of this study as
the applicant only provided evidence in
the form of a poster and presentation.
For example, one citation provided by
the applicant in the form of a non-peerreviewed conference presentation
details preliminary results from the
FOCUS Phase III Trial. We would be
interested in the statistical analysis
(including p value and CI data)
surrounding the OS rates. In addition,
the poster notes that due to slow
enrollment and patient reluctance to
receive BAC treatment, the trial design
was amended to a single arm design
with all eligible patients receiving PHP
after discussion with FDA. We would be
interested in detail about these specific
eligibility requirements, as well as how
the potential for confounding variables
resulting from any differences in the
63 Delcath ASCO 2022 FOCUS Trial Poster;
FOCUS Trial Ongoing (See online posting for
HepzatoTM Kit).
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resulting populations were identified
and mitigated.
In the published randomized clinical
trial 64 (RCT) provided by the applicant,
the median hepatic progression free
survival (hPFS), the primary endpoint of
the trial, was 7.0 months for patients
using HEPZATOTM KIT compared to 1.6
months for patients receiving BAC.
However, the median overall survival
(OS) with the treatment of HEPZATOTM
KIT was 10.6 months (95 percent CI 6.9–
13.6 months) compared to 10.0 months
(95 percent CI 6.0–13.1 months) for the
group of patients who received BAC.
The study notes that median OS was not
significantly different (PHP-Mel 10.6
months vs. BAC 10.0 months), but OS
was 13.1 months (95 percent CI 10.0–
20.3 months) in BAC patients who
crossed over and received treatment
with PHP-Mel (n = 28, 57.1 percent). In
the study discussion of OS, Hughes, et
al. concluded that the 57 percent of
patients who were allowed to crossover
confounded the ability to analyze any
survival advantage associated with PHP
Mel. We would be interested in
additional evidence in our evaluation of
the applicant’s assertion that
HEPZATOTM KIT substantially
improves survival over other treatment
Regarding the claim that HEPZATOTM
KIT increases response rate over BAC,
we note that across the retrospective
studies, response rates ranged from an
overall response rate of 42.3 percent
[Dewald et al (2021)] to a partial
response of 89 percent [Vogl et al.
(2017)] depending on the study.
However, as the applicant cited to many
of the same retroactive studies that it
referenced in support of the claim of
improved survival [Bruning et al.
(2020); Vogl et al. (2017); Dewald et al.
(2021); Meijer et al. (2021); Artzner et al.
(2019); Tong et al. (2022); Karydis et al.
(2018)], we have the same questions as
discussed previously regarding the
ability to draw meaningful conclusions
from the results of these studies in
evaluation of this claim.
Regarding the unpublished FOCUS
study (Delcath ASCO 2022 FOCUS Trial
Poster),65 previously described, the
applicant stated that in the preliminary
results from the FOCUS Trial, the
overall response rate (ORR) among PHP
patients was 36.3 percent, nearly three
64 Hughes MS, Zager J, Faries M, et al. Results of
a Randomized Controlled Multicenter Phase III
Trial of Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion Compared
with Best Available Care for Patients with
Melanoma Liver Metastases. Ann Surg Oncol. Apr
65 Delcath ASCO 2022 FOCUS Trial Poster;
FOCUS Trial Ongoing (See online posting for
HepzatoTM Kit).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
times better that the 12.5 percent ORR
among BAC patients. However, as
previously noted, we would be
interested in details about the eligibility
requirements, and how the potential for
confounding variables resulting from
any differences in the resulting
populations were identified and
Lastly, with regard to the assertion
that HEPZATOTM KIT improves quality
of life over pre-treatment, the applicant
submitted the Vogl et al. (2017) study as
evidentiary support. The study was a
retrospective, multi-center study
reporting outcome and safety after
percutaneous isolated hepatic perfusion
(PIHP) with Melphalan for patients with
uveal melanoma and metastatic disease
limited to the liver. Thirty-five PIHP
treatments were performed in 18
patients (8 male, 10 female) at seven
hospitals across the U.S and Germany
between January 2012 and December
2016. Patients’ life quality was assessed
using four-point scale questionnaires to
rate overall health and life quality after
therapy, how much their health and
quality of life had changed after therapy,
and how pleased they were with PIHP.
We note that the study used a subjective
four-point measurement scale to
determine quality-of-life used in the
study. We question if a more objective
assessment tool would be more helpful
in evaluating a patient’s quality of life.
It is unclear if the survey questions were
asked verbally, and by whom, or if the
survey was answered in writing by the
patient alone. As the study was not
randomized and the patients’ responses
were not anonymous, we question if
there may have been resulting response
bias, or interviewer bias that would
impact our ability to draw meaningful
conclusions about a subjective
measurement of improved quality of
life. In addition, we note that the study
utilized the Delcath Hepatic
CHEMOSAT® Delivery System for
Melphalan components as part of the
treatment, and it is unclear if the
technologies used in the study are the
same as HEPZATOTM KIT, or what
differences may exist between the
technologies. We would be interested in
information about any differences
between Delcath’s HEPZATOTM KIT and
the technologies used in this study for
PIHP with Melphalan.
We are inviting public comments on
whether HEPZATOTM KIT meets the
substantial clinical improvement
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
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improvement criterion for HEPZATOTM
g. LantidraTM (donislecel-jujn
(Allogeneic Pancreatic Islet Cellular
Suspension for Hepatic Portal Vein
CellTrans Inc. submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for LantidraTM for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, LantidraTM
is an allogeneic pancreatic islet cellular
therapy indicated for the treatment of
adults with Type 1 diabetes who are
unable to approach target hemoglobin
A1c (HbA1c) because of repeated
episodes of severe hypoglycemia despite
intensive diabetes management and
education. Per the applicant, LantidraTM
is used in conjunction with concomitant
immunosuppression. The applicant
asserted that the route of administration
for LantidraTM is infusion into the
hepatic portal vein only. The applicant
noted that following transplant, the
patient is monitored for graft function
and safety issues, including potential
adverse reactions due to
immunosuppression. The applicant
stated that the primary mechanism of
action for LantidraTM is the secretion of
insulin by the beta cells within the
infused allogeneic islet of Langerhans,
which are responsible for regulating
blood glucose levels in response to
glucose stimulation.
Please refer to the online application
posting for LantidraTM, available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by
the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion,
according to the applicant, LantidraTM
was granted approval for a Biologics
License Application (BLA) from FDA on
June 28, 2023, for the treatment of
adults with Type 1 diabetes who are
unable to approach target HbA1c
because of current repeated episodes of
severe hypoglycemia despite intensive
diabetes management and education.
According to the applicant, the
technology was commercially available
on January 8, 2024. The applicant stated
that the approved manufacturing site for
LantidraTM is at the University of
Illinois (UI) Health, UI in Chicago and
time was needed to transfer islet cell
transplant clinical protocols to the UI
Health transplant division.
We note that under national coverage
determination (NCD) 260.3.1 Islet Cell
Transplantation in the Context of a
Clinical Trial, Medicare will pay for the
routine costs, as well as transplantation
and appropriate related items and
services, for Medicare beneficiaries
PO 00000
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participating in a National Institutes of
Health (NIH)-sponsored clinical trial(s).
Specifically, Medicare will cover
transplantation of pancreatic islet cells,
the insulin producing cells of the
pancreas. Coverage may include the
costs of acquisition and delivery of the
pancreatic islet cells, as well as
clinically necessary inpatient and
outpatient medical care and
immunosuppressants. Because
LantidraTM may be covered by Medicare
when it is used in the setting of a
clinical trial, we will evaluate whether
LantidraTM is eligible for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2025. We note that any payment made
under the Medicare program for services
provided to a beneficiary would be
contingent on CMS’ coverage of the
item, and any restrictions on the
coverage would apply.
The applicant stated that the
recommended minimum dose is 5,000
equivalent islet number (EIN)/kg for the
initial infusion, and 4,500 EIN/kg for
subsequent infusion(s) in the same
recipient. The maximum dose per
infusion is dictated by the estimated
tissue volume, which should not exceed
10 cc per infusion, and the total EIN
present in the infusion bag (up to a
maximum of 1 × 10∧6 EIN per bag). A
second infusion may be performed if the
patient does not achieve independence
from exogenous insulin within 1-year
post-infusion or within 1-year after
losing independence from exogenous
insulin after a previous infusion. A third
infusion may be performed using the
same criteria as for the second infusion.
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify LantidraTM.
We note that the applicant submitted a
request for approval for a unique ICD–
10–PCS procedure code for LantidraTM
beginning in FY 2025.
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered new for the purpose of new
technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that LantidraTM has not been assigned to
the same MS–DRG when compared to
an existing technology to achieve a
therapeutic outcome. The following
table summarizes the applicant’s
assertions regarding the substantial
similarity criteria. Please see the online
application posting for LantidraTM for
the applicant’s complete statements in
support of its assertion that LantidraTM
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies.
Substantial Similarity Criteria
Aoolicant Response
Does the technology use the same or
similar mechanism of action to achieve a
therapeutic outcome?
Is the technology assigned to the same
MS-DRG as existing technologies?
Does new use of the technology involve the
treatment of the same/similar type of
disease and the same/similar patient
population when compared to an existing
We are inviting public comments on
whether LantidraTM is substantially
similar to existing technologies and
whether LantidraTM meets the newness
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant included the two most recent
patient cases with charges of LantidraTM
billed by a hospital that administered
the technology, based on that hospital’s
billing data file on the undiscounted
costs. The applicant stated that it
attempted to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be
Aoolicant assertions regarding this criterion
According to the applicant, whole pancreas transplant is
the only treatment currently available for type 1 diabetes
with severe hypoglycemia. The applicant stated that
Lantidra™ uses the same mechanism of action as whole
pancreas transplant, that is, glucose responsive secretion
of insulin from allogeneic islet beta cells once infused
into the hepatic portal vein.
A whole (solid) pancreas transplant is assigned to MSDRG 010. The procedure to infuse Lantidra™ is distinct
(via administration into the hepatic portal vein).
Applicable MS-DRGs may be 637 (Diabetes with
MCC), 638 (Diabetes with CC), 639 (Diabetes without
Whole pancreas transplant and Lantidra™ are the only
treatment options for patients who have not achieved
glycemic control despite intensive insulin treatment and
diabetes management. Lantidra™ is the only FDA
approved cellular therapy to treat patients with Type 1
eligible for LantidraTM by searching the
FY 2022 MedPAR and the 100 percent
sample FY 2022 Standard Analytical
Files (SAF) for cases reporting ICD–10–
CM/PCS codes and MS–DRGs codes that
were relevant to the FDA approved
indication and administration of
LantidraTM, however, it could not
confirm if cost data from the two most
recent patient cases were included in
the FY 2022 MedPAR or SAF. As a
result, the applicant provided the
charges billed by the hospital for these
two cases. The applicant stated that the
MS–DRG coded for the two cases was
MS–DRG 639 (Diabetes without CC/
MCC). The applicant followed the order
of operations described in the following
table and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $374,547, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $32,311. Because
the final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case exceeded
the average case-weighted threshold
amount, the applicant asserted that
LantidraTM meets the cost criterion.
2022 Undiscounted Costs from Hospital Billing Paid by Sponsor
List of MS-DRGs
639 (Diabetes without CC/MCC)
The applicant included two most recent patient cases with charges ofLantidra™ billed by the hospital.
Charges removed
for prior
The applicant did not remove charges or indirect charges related to the prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 lPPS/LTCH PPS final
Inflation factor
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 10.00% to the standardized charges.
Charges added for
the new technology
The applicant added the cost for Lantidra™ but did not convert the previous costs to charges for the new
technology. The applicant did not add indirect charges related to the new technology.
We note the following concerns
regarding the cost criterion. We note
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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that the applicant did not remove any
charges or indirect charges related to
PO 00000
Frm 00135
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
prior technology without providing
further details. We are interested in
EP02MY24.102 EP02MY24.103
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Data Source and
Time Period
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
additional information regarding
whether LantidraTM would replace any
prior technology. We are also interested
in how the applicant estimated an
inflation factor of 10.00 percent to apply
to the standardized charges. With
respect to the cases included in the cost
analysis, we note that the applicant
limited the cost analysis to the two most
recent patient cases with charges of
LantidraTM billed by the hospital, which
the applicant asserted were the best
available data for the FY 2022 cost
analysis. We note the MS–DRG coded
for these two cases was MS–DRG 639
(Diabetes without CC/MCC). We are
interested in information as to whether
cases in other MS–DRGs would be
potentially eligible for LantidraTM and if
these cases should also be included in
the cost analysis by using appropriate
inclusion/exclusion criteria based on
reporting of ICD–10–CM/PCS codes.
We are inviting public comments on
whether LantidraTM meets the cost
With regard to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion, the applicant
asserted that LantidraTM represents a
substantial clinical improvement over
existing technologies. The applicant
asserted that patients with the
indication of Type 1 diabetes
characterized by hypoglycemic
unawareness are at risk of severe
hypoglycemia, complications, and
death, if untreated. According to the
applicant, when intensive insulin
therapy is not sufficient for addressing
symptoms of severe hypoglycemia,
LantidraTM infusion into the hepatic
portal vein offers a safe and effective
minimally invasive alternative with
proven clinical outcomes, less
complications, and similar overall costs
to that of whole pancreas
transplantation. The applicant also
asserted that LantidraTM provides a
treatment option for patients
unresponsive to, or ineligible for,
currently available treatments because
whole pancreas transplant, a currently
available treatment, is associated with
greater surgical and post-procedural risk
than pancreatic islet transplantation.
Additionally, the applicant asserted that
due to procedural risks, some patients
may not be appropriate surgical
candidates for whole pancreas
transplantation.66 The applicant
provided two patient testimonials, one
study combining results of a Phase 1/2
and a Phase 3 clinical study to support
these claims, as well as one background
article.67 The following table
summarizes the applicant’s assertions
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion. Please see the
online posting for LantidraTM for the
applicant’s complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology offers a treatment option for a patient population unresponsive
to, or inelieible for, currentlv available treatments
Supportine evidence provided bv the annlicant
Annlicant statements in sunnort
Transcript of Patient Testimony_Lantidra™ website.docx.
Lantidra™ improved quality of
life for Type 1 diabetes patients.
Transcript of Patient Testimony_FDA Advisory Committee Meeting.docx.
CellTrans Inc., Cellular, Tissue, and Gene Therapies Advisory Committee Briefing Document.
Lantidra™ (donislecel) for the Treatment of Brittle Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
httns:// Aoril 15, 2021.
CellTrans Inc., 2021, op.cit.
Lantidra™ patients achieved
insulin independence.
Lantidra™ patients showed a
reduction in hypoglycemia
CellTrans Inc., 2021, op.cit.
CellTrans Inc., 2021, op.cit.
The applicant provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via
Lantidra™ SCI supportive Type
1 diabetes data: Islet
the online posting for the technology.
transplantation significantly
reduces CIMT
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #2: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services or
technoloeies oreviouslv available
Supportine evidence provided by the applicant
APPiicant statements in suPPOrt
CellTrans Inc., 2021, op.cit.
Lantidra™ patients achieved
insulin independence, improved
HbAlc endpoints, had a
reduction in hypoglycemia
episodes and showed improved
quality of life.
66 CellTrans Inc., Cellular, Tissue, and Gene
Therapies Advisory Committee Briefing Document
LantidraTM (donislecel) for the Treatment of Brittle
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.
media/147529/download April 15, 2021. Pages 22
and 105.
PO 00000
Frm 00136
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
67 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Lantidra™ patients showed
improved HbAlc results.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
After review of the information
provided by the applicant, we have the
following concerns regarding whether
LantidraTM meets the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. We are
interested in evidence on clinical
outcomes based on comparison of
LantidraTM with currently available
treatments, including whole pancreatic
transplant or recent advances in glucose
monitoring and insulin delivery systems
that are FDA-approved. We also note
that according to the summary of the
long-term six-year follow-up of patients
from the LantidraTM clinical trials,68 the
number of evaluable patients was
reduced from 30 at the baseline to 12 at
year 6. We question whether the small
number would impact the reliability of
the conclusions about insulin
independence and reduction in severe
hypoglycemic events. Regarding the
applicant’s claim that LantidraTM
patients achieved insulin independence,
improved HbA1c endpoints, had fewer
hypoglycemia episodes, and
experienced improved quality of life,
the applicant stated that the Phase 1/2
and 3 trials had over 10 years of
extended follow-up, but specific results
on long-term efficacy appear to be
provided only up to 6 years post- the
last transplant.69 We would be
interested in learning about available
results from any longer-term follow-up.
In addition, we would be interested in
data demonstrating that LantidraTM
results in improved clinical outcomes
like reduced mortality to support an
assessment of whether LantidraTM
represents a substantial clinical
We are inviting public comments on
whether LantidraTM meets the
substantial clinical improvement
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for LantidraTM.
h. AMTAGVITM (lifileucel)
Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc.
submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for
AMTAGVITM (lifileucel) for FY 2025.
According to the applicant,
AMTAGVITM is an one-time, single-dose
autologous tumor-infiltrating
lymphocyte (TIL) immunotherapy for
the treatment of advanced (unresectable
or metastatic) melanoma comprised of a
suspension of TIL for intravenous
68 CellTrans,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Inc. 2021, Table 20, p. 60.
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
infusion. We note that Iovance
Biotherapeutics submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for AMTAGVITM for FY 2022
under the name lifileucel, as
summarized in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule (86 FR 25272
through 25282) but withdrew the
application prior to the issuance of the
FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86
FR 44979). We also note that the
applicant submitted an application for
AMTAGVITM for FY 2023 under the
name lifileucel, as summarized in the
FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule
(87 FR 28244 through 28257), that it
withdrew prior to the issuance of the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR
Please refer to the online application
posting for AMTAGVITM, available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and the treatment of
unresectable or metastatic melanoma.
With respect to the newness criterion,
according to the applicant, AMTAGVITM
was granted Biologics License
Application (BLA) approval from FDA
on February 16, 2024 for treatment of
adult patients with unresectable or
metastatic melanoma previously treated
with a programmed cell death protein 1
(PD–1) blocking antibody, and if B-raf
proto-oncogene (BRAF) V600 mutation
positive, a BRAF inhibitor with or
without a mitogen-activated
extracellular signal-regulated kinase
(MEK) inhibitor. The applicant stated
that AMTAGVITM has received
Regenerative Medicine Advanced
Therapy (RMAT), Orphan Drug, and
Fast Track designations from FDA for
the treatment of advanced melanoma.
According to the applicant,
AMTAGVITM is expected to be
commercially available within 30–40
days post-FDA approval due to the need
for the physician to prescribe
AMTAGVITM, the treatment center to
receive approval from the patient’s
insurer and to schedule and surgically
resect the patient’s tumor tissue, the 22day TIL manufacturing process, and
shipment/invoicing of AMTAGVITM to
the treatment center for patient
administration. We are interested in
additional information regarding the
delay in the technology’s market
availability, as it seems that the
technology would need to be available
for sale before a physician would be
able to prescribe AMTAGVITM.
According to the applicant,
AMTAGVITM is provided as a single
dose for infusion containing a
suspension of TIL in up to four patientspecific intravenous (IV) infusion bag(s),
with each dose containing 7.5 × 10∧9 to
72 × 10∧9 viable cells. The applicant
further noted that there is a
lymphodepleting regimen administered
before infusion of AMTAGVITM, and,
post-AMTAGVITM infusion, an
interleukin 2 (IL–2) infusion at 600,000
IU/kg is administered every 8 to 12
hours, for up to a maximum of 6 doses,
to support cell expansion in vivo.
The applicant stated that effective
October 1, 2022, the following ICD–10–
PCS codes may be used to uniquely
describe procedures involving the use of
AMTAGVITM: XW033L7 (Introduction
of lifileucel immunotherapy into
peripheral vein, percutaneous approach,
new technology group 7), and XW043L7
(Introduction of lifileucel
immunotherapy into central vein,
percutaneous approach, new technology
group 7). The applicant stated that all
diagnosis codes under the category C43
(Malignant melanoma of skin) may be
used to currently identify the indication
for AMTAGVITM under the ICD–10–CM
coding system.
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that AMTAGVITM is not substantially
similar to other currently available
technologies because TIL
immunotherapy with AMTAGVITM has
a novel and unique mechanism of action
which delivers a highly customized,
personalized, and targeted, singleinfusion treatment for advanced
melanoma, and AMTAGVITM is the first
and only TIL immunotherapy approved
for the treatment of advanced
(unresectable or metastatic) melanoma,
and that therefore, the technology meets
the newness criterion. The following
table summarizes the applicant’s
assertions regarding the substantial
similarity criteria. Please see the online
application posting for AMTAGVITM for
the applicant’s complete statements in
support of its assertion that
AMTAGVITM is not substantially similar
to other currently available
69 Ibid.
PO 00000
Frm 00137
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Does the technology use the
same or similar mechanism of
action to achieve a therapeutic
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
ls the technology assigned to
the same MS-DRG as existing
70 Olson D, et al. Immune checkpoint inhibitors
(ICI) treatment after progression on anti-PD-1
therapy in advanced melanoma: a systematic
literature review. National Comprehensive Care
Network (NCCN) Annual Conference, Poster.
March–April 2023.
71 Schumacher TN, Schreiber RD: Neoantigents in
cancer immunotherapy. Science 348:69–74, 2015.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Applicant assertions rel!ardinl! this criterion
AMTAGVI™ does not use the same or a similar mechanism of
action as any other existing technology, including currently
available products used as earlier treatment of advanced melanoma
and included in the 2022 100% Medicare Provider Analysis and
Review (MedPAR) Limited Data Set. The currently available firstand second-line treatments for advanced melanoma include kinase
inhibitors (BRAF and MEK inhibitors), immune checkpoint
inhibitors (ICis) (anti-CTLA-4 antibody and anti-PD-I antibody),
and the recently approved ICI and anti-LAG-3 combination. There
are no approved treatment options for patients with advanced
melanoma previously treated with ICI therapy. Some patients with
disease progression after receiving an anti-PD-I antibody and a
targeted therapy may receive high-dose IL-2 or cytotoxic agents. 70
TIL immunotherapy with AMTAGVT™ has a novel and unique
mechanism of action which delivers a highly customized,
personalized, and targeted single infusion treatment for advanced
melanoma. AMTAGVI™ TIL immunotherapy involves autologous
T-cells directly isolated from the patient's tumor tissue and
expanded ex vivo. Following the infusion of AMTAGVI™, the TIL
migrates back into the patient's tumor, including metastases, where
they trigger specific tumor cell killing upon recognition of tumor
antigens. TTL have clear differentiation and advantage in treatment
of solid tumors (for example, unresectable or metastatic melanoma)
including tumor recognition, personalized, polyclonal and
neoantigen-specific. 71 •72 .73. 74 TIL immunotherapy with one-time
treatment of AMTAGVI™ is also highly differentiated from
currently approved chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell
therapies that treat liquid tumors. While other types of adoptive cell
therapy, including CART-cell therapies, utilize circulating T-cells
from the blood, TTL therapy harvests neoantigen-directed T-cells
that are isolated from a tumor biopsy. Thus, the unique mechanism
of action of AMTAGVI™ TIL immunotherapy and the
distinguishing criteria demonstrate that AMTAGVI™ is not
substantially similar to other currently available therapies and/or
There are no cases assigned to any MS-DRG in the 2022 MedPAR
data representing advanced melanoma cases treated with a TIL
immunotherapy. CMS has finalized the assignment of
AMTAGVT™ TCD-10-PCS procedure codes to Pre-MDC MS-DRG
018 where CART-cell, non-CART-cell and other
immunotherapies map. Cases where AMTAGVT™ is administered
will be distinctly identified by lifileucel-specific ICD-10-PCS
administration codes, XW033L 7 and XW043L 7. In the FY 2022
IPPS final rule, CMS finalized its proposal to assign existing
procedure codes describing CART-cell, non-CART-cell and other
immunotherapies to Pre-MDC MS-DRG 018 and to modify the title
to "Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell and Other
lmmunotherapies" to better reflect the cases reporting the
administration of non-CAR T-cell therapies that would be assigned
to this MS-DRG (for examole, introduction of lifileucel
72 Simpson-Abelson MR, Hilton F, Fardis M, et al:
Iovance generation-2 tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte
(TIL) product is reinvigorated during the
manufacturing process. Ann Ocol 31:S645–S671,
2020 (suppl 4).
73 Raskov H, et al. British Journal of Cancer (2021)
PO 00000
Frm 00138
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
74 Fardis M, et al. Current and future directions
for tumor infiltrating lymphocyte therapy for the
treatment of solid tumors. Cell and Gene Therapy
Insights, 2020; 6(6), 855–863.
Applicant Response
Substantial Similaritv Criteria
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Does new use of the technology
involve the treatment of the
same/similar type of disease
and the same/similar patient
population when compared to
an existing technology?
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
codes and any cytokine interleukin-2
(IL–2) or chemotherapy procedure
codes. Please see the online posting for
AMTAGVITM for the complete list of
codes provided by the applicant. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 176 claims mapping to 16
MS–DRGs, with each MS–DRG
representing 6.3 percent of identified
cases. The applicant calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$2,150,682, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
For the second analysis, the applicant
searched for potential cases for the
following ICD–10–CM diagnosis/
procedure codes in combination with an
inpatient LOS of 10 or more days: any
melanoma and metastasis diagnosis
codes and any cytokine interleukin-2
(IL–2) or chemotherapy procedure
codes. Please see the online posting for
AMTAGVITM for the complete list of
codes provided by the applicant. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 77 claims mapping to seven
MS–DRGs, with each MS–DRG
representing 14.3 percent of identified
PO 00000
Frm 00139
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
cases. The applicant calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$2,207,367, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
For the third analysis, the applicant
searched for potential cases for the
following combination of ICD–10–CM
diagnosis/procedure codes: a code
describing primary or admitting
diagnosis of melanoma and a metastasis
diagnosis code. Please see the online
posting for AMTAGVITM for the
complete list of codes provided by the
applicant. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the following table. Under this analysis,
the applicant identified 735 claims
mapping to 64 MS–DRGs, with each
MS–DRG representing 3.4 percent to 1.5
percent of identified cases. The
applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $2,017,903, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $1,374,450.
For the fourth analysis, the applicant
searched for potential cases for the
following combination of ICD–10–CM
diagnosis/procedure codes: a code
describing any diagnosis of melanoma
and a metastasis diagnosis code. Please
see the online posting for AMTAGVITM
immunotherapy into peripheral vein, percutaneous approach, new
technology group 7) in addition to CART-cell therapies. The
applicant stated that in its final decision, CMS noted the clinical
similarities with respect to the administration of CAR T-cell
therapies and AMTAGVI™, the complexity of the conditions in
which they are treating, and resource utilization. The applicant
stated that CMS specifically included the AMTAGVI™ ICD-10PCS codes in the FY 2022 IPPS final rule table of codes mapped to
Pre-MDC MS-DRG 018, effective with the beginning of FY 2022.
The AMTAGVI™ ICD-10-PCS codes were also published in Table
6B - New Procedure Codes and reflect mapping to Pre-MDC MSDRG 018. Importantly, patient cases where AMTAGVI™ is
administered will be uniquely identified by the ICD-10-PCS codes
XW033L 7 and XW043L 7 and will be mapped to Pre-MDC MSDRG-018.
AMTAGVT™ involves the treatment of patients with advanced
(unresectable or metastatic) melanoma previously treated with
systemic therapy and, AMTAGVI™ is the first and only FDAapproved post-ICI and post-BRAF/MEK therapy for this
challenging-to-treat patient population across all classes of
medicines, including small molecules, protein biologics, cellular
therapy, etc. Advanced melanoma is identified by ICD-10-CM
codes that are distinct from diagnosis codes used for the patient
populations with hematologic malignancies treated by currently
available CART-cell therapies, that is, large B-cell lymphoma,
relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma, and relapsed/ refractory
multiple myeloma. For clarification, Stage Ill melanoma that
cannot be completely surgically resected is considered as advanced
unresectable melanoma. Although it is not metastatic, advanced
unresectable stage III melanoma is treated similarly to metastatic or
Stage IV melanoma.
We are inviting public comments on
whether AMTAGVITM is substantially
similar to existing technologies and
whether AMTAGVITM meets the
newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided multiple analyses to
demonstrate that it meets the cost
criterion. For each analysis, the
applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR file using different
combinations of ICD–10–CM codes,
ICD–10–PCS codes, and/or inpatient
length-of-stay (LOS) of 10 or more days.
The applicant explained that it used
different combinations to demonstrate
four different cohorts that may be
eligible for the technology. According to
the applicant, eligible cases for
AMTAGVITM will be mapped to PreMDC MS–DRG 018 (Chimeric Antigen
Receptor (CAR) T-cell and Other
Immunotherapies). For each analysis,
the applicant used the FY 2025 new
technology add-on payments threshold
for Pre-MDC MS–DRG 018 for all
identified cases. Each analysis followed
the order of operations described in the
table later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant
searched for potential cases for the
following combination of ICD–10–CM
diagnosis/procedure codes: any
melanoma and metastasis diagnosis
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
for the complete list of codes provided
by the applicant. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the following table. Under this analysis,
the applicant identified 6,648 claims
mapping to 358 MS–DRGs, each MS–
DRG representing 0.2 percent to 6.7
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
percent of identified cases. The
applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $2,018,905, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $1,374,450.
PO 00000
Frm 00140
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant asserted that
AMTAGVITM meets the cost criterion.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and Time
List of ICD-10-CM
List of ICD-10-PCS
FY 2022 MedPAR file
Analyses 1,2,3, and 4-All diagnosis codes under the categories:
C43 (Malignant melanoma of skin)
D03 (Melanoma in situ)
C78 (Secondary malignant neoplasm of respiratory and digestive organs)
C79 (Secondary malignant neoplasm of other and unspecified sites)
Analyses I and 2:
3£03002 (Introduction of high-dose interleukin-2 into peripheral vein, open approach)
3£03003 (Introduction of low-dose intcrlcukin-2 into peripheral vein, open approach)
3£03005 (Introduction of other antineoplastic into peripheral vein, open approach)
3£03302 (Introduction of high-dose interleukin-2 into peripheral vein, percutaneous approach)
3£03303 (Introduction of low-dose interleukin-2 into peripheral vein, percutaneous approach)
3£03305 (Introduction of other antineoplastic into peripheral vein, percutaneous approach)
3£04002 (Introduction of high-dose interleukin-2 into central vein, open approach)
3£04003 (Introduction of low-dose interleukin-2 into central vein, open approach)
3E04005 (Introduction of other antineoplastic into central vein, open approach)
3£04302 (Introduction of high-dose interleukin-2 into central vein, percutaneous approach)
3£04303 (Introduction of low-dose interleukin-2 into central vein, percutaneous approach)
3£04305 (Introduction of other antineoplastic into central vein, percutaneous approach)
Analyses 3 and 4: N/A
Analyses 1, 3, and 4: For the list of MS-DRGs, see the online posting for AMTAGVI™.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Charges removed for
prior technolo2y
Standardized charges
Inflation factor
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Analysis 2: The applicant selected claims based on the codes listed previously as it believes this list represents
patients with a principal or secondary ICD-10-CM diagnosis code representing cases with primary or secondary
diagnosis of melanoma with metastasis and treatment using either lL-2 or chemotherapy, in combination with an
inpatient length of stay (LOS) of 10 or more days. The applicant stated this analysis represents a patient population
that is eligible for treatment withAMTAGVI™ based on the indication, and patients who stay 10 or more days in
the hospital more closely approximate the expected resource intensity for the AMTAGVI™ regimen.
Analysis 3: The applicant selected claims based on the codes listed previously as it believes this list represents
patients with a primary or admitting diagnosis of melanoma with secondary diagnosis of metastasis, but with no IL2 or chemotherapy treatment requirement. The applicant stated this analysis illustrates a likely patient population
that will be treated with AMTAGVI™ by focusing on a narrow set of melanoma cases and removing the
requirement that the patient be receiving IL-2 or chemotherapy.
Analysis 4: The applicant selected claims based on the codes listed previously as it believes this list represents
patients with any diagnosis of melanoma with secondary diagnosis of metastasis, but with no treatment
requirement. The applicant stated this analysis illustrates a likely patient population that will he treated with
AMTAGVI™ by focusing on a full set of melanoma cases and removing the requirement that the patient be
receiving IL-2 or chemotheraov.
The applicant did not remove charges or indirect charges related to the prior technology. The applicant indicated
that no technology is being replaced.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant used all
relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/1 TCH PPS final rule.
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 11.90% to the standardized charges, based on the two-year inflation
factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
00:35 May 02, 2024
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PO 00000
Frm 00141
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
List of MS-DRGs
Analysis 2:
193 (Simple Pneumonia and Pleurisy with MCC)
389 (G.I. Obstruction with CC)
054 (Nervous System Neoplasms with MCC)
542 (Pathological Fractures and Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Malignancy with MCC)
802 (Other O.R. Procedures of The Blood and Blood Forming Organs with MCC)
840 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with MCC)
844 (Other Mveloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplastic DiaITTloses with CC)
Analysis l: The applicant selected claims based on the codes listed previously as it believes this list represents
patients with a principal or secondary ICD-10-CM diagnosis code representing cases with primary or secondary
diagnosis of melanoma with metastasis and treatment using either lL-2 or chemotherapy. The applicant stated this
analysis represents a patient population that is eligible for treatment with AMTAGVI™ based on the indication.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We are inviting public comments on
whether AMTAGVITM meets the cost
With regard to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion, the applicant
asserted that AMTAGVITM represents a
substantial clinical improvement over
existing technologies because the
efficacy and safety profile of the single
infusion of AMTAGVITM TIL
immunotherapy addresses an important
unmet need in the advanced
(unresectable or metastatic) melanoma
population who lack effective or
approved treatment options after being
previously treated with ICI therapy. The
applicant asserts that the clinically
meaningful and durable activity of
AMTAGVITM represents substantial
clinical improvement over published
outcomes for chemotherapy. The
applicant provided four studies to
support these claims, as well as 22
75 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
76 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
Frm 00142
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
background articles about treatments for
advanced melanoma.76
The following table summarizes the
applicant’s assertions regarding the
substantial clinical improvement
criterion. Please see the online posting
for AMTAGVITM for the applicant’s
complete statements regarding the
substantial clinical improvement
criterion and the supporting evidence
Charges added for the
new technology
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the Wholesale Acquisition Cost (WAC) of the new
technology by an estimated cost-to-charge ratio of 0.2669 for CAR-T therapies. The applicant stated that this costto-charge ratio is greater than the national average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.18 for drugs from the PY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, resulting in a lower estimated charges for the cost criterion analysis. The applicant did
not add indirect charges related to the new technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
After review of the information
provided by the applicant, we have the
following concerns regarding whether
AMTAGVITM meets the substantial
clinical improvement criterion.
In support of its application, the
applicant provided data from the C–
144–01 study, an ongoing phase two
multicenter study (NCT02360579) to
assess the efficacy and safety of
autologous TIL in patients with stage
IIIc–IV metastatic melanoma, which
consisted of: Cohort 1 (n = 30 generation
1 no-cryopreserved TIL product); Cohort
2 (n = 66 generation 2 cryopreserved TIL
product); Cohort 3 (a sub-sample of n =
10 from Cohorts 1, 2, and 4); and Cohort
4 (n = 75 generation 2 cryopreserved TIL
product). In regard to the sample
studied (Cohorts 2 & 4 combined) by
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
Chesney et al. (2022),77 similar to
concerns raised in the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule (86 FR 25281),
we continue to question the
appropriateness of combining Cohorts 2
and 4 together. Furthermore, similar to
concerns raised in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule (87 FR 28256
through 28257), we note that in the
study of Chesney et al. (2022), 54
percent of the sample size included
males with a median age of 56; data on
race, ethnicity, and other demographics
are not presented. Given that the
average age of Medicare beneficiaries is
substantially older, and that Medicare
beneficiaries often have multiple
comorbidities, we question whether the
77 Chesney J, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2022
PO 00000
Frm 00143
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
sample evaluated is appropriately
representative of the Medicare
population and whether this sample has
a disease burden similar to that seen in
Medicare beneficiaries.78,79,80 Thus,
similar to concerns raised in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (87
79 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Chronic Conditions among Medicare Beneficiaries,
Chartbook, 2012 Edition. Baltimore, MD. 2012.
80 Cher, B., Ryan, A. M., Hoffman, G. J., & Sheetz,
K. H. (2020). Association of Medicaid Eligibility
With Surgical Readmission Among Medicare
Beneficiaries. JAMA network open, 3(6), e207426.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology offers a treatment option for a patient population unresponsive to, or
inelieible for, currently available treatments
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
Applicant statements in
Chesney J, et al. J lmmunother Cancer 2022; 10:e005755. doi: 10.1136/
AMTAGVI™ will be the
first and only FDAjitc-2022-005755
approved therapy for
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via the
patients with advanced
melanoma who relapse on
online posting for the technology.
or do not tolerate current
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #2: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services or
technolo2ies oreviouslv available
Applicant statements in
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
Chesney J, et al. J lmmunother Cancer 2022; I 0:e005755. doi: I 0.1136/jitc-2022-005755
A single infusion of
Sarnaik A, et al. Oral presentation. 37th Annual Meeting and Pre-Conference Programs. Society for
produced clinically
Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC). November I 0, 2022.
meaningful and durable
responses in patients with
Hamid 0, et al. Melanoma Bridge 2022. December 1-3, 2022.
advanced melanoma who
progress after ICI or
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can he accessed via the
targeted therapy
online oosting for the technology.
Patients with advanced
Chesney J, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2022; I 0:e005755. doi: I 0.1136/jitc-2022-005755
melanoma previously
treated with ICI therapy
will have substantially
Sarnaik A, et al. Oral presentation. 37th Annual Meeting and Pre-Conference Programs. Society for
lmmunotherapy of Cancer (SITC). November 10, 2022.
improved objective
response rate (ORR)
compared with patients
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via the
treated with currently
online posting for the technology.
available therapies
AMT AGVJTM is a viable
Chesney J, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2022; I 0:e005755. doi: I 0.1136/jitc-2022-005755
therapeutic option for
Sarnaik A. et al. Lifileucel, a tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte therapy, in metastatic melanoma. J Clin Oncol.
patients with advanced
melanoma with a safety
2021 ;39(24):2656-66. doi: I 0.1200/JCO.21.00612. (Published on line first: 2021/05/13).
profile consistent with the
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via the
underlying advanced
disease and the known
online posting for the technology.
profiles of
lymphodepleting (NMALD) and IL-2
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
FR 28256 through 28257), we are
concerned that the findings may not be
generalizable to Medicare beneficiaries.
Furthermore, as discussed in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (87
FR 28256), we continue to question
whether the patient sample evaluated in
the Sarnaik et al. (2021) 81 study is
appropriately representative of the
Medicare population and whether this
sample has a disease burden similar to
that seen in Medicare beneficiaries.
Second, similar to concerns raised in
the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule (86 FR 25279 through 25282) and
the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule (87 FR 28256 through 28257), we
continue to note that while multiple
background studies were provided in
support of the applicant’s claims for
substantial clinical improvement, those
that evaluate AMTAGVITM are based
solely on the C–144–01 trial. The
background studies focus primarily on
describing the limitations of other
therapies rather than supporting the role
of AMTAGVITM, and no direct
comparisons to other existing therapies
such as targeted therapies with
combination BRAF plus MEK inhibitors
or nivolumab plus ipilimumab were
provided. Therefore, we would be
interested in additional information
comparing AMTAGVITM to existing
treatments (for example, evidence
comparing AMTAGVITM phase two
studies to the phase two studies of
existing or approved treatments by
using meta-analysis after systematic
review, or evidence based on
retrospective cohort studies of the
relevant patients to assess whether
AMTAGVITM had significantly different
impact on any outcomes compared to
existing or approved treatments).
Third, similar to concerns raised in
the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule (86 FR 25279 through 25282), and
the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule (87 FR 28256 through 28257), we
note that the Chesney et al. (2022) 82
study uses a surrogate endpoint, ORR,
which combines the results of complete
and partial responders; we question
whether this correlates to improvement
in clinical outcomes such as overall
survival (OS).
Finally, similar to concerns raised in
the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule (87 FR 28256 through 28257), we
note that according to the applicant,
high-dose IL–2 has been used to treat
metastatic melanoma in the past and is
81 Sarnaik A, et al. Lifileucel, a tumor-infiltrating
lymphocyte therapy, in metastatic melanoma. J Clin
Oncol. 2021;39(24):2656–66. doi:10.1200/
JCO.21.00612 (Published online first: 2021/05/13).
82 Chesney J, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2022;
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Jkt 262001
given as a post-treatment to
AMTAGVITM. According to the
applicant, the occurrence of grade 3 and
4 treatment-emergent adverse events
(TEAEs) was early and consistent with
the lymphodepletion regimen (NMA–
LD) and known profile of IL–2. If
AMTAGVITM is always given in
conjunction with the pre- and posttreatments, we question how it is
possible to determine the cause of the
TEAEs which are categorized as severe
based on the Common Terminology
Criteria for Adverse Events v4.03. We
continue to question whether the effect
seen in C–144–01 is due to
AMTAGVITM itself or due to other
factors such as the use of IL–2, general
changes in medical practice over time,
and the specific sample identified for
the trial at hand.
We are inviting public comments on
whether AMTAGVITM meets the
substantial clinical improvement
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for AMTAGVITM.
i. LyfgeniaTM (lovotibeglogene
Bluebird bio, Inc. submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for LyfgeniaTM
(lovotibeglogene autotemcel) for FY
2025. According to the applicant,
LyfgeniaTM is an autologous
hematopoietic stem cell-based gene
therapy indicated for the treatment of
patients 12 years of age or older with
sickle cell disease (SCD) and a history
of vaso-occlusive events (VOE).
LyfgeniaTM, administered as a singledose intravenous infusion, consists of
an autologous cluster of differentiation
34+ (CD34+) cell-enriched population
from patients with SCD that contains
hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)
transduced with BB305 lentiviral vector
(LVV) encoding the b-globin gene
(bA–T87Q-globin gene), suspended in a
cryopreservation solution. The
applicant explained that LyfgeniaTM is
designed to add functional copies of a
modified form of the bA–T87Q-globin
gene into a patient’s own HSCs, which
allows their red blood cells to produce
an anti-sickling adult hemoglobin
(HbAT87Q), to reduce or eliminate
downstream complications of SCD.
Please refer to the online application
posting for LyfgeniaTM, available at
for additional detail describing the
PO 00000
Frm 00144
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
technology and the disease treated by
the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion,
according to the applicant, LyfgeniaTM
was granted Biologics License
Application (BLA) approval from FDA
on December 8, 2023, for the treatment
of patients 12 years of age or older with
SCD and a history of VOEs. The
applicant stated that it anticipates that
LyfgeniaTM will become available for
sale on April 16, 2024 and that the first
commercial claim for LyfgeniaTM will
occur within approximately 130 days
post-FDA approval to allow for the onetime activity to commercially qualify
the contract manufacturer organization
(CMO), followed by apheresis of the first
patient at the qualified treatment center
(QTC), where the personalized starting
material will be shipped to the CMO for
drug product manufacturing, release
testing, and shipment of final product to
the QTC for the one-time infusion. We
are interested in additional information
regarding the delay in the technology’s
market availability, as it appears that the
technology would need to be available
for sale prior to the enrollment of the
first patient at the QTC. According to
the applicant, LyfgeniaTM is provided in
infusion bags containing 1.7 to 20×106
cells/mL (1.4 to 20 × 106 CD34+ cells/
mL) in approximately 20 mL of solution
and is supplied in one to four infusion
bags. Per the applicant, the minimum
dose is 3.0 × 106 CD34+ cells/kg patient
According to the applicant, as of
October 1, 2023, there are currently two
ICD–10–PCS procedure codes to
distinctly identify the intravenous
administration of LyfgeniaTM:
XW133H9 (Transfusion of
lovotibeglogene autotemcel into central
vein, percutaneous approach, new
technology group 9) and XW143H9
(Transfusion of lovotibeglogene
autotemcel into peripheral vein,
percutaneous approach, new technology
group 9). The applicant provided a list
of diagnosis codes that may be used to
currently identify the indication for
LyfgeniaTM under the ICD–10–CM
coding system. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list
of ICD–10–CM codes provided by the
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that LyfgeniaTM is not substantially
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Substantial Similarity
the technology meets the newness
criterion. Additionally, the applicant
stated LyfgeniaTM is not substantially
similar to other currently available
therapeutic approaches indicated for
SCD or to any drug therapy assigned to
any MS–DRG in the 2022 MedPAR data.
The following table summarizes the
applicant’s assertions regarding the
Does the technology use
the same or similar
mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic
Is the technology assigned
to the same MS-DRG as
existing technologies?
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Does new use of the
technology involve the
treatment of the
same/similar type of
disease and the
same/similar patient
population when
compared to an existing
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
substantial similarity criteria. Please see
the online application posting for
LyfgeniaTM for the applicant’s complete
statements in support of its assertion
that LyfgeniaTM is not substantially
similar to other currently available
Applicant assertions regarding this criterion
Lyfgenia™' s distinct mechanism of action and distinguishing criteria
demonstrate that it is not substantially similar to other currently available
therapeutic approaches for the treatment of SCD or any drug therapy
assigned to any MS-DRG in the 2022 MedPAR data. With its unique
mechanism of action, Lyfgenia™ seeks to convert SCD at the genetic,
cellular, and physiologic level to a non-sickling phenotype through the
expression of the gene therapy-derived anti-sickling ~A-Ts 7o_globin; thus,
reducing or eliminating downstream complications. Treatment with
Lyfgenia™ involves isolation ofCD34+ HSC, ex vivo transduction of the
cells with BB305 LVV to introduce the ~A-Ts 7o_globin gene, and then
intravenous infusion of the genetically-modified autologous cells into the
patient. Lovo-cel is substantially differentiated from allo-HSCT, where the
broad utility is significantly limited in the SCD population by age of patient,
limited availability ofHLA-matched sibling donors, as well as transplant
risks. Lyfgenia™'s gene addition technology, described previously, is
distinct from the investigational gene-edited technology of exagamglogene
autotemcel (Casgevy™), which identifies the erythroid-specific enhancer
region of BCL 1lA in CD34+ cells and cuts the gene using Cas9 and guide
RNA to reduce the expression ofBCLllA. And, finally, Lyfgenia™ is a
distinct drug product with a discrete clinical development program from
bluebird bio's Zynteglo™ (betibeglogene autotemcel, or beti-cel), a gene
therapy approved by the FDA on August 17, 2022, for the treatment of adult
and pediatric patients with ~-thalassemia who require regular RBC
There are no patient cases assigned to any MS-DRG in the 2022 MedPAR
data representing SCD cases treated with a gene therapy. Effective October
1, 2023, there are two unique ICD-10-PCS codes to identify administration
ofLyfgenia™ in the inpatient setting: XW133H9 and XWl43H9. These two
Lyfgenia™-specific ICD-10-PCS codes map to Pre-MDC DRGs 016
(Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant with MCC/CC) and 017 (Autologous
Bone Marrow Transplant without MCC/CC. Thus, all patient claims where
Lyfgenia™ is administered will be distinguishable from other therapies that
may be assigned to Pre-MDC MS-DRGs 016 and 017.
Patients with SCD treated with currently approved therapies are identified
by existing ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes. Upon FDA approval, Lyfgenia™
has the potential to offer these same patients transformative clinical benefits
to improve the hemolytic anemia and VOEs that characterize SCD, without
the current limitations ofallogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
(allo-HSCT) and addresses red blood cell sickling at the genetic level while
abrogating the need for a well-matched donor. Currently disease-modifying
therapies address acute manifestation of disease but do not address the
underlying genetic cause of the disease and may require lifelong use and
potential for inadherence. While allo-HSCT is a potentially curative option,
outcomes worsen with age, and broad utility is limited by a paucity of
matched sibling donors, as well as transplant risks. Cases for patients treated
with Lyfgenia™, a personalized, one-time, potentially transformative gene
therapy, will be identified by the SCD ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes and the
unique ICD-10-PCS procedure codes approved by CMS for identification of
Lyfgenia™ administration: XW133H9 and XW143H9.
We note that LyfgeniaTM may have the CasgevyTM, for which we also received
same or similar mechanism of action to
an application for new technology add-
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00145
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
similar to other currently available
technologies, because LyfgeniaTM has a
distinct mechanism of action, which
converts SCD at the genetic, cellular,
and physiologic level to a non-sickling
phenotype through the expression of the
gene therapy-derived antisickling
bA–T87Q-globin gene, and that therefore,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
on payments for FY 2025. LyfgeniaTM
and CasgevyTM are both gene therapies
using modified autologous CD34+
hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell
(HSPC) therapies administered via stem
cell transplantation for the treatment of
SCD. Both technologies are autologous,
ex-vivo modified hematopoietic stemcell biological products. As previously
discussed, CasgevyTM was approved by
FDA for this indication on December 8,
2023. For these technologies, patients
are required to undergo CD34+ HSPC
mobilization followed by apheresis to
extract CD34+ HSPCs for manufacturing
and then myeloablative conditioning
using busulfan to deplete the patient’s
bone marrow in preparation for the
technologies’ modified stem cells to
engraft to the bone marrow. Once
engraftment occurs for both
technologies, the patient’s cells start to
produce a different form of hemoglobin
to reduce the amount of sickling
hemoglobin. Further, both technologies
appear to map to the same MS–DRGs,
MS–DRG 016 (Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant with CC/MCC) and 017
(Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant
without CC/MCC), and to treat the same
or similar disease (sickle cell disease) in
the same or similar patient population
(patients 12 years of age and older who
have a history of vaso-occlusive events).
Accordingly, as it appears that
LyfgeniaTM and CasgevyTM may use the
same or similar mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic outcome (that is,
to reduce the amount of sickling
hemoglobin to reduce and prevent VOEs
associated with SCD), would be
assigned to the same MS–DRG, and treat
the same or similar patient population
and disease, we believe that these
technologies may be substantially
similar to each other such that they
should be considered as a single
application for purposes of new
technology add-on payments. We note
that if we determine that this technology
is substantially similar to CasgevyTM, we
believe the newness period would begin
on December 8, 2023, the date both
LyfgeniaTM and CasgevyTM received
FDA approval for SCD. We are
interested in information on how these
two technologies may differ from each
other with respect to the substantial
similarity criteria and newness
criterion, to inform our analysis of
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
whether LyfgeniaTM and CasgevyTM are
substantially similar to each other and
therefore should be considered as a
single application for purposes of new
technology add-on payments.
We are inviting public comment on
whether LyfgeniaTM meets the newness
criterion, including whether LyfgeniaTM
is substantially similar to CasgevyTM
and whether these technologies should
be evaluated as a single technology for
purposes of new technology add-on
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided multiple analyses to
demonstrate that it meets the cost
criterion. For each analysis, the
applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR using different ICD–10–CM
codes to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be
eligible for LyfgeniaTM. Per the
applicant, LyfgeniaTM is intended for
patients who have not already
undergone Allogeneic Bone Marrow
Transplant or Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant. The applicant explained
that it used different ICD–10–CM codes
to demonstrate different cohorts of SCD
patients that may be eligible for the
According to the applicant, eligible
cases for LyfgeniaTM will be mapped to
either Pre-MDC MS–DRG 016
(Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant
with CC/MCC) or 017 (Autologous Bone
Marrow Transplant without CC/MCC).
For each cohort, the applicant
performed two sets of analyses using
either the FY 2025 new technology addon payments threshold for Pre-MDC
MS–DRG 016 or Pre-MDC MS–DRG 017
for all identified cases. We note that the
FY 2025 new technology add-on
payments thresholds for both Pre-MDC
MS–DRG 016 and Pre-MDC MS–DRG
017 are $182,491. Each analysis
followed the order of operations
described in the table later in this
For the primary cohort, the applicant
searched for an appropriate group of
patients with any ICD–10–CM diagnosis
code for SCD with crisis. Please see the
online posting for LyfgeniaTM for the
complete list of ICD–10–CM codes
provided by the applicant. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 12,357 claims mapping to 167
PO 00000
Frm 00146
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
MS–DRGs, including MS–DRGs 811 and
812 (Red Blood Cell Disorders with
MCC and without MCC, respectively)
representing 76.0 percent of total
identified cases. The applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $11,677,887, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491.
For the sensitivity 1 cohort, the
applicant searched for a narrower cohort
of patients with the admitting or
primary ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes of
Hemoglobin-SS (Hb-SS) SCD with crisis
for the most common genotype of SCD.
Please see the online posting for
LyfgeniaTM for a complete list of ICD–
10–CM codes provided by the applicant.
The applicant used the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the
following table. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 10,987 claims
mapping to 160 MS–DRGs, including
MS–DRGs 811 and 812 (Red Blood Cell
Disorders with and without MCC,
respectively) representing 75.1 percent
of total identified cases. The applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $11,680,025, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491.
For the sensitivity 2 cohort, the
applicant searched for a broader cohort
of patients with the primary or
secondary ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes
for SCD with or without crisis. Please
see the online posting for LyfgeniaTM for
a complete list of ICD–10–CM codes
provided by the applicant. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 17,120 claims mapping to 453
MS–DRGs, including MS–DRGs 811 and
812 (Red Blood Cell Disorders with and
without MCC, respectively) representing
56.3 percent of total identified cases.
The applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $11,681,718, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $182,491.
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant maintained that
LyfgeniaTM meets the cost criterion.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and Time
List ofICD-10-CM codes
List of MS-DRGs
FY 2022 MedPAR File
Please see the on line posting for Lyfgenia™ for a complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the
Please see the online posting for Lvfaenia™ for a list of included MS-DRGs provided bv the applicant.
Primary cohort: The applicant selected claims based on the codes provided by the applicant in the online
posting as it believes this list represents patients with any ICD-10-CM diagnosis code representing SCD
with crisis.
Sensitivity 1 cohort: The applicant selected claims based on the codes provided by the applicant in the
on line posting as it believes this list represents patients with an admitting or primary ICD-10-CM
diagnosis code of Hb-SS disease with crisis, the most common genotype of SCD.
Charges removed for prior
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Standardized charges
Sensitivity 2 cohort: The applicant selected claims based on the codes provided by the applicant in the
online posting as it believes this list represents patients with a primary or secondary ICD-10-CM
diagnosis code of SCD with or without crisis.
The applicant made the same exclusions for all three scenarios. The applicant excluded claims assigned
to MS-DRG 014 (Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant), 016 (Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant with
CC/MCC), or 017 (Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant without CC/MCC) as the technology is
intended for patients who have not alreadv underaone allogeneic or autologous bone marrow transplant.
The applicant did not remove any charges for the prior technology. The applicant stated that in the case
of Lyfgenia™, the inpatient hospital charges for myeloablative conditioning and Lyfgenia™ infusion will
exceed anv current charges for drugs and ancillary services.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
Inflation factor
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 11.90% to the standardized charges, based on the two-year
inflation factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS final rule.
Charges added for the new
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by an
estimated cost-to-charge ratio of 0.2669 for CART-cell therapies. The applicant stated that this cost-tocharge ratio is greater than the national average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.18 for drugs from the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, resulting in a lower estimated charges for the cost criterion analysis. The
applicant did not add indirect charges related to the new technology.
We are inviting public comments on
whether LyfgeniaTM meets the cost
criterion. With regard to the substantial
clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that LyfgeniaTM
represents a substantial clinical
improvement over existing technologies,
because LyfgeniaTM is a one-time
administration gene therapy that
uniquely impacts the pathophysiology
of SCD at the genetic level and offers the
potential for stable, durable production
of anti-sickling hemoglobin HbAT87Q,
with approximately 85 percent of RBCs
producing HbAT87Q, leading to
complete resolution of severe VOEs in
patients with SCD through 5.5 years of
follow-up. The applicant asserted that
for these reasons LyfgeniaTM is a muchneeded treatment option for a patient
population ineligible for allo-HSCT or
without a matched related donor and
significantly improves health-related
quality of life. The applicant provided
seven studies on LyfgeniaTM to support
these claims, as well as 22 background
83 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
84 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
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articles about SCD and its current
treatments.84 The following table
summarizes the applicant’s assertions
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion. Please see the
online posting for LyfgeniaTM for the
applicant’s complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
exclusion criteria
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology offers a treatment option for a patient population
unresponsive to, or ineli2ible for, currently available treatments.
Applicant statements
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
in sunnort
Lyfgenia TM will
Kanter J, et al. Lovo-cel gene therapy for sickle cell disease: treatment process evolution and
outcomes in the initial groups of the HGB-206 study. Am J Hematol. 2023 Jan;98(1):l 1-22.
provide a muchneeded SCD
Kanter J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2022;386:617-628.
treatment option,
including for patients
The applicant also provided a supplementary attachment and background information to support
ineligible for allothis claim, which can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
HSCT and for
patients without a
matched related
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #2: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to
services or technologies previously available.
Applicant statements
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
in sunnort
Kanter J, et al. 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition. December 9-12, 2023. Abstract 1051.
Oral presentation (December 11th).
administration of
Kanter J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2022;386:617-628.
Lyfgenia™ gene
therapy in patients
with SCD impacts the Tisdale JF, et al. Polyclonality strongly correlates with biological outcomes and is significantly
increased following improvements to the phase 1/2 HGB-206 protocol and manufacturing of
pathophysiology of
LentiGlobin for sickle cell disease (SCD; bb 1111) gene therapy (GT). American Society of
SCD (polymerization
Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting 2021, Abstract #561. Oral presentation. Blood. 2021;138
of HbS) at the genetic
(Supplement 1):561.
level, intended to halt
SCD progression.
The applicant also provided a supplementary attachment and background information to support
this claim, which can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
Tisdale JF, et al. Updated results from HGB-206 lentiglobin for sickle cell disease gene therapy
study: Group C data and Group A AML case investigation. American Society of Gene and Cell
Therapy (ASGCT) Annual Meeting 2021, Abstract# 196. Molecular Therapy. 2021 ;29:4S 1.
Lyfgenia™ efficacy
and safety data from
Walters MC, et al. Lovo-cel (bb 1111) gene therapy for sickle cell disease: updated clinical
Study HGB-206
results and investigations into two cases of anemia from group C of the phase 1/2 HGB-206
Group C present an
study. ASH 2022 Congress. Abstract #11; presentation.
acceptable riskbenefit profile for
Tisdale JF, et al. Polyclonality strongly correlates with biological outcomes and is significantly
patients with SCD,
increased following improvements to the phase 1/2 HGB-206 protocol and manufacturing of
with clinically
LentiGlobin for sickle cell disease (SCD; bbl 111) gene therapy (GT). American Society of
Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting 2021, Abstract #561. Oral presentation. Blood. 2021; 138
improvements in
(Supplement 1):561.
health-related quality
of life (HRQoL)
Kanter J, et al. 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition. December 9-12, 2023. Abstract 1051.
Oral presentation (December 11th).
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Kanter J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2022;386:617-628.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Walters MC, et al. Sustained improvements in patient-reported quality of life up to 24 months
post-treatment with Lentiglobin for sickle cell disease (bb 1111) gene therapy. American Society
of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting 2021. Blood. 2021;138(1):7.
Kanter J, et al. 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition. December 9-12, 2023. Abstract I 051.
Oral presentation (December 11th).
Walters MC, et al. Lovo-cel (bbl 111) gene therapy for sickle cell disease: updated clinical
results and investigations into two cases of anemia from group C of the phase 1/2 HGB-206
study. ASH 2022 Congress. Abstract #11; presentation.
The applicant also provided a supplementary attachment and background information to support
this claim, which can be accessed via the on line posting for the technology.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
After review of the information
provided by the applicant, we have the
following concerns regarding whether
LyfgeniaTM meets the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. With
respect to the claim that LyfgeniaTM
presents an acceptable risk-benefit
profile in terms of efficacy and safety for
patients with SCD while allowing
clinically meaningful improvements in
HRQoL, the applicant stated the safety
profile remains generally consistent
with risk of autologous stem cell
transplant, myeloablative conditioning,
and underlying SCD. Additionally, the
applicant mentions that serious
treatment-emergent adverse events
(TEAEs) of grade 3 or higher TEAEs
were reported, but no cases of venoocclusive liver disease, graft failure, or
vector-mediated replication competent
lentivirus were reported. Per the
applicant, three patients had adverse
events attributed to LyfgeniaTM,
including 2 events deemed possibly
related and 1 event deemed definitely
related, with all 3 resolving within 1
week of onset. We note that the
applicant submitted one published
article about Group C results, an interim
analysis by Kanter et al. (2022) 85 in
which LyfgeniaTM’s safety and efficacy
were evaluated in a nonrandomized,
open-label, single-dose phase 1–2
clinical trial (HGB–206) where 35 Group
C patients had received LyfgeniaTM
infusion. Group C was established after
optimizing the treatment process in the
initial cohorts, Groups A (7 patients)
85 Kanter, J., Walters, M.C., Krishnamurti, L.,
Mapara, M.Y., Kwiatkowski, J.L, Rifkin-Zenenberg,
S., Aygun, B., Kasow, K.A., Pierciey, Jr., F.J.,
Bonner, M., Miller, A., Zhang, X., Lynch, J., Kim,
D., Ribeil, J.A., Asmal, M., Goyal, S., Thompson,
A.A., & Tisdale, J.F. (2022). Biologic and Clinical
Efficacy of LentiGlobin for Sickle Cell Disease. The
New England Journal of Medicine, 386, 617–628.
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and B (2 patients). There was also a
more stringent inclusion criterion for
severe vaso-occlusive events before
enrollment for Group C. The median
follow-up was 17.3 months (range, 3.7–
37.6) and 25 patients met both the
inclusion criteria for vaso-occlusive
events before enrollment and a
minimum 6-month follow-up required
for assessment of vaso-occlusive events.
After receiving LyfgeniaTM, 12 patients
(34 percent) had at least one serious
adverse event; the most frequently
reported were abdominal pain, drug
withdrawal syndrome (opiate), nausea,
and vomiting (6 percent each). The two
events that were deemed to be possibly
related to LyfgeniaTM were grade 2
leukopenia and grade 1 decreased
diastolic blood pressure and the one
event that was deemed to be definitely
related was grade 2 febrile neutropenia.
Although this evidence was provided to
assert LyfgeniaTM improves clinical
outcomes relative to previously
available therapies, we note that the
risk-benefit profile and HRQoL for
LyfgeniaTM is not compared to existing
therapies. We would be interested in
additional information regarding the
risk-benefit profile of LyfgeniaTM
compared to existing therapies,
including clarification regarding an
acceptable risk-benefit profile for
patients with SCD and whether
LyfgeniaTM fits this profile. We also
question if the length of patient followup (median: 17.3 months, range: 3.7 to
37.6) would be sufficient to assess longterm safety outcomes.
Finally, with respect to the
applicant’s assertion that LyfgeniaTM
improves clinical outcomes by halting
SCD progression, presenting an
acceptable risk-benefit profile with
clinically meaningful improvement in
HRQoL, and results in complete
resolution of sVOEs, we note that the
PO 00000
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applicant provided multiple sources of
evidence that analyze the same phase 1–
2 clinical study for LyfgeniaTM, HGB–
206. We received an additional
unpublished source 86 that provided
some data on the phase 3 HGB–210 trial
and combined this with data from HGB–
206 with a total of 34 patients being
evaluable for efficacy and 47 for safety.
The median age of these 47 patients was
23 years. Due to the small study
population and the median age of
participants in the studies, we question
if the safety and efficacy data from these
studies would be generalizable to the
Medicare population.
We are inviting public comments on
whether LyfgeniaTM meets the
substantial clinical improvement
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for LyfgeniaTM.
j. Quicktome Software Suite (Quicktome
Neurological Visualization and Planning
Omniscient Neurotechnology
submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for
Quicktome Software Suite for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, Quicktome
Software Suite is a cloud-based software
that uses artificial intelligence (AI) tools
and the scientific field of connectomics
to analyze millions of data points
derived from a patient’s magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI). Per the
applicant, Quicktome Software Suite’s
proprietary Structural Connectivity
Atlas (SCA) uses machine learning and
86 Kanter J, et al. 65th ASH Annual Meeting and
Exposition. December 9–12, 2023. Abstract 1051.
Oral presentation (December 11th).
Patients with SCD
experienced complete
resolution of sVOEs
after the one-time
treatment of
Lyfgenia™, a
personalized gene
therapy; overall
median rate ofVOEs
was zero (0) per year.
The applicant also provided a supplementary attachment and background information to support
this claim, which can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
Kanter J, et al. N Engl J Med. 2022;386:617-628.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
tractographic techniques to create
highly specific and personalized maps
of a patient’s brain or connectome from
a standard MRI scan, regardless of brain
shape, size, or physical distortion. The
applicant asserted that the SCA is
combined with a key refinement
algorithm which identifies the location
of parcels based on the specific
structural characteristics of an
individual’s brain. The applicant
asserted that Quicktome Software Suite
uses resting-state functional MRI (rsfMRI) to unveil the brain’s network
architecture or functional connectome
by mapping blood oxygen level
dependent (BOLD) signal correlations
across brain parcels. Per the applicant,
using data from a structural or a
functional MRI (fMRI) scan, Quicktome
Software Suite’s proprietary AI allows
clinicians to quickly and accurately
assess the structural layout (that is, the
locations and integrity) or the functional
connectivity (that is, how different brain
regions are working together) of a
patient’s brain.
Please refer to the online application
posting for Quicktome Software Suite,
available at
NTP23101722NQE, for additional detail
describing the technology and the
disease for which the technology is
With respect to the newness criterion,
according to the applicant, the
Quicktome Software Suite received FDA
510(k) clearance on May 30, 2023. Per
the FDA-cleared indication, the
Quicktome Software Suite is composed
of a set of modules intended for the
display of medical images and other
healthcare data. It includes functions for
image review, image manipulation,
basic measurements, planning, 3D
visualization (MPR reconstructions and
3D volume rendering), and the display
of BOLD rs-MRI scan studies. The FDA
clearance for Quicktome Software Suite
was based on substantial equivalence to
the legally marketed predicate device,
StealthViz Advanced Planning
Application with Stealth Diffusion
Tensor Imaging (DTI)TM Package
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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(hereafter referred to as StealthVizTM),
as both of these devices allow the
import and export of DICOM images to
a hospital picture archiving and
communication system (PACS); contain
a graphical user interface to conduct
planning and visualization; display MRI
anatomical images, as well as
tractography constructed from Diffusion
Weighted Images, in 2D and 3D views;
register tractography and an atlas to the
underlying anatomical images; allow
adding, removing, and editing of objects
(including automatically segmented and
manually defined regions of interest);
and are delivered as software on an offthe-shelf hardware platform.87 Prior to
the FDA 510(k) clearance of Quicktome
Software SuiteTM in 2023, the
technology, under the trade name
Quicktome, received FDA 510(k)
clearance on March 9, 2021, based on
substantial equivalence to
StealthVizTM.88 StealthVizTM received
FDA 510(k) clearance on May 16, 2008
for use in two- and three-dimensional
(2D and 3D) surgical planning and
image review and analysis. According to
the FDA 510(k) summary for
StealthVizTM, it enables digital
diagnostic and functional imaging
datasets, reviewing and analyzing the
data in various 2D and 3D presentation
formats, performing image fusion of
datasets, segmenting structures in the
images with manual and automatic tools
and converting them into 3D objects for
display, and exporting results to other
Medtronic Navigation planning
applications, to a PACS or to Medtronic
Navigation surgical navigation systems
such as StealthStation System.
According to the applicant, the
Quicktome Software Suite was
commercially available immediately
after FDA clearance.
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify the
Quicktome Software Suite. We note that
87 Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 510(k)
Premarket notification for Medtronic Navigation,
Inc.’s StealthViz Advanced Planning Application
with StealthDTI Package. K081512. May 16, 2008.
88 FDA. K203518. 2021.
PO 00000
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the applicant submitted a request for
approval for a unique ICD–10–PCS
procedure code for the Quicktome
Software Suite beginning in FY 2025.
The applicant provided a list of
diagnosis codes that may currently be
used to identify the indication for
Quicktome Software Suite under the
ICD–10–CM coding system. Please refer
to the online application posting for the
complete list of ICD–10–CM codes
provided by the applicant.
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered new for the purpose of new
technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that Quicktome Software Suite is not
substantially similar to other currently
available technologies because it is the
first and only FDA-cleared platform to
enable connectomic analysis at an
individual level using machine learning
and tractographic techniques to create
personalized maps of the human brain.
In addition, the applicant asserted that
Quicktome Software Suite is the first
cleared neurological planning tool to
offer rs-fMRI capabilities. Per the
applicant, Quicktome Software Suite
eliminates the need for highly trained
personnel, who may not be available at
most institutions, and therefore, the
technology meets the newness criterion.
The applicant further asserted that
current technologies that rely on taskbased fMRI (tb-fMRI) can be problematic
in brain tumor patients who may be
cognitively impaired because they may
be unable to perform required tasks. The
following table summarizes the
applicant’s assertions regarding the
substantial similarity criteria. Please see
the online application posting for
Quicktome Software Suite for the
applicant’s complete statements in
support of its assertion that the
Quicktome Software Suite is not
substantially similar to other currently
available technologies.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
The applicant noted that while Quicktome Software Suite is not
therapeutic in nature, it is unique in its mechanism of action. Per the
applicant, Quicktome Software Suite is the first and only FDA-cleared
platform to enable connectomic analysis at an individual level. The
applicant stated that the technology's proprietary SCA, a newly
developed brain mapping technique, uses machine learning and
tractographic techniques to create personalized maps of the human brain,
providing clinicians with unprecedented information about the location
and function of a patient's brain networks, which was previously only
available in research settings.
The applicant maintained that the technology provides critical
supplementary information for patients admitted under existing DRGs for
procedures and conditions such as craniotomv.
Per the applicant, Quicktome Software Suite does not treat a new disease
type or patient population but does provide new information for the
treatment of existing patient populations.
Does the technology use
the same or similar
mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Is the technology assigned
to the same MS-DRG as
existinl! technolo2ies?
Does new use of the
technology involve the
treatment of the
same/similar type of
disease and the
same/similar patient
population when
compared to an existing
We note the following concerns
regarding whether Quicktome Software
Suite meets the newness criterion. With
respect to the applicant’s claim that
Quicktome Software Suite does not use
the same or similar mechanism of action
as existing technologies to achieve a
therapeutic outcome, we note that,
according to the 510(k) application, it
appears that the Quicktome Software
Suite is equivalent to StealthVizTM, its
predicate device. We are unclear how
the Quicktome Software Suite’s
mechanism of action, which enables
patient-specific connectomic analysis
for neurological planning, is different
from that of StealthVizTM. We note that
StealthVizTM received FDA 510(k)
clearance on May 16, 2008 for use in
2D/3D surgical planning and image
review and analysis, and therefore is no
longer considered new for purposes of
new technology add-on payments.
According to the applicant, Quicktome
Software Suite is the first and only FDAcleared platform to enable brain
network mapping and analysis at an
individual level and provides clinicians
with information that was previously
only available in a research setting. We
would be interested in further
information to support that the
Quicktome Software Suite does not use
the same or similar mechanism of action
as StealthVizTM to achieve a therapeutic
outcome, including information
regarding capabilities of Quicktome
Software Suite not found in
StealthVizTM, and whether and how
those capabilities are the result of a new
mechanism of action.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Applicant assertions regarding this criterion
In addition, we note that there are
several existing FDA-approved or
cleared technologies (for example,
StealthVizTM, Brainlab’s Elements and
iPlan products) that analyze fMRI and
other medical imaging data to create 3D maps of a patient’s brain, including
white matter tracts. Furthermore, while
the applicant asserted that Quicktome
Software Suite is the only FDA-cleared
device that uses a rs-fMRI, we question
whether other FDA-cleared
neurosurgical planning and
visualization technologies integrate rsfMRI, or if the analysis of rs-fMRI for
neurosurgical planning is a mechanism
of action unique to Quicktome Software
Suite. We would be interested in more
information on the relevant current
standard of care and technologies
utilized for neurosurgical planning and
how the mechanism of action of the
Quicktome Software Suite compares to
the mechanism of action of existing
technologies and connectomics
With respect to the third criterion,
whether Quicktome Software Suite
involves the treatment of the same or
similar disease and patient population
compared to existing technologies, we
note that the applicant stated that the
Quicktome Software Suite does not treat
a new disease type or patient
population, but does provide new
information for the treatment of existing
patient populations. However, the
provision of new information for the
treatment of existing patient
populations does not mean that the
technology treats a new disease type or
PO 00000
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patient population, and therefore, it is
unclear what the basis is for the
applicant’s statement that the third
criterion is not met. We would be
interested in additional information to
support whether and how Quicktome
Software Suite may involve the
treatment of a different type of disease
or patient population.
As discussed in the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 44981), we
also continue to be interested in public
comments regarding issues related to
determining newness for technologies
that use AI, an algorithm, or software.
Specifically, we are interested in public
comment on how these technologies
may be considered for the purpose of
identifying a unique mechanism of
action; how updates to AI, an algorithm,
or software would affect an already
approved technology or a competing
technology; whether software changes
for an already approved technology
could be considered a new mechanism
of action, and whether an improved
algorithm by competing technologies
would represent a unique mechanism of
action if the outcome is the same as an
already approved AI new technology.
We are inviting public comments on
whether Quicktome Software Suite is
substantially similar to existing
technologies and whether Quicktome
Software Suite meets the newness
With respect to the cost criterion, to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for
Quicktome Software Suite, the applicant
searched 2020 Medicare Inpatient
Substantial Similarity
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Hospitals—by Provider and Service
data.89 The applicant included all cases
from the following MS–DRGs: 025
(Craniotomy and Endovascular
Intracranial Procedures with MCC), 026
(Craniotomy and Endovascular
Intracranial Procedures with CC), and
027 (Craniotomy and Endovascular
Intracranial Procedures without CC/
MCC). Using the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table,
the applicant identified 28,401 cases
mapping to these three craniotomy MS–
DRGs, with 64 percent of the identified
cases mapping to MS–DRG 025. The
applicant followed the order of
operations described in the following
table and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $179,317, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $134,802. Because
the final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case exceeded
the average case-weighted threshold
amount, the applicant asserted that
Quicktome Software Suite meets the
cost criterion.
List of MS-DRGs
Charges removed for
prior technology
Inflation factor
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Charges added for
the new technology
2020 Medicare Inpatient Hospitals - by Provider and Service data
DRG 025 (Craniotomy and Endovascular Intracranial Procedures with MCC)
DRG 026 (Craniotomy and Endovascular Intracranial Procedures with CC)
DRG 027 (Craniotomv and Endovascular Intracranial Procedures without CC/MCC)
The applicant asserted that Quicktome is relevant to all procedure and diagnosis codes which may
lead to a craniotomy procedure, therefore it included all cases assigned to the listed MS-DRGs and
applied no restrictions regarding ICD-10-CM/PCS codes as it indicated that all stays related to the
MS-DRGs listed previously are relevant.
The applicant stated that it did not remove indirect charges related to the prior technology because
Quicktome Software Suite would not replace prior technologies. Per the applicant, Quicktome
Software Suite would supplement existing MRis to provide detail regarding brain structural and
functional analysis to improve patient outcomes.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The
applicant used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 32% to the standardized charges, as a five-year inflation
factor calculated based on the inflation factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant added the cost for the Quicktome Software Suite but did not convert the previously
noted costs to charges for the new technology. In addition, the applicant estimated indirect costs
related to the technology. Per the applicant, it took into account the operating costs related to an
additional 18-minute scan time compared to the typical MRI scan. The applicant also added costs of
additional capital MRI equipment needed to produce the MRI scans for Quicktome Software Suite.
Specifically, per the applicant, MRI hardware and infrastructure must, at minimum, include scanners
equipped with DTI capabilities. The applicant noted that while it assumed only DTI capabilities as a
baseline additional expense, the actual hardware and infrastructure costs for most hospitals are likely
much higher. The aoolicant did not convert the indirect costs to charges for the new technology.
We note the following concerns
regarding the cost criterion. We note
that the applicant limited its cost
analysis to MS–DRGs 025, 026, and 027
because those three MS–DRGs represent
brain tumor resection procedures,
which are the first and most clearly
established procedures for which the
technology offers clinical utility. We are
interested in information as to whether
the technology would map to other MS–
DRGs, such as 023 and 024 (Craniotomy
with Major Device Implant or Acute
Complex CNS PDX with MCC or
Chemotherapy, or without MCC,
respectively), or 054 and 055 (Nervous
System Neoplasms with and without
MCC, respectively), and if these MS–
DRGs should also be included in the
cost analysis. In addition, we question
whether every case within MS–DRGs
025, 026, 027 would be eligible for the
technology and whether there would be
any appropriate inclusion/exclusion
criteria by ICD–10–CM/PCS codes
within these MS–DRGs to identify
potential cases representing patients
who may be eligible for Quicktome
Software Suite.
We are inviting public comments on
whether Quicktome Software Suite
meets the cost criterion.
With regard to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion, the applicant
asserted that Quicktome Software Suite
represents a substantial clinical
improvement over existing technologies
because Quicktome supports the
visualization and brain mapping that
improve clinical outcomes such as
reducing the risk of an extended length
of stay (LOS) and unplanned
readmissions for craniotomy patients by
reducing new postoperative
neurological deficits that are caused by
damage to brain networks or a patient’s
connectome. The applicant further
asserted that Quicktome Software Suite
is the first and only FDA-cleared
platform to enable connectomic analysis
at an individual level, enabling surgeons
to visualize and avoid damaging these
brain networks during surgery, thereby
significantly improving clinical
89 The Medicare Inpatient Hospitals by Provider
and Service dataset provides information on
inpatient discharges for Original Medicare Part A
beneficiaries by IPPS hospitals. It includes
information on the use, payment, and hospital
charges for more than 3,000 U.S. hospitals that
received IPPS payments. The data are organized by
hospital and Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related
Group (DRG):
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
outcomes relative to services or
technologies previously available. The
applicant submitted three published
studies and one unpublished study
evaluating the Quicktome Software
Suite to support these claims, as well as
four background articles about
complications leading to unplanned
readmissions after cranial surgery,
factors associated with extended LOS in
patients undergoing craniotomy for
tumor resection, the association of
incorporating fMRI in presurgical
planning with mortality and morbidity
in brain tumor patients, and the clinical
importance of non-traditional, largescale brain networks with respect to the
potential adverse effects on patients
when these networks are disrupted
during surgery.90 We note that one of
the articles submitted as a study using
the technology, the Dadario and
Sughrue (2022) 91 study, should more
appropriately be characterized as a
background article because it does not
directly assess the use of Quicktome
Software Suite.
The following table summarizes the
applicant’s assertions regarding the
substantial clinical improvement
criterion. Please see the online posting
for Quicktome Software Suite for the
applicant’s complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to
services or technoloeies previouslv available
Applicant statements in Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
Shah HA, Ablyazova F, Alrez A, et al. Intraoperative awake language mapping correlates to
preoperative connectomics imaging: An instructive case. Clin Neural Neurosurg. 2023
Jun;229:107751. Doi: 10.1016/j.clineuro.2023.107751. Epub2023 Apr 29. PMID: 3714997. 2.
Damaging brain
networks during
surgery leads to
complications, which
are a leading
contributor to
increased length of stay,
ICU admission, and
Damaging brain
networks during
surgery has adverse
effects for patients,
including decreased
quality of life and loss
of function.
Wu Z, Hu G, Cao B, Liu X, et al. Non-traditional cognitive brain network involvement in
insulo-Sylvian gliomas: a case series study and clinical experience using Quicktome. Chin
NeurosurgJ. 2023 May 26;9(1):16. Doi: 10.1186/s41016-023-00325-4 PMID: 37231522;
PMCID: PMC10214670.
Morell AA, Eichberg DG, Shah AH, et al. Using machine learning to evaluate large-scale brain
networks in patients with brain tumors: Traditional and non-traditional eloquent areas.
Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Sep 19;4(1 ):vdac 142. Doi: 10.1093/noajnl/vdac 142 PMID: 36299797;
PMCID: PMC9586213.
Hendricks B, Scherschinkski L, Jubran J, et al. Supratentorial Cavernous Malformation Surgery:
The Seven Hotspots of Novel Cerebral Risk (SUBMITTED MANUSCRIPT).
The applicant provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via
the online posting for the technology.
The applicant provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via
the online posting for the technology.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
After our review of the information
provided by the applicant, we have the
following concerns regarding whether
Quicktome Software Suite meets the
substantial clinical improvement
With respect to the applicant’s claim
that Quicktome Software Suite supports
the visualization of brain networks and
surgical planning to avoid damaging
them during surgery, we are concerned
that the evidence does not appear to
demonstrate that the Quicktome
Software Suite’s visualization and brain
mapping techniques improve clinical
outcomes relative to services or
technologies already available by
avoiding or reducing damage to the
brain networks during surgery. For
example, the Shah et al. (2023) 92 study
90 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
91 Dadario NB, Sughrue ME. Should
Neurosurgeons Try to Preserve Non-Traditional
Brain Networks? A Systematic Review of the
Neuroscientific Evidence. Journal of Personalized
Medicine. 2022; 12(4):587.
92 Shah HA, Ablyazova F, Alrez A, et al.
Intraoperative awake language mapping correlates
to preoperative connectomics imaging: An
instructive case. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2023
Jun;229:107751. Doi: 10.1016/
j.clineuro.2023.107751 Epub 2023 Apr 29. PMID:
3714997. 2.
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Quicktome Software
Suite supports the
visualization of brain
networks and surgical
planning to avoid
damaging them during
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
describes the use of connectomics in
planning and guiding an awake
craniotomy for a tumor impinging on
the language area in a 31-year-old
bilingual woman. The authors stated
that Quicktome Software Suite was used
to generate preoperative connectome
imaging for the patient, which helped in
assessing the risk of functional deficits,
guiding surgical planning, directing
intraoperative mapping stimulation, and
providing insights into postoperative
function. The authors further described
how preoperative imaging demonstrated
proximity of the tumor to parcellations
of the language area, and how
intraoperative awake language mapping
was performed, revealing speech arrest
and paraphasic errors at areas of the
tumor boundary correlating to
functional regions that explained these
findings. However, we are concerned
that the report is based on a single case,
and we question whether these findings
would be generalizable to the broader
Medicare population. In addition, we
note that the applicant did not provide
evidence based on comparison of the
use of Quicktome Software Suite
technology with currently available
cranial mapping software or
tractography tools, and we would be
interested in comparisons that assess
the use of Quicktome Software Suite
technology to improve these clinical
outcomes relative to currently available
technologies, such as StealthVizTM or
Brainlab’s Elements and iPlan products.
In addition, we question whether the
findings related to Quicktome’s efficacy
are generalizable to the Medicare
population. Specifically, the Wu et al.
(2023) 93 study aimed to investigate the
involvement of non-traditional brain
networks in insulo-Sylvian gliomas and
evaluate the potential of Quicktome
Software Suite in optimizing surgical
approaches to preserve cognitive
function. The study included three
parts. The first part involved a
retrospective analysis of the location of
insulo-Sylvian gliomas in 45 adult
patients who underwent glioma surgery
centered in the insular lobe. According
to the research team, Quicktome showed
that 98 percent of the tumors involved
a non-traditional eloquent brain
network, which is associated with
cognitive or neurological function. In
part two, the research team
prospectively collected
neuropsychological data on seven
patients to assess tumor-network
93 Wu Z, Hu G, Cao B, Liu X, et al. Non-traditional
cognitive brain network involvement in insuloSylvian gliomas: a case series study and clinical
experience using Quicktome. Chin Neurosurg J.
2023 May 26;9(1):16. Doi: 10.1186/s41016–023–
00325–4 PMID: 37231522; PMCID: PMC10214670.
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involvement with change in cognition.
Using Quicktome, the research team
found that all seven patients had a
tumor involving a non-traditional
eloquent brain network. Part three
described how the research team used
Quicktome Software Suite’s network
mapping capabilities to inform surgical
decision-making and predict the
preservation of cognitive function postsurgery for two prospective patients. We
note that while Quicktome Software
Suite was used to assist surgical
decision-making in two patients, as
previously discussed, we question
whether these limited findings would be
generalizable to the broader Medicare
population, and we would be interested
in comparisons between Quicktome
Software Suite and other currently
available technologies to improve these
clinical outcomes.
We also question whether the use of
Quicktome Software Suite has a direct
impact on significantly reducing
neurological or cognitive deficits postsurgery. The applicant cited Morell et
al. (2022),94 a retrospective, singlecenter study of 100 patients who
underwent surgery for brain tumor
resection. The research team used
Quicktome Software Suite to map and
evaluate the integrity of nine large-scale
brain networks in these patients.
According to the research team,
Quicktome’s analysis showed that for
more than half of these patients, at least
one of their brain networks were either
affected during brain surgery or at risk
of postsurgical deficits. Among those at
risk of postsurgical deficits, their
cortical regions or white matter fibers
were either displaced by the mass effect
of the tumor or damaged during surgery
due to proximity to the tumor and/or
planned transcortical trajectory. We
note that the primary focus of the study
was to retrospectively map large-scale
brain networks in brain tumor patients
using Quicktome Software Suite
platform, and therefore does not appear
to demonstrate that use of Quicktome
Software Suite avoided damaging these
networks during surgery.
Similarly, we note that the applicant
cited Hendricks et al. (n.d.),95 which
retrospectively analyzed the outcomes
of 346 adult patients who underwent
resection of superficial cerebral
94 Morell AA, Eichberg DG, Shah AH, et al. Using
machine learning to evaluate large-scale brain
networks in patients with brain tumors: Traditional
and non-traditional eloquent areas. Neurooncol
Adv. 2022 Sep 19;4(1):vdac142. Doi: 10.1093/
noajnl/vdac142. PMID: 36299797; PMCID:
95 Hendricks B, Scherschinkski L, Jubran J, et al.
Supratentorial Cavernous Malformation Surgery:
The Seven Hotspots of Novel Cerebral Risk
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cavernous malformations (CMs) from
November 2008 through June 2021. We
note that the focus of the study was the
use of Quicktome Software Suite to
support the identification of areas of
eloquent noneloquence, or cortex
injured or transgressed that causes
unexpected deficits. Therefore, we
remain interested in evidence that
incorporating Quicktome Software
Suite’s analytics into surgical strategies
and navigational tools during
craniotomy surgery is associated with
improved post-surgical outcomes.
With respect to the applicant’s claim
that damaging brain networks during
surgery leads to neurologic
complications, which are a leading
contributor to increased length of stay
(LOS), ICU admission, and
readmissions, the applicant asserted
that Quicktome Software Suite enables
surgeons to visualize these brain
networks and change their surgical
approach as needed to avoid damaging
these networks. We note that the
applicant submitted two documents in
support of this claim, both of which are
background documents rather than
studies that evaluate clinical outcomes
associated with the use of Quicktome
Software Suite. In particular, the
Elsamadicy et al. (2018) 96 study showed
that altered mental status and sensory or
motor deficits were the primary
complications of craniotomies. The
Philips et al. (2023) 97 study
demonstrated that post-operative
neurological deficits, caused by damage
to brain networks or a patient’s
connectome were responsible for
extended length of stay. Although these
studies supported the applicant’s claim
that damage to brain networks resulted
in neurological complications,
increasing LOS and inpatient service
use, we note that the evidence provided
for this claim does not assess the use of
Quicktome Software Suite to improve
these clinical outcomes, nor does the
evidence appear to demonstrate that use
of the technology substantially improves
these clinical outcomes relative to
existing technologies, such as
StealthVizTM or Brainlab’s Elements and
iPlan products. We would be interested
in evidence demonstrating that
96 Elsamadicy, AA, Sergesketter, A, Adogwa, O, et
al. Complications and 30-Day readmission rates
after craniotomy/craniectomy: A single Institutional
study of 243 consecutive patients, Journal of
Clinical Neuroscience, Volume 47, 2018, Pages 178–
182, ISSN 0967–5868,
97 Phillips KR, Enriquez-Marulanda A, Mackel C,
et al. Predictors of extended length of stay related
to craniotomy for tumor resection. World Neurosurg
X. 2023 Mar 31;19:100176. doi:10.1016/
j.wnsx.2023.100176 PMID: 37123627; PMCID:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
assessment of substantial clinical
improvement, as we continue to gain
experience in this area. Algorithm
transparency refers to whether, and the
extent to which, clinical users are able
to access a consistent, baseline set of
information about the algorithms they
use to support their decision making
and to assess such algorithms for
fairness, appropriateness, validity,
effectiveness, and safety.100
We are inviting public comments on
whether Quicktome Software Suite
Software Suite meets the substantial
clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for Quicktome
Software Suite.
utilization of the Quicktome Software
Suite improves clinical outcomes
related to LOS, ICU admissions, and
readmissions relative to existing
With respect to the applicant’s claim
that damaging brain networks during
surgery has adverse effects for patients,
including decreased quality of life and
loss of function, the applicant asserted
that Quicktome Software Suite enables
surgeons to visualize brain networks
and change their surgical approach as
needed to avoid damaging these
networks. The applicant further asserted
that while other techniques have
enabled the visualization of
tractography or of parts of eloquent
networks, this is not an adequate
substitute for the ability to review the
entirety of a patient’s connectome
(networks such as motor, language, and
vision). Per the applicant, Quicktome
Software Suite is the first of its kind to
show the location and function of these
networks and that damage to these
networks is associated with poor
outcomes. The applicant cited Vysotski
et al. (2019),98 who demonstrated that
brain tumor patients who underwent a
preoperative fMRI experienced
significantly lower risks for mortality
than those who did not. The applicant
also cited Dadario and Sughrue (2022),99
who discussed the clinical importance
of preserving non-traditional brain
networks for neurosurgical patients.
Similar to our previous concern, we
note that the evidence provided for this
claim does not assess the use of
Quicktome Software Suite to improve
quality of life and loss of function, nor
does the evidence appear to
demonstrate that use of the technology
substantially improves these clinical
outcomes relative to existing
technologies. Therefore, we continue to
question whether there is evidence to
assess the effectiveness of Quicktome
Software Suite to reduce damage to
brain networks during surgery.
We are also interested in public
comments related to how we should
evaluate issues related to determining
substantial clinical improvement for
technologies that use AI, an algorithm or
software, including issues related to
algorithm transparency, and how CMS
should consider these issues in our
k. TALVEYTM (talquetamab-tgvs)
Johnson & Johnson Health Care
Systems, Inc. submitted an application
for new technology add-on payments for
TALVEYTM for FY 2025. According to
the applicant, TALVEYTM is the first
and only approved G protein-coupled
receptor, class C, group 5, member D
(GPRC5D) targeting therapy, a bispecific
antibody (bsAb) approved for the
treatment of adults with Relapsed or
Refractory Multiple Myeloma (RRMM)
who have received at least four prior
lines of therapy (also referred to herein
as 4L+RRMM), including a proteasome
inhibitor (PI), an immunomodulatory
agent (IMiD), and an anti-cluster of
differentiation (CD)38 monoclonal
antibody (mAb). GPRC5D is an orphan
receptor expressed at a significantly
higher level on malignant Multiple
Myeloma (MM) cells than on normal
plasma cells.
Please refer to the online application
posting for TALVEYTM available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by
the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion,
according to the applicant, TALVEYTM
was granted a Biologic License from
FDA on August 9, 2023 for the treatment
of adult patients with 4L+RRMM who
have received at least four prior lines of
98 Vysotski S, Madura C, Swan B, et al.
Preoperative FMRI Associated with Decreased
Mortality and Morbidity in Brain Tumor Patients.
Interdiscip Neurosurg. 2018 Sep;13:40–45. doi:
10.1016/j.inat.2018.02.001 Epub 2018 Feb 14.
PMID: 31341789; PMCID: PMC6653633.
99 Dadario NB, Sughrue ME. Should
Neurosurgeons Try to Preserve Non-Traditional
Brain Networks? A Systematic Review of the
Neuroscientific Evidence. Journal of Personalized
Medicine. 2022; 12(4):587.
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therapy, including a PI, an ImiD, and an
anti-CD38 mAb. According to the
applicant, TALVEYTM was
commercially available immediately
after FDA approval. Per the applicant,
patients may be dosed on a weekly or
bi-weekly dosing schedule. The
applicant noted that patients on a
weekly dosing schedule receive three
weight-based doses—a 0.01 mg/kg
loading dose, a 0.06 mg/kg loading dose,
and the first 0.40 mg/kg treatment
dose—during the hospital stay; patients
on a bi-weekly dosing schedule receive
an additional 0.80 mg/kg treatment dose
during the hospital stay.
The applicant submitted a request for
approval for a unique ICD–10–PCS
procedure code for TALVEYTM and was
granted approval for the following
procedure code effective April 1, 2024:
XW01329 (Introduction of talquetamab
antineoplastic into subcutaneous tissue,
percutaneous approach, new technology
group 9). The applicant stated that ICD–
10–CM codes C90.00 (Multiple
myeloma not having achieved
remission) and C90.02 (Multiple
myeloma in relapse) may be used to
currently identify the indication for
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that TALVEYTM is not substantially
similar to other currently available
technologies because it has a unique
mechanism of action as a CD3 T-cell
engaging bsAb targeting GPRC5D, and
therefore, the technology meets the
newness criterion. The following table
summarizes the applicant’s assertions
regarding the substantial similarity
criteria. Please see the online
application posting for TALVEYTM for
the applicant’s complete statements in
support of its assertion that TALVEYTM
is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies.
100 Department of Health and Human Services
(December 13, 2023). HHS Finalizes Rule to
Advance Health IT Interoperability and Algorithm
Transparency |, accessed 2/20/2024.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
TALVEY™ has a unique mechanism of action as the first and only
approved therapy targeting GPRC5D. TALVEY™ is a full-sized, bsAb
that simultaneously binds GPRC5D on myeloma cells and CD3 on Tcells. This distinction is critical, because the expression of GRPC5D is
different from that ofBCMA, which is the target of the other approved
bsAbs in RRMM. Of note, GPRC5D has limited expression on normal
tissues, including the tongue and hair follicles. Critically, GPRC5D is not
expressed at a significant level on normal B-cells, which directly
contrasts with BCMA expression which is present on B-cells. The tissue
expression ofGPRC5D determines, in large part, the AE profile of
TAL VEY™ and differentiates the mechanism of action and AE profile of
TALVEY™ from those ofBCMA targeting therapies. Other FDA
approved T-cell engaging bsAbs include teclistamab, elranatamab (MM),
mosunetuzumab, epcoritamab, glofitamab (B-cell non-Hodgkin
lymphoma), and blinatumomab (acute lymphoblastic leukemia). While
teclistamab and elranatamab are also T-cell engaging bsAbs used to treat
multiple myeloma, they both target BCMA. TAL VEY™ is the only
medicine which targets the novel antigen GPRC5D. Mosunetuzumab,
epcoritamab, and glofitamab target CD3 on T-cells and CD20 on nonHodgkin lymphoma cells and are approved for use in relapsed/refractory
B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Blinatumomab, a bispecific T-cell
engager (BiTE) that targets CD3 and CD19, is approved for the treatment
of pre-B-cell acute lymphoblastic lymphoma and has a structure different
from other bsAbs, containing two Fab fragments that are held together by
a chemical linker. TAL VEY™ has a novel mechanism of action targeting
GPRC5D for the treatment of MM and is differentiated from existing
bsAbs due to the uniqueness of both this target and its tissue expression
profile, which results in an adverse event profile distinct from those of the
currently annroved bsAbs in RRMM targeting BCMA.
TALVEY has been assigned to the same MS-DRG and it treats a similar
MM patient population as several other approved therapies.
Does the technology use
the same or similar
mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic
Is the technology assigned
to the same MS-DRG as
existine technoloeies?
Does new use of the
technology involve the
treatment of the
same/similar type of
disease and the
same/similar patient
population when
compared to an existing
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
With regard to the newness criterion,
we note that TALVEYTM may have a
similar mechanism of action to that of
TECVAYLI®, for which we approved an
application for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2024 for the treatment
of adult patients with RRMM after four
or more prior lines of therapy, including
a PI, an IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb
(88 FR 58891). We also note that
TALVEYTM may have a similar
mechanism of action to that of
ELREXFIOTM, another applicant for FY
2025 new technology add-on payments.
As previously discussed, ELREXFIOTM
was approved on August 14, 2023 for
the treatment of adult patients with
RRMM who have received at least four
prior lines of therapy, including a PI, an
IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb.
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Applicant assertions regarding this criterion
TALVEY™ is indicated for the treatment of adults with 4L+RRMM,
including a PI, an IMiD and an anti-CD38 mAb. The indication for
TAL VEY™ is similar to the approved indications for ide-cel, cilta-cel,
teclistamab, and elranatamab. While these are all BCMA targeted
therapies indicated for the treatment of MM in patients who have been
exposed to at least four prior lines of therapy, TAL VEY™ is unique in
that it targets the novel antigen GPRC5D. In addition, TAL VEY™ has
proven efficacy in patients with RRMM who have received prior T-cell
redirection therapies such as BCMA-directed Chimeric antigen receptor
(CAR) T-cell therapy and bsAbs.
Per the applicant, TALVEYTM has a
different mechanism of action from
binds to different receptors. The
applicant noted that TALVEYTM is the
only medicine that targets GPRC5D on
myeloma cells. As we previously noted,
TECVAYLI®’s mechanism of action is
described as a bsAb, with binding
domains that simultaneously bind the
BCMA target on tumor cells and the
CD3 T-cell receptor (88 FR 58886). As
previously discussed, the mechanism of
action for ELREXFIOTM is as a bsAb that
uses binding domains that
simultaneously bind the BCMA target
on tumor cells and the CD3 T-cell
receptor. However, while the applicant
asserts that TALVEYTM has a unique
mechanism of action as compared to
PO 00000
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binding to different receptors, we
question how binding to a different
protein (GPRC5D) on the tumor cell
would result in a different mechanism
of action compared to BCMA targeting
bispecific antibodies. Furthermore, we
note that the applicant claimed that the
target of TALVEYTM, GPRC5D, has a
unique tissue expression profile, which
results in an adverse event profile
distinct from those of the currently
approved bispecific antibodies in
RRMM targeting BCMA. However, as
this relates to the risk of adverse event
from TALVEYTM administration but is
not critical to the way the drug treats the
underlying disease, we question
whether this would therefore relate to
an assessment of substantial clinical
Substantial Similarity
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
improvement rather than of substantial
similarity. We would welcome
additional information on how
molecular differences, such as the
regulation of expression of GPRC5D and
BCMA on MM cells during treatment,
should be considered in determining
whether a technology utilizes a different
mechanism of action to achieve a
therapeutic outcome.
Accordingly, as it appears that
the same or similar mechanism of action
to achieve a therapeutic outcome, would
be assigned to the same MS–DRG, and
treat the same or similar patient
population and disease, we believe that
these technologies may be substantially
similar to each other. We note that if we
determine that this technology is
substantially similar to TECVAYLI®, we
believe the newness period would begin
on November 9, 2022, the date
TECVAYLITM became commercially
available (88 FR 58887).
Furthermore, as noted, we believe
another applicant for FY 2025 new
technology add-on payments,
ELREXFIOTM, may also be substantially
similar to TALVEYTM. Per the
application for ELREXFIOTM,
ELREXFIOTM is a bispecific antibody
approved for the treatment of adults
with RRMM who have received at least
four prior lines of therapy, including a
PI, an IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb. We
believe ELREXFIOTM may be
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substantially similar to TALVEYTM
because it is also a bispecific antibody
that treats RRMM in patients who have
previously received a PI, IMiD, and an
anti-CD38 mAb. Additionally, we note
that similar to TALVEYTM, the
prescribing information for
ELREXFIOTM includes the population
with prior exposure to BCMA T-cell
redirection therapy. Accordingly, as it
appears that TALVEYTM and
ELREXFIOTM would use the same or
similar mechanism of action to achieve
a therapeutic outcome, would be
assigned to the same MS–DRG, and
would treat the same or similar patient
population and disease, we believe that
these technologies may also be
substantially similar to each other such
that they should be considered as a
single application for purposes of new
technology add-on payments. We note
that if TALVEYTM is determined to only
be substantially similar to ELREXFIOTM,
and not TECVAYLI®, we believe the
newness period for TALVEYTM would
begin on August 9, 2023, the date
TALVEYTM received FDA approval.
We are interested in receiving
information on how these technologies
may differ from each other with respect
to the substantial similarity and
newness criteria, to inform our analysis
of whether TALVEYTM is substantially
similar to ELREXFIOTM and/or
PO 00000
Frm 00157
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
We are inviting public comments on
whether TALVEYTM is substantially
similar to existing technologies and
whether TALVEYTM meets the newness
With respect to the cost criterion, to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for
TALVEYTM, the applicant searched the
FY 2022 MedPAR for cases reporting
one of the following ICD–10–CM codes
in the first five diagnosis positions on
the claim: C90.00 (Multiple myeloma
not having achieved remission), C90.01
(Multiple myeloma in remission), and
C90.02 (Multiple myeloma in relapse).
Using the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table, the
applicant identified 4,468 claims
mapping to five MS–DRGs with 82
percent of identified cases mapping to
MS–DRGs 840 and 841 (Lymphoma and
Non-acute Leukemia with MCC, with
CC, respectively). The applicant
followed the order of operations
described in the following table and
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $210,677, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $77,360. Because the final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount, the
applicant asserted that TALVEYTM
meets the cost criterion.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and
Time Period
FY 2022 MedPAR file
List of ICD-10-CM
C90.00 (Multiple myeloma not having achieved remission)
C90.01 (Multiple myeloma in remission)
C90.02 (Multiple mveloma in relapse)
List ofICD-10PCS codes
3EO 1305 (Introduction of other antineoplastic into subcutaneous tissue, percutaneous approach)
List of MS-DRGs
840 (Lymphoma and Non-acute Leukemia with MCC)
841 (Lymphoma and Non-acute Leukemia with CC)
842 (Lymphoma and Non-acute Leukemia without CC/MCC)
846 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with MCC)
847 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with CC)
The applicant identified cases by using the ICD-10-CM codes in this table in the first five diagnosis
positions. The applicant limited the analysis to the following six identified MS-DRGs that involved the
treatment of multiple myeloma: MS-DRGs 840,841,842 (Lymphoma and Non-acute Leukemia with
MCC, with CC, without CC/MCC, respectively), and MS-DRGs 846, 847, 848 (Chemotherapy without
Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with MCC, with CC, without CC/MCC, respectively). The
applicant stated that although MS-DRG 848 was identified as a MS-DRG that should be included in the
analysis, no claims with an appropriate multiple myeloma diagnosis code were identified in this MS-DRG.
Charges removed
for prior
Per the applicant, for some patients, use ofTALVEY™ could replace other drug therapies during the
inpatient stay. The applicant stated since it is difficult to identify the exact differences in drug regimens
TALVEY™ patients would receive, it removed 100% of drug charges from the identified cases as a
conservative approach. The applicant did not remove indirect charges related to the prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
Inflation factor
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 11. 9% to the standardized charges, based on the two-year
inflation factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Charges added for
the new technology
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by the
national average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.184 for drugs from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. The
applicant did not add indirect charges related to the new technology.
demonstrates clinically meaningful
outcomes in heavily pre-treated patients
who are exposed or naive to prior T-cell
redirection therapy and provides a
therapeutic option with a lower severe
infection rate. The applicant provided
four studies to support these claims. We
also note that four other articles
submitted as supporting evidence
should more appropriately be
characterized as background articles
because they do not directly assess the
use of TALVEYTM. Instead, those four
articles focus on existing treatment
or the high mortality rate of MM
patients who died while waiting for
CAR–T cell therapies.101
The following table summarizes the
applicant’s assertions regarding the
substantial clinical improvement
criterion. Please see the online posting
for TALVEYTM for the applicant’s
complete statements regarding the
substantial clinical improvement
criterion and the supporting evidence
101 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
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PO 00000
Frm 00158
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We are inviting public comments on
whether TALVEYTM meets the cost
With regard to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion, the applicant
asserted that TALVEYTM represents a
substantial clinical improvement over
existing technologies because
TALVEYTM meets two of three criteria
for substantial clinical improvement
due to its off-the-shelf availability
without the need for complex
manufacturing. Additionally, according
to the applicant, TALVEYTM
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology offers a treatment option for a patient population
unresponsive to, or ineli2ible for, currentlv available treatments
Applicant statements
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
in sunnort
TALVEY1'M offers an The applicant provided background information to support this claim, which can be accessed via
efficacious treatment
the online posting for the technology.
option for patients
that are unable to
receive CAR T-cell
Hammons L, Szabo, A, Janardan, A, et al. The changing spectrum of infection with BCMA and
TALVEY1'M has a
GPRC5D targeting bispecific antibody (bsAb) therapy in patients with relapsed refractory
low incidence of
multiple myeloma. Haematologica. 2023 Aug 31.
serious and higherRodriguez-Otero, P, Schinke, C, Chari, A, et al. Analysis of infections and parameters of
grade infections, and
preserves B-cell
humoral immunity in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma treated with
Talquetamab monotherapy in MonumenTAL-1. 2023 American Society of Clinical Oncology
Annual Meeting, Poster #8020.
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #2: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to
services or technolo2ies previouslv available
Applicant statements
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
in sunnort
Schinke, CD, Touzeau, C, Minnema, MC, et al. Pivotal Phase 2 MonumenTAL- I results of
TALVEY™ offers
Talquetamab, a GPRC5DxCD3 bispecific antibody, for relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma.
clinically meaningful
2023 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Poster #8036.
outcomes in heavily
pre-treated patients
Jakubowiak, AJ, Anguille, S, Karlin, L, et al. Updated Results ofTalquetamab, a
naive to prior
GPRC5DxCD3 bispecific antibody, in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma with
bispecific antibody
prior exposure to T-Cell redirecting therapies: results of the Phase 1/2 MonumenTAL-1 Study
and CAR-T cell
2023 American Society of Hematology Annual Meeting. Poster#3377.
Schinke (2023), op.cit.
Jakubowiak (2023). op.cit.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
After review of the information
provided by the applicant, we have the
following concerns regarding whether
TALVEYTM meets the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. With
respect to the applicant’s claim that
TALVEYTM offers an efficacious
treatment option for patients who are
unable to receive CAR T-cell therapy,
we note that TECVAYLI® and
ELREXFIOTM are recently FDAapproved alternatives to CAR T-cell
therapy with the same indication as
treatments for RRMM for patients
ineligible or unresponsive to four prior
lines of therapy, including a PI, an
IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb. In
addition, although the applicant
claimed that TALVEYTM is more
accessible than CAR T-cell therapies
because it is readily available and can
be delivered at any acute care hospitals,
we would be interested in evidence
comparing the effects of TALVEYTM and
CAR T-cell therapies on mortality and
other clinical outcomes, as we did not
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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receive results from clinical trials
comparing the efficacy of TALVEYTM
with CAR T-cell therapies.
With respect to the applicant’s claim
that TALVEYTM has a low incidence of
serious and higher-grade infections and
preserves B-cell function, we note that
the clinical data from the Hammons et
al. (2023) 102 study did not appear to
support this claim. Specifically, the
difference in the proportion of grade 3+
infections among patients treated with
BCMA bsAb (58 percent), GPRC5D bsAb
combination therapy with daratumumab
and/or pomalidomide (33 percent), and
GPRC5D bsAb monotherapy (50
percent) was not statistically significant
(p = 0.06). While the total infection rate
per 100 days was lower for the GPRC5D
monotherapy group, the difference was
not statistically significant (BCMA: 0.57
102 Hammons L, Szabo, A, Janardan, A, et al. The
changing spectrum of infection with BCMA and
GPRC5D targeting bispecific antibody (bsAb)
therapy in patients with relapsed refractory
multiple myeloma. Haematologica. 2023 Aug 31.
PO 00000
Frm 00159
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
percent, GPRC5D combination: 0.62
percent, GPRC5D monotherapy: 0.13
percent; p = 0.06). Moreover, the
differences among the three groups in
bacterial, viral, and fungal infection
rates per 100 days did not reach
statistical significance (p = 0.07, 0.4,
and 0.14 respectively). In addition, the
difference among the three groups
regarding the need for hospitalization
was not statistically significant (p =
0.07). Similarly, we note that according
to the Rodriguez-Otero et al. (2023) 103
poster presentation, of the 339 patients
treated with TALVEYTM, 64 percent (n
= 217) experienced infections, of which
29 percent (n = 63) experienced grade
3–4 infections. The applicant
highlighted a conclusion in the
Rodriguez-Otero poster that infection
103 Rodriguez-Otero, P, Schinke, C, Chari, A, et al.
Analysis of infections and parameters of humoral
immunity in patients with relapsed/refractory
multiple myeloma treated with Talquetamab
monotherapy in MonumenTAL–1. 2023 American
Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting,
Poster #8020.
TALVEY™ offers
clinically meaningful
outcomes in patients
exposed to prior
bispecific antibody
and CAR-T cell
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
rates, particularly rates of higher grade
and fatal infections, occurred less
frequently with TALVEYTM compared
with those observed in BCMA-targeted
T-cell based therapies. We note that
because clinical trials are conducted
under widely varying conditions, we
question whether adverse reaction rates
observed in the clinical trials of one
drug can be directly compared to rates
in the clinical trials of another drug
without an effort to adjust for such
With respect to the applicant’s claim
that TALVEYTM offers clinically
meaningful outcomes in heavily pretreated patients naı¨ve to prior bsAb and
CAR T-cell therapy, we note that the
applicant compared the results from
MonumenTAL–1, the ongoing
TALVEYTM clinical study, with clinical
study results of TECVAYLI® and
ELREXFIOTM.104 105 The applicant noted
that the overall response rates (ORRs)
for TALVEYTM’s 0.4 mg/kg weekly and
0.8 mg/kg biweekly cohorts of 74.1
percent and 71.7 percent respectively
seem higher than the response rates
reported for TECVAYLI® (63 percent)
and ELREXFIOTM (61 percent). The
applicant also noted the duration of
response (DOR), progression free
survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS)
for TALVEYTM were comparable to that
of the BCMA bispecific antibodies.
However, we note that this was based
on a comparison of three separate
clinical trials, which can involve
numerous confounding variables, and
the applicant did not provide
supporting data related to clinical trial
design or statistical analysis to explain
why the potential effects of confounding
variables should not be a concern for
purposes of this comparison. Therefore,
we are interested in additional evidence
demonstrating that TALVEYTM
significantly improves clinical outcomes
compared to BCMA bispecific
antibodies in heavily pre-treated
patients naı¨ve to prior bispecific
antibody and CAR T-cell therapy that
adjusts for the effects of confounding
With respect to the applicant’s claim
that TALVEYTM offers clinically
meaningful outcomes in patients
104 Van de Donk, N, Moreau, P, Garfall, AL, et al.
Long term follow-up from MajesTEC–1 of
Teclistamab, a BCMAxCD3 bispecific antibody, in
patients with relapsed/refractory multiple
myeloma. 2023 American Society of Clinical
Oncology Annual Meeting, Poster #8011.
105 Mohty, M, Tomasson, MH, and Arnulf, B, et
al. Elranatamab, a B-cell maturation antigen
(BCMA)-CD3 bispecific antibody, for patients with
relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: Extended
follow-up and bi-weekly administration from the
MagnetisMM–3 study. 2023 American Society of
Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Poster #8039.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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exposed to prior bispecific antibody and
CAR T-cell therapy, the applicant
referenced past results from
MonumenTAL–1 that included a cohort
of 51 patients with prior T-cell
redirection therapies (TCR) including
BCMA-directed CAR–T therapies and/or
bispecific antibodies, citing an ORR of
64.7 percent in these heavily pre-treated
patients.106 The applicant also provided
updated results that included an
additional 19 patients with prior TCR
that demonstrated similar efficacy,
noting slightly higher ORRs and
improved PFS and DOR rates in patients
with prior BCMA CAR T-cell versus
prior bispecific antibody therapies. We
welcome additional information
demonstrating the efficacy of
TALVEYTM in patients previously
treated with BCMA-directed TCRs.
We are inviting public comments on
whether TALVEYTM meets the
substantial clinical improvement
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for TALVEYTM.
l. Odronextamab, First Indication:
Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large BCell Lymphoma (R/R DLBCL)
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for
odronextamab for use in relapsed or
refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
(R/R DLBCL) for FY 2025. According to
the applicant, odronextamab is the first
and only novel, fully-human Cluster of
Differentiation (CD) 20 × CD 3 bispecific
antibody (bsAb) with an
immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-based
structure in B-Cell non-Hodgkin
lymphoma (B–NHL) created using
Regeneron’s proprietary Veloci-Bi®
technology that is designed to
simultaneously bind to two types of
antigens, CD20 found on both healthy
and cancerous B cells, and CD3 found
on T-cells. Per the applicant,
simultaneous engagement of both arms
of odronextamab results in the
activation of immune system T-cells,
causing it to generate cytotoxic T-cells
that can destroy the targeted cells,
including cancerous B-cells. We note
that Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
also submitted an application for new
106 Jakubowiak, AJ, Anguille, S, Karlin, L, et al.
Updated Results of Talquetamab, a GPRC5D×CD3
bispecific antibody, in patients with relapsed/
refractory multiple myeloma with prior exposure to
T-Cell redirecting therapies: results of the Phase 1⁄2
MonumenTAL–1 Study 2023 American Society of
Hematology Annual Meeting. Poster #3377.
PO 00000
Frm 00160
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
technology add-on payments for
odronextamab for use in relapsed or
refractory follicular lymphoma (R/R FL)
for FY 2025, as discussed separately
later in this section.
Please refer to the online application
posting for odronextamab, available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by
the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion,
the applicant stated that its marketing
authorization request for odronextamab
has been filed by FDA and that it
anticipates a Biologic License
Application (BLA) decision from FDA
for adults with R/R DLBCL after at least
two prior systemic therapies, including
patients with or without prior CAR Tcell therapy, before May 1, 2024.
According to the applicant,
odronextamab will be commercially
available immediately after FDA
approval. According to the applicant, it
anticipates that inpatient usage of
odronextamab might occur due to a
physician’s order or as a result of an
adverse event, such as cytokine release
syndrome (CRS) Grade 2 or higher, that
results in an inpatient admission. The
applicant noted that in the pivotal Phase
2 clinical trial (ELM–2), when CRS
Grade 2 or 3 events developed among
DLBCL patients (there were no CRS
Grade 4 or higher reported on the
recommended dosing regimen), 31
percent of the time it occurred after the
initial dose (0.7 mg), 46 percent after the
first intermediate dose (4 mg), 15
percent after the second intermediate
dose (20 mg), 0 percent after the first
full dose (160 mg), and 8 percent after
the second full dose & beyond (160 mg).
Using this information, the applicant
developed a weighted average inpatient
dose of 17.4 mg.
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify
odronextamab. We note that the
applicant submitted a request for
approval for a unique ICD–10–PCS
procedure code for odronextamab
beginning in FY 2025. The applicant
provided a list of diagnosis codes that
may be used to currently identify this
indication for odronextamab under the
ICD–10–CM coding system. Please refer
to the online application posting for the
complete list of ICD–10–CM codes
provided by the applicant. We believe
the relevant ICD–10–CM codes to
identify the indication of R/R DLBCL
would be the codes included in category
C83 (Non-follicular lymphoma) under
the ICD–10–CM classification in
subcategory: C83.3- (Diffuse large B-cell
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Substantial Similarity
that odronextamab is not substantially
similar to other currently available
technologies. According to the
applicant, the mechanism of action for
odronextamab presents noteworthy
distinctions, such as reduced potential
for immunogenicity and anti-drug
antibodies through its novel fully
human design and reduced ability to
elicit an immune response through the
blocking effect of the IgG4-based
structure. The applicant also asserted
that odronextamab is the only bispecific
antibody (bsAb) with a dedicated
prospective cohort that shows efficacy
in patients with R/R DLBCL with prior
Does the technology use
the same or similar
mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic
ls the technology assigned
to the same MS-DRG as
existing technologies?
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Does new use of the
technology involve the
treatment of the
same/similar type of
disease and the
same/similar patient
population when
compared to an existing
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
CAR T-cell therapy while also showing
comparable efficacy in patients without
prior CAR T-cell therapy, and that
therefore, the technology meets the
newness criterion. The following table
summarizes the applicant’s assertions
regarding the substantial similarity
criteria. Please see the online
application posting for odronextamab
for the applicant’s complete statements
in support of its assertions that
odronextamab is not substantially
similar to other currently available
Applicant assertions regarding this criterion
Odronextamab is a fully human, lgG4-based, CD20xCD3 bsAb that binds
to CD20, a B-cell surface antigen present on normal and malignant Bcells and CD3, a T-cell receptor. Simultaneous engagement of both arms
of odronextamab results in formation of a synapse between the T-cell and
the CD20-expressing cell, triggering T-cell activation and cytotoxic Tcell response, which results in targeted T-cell killing ofB-cells.
Epcoritamab and glofitamab are CD20xCD3 bsAbs indicated for the
treatment of patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell
lymphoma, not otherwise specified (DLBCL, NOS) or large B-cell
lymphoma (LBCL) arising from follicular lymphoma, after two or more
lines of systemic therapy. While Regeneron recognizes that
odronextamab, epcoritamab, and glofitamab share a common mechanism
of action, it is important to note key distinctions. Odronextamab is the
first and only fully human, IgG4-based bsAb in B-NHL created using
Regeneron's proprietary Veloci-Bi®technology. The fully human design
may help reduce potential for immunogenicity and anti-drug antibodies,
distinguishing it from epcoritamab and glofitamab, which are humanized
lgGl-based bsAbs.
Odronextamab will likely be assigned to the MS-DRGs 840, 841, 823,
820,824,016,018, 821, 842, 825,822,014,004 similar to existing
technologies used to treat R/R DLBCL. This is due to the non-specificity
of the MS-DRG system to differentiate between patients diagnosed with
different lymphomas. This is further explained in the cost criterion
section of the application, where we identified potential odronextamab
utilization using ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes that mapped to the 12 MSDRGs noted oreviouslv.
Odronextamab is a fully human, IgG4-based, CD20xCD3 bsAb
developed by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of adult
patients with R/R DLBCL after at least two prior systemic therapies,
including patients with or without prior CART-cell therapy.
Odronextamab is designed to bind to CD20, a B-cell surface antigen
present on normal and malignant B-cells and CD3, a T-cell receptor.
Simultaneous engagement of both arms of odronextamab results in the
formation of a synapse between the T-cell and the CD20-expressing cell,
triggering T-cell activation and cytotoxic T-cell response, which results in
the targeted T-cell killing ofB-cells. DLBCL is classified into stages I-IV
and an estimated 55% of patients with DLBCL are diagnosed with stage
III/IV disease. Currently available therapies such as epcoritamab and
glofitamab are suggested treatment regimens in patients with disease
progression after transplant or CAR T-cell therapy in patients with R/R
DLBCL. Odronextamab is the only bsAb with a dedicated prospective
cohort that shows efficacy in patients with R/R DLBCL with prior CAR
T-cell therapy based on a Phase I open-label, multi-center, multi-cohort
Frm 00161
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
lymphoma). We are inviting public
comments on the use of these ICD–10–
CM diagnosis codes to identify the
indication of R/R DLBCL for purposes of
the new technology add-on payment, if
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We note that according to the
applicant, odronextamab may have a
similar mechanism of action to that of
EPKINLYTM (epcoritamab) and
COLUMVITM (glofitamab), for which we
approved an application for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2024 (88 FR 58835) for the treatment of
adult patients with R/R DLBCL after two
or more prior lines of systemic therapy.
Specifically, a similar IgG bsAb
engaging CD3 × CD20 mechanism is
utilized in the treatment of the same
population of R/R DLBCL adult patients
with two or more prior therapies.
Although the applicant asserts that
odronextamab is the first and only fully
human, IgG4-based bsAb in B–NHL,
which may help reduce potential for
immunogenicity and anti-drug
antibodies, we believe that this would
relate to the risk of adverse event from
odronextamab administration but is not
critical to the way the drug treats the
underlying disease, and therefore would
relate to an assessment of substantial
clinical improvement, rather than of
substantial similarity.
The applicant asserts that it treats a
new patient population because it is
indicated for a sub-population of
patients within R/R DLBCL: adult
patients with two or more prior
therapies after transplant or CAR T-cell
therapy. However, as noted by the
applicant, both EPKINLYTM and
COLUMVITM may also be used for
patients with R/R DLBCL with disease
progression after transplant or CAR Tcell therapy, also after two or more lines
of systemic therapies. Therefore, we
believe that odronextamab may treat the
same or similar disease in the same or
similar patient population as
Accordingly, as it appears that
odronextamab, and EPKINLYTM and
COLUMVITM may use the same or
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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similar mechanism of action to achieve
a therapeutic outcome, would be
assigned to the same MS–DRG, and treat
the same or similar patient population
and disease, we believe that these
technologies may be substantially
similar to each other. We note that if we
determine that this technology is
substantially similar to EPKINLYTM and
COLUMVITM, we believe the newness
period for this technology would begin
on May 19, 2023, the date on which
EPKINLYTM received FDA approval,
which is the earliest market availability
date submitted for EPKINLYTM and
COLUMVITM. We are interested in
information on how these technologies
may differ from each other with respect
to the substantial similarity criteria and
newness criterion.
We are inviting public comments on
whether odronextamab meets the
newness criterion, including whether
odronextamab is substantially similar to
existing technologies.
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided multiple analyses to
demonstrate that it meets the cost
criterion. For each analysis, the
applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR using a combination of ICD–
10–CM and/or PCS codes to identify
potential cases representing patients
who may be eligible for odronextamab.
The applicant explained that it used
different codes to demonstrate different
cohorts that may be eligible for the
technology. Each analysis followed the
order of operations described in the
tables later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant
used a list of ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes to identify cases with primary
diagnosis of DLBCL. The applicant
excluded cases with a corresponding
ICD–10–CM or ICD–10–PCS code
indicating active treatment. Per the
applicant, active treatment was defined
PO 00000
Frm 00162
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
as allogeneic stem cell transplant, bone
marrow transplant, transplant
complications, chemotherapy
administration, immunotherapy, or
radiation. Please see the online posting
for odronextamab for the complete list
of codes provided by the applicant. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 3,066 claims mapping to 10
MS–DRGs, including MS–DRG 840
(Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia
with MCC) representing 34.9 percent of
the identified cases. The applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $141,787, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $106,031.
For the second analysis, the applicant
identified cases using a list of ICD–10–
CM diagnosis codes: T80.89XA (Other
complications following infusion,
transfusion, and therapeutic injection)
or D89.832–D89.839 (Cytokine release
syndrome (CRS) Grades 2–5 or
unspecified) in any position. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 80 claims mapping to two
MS–DRGs: 018 (Chimeric Antigen
Receptor (CAR) T-Cell and Other
Immunotherapies) and 811 (Red Blood
Cell Disorders with MCC). The
applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $1,095,920, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $936,675.
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant maintained that
odronextamab meets the cost criterion.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and
Time Period
List ofICD-10-CM
List ofICD-10-PCS
List of MS-DRGs
FY 2022 MedPAR File
Scenario 1:
C83.30 (Diffuse large A-cell lymphoma, unspecified site)
C83.31 (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck)
C83.32 (DilTuse large B-1:ell lymphoma, intrathuradc lymph nudes)
C83.33 (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, intra-abdominal lymph nodes)
C83.34 (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of axilla and upper limb)
C83.35 (Dilfuse large B-cell lymphoma, lymph nodes of inguinal region and lower limb)
C83.36 (Diffuse large A-cell lymphoma, intrapelvic lymph nodes)
C83.37 (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, spleen)
C83.38 (DilTuse large B-1:ell lymphuma, lymph nudes of multiple sites)
C83.39 (Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites)
Scenario 2:
T80.89XA (Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection, initial
D89.832 (Cytokine release syndrome, grade 2)
D89.833 (Cytokine release syndrome, grade 3)
D89.834 (Cytokinc release syndrome, grade 4)
089.835 (Cytokine release syndrome, grade 5)
D89.839 (Cvtokine release syndrome, grade unsoecified)
Scenario 1:
For the lbt of exduded ICD-10-PCS codes, see lhe online posting fur udrum:xlamab.
Scenario 2:
Scenario 1:
840 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with .\,ICC)
841 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with CC)
823 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures with MCC)
820 (Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures with MCC)
824 (Lymphoma and Nun-Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures with CC)
016 (Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC)
821 (Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures with CC)
842 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia without CC/MCC)
825 (T .ymphoma and Non-Acute I .eukemia with Other Procedures without CC/MCC)
822 (Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures without CC/MCC)
Scenario 2:
018 (Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell and Other lmmunotherapies)
811 (Red Blood Cell Disorders with MCC)
Scenario 1:
The applicant identified cases from any MS-DRU with a primary !CD-I 0-CM diagnosis of DLBCL
without a corresponding ICD-10-CM or ICD-10-PCS code indicating active treatment, using the list
provided by the applicant in the on line posting. Per the applicant, the selected cases best represent
patients with r/r DLBCL, who are not receiving other active treatment and are admitted inpatient for the
purposes of being administered odronextamab based on the clinical judgment of their provider.
exclusion criteria
Scenario 2:
The applicant identified cases from any MS-DRG with an ICD-10-CM diagnosis code listed previously
in any position. Per the applicant, the selected cases best represent potential patients who, as a result of
developing CRS following outpatient administration of odronextamab, require an inpatient admission
within the three-day payment window.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
The applicant did not remove charges or indirect charges related to the prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPSiLTCH PPS final
Inflation factor
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation
factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 TPPS./LTCH PPS final rule.
Charges added for
the new technology
The applicant stated that the average sales price of the technology has yet to be determined, and that
when the price is available, a revised cost analysis will be provided that includes estimated hospital
charges for the technology.
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00163
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
For both scenarios, the applicant excluded \.-fS-DRGs with case volume less than 11 total cases.
Charges removed
for urior technolo2v
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We are inviting public comments on
whether odronextamab meets the cost
With regard to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion, the applicant
asserted that odronextamab represents a
substantial clinical improvement over
existing technologies because
odronextamab offers a new treatment for
patients who are ineligible for CAR Tcell therapy and represents a substantial
clinical improvement over existing
technologies in patients with R/R
DLBCL, including those with or without
prior CAR T-cell therapy. According to
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
the applicant, odronextamab will
expand access to heavily pretreated,
highly refractory patients and will offer
patients with R/R DLBCL a new
monotherapy that demonstrates
substantial clinical benefits, including a
generally manageable safety profile and
favorable Health Related Quality of Life
(HRQoL). The applicant also asserted
that odronextamab significantly
improves clinical outcomes relative to
services or technologies previously
available (such as EPKINLYTM and
COLUMVITM). The applicant provided
three studies to support these claims, as
PO 00000
Frm 00164
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
well as nine background articles about
other therapies.107 The following table
summarizes the applicant’s assertions
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion. Please see the
online posting for odronextamab for the
applicant’s complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
107 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
After review of the information
provided by the applicant, we have the
following concerns regarding whether
odronextamab meets the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. We note
that with respect to the claim that
odronextamab will increase treatment
options for patients with relapsed or
refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
(R/R DLBCL) who have a high risk of
cytokine release syndrome (CRS), the
applicant submitted the oral
presentation slides of the results from a
pre-specified analysis by Kim et al.
(2022),108 presenting the interim results
for the Phase II trial for odronextamab,
ELM–2. In this trial, 140 patients
(median age: 66 years) with R/R DLBCL
after 2 or more lines of therapy, Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) 0
or 1, were assigned to receive either a
108 Kim W, Kim T, Cho S, et al. Odronextamab in
patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL): results from a
prespecified analysis of the pivotal Phase II study
ELM–2. Presented at American Society of
Hematology (ASH). December 12, 2022.
PO 00000
Frm 00165
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology offers a treatment option for a patient population
unresponsive to, or ineligible for, currently available treatments
Applicant statements
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
in suooort
Kim W, Kim T, Cho S, et al. Odronextamab in patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse
Odronextamab will
increase treatment
large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL): results from a prespecified analysis of the pivotal Phase II
options for patients
study ELM-2. Presented at American Society of Hematology (ASH). December 12, 2022.
with relapsed or
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be
refractory diffuse
large B-cell
accessed via the online posting for the technology.
lymphoma (R/R
DLBCL) who have a
high risk of cytokine
release syndrome
Kim W, Kim T, Cho S, et al. Odronextamab in patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse
large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL): results from a prespecified analysis of the pivotal Phase II
monotherapy is an
study ELM-2. Presented at American Society of Hematology (ASH). December 12, 2022.
effective treatment
option for patients
with R/R DLBCL
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be
including those with
accessed via the online posting for the technology.
or without prior
CART-cell therapy.
Kim W, Kim T, Cho S, et al. Odronextamab in patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse
The odronextamab
large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL ): results from a prespecified analysis of the pivotal Phase II
clinical program
study ELM-2. Presented at American Society of Hematology (ASH). December 12, 2022.
enrolled heavily pretreated and highly
refractory patients
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be
with high-grade NHL accessed via the on line posting for the technology.
and a worse ECOG
oerformance status.
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #2: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to
services or technologies previously available
Applicant statements
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
in suooort
Odronextamab is the
Bannerji R, Amason JE, Advani RH, et al. Odronextamab, a human CD20xCD3 bsAb in
first CD20xCD3
patients with CDW-positive B-cell malignancies (ELM- I): results from the relapsed or
refractory non-Hodgkin lymphoma cohort in a single-arm, multicentre, phase 1 trial. The Lancet
bsAb to report longHaematol. 2022;9(5):e327-e339. doi:10.1016/s2352-3026(22)00072-2.
term patient
outcomes at longest
follow-up of 4.5
Iskierka-Jazdzewsk E, Kim W, Cho S, et al. Health-Related Quality of Life and Symptoms in
treatment until
Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma Treated with
disease progression
Odronextamab Monotherapy in the Phase 2 ELM-2 Study. Abstract presented at: American
may have benefits on
Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting and Exposition. December 2023. San Diego,
HRQoL for heavily
pretreated patients
with R/R DLBCL
and potentially
addresses unmet
needs in a
treatment setting.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
1/20 mg step-up regimen (n = 67) or 0.7/
4/20 mg step-up regimen (n = 73) after
the study initiated with a first cycle of
step-up regimen of 1/20 mg. The
regimen was modified to 0.7/4/20 mg
during Cycle 1 to further mitigate the
risk of CRS. The rates of CRS grades 2
and 3 for patients grouped to the 1/20
regimen were 17.9 percent and 7.5
percent respectively, while rates of CRS
grades 2 and 3 for patients grouped to
the 0.7/4/20 regimen were 13.7 percent
and 1.4 percent. We note that although
the incidence of grade 3 CRS was lower
in the 0.7/4/20 regimen arm, the
applicant indirectly compared these
incidence rates with the rates of trials as
found in the prescribing information for
other existing technologies, including
unclear if these differences are
statistically significant. We also
question whether there are differences
between these clinical trials, such as
patient characteristics or other
confounding variables, which would
limit such comparability between CRS
incidence rates. We are concerned as to
whether the differences identified by
the applicant translate to clinically
meaningful improvements for patients
treated with odronextamab as compared
to rates for existing treatments.
With respect to the claim that
odronextamab monotherapy is an
effective treatment option for patients
with R/R DLBCL including those with
or without prior CAR T-cell therapy, the
applicant submitted the oral
presentation slides of the results from a
pre-specified analysis by Kim et al.
(2022),109 previously described. The
oral presentation slides refer to the
Phase 1 trial for odronextamab (ELM–1)
and indicate consistency of results
across trials. The applicant noted that
patients with prior CAR–T therapy
demonstrated an objective response rate
(ORR) of 48.4 percent (95 percent CI:
30.2, 66.9), and a Complete Response
(CR) rate of 32.3 percent (n = 44
patients). The applicant cited other
information about CD20×CD3 bsAbs in
patients with R/R DLBCL including the
United States Prescribing Information
COLUMVITM for which 29 percent and
30 percent of patients respectively were
refractory to CAR T-cell therapy. We
note that the provided evidence did not
compare the efficacy of odronextamab to
our earlier concern, we question
whether there are confounding factors
between studies that would limit
indirect comparisons of ORR and CR.
We would be interested in additional
evidence to assess the use of
odronextamab in improving these
clinical outcomes relative to existing
With respect to the claim that the
odronextamab clinical program enrolled
heavily pre-treated and highly refractory
patients with high-grade non-Hodgkins
Lymphoma (NHL) and sicker patients
based on a worse ECOG performance
status, the applicant submitted the oral
slides of the results from a pre-specified
analysis by Kim et al. (2022),110
previously described, and the peerreviewed publication of the EPKINLYTM
dose expansion cohort of the phase I/II
clinical trial. ECOG performance status
is based on a five-point scale, with
higher numbers indicating greater
disability. Both trials included patients
with ECOG performance status of 0 or
1 and the EPKINLYTM trial also
included ECOG performance status
scores of 2; the odronextamab trial (n =
140) had rates of 32.1 percent and 67.9
percent for ECOG 0 and 1 respectively,
whereas the EPKINLYTM trial has ECOG
performance status scores of 47.1
percent, 49.7 percent, and 3.2 percent
for ECOG 0, 1, and 2 respectively.
However, we note that these incidence
rates of patient characteristics are
indirectly compared across unrelated
clinical trials and patient outcomes are
not stratified in either trial based on
these characteristics. For example, we
note that the classification of ‘‘worse
ECOG status’’ in the odronextamab trial
had a higher incidence rate of patients
with ECOG 1 performance status, but
this trial did not include patients with
ECOG 2 performance status, as did the
With regards to the applicant’s
assertions that odronextamab
significantly improves clinical outcomes
relative to existing technologies because
it is the first CD20×CD3 bsAb to report
long-term patient outcomes at longest
follow-up of 4.5 years, and that
treatment until disease progression may
have benefits on HRQoL for heavily
pretreated patients with R/R DLBCL and
potentially addresses unmet needs in a
challenging treatment setting, we are
concerned that the evidence presented
does not compare these outcomes to
existing technologies, such as
109 Kim W, Kim T, Cho S, et al. Odronextamab in
patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL): results from a
prespecified analysis of the pivotal Phase II study
ELM–2. Presented at American Society of
Hematology (ASH). December 12, 2022.
110 Kim W, Kim T, Cho S, et al. Odronextamab in
patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL): results from a
prespecified analysis of the pivotal Phase II study
ELM–2. Presented at American Society of
Hematology (ASH). December 12, 2022.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00166
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
example, although the applicant stated
that odronextamab is the first to report
on long-term patient outcomes with the
longest follow-up, there does not appear
to be evidence demonstrating
comparisons of long-term patient
outcomes of odronextamab to existing
technologies to support its claim that
the technology improves clinical
outcomes. In addition, there does not
appear to be evidence of a direct HRQoL
comparison to existing technologies to
assess improvements to HRQoL for
heavily pretreated patients with R/R
DLBCL. Therefore, we welcome
additional evidence demonstrating
comparisons of odronextamab to
existing technologies to support the
applicant’s claims.
We are inviting public comments on
whether odronextamab meets the
substantial clinical improvement
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for
m. Odronextamab, Second Indication:
Relapsed or Refractory Follicular
Lymphoma (R/R FL)
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for
odronextamab for use in relapsed or
refractory follicular lymphoma (R/R FL)
for FY 2025. According to the applicant
odronextamab is the first and only
novel, fully-human Cluster of
Differentiation (CD) 20 × CD 3 bispecific
antibody (bsAb) with an
immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-based
structure in B-Cell non-Hodgkin
lymphoma (B–NHL) created using
Regeneron’s proprietary Veloci-Bi®
technology that is designed to
simultaneously bind to two types of
antigens, CD20, found on both healthy
and cancerous B cells, and CD3, found
on T-cells. Per the applicant,
simultaneous engagement of both arms
of odronextamab results in the
activation of immune system T-cells,
causing it to generate cytotoxic T-cells
that can destroy the targeted cells,
including cancerous B cells. As
previously discussed earlier in this
section, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals,
Inc. also submitted an application for
new technology add-on payments for
odronextamab for use in relapsed or
refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
(R/R DLBCL) for FY 2025.
Please refer to the online application
posting for odronextamab, available at
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
for additional detail describing the
technology and B–NHL R/R FL.
With respect to the newness criterion,
the applicant stated that its marketing
authorization request for odronextamab
has been filed by FDA and that it
anticipates a Biologic License
Application (BLA) decision from FDA
for adults with R/R FL after at least two
prior systemic therapies, before May 1,
2024. According to the applicant,
odronextamab will be commercially
available immediately after FDA
approval. According to the applicant, it
anticipates that inpatient usage of
odronextamab might occur due to a
physician’s order or as a result of an
adverse event, such as cytokine release
syndrome (CRS) Grade 2 or higher, that
results in an inpatient admission. The
applicant noted that in the pivotal Phase
2 clinical trial (ELM–2), when CRS
Grade 2 or 3 events developed among
FL patients (there were no CRS Grade 4
or higher reported on the recommended
dosing regimen), 20 percent of the time
they occurred after the initial dose (0.7
mg), 50 percent of the time after the first
intermediate dose (4 mg), 20 percent of
the time after the second intermediate
dose (20 mg), 0 percent of the time after
the first full dose (80 mg), and 10
percent of the time after the second full
dose and beyond (80 mg). Using this
information, the applicant developed a
weighted average inpatient dose of 14.1
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify
odronextamab. We note that the
applicant submitted a request for
approval for a unique ICD–10–PCS
procedure code for odronextamab
beginning in FY 2025. The applicant
provided a list of diagnosis codes that
may be used to currently identify this
indication for odronextamab under the
ICD–10–CM coding system. Please refer
to the online application posting for the
complete list of ICD–10–CM codes
provided by the applicant. We believe
the relevant ICD–10–CM codes to
identify the indication of R/R FL would
be the codes included in category C82
(Follicular lymphoma) under the ICD–
10–CM classification in subcategories:
C82.0—(Follicular lymphoma grade I),
C82.1—(Follicular lymphoma grade II),
C82.2—(Follicular lymphoma grade III,
unspecified), C82.3—(Follicular
lymphoma grade IIIa), C82.4—
(Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb),
C82.5—(Diffuse follicle center
lymphoma), C82.6—(Cutaneous follicle
center lymphoma), C82.8—(Other types
of follicular lymphoma), or C82.9—
(Follicular lymphoma, unspecified). We
are inviting public comments on the use
of these ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes to
identify the indication of R/R FL for
purposes of the new technology add-on
payment, if approved.
As previously discussed, if a
technology meets all three of the
PO 00000
Frm 00167
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
substantial similarity criteria under the
newness criterion, it would be
considered substantially similar to an
existing technology and would not be
considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the substantial
similarity criteria, the applicant asserted
that odronextamab is not substantially
similar to other currently available
technologies because its mechanism of
action presents notable distinctions,
such as reduced potential for
immunogenicity and anti-drug
antibodies through its novel, fully
human design and reduced ability to
elicit an immune response through the
blocking effect of the IgG4-based
structure. The applicant further asserted
that odronextamab also has
demonstrated efficacy in patients with
FL Grade 3b, which were excluded from
the GO29781 study of mosunetuzumab,
and offers consistent efficacy in other
high-risk subgroups of patients with R/
R FL, and that therefore, the technology
meets the newness criterion. The
following table summarizes the
applicant’s assertions regarding the
substantial similarity criteria. Please see
the online application posting for
odronextamab for the applicant’s
complete statements in support of its
assertion that odronextamab is not
substantially similar to other currently
available technologies.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Does the technology use
the same or similar
mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic
Is the technology assigned
to the same MS-DRG as
existing technologies?
Does new use of the
technology involve the
treatment of the
same/similar type of
disease and the
same/similar patient
population when
compared to an existing
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
With regard to the newness criterion,
we note that according to the applicant
odronextamab may have a similar
mechanism of action to that of
LunsumioTM (mosunetuzumab), another
IgG bsAb engaging CD3×CD20, for
which we approved an application for
new technology add-on payments for FY
2024 (88 FR 58844), which treats the
same population of R/R FL adult
patients with two or more prior
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
Applicant assertions regarding this criterion
Odronextamab is a fully human, IgG4-based, CD20xCD3 bsAb that binds
to CD20, a B-cell surface antigen present on normal and malignant Bcells and CD3, a T-cell receptor. Simultaneous engagement of both arms
of odronextamab results in formation of a synapse between the T-cell and
the CD20-expressing cell, triggering T-cell activation and cytotoxic Tcell response, which results in targeted T-cell killing ofB-cells.
Mosunetuzumab is the only CD20xCD3 bsAb approved in patients with
R/R FL Grade 1-3a who had received 2':2 prior lines of therapy. While
Regeneron recognizes that odronextamab and mosunetuzumab share a
common mechanism of action, it is important to note key distinctions.
Odronextamab is the first and only fully human, IgG4-based bsAb in BNHL created using Regeneron's proprietary Veloci-Bi®technology.
IgG4-based bsAbs provide additional binding sites and are referred to as
"blocking antibodies" because of their reduced ability to elicit an
inflammatory immune response.
Potential odronextamab utilization spanned across nine MS-DRGs in the
cost analysis section of this application. These include MS-DRGs 840,
841, 824, 823, 821, 825, 820, 822, 842 similar to existing technologies
used to treat R/R FL. This is due to the non-specificity of the MS-DRG
system to differentiate between patients diagnosed with different
lymphomas and not a reflection of the newness of odronextamab.
Odronextamab is a fully human, IgG4-based, CD20xCD3 bsAb
developed by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of adult
patients with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma (R/R FL) after at
least two prior systemic therapies and relapsed or refractory diffuse large
B-cell lymphoma (R/R DLBCL) after at least two prior systemic
therapies, including patients with or without prior CART therapy.
Odronextamab is designed to bind to CD20, a B-cell surface antigen
present on normal and malignant B-cells and CD3, a T-cell receptor. FL
Grade 3b has a median overall survival (OS) ofless than 5 years and is
treated similarly to diffuse large B-cell. Despite the availability of various
treatments for adult patients with R/R FL, controversy exists regarding
the management of FL Grade 3. In the "Other B-NHL" cohort of the
ELM-2 study, odronextamab demonstrated efficacy in six patients with
FL Grade 3b disease. Though the sample size is small, odronextamab
demonstrated I 00% objective response rate [95% CI: 54.1-100] in all six
patients, with a complete response rate of 83.3% as of data cut-off date
January 31, 2023. Currently available therapies for patients with R/R FL
who have had two or more prior therapies may be appropriate for certain
patients, however, substantial clinical factors impact whether a patient
may benefit from third line or subsequent treatment options.
Mosunetuzumab is the only CD20xCD3 bsAb approved in patients with
R/R FL Grade l-3a who had received two or more prior therapies. While
cross-trial comparisons should be treated with caution, select baseline
characteristics of patients in the FL cohort of the ELM-2 study were less
favorable when compared with those in the GO29781 study of
mosunetuzumab. More patients in the ELM-2 study were aged c::65 years,
had prior autologous stem cell transplant, Ann Arbor stage III-IV, FLIPI
score of3-5, and ECOG PS I, as compared with Study GO29781 of
therapies. Although the applicant states
that there are key distinctions between
the mechanism of action of
odronextamab and LunsumioTM because
odronextamab is the first and only fully
human, IgG4-based bsAb, which
provides additional binding sites and
reduces its ability to elicit an
inflammatory immune response, we do
not believe that the number of binding
sites results in a different mechanism of
action. We also believe that a reduction
PO 00000
Frm 00168
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
in inflammatory immune response
would relate to the risk of an adverse
event from odronextamab
administration but is not critical to the
way the drug treats the underlying
disease, and therefore would relate to an
assessment of substantial clinical
improvement, rather than of substantial
The applicant asserted that
odronextamab treats a sub-population of
patients within the R/R FL adult
Substantial Similarity
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
patients with two or more prior
therapies in its summary, specifically,
that of R/R FL Grade 3b—a rare
subgroup of patients who are generally
excluded from clinical trials.111
However, we note that the FDAapproved labeling for LunsumioTM does
not appear to exclude this patient
population. As such, it is unclear
whether odronextamab would treat a
patient population different from other
CD20 × CD3 IgG bsAbs that treat
patients with R/R FL, such as
LunsumioTM. Accordingly, as it appears
that odronextamab and LunsumioTM
may use the same or similar mechanism
of action to achieve a therapeutic
outcome, would be assigned to the same
MS–DRG, and treat the same or similar
patient population and disease, we
believe that these technologies may be
substantially similar to each other. We
note that if we determine that this
technology is substantially similar to
LunsumioTM, we believe the newness
period for this technology would begin
on December 22, 2022, the date
LunsumioTM received FDA approval.
We are inviting public comments
whether odronextamab meets the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
111 Barraclough A, England JT, Villa D, Wight J,
Hapgood G, Conn J, Doo NW, Li EW, Gilbertson M,
Shaw B, Bishton MJ, Saeed M, Ratnasingam S,
Abeyakoon C, Chong G, Wai SH, Ku M, Lee HP,
Fleming K, Tam C, Douglas G, Cheah CY, Ng ZY,
Rolfe T, Mills AK, Hamad N, Cashman H, Gleeson
M, Narayana M, Hawkes EA. Outcomes in grade 3B
follicular lymphoma: an international study led by
the Australasian Lymphoma Alliance.
Haematologica. 2023 Sep 1;108(9):2444–2453.
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newness criterion, including whether
odronextamab is substantially similar to
LunsumioTM or other existing
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided multiple analyses to
demonstrate that it meets the cost
criterion. For each analysis, the
applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR using a combination of ICD–
10–CM and/or PCS codes to identify
potential cases representing patients
who may be eligible for odronextamab.
The applicant explained that it used
different codes to demonstrate different
cohorts that may be eligible for the
technology. Each analysis followed the
order of operations described in the
tables later in this section.
For the first analysis the applicant
used a list of ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes to identify cases with primary
diagnoses of follicular lymphoma. The
applicant excluded cases with a
corresponding ICD–10–CM or ICD–10–
PCS code indicating active treatment.
Per the applicant, active treatment was
defined as allogeneic stem cell
transplant, bone marrow transplant,
transplant complications, chemotherapy
administration, immunotherapy, or
radiation. Please see the online posting
for odronextamab for the complete list
of codes provided by the applicant. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 482 claims mapping to nine
MS–DRGs, including MS–DRG 840
PO 00000
Frm 00169
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
(Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia
with MCC) representing 29.3 percent of
the identified cases. The applicant
followed the order of operations
described in the following table and
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $101,177 which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
For the second analysis the applicant
identified cases using a list of ICD–10–
CM diagnosis codes: T80.89XA (Other
complications following infusion,
transfusion, and therapeutic injection)
or D89.832–D89.839 (Cytokine release
syndrome (CRS) Grades 2–5 or
unspecified) in any position. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the table later in
this section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 80 claims mapping
to two MS–DRGs, including 018
(Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) TCell and Other Immunotherapies) and
811 (Red Blood Cell Disorders with
MCC). The applicant calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$1,095,920, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant asserted that
odronextamab meets the cost criterion.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and Time
FY 2022 MedPAR File
Scenario I:
For the list ofICD-10-CM codes, included and excluded, see the online posting for
List of ICD-10-CM codes
Scenario 2:
T80.89XA (Other complications following infusion, transfusion and therapeutic injection,
initial encounter)
D89.832 (Cytokine release syndrome, grade 2)
D89.833 (Cytokine release syndrome, grade 3)
D89.834 (Cytokine release syndrome, grade 4)
D89.835 (Cytokine release syndrome, grade 5)
D89.839 (Cytokine release syndrome, unspecified)
Scenario 1:
For the list of excluded ICD-10-PCS codes, see the online posting for odronextamab.
List ICD-10-PCS codes
Scenario 2:
Scenario 1:
840 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with MCC)
841 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with CC)
824 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures with CC)
823 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures with MCC)
821 (Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures with CC)
825 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures without CC/MCC)
820 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures with MCC)
822 (Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures without CC/MCC )
842 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia without CC/MCC)
List of MS-DRGs
Scenario 2:
018 (Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell and Other Immunotherapies)
811 (Red Blood Cell Disorders with MCC)
Scenario 1:
The applicant identified cases from any MS-DRG with a primary ICD-10-CM diagnosis of
follicular lymphoma without a corresponding ICD-10-CM or ICD-10-PCS code indicating
active treatment, using the list provided by the applicant in the online posting. Per the
applicant, the selected cases best represent patients with R/R FL, who are not receiving
other active treatment and who are admitted as inpatients for the purposes of being
administered odronextamab based on the clinical judgment of their provider.
exclusion criteria
Scenario 2:
The applicant identified cases from any MS-DRG with an ICD-10-CM diagnosis code
listed previously in any position. Per the applicant, the selected cases best represent patients
who, as a result of developing CRS following outpatient administration of odronextamab,
require an inpatient admission within the three-day payment window.
For both scenarios, the applicant excluded MS-DRGs with case volume less than 11 total
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Standardized charges
Inflation factor
Charges added for the new
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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The applicant did not remove charges or indirect charges related to the prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application.
The applicant used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the
inflation factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule.
The applicant stated that the average sales price of the technology has yet to be determined,
and that when the price is available, a revised cost analysis will be provided that includes
estimated hospital charges for the technology_
PO 00000
Frm 00170
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
EP02MY24.124 EP02MY24.125
Charges removed for prior
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We are inviting public comments on
whether odronextamab meets the cost
With regard to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion, the applicant
asserted that odronextamab represents a
substantial clinical improvement over
existing technologies because it will
expand access to heavily pretreated,
highly refractory patients for whom
existing therapies are not adequate.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
112 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
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According to the applicant, treatment
with odronextamab offers patients with
R/R FL a new, readily available
monotherapy that demonstrates
multiple substantial clinical benefits,
including a generally manageable safety
profile, and establishes a new
benchmark for efficacy. The applicant
also asserted that odronextamab
significantly improves clinical outcomes
relative to services or technologies
previously available (such as
LunsumioTM). The applicant provided
three studies to support these claims, as
PO 00000
Frm 00171
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
well as eight background articles about
other therapies for the R/R FL patient
population.113 The following table
summarizes the applicant’s assertions
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion. Please see the
online posting for odronextamab for the
applicant’s complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
113 Background articles are not included in the
following table but can be accessed via the online
posting for the technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Substantial Clinical Improvement Assertion #1: The technology significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to
services or technolo2ies oreviouslv available
Applicant statements
Supporting evidence provided by the applicant
in suooort
Odronextamab will
Kim Tae Min, Taszner Michal, Cho Seok-Goo, et al. Odronextamab in patients with
increase treatment
relapsed/refractory (R/R) follicular lymphoma (FL) Grade l-3a: results from a prespecified
options for patients
analysis of the pivotal Phase II study ELM-2. Presented at American Society of Hematology
with relapsed or
(ASH). December 12, 2022.
refractory follicular
lymphoma (R/R FL)
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be
who have a high risk
accessed via the online posting for the technology.
of cytokine release
syndrome (CRS).
Odronextamab offers Kim Tae Min, Taszner Michal, Cho Seok-Goo, et al. Odronextamab in patients with
patients with heavily
relapsed/refractory (R/R) follicular lymphoma (FL) Grade l-3a: results from a prespecified
pretreated, highly
analysis of the pivotal Phase II study ELM-2. Presented at American Society of Hematology
(ASH). December 12, 2022.
refractory FL a new,
readily available,
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be
monotherapy that
establishes a new
accessed via the on line posting for the technology.
benchmark for
FL Grade 3B Post-Text Tables. Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
efficacy in patients
with FL Grade 3b
disease in the ELM-2
Kim Tae Min, Taszner Michal, Cho Seok-Goo, et al. Odronextamab in patients with
Patients in the FL
relapsed/refractory (R/R) follicular lymphoma (FL) Grade l-3a: results from a prespecified
cohort of the ELM-2
analysis of the pivotal Phase II study ELM-2. Presented at American Society of Hematology
(ASH). December 12, 2022.
study exhibited more
unfavorable select
Budde L, Sehn L, et al. Safety and efficacy of mosunetuzumab, a bsAb, in patients with relapsed
or refractory follicular lymphoma: a single-arm, multicentre, phase 2 study. The Lancet
compared to those in
Oncology. 2022; 23: 1055065. htcps:/!!0.IOl6/Sl470-2045(22)00335-7
the mosunetuzumab
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be
accessed via the online posting for the technology.
Cao Y, Marcucci EC, Budde LE. Mosunetuzumab and lymphoma: latest updates from 2022
Odronextamab is the
first CD20xCD3
ASH annual meeting. J Hematol Oncol. 2023;16(1):69. Published 2023 Jun 28.
bsAb to report longdoi:10.1186/s13045-023-01462-0
term patient
outcomes at longest
The applicant also provided background information to support this claim, which can be
follow-up of 4.5
accessed via the on line posting for the technology.
Tessoulin B, Cho S, Tasmer M, et al. Maintenance of Moderate to High Levels of Functioning
and Quality of Life with Odronextamab Monotherapy in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory
Follicular Lymphoma. Abstract presented at: American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual
favorable during
Meeting and Exposition. December 2023. San Diego, CA.
treatment until
disease progression,
without adversely
affecting patientreported symptoms,
functioning, overall
aualitv of life.
After review of the information
provided by the applicant, we have the
following concerns regarding whether
odronextamab meets the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. We note
that with respect to the claim that
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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odronextamab will increase treatment
options for patients with R/R FL who
have a high risk of CRS, the applicant
submitted the oral presentation slides of
the results from a pre-specified analysis
PO 00000
Frm 00172
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
by Kim et al. (2022),114 presenting the
114 Kim Tae Min, Taszner Michal, Cho Seok-Goo,
et al. Odronextamab in patients with relapsed/
refractory (R/R) follicular lymphoma (FL) Grade 1–
3a: results from a prespecified analysis of the
pivotal Phase II study ELM–2. Presented at
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
interim results for the Phase II trial for
odronextamab on the FL cohort, ELM–
2. In this Phase II trial, 131 patients
(median age: 61 years) with R/R FL after
two or more lines of therapy were
grouped to receive a 1/20 mg step-up
regimen (n = 68) or 0.7/4/20 mg step-up
regimen (n = 53) after the study initiated
with a first cycle of step-up regimen of
1/20 mg. The regimen was modified to
0.7/4/20 mg during Cycle 1 to further
mitigate the risk of CRS. The rates of
CRS grades 2 and 3 for the 1/20 regimen
are 17.6 percent and 5.9 percent,
respectively, compared to the CRS
grades 2 and 3 for the 0.7/4/20 regimen
of 11.1 percent and 1.6 percent. We note
that although the incidence of grade 3
CRS was lower in the 0.7/4/20 regimen
arm, the applicant submitted the United
States Prescribing Information (USPI)
for other therapies (including
LunsumioTM and tisagenlecleucel) used
to treat R/R FL patients to provide the
CRS rates following treatment with
existing therapies. As the applicant
indirectly compared these incidence
rates with those rates of trials as found
in the prescribing information for other
existing technologies, it is unclear if
these differences are statistically
significant. We note that because
clinical trials are conducted under
widely varying conditions, we question
whether adverse reaction rates observed
in the clinical trials of one drug can be
directly compared to rates in the clinical
trials of another drug. We question
whether such comparisons across
clinical trial cohorts adequately provide
evidence of reduced adverse events in
patients treated with odronextamab.
Similarly, we note that with respect to
the claim that odronextamab offers
patients with heavily pretreated, highly
refractory FL a new, readily available,
monotherapy that establishes a new
benchmark for efficacy, the applicant
submitted the objective response rates
(ORR) and complete response rates (CR)
of its Phase II study, ELM–2 and
compared them to the ORR and CR rates
of the LunsumioTM GO29781 study. We
note the same concerns as with the
previous claim about comparing
outcomes across studies given the
variability in clinical trial design.
With respect to the claim that
odronextamab demonstrated efficacy in
patients with FL Grade 3b disease in the
ELM–2 study, although the applicant
provided additional analysis from the
ELM–2 study where odronextamab
demonstrated efficacy across six
patients enrolled in the study with FL
Grade 3B, we note that it is unclear
American Society of Hematology (ASH). December
12, 2022.
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whether the additional analysis that was
provided in addition to the ELM–2
study represents an ad-hoc analysis,
therefore, we are concerned about
drawing conclusions from this ad-hoc
analysis to appropriately demonstrate
efficacy in the FL Grade 3B subgroup.
Furthermore, we are concerned that the
applicant did not compare the results of
the study to the efficacy of existing
therapies for patients with FL Grade 3B.
We would be interested in additional
evidence comparing outcomes between
odronextamab and existing therapies
such as Breyanzi®, which is also
approved for patients with FL Grade 3B
with relapsed or refractory disease after
two or more lines of systemic therapy.
With respect to the claim that patients
in the FL cohort of the ELM–2 study
exhibited more unfavorable select
baseline characteristics compared to
those in the LunsumioTM study, the
applicant presented the analysis for
odronextamab by Kim et al. (2022),115
described previously, and the
LunsumioTM phase 2 study on R/R
patients with FL.116 The applicant
stated that patients treated with
odronextamab in the ELM–2 cohort had
received prior autologous stem cell
transplants at a higher rate (30.5
percent) than those treated in the
LunsumioTM study (21%). The applicant
also noted additional unfavorable select
baseline characteristics for patients in
the ELM–2 study compared to patients
in the LunsumioTM study, including:
more patients with a worse Eastern
Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG)
performance status, as 48.1 percent of
patients in ELM–2 had an ECOG
performance status of 1, compared to 41
percent of patients in the LunsumioTM
study; more patients with an Ann Arbor
stage III–IV (84.7 percent of patients,
compared to 77 percent of patients in
the LunsumioTM study); more patients
with a FLIPI score of 3–5 (58.8 percent
of patients, compared to 44 percent of
patients in the LunsumioTM study); and
more older patients, with 38.9 percent
of patients ≥65 years old (median age of
61), compared to a median age of 60 for
LunsumioTM. We note these are indirect
rate comparisons across clinical trials
without statistical adjustments
115 Kim Tae Min, Taszner Michal, Cho Seok-Goo,
et al. Odronextamab in patients with relapsed/
refractory (R/R) follicular lymphoma (FL) Grade 1–
3a: results from a prespecified analysis of the
pivotal Phase II study ELM–2. Presented at
American Society of Hematology (ASH). December
12, 2022.
116 Budde L, Sehn L, et al. Safety and efficacy of
mosunetuzumab, a bispecific antibody, in patients
with relapsed or refractory follicular lymphoma: a
single-arm, multicentre, phase 2 study. The Lancet
Oncology. 2022; 23: 1055065.
PO 00000
Frm 00173
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
performed across the patient
populations and clinical outcomes. We
also note that differences in patient
characteristics across any two clinical
trials, even with the same selection
criteria, are likely to occur. As such, we
question whether the comparison of
baseline characteristics across cohorts in
independent clinical trials can be taken
as indicative of differences in clinical
outcomes or efficacy between
We are inviting public comments on
whether odronextamab meets the
substantial clinical improvement
We did not receive any written
comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice
published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical
improvement criterion for
6. Proposed FY 2025 Applications for
New Technology Add-On Payments
(Alternative Pathways)
As discussed previously, beginning
with applications for FY 2021, a
medical device designated under FDA’s
Breakthrough Devices Program that has
received marketing authorization as a
Breakthrough Device, for the indication
covered by the Breakthrough Device
designation, may qualify for the new
technology add-on payment under an
alternative pathway. Additionally,
beginning with FY 2021, a medical
product that is designated by the FDA
as a Qualified Infectious Disease
Product (QIDP) and has received
marketing authorization for the
indication covered by the QIDP
designation, and, beginning with FY
2022, a medical product that is a new
medical product approved under FDA’s
Limited Population Pathway for
Antibacterial and Antifungal Drugs
(LPAD) and used for the indication
approved under the LPAD pathway,
may also qualify for the new technology
add-on payment under an alternative
pathway. Under an alternative pathway,
a technology will be considered not
substantially similar to an existing
technology for purposes of the new
technology add-on payment under the
IPPS and will not need to meet the
requirement that it represents an
advance that substantially improves,
relative to technologies previously
available, the diagnosis or treatment of
Medicare beneficiaries. These
technologies must still be within the 2to-3-year newness period to be
considered ‘‘new,’’ and must also still
meet the cost criterion.
As discussed previously, in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
finalized our proposal to publicly post
online applications for new technology
add-on payment beginning with FY
2024 applications (87 FR 48986 through
48990). As noted in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we are continuing
to summarize each application in this
proposed rule. However, while we are
continuing to provide discussion of the
concerns or issues, we identified with
respect to applications submitted under
the alternative pathway, we are
providing more succinct information as
part of the summaries in the proposed
and final rules regarding the applicant’s
assertions as to how the medical service
or technology meets the applicable new
technology add-on payment criteria. We
refer readers to
public/publications/ntap for the
publicly posted FY 2025 new
technology add-on payment
applications and supporting information
(with the exception of certain cost and
volume information, and information or
materials identified by the applicant as
confidential or copyrighted), including
tables listing the ICD–10–CM codes,
ICD–10–PCS codes, and/or MS–DRGs
related to the analyses of the cost
criterion for certain technologies for the
FY 2025 new technology add-on
payment applications.
We received 23 applications for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2025 under the new technology add-on
payment alternative pathway. As
discussed previously, in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948
through 58958), we finalized that
beginning with the new technology addon payment applications for FY 2025,
for technologies that are not already
FDA market authorized for the
indication that is the subject of the new
technology add-on payment application,
applicants must have a complete and
active FDA market authorization request
at the time of new technology add-on
payment application submission and
must provide documentation of FDA
acceptance or filing to CMS at the time
of application submission, consistent
with the type of FDA marketing
authorization application the applicant
has submitted to FDA. See § 412.87(e)
and further discussion in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948
through 58958). Of the 23 applications
received under the alternative pathway,
seven applications were not eligible for
consideration for new technology addon payment because they did not meet
these requirements; and two applicants
withdrew their applications prior to the
issuance of this proposed rule,
including the withdrawal of the
application for DefenCathTM
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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(taurolidine/heparin), which received
conditional approval for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2024, subsequently received FDA
approval in November 2023, and
therefore was eligible to receive new
technology add-on payments beginning
with discharges on or after January 1,
2024. As discussed in section II.E.4. of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
continue making new technology addon payments for DefenCathTM
(taurolidine/heparin) for FY 2025. Of
the remaining 14 applications, 12 of the
technologies received a Breakthrough
Device designation from FDA. The
remaining two applications were
designated as a QIDP by FDA. We did
not receive any applications for
technologies approved through the
LPAD pathway.
In accordance with the regulations
under § 412.87(f)(2), applicants for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2025 for Breakthrough Devices must
have FDA marketing authorization by
May 1 of the year prior to the beginning
of the fiscal year for which the
application is being considered. Under
§ 412.87(f)(3), applicants for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2025 for QIDPs and technologies
approved under the LPAD pathway
must have FDA marketing authorization
by July 1 of the year prior to the
beginning of the fiscal year for which
the application is being considered. The
policy finalized in the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58742)
provides for conditional approval for a
technology for which an application is
submitted under the alternative
pathway for certain antimicrobial
products (QIDPs and LPADs) at
§ 412.87(d) that does not receive FDA
marketing authorization by July 1 prior
to the particular fiscal year for which
the applicant applied for new
technology add-on payments, provided
that the technology receives FDA
marketing authorization before July 1 of
the fiscal year for which the applicant
applied for new technology add-on
payments. We refer the reader to the FY
2021 IPPS/LTCH final rule for a
complete discussion of this policy (85
FR 58737 through 58742).
As we did in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule, for applications
under the alternative new technology
add-on payment pathway, in this
proposed rule we are making a proposal
to approve or disapprove each of these
14 applications for FY 2025 new
technology add-on payments. Therefore,
in this section of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we provide background
information on each alternative pathway
application and propose whether or not
PO 00000
Frm 00174
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
each technology would be eligible for
the new technology add-on payment for
FY 2025. We refer readers to section
II.H.8. of the preamble of the FY 2020
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42292
through 42297) and FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (85 FR 58715 through
58733) for further discussion of the
alternative new technology add-on
payment pathways for these
a. Annalise Enterprise Computed
Tomography Brain (CTB) Triage—
Obstructive Hydrocephalus (OH)
Annalise-Ai Pty Ltd submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for the Annalise Enterprise
CTB Triage—OH for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, the Annalise
Enterprise CTB Triage—OH is a medical
device software application used to aid
in the triage and prioritization of studies
with features suggestive of obstructive
hydrocephalus (OH). Per the applicant,
the device analyzes studies using an
artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to
identify suspected OH findings in noncontrast computed tomography (NCCT)
brain scans and makes study-level
output available to an order and imaging
management system for worklist
prioritization or triage.
Please refer to the online application
posting for the Annalise Enterprise CTB
Triage—OH available at https://
ntap/NTP231017D5AA7, for additional
detail describing the technology and
how it is used.
According to the applicant, the
Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage—OH
received Breakthrough Device
designation from FDA on February 17,
2023, for use in the medical care
environment to aid in triage and
prioritization of studies with features
suggestive of OH. The device analyzes
studies using an AI algorithm to identify
findings. It makes study-level output
available to an order and imaging
management system for worklist
prioritization or triage. The applicant
stated that the technology received
510(k) clearance from FDA on August
15, 2023, for the same indication
consistent with the Breakthrough Device
designation. Per the applicant, the
Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage—OH
was not immediately available for sale
because there were additional steps to
be completed following 510(k) clearance
prior to the product becoming
commercially available. According to
the applicant, these additional steps
involved generating a new unique
device identifier (UDI) to incorporate
the recently cleared finding for OH,
integrating this UDI into the device, and
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
releasing it. Per the applicant, the
Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage—OH
became commercially available on
October 10, 2023.
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify the Annalise
Enterprise CTB Triage—OH. The
applicant submitted a request for
approval for a unique ICD–10–PCS
procedure code for the Annalise
Enterprise CTB Triage—OH beginning
in FY 2025. The applicant provided a
list of diagnosis codes that may be used
to currently identify the indication for
the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage—
OH under the ICD–10–CM coding
system. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list
of ICD–10–CM codes provided by the
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided three analyses to
demonstrate that the technology meets
the cost criterion. The applicant stated
that for all three analyses, it used the
2021 Standard Analytic Files (SAF)
Limited Data Set (LDS) to identify the
top admitting diagnosis codes for
inpatient stays that were admitted from
the emergency room (ER) and included
a non-contrast CT head scan. Next, it
searched the FY 2022 MedPAR data to
identify applicable inpatient stays based
on different sets of admitting diagnosis
codes for each of the three analyses. The
applicant explained that it used
admitting diagnosis codes from the
inpatient stays, rather than discharge
diagnosis codes, because the Annalise
Enterprise CTB Triage—OH is an AIbased technology used to identify and
prioritize patients suspected of OH. As
a result, it will commonly be used in the
ER before the doctor and/or the hospital
has assigned the primary or secondary
diagnosis for the inpatient stay. The
applicant stated that admitting
diagnosis codes may be better predictors
for whether the Annalise Enterprise
CTB Triage—OH service will be used,
rather than primary or secondary
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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diagnosis at discharge, which will likely
represent information known after the
procedure is performed. Per the
applicant, for identifying the top
admitting diagnosis codes, the inpatient
stays were further narrowed down to
only those where the patient had a
physician claim during the inpatient
stay or 1 day before for a non-contrast
CT head scan (defined as CPT codes
70450, 70480, 70486), or had an
outpatient claim for a non-contrast CT
head scan the day of admission or 1 day
before. Each analysis followed the order
of operations described in the table that
follows later in this section.
For the primary analysis, the
applicant stated that it searched the FY
2022 MedPAR file for cases with
emergency room charges (that is,
emergency room charge amount greater
than $0) and/or an inpatient admission
type code (IP_ADMSN_TYPE_CD) equal
to 1 for emergency, and reporting one of
the top 25 diagnosis codes associated
with 50% of all identified inpatient
stays in the 2021 SAF. According to the
applicant, it identified 2,206,036 claims
mapping to 714 MS–DRGs, including
MS–DRG 871 (Septicemia or Severe
Sepsis without MV >96 Hours with
MCC), which represented 16% of
identified cases. The applicant stated
that it calculated a final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case of $80,407, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $69,892.
For the second analysis, the applicant
stated that it conducted a sensitivity
analysis using cases with emergency
room charges (that is, emergency room
charge amount greater than $0) and/or
an inpatient admission type code (IP_
ADMSN_TYPE_CD) equal to 1 for
emergency, and reporting one of the top
186 admitting diagnosis codes
associated with 80% of all identified
inpatient stays in the 2021 SAF LDS.
The applicant noted that it identified
3,991,354 claims mapping to 739 MS–
DRGs, including MS–DRG 871
PO 00000
Frm 00175
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
(Septicemia or Severe Sepsis without
MV >96 Hours with MCC), which
represented 11% of identified cases.
The applicant noted that it calculated a
final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $78,356,
which exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount of $68,660.
For the third analysis, the applicant
stated that it conducted a sensitivity
analysis that identified cases using the
same criteria as the primary analysis,
and further limited it to cases that also
incurred CT charges. Per the applicant,
it performed this sensitivity analysis
because although doctors are likely to
order the Annalise AI technology when
a NCCT head scan is performed and the
patient is admitted through the
emergency room, the MedPAR file
variable for CT charges does not
differentiate between contrast and
NCCTs, or the area of the body where
the CT is performed, and does not
capture CT charges billed by physicians
during the inpatient stay. As a result, it
further limited the cases to those with
charges for CT to assess if this would
impact whether the technology would
meet the cost criterion. Per the
applicant, it identified 1,546,504 claims
mapping to 702 MS–DRGs, including
MS–DRG 871 (Septicemia or Severe
Sepsis without MV >96 Hours with
MCC), which represented 17% of
identified cases. The applicant stated
that it calculated a final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case of $89,176, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $71,344.
The applicant asserted that because
the final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case exceeded
the average case-weighted threshold
amount in all scenarios, the Annalise
Enterprise CTB Triage—OH meets the
cost criterion.
117 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage - OH COST ANALYSIS 117
Data Source and
Time Period
List ofICD-10-CM
List of MS-DRGs
FY 2022 MedPAR file
For the lists of ICD-10-CM codes, see the online posting for the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage - OH.
For the lists of MS-DRGs and titles, see the online posting for the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage - OH.
Primary Analysis: The applicant selected claims based on the inclusion of ICD-10-CM codes provided in
the on line posting that included an ER visit defined as the Emergency Room Charge Amount greater than
0 and/or the inpatient admission type code equal to "I," as it believed this analysis best represented
patients for whom the doctor is likely to order the Annalise AI technology to be run to determine if there is
any evidence for OH.
exclusion criteria
Analysis 2: The applicant selected claims based on the inclusion of a larger set of ICD-10-CM codes
provided in the online posting that included an ER visit defined as the Emergency Room Charge Amount
greater than Oand/or the inpatient admission type code equal to "1".
Analysis 3: The applicant applied the inclusion/exclusion criteria used in the primary analysis and
identified cases that included charges for a CT scan. Specifically, the applicant only included cases where
radiology CT charges were greater than Oor the Radiology CT Scan Indicator Switch was equal to "I".
Inflation factor
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Charges added for
the new technology
According to the applicant, the
technology is used to aid in the triage
and prioritization of studies with
features suggestive of OH. However, the
diagnosis codes that the applicant used
to identify eligible cases included nonneurologic diagnosis codes (for
example, U071, R0602, J189). We
question whether these diagnosis codes
are applicable, and whether using
neurologic diagnosis codes for
diagnoses that exhibit symptoms similar
to OH would more accurately identify
eligible cases.
Subject to the applicant adequately
addressing this concern, we would agree
that the technology meets the cost
criterion and are proposing to approve
the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage—
OH for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2025.
Based on preliminary information
from the applicant at the time of this
proposed rule, the applicant anticipated
the total cost of the Annalise Enterprise
CTB Triage—OH to the hospital to be
$371.37 per patient. According to the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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applicant, hospitals acquire the
Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage—OH
system on a subscription-based model,
with an annual cost of $180,000 per
hospital. The applicant stated that the
average cost per patient per hospital
will vary by the volume of the NCCT
cases for which the software is used. To
determine the cost per case, the
applicant used the following
First, the applicant conducted market
research to estimate the percent of
NCCT cases where this software would
likely be ordered, which was estimated
at 50% of NCCT head scans for older
patients (>65 years of age) and 30% of
NCCT head scans for younger patients
(<65 years of age).
Second, the applicant used the 2021
SAF LDS to identify total NCCT scans
by hospital. To represent the full
Medicare fee-for-service population, the
applicant multiplied total NCCT head
scans at each hospital from the data by
PO 00000
Frm 00176
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Third, to calculate the total number of
NCCT head scans for each hospital, the
applicant assumed that 56.5% of all
NCCT scans are for Medicare
beneficiaries, based on literature on
trends in the utilization of head CT
scans in the United States.118
Fourth, to calculate the cost per case
for each hospital, the applicant divided
$180,000 by the estimated number of
NCCT head scans analyzed by the
technology for each hospital. Per the
applicant, the average cost per case
across all IPPS hospitals was then
calculated at $371.37.
The applicant asserted that
calculating the cost per case across all
IPPS hospitals was reasonable. The
applicant noted that given its limited
time on the market and low number of
subscribers, it used all IPPS hospitals to
calculate cost per case rather than
118 Selfi, A, Jafari, S, and Mirmoeeni, S et al. (June
16, 2022) Trends in inpatient utilization of head
computerized tomography scans in the United
States: A brief cross-sectional study. Cureus 14(6):
e26018. DOI 10.7759/cureus.26018
Charges removed
for prior technology
All case counts for MS-DRGs with less than 11 cases were imputed a value of 11 cases. The applicant
calculated the average unstandardized charge oer case for each MS-DRG.
The applicant stated that it did not remove charges for a prior technology because the technology is not
expected to remove the need for prior technologies or remove the costs associated with prior technologies.
The applicant maintained that the Annalise Al technology works in collaboration with NCCT scans to
identify patients that are likely to have OH. The applicant did not remove indirect charges related to a
prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant calculated an average cost per case by taking the average cost per case across all hospitals
studied. The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology
by the national average cost-to-charge ratio of0.128 for radiology from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule. The aoolicant did not add indirect charoes related to the new technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
limiting the analysis to current
subscribers. The applicant mentioned
that for technologies that are
commercially available for a longer
period of time and with more
subscribers, it may make sense to limit
the cost per case analysis to hospitals
that are current subscribers rather than
using all IPPS hospitals in the
As we noted in the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58630) and
in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 44983), we understand that
there are unique circumstances with
respect to determining a cost per case
for a technology that utilizes a
subscription for its cost and we will
continue to consider the issues relating
to calculation of the cost per unit of
technologies sold on a subscription
basis as we gain more experience in this
area. We continue to welcome
comments from the public as to the
appropriate method to determine a cost
per case for such technologies,
including comments on whether the
cost analysis should be updated based
on the most recent subscriber data for
each year for which the technology may
be eligible for add-on payment.
We note that the cost information for
this technology may be updated in the
final rule based on revised or additional
information CMS receives prior to the
final rule. Under § 412.88(a)(2), we limit
new technology add-on payments to the
lesser of 65% of the average cost of the
technology, or 65% of the costs in
excess of the MS–DRG payment for the
case. As a result, we are proposing that
the maximum new technology add-on
payment for a case involving the use of
the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage—
OH would be $241.39 for FY 2025 (that
is, 65% of the average cost of the
We invite public comments on
whether the Annalise Enterprise CTB
Triage—OH meets the cost criterion and
our proposal to approve new technology
add-on payments for the Annalise
Enterprise CTB Triage—OH for FY 2025
for use in the medical care environment
to aid in triage and prioritization of
studies with features suggestive of OH.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
b. ASTar® System
Q-linea submitted an application for
new technology add-on payments for
the ASTar® System for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, the ASTar®
System is a fully automated system for
rapid antimicrobial susceptibility
testing (AST). The applicant stated that
the proprietary AST technology is based
on broth microdilution (BMD),
optimized for high sensitivity and short
time-to-result, delivering phenotypic
AST with true minimum inhibitory
concentration (MIC) results in
approximately six hours.
Please refer to the online application
posting for the ASTar® System,
available at
NTP231013T7Y5F, for additional detail
describing the technology and how it is
According to the applicant, the
ASTar® System consists of the ASTar®
Instrument and the ASTar® BC G-Kit.
According to the applicant, the ASTar®
Instrument and ASTar® BC G-Kit, which
includes the ASTar® BC G-Consumable
Kit and the ASTar BC G-Frozen Insert,
received Breakthrough Device
designation from FDA on April 7, 2022.
The ASTar® BC G-Kit is a multiplexed,
in vitro, diagnostic test utilizing AST
methods and is intended for use with
the ASTar® Instrument. The ASTar® BC
G-Kit is performed directly on positive
blood cultures confirmed positive for
Gram-negative bacilli only by Gram
stain, and tests antimicrobial agents
with nonfastidious and fastidious
bacterial species. According to the
applicant, its marketing authorization
request for the ASTar® BC G-Kit has
been accepted by FDA, and it
anticipates a 510(k) decision from FDA
for the same indication consistent with
the Breakthrough Device designation
before May 1, 2024. The applicant stated
that it anticipates the technology will be
available on the market immediately
after 510(k) clearance from FDA.
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify the ASTar®
System. The applicant submitted a
request for approval for a unique ICD–
10–PCS procedure code for the ASTar®
System beginning in FY 2025. The
applicant provided a list of diagnosis
codes that may be used to currently
identify the indication for the ASTar®
System under the ICD–10–CM coding
system. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list
of ICD–10–CM codes provided by the
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided multiple analyses to
demonstrate that it meets the cost
criterion. Each analysis used different
ICD–10–CM codes to identify potential
cases in the FY 2022 MedPAR file
representing patients who may be
eligible for the ASTar® System.
According to the applicant, Cohort 1
comprised patients with non-sepsis
infections and Cohort 2 consisted of
patients with sepsis resulting from
bacteria identifiable by the ASTar®
System. The applicant explained that
these scenarios were separated as the
applicant believed that charges and MS–
DRG assignments may differ due to the
resources required to treat sepsis
patients compared to those required for
less severe infections. Finally, Cohort 3
included all ICD–10–CM codes from
Cohorts 1 and 2 because the applicant
stated that the ASTar® System may be
used to identify any infection caused by
the bacteria listed in Cohorts 1 and 2.
The applicant stated that in all three
cohorts, the patients mapped to a large
number of MS–DRGs based on the listed
ICD–10–CM codes. Therefore, in the
analyses, the applicant only included
the most common MS–DRGs, that is, the
MS–DRGs containing at least 1 percent
of the potential case volume within each
of the three cohorts, as these are the
MS–DRGs to which potential ASTar®
System cases would most closely map.
The applicant used the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the table
that follows later in this section to
identify claims for each cohort. Each
analysis followed the order of
operations described in the table that
follows later in this section.
For Cohort 1, the applicant identified
440,838 claims mapping to 14 MS–
DRGs, including MS–DRG 871
(Septicemia or Severe Sepsis with MV
>96 Hours with MCC) representing 25%
of identified cases, and calculated a
final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $85,525,
which exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount of $70,398.
For Cohort2, the applicant identified
224,825 claims mapping to 7 MS–DRGs,
including MS–DRG 871 (Septicemia or
Severe Sepsis with MV >96 Hours with
MCC) representing 54% of identified
cases, and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $99,508, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $82,171.
For Cohort3, the applicant identified
603,877 claims mapping to 13 MS–
DRGs, including MS–DRG 871
(Septicemia or Severe Sepsis with MV
>96 Hours with MCC) representing 34%
of identified cases, and calculated a
final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $88,395
119 Codes referenced here may be found in the
cost criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment
included in the online posting for the technology.
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PO 00000
Frm 00177
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
which exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount of $73,727.
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all the
three cohorts, the applicant asserted that
the ASTar® System meets the cost
Data Source and
Time Period
List ofICD-10-CM
List of MS-DRGs
FY 2022 MedPAR file
For the lists of ICD-10-CM codes, see the online posting for the ASTar® System.
For the lists of MS-DRGs and titles, see the online posting for the ASTar® System.
The applicant only included the MS-DRGs containing at least I percent of the potential case volume
within each of the three cohorts as these are the MS-DRGs to which potential ASTar® System cases
would most closely map.
Cohort 1: The applicant identified claims using the ICD-10-CM codes provided in the online posting,
which it stated represents patients with non-sepsis infections.
Charges removed
for prior technology
Inflation factor
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Charges added for
the new technology
Cohort 2: The applicant identified claims using the ICD-10-CM codes provided in the online posting,
which it stated represents patients with sepsis resulting from the bacteria that can be identified by the
ASTar® System.
Cohort 3: The applicant included all ICD-10-CM codes from Cohorts 1 and 2 because the applicant stated
that the ASTar® System may be used to identify any infection caused by the bacteria listed in Cohorts 1
and 2.
The applicant stated that the ASTar® System is expected to replace existing antimicrobial testing for this
patient sample. Per the applicant, CPT code 87186 (Susceptibility studies, antimicrobial agent;
microdilution or agar dilution (minimum inhibitory concentration [MIC] or breakpoint), each multiantimicrobial, per plate) is currently used to bill for antimicrobial testing. To understand the charges
associated with CPT code 87186, the applicant used the CMS Public Use File "Medicare Physician &
Other Practitioners - by Geography and Service" dataset, filtered to 2021 and the national level and noted
that Medicare reported charges for CPT code 87186 as $51. The applicant removed this prior technology
charge in each analysis. The applicant did not remove indirect char!!:es related to the prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule and/or correction notice.
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by the
national average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.102 for laboratory from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant did not add indirect charges related to the new technology.
We agree with the applicant that the
ASTar® System meets the cost criterion
and are therefore proposing to approve
the ASTar® System for new technology
add-on payments for FY 2025, subject to
the technology receiving FDA marketing
authorization as a Breakthrough Device
for the indication corresponding to the
Breakthrough Device designation by
May 1, 2024.
Based on preliminary information
from the applicant at the time of this
proposed rule, the applicant anticipated
the operating cost of the ASTar® System
to the hospital to be $150 per patient,
based on the operating component
ASTar® BC G-Kit (composed of the
ASTar® BC G-Consumable Kit ($141)
and ASTar BC G-Frozen Insert ($9)). The
applicant also noted a capital cost of
$200,000 for the ASTar® Instrument.
Because section 1886(d)(5)(K)(i) of the
Act requires that the Secretary establish
a mechanism to recognize the costs of
new medical services or technologies
under the payment system established
under that subsection, which establishes
the system for payment of the operating
costs of inpatient hospital services, we
do not include capital costs in the addon payments for a new medical service
or technology or make new technology
add-on payments under the IPPS for
capital-related costs (86 FR 45145). As
noted, the applicant stated that the cost
of the ASTar® Instrument is a capital
cost. Therefore, it appears that this
component is not eligible for new
technology add-on payment because, as
discussed in prior rulemaking and as
noted, we only make new technology
add-on payments for operating costs (72
FR 47307 through 47308). We note that
any new technology add-on payment for
the ASTar® System would include only
the cost of ASTar® BC G-Kit ($150). We
note that the cost information for this
technology may be updated in the final
rule based on revised or additional
information CMS receives prior to the
final rule. Under § 412.88(a)(2), we limit
119 Codes referenced here may be found in the
cost criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment
included in the online posting for the technology.
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PO 00000
Frm 00178
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
exclusion criteria
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
new technology add-on payments to the
lesser of 65% of the average cost of the
technology, or 65% of the costs in
excess of the MS–DRG payment for the
case. As a result, we are proposing that
the maximum new technology add-on
payment for a case involving the use of
the ASTar® System would be $97.50 for
FY 2025 (that is, 65% of the average cost
of the technology).
We invite public comments on
whether the ASTar® System meets the
cost criterion and our proposal to
approve new technology add-on
payments for the ASTar® System for FY
2025, subject to the technology
receiving FDA marketing authorization
as a Breakthrough Device for the
indication corresponding to the
Breakthrough Device designation by
May 1, 2024.
c. Cefepime-Taniborbactam
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Venatorx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for
cefepime-taniborbactam for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, cefepimetaniborbactam is an investigational blactam antibiotic/b-lactamase inhibitor
combination under development for the
treatment of complicated urinary tract
infections (cUTI), including
pyelonephritis, melioidosis, and
hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia
(HABP)/ventilator-associated bacterial
pneumonia (VABP).
Please refer to the online application
posting for cefepime-taniborbactam,
available at
NTP2310168RYEB, for additional detail
describing the technology and the
disease treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, cefepimetaniborbactam received QIDP
designation from FDA on February 4,
2022, for cUTI, complicated intraabdominal infections (cIAI), HABP,
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VABP, and melioidosis. The applicant
stated that it is seeking approval from
FDA for the treatment of patients 18
years of age and older with cUTI,
including pyelonephritis caused by
designated susceptible gram-negative
bacteria, including cases with
concurrent bacteremia. According to the
applicant, its marketing request for
cefepime-taniborbactam has been filed
by FDA, and it anticipates an NDA
decision before July 1, 2024. According
to the applicant, cefepimetaniborbactam is not expected to be
commercially available immediately
after FDA approval due to
manufacturing readiness activities and
the expected commercial availability
date is October 1, 2024. We note that,
as an application submitted under the
alternative pathway for certain
antimicrobial products at § 412.87(d),
cefepime-taniborbactam is eligible for
conditional approval for new
technology add-on payments if it does
not receive FDA marketing
authorization by July 1, 2024, provided
that the technology receives FDA
marketing authorization before July 1 of
the fiscal year for which the applicant
applied for new technology add-on
payments (that is, July 1, 2025), as
provided in § 412.87(f)(3). To estimate
the average dosage per patient, the
applicant calculated a weighted average
duration of treatment. Per the applicant,
based on the dosing schedule, a patient
receives approximately 3 doses per 24
hours. The applicant noted for 48
patients with bacteremia, the average
length of stay was 10.9 days, and for 392
patients without bacteremia, the average
length of stay was 7.2 days, which led
to a weighted average treatment
duration of 7.5 days and 23 doses per
average inpatient stay.
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify cefepime-
PO 00000
Frm 00179
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
taniborbactam. The applicant submitted
a request for approval for a unique ICD–
10–PCS procedure code for cefepimetaniborbactam beginning in FY 2025.
The applicant stated that ICD–10–CM
diagnosis codes for the treatment of
cUTI may be used to currently identify
the indication for cefepimetaniborbactam under the ICD–10–CM
coding system. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list
of ICD–10–CM codes provided by the
With respect to the cost criterion, to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for
cefepime-taniborbactam, the applicant
searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for
claims that had one of the ICD–10–CM
codes reflecting conditions that would
be considered an indication for
cefepime-taniborbactam for the
treatment of cUTI. Using the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the
following table, the applicant identified
833,530 claims mapping to 526 MS–
DRGs, including MS–DRG 871
(Septicemia or Severe Sepsis without
MV >96 Hours with MCC), 690 (Kidney
and Urinary Tract Infections without
MCC), and 689 (Kidney and Urinary
Tract Infections with MCC). The
applicant followed the order of
operations described in the following
table and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $91,218, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $71,256. Because
the final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case exceeded
the average case-weighted threshold
amount, the applicant asserted that
cefepime-taniborbactam meets the cost
120 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
FY 2022 MedPAR file
For the list ofICD-10-CM codes included in the cost analysis, see the online posting for cefepimetaniborbactam
List of MS-DR Gs
For the list of MS-DRGs included in the cost analysis, see the online posting for cefepime-taniborbactam
The applicant identified cases by using the ICD-10-CM codes provided in the on line posting in any
position on the claim, as it believes these codes reflect conditions that would be considered an indication
for cefepime-taniborbactam for the treatment of cUTI. The applicant then excluded MS-DRGs with a case
volume fewer than 11 total cases. The applicant calculated the average unstandardized charge per case for
each MS-DRG.
Charges removed
for prior
The applicant removed I 00% of drug charges from cases to estimate the potential decrease in costs due to
the use of cefepime-taniborbactam. The applicant did not remove indirect charges related to the prior
technology because it believes that cefepime-taniborbactam would not replace any related charges.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
Inflation factor
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.3% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Charges added for
the new technology
The applicant stated that the average sales price of the technology has yet to be determined, and that when
the price is available, a revised cost analysis will be provided that includes estimated hospital charges for
the technology.
We agree with the applicant that
cefepime-taniborbactam meets the cost
criterion and are therefore proposing to
approve cefepime-taniborbactam for
new technology add-on payments for FY
2025, subject to the technology
receiving FDA marketing authorization
as a QIDP for the indication
corresponding to the QIDP designation
by July 1, 2024. As an application
submitted under the alternative
pathway for certain antimicrobial
products at § 412.87(d), cefepimetaniborbactam is eligible for conditional
approval for new technology add-on
payments if it does not receive FDA
marketing authorization by July 1, 2024,
provided that the technology receives
FDA marketing authorization before July
1 of the fiscal year for which the
applicant applied for new technology
add-on payments (that is, July 1, 2025),
as provided in § 412.87(f)(3). If
cefepime-taniborbactam receives FDA
marketing authorization before July 1,
2025, the new technology add-on
payment for cases involving the use of
this technology would be made effective
for discharges beginning in the first
quarter after FDA marketing
authorization is granted. If FDA
marketing authorization is received on
or after July 1, 2025, no new technology
add-on payments would be made for
cases involving the use of cefepimetaniborbactam for FY 2025.
The applicant has not provided an
estimate for the cost of cefepimetaniborbactam at the time of this
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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proposed rule. Per the applicant, based
on the dosing schedule, a patient
receives approximately 3 doses per 24
hours. The applicant noted for 48
patients with bacteremia, the average
length of stay was 10.9 days, and for 392
patients without bacteremia, the average
length of stay was 7.2 days, which led
to a weighted average treatment
duration of 7.5 days and 23 doses per
average inpatient stay. We expect the
applicant to submit cost information
prior to the final rule, and we will
provide an update regarding the new
technology add-on payment amount for
the technology, if approved, in the final
rule. Any new technology add-on
payment for cefepime-taniborbactam
would be subject to our policy under
§ 412.88(a)(2)(ii)(B) where we limit new
technology add-on payment for QIDPs
to the lesser of 75% of the average cost
of the technology, or 75% of the costs
in excess of the MS–DRG payment for
the case.
We invite public comments on
whether cefepime-taniborbactam meets
the cost criterion and our proposal to
approve new technology add-on
payments for cefepime-taniborbactam
for FY 2025, subject to the technology
receiving FDA marketing authorization
consistent with its QIDP designation by
July 1, 2024.
PO 00000
Frm 00180
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
d. Edwards EVOQUETM Tricuspid Valve
Replacement System (Transcatheter
Tricuspid Valve Replacement System)
Edwards Lifesciences LLC submitted
an application for new technology addon payments for the Edwards
EVOQUETM Tricuspid Valve
Replacement System (‘‘EVOQUETM
System’’) for FY 2025. According to the
applicant, the EVOQUETM System is a
new, transcatheter treatment option for
patients with at least severe tricuspid
regurgitation. Per the applicant, the
EVOQUETM System is designed to
replace the native tricuspid valve and
consists of a transcatheter bioprosthetic
valve, a catheter-based delivery system,
and supporting accessories.
Please refer to the online application
posting for the Edwards EVOQUETM
Tricuspid Valve Replacement System,
available at
NTP231013MRRBG, for additional
detail describing the technology and the
condition treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the
EVOQUETM System received
Breakthrough Device designation from
FDA on December 18, 2019, for the
treatment of patients with symptomatic
moderate or above tricuspid
regurgitation. The applicant stated that
the technology received premarket
approval from FDA on February 1, 2024
for a narrower indication for use, for the
improvement of health status in patients
with symptomatic severe tricuspid
regurgitation despite optimal medical
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Data Source and
Time Period
List ofICD-10-CM
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
therapy, for whom tricuspid valve
replacement is deemed appropriate by a
heart team. Since the indication for
which the applicant received premarket
approval is included within the scope of
the Breakthrough Device designation, it
appears that the PMA indication is
appropriate for consideration for new
technology add-on payment under the
alternative pathway criteria. According
to the applicant, the EVOQUETM System
was commercially available
immediately after FDA approval.
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify the
EVOQUETM System. The applicant
submitted a request for approval for a
unique ICD–10–PCS procedure code for
the EVOQUETM System beginning in FY
2025. The applicant stated that ICD–10–
CM diagnosis codes I07.1 (Rheumatic
tricuspid insufficiency), I07.2
(Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and
insufficiency), I36.1 (Nonrheumatic
tricuspid (valve) insufficiency), and
I36.2 (Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve)
stenosis with insufficiency) may be used
to currently identify the indication for
the EVOQUETM System under the ICD–
10–CM coding system.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided two analyses to
demonstrate that the technology meets
the cost criterion. To identify potential
cases representing patients who may be
eligible for the EVOQUETM System,
each analysis used the same ICD–10–
CM diagnosis codes in different
positions, with and without selected
ICD–10–PCS procedure codes, to
identify relevant cases in the FY 2022
MedPAR file. Each analysis followed
the order of operations described in the
table that follows later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant
searched for cases assigned to MS–DRGs
266 (Endovascular Cardiac Valve
Replacement and Supplement
Procedures with MCC) and 267
(Endovascular Cardiac Valve
Replacement and Supplement
Procedures without MCC) that included
one of the four ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes in any position, as listed in the
table that follows later in this section.
The applicant used the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the table
that follows later in this section. Under
this analysis, the applicant identified
2,728 claims mapping to the two MS–
DRGs and calculated a final inflated
PO 00000
Frm 00181
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $267,720, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $194,848.
For the second analysis, the applicant
searched for the cases that included any
of the ICD–10–PCS codes for
percutaneous repair or replacement of
the tricuspid valve in any position, in
combination with one of the four ICD–
10–CM codes for tricuspid valve
insufficiency as the primary diagnosis,
as listed in the table that follows later
in this section. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the table that follows later in this
section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 198 claims mapping
to 6 MS–DRGs and calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$327,236, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant asserted that the
EVOQUETM System meets the cost
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and
Time Period
FY 2022 MedPAR file
Analysis 1:
List ofICD-10-CM
List of MS-DRGs
Charges removed
for prior
Inflation factor
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Charges added for
the new technology
Analysis 2:
266 (Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement Procedures with MCC)
267 (Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement Procedures without MCC)
319 (Other Endovascular Cardiac Valve Procedures with MCC)
320 (Other Endovascular Cardiac Valve Procedure without MCC)
003 (ECMO or Tracheostomy with MV >96 Hours or Principal Diagnosis Except Face, Mouth, and Neck
with Major O.R. Procedures)
216 (Cardiac Valve and Other Major Cardiothoracic Procedures with Cardiac Catheterization with MCC)
Analysis 1: The applicant searched cases assigned to the two MS-DRGs listed above for selected claims
reporting one of the ICD-10-CM codes listed above in any position.
Analysis 2: The applicant selected claims reporting one of the ICD-10-CM codes listed above in the primary
position in combination with any of the ICD-10-PCS codes listed above.
The applicant removed 100% of charges associated with Medical/Surgical Supplies and Devices (revenue
centers 027x, and 0624). The applicant noted that use of the EVOQUE™ system is expected to replace a
portion of devices included in these claims, although it would not replace all devices, nor any medical
supplies required to perform the procedure. However, the applicant could not determine an estimate of the
percentage of these total charges for devices that would be replaced. To be as conservative as possible, the
applicant removed 100% of these charn:es.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the preliminary per-patient cost of the
technology by the national cost to charge (CCR) ratio of 0.269 for implantable devices from the FY2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. The applicant did not add indirect charges related to the new technology as it
stated that no other hospital charges were assumed to be required for implanting the EVOQUE™ System.
We agree with the applicant that the
EVOQUETM System meets the cost
criterion and are therefore proposing to
approve the EVOQUETM System for new
technology add-on payments for FY
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Based on preliminary information
from the applicant at the time of this
proposed rule, the applicant anticipated
the total cost of the EVOQUETM System
to the hospital to be $49,000 per patient,
which includes the following
PO 00000
Frm 00182
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
components: the EVOQUETM Tricuspid
Delivery System, the EVOQUETM
Dilator Kit, the EVOQUETM Loading
System, the Stabilizer, Base, and Plate,
and the EVOQUETM Valve. The
applicant noted that the listed
List ofICD-10PCS codes
Analysis 2:
02QJ3ZG (Repair tricuspid valve created from right atrioventricular valve, percutaneous approach)
02QJ3ZZ (Repair tricuspid valve, percutaneous approach)
02RJ37H (Replacement oftricuspid valve with autologous tissue substitute, transapical, percutaneous
02RJ37Z (Replacement oftricuspid valve with autologous tissue substitute, percutaneous approach)
02RJ38H (Replacement oftricuspid valve with zooplastic tissue, transapical, percutaneous approach)
02RJ38Z (Replacement oftricuspid valve with zooplastic tissue, percutaneous approach)
02RJ3JH (Replacement oftricuspid valve with synthetic substitute, transapical, percutaneous approach)
02RJ3JZ (Replacement oftricuspid valve with synthetic substitute, percutaneous approach)
02RJ3KH (Replacement oftricuspid valve with nonautologous tissue substitute, transapical, percutaneous
02RJ3KZ (Replacement oftricuspid valve with nonautologous tissue substitute, percutaneous approach)
For both analyses:
107.1 (Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency)
I07.2 (Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and insufficiency)
136.1 (Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve) insufficiency)
136.2 (Nonrheumatic tricusoid (valve) stenosis with insufficiencv)
Analysis 1:
266 (Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement Procedures with MCC)
267 (Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement Procedures without MCC)
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
components of the EVOQUETM System
are sold together as one unit because
they are all needed to perform the
procedure, are all single patient use, and
are not sold separately. We note that the
cost information for this technology may
be updated in the final rule based on
revised or additional information CMS
receives prior to the final rule. Under
§ 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology
add-on payments to the lesser of 65% of
the average cost of the technology, or
65% of the costs in excess of the MS–
DRG payment for the case. As a result,
we are proposing that the maximum
new technology add-on payment for a
case involving the use of the
EVOQUETM System would be $31,850
for FY 2025 (that is, 65% of the average
cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on
whether the EVOQUETM System meets
the cost criterion and our proposal to
approve new technology add-on
payments for the EVOQUETM System for
FY 2025 for the improvement of health
status in patients with symptomatic
severe tricuspid regurgitation despite
optimal medical therapy, for whom
tricuspid valve replacement is deemed
appropriate by a heart team.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Thoracoabdominal Branch
Endoprosthesis (TAMBE Device)
W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc.
submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for the
TAMBE Device for FY 2025. According
to the applicant, the TAMBE Device is
used for endovascular repair in patients
with thoracoabdominal aortic
aneurysms (TAAA) and high-surgical
risk patients with pararenal abdominal
aortic aneurysms (PAAA) who have
appropriate anatomy. Per the applicant,
the TAMBE Device is comprised of
multiple required components,
including: (1) an Aortic Component, (2)
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Branch Components, (3) a Distal
Bifurcated Component, and (4)
Contralateral Leg Component.
According to the applicant, these
components together comprise the
TAMBE Device.
Please refer to the online application
posting for the GORE® EXCLUDER®
Thoracoabdominal Branch
Endoprosthesis (TAMBE Device),
available at
NTP231016DYQQX, for additional
detail describing the technology and the
condition treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the
TAMBE Device received Breakthrough
Device designation from FDA on
October 1, 2021, for endovascular repair
of thoracoabdominal and pararenal
aneurysms in the aorta in patients who
have appropriate anatomy. According to
the applicant, the TAMBE Device
received premarket approval (PMA)
from FDA on January 12, 2024, for a
slightly narrower indication for use,
namely, TAAA and high-surgical risk
patients with PAAA who have
appropriate anatomy. Since the
indication for which the applicant
received premarket approval is included
within the scope of the Breakthrough
Device designation, it appears that the
PMA indication is appropriate for
consideration for new technology addon payment under the alternative
pathway criteria. According to the
applicant, the TAMBE Device is not yet
available for sale due to the required
lead time to train physicians on the
TAMBE Device, and the first
commercial device will only be
implanted May 1, 2024 or later. We are
interested in additional information
regarding the delay in the technology’s
market availability, as we question
whether the date the device first became
available for sale would be the same as
PO 00000
Frm 00183
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
the date the first commercial device is
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify the TAMBE
Device. The applicant submitted a
request for approval for a unique ICD–
10–PCS procedure code for the TAMBE
Device beginning in FY 2025. The
applicant provided a list of diagnosis
codes that may be used to currently
identify the proposed indication for the
TAMBE Device under the ICD–10–CM
coding system. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list
of ICD–10–CM codes provided by the
With respect to the cost criterion, to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for the
TAMBE Device, the applicant searched
the FY 2022 MedPAR file for claims that
had at least one of the ICD–10–CM
codes and at least one of the ICD–10–
PCS codes as listed in the following
table. Using the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table,
the applicant identified 1,005 claims
mapping to 19 MS–DRGs, including
MS–DRG 269 (Aortic and Heart Assist
Procedures except Pulsation Balloon
without MCC), which represented
54.5% of the identified cases. The
applicant followed the order of
operations described in the following
table and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $448,347, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $185,799. Because
the final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case exceeded
the average case-weighted threshold
amount, the applicant asserted that the
TAMBE Device meets the cost criterion.
121 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and
Time Period
FY 2022 MedPAR file
List ICD-10-PCS
04V03FZ (Restriction of abdominal aorta with branched or fenestrated intraluminal device, three or more
arteries, percutaneous approach)
04V04FZ (Restriction of abdominal aorta with branched or fenestrated intraluminal device, three or more
arteries, percutaneous endoscopic approach)
List of ICD-10-CM
171.4 (Abdominal aortic aneurysm, without rupture)
171.6 (Thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, without rupture)
List of MS-DRGs
For the list ofMS-DRGs, see the online posting for the GORE® EXCLUDER® Thoracoabdominal
Branch Endoprosthesis (TAMBE Device).
The applicant stated that it identified cases using the ICD-10-CM codes listed in this table in conjunction
with the presence of one of the ICD-10-PCS codes specified in this table. Per the applicant, this
combination was considered indicative of the off-label TAAA and PAAA physician-modified endograft
(PMEG) cases, which, according to the applicant, reasonably approximated the cost of the TAMBE
Device once all the current implantable device charges are removed and replaced with charges for the
TAMBE Device. The applicant noted that it calculated the average unstandardized charge per case for
each MS-DRG using only covered departmental charges used by CMS for rate-setting. Per the applicant,
charges for organ acquisition, managed care cases, claims submitted only for graduate medical education
payments, claims with ancillary costs of zero, and claims that were statistical outliers within the MS-DRG
were excluded.
Charges removed
for prior
Per the applicant, the use of the TAMBE Device would replace any ad hoc, off-label PMEGs for which
charges are assigned to the implant category. The applicant stated that it used a conservative approach and
removed all implant charges. The applicant did not remove indirect charges related to the prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the standardizing file posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule and the GAF from the Impact File in the FY 2022 final rule.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Charges added for
the new technology
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant determined the number and types of components that were used for an average patient based
on the pivotal clinical trial and calculated the case cost per component. The applicant added charges for
the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by the national average cost-to-charge ratio
of0.269 for implantable devices from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. The applicant did not add
indirect charges related to the new technology.
We agree with the applicant that the
TAMBE Device meets the cost criterion
and are therefore proposing to approve
the TAMBE Device for new technology
add-on payments for FY 2025.
Based on preliminary information
from the applicant at the time of this
proposed rule, the applicant anticipated
the total cost of the TAMBE Device to
the hospital to be $72,675 per patient.
Per the applicant, the TAMBE Device
has a number of required components,
including the aortic component
($29,000), branch components ($3,355),
distal bifurcated component (DBC)
($10,758), DBC extender component
($3,037), contralateral leg
endoprosthesis ($4,390), and iliac
extender endoprosthesis ($3,037). The
applicant stated that the actual type and
number of components used varies by
patient depending on their anatomy and
the extent of the patient’s aneurysm.
The applicant determined the number
and types of components that were used
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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in an average patient based on a
multicenter pivotal clinical trial
conducted predominantly in the U.S.
and calculated the case cost per
component. We note that the cost
information for this technology may be
updated in the final rule based on
revised or additional information CMS
receives prior to the final rule. Under
§ 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology
add-on payments to the lesser of 65% of
the average cost of the technology, or
65% of the costs in excess of the MS–
DRG payment for the case. As a result,
we are proposing that the maximum
new technology add-on payment for a
case involving the use of the TAMBE
Device would be $47,238.75 for FY 2025
(that is, 65% of the average cost of the
We invite public comments on
whether the TAMBE Device meets the
cost criterion and our proposal to
approve new technology add-on
payments for the TAMBE Device for FY
PO 00000
Frm 00184
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
2025, for endovascular repair in patients
with thoracoabdominal aortic
aneurysms and high-surgical risk
patients with pararenal aortic
aneurysms who have appropriate
f. LimFlowTM System
LimFlow Inc. submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for the LimFlowTM System for
FY 2025. According to the applicant, the
LimFlowTM System is a single-use,
medical device system designed to treat
patients who have chronic limbthreatening ischemia with no suitable
endovascular or surgical
revascularization options and are at risk
of major amputation. Per the applicant,
the LimFlowTM System consists of
LimFlow’s Cylindrical and Conical
Stent Grafts that are used in conjunction
with a LimFlowTM Arterial Catheter, a
LimFlowTM Venous Catheter, and a
LimFlowTM Valvulotome. According to
Inflation factor
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
the applicant, the LimFlowTM System is
used for transcatheter arterialization of
the deep veins, a minimally invasive
procedure that aims to restore blood
flow to the ischemic foot by diverting a
stream of oxygenated blood through
tibial veins in order to permanently
bypass heavily calcified and severely
stenotic arteries defined as
unreconstructable. We note that
LimFlow Inc. submitted an application
for new technology add-on payments for
the LimFlowTM System for FY 2024 as
summarized in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule (88 FR 26938
through 26940), but the technology did
not meet the applicable deadline of July
1, 2023 for FDA approval or clearance
of the technology and, therefore, was
not eligible for consideration for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2024 (88 FR 58919).
Please refer to the online application
posting for the LimFlowTM System,
available at
NTP23101627LXC, for additional detail
describing the technology and the
condition treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the
LimFlowTM System received
Breakthrough Device designation from
FDA on October 3, 2017, for the
treatment of critical limb ischemia by
minimally invasively creating an
arterio-venous bypass graft to produce
the venous arterialization procedure in
the below-the-knee vasculature. The
applicant stated that the technology was
granted premarket approval from FDA
on September 11, 2023, for patients who
have chronic limb-threatening ischemia
with no suitable endovascular or
surgical revascularization options and
are at risk of major amputation. Since
the indication for which the applicant
received premarket approval is
considered equivalent to the
Breakthrough Device designation, it
appears that the premarket approval
indication is appropriate for
consideration for new technology addon payment under the alternative
pathway criteria. Per the applicant, the
LimFlowTM System was not
immediately available for sale because
inventory build and ramp for
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
commercial sales was set to commence
following FDA approval to allow time
for the conduct of surgeon training and
medical education on patient selection,
indications, and surgical technique. The
applicant stated that the technology
became commercially available on
November 1, 2023.
The applicant provided a list of ICD–
10–PCS codes that, effective October 1,
2018, can be used to uniquely describe
procedures involving the use of the
LimFlowTM System under the ICD–10–
PCS coding system. Please see the
online posting for the LimFlowTM
System for the complete list of ICD–10–
PCS codes provided by the applicant.
The applicant provided a list of
diagnosis codes that may be used to
currently identify the indication for the
LimFlowTM System under the ICD–10–
CM coding system. Please refer to the
online application posting for the
complete list of ICD–10–CM codes
provided by the applicant.
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided three analyses to
demonstrate that it meets the cost
criterion. Each analysis used the same
ICD–10–PCS codes to identify potential
cases representing patients who may be
eligible for the LimFlowTM System. The
applicant stated that the selected claims
represent the exact situations in which
the LimFlowTM System would be used
and represent the cost of care associated
with the use of the LimFlowTM System.
The applicant utilized a different year of
MedPAR data in each analysis.
According to the applicant, it used
multiple years of data because the case
count in each individual year was low.
The applicant imputed a value of 11
cases for MS–DRGs with less than 11
cases. Each analysis followed the order
of operations described in the table that
follows later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant
searched FY 2022 MedPAR data for
claims reporting at least one of the ICD–
10–PCS codes listed in the table that
follows later in this section to identify
cases that may be eligible for the
LimFlowTM System. The applicant used
the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the table that follows later
in this section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 88 claims mapping
PO 00000
Frm 00185
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
to 8 MS–DRGs, with none exceeding
more than 13% of the total identified
cases. The applicant calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$307,461 which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
For the second analysis, the applicant
searched FY 2021 MedPAR data for
claims reporting at least one of the ICD–
10–PCS codes listed in the table that
follows later in this section to identify
cases that may be eligible for the
LimFlowTM System. The applicant used
the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the table that follows later
in this section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 111 claims mapping
to 10 MS–DRGs, with none exceeding
more than 11% of the total identified
cases. The applicant calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$277,454, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
For the third analysis, the applicant
searched FY 2020 MedPAR data for
claims reporting at least one of the ICD–
10–PCS codes listed in the table that
follows later in this section to identify
cases that may be eligible for the
LimFlowTM System. The applicant used
the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the table that follows later
in this section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 99 claims mapping
to 9 MS–DRGs, with none exceeding
more than 12% of the total identified
cases. The applicant calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$273,638 which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant asserted that the
LimFlowTM System meets the cost
122 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
LimFlow™ System COST ANALYSIS 122
List ofICD-10-PCS
List ofMS-DRGs
exclusion criteria
Charges removed
for prior technology
Inflation factor
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Charges added for
the new technology
Analysis 1: FY 2022 MedPAR file
Analysis 2: FY 2021 MedPAR file
Analysis 3: FY 2020 MedPAR file
041M3JS (Bypass right popliteal artery to lower extremity vein with synthetic substitute, percutaneous
041N3JS (Bypass left popliteal artery to lower extremity vein with synthetic substitute, percutaneous
041P3JS (Bypass right anterior tibial artery to lower extremity vein with synthetic substitute, percutaneous
041 Q3JS (Bypass left anterior tibial artery to lower extremity vein with synthetic substitute, percutaneous
041R3JS (Bypass right posterior tibial artery to lower extremity vein with synthetic substitute,
percutaneous approach)
041 S3JS (Bypass left posterior tibial artery to lower extremity vein with synthetic substitute, percutaneous
041 T3JS (Bypass right peroneal artery to lower extremity vein with synthetic substitute, percutaneous
041 U3JS (Bypass left peroneal artery to lower extremity vein with synthetic substitute, percutaneous
For the lists of MS-DRGs for the three analyses, see the online posting for the LimFlow™ System
For all three analyses, the applicant selected claims using the ICD-10-PCS codes listed in this table Each
scenario utilized a different year ofMedPAR data. The resulting MS-DRGs associated with identified
cases are provided in the online posting. The applicant included only claims that would be used for rate
setting (fee-for-service IPPS discharges, plus Maryland hospital discharges). The applicant imputed 11
cases for all DRGs where the case count was fewer than 11.
The applicant used a conservative approach and removed all implantable device charges. The applicant did
not remove indirect charges related to the prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/L TCH PPS final
For Analysis 1 with FY 2022 MedPAR data, the applicant applied an inflation factor of 11. 9% to the
standardized charges, based on the inflation factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY
2024 IPPS/L TCH PPS fmal rule.
For Analysis 2 with FY 2021 MedPAR data, the applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the
standardized charges, based on the inflation factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY
2024 IPPS/L TCH PPS fmal rule.
For Analysis 3 with FY 2020 MedPAR data, the applicant applied an inflation factor of 25.2% to the
standardized charges, based on the inflation factor used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY
2024 IPPS/L TCH PPS fmal rule.
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by the
national average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.269 for implantable devices from the FY 2024 IPPS/L TCH PPS
fmal rule. The applicant did not add indirect charges related to the new technology.
We agree with the applicant that the
LimFlowTM System meets the cost
criterion and are therefore proposing to
approve the LimFlowTM System for new
technology add-on payments for FY
Based on preliminary information
from the applicant at the time of this
proposed rule, the applicant anticipated
the total cost of the LimFlowTM System
to the hospital to be $25,000 per patient.
According to the applicant, the
LimFlowTM System is sold as a system,
as such, the components of the
LimFlowTM System are not priced or
sold to hospitals independently. The
applicant stated that all components of
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
the LimFlowTM System are single-use
and the entire system is an operating
cost. We note that the cost information
for this technology may be updated in
the final rule based on revised or
additional information CMS receives
prior to the final rule. Under
§ 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology
add-on payments to the lesser of 65% of
the average cost of the technology, or
65% of the costs in excess of the MS–
DRG payment for the case. As a result,
we are proposing that the maximum
new technology add-on payment for a
case involving the use of the LimFlowTM
System would be $16,250 for FY 2025
PO 00000
Frm 00186
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
(that is, 65% of the average cost of the
We invite public comments on
whether the LimFlowTM System meets
the cost criterion and our proposal to
approve new technology add-on
payments for the LimFlowTM System for
FY 2025 for patients who have chronic
limb-threatening ischemia with no
suitable endovascular or surgical
revascularization options and are at risk
of major amputation.
g. ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal
Denervation System
ReCor Medical submitted an
application for new technology add-on
Data Source and
Time Period
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
payments for the ParadiseTM Ultrasound
Renal Denervation System for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal
Denervation System is an endovascular
catheter-based system that delivers
SonoWave360TM ultrasound energy
circumferentially, thermally ablating
and disrupting overactive renal
sympathetic nerves to lower blood
pressure in adult (≥22 years of age)
patients with uncontrolled hypertension
who may be inadequately responsive to
or who are intolerant to antihypertensive medications.
Please refer to the online application
posting for the ParadiseTM Ultrasound
Renal Denervation System, available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and the condition treated by
the technology.
According to the applicant, the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal
Denervation System received
Breakthrough Device designation from
FDA on December 4, 2020, for reducing
blood pressure in adult (≥22 years of
age) patients with uncontrolled
hypertension, who may be inadequately
responsive to, or who are intolerant to
anti-hypertensive medications. The
applicant received FDA premarket
approval for the technology on
November 7, 2023, for reducing blood
pressure as an adjunctive treatment in
hypertension patients in whom lifestyle
modifications and antihypertensive
medications do not adequately control
blood pressure. Because we consider the
indication for which the applicant
received premarket approval to be
within the scope of the Breakthrough
Device designation, and FDA considers
this marketing authorization to be for
the Breakthrough Device designation,123
it appears that the premarket approval
indication is appropriate for
consideration for new technology addon payment under the alternative
pathway criteria. According to the
applicant, the technology was
commercially available immediately
after FDA approval.
The applicant stated that effective
October 1, 2023, the following ICD–10–
PCS code may be used to uniquely
describe procedures involving the use of
the ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal
Denervation System: X051329
(Destruction of renal sympathetic
nerve(s) using ultrasound ablation,
percutaneous approach, new technology
123 List of Breakthrough Devices with Marketing
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
group 9). The applicant stated that ICD–
10–CM codes I10 (Essential (primary)
hypertension), I15.1 (Hypertension
secondary to other renal disorders),
I15.8 (Other secondary hypertension),
I15.9 (Secondary hypertension,
unspecified), and I1A.0 (Resistant
hypertension) may be used to currently
identify the indication for the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal
Denervation System under the ICD–10–
CM coding system.
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided multiple analyses to
demonstrate that it meets the cost
criterion. Each analysis used different
MS–DRGs and/or ICD–10–CM codes to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal
Denervation System. The applicant
explained that it used different codes to
demonstrate different cohorts that may
be eligible for the technology. Each
analysis followed the order of
operations described in the table that
follows later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant
searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for
all cases that map to MS–DRG 264
(Other Circulatory System O.R.
Procedures). The applicant stated that
medical MS–DRGs 304 and 305
(Hypertension with MCC and without
MCC) are specific to hypertension.
However, given the nature of the
procedure, the applicant’s expectation is
that the DRG Grouper logic would
assign potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal
Denervation System to a surgical MS–
DRG. To identify the surgical MS–DRG,
the applicant identified ICD–10–PCS
code 015M3ZZ (Destruction of
abdominal sympathetic nerve,
percutaneous approach) as the
procedure most similar to the procedure
performed using the ParadiseTM
Ultrasound Renal Denervation System,
and determined the specific MS–DRG to
which that ICD–10–PCS code maps. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the table that
follows later in this section. Under this
analysis, the applicant identified 7,064
claims mapping to MS–DRG 264 (Other
Circulatory System O.R. Procedures)
and calculated a final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case of $357,807, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $98,708.
For the second analysis, as a
sensitivity analysis the applicant
searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for
all cases that map to MS–DRGs 304 or
305 (Hypertension with MCC and
without MCC), which are specific to
PO 00000
Frm 00187
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
hypertension. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the table that follows later in this
section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 32,433 claims
mapping to MS–DRG 304 (Hypertension
with MCC) or 305 (Hypertension
without MCC) and calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$268,298, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
For the third analysis, the applicant
provided a sensitivity analysis that
combined the first and second scenario
together for a broader list of MS–DRGs.
The applicant used the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the table
that follows later in this section. Under
this analysis, the applicant identified
39,497 claims mapping to MS–DRGs
264 (Other Circulatory System O.R.
Procedures), 304 (Hypertension with
MCC), or 305 (Hypertension without
MCC) and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $284,306, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $56,237.
For the fourth analysis, the applicant
performed a sensitivity analysis to
subset the cases assigned to MS–DRG
264 (Other Circulatory System O.R.
Procedures) to those reporting the
following ICD–10–CM codes: I10
(Essential (primary) hypertension), I15.1
(Hypertension secondary to other renal
disorders), I15.8 (Other secondary
hypertension), or I15.9 (Secondary
hypertension, unspecified) in any
position. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the table that follows later in this
section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 1,477 claims
mapping to MS–DRG 264 (Other
Circulatory System O.R. Procedures)
and calculated a final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case of $325,810, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $98,708.
For the fifth analysis, the applicant
performed a sensitivity analysis to
subset the cases assigned to MS–DRGs
264 (Other Circulatory System O.R.
Procedures), 304 (Hypertension with
MCC), or 305 (Hypertension without
MCC) to those reporting the following
ICD–10–CM codes: I10 (Essential
(primary) hypertension), I15.1
(Hypertension secondary to other renal
disorders), I15.8 (Other secondary
hypertension), or I15.9 (Secondary
hypertension, unspecified) in any
position. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the table that follows later in this
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 14,415 claims
mapping to MS–DRGs 264 (Other
Circulatory System O.R. Procedures),
304 (Hypertension with MCC), or 305
(Hypertension without MCC) and
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $272,701, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $50,817.
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
analyses, the applicant asserted that the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal
Denervation System meets the cost
Paradise™ Ultrasound Renal Denervation System COST ANALYSIS 124
Data Source and
Time Period
FY 2022 MedPAR file
Analysis 1-3: Not applicable.
List ofICD-10-CM
List ofICD-10-PCS
Analysis 4-5:
I 10 Essential (primary) hypertension
115.1 Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders
115.8 Other secondary hypertension
115.9 Secondarv hypertension, unspecified
Analysis 1: The applicant used 0 15M3ZZ (Destruction of abdominal sympathetic nerve, percutaneous
approach) to identify the MS-DRG upon which the analysis was based.
Analysis 2, 3, and 4: Not applicable
Analyses 1 and 4:
264 Other Circulatory System O.R. Procedures
List ofMS-DRGs
Analysis 2:
304 Hypertension with MCC
305 Hypertension without MCC
Analyses 3 and 5:
264 Other Circulatory System O.R. Procedures
304 Hypertension with MCC
305 Hypertension without MCC
Analysis 1: The applicant identified all cases within MS-DRG 264.
Analysis 2: The applicant identified all cases within MS-DRGs 304 and 305 as a sensitivity analysis.
Charges removed
for prior technology
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Inflation factor
Charges added for
the new technology
Analysis 3: The applicant identified all cases within MS-DRGs 264, 304, and 305 as a sensitivity analysis.
Analysis 4: The applicant subset cases from analysis 1 to include cases reporting at least one ICD-10-CM
code listed in this table in any position as a sensitivity analysis.
Analysis 5: The applicant subset cases from analysis 3 to include cases reporting at least one ICD-10-CM
code listed in this table in anv position as a sensitivitv analvsis.
According to the applicant, the Paradise™ Ultrasound Renal Denervation System is not expected to
replace prior technologies. Therefore, no direct or indirect charges associated with prior technologies were
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the standardizing file posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
According to the applicant, the cost of the new technology was determined based on the inputs for
furnishing the service for the single-use components. The applicant added charges for the new technology
by dividing the cost of the new technology by the national average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.102 for
cardiac catheterization from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. The applicant did not add indirect
charges related to the new technology.
124 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00188
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
exclusion criteria
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We agree with the applicant that the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal
Denervation System meets the cost
criterion and are therefore proposing to
approve the ParadiseTM Ultrasound
Renal Denervation System for new
technology add-on payments for FY
Based on preliminary information
from the applicant at the time of this
proposed rule, the applicant anticipated
the total cost of the ParadiseTM
Ultrasound Renal Denervation System
to the hospital to be $23,000 per patient,
based on single-use components
including the operating costs of the
catheter kit ($22,000), cable ($250), and
cartridge ($750). We note that the cost
information for this technology may be
updated in the final rule based on
revised or additional information CMS
receives prior to the final rule. Under
§ 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology
add-on payments to the lesser of 65% of
the average cost of the technology, or
65% of the costs in excess of the MS–
DRG payment for the case. As a result,
we are proposing that the maximum
new technology add-on payment for a
case involving the use of the ParadiseTM
Ultrasound Renal Denervation System
would be $14,950 for FY 2025 (that is,
65% of the average cost of the
We invite public comments on
whether the ParadiseTM Ultrasound
Renal Denervation System meets the
cost criterion and our proposal to
approve new technology add-on
payments for the ParadiseTM Ultrasound
Renal Denervation System for FY 2025
for reducing blood pressure as an
adjunctive treatment in hypertension
patients in whom lifestyle modifications
and antihypertensive medications do
not adequately control blood pressure,
which corresponds to the Breakthrough
Device designation.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
h. PulseSelectTM Pulsed Field Ablation
(PFA) Loop Catheter
Medtronic, Inc. submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for the PulseSelectTM PFA
Loop Catheter for FY 2025. According to
the applicant, the PulseSelectTM PFA
Loop Catheter is used to perform
pulmonary vein isolation in cardiac
catheter ablation to treat atrial
fibrillation. Per the applicant, unlike
existing methods that rely on thermal
energy (either radiofrequency or
cryoablation), PulseSelectTM employs
non-thermal irreversible electroporation
to induce cell death in cardiac tissue at
the target site. According to the
applicant, PulseSelectTM technology’s
non-thermal approach can avoid risks
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
associated with existing thermal cardiac
catheter ablation technologies.
Please refer to the online application
posting for the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop
Catheter, available at https://
ntap/NTP231017BMQKQ, for additional
detail describing the technology and the
disease treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the
PulseSelectTM PFA System, which
includes a compatible Medtronic multielectrode cardiac ablation catheter (the
PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter),
received Breakthrough Device
designation from FDA on September 27,
2018, for the treatment of drug
refractory recurrent symptomatic atrial
fibrillation. The Medtronic multielectrode cardiac ablation catheter is
also intended to be used for cardiac
electrophysiological (EP) mapping and
measuring of intracardiac electrograms,
delivery of diagnostic pacing stimuli
and verifying electrical isolation posttreatment. According to the applicant,
the PulseSelectTM PFA System received
premarket approval on December 13,
2023 for the following indication that
reflects a slightly narrower patient
population compared to the
Breakthrough Device designation: for
cardiac electrophysiological mapping
(stimulation and recording) and for
treatment of drug refractory, recurrent,
symptomatic paroxysmal atrial
fibrillation or persistent atrial
fibrillation (episode duration less than 1
year). The applicant noted that the
PulseSelectTM PFA System consists of
two primary elements: the
PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter and
the PulseSelectTM PFA Generator
system, but that as capital equipment,
the PulseSelectTM PFA Generator system
is not the subject of this new technology
add-on payment application. According
to the applicant, the technology was
commercially available immediately
after FDA approval.
The applicant submitted a request for
approval for a unique ICD–10–PCS
procedure code for the PulseSelectTM
PFA System and was granted approval
for the following procedure code
effective April 1, 2024: 02583ZF
(Destruction of conduction mechanism
using irreversible electroporation,
percutaneous approach). The applicant
provided a list of diagnosis codes that
may be used to currently identify the
indication for the PulseSelectTM PFA
Loop Catheter under the ICD–10–CM
coding system. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list
of ICD–10–CM codes provided by the
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided multiple analyses to
PO 00000
Frm 00189
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
demonstrate that it meets the cost
criterion. The applicant stated that there
is an expectation the PulseSelectTM PFA
Loop Catheter will predominantly be
used when both indicated uses are
employed in a single patient case. Each
analysis used different ICD–10–CM
codes to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be
eligible for the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop
Catheter. The applicant explained that it
used different codes to demonstrate
different cohorts that may be eligible for
the technology. Each analysis followed
the order of operations described in the
table that follows later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant
searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for
claims that had the ICD–10–PCS code
02583ZZ (Destruction of conduction
mechanism, percutaneous approach) in
any procedure code position on the
claim and identified 98 MS–DRGs. The
applicant limited the cost analysis to the
top six MS–DRGs that had over 2% of
cases in each MS–DRG (see the table
that follows later in this section for a
complete list of MS–DRGs provided by
the applicant). According to the
applicant, these six MS–DRGs
represented 86% of all cardiac catheter
ablation cases. Using the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the table
that follows later in this section, the
applicant identified 14,695 claims
mapping to these 6 MS–DRGs. The
applicant followed the order of
operations described in the table that
follows later in this section and
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $176,942, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $136,813.
For the second analysis, the applicant
searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for
claims that had the ICD–10–PCS code
02583ZZ (Destruction of conduction
mechanism, percutaneous approach) in
any procedure code position on the
claim, and had one of the ICD–10–CM
codes for atrial fibrillation listed in the
table that follows later in this section.
The applicant used the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the table
that follows later in this section. Under
this analysis, the applicant identified
12,088 claims mapping to the top six
MS–DRGs (representing 82.3% of all
cases) and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $179,931, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $136,782.
For the third analysis, the applicant
searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for
claims that had the ICD–10–PCS code
02583ZZ (Destruction of conduction
mechanism, percutaneous approach) in
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
any procedure code position on the
claim and had one of the ICD–10–CM
codes for paroxysmal or persistent atrial
fibrillation listed in the table that
follows later in this section. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the table that
follows later in this section. Under this
analysis, the applicant identified 9,446
claims mapping to the top six MS–DRGs
(representing 64.3% of all cases) and
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $180,114, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $136,193.
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant asserted that the
PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter meets
the cost criterion.
125 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00190
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and
Time Period
FY 2022 MedPAR file
Analysis 1: not applicable
List ofICD-10-CM
Analysis 2:
148.0 (Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation)
148.11 (Longstanding persistent atrial fibrillation)
148.19 (Other persistent atrial fibrillation)
148.20 (Chronic atrial fibrillation, W1Specified)
148.21 (Permanent atrial fibrillation)
148.91 (Unspecified atrial fibrillation)
Analysis 3:
148.0 (Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation)
148.11 (Longstanding persistent atrial fibrillation)
148.19 (Other persistent atrial fibrillation)
List ofMS-DRGs
Charges removed
for prior
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Inflation factor
Charges added for
the new technology
02583ZZ (Destruction of conduction mechanism, percutaneous approach) in any position
For all analyses:
274 (Percutaneous and Other lntracardiac Procedures without MCC)
273 (Percutaneous and Other lntracardiac Procedures with MCC)
242 (Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Implant with MCC)
243 (Permanent Cardiac Pacemaker Implant with CC)
229 (Other Cardiothoracic Procedures without MCC)
228 (Other Cardiothoracic Procedures with MCC)
Analysis 1: The applicant identified cases by using the lCD-10-PCS code in this table in any procedure
code position on the claim. The applicant then limited the analysis to cases that were mapped to the top six
MS-DRGs (representing 86% of all cardiac catheter ablation cases).
Analysis 2: The applicant identified cases by using the lCD-10-PCS code in this table in any procedure
code position on the claim and the lCD-10-CM codes in this table. The applicant limited the analysis to
only atrial fibrillation lCD-10-CM diagnosis codes as described in the Breakthrough Device designation
indication The applicant limited the analysis to the top six MS-DRGs (representing 82.3% of all cases).
Analysis 3: The applicant identified cases by using the lCD-10-PCS code in this table in any procedure
code position on the claim and the lCD-10-CM codes in this table. The applicant limited the analysis to
paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation lCD-10-CM diagnosis codes as aligned with the slightly
narrower patient population reflected in the final Premarket Approval Application indication. The
applicant limited the analysis to the top six MS-DRGs (representing 64.3% of all cases).
For each analysis, cases with outlier pa"ments were excluded.
Per the applicant, PulseSelect™ will replace currently approved cardiac catheter ablation technologies.
The applicant removed 100% of medical surgical supply charges from the identified cases. The applicant
stated that this was likely an overestimate of replaced charges as other catheters, sheaths, and supplies will
still be used in the PulseSelect™ procedure. While some of the charges associated with these catheters
may also be present in the implantable device cost center, depending on individual hospital charging
practices, the applicant noted that based on the MS-DRGs identified, other technology charges that are not
replaced (for example, pacemakers) would also be reflected in the :implantable device cost center.
Therefore, the applicant removed the charges associated with supplies but did not remove the charges
associated with implantable devices. The applicant stated that this was a conservative, balanced approach
intended to not overstate the charges associated with the technology being replaced. The applicant did not
remove indirect charges related to the prior technology as it stated that the encollllters would only differ in
terms of the type of catheter used.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by the
national average cost-to-charge ratio of0.303 for supplies and equipment from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule. The applicant did not add indirect charges related to the new technology.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
We agree with the applicant that the
PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter meets
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00191
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
the cost criterion and are therefore
proposing to approve the PulseSelectTM
List ofICD-10PCS codes
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
PFA Loop Catheter for new technology
add-on payments for FY 2025.
Based on preliminary information
from the applicant at the time of this
proposed rule, the applicant anticipated
the cost of the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop
Catheter to the hospital to be $9,750 per
patient, and for the PulseSelectTM PFA
Catheter Interface Cable to be $800 per
patient, totaling $10,550 per inpatient
stay. We note that the cost information
for this technology may be updated in
the final rule based on revised or
additional information CMS receives
prior to the final rule. We note that the
applicant stated that the PulseSelectTM
Pulsed Field Ablation (PFA) Interface
Cable is listed as a component of the
PulseSelectTM Pulsed Field Ablation
(PFA) Generator Reusable Accessories.
However, we note the submitted new
technology add-on payment application
is for the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop
Catheter, and that the applicant had
specified in its application that the
PulseSelectTM PFA Generator System is
not the subject of this new technology
add-on payment application. Therefore,
we believe the total cost per inpatient
stay should be based only on the cost of
the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter,
which is $9,750 per the applicant.
Under § 412.88(a)(2), we limit new
technology add-on payments to the
lesser of 65% of the average cost of the
technology, or 65% of the costs in
excess of the MS–DRG payment for the
case. As a result, we are proposing that
the maximum new technology add-on
payment for a case involving the use of
the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter
would be $6,337.50 for FY 2025 (that is,
65% of the average cost of the
We invite public comments on
whether the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop
Catheter meets the cost criterion and our
proposal to approve new technology
add-on payments for the PulseSelectTM
PFA Loop Catheter for FY 2025 for
cardiac electrophysiological mapping
(stimulation and recording) and for
treatment of drug refractory, recurrent,
symptomatic paroxysmal atrial
fibrillation or persistent atrial
fibrillation (episode duration less than 1
i. Restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage
Restor3d submitted an application for
new technology add-on payments for
the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage for
FY 2025. According to the applicant, the
TIDALTM Fusion Cages are porous cages
that vary in shape and size to
accommodate individual patient
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
anatomy. Per the applicant, the
TIDALTM Fusion Cage is comprised of a
single, continuous piece of titanium
alloy fabricated by laser powder bed
fusion, an additive manufacturing
technology. According to the applicant,
the TIDALTM Fusion Cage is an
accessory to the intramedullary nail for
TTC Fusion and has a central clearance
hole to contain the intramedullary nail.
Per the applicant, the restor3d TIDALTM
Fusion Cage can be used to aid in
healing for fractures, bone voids, absent
bone, or surgical resections in
conjunction with an intramedullary nail
for TTC fusion. The applicant noted that
the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cages also
serve to support and contain bone graft
materials that aid in arthrodesis.
Please refer to the online application
posting for the restor3d TIDALTM
Fusion Cage, available at https://
ntap/NTP2310167MCW9, for additional
detail describing the technology and the
disease treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the
restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage System
received Breakthrough Device
designation from FDA on June 26, 2023
for the indication of tibiotalocalcaneal
arthrodesis (fusion) to provide
stabilization of the hindfoot and ankle
with critical size bone defect, in lieu of
bulk allograft in procedures such as:
post-traumatic and degenerative
arthritis; post-traumatic or primary
arthrosis involving both ankle and
subtalar joints; revision after failed
ankle arthrodesis with subtalar
involvement; failed total ankle
arthroplasty; non-union ankle
arthrodesis; rheumatoid hindfoot;
talectomy; avascular necrosis of the
talus; neuroarthropathy; neuromuscular
disease and severe deformity;
osteoarthritis; Charcot foot; and
previously infected arthrosis, second
degree. The restor3d Fusion Cage
System is intended to provide
stabilization in long bones of skeletally
mature patients, including tibia, femur
and humerus, in the presence of critical
sized bone defects in lieu of bulk
allograft, bone transport or other
treatment for segmental defects in
procedures such as: stabilization of
fractures of the diaphyseal or
metaphyseal regions of long bones;
malunions and nonunion; osteomyelitis;
periprosthetic fractures. According to
the applicant, its marketing
authorization request for the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage System has been
accepted by FDA, and it anticipates a
510(k) decision from FDA for the same
PO 00000
Frm 00192
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
indication consistent with the
Breakthrough Device designation before
May 1, 2024. The applicant anticipates
that the technology will be
commercially available immediately
after 510(k) clearance from FDA.
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage. The applicant
submitted a request for approval for a
unique ICD–10–PCS procedure code for
the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage
beginning in FY 2025. The applicant
provided a list of diagnosis codes that
may be used to currently identify the
indication for the restor3d TIDALTM
Fusion Cage under the ICD–10–CM
coding system. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list
of ICD–10–CM codes provided by the
With respect to the cost criterion, to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for the
restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage, the
applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR file for claims that had one of
the ICD–10–PCS codes corresponding to
fusion procedures or claims that had
one of the other ICD–10–PCS codes in
combination with one of the selected
admitting diagnosis ICD–10–CM codes.
According to the applicant, the selected
claims represented potential candidates
for the technology, who have undergone
tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis (fusion)
and require stabilization of the hindfoot
and ankle due to a critical size bone
defect. Using the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table,
the applicant identified 14,247 claims
mapping to 24 MS–DRGs, including
MS–DRG 617 (Amputation of Lower
Limb for Endocrine, Nutritional and
Metabolic Disorders with CC) and MS–
DRG 853 (Infectious and Parasitic
Diseases with O.R. Procedures with
MCC), each representing 16% of the
identified cases. The applicant followed
the order of operations described in the
following table and calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$303,575, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount, the
applicant asserted that the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage meets the cost
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
List ofMS-DRGs
Charges removed
for prior
Inflation factor
Charges added for
the new technology
FY 2022 Med.PAR file
For the list ofICD-10-PCS codes, see the online posting for the restor3d TIDAL™ Fusion Cage
For the list ofICD-10-CM codes, see the online posting for the restor3d TIDAL™ Fusion Cage
For the list ofMS-DRGs, see the online posting for the restor3d TIDAL™ Fusion Cage
The applicant identified cases with one of the ICD-10-PCS codes corresponding to fusion procedures, or
cases that had one of the other ICD-10-PCS codes in combination with one of the selected admitting
diagnosis ICD-10-CM codes from the list ofICD-10-CM/PCS codes provided in the online posting. The
applicant believed these cases represented patients who have undergone tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis
(fusion) and require stabilization of the hindfoot and ankle due to a critical size bone defect, and that these
patients, rather than opting for bulk allograft procedures, would be candidates for the use of this
technology. The applicant then sorted these cases by MS-DRG, and only included MS-DRGs that had
more than 100 cases.
The applicant used market intelligence data and the CMS Public Data file to estimate the cost of the
technology being replaced. The applicant inflated these costs to hospital level charges using the national
average cost-to-charge ratio of0.269 for implantable devices from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule. The applicant did not remove indirect charges related to the prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
The applicant applied the 3-year charge inflation factor of 18.4% from the outlier threshold determination
in the FY 2024 IPPS final rule to inflate the current case level charges from FY 2022 to FY 2025.
The applicant used the market intelligence data to estimate the cost related to the restor3d TIDAL TM
Fusion Cage. The applicant added charges and indirect charges for the new technology by dividing the
cost and the related cost of the new technology by the national average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.269 for
implantable devices from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We agree with the applicant that the
restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage meets
the cost criterion and are therefore
proposing to approve the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage for new
technology add-on payments for FY
2025, subject to the technology
receiving FDA marketing authorization
as a Breakthrough Device for the
indication corresponding to the
Breakthrough Device designation by
May 1, 2024.
Based on preliminary information
from the applicant at the time of this
proposed rule, the applicant anticipated
the cost of the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion
Cage for each patient to be $27,995. In
addition, the applicant noted the costs
related to the technology for required
supporting instruments and materials
consist of one unit each of the
Instrument Kit ($6,995), TTC Fusion
Nail ($7,500), and Bone Graft ($1,500).
The applicant estimated the total cost to
the hospital to be $43,990 for each
procedure per patient, including the
related cost of the technology. As we
have discussed in prior rulemaking,
when determining a new technology
add-on payment, we provide payment
based on the cost of the actual
technology (such as the drug or device
itself) and not for additional costs
related to the use of the device (86 FR
45146). Based on the information
provided by the applicant, the cost of
the Instrument Kit is included in the
costs of the supporting instruments and
materials for each procedure related to
the use of the technology, rather than a
cost of the technology itself. In addition,
the TTC Fusion Nail and Bone Graft are
not new and unique components for this
technology, and can be purchased
separately in support of other
technologies. Furthermore, we note that
the Instrument Kit is not included in the
Breakthrough Device designation, and it
therefore appears that only the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage would be
designated as the Breakthrough Device
once market authorized and would be
eligible for new technology add-on
payments under the alternative
pathway. Therefore, it appears any addon payment for the restor3d TIDALTM
Fusion Cage would include only the
cost of the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion
Cage ($27,995).
We note that the cost information for
this technology may be updated in the
final rule based on revised or additional
information CMS receives prior to the
final rule. Under § 412.88(a)(2), we limit
new technology add-on payments to the
lesser of 65% of the average cost of the
technology, or 65% of the costs in
excess of the MS–DRG payment for the
case. As a result, we are proposing that
the maximum new technology add-on
payment for a case involving the use of
the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage
would be $18,196.75 for FY 2025 (that
is, 65% of the average cost of the
We invite public comments on
whether the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion
Cage meets the cost criterion and our
proposal to approve new technology
add-on payments for the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage for FY 2025,
subject to the technology receiving FDA
marketing authorization as a
Breakthrough Device for the indication
corresponding to the Breakthrough
Device designation by May 1, 2024.
126 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00193
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Data Source and
Time Period
List ofICD-10PCS codes
List ofICD-10-CM
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
j. Symplicity SpyralTM Multi-Electrode
Renal Denervation Catheter
Medtronic submitted an application
for new technology add-on payments for
the Symplicity SpyralTM MultiElectrode Renal Denervation Catheter
for FY 2025. According to the applicant,
the Symplicity SpyralTM MultiElectrode Renal Denervation Catheter
provides a treatment option for patients
with uncontrolled hypertension, when
used with the Symplicity G3TM
Generator, by delivering targeted
radiofrequency energy to the renal
nerves, safely disrupting overactive
sympathetic signaling between the
kidneys and brain, as a treatment for
uncontrolled hypertension.
Please refer to the online application
posting for the Symplicity SpyralTM
Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation
Catheter, available at https://
ntap/NTP2310161U617, for additional
detail describing the technology and the
condition treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the
Symplicity SpyralTM Multi-Electrode
Renal Denervation System received
Breakthrough Device designation from
FDA on March 27, 2020, for the
reduction of blood pressure in patients
with uncontrolled hypertension despite
the use of anti-hypertensive medications
or in patients who may have
documented intolerance to antihypertensive medications. The
applicant received premarket approval
for the technology on November 17,
2023, for reducing blood pressure as an
adjunctive treatment in patients with
hypertension in whom lifestyle
modifications and antihypertensive
medications do not adequately control
blood pressure. Because we consider the
indication for which the applicant
received premarket approval to be
within the scope of the Breakthrough
Device designation, and FDA considers
this marketing authorization to be for
the Breakthrough Device,127 it appears
that the premarket approval indication
is appropriate for consideration for new
technology add-on payment under the
alternative pathway criteria. According
to the applicant, the technology was
commercially available immediately
after FDA approval.
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify the
127 List of Breakthrough Devices with Marketing
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
Symplicity SpyralTM Multi-Electrode
Renal Denervation Catheter. The
applicant submitted a request for
approval for a unique ICD–10–PCS
procedure code for the Symplicity
SpyralTM Multi-Electrode Renal
Denervation Catheter beginning in FY
2025. The applicant provided a list of
diagnosis codes that may be used to
currently identify the indication for the
Symplicity SpyralTM Multi-Electrode
Renal Denervation Catheter under the
ICD–10–CM coding system. Please refer
to the online application posting for the
complete list of ICD–10–CM codes
provided by the applicant.
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided two analyses and
two sensitivity analyses to demonstrate
that it meets the cost criterion. Each
analysis used a common set of ICD–10–
CM codes but different criteria for the
inclusion/exclusion of MS–DRGs and
outlier cases to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be
eligible for the Symplicity SpyralTM
Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation
Catheter. The applicant explained that it
used different codes to demonstrate
different cohorts that may be eligible for
the technology. Each analysis followed
the order of operations described in the
table that follows later in this section.
For the first scenario (Cost Analysis
#1), the applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR file for cases where essential
(primary) hypertension was the reason
for the admission, using at least one of
the ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes in the
table that follows later in this section.
The applicant used the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the table
that follows later in this section. Under
this analysis, the applicant identified
490,387 claims mapping to 99 MS–
DRGs, including MS–DRG 291 (Heart
Failure and Shock With MCC)
representing 67% of identified cases.
The applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $136,450, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $62,312.
The second scenario (Cost Analysis #1
with Outliers) was a sensitivity analysis
that mirrored the first scenario, except
that cases with outlier payments were
included. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the table that follows later in this
section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 501,760 claims
mapping to 101 MS–DRGs, including
MS–DRG 291 (Heart Failure and Shock
With MCC) representing 66.7% of
identified cases. The applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $145,001, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $63,789.
For the third scenario (Cost Analysis
#2), the applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR file for claims reporting any of
the ICD–10–CM diagnosis codes listed
in the table that follows later in this
section but limited the case selection to
MS–DRGs where the principal diagnosis
was essential hypertension, and no
procedures were performed. Per the
applicant, this list represents a subset of
cases that were most likely to benefit
from the new procedural treatment
option for primary hypertension. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the table that
follows later in this section. Under this
analysis, the applicant identified
390,384 claims mapping to 8 MS–DRGs,
including MS–DRG 291 (Heart Failure
and Shock With MCC) representing
84.4% of identified cases. The applicant
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $124,525, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $52,861.
The fourth scenario (Cost Analysis #2
with Outliers) mirrored the third
scenario, except that cases with outlier
payments were included. The applicant
used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the table that follows later
in this section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 395,634 claims
mapping to 8 MS–DRGs, including MS–
DRG 291 (Heart Failure and Shock With
MCC) representing 84.5% of identified
cases. The applicant calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$128,356, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant asserted that the
Symplicity SpyralTM Multi-Electrode
Renal Denervation Catheter meets the
cost criterion.
128 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
PO 00000
Frm 00194
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Symplicity Spyral™ Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter COST ANALYSIS 128
Data Source and
FY 2022 MedPAR file
Time Period
For all scenarios:
I 10 Essential (primary) hypertension
111.0 Hypertensive heart disease with heart failure
111.9 Hypertensive heart disease without heart failure
112.0 Hypertensive chronic kidney disease with stage 5 chronic kidney disease or end stage renal disease
112.9 Hypertensive chronic kidney disease with stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease, or
unspecified chronic kidney disease
113.0 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure and stage 1 through stage 4 chronic
List ofICD-10-CM
kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney disease
113.10 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure, with stage 1 through stage 4
chronic kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney disease
113.11 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure, with stage 5 chronic kidney
disease, or end stage renal disease
113.2 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease with heart failure and with stage 5 chronic kidney
disease, or end stage renal disease
116.0 Hypertensive urgency
116.1 Hypertensive emergency
116.9 Hypertensive crisis. unspecified
Scenarios 1-2: For the list ofMS-DRGs, see the online posting for the Symplicity Spyral™ MultiElectrode Renal Denervation Catheter.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
exclusion criteria
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00195
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
List ofMS-DRGs
Scenarios 3-4:
291 Heart Failure and Shock With MCC
292 Heart Failure and Shock with CC
293 Heart Failure and Shock without CC/MCC
304 Hypertension with MCC
305 Hypertension without MCC
682 Renal Failure with MCC
683 Renal Failure with CC
684 Renal Failure without CC/MCC
Scenario 1: The applicant selected claims with a principal diagnosis of the ICD-10-CM codes listed in the
table, as it believes this list represents the entire population of patients with essential (primary)
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
hypertension as the reason for an inpatient admission. Any MS-DRG with a total discharge coW1t of less
than 11 was imputed with a coW1t of 11. Cases with outlier payments were excluded.
Scenario 2: The applicant used the same inclusion/exclusion criteria from Scenario 1, except that cases
with outlier payments were included.
Scenario 3: The applicant selected claims with a principal diagnosis of the ICD-10-CM codes listed in the
table, but limited the case selection to MS-DRGs where the principal diagnosis was essential hypertension
and no procedures were performed, as it believes this list represents a subset of cases that were most likely
to benefit from the new procedural treatment option for essential (primary) hypertension. Cases with
outlier payments were excluded.
Scenario 4: The applicant used the same inclusion/exclusion criteria from Scenario 3, except that cases
with outlier oavments were included.
Charges removed
for prior technology
The applicant stated that currently, there are no procedures or devices used to treat essential hypertension.
Per the applicant, patients admitted inpatient for hypertension would still require stabilization on
medications prior to Wldergoing renal denervation. Therefore, the applicant did not remove any direct or
indirect charges for prior technologies being replaced.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS fmal
Inflation factor
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS fmal rule.
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the expected cost of the new technology
by the national average cost-to-charge ratio of0.303 for supplies and equipment from the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS fmal rule.
The applicant stated that the estimated indirect procedural costs for hospital costs associated with the renal
denervation procedure were approximated from sample hospital claims from participating clinical trial
hospitals. The applicant added indirect charges related to the new technology by dividing the indirect
procedure costs related to the new technology by the corresponding national average cost-to-charge ratio
from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS fmal rule.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We agree with the applicant that the
Symplicity SpyralTM Multi-Electrode
Renal Denervation Catheter meets the
cost criterion and are therefore
proposing to approve the Symplicity
SpyralTM Multi-Electrode Renal
Denervation Catheter for new
technology add-on payments for FY
An estimate for the cost of the
Symplicity SpyralTM Multi-Electrode
Renal Denervation Catheter is not
available for publication at the time of
this proposed rule. We expect the
applicant to release cost information
prior to the final rule, and we will
provide an update regarding the new
technology add-on payment amount for
the technology, if approved, in the final
rule. The applicant stated that there
would be two components for the cost
of the technology, including operating
costs for the Symplicity SpyralTM MultiElectrode Renal Denervation Catheter
and capital costs for the Symplicity
G3TM Generator. Because section
1886(d)(5)(K)(i) of the Act requires that
the Secretary establish a mechanism to
recognize the costs of new medical
services or technologies under the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
payment system established under that
subsection, which establishes the
system for payment of the operating
costs of inpatient hospital services, we
do not include capital costs in the addon payments for a new medical service
or technology or make new technology
add-on payments under the IPPS for
capital-related costs (86 FR 45145).
Based on the information from the
applicant, it appears that the Symplicity
G3TM Generator is a capital cost.
Therefore, it appears that this
component is not eligible for new
technology add-on payment because, as
discussed in prior rulemaking and as
noted, we only make new technology
add-on payments for operating costs (72
FR 47307 through 47308). Any new
technology add-on payment for the
Symplicity SpyralTM Multi-Electrode
Renal Denervation Catheter would be
subject to our policy under
§ 412.88(a)(2) where we limit new
technology add-on payment to the lesser
of 65% of the average cost of the
technology, or 65% of the costs in
excess of the MS–DRG payment for the
PO 00000
Frm 00196
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
We invite public comments on
whether the Symplicity SpyralTM MultiElectrode Renal Denervation Catheter
meets the cost criterion and our
proposal to approve new technology
add-on payments for the Symplicity
SpyralTM Multi-Electrode Renal
Denervation Catheter for FY 2025 for
reducing blood pressure as an
adjunctive treatment in patients with
hypertension in whom lifestyle
modifications and antihypertensive
medications do not adequately control
blood pressure, which corresponds to
the Breakthrough Device designation
k. Transdermal Glomerular Filtration
Rate (GFR) Measurement System
Utilizing Lumitrace
MediBeacon, Inc. submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace for FY 2025. According to the
applicant, the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace is a three-component system:
(1) an optical skin sensor, (2) a monitor,
and (3) Lumitrace (relmapirazin), which
is a proprietary fluorescent tracer agent
Charges added for
the new technology
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
that glows in the presence of light and
is removed from the blood exclusively
by the GFR mechanism of the kidney.
The technology is intended to measure
GFR in patients with impaired or
normal renal function during clinical
conditions where the real time
measurement of GFR (versus estimated
measures) is clinically useful in the
understanding of kidney function. We
note that MediBeacon, Inc. submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace for FY 2024, as summarized
in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (88 FR 26954 through
26955), that it withdrew prior to the
issuance of the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (88 FR 58919).
Please refer to the online application
posting for the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace, available at https://
ntap/NTP23101671HAA, for additional
detail describing the technology.
According to the applicant, the
Transdermal GFR Measurement System
utilizing Lumitrace received
Breakthrough Device designation from
FDA on October 16, 2018, for measuring
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
GFR in patients with impaired or
normal renal function. According to the
applicant, its marketing authorization
request for the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace has been filed by FDA, and
it anticipates a premarket approval
decision from FDA for the same
indication consistent with the
Breakthrough Device designation before
May 1, 2024. According to the
applicant, the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System will not be
immediately available for sale because it
is waiting for premarket approval from
FDA before producing large volumes of
the agent, sensor, and monitor, and
anticipates a limited launch prior to
widespread availability.
The applicant stated that effective
October 1, 2019, the following ICD–10–
PCS code may be used to uniquely
describe procedures involving the use of
the Transdermal GFR Measurement
System utilizing Lumitrace: XT25XE5
(Monitoring of kidney using fluorescent
pyrazine, external approach, new
technology group 5).
With respect to the cost criterion, to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for the
Transdermal GFR Measurement System
PO 00000
Frm 00197
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
utilizing Lumitrace, the applicant
searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for
claims that had one of the ICD–10–CM
codes or the ICD–10–PCS codes
representing patients who are likely to
require and/or benefit from real-time
kidney function monitoring during the
inpatient hospital stay. Using the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the following table, the applicant
identified 470,171 claims mapping to
697 MS–DRGs, including MS–DRG 871
(Septicemia or Severe Sepsis without
MV >96 Hours with MCC) representing
15% of the identified cases. The
applicant followed the order of
operations described in the following
table and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $231,117, which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $134,438.
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount, the
applicant asserted that the Transdermal
GFR Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace meets the cost criterion.
129 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Transdermal GFR Measurement System utilizing Lumitrace COST ANALYSIS 129
Data Source and
Time Period
List ICD-10-CM
List ofICD-10PCS codes
List ofMS-DRGs
FY 2022 MedPAR file
For the list ofICD-10-CM codes, see the online posting for the Transdermal GFR Measurement System
utilizing Lumitrace.
For the list ofICD-10-PCS codes, see the online posting for the Transdermal GFR Measurement System
utilizing Lumitrace.
For the list ofMS-DRGs, see the online posting for the Transdermal GFR Measurement System utilizing
The applicant identified cases with at least one ICD-10 PCS procedure code or at least one ICD-10 CM
diagnosis code (in the primary or secondary position) from the list ofICD-10-CM/PCS codes provided in
the online posting, and had inpatient hospital stays with 3 or more days in the intensive care unit, as it
believes this would identify a patient likely to require and/or benefit from real-time kidney function
monitoring during the inpatient hospital stay.
Charges removed
for prior
According to the applicant, the Transdermal GFR Measurement System utilizing Lumitrace is not
expected to replace prior technologies. Therefore, the applicant did not remove any direct or indirect
charges for prior technologies being replaced.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the standardizing file posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule and the GAF from the impact file posted with the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Inflation factor
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Charges added for
the new technology
The applicant stated that the average sales price of the technology has yet to be determined, and that when
the price is available, a revised cost analysis will be provided that includes estimated hospital charges for
the technology. The applicant did not add indirect charges related to the new technology.
We agree with the applicant that the
Transdermal GFR Measurement System
utilizing Lumitrace meets the cost
criterion and are therefore proposing to
approve the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2025, subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing
authorization as a Breakthrough Device
for the indication corresponding to the
Breakthrough Device designation by
May 1, 2024.
The applicant has not provided an
estimate for the cost of the Transdermal
GFR Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace at the time of this proposed
rule. The applicant stated that there
would be three components for the cost
of the technology: the operating cost of
the Transdermal GFR Measurement
System Sensor, the operating cost of
Lumitrace (relmapirazin) that glows in
the presence of light and is removed
from the blood exclusively by the GFR
mechanism of the kidney, and the
capital cost of the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System Monitor that
displays fluorescence collected by the
Transdermal GFR Measurement System
Sensor to provide an indication of
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
changes in transdermal GFR over time.
Because section 1886(d)(5)(K)(i) of the
Act requires that the Secretary establish
a mechanism to recognize the costs of
new medical services or technologies
under the payment system established
under that subsection, which establishes
the system for payment of the operating
costs of inpatient hospital services, we
do not include capital costs in the addon payments for a new medical service
or technology or make new technology
add-on payments under the IPPS for
capital-related costs (86 FR 45145). As
noted, the applicant stated that the cost
of the Transdermal GFR Measurement
System Monitor is a capital cost.
Therefore, it appears that this
component is not eligible for new
technology add-on payment because, as
discussed in prior rulemaking and as
noted, we only make new technology
add-on payments for operating costs (72
FR 47307 through 47308). We expect the
applicant to submit cost information
prior to the final rule, and we will
provide an update regarding the new
technology add-on payment amount for
the technology, if approved, in the final
rule. Any new technology add-on
payment for the Transdermal GFR
PO 00000
Frm 00198
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace would be subject to our
policy under § 412.88(a)(2) where we
limit new technology add-on payments
to the lesser of 65% of the average cost
of the technology, or 65% of the costs
in excess of the MS–DRG payment for
the case.
We invite public comments on
whether the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace meets the cost criterion and
our proposal to approve new technology
add-on payments for the Transdermal
GFR Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace for FY 2025, subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing
authorization as a Breakthrough Device
for the indication corresponding to the
Breakthrough Device designation by
May 1, 2024.
l. TriClipTM G4
Abbott submitted an application for
new technology add-on payments for
TriClipTM G4 for FY 2025. According to
the applicant, TriClipTM G4 is intended
for reconstruction of the insufficient
tricuspid valve through tissue
approximation via a transcatheter
approach. The TriClipTM G4 System
consists of the TriClipTM G4 Implant,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The applicant excluded managed care cases, claims submitted only for graduate medical education
payments, claims with ancillary costs of zero, and claims that were statistical outliers within the MS-DRG.
The applicant calculated the average charge per case for each MS-DRG, using only covered departmental
charges used bv CMS for rate setting. Charges for organ acquisition were not included.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Clip Delivery System and Steerable
Guide. The applicant explained that the
TriClipTM G4 Implant is a
percutaneously delivered mechanical
implant that helps close the tricuspid
valve leaflets resulting in fixed tricuspid
leaflet approximation throughout the
cardiac cycle. According to the
applicant, TriClipTM G4 is intended for
the treatment of patients with
symptomatic, severe tricuspid valve
regurgitation, whose symptoms and
tricuspid regurgitation (TR) severity
persist despite being treated optimally
with medical therapy.
Please refer to the online application
posting for TriClipTM G4, available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by
the technology.
According to the applicant, the
TriClipTM G4 System received
Breakthrough Device designation from
FDA on November 19, 2020, for the
treatment of patients with symptomatic,
severe tricuspid valve regurgitation,
whose symptoms and TR severity
persist despite being treated optimally
with medical therapy. According to the
applicant, its marketing authorization
request has been filed by FDA, and it
anticipates a premarket approval (PMA)
decision from FDA for the same
indication consistent with the
Breakthrough Device designation before
May 1, 2024. According to the
applicant, the technology is expected to
be commercially available immediately
after FDA approval.
According to the applicant, the
following ICD–10–PCS code may be
used to describe procedures involving
the use of TriClipTM G4: 02UJ3JZ
(Supplement tricuspid valve with
synthetic substitute, percutaneous
approach). The applicant noted that
there are no FDA-approved technologies
using this procedure code. The
applicant stated that ICD–10–CM
diagnosis codes I07.1 (Rheumatic
tricuspid insufficiency) and I36.1
(Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve)
insufficiency) may be used to currently
identify the indication for TriClipTM G4
under the ICD–10–CM coding system.
With respect to the cost criterion, to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for
TriClipTM G4, the applicant searched
the 2022 Medicare Inpatient Hospital
Standard Analytical File (100%) for
claims that had one of the following
ICD–10–CM codes, I07.1 (Rheumatic
tricuspid insufficiency) or I36.1
(Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve)
insufficiency) in the primary position,
in combination with ICD–10–PCS code
02UJ3JZ (Supplement tricuspid valve
with synthetic substitute, percutaneous
approach). Using the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the
following table, the applicant identified
235 claims mapping to two MS–DRGs,
MS–DRG 266 (Endovascular Cardiac
Valve Replacement and Supplement
Procedures, with MCC), and 267
(Endovascular Cardiac Valve
Replacement and Supplement
Procedures, without MCC). The
applicant followed the order of
operations described in the following
table and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $313,389 which
exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $192,861.
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount, the
applicant asserted that TriClipTM G4
meets the cost criterion.
List ofMS-DRGs
exclusion criteria
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Charges removed
for prior technology
Inflation factor
Charges added for
the new technology
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
2022 Medicare Inpatient Hospital Standard Analytical File ( 100%)
I07. l (Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency)
136.1 rNonrheumatic tricuspid (valve) insufficiency)
02UJ3JZ (Supplement tricuspid valve with synthetic substitute, percutaneous approach)
MS-DRG 266 Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement Procedures, with MCC
MS-DRG 267 Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement Procedures, without MCC
The applicant identified cases reporting a primary diagnosis of one of the ICD-10-CM codes in this table,
in combination with the ICD-10-PCS code in this table. The applicant excluded cases in MS-DRGs 216
(Cardiac Valve and Other Major Cardiothoracic Procedures with Cardiac Catheterization with MCC ), 219
(Cardiac Valve and Other Major Cardiothoracic Procedures without Cardiac Catheterization with MCC),
and 500 (Soft Tissue Procedures with MCC) because those cases included more extensive or unrelated
intervention than is typically involved for TriClip™ G4 procedures. Per the applicant, these cases
comprised 1.07% of the total cases in 2022. The applicant also excluded cases with denied payment.
The applicant estimated replaced technology device charges using the afore-mentioned criteria and the
following criteria: 1) claims with primary ICD-10-CM diagnosis code ofl07.l or 136.1, which were by far
the most common codes and would help to estimate the charges in revenue center 0278 (Other Implants);
2) claims with ICD-10 procedure code 02UJ3JZ in the first position and no additional surgery codes
(codes beginning with 0), which would help to ensure the correct device was charged in revenue center
0278; 3) claims listing charges under revenue center 0278; and 4) claims indicating the number of revenue
units was one. The aoolicant did not remove indirect charges related to the orior technology_
The applicant used the standardization formula provided inAppendixA of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 11.2% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by the
national average cost-to-charge ratio of0.269 for implantable devices from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule. The applicant did not add indirect chames related to the new technology_
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00199
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Data Source and
Time Period
List ofICD-10-CM
List ofICD-10-PCS
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We agree with the applicant that
TriClipTM G4 meets the cost criterion
and are therefore proposing to approve
TriClipTM G4 for new technology addon payments for FY 2025, subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing
authorization as a Breakthrough Device
for the indication corresponding to the
Breakthrough Device designation by
May 1, 2024.
Based on preliminary information
from the applicant at the time of this
proposed rule, the applicant anticipated
the total cost of TriClipTM G4 to the
hospital to be $40,000 per procedure.
According to the applicant, the
TriClipTM System is composed of
multiple components: the TriClipTM G4
Implant, Clip Delivery System, and
Steerable Guide Catheter. The applicant
stated that all the components typically
required for a single procedure are sold
together for a single operating cost (for
example, it is the same cost per
procedure whether the patient requires
one or two implants). We note that the
cost information for this technology may
be updated in the final rule based on
revised or additional information CMS
receives prior to the final rule. Under
§ 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology
add-on payments to the lesser of 65% of
the average cost of the technology, or
65% of the costs in excess of the MS–
DRG payment for the case. As a result,
we are proposing that the maximum
new technology add-on payment for a
case involving the use of TriClipTM G4
would be $26,000 for FY 2025 (that is,
65% of the average cost of the
We invite public comments on
whether TriClipTM G4 meets the cost
criterion and our proposal to approve
new technology add-on payments for
TriClipTM G4 for FY 2025, subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing
authorization as a Breakthrough Device
for the indication corresponding to the
Breakthrough Device designation by
May 1, 2024.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
m. VADER® Pedicle System
Icotec Medical, Inc. submitted an
application for new technology add-on
payments for the VADER® Pedicle
System for FY 2025. According to the
applicant, the VADER® Pedicle System
is a pedicle screw system for standard
posterior fixation of the spinal column
used to provide stabilization of infected
spinal segments after debridement of
infectious tissues. According to the
applicant, the VADER® Pedicle System
is made from high strength carbon fiber
reinforced polyether ether ketone,
which provides low artifact imaging to
allow for post-operative surveillance of
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
the healing of the infected spinal
Please refer to the online application
posting for the VADER® Pedicle System,
available at
NTP231016CMGH3, for additional
detail describing the technology and the
condition treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the
VADER® Pedicle System received
Breakthrough Device designation from
FDA on July 31, 2023 for stabilizing the
thoracic and/or lumbar spinal column
as an adjunct to fusion in patients
diagnosed with an active spinal
infection (for example, spondylodiscitis,
osteomyelitis) who are at risk of spinal
instability, progressive spinal deformity,
or neurologic compromise, following
surgical debridement. The applicant
stated that the technology received
510(k) clearance from FDA on February
26, 2024, for the following indication,
which is the subject of the new
technology add-on payment application,
and is consistent with the Breakthrough
Device designation: to stabilize the
thoracic and/or lumbar spinal column
in patients who are or will be receiving
concurrent medical treatment for an
active spinal infection (for example,
spondylodiscitis, osteomyelitis) that,
without stabilization, could lead to
deterioration of bony structures and
misalignment with neurological
compromise. We note that the VADER®
Pedicle System has received FDA 510(k)
clearance for multiple indications since
2019.130 We also note that, under the
eligibility criteria for approval under the
alternative pathway for certain
transformative new devices, only the
use of the VADER® Pedicle System to
stabilize the thoracic and/or lumbar
spine as an adjunct to fusion in patients
with spinal infection, and the FDA
Breakthrough Device designation it
received for that use, are relevant for
purposes of the new technology add-on
payment application for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, the
technology was commercially available
immediately after 510(k) clearance from
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify the VADER®
Pedicle System. The applicant
submitted a request for approval for a
unique ICD–10–PCS procedure code for
the VADER® Pedicle System beginning
in FY 2025. The applicant provided a
list of diagnosis codes that may be used
to currently identify the indication for
130 K222789, January 9, 2023; K200596, October
13, 2020; K193423, May 22, 2020; and K190545,
June 20, 2019.
PO 00000
Frm 00200
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
the VADER® Pedicle System under the
ICD–10–CM coding system, describing
spinal infections including
osteomyelitis, discitis, and
spondylopathies of various vertebral
spine body parts including the cervical,
thoracic, and lumbar regions. Please
refer to the online application posting
for the complete list of ICD–10–CM
codes provided by the applicant. As
previously noted, only use of the
technology for the indications
corresponding to the Breakthrough
Device designation would be relevant
for new technology add-on payment
purposes. We believe the relevant ICD–
10–CM codes to identify the
Breakthrough Device-designated
indication would be the codes included
in category M46 (Other inflammatory
spondylopathies) under the ICD–10–CM
classification in subcategories: M46.2(Osteomyelitis of vertebra), M46.3(Infection of intervertebral disc
(pyogenic)), M46.4- (Discitis,
unspecified), M46.5- (Other infective
spondylopathies), M46.8- (Other
specified inflammatory
spondylopathies), and M46.9(Unspecified inflammatory
spondylopathy). We are inviting public
comment on the use of these ICD–10–
CM diagnosis codes to identify the
Breakthrough Device-designated
indication for purposes of the new
technology add-on payment, if
With respect to the cost criterion, to
identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for the
VADER® Pedicle System, the applicant
searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for
claims reporting a combination of ICD–
10–CM/PCS codes as listed in the online
posting for the VADER® Pedicle System.
The applicant believes these cases
represent patients who have undergone
fusion procedures and have been
diagnosed with an active spinal
infection (such as spondylodiscitis or
osteomyelitis), and these patients are at
risk of spinal instability, progressive
spinal deformity, or neurologic
compromise following surgical
debridement, making them suitable
candidates for the use of the technology.
Using the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table, the
applicant identified 2,116 claims
mapping to 22 MS–DRGs, with none
exceeding more than 15% of the total
identified cases. The applicant followed
the order of operations described in the
following table and calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of
$473,636, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
$197,922. Because the final inflated
average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount, the
applicant asserted that the VADER®
Pedicle System meets the cost criterion.
VADER® Pedicle System COST ANALYSIS 131
List ofMS-DRGs
Charges removed
for prior
Inflation factor
Charges added for
the new technology
FY 2022 MedPAR proposed rule file
For the list ofICD-10-PCS codes, see the online posting for the VADER® Pedicle System.
For the list ofICD-10-CM codes, see the online posting for the VADER® Pedicle System.
For the list ofMS-DRGs, see the online posting for the VADER® Pedicle System.
The applicant identified cases that had an ICD-10-CM code and an ICD-10-PCS code from the tables of
codes listed in the online posting for the VADER® Pedicle System, as it believes these cases represent
patients who have undergone fusion procedures and have been diagnosed with an active spinal infection
( such as spondy lodiscitis or osteomyelitis ), and these patients are at risk of spinal instability, progressive
spinal deformity, or neurologic compromise following surgical debridement, making them suitable
candidates for the use of this technology.
The applicant only included MS-DRGs with case frequencies greater than 11. Per the applicant, it also
included MS-DRGs 458 and 854 with fewer than 11 cases in the analysis, because the applicant
considered these MS-DRGs highly relevant to the technology. The MS-DRGs with a total discharge count
of less than 11 were imputed with a count of 11. Only approved charges were used in the calculation of
charges. Hospitals were removed from the calculation of charges if they were identified within the
MedPAR data but not present within the FY 2024 Standardizing File provided by CMS.
According to the applicant, the VADER® Pedicle System would replace the screws, set screws, and rods
used in the spinal procedure. The applicant stated that it determined the unit prices for competitor screws,
rods, and set screws using an analysis of literature and competitor cost sources. The applicant computed
the total cost for an average procedure involving five screws, five set screws, and two rods. The applicant
then converted the cost for an average procedure to a charge using the national cost-to-charge ratio of
0.269 for the implantable devices from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule to calculate an average
charge amount. The applicant did not remove any indirect charges related to the prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the FY 2022 MedPAR preliminary rule file (fee for service claims
only) and standardizing and impact files posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
The applicant determined the cost per patient based on the average number of spinal segments from the
VADER® Pedicle System. The applicant stated that an average of five pedicle screws, five set screws, and
two rods would be used for a spinal fusion procedure. The applicant added charges for the new technology
by dividing the cost of the new technology by the national average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.269 for
Implantable Devices from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. The applicant did not add indirect
charges related to the new technology.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We agree with the applicant that the
VADER® Pedicle System meets the cost
criterion and are therefore proposing to
approve the VADER® Pedicle System for
new technology add-on payments for FY
Based on preliminary information
from the applicant at the time of this
proposed rule, the applicant anticipated
the total cost of the VADER® Pedicle
System to the hospital to be $43,450 per
patient. According to the applicant, the
unit prices are $6,500 for a pedicle
screw, $4,600 for a rod, and $350 for a
set screw. The applicant stated that an
average of five pedicle screws, two rods,
and five set screws would be used for
a spinal fusion procedure. The applicant
calculated the total cost of the
technology by multiplying the unit price
of each component by the average
number of that component used in the
procedure. We note that the cost
information for this technology may be
updated in the final rule based on
revised or additional information CMS
receives prior to the final rule. Under
§ 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology
add-on payments to the lesser of 65% of
the average cost of the technology, or
65% of the costs in excess of the MS–
DRG payment for the case. As a result,
we are proposing that the maximum
new technology add-on payment for a
case involving the use of the VADER®
Pedicle System would be $28,242.50 for
FY 2025 (that is, 65% of the average cost
of the technology).
We invite public comments on
whether the VADER® Pedicle System
meets the cost criterion and our
proposal to approve new technology
add-on payments for the VADER®
Pedicle System for FY 2025, when used
131 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
Frm 00201
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Data Source and
Time Period
List ICD-10-PCS
List ofICD-10-CM
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
to stabilize the thoracic and/or lumbar
spinal column in patients who are or
will be receiving concurrent medical
treatment for an active spinal infection
(for example, spondylodiscitis,
osteomyelitis) that, without
stabilization, could lead to deterioration
of bony structures and misalignment
with neurological compromise.
n. ZEVTERATM (Ceftobiprole Medocaril)
Basilea Pharmaceutica International
Ltd, Allschwil submitted an application
for new technology add-on payments for
ZEVTERATM (ceftobiprole medocaril)
for FY 2025. According to the applicant,
ZEVTERATM is an advanced
intravenous cephalosporin antibiotic
designed to combat infections caused by
antibiotic resistant pathogens. The
applicant stated that ZEVTERATM
targets a wide range of Gram-positive
and Gram-negative bacteria, including
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
aureus (MRSA), Streptococcus
pneumoniae, including penicillin-nonsusceptible pneumococci (PNSP) and
Enterococcus faecalis, as well as nonExtended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase
(non-ESBL) producing Enterobacterales.
The applicant noted that ZEVTERATM’s
bactericidal activity is achieved by
binding to essential penicillin-binding
proteins, disrupting the synthesis of the
bacterial cell wall’s peptidoglycan layer
and leading to bacterial cell death,
which differentiates it from other betalactams by effectively addressing
MRSA. Per the applicant, ZEVTERATM
is stable against certain beta-lactamases
in both gram-positive and gram-negative
bacteria. The applicant stated that Phase
3 studies submitted to the FDA
demonstrate its non-inferiority
compared to standard treatments in
various infections, including
Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia
(SAB), acute bacterial skin and skin
structure infections (ABSSSI), and
community-acquired bacterial
pneumonia (CABP).
Please refer to the online application
posting for ZEVTERATM, available at
for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by
the technology.
According to the applicant,
designations for CABP on July 20, 2015,
for ABSSI on August 7, 2015, and for
SAB on December 8, 2017. According to
the applicant, its marketing
authorization request for ZEVTERATM
has been filed by FDA, and it anticipates
an NDA decision from FDA for the same
indications consistent with the QIDP
designations by July 1, 2024. According
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
to the applicant, ZEVTERATM will be
commercially available immediately
after FDA approval. We note that, as an
application submitted under the
alternative pathway for certain
antimicrobial products at § 412.87(d),
ZEVTERATM is eligible for conditional
approval for new technology add-on
payments if it does not receive FDA
marketing authorization by July 1, 2024,
provided that the technology receives
FDA marketing authorization before July
1 of the fiscal year for which the
applicant applied for new technology
add-on payments (that is, July 1, 2025),
as provided in § 412.87(f)(3). According
to the applicant, for CABP and ABSSSI,
ZEVTERATM is dosed at 500mg and
administered three times daily (Q8h) as
a 2-hour intravenous infusion for 5–14
days. For SAB, it is administered four
times daily (Q6h) for the first 8 days,
followed by Q8h daily infusion for the
subsequent days, up to a total of 42
According to the applicant, there are
currently no ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes to distinctly identify
ZEVTERATM. We note that the applicant
submitted a request for approval for a
unique ICD–10–PCS procedure code for
ZEVTERATM beginning in FY 2025. The
applicant provided a list of diagnosis
codes that may be used to currently
identify the indication for ZEVTERATM
under the ICD–10–CM coding system,
describing SAB, ABSSSI, and CABP.
Please refer to the online application
posting for the complete list of ICD–10–
CM (and PCS) codes provided by the
applicant. We believe the relevant
combination of ICD–10–CM codes to
identify the indication of SAB would be:
R78.81 (Bacteremia) in combination
with B95.61 (Methicillin susceptible
Staphylococcus aureus infection as the
cause of diseases classified elsewhere)
or B95.62 (Methicillin resistant
Staphylococcus aureus infection as the
cause of diseases classified elsewhere).
We are inviting public comments on the
use of these ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes to identify the indication of SAB
for purposes of the new technology addon payment, if approved.
With respect to the cost criterion, the
applicant provided multiple analyses to
demonstrate that it meets the cost
criterion. For each analysis, the
applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR file using different sets of ICD–
10–CM codes in the first five diagnosis
positions to identify potential cases
representing different cohorts of
patients who may be eligible for
ZEVTERATM. The applicant performed
the same analysis on ABSSSI, CABP,
and SAB cases individually and for all
indications combined.
PO 00000
Frm 00202
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
For the first analysis, the applicant
searched for claims with a diagnosis
code for ABSSSI using the ICD–10–CM
codes listed in the online posting for
ZEVTERATM. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the table that follows later in this
section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 261,397 claims
mapping to 663 MS–DRGs and
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $114,279, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $63,767.
For the second analysis, the applicant
searched for claims with a diagnosis
code for CABP using the ICD–10–CM
codes listed in the online posting for
ZEVTERATM. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the table that follows later in this
section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 635,628 claims
mapping to 611 MS–DRGs and
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $143,456, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $78,778.
For the third analysis, the applicant
searched for claims with a diagnosis
code for SAB using the ICD–10–CM
codes listed in the online posting for
ZEVTERATM. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in
the table that follows later in this
section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 105,068 claims
mapping to 626 MS–DRGs and
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $165,809, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $82,238.
For the fourth analysis, the applicant
searched for claims with diagnosis
codes for ABSSSI, CABP, or SAB in the
first five positions on a claim, using the
ICD–10–CM codes listed in the online
posting for ZEVTERATM. The applicant
used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the table that follows later
in this section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 958,104 claims
mapping to 680 MS–DRGs and
calculated a final inflated average caseweighted standardized charge per case
of $137,861, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount
of $75,097.
Because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per
case exceeded the average caseweighted threshold amount in all
scenarios, the applicant asserted that
ZEVTERATM meets the cost criterion.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Data Source and
Time Period
List ofICD-10-CM
List ofMS-DRGs
FY 2022 MedPAR file
For the lists ofICD-10-CM codes, see the online posting for ZEVTERATM
For the lists ofMS-DRGs, see the online posting for ZEVTERATM
Analysis 1: The applicant selected claims based on the ICD-10-CM codes provided in the online posting,
as it believes this list represents cases ofABSSSI diagnosis.
Analysis 2: The applicant selected claims based on the ICD-10-CM codes provided in the online posting,
as it believes this list represents cases of CABP diagnosis.
exclusion criteria
Analysis 3: The applicant selected claims based on the ICD-10-CM codes provided in the online posting,
as it believes this list represents cases of SAB diagnosis.
Analysis 4: The applicant selected claims based on the ICD-10-CM codes provided in the online posting,
as it believes this list represents diagnosis codes for ABSSSI, CABP, and SAB.
Inflation factor
The applicant applied an inflation factor of 18.4% to the standardized charges, based on the inflation factor
used to calculate outlier threshold charges in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Charges added for
the new technology
The applicant added charges for the new technology by dividing the cost of the new technology by the
national average cost-to-charge ratio of 0.184 for drugs from the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. The
applicant did not add indirect chames related to the new technology.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We agree with the applicant that
ZEVTERATM meets the cost criterion
and are therefore proposing to approve
ZEVTERATM for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2025, subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing
authorization for the indication
corresponding to the QIDP designation
by July 1, 2024. As an application
submitted under the alternative
pathway for certain antimicrobial
products at § 412.87(d), ZEVTERATM is
eligible for conditional approval for new
technology add-on payments if it does
not receive FDA marketing
authorization by July 1, 2024, provided
that the technology receives FDA
marketing authorization before July 1 of
the fiscal year for which the applicant
applied for new technology add-on
payments (that is, July 1, 2025), as
provided in § 412.87(f)(3). If
ZEVTERATM receives FDA marketing
authorization before July 1, 2025, the
new technology add-on payment for
cases involving the use of this
technology would be made effective for
discharges beginning in the first quarter
after FDA marketing authorization is
granted. If FDA marketing authorization
is received on or after July 1, 2025, no
new technology add-on payments
would be made for cases involving the
use of ZEVTERATM for FY 2025.
Based on preliminary information
from the applicant at the time of this
proposed rule, the pricing for this
treatment is set at $125 per vial, and the
recommended dosage varies depending
on the condition being treated. The
applicant stated that for ABSSSI and
CABP, the suggested daily dose is 3
vials per day for a duration of 5–14
days, resulting in an estimated average
cost of $3,750 for a 10-day therapy. The
applicant noted that for SAB, the
recommended dose is every 6 hours for
the first 8 days, followed by every 8
hours for up to 42 days. The applicant
made the assumption that patients
would be inpatient for 28 days and then
continue the therapy as an outpatient
for up to 42 days, which resulted in an
average inpatient cost of $11,500. We
note that the cost information for this
technology may be updated in the final
rule based on revised or additional
information CMS receives prior to the
final rule. Under § 412.88(a)(2), we limit
new technology add-on payments for
technologies designated as QIDPs to the
lesser of 75% of the average cost of the
technology, or 75% of the costs in
excess of the MS–DRG payment for the
case. As a result, we are proposing that
the maximum new technology add-on
payment for a case involving the use of
ZEVTERATM for FY 2025 would be
$8,625.00 for the indication of SAB and
$2,812.50 for the indications of ABSSSI
and CABP (that is, 75% of the average
cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on
whether ZEVTERATM meets the cost
criterion and our proposal to approve
new technology add-on payments for
ZEVTERATM for FY 2025 for SAB,
ABSSSI, and CABP, subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing
132 Lists referenced here may be found in the cost
criterion codes and MS–DRGs attachment included
in the online posting for the technology.
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PO 00000
Frm 00203
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Charges removed
for prior technology
For each analysis, the applicant included 100% of the cases identified which is inclusive of the imputed
claims that occurred when an MS-DRG had fewer than 11 claims. The applicant calculated the average
unstandardized chame per case for each MS-DRG.
The applicant did not remove any of charges as it believes ZEVTERATM will be used in addition to other
therapies. The applicant did not remove indirect charges related to the prior technology.
The applicant used the standardization formula provided in Appendix A of the application. The applicant
used all relevant values reported in the Standardizing File posted with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
authorization consistent with its QIDP
designations by July 1, 2024.
7. Proposed Change to the Method for
Determining Whether a Technology
Would Be Within Its 2- to 3-Year
Newness Period When Considering
Eligibility for New Technology Add-On
As discussed previously in this rule,
section 1886(d)(5)(K)(i) of the Act
requires the Secretary to establish (after
notice and opportunity for public
comment) a mechanism to recognize the
costs of new medical services and
technologies under the IPPS. Section
1886(d)(5)(K)(vi) of the Act specifies
that a medical service or technology will
be considered new if it meets criteria
established by the Secretary after notice
and opportunity for public comment.
The regulations at 42 CFR 412.87
implement these provisions. As further
discussed in FY 2005 IPPS final rule (69
FR 49002), the intent of section
1886(d)(5)(K) of the Act and regulations
under § 412.87(b)(2) is to pay for new
medical services and technologies for
the first 2 to 3 years that a product
comes on the market, during the period
when the costs of the new technology
are not yet fully reflected in the DRG
weights. Generally, we use the FDA
marketing authorization date as the
indicator of the time when a technology
begins to become available on the
market and data reflecting the costs of
the technology begin to become
available for recalibration of the DRG
weights. In specific circumstances, we
have recognized a date later than the
FDA marketing authorization date as the
appropriate starting point for the 2- to
3-year newness period. For example, we
have recognized a later date where an
applicant could prove a delay in actual
availability of a product after FDA
approval or clearance. The costs of the
new medical service or technology, once
paid for by Medicare for this 2- to 3-year
period, are accounted for in the
MedPAR data that are used to
recalibrate the DRG weights on an
annual basis. Therefore, we stated it is
appropriate to limit the add-on payment
window for technologies that have
passed this 2- to 3-year timeframe.
As discussed previously in this rule,
our policy is that a medical service or
technology may continue to be
considered ‘‘new’’ for purposes of new
technology add-on payments within 2 or
3 years after the point at which data
begin to become available reflecting the
inpatient hospital code assigned to the
new service or technology. Our practice
has been to begin and end new
technology add-on payments on the
basis of a fiscal year, and we have
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generally followed a guideline that uses
a 6-month window before and after the
start of the fiscal year to determine
whether to extend the new technology
add-on payment for an additional fiscal
year. In general, we extend new
technology add-on payments for an
additional year only if the three-year
anniversary date of the product’s entry
onto the U.S. market occurs in the latter
half of the fiscal year, that is, after April
1 (70 FR 47362).
We have not implemented a policy to
stop new technology add-on payment in
the middle of the fiscal year (for
example, during the month that a
technology reaches its three-year
anniversary date of entry onto the U.S.
market) because, as we discussed in the
FY 2005 IPPS final rule, we believe that
predictability is an important aspect of
the prospective payment system
methodology. Accordingly, we believe
that it is appropriate to apply a
consistent payment methodology for
new technologies throughout the fiscal
year (69 FR 49016).
As previously discussed, in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
58948 through 58958), we finalized that
beginning with the new technology addon payment applications for FY 2025,
for technologies that are not already
FDA market authorized for the
indication that is the subject of the new
technology add-on payment application,
applicants must have a complete and
active FDA marketing authorization
request at the time of new technology
add-on payment application submission
and must provide documentation of
FDA acceptance or filing to CMS at the
time of application submission,
consistent with the type of FDA
marketing authorization application the
applicant has submitted to FDA. We
also finalized that, beginning with FY
2025 applications, in order to be eligible
for consideration for new technology
add-on payment for the upcoming fiscal
year, an applicant for new technology
add-on payments must have received
FDA approval or clearance by May 1
(rather than July 1) of the year prior to
the beginning of the fiscal year for
which the application is being
considered (except for an application
that is submitted under the alternative
pathway for certain antimicrobial
As we summarized in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, commenters
raised concerns that this policy would
adversely impact their ability to receive
maximum flexibility with respect to
when to apply to FDA and when they
apply for new technology add-on
payment (88 FR 58953). Many
commenters expressed specific concerns
PO 00000
Frm 00204
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
regarding moving the FDA marketing
authorization deadline to May 1 and the
impact it would have on how long
technologies may be eligible for new
technology add-on payment. Several of
the commenters asserted that this policy
change would prevent a 3-year new
technology add-on payment duration for
almost all applicants, as only those
technologies that receive FDA marketing
authorization in April would be eligible
for 3 years of new technology add-on
payments, shortening the window from
3 months under the former policy (April
1 until July 1) to just 1 month (April 1
until May 1) (88 FR 58954). In response,
we noted in that even under the former
policy, not all applicants receive the full
3 years of new technology add on
payments, and that there are many
factors (including timing of interactions
with the FDA and manufacturing
readiness) that can delay a technology’s
approval by the FDA that would disrupt
a technology’s ability to receive the full
3 years of payment. However, we also
noted the commenters’ concerns
regarding the shortened time period
between April 1 and May 1 under the
new policy and stated that we would
consider for future rulemaking how we
assess new technology add-on payment
eligibility in the third year of newness,
such as consideration of adjusting the
April 1 cutoff to allow for a longer
window of eligibility (88 FR 58955).
After further consideration of
commenters’ concerns that the policy
we finalized in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule may limit the ability of
new technology add-on payment
applicants to be eligible for a third year
of new technology add-on payments due
to the shortened timeframe between
April 1 and May 1, we agree that there
may be merit to modifying our current
6-month guideline to provide additional
flexibility for applications submitted in
accordance with this new policy. While
technologies that are FDA approved or
cleared in April, and technologies with
a documented delay in availability on
the U.S. market such that the product’s
entry onto the U.S. market falls within
the second half of the fiscal year, would
still be eligible for a third year of new
technology add-on payments under
current policy, we agree that the change
in the FDA marketing authorization
deadline from July 1 to May 1 may limit
the ability of new technology add-on
payment applicants to be eligible for 3
years of new technology add-on
payments. Therefore, we are proposing
to change the April 1 cutoff for
determining whether a technology
would be within its 2- to 3-year newness
period when considering eligibility for
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
new technology add-on payments. We
believe this proposed change would
continue the flexibility applicants had
with respect to when they apply to FDA
and when they apply for new
technology add-on payment, while
preserving a predictable and consistent
payment methodology for new
technologies throughout the fiscal year.
Specifically, we are proposing that
beginning with new technology add-on
payments for FY 2026, in assessing
whether to continue the new technology
add-on payments for those technologies
that are first approved for new
technology add-on payments in FY 2025
or a subsequent year, we would extend
new technology add-on payments for an
additional fiscal year when the threeyear anniversary date of the product’s
entry onto the U.S. market occurs on or
after October 1 of that fiscal year. We are
proposing that this policy change would
become effective beginning with those
technologies that are initially approved
for new technology add-on payments in
FY 2025 or a subsequent year to allow
additional flexibility for those
applications for new technologies which
were first subject to the change in the
deadline for FDA marketing
authorization from July 1 to May 1.
Therefore, for technologies that were
first approved for new technology addon payments prior to FY 2025,
including for technologies we determine
to be substantially similar to those
technologies, we would continue to use
the midpoint of the upcoming fiscal
year (April 1) when determining
whether a technology would still be
considered ‘‘new’’ for purposes of new
technology add-on payments. Similarly,
we are also proposing that beginning
with applications for new technology
add-on payments for FY 2026, we
would use the start of the fiscal year
(October 1) instead of April 1 to
determine whether to approve new
technology add-on payment for that
fiscal year.
We are seeking public comment on
our proposal to change the April 1
cutoff to October 1 for determining
whether a technology would be within
its 2- to 3-year newness period when
considering eligibility for new
technology add-on payments, beginning
in FY 2026, effective for those
technologies that are approved for new
technology add-on payments starting in
FY 2025 or a subsequent year.
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8. Proposed Change to the Requirements
Defining an Active FDA Marketing
Application for the Purpose of New
Technology Add-On Payment
Application Eligibility
As previously discussed, in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
58948 through 58958), we finalized that
beginning with the new technology addon payment applications for FY 2025,
for technologies that are not already
FDA market authorized for the
indication that is the subject of the new
technology add-on payment application,
applicants must have a complete and
active FDA market authorization request
at the time of new technology add-on
payment application submission, and
must provide documentation of FDA
acceptance or filing to CMS at the time
of application submission, consistent
with the type of FDA marketing
authorization application the applicant
has submitted to FDA. See § 412.87(e)
and further discussion in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948
through 58958).
As we discussed further in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, the
documentation of FDA acceptance or
filing of a marketing authorization
request must be provided at the time of
new technology add-on payment
application, and be consistent with the
type of FDA marketing authorization the
applicant has submitted to FDA. We
stated that we only accept new
technology add-on payment
applications once FDA has received all
of the information necessary to
determine whether it will accept (such
as in the case of a 510(k) premarket
submission or De Novo Classification
request) or file (such as in the case of
a PMA, NDA, or BLA) the application as
demonstrated by documentation of the
acceptance/filing that is provided by
FDA. The applicant is required to
submit documentation with its new
technology add-on payment application
to demonstrate that FDA has determined
that the application is sufficiently
complete to allow for substantive review
by the FDA (88 FR 58955).
We also explained that, for the
purposes of new technology add-on
payment applications, we consider an
FDA marketing authorization
application to be in an active status
when it has not been withdrawn, is not
the subject of a Complete Response
Letter or final decision from FDA to
refuse to approve the application, and is
not on hold (88 FR 58955 through
As noted in the FY 2024 final rule, we
collaborated with FDA in developing
the terminology used for purposes of
PO 00000
Frm 00205
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
this policy, and the intent behind using
the terms we did was to ensure that the
requirement could apply to and be
inclusive of the various FDA
applications and approval pathways for
different types of drugs and devices. As
such, we did not use terms defined in
statute or existing regulations or terms
defined by FDA (88 FR 58955). While
FDA may consider an application for an
FDA marketing authorization to be
under active review despite a hold
status, under our current policy we do
not consider marketing authorization
applications in a hold status with FDA
to be in an active status for the purposes
of new technology add-on payment
application eligibility. As discussed in
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(88 FR 58956) our intent with respect to
considering applications that are on
hold at the time of new-technology addon payment application submission to
be inactive was to ensure that applicants
are far enough along in the FDA review
process that applicants would be able to
reasonably provide sufficient
information at the time of new
technology add on payment application
for CMS to identify critical questions
regarding the technology’s eligibility for
add-on payments and to allow the
public to assess the relevant new
technology evaluation criteria in the
proposed rule. As noted in the FY 2024
final rule (88 FR 58956), we have
received applications over the years for
technologies that are in a hold status
with up to 360 days allowed for
submission of additional information.
We also recognize that applications
for FDA marketing authorization may go
in and out of a hold status at various
stages during the FDA application
process and for various reasons. The
maximum length of a hold status can
vary based on the FDA approval
pathway, such that the time remaining
for an applicant to resolve the hold may
vary from days to several months after
the start of the new technology add-on
payment application cycle, depending
on the FDA pathway, reason(s) for the
hold status, and how the timing of the
hold coincides with the annual new
technology add-on payment application
submission date. Additionally, FDA
may need to issue secondary letters of
request for additional information, often
depending on the quality of initial
response from the applicant.
Accordingly, while we continue to
believe that an application that is in a
hold status with FDA pending
additional information may lack critical
information that is needed to evaluate
whether the technology meets the
eligibility criteria, we also recognize the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
variability in the reasons for a hold
status and the varying lengths of time
for which an application can be on hold
with FDA, such that some applicants
may be farther along in the process to
obtain FDA marketing authorization at
the time of the hold.
After further consideration, based on
the variability in the timing of and
reasons underlying hold statuses with
FDA, we believe it is appropriate to
propose to update our policy.
Specifically, we are proposing,
beginning with new technology add-on
payment applications for FY 2026, to no
longer consider a hold status to be an
inactive status for the purposes of
eligibility for the new technology addon payment. We would continue to
consider an application to be in an
inactive status where it is withdrawn,
the subject of a Complete Response
Letter, or the subject of a final decision
from FDA to refuse to approve the
application. Because of the variety of
circumstances for which a technology
may be in a hold status, as previously
discussed, we note that we may reassess
this policy for future years, if finalized,
based on ongoing experience.
We invite public comments on our
proposal to no longer consider a hold
status to be an inactive status for the
purposes of eligibility for new
technology add-on payment, beginning
with new technology add-on payment
applications for FY 2026.
9. Proposed Change to the Calculation of
the Inpatient New Technology Add-On
Payment for Gene Therapies Indicated
for Sickle Cell Disease
As discussed previously in this
section, section 1886(d)(5)(K)(ii)(I) of
the Act specifies that a new medical
service or technology may be considered
for a new technology add-on payment if,
based on the estimated costs incurred
with respect to discharges involving
such service or technology, the DRG
prospective payment rate otherwise
applicable to such discharges under this
subsection is inadequate. Under our
current policy, as set forth in
§ 412.88(b)(2), unless the discharge
qualifies for an outlier payment, the
additional Medicare payment will be
limited to the full MS–DRG payment
plus 65 percent (or 75 percent for a
medical product designated by the FDA
as a Qualified Infectious Disease
Product [QIDP] or approved under
FDA’s Limited Population Pathway for
Antibacterial and Antifungal Drugs
[LPAD]) of the estimated costs of the
new technology or medical service.
Since establishing the new technology
add-on payment, we have been cautious
about increasing the new technology
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add-on payment percentage. As stated
in the May 4, 2001 proposed rule (66 FR
22695), we believe limiting the new
technology add-on payment percentage
would provide hospitals an incentive
for continued cost-effective behavior in
relation to the overall costs of the case.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, in adopting the general increase in
the new technology add-on payment
percentage from 50 percent to 65
percent, we stated that we believed that
65 percent would be an incremental
increase that would reasonably balance
the need to maintain the incentives
inherent to the prospective payment
system while also encouraging the
development and use of new
technologies. We continue to believe
that it is important to balance these
incentives in assessing any potential
change to the new technology add-on
payment calculation.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we also finalized an increase in the
new technology add-on payment
percentage for QIDPs from 65 percent to
75 percent. We stated that we shared
commenters’ concerns related to
antimicrobial resistance and its serious
impact on Medicare beneficiaries and
public health overall. We noted that the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) described
antimicrobial resistance as ‘‘one of the
biggest public health challenges of our
time.’’ We stated that we believe that
Medicare beneficiaries may be
disproportionately impacted by
antimicrobial resistance due in large
part to the unique vulnerability to drugresistant infections (for example, due to
age-related and/or disease-related
immunosuppression, greater pathogen
exposure from via catheter use) among
individuals aged 65 or older. We further
stated that antimicrobial resistance
results in a substantial number of
additional hospital days for Medicare
beneficiaries, resulting in significant
unnecessary health care expenditures.
To address the continued issues
related to antimicrobial resistance
resulting in a substantial number of
increased hospital days and significant
unnecessary health care expenditures
for Medicare beneficiaries, in the FY
2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
finalized a proposal to expand the
alternative new technology add-on
payment pathway for QIDPs to include
products approved under the LPAD
pathway and to increase the maximum
new technology add-on payment
percentage for a product approved
under FDA’s LPAD pathway, from 65
percent to 75 percent, consistent with
the new technology add-on payment
percentage for a product that is
PO 00000
Frm 00206
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
designated by FDA as a QIDP, beginning
with discharges occurring on or after
October 1, 2020 (85 FR 58739).
Since finalizing our current policy for
QIDPs and LPADs, we continue to
receive feedback from interested parties
regarding the adequacy of new
technology add-on payments for certain
categories of technologies, including
cell and gene therapies to treat sickle
cell disease (SCD). Although we still
believe it is prudent to proceed
cautiously with increasing the new
technology add-on payment percentage,
we recognize that SCD, the most
common inherited blood disorder, has
historically had limited treatment
options. In addition, hospitalizations
and other health episodes related to
SCD cost the health system $3 billion
per year.133 We further note that the
administration has identified a need to
address SCD and has made a
commitment to improving outcomes for
patients with SCD by facilitating access
to cell and gene therapies that treat
Accordingly, we believe that further
facilitating access to these gene
therapies for Medicare beneficiaries
with SCD may have the potential to
simultaneously improve the health of
impacted Medicare beneficiaries and
potentially lead to long-term savings in
the Medicare program. We also note that
some gene therapies that treat SCD are
among the costliest treatments to date,
and we are concerned about a hospital’s
ability to sustain a potential financial
loss to provide access to such
treatments. As we discussed when we
increased the new technology add-on
payment for QIDPs in the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule and products
approved under FDA’s LPAD in the FY
2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule from 65
percent to 75 percent, we believe that it
may be appropriate to increase the
maximum add-on amount in limited
cases where the current new technology
add-on payment does not provide a
sufficient incentive for the use of a new
technology, which we believe may be
the case for gene therapies that treat
SCD. Accordingly, and consistent with
our new technology add-on payment
policy for products designated by the
FDA as a QIDP or LPAD, we believe
133 Biden-Harris Administration Announces
Action to Increase Access to Sickle Cell Disease
134 Biden-Harris Administration Announces
Action to Increase Access to Sickle Cell Disease
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
there would be merit in also increasing
the new technology add-on payment
percentage for gene therapies that are
indicated and used for the treatment of
SCD to 75 percent.
Therefore, we are proposing that,
subject to our review of the new
technology add-on payment eligibility
criteria, for certain gene therapies
approved for new technology add-on
payments in the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule for the treatment of SCD,
effective with discharges on or after
October 1, 2024 and concluding at the
end of the 2- to 3-year newness period
for such therapy, if the costs of a
discharge (determined by applying
CCRs as described in § 412.84(h))
involving the use of such therapy for the
treatment of SCD exceed the full DRG
payment (including payments for IME
and DSH, but excluding outlier
payments), Medicare would make an
add-on payment equal to the lesser of:
(1) 75 percent of the costs of the new
medical service or technology; or (2) 75
percent of the amount by which the
costs of the case exceed the standard
DRG payment. We note that, if finalized,
these payment amounts would only
apply to any gene therapy indicated and
used specifically for the treatment of
SCD that CMS determines in the FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule meets
the criteria for approval for new
technology add-on payment. We are also
proposing to add new
§ 412.88(a)(2)(ii)(C) and
§ 412.88(b)(2)(iv) to reflect this proposed
change to the calculation of the new
technology add-on payment amount,
beginning in FY 2025 and concluding at
the end of the 2- to 3-year newness
period for each such therapy. With this
incremental increase, we believe
hospitals would continue to have an
incentive to balance the desirability of
using the new technology for patients as
medically appropriate while also
maintaining an incentive for continued
cost-effective behavior in relation to the
overall costs of the case.
We invite public comments on this
proposal to temporarily increase the
new technology add-on payment
percentage to 75 percent for a gene
therapy that is indicated and used for
the treatment of SCD as described
previously. We also seek comment on
whether we should make this proposed
75 percent add-on payment percentage
available only to applicants that meet
certain additional criteria, such as
attesting to offering and/or participating
in outcome-based pricing arrangements
with purchasers (without regard to
whether the specific purchaser availed
itself of the outcome-based
arrangements), or otherwise engaging in
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behaviors that promote access to these
therapies at lower cost.
III. Proposed Changes to the Hospital
Wage Index for Acute Care Hospitals
A. Background
1. Legislative Authority
Section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act
requires that, as part of the methodology
for determining prospective payments to
hospitals, the Secretary adjust the
standardized amounts for area
differences in hospital wage levels by a
factor (established by the Secretary)
reflecting the relative hospital wage
level in the geographic area of the
hospital compared to the national
average hospital wage level. We
currently define hospital labor market
areas based on the delineations of
statistical areas established by the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB). A
discussion of the proposed FY 2025
hospital wage index based on the
statistical areas appears under section
III.B. of the preamble of this proposed
Section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act
requires the Secretary to update the
wage index annually and to base the
update on a survey of wages and wagerelated costs of short-term, acute care
hospitals. CMS collects these data on
the Medicare cost report, CMS Form
2552–10, Worksheet S–3, Parts II, III, IV.
The OMB control number for this
information collection request is 0938–
0050, which expires on September 30,
2025. Section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act
also requires that any updates or
adjustments to the wage index be made
in a manner that ensures that aggregate
payments to hospitals are not affected
by the change in the wage index. The
proposed adjustment for FY 2025 is
discussed in section II.B. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule.
As discussed in section III.I. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we also
take into account the geographic
reclassification of hospitals in
accordance with sections 1886(d)(8)(B)
and 1886(d)(10) of the Act when
calculating IPPS payment amounts.
Under section 1886(d)(8)(D) of the Act,
the Secretary is required to adjust the
standardized amounts so as to ensure
that aggregate payments under the IPPS
after implementation of the provisions
of sections 1886(d)(8)(B), 1886(d)(8)(C),
and 1886(d)(10) of the Act are equal to
the aggregate prospective payments that
would have been made absent these
provisions. The proposed budget
neutrality adjustment for FY 2025 is
discussed in section II.A.4.b. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule.
PO 00000
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Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act also
provides for the collection of data every
3 years on the occupational mix of
employees for short-term, acute care
hospitals participating in the Medicare
program, in order to construct an
occupational mix adjustment to the
wage index. (The OMB control number
for approved collection of this
information is 0938–0907, which
expires on January 31, 2026.) A
discussion of the occupational mix
adjustment that we are proposing to
apply to the FY 2025 wage index
appears under section III.E. of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
2. Proposed Core-Based Statistical Areas
(CBSAs) for the FY 2025 Hospital Wage
The wage index is calculated and
assigned to hospitals on the basis of the
labor market area in which the hospital
is located. Under section 1886(d)(3)(E)
of the Act, beginning with FY 2005 (69
FR 49026 through 49032), we delineate
hospital labor market areas based on
OMB-established Core-Based Statistical
Areas (CBSAs). The current statistical
areas (which were implemented
beginning with FY 2021) are based on
revised OMB delineations issued on
Sept 14, 2018, in OMB Bulletin No. 18–
04.135 OMB Bulletin No. 18–04
established revised delineations for
Metropolitan Statistical Areas,
Micropolitan Statistical Areas, and
Combined Statistical Areas in the
United States and Puerto Rico based on
the 2010 Census and the American
Community Survey (ACS) and Census
Bureau population estimates for 2015.
Historically, OMB issued major
revisions to statistical areas every 10
years, based on the results of the
decennial census and occasionally
issues minor updates and revisions to
statistical areas in the years between the
decennial censuses through OMB
Bulletins. On February 28, 2013, OMB
issued Bulletin No. 13–01. CMS adopted
these delineations, based on the results
of the 2010 census, effective beginning
with the FY 2015 IPPS wage index (79
FR 49951 through 49957). OMB
subsequently issued Bulletin No. 15–01
on July 15, 2015, followed by OMB
Bulletin No. 17–01 on August 15, 2017,
which provided updates to and
superseded OMB Bulletin No. 15–01.
The attachments to OMB Bulletin No.
17–01 provided detailed information on
the update to statistical areas since July
15, 2015 and were based on the
135 We note that while OMB Bulletin 20–01
superseded Bulletin No. 18–04, it included no
changes that required CMS to formally adopt the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
application of the 2010 Standards for
Delineating Metropolitan and
Micropolitan Statistical Areas to Census
Bureau population estimates for July 1,
2014 and July 1, 2015. In the FY 2019
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41362
through 41363), we adopted the updates
set forth in OMB Bulletin No. 17–01
effective October 1, 2018, beginning
with the FY 2019 wage index. OMB
Bulletin No. 17–01 was superseded by
the April 10, 2018 OMB Bulletin No.
18–03, and then by the September 14,
2018 OMB Bulletin No. 18–04. These
bulletins established revised
delineations for Metropolitan Statistical
Areas, Micropolitan Statistical Areas,
and Combined Statistical Areas, and
provided guidance on the use of the
delineations of these statistical areas. In
FY 2021, we adopted the updates set
forth in OMB Bulletin No. 18–04 (85 FR
58743 through 58753). Thus, most
recently in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule, we continued to use the OMB
delineations that were adopted
beginning with FY 2015 (based on the
revised delineations issued in OMB
Bulletin No. 13–01) to calculate the area
wage indexes, with updates as reflected
in OMB Bulletin Nos. 15–01, 17–01, and
In the July 16, 2021 Federal Register
(86 FR 37777), OMB finalized a
schedule for future updates based on
results of the decennial Census updates
to commuting patterns from the ACS. In
accordance with that schedule, on July
21, 2023, OMB released Bulletin No.
23–01. A copy of OMB Bulletin No. 23–
01 may be obtained at https://
uploads/2023/07/OMB-Bulletin-2301.pdf. According to OMB, the
delineations reflect the 2020 Standards
for Delineating Core Based Statistical
Areas (‘‘the 2020 Standards’’), which
appeared in the Federal Register on July
16, 2021 (86 FR 37770 through 37778),
and the application of those standards
to Census Bureau population and
journey-to-work data (that is, 2020
Decennial Census, American
Community Survey, and Census
Population Estimates Program data).
B. Proposed Implementation of Revised
Labor Market Area Delineations
We believe that using the revised
delineations based on OMB Bulletin No.
23–01 will increase the integrity of the
IPPS wage index system by creating a
more accurate representation of current
geographic variations in wage levels.
Therefore, we are proposing to
implement the revised OMB
delineations as described in the July 21,
2023 OMB Bulletin No. 23–01,
beginning with the FY 2025 IPPS wage
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index. We are proposing to use these
revised delineations to calculate area
wage indexes in a manner that is
generally consistent with the CMS’
implementation of CBSA-based wage
index methodologies.
CMS has recognized that hospitals in
certain areas may experience a negative
impact on their IPPS payment due to the
proposed adoption of the revised OMB
delineations and has finalized transition
policies to mitigate negative financial
impacts and provide stability to year-toyear wage index variations. We refer
readers to the FY 2015 IPPS final rule
(79 FR 49956 through 49962) for
discussion of the transition period
finalized the last time CMS adopted
revised OMB delineations after a
decennial census. In the FY 2020 final
rule (84 FR 42336–42337), CMS
finalized a wage index transition policy
to apply a 5 percent cap on any decrease
that hospitals may experience in their
final wage index from the prior fiscal
year. In FY 2023, the 5 percent cap
policy was made permanent for all acute
care hospitals. This 5 percent cap on
reductions policy is discussed in further
detail in section III.G.6 of the preamble
of this proposed rule. We believe it is
important for the IPPS to use the
updated labor market area delineations
in order to maintain a more accurate
and up-to date payment system that
reflects the reality of current labor
market conditions. We believe the 5
percent cap policy will sufficiently
mitigate significant disruptive financial
impacts on hospitals that are negatively
affected by the proposed adoption of the
revised OMB delineations and thus, we
are not proposing a transition period for
these hospitals.
1. Micropolitan Statistical Areas
The OMB ‘‘2020 Standards’’ define a
‘‘Micropolitan Statistical Area’’ as being
associated with at least one urban area
that has a population of at least 10,000,
but less than 50,000. A Micropolitan
Statistical Area comprises the central
county or counties containing the core,
plus adjacent outlying counties having a
high degree of social and economic
integration with the central county or
counties as measured through
commuting (86 FR 37778). We refer to
these areas as Micropolitan Areas. Since
FY 2005, we have treated Micropolitan
Areas as rural and included hospitals
located in Micropolitan Areas in each
State’s rural wage index. We refer
readers to the FY 2005 IPPS final rule
(69 FR 49029 through 49032) and the FY
2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR
49952) for a complete discussion
regarding this policy and our rationale
for treating Micropolitan Areas as rural.
PO 00000
Frm 00208
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Based upon the new 2020 Decennial
Census data, a number of urban counties
have switched status and have joined or
became Micropolitan Areas, and some
counties that once were part of a
Micropolitan Area, under current OMB
delineations, have become urban.
Overall, there are a similar number of
Micropolitan Areas (542) under the new
OMB delineations based on the 2020
Census as existed under the latest data
from the 2010 Census (541). We believe
that the best course of action would be
to continue the policy established in the
FY 2005 IPPS final rule and include
hospitals located in Micropolitan Areas
in each State’s rural wage index. These
areas continue to be defined as having
relatively small urban cores
(populations of 10,000–49,999). We do
not believe it would be appropriate to
calculate a separate wage index for areas
that typically may include only a few
hospitals for the reasons set forth in the
FY 2005 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (69
FR 49029 through 49032) and the FY
2015 IPPS final rule (79 FR 49952).
Therefore, in conjunction with our
proposal to implement the new OMB
statistical area delineations beginning in
FY 2025, we are proposing to continue
to treat Micropolitan Areas as ‘‘rural’’
and to include Micropolitan Areas in
the calculation of each state’s rural wage
2. Metropolitan Divisions
According to OMB’s ‘‘2020
Standards’’ (86 FR 37776), a
metropolitan division is a county or
group of counties within a metropolitan
statistical area (MSA) with a population
of at least 2.5 million. Thus, MSAs may
be subdivided into metropolitan
divisions. A county qualifies as a ‘‘main
county’’ of a metropolitan division if 65
percent or more of workers living in the
county also work within the county and
the ratio of the number of workers
working in the county to the number of
workers living in the county is at least
0.75. A county qualifies as a ‘‘secondary
county’’ if 50 percent or more, but less
than 65 percent, of workers living in the
county also work within the county and
the ratio of the number of workers
working in the county to the number of
workers living in the county is at least
0.75. After all the main and secondary
counties are identified and grouped,
each additional county that already has
qualified for inclusion in the MSA falls
within the metropolitan division
associated with the main/secondary
county or counties with which the
county at issue has the highest
employment interchange measure.
Counties in a metropolitan division
must be contiguous. In the FY 2005
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
configurations of most subdivided
MSAs remain substantially similar in
the revised delineations compared to
those used in FY 2024, in order to
maintain continuity and predictability
in labor market delineations, we are
proposing to continue our policy to
include metropolitan divisions as
separate CBSAs for wage index
3. Change to County-Equivalents in the
State of Connecticut
In a June 6, 2022 Notice (87 FR 34235
through 34240), the Census Bureau
announced that it was implementing the
State of Connecticut’s request to replace
the 8 counties in the State with 9 new
‘‘Planning Regions.’’ Planning regions
now serve as county-equivalents within
the CBSA system. OMB Bulletin No. 23–
01 is the first set of revised delineations
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PO 00000
Frm 00209
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
that referenced the new countyequivalents for Connecticut. We have
evaluated the change in hospital
assignments for Connecticut hospitals
and are proposing to adopt the planning
regions as county equivalents for wage
index purposes. As all forthcoming
county-based delineation data will
utilize these new county-equivalent
definitions for the Connecticut, we
believe it is necessary to adopt this
migration from counties to planning
region county-equivalents in order to
maintain consistency with OMB
Bulletin No. 23–01 and future OMB
updates. We are providing the following
crosswalk for each hospital in
Connecticut with the current and
proposed FIPS county and countyequivalent codes and CBSA
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
IPPS final rule (69 FR 49029), CMS
finalized our policy to use the
metropolitan divisions where applicable
under the CBSA definitions. CMS
concluded that including the
metropolitan divisions in the CBSA
definitions most closely approximated
the labor market delineation from the
‘‘Primary Metropolitan Statistical
Areas’’ delineations in place prior to FY
Under the current delineations, 11
MSAs are subdivided into a total of 31
metropolitan divisions. The revised
OMB delineations have subdivided two
additional existing MSAs into
metropolitan divisions relative to the
previous delineations. Under the
proposed delineations, 13 MSAs (the 11
currently subdivided MSAs plus two
additional MSAs) are subdivided into
37 metropolitan divisions. Since the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We note that we are proposing that
the remote location currently indicated
with 07B033 will be located in the same
CBSA as the main provider 070033.
Therefore, consistent with the policy for
remote locations of multicampus
hospitals discussed in FY 2019 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41369
through 41374), it will no longer be
necessary to identify this remote
location separately from the main
provider for wage index purposes.
We also note, as discussed in Section
III.B.3 of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we propose to add both of the
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newly proposed rural planning areas in
Connecticut to the list of ‘‘Lugar’’
4. Urban Counties That Would Become
Rural Under the Revised OMB
As previously discussed, we are
proposing to implement the revised
OMB statistical area delineations (based
upon OMB Bulletin No. 23–01)
beginning in FY 2025. Our analysis
shows that a total of 53 counties (and
county equivalents) and 33 hospitals
that were once considered part of an
PO 00000
Frm 00210
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
urban CBSA would be considered to be
located in a rural area, beginning in FY
2025, under these revised OMB
delineations. The following chart lists
the 53 urban counties that would be
rural if we finalize our proposal to
implement the revised OMB
delineations. We note that there are four
cases (CBSA 14100 [BloomsburgBerwick, PA], CBSA 19180 [Danville,
IL], CBSA 20700 [East Stroudsburg, PA],
and CBSA 35100 [New Bern, NC])
where all constituent counties in an
urban CBSA would become rural under
the revised OMB delineations.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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PO 00000
Frm 00211
Mobile, AL
Pine Bluff, AR
Fort Smith, AR-OK
Pine Bluff, AR
Pine Bluff, AR
Salisbu ,MD-DE
Atlanta-Sand S rin s-Al haretta, GA
Pocatello, ID
Peoria, IL
Carbondale-Marion, IL
Carbondale-Marion, IL
Danville, IL
Carbondale-Marion, IL
Terre Haute, IN
Indiana olis-Carmel-Anderson, IN
Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN
Owensboro, KY
Evansville, IN-KY
Lafa ette LA
s ri
Duluth, MN-WI
Sioux Ci , IA-NE-SD
Rochester, NY
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We are proposing that the wage data
for all hospitals located in the counties
listed here would now be considered
when calculating their respective State’s
rural wage index. We further refer
readers to section III.G.6 of the preamble
of this proposed rule for a discussion of
the 5 percent cap policy. We believe
that this policy, which caps any
reduction in wage index values at 5
percent of the hospital’s prior year wage
index value, provides an adequate
transition to mitigate sudden negative
financial impacts due to the adoption of
wage index policies, including the
adoption of revised OMB labor market
We are also proposing revisions to the
list of counties deemed urban under
section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act, which
will affect a number the hospitals
located in these proposed rural
counties. We note that we are proposing
to add 17 of the 53 counties listed here
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Durham-Cha el Hill, NC
Fa etteville, NC
Asheville, NC
Bloomsbur -BetWick, PA
Youn stown-Warren-Boardman, OH-PA
East Stroudsbur , PA
Bloomsbur -BetWick, PA
Newark, NJ-PA
Sumter, SC
San An elo, TX
0 den-Clearfield, UT
Washin on-Arlin on-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Vir inia Beach-Norfolk-New ort News, VA-NC
Vir inia Beach-Norfolk-New ort News, VA-NC
Charleston, WV
Charleston, WV
Cumberland, MD-WV
Wausau-Weston, WI
Ponce, PR
Yauco, PR
A adilla-Isabela, PR
Ma a ··ez, PR
A adilla-Isabela, PR
to the list of ‘‘Lugar’’ counties whose
hospitals, pursuant to 1886(d)(8)(B), are
deemed to be in an urban area. We refer
readers to section III.F.4.b for further
In addition, we note the provisions of
§ 412.102 of our regulations would
continue to apply with respect to
determining DSH payments.
Specifically, in the first year after a
hospital loses urban status, the hospital
will receive an adjustment to its DSH
payment that equals two-thirds of the
difference between the urban DSH
payments applicable to the hospital
before its redesignation from urban to
rural and the rural DSH payments
applicable to the hospital subsequent to
its redesignation from urban to rural. In
the second year after a hospital loses
urban status, the hospital will receive an
adjustment to its DSH payment that
equals one third of the difference
between the urban DSH payments
PO 00000
Frm 00212
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
applicable to the hospital before its
redesignation from urban to rural and
the rural DSH payments applicable to
the hospital subsequent to its
redesignation from urban to rural.
5. Rural Counties That Would Become
Urban Under the Revised OMB
As previously discussed, we are
proposing to implement the revised
OMB statistical area delineations (based
upon OMB Bulletin No. 23–01)
beginning in FY 2025. Analysis of these
OMB statistical area delineations shows
that a total of 54 counties (and county
equivalents) and 24 hospitals that were
located in rural areas would be located
in urban areas under the revised OMB
delineations. The following chart lists
the 54 rural counties that would be
urban if we finalize our proposal to
implement the revised OMB
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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PO 00000
Frm 00213
ell GA
Kahului-Wailuku, HI
Cham ai -Urbana, IL
Paducah, KY-IL
Indiana olis-Cannel-Greenwood IN
FortWa ne, IN
Huntin on-Ashland, WV-KY-OH
Paducah, KY-IL
Paducah, KY-IL
Louisville/Jefferson Conn
Lake Charles, LA
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We are proposing that when
calculating the area wage index, the
wage data for hospitals located in these
counties would be included in their
new respective urban CBSAs. We also
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Traverse Ci
Sioux Falls, SD-MN
Mem his TN-MS-AR
Jackson, MS
Helena, MT
Missoul MT
Pinehurst-Southern Pines NC
Minot, ND
Mino ND
Minot, ND
Bend, OR
Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro--Franklin, TN
Co us Christi TX
Waco, TX
Lubbock TX
Lubbock, TX
Lubbock TX
Ea le Pass, TX
Houston-Pasadena-The Woodlands TX
La Crosse-Onalaska, WI-MN
note that due to the proposed adoption
of the revised OMB delineations, some
CAHs that were previously located in
rural areas may be located in urban
areas. The regulations at
PO 00000
Frm 00214
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
§§ 412.103(a)(6) and 485.610(b)(5)
provide affected CAHs with a two-year
transition period that begins from the
date the redesignation becomes
effective. The affected CAHs must
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Madera, CA
Ocean Ci , NJ
San German, PR
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Frm 00215
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
delineations, would be subsumed by an
another CBSA.
-Hammonton, NJ
12580 (Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV) into
proposed CBSA 30500 (Lexington Park,
MD). The other constituent counties of
CBSA 12580 would be split into urban
CBSAs 47664 (Washington, DC-MD) and
PO 00000
proposed rule. In other cases, the CBSA
number also would change. For these
CBSAs, the list of constituent urban
counties in FY 2024 and FY 2025 would
be the same (except in instances where
an urban county became rural, or a rural
county became urban; as discussed in
the previous section). The following
table lists the CBSAs where, under the
proposed delineations, the CBSA name
and number would change but the
constituent counties would not change
(not including instances where an urban
county became rural, or a rural county
became urban).
Cleveland, OH
CBSA in FY 2025. The following table
lists the CBSAs that, under the proposed
In other cases, if we adopt the revised
OMB delineations, some counties would
shift between existing and new CBSAs,
changing the constituent makeup of the
CBSAs. For example, Calvert County,
MD would move from the current CBSA
VerDate Sep<11>2014
6. Urban Counties That Would Move to
a Different Urban CBSA Under the
Revised OMB Delineations
In addition to rural counties becoming
urban and urban counties becoming
rural, some urban counties would shift
from one urban CBSA to a new or
existing urban CBSA under our proposal
to adopt the new OMB delineations.
In some cases, the change in CBSA
would extend only to a change in name.
Revised CBSA names can be found in
Table 3 of the addendum of the
New Brunswick-Lakewood, NJ
In some cases, all of the urban
counties from a FY 2024 CBSA would
be moved and subsumed by another
prior to October 1, 2024 to ensure no
disruption in status.
11694 (Arlington-Alexandria-Reston,
VA-WV). The following chart lists the
urban counties that would split off from
one urban CBSA and move to a newly
proposed or modified urban CBSA if we
adopt the revised OMB delineations.
EP02MY24.148 EP02MY24.149
reclassify as rural during this transition
period in order to retain their CAH
status after the two-year transition
period ends. We refer readers to the FY
2015 IPPS/LTCH final rule (79 FR 50162
through 50163) for further discussion of
the two-year transition period for CAHs.
We also note that special statuses
limited to hospitals located in rural
areas (such as MDH or SCH status) may
be terminated if hospitals are located in
proposed urban counties. In these cases,
affected hospitals should apply for rural
reclassification status under § 412.103
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, OC-VA-MD-WV
Tampa-St. PetersburgClearwater, FL
Tampa-St. PetersburgClearwater, FL
Tampa-St. PetersburgClearwater, FL
Tampa-St. PetersburgClea1water, FL
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsAl haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsAl haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 hru·etta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 hru·etta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 harella, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 harella, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 harella, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsAl haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsAl harella, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 harella, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 hare
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsAl hare
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsAl haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sru1dy SpringsA1 hare
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 hare
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 hare
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsAl hare
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsAl hare
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 haretta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsA1 haretta, GA
Frm 00216
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Washin on,DC-MD
Tam a, FL
Tam a, FL
Tam a, FL
St. Petersburg-Clearwatero,FL
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Marietta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Marietta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Mariella, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell.GA
Marietta, GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell.GA
Atlru1ta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlru1ta-Sandy SpringsRoswell.GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell.GA
Atlru1ta-Sru1dy SpringsRoswell GA
Atlru1ta-Sru1dy SpringsRoswell GA
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Atlat1ta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Elizabethtown-Fort Knox, KY
Lexin ton Park, MD
Washin ton, DC-MD
New Orleans-Metairie, LA
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
California-Lcxin onPark,MD
LakeCoun , IL
Louisville/Jefferson County,
Slidell-MandevilleCovin ton, LA
Washin ton, DC-MD
Lcxin onPark,MD
Amherst To"'n-Northarnpton,
Atlantic City-Hammonton,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
Ocean Ci ,NJ
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North
M ·rtle Beach, SC-NC
Toledo OH
Morristown, TN
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
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Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria. DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
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Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria. DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Seattle-Bellevue-Kent, WA
Washington-ArlingtonAlexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Lake County-Kenosha County,
San German, PR
Yauco PR
San Oennan, PR
PO 00000
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsRoswell,GA
Frm 00217
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Wilmin on,NC
Sandus • OH
Knoxville, TN
Arlington-AlexandriaReston, VA-WV
Arlington-AlexandriaReston, VA-WV
Arlington-AlexandriaRestoo, VA-WV
Arlington-AlexandriaRestoo, VA-WV
Arlington-AlexandriaRestoo, VA-WV
Arlington-AlexandriaRestoo, VA-WV
Arlington-AlexandriaReston, VA-WV
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Arlington-AlexandriaReston, VA-WV
Arlington-AlexandriaReston VA-WV
Arlington-AlexandriaReston, VA-WV
Arlington-AlexandriaReston, VA-WV
Everett, WA
Arlington-AlexandriaReston, VA-WV
Ma a ··~,PR
Ponce, PR
Atlanta-Sandy SpringsAl haretta, GA
Lake County-Kenosha County,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
If hospitals located in these counties
move from one CBSA to another under
the revised OMB delineations, there
may be impacts, both negative and
positive, upon their specific wage index
values. We refer readers to section
III.F.3. of the preamble of this proposed
rule for discussion of our proposals to
address the reassignment of MGCRB
wage index reclassifications for
hospitals currently assigned to these
modified CBSAs.
7. Transition
Overall, we believe implementing the
new OMB labor market area
delineations would result in wage index
values being more representative of the
actual current costs of labor in a given
area. However, we recognize that some
hospitals would experience decreases in
wage index values as a result of our
proposed implementation of the new
labor market area delineations. We also
realize that some hospitals would have
higher wage index values due to our
proposed implementation of the new
labor market area delineations.
In the past, we have provided for
transition periods when adopting
changes that have significant payment
implications, particularly large negative
impacts. When adopting new OMB
delineations based on the decennial
census for the 2005 and 2015 wage
indexes, we applied a 3-year transition
for urban hospitals that became rural
under the new delineations and a 50/50
blended wage index adjustment for all
hospitals that would experience any
decrease in their actual payment wage
index (69 FR 49032 through 49034 and
79 FR 28060 through 28062).
In connection with our adoption in
FY 2021 of the updates in OMB Bulletin
18–04, which included more
modifications to the CBSAs than are
typical for OMB bulletins issued
between decennial censuses, we
adopted a policy to place a 5-percent
cap on any decrease in a hospital’s wage
index from the hospital’s final wage
index in FY 2020 so that a hospital’s
final wage index for FY 2021 would not
be less than 95 percent of its final wage
index for FY 2020 (85 FR 58753 through
58755). Given the unprecedented nature
of the COVID–19 public health
emergency (PHE), we adopted a policy
in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45164 through 45165) to
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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apply an extended transition to the FY
2022 wage index for hospitals affected
by the transition in FY 2021 to mitigate
significant negative impacts of, and
provide additional time for hospitals to
adapt to, the CMS decision to adopt the
revised OMB delineations. In the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR
49018 through 49021), under the
authority at sections 1886(d)(3)(E) and
1886(d)(5)(I)(i) of the Act, we finalized
a policy for FY 2023 and subsequent
years to apply a 5 percent cap on any
decrease to a hospital’s wage index from
its wage index in the prior FY,
regardless of the circumstances causing
the decline.
We believe that this permanent cap
policy, reflected at 42 CFR 412.64(h)(7)
and discussed in section in III.G.6. of
the preamble of this proposed rule,
sufficiently mitigates any large negative
impacts of adopting the new
delineations. As we stated when
finalizing the permanent 5-percent cap
policy in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 49018 through 49021),
we further considered the comments we
received during the FY 2022 rulemaking
recommending a permanent 5 percent
cap policy to prevent large year-to-year
variations in wage index values as a
means to reduce overall volatility for
hospitals. We do not believe any
additional transition period is necessary
considering that the current cap on
wage index decreases, which was not in
place when we implemented the
decennial census updates in FY 2005
and FY 2015, ensures that a hospital’s
wage index would not be less than 95
percent of its final wage index for the
prior year.
C. Worksheet S–3 Wage Data for the
Proposed FY 2025 Wage Index
1. Cost Reporting Periods Beginning in
FY 2021 for FY 2025 Wage Index
The proposed FY 2025 wage index
values are based on the data collected
from the Medicare cost reports
submitted by hospitals for cost reporting
periods beginning in FY 2021 (the FY
2024 wage indexes were based on data
from cost reporting periods beginning
during FY 2020).
The FY 2025 wage index includes all
of the following categories of data
associated with costs paid under the
IPPS (as well as outpatient costs):
PO 00000
Frm 00218
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
• Salaries and hours from short-term,
acute care hospitals (including paid
lunch hours and hours associated with
military leave and jury duty).
• Home office costs and hours.
• Certain contract labor costs and
hours, which include direct patient
care, certain top management,
pharmacy, laboratory, and nonteaching
physician Part A services, and certain
contract indirect patient care services
(as discussed in the FY 2008 final rule
with comment period (72 FR 47315
through 47317)).
• Wage-related costs, including
pension costs (based on policies
adopted in the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (76 FR 51586 through 51590)
and modified in the FY 2016 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR 49505
through 49508)) and other deferred
compensation costs.
Consistent with the wage index
methodology for FY 2024, the proposed
wage index for FY 2025 excludes the
direct and overhead salaries and hours
for services not subject to IPPS payment,
such as skilled nursing facility (SNF)
services, home health services, costs
related to GME (teaching physicians and
residents) and certified registered nurse
anesthetists (CRNAs), and other
subprovider components that are not
paid under the IPPS. The proposed FY
2025 wage index also excludes the
salaries, hours, and wage-related costs
of hospital-based rural health clinics
(RHCs), and Federally Qualified Health
Centers (FQHCs), because Medicare
pays for these costs outside of the IPPS
(68 FR 45395). In addition, salaries,
hours, and wage-related costs of CAHs
are excluded from the wage index for
the reasons explained in the FY 2004
IPPS final rule (68 FR 45397 through
45398). Similar to our treatment of
CAHs, as discussed below, we are
proposing to exclude Rural Emergency
Hospitals (REHs) from the wage index.
For FY 2020 and subsequent years,
other wage-related costs are also
excluded from the calculation of the
wage index. As discussed in the FY
2019 IPPS/LTCH final rule (83 FR 41365
through 41369), other wage-related costs
reported on Worksheet S–3, Part II, Line
18 and Worksheet S–3, Part IV, Line 25
and subscripts, as well as all other
wage-related costs, such as contract
labor costs, are excluded from the
calculation of the wage index.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
2. Use of Wage Index Data by Suppliers
and Providers Other Than Acute Care
Hospitals Under the IPPS
Data collected for the IPPS wage
index also are currently used to
calculate wage indexes applicable to
suppliers and other providers, such as
SNFs, home health agencies (HHAs),
ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs), and
hospices. In addition, they are used for
prospective payments to IRFs, IPFs, and
LTCHs, and for hospital outpatient
services. We note that, in the IPPS rules,
we do not address comments pertaining
to the wage indexes of any supplier or
provider except IPPS providers and
LTCHs. Such comments should be made
in response to separate proposed rules
for those suppliers and providers.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
3. Verification of Worksheet S–3 Wage
The wage data for the FY 2025 wage
index were obtained from Worksheet S–
3, Parts II, III and IV of the Medicare
cost report, CMS Form 2552–10 (OMB
Control Number 0938–0050 with an
expiration date September 30, 2025) for
cost reporting periods beginning on or
after October 1, 2020, and before
October 1, 2021. For wage index
purposes, we refer to cost reports
beginning on or after October 1, 2020,
and before October 1, 2021, as the ‘‘FY
2021 cost report,’’ the ‘‘FY 2021 wage
data,’’ or the ‘‘FY 2021 data.’’
Instructions for completing the wage
index sections of Worksheet S–3 are
included in the Provider
Reimbursement Manual (PRM), Part 2
(Pub. 15–2), Chapter 40, Sections 4005.2
through 4005.4. The data file used to
construct the proposed FY 2025 wage
index includes FY 2021 data submitted
to us as of January 26, 2024. As in past
years, we performed an extensive
review of the wage data, mostly through
the use of edits designed to identify
aberrant data.
Consistent with the IPPS and LTCH
PPS ratesettings, our policy principles
with regard to the wage index include
generally using the most current data
and information available, which is
usually data on a 4-year lag (for
example, for the FY 2023 wage index we
used cost report data from FY 2019). We
stated in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH final
rule (87 FR 48994) that we will be
looking at the differential effects of the
COVID–19 PHE on the audited wage
data in future fiscal years. We also
stated we plan to review the audited
wage data, and the impacts of the
COVID–19 PHE on such data and
evaluate these data for future
rulemaking. For the FY 2025 wage
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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index, the best available data typically
would be from the FY 2021 wage data.
In considering the impacts of the
COVID–19 PHE on the FY 2021 wage
data, we compared that data with recent
historical data. Based on pre reclassified
wage data, the changes in the wage data
from FY 2020 to FY 2021 show the
following compared to the annual
changes for the most recent 3 fiscal year
periods (that is, FY 2017 to FY 2018, FY
2018 to FY 2019 and FY 2019 to FY
• Approximately 91 percent of
hospitals have an increase in their
average hourly wage (AHW) from FY
2020 to FY 2021 compared to a range of
76–86 percent of hospitals for the most
recent 3 fiscal year periods.
• Approximately 97 percent of all
CBSA AHWs are increasing from FY
2020 to FY 2021 compared to a range of
84–91 percent of all CBSAs for the most
recent 3 fiscal year periods.
• Approximately 51 percent of all
urban areas have an increase in their
area wage index from FY 2020 to FY
2021 compared to a range of 36–43
percent of all urban areas for the most
recent 3 fiscal year periods.
• Approximately 55 percent of all
rural areas have an increase in their area
wage index from FY 2020 to FY 2021
compared to a range of 31–46 percent of
all rural areas for the most recent 3
fiscal year periods.
• The unadjusted national average
hourly wage increased by a range of 2.4–
5.4 percent per year from FY 2017–FY
2020. For FY 2021, the unadjusted
national average hourly increased by 8.7
percent from FY 2020.
Similar to the FY 2024 wage index, it
is not readily apparent even if the
comparison with the historical trends
had indicated greater differences at a
national level in this context, how any
changes due to the COVID–19 PHE
differentially impacted the wages paid
by individual hospitals. Furthermore,
even if changes due to the COVID–19
PHE did differentially impact the wages
paid by individual hospitals over time,
it is not clear how those changes could
be isolated from changes due to other
reasons and what an appropriate
potential methodology might be to
adjust the data to account for the effects
of the COVID–19 PHE.
Lastly, we also note that we have not
identified any significant issues with
the FY 2021 wage data itself in terms of
our audits of this data. As usual, the
data was audited by the Medicare
Administrative Contractors (MACs), and
there were no significant issues reported
across the data for all hospitals.
Taking all of these factors into
account, we believe the FY 2021 wage
PO 00000
Frm 00219
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
data is the best available wage data to
use for FY 2025 and are proposing to
use the FY 2021 wage data for FY 2025.
We welcome comment from the
public with regard to the FY 2021 wage
data. We note, AHW data by provider
and CBSA, including the data upon
which the comparisons provided above
are based, is available in our Public Use
Files released with each proposed and
final rule each fiscal year. The Public
Use Files for the respective FY Wage
Index Home Page can be found on the
Wage Index Files web page at https://
We requested that our MACs revise or
verify data elements that resulted in
specific edit failures. For the proposed
FY 2025 wage index, we identified and
excluded 69 providers with aberrant
data that should not be included in the
wage index. If data elements for some of
these providers are corrected, we intend
to include data from those providers in
the final FY 2025 wage index. We also
adjusted certain aberrant data and
included these data in the wage index.
For example, in situations where a
hospital did not have documentable
salaries, wages, and hours for
housekeeping and dietary services, we
imputed estimates, in accordance with
policies established in the FY 2015
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 49965
through 49967). We instructed MACs to
complete their verification of
questionable data elements and to
transmit any changes to the wage data
no later than March 20, 2024.
In constructing the proposed FY 2025
wage index, we included the wage data
for facilities that were IPPS hospitals in
FY 2021, inclusive of those facilities
that have since terminated their
participation in the program as
hospitals, as long as those data did not
fail any of our edits for reasonableness.
We believe that including the wage data
for these hospitals is, in general,
appropriate to reflect the economic
conditions in the various labor market
areas during the relevant past period
and to ensure that the current wage
index represents the labor market area’s
current wages as compared to the
national average of wages. However, we
excluded the wage data for CAHs as
discussed in the FY 2004 IPPS final rule
(68 FR 45397 through 45398); that is,
any hospital that is designated as a CAH
by 7 days prior to the publication of the
preliminary wage index public use file
(PUF) is excluded from the calculation
of the wage index. For the proposed
rule, we removed 8 hospitals that
converted to CAH status on or after
January 23, 2023, the cut-off date for
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
CAH exclusion from the FY 2024 wage
index, and through and including
January 24, 2024, the cut-off date for
CAH exclusion from the FY 2025 wage
index. We note, we also removed 2
hospitals that converted to CAH status
prior to January 23, 2023.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act
(CAA), 2021, was signed into law on
December 27, 2020. Section 125 of
Division CC (section 125) established a
new rural Medicare provider type: Rural
Emergency Hospitals (REHs). (We refer
the reader to the CMS website at https:// for additional information on
REHs.) In doing so, section 125
amended section 1861(e) of the Act,
which provides the definition of a
hospital and states that the term
‘‘hospital’’ does not include, unless the
context otherwise requires, a critical
access hospital (as defined in subsection
(mm)(1)) or a rural emergency hospital
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(as defined in subsection (kkk)(2)).
Section 125 also added section
1861(kkk) to the Act, which sets forth
the requirements for REHs. Per section
1861(kkk)(2) of the Act, one of the
requirements for an REH is that it does
not provide any acute care inpatient
services (other than post-hospital
extended care services furnished in a
distinct part unit licensed as a skilled
nursing facility (SNF)). Similar to CAHs,
we believe hospitals that have
subsequently converted to REH status
should be removed from the wage index
calculation, because they are a
separately certified Medicare provider
type and are not comparable to other
short-term, acute care hospitals as they
do not provide inpatient hospital
services. For FY 2025, we are proposing
to treat REHs the same as CAHs and
exclude 15 REHs from the wage index.
Accordingly, similar to our policy on
CAHs, any hospital that is designated as
a REH by 7 days prior to the publication
of the preliminary wage index public
PO 00000
Frm 00220
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
use file (PUF) is excluded from the
calculation of the wage index. In
summary, we calculated the FY 2025
wage index using the Worksheet S–3,
Parts II and III wage data of 3,075
For the proposed FY 2025 wage
index, we allotted the wages and hours
data for a multicampus hospital among
the different labor market areas where
its campuses are located using campus
full-time equivalent (FTE) percentages
as originally finalized in the FY 2012
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR
51591). Table 2, which contains the FY
2025 wage index associated with this
proposed rule (available via the internet
on the CMS website), includes separate
wage data for the campuses of 27
multicampus hospitals. The following
chart lists the multicampus hospitals by
CMS certification number (CCN) and the
FTE percentages on which the wages
and hours of each campus were allotted
to their respective labor market areas:
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Percentage of Main
We note that, in past years, in Table
2, we have placed a ‘‘B’’ to designate the
subordinate campus in the fourth
position of the hospital CCN. However,
for the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed and final rules and subsequent
rules, we have moved the ‘‘B’’ to the
third position of the CCN. Because all
IPPS hospitals have a ‘‘0’’ in the third
position of the CCN, we believe that
placement of the ‘‘B’’ in this third
position, instead of the ‘‘0’’ for the
subordinate campus, is the most
efficient method of identification and
interferes the least with the other
variable digits in the CCN.
4. Process for Requests for Wage Index
Data Corrections
a. Process for Hospitals To Request
Wage Index Data Corrections
The preliminary, unaudited
Worksheet S–3 wage data files for the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Campus of
proposed FY 2025 wage index were
made available on May 23, 2023,
through the internet on the CMS website
inpatientpps/wage-index-files/fy-2025wage-index-home-page. We
subsequently identified some providers
that were inadvertently omitted from
the FY 2025 preliminary Worksheet S–
3 wage data file originally posted on
May 23, 2023. Therefore, on July 12,
2023, we posted an updated FY 2025
preliminary Worksheet S–3 wage data
file to include these missing providers.
In addition, the Calendar Year (CY)
2022 occupational mix survey data was
made available on July 12, 2023,
through the internet on the CMS website
inpatientpps/wage-index-files/fy-2025wage-index-home-page. On August 14,
PO 00000
Frm 00221
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Percentage of Sub
2023, we posted an updated CY 2022
Occupational Mix survey data file that
includes survey data for providers that
were inadvertently omitted from the file
posted on July 12, 2023.
On January 31, 2024, we posted a
public use file (PUF) at https://
wage-index-files/fy-2025-wage-indexhome-page containing FY 2025 wage
index data available as of January 31,
2024. This PUF contains a tab with the
Worksheet S–3 wage data (which
includes Worksheet S–3, Parts II and III
wage data from cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2020,
through September 30, 2021; that is, FY
2021 wage data), a tab with the
occupational mix data (which includes
data from the CY 2022 occupational mix
survey, Form CMS–10079), a tab
containing the Worksheet S–3 wage data
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Campus of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
of hospitals deleted from the January 31,
2024 wage data PUF, and a tab
containing the CY 2022 occupational
mix data of the hospitals deleted from
the January 31, 2024 occupational mix
PUF. In a memorandum dated January
31, 2024, we instructed all MACs to
inform the IPPS hospitals that they
service of the availability of the January
31, 2024, wage index data PUFs, and the
process and timeframe for requesting
revisions in accordance with the FY
2025 Hospital Wage Index Development
Time Table available at https://
In the interest of meeting the data
needs of the public, beginning with the
proposed FY 2009 wage index, we post
an additional PUF on the CMS website
that reflects the actual data that are used
in computing the proposed wage index.
The release of this file does not alter the
current wage index process or schedule.
We notify the hospital community of the
availability of these data as we do with
the current public use wage data files
through our Hospital Open Door Forum.
We encourage hospitals to sign up for
automatic notifications of information
about hospital issues and about the
dates of the Hospital Open Door Forums
at the CMS website at https://
In a memorandum dated May 4, 2023,
we instructed all MACs to inform the
IPPS hospitals that they service of the
availability of the preliminary wage
index data files and the CY 2022
occupational mix survey data files
posted on May 23, 2023, and the process
and timeframe for requesting revisions.
If a hospital wished to request a
change to its data as shown in the May
23, 2023, preliminary wage data files
and occupational mix data files, the
hospital had to submit corrections along
with complete, detailed supporting
documentation to its MAC so that the
MAC received them by September 1,
2023. Hospitals were notified of these
deadlines and of all other deadlines and
requirements, including the requirement
to review and verify their data as posted
in the preliminary wage index data files
on the internet, through the letters sent
to them by their MACs.
November 3, 2023 was the date by
when MACs notified State hospital
associations regarding hospitals that
failed to respond to issues raised during
the desk reviews. Additional revisions
made by the MACs were transmitted to
CMS throughout January 2024. CMS
published the wage index PUFs that
included hospitals’ revised wage index
data on January 31, 2024. Hospitals had
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until February 16, 2024, to submit
requests to the MACs to correct errors in
the January 31, 2024, PUF due to CMS
or MAC mishandling of the wage index
data, or to revise desk review
adjustments to their wage index data as
included in the January 31, 2024, PUF.
Hospitals also were required to submit
sufficient documentation to support
their requests. Hospitals’ requests and
supporting documentation must have
been received by the MAC by the
February deadline (that is, by February
16, 2024, for the FY 2025 wage index).
After reviewing requested changes
submitted by hospitals, MACs were
required to transmit to CMS any
additional revisions resulting from the
hospitals’ reconsideration requests by
March 20, 2024. Under our current
policy as adopted in the FY 2018 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38153), the
deadline for a hospital to request CMS
intervention in cases where a hospital
disagreed with a MAC’s handling of
wage data on any basis (including a
policy, factual, or other dispute) is April
3, 2024. Data that were incorrect in the
preliminary or January 31, 2024, wage
index data PUFs, but for which no
correction request was received by the
February 16, 2024, deadline, are not
considered for correction at this stage.
In addition, April 3, 2024, is the
deadline for hospitals to dispute data
corrections made by CMS of which the
hospital was notified after the January
31, 2024, PUF and at least 14 calendar
days prior to April 3, 2024 (that is,
March 20, 2024), that do not arise from
a hospital’s request for revisions. The
hospital’s request and supporting
documentation must be received by
CMS (and a copy received by the MAC)
by the April deadline (that is, by April
3, 2024, for the FY 2025 wage index).
We refer readers to the FY 2025 Hospital
Wage Index Development Time Table
for complete details. Hospitals are given
the opportunity to examine Table 2
associated with this proposed rule,
which is listed in section VI. of the
Addendum to the proposed rule and
available via the internet on the CMS
website at
medicare/medicare-fee-servicepayment/acuteinpatientpps/wageindex-files/fy-2025-wage-index-homepage. Table 2 associated with the
proposed rule contains each hospital’s
proposed adjusted average hourly wage
used to construct the wage index values
for the past 3 years, including the
proposed FY 2025 wage index, which
was constructed from FY 2021 data. We
note that the proposed hospital average
hourly wages shown in Table 2 only
reflect changes made to a hospital’s data
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that were transmitted to CMS by early
February 2024.
We plan to post the final wage index
data PUFs on April 29, 2024, on the
CMS website at
acuteinpatientppswage-index-files/fy2024-wage-index-home-page. The April
2024 PUFs are made available solely for
the limited purpose of identifying any
potential errors made by CMS or the
MAC in the entry of the final wage
index data that resulted from the
correction process (the process for
disputing revisions submitted to CMS
by the MACs by March 20, 2024, and
the process for disputing data
corrections made by CMS that did not
arise from a hospital’s request for wage
data revisions as discussed earlier), as
previously described.
After the release of the April 2024
wage index data PUFs, changes to the
wage and occupational mix data can
only be made in those very limited
situations involving an error by the
MAC or CMS that the hospital could not
have known about before its review of
the final wage index data files.
Specifically, neither the MAC nor CMS
will approve the following types of
• Requests for wage index data
corrections that were submitted too late
to be included in the data transmitted to
CMS by the MACs on or before March
20, 2024.
• Requests for correction of errors
that were not, but could have been,
identified during the hospital’s review
of the January 31, 2024, wage index
• Requests to revisit factual
determinations or policy interpretations
made by the MAC or CMS during the
wage index data correction process.
If, after reviewing the April 2024 final
wage index data PUFs, a hospital
believes that its wage or occupational
mix data are incorrect due to a MAC or
CMS error in the entry or tabulation of
the final data, the hospital is given the
opportunity to notify both its MAC and
CMS regarding why the hospital
believes an error exists and provide all
supporting information, including
relevant dates (for example, when it first
became aware of the error). The hospital
is required to send its request to CMS
and to the MAC so that it is received no
later than May 29, 2024. May 29, 2024,
is also the deadline for hospitals to
dispute data corrections made by CMS
of which the hospital is notified on or
after 13 calendar days prior to April 3,
2024 (that is, March 21, 2024), and at
least 14 calendar days prior to May 29,
2024 (that is, May 15, 2024), that did not
arise from a hospital’s request for
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revisions. (Data corrections made by
CMS of which a hospital is notified on
or after 13 calendar days prior to May
29, 2024 (that is, May 16, 2024), may be
appealed to the Provider
Reimbursement Review Board (PRRB)).
In accordance with the FY 2025
Hospital Wage Index Development Time
Table posted on the CMS website at
fy2025-hospital-wage-indexdevelopment-timetable.pdf, the May
appeals are required to be submitted to
CMS through an online submission
process or through email. We refer
readers to the FY 2025 Hospital Wage
Index Development Time Table for
complete details.
Verified corrections to the wage index
data received timely (that is, by May 29,
2024) by CMS and the MACs will be
incorporated into the final FY 2025
wage index, which will be effective
October 1, 2024.
We created the processes previously
described to resolve all substantive
wage index data correction disputes
before we finalize the wage and
occupational mix data for the FY 2025
payment rates. Accordingly, hospitals
that do not meet the procedural
deadlines set forth earlier will not be
afforded a later opportunity to submit
wage index data corrections or to
dispute the MAC’s decision with respect
to requested changes. Specifically, our
policy is that hospitals that do not meet
the procedural deadlines as previously
set forth (requiring requests to MACs by
the specified date in February and,
where such requests are unsuccessful,
requests for intervention by CMS by the
specified date in April) will not be
permitted to challenge later, before the
PRRB, the failure of CMS to make a
requested data revision. We refer
readers also to the FY 2000 IPPS final
rule (64 FR 41513) for a discussion of
the parameters for appeals to the PRRB
for wage index data corrections. As
finalized in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (82 FR 38154 through
38156), this policy also applies to a
hospital disputing corrections made by
CMS that do not arise from a hospital’s
request for a wage index data revision.
That is, a hospital disputing an
adjustment made by CMS that did not
arise from a hospital’s request for a wage
index data revision is required to
request a correction by the first
applicable deadline. Hospitals that do
not meet the procedural deadlines set
forth earlier will not be afforded a later
opportunity to submit wage index data
corrections or to dispute CMS’ decision
with respect to changes.
Again, we believe the wage index data
correction process described earlier
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provides hospitals with sufficient
opportunity to bring errors in their wage
and occupational mix data to the MAC’s
attention. Moreover, because hospitals
had access to the final wage index data
PUFs by late April 2024, they have an
opportunity to detect any data entry or
tabulation errors made by the MAC or
CMS before the development and
publication of the final FY 2025 wage
index by August 2024, and the
implementation of the FY 2025 wage
index on October 1, 2024. Given these
processes, the wage index implemented
on October 1 should be accurate.
Nevertheless, in the event that errors are
identified by hospitals and brought to
our attention after May 29, 2024, we
retain the right to make midyear
changes to the wage index under very
limited circumstances.
Specifically, in accordance with
§ 412.64(k)(1) of our regulations, we
make midyear corrections to the wage
index for an area only if a hospital can
show that: (1) The MAC or CMS made
an error in tabulating its data; and (2)
the requesting hospital could not have
known about the error or did not have
an opportunity to correct the error,
before the beginning of the fiscal year.
For purposes of this provision, ‘‘before
the beginning of the fiscal year’’ means
by the May deadline for making
corrections to the wage data for the
following fiscal year’s wage index (for
example, May 29, 2024, for the FY 2025
wage index). This provision is not
available to a hospital seeking to revise
another hospital’s data that may be
affecting the requesting hospital’s wage
index for the labor market area. As
indicated earlier, because CMS makes
the wage index data available to
hospitals on the CMS website prior to
publishing both the proposed and final
IPPS rules, and the MACs notify
hospitals directly of any wage index
data changes after completing their desk
reviews, we do not expect that midyear
corrections will be necessary. However,
under our current policy, if the
correction of a data error changes the
wage index value for an area, the
revised wage index value will be
effective prospectively from the date the
correction is made.
In the FY 2006 IPPS final rule (70 FR
47385 through 47387 and 47485), we
revised § 412.64(k)(2) to specify that,
effective on October 1, 2005, that is,
beginning with the FY 2006 wage index,
a change to the wage index can be made
retroactive to the beginning of the
Federal fiscal year only when CMS
determines all of the following: (1) The
MAC or CMS made an error in
tabulating data used for the wage index
calculation; (2) the hospital knew about
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the error and requested that the MAC
and CMS correct the error using the
established process and within the
established schedule for requesting
corrections to the wage index data,
before the beginning of the fiscal year
for the applicable IPPS update (that is,
by the May 29, 2024, deadline for the
FY 2025 wage index); and (3) CMS
agreed before October 1 that the MAC or
CMS made an error in tabulating the
hospital’s wage index data and the wage
index should be corrected.
In those circumstances where a
hospital requested a correction to its
wage index data before CMS calculated
the final wage index (that is, by the May
29, 2024 deadline for the FY 2025 wage
index), and CMS acknowledges that the
error in the hospital’s wage index data
was caused by CMS’ or the MAC’s
mishandling of the data, we believe that
the hospital should not be penalized by
our delay in publishing or
implementing the correction. As with
our current policy, we indicated that the
provision is not available to a hospital
seeking to revise another hospital’s data.
In addition, the provision cannot be
used to correct prior years’ wage index
data; it can only be used for the current
Federal fiscal year. In situations where
our policies would allow midyear
corrections other than those specified in
§ 412.64(k)(2)(ii), we continue to believe
that it is appropriate to make
prospective-only corrections to the wage
We note that, as with prospective
changes to the wage index, the final
retroactive correction will be made
irrespective of whether the change
increases or decreases a hospital’s
payment rate. In addition, we note that
the policy of retroactive adjustment will
still apply in those instances where a
final judicial decision reverses a CMS
denial of a hospital’s wage index data
revision request.
b. Process for Data Corrections by CMS
After the January 31 Public Use File
The process set forth with the wage
index timetable discussed in section
III.C.4. of the preamble of this proposed
rule allows hospitals to request
corrections to their wage index data
within prescribed timeframes. In
addition to hospitals’ opportunity to
request corrections of wage index data
errors or MACs’ mishandling of data,
CMS has the authority under section
1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act to make
corrections to hospital wage index and
occupational mix data in order to ensure
the accuracy of the wage index. As we
explained in the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (80 FR 49490 through
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49491) and the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (81 FR 56914), section
1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act requires the
Secretary to adjust the proportion of
hospitals’ costs attributable to wages
and wage-related costs for area
differences reflecting the relative
hospital wage level in the geographic
areas of the hospital compared to the
national average hospital wage level. We
believe that, under section 1886(d)(3)(E)
of the Act, we have discretion to make
corrections to hospitals’ data to help
ensure that the costs attributable to
wages and wage-related costs in fact
accurately reflect the relative hospital
wage level in the hospitals’ geographic
We have an established multistep, 15month process for the review and
correction of the hospital wage data that
is used to create the IPPS wage index for
the upcoming fiscal year. Since the
origin of the IPPS, the wage index has
been subject to its own annual review
process, first by the MACs, and then by
CMS. As a standard practice, after each
annual desk review, CMS reviews the
results of the MACs’ desk reviews and
focuses on items flagged during the desk
review, requiring that, if necessary,
hospitals provide additional
documentation, adjustments, or
corrections to the data. This ongoing
communication with hospitals about
their wage data may result in the
discovery by CMS of additional items
that were reported incorrectly or other
data errors, even after the posting of the
January 31 PUF, and throughout the
remainder of the wage index
development process. In addition, the
fact that CMS analyzes the data from a
regional and even national level, unlike
the review performed by the MACs that
review a limited subset of hospitals, can
facilitate additional editing of the data
the need for which may not be readily
apparent to the MACs. In these
occasional instances, an error may be of
sufficient magnitude that the wage
index of an entire CBSA is affected.
Accordingly, CMS uses its authority to
ensure that the wage index accurately
reflects the relative hospital wage level
in the geographic area of the hospital
compared to the national average
hospital wage level, by continuing to
make corrections to hospital wage data
upon discovering incorrect wage data,
distinct from instances in which
hospitals request data revisions.
We note that CMS corrects errors to
hospital wage data as appropriate,
regardless of whether that correction
will raise or lower a hospital’s average
hourly wage. For example, as discussed
in section III.C. of the preamble of the
FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83
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FR 41364), in situations where a
hospital did not have documentable
salaries, wages, and hours for
housekeeping and dietary services, we
imputed estimates, in accordance with
policies established in the FY 2015
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 49965
through 49967). Furthermore, if CMS
discovers after conclusion of the desk
review, for example, that a MAC
inadvertently failed to incorporate
positive adjustments resulting from a
prior year’s wage index appeal of a
hospital’s wage-related costs such as
pension, CMS would correct that data
error, and the hospital’s average hourly
wage would likely increase as a result.
While we maintain CMS’ authority to
conduct additional review and make
resulting corrections at any time during
the wage index development process, in
accordance with the policy finalized in
the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(82 FR 38154 through 38156) and as first
implemented with the FY 2019 wage
index (83 FR 41389), hospitals are able
to request further review of a correction
made by CMS that did not arise from a
hospital’s request for a wage index data
correction. Instances where CMS makes
a correction to a hospital’s data after the
January 31 PUF based on a different
understanding than the hospital about
certain reported costs, for example,
could potentially be resolved using this
process before the final wage index is
calculated. We believe this process and
the timeline for requesting review of
such corrections (as described earlier
and in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule) promote additional
transparency in instances where CMS
makes data corrections after the January
31 PUF and provide opportunities for
hospitals to request further review of
CMS changes in time for the most
accurate data to be reflected in the final
wage index calculations. These
additional appeals opportunities are
described earlier and in the FY 2025
Hospital Wage Index Development Time
Table, as well as in the FY 2018 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38154
through 38156).
D. Method for Computing the Proposed
FY 2025 Unadjusted Wage Index
The method used to compute the
proposed FY 2025 wage index without
an occupational mix adjustment follows
the same methodology that we used to
compute the wage indexes without an
occupational mix adjustment in the FY
2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (see 85
FR 58758–58761), and we are not
proposing any changes to this
methodology. We have restated our
methodology in this section of this rule.
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Step 1.—We gathered data from each
of the non-Federal, short-term, acute
care hospitals for which data were
reported on the Worksheet S–3, Parts II
and III of the Medicare cost report for
the hospital’s cost reporting period
relevant to the wage index (in this case,
for FY 2025, these were data from cost
reports for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2020,
and before October 1, 2021). In addition,
we included data from hospitals that
had cost reporting periods beginning
prior to the October 1, 2020 begin date
and extending into FY 2021 but that did
not have any cost report with a begin
date on or after October 1, 2020 and
before October 1, 2021. We include this
data because no other data from these
hospitals would be available for the cost
reporting period as previously
described, and because particular labor
market areas might be affected due to
the omission of these hospitals.
However, we generally describe these
wage data as data applicable to the fiscal
year wage data being used to compute
the wage index for those hospitals. We
note that, if a hospital had more than
one cost reporting period beginning
during FY 2021 (for example, a hospital
had two short cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2020,
and before October 1, 2021), we include
wage data from only one of the cost
reporting periods, the longer, in the
wage index calculation. If there was
more than one cost reporting period and
the periods were equal in length, we
included the wage data from the later
period in the wage index calculation.
Step 2.—Salaries.—The method used
to compute a hospital’s average hourly
wage excludes certain costs that are not
paid under the IPPS. (We note that,
beginning with FY 2008 (72 FR 47315),
we included what were then Lines
22.01, 26.01, and 27.01 of Worksheet S–
3, Part II of CMS Form 2552–96 for
overhead services in the wage index.
Currently, these lines are lines 28, 33,
and 35 on CMS Form 2552–10.
However, we note that the wages and
hours on these lines are not
incorporated into Line 101, Column 1 of
Worksheet A, which, through the
electronic cost reporting software, flows
directly to Line 1 of Worksheet S–3, Part
II. Therefore, the first step in the wage
index calculation is to compute a
‘‘revised’’ Line 1, by adding to the Line
1 on Worksheet S–3, Part II (for wages
and hours respectively) the amounts on
Lines 28, 33, and 35.) In calculating a
hospital’s Net Salaries (we note that we
previously used the term ‘‘average’’
salaries in the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (76 FR 51592), but we now use
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the term ‘‘net’’ salaries) plus wagerelated costs, we first compute the
following: Subtract from Line 1 (total
salaries) the GME and CRNA costs
reported on CMS Form 2552–10, Lines
2, 4.01, 7, and 7.01, the Part B salaries
reported on Lines 3, 5 and 6, home
office salaries reported on Line 8, and
exclude salaries reported on Lines 9 and
10 (that is, direct salaries attributable to
SNF services, home health services, and
other subprovider components not
subject to the IPPS). We also subtract
from Line 1 the salaries for which no
hours were reported. Therefore, the
formula for Net Salaries (from
Worksheet S–3, Part II) is the following:
((Line 1 + Line 28 + Line 33 + Line
35)¥(Line 2 + Line 3 + Line 4.01 +
Line 5 + Line 6 + Line 7 + Line 7.01
+ Line 8 + Line 9 + Line 10)).
To determine Total Salaries plus
Wage-Related Costs, we add to the Net
Salaries the costs of contract labor for
direct patient care, certain top
management, pharmacy, laboratory, and
nonteaching physician Part A services
(Lines 11, 12 and 13), home office
salaries and wage-related costs reported
by the hospital on Lines 14.01, 14.02,
and 15, and nonexcluded area wagerelated costs (Lines 17, 22, 25.50, 25.51,
and 25.52). We note that contract labor
and home office salaries for which no
corresponding hours are reported are
not included. In addition, wage-related
costs for nonteaching physician Part A
employees (Line 22) are excluded if no
corresponding salaries are reported for
those employees on Line 4. The formula
for Total Salaries plus Wage-Related
Costs (from Worksheet S–3, Part II) is
the following:
((Line 1 + Line 28 + Line 33 + Line
35)¥(Line 2 + Line 3 + Line 4.01 +
Line 5 + Line 6 + Line 7 + Line 7.01
+ Line 8 + Line 9 + Line 10)) + (Line
11 + Line 12 + Line 13 + Line 14.01
+ 14.02 + Line 15) + (Line 17 + Line
22 + 25.50 + 25.51 + 25.52).
Step 3.—Hours.—With the exception
of wage-related costs, for which there
are no associated hours, we compute
total hours using the same methods as
described for salaries in Step 2. The
formula for Total Hours (from
Worksheet S–3, Part II) is the following:
((Line 1 + Line 28 + Line 33 + Line
35)¥(Line 2 + Line 3 + Line 4.01 +
Line 5 + Line 6 + Line 7 + Line 7.01
+ Line 8 + Line 9 + Line 10)) + (Line
11 + Line 12 + Line 13 + Line 14.01
+ 14.02 + Line 15).
Step 4.—For each hospital reporting
both total overhead salaries and total
overhead hours greater than zero, we
then allocate overhead costs to areas of
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the hospital excluded from the wage
index calculation. First, we determine
the ‘‘excluded rate’’, which is the ratio
of excluded area hours to Revised Total
Hours (from Worksheet S–3, Part II)
with the following formula:
(Line 9 + Line 10)/(Line 1 + Line 28 +
Line 33 + Line 35)¥(Lines 2, 3,
4.01, 5, 6, 7, 7.01, and 8 and Lines
26 through 43).
We then compute the amounts of
overhead salaries and hours to be
allocated to the excluded areas by
multiplying the previously discussed
ratio by the total overhead salaries and
hours reported on Lines 26 through 43
of Worksheet S–3, Part II. Next, we
compute the amounts of overhead wagerelated costs to be allocated to the
excluded areas using three steps:
• We determine the ‘‘overhead rate’’
(from Worksheet S–3, Part II), which is
the ratio of overhead hours (Lines 26
through 43 minus the sum of Lines 28,
33, and 35) to revised hours excluding
the sum of lines 28, 33, and 35 (Line 1
minus the sum of Lines 2, 3, 4.01, 5, 6,
7, 7.01, 8, 9, 10, 28, 33, and 35). We note
that, for the FY 2008 and subsequent
wage index calculations, we have been
excluding the overhead contract labor
(Lines 28, 33, and 35) from the
determination of the ratio of overhead
hours to revised hours because hospitals
typically do not provide fringe benefits
(wage-related costs) to contract
personnel. Therefore, it is not necessary
for the wage index calculation to
exclude overhead wage-related costs for
contract personnel. Further, if a hospital
does contribute to wage-related costs for
contracted personnel, the instructions
for Lines 28, 33, and 35 require that
associated wage-related costs be
combined with wages on the respective
contract labor lines. The formula for the
Overhead Rate (from Worksheet S–3,
Part II) is the following:
(Lines 26 through 43¥Lines 28, 33 and
35)/((((Line 1 + Lines 28, 33,
35)¥(Lines 2, 3, 4.01, 5, 6, 7, 7.01,
8, and 26 through 43))¥;(Lines 9
and 10)) + (Lines 26 through
43¥Lines 28, 33, and 35)).
• We compute overhead wage-related
costs by multiplying the overhead hours
ratio by wage-related costs reported on
Part II, Lines 17, 22, 25.50, 25.51, and
• We multiply the computed
overhead wage-related costs by the
previously described excluded area
hours ratio.
Finally, we subtract the computed
overhead salaries, wage-related costs,
and hours associated with excluded
areas from the total salaries (plus wage-
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related costs) and hours derived in
Steps 2 and 3.
Step 5.—For each hospital, we adjust
the total salaries plus wage-related costs
to a common period to determine total
adjusted salaries plus wage-related
costs. To make the wage adjustment, we
estimate the percentage change in the
employment cost index (ECI) for
compensation for each 30-day
increment from October 14, 2020,
through April 15, 2022, for private
industry hospital workers from data
obtained from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics’ (BLS’) Office of Compensation
and Working Conditions. We use the
ECI because it reflects the price increase
associated with total compensation
(salaries plus fringes) rather than just
the increase in salaries. In addition, the
ECI includes managers as well as other
hospital workers. This methodology to
compute the monthly update factors
uses actual quarterly ECI data and
assures that the update factors match
the actual quarterly and annual percent
changes. We also note that, since April
2006 with the publication of March
2006 data, the BLS’ ECI uses a different
classification system, the North
American Industrial Classification
System (NAICS), instead of the Standard
Industrial Codes (SICs), which no longer
exist. We have consistently used the ECI
as the data source for our wages and
salaries and other price proxies in the
IPPS market basket, and we are not
proposing to make any changes to the
usage of the ECI for FY 2025. The factors
used to adjust the hospital’s data are
based on the midpoint of the cost
reporting period, as indicated in this
Step 6.—Each hospital is assigned to
its appropriate urban or rural labor
market area before any reclassifications
under section 1886(d)(8)(B),
1886(d)(8)(E), or 1886(d)(10) of the Act.
Within each urban or rural labor market
area, we add the total adjusted salaries
plus wage-related costs obtained in Step
5 for all hospitals in that area to
determine the total adjusted salaries
plus wage-related costs for the labor
market area.
Step 7.—We divide the total adjusted
salaries plus wage-related costs obtained
under Step 6 by the sum of the
corresponding total hours (from Step 4)
for all hospitals in each labor market
area to determine an average hourly
wage for the area.
Step 8.—We add the total adjusted
salaries plus wage-related costs obtained
in Step 5 for all hospitals in the Nation
and then divide the sum by the national
sum of total hours from Step 4 to arrive
at a national average hourly wage.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Step 9.—For each urban or rural labor
market area, we calculate the hospital
wage index value, unadjusted for
occupational mix, by dividing the area
average hourly wage obtained in Step 7
by the national average hourly wage
computed in Step 8.
Step 10.—For each urban labor market
area for which we do not have any
hospital wage data (either because there
are no IPPS hospitals in that labor
market area, or there are IPPS hospitals
in that area but their data are either too
new to be reflected in the current year’s
wage index calculation, or their data are
aberrant and are deleted from the wage
index), we finalized in the FY 2020
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42305)
that, for FY 2020 and subsequent years’
wage index calculations, such CBSAs’
wage index would be equal to total
urban salaries plus wage-related costs
(from Step 5) in the State, divided by
the total urban hours (from Step 4) in
the State, divided by the national
average hourly wage from Step 8 (see 84
FR 42305 and 42306,). We stated that
we believe that, in the absence of wage
data for an urban labor market area, it
is reasonable to use a statewide urban
average, which is based on actual,
acceptable wage data of hospitals in that
State, rather than impute some other
type of value using a different
methodology. For calculation of the
proposed FY 2025 wage index, we note
there is one urban CBSA for which we
do not have IPPS hospital wage data. In
Table 3 (which is available via the
internet on the CMS website), which
contains the area wage indexes, we
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include a footnote to indicate to which
CBSA this policy applies. This CBSA’s
wage index would be calculated as
described, based on the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule methodology (84
FR 42305). Under this step, we also
apply our policy with regard to how
dollar amounts, hours, and other
numerical values in the wage index
calculations are rounded, as discussed
in this section of this proposed rule.
We refer readers to section II. of the
Appendix of the proposed rule for the
policy regarding rural areas that do not
have IPPS hospitals.
Step 11.—Section 4410 of Public Law
105–33 provides that, for discharges on
or after October 1, 1997, the area wage
index applicable to any hospital that is
located in an urban area of a State may
not be less than the area wage index
applicable to hospitals located in rural
areas in that State. The areas affected by
this provision are identified in Table 2
listed in section VI. of the Addendum to
the proposed rule and available via the
internet on the CMS website.
Following is our policy with regard to
rounding of the wage data (dollar
amounts, hours, and other numerical
values) in the calculation of the
unadjusted and adjusted wage index, as
finalized in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
final rule (84 FR 42306). For data that
we consider to be ‘‘raw data,’’ such as
the cost report data on Worksheets S–3,
Parts II and III, and the occupational
mix survey data, we use such data ‘‘as
is,’’ and do not round any of the
individual line items or fields. However,
for any dollar amounts within the wage
PO 00000
Frm 00226
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
index calculations, including any type
of summed wage amount, average
hourly wages, and the national average
hourly wage (both the unadjusted and
adjusted for occupational mix), we
round the dollar amounts to 2 decimals.
For any hour amounts within the wage
index calculations, we round such hour
amounts to the nearest whole number.
For any numbers not expressed as
dollars or hours within the wage index
calculations, which could include
ratios, percentages, or inflation factors,
we round such numbers to 5 decimals.
However, we continue rounding the
actual unadjusted and adjusted wage
indexes to 4 decimals, as we have done
As discussed in the FY 2012 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, in ‘‘Step 5,’’ for
each hospital, we adjust the total
salaries plus wage-related costs to a
common period to determine total
adjusted salaries plus wage-related
costs. To make the wage adjustment, we
estimate the percentage change in the
ECI for compensation for each 30-day
increment from October 14, 2020,
through April 15, 2022, for private
industry hospital workers from the BLS’
Office of Compensation and Working
Conditions data. We have consistently
used the ECI as the data source for our
wages and salaries and other price
proxies in the IPPS market basket, and
we are not proposing any changes to the
usage of the ECI for FY 2025. The factors
used to adjust the hospital’s data were
based on the midpoint of the cost
reporting period, as indicated in the
following table.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
For example, the midpoint of a cost
reporting period beginning January 1,
2021, and ending December 31, 2021, is
June 30, 2021. An adjustment factor of
1.03606 was applied to the wages of a
hospital with such a cost reporting
Previously, we also would provide a
Puerto Rico overall average hourly
wage. As discussed in the FY 2017
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR
56915), prior to January 1, 2016, Puerto
Rico hospitals were paid based on 75
percent of the national standardized
amount and 25 percent of the Puerto
Rico-specific standardized amount. As a
result, we calculated a Puerto Rico
specific wage index that was applied to
the labor-related share of the Puerto
Adiustment Factor
Rico-specific standardized amount.
Section 601 of Division O, Title VI
(section 601) of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. L. 114–
113) amended section 1886(d)(9)(E) of
the Act to specify that the payment
calculation with respect to operating
costs of inpatient hospital services of a
subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital for
inpatient hospital discharges on or after
January 1, 2016, shall use 100 percent
of the national standardized amount. As
we stated in the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (81 FR 56915 through
56916), because Puerto Rico hospitals
are no longer paid with a Puerto Rico
specific standardized amount as of
January 1, 2016, under section
1886(d)(9)(E) of the Act, as amended by
section 601 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2016, there is no
longer a need to calculate a Puerto Rico
specific average hourly wage and wage
index. Hospitals in Puerto Rico are now
paid 100 percent of the national
standardized amount and, therefore, are
subject to the national average hourly
wage (unadjusted for occupational mix)
and the national wage index, which is
applied to the national labor-related
share of the national standardized
amount. Therefore, for FY 2025, there is
no Puerto Rico-specific overall average
hourly wage or wage index.
Based on the previously discussed
methodology, the proposed FY 2025
unadjusted national average hourly
wage is the following:
I Proposed FY 2025 Unadjusted National Average Hourly Wage
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
E. Proposed Occupational Mix
Adjustment to the FY 2025 Wage Index
As stated earlier, section 1886(d)(3)(E)
of the Act provides for the collection of
data every 3 years on the occupational
mix of employees for each short-term,
acute care hospital participating in the
Medicare program, in order to construct
an occupational mix adjustment to the
wage index, for application beginning
October 1, 2004 (the FY 2005 wage
index). The purpose of the occupational
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mix adjustment is to control for the
effect of hospitals’ employment choices
on the wage index. For example,
hospitals may choose to employ
different combinations of registered
nurses, licensed practical nurses,
nursing aides, and medical assistants for
the purpose of providing nursing care to
their patients. The varying labor costs
associated with these choices reflect
hospital management decisions rather
PO 00000
Frm 00227
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
than geographic differences in the costs
of labor.
1. Use of New 2022 Medicare Wage
Index Occupational Mix Survey for the
FY 2025 Wage Index
Section 304(c) of Appendix F, Title III
of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2001 (Pub. L. 106–554) amended section
1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act to require CMS
to collect data every 3 years on the
occupational mix of employees for each
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
short-term, acute care hospital
participating in the Medicare program
and to measure the earnings and paid
hours of employment for such hospitals
by occupational category. As discussed
in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (86 FR 25402 through
25403) and final rule (86 FR 45173), we
collected data in 2019 to compute the
occupational mix adjustment for the FY
2022, FY 2023, and FY 2024 wage
indexes. A new measurement of
occupational mix is required for FY
The FY 2025 occupational mix
adjustment is based on a new calendar
year (CY) 2022 survey. Hospitals were
required to submit their completed 2022
surveys (Form CMS–10079, OMB
Number 0938–0907, expiration date
January 31, 2026) to their MACs by July
1, 2023. The preliminary, unaudited CY
2022 survey data were posted on the
CMS website on July 12, 2023. As with
the Worksheet S–3, Parts II and III cost
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report wage data, as part of the FY 2025
desk review process, the MACs revised
or verified data elements in hospitals’
occupational mix surveys that resulted
in certain edit failures.
Consistent with the IPPS and LTCH
PPS ratesettings, our policy principles
with regard to the occupational mix
adjustment include generally using the
most current data and information
available, which is usually occupational
mix data on a 3-year lag in the first year
of the use of the occupational mix
survey (for example, for the FY 2022
wage index we used occupational mix
data from 2019; we also used this data
for the FY 2023 and FY 2024 wage
indexes). In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
final rule (88 FR 58969–58970), one
commenter had concerns that the 2025
occupational mix data may be skewed
due to the COVID–19 PHE, and we
stated that we plan to assess the CY
2022 Occupational Mix Survey data in
the FY 2025 IPPS proposed rule.
PO 00000
Frm 00228
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Based on pre-reclassified wage data,
we computed the unadjusted and
adjusted wage indexes for FY 2025
using the 2022 occupational mix survey
data. We then measured the increases
and decreases by CBSA as a result of the
2022 occupational mix survey data. We
compared this table to the same table for
the FY 2024 wage indexes, which used
the 2019 occupational mix data, as well
as the FY 2021 wage indexes, which
used the 2016 occupational mix data.
This table demonstrates the impact of
the occupational mix adjusted wage
data compared to unadjusted wage data
for the most recent three occupational
mix surveys using the 2022 survey data
compared to the 2019 survey data and
the 2016 survey data. That is, it shows
whether hospitals’ wage indexes will
increase or decrease under the 2022
survey data as compared to the most
recent years using the prior 2019 survey
data and 2016 survey data respectively.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Based on the table, increases and
decreases by CBSA are alike across each
year of occupational mix data. For
example, 60.19 percent of urban areas’
wage indexes are increasing in FY 2025
due to the CY 2022 occupational mix
data compared to 56.07 percent in FY
2024 using CY 2019 occupational mix
data. Similarly, 59.57 percent of rural
areas’ wage indexes are increasing in FY
2025 due to the CY 2022 occupational
mix data compared to 57.45 percent in
FY 2024 using CY 2019 occupational
mix data. We also note that similar to
the wage data, it is not readily apparent,
even if the comparison with the
historical trends had indicated greater
differences by CBSA in this context,
how any changes due to the COVID–19
PHE differentially impacted the
occupational mix adjusted wages paid
in each CBSA. Furthermore, even if
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hypothetically changes due to the
COVID–19 PHE did differentially
impact the occupational mix adjusted
wage index over time, it is not clear how
those changes could be isolated from
changes due to other reasons and what
an appropriate potential methodology
might be to adjust the data accordingly.
Lastly, we also note that we have not
identified any significant issues with
the 2022 occupational mix data itself in
terms of our audits of this data. As
usual, the data was audited by the
MACs, and there were no significant
issues reported across the data for all
Taking all these factors into account,
we believe the CY 2022 occupational
mix data is the best available data to use
for FY 2025 and are proposing to use the
CY 2022 occupational mix data for FY
PO 00000
Frm 00229
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
2. Calculation of the Occupational Mix
Adjustment for FY 2025
For FY 2025, we are proposing to
calculate the occupational mix
adjustment factor using the same
methodology that we have used since
the FY 2012 wage index (76 FR 51582
through 51586) and to apply the
occupational mix adjustment to 100
percent of the FY 2025 wage index. In
the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(84 FR 42308), we modified our
methodology with regard to how dollar
amounts, hours, and other numerical
values in the unadjusted and adjusted
wage index calculation are rounded, in
order to ensure consistency in the
calculation. According to the policy
finalized in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (84 FR 42308 and 42309),
for data that we consider to be ‘‘raw
data,’’ such as the cost report data on
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Comparison of the Occupational Mix Adjusted W al!e Indexes to the Unadjusted W al!e Indexes by CBSA
CY 2016 Occupational Mix
CY 2019 Occupational Mix
CY 2022 Occupational Mix
(Usinl! FY 2024 Wa!!e Data)
(Usinl! FY 2025 Waire Data)
(Usinl! FY 2021 Waire Data)
Number ofUrban Areas Wage Index
238 (57.77%)
231 (56.07%)
248 (60.19%)
Number of Rural Areas Wage Index
20 (42.55%)
27 (57.45%)
28 (59.57%)
Number ofUrban Areas Wage Index
Increasing by Greater Than or Equal to
125 (30.34%)
148 (35.92%)
114 (27.67%)
1 Percent But Less Than 5 Percent
Number ofUrban Areas Wage Index
Increasing by 5 percent or More
7 (1.7%)
5 (1.21%)
6 (1.46%)
Number of Rural Areas Wage Index
Increasing by Greater Than or Equal to
12 (25.53%)
17 (36.17%)
1 Percent But Less Than 5 percent
9 (19.15%)
Number of Rural Areas Wage Index
0 (0%)
Increasing by 5 Percent or More
Number ofUrban Areas Wage Index
163 (39.56%)
173 (41.99%)
179 (43.45%)
Number of Rural Areas Wage Index
19 (40.43%)
26 (55.32%)
20 (42.55%)
Number ofUrban Areas Wage Index
Decreasing by Greater Than or Equal to
85 (20.63%)
1 Percent But Less Than 5 percent
80 (19.42%)
78 (18.93%)
Number ofUrban Areas Wage Index
1 (0.24%)
3 (0.73%)
1 (0.24%)
Decreasing bv 5 Percent or More
Number of Rural Areas Wage Index
Decreasing by Greater Than or Equal to
8 (17.02%)
8 (17.02%)
6 (12.77%)
1 Percent But Less than 5 Percent
Number of Rural Areas Wage Index
0 (0%)
Decreasing bv 5 Percent or More
Largest Positive Impact for an Urban
Largest Positive Impact for a Rural
Largest Negative Impact for an Urban
Largest Negative Impact for a Rural
Urban Areas Unchanged by Application
2 (0.49%)
of the Occupational Mix Adiustment
1 (0.24%)
1 (0.24%)
Rural Areas Unchanged by Application
0 (0%)
of the Occupational Mix Adjustment
1 (2.13%)
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
occupational mix, salaries and hours for
a multicampus hospital are allotted
among the different labor market areas
where its campuses are located. Table 2
associated with this proposed rule
(which is available via the internet on
the CMS website), which contains the
proposed FY 2025 occupational mix
adjusted wage index, includes separate
wage data for the campuses of
multicampus hospitals. We refer readers
to section III.C. of the preamble of this
proposed rule for a chart listing the
multicampus hospitals and the FTE
percentages used to allot their
occupational mix data.
Because the statute requires that the
Secretary measure the earnings and paid
hours of employment by occupational
category not less than once every 3
years, all hospitals that are subject to
payments under the IPPS, or any
hospital that would be subject to the
IPPS if not granted a waiver, must
complete the occupational mix survey,
Proposed FY 2025 Occupational Mix
Ad'usted National Avera
3. Implementation of the Proposed
Occupational Mix Adjustment and the
Proposed FY 2025 Occupational Mix
Adjusted Wage Index
As discussed in section III.E. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, for FY
2025, we are applying the occupational
mix adjustment to 100 percent of the FY
2025 wage index. We calculated the
occupational mix adjustment using data
from the 2022 occupational mix survey,
using the methodology described in the
FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76
FR 51582–51586).
Occupational Mix Nursing Subcategory
National RN
National LPN and Surgical Technician
National Nurse Aide, Orderly, and Attendant
National Medical Assistant
National Nurse Category
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The proposed national average hourly
wage for the entire nurse category is
computed in Step 5 of the occupational
mix calculation. Hospitals with a nurse
category average hourly wage (as
calculated in Step 4) of greater than the
national nurse category average hourly
unless the hospital has no associated
cost report wage data that are included
in the proposed FY 2025 wage index.
For the proposed FY 2025 wage index,
we are using the Worksheet S–3, Parts
II and III wage data of 3,075 hospitals,
and we used the occupational mix
surveys of 2,950 hospitals for which we
also had Worksheet S–3 wage data,
which represented a ‘‘response’’ rate of
96 percent (2,950/3,075). For the
proposed FY 2025 wage index, we are
applying proxy data for noncompliant
hospitals, new hospitals, or hospitals
that submitted erroneous or aberrant
data in the same manner that we
applied proxy data for such hospitals in
the FY 2012 wage index occupational
mix adjustment (76 FR 51586). As a
result of applying this methodology, the
proposed FY 2025 occupational mix
adjusted national average hourly wage is
the following:
Based on the 2022 occupational mix
survey data, the proposed FY 2025
national average hourly wages for each
occupational mix nursing subcategory
as calculated in Step 2 of the
occupational mix calculation are as
Average Hourly Wage
wage receive an occupational mix
adjustment factor (as calculated in Step
6) of less than 1.0. Hospitals with a
nurse category average hourly wage (as
calculated in Step 4) of less than the
national nurse category average hourly
wage receive an occupational mix
adjustment factor (as calculated in Step
6) of greater than 1.0.
Based on the 2022 occupational mix
survey data, we determined (in Step 7
of the occupational mix calculation) the
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PO 00000
Frm 00230
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Worksheets S–3, Parts II and III, and the
occupational mix survey data, we
continue to use these data ‘‘as is’’, and
not round any of the individual line
items or fields. However, for any dollar
amounts within the wage index
calculations, including any type of
summed wage amount, average hourly
wages, and the national average hourly
wage (both the unadjusted and adjusted
for occupational mix), we round such
dollar amounts to 2 decimals. We round
any hour amounts within the wage
index calculations to the nearest whole
number. We round any numbers not
expressed as dollars or hours in the
wage index calculations, which could
include ratios, percentages, or inflation
factors, to 5 decimals. However, we
continue rounding the actual
unadjusted and adjusted wage indexes
to 4 decimals, as we have done
Similar to the method we use for the
calculation of the wage index without
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
III. Proposed Changes to the Hospital
Wage Index for Acute Care Hospitals
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
F. Hospital Redesignations and
The following sections III.F.1 through
III.F.4 discuss revisions to the wage
index based on hospital redesignations
and reclassifications. Specifically,
hospitals may have their geographic
area changed for wage index payment
by applying for urban to rural
reclassification under section
1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act (implemented at
§ 412.103), reclassification by the
Medicare Geographic Classification
Review Board (MGCRB) under section
1886(d)(10) of the Act, Lugar status
redesignations under section
1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act, or a
combination of the foregoing.
1. Urban to Rural Reclassification Under
Section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act,
Implemented at § 412.103
Under section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the
Act, a qualifying prospective payment
hospital located in an urban area may
apply for rural status for payment
purposes separate from reclassification
through the MGCRB. Specifically,
section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act provides
that, not later than 60 days after the
receipt of an application (in a form and
manner determined by the Secretary)
from a subsection (d) hospital that
satisfies certain criteria, the Secretary
shall treat the hospital as being located
in the rural area (as defined in
paragraph (2)(D)) of the State in which
the hospital is located. We refer readers
to the regulations at § 412.103 for the
general criteria and application
requirements for a subsection (d)
hospital to reclassify from urban to rural
status in accordance with section
1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act (such hospitals
are referred to herein as ‘‘§ 412.103
hospitals’’). The FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (76 FR 51595 through
51596) includes our policies regarding
the effect of wage data from reclassified
or redesignated hospitals. We refer
readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH final
rule (88 FR 58971 through 58977) for a
review of our policy finalized in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR
49004) to calculate the rural floor with
the wage data of urban hospitals
reclassifying to rural areas under
§ 412.103, and discussion of our
modification to the calculation of the
rural wage index and its implications
for the rural floor.
In the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (83 FR 41369 through 41374), we
codified certain policies regarding
multicampus hospitals in the
regulations at §§ 412.92, 412.96,
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412.103, and 412.108. We stated that
reclassifications from urban to rural
under § 412.103 apply to the entire
hospital (that is, the main campus and
its remote location(s)). We also stated
that a main campus of a hospital cannot
obtain Sole Community Hospital (SCH),
Rural Referral Center (RRC), or Medicare
Dependent Hospital (MDH) status, or
rural reclassification under § 412.103,
independently or separately from its
remote location(s), and vice versa. In the
FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87
FR 49012 and 49013), we added
§ 412.103(a)(8) to clarify that for a
multicampus hospital, approved rural
reclassification status applies to the
main campus and any remote location
located in an urban area, including a
main campus or any remote location
deemed urban under section
1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act. If a remote
location of a hospital is located in a
different CBSA than the main campus of
the hospital, it is CMS’ longstanding
policy to assign that remote location a
wage index based on its own geographic
area in order to comply with the
statutory requirement to adjust for
geographic differences in hospital wage
levels (section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act).
Hospitals are required to identify and
allocate wages and hours based on FTEs
for remote locations located in different
CBSAs on Worksheet S–2, Part I, Lines
165 and 166 of form CMS–2552–10. In
calculating wage index values, CMS
identifies the allocated wage data for
these remote locations in Table 2 with
a ‘‘B’’ in the 3rd position of the CCN.
These remote locations of hospitals with
§ 412.103 rural reclassification status in
a different CBSA are identified in Table
2, and hospitals should evaluate
potential wage index outcomes for their
remote location(s) when withdrawing or
terminating MGCRB reclassification, or
canceling § 412.103 rural
reclassification status.
We also note that in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59038
through 59039), we changed the
effective date of rural reclassification for
a hospital qualifying for rural
reclassification under § 412.103(a)(3) by
meeting the criteria for SCH status
(other than being located in a rural
area), and also applying to obtain SCH
status under § 412.92, where eligibility
for SCH classification depends on a
hospital merger. Specifically, we
finalized that in these circumstances,
and subject to the hospital meeting the
requirements set forth at
§ 412.92(b)(2)(vi), the effective date for
rural reclassification will be the
effective date set forth in
§ 412.92(b)(2)(vi).
PO 00000
Frm 00231
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Finally, we remind hospitals
currently located in rural areas
becoming urban under the proposed
adoption of the revised OMB
delineations in this proposed rule that
if they have SCH, MDH, or RRC status,
they may choose to apply for a § 412.103
urban to rural reclassification if
qualifying criteria are met in order to
maintain the SCH, MDH, or RRC status.
We advise hospitals to evaluate their
options and if desired, apply for
§ 412.103 urban to rural reclassification
before the beginning of FY 2025, to
avoid a lapse in SCH, MDH, or RRC
status at the beginning of FY 2025
should we finalize our proposal to adopt
the revised OMB delineations.
a. Proposed Update to Rural Criteria at
§ 412.103(a)(1)
Section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act
describes criteria for hospitals located in
urban areas to be treated as being
located in a rural area of their state. The
criterion at section 1886(d)(8)(E)(ii)(I) of
the Act requires that the hospital be
located in a rural census tract of a
metropolitan statistical area (as
determined under the most recent
modification of the Goldsmith
Modification, originally published in
the Federal Register on February 27,
1992 (57 FR 6725)).
This condition is implemented in the
regulation at § 412.103(a)(1), which
currently states: ‘‘the hospital is located
in a rural census tract of a Metropolitan
Statistical Area (MSA) as determined
under the most recent version of the
Goldsmith Modification, the RuralUrban Commuting Area codes, as
determined by the Office of Rural
Health Policy (ORHP) of the Health
Resources and Services Administration
(HRSA), which is available via the
ORHP website at: https://www.rural or from the U.S.
Department of Health and Human
Services, Health Resources and Services
Administration, Office of Rural Health
Policy, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 9A–55,
Rockville, MD 20857.’’
The Goldsmith Modification 136 was
originally designed to identify rural
census tracts located in Metropolitan
counties for purposes of grant eligibility
unrelated to the hospital IPPS but were
incorporated by section
1886(d)(8)(E)(ii)(I) of the Act for
136 Known as the ‘‘Goldsmith Modification’’ for
its principal developer, Harold F. Goldsmith, this
method is described in detail in the paper
‘‘Improving the Operational Definition of ‘‘Rural
Areas’’ for Federal Programs’’ available at https://
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
purposes related to the hospital wage
The Federal Office of Rural Health
Policy (FORHP) (known as ORHP in
§ 412.103) later funded development of
Rural-Urban Commuting Area (RUCA)
codes via the U.S. Department of
Agriculture’s (USDA) Economic
Research Service as the latest version of
the Goldsmith Modification, described
in a May 3, 2007 Federal Register notice
(72 FR 24589), to address limitations of
the original Goldsmith Modification.
RUCAs, like the Goldsmith
Modification, are based on a sub-county
unit, the census tract, permitting a finer
delineation of what constitutes rural
areas inside Metropolitan areas (72 FR
24590). In that notice, HRSA stated it
believes that the use of RUCAs allows
more accurate targeting of resources
intended for the rural population to
determine programmatic eligibility for
rural areas inside of Metropolitan
counties. Using data from the Census
Bureau, every census tract in the United
States is assigned a RUCA code. In the
May 3, 2007 Federal Register, HRSA
stated that ORHP considers all census
tracts with RUCA codes 4–10 to be
rural, plus an additional 132 large area
census tracts with RUCA codes 2 or 3
(72 FR 24591). They also stated that
ORHP will continue to seek refinements
in the use of RUCAs.
FORHP has since published a revised
definition of eligibility for rural health
grants for FY 2022 in a January, 12, 2021
Federal Register Notice (86 FR 2418
through 2420). Specifically, FORHP
added Metropolitan Statistical Area
(MSA) counties that contain no
Urbanized Area (UA) 137 to the areas
eligible for the rural health grant
programs. FORHP did not remove any
areas from the rural definition in the FY
2022 Federal Register Notice.
It has come to our attention that our
current regulation text at § 412.103(a)(1)
does not describe FORHP’s expanded
definition of a ‘‘rural area’’ from the FY
2022 Federal Register Notice. In
addition, § 412.103(a)(1) contains a web
link that is no longer active and requires
updating. We believe the current rural
definition used by FORHP for purposes
of the rural health grant program
constitutes ‘‘the most recent
modification of the Goldsmith
Modification’’ referred to in the statute,
since the expanded definition of rural
constitutes a refinement to the use of
RUCA codes, which were developed as
the latest version of the Goldsmith
Modification. As stated in the FY 2022
137 UAs are defined by the Census Bureau as
densely settled areas with a total population of at
least 50,000 people (86 FR 2418).
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Federal Register Notice (86 FR 2420),
the expanded criteria reflect FORHP’s
desire to accurately identify areas that
are rural in character using a datadriven methodology that relies on
existing geographic identifiers and
utilizes standard, national level data
sources. We are therefore proposing to
amend our regulation text at
§ 412.103(a)(1) to provide a reference to
the most recent Federal Register notice
issued by HRSA defining ‘‘rural areas.’’
In this way, there will be no need to
update the Medicare regulations if
FORHP develops a further modification
of the Goldsmith Modification or if the
weblink changes. FORHP has published
the current link in the Federal Register
notice (86 FR 2418–2420) along with the
most recent revisions to the current
complete rural definition, and it is
available via the Rural Health Grants
Eligibility Analyzer at https://
We are proposing to amend the
regulation text at 412.103(a)(1) to read:
the hospital is located in a rural census
tract of a Metropolitan Statistical Area
(MSA) as determined under the most
recent version of the Goldsmith
Modification, using the Rural-Urban
Commuting Area codes and additional
criteria, as determined by the Federal
Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP)
of the Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA), which is
available at the web link provided in the
most recent Federal Register notice
issued by HRSA defining rural areas.
b. Proposed Policy for Canceling
§ 412.103 Reclassifications of
Terminated Providers
In the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (80 FR 49499 through 49500), CMS
discussed its longstanding policy to
terminate the § 1886(d)(10) MGCRB
wage index reclassification status for
hospitals with terminated CMS
certification numbers (CCN). We
determined that it would be appropriate
to terminate the MGCRB reclassification
status for these hospitals (with a limited
exception for certain locations acquired
by another hospital in a different
CBSA), as the hospital may no longer be
able to make timely and informed
decisions regarding reclassification
At the time, we did not articulate a
similar policy for hospitals reclassified
as rural under § 412.103. While policies
regarding MGCRB reclassification were
adopted for purposes related to the
hospital wage index, § 412.103
reclassifications may have broader
implications. At the time the policy to
terminate MGCRB reclassifications for
hospitals with terminated CCNs was
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implemented, § 412.103 reclassifications
were less common, and generally had
negligible effects on State rural wage
index values. Prior to FY 2024, as a
result of various wage index value holdharmless policies, discussed in detail in
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(88 FR 58973–58974), § 412.103 hospital
data rarely affected a state’s final rural
wage index value. Under the current
policy first implemented in FY 2024,
however, § 412.103 hospital data is only
excluded from the rural wage index
when indicated by the hold harmless
provision at section 1886(d)(8)(C)(ii) of
the Act. Hospitals reclassified under
§ 412.103 now impact the rural wage
index value of most states. We refer
readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH final
rule (88 FR 58973 through 58977) for
discussion on how CMS finalized the
current policy to include the wage index
data for § 412.103 hospitals in more
iterations of the rural wage index
calculation. Furthermore, following the
policy implemented in the April 21,
2016 interim final rule with comment
period (IFC) (81 FR 23428 through
23438), which allowed hospitals to
maintain dual § 412.103 and MGCRB
reclassification status, the number of
rural reclassifications has grown
significantly. We now believe it is
appropriate to propose a policy
regarding terminated or ‘‘tied-out’’
hospitals, effective for FY 2025, to
address our concerns regarding the
impacts these hospitals would have on
rural wage index values. Therefore, we
are proposing that § 412.103
reclassifications will be considered
cancelled for the purposes of calculating
area wage index for any hospital with a
CCN listed as terminated or ‘‘tied-out’’
as of the date that the hospital ceased to
operate with an active CCN. We propose
to obtain and review the best available
CCN termination status lists as of the
§ 412.103(b)(6) ‘‘lock-in’’ date (60 days
after the proposed rule for the FY is
displayed in the Federal Register). The
lock-in date is used to determine
whether a hospital has been approved
for § 412.103 reclassification in time for
that status to be included in the
upcoming year’s wage index
development. We believe using this date
for evaluating CCN terminations would
be consistent with the wage index
development timeline.
As stated previously, § 412.103
reclassification may have other
implications for hospital status and
payment. Hospitals may obtain rural
reclassification for several reasons, such
as in order to convert to a Critical
Access Hospital (CAH), or to obtain
Sole-Community Hospital (SCH) status.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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Eligibility requirements for Rural
Emergency Hospital (REH) qualification
under section 1861(kkk)(3) of the Act
included a reference to reclassification
under section 1886(d)(8)(E)
(implemented by § 412.103). We note
that our proposal to consider § 412.103
reclassifications cancelled for the
purposes of calculating area wage index
for any hospital with a CCN listed as
terminated or ‘‘tied-out’’ is not intended
to alter or affect the qualification for
such statuses or to have other effects
unrelated to hospital wage index
calculations. The rural reclassification
status would remain in effect for any
period that the original PPS hospital
remains in operation with an active
CCN. For REH qualification requirement
purposes, this would include the date of
enactment of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116–
260), which was December 27, 2020. We
believe this policy provides consistency
and predictability in wage index values.
2. General Policies and Effects of
MGCRB Reclassification and Treatment
of Dual Reclassified Hospitals
Under section 1886(d)(10) of the Act,
the MGCRB considers applications by
hospitals for geographic reclassification
for purposes of payment under the IPPS.
Hospitals must apply to the MGCRB to
reclassify not later than 13 months prior
to the start of the fiscal year for which
reclassification is sought (usually by
September 1). Generally, hospitals must
be proximate to the labor market area to
which they are seeking reclassification
and must demonstrate characteristics
similar to hospitals located in that area.
The MGCRB issues its decisions by the
end of February for reclassifications that
become effective for the following fiscal
year (beginning October 1). The
regulations applicable to
reclassifications by the MGCRB are
located in §§ 412.230 through 412.280.
(We refer readers to a discussion in the
FY 2002 IPPS final rule (66 FR 39874
and 39875) regarding how the MGCRB
defines mileage for purposes of the
proximity requirements.) The general
policies for reclassifications and
redesignations and the policies for the
effects of hospitals’ reclassifications and
redesignations on the wage index are
discussed in the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule for the FY 2012 final
wage index (76 FR 51595 and 51596).
In addition, in the FY 2012 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we discussed the
effects on the wage index of urban
hospitals reclassifying to rural areas
under § 412.103. In the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42332
through 42336), we finalized a policy to
exclude the wage data of urban
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hospitals reclassifying to rural areas
under § 412.103 from the calculation of
the rural floor, but we reverted to the
pre-FY 2020 policy in the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49002
through 49004). Hospitals that are
geographically located in States without
any rural areas are ineligible to apply for
rural reclassification in accordance with
the provisions of § 412.103.
On April 21, 2016, we published an
interim final rule with comment period
(IFC) in the Federal Register (81 FR
23428 through 23438) that included
provisions amending our regulations to
allow hospitals nationwide to have
simultaneous § 412.103 and MGCRB
reclassifications. For reclassifications
effective beginning FY 2018, a hospital
may acquire rural status under § 412.103
and subsequently apply for a
reclassification under the MGCRB using
distance and average hourly wage
criteria designated for rural hospitals. In
addition, we provided that a hospital
that has an active MGCRB
reclassification and is then approved for
redesignation under § 412.103 will not
lose its MGCRB reclassification; such a
hospital receives a reclassified urban
wage index during the years of its active
MGCRB reclassification and is still
considered rural under section 1886(d)
of the Act for other purposes.
We discussed that when there is both
a § 412.103 redesignation and an
MGCRB reclassification, the MGCRB
reclassification controls for wage index
calculation and payment purposes. Prior
to FY 2024, we excluded hospitals with
§ 412.103 redesignations from the
calculation of the reclassified rural wage
index if they also have an active
MGCRB reclassification to another area.
That is, if an application for urban
reclassification through the MGCRB is
approved and is not withdrawn or
terminated by the hospital within the
established timelines, we consider the
hospital’s geographic CBSA and the
urban CBSA to which the hospital is
reclassified under the MGCRB for the
wage index calculation. We refer readers
to the April 21, 2016 IFC (81 FR 23428
through 23438) and the FY 2017 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR 56922
through 56930), in which we finalized
the April 21, 2016 IFC, for a full
discussion of the effect of simultaneous
reclassifications under both the
§ 412.103 and the MGCRB processes on
wage index calculations. For FY 2024
and subsequent years, we refer readers
to section III.G.1 of the preamble of the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for
discussion of our proposal to include
hospitals with a § 412.103 redesignation
that also have an active MGCRB
reclassification to another area in the
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calculation of the reclassified rural wage
index (88 FR 58971 through 58977).
a. Proposed Revision To Allow
§ 412.103 Hospitals To Use Geographic
Area or Rural Area for Reclassification
On May 10, 2021, we published an
interim final rule with comment period
(IFC) in the Federal Register (86 FR
24735 through 24739) that included
provisions amending our regulations to
allow hospitals with a rural
redesignation to reclassify through the
MGCRB using the rural reclassified area
as the geographic area in which the
hospital is located. We revised our
regulation so that the redesignated rural
area, and not the hospital’s geographic
urban area, is considered the area a
§ 412.103 hospital is located in for
purposes of meeting MGCRB
reclassification criteria, including the
average hourly wage comparisons
required by § 412.230(a)(5)(i) and
(d)(1)(iii)(C). Similarly, we revised the
regulations to consider the redesignated
rural area, and not the geographic urban
area, as the area a § 412.103 hospital is
located in for purposes of applying the
prohibition at § 412.230(a)(5)(i) on
reclassifying to an area with a prereclassified average hourly wage lower
than the pre-reclassified average hourly
wage for the area in which the hospital
is located. Effective for reclassification
applications due to the MGCRB for
reclassification beginning in FY 2023, a
§ 412.103 hospital could apply for a
reclassification under the MGCRB using
the State’s rural area as the area in
which the hospital is located. We refer
readers to the May 10, 2021 IFC (86 FR
24735 through 24739) and the FY 2022
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45187
through 45190), in which we finalized
the May 10, 2021 IFC, for a full
discussion of these policies.
In a comment on the May 10, 2021
IFC (86 FR 24735 through 24739), a
commenter noted that the IFC states that
a hospital reclassified under § 412.103
could potentially reclassify to any area
with a pre-reclassified average hourly
wage that is higher than the prereclassified average hourly wage for the
rural area of the State for purposes of
the regulation at § 412.230(a)(5)(i). The
commenter asserted that CMS’ use of
the word ‘‘could’’ in this context seems
to suggest that CMS would allow the
hospital to use either its home average
hourly wage or the rural average hourly
wage for purposes of the regulation at
§ 412.230(a)(5)(i). The commenter
suggested that CMS allow both
comparison options, because the rural
average hourly wage may occasionally
be higher than the hospital’s home
urban area’s average hourly wage.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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In response, we clarified that the
commenter’s interpretation of our policy
is correct. We stated that while the
court’s decision in Bates County
Memorial Hospital v. Azar requires CMS
to permit hospitals to reclassify to any
area with a pre-reclassified average
hourly wage that is higher than the prereclassified average hourly wage for the
rural area of the state, we do not believe
that we are required to limit hospitals
from using their geographic home area
for purposes of the regulation at
§ 412.230(a)(5)(i). Therefore, we
clarified that we would allow hospitals
to reclassify to an area with an average
hourly wage that is higher than the
average hourly wage of either the
hospital’s geographic home area or the
rural area (86 FR 45189).
While we clarified our policy in
response to the aforementioned
comment, the regulation text was not
similarly clarified to reflect this policy
inadvertently. We are therefore
proposing to revise the regulation text at
§ 412.230(a)(5)(i) to reflect our policy
clarified in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (86 FR 45189). While it has
been CMS’ policy to allow a § 412.103
hospital to use either its geographic area
or the rural area of the State for
purposes of § 412.230(a)(5)(i), we
believe that synchronizing the
regulation text with our policy clarified
in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45189) is necessary for
consistency and to reduce unnecessary
Administrative appeals.
Specifically, we are proposing to
replace the phrase in the regulation at
§ 412.230(a)(5)(i) that reads ‘‘in the rural
area of the state’’ with the phrase ‘‘either
in its geographic area or in the rural area
of the state.’’ Section 412.230(a)(5)(i)
with this proposed revision would read:
An individual hospital may not be
redesignated to another area for
purposes of the wage index if the prereclassified average hourly wage for that
area is lower than the pre-reclassified
average hourly wage for the area in
which the hospital is located. An urban
hospital that has been granted
redesignation as rural under § 412.103 is
considered to be located either in its
geographic area or in the rural area of
the State for the purposes of this
paragraph (a)(5)(i).
3. MGCRB Reclassification Issues for FY
a. FY 2025 Reclassification Application
Requirements and Approvals
As previously stated, under section
1886(d)(10) of the Act, the MGCRB
considers applications by hospitals for
geographic reclassification for purposes
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of payment under the IPPS. The specific
procedures and rules that apply to the
geographic reclassification process are
outlined in regulations under 42 CFR
412.230 through 412.280. There are 610
hospitals approved for wage index
reclassifications by the MGCRB starting
in FY 2025. Because MGCRB wage
index reclassifications are effective for 3
years, for FY 2025, hospitals reclassified
beginning in FY 2023 or FY 2024 are
eligible to continue to be reclassified to
a particular labor market area based on
such prior reclassifications for the
remainder of their 3-year period. There
were 237 hospitals approved for wage
index reclassifications in FY 2023 that
will continue for FY 2025, and 316
hospitals approved for wage index
reclassifications in FY 2024 that will
continue for FY 2025. Of all the
hospitals approved for reclassification
for FY 2023, FY 2024, and FY 2025,
1,163 (approximately 32.5 percent)
hospitals are in a MGCRB
reclassification status for FY 2025 (with
248 of these hospitals reclassified back
to their geographic location). We refer
readers to Section III.F.3.b of this
proposed rule for information on the
effects of implementation of new OMB
labor market area delineations on
reclassified hospitals.
Under the regulations at § 412.273,
hospitals that have been reclassified by
the MGCRB are permitted to withdraw
their applications if the request for
withdrawal is received by the MGCRB
any time before the MGCRB issues a
decision on the application, or after the
MGCRB issues a decision, provided the
request for withdrawal is received by
the MGCRB within 45 days of the date
that CMS’ annual notice of proposed
rulemaking is issued in the Federal
Register concerning changes to the
inpatient hospital prospective payment
system and proposed payment rates for
the fiscal year for which the application
has been filed. Please note that Section
III.F.3.c. of this proposed rule contains
a proposal to change the deadline for
the withdrawal requests to 45 days from
the date of filing for public inspection
of the proposed rule at the website of
the Office of the Federal Register.
For information about the current
process for withdrawing, terminating, or
canceling a previous withdrawal or
termination of a 3-year reclassification
for wage index purposes, we refer
readers to § 412.273, as well as the FY
2002 IPPS final rule (66 FR 39887
through 39888) and the FY 2003 IPPS
final rule (67 FR 50065 through 50066).
Additional discussion on withdrawals
and terminations, and clarifications
regarding reinstating reclassifications
and ‘‘fallback’’ reclassifications were
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included in the FY 2008 IPPS final rule
(72 FR 47333) and the FY 2018 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38148
through 38150).
Applications for FY 2026
reclassifications are due to the MGCRB
by September 1, 2024. This is also the
current deadline for canceling a
previous wage index reclassification
withdrawal or termination under
§ 412.273(d) for the FY 2025 cycle.
Applications and other information
about MGCRB reclassifications may be
obtained beginning in mid-July 2024 via
the internet on the CMS website at
regulations-guidance/geographicclassification-review-board. This
collection of information was previously
approved under OMB Control Number
0938–0573, which expired on January
31, 2021. A reinstatement of this PRA
package is currently being developed.
The public will have an opportunity to
review and submit comments regarding
the reinstatement of this PRA package
through a public notice and comment
period separate from this rulemaking.
b. Effects of Implementation of Proposal
To Adopt Revised OMB Labor Market
Area Delineations on Reclassified
(1) Background
Reclassifications granted under
section 1886(d)(10) of the Act are
effective for 3 fiscal years, so that a
hospital or county group of hospitals
would be assigned a wage index based
upon the wage data of hospitals in the
labor market area to which it
reclassified for a 3-year period. Because
hospitals that have been reclassified
beginning in FY 2023, 2024, or 2025
were reclassified based on the current
labor market delineations, if we adopt
the revised OMB delineations based on
the OMB Bulletin No. 23–01 beginning
in FY 2025 the CBSAs to which they
have been reclassified, or the CBSAs
where they are located, may change.
Hospitals with current reclassifications
are encouraged to verify area wage
indexes in Table 2 in the appendix of
the proposed rule, and to confirm that
the CBSAs to which they have been
reclassified for FY 2025 would continue
to provide a higher wage index than
their geographic area wage index.
Hospitals may withdraw or terminate
their FY 2025 reclassifications by
contacting the MGCRB within 45 days
from the date this proposed rule is
issued in the Federal Register
(§ 412.273(c)).138
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(2) Proposed Assignment Policy for
Hospitals Reclassified to a CBSA Where
One or More Counties Move to the Rural
Area or One or More Rural Counties
Move Into the CBSA
In the case where a CBSA would add
a current rural county, or lose a current
constituent rural county, the current
reclassification to the resulting
proposed CBSA would be maintained.
In some cases, a hospital may be located
in a rural county that is proposed to join
the CBSA to which the hospital is
reclassified. We note that in the FY 2015
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR
49977), CMS terminated
reclassifications when, as a result of
adopting the revised OMB delineations,
a hospital’s geographic county was
located in the CBSA for which it was
approved for MGCRB reclassification.
At that time, there was no means for a
hospital to obtain an MGCRB
reclassification to its own geographic
area (which we refer to as ‘‘home area’’
reclassifications). However, as discussed
in the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (81 FR 56925), ‘‘home area’’
reclassifications have since become
possible as a result of the change in
policy in the 2016 IFC (81 FR 23428
through 23438) discussed earlier
allowing for dual reclassifications. We
therefore do not believe it is necessary
to terminate these reclassifications as
we did in FY 2015. In general, once the
MGCRB has approved a reclassification
in accordance with subpart L of 42 CFR
part 412, that reclassification remains in
place for 3 years (see § 412.274(b)(2))
unless terminated by the hospital
pursuant to § 412.273, and CMS does
not reevaluate whether the hospital
continues to meet the criteria for
reclassification during the three-year
period. As such, we propose to maintain
these as ‘‘home area’’ reclassifications
instead of terminating them.
If a county is proposed to be removed
from a CBSA and becomes rural, a
hospital in that county with a current
‘‘home area’’ reclassification would no
longer be geographically located in the
CBSA to which they are reclassified. We
propose that these reclassifications
would no longer be considered ‘‘home
area’’ reclassifications, and the hospital
would be assigned the wage index
applicable to other hospitals that
reclassify into the CBSA (which may be
lower than the wage index calculated
for hospitals geographically located in
the CBSA due to the hold harmless
provision at section 1886(d)(8)(C)(i) of
the Act).139
Finally, as discussed in section III.B.4,
all the constituent counties of CBSA
14100 (Bloomsberg-Berwick, PA), CBSA
19180 (Danville, IL), CBSA 20700 (East
Stroudsburg, PA) and CBSA 35100 (New
Bern, NC) become rural if we adopt the
revised OMB delineations. There are
currently 6 hospitals with
reclassifications to these areas.
Case No. CCN
23C0258 140113
24C0548 340142
25C0039 390013 •
25C0491 ·390137.
25C0492 390237
24C0541 .·•390045
(3) Proposed Assignment Policy for
Hospitals Reclassified to a CBSA Where
the CBSA Number Changes, or the
CBSA Is Subsumed by Another CBSA
number, or where all urban counties in
the CBSA are subsumed by another
CBSA, MGCRB reclassifications
approved to the FY 2024 CBSA would
be assigned the proposed revised FY
2025 CBSA (as described in the section
III.B.6). In some cases, this
reconfiguration of CBSAs would result
in an MGCRB reclassification approved
to a different area becoming a ‘‘home
area’’ reclassification, if a hospital’s
current geographic urban CBSA is
subsumed by its reclassified CBSA.
Otherwise, the current reclassification
would continue to the proposed revised
CBSA number.
(4) Proposed Assignment Policy for
Hospitals Reclassified to CBSAs Where
One or More Counties Move to a New
or Different Urban CBSA
We propose that in the case of a CBSA
that experiences a change in CBSA
In some cases, adopting the revised
OMB delineations would result in one
or more counties splitting apart from
139 In accordance with section 1886(d)(8)(C)(i) of
the Act, the wage index for hospitals located in a
geographic area cannot be reduced by the inclusion
of reclassified hospitals. Therefore, hospitals
reclassified into the area would receive a wage
index that includes their data, whereas hospitals
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their current CBSAs to form new
CBSAs, or counties shifting from one
CBSA designation to another CBSA. If
CBSAs are split apart, or if counties
shift from one CBSA to another under
the revised OMB delineations, for
hospitals that have reclassified to these
CBSAs we must determine which
reclassified area to assign to the hospital
for the remainder of a hospital’s 3-year
reclassification period.
Consistent with the policy
implemented in FY 2021 (85 FR 58743
through 58753), we are proposing to
assign current ‘‘home area’’
reclassifications to these CBSAs to the
hospital’s proposed geographic CBSA.
That is, hospitals that were approved for
MGCRB reclassification to the
geographic area they are located in
effective for FYs 2023, 2024, or 2025
would continue to be assigned a
reclassification to their geographic
‘‘home area.’’ The assigned ‘‘home area’’
geographically located there would receive a wage
index that does not.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
As there is no sufficiently similar
CBSA in the proposed delineations, we
are proposing that hospital
reclassifications to these CBSAs would
be terminated for FY 2025. While we
prefer to maintain the remaining years
of a MGCRB reclassification and
transition the reclassified hospitals to
the most appropriate proposed CBSA, in
an instance when there is no urban
county remaining, there is no equivalent
urban area that can be assigned to the
reclassified hospital. We note that Case
No. 24C0548 is a ‘‘home area’’
reclassification, and the termination
would have no direct effect on wage
index calculations.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
a new or different urban CBSA. The
table also lists reclassifications (noted
by an asterisk on the ‘‘MGCRB Case
Number’’) that were approved in FY
2023 or FY 2024 and would be
superseded by a new FY 2025
reclassification. Per § 412.273(d)(4),
reclassification CBSA may be different
from previous years if the hospital is
located in a county that was relocated
to a new or different urban CBSA.
The following is a table of hospitals
with current active ‘‘home area’’
reclassification to CBSAs where one or
more counties are proposed to move to
these prior year reclassifications are
terminated once a new reclassification
becomes effective. However, if the new
reclassification is withdrawn, the prior
year reclassification (often referred to as
a ‘‘fallback’’ reclassification) would
become active.
Consistent with the policy CMS
implemented in the FY 2005 IPPS final
rule (69 FR 49054 through 49056), the
FY 2015 IPPS final rule (79 FR 49973
through 49977), and in the FY 2021
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58743
through 58753), for FY 2025, if a CBSA
would be reconfigured due to adoption
of the revised OMB delineations and it
would not be possible for the
reclassification to continue seamlessly
to the reconfigured CBSA (not including
‘‘home area’’ reclassifications, which
were discussed previously), we believe
it would be appropriate for us to
determine the best alternative location
to assign current reclassifications for the
remaining 3 years. Therefore, to
maintain the integrity of a hospital’s 3year reclassification period, we are
proposing that current geographic
reclassifications (applications approved
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effective for FY 2023, FY 2024, or FY
2025) that would be affected by CBSAs
that are split apart or counties that shift
to another CBSA under the revised OMB
delineations, would ultimately be
assigned to a CBSA under the revised
OMB delineations that contains at least
one county (or county equivalent) from
the reclassified CBSA under the current
FY 2024 delineations, and that would be
generally consistent with rules that
govern geographic reclassification. That
is, consistent with the policy finalized
in FY 2015 (79 FR 49973) we are
proposing a policy that other affected
reclassified hospitals be assigned to a
CBSA that would contain the most
proximate county that (1) is located
outside of the hospital’s proposed FY
2025 geographic labor market area, and
(2) is part of the original FY 2024 CBSA
to which the hospital is reclassified. We
PO 00000
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believe that assigning reclassifications
to the CBSA that contains the nearest
county that meets the aforementioned
criteria satisfies the statutory
requirement at section 1886(d)(10)(v) of
the Act by maintaining reclassification
status for a period of 3 fiscal years,
while generally respecting the
longstanding principle of geographic
proximity in the labor market
reclassification process. For county
group reclassifications, we would follow
our proposed policy, as previously
discussed, except that we are proposing
to reassign hospitals in a county group
reclassification to the CBSA under the
revised OMB delineations that contains
the county to which the majority of
hospitals in the group reclassification
are geographically closest. We are also
proposing to allow such hospitals, or
county groups of hospitals, to submit a
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Seattle-Bellevue-Kent, WA
etta, GA
ter, FL
New Orleans-Metairie, LA
Toledo, OH
Elizabethtown-Fort Knox, KY
Washin on-Arlin on-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
M rtle Beach-Conwa -North M rtle Beach, SC-NC
Morristown, TN
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Table Y lists all hospitals subject to
our proposed reclassification
assignment policy and where their
reclassifications would be assigned for
FY 2025 under this proposed policy.
The table lists reclassifications that
would be in effect for FY 2025 under
our proposed policy and that are
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
compliance with applicable
reclassification proximity rules, as
described later in this section.
The following Table X provides a list
of current FY 2024 CBSAs (column 1)
where one or more counties would be
relocated to a new or different urban
CBSA. Hospitals with active MGCRB
reclassifications into the current FY
Jkt 262001
included in Table 2 in the addendum of
this proposed rule. The table also
includes reclassifications (noted by an
asterisk on the ‘‘MGCRB Case Number’’)
that were approved in FY 2023 or FY
2024 and that would be superseded by
a new FY 2025 reclassification. As
discussed previously, these prior year
PO 00000
Frm 00237
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
2024 CBSAs in column 1 would be
subject to the proposed reclassification
assignment policy described in this
subsection. The third column of
‘‘eligible’’ CBSAs lists all proposed
revised CBSAs that contain at least one
county that is part of the current FY
2024 CBSA (in column 1).
42644, 21794
45294, 41304
44140, 11200
21060, 31140
47764, 11694,30500
34100, 28940
‘‘fallback’’ reclassifications would
become active if the subsequent FY
2025 reclassification is withdrawn.
Please note, the following table does not
include hospitals currently reclassified
to their ‘‘home’’ geographic area, which
are discussed previously in this section.
request to the
mailbox for reassignment to another
proposed CBSA that would contain a
county that is part of the current CBSA
to which it was approved to be
reclassified (based on FY 2024
delineations) if the hospital or county
group of hospitals can demonstrate
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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PO 00000
24C0521 *
Frm 00238
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(5) Proposed Assignment Policy for
Hospitals Reclassified to CBSAs
Reconfigured Due to the Migration to
Connecticut Planning Regions
As discussed in section III.B., CMS is
proposing to adopt the revised OMB
Bulletin No. 23–01 delineations, which
use planning regions instead of counties
as the basis for CBSA construction in
the State of Connecticut. There are five
current urban CBSAs that include at
least one county in Connecticut. These
are 14860 (Bridgeport-StamfordNorwalk, CT), 25540 (Hartford-East
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
Hartford-Middletown, CT), 35300 (New
Have-Milford, CT), 35980 (NorwichNew London, CT), and 49340
(Worcester, MA-CT). In the proposed FY
2025 CBSAs, based on the OMB Bulletin
No. 23–01 delineations, there are five
CBSAs that will contain at least one
county-equivalent ‘‘planning region.’’
The five CBSAs are 14860 (BridgeportStamford-Danbury, CT), 25540
(Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford,
CT), 35300 (New Haven, CT), 35980
(Norwich-New London-Willimantic,
CT), and 47930 (Waterbury-Shelton,
PO 00000
Frm 00239
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
As there was significant
reconfiguration of the CBSAs due to the
transition from counties to planning
regions, we are proposing to adopt a
similar assignment policy for hospitals
reclassified to CBSAs that currently
include Connecticut counties as we do
for hospitals reclassified to CBSAs
where one or more counties move to a
new or different urban CBSA (described
in the previous subsection).
The following table lists all current
‘‘home area’’ reclassifications to one of
the CBSAs that currently contain at least
one county in Connecticut.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
The following table provides a list of
current FY 2024 CBSAs (column 1) that
contain at least one county in
Connecticut. Hospitals with active
MGCRB reclassifications into the CBSAs
in column 1 would be subject to the
proposed reclassification assignment
policy. The third column of ‘‘eligible’’
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
00:35 May 02, 2024
CBSAs lists all proposed revised CBSAs
that contain at least one planning region
that is part of the current FY 2025 CBSA
(in column 1). Consistent with the
policy proposed in the previous section,
we are proposing a policy that affected
reclassified hospitals be assigned to a
CBSA that would contain the most
Jkt 262001
and that are included in Table 2 in the
addendum of this proposed rule. The
table also includes reclassifications
(noted by an asterisk on the ‘‘MGCRB
Case Number’’) that were approved in
FY 2023 or FY 2024 and would be
superseded by a new FY 2025
reclassification. These prior year
reclassifications, frequently referred to
PO 00000
Frm 00240
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
proximate planning region that (1) is
located outside of the hospital’s
proposed FY 2025 geographic labor
market area, and (2) contains a portion
of a county included in the original FY
2024 CBSA to which the hospital is
Hartford-East Hartford-Middletown, CT
New Haven-Milford, CT
Norwich-New London, CT
Worcester, MA-CT
The following table lists all hospitals
subject to our proposed reclassification
assignment policy and their
reclassifications to a CBSA reconfigured
due to the adoption of Connecticut
planning regions in FY 2025 under this
proposed policy. The table lists
reclassifications that would be in effect
for FY 2025 under our proposed policy,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
as ‘‘fallback’’ reclassifications, may
become active if the subsequent FY
2025 reclassification is withdrawn.
(Please note, the following table does
not include hospitals currently
reclassified to their ‘‘home’’ geographic
area, which are discussed previously in
this section.)
EP02MY24.165 EP02MY24.166
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
23C0431 *
23C0441 *
We note that the remote location
currently indicated with 07B033 would,
as proposed, be located in the same
CBSA as the main provider 070033.
Therefore, it would no longer be
necessary to identify this remote
location separately from the main
provider for wage index purposes, and
its MGCRB reclassification would no
longer be listed in Table 2 of the
addendum of this proposed rule.
We believe that assigning
reclassifications to the CBSA that
contains the nearest county-equivalent
planning region that meets the
aforementioned criteria satisfies the
statutory requirement at section
1886(d)(10)(v) of the Act by maintaining
reclassification status for a period of 3
fiscal years, while generally respecting
the longstanding principle of geographic
proximity in the labor market
reclassification process. For county
group reclassifications, we would follow
our proposed policy, as previously
discussed, except that we are proposing
to reassign hospitals in a county group
reclassification to the CBSA under the
revised OMB delineations that contains
the county-equivalent to which the
majority of hospitals in the group
reclassification are geographically
closest. We are also proposing to allow
such hospitals, or county groups of
hospitals, to submit a request to the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
while ensuring that the proximity
requirements are met. We believe that
where the proximity requirements are
met, the reclassified wage index would
be consistent with the labor market area
to which the hospitals were originally
approved for reclassification. A hospital
may request to reassign an individual
reclassification to any CBSA that in FY
2025 would contain a county or countyequivalent (or in the case of Connecticut
(6) Instructions To Request
CBSAs, a portion of a county) from the
Reassignment of Reclassified CBSA
CBSA to which it was approved to be
Hospitals that wish to be reassigned to reclassified (based on FY 2024
delineations). However, to be reassigned
an eligible CBSA (other than the CBSA
to which their reclassification would be to an area that is not the most proximate
to the hospital, we believe it is
assigned in this proposed rule) for
necessary that the hospital demonstrates
which they meet the applicable
proximity criteria under subpart L of 42 that it complies with the applicable
proximity criteria under subpart L of 42
CFR part 412 may request reassignment
CFR part 412. If a hospital cannot
within 45 days from the date the
demonstrate proximity to a different
proposed rule is placed on display at
eligible CBSA, the hospital would not
the Federal Register. Hospitals must
be considered for reclassification to that
send a request to wageindex@ and provide documentation labor market area, and the
establishing that they meet the requisite reclassification would remain with the
proximity criteria for reassignment to an CBSA assigned under the general policy
proposed earlier in this section. In the
alternate CBSA that contains one or
case of a county group reclassification,
more counties (or county-equivalents)
all requests for reassignment must
from the CBSA to which they are
include all actively reclassified
currently reclassified. We believe this
option of allowing hospitals to submit a hospitals (that is, excluding any hospital
request to CMS would provide hospitals that has since closed or converted to a
different provider type, or has
with greater flexibility with respect to
terminated the reclassification). County
their reclassification reassignment, mailbox for
reassignment to another proposed CBSA
that would contain a county that is part
of the current CBSA to which it was
approved to be reclassified (based on FY
2024 delineations) if the hospital or
county group of hospitals can
demonstrate compliance with
applicable reclassification proximity
PO 00000
Frm 00241
Fmt 4701
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
groups must also demonstrate that they
meet the appropriate proximity
requirements, including, for rural
county groups, being adjacent to the
MSA to which they seek redesignation
(412.232(a)(1)(ii)), and for urban county
groups, being in the same Combined
Statistical Area or CBSA as the urban
area to which they seek redesignation
All hospital requests for reassignment
should contain the hospital’s name,
address, CCN, and point of contact
information. All requests must be sent
to Changes to
a hospital’s CBSA assignment on the
basis of a hospital’s disagreement with
our determination of closest county, or
on the basis of being granted a
reassignment due to meeting applicable
proximity criteria under subpart L of 42
CFR part 412 to an eligible CBSA will
be announced in the FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule. In any cases where
a hospital requested the Administrator
review a reclassification dismissal or
denial by the MGCRB, the assignment
and reassignment policies discussed in
this proposed rule would apply if the
Board’s decision is overturned; that is,
if the Administrator decides that the
hospital’s reclassification request
should be granted but the CBSA to
which the hospital would reclassify
based on that decision would
potentially be assigned to a different
CBSA as a result of adoption of the new
OMB delineations, the policies
discussed in this proposed rule would
apply to that assignment. At the time of
writing, CMS does not have a list of
cases for which the Administrator’s
review has been requested, nor the
disposition of any such cases. If a
hospital is requesting review of a
reclassification to one of the CBSAs
discussed in this section, they may
contact to
confirm to what CBSA the
reclassification would be assigned.
We recognize that the proposed
reclassification assignment policies may
result in the assignment of the hospital
for the remainder of its 3-year
reclassification period to a CBSA that
has a lower wage index than the wage
index that would have been assigned for
the reclassified hospital in the absence
of the proposed adoption of the revised
OMB delineations. We believe that the
5 percent cap on negative wage index
changes discussed in section III.G.6
would mitigate significant negative
payment impacts for FY 2025, and
hospitals would have adequate time to
fully assess any additional
reclassification options available to
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d. Proposed Change to Timing of
Withdrawals at 412.273(c)
As mentioned in section III.F.3.a of
this proposed rule, under the
regulations at § 412.273, hospitals that
have been reclassified by the MGCRB
are permitted to withdraw or terminate
an approved reclassification. The
current regulations at § 412.273(c)(1)(ii)
and (c)(2) for withdrawals and
terminations require the request to be
received by the MGCRB within 45 days
of the date that CMS’ annual notice of
proposed rulemaking is issued in the
Federal Register concerning changes to
the IPPS and proposed payment rates.
In the 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS Final
Rule (82 FR 38148 through 38150), we
finalized changes to the 45-day
notification rules so that hospitals have
45 days from the public display of the
annual proposed rule for the IPPS
instead of 45 days from publication to
inform CMS of certain requested
changes relating to the development of
the hospital wage index. We stated that
we believe that the public has access to
the necessary information from the date
of public display of the proposed rule at
the Office of the Federal Register and on
its website in order to make the
decisions at issue. While we finalized
changes to the 45-day notification rules
for decisions about the outmigration
adjustment and waiving Lugar status,
we did not finalize a change to the
timing for withdrawing or terminating
MGCRB decisions.
Instead, in response to comments
expressing concern that some hospitals
may be disadvantaged if the
Administrator’s decision on a hospital’s
request for review of an MGCRB
decision has not been issued prior to the
proposed deadline for submitting
withdrawal or termination requests to
the MGCRB, we maintained our existing
policy of requiring hospitals to request
from the MGCRB withdrawal or
termination of an MGCRB
reclassification within 45 days of
issuance in the Federal Register. We
stated in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (82 FR 38149) that considering
the usual dates of the MGCRB’s
decisions (generally early February) and
of the public display of the IPPS
proposed rule, the maximum amount of
time for an Administrator’s decision to
be issued may potentially extend
beyond the proposed deadline of 45
days from the date of public display.
However, the MGCRB currently issues
decisions earlier, in January, which
mitigates this concern. For example, the
MGCRB has sent decision letters to
hospitals via email on January 23, 2024
for the FY 2025 cycle and on January 31,
PO 00000
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2023 for the FY 2024 cycle. We believe
that the MGCRB will continue to issue
its decisions in January, due to their
upgrade to an electronic system that
expedites processing applications and
issuing decision letters efficiently. The
regulations at §§ 412.278(a) and (b)(1)
provide that a hospital may request the
Administrator to review the MGCRB
decision within 15 days after the date
the MGCRB issues its decision. Under
§ 412.278(f)(2)(i), the Administrator
issues a decision not later than 90 days
following receipt of the party’s request
for review. Consequently, MGCRB
decisions could be issued as late as the
end of January, and the 15 days the
hospital has to request the
Administrator’s review, plus the 90 days
the Administrator has to issue a
decision, would result in hospitals
receiving the results of the review prior
to 45 days after display (which would
be May 16th if the proposed rule is
displayed on the target date of April 1,
but later if there is a delay).
While the current timing of MGCRB
decisions in January allows for hospitals
to receive the results of any review prior
to 45 days after display of the proposed
rule for the relevant FY, and we expect
this timing to continue, we acknowledge
that section 1886(d)(10)(C)(iii)(I) of the
Act grants the MGCRB 180 days after
the application deadline to render a
decision. If the MGCRB were to delay
issuing decisions until the last day
possible according to the Statute, which
is February 28th, a hospital requesting
the Administrator’s review may not
receive the results of the review prior to
45 days after display.
Therefore, we are proposing to change
the deadline for hospitals to withdraw
or terminate MGCRB classifications
from within 45 days of the date that the
annual notice of proposed rulemaking is
issued in the Federal Register to within
45 days of the public display of the
annual notice of proposed rulemaking
on the website of the Office of the
Federal Register, or within 7 calendar
days of receiving a decision of the
Administrator in accordance with
§ 412.278 of this part, whichever is later.
This proposed change will synchronize
this deadline with other wage index
deadlines, such as the deadlines for
accepting the outmigration adjustment
and waiving or reinstating Lugar status.
As hospitals typically know the results
of the Administrator’s decisions on
reviews within 45 days of the public
display of the proposed rule for the
upcoming fiscal year, we believe
hospitals have access to the information
they need to make reclassification
decisions. In the rare circumstance that
a hospital would not receive the results
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
of the review prior to 45 days of the
public display date, or receives the
results of the review less than 7 days
before the deadline, the hospital would
have 7 calendar days after receiving the
Administrator’s decision to request to
withdraw or terminate MGCRB
classification. While we do not
anticipate frequent use of this extension,
we believe this fully addresses the
concern that some hospitals may be
disadvantaged if the Administrator’s
decision on a hospital’s request for
review of an MGCRB decision has not
been issued prior to the proposed
deadline for submitting withdrawal or
termination requests to the MGCRB. We
believe that 7 days after receiving the
Administrator’s decision affords
hospitals adequate time to make
calculated reclassification decisions.
Specifically, we are proposing to
change the words ‘‘within 45 days of the
date that CMS’ annual notice of
proposed rulemaking is issued in the
Federal Register’’ in the regulation text
at 412.273(c)(1)(ii) and 412.273(c)(2) for
withdrawals and terminations to
‘‘within 45 days of the date of filing for
public inspection of the proposed rule
at the website of the Office of the
Federal Register, or within 7 calendar
days of receiving a decision of the
Administrator in accordance with
§ 412.278 of this part, whichever is
4. Redesignations Under Section
1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
a. Lugar Status Determinations
In the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (76 FR 51599 through 51600), we
adopted the policy that, beginning with
FY 2012, an eligible hospital that waives
its Lugar status in order to receive the
out-migration adjustment has effectively
waived its deemed urban status and,
thus, is rural for all purposes under the
IPPS effective for the fiscal year in
which the hospital receives the
outmigration adjustment. In addition, in
that rule, we adopted a minor
procedural change that would allow a
Lugar hospital that qualifies for and
accepts the out-migration adjustment
(through written notification to CMS
within 45 days from the issuance of the
proposed rule in the Federal Register)
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to waive its urban status for the full 3year period for which its out-migration
adjustment is effective. By doing so,
such a Lugar hospital would no longer
be required during the second and third
years of eligibility for the out-migration
adjustment to advise us annually that it
prefers to continue being treated as rural
and receive the out-migration
adjustment. In the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (81 FR 56930), we further
clarified that if a hospital wishes to
reinstate its urban status for any fiscal
year within this 3-year period, it must
send a request to CMS within 45 days
of the issuance of the proposed rule in
the Federal Register for that particular
fiscal year. We indicated that such
reinstatement requests may be sent
electronically to wageindex@ In the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (82 FR 38147 through
38148), we finalized a policy revision to
require a Lugar hospital that qualifies
for and accepts the out-migration
adjustment, or that no longer wishes to
accept the out-migration adjustment and
instead elects to return to its deemed
urban status, to notify CMS within 45
days from the date of public display of
the proposed rule at the Office of the
Federal Register. These revised
notification timeframes were effective
beginning October 1, 2017. In addition,
in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (82 FR 38148), we clarified that
both requests to waive and to reinstate
‘‘Lugar’’ status may be sent to To ensure
proper accounting, we request hospitals
to include their CCN, and either ‘‘waive
Lugar’’ or ‘‘reinstate Lugar’’, in the
subject line of these requests.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42314 and 42315), we
clarified that in circumstances where an
eligible hospital elects to receive the
outmigration adjustment within 45 days
of the public display date of the
proposed rule at the Office of the
Federal Register in lieu of its Lugar
wage index reclassification, and the
county in which the hospital is located
would no longer qualify for an
outmigration adjustment when the final
rule (or a subsequent correction notice)
wage index calculations are completed,
the hospital’s request to accept the
PO 00000
Frm 00243
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
outmigration adjustment would be
denied, and the hospital would be
automatically assigned to its deemed
urban status under section 1886(d)(8)(B)
of the Act. We stated that final rule
wage index values would be
recalculated to reflect this
reclassification, and in some instances,
after taking into account this
reclassification, the out-migration
adjustment for the county in question
could be restored in the final rule.
However, as the hospital is assigned a
Lugar reclassification under section
1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act, it would be
ineligible to receive the county
outmigration adjustment under section
1886(d)(13)(G) of the Act.
b. Effects of Proposed Implementation of
Revised OMB Labor Market Area
Delineations on Redesignations Under
Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act
As discussed in section III.A.2. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, CMS is
proposing to update the CBSA labor
market delineations to reflect the
changes made in the July 15, 2023, OMB
Bulletin 23–01. In that section, we
proposed that 54 currently rural
counties be added to new or existing
urban CBSAs. Of those 54 counties, 22
are currently deemed urban under
section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act.
Hospitals located in such a ‘‘Lugar’’
county, barring another form of wage
index reclassification, are assigned the
reclassified wage index of a designated
urban CBSA. Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of
the Act defines a deemed urban county
as a ‘‘rural county adjacent to one or
more urban areas’’ that meets certain
commuting thresholds. Since we are
proposing to modify the status of these
22 counties from rural to urban, they
would no longer qualify as ‘‘Lugar’’
counties. Hospitals located within these
counties would be considered
geographically urban under the revised
OMB delineations. The table in this
section of this rule lists the counties that
would no longer be deemed urban
under section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act if
we adopt the revised OMB delineations.
We note that in almost all instances, the
‘‘Lugar’’ county is joining the same (or
a substantially similar) urban CBSA as
it was deemed to in FY 2024.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We note that in the FY 2015 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 49973
through 49977), when we adopted large
scale changes to the CBSA labor market
delineations based on the new 2010
decennial census, we also re-evaluated
the commuting data thresholds for all
eligible rural counties in accordance
with the requirement set forth in section
1886(d)(8)(B)(ii)(II) of the Act to base the
list of qualifying hospitals on the most
recently available decennial population
data. We are therefore proposing to
reevaluate the ‘‘Lugar’’ status for all
counties in FY 2025 using the same
commuting data table used to develop
the OMB Bulletin No. 23–01 revised
delineations. The data table is the
‘‘2016–2020 5-Year American
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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each, FL
Atlantaell, GA
Kahului-Wailuku, HI
-Urbana, IL
s-Cannel-Greenwood, IN
Louisville/Jefferson Coun ,KY-IN
Lake Charles LA
•ds-W omin -Kentwood MI
Cleveland OH
Co us Christi TX
Waco TX
Blacksbur -Christiansbur -Radford VA
Community Survey Commuting Flows’’
(available on OMB’s website: https://
demo/metro-micro/commuting-flows2020.html). We are also proposing to
use the same methodology discussed in
the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH final rule (84
FR 42315 through 42318) to assign the
appropriate reclassified CBSA for
hospitals in ‘‘Lugar’’ counties. That is,
when assessing which CBSA to assign,
we will sum the total number of workers
that commute from the ‘‘Lugar’’ county
to both ‘‘central’’ and ‘‘outlying’’ urban
counties (rather than just ‘‘central’’
county commuters).
By applying the 2020 American
Community Survey (ACS) commuting
data to the updated OMB labor market
PO 00000
Frm 00244
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
delineations, we are proposing the
following changes to the current
‘‘Lugar’’ county list: 17 of the 53 urban
counties that are proposed to become
rural under the revised OMB
delineations, and both newly created
rural Connecticut planning region
county-equivalents would qualify as
‘‘Lugar’’ counties. We also have
determined that, as proposed, 33 rural
counties (an approximately 11
hospitals) would lose ‘‘Lugar’’ status, as
the county no longer meets the
commuting thresholds or adjacency
criteria specified in section
1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The following table lists all proposed
‘‘Lugar’’ counties for FY 2025. We
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Fairbanks, AK
Panama Ci , FL
Alban, GA
Warner Robins GA
0 den-Clearfield, UT
Carbondale-Marion IL
Louisville/Jefferson Coun , KY-IN
Sioux Ci , IA-NE-SD
Wichita, KS
Shreve ort-Bossier Ci
Baltimore-Columbia-Towson, MD
Minnea olis-St. Paul-Bloomin o MN-WI
Fa etteville-S rin dale-Ro ers, AR
Billin s MT
Grand Island, NE
Bismarck ND
Fort Smith, AR-OK
Charleston-North Charleston SC
Columbia, SC
Fort Worth-Arlin on-Gra evine, TX
Charlottesville, VA
Walla Walla WA
as PR
Ma a "ez, PR
indicated additions to the list with
‘‘New’’ in column 5.
PO 00000
Frm 00245
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
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PO 00000
Frm 00246
Fmt 4701
Atlanta-Sand S rin s-Roswell, GA
Birmin ham, AL
Fort Smith, AR-OK
Hot S rin s, AR
Norwich-New London-Willimantic, CT
Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT
Jacksonville, FL
Jacksonville, FL
Gainesville, FL
Gainesville, GA
Warner Robins, GA
Chattanoo a, TN-GA
Warner Robins, GA
Marietta, GA
Idaho Falls, ID
S rin 1eld, IL
Peoria, IL
Rockford, IL
Lafa ette-WestLafa ette, IN
Indiana olis-Cannel-Greenwood, IN
Soutll Bend-Mishawaka, IN-MI
Sfmt 4725
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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PO 00000
Frm 00247
Fmt 4701
Evansville IN
Lake Co
Waterloo-Cedar Falls, lA
Iowa Ci IA
Iowa Ci , IA
Kansas Ci • MO-KS
Evansville, IN
Lafa ette, LA
Amherst To-w
Grand Ra ids-W omin -Kentwood Ml
Ann Arbor, Ml
Kalamazoo-Porta e Ml
Minnea lis-St. Paul-Bloomin
Minnea lis-St. Paul-Bloomin ton, MN-WI
St. Cloud MN
Minnea lis-St. Paul-Bloomi
Slidell-Mandeville-Cov • on,LA
s ri
1eld MO
Lincoln, NE
Carson Ci
Manchester-Nashua, NH
SantaFe NM
S racuse, NY
Alban -Schenectad -Trov NY
Ithaca, NY
Rochester NY
Alban -Schenectad -Trov, NY
Watcrtown-Fort Drum., NY
Ithaca, NY
Rochester, NY
Sfmt 4725
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PO 00000
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Fmt 4701
Greenville NC
Grand Forks ND-MN
Columbus, OH
Cincinnati OH-KY-IN
Youn stown-Warren, OH
Weirton-Steubenville, WV-OH
Ha erstown-Martinsbur MD-WV
Newark, NJ
Readin PA
Scranlon--Wilkes-Barre, PA
Sumter SC
Columbia, SC
Florence, SC
Jackson, TN
Laredo TX
iew TX
Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos, TX
Beaumont-Port Arthur TX
0 den. UT
Arlin on-Alexandria-Reston, VA-WV
Charlottesville, VA
Winchester, VA-WV
Vir • ·aBeach-Chesa eake-Norfolk, VA-NC
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We note that Litchfield County, CT is
no longer listed as a ‘‘Lugar’’ county as
it is not included in the revised CBSA
delineations. The majority of Litchfield
County is now within the proposed
Northwest Hills Planning Region
county-equivalent, with some of the
county’s current constituent townships
assigned to other urban countyequivalents. We also note that in prior
fiscal years, Merrimack County, NH was
included as a ‘‘Lugar’’ redesignated
county pursuant to the provision at
§ 412.62(f)(1)(ii)(B), which deems
certain rural counties in the New
England region to be part of urban areas.
Merrimack County now meets the
commuting standards to be considered
deemed urban under the ‘‘Lugar’’ statute
at section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act.
We recognize that the changes to the
‘‘Lugar’’ list may have negative financial
impacts for hospitals that lose deemed
urban status. We believe that the 5
percent cap on negative wage index
changes discussed in section III.G.6,
would mitigate significant negative
payment impacts for FY 2025, and
would afford hospitals adequate time to
fully assess any additional
reclassification options available to
them. We also note that special statuses
limited to hospitals located in rural
areas (such as MDH or SCH status) may
be terminated if hospitals are deemed
urban under section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the
Act. In these cases, hospitals should
apply for rural reclassification status
under § 413.103 prior to October 1,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
Everett WA
ia-Lace -Tumwater, WA
Bremerton-Silverdale-Port Orchard WA
Lon iew-Kelso, WA
Charleston, WV
Fond du Lac, WI
Ponce PR
Arecibo, PR
San Juan-Ba am6n-Ca
The following adjustments to the
wage index are listed in the order that
they are generally applied. First, the
rural floor, imputed floor, and State
frontier floor provide a minimum wage
index. The rural floor at section 4410(a)
of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997
(Pub. L. 105–33) provides that the wage
index for hospitals in urban areas of a
State may not be less than the wage
index applicable to hospitals located in
rural areas in that State. The imputed
floor at section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of the
Act provides a wage index minimum for
all-urban states. The state frontier floor
at section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iii) of the Act
requires that hospitals in frontier states
cannot be assigned a wage index of less
than 1.0000. Next, the out-migration
adjustment at section 1886(d)(13)(A) of
the Act is applied, potentially
increasing the wage index for hospitals
located in certain counties that have a
relatively high percentage of hospital
employees who reside in the county but
work in a different county or counties
with a higher wage index. The low-wage
index hospital adjustment finalized in
the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(84 FR 42325 through 42339) is then
applied, which increases the wage index
Fmt 4701
Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI
G. Wage Index Adjustments: Rural
Floor, Imputed Floor, State Frontier
Floor, Out-Migration Adjustment, Low
Wage Index, and Cap on Wage Index
Decrease Policies
Frm 00249
2024, if they wish to ensure no
disruption in status.
PO 00000
Sfmt 4702
values for hospitals with wage indexes
at or below the 25th percentile. Finally,
all hospital wage index decreases are
capped at 95 percent of the hospital’s
final wage index in the prior fiscal year,
according to the policy finalized in the
FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87
FR 49018 through 49021).
1. Rural Floor
Section 4410(a) of the Balanced
Budget Act of 1997 (Pub. L. 105–33)
provides that, for discharges on or after
October 1, 1997, the area wage index
applicable to any hospital that is located
in an urban area of a State may not be
less than the area wage index applicable
to hospitals located in rural areas in that
State. This provision is referred to as the
rural floor. Section 3141 of the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act
(Pub. L. 111–148) also requires that a
national budget neutrality adjustment be
applied in implementing the rural floor.
Based on the FY 2025 wage index
associated with this proposed rule
(which is available via the internet on
the CMS website), and based on the
calculation of the rural floor including
the wage data of hospitals that have
reclassified as rural under § 412.103, we
estimate that 494 hospitals would
receive the rural floor in FY 2025. The
budget neutrality impact of the
proposed application of the rural floor
is discussed in section II.A.4.e. of
Addendum A of this proposed rule.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 48784), CMS finalized a
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
policy change to calculate the rural floor
in the same manner as we did prior to
the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
in which the rural wage index sets the
rural floor. We stated that for FY 2023
and subsequent years, we would
include the wage data of § 412.103
hospitals that have no MGCRB
reclassification in the calculation of the
rural floor, and include the wage data of
such hospitals in the calculation of ‘‘the
wage index for rural areas in the State
in which the county is located’’ as
referred to in section 1886(d)(8)(C)(iii)
of the Act.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH final rule
(88 FR 58971–77), we finalized a policy
change beginning that year to include
the data of all § 412.103 hospitals, even
those that have an MGCRB
reclassification, in the calculation of the
rural floor and the calculation of ‘‘the
wage index for rural areas in the State
in which the county is located’’ as
referred to in section 1886(d)(8)(C)(iii)
of the Act. We explained that after
revisiting the case law, prior public
comments, and the relevant statutory
language, we agreed that the best
reading of section 1886(d)(8)(E)’s text
that CMS ‘‘shall treat the [§ 412.103]
hospital as being located in the rural
area’’ is that it instructs CMS to treat
§ 412.103 hospitals the same as
geographically rural hospitals for the
wage index calculation.
Accordingly, in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized a
policy to include hospitals with
§ 412.103 reclassification along with
geographically rural hospitals in all
rural wage index calculations, and to
exclude ‘‘dual reclass’’ hospitals
(hospitals with simultaneous § 412.103
and MGCRB reclassifications) that are
implicated by the hold harmless
provision at section 1886(d)(8)(C)(ii) of
the Act. (For additional information on
these changes, we refer readers to the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88
FR 58971 and 58977).)
2. Imputed Floor
In the FY 2005 IPPS final rule (69 FR
49109 through 49111), we adopted the
imputed floor policy as a temporary 3year regulatory measure to address
concerns from hospitals in all-urban
States that have stated that they are
disadvantaged by the absence of rural
hospitals to set a wage index floor for
those States. We extended the imputed
floor policy eight times since its initial
implementation, the last of which was
adopted in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule and expired on September 30,
2018. We refer readers to further
discussions of the imputed floor in the
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rules from FYs
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2014 through 2019 (78 FR 50589
through 50590, 79 FR 49969 through
49971, 80 FR 49497 through 49498, 81
FR 56921 through 56922, 82 FR 38138
through 38142, and 83 FR 41376
through 41380, respectively) and to the
regulations at § 412.64(h)(4). For FYs
2019, 2020, and 2021, hospitals in allurban states received a wage index that
was calculated without applying an
imputed floor, and we no longer
included the imputed floor as a factor in
the national budget neutrality
Section 9831 of the American Rescue
Plan Act of 2021 (Pub. L. 117–2),
enacted on March 11, 2021, amended
section 1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of the Act and
added section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of the
Act to establish a minimum area wage
index for hospitals in all-urban States
for discharges occurring on or after
October 1, 2021. Specifically, section
1886(d)(3)(E)(iv)(I) and (II) of the Act
provides that for discharges occurring
on or after October 1, 2021, the area
wage index applicable to any hospital in
an all-urban State may not be less than
the minimum area wage index for the
fiscal year for hospitals in that State
established using the methodology
described in § 412.64(h)(4)(vi) as in
effect for FY 2018. Unlike the imputed
floor that was in effect from FYs 2005
through 2018, section
1886(d)(3)(E)(iv)(III) of the Act provides
that the imputed floor wage index shall
not be applied in a budget neutral
manner. Section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv)(IV) of
the Act provides that, for purposes of
the imputed floor wage index under
clause (iv), the term all-urban State
means a State in which there are no
rural areas (as defined in section
1886(d)(2)(D) of the Act) or a State in
which there are no hospitals classified
as rural under section 1886 of the Act.
Under this definition, given that it
applies for purposes of the imputed
floor wage index, we consider a hospital
to be classified as rural under section
1886 of the Act if it is assigned the
State’s rural area wage index value.
Effective beginning October 1, 2021
(FY 2022), section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of
the Act reinstates the imputed floor
wage index policy for all-urban States,
with no expiration date, using the
methodology described in
§ 412.64(h)(4)(vi) as in effect for FY
2018. We refer readers to the FY 2022
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45176
through 45178) for further discussion of
the original imputed floor calculation
methodology implemented in FY 2005
and the alternative methodology
implemented in FY 2013.
Based on data available for this
proposed rule, States that would be all-
PO 00000
Frm 00250
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
urban States as defined in section
1886(d)(3)(E)(iv)(IV) of the Act, and thus
hospitals in such States that would be
eligible to receive an increase in their
wage index due to application of the
imputed floor for FY 2025, are
identified in Table 3 associated with
this proposed rule. States with a value
in the column titled ‘‘State Imputed
Floor’’ would be eligible for the imputed
The regulations at § 412.64(e)(1) and
(4) and (h)(4) and (5) implement the
imputed floor required by section
1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of the Act for
discharges occurring on or after October
1, 2021. The imputed floor would
continue to be applied for FY 2025 in
accordance with the policies adopted in
the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
For more information regarding our
implementation of the imputed floor
required by section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of
the Act, we refer readers to the
discussion in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (86 FR 45176 through
3. State Frontier Floor for FY 2025
Section 10324 of Public Law 111–148
requires that hospitals in frontier States
cannot be assigned a wage index of less
than 1.0000. (We refer readers to the
regulations at § 412.64(m) and to a
discussion of the implementation of this
provision in the FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (75 FR 50160 through
50161).) In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule, we are not
proposing any changes to the frontier
floor policy for FY 2025. In this
proposed rule, 41 hospitals would
receive the frontier floor value of 1.0000
for their FY 2025 proposed wage index.
These hospitals are located in Montana,
North Dakota, South Dakota, and
We note that while Nevada meets the
criteria of a frontier State, all hospitals
within the State are projected to receive
a wage index value greater than 1.0000
prior to the application of the frontier
floor policy for FY 2025.
The areas affected by the rural and
frontier floor policies for the proposed
FY 2025 wage index are identified in
Table 3 associated with this proposed
rule, which is available via the internet
on the CMS website.
4. Proposed Out-Migration Adjustment
Based on Commuting Patterns of
Hospital Employees
In accordance with section
1886(d)(13) of the Act, as added by
section 505 of Public Law 108–173,
beginning with FY 2005, we established
a process to make adjustments to the
hospital wage index based on
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
commuting patterns of hospital
employees (the ‘‘out-migration’’
adjustment). The process, outlined in
the FY 2005 IPPS final rule (69 FR
49061), provides for an increase in the
wage index for hospitals located in
certain counties that have a relatively
high percentage of hospital employees
who reside in the county but work in a
different county (or counties) with a
higher wage index.
Section 1886(d)(13)(B) of the Act
requires the Secretary to use data the
Secretary determines to be appropriate
to establish the qualifying counties.
When the provision of section
1886(d)(13) of the Act was implemented
for the FY 2005 wage index, we
analyzed commuting data compiled by
the U.S. Census Bureau that were
derived from a special tabulation of the
2000 Census journey-to-work data for all
industries (CMS extracted data
applicable to hospitals). These data
were compiled from responses to the
‘‘long-form’’ survey, which the Census
Bureau used at that time, and which
contained questions on where residents
in each county worked (69 FR 49062).
However, the 2010 Census was ‘‘short
form’’ only; information on where
residents in each county worked was
not collected as part of the 2010 Census.
The Census Bureau worked with CMS to
provide an alternative dataset based on
the latest available data on where
residents in each county worked in
2010, for use in developing a new outmigration adjustment based on new
commuting patterns developed from the
2010 Census data beginning with FY
To determine the out-migration
adjustments and applicable counties for
FY 2016, we analyzed commuting data
compiled by the Census Bureau that
were derived from a custom tabulation
of the American Community Survey
(ACS), an official Census Bureau survey,
utilizing 2008 through 2012 (5-year)
Microdata. The data were compiled
from responses to the ACS questions
regarding the county where workers
reside and the county to which workers
commute. As we discussed in prior
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rules, most
recently in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 49012), we have
applied the same policies, procedures,
and computations since FY 2012. We
refer readers to the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (80 FR 49500 through
49502) for a full explanation of the
revised data source. We also stated that
we would consider determining outmigration adjustments based on data
from the next Census or other available
data, as appropriate.
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As discussed earlier in section III.B.,
CMS is proposing to adopt revised
delineations from the OMB Bulletin 23–
01, published July 21, 2023. The revised
delineations incorporate population
estimates based on the 2020 decennial
census, as well as updated journey-towork commuting data. The Census
Bureau once again worked with CMS to
provide an alternative dataset based on
the latest available data on where
residents in each county worked, for use
in developing a new out-migration
adjustment based on new commuting
patterns. We analyzed commuting data
compiled by the Census Bureau that
were derived from a custom tabulation
of the ACS, utilizing 2016 through 2020
data. The Census Bureau produces
county level commuting flow tables
every 5 years using non-overlapping 5year ACS estimates. The data include
demographic characteristics, home and
work locations, and journey-to-work
travel flows. The custom tabulation
requested by CMS was specific to
general medical and surgical hospital
and specialty (except psychiatric and
substance use disorder treatment)
hospital employees (hospital sector
Census code 8191/NAICS code 6221
and 6223) who worked in the 50 States,
Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico and,
therefore, provided information about
commuting patterns of workers at the
county level for residents of the 50
States, Washington, DC, and Puerto
For the ACS, the Census Bureau
selects a random sample of addresses
where workers reside to be included in
the survey, and the sample is designed
to ensure good geographic coverage. The
ACS samples approximately 3.5 million
resident addresses per year.140 The
results of the ACS are used to formulate
descriptive population estimates, and,
as such, the sample on which the
dataset is based represents the actual
figures that would be obtained from a
complete count.
For FY 2025, and subsequent years,
we are proposing that the out-migration
adjustment will be based on the data
derived from the previously discussed
custom tabulation of the ACS utilizing
2016 through 2020 (5-year) Microdata.
As discussed earlier, we believe that
these data are the most appropriate to
establish qualifying counties, because
they are the most accurate and up-todate data that are available to us.
Furthermore, with the proposed
transition of several counties in
140 According
to the Census Bureau, the effects of
the PHE on ACS activities in 2020 resulted in a
lower number of addresses (∼2.9 million) in the
sample, as well as fewer interviews than a typical
PO 00000
Frm 00251
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Connecticut to ‘‘planning region’’
county equivalents (discussed in section
III.B.3. of the preamble this proposed
rule), the continued use of a commuting
dataset developed with expiring county
definitions would be less accurate in
approximating commuting flows. We
are proposing that the FY 2025 outmigration adjustments continue to be
based on the same policies, procedures,
and computation that were used for the
FY 2012 out-migration adjustment. We
have applied these same policies,
procedures, and computations since FY
2012, and we believe they continue to
be appropriate for FY 2025. (We refer
readers to a full discussion of the outmigration adjustment, including rules
on deeming hospitals reclassified under
section 1886(d)(8) or section 1886(d)(10)
of the Act to have waived the outmigration adjustment, in the FY 2012
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51601
through 51602).) Table 2 of this
proposed rule (which is available via
the internet on the CMS website) lists
the proposed out-migration adjustments
for the FY 2025 wage index.
5. Proposed Continuation of the Low
Wage Index Hospital Policy and Budget
Neutrality Adjustment
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42325 through 42339), we
finalized a policy to address the
artificial magnification of wage index
disparities, based in part on comments
we received in response to our request
for information included in our FY 2019
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (83 FR
20372 through 20377). In the FY 2020
IPPS/LTCH final rule, based on those
public comments and the growing
disparities between wage index values
for high- and low-wage-index hospitals,
we explained that those growing
disparities are likely caused, at least in
part, by the use of historical wage data
to prospectively set hospitals’ wage
indexes. That lag creates barriers to
hospitals with low wage index values
being able to increase employee
compensation, because those hospitals
will not receive corresponding increases
in their Medicare payment for several
years (84 FR 42327). Accordingly, we
finalized a policy that provided certain
low wage index hospitals with an
opportunity to increase employee
compensation without the usual lag in
those increases being reflected in the
calculation of the wage index (as they
would expect to do if not for the lag).141
141 In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH proposed rule, we
agreed with respondents to a previous request for
information who indicated that some current wage
index policies create barriers to hospitals with low
wage index values from being able to increase
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We accomplished this by temporarily
increasing the wage index values for
certain hospitals with low wage index
values and doing so in a budget neutral
manner through an adjustment applied
to the standardized amounts for all
hospitals, as well as by changing the
calculation of the rural floor. As
explained in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
proposed rule (84 FR 19396) and final
rule (84 FR 42329), we indicated that
the Secretary has authority to
implement the lowest quartile wage
index proposal under both section
1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act and under his
exceptions and adjustments authority
under section 1886(d)(5)(I) of the Act.
We increased the wage index for
hospitals with a wage index value below
the 25th percentile wage index value for
a fiscal year by half the difference
between the otherwise applicable final
wage index value for a year for that
hospital and the 25th percentile wage
index value for that year across all
hospitals (the low wage index hospital
policy). We stated in the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42326
through 42328) our intention that this
policy would be effective for at least 4
years, beginning in FY 2020, to allow
employee compensation increases
implemented by these hospitals
sufficient time to be reflected in the
wage index calculation.
We note that the FY 2020 low wage
index hospital policy and the related
budget neutrality adjustment are the
subject of pending litigation, including
in Bridgeport Hospital, et al., v. Becerra,
No. 1:20–cv–01574 (D.D.C.), No. 22–
5249 (D.C. Cir.) (hereafter referred to as
Bridgeport). The district court in
Bridgeport held that the Secretary did
not have authority under section
1886(d)(3)(E) or 1886(d)(5)(I)(i) of the
Act to adopt the low wage index
hospital policy for FY 2020 and
remanded the policy to the agency
without vacatur. We have appealed the
court’s decision.
As noted earlier, we finalized this
policy in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH final
rule to provide low wage index
hospitals with an opportunity to
increase employee compensation
without the usual lag in those increases
being reflected in the calculation of the
wage index (as they would expect to do
if not for the lag). This continues to be
the purpose of the policy. We stated in
the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
our intention that it would be in effect
for at least 4 years beginning October 1,
2019 (84 FR 42326). We also stated we
intended to revisit the issue of the
duration of this policy in future
rulemaking as we gained experience
under the policy. What could not have
been anticipated at the time the policy
was promulgated was that
implementation of the policy would
occur during the COVID–19 PHE, which
was declared starting in January of 2020
and continued until May of 2023. The
effects of the COVID–19 PHE complicate
our ability to evaluate the low wage
policy and our ability to determine
whether low wage hospitals have been
provided a sufficient opportunity to
increase employee compensation under
the policy without the usual lag.
In order to help gauge the impact of
the COVID–19 PHE relative to the
impact of the low wage index hospital
policy, we examined the aggregate
revenue each hospital reported on their
FY 2020 cost reports from the COVID–
19 PHE Provider Relief Fund, the Small
Business Association Loan Forgiveness
program, and other sources of COVID–
19 related funding such as payroll
retention credits and State emergency
relief funds. Specifically, we examined
Worksheet G–3, lines 24.50 through
24.60 for each IPPS hospital’s 2020 cost
report. We found that hospitals in the
aggregate reported $31.1 billion in
COVID–19 related funding, and of that
amount low wage hospitals reported
$3.6 billion. These amounts are much
larger than, and likely had a much
greater impact on hospital operations,
the approximately $230 million impact
of the low wage index hospital
policy.142 For example, COVID–19
related funding impacted the ability of
hospitals, both low wage hospitals and
non-low wage hospitals, to change
employee compensation in ways that
overshadowed any differential impact of
the low wage index hospital policy
between the two groups that may have
occurred in the absence of the COVID–
19 PHE.
In addition to examining the COVID–
19 related funding data, we also
examined the wage index data itself. For
the FY 2025 wage index the best
available data typically would be from
the FY 2021 wage data from hospital
cost reports. As discussed earlier in
more detail in section III.C, in
considering the impacts of the COVID–
19 PHE on the FY 2021 hospital wage
data, we compared that data with recent
historical data. While there are some
differences, it is not readily apparent
how any changes due to the COVID–19
PHE differentially impacted the wages
paid by individual hospitals.
Furthermore, even if changes due to the
COVID–19 PHE did differentially
impact the wages paid by individual
hospitals over time, it is not clear how
those changes could be isolated from
changes due to other reasons and what
an appropriate potential methodology
might be to adjust the data to account
for the effects of the COVID–19 PHE.
Our inability to isolate the wage data
changes due to the COVID–19 PHE and
disentangle them from changes due to
the low wage index hospital policy
makes isolating and evaluating the
impact of the low wage index hospital
policy challenging. We reached similar
conclusions with respect to the FY 2020
hospital wage data.
To help further inform our FY 2025
rulemaking with respect to the low wage
index hospital policy, we also
conducted an analysis of hospitals that
received an increase to their wage index
due to the policy in FY 2020 (referred
to as the low wage index hospitals for
brevity in the following discussion).
Specifically, for each low wage index
hospital we calculated the percent
increase in its average hourly wages
(AHWs) from FY 2019 to FY 2021 based
on dividing its FY 2021 average hourly
wage (using the wage data one year after
the low wage index hospital policy was
implemented in FY 2020, available on
the FY 2025 IPPS Proposed Rule web
page) by its average hourly wage from
the FY 2019 wage data (the wage data
one year before the low wage index
hospital policy was implemented in FY
2020, available on the FY 2023 IPPS
final rule web page). We performed the
same calculation for the hospitals that
were not low wage index hospitals. We
then compared the distributions of the
average hourly wage increases between
the two groups. The results are shown
in the following chart (Chart 1).
employee compensation due to the lag between
when hospitals increase the compensation and
when those increases are reflected in the
calculation of the wage index. (We noted that this
lag results from the fact that the wage index
calculations rely on historical data.) We also agreed
that addressing this systemic issue did not need to
wait for comprehensive wage index reform given
the growing disparities between low and high wage
index hospitals, including rural hospitals that may
be in financial distress and facing potential closure
(84 FR 19394 and 19395).
142 As discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS final rule,
the low wage index hospital policy was
implemented in a budget neutral manner. In order
to ensure that the overall effect of the application
of the low wage index hospital policy was budget
neutral, we applied a budget neutrality factor of
0.997987 to the FY 2020 standardized amount (84
FR 42667). The IPPS spending associated with the
accounting statement in the FY 2020 IPPS final rule
was approximately $113 billion. Applying the
budget neutrality adjustment to the IPPS spending
associated with the accounting statement results in
roughly a $230 million impact of the low wage
index hospital policy.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
years is the minimum time before
increases in employee compensation
included in the Medicare cost report
could be reflected in the wage index
data. The first full fiscal year of wage
data after the COVID–19 PHE is the FY
2024 wage data, which would be
available for the FY 2028 IPPS/LTCH
PPS rulemaking. As we explained
earlier in this section, at the time the
low wage index hospital policy was
finalized, our intention was that it
would be in effect for at least 4 fiscal
years beginning October 1, 2019 and to
revisit the issue of the duration of this
policy as we gained experience under
the policy. Because the effects of the
COVID–19 PHE complicate our ability
to evaluate the low wage index hospital
policy and our ability to determine
whether low wage hospitals have been
provided a sufficient opportunity to
increase employee compensation under
the policy without the usual lag, we are
proposing that the low wage index
hospital policy and the related budget
neutrality adjustment would be effective
for at least three more years, beginning
in FY 2025. This would result in the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
FY 2025 25 th Percentile Wage Index Value
6. Cap on Wage Index Decreases and
Budget Neutrality Adjustment
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 49018 through 49021), we
finalized a wage index cap policy and
associated budget neutrality adjustment
for FY 2023 and subsequent fiscal years.
Under this policy, we apply a 5-percent
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cap on any decrease to a hospital’s wage
index from its wage index in the prior
FY, regardless of the circumstances
causing the decline. A hospital’s wage
index will not be less than 95 percent
of its final wage index for the prior FY.
If a hospital’s prior FY wage index is
calculated with the application of the 5percent cap, the following year’s wage
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policy being in effect for at least 4 full
fiscal years in total after the end of the
COVID–19 PHE in May of 2023. This
will allow us to gain experience under
the policy for the same duration and in
an environment more similar to the one
we expected at the time the policy was
first promulgated.
In order to offset the estimated
increase in IPPS payments to hospitals
with wage index values below the 25th
percentile wage index value, for FY
2025 and for subsequent fiscal years
during which the low wage index
hospital policy is in effect, we are
proposing to apply a budget neutrality
adjustment in the same manner as we
have applied it since FY 2020, as a
uniform budget neutrality factor applied
to the standardized amount. We refer
readers to section II.A.4.f. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule for
further discussion of the budget
neutrality adjustment for FY 2025. For
purposes of the low wage index hospital
policy, based on the data for this
proposed rule, the table displays the
25th percentile wage index value across
all hospitals for FY 2025.
index will not be less than 95 percent
of the hospital’s capped wage index in
the prior FY. Except for newly opened
hospitals, we apply the cap for a FY
using the final wage index applicable to
the hospital on the last day of the prior
FY. A newly opened hospital will be
paid the wage index for the area in
which it is geographically located for its
EP02MY24.174 EP02MY24.175
In general, the chart shows that the
distribution of the changes in the
average hourly wages of the low wage
index hospitals (mean = 15.1%,
standard deviation = 11.0%) is similar
to the distribution of the changes in the
average hourly wages of the non-low
wage index hospitals (mean = 14.7%,
standard deviation 8.9%). Although
some low wage hospitals have indicated
to us that they did use the increased
payments they received under the low
wage index hospital policy to increase
wages more than they otherwise would
have, the similarity in the two
distributions indicates that, based on
the audited wage data available to us,
the policy has generally not yet had the
effect of substantially reducing the wage
index disparities that existed at the time
the policy was promulgated. Also, to the
extent that wage index disparities for a
subset of low wage index hospitals has
diminished, it is unclear to what extent
that is attributable to the low wage
index hospital policy given the effects of
the COVID–19 PHE (as discussed
The COVID–19 PHE ended in May of
2023. With regard to the wage index,4
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
first full or partial fiscal year, and it will
not receive a cap for that first year,
because it will not have been assigned
a wage index in the prior year. The wage
index cap policy is reflected at
§ 412.64(h)(7). We apply the cap in a
budget neutral manner through a
national adjustment to the standardized
amount each fiscal year. For more
information about the wage index cap
policy and associated budget neutrality
adjustment, we refer readers to the
discussion in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (87 FR 49018 through
For FY 2025, we would apply the
wage index cap and associated budget
neutrality adjustment in accordance
with the policies adopted in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. We
note that the budget neutrality
adjustment will be updated, as
appropriate, based on the final rule data.
We refer readers to the Addendum of
this proposed rule for further
information regarding the budget
neutrality calculations.
H. FY 2025 Wage Index Tables
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we have included the
following wage index tables: Table 2
titled ‘‘Case-Mix Index and Wage Index
Table by CCN’’; Table 3 titled ‘‘Wage
Index Table by CBSA’’; Table 4A titled
‘‘List of Counties Eligible for the OutMigration Adjustment under Section
1886(d)(13) of the Act’’; and Table 4B
titled ‘‘Counties redesignated under
section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act (Lugar
Counties).’’ We refer readers to section
VI. of the Addendum to this proposed
rule for a discussion of the wage index
tables for FY 2025.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
I. Proposed Labor-Related Share for the
FY 2025 Wage Index
Section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act
directs the Secretary to adjust the
proportion of the national prospective
payment system base payment rates that
are attributable to wages and wagerelated costs by a factor that reflects the
relative differences in labor costs among
geographic areas. It also directs the
Secretary to estimate from time to time
the proportion of hospital costs that are
labor-related and to adjust the
proportion (as estimated by the
Secretary from time to time) of
hospitals’ costs that are attributable to
wages and wage-related costs of the
DRG prospective payment rates. We
refer to the portion of hospital costs
attributable to wages and wage-related
costs as the labor-related share. The
labor-related share of the prospective
payment rate is adjusted by an index of
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relative labor costs, which is referred to
as the wage index.
Section 403 of Public Law 108–173
amended section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the
Act to provide that the Secretary must
employ 62 percent as the labor-related
share unless this would result in lower
payments to a hospital than would
otherwise be made. However, this
provision of Public Law 108–173 did
not change the legal requirement that
the Secretary estimate from time to time
the proportion of hospitals’ costs that
are attributable to wages and wagerelated costs. Thus, hospitals receive
payment based on either a 62-percent
labor-related share, or the labor-related
share estimated from time to time by the
Secretary, depending on which laborrelated share results in a higher
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45194 through 45208), we
rebased and revised the hospital market
basket to a 2018-based IPPS hospital
market basket which replaced the 2014based IPPS hospital market basket,
effective beginning October 1, 2021.
Using the 2018-based IPPS market
basket, we finalized a labor-related
share of 67.6 percent for discharges
occurring on or after October 1, 2021. In
addition, in FY 2022, we implemented
this revised and rebased labor-related
share in a budget neutral manner (86 FR
45193, 86 FR 45529 through 45530).
However, consistent with section
1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act, we did not take
into account the additional payments
that would be made as a result of
hospitals with a wage index less than or
equal to 1.0000 being paid using a laborrelated share lower than the laborrelated share of hospitals with a wage
index greater than 1.0000.
The labor-related share is used to
determine the proportion of the national
IPPS base payment rate to which the
area wage index is applied. We include
a cost category in the labor-related share
if the costs are labor intensive and vary
with the local labor market. In the FY
2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR
45204 through 45207), we included in
the labor-related share the national
average proportion of operating costs
that are attributable to the following cost
categories in the 2018-based IPPS
market basket: Wages and Salaries;
Employee Benefits; Professional Fees:
Labor-Related; Administrative and
Facilities Support Services; Installation,
Maintenance, and Repair Services; and
All Other: Labor-Related Services. In
this proposed rule, for FY 2025, we are
not proposing to make any further
changes to the labor-related share. For
FY 2025, we are proposing to continue
to use a labor-related share of 67.6
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percent for discharges occurring on or
after October 1, 2024. We note that,
consistent with our established
frequency of rebasing the IPPS market
basket every 4 years, we anticipate
proposing to rebase and revise the IPPS
market basket in the FY 2026 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule. Our
preliminary evaluation of more recent
Medicare cost report data for IPPS
hospitals for 2022 indicates that the
major IPPS market basket cost weights
(particularly the compensation and drug
cost weights) are similar to those
finalized in the 2018-based IPPS market
As discussed in section V.B. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, prior to
January 1, 2016, Puerto Rico hospitals
were paid based on 75 percent of the
national standardized amount and 25
percent of the Puerto Rico-specific
standardized amount. As a result, we
applied the Puerto Rico-specific laborrelated share percentage and nonlaborrelated share percentage to the Puerto
Rico-specific standardized amount.
Section 601 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. L. 114–
113) amended section 1886(d)(9)(E) of
the Act to specify that the payment
calculation with respect to operating
costs of inpatient hospital services of a
subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital for
inpatient hospital discharges on or after
January 1, 2016, shall use 100 percent
of the national standardized amount.
Because Puerto Rico hospitals are no
longer paid with a Puerto Rico-specific
standardized amount as of January 1,
2016, under section 1886(d)(9)(E) of the
Act as amended by section 601 of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016,
there is no longer a need for us to
calculate a Puerto Rico-specific laborrelated share percentage and nonlaborrelated share percentage for application
to the Puerto Rico-specific standardized
amount. Hospitals in Puerto Rico are
now paid 100 percent of the national
standardized amount and, therefore, are
subject to the national labor-related
share and nonlabor-related share
percentages that are applied to the
national standardized amount.
Accordingly, for FY 2025, we are not
proposing a Puerto Rico-specific laborrelated share percentage or a nonlaborrelated share percentage.
Tables 1A and 1B, which are
published in section VI. of the
Addendum to this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule and available via the
internet on the CMS website, reflect the
proposed national labor-related share.
Table 1C, in section VI. of the
Addendum to this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule and available via the
internet on the CMS website, reflects the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
national labor-related share for hospitals
located in Puerto Rico. For FY 2025, for
all IPPS hospitals (including Puerto
Rico hospitals) whose wage indexes are
less than or equal to 1.0000, we are
proposing to apply the wage index to a
labor-related share of 62 percent of the
national standardized amount. For all
IPPS hospitals (including Puerto Rico
hospitals) whose wage indexes are
greater than 1.000, for FY 2025, we are
proposing to apply the wage index to a
labor-related share of 67.6 percent of the
national standardized amount.
IV. Proposed Payment Adjustment for
Medicare Disproportionate Share
Hospitals (DSHs) for FY 2025
(§ 412.106)
A. General Discussion
Section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act
provides for additional Medicare
payments to subsection (d) hospitals
that serve a significantly
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
"Pickle Method"
Qualifying Criteria
A hospital that has a disproportionate patient percentage equal to or exceeding
15 percent may qualify for the Medicare DSH adjustment. We refer readers to
42 CFR 412.106 for the specific eligibility criteria and payment formulas.
A hospital that is located in an urban area and has 100 or more beds may qualify
to receive a Medicare DSH payment adjustment if the hospital can demonstrate
that, during its cost reporting period, more than 30 percent of its net inpatient
care revenues are derived from State and local government payments for care
furnished to patients with low incomes.
Because the DSH payment adjustment
is part of the IPPS, the statutory
references to ‘‘days’’ in section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act have been
interpreted to apply only to hospital
acute care inpatient days. Regulations
located at 42 CFR 412.106 govern the
Medicare DSH payment adjustment and
specify how the DPP is calculated as
well as how beds and patient days are
counted in determining the Medicare
DSH payment adjustment. Under
§ 412.106(a)(1)(i), the number of beds for
the Medicare DSH payment adjustment
is determined in accordance with bed
counting rules for the IME adjustment
under § 412.105(b).
Section 3133 of the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111–
148), as amended by section 10316 of
the same Act and section 1104 of the
Health Care and Education
Reconciliation Act (Pub. L. 111–152),
added a section 1886(r) to the Act that
modifies the methodology for
computing the Medicare DSH payment
adjustment. We refer to these provisions
collectively as section 3133 of the
Affordable Care Act. Beginning with
discharges in FY 2014, hospitals that
qualify for Medicare DSH payments
under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act
receive 25 percent of the amount they
previously would have received under
the statutory formula for Medicare DSH
payments. This provision applies
equally to hospitals that qualify for DSH
payments under section
1886(d)(5)(F)(i)(I) of the Act and those
hospitals that qualify under the Pickle
method under section 1886(d)(5)(F)(i)(II)
of the Act.
The remaining amount, equal to an
estimate of 75 percent of what otherwise
Medicare DSH Payment
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would have been paid as Medicare DSH
payments, reduced to reflect changes in
the percentage of individuals who are
uninsured, is available to make
additional payments to each hospital
that qualifies for Medicare DSH
payments and that has uncompensated
care. The payments to each hospital for
a fiscal year are based on the hospital’s
amount of uncompensated care for a
given time period relative to the total
amount of uncompensated care for that
same time period reported by all
hospitals that receive Medicare DSH
payments for that fiscal year.
Since FY 2014, section 1886(r) of the
Act has required that hospitals that are
eligible for DSH payments under section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act receive 2
separately calculated payments:
An empirically justified DSH payment equal to 25% of the amount determined
under the statutory formula in section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act.
An uncompensated care payment determined as the product of 3 factors, as
discussed in this section.
Medicare DSH Uncompensated Care
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hospital, and the level of the hospital’s
disproportionate patient percentage
A hospital’s DPP is the sum of two
fractions: the ‘‘Medicare fraction’’ and
the ‘‘Medicaid fraction.’’ The Medicare
fraction (also known as the ‘‘SSI
fraction’’ or ‘‘SSI ratio’’) is computed by
dividing the number of the hospital’s
inpatient days that are furnished to
patients who were entitled to both
Medicare Part A and Supplemental
Security Income (SSI) benefits by the
hospital’s total number of patient days
furnished to patients entitled to benefits
under Medicare Part A. The Medicaid
fraction is computed by dividing the
hospital’s number of inpatient days
furnished to patients who, for such
days, were eligible for Medicaid, but
were not entitled to benefits under
Medicare Part A, by the hospital’s total
number of inpatient days in the same
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EP02MY24.176 EP02MY24.177
DSH Eligibility
Statutory Formula
disproportionate number of low-income
patients. The Act specifies two methods
by which a hospital may qualify for the
Medicare disproportionate share
hospital (DSH) adjustment. Under the
first method, hospitals that are located
in an urban area and have 100 or more
beds may receive a Medicare DSH
payment adjustment if the hospital can
demonstrate that, during its cost
reporting period, more than 30 percent
of its net inpatient care revenues are
derived from State and local
government payments for care furnished
to patients with low incomes. This
method is commonly referred to as the
‘‘Pickle method.’’ The second method
for qualifying for the DSH payment
adjustment, which is the more
commonly used method, is based on a
complex statutory formula under which
the DSH payment adjustment is based
on the hospital’s geographic
designation, the number of beds in the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Specifically, section 1886(r)(1) of the
Act provides that the Secretary shall pay
to such subsection (d) hospital 25
percent of the amount the hospital
would have received under section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act for DSH
payments, which represents the
empirically justified amount for such
payment, as determined by the MedPAC
in its March 2007 Report to Congress.143
We refer to this payment as the
‘‘empirically justified Medicare DSH
In addition to this empirically
justified Medicare DSH payment,
section 1886(r)(2) of the Act provides
that, for FY 2014 and each subsequent
fiscal year, the Secretary shall pay to
such subsection (d) hospital an
additional amount equal to the product
of three factors. The first factor is the
difference between the aggregate
amount of payments that would be
made to subsection (d) hospitals under
section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act if
subsection (r) did not apply and the
aggregate amount of payments that are
made to subsection (d) hospitals under
section 1886(r)(1) of the Act for such
fiscal year. Therefore, this factor
amounts to 75 percent of the payments
that would otherwise be made under
section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act.
The second factor is, for FY 2018 and
subsequent fiscal years, 1 minus the
percent change in the percent of
individuals who are uninsured, as
determined by comparing the percent of
individuals who were uninsured in
2013 (as estimated by the Secretary,
based on data from the Census Bureau
or other sources the Secretary
determines appropriate, and certified by
the Chief Actuary of CMS) and the
percent of individuals who were
uninsured in the most recent period for
which data are available (as so
estimated and certified).
The third factor is a percent that, for
each subsection (d) hospital, represents
the quotient of the amount of
uncompensated care for such hospital
for a period selected by the Secretary (as
estimated by the Secretary, based on
appropriate data), including the use of
alternative data where the Secretary
determines that alternative data are
available which are a better proxy for
the costs of subsection (d) hospitals for
treating the uninsured, and the
aggregate amount of uncompensated
care for all subsection (d) hospitals that
receive a payment under section 1886(r)
of the Act. Therefore, this third factor
represents a hospital’s uncompensated
care amount for a given time period
relative to the uncompensated care
amount for that same time period for all
hospitals that receive Medicare DSH
payments in the applicable fiscal year,
expressed as a percent.
For each hospital, the product of these
three factors represents its additional
payment for uncompensated care for the
applicable fiscal year. We refer to the
additional payment determined by these
factors as the ‘‘uncompensated care
payment.’’ In brief, the uncompensated
care payment for an individual hospital
is determined as the product of the
following 3 factors:
Section 1886(r) of the Act applies to
FY 2014 and each subsequent fiscal
year. In the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (78 FR 50620 through 50647)
and the FY 2014 IPPS interim final rule
with comment period (78 FR 61191
through 61197), we set forth our policies
for implementing the required changes
to the Medicare DSH payment
methodology made by section 3133 of
the Affordable Care Act for FY 2014. In
those rules, we noted that, because
section 1886(r) of the Act modifies the
payment required under section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act, it affects only
the DSH payment under the operating
IPPS. It does not revise or replace the
capital IPPS DSH payment provided
under the regulations at 42 CFR part
412, subpart M, which was established
through the exercise of the Secretary’s
discretion in implementing the capital
IPPS under section 1886(g)(1)(A) of the
Finally, section 1886(r)(3) of the Act
provides that there shall be no
administrative or judicial review under
section 1869, section 1878, or otherwise
of any estimate of the Secretary for
purposes of determining the factors
described in section 1886(r)(2) of the
Act or of any period selected by the
Secretary for the purpose of determining
those factors. Therefore, there is no
administrative or judicial review of the
estimates developed for purposes of
applying the three factors used to
determine uncompensated care
payments, or of the periods selected to
develop such estimates.
B. Eligibility for Empirically Justified
Medicare DSH Payments and
Uncompensated Care Payments
The payment methodology under
section 3133 of the Affordable Care Act
applies to ‘‘subsection (d) hospitals’’
that would otherwise receive a DSH
payment made under section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act. Therefore,
hospitals must receive empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments in a
fiscal year to receive an additional
Medicare uncompensated care payment
for that year. Specifically, section
1886(r)(2) of the Act states that, in
addition to the empirically justified
Medicare DSH payment made to a
subsection (d) hospital under section
1886(r)(1) of the Act, the Secretary shall
pay to ‘‘such subsection (d) hospitals’’
the uncompensated care payment.
Section 1886(r)(2)’s reference to ‘‘such
subsection (d) hospitals’’ refers to
hospitals that receive empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments under
section 1886(r)(1) for the applicable
fiscal year.
In the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (78 FR 50622) and the FY 2014
IPPS interim final rule with comment
period (78 FR 61193), we explained that
hospitals that are not eligible to receive
empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments in a fiscal year will not
receive uncompensated care payments
for that year. We also specified that we
would make a determination concerning
eligibility for interim uncompensated
care payments based on each hospital’s
estimated DSH status (that is, eligibility
to receive empirically justified Medicare
DSH payments) for the applicable fiscal
year (using the most recent data that are
available). For this proposed rule, we
estimated DSH status for all hospitals
using the most recent available SSI
ratios and information from the most
recent available Provider Specific File.
We note that FY 2020 SSI ratios
available on the CMS website were the
most recent available SSI ratios at the
time of developing this proposed
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1 minus 1he ercent chan e in 1he ercent of individuals who are uninsured.
e hos ital's uncorn nsated care amount relative to 1he uncorn ensated care amount for all hos itals that receive DSH a
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
rule.144 If more recent data on DSH
eligibility becomes available before the
final rule, we would use such data in
the final rule.
Our final determinations of a
hospital’s eligibility for uncompensated
care and empirically justified Medicare
DSH payments will be based on the
hospital’s actual DSH status at cost
report settlement for FY 2025.
In the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (78 FR 50622) and in the
rulemakings for subsequent fiscal years,
we have specified our policies for
several specific classes of hospitals
within the scope of section 1886(r) of
the Act. Eligible hospitals include the
• Subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals
that are eligible for DSH payments also
are eligible to receive empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments and
uncompensated care payments under
section 1886(r) of the Act (78 FR 50623
and 79 FR 50006).
• Sole community hospitals (SCHs)
that are paid under the IPPS Federal rate
receive interim payments based on what
we estimate and project their DSH status
to be prior to the beginning of the fiscal
year (based on the best available data at
that time) subject to settlement through
the cost report. If they receive interim
empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments in a fiscal year, they will also
be eligible to receive interim
uncompensated care payments for that
fiscal year on a per discharge basis.
Final eligibility determinations will be
made at the end of the cost reporting
period at settlement, and both interim
empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments and uncompensated care
payments will be adjusted accordingly
(78 FR 50624 and 79 FR 50007).
• Medicare-dependent, small rural
hospitals (MDHs) are paid based on the
IPPS Federal rate or, if higher, the IPPS
Federal rate plus 75 percent of the
amount by which the Federal rate is
exceeded by the updated hospitalspecific rate from certain specified base
years (76 FR 51684). The IPPS Federal
rate that is used in the MDH payment
methodology is the same IPPS Federal
rate that is used in the SCH payment
methodology. Because MDHs are paid
based on the IPPS Federal rate, they
continue to be eligible to receive
empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments and uncompensated care
payments if their DPP is at least 15
percent, and we apply the same process
to determine MDHs’ eligibility for
interim empirically justified Medicare
DSH and interim uncompensated care
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payments as we do for all other IPPS
hospitals. Legislation has extended the
MDH program into FY 2024. We refer
readers to section V.F. of the preamble
of this proposed rule for further
discussion of the MDH program.
Section 307 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 extended the
MDH program through December 31,
2024. We will continue to make a
determination concerning an MDH’s
eligibility for interim empirically
justified Medicare DSH and
uncompensated care payments based on
the hospital’s estimated DSH status for
the applicable fiscal year.
• IPPS hospitals that elect to
participate in the Bundled Payments for
Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI
Advanced) model, will continue to be
paid under the IPPS and, therefore, are
eligible to receive empirically justified
Medicare DSH payments and
uncompensated care payments until the
Model’s final performance year, which
ends on December 31, 2025. For further
information regarding the BPCI
Advanced model, we refer readers to the
CMS website at https://innovation.
• IPPS hospitals that participate in
the Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement (CJR) Model’s (80 FR
73300) continue to be paid under the
IPPS and, therefore, are eligible to
receive empirically justified Medicare
DSH payments and uncompensated care
payments We refer the reader to the
final rule that appeared in the May 3,
2021, Federal Register (86 FR 23496),
which extended the CJR Model for an
additional three performance years. The
Model’s final performance year ends on
December 31, 2024. For additional
information on the CJR Model, we refer
readers to the CMS website at https://
• Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM) is a new
proposed episode-based model, which
is discussed in section X.A. of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
Hospitals participating in TEAM would
continue to be paid under the IPPS and,
therefore, are eligible to receive
empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments and uncompensated care
payments. The proposed model’s start
date is January 2026.
Ineligible hospitals include the
• Maryland hospitals are not eligible
to receive empirically justified Medicare
DSH payments and uncompensated care
payments under the payment
methodology of section 1866(r) of the
Act because they are not paid under the
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IPPS. As discussed in the FY 2019 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41402
through 41403), CMS and the State have
entered into an agreement to govern
payments to Maryland hospitals under a
new payment model, the Maryland
Total Cost of Care (TCOC) Model, which
began on January 1, 2019. Under the
Maryland TCOC Model, which
concludes on December 31, 2026,
Maryland hospitals are not paid under
the IPPS and are ineligible to receive
empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments and uncompensated care
payments under section 1886(r) of the
• SCHs that are paid under their
hospital-specific rate are not eligible for
Medicare DSH and uncompensated care
payments (78 FR 50623 and 50624).
• Hospitals participating in the Rural
Community Hospital Demonstration
Program are not eligible to receive
empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments and uncompensated care
payments under section 1886(r) of the
Act because they are not paid under the
IPPS (78 FR 50625 and 79 FR 50008).
The Rural Community Hospital
Demonstration Program was originally
authorized for a 5-year period by section
410A of the Medicare Prescription Drug,
Improvement, and Modernization Act of
2003 (MMA) (Pub. L. 108–173).145 The
period of participation for the last
hospital in the demonstration under this
most recent legislative authorization
will end on June 30, 2028. Under the
payment methodology that applies
during this most recent extension of the
demonstration program, participating
hospitals do not receive empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments, and
they are excluded from receiving
interim and final uncompensated care
payments. At the time of development
of this proposed rule, we believe 23
hospitals may participate in the
145 The Rural Community Hospital Demonstration
Program was extended for a subsequent 5-year
period by sections 3123 and 10313 of the Affordable
Care Act (Pub. L. 111–148). The period of
performance for this 5-year extension period ended
on December 31, 2016. Section 15003 of the 21st
Century Cures Act (Pub. L. 114 255), enacted on
December 13, 2016, again amended section 410A of
Public Law 108–173 to require a 10-year extension
period (in place of the 5-year extension required by
the Affordable Care Act), therefore requiring an
additional 5-year participation period for the
demonstration program. Section 15003 of Public
Law 114–255 also required a solicitation for
applications for additional hospitals to participate
in the demonstration program. The period of
performance for this 5-year extension period ended
December 31, 2021. The Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116–260)
amended section 410A of Public Law 108–173 to
extend the demonstration program for an additional
5-year period.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
demonstration program at the start of FY
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C. Empirically Justified Medicare DSH
As we have discussed earlier, section
1886(r)(1) of the Act requires the
Secretary to pay 25 percent of the
amount of the Medicare DSH payment
that would otherwise be made under
section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act to a
subsection (d) hospital. Because section
1886(r)(1) of the Act merely requires the
Secretary to pay a designated percentage
of these payments, without revising the
criteria governing eligibility for DSH
payments or the underlying payment
methodology, we stated in the FY 2014
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule that we did
not believe that it was necessary to
develop any new operational
mechanisms for making such payments.
Therefore, in the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (78 FR 50626), we
implemented this provision by advising
Medicare Administrative Contractors
(MACs) to simply adjust subsection (d)
hospitals’ interim claim payments to an
amount equal to 25 percent of what
would have been paid if section 1886(r)
of the Act did not apply. We also made
corresponding changes to the hospital
cost report so that these empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments could
be settled at the appropriate level at the
time of cost report settlement. We
provided more detailed operational
instructions and cost report instructions
following issuance of the FY 2014 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule that are available
on the CMS website at https://
D. Supplemental Payment for Indian
Health Service (IHS) and Tribal
Hospitals and Puerto Rico Hospitals
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 49047 through 49051), we
established a new supplemental
payment for IHS/Tribal hospitals and
hospitals located in Puerto Rico for FY
2023 and subsequent fiscal years. This
payment was established to help to
mitigate the impact of the decision to
discontinue the use of low-income
insured days as a proxy for
uncompensated care costs for these
hospitals and to prevent undue longterm financial disruption for these
providers. The regulations located at 42
CFR 412.106(h) govern the
supplemental payment. In brief, the
supplemental payment for a fiscal year
is determined as the difference between
the hospital’s base year amount and its
uncompensated care payment for the
applicable fiscal year as determined
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under § 412.106(g)(1). The base year
amount is the hospital’s FY 2022
uncompensated care payment adjusted
by one plus the percent change in the
total uncompensated care amount
between the applicable fiscal year (that
is, FY 2025 for purposes of this
rulemaking) and FY 2022, where the
total uncompensated care amount for a
fiscal year is determined as the product
of Factor 1 and Factor 2 for that year.
If the base year amount is equal to or
lower than the hospital’s
uncompensated care payment for the
current fiscal year, then the hospital
would not receive a supplemental
payment because the hospital would not
be experiencing financial disruption in
that year as a result of the use of
uncompensated care data from the
Worksheet S–10 in determining Factor 3
of the uncompensated care payment
We are not proposing any changes to
the methodology for determining
supplemental payments, and we will
calculate the supplemental payments to
eligible IHS/Tribal and Puerto Rico
hospitals consistent with the
methodology described in the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49047
through 49051) and § 412.106(h).
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49048 and
49049), the eligibility and payment
processes for the supplemental payment
are consistent with the processes for
determining eligibility to receive
interim and final uncompensated care
payments adopted in FY 2014 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule. We note that the
MAC will make a final determination
with respect to a hospital’s eligibility to
receive the supplemental payment for a
fiscal year, in conjunction with its final
determination of the hospital’s
eligibility for DSH payments and
uncompensated care payments for that
fiscal year.
E. Uncompensated Care Payments
As we discussed earlier, section
1886(r)(2) of the Act provides that, for
each eligible hospital in FY 2014 and
subsequent years, the uncompensated
care payment is the product of three
factors, which are discussed in the next
1. Proposed Calculation of Factor 1 for
FY 2025
Section 1886(r)(2)(A) of the Act
establishes Factor 1 in the calculation of
the uncompensated care payment. The
regulations located at 42 CFR
412.106(g)(1)(i) govern the Factor 1
calculation. Under a prospective
payment system, we would not know
the precise aggregate Medicare DSH
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payment amounts that would be paid
for a fiscal year until cost report
settlement for all IPPS hospitals is
completed, which occurs several years
after the end of the fiscal year.
Therefore, section 1886(r)(2)(A)(i) of the
Act provides authority to estimate this
amount by specifying that, for each
fiscal year to which the provision
applies, such amount is to be estimated
by the Secretary. Similarly, we would
not know the precise aggregate
empirically justified Medicare DSH
payment amounts that would be paid
for a fiscal year until cost report
settlement for all IPPS hospitals is
completed. Thus, section
1886(r)(2)(A)(ii) of the Act provides
authority to estimate this amount. In
brief, Factor 1 is the difference between
the Secretary’s estimates of: (1) the
amount that would have been paid in
Medicare DSH payments for the fiscal
year, in the absence of section 1886(r) of
the Act; and (2) the amount of
empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments that are made for the fiscal
year, which takes into account the
requirement to pay 25 percent of what
would have otherwise been paid under
section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act.
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, consistent with the
policy that has applied since the FY
2014 final rule (78 FR 50627 through
50631), we are determining Factor 1
from the most recently available
estimates of the aggregate amount of
Medicare DSH payments that would be
made for FY 2025 in the absence of
section 1886(r)(1) of the Act and the
aggregate amount of empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments that
would be made for FY 2025, both as
calculated by CMS’ Office of the
Actuary (OACT). Consistent with the
policy that has applied in previous
years, these estimates will not be
revised or updated subsequent to the
publication of our final projections in
the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
For this proposed rule, to calculate
both estimates, we used the most
recently available projections of
Medicare DSH payments for the fiscal
year, as calculated by OACT using the
most recently filed Medicare hospital
cost reports with Medicare DSH
payment information and the most
recent DPPs and Medicare DSH
payment adjustments provided in the
IPPS Impact File. The projection of
Medicare DSH payments for the fiscal
year is also partially based on OACT’s
Part A benefits projection model, which
projects, among other things, inpatient
hospital spending. Projections of DSH
payments additionally require
projections of expected increases in
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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utilization and case-mix. The
assumptions that were used in making
these inpatient hospital spending,
utilization, and case-mix projections
and the resulting estimates of DSH
payments for FY 2022 through FY 2025
are discussed later in this section and in
the table titled ‘‘Factors Applied for FY
2022 through FY 2025 to Estimate
Medicare DSH Expenditures Using FY
2021 Baseline.’’
For purposes of calculating Factor 1
and modeling the impact of this FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we
used OACT’s January 2024 Medicare
DSH estimates, which were based on
data from the December 2023 update of
the Medicare Hospital Cost Report
Information System (HCRIS) and the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule IPPS
Impact File, published in conjunction
with the publication of the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. Because
SCHs that are projected to be paid under
their hospital-specific rate are ineligible
for empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments and uncompensated care
payments, they were excluded from the
January 2024 Medicare DSH estimates.
Because Maryland hospitals are not paid
under the IPPS, they are also ineligible
for empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments and uncompensated care
payments and were also excluded from
OACT’s January 2024 Medicare DSH
The 23 hospitals that CMS expects
will participate in the Rural Community
Hospital Demonstration Program in FY
2025 were also excluded from OACT’s
January 2024 Medicare DSH estimates
because under the payment
methodology that applies during the
demonstration, these hospitals are not
eligible to receive empirically justified
Medicare DSH payments or
uncompensated care payments.
For this proposed rule, using the data
sources as previously discussed,
OACT’s January 2024 estimates of
Medicare DSH payments for FY 2025
without regard to the application of
section 1886(r)(1) of the Act is
approximately $13.943 billion.
Therefore, also based on OACT’s
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January 2024 Medicare DSH estimates,
the estimate of empirically justified
Medicare DSH payments for FY 2025,
with the application of section
1886(r)(1) of the Act, is approximately
$3.486 billion (or 25 percent of the total
amount of estimated Medicare DSH
payments for FY 2025). Under
§ 412.106(g)(1)(i), Factor 1 is the
difference between these two OACT
estimates. Therefore, in this proposed
rule, we are determining that Factor 1
for FY 2025 would be $10,457,250,000,
which is equal to 75 percent of the total
amount of estimated Medicare DSH
payments for FY 2025 ($13.943 billion
minus $3.486 billion). We note that
consistent with our approach in
previous rulemakings, OACT intends to
use more recent data that may become
available for purposes of projecting the
final Factor 1 estimates for the FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
We note that the Factor 1 estimates for
proposed rules are generally consistent
with the economic assumptions and
actuarial analysis used to develop the
President’s Budget estimates under
current law, and the Factor 1 estimates
for the final rules are generally
consistent with those used for the
Midsession Review of the President’s
Budget.146 Consistent with historical
practice, we expect that the Midsession
Review will have updated economic
assumptions and actuarial analysis,
which will be used for the development
of Factor 1 estimates in the FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
For a general overview of the
principal steps involved in projecting
future inpatient costs and utilization,
we refer readers to the ‘‘2023 Annual
Report of the Boards of Trustees of the
Federal Hospital Insurance and Federal
Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust
Funds,’’ available on the CMS website at
under ‘‘Downloads.’’ 147 The actuarial
146 As we have in the past, for additional
information on the development of the President’s
Budget, we refer readers to the Office of
Management and Budget website at https://
147 We note that the annual reports of the
Medicare Boards of Trustees to Congress represent
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projections contained in these reports
are based on numerous assumptions
regarding future trends in program
enrollment, utilization and costs of
health care services covered by
Medicare, as well as other factors
affecting program expenditures. In
addition, although the methods used to
estimate future costs based on these
assumptions are complex, they are
subject to periodic review by
independent experts to ensure their
validity and reasonableness. We also
refer readers to the 2018 Actuarial
Report on the Financial Outlook for
Medicaid for a discussion of general
issues regarding Medicaid projections
(available at
In this proposed rule, we include
information regarding the data sources,
methods, and assumptions employed by
OACT’s actuaries in determining our
estimate of Factor 1. In summary, we
indicate the historical HCRIS data
update OACT used to estimate Medicare
DSH payments, we explain that the
most recent Medicare DSH payment
adjustments provided in the IPPS
Impact File were used, and we provide
the components of all the update factors
that were applied to the historical data
to estimate the Medicare DSH payments
for the upcoming fiscal year, along with
the associated rationale and
assumptions. This discussion also
includes descriptions of the ‘‘Other’’
and ‘‘Discharges’’ assumptions and
provides additional information
regarding how we address the Medicaid
and CHIP expansion.
OACT’s estimates for FY 2025 for this
proposed rule began with a baseline of
$13.400 billion in Medicare DSH
expenditures for FY 2021. The following
table shows the factors applied to
update this baseline through the current
estimate for FY 2025:
the Federal Government’s official evaluation of the
financial status of the Medicare Program.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Estimated DSH Payment
(in billions)*
In this table, the discharges column
shows the changes in the number of
Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) inpatient
hospital discharges. The discharge
figures for FY 2022 and FY 2023 are
based on Medicare claims data that have
been adjusted by a completion factor to
account for incomplete claims data. We
note that these claims data reflect the
impact of the COVID–19 pandemic. The
discharge figure for FY 2024 is based on
preliminary data. The discharge figure
for FY 2025 is an assumption based on
recent historical experience, an assumed
partial return to pre-COVID 19 trends,
and assumptions related to how many
beneficiaries will be enrolled in
Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. The
discharge figures for FY 2022 to FY
2025 incorporate the actual impact and
estimated future impact of the COVID–
19 pandemic.
The case-mix column shows the
estimated change in case-mix for IPPS
hospitals. The case-mix figures for FY
2022 and FY 2023 are based on actual
claims data adjusted by a completion
factor to account for incomplete claims
data. We note that these claims data
reflect the impact of the COVID–19
pandemic. The case-mix figures for FY
Market Basket
expenditures, our actuaries have
assumed that the new Medicaid
enrollees are healthier than the average
Medicaid enrollee and, therefore,
receive fewer hospital services.149
Specifically, based on the most recent
available data at the time of developing
this proposed rule, OACT assumed per
capita spending for Medicaid
beneficiaries who enrolled due to the
expansion to be approximately 80
percent of the average per capita
expenditures for a pre-expansion
Medicaid beneficiary, due to the better
health of these beneficiaries. The same
assumption was used for the new
Medicaid beneficiaries who enrolled in
2020 and thereafter due to the COVID–
19 pandemic. This assumption is
consistent with recent internal estimates
of Medicaid per capita spending preexpansion and post-expansion. In future
IPPS rulemakings, the assumption about
the average per-capita expenditures of
Medicaid beneficiaries who enrolled
due to the COVID–19 pandemic may
The following table shows the factors
that are included in the ‘‘Update’’
column of the previous table:
Productivity Documentation and
Total Update
Note: All figures in this table are the final inpatient hospital updates for the applicable fiscal year, except for the FY 2025
figures. The FY 2025 figures reflect the proposed inpatient hospital updates and productivity adjustment and are based on the
4th quarter 2023 IHS Global Inc. (IGI) forecast, the most recent forecast available at the time of development of this proposed
rule. We refer readers to section V.B. of the preamble of this proposed rule for a complete discussion of the proposed
changes in the inpatient hospital update for FY 2025.
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149 For a discussion of general issues regarding
Medicaid projections, we refer readers to the 2018
Actuarial Report on the Financial Outlook for
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Medicaid, which is available at https://
EP02MY24.179 EP02MY24.180
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
2024 and for FY 2025 are assumptions
based on the 2012 ‘‘Review of
Assumptions and Methods of the
Medicare Trustees’ Financial
Projections’’ report by the 2010–2011
Medicare Technical Review Panel.148
The ‘‘Other’’ column reflects the
change in other factors that contribute to
the Medicare DSH estimates. These
factors include the difference between
the total inpatient hospital discharges
and IPPS discharges and various
adjustments to the payment rates that
have been included over the years but
are not reflected in the other columns
(such as the 20 percent add-on for
COVID–19 discharges). In addition, the
‘‘Other’’ column includes a factor for the
estimated changes in Medicaid
enrollment. Based on the most recent
available data, Medicaid enrollment is
estimated to be as follows: +8.3 percent
in FY 2022, +5.1 percent in FY 2023,
¥13.9 percent in FY 2024, and ¥4.3
percent in FY 2025. In future IPPS
rulemakings, our assumptions regarding
Medicaid enrollment may change based
on actual enrollment in the States.
We note that, in developing their
estimates of the effect of Medicaid
expansion on Medicare DSH
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We are inviting public comments on
our proposed Factor 1 for FY 2025.
IV. Proposed Payment Adjustment for
Medicare Disproportionate Share
Hospitals (DSHs) for FY 2025
(§ 412.106)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
2. Calculation of Proposed Factor 2 for
FY 2025
a. Background
Section 1886(r)(2)(B) of the Act
establishes Factor 2 in the calculation of
the uncompensated care payment.
Section 1886(r)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act
provides that, for FY 2018 and
subsequent fiscal years, the second
factor is 1 minus the percent change in
the percent of individuals who are
uninsured, as determined by comparing
the percent of individuals who were
uninsured in 2013 (as estimated by the
Secretary, based on data from the
Census Bureau or other sources the
Secretary determines appropriate, and
certified by the Chief Actuary of CMS)
and the percent of individuals who were
uninsured in the most recent period for
which data are available (as so
estimated and certified).
We are continuing to use the
methodology that was used in FY 2018
through FY 2024 to determine Factor 2
for FY 2025—to use the National Health
Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) data to
determine the percent change in the
percent of individuals who are
uninsured. We refer readers to the FY
2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR
38197 and 38198) for a complete
discussion of the NHEA and why we
determined, and continue to believe,
that it is the data source for the rate of
uninsurance that, on balance, best meets
all our considerations and is consistent
with the statutory requirement that the
estimate of the rate of uninsurance be
based on data from the Census Bureau
or other sources the Secretary
determines appropriate.
In brief, the NHEA represents the
government’s official estimates of
economic activity (spending) within the
health sector. The NHEA includes
comprehensive enrollment estimates for
total private health insurance (PHI)
(including direct and employersponsored plans), Medicare, Medicaid,
the Children’s Health Insurance
Program (CHIP), and other public
programs, and estimates of the number
of individuals who are uninsured. The
NHEA data are publicly available on the
CMS website at
To compute Factor 2 for FY 2025, the
first metric that is needed is the
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proportion of the total U.S. population
that was uninsured in 2013. For a
complete discussion of the approach
OACT used to prepare the NHEA’s
estimate of the rate of uninsurance in
2013, including the data sources used,
we refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58998 and
The next metrics needed to compute
Factor 2 for FY 2025 are projections of
the rate of uninsurance in both CY 2024
and CY 2025. On an annual basis, OACT
projects enrollment and spending trends
for the coming 10-year period. The most
recent projections are for 2022 through
2031 and were published on June 14,
2023. Those projections used the latest
NHEA historical data that were
available at the time of their
construction (that is, historical data
through 2021). The NHEA projection
methodology accounts for expected
changes in enrollment across all of the
categories of insurance coverage
previously listed. For a complete
discussion of how the NHEA data
account for expected changes in
enrollment across all the categories of
insurance coverage previously listed, we
refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (88 FR 58999).
b. Proposed Factor 2 for FY 2025
Using these data sources and the
previously described methodologies, at
the time of developing this proposed
rule, OACT has estimated that the
uninsured rate for the historical,
baseline year of 2013 was 14 percent,
and that the uninsured rates for CYs
2024 and 2025 were 8.5 percent and 8.8
percent, respectively. As required by
section 1886(r)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act, the
Chief Actuary of CMS has certified these
estimates. We refer readers to OACT’s
Memorandum on Certification of Rates
of Uninsured prepared for this FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule for
further details on the methodology and
assumptions that were used in the
projection of these rates of
As with the CBO estimates on which
we based Factor 2 for fiscal years before
FY 2018, the NHEA estimates are for a
calendar year. Under the approach
originally adopted in the FY 2014 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we use a weighted
average approach to project the rate of
uninsurance for each fiscal year. We
continue to believe that, in order to
estimate the rate of uninsurance during
a fiscal year accurately, Factor 2 should
reflect the estimated rate of uninsurance
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that hospitals will experience during the
fiscal year, rather than the rate of
uninsurance during only one of the
calendar years that the fiscal year spans.
Accordingly, we are continuing to apply
the weighted average approach used in
past fiscal years to estimate this
proposed rule’s rate of uninsurance for
FY 2025.
OACT certified the estimate of the
rate of uninsurance for FY 2025
determined using this weighted average
approach to be reasonable and
appropriate for purposes of section
1886(r)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act. We note that
we may also consider the use of more
recent data that may become available
for purposes of estimating the rates of
uninsurance used in the calculation of
the final Factor 2 for FY 2025. The
calculation of the proposed Factor 2 for
FY 2025 is as follows:
• Percent of individuals without
insurance for CY 2013: 14 percent.
• Percent of individuals without
insurance for CY 2024: 8.5 percent.
• Percent of individuals without
insurance for CY 2025: 8.8 percent.
• Percent of individuals without
insurance for FY 2025 (0.25 times 0.085)
+ (0.75 times 0.088): 8.7 percent.
1¥|((0.14¥0.087)/0.14)| = 1¥0.3786 =
0.6214 (62.14 percent).
We are proposing that Factor 2 for FY
2025 would be 62.14 percent.
The proposed FY 2025
uncompensated care amount is
equivalent to proposed Factor 1
multiplied by proposed Factor 2, which
is $6,498,135,150.00.
We are inviting public comments on
our proposed Factor 2 for FY 2025.
3. Calculation of Proposed Factor 3 for
FY 2025
a. General Background
Section 1886(r)(2)(C) of the Act
defines Factor 3 in the calculation of the
uncompensated care payment. As we
have discussed earlier, section
1886(r)(2)(C) of the Act states that Factor
3 is equal to the percent, for each
subsection (d) hospital, that represents
the quotient of: (1) the amount of
uncompensated care for such hospital
for a period selected by the Secretary (as
estimated by the Secretary, based on
appropriate data (including, in the case
where the Secretary determines
alternative data are available that are a
better proxy for the costs of subsection
(d) hospitals for treating the uninsured,
the use of such alternative data)); and
(2) the aggregate amount of
uncompensated care for all subsection
(d) hospitals that receive a payment
under section 1886(r) of the Act for such
period (as so estimated, based on such
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Therefore, Factor 3 is a hospitalspecific value that expresses the
proportion of the estimated
uncompensated care amount for each
subsection (d) hospital and each
subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital with
the potential to receive Medicare DSH
payments relative to the estimated
uncompensated care amount for all
hospitals estimated to receive Medicare
DSH payments in the fiscal year for
which the uncompensated care payment
is to be made. Factor 3 is applied to the
product of Factor 1 and Factor 2 to
determine the amount of the
uncompensated care payment that each
eligible hospital will receive for FY
2014 and subsequent fiscal years. In
order to implement the statutory
requirements for this factor of the
uncompensated care payment formula,
it was necessary for us to determine: (1)
the definition of uncompensated care or,
in other words, the specific items that
are to be included in the numerator (that
is, the estimated uncompensated care
amount for an individual hospital) and
the denominator (that is, the estimated
uncompensated care amount for all
hospitals estimated to receive Medicare
DSH payments in the applicable fiscal
year); (2) the data source(s) for the
estimated uncompensated care amount;
and (3) the timing and manner of
computing the quotient for each
hospital estimated to receive Medicare
DSH payments. The statute instructs the
Secretary to estimate the amounts of
uncompensated care for a period based
on appropriate data. In addition, we
note that the statute permits the
Secretary to use alternative data in the
case where the Secretary determines
that such alternative data are available
that are a better proxy for the costs of
subsection (d) hospitals for treating
individuals who are uninsured. For a
discussion of the methodology, we used
to calculate Factor 3 for fiscal years
2014 through 2022, we refer readers to
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH final rule (88
FR 59001 and 59002).
b. Background on the Methodology
Used To Calculate Factor 3 for FY 2023
and Subsequent Years
Section 1886(r)(2)(C) of the Act
governs the selection of the data to be
used in calculating Factor 3 and allows
the Secretary the discretion to
determine the time periods from which
we will derive the data to estimate the
numerator and the denominator of the
Factor 3 quotient. Specifically, section
1886(r)(2)(C)(i) of the Act defines the
numerator of the quotient as the amount
of uncompensated care for a subsection
(d) hospital for a period selected by the
Secretary. Section 1886(r)(2)(C)(ii) of the
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Act defines the denominator as the
aggregate amount of uncompensated
care for all subsection (d) hospitals that
receive a payment under section 1886(r)
of the Act for such period. In the FY
2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR
50634 through 50647), we adopted a
process of making interim payments
with final cost report settlement for both
the empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments and the uncompensated care
payments required by section 3133 of
the Affordable Care Act. Consistent with
that process, we also determined the
time period from which to calculate the
numerator and denominator of the
Factor 3 quotient in a way that would
be consistent with making interim and
final payments. Specifically, we must
have Factor 3 values available for
hospitals that we estimate will qualify
for Medicare DSH payments for a fiscal
year and for those hospitals that we do
not estimate will qualify for Medicare
DSH payments for that fiscal year but
that may ultimately qualify for Medicare
DSH payments for that fiscal year at the
time of cost report settlement.
As described in the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, commenters
expressed concerns that the use of only
1 year of data to determine Factor 3
would lead to significant variations in
year-to-year uncompensated care
payments. Some stakeholders
recommended the use of 2 years of
historical data from Worksheet S–10
data of the Medicare cost report (86 FR
45237). In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule, we stated that we would
consider using multiple years of data
when the vast majority of providers had
been audited for more than 1 fiscal year
under the revised reporting instructions.
Audited FY 2019 cost reports were
available for the development of the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed and
final rules. Feedback from previous
audits and lessons learned were
incorporated into the audit process for
the FY 2019 reports.
In consideration of the comments
discussed in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49036
through 49047), we finalized a policy of
using a multi-year average of audited
Worksheet S–10 data to determine
Factor 3 for FY 2023 and subsequent
fiscal years. We explained our belief
that this approach would be generally
consistent with our past practice of
using the most recent single year of
audited data from the Worksheet S–10,
while also addressing commenters’
concerns regarding year-to-year
fluctuations in uncompensated care
payments. Under this policy, we used a
2-year average of audited FY 2018 and
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FY 2019 Worksheet S–10 data to
calculate Factor 3 for FY 2023. We also
indicated that we expected FY 2024
would be the first year that 3 years of
audited data would be available at the
time of rulemaking. For FY 2024 and
subsequent fiscal years, we finalized a
policy of using a 3-year average of the
uncompensated care data from the 3
most recent fiscal years for which
audited data are available to determine
Factor 3. Consistent with the approach
that we followed when multiple years of
data were previously used in the Factor
3 methodology, if a hospital does not
have data for all 3 years used in the
Factor 3 calculation, we will determine
Factor 3 based on an average of the
hospital’s available data. For IHS and
Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico
hospitals, we use the same multi-year
average of Worksheet S–10 data to
determine Factor 3 for FY 2024 and
subsequent fiscal years as is used to
determine Factor 3 for all other DSHeligible hospitals (in other words,
hospitals eligible to receive empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments for a
fiscal year) to determine Factor 3.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 49033 through 49047), we
also modified our policy regarding cost
reports that start in one fiscal year and
span the entirety of the following fiscal
year. Specifically, in the rare cases
when we use a cost report that starts in
one fiscal year and spans the entirety of
the subsequent fiscal year to determine
uncompensated care costs for the
subsequent fiscal year, we would not
use the same cost report to determine
the hospital’s uncompensated care costs
for the earlier fiscal year. We explained
that using the same cost report to
determine uncompensated care costs for
both fiscal years would not be
consistent with our intent to smooth
year-to-year variation in uncompensated
care costs. As an alternative, we
finalized our proposal to use the
hospital’s most recent prior cost report,
if that cost report spans the applicable
(1) Scaling Factor
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 59003), we continued the
policy finalized in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49042) to
address the effects of calculating Factor
151 For example, in determining Factor 3 for FY
2023, we did not use the same cost report to
determine a hospital’s uncompensated care costs for
both FY 2018 and FY 2019. Rather, we used the cost
report that spanned the entirety of FY 2019 to
determine uncompensated care costs for FY 2019
and used the hospital’s most recent prior cost report
to determine its uncompensated care costs for FY
2018, provided that cost report spanned some
portion of FY 2018.
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3 using data from multiple fiscal years,
in which we apply a scaling factor to the
Factor 3 values calculated for all DSHeligible hospitals so that total
uncompensated care payments to
hospitals that are projected to be DSHeligible for a fiscal year will be
consistent with the estimated amount
available to make uncompensated care
payments for that fiscal year. Pursuant
to that policy, we divide 1 (the expected
sum of all DSH-eligible hospitals’ Factor
3 values) by the actual sum of all DSHeligible hospitals’ Factor 3 values and
then multiply the quotient by the
uncompensated care payment
determined for each DSH-eligible
hospital to obtain a scaled
uncompensated care payment amount
for each hospital. This process is
designed to ensure that the sum of the
scaled uncompensated care payments
for all hospitals that are projected to be
DSH-eligible is consistent with the
estimate of the total amount available to
make uncompensated care payments for
the applicable fiscal year.
(2) New Hospital Policy for Purposes of
Factor 3
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 59003), we continued our
new hospital policy that was modified
in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 49042) and initially adopted
in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42370 through 42371) to
determine Factor 3 for new hospitals.
Consistent with our policy of using
multiple years of cost reports to
determine Factor 3, we defined new
hospitals as hospitals that do not have
cost report data for the most recent year
of data being used in the Factor 3
calculation. Under this definition, the
cut-off date for the new hospital policy
is the beginning of the fiscal year after
the most recent year for which audits of
the Worksheet S–10 data have been
conducted. For FY 2024, the FY 2020
cost reports were the most recent year
of cost reports for which audits of
Worksheet S–10 data had been
conducted. Thus, hospitals with CMS
Certification Numbers (CCNs)
established on or after October 1, 2020,
were subject to the new hospital policy
for FY 2024.
Under our modified new hospital
policy, if a new hospital has a
preliminary projection of being DSHeligible based on its most recent
available disproportionate patient
percentage, it may receive interim
empirically justified DSH payments.
However, new hospitals will not receive
interim uncompensated care payments
because we would have no
uncompensated care data on which to
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determine what those interim payments
should be. The MAC will make a final
determination concerning whether the
hospital is eligible to receive Medicare
DSH payments at cost report settlement.
In FY 2024, while we continued to
determine the numerator of the Factor 3
calculation using the new hospital’s
uncompensated care costs reported on
Worksheet S–10 of the hospital’s cost
report for the current fiscal year, we
determined Factor 3 for new hospitals
using a denominator based solely on
uncompensated care costs from cost
reports for the most recent fiscal year for
which audits have been conducted. In
addition, we applied a scaling factor to
the Factor 3 calculation for a new
(3) Newly Merged Hospital Policy
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 59004), we continued our
policy of treating hospitals that merge
after the development of the final rule
for the applicable fiscal year similar to
new hospitals. As explained in the FY
2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR
50021), for these newly merged
hospitals, we do not have data currently
available to calculate a Factor 3 amount
that accounts for the merged hospital’s
uncompensated care burden. In the FY
2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR
50021 and 50022), we finalized a policy
under which Factor 3 for hospitals that
we do not identify as undergoing a
merger until after the public comment
period and additional review period
following the publication of the final
rule or that undergo a merger during the
fiscal year will be recalculated similar to
new hospitals.
Consistent with the policy adopted in
the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 59004), we stated that we
would continue to treat newly merged
hospitals in a similar manner to new
hospitals, such that the newly merged
hospital’s final uncompensated care
payment will be determined at cost
report settlement where the numerator
of the newly merged hospital’s Factor 3
will be based on the cost report of only
the surviving hospital (that is, the newly
merged hospital’s cost report) for the
current fiscal year. However, if the
hospital’s cost reporting period includes
less than 12 months of data, the data
from the newly merged hospital’s cost
report will be annualized for purposes
152 In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87
FR 49042), we explained our belief that applying
the scaling factor is appropriate for purposes of
calculating Factor 3 for all hospitals, including new
hospitals and hospitals that are treated as new
hospitals, to improve consistency and predictability
across all hospitals.
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of the Factor 3 calculation. Consistent
with the methodology used to determine
Factor 3 for new hospitals described in
section IV.E.3. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we continued our policy
for determining Factor 3 for newly
merged hospitals using a denominator
that is the sum of the uncompensated
care costs for all DSH-eligible hospitals,
as reported on Worksheet S–10 of their
cost reports for the most recent fiscal
year for which audits have been
conducted. In addition, we apply a
scaling factor, as discussed in section
IV.E.3. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, to the Factor 3 calculation for a
newly merged hospital. In the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we explained
that consistent with past policy, interim
uncompensated care payments for the
newly merged hospital would be based
only on the data for the surviving
hospital’s CCN available at the time of
the development of the final rule.
(4) CCR Trim Methodology
The calculation of a hospital’s total
uncompensated care costs on Worksheet
S–10 requires the use of the hospital’s
cost to charge ratio (CCR). In the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
59004 through 59005), we continued the
policy of trimming CCRs, which we
adopted in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 49043), for FY 2024.
Under this policy, we apply the
following steps to determine the
applicable CCR separately for each fiscal
year that is included as part of the
multi-year average used to determine
Factor 3:
Step 1: Remove Maryland hospitals.
In addition, we will remove allinclusive rate providers because their
CCRs are not comparable to the CCRs
calculated for other IPPS hospitals.
Step 2: Calculate a CCR ‘‘ceiling’’ for
the applicable fiscal year with the
following data: for each IPPS hospital
that was not removed in Step 1
(including hospitals that are not DSHeligible), we use cost report data to
calculate a CCR by dividing the total
costs on Worksheet C, Part I, Line 202,
Column 3 by the charges reported on
Worksheet C, Part I, Line 202, Column
8. (Combining data from multiple cost
reports from the same fiscal year is not
necessary, as the longer cost report will
be selected.) The ceiling is calculated as
3 standard deviations above the national
geometric mean CCR for the applicable
fiscal year. This approach is consistent
with the methodology for calculating
the CCR ceiling used for high-cost
outliers. Remove all hospitals that
exceed the ceiling so that these aberrant
CCRs do not skew the calculation of the
statewide average CCR.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Step 3: Using the CCRs for the
remaining hospitals in Step 2,
determine the urban and rural statewide
average CCRs for the applicable fiscal
year for hospitals within each State
(including hospitals that are not DSHeligible), weighted by the sum of total
hospital discharges from Worksheet S–
3, Part I, Line 14, Column 15.
Step 4: Assign the appropriate
statewide average CCR (urban or rural)
calculated in Step 3 to all hospitals,
excluding all-inclusive rate providers,
with a CCR for the applicable fiscal year
greater than 3 standard deviations above
the national geometric mean for that
fiscal year (that is, the CCR ‘‘ceiling’’).
Step 5: For hospitals that did not
report a CCR on Worksheet S–10, Line
1, we assign them the statewide average
CCR for the applicable fiscal year as
determined in step 3.
After completing these steps, we recalculate the hospital’s uncompensated
care costs (Line 30) for the applicable
fiscal year using the trimmed CCR (the
statewide average CCR (urban or rural,
as applicable)).
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(5) Uncompensated Care Data Trim
After applying the CCR trim
methodology, there are rare situations
where a hospital has potentially
aberrant uncompensated care data for a
fiscal year that are unrelated to its CCR.
Therefore, under the trim methodology
for potentially aberrant uncompensated
care costs (UCC) that was included as
part of the methodology for purposes of
determining Factor 3 in the FY 2021
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR
58832), if the hospital’s uncompensated
care costs for any fiscal year that is
included as a part of the multi-year
average are an extremely high ratio
(greater than 50 percent) of its total
operating costs in the applicable fiscal
year, we will determine the ratio of
uncompensated care costs to the
hospital’s total operating costs from
another available cost report, and apply
that ratio to the total operating expenses
for the potentially aberrant fiscal year to
determine an adjusted amount of
uncompensated care costs for the
applicable fiscal year.153
However, we note that we have
audited the Worksheet S–10 data that
will be used in the Factor 3 calculation
for a number of hospitals. Because the
UCC data for these hospitals have been
subject to audit, we believe that there is
increased confidence that if high
153 For example, if a hospital’s FY 2018 cost
report is determined to include potentially aberrant
data, data from its FY 2019 cost report would be
used for the ratio calculation.
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uncompensated care costs are reported
by these audited hospitals, the
information is accurate. Therefore, as
we explained in the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58832), we
determined it is unnecessary to apply
the UCC trim methodology for a fiscal
year for which a hospital’s UCC data
have been audited.
In rare cases, hospitals that are not
currently projected to be DSH-eligible
and that do not have audited Worksheet
S–10 data may have a potentially
aberrant amount of insured patients’
charity care costs (line 23 column 2). In
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(88 FR 59004), we stated that in
addition to the UCC trim methodology,
we will continue to apply an alternative
trim specific to certain hospitals that do
not have audited Worksheet S–10 data
for one or more of the fiscal years that
are used in the Factor 3 calculation. For
FY 2023 and subsequent fiscal years, in
the rare case that a hospital’s insured
patients’ charity care costs for a fiscal
year are greater than $7 million and the
ratio of the hospital’s cost of insured
patient charity care (line 23 column 2)
to total uncompensated care costs (line
30) is greater than 60 percent, we will
not calculate a Factor 3 for the hospital
at the time of proposed or final
rulemaking. This trim will only impact
hospitals that are not currently
projected to be DSH-eligible; and
therefore, are not part of the calculation
of the denominator of Factor 3, which
includes only uncompensated care costs
for hospitals projected to be DSHeligible. Consistent with the approach
adopted in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule, if a hospital would be
trimmed under both the UCC trim
methodology and this alternative trim,
we will apply this trim in place of the
existing UCC trim methodology. We
continue to believe this alternative trim
more appropriately addresses
potentially aberrant insured patient
charity care costs compared to the UCC
trim methodology, because the UCC
trim is based solely on the ratio of total
uncompensated care costs to total
operating costs and does not consider
the level of insured patients’ charity
care costs.
Similar to the approach initially
adopted in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (86 FR 45245 and 45246), in
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(88 FR 59005), we also stated that we
would continue to use a threshold of 3
standard deviations from the mean ratio
of insured patients’ charity care costs to
total uncompensated care costs (line 23
column 2 divided by line 30) and a
dollar threshold that is the median total
uncompensated care cost reported on
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most recent audited cost reports for
hospitals that are projected to be DSHeligible. We stated that we continued to
believe these thresholds are appropriate
to address potentially aberrant data. We
also continued to include Worksheet S–
10 data from IHS/Tribal hospitals and
Puerto Rico hospitals consistent with
our policy finalized in the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49047
through 49051). In addition, we
continued our policy adopted in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR
49044) of applying the same threshold
amounts originally calculated for the FY
2018 reports to identify potentially
aberrant data for FY 2024 and
subsequent fiscal years to facilitate
transparency and predictability. If a
hospital subject to this trim is
determined to be DSH-eligible at cost
report settlement, the MAC will
calculate the hospital’s Factor 3 using
the same methodology used to calculate
Factor 3 for new hospitals.
c. Methodology for Calculating Factor 3
for FY 2025
For FY 2025, consistent with
§ 412.106(g)(1)(iii)(C)(11), we are
following the same methodology as
applied in FY 2024 and described in the
previous section of this proposed rule:
to determine Factor 3 using the most
recent 3 years of audited cost reports,
from FY 2019, FY 2020, and FY 2021.
Consistent with our approach for FY
2024, for FY 2025, we are also applying
the scaling factor, new hospital, newly
merged hospital, CCR trim
methodology, UCC trim, and alternative
trim methodology policies discussed in
the previous section of this proposed
rule. For purposes of this FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are using
reports from the December 2023 HCRIS
extract to calculate Factor 3. We intend
to use the March 2024 update of HCRIS
to calculate the final Factor 3 for the FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Thus, for FY 2025, we will use 3 years
of audited Worksheet S–10 data to
calculate Factor 3 for all eligible
hospitals, including IHS and Tribal
hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals that
have a cost report for 2013, following
these steps:
Step 1: Select the hospital’s longest
cost report for each of the most recent
3 years of fiscal year (FY) audited cost
reports (FY 2019, FY 2020, and FY
2021). Alternatively, in the rare case
when the hospital has no cost report for
a particular year because the cost report
for the previous fiscal year spanned the
more recent fiscal year, the previous
fiscal year cost report will be used in
this step. In the rare case that using a
previous fiscal year cost report results in
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a period without a report, we would use
the prior year report, if that cost report
spanned the applicable period.154 In
general, we note that, for purposes of
the Factor 3 methodology, references to
a fiscal year cost report are to the cost
report that spans the relevant fiscal year.
Step 2: Annualize the UCC from
Worksheet S–10 Line 30, if a cost report
is more than or less than 12 months. (If
applicable, use the statewide average
CCR (urban or rural) to calculate
uncompensated care costs.)
Step 3: Combine adjusted and/or
annualized uncompensated care costs
for hospitals that merged using the
merger policy.
Step 4: Calculate Factor 3 for all DSHeligible hospitals using annualized
uncompensated care costs (Worksheet
S–10 Line 30) based on cost report data
from the most recent 3 years of audited
cost reports (from Step 1, 2 or 3). New
hospitals and other hospitals that are
treated as if they are new hospitals for
purposes of Factor 3 are excluded from
this calculation.
Step 5: Average the Factor 3 values
from Step 4; that is, add the Factor 3
values, and divide that amount by the
number of cost reporting periods with
data to compute an average Factor 3 for
the hospital. Multiply by a scaling
factor, as discussed in the previous
section of this proposed rule.
For purposes of identifying new
hospitals, for FY 2025, the FY 2021 cost
reports are the most recent year of cost
reports for which audits of Worksheet
S–10 data have been conducted. Thus,
hospitals with CCNs established on or
after October 1, 2021, will be subject to
the new hospital policy in FY 2025. If
a new hospital is ultimately determined
to be eligible for Medicare DSH
payments for FY 2025, the hospital will
receive an uncompensated care payment
calculated using a Factor 3 where the
numerator is the uncompensated care
costs reported on Worksheet S–10 of the
hospital’s FY 2025 cost report, and the
denominator is the sum of the
uncompensated care costs reported on
Worksheet S–10 of the FY 2021 cost
reports for all DSH-eligible hospitals. In
addition, we will apply a scaling factor,
as discussed previously, to the Factor 3
calculation for a new hospital. As we
explained in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
154 For example, if a hospital does not have a FY
2020 cost report because the hospital’s FY 2019 cost
report spanned the FY 2020 time period, we will
use the FY 2019 cost report that spanned the FY
2020 time period for this step. Using the same
example, where the hospital’s FY 2019 report is
used for the FY 2020 time period, we will use the
hospital’s FY 2018 report if it spans some of the FY
2019 time period. We will not use the same cost
report for both the FY 2020 and the FY 2019 time
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PPS final rule (88 FR 59004), we believe
applying the scaling factor is
appropriate for purposes of calculating
Factor 3 for all hospitals, including new
hospitals and hospitals that are treated
as new hospitals, to improve
consistency and predictability across all
For FY 2025, the eligibility of a newly
merged hospital to receive interim
uncompensated care payments will be
based on whether the surviving CCN has
a preliminary projection of being DSHeligible, and the amount of any interim
uncompensated care payments will be
based on the uncompensated care costs
from the FY 2019, FY 2020, and FY
2021 cost reports available for the
surviving CCN at the time the final rule
is developed. However, at cost report
settlement, we will determine the newly
merged hospital’s final uncompensated
care payment based on the
uncompensated care costs reported on
its FY 2025 cost report. That is, we will
revise the numerator of Factor 3 for the
newly merged hospital to reflect the
uncompensated care costs reported on
the newly merged hospital’s FY 2025
cost report. The denominator will be the
sum of the uncompensated care costs
reported on Worksheet S–10 of the FY
2021 cost reports for all DSH-eligible
hospitals, which is the most recent
fiscal year for which audits have been
conducted. We will also apply a scaling
factor, as described previously.
Under the CCR trim methodology, for
purposes of this FY 2025 proposed rule,
the statewide average CCR was applied
to 10 hospitals’ FY 2019 reports, of
which 4 hospitals had FY 2019
Worksheet S–10 data. The statewide
average CCR was applied to 8 hospitals’
FY 2020 reports, of which 3 hospitals
had FY 2020 Worksheet S–10 data. The
statewide average CCR was applied to 8
hospitals’ FY 2021 reports, of which 3
hospitals had FY 2021 Worksheet S–10
For a hospital that is subject to either
of the trims for potentially aberrant data
(the UCC trim and alternative trim
methodology explained in the previous
section of this proposed rule) and is
ultimately determined to be DSHeligible at cost report settlement, its
uncompensated care payment will be
calculated only after the hospital’s
reporting of insured charity care costs
on its FY 2025 Worksheet S–10 has been
reviewed. Accordingly, the MAC will
calculate a Factor 3 for the hospital only
after reviewing the uncompensated care
information reported on Worksheet S–
10 of the hospital’s FY 2025 cost report.
Then we will calculate Factor 3 for the
hospital using the same methodology
used to determine Factor 3 for new
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hospitals. Specifically, the numerator
will reflect the uncompensated care
costs reported on the hospital’s FY 2025
cost report, while the denominator will
reflect the sum of the uncompensated
care costs reported on Worksheet S–10
of the FY 2021 cost reports of all DSHeligible hospitals. In addition, we will
apply a scaling factor, as discussed
previously, to the Factor 3 calculation
for the hospital.
For purposes of the FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, consistent with
our Factor 3 methodology since the FY
2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR
50642), we intend to use data from the
March 2024 HCRIS extract for this
calculation, which will be the latest
quarterly HCRIS extract that is publicly
available at the time of the development
of the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
Regarding requests from providers to
amend and/or reopen previously
audited Worksheet S–10 data for the
most recent 3 cost reporting years that
are used in the methodology for
calculating Factor 3, we note that MACs
follow normal timelines and
procedures. For purposes of the Factor
3 calculation for the FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, any amended
reports and/or reopened reports would
need to have completed the amended
report and/or reopened report
submission processes by the end of
March 2024. In other words, if the
amended report and/or reopened report
is not available for the March HCRIS
extract, then that amended and/or
reopened report data will not be part of
the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule’s
Factor 3 calculation. We note that the
March HCRIS data extract will be
available during the comment period for
this proposed rule if providers want to
verify that their amended and/or
reopened data is reflected in the March
HCRIS extract.
d. Per-Discharge Amount of Interim
Uncompensated Care Payments for FY
2025 and Subsequent Fiscal Years
Since FY 2014, we have made interim
uncompensated care payments during
the fiscal year on a per-discharge basis.
Typically, we use a 3-year average of the
number of discharges for a hospital to
produce an estimate of the amount of
the hospital’s uncompensated care
payment per discharge. Specifically, the
hospital’s total uncompensated care
payment amount for the applicable
fiscal year is divided by the hospital’s
historical 3-year average of discharges
computed using the most recent
available data to determine the
uncompensated care payment per
discharge for that fiscal year.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45247 and 45248), we
modified this calculation for FY 2022 to
be based on an average of FY 2018 and
FY 2019 historical discharge data, rather
than a 3-year average using the most
recent 3 years of discharge data, which
would have included data from FY
2018, FY 2019, and FY 2020. We
explained our belief that computing a 3year average with FY 2020 discharge
data would underestimate discharges,
due to the decrease in discharges during
the COVID–19 pandemic. For the same
reason, in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 49045), we calculated
interim uncompensated care payments
based on the 3-year average of
discharges from FY 2018, FY 2019, and
FY 2021 rather than a 3-year average
using the most recent 3 years of
discharge data.
We explained in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59010) that
believed that computing a 3-year
average using the most recent 3 years of
discharge data would potentially
underestimate the number of discharges
for FY 2024 due to the effects of the
COVID–19 pandemic during FY 2020,
which was the first year of the COVID–
19 pandemic. We considered using an
average of FY 2019, FY 2021, and FY
2022 discharge data to calculate the perdischarge amount for interim
uncompensated care payments for FY
2024. However, we agreed with
commenters that using FY 2019 data
may overestimate discharge volume
because updated claims data used to
estimate the FY 2024 discharges in the
Factor 1 calculation indicated that
discharge volumes were not expected to
return to pre-pandemic levels during FY
2024. Therefore, for FY 2024, we
finalized a policy of calculating the perdischarge amount for interim
uncompensated care payments using an
average of FY 2021 and FY 2022
discharge data.
For FY 2025 and subsequent fiscal
years, we are proposing to calculate the
per-discharge amount for interim
uncompensated care payments using the
average of the most recent 3 years of
discharge data. Accordingly, for FY
2025, we propose to use an average of
discharge data from FY 2021, FY 2022,
and FY 2023. We believe that our
proposed approach will likely result in
a better estimate of the number of
discharges during FY 2025 and
subsequent years for purposes of the
interim uncompensated care payment
As we explained in the FY 2014 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR 50645), we
believe that it is appropriate to use a 3year average of discharge data to reduce
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the degree to which we would over- or
under-pay the uncompensated care
payment on an interim basis. In any
given year, a hospital could have low or
high Medicare utilization that differs
from other years. For example, if a
hospital had two Medicare discharges in
its most recent year of claims data but
experienced four discharges in FY 2025,
during the fiscal year, we would pay
two times the amount the hospital
should receive and need to adjust for
that at cost report settlement. Similarly,
if a hospital had four Medicare
discharges in its most recent year of
claims data, but experienced two
discharges in FY 2025, during the fiscal
year, we would only pay half the
amount the hospital should receive and
need to adjust for that at cost report
We also believe that, generally, use of
the most recent 3 years of discharge
data, rather than older data, is more
likely to reflect current trends in
discharge volume and provide an
approximate estimate of the number of
discharges in the applicable fiscal year.
In addition, we note that including
discharge data from FY 2023 to compute
this 3-year average is consistent with the
proposed use of FY 2023 Medicare
claims in the IPPS ratesetting, as
discussed in section I.E. of the preamble
of this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule.
Under this proposal, the resulting 3year average of the most recent years of
available historical discharge data
would be used to calculate a perdischarge payment amount that will be
used to make interim uncompensated
care payments to each projected DSHeligible hospital during FY 2025 and
subsequent fiscal years. The interim
uncompensated care payments made to
a hospital during the fiscal year will be
reconciled following the end of the year
to ensure that the final payment amount
is consistent with the hospital’s
prospectively determined
uncompensated care payment for the
fiscal year.
We are proposing to make conforming
changes to the regulations under 42 CFR
412.106. Specifically, we are proposing
to modify paragraph (1) of § 412.106(i)
to state that for FY 2025 and subsequent
fiscal years, interim uncompensated
care payments will be calculated based
on an average of the most recent 3 years
of available historical discharge data.
We are requesting comments on this
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58833 and 58834), we
finalized a voluntary process through
which a hospital may submit a request
to its MAC for a lower per-discharge
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interim uncompensated care payment
amount, including a reduction to zero,
once before the beginning of the fiscal
year and/or once during the fiscal year.
In conjunction with this request, the
hospital must provide supporting
documentation demonstrating that there
would likely be a significant
recoupment at cost report settlement if
the per-discharge amount is not lowered
(for example, recoupment of 10 percent
or more of the hospital’s total
uncompensated care payment, or at
least $100,000). For example, a hospital
might submit documentation showing a
large projected increase in discharges
during the fiscal year to support
reduction of its per-discharge
uncompensated care payment amount.
As another example, a hospital might
request that its per-discharge
uncompensated care payment amount
be reduced to zero midyear if the
hospital’s interim uncompensated care
payments during the year have already
surpassed the total uncompensated care
payment calculated for the hospital.
Under the policy we finalized in the
FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85
FR 58833 through 58834), the hospital’s
MAC will evaluate these requests and
the supporting documentation before
the beginning of the fiscal year and/or
with midyear requests when the
historical average number of discharges
is lower than the hospital’s projected
discharges for the current fiscal year. If
following review of the request and the
supporting documentation, the MAC
agrees that there likely would be
significant recoupment of the hospital’s
interim Medicare uncompensated care
payments at cost report settlement, the
only change that will be made is to
lower the per-discharge amount either
to the amount requested by the hospital
or another amount determined by the
MAC to be appropriate to reduce the
likelihood of a substantial recoupment
at cost report settlement. If the MAC
determines it would be appropriate to
reduce the interim Medicare
uncompensated care payment perdischarge amount, that updated amount
will be used for purposes of the outlier
payment calculation for the remainder
of the fiscal year. We are continuing to
apply this policy for FY 2025.
We refer readers to the Addendum in
the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH final rule for a
more detailed discussion of the steps for
determining the operating and capital
Federal payment rate and the outlier
payment calculation (87 FR 49431
through 49432). No change would be
made to the total uncompensated care
payment amount determined for the
hospital on the basis of its Factor 3. In
other words, any change to the per-
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
discharge uncompensated care payment
amount will not change how the total
uncompensated care payment amount
will be reconciled at cost report
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
e. Process for Notifying CMS of Merger
Updates and To Report Upload Issues
As we have done for every proposed
and final rule beginning in FY 2014, in
conjunction with this proposed rule, we
will publish on the CMS website a table
listing Factor 3 for hospitals that we
estimate will receive empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments in FY
2025 (that is, those hospitals that will
receive interim uncompensated care
payments during the fiscal year), and for
the remaining subsection (d) hospitals
and subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals
that have the potential of receiving an
uncompensated care payment in the
event that they receive an empirically
justified Medicare DSH payment for the
fiscal year as determined at cost report
settlement. However, we note that a
Factor 3 will not be published for new
hospitals and hospitals that are subject
to the alternative trim for hospitals with
potentially aberrant data that are not
projected to be DSH-eligible.
We also will publish a supplemental
data file containing a list of the mergers
that we are aware of and the computed
uncompensated care payment for each
merged hospital. In the DSH
uncompensated care supplemental data
file, we list new hospitals and the 10
hospitals that would be subject to the
alternative trim for hospitals with
potentially aberrant data that are not
projected to be DSH-eligible, with a N/
A in the Factor 3 column.
Hospitals have 60 days from the date
of public display of this FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule in the Federal
Register to review the table and
supplemental data file published on the
CMS website in conjunction with this
proposed rule and to notify CMS in
writing of issues related to mergers and/
or to report potential upload
discrepancies due to MAC mishandling
of Worksheet S–10 data during the
report submission process.155
Comments raising issues or concerns
that are specific to the information
included in the table and supplemental
data file should be submitted by email
to the CMS inbox at Section3133DSH@ We will address comments
related to mergers and/or reporting
upload discrepancies submitted to the
CMS DSH inbox as appropriate in the
155 For example, if the report does not reflect
audit results due to MAC mishandling, or the most
recent report differs from a previously accepted,
amended report due to MAC mishandling.
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table and the supplemental data file that
we publish on the CMS website in
conjunction with the publication of the
FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. All
other comments submitted in response
to our proposals for FY 2025 must be
submitted in one of the three ways
found in the ADDRESSES section of the
proposed rule before the close of the
comment period in order to be assured
consideration. In addition, we note that
the CMS DSH inbox is not intended for
Worksheet S–10 audit process related
emails, which should be directed to the
IV. Proposed Payment Adjustment for
Medicare Disproportionate Share
Hospitals (DSHs) for FY 2025
(§ 412.106)
F. Impact on Medicare DSH Payment
Adjustment of Proposed
Implementation of New OMB Labor
Market Delineations
As discussed in section III.B. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to implement the new OMB
labor market area delineations (which
are based on 2020 Decennial Census
data) for the FY 2025 wage index. This
proposal also would have an impact on
the calculation of Medicare DSH
payment adjustments to certain
hospitals. Hospitals that are designated
as rural with less than 500 beds and are
not rural referral centers (RRCs) or
Medicare-dependent, small rural
hospitals (MDHs) are subject to a
maximum DSH payment adjustment of
12 percent. Accordingly, hospitals with
less than 500 beds that are currently in
urban counties that would become rural
if we finalize our proposal to adopt the
new OMB delineations, and that do not
become RRCs or MDHs, would be
subject to a maximum DSH payment
adjustment of 12 percent. (We note, as
discussed in section V.F.2. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, under
current law the MDH program will
expire on December 31, 2024). We also
note that urban hospitals are only
subject to a maximum DSH payment
adjustment of 12 percent if they have
less than 100 beds.
Our existing regulations at 42 CFR
412.102 will apply in FY 2025 with
respect to the calculation of the DSH
payments to hospitals that are currently
located in urban counties that would
become rural if we finalize our proposal
to adopt the new OMB delineations. The
provisions of 42 CFR 412.102 specify
that a hospital located in an area that is
reclassified from urban to rural (as
defined in the regulations), as a result of
the most recent OMB standards for
delineating statistical areas adopted by
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CMS, may receive an adjustment to its
rural Federal payment amount for
operating costs for two successive fiscal
years. Specifically, the regulations state
that, in the first year after a hospital
loses urban status, the hospital will
receive an additional payment that
equals two thirds of the difference
between the disproportionate share
payments as applicable to the hospital
before its redesignation from urban to
rural and disproportionate share
payments otherwise, applicable to the
hospital subsequent to its redesignation
from urban to rural. In the second year
after a hospital loses urban status, the
hospital will receive an additional
payment that equals one-third of the
difference between the disproportionate
share payments applicable to the
hospital before its redesignation from
urban to rural and disproportionate
share payments otherwise applicable to
the hospital subsequent to its
redesignation from urban to rural.
G. Withdrawal of 42 CFR 412.106 (FY
2004 and Prior Fiscal Years) to the
Extent It Included Only ‘‘Covered Days’’
in the SSI Ratio
In Becerra v. Empire Health
Foundation, for Valley Hospital Medical
Center, 597 U.S. 424 (2022) (Empire
Health), the Supreme Court addressed
the question of whether Medicare
patients remain ‘‘entitled to benefits
under part A’’ when Medicare does not
pay for their care, such as when they
have exhausted their Medicare benefits
for a spell of illness. Prior to fiscal year
(FY) 2005, when we calculated a
hospital’s DSH adjustment we included
in the Medicare fraction (also referred to
as the Medicare-SSI fraction, SSI
fraction, or SSI ratio) only ‘‘covered’’
Medicare patient days, that is, days paid
by Medicare. 42. CFR 412.106(b)(2)(i)
(2003). The ‘‘covered’’ days rule
originated in the FY 1986 IPPS interim
final rule (51 FR 16,772 and 16,788) and
originally appeared in § 412.106(a)(1)(i)
but was later re-numbered. The
approach of excluding from the
Medicare fraction patient days for
which Medicare did not pay was based
on an interpretation of the statute’s
parenthetical phrase ‘‘(for such days).’’
Section 1886(d)(5)(F)(vi)(I) of the Act.
Following a series of judicial decisions
rejecting a parallel interpretation of the
same language in the numerator of the
Medicaid fraction as counting only
patient days actually paid by the
Medicaid program, the Secretary
revisited that approach in a 2004
rulemaking. Thus, the ‘‘covered days’’
rule was the relevant Medicare payment
policy until it was revised and replaced
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
by the FY 2005 IPPS final rule (69 FR
48,916, 49,099, and 49,246).
The FY 2005 regulation at issue in
Empire Health—codified in the FY 2005
IPPS final rule—interpreted the statute
to mean that the Medicare fraction
includes non-covered days in the SSI
ratio. (For more information see 69 FR
48916, 49099, and 49246 (amending 42
CFR 412.106(b)(2)(i) to include in the
Medicare fraction all days associated
with patients who were entitled to
Medicare Part A during their hospital
stays, regardless of whether Medicare
paid for those days).) In Empire Health,
the Supreme Court upheld the FY 2005
regulation and held that the statute
‘‘disclose[s] a surprisingly clear
meaning,’’ 597 U.S. at 434, namely that
beneficiaries remain ‘‘entitled to
benefits under part A’’ on days for
which Medicare does not pay and thus
the Medicare fraction includes total
days, not only covered days. The
Supreme Court also definitively
resolved the meaning of the
parenthetical phrase ‘‘(for such days)’’
in the Medicare fraction, rejecting the
provider’s contention that the phrase
changed the consistent meaning of
‘‘entitled to benefits under Part A’’ from
‘‘meeting Medicare’s statutory (age or
disability) criteria on the days in
question,’’ to ‘‘actually receiving
Medicare payments.’’ Id. at 440. The
Court determined that the ‘‘for such
days’’ parenthetical ‘‘instead works as
HHS says: hand in hand with the
ordinary statutory meaning of ‘entitled
to [Part A] benefits.’ ’’ Id.
The Supreme Court has concluded
that the interpretation set forth in the
FY 2005 IPPS final rule ‘‘correctly
construes the statutory language at
issue.’’ Empire Health, 597 U.S. at 434.
Because the pre-FY 2005 rule conflicts
with the plain meaning of the statute, as
confirmed by the Supreme Court, it
cannot govern the calculation of DSH
payments for hospitals with properly
pending claims in DSH appeals or open
cost reports that include discharges that
need to be determined pursuant to the
statute, regardless of whether such
discharges would otherwise pre-date the
change in the regulation finalized by the
FY 2005 IPPS final rule. For that reason,
we are proposing to formally withdraw
42 CFR 412.106 as it existed prior to the
effective date of the FY 2005 IPPS final
rule to the extent it included only
covered days in the SSI ratio. We will
apply the statute as understood by the
Supreme Court in Empire Health,
instead of the pre-FY 2005 regulation, to
any properly pending claim in a DSH
appeal or open cost report to which that
regulation would otherwise have
applied. We do not believe this change
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constitutes an exercise of our
‘‘retroactive’’ rulemaking authority
under section 1871(e)(1)(A) of the Act.
Rather, we will apply the plain meaning
of the statute (as it has existed
unchanged, in relevant part, since its
enactment on April 7, 1986). Moreover,
because we are applying the substantive
legal standard established by the statute
itself, and not filling any gap therein,
notice-and-comment rulemaking is not
required by section 1871(e)(1)(A) of the
Act, as construed in Azar v. Allina
Health Services, 139 S. Ct. 1804 (June 3,
The withdrawal of this regulation will
not serve as a basis to reopen a CMS or
contractor determination, a contractor
hearing decision, a CMS reviewing
official decision, or a decision by the
Provider Reimbursement Review Board
or the Administrator. We recognize that
hospitals may have anticipated
receiving greater Medicare
reimbursement for still-open pre-FY
2005 cost reporting periods in
circumstances where the ‘‘covered’’
days limitation would have resulted in
a larger DSH adjustment. However, we
are obliged to apply the statute as the
Supreme Court determined Congress
wrote it.
V. Other Decisions and Changes to the
IPPS for Operating System
A. Changes to MS–DRGs Subject to
Postacute Care Transfer Policy and MS–
DRG Special Payments Policies (§ 412.4)
1. Background
Existing regulations at 42 CFR
412.4(a) define discharges under the
IPPS as situations in which a patient is
formally released from an acute care
hospital or dies in the hospital. Section
412.4(b) defines acute care transfers,
and § 412.4(c) defines postacute care
transfers. Our policy set forth in
§ 412.4(f) provides that when a patient
is transferred and his or her length of
stay is less than the geometric mean
length of stay for the MS–DRG to which
the case is assigned, the transferring
hospital is generally paid based on a
graduated per diem rate for each day of
stay, not to exceed the full MS–DRG
payment that would have been made if
the patient had been discharged without
being transferred.
The per diem rate paid to a
transferring hospital is calculated by
dividing the full MS–DRG payment by
the geometric mean length of stay for
the MS–DRG. Based on an analysis that
showed that the first day of
hospitalization is the most expensive
(60 FR 45804), our policy generally
provides for payment that is twice the
per diem amount for the first day, with
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each subsequent day paid at the per
diem amount up to the full MS–DRG
payment (§ 412.4(f)(1)). Transfer cases
also are eligible for outlier payments. In
general, the outlier threshold for transfer
cases, as described in § 412.80(b), is
equal to (Fixed-Loss Outlier threshold
for Nontransfer Cases adjusted for
geographic variations in costs/
Geometric Mean Length of Stay for the
MS–DRG) * (Length of Stay for the Case
plus 1 day).
We established the criteria set forth in
§ 412.4(d) for determining which DRGs
qualify for postacute care transfer
payments in the FY 2006 IPPS final rule
(70 FR 47419 through 47420). The
determination of whether a DRG is
subject to the postacute care transfer
policy was initially based on the
Medicare Version 23.0 GROUPER (FY
2006) and data from the FY 2004
MedPAR file. However, if a DRG did not
exist in Version 23.0 or a DRG included
in Version 23.0 is revised, we use the
current version of the Medicare
GROUPER and the most recent complete
year of MedPAR data to determine if the
DRG is subject to the postacute care
transfer policy. Specifically, if the MS–
DRG’s total number of discharges to
postacute care equals or exceeds the
55th percentile for all MS–DRGs and the
proportion of short-stay discharges to
postacute care to total discharges in the
MS–DRG exceeds the 55th percentile for
all MS–DRGs, CMS will apply the
postacute care transfer policy to that
MS–DRG and to any other MS–DRG that
shares the same base MS–DRG. The
statute at subparagraph 1886(d)(5)(J) of
the Act directs CMS to identify MS–
DRGs based on a high volume of
discharges to postacute care facilities
and a disproportionate use of postacute
care services. As discussed in the FY
2006 IPPS final rule (70 FR 47416), we
determined that the 55th percentile is
an appropriate level at which to
establish these thresholds. In that same
final rule (70 FR 47419), we stated that
we will not revise the list of DRGs
subject to the postacute care transfer
policy annually unless we are making a
change to a specific MS–DRG.
To account for MS–DRGs subject to
the postacute care policy that exhibit
exceptionally higher shares of costs very
early in the hospital stay, § 412.4(f) also
includes a special payment
methodology. For these MS–DRGs,
hospitals receive 50 percent of the full
MS–DRG payment, plus the single per
diem payment, for the first day of the
stay, as well as a per diem payment for
subsequent days (up to the full MS–DRG
payment (§ 412.4(f)(6))). For an MS–
DRG to qualify for the special payment
methodology, the geometric mean
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
length of stay must be greater than 4
days, and the average charges of 1-day
discharge cases in the MS–DRG must be
at least 50 percent of the average charges
for all cases within the MS–DRG. MS–
DRGs that are part of an MS–DRG
severity level group will qualify under
the MS–DRG special payment
methodology policy if any one of the
MS–DRGs that share that same base
MS–DRG qualifies (§ 412.4(f)(6)).
Prior to the enactment of the
Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Pub. L.
115–123), under section 1886(d)(5)(J) of
the Act, a discharge was deemed a
‘‘qualified discharge’’ if the individual
was discharged to one of the following
postacute care settings:
• A hospital or hospital unit that is
not a subsection (d) hospital.
• A skilled nursing facility.
• Related home health services
provided by a home health agency
provided within a timeframe established
by the Secretary (beginning within 3
days after the date of discharge).
Section 53109 of the Bipartisan
Budget Act of 2018 amended section
1886(d)(5)(J)(ii) of the Act to also
include discharges to hospice care
provided by a hospice program as a
qualified discharge, effective for
discharges occurring on or after October
1, 2018. In the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (83 FR 41394), we made
conforming amendments to § 412.4(c) of
the regulation to include discharges to
hospice care occurring on or after
October 1, 2018, as qualified discharges.
We specified that hospital bills with a
Patient Discharge Status code of 50
(Discharged/Transferred to Hospice—
Routine or Continuous Home Care) or
51 (Discharged/Transferred to Hospice,
General Inpatient Care or Inpatient
Respite) are subject to the postacute care
transfer policy in accordance with this
statutory amendment.
2. Proposed Changes for FY 2025
As discussed in section II.D. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, based
on our analysis of FY 2023 MedPAR
claims data, we are proposing to make
changes to a number of MS–DRGs,
effective for FY 2025. Specifically, we
are proposing to do the following:
• Adding ICD–10–PCS codes
describing left atrial appendage closure
(LAAC) procedures and cardiac ablation
procedures to proposed new MS–DRG
317 (Concomitant Left Atrial Appendage
Closure and Cardiac Ablation).
• Delete existing MS–DRGs 453, 454,
and 455 (Combined Anterior and
Posterior Spinal Fusion with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively)
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and to reassign procedures from the
existing MS–DRGs, 453, 454, and 455
and MS–DRGs 459 and 460 (Spinal
Fusion except Cervical with MCC and
without MCC, respectively) to proposed
new MS–DRG 402 (Single Level
Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal
Fusion Except Cervical), proposed new
MS–DRGs 426, 427, and 428 (Multiple
Level Combined Anterior and Posterior
Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with
MCC, with CC, without MCC/CC,
respectively), proposed new MS–DRGs
429 and 430 (Combined Anterior and
Posterior Cervical Spinal Fusion with
MCC and without MCC, respectively),
and proposed new MS–DRGs 447 and
448 (Multiple Level Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical with MCC, and without
MCC, respectively). We note that we are
also proposing to revise the title of MS–
DRGs 459 and 460 to ‘‘Single Level
Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with
MCC and without MCC, respectively’’.
• Reassign cases that report a
principal diagnosis of acute leukemia
with an ‘‘other’’ O.R. procedure from
MS–DRGs 834, 835, and 836 (Acute
Leukemia without Major O.R.
Procedures with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) to
proposed new MS–DRG 850 (Acute
Leukemia with Other O.R. Procedures).
We note that we are also proposing to
revise the title of MS–DRGs 834, 835,
and 836 from ‘‘Acute Leukemia without
Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC’’, respectively
to ‘‘Acute Leukemia with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC’’.
The proposed revised MS–DRGs 459
and 460 are currently subject to the
postacute care transfer policy. We
believe it is appropriate to reevaluate
the postacute care transfer policy status
for MS–DRGs 459 and 460. When
proposing changes to MS–DRGs that
involve adding, deleting, and
reassigning procedures between
proposed new and revised MS–DRGs,
we continue to believe it is necessary to
evaluate all of the affected MS–DRGs to
determine whether they should be
subject to the postacute care transfer
MS–DRGs 834, 835, and 836 are
currently not subject to the postacute
care transfer policy. While we are
proposing to reassign certain cases from
these MS–DRGs to newly proposed MS–
DRGs, we have estimated that less than
5 percent of the current cases would
shift from the current assigned MS–
DRGs to the proposed new MS–DRGs.
We do not consider these proposed
revisions to constitute a material change
that would warrant reevaluation of the
PO 00000
Frm 00269
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
postacute care status of MS–DRGs 834,
835, and 836. CMS may further evaluate
what degree of shifts in cases for
existing MS–DRGs warrant
consideration for the review of
postacute care transfer and special
payment policy status in future
In light of the proposed changes to the
MS–DRGs for FY 2025, according to the
regulations under § 412.4(d), we have
evaluated the MS–DRGs using the
general postacute care transfer policy
criteria and data from the FY 2023
MedPAR file. If an MS–DRG qualified
for the postacute care transfer policy, we
also evaluated that MS–DRG under the
special payment methodology criteria
according to regulations at § 412.4(f)(6).
We continue to believe it is appropriate
to assess new MS–DRGs and reassess
revised MS–DRGs when proposing
reassignment of procedure codes or
diagnosis codes that would result in
material changes to an MS–DRG.
Proposed new MS–DRGs 426, 427,
447, and 448 would qualify to be
included on the list of MS–DRGs that
are subject to the postacute care transfer
policy. As described in the regulations
at § 412.4(d)(3)(ii)(D), MS–DRGs that
share the same base MS DRG will all
qualify under the postacute care transfer
policy if any one of the MS–DRGs that
share that same base MS–DRG qualifies.
We therefore propose to add proposed
new MS–DRGs 426, 427, 428, 447, and
448 to the list of MS–DRGs that are
subject to the postacute care transfer
MS–DRGs 459 and 460 are currently
subject to the postacute care transfer
policy. As a result of our review, these
MS–DRGs, as proposed to be revised,
would not qualify to be included on the
list of MS–DRGs that are subject to the
postacute care transfer policy. We
therefore propose to remove proposed
revised MS–DRGs 459 and 460 from the
list of MS–DRGs that are subject to the
postacute care transfer policy if the
proposed changes to these MS–DRGs are
Using the December 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file, we have
developed the following chart which
sets forth the most recent analysis of the
postacute care transfer policy criteria
completed for this proposed rule with
respect to each of these proposed new
or revised MS–DRGs. For the FY 2025
final rule, we intend to update this
analysis using the most recent available
data at that time.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
New or
Revised MSDRG
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
MS-DRG Title
Left Atrial
Closure and
Single Level
Anterior and
Posterior Spinal
Fusion Except
Multiple Level
Anterior and
Posterior Spinal
Fusion Except
Cervical with
Multiple Level
Anterior and
Posterior Spinal
fusion Except
Cervical with
Multiple Level
Anterior and
Posterior Spinal
Fusion Except
Anterior and
Cervical Spinal
Fusion with
Anterior and
Cervical Spinal
Fusion without
Multiple T.evel
Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical
Multiple T.eve]
Spinal Fusion
00:35 May 02, 2024
Percent of ShortStay Postacute
Care Transfers to
all Cases (55th
Postacute Care Transfer
Cases (55 th percentile:
Policy Status
Postacute Care
Transfer Policy
15 496
8 376
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00270
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Except Cervical
Single Level
Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical
459 withMCC
Single Level
Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical
460 withoutMCC
Acute Leukemia
with Other
850 Procedures
• Indicates a current postacute care transfer policy criterion that the MS-DRG did not meet.
•• As described in the policy at 42 CFR 412.4(d)(3)(iiXD), MS-DRGs that share the same base MS-DRG will all qualify under the postacute care
transfer policy if any one of the MS-DRGs that share that same base MS-DRG qualifies.
During our annual review of proposed
new or revised MS–DRGs and analysis
of the December 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file, we reviewed the list
of proposed revised or new MS–DRGs
that qualify to be included on the list of
MS–DRGs subject to the postacute care
transfer policy for FY 2025 to determine
if any of these MS–DRGs would also be
subject to the special payment
methodology policy for FY 2025. We
note that MS–DRGs 459 and 460 are not
currently subject to the special payment
policy, and as we are proposing to
remove them from the list of MS–DRGs
subject to the postacute care transfer
policy if the proposed changes to those
MS–DRGs are finalized, no further
evaluation of special payment policy is
Based on our analysis of proposed
changes to MS–DRGs included in this
proposed rule, we determined that
proposed new MS–DRGs 426, 427, and
447 meet the criteria for the MS–DRG
special payment methodology. As
described in the regulations at
§ 412.4(f)(6)(iv), MS–DRGs that share
the same base MS–DRG will all qualify
under the MS–DRG special payment
policy if any one of the MS–DRGs that
share that same base MS–DRG qualifies.
Therefore, we are proposing that MS–
DRGs 426, 427, 428, 447, 448, would be
subject to the MS–DRG special payment
methodology, effective for FY 2025. For
the FY 2025 final rule, we intend to
update this analysis using the most
recent available data at that time.
Multiple Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal
Fusion Except Cervical with MCC
Multiple Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal
Fnsion Except Cervical with CC
Multiple Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal
Fusion Excevt Cervical without CCiMCC
Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with MCC
Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical without MCC
* As described in the policy at 42 CFR 412.4(f)(6)(iv), MS-DRGs that share the same base MS-DRG will all qualify under the special payment
transfer policy if any one of the MS-DRGs that share that same base MS-DRG qualifies.
B. Proposed Changes in the Inpatient
Hospital Update for FY 2025
(§ 412.64(d))
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
1. Proposed FY 2025 Inpatient Hospital
In accordance with section
1886(b)(3)(B)(i) of the Act, each year we
update the national standardized
amount for inpatient hospital operating
costs by a factor called the ‘‘applicable
percentage increase.’’ For FY 2025, we
are setting the applicable percentage
increase by applying the adjustments
listed in this section in the same
sequence as we did for FY 2024. (We
note that section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xii) of the
Act required an additional reduction
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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each year only for FYs 2010 through
2019.) Specifically, consistent with
section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the Act, as
amended by sections 3401(a) and
10319(a) of the Affordable Care Act, we
are setting the applicable percentage
increase by applying the following
adjustments in the following sequence.
The applicable percentage increase
under the IPPS for FY 2025 is equal to
the rate-of-increase in the hospital
market basket for IPPS hospitals in all
areas, subject to all of the following:
• A reduction of one-quarter of the
applicable percentage increase (prior to
the application of other statutory
adjustments; also referred to as the
market basket update or rate-of-increase
PO 00000
Frm 00271
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
(with no adjustments)) for hospitals that
fail to submit quality information under
rules established by the Secretary in
accordance with section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act.
• A reduction of three-quarters of the
applicable percentage increase (prior to
the application of other statutory
adjustments; also referred to as the
market basket update or rate-of-increase
(with no adjustments)) for hospitals not
considered to be meaningful EHR users
in accordance with section
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act.
• An adjustment based on changes in
economy-wide multifactor productivity
(MFP) (the productivity adjustment).
EP02MY24.182 EP02MY24.183
50 Percent of
Charges for
New or
Charges of
all Cases
within MSPolicy
Length of
Policy Status
MS-DRG Title
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi) of the Act, as
added by section 3401(a) of the
Affordable Care Act, states that
application of the productivity
adjustment may result in the applicable
percentage increase being less than zero.
As published in the FY 2006 IPPS
final rule (70 FR 47403), in accordance
with section 404 of Public Law 108–173,
CMS determined a new frequency for
rebasing the hospital market basket of
every 3 years. In compliance with
section 404 of the of Public Law 108–
173, in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (86 FR 45194 through 45204),
we replaced the 2014-based IPPS
operating and capital market baskets
with the rebased and revised 2018-based
IPPS operating and capital market
baskets beginning in FY 2022.
Consistent with our established
frequency of rebasing the IPPS market
basket every 4 years, we plan on
proposing to rebase and revise the IPPS
market basket in the FY 2026 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule. We note that
our preliminary evaluation of more
recent Medicare cost report data for
IPPS hospitals for 2022 indicates that
the major IPPS market basket cost
weights (particularly the compensation
and drug cost weights) are similar to
those finalized in the 2018-based IPPS
market basket.
We are proposing to base the FY 2025
market basket update used to determine
the applicable percentage increase for
the IPPS on IHS Global Inc.’s (IGI’s)
fourth quarter 2023 forecast of the 2018based IPPS market basket rate-ofincrease with historical data through
third quarter 2023, which is estimated
to be 3.0 percent. We also are proposing
that if more recent data subsequently
become available (for example, a more
recent estimate of the market basket
update), we would use such data, if
appropriate, to determine the FY 2025
market basket update in the final rule.
In the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (76 FR 51689 through 51692), we
finalized our methodology for
calculating and applying the
productivity adjustment. As we
explained in that rule, section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act, as added
by section 3401(a) of the Affordable
Care Act, defines this productivity
adjustment as equal to the 10-year
moving average of changes in annual
economy-wide, private nonfarm
business MFP (as projected by the
Secretary for the 10-year period ending
with the applicable fiscal year, year,
cost reporting period, or other annual
period). The U.S. Department of Labor’s
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
publishes the official measures of
private nonfarm business productivity
for the U.S. economy. We note that
previously the productivity measure
referenced in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) was published by
BLS as private nonfarm business
multifactor productivity. Beginning
with the November 18, 2021 release of
productivity data, BLS replaced the
term MFP with total factor productivity
(TFP). BLS noted that this is a change
in terminology only and will not affect
the data or methodology. As a result of
the BLS name change, the productivity
measure referenced in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) is now published by
BLS as private nonfarm business total
factor productivity. However, as
mentioned, the data and methods are
unchanged. Please see for
the BLS historical published TFP data.
A complete description of IGI’s TFP
projection methodology is available on
the CMS website at https:// In addition, we note
that beginning with the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we refer to this
adjustment as the productivity
adjustment rather than the MFP
adjustment, to more closely track the
statutory language in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act. We note
that the adjustment continues to rely on
the same underlying data and
For FY 2025, we are proposing a
productivity adjustment of 0.4 percent.
Similar to the proposed market basket
rate-of-increase, for this proposed rule,
the estimate of the proposed FY 2025
productivity adjustment is based on
IGI’s fourth quarter 2023 forecast. As
noted previously, we are proposing that
if more recent data subsequently
become available, we would use such
data, if appropriate, to determine the FY
2025 productivity adjustment for the
final rule.
Based on these data, we have
determined four proposed applicable
percentage increases to the standardized
amount for FY 2025, as specified in the
following table:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Prooosed Market Basket Rate-of-Increase
Proposed Adjustment for Failure to Submit Quality Data
under Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act
Proposed Adjustment for Failure to be a Meaningful EHR
User under Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act
Proposed Productivity Adjustment under Section
1886rh¥3)(B)(xi) of the Act
Proposed Applicable Percentage Increase Applied to
Standardized Amount
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42344), we revised our
regulations at 42 CFR 412.64(d) to
reflect the current law for the update for
FY 2020 and subsequent fiscal years.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
Quality Data
and is a
EHR User
Quality Data
and is NOT a
EHR User
Hospital Did
NOT Submit
Quality Data
and is NOT a
EHR User
Specifically, in accordance with section
1886(b)(3)(B) of the Act, we added
paragraph (d)(1)(viii) to § 412.64 to set
forth the applicable percentage increase
to the operating standardized amount
PO 00000
Frm 00272
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Hospital Did
NOT Submit
Quality Data and
is a Meaningful
EHR User
for FY 2020 and subsequent fiscal years
as the percentage increase in the market
basket index, subject to the reductions
specified under § 412.64(d)(2) for a
hospital that does not submit quality
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
data and § 412.64(d)(3) for a hospital
that is not a meaningful EHR user, less
a productivity adjustment.
As discussed in section V.F. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, section
4102 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act (CAA), 2023 (Pub.
L. 117–328), enacted on December 29,
2022, extended the MDH program
through FY 2024 (that is, for discharges
occurring on or before September 30,
2024). Subsequently, section 307 of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024
(CAA, 2024) (Pub. L. 118–42), enacted
on March 9, 2024, further extended the
MDH program for FY 2025 discharges
occurring before January 1, 2025. Prior
to enactment of the CAA, 2024, the
MDH program was only to be in effect
through the end of FY 2024. Under
current law, the MDH program will
expire for discharges on or after January
1, 2025. We refer readers to section V.F.
of the preamble of this proposed rule for
further discussion of the MDH program.
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(iv) of the Act
provides that the applicable percentage
increase to the hospital-specific rates for
SCHs and MDHs equals the applicable
percentage increase set forth in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(i) of the Act (that is, the
same update factor as for all other
hospitals subject to the IPPS). Therefore,
the update to the hospital-specific rates
for SCHs and MDHs also is subject to
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(i) of the Act, as
amended by sections 3401(a) and
10319(a) of the Affordable Care Act.
For FY 2025, we are proposing the
following updates to the hospitalspecific rates applicable to SCHs and
MDHs: A proposed update of 2.6
percent for a hospital that submits
quality data and is a meaningful EHR
user; a proposed update of 0.35 percent
for a hospital that submits quality data
and is not a meaningful EHR user; a
proposed update of 1.85 percent for a
hospital that fails to submit quality data
and is a meaningful EHR user; and a
proposed update of ¥0.4 percent for a
hospital that fails to submit quality data
and is not an meaningful EHR user. As
previously discussed, we are proposing
that if more recent data subsequently
become available (for example, a more
recent estimate of the market basket
update and the productivity
adjustment), we would use such data, if
appropriate, to determine the market
basket update and the productivity
adjustment in the final rule.
2. Proposed FY 2025 Puerto Rico
Hospital Update
Section 602 of Public Law 114–113
amended section 1886(n)(6)(B) of the
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Act to specify that subsection (d) Puerto
Rico hospitals are eligible for incentive
payments for the meaningful use of
certified EHR technology, effective
beginning FY 2016. In addition, section
1886(n)(6)(B) of the Act was amended to
specify that the adjustments to the
applicable percentage increase under
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act
apply to subsection (d) Puerto Rico
hospitals that are not meaningful EHR
users, effective beginning FY 2022.
Accordingly, for FY 2022, section
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act in
conjunction with section 602(d) of
Public Law 114–113 requires that any
subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital that
is not a meaningful EHR user as defined
in section 1886(n)(3) of the Act and not
subject to an exception under section
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act will have
‘‘three-quarters’’ of the applicable
percentage increase (prior to the
application of other statutory
adjustments), or three-quarters of the
applicable market basket rate-ofincrease, reduced by 331⁄3 percent. The
reduction to three-quarters of the
applicable percentage increase for
subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals that
are not meaningful EHR users increases
to 662⁄3 percent for FY 2023, and, for FY
2024 and subsequent fiscal years, to 100
percent. (We note that section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act, which
specifies the adjustment to the
applicable percentage increase for
‘‘subsection (d)’’ hospitals that do not
submit quality data under the rules
established by the Secretary, is not
applicable to hospitals located in Puerto
Rico.) The regulations at 42 CFR
412.64(d)(3)(ii) reflect the current law
for the update for subsection (d) Puerto
Rico hospitals for FY 2022 and
subsequent fiscal years. In the FY 2019
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized
the payment reductions (83 FR 41674).
For FY 2025, consistent with section
1886(b)(3)(B) of the Act, as amended by
section 602 of Public Law 114–113, we
are setting the applicable percentage
increase for Puerto Rico hospitals by
applying the following adjustments in
the following sequence. Specifically, the
applicable percentage increase under
the IPPS for Puerto Rico hospitals will
be equal to the rate of-increase in the
hospital market basket for IPPS
hospitals in all areas, subject to a
reduction of three-quarters of the
applicable percentage increase (prior to
the application of other statutory
adjustments; also referred to as the
market basket update or rate-of-increase
(with no adjustments)) for Puerto Rico
PO 00000
Frm 00273
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
hospitals not considered to be
meaningful EHR users in accordance
with section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act,
and then subject to the productivity
adjustment at section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)
of the Act. As noted previously, section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi) of the Act states that
application of the productivity
adjustment may result in the applicable
percentage increase being less than zero.
Based on IGI’s fourth quarter 2023
forecast of the 2018-based IPPS market
basket update with historical data
through third quarter 2023, for this FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, in
accordance with section 1886(b)(3)(B) of
the Act, as discussed previously, for
Puerto Rico hospitals we are proposing
a market basket update of 3.0 percent
less a productivity adjustment of 0.4
percentage point. Therefore, for FY
2025, depending on whether a Puerto
Rico hospital is a meaningful EHR user,
there are two possible applicable
percentage increases that could be
applied to the standardized amount.
Based on these data, we determined the
following proposed applicable
percentage increases to the standardized
amount for FY 2025 for Puerto Rico
• For a Puerto Rico hospital that is a
meaningful EHR user, we are proposing
a FY 2025 applicable percentage
increase to the operating standardized
amount of 2.6 percent (that is, the FY
2025 estimate of the proposed market
basket rate-of-increase of 3.0 percent
less 0.4 percentage point for the
proposed productivity adjustment).
• For a Puerto Rico hospital that is
not a meaningful EHR user, we are
proposing a FY 2025 applicable
percentage increase to the operating
standardized amount of 0.35 percent
(that is, the FY 2025 estimate of the
proposed market basket rate-of-increase
of 3.0 percent, less an adjustment of
2.25 percentage points (the proposed
market basket rate-of-increase of 3.0
percent × 0.75 for failure to be a
meaningful EHR user), and less 0.4
percentage point for the proposed
productivity adjustment).
As noted previously, we are
proposing that if more recent data
subsequently become available, we
would use such data, if appropriate, to
determine the FY 2025 market basket
update and the productivity adjustment
for the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Proposed Market Basket Rate-of-Increase
Proposed Adjustment for Failure to be a Meaningful EHR User under Section
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act
Proposed Productivity Adjustment under Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi) of the Act
Proposed Aoolicable Percental?e Increase Aoolied to Standardi:,,ed Amount
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
C. Rural Referral Centers (RRCs) Annual
Updates to Case-Mix Index (CMI) and
Discharge Criteria (§ 412.96)
Under the authority of section
1886(d)(5)(C)(i) of the Act, the
regulations at § 412.96 set forth the
criteria that a hospital must meet in
order to qualify under the IPPS as a
rural referral center (RRC). RRCs receive
special treatment under both the DSH
payment adjustment and the criteria for
geographic reclassification.
Section 402 of the Medicare
Prescription Drug, Improvement, and
Modernization Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108–
173) raised the DSH payment
adjustment for RRCs such that they are
not subject to the 12-percent cap on
DSH payments that is applicable to
other rural hospitals. RRCs also are not
subject to the proximity criteria when
applying for geographic reclassification.
In addition, they do not have to meet
the requirement that a hospital’s average
hourly wage must exceed, by a certain
percentage, the average hourly wage of
the labor market area in which the
hospital is located.
Section 4202(b) of the Balanced
Budget Act of 1997 (Pub. L. 105–33)
states, in part, that any hospital
classified as an RRC by the Secretary for
FY 1991 shall be classified as such an
RRC for FY 1998 and each subsequent
fiscal year. In the August 29, 1997, IPPS
final rule with comment period (62 FR
45999 through 46000), we reinstated
RRC status for all hospitals that lost that
status due to triennial review or MGCRB
reclassification. However, we did not
reinstate the status of hospitals that lost
RRC status because they were now
urban for all purposes because of the
OMB designation of their geographic
area as urban. Subsequently, in the
August 1, 2000 IPPS final rule (65 FR
47087), we indicated that we were
revisiting that decision. Specifically, we
stated that we would permit hospitals
that previously qualified as an RRC and
lost their status due to OMB
redesignation of the county in which
they are located from rural to urban, to
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be reinstated as an RRC. Otherwise, a
hospital seeking RRC status must satisfy
all of the other applicable criteria. We
use the definitions of ‘‘urban’’ and
‘‘rural’’ specified in subpart D of 42 CFR
part 412. One of the criteria under
which a hospital may qualify as an RRC
is to have 275 or more beds available for
use (§ 412.96(b)(1)(ii)). A rural hospital
that does not meet the bed size
requirement can qualify as an RRC if the
hospital meets two mandatory
prerequisites (a minimum case-mix
index (CMI) and a minimum number of
discharges), and at least one of three
optional criteria (relating to specialty
composition of medical staff, source of
inpatients, or referral volume). (We refer
readers to § 412.96(c)(1) through (5) and
the September 30, 1988, Federal
Register (53 FR 38513) for additional
discussion.) With respect to the two
mandatory prerequisites, a hospital may
be classified as an RRC if the
• CMI is at least equal to the lower of
the median CMI for urban hospitals in
its census region, excluding hospitals
with approved teaching programs, or the
median CMI for all urban hospitals
nationally; and
• Number of discharges is at least
5,000 per year, or, if fewer, the median
number of discharges for urban
hospitals in the census region in which
the hospital is located. The number of
discharges criterion for an osteopathic
hospital is at least 3,000 discharges per
year, as specified in section
1886(d)(5)(C)(i) of the Act.
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45217), in light of the
COVID–19 PHE, we amended the
regulations at § 412.96(h)(1) to provide
for the use of the best available data
rather than the latest available data in
calculating the national and regional
CMI criteria. We also amended the
regulations at § 412.96(c)(1) to indicate
that the individual hospital’s CMI value
for discharges during the same Federal
fiscal year used to compute the national
and regional CMI values is used for
purposes of determining whether a
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Hospital is a
Meaningful EHR
Hospital is NOT a
Meaningful EHR
hospital qualifies for RRC classification.
We also amended the regulations
§ 412.96(i)(1) and (2), which describe
the methodology for calculating the
number of discharges criteria, to provide
for the use of the best available data
rather than the latest available or most
recent data when calculating the
regional discharges for RRC
1. Case-Mix Index (CMI)
Section 412.96(c)(1) provides that
CMS establish updated national and
regional CMI values in each year’s
annual notice of prospective payment
rates for purposes of determining RRC
status. The methodology we used to
determine the national and regional CMI
values is set forth in the regulations at
§ 412.96(c)(1)(ii). The proposed national
median CMI value for FY 2025 is based
on the CMI values of all urban hospitals
nationwide, and the proposed regional
median CMI values for FY 2025 are
based on the CMI values of all urban
hospitals within each census region,
excluding those hospitals with
approved teaching programs (that is,
those hospitals that train residents in an
approved GME program as provided in
§ 413.75). These proposed values are
based on discharges occurring during
FY 2023 (October 1, 2022 through
September 30, 2023), and include bills
posted to CMS’ records through
December 2023. We believe that this is
the best available data for use in
calculating the proposed national and
regional median CMI values and is
consistent with our proposal to use the
FY 2023 MedPAR claims data for FY
2025 ratesetting.
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we are proposing that, in
addition to meeting other criteria, if
rural hospitals with fewer than 275 beds
are to qualify for initial RRC status for
cost reporting periods beginning on or
after October 1, 2024, they must have a
CMI value for FY 2023 that is at least—
• 1.7764 (national—all urban); or
• The median CMI value (not
transfer-adjusted) for urban hospitals
FY 2025
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
The proposed median CMI values by
region are set forth in the following
table. We intend to update the proposed
CMI values in the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule to reflect the updated FY
New England (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT)
Middle Atlantic (PA NJ, NY)
East North Central (IL, IN, Ml, OH, WI)
West North Central (IA, KS MN, MO, NE, ND SD)
South Atlantic 2014
national standard is set at 5,000
discharges. For FY 2025, we are
proposing to update the regional
standards based on discharges for urban
hospitals’ cost reporting periods that
began during FY 2022 (that is, October
1, 2021 through September 30, 2022),
which are the latest cost report data
available at the time this proposed rule
was developed. We believe that this is
the best available data for use in
calculating the proposed median
number of discharges by region and is
consistent with our data proposal to use
cost report data from cost reporting
periods beginning during FY 2022 for
FY 2025 ratesetting. Therefore, we are
proposing that, in addition to meeting
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discharges is the minimum criterion for
all hospitals, except for osteopathic
hospitals for which the minimum
criterion is 3,000 discharges.
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2023 MedPAR file, which will contain
data from additional bills received
through March 2024.
Proposed Case-Mix
Index Value
other criteria, a hospital, if it is to
qualify for initial RRC status for cost
reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 2024, must have, as the
number of discharges for its cost
reporting period that began during FY
2022, at least—
• 5,000 (3,000 for an osteopathic
hospital); or
• If less, the median number of
discharges for urban hospitals in the
census region in which the hospital is
located. We refer readers to the
proposed number of discharges as set
forth in the following table. We intend
to update these numbers in the FY 2025
final rule based on the latest available
cost report data.
Proposed Number of
3. Qualification Under the Discharge
Criterion for Osteopathic Hospitals
Section 1886(d)(5)(C) of the Act sets
forth certain criteria that must be met
for a hospital to be classified as a rural
EP02MY24.186 EP02MY24.187
(excluding hospitals with approved
teaching programs as identified in
§ 413.75) calculated by CMS for the
census region in which the hospital is
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
referral center, including a discharge
criterion specifying the hospital has at
least 5,000 discharges a year or, if less,
the median number of discharges in
urban hospitals in the region in which
the hospital is located. Section 9106 of
the Consolidated Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act of 1985 (Pub. L. 99–
272) amended section 1886(d)(5)(C) of
the Act to provide for a separate
discharge criterion for an osteopathic
hospital to qualify for classification as a
rural referral center, effective for cost
reporting periods beginning on or after
January 1, 1986. To implement this
statutory provision, in the FY 1987 IPPS
final rule, we revised 42 CFR
412.96(c)(2) to specify that for cost
reporting periods beginning on or after
January 1, 1986 an osteopathic hospital,
recognized by the American Osteopathic
Hospital Association, that is located in
a rural area must have at least 3,000
discharges during its most recently
completed cost reporting period to meet
the number of discharges criterion (51
FR 31471). In the FY 1996 IPPS final
rule, in light of a name change of the
American Osteopathic Hospital
Association to the American
Osteopathic Healthcare Association, we
subsequently revised 42 CFR
412.96(c)(2) to specify that the
osteopathic hospital must be recognized
by the American Osteopathic Healthcare
Association ‘‘(or any successor
organization)’’ (60 FR 45810).
As we discussed in implementing the
number of discharges criterion for
osteopathic hospitals in the FY 1987
IPPS final rule, ‘‘[b]ecause section
1886(d)(5)(C)(i) of the Act specifically
limits this qualification to osteopathic
hospitals, we do not believe that this
standard should apply to all hospitals’’
(51 FR 31473). Accordingly, to qualify
under this lower number of discharges
criterion, a hospital must be an
osteopathic hospital. It has come to the
attention of CMS that the successor
organization to the American
Osteopathic Healthcare Association,
namely the Accreditation Commission
for Health Care, accredits acute care
hospitals, including hospitals that are
not osteopathic. Thus, a hospital
receiving an accreditation letter or
certificate from the successor
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organization is not necessarily an
osteopathic hospital. We are therefore
proposing to revise the regulations at 42
CFR 412.96(c)(2) to clarify that, to
qualify for RRC classification based on
the lower discharge criterion for
osteopathic hospitals, a hospital must be
an osteopathic hospital and by itself
recognition (such as an accreditation
letter) by a successor organization to the
American Osteopathic Healthcare
Association is not necessarily sufficient
to demonstrate that a hospital is an
osteopathic hospital.
We propose to amend our regulations
at 42 CFR 412.96 by revising paragraph
(c)(2)(ii) as follows: ‘‘(ii) For cost
reporting periods beginning on or after
January 1, 1986, an osteopathic hospital,
recognized by the American Osteopathic
Healthcare Association (or any
successor organization), that is located
in a rural area must have at least 3,000
discharges during its cost reporting
period that began during the same fiscal
year as the cost reporting periods used
to compute the regional median
discharges under paragraph (i) of this
section to meet the number of
discharges criterion. A hospital
applying for rural referral center status
under the number of discharges
criterion in this paragraph must
demonstrate its status as an osteopathic
Consistent with section
1886(d)(5)(C)(i) of the Act, evidence of
osteopathic status may include, but is
not limited to, the hospital’s scope of
services and its mix of medical
specialties. CMS will consider the
totality of the information
demonstrating whether an applicant
hospital is an osteopathic hospital. We
seek comment on additional types of
evidence we should consider in the
determination of a hospital’s
osteopathic status.
D. Proposed Payment Adjustment for
Low-Volume Hospitals (§ 412.101)
1. Background
Section 1886(d)(12) of the Act
provides for an additional payment to
each qualifying low-volume hospital
under the IPPS beginning in FY 2005.
The low-volume hospital payment
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adjustment is implemented in the
regulations at 42 CFR 412.101. The
additional payment adjustment to a lowvolume hospital provided for under
section 1886(d)(12) of the Act is in
addition to any payment calculated
under section 1886 of the Act, and is
based on the per discharge amount paid
to the qualifying hospital. In other
words, the low-volume hospital
payment adjustment is based on total
per discharge payments made under
section 1886 of the Act, including
capital, DSH, IME, and outlier
payments. For SCHs and MDHs, the
low-volume hospital payment
adjustment is based in part on either the
Federal rate or the hospital-specific rate,
whichever results in a greater operating
IPPS payment. The payment adjustment
for low-volume hospitals is not budget
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59041
through 59045), section 4101 of the
CAA, 2023 (Pub. L. 117–328) extended
through FY 2024 the modified
definition of a low-volume hospital and
the methodology for calculating the
payment adjustment for low-volume
hospitals in effect for FYs 2019 through
2022. The Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2024 (CAA, 2024) (Pub. L. 118–42),
enacted on March 9, 2024, extended the
temporary changes to the low-volume
hospital qualifying criteria and payment
adjustment under the IPPS for a portion
of FY 2025. Specifically, section 306 of
the CAA, 2024 further extended the
modified definition of low-volume
hospital and the methodology for
calculating the payment adjustment for
low-volume hospitals under section
1886(d)(12) through December 31, 2024.
Beginning January 1, 2025, the lowvolume hospital qualifying criteria and
payment adjustment will revert to the
statutory requirements that were in
effect prior to FY 2011, and the
preexisting low-volume hospital
payment adjustment methodology and
qualifying criteria, as implemented in
FY 2005 and discussed later in this
section, will resume. We discuss the
proposed payment policies for FY 2025
in section V.E.2. in the preamble of this
proposed rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
2019 through 2024
and 2025 discharges
through 12/31/24
2025 discharges
beginning 1/1/25
and subsequent years
> 500 < 3,800
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
As discussed previously, section 4101
of the CAA, 2023 modified the
definition of low-volume hospital and
the methodology for calculating the
payment adjustment for low-volume
hospitals under section 1886(d)(12) of
the Act through September 30, 2024.
Prior to the enactment of the CAA, 2024
(Pub. L. 118–42), the temporary changes
to the low-volume hospital qualifying
criteria and payment adjustment
provided by section 4101 of CAA, 2023
were set to expire on October 1, 2024.
Section 306 of the CAA, 2024 extends
the temporary changes to the lowvolume hospital qualifying criteria and
payment adjustment under the IPPS for
the portion of FY 2025 beginning on
October 1, 2024, and ending on
December 31, 2024 (that is, for
discharges occurring before January 1,
Under section 1886(d)(12)(C)(i) of the
Act, as amended by Public Law 118–42,
for FYs 2019 through 2024 and the
portion of FY 2025 occurring before
January 1, 2025, a subsection (d)
hospital qualifies as a low-volume
hospital if it is more than 15 road miles
from another subsection (d) hospital and
has less than 3,800 total discharges
during the fiscal year. In accordance
with the existing regulations at
§ 412.101(a), we define the term ‘‘road
miles’’ to mean ‘‘miles’’ as defined at
§ 412.92(c)(1). Under section
1886(d)(12)(D) of the Act, as amended,
for discharges occurring in FY 2019
through December 31, 2024, the
Secretary determines the applicable
percentage increase using a continuous,
linear sliding scale ranging from an
additional 25 percent payment
00:35 May 02, 2024
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Payment Ad_iustment
0.25 - [0.25/3300] x (number of total discharges 500)=
(95/330) - (number of total discharges/13,200)
2. Extension of Temporary Changes to
Low-Volume Hospital Payment
Definition and Payment Adjustment
Methodology and Conforming Changes
to Regulations
VerDate Sep<11>2014
<= 500
adjustment for low-volume hospitals
with 500 or fewer discharges to a zero
percent additional payment for low
volume hospitals with more than 3,800
discharges in the fiscal year. Consistent
with the requirements of section
1886(d)(12)(C)(ii) of the Act, the term
‘‘discharge’’ for purposes of these
provisions refers to total discharges,
regardless of payer (that is, Medicare
and non-Medicare discharges).
In the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (83 FR 41399), we specified a
continuous, linear sliding scale formula
to determine the low volume payment
adjustment, as reflected in the
regulations at § 412.101(c)(3)(ii).
Consistent with the statute, we provided
that qualifying hospitals with 500 or
fewer total discharges will receive a
low-volume hospital payment
adjustment of 25 percent. For qualifying
hospitals with fewer than 3,800
discharges but more than 500
discharges, the low-volume payment
adjustment is calculated by subtracting
from 25 percent the proportion of
payments associated with the discharges
in excess of 500. For qualifying
hospitals with fewer than 3,800 total
discharges but more than 500 total
discharges, the low-volume hospital
payment adjustment is calculated using
the formula at § 412.101(c)(3)(ii) (which
is shown in the Table V.E.–01). For this
purpose, the term ‘‘discharge’’ refers to
total discharges, regardless of payer
(that is, Medicare and non-Medicare
discharges). The hospital’s most
recently submitted cost report is used to
determine if the hospital meets the
discharge criterion to receive the low
volume payment adjustment in the
current year (§ 412.101(b)(2)(iii)). The
low-volume hospital payment
adjustment for FYs 2019 through 2024
is set forth in the regulations at
§ 412.101(c)(3).
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Consistent with the extension of the
methodology for calculating the
payment adjustment for low-volume
hospitals through FY 2024, we are
proposing to continue using the
previously specified continuous, linear
sliding scale formula to determine the
low-volume hospital payment
adjustment for the portion of FY 2025
occurring before January 1, 2025. We are
also proposing to make conforming
changes to the regulation text in
§ 412.101 to reflect the extensions of the
changes to the qualifying criteria and
the payment adjustment methodology
for low-volume hospitals in accordance
with provisions of the CAA, 2024.
Specifically, we are proposing to make
conforming changes to paragraphs
(b)(2)(iii) and (c)(3) introductory text of
§ 412.101 to reflect that the low-volume
hospital payment adjustment policy in
effect for the portion of FY 2025 through
December 31, 2024, is the same lowvolume hospital payment adjustment
policy in effect for FYs 2019 through
2024 (as described in the FY 2019 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41398
through 41399) and in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH final rule (88 FR 59041
through 59045)). In addition, in
accordance with the provisions of the
CAA, 2024, we are proposing to make
conforming changes to paragraphs
(b)(2)(i) and (c)(1) of § 412.101 to reflect
that for the portion of FY 2025
beginning on January 1, 2025 and for
subsequent fiscal years, the low-volume
hospital payment adjustment policy will
revert back to the low-volume hospital
payment adjustment policy in effect for
FYs 2005 through 2010, as described in
section V.E.3. of this preamble. We
further propose that if the temporary
changes to the low-volume payment
adjustment are extended through
legislation beyond December 31, 2024,
we would make the conforming changes
to the regulations at § 412.101 (b)(2)(i),
Fiscal Years
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(b)(2)(iii), (c)(1), and (c)(3) to reflect any
further extension.
3. Proposed Payment Adjustment for the
Portion of FY 2025 Beginning on
January 1, 2025, and Subsequent Fiscal
In accordance with section
1886(d)(12) of the Act, as amended by
section 306 of the CAA, 2024, beginning
with FY 2025 discharges occurring on or
after January 1, 2025, the low-volume
hospital definition and payment
adjustment methodology will revert to
the statutory requirements that were in
effect prior to the amendments made by
the Affordable Care Act and subsequent
legislation. Specifically, section
1886(d)(12)(B) of the Act requires, for
discharges occurring in FYs 2005
through 2010, FY 2025 discharges
occurring on or after January 1, 2025
and subsequent years, that the Secretary
determine an applicable percentage
increase for these low-volume hospitals
based on the ‘‘empirical relationship’’
between the standardized cost-per-case
for such hospitals and the total number
of discharges of such hospitals and the
amount of the additional incremental
costs (if any) that are associated with
such number of discharges. The statute
thus mandates that the Secretary
develop an empirically justifiable
adjustment based on the relationship
between costs and discharges for these
low-volume hospitals.
Therefore, effective for the portion of
FY 2025 beginning on January 1, 2025
and subsequent years, under current
policy at § 412.101(b), to qualify as a
low-volume hospital, a subsection (d)
hospital must be more than 25 road
miles from another subsection (d)
hospital and have less than 200
discharges (that is, less than 200
discharges total, including both
Medicare and non-Medicare discharges)
during the fiscal year. For the portion of
FY 2025 beginning on January 1, 2025,
and subsequent years, the statute
specifies that a low-volume hospital
must have less than 800 discharges
during the fiscal year. However, as
required by section 1886(d)(12)(B)(i) of
the Act, the Secretary has developed an
empirically justifiable payment
adjustment based on the relationship,
for IPPS hospitals with less than 800
discharges, between the additional
incremental costs (if any) that are
associated with a particular number of
discharges. Based on an analysis we
conducted for the FY 2005 IPPS final
rule (69 FR 49099 through 49102), a 25percent low-volume adjustment to all
qualifying hospitals with less than 200
discharges was found to be most
consistent with the statutory
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requirement to provide relief for lowvolume hospitals where there is
empirical evidence that higher
incremental costs are associated with
low numbers of total discharges. (Under
the policy we established in that same
final rule, hospitals with between 200
and 799 discharges do not receive a lowvolume hospital adjustment.)
As discussed previously, for FYs 2005
through 2010 and FY 2019 and
subsequent years, the discharge
determination is made based on the
hospital’s number of total discharges,
that is, Medicare and non-Medicare
discharges. The hospital’s most recently
submitted cost report is used to
determine if the hospital meets the
discharge criterion to receive the lowvolume payment adjustment in the
current year (§ 412.101(b)(2)(i)). We use
cost report data to determine if a
hospital meets the discharge criterion
because this is the best available data
source that includes information on
both Medicare and non-Medicare
discharges. We note that, for FYs 2011
through 2018, we used the most recently
available MedPAR data to determine the
hospital’s Medicare discharges because
only Medicare discharges were used to
determine if a hospital met the
discharge criterion for those years.
In addition to the discharge criterion,
a hospital must also meet the mileage
criterion to qualify for the low-volume
payment adjustment. As specified by
section 1886(d)(12)(C)(i) of the Act, a
low-volume hospital must be more than
25 road miles (or 15 road miles for FYs
2011 through 2024) from another
subsection (d) hospital. Accordingly, for
FY 2025 and subsequent fiscal years, in
addition to the discharge criterion, the
eligibility for the low-volume payment
adjustment is also dependent upon the
hospital meeting the mileage criterion at
§ 412.101(b)(2)(i), which specifies that a
hospital must be located more than 25
road miles from the nearest subsection
(d) hospital, consistent with section
1886(d)(12)(C)(i) of the Act. We define,
at § 412.101(a), the term ‘‘road miles’’ to
mean ‘‘miles’’ as defined at
§ 412.92(c)(1) (75 FR 50238 through
50275 and 50414). As previously noted,
we are proposing to make conforming
changes to paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (c)(1)
of § 412.101 to reflect that for the
portion of FY 2025 beginning on
January 1, 2025, and subsequent fiscal
years, the low-volume hospital payment
adjustment policy is the same as that in
effect for FYs 2005 through 2010.
On average, approximately 600
hospitals per year were eligible for the
low-volume hospital payment
adjustment for FYs 2019 through 2024
under the temporary changes in the low-
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volume hospital payment policy as
amended by section 50204 of the
Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Pub. L.
115–123), and section 4101 of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023
(CAA, 2023) (Pub. L. 117–328). As
discussed previously, the CAA, 2024
further extended the modified definition
of low-volume hospital and the
methodology for calculating the
payment adjustment for low-volume
hospitals under section 1886(d)(12)
through December 31, 2024. Therefore,
for the portion of FY 2025 beginning on
January 1, 2025 and for subsequent
years the low-volume hospital
qualifying criteria and payment
adjustment will revert to the statutory
requirements that were in effect prior to
FY 2011. Based on historical data for
hospitals that qualified during FYs
2005—2010, we estimate that fewer than
10 hospitals would qualify for the lowvolume hospital payment adjustment for
the portion of FY 2025 beginning on
January 1, 2025 under current law.
5. Process for Requesting and Obtaining
the Low-Volume Hospital Payment
Adjustment FY 2025
In the FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (75 FR 50238 through 50275 and
50414) and subsequent rulemaking,
most recently in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59044
through 59045), we discussed the
process for requesting and obtaining the
low-volume hospital payment
adjustment. Under this previously
established process, a hospital makes a
written request for the low-volume
payment adjustment under § 412.101 to
its MAC. This request must contain
sufficient documentation to establish
that the hospital meets the applicable
mileage and discharge criteria. The
MAC will determine if the hospital
qualifies as a low-volume hospital by
reviewing the data the hospital submits
with its request for low-volume hospital
status in addition to other available
data. Under this approach, a hospital
will know in advance whether or not it
will receive a payment adjustment
under the low-volume hospital policy.
The MAC and CMS may review
available data such as the number of
discharges, in addition to the data the
hospital submits with its request for
low-volume hospital status, to
determine whether or not the hospital
meets the qualifying criteria. (For
additional information on our existing
process for requesting the low-volume
hospital payment adjustment, we refer
readers to the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (83 FR 41399 through 41401).)
As explained earlier, for FY 2019 and
subsequent fiscal years, the discharge
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
determination is made based on the
hospital’s number of total discharges,
that is, Medicare and non-Medicare
discharges, as was the case for FYs 2005
through 2010. Under § 412.101(b)(2)(i)
and (iii), a hospital’s most recently
submitted cost report is used to
determine if the hospital meets the
discharge criterion to receive the low
volume payment adjustment in the
current year. As discussed in the FY
2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR
41399 and 41400), we use cost report
data to determine if a hospital meets the
discharge criterion because this is the
best available data source that includes
information on both Medicare and nonMedicare discharges. (For FYs 2011
through 2018, the most recently
available MedPAR data were used to
determine the hospital’s Medicare
discharges because non-Medicare
discharges were not used to determine
if a hospital met the discharge criterion
for those years.) Therefore, a hospital
must refer to its most recently submitted
cost report for total discharges
(Medicare and non-Medicare) to decide
whether or not to apply for low-volume
hospital status for a particular fiscal
In addition to the discharge criterion,
eligibility for the low-volume hospital
payment adjustment is also dependent
upon the hospital meeting the
applicable mileage criterion specified in
section 1886(d)(12)(C)(i) of the Act,
which is codified at § 412.101(b)(2), for
the fiscal year. Specifically, to meet the
mileage criterion to qualify for the lowvolume hospital payment adjustment for
the portion of FY 2025 beginning
October 1, 2024 through December 31,
2024, a hospital must be located more
than 15 road miles from the nearest
subsection (d) hospital, as reflected in
proposed revised § 412.101(b)(2).
Additionally, to meet the mileage
criterion to qualify for the low-volume
hospital payment adjustment for the
portion of FY 2025 beginning January 1,
2025 through September 30, 2025, a
hospital must be located more than 25
road miles from the nearest subsection
(d) hospital. (We define in § 412.101(a)
the term ‘‘road miles’’ to mean ‘‘miles’’
as defined in § 412.92(c)(1) (75 FR
50238 through 50275 and 50414).) For
establishing that the hospital meets the
mileage criterion, the use of a web-based
mapping tool as part of the
documentation is acceptable. The MAC
will determine if the information
submitted by the hospital, such as the
name and street address of the nearest
hospital(s), location on a map, and
distance from the hospital requesting
low-volume hospital status, is sufficient
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to document that it meets the mileage
criterion. If not, the MAC will follow up
with the hospital to obtain additional
necessary information to determine
whether or not the hospital meets the
applicable mileage criterion.
In accordance with our previously
established process, a hospital must
make a written request for low-volume
hospital status that is received by its
MAC by September 1 immediately
preceding the start of the Federal fiscal
year for which the hospital is applying
for low-volume hospital status in order
for the applicable low-volume hospital
payment adjustment to be applied to
payments for its discharges for the fiscal
year beginning on or after October 1
immediately following the request (that
is, the start of the Federal fiscal year).
For a hospital whose request for lowvolume hospital status is received after
September 1, if the MAC determines the
hospital meets the criteria to qualify as
a low-volume hospital, the MAC will
apply the applicable low-volume
hospital payment adjustment to
determine payment for the hospital’s
discharges for the fiscal year, effective
prospectively within 30 days of the date
of the MAC’s low-volume status
Consistent with this previously
established process, for FY 2025, we are
proposing that a hospital must submit a
written request for low-volume hospital
status to its MAC that includes
sufficient documentation to establish
that the hospital meets the applicable
mileage and discharge criteria (as
described earlier). Specifically, for the
portion of FY 2025 beginning October 1,
2024 through December 31, 2024, a
hospital must make a written request for
low-volume hospital status that is
received by its MAC no later than
September 1, 2024, in order for the lowvolume, add-on payment adjustment to
be applied to payments for its
discharges beginning on or after October
1, 2024. If a hospital’s written request
for low-volume hospital status for the
portion of FY 2025 beginning October 1,
2024 through December 31, 2024 is
received after September 1, 2024, and if
the MAC determines the hospital meets
the criteria to qualify as a low-volume
hospital, the MAC would apply the lowvolume hospital payment adjustment to
determine the payment for the hospital’s
FY 2025 discharges beginning October
1, 2024 through December 31, 2024,
effective prospectively within 30 days of
the date of the MAC’s low-volume
hospital status determination.
Additionally, we are proposing that a
hospital must also submit a written
request for low-volume hospital status
to its MAC that includes sufficient
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documentation to establish that the
hospital continues to meet the
applicable mileage and discharge
criteria for the portion of FY 2025
beginning on January 1, 2025 through
September 30, 2025 (as described
earlier). Specifically, for the portion of
FY 2025 beginning on January 1, 2025,
a hospital must make a written request
for low-volume hospital status that is
received by its MAC no later than
December 1, 2024, in order for the 25percent, low-volume, add-on payment
adjustment to be applied to payments
for its discharges beginning on or after
January 1, 2025. If a hospital’s written
request for low-volume hospital status
for the portion of FY 2025 beginning on
January 1, 2025 is received after
December 1, 2024, and if the MAC
determines the hospital meets the
criteria to qualify as a low-volume
hospital, the MAC would apply the lowvolume hospital payment adjustment to
determine the payment for the hospital’s
FY 2025 discharges on or after January
1, 2025, effective prospectively within
30 days of the date of the MAC’s lowvolume hospital status determination.
A hospital may choose to make a
single written request for low-volume
hospital status to its MAC for both the
portion of FY 2025 beginning on
October 1, 2024 and ending December
31, 2024 and the portion of FY 2025
beginning on January 1, 2025 through
September 30, 2024 by the September 1,
2024 deadline discussed previously.
Alternatively, a hospital may choose to
submit separate written requests, one for
the portion of FY 2025 beginning on
October 1, 2024 and ending on
December 31, 2024 (by the September 1,
2024 deadline discussed previously),
and another for the portion of FY 2025
beginning on January 1, 2025 through
September 30, 2025 (by the December 1,
2024 deadline discussed previously).
Under this process, a hospital that
qualified for the low-volume hospital
payment adjustment for FY 2024 may
continue to receive a low-volume
hospital payment adjustment for FY
2025 without reapplying if it meets both
the discharge criterion and the mileage
criterion applicable for FY 2025 (that is,
the discharge criterion and mileage
criterion for the period beginning
October 1, 2024 through December 31,
2024, as well as the discharge criterion
and mileage criterion for the period
beginning on January 1, 2025 through
September 30, 2025, respectively). As
discussed previously, for the portion of
FY 2025 beginning on January 1, 2025,
the discharge and the mileage criteria
are reverting to the statutory
requirements that were in effect prior to
FY 2011, and to the preexisting low-
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
volume hospital qualifying criteria, as
implemented in FY 2005 and specified
in the existing regulations at
§ 412.101(b)(2)(i). As in previous years,
we are proposing that such a hospital
must send written verification that is
received by its MAC no later than
September 1, 2024 or December 1, 2024,
respectively, stating that it meets the
mileage criterion for the applicable
portion(s) of FY 2025, as described
previously. For example, for the portion
of FY 2025 beginning October 1, 2024
through December 31, 2024, the hospital
must state it is located more than 15
road miles from the nearest ‘‘subsection
(d)’’ hospital. Similarly, for the portion
of FY 2025 beginning on January 1,
2025, the hospital must state it is
located more than 25 road miles from
the nearest ‘‘subsection (d)’’ hospital.
For FY 2025, we are further proposing
that this written verification must also
state, based upon the most recently
submitted cost report, that the hospital
meets the discharge criterion for the
applicable portion(s) of FY 2025, as
described previously. For example, for
the portion of FY 2025 beginning
October 1, 2024 through December 31,
2024, the hospital must have less than
3,800 discharges total, including both
Medicare and non-Medicare discharges.
Similarly, for the portion of FY 2025
beginning on January 1, 2025, the
hospital must have less than 200
discharges total, including both
Medicare and non-Medicare discharges.
If a hospital’s request for low-volume
hospital status for FY 2025 is received
after September 1, 2024, (or after
December 1, 2024 for the portion of FY
2025 beginning on January 1, 2025) and
if the MAC determines the hospital
meets the criteria to qualify as a lowvolume hospital, the MAC will apply
the applicable low-volume add-on
payment adjustment to determine the
payment for the hospital’s discharges for
the applicable portion(s) FY 2025,
effective prospectively within 30 days of
the date of the MAC’s low-volume
hospital status determination.
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E. Proposed Changes in the MedicareDependent, Small Rural Hospital (MDH)
Program (§ 412.108)
1. Background for the MDH Program
Section 1886(d)(5)(G) of the Act
provides special payment protections,
under the IPPS, to a Medicaredependent, small rural hospital (MDH).
(For additional information on the MDH
program and the payment methodology,
we refer readers to the FY 2012 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51683
through 51684).) As discussed in section
V.B. of the preamble of this proposed
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rule, section 307 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 (CAA, 2024)
(Pub. L. 118–42), enacted on March 9,
2024, extended the MDH program for
FY 2025 discharges occurring before
January 1, 2025. Prior to enactment of
the CAA, 2024, the MDH program was
only to be in effect through the end of
FY 2024. Under current law, the MDH
program provisions at section
1886(d)(5)(G) of the Act will expire for
discharges on or after January 1, 2025.
Beginning with discharges occurring on
or after January 1, 2025, all hospitals
that previously qualified for MDH status
will be paid based on the Federal rate.
Since the extension of the MDH
program through FY 2012 provided by
section 3124 of the Affordable Care Act,
the MDH program had been extended by
subsequent legislation as follows:
section 606 of the American Taxpayer
Relief Act (Pub. L. 112–240) extended
the MDH program through FY 2013 (that
is, for discharges occurring before
October 1, 2013). Section 1106 of the
Pathway for SGR Reform Act of 2013
(Pub. L. 113–67) extended the MDH
program through the first half of FY
2014 (that is, for discharges occurring
before April 1, 2014). Section 106 of the
Protecting Access to Medicare Act (Pub.
L. 113–93) extended the MDH program
through the first half of FY 2015 (that is,
for discharges occurring before April 1,
2015). Section 205 of the MACRA (Pub.
L. 114–10) extended the MDH program
through FY 2017 (that is, for discharges
occurring before October 1, 2017).
Section 50205 of the Bipartisan Budget
Act (Pub. L. 115–123) extended the
MDH program through FY 2022 (that is
for discharges occurring before October
1, 2022). Section 102 of the Continuing
Appropriations and Ukraine
Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023
(Pub. L. 117–180) extended the MDH
program through December 16, 2022.
Section 102 of the Further Continuing
Appropriations and Extensions Act,
2023 (Pub. L. 117–229) extended the
MDH program through December 23,
2022. Section 4102 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2023 (Pub. L. 117–
328) extended the MDH program
through FY 2024 (that is for discharges
occurring before October 1, 2024).
Lastly, under current law, section 307 of
the CAA, 2024 (Pub. L. 118–42)
extended the MDH program through
December 31, 2024 (that is, for
discharges occurring before January 1,
For additional information on the
extensions of the MDH program after FY
2012, we refer readers to the following
Federal Register documents: The FY
2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR
53404 through 53405 and 53413 through
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53414); the FY 2013 IPPS notice (78 FR
14689); the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (78 FR 50647 through 50649);
the FY 2014 interim final rule with
comment period (79 FR 15025 through
15027); the FY 2014 notice (79 FR 34446
through 34449); the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (79 FR 50022 through
50024); the August 2015 interim final
rule with comment period (80 FR
49596); the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (81 FR 57054 through 57057);
the FY 2018 notice (83 FR 18303
through 18305); the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (83 FR 41429); and the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
2. Implementation of Legislative
Extension of MDH Program
Prior to the enactment of Public Law
118–42, under section 4102 of Public
Law 117–328, the MDH program
authorized by section 1886(d)(5)(G) of
the Act was set to expire at the end of
FY 2024. Section 307 of Public Law
118–42 amended sections
1886(d)(5)(G)(i) and 1886(d)(5)(G)(ii)(II)
of the Act by striking ‘‘October 1, 2024’’
and inserting ‘‘January 1, 2025’’. Section
307 of Public Law 118–42 also made
conforming amendments to sections
1886(b)(3)(D)(i) and 1886(b)(3)(D)(iv) of
the Act.
Therefore, we are proposing to make
conforming changes to the regulations
governing the MDH program at
§ 412.108(a)(1) and (c)(2)(iii) and the
general payment rules at § 412.90(j) to
reflect the extension of the MDH
program through December 31, 2024.
As a result of the extension of the
MDH program through December 31,
2024 as provided by section 307 of
Public Law 118–42, a provider that is
classified as an MDH as of September
30, 2024, will continue to be classified
as an MDH as of October 1, 2024, with
no need to reapply for MDH
3. Expiration of the MDH Program
Because section 307 of the CAA, 2024
extended the MDH program through
December 31, 2024 only, beginning
January 1, 2025, the MDH program will
no longer be in effect. Since the MDH
program is not authorized by statute
beyond December 31, 2024, beginning
January 1, 2025, all hospitals that
previously qualified for MDH status
under section 1886(d)(5)(G) of the Act
will no longer have MDH status and will
be paid based on the IPPS Federal rate.
There are currently 173 MDHs, of which
we estimate 114 would have been paid
under the blended payment of the
Federal rate and hospital-specific rate
while the remaining 59 would have
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
been paid based on the IPPS Federal
rate. With the expiration of the MDH
program, all these providers will all be
paid based on the IPPS Federal rate
beginning with discharges occurring on
or after January 1, 2025.
When the MDH program was set to
expire at the end of FY 2012, in the FY
2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR
53404 through 53405), we revised our
sole community hospital (SCH) policies
to allow MDHs to apply for SCH status
in advance of the expiration of the MDH
program and be paid as such under
certain conditions. We codified these
changes in the regulations at
§ 412.92(b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(v).
Specifically, the existing regulations at
§ 412.92(b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(v) allow for
an effective date of an approval of SCH
status that is the day following the
expiration date of the MDH program.
We note that these same conditions
apply to MDHs that intend to apply for
SCH status with the expiration of the
MDH program on December 31, 2024.
Therefore, in order for an MDH to
receive SCH status effective January 1,
2025, the MDH must apply for SCH
status at least 30 days before the
expiration of the MDH program; that is,
the MDH must apply for SCH status by
December 2, 2024. The MDH also must
request that, if approved as an SCH, the
SCH status be effective with the
expiration of the MDH program; that is,
the MDH must request that the SCH
status, if approved, be effective January
1, 2025, immediately after its MDH
status expires with the expiration of the
MDH program on December 31, 2024.
We emphasize that an MDH that applies
for SCH status in anticipation of the
expiration of the MDH program would
not qualify for the January 1, 2025
effective date for SCH status if it does
not apply by the December 2, 2024
deadline. If the MDH does not apply by
the December 2, 2024 deadline, the
hospital would instead be subject to the
usual effective date for SCH
classification as specified at
§ 412.92(b)(2)(i); that is, as of the date
the MAC receives the complete
application from the provider.
As noted, we are proposing to make
conforming changes to the regulations
governing the MDH program at
§ 412.108(a)(1) and (c)(2)(iii) and the
general payment rules at § 412.90(j) to
reflect the extension of the MDH
program through December 31, 2024.
We are further proposing that if the
MDH program were to be extended by
law beyond December 31, 2024, similar
to how it was extended by prior
legislation as described previously, we
would, depending on timing of such
legislation in relation to the final rule,
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modify our proposed conforming
changes to the regulations governing the
MDH program at § 412.108(a)(1) and
(c)(2)(iii) and the general payment rules
at § 412.90(j) to reflect any such further
extension of the MDH program. These
modifications to our proposed
conforming changes would only be
made if the MDH program were to be
extended by statute beyond December
31, 2024.
F. Payment for Indirect and Direct
Graduate Medical Education Costs
(§§ 412.105 and 413.75 Through 413.83)
1. Background
Section 1886(h) of the Act, as added
by section 9202 of the Consolidated
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
(COBRA) of 1985 (Pub. L. 99–272) and
as currently implemented in the
regulations at 42 CFR 413.75 through
413.83, establishes a methodology for
determining payments to hospitals for
the direct costs of approved graduate
medical education (GME) programs.
Section 1886(h)(2) of the Act sets forth
a methodology for the determination of
a hospital-specific base-period per
resident amount (PRA) that is calculated
by dividing a hospital’s allowable direct
costs of GME in a base period by its
number of full-time equivalent (FTE)
residents in the base period. The base
period is, for most hospitals, the
hospital’s cost reporting period
beginning in FY 1984 (that is, October
1, 1983 through September 30, 1984).
The base year PRA is updated annually
for inflation. In general, Medicare direct
GME payments are calculated by
multiplying the hospital’s updated PRA
by the weighted number of FTE
residents working in all areas of the
hospital complex (and at nonprovider
sites, when applicable), and the
hospital’s Medicare share of total
inpatient days.
Section 1886(d)(5)(B) of the Act
provides for a payment adjustment
known as the indirect medical
education (IME) adjustment under the
IPPS for hospitals that have residents in
an approved GME program, in order to
account for the higher indirect patient
care costs of teaching hospitals relative
to nonteaching hospitals. The
regulations regarding the calculation of
this additional payment are located at
42 CFR 412.105. The hospital’s IME
adjustment applied to the DRG
payments is calculated based on the
ratio of the hospital’s number of FTE
residents training in either the inpatient
or outpatient departments of the IPPS
hospital (and, for discharges occurring
on or after October 1, 1997, at non-
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provider sites, when applicable) to the
number of inpatient hospital beds.
The calculation of both direct GME
payments and the IME payment
adjustment is affected by the number of
FTE residents that a hospital is allowed
to count. Generally, the greater the
number of FTE residents a hospital
counts, the greater the amount of
Medicare direct GME and IME payments
the hospital will receive. In an attempt
to end the implicit incentive for
hospitals to increase the number of FTE
residents, Congress established a limit
on the number of allopathic and
osteopathic residents that a hospital
could include in its FTE resident count
for direct GME and IME payment
purposes in the Balanced Budget Act of
1997 (Pub. L. 105–33). Under section
1886(h)(4)(F) of the Act, for cost
reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 1997, a hospital’s
unweighted FTE count of residents for
purposes of direct GME cannot exceed
the hospital’s unweighted FTE count for
direct GME in its most recent cost
reporting period ending on or before
December 31, 1996. Under section
1886(d)(5)(B)(v) of the Act, a similar
limit based on the FTE count for IME
during that cost reporting period is
applied, effective for discharges
occurring on or after October 1, 1997.
Dental and podiatric residents are not
included in this statutorily mandated
2. Distribution of Additional Residency
Positions Under the Provisions of
Section 4122 of Subtitle C of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023
(CAA, 2023)
a. Overview
CMS has increased the overall
number of slots available to teaching
hospitals on several previous occasions.
Notably, Congress authorized Medicare
payment for one thousand additional
FTE GME resident slots in section
126(a) of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2021, adding
paragraph 1886(h)(9) to the Act. Most
recently, section 4122(a) of the CAA,
2023 amended section 1886(h) of the
Act by adding a new section 1886(h)(10)
of the Act requiring the distribution of
additional residency positions (also
referred to as slots) to hospitals. Section
1886(h)(10)(A) of the Act requires that
for FY 2026, the Secretary shall initiate
an application round to distribute 200
residency positions. At least 100 of the
positions made available under section
1886(h)(10)(A) shall be distributed for
psychiatry or psychiatry subspecialty
residency training programs. The
Secretary is required, subject to certain
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
provisions in the law, to increase the
otherwise applicable resident limit for
each qualifying hospital that submits a
timely application by the number of
positions that may be approved by the
Secretary for that hospital. The
Secretary is required to notify hospitals
of the number of positions distributed to
them by January 31, 2026, and the
increase is effective beginning July 1,
In determining the qualifying
hospitals for which an increase is
provided, section 1886(h)(10)(B)(i) of
the Act requires the Secretary to take
into account the ‘‘demonstrated
likelihood’’ of the hospital filling the
positions made available within the first
5 training years beginning after the date
the increase would be effective, as
determined by the Secretary.
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii) of the Act
requires a minimum distribution for
certain categories of hospitals.
Specifically, the Secretary is required to
distribute at least 10 percent of the
aggregate number of total residency
positions available to each of four
categories of hospitals. Stated briefly,
and discussed in greater detail later in
this proposed rule, the categories are as
follows: (1) hospitals located in rural
areas or that are treated as being located
in a rural area (pursuant to sections
1886(d)(2)(D) and 1886(d)(8)(E) of the
Act); (2) hospitals in which the
reference resident level of the hospital
is greater than the otherwise applicable
resident limit; (3) hospitals in states
with new medical schools or additional
locations and branches of existing
medical schools; and (4) hospitals that
serve areas designated as Health
Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs).
Section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Act
defines a qualifying hospital as a
hospital in one of these four categories.
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(iii) of the Act
further requires that each qualifying
hospital that submits a timely
application receive at least 1 (or a
fraction of 1) of the residency positions
made available under section
1886(h)(10) of the Act before any
qualifying hospital receives more than 1
residency position.
Section 1886(h)(10)(C) of the Act
places certain limitations on the
distribution of the residency positions.
First, a hospital may not receive more
than 10 additional full-time equivalent
(FTE) residency positions. Second, no
increase in the otherwise applicable
resident limit of a hospital may be made
unless the hospital agrees to increase
the total number of FTE residency
positions under the approved medical
residency training program of the
hospital by the number of positions
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made available to that hospital. Third, if
a hospital that receives an increase to its
otherwise applicable resident limit
under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act is
eligible for an increase to its otherwise
applicable resident limit under 42 CFR
413.79(e)(3) (or any successor
regulation), that hospital must ensure
that residency positions received under
section 1886(h)(10) of the Act are used
to expand an existing residency training
program and not for participation in a
new residency training program.
b. Determinations Required for the
Distribution of Residency Positions
(1) Determination That a Hospital Has a
‘‘Demonstrated Likelihood’’ of Filling
the Positions
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(i) of the Act
directs the Secretary to take into
account the ‘‘demonstrated likelihood’’
of the hospital filling the positions made
available within the first 5 training years
beginning after the date the increase
would be effective, as determined by the
Secretary. In accordance with section
1886(h)(10)(A)(iv) of the Act, the
increase would be effective beginning
July 1 of the fiscal year of the increase;
therefore, additional residency positions
under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act
would be effective July 1, 2026.
Consistent with the application cycle
established for section 126 of the CAA,
2021 (86 FR 73419 through 73445) we
are proposing that the application
deadline for the additional positions
made available for a fiscal year be
March 31 of the prior fiscal year; that is,
for FY 2026, the application deadline
would be March 31, 2025. Accordingly,
all references in this section to the
application deadline are references to
the application deadline of March 31,
We are proposing that a hospital show
a ‘‘demonstrated likelihood’’ of filling
the additional positions (sometimes
equivalently referred to as slots) for
which it applies by demonstrating that
it does not have sufficient room under
its current FTE resident cap(s) to
accommodate a planned new program
or expansion of an existing program. In
order to be eligible for additional
positions, the new program or
expansion of an existing program could
not begin prior to July 1, 2026, the
effective date of the section 4122
residency positions.
In order to demonstrate that a hospital
does not have sufficient room under its
current FTE resident cap(s) for purposes
of the prioritization discussed at section
c.3. of this preamble, if applicable, we
are proposing that a hospital would be
required to submit copies of its most
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recently submitted Worksheet E, Part A
and Worksheet E–4 from the Medicare
cost report (CMS-Form- 2552–10) as part
of its application for an increase to its
FTE resident cap(s). The hospital would
demonstrate and attest to a planned new
program or expansion of an existing
program by meeting at least one of the
following two ‘‘Demonstrated
Likelihood’’ criteria:
• ‘‘Demonstrated Likelihood’’
Criterion 1 (New Residency Program).
The hospital does not have sufficient
room under its FTE resident cap, is not
a rural hospital eligible for an increase
to its cap under 42 CFR 413.79(e)(3) (or
any successor regulation), and intends
to use the additional FTEs as part of a
new residency program that it intends to
establish on or after the date the
increase would be effective (that is, a
new program that begins training
residents at any point within the
hospital’s first 5 training years
beginning on or after the effective date
of the increase). Under ‘‘Demonstrated
Likelihood’’ Criterion 1, the hospital
will be required to meet at least one of
the following conditions as part of its
++ Application for accreditation of
the new residency program has been
submitted to the Accreditation Council
for Graduate Medical Education
(ACGME) (or application for approval of
the new residency program has been
submitted to the American Board of
Medical Specialties (ABMS)) by the
application deadline.
++ The hospital has received written
correspondence from the ACGME (or
ABMS) acknowledging receipt of the
application for the new residency
program, or other types of
communication concerning the new
program accreditation or approval
process (such as notification of site
visit) by the application deadline.
• ‘‘Demonstrated Likelihood’’
Criterion 2 (Expansion of an Existing
Residency Program). The hospital does
not have sufficient room under its FTE
resident cap, and the hospital intends to
use the additional FTEs to expand an
existing residency training program
within the hospital’s first 5 training
years beginning on or after the date the
increase would be effective. Under
‘‘Demonstrated Likelihood’’ criterion 2,
the hospital will be required to meet at
least one of the following conditions as
part of its application:
++ The hospital has received
approval by the application deadline
from an appropriate accrediting body
(the ACGME or ABMS) to expand the
number of FTE residents in the program.
++ The hospital has submitted a
request by the application deadline for
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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a permanent complement increase of the
existing residency program.
++ The hospital currently has
unfilled positions in its residency
program that have previously been
approved by the ACGME and is now
seeking to fill those positions.
Under ‘‘Demonstrated Likelihood’’
Criterion 2, the hospital is applying for
an increase in its FTE resident cap
because it is expanding an existing
residency program. We are proposing
this means that as of the application
deadline the hospital is either already
training residents in this program, or, if
the program exists at another hospital as
of that date, the residents will begin to
rotate to the applying hospital on or
after the effective date of the increase.
In addition, we note that section
1886(h)(10)(C)(ii) of the Act requires
that if a hospital is awarded positions,
that hospital must increase the number
of its residency positions by the amount
the hospital’s FTE resident cap
increases, based on the newly awarded
positions under section 4122 of CAA,
2023. Therefore, we are proposing that
a hospital must, as part of its
application, attest to increasing the
number of its residency positions by the
amount of the hospital’s FTE resident
cap increase based on any newly
awarded positions, in accordance with
the provisions of section
1886(h)(10)(B)(i) of the Act.
(2) Determination That a Hospital Is
Located or Treated as Being Located in
a Rural Area (Category One)
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii) of the Act
requires the Secretary to distribute not
less than 10 percent of resident
positions available for distribution to
each of four categories of hospitals.
Under section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(I) of the
Act, the first of these categories consists
of hospitals that are located in a rural
area (as defined in section 1886(d)(2)(D)
of the Act) or are treated as being
located in a rural area (pursuant to
section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act). We
refer to this category as Category One.
We note that the definition of Category
One for purposes of section 4122 of the
CAA, 2023 mirrors the definition of
Category One included under section
1886(h)(9)(B)(ii)(I) for purposes of
section 126 of the CAA, 2021. Therefore,
we are proposing to determine Category
One eligibility as discussed in the final
rule implementing section 126 of the
CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73422 through
For purposes of determining whether
a hospital is considered rural, we are
proposing to use the County to CBSA
Crosswalk and Urban CBSAs and
Constituent Counties for Acute Care
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Hospitals File, or successor files
containing similar information, from the
most recent FY IPPS final rule (or
correction notice if applicable). This file
will be available on the CMS website in
approximately August 2024, the year
prior to the year of the application
deadline, March 31, 2025. Under the
file’s current format, blank cells in
Columns D and E indicate an area
outside of a CBSA.
Under section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the
Act, a subsection (d) hospital (that is,
generally, an IPPS hospital) that is
physically located in an urban area is
treated as being located in a rural area
for purposes of payment under the IPPS
if it meets criteria specified in section
1886(d)(8)(E)(ii) of the Act, as
implemented in the regulations at
§ 412.103. Under these regulations, a
hospital may apply to CMS to be treated
as located in a rural area for purposes
of payment under the IPPS. Given the
fixed number of available residency
positions, it is necessary to establish a
deadline by which a hospital must be
treated as being located in a rural area
for purposes of Category One. We are
proposing to use Table 2, or a successor
table containing similar information,
posted with the most recent IPPS final
rule, available on the CMS website in
approximately August 2024, (or
correction notice if applicable), to
determine whether a hospital is
reclassified to rural under § 412.103. If
a hospital is not listed as reclassified to
rural on Table 2, but has been
subsequently approved by the CMS
Regional Office to be treated as being
located in a rural area for purposes of
payment under the IPPS as of the March
31, 2025 application deadline, the
hospital would submit its approval
letter with its application in order to be
treated as being located in a rural area
for purposes of Category One.
(3) Determination of Hospitals for
Which the Reference Resident Level of
the Hospital Is Greater Than the
Otherwise Applicable Resident Limit
(Category Two)
Under section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(II) of
the Act, the second category consists of
hospitals in which the reference
resident level of the hospital (as
specified in section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iv) of
the Act) is greater than the otherwise
applicable resident limit. We refer to
this category as Category Two. We note
the definition of Category Two under
section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(II) of the Act
mirrors the definition of Category Two
under section 1886(h)(9)(B)(ii)(II),
section 126 of the CAA, 2021. Therefore,
we are proposing to determine Category
Two eligibility as discussed in the final
PO 00000
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rule implementing section 126 of the
CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73424 through 73425)
with adjustments to consider the
provisions of sections 126, 127, and 131
of the CAA, 2021, as discussed later.
Under section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iv) of
the Act, the term ‘reference resident
level’ means, with respect to a hospital,
the resident level for the most recent
cost reporting period of the hospital
ending on or before the date of
enactment of section 1886(h)(10) of the
Act, December 29, 2022, for which a
cost report has been settled (or, if not,
submitted (subject to audit)), as
discussed in this proposed rule.
Under section 1886(h)(10)(F)(v) of the
Act, the term ‘resident level’ has the
meaning given such term in paragraph
(7)(C)(i). That section defines ‘‘resident
level’’ as with respect to a hospital, the
total number of full-time equivalent
residents, before the application of
weighting factors (as determined under
paragraph (4)), in the fields of allopathic
and osteopathic medicine for the
Under section 1886(h)(10)(F)(i) of the
Act, the term ‘otherwise applicable
resident limit’ means, ‘‘with respect to
a hospital, the limit otherwise
applicable under subparagraphs (F)(i)
and (H) of paragraph (4) on the resident
level for the hospital determined
without regard to the changes made by
this provision of the CAA, 2023, but
taking into account section
1886(h)(7)(A), (7)(B), (8)(A), (8)(B), and
(9)(A)’’ of the Act. These crossreferenced sub-paragraphs all address
the distribution of positions and
redistribution of unused positions.
As finalized for purposes of section
126 of the CAA, 2023, the ‘‘reference
resident level’’ refers to a hospital’s
allopathic and osteopathic FTE resident
count for a specific period. The
definition can vary based on what
calculation is being performed to
determine the correct allopathic and
osteopathic FTE resident count (see, for
example, 42 CFR 413.79(c)(1)(ii)) (86 FR
73424)). As noted previously, section
4122 of the CAA, 2023, under new
section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iv) of the Act
defines the ‘‘reference resident level’’ as
coming from the most recent cost
reporting period of the hospital ending
on or before the date of enactment of the
CAA, 2023 (that is, December 29, 2022).
Under new section 1886(h)(10)(F)(i) of
the Act, the term ‘‘otherwise applicable
resident limit’’ is defined as ‘‘the limit
otherwise applicable under
subparagraphs (F)(i) and (H) of
paragraph (4) on the resident level for
the hospital determined without regard
to this paragraph [that is, section
1886(h)(10) of the Act], but taking into
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
account paragraphs (7)(A), (7)(B), (8)(A),
(8)(B), and (9)(A).’’ In the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 25505), we
finalized for purposes of section 126 of
the CAA, 2021, the definition of
‘‘otherwise applicable resident limit’’ as
the hospital’s 1996 cap during its
reference year, adjusted for the
following: ‘‘new medical residency
training programs’’ as defined at
§ 413.79(l); participation in a Medicare
GME affiliation agreement as defined at
§§ 413.75(b) and referenced at 413.79(f);
participation in an Emergency Medicare
GME affiliation agreement as defined at
§ 413.79(f); participation in a hospital
merger; whether an urban hospital has
a separately accredited rural training
track program as defined at § 413.79(k);
applicable decreases or increases under
section 422 of the MMA, applicable
decreases or increases under section
5503 of the Affordable Care Act, and
applicable increases under section 5506
of the Affordable Care Act. For purposes
of section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, we are
proposing to use this same definition of
‘‘otherwise applicable resident limit’’
and adding to this definition the
following: applicable increases or
adjustments under sections 126, 127,
and 131 of the CAA, 2021.
Regarding the term ‘‘resident level’’,
in the CY 2011 OPPS final rule (75 FR
46391) we indicated that we generally
refer to a hospital’s number of
unweighted allopathic and osteopathic
FTE residents in a particular period as
the hospital’s resident level, which we
are proposing to define consistently
with the definition in section 4122 of
the CAA, 2023; that is, the ‘‘resident
level’’ under section 1886(h)(7)(c)(i) of
the Act, which is defined as the total
number of full-time equivalent
residents, before the application of
weighting factors (as determined under
paragraph 1886(h)(4) of the Act), in the
fields of allopathic and osteopathic
medicine for the hospital.
For the purposes of section 4122 of
the CAA, 2023 we are proposing that the
definitions of the terms ‘‘otherwise
applicable resident limit,’’ ‘‘reference
resident level,’’ and ‘‘resident level’’
should be as similar as possible to the
definitions those terms have in the
regulations at § 413.79(c), as initially set
out in the CY 2011 OPPS rulemaking, as
revised for purposes of section 126 of
the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73424) with
adjustments made to the definition of
‘‘otherwise applicable resident limit’’
for sections 126, 127, and 131 of the
CAA, 2021.
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(4) Determination of Hospitals Located
in States With New Medical Schools, or
Additional Locations and Branch
Campuses (Category Three)
The third category specified in section
1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(III) of the Act, as
added by section 4122 of CAA, 2023,
consists of hospitals located in States
with new medical schools that received
‘Candidate School’ status from the
Liaison Committee on Medical
Education (LCME) or that received ‘PreAccreditation’ status from the American
Osteopathic Association (AOA)
Commission on Osteopathic College
Accreditation (the COCA) on or after
January 1, 2000, and that have achieved
or continue to progress toward ‘Full
Accreditation’ status (as such term is
defined by the LCME) or toward
‘Accreditation’ status (as such term is
defined by the COCA); or additional
locations and branch campuses
established on or after January 1, 2000,
by medical schools with ‘Full
Accreditation’ status (as such term is
defined by LCME) or ‘Accreditation’
status (as such term is defined by the
COCA). We note that the statutory
language is specific with respect to
these definitions. We refer to this
category as Category Three. We note that
the definition of Category Three for
purposes of section 4122 of the CAA,
2023, mirrors the definition of Category
Three included under section
1886(h)(9)(B)(ii)(III) of the Act for
purposes of section 126 of the CAA,
2021. Therefore, we are proposing to
determine Category Three eligibility as
discussed in the final rule implementing
section 126 of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR
73425 through 73426).
We are proposing that the hospitals
located in the following 35 States and
one territory, referred to as Category
Three States, would be considered
Category Three hospitals: Alabama,
Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado,
Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia,
Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri,
Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New
York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma,
Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah,
Virginia, Washington, West Virginia,
and Wisconsin. If a hospital is located
in a State not listed here, but it believes
the State in which it is located should
be on this list, the hospital may submit
a formal comment on this proposed rule
to make a change to this list, or must
provide documentation with submission
of its application to CMS that the State
in which it is located has a medical
school or additional location or branch
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campus of a medical school established
on or after January 1, 2000. Pursuant to
the statutory language, all hospitals in
such states are eligible for
consideration; the hospitals, themselves,
do not need to meet the conditions of
section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(III)(aa) or (bb)
of the Act in order to be considered.
(5) Determination of Hospitals That
Serve Areas Designated as Health
Professional Shortage Areas Under
Section 332(a)(1)(A) of the Public Health
Service Act (Category Four)
The fourth category specified in the
law consists of hospitals that serve areas
designated as HPSAs under section
332(a)(1)(A) of the Public Health Service
Act (PHSA), as determined by the
Secretary. Category Four for section
4122 of the CAA, 2023 mirrors the
definition of Category Four included
under section 1886(h)(9)(B)(ii)(IV) for
purposes of implementing section 126
of the CAA, 2021. Therefore, we are
proposing to determine Category Four
eligibility as discussed in the final rule
implementing section 126 of the CAA,
2021 (86 FR 73426 through 73430).
We are proposing that an applicant
hospital qualifies under Category Four if
it participates in training residents in a
program in which the residents rotate
for at least 50 percent of their training
time to a training site(s) physically
located in a primary care or mentalhealth-only geographic HPSA. Specific
to mental-health-only geographic
HPSAs, we are proposing that the
program must be a psychiatry program
or a subspecialty of psychiatry. In
addition, a Category Four hospital must
submit an attestation, signed and dated
by an officer or administrator of the
hospital who signs the hospital’s
Medicare cost report, that it meets the
requirement that residents rotate for at
least 50 percent of their training time to
a training site(s) physically located in a
primary care or mental-health-only
geographic HPSA.
(6) Determination of a Qualifying
Section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Act
defines a ‘‘qualifying hospital’’ as ‘‘a
hospital described in any of the
subclauses (I) through (IV) of
subparagraph (B)(ii).’’ As such, and
consistent with the definition of
‘‘qualifying hospital’’ used for purposes
of section 126 of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR
73430 through 73431), we are proposing
to define a qualifying hospital as a
Category One, Category Two, Category
Three, or Category Four hospital, or one
that meets the definitions of more than
one of these categories.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(1) Number of Residency Positions
Made Available and Distribution for
Psychiatry or Psychiatry Subspecialty
Section 1886(h)(10)(A)(ii) of the Act
limits the aggregate number of total new
residency positions made available in
FY 2026 across all hospitals to no more
than 200. Section 1886(h)(10)(A)(iii) of
the Act further specifies that at least 100
of the positions made available under
section 1886(h)(10) must be distributed
for a psychiatry or psychiatry
subspecialty residency. The phrase
‘‘psychiatry or psychiatry subspecialty
residency’’ is defined at section
1886(h)(10)(F)(ii) of the Act to mean ‘‘a
residency in psychiatry as accredited by
the Accreditation Council for Graduate
Medical Education (ACGME) for the
purpose of preventing, diagnosing, and
treating mental health disorders.’’
We are proposing that of the total
residency slots distributed under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, at least
100 but not more than 200 slots would
be distributed to hospitals applying for
residency programs in psychiatry and
psychiatry subspecialties. For purposes
of determining which programs are
considered psychiatry subspecialties,
we are proposing to refer to the list
included on ACGME website at https:// under the
‘‘Specialties’’ tab, currently: Addiction
Medicine, Addiction Psychiatry, Brain
Injury Medicine, Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry, Consultation-Liaison
Psychiatry, Forensic Psychiatry,
Geriatric Psychiatry, Hospice and
Palliative Medicine, and Sleep
Medicine. We note that the ACGME list
of psychiatry subspecialties may
change, and we are proposing that the
list of psychiatry subspecialties
included on the ACGME website at the
time of application submission would
guide determination of which programs
CMS would consider psychiatry
subspecialties. In accordance with
statute, the subspecialty would have to
be accredited with psychiatry as a core
specialty. We are also proposing that the
remaining non-psychiatric slots would
be awarded to other approved medical
residency programs under 42 CFR
(2) Pro Rata Distribution and Limitation
on Individual Hospitals
As noted earlier in this preamble,
section 1886(h)(10)(B)(iii) of the Act
requires that each qualifying hospital
that submits a timely application under
subparagraph 1886(h)(10)(A) of the Act
would receive at least 1 (or a fraction of
1) of the positions made available under
section 1886(h)(10) of the Act before any
qualifying hospital receives more than 1
of such positions. Section
1886(h)(10)(C)(i) of the Act limits a
qualifying hospital to receiving no more
Number of Qualifying Applicants
We refer readers to section I.O.6. of
Appendix A of this proposed rule where
we discuss an alternative we considered
for the distribution of slots under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023.
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(3) Prioritization of Applications by
HPSA Score
If any residency slots remain after
distributing up to 1.00 FTE to each
qualifying hospital, we will prioritize
the distribution of the remaining slots
based on the HPSA score associated
with the program for which each
hospital is applying. Taking an example
from the table in the previous section,
if 180 qualifying hospitals apply under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, each
qualifying hospital would receive 1.00
FTE and the 20 remaining residency
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Pro Rata Share of 200 FTEs
positions would be prioritized for
distribution based on the HPSA score
associated with the program for which
each hospital is applying. We are
proposing the HPSA prioritization
methodology will be the methodology
we finalized for purposes of section 126
of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73434 through
73440). We believe including such a
prioritization will further support the
training of residents in underserved and
rural areas thereby helping to address
physician shortages and the larger issue
of health inequities in these areas. Using
this HPSA prioritization method, we are
proposing to limit a qualifying
hospital’s total award under section
4122 of the CAA, 2023, to 10.00
additional FTEs, consistent with section
1886(h)(10)(C)(i) of the Act. Consistent
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than 10 additional FTEs from those
authorized under section 1886(h)(10) of
the Act. As stated earlier in this
preamble, we are proposing that a
qualifying hospital is a Category One,
Category Two, Category Three, or
Category Four hospital, or one that
meets the definitions of more than one
of these categories. For purposes of
distributing residency slots under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, we are
proposing to first distribute slots by
prorating the available 200 positions
among all qualifying hospitals such that
each qualifying hospital receives up to
1.00 FTE, that is, 1.00 FTE or a fraction
of 1.00 FTE. We are proposing that if
residency positions are awarded based
on a fraction of 1.00 FTE, each
qualifying hospital would receive the
same FTE amount. Consistent with the
number of decimal places used for the
FTE slots awards in other distributions
such as section 126 of the CAA, 2021,
we are proposing to prorate the slot
awards under section 4122 of the CAA,
2023, rounded to two decimal places.
The table later in this section provides
examples of how the 200 slots would be
prorated based on the number of
qualifying applicants. Given the limited
number of residency positions available
and the number of hospitals we expect
to apply, we are proposing that a
hospital may not submit more than one
application under section 4122 of the
CAA, 2023.
Sfmt 4702
with the methodology we use for
implementing section 126 of the CAA,
2021, as part of determining eligibility
for additional slots, we would compare
the hospital’s FTE resident count to its
adjusted FTE resident cap on the cost
report worksheets submitted with its
application. If the hospital’s FTE count
is below its adjusted FTE cap, the
hospital would be ineligible for its full
FTE request, because the facility had not
yet fully utilized the already-allotted
slots. We note that in calculating the
adjusted FTE cap we do not consider
adjustments for Medicare GME
Affiliation Agreements since these
adjustments are temporary.
As finalized under section 126 of the
CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73435), for purposes
of prioritization under section 4122 of
c. Number of Residency Positions Made
Available to Hospitals and Limitation
on Individual Hospitals
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
the CAA, 2023, primary care and
mental-health-only population and
geographic HPSAs apply. As discussed
in the final rule implementing section
126 of the CAA, 2021, each year in
November, prior to the beginning of the
application period, CMS will request
HPSA ID and score information from
HRSA so that recent HPSA information
is available for use for the application
period. CMS will only use this HPSA
information, HPSA ID’s and their
corresponding HPSA scores, in order to
review and prioritize applications. To
assist hospitals in preparing for their
applications, the HPSA information
received from HRSA will also be posted
when the online application system
becomes available on the CMS website
AcuteInpatientPPS/DGME. The
information will also be posted on the
CMS website at:
Medicare/Medicare-Fee-for-ServicePayment/AcuteInpatientPPS/IPPSRegulations-and-Notices. Click on the
link on the left side of the screen
associated with the appropriate final
rule home page or ‘‘Acute Inpatient—
Files for Download’’ (86 FR 73445).
Given that residency slots under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023 are to be
distributed in FY 2026, we are
proposing that the HPSA IDs and scores
used for the prioritization of slots, if
applicable, would be the same HPSA
IDs and scores used for the
prioritization of slots under round 4 of
section 126 of the CAA, 2021. This
group would include HPSAs that are in
designated or proposed for withdrawal
status at the time the HPSA information
is received from HRSA. As noted in
section j. of this preamble, CMS will
request HPSA data from HRSA in
November 2024 to be used for purposes
of section 4122 of the CAA, 2023.
(4) Requirement for Rural Hospitals To
Expand Programs
Section 1886(h)(10)(C)(iii) of the Act
requires that if a hospital that receives
an increase in the otherwise applicable
resident limit under section 1886(h)(10)
of the Act would be eligible for an
adjustment to the otherwise applicable
resident limit for participation in a new
medical residency training program
under 42 CFR 413.79(e)(3) (or any
successor regulation), the hospital shall
ensure that any positions made
available under this paragraph are used
to expand an existing program of the
hospital, and not be utilized for new
medical residency training programs.
Under the regulations at 42 CFR
413.79(e)(3), a rural hospital may
receive an increase to its cap for
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participating in training residents in a
new program, which is effective after a
5-year cap-building period for that new
program. We note that if a rural hospital
were to receive a cap increase for a new
program under the 5-year cap-building
period as well as a cap increase for the
new program under section 4122 of the
CAA, 2023, there may be duplicative
awarding of cap slots for the same
program. Therefore, we are proposing to
implement section 1886(h)(10)(C)(iii) of
the Act by allowing rural hospitals to
apply for slots to expand an existing
program, but not for slots to begin a new
program. We are proposing that this
policy apply to both geographically
rural hospitals and hospitals that have
reclassified as rural under 42 CFR
412.103, since both groups of hospitals
are considered rural under section
1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(I), which we refer to
as Category One hospitals. Only
geographically urban hospitals that have
not reclassified as rural under 42 CFR
412.103 would be permitted to apply for
slots to begin a new program.
d. Distributing at Least 10 Percent of
Positions to Each of the Four Categories
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii) of the Act
requires the Secretary to distribute at
least 10 percent of the aggregate number
of total residency positions available to
each of the following categories of
hospitals discussed earlier. Given our
experience with distributing slots under
section 126 of the CAA, 2021, we expect
many hospitals will meet the
qualifications of more than one
category. We are proposing to collect
information regarding qualification for
all four categories in the distribution of
slots under section 4122 of the CAA,
2023, to allow us to confirm that we
have met this statutory requirement.
Like the CAA, 2023 provision, section
1886(h)(9)(B)(ii) of the Act from 2021
also requires the Secretary to distribute
at least 10 percent of the aggregate
number of total residency positions
available to the same four categories of
hospitals. Section 126 of the CAA, 2021,
makes available 1,000 residency
positions and therefore, at least 100
residency positions must be distributed
to hospitals qualifying in each of the
four categories. In the final rule
implementing section 126 of the CAA,
2021, we stated we would track progress
in meeting all statutory requirements
and evaluate the need to modify the
distribution methodology in future
rulemaking (86 FR 73441).
To date, we have completed the
distribution of residency slots under
rounds 1 and 2 of the section 126
distributions (refer to CMS’ DGME web
page for links to the round 1 and 2
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acute-inpatient-pps/direct-graduatemedical-education-dgme). In tracking
the statutory requirement that at least 10
percent of the aggregate number of total
residency positions (100 out 1,000 slots)
be distributed to hospitals qualifying in
each of the four categories, we have
determined that in rounds 1 and 2, only
12.76 DGME slots and 18.06 IME slots
were distributed to hospitals qualifying
under Category Four. For each of the
other 3 categories based on the slots
awarded in rounds 1 and 2, we
anticipate meeting the 10 percent
requirement. For example, we have
determined that in rounds 1 and 2,
374.59 DGME and 375.11 IME slots
were distributed to hospitals qualifying
under Category Three.
As discussed in the final rule
implementing section 126 of the CAA,
2021, an applicant hospital qualifies
under Category Four if it participates in
training residents in a program in which
the residents rotate for at least 50
percent of their training time to a
training site(s) physically located in a
primary care or mental-health-only
geographic HPSA. Specific to mentalhealth-only geographic HPSAs, the
program must be a psychiatric or a
psychiatric subspecialty program (86 FR
73430). Given that only 12.76 DGME
slots and 18.06 IME slots have been
distributed to hospitals qualifying under
Category Four, we are proposing an
amendment to our prioritization
methodology for rounds 4 and 5 of
section 126 of the CAA, 2021, to ensure
that at least 100 residency slots are
distributed to these hospitals. We are
not proposing an amendment to our
prioritization methodology for round 3
because the application period for
round 3 runs from January 9, 2024 to
March 31, 2024, prior to the date any
proposals in this rule might be finalized.
Our current methodology for
distributing residency slots under
section 126 prioritizes slot awards based
on the HPSA score associated with the
program for which the hospital is
applying, with higher scores receiving
priority (86 FR 73434 through 73440).
We are proposing that in rounds 4 and
5 of section 126 of the CAA, 2021, we
will prioritize the distribution of slots to
hospitals that qualify under Category
Four, regardless of HPSA score. The
remaining slots awarded under rounds 4
and 5 will be distributed using the
existing methodology based on HPSA
score (86 FR 73434 through 73440). That
is, the remaining slots will be
distributed to hospitals qualifying under
Category One, Category Two, or
Category Three, or hospitals that meet
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the definitions of more than one of these
categories, based on the HPSA score
associated with the program for which
each hospital is applying.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
e. Hospital Attestation to National CLAS
For section 126 of the CAA, 2021, we
finalized a policy that all applicant
hospitals be required to attest that they
meet the National Standards for
Culturally and Linguistically
Appropriate Services in Health and
Health Care (the National CLAS
Standards) (86 FR 73441). This was to
ensure that the section 126 distribution
broadened the availability of quality
care and services to all individuals,
regardless of preferred language,
cultures, and health beliefs. We stated
in the final rule that the National CLAS
standards are aligned with the
Administration’s commitment to
addressing healthcare barriers, which
include that residents are educated and
trained in culturally and linguistically
appropriate policies and practices. This
continues to be the case today.
Therefore, we are proposing the same
requirement for section 4122 of the
CAA, 2023, that we adopted for section
126 of the CAA, 2021, for the same
reason. Specifically, we are proposing
that in order to ensure that residents are
educated and trained in culturally and
linguistically appropriate policies and
practices, all applicant hospitals for
slots allocated under section 4122 of the
CAA, 2023, would be required to attest
that they meet the National CLAS
Standards to ensure that the section
4122 distribution broadens the
availability of quality care and services
to all individuals, regardless of
preferred language, cultures, and health
beliefs. (For more information on the
CLAS standards, please refer to https://
f. Payment of Additional FTE Residency
Positions Awarded Under Section 4122
of the CAA, 2023
Section 1886(h)(10)(D) requires that
CMS pay a hospital for additional
positions awarded under this paragraph
using the hospital’s existing direct GME
nonprimary care PRAs consistent with
the regulations at § 413.77. We note that
as specified in section 1886(h)(2)(D)(ii)
of the Act, for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 1993,
through September 30, 1995, each
hospital’s PRA for the previous cost
reporting period was not updated for
inflation for any FTE residents who
were not either a primary care or an
obstetrics and gynecology resident. As a
result, hospitals with both primary care
and obstetrics and gynecology residents
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and nonprimary care residents in FY
1994 or FY 1995 have two separate
PRAs: one for primary care and
obstetrics and gynecology and one for
nonprimary care. Those hospitals that
only trained primary care and/or
obstetrics and gynecology residents and
those that did not become teaching
hospitals until after this 2-year period,
have a single PRA for direct GME
payment purposes. Therefore, we are
proposing that for purposes of direct
GME payments for section 4122 of the
CAA, 2023, if a hospital has both a
primary care and obstetrics and
gynecology PRA and a nonprimary care
PRA, the nonprimary care PRA will be
used, and if a hospital has a single PRA,
that PRA will be used. Furthermore,
similar to the policy finalized for
purposes of direct GME payments under
section 126 of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR
73441), we are proposing that a hospital
that receives additional positions under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, would
be paid for the FTE residents counted
under those positions using the PRAs
for which payment is made for FTE
residents subject to the 1996 FTE cap.
We expect to revise Worksheet E–4 to
add a line on which hospitals will
report the number of FTEs by which the
hospital’s FTE caps were increased for
direct GME positions received under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023.
g. Aggregation of Additional FTE
Residency Positions Awarded Under
Section 4122 of the CAA, 2023
Section 1886(h)(10)(E) of the Act
states that the Secretary shall permit
hospitals receiving additional residency
positions attributable to the increase
provided under 1886(h)(10) to,
beginning in the fifth year after the
effective date of such increase, apply
such positions to the limitation amount
under paragraph (4)(F) that may be
aggregated pursuant to paragraph (4)(H)
among members of the same affiliated
group. Therefore, we are proposing that
FTE resident cap positions added under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, may be
used in a Medicare GME affiliation
agreement beginning in the 5th year
after the effective date of the FTE
resident cap positions consistent with
the regulations at 42 CFR 413.75(b) and
413.79(f). We are proposing to amend
paragraph (8) at 42 CFR 413.79(f) to
state that FTE resident cap slots added
under section 4122 of Public Law 117–
328 may be used in a Medicare GME
affiliation agreement beginning in the
fifth year after the effective date of those
FTE resident cap slots.
PO 00000
Frm 00287
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
h. Conforming Regulation Amendments
for 42 CFR 412.105 and 42 CFR 413.79
Section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, under
subsection (b), amends section
1886(d)(5)(B) of the Act to provide for
increases in FTE resident positions for
IME payment purposes. Specifically,
subsection (b) adds a new section
1886(d)(5)(B)(xiii) of the Act, which
states that for discharges occurring on or
after July 1, 2026, if additional payment
is made for FTE resident positions
distributed to a hospital for direct GME
purposes under section 1886(h)(10) of
the Act, the hospital will receive IME
payments based on the additional
residency positions awarded using the
same IME adjustment factor used for the
hospital’s other FTE residents. We are
proposing conforming amendments to
the IME regulations at 42 CFR
412.105(f)(1)(iv)(C)(4) to specify that
effective for portions of cost reporting
periods beginning on or after July 1,
2026, a hospital may qualify to receive
an increase in its otherwise applicable
FTE resident cap if the criteria specified
in 42 CFR 413.79(q) are met. We expect
to revise Worksheet E Part A to add a
line on which hospitals will report the
number of FTEs by which the hospital’s
FTE caps were increased for IME
positions received under section 4122 of
the CAA, 2023.
We are also proposing to amend our
regulations at 42 CFR 413.79 by adding
a paragraph (q) to specify that for
portions of cost reporting periods
beginning on or after July 1, 2026, a
hospital may receive an increase in its
otherwise applicable FTE resident cap
(as determined by CMS) if the hospital
meets the requirements and qualifying
criteria under section 1886(h)(10) of the
Act and if the hospital submits an
application to CMS within the
timeframe specified by CMS.
i. Prohibition on Administrative and
Judicial Review
Section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, under
subsection (c), prohibits administrative
and judicial review of actions taken
under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act.
Specifically, subsection (c) amends
section 1886(h)(7)(E) of the Act by
inserting ‘‘paragraph (10),’’ after
‘‘paragraph (8),’’ adding to the that
paragraph to the list of residency
distributions not subject to review.
Therefore, we are proposing that the
determinations and distribution of
residency positions under sections
1886(d)(5)(B)(xiii) and 1886(h)(10) of
the Act would be final and could not be
subject to administrative or judicial
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
j. Application Process for Receiving
Increases in FTE Resident Caps
All qualifying hospitals seeking
increases in their FTE resident caps
must submit timely applications for this
distribution by March 31, 2025. The
completed application must be
submitted to CMS using an online
application system, the Medicare
Electronic Application Request
Information SystemTM (MEARISTM).
The burden associated with this
information collection requirement is
the time and effort necessary to review
instructions and register for MEARISTM
as well as the time and effort to gather,
develop and submit various documents
associated with a formal request of
resident position increases from
teaching hospitals to CMS. The
aforementioned burden is subject to the
Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA); and as
discussed in section XII.B. of this
proposed rule, the burden associated
with these requests will be captured
under OMB control number 0938–1417
(expiration date March 31, 2025). We
will submit a revised information
collection estimate to OMB for approval
under OMB control number 0938–1417
(expiration date March 31, 2025).
We are proposing that the following
information be submitted as part of an
application for the application to be
considered complete:
• The name and Medicare provider
number (CCN) of the hospital.
• The name of the Medicare
Administrative Contractor to which the
hospital submits its Medicare cost
• The residency program for which
the hospital is applying to receive an
additional position(s).
• FTE resident counts for direct GME
and IME and FTE resident caps for
direct GME and IME reported by the
hospital in the most recent as-filed cost
report. (Including copies of Worksheet
E, Part A, and Worksheet E–4).
• If the hospital qualifies under
‘‘Demonstrated Likelihood’’ Criterion 1
(New Residency Program), which of the
following applies:
++ Application for accreditation of
the new residency program has been
submitted to the Accreditation Council
for Graduate Medical Education
(ACGME) (or application for approval of
the new residency program has been
submitted to the American Board of
Medical Specialties (ABMS)) by March
31, 2025.
++ The hospital has received written
correspondence from the ACGME (or
ABMS) acknowledging receipt of the
application for the new residency
program, or other types of
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communication concerning the new
program accreditation or approval
process (such as notification of a site
visit) by March 31, 2025.
• If the hospital qualifies under
‘‘Demonstrated Likelihood’’ Criterion 2
(Expansion of an Existing Residency
Program), which of the following
++ The hospital has received
approval by March 31, 2025 from an
appropriate accrediting body (the
ACGME or ABMS) to expand the
number of FTE residents in the program.
++ The hospital has submitted a
request by March 31, 2025 for a
permanent complement increase of the
existing residency training program.
++ The hospital currently has
unfilled positions in its residency
program that have previously been
approved by the ACGME and is now
seeking to fill those positions.
• Indication of the categories under
section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Act
under which the hospital believes itself
to qualify:
++ (I) The hospital is located in a
rural area (as defined in section
1886(d)(2)(D) of the Act) or is treated as
being located in a rural area pursuant to
section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act.
++ (II) The reference resident level of
the hospital (as specified in section
1886(h)(10)(F)(iv) of the Act) is greater
than the otherwise applicable resident
++ (III) The hospital is located in a
State with a new medical school (as
specified in section
1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(III)(aa) of the Act), or
with additional locations and branch
campuses established by medical
schools (as specified in section
1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(III)(bb) of the Act) on
or after January 1, 2000.
++ (IV) The hospital serves an area
designated as a HPSA under section
332(a)(1)(A) of the Public Health Service
Act, as determined by the Secretary.
• The HPSA (if any) served by the
residency program for which the
hospital is applying and the HPSA ID
for that HPSA.
• An attestation, signed and dated by
an officer or administrator of the
hospital who signs the hospital’s
Medicare cost report, stating the
‘‘I hereby certify that the hospital is a
Qualifying Hospital under section
1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Social Security
Act, and that there is a ‘‘demonstrated
likelihood’’ that the hospital will fill the
position(s) made available under section
1886(h)(10) of the Act within the first 5
training years beginning after the date
the increase would be effective.’’
PO 00000
Frm 00288
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
‘‘I hereby certify that (choose if
ll If my application is for a currently
accredited residency program, the
number of full-time equivalent (FTE)
positions requested by the hospital does
not exceed the number of positions for
which the program is accredited.
ll If my hospital currently has
unfilled positions in its residency
program that have previously been
approved by the ACGME, the number of
FTE positions requested by the hospital
does not exceed the number of
previously approved unfilled residency
ll If my application is for a residency
training program with more than one
participating site, I am only requesting
the FTE amount that corresponds with
the training occurring at my hospital,
and any FTE training occurring at
nonprovider settings consistent with 42
CFR 412.105(f)(1)(ii)(E) and 413.78(g).’’
‘‘I hereby certify that the hospital
agrees to increase the number of its
residency positions by the amount the
hospital’s FTE resident caps are
increased under section 4122 of Subtitle
C of the Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2023, if awarded positions under
section 1886(h)(10)(C)(ii) of the Act.’’
‘‘I hereby certify that (choose one):
ll In the geographic HPSA the
hospital is requesting that CMS use for
prioritization of its application, at least
50 percent of the program’s training
time based on resident rotation
schedules (or similar documentation)
occurs at training sites that treat the
population of the HPSA and are
physically located in the HPSA.
ll In the population HPSA the
hospital is requesting that CMS use for
prioritization of its application, at least
50 percent of the program’s training
time based on resident rotation
schedules (or similar documentation)
occurs at training sites that treat the
designated underserved population of
the HPSA and are physically located in
the HPSA.
ll In the geographic HPSA the
hospital is requesting that CMS use for
prioritization of its application, at least
5 percent of the program’s training time
based on resident rotation schedules (or
similar documentation) occurs at
training sites that treat the population of
the HPSA and are physically located in
the HPSA, and the program’s training
time at those sites plus the program’s
training time at Indian or Tribal
facilities located outside of the HPSA is
at least 50 percent of the program’s
training time.
ll In the population HPSA the
hospital is requesting that CMS use for
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
prioritization of its application, at least
5 percent of the program’s training time
based on resident rotation schedules (or
similar documentation) occurs at
training sites that treat the designated
underserved population of the HPSA
and are physically located in the HPSA,
and the program’s training time at those
sites plus the program’s training time at
Indian or Tribal facilities located
outside of that HPSA is at least 50
percent of the program’s training time.
ll None of the above apply.’’
‘‘I hereby certify that the hospital
meets the National Standards for
Culturally and Linguistically
Appropriate Services in Health and
Health Care (the National CLAS
‘‘I hereby certify that I understand
that misrepresentation or falsification of
any information contained in this
application may be punishable by
criminal, civil, and administrative
action, fine and/or imprisonment under
Federal law. Furthermore, I understand
that if services identified in this
application were provided or procured
through payment directly or indirectly
of a kickback or where otherwise illegal,
criminal, civil, and administrative
action, fines and/or imprisonment may
result. I also certify that, to the best of
my knowledge and belief, it is a true,
correct, and complete application
prepared from the books and records of
the hospital in accordance with
applicable instructions, except as noted.
I further certify that I am familiar with
the laws and regulations regarding
Medicare payment to hospitals for the
training of interns and residents.’’
The completed application must be
submitted to CMS using the online
application system MEARISTM. A link
to the online application system as well
as instructions for accessing the system
and completing the online application
process will be made available on the
CMS Direct GME website at: https://
We note that if the hospital is
applying using a HPSA ID, the HPSA
score associated with that ID will
automatically populate in the
application module. In preparing their
applications for additional residency
positions, hospitals should refer to
HRSA’s Find Shortage Areas by Address
( to obtain the HPSA ID
of the HPSA served by the program and
include this ID in its application. Using
this HPSA Find Shortage Areas by
Address, applicants may enter the
address of a training location (included
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on the hospital’s rotation schedule or
similar documentation), provided the
location chosen participates in training
residents in a program where at least 50
percent (5 percent if an Indian and
Tribal facility is included) of the
training time occurs in the HPSA. In
November 2024, prior to the beginning
of the application period, CMS will
request HPSA ID and score information
from HRSA so that recent HPSA
information is available for use for the
application period. CMS will only use
this HPSA information, HPSA IDs and
their corresponding HPSA scores, in
order to review and prioritize
applications. To assist hospitals in
preparing for their applications, the
HPSA information received from HRSA
will also be posted when the MEARISTM
application module becomes available
on the CMS website at: https://
The information will also be posted
on the CMS website at: https://
Click on the link on the left side of the
screen associated with the appropriate
final rule home page or ‘‘Acute
Inpatient—Files for Download.’’
3. Proposed Modifications to the Criteria
for New Residency Programs and
Requests for Information
Section 1886(h)(4)(H)(i) of the Act
requires CMS to establish rules for
applying the direct GME cap in the case
of medical residency training programs
established on or after January 1, 1995.
Under section 1886(d)(5)(B)(viii) of the
Act, this provision also applies for
purposes of the IME adjustment.
Accordingly, we issued regulations at
§§ 413.79(e)(1) through (3) discussing
the direct GME cap calculation for a
hospital that begins training residents in
a new medical residency training
program(s) on or after January 1, 1995.
The same regulations apply for purposes
of the IME cap calculation at
§ 412.105(f)(1)(vii). CMS implemented
these statutory requirements in the
August 29, 1997 Federal Register (62 FR
46005) and in the May 12, 1998 Federal
Register (63 FR 26333). The calculation
of both the DGME cap and IME cap for
new programs is discussed in the
August 31, 2012 Federal Register (77 FR
Section 413.79(l) defines a new
medical residency training program as
‘‘a medical residency that receives
initial accreditation by the appropriate
accrediting body or begins training
residents on or after January 1, 1995.’’
PO 00000
Frm 00289
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
In the August 27, 2009 Federal Register
(74 FR 43908 through 43917), CMS
clarified the definition of a ‘‘new’’
residency program and adopted
supporting criteria regarding whether or
not a residency program can be
considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
determining if a hospital can receive
additional direct GME and/or IME cap
slots for that program. CMS adopted
these criteria in part to prevent
situations where a program at an
existing teaching hospital would be
transferred to a new teaching hospital,
resulting in cap slots created for the
same program at two different hospitals.
To be considered a ‘‘new’’ program for
which new cap slots would be created,
a previously non-teaching hospital
would have to ensure that the program
meets three primary criteria (74 FR
• The residents are new, and
• The program director is new, and
• The teaching staff are new.
Over the years, we have received
questions regarding the application of
these criteria, such as whether CMS
would still consider a program to be
new for cap adjustment purposes if the
three criteria were partially, but not
fully, met. We have answered such
questions by stating that, generally, a
residency program’s newness would not
be compromised as long as the
‘‘overwhelming majority’’ of the
residents or staff are not coming from
previously existing programs in that
same specialty.
The question of what constitutes a
‘‘new’’ program for purposes of
receiving additional Medicare-funded
GME slots has taken on increasing
significance in light of the ability of
urban hospitals to reclassify as rural
under 42 CFR 412.103 for IME purposes,
and thus receive additional IME cap
slots for any new program started. To
continue to ensure that newly funded
cap slots are created appropriately, we
ultimately would like to establish in
rulemaking additional criteria for
determining program newness.
However, we are not yet certain about
some of the criteria that should be
proposed, and so we are soliciting
comments to gain additional clarity on
best practices in these areas.
Accordingly, we discuss the items we
are proposing and the items on which
we are soliciting public input through a
Request for Information (RFI).
a. Newness of Residents
Generally, when a hospital is creating
a new residency program, it recruits
individuals that have recently graduated
from medical school, have no previous
residency training experience, and
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
would be entering the program as first
year (PGY1) residents. However, new
programs sometimes receive inquiries
from applicants that have training
experience already, but for a variety of
reasons need to transfer to another
program. If the program that such a
resident wishes to join is still within the
5-year cap building period, then,
consistent with the criteria adopted in
the August 27, 2009 final rule, the
program director of this ‘‘new’’ program
should be judicious with regard to
accepting residents who have received
previous training in the same specialty.
In order to maintain the classification as
a ‘‘new’’ residency program, the
‘‘overwhelming majority’’ of residents in
the program must be new. We believe it
would be useful for the provider
community to have a concrete standard
to refer to in determining whether the
‘‘overwhelming majority’’ of residents in
a program are in fact new. Therefore, we
propose that, in order for a residency
program to be considered new, at least
90 percent of the individual resident
trainees (not FTEs) must not have
previous training in the same specialty
as the new program. For example, if
there were 50 trainees (not FTEs)
entering the program over the course of
the 5-year cap building period, then at
least 45 of the trainees (90 percent of 50)
must enter the program as brand new
first year residents in that particular
specialty. If more than 10 percent of the
trainees (not FTEs) transferred from
another program at a different hospital/
sponsor in the same specialty, even
during their first year of training, we
propose that this would render the
program ineligible for new cap slots.
(Note—we would apply standard
rounding when 90 percent of a number
does not equal a whole number,
rounding down to the nearest whole
number when the remainder is less than
0.5, and rounding up to the nearest
whole number when the remainder is
0.5 or above. For example, if there were
48 trainees (not FTEs) entering the
program over the course of the 5-year
cap building period, then at least 43 of
the trainees (90 percent of 48 = 43.2,
which rounds down to 43) must enter
the program as brand new first year
residents in that particular specialty. If
there were 45 trainees (not FTEs)
entering the program, then at least 41 of
the trainees (90 percent of 45 = 40.5,
which rounds up to 41) must enter the
program as brand new first year
residents in that particular specialty.)
For example, if a new program is in
internal medicine, then at least 90
percent of the entering residents must
not have previously enrolled and
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trained in an internal medicine
program. If a resident was formally
enrolled in an internal medicine
program (either preliminary or
categorical), even if that resident
switched programs during their first
year of training, then we would consider
that resident to have had previous
training in that same specialty.
Conversely, if an individual was a
resident in a specialty other than
internal medicine, and that resident
switched into the new internal medicine
program and began training in the new
internal medicine program as a PGY1,
then that resident would not be
considered to have had previous
training in the same specialty, and
would be counted as a brand new
resident. (Note, we are distinguishing
between a resident that is not enrolled
in an internal medicine program but
may have done a rotation in internal
medicine as part of the requirements for
a different specialty, from a resident that
actually was enrolled and participated
in an internal medicine program,
consistent with the definition of
‘‘resident’’ at 42 CFR 413.75(b). In this
example, we are generally focusing on
individuals who were accepted,
enrolled, and participated in internal
medicine; we are generally not
concerned with an individual that was
enrolled, accepted, and participated in a
program other than internal medicine
but did a rotation in internal medicine.)
We propose that the proportion of brand
new residents in a residency program
would be determined by the MAC based
on all the individuals (not FTEs) that
enter the program as a whole at any
point during the 5-year cap building
period, after the end of the 5 years.
We are proposing a threshold of 90
percent for new residents as that is
generally consistent with the concept of
an ‘‘overwhelming majority,’’ and
because we have precedent for such a
threshold in the regulations for section
5506 of the Affordable Care Act, which
State that a hospital is considered to
have taken over an ‘‘entire’’ program
from a closed hospital if it can
demonstrate that it took in 90 percent or
more of the FTE residents in that
program. Accordingly, for a program to
be considered ‘‘new’’ for the purpose of
determining if a hospital can receive
additional direct GME and/or IME cap
slots for that program, we propose that
at least 90 percent of the individual
resident trainees (not FTEs) in the
program as a whole must not have had
previous training in the same specialty
as the new program. If more than 10
percent of the trainees (not FTEs)
transferred from another program at a
PO 00000
Frm 00290
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
different hospital/sponsor in the same
specialty, even during their first year of
training, we propose that this would
render the program as a whole (but not
the entire hospital or its other new
programs, if applicable) ineligible for
new cap slots.
In addition, we understand that there
may be certain challenges that are
unique to small or rural-based programs
in developing new residencies, and that
meeting a proposed threshold of 90
percent of resident trainees with no
previous training experience in the
specialty may be more difficult for those
programs. Accordingly, we are soliciting
comments on what should be
considered a ‘‘small’’ program and what
percentage threshold or other approach
regarding new resident trainees should
be applied to these programs. We solicit
comment on defining a small residency
program as a program accredited for 16
or fewer resident positions, because 16
positions would encompass the
minimum number of resident positions
required for accredited programs in
certain specialties, such as primary care
and general surgery, that have
historically experienced physician
shortages, and therefore have been
prioritized by Congress and CMS for
receipt of slots under sections 5503 and
5506 of the Affordable Care Act.
b. Newness of Faculty and Program
Director—RFI (Request for Information)
Regarding the selection of teaching
staff and a program director, we
understand that it would be reasonable
for a new program to wish to hire some
staff that already have experience
teaching residents and operating a
program. Therefore, to accommodate the
hiring of some experienced staff, we
believe that the percentage of faculty
with no previous experience teaching in
a program in the same specialty should
probably be less than 90 percent, but we
are uncertain what the appropriate
threshold should be. At one extreme, we
can envision a scenario where
recruitment of most or all of the
experienced staff from a particular
existing program may even result in the
disintegration of and possible closure of
that existing program. Such a situation
could be chaotic to that hospital and
leave residents scrambling for
alternative sites to complete their
training. Consequently, we do believe
there should be some threshold for the
relative proportion of non-experienced
and experienced staff at a new residency
program, and we are requesting
information from commenters regarding
what a reasonable threshold might be.
We also are seeking comment on the
variables involved in examining the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
newness of teaching staff. We note that
the ACGME defines ‘‘Core Faculty’’ 156
in its Glossary of Terms as physician
teachers that devote at least 15 hours
per week to a residency program, or 10
hours per week to a fellowship.
However, in addition to other minimum
hours for staff, there may be other types
of faculty or staff that CMS should
consider to be involved in a program.
We are therefore soliciting information
from commenters regarding whether any
threshold for determining the newness
of teaching staff for a new program
should consider only the ACGME’s
definition of ‘‘Core Faculty’’, or count
non-core faculty as well.
While we are uncertain what
percentage the threshold for
experienced faculty should be, we are
suggesting a threshold for commenters
to consider. We suggest that up to 50
percent of the teaching staff in a new
program may come from a previously
existing program in the same specialty,
but if so, each of those staff members
should come from different previously
existing programs. For example, if there
are 6 teaching staff total, then at least 3
must have no previous experience
teaching in the same specialty, while up
to 3 may come from previously existing
programs in the same specialty;
however, each of the 3 experienced
faculty would have to come from a
different previously existing program.
That is, one may come from Hospital
A’s existing program, another could
come from Hospital B’s existing
program, and a third could come from
Hospital C’s existing program; but no
more than one could come from any of
Hospital A, Hospital B, or Hospital C. If
two were to come from Hospital A, we
suggest that would not be permissible.
We have also been asked whether it
would make a difference if a faculty
member had previous teaching
experience, but a certain amount of time
has passed since they taught in a
program in the same specialty (for
example, because they accepted a nonteaching job in a different hospital, or
the program where they previously
taught has ceased to operate). As
mentioned previously, we would want
to avoid loss of most or all of an existing
156 Core Faculty: All physician faculty members
who have a significant role in the education of
residents/fellows and who have documented
qualifications to instruct and supervise. Core
faculty members devote at least 15 hours per week
to resident, or 10 hours per week to fellow,
education and administration. All core faculty
members should evaluate the competency domains,
work closely with and support the program
director, assist in developing and implementing
evaluation systems, and teach and advise residents/
fellows. (
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program’s experienced faculty.
However, we believe this concern might
be mitigated if a faculty member has not
been associated with an existing
program for a certain amount of time, or
if the program in question has closed.
In the August 27, 2009 Federal
Register, we discussed the specific
scenario in which a hospital
discontinued one of its previously
existing residency programs, and then
established a program in the same
specialty at some time in the future:
‘‘[I]f a hospital wishes to begin
training residents in a particular
program in which it trained residents in
the past, but the program has not
trained residents for the past 10 years,
the program could be subsequently
considered a new program. We believe
that a program that is closed for several
years and then reopens is separate and
distinct from the previous program, and
would likely not involve any residents
that had trained in the previous
program, even though, as the
commenter indicated, the directors and
teaching staff may be the same.
(However, we note that it may be
necessary to determine whether the
program director and the teaching staff
have been training [dental] residents
during the past 10 years at another
training site in order to determine
whether the program at the hospital that
is beginning to train residents after a 10year hiatus is truly a new program)’’ (74
FR 43916, emphasis added).
We continue to believe that if a
hospital wishes to begin training
residents in a particular program in
which it trained residents in the past,
but the program has not trained
residents for the past 10 years, the
program could be subsequently
considered a new program. More
generally, we believe that, in
determining whether the presence of a
faculty member might jeopardize the
newness of a new residency program, it
may make sense to consider whether a
certain amount of time has passed since
that faculty member last taught in
another program in the same specialty.
We are therefore soliciting comments on
whether 10 years, or some other amount
of time, would be an appropriate period
during which a faculty member should
not have had experience teaching in a
program in the same specialty. For
example, it might make sense to
consider whether a staff member taught
in another program in the same
specialty at any point during the 5 years
prior to their employment in the ‘‘new’’
program, as 5 years is the time
associated with building a new FTE cap,
but not to consider teaching experience
from more than 5 years ago.
PO 00000
Frm 00291
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Sfmt 4702
In addition, since we understand that
a new teaching hospital may also want
to recruit an experienced program
director, we are soliciting comments on
whether it would make sense to define
a similar period of time (for example, 10
years or 5 years) during which an
individual must not have been
employed as the program director in a
program in the same specialty. In
formulating suggestions, commenters
may want to consider whether the
suggested period of time (for example,
10 years or 5 years) aligns or conflicts
with the ACGME common program
requirements, which State that program
director qualifications ‘‘must include
specialty expertise and at least three
years of documented educational and/or
administrative experience, or
qualifications acceptable to the Review
Committee’’ (
Finally, we understand that there may
be unique issues that small or rural
residencies face in recruiting qualified
program directors and faculty to ensure
success during the early years of the
residency. In small programs, when
there may only be 2 or 3 core faculty
members, flexibility may be necessary
in the proportions of new and
experienced teaching staff. As stated
previously, we are soliciting comments
on what should be considered a ‘‘small’’
program (for example, programs
accredited for 16 or fewer positions),
and what staff threshold or other
approach should be applied to small,
which may include rural, programs.
To summarize, we are soliciting
comments on the following points
regarding the determination of whether
the faculty and program director are
• What is a reasonable threshold for
the relative proportions of experienced
and new teaching staff? Should there be
different thresholds for small, which
may include rural, residency programs?
• Should a threshold for determining
newness of teaching staff for a new
program consider only Core Faculty, or
non-core faculty (or key non-faculty
staff) as well?
• We seek feedback on our suggestion
that 50 percent of the teaching staff may
come from a previously existing
program in the same specialty, but if so,
the 50 percent should comprise staff
that each came from different previously
existing programs in the specialty.
• In considering whether the
presence of a faculty member might
jeopardize the newness of a new
program, would it be reasonable to
consider whether 10 years or 5 years, or
some other amount of time, has passed
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
during which that faculty member has
not had experience teaching in a
program in the same specialty?
• Would it make sense to define a
similar period of time (for example, 10
years or 5 years) during which an
individual must not have been
employed as the program director in a
program in the same specialty? Should
there be a different criterion for small,
which may include rural, residency
c. Commingling of Residents in a New
and an Existing Program—RFI
We have learned that it is not
uncommon for residents in separately
accredited programs, but in the same
specialty, to meet and share some
clinical and didactic training
experiences, which for the purpose of
this discussion we refer to as
‘‘commingling.’’ For example, residents
in two separately accredited
anesthesiology programs may receive
training simultaneously in a certain
niche surgical competency, and may
collaborate in certain shared scholarly
activities required for completion of the
anesthesiology residency. This is an
issue different from the newness of
residents, as the residents in this case
are separately matched into distinct
programs, yet have certain current
training experiences in common. We
believe this cooperative approach may
be reasonable from an educational
perspective, yet when taken to an
extreme, may result in the inappropriate
creation of new cap slots for a program
that looks more like an expansion of an
existing program rather than the
formation of a truly new program. As an
extreme example, we consider a
hypothetical case in which a ‘‘new’’
program and an existing program share
100% of resident rotations, using the
same faculty, and rotating
simultaneously to the same locations. In
this case, the ‘‘new’’ program would be
just a ‘‘carbon copy’’ of the existing one.
On the other hand, even a small
percentage of shared rotations can be
concerning, as shown under the
following scenario:
Assume New Teaching Hospital
(NTH) A starts a new Family Medicine
residency program. Residents in the
new program spend 90 percent of their
time at NTH Hospital A, and 10 percent
at Existing Teaching Hospital (ETH) B.
ETH B has reclassified as rural under 42
CFR 412.103, and is eligible for an IME
cap adjustment for any portion of
participation in the new program. NTH
A hires a brand new program director
and brand new faculty, and all the
residents are new, so the newness
criteria we adopted in the August 27,
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2009 Federal Register are satisfied.
However, during the 10 percent of total
time they spend at ETH B, residents in
the program share their rotations with
residents in ETH B’s existing Family
Medicine program.
In this case, commingling accounts for
only 10 percent of total program time,
but for 100 percent of the time at ETH
B’s existing Family Medicine program.
Under current regulations at 42 CFR
413.79(e)(1)(vi), ETH B would receive a
one-tenth share of the overall IME cap
increase, even though that 10 percent of
resident time is functionally an
expansion of its existing Family
Medicine program. We are soliciting
comments on whether and what
amount, if any, of commingling is
appropriate among residents in an
existing program and residents in a
program where training is occurring at
a hospital that may be eligible for an
FTE cap increase for training residents
in a new program.
d. One Hospital Sponsoring Two
Programs in the Same Specialty—RFI
We have been asked whether it is
permissible for one hospital to operate
two programs in the same specialty. We
have heard this commonly occurs in
states with more sparsely populated
areas, where there is often one dominant
academic medical center/sponsor of
residency programs in the state, and that
sponsor creates more than one program
in a specialty to provide access to care
in different areas of the state. We have
answered this question by saying that if
each program in fact has separate
program directors, and separate staff,
and separately matched residents, then
it is permissible for one hospital to
sponsor two programs in the same
However, we are taking the
opportunity to solicit comments on why
hospitals might want to train residents
in separately accredited programs, but
in the same specialty, and the degree to
which this happens in general, in both
sparsely populated and more densely
populated areas. In conjunction with
our solicitation of previous comments
regarding commingling of residents in
different programs in the same
specialty, and our concerns regarding
new FTE caps created for programs that
may not truly be new at hospitals with
an urban-to-rural reclassification, we are
interested in hearing from commenters
regarding the reasons why hospitals
may sponsor more than one program in
the same specialty, including but not
limited to Rural Track Programs, and
the degree to which commingling may
occur in these programs.
PO 00000
Frm 00292
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
4. Technical Fixes to the DGME
In the course of our ongoing
implementation of policies concerning
payment for graduate medical
education, we have become aware of the
existence of several technical errors in
the direct GME regulations at 42 CFR
413.75 through 413.83. We therefore
propose to correct these technical errors,
as discussed later.
a. Correction of Cross-References to
§ 413.79(f)(7)
In the FY 2010 IPPS final rule (74 FR
43918 and 44001, August 27, 2009), we
amended 42 CFR 413.79(f) by adding a
new paragraph (f)(6) and redesignating
existing paragraph (f)(6) as paragraph
(f)(7). The new § 413.79(f)(6) sets forth
requirements for participation in a
Medicare GME affiliated group by a
hospital that is new after July 1 and
begins training residents for the first
time after the July 1 start date of an
academic year, while the redesignated
§ 413.79(f)(7) contains the regulations
pertaining to emergency Medicare GME
affiliated groups.
We have discovered that, after
redesignating the former § 413.79(f)(6)
as § 413.79(f)(7), we inadvertently did
not update the cross-references to this
paragraph at §§ 413.75(b) and 413.78.
Accordingly, in this proposed rule, we
are proposing to revise the language of
the definition of ‘‘Emergency Medicare
GME affiliated group’’ under
§ 413.75(b), as well as the language at
§§ 413.78(e)(3)(iii) and (f)(3)(iii), by
correcting the cross-references to read
‘‘§ 413.79(f)(7).’’
b. Removal of Obsolete Regulations
Under § 413.79(d)(6)
Under 42 CFR 413.79(h), a hospital
may receive a temporary adjustment to
its FTE cap to reflect displaced residents
added as a result of the closure of
another hospital or residency training
program. Furthermore, under
§ 413.79(d)(6)(i) (previously
§ 413.79(d)(6)), displaced residents
counted under a temporary cap
adjustment are added to the receiving
hospital’s FTE count after application of
the three-year rolling average for the
duration of the time that the displaced
residents are training at the receiving
In the November 24, 2010 final rule
(75 FR 72212 through 72238), we
implemented the provisions of section
5506 of the Affordable Care Act, which
directs the Secretary to redistribute
Medicare GME residency slots from
teaching hospitals that close after March
23, 2008. A hospital that had previously
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
accepted residents displaced by a
teaching hospital closure and received a
temporary cap adjustment for training
those residents under § 413.79(h) may
subsequently apply for a permanent cap
increase under section 5506.
As part of the implementation of
section 5506, we finalized several
ranking criteria to prioritize
applications, and specified the dates on
which awards would become effective
for hospitals that apply under each of
those criteria. In particular, we finalized
Ranking Criteria One and Three, which
describe applicant hospitals that take
over, respectively, an entire residency
program(s) or part of a residency
program(s) from the closed hospital.
Consistent with the policy finalized in
the November 24, 2010 final rule, a
permanent cap increase awarded under
Ranking Criterion One or Three would
generally override any temporary cap
adjustment that the applying hospital
may have received under § 413.79(h),
with the result that those resident slots
would immediately become subject to
the three-year rolling average
calculation (75 FR 72224).
We also stated, however, that we
believed it would still be appropriate to
allow a hospital that ultimately would
qualify to receive slots permanently
under any of the ranking criteria and
that took in displaced residents to
receive temporary cap adjustments and,
in a limited manner, an exemption from
the three-year rolling average. Therefore,
we finalized a policy that, in the first
cost reporting period in which the
applying hospital takes in displaced
residents and the hospital closure
occurs, the applying hospital could
receive a temporary cap adjustment and
an exemption from the rolling average
for the displaced residents. Then,
effective beginning with the cost
reporting period following the one in
which the hospital closure occurred, the
applying hospital’s permanent cap
increase would take effect, and there
would be no exemption from the rolling
average (75 FR 72225 and 72263).
Therefore, we amended § 413.79(d) by
redesignating the existing paragraph
(d)(6) as (d)(6)(i) and by adding new
(d)(6)(ii), which states stated that if a
hospital received a permanent increase
in its FTE resident cap under
§ 413.79(o)(1) due to redistribution of
slots from a closed hospital, the
displaced FTE residents that the
hospital received would be added to the
FTE count after applying the averaging
rules only in the first cost reporting
period in which the receiving hospital
trained the displaced FTE residents. In
subsequent cost reporting periods, the
displaced FTE residents would be
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included in the receiving hospital’s
rolling average calculation.
Subsequently, in the FY 2013 IPPS
final rule (77 FR 53437 through 53443,
August 31, 2012), we finalized revisions
to our policy concerning the effective
dates of section 5506 cap increases
awarded under the various ranking
criteria. In particular, we finalized a
policy that slots awarded under Ranking
Criteria One and Three become effective
seamlessly with the expiration of
temporary cap adjustments under
§ 413.79(h) (that is, on the day after the
graduation date(s) of the displaced
residents). As stated in that final rule,
under this revised policy, permanent
cap increases under section 5506 would
no longer ‘‘replace’’ temporary cap
adjustments under § 413.79(h), and
exemptions from the three-year rolling
average would no longer be suspended
as a consequence of the receipt of
permanent slots (77 FR 53441).
Under the policy finalized in the FY
2013 IPPS final rule, there is no longer
any need for the regulation at
§ 413.79(d)(6)(ii), which would apply in
the situation where a permanent cap
increase under section 5506 would
otherwise have overridden a temporary
cap adjustment for displaced residents
under § 413.79(h). Instead, our policy is
that displaced residents are excluded
from the receiving hospital’s rolling
average calculation for the duration of
the time that they are training at the
receiving hospital, as specified at
§ 413.79(6)(i). However, we have
discovered that we neglected to make
the appropriate revisions to the
regulations text to reflect our current
Accordingly, we are proposing to
amend § 413.79(d)(6) by removing the
no longer applicable paragraph (d)(6)(ii),
and by redesignating existing (d)(6)(i) as
c. Correction of Typographical Errors at
§ 413.79(k)(2)(i)
In the final rule published on
December 27, 2021, as part of the
implementation of section 127 of the
CAA, 2021 (Pub. L. 116–260), we
finalized various changes throughout
the regulations text at 42 CFR 413.79(k),
‘‘Residents training in rural track
programs’’ (86 FR 73445 through 73457
and 73514 through 73515). We have
discovered that the final sentence of
§ 413.79(k)(2)(i), as amended in that
rule, incorrectly states, ‘‘For Rural Track
Programs prior to the start of the urban
or rural hospital’s cost reporting period
that coincides with or follows the start
of the sixth program year of the rural
track’s existence . . .’’
PO 00000
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The beginning of the quoted sentence
should instead refer to ‘‘cost reporting
periods beginning on or after October 1,
2022,’’ and should otherwise be
analogous to the similar text that
appears at § 413.79(k)(1)(i). Accordingly,
we are proposing to revise
§ 413.79(k)(2)(i) to read as follows: ‘‘For
cost reporting periods beginning on or
after October 1, 2022, before the start of
the urban or rural hospital’s cost
reporting period that coincides with or
follows the start of the sixth program
year of the Rural Track Program’s
existence, the rural track FTE limitation
for each hospital will be the actual
number of FTE residents training in the
Rural Track Program at the urban or
rural hospital and, subject to the
requirements under § 413.78(g), at the
rural nonprovider site(s).’’
5. Notice of Closure of Teaching
Hospital and Opportunity To Apply for
Available Slots
a. Background
Section 5506 of the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111–
148), as amended by the Health Care
and Education Reconciliation Act of
2010 (Pub. L. 111–152) (collectively,
‘‘Affordable Care Act’’), authorizes the
Secretary to redistribute residency slots
after a hospital that trained residents in
an approved medical residency program
closes. Specifically, section 5506 of the
Affordable Care Act amended the Act by
adding subsection (vi) to section
1886(h)(4)(H) of the Act and modifying
language at section 1886(d)(5)(B)(v) of
the Act, to instruct the Secretary to
establish a process to increase the FTE
resident caps for other hospitals based
upon the full-time equivalent (FTE)
resident caps in teaching hospitals that
closed on or after a date that is 2 years
before the date of enactment (that is,
March 23, 2008). In the CY 2011
Outpatient Prospective Payment System
(OPPS) final rule with comment period
(75 FR 72264), we established
regulations at 42 CFR 413.79(o) and an
application process for qualifying
hospitals to apply to CMS to receive
direct GME and IME FTE resident cap
slots from the hospital that closed. We
made certain additional modifications
to § 413.79 in the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (77 FR 53434), and we
made changes to the section 5506
application process in the FY 2015
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 50122
through 50134). The procedures we
established apply both to teaching
hospitals that closed on or after March
23, 2008, and on or before August 3,
2010, and to teaching hospitals that
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
close after August 3, 2010 (75 FR
b. Notice of Closure of McLaren St.
Luke’s Hospital Located in Maumee,
OH, and the Application Process—
Round 21
CMS has learned of the closure of
McLaren St. Luke’s Hospital Located in
Maumee, OH (CCN 360090).
Accordingly, this notice serves to notify
the public of the closure of this teaching
hospital and initiate another round of
the section 5506 application and
selection process. This round will be the
21st round (‘‘Round 21’’) of the
application and selection process. The
table in this section of this rule contains
the identifying information and IME and
direct GME FTE resident caps for the
closed teaching hospital, which are part
of the Round 21 application process
under section 5506 of the Affordable
Care Act.
Provider Name
McLaren St. Luke's Hospital
Citv and State
c. Notice of Closure of South City
Hospital Located in St. Louis, MO, and
the Application Process—Round 22
CMS has learned of the closure of
South City Hospital, located in St.
Louis, MO (CCN 260210). Accordingly,
Terminatin!! Date
Mav 9, 2023
this notice serves to notify the public of
the closure of this teaching hospital and
initiate another round (‘‘Round 22’’) of
the application and selection process.
This round will be the 22nd round
(‘‘Round 22’’) of the application and
selection process. The table in this
IME FTE Resident
FTE Resident
section of this rule contains the
identifying information and IME and
direct GME FTE resident caps for the
closed teaching hospital, which are part
of the Round 22 application process
under section 5506 of the Affordable
Care Act.
Provider Name
South City Hospital
Citv and State
St. Louis,MO
Terminating Date
November 18, 2023
IME FTE Resident Cap
(including+/- Sec. 5503 of
the Affordable Care Act 1
73.00 - 5.46 sec. 5503
reduction= 67.54 2
Direct GME FTE
Resident Cap
1 Section 5503 of the Affordable Care Act of 2010, Pub. L. 111-148 and Pub. L. 111-152, redistributed unused IME and direct GME residency
slots effective July I, 2011.
2 South City Hospital's 1996 IME FTE resident cap is 73.00. Under section 5503 of the Affordable Care Act, the hospital received a reduction of
5.46 to its IME FTE resident cap: 73.00- 5.46 = 67.54.
The application period for hospitals
to apply for slots under section 5506 of
the Affordable Care Act is 90 days
following notice to the public of a
hospital closure (77 FR 53436).
Therefore, hospitals that wish to apply
for and receive slots from the previously
noted hospitals’ FTE resident caps must
submit applications using the electronic
application intake system, Medicare
Electronic Application Request
Information SystemTM (MEARISTM),
with application submissions for Round
21 and Round 22 due no later than July
9, 2024. The Section 5506 application
can be accessed at: https://
CMS will only accept Round 21 and
Round 22 applications submitted via
MEARISTM. Applications submitted
through any other method will not be
considered. Within MEARISTM, we have
built in several resources to support
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• Please refer to the ‘‘Resources’’
section for guidance regarding the
application submission process at:
• Technical support is available
under ‘‘Useful Links’’ at the bottom of
the MEARISTM web page.
• Application related questions can
be submitted to CMS using the form
available under ‘‘Contact’’ at: https://
Application submission through
MEARISTM will not only help CMS
track applications and streamline the
review process, but it will also create
efficiencies for applicants when
compared to a paper submission
We have not established a deadline by
when CMS will issue the final
determinations to hospitals that receive
slots under section 5506 of the
Affordable Care Act. However, we
review all applications received by the
deadline and notify applicants of our
determinations as soon as possible.
PO 00000
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We refer readers to the CMS Direct
Graduate Medical Education (DGME)
website at:
direct-graduate-medical-educationdgme. Hospitals should access this
website for a list of additional section
5506 guidelines for the policy and
procedures for applying for slots, and
the redistribution of the slots under
sections 1886(h)(4)(H)(vi) and
1886(d)(5)(B)(v) of the Act.
6. Reminder of Core-Based Statistical
Area (CBSA) Changes and Application
to GME Policies
In section III.B. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss the proposed
changes to the most recent OMB
standards for delineating statistical
areas announced in the July 21, 2023
OMB Bulletin No. 23–01. We refer to
these statistical areas as Core-Based
Statistical Areas (CBSAs). As a result of
the new OMB delineations, some
teaching hospitals may be redesignated
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d. Application Process for Available
Resident Slots
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
from being located in a rural CBSA to
an urban CBSA, or from being located
in an urban CBSA to a rural CBSA. In
the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(79 FR 50111, August 22, 2014), we last
discussed the effects of the CBSA
changes on IME and DGME payment
policy, as at that time, we implemented
the changes to the statistical areas
resulting from the February 28, 2013,
OMB Bulletin No. 13–01. We refer
readers to the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule to learn more about CMS’
policies regarding changes to the CBSAs
and how IME and DGME payments are
impacted. We emphasize that we are not
currently proposing any additional
policies as a result of the latest CBSA
changes; we are merely providing a
reference for readers that may have
questions about our existing policies. As
a general overview, the FY 2015 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule discusses the effect
on the FTE caps of a hospital that was
located in a rural CBSA, either at the
time that it started training residents in
a new residency program, or was
located in a rural area when it received
accreditation for a new program, but
either prior to actually starting the
program or during the 5-year cap
building period, the CBSA in which the
hospital was located became an urban
CBSA (79 FR 50111 through 50113). We
also discussed what happens to a rural
training track when a rural hospital that
is participating as the rural site is
redesignated as urban, either during the
period when the rural track is being
established, or after it has been
established (79 FR 50113). (Note that
under 42 CFR 413.75(b) and 413.79(k),
we now refer to rural training tracks as
Rural Training Programs (RTPs)). We
provided for a transition period,
wherein either the redesignated urban
hospital must reclassify as rural under
§ 412.103 for purposes of IME payment
only (in addition, this reclassification
option only applies to IPPS hospitals (or
CAHs under 42 CFR 412.103(a)(6)), not
other nonprovider sites), or the
‘‘original’’ urban hospital must have
found a new site in a geographically
rural area that will serve as the rural site
for purposes of the rural track in order
for the ‘‘original’’ urban hospital to
receive payment under § 413.79(k)(1) or
(k)(2). Also see DGME regulations at 42
CFR 413.79(c)(6), 42 CFR 413.79(k)(7),
and for IME, at 42 CFR
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G. Reasonable Cost Payment for Nursing
and Allied Health Education Programs
(§§ 413.85 and 413.87)
a. General
Under section 1861(v) of the Act,
Medicare has historically paid providers
for Medicare’s share of the costs that
providers incur in connection with
approved educational activities.
Approved nursing and allied health
(NAH) education programs are those
that are, in part, operated by a provider,
and meet State licensure requirements,
or are recognized by a national
accrediting body. The costs of these
programs are excluded from the
definition of ‘‘inpatient hospital
operating costs’’ and are not included in
the calculation of payment rates for
hospitals or hospital units paid under
the IPPS, IRF PPS, or IPF PPS, and are
excluded from the rate-of-increase
ceiling for certain facilities not paid on
a PPS. These costs are separately
identified and ‘‘passed through’’ (that is,
paid separately on a reasonable cost
basis). Existing regulations on NAH
education program costs are located at
42 CFR 413.85. The most recent
substantive rulemakings on these
regulations were in the January 12, 2001
final rule (66 FR 3358 through 3374),
and in the August 1, 2003, final rule (68
FR 45423 and 45434).
b. Medicare Advantage Nursing and
Allied Health Education Payments
Section 541 of the Balanced Budget
Refinement Act (BBRA) of 1999
provides for additional payments to
hospitals for costs of nursing and allied
health education associated with
services to Medicare+Choice (now
called Medicare Advantage (MA))
enrollees. Hospitals that operate
approved nursing or allied health
education programs and receive
Medicare reasonable cost
reimbursement for these programs may
receive additional payments to account
for MA enrollees. Section 541 of the
BBRA limits total spending under the
provision to no more than $60 million
in any calendar year (CY). (In this
document, we refer to the total amount
of $60 million or less as the payment
‘‘pool’’.) Section 541 of the BBRA also
provides that direct graduate medical
education (GME) payments for
Medicare+Choice utilization are
reduced to the extent that these
additional payments are made for
nursing and allied health education
programs. This provision was effective
for portions of cost reporting periods
occurring in a CY, on or after January 1,
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Section 512 of the Benefits
Improvement and Protection Act (BIPA)
of 2000 changed the formula for
determining the additional amounts to
be paid to hospitals for MA nursing and
allied health costs. Under section 541 of
the BBRA, the additional payment
amount was determined based on the
proportion of each individual hospital’s
nursing and allied health education
payment to total nursing and allied
health education payments made to all
hospitals. However, this formula did not
account for a hospital’s specific MA
utilization. Section 512 of the BIPA
revised this payment formula to
specifically account for each hospital’s
MA utilization. This provision was
effective for portions of cost reporting
periods occurring in a calendar year,
beginning with CY 2001.
The regulations at 42 CFR 413.87
codified both statutory provisions. We
first implemented the BBRA NAH MA
provision in the August 1, 2000 IPPS
interim final rule with comment period
(IFC) (65 FR 47036 through 47039), and
subsequently implemented the BIPA
provision in the August 1, 2001 IPPS
final rule (66 FR 39909 and 39910). In
those rules, we outlined the qualifying
conditions for a hospital to receive the
NAH MA payment, how we would
calculate the NAH MA payment pool,
and how a qualifying hospital would
calculate its ‘‘share’’ of payment from
that pool. Determining a hospital’s NAH
MA payment essentially involves
applying a ratio of the hospital-specific
NAH Part A payments, total inpatient
days, and MA inpatient days, to
national totals of those same variables,
from cost reporting periods ending in
the fiscal year that is 2 years prior to the
current calendar year. The formula is as
(((Hospital NAH pass-through payment/
Hospital Part A Inpatient Days) *
Hospital MA Inpatient Days)/
((National NAH pass-through
payment/National Part A Inpatient
Days) * National MA Inpatient
Days)) * Current Year Payment
With regard to determining the total
national amounts for NAH pass-through
payment, Part A inpatient days, and MA
inpatient days, we note that section
1886(l) of the Act, as added by section
541 of the BBRA, gives the Secretary the
discretion to ‘‘estimate’’ the national
components of the formula noted
previously. For example, section
1886(l)(2)(A) of the Act states that the
Secretary would estimate the ratio of
payments for all hospitals for portions
of cost reporting periods occurring in
the year under subsection 1886(h)(3)(D)
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
of the Act to total direct GME payments
estimated for the same portions of
periods under section 1886(h)(3) of the
Accordingly, we stated in the August
1, 2000 IFC (65 FR 47038) that each
year, we would determine and publish
in a final rule the total amount of
nursing and allied health education
payments made across all hospitals
during the fiscal year 2 years prior to the
current calendar year. We would use the
best available cost reporting data for the
applicable hospitals from the Hospital
Cost Report Information System (HCRIS)
for cost reporting periods in the fiscal
year that is 2 years prior to the current
calendar year (65 FR 47038).
To calculate the pool, in accordance
with section 1886(l) of the Act, we
stated that we would ‘‘estimate’’ a total
amount for each calendar year, not to
exceed $60 million (65 FR 47038). To
calculate the proportional reduction to
Medicare+Choice (now MA) direct GME
payments, we stated that the percentage
is estimated by calculating the ratio of
the Medicare+Choice nursing and allied
health payment ‘‘pool’’ for the current
calendar year to the projected total
Medicare+Choice direct GME payments
made across all hospitals for the current
calendar year. We stated that the
projections of Medicare+Choice direct
GME and Part A direct GME payments
are based on the best available cost
report data from the HCRIS (for
example, for calendar year 2000, the
projections are based on the best
available cost report data from HCRIS
1998), and these payment amounts are
increased using the increases allowed
by section 1886(h) of the Act for these
services (using the percentage
applicable for the current calendar year
for Medicare+Choice direct GME and
the Consumer Price Index (CPI–U)
increases for Part A direct GME). We
also stated that we would publish the
applicable percentage reduction each
year in the IPPS proposed and final
rules (65 FR 47038).
Thus, in the August 1, 2000 IFC, we
described our policy regarding the
timing and source of the national data
components for the NAH MA add-on
payment and the percent reduction to
the direct GME MA payments, and we
stated that we would publish the rates
for each calendar year in the IPPS
proposed and final rules. While the
rates for CY 2000 were published in the
August 1, 2000 IFC (see 65 FR 47038
and 47039), the rates for subsequent CYs
were only issued through Change
Requests (CRs) (CR 2692, CR 11642, CR
12407). After recent issuance of the CY
2019 rates in CR 12407 on August 19,
2021, we reviewed our update
procedures, and were reminded that the
August 1, 2000 IFC states that we would
publish the NAH MA rates and direct
GME percent reduction every year in the
IPPS rules. Accordingly, for CY 2020
and CY 2021, we proposed and finalized
the NAH MA add-on rates in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed and
final rules. We stated that for CYs 2022
and after, we would similarly propose
and finalize their respective NAH MA
rates and direct GME percent reductions
in subsequent IPPS/LTCH PPS
rulemakings (see 87 FR 49073, August
10, 2022).
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we are proposing the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
CY 2023 NAB MA Rates
NAH Pass-Thromtli
Part A Inpatient Davs
MA Inoatient Davs
Part A Direct GME
MA Direct GME
Pool (not to exceed $60 million)
Percent Reduction to MA DGME Payments
H. Proposed Payment Adjustment for
Certain Clinical Trial and Expanded
Access Use Immunotherapy Cases
(§§ 412.85 and 412.312)
Effective for FY 2021, we created MS–
DRG 018 for cases that include
procedures describing CAR T-cell
therapies, which were reported using
ICD–10–PCS procedure codes XW033C3
or XW043C3 (85 FR 58599 through
58600). Effective for FY 2022, we
revised MS–DRG 018 to include cases
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70.195 536
$2.925.379 833
Cost reports ending in FY 2021 HCRIS
Cost reoorts ending in FY 202 lHCRIS
Cost reports ending in FY 202 lHCRIS
CY 2021 HCRIS + CPI-U + MA enrollment
CY 2021 HCRIS + CPI-U + MA enrollment
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
immunotherapy, these cases will not be
included when calculating the average
cost for MS–DRG 018 to the extent such
claims can be identified in the historical
data (85 FR 58600). The term ‘‘expanded
access’’ (sometimes called
‘‘compassionate use’’) is a potential
pathway for a patient with a serious or
immediately life-threatening disease or
condition to gain access to an
investigational medical product (drug,
biologic, or medical device) for
treatment outside of clinical trials when,
among other criteria, there is no
comparable or satisfactory alternative
therapy to diagnose, monitor, or treat
the disease or condition (21 CFR
Effective FY 2021, we also finalized
an adjustment to the payment amount
for applicable clinical trial and
expanded access immunotherapy cases
that group to MS–DRG 018 using the
same methodology that we used to
adjust the case count for purposes of the
relative weight calculations (85 FR
58842 through 58844). (As previously
noted, effective beginning FY 2022, we
revised MS–DRG 018 to include cases
that report the procedure codes for CAR
T-cell and non-CAR T-cell therapies and
other immunotherapies (86 FR 44798
through 448106).) Specifically, under
our finalized policy we apply a payment
adjustment to claims that group to MS–
DRG 018 and include ICD–10–CM
diagnosis code Z00.6, with the
modification that when the CAR T-cell,
non-CAR T-cell, or other
immunotherapy product is purchased in
the usual manner, but the case involves
a clinical trial of a different product, the
payment adjustment will not be applied
in calculating the payment for the case.
We also finalized that when there is
expanded access use of immunotherapy,
the payment adjustment will be applied
in calculating the payment for the case.
This payment adjustment is codified at
42 CFR 412.85 (for operating IPPS
payments) and 42 CFR 412.312 (for
capital IPPS payments), for claims
appropriately containing Z00.6, as
described previously, and reflects that
the adjustment is also applied for cases
involving expanded access use
immunotherapy, and that the payment
adjustment only applies to applicable
clinical trial cases; that is, the
adjustment is not applicable to cases
where the CAR T-cell, non-CAR T-cell,
or other immunotherapy product is
purchased in the usual manner, but the
case involves a clinical trial of a
different product. The regulations at 42
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CFR 412.85(c) also specify that the
adjustment factor will reflect the
average cost for cases to be assigned to
MS–DRG 018 that involve expanded
access use of immunotherapy or are part
of an applicable clinical trial to the
average cost for cases to be assigned to
MS–DRG 018 that do not involve
expanded access use of immunotherapy
and are not part of a clinical trial (85 FR
For FY 2025, we are proposing to
continue to apply an adjustment to the
payment amount for expanded access
use of immunotherapy and applicable
clinical trial cases that would group to
MS–DRG 018, as calculated using the
same methodology, as modified in the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88
FR 59062), that we are proposing to use
to adjust the case count for purposes of
the relative weight calculations, as
described in section II.D. of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, the MedPAR
claims data now includes a field that
identifies whether or not the claim
includes expanded access use of
immunotherapy. For the FY 2023
MedPAR data and for subsequent years,
this field identifies whether or not the
claim includes condition code 90. The
MedPAR files now also include
information for claims with the payeronly condition code ‘‘ZC’’, which is
used by the IPPS Pricer to identify a
case where the CAR T-cell, non-CAR Tcell, or other immunotherapy product is
purchased in the usual manner, but the
case involves a clinical trial of a
different product so that the payment
adjustment is not applied in calculating
the payment for the case (for example,
see Change Request 11879, available at
r10571cp.pdf). We refer the readers to
section II.D. of the preamble of this
proposed rule for further discussion of
our methodology for identifying clinical
trial claims and expanded access use
claims in MS–DRG 018 and our
methodology used to adjust the case
count for purposes of the relative weight
calculations, as modified in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Using the same methodology that we
are proposing to use to adjust the case
count for purposes of the relative weight
calculations, we are proposing to
calculate the adjustment to the payment
amount for expanded access use of
immunotherapy and applicable clinical
trial cases as follows:
• Calculate the average cost for cases
assigned to MS–DRG 018 that either (a)
contain ICD–10–CM diagnosis code
Z00.6 and do not contain condition
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code ‘‘ZC’’ or (b) contain condition code
• Calculate the average cost for all
other cases assigned to MS–DRG 018.
• Calculate an adjustor by dividing
the average cost calculated in step 1 by
the average cost calculated in step 2.
• Apply this adjustor when
calculating payments for expanded
access use of immunotherapy and
applicable clinical trial cases that group
to MS–DRG 018 by multiplying the
relative weight for MS–DRG 018 by the
We refer the readers to section II.D. of
the preamble of this proposed rule for
further discussion of our methodology.
Consistent with our calculation of the
proposed adjustor for the relative weight
calculations, for this proposed rule we
propose to calculate this adjustor based
on the December 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file for purposes of
establishing the FY 2025 payment
amount. Specifically, in accordance
with 42 CFR 412.85 (for operating IPPS
payments) and 42 CFR 412.312 (for
capital IPPS payments), we propose to
multiply the FY 2025 relative weight for
MS–DRG 018 by a proposed adjustor of
0.34 as part of the calculation of the
payment for claims determined to be
applicable clinical trial or expanded use
access immunotherapy claims that
group to MS–DRG 018, which includes
CAR T-cell and non-CAR T-cell
therapies and other immunotherapies.
We also propose to update the value of
the adjustor based on more recent data
for the final rule.
I. Proposed Changes to the Calculation
of the IPPS Add-On Payment for Certain
End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
Discharges (§ 412.104)
Under existing regulations at
§ 412.104, we provide an additional
payment to a hospital for inpatient
services provided to certain Medicare
beneficiaries with ESRD who receive a
dialysis treatment during a hospital
stay, if the hospital’s ESRD Medicare
beneficiary discharges, excluding
discharges classified into the MS–DRGs
listed at § 412.104(a), where the
beneficiary received dialysis services
during the inpatient stay, are 10 percent
or more of its total Medicare discharges.
The additional payment (referred to as
the ESRD add-on payment) is intended
to lessen the impact of the added costs
for hospitals that deliver inpatient
dialysis services to a high concentration
of ESRD Medicare beneficiaries (76 FR
51692). The additional payment is based
on the average length of stay for ESRD
beneficiaries in the facility times a
factor based on the average direct cost
of furnishing dialysis services during a
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
usual beneficiary stay (49 FR 34747).
The payment to a hospital equals the
average length of stay of ESRD
beneficiaries in the hospital, expressed
as a ratio to 1 week, times the estimated
weekly cost of dialysis multiplied by the
number of ESRD beneficiary discharges
not excluded under § 412.104(a). The
average direct cost of dialysis was
determined from data obtained in
connection with establishing the
composite rate reimbursement for
outpatient maintenance dialysis (49 FR
On January 1, 2011, we implemented
the ESRD PPS, a case-mix adjusted,
bundled PPS for renal dialysis services
furnished by ESRD facilities as required
by section 1881(b)(14) of the Act, as
added by section 153(b) of the Medicare
Improvements for Patients and
Providers Act of 2008 (MIPPA) (Pub. L.
110–275). Section 1881(b)(14)(F) of the
Act, as added by section 153(b) of
MIPPA, and amended by section
3401(h) of the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act (the Affordable Care
Act) (Pub. L. 111–148), established that
beginning CY 2012, and each
subsequent year, the Secretary of the
Department of Health and Human
Services (the Secretary) shall annually
increase payment amounts by an ESRD
market basket percentage increase,
reduced by the productivity adjustment
described in section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II)
of the Act (74 FR 49927). The ESRD PPS
replaced the basic case-mix adjusted
composite rate payment system and the
payment methodologies for separately
billable outpatient renal dialysis items
and services. Payment under Medicare
Part B for outpatient renal dialysis
services has been based entirely on the
ESRD PPS since January 1, 2014 (78 FR
72160). The ESRD PPS pays ESRD
facilities a case-mix-adjusted, bundled
payment, which includes former
composite rate services and ESRDrelated drugs, laboratory services, and
medical equipment and supplies (80 FR
68973). The ESRD PPS base rate is
designed to reflect the average cost per-
treatment of providing renal dialysis
services.158 The per treatment payment
amount (that is, the ESRD PPS base rate,
subject to applicable adjustments) 159 is
typically applied to a regimen of three
hemodialysis treatments per week. CMS
updates the ESRD PPS base rate
annually. We refer readers to the August
12, 2010, ESRD PPS final rule (75 FR
49030 through 49214) for additional
details on the establishment of the ESRD
PPS, including a discussion of the
transition from the basic case-mix
adjusted composite rate payment system
to the ESRD PPS.
As described previously, under
current regulations the ESRD add-on
payment is based on the average direct
cost of furnishing dialysis services
determined from data obtained in
connection with establishing the
composite rate. Under the current
regulations, the average cost of dialysis
is reviewed and adjusted, if appropriate,
at the time the composite rate
reimbursement for outpatient dialysis is
reviewed. The last time CMS updated
the composite rate was in the CY 2013
ESRD PPS final rule (77 FR 67454), as
this was the final year in which
payments to ESRD facilities were based
on a blend of the composite rate and the
ESRD PPS. In light of the time that has
passed since the last update to the
composite rate, we are proposing to
change the methodology used to
calculate the ESRD add-on payment
under current regulations to the ESRD
PPS base rate used under the ESRD PPS.
In addition, since the renal dialysis
services reflected in the ESRD PPS base
rate do not include those services that
are not essential for the delivery of
maintenance dialysis (see § 413.171),
using the ESRD PPS base rate to
calculate the ESRD add-on payment
would maintain consistency with the
current calculation, which is based on
the average costs determined to be
directly related to the renal dialysis
service, as determined from the
composite rate.
As described previously, under
§ 412.104(b)(1), the ESRD add-on
payment is based on the estimated
weekly cost of dialysis and the average
length of stay of ESRD beneficiaries for
the hospital. We are proposing that
effective for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2024,
the estimated weekly cost of dialysis
would be calculated as the applicable
ESRD PPS base rate (as defined in 42
CFR 413.171) multiplied by three,
which represents the typical number of
dialysis sessions per week. The ESRD
PPS base rate is applicable for renal
dialysis services furnished during the
calendar year (CY) (that is, effective
January 1 through December 31 each
year) and updated annually (see
§ 413.196). Under this proposal, the
annual CY ESRD PPS base rate (as
published in the applicable CY ESRD
PPS final rule or subsequent corrections,
as applicable) multiplied by three
would be used to calculate the ESRD
add-on payment for hospital cost
reporting periods that begin during the
Federal FY for the same year. For
example, the CY 2025 ESRD PPS base
rate would be used for all cost reports
beginning during Federal FY 2025 (that
is, for cost reporting periods starting on
or after October 1, 2024, through
September 30, 2025). The table that
follows illustrates the applicable CY
ESRD PPS base rate that would be used
to determine the add-on amount for
eligible discharges during the hospital’s
cost reporting periods beginning on or
after October 1, 2024 (FY 2025) and on
or after October 1, 2025 (FY 2026) under
this proposed methodology.
We note that use of the applicable CY
ESRD PPS base rate to determine the
add-on payment amount for the
hospital’s discharges occurring during
the entire cost reporting period based on
the cost report’s begin date would be
consistent with the determination of
eligibility for the ESRD add-on payment,
which occurs at cost report settlement
and is based on the discharges that
occur during that cost reporting period.
158 42
FY IPPS Hospital Cost Report Period
Applicable ESRD PPS Base Rate
Cost reports beginning on or after October 1,
2024 through September 30, 2025 (FY 2025)
Cost reports beginning on or after October 1,
2025 through September 30, 2026 (FY 2026)
CY 2025 (January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025)
CFR 413.215(a) and 413.220.
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CY 2026 (January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2026)
159 § 413.230.
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RATE FOR FYs 2025 and 2026
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Under this proposal, the payment to
a hospital would continue to be
calculated as the average length of stay
of ESRD beneficiaries in the hospital,
expressed as a ratio to 1 week,
multiplied by the estimated weekly cost
of dialysis multiplied by the number of
applicable ESRD beneficiary discharges.
Specifically, for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2024,
the proposed payment to a hospital
would equal the average length of stay
of ESRD beneficiaries in the hospital,
expressed as a ratio to 1 week,
multiplied by the estimated weekly cost
of dialysis (calculated as the applicable
ESRD PPS base rate (as defined in 42
CFR 413.171), multiplied by 3)
multiplied by the number of ESRD
beneficiary discharges except for those
excluded under § 412.104(a).
We are proposing to revise the
regulations under 42 CFR 412.104(b) to
reflect this proposed change to the
calculation of the payment amount for
cost reporting periods beginning on or
after October 1, 2024. We are proposing
to revise § 412.104(b)(2) to specify that,
effective for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2024,
the estimated weekly cost of dialysis is
calculated as 3 dialysis sessions per
week multiplied by the applicable ESRD
PPS base rate (as defined in 42 CFR
413.171) that corresponds with the
fiscal year in which the cost reporting
period begins. For example, the CY 2025
ESRD PPS base rate (multiplied by 3 to
determine the estimated weekly cost of
dialysis, as described previously) would
apply for all hospital cost reporting
periods beginning during FY 2025 (that
is, for cost reporting periods beginning
on or after October 1, 2024, through
September 30, 2025). We are also
proposing to make conforming changes
to § 412.104(b)(3) and § 412.104(b)(4) to
reflect the proposed change in
methodology for calculating the ESRD
add-on payment amount for cost
reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 2024.
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J. Separate IPPS Payment for
Establishing and Maintaining Access to
Essential Medicines
1. Overview
As discussed in the CY 2024 OPPS/
ASC proposed rule (88 FR 49867), on
January 26, 2021, President Biden
issued Executive Order 14001, ‘‘A
Sustainable Public Health Supply
Chain’’ (86 FR 7219), which launched a
whole-of-government effort to
strengthen the resilience of medical
supply chains, especially for
pharmaceuticals and simple medical
devices. This effort was bolstered
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subsequently by Executive Orders
14005, 14017, and 14081 (86 FR 7475,
11849, and 25711, respectively). In June
2021, as tasked in Executive Order
14017 on ‘‘America’s Supply Chains,’’
the Department of Health and Human
Services released a review of
pharmaceuticals and active
pharmaceutical ingredients, analyzing
risks in these supply chains and
recommending solutions to increase
their reliability.160 In July 2021, as
tasked in Executive Order 14001, the
Biden–Harris Administration also
released the National Strategy for a
Resilient Public Health Supply Chain,
which laid out a roadmap to support
reliable access to products for public
health in the future, including through
prevention and mitigation of medical
product shortages.161
Over the last several years, shortages
for critical medical products have
persisted, with the average drug
shortage lasting about 1.5 years.162 For
pharmaceuticals, even before the
COVID–19 pandemic, nearly two-thirds
of hospitals reported more than 20 drug
shortages at any one time—from
antibiotics used to treat severe bacterial
infections to crash cart drugs necessary
to stabilize and resuscitate critically ill
adults.163 The frequency and severity of
these supply disruptions has only been
exacerbated over the last few years.164
Recent data suggests that hospitals are
estimated to spend more than 8.6
million personnel hours and $360
million per year to address drug
shortages,165 which will likely further
160 Department of Health and Human Services,
Review of Pharmaceuticals and Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredients (pp. 207–250), June
161 Department of Health and Human Services,
National Strategy for a Resilient Public Health
Supply Chain, July 2021:
162 Senate Committee on Homeland Security &
Governmental Affairs, Short Supply: The Health
and National Security Risks of Drug Shortages,
March 2023:
163 Vizient, Drug Shortages and Labor Costs:
Measuring the Hidden Costs of Drug Shortages on
U.S. Hospitals, June 2019:
164 Department of Health and Human Services,
National Strategy for a Resilient Public Health
Supply Chain, July 2021:
165 Vizient, Drug Shortages and Labor Costs:
Measuring the Hidden Costs of Drug Shortages on
U.S. Hospitals, June 2019:
PO 00000
Frm 00299
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result in treatment delays and denials,
changes in treatment regimens,
medication errors,166 167 168 as well as
higher rates of hospital-acquired
infections and in-hospital
mortality.169 170 The additional time,
labor, and resources required to navigate
drug shortages and supply chain
disruptions also increase health care
costs.171 172
Hospitals’ procurement preferences
can be leveraged to help foster a more
resilient supply of lifesaving drugs and
biologicals. With respect to shortages,
supply chain resiliency includes having
sufficient inventory that can be
leveraged in the event of a supply
disruption or demand increase—as
opposed to relying on ‘‘just-in-time’’
inventory-management efficiency at the
manufacturer level that can leave
supply chains vulnerable to
shortage.173 174 This concept is
especially true for essential medicines,
which generally comprise products that
are medically necessary to have
available at all times in an amount
adequate to serve patient needs and in
the appropriate dosage forms. A
hospital’s resilient supply can also
166 American Journal of Health System
Pharmacology, National Survey on the Effect of
Oncology Drug Shortages on Cancer Care, 2013:
167 JCO Oncology Practice, National Survey on the
Effect of Oncology Drug Shortages in Clinical
Practice, 2022:
168 Journal of the American Medical Association,
Association between U.S. Norepinephrine Shortage
and Mortality Among Patients with Septic Shock,
169 Clinical Infectious Diseases, The Effect of a
Piperacillin/Tazobactam Shortage on Antimicrobial
Prescribing and Clostridium difficile Risk in 88 US
Medical Centers, 2017: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.
170 New England Journal of Medicine, The Impact
of Drug Shortages on Children with Cancer: The
Example of Mechlorethamine, 2012: https://
171 Senate Committee on Homeland Security &
Governmental Affairs, Short Supply: The Health
and National Security Risks of Drug Shortages,
March 2023:
172 Department of Health and Human Services,
ASPE Report to Congress: Impact of Drug Shortages
on Consumer Costs, May 2023: https://aspe.
173 Department of Health and Human Services,
Review of Pharmaceuticals and Active
Pharmaceutical Ingredients (pp. 207–250), June
174 Department of Health and Human Services,
National Strategy for a Resilient Public Health
Supply Chain, July 2021:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
include essential medicines from
multiple manufacturers, including the
availability of domestic pharmaceutical
manufacturing capacity, to diversify the
sourcing of essential medicines. We
believe it is necessary to support
practices that can mitigate the impact of
pharmaceutical shortages of essential
medicines and promote resiliency to
safeguard and improve the care
hospitals are able to provide to
beneficiaries. Additionally, sustaining
sources of domestically sourced medical
supplies can help support continued
availability in the event of public health
emergencies and other disruptions. This
concept is consistent with our current
policy for domestic National Institute
for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH) approved surgical N95
respirators (87 FR 72037). Hospitals, as
major purchasers and users in the U.S.
of essential medicines, can support the
existence of domestic sources by
sourcing domestically made essential
When hospitals have insufficient
supply of essential medicines, such as
during a shortage, care for Medicare
beneficiaries can be negatively
impacted. To mitigate negative care
outcomes in the event of insufficient
supply, hospitals can adopt
procurement strategies that foster a
consistent, safe, stable, and resilient
supply of these essential medicines.
Such procurement strategies can
include provisions to maintain or
otherwise provide for extra stock of
product (for example, either to maintain
or to hold directly at the hospital,
arrange contractually for a distributor to
hold off-site, or arrange contractually
with a wholesaler for a manufacturer to
hold product) which can act as a buffer
in the event of an unexpected increase
in product use or disruption to supply.
In the event an essential medicine goes
into shortage without existing
procurement or substitution strategies
for affected drugs, negative patient care
outcomes can result in reduced quality
of care and, in some instances,
increased costs by the Medicare
program to provide payment for
unnecessary services that could have
been avoided had the drug been
available to the hospital.
In the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC proposed
rule (88 FR 49867), CMS requested
public comments on a potential
Medicare payment policy that would
provide separate payment to hospitals
under the IPPS for Medicare’s share of
the inpatient costs of establishing and
maintaining access to a 3-month buffer
stock of one or more of 86 essential
medicines (referred to herein as the ‘‘CY
2024 Request for Comment’’). Under
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this potential policy, the allowable costs
would have included the hospital’s
reasonable costs of establishing and
maintaining buffer stock(s) of the
essential medicines but not the cost of
the medicines themselves. We stated
that we expected that the resources
required to establish and maintain
access to a buffer stock of essential
medicines would generally be greater
than the resources required to establish
and maintain access to these medicines
without such a buffer stock. While CMS
did not finalize any policy regarding
payment under the IPPS and OPPS for
establishing and maintaining access to
essential medicines, we stated we
intended to propose new Conditions of
Participation in forthcoming notice and
comment rulemaking addressing
hospital processes for pharmaceutical
supply and that we would continue to
consider policies related to buffer stock.
As discussed in the CY 2024 OPPS/
ASC final rule, many commenters on
the CY 2024 Request for Comment
supported CMS’s efforts to promote
resiliency but expressed concerns
regarding the potential for such a
payment policy to induce or exacerbate
drug shortages through demand shocks
to the supply chain. Some commenters
stated that a 3-month buffer stock may
be inadequate to insulate hospitals from
drug shortages, and that the policy may
encourage hoarding behaviors and
further fragment the existing supply of
essential medicines, which would
primarily disadvantage smaller, less
resourced hospitals (88 FR 82129
through 82130). While commenters
stated that a 3-month buffer stock may
be inadequate to insulate hospitals from
shortages given the duration of many
drug shortages, some commenters
further stated that even a 6-month buffer
stock may not fully protect hospitals in
the event of a shortage. Commenters
cautioned that drug shortages are
difficult to predict and often due to
problems at the manufacturer level,
which can be compounded by panic
buying and hoarding behaviors. Some
commenters stated that any buffer stock
would need to be sufficiently large to
account for the ramp up time that
manufacturers need to reestablish
supply of a given drug in shortage.
As a first step in this initiative, and
based on consideration of the comments
we received on the CY 2024 Request for
Comment, for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2024,
we are proposing to establish a separate
payment under the IPPS to small (100
beds or fewer), independent hospitals
for the estimated additional resource
costs of voluntarily establishing and
maintaining access to 6-month buffer
PO 00000
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stocks of essential medicines to foster a
more reliable, resilient supply of these
medicines for these hospitals. This
proposed separate payment could be
provided biweekly or as a lump sum at
cost report settlement. As discussed
further in section V.J.3. of the preamble
of this proposed rule, we are focusing
this proposal on small, independent
hospitals, many of which are rural, that
may lack the resources available to
larger hospitals and hospital chains to
establish and maintain buffer stocks of
essential medicines for use in the event
of drug shortages. We believe by
limiting separate payment to smaller,
independent hospitals, we can also
mitigate concerns raised by commenters
regarding large demand driven shocks to
the supply chain.
The appropriate time to establish a
buffer stock for a drug is before it goes
into shortage or after a shortage period
has ended. In order to further mitigate
any potential for the proposed policy to
exacerbate existing shortages or
contribute to commenters’ concerns of
hoarding, if an essential medicine is
listed as ‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ on the
FDA Drug Shortages Database,175 we are
proposing that a hospital that newly
establishes a buffer stock of that
medicine while it is in shortage would
not be eligible for separate buffer stock
payment for that medicine for the
duration of the shortage. However, if a
hospital had already established and
was maintaining a buffer stock of that
medicine prior to the shortage, we are
proposing that the hospital would
continue to be eligible for separate
buffer stock payment for that medicine
for the duration of the shortage. We are
proposing that hospital would continue
to be eligible even if the number of
months of supply of that medicine in
the buffer stock were to drop to less
than 6 months as the hospital draws
down that buffer stock. Once an
essential medicine is no longer listed as
‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ in the FDA
Drug Shortages Database, our proposed
policy does not differentiate that
essential medicine from other essential
medicines and hospitals would be
eligible to establish and maintain buffer
stocks for the medicine as they would
have before the shortage. CMS will
conduct provider education regarding
additions and deletions to the publicly
available FDA Drug Shortages Database
to assist hospitals with this proposed
As described in sections V.J.2. and .4.
of the preamble of this proposed rule,
we are proposing that if the number of
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
months of supply of medicine in the
buffer stock were to drop to less than 6
months for a reason other than the
essential medicine(s) actively being
listed as ‘‘Currently in Shortage,’’ any
separate payment to a hospital under
this policy would be adjusted based on
the proportion of the cost reporting
period for which the hospital did
maintain the 6-month buffer stock of
that essential medicine.
We are proposing to make this
separate payment under the IPPS for the
additional resource costs of establishing
and maintaining access to buffer stocks
of essential medicines under section
1886(d)(5)(I) of the Act, which
authorizes the Secretary to provide by
regulation for such other exceptions and
adjustments to the payment amounts
under section 1886(d) of the Act as the
Secretary deems appropriate. We are not
proposing to make this payment
adjustment budget neutral under the
2. Proposed List of Essential Medicines
The report Essential Medicines
Supply Chain and Manufacturing
Resilience Assessment, as developed by
the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Preparedness
and Response (ASPR) with the
Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing
Institute’s (ARMI’s) Next Foundry for
American Biotechnology, prioritized 86
essential medicines (hereinafter referred
to as the ‘‘ARMI List’’ or ‘‘ARMI’s List’’)
from the Executive Order 13944 List of
Essential Medicines, Medical
Countermeasures, and Critical Inputs
(hereinafter referred to as the ‘‘E.O.
13944 List’’), as developed under the
E.O. by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration (FDA).176
The ARMI List is a prioritized list of
86 medicines that are either critical for
minimum patient care in acute settings
or important for acute care with no
comparable alternatives available. The
medicines included in the ARMI List
were considered, by consensus, to be
most critically needed for typical acute
patient care. In this context, acute
patient care was defined as: rescue and/
or lifesaving use (that is, Intensive Care
Units, Cardiac/Coronary Care Units, and
Emergency Departments), stabilizing
patients in hospital continued care to
enable discharge, and urgent or
emergency surgery.
Development of the ARMI List
focused on assessing the clinical
criticality and supply chains of small
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molecules and therapeutic biologics.
The development of the ARMI List was
informed by meetings with multiple key
pharmaceutical supply chain
stakeholders (for example,
manufacturers, group purchasing
organizations, wholesale distributors,
providers, pharmacies), surveys and
workshops with groups of clinicians
and industry stakeholders, public
feedback on the E.O. 13944 List
(provided during a public comment
period starting in October 2020), and
other research.
We are proposing that for purposes of
the proposed separate payment under
the IPPS, the costs of buffer stocks that
would be eligible for separate payment
are the additional resource costs of
establishing and maintaining access to a
6-month buffer stock for any eligible
medicines on ARMI’s List of 86
essential medicines, including any
subsequent revisions to that list of
medicines. As previously discussed, the
ARMI List represents a prioritized list of
86 medicines that were considered, by
consensus, to be most critically needed
for typical acute patient care. At this
time, we believe that the ARMI List
constitutes an appropriate set of
medicines to initially prioritize under
this proposed payment policy in order
to help insulate small, independent
hospitals, and the inpatient care they
provide, from the negative effects of
drug shortages.
As noted earlier, the appropriate time
to establish a buffer stock for a drug is
before it goes into shortage or after a
shortage period has ended. If an
essential medicine is listed as
‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ on the FDA
Drug Shortages Database, we are
proposing that a hospital that newly
establishes a buffer stock of that
medicine while it is in shortage would
not be eligible for separate buffer stock
payment for that medicine for the
duration of the shortage. However, if a
hospital had already established and
was maintaining a buffer stock of that
medicine prior to the shortage, we are
proposing that the hospital would
continue to be eligible for separate
buffer stock payment for that medicine
for the duration of the shortage as the
hospital draws down that buffer stock
even if the number of months of supply
of that medicine in the buffer stock were
to drop to less than 6 months. By
limiting eligibility in this way, we
believe that we can both insulate
smaller hospitals from short-term drug
shortages and mitigate the potential for
the proposed policy to exacerbate
existing shortages or contribute to
concerns of hoarding.
PO 00000
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As an illustrative example, suppose a
hospital established and maintained 6month buffer stocks for five essential
medicines. However, one of those
essential medicines was subsequently
listed as ‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ on the
FDA Drug Shortages Database. The
hospital would no longer be required to
maintain a 6-month buffer stock of the
essential medicine that is in shortage to
receive separate payment for
maintaining the buffer stock of that
essential medicine during the period of
shortage. The hospital would continue
to be eligible for the separate payment
from CMS for the buffer stock for that
medicine during the period of shortage
as it draws down its established buffer
stock of the medicine in shortage as
needed. However, the hospital would be
required to maintain buffer stocks of no
less than 6 months for the other four
essential medicines that are not in
shortage to be eligible to receive
separate payment for those four
Because medicine can remain on the
FDA Drug Shortage Database for years,
we request comments on the duration
that CMS should continue to pay
hospitals for the maintenance of a less
than 6-month buffer stock of the
essential medicine if it is ‘‘Currently in
Shortage.’’ We also request comments
on if there is a quantity or dosage
minimum floor where CMS should no
longer pay to maintain a 6-month buffer
stock of the essential medicine if it is
‘‘Currently in Shortage.’’ For example, if
a hospital has one remaining dose of a
drug ‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ and that
drug remains in shortage on the FDA
Drug Shortage Database for 5 years,
should there be limits on how much and
for how long CMS would pay a hospital
for a 6-month buffer stock?
We are proposing that if the ARMI
List is updated to add or remove any
essential medicines, all medicines on
the updated list would be eligible for
separate payment under this policy for
the IPPS shares of the costs of
establishing and maintaining access to
6-month buffer stocks as of the date the
updated ARMI List is published. To the
extent that in the future other medicines
or lists are identified for eligibility in
future iterations of this policy, we seek
comment on the potential mechanism
and timing for incorporating those
updates. Comments may consider,
among other factors, medicines that
were excluded from the ARMI List, the
E.O. 13944 List, or both. For example,
some categories from the E.O. 13944
List—including Blood and Blood
Products, Fractionated Plasma Products,
Vaccines, and Volume Expanders—were
excluded from the ARMI List due to
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
differences in their supply chains.
Additionally, other categories were
identified as not needed for routine/
typical acute patient care (that is,
Biological Threat Medical
Countermeasures, Burn and Blast
Injuries, Chemical Threat Medical
Countermeasures, Pandemic Influenza
Medical Countermeasures, RadiologicNuclear Threat Medical
Countermeasures). The ARMI List does
not include certain medicines that have
recently been in shortage and that may
be considered essential and are more
prevalent in specific care settings other
than an inpatient hospital, such as drugs
used in oncology care on an outpatient
basis. Further, there are medicines that
are not included on the ARMI List nor
the E.O. 13944 List, such as
buprenorphine-based medications for
treatment of substance use disorder. We
seek comment on whether eligibility for
separate payment for the IPPS share of
the costs of establishing and
maintaining access to 6-month buffer
stocks of essential medicines should
include oncology drugs or other types of
drugs not currently on the ARMI List.
As noted earlier, CMS will conduct
provider education regarding additions
and deletions to the publicly available
FDA Drug Shortages Database to assist
hospitals with this proposed policy.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
3. Hospital Eligibility
Commenters on the CY 2024 Request
for Comment (88 FR 82129 through
82130) raised a number of concerns
relating to access to essential medicines
for small hospitals and potential
hoarding behaviors among better
resourced hospitals. Commenters also
cautioned against the potential for the
policy to cause demand-driven shocks
to the pharmaceutical supply chain,
exacerbating pharmaceutical access
issues for hospitals, which they claimed
would disproportionately impact
smaller hospitals due to their smaller
purchasing power. As hospitals and
hospital systems increase in size
through expansion of bed count and/or
consolidation and vertical integration
with other hospitals and health systems,
they accrue bargaining leverage for
payment negotiations and thereby
increase their purchasing power.177
177 U.S. Congress, U.S. House of Representatives
Committee on Ways and Means, Subcommittee on
Health, Health Care Consolidation: The Changing
Landscape of the U.S. Health Care System, May
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Those smaller (and often rural) hospitals
that lack this increased purchasing
power are faced with potentially lower
payments from payers and less
operating capital.178 To address this
concern, and attempt to better insulate
these smaller, independent hospitals
against future supply disruptions of
essential medicines, we are proposing to
limit eligibility for separate payment for
the resource costs of establishing and
maintaining access to buffer stocks of
essential medicines to small,
independent hospitals that are paid
under the IPPS, as defined later in this
section. As many of these small,
independent hospitals are located in
rural areas, we also expect this policy to
support rural hospitals, in line with the
rural health strategy of the Biden-Harris
Administration.179 180
We believe that by focusing eligibility
on small, independent hospitals, we can
both support these types of hospitals in
their efforts to provide patient care
during drug shortages and lessen any
potential demand shocks to the
pharmaceutical supply chain because
the buffer stocks these hospitals would
require are likely smaller compared to
larger hospitals and hospital chains. As
discussed further in the regulatory
impact analysis associated with this
proposed policy in section I.G.6. of
Appendix A of this proposed rule, we
identified 493 potentially eligible
hospitals based on FY 2021 hospital
cost report data. Of these hospitals, 249
were identified as geographically rural,
6 were identified as geographically
urban but reclassified as rural (under
our reclassification regulations at
§ 412.103), and 238 were identified as
178 American Hospital Association, Rural Hospital
Closures Threaten Access: Solutions to Preserve
Care in Local Communities, September 2022:
179 The White House, The Biden-Harris
Administration is taking actions to improve the
health of rural communities and help rural health
care providers stay open, November 2023: https://
180 The White House, Fact Sheet: Biden
Administration Takes Steps to Address Covid-19 in
Rural America and Build Rural Health Back Better,
August 2021:
PO 00000
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geographically urban without a
reclassification as rural. These hospitals
had 216,557 Medicare discharges in
total and an average of 442 Medicare
discharges per hospital for the FY 2021
cost reporting year.
Small Hospital: For the purposes of
this policy, we propose to define a small
hospital as one with not more than 100
beds. This definition is consistent with
the definition of a small hospital used
for Medicare-dependent, small rural
hospitals (MDH) in section
1886(d)(5)(G)(iv)(II) of the Act.
Consistent with the MDH regulations at
§ 412.108(a)(1)(ii), we propose that a
hospital would need to have 100 or
fewer beds as defined in § 412.105(b)
during the cost reporting period for
which it is seeking the payment
adjustment to be considered a small
hospital for purposes of this payment
adjustment. We request comment on
using criteria other than the MDH bed
size criterion to identify small hospitals
for the purposes of this proposed
payment policy.
Independent Hospital: For the
purposes of this policy, we propose to
define an independent hospital as one
that is not part of a chain organization,
as defined for purposes of hospital cost
reporting. A chain organization is
defined as a group of two or more health
care facilities which are owned, leased,
or through any other device, controlled
by one organization. This proposed
definition is the definition of chain
organization in CMS Pub 15–1, Provider
Reimbursement Manual, Chapter 21,
Cost Related to Patient Care § 2150:
‘‘Home Office Costs—Chain Operations’’
and used by a hospital when completing
its cost report.
Because this proposed definition is
the definition of chain organization
used by a hospital when filling out its
cost report, to operationalize our
proposed separate payment policy, we
propose that any hospital that
appropriately answers ‘‘yes’’ (denoted
‘‘Y’’) to line 140 column 1 or fills out
any part of lines 141 through line 143
on Worksheet S–2, Part I, on Form
CMS–2552–10 is considered to be part
of a chain organization and not
independent, and therefore not eligible
for separate payment under this
proposal. Please see Table V.J.-01 for a
partial example of this section of Form
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Table V.J.-01.: Lines 140-143 of Worksheet S-2, Part 1
All Providers
("Y" or"N")
Are there any related organization or home
(Home office chain
office costs as defined in CMS Pub. 15-1,
chapter 1O? Enter "Y" for yes or "N" for no in
column 1. If yes, and home office costs are
claimed, enter in column 2 the home office
chain number.
If this facility is part of a chain organization, enter on lines 141 through 143 the name and address of the home
office and enter the home office contractor name and contractor number.
Contractor's Name:
Contractor's Number:
P.O. Box:
Zip Code:
4. Size of the Buffer Stock
As summarized in the CY 2024 OPPS/
ASC final rule and section V.J.1. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, some
commenters on the CY 2024 Request for
Comment expressed concerns that a 3month supply of essential medicines
may not be sufficient to adequately
insulate hospitals from the detrimental
effects of future drug shortages.
Commenters stated that drug shortages
often persist for durations of time in
excess of 3 months, such that a 3-month
buffer stock may be inadequate to
insulate hospitals from the longer-term
effects of drug shortages. As noted in
section V.J.1. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, drug shortages generally
persist for many months, and some
research suggests that these shortages
last for an average of 1.5 years.
Accordingly, we believe a buffer stock
of at least 6 months would better
support small, independent hospitals in
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contending with future shortages. To
better address commenters’ concerns
and hospital needs during drug
shortages, we are proposing separate
payment for the costs of establishing
and maintaining access to a buffer stock
that is sufficient for no less than a 6month period of time for each of one or
more essential medicines. As discussed
in section V.J.5 of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are also seeking
comments on whether a phase-in
approach that, for example, would
provide separate payment for
establishing and maintaining access to a
3-month supply for the first year in
which the policy is implemented and a
6-month supply for all subsequent years
would be appropriate.
In estimating the amount of a buffer
stock needed for each essential
medicine, the hospital should consider
that the amount needed to maintain a
buffer stock could vary month to month
and throughout the applicable months
of the cost reporting period; that is, a
hospital’s historical use of a medicine
may indicate that it is typically needed
more often in January than June, for
example. Accordingly, the size of the
buffer stock should reflect this
anticipated variation and be based on a
reasonable estimate of the hospital’s
need for that essential medicine in the
upcoming 6-month period. This
estimate would be determined by the
hospital and could be based on the
historical usage of the essential
medicine by the hospital for that 6month period in a prior year, or another
reasonable method to estimate its need
for that upcoming period. If a hospital
did not maintain a 6-month buffer stock
of an essential medicine for an entire
cost reporting period, any separate
payment to the hospital under this
policy would be adjusted based on the
proportion of the cost reporting period
for which the hospital did maintain the
6-month buffer stock of that essential
PO 00000
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medicine. As described in section V.J.2
of the preamble of this proposed rule, in
the event that a hospital is not able to
maintain a buffer stock of at least 6
months due to one or more of their
chosen medicine(s) being listed as
‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ on the FDA’s
Drug Shortage Database after
establishment of the buffer stock under
this policy, the hospital would continue
to be eligible for the buffer stock
payment for the medicine(s) in shortage
as the hospital draws down the buffer
stock even if the number of months of
supply of that medicine in the buffer
stock were to drop to less than 6
months. Hospitals would be permitted
to use multiple contracts to establish
and maintain at least a 6-month buffer
stock for any given essential medicine.
5. Proposed Separate Payment Under
IPPS for Establishing and Maintaining
Access to Buffer Stocks of Essential
As discussed in the CY 2024 Request
for Comment, CMS requested public
comments on a potential separate
payment under the IPPS for the
additional, reasonable costs of
establishing and maintaining a 3-month
buffer stock of one or more essential
medicine(s). We stated that participating
hospitals could establish and maintain
their buffer stocks directly, or through
contractual arrangements with
pharmaceutical distributors,
intermediaries, or manufacturers.
We received comments in response to
the CY 2024 Request for Comment
stating that hospitals that maintain
buffer stocks of essential medicines
typically do so through upstream
entities, such as pharmaceutical group
purchasing organizations and
manufacturers. Furthermore, these
commenters stated that hospitals
typically lack the capacity to stockpile
large quantities of essential medicines
directly. Some of these commenters
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Thus, we propose that in order to be
eligible for this separate payment, under
this policy, a hospital would need to be
a small hospital with 100 or fewer beds
and meet the definition of independent
described previously. We seek comment
on our proposed eligibility criteria and
proposed definition of a small,
independent hospital.
We note that critical access hospitals
(CAHs) are paid for inpatient and
outpatient services at 101 percent of
Medicare’s share of reasonable costs,
including Medicare’s share of the
reasonable costs of establishing and
maintaining access to buffer stocks of
medicines. We seek comment on the use
of buffer stocks by CAHs, including the
medicines in the buffer stocks, the costs
of establishing and maintaining the
buffer stocks, whether CAHs tend to
contract out this activity, and any
barriers that CAHs may face in
establishing and maintaining access to
buffer stocks.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
stated that any buffer stocks established
under the potential policy should be
maintained by upstream intermediaries
or a neutral third party instead of
directly maintained by hospitals, as they
stated that these upstream
intermediaries are generally better
positioned and equipped to maintain
these buffer stocks. While other
commenters were receptive to directly
maintaining their buffer stock(s) or
indicated that they already maintained
substantial buffer stocks of medicines,
these commenters were generally larger,
better resourced hospitals or hospital
We agree with commenters that
pharmaceutical intermediaries and
manufacturers are generally better
positioned to establish and maintain
larger (for example, 6-month or greater)
buffer stocks of essential medicines, as
small, independent hospitals may
generally lack the space, staff, and
specific equipment (like large-scale
refrigeration and large, onsite storage) to
directly maintain 6-month buffer
stock(s) of essential medicine(s). While
we anticipate that most hospitals that
elect to establish and maintain buffer
stocks under this policy will do so
through contractual arrangements with
pharmaceutical intermediaries,
manufacturers, and distributors, we are
proposing that the additional resource
costs associated with directly
maintaining 6-month buffer stock(s) of
essential medicine(s) would also be
eligible for separate payment under this
policy. Accordingly, we are proposing
that for purposes of the proposed
separate payment under the IPPS to
small, independent hospitals for the
estimated additional resource costs of
voluntarily establishing and
maintaining access to 6-month buffer
stocks of essential medicines, those
costs associated with establishing and
maintaining access to 6-month buffer
stocks either directly or through
contractual arrangements with
pharmaceutical manufacturers,
intermediaries, or distributors would be
eligible for additional payment under
this policy. These costs do not include
the cost of the medicines themselves
which would continue to be paid in the
current manner. We also note that the
proposed payment is only for the IPPS
share of the costs of establishing and
maintaining access to buffer stock(s) of
one or more essential medicine(s).
The costs associated with directly
establishing and maintaining a buffer
stock may include utilities like cold
chain storage and heating, ventilation,
and air conditioning, warehouse space,
refrigeration, management of stock
including stock rotation, managing
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expiration dates, and managing recalls,
administrative costs related to
contracting and record-keeping, and
dedicated staff for maintaining the
buffer stock(s). We request comments on
other types of costs intrinsic to directly
establishing buffer stocks of essential
medicines that should be considered
eligible for purposes of separate
payment under this policy. We also
request comment regarding whether
staff costs would increase with the
number of essential medicines in buffer
stock, and whether there would be
efficiencies if multiple hospitals elect to
establish buffer stocks of essential
medicines with the same
pharmaceutical manufacturer,
intermediary, or distributor.
We also request comment on whether
this proposed policy should be phased
in by the size of the buffer stock to
address concerns about infrastructure
investments that may be needed to store
and maintain the supply. For example,
under a phased approach, separate
payment could be made available for
establishing and maintaining access to a
3-month supply for the first year in
which the policy is implemented and a
6-month supply for all subsequent
years. We also refer readers to the
Collection of Information Requirements
in section XII.B.2. of the preamble of
this proposed rule regarding the
estimated burden associated with this
policy proposal and seek comment on
whether there are any other potential
methods for hospitals to report costs
included under this policy besides the
forthcoming supplemental cost
reporting worksheet.
Currently, payment for the resources
required to establish and maintain
access to medically reasonable and
necessary drugs and biologicals is
generally part of the IPPS payment. As
noted in section V.J.2. of the preamble
of this proposed rule, we expect that the
resources required to establish and
maintain access to buffer stocks of
essential medicines will generally be
greater than the resources required to
establish and maintain access to these
medicines without such buffer stocks.
Given these additional resource costs
and our concern that small,
independent hospitals may lack the
resources available to larger hospitals
and hospital chains to establish buffer
stocks of essential medicines, we
believe it is appropriate to propose to
pay these hospitals separately for the
additional resource costs associated
with voluntarily establishing and
maintaining access, either directly or
through contractual arrangements, to
buffer stocks of essential medicines. As
also noted in section V.J.2 of the
PO 00000
Frm 00304
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing that if the ARMI List is
updated to add or remove any essential
medicines, all medicines on the updated
list would be eligible for separate
payment under this policy for the IPPS
shares of the costs of establishing and
maintaining access to 6-month buffer
stocks as of the date the updated ARMI
List is published. Any medicine(s) that
are removed from the ARMI List in any
future updates to the list would no
longer be eligible for separate payment
under this policy for the IPPS shares of
the costs of establishing and
maintaining access to 6-month buffer
stocks as of the date the updated ARMI
List is published.
CMS is proposing to base the IPPS
payment under this policy on the IPPS
shares of the additional reasonable costs
of a hospital to establish and maintain
access to its buffer stock. The use of
IPPS shares in this payment adjustment
would be consistent with the use of
these shares for the payment adjustment
for domestic NIOSH approved surgical
N95 respirators, which is based on the
IPPS and OPPS shares of the difference
in cost between domestic and nondomestic NIOSH approved surgical N95
respirators for the cost reporting period
in which costs are claimed (87 FR
72037). The hospital would report these
costs to CMS on the forthcoming
supplemental cost reporting worksheet
associated with this proposed policy.
The hospital’s costs may include costs
associated with contractual
arrangements between the hospital and
a manufacturer, distributor, or
intermediary or costs associated with
directly establishing and maintaining
buffer stock(s). These costs would not
include the costs of the essential
medicine itself, which would continue
to be paid in the current manner.
If a hospital establishes and maintains
access to buffer stock(s) of essential
medicine(s) through contractual
arrangements with pharmaceutical
manufacturers, intermediaries, or
distributors, the hospital would be
required to disaggregate the costs
specific to establishing and maintaining
the buffer stock(s) from the remainder of
the costs present on the contract for
purposes of reporting these
disaggregated costs under this proposed
policy. This disaggregated information,
reported by the hospital on the new
supplemental cost reporting worksheet,
along with existing information already
collected on the cost report, would be
used to calculate a Medicare payment
for the IPPS share of the hospital’s costs
of establishing and maintaining access
to the buffer stock(s) of essential
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
If a hospital contracts with one or
more manufacturers or wholesalers or
other intermediaries to establish and
maintain 6-month buffer stocks of one
or more essential medicines, the
hospital must clearly identify those
costs separately from the costs of other
provisions of the contract(s). As a
simplified example for purposes of
illustration, suppose a hospital has a
$500,000 contract with a
pharmaceutical wholesaler. The
contract is for pharmaceutical products,
50 of which are qualifying essential
medicines. Additionally, the contract
contains a provision for the wholesaler
to establish and maintain 6-month
buffer stocks of those 50 essential
medicines on the hospital’s behalf. The
contract further specifies that $10,000 of
the $500,000 is for the provision of the
contract that establishes and maintains
the 6-month buffer stocks of those 50
essential medicines. This $10,000
amount does not include any costs to
the hospital for the drugs themselves
which, as previously noted, would
continue to be paid in the current
manner. Under this proposal, the
hospital would report the $10,000 cost
for establishing and maintaining the 6month buffer stocks of the 50 essential
medicines on the supplemental cost
reporting worksheet. That $10,000 cost,
in addition to other information already
existing on the cost report, would be
used to calculate the additional
payment under this policy including the
hospital-specific Medicare IPPS share
percentage of this cost, expressed as the
percentage of inpatient Medicare costs
to total hospital costs. On average for
the small, independent hospitals that
are eligible for this policy, the Medicare
IPPS share percentage is approximately
11 percent.
If a hospital chooses to directly
establish and maintain buffer stock(s) of
one or more essential medicines, the
hospital would be required to report the
additional costs associated with
establishing and maintaining its buffer
stock(s) on the supplemental cost
reporting form. The hospital should
clearly specify the total additional
resource costs to establish and maintain
its 6-month buffer stock(s) of essential
medicine(s). As in the previous
example, this amount should not
include the cost of the essential
medicine(s) themselves and would be
used, along with other information
already existing on the cost report, to
calculate the additional payment under
this policy.
Additionally, we would anticipate
that when a hospital contracts with one
or more manufacturers or wholesalers or
other intermediaries to establish and
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maintain 6-month buffer stocks of one
or more essential medicines, it would
ensure that a discrete buffer stock is
maintained for that hospital. For
example, if two hospitals held contracts
with a manufacturer arranging for 6month buffer stocks of certain essential
medicines, the hospitals would verify
that the manufacturer is maintaining
sufficient total buffer stock to account
for the 6-month demand of both
hospitals in aggregate.
We seek to support the establishment
of buffer stocks when drugs are not
currently in shortage in order to
promote the overall resiliency of drug
supply chains. As previously discussed,
we are proposing that buffer stocks for
any of the essential medicines on the
ARMI List that are listed as ‘‘Currently
in Shortage’’ on the FDA Drug Shortages
Database would not be eligible for
additional payment under this policy
for a hospital’s cost reporting period
unless the hospital had already
established and was maintaining a
buffer stock of that medicine prior to the
Additionally, we are proposing that
any essential medicine(s) for which a
hospital has successfully established
and maintained a buffer stock(s) of at
least 6 months that is subsequently
listed as ‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ on the
FDA Drug Shortages Database would be
exempt from the requirement to
maintain a 6-month supply of such
essential medicine(s) for the duration of
the period in which the medicine is in
shortage. We are interested in public
comments on the burden associated
with hospitals’ monitoring of the FDA
Drug Shortage Database, and excluding
from the cost report any resource costs
associated with maintaining a buffer
stock of an essential medicine that was
listed as ‘‘Currently in Shortage,’’ except
where the hospital had already
established and was maintaining a 6month buffer stock of that medicine
prior to the shortage. As of the date that
medicine is no longer listed as
‘‘Currently in Shortage,’’ eligibility for
separate payment to the hospital for the
drug in shortage would be prospectively
adjusted based on the proportion of the
cost reporting period for which the
hospital does maintain the 6-month
buffer stock of that essential medicine.
Once an essential medicine is no longer
listed as ‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ in the
FDA Drug Shortages Database, our
proposed policy does not differentiate
that essential medicine from other
essential medicines. However, we also
seek comment on whether some
minimum period, such as 6 months,
should elapse after a shortage of a given
essential medicine is resolved before
PO 00000
Frm 00305
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
that medicine can become eligible for
separate payment under this proposed
We are proposing to make separate
payments for the IPPS shares of these
additional resource costs of establishing
and maintaining access to buffer stocks
of essential medicines. Payment could
be provided as a lump sum at cost
report settlement or biweekly as interim
lump-sum payments to the hospital,
which would be reconciled at cost
report settlement. In accordance with
the principles of reasonable cost as set
forth in section 1861(v)(1)(A) of the Act
and in 42 CFR 413.1 and 413.9,
Medicare could make a lump-sum
payment for Medicare’s share of these
additional inpatient costs at cost report
settlement. Alternatively, a provider
may make a request for biweekly
interim lump sum payments for an
applicable cost reporting period, as
provided under 42 CFR 413.64
(Payments to providers: Specific rules)
and 42 CFR 412.116(c) (Special interim
payments for certain costs). These
payment amounts would be determined
by the Medicare Administrative
Contractor (MAC) consistent with
existing policies and procedures. In
general, interim payments are
determined by estimating the
reimbursable amount for the year using
Medicare principles of cost
reimbursement and dividing it into 26
equal biweekly payments. The
estimated amount would be based on
the most current cost data available,
which will be reviewed and, if
necessary, adjusted at least twice during
the reporting period. (See CMS Pub 15–
1 § 2405.2 for additional information).
The MACs would determine the interim
lump-sum payments based on the data
the hospital may provide that reflects
the information that would be included
on the new supplemental cost reporting
form. CMS will separately seek
comment through the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) process on a
supplemental cost reporting form that
would be used for this purpose. In
future years, the MACs could determine
the interim biweekly lump-sum
payments utilizing information from the
prior year’s cost report, which may be
adjusted based on the most current data
available. This is consistent with the
current policies for medical education
costs, and bad debts for uncollectible
deductibles and coinsurance paid on
interim biweekly basis as noted in CMS
Pub 15–1 § 2405.2. It is also consistent
with the payment adjustment for
domestically sourced NIOSH approved
surgical N95 respirators (87 FR 72037).
We are proposing to codify this
payment adjustment in the regulations
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
by adding new paragraph (g) to 42 CFR
412.113 to state the following:
• Essential medicines are the 86
medicines prioritized in the report
Essential Medicines Supply Chain and
Manufacturing Resilience Assessment
developed by the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services Office of
the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness
and Response and published in May of
2022, and any subsequent revisions to
that list of medicines. A buffer stock of
essential medicines for a hospital is a
supply, for no less than a 6-month
period, of one or more essential
• The additional resource costs of
establishing and maintaining access to a
buffer stock of essential medicines for a
hospital are the additional resource
costs incurred by the hospital to directly
hold a buffer stock of essential
medicines for its patients or arrange
contractually for such a buffer stock to
be held by another entity for use by the
hospital for its patients. The additional
resource costs of establishing and
maintaining access to a buffer stock of
essential medicines does not include the
resource costs of the essential medicines
• For cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2024, a
payment adjustment to a small,
independent hospital for the additional
resource costs of establishing and
maintaining access to buffer stocks of
essential medicines is made as
described in paragraph (g)(4) of this
section. For purposes of this section, a
small, independent hospital is a
hospital with 100 or fewer beds as
defined in § 412.105(b) during the cost
reporting period that is not part of a
chain organization, defined as a group
of two or more health care facilities
which are owned, leased, or through
any other device, controlled by one
• The payment adjustment is based
on the estimated reasonable cost
incurred by the hospital for establishing
and maintaining access to buffer stocks
of essential medicines during the cost
reporting period.
We are also proposing to make
conforming changes to 42 CFR 412.1(a)
and 412.2(f) to reflect this proposed
payment adjustment for small,
independent hospitals for the additional
resource costs of establishing and
maintaining access to buffer stocks of
essential medicines.
In summary, for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2024,
we are proposing to establish a separate
payment under the IPPS to small,
independent hospitals for the additional
resource costs involved in voluntarily
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establishing and maintaining access to
6-month buffer stocks of essential
medicines, either directly or through
contractual arrangements with a
manufacturer, distributor, or
intermediary. We are proposing that the
costs of buffer stocks that are eligible for
separate payment are the costs of buffer
stocks for one or more of the medicines
on ARMI’s List of 86 essential
medicines. The separate payment would
be for the IPPS share of the additional
costs and could be issued in a lump
sum, or as biweekly payments to be
reconciled at cost report settlement. The
separate payment would not apply to
buffer stocks of any of the essential
medicines on the ARMI List that are
currently listed as ‘‘Currently in
Shortage’’ on the FDA Drug Shortages
Database unless a hospital had already
established and was maintaining a 6month buffer stock of that medicine
prior to the shortage. Once an essential
medicine is no longer listed as
‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ in the FDA
Drug Shortages Database, our proposed
policy does not differentiate that
essential medicine from other essential
medicines and hospitals would be
eligible to establish and maintain buffer
stocks for the medicine as they would
have before the shortage. CMS will
separately seek comment through the
PRA process on a supplemental cost
reporting form for this proposed
K. Hospital Readmissions Reduction
1. Regulatory Background
Section 3025 of the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act, as amended by
section 10309 of the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act, added section
1886(q) to the Act, which establishes the
Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program effective for discharges from
applicable hospitals beginning on or
after October 1, 2012. Under the
Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program, payments to applicable
hospitals may be reduced to account for
certain excess readmissions. We refer
readers to the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (80 FR 49530 through 49543)
and the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (82 FR 38221 through 38240) for a
general overview of the Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program. We
also refer readers to 42 CFR 412.152
through 412.154 for codified Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program
PO 00000
Frm 00306
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
2. Notice of No Program Proposals or
There are no proposals or updates in
this proposed rule for the Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program. We
refer readers to section I.G.7. of
Appendix A of the proposed rule for an
updated estimate of the financial impact
of using the proportion of dually eligible
beneficiaries, ERRs, and aggregate
payments for each condition/procedure
and all discharges for applicable
hospitals from the FY 2025 Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program
applicable period (that is, July 1, 2020,
through June 30, 2023).
L. Hospital Value-Based Purchasing
(VBP) Program
1. Background
a. Overview
For background on the Hospital VBP
Program, we refer readers to the CMS
website at:
medicare/quality/initiatives/hospitalquality-initiative/hospital-value-basedpurchasing. We also refer readers to our
codified requirements for the Hospital
VBP Program at 42 CFR 412.160 through
b. FY 2025 Program Year Payment
Under section 1886(o)(7)(C)(v) of the
Act, the applicable percent for the FY
2025 program year is 2.00 percent.
Using the methodology we adopted in
the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(77 FR 53571 through 53573), we
estimate that the total amount available
for value-based incentive payments for
FY 2025 is approximately $1.7 billion,
based on the December 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file.
As finalized in the FY 2013 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53573
through 53576), we will utilize a linear
exchange function to translate this
estimated amount available into a valuebased incentive payment percentage for
each hospital, based on its Total
Performance Score (TPS). We are
publishing proxy value-based incentive
payment adjustment factors in Table 16
associated with this proposed rule
(which is available via the internet on
the CMS website). We note that these
proxy adjustment factors will not be
used to adjust hospital payments. These
proxy value-based incentive payment
adjustment factors were calculated
using the historical baseline and
performance periods for the FY 2024
Hospital VBP Program. These proxy
factors were calculated using the
December 2023 update to the FY 2023
MedPAR file. The slope of the linear
exchange function used to calculate
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
these proxy factors was 4.7270521828,
and the estimated amount available for
value-based incentive payments to
hospitals for FY 2025 is approximately
$1.7 billion. We intend to include an
update to this table, as Table 16A, with
the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
to reflect changes based on the March
2024 update to the FY 2023 MedPAR
file. We will add Table 16B to display
the actual value-based incentive
payment adjustment factors, exchange
function slope, and estimated amount
available for the FY 2025 Hospital VBP
Program. We expect that Table 16B will
be posted on the CMS website in Fall
2. Previously Adopted Quality Measures
for the Hospital VBP Program
We refer readers to the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49110
through 49111) for summaries of
previously adopted measures for the FY
2025 and FY 2026 program years and to
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
for summaries of newly adopted
measures beginning with the FY 2026
program year (88 FR 59081 through
59083). We are not proposing any
changes to the measure set. Table V.L.–
01 summarizes the previously adopted
Hospital VBP Program measure set for
the FY2025 program year.
Domain/Measure Name
Person and Community Engagement Domain
ospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and
Svstems (HCAHPS)
Safety Domain
[National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Catheter Associated
Urinarv Tract Infection (CAUTI) Outcome Measure
[National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Central Line
k\ssociated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) Outcome Measure
Colon and Abdominal lAmerican College of Surgeons Centers for Disease Control and
!Hysterectomy SSI
Prevention (ACS-CDC) Harmonized Procedure Specific Surgical
Site Infection (SSI) Outcome Measure
IMRSA Bacteremia
!National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Facility wide
[npatient Hospital onset Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
iaureus (MR.SA) Bacteremia Outcome Measure
[National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Facility wide
[npatient Hospital onset Clostridioides difficile Infection (CDI)
Outcome Measure
Clinical Outcomes Domain
!Hospital 30-Day, All-Cause, Risk-Standardized Mortality Rate
!Following Acute Mvocardial Infarction (AMI) Hospitalization
!Hospital 30-Day, All-Cause, Risk-Standardized Mortality Rate
!Following Heart Failure (HF) Hospitalization
IMORT-30-PN (updated Hospital 30-Day, All-Cause, Risk-Standardized Mortality Rate
!Following Pneumonia Hospitalization
!Hospital 30-Day, All-Cause, Risk-Standardized Mortality Rate
!Following Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
!Hospital 30-Day, All-Cause, Risk-Standardized Mortality Rate
!Following Coronary Artery Bvpass Graft (CABG) Surgery
Hospital Level Risk-Standardized Complication Rate Following
Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total
Knee Arthroplastv (TKA)
Efficiency and Cost Reduction Domain
jMedicare Spending Per Beneficiary (MSPB) Hospital
As discussed in section IX.B.2.g(2) of
the preamble of this proposed rule, we
are proposing to adopt updates to the
HCAHPS Survey measure beginning
with the FY 2030 program year. We are
also proposing to adopt updates to the
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HCAHPS Survey measure in the
Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
(IQR) Program, beginning with the FY
2027 program year, as described in
section IX.B.2.e of the preamble of this
proposed rule. We are also proposing to
PO 00000
Frm 00307
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
modify Hospital VBP Program scoring of
the HCAHPS Survey for the FY 2027
through FY 2029 program years to score
hospitals on only those dimensions of
the survey that would remain
unchanged from the current version, as
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Measure Short Name
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
described in section IX.B.2.f of the
preamble of this proposed rule. Lastly,
we are also proposing to modify the
scoring in FY 2030 to account for the
adoption of the proposed modifications
to the HCAHPS Survey measure that
would result in a total of nine survey
dimensions for the updated HCAHPS
Survey measure in the Hospital VBP
Program, which is described in section
IX.B.2.g(3) of the preamble of this
proposed rule. Table V.L.–02
summarizes the previously adopted
Hospital VBP Program measures for the
FY 2026 through FY 2030 program
Domain/Measure Name
Person and Communitv En2aeement Domain
ispital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and
stems lliCAHPS\
Safetv Domain
National Healthcare Safety Netwolk (NHSN) Catheter Associarec
Measure Short Name I
!Colon and Abdominal
~ysterectomy SSI
MRSA Bacteremia
Tract Infection 2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
baseline and performance periods for
the FY 2025 through FY 2029 program
years. We also refer readers to the FY
2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR
56998) in which we finalized a schedule
for all future baseline and performance
periods for all measures.
PO 00000
Frm 00308
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
b. Summary of Baseline and
Performance Periods for the FY 2026
Through FY 2030 Program Years
Tables V.L.–03, V.L.–04, V.L.–05,
V.L.–06, and V.L.–07 summarize the
baseline and performance periods that
we have previously adopted.
3. Baseline and Performance Periods for
the FY 2026 Through FY 2030 Program
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Baseline Period
Perlormance Period
Person and Community Engagement Domain
anuary 1, 2022 ecember 31, 2022
Clinical Outcomes Domain
Mortality measures (MORT-30-AMI, ~uly 1, 2016 - June 30, 2019
updated cohort))
[April 1, 2016 - March 31, 2019
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024
April 1, 2021 - March 31, 2024
Safety Domain
NHSN measures (CAUTI, CLABSI, ~anuary 1, 2022 January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
Colon and Abdominal Hysterectomy !December 31, 2022
SSI, CDI, MRSA Bacteremia)
~anuary 1, 2022 - December 31,
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
Efficiency and Cost Reduction Domain
anuary 1, 2022 ecember 31, 2022
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
Mortality measures (MORT-30-AMl,
updated cohort))
Baseline Period
Performance Period
Person and Communitv En!!a!!ement Domain
Januarv 1 2023 - December 31 2023
January 1. 2025 - December 31, 2025
Clinical Outcomes Domain
July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2020**
July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2025
l'\pril 1, 2017 - March 31, 2020**
April 1, 2022 - March 31, 2025
* In section IX.B.2.f of the preamble of this proposed rule, we are proposing that for the FY 2027 program year, we
would only score on the six dimensions of the HCAHPS Survey that would remain unchanged from the current
**These baseline periods are impacted by the ECE granted by CMS on March 22, 2020. Qualifying claims will be
excluded from the measure calculations for January 1, 2020-March 31, 2020 (Q 1 2020) and April 1, 2020-June 30,
2020 (Q2 2020) from the claims-based complication, mortality, and CMS PSI 90 measures. For more detailed
information, we refer readers to the FY 2022 IPPS/L TCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45297 through 45299).
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PO 00000
Frm 00309
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
EP02MY24.197 EP02MY24.198
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Safetv Domain
January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023
January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025
Colon and Abdominal Hysterectomy SSI,
=:rn. MRSA Bacteremia)
Januarv 1 2023 - December 31 2023
January 1 2025 - December 31 2025
Efficiency and Cost Reduction Domain
January 1, 2023 - December 31, 2023
January 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Mortality measures (MORT-30-AMI,
updated cohort))
Baseline Period
Performance Period
Person and Communitv En!!a!!ement Domain
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2026
Clinical Outcomes Domain
July 1, 2018 - June 30, 2021 **
July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2026
April 1, 2018 - March 31, 2021 **
April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2026
Safetv Domain
W{SN measures (CAUTI, CLABSI,
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2026
tolon and Abdominal Hysterectomy SSI,
(;DI, MRSA Bacteremia)
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2026
Efficiencv and Cost Reduction Domain
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024
January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2026
* In section IX.B.2.f of the preamble of this proposed rule, we are proposing to we are proposing that for the FY
2028 program year, we would only score on the six dimensions of the HCAHPS Survey that would remain
unchanged from the current version.
**These baseline periods are impacted by the ECE granted by CMS on March 22, 2020. Qualifying claims will be
excluded from the measure calculations for January 1, 2020-March 31, 2020 (Ql 2020) and April 1, 2020-June 30,
2020 (Q2 2020) from the claims-based complication, mortality, and CMS PSI 90 measures. For more detailed
information, we refer readers to the FY 2022 IPPS/L TCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45297 through 45299).
Baseline Period
Person and Communitv En!!a!!ement Domain
Januarv 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025
Clinical Outcomes Domain
Mortality measures (MOR-T30-AMI,
updated cohort))
!Performance Period
January 1, 2027 -December 31, 2027
July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2022**
July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2027
~pril 1, 2019 - March 31, 2022**
April 1, 2024 -March 31, 2027
Safety Domain
January 1,2027-December31,2027
January 1, 2025 - December 31,2025
Colon and Abdominal Hysterectomy SSI,
CDI, MRSA Bacteremia)
Januarv 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025
January 1, 202 7 - December 31, 202 7
Efficiency and Cost Reduction Domain
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
January 1, 2027 -December 31, 2027
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PO 00000
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EP02MY24.199 EP02MY24.200
Januarv 1, 2025 - December 31, 2025
* In section IX.B.2.f of the preamble of this proposed rule, we are proposing that for the FY 2029 program year, we
would only score on the six dimensions of the HCAHPS Survey that would remain unchanged from the current
**These baseline periods are impacted by the ECE granted by CMS on March 22, 2020. Qualifying claims will be
excluded from the measure calculations for January 1, 2020-March 31, 2020 (Ql 2020) and April 1, 2020-June 30,
2020 (Q2 2020) from the claims-based complication, mortality, and CMS PSI 90 measures. For more detailed
information, we refer readers to the FY 2022 IPPS/L TCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45297 through 45299).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Mortality measures (MORT-30-AMI,
updated cohort))
Baseline Period
Performance Period
Person and Community Engagement Domain
January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2026
January 1, 2028 - December 31, 2028
Clinical Outcomes Domain
July 1, 2020 - June 30, 2023
July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2028
April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2023
April 1, 2025 - March 31, 2028
Safety Domain
W{SN measures (CAUTI, CLABSI,
January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2026
January 1, 2028 - December 31, 2028
tolon and Abdominal Hysterectomy SSI,
trn, MRSA Bacteremia)
January 1 2026 - December 31 2026
January 1 2028 - December 31 2028
Efficiency and Cost Reduction Domain
January 1, 2026 - December 31, 2026
January 1, 2028 - December 31, 2028
* In section IX.B.2.g of the preamble of this proposed rule, we are proposing to adopt the substantive updates to the
HCAHPS Survey beginning with the FY 2030 program year.
a. Background
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We refer readers to the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49115
through 49118) for previously
established performance standards for
the FY 2025 program year. We also refer
readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (88 FR 59089 through 59090)
for the previously established
performance standards for the FY 2026
program year. We refer readers to the FY
2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for
further discussion on performance
standards for which the measures are
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b. Previously and Newly Estimated
Performance Standards for the FY 2027
Program Year
We have adopted certain measures for
the Safety domain, Clinical Outcomes
domain, and the Efficiency and Cost
Reduction domain for future program
years to ensure that we can adopt
baseline and performance periods of
sufficient length for performance
scoring purposes. In the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45294
through 45295), we established
PO 00000
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performance standards for the FY 2027
program year for the Clinical Outcomes
domain measures (MORT–30–AMI,
MORT–30–HF, MORT–30–PN (updated
cohort), MORT–30–COPD, MORT–30–
CABG, and COMP–HIP–KNEE) and the
Efficiency and Cost Reduction domain
measure (MSPB). We note that the
performance standards for the MSPB
Hospital measure are based on
performance period data. Therefore, we
are unable to provide numerical
equivalents for the standards at this
time. The previously established and
newly estimated performance standards
for the FY 2027 program year are set out
in Tables V.L.–08 and V.L.–09.
calculated with lower values
representing better performance (85 FR
4. Performance Standards for the
Hospital VBP Program
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Measure Short Name
Achievement Threshold
Safety Domain
MRSA Bacteremia *
Colon and Abdominal Hysterectomy SSI*
SEP-1 ***
Clinical Outcomes Domain #
MORT-30-PN (updated cohort)
Efficiency and Cost Reduction Domain
Mean of the lowest decile Medicare
Median Medicare Spending per
Beneficiary ratio across all hospitals Spending per Beneficiary ratios
during the performance period.
across all hospitals during the
performance period.
As discussed in section IX.B.2.f of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to modify the scoring of the
HCAHPS Survey for the FY 2027
through FY 2029 program years while
the proposed updates to the survey
would be publicly reported under the
Hospital IQR Program. Scoring would be
modified to only score hospitals on the
six Hospital VBP Program dimensions of
the HCAHPS Survey that would remain
unchanged from the current version.
These six dimensions of the HCAHPS
Survey for the Hospital VBP Program
would be:
• ‘‘Communication with Nurses,’’
• ‘‘Communication with Doctors,’’
• ‘‘Communication about
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• ‘‘Discharge Information,’’
• ‘‘Cleanliness and Quietness,’’ and
• ‘‘Overall Rating.’’
We are proposing to exclude the
‘‘Responsiveness of Hospital Staff’’ and
‘‘Care Transition’’ dimensions from
scoring in the Hospital VBP Program’s
HCAHPS Survey measure in the Person
and Community Engagement domain for
the FY 2027 through FY 2029 program
years. This would allow hospitals to be
scored on only those dimensions of the
survey in the Hospital VBP Program that
would remain unchanged from the
current version of the survey while the
updated HCAHPS Survey is publicly
reported on under the Hospital IQR
Program for one year as required by
statute. We are also proposing to adopt
PO 00000
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Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
the updated version of the HCAHPS
Survey measure for use in the Hospital
VBP Program beginning in FY 2030 as
outlined in section IX.B.2.g of this
proposed rule.
Scoring would be modified such that
for each of the six dimensions listed
previously, Achievement Points (0–10
points) and Improvement Points (0–9
points) would be calculated, the larger
of which would be summed across these
six dimensions to create a prenormalized HCAHPS Base Score of 0–60
points (as compared to 0–80 points with
the current eight dimensions). The prenormalized HCAHPS Base Score would
then be multiplied by 8⁄6 (1.3333333)
and rounded according to standard rules
(values of 0.5 and higher are rounded
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
* Lower values represent better performance.
** We note that the numerical values for the. perfonnartce standards for the HAI measures iri the preamble of this
proposed rule represent estitnates based ori the. niost recently available data; and we. intend t.o update the numerical
values. in the FY20251PPS/LTCB P:PS final rule. These estimates are based on October 2022 through September
2023 data.
*** We note that the numerical values for the performance standards. for the SEP~ l measures in this proposed rule
represent estiniates based on the most recently available data, and we intend to update the numerical vahies in the
FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule; These estimates are based on October. 2022. through September 2023 •data.
# As discussed in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 5297 through 45299), we did not include data from
Q1 and Q2 of CY 2020 in the calculation of these performance standards.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
up, values below 0.5 are rounded down)
to create the normalized HCAHPS Base
Score. Each of the six dimensions would
be of equal weight, so that, as currently
scored, the normalized HCAHPS Base
Score would range from 0 to 80 points.
HCAHPS Consistency Points would be
calculated in the same manner as the
current method and would continue to
range from 0 to 20 points. Like the Base
Score, the Consistency Points Score
would consider scores across the six
unchanged dimensions of the Person
and Community Engagement domain.
The final element of the scoring
formula, which would remain
unchanged from the current formula,
would be the sum of the HCAHPS Base
Score and the HCAHPS Consistency
Points Score for a total score that ranges
from 0 to 100 points. The method for
calculating the performance standards
for the six dimensions would remain
unchanged. We refer readers to the
Hospital Inpatient VBP Program final
rule (76 FR 26511 through 26513) for
our methodology for calculating
performance standards. The estimated
performance standards for the six
dimensions that are proposed to be
scored on for the FY 2027 program year
are set out in Table V.L.–09.
HCAHPS Survey Dimension*1
Communication with Nurses
Communication with Doctors
Responsiveness of Hospital Staff"*
Communication about Medicines
Hospital Cleanliness & Quietness
Discharge Information
Care Transition**
Overall Rating of Hospital
Achievement Threshold
(50"' percentile)
(mean of top decile)
1 Includes IPPS hospitals with 100+ completed surveys from patients discharged between October 2022 and September 2023.
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00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
t:~a~s §~ed:9n\tfi~w~stt.
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Pl?Sfn1hlfule, Th~~ .e~a,tt:s are b~sed
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Measure Short Na:me
Achievement Threshold
Clinical Outcomes Domain**
MORT-30-PN (updated cohort)
Efficiency and Cost Reduction Domain
Median Medicare Spending Mean of the lowest decile
per Beneficiaiy ratio across all Medicare Spending per
hospitals during the
13eneficiaiy ratios across all
performance period.
hospitals during the
performance period.
* Lower values represent better performance.
** We note that these performance standards are calculated using some data from CY 2020 and CY 2021, which are
included in the COVID-19 PHE. However, these performance standards have been calculated using the updated
technical specifications described in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49106 through 49110), which
excludes patients diagnosed with CO VID-19 and risk-adjusts for history of COVID-19 for these measures.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We have adopted certain measures for
the Safety domain, Clinical Outcomes
domain, and the Efficiency and Cost
Reduction domain for future program
years to ensure that we can adopt
baseline and performance periods of
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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sufficient length for performance
scoring purposes. In the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59091
through 59092), we established
performance standards for the FY 2029
program year for the Clinical Outcomes
domain measures (MORT–30–AMI,
MORT–30–HF, MORT–30–PN (updated
cohort), MORT–30–COPD, MORT–30–
CABG, and COMP–HIP–KNEE) and the
PO 00000
Frm 00314
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Efficiency and Cost Reduction domain
measure (MSPB Hospital). We note that
the performance standards for the MSPB
Hospital measure are based on
performance period data. Therefore, we
are unable to provide numerical
equivalents for the standards at this
time. The previously established
performance standards for these
measures are set out in Table V.L.–11.
d. Previously Established Performance
Standards for Certain Measures for the
FY 2029 Program Year
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Measure Short Name
Achievement Threshold
Clinical Outcomes Domain**
MORT-30-PN (updated cohort)
Efficiency and Cost Reduction Domain
Median Medicare Spending per
!Beneficiary ratio across all hospitals
during the performance period.
Mean of the lowest decile Medicare
Spending per Beneficiary ratios across
all hospitals during the performance
* Lower values represent better performance.
** We note that these performance standards are calculated using some data from CY 2020 and CY 2021, which are
included the COVID-19 PHE. However, these performance standards have been calculated using the updated
technical specifications described in the FY 2023 IPPS/L TCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49106 through 49110), which
excludes patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and risk adjusts for history of COVID-19 for these measures.
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future program years to ensure that we
can adopt baseline and performance
periods of sufficient length for
performance scoring purposes. In
accordance with our methodology for
calculating performance standards
discussed more fully in the Hospital
Inpatient VBP Program final rule (76 FR
26511 through 26513), which is codified
at 42 CFR 412.160, we are establishing
the following performance standards for
PO 00000
Frm 00315
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
the FY 2030 program year for the
Clinical Outcomes domain and the
Efficiency and Cost Reduction domain.
We note that the performance standards
for the MSPB Hospital measure are
based on performance period data.
Therefore, we are unable to provide
numerical equivalents for the standards
at this time. The newly established
performance standards for these
measures are set out in Table V.L.–12.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
e. Newly Established Performance
Standards for Certain Measures for the
FY 2030 Program Year
As discussed previously, we have
adopted certain measures for the
Clinical Outcomes domain (MORT–30–
(updated cohort), MORT–30–COPD,
KNEE) and the Efficiency and Cost
Reduction domain (MSPB Hospital) for
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Measure Short Name
Achievement Threshold
Clinical Outcomes Domain**
MORT-30-PN (updated cohort)
Efficiency and Cost Reduction Domain
Median Medicare Spending per
Mean of the lowest decile Medicare
Beneficiary ratio across all hospitals Spending per Beneficiary ratios
across all hospitals during the
during the performance period.
l)erformance period.
* Lower values represent better performance.
** We note that these performance standards are calculated using some data from CY 2020 and CY 2021, which are
included the COVID-19 PHE. However, these performance standards have been calculated using the updated
technical specifications described in the FY 2023 IPPS/L TCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49106 through 49110), which
excludes patients diagnosed with COVID-19 and risk adjusts for history of COVID-19 for these measures.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
1. Regulatory Background
We refer readers to the FY 2014 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR 50707
through 50709) for a general overview of
the HAC Reduction Program and a
detailed discussion of the statutory basis
for the Program. We also refer readers to
42 CFR 412.170 through 412.172 for
codified HAC Reduction Program
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2. Measures for FY 2025 and
Subsequent Years in the HAC Reduction
The previously finalized measures for
the HAC Reduction Program are shown
in table V.M.-01. Technical
specifications for the CMS PSI 90
measure can be found on the QualityNet
website available at: https://
psi/resources. Technical specifications
for the CDC National Healthcare Safety
PO 00000
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Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Network (NHSN) HAI measures can be
found at the CDC’s NHSN website at and on the
QualityNet website available at: https://
hai/resources. These web pages provide
measure updates and other information
necessary to guide hospitals
participating in the collection of HAC
Reduction Program data.
M. Hospital-Acquired Condition (HAC)
Reduction Program
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Colon and Abdominal
!Hysterectomy SSI
MR.SA Bacteremia
We are not making any proposals or
updates for the HAC Reduction Program
in this proposed rule. We refer readers
to section I.G.9. of Appendix A of this
proposed rule for an updated estimate of
the impact of the Program policies on
the proportion of hospitals in the worst
performing quartile of the Total HAC
Scores for the FY 2025 HAC Reduction
N. Rural Community Hospital
Demonstration Program
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
1. Introduction
The Rural Community Hospital
Demonstration was originally
authorized by section 410A of the
Medicare Prescription Drug,
Improvement, and Modernization Act of
2003 (MMA) (Pub. L. 108–173). The
demonstration has been extended three
times since the original 5-year period
mandated by the MMA, each time for an
additional 5 years. These extensions
were authorized by sections 3123 and
10313 of the Affordable Care Act (Pub.
L. 111–148), section 15003 of the 21st
Century Cures Act (Pub. L. 114–255)
(Cures Act) enacted in 2016, and most
recently, by section 128 of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021
(Pub. L. 116–260). In the preamble of
this proposed rule, we summarize the
status of the demonstration program,
and the current methodologies for
implementation and calculating budget
We are also proposing the amount to
be applied to the national IPPS payment
rates to account for the costs of the
demonstration in FY 2025, and, in
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addition, we are proposing to include
the reconciled amount of demonstration
costs for FY 2019 in the FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH final rule. We expect all finalized
cost reports for this earlier year to be
available by that time.
2. Background
Section 410A(a) of the MMA (Pub. L.
108–173) required the Secretary to
establish a demonstration program to
test the feasibility and advisability of
establishing rural community hospitals
to furnish covered inpatient hospital
services to Medicare beneficiaries. The
demonstration pays rural community
hospitals under a reasonable cost-based
methodology for Medicare payment
purposes for covered inpatient hospital
services furnished to Medicare
beneficiaries. A rural community
hospital, as defined in section
410A(f)(1), is a hospital that—
• Is located in a rural area (as defined
in section 1886(d)(2)(D) of the Act) or is
treated as being located in a rural area
under section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act;
• Has fewer than 51 beds (excluding
beds in a distinct part psychiatric or
rehabilitation unit) as reported in its
most recent cost report;
• Provides 24-hour emergency care
services; and
• Is not designated or eligible for
designation as a CAH under section
1820 of the Act.
Our policy for implementing the 5year extension period authorized by the
CAA, 2021 (Pub. L. 116–260) follows
upon the previous extensions under the
Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111–148)
and the Cures Act (Pub. L. 114–255).
PO 00000
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Section 410A of the MMA (Pub. L. 108–
173) initially required a 5-year period of
performance. Subsequently, sections
3123 and 10313 of the Affordable Care
Act (Pub. L. 111–148) required the
Secretary to conduct the demonstration
program for an additional 5-year period,
to begin on the date immediately
following the last day of the initial 5year period. In addition, the Affordable
Care Act (Pub. L. 111–148) limited the
number of hospitals participating to no
more than 30. Section 15003 of the
Cures Act (Pub. L. 114–255) required a
10-year extension period in place of the
5-year extension period under the
Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111–148),
thereby extending the demonstration for
another 5 years. Section 128 of CAA,
2021 (Pub. L. 116–260), in turn, revised
the statute to indicate a 15-year
extension period, instead of the 10-year
extension period mandated by the Cures
Act (Pub. L. 114–255).
Please refer to the FY 2023 IPPS
proposed and final rules (87 FR 28454
through 28458 and 87 FR 49138 through
49142, respectively) for an account of
hospitals entering into and withdrawing
from the demonstration with these reauthorizations. There are currently 23
hospitals participating in the
2. Budget Neutrality
a. Statutory Budget Neutrality
Section 410A(c)(2) of the MMA (Pub.
L. 108–173) requires that, in conducting
the demonstration program under this
section, the Secretary shall ensure that
Short Name
ConsensusBased Entity
Measure Name
CMS Patient Safetv and Adverse Events Composite (CMS PSI 90)
CDC NHSN Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Outcome
CDC NHSN Facility-wide Inpatient Hospital-onset Clostridium
difficile Infection (CDI) Outcome Measure
CDC NHSN Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI)
Outcome Measure
American College of Surgeons - Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (ACS-CDC) Harmonized Procedure Specific Surgical Site
Infection (SSI) Outcome Measure
CDC NHSN Facility-wide Inpatient Hospital-onset Methicillin1716
resistant Stavhvlococcus aureus (MRSA) Bacteremia Outcome Measure
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the aggregate payments made by the
Secretary do not exceed the amount that
the Secretary would have paid if the
demonstration program under this
section was not implemented. This
requirement is commonly referred to as
‘‘budget neutrality.’’ Generally, when
we implement a demonstration program
on a budget neutral basis, the
demonstration program is budget
neutral on its own terms; in other
words, the aggregate payments to the
participating hospitals do not exceed
the amount that would be paid to those
same hospitals in the absence of the
demonstration program. We note that
the payment methodology for this
demonstration, that is, cost-based
payments to participating small rural
hospitals, makes it unlikely that
increased Medicare outlays will
produce an offsetting reduction to
Medicare expenditures elsewhere.
Therefore, in the IPPS final rules
spanning the period from FY 2005
through FY 2016, we adjusted the
national IPPS rates by an amount
sufficient to account for the added costs
of this demonstration program, thus
applying budget neutrality across the
payment system as a whole rather than
merely across the participants in the
demonstration program. (We applied a
different methodology for FY 2017, with
the demonstration expected to end prior
to the Cures Act extension.) As we
discussed in the FYs 2005 through 2017
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rules (69 FR
49183; 70 FR 47462; 71 FR 48100; 72 FR
47392; 73 FR 48670; 74 FR 43922, 75 FR
50343, 76 FR 51698, 77 FR 53449, 78 FR
50740, 77 FR 50145; 80 FR 49585; and
81 FR 57034, respectively), we believe
that the statutory language of the budget
neutrality requirements permits the
agency to implement the budget
neutrality provision in this manner.
We resumed this methodology of
offsetting demonstration costs against
the national payment rates in the IPPS
final rules from FY 2018 through FY
2024. Please see the FY 2024 IPPS final
rule for an account of how we applied
the budget neutrality requirement for
these fiscal years (88 FR 59114 through
nationwide trends in cost and volume
increases have been incorporated into
these estimates, as specified in the
methodology described in the final rule
for each fiscal year. Second, as finalized
cost reports became available, we
determined the amount by which the
actual costs of the demonstration for an
earlier, given year differed from the
estimated costs for the demonstration
set forth in the final IPPS rule for the
corresponding fiscal year, and
incorporated that amount into the
budget neutrality offset amount for the
upcoming fiscal year. If the actual costs
for the demonstration for the earlier
fiscal year exceeded the estimated costs
of the demonstration identified in the
final rule for that year, this difference
was added to the estimated costs of the
demonstration for the upcoming fiscal
year when determining the budget
neutrality adjustment for the upcoming
fiscal year. Conversely, if the estimated
costs of the demonstration set forth in
the final rule for a prior fiscal year
exceeded the actual costs of the
demonstration for that year, this
difference was subtracted from the
estimated cost of the demonstration for
the upcoming fiscal year when
determining the budget neutrality
adjustment for the upcoming fiscal year.
We note that we have calculated this
difference for FYs 2005 through 2018
between the actual costs of the
demonstration as determined from
finalized cost reports once available,
and estimated costs of the
demonstration as identified in the
applicable IPPS final rules for these
b. General Budget Neutrality
We have generally incorporated two
components into the budget neutrality
offset amounts identified in the final
IPPS rules in previous years. First, we
have estimated the costs of the
demonstration for the upcoming fiscal
year, generally determined from
historical, ‘‘as submitted’’ cost reports
for the hospitals participating in that
year. Update factors representing
(1) Methodology for Estimating
Demonstration Costs for FY 2025
Consistent with the general
methodology from previous years, we
are estimating the costs of the
demonstration for the upcoming fiscal
year, and proposing to incorporate this
estimate into the budget neutrality offset
amount to be applied to the national
IPPS rates for the upcoming fiscal year,
that is, FY 2025. We are conducting this
estimate for FY 2025 based on the 23
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c. Budget Neutrality Methodology for
the Extension Period Authorized by
CAA, 2021
For the most-recently enacted
extension period, under the CAA, 2021,
we have continued upon the general
budget neutrality methodology used in
previous years, as described above in
the citations to earlier IPPS final rules.
In this proposed rule, we outline the
methodology to be used for determining
the offset to the national IPPS payment
rates for FY 2025.
PO 00000
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Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
currently participating hospitals. The
methodology for calculating this amount
for FY 2025 proceeds according to the
following steps:
Step 1: For each of these 23 hospitals,
we identify the reasonable cost amount
calculated under the reasonable costbased methodology for covered
inpatient hospital services, including
swing beds, as indicated on the ‘‘as
submitted’’ cost report for the most
recent cost reporting period available.
For each of these hospitals, the ‘‘as
submitted’’ cost report is that with cost
report period end date in CY 2022. We
sum these hospital-specific amounts to
arrive at a total general amount
representing the costs for covered
inpatient hospital services, including
swing beds, across the total 23 hospitals
eligible to participate during FY 2025.
Then, we multiply this amount by the
FYs 2023, 2024, and 2025 IPPS market
basket percentage increases, which are
calculated by the CMS Office of the
Actuary. (We are using the proposed
market basket percentage increase for
FY 2025, which can be found at section
V.B.1. of the preamble to this proposed
rule). The result for the 23 hospitals is
the general estimated reasonable cost
amount for covered inpatient hospital
services for FY 2025.
Consistent with our methods in
previous years for formulating this
estimate, we are applying the IPPS
market basket percentage increases for
FYs 2023 through 2025 to the applicable
estimated reasonable cost amount
(previously described) to model the
estimated FY 2025 reasonable cost
amount under the demonstration. We
believe that the IPPS market basket
percentage increases appropriately
indicate the trend of increase in
inpatient hospital operating costs under
the reasonable cost methodology for the
years involved.
Step 2: For each of the participating
hospitals, we identify the estimated
amount that would otherwise be paid in
FY 2025 under applicable Medicare
payment methodologies for covered
inpatient hospital services, including
swing beds (as indicated on the same set
of ‘‘as submitted’’ cost reports as in Step
1), if the demonstration were not
implemented. We sum these hospitalspecific amounts, and, in turn, multiply
this sum by the FYs 2023, 2024, and
2025 IPPS applicable percentage
increases. (For FY 2025, we are using
the proposed applicable percentage
increase, per section V.B.1. of the
preamble of this proposed rule). This
methodology differs from Step 1, in
which we apply the market basket
percentage increases to the hospitals’
applicable estimated reasonable cost
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
amount for covered inpatient hospital
services. We believe that the IPPS
applicable percentage increases are
appropriate factors to update the
estimated amounts that generally would
otherwise be paid without the
demonstration. This is because IPPS
payments constitute the majority of
payments that would otherwise be made
without the demonstration and the
applicable percentage increase is the
factor used under the IPPS to update the
inpatient hospital payment rates.
Step 3: We subtract the amount
derived in Step 2 from the amount
derived in Step 1. According to our
methodology, the resulting amount
indicates the total difference for the 23
hospitals (for covered inpatient hospital
services, including swing beds), which
will be the general estimated amount of
the costs of the demonstration for FY
For this proposed rule, the resulting
amount is $49,522,206, to be
incorporated into the budget neutrality
offset adjustment for FY 2025. This
estimated amount is based on the
specific assumptions regarding the data
sources used, that is, recently available
‘‘as submitted’’ cost reports and
historical update factors for cost and
payment. If updated data become
available prior to the final rule, we will
use them as appropriate to estimate the
costs for the demonstration program for
FY 2025 in accordance with our
methodology for determining the budget
neutrality estimate. We will also
incorporate any statutory change that
might affect the methodology for
determining hospital costs either with
or without the demonstration.
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(2) Reconciling Actual and Estimated
Costs of the Demonstration for Previous
As described earlier, we have
calculated the difference for FYs 2005
through 2018 between the actual costs
of the demonstration, as determined
from finalized cost reports once
available, and estimated costs of the
demonstration as identified in the
applicable IPPS final rules for these
At this time, for the FY 2025 proposed
rule, not all of the finalized cost reports
are available for the 26 hospitals that
completed cost report periods beginning
in FY 2019 under the demonstration
payment methodology. We expect all of
these finalized cost reports to be
available by the time of the final rule,
and thus we are proposing to include
the difference between the actual cost of
the demonstration for FY 2019 as
determined from finalized cost reports
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within the budget neutrality offset
amount in the FY 2025 final rule.
(3) Total Proposed Budget Neutrality
Offset Amount for FY 2025
Therefore, for this FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule, the proposed
budget neutrality offset amount for FY
2025 is the amount determined under
section X.2.c.(2) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, representing the
difference applicable to FY 2025
between the sum of the estimated
reasonable cost amounts that would be
paid under the demonstration for
covered inpatient services to the 23
hospitals eligible to participate in the
fiscal year and the sum of the estimated
amounts that would generally be paid if
the demonstration had not been
implemented. This estimated amount is
However, we note, that the overall
amount might change if there are any
revisions prior to the final rule to the
data used to formulate this estimate. We
also expect to revise the budget
neutrality offset amount upon
calculating the actual costs of the
demonstration for FY 2019, after
receiving all of the finalized cost reports
for that fiscal year.
VI. Proposed Changes to the IPPS for
Capital Related Costs
A. Overview
Section 1886(g) of the Act requires the
Secretary to pay for the capital-related
costs of inpatient acute hospital services
in accordance with a prospective
payment system established by the
Secretary. Under the statute, the
Secretary has broad authority in
establishing and implementing the IPPS
for acute care hospital inpatient capitalrelated costs. We initially implemented
the IPPS for capital-related costs in the
FY 1992 IPPS final rule (56 FR 43358).
In that final rule, we established a 10year transition period to change the
payment methodology for Medicare
hospital inpatient capital-related costs
from a reasonable cost-based payment
methodology to a prospective payment
methodology (based fully on the Federal
FY 2001 was the last year of the 10year transition period that was
established to phase in the IPPS for
hospital inpatient capital-related costs.
For cost reporting periods beginning in
FY 2002, capital IPPS payments are
based solely on the Federal rate for
almost all acute care hospitals (other
than hospitals receiving certain
exception payments and certain new
hospitals). (We refer readers to the FY
2002 IPPS final rule (66 FR 39910
PO 00000
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through 39914) for additional
information on the methodology used to
determine capital IPPS payments to
hospitals both during and after the
transition period.)
The basic methodology for
determining capital prospective
payments using the Federal rate is set
forth in the regulations at 42 CFR
412.312. For the purpose of calculating
capital payments for each discharge, the
standard Federal rate is adjusted as
(Standard Federal Rate) × (DRG Weight)
× (Geographic Adjustment Factor
(GAF) × (COLA for hospitals located
in Alaska and Hawaii) × (1 + Capital
DSH Adjustment Factor + Capital
IME Adjustment Factor, if
In addition, under § 412.312(c),
hospitals also may receive outlier
payments under the capital IPPS for
extraordinarily high-cost cases that
qualify under the thresholds established
for each fiscal year.
B. Additional Provisions
1. Exception Payments
The regulations at 42 CFR 412.348
provide for certain exception payments
under the capital IPPS. The regular
exception payments provided under
§ 412.348(b) through (e) were available
only during the 10-year transition
period. For a certain period after the
transition period, eligible hospitals may
have received additional payments
under the special exceptions provisions
at § 412.348(g). However, FY 2012 was
the final year hospitals could receive
special exceptions payments. For
additional details regarding these
exceptions policies, we refer readers to
the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(76 FR 51725).
Under § 412.348(f), a hospital may
request an additional payment if the
hospital incurs unanticipated capital
expenditures in excess of $5 million due
to extraordinary circumstances beyond
the hospital’s control. Additional
information on the exception payment
for extraordinary circumstances in
§ 412.348(f) can be found in the FY 2005
IPPS final rule (69 FR 49185 and 49186).
2. New Hospitals
Under the capital IPPS, the
regulations at 42 CFR 412.300(b) define
a new hospital as a hospital that has
operated (under previous or current
ownership) for less than 2 years and
lists examples of hospitals that are not
considered new hospitals. In accordance
with § 412.304(c)(2), under the capital
IPPS, a new hospital is paid 85 percent
of its allowable Medicare inpatient
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
hospital capital related costs through its
first 2 years of operation, unless the new
hospital elects to receive full
prospective payment based on 100
percent of the Federal rate. We refer
readers to the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (76 FR 51725) for additional
information on payments to new
hospitals under the capital IPPS.
3. Payments for Hospitals Located in
Puerto Rico
In the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (81 FR 57061), we revised the
regulations at 42 CFR 412.374 relating to
the calculation of capital IPPS payments
to hospitals located in Puerto Rico
beginning in FY 2017 to parallel the
change in the statutory calculation of
operating IPPS payments to hospitals
located in Puerto Rico, for discharges
occurring on or after January 1, 2016,
made by section 601 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. L. 114–
113). Section 601 of Public Law 114–
113 increased the applicable Federal
percentage of the operating IPPS
payment for hospitals located in Puerto
Rico from 75 percent to 100 percent and
decreased the applicable Puerto Rico
percentage of the operating IPPS
payments for hospitals located in Puerto
Rico from 25 percent to zero percent,
applicable to discharges occurring on or
after January 1, 2016. As such, under
revised § 412.374, for discharges
occurring on or after October 1, 2016,
capital IPPS payments to hospitals
located in Puerto Rico are based on 100
percent of the capital Federal rate.
C. Proposed Annual Update for FY 2025
The proposed annual update to the
national capital Federal rate, as
provided for in 42 CFR 412.308(c), for
FY 2025 is discussed in section III. of
the Addendum to this FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule.
VII. Changes for Hospitals Excluded
From the IPPS
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
A. Proposed Rate-of-Increase in
Payments to Excluded Hospitals for FY
Certain hospitals excluded from a
prospective payment system, including
children’s hospitals, 11 cancer
hospitals, and hospitals located outside
the 50 States, the District of Columbia,
and Puerto Rico (that is, hospitals
located in the U.S. Virgin Islands,
Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands,
and American Samoa) receive payment
for inpatient hospital services they
furnish on the basis of reasonable costs,
subject to a rate-of-increase ceiling. A
per discharge limit (the target amount,
as defined in § 413.40(a) of the
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regulations) is set for each hospital
based on the hospital’s own cost
experience in its base year, and updated
annually by a rate-of-increase
percentage. For each cost reporting
period, the updated target amount is
multiplied by total Medicare discharges
during that period and applied as an
aggregate upper limit (the ceiling as
defined in § 413.40(a)) of Medicare
reimbursement for total inpatient
operating costs for a hospital’s cost
reporting period. In accordance with
§ 403.752(a) of the regulations, religious
nonmedical health care institutions
(RNHCIs) also are subject to the rate-ofincrease limits established under
§ 413.40 of the regulations discussed
previously. Furthermore, in accordance
with § 412.526(c)(3) of the regulations,
extended neoplastic disease care
hospitals also are subject to the rate-ofincrease limits established under
§ 413.40 of the regulations discussed
As explained in the FY 2006 IPPS
final rule (70 FR 47396 through 47398),
beginning with FY 2006, we have used
the percentage increase in the IPPS
operating market basket to update the
target amounts for children’s hospitals,
the 11 cancer hospitals, and RNHCIs.
Consistent with the regulations at
§§ 412.23(g) and 413.40(a)(2)(ii)(A) and
(c)(3)(viii), we also have used the
percentage increase in the IPPS
operating market basket to update target
amounts for short–term acute care
hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin
Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana
Islands, and American Samoa. In the FY
2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
rebased and revised the IPPS operating
market basket to a 2014 base year,
effective for FY 2018 and subsequent
fiscal years (82 FR 38158 through
38175), and finalized the use of the
percentage increase in the 2014-based
IPPS operating market basket to update
the target amounts for children’s
hospitals, the 11 cancer hospitals,
RNHCIs, and short-term acute care
hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin
Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana
Islands, and American Samoa for FY
2018 and subsequent fiscal years. As
discussed in section IV. of the preamble
of the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45194 through 45207), we
rebased and revised the IPPS operating
market basket to a 2018 base year.
Therefore, we used the percentage
increase in the 2018-based IPPS
operating market basket to update the
target amounts for children’s hospitals,
the 11 cancer hospitals, RNHCIs, and
short-term acute care hospitals located
in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the
Northern Mariana Islands, and
PO 00000
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American Samoa for FY 2022 and
subsequent fiscal years.
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, based on IGI’s 2023
fourth quarter forecast, we estimate that
the 2018-based IPPS operating market
basket percentage increase for FY 2025
is 3.0 percent (that is, the estimate of the
market basket rate-of-increase). Based
on this estimate, the FY 2025 rate-ofincrease percentage that will be applied
to the FY 2024 target amounts in order
to calculate the FY 2025 target amounts
for children’s hospitals, the 11 cancer
hospitals, RNCHIs, and short-term acute
care hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin
Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana
Islands, and American Samoa is 3.0
percent, in accordance with the
applicable regulations at 42 CFR 413.40.
However, we are proposing that if more
recent data become available for the FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
would use such data, if appropriate, to
calculate the final IPPS operating
market basket update for FY 2025.
In addition, payment for inpatient
operating costs for hospitals classified
under section 1886(d)(1)(B)(vi) of the
Act (which we refer to as ‘‘extended
neoplastic disease care hospitals’’) for
cost reporting periods beginning on or
after January 1, 2015, is to be made as
described in 42 CFR 412.526(c)(3), and
payment for capital costs for these
hospitals is to be made as described in
42 CFR 412.526(c)(4). (For additional
information on these payment
regulations, we refer readers to the FY
2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR
38321 through 38322).) Section
412.526(c)(3) provides that the
hospital’s Medicare allowable net
inpatient operating costs for that period
are paid on a reasonable cost basis,
subject to that hospital’s ceiling, as
determined under § 412.526(c)(1), for
that period. Under § 412.526(c)(1), for
each cost reporting period, the ceiling
was determined by multiplying the
updated target amount, as defined in
§ 412.526(c)(2), for that period by the
number of Medicare discharges paid
during that period. Section
412.526(c)(2)(i) describes the method for
determining the target amount for cost
reporting periods beginning during FY
2015. Section 412.526(c)(2)(ii) specifies
that, for cost reporting periods
beginning during fiscal years after FY
2015, the target amount will equal the
hospital’s target amount for the previous
cost reporting period updated by the
applicable annual rate-of-increase
percentage specified in § 413.40(c)(3) for
the subject cost reporting period (79 FR
For FY 2025, in accordance with
§§ 412.22(i) and 412.526(c)(2)(ii) of the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
regulations, for cost reporting periods
beginning during FY 2025, the proposed
update to the target amount for
extended neoplastic disease care
hospitals (that is, hospitals described
under § 412.22(i)) is the applicable
annual rate-of-increase percentage
specified in § 413.40(c)(3), which is
estimated to be the percentage increase
in the 2018-based IPPS operating market
basket (that is, the estimate of the
market basket rate-of-increase).
Accordingly, the proposed update to an
extended neoplastic disease care
hospital’s target amount for FY 2025 is
3.0 percent, which is based on IGI’s
fourth quarter 2023 forecast.
Furthermore, we are proposing that if
more recent data become available for
the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
we would use such data, if appropriate,
to calculate the IPPS operating market
basket rate of increase for FY 2025.
B. Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs)
1. Background
Section 1820 of the Act provides for
the establishment of Medicare Rural
Hospital Flexibility Programs
(MRHFPs), under which individual
States may designate certain facilities as
critical access hospitals (CAHs).
Facilities that are so designated and
meet the CAH conditions of
participation under 42 CFR part 485,
subpart F, will be certified as CAHs by
CMS. Regulations governing payments
to CAHs for services to Medicare
beneficiaries are located in 42 CFR part
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2. Frontier Community Health
Integration Project Demonstration
a. Introduction
The Frontier Community Health
Integration Project Demonstration was
originally authorized by section 123 of
the Medicare Improvements for Patients
and Providers Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 110–
275). The demonstration has been
extended by section 129 of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021
(Pub. L. 116–260) for an additional 5
years. In this proposed rule, we are
summarizing the status of the
demonstration program, and the
ongoing methodologies for
implementation and budget neutrality
for the demonstration extension period.
b. Background and Overview
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59119
through 591222), section 123 of the
Medicare Improvements for Patients and
Providers Act of 2008, as amended by
section 3126 of the Affordable Care Act,
authorized a demonstration project to
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allow eligible entities to develop and
test new models for the delivery of
health care services in eligible counties
in order to improve access to and better
integrate the delivery of acute care,
extended care and other health care
services to Medicare beneficiaries. The
demonstration was titled
‘‘Demonstration Project on Community
Health Integration Models in Certain
Rural Counties,’’ and commonly known
as the Frontier Community Health
Integration Project (FCHIP)
The authorizing statute stated the
eligibility criteria for entities to be able
to participate in the demonstration. An
eligible entity, as defined in section
123(d)(1)(B) of Public Law 110–275, as
amended, is a Medicare Rural Hospital
Flexibility Program (MRHFP) grantee
under section 1820(g) of the Act (that is,
a CAH); and is located in a State in
which at least 65 percent of the counties
in the state are counties that have 6 or
less residents per square mile.
The authorizing statute stipulated
several other requirements for the
demonstration. In addition, section
123(g)(1)(B) of Public Law 110–275
required that the demonstration be
budget neutral. Specifically, this
provision stated that, in conducting the
demonstration project, the Secretary
shall ensure that the aggregate payments
made by the Secretary do not exceed the
amount which the Secretary estimates
would have been paid if the
demonstration project under the section
were not implemented. Furthermore,
section 123(i) of Public Law 110–275
stated that the Secretary may waive
such requirements of titles XVIII and
XIX of the Act as may be necessary and
appropriate for the purpose of carrying
out the demonstration project, thus
allowing the waiver of Medicare
payment rules encompassed in the
demonstration. CMS selected CAHs to
participate in four interventions, under
which specific waivers of Medicare
payment rules would allow for
enhanced payment for telehealth,
skilled nursing facility/nursing facility
beds, ambulance services, and home
health services. These waivers were
formulated with the goal of increasing
access to care with no net increase in
Section 123 of Public Law 110–275
initially required a 3-year period of
performance. The FCHIP Demonstration
began on August 1, 2016, and concluded
on July 31, 2019 (referred to in this
section of the proposed rule as the
‘‘initial period’’). Subsequently, section
129 of the Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116–260) extended
the demonstration by 5 years (referred to
PO 00000
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in this section of the proposed rule as
the ‘‘extension period’’). The Secretary
is required to conduct the
demonstration for an additional 5-year
period. CAHs participating in the
demonstration project during the
extension period began such
participation in their cost reporting year
that began on or after January 1, 2022.
As described in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59119
through 59122), 10 CAHs were selected
for participation in the demonstration
initial period. The selected CAHs were
located in three states—Montana,
Nevada, and North Dakota—and
participated in three of the four
interventions identified in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. Each CAH
was allowed to participate in more than
one of the interventions. None of the
selected CAHs were participants in the
home health intervention, which was
the fourth intervention.
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45323 through 45328), CMS
concluded that the initial period of the
FCHIP Demonstration (covering the
performance period of August 1, 2016,
to July 31, 2019) had satisfied the
budget neutrality requirement described
in section 123(g)(1)(B) of Public Law
110–275. Therefore, CMS did not apply
a budget neutrality payment offset
policy for the initial period of the
Section 129 of Public Law 116–260,
stipulates that only the 10 CAHs that
participated in the initial period of the
FCHIP Demonstration are eligible to
participate during the extension period.
Among the eligible CAHs, five have
elected to participate in the extension
period. The selected CAHs are located
in two states—Montana and North
Dakota—and are implementing three of
the four interventions. The eligible CAH
participants elected to change the
number of interventions and payment
waivers they would participate in
during the extension period. CMS
accepted and approved the CAHs
intervention and payment waiver
updates. For the extension period, five
CAHs are participants in the telehealth
intervention, three CAHs are
participants in the skilled nursing
facility/nursing facility bed
intervention, and three CAHs are
participants in the ambulance services
intervention. As with the initial period,
each CAH was allowed to participate in
more than one of the interventions
during the extension period. None of the
selected CAHs are participants in the
home health intervention, which was
the fourth intervention.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
c. Intervention Payment and Payment
As described in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59119
through 59122), CMS waived certain
Medicare rules for CAHs participating
in the demonstration initial period to
allow for alternative reasonable costbased payment methods in the three
distinct intervention service areas:
telehealth services, ambulance services,
and skilled nursing facility/nursing
facility (SNF/NF) beds expansion. The
payments and payment waiver
provisions only apply if the CAH is a
participant in the associated
intervention. CMS Intervention Payment
and Payment Waivers for the
demonstration extension period consist
of the following:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(1) Telehealth Services Intervention
CMS waives section 1834(m)(2)(B) of
the Act, which specifies the facility fee
to the originating site for Medicare
telehealth services. CMS modifies the
facility fee payment specified under
section 1834(m)(2)(B) of the Act to make
reasonable cost-based reimbursement to
the participating CAH where the
participating CAH serves as the
originating site for a telehealth service
furnished to an eligible telehealth
individual, as defined in section
1834(m)(4)(B) of the Act. CMS
reimburses the participating CAH
serving as the originating site at 101
percent of its reasonable costs for
overhead, salaries and fringe benefits
associated with telehealth services at
the participating CAH. CMS does not
fund or provide reimbursement to the
participating CAH for the purchase of
new telehealth equipment.
CMS waives section 1834(m)(2)(A) of
the Act, which specifies that the
payment for a telehealth service
furnished by a distant site practitioner
is the same as it would be if the service
had been furnished in-person. CMS
modifies the payment amount specified
for telehealth services under section
1834(m)(2)(A) of the Act to make
reasonable cost-based reimbursement to
the participating CAH for telehealth
services furnished by a physician or
practitioner located at distant site that is
a participating CAH that is billing for
the physician or practitioner
professional services. Whether the
participating CAH has or has not elected
Optional Payment Method II for
outpatient services, CMS would pay the
participating CAH 101 percent of
reasonable costs for telehealth services
when a physician or practitioner has
reassigned their billing rights to the
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participating CAH and furnishes
telehealth services from the
participating CAH as a distant site
practitioner. This means that
participating CAHs that are billing
under the Standard Method on behalf of
employees who are physicians or
practitioners (as defined in section
1834(m)(4)(D) and (E) of the Act,
respectively) would be eligible to bill for
distant site telehealth services furnished
by these physicians and practitioners.
Additionally, CAHs billing under the
Optional Method would be reimbursed
based on 101 percent of reasonable
costs, rather than paid based on the
Medicare physician fee schedule, for the
distant site telehealth services furnished
by physicians and practitioners who
have reassigned their billing rights to
the CAH. For distant site telehealth
services furnished by physicians or
practitioners who have not reassigned
billing rights to a participating CAH,
payment to the distant site physician or
practitioner would continue to be made
as usual under the Medicare physician
fee schedule. Except as described
herein, CMS does not waive any other
provisions of section 1834(m) of the Act
for purposes of the telehealth services
intervention payments, including the
scope of Medicare telehealth services as
established under section 1834(m)(4)(F)
of the Act.
(2) Ambulance Services Intervention
CMS waives 42 CFR 413.70(b)(5)(i)(D)
and section 1834(l)(8) of the Act, which
provides that payment for ambulance
services furnished by a CAH, or an
entity owned and operated by a CAH, is
101 percent of the reasonable costs of
the CAH or the entity in furnishing the
ambulance services, but only if the CAH
or the entity is the only provider or
supplier of ambulance services located
within a 35-mile drive of the CAH,
excluding ambulance providers or
suppliers that are not legally authorized
to furnish ambulance services to
transport individuals to or from the
CAH. The participating CAH would be
paid 101 percent of reasonable costs for
its ambulance services regardless of
whether there is any provider or
supplier of ambulance services located
within a 35-mile drive of the
participating CAH or participating CAHowned and operated entity. CMS would
not make cost-based payment to the
participating CAH for any new capital
(for example, vehicles) associated with
ambulance services. This waiver does
not modify any other Medicare rules
regarding or affecting the provision of
ambulance services.
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(3) SNF/NF Beds Expansion
Intervention Payments
CMS waives 42 CFR 485.620(a), 42
CFR 485.645(a)(2), and section
1820(c)(2)(B)(iii) of the Act which limit
CAHs to maintaining no more than 25
inpatient beds, including beds available
for acute inpatient or swing bed
services. CMS waives 1820(f) of the Act
permitting designating or certifying a
facility as a critical access hospital for
which the facility at any time is
furnishing inpatient beds which exceed
more than 25 beds. Under this waiver,
if the participating CAH has received
swing bed approval from CMS, the
participating CAH may maintain up to
ten additional beds (for a total of 35
beds) available for acute inpatient or
swing bed services; however, the
participating CAH may only use these
10 additional beds for nursing facility or
skilled nursing facility level of care.
CMS would pay the participating CAH
101 percent of reasonable costs for its
SNF/NF services furnished in the 10
additional beds.
d. Budget Neutrality
(1) Budget Neutrality Requirement
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45323 through 45328), we
finalized a policy to address the budget
neutrality requirement for the
demonstration initial period. As
explained in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, we based our selection of
CAHs for participation in the
demonstration with the goal of
maintaining the budget neutrality of the
demonstration on its own terms
meaning that the demonstration would
produce savings from reduced transfers
and admissions to other health care
providers, offsetting any increase in
Medicare payments as a result of the
demonstration. However, because of the
small size of the demonstration and
uncertainty associated with the
projected Medicare utilization and
costs, the policy we finalized for the
demonstration initial period of
performance in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule provides a contingency
plan to ensure that the budget neutrality
requirement in section 123 of Public
Law 110–275 is met.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 49144 through 49147), we
adopted the same budget neutrality
policy contingency plan used during the
demonstration initial period to ensure
that the budget neutrality requirement
in section 123 of Public Law 110 275 is
met during the demonstration extension
period. If analysis of claims data for
Medicare beneficiaries receiving
services at each of the participating
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
CAHs, as well as from other data
sources, including cost reports for the
participating CAHs, shows that
increases in Medicare payments under
the demonstration during the 5-year
extension period are not sufficiently
offset by reductions elsewhere, we
would recoup the additional
expenditures attributable to the
demonstration through a reduction in
payments to all CAHs nationwide.
As explained in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, because of the
small scale of the demonstration, we
indicated that we did not believe it
would be feasible to implement budget
neutrality for the demonstration
extension period by reducing payments
to only the participating CAHs.
Therefore, in the event that this
demonstration extension period is
found to result in aggregate payments in
excess of the amount that would have
been paid if this demonstration
extension period were not implemented,
CMS policy is to comply with the
budget neutrality requirement finalized
in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, by reducing payments to all CAHs,
not just those participating in the
demonstration extension period.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 49144 through 49147), we
stated that we believe it is appropriate
to make any payment reductions across
all CAHs because the FCHIP
Demonstration was specifically
designed to test innovations that affect
delivery of services by the CAH
provider category. We explained our
belief that the language of the statutory
budget neutrality requirement at section
123(g)(1)(B) of Public Law 110–275
permits the agency to implement the
budget neutrality provision in this
manner. The statutory language merely
refers to ensuring that aggregate
payments made by the Secretary do not
exceed the amount which the Secretary
estimates would have been paid if the
demonstration project was not
implemented and does not identify the
range across which aggregate payments
must be held equal.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we finalized a policy that in the
event the demonstration extension
period is found not to have been budget
neutral, any excess costs would be
recouped within one fiscal year. We
explained our belief that this policy is
a more efficient timeframe for the
government to conclude the
demonstration operational requirements
(such as analyzing claims data, cost
report data or other data sources) to
adjudicate the budget neutrality
payment recoupment process due to any
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excess cost that occurred as result of the
demonstration extension period.
(2) FCHIP Budget Neutrality
Methodology and Analytical Approach
As explained in the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized a
policy to address the demonstration
budget neutrality methodology and
analytical approach for the initial period
of the demonstration. In the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized
a policy to adopt the budget neutrality
methodology and analytical approach
used during the demonstration initial
period to ensure budget neutrality for
the extension period. The analysis of
budget neutrality during the initial
period of the demonstration identified
both the costs related to providing the
intervention services under the FCHIP
Demonstration and any potential
downstream effects of the interventionrelated services, including any savings
that may have accrued.
The budget neutrality analytical
approach for the demonstration initial
period incorporated two major data
components: (1) Medicare cost reports;
and (2) Medicare administrative claims.
As described in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (86 FR 45323 through
45328), CMS computed the cost of the
demonstration for each fiscal year of the
demonstration initial period using
Medicare cost reports for the
participating CAHs, and Medicare
administrative claims and enrollment
data for beneficiaries who received
demonstration intervention services.
In addition, in order to capture the
full impact of the interventions, CMS
developed a statistical modeling,
Difference-in-Difference (DiD)
regression analysis to estimate
demonstration expenditures and
compute the impact of expenditures on
the intervention services by comparing
cost data for the demonstration and nondemonstration groups using Medicare
administrative claims across the
demonstration period of performance
under the initial period of the
demonstration. The DiD regression
analysis would compare the direct cost
and potential downstream effects of
intervention services, including any
savings that may have accrued, during
the baseline and performance period for
both the demonstration and comparison
Second, the Medicare administrative
claims analysis would be reconciled
using data obtained from auditing the
participating CAHs’ Medicare cost
reports. We would estimate the costs of
the demonstration using ‘‘as submitted’’
cost reports for each hospital’s financial
fiscal year participation within each of
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the demonstration extension period
performance years. Each CAH has its
own Medicare cost report end date
applicable to the 5-year period of
performance for the demonstration
extension period. The cost report is
structured to gather costs, revenues and
statistical data on the provider’s
financial fiscal period. As a result, we
finalized a policy in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule that we would
determine the final budget neutrality
results for the demonstration extension
once complete data is available for each
CAH for the demonstration extension
e. Policies for Implementing the 5-Year
Extension and Provisions Authorized by
Section 129 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116–
As stated in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (88 FR 59119 through
59122), our policy for implementing the
5-year extension period for section 129
of Public Law 116–260 follows same
budget neutrality methodology and
analytical approach as the
demonstration initial period
methodology. While we expect to use
the same methodology that was used to
assess the budget neutrality of the
FCHIP Demonstration during initial
period of the demonstration to assess
the financial impact of the
demonstration during this extension
period, upon receiving data for the
extension period, we may update and/
or modify the FCHIP budget neutrality
methodology and analytical approach to
ensure that the full impact of the
demonstration is appropriately
f. Total Budget Neutrality Offset
Amount for FY 2025
At this time, for the FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule, while this
discussion represents our anticipated
approach to assessing the financial
impact of the demonstration extension
period based on upon receiving data for
the full demonstration extension period,
we may update and/or modify the
FCHIP Demonstration budget neutrality
methodology and analytical approach to
ensure that the full impact of the
demonstration is appropriately
Therefore, we do not propose to apply
a budget neutrality payment offset to
payments to CAHs in FY 2025. This
policy would have no impact for any
national payment system for FY 2025.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
VIII. Proposed Changes to the LongTerm Care Hospital Prospective
Payment System (LTCH PPS) for FY
A. Background of the LTCH PPS
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1. Legislative and Regulatory Authority
Section 123 of the Medicare,
Medicaid, and SCHIP (State Children’s
Health Insurance Program) Balanced
Budget Refinement Act of 1999 (BBRA)
(Pub. L. 106–113), as amended by
section 307(b) of the Medicare,
Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits
Improvement and Protection Act of
2000 (BIPA) (Pub. L. 106–554), provides
for payment for both the operating and
capital-related costs of hospital
inpatient stays in long-term care
hospitals (LTCHs) under Medicare Part
A based on prospectively set rates. The
Medicare prospective payment system
(PPS) for LTCHs applies to hospitals
that are described in section
1886(d)(1)(B)(iv) of the Act, effective for
cost reporting periods beginning on or
after October 1, 2002.
Section 1886(d)(1)(B)(iv)(I) of the Act
originally defined an LTCH as a hospital
that has an average inpatient length of
stay (as determined by the Secretary) of
greater than 25 days.
Section 1886(d)(1)(B)(iv)(II) of the Act
also provided an alternative definition
of LTCHs (‘‘subclause II’’ LTCHs).
However, section 15008 of the 21st
Century Cures Act (Pub. L. 114–255)
amended section 1886 of the Act to
exclude former ‘‘subclause II’’ LTCHs
from being paid under the LTCH PPS
and created a new category of IPPSexcluded hospitals, which we refer to as
‘‘extended neoplastic disease care
hospitals,’’ to be paid as hospitals that
were formally classified as ‘‘subclause
(II)’’ LTCHs (82 FR 38298).
Section 123 of the BBRA requires the
PPS for LTCHs to be a ‘‘per discharge’’
system with a diagnosis-related group
(DRG) based patient classification
system that reflects the differences in
patient resource use and costs in
Section 307(b)(1) of the BIPA, among
other things, mandates that the
Secretary shall examine, and may
provide for, adjustments to payments
under the LTCH PPS, including
adjustments to DRG weights, area wage
adjustments, geographic reclassification,
outliers, updates, and a disproportionate
share adjustment.
In the August 30, 2002 Federal
Register (67 FR 55954), we issued a
final rule that implemented the LTCH
PPS authorized under the BBRA and
BIPA. For the initial implementation of
the LTCH PPS (FYs 2003 through 2007),
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the system used information from LTCH
patient records to classify patients into
distinct long-term care-diagnosis-related
groups (LTCDRGs) based on clinical
characteristics and expected resource
needs. Beginning in FY 2008, we
adopted the Medicare severity-long-term
care-diagnosis related groups (MS–LTC–
DRGs) as the patient classification
system used under the LTCH PPS.
Payments are calculated for each MS–
LTC–DRG and provisions are made for
appropriate payment adjustments.
Payment rates under the LTCH PPS are
updated annually and published in the
Federal Register.
The LTCH PPS replaced the
reasonable cost-based payment system
under the Tax Equity and Fiscal
Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA)
(Pub. L. 97248) for payments for
inpatient services provided by an LTCH
with a cost reporting period beginning
on or after October 1, 2002. (The
regulations implementing the TEFRA
reasonable-cost-based payment
provisions are located at 42 CFR part
413.) With the implementation of the
PPS for acute care hospitals authorized
by the Social Security Amendments of
1983 (Pub. L. 98–21), which added
section 1886(d) to the Act, certain
hospitals, including LTCHs, were
excluded from the PPS for acute care
hospitals and paid their reasonable costs
for inpatient services subject to a per
discharge limitation or target amount
under the TEFRA system. For each cost
reporting period, a hospital specific
ceiling on payments was determined by
multiplying the hospital’s updated
target amount by the number of total
current year Medicare discharges.
(Generally, in this section of the
preamble of this proposed rule, when
we refer to discharges, we describe
Medicare discharges.) The August 30,
2002 final rule further details the
payment policy under the TEFRA
system (67 FR 55954).
In the August 30, 2002 final rule, we
provided for a 5-year transition period
from payments under the TEFRA system
to payments under the LTCH PPS.
During this 5-year transition period, an
LTCH’s total payment under the PPS
was based on an increasing percentage
of the Federal rate with a corresponding
decrease in the percentage of the LTCH
PPS payment that is based on
reasonable cost concepts, unless an
LTCH made a one-time election to be
paid based on 100 percent of the Federal
rate. Beginning with LTCHs’ cost
reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 2006, total LTCH PPS
payments are based on 100 percent of
the Federal rate.
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In addition, in the August 30, 2002
final rule, we presented an in-depth
discussion of the LTCH PPS, including
the patient classification system,
relative weights, payment rates,
additional payments, and the budget
neutrality requirements mandated by
section 123 of the BBRA. The same final
rule that established regulations for the
LTCH PPS under 42 CFR part 412,
subpart O, also contained LTCH
provisions related to covered inpatient
services, limitation on charges to
beneficiaries, medical review
requirements, furnishing of inpatient
hospital services directly or under
arrangement, and reporting and
recordkeeping requirements. We refer
readers to the August 30, 2002 final rule
for a comprehensive discussion of the
research and data that supported the
establishment of the LTCH PPS (67 FR
In the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (80 FR 49601 through 49623), we
implemented the provisions of the
Pathway for Sustainable Growth Rate
(SGR) Reform Act of 2013 (Pub. L. 113–
67), which mandated the application of
the ‘‘site neutral’’ payment rate under
the LTCH PPS for discharges that do not
meet the statutory criteria for exclusion
beginning in FY 2016. For cost reporting
periods beginning on or after October 1,
2015, discharges that do not meet
certain statutory criteria for exclusion
are paid based on the site neutral
payment rate. Discharges that do meet
the statutory criteria continue to receive
payment based on the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate. For
more information on the statutory
requirements of the Pathway for SGR
Reform Act of 2013, we refer readers to
the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(80 FR 49601 through 49623) and the FY
2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR
57068 through 57075).
In the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we implemented several
provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act
(‘‘the Cures Act’’) (Pub. L. 114–255) that
affected the LTCH PPS. (For more
information on these provisions, we
refer readers to (82 FR 38299).)
In the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (83 FR 41529), we made
conforming changes to our regulations
to implement the provisions of section
51005 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of
2018 (Pub. L. 115–123), which extends
the transitional blended payment rate
for site neutral payment rate cases for an
additional 2 years. We refer readers to
section VII.C. of the preamble of the FY
2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for a
discussion of our final policy. In
addition, in the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, we removed the 25-
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
percent threshold policy under 42 CFR
412.538, which was a payment
adjustment that was applied to
payments for Medicare patient LTCH
discharges when the number of such
patients originating from any single
referring hospital was in excess of the
applicable threshold for given cost
reporting period.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42439), we further revised
our regulations to implement the
provisions of the Pathway for SGR
Reform Act of 2013 (Pub. L. 113–67)
that relate to the payment adjustment
for discharges from LTCHs that do not
maintain the requisite discharge
payment percentage and the process by
which such LTCHs may have the
payment adjustment discontinued.
2. Criteria for Classification as an LTCH
a. Classification as an LTCH
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i. General
Under the regulations at
§ 412.23(e)(1), to qualify to be paid
under the LTCH PPS, a hospital must
have a provider agreement with
Medicare. Furthermore, § 412.23(e)(2)(i),
which implements section
1886(d)(1)(B)(iv) of the Act, requires
that a hospital have an average Medicare
inpatient length of stay of greater than
25 days to be paid under the LTCH PPS.
In accordance with section 1206(a)(3) of
the Pathway for SGR Reform Act of 2013
(Pub. L. 113–67), as amended by section
15007 of Public Law 114–255, we
amended our regulations to specify that
Medicare Advantage plans’ and site
neutral payment rate discharges are
excluded from the calculation of the
average length of stay for all LTCHs, for
discharges occurring in cost reporting
period beginning on or after October 1,
ii. Proposed Technical Clarification
As explained more fully previously,
LTCHs are required to have an average
length of stay (ALOS) of greater than 25
days. Prior to a hospital being classified
as an LTCH, the hospital must first
participate in Medicare as a hospital
(typically a hospital paid under the
IPPS) during which time ALOS data is
gathered. This data is used to determine
whether the hospital has an ALOS of
greater than 25 days, which is required
to be classified as an LTCH. We
generally refer to the period during
which a hospital seeks to establish the
required ALOS as a ‘‘qualifying period.’’
The qualifying period is the 6-month
period immediately preceding the
hospital’s conversion to an LTCH, and
it has been our policy that the requisite
ALOS must be demonstrated based on
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patient data from at least 5 consecutive
months of this period. For example, for
a hospital seeking to become an LTCH
effective January 1, 2025, the qualifying
period would be July 1, 2024 through
December 31, 2024 (that is, the 6
months immediately preceding the
conversion to an LTCH). In order for the
hospital to convert to an LTCH, the
ALOS must be demonstrated for a
period of at least 5 consecutive months
(for example, July 1, 2024 through
November 30, 2024 or July 15, 2024 to
December 14, 2024) of the 6 month
qualifying period.
It has been our general policy to allow
a hospital to be classified as an LTCH
after only the 6-month qualifying period
(as opposed to requiring the completion
of the more typical 12-month cost
reporting period). We have also referred
to the ability of a hospital to be
classified as an LTCH after a 6-month
qualifying period in preamble
previously (73 FR 29705), and the
Provider Reimbursement Manual at
3001.4 refers to using data from a 6month period for hospitals which have
not yet filed a cost report. However, our
regulations have never explicitly
articulated how the qualifying period
policy applies to a hospital seeking
classification as an LTCH. Therefore, we
are proposing to revise our regulations
at 42 CFR 412.23(e)(4) to explicitly state
that a hospital that seeks to be classified
as an LTCH may do so after completion
of a 6-month qualifying period,
provided that the hospital demonstrates
an average length of stay (calculated
under our existing regulations) of
greater than 25 days during at least five
consecutive months of the 6-month
qualifying period (which is the same
timeframe as the ‘‘cure period’’ for
existing LTCHs). Specifically, we are
proposing to add new paragraph
§ 412.23(e)(4)(iv) to explain the
qualifying period for hospitals seeking
LTCH classification.
Further, we are proposing to revise
certain paragraphs and reorder certain
paragraphs in § 412.23(e) to improve the
clarity of the regulation by clarifying
how provisions apply to existing LTCHs
and which provisions apply to hospitals
seeking classification as an LTCH. First,
we are proposing to revise paragraph
§ 412.23(e)(3)(i) to incorporate a
reference that includes new
subparagraphs § 412.23(e)(4)(iv) and
(e)(4)(v). Second, we are proposing to
revise paragraph § 412.23(e)(3)(iii) to
clarify that it applies in cases of
hospitals that have already obtained
LTCH classification when the LTCH
would not otherwise maintain an
average Medicare inpatient length of
stay of greater than 25 days. Third, we
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are proposing to reserve
§ 412.23(e)(3)(iv) and move that text to
new (e)(4)(v) in order to clarify that this
regulation applies to hospitals seeking
new LTCH classification. Fourth, we are
proposing to revise § 412.23(e)(4) to
clarify that the provisions of paragraph
(e)(3), with the exception of
subparagraphs (e)(3)(iii) and (v) apply to
hospitals seeking new LTCH
classification. Fifth, we are proposing to
revise paragraph § 412.23(e)(4)(i) to
reflect the addition of new
§ 412.23(e)(4)(iv) and (e)(4)(v) and
clarify existing regulatory language.
We note that none of these proposed
revisions reflect a change to our existing
policy; instead, we believe these
revisions will improve the clarity of the
regulatory text and better reflect our
existing policy.
b. Hospitals Excluded From the LTCH
The following hospitals are paid
under special payment provisions, as
described in § 412.22(c) and, therefore,
are not subject to the LTCH PPS rules:
• Veterans Administration hospitals.
• Hospitals that are reimbursed under
State cost control systems approved
under 42 CFR part 403.
• Hospitals that are reimbursed in
accordance with demonstration projects
authorized under section 402(a) of the
Social Security Amendments of 1967
(Pub. L. 90–248) (42 U.S.C. 1395b–1),
section 222(a) of the Social Security
Amendments of 1972 (Pub. L. 92–603)
(42 U.S.C. 1395b1 (note)) (Statewide-all
payer systems, subject to the rate-of
increase test at section 1814(b) of the
Act), or section 3021 of the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act
(Pub. L. 111–148) (42 U.S.C. 1315a).
• Nonparticipating hospitals
furnishing emergency services to
Medicare beneficiaries.
3. Limitation on Charges to Beneficiaries
In the August 30, 2002 final rule, we
presented an in-depth discussion of
beneficiary liability under the LTCH
PPS (67 FR 55974 through 55975). This
discussion was further clarified in the
RY 2005 LTCH PPS final rule (69 FR
25676). In keeping with those
discussions, if the Medicare payment to
the LTCH is the full LTC–DRG payment
amount, consistent with other
established hospital prospective
payment systems, § 412.507 currently
provides that an LTCH may not bill a
Medicare beneficiary for more than the
deductible and coinsurance amounts as
specified under §§ 409.82, 409.83, and
409.87, and for items and services
specified under § 489.30(a). However,
under the LTCH PPS, Medicare will
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
only pay for services. furnished during
the days for which the beneficiary has
coverage until the short-stay outlier
(SSO) threshold is exceeded. If the
Medicare payment was for a SSO case
(in accordance with § 412.529), and that
payment was less than the full LTC–
DRG payment amount because the
beneficiary had insufficient coverage as
a result of the remaining Medicare days,
the LTCH also is currently permitted to
charge the beneficiary for services
delivered on those uncovered days (in
accordance with § 412.507). In the FY
2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR
49623), we amended our regulations to
expressly limit the charges that may be
imposed upon beneficiaries whose
LTCHs’ discharges are paid at the site
neutral payment rate under the LTCH
final rule (81 FR 57102), we amended
the regulations under § 412.507 to
clarify our existing policy that blended
payments made to an LTCH during its
transitional period (that is, an LTCH’s
payment for discharges occurring in cost
reporting periods beginning in FYs 2016
through 2019) are considered to be site
neutral payment rate payments.
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B. Medicare Severity Long-Term Care
Diagnosis-Related Group (MS–LTC–
DRG) Classifications and Relative
Weights for FY 2025
1. Background
Section 123 of the BBRA required that
the Secretary implement a PPS for
LTCHs to replace the cost-based
payment system under TEFRA. Section
307(b)(1) of the BIPA modified the
requirements of section 123 of the BBRA
by requiring that the Secretary examine
the feasibility and the impact of basing
payment under the LTCH PPS on the
use of existing (or refined) hospital
DRGs that have been modified to
account for different resource use of
LTCH patients.
Under both the IPPS and the LTCH
PPS, the DRG-based classification
system uses information on the claims
for inpatient discharges to classify
patients into distinct groups (for
example, DRGs) based on clinical
characteristics and expected resource
needs. When the LTCH PPS was
implemented for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2002,
we adopted the same DRG patient
classification system utilized at that
time under the IPPS. We referred to this
patient classification system as the
‘‘long-term care diagnosis-related groups
(LTC–DRGs).’’ As part of our efforts to
better recognize severity of illness
among patients, in the FY 2008 IPPS
final rule with comment period (72 FR
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47130), we adopted the MS–DRGs and
the Medicare severity long-term care
diagnosis-related groups (MS–LTC–
DRGs) under the IPPS and the LTCH
PPS, respectively, effective beginning
October 1, 2007 (FY 2008). For a full
description of the development,
implementation, and rationale for the
use of the MS–DRGs and MS–LTC–
DRGs, we refer readers to the FY 2008
IPPS final rule with comment period (72
FR 47141 through 47175 and 47277
through 47299). (We note that, in that
same final rule, we revised the
regulations at § 412.503 to specify that
for LTCH discharges occurring on or
after October 1, 2007, when applying
the provisions of 42 CFR part 412,
subpart O, applicable to LTCHs for
policy descriptions and payment
calculations, all references to LTC–
DRGs would be considered a reference
to MS–LTC–DRGs. For the remainder of
this section, we present the discussion
in terms of the current MS–LTC–DRG
patient classification system unless
specifically referring to the previous
LTC–DRG patient classification system
that was in effect before October 1,
Consistent with section 123 of the
BBRA, as amended by section 307(b)(1)
of the BIPA, and § 412.515 of the
regulations, we use information derived
from LTCH PPS patient records to
classify LTCH discharges into distinct
MS–LTC–DRGs based on clinical
characteristics and estimated resource
needs. As noted previously, we adopted
the same DRG patient classification
system utilized at that time under the
IPPS. The MS–DRG classifications are
updated annually, which has resulted in
the number of MS–DRGs changing over
time. For FY 2025, there would be 773
MS–DRG, and by extension, MS–LTC–
DRG, groupings based on the proposed
changes, as discussed in section II.E. of
the preamble of this proposed rule.
Although the patient classification
system used under both the LTCH PPS
and the IPPS are the same, the relative
weights are different. The established
relative weight methodology and data
used under the LTCH PPS result in
relative weights under the LTCH PPS
that reflect the differences in patient
resource use of LTCH patients,
consistent with section 123(a)(1) of the
BBRA. That is, we assign an appropriate
weight to the MS–LTC–DRGs to account
for the differences in resource use by
patients exhibiting the case complexity
and multiple medical problems
characteristic of LTCH patients.
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2. Patient Classifications Into MS–LTC–
a. Background
The MS–DRGs (used under the IPPS)
and the MS–LTC–DRGs (used under the
LTCH PPS) are based on the CMS DRG
structure. As noted previously in this
section, we refer to the DRGs under the
LTCH PPS as MS–LTC–DRGs although
they are structurally identical to the
MS–DRGs used under the IPPS.
The MS–DRGs are organized into 25
major diagnostic categories (MDCs),
most of which are based on a particular
organ system of the body; the remainder
involve multiple organ systems (such as
MDC 22, Burns). Within most MDCs,
cases are then divided into surgical
DRGs and medical DRGs. Surgical DRGs
are assigned based on a surgical
hierarchy that orders operating room
(O.R.) procedures or groups of O.R.
procedures by resource intensity. The
GROUPER software program does not
recognize all ICD–10–PCS procedure
codes as procedures affecting DRG
assignment. That is, procedures that are
not surgical (for example, EKGs) or are
minor surgical procedures (for example,
a biopsy of skin and subcutaneous
tissue (procedure code 0JBH3ZX)) do
not affect the MS–LTC–DRG assignment
based on their presence on the claim.
Generally, under the LTCH PPS, a
Medicare payment is made at a
predetermined specific rate for each
discharge that varies based on the MS–
LTC–DRG to which a beneficiary’s
discharge is assigned. Cases are
classified into MS–LTC–DRGs for
payment based on the following six data
• Principal diagnosis.
• Additional or secondary diagnoses.
• Surgical procedures.
• Age.
• Sex.
• Discharge status of the patient.
Currently, for claims submitted using
the version ASC X12 5010 standard, up
to 25 diagnosis codes and 25 procedure
codes are considered for an MS–DRG
assignment. This includes one principal
diagnosis and up to 24 secondary
diagnoses for severity of illness
determinations. (For additional
information on the processing of up to
25 diagnosis codes and 25 procedure
codes on hospital inpatient claims, we
refer readers to section II.G.11.c. of the
preamble of the FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (75 FR 50127).)
Under the HIPAA transactions and
code sets regulations at 45 CFR parts
160 and 162, covered entities must
comply with the adopted transaction
standards and operating rules specified
in subparts I through S of part 162.
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Among other requirements, on or after
January 1, 2012, covered entities are
required to use the ASC X12 Standards
for Electronic Data Interchange
Technical Report Type 3—Health Care
Claim: Institutional (837), May 2006,
ASC X12N/005010X223, and Type 1
Errata to Health Care Claim:
Institutional (837) ASC X12 Standards
for Electronic Data Interchange
Technical Report Type 3, October 2007,
ASC X12N/005010X233A1 for the
health care claims or equivalent
encounter information transaction (45
CFR 162.1102(c)).
HIPAA requires covered entities to
use the applicable medical data code
sets when conducting HIPAA
transactions (45 CFR 162.1000).
Currently, upon the discharge of the
patient, the LTCH must assign
appropriate diagnosis and procedure
codes from the International
Classification of Diseases, 10th
Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD–
10–CM) for diagnosis coding and the
International Classification of Diseases,
10th Revision, Procedure Coding
System (ICD–10–PCS) for inpatient
hospital procedure coding, both of
which were required to be implemented
October 1, 2015 (45 CFR 162.1002(c)(2)
and (3)). For additional information on
the implementation of the ICD–10
coding system, we refer readers to
section II.F.1. of the preamble of the FY
2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR
56787 through 56790) and section II.E.1.
of the preamble of this proposed rule.
Additional coding instructions and
examples are published in the AHA’s
Coding Clinic for ICD–10–CM/PCS.
To create the MS–DRGs (and by
extension, the MS–LTC–DRGs), base
DRGs were subdivided according to the
presence of specific secondary
diagnoses designated as complications
or comorbidities (CCs) into one, two, or
three levels of severity, depending on
the impact of the CCs on resources used
for those cases. Specifically, there are
sets of MS–DRGs that are split into 2 or
3 subgroups based on the presence or
absence of a CC or a major complication
or comorbidity (MCC). We refer readers
to section II.D. of the preamble of the FY
2008 IPPS final rule with comment
period for a detailed discussion about
the creation of MS–DRGs based on
severity of illness levels (72 FR 47141
through 47175).
Medicare Administrative Contractors
(MACs) enter the clinical and
demographic information submitted by
LTCHs into their claims processing
systems and subject this information to
a series of automated screening
processes called the Medicare Code
Editor (MCE). These screens are
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designed to identify cases that require
further review before assignment into a
MS–LTC–DRG can be made. During this
process, certain types of cases are
selected for further explanation (74 FR
After screening through the MCE,
each claim is classified into the
appropriate MS–LTC–DRG by the
Medicare LTCH GROUPER software on
the basis of diagnosis and procedure
codes and other demographic
information (age, sex, and discharge
status). The GROUPER software used
under the LTCH PPS is the same
GROUPER software program used under
the IPPS. Following the MS–LTC–DRG
assignment, the MAC determines the
prospective payment amount by using
the Medicare PRICER program, which
accounts for hospital-specific
adjustments. Under the LTCH PPS, we
provide an opportunity for LTCHs to
review the MS–LTC–DRG assignments
made by the MAC and to submit
additional information within a
specified timeframe as provided in
§ 412.513(c).
The GROUPER software is used both
to classify past cases to measure relative
hospital resource consumption to
establish the MS–LTC–DRG relative
weights and to classify current cases for
purposes of determining payment. The
records for all Medicare hospital
inpatient discharges are maintained in
the MedPAR file. The data in this file
are used to evaluate possible MS–DRG
and MS–LTC–DRG classification
changes and to recalibrate the MS–DRG
and MS–LTC–DRG relative weights
during our annual update under both
the IPPS (§ 412.60(e)) and the LTCH PPS
(§ 412.517), respectively.
b. Proposed Changes to the MS–LTC–
DRGs for FY 2025
As specified by our regulations at
§ 412.517(a), which require that the MS–
LTC–DRG classifications and relative
weights be updated annually, and
consistent with our historical practice of
using the same patient classification
system under the LTCH PPS as is used
under the IPPS, in this proposed rule,
we are proposing to update the MS–
LTC–DRG classifications effective
October 1, 2024 through September 30,
2025 (FY 2025) consistent with the
proposed changes to specific MS–DRG
classifications presented in section II.F.
of the preamble of this proposed rule.
Accordingly, the proposed MS–LTC–
DRGs for FY 2025 are the same as the
MS–DRGs being proposed for use under
the IPPS for FY 2025. In addition,
because the proposed MS–LTC–DRGs
for FY 2025 are the same as the
proposed MS–DRGs for FY 2025, the
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other proposed changes that affect MS–
DRG (and by extension MS–LTC–DRG)
assignments under proposed GROUPER
Version 42, as discussed in section II.E.
of the preamble of this proposed rule,
including the proposed changes to the
MCE software and the ICD–10–CM/PCS
coding system, are also applicable under
the LTCH PPS for FY 2025.
3. Proposed Development of the FY
2025 MS–LTC–DRG Relative Weights
a. General Overview of the MS–LTC–
DRG Relative Weights
One of the primary goals for the
implementation of the LTCH PPS is to
pay each LTCH an appropriate amount
for the efficient delivery of medical care
to Medicare patients. The system must
be able to account adequately for each
LTCH’s case-mix to ensure both fair
distribution of Medicare payments and
access to adequate care for those
Medicare patients whose care is costlier
(67 FR 55984). To accomplish these
goals, we have annually adjusted the
LTCH PPS standard Federal prospective
payment rate by the applicable relative
weight in determining payment to
LTCHs for each case. Under the LTCH
PPS, relative weights for each MS–LTC–
DRG are a primary element used to
account for the variations in cost per
discharge and resource utilization
among the payment groups (§ 412.515).
To ensure that Medicare patients
classified to each MS–LTC–DRG have
access to an appropriate level of services
and to encourage efficiency, we
calculate a relative weight for each MS–
LTC–DRG that represents the resources
needed by an average inpatient LTCH
case in that MS–LTC–DRG. For
example, cases in an MS–LTC–DRG
with a relative weight of 2 would, on
average, cost twice as much to treat as
cases in an MS–LTC–DRG with a
relative weight of 1.
The established methodology to
develop the MS–LTC–DRG relative
weights is generally consistent with the
methodology established when the
LTCH PPS was implemented in the
August 30, 2002 LTCH PPS final rule
(67 FR 55989 through 55991). However,
there have been some modifications of
our historical procedures for assigning
relative weights in cases of zero volume
or nonmonotonicity or both resulting
from the adoption of the MS–LTC–
DRGs. We also made a modification in
conjunction with the implementation of
the dual rate LTCH PPS payment
structure beginning in FY 2016 to use
LTCH claims data from only LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases (or
LTCH PPS cases that would have
qualified for payment under the LTCH
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PPS standard Federal payment rate if
the dual rate LTCH PPS payment
structure had been in effect at the time
of the discharge). We also adopted,
beginning in FY 2023, a 10-percent cap
policy on the reduction in a MS–LTC–
DRG’s relative weight in a given year.
(For details on the modifications to our
historical procedures for assigning
relative weights in cases of zero volume
and nonmonotonicity or both, we refer
readers to the FY 2008 IPPS final rule
with comment period (72 FR 47289
through 47295) and the FY 2009 IPPS
final rule (73 FR 48542 through 48550).
For details on the change in our
historical methodology to use LTCH
claims data only from LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases (or
cases that would have qualified for such
payment had the LTCH PPS dual
payment rate structure been in effect at
the time) to determine the MS–LTC–
DRG relative weights, we refer readers
to the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (80 FR 49614 through 49617). For
details on our adoption of the 10percent cap policy, we refer readers to
the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(87 FR 49152 through 49154).)
For purposes of determining the MS–
LTC–DRG relative weights, under our
historical methodology, there are three
different categories of MS–LTC–DRGs
based on volume of cases within
specific MS–LTC–DRGs: (1) MS–LTC–
DRGs with at least 25 applicable LTCH
cases in the data used to calculate the
relative weight, which are each assigned
a unique relative weight; (2) low-volume
MS–LTC–DRGs (that is, MS–LTC–DRGs
that contain between 1 and 24
applicable LTCH cases that are grouped
into quintiles (as described later in this
section in Step 3 of our proposed
methodology) and assigned the relative
weight of the quintile); and (3) novolume MS–LTC–DRGs that are crosswalked to other MS–LTC–DRGs based
on the clinical similarities and assigned
the relative weight of the cross-walked
MS–LTC–DRG (as described later in this
section in Step 8 of our proposed
methodology). For FY 2025, we are
proposing to continue to use applicable
LTCH cases to establish the same
volume-based categories to calculate the
FY 2025 MS–LTC–DRG relative weights.
b. Development of the MS–LTC–DRG
Relative Weights for FY 2025
In this section, we present our
proposed methodology for determining
the MS–LTC–DRG relative weights for
FY 2025. We first list and provide a
brief description of our proposed steps
for determining the FY 2025 MS–LTC–
DRG relative weights. We then, later in
this section, discuss in greater detail
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each step. We note that, as we did in FY
2024, we are proposing to use our
historical relative weight methodology
as described in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (85 FR 58898 through
58907), subject to a ten percent cap as
described in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (87 FR 49162).
• Step 1—Prepare data for MS–LTC–
DRG relative weight calculation. In this
step, we select and group the applicable
claims data used in the development of
the proposed MS–LTC–DRG relative
• Step 2—Remove cases with a length
of stay of 7 days or less. In this step, we
trim the applicable claims data to
remove cases with a length of stay of 7
days or less.
• Step 3—Establish low-volume MS–
LTC–DRG quintiles. In this step, we
employ our established quintile
methodology for low-volume MS–LTC–
DRGs (that is, MS–LTC–DRGs with
fewer than 25 cases).
• Step 4—Remove statistical outliers.
In this step, we trim the applicable
claims data to remove statistical outlier
• Step 5—Adjust charges for the
effects of Short Stay Outliers (SSOs). In
this step, we adjust the number of
applicable cases in each MS–LTC–DRG
(or low-volume quintile) for the effect of
SSO cases.
• Step 6—Calculate the relative
weights on an iterative basis using the
hospital-specific relative weights
methodology. In this step, we use our
established hospital-specific relative
value (HSRV) methodology, which is an
iterative process, to calculate the
relative weights.
• Step 7—Adjust the relative weights
to account for nonmonotonically
increasing relative weights. In this step,
we make adjustments that ensure that
within each base MS–LTC–DRG, the
relative weights increase by MS–LTC–
DRG severity.
• Step 8—Determine a relative weight
for MS–LTC–DRGs with no applicable
LTCH cases. In this step, we cross-walk
each no-volume MS–LTC–DRG to
another MS–LTC–DRG for which we
calculated a relative weight.
• Step 9—Budget neutralize the
uncapped relative weights. In this step,
to ensure budget neutrality in the
annual update to the MS–LTC–DRG
classifications and relative weights, we
adjust the relative weights by a
normalization factor and a budget
neutrality factor that ensures estimated
aggregate LTCH PPS payments will be
unaffected by the updates to the MS–
LTC–DRG classifications and relative
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• Step 10—Apply the 10-percent cap
to decreases in MS–LTC–DRG relative
weights. In this step we limit the
reduction of the relative weight for a
MS–LTC–DRG to 10 percent of its prior
year value. This 10-percent cap does not
apply to zero-volume MS–LTC–DRGs or
low-volume MS–LTC–DRGs.
• Step 11—Budget neutralize the
application of the 10-percent cap policy.
In this step, to ensure budget neutrality
in the application of the MS–LTC–DRG
cap policy, we adjust the relative
weights by a budget neutrality factor
that ensures estimated aggregate LTCH
PPS payments will be unaffected by our
application of the cap to the MS–LTC–
DRG relative weights.
We next describe each of the 11
proposed steps for calculating the
proposed FY 2025 MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights in greater detail.
Step 1—Prepare data for MS–LTC–
DRG relative weight calculation.
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we obtained total charges
from FY 2023 Medicare LTCH claims
data from the December 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file and used
proposed Version 42 of the GROUPER to
classify LTCH cases. Consistent with
our historical practice, we are proposing
that if better data become available, we
would use those data and the finalized
Version 42 of the GROUPER in
establishing the FY 2025 MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights in the final rule.
To calculate the FY 2025 MS–LTC–
DRG relative weights under the dual
rate LTCH PPS payment structure, we
are proposing to continue to use
applicable LTCH data, which includes
our policy of only using cases that meet
the criteria for exclusion from the site
neutral payment rate (or would have
met the criteria had they been in effect
at the time of the discharge) (80 FR
49624). Specifically, we began by first
evaluating the LTCH claims data in the
December 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file to determine which LTCH
cases would meet the criteria for
exclusion from the site neutral payment
rate under § 412.522(b) or had the dual
rate LTCH PPS payment structure
applied to those cases at the time of
discharge. We identified the FY 2023
LTCH cases that were not assigned to
MS–LTC–DRGs 876, 880, 881, 882, 883,
884, 885, 886, 887, 894, 895, 896, 897,
945, and 946, which identify LTCH
cases that do not have a principal
diagnosis relating to a psychiatric
diagnosis or to rehabilitation; and that
• The admission to the LTCH was
‘‘immediately preceded’’ by discharge
from a subsection (d) hospital and the
immediately preceding stay in that
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subsection (d) hospital included at least
3 days in an ICU, as we define under the
ICU criterion; or
• The admission to the LTCH was
‘‘immediately preceded’’ by discharge
from a subsection (d) hospital and the
claim for the LTCH discharge includes
the applicable procedure code that
indicates at least 96 hours of ventilator
services were provided during the LTCH
stay, as we define under the ventilator
criterion. Claims data from the FY 2023
MedPAR file that reported ICD–10–PCS
procedure code 5A1955Z were used to
identify cases involving at least 96
hours of ventilator services in
accordance with the ventilator criterion.
(We note that section 3711(b)(2) of the
CARES Act provided a waiver of the
application of the site neutral payment
rate for LTCH cases admitted during the
COVID–19 PHE period. The COVID–19
PHE expired on May 11, 2023.
Therefore, all LTCH PPS cases in FY
2023 with admission dates on or before
the PHE expiration date were paid the
LTCH PPS standard Federal rate
regardless of whether the discharge met
the statutory patient criteria. However,
for purposes of setting rates for LTCH
PPS standard Federal rate cases for FY
2025 (including MS–LTC–DRG relative
weights), we used FY 2023 cases that
meet the statutory patient criteria
without consideration to how those
cases were paid in FY 2023.)
Furthermore, consistent with our
historical methodology, we excluded
any claims in the resulting data set that
were submitted by LTCHs that were allinclusive rate providers and LTCHs that
are paid in accordance with
demonstration projects authorized
under section 402(a) of Public Law 90–
248 or section 222(a) of Public Law 92–
603. In addition, consistent with our
historical practice and our policies, we
excluded any Medicare Advantage (Part
C) claims in the resulting data. Such
claims were identified based on the
presence of a GHO Paid indicator value
of ‘‘1’’ in the MedPAR files.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 49448), we discussed the
abnormal charging practices of an LTCH
(CCN 312024) in FY 2021 that led to the
LTCH receiving an excessive amount of
high cost outlier payments. In that rule,
we stated our belief, based on
information we received from the
provider, that these abnormal charging
practices would not persist into FY
2023. Therefore, we did not include
their cases in our model for determining
the FY 2023 outlier fixed-loss amount.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 59127 through 59128), we
stated that the FY 2022 MedPAR claims
also reflect the abnormal charging
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practices of this LTCH. Therefore, we
removed claims from CCN 312024 when
determining the FY 2024 MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights and from all other FY
2024 ratesetting calculations, including
the calculation of the area wage level
adjustment budget neutrality factor and
the fixed-loss amount for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases.
Given recent actions by the Department
of Justice regarding CCN 312024 (see, we are proposing to
again remove claims from CCN 312024
when determining the FY 2025 MS–
LTC–DRG relative weights and all other
FY 2025 ratesetting calculations,
including the calculation of the area
wage level adjustment budget neutrality
factor and the fixed-loss amount for
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate cases.
In summary, in general, we identified
the claims data used in the development
of the FY 2025 MS–LTC–DRG relative
weights in this proposed rule by
trimming claims data that were paid the
site neutral payment rate or would have
been paid the site neutral payment rate
had the provisions of the CARES Act
not been in effect. We trimmed the
claims data of all-inclusive rate
providers reported in the December
2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR
file and any Medicare Advantage claims
data. There were no data from any
LTCHs that are paid in accordance with
a demonstration project reported in the
December 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file, but had there been any,
we would have trimmed the claims data
from those LTCHs as well, in
accordance with our established policy.
We also removed all claims from CCN
We used the remaining data (that is,
the applicable LTCH data) in the
subsequent proposed steps to calculate
the proposed MS–LTC–DRG relative
weights for FY 2025.
Step 2—Remove cases with a length
of stay of 7 days or less.
The next step in our proposed
calculation of the proposed FY 2025
MS–LTC–DRG relative weights is to
remove cases with a length of stay of 7
days or less. The MS–LTC–DRG relative
weights reflect the average of resources
used on representative cases of a
specific type. Generally, cases with a
length of stay of 7 days or less do not
belong in an LTCH because these stays
do not fully receive or benefit from
treatment that is typical in an LTCH
stay, and full resources are often not
used in the earlier stages of admission
to an LTCH. If we were to include stays
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of 7 days or less in the computation of
the proposed FY 2025 MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights, the value of many
relative weights would decrease and,
therefore, payments would decrease to a
level that may no longer be appropriate.
We do not believe that it would be
appropriate to compromise the integrity
of the payment determination for those
LTCH cases that actually benefit from
and receive a full course of treatment at
an LTCH by including data from these
very short stays. Therefore, consistent
with our existing relative weight
methodology, in determining the
proposed FY 2025 MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights, we are proposing to
remove LTCH cases with a length of stay
of 7 days or less from applicable LTCH
cases. (For additional information on
what is removed in this step of the
relative weight methodology, we refer
readers to 67 FR 55989 and 74 FR
Step 3—Establish low-volume MS–
LTC–DRG quintiles.
To account for MS–LTC–DRGs with
low-volume (that is, with fewer than 25
applicable LTCH cases), consistent with
our existing methodology, we are
proposing to continue to employ the
quintile methodology for low-volume
MS–LTC–DRGs, such that we grouped
the ‘‘low-volume MS–LTC–DRGs’’ (that
is, MS–LTC–DRGs that contain between
1 and 24 applicable LTCH cases into
one of five categories (quintiles) based
on average charges (67 FR 55984
through 55995; 72 FR 47283 through
47288; and 81 FR 25148)).
In this proposed rule, based on the
best available data (that is, the
December 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file), we identified 236 MS–
LTC–DRGs that contained between 1
and 24 applicable LTCH cases. This list
of MS–LTC–DRGs was then divided into
1 of the 5 low-volume quintiles. We
assigned the low-volume MS–LTC–
DRGs to specific low-volume quintiles
by sorting the low-volume MS–LTC–
DRGs in ascending order by average
charge in accordance with our
established methodology. Based on the
data available for this proposed rule, the
number of MS–LTC–DRGs with less
than 25 applicable LTCH cases was not
evenly divisible by 5. The quintiles each
contained at least 47 MS–LTC–DRGs
(236/5 = 47 with a remainder of 1). We
are proposing to employ our historical
methodology of assigning each
remainder low-volume MS–LTC–DRG to
the low-volume quintile that contains
an MS–LTC–DRG with an average
charge closest to that of the remainder
low-volume MS–LTC–DRG. In cases
where these initial assignments of lowvolume MS–LTC–DRGs to quintiles
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results in nonmonotonicity within a
base-DRG, we are proposing to make
adjustments to the resulting low-volume
MS–LTC–DRGs to preserve
monotonicity, as discussed in Step 7 of
our proposed methodology.
To determine the FY 2025 relative
weights for the low-volume MS–LTC–
DRGs, consistent with our historical
practice, we are proposing to use the
five low-volume quintiles described
previously. We determined a relative
weight and (geometric) average length of
stay for each of the five low-volume
quintiles using the methodology
described in Step 6 of our proposed
methodology. We assigned the same
relative weight and average length of
stay to each of the low-volume MS–
LTC–DRGs that make up an individual
low-volume quintile. We note that, as
this system is dynamic, it is possible
that the number and specific type of
MS–LTC–DRGs with a low-volume of
applicable LTCH cases would vary in
the future. Furthermore, we note that we
continue to monitor the volume (that is,
the number of applicable LTCH cases)
in the low-volume quintiles to ensure
that our quintile assignments used in
determining the MS–LTC–DRG relative
weights result in appropriate payment
for LTCH cases grouped to low-volume
MS–LTC–DRGs and do not result in an
unintended financial incentive for
LTCHs to inappropriately admit these
types of cases.
For this proposed rule, we are
providing the list of the composition of
the proposed low-volume quintiles for
low-volume MS–LTC–DRGs in a
supplemental data file for public use
posted via the internet on the CMS
website for this proposed rule at https://
PPS/ to streamline the
information made available to the
public that is used in the annual
development of Table 11.
Step 4—Remove statistical outliers.
The next step in our proposed
calculation of the proposed FY 2025
MS–LTC–DRG relative weights is to
remove statistical outlier cases from the
LTCH cases with a length of stay of at
least 8 days. Consistent with our
existing relative weight methodology,
we are proposing to continue to define
statistical outliers as cases that are
outside of 3.0 standard deviations from
the mean of the log distribution of both
charges per case and the charges per day
for each MS–LTC–DRG. These statistical
outliers are removed prior to calculating
the relative weights because we believe
that they may represent aberrations in
the data that distort the measure of
average resource use. Including those
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LTCH cases in the calculation of the
relative weights could result in an
inaccurate relative weight that does not
truly reflect relative resource use among
those MS–LTC–DRGs. (For additional
information on what is removed in this
step of the relative weight methodology,
we refer readers to 67 FR 55989 and 74
FR 43959.) After removing cases with a
length of stay of 7 days or less and
statistical outliers, in each set of claims,
we were left with applicable LTCH
cases that have a length of stay greater
than or equal to 8 days. In this proposed
rule, we refer to these cases as ‘‘trimmed
applicable LTCH cases.’’
Step 5—Adjust charges for the effects
of Short Stay Outliers (SSOs).
As the next step in the proposed
calculation of the proposed FY 2025
MS–LTC–DRG relative weights,
consistent with our historical approach,
we are proposing to adjust each LTCH’s
charges per discharge for those
remaining cases (that is, trimmed
applicable LTCH cases) for the effects of
SSOs (as defined in § 412.529(a) in
conjunction with § 412.503).
Specifically, we are proposing to make
this adjustment by counting an SSO
case as a fraction of a discharge based
on the ratio of the length of stay of the
case to the average length of stay of all
cases grouped to the MS–LTC–DRG.
This has the effect of proportionately
reducing the impact of the lower
charges for the SSO cases in calculating
the average charge for the MS–LTC–
DRG. This process produces the same
result as if the actual charges per
discharge of an SSO case were adjusted
to what they would have been had the
patient’s length of stay been equal to the
average length of stay of the MS–LTC–
Counting SSO cases as full LTCH
cases with no adjustment in
determining the proposed FY 2025 MS–
LTC–DRG relative weights would lower
the relative weight for affected MS–
LTC–DRGs because the relatively lower
charges of the SSO cases would bring
down the average charge for all cases
within a MS–LTC–DRG. This would
result in an ‘‘underpayment’’ for nonSSO cases and an ‘‘overpayment’’ for
SSO cases. Therefore, we propose to
continue to adjust for SSO cases under
§ 412.529 in this manner because it
would result in more appropriate
payments for all LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases. (For
additional information on this step of
the relative weight methodology, we
refer readers to 67 FR 55989 and 74 FR
Step 6—Calculate the relative weights
on an iterative basis using the hospitalspecific relative value methodology.
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By nature, LTCHs often specialize in
certain areas, such as ventilatordependent patients. Some case types
(MS–LTC–DRGs) may be treated, to a
large extent, in hospitals that have, from
a perspective of charges, relatively high
(or low) charges. This nonrandom
distribution of cases with relatively high
(or low) charges in specific MS–LTC–
DRGs has the potential to
inappropriately distort the measure of
average charges. To account for the fact
that cases may not be randomly
distributed across LTCHs, consistent
with the methodology we have used
since the implementation of the LTCH
PPS, in this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we are proposing to
continue to use a hospital-specific
relative value (HSRV) methodology to
calculate the MS–LTC–DRG relative
weights for FY 2025. We believe that
this method removes this hospitalspecific source of bias in measuring
LTCH average charges (67 FR 55985).
Specifically, under this methodology,
we reduced the impact of the variation
in charges across providers on any
particular MS–LTC–DRG relative weight
by converting each LTCH’s charge for an
applicable LTCH case to a relative value
based on that LTCH’s average charge for
such cases.
Under the HSRV methodology, we
standardize charges for each LTCH by
converting its charges for each
applicable LTCH case to hospitalspecific relative charge values and then
adjusting those values for the LTCH’s
case-mix. The adjustment for case-mix
is needed to rescale the hospital-specific
relative charge values (which, by
definition, average 1.0 for each LTCH).
The average relative weight for an LTCH
is its case-mix; therefore, it is reasonable
to scale each LTCH’s average relative
charge value by its case-mix. In this
way, each LTCH’s relative charge value
is adjusted by its case-mix to an average
that reflects the complexity of the
applicable LTCH cases it treats relative
to the complexity of the applicable
LTCH cases treated by all other LTCHs
(the average LTCH PPS case-mix of all
applicable LTCH cases across all
LTCHs). In other words, by multiplying
an LTCH’s relative charge values by the
LTCH’s case-mix index, we account for
the fact that the same relative charges
are given greater weight at an LTCH
with higher average costs than they
would at an LTCH with low average
costs, which is needed to adjust each
LTCH’s relative charge value to reflect
its case-mix relative to the average casemix for all LTCHs. By standardizing
charges in this manner, we count
charges for a Medicare patient at an
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LTCH with high average charges as less
resource-intensive than they would be
at an LTCH with low average charges.
For example, a $10,000 charge for a case
at an LTCH with an average adjusted
charge of $17,500 reflects a higher level
of relative resource use than a $10,000
charge for a case at an LTCH with the
same case-mix, but an average adjusted
charge of $35,000. We believe that the
adjusted charge of an individual case
more accurately reflects actual resource
use for an individual LTCH because the
variation in charges due to systematic
differences in the markup of charges
among LTCHs is taken into account.
Consistent with our historical relative
weight methodology, we propose to
calculate the proposed FY 2025 MS–
LTC–DRG relative weights using the
HSRV methodology, which is an
iterative process. Therefore, in
accordance with our established
methodology, for FY 2025, we are
proposing to continue to standardize
charges for each applicable LTCH case
by first dividing the adjusted charge for
the case (adjusted for SSOs under
§ 412.529 as described in Step 5 of our
proposed methodology) by the average
adjusted charge for all applicable LTCH
cases at the LTCH in which the case was
treated. The average adjusted charge
reflects the average intensity of the
health care services delivered by a
particular LTCH and the average cost
level of that LTCH. The average adjusted
charge is then multiplied by the LTCH’s
case-mix index to produce an adjusted
hospital-specific relative charge value
for the case. We used an initial case-mix
index value of 1.0 for each LTCH.
For each proposed MS–LTC–DRG, we
calculated the FY 2025 relative weight
by dividing the SSO-adjusted average of
the hospital-specific relative charge
values for applicable LTCH cases for the
MS–LTC–DRG (that is, the sum of the
hospital-specific relative charge value,
as previously stated, divided by the sum
of equivalent cases from Step 5 for each
MS–LTC–DRG) by the overall SSOadjusted average hospital-specific
relative charge value across all
applicable LTCH cases for all LTCHs
(that is, the sum of the hospital-specific
relative charge value, as previously
stated, divided by the sum of equivalent
applicable LTCH cases from Step 5 for
each MS–LTC–DRG). Using these
recalculated MS–LTC–DRG relative
weights, each LTCH’s average relative
weight for all of its SSO-adjusted
trimmed applicable LTCH cases (that is,
it’s case-mix) was calculated by dividing
the sum of all the LTCH’s MS–LTC–
DRG relative weights by its total number
of SSO-adjusted trimmed applicable
LTCH cases. The LTCHs’ hospital-
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specific relative charge values (from
previous) are then multiplied by the
hospital-specific case-mix indexes. The
hospital-specific case-mix adjusted
relative charge values are then used to
calculate a new set of MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights across all LTCHs. This
iterative process continued until there
was convergence between the relative
weights produced at adjacent steps, for
example, when the maximum difference
was less than 0.0001.
Step 7—Adjust the relative weights to
account for nonmonotonically
increasing relative weights.
The MS–DRGs contain base DRGs that
have been subdivided into one, two, or
three severity of illness levels. Where
there are three severity levels, the most
severe level has at least one secondary
diagnosis code that is referred to as an
MCC (that is, major complication or
comorbidity). The next lower severity
level contains cases with at least one
secondary diagnosis code that is a CC
(that is, complication or comorbidity).
Those cases without an MCC or a CC are
referred to as ‘‘without CC/MCC.’’ When
data do not support the creation of three
severity levels, the base MS–DRG is
subdivided into either two levels or the
base MS–DRG is not subdivided. The
two-level subdivisions may consist of
the MS–DRG with CC/MCC and the
MS–DRG without CC/MCC.
Alternatively, the other type of twolevel subdivision may consist of the
MS–DRG with MCC and the MS–DRG
without MCC.
In those base MS–LTC–DRGs that are
split into either two or three severity
levels, cases classified into the ‘‘without
CC/MCC’’ MS–LTC–DRG are expected
to have a lower resource use (and lower
costs) than the ‘‘with CC/MCC’’ MS–
LTC–DRG (in the case of a two-level
split) or both the ‘‘with CC’’ and the
‘‘with MCC’’ MS–LTC–DRGs (in the
case of a three-level split). That is,
theoretically, cases that are more severe
typically require greater expenditure of
medical care resources and would result
in higher average charges. Therefore, in
the three severity levels, relative
weights should increase by severity,
from lowest to highest. If the relative
weights decrease as severity increases
(that is, if within a base MS–LTC–DRG,
an MS–LTC–DRG with CC has a higher
relative weight than one with MCC, or
the MS–LTC–DRG ‘‘without CC/MCC’’
has a higher relative weight than either
of the others), they are nonmonotonic.
We continue to believe that utilizing
nonmonotonic relative weights to adjust
Medicare payments would result in
inappropriate payments because the
payment for the cases in the higher
severity level in a base MS–LTC–DRG
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(which are generally expected to have
higher resource use and costs) would be
lower than the payment for cases in a
lower severity level within the same
base MS–LTC–DRG (which are generally
expected to have lower resource use and
costs). Therefore, in determining the
proposed FY 2025 MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights, consistent with our
historical methodology, we are
proposing to continue to combine MS–
LTC–DRG severity levels within a base
MS–LTC–DRG for the purpose of
computing a relative weight when
necessary to ensure that monotonicity is
maintained. For a comprehensive
description of our existing methodology
to adjust for nonmonotonicity, we refer
readers to the FY 2010 IPPS/RY 2010
LTCH PPS final rule (74 FR 43964
through 43966). Any adjustments for
nonmonotonicity that were made in
determining the proposed FY 2025 MS–
LTC–DRG relative weights by applying
this methodology are denoted in Table
11, which is listed in section VI. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule and is
available via the internet on the CMS
Step 8—Determine a relative weight
for MS–LTC–DRGs with no applicable
LTCH cases.
Using the trimmed applicable LTCH
cases, consistent with our historical
methodology, we identified the MS–
LTC–DRGs for which there were no
claims in the December 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file and, therefore,
for which no charge data was available
for these MS–LTC–DRGs. Because
patients with a number of the diagnoses
under these MS–LTC–DRGs may be
treated at LTCHs, consistent with our
historical methodology, we generally
assign a relative weight to each of the
no-volume MS–LTC–DRGs based on
clinical similarity and relative costliness
(with the exception of ‘‘transplant’’ MS–
LTC–DRGs, ‘‘error’’ MS–LTC–DRGs, and
MS–LTC–DRGs that indicate a principal
diagnosis related to a psychiatric
diagnosis or rehabilitation (referred to as
the ‘‘psychiatric or rehabilitation’’ MS–
LTC–DRGs), as discussed later in this
section of this proposed rule). (For
additional information on this step of
the relative weight methodology, we
refer readers to 67 FR 55991 and 74 FR
43959 through 43960.)
Consistent with our existing
methodology, we are proposing to crosswalk each no-volume proposed MS–
LTC–DRG to another proposed MS–
LTC–DRG for which we calculated a
relative weight (determined in
accordance with the methodology as
previously described). Then, the ‘‘novolume’’ proposed MS–LTC–DRG is
assigned the same relative weight (and
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
average length of stay) of the proposed
MS–LTC–DRG to which it was crosswalked (as described in greater detail in
this section of this proposed rule).
Of the 773 proposed MS–LTC–DRGs
for FY 2025, we identified 425 MS–
LTC–DRGs for which there were no
trimmed applicable LTCH cases. The
425 MS–LTC–DRGs for which there
were no trimmed applicable LTCH cases
includes the 11 ‘‘transplant’’ MS–LTC–
DRGs, the 2 ‘‘error’’ MS–LTC–DRGs,
and the 15 ‘‘psychiatric or
rehabilitation’’ MS–LTC–DRGs, which
are discussed in this section of this rule,
such that we identified 397 MS–LTC–
DRGs that for which, we are proposing
to assign a relative weight using our
existing ‘‘no-volume’’ MS–LTC–DRG
methodology (that is, 425¥11¥2¥15 =
397). We are proposing to assign relative
weights to each of the 397 no-volume
MS–LTC–DRGs based on clinical
similarity and relative costliness to 1 of
the remaining 348 (773¥425 = 348)
MS–LTC–DRGs for which we calculated
relative weights based on the trimmed
applicable LTCH cases in the FY 2023
MedPAR file data using the steps
described previously. (For the
remainder of this discussion, we refer to
the ‘‘cross-walked’’ MS–LTC–DRGs as
one of the 348 MS–LTC–DRGs to which
we cross-walked each of the 397 ‘‘novolume’’ MS–LTC–DRGs.) Then, in
general, we are proposing to assign the
397 no-volume MS–LTC–DRGs the
relative weight of the cross-walked MS–
LTC–DRG (when necessary, we made
adjustments to account for
We cross-walked the no-volume MS–
LTC–DRG to a MS–LTC–DRG for which
we calculated relative weights based on
the December 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file, and to which it is
similar clinically in intensity of use of
resources and relative costliness as
determined by criteria such as care
provided during the period of time
surrounding surgery, surgical approach
(if applicable), length of time of surgical
procedure, postoperative care, and
length of stay. (For more details on our
process for evaluating relative
costliness, we refer readers to the FY
2010 IPPS/RY 2010 LTCH PPS final rule
(73 FR 48543).) We believe in the rare
event that there would be a few LTCH
cases grouped to one of the no-volume
MS–LTC–DRGs in FY 2025, the relative
weights assigned based on the crosswalked MS–LTC–DRGs would result in
an appropriate LTCH PPS payment
because the crosswalks, which are based
on clinical similarity and relative
costliness, would be expected to
generally require equivalent relative
resource use.
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Then we assigned the proposed
relative weight of the cross-walked MS–
LTC–DRG as the relative weight for the
no-volume MS–LTC–DRG such that
both of these MS–LTC–DRGs (that is,
the no-volume MS–LTC–DRG and the
cross-walked MS–LTC–DRG) have the
same relative weight (and average length
of stay) for FY 2025. We note that, if the
cross-walked MS–LTC–DRG had 25
applicable LTCH cases or more, its
relative weight (calculated using the
methodology as previously described in
Steps 1 through 4) is assigned to the novolume MS–LTC–DRG as well.
Similarly, if the MS–LTC–DRG to which
the no-volume MS–LTC–DRG was crosswalked had 24 or less cases and,
therefore, was designated to 1 of the
low-volume quintiles for purposes of
determining the relative weights, we
assigned the relative weight of the
applicable low-volume quintile to the
no-volume MS–LTC–DRG such that
both of these MS–LTC–DRGs (that is,
the no-volume MS–LTC–DRG and the
cross-walked MS–LTC–DRG) have the
same relative weight for FY 2025. (As
we noted previously, in the infrequent
case where nonmonotonicity involving
a no-volume MS–LTC–DRG resulted,
additional adjustments are required to
maintain monotonically increasing
relative weights.)
For this proposed rule, we are
providing the list of the no-volume MS–
LTC–DRGs and the MS–LTC–DRGs to
which each was cross-walked (that is,
the cross-walked MS–LTC–DRGs) for FY
2025 in a supplemental data file for
public use posted via the internet on the
CMS website for this proposed rule at
AcuteInpatientPPS/ to
streamline the information made
available to the public that is used in
the annual development of Table 11.
To illustrate this methodology for
determining the proposed relative
weights for the FY 2025 MS–LTC–DRGs
with no applicable LTCH cases, we are
providing the following example.
Example: There were no trimmed
applicable LTCH cases in the FY 2023
MedPAR file that we are using for this
proposed rule for proposed MS–LTC–
DRG 061 (Ischemic stroke, precerebral
occlusion or transient ischemia with
thrombolytic agent with MCC). We
determined that proposed MS–LTC–
DRG 064 (Intracranial hemorrhage or
cerebral infarction with MCC) is similar
clinically and based on resource use to
proposed MS–LTC–DRG 061. Therefore,
we are proposing to assign the same
relative weight (and average length of
stay) of proposed MS–LTC–DRG 064 of
1.3009 for FY 2025 to proposed MS–
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LTC–DRG 061 (we refer readers to Table
11, which is listed in section VI. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule and is
available via the internet on the CMS
Again, we note that, as this system is
dynamic, it is entirely possible that the
number of MS–LTC–DRGs with no
volume would vary in the future.
Consistent with our historical practice,
we are proposing to use the best
available claims data to identify the
trimmed applicable LTCH cases from
which we determine the relative
weights in the final rule.
For FY 2025, consistent with our
historical relative weight methodology,
we are proposing to establish a relative
weight of 0.0000 for the following
transplant MS–LTC–DRGs: Heart
Transplant or Implant of Heart Assist
System with MCC (MS–LTC–DRG 001);
Heart Transplant or Implant of Heart
Assist System without MCC (MS–LTC–
DRG 002); Liver Transplant with MCC
or Intestinal Transplant (MS–LTC–DRG
005); Liver Transplant without MCC
(MS–LTC–DRG 006); Lung Transplant
(MS–LTC–DRG 007); Simultaneous
Pancreas and Kidney Transplant (MS–
LTC–DRG 008); Simultaneous Pancreas
and Kidney Transplant with
Hemodialysis (MS–LTC–DRG 019);
Pancreas Transplant (MS–LTC–DRG
010); Kidney Transplant (MS–LTC–DRG
652); Kidney Transplant with
Hemodialysis with MCC (MS–LTC–DRG
650), and Kidney Transplant with
Hemodialysis without MCC (MS LTC
DRG 651). This is because Medicare
only covers these procedures if they are
performed at a hospital that has been
certified for the specific procedures by
Medicare and presently no LTCH has
been so certified. At the present time,
we include these 11 transplant MS–
LTC–DRGs in the GROUPER program
for administrative purposes only.
Because we use the same GROUPER
program for LTCHs as is used under the
IPPS, removing these MS–LTC–DRGs
would be administratively burdensome.
(For additional information regarding
our treatment of transplant MS–LTC–
DRGs, we refer readers to the RY 2010
LTCH PPS final rule (74 FR 43964).) In
addition, consistent with our historical
policy, we are proposing to establish a
relative weight of 0.0000 for the 2
‘‘error’’ MS–LTC–DRGs (that is, MS–
LTC–DRG 998 (Principal Diagnosis
Invalid as Discharge Diagnosis) and
MS–LTC–DRG 999 (Ungroupable))
because applicable LTCH cases grouped
to these MS–LTC–DRGs cannot be
properly assigned to an MS–LTC–DRG
according to the grouping logic.
Additionally, we are proposing to
establish a relative weight of 0.0000 for
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the following ‘‘psychiatric or
rehabilitation’’ MS–LTC–DRGs: MS–
LTC–DRG 876 (O.R. Procedures with
Principal Diagnosis of Mental Illness);
MS–LTC–DRG 880 (Acute Adjustment
Reaction & Psychosocial Dysfunction);
MS–LTC–DRG 881 (Depressive
Neuroses); MS–LTC–DRG 882 (Neuroses
Except Depressive); MS–LTC–DRG 883
(Disorders of Personality & Impulse
Control); MS–LTC–DRG 884 (Organic
Disturbances & Intellectual Disability);
MS–LTC–DRG 885 (Psychoses); MS–
LTC–DRG 886 (Behavioral &
Developmental Disorders); MS–LTC–
DRG 887 (Other Mental Disorder
Diagnoses); MS–LTC–DRG 894
(Alcohol, Drug Abuse or Dependence,
Left AMA); MS–LTC–DRG 895 (Alcohol,
Drug Abuse or Dependence with
Rehabilitation Therapy); MS–LTC–DRG
896 (Alcohol, Drug Abuse or
Dependence without Rehabilitation
Therapy with MCC); MS–LTC–DRG 897
(Alcohol, Drug Abuse or Dependence
without Rehabilitation Therapy without
(Rehabilitation with CC/MCC); and MS–
LTC–DRG 946 (Rehabilitation without
CC/MCC). We are proposing to establish
a relative weight of 0.0000 for these 15
‘‘psychiatric or rehabilitation’’ MS–
LTC–DRGs because the blended
payment rate and temporary exceptions
to the site neutral payment rate would
not be applicable for any LTCH
discharges occurring in FY 2025, and as
such payment under the LTCH PPS
would be no longer be made in part
based on the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for any discharges
assigned to those MS–LTC–DRGs.
Step 9—Budget neutralize the
uncapped relative weights.
In accordance with the regulations at
§ 412.517(b) (in conjunction with
§ 412.503), the annual update to the
MS–LTC–DRG classifications and
relative weights is done in a budget
neutral manner such that estimated
aggregate LTCH PPS payments would be
unaffected, that is, would be neither
greater than nor less than the estimated
aggregate LTCH PPS payments that
would have been made without the MS–
LTC–DRG classification and relative
weight changes. (For a detailed
discussion on the establishment of the
budget neutrality requirement for the
annual update of the MS–LTC–DRG
classifications and relative weights, we
refer readers to the RY 2008 LTCH PPS
final rule (72 FR 26881 and 26882).
To achieve budget neutrality under
the requirement at § 412.517(b), under
our established methodology, for each
annual update the MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights are uniformly adjusted
to ensure that estimated aggregate
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payments under the LTCH PPS would
not be affected (that is, decreased or
increased). Consistent with that
provision, we are proposing to continue
to apply budget neutrality adjustments
in determining the proposed FY 2025
MS–LTC–DRG relative weights so that
our proposed update of the MS–LTC–
DRG classifications and relative weights
for FY 2025 are made in a budget
neutral manner. For FY 2025, we are
proposing to apply two budget
neutrality factors to determine the MS–
LTC–DRG relative weights. In this step,
we describe the determination of the
budget neutrality adjustment that
accounts for the proposed update of the
MS–LTC–DRG classifications and
relative weights prior to the application
of the ten-percent cap. In steps 10 and
11, we describe the application of the
10-percent cap policy (step 10) and the
determination of the proposed budget
neutrality factor that accounts for the
application of the 10-percent cap policy
(step 11).
In this proposed rule, to ensure
budget neutrality for the proposed
update to the MS–LTC–DRG
classifications and relative weights prior
to the application of the 10-percent cap
(that is, uncapped relative weights),
under § 412.517(b), we are proposing to
continue to use our established two-step
budget neutrality methodology.
Therefore, in the first step of our MS–
LTC–DRG update budget neutrality
methodology, for FY 2025, we
calculated and applied a proposed
normalization factor to the recalibrated
relative weights (the result of Steps 1
through 8 discussed previously) to
ensure that estimated payments are not
affected by changes in the composition
of case types or the changes to the
classification system. That is, the
normalization adjustment is intended to
ensure that the recalibration of the MS–
LTC–DRG relative weights (that is, the
process itself) neither increases nor
decreases the average case-mix index.
To calculate the proposed
normalization factor for FY 2025, we
propose to use the following three steps:
(1.a.) use the applicable LTCH cases
from the best available data (that is,
LTCH discharges from the FY 2023
MedPAR file) and group them using the
proposed FY 2025 GROUPER (that is,
Version 42 for FY 2025) and the
proposed recalibrated FY 2025 MS–
LTC–DRG uncapped relative weights
(determined in Steps 1 through 8
discussed previously) to calculate the
average case-mix index; (1.b.) group the
same applicable LTCH cases (as are
used in Step 1.a.) using the FY 2024
GROUPER (Version 41) and FY 2024
MS–LTC–DRG relative weights in Table
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11 of the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule and calculate the average case-mix
index; and (1.c.) compute the ratio of
these average case-mix indexes by
dividing the average case-mix index for
FY 2024 (determined in Step 1.b.) by the
average case-mix index for FY 2025
(determined in Step 1.a.). As a result, in
determining the proposed MS–LTC–
DRG relative weights for FY 2025, each
recalibrated MS–LTC–DRG uncapped
relative weight is multiplied by the
proposed normalization factor of
1.27356 (determined in Step 1.c.) in the
first step of the budget neutrality
methodology, which produces
‘‘normalized relative weights.’’
In the second step of our MS–LTC–
DRG update budget neutrality
methodology, we calculated a proposed
budget neutrality adjustment factor
consisting of the ratio of estimated
aggregate FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate payments for
applicable LTCH cases before
reclassification and recalibration to
estimated aggregate payments for FY
2025 LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate payments for applicable
LTCH cases after reclassification and
recalibration. That is, for this proposed
rule, for FY 2025, we propose to
determine the budget neutrality
adjustment factor using the following
three steps: (2.a.) simulate estimated
total FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate payments for
applicable LTCH cases using the
uncapped normalized relative weights
for FY 2025 and proposed GROUPER
Version 42; (2.b.) simulate estimated
total FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate payments for
applicable LTCH cases using the FY
2024 GROUPER (Version 41) and the FY
2024 MS–LTC–DRG relative weights in
Table 11 of the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule; and (2.c.) calculate the ratio
of these estimated total payments by
dividing the value determined in Step
2.b. by the value determined in Step 2.a.
In determining the proposed FY 2025
MS–LTC–DRG relative weights, each
uncapped normalized relative weight is
then multiplied by a proposed budget
neutrality factor of 0.988292 (the value
determined in Step 2.c.) in the second
step of the budget neutrality
Step 10—Apply the 10-percent cap to
decreases in MS–LTC–DRG relative
To mitigate the financial impacts of
significant year-to-year reductions in
MS–LTC–DRGs relative weights,
beginning in FY 2023, we adopted a
policy that applies, in a budget neutral
manner, a 10-percent cap on annual
relative weight decreases for MS–LTC–
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
DRGs with at least 25 applicable LTCH
cases (§ 412.515(b)). Under this policy,
in cases where CMS creates new MS–
LTC–DRGs or modifies the MS–LTC–
DRGs as part of its annual
reclassifications resulting in
renumbering of one or more MS–LTC–
DRGs, the 10-percent cap does not apply
to the relative weight for any new or
renumbered MS–LTC–DRGs for the
fiscal year. We refer readers to section
VIII.B.3.b. of the preamble of the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule with
comment period for a detailed
discussion on the adoption of the 10percent cap policy (87 FR 49152
through 49154).
Applying the 10-percent cap to MS–
LTC–DRGs with 25 or more cases results
in more predictable and stable MS–
LTC–DRG relative weights from year to
year, especially for high-volume MS–
LTC–DRGs that generally have the
largest financial impact on an LTCH’s
operations. For this proposed rule, in
cases where the relative weight for a
MS–LTC–DRG with 25 or more
applicable LTCH cases would decrease
by more than 10-percent in FY 2025
relative to FY 2024, we are proposing to
limit the reduction to 10-percent. Under
this policy, we do not apply the 10
percent cap to the proposed low-volume
MS–LTC–DRGs identified in Step 3 or
the proposed no-volume MS–LTC–DRGs
identified in Step 8.
Therefore, in this step, for each
proposed FY 2025 MS–LTC–DRG with
25 or more applicable LTCH cases
(excludes low-volume and zero-volume
MS–LTC–DRGs) we compared its FY
2025 relative weight (after application of
the proposed normalization and
proposed budget neutrality factors
determined in Step 9), to its FY 2024
MS–LTC–DRG relative weight. For any
MS–LTC–DRG where the FY 2025
relative weight would otherwise have
declined more than 10 percent, we
established a proposed capped FY 2025
MS–LTC–DRG relative weight that
would be equal to 90 percent of that
MS–LTC–DRG’s FY 2024 relative weight
(that is, we set the proposed FY 2025
relative weight equal to the FY 2024
weight × 0.90).
In section II.E. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss our proposed
changes to the MS–DRGs, and by
extension the MS–LTC–DRGs, for FY
2025. As discussed previously, under
our current policy, the 10-percent cap
does not apply to the relative weight for
any new or renumbered MS–LTC–DRGs.
We are not proposing any changes to
this policy for FY 2025, and as such any
proposed new or renumbered MS–LTC–
DRGs for FY 2025 would not be eligible
for the 10-percent cap.
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Step 11—Budget neutralize
application of the 10-percent cap policy.
Under the requirement at existing
§ 412.517(b) that aggregate LTCH PPS
payments will be unaffected by annual
changes to the MS–LTC–DRG
classifications and relative weights,
consistent with our established
methodology, we are proposing to
continue to apply a budget neutrality
adjustment to the MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights so that the 10-percent
cap on relative weight reductions (step
10) is implemented in a budget neutral
manner. Therefore, we are proposing to
determine the proposed budget
neutrality adjustment factor for the 10percent cap on relative weight
reductions using the following three
steps: (a) simulate estimated total FY
2025 LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate payments for applicable
LTCH cases using the proposed capped
relative weights for FY 2025
(determined in Step 10) and proposed
GROUPER Version 42; (b) simulate
estimated total FY 2025 LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate
payments for applicable LTCH cases
using the proposed uncapped relative
weights for FY 2025 (determined in Step
9) and proposed GROUPER Version 42;
and (c) calculate the ratio of these
estimated total payments by dividing
the value determined in step (b) by the
value determined in step (a). In
determining the proposed FY 2025 MS–
LTC–DRG relative weights, each capped
relative weight is then multiplied by a
proposed budget neutrality factor of
0.9946599 (the value determined in step
(c)) to achieve the budget neutrality
Table 11, which is listed in section VI.
of the Addendum to this proposed rule
and is available via the internet on the
CMS website, lists the proposed MS–
LTC–DRGs and their respective
proposed relative weights, proposed
geometric mean length of stay, and
proposed five-sixths of the geometric
mean length of stay (used to identify
SSO cases under § 412.529(a)) for FY
2025. We also are making available on
the website the proposed MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights prior to the application
of the 10 percent cap on MS–LTC–DRG
relative weight reductions and
corresponding proposed cap budget
neutrality factor.
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C. Proposed Changes to the LTCH PPS
Payment Rates and Other Proposed
Changes to the LTCH PPS for FY 2025
1. Overview of Development of the
Proposed LTCH PPS Standard Federal
Payment Rates
The basic methodology for
determining LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rates is currently set
forth at 42 CFR 412.515 through 412.533
and 412.535. In this section, we discuss
the factors that we are proposing to use
to update the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for FY 2025, that
is, effective for LTCH discharges
occurring on or after October 1, 2024,
through September 30, 2025. Under the
dual rate LTCH PPS payment structure
required by statute, beginning with
discharges in cost reporting periods
beginning in FY 2016, only LTCH
discharges that meet the criteria for
exclusion from the site neutral payment
rate are paid based on the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate specified
at 42 CFR 412.523. (For additional
details on our finalized policies related
to the dual rate LTCH PPS payment
structure required by statute, we refer
readers to the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (80 FR 49601 through 49623).)
Prior to the implementation of the
dual payment rate system in FY 2016,
all LTCH discharges were paid similarly
to those now exempt from the site
neutral payment rate. That legacy
payment rate was called the standard
Federal rate. For details on the
development of the initial standard
Federal rate for FY 2003, we refer
readers to the August 30, 2002 LTCH
PPS final rule (67 FR 56027 through
56037). For subsequent updates to the
standard Federal rate from FYs 2003
through 2015, and LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate from FY 2016
through present, as implemented under
42 CFR 412.523(c)(3), we refer readers to
the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(84 FR 42445 through 42446).
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we present our proposed
policies related to the annual update to
the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate for FY 2025.
The proposed update to the LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate for
FY 2025 is presented in section V.A. of
the Addendum to this proposed rule.
The components of the proposed annual
update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for FY 2025 are
discussed in this section, including the
statutory reduction to the annual update
for LTCHs that fail to submit quality
reporting data for FY 2025 as required
by the statute (as discussed in section
VIII.C.2.c. of the preamble of this
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
proposed rule). We are proposing to
make an adjustment to the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate to
account for the estimated effect of the
changes to the area wage level for FY
2025 on estimated aggregate LTCH PPS
payments, in accordance with 42 CFR
412.523(d)(4) (as discussed in section
V.B. of the Addendum to this proposed
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2. Proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS
Standard Federal Payment Rate Annual
Market Basket Update
a. Overview
Historically, the Medicare program
has used a market basket to account for
input price increases in the services
furnished by providers. The market
basket used for the LTCH PPS includes
both operating and capital-related costs
of LTCHs because the LTCH PPS uses a
single payment rate for both operating
and capital-related costs. We adopted
the 2017-based LTCH market basket for
use under the LTCH PPS beginning in
FY 2021 (85 FR 58907 through 58909).
As discussed in section VIII.D. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to rebase and revise the 2017based LTCH market basket to reflect a
2022 base year. For additional details on
the historical development of the market
basket used under the LTCH PPS, we
refer readers to the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (77 FR 53467 through
53476), and for a complete discussion of
the LTCH market basket and a
description of the methodologies used
to determine the operating and capitalrelated portions of the 2017-based LTCH
market basket, we refer readers to the
FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85
FR 58909 through 58926).
Section 3401(c) of the Affordable Care
Act provides for certain adjustments to
any annual update to the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate and
refers to the timeframes associated with
such adjustments as a ‘‘rate year.’’ We
note that, because the annual update to
the LTCH PPS policies, rates, and
factors now occurs on October 1, we
adopted the term ‘‘fiscal year’’ (FY)
rather than ‘‘rate year’’ (RY) under the
LTCH PPS beginning October 1, 2010, to
conform with the standard definition of
the Federal fiscal year (October 1
through September 30) used by other
PPSs, such as the IPPS (75 FR 50396
through 50397). Although the language
of sections 3004(a), 3401(c), 10319, and
1105(b) of the Affordable Care Act refers
to years 2010 and thereafter under the
LTCH PPS as ‘‘rate year,’’ consistent
with our change in the terminology used
under the LTCH PPS from ‘‘rate year’’ to
‘‘fiscal year,’’ for purposes of clarity,
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when discussing the annual update for
the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate, including the provisions
of the Affordable Care Act, we use
‘‘fiscal year’’ rather than ‘‘rate year’’ for
2011 and subsequent years.
b. Proposed Annual Update to the LTCH
PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate for
FY 2025
As previously noted, for FY 2025, we
are proposing to rebase and revise the
2017-based LTCH market basket to
reflect a 2022 base year. The proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket is
primarily based on the Medicare cost
report data submitted by LTCHs and,
therefore, specifically reflects the cost
structures of LTCHs. As described in
more detail in section VIII.D.1 of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to use data from cost
reporting periods beginning on and after
April 1, 2021, and prior to April 1, 2022
because these data reflect the most
recent information that are most
representative of FY 2022. We believe
that the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket appropriately reflects the
cost structure of LTCHs, as discussed in
greater detail in section VIII.D. of the
preamble of this proposed rule. In this
proposed rule, we are proposing to use
the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket to update the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for FY 2025.
Section 1886(m)(3)(A) of the Act
provides that, beginning in FY 2010,
any annual update to the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate is
reduced by the adjustments specified in
clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A),
as applicable. Clause (i) of section
1886(m)(3)(A) of the Act provides for a
reduction, for FY 2012 and each
subsequent rate year, by ‘‘the
productivity adjustment’’ described in
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act.
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act,
as added by section 3401(a) of the
Affordable Care Act, defines this
productivity adjustment as equal to the
10-year moving average of changes in
annual economy-wide, private nonfarm
business multifactor productivity (as
projected by the Secretary for the 10year period ending with the applicable
fiscal year, year, cost reporting period,
or other annual period). The U.S.
Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) publishes the official
measures of private nonfarm business
productivity for the U.S. economy. We
note that previously the productivity
measure referenced in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) was published by
BLS as private nonfarm business
multifactor productivity. Beginning
with the November 18, 2021 release of
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productivity data, BLS replaced the
term multifactor productivity with total
factor productivity (TFP). BLS noted
that this is a change in terminology only
and will not affect the data or
methodology. As a result of the BLS
name change, the productivity measure
referenced in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) is now published by
BLS as private nonfarm business total
factor productivity. However, as
mentioned, the data and methods are
unchanged. Please see for
the BLS historical published TFP data.
A complete description of IGI’s TFP
projection methodology is available on
the CMS website at https:// Clause (ii) of section
1886(m)(3)(A) of the Act provided for a
reduction, for each of FYs 2010 through
2019, by the ‘‘other adjustment’’
described in section 1886(m)(4)(F) of the
Act; therefore, it is not applicable for FY
Section 1886(m)(3)(B) of the Act
provides that the application of
paragraph (3) of section 1886(m) of the
Act may result in the annual update
being less than zero for a rate year, and
may result in payment rates for a rate
year being less than such payment rates
for the preceding rate year.
c. Proposed Adjustment to the LTCH
PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate
Under the Long-Term Care Hospital
Quality Reporting Program (LTCH QRP)
In accordance with section 1886(m)(5)
of the Act, the Secretary established the
Long-Term Care Hospital Quality
Reporting Program (LTCH QRP). The
reduction in the annual update to the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate for failure to report quality data
under the LTCH QRP for FY 2014 and
subsequent fiscal years is codified under
42 CFR 412.523(c)(4). The LTCH QRP,
as required for FY 2014 and subsequent
fiscal years by section 1886(m)(5)(A)(i)
of the Act, requires that a 2.0 percentage
points reduction be applied to any
update under 42 CFR 412.523(c)(3) for
an LTCH that does not submit quality
reporting data to the Secretary in
accordance with section 1886(m)(5)(C)
of the Act with respect to such a year
(that is, in the form and manner and at
the time specified by the Secretary
under the LTCH QRP) (42 CFR
412.523(c)(4)(i)). Section
1886(m)(5)(A)(ii) of the Act provides
that the application of the 2.0
percentage points reduction may result
in an annual update that is less than 0.0
for a year, and may result in LTCH PPS
payment rates for a year being less than
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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such LTCH PPS payment rates for the
preceding year. Furthermore, section
1886(m)(5)(B) of the Act specifies that
the 2.0 percentage points reduction is
applied in a noncumulative manner,
such that any reduction made under
section 1886(m)(5)(A) of the Act shall
apply only with respect to the year
involved, and shall not be taken into
account in computing the LTCH PPS
payment amount for a subsequent year.
These requirements are codified in the
regulations at 42 CFR 412.523(c)(4). (For
additional information on the history of
the LTCH QRP, including the statutory
authority and the selected measures, we
refer readers to section IX. of the
preamble of this proposed rule.)
d. Proposed Annual Market Basket
Update Under the LTCH PPS for FY
Consistent with our historical
practice, we estimate the market basket
percentage increase and the
productivity adjustment based on IHS
Global Inc.’s (IGI’s) forecast using the
most recent available data. Based on
IGI’s fourth quarter 2023 forecast, the
proposed FY 2025 market basket
percentage increase for the LTCH PPS
using the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket is 3.2 percent. The
proposed productivity adjustment for
FY 2025 based on IGI’s fourth quarter
2023 forecast is 0.4 percentage point.
For FY 2025, section 1886(m)(3)(A)(i)
of the Act requires that any annual
update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate be reduced by the
productivity adjustment, described in
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act.
Consistent with the statute, we are
proposing to reduce the FY 2025 market
basket percentage increase by the FY
2025 productivity adjustment. To
determine the proposed market basket
update for LTCHs for FY 2025 we
subtracted the proposed FY 2025
productivity adjustment from the
proposed FY 2025 market basket
percentage increase. (For additional
details on our established methodology
for adjusting the market basket
percentage increase by the productivity
adjustment, we refer readers to the FY
2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR
51771).) In addition, for FY 2025,
section 1886(m)(5) of the Act requires
that, for LTCHs that do not submit
quality reporting data as required under
the LTCH QRP, any annual update to an
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate, after application of the adjustments
required by section 1886(m)(3) of the
Act, shall be further reduced by 2.0
percentage points.
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, in accordance with the
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statute, we are proposing to reduce the
proposed FY 2025 market basket
percentage increase of 3.2 percent
(based on IGI’s fourth quarter 2023
forecast of the proposed 2022-based
LTCH market basket) by the proposed
FY 2025 productivity adjustment of 0.4
percentage point (based on IGI’s fourth
quarter 2023 forecast). Therefore, under
the authority of section 123 of the BBRA
as amended by section 307(b) of the
BIPA, consistent with 42 CFR
412.523(c)(3)(xvii), we are proposing to
establish an annual market basket
update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for FY 2025 of 2.8
percent (that is, the LTCH PPS market
basket increase of 3.2 percent less the
productivity adjustment of 0.4
percentage point). For LTCHs that fail to
submit quality reporting data under the
LTCH QRP, under 42 CFR
412.523(c)(3)(xvii) in conjunction with
42 CFR 412.523(c)(4), we are proposing
to further reduce the annual update to
the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate by 2.0 percentage points,
in accordance with section 1886(m)(5)
of the Act. Accordingly, we are
proposing to establish an annual update
to the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate of 0.8 percent (that is, the
proposed 2.8 percent LTCH market
basket update minus 2.0 percentage
points) for FY 2025 for LTCHs that fail
to submit quality reporting data as
required under the LTCH QRP.
Consistent with our historical practice,
we are proposing to use a more recent
estimate of the market basket percentage
increase and the productivity
adjustment, if appropriate, to establish
an annual update to the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate for FY
2025 in the final rule. We note that,
consistent with historical practice, we
are also proposing to adjust the FY 2025
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate by an area wage level budget
neutrality factor in accordance with 42
CFR 412.523(d)(4) (as discussed in
section V.B.5. of the Addendum to this
proposed rule).
D. Proposed Rebasing of the LTCH
Market Basket
1. Background
The input price index (that is, the
market basket) that was used to develop
the LTCH PPS for FY 2003 was the
‘‘excluded hospital with capital’’ market
basket. That market basket was based on
1997 Medicare cost report data and
included data for Medicare-participating
IRFs, IPFs, LTCHs, cancer hospitals, and
children’s hospitals. Although the term
‘‘market basket’’ technically describes
the mix of goods and services used in
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providing hospital care, this term is also
commonly used to denote the input
price index (that is, cost category
weights and price proxies combined)
derived from that mix. Accordingly, the
term ‘‘market basket,’’ as used in this
section, refers to an input price index.
Since the LTCH PPS inception, the
market basket used to update LTCH PPS
payments has been rebased and revised
to reflect more recent data. We last
rebased and revised the market basket
applicable to the LTCH PPS in the FY
2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR
58909 through 58926), where we
adopted a 2017-based LTCH market
basket. References to the historical
market baskets used to update LTCH
PPS payments are listed in the FY 2021
LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58909
through 58910).
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
proposed rule, we propose to rebase and
revise the 2017-based LTCH market
basket to reflect a 2022 base year, which
would maintain our historical frequency
of rebasing the market basket every 4
years. The proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket is primarily based on
Medicare cost report data for LTCHs for
FY 2022, specifically for cost reporting
periods beginning on and after April 1,
2021, and prior to April 1, 2022. For the
2017-based LTCH market, we used
Medicare cost report data for LTCHs
from cost reporting periods beginning
on and after October 1, 2016, and before
October 1, 2017, or reports that began in
FY 2017. The majority of LTCHs have a
cost report begin date of September 1
and so those LTCHs with a cost report
begin date of September 1, 2021 have
the majority of their expenses occurring
in the FY 2022 time period. We are
proposing to use data from cost
reporting periods beginning on and after
April 1, 2021, and prior to April 1, 2022
because these data reflect the most
recent Medicare cost report data for
LTCHs at the time of rulemaking where
the majority of their costs are occurring
in FY 2022 while still maintaining our
historical frequency of rebasing the
market basket every 4 years.
We are unable to use data from the FY
2022 HCRIS file, which reflects cost
reporting periods beginning on and after
October 1, 2021 and prior to September
30, 2022, as most reporters have a begin
date of September 1, so the dataset in
the file is not yet complete. In the
interest of utilizing the most recent,
complete data available, we are
proposing to combine data from
multiple HCRIS files to obtain a 2022
base year. We are proposing to use a
composite timeframe of cost reporting
periods beginning on and after April 1,
2021 and prior to April 1, 2022, because
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
April 1 reflects the middle of the fiscal
year and this timeframe would allow
data from 2022 to be included in this
rebasing. Using this proposed method,
the weighted average of costs occurring
in FY 2022 (accounting for the
distribution of providers by Medicare
cost report begin date) is 82 percent.
Therefore, we believe our proposed
methodology of using Medicare cost
report data based on cost reporting
periods beginning on or after April 1,
2021 and prior to April 1, 2022 reflects
the most recent information that is most
representative of FY 2022.
As described in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH final rule (87 FR 49164 through
49165), we received comments on the
FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule
where stakeholders expressed concern
that the proposed market basket update
was inadequate relative to input price
inflation experienced by LTCHs,
particularly as a result of the COVID–19
PHE. These commenters stated that the
PHE, along with inflation, has
significantly driven up operating costs.
Specifically, some commenters noted
changes to the labor markets that led to
the use of more contract labor. As
described in more detail later in this
section, we verified this trend when
analyzing the Medicare cost reports
submitted by LTCHs through 2022.
Therefore, we believe it is appropriate to
incorporate more recent data to reflect
updated cost structures for LTCHs, and
so we propose to use 2022 as the base
year because we believe that the
Medicare cost reports for this year
represent the most recent, complete set
of Medicare cost report data available
for developing the proposed LTCH
market basket at the time of this
rulemaking. Given the recent trends in
the major cost weights derived from the
Medicare cost report data as discussed
later in this section, we will continue to
monitor these data going forward and
any additional changes to the LTCH
market basket will be proposed in future
In the following discussion, we
provide an overview of the proposed
LTCH market basket, describe the
proposed methodologies for developing
the operating and capital portions of the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket, and provide information on the
proposed price proxies. Then, we
present the proposed FY 2025 market
basket update and labor-related share
based on the proposed 2022-based
LTCH market basket.
2. Overview of the Proposed 2022-Based
LTCH Market Basket
Similar to the 2017-based LTCH
market basket, the proposed 2022-based
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LTCH market basket is a fixed-weight,
Laspeyres-type price index. A Laspeyres
price index measures the change in
price, over time, of the same mix of
goods and services purchased in the
base period. Any changes in the
quantity or mix (that is, intensity) of
goods and services purchased over time
relative to the base period are not
measured. The index itself is
constructed using three steps. First, a
base period is selected (in this proposed
rule, we propose to use 2022 as the base
period) and total base period costs are
estimated for a set of mutually exclusive
and exhaustive spending categories,
with the proportion of total costs that
each category represents being
calculated. These proportions are called
cost weights. Second, each cost category
is matched to an appropriate price or
wage variable, referred to as a ‘‘price
proxy.’’ In almost every instance, these
price proxies are derived from publicly
available statistical series that are
published on a consistent schedule
(preferably at least on a quarterly basis).
Finally, the cost weight for each cost
category is multiplied by the level of its
respective price proxy. The sum of these
products (that is, the cost weights
multiplied by their price index levels)
for all cost categories yields the
composite index level of the market
basket in a given period. Repeating this
step for other periods produces a series
of market basket levels over time.
Dividing an index level for a given
period by an index level for an earlier
period produces a rate of growth in the
input price index over that timeframe.
As previously noted, the market basket
is described as a fixed-weight index
because it represents the change in price
over time of a constant mix (quantity
and intensity) of goods and services
needed to furnish hospital services. The
effects on total costs resulting from
changes in the mix of goods and
services purchased subsequent to the
base period are not measured. For
example, a hospital hiring more nurses
to accommodate the needs of patients
would increase the volume of goods and
services purchased by the hospital but
would not be factored into the price
change measured by a fixed-weight
hospital market basket. Only when the
index is rebased would changes in the
quantity and intensity be captured, with
those changes being reflected in the cost
weights. Therefore, we rebase the
market basket periodically so that the
cost weights reflect recent changes in
the mix of goods and services that
hospitals purchase to furnish inpatient
care between base periods.
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3. Development of the Proposed 2022Based LTCH Market Basket Cost
Categories and Weights
We are inviting public comments on
our proposed methodology, discussed in
this section of this rule, for deriving the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market
a. Use of Medicare Cost Report Data
The major types of costs underlying
the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket are derived from the Medicare
cost reports (CMS Form 2552–10, OMB
Control Number 0938–0050) for LTCHs.
Specifically, we use the Medicare cost
reports for seven specific costs: Wages
and Salaries, Employee Benefits,
Contract Labor, Pharmaceuticals,
Professional Liability Insurance (PLI),
Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor, and Capital. A residual
category is then estimated and reflects
all remaining costs not captured in the
seven types of costs identified
previously. The 2017-based LTCH
market basket similarly used the
Medicare cost reports.
Medicare cost report data include
costs for all patients (including but not
limited to those covered by Medicare,
Medicaid, and private insurance).
Because our goal is to measure cost
shares for facilities that serve Medicare
beneficiaries and are reflective of case
mix and practice patterns associated
with providing services to Medicare
beneficiaries in LTCHs, we propose to
limit our selection of Medicare cost
reports to those from LTCHs that have
a Medicare average length of stay (LOS)
that is within a comparable range of
their total facility average LOS. We
define the Medicare average LOS based
on data reported on the Medicare cost
report (CMS Form 2552–10, OMB
Control Number 0938–0050) Worksheet
S–3, Part I, line 14. We believe that
applying the LOS edit results in a more
accurate reflection of the structure of
costs associated with Medicare covered
days as our proposed edit excludes
those LTCHs that had an average total
facility LOS that were notably different
than the average Medicare LOS. For the
2017-based LTCH market basket, we
used the cost reports submitted by
LTCHs with Medicare average LOS
within 25 percent (that is, 25 percent
higher or lower) of the total facility
average LOS for the hospital. Based on
our analysis of the 2022 Medicare cost
reports, for the proposed 2022-based
LTCH market basket, we propose to
again use the cost reports submitted by
LTCHs with Medicare average LOS
within 25 percent (that is, 25 percent
higher or lower) of the total facility
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
average LOS for the hospital. The
universe of LTCHs had an average
Medicare LOS of 26 days, an average
total facility LOS of 35 days, and
aggregate Medicare utilization (as
measured by Medicare inpatient LTCH
days as a percentage of total facility
inpatient LTCH days) of 34 percent in
2022. Applying the proposed trim
excludes 11 percent of LTCH providers
and results in a subset of LTCH
Medicare cost reports with an average
Medicare LOS of 26 days, average
facility LOS of 30 days, and aggregate
Medicare utilization (based on days) of
40 percent. The 11 percent of providers
that are excluded had an average
Medicare LOS of 29 days, average
facility LOS of 71 days, and aggregate
Medicare utilization of 14 percent.
We are proposing to use the cost
reports for LTCHs that meet this
requirement to calculate the costs for
the seven major cost categories (Wages
and Salaries, Employee Benefits,
Contract Labor, Professional Liability
Insurance, Pharmaceuticals, Home
Office/Related Organization Contract
Labor, and Capital) for the market
basket. Also, as described in section
VIII.D.3.d. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, and as done for the 2017based LTCH market basket, we are also
proposing to use the Medicare cost
report data to calculate the detailed
capital cost weights for the
Depreciation, Interest, Lease, and Other
Capital-Related cost categories.
(1) Wages and Salaries Costs
We propose to derive Wages and
Salaries costs as the sum of routine
inpatient salaries, ancillary salaries, and
a proportion of overhead (or general
service cost center) salaries as reported
on Worksheet A, column 1. Because
overhead salary costs are attributable to
the entire LTCH, we propose to only
include the proportion attributable to
the Medicare allowable cost centers. For
the 2022-based LTCH market basket, we
propose that routine and ancillary
Wages and Salaries costs would be
equal to salary costs as reported on
Worksheet A, column 1, lines 30
through 35, 50 through 76 (excluding 52
and 75), 90 through 91, and 93. Then,
we are proposing to estimate the
proportion of overhead salaries that are
attributed to Medicare allowable costs
centers. We propose to first calculate
overhead salaries as the sum of
Worksheet A, column 1, lines 4 through
18. We then calculate the ‘‘Medicare
allowable ratio’’ equal to routine and
ancillary Wages and Salaries divided by
total non-overhead salaries (Worksheet
A, column 1, line 200 less overhead
salaries). We propose to multiply this
Medicare allowable ratio by overhead
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salaries to determine the overhead
salaries attributed to Medicare allowable
cost centers. The sum of routine
salaries, ancillary salaries, and the
estimated Medicare allowable portion of
overhead salaries represent Wages and
Salaries costs. A similar methodology
was used to derive Wages and Salaries
costs in the 2017-based LTCH market
(2) Employee Benefits Costs
Similar to the 2017-based LTCH
market basket, we propose to calculate
Employee Benefits costs using data from
Worksheet S–3, part II, column 4, lines
17, 18, 20, and 22. The completion of
Worksheet S–3, part II is only required
for IPPS hospitals. For 2022, we found
that approximately 42 percent of LTCHs
voluntarily reported the Employee
Benefits data, which has increased from
the approximately 20 percent of LTCHs
that reported these data that were used
for the 2017-based LTCH market basket.
Our analysis of the Worksheet S–3, part
II data submitted by these LTCHs
indicates that we continue to have a
large enough sample to enable us to
produce a reasonable Employee Benefits
cost weight. Specifically, we found that
when we recalculated the cost weight
after weighting to reflect the
characteristics of the universe of LTCHs
(such as by type of ownership—
nonprofit, for-profit, and government—
and by region), the recalculation did not
have a material effect on the resulting
cost weight. Therefore, we propose to
use Worksheet S–3, part II data (as was
done for the 2017-based LTCH market
basket) to calculate the Employee
Benefits cost weight in the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket.
We note that, effective with the
implementation of CMS Form 2552–10,
OMB Control Number 0938–0050, we
began collecting Employee Benefits and
Contract Labor data on Worksheet S–3,
part V, which is applicable to LTCHs.
However, approximately 12 percent of
LTCHs reported data on Worksheet S–
3, part V for 2022, which has fallen
since 2017 when roughly 17 percent of
LTCHs reported these data. Because a
greater percentage of LTCHs continue to
report data on Worksheet S–3, part II
than Worksheet S–3, part V, we are not
proposing to use the Employee Benefits
and Contract Labor data reported on
Worksheet S–3, part V to calculate the
Employee Benefits and Contract Labor
cost weights in the proposed 2022-based
LTCH market basket. We continue to
encourage all providers to report
Employee Benefits and Contract Labor
data on Worksheet S–3, part V.
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(3) Contract Labor Costs
Contract Labor costs reported on the
Medicare cost reports are primarily
associated with direct patient care
services. Contract Labor costs for
services such as accounting, billing, and
legal are estimated using other
government data sources as described in
this section of this proposed rule.
Approximately 40 percent of LTCHs
voluntarily reported Contract Labor
costs on Worksheet S–3, part II, which
was similar to the percentage obtained
from 2017 Medicare cost reports.
As was done for the 2017-based LTCH
market basket, we propose to derive the
Contract Labor costs for the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket using
voluntarily reported data from
Worksheet S–3, part II. Our analysis of
these data indicates that we have a large
enough sample to enable us to produce
a representative Contract Labor cost
weight. Specifically, we found that
when we recalculated the cost weight
after weighting to reflect the
characteristics of the universe of LTCHs
by region, the recalculation did not have
a material effect on the resulting cost
weight. Therefore, we propose to use
data from Worksheet S–3, part II,
column 4, lines 11 and 13 to calculate
the Contract Labor cost weight in the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market
(4) Pharmaceuticals Costs
We propose to calculate
Pharmaceuticals costs using non-salary
costs reported for the pharmacy cost
center (line 15) and drugs charged to
patients cost center (line 73). We
propose to calculate these costs as
Worksheet A, column 7, less Worksheet
A, column 1 for each of these lines. A
similar methodology was used for the
2017-based LTCH market basket.
(5) Professional Liability Insurance
We propose that Professional Liability
Insurance (PLI) costs (often referred to
as malpractice costs) be equal to
premiums, paid losses and selfinsurance costs reported on Worksheet
S–2, part I, columns 1 through 3, line
118. A similar methodology was used
for the 2017-based LTCH market basket.
(6) Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor Costs
We propose to calculate the Home
Office/Related Organization Contract
Labor costs using data reported on
Worksheet S–3, part II, column 4, lines
1401, 1402, 2550, and 2551 for those
LTCH providers reporting total salaries
on Worksheet S–3, part II, line 1. A
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
similar methodology was used for the
2017-based LTCH market basket.
(7) Capital Costs
We propose that Capital costs be
equal to Medicare allowable capital
costs as reported on Worksheet B, part
II, column 26, lines 30 through 35, 50
through 76 (excluding 52 and 75), 90
through 91 and 93. A similar
methodology was used for the 2017–
based LTCH market basket.
b. Final Major Cost Category
After we derive costs for the major
cost categories for each provider using
the Medicare cost report data as
previously described, we propose to
trim the data for outliers. For each of the
seven major cost categories, we are first
proposing to divide the calculated costs
for the category by total Medicare
allowable costs calculated for the
provider to obtain cost weights for the
universe of LTCH providers. For the
2022–based LTCH market basket
(similar to the approach used for the
2017–based LTCH market basket), we
propose that total Medicare allowable
costs would be equal to the total costs
as reported on Worksheet B, part I,
column 26, lines 30 through 35, 50
through 76 (excluding 52 and 75), 90
through 91, and 93.
For the Wages and Salaries, Employee
Benefits, Contract Labor,
Pharmaceuticals, Professional Liability
Insurance, and Capital cost weights,
after excluding cost weights that are less
than or equal to zero, we propose to
then remove those providers whose
derived cost weights fall in the top and
bottom 5 percent of provider specific
derived cost weights to ensure the
exclusion of outliers. We note that
missing values are assumed to be zero
consistent with the methodology for
how missing values were treated in the
2017–based LTCH market basket. After
the outliers have been excluded, we
sum the costs for each category across
all remaining providers. We are
proposing to divide this by the sum of
total Medicare allowable costs across all
remaining providers to obtain a cost
weight for the 2022–based LTCH market
basket for the given category. This
trimming process is done for each cost
weight separately.
For the Home Office/Related
Organization Contract Labor cost
weight, we propose to apply a 1-percent
top only trimming methodology. We
believe, as the Medicare cost report data
(Worksheet S–2, part I, line 140)
indicate, that not all LTCHs have a
home office. LTCHs without a home
office can incur these expenses directly
by having their own staff, for which the
costs would be included in the Wages
and Salaries and Employee Benefits cost
weights. Alternatively, LTCHs without a
home office could also purchase related
services from external contractors for
which these expenses would be
captured in the residual ‘‘All Other’’
cost weight. We believe this 1-percent
top-only trimming methodology is
appropriate as it addresses outliers
while allowing providers with zero
Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor costs to be included in
the Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor cost weight calculation.
If we applied both the top and bottom
5 percent trimming methodology, we
would exclude providers who have zero
Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor costs.
Finally, we propose to calculate the
residual ‘‘All Other’’ cost weight that
reflects all remaining costs that are not
captured in the seven cost categories
listed. We refer readers to Table EEEE 1
for the resulting proposed cost weights
for these major cost categories.
The Wages and Salaries and
Employee Benefits cost weights
calculated from the Medicare cost
reports for the proposed 2022–based
LTCH market basket are similar to the
Wages and Salaries and Employee
Benefits cost weights for the 2017–based
LTCH market basket. The proposed
Contract Labor cost weight, however, is
approximately 8 percentage points
higher than the Contract Labor cost
weight in the 2017–based LTCH market
basket. The proposed 2022–based
Pharmaceuticals and Capital cost
weights are lower than the 2017–based
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LTCH Market Basket
LTCH market basket by 1.7 percentage
points and 1.4 percentage points,
respectively. The proposed 2022–based
Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor cost weight has
increased by 1.8 percentage points
compared to the 2017–based LTCH
market basket.
As we did for the 2017–based LTCH
market basket, we propose to allocate
the Contract Labor cost weight to the
Wages and Salaries and Employee
Benefits cost weights based on their
relative proportions under the
assumption that Contract Labor costs are
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comprised of both Wages and Salaries
and Employee Benefits. The Contract
Labor allocation proportion for Wages
and Salaries is equal to the Wages and
Salaries cost weight as a percent of the
sum of the Wages and Salaries cost
weight and the Employee Benefits cost
weight. This rounded percentage is 87
percent. Therefore, we propose to
allocate 87 percent of the Contract Labor
cost weight to the Wages and Salaries
cost weight and 13 percent to the
Employee Benefits cost weight. We refer
readers to Table EEEE 2 that shows the
proposed Wages and Salaries and
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Ma_jor Cost Cate~ories
Wages and Salaries
Employee Benefits
Contract Labor
Professional Liability Insurance (Malpractice)
Home Office/Related Organization Contract Labor
All Other
Proposed 2022-Based
LTCH Market Basket
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Employee Benefits cost weights after
Contract Labor cost weight allocation for
both the proposed 2022–based LTCH
market basket and the 2017–based
LTCH market basket.
2022-Based LTCH Market Basket
2017-Based LTCH Market
available. Instead of using the less
detailed Annual I–O data, we propose to
inflate the 2017 Benchmark I–O data
forward to 2022 by applying the annual
price changes from the respective price
proxies to the appropriate market basket
cost categories that are obtained from
the 2017 Benchmark I–O data, and
calculated the cost shares that each cost
category represents using the inflated
data. These resulting 2022 cost shares
were applied to the residual ‘‘All Other’’
cost weight to obtain the detailed cost
weights for the proposed 2022–based
LTCH market basket. For example, the
cost for Food: Direct Purchases
represents 4.3 percent of the sum of the
residual ‘‘All Other’’ 2017 Benchmark I–
O Hospital Expenditures inflated to
2022. Therefore, the Food: Direct
Purchases cost weight represents 4.3
percent of the proposed 2022–based
LTCH market basket’s residual ‘‘All
Other’’ cost category (20.8 percent),
yielding a ‘‘final’’ Food: Direct
Purchases proposed cost weight of 0.9
percent in the proposed 2022–based
LTCH market basket (0.043 × 20.8
percent = 0.9 percent).
Using this methodology, we propose
to derive seventeen detailed LTCH
market basket cost category weights
within the proposed 2022–based LTCH
market basket residual ‘‘All Other’’ cost
weight (20.8 percent). These categories
are: (1) Electricity and Other Non-Fuel
Utilities; (2) Fuel: Oil and Gas; (3) Food:
Direct Purchases; (4) Food: Contract
Services; (5) Chemicals; (6) Medical
Instruments; (7) Rubber and Plastics; (8)
Paper and Printing Products; (9)
Miscellaneous Products; (10)
Professional Fees: Labor-Related; (11)
Administrative and Facilities Support
Services; (12) Installation, Maintenance,
and Repair Services; (13) All Other
Labor-Related Services; (14)
Professional Fees: Nonlabor-Related;
(15) Financial Services; (16) Telephone
Services; and (17) All Other NonlaborRelated Services. We note that these are
the same categories as were used in the
2017–based LTCH market basket (with
several cost categories being renamed
for clarification purposes).
Major Cost Categories
Wages and Salaries
Emolovee Benefits
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
After the allocation of the Contract
Labor cost weight, the proposed 2022–
based Wages and Salaries cost weight is
7.2 percentage points higher and the
Employee Benefits cost weight is 1.4
percentage points higher, relative to the
respective cost weights for the 2017–
based LTCH market basket. As a result,
in the proposed 2022–based LTCH
market basket, the compensation cost
weight is 8.6 percentage points higher
than the Compensation cost weight for
the 2017–based LTCH market basket.
c. Derivation of the Detailed Operating
Cost Weights
To further divide the residual ‘‘All
Other’’ cost weight estimated from the
2022 Medicare cost report data into
more detailed cost categories, we
propose to use the 2017 Benchmark I–
O ‘‘The Use Table (Supply-Use
Framework)’’ data for NAICS 622000,
Hospitals, published by the Bureau of
Economic Analysis (BEA). These data
are publicly available at the following
input-output-accounts-data. For the
2017-based LTCH market basket, we
used the 2012 Benchmark I–O data, the
most recent data available at the time
(85 FR 58913).
The BEA Benchmark I–O data are
scheduled for publication every 5 years
with the most recent data available for
2017. The 2017 Benchmark I–O data are
derived from the 2017 Economic Census
and are the building blocks for BEA’s
economic accounts. Therefore, they
represent the most comprehensive and
complete set of data on the economic
processes or mechanisms by which
output is produced and distributed.181
BEA also produces Annual I–O
estimates. However, while based on a
similar methodology, these estimates
reflect less comprehensive and less
detailed data sources and are subject to
revision when benchmark data becomes
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d. Derivation of the Detailed Capital
Cost Weights
As described in section VIII.D.3.b. of
the preamble of this proposed rule, we
are proposing a Capital-Related cost
weight of 8.5 percent in the proposed
2022–based LTCH market basket as
calculated from the 2022 Medicare cost
reports for LTCHs after applying the
proposed trims as previously described.
We propose to then separate this total
Capital-Related cost weight into more
detailed cost categories. Using
Worksheet A–7 in the 2022 Medicare
cost reports, we are able to group
capital-related costs into the following
categories: Depreciation, Interest, Lease,
and Other Capital-Related costs, as
shown in Table VIII.D–03, which is the
same methodology used for the 2017–
based LTCH market basket.
We also are proposing to allocate
lease costs, which are 65 percent of total
capital costs in the proposed 2022–
based LTCH market basket, across each
of the remaining detailed capital-related
cost categories as was done in the 2017–
based LTCH market basket. This would
result in three primary capital-related
cost categories in the proposed 2022
based LTCH market basket:
Depreciation, Interest, and Other
Capital-Related costs. Lease costs are
unique in that they are not broken out
as a separate cost category in the
proposed 2022–based LTCH market
basket. Rather, we propose to
proportionally distribute these costs
among the cost categories of
Depreciation, Interest, and Other
Capital-Related, reflecting the
assumption that the underlying cost
structure of leases is similar to that of
capital-related costs in general. As was
done for the 2017–based LTCH market
basket, we propose to assume that 10
percent of the lease costs represents
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
overhead and to assign those costs to the
Other Capital-Related cost category
accordingly. Therefore, we are assuming
that approximately 6.5 percent (65.0
percent × 0.1) of total capital-related
costs represent lease costs attributable to
overhead, and we propose to add this
6.5 percentage points to the 7.3 percent
Other Capital-Related cost category
weight. We are also proposing to
distribute the remaining lease costs
(58.5 percent, or 65.0 percent less 6.5
percentage points) proportionally across
the three cost categories (Depreciation,
Interest, and Other Capital-Related)
based on the proportion that these
categories comprise of the sum of the
Depreciation, Interest, and Other
Capital-Related cost categories
(excluding lease expenses). For
example, the Other Capital-Related cost
category represented 21.0 percent of all
three cost categories (Depreciation,
Interest, and Other Capital-Related)
prior to any lease expenses being
allocated. This 21.0 percent is applied
to the 58.5 percent of remaining lease
expenses so that another 12.3
percentage points of lease expenses as a
percent of total capital-related costs is
allocated to the Other Capital-Related
cost category. Therefore, the resulting
proposed Other Capital-Related cost
weight is 26.1 percent (7.3 percent + 6.5
percent + 12.3 percent). This is the same
methodology used for the 2017–based
LTCH market basket. The proposed
allocation of these lease expenses are
shown in Table VIII.D–03.
Finally, we propose to further divide
the Depreciation and Interest cost
categories. We propose to separate
Depreciation cost category into the
following two categories: (1) Building
and Fixed Equipment and (2) Movable
Equipment. We also propose to separate
the Interest cost category into the
following two categories: (1)
Government/Nonprofit; and (2) For
To disaggregate the Depreciation cost
weight, we needed to determine the
percent of total depreciation costs for
LTCHs (after the allocation of lease
costs) that are attributable to Building
and Fixed equipment, which we
hereafter refer to as the ‘‘fixed
percentage.’’ We propose to use
depreciation and lease data from
Worksheet A–7 of the 2022 Medicare
cost reports, which is the same
methodology used for the 2017–based
LTCH market basket. Based on the 2022
LTCH Medicare cost report data, we
have determined that depreciation costs
for building and fixed equipment
account for 39 percent of total
depreciation costs, while depreciation
costs for movable equipment account for
61 percent of total depreciation costs.
As previously mentioned, we propose to
allocate lease expenses among the
Depreciation, Interest, and Other
Capital-Related cost categories. We
determined that leasing building and
fixed equipment expenses account for
94 percent of total leasing expenses,
while leasing movable equipment
expenses account for 6 percent of total
leasing expenses. We propose to sum
the depreciation and leasing expenses
for building and fixed equipment, as
well as sum the depreciation and
leasing expenses for movable
equipment. This results in the proposed
Building and Fixed Equipment
Depreciation cost weight (after leasing
costs are included) representing 78
percent of total depreciation costs and
the Movable Equipment Depreciation
cost weight (after leasing costs are
included) representing 22 percent of
total depreciation costs.
To disaggregate the Interest cost
weight, we determine the percent of
total interest costs for LTCHs that are
attributable to government and
nonprofit facilities, which we hereafter
refer to as the ‘‘nonprofit percentage,’’
because price pressures associated with
these types of interest costs tend to
differ from those for for-profit facilities.
We propose to use interest costs data
from Worksheet A–7 of the 2022
Medicare cost reports for LTCHs, which
is the same methodology used for the
2017–based LTCH market basket. The
nonprofit percentage determined using
this method is 48 percent.
Table VIII.D–03 provides the
proposed detailed capital cost shares
obtained from the Medicare cost reports.
Ultimately, if finalized, these detailed
capital cost shares would be applied to
the total Capital-Related cost weight
determined in section VIII.D.3.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule to
separate the total Capital-Related cost
weight of 8.5 percent into more detailed
cost categories and weights.
Building and Fixed Equipment
Movable Equipment
For Profit
Capital Cost Share
Composition Before
Lease Expense Allocation
Capital Cost Share
Composition After Lease
Expense Allocation
Note: Detail may not add to total due to rounding.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
e. Proposed 2022-Based LTCH Market
Basket Cost Categories and Weights
Table VIII.D–04 shows the proposed
cost categories and weights for the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket compared to the 2017-based
LTCH market basket.
Wages and Salaries
Employee Benefits
Electricitv and Other Non-Fuel Utilities
Fuel: Oil and Gas
Professional Liability Insurance
All Other Products and Services
All Other Products
Food: Direct Purchases
Food: Contract Services
Medical Instruments
Rubber and Plastics
Paper and Printing Products
Miscellaneous Products
All Other Services
Labor-Related Services
Professional Fees: Labor-Related
Administrative and Facilities Sunnort Services
Installation. Maintenance. and Repair Services
All Other: Labor-Related Services
Nonlabor-Related Services
Professional Fees: Nonlabor-Related
Financial Services
Telephone Services
All Other: Nonlabor-Related Services
Capital-Related Costs
Building and Fixed Eouipment
Movable Eouipment
Interest Costs
For Profit
Other Capital-Related Costs
Note: Totals may not sum due to rounding.
4. Selection of Proposed Price Proxies
After developing the proposed cost
weights for the 2022-based LTCH
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2017-based LTCH Market
Basket Cost Weieht
market basket, we selected the most
appropriate wage and price proxies
currently available to represent the rate
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Cost Cateeorv
2022-based LTCH Market
Basket Cost Weieht
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
of price change for each cost category.
For the majority of the cost weights, we
base the price proxies on U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) data and group
them into one of the following BLS
• Employment Cost Indexes.
Employment Cost Indexes (ECIs)
measure the rate of change in
employment wage rates and employer
costs for employee benefits per hour
worked. These indexes are fixed-weight
indexes and strictly measure the change
in wage rates and employee benefits per
hour. ECIs are superior to Average
Hourly Earnings (AHE) as price proxies
for input price indexes because they are
not affected by shifts in occupation or
industry mix, and because they measure
pure price change and are available by
both occupational group and by
industry. The industry ECIs are based
on the NAICS and the occupational ECIs
are based on the Standard Occupational
Classification System (SOC).
• Producer Price Indexes. Producer
Price Indexes (PPIs) measure the average
change over time in the selling prices
received by domestic producers for their
output. The prices included in the PPI
are from the first commercial
transaction for many products and some
services (
• Consumer Price Indexes. Consumer
Price Indexes (CPIs) measure the
average change over time in the prices
paid by urban consumers for a market
basket of consumer goods and services
( CPIs are only
used when the purchases are similar to
those of retail consumers rather than
purchases at the producer level, or if no
appropriate PPIs are available.
We evaluate the price proxies using
the criteria of reliability, timeliness,
availability, and relevance:
• Reliability. Reliability indicates that
the index is based on valid statistical
methods and has low sampling
variability. Widely accepted statistical
methods ensure that the data were
collected and aggregated in a way that
can be replicated. Low sampling
variability is desirable because it
indicates that the sample reflects the
typical members of the population.
(Sampling variability is variation that
occurs by chance because only a sample
was surveyed rather than the entire
• Timeliness. Timeliness implies that
the proxy is published regularly,
preferably at least once a quarter. The
market baskets are updated quarterly,
and therefore, it is important for the
underlying price proxies to be up-todate, reflecting the most recent data
available. We believe that using proxies
that are published regularly (at least
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quarterly, whenever possible) helps to
ensure that we are using the most recent
data available to update the market
basket. We strive to use publications
that are disseminated frequently,
because we believe that this is an
optimal way to stay abreast of the most
current data available.
• Availability. Availability means that
the proxy is publicly available. We
prefer that our proxies are publicly
available because this will help ensure
that our market basket updates are as
transparent to the public as possible. In
addition, this enables the public to be
able to obtain the price proxy data on
a regular basis.
• Relevance. Relevance means that
the proxy is applicable and
representative of the cost category
weight to which it is applied.
We believe that the CPIs, PPIs, and
ECIs that we have selected meet these
criteria. Therefore, we believe that they
continue to be the best measure of price
changes for the cost categories to which
they would be applied.
Table VIII.D–07 lists all price proxies
that we propose to use for the 2022based LTCH market basket. The next
section of the rule contains a detailed
explanation of the price proxies we are
proposing for each cost category weight.
a. Price Proxies for the Operating
Portion of the Proposed 2022-Based
LTCH Market Basket
(1) Wages and Salaries
We propose to continue to use the ECI
for Wages and Salaries for All Civilian
workers in Hospitals (BLS series code
CIU1026220000000I) to measure the
wage rate growth of this cost category.
This is the same price proxy used in the
2017-based LTCH market basket (85 FR
(2) Employee Benefits
We propose to continue to use the ECI
for Total Benefits for All Civilian
workers in Hospitals to measure price
growth of this category. This ECI is
calculated using the ECI for Total
Compensation for All Civilian workers
in Hospitals (BLS series code
CIU1016220000000I) and the relative
importance of wages and salaries within
total compensation. This is the same
price proxy used in the 2017-based
LTCH market basket (85 FR 58917).
price proxy used in the 2017-based
LTCH market basket (85 FR 58917).
(4) Fuel: Oil and Gas
For the 2022-based LTCH market
basket, we propose to use a blend of the
PPI Industry for Petroleum Refineries
(NAICS 3241), PPI for Other Petroleum
and Coal Products (NAICS 32419) and
the PPI Commodity for Natural Gas. Our
analysis of the Bureau of Economic
Analysis’ 2017 Benchmark I–O data for
NAICS 622000 Hospitals shows that
Petroleum Refineries expenses account
for approximately 86 percent, Other
Petroleum and Coal Products expenses
account for about 7 percent and Natural
Gas expenses account for approximately
7 percent of Hospitals’ (NAICS 622000)
total Fuel: Oil and Gas expenses.
Therefore, we propose to use a blend of
86 percent of the PPI Industry for
Petroleum Refineries (BLS series code
PCU324110324110), 7 percent of the PPI
for Other Petroleum and Coal Products
(BLS series code PCU32419) and 7
percent of the PPI Commodity Index for
Natural Gas (BLS series code WPU0531)
as the price proxy for this cost category.
The 2017-based LTCH market basket
used a 90/10 blend of the PPI Industry
for Petroleum Refineries and PPI
Commodity for Natural Gas, reflecting
the 2012 I–O data (85 FR 58917). We
believe that the three proposed price
proxies are the most technically
appropriate indices available to measure
the price growth of the Fuel: Oil and
Gas cost category in the 2022-based
LTCH market basket.
(5) Professional Liability Insurance
We propose to continue to use the
CMS Hospital Professional Liability
Index as the price proxy for PLI costs in
the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket. To generate this index, we
collect commercial insurance medical
liability premiums for a fixed level of
coverage while holding non-price
factors constant (such as a change in the
level of coverage). This is the same
proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH
market basket (85 FR 58917).
(3) Electricity and Other Non-Fuel
(6) Pharmaceuticals
We propose to continue to use the PPI
Commodity for Pharmaceuticals for
Human Use, Prescription (BLS series
code WPUSI07003) to measure the price
growth of this cost category. This is the
same proxy used in the 2017-based
LTCH market basket (85 FR 58917).
We propose to continue to use the PPI
Commodity Index for Commercial
Electric Power (BLS series code
WPU0542) to measure the price growth
of this cost category. This is the same
(7) Food: Direct Purchases
We propose to continue to use the PPI
Commodity for Processed Foods and
Feeds (BLS series code WPU02) to
measure the price growth of this cost
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
category. This is the same price proxy
used in the 2017-based LTCH market
basket (85 FR 58917).
(8) Food: Contract Purchases
We propose to continue to use the CPI
for Food Away From Home (BLS series
code CUUR0000SEFV) to measure the
price growth of this cost category. This
is the same proxy used in the 2017based LTCH market basket (85 FR
(9) Chemicals
Similar to the 2017-based LTCH
market basket, we propose to use a fourpart blended PPI as the proxy for the
chemical cost category in the 2022based LTCH market basket. The
proposed blend is composed of the PPI
Industry for Industrial Gas
Manufacturing, Primary Products (BLS
series code PCU325120325120P), the
PPI Industry for Other Basic Inorganic
Chemical Manufacturing (BLS series
code PCU32518–32518), the PPI
Industry for Other Basic Organic
Chemical Manufacturing (BLS series
code PCU32519–32519), and the PPI
Industry for Other Miscellaneous
Chemical Product Manufacturing (BLS
series code PCU325998325998). For the
2022-based LTCH market basket, we
propose to derive the weights for the
PPIs using the 2017 Benchmark I–O
data. The 2017-based LTCH market
basket used the 2012 Benchmark I–O
data to derive the weights for the four
PPIs (85 FR 58917 through 58918).
(10) Medical Instruments
We propose to use a blended price
proxy for the Medical Instruments
category. The 2017 Benchmark I–O data
shows the majority of medical
instruments and supply costs are for
NAICS 339112—Surgical and medical
instrument manufacturing costs
(approximately 64 percent) and NAICS
339113—Surgical appliance and
supplies manufacturing costs
(approximately 36 percent). To proxy
the price changes associated with
NAICS 339112, we propose to use the
PPI for Surgical and medical
instruments (BLS series code
WPU1562). This is the same price proxy
we used in the 2017-based LTCH market
basket. To proxy the price changes
associated with NAICS 339113, we
propose to use a 50/50 blend of the PPI
for Medical and surgical appliances and
supplies (BLS series code WPU1563)
and the PPI for Miscellaneous products,
Personal safety equipment and clothing
(BLS series code WPU1571). We
propose to include the latter price proxy
as it would reflect personal protective
equipment including but not limited to
face shields and protective clothing. The
2017 Benchmark I–O data does not
provide specific expenses for these
products; however, we recognize that
this category reflects costs faced by
LTCHs. For the 2017-based LTCH
market basket, we used a blend
composed of 57 percent of the
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commodity-based PPI Commodity for
Surgical and Medical Instruments (BLS
series code WPU1562) and 43 percent of
the PPI Commodity for Medical and
Surgical Appliances and Supplies (BLS
series code WPU1563) reflecting the
2012 Benchmark I–O data (85 FR
(11) Rubber and Plastics
We propose to continue to use the PPI
Commodity for Rubber and Plastic
Products (BLS series code WPU07) to
measure price growth of this cost
category. This is the same proxy used in
the 2017-based LTCH market basket (85
FR 58918).
(12) Paper and Printing Products
We are proposing to use a 61/39 blend
of the PPI Commodity for Publications
Printed Matter and Printing Material
(BLS Series Code WPU094) and the PPI
Commodity for Converted Paper and
Paperboard Products (BLS series code
WPU0915) to measure the price growth
of this cost category. The 2017
Benchmark I–O data shows that 61
percent of paper and printing expenses
are for Printing (NAICS 323110) and the
remaining expenses are for Paper
manufacturing (NAICS 322). The 2017based LTCH market basket (85 FR
58918) used the PPI Commodity for
Converted Paper and Paperboard
Products (BLS series code WPU0915) as
this comprised the majority of expenses
PO 00000
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as reported in the 2012 Benchmark I–O
(13) Miscellaneous Products
We propose to continue to use the PPI
Commodity for Finished Goods Less
Food and Energy (BLS series code
WPUFD4131) to measure the price
growth of this cost category. This is the
same proxy used in the 2017-based
LTCH market basket (85 FR 58918).
(14) Professional Fees: Labor-Related
We propose to continue to use the ECI
for Total Compensation for Private
Industry workers in Professional and
Related (BLS series code
CIU2010000120000I) to measure the
price growth of this category. This is the
same proxy used in the 2017-based
LTCH market basket (85 FR 58918).
(15) Administrative and Facilities
Support Services
We propose to continue to use the ECI
for Total Compensation for Private
Industry workers in Office and
Administrative Support (BLS series
code CIU2010000220000I) to measure
the price growth of this category. This
is the same proxy used in the 2017based LTCH market basket (85 FR
(16) Installation, Maintenance, and
Repair Services
We propose to continue to use the ECI
for Total Compensation for All Civilian
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
PPI Industrv for Industrial Gas Manufacturing
PPI Industrv for Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing
PPI Industrv for Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing
PPI Industrv for Other Miscellaneous Chemical Product Manufacturing
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
workers in Installation, Maintenance,
and Repair (BLS series code
CIU1010000430000I) to measure the
price growth of this cost category. This
is the same proxy used in the 2017based LTCH market basket (85 FR
(17) All Other: Labor-Related Services
We propose to continue to use the ECI
for Total Compensation for Private
Industry workers in Service
Occupations (BLS series code
CIU2010000300000I) to measure the
price growth of this cost category. This
is the same proxy used in the 2017based LTCH market basket (85 FR
(18) Professional Fees: Nonlabor-Related
We propose to continue to use the ECI
for Total Compensation for Private
Industry workers in Professional and
Related (BLS series code
CIU2010000120000I) to measure the
price growth of this category. This is the
same proxy used in the 2017-based
LTCH market basket (85 FR 58919).
(19) Financial Services
We propose to continue to use the ECI
for Total Compensation for Private
Industry workers in Financial Activities
(BLS series code CIU201520A000000I)
to measure the price growth of this cost
category. This is the same proxy used in
the 2017-based LTCH market basket (85
FR 58919).
(20) Telephone Services
We propose to continue to use the CPI
for Telephone Services (BLS series code
CUUR0000SEED) to measure the price
growth of this cost category. This is the
same proxy used in the 2017-based
LTCH market basket (85 FR 58919).
(21) All Other: Nonlabor-Related
We propose to continue to use the CPI
for All Items Less Food and Energy (BLS
series code CUUR0000SA0L1E) to
measure the price growth of this cost
category. This is the same proxy used in
the 2017-based LTCH market basket (85
FR 58919).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
b. Price Proxies for the Capital Portion
of the Proposed 2022-Based LTCH
Market Basket
(1) Capital Price Proxies Prior to Vintage
We propose to continue to use the
same price proxies for the capitalrelated cost categories as were applied
in the 2017-based LTCH market basket,
which are provided in Table VIII.D–07
and described in this section of this
rule. Specifically, we propose to proxy:
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• Depreciation: Building and Fixed
Equipment cost category by BEA’s
Chained Price Index for Nonresidential
Construction for Hospitals and Special
Care Facilities (BEA Table 5.4.4. Price
Indexes for Private Fixed Investment in
Structures by Type).
• Depreciation: Movable Equipment
cost category by the PPI Commodity for
Machinery and Equipment (BLS series
code WPU11).
• Nonprofit Interest cost category by
the average yield on domestic municipal
bonds (Bond Buyer 20-bond index).
• For-profit Interest cost category by
the average yield of the iBoxx AAA
Corporate Bond Yield index.
• Other Capital-Related cost category
by the CPI–U for Rent of Primary
Residence (BLS series code
We believe these are the most
appropriate proxies for LTCH capitalrelated costs that meet our selection
criteria of relevance, timeliness,
availability, and reliability. We are also
proposing to continue to vintage weight
the capital price proxies for
Depreciation and Interest in order to
capture the long-term consumption of
capital. This vintage weighting method
is similar to the method used for the
2017-based LTCH market basket and is
described in section VIII.D.4.b.(2). of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
(2) Vintage Weights for Price Proxies
Because capital is acquired and paid
for over time, capital-related expenses
in any given year are determined by
both past and present purchases of
physical and financial capital. The
vintage-weighted capital-related portion
of the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket is intended to capture the
long-term consumption of capital, using
vintage weights for depreciation
(physical capital) and interest (financial
capital). These vintage weights reflect
the proportion of capital-related
purchases attributable to each year of
the expected life of building and fixed
equipment, movable equipment, and
interest. We propose to use vintage
weights to compute vintage-weighted
price changes associated with
depreciation and interest expenses.
Capital-related costs are inherently
complicated and are determined by
complex capital-related purchasing
decisions, over time, based on such
factors as interest rates and debt
financing. In addition, capital is
depreciated over time instead of being
consumed in the same period it is
purchased. By accounting for the
vintage nature of capital, we are able to
provide an accurate and stable annual
measure of price changes. Annual
PO 00000
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nonvintage price changes for capital are
unstable due to the volatility of interest
rate changes and, therefore, do not
reflect the actual annual price changes
for LTCH capital-related costs. The
capital-related component of the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket reflects the underlying stability
of the capital-related acquisition
The methodology used to calculate
the vintage weights for the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket is the
same as that used for the 2017-based
LTCH market basket with the only
difference being the inclusion of more
recent data. To calculate the vintage
weights for depreciation and interest
expenses, we first need a time series of
capital-related purchases for building
and fixed equipment and movable
equipment. We found no single source
that provides an appropriate time series
of capital-related purchases by hospitals
for all of the previously mentioned
components of capital purchases. The
early Medicare cost reports did not have
sufficient capital-related data to meet
this need. Data we obtained from the
American Hospital Association (AHA)
do not include annual capital-related
purchases. However, the AHA does
provide a consistent database of total
expenses from 1963 to 2020—the latest
available data. Consequently, we
propose to use data from the AHA Panel
Survey and the AHA Annual Survey to
obtain a time series of total expenses for
hospitals. We are also proposing to use
data from the AHA Panel Survey
supplemented with the ratio of
depreciation to total hospital expenses
obtained from the Medicare cost reports
to derive a trend of annual depreciation
expenses for 1963 through 2020. We
propose to separate these depreciation
expenses into annual amounts of
building and fixed equipment
depreciation and movable equipment
depreciation as previously determined.
From these annual depreciation
amounts we derive annual end-of-year
book values for building and fixed
equipment and movable equipment
using the expected life for each type of
asset category. While data are not
available that are specific to LTCHs, we
believe this information for all hospitals
serves as a reasonable proxy for the
pattern of depreciation for LTCHs.
To continue to calculate the vintage
weights for depreciation and interest
expenses, we also needed to account for
the expected lives for building and fixed
equipment, movable equipment, and
interest for the proposed 2022-based
LTCH market basket. We propose to
calculate the expected lives using
Medicare cost report data for LTCHs.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The expected life of any asset can be
determined by dividing the value of the
asset (excluding fully depreciated
assets) by its current year depreciation
amount. This calculation yields the
estimated expected life of an asset if the
rates of depreciation were to continue at
current year levels, assuming straightline depreciation. Using this proposed
method, we determined the average
expected life of building and fixed
equipment to be equal to 16 years, and
the average expected life of movable
equipment to be equal to 9 years. For
the expected life of interest, we believe
that vintage weights for interest should
represent the average expected life of
building and fixed equipment because,
based on previous research described in
the FY 1997 IPPS final rule (61 FR
46198), the expected life of hospital
debt instruments and the expected life
of buildings and fixed equipment are
similar. We note that for the 2017-based
LTCH-specific market basket, we
derived an expected average life of
building and fixed equipment of 18
years and an expected average life of
movable equipment of 9 years (85 FR
Multiplying these expected lives by
the annual depreciation amounts results
in annual year-end asset costs for
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building and fixed equipment and
movable equipment. Then we calculated
a time series, beginning in 1964, of
annual capital purchases by subtracting
the previous year’s asset costs from the
current year’s asset costs.
For the building and fixed equipment
and movable equipment vintage
weights, we propose to use the real
annual capital-related purchase
amounts for each asset type to capture
the actual amount of the physical
acquisition, net of the effect of price
inflation. These real annual capitalrelated purchase amounts are produced
by deflating the nominal annual
purchase amount by the associated price
proxy as previously provided. For the
interest vintage weights, we propose to
use the total nominal annual capitalrelated purchase amounts to capture the
value of the debt instrument (including,
but not limited to, mortgages and
bonds). Using these capital-related
purchase time series specific to each
asset type, we propose to calculate the
vintage weights for building and fixed
equipment, for movable equipment, and
for interest.
The vintage weights for each asset
type are deemed to represent the
average purchase pattern of the asset
over its expected life (in the case of
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4702
building and fixed equipment and
interest, 16 years, and in the case of
movable equipment, 9 years). For each
asset type, we used the time series of
annual capital-related purchase
amounts available from 2020 back to
1964. These data allow us to derive
forty-two 16-year periods of capitalrelated purchases for building and fixed
equipment and interest, and forty-nine
9-year periods of capital-related
purchases for movable equipment. For
each 16-year period for building and
fixed equipment and interest, or 9-year
period for movable equipment, we
propose to calculate annual vintage
weights by dividing the capital-related
purchase amount in any given year by
the total amount of purchases over the
entire 16-year or 9-year period. This
calculation is done for each year in the
16-year or 9-year period and for each of
the periods for which we have data.
Then we are proposing to calculate the
average vintage weight for a given year
of the expected life by taking the
average of these vintage weights across
the multiple periods of data.
The vintage weights for the capitalrelated portion of the proposed 2022based LTCH market basket and the
2017-based LTCH market basket are
presented in Table EEEE 6.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The process of creating vintageweighted price proxies requires
applying the vintage weights to the
price proxy index where the last applied
vintage weight in Table VIII.D–06 is
applied to the most recent data point.
We have provided on the CMS website
an example of how the vintage
weighting price proxies are calculated,
using example vintage weights and
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example price indices. The example can
be found at the following link: https://
MarketBasketResearch.html in the zip
file titled ‘‘Weight Calculations as
described in the IPPS FY 2010 Proposed
PO 00000
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Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
16 years
18 years
c. Summary of Price Proxies of the
Proposed 2022-Based LTCH Market
Table VIII.D–07 shows both the
operating and capital price proxies for
the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
Building and Fixed
Movable Equipment
2022-based 2017-based 2022-based 2017-based
16 years
18 years
9 years
9 years
Note: Numbers may not add to total due to rounding.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
ECI for Wa es and Salaries for All Civilian workers in Hos itals
ECI for Total Benefits for All Civilian workers in Hos itals
Electrici and Other Non-Fuel Utilities
Fuel: Oil and Gas
Professional Liabilit Insurance
Mal ractice
All Other Products and Services
All Other Products
Food: Direct Purchases
Food: Contract Services
Medical Instruments
Rubber and Plastics
Pa er and Printin Products
Miscellaneous Products
All Other Services
Labor-Related Services
Professional Fees: Labor-Related
Administrative and Facilities Su ort Services
Maintenance and Re air Services
All Other: Labor-Related Services
Nonlabor-Related Services
Financial Services
Tele hone Services
All Other: Nonlabor-Related Services
Movable ui ment
Interest Costs
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
PPI Commodi for Pharmaceuticals for human use,
PPI for Processed Foods and Feeds
CPI-UforFoodAw FromHome
Blend of PPls
Blend of PPls
PPI Commodi for Rubber and Plastic Products
Blend of PPls
PPI Commodi for Finished Goods Less Food and Ener
ECI for Total compensation for Private industry wolkers in
Professional and related
ECI for Total compensation for Private industry workers in Office
and administrative su ort
ECI for Total compensation for Civilian wolkers in Installation,
maintenance and re air
ECI for Total compensation for Private industry workers in Service
occu ations
BEA chained price index for nonresidential construction for
hos itals ands ecial care facilities -vinta e wei hted 16 ears
PPI Commodity for machinery and equipment - vintage weighted
9 ears
and Fixed E ui ment
Average yield on domestic municipal bonds (Bond Buyer 20
bonds - vinta e wei hted 16 ears
Government/Non rofit
For Profit
Other Ca ital-Related Costs
5. Proposed FY 2025 Market Basket
Update for LTCHs
For FY 2025 (that is, October 1, 2024
through September 30, 2025), we
propose to use an estimate of the
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Insurance Premium Index
ECI for Total compensation for Private industry wolkers in
Professional and related
ECI for Total compensation for Private industry wolkers in
Financial activities
CPI-U for Tele hone Services
CPI-U for All Items Less Food and Ener
Professional Fees: Nonlabor-Related
CMS Hos ital Professional Liabili
PO 00000
Frm 00348
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket to update payments to LTCHs
based on the best available data.
Consistent with historical practice, we
estimate the LTCH market basket update
PPI for Commercial Electric Power
Blend of PPls
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
for the LTCH PPS based on IHS Global,
Inc.’s (IGI) forecast using the most
recent available data. IGI is a nationally
recognized economic and financial
forecasting firm with which CMS
contracts to forecast the components of
the market baskets and total factor
productivity (TFP).
Based on IGI’s fourth quarter 2023
forecast with history through the third
quarter of 2023, the projected market
basket update for FY 2025 is 3.2
percent. This projected 2022-based
LTCH market basket update reflects an
increase in compensation prices
(proxied by the ECIs for All Civilian
workers in Hospitals) of 3.7 percent.
IGI’s forecast of the ECIs considers
overall labor market conditions
(including rise in contract labor
employment due to tight labor market
conditions) as well as trends in contract
labor wages, which both have an impact
on wage pressures for workers
employed directly by the hospital.
We would note that the 10-year
historical average (FY 2014 through FY
2023) growth rate of the proposed 2022based LTCH market basket is 2.7 percent
with a 10-year historical average growth
rate of compensation prices equal to 2.9
percent over this same time period.
Consistent with our historical practice
of estimating market basket increases
based on the best available data, we are
proposing a market basket update of 3.2
percent for FY 2025. Furthermore,
because the proposed FY 2025 annual
update is based on the most recent
market basket estimate for the 12-month
period (currently 3.2 percent), we also
are proposing that if more recent data
become subsequently available (for
example, a more recent estimate of the
market basket), we would use such data,
if appropriate, to determine the FY 2025
annual update in the final rule. (The
proposed annual update to the LTCH
PPS standard payment rate for FY 2025
is discussed in greater detail in section
V.A.2. of the Addendum to this
proposed rule.)
Using the current 2017-based LTCH
market basket and IGI’s fourth quarter
2023 forecast for the market basket
components, the FY 2025 market basket
update would be 3.1 percent (before
taking into account any statutory
adjustment). Therefore, the update
based on the proposed 2022-based
LTCH market basket is currently
projected to be 0.1 percentage point
higher for FY 2025 compared to the
current 2017-based LTCH market basket.
This higher update is primarily due to
the higher Compensation cost weight in
the proposed 2022-based market basket
(61.8 percent) compared to the 2017based LTCH market basket (53.2
percent). This is partially offset by the
lower cost weight associated with All
Other Services (such as Professional
Fees and Installation, Maintenance, and
Repair Services) for the proposed 2022based LTCH market basket relative to
the 2017-based LTCH market basket.
Table VIII.D–08 compares the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket and the
2017-based LTCH market basket percent
2017-Based LTCH
2022-Based LTCH Market Basket Index
Market Basket Index
Percent Chan2e
Percent Chan2e
Historical Data
Averaee 2020-2023
Avera2e 2024-2027
Note that these market basket percent changes do not include any further adjustments as may be statutorily
Source: IHS Global Inc. 4th quarter 2023 forecast
Over the historical time period
covering FY 2020 through FY 2023, the
average growth rate of the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket is the
same as the average growth rate of the
2017-based LTCH market basket. Over
the forecasted time period covering FY
2024 through FY 2027, the average
growth rate of the proposed 2022-based
LTCH market basket is 0.1 percentage
point higher than the average growth
rate of the 2017-based LTCH market
basket. This is driven by higher
projected growth for FY 2024 and FY
2025 for the proposed 2022-based LTCH
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market basket, which is primarily a
result of the higher proposed
Compensation cost weight combined
with faster projected growth in
Compensation prices for FY 2024 and
FY 2025 relative to projected prices for
All Other Services. In FY 2026 and FY
2027 prices for these two aggregate cost
categories are projected to grow at
similar rates.
6. Proposed FY 2025 Labor-Related
As discussed in section V.B. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule, under
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the authority of section 123 of the BBRA
as amended by section 307(b) of the
BIPA, we established an adjustment to
the LTCH PPS payments to account for
differences in LTCH area wage levels
(§ 412.525(c)). The labor-related portion
of the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate, hereafter referred to as the
labor-related share, is adjusted to
account for geographic differences in
area wage levels by applying the
applicable LTCH PPS wage index. The
labor-related share is determined by
identifying the national average
proportion of total costs that are related
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Fiscal Year
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
to, influenced by, or vary with the local
labor market. As discussed in more
detail in this section of this rule and
similar to the 2017-based LTCH market
basket, we classify a cost category as
labor-related and include it in the laborrelated share if the cost category is
defined as being labor-intensive and its
cost varies with the local labor market.
As stated in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (88 FR 58988), the laborrelated share for FY 2024 was defined
as the sum of the FY 2024 relative
importance of Wages and Salaries;
Employee Benefits; Professional Fees:
Labor-Related Services; Administrative
and Facilities Support Services;
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
Services; All Other: Labor-related
Services; and a portion of the CapitalRelated Costs from the 2017-based
LTCH market basket.
We propose to continue to classify a
cost category as labor-related if the costs
are labor-intensive and vary with the
local labor market. Given this, based on
our definition of the labor-related share
and the cost categories in the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket, we
propose to include in the labor-related
share for FY 2025 the sum of the FY
2025 relative importance of Wages and
Salaries; Employee Benefits;
Professional Fees: Labor-Related;
Administrative and Facilities Support
Services; Installation, Maintenance, and
Repair Services; All Other: LaborRelated Services; and a portion of the
Capital-Related cost weight from the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market
Similar to the 2017-based LTCH
market basket, the proposed 2022-based
LTCH market basket includes two cost
categories for nonmedical Professional
fees (including but not limited to,
expenses for legal, accounting, and
engineering services). These are
Professional Fees: Labor-Related and
Professional Fees: Nonlabor-Related. For
the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket, we propose to estimate the laborrelated percentage of non-medical
professional fees (and assign these
expenses to the Professional Fees:
Labor-Related services cost category)
based on the same method that was
used to determine the labor-related
percentage of professional fees in the
2017-based LTCH market basket.
As was done for the 2017-based LTCH
market basket, we propose to determine
the proportion of legal, accounting and
auditing, engineering, and management
consulting services that meet our
definition of labor-related services based
on a survey of hospitals conducted by
CMS in 2008. We notified the public of
our intent to conduct this survey on
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December 9, 2005 (70 FR 73250) and did
not receive any public comments in
response to the notice (71 FR 8588). A
discussion of the composition of the
survey and post-stratification can be
found in the FY 2010 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (74 FR 43850 through 43856).
Based on the weighted results of the
survey, we determined that hospitals
purchase, on average, the following
portions of contracted professional
services outside of their local labor
• 34 percent of accounting and
auditing services.
• 30 percent of engineering services.
• 33 percent of legal services.
• 42 percent of management
consulting services.
For the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket, we propose to apply each
of these percentages to the respective
2017 Benchmark I–O cost category
underlying the professional fees cost
category to determine the Professional
Fees: Nonlabor-Related costs. The
Professional Fees: Labor-Related costs
were determined to be the difference
between the total costs for each
Benchmark I–O category and the
Professional Fees: Nonlabor-Related
costs. This is the same methodology that
we used to separate the 2017-based
LTCH market basket professional fees
category into Professional Fees: LaborRelated and Professional Fees:
Nonlabor-Related cost categories.
Effective for transmittal 18 (https://
Transmittals/r18p240i), the hospital
Medicare Cost Report (CMS Form 2552–
10, OMB No. 0938–0050) is collecting
information on whether a hospital
purchased professional services (for
example, legal, accounting, tax
preparation, bookkeeping, payroll,
advertising, and/or management/
consulting services) from an unrelated
organization and if the majority of these
expenses were purchased from
unrelated organizations located outside
of the main hospital’s local area labor
market. We encourage all providers to
provide this information so we can
potentially use these more recent data in
future rulemaking to determine the
labor-related share.
In the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket, nonmedical professional
fees that were subject to allocation
based on these survey results represent
approximately 3.6 percent of total costs
(and are limited to those fees related to
Accounting and Auditing, Legal,
Engineering, and Management
Consulting services). Based on our
survey results, we propose to apportion
approximately 2.3 percentage points of
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the 3.6 percentage point figure into the
Professional Fees: Labor-Related cost
category and designate the remaining
approximately 1.3 percentage points
into the Professional Fees: NonlaborRelated cost category.
In addition to the professional
services as previously listed, for the
2022-based LTCH market basket, we
propose to allocate a proportion of the
Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor cost weight, calculated
using the Medicare cost reports as
previously stated, into the labor-related
and nonlabor-related cost categories. We
propose to classify these expenses as
labor-related and nonlabor-related as
many facilities are not located in the
same geographic area as their home
office and, therefore, do not meet our
definition for the labor-related share
that requires the services to be
purchased in the local labor market.
Similar to the 2017-based LTCH
market basket, we propose for the 2022based LTCH market basket to use the
Medicare cost reports for LTCHs to
determine the home office labor-related
percentages. The Medicare cost report
requires a hospital to report information
regarding their home office provider.
Using information on the Medicare cost
report, we compare the location of the
LTCH with the location of the LTCH’s
home office. We propose to classify a
LTCH with a home office located in
their respective labor market if the
LTCH and its home office are located in
the same Metropolitan Statistical Area
(MSA). Then we determine the
proportion of the Home Office/Related
Organization Contract Labor cost weight
that should be allocated to the laborrelated share based on the percent of
total Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor costs for those LTCHs
that had home offices located in their
respective MSA of total Home Office/
Related Organization Contract Labor
costs for LTCHs with a home office. We
determined a LTCH’s and its home
office’s MSA using their zip code
information from the Medicare cost
report. Using this methodology with the
2022 Medicare cost reports, we
determined that 4 percent of LTCHs’
Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor costs were for home
offices located in their respective MSA,
or local labor markets. Therefore, we are
allocating 4 percent of the Home Office/
Related Organization Contract Labor
cost weight (0.1 percentage point = 3.7
percent × 4 percent) to the Professional
Fees: Labor-Related cost weight and 96
percent of the Home Office/Related
Organization Contract Labor cost weight
to the Professional Fees: NonlaborRelated cost weight (3.6 percentage
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
points = 3.7 percent × 96 percent). For
comparison, for the 2017-based LTCH
market basket we also allocated 4
percent of the Home Office/Related
Organization Contract Labor cost weight
to the Professional Fees: Labor-Related
cost weight (85 FR 58924).
In summary, based on the two
allocations mentioned earlier, we
apportioned 2.4 percentage points (2.3
percentage points + 0.1 percentage
point) of the Professional Fees and
Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor cost weights into the
Professional Fees: Labor-Related cost
category. This amount was added to the
portion of professional fees that we
already identified as labor-related using
the I–O data such as contracted
advertising and marketing costs
(approximately 0.6 percentage point of
total costs) resulting in a total
Professional Fees: Labor-Related cost
weight of 3.0 percent.
As previously stated, we propose to
include in the labor-related share the
sum of the relative importance of Wages
and Salaries; Employee Benefits;
Professional Fees: Labor-Related;
Administrative and Facilities Support
Services; Installation, Maintenance, and
Repair Services; All Other: LaborRelated Services; and a portion of the
Capital-Related cost weight from the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket. The relative importance reflects
the different rates of price change for
these cost categories between the base
year (2022) and FY 2025. Based on IGI’s
fourth quarter 2023 forecast of the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket, the sum of the FY 2025 relative
importance for operating costs (Wages
and Salaries, Employee Benefits,
Professional Fees: Labor-Related,
Administrative and Facilities Support
Services, Installation Maintenance and
Repair Services, and All Other: LaborRelated Services) is 68.9 percent. The
portion of Capital costs that is estimated
to be influenced by the local labor
market is 46 percent, which is the same
percentage applied to the 2017-based
LTCH market basket. Since the relative
importance for Capital is 8.4 percent of
the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket in FY 2025, we took 46 percent
of 8.4 percent to determine the proposed
labor-related share of Capital for FY
2025 of 3.9 percent. Therefore, we are
proposing a total labor-related share for
FY 2025 of 72.8 percent (the sum of 68.9
percent for the operating cost and 3.9
percent for the labor-related share of
Capital). Table VIII.D–09 shows the FY
2025 labor-related share using the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket relative importance and the FY
2024 labor-related share using the 2017based LTCH market basket.
Proposed Labor-Related Share
based on Proposed 2022-based
L TCH Market Basket1
FY 2024 Final
Labor-Related Share based on
2017-based LTCH Market
Wages and Salaries
Emolovee Benefits
Professional Fees: Labor-Related3
Administrative and Facilities S1mnort Services
Installation Maintenance. and Reoair Services
All Other: Labor-Related Services
Labor-Related portion of capital (46%)
Total Labor-Related Share
Global Inc. 4th quarter 2023 forecast.
on IHS Global Inc. 2nd quarter 2023 forecast as published in the August 28, 2023 Federal Register (84 FR 59367).
3mcludes all contract advertising and marketing costs and a portion of accounting, architectural, engineering, legal, management
consulting, and home office/related organization contract labor costs.
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categories included in the labor-related
share. The 4.3 percentage points
revision to the base year cost weights is
a result of: (1) an 8.6 percentage points
upward revision to the base year
Compensation cost weight, which is
derived using the LTCH Medicare cost
report data; (2) a 3.6 percentage points
downward revision in the base year
PO 00000
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labor-related categories associated with
incorporating the 2017 Benchmark I–O
data; and (3) a 0.7 percentage point
downward revision in the base year
labor-related portion of capital costs,
which is derived using the LTCH
Medicare cost report data.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The total difference between the FY
2025 labor-related share using the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket (72.8 percent) and the FY 2024
labor-related share using the 2017-based
LTCH market basket (68.5 percent) is 4.3
percentage points and this difference is
primarily attributable to the revision to
the base year cost weights for those
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
IX. Proposed Quality Data Reporting
Requirements for Specific Providers
A. Overview
In section IX. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are seeking comment
on and proposing changes to the
following Medicare quality reporting
• In section IX.B. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we have the
following crosscutting quality program
proposals or request for comment:
++ Proposed Adoption of the Patient
Safety Structural Measure in the
Hospital IQR Program and PCHQR
++ Proposed Modification to the
Hospital Consumer Assessment of
Healthcare Providers and Systems
(HCAHPS) Survey in the Hospital IQR
Program, Hospital VBP Program, and
PCHQR Program.
++ Advancing Patient Safety and
Outcomes Across the Hospital Quality
Programs—Request for Comment.
• In section IX.C. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, the Hospital IQR
• In section IX.D. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, the PCHQR Program.
• In section IX.E. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, the LTCH QRP.
• In section IX.F. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program for
Eligible Hospitals and Critical Access
Hospitals (CAHs) (previously known as
the Medicare EHR Incentive Program).
B. Crosscutting Quality Program
Proposals and Request for Comment
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
1. Proposed Adoption of the Patient
Safety Structural Measure Beginning
With the CY 2025 Reporting Period/FY
2027 Payment Determination for the
Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
(IQR) Program and the CY 2025
Reporting Period/FY 2027 Program Year
for the PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital
Quality Reporting (PCHQR) Program
a. Background
A foundational commitment of
providing healthcare services is to
ensure safety, as embedded in the
centuries-old Hippocratic Oath, ‘‘First,
do no harm.’’ Yet, the landmark reports
To Err is Human 182 and Crossing the
Quality Chasm 183 surfaced major
deficits in healthcare quality and safety.
182 Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Committee on
Quality of Health Care in America, Kohn, L. T.,
Corrigan, J. M., & Donaldson, M. S. (Eds.). (2000).
To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System.
National Academies Press (U.S.).
183 Institute of Medicine (U.S.) Committee on
Quality of Health Care in America. (2001). Crossing
the Quality Chasm: A New Health System for the
21st Century. National Academies Press (U.S.).
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These reports resulted in widespread
awareness of the alarming prevalence of
patient harm and, over the past two
decades, healthcare facilities
implemented various interventions and
strategies to improve patient safety, with
some documented successes.184
However, progress has been slow, and
preventable harm to patients in the
clinical setting resulting in significant
morbidity and mortality remains
common. A recent systematic analysis
of literature concluded that preventable
mortality among inpatients results in
approximately 22,165 preventable
deaths annually.185 In another recent
study, researchers identified adverse
events in almost one-quarter of
admissions and showed that more than
one-fifth were deemed preventable and
almost one-third were considered
serious (that is, caused harm that
required intervention or prolonged
Despite established patient safety
protocols and quality measures, the
COVID–19 public health emergency
(PHE) strained the healthcare system
substantially, introducing new safety
risks and negatively impacting patient
safety in the normal delivery of care.
Since the onset of the COVID–19 PHE,
the U.S. has seen marked declines in
patient safety metrics, as evidenced by
considerable increases in healthcareassociated infections (HAIs).187 188
Studies found that central lineassociated blood stream infections
(CLABSIs) in hospitals were 60 percent
higher than predicted in the absence of
COVID–19, catheter-associated urinary
184 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
(February 2021). National Healthcare Quality and
Disparities Report chartbook on patient safety.
Rockville, MD. Available at:
185 Rodwin BA, Bilan VP, Merchant NB, Steffens
CG, Grimshaw AA, Bastian LA, Gunderson CG. Rate
of Preventable Mortality in Hospitalized Patients: a
Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. J Gen Intern
Med. 2020 Jul;35(7):2099–2106. doi: 10.1007/
s11606–019–05592–5. Epub 2020 Jan 21. PMID:
31965525; PMCID: PMC7351940.
186 Bates DW, Levine DM, Salmasian H, et al. The
Safety of Inpatient Health Care. New England
Journal of Medicine. 2023;388(2):142–153. https://
187 Lastinger LM, Alvarez CR, Kofman A, Konnor
RY, Kuhar DT, Nkwata A, Patel PR, Pattabiraman
V, Xu SY, Dudeck MA. Continued increases in the
incidence of healthcare-associated infection (HAI)
during the second year of the coronavirus disease
2019 (COVID–19) pandemic. Infect Control Hosp
Epidemiol. 2023 Jun;44(6):997–1001. doi: 10.1017/
ice.2022.116. Epub 2022 May 20. PMID: 35591782;
PMCID: PMC9237489.
188 Patel, PR, Weiner-Lastinger, LM, Dudeck, MA,
et al. Impact of COVID–19 pandemic on centralline-associated bloodstream infections during the
early months of 2020, National Healthcare Safety
Network. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2021. doi:
PO 00000
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tract infections (CAUTIs) were 43
percent higher, and methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
bacteremia infections were 44 percent
higher. Studies have shown that these
results were likely due at least in part
to disrupted routine infection control
practices during the COVID–19
pandemic.189 190 Notably, recent reports
demonstrate that some HAI rates have
begun to decrease towards prepandemic levels as the U.S. saw a 9
percent overall decrease in CLABSI, a
12 percent overall decrease in CAUTI
and a 16 percent overall decrease in
hospital onset MRSA bacteremia
between 2021 and 2022 in acute care
hospital settings.191
As healthcare facilities struggled to
address the challenges posed by the
COVID–19 PHE, safety gaps and risks in
healthcare delivery were illuminated,192
revealing a lack of resiliency in the
healthcare system.193 194 Beyond HAIs,
other preventable types of patient harm
that were brought to the forefront by the
COVID–19 PHE include occurrences of
pressure injuries 195 and patient falls 196
among hospitalized patients.
189 Baker MA, Sands KE, Huang SS, Kleinman K,
Septimus EJ, Varma N, Blanchard J, Poland RE,
Coady MH, Yokoe DS, Fraker S, Froman A, Moody
J, Goldin L, Isaacs A, Kleja K, Korwek KM, Stelling
J, Clark A, Platt R, Perlin JB; CDC Prevention
Epicenters Program. The Impact of Coronavirus
Disease 2019 (COVID–19) on Healthcare-Associated
Infections. Clin Infect Dis. 2022 May
30;74(10):1748–1754. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciab688.
PMID: 34370014; PMCID: PMC8385925.
190 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(2021). 2021 National and State HealthcareAssociated Infections Progress Report. Available at:
191 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(2022). 2022 National and State HealthcareAssociated Infections Progress Report. Available at:
192 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
(2021). AHRQ PSNet Annual Perspective: Impact of
the COVID–19 Pandemic on Patient Safety. https://
193 Fleisher, L.A., Schreiber, M.D., Cardo, D., and
Srinivasan, M.D. (2022). Health care safety during
the pandemic and beyond—building a system that
ensures resilience. N Engl J Med, 386: 609–611.
194 Implications of the COVID–19 pandemic for
patient safety: a rapid review. Geneva: World
Health Organization; 2022. Licence: CC BY–NC–SA
3.0 IGO.
195 Li, Z., Lin, F., Thalib, L., & Chaboyer, W.
(2020). Global prevalence and incidence of pressure
injuries in hospitalised adult patients: A systematic
review and meta-analysis. International Journal of
Nursing Studies, Vol. 105.
196 Dykes, P. C., Curtin-Bowen, M., Lipsitz, S.,
Franz, C., Adelman, J., Adkison, L., Bogaisky, M.,
Carroll, D., Carter, E., Herlihy, L., Lindros, M. E.,
Ryan, V., Scanlan, M., Walsh, M. A., Wien, M., &
Bates, D. W. (2023). Cost of Inpatient Falls and Cost-
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
In addition to safety issues
illuminated during the COVID–19 PHE,
two other key patient safety indicators
that are worth noting for their
prevalence are postoperative respiratory
failure 197 198 199 and acute kidney
injuries (AKI).200 201
While the COVID–19 PHE may have
disrupted routine infection control
practices, these key patient safety
indicators nevertheless show the
importance of addressing gaps in safety
in order to save lives, provide equitable
medical care, and ensure that the U.S.
healthcare system is resilient enough to
withstand future challenges. Now is the
time to recommit to better safety
practices for both patients and
healthcare workers, establish new
protocols, and implement early
interventions that will save many lives
from preventable harms.
To accomplish these goals, the federal
government is taking a multi-pronged
approach to improve safety and reduce
preventable harm to patients. The
Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality (AHRQ), on behalf of HHS, has
established the National Action Alliance
to Advance Patient and Workforce
Safety as a public-private collaboration
to improve both patient and workforce
safety.202 As described by AHRQ, the
National Action Alliance is a
partnership between HHS and its
Federal agencies and private
stakeholders, including healthcare
systems, clinicians, allied health
professionals, patients, families,
caregivers, professional societies,
Benefit Analysis of Implementation of an EvidenceBased Fall Prevention Program. JAMA Health
Forum, 4(1), e225125.
197 Sabate S., Mazo V., Canet J. (2014). Predicting
Postoperative Pulmonary Complications:
Implications for Outcomes and Costs. Case Reports
in Anesthesiology. 27(2), 201–209.
198 Rosen, A. K., Loveland, S., Shin, M., Shwartz,
M., Hanchate, A., Chen, Q., Kaafarani, H. M., &
Borzecki, A. (2013). Examining the impact of the
AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) on the
Veterans Health Administration: the case of
readmissions.Medical Care,51(1), 37–44.
199 Lawson E.H., Hall B.L., Louie R., et al. (2013).
Association Between Occurrence of a Postoperative
Complication and Readmission: Implications for
Quality Improvement and Cost Savings. Annals of
Surgery, 258(1),10–18.
200 Thongprayoon, C., Hansrivijit, P., Kovvuru, K.,
Kanduri, S. R., Torres-Ortiz, A., Acharya, P.,
Gonzalez-Suarez, M. L., Kaewput, W., Bathini, T.,
& Cheungpasitporn, W. (2020). Diagnostics, Risk
Factors, Treatment and Outcomes of Acute Kidney
Injury in a New Paradigm.Journal of clinical
medicine, 9(4), 1104.
201 Hoste, E. A., & Schurgers, M. (2008).
Epidemiology of acute kidney injury: how big is the
problem? Critical care medicine, 36(4 Suppl), S146–
202 AHRQ. (2023). National Action Alliance To
Advance Patient and Workforce Safety. https://
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patient and workforce safety advocates,
the digital healthcare sector, health
services researchers, employers, and
payors interested in recommitting the
U.S. to advancing patient and workforce
safety to move toward zero harm in
In September 2023, the President’s
Council of Advisors on Science and
Technology (PCAST) published the
‘‘Report to the President: A
Transformational Effort on Patient
Safety,’’ with a call to action to renew
‘‘our nation’s commitment to improving
patient safety.’’ 204 The PCAST report
put forth the following
recommendations as a part of the call to
action: (1) Establish and maintain
Federal leadership for the improvement
of patient safety as a national priority;
(2) Ensure that patients receive
evidence-based practices for preventing
harm and addressing risks; (3) Partner
with patients and reduce disparities in
medical errors and adverse outcomes;
and (4) Accelerate research and
deployment of practices, technologies,
and exemplar systems of safe care.205
As part of this national recommitment
to safety in healthcare, we are
promoting the use of safety measures
throughout our quality programs to
identify and measure quality gaps and
processes, and to make that information
transparent and available to the public.
Effective measurement is paramount to
monitoring harm events, identifying key
gaps, and tracking progress toward safer,
more reliable care. Within CMS’
hospital quality measurement programs,
there are a number of outcome and
process measures in use that capture
specific conditions or procedures such
as the Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock:
Management Bundle measure, Patient
Safety and Adverse Events Composite
measure, Severe Obstetric
Complications electronic clinical
quality measure (eCQM), and the Safe
Use of Opioids—Concurrent Prescribing
eCQM. While these metrics are
important, they are not sufficient by
themselves to measure and incentivize
investment in a resilient safety culture
or the infrastructure necessary for
sustainable high performance within the
203 AHRQ. (2023). National Action Alliance To
Advance Patient and Workforce Safety. https://
204 President’s Council of Advisors on Science
and Technology. (2023). Report to the President: A
Transformational Effort on Patient Safety. https://
205 President’s Council of Advisors on Science
and Technology. (2023). Report to the President: A
Transformational Effort on Patient Safety. https://
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broad and complex domain of patient
safety. The systems-level approach to
patient safety maintains that errors and
accidents in medical care are a
reflection of system-level failures, rather
than failings on the part of
individuals.206 There is a strong
alignment among patient safety experts
to shift to a more holistic, proactive,
systems-based approach to patient
safety.207 208 209 210 211 212 While each of
our existing measures address processes
and outcomes that encourage providers
to improve patient safety for specific
conditions or related to specific
treatments, these measures do not
address the overall culture in which the
care is provided. Including a systemslevel measure would contribute to a
culture that improves performance on
these individual metrics as well as
improves safety for all care provided
within the hospital.
To drive action and improvements in
safety and address this gap in systemslevel measurement for safety within the
Hospital IQR and PCHQR Programs, we
are proposing the adoption of the
Patient Safety Structural measure, a new
attestation-based measure that assesses
whether hospitals demonstrate a
structure, culture, and leadership
commitment that prioritize safety. The
Patient Safety Structural measure
includes five complementary domains,
each containing a related set of
statements that aim to capture the most
salient, evidenced-based, structural and
cultural elements of safety. This
measure is intended to be a
foundational measure and designed to
assess hospital implementation of a
206 Patient Safety Network. Systems Approach.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Published September 7, 2019. https://
207 National Patient Safety Foundation. Free from
Harm: Accelerating Patient Safety Improvement
Fifteen Years after To Err Is Human. Boston, MA:
National Patient Safety Foundation; 2015.
208 Gandhi, T. K., Feeley, D., & Schummers, D.
(2020b). Zero Harm in Health Care. NEJM Catalyst,
209 Pronovost, P. Transforming patient safety: A
sector-wide systems approach. Published January 8,
210 Frankel A, Haraden C, Federico F, LenociEdwards J. A Framework for Safe, Reliable, and
Effective Care. White Paper. Cambridge, MA:
Institute for Healthcare Improvement and Safe &
Reliable Healthcare; 2017. (Available on https://
211 American College of Healthcare Executives
and IHI/NPSF Lucian Leape Institute. Leading a
Culture of Safety: A Blueprint for Success. Boston,
MA: American College of Healthcare Executives
and Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2017.
212 National Steering Committee for Patient
Safety. Safer Together: A National Action Plan to
Advance Patient Safety. Boston, Massachusetts:
Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2020.
(Available at
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
systems-based approach to safety best
practices, as demonstrated by: leaders
who prioritize and champion safety;
organizational policies, protocols, goals,
and metrics reflecting safety as a core
value; a diverse group of patients and
families meaningfully engaged with
healthcare providers as partners in
safety; practices indicative of a culture
of safety; accountability and
transparency in addressing adverse
events; and continuous learning and
improvement. This Patient Safety
Structural measure is informed by the
PCAST recommendations, Safer
Together: The National Action Plan to
Advance Patient Safety,213 developed
by the National Steering Committee for
Patient Safety convened by the Institute
for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), as
well as scientific evidence from existing
patient safety literature, and detailed
input from patient safety experts,
advocates, and patients. Combining this
leadership level structural measure with
other high priority safety outcome
measures would result in a robust and
complementary patient safety measure
We note that other safety measure
adoption proposals in this FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule
complement the goals we have outlined
for the Patient Safety Structural
measure. Interested parties are
encouraged to review our proposals to
adopt measures for Hospital Harm—
Falls with Injury (section IX.C.5.c of the
preamble of this proposed rule),
Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure (section IX.C.5.b of
the preamble of this proposed rule), and
the adoption of two healthcareassociated infection measures (section
IX.C.5.d of the preamble of this
proposed rule).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
b. Measure Alignment to Strategy
In addition to the other Federal safety
initiatives noted previously, this
measure also aligns with the CMS
National Quality Strategy. Specifically,
the CMS National Quality Strategy
identifies four priority areas and eight
goals, each with an identified objective,
success target, and initial action steps
for advancing a ‘‘high-quality, safe,
equitable, and resilient health care
system for all individuals.’’ 214 The
213 National Steering Committee for Patient
Safety. Safer Together: A National Action Plan to
Advance Patient Safety. Boston, Massachusetts:
Institute for Healthcare Improvement; 2020.
214 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2023). CMS National Quality Strategy Handout.
Available at:
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Patient Safety Structural measure
addresses the priority area Safety and
Resiliency, and aligns with the goals to
enable a responsive and resilient
healthcare system to improve quality
and to achieve zero preventable harm.
For example, attestation statements
within the measure require hospitals to
confirm if their strategic plan includes
publicly sharing their commitment to
patient safety as a core value and
outlines specific safety goals and
associated metrics, including the goal of
‘‘zero preventable harm.’’
This measure aligns with our efforts
under the CMS National Quality
Strategy’s goal of advancing equity and
whole-person care.215 As stated in the
measure attestation under Domain 2:
Strategic Planning & Organizational
Policy (see Table VIII.B.1–01 of this
proposed rule), ‘‘Patient safety and
equity in care are inextricable, and
therefore equity, with the goal of safety
for all individuals, must be embedded
in safety planning, goal-setting, policy
and processes.’’ This measure furthers a
patient-centered approach by promoting
conversations on equity among hospital
staff, leadership, and patients and
caregivers that take into account the
diverse communities served by
participants in CMS programs and the
particular needs of each hospital’s own
The measure also aligns with our
Meaningful Measures Framework,
which identifies high-priority areas for
quality measurement and improvement
to assess core issues most critical to
high-quality healthcare and improving
patient outcomes.216 In 2021, we
launched Meaningful Measures 2.0 to
promote innovation and modernization
of all aspects of quality, and to address
a wide variety of settings, interested
parties, and measure requirements.217
The Patient Safety Structural measure
supports these efforts and is aligned
with the Meaningful Measures Area of
‘‘Safety’’ and the Meaningful Measures
2.0 goal to ‘‘Ensure Safe and Resilient
Health Care Systems.’’ This measure
215 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2023). CMS National Quality Strategy Handout.
Available at:
216 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Meaningful Measures Framework. Available at:
217 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2021). Meaningful Measures 2.0: Moving from
Measure Reduction to Modernization. Available at: We note
that Meaningful Measures 2.0 is still under
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also supports the Meaningful Measures
2.0 priority to ‘‘promote a safety culture
within a health care organization.’’ This
attestation measure focused on patient
safety policies, processes, and activities
aims to help hospitals better understand
priorities for improving safety and serve
as a prompt for action to invest in the
infrastructure and safety culture
necessary to reduce preventable harm to
patients. When measure results are
made public, patients and families
would be able to make informed
decisions on what facilities are best for
c. Pre-Rulemaking Process and Measure
As required under section 1890A of
the Act, the Consensus-Based Entity
(CBE), currently Battelle, established the
Partnership for Quality Measurement
(PQM) to convene members comprised
of clinicians, patients, measure experts,
and health information technology
specialists, to participate in the prerulemaking process and the measure
endorsement process. The prerulemaking process, which we refer to
as the Pre-Rulemaking Measure Review
(PRMR), includes a review of measures
published on the publicly available list
of Measures Under Consideration (MUC
List),218 219 by one of several committees
convened by the PQM, for the purpose
of providing multi-stakeholder input to
the Secretary on the selection of quality
and efficiency measures under
consideration for use in certain
Medicare quality programs, including
the PCHQR and Hospital IQR Programs.
The PRMR process includes
opportunities for public comment
through a 21-day public comment
period, as well as public listening
sessions. The PQM posts the compiled
comments and listening session inputs
received during the public comment
period and the listening sessions within
5 days of the close of the public
comment period. More details regarding
the PRMR process may be found in the
PQM Guidebook of Policies and
Procedures for Pre-Rulemaking Measure
Review and Measure Set Review,
including details of the measure review
processes in Chapter 3.
218 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 1, 2023). 2023 Measures Under
Consideration (MUC) List. Available at: https://
219 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 2023). Overview of the List of Measures
Under Consideration. Available at: https://
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
The CBE-established PQM also
conducts the measure endorsement and
maintenance (E&M) process to ensure a
measure submitted for endorsement is
evidence-based, reliable, valid,
verifiable, relevant to enhanced health
outcomes, actionable at the caregiver
level, feasible to collect and report, and
responsive to variations in patient
characteristics—such as health status,
language capabilities, race or ethnicity,
and income level—and is consistent
across types of health care providers,
including hospitals and physicians (see
section 1890(b)(2) of the Act). The PQM
convenes several E&M project groups
twice yearly, formally called the E&M
Committees, each comprised of an E&M
Advisory Group and an E&M
Recommendations Group, to vote on
whether a measure meets certain quality
measure criteria. More details regarding
the E&M process may be found in the
PQM Endorsement and Maintenance
(E&M) Guidebook, including details of
the measure endorsement process in the
section titled, ‘‘Endorsement and
Review Process.’’
For the voting procedures of the
PRMR and E&M processes, the PQM
utilizes the Novel Hybrid Delphi and
Nominal Group (NHDNG) multi-step
process, which is an iterative
consensus-building approach aimed at a
minimum of 75 percent agreement
among voting members, rather than a
simple majority vote, and supports
maximizing the time spent to build
consensus by focusing discussion on
measures where there is disagreement.
For example, the PRMR Hospital
Recommendation Group can reach
consensus and have the following
voting results: (A) Recommend, (B)
Recommend with conditions (with 75
percent of the votes casted as
recommend with conditions or 75
percent between recommend and
recommend with conditions), and (C)
Do not recommend. If no voting
category reaches 75 percent or greater
(including the combined [A]
recommend and [B] recommend with
conditions), the PRMR Hospital
Recommendation Group did not come
to consensus and the voting result is
‘Consensus not reached.’ Consensus not
reached signals continued disagreement
amongst the committee despite being
presented with perspectives from public
comment, committee member feedback
and discussion, and highlights the
multi-faceted assessments of quality
measures. More details regarding the
PRMR voting procedures may be found
in Chapter 4 of the PQM Guidebook of
Policies and Procedures for PreRulemaking Measure Review and
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Measure Set Review. More details
regarding the E&M voting procedures
may be found in the PQM Endorsement
and Maintenance (E&M) Guidebook.
(1) Recommendation From the PreRulemaking and Measure Review
As part of the PRMR process, the
PRMR Hospital Recommendation Group
reviewed the Patient Safety Structural
measure (MUC2023–188) during a
meeting on January 18 and 19, 2024.
The Patient Safety Structural measure
was included for consideration in the
Hospital IQR and PCHQR Programs on
the publicly available ‘‘2023 Measures
Under Consideration List’’ (MUC
The voting results of the PRMR
Hospital Recommendation Group for the
Patient Safety Structural measure for the
Hospital IQR Program were: eight
members of the group recommended
adopting the measure into the Hospital
IQR Program without conditions; five
members recommended adoption with
conditions; three committee members
voted not to recommend the measure for
adoption. Additionally, nine members
of the group recommended adopting the
measure into the PCHQR Program
without conditions; four members
recommended adoption with
conditions; three committee members
voted not to recommend the measure for
adoption. Taken together, 81.3 percent
of the votes were recommended with
conditions for each program. Thus, the
committee reached consensus and
recommended the Patient Safety
Structural measure for the Hospital IQR
Program and the PCHQR Program with
As mentioned previously, five
members of the voting committee
recommended the adoption of this
measure into the Hospital IQR Program
with conditions and four members of
the voting committee recommended the
adoption of this measure into the
PCHQR Program with conditions. Those
conditions were: the publication of an
implementation guide that clearly
documents how safety is to be
measured; and using data to narrow the
scope before approving the measure for
programs. An attestation guide will be
available at the time of the publication
of this proposal. Data obtained from the
measure’s national use would allow us
to evaluate the effectiveness of, and the
potential to narrow the future scope of,
the proposed attestations. Therefore, we
220 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
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are proposing this measure for adoption
because we have adequately addressed
the conditions raised by the PRMR
Hospital Recommendations Group.
In addition to the formal voting
results on the adoption of the Patient
Safety Structural measure, we note that
the majority of public comments
received on this measure during the
PRMR process were supportive, with 91
out of 97 public comments (94%) either
supporting (81) adoption or supporting
adoption with conditions (10).
Comments in support of this proposal
included the need for a zero preventable
harm goal, robust hospital leadership,
developing trust through transparency,
and the involvement of patients and
their families in safety work. We thank
the large number of patients, family
members, and other interested parties
who publicly participated in the PRMR
(2) Endorsement and Measure Review
We are proposing to adopt this
measure into the Hospital IQR Program
and the PCHQR Program despite the
measure not being endorsed by the CBE.
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(IX)(aa) of the
Act requires that each measure specified
by the Secretary for use in the Hospital
IQR Program be endorsed by the entity
with a contract under section 1890(a) of
the Act, and section 1866(k)(3)(A) of the
Act imposes the same requirement for
measures specified for use in the
PCHQR Program. Sections
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(IX)(bb) and
1866(k)(3)(B) of the Act state, however,
that in the case of a specified area or
medical topic determined appropriate
by the Secretary for which a feasible and
practical measure has not been endorsed
by the entity with a contract under
section 1890(a) of the Act, the Secretary
may specify a measure that is not so
endorsed as long as due consideration is
given to a measure that has been
endorsed or adopted by a consensus
organization identified by the Secretary.
We reviewed measures endorsed by
both the CBE which currently holds the
contract under section 1890(a) of the
Act and measures endorsed by the
entity which formerly held that contract
and were unable to identify any other
CBE-endorsed measures on strategies
and practices to strengthen hospitals’
systems and culture for safety. In light
of the lack of endorsed measures on this
specified area or medical topic, we have
determined that it would be appropriate
to use a measure that is not endorsed by
the CBE. This measure is relevant to
enhanced health outcomes. As
described in the background section for
this measure (section IX.B.1.a. of this
proposed rule), medical errors and
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
adverse events occur frequently and
lead to adverse patient outcomes. This
measure is designed to identify
hospitals that practice a system-based
approach to safety and embrace the
importance of a safety culture.
Demonstrating a structure, culture, and
leadership commitment that prioritizes
safety can improve care and outcomes
for all patients.221 The validity,
feasibility and relevance of the measure
have been thoroughly vetted by a
Technical Expert Panel (TEP) convened
by a CMS contractor and comprised of
thought leaders in the field.222 In
response to the question of whether the
domains capture the most important
elements for advancing patient safety,
most TEP members agreed that they
do.223 Furthermore, the measure
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
221 DiCuccio MH. The Relationship Between
Patient Safety Culture and Patient Outcomes: A
Systematic Review. J Patient Saf. 2015;11(3):135–
42. doi:10.1097/PTS.0000000000000058.
222 Yale New Haven Health Services
Corporation—Center for Outcomes Research and
Evaluation. Summary of Technical Expert Panel
(TEP) Meetings Patient Safety Structural Measure
(PSSM). Available at:
223 ibid.
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developers engaged the members of the
TEP for their operational and clinical
expertise to assure that each domain
was actionable and measurable.224 As
noted, the PRMR Hospital Committee
received a total of 91 public comments
expressing support for the Patient Safety
Structural measure.225 Most
commenters were patients and family
members who described their
individual experiences with the medical
system and preventable harms to which
they were exposed. These commenters
then emphasized the importance of the
Patient Safety Structural measure’s
intent and domains for improving
patient safety related to these
experiences.226 Due to the rigorous
alignment with patient safety guidelines
and literature as noted within the
224 ibid.
225 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. Compiled MUC List Public Comment
Posting. Available at:
226 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. 2023 Measures Under Consideration
Public Comment Summary Hospital Committee.
Available at:
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Background section of this proposal, as
well as strong support from expert
stakeholders, patients, and caregivers as
noted above, we are confident that the
foundational principles are sound, and
the specifications are attainable,
measurable, and actionable. We intend
to submit the measure for future CBE
d. Measure Overview
The Patient Safety Structural measure
is a structural measure developed to
assess how well hospitals have
implemented strategies and practices to
strengthen their systems and culture for
safety. The Patient Safety Structural
measure comprises a set of
complementary statements (or,
attestations) that aim to capture the
most salient, systems-oriented actions to
advance safety. These statements should
exemplify a culture of safety and
leadership commitment to transparency,
accountability, patient and family
engagement, and continuous learning
and improvement. Table IX.B.1–01
includes the five attestation domains
and the corresponding attestation
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Attestation Domains
Attestation Statements: Attest yes or no to each statement.
(Note: Affirmative attestation of all statements within a domain
would be required for the hospital to receive a point for the
Domain 1: Leadership Commitment to Eliminating Preventable Harm
The senior leadership and governing board
at hospitals set the tone for commitment
to patient safety. They must be
accountable for patient safety outcomes
and ensure that patient safety is the
highest priority for the hospital. While the
hospital leadership and the governing
board may convene a board committee
dedicated to patient safety, the most
senior governing board must oversee all
safety activities and hold the
organizational leadership accountable for
outcomes. Patient safety should be
central to all strategic, financial, and
operational decisions.
(A) Our hospital senior governing board prioritizes safety as a core
value, holds hospital leadership accountable for patient safety, and
includes patient safety metrics to inform annual leadership
performance reviews and compensation.
(B) Our hospital leaders, including C-suite executives, place patient
safety as a core institutional value. One or more C-suite leaders
oversee a system-wide assessment on safety (examples provided in
the Attestation Guide), 227 and the execution of patient safety
initiatives and operations, with specific improvement plans and
metrics. These plans and metrics are widely shared across the
hospital and governing board.
(C) Our hospital governing board, in collaboration with leadership,
ensures adequate resources to support patient safety (such as
equipment, training, systems, personnel, and technology).
(D) Reporting on patient and workforce safety events and initiatives
(such as safety outcomes, improvement work, risk assessments,
event cause analysis, infection outbreak, culture of safety, or other
patient safety topics) accounts for at least 20% of the regular board
agenda and discussion time for senior governing board meetings.
(E) C-suite executives and individuals on the governing board are
notified within 3 business days of any confirmed serious safety
events resulting in significant morbidity, mortality, or other harm.
Domain 2: Strategic Planning & Organizational Policy
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(A) Our hospital has a strategic plan that publicly shares its
commitment to patient safety as a core value and outlines specific
safety goals and associated metrics, including the goal of "zero
preventable harm."
(B) Our hospital safety goals include the use of metrics to identify
and address disparities in safety outcomes based on the patient
characteristics determined by the hospital to be most important to
health care outcomes for the specific populations served.
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Hospitals must leverage strategic planning
and organizational policies to demonstrate
a commitment to safety as a core value.
The use of written policies and protocols
that demonstrate patient safety is a
priority and identify goals, metrics and
practices to advance progress, is
foundational to creating an accountable
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(C) Our hospital has implemented written policies and protocols to
cultivate a just culture that balances no-blame and appropriate
accountability and reflects the distinction between human error, atrisk behavior, and reckless behavior. 228
(D) Our hospital requires implementation of a patient safety
curriculum and competencies for all clinical and non-clinical hospital
staff, including C-suite executives and individuals on the governing
board, regular assessments of these competencies for all roles, and
action plans for advancing safety skills and behaviors.
(E) Our hospital has an action plan for workforce safety with
improvement activities, metrics and trends that address issues such
as slips/trips/falls prevention, safe patient handling, exposures,
sharps injuries, violence prevention, fire/electrical safety, and
psychological safety.
Domain 3: Culture of Safety & Learning Health Systems
and transparent organization. Hospitals
should acknowledge the ultimate goal of
zero preventable harm, even while
recognizing that this goal may not be
currently attainable and requires a
continual process of improvement and
commitment. Patient safety and equity in
care are inextricable, and therefore equity,
with the goal of safety for all individuals,
must be embedded in safety planning,
goal-setting, policy, and processes.
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(A) Our hospital conducts a hospital-wide culture of safety survey
using a validated instrument annually, or every2 years with pulse
surveys on target units during non-survey years. Results are shared
with the governing board and hospital staff and used to inform unitbased interventions to reduce harm.
(B) Our hospital has a dedicated team that conducts event analysis
of serious safety events using an evidence-based approach, such as
the National Patient Safety Foundation's Root Cause Analysis and
Action (RCA2) 229 .
(C) Our hospital has a patient safety metrics dashboard and uses
external benchmarks (such as CMS Star Ratings or other national
databases) to monitor performance and inform improvement
activities on safety events (such as: medication errors,
surgical/procedural harm, falls, pressure injuries, diagnostic errors,
and healthcare-associated infections).
(D) Our hospital implements a minimum of 4 of the following high
reliability practices:
Tiered and escalating (for example, unit, department,
facility, system) safety huddles at least 5 days a week,
with 1 day being a weekend, that include key clinical
and non-clinical (for example, lab, housekeeping,
security) units and leaders, with a method in place for
follow-up on issues identified.
Hospital leaders participate in monthly rounding for
safety on all units, with C-suite executives rounding at
least quarterly, with a method in place for follow-up on
issues identified.
A data infrastructure to measure safety, based on
patient safety evidence (for example, systematic
reviews, national guidelines) and data from the
electronic medical record that enables identification
and tracking of serious safety events and precursor
events. These data are shared with C-suite executives
at least monthly, and the governing board at every
regularly scheduled meeting.
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Hospitals must integrate a suite of
evidence-based practices and protocols
that are fundamental to cultivating a
hospital culture that prioritizes safety and
establishes a learning system both within
and across hospitals. These practices
focus on actively seeking and harnessing
information to develop a proactive,
hospital-wide approach to optimizing
safety and eliminating preventable harm.
Hospitals must establish an integrated
infrastructure (that is, people and systems
working collaboratively) and foster
psychological safety among staff to
effectively and reliably implement these
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Technologies, including a computerized physician order
entry system and a barcode medication administration
system, that promote safety and standardization of
care using evidence-based practices.
The use of a defined improvement method (or hybrid
of proven methods), such as Lean, Six Sigma, Plan-DoStudy-Act, and/or high reliability frameworks.
Team communication and collaboration training of all
The use of human factors engineering principles in
selection and design of devices, equipment, and
(E) Our hospital participates in large-scale learning network(s) for
patient safety improvement (such as national or state safety
improvement collaboratives), shares data on safety events and
outcomes with these network(s),and has implemented at least one
best practice from the network or collaborative.
Domain 4: Accountability & Transparency
Accountability for outcomes, as well as
transparency around safety events and
performance, represent the cornerstones
of a culture of safety. For hospital leaders,
clinical and non-clinical staff, patients, and
families to learn from safety events and
prevent harm, there must exist a culture
that promotes event reporting without
fear or hesitation, and safety data
collection and analysis with the free flow
of information.
The effective and equitable engagement
of patients, families, and caregivers is
essential to safer, better care. Hospitals
must embed patients, families, and
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(A) Our hospital has a Patient and Family Advisory Council that
ensures patient, family, caregiver, and community input to safetyrelated activities, including representation at board meetings,
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(A) Our hospital has a confidential safety reporting system that
allows staff to report patient safety events, near misses, precursor
events, unsafe conditions, and other concerns, and prompts a
feedback loop to those who report.
(B) Our hospital reports serious safety events, near misses and
precursor events to a Patient Safety Organization (PSO) listed by the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) 230 that
participates in voluntary reporting to AHRQ's Network of Patient
Safety Databases.
(C) Patient safety metrics are tracked and reported to all clinical and
non-clinical staff and made public in hospital units (for example,
displayed on units so that staff, patients, families, and visitors can
(D) Our hospital has a defined, evidence-based communication and
resolution program reliably implemented after harm events, such as
AHRQ's Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR)
toolkit 231, that contains the following elements:
Harm event identification
Open and ongoing communication with patients
and families about the harm event
Event investigation, prevention, and learning
Financial and non-financial reconciliation
Patient-family engagement and on-going support
(E) Our hospital uses standard measures to track the performance of
our communication and resolution program and reports these
measures to the governing board at least quarterly.
Domain 5: Patient & Family Engagement
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
e. Measure Calculation
The Patient Safety Structural measure
consists of five domains, each
representing a complementary but
separate safety commitment. Each of the
five domains include five related
attestation statements. Hospitals would
need to evaluate and determine whether
they can affirmatively attest to each
domain. For a hospital to affirmatively
attest to a domain, and receive a point
for that domain, a hospital would
evaluate and determine whether it
engaged in each of the statements that
comprise the domain (see Table IX.B.1–
01), for a total of five possible points
(one point per domain). A hospital
would not be able to receive partial
points for a domain.
227 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
Patient Safety Structural Measure Attestation
Guide, version 1.0, available at both: https://
proposedmeasures. We note that examples
provided in this guide are for illustrative purposes.
228 A just culture is defined by the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality as a system that
holds itself accountable, holds staff members
accountable, and has staff members that hold
themselves accountable. (The CUSP Method.
229 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
(2019, September 7). Root Cause Analysis. https://
230 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
Federally-Listed Patient Safety Organizations
(PSOs). Retrieved January 5, 2024, from https://
231 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
(2022). Communication and Optimal Resolution
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consultation on safety goal-setting and metrics, and participation in
safety improvement initiatives.
(B) Our hospital's Patient and Family Advisory Council includes
patients and caregivers of patients who are diverse and
representative of the patient population.
(C) Patients have comprehensive access to and are encouraged to
view their own medical records and clinician notes via patient
portals and other options, and the hospital provides support to help
patients interpret information that is culturally and linguistically
appropriate as well as submit comments for potential correction to
their record.
(D) Our hospital incorporates patient and caregiver input about
patient safety events or issues (such as patient submission of safety
events, safety signals from patient complaints or other patient safety
experience data, patient reports of discrimination).
(E) Our hospital supports the presence of family and other
designated persons (as defined by the patient) as essential members
of a safe care team and encourages engagement in activities such as
bedside rounding and shift reporting, discharge planning, and
visitation 24 hours a day, as feasible.
For example, for Domain 2 (‘‘Strategic
Planning & Organizational Policy’’), a
hospital would evaluate and determine
whether it meets the statements related
to its strategic plan (Statement A), its
safety goals (Statement B), policies and
protocols for a just culture (Statement
C), a patient safety curriculum and
competencies for all hospital staff
(Statement D), and an action plan for
workforce safety (Statement E) (see
Table IX.B.1–01). If its plan meets all
five of these statements, the hospital
would attest ‘‘yes’’ to each of the 5
attestation statements and would
receive one point for Domain 2. If, for
example, its plan only meets Statement
A and Statement B, but does not meet
Statement C, Statement D, and
Statement E, the hospital would attest
‘‘yes’’ to Statement A and Statement B,
attest ‘‘no’’ to Statement C, Statement D,
and Statement E, and receive zero
points for Domain 2. The hospital’s
overall score for the Patient Safety
Structural measure can range from a
total of zero to five points. If a hospital
is comprised of more than one acute
care hospital facility under one CCN, all
such facilities reporting under the same
CCN would need to satisfy these criteria
in order for the hospital to affirmatively
attest and receive points.
For more details on the measure
specifications and the attestation guide
for the Hospital IQR Program, we refer
readers to the Proposed Measures tab
under the IQR Measures page on
QualityNet at: https://
proposedmeasures. For more details on
the measure specifications for the
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PCHQR Program, we refer readers to the
CMS Measures Inventory Tool (CMIT)
with the file name ‘‘Patient Safety
Structural Measure’’ at: https://
f. Data Submission and Reporting
We are proposing that hospitals
would be required to submit
information for the Patient Safety
Structural measure once annually using
the data submission and reporting
standard procedures set forth by the
CDC for the National Healthcare Safety
Network (NHSN). Presently, hospitals
report measure data to the CDC NHSN
on a monthly or quarterly basis,
depending on the measure. Under the
data submission and reporting process
for the Patient Safety Structural
measure, hospitals would be required to
submit data once annually. We refer
readers to the CDC’s NHSN website
for data submission and reporting
procedures; information more specific
to the Patient Safety Structural measure
will be available through NHSN should
this proposal be finalized. We refer
readers to sections IX.C.9. and IX.D.4 of
the preamble of this proposed rule for
more details on our previously finalized
data submission and deadline
requirements for structural measures in
the Hospital IQR Program and PCHQR
Program, respectively. We further refer
readers to sections IX.C.9. and IX.D.4 of
the preamble of this proposed rule for
more details on our previously finalized
data submission requirements for
measures submitted via the CDC NHSN
in the Hospital IQR Program and
caregivers as co-producers of safety and
health through meaningful involvement in
safety activities, quality improvement, and
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
comprised of one, two, or three survey
questions. For example, the submeasure, ‘‘Overall Hospital Rating,’’
consists of one survey question and the
sub-measure ‘‘Communication with
Nurses’’ consists of three survey
questions. In the Hospital VBP Program,
the sub-measures of the HCAHPS
Survey are referred to as ‘‘dimensions.’’
We refer readers to the HCAHPS OnLine website,,
for a map of each question on the
HCAHPS Survey and its sub-measures.
The current HCAHPS Survey measure
consists of 29 survey questions that are
organized into ten sub-measures in the
Hospital IQR and PCHQR Programs,
including 19 questions that ask ‘‘how
often’’ or whether patients experienced
a critical aspect of hospital care, rather
than whether they were ‘‘satisfied’’ with
their care. The current survey also
includes three screener questions that
direct patients to relevant questions,
2. Proposal To Modify the Hospital
five questions to adjust for the mix of
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
patients across hospitals, and two
Providers and Systems (HCAHPS)
Survey Measure Beginning With the CY questions (race and ethnicity) that
support Congressionally mandated
2025 Reporting Period/FY 2027
Payment Determination for the Hospital reports outlined in the Healthcare
IQR Program, the CY 2025 Reporting
Research and Quality Act of 1999.232 233
Period/FY 2027 Program Year for the
These components of the survey are
PCHQR Program, and the FY 2030
used to construct the ten publicly
Program Year for the Hospital VBP
reported HCAHPS Survey sub-measures
in the Hospital IQR and PCHQR
Programs. The survey questions are
a. Background
organized into eight dimensions in the
We refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/
Person and Community Engagement
LTCH PPS final rule for our most recent
Domain for the Hospital VBP Program.
updates to HCAHPS survey
We note that the Hospital VBP Program
administration requirements and
uses 8 dimensions while the Hospital
additional background information for
IQR and PCHQR Programs use 10 subthe Hospital VBP Program, the Hospital
measures because ‘‘Cleanliness’’ and
IQR Program, and the PCHQR Program
‘‘Quietness’’ have been combined as a
(88 FR 59083 through 59089, 88 FR
single dimension in the Hospital VBP
59196 through 59201, and 88 FR 59229
Program for scoring purposes and the
through 59232, respectively). For more
‘‘Recommend Hospital’’ sub-measure is
details including information about
not included in the Hospital VBP
patient eligibility for the HCAHPS
Program. The rationale for combining
Survey, please refer to the current
HCAHPS Quality Assurance Guidelines, these elements of the survey is
which can be found on the official
described further in section IX.B.2.g(3)
HCAHPS website at: https://
of the preamble of this proposed rule and can be found in the Hospital
The HCAHPS Survey measure (CBE
Inpatient VBP Program final rule (76 FR
#0166) asks recently discharged patients 26497 through 26526). The current
questions about aspects of their hospital HCAHPS Survey can be found at
inpatient experience that they are suited to respond to. The
HCAHPS Survey as a whole is termed
as a single ‘‘measure’’ for purposes of
232 Library of Congress. Healthcare Research and
the Hospital IQR, PCHQR, and Hospital
Quality Act of 1999, Public Law 106–129, 113 Stat.
VBP Programs. We refer to the elements 1653. Available at:
of the HCAHPS Survey that are publicly plaws/publ129/PLAW-106publ129.pdf.
233 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
reported as ‘‘sub-measures’’ and to the
(2023) 2023 National Healthcare Quality and
questions within each sub-measure as
Disparities Report. Available at: https://
survey ‘‘questions,’’ for the Hospital IQR
and PCHQR Programs. Sub-measures are index.html.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
PCHQR Program, respectively. We
propose to adopt the Patient Safety
Structural measure in the Hospital IQR
Program beginning with the CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination and the PCHQR Program
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 program year. Hospitals
participating in the Hospital IQR
Program and the PCHQR Program would
satisfy their reporting requirement for
the measure as long as they attest ‘‘yes’’
or ‘‘no’’ to each attestation statement in
all five domains.
We are proposing to publicly report
the hospital’s measure performance
score, which would range from 0 to 5
points, on an annual basis on Care
Compare beginning in fall 2026 and on
the Provider Data Catalog available at for the PCHQR Program
beginning in fall 2026.
We invite public comment on this
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b. Overview of Proposal To Modify the
HCAHPS Survey Measure
The proposed updated HCAHPS
Survey would result in a survey with 32
questions that make up a total of 11 submeasures, with seven of those submeasures being multi-question submeasures and the other four submeasures being single-question submeasures. Four of the multi-question
sub-measures and three of the singlequestion sub-measures in the updated
version of the HCAHPS Survey would
remain unchanged from those that are in
the current version of the HCAHPS
Survey. We outline the specific updates
below. We are proposing to adopt the
updated HCAHPS Survey for the
Hospital IQR and PCHQR Programs in
section IX.B.2.e of the preamble of this
proposed rule. The updates would
result in the ability to use nine
dimensions for the Hospital VBP
Program, and we are proposing to adopt
those updates in the Hospital VBP
Program in section IX.B.2.g of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
We identified the need for the updates
to the HCAHPS Survey through focus
groups and cognitive interviews with
patients and caregivers, discussions
with technical experts, and literature
reviews that were conducted by a CMS
contractor who made recommendations
to CMS. A literature scan was used to
compile and review items from existing
surveys, focusing on topics not covered
in the current HCAHPS Survey. CMS,
patient, and provider stakeholders
reviewed the questions identified
through the scan. Four patient focus
groups were conducted to assign
importance to and inform the further
development of potential new
questions, while also refining existing
questions. This replicates the approach
taken during the original development
of the HCAHPS Survey. The focus
groups included people with both
planned and unplanned hospital stays,
a variety of racial and ethnic groups,
and both older and younger adults. The
focus groups used both an exploratory
and confirmatory approach to explore
new topics and confirm the topics we
had identified through the survey
literature. The group discussion
explored what it means to have a quality
patient experience and what
participants thought of their hospital
stay—what went well and what went
poorly. Group discussions were
conducted in English and Spanish.
The findings from the focus group
informed the development of the
updates to the HCAHPS Survey
questions, including the newly
developed questions that were tested in
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
cognitive interviews. Cognitive
interviews were also conducted in
English and in Spanish. Lastly, a CMS
contractor also conducted a technical
expert panel that provided feedback on
the current survey content and the new
content areas.
We have determined that adopting the
proposed updated version of the
HCAHPS Survey measure would
amount to a minimal change in burden
because the combination of removals
and additions of survey questions
would result in only an additional 45
seconds to complete the survey. The
time required to complete the 32question survey is estimated to average
eight minutes. Additionally, prior to the
removal of the ‘‘Communication About
Pain’’ questions in the CY 2019 OPPS/
ASC final rule (83 FR 59140 through
59149), the HCAHPS Survey previously
included 32 questions. We refer readers
to sections XII.B.4, XII.B.6, and XII.B.7
of the preamble of this proposed rule for
more information on our estimated
changes to the information collection
The proposed adoption of the updated
version of the HCAHPS Survey measure
would not result in any changes to the
survey administration, the data
submission and reporting requirements,
or the data collection protocols. The
proposed updated version of the
HCAHPS Survey measure includes three
new sub-measures: the multi-item ‘‘Care
Coordination’’ sub-measure, the multi-
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item ‘‘Restfulness of Hospital
Environment’’ sub-measure, and the
‘‘Information About Symptoms’’ singleitem sub-measure. The updated
HCAHPS Survey measure also removes
the existing ‘‘Care Transition’’ submeasure and modifies the existing
‘‘Responsiveness of Hospital Staff’’ submeasure. The seven new questions are
as follows:
• During this hospital stay, how often
were doctors, nurses and other hospital
staff informed and up-to-date about your
• During this hospital stay, how often
did doctors, nurses and other hospital
staff work well together to care for you?
• Did doctors, nurses or other
hospital staff work with you and your
family or caregiver in making plans for
your care after you left the hospital?
• During this hospital stay, how often
were you able to get the rest you
• During this hospital stay, did
doctors, nurses and other hospital staff
help you to rest and recover?
• During this hospital stay, when you
asked for help right away, how often did
you get help as soon as you needed?
• During this hospital stay, did
doctors, nurses or other hospital staff
give your family or caregiver enough
information about what symptoms or
health problems to watch for after you
left the hospital?
As discussed more fully below, these
new questions address aspects of
hospital care identified by patients and
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then tested in the 2021 HCAHPS Survey
large-scale mode experiment described
in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 59196 through 59197) as
important to measuring the quality of
hospital care.
The proposed updated HCAHPS
Survey measure would no longer
include the following four questions:
• During this hospital stay, after you
pressed the call button, how often did
you get help as soon as you wanted it?
• During this hospital stay, staff took
my preferences and those of my family
or caregiver into account in deciding
what my health care needs would be
when I left.
• When I left the hospital, I had a
good understanding of the things I was
responsible for in managing my health.
• When I left the hospital, I clearly
understood the purpose for taking each
of my medications.
In the updated HCAHPS Survey
measure, the question on the use of the
call button is removed in response to
hospital input indicating that call
buttons have been replaced by other
mechanisms (such as a direct phone
line). The other questions are removed
because they do not follow standard
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers & Systems (CAHPS) question
wording and were perceived as
duplicative of existing and new survey
questions by the patients who
participated in our content testing.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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Updated HCAHPS Survey Questions
Updated HCAHPS Survey Sub-Measure
During this hospital stay, how often
did nurses treat you with courtesy and
Communication with Nurses
During this hospital stay, how often
did nurses listen carefullv to you?
During this hospital stay, how often
did nurses explain things in a way you
could understand?
Communication with Nurses
Communication with Nurses
During this hospital stay, how often
did doctors treat you with courtesy and
Communication with Doctors
During this hospital stay, how often
did doctors listen carefully to you?
During this hospital stay, how often
did doctors explain things in a way you
could understand?
Communication with Doctors
During this hospital stay, how often
were your room and bathroom kept
Single Item Sub-Measure: Cleanliness
During this hospital stay, how often
were you able to get the rest you
Restfulness of Hospital Environment**•
During this hospital stay, how often
was the area around your room quiet at
Restfulness of Hospital Environment**•
During this hospital stay, did doctors,
nurses and other hospital staff help you
to rest and recover?
Restfulness of Hospital Environment**•
During this hospital stay, how often
were doctors, nurses and other hospital
staff informed and up-to-date about
your care?
Care Coordination**
During this hospital stay, how often
did doctors, nurses and other hospital
staff work well together to care for
Did doctors, nurses or other hospital
staff work with you and your family or
caregiver in making plans for your care
after you left the hospital?
Care Coordination**
How often did you get help in getting
to the bathroom or in using a bedpan as
soon as you wanted?
Responsiveness of Hospital Staff*
During this hospital stay, when you
asked for help right away, how often
did you get help as soon as you
Responsiveness of Hospital Staff*
Before giving you any new medicine,
how often did hospital staff tell you
what the medicine was for?
Communication About Medicines
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Communication with Doctors
Care Coordination**
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Before giving you any new medicine,
Communication About Medicines
how often did hospital staff describe
possible side effects in a way you
could understand?
Did doctors, nurses or other hospital
staff give your family or caregiver
enough information about what
symptoms or health problems to watch
for after you left the hospital?
Single Item Sub-Measure: Information about Symptoms**
During this hospital stay, did doctors,
nurses or other hospital staff talk with
you about whether you would have the
help you needed after you left the
Discharge Information
During this hospital stay, did you get
information in writing about what
symptoms or health problems to look
out for after you left the hospital?
Discharge Information
Using any number from Oto 10, where
0 is the worst hospital possible and 10
Single Item Sub-Measure: Rating
is the best hospital possible, what
number would you use to rate this
hospital during your stay?
Would you recommend this hospital to
your friends and family?
Single Item Sub-Measure: Recommend
*As described in section IX.B.2.e(4) of this proposed rule, the updates include removing one question and adding a new question
to the Responsiveness of Hospital Staff sub-measure.
** As described in section IX.B.2.b of this proposed rule, the updates include adding three new sub-measures: "Care
Coordination," "Restfulness of the Hospital Environment," and "Information about Symptoms."
• As described in section IX.B.2.e(2) of this proposed rule, the "Restfulness of Hospital Environment" sub-measure includes two
new questions and one existing question (Quietness). We note that the "Quietness" question itself would remain unchanged in
the updated HCAHPS Survey but would no longer be its own single-question sub-measure, and would instead be a question
within the new "Restfulness of Hospital Environment" multi-question sub-measure.
The HCAHPS Survey produces
systematic, standardized, and
comparable information about patients’
experience of hospital care and
promotes person-centered care. We have
identified that patient experience
measures, including the HCAHPS
Survey, are foundational metrics,
234 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(2023) Aligning Quality Measures Across CMS—the
Universal Foundation. Available at: https://
235 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.
(2024) CMS National Quality Strategy. Available at:
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incorporate their feedback as part of our
comprehensive approach to quality.
d. Pre-Rulemaking Process and Measure
(1) Recommendation From PreRulemaking and Measure Review
We refer readers to section IX.B.1.c of
the preamble of this proposed rule for
details on the Pre-Rulemaking Measure
Review (PRMR) process including the
voting procedures the PRMR process
uses to reach consensus on measure
recommendations. The PRMR Hospital
Committee, comprised of the PRMR
Hospital Advisory Group and PRMR
Hospital Recommendation Group,
reviewed the proposed updated version
of the HCAHPS Survey measure. The
PRMR Hospital Recommendation Group
reviewed the proposed updated
HCAHPS Survey measure (MUC2023–
146, 147, 148, 149) during a meeting on
January 18–19, 2024, to vote on a
recommendation with regard to use of
c. Measure Alignment to Strategy
known as the Universal Foundation of
quality measures. The Universal
Foundation is intended to focus
provider attention, reduce burden,
identify disparities in care, prioritize
development of interoperable, digital
quality measures, allow for crosscomparisons across programs, and help
identify measurement gaps.234 One of
the goals of the National Quality
Strategy 235 is to foster engagement and
to bring the voices of patients to the
forefront. As part of fostering
engagement, we believe it is critical to
hear the voices of individuals by
obtaining feedback directly from
patients on hospital performance and to
We refer hospitals and HCAHPS
Survey vendors to the official HCAHPS
website at https:// for information
regarding the HCAHPS Survey, its
administration, oversight, and data
adjustments. Detailed information on
current HCAHPS Survey data collection
protocols can be found in the HCAHPS
Quality Assurance Guidelines, located
quality-assurance/. The Quality
Assurance Guidelines for the proposed
updated HCAHPS Survey measure will
be available in May 2024 at the official
HCAHPS website.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
this measure for the PCHQR, Hospital
IQR, and Hospital VBP Programs.
The PRMR Hospital Recommendation
Group reached consensus for each of the
three programs. For each program, they
recommended the updates to the
HCAHPS Survey measure with
conditions.236 The voting results of the
PRMR Hospital Recommendation Group
for the proposed updates to the
HCAHPS Survey within the Hospital
IQR Program were: nine members of the
group recommended adopting the
updates without conditions; eight
members recommended adoption with
conditions; and two committee
members voted not to recommend the
updates for adoption. Taken together,
89.5 percent of the votes were between
‘‘recommend’’ and ‘‘recommend with
conditions.’’ Thus, the committee
reached consensus and recommended
the updates to the HCAHPS Survey
measure within the Hospital IQR
Program with conditions.
The voting results of the PRMR
Hospital Recommendation Group for the
proposed updates to the HCAHPS
Survey within the Hospital VBP
Program were: ten members of the group
recommended adopting the updates
without conditions; seven members
recommended adoption with
conditions; and two committee
members voted not to recommend the
updates for adoption. Taken together,
89.5 percent of the votes were between
‘‘recommend’’ and ‘‘recommend with
conditions.’’ Thus, the committee
reached consensus and recommended
the updates to the HCAHPS Survey
measure within the Hospital VBP
Program with conditions.
The voting results of the PRMR
Hospital Recommendation Group for the
proposed updates to the HCAHPS
Survey within the PCHQR Program
were: eleven members of the group
recommended adopting the updates
without conditions; six members
recommended adoption with
conditions; and two committee
members voted not to recommend the
updates for adoption. Taken together,
89.5 percent of the votes were between
‘‘recommend’’ and ‘‘recommend with
conditions.’’ Thus, the committee
reached consensus and recommended
the updates to the HCAHPS Survey
measure within the PCHQR Program
with conditions.
The conditions that the committee
recommended for all three programs
were: CBE endorsement; consideration
should be given to not extending the
survey length and removal of
overlapping items; use of adaptive
questions in computerized
administration to minimize items; and
use of a mechanism to monitor trends in
performance data over time.
We have taken these conditions into
account and are proposing to adopt the
updated HCAHPS Survey measure in all
three programs in a manner that
addresses the conditions raised by the
committee. As noted in section IX.B.2.b
of the preamble of this proposed rule
and in response to the committee’s
condition that consideration be given to
not extending the survey length, we
note that the updated HCAHPS Survey
measure would result in only an
additional 45 seconds to complete the
survey. We have estimated that the total
time required to complete the 32question survey is, on average, eight
minutes. Additionally, in response to
the committee’s condition that
consideration be given to removing
overlapping items, we note that similar
or overlapping questions were identified
and considered for removal during the
development and testing of the updated
HCAHPS Survey measure, as described
further in section IX.B.2.b of the
preamble of this proposed rule. By
developing items with patients’ and
caregivers’ input and then empirically
testing the new questions, we have
ensured that the questions proposed in
the updated HCAHPS Survey add
unique, non-redundant information
about key aspects of patient experience
of care.237 The committee also raised the
condition that the survey use adaptive
questions in computerized
administration to minimize items.
However, we note that adaptive
questions in computerized
administration would be infeasible in
the mail mode of the HCAHPS Survey.
Since all modes of survey
administration that are available for the
updated HCAHPS Survey (Mail Only,
Phone Only, Mail-Phone, Web-Mail,
Web-Phone, and Web-Mail-Phone) must
be parallel, adaptive questions in
computerized modes would not be
appropriate for this measure at this
time. We will take this feedback into
consideration for any future potential
changes to survey administration. In
response to the committee’s condition
that a mechanism to monitor trends in
performance data over time be used, we
236 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (2024). Pre-Rulemaking Measure
Review Measures Under Consideration 2023
Recommendations Report. Available at: https://
237 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (2023). 2023 Pre-Rulemaking
Measure Review (PRMR) Preliminary Assessment
Report: Hospital Committee. Available at: https://
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note that as part of administering each
of these quality programs, we regularly
monitor and evaluate hospitals’
performance data trends. We would
continually monitor these trends in
performance with the updated HCAHPS
Survey. We address the committee’s
condition of CBE endorsement in the
following section.
(2) Measure Endorsement
We refer readers to section IX.B.1.c of
the preamble of this proposed rule for
details on the endorsement and
maintenance (E&M) process including
the measure evaluation procedures the
CBE’s E&M Committees use to evaluate
measures and whether they meet
endorsement criteria. The HCAHPS
Survey was first endorsed in 2005 by
the former CBE, the National Quality
Forum. The former CBE renewed its
endorsement of the current HCAHPS
Survey in 2009, 2015, and 2019. The
current HCAHPS Survey measure was
most recently submitted to the CBE for
maintenance endorsement review in the
Spring 2019 cycle (CBE #0166) and was
endorsed on October 25, 2019.238 We
note that the HCAHPS Survey measure
remains an endorsed measure, and we
intend to submit the updated HCAHPS
Survey to the current CBE for
endorsement in Fall 2025. Section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(IX)(bb) of the Act
states that in the case of a specified area
or medical topic determined appropriate
by the Secretary for which a feasible and
practical measure has not been endorsed
by the entity with a contract under
section 1890(a) of the Act, the Secretary
may specify a measure that is not
endorsed as long as due consideration is
given to measures that have been
endorsed or adopted by a consensus
organization identified by the Secretary.
We have determined that the updates to
the HCAHPS Survey measure are
appropriately specified. The HCAHPS
Survey measure remains endorsed, and
the updated survey only modifies some
of the questions and sub-measures
within the survey. The HCAHPS Survey
is designed to produce standardized
information about patients’ perspectives
of care that allow objective and
meaningful comparisons of hospitals on
topics that are important to consumers,
and these updates will improve the
feedback we receive directly from
patients on hospital performance.
Therefore, we have determined it would
be appropriate to propose to adopt these
238 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer
Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems)
Survey. Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
updates to the measure before the
updates receive CBE endorsement.
e. Proposal To Modify the HCAHPS
Survey Measure for the Hospital IQR
Program Beginning With the CY 2025
Reporting Period/FY 2027 Payment
Determination and the PCHQR Program
Beginning With the CY 2025 Reporting
Period/FY 2027 Program Year
We are proposing to update the
current HCAHPS Survey measure in the
Hospital IQR and PCHQR Programs by
adding three new sub-measures:
• ‘‘Care Coordination’’ sub-measure
• ‘‘Restfulness of Hospital
Environment’’ sub-measure
• ‘‘Information About Symptoms’’ submeasure
The updates also remove the existing
‘‘Care Transition’’ sub-measure and
modify the existing ‘‘Responsiveness of
Hospital Staff’’ sub-measure. The new
‘‘Care Coordination’’ sub-measure
encompasses and broadens the current
‘‘Care Transition’’ sub-measure and the
new questions in the ‘‘Care
Coordination’’ sub-measure are more
congruent with the other survey
questions. The updated measure
replaces one of the two survey questions
in the current ‘‘Responsiveness of
Hospital Staff’’ sub-measure with a new
survey question that strengthens this
sub-measure. The proposed updates to
the HCAHPS Survey measure are
detailed in section IX.B.2.b of the
preamble of this proposed rule and we
refer readers to the HCAHPS website at for
further details.
We propose that the updated
HCAHPS Survey measure would be
implemented in the Hospital IQR and
PCHQR Programs beginning with
patients discharged on January 1, 2025.
Reporting of responses from the updated
HCAHPS Survey measure for patients
discharged between January 1, 2025 and
December 31, 2025 would be used for
the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
payment determination for the Hospital
IQR Program and for the CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 program year
for the PCHQR Program. HCAHPS
Survey sub-measures are publicly
reported on a CMS website quarterly on
a rolling basis, with the oldest quarter
of data rolled off, and the most recent
quarter rolled on with each refresh. As
such, there would be a period during
which some quarters of reporting data
come from the current version of the
HCAHPS Survey measure, and others
come from the updated HCAHPS Survey
measure. Through this time period,
publicly reported HCAHPS Survey data
for the Hospital IQR and PCHQR
Programs would consist only of data
from the eight unchanged sub-measures
in the current HCAHPS Survey. When
four quarters of the updated HCAHPS
Survey data have been submitted,
public reporting would reflect all of the
modifications in the updated HCAHPS
Survey measure. The proposed public
reporting timeline of the updates to the
HCAHPS Survey for the Hospital IQR
and PCHQR Programs can be found in
Table IX.B.2–02.
April 2025
03 2023 - 02 2024
10 sub-measures in the current HCAHPS Survey
July 2025
04 2023 - 03 2024
10 sub-measures in the current HCAHPS Survey
October 2025
01 2024 - 04 2024
10 sub-measures in the current HCAHPS Survey
January 2026
Q2 2024 - Ql 2025
8 unchanged sub-measures in the current HCAHPS Survey*
April 2026
Q3 2024 - Q2 2025
8 unchanged sub-measures in the current HCAHPS Survey*
Q4 2024 - Q3 2025
8 unchanged sub-measures in the current HCAHPS Survey*
October 2026
Ql 2025 - Q4 2025
11 sub-measures in the updated HCAHPS Survey**
January 2027
Q2 2025 - Ql 2026
11 sub-measures in the updated HCAHPS Survey
April 2027
03 2025- Q2 2026
11 sub-measures in the updated HCAHPS Survey
Q4 2025 - Q3 2026
11 sub-measures in the updated HCAHPS Survey
October 2027
01 2026 - Q4 2026
11 sub-measures in the updated HCAHPS Survey***
• We note that for the PCHQR Program, the HCAHPS Survey data are displayed on the Provider Data Catalog (PDC), while the
HCAHPS Survey data for the Hospital IQR Program are displayed on Care Compare and in the PDC.
• Survey questions that comprise eight sub-measures on the current HCAHPS Survey would remain unchanged on the updated
HCAHPS Survey. These sub-measures would continue to be publicly reported for the Hospital IQR and PCHQR Programs:
"Communication with Nurses," "Communication with Doctors," "Communication about Medicines," "Discharge Information,"
"Overall Rating," "Recommend Hospital," "Cleanliness," and "Quietness."
** First public reporting date that !here would be four quarters of data available for the proposed updated HCAHPS Survey data
for public reporting under the Hospital lQR and PCllQR Programs.
*** The proposed updated HCAHPS Survey data ,.,.ill have been publicly reported for one full year.
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Table IX.B.2-02 Hospital IQR and PCHQR Programs Public Reporting Timeline for the Current and Proposed Updated Version of the
HCAHPS Survey Measure
Public Reporting Date
Quarters of Data Publicly
Publicly Reported Sub-Measures
10 sub-measures in the current HCAHPS Survey
January 2025
02 2023 - 01 2024
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(1) Addition of the Care Coordination
Sub-Measure in the Proposed Updated
HCAHPS Survey Measure
The ‘‘Care Coordination’’ sub-measure
is a newly developed multi-question
sub-measure and is composed of three
new survey questions that ask patients
how often hospital staff were informed
and up-to-date about the patient’s care,
how often hospital staff worked well
together to care for the patient, and
whether hospital staff worked with the
patient and family or caregiver in
making plans for the patient’s care posthospitalization. The new questions
address aspects of hospital care
identified by patients participating in
focus groups as important to measuring
the quality of hospital care. Cognitive
testing demonstrated the new questions
were accurately and consistently
interpreted. The ‘‘Care Coordination’’
sub-measure was shown to have good
measurement properties (hospital-level
reliability is 0.792 and Cronbach’s alpha
is 0.765) and construct validity in the
2021 mode experiment.239 This submeasure would fill a gap of furthering
coordination efforts within the hospital
setting and support our goals of
including measures related to seamless
care coordination and person-centered
care. Across multiple focus groups,
patients indicated that how well
doctors, nurses, and other staff work
together or as a team in caring for a
patient was the most important
information to have to understand what
their care would be like in one hospital
versus another.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(2) Addition of the Restfulness of
Hospital Environment Sub-Measure in
the Proposed Updated HCAHPS Survey
The Restfulness of Hospital
Environment—Hospital Patient submeasure would fill a gap related to
providing a restful and healing
environment within the hospital setting
and support our goal of including
measures related to person-centered
care. The ‘‘Restfulness’’ sub-measure is
a newly developed multi-question submeasure comprised of three survey
questions: two new questions that ask
how often patients were able to get the
rest they needed, and whether hospital
staff helped the patient to rest and
recover, and one current survey
question that asks how often the area
around the patient’s room was quiet at
239 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (2023). 2023 Pre-Rulemaking
Measure Review (PRMR) Preliminary Assessment
Report: Hospital Committee. Available at: https://
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night (‘‘Quietness’’). Cognitive testing
demonstrated the new questions were
accurately and consistently interpreted.
The 2021 mode experiment established
that the ‘‘Restfulness’’ sub-measure has
good measurement properties (hospitallevel reliability is 0.870 and Cronbach’s
alpha is 0.735) and construct validity.240
The existing ‘‘Quietness’’ sub-measure
is currently a stand-alone question in
the HCAHPS Survey. The updates to the
HCAHPS Survey would move the standalone ‘‘Quietness’’ sub-measure into the
new Restfulness of Hospital
Environment sub-measure. In the
proposed updated version of the
HCAHPS Survey measure, the
‘‘Quietness’’ question itself would not
change and would continue to be
publicly reported.
(3) Addition of the Information About
Symptoms Sub-Measure in the Proposed
Updated HCAHPS Survey Measure
The ‘‘Information About Symptoms’’
sub-measure is a newly developed
single-question sub-measure that would
fill a gap of providing instructions and
information for family and caregivers to
take care of patients after discharge and
supports our goal of including measures
related to person-centered care. The
new question captures an aspect of
hospital care identified by patients
participating in focus groups as
important, and cognitive testing
demonstrated the question was
accurately and consistently interpreted.
The sub-measure is a stand-alone
question that asks the patient whether
doctors, nurses, or other hospital staff
gave the patient’s family or caregiver
enough information about symptoms or
health problems to watch out for after
the patient left the hospital. The submeasure has good hospital levelreliability (0.729) at the expected
average number of completed surveys
per hospital.241
(4) Modification of the Responsiveness
of Hospital Staff Sub-Measure in the
Proposed Updated HCAHPS Survey
The revisions to the ‘‘Responsiveness
of Hospital Staff’’ sub-measure would
entail adding one new survey question
to this sub-measure and removing one
240 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (2023). 2023 Pre-Rulemaking
Measure Review (PRMR) Preliminary Assessment
Report: Hospital Committee. Available at: https://
241 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (2023). 2023 Pre-Rulemaking
Measure Review (PRMR) Preliminary Assessment
Report: Hospital Committee. Available at: https://
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current survey question from this submeasure. The current survey question
that would be removed from the
‘‘Responsiveness of Hospital Staff’’ submeasure is the ‘‘Call Button’’ question.
Input from hospitals indicated that call
buttons have largely been replaced by
other mechanisms (such as a direct
phone line), and qualitative testing
demonstrated that the new question
captures all modes of requesting help.
The 2021 mode experiment established
that the modified ‘‘Responsiveness of
Hospital Staff’’ sub-measure has good
measurement properties (hospital-level
reliability is 0.786 and Cronbach’s alpha
is 0.749) and construct validity.242
Having patients report their experience
of the responsiveness of hospital staff
highlights an important aspect of
hospital care from the patient’s
perspective about getting help for one’s
needs during a hospital stay, which is
a component of person-centered care.
These modifications to the
‘‘Responsiveness of Hospital Staff’’ submeasure would fill a gap related to the
care by nursing and other staff within
the hospital setting and support our
goals of including measures assessing
person-centered care and the quality of
hospital staff. The revised
‘‘Responsiveness of Hospital Staff’’ submeasure would be comprised of two
survey questions: one current survey
question that asks how often patients
received help in getting to the bathroom
or in using a bedpan as soon as they
wanted, and one new survey question
that asks how often patients got help as
soon as they needed it when they asked
for help right away.
(5) Removal of the Care Transition SubMeasure in the Proposed Updated
HCAHPS Survey Measure
In the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (77 FR 53513 through 53516), we
added the three-question ‘‘Care
Transition’’ sub-measure (CTM–3) to the
HCAHPS Survey in the Hospital IQR
Program. We finalized the addition of
the HCAHPS Survey, including the
CTM–3 sub-measure, for the PCHQR
Program in the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (78 FR 50844 through 50845).
The updates to the HCAHPS Survey
measure would remove this threequestion sub-measure from the HCAHPS
Survey measure and replace it with a
new ‘‘Care Coordination’’ sub-measure,
which would encompass and broaden
the current ‘‘Care Transition’’ sub242 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (2023). 2023 Pre-Rulemaking
Measure Review (PRMR) Preliminary Assessment
Report: Hospital Committee. Available at: https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
measure and is more congruent with the
other questions in the HCAHPS Survey
in terms of question form and response
options. For these reasons, the updated
version of the HCAHPS Survey measure
removes the ‘‘Care Transition’’ submeasure.
We invite public comment on the
proposed adoption of the updated
HCAHPS Survey measure for the
Hospital IQR Program beginning with
the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
payment determination and the PCHQR
Program beginning with the CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 program year.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(6) Modification to the ‘‘About You’’
Section for the Hospital IQR, PCHQR,
and Hospital VBP Programs
The ‘‘About You’’ questions are used
either for patient-mix adjustment or for
Congressionally-mandated reports.
The proposed changes to the ‘‘About
You’’ section of the updated HCAHPS
Survey would be:
• replacing the existing ‘Emergency
Room Admission’ question with a new,
‘Hospital Stay Planned in Advance’
• reducing the number of response
options for the existing ‘Language
Spoken at Home’ question;
• alphabetizing the response options
for the existing ethnicity question; and
• alphabetizing the response options
for the existing race question.
We note that to achieve the goal of fair
comparisons across all hospitals that
participate in HCAHPS Survey, it is
necessary to adjust for factors that are
not directly related to hospital
performance but do affect how patients
answer HCAHPS Survey questions. To
ensure that differences in HCAHPS
Survey results reflect differences in
hospital quality only, HCAHPS Survey
results are adjusted for patient-mix and
mode of survey administration. Only the
adjusted results are publicly reported
and considered the official results.
Information about the HCAHPS Survey
patient-mix adjustment can be found at: We do not collect or
adjust for patients’ socioeconomic
status, however, the HCAHPS Survey
patient-mix adjustment does include
patients’ highest level of education,
which can be related to socioeconomic
status. Several questions on the
HCAHPS Survey, as well as information
drawn from hospital administrative
data, are used for the patient-mix
adjustment. The questions in the
‘‘About You’’ section of the survey that
are used in patient-mix adjustment are:
• In general, how would you rate
your overall health?
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• In general, how would you rate
your overall mental or emotional
• What is the highest grade or level of
school that you have completed?
• What language do you mainly speak
at home?
Administrative data provided by
hospitals are also used in patient-mix
adjustment, including patient’s age, sex,
and service line. Lag time, which is the
number of days between a patient’s
discharge from the hospital and the
return of the mail survey, or the final
disposition of the telephone or
interactive voice recognition (IVR)
survey, is also used in patient-mix
Neither patient race nor ethnicity is
used to adjust HCAHPS Survey results;
these questions are included on the
survey to support Congressionallymandated reports. The adjustment
model also addresses the effects of nonresponse bias. More information about
the patient-mix adjustment coefficients
for publicly reported HCAHPS Survey
measure results can be found under
‘‘Mode and Patient-Mix Adjustment’’ at:
The current ‘‘About You’’ survey
question that asks whether the patient
was admitted to the hospital through the
Emergency Room would be replaced
with a new question that asks whether
this hospital stay was planned in
advance. ‘‘Hospital stay planned in
advance’’ is being proposed for possible
use as a patient-mix adjuster to
distinguish between planned and
unplanned stays. Cognitive testing
indicated that ‘‘Hospital stay planned in
advance’’ is better understood as
intended than the current admission
through the emergency room question.
Unplanned stays are not within the
hospital’s control but can result in
worse patient experiences than hospital
stays that had been planned.
Accounting for these differences in this
preadmission characteristic allows for
fairer comparisons of hospital
To make survey administration more
efficient and reduce respondent burden,
especially in the telephone mode of
survey administration, we are proposing
that the response options for the
‘Language Spoken at Home’ question
would be changed to: ‘‘English,’’
‘‘Spanish,’’ ‘‘Chinese,’’ or ‘‘Some other
language.’’ English, Spanish, and
Chinese account for 98.2% of all
HCAHPS Survey responses. The
243 Elliott, M.N., Zaslavsky, A.M., Goldstein, E. et
al. (2009) Effects of Survey Mode, Patient Mix, and
Nonresponse on CAHPS Hospital Survey Scores.’’
Health Services Research. 44: 501–518. https://
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response options for the two race/
ethnicity questions would be
alphabetized to correspond to current
best survey practices.
These proposed modifications would
not be included in public reporting of
the HCAHPS Survey and would not
affect scoring under the Hospital VBP
Program, but the ‘Hospital Stay Planned
in Advance’ question would be
employed in the patient-mix adjustment
of survey responses.
We are proposing to implement these
changes along with the proposed
updated version of the HCAHPS Survey
measure for the Hospital IQR, PCHQR,
and Hospital VBP Programs described in
the sections above.
f. Proposed Modifications to Scoring of
the HCAHPS Survey for the Hospital
VBP Program for the FY 2027 Through
FY 2029 Program Years
(1) Background
As discussed above, we are proposing
to adopt an updated version of the
HCAHPS Survey measure so that IPPS
hospitals and PCHs can report patient
responses to the updated survey for
purposes of the Hospital IQR Program
and PCHQR Program, respectively,
beginning with January 1, 2025
discharges. Although we are also
proposing to adopt the updated version
of the HCAHPS Survey measure for
purposes of the Hospital VBP Program
in section IX.B.2.g of the preamble of
this proposed rule, section
1886(o)(2)(C)(i) precludes us from doing
so until we have specified the updates
under the Hospital IQR Program and
included them on Care Compare for at
least one year prior to the beginning of
the performance period for such fiscal
year. For this reason, we are proposing
to adopt the updated version of the
HCAHPS Survey measure beginning
with the FY 2030 program year in the
Hospital VBP Program. However, in
order to relieve hospitals of the burden
of having to use two different versions
of the survey between FY 2027 and FY
2029, we are proposing that hospitals
would be able to administer the updated
version of the survey starting with
January 1, 2025 discharges, and for the
purposes of the Hospital VBP Program,
we would only score hospitals on the
six dimensions of the HCAHPS Survey
that would remain unchanged from the
current version of the survey.
(2) Proposed Scoring Modification of the
HCAHPS Survey for the Hospital VBP
Program for the FY 2027 Through FY
2029 Program Years
We are proposing to modify scoring to
not include the ‘‘Responsiveness of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Hospital Staff’’ and ‘‘Care Transition’’
dimensions from scoring in the Hospital
VBP Program’s HCAHPS Survey
measure in the Person and Community
Engagement domain for the FY 2027
through FY 2029 program years. As
noted above, we must collect and
publicly report four quarters of data on
the updated HCAHPS Survey measure
before the updates could be adopted
into the Hospital VBP Program. As
described in section IX.B.2.g(2) of the
preamble of this proposed rule, the
updates to the ‘‘Responsiveness of
Hospital Staff’’ dimension would be
adopted in the Hospital VBP Program
beginning with the FY 2030 program
year along with the rest of the updates
to the survey after the statutory
requirements of section 1886(o)(2)(C)(i)
of the Act have been met. As described
in section IX.B.2.g(3), scoring on the
updated ‘‘Responsiveness of Hospital
Staff’’ dimension would begin with the
FY 2030 program year. In addition, the
‘‘Care Transition’’ dimension in the
current version of the survey would be
removed permanently in the proposed
updated HCAHPS Survey measure
beginning with the FY 2030 program
year. Until these updates can be adopted
in the Hospital VBP Program beginning
in FY 2030, we are proposing to exclude
these dimensions from scoring for the
FY 2027 through FY 2029 program
With the proposal to not score the
‘‘Care Transition’’ and ‘‘Responsiveness
of Hospital Staff’’ dimensions in the
Person and Community Engagement
domain for the FY 2027 through FY
2029 program years, only six
dimensions would continue to be used
in the Hospital VBP Program for FY
2027, FY 2028, and FY 2029. By
excluding these two dimensions from
scoring within the Hospital VBP
Program for the FY 2027 through FY
2029 program years, hospitals can
continue to be scored on the remaining
unchanged dimensions of the current
HCAHPS Survey measure until the
proposed updated HCAHPS Survey
measure could be adopted for use in the
Hospital VBP Program beginning in FY
We are proposing to score hospitals
only on these six dimensions because
we cannot score hospitals on any of the
new or updated dimensions associated
with the updated HCAHPS Survey
measure until they have been adopted
and reported in the Hospital IQR
Program for one year prior to the
beginning of the first performance
period of their use in the Hospital VBP
Program. These six unchanged
dimensions of the HCAHPS Survey
would be:
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• ‘‘Communication with Nurses,’’
• ‘‘Communication with Doctors,’’
• ‘‘Communication about
• ‘‘Discharge Information,’’
• ‘‘Cleanliness and Quietness,’’ and
• ‘‘Overall Rating.’’
We are proposing to modify the
scoring such that for each of these six
dimensions, Achievement Points (0–10
points) and Improvement Points (0–9
points) would be calculated, the larger
of which would be summed across these
six dimensions to create a prenormalized HCAHPS Base Score of 0–60
points (as compared to 0–80 points with
the current eight dimensions). The prenormalized HCAHPS Base Score would
then be multiplied by 8⁄6 (1.3333333)
and then rounded according to standard
rules (values of 0.5 and higher are
rounded up, values below 0.5 are
rounded down) to create the normalized
HCAHPS Base Score. Each of the six
unchanged dimensions would be of
equal weight, so that, as currently
scored, the normalized HCAHPS Base
Score would range from 0 to 80 points.
HCAHPS Consistency Points would be
calculated using our current
methodology and would continue to
range from 0 to 20 points. Like the Base
Score, the Consistency Points Score
would only consider scores across the
remaining six unchanged dimensions of
the Person and Community Engagement
domain. The final element of the scoring
formula, which would remain
unchanged from the current formula,
would be the sum of the HCAHPS Base
Score and the HCAHPS Consistency
Points Score for a total score that ranges
from 0 to 100 points. In the FY 2015
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 50065)
and the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (80 FR 49565), we adopted a similar
modified scoring methodology when the
Care Transition sub-measure was added
to the current HCAHPS Survey in the
Hospital VBP Program.
This proposed scoring modification
would ensure that hospitals could
continue to receive scores on the
dimensions of the HCAHPS Survey that
would remain unchanged in the current
survey and would provide a period of
transition until the Hospital VBP
Program could adopt the updates to the
survey. The updated version of the
HCAHPS Survey measure would be
adopted in the Hospital IQR and PCHQR
Programs beginning with January 1,
2025 discharges, however, those
updated sub-measures would not be
scored as dimensions for the Hospital
VBP Program until the FY 2030 program
year. We reiterate that hospitals will
only have to circulate one version of the
HCAHPS Survey at a time.
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We invite public comment on this
proposal to modify scoring on the
HCAHPS Survey measure in the
Hospital VBP Program for the FY 2027
through FY 2029 program years to only
score on the six dimensions discussed
g. Proposed Adoption of the Updated
HCAHPS Survey Measure and
Associated Scoring Modifications in the
Hospital VBP Program Beginning With
the FY 2030 Program Year
(1) Background
As described in section IX.B.2.e of the
proposed rule, the modifications to the
proposed updated version of the
HCAHPS Survey measure include
adding three new sub-measures, ‘‘Care
Coordination,’’ ‘‘Restfulness of Hospital
Environment,’’ and ‘‘Information About
Symptoms’’ to the survey. As noted
above, the updates also include
removing the existing ‘‘Care Transition’’
sub-measure and modifying the existing
‘‘Responsiveness of Hospital Staff’’ submeasure. In the Hospital VBP Program
beginning with the FY 2030 program
year, we are proposing to adopt the
updated HCAHPS Survey measure, and
we are therefore also proposing
additional scoring modifications. This
timeline would allow for the updated
HCAHPS Survey measure to be adopted
and publicly reported under the
Hospital IQR Program for one year, as
statutorily mandated. We describe the
proposed adoption of these updates and
scoring modifications in the following
(2) Proposed Adoption of the Updated
HCAHPS Survey Measure in the
Hospital VBP Program Beginning With
the FY 2030 Program Year
We are proposing to adopt the
updated HCAHPS Survey measure in
the Hospital VBP Program beginning
with the FY 2030 program year to align
with the adoption of the updated
HCAHPS Survey measure that we are
proposing to adopt in the Hospital IQR
Program, as described in section
IX.B.2.e of the preamble of this
proposed rule. Under this proposal, the
updated HCAHPS Survey measure will
have been publicly reported for one year
in the Hospital IQR Program prior to the
beginning of the performance period for
the HCAHPS Survey measure in the
Hospital VBP Program for the FY 2030
program year, which consists of a
performance period of CY 2028 and a
baseline period of CY 2026.
We note that the number and content
of dimensions from the proposed
updated HCAHPS Survey in the Person
and Community Engagement Domain in
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
the Hospital VBP Program in FY 2030
differs slightly from the number and
content of the sub-measures in the
Hospital IQR and PCHQR Programs.
Namely, the ‘‘Cleanliness’’ and
‘‘Information about Symptoms’’ submeasures are single-item sub-measures
in the proposed updated HCAHPS
Survey measure in the Hospital IQR and
PCHQR Programs but they would be
combined into one dimension in the
proposed adoption of the updated
HCAHPS Survey measure beginning
with the FY 2030 Hospital VBP program
The proposed dimensions in the
Person and Community Engagement
Domain in the Hospital VBP Program
beginning with the FY 2030 program
year are:
• ‘‘Communication with Nurses,’’
• ‘‘Communication with Doctors,’’
• ‘‘Responsiveness of Hospital Staff,’’
• ‘‘Communication about
• ‘‘Cleanliness and Information About
• ‘‘Discharge Information,’’
• ‘‘Overall Rating of Hospital,’’
• ‘‘Care Coordination,’’ and
• ‘‘Restfulness of Hospital
We refer readers to Table IX.B.2–03
for the timelines for the current and
newly proposed HCAHPS Survey
dimensions for the Hospital VBP
In the proposed updated HCAHPS
Survey measure, the ‘‘Care Transition’’
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dimension is removed. The new ‘‘Care
Coordination’’ dimension and the new
‘‘Information about Symptoms’’
question, which is included in the
proposed new ‘‘Cleanliness and
Information about Symptoms’’
dimension, encompass a broader
depiction of person-centered care than
does the ‘‘Care Transition’’ dimension.
The proposed updated HCAHPS Survey
measure includes the new ‘‘Care
Coordination’’ dimension, the new
‘‘Restfulness of the Hospital
Environment’’ dimension, and the new
‘‘Cleanliness and Information about
Symptoms’’ dimension. We propose to
begin using these three new dimensions
in the Hospital VBP Program beginning
with the FY 2030 program year. As
noted in section IX.B.2.e(1) of the
preamble of this proposed rule, the
‘‘Care Coordination’’ dimension would
further coordination efforts within the
hospital setting and support our goals of
including measures related to seamless
care coordination and person-centered
care. Additionally, the new ‘‘Restfulness
of the Hospital Environment’’
dimension is comprised of three survey
questions: two new questions that ask
how often patients were able to get the
rest they needed, and whether hospital
staff helped the patient to rest and
recover, and one current survey
question that asks how often the area
around the patient’s room was quiet at
night (‘‘Quietness’’).
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The proposed updated version of the
HCAHPS Survey measure further
modifies the current ‘‘Cleanliness and
Quietness’’ dimension in two ways. In
the FY 2030 program, the ‘‘Quietness’’
question would be removed from the
‘‘Cleanliness and Quietness’’ dimension
and would instead be included in the
new ‘‘Restfulness of Hospital
Environment’’ dimension; however, the
‘‘Quietness’’ question itself would
remain unchanged on the updated
HCAHPS Survey. Additionally, in the
FY 2030 program year, we propose to
modify the ‘‘Cleanliness and Quietness’’
dimension to be called the ‘‘Cleanliness
and Information About Symptoms’’
dimension, which would include the
existing ‘‘Cleanliness’’ question and the
new ‘‘Information About Symptoms’’
question from the updated HCAHPS
Survey. The newly developed
‘‘Information About Symptoms’’
question asks the patient whether
doctors, nurses, or other hospital staff
gave the patient’s family or caregiver
enough information about symptoms or
health problems to watch out for after
the patient left the hospital.
We refer readers to section IX.B.2.b of
the preamble of this proposed rule
where we further describe the updates
included in the updated HCAHPS
Survey measure and to Table IX.B.2–03
for the timelines for the current and
newly proposed HCAHPS Survey
dimensions for the Hospital VBP
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Communication with
Communication with
Responsiveness of
Hospital Staff
Communication about
Oeanliness and Quietness
of Hospital Environment
Discharge Information
Overall Rating of
Care Transition
FY 2025 Program
FY 2030 Program
Newly Proposed
Updated HCAHPS
Current HCAHPS Sm-vey
Newly Proposed Transition Peliod
CY 2019 Baseline CY 2022 Baseline CY 2023 Baseline CY 2024 Baseline
CY 2025 Reporting
CY 2026 Reporting
CY 2027 Performance CY 2028 Performance
Performance Period Performance Period Performance Period Performance Period
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
FY 2028 Program
FY 2029 Program
CY 2019 Baseline CY 2022 Baseline CY 2023 Baseline CY 2024 Baseline
CY 2025 Baseline
CY 2026 Baseline
CY 2027 Performance CY 2028 Performance
Performance Period Performance Period Performance Period Performance Period
CY 2019 Baseline CY 2022 Baseline
Perfonnance Period Performance Period
CY 2026 Baseline
CY 2028 Performance
CY 2019 Baseline CY 2022 Baseline CY 2023 Baseline CY 2024 Baseline
CY 2025 Baseline
CY 2026 Baseline
CY 2027 Performance CY 2028 Performance
Performance Period Performance Period Performance Period Performance Period
CY 2019 Baseline CY 2022 Baseline CY 2023 Baseline CY 2024 Baseline
CY 2025 Baseline
CY 2027 Performance
Performance Period Performance Period Performance Period Performance Period
CY 2019 Baseline CY 2022 Baseline
Performance Period Performance Period
CY 2019 Baseline CY 2022 Baseline
Performance Period Performance Period
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CY 2023 Baseline CY 2024 Baseline
CY 2025 Baseline
CY 2026 Baseline
CY 2027 Performance CY 2028 Performance
Performance Period Performance Period
CY 2023 Baseline CY 2024 Baseline
CY 2025 Baseline
CY 2026 Baseline
CY 2027 Performance CY 2028 Performance
Performance Period Performance Period
CY 2019 Baseline CY 2022 Baseline
Performance Period Performance Period
Care Coordination
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Restfulness of Hospital
CY 2028 Performance
CY 2026 Baseline
CY 2028 Performance
CY 2026 Baseline
CY 2028 Performance
*In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized that these baseline periods would be January 1, 2019, through December 31, 2019
(87 FR 49111 through 49113).
** In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are proposing to not score the "Responsiveness of Hospital Staff" dimension for the FY
2027 through FY 2029 program years, and to score an updated version of this dimension beginning with the FY 2030 program year.
***In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are proposing to stop scoring on the "Cleanliness and Quietness of Hospital
Environment" dimension beginning with the FY 2030 program year to align with the updates to the HCAHPS Survey that would move the
"Quietness" question into the "Restfulness of Hospital Environment" dimension and would combine the "Cleanliness" question with the
"Information about Symptoms" question to create the new, "Cleanliness and Information about Symptoms" dimension in the Hospital VBP
# In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are proposing to remove the "Care Transition" dimension from scoring in the Hospital VBP
Program beginning with the FY 2027 program year.
♦ In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are proposing to begin scoring on three new dimensions, "Care Coordination," "Restfulness
of Hospital Environment," and "Cleanliness and Information about Symptoms" in the Hospital VBP Program beginning with the FY 2030
program year.
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We invite public comment on the
proposal to adopt the updated HCAHPS
Survey measure in the Hospital VBP
Program beginning With the FY 2030
program year.
(3) Proposal To Modify Scoring of the
HCAHPS Survey in the Hospital VBP
Program Beginning With the FY 2030
Program Year
We are also proposing to adopt a new
scoring methodology beginning with the
FY 2030 program year. For each of the
nine dimensions, Achievement Points
(0–10 points) and Improvement Points
(0–9 points) would be calculated, the
larger of which would be summed
across the nine dimensions to create a
pre-normalized HCAHPS Base Score of
0–90 points (as compared to 0–80 points
with the current eight dimensions). The
pre-normalized HCAHPS Base Score
would then be multiplied by 8⁄9
(0.88888889) and rounded according to
standard rules (values of 0.5 and higher
are rounded up, values below 0.5 are
rounded down) to create the normalized
HCAHPS Base Score. Each of the nine
dimensions would be of equal weight,
so that, as currently scored, the
normalized HCAHPS Base Score would
range from 0 to 80 points. HCAHPS
Consistency Points would then be
calculated in the same manner as with
the original HCAHPS Survey in the
Hospital VBP Program and would
continue to range from 0 to 20 points.
Like the Base Score, the Consistency
Points Score would consider scores
across all nine of the Person and
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Community Engagement domain
dimensions. The final element of the
scoring formula, which would remain
unchanged from the current formula in
the Hospital VBP Program, would be the
sum of the HCAHPS Base Score and the
HCAHPS Consistency Points Score for a
total score that ranges from 0 to 100
points, as before. In the FY 2015 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 50065) and
the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(80 FR 49565), we adopted a similar
scoring methodology when the Care
Transition dimension was added to the
Person and Community Engagement
domain in the Hospital VBP Program.
Additionally, we note that in the
scoring of the current HCAHPS Survey
measure in the Hospital VBP Program,
the ‘‘Cleanliness and Quietness’’
dimension is the average of the publicly
reported stand-alone ‘‘Cleanliness’’ and
‘‘Quietness’’ questions. As previously
noted, the proposed adoption of the
updated HCAHPS Survey measure
would result in ‘‘Quietness’’ being
removed from this dimension and
included as a question in the new
‘‘Restfulness of the Hospital
Environment’’ dimension, and
‘‘Cleanliness’’ would be combined with
the new ‘‘Information about
Symptoms.’’ Therefore, ‘‘Quietness’’
would be scored as part of the
‘‘Restfulness of the Hospital
Environment’’ dimension in
conjunction with the other questions
under that dimension. For the proposed
‘‘Cleanliness and Information about
Symptoms’’ dimension, we would take
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the average of the stand-alone
‘‘Cleanliness’’ and ‘‘Information about
Symptoms’’ questions to obtain a score
for the ‘‘Cleanliness and Information
about Symptoms’’ dimension. For the
purposes of the Hospital VBP Program,
we are proposing these two questions be
combined so as not to put more weight
on these single-question dimensions
compared to the rest of the HCAHPS
Survey dimensions, which are multiquestion dimensions (with the
exception of Overall Rating). If these
dimensions, ‘‘Cleanliness’’ and
‘‘Information About Symptoms,’’ were
separated, ‘‘Cleanliness,’’ for example,
as a single-question dimension, would
receive as much weight as the
‘‘Communication with Nurses’’
dimension, which includes three
questions. Therefore, the combined
‘‘Cleanliness and Information about
Symptoms’’ dimension would be a twoquestion dimension that is more
comparable to the other HCAHPS
Survey dimensions in the Person and
Community Engagement domain.
We invite public comment on this
proposal to modify scoring of the
HCAHPS Survey in the Hospital VBP
Program beginning with the FY 2030
program year to account for the
adoption of the updated HCAHPS
Survey measure.
3. Advancing Patient Safety and
Outcomes Across the Hospital Quality
Programs—Request for Comment
The Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program was implemented to reduce
Cleanliness and
Information about
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
excess readmissions effective for
discharges from applicable hospitals
beginning on or after October 1, 2012.
The program uses six claims-based
measures to track unplanned inpatient
admissions within 30 days following
discharge. Using the data collected from
these measures, we have observed that
since the inception of the program,
inpatient readmission rates for the
conditions and procedures included in
the program have gone down.244
However, studies have found a
concurrent increase in patients who,
after being discharged from an inpatient
stay, visit the emergency department
(ED) or receive observation services as
an outpatient.245 246 247 248 249 As a result,
we are concerned that our hospital
quality reporting and value-based
purchasing programs may not be
adequately incentivizing hospitals to
improve quality of care by accounting
for more types of post-discharge events,
such as a return to the ED or the receipt
of observation services.
From a patient perspective,
unexpectedly returning to any acute
care setting, including the ED, or
receiving observation services after
being discharged from an inpatient
hospital stay,250 is an undesirable
244 Medicare Hospital Quality Chartbook.
National Rates over Time. Available at: https://
national-rates-over-time. Accessed March 12, 2024.
245 Nuckols TK, Fingar KR, Barrett ML, et al.
Returns to Emergency Department, Observation, or
Inpatient Care Within 30 Days After Hospitalization
in 4 States, 2009 and 2010 Versus 2013 and 2014.
J Hosp Med. 2018;13(5):296–303.
246 Shammas NW, Kelly R, Lemke J, et al.
Assessment of Time to Hospital Encounter after an
Initial Hospitalization for Heart Failure: Results
from a Tertiary Medical Center. Cardiol Res Pract.
2018; 2018:6087367.
247 Sabbatini AK, Joynt-Maddox KE, Liao JM, et
al. Accounting for the growth of observation stays
in the assessment of Medicare’s hospital
readmissions reduction program. JAMA Netw
Open. 2022;5(11):e2242587.
248 Sabbatini AK, Wright B. Excluding
observation stays from readmission rates—what
quality measures are missing. New Engl J Med.
249 Wadhera RK, Joynt Maddox KE, Kazi DS, Shen
C, Yeh RW. Hospital revisits within 30 days after
discharge for medical conditions targeted by the
Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program in the
United States: national retrospective analysis. BMJ.
2019;366: l4563.
250 Observation care is a well-defined set of
specific, clinically appropriate services, which
include ongoing short-term treatment, assessment,
and reassessment before a decision can be made
regarding whether patients will require further
treatment as hospital inpatients or if they are able
to be discharged from the hospital. Observation
services are commonly ordered for patients who
present to the emergency department and who then
require a significant period of treatment or
monitoring in order to make a decision concerning
their admission or discharge. See additional
explanation here:
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outcome of care. Patients who are
discharged from an inpatient stay but
then make an unplanned return to the
hospital may incur higher healthcare
costs than those that do not return to the
hospital setting due to potential out-ofpocket charges for the unplanned
follow-up care. Research has found that
the median out-of-pocket cost of
observation services received by
Medicare beneficiaries as outpatients
was $448.94, with low-income
beneficiaries being more likely to report
being concerned about costs of followup care, as compared to higher income
beneficiaries, and limiting health care
utilization that could otherwise be
deemed essential in response to higher
out-of-pocket costs.251
While these unplanned returns to the
hospital impose significant burden on
patients, such visits can often be
avoided with greater attention to care
coordination.252 This coordination can
include addressing barriers such as poor
health literacy or social determinants of
health that complicate a patient’s ability
to follow post-discharge instructions,
fill prescriptions, or alert hospital staff
to new symptoms.253 For example, in
one study, nurses implemented
evidence-based practices for transition
care, including engaging in patient
education, providing clear postdischarge instructions, and following up
with patients via phone calls. The study
found that 9.4 percent of patients who
received such intervention were
readmitted 30 days after discharge,
compared to an 18.8 percent
readmission rate among patients not
receiving such interventions. Similarly,
19.8 percent of patients receiving
evidence-based transitional care were
readmitted within 90 days after
discharge, compared to 31.5 percent
among patients in the usual care
group.254 These findings indicate that
251 Goldstein, J.N., Schwartz, J.S., McGraw, P. et
al. ‘‘Implications of cost-sharing for observation
care among Medicare beneficiaries: a pilot survey’’.
BMC Health Serv Res 19, 149 (2019). https://
252 Kripalani S, Theobald CN, Anctil B,
Vasilevskis EE. Reducing hospital readmission
rates: current strategies and future directions. Annu
Rev Med. 2014;65:471–85. doi: 10.1146/annurevmed-022613–090415. Epub 2013 Oct 21.
253 Hoyer EH, Brotman DJ, Apfel A, Leung C,
Boonyasai RT, Richardson M, Lepley D,
Deutschendorf A. Improving Outcomes After
Hospitalization: A Prospective Observational
Multicenter Evaluation of Care Coordination
Strategies for Reducing 30-Day Readmissions to
Maryland Hospitals. J Gen Intern Med. 2018 May;
33(5): 621–627. Published online 2017 Nov 27. doi:
254 Kripalani S, Chen G, Ciampa P, Theobald C,
Cao A, McBride M, Dittus RS, Speroff T. A
Transition Care Coordinator Model Reduces
Hospital Readmissions and Costs. Contemp Clin
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supporting patients’ discharges by
proactively addressing potential barriers
is effective in reducing unplanned
Therefore, we are seeking ways to
build on current measures in several
quality reporting programs that account
for unplanned patient hospital visits to
encourage hospitals to improve
discharge processes. Current measures
include three Excess Days in Acute Care
(EDAC) measures currently in the
Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
(IQR) Program, which estimate days
spent in acute care within 30 days post
discharge from an inpatient
hospitalization for a principal diagnosis
of the measure’s specified condition.
The acute care outcomes include ED
visits, receipt of observation services,
and unplanned readmissions.255 The
measures are:
• Excess Days in Acute Care (EDAC)
after Hospitalization for Acute
Myocardial Infarction (AMI), adopted in
the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
beginning with the FY 2018 payment
determination (80 FR 49680 through
• Excess Days in Acute Care (EDAC)
after Hospitalization for Heart Failure
(HF), adopted in the FY 2016 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule beginning with the
FY 2018 payment determination (80 FR
49682 through 49690); and
• Excess Days in Acute Care (EDAC)
after Hospitalization for Pneumonia,
adopted in the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule beginning with the FY 2019
payment determination (81 FR 57142
through 57148).
Another existing measure that CMS
uses to assess unplanned hospital
returns is the Hospital Visits After
Hospital Outpatient Surgery measure.
We adopted this measure into the
Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting
(OQR) Program in the CY 2017 OPPS/
ASC final rule beginning with the CY
2020 reporting period (81 FR 79764
through 79771) and the Rural
Emergency Hospital Quality Reporting
(REHQR) Program in the CY 2024 OPPS/
ASC final rule beginning with the CY
2024 reporting period (88 FR 82064
through 82066). This measure’s outcome
includes any unplanned hospital visits
(ED visits, receipt of observation
services, or unplanned inpatient
admissions) within seven days of
outpatient surgery. The measure
calculates facility-level measure scores
based on the ratio of predicted to
Trials. 2019 Jun; 81: 55–61. Published online 2019
Apr 25. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2019.04.014.
255 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 MUC List. Available at: https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
expected number of post-surgical
hospital visits. By publicly reporting
these scores, the measure encourages
providers to engage in quality
improvement activities to reduce
unplanned follow-up visits (81 FR
While our hospital quality reporting
and value-based purchasing programs
currently encourage hospitals to address
concerns about unplanned returns
through several existing measures, we
recognize that these measures, taken
together, do not comprehensively
capture unplanned patient returns to
inpatient or outpatient care after
discharge. The EDAC measures
currently in the Hospital IQR Program
only cover patients with a primary
discharge of AMI, HF, or Pneumonia.
Meanwhile, the Hospital Visits After
Hospital Outpatient Surgery measure
only covers patients discharged from
outpatient surgeries. Furthermore, since
both the Hospital IQR and Hospital OQR
Programs are quality reporting
programs, a hospital’s performance on
these measures is not tied to payment
Therefore, we invite public comment
on how these programs could further
encourage hospitals to improve
discharge processes, such as by
introducing measures currently in
quality reporting programs into valuebased purchasing to link outcomes to
payment incentives. We are specifically
interested in input on adopting
measures which better represent the
range of outcomes of interest to patients,
including unplanned returns to the ED
and receipt of observation services
within 30 days of a patient’s discharge
from an inpatient stay.
We invite public comment on this
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C. Requirements for and Changes to the
Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
(IQR) Program
1. Background and History of the
Hospital IQR Program
Through the Hospital IQR Program,
we strive to ensure that patients, along
with their clinicians, can use
information from meaningful quality
measures to make better decisions about
their healthcare. We support technology
that reduces burden and allows
clinicians to focus on providing highquality healthcare for their patients. We
also support innovative approaches to
improve quality, accessibility,
affordability, and equity of care while
paying particular attention to improving
clinicians’ and beneficiaries’
experiences when interacting with the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
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Services (CMS) programs. In
combination with other efforts across
the Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS), the Hospital IQR
Program incentivizes hospitals to
improve healthcare quality and value,
while giving patients the tools and
information needed to make the best
decisions for themselves.
We seek to promote higher quality,
equitable, and more efficient healthcare
for Medicare beneficiaries. The adoption
of widely agreed upon quality and cost
measures supports this effort. We work
with relevant interested parties to define
measures in almost every care setting
and currently measure some aspects of
care for almost all Medicare
beneficiaries. These measures assess
clinical processes and outcomes, patient
safety and adverse events, patient
experiences with care, care
coordination, and cost of care. We have
implemented quality measure reporting
programs for multiple settings of care.
To measure the quality of hospital
inpatient services, we implemented the
Hospital IQR Program. We refer readers
to the following final rules for detailed
discussions of the history of the
Hospital IQR Program, including
statutory history, and for the measures
we have previously adopted for the
Hospital IQR Program measure set:
• The FY 2010 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (74 FR 43860 through 43861);
• The FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (75 FR 50180 through 50181);
• The FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (76 FR 51605 through 61653);
• The FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (77 FR 53503 through 53555);
• The FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (78 FR 50775 through 50837);
• The FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (79 FR 50217 through 50249);
• The FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (80 FR 49660 through 49692);
• The FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (81 FR 57148 through 57150);
• The FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (82 FR 38326 through 38328 and 82
FR 38348);
• The FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (83 FR 41538 through 41609);
• The FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42448 through 42509);
• The FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58926 through 58959);
• The FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45360 through 45426);
• The FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 49190 through 49310); and
• The FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 59144 through 59203).
We also refer readers to 42 CFR
412.140 for Hospital IQR Program
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2. Retention of Previously Adopted
Hospital IQR Program Measures for
Subsequent Payment Determinations
We refer readers to 42 CFR
412.140(g)(1) for our finalized measure
retention policy. We first adopted these
policies in the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (77 FR 53512 through 53513)
and codified them in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59174
through 59175). Pursuant to this policy,
when we adopt measures for the
Hospital IQR Program beginning with a
particular payment determination, we
automatically readopt these measures
for all subsequent payment
determinations unless a different or
more limited period is proposed and
finalized. Measures are also retained
unless we propose to remove, suspend,
or replace the measures.
We are not proposing any changes to
these policies in this proposed rule.
3. Removal of and Removal Factors for
Hospital IQR Program Measures
We refer readers to 42 CFR
412.140(g)(2) and (3) for the Hospital
IQR Program’s policy regarding the
factors CMS considers when removing
measures from the program. We first
adopted these factors in the FY 2019
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41540
through 41544) and codified them in the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88
FR 59174 through 59175). We are not
proposing any changes to these policies
in this proposed rule.
4. Considerations in Expanding and
Updating Quality Measures
We refer readers to the FY 2013 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53510
through 53512) for a discussion of the
previous considerations we have used to
expand and update quality measures
under the Hospital IQR Program. We are
not proposing any changes to these
policies in this proposed rule. We also
refer readers to the CMS National
Quality Strategy that we launched in
2022, with the aims of promoting the
highest quality outcomes and safest care
for all individuals.256
To comply with statutory
requirements that the Secretary of HHS
make publicly available certain quality
and efficiency measures that the
Secretary is considering for adoption
through rulemaking under Medicare,257
the Consensus-Based Entity (CBE),
currently Battelle, convenes the
256 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2022). What is the National Quality Strategy?
Available at:
257 See section 1890A(a)(2) of the Social Security
Act (42 U.S.C. 1395aaa–1(a)(2)).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Partnership for Quality Measurement
(PQM), which is comprised of
clinicians, patients, measure experts,
and health information technology
specialists, to participate in the prerulemaking process and the measure
endorsement process. We refer readers
to the proposed Patient Safety Structural
measure in section IX.B.1.c. of this
proposed rule for more details on the
updated pre-rulemaking measure
reviews (PRMR) process, including
measure endorsement and maintenance
(E&M) process, for the purpose of
providing multi-interested party input
to the Secretary on the selection of
quality and efficiency measures under
consideration for use in certain
Medicare quality programs, including
the Hospital IQR Program.
5. Proposed New Measures for the
Hospital IQR Program Measure Set
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We are proposing to adopt seven new
measures: (1) Patient Safety Structural
measure beginning with the CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination; (2) Age Friendly
Hospital measure beginning with the CY
2025 reporting period/FY 2027
payment; (3) Catheter-Associated
Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)
Standardized Infection Ratio Stratified
for Oncology Locations measure
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beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination;
(4) Central Line-Associated Bloodstream
Infection (CLABSI) Standardized
Infection Ratio Stratified for Oncology
Locations measure beginning with the
CY 2026 reporting period/FY 2028
payment determination; (5) Hospital
Harm—Falls with Injury eCQM
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination;
(6) Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure eCQM beginning
with the CY 2026 reporting period/FY
2028 payment determination; and (7)
Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death
Rate among Surgical Inpatients with
Complications (Failure-to-Rescue)
measure beginning with the July 1,
2023–June 30, 2025 reporting period/FY
2027 payment determination. We
provide more details on these proposals
in the subsequent sections of the
preamble, and details on the proposal
for the Patient Safety Structural measure
are in section IX.B.1.
a. Proposal To Adopt the Age Friendly
Hospital Measure Beginning With the
CY 2025 Reporting Period/FY 2027
Payment Determination
(1) Background
The U.S. population is aging rapidly,
with nearly one in seven Americans at
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age 65 years or older in 2019.258 In the
next 10 years, one in five Americans is
estimated to be over 65 years old,
reaching 80.8 million by 2040.259 As the
population ages, care can become more
complex,260 with patients often
developing multiple chronic conditions
such as dementia, heart disease,
arthritis, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.261
These chronic conditions are among the
nation’s leading drivers of illness,
disability, and healthcare costs.262
258 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(September 2022). Promoting Health for Older
Adults. Retrieved from:
259 Vespa, J., Armstrong, D.M., & Medina, L. (Rev
Feb 2020). Demographic turning points for the
United States: Population projections for 2020 to
2060. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Commerce, Economics and Statistics
Administration, U.S. Census Bureau.
260 Quin
˜ ones, A.R., Markwardt, S., &
Botoseneanu, A. (2016). Multimorbidity
combinations and disability in older adults.
Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biomedical
Sciences and Medical Sciences, 71(6), 823–830.
261 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(September 2022). Promoting Health for Older
Adults. Retrieved from:
262 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
(September 2022). Promoting Health for Older
Adults. Retrieved from:
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Hospitals are increasingly faced with
treating older patients who have
complex medical, behavioral, and
psychosocial needs that are often
inadequately addressed by the current
healthcare infrastructure.263 The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention
(CDC), and other interested parties, have
estimated that over 60 percent of
Medicare beneficiaries have two or more
chronic conditions.264 265 To address the
challenges of delivering care to older
adults with multiple chronic conditions
from a hospital and health system
perspective, multiple organizations,
including American College of Surgeons
(ACS), the Institute for Healthcare
Improvement (IHI), and the American
College of Emergency Physicians,
collaborated to identify and establish
age-friendly initiatives based on
evidence-based best practices that
provide goal centered, clinically
effective care for older patients.266 267
These organizations define age-friendly
care as: (1) following an essential set of
evidence-based practices; (2) causing no
harm; and (3) aligning with ‘‘What
Matters’’ 268 to the older adult and their
family or other caregivers.269 Based on
these age-friendly initiatives and
definition, these organizations have
developed a framework comprised of a
set of four evidence-based elements of
263 Boyd, C., Smith, C.D., Masoudi, F.A., Blaum,
C.S., Dodson, J.A., Green, A.R., . . . & Tinetti, M.E.
(2019). Decision making for older adults with
multiple chronic conditions: executive summary for
the American Geriatrics Society guiding principles
on the care of older adults with multimorbidity.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 67(4),
264 Lochner KA, Cox CS. Prevalence of Multiple
Chronic Conditions Among Medicare Beneficiaries,
United States, 2010. Prev Chronic Dis
2013;10:120137. DOI:
265 Salive, M.E. (2013). Multimorbidity in older
adults. Epidemiologic reviews, 35(1), 75–83.
266 American Geriatrics Society Expert Panel on
the Care of Older Adults with Multimorbidity.
(2012). Guiding principles for the care of older
adults with multimorbidity: an approach for
clinicians. Journal of the American Geriatrics
Society, 60(10), E1–E25.
267 Boyd, C., Smith, C.D., Masoudi, F.A., Blaum,
C.S., Dodson, J.A., Green, A.R., . . . & Tinetti, M.E.
(2019). Decision making for older adults with
multiple chronic conditions: executive summary for
the American Geriatrics Society guiding principles
on the care of older adults with multimorbidity.
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 67(4),
268 Tinetti, M. (January 2019). [Blog] How
focusing on What Matters simplifies complex care
for older adults. Institute for Healthcare
Improvement. Available at:
269 Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2022).
Age-friendly health systems: Guide to using the
4Ms in the care of older adults in hospitals and
ambulatory practices. Available at: https://forms.
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high-quality care to older adults, called
the ‘‘4 Ms’’: What Matters, Medication,
Mentation, and Mobility.270 The
elements of the ‘‘4 Ms’’ help organize
care for older adults wellness regardless
of the number of chronic conditions, a
person’s culture, or their racial, ethnic,
or religious background.271
The collective evidence from these
age-friendly efforts demonstrates that
hospitals should prioritize patientcentered care for aging patient
populations with multiple chronic
conditions. With CMS being the largest
provider of healthcare coverage for the
65 years and older population,
proposing a quality measure aimed at
optimizing care for older patients, using
a holistic approach to better serve the
needs of this unique population, is
timely. Although existing quality
metrics have improved both the rate and
reporting of clinical outcomes that are
important to older individuals, these
measures can be narrow in scope and
may have limited long term
effectiveness due to ceiling effects. We
are therefore proposing to adopt an
attestation-based structural measure, the
Age Friendly Hospital measure, for the
Hospital IQR Program, beginning with
the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
payment determination. This structural
measure seeks to ensure that hospitals
are reliably implementing the ‘‘4 M’s’’,
and thus providing evidence-based
elements of high-quality care for all
older adults.272 The elements in the Age
Friendly Hospital measure align with
IHI’s and Hartford Foundation national
initiative for Age Friendly Systems in
which many hospitals already
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (88 FR 27103 through
27109) we solicited public comments
about the potential inclusion of two
geriatric care measures in the Hospital
IQR Program measure set. These two
potential geriatric care measures
focused on ensuring hospitals were
committed to implementing surgical,
and general hospital best practices, for
geriatric populations. Public
commenters were largely in support of
both geriatric care measures (88 FR
270 Ibid.
271 Ibid.
272 Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2022).
Age-friendly health systems: Guide to using the
4Ms in the care of older adults in hospitals and
ambulatory practices. Available at: https://
273 Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (2022).
Age-friendly health systems: Guide to using the
4Ms in the care of older adults in hospitals and
ambulatory practices. Available at: https://
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59185 through 59193) and stated that
measures focused on geriatric care
would help a rapidly aging population
with unique characteristics find the care
they need. The two potential measures,
Geriatric Hospital (MUC2022–112) and
Geriatric Surgical (MUC2022–032), were
included in the ‘‘2022 Measures Under
Consideration List’’ (MUC List) 274 and
received significant support from the
CBE, and it was recommended that the
two measures be combined into one.275
In response to CBE and public feedback,
we are proposing this streamlined and
combined version of the former two
measures (88 FR 59185 through 59193).
This structural measure applies a broad
scope of evidence-based best practices,
focused on goal centered, clinically
effective care for older patients in the
hospital inpatient setting.
We note that past comments have
reflected concerns regarding structural
measures because they do not explicitly
link to improved outcomes. This is
because there is no existing validation
process confirming the accuracy of
hospitals’ responses to these types of
measures. Despite this, structural
measures, over time and in select
circumstances, have certain advantages
over other types of measures. Structural
measures provide a way to address a
new topic for which no outcome
measure exists, such as the Age Friendly
Hospital measure, the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity measure
(87 FR 49191 through 49201), and the
Maternal Morbidity structural measure
(86 FR 45361 through 45365). In these
examples, structural measures set a new
expectation for the development of
evidence-based programs and processes
that will support improvements in these
high impact areas. In the future, these
structural measures can also be linked
to new outcome measures or included
in the Hospital Star Ratings Program.
(2) Overview of Measure
The Age Friendly Hospital measure
assesses hospital commitment to
improving care for patients 65 years or
older receiving services in the hospital,
operating room, or emergency
department. This measure consists of
five domains that address essential
aspects of clinical care for older
patients. Table IX.C.1 includes the five
274 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2022 MUC List. Available at: https://
275 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
MAP 2022–2023 Final Recommendations. Available
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
attestation domains and corresponding
attestation statements.
Domain 1: Eliciting Patient Healthcare Goals
This domain focuses on obtaining patient's
health related goals and treatment preferences
which will inform shared decision making and
goal concordant care.
Attestation Statements: Attest "yl!S" or "no" to each clemc:mt.
(Note: Affirmative attestation of all elements ·within a domain would be required for the hospital or health system to
receive a POint for that domain)
(A) Established protocols are in place to ensure patient goals related to healthcare (health goals, treatment goals,
li,.,ing wills, identification of healthcare proxies, advance care planning) are obtainedireviewed and documented in
the medical record. These goals are updated before major procedures and upon significant changes in clinical status.
Domain 2: Responsible Medication
This domain aims to optimize medication
management through monitoring ofthe
pharmacological record for drugs that may be
considered inappropriate in older adults due to
increased risk of harm.
(A) Medicati,ms are reviewed for the purpose of identifying potentially inappropriate medicali,ms (Pl Ms) for older
adults as dcfmcd by standard evidence-based guidelines, criteria, or protocols. Review should be undertaken upon
admission, before major procedures, and/or upon significant changes in clinical status. Once identified, PIMS should
he considered for discontinuation, andtor dose adjustment as indicated.
Domain 3: Frailty Screening and Intervention
This domain aims to screen patients for
geriattic issues related to frailty including
cognitive impairment/delirium, physical
function/mobility, and malnutrition for the
purpose of early detection and intervention
where appropriate.
(A) Patients are screened for risks regarding mentation, mobility, and malnntrition nsing validated instruments
ideally upon admission, before major procedures, and/or upon significant changes in clinical status.
(B) Positive S<--reens result in mm1agement plm1s including but not limited to minimizing delirium risks, encouraging
early mobility, and implementing nutrition plans where appropriate. These plans should be included in discharge
instructions and communicated to post-discharge facilities.
(C,) Data are collected on the rate of falls, decubitus ulcers, and 30-day readmission for patients> 65. These data are
stratified by demographic and/or social factors.
(D) Protocols exist to reduce the risk of emergency department delirinm by reducing length of emergency
department stay with a goal oftrnnsforring a targeted percentage of older patients out of the emergency department
within 8 hours of arrival and/or within 3 hours of the decision to admit.
(A) Olderadults are screened for geriatric specific social vulnerability including social isolation, economic
insecurity, limited access to healthcare, caregiver stress, and elder abuse to identify those who may benefit from care
plmi modification. The assessments are performed on admission and again prior to discharge.
(B) Positive screens for social vulnerability (including those that identify patients at risk of mistreatment) are
addressed through intervention strategies. These strategies should include appropriate referrals and resources for
patients upon discharge.
Domain 4: Social Vulnerability
This domain seeks to ensure that hospitals
recognize the importance of social
vulnernbilily screening of older adnlts and have
systems in place to ensure that social issues are
identified and addressed as part of the care
Domain 5: Age-Friendly Care Leadership
This domain seeks to ensure consistent quality
of care for older adults through the
idenlificalion of an age friendly champion
and/or intcrprofcssional committee tasked with
ensuring compliance with all components of
this measure.
(A) Our hospital designates a point person mid/or interprofessional committee to specifically ensure age friendly care
issues are prioritized, including those within this measure. This individual or committee oversees such things as
quality related to older patients, identifies opportunities to provide education to staft~ and updates hospital leadership
on needs related lo providing age friend!}' care.
(B) Our hospital compiles quality data related to the Age Friendly Hospital measure. These data arc stratified by
demographic and/or social factors and should be used to drive improvement cycles.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(3) Measure Alignment to Strategy
This measure aligns with our efforts
under the CMS National Quality
Strategy priority area of ‘‘Equity and
Engagement’’ that seeks to advance
equity and whole-person care as well as
to engage individuals and communities
to become partners in their care.276 This
measure additionally aligns with the
CMS National Quality Strategy priority
area of ‘‘Outcomes and Alignment’’ that
aims to improve quality and health
outcomes across the care journey
including the objective to improve
quality in high-priority clinical areas
and supportive services.277
276 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2023). CMS National Quality Strategy. Available at:
277 Ibid.
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The domains and attestation
statements in this measure span the
breadth of the clinical care pathway
and, together, provide a framework for
optimal care of the older adult patient.
More specifically, the domains focus on
patient goals, medication management,
frailty, social vulnerability, and
leadership/governance commitment.
This structural measure identifies the
best evidence-based practices for
hospital leadership, operations, and
high reliability across each domain,
particularly with the unavailability of
more direct metrics related to each of
the domains. In addition, this measure
complements current patient safety
reporting, supports hospitals in
improving the quality of care for a
complex patient population, and
furthers our commitment to advancing
health equity among the diverse older
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communities served by participants in
CMS programs.
(4) Pre-Rulemaking Process and
Measure Endorsement
(a) Recommendation From the PRMR
We refer readers to the proposed
Patient Safety Structural measure in
section IX.B.1.c. of the preamble of this
proposed rule for details on the PRMR
process including the voting procedures
used to reach consensus on measure
recommendations. The PRMR Hospital
Committee met on January 18–19, 2024,
to review measures included by the
Secretary on a publicly available ‘‘2023
Measures Under Consideration List’’
(MUC List),278 279 including the Age
278 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 1, 2023). 2023 Measures Under
Attestation Domains
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Friendly Hospital measure (MUC2023–
219), and to vote on a recommendation
with regard to use of this measure.
The PRMR Hospital Recommendation
Group for the Age Friendly Hospital
measure did not reach consensus and
did not recommend including this
measure in the Hospital IQR Program
either with or without conditions.
Eleven of the sixteen members of the
group recommended adopting the
measure into the Hospital IQR Program
without conditions; zero members
recommended adoption with
conditions; five committee members
voted not to recommend the measure for
adoption. No voting category reached 75
percent or greater, including the
combination of the recommend and the
recommend with conditions categories.
Thus, the committee did not reach
consensus and did not recommend
including this measure in the Hospital
IQR Program either with or without
Several PRMR Hospital Committee
members applauded the intent of this
measure and the push toward
transparency and consistency in
reporting, noting these types of
measures signal to hospital leadership
and governance the importance of
prioritizing initiatives and
implementing frameworks outlined in
the measure, highlighting how
important this specific measure is for
prioritizing improving care for older
patients.280 PRMR Hospital Committee
members also commented on the
measure’s flexibility regarding screening
tools noting it was not overly
prescriptive.281 Several PRMR Hospital
Committee members noted concerns
about structural measures in general and
whether they drive action.282
Specifically, PRMR Hospital Committee
members expressed concerns that the
measure domains were not tightly
scoped enough to drive discrete action.
We acknowledge the concerns identified
by the PRMR Hospital Committee
Consideration (MUC) List. Available at: https://
279 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 2023). Overview of the List of Measures
Under Consideration. Available at: https://
280 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). 2023 Final MUC
Recommendation Report. Available at: https://
281 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). 2023 Final MUC
Recommendation Report. Available at: https://
282 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). 2023 Final MUC
Recommendation Report. Available at: https://
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members. Nevertheless, we have
concluded that this measure does
support reliable practices that drive
change, transparent reporting, and
prioritization of resources to implement
these best practices. The measure was
developed from a large collaborative
that has evaluated the elements
incorporated into these domains across
many different geographic locations,
hospital sizes, and patient
demographics. We also refer readers to
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(88 FR 59186) where we discussed
previous CBE review of the Geriatric
Hospital and Geriatric Surgical
measures, which were combined by the
measure developer based on previous
CBE recommendations to create the Age
Friendly Hospital measure. As
previously discussed, this structural
measure plays a role in establishing the
foundation for health outcome quality
measures and that this particular
measure would support improvements
in quality of care in hospitals
participating in the Hospital IQR
Program by filling gaps in care
management for older adults.
(b) Measure Endorsement
The measure has not been submitted
for CBE endorsement at this time. We
are proposing in this preamble of this
proposed rule to adopt this measure into
the Hospital IQR Program despite the
measure not yet being endorsed by the
CBE. Although section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(IX)(aa) of the Act
requires that measures specified by the
Secretary for use in the Hospital IQR
Program be endorsed by the entity with
a contract under section 1890(a) of the
Act, section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(IX)(bb) of
the Act states that in the case of a
specified area or medical topic
determined appropriate by the Secretary
for which a feasible and practical
measure has not been endorsed by the
entity with a contract under section
1890(a) of the Act, the Secretary may
specify a measure that is not so
endorsed as long as due consideration is
given to measures that have been
endorsed or adopted by a consensus
organization identified by the Secretary.
During measure endorsement, the CBE
considers whether a measure ‘‘is
evidence-based, reliable, valid,
verifiable, relevant to enhanced health
outcomes, actionable at the caregiver
level, feasible to collect and report, and
responsive to variations in patient
characteristics, such as health status,
language capabilities, race or ethnicity,
and income level; and is consistent
across types of health care providers,
including hospitals and physicians
PO 00000
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(section 1890(b)(2)(A) and (B) of the
We reviewed CBE-endorsed measures
and were unable to identify any other
CBE-endorsed measures on this topic.
We are adopting this measure pursuant
to section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(IX)(bb) of
the Act. As previously discussed, we
have determined this an appropriate
topic for a measure to be adopted absent
endorsement because this measure is
important for establishing a foundation
for future health outcome measures and
that this measure provides a framework
of best practices for delivering care to
older adults with multiple chronic
conditions from a hospital and health
system perspective.
(5) Measure Calculation
The Age Friendly Hospital measure
consists of five domains, each
representing a separate domain
commitment. Hospitals or health
systems would need to evaluate and
determine whether they can
affirmatively attest to each domain,
some of which have multiple attestation
statements, for each hospital reported
under their CMS certification number
(CCN). For a hospital or a health system
to affirmatively attest to a domain, and
receive a point for that domain, a
hospital or health systems would
evaluate and determine whether it
engaged in each of the elements that
comprise the domain (see Table IX.C.1),
for a total of five possible points (one
point per domain).
A hospital or health system would not
be able to receive partial points for a
domain. For example, for Domain 3
(‘‘Frailty Screening and Intervention’’), a
hospital or health system would
evaluate and determine whether their
hospital or health system’s processes
meet each of the corresponding
attestation statements described in (A),
(B), (C), and (D) (see Table IX.C.1). If the
hospital or health system’s processes
meet all four attestation statements in
Domain 3, the hospital or health system
would receive a point for that domain.
However, if the hospital could only
affirmatively attest to (B) and (C), for
example, then no points could be
earned for Domain 3. We note that
because the Hospital IQR Program is a
pay-for-reporting program, hospitals
would receive credit for the reporting of
their measure results regardless of their
responses to the attestation questions.
For more details on the measure
specifications for the Hospital IQR
Program, we refer readers to the WebBased Data Collection tab under the
Hospital IQR Program measures page on
QualityNet at: https://qualitynet.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(or other successor CMS designated
(6) Data Submission and Reporting
Hospitals and/or health systems are
required to submit information for
structural measures once annually using
a CMS-approved web-based data
collection tool available within the
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR)
System. We are proposing the
mandatory reporting of this measure
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 payment determination.
We refer readers to section IX.C.9. of the
preamble of this proposed rule for more
details on our data submission and
deadline requirements for structural
measures. Specifications for the
measure will also be posted on the
QualityNet web page at: https://quality
#tab1 (or other successor CMS
designated websites).
We refer readers to section IX.C.9. of
this proposed rule for our previously
finalized structural measure reporting
and submission requirements. We invite
public comment on our proposal to
adopt the Age Friendly Hospital
measure beginning with CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 payment
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
b. Proposal To Adopt Two HealthcareAssociated Infection (HAI) Measures
Beginning With the CY 2026 Reporting
Period/FY 2028 Payment Determination
Healthcare-associated infections
(HAIs) are a major cause of illness and
death in hospitals, posing a significant
threat to patient safety. One in 31
hospital patients in the U.S. have a HAI
at any given time, totaling about 687,000
cases per year.283 The CDC estimated
that about 72,000 patients die from HAIs
per year.284 HAIs not only put patients
at risk, but also increase the
hospitalization days required for
patients and add considerably to
healthcare costs. The CDC estimates that
HAIs cost the U.S. healthcare system
$28.4 billion per year.285 Statistics on
preventability vary but suggest that 55–
70 percent of HAIs could be prevented
through practices including hand
hygiene, cleaning surfaces with an
appropriate antiseptic, and wearing
gowns and gloves.286
283 CDC.
(2023). HAI Data Portal. Available at:
284 Ibid.
285 CDC. (2021). Health Topics—Healthcareassociated Infections (HAI). Available at: https://
286 Bearman, G., Doll, M., Cooper, K. et al.
Hospital Infection Prevention: How Much Can We
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Given the high risk to patient safety,
we previously adopted the National
Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract
Infection (CAUTI) and NHSN Central
Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection
(CLABSI) measures in various quality
reporting programs that measure the
annual risk-adjusted standardized
infection ratio (SIR) among adult
inpatients. The measures were
originally introduced in the Hospital
IQR Program in the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (76 FR 51617 through
51618) and the FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (75 FR 50200 through 50202).
In the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, the CAUTI and CLABSI measures
were then moved into the HospitalAcquired Condition (HAC) Reduction
Program (78 FR 50717) and the Hospital
Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program
(78 FR 50681 through 50687). The
CAUTI and CLABSI measures used in
these programs include most major
inpatient care wards at acute care
hospitals, including inpatient
psychiatric facilities, hospice, inpatient
acute care facilities, and inpatient
rehabilitation facilities. However,
locations mapped as oncology wards
have not been included.
Patients with cancer are especially
vulnerable to developing HAIs.
Chemotherapy, a common treatment for
patients with cancer, can weaken
patients’ immune systems and leave
them vulnerable to opportunistic
infections.287 Cancer treatment may also
require major surgeries or invasive
devices, which can act as another vector
for infections.288 It is estimated that 10.5
percent of patients undergoing major
cancer surgery contract a HAI,
compared to only three percent of
patients undergoing elective
surgeries.289 Researchers from the same
study also found that patients
undergoing major cancer surgery who
contracted a HAI were significantly
Prevent and How Hard Should We Try? Curr Infect
Dis Rep 21, 2. (2019).
287 da Silva R, Casella T. (2022). Healthcareassociated infections in patients who are
immunosuppressed due to chemotherapy treatment:
a narrative review. J Infect Dev Ctries 16:1784–1795.
doi: 10.3855/jidc.16495.
288 Biscione A, Corrado G, Quagliozzi L, Federico
A, Franco R, Franza L, Tamburrini E, Spanu T,
Scambia G, Fagotti A. Healthcare associated
infections in gynecologic oncology: clinical and
economic impact. Int J Gingerol Cancer. 2023 Feb
6;33(2):278–284. doi: 10.1136/ijgc-2022–003847.
PMID: 36581487.
289 Sammon, J., Trinh, V.Q., Ravi, P., Sukumar, S.,
Gervais, M.-K., Shariat, S.F., Larouche, A., Tian, Z.,
Kim, S.P., Kowalczyk, K.J., Hu, J.C., Menon, M.,
Karakiewicz, P.I., Trinh, Q.-D. and Sun, M. (2013),
Health care-associated infections after major cancer
surgery. Cancer, 119: 2317–2324.
PO 00000
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more likely to die in the hospital than
patients who did not contract a HAI.290
In another study, researchers found that
developing a HAI was linked to higher
costs of care and longer lengths of stay
for patients with cancers of the lip, oral
cavity, and pharynx.291 Therefore in the
FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
beginning with the FY 2014 program
year, we adopted the CAUTI and
CLABSI measures in the PPS-Exempt
Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting
(PCHQR) Program (77 FR 53557 through
While many oncology services have
transitioned to outpatient settings, acute
care hospitals continue to specialize in
the treatment of certain types of patients
with cancer, for example, patients who
have received a hematopoietic stem cell
transplant and patients who have febrile
neutropenia.292 Based on an internal
CMS analysis, in 2019 there were
321,961 Medicare beneficiaries with a
primary diagnosis of cancer who
received some portion of their care in an
inpatient hospital setting. Within these
inpatient settings, the majority of
Medicare beneficiaries with a primary
diagnosis of cancer received their care at
National Cancer Institute (NCI)designated hospitals or other acute care
hospitals, while only about four percent
of Medicare beneficiaries received care
at PPS-exempt cancer hospitals (PCHs).
Additionally, based on internal CMS
analysis, a portion of these Medicare
beneficiaries who received care at a PCH
also received at least some of their
inpatient care at non-PCHs (NCIaffiliated or other hospitals).
The Biden-Harris administration’s
Cancer Moonshot Program has put a
renewed focus on improving outcomes
for patients with cancer.293 Under this
initiative, we seek to ensure that
patients with cancer treated at hospitals
reporting to the Hospital IQR Program
are able to benefit from public reporting
of hospital safety data and choose the
best provider for their needs. We are
proposing to adopt the CatheterAssociated Urinary Tract Infection
(CAUTI) Standardized Infection Ratio
Stratified for Oncology Locations and
the Central Line-Associated
Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI)
290 Ibid.
291 Sankaran SP, Villa A, Sonis S. Healthcareassociated infections among patients hospitalized
for cancers of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx.
Infect Prev Pract. 2021 Jan 13;3(1):100115. doi:
10.1016/j.infpip.2021.100115. PMID: 34368735;
PMCID: PMC8336044.
292 CDC. (2019). Basic Infection Control and
Prevention Plan for Outpatient Oncology Settings.
293 The White House. Cancer Moonshot. https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Standardized Infection Ratio Stratified
for Oncology Locations (hereinafter
referred to as the CAUTI-Onc measure
and CLABSI-Onc measure,
respectively), beginning with the CY
2026 reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination. These measures would
supplement, not duplicate, the existing
hospital CAUTI and CLABSI measures,
as the original hospital CAUTI and
CLABSI measures look at hospital
inpatients except for those in oncology
wards, and the CAUTI-Onc and
CLABSI-Onc measures look only at
patients in oncology wards. Our
proposals to adopt the CAUTI-Onc and
CLABSI-Onc measures are part of our
renewed effort to improve patient safety.
We refer readers to the proposal to
adopt the Patient Safety Structural
measure in section IX.B.1. for more
(1) Proposal To Adopt the CAUTI-Onc
Measure Beginning With the CY 2026
Reporting Period/FY 2028 Payment
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(a) Background
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a
common type of HAI and come with
many risks to patients. About 12–16
percent of adult patients in inpatient
hospitals will have a urinary catheter at
some point during their hospital stay,
and almost all healthcare associated
UTIs are introduced through
instrumentation in the urinary tract.294
Furthermore, each day the indwelling
urinary catheter remains, a patient has
between a three and seven percent
increased risk of acquiring a catheterassociated urinary tract infection.295
Based on data from the NHSN, the CDC
reported that among the 3,780 general
acute care hospitals that reported data
in 2022, there were 20,237 CAUTIs in
that year.296
CAUTIs can lead to many negative
consequences for patients including
cystitis, pyelonephritis, gram-negative
bacteremia, endocarditis, vertebral
osteomyelitis, septic arthritis,
endophthalmitis, and meningitis.297
Other consequences of CAUTIs include
prolonged hospital stays, higher
294 CDC. (2024). Urinary Tract Infection (CatheterAssociated Urinary Tract Infection [CAUTI] and
Non-Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection
[UTI]) Events. Available at:
295 Ibid.
296 CDC. (2022). Antibiotic Resistance & Patient
Safety Portal: Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract
Infections. Available at:
297 CDC. (2024). Urinary Tract Infection (CatheterAssociated Urinary Tract Infection [CAUTI] and
Non-Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection
[UTI]) Events. Available at:
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healthcare costs, and an increased
likelihood of mortality.298
However, CAUTIs can often be
prevented by following guidelines for
urinary catheter use, insertion, and
maintenance. At a large academic
hospital system, a study investigated the
effects of implementing a CAUTI
prevention bundle in the intensive care
unit (ICU). Prevention practices in this
bundle included reducing unnecessary
catheter use, following proper catheter
maintenance, and ordering a urine
culture only when warranted by a clear
indication. The research team also
updated the electronic health record
(EHR) system to support compliance
with these prevention guidelines.
Researchers found that the CAUTI rates
in the ICU decreased from 6.0 CAUTIs
per 1,000 urinary catheter days to 0.0.
The rest of the hospital then
implemented the CAUTI prevention
bundle, leading to a decrease in CAUTI
rates from 2.0 cases per 1,000 catheter
days to 0.6 cases per 1,000 catheter
In another study, nurses at a large
urban teaching hospital implemented
CAUTI prevention protocols, including
removing catheters from patients no
longer needing them and finding
alternatives to indwelling urinary
catheters. As a result of this initiative,
catheter days decreased by 11.8 percent
and CAUTI rates declined by 38
percent.300 More information on the
prevention of CAUTIs is available in the
CDC’s Guideline for Prevention of
Catheter-associated Urinary Tract
Infections, including recommendations
regarding who should receive a catheter,
catheter insertion, proper insertion
techniques, maintenance, quality
improvement, and surveillance.301
To encourage the use of best practices
for urinary catheters and reduce the
incidence of CAUTIs, we previously
adopted the CAUTI measure (CBE
#0138) to several quality reporting and
298 Ibid.
299 Sampathkumar, P., Barth, J. W., Johnson, M.,
Marosek, N., Johnson, M., Worden, W., Lembke, J.,
Twing, H., Buechler, T., Dhanorker, S., Keigley, D.,
& Thompson, R. (2016). Mayo Clinic Reduces
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections
Through a Bundled 6–C Approach. Joint
Commission journal on quality and patient safety,
42(6), 254–261.
300 Baker, Susan BSN, RN; Shiner, Darcy BSN,
RN; Stupak, Judy MSN, RN, CNRN; Cohen, Vicki
MSN, RN, CNRN; Stoner, Alexis BSN, RN.
Reduction of Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract
Infections: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Driving
Change. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly 45(4):p
290–299, October/December 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/
301 CDC. (2019). Guideline for Prevention of
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections.
Available at:
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value-based payment programs,
including the Hospital IQR, Hospital
VBP, and HAC Reduction Programs (76
FR 51617 through 51618, 78 FR 50681
through 50687, and 78 FR 50717,
respectively) as discussed earlier. We
adopted the measure as part of the HHS
Action Plan to Prevent HAIs, as this
measure was included among the
prevention metrics established in the
plan which is available at: https://
index.html. Eventually, in the FY 2019
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41547
through 41553), we removed the CAUTI
measure from the Hospital IQR Program
beginning with the CY 2019 reporting
period/FY 2021 payment determination
to streamline reporting through the HAC
Reduction Program.
As noted earlier, the CAUTI measure
used in the HAC Reduction and
Hospital VBP Programs does not include
inpatients in cancer wards. Because
patients with cancer are especially
vulnerable to developing HAIs like
CAUTIs,302 it is important to implement
quality reporting for patients with
cancer, as we have done in adopting the
CAUTI measure in the PCHQR Program.
Significant associations have been
found between UTIs and post-surgery
complications, longer hospitalizations,
and higher hospital costs among
patients with cancer 303 and postsurgery CAUTI incidence has been
found to be as high as 12.5 percent in
specific cancer populations.304
Therefore, it is important to address the
needs of this high-risk population and
adopt the CAUTI-Onc measure to the
Hospital IQR Program. The adoption of
this measure would also provide more
data to compare CAUTI rates between
PCHs and non-PCHs.
(b) Overview of Measure
We are proposing to adopt the CAUTIOnc measure for the Hospital IQR
Program beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination. The purpose of this
302 da Silva R, Casella T. (2022). Healthcareassociated infections in patients who are
immunosuppressed due to chemotherapy treatment:
a narrative review. J Infect Dev Ctries 16:1784–1795.
doi: 10.3855/jidc.16495.
303 Chan JY, Semenov YR, Gourin CG.
Postoperative urinary tract infection and short-term
outcomes and costs in head and neck cancer
surgery. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013
Apr;148(4):602–10. doi: 10.1177/
0194599812474595. Epub 2013 Jan 24. PMID:
304 Mercadel, A.J., Holloway, S.B., Saripella, M.,
& Lea, J.S. (2023). Risk factors for catheterassociated urinary tract infections following radical
hysterectomy for cervical cancer. American journal
of obstetrics and gynecology, 228(6), 718.e1–718.e7.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
measure is to encourage the use of best
practices for urinary catheters as set by
the CDC and to reduce the incidence of
CAUTIs for patients with cancer. To
report this measure, hospitals will need
to verify that all locations, including
those housing oncology patients, are
correctly mapped in NHSN.
Reducing CAUTI incidence through
the adoption of this measure could lead
to improved cancer patient outcomes,
including reduced morbidity and
mortality, less need for antimicrobials,
and reduced patient length of stays and
medical costs.305
(c) Measure Alignment to Strategy
The proposal to adopt the CAUTI-Onc
measure supports the CMS National
Quality Strategy priority area of ‘‘Safety
and Resiliency.’’ 306 Specifically, this
supports our safety goal to ‘‘achieve zero
preventable harm,’’ and to expand the
collection and use of safety indicator
data across programs for key areas to
improve tracking and show progress
toward reducing harm. The adoption of
this measure additionally supports the
‘‘Outcomes and Alignment’’ priority
area in the CMS National Quality
Strategy by collaborating with other
federal agencies, namely the CDC, to
promote alignment in quality
measurement and close the existing
reporting gap among vulnerable patients
with cancer in inpatient settings.307
This proposal to adopt the CAUTI-Onc
measure not only supports two of the
CMS National Quality Strategy priority
areas, it also supports the Biden-Harris
Administration’s Cancer Moonshot
program that aims to improve outcomes
for patients with cancer.
(d) Pre-Rulemaking Process and
Measure Endorsement
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(i) Recommendation From the PRMR
We refer readers to the proposed
Patient Safety Structural measure in
section IX.B.1.c. of the preamble of this
proposed rule for details on the PRMR
process, including the voting
procedures used to reach consensus on
measure recommendations. The PRMR
Hospital Committee met on January 18–
19, 2024, to review measures included
by the Secretary on a publicly available
‘‘2023 Measures Under Consideration
List’’ (MUC List), including the CAUTI305 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
306 CMS National Quality Strategy. (2023).
Available at:
307 Ibid.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Onc measure (MUC2023–220),308 309 and
to vote on a recommendation with
regard to use of this measure
recommendation with regard to use of
this measure.310
The PRMR Hospital Committee
reached consensus and recommended
including this measure in the Hospital
IQR Program with conditions. Fourteen
members of the group recommended
adopting the measure into the Hospital
IQR Program without conditions; four
members recommended adoption with
conditions; and one committee member
voted not to recommend the measure for
adoption. Taken together, 94.7 percent
of the votes recommended this measure
in the Hospital IQR Program with
Four members of the voting
committee recommended the adoption
of this measure into the Hospital IQR
Program with the first condition being
that CMS consider expanding the
reporting period. This would increase
the patient volume included in the
denominator and increase precision. We
have reviewed this recommendation
and concluded that expanding the
reporting period would result in a
critical loss in the ability to observe
changes in the SIR over time. Obscuring
any observable changes in the SIR
would degrade the measure’s ability to
assess prevention efforts and further
drive quality improvement. Therefore,
we are proposing this measure for
adoption without the modification
suggested by four committee members
in order to preserve the measure’s
ability to observe changes in the SIR
more quickly.
The second condition the PRMR
Hospital Committee recommended for
the Hospital IQR Program was that the
measure should evaluate data by
oncology unit type, such as hematologyoncology versus solid organ.312 We
308 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 1, 2023). 2023 Measures Under
Consideration (MUC) List. Available at: https://
309 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 2023). Overview of the List of Measures
Under Consideration. Available at: https://
310 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). 2023 PreRulemaking Measure Review (PRMR) Meeting
Summary: Hospital Committee. Available at:
311 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). 2023 Final MUC
Recommendation Report. Available at: https://
312 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). 2023 PreRulemaking Measure Review (PRMR) Meeting
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acknowledge this condition and may
consider it for future rulemaking. We
are proposing to adopt the CAUTI-Onc
measure in the Hospital IQR Program
having taken into consideration the
conditions raised by the PRMR Hospital
The measure received strong support
from the committee as it addresses an
important patient safety concern. During
the PRMR Hospital Committee’s
discussion, some expressed concern
about the burden of manual abstraction.
Others asked about the measure’s
validity, and whether the measure
should include risk adjustments when
HAIs are an issue across the board.
(ii) Measure Endorsement
We refer readers to the proposed
Patient Safety Structural measure in
section IX.B.1.c. of this proposed rule
for details on the E&M process
including the measure evaluation
procedures the E&M Committees use to
evaluate measures and whether they
meet endorsement criteria. The CAUTI
measure was most recently submitted to
the CBE for endorsement review in the
Spring 2019 cycle (CBE #0138) and was
endorsed on October 23, 2019.313 In the
submission of the CAUTI-Onc measures
to the 2023 MUC list, the CDC provided
additional oncology-only reliability
testing based on existing data submitted
to the CDC’s NHSN. Because the
CAUTI-Onc measure has the same
specifications as the CAUTI measure,
with the only difference being that it is
stratified for oncology locations,
additional endorsement of the oncology
specific locations is not necessary. The
calculations pertinent to those locations
are inherently part of the endorsement
performed for the CAUTI measure, and
the measure (i.e. numerator/
denominator) is endorsed across all
inpatient hospital settings, including
oncology locations. The calculation of
the SIR includes and accounts for the
location of the patient within the
facility. The CDC will incorporate
information on the stratification by
oncology patients during the regularly
scheduled measure maintenance reendorsement process.
(e) Measure Specifications
For this measure, the NHSN
calculates the quarterly risk-adjusted
SIR of CAUTIs among inpatients at
acute care hospitals who are in oncology
Summary: Hospital Committee. Available at:
313 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. NHSN Catheter-Associated Urinary
Tract Infection (CAUTI) Outcome Measure.
Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
wards.314 The CDC then calculates the
SIR using all four quarters of data from
the reporting period year, which CMS
uses for performance calculation and
public reporting purposes. The CDC
defines an oncology ward as an area for
the evaluation and treatment of patients
with cancer. For more details, we refer
readers to the CDC Locations and
Descriptions and Instructions for
Mapping Patient Care Locations
The numerator is the number of
annually observed CAUTIs among acute
care hospital inpatients in oncology
wards. The denominator is the number
of annually predicted CAUTIs among
acute care hospital inpatients in
oncology wards. By dividing the
number of observed CAUTIs by the
number of predicted CAUTIs, the SIR
compares the actual number of cases to
the expected number of cases. However,
this does not preclude SIRs from being
ranked. The SIR is calculated when
there is at least one predicted CAUTI, to
achieve a minimum level of
The measure requires a facility to
have at least one predicted CAUTI
before calculating the SIR because the
precision of a facility’s CAUTI rate can
vary, especially in low volume
hospitals. For this reason, the NHSN
calculates the SIR instead of reporting
the CAUTI rate directly. A facility’s SIR
is not meant to be compared directly to
that of another facility. Rather, the
primary role of the SIR is to compare a
facility’s CAUTI rate to the national rate
after adjusting for facility- and patientlevel risk factors.317
The numerator and denominator
exclude the following because they are
not considered indwelling catheters by
NHSN definitions: suprapubic catheters,
condom catheters, ‘‘in and out’’
catheters, and nephrostomy tubes. If a
patient has either a nephrostomy tube or
a suprapubic catheter and also has an
indwelling urinary catheter, the
indwelling urinary catheter will be
included in the CAUTI surveillance.318
314 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
315 CDC. (2023). CDC Locations and Descriptions
and Instructions for Mapping Patient Care
Locations. Available at:
316 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
317 CDC. (2022). NHSN SIR Guide. Available at:
318 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. NHSN Catheter-Associated Urinary
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The SIR also adjusts for various
facility and patient-level factors that
contribute to HAI risk within each
facility. For more information on the
risk adjustment methodology please
reference the CDC website at: https://
(f) Data Submission and Reporting
We are proposing to collect data for
the CAUTI-Onc measure via the NHSN,
consistent with the current approach for
HAI reporting for the HAC Reduction
and Hospital VBP Programs. The NHSN
is a secure, internet-based surveillance
system maintained and managed by the
CDC and provided free of charge to
providers. To report to the NHSN,
hospitals must first agree to the NHSN
Agreement to Participate and Consent
form, which specifies how NHSN data
will be used, including fulfilling CMS’s
quality measurement reporting
requirements for NHSN data.319
Beginning in 2012, hospitals
participating in the Hospital IQR
Program began reporting CAUTIs in all
adult, pediatric, and neonatal intensive
care locations followed by reporting all
adult and pediatric medical, surgical,
and medical/surgical wards in 2015
using NHSN. According to a 2022 CDC
report, 3,780 hospitals are reporting
CAUTI data to NHSN; of these, 478
hospitals reported CAUTI data from at
least one oncology location.320 We
anticipate that because most of the
hospitals which would begin to report
the CAUTI-Onc measure for the
Hospital IQR Program are already
reporting via NHSN for CAUTI in other
locations as well as other measures, they
have already set up an account.
Hospitals currently reporting CAUTI
must verify that locations housing
oncology patients are correctly mapped
as an oncology location based on
NHSN’s location mapping guidance for
accurate event location attribution.
Hospitals would report their data for
the CAUTI-Onc measure on a quarterly
basis for the purposes of Hospital IQR
Program requirements. Presently,
hospitals report CAUTI data to the
NHSN monthly and the SIR is
calculated on a quarterly basis. Under
the data submission and reporting
process, hospitals would collect the
Tract Infection (CAUTI) Outcome Measure.
Available at:
319 CDC. (2023). FAQs About NHSN Agreement to
Participate and Consent. Available at: https://
320 CDC. (2022). National and State Healthcareassociated Infections Progress Report. Available at:
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numerator and denominator for the
CAUTI-Onc measure each month and
submit the data to the NHSN. The data
from all 12 months would be calculated
into quarterly reporting periods which
would then be used to determine the
SIR for CMS performance calculation
and public reporting purposes. We refer
readers to the NHSN website for further
information about NHSN reporting
requirements. We refer readers to the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
59141) for information on data
submission and reporting requirements
for our most recent updates to data
submission and reporting requirements
for measures submitted via the CDC
We invite public comment on our
proposal to adopt the CAUTI-Onc
measure beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment
(2) Proposal To Adopt the CLABSI-Onc
Measure Beginning With the CY 2026
Reporting Period/FY 2028 Payment
(a) Background
Central venous catheters (CVCs) are a
crucial aspect of hospital care for
administering medications, fluids, and
nutrients to patients, as well as running
medical tests.321 However, they also
carry the risk of introducing infections,
referred to as central line-associated
bloodstream infections (CLABSIs).322
CLABSIs are a leading cause of HAIs
and are associated with increased
morbidity and mortality, prolonged
hospitalization, and increased costs.323
According to one study, the
development of bloodstream infections
(BSIs) after CVC insertion was
associated with longer hospital stays of
on average seven additional days and a
three times higher risk of death during
the patient’s hospital stay.324
Additionally, a single CLABSI episode
321 Medical News Today. (2023). What are central
venous catheters? Available at: https://
322 CDC. (2011). Central Line-associated
Bloodstream Infections: Resources for Patients and
Healthcare Providers. Available at: https://
323 Novosad, S.A., Fike, L., Dudeck, M.A., AllenBridson, K., Edwards, J.R., Edens, C., SinkowitzCochran, R., Powell, K., & Kuhar, D. (2020).
Pathogens causing central-line-associated
bloodstream infections in acute-care hospitalsUnited States, 2011–2017. Infection control and
hospital epidemiology, 41(3), 313–319. https://
324 Brunelli, S.M., Turenne, W., Sibbel, S., Hunt,
A., Pfaffle, A. (2016). Clinical and economic burden
of bloodstream infections in critical care patients
with central venous catheters. Journal of Critical
Care, 35, 69–74.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
costs hospitals an estimated $48,108 on
average.325 While the CLABSI SIR has
declined by 16 percent since 2015,
CLABSIs still remain prevalent.326
Based on data from the NHSN, the CDC
reported that among the 3,728 general
acute care hospitals that reported data
in 2022, there were 23,389 CLABSIs in
that year.327
In one study conducted on a group of
academic medical centers across a threeyear period, the overall CLABSI rate was
1.73 cases per 1,000 central-line days.328
Another study, retrospectively
conducted on patients with a CVC in
four U.S. hospitals within the same
health system, found that patients with
a CVC who developed a CLABSI had a
36.6 percent higher likelihood of
mortality, and 37 percent higher chance
of being readmitted compared to
patients who did not develop a CLABSI.
The study also found that the average
hospital length of stay in patients who
developed a CLABSI increased by two
days when compared to patients
without a CLABSI.329
Following evidence-based guidelines
when inserting and maintaining central
lines can help prevent the occurrence of
CLABSIs.330 Proper central line
insertion practices include applying
skin antiseptic, ensuring proper hand
hygiene, using sterile barrier
precautions, and ensuring the skin
preparation agent has dried completely
before insertion.331 One study of 30
long-term acute care hospitals found
that adoption of a catheter maintenance
bundle led to the CLABSI rate
decreasing by 29 percent.332 In another
325 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
(2017). Estimating the Additional Hospital Inpatient
Cost and Mortality Associated With Selected
Hospital-Acquired Conditions. Available at: https://
326 CDC. (2022). Antibiotic Resistance & Patient
Safety Portal: Central Line-Associated Bloodstream
Infections. Available at:
327 Ibid.
328 DiBiase, L., Summerlin-Long, S., Stancill, L.,
Vavalle, E., Teal, L., & Weber, D. (2023). Examining
CLABSI rates by central-line type. Antimicrobial
Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology, 3(S2),
S48–S49. doi:10.1017/ash.2023.288.
329 Chovanec, K., Arsene, C., Gomez, C., Brixey,
M., Tolles, D., Galliers, J. W., Kopaniasz, R., Bobash,
T., & Goodwin, L. (2021). Association of CLABSI
With Hospital Length of Stay, Readmission Rates,
and Mortality: A Retrospective Review. Worldviews
on evidence-based nursing, 18(6), 332–338. https://
330 Bell, T., & O’Grady, N. P. (2017). Prevention
of Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections.
Infectious disease clinics of North America, 31(3),
331 CDC. (2011). Central Line-associated
Bloodstream Infections: Resources for Patients and
Healthcare Providers. Available at: https://
332 Grigonis, A. M., Dawson, A. M., Burkett, M.,
Dylag, A., Sears, M., Helber, B., & Snyder, L. K.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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study, researchers implemented the
standard CDC bundle along with
additional measures in a large acute care
hospital. As a result, the CLABSI rate
decreased by 68 percent from 2013 to
2017.333 Despite a large body of
evidence indicating that adopting a
central line bundle decreases CLABSI
rates, adoption of these best practices
remains inconsistent. A systematic
review of the available literature on
hospital adherence to the CDC’s central
line bundle checklist found that none of
the medical facilities in the studies
followed all elements of the bundle, and
compliance rates remained low in
follow-up studies.334 For more
information on the standard CDC
bundle, we refer readers to the
Guidelines for the Prevention of
Intravascular Catheter-Related
To encourage adherence to best
practices for central line use and to
reduce the incidence of CLABSIs, we
previously adopted the CLABSI measure
(CBE #0139) to several quality reporting
and value-based payment programs,
including the Hospital IQR, Hospital
VBP, and HAC Reduction Programs (75
FR 50200 through 50202, 78 FR 50681
through 50687, and 78 FR 50717,
respectively) as discussed earlier. We
adopted the measure as part of the HHS
Action Plan to Prevent HAIs, as this
measure was included among the
prevention metrics established in the
plan which is available at: https://
index.html. In the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (83 FR 41547 through
41553), we removed the CLABSI
measure from the Hospital IQR Program
beginning with the CY 2019 reporting
period/FY 2021 payment determination
to streamline reporting through the HAC
Reduction Program.
(2016). Use of a Central Catheter Maintenance
Bundle in Long-Term Acute Care Hospitals.
American journal of critical care: an official
publication, American Association of Critical-Care
Nurses, 25(2), 165–172.
333 Wei, A. E., Markert, R. J., Connelly, C., &
Polenakovik, H. (2021). Reduction of central lineassociated bloodstream infections in a large acute
care hospital in Midwest United States following
implementation of a comprehensive central line
insertion and maintenance bundle. Journal of
infection prevention, 22(5), 186–193. https://
334 Burke, C., Jakub, K., & Kellar, I. (2021).
Adherence to the central line bundle in intensive
care: An integrative review. American journal of
infection control, 49(7), 937–956.
335 CDC. (2011). Guidelines for the Prevention of
Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections. Available
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Currently, the CLABSI measure used
in the HAC Reduction and Hospital VBP
Programs does not include inpatients in
cancer wards. Because patients with
cancer are especially vulnerable to
developing HAIs like CLABSIs,336 it is
important to implement quality
reporting for patients with cancer, as we
have done in adopting the CLABSI
measure in the PCHQR Program. While
central lines are a crucial component of
cancer treatment, they are also
associated with at least 400,000
bloodstream infections in oncology
patients every year in the U.S.337
CLABSIs in patients with cancer may
lead to sepsis, require interruptions in
chemotherapy, and increase the hospital
length of stay.338 CLABSIs among
patients with cancer also incur a high
economic burden, costing the U.S.
healthcare system over $18 billion
annually.339 Therefore, it is important to
address the needs of this high-risk
population and adopt the CLABSI-Onc
measure to the Hospital IQR Program.
The adoption of this measure would
also provide more data to compare
CLABSI rates between PCHs and nonPCHs.
(b) Overview of Measure
We are proposing to adopt the
CLABSI-Onc measure to the Hospital
IQR Program beginning with the CY
2026 reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination. The purpose of this
measure is to promote CLABSI
prevention activities and reduce the
incidence of CLABSIs for patients with
cancer. Unlike the version of the
measure previously in the Hospital IQR
Program and that is currently in the
HAC Reduction and Hospital VBP
Programs, this version we are proposing
to adopt is limited to inpatients at acute
care hospitals in oncology wards. To
336 Page, J., Tremblay, M., Nicholas, C., & James,
T.A. (2016). Reducing Oncology Unit Central LineAssociated Bloodstream Infections: Initial Results of
a Simulation-Based Educational Intervention.
Journal of oncology practice, 12(1), e83–e87.
337 Raad, I., & Chaftari, A.M. (2014). Advances in
prevention and management of central lineassociated bloodstream infections in patients with
cancer. Clinical infectious diseases: an official
publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of
America, 59 Suppl 5, S340–S343.
338 Page, J., Tremblay, M., Nicholas, C., & James,
T.A. (2016). Reducing Oncology Unit Central LineAssociated Bloodstream Infections: Initial Results of
a Simulation-Based Educational Intervention.
Journal of oncology practice, 12(1), e83–e87.
339 Raad, I., & Chaftari, A.M. (2014). Advances in
prevention and management of central lineassociated bloodstream infections in patients with
cancer. Clinical infectious diseases: an official
publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of
America, 59 Suppl 5, S340–S343.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
report this measure, hospitals would
need to verify that all locations,
including those housing oncology
patients, are correctly in NHSN.
Reducing the CLABSI incidence
through the adoption of this measure
could lead to improved cancer patient
outcomes, including reduced morbidity
and mortality, less need for
antimicrobials, and reduced patient
length of stays and medical costs.340
(c) Measure Alignment to Strategy
The proposal to adopt the CLABSIOnc measure supports the CMS
National Quality Strategy priority area
of ‘‘Safety and Resiliency.’’ Specifically,
this supports our safety goal to ‘‘achieve
zero preventable harm,’’ and to expand
the collection and use of safety indicator
data across programs for key areas to
improve tracking and show progress
toward reducing harm. The adoption of
this measure additionally supports the
‘‘Outcomes and Alignment’’ priority
area in the CMS National Quality
Strategy by collaborating with other
federal agencies, namely the CDC, to
promote alignment in quality
measurement and close the existing
reporting gap among vulnerable patients
with cancer in inpatient settings.341
This proposal to adopt CLABSI-Onc not
only supports two of the CMS National
Quality Strategy priority areas, it also
supports the Biden-Harris
Administration’s Cancer Moonshot
program that aims to improve outcomes
for patients with cancer.
(d) Pre-Rulemaking Process and
Measure Endorsement
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(i) Recommendation From the PRMR
We refer readers to the proposed
Patient Safety Structural measure in
section IX.B.1.c. of this proposed rule
for details on the PRMR process
including the voting procedures the
PRMR process uses to reach consensus
on measure recommendations. The
PRMR Hospital Committee met on
January 18–19, 2024, to review
measures included by the Secretary on
a publicly available ‘‘2023 Measures
Under Consideration List’’ (MUC List),
including the CLABSI-Onc measure
(MUC2023–219),342 343 and to vote on a
340 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
341 CMS National Quality Strategy. (2023).
Available at:
342 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 1, 2023). 2023 Measures Under
Consideration (MUC) List. Available at: https://
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recommendation with regard to use of
this measure.344
The committee reached consensus
and recommended including this
measure in the Hospital IQR Program
with conditions. Fourteen members of
the group recommended adopting the
measure into the Hospital IQR Program
without conditions; four members
recommended adoption with
conditions; and one committee member
voted not to recommend the measure for
adoption. Taken together, 94.7 percent
of the votes recommended the
Four members of the voting
committee recommended the adoption
of this measure into the Hospital IQR
Program, with the first condition being
that CMS consider expanding the
reporting period. This would increase
the patient volume included in the
denominator and increase precision. We
have reviewed this recommendation
and concluded that expanding the
reporting period would result in a
critical loss in the ability to observe
changes in the SIR over time. Obscuring
any observable changes in the SIR
would degrade the measure’s ability to
assess prevention efforts and further
drive quality improvement. Therefore,
we are proposing this measure for
adoption without the modification
suggested by four committee members
in order to preserve the measure’s
ability to observe changes in the SIR
more quickly.
The second condition the committee
recommended for the Hospital IQR
Program was that the measure should
evaluate data by oncology unit type,
such as hematology-oncology versus
solid organ.346 We acknowledge this
condition and may consider it for future
rulemaking. We are proposing to adopt
the CLABSI-Onc measure in the
Hospital IQR Program having taken into
consideration the conditions raised by
the PRMR Hospital Recommendation
343 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 2023). Overview of the List of Measures
Under Consideration. Available at: https://
344 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). 2023 PreRulemaking Measure Review (PRMR) Meeting
Summary: Hospital Committee. Available at:
345 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). 2023 Final MUC
Recommendation Report. Available at: https://
346 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). 2023 PreRulemaking Measure Review (PRMR) Meeting
Summary: Hospital Committee. Available at:
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The measure received strong support
from the committee as it addresses an
important patient safety concern. During
the committee’s discussion, some
expressed concern about the burden of
manual abstraction. Others asked about
the measure’s validity, and whether the
measure should include risk
adjustments when HAIs are an issue
across the board.
(ii) Measure Endorsement
We refer readers to the proposed
Patient Safety Structural measure in
section IX.B.1.c. of this proposed rule
for details on the E&M process
including the measure evaluation
procedures the E&M Committees use to
evaluate measures and whether they
meet endorsement criteria. The CLABSI
measure was most recently submitted to
the CBE for endorsement review in the
Spring 2019 cycle (CBE #0139) and was
endorsed on October 23, 2019.347 In the
submission of the CLABSI-Onc measure
to the 2023 MUC list, the CDC provided
additional oncology-only reliability
testing based on existing data submitted
to the CDC’s NHSN. Because the
CLABSI-Onc measure has the same
specifications as the CLABSI measure,
with the only difference being that it is
stratified for oncology locations,
additional endorsement of CLABSI-Onc
is not necessary. The calculations
pertinent to those locations are
inherently part of the endorsement
performed for the CLABSI measure, and
the measure (i.e., numerator/
denominator) is endorsed across all
inpatient hospital settings, including
oncology locations. The calculation of
the SIR includes and accounts for the
location of the patient within the
facility. The CDC will incorporate
information on the stratification by
oncology patients during the regularly
scheduled measure maintenance reendorsement process.
(e) Measure Specifications
For this measure, the NHSN
calculates the quarterly risk-adjusted
SIR of CLABSIs among inpatients at
acute care hospitals who are in oncology
wards.348 The CDC then calculates the
SIR using all four quarters of data from
the reporting period year, which CMS
uses for performance calculation and
public reporting purposes. The CDC
defines an oncology ward as an area for
347 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. NHSN Central Line-Associated
Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) Outcome Measure.
Available at:
348 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the evaluation and treatment of patients
with cancer. For more details, we refer
readers to the CDC Locations and
Descriptions and Instructions for
Mapping Patient Care Locations
The numerator is the number of
annually observed CLABSIs among
acute care hospital inpatients in
oncology wards. The denominator is the
number of annually predicted CLABSIs
among acute care hospital inpatients in
oncology wards. By dividing the
number of observed CLABSIs by the
number of predicted CLABSIs, the SIR
compares the actual number of cases to
the expected number of cases. However,
this does not preclude SIRs from being
ranked. The SIR is calculated when
there is at least one predicted CLABSI,
to achieve a minimum level of
The measure requires a facility to
have at least one predicted CLABSI
before calculating the SIR because the
precision of a facility’s CLABSI rate can
vary, especially in low volume
hospitals. For this reason, the NHSN
calculates the SIR instead of reporting
the CLABSI rate directly. A facility’s SIR
is not meant to be compared directly to
that of another facility. Rather, the
primary role of the SIR is to compare a
facility’s CLABSI rate to the national
rate after adjusting for facility- and
patient-level risk factors.351
The numerator and denominator
exclude the following devices because
they are not considered central lines:
arterial catheters unless in the
pulmonary artery, aorta or umbilical
artery, arteriovenous fistula,
arteriovenous graft, atrial catheters (also
known as transthoracic intra-cardiac
catheters, those catheters inserted
directly into the right or left atrium via
the heart wall), extracorporeal
membrane oxygenation (ECMO),
hemodialysis reliable outflow (HERO)
dialysis catheter, intra-aortic balloon
pump (IABP) devices, peripheral IV or
midlines, or ventricular assist devices
(VAD). Additionally, CLABSI events
reported to the NHSN as mucosal barrier
injury laboratory-confirmed
bloodstream infections (MBI–LCBIs) are
The SIR also adjusts for various
facility and patient-level factors that
contribute to HAI risk within each
facility. For more information on the
risk adjustment methodology please
reference the CDC website at: https://
349 CDC. (2023). CDC Locations and Descriptions
and Instructions for Mapping Patient Care
Locations. Available at:
350 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
351 CDC. (2022). NHSN SIR Guide. Available at:
352 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
353 CDC. (2023). FAQs About NHSN Agreement to
Participate and Consent. Available at: https://
354 CDC. (2022). National and State Healthcareassociated Infections Progress Report. Available at:
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(f) Data Submission and Reporting
We are proposing to collect data for
the CLABSI-Onc measure via the NHSN,
consistent with the current approach for
HAI reporting for the HAC Reduction
and Hospital VBP Programs. The NHSN
is a secure, internet-based surveillance
system maintained and managed by the
CDC and provided free of charge to
providers. To report to the NHSN,
hospitals must first agree to the NHSN
Agreement to Participate and Consent
form, which specifies how NHSN data
will be used, including fulfilling CMS’s
quality measurement reporting
requirements for NHSN data.353
Starting in 2011, facilities operating
under the Hospital IQR Program began
reporting CLABSIs in all adult,
pediatric, and neonatal intensive care
locations followed by reporting all adult
and pediatric medical, surgical, and
medical/surgical wards in 2015 using
NHSN. According to a 2022 CDC report,
3,728 hospitals are reporting CLABSI
data to NHSN; of these, 488 hospitals
reported data from at least one oncology
location.354 We anticipate that because
most of the hospitals which would
begin to report the CLABSI-Onc
measure for the Hospital IQR Program
are already reporting via NHSN for other
measures, they have already set up an
account. Hospitals currently reporting
CLABSI must verify that locations
housing oncology patients are correctly
mapped as an oncology location based
on NHSN’s location mapping guidance
for accurate event location attribution.
Hospitals would report their data for
the CLABSI-Onc measure on a quarterly
basis for the purposes of Hospital IQR
Program requirements. Presently,
hospitals report CLABSI data to the
NHSN monthly and the SIR is
calculated on a quarterly basis. Under
the data submission and reporting
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process, hospitals would collect the
numerator and denominator for the
CLABSI–ONC measure each month and
submit the data to the NHSN. The data
from all 12 months would be calculated
into quarterly reporting periods which
would then be used to determine the
SIR for CMS performance calculation
and public reporting purposes. We refer
readers to the NHSN website for further
information about NHSN reporting
requirements. We refer readers to the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
59141) for information on data
submission and reporting requirements
for our most recent updates to data
submission and reporting requirements
for measures submitted via the CDC
We invite public comment on our
proposal to adopt the CLABSI-Onc
measure beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment
c. Proposal To Adopt the Hospital
Harm—Falls With Injury eCQM
Beginning With the CY 2026 Reporting
Period/FY 2028 Payment Determination
(1) Background
Patient falls are among the most
common hospital harms reported and
can increase length of stay and patient
costs.355 356 357 It has been estimated that
there are 700,000–1,000,000 inpatient
falls in the U.S. annually, with more
than one-third resulting in injury and
up to 11,000 resulting in patient
death.358 359 Protocols and prevention
measures to reduce patient falls with
injury include using fall risk assessment
tools to gauge individual patient risk,
implementing fall prevention protocols
directed at individual patient risk
355 Bysshe, T., Gao, Y., Heaney-Huls, K., et al.
(2017). Final Report Estimating the Additional
Hospital Inpatient Cost and Mortality Associated
with Selected Hospital Acquired Conditions.
356 Morello, R.T., Barker, A.L., Watts, J.J., Haines,
T., Zavarsek, S.S., Hill, K.D., Brand, C., Sherrington,
C., Wolfe, R., Bohensky, M.A., & Stoelwinder, J.U.
(2015). The Extra Resource Burden of In-hospital
Falls: a Cost of Falls Study. The Medical Journal of
Australia, 203(9), 367.
357 Dykes, P.C., Curtin-Bowen, M., Lipsitz, S.,
Franz, C., Adelman, J., Adkison, L., Bogaisky, M.,
Carroll, D., Carter, E., Herlihy, L., Lindros, M.E.,
Ryan, V., Scanlan, M., Walsh, M.A., Wien, M., &
Bates, D.W. (2023). Cost of Inpatient Falls and CostBenefit Analysis of Implementation of an EvidenceBased Fall Prevention Program. JAMA Health
Forum, 4(1), e225125.
358 AHRQ. (2019). Patient Safety Primer: Falls.
Retrieved July 24, 2019, from AHRQ PSNet website:
359 Currie, L. (2008). Fall and Injury Prevention.
In E. Hughes RG (Ed.), Patient Safety and Quality:
An Evidence-Based Handbook for Nurses (pp. 195–
250). Rockville: Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
factors, and implementing
environmental rounds to assess and
correct environmental fall hazards.360
There is wide variation in fall rates
between hospitals which suggests that
this is an area where quality
measurement and further improvement
is still needed.361 362 363 364
Currently there are no electronic
clinical quality measures (eCQMs) that
focus specifically on acute care
inpatient falls with major or moderate
injury in any of the hospital quality
reporting or value-based purchasing
programs. The Patient Safety Indicator
(PSI) 90 composite measure,365 which is
currently included in the HAC
Reduction Program, does include a fall
related component, (PSI 08): In Hospital
Fall-Associated Fracture Rate; however,
it is a claims-based measure that uses a
two-year performance period, it is
focused on the Medicare Fee For Service
(FFS) population, and the numerator is
limited to fractures and does not
include other fall-associated major and
moderate injuries. In the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we highlighted our
commitment to developing new digital
quality measures that assess various
aspects of patient safety in the inpatient
setting (87 FR 49181 through 49190). As
discussed later in this section of the
preamble, the Hospital Harm—Falls
with Injury eCQM provides the
opportunity to assess the rate of falls
that result in a wider range of injuries,
in a much larger patient population, and
using more timely information from
patients’ electronic medical records
instead of administrative claims data.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(2) Overview of Measure
The Hospital Harm—Falls with Injury
measure is a risk-adjusted outcome
eCQM. The denominator is inpatient
360 Montero-Odasso, M., Van der Velde, N.,
Martin, F.C., et al. (2022). World Guidelines for
Falls Prevention and Management for Older Adults:
A Global Initiative. Age and Ageing, 51(9), 1–36.
361 Staggs, V.S., Mion, L.C., & Shorr, R.I. (2015).
Consistent Differences in Medical Unit Fall Rates:
Implications for Research and Practice. Journal of
the American Geriatrics Society, 63(5), 983–987.
362 Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario.
(2017). Preventing Falls and Reducing Injury from
Falls (4th ed.). Toronto, ON: Registered Nurses’
Association of Ontario.
363 National Institute of Health and Care
Excellence. (2013). Falls in Older People: Assessing
Risk and Prevention.
364 ACS National Surgical Quality Improvement
Program (NSQIP)/American Geriatrics Society
(AGS). (2016). Optimal Perioperative Management
of the Geriatric Patient: Best Practices Guideline
365 PSI 90 Technical Specification can be found
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hospitalizations for patients aged 18 and
older with a length of stay less than or
equal to 120 days that ends during the
measurement period. The numerator is
inpatient hospitalizations where the
patient has a fall that results in
moderate injury (such as lacerations,
open wounds, dislocations, sprains, and
strains) or major injury (such as
fractures, closed head injuries, internal
bleeding). The diagnosis of a fall and of
a moderate or major injury that was
present on admission would be
excluded from the measure.
The baseline risk-adjustment model
accounts for age and several risk factors
present on admission (weight loss or
malnutrition, delirium, dementia, and
other neurological disorders).366 The
risk-adjustment model has been
developed to ensure that hospitals that
care for sicker and more complex
patients are evaluated fairly.367 We refer
readers to the eCQI Resource Center
( for
more details on the measure
specifications and risk methodology.
(3) Measure Alignment to Strategy
This measure aligns with several goals
under the CMS National Quality
Strategy in addition to supporting our
re-commitment to better patient and
healthcare worker safety.368 The
COVID–19 public health emergency
(PHE) put significant strain on hospitals
and health systems which negatively
impacted patient safety in routine care
delivery, highlighting the need to
address gaps in safety. Proposing the
Hospital Harm—Falls with Injury
measure is one of several initial actions
we are taking in response to the
President’s Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology (PCAST) call to
action to renew ‘‘our nation’s
commitment to improving patient
safety.’’ 369 By establishing additional
safety indicators, such as this measure,
we are building a stronger, more
resilient U.S. healthcare system. We
refer readers to section IX.B.1. for more
details on other efforts toward better
patient and healthcare workers safety
practices and the proposal to adopt the
Patient Safety Structural measure into
366 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. Hospital Harm—Falls with Injury.
Available at:
367 Ibid.
368 CMS National Quality Strategy. Available at:
369 President’s Council of Advisors on Science
and Technology. (2023). Report to the President: A
Transformational Effort on Patient Safety. https://
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the Hospital IQR Program and the
PCHQR Program.
This measure aligns with the ‘‘Safety
and Resiliency’’ goal of our CMS
National Quality Strategy to achieve
zero preventable harm, the ‘‘Equity and
Engagement’’ goal to ensure that all
individuals have the information
needed to make the best choices and
complements the HHS National Action
Alliance to Advance Patient Safety. By
providing hospitals with the
opportunity to assess the rate of falls
with injury in a much larger patient
population (all-payer) compared to
current measures such as PSI 08
(limited to Medicare FFS), this measure
expands the available safety indicator
data within CMS programs and
promotes equitable care for all. This
measure additionally supports the
‘‘Outcomes and Alignment’’ goals to
improve quality and health outcomes by
providing hospitals a mechanism to
track falls with injury event rates and
improve falls intervention efforts over
time, a key patient safety metric across
the care journey. Third, this measure
supports CMS’ Interoperability goal to
improve quality measure efficiency by
transitioning to digital measures in CMS
quality reporting programs. As an
eCQM, this measure increases the
digital measure footprint and can also
serve as a potential replacement for the
claims-based PSI 08 measure (reported
within the PSI 90 composite) in the
(4) Pre-Rulemaking Process and
Measure Endorsement
(a) Recommendation From the PRMR
We refer readers to the proposed
Patient Safety Structural measure in
section IX.B.1.c. of the preamble of this
is proposed rule for details on the PRMR
process including the voting procedures
used to reach consensus on measure
recommendations. The PRMR Hospital
Committee met on January 18–19, 2024,
to review measures included by the
Secretary on a publicly available ‘‘2023
Measures Under Consideration List’’
(MUC List), including the Hospital
Harm—Falls with Injury measure
(MUC2023–048), and to vote on a
recommendation with regard to use of
this measure.370 371
370 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
371 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 2023). Overview of the List of Measures
Under Consideration. Available at: https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
The committee reached consensus
and recommended including this
measure in the Hospital IQR Program
with conditions. Twelve members of the
group voted to adopt the measure into
the Hospital IQR Program without
conditions; six members voted to adopt
with conditions; one committee member
voted not to recommend the measure for
adoption. Taken together, 94.7 percent
of the votes were recommended or
recommended with conditions. The six
members who voted to adopt with
conditions, specified the condition as
monitoring unintended for
consequences, such as use of patient
restraints. We agree that the potential
for unintended consequences exists and
note that we consistently monitor all of
the measures in the Hospital IQR
Program for unintended consequences.
Furthermore, we note that under our
previously finalized measure removal
Factor 6, collection or public reporting
of a measure leads to negative
unintended consequences other than
patient harm, if we were to identify
unintended consequences related to this
measure we would consider it for
removal. Furthermore, we note that
various programs have been instituted
that reduce hospital falls without
decreasing mobility (such as the
Hospital Elder Life Program) 372 and that
the benefits of promoting mobility
outweigh any increase in fall risk.373
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(b) Measure Endorsement
We refer readers to the proposed
Patient Safety Structural measure in
section IX.B.1.c. of this proposed rule
for details on the E&M process
including the measure evaluation
procedures the E&M Committees uses to
evaluate measures and whether they
meet endorsement criteria. The E&M
Management of Acute Events, Chronic
Disease, Surgery, and Behavioral Health
Committee 374 convened in the Fall 2023
cycle to review the Hospital Harm—
Falls with Injury measure (CBE #4120e)
submitted to the CBE for endorsement.
372 Hshieh, T.T., Yue, J., Oh, E., Puelle, M.,
Dowal, S., Travison, T., & Inouye, S.K. (2015).
Effectiveness of multicomponent
nonpharmacological delirium interventions: a metaanalysis. JAMA internal medicine, 175(4), 512–520.
373 Montero-Odasso, M., van der Velde, N.,
Martin, F.C., Petrovic, M., Tan, M.P., Ryg, J.,
Aguilar-Navarro, S., Alexander, N.B., Becker, C.,
Blain, H., Bourke, R., Cameron, I.D., Camicioli, R.,
Clemson, L., Close, J., Delbaere, K., Duan, L.,
Duque, G., Dyer, S.M., . . . Rixt Zijlstra, G.A.
(2022). World guidelines for falls prevention and
management for older adults: a global initiative.
Age and Ageing, 51(9), 1–36.
374 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. Hospital Harm—Fall Injury Measure
Specifications. Available at:
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The E&M Management of Acute Events,
Chronic Disease, Surgery, and
Behavioral Health Committee ultimately
voted to endorse the measure on January
29, 2024.375
(5) Measure Specifications
This ratio measure is reported as the
number of inpatient hospitalizations
with falls with moderate or major injury
per 1,000 patient days. The measure is
calculated using the following: (Total
number of encounters with falls with
moderate or major injury/total number
of eligible hospital days) × 1,000. To
calculate the numerator (that is, the total
number of encounters with falls with
moderate or major injury): (1) identify
the initial population (inpatient
hospitalizations for patients aged 18 and
older with a length of stay less than or
equal to 120 days that ends during the
measurement period), (2) remove
exclusions (patients who had a fall
diagnosis present at the time the order
for inpatient admission occurs), and (3)
determine if the patient meets
numerator criteria (patient has both a
fall diagnosis and major or moderate
injury diagnosis not present on
admission). Hospital days are measured
in 24-hour periods starting from the
time of arrival at the hospital (including
time in the emergency department and
or observation). The number of hospital
days is rounded down to whole
numbers; any fractional periods are
dropped. All data elements necessary to
calculate the numerator and
denominator are defined within value
sets available in the Value Set Authority
Center (VSAC).376
The measure was tested in 12 hospital
test sites with two different EHR
vendors (Epic and Allscripts) with
varying bed size, geographic location,
and teaching status. Risk-adjusted rates
showed substantial variation in
performance scores across the 12 test
hospitals indicating ample room for
quality improvement.377 Test results
using one year of data indicated strong
measure reliability and validity
(including agreement between data
375 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. 2023 Management of Acute and
Chronic Events Meeting Summary. https://p4qm.
376 To access the value sets for the measure,
please visit the Value Set Authority Center (VSAC),
sponsored by the National Library of Medicine, at
377 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. Hospital Harm—Falls with Injury.
Available at:
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exported from the EHR and data in the
patient chart).378 As PSI 08 uses a twoyear performance period, this eCQM
would allow hospitals to receive more
timely information about measure
We recognize there may be
stakeholder concern regarding measure
duplication with PSI 08 (a component of
PSI 90 that is currently measured and
publicly reported in the HAC Reduction
Program). However, as described earlier,
the Hospital Harm—Falls with Injury
eCQM provides the opportunity to
assess the rate of falls with a wider
range of injuries in a larger population
compared to PSI 08. We envision the
potential future use of patient safety
eCQMs not only in the Hospital IQR
Program, but also pay-for-performance
programs such as the HAC Reduction
Program, including as a potential
replacement for the claims-based PSI 90
measure. However, until that time we
intend to retain PSI 08 (within the PSI
90 composite) in the HAC Reduction
Program as well as include the Hospital
Harm—Falls with Injury eCQM in the
Hospital IQR Program.
(6) Data Submission and Reporting
This eCQM uses data collected
through hospitals’ EHRs. The measure is
designed to be calculated by the
hospitals’ certified electronic health
record technology (CEHRT) using
patient-level data and then submitted by
hospitals to CMS. As with all quality
measures we develop, testing was
performed to confirm the feasibility of
the measure, data elements, and validity
of the numerator, using clinical
adjudicators who validated the EHR
data compared with medical chartabstracted data. Testing demonstrated
that all critical data elements were
reliably and consistently captured in
hospital EHRs and measure
implementation is feasible.
We are proposing the adoption of the
Hospital Harm—Falls with Injury eCQM
as part of the eCQM measure set
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination.
The eCQM measure set is the measure
set from which hospitals can self-select
measures to report to meet the eCQM
reporting requirement. We refer readers
to section IX.C.9.c. of this proposed rule
for a discussion of our previously
finalized eCQM reporting and
submission requirements, as well as
proposed modifications for these
requirements. Additionally, we refer
readers to section IX.F.6.a.(2). of the
preamble of this proposed rule for a
discussion of a similar proposal to adopt
378 Ibid.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
this measure in the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program.
We invite public comment on our
proposal to adopt the Hospital Harm—
Falls with Injury eCQM beginning with
the CY 2026 reporting period/FY 2028
payment determination.
d. Proposal To Adopt the Hospital
Harm—Postoperative Respiratory
Failure eCQM Beginning With the CY
2026 Reporting Period/FY 2028
Payment Determination
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(1) Background
Postoperative respiratory failure is
defined as unplanned intubation or
prolonged mechanical ventilation (MV)
after an operation.379 It is considered to
be the most serious of the postoperative
respiratory complications because it
represents the ‘‘end stage’’ of several
types of pulmonary complications (for
example, pneumonia, aspiration,
pulmonary edema, and acute respiratory
distress syndrome) and non-pulmonary
problems (for example, sepsis,
oversedation, seizures, stroke, heart
failure, pulmonary embolism, and fluid
overload), and it often results in
negative outcomes, including prolonged
morbidity, longer hospital stays,
increased readmissions, higher costs, or
death.380 381 382 Postoperative respiratory
failure is potentially preventable with
optimal care, such as carefully
managing intraoperative ventilator use
and fluids, reducing surgical duration,
using regional anesthesia, and
preventing wound infection and
pain.383 384 385 Published data suggest
379 Stocking, J.C., Utter, G.H., Drake, C., Aldrich,
J.M., Ong, M.K., Amin, A., Marmor, R.A., Godat, L.,
Cannesson, M., Gropper, M.A., & Romano, P.S.
(2020). Postoperative Respiratory Failure: An
Update on the Validity of the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality Patient Safety Indicator 11 in
an Era of Clinical Documentation Improvement
Programs. American Journal of Surgery, 220(1),
380 Sabate S., Mazo V., Canet J. (2014). Predicting
Postoperative Pulmonary Complications:
Implications for Outcomes and Costs. Case Reports
in Anesthesiology. 27(2), 201–209.
381 Rosen, A.K., Loveland, S., Shin, M., Shwartz,
M., Hanchate, A., Chen, Q., Kaafarani, H.M., &
Borzecki, A. (2013). Examining the impact of the
AHRQ Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) on the
Veterans Health Administration: the case of
readmissions. Medical Care, 51(1), 37–44.
382 Lawson E.H., Hall B.L., Louie R., et al. (2013).
Association Between Occurrence of a Postoperative
Complication and Readmission: Implications for
Quality Improvement and Cost Savings. Annals of
Surgery, 258(1),10–18.
383 Stocking, J.C., Drake, C., Aldrich, J.M., Ong,
M.K., Amin, A., Marmor, R.A., Godat, L.,
Cannesson, M., Gropper, M.A., Romano, P.S.,
Sandrock, C., Bime, C., Abraham, I., & Utter, G.H.
(2022). Outcomes and Risk Factors for Delayedonset Postoperative Respiratory Failure: A Multicenter Case-control Study by the University of
California Critical Care Research Collaborative
(UC3RC). BMC Anesthesiology, 22(1), 146.
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room for improvement; a Nationwide
Inpatient Sample (NIS) database study
of over 500,000 hospitalizations
involving a brain tumor between 2002
and 2010 found the incidence of
postoperative respiratory failure varied
by hospital characteristics, with higher
reported rates of postoperative
respiratory failure in nonteaching
hospitals than teaching hospitals, and
incidence increased with hospital bed
Currently there are no eCQMs that
focus specifically on postoperative
respiratory failure in the inpatient
setting in any of the hospital quality
reporting or value-based purchasing
programs. The PSI 90 composite
measure,387 which is currently included
in the HAC Reduction Program, does
include a postoperative respiratory
failure related component, (PSI 11):
Postoperative Respiratory Failure Rate;
however, it is a claims-based measure
that uses a two-year performance
period, it is focused on the Medicare
FFS population, and is dependent upon
ICD–10–CM codes. In the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we highlighted our
commitment to developing new digital
quality measures that assess various
aspects of patient safety in the inpatient
setting (87 FR 49181 through 49190).
The Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure eCQM provides the
opportunity to assess the rate of
postoperative respiratory failure in a
much larger patient population and use
more timely information from patients’
electronic medical records instead of
administrative claims data.
(2) Overview of Measure
The Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure measure is a riskadjusted outcome eCQM. The
denominator is elective inpatient
hospitalizations that end during the
measurement period for patients 18
years old and older without an
obstetrical condition and at least one
surgical procedure was performed
within the first three days of the
384 Encinosa, W.E., & Hellinger, F.J. (2008). The
Impact of Medical Errors on Ninety-day Costs and
Outcomes: An Examination of Surgical Patients.
Health Services Research, 43(6), 2067–2085.
385 Zrelak, P.A., Utter, G.H., Sadeghi, B., Cuny, J.,
Baron, R., & Romano, P.S. (2012). Using the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality patient safety
indicators for targeting nursing quality
improvement. Journal of Nursing Care Quality,
27(2), 99–108.
386 Rahman, M., Neal, D., Fargen, K.M., & Hoh,
B.L. (2013). Establishing Standard Performance
Measures for Adult Brain Tumor Patients: A
Nationwide Inpatient Sample Database Study.
Neuro-oncology, 15(11), 1580–1588.
387 PSI 90 Technical Specification can be found
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encounter.388 The numerator is elective
inpatient hospitalizations for patients
with postoperative respiratory failure:
For more detail on how postoperative
respiratory failure is determined we
refer readers to the measure
specifications at the eCQI Resource
Center (
The baseline risk-adjustment model
accounts for ten comorbidities present
on admission (weight loss, deficiency
anemias, heart failure, diabetes with
chronic complications, moderate to
severe liver disease, peripheral vascular
disease, pulmonary circulation disease,
valvular disease, ASA categories 3
through 5) and lab values for oxygen
(partial pressure), leukocytes, albumin,
BUN, bilirubin, and pH of arterial
blood.389 The risk-adjustment ensures
that hospitals that care for sicker and
more complex patients are evaluated
fairly.390 We refer readers to the eCQI
Resource Center (https:// for more
details on the measure specifications
and risk-adjustment methodology.
(3) Measure Alignment to Strategy
This measure aligns with several goals
under the CMS National Quality
Strategy in addition to supporting our
re-commitment to better patient and
healthcare worker safety.391 The
COVID–19 public health emergency
(PHE) highlighted the need to address
gaps in safety by putting significant
strain on hospitals and health systems
which, in turn, negatively impacted
patient safety. Proposing the Hospital
Harm—Postoperative Respiratory
Failure measure is one of several initial
actions we are taking in response to the
President’s Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology (PCAST), call
to action to renew ‘‘our nation’s
commitment to improving patient
safety.’’ 392 By establishing additional
safety indicators, such as this measure,
we are building a stronger, more
resilient U.S. healthcare system. We
refer readers to section IX.B.1. for more
details on other efforts toward better
patient and healthcare workers safety
practices and the proposal to adopt the
Patient Safety Structural measure into
389 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure. Available at:
390 Ibid.
391 CMS National Quality Strategy. Available at:
392 President’s Council of Advisors on Science
and Technology. (2023). Report to the President: A
Transformational Effort on Patient Safety. https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the Hospital IQR Program and the
PCHQR Program.
In alignment with the CMS National
Quality Strategy 393 this measure
supports the ‘‘Safety and Resiliency’’
goal to achieve zero preventable harm,
the ‘‘Equity and Engagement’’ goal to
ensure that all individuals have the
information needed to make the best
choices and complements the HHS
National Action Alliance to Advance
Patient Safety. By providing hospitals
the opportunity to assess postoperative
respiratory failure rates in a much larger
patient population (all-payer) compared
to current measures such as PSI 11
(limited to Medicare FFS), this measure
expands the available safety indicator
data within CMS programs and
promotes equitable care for all. Second,
this measure supports the ‘‘Outcomes
and Alignment’’ goals to improve
quality and health outcomes by
providing hospitals a mechanism to
track their postoperative respiratory
failure incidents and improve harm
reduction efforts over time, a key patient
safety metric across the care journey.
Third, this measure supports CMS’
Interoperability goal to improve quality
measure efficiency by transitioning to
digital measures in CMS quality
reporting programs. As an eCQM, this
measure increases the digital measure
footprint and can also serve as a
potential replacement for the claimsbased PSI 11 measure (reported within
the PSI–90 composite) in the future.
(4) Pre-Rulemaking Process and
Measure Endorsement
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(a) Recommendation From the PRMR
We refer readers to the proposed
Patient Safety Structural measure in
section IX.B.1.c. of this proposed rule
for details on the PRMR process
including the voting used to reach
consensus on measure
recommendations. The PRMR Hospital
Committee met on January 18–19, 2024,
to review measures included by the
Secretary on a publicly available ‘‘2023
Measures Under Consideration List’’
(MUC List),394 395 including the Hospital
Harm—Postoperative Respiratory
Failure measure (MUC2023–050), and to
393 CMS National Quality Strategy. Available at:
394 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 1, 2023). 2023 Measures Under
Consideration (MUC) List. Available at: https://
395 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 2023). Overview of the List of Measures
Under Consideration. Available at: https://
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vote on a recommendation for
rulemaking for the Hospital IQR
The committee reached consensus
and recommended including this
measure in the Hospital IQR Program
with conditions. Twelve members of the
group voted to adopt the measure into
the Hospital IQR Program without
conditions; five members voted to adopt
with conditions; two committee
members voted not to recommend the
measure for adoption. Taken together,
89.5 percent of the votes were between
recommend and recommend with
conditions. The five members who
voted to adopt with conditions specified
the condition as monitoring unintended
consequences, such as avoidance of lifesaving procedures with higher risk for
respiratory failure. We agree that the
potential for unintended consequences
exists and note that we consistently
monitor all of the measures in the
Hospital IQR Program for unintended
consequences. Furthermore, we note
that under our previously finalized
measure removal Factor 6, collection or
public reporting of a measure leads to
negative unintended consequences
other than patient harm, if we were to
identify unintended consequences
related to this measure, we would
consider it for removal. Furthermore,
the measure logic allows for the use of
mechanical ventilation or intubation or
extubation documentation outside of a
procedural area to trigger a
postoperative respiratory event, thus
expanding opportunities for electronic
capture of information and
accommodating varying clinical
documentation workflows.
(b) Measure Endorsement
We refer readers to the proposed
Patient Safety Structural measure in
section IX.B.1.c. of this proposed rule
for details on the E&M process
including the measure evaluation
procedures the E&M Committees uses to
evaluate measures and whether they
meet endorsement criteria. The E&M
Management of Acute and Chronic
Events Committee convened in the Fall
2023 cycle to review the Hospital
Harm—Postoperative Respiratory
Failure measure (CBE #4130e)
submitted to the CBE for
endorsement.396 The E&M Management
of Acute and Chronic Events Committee
ultimately voted to endorse the measure
on January 29, 2024.397
396 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure. Available at:
397 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. Fall 2023 Management of Acute and
PO 00000
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(5) Measure Calculation
Postoperative respiratory failure is
evaluated using MV documentation,
intubation or extubation documentation
to determine if an unplanned initiation
of MV occurred or if MV was continued
without interruption after a procedure.
The following calculation is applied
to report the overall performance rate:
[Number of encounters in numerator/
(Number of encounters in
denominator—Number of encounters in
denominator exclusions)] × 1,000. All
data elements necessary to calculate the
numerator and denominator are defined
within value sets available in the
The measure was tested in 12
hospitals (test sites) with two different
EHR vendors (Epic and Cerner) with
varying bed size, geographic location,
and teaching status. Risk-adjusted rates
showed substantial variation in
performance scores across the 12 test
hospitals.399 Test results indicated high
measure reliability and validity
(including agreement between data
exported from the EHR and data in the
patient chart).400
(6) Data Submission and Reporting
This eCQM uses data collected
through hospitals’ EHRs. The measure is
designed to be calculated by the
hospitals’ CEHRT using patient-level
data and then submitted by hospitals to
CMS. As with all quality measures we
develop, testing was performed to
confirm the feasibility of the measure,
data elements, and validity of the
numerator, using clinical adjudicators
who validated the EHR data compared
with medical chart-abstracted data.
Testing demonstrated that all critical
data elements were reliably and
consistently captured in patient EHRs
and measure implementation is feasible.
We are proposing the adoption of the
Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure eCQM as part of the
eCQM measure set beginning with the
CY 2026 reporting period/FY 2028
payment determination. The eCQM
Chronic Events Meeting Summary. Available at:
398 To access the value sets for the measure,
please visit the Value Set Authority Center (VSAC),
sponsored by the National Library of Medicine,
399 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure. Available at:
400 Ibid.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
measure set is the measure set from
which hospitals can self-select measures
to report to meet the eCQM reporting
requirement. We refer readers to section
IX.C.9.c. of this proposed rule for a
discussion of our previously finalized
eCQM reporting and submission
policies, as well as proposed
modifications for these requirements.
Additionally, we refer readers to section
IX.F.6.a.(2). of the preamble of this
proposed rule for a discussion of a
similar proposal to adopt this measure
in the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program.
We invite public comment on our
proposal to adopt the Hospital Harm—
Postoperative Respiratory Failure eCQM
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination.
e. Proposal To Adopt the Thirty-Day
Risk-Standardized Death Rate Among
Surgical Inpatients With Complications
(Failure-To-Rescue) Measure Beginning
With the FY 2027 Payment
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(1) Background
Failure-to-rescue is defined as the
probability of death given a
postoperative complication.401 402 403
Hospitals can implement evidencesupported interventions to improve
timely identification of clinical
deterioration and treatment of
potentially preventable complications,
including improved nurse staffing,
simulation training, standardized
communication tools, electronic
monitoring and/or warning systems, and
rapid response
systems.404 405 406 407 408 409 Studies also
401 Silber J.H., Williams S.V., Krakauer H.,
Schwartz J.S., Hospital and patient characteristics
associated with death after surgery. A study of
adverse occurrence and failure to rescue. Med. Care.
1992 Jul.;30(7):615–29. doi: 10.1097/00005650–
402 Needleman J., Buerhaus P., Mattke S., Stewart
M., Zelevinsky K., Nurse-staffing levels and the
quality of care in hospitals. N. Engl. J. Med. 2002
May 30;346(22):1715–22. doi: 10.1056/
403 Portuondo J.I., Shah S.R., Singh H.,
Massarweh N.N., Failure to Rescue as a Surgical
Quality Indicator: Current Concepts and Future
Directions for Improving Surgical Outcomes.
Anesthesiology. 2019 Aug.;131(2):426–437. doi:
404 Silber, J.H., Rosenbaum, P.R., Ross, R. (1995).
Comparing the Contributions of Groups of
Predictors: Which Outcomes Vary with Hospital
Rather than Patient Characteristics? Journal of the
American Statistical Association, 90(429), 7–18.
405 Liao, L.M., Sun, X.Y., Yu, H., & Li, J.W. (2016).
The Association of Nurse Educational Preparation
and Patient Outcomes: Systematic Review and
Meta-Analysis. Nurse Education Today, 42, 9–16.
406 Burke, J.R., Downey, C., & Almoudaris, A.M.
(2022). Failure to Rescue Deteriorating Patients: A
Systematic Review of Root Causes and
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show that other processes of care can
influence failure-to-rescue rates,
including a hospital’s aggressiveness of
care (defined as the level of resources or
inpatient spending), with hospitals that
treat patients more aggressively (such as
providing more inpatient days or ICU
days in the last 2 years of life) having
lower surgical mortality and failure-torescue rates than otherwise similar
hospitals that treat patients less
aggressively.410 411 Hospitals and
healthcare providers benefit from
knowing not only their institution’s
mortality rate, but also their institution’s
ability to rescue patients after an
adverse occurrence. Using a failure-torescue measure is especially important
if hospital resources needed for
preventing complications are different
from those needed for rescue.
This Failure-to-Rescue measure was
designed to improve upon the CMS
Patient Safety Indicator 04 Death Rate
Among Surgical Inpatients with Serious
Treatable Complications (CMS PSI 04)
measure in the Hospital IQR Program.
We refer readers to section IX.C.6.a. for
our proposal to remove the CMS PSI 04
measure contingent upon the adoption
of the Failure-to-Rescue measure. Both
the Failure-to-Rescue measure and the
CMS PSI 04 measure focus on hospitals’
ability to rescue patients who
experience clinically significant
complications after inpatient operations,
so that these complications do not result
in death. Both measures are sensitive to
factors such as appropriate nurse
staffing and nursing skill-mix, which
enable hospitals to identify
complications earlier and intervene
effectively to prevent death.
The proposed Failure-to-Rescue
measure directly addresses stakeholder
Improvement Strategies. Journal of Patient Safety,
18(1), e140–e155.
407 Hall K.K., Lim A., Gale B. (2020). Failure To
Rescue. In: Hall, K.K., Shoemaker-Hunt, S.,
Hoffman, et al. Making Healthcare Safer III: A
Critical Analysis of Existing and Emerging Patient
Safety Practices. Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality (US).
408 Hall K.K., Lim A., Gale B. (2020). The Use of
Rapid Response Teams to Reduce Failure to Rescue
Events: A Systematic Review. Journal of Patient
Safety.16(3S Suppl 1):S3–S7.
409 Johnston, M.J., Arora, S., King, D., Bouras, G.,
Almoudaris, A.M., Davis, R., & Darzi, A. (2015). A
Systematic Review to Identify the Factors that
Affect Failure to Rescue and Escalation of Care in
Surgery. Surgery, 157(4), 752–763.
410 Kaestner, R., & Silber, J.H. (2010). Evidence on
the Efficacy of Inpatient Spending on Medicare
Patients. The Milbank Quarterly, 88(4), 560–594.
411 Silber, J.H., Kaestner, R., Even-Shoshan, O.,
Wang, Y., & Bressler, L.J. (2010). Aggressive
Treatment Style and Surgical Outcomes. Health
Services Research, 45(6 Pt 2), 1872–1892.
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concerns about the CMS PSI 04
measure, including:
• Complications sometimes develop
before the index operation in CMS PSI
04, even before transferring to the index
hospital. For example, the operation is
part of an effort to ‘‘rescue’’ the patient.
• The heterogeneous cohort includes
patients with very high-risk surgery (for
example, trauma surgery, burn surgery,
organ transplants, intracranial
hemorrhage) and very low-risk surgery
(for example, eye, ear, urolithiasis).
• Mean length of stay and prevalence
of early discharge to post-acute facilities
vary across hospitals, causing bias in
comparing performance.
• CMS PSI 04 may slightly
disadvantage teaching hospitals, even
after risk-adjustment, due to residual
confounding from unmeasured case-mix
The proposed Failure-to-Rescue
measure has four major differences
compared to CMS PSI 04:
1. Captures all deaths of denominatoreligible patients within 30 days of the
first qualifying operating room
procedure, regardless of site.
2. Limits the denominator to patients
in general surgical, vascular, and
orthopedic Medicare Severity Diagnosis
Related Groups (MS–DRGs).
3. Excludes patients whose relevant
complications preceded (rather than
followed) their first inpatient operating
room procedure, while broadening the
definition of denominator-triggering
complications to include other
complications that may predispose to
death (for example, pyelonephritis,
osteomyelitis, acute myocardial
infarction, stroke, acute renal failure,
heart failure/volume overload).
4. Measure cohort includes Medicare
Advantage patients.
We are proposing to adopt the
Failure-to-Rescue measure beginning
with the performance period of July 1,
2023–June 30, 2025 affecting the FY
2027 payment determination.
(2) Overview of Measure
The Failure-to-Rescue measure is a
risk-standardized measure of death after
hospital-acquired complication. The
measure denominator includes patients
18 years old and older admitted for
certain procedures in the General
Surgery, Orthopedic, or Cardiovascular
Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related
Groups (MS–DRGs) who were enrolled
in the Medicare program and had a
documented complication that was not
present on admission. The measure
numerator includes patients who died
within 30 days from the date of their
first ‘‘operating room’’ procedure,
regardless of site of death.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We refer readers to CMS’ QualityNet
inpatient/measures/psi (or other
successor CMS designated websites) for
more details on the measure
(3) Measure Alignment to Strategy
The Failure-to-Rescue measure aligns
with several goals under the CMS
National Quality Strategy.412 In
alignment with the goal to ‘‘Promote
Alignment’’ and ‘‘Improved Health
Outcomes,’’ this outcome-based
measure would allow hospitals to track
their institution’s ability to rescue
patients after an adverse occurrence and
encourage hospitals to focus on early
identification and rapid treatment of
complications, thereby improving the
overall quality of care and health
outcomes of patients in the inpatient
setting. In alignment with the goal to
‘‘Ensure Safe and Resilient Health Care
Systems,’’ the Failure-to-Rescue
measure includes a larger patient
population than the CMS PSI 04
measure. The Failure-to-Rescue measure
includes Medicare Advantage data and
the denominator includes a much
broader range of hospital-acquired
complications (for example, kidney
dysfunction, seizures, stroke, heart
failure, and wound infection) than the
CMS PSI 04 measure.
(4) Pre-Rulemaking Process and
Measure Endorsement
(a) Recommendation From the PRMR
We refer readers to section IX.B.1.c. of
the preamble of this proposed rule for
details on the PRMR process including
the voting procedures the PRMR process
uses to reach consensus on measure
recommendations. The PRMR Hospital
Committee, comprised of the PRMR
Hospital Advisory Group and PRMR
Hospital Recommendation Group,
reviewed measures included by the
Secretary on a publicly available ‘‘2023
Measures Under Consideration List’’
(MUC List),413 414 including the Failureto-Rescue measure (MUC2023–049). The
PRMR Hospital Recommendation Group
reviewed the proposed updates to the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
412 Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2023). CMS National Quality Strategy. Available at:
413 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 1, 2023). 2023 Measures Under
Consideration (MUC) List. Available at: https://
414 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 2023). Overview of the List of Measures
Under Consideration. Available at: https://
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Jkt 262001
Failure-to-Rescue measure (MUC2023–
049) during a meeting on January 18–19,
2024.415 416
The committee reached consensus
and recommended including this
measure in the Hospital IQR Program
with conditions. Twelve members of the
group voted to adopt the measure into
the Hospital IQR Program without
conditions; five members voted to adopt
with conditions; two committee
members voted not to recommend the
measure for adoption. Taken together,
89.5 percent of the votes were
recommend or recommended with
conditions. The five members of the
voting committee who voted to adopt
with conditions specified the condition
as collecting data to evaluate possible
unintended consequences, such as
hospitals encouraging patients to sign a
DNR order or enter hospice. We agree
with the potential for unintended
consequences and note that we
consistently monitor all of the measures
in the Hospital IQR Program for
unintended consequences. Furthermore,
we note that under our previously
finalized measure removal Factor 6,
collection or reporting of a measure
leads to negative unintended
consequences other than patient harm,
if we were to identify unintended
consequences related to this measure we
would consider it for removal.
Feedback was generally positive with
some discussion around whether the
measure was enough of an improvement
on CMS PSI 04. The measure developer
highlighted several areas of
improvement compared to CMS PSI 04,
including increased reliability and
validity largely due to the application of
this measure to both Medicare
Advantage and fee-for-service enrollees,
as well as the inclusion of deaths after
hospital discharge but within 30 days of
the index operative procedure.417
(b) Measure Endorsement
We refer readers to the proposed
Patient Safety Structural measure in
section IX.B.1.c. of this proposed rule
for details on the E&M process
including the measure evaluation
415 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
416 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 2023). Overview of the List of Measures
Under Consideration. Available at: https://
417 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). 2023 PreRulemaking Measure Review (PRMR) Meeting
Summary: Hospital Committee. Available at:
PO 00000
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procedures the E&M Committees uses to
evaluate measures and whether they
meet endorsement criteria. The E&M
Management of Acute Events, Chronic
Disease, Surgery, and Behavioral Health
Committee convened in the Fall Cycle
2023 to review the Failure-to-Rescue
measure (CBE #4125) which was
submitted to the CBE for endorsement.
The E&M Management of Acute Events,
Chronic Disease, Surgery, and
Behavioral Health Committee ultimately
voted to endorse with conditions on
January 29th, 2024.418 The condition
was: perform additional reliability
testing for endorsement review, namely
conducting additional simulation
analyses of minimum case volume
adjustments.419 We would monitor the
data as part of the standard measure
(5) Measure Calculation
The measure is calculated using
Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) Part A
inpatient claims data and Medicare
Inpatient Encounter data for Medicare
Advantage enrollees, in combination
with validated death data from the
Medicare Beneficiary Summary File or
equivalent resources. CMS receives
death information from a number of
sources: Medicare claims data from the
Medicare Common Working File (CWF);
online date of death edits submitted by
family members; and benefit
information used to administer the
Medicare program collected from the
Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) and
the Social Security Administration
(SSA). Similar to the CMS 30-day
mortality measures, the ‘‘Valid Date of
Death Switch’’ is used to confirm that
the exact day of death has been
This measure was tested using
Medicare inpatient hospital discharge
data from 2,055 IPPS hospitals with at
least 25 eligible discharges from January
1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Hospitallevel performance rates are depicted in
418 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). Fall 2023
Management of Acute and Chronic Events Meeting
Summary. Available at:
419 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). Fall 2023
Management of Acute and Chronic Events Meeting
Summary. Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Table IX.C–2.420 Because lower scores
are better the lower performance
percentiles are better performing
hospitals than those in the higher
percentiles (for example, the hospitals
in the fifth percentile are the best
performing hospitals).
Deaths oer 1.000
Wei_ghted mean
75 th
95 th
If hospitals currently in the worst
quartile (that is, those at the 75th
percentile) were to improve
performance to the performance of
hospitals in the best quartile (that is,
those at the 25th percentile) it would
represent a 50 percent decrease in the
frequency of deaths after postoperative
complications at those hospitals.421
Test results indicated moderate
measure reliability and strong
(6) Data Submission and Reporting
This measure uses readily available
administrative claims data routinely
generated and submitted to CMS for all
Medicare beneficiaries, which includes
Medicare Advantage and Medicare feefor-service patients. Hospitals would not
be required to report any additional
data. We have used a similarly designed
claims-based measure (CMS PSI 04) for
over a decade. The Failure-to-Rescue
measure would be calculated and
publicly reported on annual basis using
a rolling 24 months of prior data for the
measurement period, consistent with
the approach currently used for CMS
PSI 04 and PSI 90, the Patient Safety
and Adverse Events Composite.
We invite public comment on our
proposal to adopt the Thirty-day RiskStandardized Death Rate Among
Surgical Inpatients with Complications
(Failure-to-Rescue) measure beginning
with the CY 2025 reporting period/FY
2027 payment determination.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
6. Proposed Measure Removals for the
Hospital IQR Program Measure Set
We are proposing to remove five
measures: (1) Death Among Surgical
420 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death
Rate among Surgical Inpatients with Complications
(Failure-to-Rescue). Available at:
421 Ibid.
422 Ibid.
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We are proposing to remove the Death
Among Surgical Inpatients with Serious
Treatable Complications (CMS PSI 04)
measure, beginning with the FY 2027
payment determination associated with
the performance period of July 1, 2023–
June 30, 2025, based on removal Factor
3,423 the availability of a more broadly
applicable measure (across settings,
populations), or the availability of a
measure that is more proximal in time
to desired patient outcomes for the
particular topic. The CMS PSI 04
measure was adopted into the Hospital
IQR Program in the FY 2009 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (73 FR 48607). The CMS
PSI 04 measure records in-hospital
deaths per 1,000 elective surgical
discharges, among patients ages 18
through 89 years old or obstetric
patients with serious treatable
complications (shock/cardiac arrest,
sepsis, pneumonia, deep vein
thrombosis/pulmonary embolism, or
gastrointestinal hemorrhage/acute
ulcer).424 It is a claims-based measure
which uses claims and administrative
data to calculate the measure without
any additional data collection from
hospitals. The measure was previously
endorsed (CBE #0351), but given the
measurement’s limitations, endorsement
was not maintained by the measure
steward, and the measure has not been
updated since 2017.425
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (86 FR 25579 through
25580), we proposed to remove this
measure under removal Factor 3, noting
at that time that the Hybrid HospitalWide Mortality measure (Hybrid HWM)
(CBE #3502) was more broadly
applicable. Some public commenters,
however, expressed concerns about
replacing CMS PSI 04 with the Hybrid
HWM measure since the Hybrid HWM
measure would report on the mortality
423 We refer readers to the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (83 FR 41540 through 41544) for a
summary of the Hospital IQR Program’s removal
Factors. Removal Factors were codified at
§ 412.140. (88 FR 59144).
424 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
(2023). AHRQ Quality IndicatorsTM (AHRQ QITM)
ICD–9–CM Specification Version 6.0. Available at:
425 Partnership for Quality Measurement. (2023).
Death Rate among Surgical Inpatients with Serious
Treatable Complications (PSI 04). Available at:
Inpatients with Serious Treatable
Complications (CMS PSI 04) measure
beginning with the July 1, 2023–June 30,
2025 reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination; (2) Hospital-level, RiskStandardized Payment Associated with
a 30-Day Episode-of-Care for Acute
Myocardial Infarction (AMI) measure
beginning with the July 1, 2021–June 30,
2024 reporting period/FY 2026 payment
determination; (3) Hospital-level, RiskStandardized Payment Associated with
a 30-Day Episode-of-Care for Heart
Failure (HF) measure beginning with the
July 1, 2021–June 30, 2024 reporting
period/FY 2026 payment determination;
(4) Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode-of-Care for Pneumonia (PN)
measure beginning with the July 1,
2021–June 30, 2024 reporting period/FY
2026 payment determination; and (5)
Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode-of-Care for Elective Primary
Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or
Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) measure
beginning with the April 1, 2021–March
31, 2024 reporting period/FY 2026
payment determination. We provide
more details on each of these proposals
in the subsequent sections.
a. Proposal To Remove the Death
Among Surgical Inpatients With Serious
Treatable Complications (CMS PSI 04)
Measure Beginning With the CY 2025
Reporting Period/FY 2027 Payment
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Performance Percentile
25 th
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
rate of the entire hospital, instead of
specifically measuring the deaths of
surgical inpatients in an effort to assess
postoperative mortality distinct from
hospital-wide mortality (86 FR 45391).
Other commenters elaborated on this
concern stating that by removing a
postoperative-specific mortality
measure, hospitals may lose the ability
to account for what resources they need
to better care for surgical inpatients
since that population’s needs often
differs from the needs of non-surgical
IPPS hospital patients (86 FR 45391
through 45392).426 Some commenters
suggested modifications to the existing
CMS PSI 04 measure such as changing
its methodology to refine the types of
surgical patients and complications
included in the measure and to expand
the measure beyond surgical inpatients
(86 FR 45390 through 45391). Other
commenters suggested keeping CMS PSI
04 unchanged because of the
importance of evaluating patient deaths
when assessing patient safety and
suggested adding more patient safety
measures to the Hospital IQR Program
measure set, expressing their belief that
there were too few patient safety
measures in the program (86 FR 45391).
After consideration of the public
comments on our proposal to remove
CMS PSI 04 in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule (86 FR 25579
through 25580) we decided not to
finalize removal of the measure at that
Since then, we have developed the
Thirty-Day Risk-Standardized Death
Rate Among Surgical Inpatients with
Complications (Failure-to-Rescue) (CBE
#4125) measure, as proposed for
adoption in section IX.C.5.e. of this
proposed rule beginning with the FY
2027 payment determination. The
Failure-to-Rescue measure is a more
broadly applicable measure that would
be more appropriate for inclusion in the
Hospital IQR Program. Recent studies
have indicated that the CMS PSI 04
measure does not consistently recognize
preventable in-hospital deaths (failure
to rescue cases). A 2023 study indicated
that CMS PSI 04 is being used to an
unknown extent outside of
postoperative cases, and there is often
erroneous categorization of patients as
having a CMS PSI 04 complication.427
426 Nilsson, U., Gruen, R., & Myles, P. S. (2020).
Postoperative recovery: The importance of the team.
Anesthesia, 75(S1).
427 Azad, T.D., Rodriguez, E., Raj, D., Xia, Y.,
Materi, J., Rincon-Torroella, J., Gonzalez, L.F.,
Suarez, J.I., Tamargo, R.J., Brem, H., Haut, E.R., &
Bettegowda, C. (2023). Patient Safety Indicator 04
Does Not Consistently Identify Failure to Rescue in
the Neurosurgical Population. Neurosurgery, 92(2),
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This same study found significant
variation in the identification of CMS
PSI 04 complications at different
procedure locations (For example:
bedside versus operating room
procedures).428 Therefore, both the
temporal and causal relationship
attributing a CMS PSI 04 complication
to patient mortality has been found to be
poorly understood, particularly because
CMS PSI 04 relates to a complication
being deemed treatable.429
We are proposing to adopt the
Failure-to-Rescue measure to replace
CMS PSI 04 as a more broadly
applicable patient safety indicator and
one which can better address concerns
previously raised by interested parties.
The Failure-to-Rescue measure assesses
the percentage of surgical inpatients
who experienced a complication and
then died within 30-days from the date
of their first ‘‘operating room’’
procedure. We refer readers to section
IX.C.5.e. of this proposed rule for more
detail on the Failure-to-Rescue measure
including the timeline for its initial
performance, reporting, and payment
determination periods.
While CMS PSI 04 only measures the
rate of in-hospital deaths among surgical
inpatients within a set of serious
treatable conditions, the Failure-toRescue measure assesses the probability
of death given a postoperative
complication and is inclusive of a
broader range of conditions commonly
experienced by surgical inpatients. To
best address the needs of a broader
scope of surgical inpatients and
conditions, it allows for more contextspecific approaches to measure
preventable deaths due to the highly
variable nature of surgical procedures
between specialties. This highly
variable and context-specific nature of
postoperative cases has been considered
a challenge of using CMS PSI 04 as an
effective universal patient safety
metric.430 There would be minimal
burden for hospitals associated with
replacing CMS PSI 04 with the Failureto-Rescue measure due to the Failure-to
Rescue measure’s data sources,
including its use of Medicare Advantage
encounter data. Thus, the Failure-toRescue measure would include a wider
range of patients and better reflect the
428 Ibid
429 Ibid.
430 Azad, T.D., Rodriguez, E., Raj, D., Xia, Y.,
Materi, J., Rincon-Torroella, J., Gonzalez, L.F.,
Suarez, J.I., Tamargo, R.J., Brem, H., Haut, E.R., &
Bettegowda, C. (2023). Patient Safety Indicator 04
Does Not Consistently Identify Failure to Rescue in
the Neurosurgical Population. Neurosurgery, 92(2),
PO 00000
Frm 00393
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true nature of postoperative patient
safety at institutions. In addition,
multiple failure-to-rescue measures
have been repeatedly validated by their
consistent association with nurse
staffing, nursing skill mix, technological
resources, rapid response systems, and
other activities that improve early
identification and prompt intervention
when complications arise after
surgery.431 432 433
By using the Failure-to-Rescue
measure, hospitals can identify
opportunities to improve their quality of
care and patient safety. Hospitals and
healthcare providers can benefit from
knowing not only their institution’s
mortality rate, but also their institution’s
ability to provide each patient with the
appropriate and necessary standard of
care after an adverse occurrence.434
Using the Failure-to-Rescue measure as
opposed to the current CMS PSI 04
measure is especially important if the
hospital resources needed for
preventing and treating 30-day
postoperative complications among
surgical inpatients are different from
those needed for targeted care after an
adverse event, such as more skilled care
personnel or equipment specific to
postoperative care. From a quality
improvement perspective, the Failureto-Rescue measure rate would
complement the mortality rate to
improve our understanding of mortality
statistics and identify opportunities for
improvement.435 Therefore, the qualityof-care measurement may be improved
if both mortality and Failure-to-Rescue
measure rates are reported instead of
relying on the Hybrid HWM measure
alone. Using the Failure-to-Rescue
measure instead of the CMS PSI 04
measure would allow us to assess an
431 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
432 Rosero, E.B., Romito, B.T., & Joshi, G.P. (2021).
Failure to rescue: A quality indicator for
postoperative care. Best Practice & Research
Clinical Anesthesiology, 35(4), 575–589. https://
433 Hall K.K., Lim A., Gale B. Failure To Rescue.
In: Hall K.K., Shoemaker-Hunt S., Hoffman L., et al.
Making Healthcare Safer III: A Critical Analysis of
Existing and Emerging Patient Safety Practices
[internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (US); 2020 Mar. 2. Available
434 Rodziewicz T.L., Houseman B., Hipskind J.E.
Medical Error Reduction and Prevention. [Updated
2023 May 2]. In: StatPearls [internet]. Treasure
Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–.
Available at:
435 Ward, S.T., Dimick, J.B., Zhang, W., Campbell,
D.A., & Ghaferi, A.A. (2019). Association Between
Hospital Staffing Models and Failure to Rescue.
Annals of surgery, 270(1), 91–94.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
expanded population and encourage
safe practices for the widest range of
surgical inpatients.
We are proposing to remove the CMS
PSI 04 measure from the Hospital IQR
Program beginning with the FY 2027
payment determination associated with
the performance period of July 1, 2023–
June 30, 2025, contingent upon
finalizing our proposal to adopt the
Failure-to-Rescue measure beginning
with the FY 2027 payment
determination so that there is no gap in
measuring this important topic area.
We invite public comment on our
proposal to remove the CMS PSI 04
measure from the Hospital IQR Program
beginning with the FY 2027 payment
determination associated with the
performance period of July 1, 2023–June
30, 2025, contingent upon finalizing our
proposal to adopt the Failure-to-Rescue
measure beginning with the FY 2027
payment determination.
b. Proposal To Remove Four Clinical
Episode-Based Payment Measures
Beginning With the FY 2026 Payment
We are proposing to remove four
clinical episode-based payment
measures from the Hospital IQR
Program beginning with the FY 2026
payment determination:
• Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode of Care for Acute Myocardial
Infarction (AMI) (CBE #2431) (AMI
Payment) (adopted at 78 FR 50802
through 50805). This measure assesses
hospital risk-standardized payment
associated with a 30-day episode-of-care
for acute myocardial infarction for
Medicare FFS patients aged 65 or older
for any hospital participating in the
Hospital IQR Program;
• Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode of Care for Heart Failure (HF)
(CBE #2436) (HF Payment) (adopted at
79 FR 50231 through 50235). This
measure assesses hospital riskstandardized payment associated with a
30-day episode-of-care for heart failure
for Medicare FFS patients aged 65 or
older for any hospital participating in
the Hospital IQR Program;
• Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode of Care for Pneumonia (PN)
(CBE #2579) (PN Payment) (adopted at
79 FR 50227 through 50231). This
measure assesses hospital riskstandardized payment associated with a
30-day episode-of-care for pneumonia
for any hospital participating in the
Hospital IQR Program and includes
Medicare FFS patients aged 65 or older;
• Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode of Care for Elective Primary
Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or
Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) (CBE
#3474) (THA/TKA Payment) (adopted at
80 FR 49674 through 49680; revised at
87 FR 49267 through 49269). This
measure assesses hospital riskstandardized payment (including
payments made by CMS, patients, and
other insurers) associated with a 90-day
episode-of-care for elective primary
THA/TKA for any hospital participating
in the Hospital IQR Program and
includes Medicare FFS patients aged 65
or older.
The proposed final performance
periods for these four payment measures
are indicated in the following table:
TABLE IX.C.3. Proposed Final Performance Period & Payment Determination for
AMI Payment, HF Payment, PN Payment, and /TKA Payment Measures
Perl'ormance Period
Julv 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024
July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024
Julv 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024
April 1, 2021-March31, 2024
We are proposing to remove the AMI
Payment, HF Payment, PN Payment,
and THA/TKA Payment measures under
measure removal Factor 3, the
availability of a more broadly applicable
measure (across settings, populations, or
the availability of a measure that is more
proximal in time to desired patient
outcomes for the particular topic)—
specifically, the Medicare Spending Per
Beneficiary Hospital measure (CBE
#2158) (MSPB Hospital measure) in the
Hospital VBP Program.436 The MSPB
Hospital measure has been
intermittently included in the Hospital
IQR Program’s measure set, most
recently to update the measure
specifications in the Hospital VBP
436 We refer readers to the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (83 FR 41540 through 41544) for a
summary of the Hospital IQR Program’s removal
Factors. Removal Factors were codified at
§ 412.140. (88 FR 59144).
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Payment Determination
FY 2026
FY 2026
FY 2026
FY 2026
Program. The Hospital VBP Program’s
statute requires that measures be
publicly reported for one year in the
Hospital IQR Program prior to the
beginning of the performance period in
the Hospital VBP Program (section
1886(o)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act and 42 CFR
412.164(b)).437 In the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we re-adopted the
previously removed MSPB Hospital
measure into the Hospital IQR Program
with refinements (87 FR 28529 through
28532) to update the measure
specifications for purposes of the
437 When substantive updates to measure
specifications are needed, we have had to readopt
the measure and updates into the Hospital IQR
Program first. The measure was initially adopted
into the Hospital IQR Program in the FY 2012 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51618) and then was
finalized for removal in the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (83 FR 41559 through 41560) to
deduplicate the measure sets across programs and
reduce burden for hospitals.
PO 00000
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Hospital VBP Program. We subsequently
removed it again from the Hospital IQR
Program and concurrently adopted the
refined version into the Hospital VBP
Program (88 FR 59064 through 59067,
59170 through 59171, respectively). We
refer readers to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (87 FR 49257 through
49263) for more details on this
measure’s history in the Hospital IQR
and Hospital VBP Programs.
The MSPB Hospital measure
evaluates hospitals’ efficiency and
resource use relative to the efficiency of
the national median hospital. The MSPB
Hospital measure is a more broadly
applicable measure because it captures
the same data as the four clinical
episode-based payment measures being
proposed for removal but incorporates a
much larger set of conditions and
procedures. We note that we recently
adopted refinements to the MSPB
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
AMI Payment
HF Payment
THA/TKA Payment
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Hospital measure to ensure a more
comprehensive and consistent
assessment of hospital performance (87
FR 49257 through 49263, 88 FR 59064
through 59067). Those refinements
allow the measure to capture more
episodes and adjusted the measure
The four clinical episode-based
payment measures being proposed for
removal are condition-specific whereas
the MSPB Hospital measure is not.
Although the MSPB Hospital measure
does not provide the same level of
granularity as the four conditionspecific measures, the important data
elements would be captured more
broadly under the Hospital VBP
Program by evaluating and publicly
reporting the hospitals’ efficiency
relative to the efficiency of the median
national hospital. Specifically, the
MSPB Hospital measure assesses the
cost to Medicare for services performed
by hospitals and other healthcare
providers during an episode of care,
which includes the three days prior to,
during, and 30 days following an
inpatient’s hospital stay.439
Additionally, providers will continue to
receive confidential feedback reports
containing details on the MSPB Hospital
We note that performance on these
four clinical episode-based payment
measures has either remained stable or
decreased since FY 2019. Based on an
internal CMS analysis, the mean
performance for the PN Payment, HF
Payment, and AMI Payment measures
has decreased, while the mean
performance for the THA/TKA Payment
measure has remained stable.
Considering these performance trends,
we highlight that these four clinical
episode-based payment measures have
not been as beneficial in recent years to
the Hospital IQR Program.
We invite public comment on our
proposal to remove these four clinical
episode-based payment measures from
the Hospital IQR Program beginning
with the FY 2026 payment
7. Proposed Refinements to Current
Measures in the Hospital IQR Program
Measure Set
We are proposing refinements to two
measures currently in the Hospital IQR
438 These refinements are available in a summary
of the measure re-evaluation on the CMS
QualityNet website, Medicare Spending Per
Beneficiary (MSPB) Measure Methodology.
Available at:
439 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2023). Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary—
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Program measure set: (1) Global
Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS)
eCQM, beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination and for subsequent year,
and (2) the Hospital Consumer
Assessment of Healthcare Providers and
Systems (HCAHPS) Survey measure
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 payment determination.
We provide more details on the GMCS
eCQM proposal in the subsequent
sections and details on the proposed
modification to HCAHPS Survey
measure are in section IX.B.2.e. of this
proposed rule.
a. Proposal To Modify the Global
Malnutrition Composite Score Measure
Beginning With the CY 2026 Reporting
Period/FY 2028 Payment Determination
(1) Background
The previously finalized GMCS eCQM
(CBE #3592e) assesses the percentage of
hospitalizations for adults 65 years old
and older prior to the start of the
measurement period with a length of
stay equal to or greater than 24 hours
who received optimal malnutrition care
during the current inpatient
hospitalizations where care performed
was appropriate to the patient’s level of
malnutrition risk and severity. We
adopted the GMCS eCQM in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
beginning with the CY 2024 reporting
period/FY 2026 payment determination
(87 FR 49239 through 49246). We refer
readers to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 49241 through 49242)
for more detailed discussion of the CBE
review and endorsement of the current
GMCS eCQM, which received CBE
endorsement in July 2021 (CBE
#3592e).440 441
While we understand the unique
challenges malnutrition creates for older
adults, we also recognize that hospital
and disease-related malnutrition is not
limited to that population (87 FR
49239). Data from the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality
(AHRQ) indicate that approximately
eight percent of all hospitalized adults
have a diagnosis of malnutrition,442 and
additional research finds that
440 Partnership for Quality Measurement. (2023).
Global Malnutrition Composite Score. Available at:
441 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Measures Inventory Tool. (2023). Global
Malnutrition Composite Score. Available at: https://
442 United States Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality. (2016). Non-maternal and nonneonatal inpatient stays in the United States
involving malnutrition 2016. Available at: https://
PO 00000
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malnutrition and malnutrition risk can
be found in 20 to 50 percent of
hospitalized adults 18 years old and
older.443 Failure to diagnose and
insufficient treatment of malnutrition in
hospitals is also associated with poor
institutional coordination between
nurses, physicians, and other hospital
staff regarding screening, diagnosis, and
treatment, further emphasizing the need
to address malnutrition in all
hospitalized adults.444 Because
malnutrition impacts adults of all ages,
preventive screening and intervention
among all hospitalized adults 18 years
old and older would greatly reduce the
risk and improve the treatment of
malnutrition.445 A 2020 study estimated
that every dollar spent on nutrition
interventions in a hospital setting can
result in up to $99 in savings on
subsequent medical care.446 Screening
all patients over age 18 for malnutrition
instead of only those over age 65 could
result in both improved clinical
outcomes for patients and substantial
financial savings for the healthcare
Therefore, in this proposed rule, we
are proposing to modify the GMCS
eCQM to expand the applicable
population from hospitalized adults 65
or older to hospitalized adults 18 or
older. The modified GMCS eCQM
would broaden the measure to assess
hospitalized adults 18 years old and
older who received care appropriate to
their level of malnutrition risk and
malnutrition diagnosis, if properly
(2) Measure Alignment to Strategy
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 49239), we noted that the
adoption of a malnutrition measure may
help address several priority areas
identified in the CMS Framework for
443 Kabashneh, S., Alkassis, S., Shanah, L., & Ali,
H. (2020). A Complete Guide to Identify and
Manage Malnutrition in Hospitalized Patients.
Cureus, 12(6), e8486.
444 Anghel, S., Kerr, K.W., Valladares, A.F.,
Kilgore, K.M., & Sulo, S. (2021). Identifying patients
with malnutrition and improving use of nutrition
interventions: A quality study in four US hospitals.
Nutrition, 91–92, 111360.
445 Sauer, A.C., Goates, S., Malone, A., Mogensen,
K.M., Gewirtz, G., Sulz, I., Moick, S., Laviano, A.,
& Hiesmayr, M. (2019). Prevalence of malnutrition
risk and the impact of nutrition risk on hospital
outcomes: Results from nutrition day in the U.S.
Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 43(7),
446 Suela Sulo, Leah Gramlich, Jyoti Benjamin,
Sharon McCauley, Jan Powers, Krishnan Sriram &
Kristi Mitchell (2020) Nutrition Interventions
Deliver Value in Healthcare: Real-World Evidence,
Nutrition and Dietary Supplements, 12:, 139–146,
DOI: 10.2147/NDS.S262364.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Health Equity 447 (87 FR 49240 through
49241) and expanding the current
measure’s population to include all
adults over 18 years old would further
address these priorities. Malnutrition in
the U.S., whether caused by challenges
from disease and functional limitations,
food insecurity, other factors, or a
combination of causes, is more
frequently experienced by underserved
populations and can thus be a
contributing factor to health
inequities.448 Adopting the updated
measure as proposed would lead to a
more diverse population being assessed
for malnutrition, and by identifying
instances of malnutrition among
younger populations, the benefits of
proper nutrition could be felt over a
lifetime. As part of the CMS National
Quality Strategy, the modified GMCS
eCQM would also address the priority
area of ‘‘Promote Aligned and Improved
Health Outcomes.’’ 449 Under the CMS
Meaningful Measures 2.0 Initiative,
which is a key component of the CMS
National Quality Strategy, the modified
GMCS eCQM addresses the quality
priorities of ‘‘Seamless Care
Coordination,’’ ‘‘Person-Centered Care,’’
and ‘‘Equity.’’ It would address these
priorities by connecting providers at
different levels of care to ensure the
largest possible population of adult
patients with in-hospital malnutrition
are identified and treated using a
patient-centered approach.
(3) Overview of Measure Update
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The modified GMCS eCQM still
includes the four component measures
corresponding to documented best
practices as described in the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49241)
and in the first column of Table IX.C.4.
The only change we are proposing is to
expand the applicable population for
this measure. The measure
specifications for the modified GMCS
eCQM can be found on the eCQI
Resource Center website, available at:
447 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2023). CMS Framework for Health Equity.
Available at:
448 Blankenship, J., & Blancato, R.B. (2022).
Nutrition Security at the Intersection of Health
Equity and Quality Care. Journal of the Academy of
Nutrition and Dietetics, 122(10S), S12–S19. https://
449 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2023). CMS National Quality Strategy. Available at:
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(4) Pre-Rulemaking Process and
Measure Endorsement
(a) Recommendation From the PRMR
We refer readers to the proposed
Patient Safety Structural measure in
section IX.B.1.c. of this proposed rule
for details on the PRMR process
including the voting procedures used to
reach consensus on measure
recommendations. The PRMR Hospital
Committee met on January 18–19, 2024,
to review measures included by the
Secretary on a publicly available ‘‘2023
Measures Under Consideration List’’
(MUC List),450 451 including the
modified GMCS eCQM (MUC2023–114),
to vote on a recommendation with
regard to use of this measure.452 453
The PRMR Hospital Committee
reached consensus and recommended
including this measure (MUC2023–114)
in the Hospital IQR Program with
conditions. Fourteen members of the
group recommended adopting the
measure into the Hospital IQR Program
without conditions; three members
recommended adoption with
conditions; two committee members
voted not to recommend the measure for
adoption. Taken together, 84.2 percent
of the votes were recommended with
conditions.454 The three members who
voted to adopt with conditions specified
the condition as screening and
assessment includes hospital-acquired
malnutrition and high-risk nutritional
practices in hospitals, such as prolonged
fasting for rescheduled procedures, and
to obtain more feedback from patient
groups. We agree that the potential for
unintended consequences exists and
note that we consistently monitor all of
the measures in the Hospital IQR
Program for unintended consequences.
Furthermore, we note that under our
450 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 1, 2023). 2023 Measures Under
Consideration (MUC) List. Available at: https://
451 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 2023). Overview of the List of Measures
Under Consideration. Available at: https://
452 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
2023 Measures Under Consideration (MUC) List.
Available at:
453 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 2023). Overview of the List of Measures
Under Consideration. Available at: https://
454 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. (February 2024). Pre-Rulemaking
Measure Review Measures Under Consideration
PO 00000
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previously finalized measure removal
Factor 6, collection or public reporting
of a measure leads to negative
unintended consequences other than
patient harm, if we were to identify
unintended consequences related to this
measure, we would consider it for
(b) Measure Endorsement
We refer readers to section IX.B.1.c. of
the preamble of this proposed rule for
details on the E&M process including
the measure evaluation procedures the
E&M Committees, comprised of the
E&M Advisory Group and E&M
Recommendation Group, uses to
evaluate measures and whether they
meet endorsement criteria. The GMCS
eCQM was initially endorsed in the Fall
2020 cycle by the CBE (CBE #3592e) and
is scheduled for endorsement review
with the proposed modification in
2024.455 Section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(IX)(aa) of the Act
requires that measures specified by the
Secretary for use in the Hospital IQR
Program be endorsed by the entity with
a contract under section 1890(a) of the
Act. Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(IX)(bb)
of the Act states that in the case of a
specified area or medical topic
determined appropriate by the Secretary
for which a feasible and practical
measure has not been endorsed by the
entity with a contract under section
1890(a) of the Act, the Secretary may
specify a measure that is not so
endorsed as long as due consideration is
given to measures that have been
endorsed or adopted by a consensus
organization identified by the Secretary.
Here, after reviewing the current
measure, we found no measures, other
than the current GMCS measure, on this
topic. We have determined this is an
appropriate medical topic for us to
propose the adoption of an unendorsed
measure because of its general
consistency with the current, endorsed
measure, and the usefulness of the
measure would be substantially
improved by the proposed modification.
(5) Measure Calculation
The modified GMCS eCQM would
still use data collected through
hospitals’ EHRs. The measure is
designed to be calculated by the
hospitals’ CEHRT using the patient-level
data and then submitted by hospitals to
The modified GMCS eCQM continues
to consist of four component measures,
455 Battelle—Partnership for Quality
Measurement. Global Malnutrition Composite Score
eCQM. Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
which are first scored separately.456 457
The overall composite score is derived
from averaging the individual
performance scores of the four
component measures. The malnutrition
component measures are all fully
specified for use in EHRs. Table IX.C.4
describes each of the four measure
components with the proposed
expanded population.
Measure Observation
Patients 18 years old and older in the denominator who have a
malnutrition screening documented in the medical record.
tompletion of a Nutrition Assessment for Patients Identified as At-Risk for Patients 18 years old and older in the denominator who have a nutrition
assessment documented in the medical record.
!Appropriate Documentation of a Malnutrition Diagnosis.
Patients 18 years old and older in the denominator with a diagnosis of
malnutrition documented in the medical record.
Patients 18 years old and older in the denominator who have a nutrition
!Nutrition Care Plan for Patients Identified as
Malnourished after a Completed Nutrition Assessment.
are plan documented in the medical record.
The modified GMCS eCQM numerator
is comprised of the four component
measures, that are individually scored
for patients 18 years old and older who
are admitted to an acute inpatient
hospital. The measure denominator is
the composite, or total, of the four
component measures for patients 18
years old and older who are admitted to
an acute inpatient hospital. The only
exclusion for this measure population
remains as patients whose length of stay
is less than 24 hours, the same as
previously adopted in the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR
Each measure component is a
proportion with a possible performance
score of 0 to 100 percent (higher percent
reflects better performance). After each
component score is calculated
individually, an unweighted average of
all four scores is computed to determine
the final composite score for the
individual with a total score ranging
from 0 to 100 percent (higher percent
reflects better performance).458
(6) Data Submission and Reporting
We are proposing the adoption of the
modified GMCS eCQM as part of the
Hospital IQR Program measure set from
which hospitals can self-select
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination.
Since this modification uses the same
data sources and collection methods as
the current version of the GMCS eCQM,
there is not expected to be any major
impact to workflows or other aspects of
data collection. The only anticipated
change to data collection processes is
that the data would be collected from a
larger patient population. We refer
readers to section XI.C.9.c. of this
proposed rule for our previously
finalized eCQM reporting and
submission requirements, as well as
proposed modifications for these
We also refer readers to section
IX.F.6.a.(2). of the preamble of this
proposed rule for discussion of a similar
proposal to adopt this measure in the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
456 Valladares A.F., McCauley S.M., Khan M.,
D’Andrea C., Kilgore K., Mitchell K. Development
and Evaluation of a Global Malnutrition Composite
Score. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022 Feb;122(2):251–258.
doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2021.02.002. Epub 2021 Mar 10.
PMID: 33714687.
457 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Measures Inventory Tool. (2023). Global
Malnutrition Composite Score. Available at: https://
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Program for Eligible Hospitals and
We invite public comment on our
proposal to modify the GMCS eCQM to
expand the applicable population from
hospitalized adults 65 years old or older
to hospitalized adults 18 years old or
older beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment
8. Summary of Previously Finalized and
Proposed Hospital IQR Program
a. Summary of Previously Finalized
Hospital IQR Program Measures for the
FY 2026 Payment Determination
This table summarizes the previously
finalized Hospital IQR Program measure
set for the FY 2026 payment
determination including the proposed
removals of four claims-based payment
458 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Measures Inventory Tool. (2023). Global
Malnutrition Composite Score. Available at: https://
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
tompletion of a Malnutrition Screening.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Short Nrune
Measure Name
National Healthcare Safety Network Measures
HCP Influenza
AMI Excess Davs
HF Excess Davs
PN Excess Days
Hvbrid HWR**
Safe Use of
Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel
COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel
Claims-Based Patient Safetv Measures
Death Rate among Surgical Inpatients with Serious Treatable Complications
(CMS Recalibrated Death Rate among Surgical Inpatients with Serious Treatable
Claims-Based Mortality/Complications Measures
Hospital 30-Day, All-Cause, Risk Standardized Mortality-Rate Following Acute
Ischemic Stroke
Hospital-Level Risk-Standardized Complication Rate (RSCR) Following Elective
Primary THA and/or TKA
Claims-Based Coordination of Care Measures
Excess Davs in Acute Care after Hospitalization for Acute Mvocardial Infarction
Excess Davs in Acute Care after Hospitalization for Heart Failure
Excess Days in Acute Care after Hospitalization for Pneumonia
Claims-Based Pavment Measures
Medicare Spending Per Beneficiarv (MSPB)-Hospital
Claims and Electronic Data Measures
Hvbrid Hospital-Wide All-Cause Risk Standardized Mortalitv Measure (HWM)
Hvbrid Hospital-Wide All-Cause Readmission Measure CHWR)
Chart-Abstracted Clinical Process of Care Measures
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: Management Bundle (Composite Measure)
Structural Measures
Maternal Morbidity Structural Measure
Hospital Commitment to Health Equitv
Electronic Clinical Oualitv Measures (eCOMs)
Safe Use of Opioids - Concurrent Prescribing
Cesarean Birth
Severe Obstetric Complications
Discharged on Antithrombotic Therapv
Anticoagulation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter
Anti thrombotic Therapy bv the End of Hospital Dav Two
Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Hospital Harm - Severe Hypoglycemia Measure
Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia Measure
Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events
Global Malnutrition Composite Score
Patient Experience of Care Survey Measures
Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey
Process Measures
Screening for Social Drivers of Health
Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers of Health
Standardized Mortality (HWM) measure beginning with the July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024 reporting period, impacting
the FY 2026 payment determination (86 FR 45365 through 45374).
** In the FY 2020 IPPS/L TCH PPS final rule, we finalized removal of the claims-only Hospital-Wide All-Cause
Unplanned Readmission (HWR claims-only) measure (CBE #1789) and will replace it with the Hybrid HWR
measure (CBE #2879), beginning with the FY 2026 payment determination (84 FR 42465 through 42481). In the
FY 2024 IPPS/L TCH PPS final rule, we finalized refinements to these measures beginning with the FY 2027
payment determination (88 FR 59161 through 59168).
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
* In the FY 2022 IPPS/L TCH PPS final rule we finalized the adoption of the Hybrid Hospital-Wide All-Cause Risk
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
b. Summary of Previously Finalized
Hospital IQR Program Measures for the
FY 2027 Payment Determination
This table summarizes the previously
finalized Hospital IQR Program measure
set for the FY 2027 payment
determination including the proposed
adoption of two new structural
measures, one new claims-based patient
safety measure, and the proposed
removal of the CMS PSI 04 measure:
Short Nrune
Measure N rune
National Healthcare Safety Network Measures
AMI Excess Davs
HF Excess Davs
PN Excess Days
Maternal Morbiditv
Age Friendly
Patient Safetv***
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Safe Use ofOpioids
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Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel
COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel
Claims-Based Patient Safetv Measures
Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death Rate among Surgical Inpatients with Complications
(Failure-to-Rescue) Measure
Claims-Based Mortality/Complications Measures
Hospital 30-Day, All-Cause, Risk Standardized Mortality-Rate Following Acute Ischemic
Hospital-Level Risk-Standardized Complication Rate (RSCR) Following Elective Primary
THA and/or TKA
Claims-Based Coordination of Care Measures
Excess Davs in Acute Care after Hospitalization for Acute Mvocardial Infarction
Excess Davs in Acute Care after Hospitalization for Heart Failure
Excess Days in Acute Care after Hospitalization for Pneumonia
Claims-Based Pavment Measures
Medicare Spending Per Beneficiarv (MSPB)-Hospital
Claims and Electronic Data Measures
Hvbrid Hospital-Wide All-Cause Risk Standardized Mortalitv Measure (HWM)
Hvbrid Hospital-Wide All-Cause Readmission Measure (HWR)
Chart-Abstracted Clinical Process of Care Measures
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: Management Bundle (Composite Measure)
Structural Measures
Maternal Morbiditv Structural Measure
Hospital Commitment to Health Equitv
Age Friendly Hospital Measure
Patient Safetv Structural Measure
Electronic Clinical Quality Measures (eCQMs)
Safe Use ofOpioids - Concurrent Prescribing
Cesarean Birth
Severe Obstetric Complications
Discharged on Antithrombotic Therapy
Anticoagulation Therapv for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter
Antithrombotic Therapy bv the End of Hospital Dav Two
Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
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HCP Influenza
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Short N31Ile
Measure N 31Ile
Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophvlaxis
Hospital Harm - Severe Hvpoglycemia Measure
Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia Measure
Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events
Hospital Harm - Pressure Iniurv
Hospital Harm - Acute Kidney Iniurv
Global Malnutrition Composite Score
Excessive Radiation Dose or Inadequate Image Quality for Diagnostic Computed
Tomography (CT) in Adults
Patient Experience of Care Survey Measures
Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey
Patient-Reported Outcome Performance Measures
Hospital-Level Total Hip Arthroplasty and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty Patient-Reported
Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM)
Process Measures
Screening for Social Drivers of Health
Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers of Health
* In this proposed rule, we are proposing removal of the Death Among Surgical Inpatients with Serious Treatable
Complications (CMS PSI 04) measure and its replacement with the Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death Rate among
Surgical Inpatients with Complications (Failure-to-Rescue) measure beginning with the FY 2027 payment
determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.e. for more detailed discussion.
** In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Age Friendly Hospital measure beginning with the FY
2027 payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.a. for more detailed discussion.
*** In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Patient Safety Structural measure beginning with the FY
2027 payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.B .1. for more detailed discussion.
**** In this proposed rule, we are proposing refinements to the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems Survey (including Care Transition Measure) measure beginning with the FY 2027 payment
determination. We refer readers to section IX.B.2.e. for more detailed discussion.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
This table summarizes the previously
finalized and proposed Hospital IQR
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Program measure set for the FY 2028
payment determination including the
proposed adoption of two new Hospital
Harm measures, two new NHSN
measures, proposed modification of the
GMCS eCQM, and the proposed
PO 00000
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Fmt 4701
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Updated Hospital Consumer
Assessment of Healthcare Providers and
Systems Survey (including Care
Transition Measure):
c. Summary of Previously Finalized and
Proposed Hospital IQR Program
Measures for the FY 2028 Payment
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Short Name
IICP Influenza Vaccination
HCP COVID-19 Vaccination
AMI Excess Davs
HF Excess Uavs
PN Excess Days
Maternal Morbiditv
Age Friendlv Hosoital****
Patient Safetv*****
Safe Use of Onioids
Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey
Patient-Reported Outcome Performance Measures
Hospital-Level Total HipArthroplasty and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty Patient-Reported
Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM)
Process Measures
Screening for Social Drivers of Health
Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers of Health
* In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)
Standardized Infection Ratio Stratified for Oncology Locations measure beginning with the FY 2028 payment
determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.b.(l). for more detailed discussion.
** In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection
(CLABSI) Standardized Infection Ratio Stratified for Oncology Locations measure beginning with the FY 2028
payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.b.(2). for more detailed discussion.
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Measure Name
National Healthcare Safetv Network Measures
Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel
COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Standardized Infection Ratio
Stratified for Oncology Locations
Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) Standardized Infection Ratio
Strati lied for Oncology I .ocalicms
OaiJns-Based Patient Safetv Measures
Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death Rate among Surgical Inpatients with Complications
Oaims-Based Mortality/Complications Measures
Hospital 30-Day, All-Cause, Risk Standardized Mortality- Rate Following Acute
Ischemic Stroke
Hospital-Level Risk-Standardized Complication Rate (RSCR) Following Elective
Primarv TIIA and/or TKA
OaiJns-Based Coordination of Care Measures
Excess Davs in Acute Care after Hosoitalization for Acute Mvocardial Infarction
Excess Uavs in Acute Care after Hosoitalization for Heart Failure
Excess Days in Acute Care after Hospitalization for Pneumonia
OaiJns and Electronic Data Measures
Hvbrid Hosoital-Wide All-Cause Risk Standardized Mortalitv Measure (HWM)
Hvbrid Hosoital-Wide All-Cause Readmission Measure (HWR)
Chart-Abstracted Clinical Process of Care Measures
Severe Seosis and Seotic Shock: Management Bundle (Comoosite Measure)
Structural Measures
Maternal Morbiditv Structural Measure
Hosoital Commitment to Health Eauitv
Age Friendlv Hosoital Measure
Patient Safetv Structural Measure
Electronic Clinical Qualitv Measures (eCQMs)
Safe Use of Ooioids - Concurrent Prescribin11;
Cesarean Birth
Severe Obstetric Complications
Discharged on Anti thrombotic Therapy
Anticoagulation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter
Antithrombotic Therapy bv the End of Hospital Dav Two
Venous Thrombocmbolism Prophvlaxis
Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Hospital Harm - Severe Hvooglvcemia Measure
Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia Measure
Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events
Hospital Harm - Pressure Iniurv
Hospital Harm - Acute Kidnev Iniurv
Hospital Harm - Falls with Iniurv
Hospital Harm - Postoperative Respiratorv Failure
Global Malnutrition Composite Score
Excessive Radiation Dose or Inadequate Image Quality for Diagnostic Computed
Tomography (CT) in Adults
Patient Experience of Care Survev Measures
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
*** In this proposed rule, we are proposing removal of the Death Among Surgical Inpatients with Serious Treatable
Complications (CMS PSI 04) measure and its replacement with the Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death Rate among
Surgical Inpatients with Complications (Failure-to-Rescue) measure beginning with the FY 2027 payment
determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.e. for more detailed discussion.
**** In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Age Friendly Hospital measure beginning with the FY
2027 payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.a. for more detailed discussion.
***** In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Patient Safety Structural measure beginning with the
FY 2027 payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.B.1. for more detailed discussion.
****** In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Hospital Harm - Falls with Injury eCQM beginning
with the FY 2028 payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.c. for more detailed discussion.
******* In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Hospital Harm - Postoperative Respiratory Failure
eCQM beginning with the FY 2028 payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.d. for more detailed
******** In this proposed rule, we are proposing refinements to the Global Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS)
measure beginning with the FY 2028 payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.7.a. for more
detailed discussion.
********* In this proposed rule, we are proposing refinements to the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems Survey (including Care Transition Measure) measure beginning with the FY 2027 payment
determination. We refer readers to section IX.B.2.e. for more detailed discussion.
d. Summary of Previously Finalized and
Proposed Hospital IQR Program
Measures for the FY 2029 Payment
Determination and for Subsequent Years
Program measure set for the FY 2029
payment determination and for
subsequent years:
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
This table summarizes the previously
finalized and proposed Hospital IQR
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Short Name
HCP Influenza Vaccination
I TCP COVJ])-19 Vaccination
AMI Excess Davs
I II I I•:xcess Days
PN Excess Days
Maternal Morbiditv
Age Friendly Hospital""""
Patient Safety*****
Safe Use of Qpioids
III I-PI******
Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems Survey
Patient-Reported Outcome Performance Measures
Hospital-Level Total Hip Arthroplasty and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty Patient-Reported
Outcome-Based Performance Measure (PRO-PM)
Process lvleasures
Screening for Social Drivers of Health
Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers ofTlealth
* In this proposed mle, we are proposing adoption of the Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)
Standardized Infection Ratio Stratified for Oncology Locations measure beginning with the FY 2028 payment
detenuination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.b.(l). for more detailed discussion.
** In this proposed mle, we are proposing adoption of the Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection
(CLABSI) Standardized Infection Ratio Strntified for OncolO!,'Y Locations measure beginning with the FY 2028
payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.b.(2). for more detailed discussion.
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PO 00000
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Measure Name
National Healthcare Safety ~etwork Measures
Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel
COVJD-19 Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Standardized Infection Ratio
Stratified for Oncology Locations
Central Linc-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) Standardized Infection Ratio
Stratified for Locations
Claims-Hased Patient Safetv Measures
Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death Rate among Surgical Inpatients with Complications
Claims-Based Mortalitv/Comnlications Measures
Hospital 30-Day, All-Cause, Risk Standardized Mortality- Rate Following Acute
Ischemic Stroke
Hospital-Level Risk-Standardized Complication Rate (RSCR) Following Elective
Primary THA and/or TKA
Oaims-Based Coordination of Care Measures
Excess Davs in Acute Care after Hospitalization for Acute Myocardial Infarction
I•:xcess Days in Acute Care after I Iospitalization for I Ieart 11ailure
Excess Days in Acute Care after Hospitalization for Pneumonia
Oaims and Electronic Data Measures
Hvbrid Hospital-Wide All-Cause Risk Standardized Mortalitv Measure (HWM)
Hvbrid Hospital-Wide All-Cause Readmission Measure (HWR)
Chart-Abstracted Clinical Process of Care Measures
Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock: Management Bundle (Composite Measure)
Structural Measures
Maternal Morbiditv Structural Measure
Hospital Commitment to Health Equity
Age Friendly Hospital Measure
Patient Safety Structural Measure
Electronic Clinical Oualitv Measures (eCOMsl
Safe Use ofOpioids - Concurrent Prescribing
Cesarean Bi1th
Severe Obstetric Complications
Discharged on Antithrombotic Theraov
Anticoagulation Therapv for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter
Antithrombotic Therapy bv the End ofHospitaJ Dav Two
Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
HosPital Harm - Severe Hvpoglvcemia Measure
Hospital Harm - Severe HvperoJvcemia Measure
Hospital Hann - Opioid-Related Adverse Events
Hospital Harm - Pressure Injury
Hospital Harm - Acute Kidnev Injury
Ilosnital Ilann - Palls with Iniurv
Hospital Harm - Postoperative Respiratorv Failure
Global Malnutrition Composite Score
Excessive Radiation Dose or Inadequate Image Quality for Diagnostic Computed
Tomography (CT) in Adults
Patient Experience of Care Survey :vleasurns
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
*** In this proposed rule, we are proposing removal of the Death Among Surgical Inpatients with Serious Treatable
Complications (CMS PSI 04) measure and its replacement with the Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death Rate among
Surgical Inpatients with Complications (Failure-to-Rescue) measure beginning with the FY 2027 payment
determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.e. for more detailed discussion.
**** In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Age Friendly Hospital measure beginning with the FY
2027 payment determination We refer readers to section IX.C.5.a. for more detailed discussion.
***** In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Patient Safety Structural measure beginning with the
FY 2027 payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.B.l. for more detailed discussion.
****** In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Hospital Harm - Falls with Injury eCQM beginning
with the FY 2028 payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.c. for more detailed discussion.
******* In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Hospital Harm - Postoperative Respiratory Failure
eCQM beginning with the FY 2028 payment determination. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.d. for more detailed
******** In this proposed rule, we are proposing we are proposing refinements to the Global Malnutrition
Composite Score (GMCS) measure beginning with the FY 2028 payment determination. We refer readers to section
IX.C.7.a. for more detailed discussion.
********* In this proposed rule, we are proposing refinements to the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems Survey (including Care Transition Measure) measure beginning with the FY 2028 payment
determination. We refer readers to section IX.B.2.e for more detailed discussion.
9. Form, Manner, and Timing of Quality
Data Submission
We are proposing changes to our
reporting and submission requirements
for eCQMs. There are no proposed
changes to the following requirements,
and thus have been omitted from the
Form, Manner, and Timing of Quality
Data Submission section: procedural
requirements; data submission
requirements for chart-abstracted
measures; data submission and
reporting requirements for hybrid
measures; sampling and case thresholds
for chart-abstracted measures; HCAHPS
Survey administration and submission
requirements; data submission
requirements for structural measures;
data submission and reporting
requirements for CDC NHSN measures;
and data submission and reporting
requirements for Patient-Reported
Outcome-Based Performance Measures
(PRO–PMs). We refer readers to the
QualityNet website at: https:// (or
other successor CMS designated
websites) for more details on the
Hospital IQR Program data submission
and procedural requirements.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
a. Background
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(I) and
(b)(3)(B)(viii)(II) of the Act state that the
applicable percentage increase for FY
2015 and each subsequent year shall be
reduced by one-quarter of such
applicable percentage increase
(determined without regard to sections
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix), (xi), or (xii) of the Act)
for any subsection (d) hospital that does
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Jkt 262001
not submit data required to be
submitted on measures specified by the
Secretary in a form and manner and at
a time specified by the Secretary. To
successfully participate in the Hospital
IQR Program, hospitals must meet
specific procedural, data collection,
submission, and validation
b. Maintenance of Technical
Specifications for Quality Measures
Section 412.140(c)(1) of title 42 of the
Code of Federal Regulations generally
requires that a subsection (d) hospital
participating in the Hospital IQR
Program must submit to CMS data on
measures selected under section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act in a form
and manner, and at a time, specified by
CMS. The data submission
requirements, specifications manual,
measure methodology reports, and
submission deadlines are posted on the
QualityNet website at: https:// (or other successor
CMS designated websites). The CMS
Annual Update for the Hospital Quality
Reporting Programs (Annual Update)
contains the technical specifications for
eCQMs. The Annual Update contains
updated measure specifications for the
year prior to the reporting period. For
example, for the CY 2024 reporting
period/FY 2026 payment determination,
hospitals are collecting and will submit
eCQM data using the May 2023 Annual
Update and any applicable addenda.
The Annual Update and
implementation guidance documents
are available on the Electronic Clinical
Quality Improvement (eCQI) Resource
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Center website at: https://
Hospitals must register and submit
quality data through the Hospital
Quality Reporting (HQR) System
(previously referred to as the QualityNet
Secure Portal) (42 CFR 412.140(a)). The
HQR System is safeguarded in
accordance with the HIPAA Privacy and
Security Rules to protect submitted
patient information. See 45 CFR parts
160 and 164, subparts A, C, and E.
c. Reporting and Submission
Requirements for eCQMs
We are proposing a progressive
increase in the number of mandatory
eCQMs a hospital must report beginning
with the CY 2026 reporting period/FY
2028 payment determination. We are
not proposing any changes to the
current eCQM reporting or submission
requirements for the CY 2024 reporting
period/FY 2026 payment determination
or the CY 2025 reporting period/FY
2027 payment determination. We
provide additional detail in our
proposal later in this section of the
(1) Background
We began requiring hospitals to report
on eCQMs in the CY 2016 reporting
period, with a goal of progressively
increasing the number of eCQMs
hospitals are required to report in the
Hospital IQR Program while also being
responsive to hospitals’ concerns about
timing, readiness, and burden
associated with the increased number of
measures (80 FR 49693 through 49698,
and 81 FR 57150 through 57157). To
allow hospitals and their vendors time
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
to gain experience with reporting
eCQMs we gradually increased the
number of eCQMs on which hospitals
were required to report over the course
of several years. We required hospitals
to report on certain specific eCQMs that
we prioritized while retaining an
element of choice by allowing hospitals
to self-select some eCQMs. We also
gradually increased the number of
reporting quarters to improve measure
reliability for public reporting of
performance information (84 FR 42503
through 42505, 85 FR 58932 through
58939, 86 FR 45418, and 87 FR 49299
through 49302).
Under our current eCQM reporting
policies, hospitals must report four
calendar quarters of data for each
required eCQM: (1) the Safe Use of
Opioids—Concurrent Prescribing
eCQM; (2) the Cesarean Birth eCQM; (3)
the Severe Obstetric Complications
eCQM; and (4) three self-selected
eCQMs; for a total of six eCQMs for the
CY 2024 reporting period/FY 2026
payment determination and subsequent
years (85 FR 58932 through 58939, 86
FR 45418, and 87 FR 49298 through
49302). We refer readers to the
QualityNet website for additional
information on current and previous
reporting and submission requirements
policies for eCQMs at: https://
ecqm (or other successor CMS
designated websites).
In the CY 2024 Medicare Physician
Fee Schedule (PFS) final rule (88 FR
79307 through 79312), we finalized the
revisions to the definition of CEHRT for
the Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program at 42 CFR 495.4. Specifically,
we finalized the addition of a reference
to the revised name of ‘‘Base EHR
definition,’’ proposed in the Health
Data, Technology, and Interoperability:
Certification Program Updates,
Algorithm Transparency, and
Information Sharing (HTI–1) proposed
rule (88 FR 23759, 23905), to ensure, if
the HTI–1 proposals were finalized, the
revised name of ‘‘Base EHR definition’’
would be applicable for the CEHRT
definitions going forward (88 FR 79309
through 79312). We also finalized the
replacement of our references to the
‘‘2015 Edition health IT certification
criteria’’ with ‘‘ONC health IT
certification criteria,’’ and the addition
of the regulatory citation for ONC health
IT certification criteria in 45 CFR
170.315. We finalized the proposal to
specify that technology meeting the
CEHRT definition must meet ONC’s
health IT certification criteria ‘‘as
adopted and updated in 45 CFR
170.315’’ (88 FR 79553). This approach
is consistent with the definitions
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subsequently finalized in ONC’s HTI–1
final rule, which appeared in the
Federal Register on January 9, 2024 (89
FR 1205 through 1210). For additional
background and information on this
update, we refer readers to the
discussion in the CY 2024 PFS final rule
on this topic (88 FR 79307 through
(2) Proposal To Progressively Increase
Mandatory eCQM Reporting Beginning
With CY 2026 Reporting Period/FY2028
Payment Determination
Increasing the number of mandatory
eCQMs, specifically to include the five
previously adopted Hospital Harm
eCQMs, would support our recommitment to better safety practices
for both patients and healthcare workers
to save lives from preventable harms.459
Proposing mandatory reporting of these
Hospital Harms eCQMs are a part of our
initial actions in responding and joining
the President’s Council of Advisors on
Science and Technology (PCAST) call to
action to renew ‘‘our nation’s
commitment to improving patient
safety.’’ 460 We refer readers to section
IX.B.1. for more details on other efforts
toward better patient and healthcare
workers safety practices and the
proposal to adopt the Patient Safety
Structural measure into the Hospital
IQR Program and the PCHQR Program.
This proposal also aligns with CMS’
National Quality Strategy priority area
of ‘‘Patient Safety and Resiliency,’’ that
seeks to ‘‘improve performance on key
patient safety metrics through the
applications of CMS levers such as
quality measurement, payment, health
and safety standards, and quality
improvement support.’’ 461 It is
important to more comprehensively
collect data on these measures from all
hospitals participating in the Hospital
IQR Program instead of limiting data
collection to just those hospitals that
chose to report it. Capturing this
important quality information is crucial
to improve surveillance on safety
metrics in the Hospital IQR Program and
support the CMS National Quality
Strategy target success goal of reducing
459 AHRQ. (2023). National Action Alliance To
Advance Patient and Workforce Safety. Available
460 President’s Council of Advisors on Science
and Technology. (2023). Report to the President: A
Transformational Effort on Patient Safety. Available
461 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2023). CMS National Quality Strategy. Available at:
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preventable harm.462 Additionally, this
proposal aligns with the
‘‘Interoperability’’ goal outlined in the
National Quality Strategy that eCQMs
use standard and interoperable data
requirements that are less burdensome
than other types of measures. By
increasing the number of required
eCQMs, and prioritizing the measures
focused on preventable hospital harms,
we are progressing towards our goal of
using all digital measures. Thus, we are
proposing to increase the number of
mandatory eCQMs over a two-year
period to ultimately require reporting on
five additional eCQMs. We provide
additional details on the proposals later
in this section of the preamble.
(a) Proposal To Change the Reporting
and Submission Requirements for
eCQMs for the CY 2026 Reporting
Period/FY 2028 Payment Determination
Beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination,
we are proposing to modify the eCQM
reporting and submission requirements
to require hospitals to report on the
following three eCQMs in addition to
the existing eCQMs: (1) Hospital
Harm—Severe Hypoglycemia eCQM; (2)
Hospital Harm—Severe Hyperglycemia
eCQM; and (3) Hospital Harm—OpioidRelated Adverse Events eCQM. If this
proposal is finalized, beginning with the
CY 2026 reporting period/FY 2028
payment determination, hospitals
would be required to report four
calendar quarters of data for a total of
nine eCQMs (six specified eCQMs and
three self-selected eCQMs).
(b) Proposal To Change the Reporting
and Submission Requirements for
eCQMs for the CY 2027 Reporting
Period/FY 2029 Payment Determination
and for Subsequent Years
Beginning with the CY 2027 reporting
period/FY 2029 payment determination,
we are proposing to modify the eCQM
reporting and submission requirements
to require hospitals to report on the
following two eCQMs in addition to the
eCQMs proposed for the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination: (1) Hospital Harm—
Pressure Injury eCQM; and (2) Hospital
Harm—Acute Kidney Injury eCQM. If
this proposal is finalized, beginning
with the CY 2027 reporting period/FY
2029 payment determination, hospitals
would be required to report four
calendar quarters of data for a total of
462 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2023). CMS National Quality Strategy. Available at:
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
eleven eCQMs (eight specified eCQMs
and three self-selected eCQMs).
This stepwise approach to increasing
the number of required eCQMs is in
response to public comments noting the
burden and resources necessary to
implement new eCQMs (88 FR 59145
through 59149, and 88 FR 59149
through 59154), while also balancing
the need to prioritize more
comprehensive reporting on important
safety and preventable harm metrics.
Waiting until the CY 2027 reporting
period/FY 2029 payment determination
to require that hospitals report on these
two Hospital Harm eCQMs would allow
hospitals to experience2 years of selfselecting to report on these relatively
new eCQMs and build the infrastructure
necessary to report these measures (88
FR 59145 through 59149, and 88 FR
59149 through 59154). Therefore, we are
proposing to require these two measures
in the CY 2027 reporting period instead
of the CY 2026 reporting period to
provide hospitals with additional time
to gain experience with these newer
(c) Summary of Proposed Changes to the
eCQM Reporting and Submission
We refer readers to section IIX.C.8. for
the full list of eCQMs by payment
determination in the Hospital IQR
Program. If a hospital does not have
patients that meet the denominator
criteria for any of the eCQMs included
in this proposal, the hospital would
submit a zero denominator declaration
for the measure that allows a hospital to
meet the reporting requirements for a
particular eCQM. We refer readers to the
FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79
FR 50258), the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (80 FR 49705 through 49708),
and the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (81 FR 57170) for our previously
adopted eCQM file format requirements.
A QRDA Category I file with patients
meeting the initial patient population of
the applicable measures, a zero
denominator declaration, and/or a case
threshold exemption all count toward a
successful submission for eCQMs for the
Hospital IQR Program (82 FR 38387).
The following Table IX.C.9 summarizes
our proposed policies:
Total Number of
eCQMs Reported
CY 2024/FY 2026 and
CY 2025/FY 2027
(87 FR 49299 through 49302)
CY 2026/FY 2028
CY 2027 /FY 2029
(and for subsequent years)
We invite public comment on our
proposal to increase the number of
mandatory eCQMs over a two-year
period to ultimately require reporting on
five additional eCQMs beginning with
CY 2026 Reporting Period/FY 2028
Payment Determination. We refer
readers to section IX.F.6.b. of this
proposed rule, in which we propose the
same reporting and submission
requirements under the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program for
Eligible Hospitals and Critical Access
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eCQMs Required to be Reported
Three self-selected eCQMs; and
Safe Use ofOpioids - Concurrent Prescribing eCQM; and
Cesarean Birth eCQM; and
Severe Obstetric Complications eCQM
Three self-selected eCQMs; and
Safe Use ofOpioids - Concurrent Prescribing eCQM; and
Cesarean Birth eCQM; and
Severe Obstetric Complications eCQM; and
Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia eCQM; and
Hospital Harm - Severe Hypoglycemia eCQM; and
Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events eCQM
Three self-selected eCQMs; and
Safe Use ofOpioids - Concurrent Prescribing eCQM; and
Cesarean Birth eCQM; and
Severe Obstetric Complications eCQM; and
Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia eCQM; and
Hospital Harm - Severe Hypoglycemia eCQM; and
Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events eCQM; and
Hospital Harm - Pressure Injury eCQM; and
Hospital Harm - Acute Kidney Iniurv eCQM
10. Validation of Hospital IQR Program
We are proposing changes to our
policies for eCQM validation scoring
processes beginning with validation of
eCQMs affecting the FY 2028 payment
a. Background
In the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (77 FR 53539 through 53553), we
finalized the processes and procedures
for validation of chart-abstracted
measures in the Hospital IQR Program
for the FY 2015 payment determination
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and subsequent years. In the FY 2018
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38398
through 38403), we finalized several
requirements for the validation of eCQM
data, including a policy requiring
submission of at least 75 percent of
sampled eCQM medical records in a
timely and complete manner for
validation (81 FR 57181). In the FY 2021
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58950
through 58952), we finalized the
existing Hospital IQR Program
validation scoring processes such that a
combined score is calculated based on
a weighted combination of a hospital’s
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Reporting Period/ Payment
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
validation performance for chartabstracted measures and eCQMs. Under
the aligned validation policies, each
hospital selected for validation is
expected to submit medical record data
for both chart-abstracted measures and
eCQMs (85 FR 58942 through 58953).
Beginning with validation procedures
affecting the FY 2024 payment
determination, we finalized a policy to
annually identify one pool of up to 200
hospitals selected through random
selection and one pool of up to 200
hospitals selected using targeting
criteria to participate in both chartabstracted measure and eCQM
validation (85 FR 58942 through 58953).
We refer readers to 42 CFR 412.140(d)
for our codification of validation
policies and to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (87 FR 49308 through
49310) for a discussion of the most
recent changes to chart-abstracted and
eCQM data validation requirements for
the Hospital IQR Program wherein we
finalized the requirement that hospitals
selected for validation must submit
timely and complete data for 100
percent of requested records for eCQM
validation. We refer readers to the FY
2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR
57178 through 57180) for details on the
Hospital IQR Program data submission
requirements for chart-abstracted
b. Proposal To Modify eCQM Data
Validation Beginning With the CY 2025
Reporting Period/FY 2028 Payment
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(1) Proposal To Modify eCQM
Validation Scoring Beginning With CY
2025 eCQM Data Affecting the FY 2028
Payment Determination
Under the existing eCQM data
validation policy, as described in the FY
2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR
57180 through 57181), the accuracy of
eCQM data (the extent to which data
abstracted for validation matches the
data submitted in the QRDA I file) has
not affected a hospital’s validation
score. Instead, hospitals have been
scored on the completeness of eCQM
medical record data that were submitted
for the validation process. In the FY
2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR
38401), we noted our intention for the
accuracy of eCQM data validation to
affect validation scores in the future.
We have assessed agreement rates, or
the rates by which hospitals’ reported
eCQM data agree with the data resulting
from the review process that we conduct
as part of validation. The agreement
rates for validation accuracy, which
have been confidentially reported to
hospitals selected for eCQM validation
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in recent years, are consistently robust
overall. For example, around 90 percent
(national average agreement rate) for
current eCQMs that would be validated
in FY 2028 (ranging from a low average
of about 84 percent for the
Anticoagulation Therapy for Atrial
Fibrillation/Flutter eCQM) to a high of
average of about 94 percent for the
Antithrombotic Therapy by the End of
Hospital Day Two eCQM), based on FY
2024 validation results. With the low
end of the average accuracy range being
well above a passing threshold of 75
percent, it is now appropriate to move
forward with scoring hospitals’ eCQM
data based on the accuracy of the data
submitted for purposes of determining
whether a hospital has met the
validation requirements under the
Hospital IQR Program. Therefore, in this
proposed rule, we are proposing to
implement eCQM validation scoring
based on the accuracy of eCQM data
beginning with CY 2025 eCQM data
affecting the FY 2028 payment
determination. By the time our
proposed eCQM validation scoring
methodology would go into effect, we
will have been validating eCQM data for
completeness for 8 years, which is
ample time for hospitals to have
prepared for data to be validated based
on its accuracy. We would also note that
because hospitals are already required
to submit 100 percent of requested
eCQM medical records to pass the
eCQM validation requirement, there is
no additional burden to hospitals
associated with this proposal to begin
scoring the submitted records.
Separately, we are proposing to
remove the requirement at
§ 412.140(d)(2)(ii) that hospitals submit
100 percent of the requested eCQM
medical records to pass the eCQM
validation requirement and proposing
that missing eCQM medical records
would be treated as mismatches,
beginning with the validation of CY
2025 eCQM data affecting the FY 2028
payment determination. This is the
same methodology that is applied for
missing medical records in chartabstracted measure validation to
incentivize the timely submission of
requested medical records. Because
mismatches count against the agreement
rate, by treating missing eCQM medical
records as mismatches, we can ensure
our validation scoring methodology
clearly requires that hospitals submit all
necessary eCQM data for our review
without also requiring medical records
We are proposing that eCQM
validation scores be determined using
the same methodology that is currently
used to score chart-abstracted measure
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validation. Hospitals’ eCQM data would
be used to compute an agreement rate
and its associated confidence interval.
The upper bound of the two-tailed 90
percent confidence interval would be
used as the final eCQM validation score
for the selected hospital. A minimum
score of 75 percent accuracy would be
required for the hospital to pass the
eCQM validation requirement. Based on
the FY 2024 results, most measures had
national agreement rates well above the
proposed 75 percent threshold, however
these FY 2024 results are based on only
two quarters of data and included data
only from eCQMs that have been in the
Hospital IQR Program for several years.
We anticipate that the average
agreement rates may decrease with a full
year of data and the introduction of
newer eCQMs that hospitals may have
less experience reporting. As such,
while we may consider raising the
minimum passing threshold from 75
percent in future years, at this time we
have determined that the 75 percent
threshold is appropriate for initial
scoring of eCQMs in Hospital IQR
Program validation.
We invite public comment on our
proposal to Modify eCQM Validation
Scoring beginning with CY 2025 eCQM
data affecting the FY 2028 payment
(2) Proposal To Modify the Combined
Validation Scoring Process Beginning
With CY 2025 Data Affecting the FY
2028 Payment Determination
We are proposing to remove the
existing combined validation score
based on a weighted combination of a
hospital’s validation performance for
chart-abstracted measures and eCQMs
and replace it with two separate
validation scores, one for chartabstracted measures, and one for
eCQMs. Based on our current policies,
the eCQM portion of the combined
agreement rate is multiplied by zero
percent, and the chart-abstracted
measure agreement rate is weighted at
100 percent. A minimum passing score
for this combined score is set at 75
Reporting requirements and
procedures for eCQMs are different than
those for chart-abstracted measures. For
instance, hospitals implement electronic
algorithms to query eCQM data and
submit eCQM measure results using a
custom file layout for quality data
reporting to CMS. In contrast, validation
of chart-abstracted measures is
conducted using measure specifications
written to support manual abstraction
processes. As such, separate validation
scores are consistent with the distinct
requirements and procedures for the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
reporting of quality measure data.
Moreover, CMS intends to retain an
emphasis on data accuracy through the
validation efforts across both measure
types (that is, chart-abstracted measures
and eCQMs). It is important to ensure
necessary analysis and resources are
placed on chart-abstracted measures
that are still currently being validated,
especially because of their use within
the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing
(VBP) Program. Therefore, we are
proposing to implement two separate
scoring processes, one for chartabstracted measures and one for eCQMs,
for the FY 2028 payment determination
and subsequent years. Hospitals would
be required to receive passing validation
scores for both chart-abstracted measure
data and eCQM data to pass validation.
Under our proposal, beginning with
the validation of CY 2025 data affecting
the FY 2028 payment determination,
hospitals would receive separate
validation scores for both chartabstracted measure data and eCQM data,
which would be used to determine a
hospital’s overall annual payment
update. As established in the FY 2006
IPPS final rule (70 FR 47420 through
47428), a hospital that fails to meet
validation requirements may not receive
the full annual payment update. Under
our proposal, if a hospital fails either
chart-abstracted validation requirements
or eCQM validation requirements, it
may not receive the full annual payment
update. To be eligible for a full annual
payment update, provided all other
Hospital IQR Program requirements are
met, a hospital would have to attain at
least a 75 percent validation score for
chart-abstracted measure validation and
at least a 75 percent validation score for
eCQM data validation.
Our existing and newly proposed
validation scoring changes are
summarized in Table IX.C.10.
Quarters of Data
Required for Validation
Validation Process Description
Current Validation Scoring for the FY 2025 - FY 2027 Payment Determinations (87 FR 49308 through 49310)
COMBINED Process (Chart-Abstracted Measures and
eCQM Validation): up to 200 Random Hospitals+ up
to 200 Targeted Hospitals
Chart-Abstracted Measures: at least 75% validation
score (weighted at 100%)
eCQMs: Successful submission of 100% of
reauested medical records
1Q 2022 - 4Q 2022
Proposed Update to eCQM Validation Scoring for the FY 2028 Payment Determination and Subsequent Years
We invite public comment on our
proposal to Modify the Combined
Validation Scoring Process beginning
with CY 2025 Data affecting the FY 2028
payment determination.
11. Data Accuracy and Completeness
Acknowledgement (DACA)
We refer readers to the FY 2013 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53554) for
previously adopted details on DACA
requirements. We are not proposing any
changes to this policy in this proposed
rule. We refer readers to the QualityNet
website at:
(or other successor CMS designated
websites) for more details on DACA
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
12. Public Display Requirements
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(VII) of the
Act requires the Secretary to report
quality measures of process, structure,
outcome, patients’ perspectives on care,
efficiency, and costs of care that relate
to services furnished in inpatient
settings in hospitals on the internet
website of CMS. Section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)(VII) of the Act also
requires that the Secretary establish
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Chart-Abstracted Measures: at least 75% validation
eCQMs: at least 75% validation score
IQ 2025 - 4Q 2025
procedures for making information
regarding measures available to the
public after ensuring that a hospital has
the opportunity to review its data before
they are made public. Our current
policy is to report data from the
Hospital IQR Program as soon as it is
feasible on CMS websites such as the
Compare tool hosted by HHS, currently
available at:
care-compare, or its successor website,
after a 30-day preview period (78 FR
50776 through 50778).
We are not proposing any changes to
these policies or the public reporting of
eCQM data or overall hospital star
ratings in this proposed rule. We also
refer readers to the QualityNet website
public-reporting (or other successor
CMS designated websites) for details on
public display requirements.
13. Reconsideration and Appeal
In the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (76 FR 51650 through 51651), the
FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78
FR 50836), and 42 CFR 412.140(e), we
established an approach for
reconsideration and appeal procedures
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for the Hospital IQR Program. As part of
this reconsideration process, hospitals
can request reconsideration if CMS
determines that the hospital did not
meet the Hospital IQR Program’s
validation requirements. Under these
requirements as established in the FY
2011 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (75 FR
50225 through 50229), for purposes of
validation, hospitals are required to
resubmit copies of all medical records
that were originally submitted to the
Clinical Data Abstraction Center (CDAC)
each relevant quarter. With the
transition to all electronic submission of
copies of medical records for Hospital
IQR Program validation as established
in they FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH final rule
(85 FR 58949 through 58950), both
through eCQMs and digitized charts, the
current reconsideration requirement to
resubmit records used for validation
results is no longer necessary and
creates duplicative files and work.
Therefore, we are proposing to revise
§ 412.140(e)(2)(vii)(A) to no longer
require hospitals to resubmit medical
records as part of their request for
reconsideration of validation, beginning
with CY 2023 discharges affecting the
FY 2026 payment determination.
Up to 200 Random Hospitals+ up to 200 Targeted
Hospitals selected for both Chart-Abstracted Measures
and eCQM Validation
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Under our proposal, hospitals that
need to submit a revised medical record
may still do so, but those hospitals that
would otherwise be resubmitting copies
of the previously submitted records
would no longer be required to submit
them. Removing record submission as a
requirement for validation
reconsideration would reduce hospital
administrative burden for the majority
of hospitals that do not have revised
records to submit. Making this step
optional would also reduce the burden
for CMS to collect and track medical
records that are already available.
We invite public comment on our
proposal to remove the requirement for
hospitals to resubmit medical records as
part of their request for reconsideration
of validation, beginning with CY 2023
discharges affecting the FY 2026
payment determination.
D. Proposed Changes to the PPS-Exempt
Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting
(PCHQR) Program
14. Hospital IQR Program Extraordinary
Circumstances Exceptions (ECE) Policy
2. Proposal To Adopt the Patient Safety
Structural Measure Beginning With the
CY 2025 Reporting Period/FY 2027
Program Year
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We are not proposing any changes to
this policy in this proposed rule. We
refer readers to § 412.140(c)(2) and the
QualityNet website at: https:// (or other successor
CMS designated websites) for our
current requirements for submission of
a request for an exception.
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1. Background
The PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital
Quality Reporting (PCHQR) Program,
authorized by section 1866(k) of the Act,
applies to hospitals described in section
1886(d)(1)(B)(v) of the Act (referred to as
‘‘PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospitals’’ or
‘‘PCHs’’). In this proposed rule, we are
proposing to adopt the Patient Safety
Structural measure beginning with the
CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
program year. We are also proposing to
modify the Hospital Consumer
Assessment of Healthcare Providers and
Systems (HCAHPS) Survey measure and
to move up the start date for publicly
displaying hospital performance on the
Hospital Commitment to Health Equity
We refer readers to section IX.B.1. of
the preamble of this proposed rule
where we are proposing adoption of the
463 To
provide clarity and to better align with the
Hospital IQR Program, we are changing the name
of the Facility Commitment to Health Equity
measure in the PCHQR Program to the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity measure. This is a
non-substantive change and does not impact the
measure’s specifications or reporting requirements.
PO 00000
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Patient Safety Structural measure
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 program year for the
PCHQR Program. We are also proposing
to adopt this measure for the Hospital
Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR)
Program, as discussed in that section.
3. Proposal To Modify the Hospital
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems (HCAHPS)
Survey Measure Beginning With the CY
2025 Reporting Period/FY 2027 Program
We refer readers to section IX.B.2. of
the preamble of this proposed rule
where we are proposing to modify the
HCAHPS Survey measure (CBE #0166)
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 program year. We are
also proposing to adopt the same
modifications to this measure for
purposes of the Hospital IQR Program
and the Hospital VBP Program, as
discussed in the same section.
4. Summary of Previously Adopted and
Newly Proposed PCHQR Program
Measures for the CY 2025 Reporting
Period/FY 2027 Program Year and
Subsequent Years
Table IX.D.–01 summarizes the
previously adopted and the newly
proposed measures for the PCHQR
Program measure set beginning with the
CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
program year.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Short Name
Measure Name
Safetv and Healthcare-Associated Infection mAn Measures
National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Catheter-associated Urinary
Tract Infection (CAUTI) Outcome Measure
NHSN Central line-associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) Outcome
nfluenza Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare Personnel ffiCP)
!Flu HCP Vaccination
COVlD-19 Vaccination Coverage Among HCP
tOVlD-19 HCP Vaccination
American College of Surgeons - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Colon and Abdominal Hysterectomy SSI
ACS-CDC) Harmonized Procedure Specific Surgical Site Infection (SSI)
Outcome Measure (currently includes SSis following Colon Surgery and
Abdominal Hysterectomy Surgery)
NHSN Facility-wide Inpatient Hospital-onset Methicillinesistant Stavhvlococcus aureus rMRSA) Bacteremia Outcome Measure
NHSN Facility-wide Inpatient Hospital-onset Clostridium difficile Infection
CDI) Outcome Measure
Patient Safety Structural Measure*
K:linical ProcesslOncolo~ Care Measures
Proportion of Patients Who Died from Cancer - Receiving Chemotherapy in
the Last 14 Days of Life
Proportion of Patients Who Died from Cancer - Not Admitted to Hospice
lrntermediate Clinical Outcome Measures
Proportion of Patients Who Died from Cancer -Admitted to the ICU in the
._,ast 30 Days of Life
Proportion of Patients Who Died from Cancer - Admitted to Hospice for Less
Than Three Days
~atient Ene:ae:ement!Exoerience of Care Measure
Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
1ICAHPS) Survey
Documentation of Goals of Care Discussions Among Cancer Patients
K:laims Based Outcome Measures
Admissions and Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Patients Receiving
Outpatient Chemotherapy
30-Day Unplanned Readmissions for Cancer Patients
Surgical Treatment Complications for Localized Prostate Cancer
8ealth Equity Measures
Hosoital Commitment to Health Eauitv
Screening for Social Drivers of Health
Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers of Health
* Indicates new measure proposed in this proposed rule.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we adopted the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity measure
for the PCHQR measure set beginning
with the CY 2024 reporting period/FY
2026 program year (88 FR 59204
through 59210). We also finalized that
we would publicly report PCH
performance on this measure beginning
with CY 2024 data beginning July 2026
or as soon as feasible thereafter (88 FR
59209; 59228).
In this proposed rule, we are
proposing to accelerate the timeline for
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beginning to publicly report PCH
performance on this measure.
Specifically, we are proposing to start
public reporting of PCH performance on
this measure using CY 2024 data
beginning January 2026 or as soon as
feasible thereafter. We believe that the
public could benefit from having access
to the information sooner because the
data provide an opportunity to
recognize PCHs that have attested to
their commitment to health equity at an
earlier date. We also believe the
modification of the date for public
reporting would promote efficiencies
through alignment of the performance
periods, data submission periods, and
PO 00000
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the anticipated public reporting release
with the Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
Quality Reporting (IPFQR) Program that
adopted the Facility Commitment to
Health Equity measure (which requires
the same attestations as the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity measure)
beginning with reporting of CY 2024
data for the FY 2026 payment
determination and would provide this
information for providers participating
in the PCHQR Program and the IPFQR
Program types simultaneously. We are
seeking comment on this proposal to
move up the start of public reporting of
the Hospital Commitment to Health
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
5. Proposal To Move Up the Start Date
for Public Display of the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity Measure
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Equity measure to January 2026 or as
soon as feasible thereafter.
6. Summary of Previously Finalized
Public Display Policies and Proposed
Public Display Start Date Change for the
PCHQR Program
public display start date change for the
Hospital Commitment to Health Equity
measure for the PCHQR Program are
described in Table IX.D.–02:
Our previously finalized public
display policies and newly proposed
Public Display Dates
2016 and subsequent years
• HCAHPS (CBE #0166)
• American College of Surgeons - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
ACS-CDC) Harmonized Procedure Specific Surgical Site Infection (SSI)
Outcome Measure [currently includes SSis following Colon Surgery and
Abdominal Hysterectomy Surgery] (CBE #0753)
2019 and subsequent years
• NHSN Facility-wide Inpatient Hospital-onset Methicillinesistant Staphylococcus aureus Bacteremia Outcome Measure (CBE # 1716)
• NHSN Facility-wide Inpatient Hospital-onset Clostridium difficile Infection
CDI) Outcome Measure (CBE #1717)
• NHSN Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Healthcare
Personnel (CBE #0431)
• Admissions and Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Patients Receiving
Ontoatient Chemotherapy
• COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage Amolll! Healthcare Personnel
• CAUTI (CBE #0138)
April 2020 and subsequent years
October 2022 and subsequent years
October 2022 and subsequent years
• CLABSI (CBE #0139)
• 30-day Unplanned Readmissions for Cancer Patients (CBE #3188)
• Proportion of Patients Who Died from Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy in the
L,ast 14 Days ofLife (CBE #0210)
October 2023 and subsequent years
• Proportion of Patients Who Died from Cancer Not Admitted to Hospice (CBE
July 2024 or as soon as feasible thereafter
• Proportion of Patients Who Died from Cancer Admitted to the ICU in the Last
30 Days ofLife (CBE #0213)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Documentation of Goals of Care Discussions Amolll! Cancer Patients
Screening for Social Drivers of Health
Screen Positive Rate for Social Drivers of Health
* Proposed new start date for publicly displaying this measure.
E. Long-Term Care Hospital Quality
Reporting Program (LTCH QRP)
1. Background and Statutory Authority
The Long-Term Care Hospital Quality
Reporting Program (LTCH QRP) is
authorized by section 1886(m)(5) of the
Act, and it applies to all hospitals
certified by Medicare as Long-Term Care
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July 2024 or as soon as feasible thereafter
January 2026 or as soon as feasible
July 2026 or as soon as feasible thereafter
July 2027 or as soon as feasible thereafter
July 2027 or as soon as feasible thereafter
Hospitals (LTCHs). Section
1886(m)(5)(C) of the Act requires LTCHs
to submit to the Secretary quality
measure data specified under section
1886(m)(5)(D) in a form and manner,
and at a time, specified by the Secretary.
In addition, section 1886(m)(5)(F) of the
Act requires LTCHs to submit data on
quality measures under section
PO 00000
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1899B(c)(1) of the Act, resource use or
other measures under section
1899B(d)(1) of the Act, and standardized
patient assessment data required under
section 1899B(b)(1) of the Act. LTCHs
must submit the data required under
section 1886(m)(5)(F) of the Act in the
form and manner, and at the time,
specified by the Secretary. Under the
• Proportion of Patients Who Died from Cancer Admitted to Hospice for Less
Than Three Days (CBE #0216)
• Surgical Treatment Complications for Localized Prostate Cancer Measure
Commitment to Health Equity*
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
LTCH QRP, the Secretary must reduce
by 2 percentage points the annual
update to the LTCH PPS standard
federal rate for discharges for an LTCH
during a fiscal year (FY) if the LTCH has
not complied with the LTCH QRP
requirements specified for that FY.
Section 1890A of the Act requires that
the Secretary establish and follow a prerulemaking process, in coordination
with the consensus-based entity (CBE)
with a contract under section 1890(a) of
the Act, to solicit input from certain
groups regarding the selection of quality
and efficiency measures for the LTCH
QRP. We have codified our program
requirements in our regulations at 42
CFR 412.560.
We are proposing to require LTCHs to
report four new items to the LTCH
Continuity Assessment and Record of
Evaluation (CARE) Data Set (LCDS) and
modify one item on the LCDS as
described in section IX.E.4. of the
preamble of this proposed rule. Second,
we are proposing to extend the
Admission assessment window for the
LCDS. Third, we are seeking
information on future measure concepts
for the LTCH QRP. Finally, we are
seeking information on a future LTCH
Star Rating system.
2. General Considerations Used for the
Selection of Quality Measures for the
For a detailed discussion of the
considerations, we historically use for
the selection of LTCH QRP quality,
resource use, and other measures, we
refer readers to the FY 2016 Inpatient
Prospective Payment System (IPPS)/
LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR 49728).
3. Quality Measures Currently Adopted
for the FY 2025 LTCH QRP
The LTCH QRP currently has 18
adopted measures, which are set out in
Table IX.E.–01. For a discussion of the
factors used to evaluate whether a
measure should be removed from the
LTCH QRP, we refer readers to the FY
2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR
41624 through 41634) and to the
regulations at 42 CFR 412.560(b)(3).
Short Name
Pressure Ulcer/Injury
Application of Falls
Change in Mobility
Compliance with SBT
Ventilator Liberation
DC Function
Patient/Resident COVI D-19
Measure Name & Data Source
Changes in Skin Integrity Post-Acute Care: Pressure Ulcer/Injury
Application of Percent of Residents Experiencing One or More Falls with Major Injury (Long Stay)
Functional Outcome Measure: Change in Mobility Among Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) Patients
Requiring Ventilator Support
Drug Regimen Review Conducted With Follow-Up for Identified Issues-Post Acute Care (PAC) LongTerm Care Hospital (LTCH) Quality Reporting Program (QRP)
Compliance with Spontaneous Breathing Trial (SBT) by Day 2 of the LTCH Stay
Ventilator Liberation Rate
Transfer of Health Information to the Provider Post-Acute Care (PAC)
Transfer of Health Information to the Patient Post-Acute Care (PAC)
Discharge Function Score
COVID-19 Vaccine: Percent of Patients/Residents Who Are Up to Date
HCP Influenza Vaccine
HCP COVID-19 Vaccine
National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)
Outcome Measure
National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Central Line-associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI)
Outcome Measure
National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Facility-wide Inpatient Hospital-onset C/ostridium difficile
Infection (CDI) Outcome Measure
Influenza Vaccination Coverage among Healthcare Personnel
COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage among Healthcare Personnel (HCP)
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Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary (MSPB)-Post Acute Care (PAC) Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH)
Quality Reporting Program (QRP)
Discharge to Community (DTC)-Post Acute Care (PAC) Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) Quality
Reporting Program (QRP)
Potentially Preventable 30-Day Post-Discharge Readmission Measure for Long-Term Care Hospital
(LTCH) Quality Reporting Program (QRP)
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We are not proposing to adopt any
new measures for the LTCH QRP.
4. Proposal To Collect Four New Items
as Standardized Patient Assessment
Data Elements and Modify One Item
Collected as a Standardized Patient
Assessment Data Element Beginning
With the FY 2028 LTCH QRP
In this proposed rule, we are
proposing to add four new items 464 to
be collected as standardized patient
assessment data elements under the
social determinants of health (SDOH)
category under the LTCH QRP: Living
Situation (one item); Food (two items);
and Utilities (one item). We are also
proposing to modify one of the current
items collected as standardized patient
assessment data under the SDOH
category (the Transportation item), as
described in section X.E.4.e. of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
a. Definition of Standardized Patient
Assessment Data
Section 1886(m)(5)(F)(ii) of the Act
requires LTCHs to submit standardized
patient assessment data required under
section 1899B(b)(1) of the Act. Section
1899B(b)(1)(A) of the Act requires postacute care (PAC) providers to submit
standardized patient assessment data
under applicable reporting provisions
(which, for LTCHs, is the LTCH QRP)
with respect to the admission and
discharge of an individual (and more
frequently as the Secretary deems
appropriate). Section 1899B(a)(1)(C) of
the Act requires, in part, the Secretary
to modify the PAC assessment
instruments in order for PAC providers,
including LTCHs, to submit
standardized patient assessment data
under the Medicare program. LTCHs are
currently required to report patient
assessment data through the LCDS.
Section 1899B(b)(1)(B) of the Act
describes standardized patient
assessment data as data required for at
least the quality measures described in
section 1899B(c)(1) of the Act and that
is with respect to the following
categories: (1) functional status, such as
mobility and self-care at admission to a
PAC provider and before discharge from
a PAC provider; (2) cognitive function,
such as ability to express ideas and to
understand, and mental status, such as
depression and dementia; (3) special
services, treatments, and interventions,
such as need for ventilator use, dialysis,
chemotherapy, central line placement,
and total parenteral nutrition; (4)
medical conditions and comorbidities,
464 Items may also be referred to as ‘‘data
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such as diabetes, congestive heart
failure, and pressure ulcers; (5)
impairments, such as incontinence and
an impaired ability to hear, see, or
swallow, and (6) other categories
deemed necessary and appropriate by
the Secretary.
b. Social Determinants of Health
Collected as Standardized Patient
Assessment Data Elements
Section 1899B(b)(1)(B)(vi) of the Act
authorizes the Secretary to collect
standardized patient assessment data
elements with respect to other
categories deemed necessary and
appropriate. Accordingly, we finalized
the creation of the SDOH category of
standardized patient assessment data
elements in the FY 2020 LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42578 through 42581), and
defined SDOH as the socioeconomic,
cultural, and environmental
circumstances in which individuals live
that impact their health.465 According to
the World Health Organization, research
shows that the SDOH can be more
important than health care or lifestyle
choices in influencing health,
accounting for between 30–55% of
health outcomes.466 This is a part of a
growing body of research that highlights
the importance of SDOH on health
outcomes. Subsequent to the FY 2020
LTCH PPS final rule, we expanded our
definition of SDOH: SDOH are the
conditions in the environments where
people are born, live, learn, work, play,
worship and age that affect a wide range
of health, functioning, and quality-oflife outcomes and risks.467 468 469 This
expanded definition aligns our
definition of SDOH with the definition
used by HHS agencies, including OASH,
the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and the White House
Office of Science and Technology
465 Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning
and Evaluation (ASPE). Second Report to Congress
on Social Risk and Medicare’s Value-Based
Purchasing Programs. June 28, 2020. Available at:
466 World Health Organization. Social
determinants of health. Available at: https://
467 Using Z Codes: The Social Determinants of
Health (SDOH). Data Journey to Better Outcomes.
468 Improving the Collection of Social
Determinants of Health (SDOH) Data with ICD–10–
CM Z Codes.
469 Measures Management System
(MMS). CMS Focus on Health Equity. Health Equity
Terminology and Quality Measures. https://
PO 00000
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Policy.470 471 We currently collect seven
items in this SDOH category of
standardized patient assessment data
elements: ethnicity, race, preferred
language, interpreter services, health
literacy, transportation, and social
isolation (84 FR 42578 through 42581).
We currently collect seven SDOH
items in the category of standardized
patient assessment data elements:
ethnicity, race, preferred language,
interpreter services, health literacy,
transportation, and social isolation (84
FR 42577 through 42579).472 In
accordance with our authority under
section 1899B(b)(1)(B)(vi) of the Act, we
similarly finalized the creation of the
SDOH category of standardized patient
assessment data elements for Skilled
Nursing Facilities (SNFs) in the FY 2020
SNF PPS final rule (84 FR 38805
through 38817), for Inpatient
Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs) in the FY
2020 IRF PPS final rule (84 FR 39149
through 39161), and for Home Health
Agencies (HHAs) in the Calendar Year
(CY) 2020 HH PPS final rule (84 60597
through 60608). We also collect the
same seven SDOH items in these PAC
providers’ respective patient/resident
assessment instruments (84 FR 38817,
39161, and 60610, respectively).
Access to standardized data relating
to SDOH on a national level permits us
to conduct periodic analyses, and to
assess their appropriateness as risk
adjustors or in future quality measures.
Our ability to perform these analyses
and to make adjustments relies on
existing data collection of SDOH items
from PAC settings. We adopted these
SDOH items using common standards
and definitions across the four PAC
providers to promote interoperable
exchange of longitudinal information
among these PAC providers, including
LTCHs, and other providers. We believe
this information may facilitate
coordinated care, improve patient
focused care planning, and allow for
continuity of the discharge planning
process from PAC settings.
We noted in our FY 2020 LTCH PPS
final rule that each of the items was
identified in the 2016 National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
470 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) and PLACES
471 ‘‘U.S. Playbook To Address Social
Determinants Of Health’’ from the White House
Office Of Science And Technology Policy
(November 2023).
472 These SDOH data are also collected for
purposes outlined in section 2(d)(2)(B) of the
Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transitions
Act (IMPACT Act). For a detailed discussion on
SDOH data collection under section 2(d)(2)(B) of
the IMPACT Act, see the FY 2020 LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42577 through 42579).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
and Medicine (NASEM) report as
impacting care use, cost, and outcomes
for Medicare beneficiaries (84 FR
39150). At that time, we acknowledged
that other items may also be useful to
understand. The SDOH items we are
proposing to collect as standardized
patient assessment data elements under
the SDOH category in this proposed rule
were also identified in the 2016 NASEM
report 473 or the 2020 NASEM report 474
as impacting care use, cost, and
outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries.
These items have the potential to affect
treatment preferences and goals of
patients and their caregivers.
Identification of these SDOH items may
also help LTCHs be in a position to offer
assistance, by connecting patients and
their caregivers with these associated
needs to social support programs, as
well as inform our understanding of
patient complexity.
Health-related social needs (HRSNs)
are the resulting effects of SDOH, which
are individual-level, adverse social
conditions that negatively impact a
person’s health or health care.475
Examples of HRSNs include lack of
access to food, housing, or
transportation, and have been associated
with poorer health outcomes, greater
use of emergency departments and
hospitals, and higher health care costs.
Certain HRSNs can lead to unmet social
needs that directly influence an
individual’s physical, psychosocial, and
functional status.476 This is particularly
true for food security, housing stability,
utilities security, and access to
473 Social Determinants of Health. Healthy People
(February 2019).
474 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine. 2020. Leading Health Indicators
2030: Advancing Health, Equity, and Well-Being.
Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
475 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. ‘‘A
Guide to Using the Accountable Health
Communities Health-Related Social Needs
Screening Tool: Promising Practices and Key
Insights.’’ August 2022. Available at https://
476 Hugh Alderwick and Laura M. Gottlieb,
‘‘Meanings and Misunderstandings: A Social
Determinants of Health Lexicon for Health Care
Systems: Milbank Quarterly,’’ Milbank Memorial
Fund, November 18, 2019, https://
477 Hugh Alderwick and Laura M. Gottlieb,
‘‘Meanings and Misunderstandings: A Social
Determinants of Health Lexicon for Health Care
Systems: Milbank Quarterly,’’ Milbank Memorial
Fund, November 18, 2019, https://
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We are proposing to require LTCHs
collect and submit four new items in the
LCDS as standardized patient
assessment data elements under the
SDOH category because these items
would collect information not already
captured by the current SDOH items.
Specifically, we believe the ongoing
identification of SDOH would have
three significant benefits. First,
promoting screening for SDOH could
serve as evidence-based building blocks
for supporting healthcare providers in
actualizing their commitment to address
disparities that disproportionately
impact underserved communities.
Second, screening for SDOH improves
health equity through identifying
potential social needs so the LTCH may
address those with the patient, their
caregivers, and community partners
during the discharge planning process,
if indicated.478 Third, these SDOH items
could support our ongoing LTCH QRP
initiatives by providing data with which
to stratify LTCHs’ performance on
measures or in future quality measures.
Additional collection of SDOH items
would permit us to continue developing
the statistical tools necessary to
maximize the value of Medicare data
and improve the quality of care for all
beneficiaries. For example, we recently
developed and released the Health
Equity Confidential Feedback Reports,
which provided data to LTCHs on
whether differences in quality measure
outcomes are present for their patients
by dual-enrollment status and race and
ethnicity.479 We note that advancing
health equity by addressing the health
disparities that underlie the country’s
health system is one of our strategic
478 American Hospital Association. (2020). Health
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Measures for
Hospitals and Health System Dashboards. December
2020. Accessed: January 18, 2022. Available at:
479 In October 2023, we released two new annual
Health Equity Confidential Feedback Reports to
LTCHs: The Discharge to Community (DTC) Health
Equity Confidential Feedback Report and the
Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary (MSPB) Health
Equity Confidential Feedback Report. The PAC
Health Equity Confidential Feedback Reports
stratified the DTC and MSPB measures by dualenrollment status and race/ethnicity. For more
information on the Health Equity Confidential
Feedback Reports, please refer to the Education and
Outreach materials available on the LTCH QRP
Training web page at
PO 00000
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pillars 480 and a Biden-Harris
Administration priority.481
c. Proposal To Collect Four New Items
as Standardized Patient Assessment
Data Elements Beginning With the FY
We are proposing to require LTCHs
collect four new items as standardized
patient assessment data elements under
the SDOH category using the LCDS: one
item for Living Situation, as described
in section IX.4.c.(1) of this proposed
rule; two items for Food, as described in
section IX.4.c.(2) of this proposed rule;
and one item for Utilities, as described
in section IX.4.c.(3) of this proposed
We selected the proposed SDOH
items from the AHC HRSN Screening
Tool developed for the AHC Model. The
AHC HRSN Screening Tool is a
universal, comprehensive screening for
HRSNs that addresses five core domains
as follows: (i) housing instability (for
example, homelessness, poor housing
quality), (ii) food insecurity, (iii)
transportation difficulties, (iv) utility
assistance needs, and (v) interpersonal
safety concerns (for example, intimatepartner violence, elder abuse, child
We believe that requiring LTCHs to
report new items that are currently
included in the AHC HRSN Screening
Tool would further standardize the
screening of SDOH across quality
programs. For example, our proposal
would align, in part, with the
requirements of the Hospital Inpatient
Quality Reporting (IQR) Program and
the Inpatient Psychiatric Facility
Quality Reporting (IPFQR) Program. As
of January 2024, hospitals are required
to report whether they have screened
patients for the standardized SDOH
categories of housing stability, food
security, utility difficulties,
transportation needs, and interpersonal
safety to meet the Hospital IQR Program
requirements.483 Beginning January
2025, IPFs will also be required to
report whether they have screened
patients for the same set of SDOH
480 Brooks-LaSure, C. (2021). My First 100 Days
and Where We Go from Here: A Strategic Vision for
CMS. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid. Available
481 The White House. The Biden-Harris
Administration Immediate Priorities [website].
482 More information about the AHC HRSN
Screening Tool is available on the website at
483 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
FY2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49191
through 49194).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
categories.484 As we continue to
standardize data collection across PAC
settings, we believe using common
standards and definitions for new items
is important to promote interoperable
exchange of longitudinal information
between LTCHs and other providers to
facilitate coordinated care, continuity in
care planning, and the discharge
planning process.
Below we describe each of the four
proposed items in more detail.
(1) Living Situation
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Healthy People 2030 prioritizes
economic stability as a key SDOH, of
which housing stability is a
component.485 486 Lack of housing
stability encompasses several
challenges, such as having trouble
paying rent, overcrowding, moving
frequently, or spending the bulk of
household income on housing.487 These
experiences may negatively affect one’s
physical health and access to health
care. Housing instability can also lead to
homelessness, which is housing
deprivation in its most severe form.488
On a single night in 2023, roughly
653,100 people, or 20 out of every
10,000 people in the United States, were
experiencing homelessness.489 Studies
also found that people who are
homeless have an increased risk of
premature death and experience chronic
disease more often than among the
general population.490
484 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
FY2024 Inpatient Psychiatric Prospective Payment
System—Rate Update (88 FR 51107 through 51121).
486 Healthy People 2030 is a long-term, evidencebased effort led by the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) that aims to identify
nationwide health improvement priorities and
improve the health of all Americans.
487 Kushel, M.B., Gupta, R., Gee, L., & Haas, J.S.
(2006). Housing instability and food insecurity as
barriers to health care among low-income
Americans. Journal of General Internal Medicine,
21(1), 71–77. doi: 10.1111/j.1525–
488 Homelessness is defined as ‘‘lacking a regular
nighttime residence or having a primary nighttime
residence that is a temporary shelter or other place
not designed for sleeping.’’ Crowley, S. (2003). The
affordable housing crisis: Residential mobility of
poor families and school mobility of poor children.
Journal of Negro Education, 72(1), 22–38. doi:
489 The 2023 Annual Homeless Assessment
Report (AHAR) to Congress. The U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development 2023. https://
490 Baggett, T.P., Hwang, S.W., O’Connell, J.J.,
Porneala, B.C., Stringfellow, E.J., Orav, E.J., Singer,
D.E., & Rigotti, N.A. (2013). Mortality among
homeless adults in Boston: Shifts in causes of death
over a 15-year period. JAMA Internal Medicine,
173(3), 189–195. doi: 10.1001/
jamainternmed.2013.1604. Schanzer, B.,
Dominguez, B., Shrout, P.E., & Caton, C.L. (2007).
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We believe that LTCHs can use
information obtained from the Living
Situation item during a patient’s
discharge planning. For example,
LTCHs could work in partnership with
community care hubs and communitybased organizations to establish new
care transition workflows, including
referral pathways, contracting
mechanisms, data sharing strategies,
and implementation training that can
track HRSNs to ensure unmet needs,
such as housing, are successfully
addressed through closed loop referrals
and follow-up.491 LTCHs could also take
action to help alleviate a patient’s other
related costs of living, like food, by
referring the patient to communitybased organizations that would allow
the patient’s additional resources to be
allocated towards housing without
sacrificing other needs.492 Finally,
LTCHs could use the information
obtained from the Living Situation item
to better coordinate with other
healthcare providers, facilities, and
agencies during transitions of care, so
that referrals to address a patient’s
housing stability are not lost during
vulnerable transition periods.
Due to the potential negative impacts
housing instability can have on a
patient’s health, we are proposing to
adopt the Living Situation item as a new
standardized patient assessment data
element under the SDOH category. This
proposed Living Situation item is based
on the Living Situation item currently
collected in the AHC HRSN Screening
Tool,493 494 and was adapted from the
Protocol for Responding to and
Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks, and
Experiences (PRAPARE) tool.495 The
Homelessness, health status, and health care use.
American Journal of Public Health, 97(3), 464–469.
doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2005.076190.
491 U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
(HHS), Call to Action, ‘‘Addressing Health Related
Social Needs in Communities Across the Nation.’’
November 2023.
492 Henderson, K.A., Manian, N., Rog, D.J.,
Robison, E., Jorge, E., AlAbdulmunem, M.
‘‘Addressing Homelessness Among Older Adults’’
(Final Report). Washington, DC: Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
October 26, 2023.
493 More information about the AHC HRSN
Screening Tool is available on the website at
494 The AHC HRSN Screening Tool Living
Situation item includes two questions. In an effort
to limit IRF burden, we are only proposing the first
495 National Association of Community Health
Centers and Partners, National Association of
Community Health Centers, Association of Asian
Pacific Community Health Organizations,
Association OPC, Institute for Alternative Futures.
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proposed Living Situation item asks,
‘‘What is your living situation today?’’
The proposed response options are: (1)
I have a steady place to live; (2) I have
a place to live today, but I am worried
about losing it in the future; (3) I do not
have a steady place to live; (7) Patient
declines to respond; and (8) Patient
unable to respond. A draft of the
proposed Living Situation item to be
adopted as a standardized patient
assessment data element under the
SDOH category can be found in the
Downloads section of the LCDS and
LTCH Manual web page at https://
(2) Food
The U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Economic Research Service defines a
lack of food security as a householdlevel economic and social condition of
limited or uncertain access to adequate
food.496 Adults who are food insecure
may be at an increased risk for a variety
of negative health outcomes and health
disparities. For example, a study found
that food-insecure adults may be at an
increased risk for obesity.497 Another
study found that food-insecure adults
have a significantly higher probability of
death from any cause or cardiovascular
disease in long-term follow-up care, in
comparison to adults that are food
While having enough food is one of
many predictors for health outcomes, a
diet low in nutritious foods is also a
factor.499 The United States Department
of Agriculture (USDA) defines nutrition
security as ‘‘consistent and equitable
access to healthy, safe, affordable foods
essential to optimal health and wellbeing.’’ 500 Nutrition security builds on
‘‘PRAPARE.’’ 2017.
496 U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic
Research Service. (n.d.). Definitions of food
security. Retrieved March 10, 2022, from https://
497 Hernandez, D.C., Reesor, L.M., & Murillo, R.
(2017). Food insecurity and adult overweight/
obesity: Gender and race/ethnic disparities.
Appetite, 117, 373–378.
498 Banerjee, S., Radak, T., Khubchandani, J., &
Dunn, P. (2021). Food Insecurity and Mortality in
American Adults: Results From the NHANESLinked Mortality Study. Health promotion practice,
22(2), 204–214.
499 National Center for Health Statistics. (2022,
September 6). Exercise or Physical Activity.
Retrieved from Centers for Disease Control and
500 Food and Nutrition Security. (n.d.). USDA.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
and complements long standing efforts
to advance food security.501 Studies
have shown that older adults struggling
with food security consume fewer
calories and nutrients and have lower
overall dietary quality than those who
are food secure, which can put them at
nutritional risk.502 Older adults are also
at a higher risk of developing
malnutrition, which is considered a
state of deficit, excess, or imbalance in
protein, energy, or other nutrients that
adversely impacts an individual’s own
body form, function, and clinical
outcomes.503 About 50% of older adults
are affected by malnutrition, which is
further aggravated by a lack of food
security and poverty.504 These facts
highlight why the Biden-Harris
Administration launched the White
House Challenge to End Hunger and
Build Health Communities.505
We believe that adopting items to
collect and analyze information about a
patient’s food security at home could
provide additional insight to their
health complexity and help facilitate
coordination with other healthcare
providers, facilities, and agencies during
transitions of care, so that referrals to
address a patient’s food security are not
lost during vulnerable transition
periods. For example, an LTCH’s
dietitian or other clinically qualified
nutrition professional could work with
the patient and their caregiver to plan
healthy, affordable food choices prior to
discharge.506 LTCHs could also refer a
501 Food and Nutrition Service. (March 2022).
502 Ziliak, J.P., & Gundersen, C. (2019). The State
of Senior Hunger in America 2017: An Annual
Report. Prepared for Feeding America. Available at:
503 The Malnutrition Quality Collaborative.
(2020). National Blueprint: Achieving Quality
Malnutrition Care for Older Adults, 2020 Update.
Washington, DC: Avalere Health and Defeat
Malnutrition Today. Available at: https://
504 Food Research & Action Center (FRAC).
‘‘Hunger is a Health Issue for Older Adults: Food
Security, Health, and the Federal Nutrition
Programs.’’ December 2019.
505 The White House Challenge to End Hunger
and Build Health Communities (Challenge) was a
nationwide call-to-action released on March 24,
2023 to stakeholders across all of society to make
commitments to advance President Biden’s goal to
end hunger and reduce diet-related diseases by
2030—all while reducing disparities. More
information on the White House Challenge to End
Hunger and Build Health Communities can be
506 Schroeder K., Smaldone A., Food Insecurity:
A Concept Analysis. Nurse Forum. 2015 Oct.–
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patient that indicates lack of food
security to government initiatives such
as the Supplemental Nutrition
Assistance Program (SNAP) and food
pharmacies (programs to increase access
to healthful foods by making them
affordable), two initiatives that have
been associated with lower health care
costs and reduced hospitalization and
emergency department visits.507
We are proposing to adopt two Food
items as new standardized patient
assessment data elements under the
SDOH category. These proposed items
are based on the Food items currently
collected in the AHC HRSN Screening
Tool, and were adapted from the USDA
18-item Household Food Security
Survey (HFSS).508 The first proposed
Food item states, ‘‘Within the past 12
months, you worried that your food
would run out before you got money to
buy more.’’ 509 The second proposed
Food item states, ‘‘Within the past 12
months, the food you bought just didn’t
last and you didn’t have money to get
more. We propose the same response
options for both items: (1) Often true; (2)
Sometimes true; (3) Never True; (7)
Patient declines to respond; and (8)
Patient unable to respond. A draft of the
proposed Food items to be adopted as
a standardized patient assessment data
element under the SDOH category can
be found in the Downloads section of
the LCDS and LTCH Manual web page
(3) Utilities
A lack of energy (utility) security can
be defined as an inability to adequately
meet basic household energy needs.510
According to the Department of Energy,
one in three households in the U.S. are
unable to adequately meet basic
household energy needs.511 The
Dec.;50(4):274–84. doi: 10.1111/nuf.12118. Epub.
2015 Jan. 21. PMID: 25612146; PMCID:
507 Tsega M., Lewis C., McCarthy D., Shah T.,
Coutts K., Review of Evidence for Health-Related
Social Needs Interventions. July 2019. The
Commonwealth Fund. https://
508 More information about the HFSS tool can be
found at
509 The AHC HRSN Screening Tool Food item
includes two questions. In an effort to limit LTCH
burden, we are only proposing the first question.
510 Herna
´ ndez D. Understanding ‘energy
insecurity’ and why it matters to health. Soc. Sci.
Med. 2016 Oct.; 167:1–10. doi: 10.1016/
j.socscimed.2016.08.029. Epub. 2016 Aug. 21.
PMID: 27592003; PMCID: PMC5114037.
511 US Energy Information Administration. ‘‘One
in Three U.S. Households Faced Challenges in
Paying Energy Bills in 2015.’’ 2017 Oct 13. https://
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consequences associated with a lack of
utility security are represented by three
primary dimensions: economic,
physical, and behavioral. Patients with
low incomes are disproportionately
affected by high energy costs, and they
may be forced to prioritize paying for
housing and food over utilities.512 Some
patients may face limited housing
options and therefore are at increased
risk of living in lower-quality physical
conditions with malfunctioning heating
and cooling systems, poor lighting, and
outdated plumbing and electrical
systems.513 Patients with a lack of
utility security may use negative
behavioral approaches to cope, such as
using stoves and space heaters for
heat.514 In addition, data from the
Department of Energy’s U.S. Energy
Information Administration confirm
that a lack of energy security
disproportionately affects certain
populations, such as low-income and
African American households.515 The
effects of a lack of utility security
include vulnerability to environmental
exposures such as dampness, mold, and
thermal discomfort in the home, which
have a direct impact on a person’s
health.516 517 For example, research has
shown associations between a lack of
energy security and respiratory
conditions as well as mental healthrelated disparities and poor sleep
quality in vulnerable populations such
as the elderly, children, the
socioeconomically disadvantaged, and
the medically vulnerable.518
512 Herna
´ ndez D. ‘‘Understanding ‘energy
insecurity’ and why it matters to health.’’ Soc. Sci.
Med. 2016; 167:1–10.
513 Herna
´ ndez D. Understanding ‘energy
insecurity’ and why it matters to health. Soc. Sci.
Med. 2016 Oct;167:1–10. doi: 10.1016/
j.socscimed.2016.08.029. Epub. 2016 Aug. 21.
PMID: 27592003; PMCID: PMC5114037.
514 Herna
´ ndez D. ‘‘What ‘Merle’ Taught Me About
Energy Insecurity and Health.’’ Health Affairs,
VOL.37, NO.3: Advancing Health Equity Narrative
Matters. March 2018.
515 US Energy Information Administration. ‘‘One
in Three U.S. Households Faced Challenges in
Paying Energy Bills in 2015.’’ 2017 Oct 13. https://
516 Herna
´ ndez D. Understanding ‘energy
insecurity’ and why it matters to health. Soc. Sci.
Med. 2016 Oct.;167:1–10. doi: 10.1016/
j.socscimed.2016.08.029. Epub. 2016 Aug. 21.
PMID: 27592003; PMCID: PMC5114037.
517 Institute of Medicine. (2004). Damp Indoor
Spaces and Health. Washington, DC: National
Academies Press.
518 Siegal et al., ‘‘Energy Insecurity Indicators
Associated with Increased Odds of Respiratory,
Mental Health, And Cardiovascular Conditions.’’
Health Affairs 43, NO. 2 (2024): 260–268. https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
We believe adopting an item to collect
information about a patient’s utility
security upon admission to an LTCH
would facilitate the identification of
patients who may not have utility
security and who may benefit from
engagement efforts. For example, LTCHs
may be able to use the information on
utility security to help connect
identified patients in need, such as
older adults, to programs that can help
pay for home energy (heating/cooling)
costs, like the Low-Income Home
Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
LTCHs may also be able to partner with
community care hubs and communitybased organizations to assist the patient
in applying for these and other local
utility assistance programs, as well as
helping them navigate the enrollment
We are proposing to adopt a new
item, Utilities, as a new standardized
patient assessment data element under
the SDOH category. This proposed item
is based on the Utilities item currently
collected in the AHC HRSN Screening
Tool and was adapted from the
Children’s Sentinel Nutrition
Assessment Program (C–SNAP)
survey.520 The proposed Utilities item
asks, ‘‘In the past 12 months, has the
electric, gas, oil, or water company
threatened to shut off services in your
home?’’ The proposed response options
are: (1) Yes; (2) No; (3) Already shut off;
(7) Patient declines to respond; and (8)
Patient unable to respond. A draft of the
proposed Utilities item to be adopted as
a standardized patient assessment data
element under the SDOH category can
be found in the Downloads section of
the LCDS and LTCH Manual web page
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
d. Stakeholder Input
We developed our proposal to add
these items after considering feedback
we received in response to our request
for information (RFI) on Closing the
Health Equity Gap in CMS Hospital
Quality Programs in the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45349
519 National Council on Aging (NCOA). ‘‘How to
Make It Easier for Older Adults to Get Energy and
Utility Assistance.’’ Promising Practices
Clearinghouse for Professionals. Jan 13, 2022.
520 This validated survey was developed as a
clinical indicator of household energy security
among pediatric caregivers. Cook, J.T., D.A. Frank.,
P.H. Casey, R. Rose-Jacobs, M.M. Black, M. Chilton,
S. Ettinger de Cuba, et al. ‘‘A Brief Indicator of
Household Energy Security: Associations with Food
Security, Child Health, and Child Development in
US Infants and Toddlers.’’ Pediatrics, vol. 122, no.
4, 2008, pp. e874–e875.
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through 45362). This RFI sought to
update providers on CMS initiatives to
make reporting of health disparities
more comprehensive and actionable for
LTCHs, providers, and patients. The RFI
also invited public comment on future
potential stratification of quality
measures and improving demographic
data collection. In response to the
solicitation of public comment on future
potential stratification and improving
demographic data collection,
commenters supported and
recommended that CMS collect
additional social and demographic data,
like gender expression, disability status,
language including English proficiency,
housing security, food security, and
forms of economic or financial
insecurity to help provides address
health equity in LTCHs. In addition,
commenters suggested CMS use
standardized data collection across
agencies when incorporating health
equity initiatives, while also expressing
concern about the burden additional
data collection efforts would place on
providers (86 FR 45358).
Furthermore, we considered feedback
we received when we proposed the
creation of the SDOH category of
standardized patient assessment data
elements in the FY 2020 LTCH PPS
proposed rule (84 FR 19545).
Commenters were generally in favor of
the concept of collecting SDOH items
and noted the inclusion of additional
SDOH would provide greater breadth
and depth of data when developing
policies to address social factors related
to health. Many commenters also
recommended including additional
factors, such as food insecurity, housing
insecurity, and independent living
status, to ensure the full spectrum of
social needs is examined. The FY 2020
LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42578
through 42581) includes a summary of
the public comments that we received
and our responses to those comments.
We incorporated this input into the
development of this proposal.
We invite comment on the proposal to
adopt four new items as standardized
patient assessment data elements under
the SDOH category beginning with the
FY 2028 LTCH QRP: one Living
Situation item; two Food items; and one
Utilities item.
e. Proposal To Modify the
Transportation Item Beginning With the
Beginning October 1, 2022, LTCHs
began collecting seven standardized
patient assessment data elements under
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the SDOH category on the LCDS.521 One
of these items, A1250. Transportation,
collects data on whether a lack of
transportation has kept a patient from
getting to and from medical
appointments, meetings, work, or from
getting things they need for daily living.
This item was adopted as a standardized
patient assessment data element under
the SDOH category in the FY 2020
LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42587). As
we discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42586), we
continue to believe that access to
transportation for ongoing health care
and medication access needs,
particularly for those with chronic
diseases, is essential to successful
chronic disease management and the
collection of a Transportation item
would facilitate the connection to
programs that can address identified
As part of our routine item and
measure monitoring work, we
continually assess the implementation
of the new SDOH items. We have
identified an opportunity to improve the
data collection for A1250.
Transportation by aligning it with the
Transportation category collected in our
other programs.522 523 Specifically, we
are proposing to modify the current
Transportation item so that it aligns
with a Transportation item collected on
the AHC HRSN Screening Tool available
to the IPFQR and IQR Programs.
A1250. Transportation currently
collected in the LCDS asks: ‘‘Has lack of
transportation kept you from medical
appointments, meetings, work, or from
getting things needed for daily living?’’
The response options are: (A) Yes, it has
kept me from medical appointments or
from getting my medications; (B) Yes, it
has kept me from non-medical meetings,
appointments, work, or from getting
things that I need; (C) No; (X) Patient
unable to respond; and (Y) Patient
declines to respond. The Transportation
item collected in the AHC HRSN
Screening Tool asks, ‘‘In the past 12
months, has lack of reliable
transportation kept you from medical
appointments, meetings, work or from
getting things needed for daily living?’’
The two response options are: (1) Yes;
and (2) No. Consistent with the AHC
HRSN Screening Tool, we are proposing
521 The seven SDOH items are ethnicity, race,
preferred language, interpreter services, health
literacy, transportation, and social isolation (84 FR
42577 through 42579).
522 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
FY2024 Inpatient Psychiatric Prospective Payment
System—Rate Update (88 FR 51107 through 51121).
523 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
FY2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49202
through 49215).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
to modify the A1250. Transportation
item currently collected in the LCDS in
two ways: (1) revise the look-back
period for when the patient experienced
lack of reliable transportation; and (2)
simplify the response options.
First, the proposed modification of
the Transportation item would use a
defined 12-month look back period,
while the current Transportation item
uses a look back period of six to 12
months. We believe the distinction of a
12-month look back period would
reduce ambiguity for both patients and
clinicians, and therefore improve the
validity of the data collected. Second,
we are proposing to simplify the
response options. Currently, LTCHs
separately collect information on
whether a lack of transportation has
kept the patient from medical
appointments or from getting
medications, and whether a lack of
transportation has kept the patient from
non-medical meetings, appointments,
work, or from getting things they need.
Although transportation barriers can
directly affect a person’s ability to
attend medical appointments and obtain
medications, a lack of transportation can
also affect a person’s health in other
ways, including accessing goods and
services, obtaining adequate food and
clothing, and social activities.524 The
proposed modified Transportation item
would collect information on whether a
lack of reliable transportation has kept
the patient from medical appointments,
meetings, work or from getting things
needed for daily living, rather than
collecting the information separately. As
discussed previously, we believe
reliable transportation services are
fundamental to a person’s overall
health, and as a result, the burden of
collecting this information separately
outweighs its potential benefit.
For the reasons stated, we are
proposing to modify A1250.
Transportation based on the
Transportation item adopted for use in
the AHC HRSN Screening Tool and
adapted from the PRAPARE tool. The
proposed Transportation item asks, ‘‘In
the past 12 months, has a lack of reliable
transportation kept you from medical
appointments, meetings, work or from
getting things needed for daily living?’’
The proposed response options are: (0)
Yes; (1) No; (7) Patient declines to
respond; and (8) Patient unable to
respond. A draft of the proposed Living
Situation item to be adopted as a
standardized patient assessment data
element under the SDOH category can
be found in the Downloads section of
the LCDS and LTCH Manual web page
We invite comment on this proposal
to modify the current Transportation
item previously adopted as a
standardized patient assessment data
element under the SDOH category
beginning with the FY 2028 LTCH QRP.
5. LTCH QRP Quality Measure Concepts
Under Consideration for Future Years:
Request for Information (RFI)
We are seeking input on the
importance, relevance, appropriateness,
and applicability of each of the concepts
under consideration listed in Table
IX.E.–02 for future years in the LTCH
QRP. In the FY 2024 LTCH PPS
proposed rule (88 FR 27150–27153), we
published a request for information
(RFI) on the set of principles for
selecting and prioritizing LTCH QRP
measures, identifying measurement
gaps, and suitable measures for filling
these gaps. Within this proposed rule,
we also sought input on data available
to develop measures, approaches for
data collection, perceived challenges or
barriers, and approaches for addressing
identified challenges. We refer readers
to the FY 2024 LTCH PPS final rule (88
FR 59250–59252) for a summary of the
public comments we received in
response to the RFI.
Subsequently, our measure
development contractor convened a
Technical Expert Panel (TEP) on
December 15, 2023 to obtain expert
input on future measure concepts that
could fill the measurement gaps
identified in the FY 2024 RFI.525 The
TEP discussed the alignment of PAC
and Hospice measures with CMS’s
‘‘Universal Foundation’’ of quality
measures.526 The Universal Foundation
aims to focus provider attention, reduce
burden, identify disparities in care,
prioritize development of interoperable,
digital quality measures, allow for crosscomparisons across programs, and help
identify measurement gaps.
In consideration of the feedback we
received through these activities, we are
seeking input on three measure
concepts for the LTCH QRP. One is a
composite of vaccinations,527 which
could represent overall immunization
status of LTCH patients such as the
Adult Immunization Status measure 528
in the Universal Foundation. A second
concept we are seeking feedback on is
the concept of depression for the LTCH
QRP, which may be similar to the
Clinical Screening for Depression and
Follow-up measure 529 in the Universal
Foundation. Finally, we are seeking
feedback on the concept of pain
Oualitv Measure Conceots
While we will not be responding to
specific comments in response to this
RFI in the FY 2025 LTCH PPS final rule,
we intend to use this input to inform
our future measure development efforts.
524 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,
FY2024 Inpatient Psychiatric Prospective Payment
System—Rate Update (88 FR 51107 through 51121).
525 The Post-Acute Care (PAC) and Hospice
Quality Reporting Program Cross-Setting TEP
summary report will be published in early summer
or as soon as technically feasible. LTCHs can
monitor the Partnership for Quality Measurement
website at
technical-expert-panel/updates for updates.
526 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Aligning Quality Measures Across CMS—the
Universal Foundation. November 17, 2023. https://
527 A composite measure can summarize multiple
measures through the use of one value or piece of
information. More information can be found at
528 CMS Measures Inventory Tool. Adult
immunization status measure found at https://
529 CMS Measures Inventory Tool. Clinical
Depression Screening and Follow-Up measure
found at
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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6. Future LTCH Star Rating System:
Request for Information (RFI)
Section 1886(m)(5)(E) of the Act
requires that the Secretary establish
procedures for making data submitted
under the LTCH QRP available to the
public. Such procedures must ensure
the LTCHs participating in the LTCH
QRP have the opportunity to review the
LTCH-submitted data prior to such data
being made public. The Secretary must
publicly report quality measures that
relate to services furnished in LTCHs on
the CMS website. We currently publicly
report data we receive on measures
under the LTCH QRP on our Care
Compare website.530
Care Compare displays star ratings for
many provider types, specifically:
doctors and clinicians, hospitals,
nursing homes, home health, hospice,
and dialysis facilities. Rating
methodologies vary by provider type.
Star ratings summarize performance
using symbols to help consumers
quickly and easily understand quality of
care information. Star ratings are
designed to enhance and supplement
existing publicly reported quality
information, and also serve to spotlight
differences in health care quality and
identify areas for improvement.531 Some
providers receive ‘‘overall star ratings,’’
which are a composite score calculated
using different data sources, such as
quality measures or survey results.
Others receive ‘‘patient survey star
ratings,’’ a composite score derived from
patient experience of care surveys.
Depending on the provider type, some
utilize one—or both—of these rating
Star ratings serve an important
function for patients, caregivers, and
families, helping them to more quickly
comprehend complex information about
a health care providers’ care quality and
to easily assess differences among
providers. This transparency serves an
important educational function, while
also helping to promote competition in
health care markets. Informed patients
and consumers are more empowered to
select among health care providers,
fostering continued quality
improvement. CMS’ commitment to
establishing star ratings systems across
health care settings is consistent with
the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal
to promote an open, transparent, and
competitive economy as outlined in
530 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS). Care Compare. 2023. https://
531 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS). Home Health Star Ratings. 2023. https://
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President Biden’s July 2021 Executive
Order on Promoting Competition in the
American Economy.532
We are seeking feedback on the
development of a five-star methodology
for LTCHs that can meaningfully
distinguish between quality of care
offered by providers. Star ratings for
LTCHs will be designed to help
consumers quickly identify differences
in quality when selecting a provider. We
are committed to developing a welltested, data-driven methodology that
encourages continuous quality
improvement. We plan to engage with
the LTCH community and provide
multiple opportunities for LTCHs and
other interested parties to give input on
the development of a star rating system
for LTCHs. Additionally, LTCHs would
have the ability to preview their own
facility’s quality data before public
posting of the LTCH’s star rating on the
Care Compare website in accordance
with section 1886(j)(7)(E) of the Act.
We invite general comments on a
potential star rating system as well as
measures suitable to use in a star rating
system. Specifically, we invite public
comment on the following questions:
• Are there specific criteria CMS
should use to select measures for a star
rating system?
• How should CMS present star
ratings information in a way that it is
most useful to consumers?
While we will not be responding to
specific comments in response to this
RFI in the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule, we intend to use this input to
inform our future star rating
development efforts. We intend to
consider how a rating system would
determine an LTCH’s star rating, the
methods used for such calculations, and
an anticipated timeline for
implementation. We will consider
comments in response to this RFI for
future rulemaking.
7. Form, Manner, and Timing of Data
Submission Under the LTCH QRP
a. Background
We refer readers to the regulatory text
at 42 CFR 412.560(b) for information
regarding the current policies for
reporting specified data for the LTCH
532 Executive Order on Promoting Competition in
the American Economy | The White House.
PO 00000
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b. Proposed Reporting Schedule for the
Submission of Proposed New Items as
Standardized Patient Assessment Data
Elements and the Modified
Transportation Item Beginning With the
As discussed in section X.4. of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to
adopt four new items as standardized
patient assessment data elements under
the SDOH category (one Living
Situation item, two Food items, and one
Utilities item), and to modify the
Transportation standardized patient
assessment data elements previously
adopted under the SDOH category
beginning with the FY 2028 LTCH QRP.
We are proposing that LTCHs would
be required to report these new items
and the modified Transportation item
using the LCDS beginning with patients
admitted on October 1, 2026 for
purposes of the FY 2028 LTCH QRP.
Starting in CY 2027, LTCHs would be
required to submit data for the entire
calendar year for purposes of the FY
2029 LTCH QRP.
We are also proposing that LTCHs
who submit the Living Situation, Food,
and Utilities items proposed for
adoption as standardized patient
assessment data elements under the
SDOH category with respect to
admission only would be deemed to
have submitted those items with respect
to both admission and discharge. We
propose that LTCHs would be required
to submit these items at admission only
(and not at discharge), because it is
unlikely that the assessment of those
items at admission will differ from the
assessment of the same item at
discharge. This would align the data
collection for these proposed items with
other SDOH items (that is, Race,
Ethnicity, Preferred Language, and
Interpreter Services) which are only
collected at admission.533 A draft of the
proposed items is available in the
Downloads section of the LCDS and
LTCH Manual web page at https://
As we noted in Section X.E,4.e. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we
continually to assess the
implementation of the new SDOH items,
including A1250. Transportation, as
part of our routine item and measure
monitoring work. We received feedback
from stakeholders in response to the FY
2020 LTCH PPS proposed rule (84 FR
19551) noting their concern with the
burden of collecting the Transportation
item at admission and discharge.
533 FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR
42588 through 42590).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Specifically, commenters stated that a
patient’s access to transportation is
unlikely to change between admission
and discharge. We analyzed the data
LTCHs reported from October 1, 2022 to
June 30, 2023 (Q4 CY 2022 through Q2
CY 2023) and found that patient
responses did not significantly change
from admission to discharge.534
Specifically, the proportion of
patients 535 who responded ‘‘Yes’’ to the
Transportation item at admission versus
at discharge differed by only 1.65
percentage points during this period.
We find these results convincing, and
therefore are proposing to require
LTCHs to collect and submit the
proposed modified standardized patient
assessment data element,
Transportation, at admission only.
We invite public comment on our
proposal to collect data on the following
items proposed as standardized patient
assessment data elements under the
SDOH category at admission beginning
October 1, 2026 with the FY 2028 LTCH
QRP: (1) Living Situation as described
in section X.4.c.(1) of this proposed
rule; (2) Food as described in section
X.4.c.(2) of this proposed rule; and (3)
Utilities as described in section X.4.c.(3)
of this proposed rule. We also invite
comment on our proposal to submit the
proposed modified standardized patient
assessment data element,
Transportation, at admission only
beginning October 1, 2026 with the FY
2028 LTCH QRP as described in section
IX.4.e. of this proposed rule.
c. Proposal To Modify the LCDS
Admission Assessment Window to Four
Days Beginning With the FY 2028 LTCH
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Since the FY2012 IPPS/LTCH Final
Rule, LTCHs have collected information
for the LTCH QRP utilizing the LCDS.536
Since 2012, the LTCH QRP has evolved
in response to both quality initiatives
and statutory requirements, and as a
result, the LCDS has evolved to support
data collection for evaluation of health
outcomes in the LTCH. The LCDS
Version 5.0 was implemented on
534 Due to data availability of LTCH SDOH
standardized patient assessment data elements, this
is based on three quarters of Transportation data.
535 The analysis is limited to patients who
responded to the Transportation item at both
admission and discharge.
536 Office of the Federal Register of the National
Archives and Records Administration and the U.S.
Government Publishing Office. Medicare Program;
Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for
Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-Term Care
Hospital Prospective Payment System and FY 2012
Rates; Hospitals’ FTE Resident Caps for Graduate
Medical Education Payment. 2011. https://
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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October 1, 2022, and is currently in
As specified in the LCDS Manual, the
LCDS Admission assessment has a
maximum three-day assessment period,
beginning with the date of admission, in
which the patient’s assessment must be
conducted to obtain information for the
LCDS Admission assessment items. All
LTCHs are required to record the
Assessment Reference Date (ARD)
(A0210) on each LCDS, which is defined
as the end point of the assessment
period for the LCDS assessment record.
LTCHs can set their own ARD, as long
as it is no later than the third calendar
day (date of admission plus two
calendar days) of the patient’s stay.
We continually look for opportunities
to minimize LTCHs’ burden associated
with collection of the LCDS through
strategies that include improving
communication and conducting
outreach with users, as well as
simplifying collection and submission
requirements. In recent years, we have
received feedback regarding the
difficulty of collecting the required
LCDS data elements within the threeday assessment window when
medically complex patients are
admitted prior to and on weekends. On
October 17th, 2023, our measure
development contractor hosted an LTCH
Listening Session on the Administrative
Burden of the LTCH QRP, and invited
providers to comment on several LTCH
QRP topics, including a potential
expansion of the assessment period to
four days.538 During the listening
session, we received support for
revising the Admission assessment
window, with participants suggesting
that extending the assessment window
would ease the difficulties noted above.
We propose to extend the Admission
assessment period from three days to
four days, beginning with LTCH
admissions on October 1, 2026. For
example, if a patient was admitted on
Friday, October 19, the ARD for the
LCDS Admission assessment could be
no later than Monday, October 22. This
change to the assessment period would
only apply to the LCDS Admission
assessment, and have no impact on
We invite public comment on our
proposal to extend the LCDS Admission
537 Centers
for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS). Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) Continuity
Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) Data Set
(LCDS) & LCDS Manual. 2023. https://
538 A summary of the LTCH Listening Session can
be found on the LTCH QRP Measures Information
web page at:
PO 00000
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assessment window from three to four
days beginning with the FY 2028 LTCH
8. Policies Regarding Public Display of
Measure Data for the LTCH QRP
We are not proposing any new
policies regarding the public display of
measure data at this time. For a more
detailed discussion about our policies
regarding public display of LTCH QRP
measure data and procedures for the
opportunity to review and correct data
and information, we refer readers to the
FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81
FR 57231 through 57236).
F. Medicare Promoting Interoperability
1. Statutory Authority for the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program for
Eligible Hospitals and Critical Access
Hospitals (CAHs)
Sections 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) and
1814(l)(4) of the Social Security Act (as
amended by the Health Information
Technology for Economic and Clinical
Health Act, Title XIII of Division A and
Title IV of Division B of the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009,
Pub. L. 111–5) authorize downward
payment adjustments under Medicare,
beginning with fiscal year (FY) 2015 for
eligible hospitals and CAHs that do not
successfully demonstrate meaningful
use of certified electronic health record
technology (CEHRT) for the applicable
electronic health record (EHR) reporting
periods. Section 602 of Title VI,
Division O of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. L. 114–
113) added subsection (d) hospitals in
Puerto Rico as eligible hospitals under
the Medicare EHR Incentive Program
and extended the participation timeline
for these hospitals such that downward
payment adjustments were authorized
beginning in FY 2022 for section (d)
Puerto Rico hospitals that do not
successfully demonstrate meaningful
use of CEHRT for the applicable EHR
reporting periods.
2. Proposal To Change the
Antimicrobial Use and Resistance
(AUR) Surveillance Measure Beginning
With the EHR Reporting Period in
Calendar Year (CY) 2025
a. Proposal To Modify the AUR
Surveillance Measure Beginning With
the EHR Reporting Period in CY 2025
The Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program encourages
healthcare data exchange for public
health purposes through the Public
Health and Clinical Data Exchange
objective. In the FY 2023 Hospital
Inpatient Prospective Payment System
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
and Long Term Care Hospital
Prospective Payment System (IPPS/
LTCH PPS) final rule, we finalized the
requirement for eligible hospitals and
CAHs to report the AUR Surveillance
measure with a modification to begin
reporting with the EHR reporting period
in CY 2024 (87 FR 49337). Under the
AUR Surveillance measure, eligible
hospitals and CAHs report two kinds of
data to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) National
Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN):
Antimicrobial Use (AU) data and
Antimicrobial Resistance (AR) data (87
FR 49335). Separate data elements and
technical capabilities are required for
reporting the AU data and AR data, and
we refer readers to the CDC NHSN AUR
protocols for technical details regarding
implementation.539 Eligible hospitals
and CAHs that report a ‘‘yes’’ response
indicate that they have submitted data
for both AU and AR, and will receive
credit for reporting the measure, unless
they claim an exclusion for which they
are eligible. Eligible hospitals and CAHs
must also use technology certified to the
criterion at 45 CFR 170.315(f)(6),
‘‘Transmission to public health
agencies—antimicrobial use and
resistance reporting’’ for data
submission (87 FR 49337).
After finalization of the AUR
Surveillance measure, we received
feedback from some eligible hospitals
and CAHs seeking clarity regarding
reporting requirements and exclusion
eligibility for eligible hospitals and
CAHs. Comments and questions
included whether eligible hospitals or
CAHs with an eligible exclusion
preventing their participation in
reporting either AU data or AR data
were required or able to report any
available data to receive credit under
the AUR Surveillance measure. Under
our current policy, if an eligible hospital
or CAH meets the exclusion criteria
with respect to reporting either AU data
or AR data, the hospital is excluded
from the entire AUR Surveillance
measure (87 FR 49337).
In collaboration with the CDC, we
identified the need to separate the AUR
Surveillance measure into two measures
to clarify reporting requirements and
incentivize greater data reporting from
eligible hospitals and CAHs. In
addition, because AU and AR reporting
rely on different data sources, such as
an electronic medication administration
record (eMAR)/bar-coded medication
administration (BCMA) for AU, and lab
information systems (LISs) for AR, we
also believe that separating the measure
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into two measures would more
appropriately target the availability of
exclusions for participants who have
difficulty with data transmission using
a single data source.
Specifically, we are proposing to
separate the AUR Surveillance measure
into two measures, beginning with the
EHR reporting period in CY 2025:
• AU Surveillance measure: The
eligible hospital or CAH is in active
engagement with CDC’s NHSN to
submit AU data for the selected EHR
reporting period and receives a report
from NHSN indicating its successful
submission of AU data for the selected
EHR reporting period.
• AR Surveillance measure: The
eligible hospital or CAH is in active
engagement with CDC’s NHSN to
submit AR data for the selected EHR
reporting period and receives a report
from NHSN indicating its successful
submission of AR data for the selected
EHR reporting period.
Under the proposed AU Surveillance
measure, eligible hospitals and CAHs
would be required to report AU data to
CDC’s NHSN. Under the proposed AR
Surveillance measure, eligible hospitals
and CAHs would also be required to
report AR data to CDC’s NHSN. Under
this proposal, eligible hospitals and
CAHs must report a ‘‘yes’’ response or
claim an exclusion, separately, to
receive credit for reporting the AU
Surveillance measure and the AR
Surveillance measure. For both
measures, we propose that eligible
hospitals and CAHs be required to use
technology certified to the Office of the
National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology (ONC)
Certification Program for Health
Information Technology (health IT)
certification criterion at 45 CFR
170.315(f)(6), ‘‘Transmission to public
health agencies—antimicrobial use and
resistance reporting,’’ as they are for the
AUR Surveillance measure. We believe
that separating the AUR Surveillance
measure into two measures would
encourage participation from eligible
hospitals and CAHs that could report
data for only the AU measure or for only
the AR measure that might previously
have been excluded because of their
inability to report both AU data and AR
data as required by the AUR
Surveillance measure.
Under current policy with a single
AUR Surveillance measure, eligible
hospitals and CAHs that meet the
exclusion criteria with respect to
reporting data of one kind (for example,
AR) are excluded from all AUR
Surveillance measure reporting
requirements, even if they can report
data of the other kind (for example, AU).
PO 00000
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Offering a complete AUR Surveillance
measure exclusion, even when
participants can report either AU or AR
data, is contrary to the goals of the
Public Health and Clinical Data
Exchange objective, because it
discourages the sending of partial data
as available. Separating the single AUR
Surveillance measure into two measures
would better reflect the reality that AU
data reporting and AR data reporting
rely on different data sources that
require different types of exclusions to
reflect the separate clinical and data
domains of prescribing and
microbiological testing. Separation of
AU data reporting and AR data
reporting into two measures also
supports the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program’s
administrative requirements with
respect to scoring, because the current
scoring methodology for the Public
Health and Clinical Data Exchange
objective does not grant partial credit for
reporting on individual measures. We
note that the separation of the AUR
Surveillance measure does not expand
on the previously finalized
requirements of the measure; the
proposed separation from one measure
into two measures allows eligible
hospitals and CAHs the opportunity to
submit data for either AU or AR if it can
only submit data for one of the two,
versus an all or nothing approach.
We invite public comment on our
proposal to separate the AUR
Surveillance measure into two
measures, AU Surveillance and AR
Surveillance, beginning with the EHR
reporting period in CY 2025.
b. Proposal To Adopt Exclusions for the
AU Surveillance Measure and the AR
Surveillance Measure Beginning With
the EHR Reporting Period in CY 2025
We previously finalized the
availability of three exclusions for an
eligible hospital or CAH reporting on
the AUR Surveillance measure that: (1)
Does not have any patients in any
patient care location for which data are
collected by NHSN during the EHR
reporting period; (2) Does not have an
eMAR/BCMA records or an electronic
admission discharge transfer (ADT)
system during the EHR reporting period;
or (3) Does not have an electronic LIS
or electronic ADT system during the
EHR reporting period (87 FR 49337).
We have received feedback from
eligible hospitals and CAHs requesting
clarity on whether an AUR Surveillance
exclusion applies when they possess all
necessary health IT systems but lack
discrete electronic access to data
elements necessary for NHSN AUR
reporting. For example, an eligible
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
hospital or CAH may possess an LIS, but
it may refer AR testing to an outside
reference laboratory that does not
provide data elements necessary for
NHSN AUR reporting results to the
referring laboratory. As the eligible
hospital or CAH has an LIS system and
therefore could not claim the third
exclusion, assuming it could not claim
another exclusion, the eligible hospital
or CAH would be required to manually
extract the data elements to successfully
report the AUR Surveillance measure.
Our current policy inadvertently
causes difficulties for eligible hospitals
and CAHs such as the one in the
example because manual reporting of
NHSN AUR data is both infeasible and
against NHSN AUR
recommendations.540 In addition, we
require that eligible hospitals and CAHs
must use technology certified to the
criterion at 45 CFR 170.315(f)(6),
‘‘Transmission to public health
agencies—antimicrobial use and
resistance reporting’’ for data
submission (87 FR 49337). We believe
an exclusion that applies to eligible
hospitals and CAHs that lack discrete
electronic access to required data
elements, including interface or
configuration issues beyond their
control, would address the difficulties
for eligible hospitals and CAHs engaging
in manual data collection to conduct
AU or AR reporting. Therefore, we are
proposing to add a new exclusion to
account for scenarios where eligible
hospitals or CAHs lack a data source
containing discrete electronic data
elements that are required for reporting
the AUR Surveillance measure, meaning
an eligible hospital or CAH cannot
query, extract, or download the data
elements in a discrete, structured
manner from the systems to which it has
access. Specifically, under this new
exclusion, an eligible hospital or CAH
would be excluded from reporting the
AUR Surveillance measure when it does
not have a data source containing the
minimal discrete data elements that are
required for reporting.
Should we finalize our proposal to
separate the AUR Surveillance measure
into two separate measures, AU
Surveillance and AR Surveillance, we
propose modifying the existing
exclusions under the AUR measure, to
maintain applicability to the AU
measure and AR measure. For example,
we propose to assign current exclusion
2 to the AU Surveillance measure
because it relies on eMAR/BCMA data,
and current exclusion 3 to the AR
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Surveillance measure because it relies
on LIS data.
Should we finalize our previously
discussed proposal to add a new
exclusion for the eligible hospitals and
CAHs that lack discrete electronic
access to data elements that are required
for reporting, we propose that the new
exclusion would be available for both
the AU Surveillance measure and the
AR Surveillance measure. Specifically,
for the AU Surveillance measure, we
propose to adopt three eligible
exclusions, as follows: Any eligible
hospital or CAH may be excluded from
the AU Surveillance measure if the
eligible hospital or CAH: (1) Does not
have any patients in any patient care
location for which data are collected by
NHSN during the EHR reporting period;
(2) Does not have an eMAR/BCMA
electronic records or an electronic ADT
system during the EHR reporting period;
or (3) Does not have a data source
containing the minimal discrete data
elements that are required for reporting.
For the AR Surveillance measure, we
propose to adopt three eligible
exclusions, as follows: Any eligible
hospital or CAH may be excluded from
the AR Surveillance measure if the
eligible hospital or CAH: (1) Does not
have any patients in any patient care
location for which data are collected by
NHSN during the EHR reporting period;
(2) Does not have an electronic LIS or
electronic ADT system during the EHR
reporting period; or (3) Does not have a
data source containing the minimal
discrete data elements that are required
for reporting.
We invite public comment on our
proposals to adopt three eligible
exclusions for the proposed AU
Surveillance measure and for the AR
Surveillance measure, of which the
third exclusion for each measure is a
new exclusion for eligible hospitals and
CAHs that lack discrete electronic
access to data elements that are required
for reporting.
c. Proposal To Adopt Active
Engagement for the Proposed AU
Surveillance Measure and AR
Surveillance Measure Beginning With
the EHR Reporting Period in CY 2025
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we finalized a policy to limit the
amount of time an eligible hospital or
CAH may spend in the Option 1: Preproduction and Validation level of
active engagement to one EHR reporting
period (87 FR 49340 through 49342). As
finalized, this limitation applies
beginning with the EHR reporting
period in CY 2024. Should we finalize
our proposal to modify the AUR
Surveillance measure into two new
PO 00000
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measures, AU Surveillance and AR
Surveillance, we propose to treat these
two measures as new measures with
respect to active engagement, beginning
with the EHR reporting period in CY
2025 and subsequent years.
We propose to evaluate the level of
active engagement for the AU
Surveillance and AR Surveillance
measures beginning with the EHR
reporting period in CY 2025,
independent of the participant’s prior
level of active engagement for the AUR
Surveillance measure in the EHR
reporting period in CY 2024. If we
finalize the AU Surveillance and AR
Surveillance measures, we are
proposing that for each measure, eligible
hospitals and CAHs may spend only one
EHR reporting period at the Option 1:
Pre-production and Validation level of
active engagement, and they must
progress to the Option 2: Validated Data
Production level for the next EHR
reporting period for which they report
the measure.
This proposal would offer eligible
hospitals and CAHs an additional year
to gain familiarity with reporting in the
NHSN AUR Module before they are
required to participate in Option 2:
Validated Data Production, and if
finalized, the AU Surveillance and AR
Surveillance measures.
We invite public comment on our
proposal to evaluate the level of active
engagement for the proposed AU
Surveillance and AR Surveillance
measures, independent of the
participant’s prior active engagement for
the AUR Surveillance measure.
d. Proposal To Maintain the Scoring
Approach for Reporting Required
Measures in the Public Health and
Clinical Data Exchange Objective
Beginning With the EHR Reporting
Period in CY 2025
Should we finalize our proposal to
separate the AUR Surveillance measure
into two measures, AU Surveillance and
AR Surveillance, we do not believe this
change should affect scoring or the
exclusion redistributions for the Public
Health and Clinical Data Exchange
objective, previously adopted in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
59266). We note that the separation of
the AUR Surveillance measure does not
expand on the previously finalized
requirements of the measure. In other
words, eligible hospitals and CAHs are
required to report AU and AR data,
whether combined under the AUR
Surveillance measure, or separated into
AU Surveillance and AR Surveillance
Therefore, we propose to maintain a
scoring value of 25 points for reporting
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
all required measures in the Public
Health and Clinical Data Exchange
objective, which would increase from
five measures to six measures, including
the four previously finalized measures
and the two proposed required
measures (AU Surveillance and AR
Surveillance). We also propose to
maintain the exclusion redistribution
policy we adopted in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59267) but
modify it to indicate there are six
measures as opposed to five measures.
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If an eligible hospital or CAH claims an
exclusion for each of the six required
measures, the 25 points of the Public
Health and Clinical Data Exchange
objective would continue to be
redistributed to the Provide Patients
Electronic Access to their Health
Information measure.
We invite public comment on our
proposals to maintain the current
approach to scoring and points
redistribution for the proposed AU
Surveillance and AR Surveillance
PO 00000
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3. Overview of Objectives and Measures
for the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program for the EHR
Reporting Period in CY 2025
For ease of reference, Table IX.F.–01
lists the objectives and measures for the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program for the EHR reporting period in
CY 2025, as revised, to reflect the
proposals in this proposed rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
For at least one
hospital discharge,
medication orders
for permissible
prescriptions (for
new and changed
prescriptions) are
electronically using
Query of
Pres1;riptiun Drug
Monitoring Program
The number of
prescriptions in the
denominator generated
and transmitted
The number of new or
changed prescriptions
written for drugs
requiring a prescription
in order to be dispensed,
other than controlled
substances for patients
discharged during the
EHR reporting period.
Any eligible hospital or
CAH that does not have
an internal pharmacy
that can accept
electronic prescriptions,
and there are no
pharmacies that accept
electronic prescriptions
within IO miles at the
start of their EHR
reporting period.
Measure may be
calculated by reviewing
only actions for patients
whose records are
maintained using
CEHRT for which
sufficient data were
entered in the CEHRT to
allow the record to be
saved and not rejected
due to incomplete data.
/A (measure is YIN)
NIA (measure is YIN)
(1) Any eligible
huspilal or CAH thal
does not have an
internal pharmacy that
can accept electronic
prescriptions for
controlled substances
that include Schedule
II, III and N drugs and
is not located within 10
miles of any pharmacy
that accepts electronic
pres1;ripliuns fur
controlled substances
at the start of their
EHR reporting period.
NIA (measure is Yf'l,;.)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
For at least one
Schedule ll opioid
or Schedule TlT or
IV drug
prescribed using
CEHRT during the
EHR reporting
period, the eligible
hospital or CAH
uses data from
CEHRT to conduct
a query ofa PDMP
for prescription drug
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
(2) Any eligible
hospital or CAH that
could not report on this
measure in a1;curdance
with applicable law.
PO 00000
Frm 00424
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Prescribing (ePrescribing)
Exchange (HIE)
Support Electronic
Referral Loops by
Sending Health
INumher of transitions Number of transitions
of care and referrals in of care and referrals
the denominator where during the EHR
a summary of care
reporting period for
record was created
which the eligible
For at least one
using CEHRT and
hospital or CAH
transition of care or exchanged
inpatient or emergency
referral, the eligible electronically.
department (Place of
hospital or CAH that
Service [POS] 21 or 23)
transitions or refers
was the transitioning or
its patient to another
referring provider.
setting of care or
provider of care: (1)
Creates a summary
of care record using
CEHRT; and (2)
exchanges the
summary of care
Mea<:ure may be
calculated by reviewing
only actions for patients
whose records arc
maintained using
CEHRT for which
sufficient data were
entered in the CEHRT to
allow the record to be
saved and not rejected
due to incomplete data.
Support Electronic
Referral Loops by
Receiving and
Reconciling Health
Number of electronic
summary of care
records received using
CEHRT for patient
encounters during the
EHR reporting period
for which an eligible
hospital or CAH was
the reconciling party of
a lransition of care or
referral, and for patient
encounters during the
EHR reporting period in
which the eligible
hospital or CAH has
never before
encountered the patient.
Measure may be
calculated by reviewing
only actions for patients
whose records are
maintained using
CEHRT for which
sufficient data were
entered in the CRHRT to
allow the record to be
saved and nol rejected
due to incomplete data.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
!Number of electronic
summary of care
records in the
denominator for which
clinical information
reconciliation is
For al leasl one
completed using
electronic summary CRHRTforthe
of care record
following three
received using
clinical informalion
CEHRT for patient sets: (1) Medication encounters during
Review of the
the EHR reporting
patient's medication,
period for which an including the name,
eligible hospital or
dosage, frequency, and
CAHwas the
route of each
receiving party of a medication; (2)
transition of care or Medication Allergy referral, or for
Review of the
patient encounters
patient's known
during the EHR
medication allergies;
reporting period in
and (3) Current
which the eligible
Problem List- Review
hospital or CAH has of the patient's current
never before
and active diagnoses.
encountered the
patient, the eligible
hospital or CAH
conducts clinical
reconciliation for
medication allergy,
and current problem
list using CEHRT.
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00425
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
HIE Bi-Directional
IN/A (mea~ure is YIN)
NIA (measure is Y1N)
NIA (mea~ure is YIN)
The eligible hospital
or CAH must attest
to the following:
( /) Participating in
an IIIE in order to
enable secure, bidirectional exchange
of information to
occur for all unique
patients discharged
from the eligible
hospital or CAH
inpatient or
department (POS 21
or 23 ), and all
unique patient
records stored or
maintained in the
EHR for these
departments, during
the EHR reporting
period in accordance
with applicable law
and policy.
(2) Participating in
an HIE that is
capable of
information across a
broad network of
exchange partners
including those
using disparate
EHRs, and not
engaging in
behavior when
exchange partners.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00426
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(3) Using the
functions ofCEHRT
to support bidirectional exchange
with an HIE.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Enabling Exchange
under the Trusted
Framework and
NIA (mea~ure is YIN)
NIA (measure is Y1N)
NIA (mea~ure is YIN)
The eligible hospital
or CAH must attest
to the following:
(2) Using the
functions ofCEHRT
to support bidirectional exchange
of patient
information, in
production, under
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00427
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
( 1) Participating as
a signatory to a
Agreement (as that
term is defined by
the Common
Agreement for
Nationwide Health
Interoperability a~
published in the
Federal Register
website) in good
standing (that is,
not suspended) and
enabling secure, bidirectional exchange
of information to
occur, in production,
for all unique
patients discharged
from the eligible
hospital or CAR
inpatient or
department (POS 21
or 23 ), and all
unique patient
records stored or
maintained in the
EHR for these
departments, during
the EIIR reporting
period in accordance
with applicable law
and policy.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
this Framework
Provider to
The number of
patients in the
denominator (or
patient authorized
representatives) who
For at least one
are provided timely
unique patient
access to health
discharged from the information to view
eligible hospital or
online, download and
CAH inpatient or
~ansmit to a third
party and to access
department (POS 21 using an application of
or 23):
their choice that is
configured to meet the
( 1) the patient (or
specifications of the
representative) is
W>l in the eligible
provided timely
hospital's or CAH's
access to view
online, download,
and transmit their
health information;
Provide Patients
Electronic Access to
Their Health
The number of unique
patients discharged
from an eligible
hospital or CAH
inpatient or emergency
department (POS 21 or
23) during the EHR
reporting period.
Measure must be
calculated by reviewing
all patient records, not
just those maintained
using CEHRT.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00428
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(2) the eligible
hospital or CAH
ensures the patient's
health information is
available for the
patient ( or patientauthorized
representative) to
access using any
application of their
choice that is
configured to meet
the technical
specifications of the
interface (API) in
the eligible
hospital's or CAH's
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Registry Reporting:
IN/A (mea~ure is YIN)
NIA (measure is YIN)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The eligible hospital
or CAH is in active
engagement with a
public health agency
(PHA) to submit
immuni7ation data
and receive
forecasts and
histories from the
public health
registry or
information system
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00429
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Any eligible hospital or NIA (mea~ure is YIN)
CAH meeting one or
more of the following
criteria may be
excluded from the
immunization registry
reporting measure if the
eligible hospital or
CAH: (1) Does not
administer any
immunizations to any of
the populations for
which data are collected
by its jurisdiction's
immunization registry
or TIS during the EHR
reporting period; (2)
Operates in a
jurisdiction for which
no immunization
registry or IIS is
capable of accepting the
specific standards
required to meet the
CEHRT definition at
the start of the EHR
reporting period; or (3)
Operates in a
jurisdiction where no
immunization registry
or TIS has declared
readiness to receive
immunization data as of
6 months prior to the
start of the EHR
reporting period.
Public Health
and Clinical
Data Exchange
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
IN/A (mea~ure is YIN)
NIA (measure is YIN)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The eligible hospital
or CAH is in active
engagement with a
PHA to submit
surveillance data
from an emergency
department (POS
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00430
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Any eligihle hospital or NIA (mea~ure is YIN)
CAH meeting one or
more of the following
criteria may be
excluded from the
syndromic surveillance
reporting mea~ure if the
eligible hospital or
CAH: (1) Does not have
an emergency
department; (2)
Operates in a
jurisdiction for which
no PHA is capable of
receiving electronic
syndromic surveillance
data from eligible
hospitals or CAHs in
the specific standards
required to meet the
CEHRT definition at
the start ofthc EHR
reporting period; or (3)
Operates in a
jurisdiction where no
PHA has declared
readiness to receive
syndromic surveillance
data from eligible
hospitals or CAHs as of
6 months prior to the
start of the EHR
reporting period.
Puhlic Health
and Clinical
Data Exchange
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Electronic Case
Reporting (eCR):
N/A (measure is YN)
NIA (measure is YIN)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The eligible hospital
or CAH is in active
engagement with a
PHA to submit case
reporting of
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00431
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Any eligible hospital or
CAH meeting one or
more of the following
criteria may be
excluded from the case
reporting measure if the
eligible hospital or
CAH: ( 1) Does not treat
or diagnose any
reportable diseases for
which data are collected
by its jurisdiction's
reportable disease
system during the EHR
reporting period; (2)
Operates in a
jurisdiction for which
no PHA is capable of
receiving eCR data in
the specific standards
required to meet the
CEHRT definition at
the start of the EHR
reporting period; or (3)
Operates in a
jurisdktion where no
PIIA has declared
readiness to receive
eCR data as of 6
months prior to the start
of the EHR reporting
N/A (mea-;ure is YIN)
Public Health
and Clinical
Data Ex1;hange
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Laboratory (ELR)
Result Reporting:
~IA (mea~ure is YIN)
NIA (measure is YIN)
Any eligible hospital or
CAH meeting one or
more of the following
criteria may be
excluded from the ELR
result measure if the
eligible hospital or
CAH: (1) Does not
perform or order
laboratory tests that are
reportable in its
jurisdiction during the
EHR reporting period;
(2) Operates in a
jurisdiction for which
no PHA is capable of
accepting the specific
ELR standards required
to meet the CEHRT
definition at the start of
the EHR reporting
period; or (3) Operates
in a jurisdiction where
no PHA has declared
readiness to receive
ELR results from an
eligible hospital or
CAH as of 6 months
prior to the start of the
EHR reporting period.
NIA (measure is
NIA (measure is Y/N)**
Any eligible hospital or NIA (measure is YIN)**
CAH may be excluded
from the measure if the
eligible hospital or
CAH: (1) Does not have
any patients in any
patient care location for
which data are collected
by NHSN during the
EHR reporting period;
(2) Does not have
electronic records or an
ADT system during the
EHR reporting period;
or (3) Does not have a
data source containing
the minimal discrete
data elements that are
required for
NIA (measure is
NIA (measure is YIN)**
Any eligible hospital or
CATI may be excluded
from the measure if the
eligible hospital or
CAH: (1) Does not have
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The eligible hospital
or CAH is in active
engagement with a
PHA to submit ELR
Public Health
and Clinical
Data Exchange
AU Surveillance**:
Public Health
and Clinical
Data Exchange
AR Surveillance••:
VerDate Sep<11>2014
The eligible hospital
or CAH is in active
engagement with
submit AU data for
the EHR reporting
period and receives
a report from NHSN
indicating its
submission of AU
data for the EHR
reporting period.**
The eligible hospital
or CAH is in active
engagement with
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00432
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
NIA (mea~ure is YIN)
NIA (measure is YIN)**
Public Health
and Clinical
Data Exchange
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
submit AR data for
the EHR reporting
period and receives
a report from NHSN
indicating its
submission of AR
data for the EHR
reporting period.**
Public Health
and Clinical
Data Exchange
Public Health
Registry Reporting:
any patients in any
patient care location for
which data are collected
by NHSN during the
EHR reporting period;
(2) Does not have an
LIS or ADT system
during the EHR
reporting period; or (3)
Does not have a data
source containing the
minimal discrete data
elements that are
required fur
NIA (measure is Y01)
NIA (measure is YIN)
NIA (measure is YIN)
N/A (measure is Y/\l)
NIA (measure is YIN)
N/A (mea<:ure is YIN)
NIA (measure is Y01)
NIA (measure is YIN)
NIA (measure is YIN)
The eligible hospital
or CAll is in active
engagement with a
PHA to submit data
to public health
Public Health
and Clinical
Dala Exchange
Clinical Data
Registry Reporting:
The eligible hospital
or CAH is in active
engagement to
submit data to a
clinical data
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Security Risk
Conduct or review a
security risk
analysis in
accordance with the
requirements under
45 CFR
164.308(a)(l ).
including addressing
the security
encryption) of data
created or
maintained by
accordance with
requirements under
45 CFR
I 64.312(a)(2)(iv)
and45 CFR
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00433
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Protect Patient
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
implement security
updates as
ne1;essary, and
correct identified
security deficiencies
as part of the
provider's risk
process. Actions
included in the
security risk
analysis measure
may occur any time
during the calendar
year in which the
EHR reporting
period occurs.
Protect Patient
tt-,//A (measure is YIN)
Safety Assurance
Factors for EHR
Resilience (SAFER)
N/A (measure is YIN)
N/A (measure is YIN)
Conduct an annual
using all nine
SAFER Guides at
any point during the
calendar year in
which the EHR
reporting period
* In the FY 2024 IPPS!L TCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59269) we inadvertently omitted a footnote describing changes
to the phrasing of the measure description and description of the numerator in this Table to align with the technical
update finalized in the FY 2023 IPPS/L TCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49327).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
4. Updates to the Definition of CEHRT
in the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program Beginning
With the EHR Reporting Period in CY
In the CY 2024 Medicare Physician
Fee Schedule (PFS) final rule (88 FR
79307 through 79312), we finalized
revisions to the definition of CEHRT for
the Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program at 42 CFR 495.4. Specifically,
we finalized the addition of a reference
to the revised name of ‘‘Base EHR
definition,’’ proposed in the Health
Data, Technology, and Interoperability:
Certification Program Updates,
Algorithm Transparency, and
Information Sharing (HTI–1) proposed
rule (88 FR 23759, 23905), to ensure, if
the HTI–1 proposals were finalized, the
revised name of ‘‘Base EHR definition’’
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
would be applicable for the CEHRT
definitions going forward (88 FR 79309
through 79312). We also finalized the
replacement of our references to the
‘‘2015 Edition health IT certification
criteria’’ with ‘‘ONC health IT
certification criteria,’’ and the addition
of the regulatory citation for ONC health
IT certification criteria in 45 CFR
170.315. We finalized the proposal to
specify that technology meeting the
CEHRT definition must meet ONC’s
health IT certification criteria ‘‘as
adopted and updated in 45 CFR
170.315’’ (88 FR 79553). This approach
is consistent with the definitions
subsequently finalized in ONC’s HTI–1
final rule, which appeared in the
Federal Register on January 9, 2024 (89
FR 1205 through 1210). For additional
background and information on this
update, we refer readers to the
discussion in the CY 2024 PFS final rule
PO 00000
Frm 00434
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
on this topic (88 FR 79307 through
In consideration of the updates
finalized in the CY 2024 PFS final rule
and the HTI–1 final rule, we refer to
‘‘ONC health IT certification criteria’’
throughout this proposed rule where we
previously would have referred to ‘‘2015
Edition health IT certification criteria.’’
We believe that these revisions to the
definition of CEHRT in 42 CFR 495.4
will ensure that updates to the
definition of Base EHR in 45 CFR
170.102, and updates to applicable ONC
health IT certification criteria in 45 CFR
170.315, will be incorporated into the
CEHRT definition without additional
regulatory action by CMS. We also
believe these updates align with the
transition, where the ONC health IT
certification criteria were adopted as
year themed ‘‘editions,’’ to the ‘‘editionless approach finalized in the ONC HTI–
** Signifies a proposal made in this FY 2025 IPPS/L TCH PPS proposed rule that would apply to the EHR reporting
period in CY 2025 and subsequent years.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
1 final rule. For ease of reference, Table
IX.F.–02. lists the ONC health IT
certification criteria required to meet the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program objectives and measures.
We also wish to highlight certain
updates to ONC health IT certification
criteria finalized in the ONC HTI–1 final
rule that impact certification criteria
referenced under the CEHRT definition.
ONC adopted the certification criterion,
‘‘decision support interventions (DSI)’’
in 45 CFR 170.315(b)(11) to replace the
‘‘clinical decision support (CDS)’’
certification criterion in 170.315(a)(9)
included in the Base EHR definition (89
FR 1231). The finalized DSI criterion
ensures that Health IT Modules certified
to 45 CFR 170.315(b)(11) must, among
other functions, enable a limited set of
identified users to select (activate)
evidence-based and Predictive DSIs (as
defined in 45 CFR 170.102) and support
‘‘source attributes’’—categories of
technical performance and quality
information—for both evidence-based
and Predictive DSIs. ONC further
finalized that a Health IT Module may
meet the Base EHR definition by either
being certified to the existing CDS
version of the certification criterion in
45 CFR 170.315(a)(9), or being certified
to the revised DSI criterion in 45
CFR 170.315(b)(11), for the period up to,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
and including, December 31, 2024. On
and after January 1, 2025, ONC finalized
that only the DSI criterion in 45
CFR 170.315(b)(11) will be included in
the Base EHR definition, and the
adoption of the criterion in 45
CFR 170.315(a)(9) will expire on January
1, 2025 (89 FR 1281).
In addition to the DSI criterion, which
is required to meet the Base EHR
definition after January 1, 2025, ONC
finalized other updates related to health
IT certification criteria referenced in the
CEHRT definition in the HTI–1 final
rule. For these updates, health IT
developers must update and provide
certified Health IT Modules to their
customers by January 1, 2026, including
updates resulting from the following
finalized policies:
• ONC updated the ‘‘Transmission to
public health agencies—electronic case
reporting’’ criterion in 45
CFR 170.315(f)(5) specifying consensusbased, industry-developed electronic
standards and implementation guides
(IGs) to replace functional, descriptive
requirements in the existing criterion
(89 FR 1226).
• ONC adopted the United States
Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI)
version 3 in 45 CFR 170.213(b) and
finalized that USCDI version 1 in 45
CFR 170.213(a) will expire on January 1,
PO 00000
Frm 00435
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
2026. This change impacts ONC health
IT certification criteria that reference the
USCDI, including the ‘‘transitions of
care’’ certification criteria in 45
CFR 170.315(b)(1)(iii)(A)(1)–(2),
‘‘Clinical information reconciliation and
incorporation—Reconciliation’’ (45
CFR 170.315(b)(2)(iii)(D)(1) through (3));
and ‘‘View, download, and transmit to
3rd party’’ (45
CFR 170.315(e)(1)(i)(A)(1)) (89 FR 1210).
• ONC updated the ‘‘demographics’’
certification criterion (45
CFR 170.315(a)(5)), including renaming
the criterion to ‘‘patient demographics
and observations’’ (89 FR 1295).
• ONC updated the ‘‘standardized
API for patient and population services’’
certification criterion in 45
CFR 170.315(g)(10) to include newer
versions of certain standards and
updated functionality to support the
criterion (89 FR 1283).
For complete information about the
updates to ONC health IT certification
criteria finalized in the HTI–1 Final
Rule, we refer readers to the text of the
final rule (89 FR 1192) as well as
resources available on ONC’s
541 For more information, see: https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
ONC Health IT Certification
Criteria as !lefinc!I in the folhm ing
sections of Title -t:'i CFR
l 70.315(b )(3) e-Prescribing
Query of PDMP
170.315(b)(3) e-Prescribing
Support electronic referral loops by
sending health information
170.315(b)(1) Transitions of care
Oh,iccti, c
Support electronic referral loops by
receiving and reconciling health
170.315(b)(l) Transitions of care
170.315(b)(2) Clinical information
reconciliation and incorporation
Examples of certified health IT
capabilities to support the actions of
this measure may include but are not
limited to technology certified to the
following criteria:
170.315(b)(l) Transitions of care
HIE (alternative)
HIE Bi-Directional Exchange
170.315(b)(2) Clinical information
reconciliation and incorporation
170.315(g)(7) Application access patient selection
170.315(g)(9) Application access all data reouest
170.315(g)(l0) Application access
- standardized API for patient and
population services
Examples of certified health IT
capabilities to support the actions of
this measure may include but are not
limited to technology certified to the
following criteria:
170.315(b)(l) Transitions of care
170.315(b)(2) Clinical information
reconciliation and incorporation
Participation in TEFCA
HIE (alternative)
Provider to Patient
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
Provide patients electronic access
to their health information
PO 00000
Frm 00436
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
170.315(g)(9) Application access all data request
170.315(g)(l0) Application access
- standardized API for patient and
population services
170.315(e)(l) View, download, and
transmit to 3rd party
170.315(g)(7) Application access patient selection
170.315(g)(9) Application access all data request
170.315(g)( 10) Application access
- standardized API for patient and
population services
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
170.315(g)(7) Application access patient selection
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Immunization registry reporting
Syndromic surveillance reporting
Electronic case reporting
Public health registry reporting
Public Health and Clinical
Data Exchange
Clinical data registry reporting
170.315(f)(l) Transmission to
immunization registries
170.315(f)(2) Transmission to public
health agencies - syndromic
170.315(f)(5) Transmission to public
health agencies - electronic case
170.315(f)(6) Transmission to public
health agencies - antimicrobial use
and resistance reporting
l 70.315(f)(7) Transmission to public
health agencies - health care
No ONC health IT certification
criteria at this time.
Electronic reportable laboratory
result reporting
l 70.315(f)(3) Transmission to public
health agencies - reportable
laboratory tests and value/results
AU Surveillance*
170.315(f)(6) Transmission to public
health agencies - antimicrobial use
and resistance reporting
AR Surveillance*
170.315(f)(6) Transmission to public
health agencies - antimicrobial use
and resistance reporting
Electronic Clinical Quality
measures (eCQMs)
eCQMs for eligible hospitals and
170.315(c)(3)(i) and (ii)
Protect Patient Health
Security Risk Assessment
No ONC health IT certification
criteria at this time.
SAFER Guides
No ONC health IT certification
criteria at this time.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
5. Proposal To Change the Scoring
Methodology Beginning With the EHR
Reporting Period in CY 2025
In the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (83 FR 41636 through 41645), we
adopted a performance-based scoring
methodology for eligible hospitals and
CAHs reporting under the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program
beginning with the EHR reporting
period in CY 2019, which included a
minimum scoring threshold of a total
score of 50 points or more, that eligible
hospitals and CAHs must meet to satisfy
the requirement to report on the
objectives and measures of meaningful
use under 42 CFR 495.24. In the FY
2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR
45491 through 45492), we increased the
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minimum scoring threshold from 50 to
60 points beginning with the EHR
reporting period in CY 2022 and
adopted corresponding changes to the
regulatory text at 42 CFR
495.24(e)(1)(i)(C) for the EHR reporting
period in CY 2022. In the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we extended the
60-point threshold for the EHR reporting
period in CY 2023 and subsequent years
in the regulatory text at 42 CFR
495.24(f)(1)(i)(B) (87 FR 49410 through
For the EHR reporting period in CY
2025 and subsequent years, we are
proposing to increase the minimum
scoring threshold from 60 points to 80
points and are proposing corresponding
changes to the regulation text at 42 CFR
495.24(f)(1)(i). Our review of the CY
PO 00000
Frm 00437
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
2022 Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program’s performance
results found 98.5 percent of eligible
hospitals and CAHs (that is 97 percent
of CAHs and 99 percent of eligible
hospitals) that reported to the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program
successfully met the minimum
threshold score of 60 points, and 81.5
percent of eligible hospitals and CAHs
(that is 78 percent of CAHs and 83
percent of eligible hospitals) that
reported to the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program exceeded the
score of 80 points. Given the
widespread success of eligible hospitals
and CAHs participating in the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program in
CY 2022, we believe that by adopting a
*Signifies a proposal made in this FY 2025 IPPS/L TCH PPS proposed rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
higher scoring threshold, we would
incentivize more eligible hospitals and
CAHs to align their health information
systems with evolving industry
standards and would encourage
increased data exchange. We note that
eligible hospitals and CAHs would have
gained3 years of experience in the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program (CYs 2022, 2023, and 2024) at
the 60-point minimum score threshold
to improve performance. We believe an
increase from 60 points to 80 points
would encourage higher levels of
performance through the advanced use
of CEHRT to further incentivize eligible
hospitals and CAHs to improve
interoperability and health information
exchange. We are also proposing to
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make corresponding changes to the
regulatory text at 42 CFR 495.24(f)(1)(i)
to reflect our proposed scoring
threshold change and, if finalized, this
would take effect for the EHR reporting
period in CY 2025 and subsequent
years. Specifically, we propose to adopt
42 CFR 495.24(f)(1)(i)(C), which states
‘‘In 2025 and subsequent years, earn a
total score of at least 80 points.’’
We invite public comment on our
proposal to increase the minimum
scoring threshold from 60 points to 80
points for the EHR reporting period in
CY 2025 and subsequent years, and to
make corresponding changes to the
regulatory text at 42 CFR 495.24(f)(1)(i).
As shown in Table [IX.F.–03.], the
points associated with the required
PO 00000
Frm 00438
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
measures sum to 100 points, and
reporting one of the optional measures
under the Public Health and Clinical
Data Exchange Objective adds an
additional 5 bonus points. The scores
for each of the measures are added
together to calculate a total score of up
to 100 possible points for each eligible
hospital or CAH. We refer readers to
Table [IX.F.–03.] in this proposed rule,
which reflects the objectives, measures,
maximum points available, and whether
a measure is required or optional for the
EHR reporting period in CY 2025 based
on our previously adopted policies, and
the proposals included in this proposed
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
e-Prescri bing
Provider to
0 atient
Query of PDMP
Support Electronic Referral Loops by
Sending Health Information
-ANDSupport Electronic Referral Loops by
Receiving and Reconciling Health
-ORHIE Bi-Directional Exchange
-OREnabling Exchange under TEFCA
Provide Patients Electronic Access to
Their Health Information
15 points
15 points
30 points
Required (eligible
hospitals and CAHs
must choose one of
the three reporting
30 points
~5 points
~5 points
5 points
Notes: The Secunty Risk Analysis measure, SAFER Gmdes measure, and attestations reqmred by section 106(b)(2 )(B) of the
Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) are required but will not be scored. Reporting eCQMs is
required but will not be scored. Eligible hospitals and CAHs must also submit their level of active engagement for measures
under the Public Health and Clinical Data Exchange objective. Participants may spend only one EHR reporting period at the
Option 1: Pre-production and Validation level per measure and must progress to Option 2: Validated Data Production level for
the following EHR reporting period. See the FY 2023 IPPS/L TCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49337) for more details about active
*Signifies a proposal made in this FY 2025 IPPS/L TCH PPS proposed rule. For details on our proposal to modify the AUR
Surveillance measure, we refer readers to section IX.F.2 of this proposed rule.
The maximum points available, by
measure, in this proposed rule, as
shown in Table IX.F.–03, do not include
the points that would be redistributed in
the event an exclusion is claimed for a
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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given measure. We are not proposing
any changes to our policy for point
redistribution in the event an exclusion
is claimed. We refer readers to Table
IX.F.–04 in this proposed rule, which
PO 00000
Frm 00439
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
shows how points would be
redistributed among the objectives and
measures for the EHR reporting period
in CY 2025, in the event an eligible
hospital or CAH claims an exclusion.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Report the following six measures:
• Syndromic Surveillance
Public Health
• Immunization Registry
and Clinical
Data Exchange
• eCR
• Electronic Reportable
Laboratory Result Reporting
• AU Surveillance*
• AR Surveillance*
Report one of the following measures:
• Public Health Registry
• Clinical Data Registry
10 points
10 points
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Redistribution if
Exclusion is Claimed
10 points to HIE obi ective
Query ofPDMP
10 points toe-Prescribing
Support Electronic Referral Loops by Sending
No exclusion
Health Information
-ANDSupport Electronic Referral Loops by Receiving
No exclusion
Reconciling Health Information
-ORHIE Bi-Directional Exchange
-OR!Enabling Exchange under TEFCA
Provider to Patient
!Provide Patients Electronic Access to Their
!Health Information
Report the following six measures:
• Syndromic Surveillance Reporting
• Immunization Registry Reporting
Public Health and
• eCR
Clinical Data Exchange
• Electronic Reportable Laboratory Result
• AU Surveillance*
• AR Surveillance*
INo exclusion
No exclusion
No exclusion
fan exclusion is claimed
~or each of the six
measures, 25 points are
redistributed to the
Provide Patients
Electronic Access to Their
Health Information
*Signifies a proposal made in this FY 2025 IPPS/L TCH PPS proposed rule.
a. Proposal To Update Clinical Quality
Measures and Reporting Requirements
in Alignment With the Hospital
Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(1) Background
Under sections 1814(l)(3)(A) and
1886(n)(3)(A) of the Social Security Act
and the definition of ‘‘meaningful EHR
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user’’ under 42 CFR 495.4, eligible
hospitals and CAHs must report on
clinical quality measures selected by
CMS using CEHRT (also referred to as
eCQMs), as part of being a meaningful
EHR user under the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program.
Tables IX.F.–05. and IX.F.–06 in this
proposed rule summarize the previously
finalized eCQMs available for eligible
hospitals and CAHs to report under the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program for the CY 2024 and CY 2025
reporting periods, as finalized in the FY
PO 00000
Frm 00440
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
59280 through 59281). To maintain
alignment with the Hospital IQR
program, in sections IX.C.5.c and
IX.C.5.d of the preamble of this
proposed rule, the order of the eCQMs
displayed in Tables IX.F.–05 and IX.F.–
06 mirrors that of the Hospital IQR
program. In addition, the short names
and the CBE numbers of the measures
in the tables match the measures on the
Electronic Clinical Quality
Improvement Resource Center website
6. Clinical Quality Measurement for
Eligible Hospitals and CAHs
Participating in the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Short Name
Measure Name
Safe Use of Opioids
Safe Use of Opioids - Concurrent Prescribing
Cesarean Birth
(CBE) #
Severe Obstetric Complications
Discharged on Antithrombotic Therapy
Anticoagulation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter
Antithrombotic Therapv bv End of Hospital Dav Two
Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Hospital Harm - Severe Hypoglycemia
Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia
Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events
Global Malnutrition Composite Score
Short Name
Safe Use ofOpioids
Measure Name
Safe Use of Opioids - Concurrent Prescribing
Cesarean Birth
Severe Obstetric Complications
Discharged on Antithrombotic Theraov
Anticoagulation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter
Antithrombotic Therapv bv End of Hospital Dav Two
Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Hospital Harm - Severe Hypoglvcemia
Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia
Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events
Hospital Harm - Pressure Iniurv
Hospital Harm - Acute Kidney Iniurv
Global Malnutrition Composite Score
Excessive Radiation Dose or Inadequate Image Quality for
Diagnostic Computed Tomography (Cn in Adults (Hospital Level
- Inpatient)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(2) Proposal To Adopt eCQMs
As we stated in the FY 2018 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38479), we
intend to continue to align the eCQM
reporting requirements and eCQM
measure set for the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program with similar
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requirements under the Hospital IQR
Program, to the extent feasible.
As discussed in the sections IX.C.5.c
and IX.C.5.d of this proposed rule with
respect to the Hospital IQR Program, we
are proposing to adopt two new eCQMs
for the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program and to modify
one eCQM, beginning with the CY 2026
PO 00000
Frm 00441
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
reporting period. Specifically, we
propose to add the following two
eCQMs to the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program eCQM measure
set from which eligible hospitals and
CAHs could self-select to report,
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period: (1) the Hospital Harm—Falls
EP02MY24.259 EP02MY24.260
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
with Injury eCQM (CBE #4120e) and (2)
the Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure eCQM (CBE
#4130e). We are also proposing to
modify the Global Malnutrition
Composite Score eCQM (CBE #3592e) in
the Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program measure set beginning with the
CY 2026 reporting period, adding
patients ages 18 to 64 to the current
cohort of patients 65 years or older. A
full description of this proposed change
can be found in section IX.F.2 of the
preamble of this proposed rule,
including where interested parties can
find the measure specification and other
supporting information, which applies
equally to support this proposal for the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
We refer readers to the discussion of
the same proposals for the Hospital IQR
Program in sections IX.C.5.c and
IX.C.5.d of the preamble of this
proposed rule for more information
about these three measures, and our
policy reasons for proposing them for
adoption and modification. We propose
to adopt the Hospital Harm—Falls with
Injury eCQM and the Hospital Harm—
Postoperative Respiratory Failure eCQM
for the reasons stated in sections
IX.C.5.c and IX.C.5.d of the preamble of
this proposed rule. We propose to
modify the Global Malnutrition
Composite Score eCQM for the reasons
stated in section IX.C. of the preamble
of this proposed rule. Table IX.F.–07
and Table IX.F.–08 in the preamble of
this proposed rule summarize
previously finalized, newly proposed,
and a proposed modification to eCQMs
in the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program for the CY
2026 reporting period, the CY 2027
reporting period, and subsequent years.
Short Name
Safe Use of Opioids
Measure Name
Safe Use of Opioids - Concurrent Prescribing
Cesarean Birth
Severe Obstetric Complications
GMCS ***
Discharged on Antithrombotic Theranv
Anticorumlation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter
Antithrombotic Theranv by End of Hospital Dav Two
Venous Thromboembolism Pronhvlaxis
Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Hospital Harm - Severe Hypoglycemia
Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia
Hospital Harm- Opioid-Related Adverse Events
Hospital Harm - Pressure Injury
Hospital Harm - Acute Kidney Injury
Hospital Harm - Falls with Injury
Hospital Harm - Postoperative Respiratory Failure
Global Malnutrition Composite Score
Excessive Radiation Dose or Inadequate Image Quality for
Diagnostic CT in Adults (Hospital Level - Inpatient)
* In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Hospital Hann - Falls with Injury eCQM beginning with
the CY 2026 reporting period. We refer readers to section IX.C. of the preamble of this proposed rule for more
detailed discussion.
** In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Hospital Hann - Postoperative Respiratory Failure eCQM
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting period. We refer readers to section IX.C. of the preamble of this proposed
rule for more detailed discussion.
*** In this proposed rule, we are proposing modification to the Global Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS)
measure beginning with the CY 2026 reporting period. We refer readers to section IX.C. of the preamble of this
proposed rule for more detailed discussion..
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PO 00000
Frm 00442
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Short Name
Safe Use ofOpioids
Measure Name
Safe Use of Opioids - Concurrent Prescribing
Cesarean Birth
Severe Obstetric Complications
Discharged on Antithrombotic Theraov
Anticorumlation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter
Antithrombotic Theraov bv End of Hospital Dav Two
Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis
Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophvlaxis
Hospital Harm - Severe Hypoglycemia
Hospital Harm - Severe Hyperglycemia
Hospital Harm - Opioid-Related Adverse Events
Hospital Harm - Pressure Injury
Hospital Harm - Acute Kidney Injury
Hospital Harm - Falls with Injury
Hospital Harm - Postoperative Respiratory Failure
Global Malnutrition Composite Score
Excessive Radiation Dose or Inadequate Image Quality for
Dirumostic CT in Adults (Hospital Level - Inpatient)
* In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Hospital Hann - Falls with Injury eCQM beginning with
the CY 2026 reporting period. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.c. of the preamble of this proposed rule for more
detailed discussion.
** In this proposed rule, we are proposing adoption of the Hospital Hann- Postoperative Respiratory Failure eCQM
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting period. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.d. of the preamble of this
proposed rule for more detailed discussion
*** In this proposed rule, we are proposing modification to the Global Malnutrition Composite Score measure
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting period. We refer readers to section IX.C.5.b. of the preamble of this
proposed rule for more detailed discussion
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We invite public comment on our
proposals to adopt (1) the Hospital
Harm—Falls with Injury eCQM (CBE
#4120e) and (2) the Hospital Harm—
Postoperative Respiratory Failure eCQM
(CBE #4130e) to the measure set from
which eligible hospitals and CAHs
could self-select to report, and to modify
the Global Malnutrition Composite
Score eCQM (CBE #3592e), in the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program for the CY 2026 and CY 2027
reporting periods, respectively, and
subsequent years.
b. Proposal To Revise the eCQM
Reporting and Submission
Requirements for the CY 2026 Reporting
Period and Subsequent Years
Consistent with our goal to align the
eCQM reporting periods and criteria in
the Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program with the Hospital IQR Program,
eligible hospitals and CAHs are
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currently required to report four
calendar quarters of data for each
required eCQM: (1) the Safe Use of
Opioids—Concurrent Prescribing
eCQM; (2) the Severe Obstetric
Complications eCQM; (3) the Cesarean
Birth eCQM; and (4) three self-selected
eCQMs, for the CY 2024 reporting
period and subsequent years (87 FR
49365 through 49367).
In alignment with the Hospital IQR
Program, we are proposing that, if our
proposals to adopt the Hospital Harm—
Falls with Injury eCQM and the
Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure eCQM as detailed in
sections IX.C and IX.F of the preamble
of this proposed rule are finalized, these
measures would be available for eligible
hospitals and CAHs to select as one of
their three self-selected eCQMs for the
CY 2026 reporting period and
subsequent years.
PO 00000
Frm 00443
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
We are also proposing to add the
Hospital Harm—Severe Hypoglycemia
eCQM, the Hospital Harm—Severe
Hyperglycemia eCQM, and the Hospital
Harm—Opioid-Related Adverse Events
eCQM to the mandatory eCQM measure
set for eligible hospitals and CAHs for
the CY 2026 reporting period and
subsequent years, bringing the total
number of required eCQMs to nine for
the CY 2026 reporting period. In
summary, we are proposing that eligible
hospitals and CAHs under the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program
would be required to report four
calendar quarters of data for each of the
following: (1) Three self-selected
eCQMs; (2) the Safe Use of Opioids—
Concurrent Prescribing eCQM; (3) the
Severe Obstetric Complications eCQM;
(4) the Cesarean Birth eCQM; (5) the
Hospital Harm—Severe Hypoglycemia
eCQM; (6) the Hospital Harm—Severe
Hyperglycemia eCQM; and (7) the
GMCS ***
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Hospital Harm—Opioid-Related
Adverse Events eCQM, for a total of
nine eCQMs, beginning with the CY
2026 reporting period.
In addition, we are proposing to add
the Hospital Harm—Pressure Injury
eCQM and the Hospital Harm—Acute
Kidney Injury eCQM to the mandatory
eCQM measure set for eligible hospitals
and CAHs beginning with the CY 2027
reporting period and subsequent years.
In summary, we are proposing that
eligible hospitals and CAHs under the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program would be required to report
four calendar quarters of data for each
of the following: (1) Three self-selected
eCQMs; (2) the Safe Use of Opioids—
Concurrent Prescribing eCQM; (3) the
Severe Obstetric Complications eCQM;
(4) the Cesarean Birth eCQM; (5) the
Hospital Harm—Severe Hypoglycemia
eCQM; (6) the Hospital Harm—Severe
Hyperglycemia eCQM; (7) the Hospital
Harm—Opioid-Related Adverse Events
eCQM; (8) the Hospital Harm—Pressure
Injury eCQM; and (9) the Hospital
Harm—Acute Kidney Injury eCQM, for
a total of eleven eCQMs, beginning with
the CY 2027 reporting period and
subsequent years.
We refer readers to the discussion of
the same proposals for the Hospital IQR
Program in sections [IX.C.5.c.] and
[IX.C.5.d.] of the preamble of this
proposed rule for more information
about the eCQM reporting and
submission requirements, and our
policy reasons for proposing these
changes, which apply equally to support
these proposals for the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program.
We invite public comment on our
proposals to increase the number of
mandatory eCQM measures to a total of
nine beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period, and to increase the
number of mandatory eCQM measure to
a total of eleven beginning with the CY
2027 reporting period and subsequent
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
7. Potential Future Update of the SAFER
Guides Measure
a. Background
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45479 through 45481), we
adopted the SAFER Guides measure
under the Protect Patient Health
Information objective beginning with
the EHR reporting period in CY 2022.
Eligible hospitals and CAHs are
required to attest to whether they have
conducted an annual self-assessment
using all nine SAFER Guides,542 at any
point during the calendar year in which
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the EHR reporting period occurs, with
one ‘‘yes/no’’ attestation statement.
Beginning in CY 2022, the reporting of
this measure was required, but eligible
hospitals and CAHs were not scored,
and an attestation of ‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’ were
both acceptable answers without
penalty. For additional information,
please refer to the discussion of the
SAFER Guides measure in the FY 2022
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45479
through 45481). In the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized a
proposal to modify our requirement for
the SAFER Guides measure beginning
with the EHR reporting period in CY
2024 and continuing in subsequent
years, to require eligible hospitals and
CAHs to attest ‘‘yes’’ to having
conducted an annual self-assessment
using all nine SAFER Guides, at any
point during the calendar year in which
the EHR reporting period occurs to be
considered a meaningful user (88 FR
b. Status of Updates to SAFER Guides
We received comments in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule
recommending that we work with ONC
to update the SAFER Guides, citing that
the SAFER Guides were last updated in
2016 (88 FR 59264). In response to these
comments, we noted that, while the
current SAFER Guides reflect relevant
and valuable guidelines for safe
practices with respect to current EHR
systems, we would consider exploring
updates in collaboration with ONC. We
reminded readers to visit the CMS
resource library website at https://
promoting-interoperability/resourcelibrary and the ONC website at https:// for resources on the content and
appropriate use of the SAFER Guides
(88 FR 59262). We also noted that future
updates to the SAFER Guides would be
provided with accompanying
educational and promotional materials
to notify participants, in collaboration
with ONC, when available (88 FR
59265). In this proposed rule, we are
seeking to make readers aware that
efforts to update the SAFER Guides are
currently underway. We anticipate that
updated versions of the SAFER Guides
may become available as early as CY
2025, and we would consider proposing
a change to the SAFER Guides measure
for the EHR reporting period beginning
in CY 2026 to permit use of an updated
version of the SAFER Guides at that
time. We encourage eligible hospitals
and CAHs to become familiar with the
updated versions of the SAFER Guides
when they become available and
PO 00000
Frm 00444
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
consider them as they implement
appropriate EHR safety practices.
8. Proposal To Update the Definition of
Meaningful EHR User for Healthcare
Providers That Have Committed
Information Blocking
The Department of Health and Human
Services (HHS) proposed rule, 21st
Century Cures Act: Establishment of
Disincentives for Health Care Providers
That Have Committed Information
Blocking (hereafter referred to as the
Disincentives proposed rule) (88 FR
74947), appeared in the Federal
Register on November 1, 2023. If
finalized, the final rule would
implement the provision of the 21st
Century Cures Act specifying that a
healthcare provider, determined by the
HHS Office of the Inspector General
(OIG) to have committed information
blocking, shall be referred to the
appropriate agency to be subject to
appropriate disincentives set forth
through notice and comment
rulemaking. In the Disincentives
proposed rule, we proposed that an
eligible hospital or CAH would not be
considered a meaningful EHR user in an
EHR reporting period if the OIG refers,
during the calendar year of the reporting
period, a determination that the eligible
hospital or CAH committed information
blocking as defined at 45 CFR 171.103
(88 FR 74968). Furthermore, we
proposed to revise the definition of
‘‘Meaningful EHR User’’ in 42 CFR
495.4 to state that an eligible hospital or
CAH is not a meaningful EHR user in a
payment adjustment year if the OIG
refers a determination that the eligible
hospital or CAH committed information
blocking, as defined at 45 CFR 171.103,
during the calendar year of the EHR
reporting period (88 FR 74968 through
74969). Based upon the proposed
revisions to 42 CFR 495.4, the
downward payment adjustment would
apply 2 years after the year of the
referral and the EHR reporting period in
which the eligible hospital was not a
meaningful EHR user. For CAHs, the
downward payment adjustment would
apply to the payment adjustment year in
which the OIG referral was made (88 FR
If the Disincentives proposed rule is
finalized, an eligible hospital subject to
this disincentive would be subject to a
three quarters reduction of the annual
market basket increase, while a CAH
subject to this disincentive would have
its payment reduced to 100 percent of
reasonable costs, from the 101 percent
of reasonable costs it might have
otherwise earned, for failing to qualify
as a meaningful EHR user in an
applicable year. Additional regulatory
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
provisions have been proposed at 45
CFR 171 Subpart J, related to the
disincentives application process (88 FR
We note if the Disincentives proposed
rule is finalized as proposed, the revised
definition of Meaningful EHR User in 42
CFR 495.4 would become effective
when the 21st Century Cures Act:
Establishment of Disincentives for
Health Care Providers That Have
Committed Information Blocking final
rule takes effect. For additional
background and information on this
proposed update, we refer readers to the
discussion in the 21st Century Cures
Act: Establishment of Disincentives for
Health Care Providers That Have
Committed Information Blocking
proposed rule on this topic (88 FR
74955 through 74957).
9. Future Goals of the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
a. Future Goals With Respect to Fast
Healthcare Interoperability Resources®
(FHIR) APIs for Patient Access
In partnership with ONC, we envision
a future where patients have timely,
secure, and easy access to their health
information through the health
application of their choice. We are
working with ONC to enable this type
of access to health information by
requiring the use of APIs that utilize the
Health Level Seven International® (HL7)
FHIR. We work with ONC and other
federal partners to improve timely and
accurate data exchange, partner with
industry to enhance digital capabilities,
advance adoption of FHIR, support
enterprise transformation efforts that
increase our technological capabilities,
and promote interoperability. In the FY
2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (85
FR 32858), we described our future
vision for the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program and stated that
we will continue to consider changes
that support a variety of HHS goals,
including supporting alignment with
the 21st Century Cures Act, advancing
interoperability and the exchange of
health information, and promoting
innovative uses of health IT. We also
solicited public comment on issues
relevant to the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program that related to
policies finalized in the 21st Century
Cures Act: Interoperability, Information
Blocking, and the ONC Health IT
Certification Program final rule,
including finalization of a new
certification criterion for a standardsbased API using FHIR, among other
health IT topics (85 FR 32858).
ONC finalized the HTI–1 final rule (89
FR 1192), effective March 11, 2024, to
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further implement the 21st Century
Cures Act, among other policy goals.
ONC finalized revisions to the
‘‘standardized API for patient and
population services’’ certification
criterion at 45 CFR 170.315(g)(10). It
also adopted the HL7 FHIR US Core
Implementation Guide (IG) Standard for
Trial Use version 6.1.0 at 45 CFR
170.215(b)(1)(ii), which provides the
latest consensus-based capabilities
aligned with the USCDI version 3 543
data elements for FHIR APIs. The HTI–
1 final rule also created the Insights
Condition and Maintenance of
Certification requirements (Insights
Condition) within the ONC Health IT
Certification Program to provide
transparent reporting on certified health
IT (89 FR 1199). This Insights Condition
will require developers of certified
health IT subject to the requirements to
report on measures that provide
information about the use of specific
certified health IT functionalities by end
users. One such measure calculates the
number of unique individuals who
access their electronic health
information overall and by different
methods such as through a standardized
API for patient and population services.
By adopting these new and updated
standards, implementation
specifications, certification criteria, and
conditions of certification, provisions in
the HTI–1 final rule advance
interoperability, improve transparency,
and support the access, exchange, and
use of electronic health information.
CMS aims to further advance the use of
FHIR APIs through policies in the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program to advance interoperability,
encourage the exchange of health
information, and promote innovative
uses of health IT. We also hope to gain
insights into the adoption and use of
FHIR APIs by eligible hospitals and
CAHs due to the ONC Health IT
Certification Program Insights
Condition. We believe maintaining our
focus on promoting interoperability,
alignment, and simplification would
reduce healthcare provider burden
while allowing flexibility to pursue
innovative applications that improve
care delivery. For additional
background and information, we refer
readers to the discussion in the ONC
HTI–1 final rule on this topic (89 FR
b. Improving Cybersecurity Practices
The Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program encourages the
advancement of patient safety by
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promoting appropriate cybersecurity
practices through the Security Risk
Analysis and SAFER Guides measures.
On February 14, 2023, the National
Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST) published updated guidance for
health care entities implementing
requirements of the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability (HIPAA)
Security Rule (45 CFR Part 160 and
Subparts A and C of Part 164; see also,
most recently, 75 FR 40868 and 78 FR
5566). The guidance, NIST SP 800–66r2,
provides information and resources to
HIPAA-covered entities to improve their
cybersecurity risk practices.544 We also
wish to alert readers of additional HHS
resources and activities regarding
cybersecurity best practices as recently
summarized in an HHS strategy
document that provides an overview of
HHS recommendations to help the
health care sector address cyber
threats.545 HHS has also recently
published a website detailing
recommended cybersecurity
performance goals.546 We intend to
consider how the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program can promote
cybersecurity best practices for eligible
hospitals and CAHs in the future.
c. Improving Prior Authorization
We recently released the CMS
Interoperability and Prior Authorization
final rule (CMS–0057–F), which
appeared in the Federal Register on
February 8, 2024 (89 FR 8758). This
final rule aims to enhance health
information exchange and access to
health records for patients, healthcare
providers, and payers, and improve
prior authorization processes. In the
final rule, we finalized the ‘‘Electronic
Prior Authorization’’ measure under the
HIE objective of the Merit-based
Incentive Payment System (MIPS)
Promoting Interoperability performance
category and under the HIE objective of
the Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program, beginning, for the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program, in
the EHR reporting period in CY 2027 (89
FR 8909 through 8927).
10. Request for Information Regarding
Public Health Reporting and Data
a. Background
The COVID–19 public health
emergency (PHE) highlighted the
interdependencies of public health and
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
healthcare, and the importance of
timely, integrated, and interoperable
data exchange across the health
ecosystem to protect the health and
safety of patients, populations, and the
broader public. It also called attention to
the distance between where we are as a
nation and where we want to be with
the interoperability of data between
healthcare providers and PHAs,
especially in the event of a fast-evolving
pandemic or other type of PHE. While
many jurisdictions were able to
demonstrate the advantages of
capabilities such as electronic
laboratory reporting for reportable
conditions, surveillance systems to
support case investigations,
immunization registries to track
COVID–19 immunizations, and
syndromic surveillance data for
situational awareness, exchange across
jurisdictions, and with some healthcare
partners, remains inconsistent and, in
some cases, burdensome.
The Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program plays an
important role in advancing the
exchange of health information between
PHAs and eligible hospitals and CAHs,
using certified Health IT Modules that
meet criteria and standards established
under the ONC Health IT Certification
Program. Measures under the Public
Health and Clinical Data Exchange
objective focus on a key set of exchange
capabilities for healthcare providers that
have evolved over time to incorporate
new priorities and technical
approaches. In recent years, we have
also focused on expanding and
strengthening the Public Health and
Clinical Data Exchange objective to
further support the exchange of data
that ultimately supports better patient
and public health outcomes.
Efforts across HHS to advance the
public health information infrastructure
offer opportunities to further evolve the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program. In 2020, the CDC launched the
Data Modernization Initiative (DMI),547
a multi-year, billion-plus dollar public
health ecosystem initiative aimed at
moving the public health community
from a siloed and static public health
data system to connected, resilient,
adaptable, and sustainable ‘responseready’ systems capable of meeting
present and future health challenges.
The DMI seeks to answer the need for
a longer-term, whole-of-public health
strategy that prioritizes collaboration
and continuous improvement and
recognizes that modernization is not a
one-time event. To establish clear near547
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term priorities and milestones that
complement the DMI’s longer term
focus and improve alignment of data
modernization efforts at all levels of
public health and across partners, CDC
released its first Public Health Data
Strategy (Ph.D.S) in 2023.548 The Ph.D.S
outlines the data, technology, policy,
and administrative actions essential to
exchange critical core data efficiently
and securely across healthcare and
public health.
In tandem with these efforts to chart
a new strategic direction for
improvements to the nation’s public
health infrastructure, evolving technical
approaches are offering opportunities to
automate and expand information
exchange between healthcare providers
and PHAs. ONC is exploring updates to
existing certification criteria for health
IT that support current measures in the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program’s Public Health and Clinical
Data Exchange objective, new criteria
that incorporate modern approaches to
exchange, support additional types of
information needed by PHAs, and
criteria that focus on entities receiving
public health data. In the HTI–1 final
rule, ONC finalized updates to the
health IT certification criterion for
electronic case reporting in 45 CFR
170.315(f)(5), incorporating standardsbased approaches to existing functional
requirements in accordance with the
HL7 FHIR Electronic Case Report (eCR)
Implementation Guide (IG) or HL7
Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)
Electronic Initial Case Report (eICR) IG
(89 FR 1226). ONC is also considering
recent recommendations from federal
advisory committees that have focused
on issues related to public health
interoperability. These include the
Public Health Data Systems Task Force,
which was charged by the Health
Information Technology Advisory
Committee (HITAC) to inform ONC’s
continued collaborative work with CDC
on improving public health data
systems, and in support of CDC’s greater
DMI efforts. In November 2022, the
Public Health Data Systems Task Force
issued recommendations to the
HITAC,549 which included a focus on
new criteria for Health IT Modules that
support public health use cases that aim
to standardize technology that receives
information from healthcare providers.
In addition, the CDC Advisory
549 See ‘‘Final Report of the Health Information
Technology Advisory Committee on Public Health
Data Systems’’
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Committee to the Director (ACD) Data
and Surveillance Workgroup adopted a
report on November 3, 2022, which
addressed standards for public health
data systems and implementing a
certification program for public health
IT, and other issues.550 We are working
in partnership with the CDC and ONC
to explore how the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program could advance
public health infrastructure through
more advanced use of health IT and data
exchange standards. This Request for
Information (RFI) describes a series of
goals and principles for the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program’s
Public Health and Clinical Data
Exchange objective, provides
information about recommended
updates to certified health IT under
consideration that may impact eligible
hospitals and CAHs, and seeks public
comment on potential updates to the
program that could help achieve these
b. Goals for Public Health Reporting
As we look toward the future of the
Public Health and Clinical Data
Exchange objective of the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program, we
believe decision-making and
prioritization about policy change
should adhere to four goals:
• The meaningful use of CEHRT
enables continuous improvement in the
quality, timeliness, and completeness of
public health data being reported.
• The meaningful use of CEHRT
allows for flexibility to respond to new
public health threats and meet new data
needs without requiring new and
substantial regulatory and technical
• The meaningful use of CEHRT
supports mutual data sharing between
public health and healthcare providers.
• Reporting burden on eligible
hospitals and CAHs is significantly
These goals inform the questions
provided at the end of this RFI. We
invite public comment on these four
c. Public Health in the ONC Health IT
Certification Program
We continue to collaborate closely
with ONC on policy changes in the ONC
Health IT Certification Program that
either impact existing functionality
reflected in the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program measures or
represent new capabilities for eligible
550 See ‘‘Data and Surveillance Workgroup
Report,’’ CDC Advisory Committee to the Director
(ACD) Data and Surveillance Workgroup (DSW).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
hospitals and CAHs that could offer
opportunities to achieve our goals for
the Public Health and Clinical Data
Exchange objective. In this section we
describe recommended updates to
health IT certification criteria.
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(1) Making Available New Capabilities
for Exchanging Data With PHAs Using
the FHIR Standard
Current public health related
certification criteria at 45 CFR
170.315(f)(1) through (7) generally
reference HL7 version 2 and CDA
standards that support single-patient,
event-based submission of data from
healthcare providers to PHAs, such as
electronic transmission of laboratory
results (HL7® Version 2.5.1
Implementation Guide for Electronic
Laboratory Reporting to Public Health,
Release 1 with Errata and Clarifications)
or electronic initial case reports (HL7
CDA® R2 Implementation Guide: Public
Health Case Report—the Electronic
Initial Case Report (eICR) Release 2) to
public health agencies. However, these
standards may not adequately support
more complex data exchange use cases,
such as bulk exchange of data for
patients who received a specific
vaccine. Approaches using FHIR could
more effectively support a wide-scale
public health response and reduce
burden of implementation and
maintenance for data exchange between
and among healthcare providers and
Increased availability of FHIR-based
APIs across systems used by PHAs and
healthcare providers could help to
create an ecosystem where PHAs could
use health IT to securely query data
directly from the source, in real time,
based on an initial push of relevant
data, when needed. Availability of a
FHIR API in a healthcare provider’s
certified health IT could enable a PHA
to query an eligible hospital or CAH’s
CEHRT for data on any patient with a
specific condition when needed,
avoiding the need for the eligible
hospital or CAH to take additional
action to submit additional information.
As noted, ONC has already finalized
an update to the electronic case
reporting criterion in 45 CFR
170.315(f)(5), which provides an option
to implement the HL7 FHIR eCR IG as
part of a Health IT Module certified to
the criterion (89 FR 1226). The Public
Health Data Systems Task Force report
stated that ‘‘FHIR-based query may offer
public health additional avenues to
meet the needs of case investigation to
supplement electronic case reporting
and emerging public health threats’’ and
that ‘‘FHIR may support a more focused
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and relevant response by providers to
meet public health queries.’’ 551
While FHIR specifications are not
available for all the use cases currently
supported in the public health criteria at
45 CFR 170.315(f)(1)–(7), ONC
continues to evaluate standards
development activities around the use
of FHIR for public health data exchange
that could be incorporated into existing
or new certification criteria, such as
replacing HL7 version 2 and CDA
exchange specifications with a FHIR
approach over time.
(2) Expanding the Scope of Public
Health Exchange Supported by Certified
Health IT Capabilities
Existing health IT certification criteria
are linked to measures under the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program and the MIPS Promoting
Interoperability performance category,
covering use cases from transmission to
immunization registries and syndromic
surveillance, to reportable laboratory
test values/results and eCR.
The Public Health Data Systems Task
Force report recommended the addition
of several additional certification
criteria reflecting exchange of
information such as birth and death
data, the results of newborn screening
services, and situational awareness.552
ONC is monitoring these and other areas
of importance to public health that are
not reflected in the current certification
(3) Introducing Certification Criteria for
Systems That Receive Public Health
To date, ONC health IT certification
criteria have been designed with
systems that send data to PHAs in mind,
particularly health IT systems used by
healthcare providers, that exchange data
with PHAs. Misalignment between
certified health IT products and
technology and systems used by PHA,
has created challenges for both
healthcare providers and PHAs,
including reliance on complex
workflows to accommodate nonharmonized and variable data elements
and exchange standards. Inefficiencies
associated with workarounds and
custom processes can lead to further
reductions in data quality,
551 Public Health Data Systems Task Force,
Recommendation 23, p. 11 https://
552 Public Health Data Systems Task Force,
Recommendation 18–21, p. 10–11 https://
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completeness, consistency, and
The HITAC Public Health Data
Systems Task Force’s report includes a
recommendation ‘‘that ONC establish
certification criteria for public health
technologies used by Public Health
Authorities in support of their
responsibilities in exchanging data for
public health purposes including those
defined in the existing (f) criteria.’’ 553
By establishing minimum functional
capabilities and exchange standards to
both send and receive public health
data, health IT certification criteria
could enhance interoperability across
healthcare providers and PHAs and
provide a long-term mechanism for
alignment as data exchange matures
over time. An expansion of the ONC
Health IT Certification Program to focus
on the receiving side could also bolster
CDC’s public health infrastructure
modernization efforts described above,
by helping PHAs align with health care
provider data sources using the same
certification criteria and standards, and
enabling entities to move together on a
common timeline for updating
technology requirements.
d. RFI Questions
(1) Questions for Goal #1: Quality,
Timeliness, and Completeness of Public
Health Reporting
The Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program’s requirement
that eligible hospitals and CAHs report
their level of ‘‘active engagement’’
between the eligible hospital or CAH,
and a PHA, as well as the recently
established one-year limitation in how
long an eligible hospital or CAH may
spend in Pre-Production and Validation,
has provided a basis that could broadly
incentivize the exchange of EHR data
(87 FR 49339 through 49340). However,
because active engagement reporting
only requires an attestation of whether
an eligible hospital or CAH is reporting
production data or still in the process of
validation, this approach does not allow
us to assess eligible hospitals and CAHs
on the comprehensiveness, quality, or
timeliness of the data they provide to
PHAs. We are considering whether
alternatives to the ‘‘active engagement’’
approach could better allow us to assess
eligible hospital and CAH performance,
meet the data needs of PHAs, and
ultimately allow us to incentivize
increased performance in these areas.
We are interested in how we could
553 Public Health Data Systems Task Force,
Recommendation 1, p. 7.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
think about alternatives to the ‘‘active
engagement’’ approach described above.
We are also interested in the increasing
focus on leveraging FHIR-based data
exchange for public health needs.
Finally, we are interested in ensuring
that any changes to the active
engagement approach are implemented
in a way that takes advantage of
opportunities to further automate
reporting and minimize administrative
burden for eligible hospitals and CAHs.
Therefore, we are seeking public
comment and feedback on the questions
and topic areas listed:
• Today, the measures in the Public
Health and Clinical Data Exchange
objective assess whether there is active
engagement between an eligible hospital
or CAH and a PHA, but do not measure
the level of performance the eligible
hospital or CAH has achieved in
sending information. Specifically, we
are seeking public comment on the
following questions:
++ Should CMS shift to numerator/
denominator reporting requirements for
current and future measures in the
Public Health and Clinical Data
Exchange objective? If so, should CMS
prioritize only certain measures for
numerator/denominator reporting?
++ New technical approaches such as
the use of FHIR APIs to support
information exchange with PHAs could
enable PHAs to query healthcare
provider systems directly, after an
initial trigger, rather than solely relying
on a healthcare provider to take action
to share information. How could
performance be measured under
approaches such as the use of FHIR
APIs to support information exchange
with PHAs? Would numerator/
denominator reporting be appropriate
under such approaches?
• Continued expansion of the
measures under the Public Health and
Clinical Data Exchange objective to
address different reporting use cases can
incentivize eligible hospitals and CAHs
to make more comprehensive
information available to PHAs. We are
seeking public comment on the
following questions:
++ Should CMS continue to add
measures under the Public Health and
Clinical Data Exchange objective to
include additional system-specific
requirements (for example, vital
records)? If so, which ones and why?
++ Should CMS create a new
measure for each new type of data or
use case added to the Public Health and
Clinical Data Exchange objective? What
are the risks of including too many
measures under the objective?
++ Alternatively, should CMS
explore ways to group data types and
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use cases under a more limited set of
Public Health and Clinical Data
Exchange objective measures?
—Anecdotal reports suggest that some
healthcare providers are attesting to
active engagement with public health
for the ‘‘Electronic Case Reporting’’
measure if they report cases for at least
one notifiable condition (for example,
++ How can CMS incentivize more
complete electronic case reporting to
PHAs? For example, should CMS
update the measure to require
healthcare providers to meet a certain
threshold for conditions reported?
++ What potential benefit versus
burden trade-offs CMS should consider?
How should CMS account for varying
levels of public health readiness and
capacity for expanding conditions
reported electronically, such as in rural
++ What additional levers besides the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program should CMS explore to
improve the completeness of reporting
to public health? How should CMS
work with other partners to incentivize
or require reporting?
(2) Questions for Goal #2, Flexibility
and Adaptability of the Public Health
Reporting Enterprise
During the COVID–19 and Mpox
PHEs, healthcare providers and PHAs
often had to quickly update their
systems to report case, laboratory, and
vaccination data related to these novel
pathogens and interventions devised in
response to them. In this section, we are
seeking information about how the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program could improve the ability for
public health infrastructure 554 to
quickly adapt to new threats.
Specifically, we are seeking public
comment on the following questions:
• How can the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program support or
incentivize response ready reporting
capabilities for healthcare providers?
What, if any, challenges exist around
sharing data with PHAs?
• How can CMS and ONC work with
vendors to ensure that provider systems
are being continually updated to meet
new data needs, such as those in rural
(3) Questions for Goal #3, Increasing BiDirectional Exchange With Public
Health Agencies
The transition to, and use of, more
modern, flexible approaches and
networks that support data exchange
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between and across public health and
healthcare is a key goal of HHS efforts
to modernize the public health
information infrastructure. We are
interested in ways that the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program can
support this transition. Specifically, we
are seeking public comment on the
following questions:
• Both CDC’s ACD and ONC’s HITAC
have recommended that CDC and ONC
work together to establish certification
criteria for public health technologies
used by PHAs and implement a
coordinated, phased approach to
incentivize and eventually require their
adoption.555 How, if at all, could the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program support or incentivize PHA
adoption of certified systems and
• How can CMS use the Public Health
and Clinical Data Exchange objective to
incentivize early adoption of FHIRbased APIs for public health data
• CMS previously finalized the
Enabling Exchange under TEFCA
measure under the HIE objective for
eligible hospitals and CAHs to attest to
engaging in health information
exchange. Should CMS introduce a
similar measure to allow providers to
receive credit for the HIE objective by
exchanging public health data through
participation in TEFCA?
(4) Questions for Goal #4, Eliminating
Reporting Burden for Healthcare
We are committed to continuing to
reduce reporting burden for healthcare
providers, such as in rural areas, as part
of any updates to the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program
undertaken to support the priorities
described above. Specifically, we are
seeking public comment on the
following questions:
• Under the current Public Health
and Clinical Data Exchange objective,
which measures, or other requirements
result in the most administrative burden
for eligible hospitals and CAHs?
• How can the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program balance robust
Public Health and Clinical Data
Exchange objective requirements with
our desire to reduce burden on eligible
hospitals and CAHs?
• How can new technical approaches
to data exchange with PHAs, such as the
use of FHIR APIs, reduce burden for
health care providers? What are
potential barriers to achieving burden
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
reduction as these new approaches are
X. Other Provisions Included in This
Proposed Rule
A. Proposed Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM)
1. General Provisions
a. Introduction
The CMS Innovation Center has
designed and tested numerous
alternative payment models that each
include specific payment, quality, and
other policies. However, there are some
general provisions that are very similar
across models. The general provisions
address beneficiary protections, model
evaluation and monitoring, audits and
record retention, rights in data and
intellectual property, monitoring and
compliance, remedial action, model
termination by CMS, limitations on
review, and miscellaneous provisions
on bankruptcy and other notifications.
We propose to implement the general
provisions, described later in this
section and in subpart E of this part 512,
based on similar requirements that have
been previously finalized in existing
model tests. In addition to the general
provisions discussed here, TEAMspecific provisions that are uniquely
tailored to this model are described
elsewhere in this rule.
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b. Basis and Scope
In § 512.500, we propose that the
proposed general provisions in this
section X.A.1. of the preamble of this
proposed rule would only be applicable
to TEAM. These proposed general
provisions would not, except as
specifically noted in proposed part 512,
subpart E, affect the applicability of
other provisions affecting providers and
suppliers under Medicare FFS,
including the applicability of provisions
regarding payment, coverage, and
program integrity (such as those in parts
413, 414, 419, 420, and 489 of chapter
IV of 42 CFR and those in parts 1001
through 1003 of chapter V of 42 CFR).
We invite public comment on the
proposed general provisions discussed
in this section of the proposed rule.
c. Definitions
We propose at § 512.505 to define
certain terms relevant to the general
provisions proposed in this section
X.A.1. of the preamble of this proposed
rule. We are proposing to define the
term ‘‘TEAM participant’’ to mean an
acute care hospital that is identified as
a TEAM participant under the terms of
and defined in proposed § 512.505. We
propose to define ‘‘downstream
participant’’ to mean an individual or
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entity that has entered into a written
arrangement with a TEAM participant
pursuant to which the downstream
participant engages in one or more
TEAM activities. A downstream
participant may include, but would not
be limited to, an individual practitioner,
as defined for purposes of TEAM. We
propose to define ‘‘TEAM activities’’ to
mean any activities impacting the care
of model beneficiaries related to the test
of TEAM performed under the terms of
proposed 512 subpart E.
We describe additional proposed
definitions in context throughout this
section X.A.1. of the preamble of this
proposed rule.
responding to surveys and participating
in focus groups. Additional details on
the specific research questions that we
propose that the TEAM evaluation will
consider can be found in section
X.A.3.o. of the preamble of this
proposed rule. Further, we propose to
conduct monitoring activities according
to proposed § 512.590(b), described in
section X.A.3.i. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, including producing
such data as may be required by CMS
to evaluate or monitor TEAM, which
may include protected health
information as defined in 45 CFR
160.103 and other individually
identifiable data.
d. Cooperation With Model Evaluation
and Monitoring
Section 1115A(b)(4) of the Act
requires the Secretary to evaluate each
model tested under the authority of
section 1115A of the Act and to publicly
report the evaluation results in a timely
manner. The evaluation must include an
analysis of the quality of care furnished
under the model and the changes in
program spending that occurred due to
the model. Models tested by the CMS
Innovation Center are rigorously
evaluated. For example, when
evaluating models tested under section
1115A of the Act, we require the
production of information that is
representative of a wide and diverse
group of model participants and
includes data regarding potential
unintended or undesirable effects, such
as cost-shifting. The Secretary must take
the evaluation into account if making
any determinations regarding the
expansion of a model under section
1115A(c) of the Act.
In addition to model evaluations, the
CMS Innovation Center regularly
monitors model participants for
compliance with model requirements.
For the reasons described in section
X.A.1. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, these compliance monitoring
activities are an important and
necessary part of the model test.
Therefore, we are proposing to codify
at § 512.584, that TEAM participants
and their downstream participants must
comply with the requirements of 42 CFR
403.1110(b) (regarding the obligation of
entities participating in the testing of a
model under section 1115A of the Act
to report information necessary to
monitor and evaluate the model), and
must otherwise cooperate with CMS’
model evaluation and monitoring
activities as may be necessary to enable
CMS to evaluate TEAM in accordance
with section 1115A(b)(4) of the Act.
This participation in the evaluation may
include, but is not limited to,
e. Rights in Data and Intellectual
To enable CMS to evaluate TEAM as
required by section 1115A(b)(4) of the
Act and to monitor TEAM pursuant to
§ 512.590, described at section X.A.3.i.
of the preamble of this proposed rule,
we are proposing to allow CMS to use
any data obtained in accordance with
proposed § 512.588 to evaluate and
monitor the proposed TEAM. We
further propose that, consistent with
section 1115A(b)(4)(B) of the Act, that
CMS would be allowed to disseminate
quantitative and qualitative results and
successful care management techniques,
including factors associated with
performance, to other providers and
suppliers and to the public. We propose
that the data to be disseminated would
include, but would not be limited to,
patient de-identified results of patient
experience of care and quality of life
surveys, as well as patient de-identified
measure results calculated based upon
claims, medical records, and other data
In order to protect the intellectual
property rights of TEAM participants
and downstream participants, we
propose in § 512.588(c) to TEAM
participants and their downstream
participants to label data they believe is
proprietary and should be protected
from disclosure under the Trade Secrets
Act. We would note that this approach
is already in use in other models
currently being tested by the CMS
Innovation Center, including the
Radiation Oncology and End Stage
Renal Disease Treatment Choices
models. Any such assertions would be
subject to review and confirmation prior
to CMS’s acting upon such assertion.
We further propose to protect such
information from disclosure to the full
extent permitted under applicable laws,
including the Freedom of Information
Act. Specifically, in proposed
§ 512.588(b), we propose to not release
data that has been confirmed by CMS to
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be proprietary trade secret information
and technology of the TEAM participant
or its downstream participants without
the express written consent of the
TEAM participant or its downstream
participants, unless such release is
required by law.
f. Remedial Action
As stated earlier in this proposed rule,
as part of the CMS Innovation Center’s
monitoring and assessment of the
impact of models tested under the
authority of section 1115A of the Act,
we have a special interest in ensuring
that these model tests do not interfere
with the program integrity interests of
the Medicare program. For this reason,
we monitor for compliance with model
terms as well as other Medicare program
rules. When we become aware of
noncompliance with these
requirements, it is necessary for CMS to
have the ability to impose certain
administrative remedial actions on a
noncompliant model participant.
The terms of many models currently
being tested by the CMS Innovation
Center permit CMS to impose one or
more administrative remedial actions to
address noncompliance by a model
participant. We propose that CMS may
impose any of the remedial actions set
forth in proposed § 512.592 if we
determine that the TEAM participant or
a downstream participant—
• Has failed to comply with any or all
of the terms of TEAM, if finalized;
• Has failed to comply with any
applicable Medicare program
requirement, rule, or regulation;
• Has taken any action that threatens
the health or safety of a beneficiary or
other patient;
• Has submitted false data or made
false representations, warranties, or
certifications in connection with any
aspect of TEAM;
• Has undergone a change in control
(as defined in proposed § 512.505) that
presents a program integrity risk;
• Is subject to any sanctions of an
accrediting organization or a Federal,
state, or local government agency;
• Is subject to investigation or action
by HHS (including the HHS–OIG and
CMS) or the Department of Justice due
to an allegation of fraud, a pattern of
improper billing, or significant
misconduct, including being subject to
the filing of a complaint or filing of a
criminal charge, being subject to an
indictment, being named as a defendant
in a False Claims Act qui tam matter in
which the Federal Government has
intervened, or similar action; or
• Has failed to demonstrate improved
performance following any remedial
action imposed by CMS.
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In § 512.592(b), we propose to codify
that CMS may take one or more of the
following remedial actions if CMS
determined that one or more of the
grounds for remedial action described in
proposed § 512.592(a) had taken
• Notify the TEAM participant and, if
appropriate, require the TEAM
participant to notify its downstream
participants of the violation;
• Require the TEAM participant to
provide additional information to CMS
or its designees;
• Subject the TEAM participant to
additional monitoring, auditing, or both;
• Prohibit the TEAM participant from
distributing TEAM payments;
• Require the TEAM participant to
terminate, immediately or by a deadline
specified by CMS, its agreement with a
downstream participant with respect to
• Terminate the TEAM participant
from the model test;
• Require the TEAM participant to
submit a corrective action plan in a form
and manner and by a date specified by
• Discontinue the provision of data
sharing and reports to the TEAM
• Recoup TEAM payments;
• Reduce or eliminate a TEAM
payment otherwise owed to the TEAM
participant, as applicable; or
• Such other action as subpart E of
part may be permitted under the terms
of proposed 512.
We would note that because TEAM is
a mandatory model, we would not
expect to use the proposed provision
that would allow CMS to terminate a
TEAM participant’s participation in the
model, except in circumstances in
which the TEAM participant has
engaged, or is engaged in, egregious
We invite public comment on these
proposed provisions regarding the
proposed grounds for remedial actions,
remedial actions generally, and whether
additional types of remedial action
would be appropriate.
g. CMS Innovation Center Model
Termination by CMS
We are proposing certain provisions
that would allow CMS to terminate
TEAM under certain circumstances.
Section 1115A(b)(3)(B) of the Act
requires the CMS Innovation Center to
terminate or modify the design and
implementation of a model, after testing
has begun and before completion of the
testing, unless the Secretary determines,
and the Chief Actuary certifies with
respect to program spending, that the
model is expected to: improve the
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quality of care without increasing
program spending; reduce program
spending without reducing the quality
of care; or improve the quality of care
and reduce spending.
We propose at § 512.596 that CMS
could terminate TEAM for reasons
including, but not limited to, one of the
following circumstances:
• CMS determines that it no longer
has the funds to support TEAM.
• CMS terminates TEAM in
accordance with section 1115A(b)(3)(B)
of the Act.
As provided by section 1115A(d)(2)(E)
of the Act and proposed § 512.596,
termination of TEAM in accordance
with section 1115A(b)(3)(B) of the Act
would not be subject to administrative
or judicial review.
To ensure model participants had
appropriate notice in the case of the
termination of TEAM by CMS, we also
propose to codify at § 512.596 that we
would provide TEAM participants with
written notice of the model termination,
which would specify the grounds for
termination as well as the effective date
of the termination.
h. Limitations on Review
In proposed § 512.594, we propose to
codify the preclusion of administrative
and judicial review under section
1115A(d)(2) of the Act. Section
1115A(d)(2) of the Act states that there
is no administrative or judicial review
under section 1869 or 1878 of the Act
or otherwise for any of the following:
• The selection of models for testing
or expansion under section 1115A of the
• The selection of organizations, sites,
or participants to test models selected.
• The elements, parameters, scope,
and duration of such models for testing
or dissemination.
• Determinations regarding budget
neutrality under section 1115A(b)(3) of
the Act.
• The termination or modification of
the design and implementation of a
model under section 1115A(b)(3)(B) of
the Act.
• Determinations about expansion of
the duration and scope of a model under
section 1115A(c) of the Act, including
the determination that a model is not
expected to meet criteria described in
paragraph (1) or (2) of such section.
We propose to interpret the
preclusion from administrative and
judicial review regarding the CMS
Innovation Center’s selection of
organizations, sites, or participants to
test TEAM to preclude from
administrative and judicial review our
selection of a TEAM participant, as well
as our decision to terminate TEAM
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participant, as these determinations are
part of our selection of participants for
We invite public comment on the
proposed codification of these statutory
preclusions of administrative and
judicial review for TEAM, as well as our
proposed interpretations regarding their
i. Miscellaneous Provisions on
Bankruptcy and Other Notifications
The proposed TEAM would have a
defined period of performance, but final
payment under the model may occur
long after the end of this performance
period. In some cases, a TEAM
participant could owe money to CMS.
We recognize that the legal entity that
is the TEAM participant could
experience significant organizational or
financial changes during or after the
period of performance for TEAM. To
protect the integrity of the proposed
TEAM and Medicare funds, we are
proposing a number of provisions to
ensure that CMS is made aware of
events that could affect a TEAM
participant’s ability to perform its
obligations under TEAM, including the
payment of any monies owed to CMS.
First, in proposed § 512.595(a), we
propose that a TEAM participant must
promptly notify CMS and the local U.S.
Attorney Office if it files a bankruptcy
petition, whether voluntary or
involuntary. Because final payment may
not take place until after the TEAM
participant ceases active participation in
TEAM, we further propose that this
requirement would apply until final
payment has been made by either CMS
or TEAM participant under the terms of
the model and all administrative or
judicial review proceedings relating to
any payments under TEAM has been
fully and finally resolved.
Specifically, we propose that notice of
the bankruptcy must be sent by certified
mail within 5 days after the bankruptcy
petition has been filed and that the
notice must contain a copy of the filed
bankruptcy petition (including its
docket number), unless final payment
has been made under the terms of
TEAM and all administrative or judicial
review proceedings regarding TEAM
payments between the TEAM
participant and CMS have been fully
and finally resolved. The notice to CMS
must be addressed to the CMS Office of
Financial Management, Mailstop C3–
01–24, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, Maryland 21244 or to such
other address as may be specified for
purposes of receiving such notices on
the CMS website.
By requiring the submission of the
filed bankruptcy petition, CMS would
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obtain information necessary to protect
its interests, including the date on
which the bankruptcy petition was filed
and the identity of the court in which
the bankruptcy petition was filed. We
recognize that such notices may already
be required by existing law, but CMS
often does not receive them in a timely
fashion, and they may not specifically
identify TEAM. The failure to receive
such notices on a timely basis can
prevent CMS from asserting a claim in
the bankruptcy case. We are particularly
concerned that a TEAM participant may
not furnish notice of bankruptcy after it
has completed its performance in
TEAM, but before final payment has
been made or administrative or judicial
proceedings have been resolved. We
believe our proposal is necessary to
protect the financial integrity of the
proposed TEAM and the Medicare Trust
Second, in proposed § 512.595(b), we
propose that the TEAM participant
would have to provide written notice to
CMS within 30 days of any change in
the TEAM participant’s legal name
becoming effective. The notice of legal
name change would have to be in a form
and manner specified by CMS and
include a copy of the legal document
effecting the name change, which would
have to be authenticated by the
appropriate state official. The purpose
of this proposed notice requirement is to
ensure the accuracy of our records
regarding the identity of TEAM
participants and the entities to whom
TEAM payments should be made or
against whom payments should be
demanded or recouped. We solicit
comment on requiring notice to be
furnished promptly, that is, within 30
days after a change in legal name has
become effective.
Third, in proposed § 512.595(c), we
propose that the TEAM participant
would have to provide written notice to
CMS at least 90 days before the effective
date of any change in control. We
propose that the written notification
must be furnished in a form and manner
specified by CMS. For purposes of this
notice obligation, we propose that a
‘‘change in control’’ would mean any of
the following: (1) The acquisition by any
‘‘person’’ (as such term is used in
sections 13(d) and 14(d) of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934) of
beneficial ownership (within the
meaning of Rule 13d–3 promulgated
under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934), of beneficial ownership (within
the meaning of Rule 13d–3 promulgated
under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934), directly or indirectly, of voting
securities of the TEAM participant
representing more than 50 percent of the
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TEAM participant’s outstanding voting
securities or rights to acquire such
securities; (2) the acquisition of the
TEAM participant by any individual or
entity; (3) the sale, lease, exchange or
other transfer (in one transaction or a
series of transactions) of all or
substantially all of the assets of the
TEAM participant; or (4) the approval
and completion of a plan of liquidation
of the TEAM participant, or an
agreement for the sale or liquidation of
the TEAM participant. The proposed
requirement and definition of change in
control are the same requirements and
definition used in certain models that
are currently being tested under section
1115A authority. We believe this
proposed notice requirement is
necessary to ensure the accuracy of our
records regarding the identity of model
participants and to ensure that we pay
and seek payment from the correct
entity. For this reason, we propose that
if CMS determined in accordance with
proposed § 512.592(a)(5) that a TEAM
participant’s change in control would
present a program integrity risk, CMS
could take remedial action against the
TEAM participant under proposed
§ 512.592(b). In addition, to ensure
payment of amounts owed to CMS, we
propose that CMS may require
immediate reconciliation and payment
of all monies owed to CMS by a model
participant that is subject to a change in
We invite public comment on these
proposed notification requirements.
2. Proposed Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM)—
We are proposing the implementation
and testing of the Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM), a new
mandatory alternative payment model
under the authority of section 1115A of
the Act, beginning on January 1, 2026,
and ending on December 31, 2030.
TEAM would test whether an episodebased pricing methodology linked with
quality measure performance for select
acute care hospitals reduces Medicare
program expenditures while preserving
or improving the quality of care for
Medicare beneficiaries who initiate
certain episode categories. Specifically,
the proposed TEAM would test five
surgical episode categories: coronary
artery bypass graft (CABG), lower
extremity joint replacement (LEJR),
major bowel procedure, surgical hip/
femur fracture treatment (SHFFT), and
spinal fusion.
Under the FFS program, Medicare
makes separate payments to providers
and suppliers for the items and services
furnished to a beneficiary over the
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course of an episode. With the amount
of payments dependent on the volume
of services delivered, acute care
hospitals may not have incentives to
invest in quality improvement and care
coordination activities. As a result, care
may be fragmented, unnecessary, or
duplicative. By holding acute care
hospitals accountable for all items and
services provided during an episode,
acute care hospitals are better
incentivized to coordinate patient care,
avoid duplicative or unnecessary
services, and improve the beneficiary
care experience during care transitions.
This proposed model falls within a
larger framework of activities initiated
by the CMS Innovation Center during
the past several years, including the
release of the CMS Innovation Center
strategic refresh and the comprehensive
specialty strategy.556 557 The strategic
refresh includes a goal of having 100
percent of Medicare FFS beneficiaries
and the vast majority of Medicaid
beneficiaries in an accountable care
relationship by 2030. Episode-based
payment models, such as TEAM, can be
a tool to support this goal by increasing
provider participation in value-based
care initiatives with accountability for
quality and cost outcomes. To further
the goals of the strategic refresh, the
CMS Innovation Center released the
comprehensive specialty care strategy in
2022, which includes an element to
maintain momentum established by
episode-based payment models and
supports development of TEAM.558 In
addition, in July 2023, we published a
Request for Information (RFI) to gain
public input on design elements for a
new mandatory bundled payment
model.559 Given TEAM’s alignment
with many strategic facets of the CMS
Innovation Center, our proposal to test
a new episode-based payment model for
acute care hospitals is based on: (1)
lessons learned from testing the
Bundled Payments for Care
Improvement (BPCI) Initiative, the BPCI
Advanced Model, and the
Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement (CJR) Model; and (2)
comments received from the Episode556 Innovation Center Strategy Refresh: https://
557 The CMS Innovation Center’s Strategy to
Support Person-centered, Value-based Specialty
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based Payment Model RFI (88 FR 45872)
published in the Federal Register.
Under this proposed TEAM, TEAM
participants continue to bill Medicare
under the traditional FFS system for
services furnished to Medicare FFS
beneficiaries. However, the TEAM
participant may also receive a
reconciliation payment amount from
CMS depending on their Composite
Quality Score (CQS) and if their
performance year spending is less than
their reconciliation target price. As
TEAM is a two-sided risk model,
meaning the model requires TEAM
participants to be accountable for
performance year spending that is above
or below their reconciliation target
price, TEAM participants may also owe
CMS a repayment amount depending on
their CQS and if their performance year
spending is more than their
reconciliation target price.
The model performance period for the
proposed TEAM would consist of five
performance years, beginning January 1,
2026, and ending December 31, 2030,
with final data submission of clinical
data elements and quality measures in
CY 2031 to account for episodes ending
in CY 2030, and final reconciliation
reports and TEAM reconciliation
payment amounts and repayment
amounts in CY 2031.
a. Background
CMS is seeking to improve beneficiary
care by using an episode-based payment
structure to align incentives in pursuit
of improved quality and reduced
spending. A FFS payment system pays
health care providers and suppliers for
discrete services over a single episode,
potentially resulting in fragmented care
and duplicative use of resources. Paying
for discrete services may also not
provide sufficient financial incentive for
health care providers and suppliers to
invest in quality improvement and care
coordination that could help avoid
adverse outcomes. Further, providers
and suppliers may be paid under
different FFS payment systems which
may create challenges managing
beneficiaries in an episode. Therefore,
providers and suppliers have less of an
incentive to collaborate to improve the
quality of care and decrease the cost and
unnecessary utilization of services.
An episode-based payment
methodology creates an incentive for
participating providers and suppliers to
coordinate across care settings as the
participating entity takes responsibility
for the quality and cost outcomes across
the entire episode. All of the projected
payments to the physician, hospital, and
other health care provider and supplier
services are combined into a target
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price. This target price represents the
expected cost of all items and services
furnished to a beneficiary during an
episode. Health care providers included
in such initiatives may either realize a
financial gain or loss, based on how
successfully they perform on quality
measure assessment and manage
resources and total costs throughout
each episode. Payment models that hold
entities accountable for spending and
quality performance metrics for an
entire episode can motivate health care
providers to furnish services more
efficiently, to better coordinate care, and
to improve the quality of care.
The CMS Innovation Center has tested
episode-based payment models for over
a decade, including the BPCI initiative,
the BPCI Advanced Model, and the CJR
Model. The CJR Model and the BPCI
Advanced Models are current CMS
Innovation Center model tests that are
set to end on December 31, 2024, and
December 31, 2025, respectively. When
considering the future of episode-based
payment models, we reviewed results of
the CJR Model and the BPCI Advanced
Model given promising evaluation
findings that support these models
reducing episode payments, before
accounting for incentive payments, and
maintaining quality of care, as described
further in section X.A.2.c. of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
However, both models experienced
significant model changes, including
changes in participation volume, in the
later years of their model test and
assessing the results of these models
based on their current methodologies
requires additional evaluation data,
which would not be available until after
each model has concluded. We believe
TEAM would allow the CMS Innovation
Center to test a new episode-based
payment model that builds upon lessons
learned in previous episode-based
payment models by incorporating the
most promising model features, while
also continuing care transformation
efforts that we have promoted through
the CJR or BPCI Advanced models.
If the proposed TEAM is successful,
we hope this model would establish the
framework for managing episodes as a
standard practice in Traditional
Medicare. The proposed TEAM includes
features that are attentive to operational
feasibility for both participants and
CMS, such as how often reconciliation
would be conducted to minimize
administrative burden, a pricing
methodology that would be responsive
to providers with varying levels of
experience and different patient
populations, and the selection of
episodes with sufficient volume that
would warrant standard care pathways
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
during the acute and post-acute care
periods of an episode. Any future policy
changes to this proposed model test,
such as the addition of episode
categories, would be implemented
through future notice and comment
Increasing quality, patientcenteredness, and cost-effective care
requires collaboration among hospitals,
physicians, and post-acute care (PAC)
providers. To encourage this
collaboration, TEAM proposes to further
align incentives between hospitals and
physicians by specifying certain types of
financial arrangements that participants
may elect to pursue to share
reconciliation payment amounts
received from CMS under the model. By
doing so, TEAM participants would be
able to share incentives with
downstream providers and suppliers
when they achieve higher quality and
more cost-effective care through
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b. Evidence Base for Model Proposal
Medicare beneficiaries can experience
fragmented and costly care,
distinguished by frequent diagnostics,
imaging, tests and other treatment
approaches delivered by different
providers across different sites of
care.560 A 2022 study examining
fragmentation of ambulatory care for
Medicare FFS beneficiaries found that
four in ten beneficiaries experience
highly fragmented care, with a mean of
13 ambulatory visits across seven
practitioners in one year.561 Fragmented
care is further evident when focusing on
the clinical management of Medicare
beneficiaries for acute procedural care
since these beneficiaries may be
receiving care from different physicians
in different settings before, during, and
after their procedure.562 In the absence
of effective communication between
patients, families, physicians, hospitals,
and other care settings, beneficiaries
receiving acute procedural care may not
receive comprehensive care
management and coordination. The
proposed TEAM is based on the premise
560 Papanicolas, I., Woskie, L., & Jha, A. K. (2018).
Health care spending in the United States and other
High-Income countries. JAMA, 319(10), 1024.
561 Timmins, L., Urato, C., Kern, L. M., Ghosh, A.,
& Rich, E. C. (2022). Primary care redesign and care
fragmentation among Medicare beneficiaries. The
American Journal of Managed Care, 28(3), e103–
562 The Center for Healthcare Research &
Transformation. (2013). Payment Strategies: A
Comparison of Episodic and Population-based
Payment Reform. Retrieved November 14, 2023,
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that appropriately aligned financial
incentives would improve care
coordination for beneficiaries who are
in an episode, resulting in better health
Care fragmentation in acute surgical
procedures in the United States is well
documented, leading to care variation
and inefficiencies producing
unfavorable patient outcomes and
increased health spending.563 564 565
Given the variation in acute surgical
care and costs, including post-acute care
costs immediately following a
procedure, significant literature has
been devoted to evaluating
opportunities to improve the quality
and efficiency of care.566 567 This
includes the design and implementation
of standardized care processes that
emphasize high-value care that can
support episode-based care initiatives.
For example one study found that,
‘‘Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
protocols have resulted in shorter length
of hospital stay by 30% to 50% and
similar reductions in complications,
while readmissions and costs are
reduced’’.568 Moreover, other findings
focus on perioperative care delivery and
indicate, ‘‘that through elements that
emphasize care coordination,
standardization, and patientcenteredness, perioperative surgical
home programs can improve patient
postoperative recovery outcomes and
decrease hospital utilization’’.569
563 Fry, D. E., Pine, M., Jones, B., & Meimban, R.
J. (2011). The impact of ineffective and inefficient
care on the excess costs of elective surgical
procedures. Journal of the American College of
Surgeons, 212(5), 779–786.
564 Justiniano, C. F., Xu, Z., Becerra, A. Z.,
Aquina, C. T., Boodry, C. I., Swanger, A. A.,
Temple, L. K., & Fleming, F. J. (2017). Long-term
deleterious impact of surgeon care fragmentation
after colorectal surgery on survival: Continuity of
care continues to count. Diseases of the Colon &
Rectum, 60(11), 1147–1154.
565 Tsai, T. C., Orav, E. J., & Jha, A. K. (2015). Care
fragmentation in the postdischarge period. JAMA
Surgery, 150(1), 59.
566 Tsai, T. C., Greaves, F., Zheng, J., Orav, E. J.,
Zinner, M. J., & Jha, A. K. (2016). Better patient care
at High-Quality hospitals may save Medicare money
and bolster Episode-Based payment models. Health
Affairs, 35(9), 1681–1689.
567 Scally, C. P., Thumma, J. R., Birkmeyer, J. D.,
& Dimick, J. B. (2015). Impact of surgical quality
improvement on payments in Medicare patients.
Annals of Surgery, 262(2), 249–252.
568 Ljungqvist, O., Scott, M. J., & Fearon, K. C. H.
(2017). Enhanced recovery after surgery. JAMA
Surgery, 152(3), 292.
569 Cline, K. M., Clement, V., Rock-Klotz, J., Kash,
B. A., Steel, C. A., & Miller, T. R. (2020). Improving
the cost, quality, and safety of perioperative care:
A systematic review of the literature on
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CMS, commercial payers, and other
stakeholders are continuously testing a
variety of approaches to constructing
episodes of care, including through
different patient populations, clinical
episode categories, and pricing
methodologies.570 571 572 Though the
results of alternative payment models
focused on episodes of care have been
mixed, evidence related to models’
ability to realize savings and improve
quality is promising, especially given
the 10 years of experience yielded from
participants and the CMS Innovation
Center model tests. The BPCI Advanced
and CJR models are still being tested,
and the effects of the models’ care
redesign changes aimed to achieve
Medicare savings and maintain or
improve quality of care are still being
evaluated, see section X.A.2.c. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, but have
generated evidence from multiple
evaluation reports to support the design
of TEAM. Beyond quantitative data,
qualitative data collected from model
participants and data from site visits
indicate care transformation is
happening, and quality of care is
improving across the spectrum.
Qualitative data range from reported
improved relationships between
inpatient providers and post-acute care
(PAC) providers, to reshaping patient
and provider expectations about
appropriate discharge destinations, to
process changes, such as standardized
care pathways, identification and
mitigation of medical and social risk
factors, monitoring patients in the postdischarge period, and connecting
patients to primary care providers. As
noted in section X.A.2.c. of the
preamble of this proposed rule,
evaluation results from the previous and
current episode-based payment models
consistently indicate that these models
can reduce episode payments, before
implementation of the perioperative surgical home.
Journal of Clinical Anesthesia, 63, 109760. https://
570 Agarwal, R., Liao, J. M., Gupta, A., & Navathe,
A. S. (2020). The Impact of bundled payment on
health care spending, utilization, and quality: A
Systematic review. Health Affairs, 39(1), 50–57.
571 Steenhuis, S., Struijs, J. N., Koolman, X., Ket,
J. C. F., & Van Der Hijden, E. (2020). Unraveling the
complexity in the design and implementation of
bundled payments: A scoping review of key
elements from a payer’s perspective. The Milbank
Quarterly, 98(1), 197–222.
572 Sutherland, A., Boudreau, E., Bowe, A.,
Huang, Q., Liao, J. M., Flagg, M., Cousins, D., Antol,
D. D., Shrank, W. H., Powers, B., & Navathe, A. S.
(2023). Association between a bundled payment
program for lower extremity joint replacement and
patient outcomes among Medicare Advantage
beneficiaries. JAMA Health Forum, 4(6), e231495.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
considering incentive payments, and
generally without compromising quality
of care.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
c. ACE, BPCI, BPCI Advanced, and CJR
Evaluation Results
The CMS Innovation Center
previously tested episode-based
payment approaches among acute
episodes, including the Medicare Acute
Care Episode (ACE) demonstration and
the BPCI Initiative, and currently is
testing additional approaches under the
BPCI Advanced model and the CJR
model.573 The ACE demonstration
tested a bundled payment approach for
cardiac and orthopedic inpatient
surgical services and procedures. All
Medicare Part A and Part B services
pertaining to the inpatient stay were
included in the ACE demonstration
episodes of care. Evaluations results
found that Medicare saved an average of
$585 per episode from the combined
Medicare Part A and B expected
payments or a total of $7.3 million
across all episodes (12,501 episodes), all
ACE MS–DRGs, and four ACE Sites.
However, increases in post-acute care
spending reduced these savings by
approximately 45 percent, resulting in
per episode savings of $319 and total
net savings of approximately $4 million.
With respect to quality of care, findings
suggest that the ACE sites maintained
their quality-of-care levels without any
systematic or consistent changes in
clinical outcomes or in the type of
patients they admitted in response to
the demonstration. Despite the lack of
strong quantitative evidence for realized
improvements in quality, there was
qualitative evidence that hospitals
worked to improve processes and
The BPCI initiative tested whether
linking payments for providers that
furnish Medicare-covered items and
services during an episode related to an
inpatient hospitalization could reduce
Medicare expenditures while
maintaining or improving quality of
• Model 1 episodes were limited to
the acute inpatient hospitalizations for
all MS–DRGs.
573 Medicare Acute Care Episode Demonstration
ace), BPCI Initiative (
priorities/innovation/innovation-models/bundledpayments), BPCI Advanced Model (https://, CJR Model (https://
574 Evaluation of the Medicare Acute Care
Episode (ACE) Demonstration. (2013). Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services. Retrieved December
1, 2023, from
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• Model 2 episodes began with a
hospital admission and extended for 30,
60, or 90 days after discharge.
• Model 3 episodes began with the
initiation of post-acute care following a
hospital admission and extended for 30,
60, or 90 days.
• Model 4 episodes began with a
hospital admission and included
readmissions within 30 days after
Model 1 was unique, as compared to
Models 2–4, in that target prices weren’t
generated but awardees received a
predetermined discount percentage to
their Medicare Inpatient payment
system (IPPS) operating payment rates
for episodes at their hospital. Model 1
had a small volume of participants,
however, evaluation results found that
there were no consistent negative or
positive statistically significant impacts
to Medicare payments or quality of care
effects on Medicare beneficiaries.575
Similarly, Model 4 had a small volume
of participants, and by the end of the
model there was no change in allowed
payments nor were there any changes in
the quality of care as measured by
claims-based quality measures.576
Evaluation results for BPCI Models 2
and 3 were more robust given the
greater volume of participants in each
model. Similar to Model 1 and Model 4,
quality of care generally remained
unchanged in BPCI Models 2 and 3.
With respect to the financial
performance of the models, findings
demonstrated reductions in FFS
payments of $1,193 million for Model 2
and $232 million for Model 3. However,
Medicare experienced net losses of $418
million (p<0.05) for Model 2, or $332
per episode, and $110 million (p<0.05)
for Model 3, or $714 per episode, after
accounting for reconciliation payments
to participants. These net losses to
Medicare represented 1.3% of what
payments would have been absent BPCI
under Model 2 and 3.1% under Model
3. The largest contributing factor to
these losses was the elimination of
participants’ repayment responsibility.
If CMS had not eliminated repayment
responsibility, and assuming model
participation remained the same, Model
2 would have resulted in no net losses
or savings, and net losses under Model
3 would have been reduced to $ 66
million (p<0.05), or 1.9% of what
payments would have been absent
We currently are testing the BPCI
Advanced model, which is a voluntary
episode-based model based on the BPCI
Initiative’s Model 2, that tests whether
linking payments for an episode will
incentivize health care providers to
invest in innovation and care redesign
to improve care coordination and
reduce expenditures, while maintaining
or improving the quality of care for
Medicare FFS beneficiaries. We are still
evaluating the effects of the BPCI
Advanced model on patient experience
of care, quality outcomes, and cost of
care for Medicare FFS beneficiaries.
However, evaluation results to date
demonstrated reductions in episode
payments and maintenance of quality of
care, but the model has thus far been
unable to generate Medicare savings. As
of Model Year 3 (2020), BPCI Advanced
participants reduced average episode
payments by 3.8% or $1,028 per
episode, and more specifically 3.1%
($796 per episode) for medical episodes
and 5.8% ($1,800 per episode) for
surgical episodes. Despite the
reductions in FFS payments, after
accounting for reconciliation payments
to participants, Medicare had a net loss
of $114 million in 2020, or 0.8% of what
Medicare payments would have been in
absence of the model. When looking at
Medicare savings by episode type,
surgical episodes resulted in an
estimated net savings of $71.3 million,
or 2.3%, but those savings were offset
by medical episodes which resulted in
an estimated net loss of $200.5 million,
or 1.9%.578 The BPCI Advanced model
implemented changes, most notably in
2021–23, and most recently made
further changes to extend the model
through 2025 and support provider
engagement in value-based care.
We are also currently testing the CJR
model, which is a mandatory episodebased payment model in 34
metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) for
lower extremity joint replacement
episodes that encourages hospitals,
physicians, and PAC providers to work
575 Evaluation and Monitoring of the Bundled
Payments for Care Improvement Model 1 Initiative.
(2016). Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Retrieved December 1, 2023, from https://
576 CMS Bundled Payments for Care Improvement
Initiative Models 2–4: Year 7 Evaluation &
Monitoring Annual Report. (2021). Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services. Retrieved December
1, 2023, from
577 CMS Bundled Payments for Care Improvement
Initiative Models 2–4: Year 7 Evaluation &
Monitoring Annual Report. (2021). Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services. Retrieved December
1, 2023, from
578 CMS Bundled Payments for Care Improvement
Advanced Model: Fourth Evaluation Report. (2023).
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Retrieved December 1, 2023, from https://
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together to improve the quality and
coordination of care from the initial
hospitalization or outpatient procedure
through recovery. Evaluation results to
date have indicated that in the first four
performance years, mandatory hospitals
generated $72 million dollars in savings
to Medicare, although not statistically
significant. But in Performance Year 5,
reconciliation payments substantially
increased generating $95.4M in
statistically significant Medicare losses,
due to adjustments made to the model
made during the COVID–19 Public
Health Emergency (PHE). CMS enacted
these temporary adjustments, which
effectively waived downside risk for all
CJR episodes, in order to minimize any
financial burden associated with model
participation given the financial
challenges and uncertainties hospitals
faced early in the COVID–19 PHE. These
adjustments resulted in reconciliation
payments being triple what they were in
previous years, which reversed the
savings trajectory and resulted in
statistically significant losses to
Medicare for mandatory hospitals. The
losses in Performance Year 5 were large
enough to offset total estimated savings
prior to the public health emergency.579
Like the BPCI Advanced model, the CJR
model was revised and extended until
December 31, 2024.
We believe that providers’, suppliers’,
and CMS’ experiences with the BPCI
Advanced and CJR models support the
design of the proposed TEAM.
Stakeholders both directly and
indirectly involved in testing the BPCI
Advanced and CJR models have
conveyed that they perceive episodebased payments to be an effective
mechanism for advancing better, more
accountable care through care
coordination and opportunities to
improve care efficiency. CMS has also
heard similar sentiment through other
efforts including the CMS Innovation
Center’s Specialty Care Strategy
Listening Session and recent Episodebased Payment Model Request for
Information (RFI) (88 FR 45872).580
Further information of why specific
elements of the models and initiatives
were incorporated into the TEAM’s
designs is discussed later in this
proposed rule.
579 CMS Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement Model: Performance Year 5 Evaluation
Report. (2023). Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services. Retrieved December 1, 2023, from https://
580 CMS Innovation Center’s Specialty Care
Strategy Listening Session (
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d. CMS Innovation Center Specialty
Care Strategy
In 2021, the CMS Innovation Center
announced a strategic refresh with a
vision of having a health care system
that achieves equitable outcomes
through high quality, affordable, personcentered care.581 To guide this updated
vision, the CMS Innovation Center
intends to design, implement, and
evaluate future models with a focus on
five strategic objectives: (i) driving
accountable care; (ii) advancing health
equity; (iii) supporting innovation; (iv)
addressing affordability; and (v)
partnering to achieve system
transformation. One of the goals
established by the strategic refresh was
having 100% of traditional Medicare
beneficiaries and the vast majority of
Medicaid beneficiaries in accountable
care relationships by 2030. This means
that beneficiaries should experience
longitudinal, accountable care with
providers that are responsible for the
quality and total cost of their care.
Beneficiaries will experience
accountable care relationships mostly
through advanced primary care or
accountable care organizations (ACOs),
and these entities are expected to
coordinate with or fully integrate
specialty care to deliver whole-person
To support specialty care integration,
the CMS Innovation Center released a
comprehensive specialty strategy to test
models and innovations supporting
access to high-quality, integrated
specialty care across the patient
journey—both longitudinally and for
procedural or acute services.582
Specialty integration cannot be achieved
with a single approach given a
beneficiary’s health needs may change
influencing the types of providers and
settings where they receive care.
Therefore, the specialty care strategy
consists of four elements: (i) enhancing
specialty care performance data
transparency; (ii) maintaining
momentum on acute episode payment
models and condition-based models;
(iii) creating financial incentives within
primary care for specialist engagement;
and (iv) creating financial incentives for
specialists to affiliate with populationbased models and move to value-based
care. The proposed TEAM falls within
the second element of the specialty care
581 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(2021). Innovation Center Strategy Refresh. https://
582 The CMS Innovation Center’s strategy to
support person-centered, value-based specialty care
| CMS. (2022).
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strategy and utilizes lessons learned
from our experience with the BPCI
Advanced model and the CJR model to
design TEAM as a new episode-based
payment model that would focus on
accountability for quality and cost,
health equity, and specialty integration.
TEAM is further informed by the
Episode-Based Payment Model RFI (88
FR 45872) published in July 2023,
which gathered public comment on
potential model design elements.
The proposed TEAM represents one
aspect of the specialty care strategy, and
does not capture all beneficiaries,
providers, and care settings to achieve
complete person-centered value-based
care on its own. Improving the health
care system for Medicare beneficiaries
requires a comprehensive approach that
cannot be addressed by a single model
or initiative since beneficiary health
care needs are dynamic across the
patient care continuum. This means
TEAM would center accountability on
beneficiary health care needs during
narrow, focused periods of acute and
post-acute care while health care needs
outside of this scope would be
addressed with other elements of the
specialty care strategy. Therefore, we
believe TEAM would complement other
elements of the specialty care strategy
(for example, another element of the
strategy is to share TEAM-style episode
data with ACOs) and would promote
care transformation that generates
standard care pathways and new best
practices across broad patient
populations (not just Medicare FFS).
3. Provisions of Proposed Transforming
Episode Accountability Model
a. Model Performance Period, TEAM
Participants, Participation Tracks, and
Geographic Area Selection
(1) Model Performance Period
We are proposing a 5-year ‘‘model
performance period’’, defined as the 60month period from January 1, 2026, to
December 31, 2030, during which
TEAM is being tested and the TEAM
participants is held accountable for
spending and quality. The model would
have 5 ‘‘performance years’’ (PYs),
which we propose to define as a 12month period beginning on January 1
and ending on December 31 of each year
during the model performance period in
which TEAM is being tested and TEAM
participants are held accountable for
spending and quality. We are proposing
to define the start of the model
performance period as the ‘‘model start
We are proposing a 5-year model
performance period to allow for a
sufficient time period for TEAM
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
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Participants to invest in care delivery
transformation and observe return on
investments. A five-year period would
also allow for an adequate evaluation
period to determine model results, given
that many of the episode categories we
are proposing to test under TEAM have
thus far only been tested among
voluntary model participants.
We alternatively considered a 3- or
10-year model performance period.
However, we believe a 3-year period to
be too short to allow adequate time to
invest in transformations and achieve
considerable model savings to the
Medicare trust fund. We also considered
a 10-year model performance period,
similar to several recently announced
CMS Innovation Center models;
however, given this would be a
mandatory model, we believe 5 years
would be sufficient to gather the
necessary data to evaluate whether the
model is successful for the included
episode categories.
We also considered beginning TEAM
on April 1, 2026, July 1, 2026, or
October 1, 2026, to allow selected
TEAM participants more time to prepare
for model implementation. However,
based on our experience with prior and
current episode-based payment models,
we believe that potential participants
would have sufficient time to prepare to
participate in a model that begins
January 1, 2026, which is why we are
proposing TEAM at least 18 months
before the proposed model start date. In
addition, given that the current BPCI
Advanced model concludes on
December 31, 2025, beginning TEAM on
January 1, 2026, would ensure
continuity between models for those
hospitals in BPCI Advanced that are in
the CBSAs selected to participate in
TEAM. We also recognize the potential
misalignment between the performance
measurement period based on the
calendar year and an alternative model
start date, so if we were to adjust the
model start date based on public input,
we propose that we would also alter the
model performance period. For
example, if TEAM were to begin April
1, 2026, the PY would still be defined
as a 12-month period from the start date,
meaning April 1, 2026, to March 31,
2027. As a result, the model
performance period end date would also
shift to reflect a 60-month period from
the model start date of the first PY—for
example, April 1, 2026, to March 31,
We seek comment on the proposed
model performance period of 5 years
and proposed model start date of
January 1, 2026, for Performance Year 1,
and on the alternatively considered start
dates (April 1, 2026, July 1, 2026, and
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October 1, 2026), and the subsequent
adjustment to dates of the model
performance period if we were to
change the model start date.
(2) Participants
(a) Background
The proposed TEAM builds upon
previous CMS Innovation Center
episode-based payment models,
including the BPCI Advanced and CJR
models. While these models have
similarities, they have some notable
differences with regard to participant
structure and the entity who can initiate
episodes. The BPCI Advanced model is
a voluntary model that includes
convener and non-convener
participants. A non-convener
participant initiates episodes, is either
an acute care hospital or physician
group practice (PGP) and bears financial
risk for itself. A convener participant is
an entity willing to bear financial risk
for downstream episode initiators,
either acute care hospitals or PGPs, and
generally provides supportive services
such as data analytics or clinical care
navigators. In contrast, the CJR model is
a mandatory model in 34 MSAs that
does not include convener participants
or allow PGPs to initiate episodes but
does parallel BPCI Advanced by
including participant hospitals (nonconvener) that initiate episodes. While
the CJR Model does not have a formal
convener role, some CJR participant
hospitals contract with (non-model
participant) convener-organizations to
provide administrative, operational,
analytical, and clinical services.
We are interested in testing and
evaluating the impact of a mandatory
episode-based payment model in
selected geographic areas, see section
X.A.3.a.(4) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, for acute care hospitals
that initiate certain episode categories,
including among those hospitals that
have not chosen to voluntarily
participate in the BPCI Advanced model
or those that were selected to participate
in the CJR model. Testing the model
among acute care hospitals in select
geographic areas would allow CMS and
participants to gain experience testing
and evaluating an episode-based
payment approach for certain episodes
furnished by hospitals with a variety of
historic utilization patterns; roles within
their local markets, including with
regard to accountable care organization
participation or affiliation; volume of
services provided; access to financial,
community, or other resources; and
population and health care provider
density. Further, Medicare beneficiaries
and providers in rural and underserved
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areas can be underrepresented in
voluntary models, whereas under a
mandatory model we may include these
entities, with safeguards as appropriate,
for participation so that beneficiaries
have equitable access to care redesign
approaches intended to improve the
quality care, and such providers gain
experience in value-based care. Lastly,
participation of hospitals in selected
geographic areas would allow CMS to
test episode-based payments without
introducing participant attrition or
selection bias such as the selection bias
inherent in the BPCI Advanced model
due to self-selected participation in the
model and self-selection of episode
(b) Proposed TEAM Participant
As previously discussed, the CJR
model has participant hospitals who are
acute care hospitals that initiate
episodes whereas the BPCI Advanced
model allows either acute care hospitals
or PGPs to initiate episodes, who may
or may not be the participant in the
model. Since two different types of
entities are permitted to initiate
episodes and they may be co-located,
meaning the PGP may initiate episodes
and practices at a hospital that also
initiates episodes, the BPCI Advanced
model includes precedence rules.
Precedence rules dictate which entity
will be attributed the episode and
accountable for quality and cost
performance, but they also contribute to
operational complexity. For example, in
BPCI Advanced a single episode could
be attributed to one of three potential
provider or suppliers: the attending
PGP, the operating PGP, or the hospital.
Data feeds can help inform entities of
episode attribution when multiple
provider or suppliers have interacted
with the beneficiary, but BPCI
Advanced participants have expressed
challenges with identifying their
potential episodes due to lack of realtime data.
Given the challenges of having
multiple provider or suppliers in a
single model initiate an episode, we
believe it would benefit TEAM to only
allow a single entity to initiate episodes
and be the participant in TEAM. This is
because it would simplify episode
attribution, meaning it would avoid
precedence rules, and make it easier for
the single entity to identify beneficiaries
that may be included in the model.
Therefore, similar to the CJR model, we
propose that acute care hospitals would
be the TEAM participant and the only
entity able to initiate an episode in
TEAM. Specifically, we propose
defining a TEAM participant as an acute
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
care hospital that initiates episodes and
paid under the IPPS with a CMS
Certification Number (CCN) primary
address located in one of the geographic
areas selected for participation in
TEAM, as described in section
X.A.3.a.(4) of the preamble of this
proposed rule. We are also proposing
that the term ‘‘hospital’’ has the same
meaning as hospital as defined in
section 1886(d)(1)(B) of the Act. This
statutory definition of hospital includes
only acute care hospitals paid under the
We believe that hospitals are more
likely than other providers or suppliers
to have an adequate volume of episodes
to justify an investment in episode
management. We also believe that
hospitals, compared to other providers
or suppliers, are most likely to have
access to resources that would allow
them to appropriately manage and
coordinate care throughout these
episodes. Further, the hospital staff is
already involved in discharge planning
and placement recommendations for
Medicare beneficiaries, and more
efficient PAC service delivery provides
substantial opportunities for improving
quality and reducing costs in TEAM.
We also believe hospitals being TEAM
participants aligns with how episodes
are initiated in TEAM, as described in
section X.A.3.b.(5)(c) of the preamble of
this proposed rule, since it relies on a
beneficiary’s inpatient admission to a
hospital or a beneficiary receiving a
procedure in a hospital outpatient
department. Additionally, we believe
that utilizing the hospital as the TEAM
participant is a straightforward
approach for this model because the
hospital furnishes the acute surgical
procedure and plans for and manages
post-discharge (or post-procedure) care.
We also want to test a broad model in
a variety of hospitals, including safety
net hospitals specified in section
X.A.3.f.(2) and rural hospitals specified
in section X.A.3.f.(3) of the preamble of
this proposed rule, under TEAM to
examine results from a more generalized
payment model. Finally, as described in
the following sections that present our
proposed approach to geographic area
selection, our geographic area selection
approach relies upon our definition of
hospitals as the TEAM participant and
the entity that initiates episodes.
We seek comment on our proposal at
§ 512.505 to define TEAM participants
as an acute care hospital that initiates
episodes and paid under the IPPS with
a CMS CCN primary address located in
one of the geographic areas selected for
participation in TEAM. We also seek
comment on our proposal at § 512.505
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to define hospital as defined in section
1886(d)(1)(B) of the Act.
(i) TEAM Participant Exclusions and
Under this proposal, all acute care
hospitals in Maryland would be
excluded from being TEAM participants
because Maryland hospitals are not
currently paid under the IPPS and
OPPS. Therefore, any acute care
hospital located in Maryland would not
be able to satisfy the definition of TEAM
participant. Currently, CMS and the
State of Maryland are testing the
Maryland Total Cost of Care (TCOC)
Model, which sets a per capita limit on
Medicare total cost of care in Maryland.
The TCOC Model holds the State fully
at risk for the total cost of care for
Medicare beneficiaries. Maryland acute
care hospitals are not paid under the
IPPS or OPPS, but rather are paid using
a global budget methodology that
establishes pricing of medical services
provided by hospitals, primary care
doctors, and specialists across all
payers. Therefore, we are also proposing
that payments to Maryland acute care
hospitals would be excluded in the
pricing calculations as described in
section X.A.3.d. of the preamble of this
proposed rule. We seek comment on
this proposal and whether there are
potential approaches for including
Maryland acute care hospitals as TEAM
participants. In addition, we seek
comment on whether Maryland
hospitals should be TEAM participants
in the future.
We also recognize that the Maryland
TCOC Model may not be the only CMS
model or initiative that may use hospital
global budgets as part of their
alternative payment models. The States
Advancing All-Payer Health Equity
Approaches and Development (AHEAD)
Model is a State-based voluntary TCOC
model that will incorporate hospital
global budgets. There are several cohorts
in which states may participate, and we
expect that the AHEAD Model
implementation period would overlap
with the performance years of TEAM.
Given that CMS envisions that up to
eight states would participate in the
AHEAD Model, unlike the Maryland
TCOC Model, we are hesitant to propose
excluding hospitals that participate in
the AHEAD Model from being TEAM
participants because it may reduce the
volume of beneficiaries that may benefit
from episodic, acute coordinated care.
We are also aware that allowing overlap
may introduce model complexities with
respect to constructing TEAM prices or
the AHEAD global budgets and
statewide total cost of care calculations.
However, there may be other
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opportunities, such as sharing of TEAMstyle summary episode data (not
beneficiary-identifiable) with AHEAD
hospitals, to support episodes without
allowing hospitals participating in the
AHEAD Model to participate in TEAM
as TEAM participants. Thus, we are
unsure if we should allow AHEAD
hospitals located in areas selected for
TEAM participation to participate in
TEAM as TEAM participants. We seek
comment on whether there may be
potential approaches for including
hospitals participating in the AHEAD
Model in TEAM as TEAM participants,
or other approaches that may not result
in participation in both models but
support the integration of episodes and
hospital global budgets. We gather that
the AHEAD Model would be voluntary
for participating states and hospitals
within those states, and as such, we also
seek comment on whether hospitals
located in AHEAD states should be
required to participate in TEAM as
TEAM participants if they either do not
participate in in the AHEAD Model or
if they terminate their participation in
the AHEAD Model (or CMS terminates
them) before the AHEAD Model ends.
Since TEAM is built from lessons
learned from previous episode-based
payment models, including the BPCI
Advanced model, we considered
including PGPs in the definition of
TEAM participant in the future. We
recognize that PGPs demonstrated some
successes in the BPCI Advanced model,
most specifically that BPCI Advanced
PGPs reduced average episode payments
by $2,157 for surgical episodes in Model
Year 3 (2020) and reduced unplanned
hospital readmissions for surgical
episodes in Model Years 1&2 (October
2018–December 2019).583 584 Despite
these favorable findings, we have
concerns about requiring PGPs, who are
generally smaller entities and care for a
lower volume of Medicare beneficiaries,
to participate in an Advanced APM
such as TEAM given the more than
nominal financial risk standard required
of Advanced APMs set forth in 42 CFR
414.1415I. While BPCI Advanced is an
Advanced APM, participation is
voluntary, and PGPs have the autonomy
to determine if they have the
infrastructure and resources to take on
583 CMS Bundled Payments for Care Improvement
Advanced Model: Third Evaluation Report. (2022).
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Retrieved November 28, 2023, from https://
584 CMS Bundled Payments for Care Improvement
Advanced Model: Year 2 Evaluation Report. (2021).
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Retrieved November 28, 2023, from https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
the level of financial risk to participate
in the model and determine if they have
sufficient episode volume to create
systematic care redesign efficiencies.
Further, most eligible clinicians in the
BPCI Advanced model do not meet
Qualifying APM Participant
determinations in the model due to not
meeting the required thresholds for
Medicare Part B payments or Medicare
beneficiaries, suggesting that acute carebased episodes may not sufficiently
capture the full panel of patients a PGP
manages. We believe there are other
meaningful opportunities for PGPs to
engage in TEAM, specifically through
financial arrangements with TEAM
participants, or through other CMS
value-based care initiatives, including
future PGP-specific opportunities under
development through the CMS
Innovation Center specialty care
strategy. For these reasons, we are not
proposing PGPs to be included in the
definition of TEAM participant in
TEAM at this time. However, we seek
comment on whether we should include
PGPs in the definition of TEAM
participant through future rulemaking,
or if there are other ways, beyond
financial arrangements, that we can
incorporate PGPs to promote
collaboration between TEAM
participants and other providers who
may care for a TEAM beneficiary over
the course of the episode.
We seek comment on our proposal to
exclude hospitals located in Maryland
from TEAM participation, and how to
address hospitals that would participate
in the AHEAD model. We also seek
comment on including PGPs in the
definition of TEAM participant.
(c) Proposed Mandatory Participation
We are proposing to require hospitals
located in selected geographic areas, as
described in section X.A.3.a.(4) of the
preamble of this proposed rule, that
meet the proposed TEAM participant
definition to participate in TEAM. Such
hospitals would be required to
participate in the Model even if they
have not had previous episode-based
payment model or value-based care
experience. Shifting hospitals away
from the traditional Medicare FFS
payment system to value-based care
may require significant time, effort, and
resources to build infrastructure and
establish care redesign processes.585 We
intend to provide sufficient time for
potential TEAM participants to prepare
for model implementation, which is
585 Erikson, C., Pittman, P., LaFrance, A., &
Chapman, S. (2017). Alternative payment models
lead to strategic care coordination workforce
investments. Nursing Outlook, 65(6), 737–745.
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why we are proposing TEAM at least 18
months before the proposed model start
date. However, we acknowledge that
time alone may not be adequate to
prepare TEAM participants for model
participation, especially those with
limited or no value-based care
experience. We seek comment on
whether 1 year would be a sufficient
amount of time for hospitals required to
participate in TEAM to prepare for
TEAM participation or whether a longer
timeframe (for example, 18 months) or
shorter timeframe (for example, 6
months) would be sufficient time for
hospitals to prepare to become TEAM
participants, effective on the model start
We alternatively considered making
participation in TEAM voluntary.
However, we would be concerned that
a fully voluntary model would not lead
to meaningful evaluation findings
especially since the CMS Innovation
Center has tested voluntary episodebased payment models for over a
decade. We recognize that a mandatory
model test limits the selection of
participants to only those captured
within the selected geographic areas.
We also recognize there may be
participants of previous or current
models that wish to continue their care
redesign efforts, further care
transformation, and maintain
efficiencies to avoid reliance on the
volume-based FFS payment system. We
considered allowing hospitals that have
previously participated (or are currently
participating) in a Medicare episodebased payment model to voluntarily
opt-into TEAM to increase the footprint
of the model and allow those entities to
maintain their momentum in valuebased care. However, we recognize
several challenges with including a
voluntary opt-in for a model such as
TEAM. First, allowing an opt-in may
limit the ability of the model to achieve
Medicare savings, given that opt-in
participants may self-select into the
model based on their belief that they
would benefit financially. Second, an
opt-in may compromise the rigor of our
evaluation of TEAM, because it could
limit the number of hospitals available
for our comparison group and our
ability to detect generalizable evaluation
results, due to participant self-selection
into the model. Finally, we note that we
have been testing the five episode
categories that we have proposed to
include in TEAM, as described in
section X.A.3.b. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, on a voluntary basis via
BPCI Advanced and the BPCI Initiative,
so we have a significant amount of data
on the performance of those episode
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categories in a voluntary structure
For these reasons, we are not
proposing a voluntary opt-in
participation arm to TEAM. However,
for the reasons discussed below, we are
considering and seek comment
regarding a voluntary opt-in
participation arm in the proposed
TEAM. Specifically, we are considering
limiting voluntary opt-in participation
to TEAM for hospitals that currently
participate in the BPCI Advanced or the
CJR model, that are not located in an
area mandated for TEAM participation,
and continue to participate until
completion, of the model in which they
are currently participating.586 For those
hospitals that meet this criteria and that
would want to voluntarily opt into
TEAM participation, we would require
those hospitals to participate in all
TEAM episode categories for the full
five-year model performance period and
they would not be permitted to
voluntarily terminate model
participation. The TEAM voluntary optin would be a one-time opportunity to
join TEAM participation and those
hospitals would need to complete and
submit an application to CMS in a form
and manner and by a date specified by
CMS, prior to the first performance year
of TEAM. Further, hospitals that submit
an application would need to undergo
and pass at minimum multiple levels of
program integrity and law enforcement
screening. Hospitals that pass screening
would be offered a participation
agreement from CMS to participate in
TEAM, which would at minimum
subject them to all the same terms,
conditions and requirements of those
hospitals mandated to participate in
TEAM. Lastly, hospitals offered a
participation agreement to voluntarily
opt into TEAM would be required to
submit and execute a participation
agreement with CMS in a manner and
form, and by a date specified by CMS
prior to the model start date.
We believe that offering this potential
voluntary opt-in consideration would
allow those hospitals that have made
significant investments in care redesign
and episode management to further
their efforts to improve beneficiary
quality of care and reduce Medicare
spending. We recognize the pool of
hospitals that could potentially apply
for voluntary opt-in participation may
be narrow. However, we believe
extending the voluntary opt-in
opportunity to hospitals that terminated
586 Current BPCI Advanced hospitals would need
to participate in BPCI Advanced until December 31,
2025 and current CJR participant hospitals would
need to participate in the CJR model until December
31, 2024.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
BPCI Advanced or CJR model
participation or to hospitals not
mandated to participate in TEAM would
jeopardize the model’s ability to have a
robust evaluation. This is because we
would want to ensure we have a
sufficient comparison group of hospitals
not participating in TEAM to produce
generalizable findings. As previously
indicated, we are not proposing a
voluntary opt-in participation arm to
TEAM; however, we are considering
and seek comment regarding a voluntary
opt-in participation arm in the proposed
TEAM. Lastly, we seek comment on our
proposal for hospitals located in
selected geographic areas that meet the
proposed TEAM participant definition
to participate in TEAM.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(d) Financial Accountability of a TEAM
As we did with the CJR model, we
continue to believe it is most
appropriate to identify a single entity to
bear financial accountability for making
repayment if quality and spending
performance metrics are not met to CMS
under the model after reconciliation has
been performed. Consistent with the CJR
model, we propose to make TEAM
participants financially accountable for
the episode for the following reasons:
• We believe hospitals would play a
central role in coordinating episoderelated care and ensuring smooth
transitions for beneficiaries undergoing
services related to episodes. A large
portion of a beneficiary’s recovery
trajectory from an episode would begin
during the hospital inpatient stay or
procedure performed in the hospital
outpatient department.
• Most hospitals already have some
infrastructure related to health
information technology, patient and
family education, and care management
and discharge planning. This
infrastructure includes post-acute care
coordination infrastructure and
resources such as case managers, which
hospitals can build upon to achieve
efficiencies under TEAM.
• We are proposing that episodes in
TEAM begin with an acute care hospital
stay or hospital outpatient department
procedure visit. Some episodes may be
preceded by an emergency room visit
and possible transfer from another
hospital’s emergency room, or followed
by PAC. However, we do not believe it
would be appropriate to hold a PAC
provider or a hospital other than the
TEAM participant where the inpatient
stay or initial hospital outpatient
procedure that initiated the episode
happened fully financially accountable
for an episode under this model.
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Episodes in TEAM may be associated
with multiple hospitalizations through
readmissions or transfers. When more
than one hospitalization occurs during a
single episode, we propose to hold the
TEAM participant to which the episode
is initiated, as described in section
X.A.3.b.(5)(c) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, financially accountable
for the episode nonetheless. We
recognize that, particularly where the
hospital admission may be preceded by
an emergency room visit and
subsequent transfer to a tertiary or other
regional hospital facility, patients often
wish to return home to their local area
for post-acute care. Many hospitals have
recently heightened their focus on
aligning their efforts with those of
community providers, both those in the
immediate area as well as more outlying
areas from which they receive transfers
and referrals, to provide an improved
continuum of care. In many cases, this
heightened focus on alignment is due to
the incentives under other CMS models
and programs, including ACO initiatives
such as the Shared Savings Program or
the Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program (HRRP). By focusing on the
TEAM participant as the accountable or
financially responsible entity, we hope
to continue to encourage this
coordination across providers and seek
comment on ways we can best
encourage these relationships within the
scope of TEAM.
We seek comment on our proposal to
require TEAM participants to be
financially accountable for episodes in
(i) Financial Accountability
We recognize in the proposed TEAM
that a beneficiary in an episode may
receive care from multiple providers
and suppliers, and not just from the
TEAM participant where the episode
was initiated. We considered allowing
providers or suppliers, other than the
TEAM participant, to bear financial
accountability for episodes given their
involvement in a TEAM beneficiary’s
care. Specifically, we considered
splitting financial accountability
between the TEAM participant and
other providers and suppliers that
provide items and services to the TEAM
beneficiary. For example, we considered
the TEAM participant being financially
accountable for a majority of the episode
spending, such as all Medicare Part A
spending, and other suppliers, such as
PGPs, being accountable for a portion
episode spending related to Medicare
Part B spending. However, we have
concerns about how to accurately
determine a reasonable sharing
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methodology that reflects the portion of
spending either the TEAM participant
or the PGP should be financially
accountable for. Further, we have
concerns about requiring PGPs to be
financially accountable given practices
can vary by size and resources. As
previously noted, the BPCI Advanced
model includes PGPs, and the physician
groups electing to participate in BPCI
Advanced have done so because their
practice structure supports care redesign
and other infrastructure necessary to
bear financial accountability for
episodes. However, these physician
groups are not necessarily
representative of the typical group
practice. The infrastructure necessary to
accept financial accountability for
episodes is not present across all PGPs,
and thus we do not believe it would be
appropriate to designate PGPs to bear a
portion of the financial accountability
for episodes under the proposed TEAM.
Further, shared financial accountability
would require more than hospitals being
TEAM participants and introduces
model complexity. We seek comment on
approaches to splitting financial
accountability when multiple providers
care for a single beneficiary in an
While we propose that the TEAM
participant be financially responsible
for the episode, we also believe that
effective care redesign requires
meaningful collaboration among acute
care hospitals, PAC providers,
physicians, and other providers and
suppliers within communities to
achieve the highest value care for
Medicare beneficiaries. We believe it
may be essential for key providers and
suppliers to be aligned and engaged,
financially and otherwise, with the
TEAM participants, with the potential
to share financial accountability for an
episode with those TEAM participants.
We note that all relationships between
and among TEAM participants and
other providers and suppliers would
still need to comply with all relevant
laws and regulations, including the
fraud and abuse laws and all Medicare
payment and coverage requirements
unless otherwise specified further in
this section and in section X.A.3.g of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
Depending on a TEAM participant’s
current degree of clinical integration,
new and different contractual
relationships among hospitals and other
health care providers may be important,
although not necessarily required, for
TEAM success in a community. We
acknowledge that there may need to be
incentives for other providers and
suppliers to partner with TEAM
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
participants and develop strategies to
improve episode efficiency.
We acknowledge the important role
that conveners play in the BPCI
Advanced model with regard to
providing financial responsibility and
infrastructure support to hospitals and
PGPs participation in BPCI Advanced.
The convener relationship (where
another entity assumes financial
responsibility) may take numerous
forms, including contractual (such as a
separate for-profit company that agrees
to take on a hospital or PGP’s financial
risk in the hopes of achieving financial
gain through better management of the
episodes) and through ownership (such
as when risk is borne at a corporate
level within a hospital chain). We
considered allowing convener entities,
like those recognized in the BPCI
Advanced model, to have formal roles
in TEAM. At peak BPCI Advanced
participation, over 70%, or 1,439, of the
hospitals and PGPs in Model Year 3
(2020) participated as downstream
episode initiators under one of the 92
convener participants.587 While the
majority of BPCI Advanced hospitals
and PGPs participated under a convener
participant, some hospitals and PGPs
found the participation relationship
with a convener challenging.
Specifically, some hospitals and PGPs
felt removed from participation
decisions since they were not party to
the participation agreement between
CMS and the convener participant.
Additionally, convener participants that
are not Medicare providers or suppliers
may need financial guarantees that can
impose significant upfront financial
investment for participation and be
administratively burdensome for CMS
and the participant. We are not
proposing to require convener entities
in this model and we do not intend to
identify or require any Medicareenrolled providers or suppliers (or
providers and suppliers that are not
enrolled in Medicare) to be convener
entities in TEAM, in light of the
experiences and resources that would be
needed to ‘‘convene’’ over one or more
TEAM participants. As with the CJR
model, we do not intend to restrict the
ability of TEAM participants to enter
into administrative or risk sharing
arrangements related to TEAM with
entities that may provide similar
support as a convener, except to the
extent that such arrangements are
already restricted or prohibited by
587 CMS Bundled Payments for Care Improvement
Advanced Model: Year 2 Evaluation Report. (2021).
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
Retrieved November 28, 2023, from https://
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existing law. We are also not proposing
to require TEAM participants to partner
with convener entities and we are not
proposing to require any entities,
providers, or suppliers to serve as
conveners for purposes of TEAM. We
refer readers to section X.A.3.g. of the
preamble of this proposed rule for
further discussion of model design
elements that may outline financial
arrangements between TEAM
participants and other providers and
We seek comment on approaches to
splitting financial accountability when
multiple providers or suppliers care for
a single beneficiary in an episode.
(3) TEAM Participation Tracks
One way to help providers and
suppliers gain experience in alternative
payment models is through model
participation tracks where the levels of
risk and reward are reduced while the
participants establish and hone their
care redesign processes. Stakeholders
have urged CMS to offer a glide path in
its models, most recently in the
Episode-based Payment Model RFI (88
FR 45872), to smooth the transition to
risk. Such a glide path could provide
more time for participants to gain
experience with two-sided financial risk
by phasing-in risk rather than requiring
full-risk participation at the start of the
model. Previous and current CMS
models and programs have
implemented this approach, including
the recently announced Making Care
Primary Model, which offers a
progressive three-track approach that
increases participants’ accountability,
and the Medicare Shared Savings
Program, which offers an incremental
glide path for ACOs to transition to
higher levels of potential risk and
reward. We note that these models and
programs have longer durations than the
model duration that we are proposing in
TEAM, which makes it easier to offer a
gradual transition to two-sided financial
risk or higher levels of risk and reward.
However, in light of our proposal to
make TEAM a five-year model test, we
believe that TEAM participants would
still benefit from the opportunity to ease
into two-sided financial risk
participation as they develop
We are proposing that there will be
three tracks in TEAM, each with
differing financial risk and quality
performance adjustments. Track 1
would be available only in PY 1 for all
TEAM participants and would have
only upside financial risk with quality
adjustment applied to positive
reconciliation amounts. Track 2 would
be available in PYs 2 through 5 to a
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limited set of TEAM participants,
including safety net hospitals, and
would have two-sided financial risk
with quality adjustment to
reconciliation amounts. Lastly, Track 3
would be available in PYs 1 through 5
for all TEAM Participants and would
have two-sided financial risk with
quality adjustment to reconciliation
We are proposing a one-year glide
path to two-sided risk for TEAM
participants in an effort to ensure that
TEAM participants have time to prepare
for two-sided financial risk. We are
proposing to allow all TEAM
participants to select between one of
two tracks for the first performance year
of TEAM. For PY 1, a TEAM participant
may elect to participate in either Track
1 or Track 3. For PY 1, Track 1 would
have upside-only financial risk
provided through reconciliation
payments, subject to a 10% stop-gain
limit and a Composite Quality Score
(CQS) adjustment percentage of up to
10%, as described in sections
X.A.3.d.(5)(h) and X.A.3.d.(5)(g) of the
preamble of this proposed rule, that
would allow TEAM participants to be
rewarded for their work to improve
quality and cost outcomes for their
episodes, but not be held financially
accountable if spending exceeds the
reconciliation target price. We believe
the 10% stop-gain limit and a CQS
adjustment percentage of up to 10% for
Track 1 are appropriate and would
allow TEAM participants to be
rewarded for spending and quality
performance while easing into financial
risk. We propose that Track 3 would
have two-sided financial risk in the
form of reconciliation payments or
repayment amounts, subject to 20%
stop-gain and stop-loss limits and a CQS
adjustment percentage of up to 10%, as
described in sections X.A.3.d.(5)(h) and
X.A.3.d.(5)(g) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, that would allow TEAM
participants to have higher levels of
reward and risk based on their quality
and cost performance for their episodes.
We are proposing to only allow TEAM
participants to participate in Track 1 for
one performance year, specifically PY 1.
We are proposing a five-year model test,
and we do not believe that making
Track 1 available for more than one
performance year would motivate
TEAM participants to improve quality
or spending performance since there
would be no financial accountability
when spending reductions are not
We believe a one-year glide path is an
appropriate length of time for a five-year
model test that aims to improve patient
quality of care and reduce Medicare
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
spending. We considered limiting
eligibility for Track 1 during PY 1 to
TEAM participants that have not
previously participated in a Medicare
episode-based payment model, but
given that TEAM would be a mandatory
model, we believe prior experience does
not guarantee successful participation,
and that it is important for TEAM
participants to consider their own
unique organizational position and
characteristics when determining their
desired track selection for PY 1. We seek
comment on this proposal and whether
there are alternative potential
approaches for constructing a glide path
in TEAM.
We are also proposing that TEAM
participants would be required to notify
CMS of their track selection prior to the
start of PY 1, in a form and manner and
by a date specified by CMS. TEAM
participants who fail to timely notify
CMS would be automatically assigned
to Track 1 for PY 1. We seek comment
on the proposal to require TEAM
participants to notify CMS of their track
selection and to automatically assign
TEAM participants to Track 1 if they fail
to timely notify CMS of their desired
track selection.
The proposed glide path opportunity
is limited to one year. We propose that
TEAM participants who elected to
participate in Track 1 for PY 1 would
automatically be assigned to Track 3 for
PY 2 and would remain in Track 3 for
the remainder of the model (PYs 2
through 5). We recognize that offering
different participation tracks in TEAM
presents an opportunity to provide
flexibilities to TEAM participants that
may care for a greater proportion of
underserved beneficiaries and TEAM
participants that lack the financial
reserves to invest in value-based care,
including safety net, rural, and other
hospital providers. Research has
identified APM participation challenges
for these types of providers, such as a
lack of capital to finance the upfront
costs of transitioning to an APM,
including purchasing electronic health
record technology, and challenges
acquiring or conducting data analysis
necessary for participation.588 CMS has
taken significant steps to address and
improve health equity in value-based
care models and programs, including
health equity adjustments to the
Hospital Value-Based Purchasing
Program (88 FR 58640) and the
588 Medicare Information on the Transition to
Alternative Payment Models by Providers in Rural,
Health Professional Shortage, or Underserved
Areas: Report to Congressional Committees. (2021).
United States Government Accountability Office.
Retrieved December 1, 2023, from https://
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Medicare Shared Savings Program (87
FR 69404).
We are proposing to require different
types of hospitals to participate in
TEAM, and we believe that certain
TEAM participants may benefit from a
participation option that has limited
two-sided financial risk so that their
beneficiaries may receive high quality,
coordinated care without imposing
significant financial pressure. Therefore,
we propose that rather than
automatically being assigned to Track 3
beginning in PY 2, certain TEAM
participants could elect to participate in
Track 2 beginning in PY 2 and stay in
Track 2 for the remainder of the model
(PYs 2 through 5). As further described
in sections X.A.3.d.(5)(h) and
X.A.3.d.(5)(g) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we propose that Track 2
would have two-sided financial risk in
the form of reconciliation payments and
repayment amounts, subject to 10%
stop-gain and stop-loss limits, a CQS
adjustment percentage of up to 10% for
positive reconciliation amounts, and a
CQS adjustment percentage of up to
15% for negative reconciliation
amounts. We believe the CQS
adjustment percentage of up to 15% for
negative reconciliation amounts, is
appropriate for Track 2 because it
further limits a TEAM participant’s
financial risk given that a higher CQS
adjustment percentage for negative
reconciliation amounts results in a
lower repayment amount. These
proposed payments and payment
adjustments would allow TEAM
participants to receive reconciliation
payment amounts or owe repayment
amounts based on their quality and cost
performance for their episodes.
We propose that only the following
types of TEAM participants would be
eligible to participate in Track 2 for PYs
2 through 5:
• Hospitals that are safety net
hospitals, as further described in section
X.A.3.f.(2) of the preamble of this
proposed rule. For purposes of TEAM,
we propose that a TEAM participant
must meet at least one of the following
criteria in order to be considered a
safety net hospital:
++ Exceeds the 75th percentile of the
proportion of Medicare beneficiaries
considered dually eligible for Medicare
and Medicaid across all PPS acute care
hospitals in the baseline period (as
described in section X.A.3.d.(3)(a)).
++ Exceeds the 75th percentile of the
proportion of Medicare beneficiaries
partially or fully eligible to receive Part
D low-income subsidies across all PPS
acute care hospitals in the baseline
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• Hospitals that are rural hospitals, as
further described in section X.A.3.f.(3)
of the preamble of this proposed rule.
For purposes of TEAM, we propose that
a TEAM participant must meet at least
one of the following criteria in order to
be considered a rural hospital:
++ Is located in a rural area as defined
under § 412.64.
++ Is located in a rural census tract
defined under § 412.103(a)(1).
++ Has reclassified as a rural hospital
under § 412.103.
++ Is a rural referral center (RRC),
which has the same meaning given this
term under § 412.96.
• Hospitals that are Medicare
dependent hospitals (MDH) as defined
under 42 CFR 412.108.
• Hospitals that are sole community
hospitals (SCHs) as defined under 42
CFR 412.92.
• Hospitals that are essential access
community hospitals as defined under
42 CFR 412.109.
We believe that allowing TEAM
participants that meet the safety net
hospital or rural hospital criteria, as
well as those that are Medicare
dependent hospitals, sole community
hospitals, or essential access community
hospitals to participate in Track 2
during PYs 2 through 5 would provide
an opportunity for these hospitals to
develop capabilities to deliver valuebased care and would avoid the
financial pressures of a two-sided
financial risk model that could make
their participation in TEAM untenable.
We propose that TEAM participants
that meet the Track 2 hospital criteria
described above would be required to
notify CMS on an annual basis prior to
the start of every performance year,
beginning for PY 2, of their desire to
participate in Track 2. We propose that
TEAM participants that meet the Track
2 hospital criteria could switch between
Track 2 and Track 3 on an annual basis.
Such TEAM participants would need to
notify CMS of their preference, in a form
and manner and by the date specified by
CMS. We propose that TEAM
participants would need to meet the
hospital criteria for Track 2
participation by the date CMS requires
notification of their preference. TEAM
participants who fail to timely notify
CMS or do not meet the Track 2 hospital
criteria would not be approved by CMS
to participate in Track 2 and would be
automatically by assigned to Track 3 for
the given performance year. We
recognize that allowing these specific
TEAM participants to self-select into
Track 2 for PYs 2 through 5 could create
challenges when evaluating the model,
such as the generalizability of
evaluation findings. We also recognize
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
that requiring these specific TEAM
participants to notify CMS every year
would permit them to switch tracks if
they no longer desire to be participate
in Track 2 or no longer meet the Track
2 hospital criteria. Therefore, we seek
comment on whether we should
prohibit TEAM participants from
switching tracks after PY2 or if there are
other options we should consider to
mitigate evaluation challenges.
We considered but are not proposing
allowing TEAM participants who meet
the safety net hospital criteria to remain
in Track 1 for all performance years so
that they would not be subject to
downside financial risk during their
participation in the model. Further, we
considered not allowing these TEAM
participants who meet the safety net
hospital criteria to switch between
tracks, meaning that they would have to
participate in Track 1 for all
performance years. However, we did not
want to limit a TEAM participant who
meets the safety net hospital criteria
from making their own decision about
whether to participate in a track with
downside financial risk. Further, we
believe that having downside risk by PY
2 for all TEAM participants would help
to drive care improvements and
establish care efficiencies that could
lead to better outcomes on cost and
quality of care. We seek comment on
whether we should consider allowing
TEAM participants who meet the safety
net hospital criteria to participate in
Track 1 for all performance years.
Table X.A.–01 summarizes the
proposed TEAM tracks.
PYs 2-5
Track 3
PYs 1-5
TEAM Participant Elil?ibility
All TEAM participants
TEAM participants that meet one of
following hospital criteria:
• Safety net hospital
• Rural hospital
• Medicare Dependent Hospital
• Sole Community Hospital
• Essential Access Community Hospital
All TEAM participants
We seek comment on the proposals
for the TEAM Participation Tracks at
§ 512.520. We also seek comment on the
proposal that TEAM participants who
meet the eligibility criteria for Track 2
may self-select into Track 2 and change
which track their track selection
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(4) Proposed Approach To Select TEAM
Participants and Statistical Power
Our proposed participant selection
methodology for TEAM is designed to
provide adequate statistical power for
evaluating and detecting changes in cost
and quality.
We are proposing that TEAM would
be an episode-based payment model
implemented at the hospital level that
captures all items and services
furnished to a beneficiary over a defined
period of time. We are proposing to test
five episode categories in TEAM, as
described in section X.A.3.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, focusing
on acute clinical procedures initiated in
the hospital inpatient and outpatient
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Financial Risk
• Upside risk only (10% stop-gain limit)
• CQS adjustment percentage of up to 10%
for positive reconciliation amounts
• Upside and downside risk (10% stopgain/stop-loss limits)
• CQS adjustment percentage of up to 10%
for positive reconciliation amounts and
CQS adjustment percentage ofup to 15%
for negative reconciliation amounts
• Upside and downside risk (20% stopgain/stop-loss limits)
• CQS adjustment percentage of up to 10%
for positive and negative reconciliation
settings. Specifically, TEAM is
proposing to test episodes that begin
with CABG, LEJR, major bowel
procedure, SHFFT, and spinal fusion.
We considered whether the model
should be limited to hospitals where a
high volume of the proposed five
episode categories are performed, which
would result in a more narrow test on
the effects of an episode-based payment
approach, or whether to include all
hospitals in particular geographic areas,
which would result in testing the effects
of an episode-based payment approach
more broadly across an accountable care
community seeking to coordinate care
longitudinally across settings. Selecting
only those hospitals where a high
volume of the proposed episode
categories are performed may result in
fewer hospitals being selected as TEAM
participants, but could still result in a
sufficient number of episodes to
evaluate the success of the model.
However, there would be more potential
for behaviors that could impact the
model test, such as patient shifting and
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steering between hospitals in a given
geographic area.
We propose to select geographic areas
and require all hospitals, as defined in
section X.A.3.a.(2).(b). of the preamble
of this proposed rule, in those selected
areas to participate in TEAM to help
minimize the risk of TEAM participants
shifting higher cost cases to hospitals
not participating in TEAM. We propose
that, instead of taking a simple random
sampling where all geographic areas
have the same chance for selection, we
would group these geographic areas
according to certain characteristics and
then randomly select geographic areas
from within those groups, also known as
strata, for model implementation. Such
a stratified random sampling method
based on geographic area would provide
several benefits. We expect that this
method would allow us to observe the
experiences of hospitals in geographic
areas with various characteristics, such
as variations in the number of hospitals,
average episode spending, number of
hospitals that serve a higher proportion
Track 1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
of historically underserved
beneficiaries, and differing experience
with previous CMS bundled payment
models. We could then examine
whether these characteristics impact the
effect of the model on patient outcomes
and Medicare expenditures within
episodes of care. Using a stratified
random sampling based on geographic
area would also substantially reduce the
extent to which the selected hospitals
would differ from other hospitals on the
characteristics used for stratification,
compared to a simple random sample.
Simple randomization may ensure
similarity between the selected
hospitals and hospitals that are not
selected, but simple randomization can
also lead to differences if enough units
are drawn in a group-randomized design
where the number of available groups is
relatively small,. Finally, using a
stratified random sampling of
geographic areas would improve the
statistical power of the subsequent
model evaluation improve our ability to
reach conclusions about the model’s
effects on episode spending and the
quality of patient care. Section
1115A(a)(5) of the Act allows the
Secretary to limit the testing of a model
to certain geographic areas, and we
propose for the reasons stated above to
use a stratified random sampling
method to select geographic areas and
require all hospitals within those
selected geographic areas to participate
in TEAM.
(a) Overview and Options for
Geographic Area Selection
We considered using a stratified
random sampling methodology to select
the following geographic areas: (1)
certain counties based on their CBSAs,
(2) certain ZIP codes based on their
Hospital Referral Regions (HRR) or (3)
certain states. We address each
geographic unit in turn.
We considered selecting certain
counties based on their CBSA. CBSA
includes a core area with a substantial
portion of the population in adjacent
communities having a high degree of
economic and social integration with
that core. A county is designated as part
of a CBSA when the county is
associated with at least one core
(urbanized area or urban cluster) with a
population of at least 10,000, with the
adjacent counties having a high degree
of social and economic integration with
the core as measured through
commuting ties with the other counties
associated with the core.
OMB Bulletin 23–01, issued on July
21, 2023, states that there are 935
CBSAs in the United States and Puerto
Rico. The 935 CBSAs include 393
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Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs),
which have an urban core population of
at least 50,000, and 542 Micropolitan
Statistical Areas (mSAs), which have an
urban core population of at least 10,000
but less than 50,000. CBSAs may be
further combined into a Combined
Statistical Area (CSA) which consists of
two or more adjacent CBSAs (including
MSAs, mSAs, or both) with substantial
employment interchange. Counties not
classified as a CBSA are typically
categorized and examined at a state
The choices for a geographical unit
based on CBSA include a CBSA, an
MSA, or a CSA. We propose to select
CBSAs in this model, which we will
discuss later in this section. We note
that CJR, a previous mandatory episodebased payment model, utilized MSAs as
the geographic unit. Under TEAM, we
are proposing to expand upon the CJR
model’s representation of geographic
units by also including smaller
geographic units, mSAs, in addition to
MSAs. We propose that counties and
other areas not located in a CBSA would
not be included in the TEAM selection
We considered, but ultimately
decided against, using CSAs instead of
CBSAs as the geographic unit of
selection. Under this scenario, we
would look at how OMB classifies
counties. We would first assess whether
a county has been identified as
belonging to a CSA, a unit which
consists of adjacent CBSAs. If the
county was not in a CSA, we would
determine if it was in a CBSA that is not
part of a larger CSA. Counties not
located in a CBSA would be excluded
from selection.
We considered a number of factors to
decide whether to select geographic
areas on the basis of CSAs and CBSAs
or just on CBSAs alone, including an
assessment of the anticipated degree to
which patients who have one of the
proposed episode categories would be
willing to travel for their initial
hospitalization, the extent to which
surgeons are expected to have admitting
privileges in multiple hospitals located
in different CBSAs, and statistical
power considerations related to the
number of independent geographic
units available for selection (there are
only 184 CSAs vs. 935 CBSAs). We also
considered the risk for patient shifting
and steering between CBSAs within a
CSA, and we believe that the
anticipated risk is not severe enough to
warrant selecting CSAs.
We next considered selecting hospital
referral regions (HRRs). HRRs represent
regional health care markets for tertiary
medical care. HRRs are defined by
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determining where the majority of
patients were referred for major
cardiovascular surgical procedures and
for neurosurgery. There are 306 HRRs
with at least one city where both major
cardiovascular surgical procedures and
neurosurgery are performed. HRRs may
not sufficiently reflect referral patterns
for the five episode categories we are
proposing to test in TEAM, as only one
of the five proposed episode categories
is cardiovascular (coronary artery
bypass graft surgery), and this episode
category has the smallest procedure
volume. Therefore, we believe that
CBSAs as a geographic unit are
preferable over HRRs for this model.
We also considered selecting states as
the geographic areas for TEAM.
However, we concluded that CBSAs as
a geographic unit are preferable over
states. Choosing states as the geographic
unit would require us to automatically
include hospitals in all rural areas
within the selected states. Using a unit
of selection smaller than a state would
allow for a more deliberate choice about
the extent of inclusion of rural or small
population areas. Selecting states rather
than CBSAs would also greatly reduce
the number of independent geographic
areas subject to selection under the
model, which would decrease the
statistical power of the model
evaluation. Finally, CBSAs straddle
state lines where providers and
Medicare beneficiaries can easily cross
these boundaries for health care.
Choosing states as the geographic unit
would potentially divide a hospital
market and set up a greater potential for
patient shifting and steering to different
hospitals under the model. CMS
decided that the CBSA-level analysis
was more analytically appropriate based
on the specifics of this model.
For the reasons previously discussed,
we propose to require all hospitals, as
defined in section X.A.3.a.(2).(b). of the
preamble of this proposed rule and in
proposed § 512.505, within a CBSA that
CMS selects through the stratified
random sampling methodology,
described in section X.A.3.a.(4).(d). of
the preamble of this proposed rule, to
participate in TEAM. Although CBSAs
are revised periodically, with additional
counties added to or removed from
certain CBSAs, we propose to use the
CBSA designations in OMB Bulletin 23–
01 issued on July 21, 2023 as the CBSA
designations for purposes of selecting
participants for this model, regardless of
whether such CBSA designations have
changed since July 21, 2023, or will
change at some point during the model
performance period. We believe that
this approach would best maintain the
consistency of the TEAM participants in
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the model, which is crucial for our
ability to evaluate the effects of the
model test on quality of care and
changes in Medicare spending.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(b) Exclusion of Certain CBSAs
We propose to exclude from the
stratified random sampling of
geographic areas any CBSAs that are
located entirely in the state of Maryland,
and certain CBSAs that straddle
Maryland and another state. If a CBSA:
(1) includes a portion of Maryland; and
(2) more than 50 percent of the episodes
that initiated at hospitals within that
CBSA between January 1, 2022 and June
30, 2023 for any of the five episode
categories proposed for testing in TEAM
did so at hospitals in Maryland, that
CBSA will also be excluded from
TEAM. We are proposing to exclude
these CBSAs from selection because the
state of Maryland is currently
participating in another Innovation
Center Model—the Maryland Total Cost
Of Care Model, as further described in
section X.A.3.a.(2).(b).(i). of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
We also propose to exclude CBSAs in
which no episodes were initiated at
hospitals for any of the five episode
categories proposed for testing in TEAM
between January 1, 2022 and June 30,
2023. We believe it will be highly
unlikely for these CBSAs to have data
available for evaluation after the model
starts. After applying these criteria, 803
CBSAs remain available for selection in
TEAM. We propose to use a stratified
random sampling method as described
below to select approximately 25
percent of eligible CBSAs in TEAM
following the process we describe in the
next two sections. We are providing the
proposed list of CBSAs eligible for
selection in TEAM in Table X.A.–02.589
589 This list was generated using the criteria and
methods that are being proposed, and is subject to
change if different criteria and methods end up
being finalized.
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
Aberdeen, SD
TEAM Sample Stratum
Aberdeen, WA
Abilene, TX
Ada, OK
Adrian, Ml
Aguadilla, PR
Akron, OH
Alamogordo, NM
Alamosa, CO
Albany, GA
Albany, OR
Albany-Schenectady-Troy, NY
Albemarle, NC
Albert Lea, MN
Albertville, AL
Albuquerque, NM
Alexander City, AL
Alexandria, LA
Alexandria, MN
Alice, TX
Allentown-Bethlehem-Easton, PA-NJ
Alpena, Ml
Altoona, PA
Altus, OK
Amarillo, TX
Americus, GA
Ames, IA
Amherst Town-Northampton, MA
Amsterdam, NY
Anchorage, AK
Anderson Creek, NC
Ann Arbor, Ml
Anniston-Oxford, AL
Appleton, WI
Arcadia, FL
Ardmore, OK
Arecibo, PR
Arkansas City-Winfield, KS
Asheville, NC
Ashland, OH
Athens, OH
Athens, TN
Athens, TX
Athens-Clarke County, GA
Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell, GA
Atlantic City-Hammonton, NJ
Auburn, IN
Auburn, NY
Auburn-Opelika, AL
Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC
Augusta-Waterville, ME
Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos, TX
Bainbridge, GA
Bakersfield-Delano, CA
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
TEAM Sample Stratum
Bangor, ME
Baraboo, WI
Barnstable Town, MA
Barre, VT
Bartlesville, OK
Batavia, NY
Batesville, AR
Baton Rouge, LA
Battle Creek, Ml
Bay City, Ml
Bay City, TX
Beaumont-Port Arthur, TX
Beaver Dam, WI
Beckley, WV
Beeville, TX
Bellefontaine, OH
Bellingham, WA
Bemidji, MN
Bend, OR
Bennington, VT
Big Rapids, Ml
Big Spring, TX
Billings, MT
Binghamton, NY
Birmingham, AL
Bismarck, ND
Blackfoot, ID
Blacksburg-Christiansburg-Radford, VA
Bogalusa, LA
Boise City, ID
Boone, NC
Boston-Cambridge-Newton, MA-NH
Boulder, CO
Bowling Green, KY
Bozeman, MT
Bradford, PA
Brainerd, MN
Bloomington, IL
Bloomington, IN
Bloomsburg-Berwick, PA
Bluefield, WV-VA
Blytheville, AR
Branson, MO
Brattleboro, VT
Breckenridge, CO
Bremerton-Silverdale-Port Orchard, WA
Bridgeport-Stamford-Danbury, CT
Brigham City, UT-ID
Brookhaven, MS
Brookings, SD
Brownsville-Harlingen, TX
Brownwood, TX
Brunswick-St. Simons, GA
Buffalo-Cheektowaga, NY
Burlington, IA-IL
Burlington, NC
Burlington-South Burlington, VT
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
Butte-Silver Bow, MT
Cadillac, Ml
Calhoun, GA
Cambridge, OH
TEAM Sample Stratum
Campbellsville, KY
Canton, IL
Canton-Massillon, OH
Cape Coral-Fort Myers, FL
Cape Girardeau, MO-IL
Carbondale, IL
Carlsbad-Artesia, NM
Carroll, IA
Carson City, NV
Casper, WY
Cedar City, UT
Cedar Rapids, IA
Celina, OH
Centralia, IL
Centralia, WA
Chambersburg, PA
Champaign-Urbana, IL
Charleston, WV
Charleston-Mattoon, IL
Charleston-North Charleston, SC
Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia, NC-SC
Charlottesville, VA
Chattanooga, TN-GA
Chicago-Naperville-Elgin, IL-IN
Chico, CA
Chillicothe, OH
Cincinnati, OH-KY-IN
Clarksburg, WV
Clarksdale, MS
Clarksville, TN-KY
Cleveland, MS
Cleveland, OH
Cleveland, TN
Clinton, IA
Clovis, NM
Coeur d'Alene, ID
Coldwater, Ml
College Station-Bryan, TX
Colorado Springs, CO
Columbia, MO
Columbia, SC
Columbus, GA-AL
Columbus, IN
Columbus, MS
Columbus, NE
Columbus, OH
Concord, NH
Cookeville, TN
Coos Bay-North Bend, OR
Corbin, KY
Cordele, GA
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
TEAM Sample Stratum
Corinth, MS
Cornelia, GA
Corning, NY
Corpus Christi, TX
Corsicana, TX
Cortland, NY
Corvallis, OR
Coshocton, OH
Crawfordsville, IN
Crescent City, CA
Crestview-Fort Walton Beach-Destin, FL
Crossville, TN
Cullman, AL
Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington, TX
Dalton, GA
Danville, IL
Danville, KY
Danville, VA
Daphne-Fairhope-Foley, AL
Davenport-Moline-Rock Island, IA-IL
Dayton-Kettering-Beavercreek, OH
Decatur, AL
Decatur, IL
Defiance, OH
Del Rio, TX
Deltona-Daytona Beach-Ormond Beach, FL
Denver-Aurora-Centennial, CO
DeRidder, LA
Des Moines-West Des Moines, IA
Detroit Lakes, MN
Detroit-Warren-Dearborn, Ml
Dixon, IL
Dodge City, KS
Dothan, AL
Douglas, GA
Dover, DE
Dublin, GA
DuBois, PA
Dubuque, IA
Duluth, MN-WI
Duncan, OK
Durango, CO
Durant, OK
Durham-Chapel Hill, NC
Dyersburg, TN
Eagle Pass, TX
East Stroudsburg, PA
Eau Claire, WI
Edwards, CO
Effingham, IL
El Centro, CA
El Dorado, AR
Elizabeth City, NC
Elizabethtown, KY
Elk City, OK
Elkhart-Goshen, IN
Elkins, WV
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
TEAM Sample Stratum
Elko, NV
Elmira, NY
Enid, OK
Enterprise, AL
Erie, PA
Espanola, NM
Eugene-Springfield, OR
Eureka-Arcata, CA
Evanston, WY-UT
Evansville, IN
Fairbanks-College, AK
Fairmont, MN
Fargo, ND-MN
Faribault-Northfield, MN
Farmington, MO
Farmington, NM
Fayetteville, NC
Fayetteville, TN
Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, AR
Fergus Falls, MN
Findlay, OH
Fitzgerald, GA
Flagstaff, AZ.
Flint, Ml
Florence, SC
Florence-Muscle Shoals, AL
Fond du Lac, WI
Forest City, NC
Forrest City, AR
Fort Collins-Loveland, CO
Fort Dodge, IA
Fort Morgan, CO
Fort Payne, AL
Fort Smith, AR-OK
Fort Wayne, IN
Frankfort, KY
Fredericksburg, TX
Freeport, IL
Fremont, NE
Fremont, OH
Fresno, CA
Gadsden, AL
Gaffney, SC
Gainesville, FL
Gainesville, GA
Gainesville, TX
Galesburg, IL
Gallipolis, OH
Gallup, NM
Garden City, KS
Gettysburg, PA
Gillette, WY
Glasgow, KY
Glens Falls, NY
Gloversville, NY
Goldsboro, NC
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
Granbury, TX
Grand Forks, ND-MN
Grand Island, NE
Grand Junction, CO
TEAM Sample Stratum
Grand Rapids, MN
Grand Rapids-Wyoming-Kentwood, Ml
Grants Pass, OR
Great Bend, KS
Great Falls, MT
Greeley, CO
Green Bay, WI
Greeneville, TN
Greenfield, MA
Greensboro-High Point, NC
Greenville, MS
Greenville, NC
Greenville, OH
Greenville-Anderson-Greer, SC
Greenwood, MS
Greenwood, SC
Grenada, MS
Gulfport-Biloxi, MS
Hammond, LA
Hanford-Corcoran, CA
Hannibal, MO
Harrisburg-Carlisle, PA
Harrison, AR
Harrisonburg, VA
Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT
Hastings, NE
Hattiesburg, MS
Hays, KS
Heber, UT
Helena, MT
Henderson, KY
Henderson, NC
Hilo-Kailua, HI
Hilton Head Island-Bluffton-Port Royal, SC
Hobbs, NM
Hermitage, PA
Hickory-Lenoir-Morganton, NC
Hillsdale, Ml
Homosassa Springs, FL
Hot Springs, AR
Houghton, Ml
Houma-Bayou Cane-Thibodaux, LA
Houston-Pasadena-The Woodlands, TX
Hudson, NY
Huntingdon, PA
Huntington, IN
Huntington-Ashland, WV-KY-OH
Huntsville, AL
Huntsville, TX
Hutchinson, KS
Hutchinson, MN
Idaho Falls, ID
Indiana, PA
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
Indianapolis-Carmel-Greenwood, IN
TEAM Sample Stratum
Iowa City, IA
Iron Mountain, Ml-WI
Ithaca, NY
Jackson, Ml
Jackson, MS
Jackson, TN
Jackson, WY-ID
Jacksonville, FL
Jacksonville, IL
Jacksonville, NC
Jacksonville, TX
Jamestown-Dunkirk, NY
Janesville-Beloit, WI
Jasper, IN
Jefferson City, MO
Jesup, GA
Johnson City, TN
Johnstown, PA
Jonesboro, AR
Joplin, MO-KS
Juneau, AK
Kahului-Wailuku, HI
Kalamazoo-Portage, Ml
Kalispell, MT
Kankakee, IL
Kansas City, MO-KS
Kapaa, HI
Kearney, NE
Keene, NH
Kerrville, TX
Key West-Key Largo, FL
Killeen-Temple, TX
Kingsland, GA
Kingsport-Bristol, TN-VA
Kingston, NY
Kendallville, IN
Kennewick-Richland, WA
Kenosha, WI
Kingsville, TX
Kinston, NC
Kirksville, MO
Kiryas Joel-Poughkeepsie-Newburgh, NY
Klamath Falls, OR
Knoxville, TN
Kokomo, IN
Laconia, NH
La Crosse-Onalaska, WI-MN
Lafayette, LA
Lafayette-West Lafayette, IN
LaGrange, GA-AL
Lake Charles, LA
Lake City, FL
Lake Havasu City-Kingman, AZ
Lakeland-Winter Haven, FL
Lancaster, PA
Lansing-East Lansing, Ml
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
TEAM Sample Stratum
Laramie, WY
Laredo, TX
Las Cruces, NM
Las Vegas, NM
Las Vegas-Henderson-North Las Vegas, NV
Laurel, MS
Laurinburg, NC
Lawrence, KS
Lawrenceburg, TN
Lawton, OK
Lebanon, MO
Lebanon, PA
Lebanon-Claremont, NH-VT
Lewisburg, PA
Lewiston, ID-WA
Lewiston-Auburn, ME
Lewistown, PA
Lexington-Fayette, KY
Liberal, KS
Lima, OH
Lincoln, NE
Little Rock-North Little Rock-Conway, AR
Logan, UT-ID
Logansport, IN
Longview, TX
Longview-Kelso, WA
Los Alamos, NM
Los Angeles-Long Beach-Anaheim, CA
Louisville/Jefferson County, KY-IN
Lubbock, TX
Ludington, Ml
Lufkin, TX
Lumberton, NC
Lynchburg, VA
Macomb, IL
Macon-Bibb County, GA
Madison, IN
Madison, WI
Madisonville, KY
Magnolia, AR
Manchester-Nashua, NH
Manhattan, KS
Manitowoc, WI
Mankato, MN
Mansfield, OH
Marietta, OH
Marinette, WI-Ml
Marion, IN
Marion, NC
Marion, OH
Marion-Herrin, IL
Marquette, Ml
Marshall, MO
Marshalltown, IA
Martin, TN
Maryville, MO
Mason City, IA
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
Massena-Ogdensburg, NY
TEAM Sample Stratum
Mayagiiez, PR
Mayfield, KY
McAlester, OK
McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, TX
McComb, MS
McMinnville, TN
McPherson, KS
Meadville, PA
Medford, OR
Memphis, TN-MS-AR
Merced, CA
Meridian, MS
Miami-Fort Lauderdale-West Palm Beach, FL
Michigan City-La Porte, IN
Middlesborough, KY
Midland, Ml
Midland, TX
Milledgeville, GA
Milwaukee-Waukesha, WI
Minden, LA
Mineral Wells, TX
Minneapolis-St. Paul-Bloomington, MN-WI
Minot, ND
Missoula, MT
Mitchell, SD
Moberly, MO
Modesto, CA
Monroe, LA
Monroe, Ml
Montgomery, AL
Monticello, NY
Montrose, CO
Morehead City, NC
Morgan City, LA
Morgantown, WV
Morristown, TN
Moses Lake, WA
Moultrie, GA
Mountain Home, AR
Mount Airy, NC
Mount Pleasant, Ml
Mount Pleasant, TX
Mount Sterling, KY
Mount Vernon, IL
Mount Vernon, OH
Mount Vernon-Anacortes, WA
Muncie, IN
Murray, KY
Murrells Inlet, SC
Muscatine, IA
Muskegon-Norton Shores, Ml
Muskogee, OK
Myrtle Beach-Conway-North Myrtle Beach, SC
Nacogdoches, TX
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
TEAM Sample Stratum
Napa, CA
Naples-Marco Island, FL
Nashville-Davidson--Murfreesboro-Franklin, TN
Natchez, MS-LA
Natchitoches, LA
New Bern, NC
Newberry, SC
New Castle, IN
New Haven, CT
New Iberia, LA
New Orleans-Metairie, LA
New Philadelphia-Dover, OH
Newport, TN
New York-Newark-Jersey City, NY-NJ
Norfolk, NE
North Platte, NE
North Port-Bradenton-Sarasota, FL
North Wilkesboro, NC
Norwalk, OH
Norwich-New London-Willimantic, CT
Ocala, FL
Odessa, TX
Ogden, UT
Oil City, PA
Okeechobee, FL
Oklahoma City, OK
Olean, NY
Olympia-Lacey-Tumwater, WA
Omaha, NE-IA
Oneonta, NY
Ontario, OR-ID
Opelousas, LA
Orangeburg, SC
Orlando-Kissimmee-Sanford, FL
Oshkosh-Neenah, WI
Ottawa, IL
Ottawa, KS
Ottumwa, IA
Owatonna, MN
Owensboro, KY
Owosso, Ml
Oxford, MS
Oxnard-Thousand Oaks-Ventura, CA
Ozark, AL
Paducah, KY-IL
Palatka, FL
Palestine, TX
Palm Bay-Melbourne-Titusville, FL
Pampa, TX
Panama City-Panama City Beach, FL
Paragould, AR
Paris, TN
Paris, TX
Parkersburg-Vienna, WV
Pensacola-Ferry Pass-Brent, FL
Peoria, IL
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
TEAM Sample Stratum
Petoskey, Ml
Philadelphia-Camden-Wilmington, PA-NJ-DE-MD
Phoenix-Mesa-Chandler, AZ.
Picayune, MS
Pierre, SD
Pikeville, KY
Pine Bluff, AR
Pinehurst-Southern Pines, NC
Pittsburg, KS
Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsfield, MA
Plainview, TX
Plattsburgh, NY
Plymouth, IN
Pocatello, ID
Ponca City, OK
Pontiac, IL
Poplar Bluff, MO
Port Angeles, WA
Portland-South Portland, ME
Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro, OR-WA
Port St. Lucie, FL
Portsmouth, OH
Pottsville, PA
Prescott Valley-Prescott, AZ
Price, UT
Providence-Warwick, RI-MA
Provo-Orem-Lehi, UT
Pueblo, CO
Punta Gorda, FL
Putnam, CT
Quincy, IL-MO
Racine-Mount Pleasant, WI
Raleigh-Cary, NC
Rapid City, SD
Reading, PA
Red Bluff, CA
Redding, CA
Red Wing, MN
Reno, NV
Rexburg, ID
Rice Lake, WI
Richmond, IN
Richmond, VA
Richmond-Berea, KY
Rifle, CO
Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA
Riverton, WY
Roanoke Rapids, NC
Rochester, MN
Rochester, NY
Rockford, IL
Rock Springs, WY
Rocky Mount, NC
Rolla, MO
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
Rome, GA
Roseburg, OR
Roswell, NM
Russellville, AL
TEAM Sample Stratum
Russellville, AR
Ruston, LA
Rutland, VT
Sacramento-Roseville-Folsom, CA
Saginaw, Ml
St. Cloud, MN
St. George, UT
St. Joseph, MO-KS
St. Louis, MO-IL
Salem, OH
Salem, OR
Salina, KS
Salinas, CA
Salt Lake City-Murray, UT
San Angelo, TX
San Antonio-New Braunfels, TX
San Diego-Chula Vista-Carlsbad, CA
Sandusky, OH
Sanford, NC
San Francisco-Oakland-Fremont, CA
San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA
San Juan-Bayam6n-Caguas, PR
San Luis Obispo-Paso Robles, CA
Santa Cruz-Watsonville, CA
Santa Fe, NM
Santa Maria-Santa Barbara, CA
Santa Rosa-Petaluma, CA
Sault Ste. Marie, Ml
Savannah, GA
Sayre, PA
Scottsbluff, NE
Scottsboro, AL
Scranton-Wilkes-Barre, PA
Seaford, DE
Searcy, AR
Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue, WA
Sebastian-Vero Beach-West Vero Corridor, FL
Sebring, FL
Sedalia, MO
Sevierville, TN
Seymour, IN
Shawnee, OK
Sheboygan, WI
Shelby-Kings Mountain, NC
Shelbyville, TN
Sheridan, WY
Sherman-Denison, TX
Show Low,AZ
Shreveport-Bossier City, LA
Sidney, OH
Sierra Vista-Douglas, AZ
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
Sioux City, IA-NE-SD
TEAM Sample Stratum
Sioux Falls, SD-MN
Slidell-Mandeville-Covington, LA
Somerset, KY
Somerset, PA
Sonora, CA
South Bend-Mishawaka, IN-Ml
Spartanburg, SC
Spearfish, SD
Spencer, IA
Spirit Lake, IA
Spokane-Spokane Valley, WA
Springfield, IL
Springfield, MA
Springfield, MO
Springfield, OH
Starkville, MS
State College, PA
Statesboro, GA
Staunton-Stuarts Draft, VA
Steamboat Springs, CO
Stephenville, TX
Sterling, CO
Sterling, IL
Stevens Point-Plover, WI
Stillwater, OK
Stockton-Lodi, CA
Sturgis, Ml
Sulphur Springs, TX
Summerville, GA
Sumter, SC
Sunbury, PA
Sweetwater, TX
Syracuse, NY
Tahlequah, OK
Talladega-Sylacauga, AL
Tallahassee, FL
Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater, FL
Terre Haute, IN
Texarkana, TX-AR
The Dalles, OR
Thomaston, GA
Thomasville, GA
Tiffin, OH
Tifton, GA
Toccoa, GA
Toledo, OH
Topeka, KS
Torrington, CT
Traverse City, Ml
Trenton-Princeton, NJ
Troy, AL
Truckee-Grass Valley, CA
Tucson, AZ
Tullahoma-Manchester, TN
Tulsa, OK
Tupelo, MS
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Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
TEAM Sample Stratum
Tuscaloosa, AL
Twin Falls, ID
Tyler, TX
Ukiah, CA
Union City, TN
Urban Honolulu, HI
Utica-Rome, NY
Valdosta, GA
Vallejo, CA
Van Wert,OH
Vernal, UT
Vernon, TX
Vicksburg, MS
Victoria, TX
Vincennes, IN
Vineland, NJ
Virginia Beach-Chesapeake-Norfolk, VA-NC
Visalia, CA
Waco, TX
Walla Walla, WA
Wapakoneta, OH
Warner Robins, GA
Warren, PA
Warrensburg, MO
Warsaw, IN
Washington, IN
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Waterloo-Cedar Falls, IA
Watertown, SD
Watertown-Fort Atkinson, WI
Watertown-Fort Drum, NY
Wausau, WI
Waycross, GA
Waynesville, NC
Weirton-Steubenville, WV-OH
Wenatchee-East Wenatchee, WA
West Plains, MO
Wheeling, WV-OH
Whitewater-Elkhorn, WI
Wichita, KS
Wichita Falls, TX
Wildwood-The Villages, FL
Williamsport, PA
Willmar, MN
Wilmington, NC
Wilmington, OH
Wilson, NC
Winchester, TN
Winchester, VA-WV
Winona, MN
Winston-Salem, NC
Wisconsin Rapids-Marshfield, WI
Woodward, OK
Wooster, OH
Worcester, MA
Worthington, MN
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Yakima, WA
Yankton, SD
York-Hanover, PA
Youngstown-Warren, OH
Yuba City, CA
Zanesville, OH
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(c) Selection Strata
We propose to stratify CBSAs into
groups based on average historical
episode spending, the number of
hospitals, the number of safety net
hospitals, and the CBSA’s exposure to
prior CMS bundled payment models.
Stratification enables certain groups
of interest to be represented at a higher
level, or oversampled, in the model test.
One of CMS’ policy objectives is to
extend the reach of value-based care to
more beneficiaries, including
beneficiaries from underserved
communities. Consistent with that
objective, CMS proposes to oversample
CBSAs that have limited previous
exposure to CMS’ bundled payment
models and CBSAs with a higher
number of safety net hospitals.
We considered stratifying eligible
CBSAs into mutually exclusive groups
corresponding to the 16 unique
combinations of ‘‘high’’ and ‘‘low’’
values for the following four CBSA-level
characteristics (based on the median
values across all CBSAs):
• Average spend for a broad set of
episode categories in the CBSA. There
are significant healthcare cost
differences across geographic regions.
One of the main objectives of TEAM is
to reduce episode spending, and the
proposed pricing methodology for
episodes is regional. Thus, it will be
important for the TEAM design to
account for the significant variation in
average episode spending across
geographic regions. We propose to use
the episode categories included in the
predecessor bundled payment model,
BPCI Advanced, initiated between
January 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023 to
determine the average spend for broad
set of episode categories for each CBSA.
The episode categories are: Acute
myocardial infarction; Cardiac
arrhythmia; Congestive heart failure;
Cardiac defibrillator; Cardiac valve;
Coronary artery bypass graft;
Endovascular cardiac valve
replacement; Pacemaker; Percutaneous
coronary intervention; Cardiac
defibrillator; Percutaneous coronary
intervention; Disorders of liver except
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TEAM Sample Stratum
Metropolitan or Micropolitan Statistical Area Title
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malignancy; cirrhosis or alcoholic
hepatitis; Gastrointestinal hemorrhage;
Gastrointestinal obstruction;
Inflammatory bowel disease; Bariatric
surgery; Major bowel procedure;
Cellulitis; Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease; bronchitis, asthma,
Renal failure; Sepsis; Simple
pneumonia and respiratory infections;
Urinary tract infection; Seizures; Stroke;
Double joint replacement of the lower
extremity; Fractures of the femur and
hip or pelvis; Hip & femur procedures
except major joint; Lower extremity and
humerus procedure except hip, foot,
femur; Major joint replacement of the
lower extremity; Major joint
replacement of the upper extremity;
Back & neck except spinal fusion;
Spinal fusion; Back & neck except
spinal fusion. 590
• Number of hospitals within the
CBSA. We are proposing to select
CBSAs for purposes of model
implementation, which include mSA
areas in addition to MSAs, meaning that
TEAM would be highly representative
of the United States and would include
many areas with only a single hospital
as well as areas with a high number of
hospitals. We expect significant
differences in the healthcare
environment and beneficiary
characteristics across CBSAs with low
and high numbers of hospitals.
Consequently, we believe it is important
to select areas above and below the
median to have broad representation of
CBSAs included in the model.
• CBSA’s past exposure to CMS’
bundled payment models (BPCI Models
2, 3, and 4, CJR, or BPCI Advanced)
during the period from October 1, 2013
to December 31, 2022. The extent of
previous participation in bundled
payment models in a CBSA may be a
factor in how successful TEAM
participants will be at reducing costs
and improving quality of care under the
model. This stratification will allow
CMS to assess how TEAM’s impacts
590 See the technical resources section of the
following web page on how these episode categories
were constructed:
PO 00000
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vary by past regional exposure to
bundled payment models.
• Number of safety net hospitals in
the CBSA. Safety net providers have
historically not participated in
voluntary episode-based payment
models as frequently as other providers.
Through TEAM, we see an opportunity
to improve care for beneficiaries served
by safety net providers and want to
ensure focus on care redesign and
improving quality of care for
beneficiaries in underserved
communities, consistent with CMS’
objectives to improve health equity.
Stratifying CBSAs by the number of
safety net hospitals will allow CMS to
gather robust data to assess TEAM’s
effects across a range of provider types.
We ultimately decided to create an
additional stratum from one of these 16
strata for a total of 17 strata to select
CBSAs into TEAM. Below, we identify
the stratum we propose to split into two
strata and how we would do that; and
describe the reasons for this decision.
We note that there are only a handful
of outlier CBSAs with a very high
number of safety net hospitals.
Inclusion of these outlier CBSAs result
in an extremely lopsided or
asymmetrical distribution when
stratifying CBSAs by this characteristic.
Depending on the circumstances, these
handful of CBSAs may potentially lead
to significant differences in the total
number of safety net hospitals between
the CBSAs that are selected for TEAM
and those that are not selected. We
therefore propose to move these CBSAs
into a new 17th stratum. The proposed
stratification process would result in 17
mutually exclusive strata of CBSAs.
(d) Random Selection of CBSAs from
We propose to randomly select CBSAs
for TEAM from the 17 stratified groups
using a method that reflects CMS’ policy
objectives described above, including
expanding the reach of value-based care.
We propose to oversample CBSAs with
low past exposure to CMS’ bundled
payment models and CBSAs with a high
number of safety net hospitals. The
selection probability for a given CBSA
would differ across strata, but all CBSAs
0MB CBSA 2023
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
within a particular stratum, will have
the same chance of being selected. The
hospitals located in the selected CBSAs
will be required to participate. CMS’
proposed method of randomly selecting
CBSAs while oversampling CBSAs with
certain characteristics would result in
the following selection probabilities:
• 33.3% (one out of three) CBSAs will
be selected in strata with high number
of safety net hospitals and low past
exposure to CMS’ bundled payment
models. Four strata have this selection
• 25% (1 out of 4) CBSAs will be
selected in strata with either high
number of safety net hospitals or low
past exposure to CMS’ bundled payment
models (but not both). Eight strata have
this selection probability.
• 20% (1 out of 5) CBSAs will be
selected in strata with neither high
number of safety net hospitals nor low
past exposure to CMS’ bundled payment
models. Four strata have this selection
• 50% (1 out of 2) CBSAs will be
selected with the highest number of
safety net hospitals (One strata has this
selection probability: the 17th stratum).
The 17 selection strata and their
relationship to the dimensions
discussed above are represented in
Table X.A.–03.
Number of
safety net
hospitals in the
CBSA's past
exposure to
CMS' bundled
Average Spend
for a Broad
Range of
Categories in
the CBSA
Number of
within the
Percentage for
CB SAs in strata
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Through this selection scheme, CMS
would select approximately a quarter of
eligible CBSAs listed in Table X.A.–03
across the CBSAs in which TEAM
would be implemented. A hospital’s
probability of being required to
participate in TEAM would depend on
the stratum their CBSA is in, and would
range from 20% to 50%.
We conducted power analyses to
identify detectable changes in episode
spending between a potential group of
CBSAs selected for the model and a
potential control group of CBSAs using
a Type I error of 0.05 and Type 2 error
of 0.2 (implying a power of 0.8). The
analysis shows that, if a quarter of
eligible CBSAs are selected for TEAM,
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we will be able to detect 1.5% changes
in episode spending, all else being
equal. This change in episode spending
is within the savings range that CMS
might expect to achieve given estimates
for surgical episodes from previous
episode-based payment models,
including BPCI Model 2, CJR, and BPCI
Advanced. This is critical to ensuring
that CMS is able to assess the model’s
impact on Medicare spending.
We seek comment on our proposed
approach to selecting TEAM
participants at § 512.515.
PO 00000
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b. Proposed Episodes
(1) Background
A key model design feature for
episode-based payment models is the
definition of the episodes included in
the model. The episode definition has
two significant dimensions—(1) a
clinical dimension that describes which
clinical conditions and associated
services are included in the episode;
and (2) a time dimension that describes
the beginning and end of the episode, its
length, and when the episode may be
cancelled prior to the end of the
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(2) Overview of Proposed Episodes
In selecting episodes to test in TEAM,
we considered a variety of factors,
including the number and type of
episodes best suited to meet the goals of
the model. We chose to limit episode
categories for TEAM to those that were
included in BPCI Advanced through a
robust selection process similar to that
used for the CJR model (80 FR 73277).
These episode categories represent highexpenditure, high-volume care
delivered to Medicare beneficiaries and
are evaluable in an episode-based
payment model. BPCI Advanced clinical
episodes include both surgical episodes,
which are triggered by a surgical
procedure, and medical episodes that
are primarily non-surgical in nature.
While we continue to strive for our
models to reduce Medicare
expenditures and improve quality of
care, we also want to ensure that there
is a potential for participating hospitals
to succeed. We want the conditions
captured by episode categories in TEAM
to be clinically similar enough that
participants could drive care
improvements by streamlining care
pathways and transitions between
clinical settings. In general, elective
surgical procedures are associated with
greater clinical homogeneity than
unplanned hospitalizations or medical
conditions. In addition, when episodes
are clinically similar, episode spending
is more predictable. Unsurprisingly,
medical episodes are associated with
greater spending variability. Medical
episodes may also be more difficult to
manage for hospitals without previous
experience implementing value-based
care and care redesign activities.
Notably, evaluations of CJR and BPCI
Advanced suggest that surgical episode
categories do not capture underserved
populations to the same degree as
medical episodes and that medical
episodes may offer relatively greater
opportunity to address health equity.
Specifically, medical episodes generally
have a higher proportion of dual-eligible
beneficiaries when compared to surgical
episodes. TEAM will test novel ways to
improve representation of underserved
populations in surgical episodes
through targeted flexibilities for safety
net hospitals and more broadly defined
beneficiary-level social risk adjustment
described in section X.A.3.f. of the
preamble of this proposed rule).
Although we are not proposing medical
episodes for TEAM at this time due to
their relatively greater clinical
heterogeneity, we will consider adding
medical episodes in future years of the
model. We are soliciting comments on
including medical episodes in TEAM, as
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Jkt 262001
well as input on which specific medical
episodes would best support the goals of
the model.
We also selected episodes for this
proposed model with a greater
proportion of spending in the post-acute
period relative to the anchor
hospitalization or procedure as such
episodes may reflect a greater
opportunity to improve care transitions
for beneficiaries and reduce
unnecessary hospitalizations and
emergency care.
Finally, we acknowledge that testing
all of the BPCI Advanced episodes in a
novel mandatory model could
overwhelm participants, as previous
mandatory models have only tested a
single episode category.
For the reasons discussed previously,
we propose testing five surgical
episodes in the model—Coronary Artery
Bypass Grafting (CABG), Lower
Extremity Joint Replacement (LEJR),
Surgical Hip and Femur Fracture
Treatment (SHFFT), Spinal Fusion, and
Major Bowel Procedure. Based on our
experience with the BPCI Advanced and
CJR models and the stakeholder
feedback received in response to the
July 2023 Episode-Based Payment
Model Request for Information, we
believe that beginning the model with
these five episode categories is the most
reasonable course for TEAM.591
Specifically, we are proposing to test
surgical episodes because they are timelimited with well-defined triggers, have
clinically similar patient populations
with common care pathways, and have
sufficient spending or quality
variability, particularly in the post-acute
period, to offer participants the
opportunity for improvement.
The proposed episodes have been
previously tested in BPCI Advanced
voluntarily, allowing CMS to assess
engagement and gather data. The
proposed episodes represent the highest
volume and highest cost surgical
episodes performed in the inpatient
setting. Although CABG and SHFFT
episodes were finalized in the
Advancing Care Coordination through
Episode Payment Models (Cardiac and
Orthopedic Bundled Payment Models)
Final Rule (CMS–5519–F) on December
20, 2016, that mandatory test was not
implemented. The proposed TEAM is
the next logical step for applying
lessons learned from BPCI Advanced in
a mandatory model. TEAM would
enable CMS to capture a more diverse
population of providers, and potentially
591 Request for Information; Episode-Based
Payment Model.
PO 00000
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The proposed Lower Extremity Joint
Replacement (LEJR) episode category
would include hip, knee, and ankle
replacements performed in either the
hospital inpatient or outpatient setting.
This episode category was selected
because, using 2021 data, it was the
highest volume, highest cost BPCI
Advanced surgical episode category.
There were 204,160 episodes with a
total cost of $5.01 billion, with more
than 40% of spending occurring in the
post-acute period.
The proposed SHFFT episode
category, referred to as Hip and Femur
Procedures except Major Joint in BPCI
Advanced, would include beneficiaries
who receive a hip fixation procedure in
the presence of a hip fracture. It would
not include fractures treated with a joint
replacement. This episode was selected
because it was the second highest
volume, and second-highest cost BPCI
Advanced surgical episode performed in
the inpatient setting, using 2021 data.
There were 69,076 episodes with a total
cost of $3.22 billion, with more than
63% of spending occurring in the postacute period.
The proposed CABG episode category
would include beneficiaries undergoing
coronary revascularization by CABG.592
This episode was selected because we
wanted to maintain the engagement of
cardiac surgeons who have participated
in prior episode-based models. Among
cardiac procedures it was the second
highest cost and second highest volume
BPCI Advanced surgical episode
performed in the inpatient setting using
2021 data. There were 26,259 episodes
with a total cost of $1.39 billion;
approximately 22% of spending
occurred in the post-acute period. We
also considered percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI) for TEAM because it
was the highest volume and highest cost
surgical cardiac episode. However, we
did not select this episode because PCI
has been described as a low-value
service by the Medicare Payment
Advisory Commission when performed
for stable coronary artery disease,593 and
the majority of PCIs are performed in
the outpatient setting and are not
associated with an acute event.
The proposed Spinal Fusion episode
category would include beneficiaries
who undergo certain spinal fusion
procedures in either a hospital inpatient
or outpatient setting. This episode was
selected because it was the third-highest
cost BPCI Advanced surgical episode
performed in the inpatient setting using
593 MedPAC March 2021 Report to the Congress.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
2021 data. There were 62,345 episodes
with a total cost of $3.2 billion; more
than 27% of spending occurred in the
post-acute period.
The proposed Major Bowel Procedure
episode would include beneficiaries
who undergo a major small or large
bowel surgery.594 This episode was
selected because it was the fifth-highest
volume and fourth-highest cost BPCI
Advanced surgical episode performed in
the inpatient setting using 2021 data.
There were 54,848 episodes with a total
cost of $1.95 billion; 37% of spending
occurred in the post-acute period.
Each of the episodes provides
different opportunities in TEAM to
improve the coordination and quality of
care, as well as efficiency of care during
the episode, based on varying current
patterns of utilization and Medicare
spending. While these episode
categories have been tested previously,
we believe TEAM will provide
additional information that can be used
for potential expansion through its
greater focus on care transitions back to
primary care, health equity, and refined
payment methodology, as described
elsewhere in this proposed rule.
In addition, the mandatory nature of
TEAM would address selection bias,
where high performing hospitals have
elected to voluntarily participate in a
model but then withdrew from the
model in the face of financial losses or
uncertainty of receiving financial
rewards. In BPCI Advanced,
participants were able to select clinical
episode categories and, later, service
lines, which further ensures selection
We performed an analysis of Medicare
FFS claims data, beginning in CY 2021,
to estimate the average annual number
of historical episodes that extended 30
days post-hospital discharge, and,
therefore, would have been included in
TEAM. Based on that analysis, we
anticipate the number of episodes that
TEAM would capture to be
approximately 28,088 for CABG; 75,254
for SHFFT; 59,983 for Major Bowel
Procedure; 215,957 for LEJR; and 65,968
for Spinal Fusion. The average episode
cost for these historical episodes was
approximately $48,905 for CABG,
$35,501 for SHFFT, $29,184 for Major
Bowel Procedure, $21,063 for LEJR, and
$46,326 for Spinal Fusion.
As previously stated, we are
proposing five episode categories for
TEAM to ease TEAM participants into
episode accountability. We also intend
to add additional episode categories in
future performance years of the model,
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offering a gradual transition to greater
episode accountability, and ultimately
capturing a larger proportion of FFS
spending in value-based care. We would
use future notice and comment
rulemaking to add episode categories in
future performance years.
We seek comment on the five
proposed episode categories, described
at § 512.525(d) and any additional
episode categories we should consider
for the model.
(3) Clinical Dimensions of Episodes
We believe that a straightforward
approach for hospitals and other
providers to identify Medicare
beneficiaries in this payment model is
important for the care redesign that is
required for model success. Some of the
inpatient procedures that group to the
included MS–DRGs are also performed
in the outpatient setting. To identify
outpatient episodes for TEAM, we
propose to use methods similar to BPCI
Advanced and CJR. Specifically, we
propose to match a hospital’s
institutional claim for TEAM procedure
codes billed through the OPPS.
Therefore, as in the BPCI Advanced
and CJR models, hospitals participating
in the proposed TEAM would be able to
identify beneficiaries in included
episodes through their Medicare
Severity–Diagnosis Related Group (MS–
DRG) during the anchor hospitalization
or, for hospital outpatient procedures,
by their Healthcare Common Procedure
Coding System (HCPCS) codes, allowing
active coordination of beneficiary care
during and after the procedure.
The MS–DRG for inpatient procedures
would determine the ultimate MS–DRG
assignment for the hospitalization,
unless additional surgeries higher in the
MS–DRG hierarchy also are reported.595
This approach offers operational
simplicity for providers and CMS and is
consistent with the approach taken by
the BPCI Advanced and CJR models to
identify beneficiaries whose care is
included in those episodes.
We seek comment on our proposal to
identify episodes with MS–DRGs and
HCPCS for inclusion in TEAM.
(4) Episode Category Definitions
Episode definitions have two
significant dimensions—(1) a clinical
dimension that describes which clinical
conditions and associated services are
included in the episode category; and
595 Medical Severity Diagnosis Related Groups
(MS–DRGs): Definitions Manual. Version 33.0A. 3M
Health Information Systems. (October 1, 2015).
PO 00000
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(2) a time dimension that describes the
beginning and end of the episode, its
length, and when the episode may be
cancelled prior to the end of the
For the purposes of TEAM, we
propose to define episodes as including
all Medicare Part A and Part B items
and services described in § 512.525(e),
with some exceptions described below
and at § 512.525(f), beginning with an
admission to an acute care hospital stay
(hereinafter ‘‘the anchor
hospitalization’’) or an outpatient
procedure at a hospital outpatient
department (HOPD) (hereinafter
‘‘anchor procedure’’), and ending 30
days following hospital discharge or
anchor procedure.
As previously discussed in section
X.A.3.b.(2) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, the proposed episode
categories were previously tested in
BPCI Advanced and were voluntarily
selected by BPCI Advanced participants.
They represent the highest volume and
highest cost surgical episode categories
performed in the inpatient setting. We
believe, based on current patterns of
utilization and Medicare spending,
there are still efficiencies to be gained
by streamlining care pathways and
transitions between clinical settings.
We selected these episode categories
because elective surgical procedures are
more clinically similar and have greater
spending predictability. In addition,
these episode categories have a
significant proportion of spending in the
post-acute period, reflecting a greater
opportunity to improve care transitions
for beneficiaries and reduce
unnecessary hospitalizations and
emergency care.
(a) Lower Extremity Joint Replacement
Episode Category
As mentioned previously in this
section of the proposed rule, we have
identified the LEJR episode category for
inclusion in this model. This proposed
episode category would include hip,
knee, and ankle replacements, but
exclude arthroplasty of the small joints
in the foot. The proposed LEJR episode
category would include both hospital
inpatient and outpatient procedures
reimbursed through the Inpatient
Prospective Payment System (IPPS)
under select Medicare SeverityDiagnosis Related Groups (MS–DRG)
and HOPD procedures billed under
select HCPCS codes through the
Outpatient Prospective Payment System
596 ICD–10–CM/PCS MS–DRG v38.0 Definitions
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We recognize LEJR has been tested in
other episode-based payment models.
Given the promising findings for this
episode category in those model tests,
we believe there is value in continuing
to test this episode category under an
alternate payment methodology,
particularly given the high volume of
such procedures among the Medicare
population. In addition, as previously
mentioned, TEAM would potentially
capture underserved populations who
were disproportionately
underrepresented in CJR. Therefore, we
propose to define the LEJR episode
category as a hip, knee, or ankle
replacement that is paid through the
IPPS under MS–DRG 469, 470, 521, or
522 or through the OPPS under HCPCS
code 27447, 27130, or 27702. This
approach offers operational simplicity
for providers and CMS and is consistent
with the approach taken by previous
models to identify beneficiaries whose
care is included in the LEJR episode
We note that Medicare-covered
outpatient total ankle arthroplasty
(TAA) was excluded from both BPCI
Advanced and CJR models. However,
since its removal from the InpatientOnly List in 2021, the majority of TAA
procedures have shifted to the
outpatient setting. For example, in 2022,
there were approximately 2,600
outpatient TAAs and only 600 TAAs
performed in the inpatient setting. For
this reason, and to be consistent with
other episodes in the LEJR episode
category, we propose that both inpatient
and outpatient TAAs would trigger an
episode in TEAM.
Based on an analysis of 2021
Medicare FFS claims data for historical
LEJR episodes and an estimated number
of additional outpatient TAAs, the
annual number of potentially eligible
beneficiary discharges for this
mandatory model nationally would be
approximately 226,000. We seek public
comment on our proposed definition of
LEJR episodes for TEAM at
§ 512.525(d)(1). We also seek comment
on the proposed MS–DRG and HCPCS
codes and our proposal to include
outpatient TAA in the LEJR episode
(b) Surgical Hip & Femur Fracture
Treatment (Excluding Lower Extremity
Joint Replacement) Episode Category
We propose to define the Surgical Hip
and Femur Fracture Treatment (SHFFT)
episode as a hip fixation procedure,
with or without fracture reduction, but
excluding joint replacement, that is paid
through the IPPS under MS–DRG 480–
482. The SHFFT episode would include
beneficiaries treated surgically for hip
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and femur fractures, other than hip
arthroplasty. SHFFT procedures include
open and closed surgical hip fixation,
with or without reduction of the
fracture. The SHFFT episode was
selected because it was the second
highest volume, and second-highest cost
BPCI Advanced surgical episode
performed in the inpatient setting, based
on an analysis of 2021 Medicare FFS
claims data. There were 69,076 episodes
with a total cost of $3.22 billion. In
addition, more than 63% of spending
occurring in the post-acute period,
signifying potential opportunity for care
improvement. Using that same data for
historical SHFFT episodes, the annual
number of potentially eligible
beneficiary discharges for this episode
category nationally would be
approximately 85,000.
Together, the LEJR and SHFFT
episode categories cover all surgical
treatment options for Medicare
beneficiaries with hip fracture (that is,
hip arthroplasty and fixation). Although
a small number of SHFFT procedures
are furnished in the outpatient hospital
setting, TEAM would only include
inpatient procedures, which conforms
with hip and femur procedure except
major joint episodes under BPCI
Thus, we propose to include episodes
for beneficiaries admitted and
discharged from an anchor
hospitalization paid under a SHFFT
MS–DRG (480–482) under the IPPS in
TEAM. We seek comment on our
proposed definition of SHFFT and our
proposal to include the SHFFT episode
category at § 512.525(d)(2).
(c) Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Episode Category
The proposed CABG episode category
would include beneficiaries undergoing
coronary revascularization by CABG.597
This episode category was selected in
order to maintain the engagement of
cardiac surgeons who have participated
in prior episode-based models. Among
cardiac procedures, it was the second
highest cost and second highest volume
BPCI Advanced surgical episode
performed in the inpatient setting using
2021 data. There were 26,259 episodes
with a total cost of $1.39 billion.
We also considered the percutaneous
coronary intervention (PCI) episode
category for TEAM because it was the
highest volume and highest cost surgical
cardiac episode. However, we did not
select this episode because PCI has been
described as a low-value service by the
Medicare Payment Advisory
PO 00000
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Commission when performed for stable
coronary artery disease,598 and the
majority of PCIs are not associated with
an acute care hospitalization.
We propose to define the Coronary
Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) episode
category as any coronary
revascularization procedure that is paid
through the IPPS under MS–DRG 231–
236, including both elective CABG and
CABG procedures performed during
initial acute myocardial infarction
treatment (AMI). Based on an analysis of
2021 Medicare FFS claims data for
historical CABG episodes, the annual
number of potentially eligible
beneficiary discharges for CABG
episodes in TEAM would be
approximately 30,000. We seek
comment on our proposed definition of
the CABG episode category and our
proposal to include emergent CABG in
episodes at § 512.525(d)(3).
(d) Spinal Fusion Category
We propose to include in TEAM the
Spinal Fusion episode category for
beneficiaries undergoing inpatient and
outpatient spinal fusion. The spinal
fusion episode category was selected
because it was the third-highest cost
BPCI Advanced surgical episode
performed in the inpatient setting using
2021 data. There were 62,345 episodes
with a total cost of $3.2 billion. Based
on the high number of episodes and its
voluntary selection by participants in
BPCI Advanced, we believe there are
additional opportunities to improve care
for beneficiaries undergoing these
We propose to define the spinal
fusion episode category as any cervical,
thoracic, or lumbar spinal fusion
procedure paid through the IPPS under
MS–DRG 453–455, 459–460, or 471–
473, or through the OPPS under HCPCS
codes 22551, 22554, 22612, 22630, or
22633. Based on an analysis of 2021
Medicare FFS claims data and an
estimated number of additional
outpatient episodes, the annual number
of potentially eligible TEAM Spinal
Fusion episodes would be
approximately 94,000. We seek
comment on our definition and
inclusion of the Spinal Fusion episode
category at § 512.525(d)(4).
(e) Major Bowel Procedure Episode
We propose to include in TEAM the
Major Bowel Procedure episode
category for beneficiaries undergoing
inpatient major small bowel and large
bowel procedures. This episode
598 MedPAC March 2021 Report to the Congress.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
category was selected because it was the
fifth-highest volume and fourth-highest
cost BPCI Advanced surgical episode
performed in the inpatient setting using
2021 data. There were 54,848 episodes
with a total cost of $1.95 billion. We
believe there are still opportunities to
streamline care pathways and improve
care transitions for beneficiaries
receiving this care.
We proposed to define the Major
Bowel Procedure episode category as
any small or large bowel procedure paid
through the IPPS under MS–DRG 329–
331. Based on an analysis of 2021
Medicare FFS claims data for historical
Major Bowel Procedure episodes, the
annual number of potentially eligible
beneficiary discharges for episodes in
TEAM would be approximately 64,000.
We seek comment on our proposed
definition and inclusion of the Major
Bowel Procedure episode at
§ 512.525(d)(5).
The following Table X.A.-04
summarizes the five proposed episodes
and corresponding billing codes that
would be used to identify episodes.
Billing Codes (MS-DRG/HCPCS)
MS-DRG 469, 470, 521, 522
HCPCS 27447, 27130, 27702
MS-DRG 480, 481, 482
MS-DRG 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236
MS-DRG 453, 454, 455, 459, 460, 471, 472, 473
HCPCS 22551 22554. 22612 22630 22633
MS-DRG 329, 330, 331
Spinal fusion
Mai or bowel procedure
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(5) Items and Services Included in
Like previous episode-based payment
models, TEAM would incentivize
comprehensive, coordinated, patientcentered care through inclusive
episodes. We propose to include in the
episode all items and services paid
under Medicare Part A and Part B
during the performance period, unless
such items and services fall under a
proposed exclusion described in section
X.A.3.b.(5)(a) of the preamble of this
proposed rule.
We propose to include all Part A
services furnished during the proposed
30-day post-discharge period of the
episode, other than certain excluded
hospital readmissions, as post-hospital
discharge Part A services are typically
intended to be comprehensive in nature.
In particular, we believe that claims for
services with diagnosis codes that are
directly related to the proposed episode
categories or the quality and safety of
care furnished during the episode, based
on clinical judgment (for example,
surgical wound infection) and taking
into consideration coding guidelines,
should be included in an episode. Thus,
we propose that items and services for
episodes would include the following
items and services paid under Medicare
Part A and Part B, subject to the
proposed exclusions in section
X.A.3.b.(5)(a) of the preamble of this
proposed rule:
• Physicians’ services.
• Inpatient hospital services,
including services paid through IPPS
operating and capital payments.
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• Inpatient psychiatric facility (IPF)
• Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH)
• Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
(IRF) services.
• Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)
• Home Health Agency (HHA)
• Hospital outpatient services.
• Outpatient therapy services.
• Clinical laboratory services.
• Durable medical equipment.
• Part B drugs and biologicals except
for those excluded under § 512.525 (f) as
• Hospice services.
• Part B professional claims dated in
the 3 days prior to an anchor
hospitalization if a claim for the surgical
procedure for the same episode category
is not detected as part of the
hospitalization because the procedure
was performed by the TEAM participant
on an outpatient basis but the patient
was subsequently admitted as an
We seek comment on the items and
services we are proposing to include in
TEAM in proposed § 512.525(e).
(a) Items and Services Excluded From
We propose to exclude from episodes
certain Part A and B items and services
that are clinically unrelated to the
anchor hospitalization or anchor
procedure. The proposed exclusions
would be applicable to episodes
included during the baseline period, the
three-year historical period used to
construct target prices, as described in
PO 00000
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section X.A.3.d.(3) of the preamble of
this proposed rule, and episodes
initiated during a performance year. The
proposed exclusions are similar to those
excluded from BPCI Advanced, as
discussed in detail later in this
section.599 We have used similar
exclusions in CMS Innovation Center
Models, with minor adjustments, since
BPCI and intend to continue to apply
them to TEAM. These exclusion lists
were developed through a collaborative
effort between CMS and external
stakeholders and have been vetted
broadly in the health care community.
We propose to use the BPCI Advanced
exclusions list in TEAM based on
several years of experience with them
and their suitability for episodes in
TEAM. The rationale for these
exclusions described below is consistent
with the rationale for exclusions in the
CJR model (80 FR 73304) and in BPCI
We propose to exclude from episodes
all Part A and B items and services, for
both the baseline period and
performance years, for hospital
admissions and readmissions for
specific categories of diagnoses, such as
oncology, trauma medical admissions,
organ transplant, and ventricular shunts
determined by MS–DRGs, as well as all
of the following excluded Major
Diagnostic Categories (MDC):600
599 A complete list of excluded items, services,
and readmission MS–DRGs can be found in the
‘‘BPCI Advanced Exclusions List—MY7 (XLS)’’
available under Participant Resources at the CMS
BPCI Advanced website.
600 MDCs are formed by dividing all possible
principal diagnoses (from ICD–10–CM) into 25
mutually exclusive diagnosis areas. The diagnoses
Episode Category
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
• MDC 02 (Diseases and Disorders of
the Eye).
• MDC 14 (Pregnancy, Childbirth,
and Puerperium).
• MDC 15 (Newborns).
• MDC 25 (Human Immunodeficiency
We propose to exclude from episodes
IPPS new technology add-on payments
for drugs, technologies, and services
identified by value code 77 on IPPS
hospital claims for episodes in the
baseline period and performance
years.601 New technology add-on
payments are made separately and in
addition to the MS–DRG payment under
the IPPS for specific new drugs,
technologies, and services that
substantially improve the diagnosis or
treatment of Medicare beneficiaries and
would be inadequately paid under the
MS–DRG system. We believe it would
not be appropriate for TEAM to
potentially diminish beneficiaries’
access to new technologies or to burden
hospitals who choose to use these new
drugs, technologies, or services with
concern about these payments counting
toward TEAM participants’ actual
episode spending. Additionally, new
drugs, technologies, or services
approved for the add-on payments vary
unpredictably over time in their
application to specific clinical
conditions. Exclusion of new
technology add-on payments for drugs,
technologies, or services approved for
add-on payments from episodes in
TEAM is similar to episode exclusions
in the CJR model (80 FR 73303
and73304 and 73315).
We also propose to exclude from
episodes OPPS transitional pass-through
payments for medical devices as
identified through OPPS status indicator
H for episodes in the baseline period
and performance years. Through the
established OPPS review process, we
have determined that these technologies
have a substantial cost but also lead to
substantial clinical improvement for
Medicare beneficiaries. This proposal
also is consistent with the BPCI
Advanced and CJR model final
exclusions policy (80 FR 73308 and
We propose to exclude from episodes
drugs or biologics that are paid outside
of the MS–DRG, specifically hemophilia
clotting factors (§ 412.115), identified
through HCPCS code, diagnosis code,
and revenue center on IPPS claims for
episodes in the baseline period and
in each MDC correspond to a single organ system
or etiology and in general are associated with a
particular medical specialty.
601 This exclusion is applied during the payment
standardization process.
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performance years. Hemophilia clotting
factors, in contrast to other drugs and
biologics that are administered during
an inpatient hospitalization and paid
through the MS–DRG, are paid
separately by Medicare in recognition
that clotting factors are costly and
essential to appropriate care for certain
beneficiaries. Because we do not believe
that there are any spending efficiencies
to be gained by including hemophilia
clotting factors, we propose to exclude
these high-cost drugs from episodes
initiated during the baseline period and
performance year.
We propose to exclude from episodes
certain Part B payments for high-cost
drugs and biologicals, low-volume
drugs,602 and blood clotting factors for
hemophilia patients billed on
outpatient, carrier, and durable medical
equipment claims for episodes in the
baseline period and initiated in the
performance years. These high-cost
items are essential to appropriate care of
certain beneficiaries and we do not
believe including them in the episode
would improve any spending or quality
of care efficiencies. Specifically, this
proposed list would include:
• For episodes included during the
baseline period:
++ Drug/biological HCPCS codes that
are billed in fewer than 31 episodes in
total across all episodes in TEAM
during the baseline period;
++ Drug/biological HCPCS codes that
are billed in at least 31 episodes in the
baseline period, and have a mean
allowed cost of greater than $25,000 per
episode in the baseline period; and
++ HCPCS codes corresponding to
clotting factors for hemophilia patients,
identified in the quarterly average sales
price file 603 for certain Medicare Part B
drugs and biologicals as HCPCS codes
with clotting factor = 1, HCPCS codes
for new hemophilia clotting factors not
in the baseline period, and other HCPCS
codes identified as hemophilia.
• For episodes initiated during a
performance year, in addition to those
listed in the previous bullet, Part B
payments for high-cost drugs and
biologicals, low-volume drugs, and
blood clotting factors for hemophilia
billed on outpatient, carrier, and
durable medical equipment (DME)
claims, including, but not limited to:
++ Drug/biological HCPCS codes that
were not included in the baseline
period, and appear in 10 or fewer
episodes in the performance year;
602 To determine if a drug HCPCS meets the cost
or volume thresholds for exclusion, the episodes are
pooled across all episode categories.
PO 00000
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++ Drug/biological HCPCS codes that
were not included in the baseline
period, appear in more than 10 episodes
in the performance year, have a mean
cost of greater than $25,000 per episode
in the performance year; and
++ Drug/biological HCPCS codes that
were not included in the baseline
period, appear in more than 10 episodes
in the performance year, have a mean
cost of $25,000 or less per episode in the
performance year, and correspond to a
drug/biological that appears in the
baseline period list but was assigned a
new HCPCS code between the baseline
period and performance year.
++ HCPCS codes for new hemophilia
clotting factors not in the baseline
Complete lists of proposed excluded
MS–DRGs for readmissions and
proposed excluded HCPCS codes for
Part B services furnished during TEAM
episodes after TEAM beneficiary
discharge from an anchor
hospitalization would be posted on the
CMS TEAM website at https://
The lists would apply to all
performance years of the model until
and unless the lists are updated. We
propose that revisions to the exclusion
lists would be initiated through
rulemaking to allow for public input.
Potential updates to the lists could
include additions to or deletions from
the list, reflect changes to ICD–10–CM
coding and the MS–DRGs under the
IPPS, or address any other issues that
are brought to our attention throughout
the course of the TEAM performance
We seek comment on the proposed
excluded services, the lists of excluded
services, and the process for updating
the lists of excluded services for TEAM
included in § 512.525(f), § 512.525(g),
and § 512.525(h).
(b) Beneficiary Inclusion Criteria
We propose to begin an episode with
an anchor hospitalization or anchor
procedure because of the challenges
related to clinical variability leading up
to the episodes and identifying
unrelated services, given the multiple
chronic conditions experienced by
many TEAM beneficiaries. We propose
that all services that are included in the
IPPS (for example, 3-day payment
window payment policies) would be
included in the episodes. We further
propose that the population of Medicare
beneficiaries whose care would be
included in TEAM would be those
beneficiaries who meet all of the
following criteria at the time of
admission to the anchor hospitalization
or anchor procedure:
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
• Enrolled in Medicare Part A and
Part B.
• Not eligible for Medicare on the
basis of end-stage renal disease.
• Not enrolled in any managed care
plan (for example, Medicare Advantage,
Health Care Prepayment Plans, costbased health maintenance
• Not covered under a United Mine
Workers of America health plan, which
provides health care benefits for retired
mine workers.
• Have Medicare as their primary
We seek comment on the proposed
beneficiary inclusion criteria included
in § 512.535.
(c) Initiating Episodes
We propose that, if the beneficiary
meets the beneficiary inclusion criteria,
an episode would begin when a
beneficiary is admitted for an anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure for
one of the following MS–DRGs, or by
the presence of one of the following
HCPCS codes on an outpatient claim
(specifically, a hospital’s institutional
claim for an included outpatient
procedure billed through the OPPS):
• 469 (Major joint replacement or
reattachment of lower extremity with
major complications or comorbidities
• 470 (Major joint replacement or
reattachment of lower extremity without
• 521 (Hip replacement with
principal diagnosis of hip fracture with
• 522 (Hip replacement with
principal diagnosis of hip fracture
without MCC).
• 27447 (Total knee arthroplasty).
• 27130 (Total hip arthroplasty).
• 27702 (Total ankle arthroplasty).
• 480 (Hip and femur procedures
except major joint with MCC).
• 481 (Hip and femur procedures
except major joint with complication or
comorbidity (CC)).).
• 482 (Hip and femur procedures
except major joint without CC/MCC).
• 231 (Coronary bypass with
percutaneous transluminal coronary
angioplasty (PTCA) with MCC).
• 232 (Coronary bypass with PTCA
without MCC).
• 233 (Coronary bypass with cardiac
catheterization with MCC).
• 234 (Coronary bypass with cardiac
catheterization without MCC).
• 235 (Coronary bypass without
cardiac catheterization with MCC).
• 236 (Coronary bypass without
cardiac catheterization without MCC).
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Spinal fusion MS–DRGs and
• 453 (Combined anterior/posterior
spinal fusion with MCC).
• 454 (Combined anterior/posterior
spinal fusion with CC).
• 455 (Combined anterior/posterior
spinal fusion without CC/MCC).
• 459 (Spinal fusion except cervical
with MCC).
• 460 (Spinal fusion except cervical
without MCC).
• 471 (Cervical spinal fusion with
• 472 (Cervical spinal fusion with
• 473 (Cervical spinal fusion without
• 22551 (Anterior cervical spinal
fusion with decompression below C2).
• 22554 (Anterior cervical spinal
fusion without decompression).
• 22612 (Posterior or posterolateral
lumbar spinal fusion).
• 22630 (Posterior lumbar interbody
lumbar spinal fusion).
• 22633 (Combined posterior or
posterolateral lumbar and posterior
lumbar interbody spinal fusion).
Major small and large bowel
procedure MS–DRGs—
• 329 (Major small and large bowel
procedures with MCC).
• 330 (Major small and large bowel
procedures with CC).
• 331 (Major small and large bowel
procedures without CC/MCC).
We propose that the episode start date
will be the day of the anchor procedure
for outpatient procedures or the date of
admission on the IPPS claim associated
with the anchor hospitalization that
triggered the episode. However, if an
anchor hospitalization is initiated on
the same day as or within 3 days of an
outpatient procedure for the same
episode category, we propose to begin
the episode on the date of the outpatient
procedure rather than the date of the
inpatient admission.
We recognize there could potentially
be episodes initiated in TEAM as a
result from a TEAM beneficiary being
transferred from one hospital to another,
where at least one or both hospitals are
TEAM participants and where at least
one of the hospital admissions are for a
MS–DRG that would initiate an anchor
hospitalization in TEAM. In the BPCI
Advanced model, this is viewed as one
continuous hospitalization, whereas in
the CJR model and in the proposed
TEAM, it is viewed as two separate
hospitalizations that may result in an
episode initiating depending on the
hospital participation in the model and
the MS–DRGs involved in the hospital
admissions. Specifically, if the initial
inpatient admission is at a TEAM
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participant for a proposed MS–DRG in
TEAM, then it would initiate an anchor
hospitalization and the resulting
transfer to the second hospital would
not initiate a new anchor
hospitalization, rather it would be
included in the episode initiated from
the first hospitalization. However, if the
initial inpatient admission is for an MS–
DRG not proposed in TEAM, then an
anchor hospitalization is not initiated
and the resulting transfer to the second
hospital could initiate an episode
depending on the second hospitals
participation status and the MS–DRG for
the inpatient admission.
We considered mimicking the BPCI
Advanced model and proposing a
transfer policy where a TEAM
beneficiary that is transferred from one
hospital to another would be considered
one continuous hospitalization.
Specifically, we considered defining an
acute-to-acute hospital transfer as
consecutive inpatient stays for a TEAM
beneficiary where the admission date of
the latter inpatient hospital stay is the
same as the discharge date of the initial
hospital inpatient stay for different
acute care hospitals. This would mean
that acute-to-acute hospital transfers are
treated as one continuous
hospitalization and would be assigned
the admission date and the hospital
from the first leg of the transfer and the
MS–DRG and discharge date from the
last leg of the transfer. For example,
hospital A is a TEAM participant and
hospital B is not a TEAM participant. A
beneficiary is admitted to hospital A on
January 1st for an MS–DRG 637
(diabetes) not in TEAM and discharged
on January 5th with a transfer to
hospital B on the same day. The
beneficiary is admitted to hospital B for
MS–DRG 470 (LEJR) and is discharged
on January 10th. In this example, the
episode is attributed to hospital A and
is considered a LEJR episode with an
anchor hospitalization start date of
January 1st and an anchor
hospitalization end date of January 10th.
All of the spending between both
hospitalizations would be captured in
the episode. If the example would be
reversed, and hospital A was not a
TEAM participant and hospital B was a
TEAM participant, then neither hospital
would be attributed the episode since
hospital A is not a participant and the
transfer policy prevents the episode
from being attributed to hospital B. We
recognize this policy helps to keep the
initial hospital accountable and may
mitigate perverse incentives to transfer
a beneficiary, however, it does increase
complexity when determining when an
episode is initiated, and which hospital
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
is accountable for the episode. We also
note that the BPCI Advanced model
included additional requirements in
their transfer policy, where if one of the
hospitals was a critical access hospital
or a PPS-exempt cancer hospital or if
one of the inpatient admissions was for
a MS–DRG on the exclusions list, the
episode was cancelled. We seek
comment on whether we should
consider a transfer policy similar to
BPCI Advanced for TEAM.
We seek comment on our proposal for
initiating TEAM episodes based on MS–
DRG or HCPCS included in § 512.510.
(d) Episode Length
The proposed episodes would cover
time periods marked by significant PAC
needs, potential complications of
surgery, and short-term, intense
management of chronic conditions that
may be destabilized by the surgery. We
believe that hospitals have substantial
ability to influence the quality and
efficiency of care that TEAM
beneficiaries receive over the weeks and
months following a procedure. For this
reason, both CJR and BPCI Advanced
utilize a 90-day post-discharge episode
An episode duration longer than 30
days poses a greater risk for the hospital
because of variability due to medical
events outside the intended scope of the
model. Our analysis of BPCI Advanced
episodes found that the need for care for
chronic conditions and other nonanchor MS–DRG-related conditions
becomes much more prevalent in days
31 to 90 following hospital discharge.
Longer episodes increase the potential
for ACO overlap (where a beneficiary
aligned or assigned to an ACO has an
episode included in TEAM), are
associated with a greater number of
episode-level exclusions in the postdischarge period and are more likely to
include potential readmissions for an
unrelated condition. Shorter episode
lengths are used in other models that
employ total cost-of-care approaches. In
the Medicare Spending Per Beneficiary
(MSPB) measure of the Hospital ValueBased Program (HVBP), episodes
include Part A and Part B payments for
services furnished three days prior to a
patient’s inpatient stay and extend for
30 days after discharge.
We believe reducing episode duration
to 30 days could both sustain the
spending reductions demonstrated in
BPCI Advanced and CJR and mitigate
some of the current challenges
experienced between ACOs, hospitals,
and other providers. A 30-day episode
would position the specialist as the
principal provider near the anchor event
with a hand off back to the primary care
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provider for longitudinal care
management and we believe that ACOs
are better equipped to address the
population health needs of Medicare
Additionally, the majority of episode
spending occurs in the first 30 days
following discharge or the anchor
procedure. Based on an internal analysis
of BPCI Advanced episodes between
2020 and 2022, seventy-five percent of
episode spending occurred in the first
30 days of the episode and 90 percent
occurred in the first 60 days. We expect
TEAM would continue to provide
hospitals with opportunities to improve
care and incentivize coordinated,
quality care among acute care hospitals,
HOPDs, physicians, and PAC providers
throughout care transitions, given that
the majority of episode spending during
90-day episodes occurred in the first 30
Based on the rationale noted earlier,
we propose that episodes end 30 days
after discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure and
that day 1 of the 30-day post-acute
portion of the episode is the date of the
anchor procedure or the date of
discharge from an anchor
hospitalization. To the extent that a
Medicare payment for services included
in an episode spans a period of care that
extends beyond the episode duration,
we propose that these payments would
be prorated so that only the portion
attributable to care during the fixed
duration of the episode is attributed to
the episode spending. The proposal for
a 30-day post-discharge episode length
is included in § 512.537(a)(1). We seek
comment on our proposal to implement
a 30-day post-discharge episode length.
We also seek comment on alternative
episode durations, such as a 60-day or
90-day post-discharge episode length.
(e) Cancelling Episodes
Similar to the CJR model, we propose
that once an episode begins, the episode
continues until the end of the episode
as described in the following section,
unless the episode is cancelled because
the beneficiary ceases to meet any of the
general beneficiary inclusion criteria
described in section X.A.3.b.(5)(b) of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
We believe it would be appropriate to
cancel the episode when a beneficiary’s
status changes during the episode such
that they no longer meet the criteria for
inclusion because the episode target
price reflects full payment for the
episode, yet we would not have full
Medicare episode payment data for the
beneficiary to reconcile against the
target price.
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In the case that a beneficiary has a
subsequent admission for an episode on
the same day as or within 3 days of an
outpatient procedure from the same
episode category, the outpatient episode
would be not initiate an anchor
procedure and the outpatient procedure
would instead initiate an anchor
hospitalization. That is, the anchor
hospitalization start date will be that of
the outpatient procedure. We propose
this policy in order because we believe
that an inpatient episode should take
precedence over an outpatient
procedure performed on the same day,
given the likelihood of higher spend
associated with the inpatient episode
and potential for higher clinical acuity.
We propose to cancel the episode if a
beneficiary dies during the anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure,
rather than at any point during the postdischarge period of the episode, as is
done in BPCI Advanced. As discussed
in the CJR Final Rule, we believe there
would be limited incentive for
efficiency that could be expected when
death occurs during the anchor
hospitalization itself (80 FR 73318).
As discussed in the EPM proposed
rule (81 FR 50841), we consider
mortality to be a harmful beneficiary
outcome that should be targeted for
improvement through care redesign for
these clinical conditions. We do not
believe that it would be appropriate to
exclude beneficiaries from episodes
who die any time during the episode.
Instead, we propose to maintain
beneficiary episodes in TEAM unless
death occurs during the anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure. We
would calculate actual episode
spending when beneficiaries die
following discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure, but
within the 30-day post-hospital
discharge episode duration and
reconcile it against the target price. We
believe this proposal would encourage
TEAM participants to actively manage
beneficiaries to reduce their risk of
death, especially as death would often
be preceded by expensive care for
emergencies and complications.
Therefore, we propose to cancel
episodes for death only during the
anchor hospitalization or anchor
Finally, we propose that episodes
subject to extreme and uncontrollable
circumstances (EUC) would be
canceled, meaning that the services
associated with the episode would
continue to be paid through Medicare
FFS but the episode would not be
reconciled against a target price. We
propose to base the TEAM EUC
definition on the definition finalized in
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the CJR 2018 Final Rule (83 FR 26604),
which was designed to address the
extreme and uncontrollable costs
associated with natural disasters such as
hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires.
Specifically, we propose that the EUC
policy would apply to TEAM
participants located in a county where
both: (1) a major disaster has been
declared under the Stafford Act; and (2)
section 1135 waivers have been issued.
We believe that it is appropriate for our
EUC policy to apply only in the narrow
circumstance of a major disaster, which
is catastrophic in nature and tends to
have significant impacts on
infrastructure, rather than the broader
grounds for which an emergency could
be declared. In regard to determining
the start date of episodes to which the
EUC would apply, we stated our belief
that a episodes initiated during an
emergency period or in the 30 days
before the start date of an emergency
period (as defined in section 1135(g) of
the Act) should reasonably capture
those beneficiaries whose high episode
costs could be attributed to extreme and
uncontrollable circumstances.
In summary, we propose that the
following circumstances would cancel
an episode:
• The beneficiary no longer meets the
criteria for inclusion.
• The beneficiary dies during the
anchor hospitalization or anchor
• The participating hospital is subject
to the EUC policy.
When an episode is canceled, we
propose that the services furnished to
beneficiaries prior to and following the
episode cancellation would continue to
be paid by Medicare as usual but there
would be no episode spending
calculation that would be reconciled
against the TEAM target price (see
section X.A.3.d.(5)(f) of the preamble of
this proposed rule). As discussed in
section X.A.3.h. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, waivers of program rules
applicable to beneficiaries in episodes
would apply to the care of beneficiaries
who are in episodes at the time the
waiver is used to bill for a service that
is furnished, even if the episode is later
We seek comment on our proposals to
cancel episodes once they have begun
but prior to the end of the 30-day postdischarge period included in
§ 512.537(b).
payments unlinked to quality of care.
Through the Medicare Modernization
Act and the Affordable Care Act, we
have implemented specific IPPS
programs like the Hospital Inpatient
Quality Reporting (IQR) Program
(section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act),
the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing
(VBP) Program (subsection (o) of section
1886), the Hospital-Acquired Condition
(HAC) Reduction Program (subsection
(q) of section 1886), and the Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program
(subsection (p) of section 1886), where
payment reflects the quality of care
delivered to Medicare beneficiaries. The
CJR model similarly incorporates payfor-performance, offering TEAM
participants the potential for financial
reward based on quality performance or,
in some cases, quality improvement.
Through the use of quality measures,
CMS is also able to pursue objectives
beyond resource alignment, such as the
development of new quality measures
and performance indicators.604
Additionally, CMS may incorporate new
quality measures, re-evaluate or
improve existing quality measures, or
adjust a quality measure set to take
effect at the start of each Model Year, or
at other times specified by CMS.
We believe that episode payment
models such as the proposed TEAM
should include pay-for performance
methodologies that incentivize
improvements in patient outcomes
while simultaneously lowering health
care spending. We also believe that
improved quality of care, specifically
achieved through coordination and
communication among providers,
patients, and their caregivers, can
favorably influence patient outcomes.
We are proposing that TEAM would
incorporate quality measures that focus
on care coordination, patient safety, and
patient reported outcomes (PROs) which
we believe represents areas of quality
that are particularly important to
patients undergoing acute procedures.
Finally, wherever possible, we would
align TEAM quality measures with
those used in ongoing models and
programs to minimize participant
burden. Our goal is to focus on
improving beneficiary quality of care
and capture meaningful quality data for
use in the TEAM pay-for-performance
We are starting with a parsimonious
set of quality measures that are being
tied to payment and plan to incorporate
c. Quality Measures and Reporting
(1) Background
As discussed in the CJR model final
rule (80 FR 73358), Medicare payment
policy has moved away from FFS
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604 Damberg CL et al., Research Report: Measuring
Success in Health Care Value-Based Purchasing
Programs, Summary and Recommendations. RAND
(2014). Available from
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more PRO–PMs in the future of the
model. We recognize that there are some
gaps in the proposed measures with
respect to post-acute care settings and
limited measures for episode-specific
PROs. We considered including generic
PRO data to support the collection and
reporting of PROs, similar to the CJR
model requiring voluntary submission
of the Veterans RAND 12 Item Health
Survey (VR–12) or Patient-Reported
Outcomes Measurement Information
System (PROMIS) Global-10 generic
PRO survey. However, we recognize
PRO collection and reporting may
increase participant and patient burden
and we do not want to impose this on
TEAM participants for generic PRO data
since it may be less clinically
meaningful to the episodes that would
be tested in TEAM. We will continue to
assess the evolving inventory of
measures and refine measures based on
public comments, changes to payment
methodologies, recommendations from
TEAM participants and their
collaborators, and new CMS episode
measure development activities.
We are proposing that the proposed
TEAM’s quality measures would be
scored according to the methodology
described in section X.A.3.d.(5)(e) of the
preamble of this proposed rule to
calculate the CQS. The CQS would be
combined with the TEAM participants’
reconciliation amount, as specified in
section X.A.3.d.(5)(g) of the preamble of
this proposed rule, during the
reconciliation process to tie quality
performance to payment.
While we believe the proposed
measure set would provide CMS with
sufficient measures to monitor quality,
and to calculate scoring on quality
performance, we may adjust the
measure set in future performance years
by adding new measures or removing
measures, if we determine those
adjustments to be appropriate at the
time. We note that a selection of these
measures may be used for evaluation
purposes as well. Prior to adding or
removing measures for monitoring
quality and calculating scores for
quality performance, we would use
notice and comment rulemaking.
(2) Selection of Proposed Quality
As proposed, TEAM is designed to
provide financial incentives for
improving coordination of care for
beneficiaries. We expect care redesign
activities to reduce post-surgical
complications and hospital
readmissions and enhance patient
experience and outcome. Furthermore,
we acknowledge that achieving savings
while continuing to ensure high-quality
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
care for Medicare FFS beneficiaries will
require close collaboration among
hospitals, physicians, PAC providers,
and other providers. In order to
encourage greater care collaboration
among the providers of TEAM
beneficiaries, we propose three
measures as described in section
X.A.3.c.(3) of the preamble of this
proposed rule. These measures would
be used to determine hospital quality of
care and eligibility for a TEAM
reconciliation payment.
The measures we are proposing are—
• For all TEAM episodes: Hybrid
Hospital-Wide All-Cause Readmission
Measure with Claims and Electronic
Health Record Data (CMIT ID #356);
• For all TEAM episodes: CMS
Patient Safety and Adverse Events
Composite (CMS PSI 90) (CMIT ID
#135); and
• For LEJR episodes: Hospital-Level
Total Hip and/or Total Knee
Arthroplasty (THA/TKA) PatientReported Outcome-Based Performance
Measure (PRO–PM) (CMIT ID #1618).
Beginning in Performance Year 1 and
continuing for the duration of the
model, we propose to adjust
reconciliation amounts by the TEAM
participants’ CQS based on their
performance of quality measures
previously listed.
We are initially proposing these three
quality measures due to their: (1)
Alignment with the goals of TEAM; (2)
hospitals’ familiarity with the measures
due to their use in other CMS hospital
quality programs, including the Hospital
IQR and HAC Reduction Programs; and
(3) alignment to CMS priorities,
including the CMS National Quality
Strategy which has goals that support
safety, outcomes, and engagement. We
believe the three quality measures we
propose to link to payment reflect these
goals and accurately measure hospitals’
level of achievement on such goals.
We note that shared-decision making
(SDM) is an important aspect of care
around elective procedures, including
elective procedures captured in
episodes such as the LEJR episode and
Spinal Fusion episode. Use of SDM
prior to episode initiation can serve as
an important tool to ensure appropriate
care. SDM allows the clinician and
patient to have informed discussion
about treatment options, balancing the
risks and expected outcomes with a
patient’s preferences and values, and
can help contribute to ensuring
appropriate use of procedures and
minimization of low value care. CMS
has taken steps to incorporate SDM in
care pathways, such as requiring SDM
interaction prior to ICD implantation for
certain patients for national coverage
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determinations.605 However,
implementing SDM in episode-based
payment models such as TEAM poses
challenges with respect to the timing of
the patient/provider interaction and
when an episode is initiated. While
there are upstream opportunities for
SDM in the case of elective surgical
episodes, unplanned or non-elective
episodes may be less conducive to SDM.
Although we are not proposing a
measure initially, we are seeking
feedback on the opportunity for TEAM
to capture quality data related to SDM
between patients and providers, and
avoidance of low value care and
procedures. We invite public comment
on whether such a measure concept or
any existing measures would be
appropriate for TEAM.
Lastly, we also recognize that there
are certain measures on the 2023
Measures Under Consideration (MUC)
List 606 607 that may be more clinically
meaningful and specific to the episodes
in TEAM. These measures are as
• Hospital Harm—Falls with Injury
• Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death
Rate among Surgical Inpatients with
Complications (Failure-to-Rescue)
• Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure (MUC2023–050).
These three outcome measures focus
on improving quality and health
outcomes across a beneficiary’s care
journey and allow for hospitals to better
align and coordinate care across various
programs and care settings. TEAM is
seeking further comment on these three
MUC measures, and potentially
replacing the CMS PSI 90 measure
beginning in 2027, TEAM’s second
performance year. This timeline will
allow TEAM participants to have one
year to gain experience with reporting
the measures in the Hospital IQR
program before their performance is tied
to payment beginning in TEAM’s
second performance year. Further
details on these MUC measures can be
found in section X.A.3.c.(3)(d) of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
606 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 1, 2023). 2023 Measures Under
Consideration (MUC) List. Available at: https://
607 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
(December 2023). Overview of the List of Measures
Under Consideration. Available at: https://
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(3) Proposed Quality Measures
(a) Hybrid Hospital-Wide All-Cause
Readmission Measure With Claims and
Electronic Health Record Data (CMIT ID
Hospital readmission, for any reason,
is disruptive to patients and caregivers,
costly to the healthcare system, and puts
patients at additional risk of hospitalacquired infections and complications.
Readmissions are also a major source of
patient and family stress and may
contribute substantially to loss of
functional ability, particularly in older
patients. Some readmissions are
unavoidable and result from inevitable
progression of disease or worsening of
chronic conditions. However,
readmissions may also result from poor
quality of care or inadequate transitional
care. Transitional care includes effective
discharge planning, transfer of
information at the time of discharge,
patient assessment and education, and
coordination of care and monitoring in
the post-discharge period. Numerous
studies have found an association
between quality of inpatient or
transitional care and early (typically 30day) readmission rates for a wide range
of conditions.608 In 2013, CMS
contracted with Yale New Haven
Services Corporation, Center for
Outcomes Research and Evaluation
(CORE) to demonstrate whether clinical
data derived from electronic health
records (EHRs) could be used to
reengineer and enhance the HospitalWide All-Cause Unplanned
Readmission (HWR) measure.609 Under
the contract with CMS, Yale CORE
identified a set of core clinical data
elements (CCDE) that are feasibly
extracted from hospital EHRs and are
related to patients’ clinical status at the
start of an inpatient encounter.
We propose including the Hybrid
Hospital-Wide Readmission (HWR)
Measure with Claims and Electronic
Health Record Data (CMIT ID #356)
measure in TEAM, for all episode
categories. Previously, within the CJR
rule, CMS proposed using the HospitalLevel 30-day, All-Cause RiskStandardized Readmission Rate (RSRR)
Following Elective Primary Total Hip
Arthroplasty (THA) and/or Total Knee
Arthroplasty (TKA) (NQF #1551)
measure because we believed that this
measure aligned with CMS priorities to
improve the rate of LEJR complications
and readmissions, while improving the
608 Frankl SE, Breeling JL, Goldman L.
Preventability of emergent hospital readmission.
American Journal of Medicine. Jun 1991;90(6):667–
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
overall patient experience. As a result of
stakeholder feedback voicing concerns
over the requirements already set in
place by the Hospital Readmissions
Reduction Program for this measure, the
Hospital-level 30-day, all-cause RSRR
following elective primary THA and/or
TKA (NQF #1551) was not included in
the CJR Model. Our rationale for
including the Hybrid HWR measure
within TEAM is because the increased
use of EHRs by hospitals creates an
opportunity to incorporate clinical data
into outcome measures without the
laborious process of extracting them
from paper medical records. Although
claims-based risk adjustment has been
shown to be comparable to risk
adjustment using clinical data when
observing hospital-level performance,
clinical providers continue to express
preference for using patient-level
clinical data.610 611 Additionally, we
believe this version of HWR provides an
opportunity to align the measure with
clinical decision support systems that
many providers utilize to alert care
teams about patients at increased risk of
poor outcomes, such as readmission, in
real time during the inpatient stay.
Further, utilizing the same variables to
calculate hospital performance that are
used to support clinical decision, we
believe, would be clinically sensible
and cost effective, as it may reduce the
burden of EHR data mapping and
extraction required for quality reporting.
In addition, clinical data captured in
electronic health records are recorded
by clinicians who are interacting with
the patient and who value the accuracy
of the data to guide the care they
provide. Therefore, many clinical data
elements that are captured in real-time
to support patient care are less
susceptible to gaming, coding drift, and
variations in billing practices compared
with administrative data used for billing
purposes. These reporting processes
allow for more stable measurements
over time. Finally, the measures that are
included within HRRP do not capture
some of the episodes that we are
proposing for TEAM. The Hybrid HWR
measure is one of the only existing
610 Keenan PS, Normand SL, Lin Z, Drye EE, Bhat
KR, Ross JS, et al. An administrative claims
measure suitable for profiling hospital performance
on the basis of 30-day all-cause readmission rates
among patients with heart failure. Circ Cardiovasc
Qual Outcomes. 2008 Sep;1(1):29–37. PubMed
PMID: 20031785. Epub 2008/09/01. eng.
611 Krumholz HM, Lin Z, Drye EE, Desai MM, Han
LF, Rapp MT, et al. An administrative claims
measure suitable for profiling hospital performance
based on 30-day all-cause readmission rates among
patients with acute myocardial infarction. Circ
Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2011 Mar;4(2):243–52.
PubMed PMID: 21406673. PMCID: PMC3350811.
Epub 2011/03/17. eng.
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readmission measures that captures
readmission data for patients following
procedures such as spine surgery. By
using the Hybrid HWR measure, we are
inclusive of the specified episodes and
encourage broader efforts to reduce
unnecessary returns to the hospital at
participating hospitals within TEAM.
For TEAM, we propose to use the
measure specifications detailed here:
methodology. If we were to remove the
measure, we would use notice and
comment rulemaking. This measure
would be a pay-for-performance
measure beginning in Performance Year
1 and scored in accordance with our
proposed methodology in section
X.A.3.d.(5)(e) of the preamble of this
proposed rule.
We seek public comment on our
proposal to include the Hybrid HospitalWide All-Cause Readmission Measure
with Claims and Electronic Health
Record Data measure in TEAM at
§ 512.547(a)(1).
(b) CMS Patient Safety and Adverse
Events Composite (CMS PSI 90) (CMIT
ID #135)
The Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality (AHRQ) developed patient
safety indicators for health providers to
identify potential in hospital patient
safety problems for targeted institutionlevel quality improvement efforts. These
Patient Safety Indicators (PSIs) are
comprised of 26 measures (including 18
provider-level indicators) that highlight
safety-related adverse events occurring
in hospitals following operations,
procedures, and childbirth. AHRQ
developed the PSIs after a
comprehensive literature review,
analysis of available ICD codes, review
by clinical panels, implementation of
risk adjustment, and empirical analyses.
The CMS Patient Safety and Adverse
Events Composite (CMS PSI 90) is used
in the HAC Reduction Program to
support CMS public reporting and payfor-performance. The CMS PSI 90
measure is calibrated using the
Medicare fee-for-service population and
based on the AHRQ Patient Safety
Indicators. The CMS PSI 90 measure
summarizes patient safety across
multiple indicators, monitors
performance over time, and facilitates
comparative reporting and quality
improvement at the hospital level. The
CMS PSI 90 composite measure intends
to reflect the safety climate of a hospital
by providing a marker of patient safety
during the delivery of care. However,
we are aware of the common
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stakeholder concerns surrounding the
CMS PSI 90 measure, including the
following: 612
• PSI 90 may be associated with
adverse prioritization for preventing
some conditions over others. Not all
conditions are equal with respect to
prevention guidelines.
++ Sepsis prevention may include use
of prophylactic antibiotics.
++ Fall prevention requires
assessment of fall risk and appropriately
applied remediation methods.
• Pressure injury prevention consists
of a time-consuming, complex series of
unrelated tasks for nurses, consisting of
daily skin checks and risk assessments,
repositioning every 3 to 4 hours, and
managing moisture and incontinence
among other tasks.
• Simple clinical decision points can
expose patients to many risks reflected
in PSI 90; however, PSI 90 weighting
system may influence risk because
HACs are weighted in PSI 90 based on
volume and harm.
• The PSI 90 composite score could
create incentives to prioritize low
hanging fruit (for example, procedures
and treatments that are directly
remunerated) over pressure injury
We propose including the CMS PSI 90
measure in TEAM, for all episode
categories, because it includes a broad
array of safety events, many of which
are relevant to patients in the episodes,
are familiar to hospitals and have no
additional burden. CMS would use the
CMS PSI 90 software to produce the
CMS PSI 90 results. Since CMS is
currently using the CMS PSI 90 measure
in certain quality programs, including
the Hospital-Acquired Condition
Reduction Program, we do not
anticipate additional administrative
burden for TEAM participants.
For TEAM, we propose to use the
measure specifications detailed here:
measures/psi/resources. If we were to
remove the measure, we would use
notice and comment rulemaking. This
measure would be a pay-forperformance measure beginning in
performance year 1 and scored in
accordance with our proposed
methodology in section X.A.3.d.(5)(e) of
the preamble of this proposed rule.
We seek public comment on our
proposal to include the CMS PSI 90
measure in TEAM at proposed
§ 512.547(a)(2) and are also seeking
comment on other hospital level safety
measures appropriate for these episodes
612 Adverse Effects of the Medicare PSI 90
Hospital Penalty System on Revenue-Neutral
Hospital-Acquired Conditions (Jun 2020).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
that are not already tied to payment in
CMS programs. We also invite public
comment on the ones that were on the
2023 MUC list and the possible
approach to transition from CMS PSI 90
to the three measures beginning in
TEAM’s second performance year.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(c) Hospital-Level Total Hip and/or
Total Knee Arthroplasty (THA/TKA)
Patient-Reported Outcome-Based
Performance Measure (PRO–PM) (CMIT
ID #1618)
As part of the CMS Innovation
Center’s Strategy Refresh, TEAM is
working to align with the Center’s
Patient-Reported Outcome Measure
Strategy. This strategy supports the CMS
Innovation Center’s Advancing Quality
Initiative, which aims to support a more
person-centered quality strategy in
accountable care and specialty care
models and demonstrations. The
Patient-Reported Outcome Measure
Strategy aims to increase the use of
patient-reported measures in CMS
Innovation Center models and
demonstrations. PROs are reported by
the patient and capture a person’s
perception of their own health through
surveys and questionnaires. Broadly,
patient-reported data includes PROs and
ePROs, which is the electronic capture
of this data; patient-reported outcome
measures (PROMs), which reflect how
the PRO data is reported (for example,
a survey instrument); and patientreported outcome-based performance
measures (PRO–PMs), which are reliable
and valid quality measures of aggregated
PRO data reported through a PROM and
potentially used for performance
The CJR model includes voluntary
reporting of PRO data. In order to meet
the requirements for successful
submission of PRO data, hospitals must
submit the Veterans RAND 12 Item
Health Survey (VR–12) or PatientReported Outcomes Measurement
Information System (PROMIS) Global-10
generic PRO survey; and the (HOOS Jr.)/
(KOOS Jr). or HOOS/KOOS subscales
PRO survey for patients undergoing
eligible elective primary THA/TKA
procedures. The Center for Clinical
Standards and Quality (CCSQ) was able
to use the CJR THA/TKA PRO data
collection to develop the THA/TKA
PRO–PM as a part of the Hospital IQR
Program, included in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS Final rule (87 FR 48780).
Elective THA/TKAs are most
commonly performed for degenerative
joint disease, or osteoarthritis, which is
the most common joint disorder in the
US, affecting more than 32.5 million, or
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1 in every 7, US adults.613 614 This
condition is one of the leading causes of
disability among non-institutionalized
adults; roughly 80% of patients with
osteoarthritis have some limitation in
mobility.615 616 Osteoarthritis also
significantly burdens the health care
system—in 2017, it was the second most
expensive treated condition across all
payers in US hospitals, and in 2018, it
accounted for approximately 1,128,000
hospitalizations.617 618 619 THAs and
TKAs offer significant improvement in
quality of life by decreasing pain and
improving function in a majority of
patients, without conferring a high risk
of complications or death.620 621 Over 1
million hip and knee replacements are
performed annually in the US, 60% of
which are paid for by Medicare. This
number is expected to double by 2030
with an estimated annual cost of $50
billion to Medicare.622
In order to encourage greater use of
patient-reported outcome data, we are
proposing to require submission of
THA/TKA PRO–PM. However, we
recognize that this PRO–PM is only
applicable to the LEJR episode category
and seek comment on other PROs or
PROMs that would be applicable to
other episode categories tested and
could be incorporated in future
performance years of TEAM. Please
note, that the addition of the use of
generic PROs may be applicable across
numerous episodes versus PROs that are
more episode specific to given
procedures. Also, we recognize that
hospitals will be newly adapting to the
Hospital IQR Program requirement for
the THA/TKA PRO–PM but that
infrastructure and process development
should make the incorporation of future
PRO–PMs less burdensome.
For TEAM, we propose to use the
measure specifications detailed here:
a6000163edbf0?filename=THA_TKAPRO-PM_MeasMthdlgy.pdf. If we were
to remove the measure, we would use
notice and comment rulemaking. This
measure would be a pay-forperformance measure beginning in
performance year 1 and scored in
accordance with our proposed
methodology in section X.A.3.d.(5)(e) Of
the preamble of this proposed rule.
We seek public comment on our
proposal to include the Hospital-Level,
Risk-Standardized Patient-Reported
Outcomes Following Elective Primary
THA/TKA measure in TEAM at
§ 512.547(a)(3).
613 Zhang, Y. and J.M. Jordan, Epidemiology of
osteoarthritis. Clin Geriatr Med, 2010. 26(3): p. 355–
614 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Osteoarthritis (OA). 2020; Available from: https://
615 Guccione, A.A., et al., The effects of specific
medical conditions on the functional limitations of
elders in the Framingham Study. Am J Public
Health, 1994. 84(3): p. 351–8.
616 Michaud, C.M., et al., The burden of disease
and injury in the United States 1996. Popul Health
Metr, 2006. 4: p. 11.
617 Levit, K., et al. HCUP Facts and Figures, 2006:
Statistics on Hospital-based Care in the United
States. 2008; Available from: https://
618 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project. HCUP
Fast Stats—Most Common Diagnoses for Inpatient
Stays 2021; Available from: https://
619 Liang, L., B. Moore, and A. Soni, National
Inpatient Hospital Costs: The Most Expensive
Conditions by Payer, 2017. HCUP Statistical Brief
#261. 2020.
620 Lopez, C.D., et al., Hospital and Surgeon
Medicare Reimbursement Trends for Total Joint
Arthroplasty. Arthroplast Today, 2020. 6(3): p. 437–
621 Rissanen, P., et al., Health and quality of life
before and after hip or knee arthroplasty. The
Journal of Arthroplasty, 1995. 10(2): p. 169–175.
622 Lopez, C.D., et al., Hospital and Surgeon
Medicare Reimbursement Trends for Total Joint
Arthroplasty. Arthroplast Today, 2020. 6(3): p. 437–
(d) Measures Under Consideration for
Future Rulemaking
We recognize there are other measures
that may be more clinically relevant to
the proposed TEAM clinical episode
categories but are not yet being used in
the Hospital IQR Program. Therefore, we
are seeking comment on requiring
submission of the Thirty-day RiskStandardized Death Rate among
Surgical Inpatients with Complications
(Failure-to-Rescue) (MUC2023–049)
measure for use in all of our episode
categories. This measure assesses the
percentage of surgical inpatients who
experienced a complication and then
died within 30-days from the date of
their first ‘‘operating room’’ procedure.
Failure-to-rescue (FTR) is defined as the
probability of death given a
postoperative complication.
We believe inclusion of the potential
FTR measure in TEAM would allow
hospitals to identify opportunities to
improve their quality of care. Hospitals
and health care providers benefit from
knowing not only their institution´s
mortality rate, but also their institution´s
ability to rescue patients after an
adverse occurrence. Using a failure-torescue measure is especially important
if hospital resources needed for
preventing complications are different
from those needed for rescue. From a
research and policy perspective,
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
knowing the failure-to-rescue rate in
addition to the mortality rate would
improve our understanding of mortality
statistics. Since the death rate appears to
be composed of two distinct rates,
quality of care measurement may be
improved if both mortality and FTR
rates are reported instead of relying on
the adjusted mortality rate alone.
Failure to rescue measures have been
repeatedly validated by their consistent
association with nurse staffing, nursing
skill mix, technological resources, rapid
response systems, and other activities
that improve early identification and
prompt intervention when
complications arise after surgery.
We are also seeking comment on
requiring submission of two hospital
harm measures for potential use in
TEAM; the Hospital Harm—Falls with
Injury (MUC2023–048) and the Hospital
Harm—Postoperative Respiratory
Failure (MUC2023–050).
We believe including the Hospital
Harm—Falls with Injury (MUC2023–
048) would address the importance of
patient safety in the acute care setting.
We recognize that inpatient falls are
among the most common incidents
reported in hospitals and can increase
length of stay and patient costs. Due to
the potential for serious harm associated
with patient falls, ‘‘patient death or
serious injury associated with a fall
while being cared for in a health care
setting’’ is considered a Serious
Reportable Event by the National
Quality Forum (NQF).
Falls (including unplanned or
unintended descents to the floor) can
result in patient injury ranging from
minor abrasion or bruising to death as
a result of injuries sustained from a fall.
While major injuries (for example,
fractures, closed head injuries, internal
bleeding) (Mintz, 2022) have the biggest
impact on patient outcomes, 2008–2021
data findings from the 2022 Network of
Patient Safety Databases (NPSD)
demonstrated that 41.8% of falls
resulted in moderate injuries such as
skin tear, avulsion, hematoma,
significant bruising, dislocations and
lacerations requiring suturing. Moderate
injury is, as defined by NDNQI, that
resulted in suturing, application of
steric-strips or skin glue, splinting, or
muscle/joint strain (Press Ganey, 2020).
NPSD findings also demonstrated that
mild to moderate level of harm
represent 24.2%, 0.4%—severe harm,
and 0.1%—death (levels of harm
definitions developed by WHO, 2009).
By focusing on falls with major and
moderate injuries, the goal of this
hospital harm eCQM is to raise
awareness of fall rates and, ultimately,
to improve patient safety by preventing
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falls with injury in all hospital patients.
The purpose of measuring the rate of
falls with major and moderate injury
events is to improve hospitals’ practices
for monitoring patients at high risk for
falls with injury and, in so doing, to
reduce the frequency of patient falls
with injury.623 624 625 626
Additionally, we are considering
including the Hospital Harm—
Postoperative Respiratory Failure
(MUC2023–050). This eCQM assesses
the proportion of elective inpatient
hospitalizations for patients aged 18
years and older without an obstetrical
condition who have a procedure
resulting in postoperative respiratory
failure (PRF). PRF is defined as
unplanned endotracheal reintubation,
prolonged inability to wean from
mechanical ventilation, or inadequate
oxygenation and/or ventilation, and is
the most common serious postoperative
pulmonary complication, with an
incidence of up to 7.5% (the incidence
of any postoperative pulmonary
complication ranges from 10–40%).627
This measure addresses the prevalence
of PRF and the incidence variance
between hospitals. PRF is a serious
complication that can increase the risk
of morbidity and mortality, with inhospital mortality resulting from PRF
estimated at 25% to 40%.628 Surgical
procedures complicated by PRF have
3.74 times higher adjusted odds of death
than those not complicated by
respiratory failure, 1.47 times higher
odds of 90-day readmission, and 1.86
times higher odds of an outpatient visit
with one of 44 postoperative conditions
623 Mintz, J., Duprey, M. S., Zullo, A. R., Lee, Y.,
Kiel, D. P., Daiello, L. A., Rodriguez, K. E.,
Venkatesh, A. K., & Berry, S. D. (2022).
Identification of Fall-Related Injuries in Nursing
Home Residents Using Administrative Claims Data.
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological
sciences and medical sciences, 77(7), 1421–1429.
624 Network of Patient Safety Databases
Chartbook, 2022. Rockville, MD: Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality; September 2022.
AHRQ Pub. No. 22–0051.
625 National Quality Forum. Serious Reportable
serious_reportable_events.aspx. Accessed July 24,
626 WHO. (2009). Conceptual Framework for the
International Classification for Patient Safety,
Version 1.1.
627 Arozullah AM, Daley J, Henderson WG, Khuri
SF. (2000). Multifactorial risk index for predicting
postoperative respiratory failure in men after major
noncardiac surgery. The National Veterans
Administration Surgical Quality Improvement
Program. Annals of surgery. 232(2):242–253.
628 Arozullah AM, Daley J, Henderson WG, Khuri
SF. (2000). Multifactorial risk index for predicting
postoperative respiratory failure in men after major
noncardiac surgery. The National Veterans
Administration Surgical Quality Improvement
Program. Annals of surgery. 232(2):242–253.
PO 00000
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(for example, bacterial infection, fluid
and electrolyte disorder, abdominal
hernia) within 90 days of hospital
discharge.629 PRF is additionally
associated with prolonged mechanical
ventilation and the need for
rehabilitation or skilled nursing facility
placement upon discharge.630
The incidence of PRF varies by
hospital, with higher reported rates of
PRF in nonteaching hospitals than
teaching hospitals (Rahman, et al.,
2013). Additionally, one study found
that the odds of developing PRF
increased by 6% for each level increase
in hospital size from small to large.631
This finding suggests that there remains
room for improvement in hospitals
reporting higher rates of PRF.
The most widely used current
measures of PRF are based on either
claims data (CMS Patient Safety
Indicator PSI 11) or proprietary registry
data (National Surgical Quality
Improvement Program (NSQIP) of the
American College of Surgeons). The
proposed eCQM is closely modeled after
the NSQIP measure of PRF, which has
been widely adopted across American
hospitals, and is intended to
complement and eventually supplant
CMS PSI 11. As mentioned of section
X.A.3.c.(3)(b) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, these three MUC
measures would potentially take the
place of the CMS PSI 90 measure
beginning in TEAM’s second
performance year. These three MUC
measures will be available for optional
reporting in the Hospital IQR Program
beginning in 2026.
(4) Form, Manner, and Timing of
Quality Measures Reporting
We believe it is important to be
transparent and to outline the form,
manner, and timing of quality measure
data submission so that accurate
measure results are provided to
hospitals, and that timely and accurate
calculation of measure results are
consistently produced to determine
reconciliation payment amounts and
repayment amounts. We propose that
data submission for the Hybrid
Hospital-Wide Readmission Measure
with Claims and Electronic Health
629 Miller MR, Elixhauser A, Zhan C, Meyer GS.
(2001). Patient Safety Indicators: using
administrative data to identify potential patient
safety concerns. Health services research. 36(6 Pt
630 Thompson SL, Lisco SJ. Postoperative
Respiratory Failure. Int Anesthesiol Clin.
631 Rahman M, Neal D, Fargen KM, Hoh BL.
Establishing standard performance measures for
adult brain tumor patients: a Nationwide Inpatient
Sample database study. Neuro Oncol.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Record Data (CMIT ID #356), CMS
Patient Safety and Adverse Events
Composite (CMS PSI 90) (CMIT ID
#135), Hospital-Level, and RiskStandardized Patient-Reported
Outcomes Following Elective Primary
Total Hip and/or Total Knee
Arthroplasty (THA/TKA) (CMIT ID
#1618) be accomplished through
existing Hospital IQR Program
processes. Since these measures are or
will soon be reported to the Hospital
IQR and HAC Reduction Programs,
hospitals would not need to submit
additional data for TEAM.
For the Measures Under
Consideration (MUC) measures, Thirtyday Risk-Standardized Death Rate
among Surgical Inpatients with
Complications (Failure-to-Rescue)
(MUC2023–049), Hospital Harm—
Postoperative Respiratory Failure
(MUC2023–050) and Hospital Harm—
Falls with Injury (MUC2023–048)
measures, we would propose that data
submission for these measures align
with the Hospital IQR Program if they
are finalized for that program as
proposed. Similar to the proposed
required measures noted previously,
hospitals would not need to submit any
additional data on these proposed
measures if they are finalized and
implemented for the Hospital IQR
Program. We invite public comment on
the proposal to collect quality measure
data through the existing mechanisms of
the Hospital IQR and HAC Reduction
(5) Display of Quality Measures and
Availability of Information for Public
We believe that the display of
measure results is an important way to
educate the public on hospital
performance and increase the
transparency of the model. We propose
to display quality measure results on the
publicly available CMS website in a
form and manner consistent with other
publicly reported measures. CMS would
share each TEAM participants’ quality
metrics with the hospital prior to
display on the CMS website. The
timeframe for when TEAM participants
would receive data on our proposed
measures align with the Care Compare
schedule that can be found here: https://
collection-periods. The Hybrid HWR
and CMS PSI 90 measure results are
posted annually in July. The THA/TKA
PRO–PM is still in the voluntary
reporting stage and the public reporting
schedule for this measure will be
reported on an annual basis. All
measures under the statutory hospital
quality programs have a 30-day preview
period prior to results being posted on
the Care Compare web page. TEAM
participant measure scores will be
delivered to TEAM participants
confidentially. We propose to publicly
report PY1 measure scores in 2027 and
we would continue to publicly report
scores every performance year with a
one-year lag. TEAM has proposed 2027
as the first performance year for when
scores will be publicly available due to
the amount of lag time it takes for a few
of our measures to fully process. For
example, the Hybrid HWR measure
which uses claims data and core clinical
data elements from the EHR has about
a year between from when the data is
submitted and when that data is
publicly posted. The applicable time
periods for the measures during TEAM
are summarized in the Table X.A.–05:
TEAM Performance Vear
Measure Title
Hybrid Hospital-Wide
Readmission Measure
CMS PSI 90 **
July 1, 2024 June 30, 2025
July 1, 2023 June 30, 2025
July 1, 2024 June 30, 2025
July 1, 2025 June 30, 2026
July 1, 2024 June 30, 2026
July 1, 2025 June 30, 2026
July 1, 2026 June 30, 2027
July 1, 2025 June 30 - 2027
July 1, 2026 June 30, 2027
July 1, 2027 June 30, 2028
July 1, 2026 June 30, 2028
July 1, 2027 June 30, 2028
July 1, 2028 - June
30, 2029
July 1, 2027 - June
30, 2029
July 1, 2028 June 30, 2029
The proposed time periods for the
Hybrid Hospital-Wide Readmission
Measure with Claims and Electronic
Health Record Data (CMIT ID #356),
CMS Patient Safety and Adverse Events
Composite (CMS PSI 90) (CMIT ID #135)
and Hospital-Level, Risk-Standardized
Patient-Reported Outcomes Following
Elective Primary Total Hip and/or Total
Knee Arthroplasty (THA/TKA) (CMIT
ID #1618) are consistent with the
Hospital IQR Program performance
periods for the Hybrid HWR measure
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and THA/TKA PRO–PM and consistent
with the HAC Reduction Program
performance period for the CMS PSI 90
measure. We believe the public is
familiar with the proposed measures,
which have mostly been publicly
reported in past releases of Care
Compare as part of the Hospital IQR and
HAC Reduction Programs. We are aware
that the Hospital-Level, RiskStandardized Patient-Reported
Outcomes Following Elective Primary
Total Hip and/or Total Knee
PO 00000
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Arthroplasty (THA/TKA) PRO–PM is
new to the Hospital IQR Program,
although it has been used in the CJR
model for several years, and are seeking
comment on the use of this measure for
TEAM. To minimize confusion and
facilitate access to the data on the
measures included in TEAM, we
propose to post the data on each TEAM
participant’s performance on each of the
three proposed quality measures in a
downloadable format in a section of the
website specific to TEAM, similar to
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
* Hybrid Hospital-Wide Readmission Measure with Claims and Electronic Health
Record Data (CMIT ID #356).
** CMS Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (CMS PSI 90) (CMIT ID #135).
*** Hospital-Level, Risk-Standardized Patient-Reported Outcomes Following Elective
Primary Total Hip and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty (THA/TKA) (CMIT ID #1618).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
what is done for the Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program and
the HAC Reduction Program. We invite
public comments on these proposals to
post data for the required measures on
the TEAM specific website.
d. Pricing and Payment Methodology
(1) Background
In determining the best methodology
for setting target prices for episodes, we
can draw on lessons learned from
multiple iterations of both the CJR and
BPCI Advanced target price
methodologies. As we developed the
methodologies for CJR and BPCI
Advanced, and refined them over time
in response to observed changes in
nationwide spending trends and
payment system changes (such as the
removal of TKA and THA from the IPO
list, and the reclassification of certain
MS–DRGs), each new iteration drew
from lessons learned in the previous
iteration. For purposes of TEAM, we
aim to find the balance between
simplicity and predictive accuracy.
CMS aims to choose a payment
methodology that will be as transparent
and understandable as possible for
participants of varying levels of
statistical background and knowledge;
proposing calculations that are
relatively straightforward and easy to
explain would further this goal. On the
other hand, the more elements we
consider and more sophisticated
statistical modeling we use, the better
able we are to accurately predict
performance period spending. Accurate
performance period spending
predictions increase the likelihood of
achieving our model goals of setting
target prices that provide a reasonable
opportunity to achieve savings for
Medicare but are not too onerous for
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(i) Previous Episode-Based Payment
When designing the CJR payment
methodology, one goal was to be as
simple and straightforward as possible,
given that it was a mandatory model
covering only one episode category. The
initial CJR payment methodology
included a 3-year baseline period that
rolled forward every 2 years. Target
prices used a blend of participantspecific and regional spending, which
shifted towards 100% regional spending
for PY 4–5. Downside risk was waived
for the first performance year of the
model to allow participants time to
enact practice changes that would help
them succeed in the model. Beginning
in PY 2, participants were subject to
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both upside and downside risk, within
stop-loss and stop-gain limits that
increased to a maximum of 20% by PY
3 for most hospitals. The stop-loss and
stop-gain limits were designed to ensure
that participants would neither be
subject to an unmanageable level of risk,
nor be incentivized to stint on care to
achieve savings. The initial CJR
payment methodology is described in
detail in the final rule titled ‘‘Medicare
Program; Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement Payment Model for Acute
Care Hospitals Furnishing Lower
Extremity Joint Replacement Service’’
that appeared in the November 24, 2015
Federal Register (80 FR 73274) (referred
to in this proposed rule as the ‘‘2015
CJR Final Rule’’), starting at 80 FR
The initial CJR payment methodology
was modified in the final rule titled
‘‘Medicare Program: Comprehensive
Care for Joint Replacement Model
Three-Year Extension and Changes to
Episode Definition and Pricing;
Medicare and Medicaid Programs;
Policies and Regulatory Revisions in
Response to the COVID–19 Public
Health Emergency’’ that appeared in the
May 3, 2021 Federal Register (86 FR
23496) (referred to in this proposed rule
as the ‘‘2021 CJR 3-Year Extension Final
Rule’’). The CJR model’s 3-year
extension and modification was due to
a number of factors, as described in
detail starting at 86 FR 23508. A
principal reason for the modifications to
the payment methodology was the fact
that the initial CJR target price
methodology did not account for
changing downward trends in spending
on LEJR episodes, both among CJR
participant hospitals and nonparticipant hospitals. The resulting
reconciliation payments under the
initial methodology rewarded
participants for spending reductions
that likely would have happened
regardless of the model, which led to
concerns that target prices could be too
high for Medicare to achieve savings in
the model over time.
The changes to the model increased
the complexity in some ways (for
example, the addition of risk adjustment
multipliers) while simplifying it in
other ways (for example, the removal of
update factors) in order to calculate
target prices that would more accurately
reflect performance period spending. A
retrospective Market Trend Factor was
applied to target prices at reconciliation
to capture changes in spending patterns
that occurred nationally during the
performance period. This market trend
factor, in combination with the change
from a 3-year baseline to a 1 year
baseline, negated the need for setting-
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specific update factors that we had used
previously to set purely prospective
target prices. At the same time, our
added risk adjustment increased target
prices for episodes with more complex
patients, to better reflect the higher costs
associated with those patients. The
changes to the CJR payment
methodology are described in detail in
the 2021 CJR 3-Year Extension Final
Rule starting at 86 FR 23508.
(B) BPCI Advanced
By contrast, the BPCI Advanced
methodology is more complex. The
target price calculation method was
designed to support participation from a
broad range of providers by accounting
for variation in episode payments and
factors that contribute to differences that
are beyond providers’ control. In Model
Years 1–3, BPCI Advanced target prices
were constructed using a 4-year rolling
baseline period and were based on
hospital historical payments, patient
risk adjustment, a prospective peer
group trend factor, and 3% CMS
discount. PGP target prices adjusted
hospital target prices for PGP-specific
patient case mix and differences
between PGP and hospital historical
payments. Risk adjustment is performed
using a 2-stage model, with Stage 1
consisting of a compound log-normal
model with episode cost as the
dependent variable, and Stage 2
consisting of an Ordinary Least Squares
regression with case mix adjusted
spending as the dependent variable.
The use of a prospective trend in
Model Years 1–3 resulted in prices not
accurately predicting spending that
arose from unanticipated, systematic
factors. For example, changes in coding
guidelines can lead to cost changes. In
fiscal year 2017, there were changes to
the guidelines for coding the congestive
heart failure (CHF) and simple
pneumonia episodes, two of the highestvolume episodes in the BPCI Advanced
model. The change resulted in an
increase in the share of patients
classified as having more serious CHF
and simple pneumonia diagnoses in the
performance period than in the baseline
period. Because target prices are based
on the seriousness of a patient’s
diagnosis, target prices increased
leading to larger reconciliation
payments to participants and losses to
The losses to Medicare spurred
changes to the BPCI Advanced pricing
methodology. Similar to CJR, the
prospective trend factor used in Model
Years 1–3 was replaced in Model Year
4 with a retrospective trend factor
adjustment at reconciliation, although
this retrospective trend adjustment was
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subject to guardrails. Specifically, the
trend at reconciliation could not exceed
+/¥10% of the prospective trend for
Model Years 4 and 5, and in response
to participant feedback, the trend
adjustment was limited to +/¥5%
beginning in Model Year 6. The CMS
discount was also reduced in Model
Year 6 from 3% to 2% for medical
episodes. Pricing methodology changes
since Model Year 4 were intended to
improve pricing accuracy and reflect
actual spending trends during the
performance period. Future evaluation
reports will assess the effectiveness of
these changes. Additional information
on the BPCI Advanced pricing
methodology may be found on the BPCI
Advanced participant resources page.632
In TEAM, our goal is a target price
methodology that blends the most
successful elements of each of these
model iterations, striking a balance of
predictability and accuracy.
(2) Overview of TEAM Pricing and
Payment Methodology
While we describe each element of
the pricing and payment methodology
in detail in the following sections, here
we present an overview of the proposed
TEAM pricing and payment
methodology. At proposed § 512.540,
we are proposing to use3 years of
baseline data, trended forward to the
performance year, to calculate target
prices at the level of MS–DRG/HCPCS
episode type and region. We propose to
group episodes from the baseline period
by applicable MS–DRG for episode
types that include only inpatient
hospitalizations, and by applicable MS–
DRG or HCPCS code for episode types
that include both inpatient
hospitalizations and outpatient
procedures. For episodes types that
include both inpatient hospitalizations
(identified by MS–DRGs) and outpatient
procedures (identified by HCPCS
codes), HCPCS codes are combined for
purposes of target pricing with the
applicable MS–DRG representing an
inpatient hospitalization without Major
Complications and Comorbidities, as we
expect those beneficiaries to have
similar clinical characteristics and costs.
After capping high-cost outlier episodes
at the 99th percentile for each of the 24
proposed MS–DRG/HCPCS episode
types and 9 regions (which we propose
at proposed § 512.505 to define as the 9
U.S. census divisions, as defined by the
U.S. Census Bureau), we propose to use
average standardized spending for each
MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type in each
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region as the benchmark price for that
MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type for that
specific region, resulting in 216 MS–
DRG/HCPCS episode type/region-level
benchmark prices. We propose to apply
a prospective trend factor and a
discount factor to benchmark prices (as
well as a prospective normalization
factor, described later in this section) to
calculate preliminary target prices. The
prospective trend factor would
represent expected changes in overall
spending patterns between the most
recent calendar year of the baseline
period and the performance year, based
on observed changes in overall spending
patterns between the earliest calendar
year of the baseline period and the most
recent year of the baseline period. The
discount factor would represent
Medicare’s portion of potential savings
from the episode.
At proposed § 512.545, we propose to
risk adjust episode-level target prices at
reconciliation by the following
beneficiary-level variables: age group,
Hierarchical Condition Category count
(a measure of clinical complexity), and
social risk (the components of which are
described in more detail in sections
X.A.3.d.(4) and X.A.3.f of the preamble
of this proposed rule). We propose to
calculate risk adjustment multipliers
prospectively at the MS–DRG/HCPCS
episode type level based on baseline
data and hold those multipliers fixed for
the performance year. To ensure that
risk adjustment does not inflate target
prices overall, we further propose to
calculate a prospective normalization
factor based on the data used to
calculate the risk adjustment
multipliers. We propose to apply the
prospective normalization factor, in
addition to the prospective trend factor
and discount factor described
previously, to the benchmark price to
calculate the preliminary target price for
each MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type and
region. We propose that the prospective
normalization factor would be subject to
a limited adjustment at reconciliation
based on TEAM participants’ observed
performance period case mix, such that
the final normalization factor would not
exceed +/¥5% of the prospective
normalization factor.
(3) Target Prices
(a) Baseline Period for Benchmarking
At proposed § 512.540(b)(2) we
propose to use 3 years of baseline
episode spending to calculate
benchmark prices, which we would
further adjust as described in section
X.A.3.d.(3)(i) of the preamble of this
proposed rule to create preliminary
target prices. We propose to roll this 3-
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year baseline period forward every year.
Specifically, we propose that—
• To determine baseline episode
spending for PY1, CMS would use
baseline episode spending for episodes
that started between January 1, 2022 and
December 31, 2024;
• To determine baseline episode
spending for PY2, CMS would use
baseline episode spending for episodes
that started between January 1, 2023 and
December 31, 2025;
• To determine baseline episode
spending for PY 3, CMS would use
baseline episode spending for episodes
that started between January 1, 2024 and
December 31, 2026;
• To determine baseline episode
spending for PY 4, CMS would use
baseline episode spending for episodes
that started between January 1, 2025 and
December 31, 2027;
• To determine baseline episode
spending for P Y 5, CMS would use
baseline episode spending for episodes
that started between January 1, 2026 and
December 31, 2028.
The use of 3 years of baseline episode
spending is consistent with our initial
CJR methodology, as described in the
2015 CJR Final Rule at 80 FR 73340. In
that case, the 3-year baseline period
moved forward every 2 years. However,
in combination with the lack of a
retrospective trend factor, the use of a 3year baseline period that only moved
forward every 2 years meant that our
methodology was not able to capture the
degree to which spending on LEJR
episodes was decreasing nationwide,
both among CJR and non-CJR hospitals.
As a result, we believe our target prices
partially reflected spending decreases
that were not due specifically to
participation in CJR.
Subsequently, in the 2021 CJR 3-Year
Extension Final Rule, we finalized a
policy to use a 1-year baseline period
that would move forward every year
(with the exception of skipping data
from 2020 due to COVID–19
irregularities) (86 FR 23514). In
combination with a retrospective market
trend factor, using 1 year of baseline
episode spending updated every year
meant that our target prices would not
be inflated as they had been under the
initial CJR methodology. BPCI
Advanced employs a strategy that
blends elements of both CJR approaches,
with a longer baseline period (4 years)
similar to the initial CJR methodology,
but shifting forward every year, as we
do in the CJR extension.
Participants in episode-based
payment models have expressed
concerns about a concept known as the
‘‘ratchet effect’’ when choosing the
baseline period from which to calculate
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target prices. That is, participants do not
want to be penalized for achieving
lower spending by having lower target
prices in subsequent years. The use of
fewer years of the most recent baseline
episode spending, as well as more
frequent rebasing, will generally
decrease target prices more quickly year
over year if overall episode spending is
decreasing, as opposed to a longer, fixed
baseline. However, we need to balance
this concern against the likelihood of
having inaccurate target prices if we use
older baseline episode spending or
rebase less frequently.
One way that we propose to mitigate
the ratchet effect is that we propose to
use a 3-year baseline period and rebase
annually. We believe this approach
would achieve a balance between
having target prices based on
sufficiently up-to-date spending
patterns but not requiring participants
to compete against only the most recent
spending patterns.
We propose to adjust baseline episode
spending to trend all episode spending
to the most recent year of the baseline
period. The adjustment would reflect
the impact of inflation and any changes
in episode spending due to evolving
patterns of care, Medicare payment
policies, payment system updates, and
other factors during the baseline period.
We propose to define a baseline year as
any of the three CYs during a given
baseline period. For example, baseline
year 1 for PY 1 will be CY 2022,
baseline year 2 will be CY 2023, and
baseline year 3 will be CY 2024. We
propose to calculate the adjustment
factors for baseline years 1 and 2 by
dividing average episode spending for
baseline year 3 episodes by average
episode spending for episodes from
baseline years 1 and 2, respectively. We
would then apply the applicable
adjustment factors to the episode
spending of each episode in baseline
years 1 and 2. This adjustment would
bring all baseline episode spending
forward to the most recent baseline year,
so that baseline year 1 and 2 spending
would be expressed in baseline year 3
dollars. This method would be
consistent with how we calculated the
baseline trend factor for CJR in the
performance years that used the 3-year
baseline period, as described in the
2015 CJR Final Rule (80 FR 73342). We
propose to calculate these baseline trend
factor adjustments at the MS–DRG/
HCPCS episode type and region level.
In recognition of the fact that baseline
episode spending from more recent
years are likely to be a better predictor
of performance year spending, we
propose to weight recent baseline
episode spending more heavily than
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episode spending from earlier baseline
years. Specifically, we propose to
weight episode spending from baseline
year 1 at 17%, baseline year 2 at 33%,
and baseline year 3 at 50%. This
method of weighting would mean that
the most recent episode spending
patterns, expected to be the most
accurate predictor of performance year
spending, would contribute most
strongly to the benchmark price at 50%.
The remaining 50% would be divided
into thirds, with baseline year 2
contributing approximately 2⁄3, while
baseline year 1, which is likely to be the
least accurate predictor of performance
year spending, would contribute 1⁄3.
We seek comment on our proposal at
proposed § 512.540(b)(2–3) to use 3
years of baseline episode spending,
rolled forward for each performance
year, with more recent baseline years
weighted more heavily, to calculate
TEAM target prices.
(b) Regional Target Prices
We are proposing to provide to TEAM
participants target prices for each
proposed MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type
and region based on 100% regional data
for all TEAM participants prior to each
PY. This approach would be consistent
with PY 4–8 of CJR. While CJR target
prices used a blend of 2⁄3 hospitalspecific data and 1⁄3 regional data for PY
1–2, and 1⁄3 hospital-specific data and 2⁄3
regional data for PY 3, we stated our
reasons in the 2015 CJR Final Rule for
moving towards fully regional target
pricing as participants gained more
experience in the model (80 FR73347).
Target prices based on hospital-specific
data would require a TEAM participant
to compete against its own previous
performance, such that improvement
over previous performance would result
in a reconciliation payment. Conversely,
target prices based on regional data
would require a TEAM participant to
compete against its peers in that region,
such that only a specific level of
achievement, as opposed to
improvement alone, would result in a
reconciliation payment. For TEAM
participants that are historically
inefficient compared to their peers,
hospital-specific target prices would be
higher than regional target prices
because hospital-specific baseline
episode spending would be greater than
average baseline episode spending for
the region. For TEAM participants that
are historically efficient compared to
their peers, hospital-specific target
prices would be lower than regional
target prices because hospital-specific
baseline episode spending would be
lower than average baseline episode
spending for the region. We noted in the
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2015 CJR Final Rule that if we used
100% hospital-specific pricing in CJR,
historically efficient hospitals could
have fewer opportunities for achieving
additional efficiencies under the model
and would not be rewarded for
maintaining high quality and efficiency,
whereas less efficient hospitals would
be rewarded for improvement even if
they did not reach the same level of
high quality and efficiency as the more
historically efficient hospitals. However,
as described in section X.A.3.f of the
preamble of this proposed rule, health
equity has been a priority in the
proposed design of TEAM. We are
concerned by literature stating that
safety net hospitals in CJR were
disproportionately likely to owe a
repayment once we moved to 100%
regional pricing.633 634 We note that
these findings reflect the original CJR
payment methodology, which did not
include risk adjustment at the
beneficiary level. For PY 6–8, the
modified CJR payment methodology
incorporates beneficiary level risk
adjustment, including an adjustment for
dual income eligibility. Additionally,
although we provided lower stop-loss
limits for rural and low-volume
hospitals, we did not identify or provide
protective stop-loss limits for safety net
Therefore, in addition to lower stoploss limits for Track 1 and Track 2
TEAM participants as compared to
Track 3 TEAM participants, and the
incorporation of additional measures of
social need in our beneficiary-level risk
adjustment, we considered an
alternative target price proposal to
provide Track 1 and Track 2 TEAM
participants with 100% hospitalspecific, rather than regional, target
prices. However, given our proposal to
calculate target prices at the MS–DRG/
HCPCS episode type level, we are
concerned that many Track 1 or Track
2 TEAM participants would not meet
the low volume threshold of baseline
episodes to calculate reliable target
prices for many of the MS–DRG/HCPCS
episode types included in TEAM.
Additionally, there may be some
hospitals that serve a high proportion of
underserved populations, yet have
already achieved high levels of quality
and efficiency, such that a 100%
633 Carey, K., & Lin, M–Y. (2022). Safety-net
hospital performance under Comprehensive Care
for Joint Replacement. Health Services Research,
2022(1–6). https://doi:10.1111/1475-6773.14042.
634 Shashikumar, S.A., Ryan, A.M., & Joynt
Maddox, K.E. (2022). Equity implications of
hospital penalties during 4 years of the
Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement Model,
2016 to 1019. JAMA Health Forum, 3(12). https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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hospital-specific target price would be
We also considered blending hospitalspecific pricing with regional pricing as
we did in the first 3 years of CJR. For
instance, we considered using a blend of
50% hospital-specific data and 50%
regional data to calculate target prices
for Track 1 and Track 2 participants. We
further considered using a different
blend for Track 1 and Track 2
participants vs. Track 3 participants. For
example, we considered using a blend
of 2⁄3 hospital-specific data and 1⁄3
regional data for Track 1 and Track 2
participants, and a blend of 1⁄3 hospitalspecific data and 2⁄3 regional data for
Track 3 hospitals. However, blending
hospital-specific pricing with regional
pricing could be subject to the same
concerns regarding low volume or
disadvantaging efficient hospitals as
100% hospital-specific pricing, though
to a lesser degree.
We also considered, but are not
proposing, calculating target prices at
the region/episode category level as
compared to our proposed region/MS–
DRG/HCPCS level. Calculating target
prices at the region/episode category
would help to mitigate some concerns
with certain MS–DRG/HCPCS episode
types having a low volume of episodes
in a given region. However, to ensure
target prices are sufficiently riskadjusted to capture spending differences
between the different MS–DRG/HCPCS
within a given episode category, we
considered including MS–DRG/HCPCS
risk adjusters in TEAM’s risk
adjustment methodology if we
calculated target prices at the region/
episode category level. We seek
comment on calculating target prices at
the region/episode category level.
We seek comment on our proposal at
proposed § 512.540(b)(1) to provide
regional target prices to all TEAM
participants for each PY during the
model performance period. We also seek
comment on other potential ways to set
target prices for Track 1 or Track 2
TEAM participants, including
adjustments to regional target prices for
Track 1 or Track 2 TEAM participants,
that would decrease the likelihood of
safety net hospitals being
disproportionately penalized by
regional target prices.
(c) Services That Extend Beyond an
As we are proposing a fixed 30-day
post discharge episode length as
discussed in section X.A.3.b.(5)(d) of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we
recognize that there may be some
instances where a service included in
the episode begins during the episode
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but concludes after the end of the
episode and for which Medicare makes
a single payment under an existing
payment system. An example would be
a beneficiary in an episode who is
admitted to a SNF for 15 days,
beginning on Day 26 post-discharge
from the TEAM anchor hospitalization
or anchor procedure. The first 5 days of
the SNF admission would fall within
the episode, while the subsequent 10
days would fall outside of the episode.
We propose that, to the extent that a
Medicare payment for included episode
services spans a period of care that
extends beyond the episode, these
payments would be prorated so that
only the portion attributable to care
during the episode is attributed to the
episode payment when calculating
actual Medicare payment for the
episode. For non-IPPS inpatient hospital
(for example, CAH) and inpatient PAC
(for example, SNF, IRF, LTCH, IPF)
services, we propose to prorate
payments based on the percentage of
actual length of stay (in days) that falls
within the episode window. For HHA
services that extend beyond the episode,
we propose that the payment proration
be based on the percentage of days,
starting with the first billable service
date (‘‘start of care date’’) and through
and including the last billable service
date, that fall within the episode. This
proposed policy would ensure that
TEAM participants are not held
responsible for the cost of services that
did not overlap with the episode period.
For IPPS services that extend beyond
the episode (for example, readmissions
included in the episode definition), we
propose to separately prorate the IPPS
claim amount from episode target price
and actual episode payment
calculations, called the normal MS–DRG
payment amount for purposes of this
proposed rule. The normal MS–DRG
payment amount would be pro-rated
based on the geometric mean length of
stay, comparable to the calculation
under the IPPS PAC transfer policy at
§ 412.4(f) and as published on an
annual basis in Table 5 of the IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rules. Consistent with
the IPPS PAC transfer policy, the first
day for a subset of MS–DRGs (indicated
in Table 5 of the IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rules) would be doubly weighted to
count as 2 days to account for likely
higher hospital costs incurred at the
beginning of an admission. If the actual
length of stay that occurred during the
episode is equal to or greater than the
MS–DRG geometric mean, the normal
MS–DRG payment would be fully
allocated to the episode. If the actual
length of stay that occurred during the
episode is less than the geometric mean,
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the normal MS–DRG payment amount
would be allocated to the episode based
on the number of inpatient days that fall
within the episode. If the full amount is
not allocated to the episode, any
remainder amount would be allocated to
the 30-day post-episode payment
calculation discussed in section
X.A.3.(d)(5) of the preamble of this
proposed rule. The proposed approach
for prorating the normal MS–DRG
payment amount is consistent with the
IPPS transfer per diem methodology.
This methodology would be
consistent with CJR, and is described as
applied to CJR in the 2015 CJR Final
Rule (80 FR 73333). We seek comment
on our proposed methodology at
proposed § 512.555 for prorating
services that extend beyond the episode.
(d) Episodes That Begin in One
Performance Year and End in the
Subsequent Performance Year
Given that we are proposing episodes
with a 30-day post discharge period, we
recognize that some episodes will begin
during one performance year and end
during the following performance year.
We propose that all episodes would
receive the target price associated with
the date of discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or the anchor procedure,
as applicable, regardless of the episode
end date, which determines the
performance year in which the episode
would be reconciled. We note that the
assignment of target prices based on the
date of discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or the anchor procedure
is different from CJR, where the target
price was assigned based on the episode
start date rather than the discharge date,
but it is consistent with BPCI Advanced.
As noted in section X.A.3.d.(5)(a) of the
preamble of this proposed rule, annual
reconciliation is based on episodes that
end during a PY, so if an episode
extends past the end of a PY, that
episode would factor into the next PY’s
reconciliation, when the episode ends,
which is consistent with both CJR and
BPCI Advanced. Accordingly, if an
episode were to end after the final
performance year of the model, we
propose that it would not be reconciled.
We seek comment on our proposal at
proposed § 512.540(a)(3) for applying
target prices to an episode that begins in
one performance year and ends in the
subsequent performance year.
(e) High-Cost Outlier Cap
Given the broad proposed episode
definition and 30-day proposed postdischarge period, we want to ensure that
hospitals have some protection from the
downside risk associated with
especially high payment episodes,
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
where the clinical scenarios for these
cases each year may differ significantly
and unpredictably. As we stated in the
2015 CJR Final Rule (80 FR 73335), we
do not believe that the opportunity for
a hospital’s systematic care redesign of
particular surgical episodes has the
significant potential to impact the
clinical course of these extremely
disparate high payment cases. In the
2015 CJR Final Rule (80 FR 73335) we
finalized a policy to limit the hospital’s
responsibility for high episode payment
cases by utilizing a high price payment
ceiling at two standard deviations above
the mean episode payment amount in
calculating the target price and in
comparing actual episode payments
during the performance year to the
target prices. This policy was designed
to prevent participant hospitals from
being held responsible for catastrophic
episode spending amounts that they
could not reasonably have been
expected to prevent. The policy, and the
reasoning behind it, is described in
detail at (80 FR 73335).
However, as we described in 86 FR
23518, based on data from the first few
years of the CJR model, we observed
that the original 2 standard deviation
methodology was insufficient to identify
and cap high episode spending, as more
episodes than expected exceeded the
spending cap. We describe in detail our
reasoning for finalizing a change to the
high episode spending cap in the 2021
CJR 3-Year Extension Final Rule (86 FR
23518). We finalized a change to the
calculation of the high episode spending
cap to derive the amount by setting the
high episode spending cap at the 99th
percentile of historical costs for each
MS–DRG for each region. The resulting
methodology was similar to the BPCI
Advanced methodology for capping
high-cost episode spending at the 99th
percentile for each MS–DRG.
We propose a similar high-cost outlier
policy for TEAM. We propose to cap
both baseline episode spending and
performance year episode spending at
the 99th percentile of spending at the
MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type and
region level, referred to as the high-cost
outlier cap. We propose to determine
the 99th percentile of spending at the
MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type and
region level during the applicable time
period, and then set spending amounts
that exceed the high-cost outlier cap to
the amount of the high-cost outlier cap.
For instance, if the high-cost outlier cap
was set at $30,000, an episode that had
actual episode spending of $45,000
would have its spending amount, for
purposes of the model, reduced by
$15,000 when the cap was applied and
therefore, the spending for that episode
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would be held at $30,000. We propose
to use capped episode spending when
calculating benchmark prices in order to
ensure that high-cost outlier episodes do
not artificially inflate the benchmark.
When calculating performance year
episode spending at reconciliation, we
propose to use capped episode spending
so that a TEAM participant would not
be held responsible for catastrophic
episode spending amounts that they
could not reasonably have been
expected to prevent. We seek comment
on our proposal at proposed
§ 512.540(b)(4) for calculating and
applying the high-cost outlier cap.
(f) Trending Prices
Target prices are derived from a
prediction based on previous Medicare
spending patterns, but it is not possible
to perfectly predict how Medicare
spending patterns may change over the
course of the performance year. In the
original BPCI model, prospective target
prices were not provided to
participants, so the trend factor was
calculated retrospectively based on the
observed spending during the
performance period. Quarterly
reconciliations in BPCI meant that
participants could gain a sense of how
their target prices tended to change over
time and get relatively frequent
feedback on their performance in the
model. However, BPCI participants did
not like the uncertainty of not knowing
their target prices in advance.
In the initial CJR methodology and
Model Years 1–3 of BPCI Advanced,
CMS provided fully prospective target
prices to participants. Participants
appreciated the certainty of prospective
target prices, where we predict in
advance how spending patterns might
shift and hold those target prices firm
even if we underpredicted or
overpredicted spending. This
methodology included applying update
factors to account for setting-specific
payment system updates, allowing us to
estimate how a given set of services
performed during the baseline would be
priced had those same services been
subject to the fee schedules in effect
during the performance period.
In CJR, we originally overpredicted
performance period spending, not
accounting for the overall decline in
spending on LEJR episodes nationwide
that occurred outside of the model
during its first few performance years.
In BPCI Advanced, we similarly
overpredicted performance period
spending for certain episodes because
our methodology was unable to account
for medical coding changes that
occurred between the baseline and
performance period, or during the
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performance period itself. For instance,
in FY 2016, changes to medical coding
guidance were made for Inpatient
Congestive Heart Failure, such that
certain patients who during the baseline
would have been coded as the less
expensive MS–DRG 292, were instead
coded as the more expensive MS–DRG
291, in spite of having the same clinical
characteristics. This meant that many
beneficiaries who received a target price
associated with the more expensive
MS–DRG 291, actually had the lower
performance period costs previously
associated with the less expensive MS–
DRG 292. The use of a fully prospective
trend factor was unable to capture these
changes in both practice patterns and
coding guidelines.
Subsequently, we modified both
models’ methodologies to include a
retrospective trend adjustment. Starting
in Model Year 4, we continued to
provide BPCI Advanced participants
with a prospective target price using an
estimated trend factor, but we adjusted
the target price at reconciliation based
on the retrospective calculation of the
trend factor using performance period
data. Initially, this policy included
guardrails around the magnitude of the
retrospective trend factor adjustment of
+/¥10%. In response to participant
feedback, we lowered the maximum
level of the retrospective trend factor
adjustment to +/¥5% starting in Model
Year 6.
In the CJR extension, the retrospective
trend is known as the market trend
factor adjustment. It is fully
retrospective and calculated at
reconciliation, meaning that the
unadjusted target price we post on the
CJR website prior to the performance
year does not include a prospective
trend factor. In response to participant
requests, we provided estimates of the
market trend factor on the CJR website
based on the most recently available
data to help participants estimate their
potential target prices. The market trend
factor is calculated separately for each
MS–DRG/region combination. For the
PY 6 reconciliation (corresponding to
episodes that ended between October 1,
2021 and December 31, 2022), the
highest market trend factor was 1.294
for MS–DRG 469 episodes in the West
South Central region, while the lowest
market trend factor was 0.972 for MS–
DRG 521 episodes in the New England
For TEAM, we are proposing to
provide preliminary target prices that
incorporate a prospective trend factor to
TEAM participants. We propose at
§ 512.540(b)(7) to calculate this
prospective trend factor as the percent
difference between the average regional
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type
expenditures computed using the most
recent year of the applicable baseline
period, and the comparison average
regional MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type
expenditures during the first year of the
baseline. By comparing baseline year 3
to baseline year 1, the prospective trend
would capture changes across a twoyear period, which we believe is
appropriate given that we would be
projecting spending patterns in the
performance year which would be 2
years after baseline year 3. This
proposed trend factor calculation would
be similar to how the market trend
factor is currently calculated in the CJR
extension, but instead of retrospectively
comparing average regional MS–DRG/
HCPCS episode type spending during
the performance year to spending
during the baseline year, the calculation
would be performed prospectively, so
that performance year expenditures
would not be considered. A fully
prospective trend factor would give
participants more certainty about what
their reconciliation target prices would
be, although reconciliation target prices
as proposed would incorporate both
beneficiary-level risk adjustment and an
adjustment to the prospective
normalization factor, as applicable (as
described in section X.A.3.d.(4) of the
preamble of this proposed rule).
Given our proposal to use a
prospective trend factor to predict
future spending for the purposes of
pricing stability, we considered but are
not proposing to include update factors
that take into account Medicare
payment systems updates for each fiscal
year (FY) or calendar year (CY) and
could improve pricing accuracy.
Specifically, we considered a
methodology similar to BPCI Advanced
and Performance Years 1–5 of CJR,
where preliminary target prices are
updated to reflect the most current FY
and CY payment system rates using
setting-specific update factors for
payment system, including the IPPS, the
OPPS, the Physician Fee Schedule
(PFS), the Home Health Prospective
Payment System (HH PPS), the
Medicare Economic Index (MEI), the
Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF)
Prospective Payment System (PPS), and
the Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) PPS.
However, updating target prices using
setting-specific update factors would
result in TEAM participants receiving
more than one target price for a MS–
DRG/HCPCS episode type in a
performance year which can increase
complexity. Further, while including
update factors would generally increase
target prices, it also decreases pricing
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stability since the preliminary target
price would change due to the
application of update factors. We seek
comment on whether we should include
setting-specific update factors in
preliminary target prices to improve
pricing accuracy, or if there are other
ways we should consider updating
target prices that would reflect Medicare
payment system updates.
We considered, but are not proposing,
an alternative proposal to adjust the
preliminary target price at reconciliation
based on the observed trend during the
performance year. We considered
proposing to limit the magnitude of this
retrospective trend adjustment by
applying guardrails, similar to what we
currently do in BPCI Advanced.
Specifically, if the trend factor
calculated at reconciliation based on
performance year expenditures differed
from the prospective trend factor by up
to +/¥5%, we considered proposing to
adjust the preliminary target price at
reconciliation by applying the final
trend factor to the baseline target price.
If the final trend factor differed from the
prospective trend factor by more than +/
¥5%, we considered proposing to only
adjust the preliminary target price by +/
¥5%. In other words, we considered
proposing that the maximum upward
trend adjustment we would make to the
preliminary target price at reconciliation
would be 5%, and the maximum
downward trend adjustment we would
make to the preliminary target price at
reconciliation would be ¥5%. We also
considered lower percentages for the
guardrails, including 3% and 1%, given
the BPCI Advanced model’s experience
initially having a higher percentage
maximum adjustment and then
reducing the percentage in later years of
the model. We considered these
alternative proposals because we
believed that these guardrails would
help us achieve a balance of providing
predictability to participants and
mitigating the risk that target prices
would be disproportionately impacted
by performance year shifts in spending
patterns that could not have been
We are also requesting comment on
alternative ways to calculate the trend
factor to both increase accuracy of
prospective target prices and to mitigate
the ratchet effect. We recognize that
spending on some episodes, such as
Lower Extremity Joint Replacement, has
been decreasing over time and may
reach a point where further decreases in
spending could compromise quality and
patient safety. While in the early years
of CJR, our target prices failed to
account for decreasing trends in
spending for LEJR nationwide and thus
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were overinflated, that downward trend
has since stabilized, suggesting that
there may no longer be as much of an
opportunity for participant savings as
there was in the early years of CJR. In
the case of an episode where spending
has been decreasing but has since
stabilized, trending the target price
forward based on previous years’ trends
could result in target prices that are too
low. In such a scenario, a retrospective
trend adjustment might actually result
in a higher target price than a fully
prospective trend. We are seeking
comment on ways to construct a trend
factor that can result in a reasonable
target price regardless of whether
spending has been increasing,
decreasing, or stabilizing.
For example, in the CY 2023
Physician Fee Schedule final rule, CMS
finalized a policy to include a
prospectively-determined component,
the Accountable Care Prospective Trend
(ACPT), in the factor used to update the
benchmark to the performance year for
ACO agreement periods starting on or
after January 1, 2024 (see 87 FR 69881
to 69898) to help address the ratchet
effect by insulating a portion of the
update factor from the impact that ACO
savings can have on retrospective
national and regional spending trends.
This type of trend is referred to as an
administrative trend, because it is not
directly linked to ongoing observed FFS
spending. However, we recognize that
there may be some concerns using
administrative trends for episode-based
payment models, as opposed to
population-based payment models like
ACOs, because administrative trends
may not capture episode-specific trends,
which could lead to higher or lower
preliminary target prices when
compared to actual performance year
spending. We request comment on this
type of trending approach, or other
potential ways to increase the accuracy
of prospective target prices and mitigate
the ratchet effect when we update
TEAM target prices.
We seek comment on our proposal at
proposed § 512.540(b)(7) for calculating
and applying a prospective trend factor.
(g) Discount Factor
In addition to the prospective trend
factor, at proposed § 512.540(c) we
propose to apply a discount factor to the
benchmark price when calculating
preliminary target prices. Specifically,
we propose to apply a 3% discount
factor to the benchmark price to serve as
Medicare’s portion of reduced
expenditures from the episode. This
discount would be similar to the 3%
discount factor applied to target prices
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
in the CJR model and to surgical episode
target prices in BPCI Advanced.
However, we recognize that there may
be different levels of opportunity for
savings within different episode types.
For instance, in BPCI Advanced, in
recognition of the fact that participants
were generally able to achieve greater
savings in surgical, as opposed to
medical, episodes, we incorporated a
3% discount into surgical episode target
prices and a 2% discount into medical
episode target prices. Given differential
opportunities for savings across the
different types of proposed episode
categories, as well as our intention to
incorporate additional episodes in
future years of TEAM, we considered
but are not proposing varying the
Medicare discount based on episode
category. Specifically, we considered
but are not proposing lower discount
factors including 2%, 1%, 0.5%, or no
discount factor. We also considered
linking the discount to variability in
episode spending during the baseline,
such that an episode with minimal
variability in baseline spending might
have a lower discount percentage, given
that lower variability in baseline
spending might indicate fewer
opportunities for savings in that
episode, as opposed to episodes with
greater spending variability. We also
considered but are not proposing lower
discount factors, including 2%, 1%,
0.5%, or no discount factor, for specific
types of TEAM participants. For
example, we considered no discount
factor for safety net hospitals given the
proportion of underserved beneficiaries
they care for and many of these safety
net hospitals may be new to episodebased payment participation. Although
we are not proposing these alternatives,
we seek comment on whether we
should include any of these alternatives
in TEAM and also seek comment on
different ways to adjust the Medicare
discount based on differential savings
opportunities for different episode
We seek comment on our proposal at
proposed § 512.540(c) to apply a 3%
discount factor to preliminary episode
target prices for episodes.
(h) Special Considerations for Low
Volume Hospitals
In both CJR and BPCI Advanced, we
recognized that hospitals that perform a
number of episodes below a certain
volume threshold would have
insufficient volume to receive a target
price based on their own baseline data.
In the 2015 CJR Final Rule (80 FR
73285), we acknowledged that such
hospitals might not find it in their
financial interests to make systemic care
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redesigns or engage in an active way
with the CJR model. At 80 FR 73292, we
acknowledged commenter concerns
about low volume providers, including
but not limited to, observations that low
volume providers could be less
proficient in taking care of LEJR patients
in an efficient and cost-effective
manner, more financially vulnerable
with fewer resources to respond to the
financial incentives of the model, and
disproportionately impacted by highcost outlier cases. In spite of these
potential challenges, we stated that the
inclusion of low volume hospitals in
CJR was consistent with the goal of
evaluating the impact of bundled
payment and care redesign across a
broad spectrum of hospitals with
varying levels of infrastructure, care
redesign experience, market position,
and other considerations and
circumstances (80 FR 73292).
In CJR, we set the low volume
threshold as fewer than 20 CJR episodes
across the 3-year baseline years of 2012–
2014. Low volume hospitals received
target prices based on 100% regional
data, rather than a blended target price
that incorporated their participantspecific data, because a target price
based on limited data is less likely to be
accurate and reliable. These hospitals
were also subject to the lower stop-loss
limits that we offered to rural hospitals,
in recognition of the fact that they might
be less prepared to take on downside
risk than hospitals with higher episode
volume. In the CJR 2017 Final Rule that
reduced the number of mandatory
MSAs, low volume hospitals were
among the types of hospitals that were
required to opt in if they wanted to
remain in the model (82 FR 57072). In
the 2020 Final Rule, we removed the
remaining low volume hospitals from
the CJR extension when we limited the
CJR participant hospital definition to
those hospitals that had been mandatory
participants throughout the model (86
FR 23497).
In BPCI Advanced, our low volume
threshold policy was to not provide a
target price for a given clinical episode
category if performed at a hospital that
did not meet the 41 clinical episode
minimum volume threshold during the
4-year baseline period. This meant that
no BPCI Advanced episodes would be
triggered for that particular clinical
episode category during the applicable
performance period at that hospital.
However, participants could continue to
trigger other clinical episode categories
for which they had enrolled and for
which there was sufficient baseline
volume. Additionally, clinical episodes
that occurred at the hospital during the
performance period, though not
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triggering a BPCI Advanced episode,
would count toward the low volume
threshold when that year became part of
the baseline. Therefore, as the baseline
shifted forward each year, bringing a
more recent year into the baseline and
dropping the oldest year, a hospital
could potentially meet the volume
threshold and receive a target price for
the clinical episode category for a
subsequent performance period.
In TEAM, we propose that there will
be a low volume threshold for purposes
of reconciliation. This low volume
threshold would apply to total episodes
across all episode categories in the
baseline period for a given PY. If a
TEAM Participant did not meet the
proposed low volume threshold of at
least 31 total episodes in the baseline
period for PY1, CMS would still
reconcile their episodes, but the TEAM
participant would be subject to the
Track 1 stop-loss and stop-gain limits
for PY1. If a TEAM Participant did not
meet the proposed low volume
threshold of at least 31 total episodes in
the applicable baseline periods for PYs
2–5, the TEAM Participant would be
subject to the Track 2 stop-loss and
stop-gain limits for PY 2–5, as described
in section X.A.3.d.(5)(h) of the preamble
of this proposed rule.
We considered, but are not proposing,
including alternative approaches to a
minimum episode volume threshold in
TEAM, including an approach similar to
BPCI Advanced, where if a TEAM
participant did not meet the 31 episode
minimum volume threshold for a given
episode category in the 3-year baseline
period, the TEAM participant would not
be held accountable for that episode
category for the performance year that
aligned with the 3-year baseline period.
We also considered different minimum
volume thresholds in the baseline
period, including 51, 21, and 11.
However, we are concerned that
imposing a minimum volume threshold
that removes TEAM participant
accountability may restrict the number
of hospitals eligible to participate in
TEAM and limit beneficiary access to
the benefits of value-based, coordinated
care. We also considered implementing
minimum episode volume thresholds
during the performance year.
Specifically, we considered not holding
TEAM participants accountable for a
given episode category if they initiated
less than 11 or 6 episodes in a given
episode category or less than 31 or 21
total episodes across episode categories
in a performance year. However, we are
concerned that including minimum
episode volume thresholds during the
performance year may introduce
program integrity issues where TEAM
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
participants steer TEAM beneficiaries to
other providers to be below the
threshold and not be accountable for
episodes in TEAM. We seek comment
on whether TEAM should consider
implementing the alternatives to the
minimum volume thresholds for either
the 3-year baseline period or the
performance year.
We seek comment on our proposal at
proposed § 512.550(e)(3) for setting and
applying the low volume threshold at
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(i) Preliminary Target Prices
We propose that CMS would provide
preliminary target prices to TEAM
participants prior to the start of each
performance year. For instance, since
the earliest episodes for a given
performance year would end on January
1, and most of these episodes would
have been initiated by an anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure that
occurred near the end of November or
the beginning of December of the
previous calendar year, we propose to
provide preliminary target prices to the
TEAM participant by the end of
November prior to each performance
year. We propose that preliminary target
prices would be based on regional
episode spending during the baseline
period. TEAM participants would
receive the preliminary target prices for
each MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type that
corresponded to their region. We
propose that these preliminary target
prices would incorporate a prospective
trend factor (as described in section
X.A.3.d.(3)(f) of the preamble of this
proposed rule) and a discount factor (as
described in section X.A.3.d.(3)(g) of the
preamble of this proposed rule), as well
as a prospective normalization factor (as
described in section X.A.3.d.(4) of the
preamble of this proposed rule) that
would be subject to limited adjustment
at reconciliation (as described in section
X.A.3.d.(5)(h) of the preamble of this
proposed rule).
(4) Risk Adjustment and Normalization
In the original CJR methodology, we
first proposed that risk adjustment be
limited to providing separate target
prices for episodes initiated by MS–DRG
469 versus MS–DRG 470, because MS–
DRGs under the IPPS are designed to
account for some of the clinical and
resource variations that exist and that
impact hospitals’ costs of providing care
(80 FR 73338). In response to comments
requesting further risk adjustment, in
the 2015 CJR Final Rule we finalized a
policy to risk adjust target prices based
on the presence of hip fractures in order
to capture a significant amount of
patient-driven episode expenditure
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variation (80 FR 73339). As a result, we
provided four separate target prices to
participant hospitals based on MS–DRG
469 versus MS–DRG 470, and presence
versus absence of a primary hip fracture.
The impact of hip fractures on inpatient
costs associated with a hip replacement
was subsequently acknowledged by
CMS’ decision to create two new MS–
DRGs (521 and 522) for hip
replacements in the presence of a
primary hip fracture (85 FR 58432). We
incorporated these new MS–DRGs into
the CJR model episode definition as of
October 1, 2020 via the November 2020
Interim Final Rule with Comment (IFC)
(85 FR 71170).
In the 2021 CJR 3-Year extension
Final Rule, we acknowledged the need
for further risk adjustment to account
for beneficiary-level factors that tend to
impact spending in a way that is beyond
the control of the provider. We
introduced age bracket (less than 65
years, 65 to 74 years, 75 to 84 years, and
85 years or more), CJR HCC count (zero,
one, two, three, and four or more), and
dual eligibility (receiving both full
Medicare and Medicaid benefits) as
beneficiary-level risk adjustment factors
that would be applied to each episode
at reconciliation. The definition of these
risk adjustment variables, and our
reasoning for incorporating them into
the risk adjustment methodology, is
described in detail at 86 FR 23523.
The coefficients for the risk
adjustment variables in the CJR
extension were calculated
prospectively, prior to the beginning of
each performance year, using a linear
regression model. As we stated at 86 FR
23524, this regression model approach
would allow us to estimate the impact
of each risk adjustment variable on the
episode cost of an average beneficiary,
based on typical spending patterns for a
nationwide sample of beneficiaries with
a given number of CMS–HCC
conditions, within a given age bracket,
and with dual eligibility or non-dual
eligibility status. We used an
exponential model to account for the
fact that CJR episode costs are not
normally distributed. A detailed
description of the regression model
begins at 86 FR 23524.
At reconciliation, after applying the
high-cost episode cap to remove
outliers, the risk adjustment coefficients
for the three risk adjustment variables
were applied to the episode-level target
price based on the applicable episode
region and MS–DRG. However, since
age, CJR HCC count, and dual eligibility
status are inherently included in the
regional target price, since regions with
beneficiaries who are older, more
medically complex, and
PO 00000
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socioeconomically disadvantaged tend
to have higher average episode costs, we
applied a normalization factor to
remove the overall impact of adjusting
for age, CJR HCC count, and dual
eligibility on the national average target
price, as described at 86 FR 23527.
By contrast, BPCI Advanced has used
a more complex risk adjustment model
that includes many more risk
adjustment coefficients, including both
patient and provider characteristics.
Categories of patient characteristics
include (but are not limited to): HCCs
(individual flags, interactions, and
counts), recent resource use, and
demographics. Provider characteristics,
which are used to group hospitals into
peer groups, include bed size, rural vs.
urban, safety net vs. non-safety net, and
whether or not the participant is a major
teaching hospital. The first stage of the
BPCI Advanced risk adjustment
methodology uses a compound lognormal model in order to account for
the substantial right skew of the
distribution of episode costs. This
means that it combines two log-normal
distributions in order to capture costs
associated with both low-cost episodes
(which are the majority of episodes) and
very high cost episodes (which are
fewer in number but exert a strong
influence on spending averages).
However, participants have found the
risk adjustment model difficult to
interpret, particularly since is it is not
widely used in other research or
healthcare models.
In an effort to simplify the risk
adjustment methodology for TEAM and
allow participants to more easily
calculate an episode level estimated
target price, we propose to base our
methodology on the CJR extension
methodology, with a few key
differences. Rather than calculate one
national set of risk adjusters across all
MS–DRGs for a given episode category,
we propose to calculate risk adjustment
coefficients at the MS–DRG/HCPCS
episode type level. We considered
calculating risk adjustment at the MS–
DRG/HCPCS episode type/region level,
but we believe that, when further
subdivided into regions, the low volume
of episodes for certain MS–DRG/HCPCS
episode types would be insufficient to
create accurate and reliable risk
adjustment multipliers.
We propose to use the same age
bracket risk adjustment variable (less
than 65 years, 65 to less than 75 years,
75 to less than 85 years, and 85 years
or more) that we use in the CJR
extension, based on the participant’s age
on the first day of the episode, as
determined through Medicare
enrollment data. We also propose to use
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
an HCC count risk adjustment variable,
but we propose to calculate it differently
than the CJR HCC count risk adjustment
variable. For this risk adjustment
variable, which we would call the
TEAM HCC count, we propose to
conduct a 90-day lookback for each
beneficiary, beginning with the day
prior to the anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure. We propose to use
the beneficiary’s Medicare FFS claims
from that 90-day lookback period to
determine which HCC flags the
beneficiary is assigned, and create a
count of those HCC flags. This
methodology would be consistent with
BPCI Advanced, and would represent a
more uniform way of measuring clinical
complexity across beneficiaries, as
opposed to using the annual HCC file
that is used in CJR. It would also reduce
the incentive for increased coding
intensity at the time of the initiating
We propose to use an expanded risk
adjustment variable that accounts for
multiple potential markers of
beneficiary social risk. Although it
would function as a single, binary
(yes=1 or no=0) variable in our risk
adjustment model, the variable would
represent the union of three different
potential markers of beneficiary social
risk. The first would be full Medicare/
Medicaid dual eligibility status, which
is currently used in both CJR and BPCI
Advanced. We further propose to
incorporate two additional elements to
the beneficiary social risk adjustment
variable. We propose that beneficiaries
would also be assigned the value of
yes=1 for the social risk adjustment
variable if they either fall into a state or
national Area Deprivation Index
percentile beyond a certain threshold, or
if they qualify for the Medicare Part D
Low Income Subsidy. The beneficiary
would be assigned a value of yes=1 on
this single, binary social risk variable if
one or more of these three indicators of
social risk applied to the beneficiary.
We propose to use a threshold of the
80th percentile for the national ADI and
the 8th decile for the state ADI. Across
other CMS Innovation Center models, as
well as peer reviewed publications, and
we did not find a consensus on a
specific threshold that is universally
used. For example, the Making Care
Primary Model uses 75th percentile for
the national ADI and in existing
literature, some papers use a continuous
measure, and some use a 75%, an 80%,
or 85% cut-off.635 636 637 638 639 Therefore,
635 Kind, A., Jencks, S., Brock, J. E., Yu, M.,
Bartels, C. M., Ehlenbach, W. J., Greenberg, C., &
Smith, M. (2014). Neighborhood socioeconomic
disadvantage and 30-Day rehospitalization. Annals
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we feel that an 80% threshold is
comparable to other risk adjustment
methodologies. We seek comment on
whether there are different thresholds
for national and state ADI that we
should consider. Lastly, we propose to
enforce sign restrictions to avoid
negative coefficients for beneficiary
social risk adjustment. In other words,
the adjustment to the preliminary or
reconciliation target prices would only
happen if the coefficient on the
beneficiary social risk adjustment
variable is positive. We believe
enforcing sign restrictions will more
accurately reflect episode spending for
underserved beneficiaries who may
experience access and underutilization
issues. The proposed beneficiary social
risk variable and our reasons for
choosing each component are described
in detail in section X.A.3.f of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
While we are proposing a limited set
of risk adjusters that is closer in number
to the CJR methodology for simplicity,
we considered using the same set of risk
adjusters in the BPCI Advanced model
because we recognize that there may be
particular episode categories or MS–
DRGs that would benefit from
additional clinical risk adjusters. For
instance, in BPCI Advanced, just over
half (53%) of CABG procedures have
been performed electively, with the
remainder performed emergently. Some
clinicians have stated their belief that
CABG episodes should be priced
differently based on whether they are
performed electively (that is, scheduled
in advance) or emergently, even when
they are assigned to the same MS–DRG.
They stated their belief that nonemergent procedures are generally
performed on relatively healthier
beneficiaries, and providers may have
of Internal Medicine, 161(11), 765.
636 Dı
´az, A., Lindau, S. T., Obeng-Gyasi, S.,
Dimick, J. B., Scott, J. W., & Ibrahim, A. M. (2023).
Association of hospital quality and neighborhood
deprivation with mortality after inpatient surgery
among Medicare beneficiaries. JAMA Network
Open, 6(1), e2253620.
637 Bose, S., Dun, C., Zhang, G. Q., Walsh, C.,
Makary, M. A., & Hicks, C. W. (2022). Medicare
beneficiaries in disadvantaged neighborhoods
increased telemedicine use during the COVID–19
pandemic. Health Affairs, 41(5), 635–642. https://
638 Tung, E. L., Peek, M. E., Rivas, M., Yang, J. P.,
& Volerman, A. (2021). Association of neighborhood
disadvantage with racial disparities in COVID–19
positivity in Chicago. Health Affairs, 40(11), 1784–
639 Durfey, S. N. M., Kind, A., Gutman, R.,
Monteiro, K., Buckingham, W. R., DuGoff, E. H., &
Trivedi, A. N. (2018). Impact of risk adjustment for
socioeconomic status on Medicare Advantage Plan
quality Rankings. Health Affairs, 37(7), 1065–1072.
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greater control over outcomes.
Conversely, they stated that episodes
following an emergency room visit on
the same day or the day before tend to
involve sicker patients, leading to
greater clinical variability and less
predictable episode spending. We are
therefore requesting comment on
whether TEAM’s should use the BPCI
Advanced episode-specific risk adjuster
or if there are other potential episodespecific or MS–DRG-specific clinical
risk adjusters, and how those clinical
risk adjusters should be defined based
on information available on the IPPS
claim associated with the episode
We also considered including peer
group or hospital-specific risk adjusters
in TEAM. Similar to the BPCI Advanced
model, we considered including peer
group adjusters that would be based off
of hospital characteristics, including
hospital size (for example, number of
hospital beds), safety net hospital status,
location (for example, CBSA urban and
rural indicators and census division),
and if the hospital was a major teaching
hospital determined by looking at the
intern to bed ratio in the provider
specific files.640 We recognize including
this level of risk adjustment may
improve pricing accuracy for hospitals,
but it introduces an additional layer of
complexity to the risk adjustment model
that could be challenging for TEAM
participants understand when factoring
in the existing risk adjustment variable
and other pricing components. Since
TEAM is a mandatory model, and it may
capture more hospitals that have not
previously participated in an episodebased payment model, we are want to
create a pricing methodology that all
TEAM participants, regardless of
experience or resource, can understand.
We seek comment on whether target
prices in TEAM should include risk
adjustment variables based on hospital
Another key difference between our
proposal and the current CJR risk
adjustment methodology is that we
propose to provide a prospective
normalization factor with preliminary
target prices. We propose that the
prospective normalization factor would
be subject to a limited adjustment at
reconciliation based on the observed
case mix, up to +/¥5%. This would
allow participants to better estimate
their target prices, as it would
incorporate the normalization factor
prospectively, rather than only
introducing the normalization factor at
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
reconciliation. We believe that this
approach strikes a balance between
predictability and protecting TEAM
participants and CMS from significant
shifts in patient case mix between the
final baseline year and the performance
A goal of TEAM’s risk adjustment
approach is to balance simplicity with
accuracy to ensure our pricing
methodology reflects episode spending
that accounts for provider spending
trends by region and MS–DRG as well
as accounting for beneficiary acuity. Our
proposed risk adjustment approach
relies on capturing data from Medicare
claims or other sources of information
that do not include patient functional
assessment data. Evidence suggests that
risk adjustment models may be
improved when taking into account
patient functional status.641 We
recognize there are existing data sets
that capture patient functional status
information. Specifically, the Improving
Medicare Post-Acute Care
Transformation Act of 2014 (the
IMPACT Act) requires the reporting of
standardized patient assessment data
with regard to quality measures and
standardized patient assessment data
elements. The standardized patient
assessment elements include functional
status and are collected and reported by
Long-Term Care Hospitals (LTCHs),
Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs), Home
Health Agencies (HHAs) and Inpatient
Rehabilitation Facilities (IRFs). Since an
episode encompasses post-acute care
spend, the standardized patient
assessment data could be incorporated
into TEAM’s risk adjustment
methodology. However, we recognize
inclusion of such data may increase the
risk adjustment methodology
complexity and make it challenging for
TEAM participants to understand how it
affects their preliminary or
reconciliation target price. Therefore,
we seek comment on the utility of
including standardized patient
assessment data in TEAM’s risk
adjustment methodology or whether
there is other functional status data we
should consider and whether
standardized patient assessment data or
other functional status data should be
included in TEAM’s risk adjustment
methodology in future performance
To summarize, for TEAM we propose
a risk adjustment methodology based on
the CJR extension methodology, but
with key differences that we believe
641 Benefits
and Challenges of Payment
Adjustments Based on Beneficiaries’ Ability to
Perform Daily Tasks (GAO–18–588). (2018). United
States Government Accountability Office. https://
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would maximize target price
predictability and transparency. As in
CJR, we propose to use baseline data to
calculate risk adjustment multipliers
and hold them constant at
reconciliation. We propose that
participants would be provided with
these risk adjustment multipliers prior
to the start of the Performance Year and
would be able to use them to estimate
their episode-level target prices. We
propose that, unlike in CJR, these risk
adjustment multipliers would be
calculated at the MS–DRG level,
resulting in a separate set of risk
adjustment multipliers for each MS–
DRG episode type. We also propose to
incorporate a prospective normalization
factor into preliminary target prices,
which would be subject to a limited
adjustment at reconciliation. We seek
comment on our proposals at proposed
§ 512.545(a–d) for risk adjusting
that ended during that PY with
reconciliation target prices for those
episodes to calculate a reconciliation
amount for each TEAM participant. We
would reconcile, on an annual basis, all
episodes attributed to a TEAM
participant that end in a given calendar
year during the model performance
period. This would be consistent with
CJR and numerous other CMS valuebased payment programs. We believe
that one annual reconciliation
accommodates the need for regular
performance feedback while minimizing
the administrative burden of more
frequent reconciliations. Therefore, we
propose to align the TEAM
reconciliation approach with
reconciliation in CJR, and to reconcile
episodes based on performance years.
We seek comment on this proposal to
conduct one reconciliation for each
performance year.
(5) Proposed Process for Reconciliation
This section outlines our proposals on
how we intend to reconcile performance
year spending for a TEAM participant’s
beneficiaries in episodes against the
reconciliation target price in order to
determine if CMS owes the TEAM
participant a reconciliation payment, or
if the TEAM participant owes CMS a
repayment (for all Track 3 participants
and beginning in performance year 2 for
Track 2 hospitals). We propose to adjust
the reconciliation amount for quality
based on the TEAM participant’s CQS,
which would be constructed from their
quality measure performance, to
calculate the quality-adjusted
reconciliation amount. We propose to
apply stop-loss/stop-gain limits to the
quality-adjusted reconciliation amount
to determine the TEAM participant’s
Net Payment Reconciliation Amount
(NPRA). Finally, we propose to adjust
the NPRA for post-episode spending,
when applicable, to determine the
reconciliation payment or repayment
We refer readers to section X.A.3.b.(5)
of the preamble of this proposed rule for
our proposed definition of related
services for our proposed episodes, to
section X.A.3.a.(1) of the preamble of
this proposed rule for our proposed
definition of performance years, and to
section X.A.3.d.(3) of the preamble of
this proposed rule for our proposed
approach to establish preliminary target
(b) Timing
(a) Annual Reconciliation
At proposed § 512.550 we propose to
conduct an annual reconciliation
calculation that would compare
performance year spending on episodes
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We propose to conduct the annual
reconciliation of each TEAM
participant’s actual episode payments
against the target price(s) 6 months after
the end of the performance year. This
policy would be consistent with the 6
months of claims runout we allow for
the CJR reconciliation for PY6–8. We
believe that 6 months is sufficient time
for claims runout given that an internal
review of Medicare claims data found
that 98.71% of IP claims had been
received, and 89.96% were considered
final, by 6 months after the date of
service.642 For HOPD claims, those rates
were 98.10% and 95.78%, respectively.
Similar rates were found for all other
types of claims, including Carrier, SNF,
HH, and DME, indicating that we would
have a nearly complete picture of
performance year spending by 6 months
after the end of the performance year.
For TEAM, we propose to capture
claims submitted by July 1st following
the end of the performance year and
carry out the NPRA calculation as
described previously to make a
reconciliation payment or hold TEAM
participants responsible for repayment,
as applicable, in quarters 3 or 4 of that
calendar year. We seek comment on our
proposal at proposed § 512.550(b) to
perform reconciliation 6 months after
the end of the performance year.
642 Medicare Claims Maturity: CCW White Paper
accessed at
%3Dmedicare%2Bclaims%2Bmaturity on Jan, 26,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(c) TEAM Participants That Experience
a Reorganization Event
We recognize that there may be TEAM
participants that experience a
reorganization event during a given
performance year. At proposed
§ 512.505, we propose to define a
reorganization event as a merger,
consolidation, spin off or other
restructuring that results in a new
hospital entity under a given CCN. As
a result of such an event, the TEAM
participant may begin billing under a
different CCN, or an additional entity
could be incorporated into the TEAM
participant’s existing CCN, resulting in
a new hospital entity. For instance,
TEAM participant A may merge with, or
be purchased by, TEAM participant B
and begin billing under TEAM
participant B’s CCN. In this case, we
propose to perform separate
reconciliation calculations for TEAM
participant A and TEAM participant B
for those episodes where the anchor
hospitalization admission or the anchor
procedure occurred before the effective
date of the merger or purchase. We
propose to reconcile episodes where the
anchor hospitalization admission or the
anchor procedure occurred on or after
the effective date of the merger or
purchase under the new or surviving
CCN that applies to the blended entity.
We are proposing this policy in
recognition that the blended entity may
have different spending patterns, or a
different overall patient case mix, than
the two separate entities prior to the
merger. In a different instance, if a
TEAM participant merges into or is
purchased by a non-TEAM participant
and begins billing under the CCN on the
non-TEAM participant, we propose to
reconcile episodes for the TEAM
participant where the anchor
hospitalization admission or the anchor
procedure occurred before the effective
date of the merger or purchase. This
policy would allow for the TEAM
participant to earn a reconciliation
payment or owe a repayment for the
episodes that occurred during the
portion of the performance year that
they were in the model. However, once
the TEAM participant begins to bill
under the non-TEAM participant’s CCN,
the blended entity would not be
considered a TEAM participant and we
would not reconcile episodes where the
anchor hospitalization admission or the
anchor procedure occurred on or after
the effective date of the merger or
purchase under the new or surviving
CCN that applies to the blended entity.
We seek comment on our proposal at
proposed § 512.550(b)(2) for conducting
reconciliations for TEAM participants
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that experience a reorganization event
during a given performance year.
(d) Updating Preliminary Target Prices
To Create Reconciliation Target Prices
As discussed in section X.A.3.d.(4) of
the preamble of this proposed rule, we
are proposing to apply beneficiary-level
risk adjustment and a limited
adjustment to the prospective
normalization factor, as applicable, to
increase the accuracy of our
reconciliation calculations. At the time
of reconciliation, we would apply these
adjustments, if applicable, to the
preliminary target prices we calculated
and communicated to TEAM
participants prior to the applicable
performance year, as described in
Section X.A.3.d.(3)(i) of the preamble of
this proposed rule. We note that in some
cases, the final target price applied to an
episode in a given performance year at
reconciliation will not change. In
addition, in some cases the
reconciliation target price will increase
from the preliminary target price
provided prior to the performance year,
potentially benefitting TEAM
participants. For instance, if the
prospective normalization factor were
calculated as 0.85, but the beneficiary
case mix during the performance year
differed from the case mix during the
final year of the baseline such that the
final normalization factor were
calculated as 0.89, the reconciliation
target price would incorporate the final
normalization factor and therefore be
higher than the preliminary target price.
(e) Composite Quality Score
(i) Overview
Incorporating quality performance
into the model payment structure is an
essential component of TEAM, just as it
is for the CJR model (80 FR 73370) and
BPCI Advanced. Section X.A.3.c of the
preamble of this proposed rule
discusses the specific measures for
which we propose that TEAM
participants would be held accountable.
In addition to Quality Payment Program
requirements to tie quality performance
to payment for Advanced APMs, we
believe it is important for TEAM to link
the opportunity to earn a reconciliation
payment with performance on quality
measures to place greater emphasis on
beneficiary quality of care and patientcentered care.
As discussed in section X.A.3.d.(5)(g)
of the preamble of this proposed rule,
which outlines the proposed process for
incorporating quality into the
reconciliation calculation, for each
TEAM participant, we propose to
calculate the difference between the
PO 00000
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TEAM participant’s performance year
spending and their reconciliation target
price at reconciliation, identified as the
reconciliation amount. We propose that
the reconciliation amount would then
be adjusted based on the TEAM
participant’s quality performance. We
propose to use the quality measures
discussed in section X.A.3.c of the
preamble of this proposed rule to
calculate a Composite Quality Score, in
a similar manner to what we have
implemented for many CMS models and
initiatives, including CJR and BPCI
Advanced. The Composite Quality
Score (CQS) methodology would allow
performance on each required TEAM
quality measure to be meaningfully
valued in the TEAM pay- forperformance methodology, incentivizing
and rewarding cost savings in relation to
the quality of episode care provided by
the TEAM participant.
For TEAM, the actual level of quality
performance achieved will be the most
important factor in calculating the CQS
to reward those TEAM participants
furnishing high quality care to TEAM
beneficiaries. Like the CJR model,
TEAM would include a wide range of
participants with varying levels of
experience with value-based care and
different current levels of quality
performance. Other CMS programs, also
capture a wide range of participants and
include quality performance
methodologies that may directly affect
the participant’s financial performance.
We note that the Shared Savings
Program utilizes similar features as the
proposed TEAM CQS methodology,
such as benchmarking quality
performance, calculating scores for each
measure and constructing an overall
score (see 42 CFR 425.502).
Additionally, the Hospital VBP Program
and the HAC Reduction Program also
utilize a similar scoring methodology,
which applies weights to various
measures and assigns an overall score to
a hospital (42 CFR 412.165 and 42 CFR
412.172). Despite the small number of
quality measures proposed for TEAM,
the measures represent both clinical
outcomes and patient experience, and
each would carry substantial value in
the TEAM composite quality score.
Although performance on each
measure would be valued in the TEAM
composite quality score methodology, it
is the TEAM participant’s overall
quality performance that would be
considered in the pay-for-performance
approach, rather than performance on
each quality measure individually
determining the financial opportunity
under TEAM. The TEAM composite
score methodology also provides a
framework for incorporating additional
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
measures of meaningful outcomes for
episodes in the future. The TEAM
composite score methodology would
provide the potential for financial
reward for TEAM participants that reach
an overall acceptable quality
performance, thus incentivizing their
continued efforts to improve the quality
and efficiency of episodes. We seek
comment on our proposal to use a
composite quality score in the pay-forperformance methodologies of TEAM.
(ii) Determining Composite Quality
The CQS is one component of the
reconciliation process and we propose
that it would be calculated based on the
TEAM participant’s performance on the
quality measures proposed for the
model. One of the primary purposes of
the CQS is to create a comparative
assessment for performance across
episode categories and TEAM
participants. Since not all quality
measures apply to all episode
categories, quality measures that apply
to more episode categories will be
volume-weighted more heavily in the
As indicated in section X.A.3.c.(3) of
the preamble of this proposed rule, the
proposed TEAM quality measures
would be collected from the CMS
Hospital IQR Program and the HAC
Reduction Program. The proposed
TEAM quality measures collected from
the Hospital IQR Program and HAC
Reduction Program would have raw
quality measure scores, however, these
raw quality measure scores may be in
different measurement units making it
difficult to make comparisons.
Therefore, raw quality measure scores
must be manipulated in order to
produce a CQS. Similar to the BPCI
Advanced model, for each TEAM
performance year we propose for each
quality measure to convert raw quality
measure scores into scaled quality
measure scores by comparing the raw
quality measure score to the distribution
of raw quality measure score percentiles
among the national cohort of hospitals,
which would consist of TEAM
participants and hospitals not
participating in TEAM, in the CQS
baseline period, so that each measure
has a scaled quality measure score
between 0 and 100 for each episode
category. For example, if a TEAM
participant’s raw quality measure score
of 71% in PY 1 is equivalent to the 60th
percentile during the CQS baseline
period, their scaled quality measure
score for that measure will be 60 in the
performance year. We recognize there
may be instances where the raw quality
score may fall between percentiles or
may be higher or lower than the raw
quality scores in the CQS baseline
period. Therefore, we propose if the raw
quality measure score could belong to
either of two percentiles in the CQS
baseline period, then we would assign
the higher percentile. Further we would
assign a scaled score of 100 if the TEAM
participant has a raw quality measure
score greater than the maximum of the
raw quality measure scores in the CQS
baseline period and assign a scaled
quality measure score of zero if the
TEAM participant has a raw quality
score less than the minimum of the raw
scores in the CQS baseline period.
Lastly, we would not assign a scaled
quality measure score if the TEAM
participant has no raw quality measure
We propose the CQS baseline period
to be calendar year 2025 for the duration
of TEAM. We believe using calendar
year 2025 as the CQS baseline period is
similar with other CMS Innovation
Center models, including the BPCI
Advanced model, where the baseline
period was established before the
incentives of the model were in place in
order to assess quality improvement. We
considered using a contemporaneous
CQS baseline period, where the CQS
baseline period would be the same as
the performance year for each
performance year, but we believe that
may increase CQS calculation
complexity and may create challenges
for TEAM participants to implement
meaningful quality improvement efforts.
Lastly, we also considered a rolling CQS
baseline period, where the CQS baseline
period would move forward by one year
each performance year, but similar to a
contemporaneous CQS baseline period,
we believe the simplicity of have a fixed
CQS baseline period will be easier for
TEAM participants to understand the
CQS calculation methodology. However,
as indicated in section X.A.3.b.(1) of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we
recognize the potential for additional
episodes added to TEAM in future
performance years, which may result in
different quality measures being used in
the CQS calculation. If new episodes
categories or quality measures are
introduced to TEAM, we would reassess
the CQS baseline period and implement
any changes in future notice and
comment rulemaking.
Prior to calculating the CQS, we
propose volume weighting the quality
measures based on the volume of
episodes for a TEAM participant.
Specifically, a normalized weight would
be calculated by dividing the TEAM
participant’s volume of episodes for a
given quality measure by the total
volume of all the TEAM participant’s
episodes. This calculation would be
applied to all quality measures for the
TEAM participant (see Table X.A.–06).
We believe it is important to volume
weight the quality measures so that
more weight is given to the quality
measures that apply to more episode
Oualitv Measure
Hvbrid Hospital-Wide Readmission (CMIT ID 356)
CMS Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite (CMIT ID 135)
Hospital-Level, Risk-Standardized Patient-Reported Outcomes Following
Elective Primary Total Hip and/or Total Knee Artbroplast} (CMIT ID
We would then take the quality
measures normalized weights and
combine it with the scaled quality
measure scores to determine the
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Volume of Episodes
weighted scaled score. Specifically, we
propose to calculate a weighted average
by multiplying each quality measure’s
scaled quality measure score by its
PO 00000
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Nonnalized Weight
normalized weight to create weighted
scaled scores for a TEAM participant.
The weighted scaled scores would then
be added together to construct the CQS
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
for the TEAM participant (see Table
Hybrid Hospital-Wide Readmission (CMIT ID 356)
CMS Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite
(CMITID 135)
Hospital-Level, Risk-Standardized Patient-Reported
Outcomes Following Elective Primaly Total Hip
and/or Total Knee Arthroplastv (CMIT ID 1618)
Comoosite Oualitv Score
Lastly, although the required set of
quality measures proposed for TEAM
are ones currently being reported
through the Hospital IQR Program and
HAC Reduction Program, we recognize
that CMS may, in future regulations,
remove current measures or require
different measures for hospitals to
report in the Hospital IQR Program and
HAC Reduction Program. Therefore,
CMS may propose changes to the TEAM
measures and the methodology for
constructing the composite quality score
through future notice and comment
rulemaking. We seek comment on our
proposed methodology to calculate the
TEAM composite quality score.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(f) Calculating the Reconciliation
Payment Amount or Repayment
After the completion of a performance
year, we propose to retrospectively
calculate a TEAM participant’s actual
episode performance based on the
episode definition. We note that episode
spending would be subject to proration
for services that extend beyond the
episode (as described in section
X.A.3.d.(3)(c) of the preamble of this
proposed rule). We propose to cap
performance year spending at the highcost outlier cap as described in section
X.A.3.d.(3)(e) of the preamble of this
proposed rule. We propose to apply the
high-cost outlier cap to episodes in the
performance year similarly to how we
propose to apply it to baseline episodes,
using the 99th percentile for each MS–
DRG/HCPCS episode type and region as
the maximum. Any performance year
episode spending amount above the
high cost outlier cap would be set to the
amount of the high cost outlier cap. We
then propose to compare each TEAM
participant’s performance year spending
to its reconciliation target prices.
Specifically, we propose to define the
reconciliation amount as the dollar
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Scaled Quality Measure
Normalized Weight
Weighted Scaled Score
amount representing the difference
between the reconciliation target price
and performance year spending, prior to
adjustments for quality, stop-gain/stoploss limits, and post-episode spending.
We note that, as discussed in section
X.A.3.d.(3) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, a TEAM participant
would have multiple target prices for
episodes ending in a given performance
year, based on the MS–DRG/HCPCS
episode type and the performance year
when the episode was initiated. We
propose to determine the applicable
reconciliation target price for each
episode using the aforementioned
criteria, and calculate the difference
between each TEAM participant’s
performance year spending and its
aggregated reconciliation target price for
all episodes in the performance year,
resulting in the reconciliation amount.
Specifically, we propose to define the
reconciliation amount as the dollar
amount representing the difference
between the reconciliation target price
and performance year spending, prior to
adjustments for quality, stop-gain/stoploss limits, and post-episode spending.
We propose to adjust the reconciliation
amount for quality performance as
discussed in section X.A.3.d.(5)(e) of the
preamble of this proposed rule to
determine the quality-adjusted
reconciliation amount. We then propose
to apply the stop-loss and stop-gain
limits to the quality-adjusted
reconciliation amount, as discussed in
section X.A.3.d.(5)(f) of the preamble of
this proposed rule, creating the Net
Payment Reconciliation Amount
(NPRA). Finally, we propose to combine
the NPRA with the results of the postepisode payment calculation (as
discussed in section X.A.3.d.(5)(g) of the
preamble of this proposed rule), to
create the reconciliation payment
amount or repayment amount. We seek
comment on our proposal at proposed
PO 00000
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Sfmt 4702
§ 512.550(c-g) for calculating the
reconciliation payment amount or
repayment amount.
We do not propose to include any
TEAM reconciliation payments or
repayments to Medicare under this
model for a given performance year in
the reconciliation amount for a
subsequent performance year. We want
to incentivize providers to provide high
quality and efficient care in all years of
the model. If reconciliation payments
for a performance year are counted as
performance year spending in a
subsequent performance year, a hospital
would experience higher performance
year spending in the subsequent
performance year as a consequence of
providing high quality and efficient care
in the prior performance year, negating
some of the incentive to perform well in
the prior year. Therefore, we propose to
not have the reconciliation amount for
a given performance year be impacted
by TEAM Medicare repayments or
reconciliation payments made in a prior
performance year. We seek comment on
our proposal not to include TEAM
reconciliation payments or repayments
in performance year spending.
(g) Incorporating the Composite Quality
Score Into the Reconciliation Amount
As indicated in section X.A.3.c of the
preamble of this proposed rule, the
TEAM quality measure assessment is a
pay-for-performance methodology
aimed to incentivize and reward cost
savings in relation to the quality of
episode care provided by the TEAM
participant. Similar to the BPCI
Advanced model, we propose that a
TEAM participant’s quality performance
would be linked to payment by
translating the CQS into a CQS
adjustment percentage and applying the
CQS adjustment percentage to any
positive or negative reconciliation
amount. Specifically, for Track 1 TEAM
Quality Measure
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
participants we propose that the CQS
adjustment percentage would adjust a
positive reconciliation amount up to
10%, and because Track 1 does not have
downside risk, there would be no CQS
adjustment percentage for negative
reconciliation amounts. In the event a
TEAM participant in Track 1 would
have earned a negative reconciliation
amount, their CQS would still be
reported in their reconciliation report so
that they may use this information to
improve their quality measure
performance in the next performance
year. For Track 2 we propose that the
CQS adjustment percentage would
adjust a positive reconciliation amount
up to 10% and a negative reconciliation
amount up to 15%. In other words, the
CQS adjustment percent would not
adjust the positive reconciliation
amount down by more than 10%, nor
would it adjust the negative
reconciliation amount up (meaning
more towards a positive amount) by
more than 15%. For Track 3 TEAM
participants, we propose that the CQS
adjustment percentage would adjust a
positive reconciliation amount up to
10% and a negative reconciliation
amount up to 10%. We would
determine the CQS adjustment
percentage using the following proposed
formulas in Table X.A.–08.
Track 1
Track 2
Track 2
Track 3
Track 3
Reconciliation Amount
Positive Reconciliation Amount
Positive Reconciliation Amount
Ne ative Reconciliation Amount
Positive Reconciliation Amount
Ne ative Reconciliation Amount
The CQS adjustment percentage
would be multiplied with the TEAM
participant’s positive or negative
reconciliation amount to produce the
CQS adjustment amount. The CQS
adjustment amount would then be
subtracted from the positive or negative
reconciliation amount to create the
quality-adjusted reconciliation amount.
We propose to define the qualityadjusted reconciliation amount as the
dollar amount representing the
difference between the reconciliation
Sad ustment
S ad·ustment
S ad·ustment
S ad·ustment
S ad·ustment
Ad ·ustment Percenta
ercenta e = 10%-10°
ercenta e =
ercenta e =
ercenta e =
ercenta e =
target price and performance year
spending, after adjustments for quality,
but prior to application of stop-gain/
stop-loss limits and the post-episode
spending adjustment, as described in
sections X.A.3.d.(5)(h). and
X.A.3.d.(5)(i). of the preamble of this
proposed rule. Since Track 2
participation after is limited to TEAM
participants who may care for a higher
proportion of underserved TEAM
beneficiaries, we believe an asymmetric
application of the CQS adjustment
percentage for Track 2 TEAM
participants may help to mitigate some
the negative financial burden that may
be associated with caring for
underserved beneficiaries who tend to
be higher cost and have worse health
outcomes. Table X.A.–09 illustrates
TEAM’s proposed methodology of
incorporating CQS into payment using
the different CQS adjustment percentage
scenarios using rounded values.
We considered an asymmetric
application of the CQS adjustment
percentage for TEAM participants in
Track 3, but we believe the proposed
symmetric application is appropriate to
balance the amount of financial risk
associated with quality performance
since Track 3 is meant to have higher
risks and rewards. Further, we also
considered different CQS adjustment
percentages for TEAM participants in all
tracks including 20%, 25%, 33% and
50% but felt that these percentages may
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CQS Adjustment
CQS Adjustment
be too high given TEAM participants
will have varying levels of experience
with value-based care and a pay-forperformance methodology. We also
considered lower CQS adjustment
percentages for TEAM participants in all
tracks including 1%, 3%, and 5%, but
we believe these percentages would be
too low and minimize the importance of
quality improvement and thus would
not incentivize TEAM participants to
strive for quality of care improvements.
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Reconciliation Amount
We also considered other approaches
to tying TEAM quality measure
performance to payment, including how
the CJR Model applied their CQS
methodology to adjust the discount
factor. However, we believe the TEAM’s
proposed approach creates a greater
incentive to improve quality measure
performance because a TEAM
participant must achieve of a CQS of
100 in order to receive the maximum
quality-adjusted reconciliation amount.
While this may be perceived as setting
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Track 1
Track 1
Track 3
Track 3
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a high standard, it is consistent with the
approach we have taken in BPCI
Advanced and also emphasizes the
importance of beneficiary quality of
care. Lastly, we considered applying a
CQS threshold in order to be eligible to
receive a reconciliation payment in
TEAM. A similar approach was used in
the CJR model where a participant
hospital had to achieve a minimum CQS
in order to receive a reconciliation
payment, however, a level of quality
performance that was below acceptable
would not affect participant hospitals’
repayment responsibility. We believe
TEAMs proposed pay-for-performance
methodology does not need a CQS
threshold since poor quality
performance in TEAM would negatively
affect any positive or negative
reconciliation amount.
We seek comment on TEAM’s
proposed methodology at proposed
§ 512.550(d) to calculate and apply the
CQS. We also seek comment on our
proposed definition of quality-adjusted
reconciliation amount at § 512.505.
(h) Limitations on NPRA
In CJR and BPCI Advanced, we
included both stop-loss and stop-gain
limits on the total amount that a
participant could owe to CMS as a
repayment or receive from CMS as a
reconciliation payment. For CJR, this
policy and its justification is described
in the 2015 CJR Final Rule at 80 FR
73398. For both CJR and BPCI
Advanced, these limits were applied as
a percentage of a participant’s total
aggregate target price at reconciliation.
Stop-loss and stop-gain limits gradually
increased over the first few years of the
CJR model, reaching a maximum of 20%
for most hospitals for performance years
4–8, while the BPCI Advanced model
has maintained 20% limits every model
year for all participants.
As with CJR, we propose to phase in
risk in TEAM. We propose that Track 1
TEAM participants would not be subject
to downside risk in performance year 1.
We also propose a stop-gain limit of
10% for Track 1 TEAM participants in
performance year 1. We propose that
TEAM participants in Track 2 would be
subject to downside and upside risk
with a symmetric stop-gain and stoploss limits of 10% for PY 2–5. We
believe a 10% stop-gain and stop-loss
limit of 10% is appropriate for Track 2
participants who can gain value-based
care experience but have less financial
risk. However, since Track 3 would be
designed for TEAM participants with
prior experience in value-based care or
those who are prepared to accept greater
financial risk in the first year of TEAM,
we propose that TEAM participants that
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opt into Track 3 of the model would be
subject to both upside and downside
risk, with symmetric stop-gain and stoploss limits of 20% for all performance
years. The greater level of downside risk
in Track 3 would therefore be balanced
by higher stop-gain limits for Track 3
compared to Track 1 or Track 2, which
we propose to continue for all
performance years.
We considered, but are not proposing,
higher and lower stop-gain and stop-loss
limits for Track 3, including 25%, 15%,
and 10% but we believe maintaining
consistency with 20% stop-gain and
stop-loss limits of previous episodebased payment models provides the
appropriate balance of financial risk and
reward to promote spending reductions
with reasonable risk thresholds. We also
considered lower stop-gain and stoploss limits for Track 2, including 5%,
3% and 1% limits, or asymmetric limits,
such as 10% stop-gain and 5% stop-loss
limits or 5% stop-gain and 3% or 1%
stop-loss. We also considered, but are
not proposing, lower and asymmetric
limits for certain TEAM participants.
For example, we considered a 10% or
5% stop-gain paired with a 3% or 1%
stop-loss for TEAM participants who
meet the criteria of a safety net
hospitals. Since TEAM offers a one-year
glide path where all TEAM participants
could elect to participate in Track 1
with no downside risk for PY1, we don’t
believe lower or asymmetric limits
would be necessary for Track 2. By PY2
when Track 2 is available for certain
TEAM participants, they should have
sufficient infrastructure in place to
assume two-sided risk while having less
financial risk compared to Track 3. We
seek comment on these alternative
proposals for stop-gain and stop-loss
limits and whether there are other
mechanisms we should consider to help
limit a TEAM participant’s financial risk
in the model.
We also propose to apply stop-loss
and stop-gain limits after application of
the CQS which would result in the
NPRA. We propose to define NPRA as
the dollar amount representing the
difference between the reconciliation
target price and performance year
spending, after adjustments for quality
and stop-gain/stop-loss limits, but prior
to the post-episode spending
adjustment, which is described in
section X.A.3.d.(5)(g) of the preamble of
this proposed rule. We believe applying
the stop-loss and stop-gain limits after
the CQS is appropriate because it limits
the financial risk associated with
episode spending and quality
performance, which is similar to how
the BPCI Advanced model and CJR
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model apply stop-loss and stop-gain
We seek comment on our proposal at
proposed § 512.550(c)(vi) for differential
stop-gain and stop-loss limits for TEAM
participants by Track and Performance
Year. We also seek comment on our
NPRA definition at proposed § 512.505.
(i) Participant Responsibility for
Increased Post-Episode Payments
While the proposed episodes would
extend 30 days post-discharge from the
anchor hospitalization or postprocedure (for outpatient episodes),
some hospitals may have an incentive to
withhold or delay medically necessary
care until after an episode ends to
reduce their actual episode payments.
We do not believe this would be likely,
but in order to identify and address
such inappropriate shifting of care, we
propose to calculate for each
performance year the total Medicare
Parts A and B expenditures in the 30day period following completion of each
episode for all services covered under
Medicare Parts A and B, regardless of
whether the services are included in the
proposed episode definition (section
X.A.3.b.(5) of the preamble of this
proposed rule). Because we base the
proposed episode definition on
exclusions, identified by MS–DRGs for
readmissions and ICD–10–CM diagnosis
codes for Part B services as discussed in
section X.A.3.b.(5)(a) of the preamble of
this proposed rule, and Medicare
beneficiaries may typically receive a
wide variety of related (and unrelated)
services during episodes, there is some
potential for hospitals to
inappropriately withhold or delay a
variety of types of services until the
episode concludes regardless of whether
the service is included in the episode
definition, especially for Part B services
where diagnosis coding on claims may
be less reliable. This inappropriate
shifting could include both those
services that are related to the episode
(for which the hospital would bear
financial responsibility as they would
be included in the actual episode
spending calculation) and those that are
unrelated (which would not be included
in the actual episode spending
calculation), because a hospital engaged
in shifting of medically necessary
services outside the episode for
potential financial benefit may be
unlikely to clearly distinguish whether
the services were related to the episode
or not.
This calculation would include
prorated payments for services that
extend beyond the episode as discussed
in section X.A.3.d.(3)(c) of this proposed
rule. Specifically, at proposed
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§ 512.550(f) we propose to identify
whether the average 30-day postepisode spending for a TEAM
participant in any given performance
year is greater than three standard
deviations above the regional average
30-day post-episode spending, based on
the 30-day post-episode spending for
episodes attributed to all TEAM regional
hospitals in the same region as the
TEAM participant. We proposed that
beginning with PY1 for Track 3 TEAM
participants, and PY2 for Track 2 TEAM
participants, if the TEAM participant’s
average post-episode spending exceeds
this threshold, the amount above the
threshold would be subtracted from the
reconciliation amount or added to the
repayment amount for that performance
year. The amount above the threshold
would not be subject to the stop-loss
limits proposed elsewhere in the
proposed rule. We seek comment on
this proposal at proposed § 512.550(f) to
make TEAM participants responsible for
making repayments to Medicare based
on high spending in the 30 days after
the end of the episode and for our
proposed methodology to calculate the
threshold for high post-episode spend.
(j) Reconciliation Payments and
For the performance year 1
reconciliation process for Track 1 TEAM
participants, we would combine a
TEAM participant’s NPRA and postepisode spending amount, as described
previously in this section, and if
positive, the TEAM participant would
receive the amount as a one-time lump
sum reconciliation payment from
Medicare. If negative, the TEAM
participant would not be responsible for
repayment to Medicare, consistent with
our proposal for a 1-year glide path to
phase in greater financial responsibility
in the model. For TEAM participants in
Track 3 for PY 1, and Track 2 or Track
3 for PYs 2–5, if the amount is positive,
the TEAM participant would receive the
amount as a one-time lump sum
reconciliation payment from Medicare.
If the amount is negative, Medicare
would hold the TEAM participant
responsible for a one-time lump sum
repayment. CMS would collect the onetime lump sum repayment in a manner
that is consistent with all relevant
federal debt collection laws and
We want participants to succeed in
TEAM by providing high quality care to
TEAM beneficiaries and reducing
episode spending, but we understand
there may be instances when a TEAM
participant does not meet performance
metrics and owes a repayment amount.
We acknowledge paying back Medicare
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in a lump sum for a repayment amount
may introduce financial hardship for
some TEAM participants, especially
those who may be new to value-based
care with downside risk or those who
have fewer financial resources. In some
CMS Innovation Center models, certain
participants are required to have
financial guarantees, which act as a
reinsurance policy for CMS if the
participant is unable to pay back debts
owed as a result of their performance in
the model. For example, the BPCI
Advanced model requires certain
participants to have secondary
repayment sources, generally in the
form of a letter of credit or escrow
agreement, that can be drawn upon if
the participant is unable or fails to pay
their repayment amount. Yet, financial
guarantees require upfront capital and
must be replenished in a timely manner
for potential use in future debts.
Further, financial guarantees generally
need to be established before the model
starts, thus before the TEAM participant
would be eligible to use any TEAM
payment amounts to fund the financial
We do not believe financial
guarantees would be appropriate for
TEAM given the aforementioned
concerns but recognize that providing
some process to prolong recovery of a
repayment amount may be needed to
mitigate potential financial hardships.
Existing Medicare policy allows the
recovery of Medicare debt, defined as
recoupment in 42 CFR 405.370, and
non-Medicare debt, defined as offset in
42 CFR 405.370, by reducing present or
future Medicare payments and applying
the amount withheld to the
indebtedness. To leverage the existing
Medicare policy to recover debts in
TEAM, we considered whether the
reduction of present or future Medicare
payments should be a dollar amount
reduction, for example a $100 reduction
of all Medicare payments, or a
percentage reduction applied to all
Medicare payments, for example a 2%
reduction to Medicare payments. A
dollar amount reduction may be simpler
to calculate while translating a debt to
a percentage reduction may be more
complex to calculate. We also
considered whether the reduction of
present or future Medicare payments
should only be associated with a TEAM
participant’s Medicare Part A payments
for the corresponding episode categories
tested in TEAM or for all of a TEAM
participant’s Medicare Part A payments.
Limiting the Medicare payment
reduction to only corresponding episode
categories tested in TEAM may draw out
the length of time for debt recovery, but
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it may ease TEAM participant
bookkeeping when accounting for
TEAM financial performance.
Conversely, reduction of Medicare
payments for all of a TEAM
participant’s Medicare Part A payments
may reduce the length of time for debt
recovery, but it may be more
challenging to identify and track TEAM
participant financial performance.
We are not proposing to require
financial guarantees or change existing
Medicare recoupment or offsetting
policies, but we are seeking comment on
whether we should consider these
options further or if there are other ways
to reduce financial hardship for TEAM
participants that owe a repayment
amount. We also seek comment on
whether we should consider a Medicare
payment policy waiver to reduce
financial hardship, what the waiver
would waive, and if the waiver is
necessary to avoid undue burden on
TEAM participants.
We also considered an alternative
approach to making reconciliation
payments and collecting repayments
from TEAM participants. Under this
alternative approach, in lieu of making
a lump sum payment to TEAM
participants, or collecting a repayment
amount from TEAM participants, we
would instead make a percentage
adjustment to future FFS claims for
TEAM participants. The magnitude of
the adjustments would be intended to
approximate the same dollar amount
that would be paid or recouped via a
reconciliation process; adjustments
would be made in the form of a
multiplier on claims for the anchor
procedures for the episodes included in
TEAM. For example, we would make
adjustments to IPPS claims containing
the MS–DRGs included in the model,
and the amounts of the adjustments for
each TEAM participant over the course
of a year would, in aggregate, be
intended to approximately equal the
dollar amount that would have
otherwise been paid via a reconciliation
payment (or recouped via a repayment
amount). The alternative approach
would look similar to the operational
payment mechanisms used in other
Medicare programs and initiatives such
as the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing
Program, the SNF Value-Based
Purchasing Program, the Expanded
Home Health Value-Based Purchasing
Model, and the Hospital Readmissions
Reduction Program. We considered a
value-based purchasing payment
approach because we believe it has the
potential to be less operationally
cumbersome than making separate
reconciliation payments if TEAM is
expanded nationally in the future. We
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also believe that a value-based
purchasing payment approach that
adjusts future FFS claims up or down
would provide financial stability for
TEAM participants, because they would
receive notice of their adjustment
amounts ahead of the year in which
those adjustments would apply, and
TEAM participants that would
otherwise owe a repayment amount
could effectively pay that debt over time
automatically via claims adjustments,
versus writing a check to CMS.
A value-based purchasing approach
for TEAM would not be without
challenges, however. First, preliminary
modeling indicates that payment
adjustment percentages for the proposed
episodes may need to be relatively large
in order to approximate the same dollar
amount that would otherwise be paid
out via a reconciliation payment, or
paid to CMS via a repayment amount.
Although the adjustment percentages
would be limited to a subset of FFS
claims for a given TEAM participant, we
believe we must be cautious that
particularly for some providers, a
negative adjustment to FFS claims could
represent a financial hardship. Second,
we considered whether claims
adjustments should be made to only
IPPS claims (for the MS–DRGs that
trigger an anchor procedure/
hospitalization for an episode), or also
to OPPS claims, given that we are
proposing to include episodes that
initiate in the outpatient setting in
TEAM for certain episode categories.
Making adjustments to both IPPS and
OPPS claims would add complexity,
particularly since the IPPS payment
updates are made on a fiscal year
schedule, while the OPPS updates
payments on a calendar year cycle. We
seek comment on whether, for TEAM or
other future initiatives that may
consider a similar value-based
purchasing approach, we should make
adjustments to IPPS claims only or also
OPPS claims that trigger model
We seek comment on our proposal
making reconciliation payments to, and
collecting repayment amounts from,
TEAM participant as a one-time, lump
sum payment, as well as the alternative
considered to implement a value-based
purchasing approach where we make
payment adjustments to future FFS
claims in lieu of lump sum payments or
(6) Proposed Appeals Process
(a) First Level Appeal Process
At proposed § 512.560, we propose
the following first level appeal process
for TEAM participants to contest
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matters related to payment or
reconciliation, of which the following is
a non-exhaustive list: The calculation of
the TEAM participant’s reconciliation
amount or repayment amount as
reflected on a TEAM reconciliation
report; the calculation of NPRA; and the
calculation of the CQS. We propose that
TEAM participants would review their
TEAM reconciliation report and be
required to provide a notice of
calculation error that must be submitted
in a form and manner specified by CMS.
Unless the participant provides such
notice, we propose that the
reconciliation report would be deemed
final within 30 calendar days after it is
issued, and CMS would proceed with
payment or repayment. We propose that
if CMS receives a timely notice of an
error in the calculation, CMS would
respond in writing within 30 calendar
days to either confirm or refute the
calculation error, although CMS would
reserve the right to an extension upon
written notice to the TEAM participant.
We propose that if a TEAM participant
does not submit timely notice of
calculation error in accordance with the
timelines and processes specified by
CMS, the TEAM participant would be
precluded from later contesting any
element of the TEAM reconciliation
report for that performance year.
At proposed § 512.560(b) we propose
an exception to the appeals process. We
propose that if a TEAM participant
contests a matter that does not involve
an issue contained in, or a calculation
that contributes to, a TEAM
reconciliation report, a notice of
calculation error is not required. A
notice of calculation error form would
not be an appropriate format for
addressing issues other than calculation
errors, given that it is tailored
specifically to calculation errors. In
these instances, we propose that if CMS
does not receive a request for
reconsideration from the TEAM
participant within 10 calendar days of
the notice of the initial reconciliation,
the initial determination is deemed final
and CMS proceeds with the action
indicated in the initial determination.
We note that this proposed exception
does not apply to the limitations on
review in § 512.594.
We solicit comment on our proposal
for the first level appeals process.
(b) Reconsideration Review Process
At proposed § 512.561, we propose a
reconsideration process that is based on
processes implemented under current
models being tested by the CMS
Innovation Center. The process would
enable TEAM participants to contest
determinations made by CMS. We
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propose at to waive section 1869 of the
Act, which governs determinations and
appeals in Medicare and instead we
propose to codify a reconsideration
process for TEAM participants to
utilize. We propose at § 512.561(a) that
only TEAM participants may utilize the
dispute resolution process. We believe
establishing a reconsideration process is
necessary to give TEAM participants a
means to dispute certain determinations
made by CMS.
This proposed reconsideration review
process would be utilized in the case
that a determination has been made and
the TEAM participant disagrees with
that determination. Part 512 subpart E
would include specific details about
when a determination is final and may
be disputed through the reconsideration
review processes.
We propose at § 512.561(b) that
TEAM participants may request
reconsideration of a determination made
by CMS, only if such reconsideration is
not precluded by section 1115A(d)(2) of
the Act or this subpart. We propose at
§ 512.561(b)(1)(i) that a request for
review of those final determinations
made by CMS that are not precluded
from administrative or judicial review
would be submitted to a CMS
reconsideration official. The CMS
reconsideration official would be
authorized to receive such requests and
would not have been involved in the
initial determination or, if applicable,
the notice of calculation error process.
We propose at § 512.561(b)(1)(ii) that
the reconsideration review request
would be required to include a copy of
CMS’s initial determination, contain a
detailed written explanation of the basis
for the dispute, and at
§ 512.561(b)(1)(iii) that the request
would have to be made within 30 days
of the date of CMS’s initial
determination via email addressed to an
address specified by CMS. At
§ 512.561(b)(2), we propose that
requests that do not meet the
requirements of paragraphs (b)(1) are
We propose that the reconsideration
official would send a written
acknowledgement to CMS and to the
TEAM participant requesting
reconsideration within 10 business days
of receiving the reconsideration request.
The acknowledgement would set forth
the review procedures and a schedule
that permits each party an opportunity
to submit documentation in support of
their position for consideration by the
reconsideration official.
We propose at § 512.561(b)(1)(i)(B),
that, to access the reconsideration
process for a determination concerning
a TEAM payment, the TEAM participant
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
would be required to satisfy the notice
of calculation error requirements
specified in section X.A.3.d.(6)(a) of the
preamble of this proposed rule before
submitting a reconsideration request
under this process. In the event that the
model participant fails to timely submit
an error notice with respect to a TEAM
payment, we propose that the
reconsideration review process would
not be available to the TEAM
participant with regard to that payment.
We propose to codify standards for
the reconsideration at § 512.561(c).
First, during the course of the
reconsideration, both CMS and the party
requesting the reconsideration must
continue to fulfill all responsibilities
and obligations during the course of any
dispute arising under TEAM. Second,
the reconsideration would consist of a
review of documentation timely
submitted to the reconsideration official
and in accordance with the standards
specified by the reconsideration official
in the acknowledgement at
§ 512.561(b)(3). Finally, we propose that
the burden of proof would be on the
TEAM participant to prove to the
reconsideration official, by a standard of
clear and convincing evidence, that the
determination made by CMS was
inconsistent with the terms of TEAM.
We propose to codify at § 512.561(d)
that the reconsideration determination
would be an on-the-record review. By
this, we mean a review that would be
conducted by a CMS reconsideration
official who is a designee of CMS who
is authorized to receive such requests
under proposed § 512.561(b)(1)(i), of the
position papers and supporting
documentation that are timely
submitted and meet the standards of
submission under proposed
§ 512.561(b)(1) as well as any
documents and data timely submitted to
CMS by the TEAM participant in the
required format before CMS made the
initial determination. Under the
proposed § 512.561(d)(2), the
reconsideration official would issue to
CMS and the TEAM participant a
written reconsideration determination.
Absent unusual circumstances in which
the reconsideration official would
reserve the right to an extension upon
written notice to the TEAM participant,
the reconsideration determination
would be issued within 60 days of
CMS’s receipt of the timely filed
position papers and supporting
documentation. Under proposed
§ 512.561(d)(3), the determination made
by the CMS reconsideration official
would be final and binding 30 days after
its issuance, unless the TEAM
participant or CMS were to timely
request review of the reconsideration
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determination by the CMS
Administrator in accordance with
§ 512.5610(e)(1) and (2).
(c) CMS Administrator Review Process
We propose to codify at § 512.561(e)
a process for the CMS Administrator to
review reconsideration determinations
made under proposed§ 512.561(d). We
propose that either the TEAM
participant or CMS may request that the
CMS Administrator review the
reconsideration determination made by
the reconsideration official. Under
proposed § 512.561(e)(1), the request to
the CMS Administrator would have to
be made via email, within 30 days of the
reconsideration determination, to an
email address specified by CMS. The
request would have to include a copy of
the reconsideration determination, as
well as a detailed written explanation of
why the model participant or CMS
disagrees with the reconsideration
determination. Under proposed
§ 512.561(e)(4), promptly after receiving
the request for review, the CMS
Administrator would send the parties an
acknowledgement of receipt that
outlines whether the request for review
was granted or denied and, should the
request for review be granted, the
review procedures and a schedule that
would permit both CMS and the TEAM
participant an opportunity to submit a
brief in support of their positions for
consideration by the CMS
Administrator. Should the request for
review be denied, under proposed
§ 512.561(e)(5), the reconsideration
determination would be final and
binding as of the date of denial of the
request for review by the CMS
Administrator. Under proposed
§ 512.561(e)(6), should the request for
review by the CMS Administrator be
granted, the record for review would
consist solely of timely submitted briefs
and evidence contained in the record
before the reconsideration official and
evidence as set forth in the documents
and data described in proposed
§ 512.561(d)(1)(ii); the CMS
Administrator would not consider
evidence other than information set
forth in the documents and data
described in proposed
§ 512.561(d)(1)(ii). The CMS
Administrator would review the record
and issue to CMS and the TEAM
participant a written determination that
would be final and binding as of the
date the written determination was sent.
We invite public comment on the
proposed reconsideration review
process for TEAM.
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e. Model Overlap
(1) Background
When determining the best strategy
for addressing model overlap, we
recognize we need to consider how to
promote meaningful collaboration
between providers and TEAM
participants. In prior models, overlap
policies were intended to be simple by
avoiding duplicative incentive
payments or giving precedence to a
single accountable entity. However,
what resulted were confusing
methodologies or misaligned incentives
which were difficult to navigate.
Participants from prior models have also
cited confusion with identifying to
which model(s) a beneficiary may be
aligned or attributed.
In earlier episode-based payment
models, such as CJR (in certain
circumstances) and BPCI, CMS
addressed overlap by implementing a
complex calculation and recouping a
portion of the pricing discount for
providers also participating in certain
ACO initiatives. The recoupment was
intended to prevent duplicate incentive
payments for the same beneficiary’s
care; however, some participants
perceived the resulting recoupment as a
financial loss, discouraging providers
from participating in both initiatives.
(2) Previous Episode-Based Model
Overlap Policies
To avoid complexity, the CJR and
BPCI Advanced models exclude
beneficiaries aligned or assigned to
certain ACOs, and these beneficiaries
will not trigger a clinical episode.643
While this exclusionary approach
creates a clean demarcation of who is
accountable for a beneficiary’s care, it
also limits the number of providers in
accountable care relationships and
becomes less tenable as we work
towards the goal of increased
accountability. Additionally,
participants may be informed of
beneficiary ACO alignment or
assignment after the potential episode
has been initiated and the expending of
resources on unattributed beneficiaries.
This concern highlights the opportunity
to incentivize coordinated care, expand
care redesign efforts to more patients,
and strengthen APM participation.
Even passive avoidance of duplicated
payments has its drawbacks such as lack
643 Currently, the BPCI Advanced model does not
allow overlap with the ACO Realizing Equity,
Access, and Community Health (ACO REACH)
model, the Vermont Medicare ACO Initiative, and
the Comprehensive Kidney Care Contracting
(CKCC) Options of the Kidney Care Choices (KCC)
Model. The CJR model does not allow overlap with
the ENHANCED Track of the Medicare Shared
Savings Program.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
of incentive to coordinate care. For
example, the CJR and BPCI Advanced
models allow overlap with the Medicare
Shared Savings Program without a
financial recoupment.644 645 However,
this policy does not encourage behavior
change to ensure a smooth transition
back to population-based providers.
(3) Beneficiary Overlap
We acknowledge that there may be
circumstances where a Medicare
beneficiary in an episode may also be
assigned to an ACO, advanced primary
care model, or other model or initiative
being implemented through the CMS
Innovation Center or otherwise through
CMS. For the purposes of this proposed
rule, ‘‘total cost of care’’ models or
programs refer to models or programs in
which episodes or performance periods
include participant financial
responsibility for all Part A and Part B
spending, as well as some Part D
spending in select cases. We use the
term ‘‘shared savings’’ in this proposed
rule to refer to models or programs in
which the payment structure includes a
calculation of savings (that is, the
difference between FFS amounts and
program or model benchmark) and CMS
and the model or program participant
each retain a particular percentage of
that savings. We note that there exists
the possibility for overlap between
episode-based payment model and
shared savings models or programs such
as Shared Savings Program, specialty
care models such as the Enhancing
Oncology Model (EOM), advanced
primary care models such as Making
Care Primary (MCP), state-based models
such as the All-Payer Health Equity
Approaches and Development model
(AHEAD), or other CMS Innovation
Center payment models that incorporate
per-beneficiary-per-month (PBPM) fees
or other payment structures. In addition
to the Shared Savings Program, there are
other ACO and CMS Innovation Center
models that make or will make, once
implemented, providers accountable for
total cost of care over a period of time
(for example, 6 to 12 months). Some of
these are shared savings models (or
programs, in the case of the Shared
Savings Program), while others are not
shared savings but hold participating
providers accountable for the total cost
of care during a defined episode. Each
of these payment models or programs
644 The Medicare Shared Savings Program
benchmark updates include retrospective countylevel trends that implicitly reflect BPCI Advanced
and CJR spending changes; such methodology helps
mitigate potential overlap of federal outlays.
645 The CJR model only allows overlap with the
BASIC track of the Medicare Shared Savings
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holds providers accountable for the total
cost of care over the course of an
extended period or episode by applying
various payment methodologies. We
believe it is important to simultaneously
allow beneficiaries to participate in
broader population-based and other
total cost of care models, as well as
episode payment models that target a
specific episode with a shorter duration,
such as TEAM. Allowing beneficiaries
to receive care under both types of
models may maximize the potential
benefits to the Medicare Trust Funds
and participating providers and
suppliers, as well as beneficiaries.
Research suggests that shared
beneficiaries in episode-based payment
models and ACOs can lead to lower
post-acute care spending and reduced
readmissions.646 Beneficiaries stand to
benefit from care redesign that may lead
to improved quality for episodes even
while also receiving care under these
broader models, while entities that
participate in other models and
programs that assess total cost of care
stand to benefit, at least in part, from the
cost savings that accrue under TEAM.
For example, a beneficiary receiving a
procedure under TEAM may benefit
from a hospital’s care coordination
efforts regarding care during the
inpatient hospital stay. The same
beneficiary may be attributed to a
primary care physician affiliated with
an ACO who is actively engaged in
coordinating care for all the
beneficiary’s clinical conditions
throughout the entire performance year,
beyond the 30-day post-discharge
period of the episode.
We propose that a beneficiary could
be in an episode in TEAM, as described
in section X.A.3.b. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, by undergoing a
procedure at a TEAM participant, and
be attributed to a provider participating
in a total cost of care or shared savings
model or program. For example, a
beneficiary may be attributed to a
provider participating in the Shared
Savings Program for an entire
performance year, as well as have
initiated an episode in TEAM during the
ACO’s performance year. Each model or
program incorporates a reconciliation
process, where total included spending
during the performance period or
episode are calculated, as well as any
potential savings achieved by the model
or program. We propose to allow any
646 Navathe, A.S., Liao, J.M., Wang, E., Isidro, U.,
Zhu, J., Cousins, D., & Werner, R.M. (2021).
Association of patient outcomes with bundled
payments among hospitalized patients attributed to
accountable care organizations. JAMA Health
Forum, 2(8), e212131.
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savings generated on an episode in
TEAM and any contribution to savings
in the total cost of care model be
retained by each respective participant.
This would mean the episode spending
in TEAM would be accounted for the in
the total cost of care model’s total
expenditures, but TEAM’s
reconciliation payment amount or
repayment amount would not be
included in the total cost of care
model’s total expenditures. Likewise,
the total cost of care model’s savings
payments or losses would not be
included in the episode spending in
By allowing a beneficiary aligned to a
total cost of care model participant to
also be attributed to an episode in
TEAM, we would be eliminating
complexities experienced in prior
models where it was difficult for
participants to know when a beneficiary
would trigger an episode and when the
episode would be excluded. In prior
models such as BPCI, we implemented
a recoupment process after
reconciliation to account for any
duplicative savings generated on
overlapping beneficiaries. This process
involved disbursing reconciliation
payments to BPCI participants and then
submitting a recoupment demand for
any savings generated on overlap.
Overwhelming feedback from
participants indicated that this
recoupment process was perceived
negatively and postured participants in
BPCI and the total cost of care model
into an adversarial relationship.
Allowing overlap between beneficiaries
aligned to a total cost of care model who
also initiate an episode in TEAM and by
allowing both participants to retain
savings will have a positive impact on
beneficiaries by fostering a cooperative
relationship between accountable care
and TEAM participants where all
parties have interest in providing
coordinated, longitudinal care.
Allowing overlap does mean that
episode expenditures will be included
in ACO expenditures and thus, have a
potential impact on ACO performance.
Whether or not this benefits an ACO’s
shared savings involves a variety of
contributing factors that span beyond
merely the results of episodes in TEAM.
For example, an ACO’s size and volume
of aligned beneficiaries or the dynamics
of certain markets in which an ACO
operates could impact an ACO’s
expenditure calculations and shared
savings. CMS cannot isolate each
variable that could influence an ACO’s
expenditures and shared savings, nor
can CMS propose a singular policy that
will ensure all ACOs benefit from
interaction, or lack thereof, with TEAM.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
But because TEAM will be mandatory in
specific markets, the model will be
generally expected to similarly impact a
Shared Savings Program ACO’s episode
spending and corresponding regional
episode spending that contributes most
of its retrospective benchmark update.
This interaction is anticipated to largely
mitigate potential overlapping incentive
payments for the largest ACO program
in traditional Medicare. CMS believes
that allowing overlap and the retention
of savings by ACOs and TEAM
participants will encourage providers to
collaboratively deliver coordinated care
and yield improved outcomes to
beneficiaries. This aligns with broader
agency goals to foster increased
beneficiary alignment to value-based
care and allows us to learn from
experience and avoid creating
challenges managing shared
beneficiaries between ACOs and
episodes of care participants. In
addition, there are other potential
benefits to allowing overlap between a
beneficiary aligned to a total cost of care
model and initiate an episode in TEAM,
such as strengthening the volume of
episodes a TEAM participant is
responsible for. We know from prior
experience that low episode volume
creates challenges for participants to
generate meaningful savings and
manage outlier cases with unusually
high episode expenditures.
We also acknowledge that certain
ACOs may prefer for their aligned
beneficiary population to not be
included in TEAM. Since ACOs are
accountable for total cost of care, they
may prefer to manage their beneficiaries
and have full control over all
expenditures and beneficiary care
instead of sharing that responsibility
with a TEAM participant. Alternatively,
we seek comment on prohibiting
aligned beneficiaries from full-risk
population-based care relationships (for
example, Shared Savings Program
Enhanced Track) from being in an
episode in TEAM. We seek comment
specifically on non-condition specific
care relationships (that is, this would
exclude condition-specific models such
as the Enhancing Oncology Model
Additionally, we seek comment on
the use of supplemental data (for
example, shadow bundles 647 data) as
647 Shadow bundles are claims data for services,
supplies, and their associated payments grouped
into discrete procedural- and/or condition-specific
episodes of care. Episodes are constructed based on
a consistent set of rules for ACO-attributed
beneficiaries who meet the criteria to trigger an
episode. Target prices are incorporated to measure
performance and provide opportunity for sharing
savings with providers.
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providing a total cost of care or shared
savings model participant with the
ability to utilize episodes to improve
care coordination and reduce cost.
(a) Considerations for Notification
Process for Shared Savings or Total Cost
of Care Model
Prior model experience has shown
that it can be challenging for model
participants to understand in real time
whether a beneficiary’s episode will be
excluded, and we know that prior
recoupment policies created friction
between episode model participants and
total cost of care model participants. We
recognize the importance of
coordination between a TEAM
participant and total cost of care
participant to ensure the beneficiary has
continuous care moving beyond the
structure of an episode. In order to
accommodate a smooth transition for
the aligned beneficiary, we considered,
but are not proposing there be a
notification process required of the
TEAM participant to ensure they are
alerting the total cost of care participant
of their aligned beneficiary’s episode
during the anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure. This notification
process would allow the total cost of
care participant the time to deploy their
resources (for example, care
coordination staff) and be prepared as
the patient discharges from their anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure.
However, we recognize that identifying
beneficiaries aligned to a total cost of
care participant may be challenging
because it would require timely access
to beneficiary alignment list for total
cost of care participants and would
increase burden to implement a
notification process. We seek comment
on ways to implement a notification
process for shared savings or total cost
of care participants that would be used
to alert a shared savings or total cost of
care participant that one of their aligned
beneficiaries has initiated an episode in
Many total cost of care models (that
is, ACOs) use their market’s Health
Information Exchange (HIE) to provide
admission, discharge, and transfer
(ADT) alerts. Others use less automated
processes including fax or telephone to
provide the alert. We recognize there is
variation in the capabilities and
sophistication of HIEs nationally and we
recognize there is an increased
administrative burden on participants
when providing a telephonic or fax
alert. Additionally, we recognize that
there is a variation in the timeframe in
which these alerts can be issued based
on the mechanism in which they are
provided. We seek comment on what
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timeframe should be required to issue
the notification and what process(es)
should be used to provide the
notification without causing undue
burden on the TEAM participant,
including both the processes cited
previously or other processes not
mentioned. We also seek comment on
how broader use of ADT data exchange
between TEAM participants and ACOs
could improve care coordination,
including any perceived barriers to
better ADT exchange, and opportunities
to improve ADT exchange, and how
CMS could address these barriers and
(b) Accounting for Beneficiary Overlap
With New CMS Models and Programs
We acknowledge there may be new
models or programs that could have
overlap with TEAM. This could occur
because a beneficiary may trigger an
episode in TEAM while being aligned to
a new CMS model or program or
because a TEAM participant also
participates in another CMS model or
program. We would plan to assess each
new model to determine if the structure
of payment and savings calculation are
subject to the current proposed overlap
policy or if there would be a need to
bring forward any additional overlap
requirements to account for the new
f. Health Equity
(1) Background
Consistent with President Biden’s
Executive Order 13985 on ‘‘Advancing
Racial Equity and Support for
Underserved Communities Through the
Federal Government,’’ and Executive
Order 14091 on ‘‘Further Advancing
Racial Equity and Support for
Underserved Communities Through the
Federal Government,’’ CMS has made
advancing health equity the first pillar
in its Strategic Plan.648 649 We define
health equity as the attainment of the
highest level of health for all people,
where everyone has a fair and just
opportunity to attain their optimal
health regardless of race, ethnicity,
disability, sexual orientation, gender
identity, socioeconomic status,
geography, preferred language, and
other factors that affect access to care
and health outcomes. We are working to
advance health equity by designing,
649 88 FR 10825 (February 22, 2023) (https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
implementing, and operationalizing
policies and programs that support
health for all the people served by our
programs, eliminating avoidable
differences in health outcomes
experienced by people who are
disadvantaged or underserved, and
providing the care and support that our
beneficiaries need to thrive.650
Disparities in access to surgical care
by race/ethnicity, insurance status,
income, and geography are welldocumented, including disparities in
the progression to surgery once surgical
indication is determined and disparities
in receipt of optimal surgical care.651
Research has also highlighted
disparities in readmissions rates
following surgical intervention,
indicating opportunities to tailor
readmission-focused interventions to
specific sites of care, such as safety net
hospitals, to improve surgical
outcomes.652 653 For Medicare
beneficiaries, higher health-related
social need is also associated with a
higher risk of complications, length of
stay, and 30-day readmission, and
mortality following surgery.654
Accordingly, there are opportunities to
improve disparities in surgical
outcomes by transforming infrastructure
and care delivery processes, particularly
for hospitals that serve higher
proportions of historically underserved
In this section, we discuss proposals
for identifying safety net hospitals and
rural hospitals within TEAM, and the
associated flexibilities for TEAM
participants meeting these definitions.
We are seeking comment on the
proposed safety net hospital and rural
hospital definitions for TEAM, proposed
model flexibilities for participants
651 de Jager E, Levine AA, Udyavar NR, et al.
Disparities in Surgical Access: A Systematic
Literature Review, Conceptual Model, and Evidence
Map. J Am Coll Surg. 2019;228(3):276–298.
doi:10.1016/j.jamcollsurg.2018.12.028 https://
652 Tsai TC, Orav EJ, Joynt KE. Disparities in
surgical 30-day readmission rates for Medicare
beneficiaries by race and site of care. Ann Surg.
2014;259(6):1086–1090. doi:10.1097/
SLA.0000000000000326. https://
653 Paredes AZ, Hyer JM, Diaz A, Tsilimigras DI,
Pawlik TM. Examining healthcare inequities
relative to United States safety net hospitals. Am J
Surg. 2020;220(3):525–531. doi:10.1016/
j.amjsurg.2020.01.044 https://
654 Paro A, Hyer JM, Diaz A, Tsilimigras DI,
Pawlik TM. Profiles in social vulnerability: The
association of social determinants of health with
postoperative surgical outcomes. Surgery.
2021;170(6):1777–1784. doi:10.1016/
j.surg.2021.06.001 https://
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meeting each of these definitions, and
the alternatives discussed.
(2) Identification of Safety Net Hospitals
(a) Background
Among the goals of CMS’s health
equity pillar is to evaluate policies to
determine how we can support safety
net providers, partner with providers in
underserved communities, and ensure
care is accessible to those who need
it.655 There are also opportunities to
engage more safety net providers in
CMS Innovation Center models to
increase the diversity of Medicare
beneficiaries reached by models.656
Although various approaches exist to
identify ‘‘safety net providers,’’ this
term is commonly used to refer to health
care providers that furnish a substantial
share of services to uninsured and lowincome patients.657 As such, safety net
providers, including acute care
hospitals, play a crucial role in the
advancement of health equity by making
essential services available to the
uninsured, underinsured, and other
populations that face barriers to
accessing healthcare, including people
from racial and ethnic minority groups,
the LGBTQ+ community, rural
communities, and members of other
historically disadvantaged groups.
Whether located in urban centers or
geographically isolated rural areas,
safety net hospitals are often the sole
providers in their communities of
specialized services such as burn and
trauma units, neonatal care and
inpatient psychiatric facilities.658 They
also frequently partner with local health
departments and other institutions to
sponsor programs that address
homelessness, food insecurity and other
social determinants of health, and offer
culturally and linguistically appropriate
care to their patients.
Because they serve many low-income
and uninsured patients, safety net
hospitals may experience greater
financial challenges compared to other
hospitals. Among the factors that
negatively impact safety net hospital
finances, MedPAC has pointed
specifically to the greater share of
patients insured by public programs,
which it stated typically pay lower rates
for the same services than commercial
payers; the increased costs associated
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with treating low-income patients,
whose conditions may be complicated
by social determinants of health, such as
homelessness and food insecurity; and
the provision of higher levels of
uncompensated care.659
In its June 2022 Report to Congress,
MedPAC expressed concern over the
financial position of safety net
hospitals.660 The Commission noted
that the limited resources of many safety
net hospitals may make it difficult for
them to compete with other hospitals
for labor and technology, and observed
that ‘‘[t]his disadvantage, in turn, could
lead to difficulty maintaining quality of
care and even to hospital closure.’’ 661
Other research shows that the closure of
a safety net hospital can have ripple
effects within the community, making it
more difficult for disadvantaged
patients to access care and shifting
uncompensated care costs onto
neighboring facilities.662 663
Given the critical importance of safety
net hospitals to the communities they
serve, we have considered different
safety net hospital definitions to
identify the best way to represent
providers serving historically
underserved populations in TEAM and/
or provide flexibilities to those deemed
as safety net providers. In the following
section, we discuss multiple
methodological options for identifying
safety net providers in TEAM.
(b) Methodological Considerations
(i) CMS Innovation Center Strategy
Refresh Safety Net Definition
The CMS Innovation Center’s Strategy
Refresh developed a definition of safety
net providers to monitor the percent of
safety net facilities participating in CMS
Innovation Center models. The CMS
Innovation Center’s Strategy Refresh
defined safety net hospitals as shortterm hospitals and critical access
hospitals (CAHs) that serve above a
660 The June 2022 Report sets forth a conceptual
framework for identifying safety-net hospitals and
a rationale for better-targeted Medicare funding for
such hospitals through a new Medicare Safety-Net
Index (MSNI), as discussed in more detail later in
this request for information. In its March 2023
Report to Congress, MedPAC discusses its
recommendation to Congress to redistribute
disproportionate share hospital and uncompensated
care payments through the MSNI: https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
baseline threshold of beneficiaries with
dual eligibility or Part D Low-Income
Subsidy (LIS), as a proxy for lowincome status.664 Under the CMS
Innovation Center’s Strategy Refresh
definition, hospitals are identified as
safety net when their patient mix of
beneficiaries with dual eligibility or Part
D LIS exceeds the 75th percentile
threshold for all congruent facilities
who bill Medicare.
To calculate the hospital-level
proportions of beneficiaries with dual
eligibility and Part D LIS, a one-year or
multiple-year retrospective baseline (for
example, weighted three-year average)
for each measure could be calculated for
each TEAM participant. We would then
determine the 75th percentile threshold
for each measure separately based on
the distribution of the two proportions
(beneficiaries with dual eligibility or
Part D LIS) for all PPS hospitals who bill
Medicare. TEAM participants with
proportions that meet or exceed the
determined threshold for either dual
eligibility or Part D LIS will be
considered as a safety net hospital for
the purposes of TEAM.
We could make safety net
determinations based on the CMS
Innovation Center’s Strategy Refresh’s
definition using the described approach
as of the model start date and hold the
determinations constant for TEAM’s
duration. Alternatively, we could
calculate the hospital-level proportions
of beneficiaries with dual eligibility and
Part D LIS and the corresponding 75th
percentile threshold for each measure
annually, using a single year or rolling
multiple-year weighted average of data
from all PPS hospitals who bill
Medicare. We could then make
redeterminations of safety net
qualification under TEAM annually.
This annual approach could mean that
TEAM participants’ safety net hospital
qualifications could vary over the
model’s duration.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(ii) Medicare Safety Net Index (MSNI)
Another approach to identify safety
net hospitals would be to use MedPAC’s
Safety Net Index (SNI), which is
calculated as the sum of—(1) the share
of the hospital’s Medicare volume
associated with low-income
beneficiaries; (2) the share of its revenue
spent on uncompensated care; and (3)
an indicator of how dependent the
hospital is on Medicare. MSNI is
calculated at the hospital level using
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data from CMS cost reports for each
For the share of the hospital’s
Medicare volume associated with lowincome beneficiaries, MedPAC’s
definition of low-income beneficiaries
includes all those who are dually
eligible for full or partial Medicaid
benefits, and those who do not qualify
for Medicaid benefits in their states but
who receive the Part D LIS because they
have limited assets and an income
below 150 percent of the Federal
poverty level. Collectively, MedPAC
refers to this population as ‘‘LIS
beneficiaries’’ because those who
receive full or partial Medicaid benefits
are automatically eligible to receive the
LIS. MedPAC states that its intent in
defining low-income beneficiaries in
this manner is to reduce the effect of
variation in states’ Medicaid policies on
the share of beneficiaries whom
MedPAC considers low-income, but to
allow for appropriate variation across
states based on the share of beneficiaries
who are at or near the Federal poverty
level. To calculate the LIS ratio for a
hospital for a given fiscal year, we could
use the number of inpatient discharges
of Medicare beneficiaries who are also
LIS beneficiaries, using the most recent
MedPAR claims for the discharge
information, divided by the total
number of inpatient discharges of
Medicare beneficiaries.
For the share of a hospital’s revenue
spent on uncompensated care, we could
use the ratio of uncompensated care
costs to total operating hospital revenue
from the most recent available audited
cost report data.666 For further
discussion on how this ratio could be
calculated using audited cost report,
please refer to 88 FR 26658.
For the indicator of how dependent a
hospital is on Medicare, MedPAC’s
recommendation is to use one-half of
the Medicare share of total inpatient
days. In calculating the Medicare share
of total inpatient days for a hospital, we
could use the most recent available
audited cost report data. For further
information on how the numerator and
denominator could be determined to
calculate the indicator of how
dependent a hospital is on Medicare
from audited cost report data, please
refer to 88 FR 26658.
665 MedPAC. ‘‘March 2023 Report to Congress:
Medicare Payment Policy, Chapter 3’’. https://
666 The most recent available cost report data for
this purpose generally lags 4 years behind the
rulemaking year (for example, FY 2020 cost report
data are available for this FY 2024 proposed rule).
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Using the sum of the three indicators
as described, each TEAM participant
could be assigned an SNI score, where
a higher value means that a participant
has either a high Medicare share of
services, low incomes among a high
share of its Medicare patients, and/or a
high share of its revenue spent on
uncompensated care.
To apply the Medicare Safety Net
Index (MSNI) to identify safety net
hospital participants in TEAM, we
could calculate the SNI for TEAM
participants using a one-year or
multiple-year baseline period (for
example, a three-year average). We
could then set a threshold to identify
safety net providers with TEAM based
on the distribution of scores for all PPS
hospitals that bill Medicare (for
example, providers with scores in the
75th percentile of SNI scores could be
considered safety net providers). We
could make safety net determinations
based on the described approach as of
the model start date and hold the
determinations constant for TEAM’s
duration. Alternatively, we could
calculate the SNI and corresponding
threshold annually using a one-year or
multiple-year moving average and make
redeterminations of safety net
designations annually. This annual
approach could mean that TEAM
participant safety net qualifications for
TEAM could vary over the model’s
(iii) Area Deprivation Index
Another approach to identifying
safety net hospitals could be to use arealevel indices. This approach could
potentially better target policies to
address the social determinants of
health as well as address the lack of
community resources that may increase
risk of poor health outcomes and risk of
disease in the population. In a recent
environmental scan, the Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Planning and
Evaluation (ASPE) suggested that an
area-level index could be used to
prioritize communities for funding and
other assistance to improve social
determinants of health (SDOH)—such as
affordable housing, availability of food
stores, and transportation infrastructure.
Although ASPE concluded that none of
the existing area-level indices identified
in the environmental scan were ideal,
they concluded that the area deprivation
index (ADI) was one of the best
available choices when selecting an
index for addressing health related
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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social needs or social determinants of
The ADI was developed through
research supported by the National
Institutes of Health’’ (NIH) with the goal
of quantifying and comparing social
disadvantage across geographic
neighborhoods. It is a composite
measure derived through a combination
of 17 input variables—including
measures of income, education,
employment, and housing quality—from
the American Community Survey (ACS)
5-year estimate datasets.668 Each
neighborhood is assigned an ADI value
from 1 to 100 (corresponding to
percentile), where a higher value means
that a neighborhood is more deprived.
The ADI measure is intended to capture
local socioeconomic factors correlated
with medical disparities and
underservice. Several peer reviewed
research studies demonstrate that
neighborhood-level factors for those
residing in disadvantaged
neighborhoods also have a relationship
to worse health outcomes for these
residents.669 670 671
Medicare already uses ADI to assess
underserved beneficiary populations in
the Shared Savings Program, and ADI is
also used in CMS Innovation Center
models. In the CY 2023 PFS final rule,
CMS adopted a policy to provide
eligible Accountable Care Organizations
(ACOs) with an option to receive
advanced investment payments (87 FR
69778). Advance investment payments
are intended to encourage low-revenue
ACOs that are inexperienced with risk
to participate in the Shared Savings
Program and to provide additional
resources to such ACOs in order to
support care improvement for
667 Report: ‘‘Landscape of Area-Level Deprivation
Measures and Other Approaches to Account for
Social Risk and Social Determinants of Health in
Health Care Payments.’’ Accessed at https:// on September 27, 2022.
668 https://
669 Kind AJ, et al., ‘‘Neighborhood socioeconomic
disadvantage and 30-day rehospitalization: a
retrospective cohort study.’’ Annals of Internal
Medicine. No. 161(11), pp 765–74, doi: 10.7326/
M13–2946 (December 2, 2014), available at https://
670 Jencks SF, et al., ‘‘Safety-Net Hospitals,
Neighborhood Disadvantage, and Readmissions
Under Maryland’s All-Payer Program.’’ Annals of
Internal Medicine. No. 171, pp 91–98, doi:10.7326/
M16–2671 (July 16, 2019), available at https://
671 Khlopas A, et al., ‘‘Neighborhood
Socioeconomic Disadvantages Associated With
Prolonged Lengths of Stay, Nonhome Discharges,
and 90-Day Readmissions After Total Knee
Arthroplasty.’’ The Journal of Arthroplasty. No.
37(6), pp S37–S43, doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2022.01.032
(June 2022), available at https://
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underserved beneficiaries (87 FR 69845
through 69849). The risk-factors based
(using ADI) scores assigned to the
beneficiaries assigned to the ACO form
the basis for determining the quarterly
advanced investment payment to the
ACO. For additional detail, please see
the quarterly payment amount
calculation methodology at 42 CFR
To use ADI to identify safety net
hospitals for TEAM, episodes could be
assigned an ADI value based on the
beneficiary’s address found in the
Common Medicare Environment (CME)
file. Episodes meeting an established
national ADI percentile threshold (for
example, ADI >80) could be classified as
high-ADI episodes, and a distribution of
the proportion of high-ADI episodes
could be constructed. Those TEAM
participants that fell above an
established threshold of high-ADI
episodes (for example, 75th percentile)
could be classified as safety net
hospitals. For PY1, the proportion of
high-ADI episodes and its
corresponding distribution could be
determined based on a single-year or
multiple-year retrospective baseline (for
example, three-year average). Those
TEAM participants that met or exceeded
the determined threshold would be
designated as safety net. We could hold
these designations constant for TEAM’s
duration or recalculate the proportion of
high-ADI episodes annually (using a
one-year or multiple-year moving
average) and make safety net
redeterminations based on an updated
threshold on an annual basis. This
annual approach could mean that
TEAM participants’ safety net
qualifications for TEAM could vary over
the model’s duration.
(c) Proposed Methodology for
Identifying Safety Net Hospitals
We considered the previously
mentioned methods for identifying
safety net hospitals and we propose to
use the CMS Innovation Center’s
Strategy Refresh definition for
identifying safety net hospitals within
TEAM. Use of the CMS Innovation
Center’s Strategy Refresh’s safety net
definition allows for a consistent and
streamlined approach to how the CMS
Innovation Center plans to monitor
safety net participation with CMS
Innovation Center models. Further, the
definition uses two recognized measures
of social risk to identify hospitals
serving a higher proportion of
beneficiaries that may face barriers to
receiving or accessing care.
Beneficiaries with dual eligibility are
considered a vulnerable group for
several reasons including the nature of
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dual eligibility requirements, a higher
proclivity for experiencing chronic
conditions, and an increased likelihood
of mental health diagnosis.672 673 In its
2016 ‘‘Report to Congress Social Risk
Factors and Performance Under
Medicare’s Value-Based Purchasing
Programs,’’ the Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
(ASPE) found that dual eligibility status
was the strongest predictor of poor
outcomes of quality measures among
multiple social risk factors examined.674
TEAM’s proposed approach to identify
safety net hospitals is also similar to
other approaches used in CMS
Innovation Center models. For example,
BPCI Advanced identifies safety net
hospitals by tabulating the proportion of
episodes with fully or partially dual
eligible beneficiaries; if a hospital
exceeded a 60% threshold of episodes
based on the previous model year, then
they would be considered a safety net
While dual eligibility status does not
fully capture all aspects of social risk,
the incorporation of the proportion of
patients with Part D LIS as a proxy for
income into TEAM’s proposed safety
net definition broadens the range of
possible beneficiary social risk factors
used to make safety net hospital
designations under the model. In its
2017 report on ‘‘Accounting for Social
Risk Factors in Medicare Payment,’’ the
National Academies found that
accounting for dual eligibility alone may
not be sufficient to capture all social
risk factors, and the incorporation of
multiple measures may help to better
characterize overall social risk.676
We seek comment on our proposal to
identify safety net hospitals using the
CMS Innovation Center’s Strategy
Refresh’s definition in TEAM at
§ 512.505.
(3) Identification of Rural Hospitals
(a) Background
Americans who live in rural areas of
the nation make up about 20 percent of
the United States (U.S.) population, and
676 National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
and Medicine. 2017. Accounting for social risk
factors in Medicare payment. Washington, DC: The
National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/23635.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
they often experience shorter life
expectancy, higher all-cause mortality,
higher rates of poverty, fewer local
doctors, and greater distances to travel
to see health care providers, compared
to their urban and suburban
counterparts.677 The health care
inequities that many rural Americans
face raise serious concerns that the
trend for poor health care access and
worse outcomes overall in rural areas
will continue unless the potential
causes of such health care inequities are
addressed. Barriers such as workforce
shortages can impact health care access
in rural communities and can lead to
unmet health needs, delays in receiving
appropriate care, inability to get
preventive services, financial burdens,
and preventable hospitalizations.678
Hospitals in rural areas often face
other unique challenges. Rural hospitals
may be the only source of healthcare
services for beneficiaries living in rural
areas, and beneficiaries have limited
alternatives. Rural hospitals may also be
in areas with fewer providers including
fewer physicians and PAC facilities,
rural hospitals may have more limited
options in coordinating care and
reducing spending while maintain
quality of care under a value-based care
arrangement. We believe that urban
hospitals may not have similar concerns
as they are often in areas with many
other providers and have greater
opportunity to develop efficiencies.
(b) Definition of Rural Hospital
We do not propose to include any
geographically rural areas for TEAM
based on the proposed CBSAs as
defined in section X.A.3.a.(4) of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
However, some hospitals in the
proposed CBSAs for TEAM may be
considered rural for other reasons, such
as being reclassified as rural under the
Medicare wage index regulations or
being designated a rural referral center
For the purposes of TEAM, we
propose a rural hospital to mean an
IPPS hospital that is located in a rural
area as defined under § 412.64 of this
chapter; is located in a rural census tract
defined under § 412.103(a)(1) of this
chapter; has reclassified as a rural
hospital under § 412.103 of this chapter,
or is designated a rural referral center
(RRC) under § 412.96 of this chapter.
677 Rural Health Research Gateway. (2018). Rural
Communities: Age, Income, and Health Status.
678 Healthy People 2020 (n.d.) Access to Health
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This definition would be an expanded
version of the rural hospital definition
used by the CJR model as defined in 42
CFR 510.
For PY1, rural designations under
TEAM would be based on the TEAM
participant’s rural classification as of
the model start date. We recognize that
rural designations and rural
reclassification requests in accordance
with § 412.103 may occur over on a
rolling basis over the course of the
model and can take several months to be
reviewed and approved by CMS. TEAM
participants that receive an approved
rural designation under the criteria
defined in the preceding paragraph or
an approved rural reclassification in
accordance with § 412.103 must notify
CMS at least 60 calendar days prior to
the start of a model’s performance year
for CMS to consider classifying the
TEAM participant as rural under the
model for the following performance
year. We propose that model rural
designations will occur only once at the
beginning of each model performance
year regardless of when a TEAM
participant’s rural classification may
change within a given performance year.
We propose that if a TEAM
participant’s classification is no longer
rural pursuant to § 412.103 or any other
criteria previously qualifying them as
rural as defined earlier in this section,
the TEAM participant must notify CMS
in a manner chosen by CMS within 60
calendar days of receipt of this
designation change. We propose that
TEAM participants would continue to
receive the flexibilities for rural
hospitals as described in section
X.A.3.a.(3) of the preamble of this
proposed rule through the remainder of
the performance year in which the
redesignation occurs, but the TEAM
participant would no longer qualify for
rural hospital flexibilities at the start of
the next performance year.
We seek comment on our proposal to
identify rural hospitals in this section.
We are not proposing to include a
measure of hospital rurality within our
risk adjustment model as described in
sectionX.A.3.d.(4) of the preamble of
this proposed rule but seek comments
on whether inclusion of this risk
adjustor would be warranted.
(4) Beneficiary Social Risk Adjustment
In recent years there has been a push
for Medicare and other payers to
include beneficiary social risk
adjustment into financial methodologies
that determine health care payments.679
679 Adjusting Medicare payments for social risk to
better support social needs. (2021). [Dataset]. In
Forefront Group.
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It is believed that the inclusion of
beneficiary social risk adjustment may
provide more resources to providers
who care for underserved beneficiaries
to offset the additional costs often
attributed to SDOH. In other words,
patients with limited resources or access
to care may require more spending from
providers to achieve equitable
outcomes. Beneficiary social risk
adjustment has been limited in previous
episode-based payment models. The
BPCI Advanced and CJR models
included beneficiary social risk
adjustment for beneficiary dual
eligibility status, yet that single adjuster
alone may not be sufficient in capturing
spending differences for beneficiary
social risk. Findings from the CJR
model’s 5th Annual Report found that,
during the baseline period, historically
underserved populations generally had
higher episode payments, used more
institutional post-acute care, had higher
rates of emergency department use and
readmissions, and received elective
LEJRs at a lower rate than their
reference populations.680
There is significant literature and
research surrounding the inclusion of
social risk adjustment in health care
payments, especially given the varying
social risk adjustment indicators
available.681 682 683 In a recent
environmental scan, ASPE indicated
that area-level deprivation indices tend
to have the broadest coverage across the
entire range of social risk factors.
According to ASPE’s report, area-level
deprivation indices are, by definition,
measured for geographic areas, which
presents challenges in including them
in payment models because a provider’s
patients are unlikely to be
representative of the population of the
680 CMS Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement Model: Performance Year 5 Evaluation
Report. (2023). Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services. Retrieved December 1, 2023, from https://
681 Powers, B., Figueroa, J.F., Canterberry, M.,
Gondi, S., Franklin, S.M., Shrank, W.H., & Maddox,
K.E.J. (2023). Association between CommunityLevel Social Risk and spending among Medicare
beneficiaries. JAMA Health Forum, 4(3), e230266.
682 Irvin, J., Kondrich, A., Ko, M., Rajpurkar, P.,
Haghgoo, B., Landon, B.E., Phillips, R.L., Petterson,
S., Ng, A.Y., & Basu, S. (2020). Incorporating
machine learning and social determinants of health
indicators into prospective risk adjustment for
health plan payments. BMC Public Health, 20(1).
683 Addressing social risk factors in Value-Based
Payment: Adjusting payment not performance to
optimize outcomes and fairness. (2021). [Dataset].
In Forefront Group.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
geographic area in which the provider is
Several CMS Innovation Center
initiatives incorporate (or may
incorporate) beneficiary social risk
adjustment into their financial
calculations or determining payment
amounts, including the ACO REACH
model, the Enhancing Oncology Model
(EOM), the Making Care Primary (MCP)
model, and the Guiding an Improved
Dementia Experience (GUIDE) model.
To avoid relying on a single indicator
that may not be representative of the
beneficiaries a provider cares for, these
models incorporate multiple social risk
indicators. Specifically, these models
take into account one or more of the
following indicators in their risk
adjustment models: state and national
ADI, Medicare Part D Low-Income
Subsidy (LIS), and dually eligible
beneficiaries enrolled in both Medicare
and Medicaid. Factoring in multiple
indices may avoid challenges when an
underserved beneficiary lives in higher
cost-of-care area or beneficiaries that
have difficulty accessing care. For
example, incorporating both state and
national ADI allows the for the risk
adjustment model to capture national
and local socioeconomic factors
correlated with medical disparities and
underservice, while including the LIS
measure will capture socioeconomic
challenges that could affect a
beneficiary’s ability to access care. For
these reasons, and to align with other
CMS Innovation Center models, we
propose to incorporate and equally
weight three social risk indicators in
TEAM’s target price methodology, see
section X.A.3.d.(4) of the preamble of
this proposed rule, specifically state and
national ADI indicators, the Medicare
Part D LIS indicator, and Dual-eligibility
status for Medicare and Medicaid. We
believe that including these social risk
indicators would ensure TEAM
participants that serve
disproportionately high numbers of
underserved beneficiaries are not
inadvertently penalized when setting
TEAM target prices.
We seek comment on the proposed
beneficiary social risk adjusters for
TEAM and whether there are potential
beneficiary social risk indicators we
should consider in TEAM’s target price
684 Landscape of Area-Level Deprivation
Measures and Other Approaches to Account for
Social Risk and Social Determinants of Health in
Health Care Payments. (2022). Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation.
Retrieved December 1, 2023, from https://
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(5) Health Equity Plans and Reporting
(a) Health Equity Plans
We believe it is important for TEAM
participants to identify and monitor
where disparities exist in their TEAM
beneficiary population, and to use the
data that they collect to implement
evidence-based strategies aimed at
addressing the identified health
disparities and advancing health equity.
To further align with other CMS
Innovation Center models and promote
health equity, we are proposing that
TEAM participants can voluntarily
submit to CMS, in a form and manner
and by the date(s) specified by CMS, a
health equity plan for the first
performance year. This proposal to
make submission of a health equity plan
voluntary in PY1 recognizes that
constructing a health equity plan may
require significant time and effort by the
TEAM participant. Beginning in PY2,
we propose that TEAM participants
would be required to submit a health
equity plan in a form and manner and
by the date(s) specified by CMS.
Beginning in PY2 for those TEAM
participants that voluntarily submitted a
health equity plan in PY1 and beginning
in PY3 for those TEAM participants that
first reported a health equity plan in
PY2, we propose that the TEAM
participant would submit updates to
their previously submitted health equity
plans in a form and manner and by
date(s) specified by CMS. We propose
that the health equity plans submitted
in all performance years would include
the following elements:
• Identifies health disparities. We
propose to define ‘‘health disparities’’ as
preventable differences in the burden of
disease, injury, violence, or
opportunities to achieve optimal health,
health quality, or health outcomes that
are experienced by one or more
‘‘underserved communities’’ 685 within
the TEAM participant’s population of
TEAM beneficiaries that the participant
will aim to reduce. We propose to
define ‘‘underserved communities’’ as
populations sharing a particular
characteristic, as well as geographic
communities, that have been
systematically denied a full opportunity
to participate in aspects of economic,
social, and civic life.686 We propose that
the data sources used to inform the
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identification of health disparities
should also be noted in the plan.
• Identifies health equity goals and
describes how the TEAM participant
will use the health equity goals to
monitor and evaluate progress in
reducing the identified health
disparities. We propose to define
‘‘health equity goals’’ as targeted
outcomes relative to the health equity
plan performance measures for the first
PYs and all subsequent PYs.
• Describes the health equity plan
intervention strategy. We propose to
define ‘‘health equity plan intervention
strategy’’ as the initiative(s) the TEAM
participant will create and implement to
reduce the identified health disparities.
• Identifies health equity plan
performance measure(s), the data
sources used to construct the health
equity plan performance measures, and
an approach to monitor and evaluate the
health equity plan performance
measures. We propose to define ‘‘health
equity plan performance measure(s)’’ as
one or more quantitative metrics that
the TEAM participant will use to
measure changes in health disparities
arising from the health equity plan
We solicit comment on the proposed
voluntary health equity plan submission
in PY1 and mandatory health equity
plan submission in PY2 and all
following performance years as
proposed in § 512.563. We also solicit
comment on whether TEAM
participants should be required to
submit a health equity plan in PY2 and
for all subsequent performance years if
a TEAM participant submits a health
equity plan to CMS for another CMMI
model in the same performance year, or
if the TEAM participant should be
required to submit a health equity plan
that is specific to TEAM and the TEAM
participant’s population of TEAM
beneficiaries. We also solicit comment
on the proposed elements of the health
equity plan.
(b) Demographic Data Reporting
We recognize disparities exist for
beneficiaries in the health care system,
including those receiving episodic care.
Health care disparities highlight the
importance of data collection and
analysis that includes race, ethnicity,
language, disability, sexual orientation,
gender identity, and sex characteristics
or other demographics by health care
facilities. Such data are necessary for
integration of health equity in quality
programs, because the data permits
stratification by patient
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
subpopulation.687 688 Stratified data can
produce meaningful measures that can
be used to expose health disparities,
develop focused interventions to reduce
them, and monitor performance to
ensure interventions to improve care do
not have unintended consequences for
certain patients.689 Furthermore, quality
programs are carried out with wellknown and widely used standardized
procedures including but not limited to
root cause analysis, plan-do-study-act
(PDSA) cycles, health care failure mode
effects analysis, and fish bone diagrams.
These are common approaches in the
health care industry to uncover the
causes of problems, to show the
potential causes of a specific event, test
a change that is being implemented,
prevent failure by correcting a process
proactively, and identify possible causes
of a problem and soft ideas into useful
categories, respectively.690 691 692 693
Adding a health equity prompt to these
standardized procedures integrates a
health equity lens within the quality
structure and cues considerations of the
patient subpopulations who receive care
and services from a hospital.694
To align with other CMS efforts, we
are proposing that TEAM participants
could voluntarily report to CMS
demographic data of TEAM
beneficiaries pursuant to 42 CFR
403.1110(b) in PY1. Beginning in PY2
and all subsequent performance years,
we propose that TEAM participants
would be required to report
687 IOM (Institute of Medicine). 2009. Race,
Ethnicity, and Language Data: Standardization for
Health Care Quality Improvement (p.287). The
National Academies Press
688 Sivashanker, K., & Gandhi, T.K. (2020).
Advancing Safety and Equity Together. New
England Journal of Medicine, 382(4), 301–303.
689 Weinick, R.M., & Hasnain-Wynia, R. (2011).
Quality Improvement Efforts Under Health Reform:
How To Ensure That They Help Reduce
Disparities—Not Increase Them. Health Affairs,
30(10), 1837–1843.
690 American Society for Quality. (2019). What is
root cause analysis (RCA)?
691 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
(2020). Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) directions and
692 Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Tool | IHI—Institute for Healthcare Improvement.
693 Kane, R. (2014). How to Use the Fishbone Tool
for Root Cause Analysis.
694 Sivashanker, K., & Gandhi, T.K. (2020).
Advancing Safety and Equity Together. New
England Journal of Medicine, 382(4), 301–303.
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demographic data of TEAM
beneficiaries to CMS in a form and
manner and by a date specified by CMS.
The demographic data would also be
required to conform to USCDI version 2
data standards, at a minimum.
Collection of this data could provide
synergies with goals articulated in
health equity plans of TEAM
participants. Further, this expanded
demographic data would allow CMS to
gain more nuanced understanding of the
expanded demographics of TEAM
beneficiaries—including data on race,
ethnicity, language, disability, sexual
orientation, gender identity, sex
characteristics, and other
demographics—to monitor and evaluate
the model.
We propose that in conducting the
collection required beginning in PY2
under this section that the TEAM
participant would make a reasonable
effort to collect demographic data from
all TEAM beneficiaries; however, we
recognize this may require additional
administrative effort to collect this data
or identify TEAM beneficiaries that may
elect to not provide this data. We
recognize that CEHRT may help to
reduce administrative burden once EHR
platforms have been programmed to
capture and exchange the types of
demographic date elements of interest.
We also recognize that this demographic
data may already be reported to CMS for
other CMS initiatives.
We seek comment on the proposed
voluntary reporting of demographic data
of TEAM beneficiaries in PY1 with
mandatory reporting beginning in PY2
and all following performance years. As
we wish to minimize reporting burden
on TEAM participants to ensure
sufficient time and effort is spent
adjusting to the requirements of a
mandatory model, we seek comments
on how reporting of this demographic
data could minimize burden and if it
could be collected from existing data
(c) Health Related Social Needs Data
The CMS Innovation Center is
charged with testing innovations that
improve quality and reduce the cost of
health care. There is strong evidence
that non-clinical drivers of health are
the largest contributor to health
outcomes and are associated with
increased health care utilization and
costs.695 696 These individual-level,
695 Booske, B.C., Athens, J.K., Kindig, D.A., Park,
H., & Remington, P.L. (2010). County Health
Rankings (Working Paper). https://
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adverse social conditions that negatively
impact a person’s health or healthcare
are referred to as ‘‘health-related social
needs’’ or HRSNs. CMS aims to expand
the collection, reporting, and analysis of
standardized HRSNs data in its efforts to
drive quality improvement, reduce
health disparities, and better understand
and address the unmet social needs of
patients. Standardizing HRSN screening
and referral as a practice can inform
larger, community-wide efforts to
ensure the availability of and access to
community services that are responsive
to the needs of Medicare beneficiaries.
While screening for HRSN is an
important step to identify the unmet
HRSNs of patients, it is also critical for
providers to build referral relationships
with community-based organizations
and other social service organizations
that can more directly support patients
identified to have unmet HRSNs.
While more common nationally,
HRSN screening is not uniform across
geography or health care setting. A
literature review of national surveys
measuring prevalence of HRSN
screening found that 56–77 percent of
health care payers and/or delivery
organizations screened for HRSN.697
The review also found that almost half
of state Medicaid agencies have
established managed care contracting
requirements for HRSN screening in
Medicaid.698 Despite screening
proliferation and generally positive
views toward screening among both
patients and health care providers,
implementation of screening and
referral policies for beneficiaries of CMS
programs with similar health—and even
demographic—profiles may be
inconsistent, potentially exacerbating
disparities in the comprehensiveness
and quality of care.
To help facilitate alignment of HRSN
screening within inpatient settings,
beginning in 2024, the Hospital
Inpatient Quality Reporting Program
began mandatory reporting of a
Screening for Social Drivers of Health
(SDOH–1) measure, the proportion of
696 ROI Calculator for Partnerships to Address the
Social Determinants of Health Review of Evidence
for Health-Related Social Needs Interventions.
697 De Marchis EH, Brown E, Aceves B, et al. State
of the Science of Screening in Healthcare Settings.
Social Interventions Research & Evaluation
Network, 2022.
698 De Marchis EH, Brown E, Aceves B, et al. State
of the Science of Screening in Healthcare Settings.
Social Interventions Research & Evaluation
Network, 2022.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
admitted adults screened for five
HRSNs, and a Screen Positive Rate for
Social Drivers of Health (SDOH–2)
measure, the percentage of screened
admitted adults that screened positive
for one or more HRSN. The measures
reflect screening for five HRSNs:
housing instability, food insecurity,
transportation needs, utility difficulties,
and interpersonal safety. The CMS
Innovation Center Strategy Refresh also
established a goal to require all new
models to collect and report
demographic and social determinants of
health (SDOH) data in support of
broader system transformation that
support goals of advancing health
Beginning in PY1, we propose that
TEAM participants would be required to
screen attributed TEAM beneficiaries for
at least four HRSN domains—such as
but not limited to food insecurity,
housing instability, transportation
needs, and utilities difficulty—because
we believe these areas are most
pertinent for the TEAM beneficiary
population. We also considered
requiring TEAM participants to screen
on a standardized set of HRSN domains.
We also propose that TEAM
participants would need to report
aggregated HRSN screening data and
screened-positive data for each HRSN
domain for TEAM beneficiaries that
received screening to CMS in a form and
manner and by date(s) specified by CMS
beginning in PY1 and for all following
performance years. As part of this
reporting to CMS, we also propose that
TEAM participants would report on
policies and procedures for referring
beneficiaries to community-based
organizations, social service agencies, or
similar organizations that may support
patients in accessing services to address
unmet social needs.
We recognize TEAM participants may
already report some of this HRSN
screening data through other CMS
initiatives and requiring reporting of
aggregated HRSN screening data in
TEAM may be redundant. For example,
the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
Program will begin mandatory reporting
beginning with the CY 2024 reporting
period/FY 2026 payment determination
of two evidence-based measures related
to HRSN screening: the Screening for
Social Drivers of Health measure and
the Screen Positive Rate for Social
Drivers of Health measure (87 FR 49201
through 49220). We therefore seek
comment on reporting processes that
would streamline reporting of
aggregated HRSN screening data for
attributed TEAM beneficiaries,
including potential use of the Hospital
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Inpatient Quality Report Program
measures related to HRSN screening.
We also seek comment on how the
reporting of aggregated HRSN screening
data could incorporate data on referrals
of beneficiaries screening positive for
HRSNs to community-based
organizations and other organizations
helping to address beneficiaries’ HRSNs.
(6) Other Considerations
In addition to the preceding health
equity proposals, we seek comment on
possibly providing upfront
infrastructure payments to qualified
safety net hospital participants to
further support safety net hospitals in
the transformation of care delivery.
Subject to certain limitations, these
funds could be available to cover
approved expenses aimed at supporting
beneficiaries with unmet health and
social needs. Payment could support
Health Information Technology (health
IT)/Electronic Health Records (EHR)
enhancements, to the extent they
involve population health analytics,
support care coordination with other
providers within and across care
settings, and support referrals to address
HRSNs (such as closed loop
community-based organization
referrals). Participants might also use
the infrastructure payment to fund the
upfront expenses involved in recruiting
dedicated staff (for example, care
managers). Participants could distribute
or use infrastructure payments received
under this model in accordance with
existing law or the terms of applicable
waivers. Such funds would ensure the
infrastructure of safety net hospitals
could support the transformational goals
of the model, and would not come out
of the Medicare Parts A and B Trust
We believe that transformation of
acute care delivery in underserved areas
is fundamental to addressing persistent
disparities and engaging safety net
hospitals may broaden the landscape of
clinicians focusing on value-based care.
We would need to consider the amount
of the infrastructure payment, which
may include a standard fixed funding
component and a variable component
that depends on the size of the
population served by the safety net
hospital participant. We would also
need to define a specific set of
parameters and formula to calculate the
infrastructure payment for each
qualifying TEAM participant and seek
feedback on the set of parameters we
could consider using.
We seek feedback from hospitals and
health IT vendors for estimates on the
potential upfront start-up costs of health
IT investments for safety net hospitals,
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such as new health information
exchange capabilities, solutions to
provide patients with access to their
health data (for instance, patient
portals), capabilities to capture patientreported outcomes, event notification
systems, and community referral
capacity. Should we decide to provide
such payments, we also expect the
infrastructure improvement would
require financial investment on the part
of the participant, clinicians, and other
payer partners, including those on the
commercial side.
The goal of the infrastructure payment
would be to assist safety net hospital
participants, many of whom have less
access to capital, participate in and be
successful in this model. CMS
recognizes that start-up and ongoing
annual operating costs could vary
greatly between participants for various
reasons, including those related to the
experience, size, and funding available
to the participant.
Past CMS Innovation Center models
have proven the utility of infrastructure
payments in certain circumstances,
which may or may not apply to TEAM.
These models include the ACO
Investment Model (AIM), a CMS
Innovation Center model that tested the
effects of making advanced payments to
certain ACOs participating in the
Shared Savings Program to assist them
in transforming care by funding
infrastructure investments or staffing.
AIM ACOs overwhelmingly used these
funds to invest in health IT systems and
care management staff and to cover
administrative and program compliance
costs. At the start of the model, many
AIM ACOs lacked the capacity and
knowledge to implement population
health initiatives, to manage claimsbased analytics, and to coordinate
practice management. The demonstrated
Medicare savings by AIM ACOs suggest
that financial accountability with
upfront investments can succeed in
allowing under-resourced clinicians
serving underserved areas to deliver
care more efficiently and afford them
more flexibility in how they meet
beneficiaries’ needs without increasing
Medicare spending.
To receive an infrastructure payment,
we could consider the following
requirements and seek comment on any
changes: (1) require TEAM participants
to be a safety net hospital, as defined by
section X.A.3.f.(2)(c) of the preamble of
this proposed rule. The TEAM
participant would also submit a detailed
plan that describes their intended use of
the funds and how those funds would
support the goals of the model and
improve the care of underserved
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
With respect to use of funds for
technology investments that involve
implementing, acquiring, or upgrading
health IT, the hospital would also be
required to ensure such technology is
certified under the ONC Health IT
Certification Program or utilizes
nationally recognized, consensus-based
standards adopted under section 3004 of
the PHSA,699 where such criteria or
standards are available for the health ITrelated activity. Use of these standards
and certification criteria ensure that
technology investments would support
interoperability across systems. Should
we make an infrastructure payment to a
safety net hospital, we would need to
monitor the spending of infrastructure
payments to prevent funds from being
misdirected and ensure they are used
for activities that constitute a permitted
use of the funds (for example, health IT/
EHR enhancements to the extent those
involve population health analytics and
support for referrals to address HRSNs,
in addition to costs associated with
recruiting and hiring dedicated staff). In
addition to the initial plan of
anticipated spending, should a safety
net hospital participant receive upfront
funds, they could also be required to
submit annual reports (in a standardized
format specified by CMS) that includes
an itemization of how infrastructure
payments were actually spent during
the performance year, including
expenditure categories, the dollar
amounts spent on the various categories,
any changes to the spend plan, and such
other information as may be specified
by CMS. This itemization could include
expenditures not identified or
anticipated in the submitted spend plan
and any amounts remaining unspent.
Any infrastructure payments that are
spent for unauthorized purposes or are
unspent at the end of a specified
timeframe, that is, 3 years, must be
repaid to CMS.
Should safety net hospital
participants receive such payments,
they would be required to retain
adequate records to ensure that we have
the information necessary to conduct
appropriate monitoring and oversight of
the use of infrastructure payments (for
example, invoices, receipts, and other
supporting documentation of
disbursements). CMS would need to
conduct audits on a percentage of
funding recipients annually to monitor
and assess a safety net hospital
participant’s use of infrastructure funds
699 For more information ONC Health IT
Certification Criteria, see
topic/certification-ehrs/certification-criteria. For
standards and implementation specifications
adopted under PHSA section 3004, see 45 CFR part
170, subpart B.
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and participant compliance related to
such payments. To encourage speedy
resolution of noncompliance and
provide an added safeguard against
abuse, if CMS determines that a
participant has spent infrastructure
funds on an identified prohibited use,
has unspent funds at the end of the
designated eligible spending period,
otherwise fails to comply with
infrastructure requirements, and/or
meets any of the grounds for
termination, CMS may require
repayment equal to the amount of any
infrastructure funds spent on a
prohibited use.
As mandatory model, one
consideration in potentially
implementing an infrastructure payment
for qualifying safety net hospital TEAM
participants is the long-term scalability
of the model. With the goal of longerterm expansion of the TEAM model,
inclusion of a one-time infrastructure
payment for qualifying safety net
hospitals as part of model design could
present challenges to the financial
sustainability of the model.
Accordingly, the potential objectives
and benefits of the infrastructure
payment would need to be considered
against the feasibility of implementing
this model feature should the model be
We seek comment on the
considerations surrounding provision of
infrastructure payments and their utility
in the acute care setting, including how
to identify participants most likely to
benefit. We also seek comment on how
best to ensure the integrity of such
payments in supporting the goal of
addressing known health disparities
among the episode categories we are
proposing to test via TEAM. We also
seek comment on the proposed
methodology and/or parameters that
could be used in a formula to determine
the infrastructure payment amounts for
qualifying TEAM participants.
g. Financial Arrangements
(1) Background
We believe it is necessary to provide
TEAM participants with flexibilities
that could support their performance in
TEAM and allow for greater support for
the needs of beneficiaries. These
flexibilities are outlined in this section
and include the ability to engage in
financial arrangements to share a TEAM
participant’s reconciliation payment
amounts and repayment amounts. Such
flexibilities would allow TEAM
participants to share all or some of the
TEAM participant’s reconciliation
payment amount or repayment amount.
Finally, we believe that TEAM
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participants caring for beneficiaries may
want to offer beneficiary incentives to
encourage adherence to recommended
treatment and beneficiary engagement
in recovery. These financial and
beneficiary incentives may help a
TEAM participant reach their quality
and efficiency goals for the model. They
may also provide a benefit to
beneficiaries and benefit the Medicare
Trust Fund if the TEAM participant
improves the quality and efficiency of
care that results in reductions in
hospital readmissions, complications,
days in acute care, and mortality, while
recovery continues uninterrupted or
(2) Overview of TEAM Financial
We believe that TEAM participants
may wish to enter into financial
arrangements with certain providers and
suppliers participating in TEAM
activities to share their reconciliation
payment amount or repayment amount
resulting from participation in TEAM.
Allowing these types of financial
arrangements would allow the
alignment of financial incentives of
those providers and suppliers
participating in TEAM activities to
improve quality of care, drive equitable
outcomes, and reduce Medicare
spending through improved beneficiary
care transitions and reduced
fragmentation following select episodes
of care. We expect that TEAM
participants would identify key
providers and suppliers caring for
beneficiaries in the surrounding
communities, and then could establish
partnerships with these individuals and
entities to promote accountability for
the quality, cost, and overall care for
beneficiaries, including managing and
coordinating care; encouraging
investment in infrastructure, enabling
technologies, and redesigning care
processes for high quality and efficient
service delivery; and carrying out other
obligations or duties under TEAM .
These providers and suppliers may
invest substantial time and other
resources in these activities, yet they
would not be the direct recipients of any
reconciliation payment amounts or
repayment amounts as they are not the
risk bearing entity and do not directly
participate in TEAM. Therefore, we
believe it is possible that a TEAM
participant that may receive a
reconciliation payment amount or
repayment amount may want to enter
into financial arrangements with other
providers or suppliers to share this
reconciliation payment amount or
repayment amount with the TEAM
participant. We expect that all financial
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
relationships established between
TEAM participants and providers or
suppliers for purposes of TEAM would
be those permitted only under
applicable law and regulations,
including the applicable fraud and
abuse laws and all applicable payment
and coverage requirements. As
discussed in section X.A.3.g.(9) of the
preamble of this proposed rule, CMS
expects, if the proposed arrangements
are finalized, to make a determination
that the anti-kickback statute safe harbor
for CMS-sponsored model arrangements
(42 CFR 1001.952(ii)) is available to
protect certain remuneration proposed
in this section when arrangements with
eligible providers and suppliers are in
compliance with the requirements
established in the final rule and the
conditions of the safe harbor for CMSsponsored model arrangements
established at 42 CFR 1001.952(ii).
We recognize that there are numerous
arrangements that TEAM participants
may wish to enter other than the
financial arrangements described in the
proposed regulations for which safe
harbor protection may be extended that
could be beneficial to the TEAM
participants. For example, TEAM
participants may choose to engage with
organizations that are neither providers
nor suppliers to assist with matters such
as data analysis; local provider and
supplier engagement; care redesign
planning and implementation;
beneficiary outreach; beneficiary care
coordination and management;
monitoring TEAM participants’
compliance with the model’s terms and
conditions; or other model-related
activities. Such organizations may play
important roles in a TEAM participant’s
plans to implement the model based on
the experience these organizations may
bring, such as prior experience with
episode-based payment models, care
coordination expertise, familiarity with
a particular local, or knowledge of
bundled data. We expect that all
relationships established between
TEAM participants and these
organizations for purposes of the model
would be those permitted only under
existing law and regulation, including
any relationships that would include
the TEAM participant’s sharing of the
reconciliation payment amount or
repayment amount. We would expect
these relationships to be solely based on
the level of engagement of the
organization’s resources to directly
support the TEAM participants’ model
(3) TEAM Collaborators
As proposed, TEAM is a two-sided
financial risk model and the TEAM
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participant would bear sole financial
risk for any repayment amount to CMS
in the absence of financial
arrangements. However, given the
incentive to reduce episode spending to
earn a reconciliation payment amount,
as described in section X.A.3.d.(5)(j) of
the preamble of this proposed rule, a
TEAM participant may want to engage
in financial arrangements with
providers and suppliers or participants
in Medicare ACO initiatives who are
making contributions to the TEAM
participant’s performance in the model.
Such arrangements would allow the
TEAM participant to share
reconciliation payment amounts or
repayment amounts with individuals
and entities that have a role in the
TEAM participant’s performance in the
model. We propose to use the term
‘‘TEAM collaborator’’ to refer to these
individuals and entities.
Because TEAM participants would be
accountable for spending and quality
during the anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure and the 30-day post
discharge period, as described in section
X.A.3.b.(5) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, providers and suppliers
other than the TEAM participant may
furnish services to the beneficiary
during the model performance period.
As such, for purposes of the Federal
anti-kickback statute safe harbor for
CMS-sponsored model arrangements (42
CFR 1001.952(ii)), we propose at
§ 512.505 that the following types of
providers and suppliers that are
Medicare-enrolled and eligible to
participate in Medicare or entities that
are participating in a Medicare ACO
initiative may be TEAM collaborators:
• Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF).
• Home Health Agency (HHA).
• Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH).
• Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility
• Physician.
• Nonphysician practitioner.
• Therapist in a private practice.
• Comprehensive Outpatient
Rehabilitation Facility (CORF).
• Provider or supplier of outpatient
therapy services.
• Physician Group Practice (PGP).
• Hospital.
• Critical Access Hospital (CAH).
• Non-physician provider group
practice (NPPGP).
• Therapy group practice (TGP).
• Medicare ACO.
We seek comment on the proposed
definition of TEAM collaborators and
any additional Medicare-enrolled
providers or suppliers, such as Rural
Emergency hospitals, Rural Health
Clinics, and Federally Qualified Health
Centers, that should be included in this
PO 00000
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(4) Sharing Arrangements
(a) General
Similar to the CJR Model (42 CFR
510.500), we propose that certain
financial arrangements between a TEAM
participant and a TEAM collaborator be
termed ‘‘sharing arrangements.’’ For
purposes of the Federal anti-kickback
statute safe harbor for CMS-sponsored
model arrangements (42 CFR
1001.952(ii)), we propose that a sharing
arrangement would be to share
reconciliation payment amounts or
repayment amounts. Where a payment
from a TEAM participant to a TEAM
collaborator is made pursuant to a
sharing arrangement, we propose to
define that payment as a ‘‘gainsharing
payment,’’ which is discussed in section
X.A.3.g.(4)(c) of the preamble of this
proposed rule. Where a payment from a
TEAM collaborator to a TEAM
participant is made pursuant to a
sharing arrangement, we propose to
define that payment as an ‘‘alignment
payment,’’ which is discussed in section
X.A.3.g.(4)(c) of the preamble of this
proposed rule. A TEAM participant
must not make a gainsharing payment or
receive an alignment payment except in
accordance with a sharing arrangement.
We propose that a sharing arrangement
must comply with the provisions of
section X.A.3.g.(b) of the preamble of
this proposed rule. And all other
applicable laws and regulations,
including the applicable fraud and
abuse laws and all applicable payment
and coverage requirements. We propose
that the TEAM participant and TEAM
collaborator must document this
agreement in writing and, per
monitoring and compliance guidelines
(§ 512.590), we propose that it must be
made available to CMS upon request.
We propose that the TEAM
participant must develop, maintain, and
use a set of written policies for selecting
individuals and entities to be TEAM
collaborators. To safeguard against
potentially fraudulent or abusive
practices, we propose that the selection
criteria determined by the TEAM
participant must include the quality of
care delivered by the potential TEAM
collaborator. Moreover, the selection
criteria cannot be based directly or
indirectly on the volume or value of
referrals or business otherwise
generated by, between or among the
TEAM participant, any TEAM
collaborator, any collaboration agent, or
any individual or affiliated with a
TEAM participant, TEAM collaborator,
or collaboration agent. In addition to
including quality of care in their
selection criteria, TEAM participants
must also consider selection of TEAM
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
collaborators based on criteria that
include the anticipated contribution to
the performance of the TEAM
participant in the model by the potential
TEAM collaborator to ensure that the
selection of TEAM collaborators takes
into consideration the likelihood of
their future performance.
Finally, we propose that if a TEAM
participant enters a sharing
arrangement, its compliance program
must include oversight of sharing
arrangements and compliance with the
applicable requirements of the model.
Requiring oversight of sharing
arrangements to be included in the
compliance program provides a program
integrity safeguard.
We seek comment about all
provisions described in the preceding
discussion, including whether
additional or different safeguards would
be needed to ensure program integrity,
protect against abuse, and ensure that
the goals of the model are met.
(b) Requirements
We propose several requirements for
sharing arrangements to help ensure
that their sole purpose is to create
financial alignment between TEAM
participants and TEAM collaborators
toward the goals of the model while
maintaining adequate program integrity
safeguards. We propose that the sharing
arrangement must be in writing, signed
by the parties, and entered into before
care is furnished to TEAM beneficiaries
under the sharing arrangement. In
addition, participation in a sharing
arrangement must be voluntary and
without penalty for nonparticipation. It
is important that providers and
suppliers rendering items and services
to beneficiaries during the model
performance period have the freedom to
provide medically necessary items and
services to beneficiaries without any
requirement that they participate in a
sharing arrangement to safeguard
beneficiary freedom of choice, access to
care, and quality of care. The sharing
arrangement must set out the mutually
agreeable terms for the financial
arrangement between the parties to
guide and reward model care redesign
for future performance toward model
goals, rather than reflect the results of
model performance years that have
already occurred and where the
financial outcome of the sharing
arrangement terms would be known
before signing.
We propose that the sharing
arrangement must require the TEAM
collaborator and its employees,
contractors, and subcontractors to
comply with certain requirements that
are important for program integrity
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under the arrangement. We note that the
terms contractors and subcontractors
include collaboration agents as defined
later in this section. The sharing
arrangement must require all of the
individuals and entities party to the
arrangement to comply with the
applicable provisions of this proposed
rule, including proposed requirements
regarding beneficiary notifications, at
proposed § 512.582(b), access to records
and record retention, at proposed
§ 512.586, and participation in any
evaluation, monitoring, compliance, and
enforcement activities performed by
CMS or its designees, at proposed
§ 512.590 because these individuals and
entities all would play a role in model
care redesign and be part of financial
arrangements under the model as
proposed. The sharing arrangement
must also require all individuals and
entities party to the arrangement who
are providers or suppliers to comply
with the applicable Medicare provider
enrollment requirement at § 424.500,
including having a valid and active TIN
or NPI, during the term of the sharing
arrangement. This proposed
requirement is to ensure that the
individuals and entities have the
required enrollment relationship with
CMS under the Medicare program,
although we note that they are not
responsible for complying with
requirements that do not apply to them.
Finally, the sharing arrangement must
require individuals and entities to
comply with all other applicable laws
and regulations.
We propose that the sharing
arrangement must not pose a risk to
beneficiary access, beneficiary freedom
of choice, or quality of care so that
financial relationships between TEAM
participants and TEAM collaborators do
not negatively impact beneficiary
protections under the model. The
sharing arrangement as proposed must
require the TEAM collaborator to have
a compliance program that includes
oversight of the sharing arrangement
and compliance with the requirements
of the model, just as we require TEAM
participants to have a compliance
program that covers oversight of the
sharing arrangement for this purpose as
a program integrity safeguard. We seek
comment on the anticipated effect of the
proposed compliance program
requirement for TEAM collaborators,
particularly with regard to individual
physicians and nonphysician
practitioners, small PGPs, NPPGPs, and
TGPs and whether alternative
compliance program requirements for
all or a subset of TEAM collaborators
should be adopted to mitigate any effect
PO 00000
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of the proposal that could make
participation as a TEAM collaborator
infeasible for any provider, supplier, or
other entity on the proposed list of types
of TEAM collaborators.
It is necessary that TEAM participants
have adequate oversight over sharing
arrangements to ensure that all
arrangements meet the requirements of
this section and provide program
integrity protections. Therefore, we
propose that the board or other
governing body of the TEAM participant
have responsibility for overseeing the
TEAM participant’s’ participation in the
model, its arrangements with TEAM
collaborators, its payment of gainsharing
payments, its receipt of alignment
payments, and its use of beneficiary
incentives in the model. Additionally,
we propose that the TEAM participant
and TEAM collaborator must document
this agreement in writing and, as part of
the model’s monitoring and compliance
activities as proposed in (§ 512.590), we
propose that this agreement must be
made available to CMS upon request.
For purposes of sharing arrangements
under the model, we propose at
§ 512.505 to define activities related to
promoting accountability for the quality,
cost, and overall care for TEAM
beneficiaries and performance in the
model, including managing and
coordinating care; encouraging
investment in infrastructure and
redesigned care processes for high
quality and efficient service delivery; or
carrying out any other obligation or duty
under the model as TEAM activities. In
addition to the quality of care provided
during episodes, we believe the
activities that would fall under this
proposed definition encompass the
totality of activities upon which it
would be appropriate for sharing
arrangements under the model to be
based in order to value the contributions
of providers, suppliers, and other
entities toward meeting the performance
goals of the model. We seek comment
on the proposed definition of TEAM
activities as an inclusive and
comprehensive framework for capturing
direct care and care redesign that
contribute to performance toward model
We propose that the written
agreement memorializing a sharing
arrangement must specify the following
parameters of the arrangement:
• The purpose and scope of the
sharing arrangement.
• The identities and obligations of the
parties, including specified TEAM
activities and other services to be
performed by the parties under the
sharing arrangement.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
• The date of the sharing
• Management and staffing
information, including type of
personnel or contractors that will be
primarily responsible for carrying out
TEAM activities.
• The financial or economic terms for
payment, including the following:
++ Eligibility criteria for a
gainsharing payment.
++ Eligibility criteria for an
alignment payment.
++ Frequency of gainsharing or
alignment payment.
++ Methodology and accounting
formula for determining the amount of
a gainsharing payment that is solely
based on quality of care and the
provision of TEAM activities.
++ Methodology and accounting
formula for determining the amount of
an alignment payment.
Finally, we propose to require that the
terms of the sharing arrangement must
not induce the TEAM participant,
TEAM collaborator, or any employees,
contractors, or subcontractors of the
TEAM participant or TEAM collaborator
to reduce or limit medically necessary
services to any beneficiary or restrict the
ability of a TEAM collaborator to make
decisions in the best interests of its
patients, including the selection of
devices, supplies, and treatments. These
requirements are to ensure that the
quality of care for beneficiaries is not
negatively affected by sharing
arrangements under the model.
The proposals for the requirements for
sharing arrangements under the model
are included in § 512.565. We seek
comment on all of the requirements set
out in the preceding discussion,
including whether additional or
different safeguards would be needed to
ensure program integrity, protect against
abuse, and ensure that the goals of the
model are met.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(c) Gainsharing Payment and Alignment
Payment Conditions and Limitations
We propose several conditions and
limitations for gainsharing payments
and alignment payments as program
integrity protections for the payments to
and from TEAM collaborators. We
propose to require that gainsharing
payments be derived solely from a
TEAM participant’s reconciliation
payment amounts, internal costs
savings, or both; that they be distributed
on an annual basis, not more than once
per calendar year; that they not be a
loan, advance payment, or payment for
referrals or other business; and that they
be clearly identified as a gainsharing
payment at the time they are paid.
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We believe that gainsharing payment
eligibility for TEAM collaborators
should be conditioned on two
requirements—(1) quality of care
criteria; and (2) the provision of TEAM
activities. With respect to the first
requirement, we propose that to be
eligible to receive a gainsharing
payment, the TEAM collaborator must
meet quality of care criteria during the
performance year for which the TEAM
participant earned a reconciliation
payment amount that comprises the
gainsharing payment. We propose that
this quality of care criteria will be
included in the sharing arrangement
and mutually agreed upon by the TEAM
participant and TEAM collaborator.
With regard to the second requirement,
to be eligible to receive a gainsharing
payment, or to be required to make an
alignment payment, a TEAM
collaborator other than a PGP, NPPGP,
or TGP must have directly furnished a
billable item or service to a TEAM
beneficiary during the same
performance year for which the TEAM
participant earned a reconciliation
payment amount or repayment amount.
For purposes of this requirement, we
consider a hospital, CAH or post-acute
care provider to have ‘‘directly
furnished’’ a billable service if one of
these entities billed for an item or
service for a TEAM beneficiary in the
performance year for which the TEAM
participant earned a reconciliation
payment amount or repayment amount.
The phrase ‘‘episode’’ refers to all Part
A and B items and services described in
section X.A.3.b.(5) (excluding the items
and services described in section
X.A.3.b.(5)(a)) of the preamble of this
proposed rule that are furnished to a
beneficiary described in section
X.A.3.b.(5).(b) of the preamble of this
proposed rule. During the time period
that begins with the beneficiary’s
admission to an anchor hospitalization
or the date of the anchor procedure, as
applicable, and ends on the 30th day of
either the date of discharge from the
anchor hospitalization or the date of
service for the anchor procedure. These
requirements ensure that there is a
required relationship between eligibility
for a gainsharing payment and the direct
care for TEAM beneficiaries during an
episode for these TEAM collaborators.
We believe the provision of direct care
is essential to the implementation of
effective care redesign, and the
requirement provides a safeguard
against payments to TEAM collaborators
other than a PGP, NPPGP, or TGP that
are unrelated to direct care for TEAM
beneficiaries during the model’s
performance year.
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We propose to establish similar
requirements for PGPs, NPPGPs and
TGPs that vary because these entities do
not themselves directly furnish billable
services. To be eligible to receive a
gainsharing payment or required to
make an alignment payment for a given
performance year, a PGP, NPPGP or TGP
must have billed for an item or service
that was rendered by one or more
members of the PGP, NPPGP or TGP to
a TEAM beneficiary during the episode
that is attributed to the same
performance year for which the TEAM
participant earned a reconciliation
payment amount or repayment amount.
Like the proposal for TEAM
collaborators that are not PGPs, these
proposals also require a link between
the TEAM collaborator that is the PGP,
NPPGP or TGP and the provision of
items and services to beneficiaries
during the episode by PGP, NPPGP or
TGP members.
Moreover, we further propose that,
because PGPs, NPPGPs and TGPs do not
directly furnish items and services to
beneficiaries, in order to be eligible to
receive a gainsharing payment or be
required to make an alignment payment,
for a given performance year the PGP,
NPPGP or TGP must have contributed to
TEAM activities and been clinically
involved in the care of beneficiaries
during an episode that is attributed to
the same performance year for which
the TEAM participant earned a
reconciliation payment amount or
repayment amount that comprises the
gainsharing payment.
We propose that the amount of any
gainsharing payments must be
determined in accordance with a
methodology that is solely based on
quality of care and the provision of
TEAM activities. We considered
whether this methodology could
substantially, rather than solely, be
based on quality of care and the
provision of TEAM activities, but
ultimately determined that basing the
methodology solely on these two
elements creates a model safeguard
where gainsharing aligns directly with
the model goal of quality of care and
with TEAM activities. The gainsharing
methodology may take into account the
amount of such TEAM activities
provided by a TEAM collaborator
relative to other TEAM collaborators.
While we emphasize that financial
arrangements may not be conditioned
directly or indirectly on the volume or
value of referrals or business otherwise
generated by, between or among TEAM
participants, any TEAM collaborator,
any collaboration agent, or any
individual or entity affiliated with a
TEAM participant, TEAM collaborator,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
or collaboration agent so that their sole
purpose is to align the financial
incentives of the TEAM participant and
TEAM collaborators toward the model,
we believe that accounting for the
relative amount of TEAM activities by
TEAM collaborators in the
determination of gainsharing payments
does not undermine this objective.
Rather, the proposed requirement
allows flexibility in the determination of
gainsharing payments where the amount
of a TEAM collaborator’s provision of
TEAM activities (including direct care)
to beneficiaries during a performance
year may contribute to the TEAM
participant’s reconciliation payment
amount that may be available for
making a gainsharing payment. Greater
contributions of TEAM activities by one
TEAM collaborator versus another
TEAM collaborator that result in greater
differences in the funds available for
gainsharing payments may be
appropriately valued in the
methodology used to make gainsharing
payments to those TEAM collaborators
in order to reflect these differences in
TEAM activities among TEAM
However, we do not believe it would
be appropriate to allow the selection of
TEAM collaborators or the opportunity
to make or receive a gainsharing
payment or an alignment payment to
take into account the amount of TEAM
activities provided by a potential or
actual TEAM collaborator relative to
other potential or actual TEAM
collaborators because these financial
relationships are not to be based directly
or indirectly on the volume or value of
referrals or business otherwise
generated by, between or among the
TEAM participant, any TEAM
collaborator, any collaboration agent, or
any individual or entity affiliated with
a TEAM participant, TEAM
collaborator, or collaboration agent.
Specifically, with respect to the
selection of TEAM collaborators or the
opportunity to make or receive a
gainsharing payment or an alignment
payment, we do not believe that the
amount of model activities provided by
a potential or actual TEAM collaborator
relative to other potential or actual
TEAM collaborators could be taken into
consideration by the TEAM participant
without a significant risk that the
financial arrangement in those instances
could be based directly or indirectly on
the volume or value of referrals or
business generated by, between or
among the parties. Similarly, if the
methodology for determining alignment
payments was allowed to take into
account the amount of TEAM activities
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provided by a TEAM collaborator
relative to other TEAM collaborators
there would be a significant risk that the
financial arrangement could directly
account for the volume or value of
referrals or business generated by,
between or among the parties and,
therefore, we propose that the
methodology for determining alignment
payments may not directly take into
account the volume or value of referrals
or business generated by, between or
among the parties.
We seek comment on this proposal,
where any gainsharing payments must
be determined in accordance with a
methodology that is based on quality of
care and the provision of TEAM
activities. We also seek comment on
whether the methodology must be based
solely on these two elements, or if,
alternately, the methodology must be
based substantially on these two
elements. We seek comment on this
proposal for gainsharing payments,
where the methodology could take into
account the amount of TEAM activities
provided by a TEAM collaborator
relative to other TEAM collaborators.
We are particularly interested in
comments about whether this standard
would provide sufficient additional
flexibility in the gainsharing payment
methodology to allow the financial
reward of TEAM collaborators
commensurate with their level of effort
that achieves model goals. In addition,
we are interested in comment on
whether additional safeguards or a
different standard is needed to allow for
greater flexibility to provide certain
performance-based payments consistent
with the goals of program integrity,
protecting against abuse and ensuring
the goals of the model are met.
We propose that for each performance
year, the aggregate amount of all
gainsharing payments that are derived
from a reconciliation payment amount
by the TEAM participant must not
exceed the amount of the reconciliation
payment amount. In accordance with
the prior discussion, no entity or
individual, whether a party to a sharing
arrangement or not, may condition the
opportunity to make or receive
gainsharing payments or to make or
receive alignment payments on the
volume or value of referrals or business
otherwise generated by, between or
among the TEAM participant, any
TEAM collaborator, any collaboration
agent, or any individual or entity
affiliated with a TEAM participant,
TEAM collaborator, or collaboration
agent. We propose that a TEAM
participant must not make a gainsharing
payment to a TEAM collaborator that is
subject to any action for noncompliance
PO 00000
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by CMS or any other federal or state
entity or subject to noncompliance with
any other federal or state laws or
regulations, or for the provision of
substandard care to beneficiaries or
other integrity problems. Finally, the
sharing arrangement must require the
TEAM participant to recover any
gainsharing payment that contained
funds derived from a CMS overpayment
on a reconciliation payment amount or
was based on the submission of false or
fraudulent data. These requirements
provide program integrity safeguards for
gainsharing under sharing
With respect to alignment payments,
we propose that alignment payments
from a TEAM collaborator to a TEAM
participant may be made at any interval
that is agreed upon by both parties.
Alignment payments must not be
issued, distributed, or paid prior to the
calculation by CMS of the repayment
amount, and cannot be assessed in the
absence of a repayment amount. The
TEAM participant must not receive any
amounts under a sharing arrangement
from a TEAM collaborator that are not
alignment payments.
We also propose certain limitations
on alignment payments that are
consistent with the CJR model. For a
performance year, the aggregate amount
of all alignment payments received by
the TEAM participant from all of the
TEAM participant’s TEAM collaborators
must not exceed 50 percent of the
repayment amount. Given that the
TEAM participant would be responsible
for developing and coordinating care
redesign strategies in response to its
TEAM participation, we believe it is
important that the TEAM participant
retain a significant portion of its
responsibility for repayment amounts.
In addition, the aggregate amount of all
alignment payments from a TEAM
collaborator to the TEAM participant for
a TEAM collaborator other than an ACO
may not be greater than 25 percent of
the TEAM participant’s repayment
amount. The aggregate amount of all
alignment payments from a TEAM
collaborator to the TEAM participant for
a TEAM collaborator that is an ACO
may not be greater than 50 percent of
the TEAM participant’s repayment
We seek comment on our proposed
aggregate and individual TEAM
collaborator limitations on alignment
We propose that all gainsharing
payments and any alignment payments
must be administered by the TEAM
participant in accordance with GAAP
and Government Auditing Standards
(The Yellow Book). Additionally, we
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
propose that all gainsharing payments
and alignment payments must be made
by check, electronic funds transfer, or
another traceable cash transaction. We
make this proposal to mitigate the
administrative burden that the
electronic fund transfer (EFT)
requirement would place on the
financial arrangements between certain
TEAM participants and TEAM
collaborators, especially individual
physicians and nonphysician
practitioners and small PGPs, NPPGPs
or TGPs which could discourage
participation of those suppliers as
TEAM collaborators. We seek comment
on the effect of this proposal.
The proposals for the conditions and
restrictions on gainsharing payments,
alignment payments, and internal cost
savings under the model are included in
proposed § 512.56. We seek comment
about all of the conditions and
restrictions set out in the preceding
discussion, including whether
additional or different safeguards would
be needed to ensure program integrity,
protect against abuse, and ensure that
the goals of TEAM are met.
(d) Documentation Requirements
To ensure the integrity of the sharing
arrangements, we propose that TEAM
participants must meet a variety of
documentation requirements for these
arrangements. Specifically, the TEAM
participant must—
• Document the sharing arrangement
contemporaneously with the
establishment of the arrangement;
• Maintain accurate current and
historical lists of all TEAM
collaborators, including TEAM
collaborator names and addresses;
update such lists on at least a quarterly
basis; and publicly report the current
and historical lists of TEAM
collaborators on a web page on the
TEAM participant’s website; and
• Maintain and require each TEAM
collaborator to maintain
contemporaneous documentation with
respect to the payment or receipt of any
gainsharing payment or alignment
payment that includes at a minimum
++ Nature of the payment
(gainsharing payment or alignment
++ Identity of the parties making and
receiving the payment;
++ Date of the payment;
++ Amount of the payment;
++ Date and amount of any
recoupment of all or a portion of a
TEAM collaborator’s gainsharing
payment; and
++ Explanation for each recoupment,
such as whether the TEAM collaborator
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received a gainsharing payment that
contained funds derived from a CMS
overpayment of a reconciliation
payment amount, or was based on the
submission of false or fraudulent data.
In addition, we propose that the
TEAM participant must keep records for
all of the following:
• Its process for determining and
verifying its potential and current
TEAM collaborators’ eligibility to
participate in Medicare if the TEAM
collaborator is a Medicare-enrolled
provider or supplier.
• A description of current health
information technology, including
systems to track reconciliation payment
amounts and repayment amounts.
• Its plan to track gainsharing
payments and alignment payments.
Finally, we propose that the TEAM
participant must retain and provide
access to, and must require each TEAM
collaborator to retain and provide access
to, the required documentation in
accordance with section X.A.3.j. of the
preamble of this proposed rule and 42
CFR 1001.952(ii).
The proposals for the requirements for
documentation of sharing arrangements
under the model are included in
§ 512.565. We seek comment about all of
the requirements set out in the
preceding discussion, including
whether additional or different
safeguards would be needed to ensure
program integrity, protect against abuse,
and ensure that the goals of the model
are met.
(5) Distribution Arrangements
(a) General
Similar to the CJR model, we propose
that certain financial arrangements
between TEAM collaborators and other
individuals or entities called
‘‘collaboration agents’’ be termed
‘‘distribution arrangements.’’ A
collaboration agent is an individual or
entity that is not a TEAM collaborator
and that is a PGP, NPPGP, or TGP
member that has entered into a
distribution arrangement with the same
PGP, NPPGP, or TGP in which he or she
is an owner or employee. For purposes
of the Federal anti-kickback statute safe
harbor for CMS-sponsored model
arrangements (42 CFR 1001.952(ii)), we
propose that a distribution arrangement
is a financial arrangement between a
TEAM collaborator that is a PGP,
NPPGP or TGP and a collaboration agent
for the sole purpose of sharing a
gainsharing payment received by the
PGP, NPPGP or TGP. Where a payment
from a TEAM collaborator to a
collaboration agent is made pursuant to
a TEAM distribution arrangement, we
PO 00000
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define that payment as a ‘‘distribution
payment.’’ A collaboration agent may
only make a distribution payment in
accordance with a distribution
arrangement which complies with the
provisions of this proposed model and
all other applicable laws and
regulations, including the fraud and
abuse laws.
Like our proposal for gainsharing
payments, we propose that the amount
of any distribution arrangements must
be determined in accordance with a
methodology that is solely based on
quality of care and the provision of
TEAM activities. We considered
whether this methodology could
substantially, rather than solely, be
based on quality of care and the
provision of TEAM activities, but
ultimately determined that basing the
methodology solely on these two
elements creates a model safeguard
where gainsharing aligns directly with
the model goal of quality of care and
with TEAM activities.
The proposals for the general
provisions for distribution arrangements
under the model are included in
§ 512.568. We seek comment about all of
the provisions set out in the preceding
discussion, including whether
additional or different safeguards would
be needed to ensure program integrity,
protect against abuse, and ensure that
the goals of the model are met.
(b) Requirements
We propose several specific
requirements for distribution
arrangements as a program integrity
safeguard to help ensure that their sole
purpose is to create financial alignment
between TEAM collaborators and
collaboration agents and performance
toward TEAM goals. These
requirements largely parallel those
proposed in section X.A.3.g.(4) Of the
preamble of this proposed rule for
sharing arrangements and gainsharing
payments based on similar reasoning for
these two types of arrangements and
payments. We propose that all
distribution arrangements must be in
writing and signed by the parties,
contain the effective date of the
agreement, and be entered into before
care is furnished to TEAM beneficiaries
under the distribution arrangement.
Furthermore, we propose that
participation must be voluntary and
without penalty for nonparticipation,
and the distribution arrangement must
require the collaboration agent to
comply with all applicable laws and
We seek comment on this proposal,
where any distribution payments must
be determined in accordance with a
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
methodology that is based on quality of
care and the provision of TEAM
activities. We also seek comment on
whether the methodology must be based
solely on these two elements, or if the
methodology must be based
substantially on these two elements.
Additionally, and also like our proposal
for gainsharing payments, we propose
that the opportunity to make or receive
a distribution payment must not be
conditioned directly or indirectly on the
volume or value of referrals or business
otherwise generated by, between or
among the TEAM participant, any
TEAM collaborator, any collaboration
agent, or any individual or entity
affiliated with a TEAM participant,
TEAM collaborator, or collaboration
agent. We propose more flexible
standards for the determination of the
amount of distribution payments from
PGPs, NPPGPs and TGPs allowing
TEAM collaborators and collaboration
agents to create tailored distribution
payments that supports the individual
structure of their arrangement.
We note that for distribution
payments made by a PGP to PGP
members, by NPPGPs to NPPGP
members, or TGPs to TGP members, the
requirement that the amount of any
distribution payments must be
determined in accordance with a
methodology that is solely based on
quality of care and the provision of
TEAM activities may be more limiting
in how a PGP, NPPGP or TGP pays its
members than is allowed under existing
law. However, we believe quality of care
is an important facet of episode-based
payment models and making this a
requirement for distribution payment
supports greater emphasis on quality of
care improvement in TEAM. Further
this is consistent with the BPCI
Advanced model that required their
NPRA Shared Payments and Partner
Distribution Payments to achieve
quality performance targets to receive
these payments.
We seek comment on this proposal
and specifically whether there are
additional safeguards or a different
standard is needed to allow for greater
flexibility in calculating the amount of
distribution payments that would avoid
program integrity risks and whether
additional or different safeguards are
reasonable, necessary, or appropriate for
the amount of distribution payments
from a PGP to its members, a NPPGP to
its members or a TGP to its members.
Similar to our proposed requirements
for sharing arrangements for those
TEAM collaborators that furnish or bill
for items and services, we propose that
a collaboration agent is eligible to
receive a distribution payment only if
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the collaboration agent furnished or
billed for an item or service rendered to
a beneficiary during an episode that
occurred during the same performance
year for which the TEAM participant
accrued the internal cost savings or
earned a reconciliation payment amount
that comprises the gainsharing payment
being distributed. We note that all
individuals and entities that fall within
our proposed definition of collaboration
agent may either directly furnish or bill
for items and services rendered to
beneficiaries. This proposal ensures
that, there is the same required
relationship between direct care for
beneficiaries during a performance year
and distribution payment eligibility that
we require for gainsharing payment
eligibility. We believe this requirement
provides a safeguard against payments
to collaboration agents that are
unrelated to direct care for beneficiaries
during the performance year.
We further propose that with respect
to the distribution of any gainsharing
payment received by an ACO, PGP,
NPPGP or TGP, the total amount of all
distribution payments in a performance
year must not exceed the amount of the
gainsharing payment received by the
TEAM collaborator from the TEAM
participant for that performance year.
Like gainsharing and alignment
payments, we propose that all
distribution payments must be made by
check, electronic funds transfer, or
another traceable cash transaction. The
collaboration agent must retain the
ability to make decisions in the best
interests of the beneficiary, including
the selection of devices, supplies, and
treatments. Finally, the distribution
arrangement must not induce the
collaboration agent to reduce or limit
medically necessary items and services
to any Medicare beneficiary or reward
the provision of items and services that
are medically unnecessary.
We propose that the TEAM
collaborator must maintain
contemporaneous documentation
regarding distribution arrangements in
accordance with § 512.586, including—
• The relevant written agreements;
• The date and amount of any
distribution payment(s);
• The identity of each collaboration
agent that received a distribution
payment; and
• A description of the methodology
and accounting formula for determining
the amount of any distribution payment.
We propose that the TEAM
collaborator may not enter into a
distribution arrangement with any
individual or entity that has a sharing
arrangement with the same TEAM
participant. This proposal ensures that
PO 00000
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the proposed separate limitations on the
total amount of gainsharing payment
and distribution payment to PGPs,
NPPGPs, TGPs, physicians, and
nonphysician practitioners that are
solely based on quality of care and the
provision of TEAM activities are not
exceeded in absolute dollars by a PGP,
NPPGP, TGP, physician, or
nonphysician practitioner’s
participation in both a sharing
arrangement and distribution
arrangement for the care of the same
TEAM beneficiaries during the
performance year. Allowing both types
of arrangements for the same individual
or entity for care of the same beneficiary
during the performance year could also
allow for duplicate counting of the
individual or entity’s same contribution
toward model goals and provision of
TEAM activities in the methodologies
for both gainsharing and distribution
payments, leading to financial gain for
the individual or entity that is
disproportionate to the contribution
toward model goals and provision of
TEAM activities by that individual or
entity. However, we recognize there
could be instances where an individual
or entity could have distribution
arrangements with multiple TEAM
collaborators. For example, a physician
may practice with and have reassigned
their Medicare billing rights to multiple
PGPs, and those PGPs may each be
TEAM collaborators. We seek comment
on allowing an individual or entity to
have distribution arrangements with
multiple TEAM collaborators and
whether there are additional program
integrity safeguards that should be
established in those scenarios. Finally,
we propose that the TEAM collaborator
must retain and provide access to, and
must require collaboration agents to
retain and provide access to, the
required documentation in accordance
with § 512.586.
The proposals for requirements for
distribution arrangements under the
model are included in § 512.568. We
seek comment about all of the
requirements set out in the preceding
discussion, including whether
additional or different safeguards would
be needed to ensure program integrity,
protect against abuse, and ensure that
the goals of the model are met. In
addition, we seek comment on how the
regulation of the financial arrangements
under this proposal may interact with
how these or similar financial
arrangements are regulated under the
Medicare Shared Savings Program.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(6) Downstream Distribution
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(a) General
We propose that TEAM allow for
certain financial arrangements within an
ACO between a PGP and its members.
Specifically, we propose that certain
financial arrangements between a
collaboration agent that is both a PGP,
NPPGP, or TGP and an ACO participant
and other individuals termed
‘‘downstream collaboration agents’’ be
termed a ‘‘downstream distribution
arrangement.’’ A downstream
distribution arrangement is a financial
arrangement between a collaboration
agent that is both a PGP, NPPGP, or TGP
and an ACO participant and a
downstream collaboration agent for the
sole purpose of sharing a distribution
payment received by the PGP, NPPGP,
or TGP. A downstream collaboration
agent is an individual who is not a
TEAM collaborator or a collaboration
agent and who is a PGP member, a
NPPGP member, or a TGP member that
has entered into a downstream
distribution arrangement with the same
PGP, NPPGP, or TGP in which he or she
is an owner or employee, and where the
PGP, NPPGP, or TGP is a collaboration
agent. Where a payment from a
collaboration agent to a downstream
collaboration agent is made pursuant to
a downstream distribution arrangement,
we define that payment as a
‘‘downstream distribution payment.’’ A
collaboration agent may only make a
downstream distribution payment in
accordance with a downstream
distribution arrangement which
complies with the requirements of this
section and all other applicable laws
and regulations, including the fraud and
abuse laws.
We seek comment about all of the
provisions set out in the preceding
discussion, including whether
additional or different safeguards would
be needed to ensure program integrity,
protect against abuse, and ensure that
the goals of the TEAM are met.
(b) Requirements
We propose several specific
requirements for downstream
distribution arrangements as a program
integrity safeguard to help ensure that
their sole purpose is to create financial
alignment between collaboration agents
that are PGPs, NPPGPs, or TGPs which
are also ACO participants and
downstream collaboration agents toward
the goals of the TEAM to improve the
quality and efficiency of episodes.
These requirements largely parallel
those proposed for sharing and
distribution arrangements at proposed
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§ 512.565 and § 512.568 and gainsharing
and distribution payments at proposed
§ 512.565 and § 512.568 based on
similar reasoning for these types of
arrangements and payments. We
propose that all downstream
distribution arrangements must be in
writing and signed by the parties,
contain the effective date of the
agreement, and entered into before care
is furnished to TEAM beneficiaries
under the downstream distribution
arrangement. Furthermore, we propose
that participation must be voluntary and
without penalty for nonparticipation,
and the downstream distribution
arrangement must require the
downstream collaboration agent to
comply with all applicable laws and
Like our proposals for gainsharing
and distribution payments, we propose
that the opportunity to make or receive
a downstream distribution payment
must not be conditioned directly or
indirectly on the volume or value of
referrals or business otherwise
generated by, between or among the
TEAM participant, any TEAM
collaborator, any collaboration agent,
any downstream collaboration agent, or
any individual or entity affiliated with
a TEAM participant, TEAM
collaborator, collaboration agent, or
downstream collaboration agent. We
propose the amount of any downstream
distribution payments from an NPPGP
to an NPPGP member or from a TGP to
a TGP member must be determined in
accordance with a methodology that is
solely based on quality of care and the
provision of TEAM activities and that
may take into account the amount of
such TEAM activities provided by a
downstream collaboration agent relative
to other downstream collaboration
agents. We believe that the amount of a
downstream collaboration agent’s
provision of TEAM activities (including
direct care) to TEAM beneficiaries
during episodes may contribute to the
TEAM participant’s internal cost
savings and reconciliation payment
amount that may be available for
making a gainsharing payment to the
TEAM collaborator that is then shared
through a distribution payment to the
collaboration agent with which the
downstream collaboration agent has a
downstream distribution arrangement.
Greater contributions of TEAM activities
by one downstream collaboration agent
versus another downstream
collaboration agent that result in
different contributions to the
distribution payment made to the
collaboration agent with which the
downstream collaboration agents both
PO 00000
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have a downstream distribution
arrangement may be appropriately
valued in the methodology used to make
downstream distribution payments to
those downstream collaboration agents.
Similar to our proposed requirements
for distribution arrangements for those
TEAM collaborators that are PGPs, we
propose that a downstream
collaboration agent is eligible to receive
a downstream distribution payment
only if the PGP billed for an item or
service furnished by the downstream
collaboration agent to a TEAM
beneficiary during an episode that was
attributed to the same performance year
for which the TEAM participant accrued
the internal cost savings or earned the
reconciliation payment amount that
comprise the gainsharing payment from
which the ACO made the distribution
payment to the PGP that is an ACO
participant. This proposal ensures that
there is the same required relationship
between direct care for TEAM
beneficiaries during episodes and
downstream distribution payment
eligibility that we require for
gainsharing and distribution payment
eligibility. We believe this requirement
provides a safeguard against payments
to downstream collaboration agents that
are unrelated to direct care for TEAM
beneficiaries during episodes.
We further propose that the total
amount of all downstream distribution
payments made to downstream
collaboration agents must not exceed
the amount of the distribution payment
received by the collaboration agent (that
is, the PGP, NPPGP, or TGP that is an
ACO participant) from the ACO that is
a TEAM collaborator. Like gainsharing,
alignment, and distribution payments,
we propose that all downstream
distribution payments must be made by
check, electronic funds transfer, or
another traceable cash transaction. The
downstream collaboration agent must
retain the ability to make decisions in
the best interests of the patient,
including the selection of devices,
supplies, and treatments. The
distribution arrangement must not
induce a downstream collaboration
agent to reduce or limit medically
necessary items and services to any
Medicare beneficiary or reward the
provision of items and services that are
medically unnecessary.
We propose that the PGP, NPPGP, or
TGP must maintain contemporaneous
documentation regarding downstream
distribution arrangements in accordance
with § 512.586, including all of the
• The relevant written agreements.
• The date and amount of any
downstream distribution payment(s).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
• The identity of each downstream
collaboration agent that received a
downstream distribution payment.
• A description of the methodology
and accounting formula for determining
the amount of any downstream
distribution payment.
We propose that the PGP, NPPGP, or
TGP may not enter into a downstream
distribution arrangement with any PGP,
NPPGP, or TGP member who has a
sharing arrangement with a TEAM
participant or distribution arrangement
with the ACO the PGP, NPPGP, or TGP
is a participant in. This proposal
ensures that the proposed separate
limitations on the total amount of
gainsharing payment, distribution
payment, and downstream distribution
payment to PGP, NPPGP, or TGP
members that are solely based on
quality of care and the provision of
TEAM activities are not exceeded in
absolute dollars by a PGP, NPPGP, or
TGP member’s participation in more
than one type of arrangement for the
care of the same TEAM beneficiaries
during episodes. Allowing more than
one arrangement for the same PGP,
NPPGP, or TGP member for the care of
the same TEAM beneficiaries during
episodes could also allow for duplicate
counting of the PGP, NPPGP, or TGP
member’s effort in TEAM activities in
the methodologies for the different
payments. Finally, we propose that the
PGP, NPPGP, or TGP must retain and
provide access to, and must require
downstream collaboration agents to
retain and provide access to, the
required documentation in accordance
with § 512.586.
We seek comment about all of the
requirements, including whether
additional or different safeguards would
be needed to ensure program integrity,
protect against abuse, and ensure that
the goals of TEAM are met.
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(7) Beneficiary Incentives
We believe it is necessary and
appropriate to provide additional
flexibilities to TEAM participants for
purposes of testing the Model, to give
TEAM participants additional access to
the tools necessary to improve
beneficiaries’ quality of care, drive
equitable outcomes, and reduce
Medicare spending through improved
beneficiary care transitions and reduced
fragmentation during episodes of care.
TEAM participants may choose to
provide in-kind patient engagement
incentives to beneficiaries in an
episode, which may include but not be
limited to items of technology, subject
to the following conditions consistent
with 42 CFR 510.515.
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As discussed in section X.A.3.g.(9) of
the preamble of this proposed rule, if
the proposed beneficiary incentives are
finalized, we expect to make a
determination that the anti-kickback
statute safe harbor for CMS-sponsored
model patient incentives (42 CFR
1001.952(ii)) is available to protect the
beneficiary incentives proposed in this
section when the incentives are offered
in compliance with the requirements
established in the final rule and the
conditions for use of the anti-kickback
statute safe harbor set out at 42 CFR
As stated previously, TEAM
participants may choose to provide inkind engagement incentives, which may
include but not be limited to items of
technology, to TEAM beneficiaries in an
episode, subject to the following
proposed conditions. We propose that
the incentive must be provided directly
by the TEAM participant or by an agent
of the TEAM participant under their
direction and control to the TEAM
beneficiary during an episode.
Additionally, we propose that the item
or service provided must be reasonably
connected to the TEAM beneficiary’s
medical care, and be a preventive care
item or service or an item of service that
advances a clinical goal, as described in
section X.A.3.g.(7)(b) of the preamble of
this proposed rule, by engaging the
TEAM beneficiary in better managing
their own health. We seek comment on
the proposed conditions for TEAM
beneficiary incentives, as outlined in
512.575. Specifically, we seek comment
on whether these proposed conditions
are reasonable, and whether additional
conditions are appropriate to further
engage TEAM beneficiaries in their own
healthcare management while
preventing fraud or abuse.
(a) Technology Provided to a TEAM
In some cases, items or services
involving technology may be useful as
beneficiary engagement incentives that
can advance a clinical goal of TEAM by
engaging a beneficiary in managing their
health during the 30 days following
discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure.
However, we believe specific enhanced
safeguards are necessary for these items
and services to prevent abuse, and our
proposals are consistent with the CJR
model policies (80 FR 73437).
Specifically, we propose that items or
services involving technology provided
to a beneficiary may not exceed $1,000
in retail value for any TEAM beneficiary
in any episode (per episode), and that
items or services involving technology
provided to a TEAM beneficiary must be
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the minimum necessary to advance a
clinical goal as discussed in this section
for a TEAM beneficiary in an episode.
We propose additional enhanced
requirements for items of technology
exceeding $75 in retail value as an
additional safeguard against misuse of
these items as beneficiary engagement
incentives. Specifically, we propose that
these items of technology that exceed
$75 in retail value remain the property
of the TEAM participant and be
retrieved from the TEAM beneficiary at
the end of the episode. The TEAM
participant must document all retrieval
attempts, including the ultimate date of
retrieval. We understand that TEAM
participants may not always be able to
retrieve these items after the episode
ends, such as when a TEAM beneficiary
dies or moves to another geographic
area. Therefore, in cases when the item
of technology is not able to be retrieved,
the TEAM participant must determine
why the item was not retrievable and if
it was determined that the item was
used inappropriately (if it were sold, for
example) preventing future beneficiary
incentives for that TEAM beneficiary.
Following this process, the
documentation of diligent, good faith
attempts to retrieve items of technology
will be deemed to meet the retrieval
Our proposals for enhanced
requirements for technology provided to
TEAM beneficiaries as beneficiary
engagement incentives under TEAM are
included in proposed § 512.578. We
seek comment on our proposed
requirements for beneficiary
engagement incentives that involve
technology. Additionally, we seek
comment on the types of technology
that may be useful to advance the goals
of the Model. We welcome comment on
additional or alternative program
integrity safeguards for this type of
beneficiary engagement incentive,
including whether the financial
thresholds proposed in this section are
reasonable, necessary, and appropriate.
(b) Clinical Goals of TEAM
As discussed in section X.A.3.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, the
proposed episodes are broadly defined
to include most Part A and Part B items
and services furnished during episodes
of care that extend 30 days following
discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure that
begins the episode. Therefore, we
believe that in-kind beneficiary
engagement incentives may
appropriately be provided for managing
acute conditions arising from episodes,
as well as chronic conditions if the
condition is likely to have been affected
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
by care during the episode or when
substantial services are likely to be
provided for the chronic condition
during the episode. We are proposing to
allow TEAM participants to offer inkind beneficiary engagement incentives,
where such incentives must be closely
related to the provision of high-quality
care and advance a clinical goal for a
TEAM beneficiary and should not serve
as inducements for TEAM beneficiaries
to seek care from the TEAM participants
or other specific suppliers and
providers. We propose that beneficiary
incentives must advance one of the
following clinical goals of TEAM:
• Beneficiary adherence to drug
• Beneficiary adherence to a care
• Reduction of readmissions and
complications resulting from treatment
during the episode.
• Management of chronic diseases
and conditions that may be affected by
treatment for the TEAM clinical
Our proposals for beneficiary
engagement incentives are included in
§ 512.575. We seek comment on our
proposed clinical goals of TEAM, as
well as whether the advancement of
additional or different clinical goals
through beneficiary engagement
incentives may better advance the
overarching goals of TEAM while
maintaining appropriate program
integrity safeguards.
(c) Documentation of Beneficiary
Engagement Incentives
As a program safeguard against
misuse of beneficiary engagement
incentives under TEAM, we propose
that TEAM participants must maintain
documentation of items and services
furnished as beneficiary engagement
incentives that exceed $25 in retail
value including items of technology. In
addition, we propose to require that the
documentation established
contemporaneously with the provision
of the items and services must include
at least the following:
• The date the incentive is provided.
• The incentive and estimated value
of the item or service.
• The identity of the beneficiary to
whom the item or service was provided.
We further propose that the
documentation regarding items of
technology exceeding $75 in retail that
are required to be retrieved from the
beneficiary at the end of an episode
must also include contemporaneous
documentation of any attempt to
retrieve technology. In instances where
the item of technology is not able to be
retrieved, the TEAM participant must
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determine why it is not retrievable, and
if the item were misappropriated (if it
were sold, for example), then further
steps must be taken to ensure that
TEAM beneficiary does not receive
further TEAM beneficiary incentives.
Following this process, documented,
diligent, good faith attempts to retrieve
items of technology will be deemed to
meet the retrieval requirement.
Finally, we propose that the TEAM
participant must retain and provide
access to the required documentation in
accordance with § 512.586.
Our proposals for the documentation
requirements for beneficiary
engagement incentives under TEAM are
included in proposed§ 512.578(d). We
seek comment on our proposed
documentation requirements, including
whether additional or different
documentation requirements may
provide better program integrity
(8) Enforcement Authority
OIG authority is not limited or
restricted by the provisions of the
model, including the authority to audit,
evaluate, investigate, or inspect the
TEAM participant, TEAM collaborators,
collaboration agents, downstream
collaboration agents, or any other
person or entity or their records, data,
or information, without limitations.
Additionally, no model provisions limit
or restrict the authority of any other
Government Agency to do the same.
The proposals for enforcement
authority under the model are included
in § 512.575. We seek comment about
all of the requirements set out in the
preceding discussion, including
whether additional or different
safeguards would be needed to ensure
program integrity, protect against abuse,
and ensure that the goals of the model
are met.
(9) Fraud and Abuse Waiver and OIG
Safe Harbor Authority
Under section 1115A(d)(1) of the Act,
the Secretary may waive such
requirements of Titles XI and XVIII and
of sections 1902(a)(1), 1902(a)(13),
1903(m)(2)(A)(iii) of the Act, and certain
provisions of section 1934 of the Act as
may be necessary solely for purposes of
carrying out section 1115A of the Act
with respect to testing models described
in section 1115A(b) of the Act.
For this model and consistent with
the authority under section 1115A(d)(1)
of the Act, the Secretary may consider
issuing waivers of certain fraud and
abuse provisions in sections 1128A,
1128B, and 1877 of the Act. No fraud or
abuse waivers are being issued in this
document; fraud and abuse waivers, if
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any, would be set forth in separately
issued documentation. Any such waiver
would apply solely to TEAM and could
differ in scope or design from waivers
granted for other programs or models.
Thus, notwithstanding any provision of
this proposed rule, TEAM participants,
TEAM collaborators, collaboration
agents, and downstream collaboration
agents must comply with all applicable
laws and regulations, except as
explicitly provided in any such
separately documented waiver issued
pursuant to section 1115A(d)(1) of the
Act specifically for TEAM.
In addition to or in lieu of a waiver
of certain fraud and abuse provisions in
sections 1128A and 1128B of the Act,
CMS expects to make a determination
that the anti-kickback statute safe harbor
for CMS-sponsored model arrangements
and CMS-sponsored model patient
incentives (42 CFR 1001.952(ii) (1) and
42 CFR 1001.952(ii)(2)) is available to
protect remuneration exchanged
pursuant to certain financial
arrangements and patient incentives
that may be permitted under the final
rule, if issued. Specifically, if the
proposed rule is finalized, we expect to
determine that the CMS-sponsored
models safe harbor will be available to
protect the following financial
arrangements and incentives: the TEAM
sharing arrangement’s gainsharing
payments and alignment payments, the
distribution arrangement’s distribution
payments with TEAM collaborators and
collaboration agents, the downstream
distribution arrangements and
downstream distribution payments with
collaboration agents and downstream
collaboration agents, and TEAM
beneficiary incentives. At proposed
§ 512.576, we propose to make the
Federal anti-kickback statute safe harbor
for CMS-sponsored model arrangements
available to protect remuneration
furnished in the TEAM in the form of
sharing arrangement’s gainsharing
payments and alignment payments, the
distribution arrangement’s distribution
payments, and the downstream
distribution arrangement’s distribution
payments provided that all of the
financial arrangements associated with
such payment meet all safe harbor
requirements set forth in 42 CFR
1001.952(ii), proposed § 512.565,
proposed § 512.568, and proposed
§ 512.570. We considered, but are not
proposing, adopting an alternative
approach in which the availability of
the safe harbor for a specific type of
financial arrangement would only be
conditioned on compliance with the
specific requirements for that type of
financial arrangement and the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
compliance of the other financial
arrangements associated with such
payment would not implicate the
availability of the safe harbor. For
example, we considered, but are not
proposing, an alternative proposal
making the availability of the safe
harbor for sharing arrangement’s
gainsharing payments only conditioned
on compliance with the requirements
associated with that type of financial
arrangement and not also conditioned
on the compliance of a downstream
financial arrangement associated with
such payment.
We considered not allowing use of the
safe harbor provisions. However, we
decided that use of the safe harbor will
encourage the goals of the model. We
believe that a successful model requires
integration and coordination among
TEAM participants and other health
care providers and suppliers. We
believe the use of the safe harbor will
encourage and improve beneficiary
experience of care and coordination of
care among providers and suppliers. We
also believe these safe harbors offer
flexibility for innovation and
customization. The safe harbors allow
for emerging arrangements that reflect
up-to-date understandings in medicine,
science, and technology.
We seek comment on this proposal,
including that the anti-kickback safe
harbor for CMS-sponsored model
arrangements (42 CFR 1001.952(ii)(1))
and CMS-sponsored model patient
incentives (42 CFR 1001.952(ii)(2)) be
available to TEAM participants and
TEAM collaborators, collaboration
agents, and downstream collaboration
h. Proposed Waivers of Medicare
Program Requirements
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(1) Overview
We believe it may be necessary and
appropriate to provide flexibilities to
hospitals participating in TEAM, as well
as other providers and suppliers that
furnish services to beneficiaries in
episodes. The purpose of such
flexibilities would be to increase
episode quality, decrease episode
spending or internal costs, or both of
providers and suppliers, resulting in
better, more coordinated care for
beneficiaries and improved financial
efficiencies for Medicare, providers, and
beneficiaries. These possible additional
flexibilities could include use of our
waiver authority under section 1115A of
the Act, which provides authority for
the Secretary to waive such
requirements of title XVIII of the Act as
may be necessary solely for purposes of
carrying out section 1115A of the Act
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with respect to testing models described
in section 1115A(b) of the Act. This
provision affords broad authority for the
Secretary to waive statutory Medicare
program requirements as necessary to
carry out the provisions of section
1115A of the Act.
As we have stated elsewhere in
section X.A.2.c. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, our previous and current
efforts in testing episode payment
models have led us to believe that
models where entities bear financial
responsibility for total Medicare
spending for episodes of care hold the
potential to incentivize the most
substantial improvements in episode
quality and efficiency. As discussed in
section X.A.3.a.(3) of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing
that TEAM participants participating in
Track 1 of this model be eligible for
reconciliation payment amounts based
on spending and quality performance in
PY1. TEAM participants in Track 2
would be eligible for repayment
amounts and reconciliation payment
amounts starting in PY2, while TEAM
participants in Track 3 are eligible for
repayment amounts and reconciliation
payment amounts starting in PY1. We
believe that where TEAM participants
bear financial accountability for excess
episode spending beyond the
reconciliation target price while high
quality care is valued, they will have an
increased incentive to coordinate care
furnished by the hospital and other
providers and suppliers throughout the
episode to improve the quality and
efficiency of care. With these incentives
present, there may be a reduced
likelihood of over-utilization of services
that could otherwise result from waivers
of Medicare program rules. Given these
circumstances, waivers of certain
program rules for providers and
suppliers furnishing services to TEAM
beneficiaries may be appropriate to offer
more flexibility than under existing
Medicare rules for such providers and
suppliers, so that they may provide
appropriate, efficient care for
beneficiaries. An example of such a
program rule that could be waived to
potentially allow more efficient
inpatient episodes would be the 3-day
inpatient hospital stay requirement
prior to a covered skilled nursing
facility (SNF) stay for beneficiaries who
could appropriately be discharged to a
SNF after less than a 3-day inpatient
hospital stay. This type of waiver was
implemented in a range of previous and
existing CMS initiatives, including
various episode-based payment models
and accountable care initiatives.
We welcome comments on possible
waivers under section 1115A of the Act
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of certain Medicare program rules
beyond those specifically discussed in
this proposed rule that might be
necessary to test this model. We will
consider the comments that are received
during the public comment period and
may make future proposals regarding
program rule waivers during the course
of the model test. We are especially
interested in comments explaining how
such waivers could provide providers
and suppliers with additional
flexibilities that are not permitted under
existing Medicare rules to increase
quality of care and reduce unnecessary
episode spending, but that could be
appropriately used in the context of
TEAM where TEAM participants bear
full responsibility for total episode
Specific program rules for which we
propose waivers under TEAM to
support provider and supplier efforts to
increase quality and decrease episode
spending and for which we invite
comments are included in the sections
that follow. We propose that these
waivers of program rules would apply to
the care of beneficiaries who are in
episodes at the time when the waiver is
used to bill for a service that is
furnished to the beneficiary, even if the
episode is later cancelled as described
in section X.A.3.b.(5)(e) of the preamble
of this proposed rule. Finally, we
propose that if a service is found to have
been billed and paid by Medicare under
circumstances only allowed by a
program rule waiver for a beneficiary
not in TEAM at the time the service was
furnished, CMS would recover payment
for that service from the provider or
supplier who was paid, and require that
provider and supplier to repay the
beneficiary for any coinsurance
previously collected.
(2) Post-Discharge Home Visits and
Homebound Requirement
We expect that the broadly defined
episodes with a duration of 30 days
following an anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure discharge as we
propose in section X.A.3.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule would
result in TEAM participants redesigning
care by increasing care coordination and
management of beneficiaries following
discharge from an anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure.
This result would require TEAM
participants to pay close attention to
any underlying medical conditions that
could be affected by the anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure and
improving coordination of care across
care settings and providers.
Beneficiaries may have mobility
limitations during certain episodes
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
following discharge to their home or
place of residence that may interfere
with their ability to travel easily to
physicians’ offices or other health care
settings. Increasing beneficiary
adherence to and engagement with
recommended treatment and follow-up
care following discharge from the
hospital or PAC setting would be
important to high quality episode care.
Evidence exists to support the use of
home visits among Medicare
beneficiaries in improving clinical
outcomes and reducing readmissions
following hospital discharge.700 701 In
addition, we believe the financial
incentives in TEAM would encourage
hospitals to closely examine the most
appropriate PAC settings for
beneficiaries, taking into consideration
beneficiary choice and location of
beneficiary home or place of residence,
so that the clinically appropriate setting
of the lowest acuity is recommended
following discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure. We
expect that all these considerations
would lead to greater interest on the
part of hospitals and other providers
and suppliers caring for TEAM
beneficiaries in furnishing services to
beneficiaries in their home or place of
residence. Such services could include
visits by licensed clinicians other than
physicians and nonphysician
In order for Medicare to pay for home
health services, a beneficiary must be
determined to be ‘‘’home-bound’’.
Specifically, sections 1835(a) and
1814(a) of the Act require that a
physician certify (and recertify) that in
the case of home health services under
the Medicare home health benefit, such
services are or were required because
the individual is or was ’’confined to the
home’’ and needs or needed skilled
nursing care on an intermittent basis, or
physical or speech therapy or has or had
a continuing need for occupational
therapy. A beneficiary is considered to
be confined to the home if the
beneficiary has a condition, due to an
illness or injury, that restricts his or her
ability to leave home except with the
assistance of another individual or the
aid of a supportive device (that is,
700 Nabagiez, J.P., Shariff, M.A., Khan, M.A.,
Molloy, W.J., & McGinn, J.T. (2013). Physician
assistant home visit program to reduce hospital
readmissions. The Journal of Thoracic and
Cardiovascular Surgery, 145(1), 225–233. https://
701 Hall, M.L., Esposito, G., Pekmezaris, R.,
Lesser, M., Moravick, D., Jahn, L., Blenderman, R.,
Akerman, M., Nouryan, C., & Hartman, A.R. (2014).
Cardiac surgery nurse practitioner home visits
prevent coronary artery bypass graft readmissions.
The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 97(5), 1488–1495.
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crutches, a cane, a wheelchair or a
walker) or if the beneficiary has a
condition such that leaving his or her
home is medically contraindicated.
While a beneficiary does not have to be
bedridden to be considered confined to
the home, the condition of the
beneficiary must be such that there
exists a normal inability to leave home
and leaving home requires a
considerable and taxing effort by the
beneficiary. Absent this condition, it
would be expected that the beneficiary
could typically get the same services in
an outpatient or other setting. Thus, the
homebound requirement provides a way
to help differentiate between patients
that require medical care at home versus
patients who could more appropriately
receive care in a less costly outpatient
setting. Additional information
regarding the homebound requirement
is available in the Medicare Benefit
Manual (Pub 100–02); Chapter 7, ‘‘Home
Health Services,’’ Section 30.1.1,
‘‘Patient Confined to the Home.’’
We considered whether a waiver of
the homebound requirement would be
appropriate under TEAM. Waiving the
homebound requirement would allow
additional beneficiaries to receive home
health care services in their home or
place of residence. As previously
discussed, physician certification that a
beneficiary meets the homebound
requirement is a prerequisite for
Medicare coverage of home health
services, and waiving the homebound
requirement could result in lower
episode spending in some instances. For
example, if a beneficiary is allowed to
have home health care visits, even if the
beneficiary is not considered
homebound, the beneficiary may avoid
a hospital readmission. All other
requirements for the Medicare home
health benefit would remain unchanged.
Thus, under such a waiver, only
beneficiaries who otherwise meet all
program requirements to receive home
health services would be eligible for
coverage of home health services
without being homebound.
However, we are not proposing to
waive the homebound requirement
under TEAM for several reasons. Based
on the typical clinical course of
beneficiaries after certain surgical
procedures, we believe that many
beneficiaries would meet the
homebound requirement for home
health services immediately following
discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or following discharge to
their home or place of residence from a
SNF that furnished PAC services
immediately following the hospital
discharge, so they could receive
medically necessary home health
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services under existing program rules.
Home health agencies (HHAs) are paid
a national, standardized 30-day period
payment rate if a period of care meets
a certain threshold of home health
visits. 30-day periods of care that do not
meet the visit threshold are paid a pervisit payment rate for the discipline
providing care. For those TEAM
beneficiaries who could benefit from
home visits by a licensed clinician for
purposes of assessment and monitoring
of their clinical condition, care
coordination, and improving adherence
with treatment but who are not
homebound, we do not believe that
paying for these visits as home health
services under Medicare is necessary or
appropriate, especially given that
Medicare payments for home health
services are set based on the clinical
care furnished to beneficiaries who are
truly homebound. Finally, in other CMS
episode payment models, such as BPCI
Advanced and CJR, we have not waived
the homebound requirement for home
health services.
In the BPCI Advanced and CJR
models, we have provided a waiver of
the ‘‘incident to’’ rule to allow a
physician or nonphysician practitioner
participating in care redesign under a
participating provider to bill for services
furnished to a beneficiary who does not
qualify for Medicare coverage of home
health services as set forth under
§ 409.42 where the services are
furnished in the beneficiary’s home
during the episode after the
beneficiary’s discharge from an acute
care hospital. The ‘‘incident to’’ rules
are set forth in § 410.26(b)(5), which
requires services and supplies furnished
incident to the service of a physician or
other practitioner must be provided
under the direct supervision (as defined
at § 410.32(b)(3)(ii)) of a physician or
other practitioner.
In the BPCI Advanced and CJR
models, the waiver is available only for
services that are furnished by licensed
clinical staff under the general
supervision (as defined at
§ 410.32(b)(3)(i)) of a physician (or other
practitioner), or other qualified health
care professional, and who are allowed
by law, regulation, and facility policy to
perform or assist in the performance of
a specific professional service, but do
not individually report that professional
service. While the services may be
furnished by licensed clinical staff, they
must be billed by the physician (or other
practitioner) or participant to which the
supervising physician has reassigned
their billing rights in accordance with
CMS instructions using a Healthcare
Common Procedures Coding System
(HCPCS) G-code created by CMS
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
specifically for the BPCI Advanced or
CJR model. In the case of the incident
to waiver under BPCI Advanced, the
waiver allows physician and
nonphysician practitioners to furnish
the services up to 13 home visits during
each 90-day clinical episode. In the case
of the incident to waiver under CJR, the
waiver allows physician and
nonphysician practitioners to furnish
the services up to 9 home visits during
each 90-day clinical episode. All other
Medicare coverage and payment criteria
must be met for both BPCI Advanced
and CJR models.
We considered waiving the ‘‘incident
to’’ rule set forth in § 410.26(b)(5) for
TEAM, similar to the BPCI Advanced
and CJR models, however, we reviewed
this specific waiver utilization and
found that there was very low uptake in
these models. While waiving the
‘‘incident to’’ rule set forth in
§ 410.26(b)(5) could be beneficial in
furnishing services to beneficiaries in
their home or place of residence, we
believe there has been a greater shift
towards telemedicine as a modality for
post-discharge follow-up, especially
after the COVID–19 public health
emergency which drove greater
adoption and standard practice of
telehealth services. Evidence suggests
that telemedicine post-discharge visits
were effective, safe, and did not
negatively affect health care utilization
as compared to in-person visits.702 703
For these reasons, we are not proposing
to waive the ‘‘incident to’’ rule set forth
in § 410.26(b)(5) for TEAM, but we seek
comment if we should waive the
‘‘incident to’’ rule set forth in
§ 410.26(b)(5), if we should consider
modifications or alternatives to this
waiver, and how we could make this
waiver beneficial to TEAM participants
and beneficiaries.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(3) Telehealth
As discussed in the previous section,
we expect that the proposed TEAM
design features would lead to greater
interest on the part of hospitals and
other providers and suppliers caring for
TEAM beneficiaries in furnishing
services to beneficiaries in their home or
place of residence, including
physicians’ professional services. TEAM
702 Harkey, K., Kaiser, N., Zhao, J., Gutnik, B.,
Kelz, R.R., Matthews, B.D., & Reinke, C.E. (2023).
Utilization of telemedicine to provide postdischarge care: A comparison of pre-pandemic vs.
pandemic care. The American Journal of Surgery,
226(2), 163–169.
703 Grauer, A., Cornelius, T., Abdalla, M., Moise,
N., Kronish, I.M., & Ye, S. (2023). Impact of early
telemedicine follow-up on 30-Day hospital
readmissions. PLOS ONE, 18(5), e0282081. https://
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would create new incentives for
comprehensive episode care
management for beneficiaries, including
early identification and intervention
regarding changes in health status
following discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedures.
Given that we are not waiving the
‘‘incident to’’ rule set forth in
§ 410.26(b)(5) for TEAM, we understand
that TEAM participants may still want
to engage physicians in furnishing
timely visits to homebound or nonhomebound TEAM beneficiaries in their
homes or places of residence to address
concerning symptoms or observations
raised by beneficiaries themselves,
clinicians furnishing home health
services, or licensed clinicians
furnishing post-discharge home visits,
while physicians committed to TEAM
care redesign may not be able to revise
their practice patterns to meet this home
visit need for TEAM beneficiaries.
Under section 1834(m) of the Act,
Medicare pays for telehealth services
furnished by a physician or practitioner
under certain conditions even though
the physician or practitioner is not in
the same location as the beneficiary.
The telehealth services must be
furnished to a beneficiary located in one
of the eight types of originating sites
specified in section 1834(m)(4)(C)(ii) of
the Act and the site must satisfy at least
one of the requirements of section
1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I) through (III) of the
Act. Generally, for Medicare payment to
be made for telehealth services under
the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
several conditions must be met, as set
forth under § 410.78(b). Specifically, the
service must be on the Medicare list of
telehealth services and meet all of the
following other requirements for
• The service must be furnished via
an interactive telecommunications
• The service must be furnished to an
eligible telehealth individual.
• The individual receiving the
services must be in an eligible
originating site.
When all of these conditions are met,
Medicare pays a facility fee to the
originating site and provides separate
payment to the distant site practitioner
for the service. Section 1834(m)(4)(F)(i)
of the Act defines Medicare telehealth
services to include professional
consultations, office visits, office
psychiatry services, and any additional
service specified by the Secretary, when
furnished via a telecommunications
system. For the list of approved
Medicare telehealth services, see the
CMS website at
PO 00000
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services. Under section 1834(m)(4)(F)(ii)
of the Act, CMS has an annual process
to consider additions to and deletions
from the list of telehealth services. We
do not include any services as telehealth
services when Medicare does not
otherwise make a separate payment for
Some literature suggests the benefits
of telehealth technologies that enable
health care providers to deliver care to
patients in locations remote from
providers are being increasingly used to
complement face-to-face patientprovider encounters to increase access
to care, especially in rural or
underserved areas.704 In these cases, the
use of remote access technologies may
improve the accessibility and timeliness
of needed care, increase communication
between providers and patients,
enhance care coordination, and improve
the efficiency of care. We note that
certain professional services that are
commonly furnished remotely using
telecommunications technology are paid
under the same conditions as in-person
physicians’ services, and thus do not
require a waiver to be considered as
telehealth services. Such services that
do not require the patient to be present
in person with the practitioner when
they are furnished are covered and paid
in the same way as services delivered
without the use of telecommunications
technology when the practitioner is in
person at the medical facility furnishing
care to the patient.
In other CMS episode-based payment
models, such as the BPCI Advanced and
CJR models, participants were permitted
to use telehealth waivers that applied to
two provisions:
• CMS waived the geographic site
requirements under 1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I)
through (III) of the Act which allowed
telehealth services to be furnished to
eligible telehealth individuals when
they are located at one of the eight
originating sites at the time the service
is furnished via a telecommunications
system but without regard to the site
meeting one of the geographic site
• CMS waived the originating site
requirements under section
1834(m)(4)(C)(ii)(I) through (VIII) of the
Act which allowed the eligible
telehealth individual to not be in an
originating site when the otherwise
eligible individual is receiving
telehealth services in their home or
place of residence.
These telehealth waivers allowed
providers and suppliers furnishing
704 Gajarawala, S.N., & Pelkowski, J.N. (2021).
Telehealth benefits and barriers. The Journal for
Nurse Practitioners, 17(2), 218–221.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
services to model beneficiaries to utilize
telemedicine for beneficiaries that are
not classified as rural and allowed the
greatest degree of efficiency and
communication between providers and
suppliers and beneficiaries by allowing
beneficiaries to receive telehealth
services at their home or place of
residence. We believe similar telehealth
waivers would be essential to maximize
the opportunity to improve the quality
of care and efficiency for episodes of
care in TEAM.
Specifically, like the telehealth
waivers in the BPCI Advanced and CJR
models, we propose to waive the
geographic site requirements of section
1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I) through (III) of the
Act that limit telehealth payment to
services furnished within specific types
of geographic areas or in an entity
participating in a federal telemedicine
demonstration project approved as of
December 31, 2000. Waiver of this
requirement would allow beneficiaries
located in any region to receive services
related to the episode to be furnished
via telehealth, as long as all other
Medicare requirements for telehealth
services are met. Any service on the list
of Medicare approved telehealth
services and reported on a claim that is
not excluded from the proposed episode
definition (see section X.A.3.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule) could be
furnished to a TEAM beneficiary,
regardless of the beneficiary’s
geographic location. Under TEAM, this
waiver would support care coordination
and increasing timely access to high
quality care for all TEAM beneficiaries,
regardless of geography. Additionally,
we propose for TEAM waiving the
originating site requirements of section
1834(m)(4)(C)(ii)(I)–(VIII) of the Act that
specify the particular sites at which the
eligible telehealth individual must be
located at the time the service is
furnished via a telecommunications
system. Specifically, we propose to
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waive the requirement only when
telehealth services are being furnished
in the TEAM beneficiary’s home or
place of residence during the episode.
Any service on the list of Medicare
approved telehealth services that is not
excluded from the proposed episode
definition (see section X.A.3.b.(5)(a) of
the preamble of this proposed rule)
could be furnished to a TEAM
beneficiary in their home or place of
residence, unless the service’s HCPCS
code descriptor precludes delivering the
service in the home or place of
residence. For example, subsequent
hospital care services could not be
furnished to beneficiaries in their home
since those beneficiaries would not be
inpatients of the hospital.
The existing set of codes used to
report evaluation and management (E/
M) visits are extensively categorized and
defined by the setting of the service, and
the codes describe the services
furnished when both the patient and the
practitioner are located in that setting.
Section 1834(m) of the Act provides for
particular conditions under which
Medicare can make payment for office
visits when a patient is located in a
health care setting (the originating sites
authorized by statute) and the eligible
practitioner is located elsewhere.
However, we do not believe that the
kinds of E/M services furnished to
patients outside of health care settings
via real-time, interactive
communication technology are
accurately described by any existing E/
M codes. This would include
circumstances when the patient is
located in his or her home and the
location of the practitioner is
unspecified. In order to create a
mechanism to report E/M services
accurately, the BPCI Advanced and CJR
models created specific sets of HCPCS
G-codes to describe the E/M services
furnished to the model beneficiaries in
their homes via telehealth. Similarly for
PO 00000
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TEAM, we propose to create a specific
set of nine HCPCS G-codes to describe
the E/M services furnished to TEAM
beneficiaries in their homes via
telehealth. If the proposed TEAM is
finalized, we would specify the precise
G-code created for TEAM and share
them to TEAM participants prior to the
first performance year.
Among the existing E/M visit services,
we envision these services would be
most similar to those described by the
office and other outpatient E/M codes.
Therefore, we propose to structure the
new codes similarly to the office/
outpatient E/M codes but adjusted to
reflect the location as the beneficiary’s
residence and the virtual presence of the
practitioner. Specifically, we propose to
create a parallel structure and set of
descriptors currently used to report
office or other outpatient E/M services,
see Table FF–A 10, for CPT codes 99201
through 99205 for new patient visits and
CPT codes 99212 through 99215 for
established patient visits. For example,
the proposed G- code for a level 3 E/M
visit for an established patient would be
a telehealth visit for the evaluation and
management of an established patient in
the patient’s home, which requires at
least 2 of the following 3 key
• An expanded problem focused
• An expanded problem focused
• Medical decision making of low
Counseling and coordination of care
with other physicians, other qualified
health care professionals or agencies are
provided consistent with the nature of
the problem(s) and the patient’s or
family’s needs or both. Usually, the
presenting problem(s) are of low to
moderate severity. Typically, 15
minutes are spent with the patient or
family or both via real-time, audio and
video intercommunications technology.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
We note that we are not proposing a
G-code to parallel the level 1 office/
outpatient visit for an established
patient, since that service does not
require the presence of the physician or
other qualified health professional.
We propose to develop payment rates
for these new telehealth G-codes for E/
M services in the patient’s home that are
similar to the payment rates for the
office/outpatient E/M services, since the
codes will describe the work involved
in furnishing similar services.
Therefore, we propose to include the
resource costs typically incurred when
services are furnished via telehealth. In
terms of the relative resource costs
involved in furnishing these services,
we believe that the efficiencies of virtual
presentation generally limit resource
costs other than those related to the
professional time, intensity, and
malpractice risk to marginal levels.
Therefore, we propose to adopt work
and malpractice (MP) RVUs associated
with the corresponding level of office/
outpatient codes as the typical service
because the practitioner’s time and
intensity and malpractice liabilities
when conducting a visit via telehealth
are comparable to the office visit. We
would include final RVUs under the CY
2026 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule
for PY 1. Additionally, we propose to
update these values each performance
year to correspond to final values
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Short Descriotor
Remote E/M new pt
Remote E/M new pt
Remote E/M new pt 30
Remote E/M new pt
Remote E/M new pt
Remote E/M est. pt
Remote E/M est. pt
Remote E/M est. pt
Remote E/M est. pt
established under the Medicare
Physician Fee Schedule.
We considered whether each level of
visit typically would warrant support by
auxiliary licensed clinical staff within
the context of TEAM. The cost of such
staff and any associated supplies, for
example, would be incorporated in the
practice expense (PE) RVUs under the
PFS. For the lower level visits, levels 1
through 3 for new and 2 and 3 for
established visits, we did not believe
that the visit would necessarily require
auxiliary medical staff to be available in
the patient’s home. We anticipate these
lower level visits would be the most
commonly furnished and would serve
as a mechanism for the patient to
consult quickly with a practitioner for
concerns that can be easily described
and explained by the patient. We do not
propose to include PE RVUs for these
services, since we do not believe that
virtual visits envisioned for this model
typically incur the kinds of costs
included in the PE RVUs under the
Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. For
higher level visits, we typically would
anticipate some amount of support from
auxiliary clinical staff. For example,
wound examination and minor wound
debridement would be considered
included in an E/M visit and would
require licensed clinical staff to be
present in the beneficiary’s home during
the telehealth visit in order for the
complete service to be furnished. We
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believe it would be rare for a
practitioner to conduct as complex and
detailed a service as a level 4 or 5 E/M
home visit via telehealth for TEAM
beneficiaries in episodes without
licensed clinical staff support in the
We have considered support by
auxiliary clinical staff to be typical for
level 4 or 5 E/M visits furnished to
TEAM beneficiaries in the home via
telehealth, however, we do not propose
to incorporate these costs through PE
RVUs. Given the anticipated complexity
of these visits, we would expect to
observe level 4 and 5 E/M visits to be
reported on the same claim with the
same date of service as a home visit or
during a period of authorized home
health care. If neither of these occurs,
we propose to require the physician to
document in the medical record that
auxiliary licensed clinical staff were
available on site in the patient’s home
during the visit and if they were not, to
document the reason that such a highlevel visit would not require such
We note that because the services
described by the proposed G-codes, by
definition, are furnished remotely using
telecommunications technology, they
therefore are paid under the same
conditions as in-person physicians’
services and they do not require a
waiver to the requirements of section
1834(m) of the Act. We also note that
(used for illustrative purposes. Specific
G-codes will be created if TEAM is
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
because these home telehealth services
are E/M services, all other coverage and
payment rules regarding E/M services
would continue to apply.
Under TEAM, this proposal to waive
the originating site requirements and
create new home visit telehealth HCPCS
codes would support the greatest
efficiency and timely communication
between providers and beneficiaries by
allowing beneficiaries to receive
telehealth services at their places of
With respect to home health services
paid under the home health prospective
payment system (HH PPS), we
emphasize that telehealth visits under
this model cannot substitute for inperson home health visits per section
1895(e)(1)(A) of the Act. Furthermore,
telehealth services by social workers
cannot be furnished for TEAM
beneficiaries who are in a home health
episode because medical social services
are included as home health services
per section 1861(m) of the Act and paid
for under the Medicare HH PPS.
However, telehealth services permitted
under section 1834 of the Act and
furnished by physicians or other
practitioners, specifically physician
assistants, nurse practitioners, clinical
nurse specialists, certified nurse
midwives, nurse anesthetists,
psychologists, and dieticians, can be
furnished for TEAM beneficiaries who
are in a home health episode. Finally,
sections 1835(a) and 1814(a) of the Act
require that the patient has a face-to-face
encounter with the certifying physician
or an allowed nonphysician practitioner
(NPP) working in collaboration with or
under the supervision of the certifying
physician before the certifying
physician certifies that the patient is
eligible for home health services. Under
§ 424.22(a)(1)(v), the face-to-face
encounter can be performed up to 90
days prior to the start of home health
care or within 30 days after the start of
home health care. Section
424.22(a)(1)(v)(A) also allows a
physician, with privileges, who cared
for the patient in an acute or PAC
setting (from which the patient was
directly admitted to home health) or an
allowed NPP working in collaboration
with or under the supervision of the
acute or PAC physician to conduct the
face-to-face encounter.
Although sections 1835(a) and 1814(a)
of the Act allow the face-to-face
encounter to be performed via
telehealth, we are not proposing that the
waiver of the telehealth geographic site
requirement for telehealth services and
the originating site requirement for
telehealth services furnished in the
TEAM beneficiary’s home or place of
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residence would apply to the face-toface encounter required as part of the
home health certification when that
encounter is furnished via telehealth. In
other words, when a face-to-face
encounter furnished via telehealth is
used to meet the requirement for home
health certification, the usual Medicare
telehealth rules apply with respect to
geography and eligibility of the
originating site. We expect that this
policy would not limit TEAM
beneficiaries’ access to medically
necessary home health services because
beneficiaries receiving home health
services during an episode will have
had a face-to- face encounter with either
the physician or an allowed NPP during
their anchor hospitalization or a
physician or allowed NPP during a postacute facility stay prior to discharge
directly to home health services.
Under the proposed waiver of the
geographic site requirement and
originating site requirement, all
telehealth services would be required to
be furnished in accordance with all
Medicare coverage and payment criteria,
and no additional payment would be
made to cover set-up costs, technology
purchases, training and education, or
other related costs. The facility fee paid
by Medicare to an originating site for a
telehealth service would be waived if
there is no facility as an originating site
(that is, the service was originated in the
beneficiary’s home). Finally, providers
and suppliers furnishing a telehealth
service to a TEAM beneficiary in his or
her home or place of residence during
the episode would not be permitted to
bill for telehealth services that were not
fully furnished when an inability to
provide the intended telehealth service
is due to technical issues with
telecommunications equipment
required for that service. Beneficiaries
would be able to receive services
furnished pursuant to the telehealth
waivers only during the episode.
We plan to monitor patterns of
utilization of telehealth services under
TEAM to monitor for overutilization or
reductions in medically necessary care,
and significant reductions in face-toface visits with physicians and NPPs.
We plan to specifically monitor the
distribution of new telehealth home
visits that we are proposing, as we
anticipate greater use of lower level
visits. Given our concern that auxiliary
licensed clinical staff be present for
level 4 and 5 visits, we will monitor our
proposed requirement that these visits
be billed on the same claim with the
same date of service as a home nursing
visit, during a period authorized home
health care, or that the physician
document the presence of auxiliary
PO 00000
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licensed clinical staff in the home or an
explanation as to the specific
circumstances precluding the need for
auxiliary staff for the specific visit. We
seek comments on the proposed waivers
with respect to telehealth services, and
the proposed creation of the home visit
telehealth codes.
(4) 3-Day SNF Rule
Pursuant to section 1861(i) of the Act,
a beneficiary must have a prior inpatient
hospital stays of no fewer than 3
consecutive days to be eligible for
Medicare coverage of inpatient SNF
care. We refer to this as the SNF 3-day
rule. We note that the SNF 3-day rule
has been waived for Medicare SNF
coverage under other episode payment
models, including the BPCI Advanced
the CJR models. Model participants that
elect to use the waiver can discharge
model beneficiaries in fewer than 3 days
from an anchor hospital stay or anchor
procedure (in the case of the CJR model)
to a SNF, where services are covered
under Medicare Part A if all other
coverage requirements for such services
are satisfied.
Episode-based payment models like
BPCI Advanced and CJR have the
potential to mitigate the existing
incentives under the Medicare program
to overuse SNF benefits for
beneficiaries, as well as to furnish many
fragmented services that do not reflect
significant coordinated attention to and
management of complications following
hospital discharge. These model
participants considering the early
discharge of a beneficiary pursuant to
the waiver must evaluate whether early
discharge to a SNF is clinicallyappropriate and SNF services are
medically necessary. Next, they must
balance that determination and the
potential benefits to the hospital in the
form of internal cost savings due to
greater financial efficiency with the
understanding that a subsequent
hospital readmission, attributable to
premature discharge or low quality SNF
care, could substantially increase
episode spending while also resulting in
poorer quality of care for the
beneficiary. Furthermore, early hospital
discharge for a beneficiary who would
otherwise not require a SNF stay (that
is, the beneficiary has no identified
skilled nursing or rehabilitation need
that cannot be provided on an
outpatient basis) following a hospital
stay of typical length does not improve
episode efficiency.
Because of the potential benefits we
see for TEAM participants, their
provider partners, and beneficiaries, we
propose to waive the SNF 3-day rule for
coverage of a SNF stay following the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
anchor hospitalization or anchor
procedure under TEAM. We propose to
use our authority under section 1115A
of the Act with respect to certain SNFs
that furnish Medicare Part A posthospital extended care services to
beneficiaries included in an episode in
TEAM. We believe this waiver is
necessary to the model test so that
TEAM participants can redesign care
throughout the episode continuum of
care extending to 30 days post-discharge
from the anchor hospital stay or anchor
procedure to maximize quality and
hospital financial efficiency, as well as
reduce episode spending under
Medicare. All other Medicare rules for
coverage and payment of Part A-covered
SNF services would continue to apply
to TEAM beneficiaries in all
performance years of the model.
Further, to ensure protection to TEAM
beneficiary safety and optimize health
outcomes, we propose to require that
TEAM participants may only discharge
a TEAM beneficiary under this
proposed waiver of the SNF 3-day rule
to a SNF rated an overall of three stars
or better by CMS based on information
publicly available at the time of hospital
discharge from an anchor hospital stay
or anchor procedure. Problem areas due
to early hospital discharge may not be
discovered through model monitoring
and evaluation activities until well after
the episode has concluded, and the
potential for later negative findings
alone may not afford sufficient
beneficiary protections. CMS created a
Five-Star Quality Rating System for
SNFs to allow SNFs to be compared
more easily and to help identify areas of
concerning SNF performance. The
Nursing Home Compare website gives
each SNF an overall rating of between
1 and 5 stars.705 Those SNFs with 5
stars are considered to have much above
average quality, and SNFs with 1 star
are considered to have quality much
below average. Published SNF ratings
include distinct ratings of health
inspection, staffing, and quality
measures, with ratings for each of the
three sources combined to calculate an
overall rating. These areas of assessment
are all relevant to the quality of SNF
care following discharge from the
anchor hospitalization or anchor
procedure initiating an episode,
especially if that discharge occurs after
fewer than 3 days in the hospital.
Because of the potential greater risks
following early inpatient hospital
discharge, we believe it is appropriate
that all TEAM beneficiaries discharged
from the TEAM participant to a SNF in
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fewer than 3 days be admitted to a SNF
that has demonstrated that it can
provide quality care to patients with
significant unresolved post- surgical
symptoms and problems. We believe
such a SNF would need to provide care
of at least average overall quality, which
would be represented by an overall SNF
3-star or better rating.
Thus, the TEAM participant must
discharge the beneficiary to a SNF that
is qualified under the SNF 3-day rule
waiver. We are proposing that to be
qualified under the SNF 3-day rule
waiver a SNF must be included in the
most recent calendar year quarter FiveStar Quality Rating System listing for
SNFs on the Nursing Home Compare
website for the date of the beneficiary’s
admission to the SNF. The qualified
SNF must be rated an overall 3 stars or
better for at least 7 of the 12 months
based on a review of the most recent
rolling 12 months of overall star ratings.
We propose to post on the CMS website
the list of qualified SNFs in advance of
the calendar quarter.
We recognize that there may be
instances where a TEAM participant
would like to use the 3-day SNF rule
waiver, but the TEAM beneficiary
receives inpatient PAC through swing
bed arrangements in a hospital or
Critical Access Hospital (CAH), as
designated in § 485.606 of this chapter,
which is not subject to the Five-Star
Quality Rating System. For example, a
TEAM beneficiary located in a rural area
may wish to receive PAC care closer to
their home but there are no qualified
SNFs in their area. Allowing TEAM
participants to use the 3-day SNF rule
waiver for hospitals and CAHs operating
under swing bed agreements may
support beneficiary freedom of choice
and provide greater flexibility to TEAM
participants for their care coordination
efforts. This approach is consistent with
the Shared Savings Program, which
offers a similar 3-day SNF rule waiver
and allows their ACOs to partner with
hospitals and CAHs to with swing bed
arrangements to utilize the waiver.
Therefore, we seek comment on whether
we should allow TEAM participants to
use hospitals and CAHs operating under
swing bed agreements for the 3-day SNF
rule waiver and what beneficiary
protections we should include since the
Five-Star Quality Rating System would
not apply.
We plan to monitor patterns of SNF
utilization under the TEAM,
particularly with respect to hospital
discharge in fewer than 3 days to a SNF,
to ensure that beneficiaries are not being
discharged prematurely to SNFs and
that they are able to exercise their
freedom of choice without patient
PO 00000
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steering. We seek comment on our
proposal to waive the SNF 3-day stay
rule for stays in SNFs rated overall as 3
stars or better following discharge from
the anchor hospitalization or anchor
procedures for episodes in TEAM.
(a) Additional Beneficiary Protections
Under the SNF 3-Day Stay Rule Waiver
We believe that it will be necessary to
propose beneficiary protections against
financial liability in addition to the
beneficiary protections discussed
elsewhere in this proposed rule.
Specifically, we believe it is important
to discern whether a waiver applies to
SNF services furnished to a particular
beneficiary to ensure compliance with
the conditions of the waiver and
improve our ability to monitor waivers
for misuse.
In considering additional beneficiary
protections that may be necessary to
ensure proper use of SNF 3-day rule
waiver under the TEAM, we note that
there are existing, well-established
payment and coverage policies for SNF
services based on sections 1861(i),
1862(a)(1), and 1879 of the Act that
include protections for beneficiaries
from liability for certain non-covered
SNF charges. These existing payment
and coverage policies for SNF services
continue to apply under the TEAM,
including SNF services furnished
pursuant to the SNF 3-day waiver. (For
example, see section 70 in the Medicare
Claims Processing Manual, Chapter 30—
Financial Liability Protections on the
CMS website at
and Medicare Coverage of Skilled
Nursing Facility Care https://; Medicare
Benefit Policy Manual, Chapter 8—
Coverage of Extended Care (SNF)
Services Under Hospital Insurance at
downloads/bp102c08pdf.pdf). In
general, CMS requires that the SNF
inform a beneficiary in writing about
services and fees before the beneficiary
is discharged to the SNF (§ 483.10(b)(6));
the beneficiary cannot be charged by the
SNF for items or services that were not
requested (§ 483.10(c)(8)(iii)(A)); a
beneficiary cannot be required to
request extra services as a condition of
continued stay (§ 483.10(c)(8)(iii)(B));
and the SNF must inform a beneficiary
that requests an item or service for
which a charge will be made that there
will be a charge for the item or service
and what the charge will be
(§ 483.10(c)(8)(iii)(C)). (See also section
6 of Medicare Coverage of Skilled
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Nursing Facility Care at https://
As we discussed in the CJR final rule
(80 FR 73454 through 73460),
commenters expressed concern
regarding the lag between a CJR
beneficiary’s Medicare coverage or
eligibility status change and a TEAM
participant’s awareness of that change.
There may be cases in which a SNF
waiver is used by a TEAM participant
because the TEAM participant believes
that the beneficiary meets the inclusion
criteria, based on the information
available to the hospital and SNF at the
time of the beneficiary’s admission to
the SNF, but in fact the beneficiary’s
Medicare coverage has changed and the
hospital was unaware of it based on
available information. We recognize that
despite good faith efforts by TEAM
participants and SNFs to determine a
beneficiary’s Medicare status for the
model, it may occur that a beneficiary
is not eligible to be included in the
TEAM at the time the SNF waiver is
used. In these cases, we will cover
services furnished under the waiver
when the information available to the
provider at the time the services under
the waiver were furnished indicated
that the beneficiary was included in the
Based on our experience with SNF 3day rule waiver, including the CJR
model, we believe there are situations
where it would be appropriate to require
additional beneficiary financial
protections under the SNF 3-day waiver
for the TEAM. Specifically, we are
concerned about potential beneficiary
financial liability for non-covered Part A
SNF services that might be directly
related to use of the SNF 3-day waiver
under the TEAM. We are concerned that
there could be scenarios where a
beneficiary could be charged for noncovered SNF services that were a result
of a TEAM participant’s inappropriate
use of the SNF waiver. Specifically, we
are concerned that a beneficiary could
be charged for non-covered SNF
services if a TEAM participant
discharges a beneficiary to a SNF that
does not meet the quality requirement (3
stars or higher in 7 of the last 12
months), and payment for SNF services
is denied for lack of a qualifying
inpatient hospital stay. We recognize
that requiring a discharge planning
notice would help mitigate concerns
about beneficiaries’ potential financial
liability for non-covered services.
Nevertheless, we are concerned that in
this scenario, once the claim is rejected,
the beneficiary may not be protected
from financial liability under existing
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Medicare rules because the waiver
would not be available, and the
beneficiary would not have had a
qualifying inpatient hospital stay. Thus,
the TEAM beneficiary could be charged
by the SNF for non-covered SNF
services that were a result of an
inappropriate attempt to use the waiver.
In this scenario, Medicare would deny
payment of the SNF claim, and the
beneficiary could potentially be charged
by the SNF for these non-covered SNF
services, potentially subjecting such
beneficiaries to significant financial
liability. In this circumstance, we
assume the TEAM participant’s intent
was to rely upon the SNF 3-day waiver,
but the waiver requirements were not
met. We believe that in this scenario,
the rejection of the claim could easily
have been avoided if the hospital had
confirmed that the requirements for use
of the SNF 3-day waiver were satisfied
or if the beneficiary had been provided
the discharge planning notice and
elected to go to a SNF that met the
quality requirement.
The CJR model (82 FR 180) addressed
beneficiary liability financial concerns
for non- covered SNF services related to
the waiver by generally placing the risk
on the participant hospital and we
believe it is appropriate to propose a
similar policy for TEAM. CJR
participant hospitals are generally held
financially responsible for misusing the
waiver in situations where waiver
requirements are not met, because
participant hospitals are required to be
aware of the 3-day waiver requirements.
Participant hospitals are the entities
financially responsible for episode
spending under the model and will
make the decision as to whether it is
appropriate to discharge a beneficiary
without a 3-day stay. In addition, the
requirements for use of the SNF waiver
are clearly laid out in the CJR final rule
(80 FR 73273). CMS posts on the public
website a list of qualifying SNFs (those
with a 3-star or higher rating for 7 of the
last 12 months). CJR participant
hospitals are required to consult the
published list of SNFs prior to utilizing
the SNF 3-day rule waiver.
For participant hospitals that provide
a beneficiary with the discharge
planning notice, the hospital would not
have financial liability for non-covered
SNF services that result from
inapplicability of the waiver. In other
words, when the participant hospital
has discharged a beneficiary to a SNF
that does not qualify under the
conditions of the waiver, and has not
provided the required discharge
planning notice so that the beneficiary
is aware that he or she is accepting
financial liability for non-covered SNF
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services as a result of not having a
qualifying inpatient stay, the ultimate
responsibility and financial liability for
the non-covered SNF stay rests with the
participant hospital. For this reason, we
are proposing to align with the CJR
model policy and require TEAM
participants to keep a record of
discharge planning notice distribution
to TEAM beneficiaries. We will monitor
TEAM participants’ use of discharge
planning notices to assess the potential
for their misuse.
To protect TEAM beneficiaries from
being charged for non-covered SNF
charges in instances when the waiver
was used inappropriately, and similar to
the CJR model (82 FR 180), we are
proposing to add certain beneficiary
protection requirements that would
apply for SNF services that would
otherwise have been covered except for
lack of a qualifying hospital stay.
Specifically, we propose that if a TEAM
participant discharges a beneficiary
without a qualifying 3-day inpatient
stay to a SNF that is not on the
published list of SNFs that meet the
TEAM SNF 3-Day Rule waiver quality
requirements as of the date of admission
to the SNF, the TEAM participant will
be financially liable for the SNF stay if
no discharge planning notice is
provided to the beneficiary, alerting
them of potential financial liability. If
the TEAM participant provides a
discharge planning notice then the
TEAM participant will not be
financially liable for the cost of the SNF
stay and the normal Medicare FFS rules
for coverage of SNF services will apply.
In cases where the TEAM participant
provides a discharge planning notice
and the beneficiary chooses to obtain
care from a non- qualified SNF without
a qualifying inpatient stay, the
beneficiary assumes financial liability
for services furnished (except those that
are covered by Medicare Part B during
a non-covered inpatient SNF stay).
In the event a TEAM beneficiary is
discharged to a SNF without a
qualifying 3-day inpatient stay, but the
SNF is not on the qualified list as of the
date of admission to the SNF, and the
TEAM participant has failed to provide
a discharge planning notice, we propose
that CMS apply the following rules:
• CMS shall make no payment to the
SNF for such services.
• The SNF shall not charge the
beneficiary for the expenses incurred for
such services; and the SNF shall return
to the beneficiary any monies collected
for such services.
• The hospital shall be responsible
for the cost of the uncovered SNF stay.
We seek comment on these proposals.
Specifically, we seek comment on
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
whether it is reasonable to—(1) cover
services furnished under the SNF
waiver based on TEAM participant
knowledge of beneficiary eligibility for
the TEAM as determined by Medicare
coverage status at the time the services
under the waiver were furnished; and
(2) to hold the TEAM participant
financially responsible for rejected SNF
claims if a TEAM beneficiary is
discharged to a SNF without a
qualifying 3-day inpatient stay, but the
SNF is not on the qualified list as of the
date of admission to the SNF, and the
TEAM participant has failed to provide
a discharge planning notice. Finally, we
seek comment on any other related
issues that we should consider in
connection with these proposals to
protect beneficiaries from significant
financial liability for non-covered SNF
services related to the waiver of the SNF
3-day rule under the proposed TEAM.
We may address those issues through
future notice and comment rulemaking.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
i. Monitoring and Beneficiary Protection
(1) Overview
We are proposing the TEAM as we
believe it is an opportunity to improve
the quality of care and that the policies
of the model support making care more
easily accessible to consumers when
and where they need it, increasing
consumer engagement and thereby
informing consumer choices. For
example, under this model we are
proposing certain waivers which would
offer TEAM participants additional
flexibilities with respect to furnishing
telehealth services and care in SNFs, as
discussed in section X.A.3.h. of the
preamble of this proposed rule. We
believe that this model will improve
beneficiary access and outcomes.
Conversely, we do note that these same
opportunities could be used to try to
steer beneficiaries into lower cost
services without an appropriate
emphasis on maintaining or increasing
quality. We direct readers to sections
X.A.3.d.(5) of the preamble of this
proposed rule for discussion of the
methodology for calculating the
reconciliation payment amount or
repayment amount to determine the cost
and quality performance utilized for this
model. We believe that existing
Medicare provisions can be effective in
protecting beneficiary freedom of choice
and access to appropriate care under the
TEAM. However, because the TEAM is
designed to promote care delivery
efficiencies for episodes, providers may
seek greater control over the continuum
of care and, in some cases, could
attempt to direct beneficiaries into care
pathways that save money at the
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expense of beneficiary choice or even
beneficiary outcomes. As such, we
acknowledge that some additional
safeguards may be necessary under the
TEAM for program integrity purposes as
providers are simultaneously seeking
opportunities to decrease costs and
utilization. We believe that it is
important to consider any possibility of
adverse consequences to patients and to
ensure that sufficient controls are in
place to protect Medicare beneficiaries
in episodes under the TEAM.
(2) Beneficiary Choice and Notification
Because we have proposed that
hospitals in selected geographic areas
would be required to participate in the
model, individual beneficiaries would
not be able to opt out of the TEAM
when they receive care from a TEAM
participant in the model. We do not
believe that it is consistent with other
Medicare programs to allow patients to
opt out of a payment system that is
unique to a particular geographic area.
For example, the state of Maryland has
a unique payment system under
Medicare, but that payment system does
not create an alternative care delivery
system, and we do not expect it in any
way impact beneficiary decisions.
Moreover, we do not believe that an
ability to opt out of a payment system
is a critical factor in upholding
beneficiary choice if other safeguards
are in place given that this model does
not increase beneficiary cost-sharing.
However, a beneficiary is not precluded
from seeking care from providers or
suppliers who do not participate in
TEAM. We do believe that full
notification and disclosure of the
payment model and its possible
implications is critical for beneficiary
understanding and protection. It is
important to create safeguards for
beneficiaries to ensure that care
recommendations are based on clinical
needs and not inappropriate cost
savings. It is also important for
beneficiaries to know that they can raise
any concerns with their clinicians, with
1–800–Medicare, or with their local
Quality Improvement Organizations
This proposed payment model would
not limit a beneficiary’s ability to
choose among Medicare providers or
limit Medicare’s coverage of items and
services available to the beneficiary.
Beneficiaries may continue to choose
any Medicare participating provider, or
any provider who has opted out of
Medicare, with the same costs,
copayments and responsibilities as they
have with other Medicare services. The
proposed model would allow TEAM
participants to enter into TEAM sharing
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arrangements, as proposed in section
X.A.3.g.(4) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, with certain providers
and these preferred providers may be
recommended to beneficiaries as long as
those recommendations are made
within the constraints of current law.
However, TEAM Participants may not
limit beneficiaries to a preferred or
recommended providers list that is not
compliant with restrictions existing
under current statutes and regulations.
Moreover, TEAM participants may
not charge any TEAM collaborator, as
proposed in section X.A.3.g.(3) of the
preamble of this proposed rule, a fee to
be included on any list of preferred
providers or suppliers, nor may the
hospital accept such payments, which
would be considered to be outside the
realm of risk-sharing agreements. Thus,
this proposed payment model does not
create any restriction of beneficiary
freedom to choose providers, including
surgeons, hospitals, post-acute care or
any other providers or suppliers.
Moreover, as TEAM participants
redesign care pathways, it may be
difficult for providers to sort individuals
based on health care insurance and to
treat them differently. We anticipate
that care pathway redesign occurring in
response to the model will increase
coordination of care, improve the
quality of care, and decrease cost for all
patients, not just for Medicare
beneficiaries. We anticipate this broader
care delivery impact to all patients may
further promote consistent treatment of
all beneficiaries.
We believe that beneficiary
notification and engagement is essential
because there will be a change in the
way participating hospitals are paid. We
believe that appropriate beneficiary
notification should explain the model,
advise patients of both their clinical
needs and their care delivery choices,
and should clearly specify any
providers, suppliers, and ACOs holding
a sharing arrangement with the TEAM
participant should be identified to the
beneficiary as a ‘‘financial partner of the
hospital for the purposes of
participation in TEAM.’’ These policies
seek to enhance beneficiaries’
understanding of their care, improve
their ability to share in the decisionmaking, and ensure that they have the
opportunity to consider competing
benefits even as they are presented with
cost-saving recommendations. We
believe that appropriate beneficiary
notification should do all of the
• Explain the model and how it will
or will not impact the beneficiary’s care.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
• Inform patients that they retain
freedom of choice to choose providers
and services.
• Explain how patients can access
care records and claims data through an
available patient portal and through
sharing access to care-givers to their
Blue Button® electronic health
• Explain that TEAM participants
may receive beneficiary-identifiable
claims data.
• Advise patients that all standard
Medicare beneficiary protections remain
in place, including the ability to report
concerns of substandard care to QIOs
and 1–800–MEDICARE.
• Provide a list of the providers,
suppliers, and ACOs with whom the
TEAM participant has a sharing
arrangement. We recognize an
exhaustive list of providers, suppliers,
and ACOs may lengthen the beneficiary
notification unnecessarily, therefore this
requirement may be fulfilled by the
TEAM participant including in the
beneficiary notification a web address
where beneficiaries may access the list.
After carefully considering the
appropriate timing and circumstances
for the necessary beneficiary
notification, we are proposing that
TEAM participants must require all
ACOs, providers, and suppliers who
execute a Sharing Arrangement with a
TEAM participant to share beneficiary
notification materials, to be developed
or approved by CMS, that detail this
proposed payment model with the
beneficiary prior to discharge from the
anchor hospitalization, or prior to
discharge from the anchor procedure for
a Medicare FFS patient who would be
included under the model. TEAM
participants must require this
notification as a condition of any
Sharing Arrangement. Where a TEAM
participant does not have Sharing
Arrangements with providers or
suppliers that furnish services to
beneficiaries during an episode, or
where the anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure for a Medicare FFS
patient who would be included under
the model was ordered by a physician
who does not have a Sharing
Arrangement, the beneficiary
notification materials must be provided
to the beneficiary by the TEAM
participant. The purpose of this
proposed policy is to ensure that all
TEAM beneficiaries receive the
beneficiary notification materials, and
that they receive such materials as early
as possible but no later than discharge
from the hospital or hospital outpatient
department. We believe that this
proposal targets beneficiaries for whom
information is relevant, and increases
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the likelihood that patients will become
engaged and seek to understand the
model and its potential impact on their
In addition, we propose at
§ 512.582(b)(2) requiring that TEAM
participants must require every TEAM
collaborator to provide written notice, to
be developed by CMS, to applicable
TEAM beneficiaries of the existence of
its sharing arrangement with the TEAM
participant and the basic quality and
payment incentives under the model.
We propose that the notice must be
provided no later than the time at which
the beneficiary first receives an item or
service from the TEAM collaborator
during an episode. We recognize that
due to the patient’s condition, it may
not be feasible to provide notification at
such time, in which case the
notification must be provided to the
beneficiary or his or her representative
as soon as is reasonably practicable. We
note that beneficiaries are accustomed
to receiving similar notices of rights and
obligations from healthcare providers
prior to the start of inpatient care.
However, we also considered that this
information might be best provided by
hospitals at the point of admission for
all beneficiaries, as hospitals provide
other information concerning patient
rights and responsibilities at that time.
We invite comment on ways in which
the timing and source of beneficiary
notification could best serve the needs
of beneficiaries without creating
unnecessary administrative work for
providers and suppliers. We believe that
this notification is an important
safeguard to help ensure that
beneficiaries in the model receive all
medically necessary services, but it is
also an important clinical opportunity
to better engage beneficiaries in defining
their goals and preferences as they share
in the planning of their care.
(3) Monitoring for Access to Care
Given that TEAM participants would
receive a reconciliation payment when
they are able to meet certain cost and
quality performance thresholds, they
could have an incentive to avoid
complex, high-cost cases by referring
them to nearby facilities or specialty
referral centers. We intend to monitor
the claims data from TEAM
participants—for example, to compare a
hospital’s case mix relative to a premodel historical baseline to determine
whether complex patients are
potentially being systematically
excluded. We will publish these data as
part of the model evaluation to promote
transparency and an understanding of
the model’s effects. We also propose to
continue to review and audit hospitals
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if we have reason to believe that they
are compromising beneficiary access to
care. For example, we may audit a
hospital or conduct additional claims
analyses where initial claims analysis
indicates an unusual pattern of referral
to regional hospitals located outside of
the model catchment area or a clinically
unexplained increase or decrease in
surgical rates for procedures included in
TEAM. We seek comment on our
proposals to monitor TEAM participants
at § 512.584.
(4) Monitoring for Quality of Care
As we noted previously, in any
payment system that promotes
efficiencies of care delivery, there may
be opportunities to direct patients away
from more expensive services at the
expense of outcomes and quality. We
believe that professionalism, the quality
measures in the model, and clinical
standards can be effective in preventing
beneficiaries from being denied
medically necessary care in the
inpatient setting, outpatient setting, and
in post-acute care settings during the 30
days post- discharge. Accordingly, we
believe that the potential for the denial
of medically necessary care within the
TEAM will not be greater than that
which currently exists under IPPS.
However, we also believe that we have
the authority and responsibility to audit
the medical records and claims of
participating hospitals and their TEAM
collaborators in order to ensure that
beneficiaries receive medically
necessary services. Similarly, at
§ 512.590, we propose to monitor
arrangements between TEAM
participants and their TEAM
collaborators to ensure that such
arrangements do not result in the denial
of medically necessary care or other
program or patient abuse. We invite
public comment on these proposals and
on whether there are elements of the
TEAM that would require additional
beneficiary protection for the
appropriate delivery of inpatient care,
and if so, what types of monitoring or
safeguards would be most appropriate.
We believe that these safeguards are
all enhanced by beneficiary knowledge
and engagement. Therefore, we are
proposing at § 512.582(a)(3) to require
that TEAM participants must, as part of
discharge planning, account for
potential financial bias by providing
TEAM beneficiaries with a complete list
of all available post-acute care options
in the Medicare program, including
HHAs, SNFs, IRFs, or LTCHs, in the
service area consistent with medical
need, including beneficiary cost-sharing
and quality information (where
available and when applicable). This list
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
should also indicate whether the TEAM
participant has a sharing arrangement
with the post-acute care provider. We
expect that the treating surgeons or
other treating practitioners, as
applicable, will continue to identify and
discuss all medically appropriate
options with the beneficiary, and that
hospitals will discuss the various
facilities and providers who are
available to meet the clinically
identified needs. These proposed
requirements for TEAM participants
would supplement the existing
discharge planning requirements under
the hospital Conditions of Participation.
We also specifically note that neither
the Conditions of Participation nor this
proposed transparency requirement
preclude hospitals from recommending
preferred providers within the
constraints created by current law, as
coordination of care and optimization of
care are important factors for successful
participation in this model. We invite
comment on this proposal, including
additional opportunities to ensure high
quality care.
(5) Monitoring for Delayed Care
We believe the proposed TEAM
would incent TEAM participants to
create efficiencies in the delivery of care
within a 30-day episode following an
acute clinical event. Theoretically, the
proposed TEAM also could create
incentives for TEAM participants or
their TEAM collaborators to delay
services until after such 30-day window
has closed. Consistent with the CJR
model, we believe that existing
Medicare safeguards are sufficient to
protect beneficiaries in the TEAM.
First, our experience with other
episode-based payment models such as
the BPCI Advanced model has shown
that providers focus first on appropriate
care and then on efficiencies only as
obtainable in the setting of appropriate
care. We believe that a 30-day postdischarge episode is sufficient to
minimize the risk that TEAM
participants and their TEAM
collaborators would compromise
services furnished in relation to a
beneficiary’s care. While we recognize
that ongoing care for underlying
conditions may be required after the 30day episode, we believe that TEAM
participants and other providers and
suppliers would be unlikely to postpone
key services beyond a 30-day period
because the consequences of delaying
care beyond such episode duration
would be contrary to usual standards of
However, we also note that additional
monitoring would occur as a function of
the proposed TEAM. As with the CJR
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model, we propose as part of the
reconciliation process (see section
X.A.3.d.(5)(i) of the preamble of this
proposed rule) that TEAM participants
would be financially accountable for
certain post- episode payments
occurring in the 30 days after
conclusion of the episode. We believe
that including such a payment
adjustment would create an additional
deterrent to delaying care beyond the
episode duration. In addition, we
believe the data collection and
calculations used to determine such
adjustment would provide a mechanism
to check whether providers are
inappropriately delaying care. Finally,
we note that the proposed quality
measures create additional safeguards as
such measures are used to monitor and
influence clinical care at the
institutional level.
We invite public comment on our
proposed requirements for notification
of beneficiaries and our proposed
methods for monitoring participants’
actions and ensuring compliance as well
as on other methods to ensure that
beneficiaries receive high quality,
clinically appropriate care.
j. Access to Records and Record
By virtue of their participation in an
CMS Innovation Center model, TEAM
participants and TEAM collaborators
may receive model-specific payments,
access to payment rule waivers, or some
other model-specific flexibility.
Therefore, we believe that CMS’s ability
to audit, inspect, investigate, and
evaluate records and other materials
related to participation in CMS
Innovation Center models is necessary
and appropriate. There is a need for
CMS to be able to audit, inspect,
investigate, and evaluate records and
materials related to participation in
CMS Innovation Center models to allow
us to ensure that TEAM participants are
not denying or limiting the coverage or
provision of benefits for beneficiaries as
part of their participation in the CMS
Innovation Center model. We propose at
§ 512.505 to define ‘‘model-specific
payment’’ to mean a payment made by
CMS only to TEAM participants, under
the terms of the CMS Innovation Center
model that is not applicable to any other
providers or suppliers; the term ‘‘modelspecific payment’’ would include,
unless otherwise specified, the
reconciliation payment, described in
section X.A.3.d.(5)(j) of the preamble of
this proposed rule.
We note that there are audit and
record retention requirements under the
Medicare Shared Savings Program (42
CFR 425.314) and in current models
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being tested under section 1115A (such
as under 42 CFR 510.110 for the CMS
Innovation Center’s Comprehensive
Care for Joint Replacement Model).
Building off those existing
requirements, we propose in § .135(a),
that the Federal Government, including,
but not limited to, CMS, HHS, and the
Comptroller General, or their designees,
would have a right to audit, inspect,
investigate, and evaluate any documents
and other evidence regarding
implementation of a CMS Innovation
Center model. Additionally, in order to
align with the policy of current models
being tested by the CMS Innovation
Center, we are proposing that the TEAM
participant and its TEAM Collaborators
must maintain and give the Federal
Government, including, but not limited
to, CMS, HHS, and the Comptroller
General, or their designees, access to all
documents (including books, contracts,
and records) and other evidence
sufficient to enable the audit,
evaluation, inspection, or investigation
of the CMS Innovation Center model,
including, without limitation,
documents and other evidence
regarding all of the following:
• Compliance by the TEAM
participant and its TEAM Collaborators
with the terms of the CMS Innovation
Center model, including proposed new
subpart A of proposed part 512.
• The accuracy of model-specific
payments made under the CMS
Innovation Center model.
• The TEAM participant’s payment of
amounts owed to CMS, or payment
adjustments, under the CMS Innovation
Center model.
• Quality measure information and
the quality of services performed under
the terms of the CMS Innovation Center
model, including proposed new subpart
A of proposed part 512.
Utilization of items and services
furnished under the CMS Innovation
Center model.
• The ability of the TEAM participant
to bear the risk of potential losses and
to repay any losses through claims
adjustments to CMS, as applicable.
• Patient safety under TEAM.
• Any other program integrity issues.
We propose that TEAM participants
must maintain the documents and other
evidence for a period of 6 years from the
last payment determination for the
TEAM participant under the CMS
Innovation Center model or from the
date of completion of any audit,
evaluation, inspection, or investigation,
whichever is later, unless—
• CMS determines there is a special
need to retain a particular record or
group of records for a longer period and
notifies the TEAM participant at least 30
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
days before the normal disposition date;
• There has been a termination,
dispute, or allegation of fraud or similar
fault against the TEAM participant in
which case the records must be
maintained for an additional 6 years
from the date of any resulting final
resolution of the termination, dispute,
or allegation of fraud or similar fault.
If CMS notifies the TEAM participant
of a special need to retain a record or
group of records at least 30 days before
the normal disposition date, we propose
that the records must be maintained for
such period of time determined by CMS.
We also propose that, if CMS notifies
the TEAM participant of a special need
to retain records or there has been a
termination, dispute, or allegation of
fraud or similar fault against the TEAM
participant or its TEAM Collaborators,
the TEAM participant must notify its
TEAM Collaborators of the need to
retain records for the additional period
specified by CMS. This provision will
ensure that that the government has
access to the records.
To avoid any confusion or disputes
regarding the timelines outlined in this
section of this proposed rule, we
propose to define the term ‘‘days’’ to
mean calendar days.
We invite public comment on these
proposed provisions described at
§ 512.586 regarding audits and record
Historically, the CMS Innovation
Center has required participants in
section 1115A models to retain records
for at least 10 years, which is consistent
with the outer limit of the statute of
limitations for the Federal False Claims
Act and is consistent with the Shared
Savings Program’s policy outlined at 42
CFR 425.314(b)(2). For this reason, we
also solicit public comments on whether
we should require hospital participants
and TEAM Collaborators to maintain
records for less than 10 years.
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k. Data Sharing
(1) Overview
In this proposed rule, we aim to
incentivize TEAM participants to
engage in care redesign efforts to
improve quality of care and reduce
Medicare FFS spending for beneficiaries
included in the model during the
anchor hospitalization or anchor
procedure and the 30 days postdischarge from the hospital or hospital
outpatient department. These care
redesign efforts would require TEAM
participants to work with and
coordinate care with other health care
providers and suppliers to improve the
quality and efficiency of care for
Medicare beneficiaries.
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We have experience with a range of
efforts designed to improve care
coordination for Medicare beneficiaries,
including the BPCI Advanced and CJR
models, both of which make certain
Medicare data available to participants
to better enable them to achieve their
goals. For example, both the BPCI
Advanced and CJR participants may
request to receive beneficiaryidentifiable claims data and financial
performance data from the baseline
period and throughout their tenure in
the model to help them better
understand the FFS beneficiaries that
are receiving services from their
providers and help them improve
quality of care and conduct care
coordination and other care redesign
activities to improve patient outcomes
or reduce health care for beneficiaries
that could have initiated an episode in
the model.
Based on our experience with these
efforts, as set forth later in this section,
we propose to make certain beneficiaryidentifiable claims data and regional
aggregate data available to participants
in TEAM regarding Medicare FFS
beneficiaries who may initiate an
episode and be attributed to them in the
model. However, we also expect that
TEAM participants are able to, or will
work toward, independently identifying
and producing their own data, through
electronic health records, health
information exchanges, or other means
that they believe are necessary to best
evaluate the health needs of their
patients, improve health outcomes, and
produce efficiencies in the provision
and use of services.
(2) Beneficiary-Identifiable Claims Data
(a) Legal Authority To Share
Beneficiary-Identifiable Data
We believe that TEAM participants
may need access to certain Medicare
beneficiary-identifiable data for the
purposes of evaluating their
performance, conducting quality
assessment and improvement activities,
conducting population-based activities
relating to improving health or reducing
health care costs, or conducting other
health care operations listed in the first
or second paragraph of the definition of
‘‘health care operations’’ under the
HIPAA Privacy Rule, 45 CFR 164.501.
We recognize that there are issues and
sensitivities surrounding the disclosure
of beneficiary-identifiable health
information, and that several laws place
constraints on sharing individually
identifiable health information. For
example, section 1106 of the Act
generally bars the disclosure of
information collected under the Act
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without consent unless a law (statute or
regulation) permits the disclosure. Here,
the HIPAA Privacy Rule would allow
for the proposed disclosure of
individually identifiable health
information by CMS. In this proposed
rule, we propose to make TEAM
participants accountable for quality and
cost outcomes for TEAM beneficiaries
during an anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure and during the 30-day
post-discharge period. We believe that it
is necessary for the purposes of this
model to offer TEAM participants the
ability to request summary or raw
beneficiary-identifiable claims data for a
3-year baseline period as well as on a
monthly basis during the performance
year to help TEAM participants engage
in care coordination and quality
improvement activities for TEAM
beneficiaries in an episode. For the 3year baseline period, TEAM participants
would only receive beneficiaryidentifiable claims data for beneficiaries
that initiated an episode in their
hospital or hospital outpatient
department in the 3-year baseline
period, and the beneficiary-identifiable
claims data shared with the TEAM
participant would be limited to the
items and services included in the
episode. In other words, the TEAM
participant would not receive
beneficiary-identifiable claims data for
beneficiaries that were admitted to their
hospital or hospital outpatient
department and did not initiate an
episode in the baseline period. Nor
would the TEAM participant receive
beneficiary-identifiable claims data, for
beneficiaries who did initiate an
episode in their hospital or hospital
outpatient department during the
baseline period, for items and services
that are not included in an episode,
such as a primary care visit 5 days
before the episode or a hospital
readmission 1 day after the episode
ends. We are proposing to apply a
similar approach for the beneficiaryidentifiable claims data sharing during
the performance year. We believe that
these data would constitute the
minimum information necessary to
enable the TEAM participant to
understand spending patterns during
the episode, appropriately coordinate
care, and target care strategies toward
individual beneficiaries furnished care
by the TEAM participant and other
providers and suppliers.
Under the HIPAA Privacy Rule,
covered entities (defined as health care
plans, providers that conduct covered
transactions, including hospitals, and
health care clearinghouses) are barred
from using or disclosing individually
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
identifiable health information that is
‘‘protected health information’’ or PHI
in a manner that is not explicitly
permitted or required under the HIPAA
Privacy Rule, without the individual’s
authorization. The Medicare FFS
program, a ‘‘health plan’’ function of the
Department, is subject to the HIPAA
Privacy Rule limitations on the
disclosure of PHI. Hospitals, which
would be TEAM participants, and other
Medicare providers and suppliers are
also covered entities, provided they are
health care providers as defined by 45
CFR 160.103 and they conduct (or
someone on their behalf conducts) one
or more HIPAA standard transactions
electronically, such as for claims
transactions. Since TEAM participants
are hospitals who are covered entities
and are the only entity able to request
the beneficiary-identifiable data and
with whom CMS would share the
beneficiary-identifiable data, we believe
that the proposed disclosure of the
beneficiary claims data for an anchor
hospitalization or an anchor procedure
plus 30-day post-discharge for episodes
included under the TEAM model would
be permitted by the HIPAA Privacy Rule
under the provisions that permit
disclosures of PHI for ‘‘health care
operations’’ purposes. Under those
provisions, a covered entity is permitted
to disclose PHI to another covered entity
for the recipient’s health care operations
purposes if both covered entities have or
had a relationship with the subject of
the PHI to be disclosed, the PHI pertains
to that relationship, and the recipient
will use the PHI for a ‘‘health care
operations’’ function that falls within
the first two paragraphs of the definition
of ‘‘health care operations’’ in the
HIPAA Privacy Rule (45 CFR
The first paragraph of the definition of
health care operations includes
‘‘conducting quality assessment and
improvement activities, including
outcomes evaluation and development
of clinical guidelines,’’ and
‘‘population-based activities relating to
improving health or reducing health
costs, protocol development, case
management and care coordination’’ (45
CFR 164.501).
Under our proposal, TEAM
participants would be using the data on
their patients to evaluate the
performance of the TEAM participant
and other providers and suppliers that
furnished services to the patient,
conduct quality assessment and
improvement activities, and conduct
population-based activities relating to
improved health for their patients.
When done by or on behalf of a covered
entity, these are covered functions and
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activities that would qualify as ‘‘health
care operations’’ under the first and
second paragraphs of the definition of
health care operations at 45 CFR
164.501. Hence, as previously
discussed, we believe that this provision
is extensive enough to cover the uses we
would expect a TEAM participant to
make of the beneficiary-identifiable data
and would be permissible under the
HIPAA Privacy Rule. Moreover, our
proposed disclosures would be made
only to HIPAA covered entities,
specifically hospitals that are TEAM
participants that have (or had) a
relationship with the subject of the
information, the information we would
disclose would pertain to such
relationship, and those disclosures
would be for purposes listed in the first
two paragraphs of the definition of
‘‘health care operations.’’
When using or disclosing PHI, or
when requesting this information from
another covered entity, covered entities
must make ‘‘reasonable efforts to limit’’
the information that is used, disclosed,
or requested to a ‘‘minimum necessary’’
to accomplish the intended purpose of
the use, disclosure, or request (45 CFR
164.502(b)). We believe that the
provision of the proposed data
elements, as described in section
X.A.3.k.(2).(c). of the preamble of this
proposed rule, would constitute the
minimum data necessary to accomplish
the TEAM’s model goals of the TEAM
The Privacy Act of 1974 also places
limits on agency data disclosures. The
Privacy Act applies when the federal
government maintains a system of
records by which information about
individuals is retrieved by use of the
individual’s personal identifiers (names,
Social Security numbers, or any other
codes or identifiers that are assigned to
the individual). The Privacy Act
prohibits disclosure of information from
a system of records to any third party
without the prior written consent of the
individual to whom the records apply (5
U.S.C. 552a(b)).
‘‘Routine uses’’ are an exception to
this general principle. A routine use is
a disclosure outside of the agency that
is compatible with the purpose for
which the data was collected. Routine
uses are established by means of a
publication in the Federal Register
about the applicable system of records
describing to whom the disclosure will
be made and the purpose for the
disclosure. For the proposed TEAM, the
system of records would be covered in
Master Demonstration, Evaluation, and
Research Studies (DERS) for the Office
of Research, Development and
Information (ORDI) system of record (72
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FR 19705). We believe that the proposed
data disclosures are consistent with the
purpose for which the data discussed in
the proposed rule was collected and
may be disclosed in accordance with the
routine uses applicable to those records.
We note that, as is the case with the
CJR model, in this proposed rule, we
propose to disclose beneficiaryidentifiable data to only the hospitals
that are bearing risk for episodes and
not with their collaborators. As stated in
the final CJR rule (80 FR 73515), we
believe that the hospitals that are
specifically held financially responsible
for an episode should make the
determination as to which data are
needed to manage care and care
processes with their collaborators as
well as which data they might want to
re-disclose, if any, to their collaborators
provided they are in compliance with
the HIPAA Privacy Rule.
We believe our data sharing proposals
are permitted by and are consistent with
the authorities and protections available
under the aforementioned statutes and
regulations. We seek comments on our
proposals regarding the authority to
share beneficiary-identifiable data with
TEAM participants.
(b) Summary and Raw BeneficiaryIdentifiable Claims Data Reports
Based on our experience with BPCI
Advanced and CJR participants, we
recognize that TEAM participants could
vary with respect to the kinds of
beneficiary-identifiable claims
information that would best meet their
needs. For example, while many TEAM
participants might have the ability to
analyze raw claims data, other TEAM
participants could find it more useful to
have a summary of these data. Given
this, we propose to make beneficiaryidentifiable claims data for episodes in
TEAM available through two formats,
summary and raw, both for the baseline
period and on an ongoing monthly basis
during their participation in the model
as we do for BPCI Advanced and CJR.
Summary beneficiary-identifiable
claims data summarizes the claims data
by combining and categorizing claims
data to provide a broad view of the
TEAM participant’s health care
expenditures and utilization. For
example, a TEAM participant may use
summary beneficiary-identifiable data to
identify total episode spending for a
given episode category across all of a
TEAM participant’s episodes in a given
performance year. Raw beneficiaryidentifiable claims data is unrefined and
has not been grouped or combined and
includes the specific claims fields, as
described in the minimum necessary
data section X.A.3.k.(2).(c). of the
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
preamble of this proposed rule, at the
episode level. For example, a TEAM
participant may use raw beneficiaryidentifiable data to look at a particular
episode to identify the diagnosis code(s)
that were associated with a hospital
readmission for a TEAM beneficiary.
First, for TEAM participants who
wish to receive summary Medicare Parts
A and B claims data, we propose to offer
TEAM participants, that enter into a
TEAM data sharing agreement with
CMS, as specified in section X.A.3.k.(6).
of the preamble of this proposed rule,
the option to submit a formal data
request for summary beneficiaryidentifiable claims data that have been
aggregated to provide summary-level
spending and utilization data on TEAM
beneficiaries who would be in an
episode during the baseline period and
performance years in accordance with
applicable privacy and security laws
and established privacy and security
protections. Such summary beneficiaryidentifiable claims data would provide
tools to monitor, understand, and
manage utilization and expenditure
patterns as well as to develop, target,
and implement quality improvement
programs and initiatives. For example, if
the data provided by CMS to a
particular TEAM participant reflects
that, relative to their peers, a certain
provider is associated with significantly
higher rates of inpatient readmissions
than the rates experienced by other
beneficiaries with similar care needs,
that may be evidence that the TEAM
participant could consider, among other
things, the appropriateness of that
provider, whether other alternatives
might be more appropriate, and whether
there exist certain care interventions
that could be incorporated postdischarge to lower readmission rates.
Secondly, for TEAM participants who
wish to receive raw Medicare Parts A
and B claims data, we propose to offer
TEAM participants, that enter into a
TEAM data sharing agreement with
CMS, the opportunity to submit a formal
data request for raw beneficiaryidentifiable claims data for TEAM
beneficiaries who would be in an
episode during the baseline period and
performance years in accordance with
applicable privacy and security laws
and established privacy and security
protections. These raw beneficiaryidentifiable claims data would be much
more detailed compared to the summary
beneficiary-identifiable claims data and
include all beneficiary-identifiable
claims for all episodes in TEAM. In
addition, they would include episode
summaries, indicators for excluded
episodes, diagnosis and procedure
codes, and enrollment and dual
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eligibility information for beneficiaries
that initiate episodes in TEAM. Through
analysis, these raw beneficiaryidentifiable claims data would provide
TEAM participants with information to
improve their ability to coordinate and
target care strategies as well as to
monitor, understand, and manage
utilization and expenditure patterns.
Such data would also aid them in
developing, targeting, and implementing
quality improvement programs and
The summary and raw beneficiaryidentifiable data would allow TEAM
participants to assess summary and raw
data on their relevant TEAM beneficiary
population, giving them the flexibility
to utilize the data based on their
analytic capacity. Therefore, for both the
baseline period and at a minimum on a
monthly basis during an TEAM
participant’s performance year, we
propose to provide TEAM participants
with an opportunity to request summary
beneficiary-identifiable claims data and
raw beneficiary-identifiable claims data
that would meet minimum necessary
requirements in 45 CFR 164.502(b) and
164.514(d) and include Medicare Parts
A and B beneficiary-identifiable claims
data for TEAM beneficiaries in an
episode during the 3-year baseline
period and performance year. This
means the summary and raw
beneficiary-identifiable claims data
would encompass the total expenditures
and claims for the proposed episodes,
including the anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure, and all non-excluded
items and services in an episode
covered under Medicare Parts A and B
within the 30 days after discharge,
including hospital care, post- acute care,
and physician services for the TEAM
participant’s beneficiaries.
We propose that if a TEAM
participant wishes to receive
beneficiary-identifiable claims data,
they must submit a formal request for
data on an annual basis in a manner
form and by a date specified by CMS,
indicating if they want summary
beneficiary-identifiable data, raw
beneficiary-identifiable data, or both,
and sign a TEAM data sharing
agreement. To comply with applicable
laws and safeguards, we propose the
TEAM participant must attest that—
• The TEAM participant is requesting
claims data of TEAM beneficiaries who
would be in an episode during the
baseline period or performance year as
a HIPAA-covered entity;
• The TEAM participant’s request
reflects the minimum data necessary for
the TEAM participant to conduct health
care operations work that falls within
the first or second paragraph of the
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definition of health care operations at 45
CFR 164.501;
• The TEAM participant’s use of
claims data will be limited to
developing processes and engaging in
appropriate activities related to
coordinating care and improving the
quality and efficiency of care and
conducting population-based activities
relating to improving health or reducing
health care costs that are applied
uniformly to all TEAM beneficiaries, in
an episode during the baseline period or
performance year, and that these data
will not be used to reduce, limit or
restrict care for specific Medicare
We propose that the summary and
raw beneficiary-identifiable data would
be packaged and sent to a data portal (to
which the TEAM participants must
request and be granted access) in a
‘‘flat’’ or binary format for the TEAM
participant to retrieve. We also note
that, for both the summary and raw
beneficiary-identifiable claims data, we
would exclude information that is
subject to the regulations governing the
confidentiality of substance use disorder
patient records (42 CFR part 2) from the
data shared with a TEAM participant.
We believe our proposal to make data
available to TEAM participants, through
the most appropriate means, may be
useful to TEAM participants to
determine appropriate ways to increase
the coordination of care, improve
quality, enhance efficiencies in the
delivery system, and otherwise achieve
the goals of the proposed model. TEAM
beneficiaries would be informed of
TEAM and the potential sharing of
Medicare beneficiary-identifiable claims
data through the beneficiary
notification, as discussed in section
X.A.3.i.(2) of the preamble of this
proposed rule. Further, CMS would
make beneficiary-identifiable claims
data available to a TEAM participant for
beneficiaries who may be included in
episodes, in accordance with applicable
privacy and security laws and only in
response to the TEAM participant’s
request for such data, through the use of
an executed TEAM data sharing
agreement with CMS.
We request comments on this
proposal to share beneficiaryidentifiable claims data with TEAM
participants at § 512.562(b).
(c) Minimum Necessary Data
We propose TEAM participants must
limit their beneficiary-identifiable data
requests, for TEAM beneficiaries who
are in an episode during the baseline
period or performance year, to the
minimum necessary to accomplish a
permitted use of the data. We propose
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
the minimum necessary Parts A and B
data elements may include but are not
limited to the following data elements:
• Medicare beneficiary identifier (ID).
• Procedure code.
• Gender.
• Diagnosis code.
• Claim ID.
• The from and through dates of
• The provider or supplier ID.
• The claim payment type.
• Date of birth and death, if
• Tax identification number.
• National provider identifier.
We seek comment on the minimum
data necessary beneficiary-identifiable
information for TEAM participants to
request beneficiary-identifiable
information for purposes of conducting
permissible health care operations
purposes under this model at
§ 512.562(c).
(3) Regional Aggregate Data
As discussed in section X.A.3.d.(3) of
the preamble of this proposed rule, we
propose to incorporate regional pricing
data when establishing target prices for
TEAM participants, similar to the CJR
model’s target prices that are
constructed at the regional level. As
indicated in the CJR final rule (80 FR
73510), we finalized our proposal to
share regional pricing data with CJR
participants because it was a factor
affecting target prices. Given some of the
similar features between the CJR model
and the TEAM proposed in this
proposed rule, particularly our proposal
to incorporate regional pricing data
when establishing target prices under
the model, we propose to provide
regional aggregate expenditure data
available for all Parts A and B claims
associated with episodes in TEAM for
the U.S. Census Division in which the
TEAM participant is located, as we
similarly provide to hospitals
participating in the CJR model.
Specifically, we propose to provide
TEAM participants with regional
aggregate data on the total expenditures
during an anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure and the 30-day postdischarge period for all Medicare FFS
beneficiaries who would have initiated
an episode under our proposed episode
definitions in section X.A.3.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule during
the baseline period and performance
years. This data would be provided at
the regional level; that is, we propose to
share regional aggregate data with a
TEAM participant for episodes initiated
in the U.S. Census Division where the
TEAM participant is located. These
regional aggregate data would be in a
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format similar to the proposed summary
beneficiary-identifiable claims data and
would provide summary information on
the average episode spending for
episodes in TEAM in the U.S. Census
Division in which the TEAM participant
is located. However, the regional
aggregate data would not be beneficiaryidentifiable and would be de-identified
in accordance with HIPAA Privacy
Rule, 45 CFR 164.514(b). Further, the
regional aggregate data would also
comply with CMS data sharing
requirements, including the CMS cell
suppression policy which stipulates that
no cell (for example, admissions,
discharges, patients, services, etc.)
containing a value of 1 to 10 can be
reported directly. Given the regional
aggregate data is de-identified, we
propose TEAM participants would not
have to submit a request to receive this
data and the data would not be subject
to the terms and conditions of the
TEAM data sharing agreement.
We seek comments on our proposal at
§ 512.562(d) to provide these data to
TEAM participants.
(4) Timing and Period of Baseline
Period Data
We recognize that providing the
ability for TEAM participants to request
the summary and raw beneficiaryidentifiable claims baseline data and
receive regional aggregate baseline data
would be important for TEAM
participants to be able to detect
unnecessary episode spending,
coordinate care, and identify areas for
practice transformation, and that early
provision of this data, specifically
before the model start date, as defined
in § 512.505, could facilitate their efforts
to do so. Also, as discussed in section
X.A.3.d.(3)(a) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, target prices would be
calculated using a TEAM participant’s
historical episode spending during their
baseline period. Further, we believe that
TEAM participants would view the
episode payment model effort as one
involving continuous improvement. As
a result, changes initially contemplated
by a TEAM participant could be
subsequently revised based on updated
information and experiences.
Therefore, as with the BPCI Advanced
model, we propose to make 3-years of
baseline period data available to TEAM
participants, who enter into a TEAM
data sharing agreement with CMS, for
beneficiaries who would have been
included in an episode had the model
been implemented during the baseline
period, and intend to make these data
available upon request prior to the start
of each performance year and in
accordance with applicable privacy and
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security laws and established privacy
and security protections. We would
provide the 3 years of baseline period
data for the summary and raw
beneficiary-identifiable data and for the
regional aggregate data. We believe that
3 years of baseline period data is
sufficient to support a TEAM
participant’s ability to detect
unnecessary episode spending,
coordinate care, and identify areas for
practice transformation. We believe that
if a TEAM participant has access to
baseline period data for the 3-year
period for each performance year used
to set target prices, then it would be
better able to assess its practice patterns,
identify cost drivers, and ultimately
redesign its care practices to improve
efficiency and quality. We considered
proposing to make available 4 years of
baseline period data, or offering 1 year
of baseline period data, but we believe
offering 4 years of baseline period data
would not be necessary since target
prices in TEAM are constructed from a
3-year baseline period and 1 year of data
may not sufficiently help TEAM
participants identify areas to improve
beneficiary health and care coordination
or reducing health costs.
Therefore, we propose that the 3-year
period utilized for the baseline period
match the baseline data used to create
TEAM participants target prices every
performance year, and roll forward one
year every performance year, as
discussed in section X.A.3.d.(3)(a) of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
Specifically, we propose that the
baseline period data for the summary
and raw beneficiary-identifiable data
reports and regional aggregate data
report would be shared annually at least
1 month prior to the start of a
performance year and available for
episodes for each of the following
performance years:
• Performance Year 1: Episodes that
began January 1, 2022 through
December 31, 2024
• Performance Year 2: Episodes that
began January 1, 2023 through
December 31, 2025
• Performance Year 3: Episodes that
began January 1, 2024 through
December 31, 2026
• Performance Year 4: Episodes that
began January 1, 2025 through
December 31, 2026
• Performance Year 5: Episodes that
began January 1, 2026 through
December 31, 2027
We request comments on these
proposals at proposed § 512.562(b)(6)(i)
and § 512.562(d)(1)(i) to share
beneficiary-identifiable data and
regional aggregate data for a 3-year
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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baseline period at least 1 month prior to
the start of a performance year.
(5) Timing and Period of Performance
Year Data
The availability of periodically
updated raw and summary beneficiaryidentifiable claims data and regional
aggregate data would assist TEAM
participants to identify areas where they
might wish to change their care practice
patterns, as well as monitor the effects
of any such changes. With respect to
these purposes, we have considered
what would be the most appropriate
period for making updated raw and
summary beneficiary-identifiable claims
data and regional aggregate data
available to TEAM participants, while
complying with the HIPAA Privacy
Rule’s ‘‘minimum necessary’’
provisions, described in 45 CFR
164.502(b) and 164.514(d). We believe
that monthly data updates would align
with a 30-day post-discharge episode
window given the episode’s duration
and the need to share data in a timely
manner and identify areas for care
improvement. Accordingly, we are
proposing to make updated raw and
summary beneficiary-identifiable claims
data and regional aggregate data
available for a given performance year to
TEAM participants upon receipt of a
request for such information and
execution of a TEAM data sharing
agreement with CMS, that meets CMS’s
requirements to ensure the applicable
HIPAA conditions for disclosure have
been met, as frequently as on a monthly
basis during the performance year and
continue sharing the claims data for up
to 6 months beyond the end of that
performance year to capture claims run
out. We believe 6 months of claims run
out is sufficient given that an internal
review of Medicare claims data found
that the majority of Medicare claims had
been received, and were considered
final, by 6 months after the date of
service and is also consistent with how
we are proposing claims run out for the
reconciliation process, as described in
section X.A.3.d.(5). of the preamble of
this proposed rule.706
To accomplish this for the first
performance year of the TEAM (2026),
we would propose to provide, upon
request and execution of a TEAM data
sharing agreement with CMS, and in
accordance with the HIPAA Privacy
Rule, beneficiary-identifiable claims
data and aggregate regional data from
706 Medicare Claims Maturity: CCW White Paper
accessed at
Dmedicare%2Bclaims%2Bmaturity on Jan, 26,
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January 1, 2026 to December 30, 2026
on as frequently as a running monthly
basis, as claims are available. We would
continue sharing beneficiaryidentifiable claims data and regional
aggregate data for episodes in
performance year 1 for an additional 6
months, so until June 30, 2027, to
capture claims run out for items and
services billed during this time period.
These datasets would represent all
potential episodes that were initiated in
2026 and capture sufficient amount of
time, up to 6 months, for relevant claims
to have been processed. We would limit
the content of this data set to the
minimum data necessary for the TEAM
participant to conduct quality
assessment and improvement activities
and effectively coordinate care of its
patient population. This data sharing
process would continue each
performance year of TEAM. We
considered proposing to extend this
period to capture more than 30 days of
data or updating on a quarterly
frequency. However, we do not believe
this would benefit the TEAM
participant since it may create
challenges to timely identify potential
TEAM beneficiaries for care
coordination efforts. We seek comment
on whether we should consider
extending the period to capture more
than 30 days of data or updating the
data on a frequency other than monthly.
We seek comments on this proposal at
proposed § 512.562(b)(6)(ii) and
§ 512.562(d)( )(ii) to make beneficiaryidentifiable data and regional aggregate
data available on a monthly basis and
for up to 6 months after a performance
(6) TEAM Data Sharing Agreement
We propose that if a TEAM
participant wishes to retrieve the
beneficiary-identifiable data, the TEAM
participant would be required to first
complete, sign, and submit—and
thereby agree to the terms of—a data
sharing agreement with CMS, which we
would call the TEAM data sharing
agreement. We propose to define the
TEAM data sharing agreement as an
agreement between the TEAM
participant and CMS that includes the
terms and conditions for any
beneficiary-identifiable data being
shared with the TEAM participant
under § 512.562. Further, we propose to
require TEAM participants to comply
with all applicable laws and the terms
of the TEAM data sharing agreement as
a condition of retrieving the beneficiaryidentifiable data. We also propose that
the TEAM data sharing agreement
would include certain protections and
limitations on the TEAM participant’s
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use and further disclosure of the
beneficiary-identifiable data and would
be provided in a form and manner
specified by CMS. Additionally, we
propose that a TEAM Participant that
wishes to retrieve the beneficiaryidentifiable data would be required to
complete, sign, and submit a signed
TEAM data sharing agreement at least
annually. We believe that it is important
for the TEAM Participant to complete
and submit a signed TEAM data sharing
agreement at least annually so that CMS
has up-to-date information that the
TEAM participant wishes to retrieve the
beneficiary-identifiable data and
information on the designated data
custodian(s). As described in greater
detail later in this section, we propose
that a designated data custodian would
be the individual(s) that a TEAM
participant would identify as
responsible for ensuring compliance
with all privacy and security
requirements and for notifying CMS of
any incidents relating to unauthorized
disclosures of beneficiary-identifiable
CMS believes it is important for the
TEAM participant to first complete and
submit a signed TEAM data sharing
agreement before it retrieves any
beneficiary-identifiable data to help
protect the privacy and security of any
beneficiary-identifiable data shared by
CMS with the TEAM participant. There
are important sensitivities surrounding
the sharing of this type of individually
identifiable health information, and
CMS must ensure to the best of its
ability that any beneficiary-identifiable
data that it shares with TEAM
participants would be further protected
in an appropriate fashion.
We considered an alternative proposal
under which TEAM participants would
not need to complete and submit a
signed TEAM data sharing agreement,
but we concluded that, if we proceeded
with this option, we would not have
adequate assurances that the TEAM
participants would appropriately
protect the privacy and security of the
beneficiary-identifiable data that we are
proposing to share with them. We also
considered an alternative proposal
under which the TEAM participant
would need to complete and submit a
signed TEAM data sharing agreement
only once for the duration of the TEAM.
However, we concluded that this
similarly would not give CMS adequate
assurances that the TEAM participant
would protect the privacy and security
of the beneficiary-identifiable data from
CMS. We concluded that it is critical
that we have up-to-date information and
designated data custodians, and that
requiring the TEAM participant to
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submit an TEAM data sharing
agreement at least annually would
represent the best means of achieving
this goal.
We solicit public comment on our
proposal to define TEAM data sharing
agreement at § 512.505. We also seek
comment on our proposal to require, in
§ 512.562(e)(2), that the TEAM
participant agree to comply with all
applicable laws and the terms of the
TEAM data sharing agreement as a
condition of retrieving the beneficiaryidentifiable data, and on our proposal in
§ 512.562(e)(1) that the TEAM
participant would need to submit the
signed TEAM data sharing agreement at
least annually if the TEAM participant
wishes to retrieve the beneficiaryidentifiable data.
(a) Content of TEAM Data Sharing
We are proposing that, under the
TEAM data sharing agreement, TEAM
participants would agree to certain
terms, namely: (1) To comply with the
requirements for use and disclosure of
this beneficiary-identifiable data that are
imposed on covered entities by the
HIPAA regulations and the
requirements of the proposed TEAM; (2)
to comply with additional privacy,
security, and breach notification
requirements to be specified by CMS in
the TEAM data sharing agreement; (3) to
contractually bind each downstream
recipient of the beneficiary-identifiable
data that is a business associate of the
TEAM participant or performs a similar
function for the TEAM participant, to
the same terms and conditions to which
the TEAM participant is itself bound in
its data sharing agreement with CMS as
a condition of the downstream
recipient’s receipt of the beneficiaryidentifiable data retrieved by the TEAM
participant under the TEAM; and (4)
that if the TEAM participant misuses or
discloses the beneficiary-identifiable
data in a manner that violates any
applicable statutory or regulatory
requirements or that is otherwise noncompliant with the provisions of the
TEAM data sharing agreement, the
TEAM participant would no longer be
eligible to retrieve the beneficiaryidentifiable data and may be subject to
additional sanctions and penalties
available under the law. CMS believes
that these terms for sharing beneficiaryidentifiable data with TEAM
participants are appropriate and
important, as CMS must ensure to the
best of its ability that any beneficiary
identifiable data that it shares with
TEAM participants would be further
protected by the TEAM participant, and
any business associates of the TEAM
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participant, in an appropriate fashion.
CMS believes that these proposals
would allow CMS to accomplish that.
CMS seeks public comment on the
additional privacy, security, breach
notification, and other requirements that
we would include in the TEAM data
sharing agreement. CMS has these types
of agreements in place as part of the
governing documents of other models
tested under section 1115A of the Act
and in the Medicare Shared Savings
Program. In these agreements, CMS
typically requires the identification of
data custodian(s) and imposes certain
requirements related to administrative,
physical, and technical safeguards
relating to data storage and
transmission; limitations on further use
and disclosure of the data; procedures
for responding to data incidents and
breaches; and data destruction and
retention. These provisions would be
imposed in addition to any restrictions
required by law, such as those provided
in the HIPAA privacy, security and
breach notification regulations. These
provisions would not prohibit the
TEAM participant from making any
disclosure of the data otherwise
required by law.
CMS also seeks public comment on
what disclosures of the beneficiaryidentifiable data might be appropriate to
permit or prohibit under the TEAM data
sharing agreement. For example, CMS is
considering prohibiting, in the TEAM
data sharing agreement, any further
disclosure, not otherwise required by
law, of the beneficiary-identifiable data
to anyone who is not a HIPAA covered
entity or business associate, as defined
in 45 CFR 160.103, or to an individual
practitioner in a treatment relationship
with the TEAM beneficiary, or that
practitioner’s business associates. Such
a prohibition would be similar to that
imposed by CMS in other models tested
under section 1115A of the Act in
which CMS shares beneficiary
identifiable data with model
CMS is considering these possibilities
because there exist important legal and
policy limitations on the sharing of the
beneficiary-identifiable data and CMS
must carefully consider the ways in
which and reasons for which we would
provide access to this data for purposes
of the TEAM. CMS believes that some
TEAM participants may require the
assistance of business associates, such
as contractors, to perform data analytics
or other functions using this
beneficiary-identifiable data to support
the TEAM participant’s review of their
care management and coordination,
quality improvement activities, or
clinical treatment of TEAM
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beneficiaries. CMS also believes that
this beneficiary-identifiable data may be
helpful for any HIPAA covered entities
who are in a treatment relationship with
the TEAM beneficiary.
We seek public comment on how a
TEAM participant might need to, and
want to, disclose the beneficiaryidentifiable data to other individuals
and entities to accomplish the goals of
the TEAM, in accordance with
applicable law.
Under our proposal, the TEAM data
sharing agreement would include other
provisions, including requirements
regarding data security, retention,
destruction, and breach notification. For
example, we are considering including,
in the TEAM data sharing agreement, a
requirement that the TEAM participant
designate one or more data custodians
who would be responsible for ensuring
compliance with the privacy, security
and breach notification requirements for
the data set forth in the TEAM data
sharing agreement; various security
requirements like those found in other
models tested under section 1115A of
the Act, but no less restrictive than
those provided in the relevant Privacy
Act system of records notices; how and
when beneficiary-identifiable data could
be retained by the TEAM participant or
its downstream participants of the
beneficiary identifiable data; procedures
for notifying CMS of any breach or other
incident relating to the unauthorized
disclosure of beneficiary-identifiable
data; and provisions relating to
destruction of the data. These are only
examples and are not the only terms
CMS would potentially include in the
TEAM data sharing agreement.
We solicit public comment on this
proposal that CMS, by adding
§ 512.562(e)(1)(ii), would impose certain
requirements in the TEAM data sharing
agreement related to privacy, security,
data retention, breach notification, and
data destruction.
Finally, CMS proposes, at
§ 512.562(e)(1)(iv), that the TEAM data
sharing agreement would include a term
providing that if the TEAM participant
misuses or discloses the beneficiaryidentifiable data in a manner that
violates any applicable statutory or
regulatory requirements or that is
otherwise non-compliant with the
provisions of the TEAM data sharing
agreement, the TEAM participant would
no longer be eligible to retrieve
beneficiary-identifiable data under
proposed § 512.562(b) and may be
subject to additional sanctions and
penalties available under law. We also
propose that if CMS determines that one
or more grounds for remedial action
specified in § 512.592(a) has taken
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place, CMS may discontinue the
provision of data sharing and reports to
the model participant. We propose that
CMS may take remedial action if the
model participant misuses or discloses
the beneficiary-identifiable data in a
manner that violates any applicable
statutory or regulatory requirements or
that is otherwise non-compliant with
the provisions of the applicable data
sharing agreement.
We solicit public comment on this
proposal, to prohibit the TEAM
participant from obtaining beneficiaryidentifiable data pertaining to the TEAM
if the TEAM participant fails to comply
with applicable laws and regulations,
the terms of the TEAM, or the TEAM
data sharing agreement.
l. Referral to Primary Care Services
As noted elsewhere in this proposed
rule, the CMS Innovation Center has
placed accountable care at the center of
our comprehensive strategy, with a goal
of 100 percent of Medicare FFS
beneficiaries (and most Medicaid
beneficiaries as well) being in an
accountable care relationship by 2030.
Achieving the goal of increasing the
number of beneficiaries in accountable
care relationships and testing models
and innovations supporting access to
high-quality, integrated specialty care
across the patient journey—both
longitudinally and for procedural or
acute services—will greatly depend on
numerous factors, including the models
and initiatives available for providers in
value-based payment, but also our
ability to create incentives for providers
and suppliers to coordinate care across
different aspects of care. With TEAM,
we have an opportunity to further
integrate care during the transition from
an acute event- an episode- back to
longitudinal care relationships, such as
primary care.
Acute care hospitals commonly refer
patients back to primary care providers
in the community upon discharge from
the hospital, given the connection
between ongoing care follow-up and
reduced readmissions, among other
benefits. While the hospital Conditions
of Participation for discharge planning
at § 482.43(a) outline requirements for
referring patients to post-acute
providers as well as community-based
providers and suppliers, there is no
specific requirement for referral back to
a supplier, as defined in in section
1861(d) of the Act and codified at
§ 400.202, of primary care services, as
defined in section 1842(i)(4) of the Act,
at hospital discharge for all patients.
Under TEAM, we are proposing that
TEAM participants be required to
include in hospital discharge planning a
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referral to a supplier of primary care
services for a TEAM beneficiary, on or
prior to discharge from an anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure. We
also propose that the TEAM participant
must comply with beneficiary freedom
of choice requirements, as described in
section X.A.3.i.(2) of the preamble of
this proposed rule and proposed at
§ 512.582(a), and not limit a TEAM
beneficiary’s ability to choose among
Medicare providers or suppliers. If a
TEAM participant fails to comply with
requiring a referral to a supplier of
primary care services during hospital
discharge planning then we propose the
TEAM participant would be subject to
remedial action, as described in section
X.A.1.f. of the preamble of this proposed
Referring TEAM beneficiaries to a
supplier of primary care services would
require the TEAM participant to confirm
the TEAM beneficiary’s primary care
provider status during the anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure and
make the referral to primary care
services by the point of the hospital
discharge. By requiring a referral to
primary care services, TEAM would be
used to connect TEAM beneficiaries
with ongoing care beyond the course of
the episode. Further, TEAM participants
would be required to ensure TEAM
beneficiaries preference of suppliers are
taken into account to ensure proper
beneficiary protections.
We recognize that TEAM is comprised
of procedural episodes, which may
mean TEAM beneficiaries have a greater
need to stay connected to their surgeon
or specialist involved in their episode,
rather than make a connection to
primary care for ongoing care.
Additionally, we also recognize
requiring a referral to primary care
services for all TEAM beneficiaries may
increase TEAM participant burden.
However, we believe many hospitals
already have this perform this process
as a standard of care for discharge
planning, therefore the burden on
TEAM participants should be minimal.
We seek comment on our proposal at
proposed § 515.564 to require TEAM
participants during hospital discharge
planning to make a referral to a supplier
of primary care services for a TEAM
beneficiary on or prior to discharge from
the anchor hospitalization or anchor
procedure. We also seek comment on
whether there are other mechanisms or
ways to connect the TEAM beneficiary
back to a supplier of primary care
services that would support a patient’s
continuum of care.
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m. Alternative Payment Model Options
(1) Background
As specified in the Quality Payment
Program (42 CFR 414.1415), an APM
must meet three criteria to be
considered an Advanced APM:
• Beginning with the calendar year
2025 Qualifying APM Participant (QP)
performance period, an Advanced APM
must require all eligible clinicians in
each participating APM Entity, or for
APMs in which hospitals are the
participants, each hospital, to use
Certified Electronic Health Record
Technology (CEHRT).
• An Advanced APM must include
quality measure performance as a factor
when determining payment to
participants for covered professional
services under the terms of the APM.
• Meet the financial risk standard
under 42 CFR 414.1415(c)(1) or (2) and
the nominal amount standard under 42
CFR 414.1415(c)(3) or (4).
We seek to align the design of TEAM
with the Advanced APM criteria in the
Quality Payment Program and enable
CMS to have the necessary information
on eligible clinicians to make the
requisite QP determinations. Eligible
clinicians, as defined in 42 CFR
414.1305, that are captured on a CMSmaintained list for the APM entity, as
defined in 42 CFR 414.1305, may be
eligible to receive benefits for
participating in an Advanced APM,
including burden reduction and
financial incentives. We propose that
the TEAM participant would be
considered the APM entity, but that the
TEAM participant’s eligible clinicians
may be assessed for QP determinations
depending on which track the TEAM
participant is in and whether the
CEHRT criteria are met. However, we
also seek to ensure the design of TEAM
meets the Merit-based Incentive
Payment System (MIPS) APM criteria
and that CMS has the necessary
information on MIPS eligible clinicians,
as defined in 42 CFR 414.1305, so that
they may be eligible for certain scoring
benefits under MIPS. We therefore
propose to adopt two different APM
options for TEAM—an AAPM option in
which TEAM participants would attest
to meeting the CEHRT standards and in
which the TEAM participant’s eligible
clinicians may be assessed for QP
determinations (to the extent TEAM is
determined to be an Advanced APM for
Track 2 and Track 3), and a non-AAPM
option in which TEAM participants
would not meet CEHRT or financial risk
standards and in which the TEAM
participant’s MIPS eligible clinicians
may be assessed for reporting and
scoring through the APM Performance
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Pathway (APP) (to the extent the TEAM
is determined to be a MIPS APM for all
(2) TEAM APM Options
As previously stated, an Advanced
APM must require participants to use
CEHRT (42 CFR 414.1415(a)), make
payment based on quality measures (42
CFR 414.1415(b)) and meet financial
risk standards (42 CFR 414.1415(c)). We
propose to have two APM options in
TEAM: a non-Advanced APM (nonAAPM) option and an Advanced APM
(AAPM) option. The non-AAPM option
would be for TEAM participants that do
not meet the CEHRT or financial risk
standards. These TEAM participants
may still be considered APM entities in
a MIPS APM. The AAPM option would
be for TEAM participants in Tracks 2
and 3 that meet the CEHRT and
financial risk standards. These TEAM
participants would be considered APM
entities in an Advanced APM., TEAM
participants in Track 1 would
automatically be assigned into the nonAAPM option since Track 1 would have
no downside financial risk. The
financial risk that we propose in Tracks
2 and 3 would meet the generally
applicable nominal amount standard, as
defined in 42 CFR 414.1415(c)(3), but
there may be TEAM participants in
Tracks 2 and 3 who do not meet the
CEHRT standard. TEAM participants in
Tracks 2 or 3 that do not meet and attest
to the CEHRT use requirement would
fall into the non-AAPM option of
TEAM, but these TEAM participants
may still be considered APM entities in
a MIPS APM. TEAM participants that
participate in Tracks 2 or 3 and meet
and attest to the CEHRT use
requirement would be in the AAPM
option of TEAM.
We propose to require TEAM
participants who wish to participate in
the AAPM option to attest to meeting
the CEHRT use requirement that meets
the CEHRT definition in our regulations
at section 414.1305 on an annual basis
prior to the start of each performance
year in a form and manner and by a date
specified by CMS. We propose that the
TEAM participant would be required to
retain and provide CMS access to the
attestation upon request. We further
propose that meeting and attesting to
the CEHRT use criteria would be
voluntary, and that CMS would assign
TEAM participants who choose not to
do so to the non-AAPM option. Lastly,
we propose to require TEAM
participants who wish to participate in
the AAPM option to provide their CMS
Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Certification IDs on an annual basis
prior to the end of each performance
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year in a form and manner and by a date
specified by CMS.
We believe that a TEAM participant’s
decision to meet and attest to the
CEHRT use criteria would not create
significant additional administrative
burden for the TEAM participant.
Moreover, the choice of whether to meet
and attest to the CEHRT use criteria
would not otherwise affect the TEAM
participant’s requirements or
opportunities under the model.
However, a TEAM participant’s decision
to attest to CEHRT use may affect the
ability of its clinicians to qualify as a
QP. In other words, if a TEAM
participant chose not to attest to CEHRT
use, its clinicians would not be assessed
for QPs status.
We seek comment on our proposals
for the TEAM Advanced APM options
and the associated requirements at
§ 512.522. We also seek comment on our
proposed definitions for the AAPM
option and non-AAPM option at
§ 512.505.
(3) Financial Arrangements List and
Clinician Engagement List
We propose that each TEAM
participant would be required to submit
information about the eligible clinicians
or MIPS eligible clinicians who enter
into financial arrangements with the
TEAM participant for purposes of
supporting the TEAM participants’ cost
or quality goals as discussed in section
X.A.3.g. of the preamble of this
proposed rule. This information would
enable CMS to make determinations as
to eligible clinicians who could be
considered QPs based on the services
furnished under TEAM (to the extent
the model is determined to be an
AAPM) and would be necessary for APP
reporting and scoring for MIPS eligible
clinicians (to the extent the model is
determined to be a MIPS APM), We are
proposing that for purposes of TEAM,
the eligible clinicians or MIPS eligible
clinicians could be: (1) TEAM
collaborators, as described in section
X.A.3.g.(3). of the preamble of this
proposed rule, engaged in sharing
arrangements with a TEAM participant;
(2) PGP, NPPGP, or TGP members who
are collaboration agents engaged in
distribution arrangements with a PGP,
NPPGP, or TGP that is a TEAM
collaborator, as described in section
X.A.3.g.(5). of the preamble of this
proposed rule; or (3) PGP, NPPGP, or
TGP members who are downstream
collaboration agents engaged in
downstream distribution arrangements
with a PGP, NPPGP, or TGP that is also
an ACO participant in an ACO that is a
TEAM collaborator, as described in
section X.A.3.g.(6). of the preamble of
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this proposed rule. The list of
physicians and nonphysician
practitioners in these three groups that
we are proposing to require TEAM
participants to submit to CMS would
satisfy the criteria to be considered an
Affiliated Practitioner List, as defined in
§ 414.1305. We are proposing to use the
list submitted by TEAM participants to
make determinations regarding which
physicians and nonphysician
practitioners should receive QP
determinations or be reported for the
APP based on the services they furnish
under TEAM.
We propose for the reasons detailed
above that each TEAM participant with
eligible clinicians or MIPS eligible
clinicians must submit to CMS a
financial arrangements list in a form and
manner and by the date specified by
CMS on a quarterly basis during each
performance year, or attest that there are
no individuals to report on the financial
arrangements list. We believe
submission of the financial
arrangements list on a quarterly basis
would align with the Quality Payment
Program’s QP determination dates, as
described in § 414.1425. We are
proposing to define the financial
arrangements list as the list of eligible
clinicians or MIPS eligible clinicians
that have a financial arrangement with
the TEAM participant, TEAM
collaborator, collaboration agent, or
downstream collaboration agent. We
propose that the TEAM participant
would be required to retain and provide
CMS access to the financial
arrangements list upon request. The
proposed list must include the
following information:
• For each TEAM collaborator who is
a physician, nonphysician practitioner,
or therapist during the performance
++ The name, tax identification
number (TIN), and national provider
identifier (NPI) of the TEAM
collaborator; and
++ The start date and, if applicable,
end date, for the sharing arrangement
between the TEAM participant and the
TEAM collaborator.
• For each collaboration agent who is
a physician, nonphysician practitioner,
or therapist during the performance
++ The name, TIN, and NPI of the
collaboration agent and the name and
TIN of the TEAM collaborator with
which the collaboration agent has
entered into a distribution arrangement;
++ The start date and, if applicable,
end date, for the distribution
arrangement between the TEAM
collaborator and the collaboration agent.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
• For each downstream collaboration
agent who is a physician or
nonphysician practitioner, or therapist
during the performance year—
++ The name, TIN, and NPI of the
downstream collaboration agent and the
name and TIN of the collaboration
agent; and
++ The start date and, if applicable,
end date, for the downstream
distribution arrangement between the
collaboration agent and the downstream
collaboration agent.
• If there are no individuals that meet
the reporting criteria above for TEAM
collaborators, collaboration agents, or
downstream collaboration agents, then
the TEAM participant must attest on a
quarterly basis in a form and manner
and by a date specified by CMS that
there are no individuals to report on the
financial arrangements list.
While the proposed submission of the
financial arrangements list may create
some additional administrative burdens
for certain TEAM participants, we
expect that TEAM Participants could
modify their contractual relationships
with their TEAM collaborators and,
correspondingly, require those TEAM
collaborators to include similar
requirements in their contracts with
collaboration agents and in the contracts
of collaboration agents with
downstream collaboration agents.
We also recognize there may be
physicians and nonphysician
practitioners who would not be listed
on the financial arrangements list
because they have not entered into a
financial arrangement as a TEAM
collaborator, collaboration agent, or
downstream collaboration agent, but
who may nevertheless participate in
TEAM activities, as defined at proposed
§ 512.505, and may be eligible for QP
determinations or eligible for APP
reporting because they are affiliated
with and support the APM Entity. We
propose that, in order to capture these
physicians and nonphysician
practitioners who are not listed on the
TEAM participant’s financial
arrangements list for QP determinations
or APP reporting, TEAM participants
must also submit to CMS a clinician
engagement list in a form and manner
and by a date specified by CMS on a
quarterly basis every performance year.
We propose to use the clinician
engagement list for assessing QP
determinations and for APP reporting.
The submission of the clinician
engagement lists may create some
additional administrative burdens for
TEAM participants, but we expect the
effort to be worthwhile since some of
these QP determinations may result in
eligible clinicians receiving burden
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reduction benefits and financial
incentives, and some MIPS eligible
clinicians may receive MIPS APM
scoring benefits.
We are proposing to define the
clinician engagement list as the list of
eligible clinicians or MIPS eligible
clinicians that participate in TEAM
activities and have a contractual
relationship with the TEAM participant,
and who are not listed on the financial
arrangements list . We propose that the
TEAM participant must submit the list
to CMS on a quarterly basis during each
performance year in a form and manner
and by a date specified by CMS or attest
that there are no individuals to report
on the clinician engagement list. We
believe submission of the clinician
engagement list on a quarterly basis
would align with the Quality Payment
Program’s QP determination dates, as
described in § 414.1425. We propose
that the TEAM participant would be
required to retain and provide CMS
access to the clinician engagement list
upon request. We propose that the
clinician engagement list must include
the following information:
• For each physician, nonphysician
practitioner, or therapist who is not
listed on the TEAM participant’s
financial arrangements list during the
performance year but who does have a
contractual relationship with the TEAM
participant and participates in TEAM
activities during the performance year—
++ The name, TIN, and NPI of the
physician, nonphysician practitioner, or
therapist; and
++ The start date and, if applicable,
end date, for the contractual
relationship between the physician,
nonphysician practitioner, or therapist
and the TEAM participant.
• We are proposing that if there are
no individuals that meet the
requirements to be reported on the
clinician engagement list, then the
TEAM participant must attest on a
quarterly basis in a form and manner
and by a date specified by CMS that
there are no individuals to report on the
clinician engagement list.
We seek comments on the proposal to
require TEAM participants to submit a
financial arrangements list and clinician
engagement list on a quarterly basis or
attest that there are no individuals to
report. We are especially interested in
comments about approaches to
information submission, including the
content of the lists, and periodicity and
method of submission to CMS that
would minimize the reporting burden
on TEAM participants while providing
CMS with sufficient information about
eligible clinicians to facilitate QP
determinations and APP reporting to the
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extent that TEAM is considered to be an
Advanced APM for Track 2 and Track
3 and a MIPS APM for all tracks,
n. Interoperability
Improved interoperability of software
systems and tools used to manage
patients supports the goals of valuebased care, enabling care coordination
and data-driven decision making to
improve outcomes and lower healthcare
expenditures. Hospitals use electronic
health record (EHR) systems to
document patient medical history,
which may include clinical data
relevant to that person’s care, including
demographics, clinical notes,
medications, vital signs, past medical
and surgical history, immunizations,
laboratory data and radiology reports.
The EHR also has the ability to support
other care-related and administrative
activities directly or indirectly through
various interfaces, including clinical
decision support, quality improvement,
and population-health outcomes
reporting. While EHRs also include
capabilities to coordinate care by
sharing data in a structured system with
other health care providers, health
information exchanges (HIEs) and
health information networks (HINs), as
defined in 45 CFR 171.102, have played
an increasingly important role in
assisting hospitals to connect with other
health care providers and ensure that
information supporting care
coordination is consistently shared.707
A hospital may be connected to an HIE
or HIN, that focuses on exchange within
a defined geographic area, or nationally
across systems and regions. Evidence
suggests that participation with an
entity facilitating cross-system exchange
may improve patient outcomes,
including decreased hospital
readmission rates, as well as decreased
utilization, such as repeat laboratory or
radiology studies.708 709
Despite the growth of HIEs and HINs,
important gaps remain for an
infrastructure that supports the seamless
exchange of clinical data across
disparate healthcare organizations and
software vendors. Barriers to
708 Chen, M., Guo, S., & Tan, X. (2019). Does
health information exchange improve patient
outcomes? Empirical evidence from Florida
hospitals. Health Affairs, 38(2), 197–204. https://
709 Menachemi, N., Rahurkar, S., Harle, C. A., &
Vest, J. R. (2018). The benefits of health information
exchange: an updated systematic review. Journal of
the American Medical Informatics Association,
25(9), 1259–1265.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
interoperability create silos that limit
care coordination between hospitals and
other health care providers, especially
during care transitions such as a patient
being discharged from a hospital to a
post-acute care facility. Existing HHS
and CMS initiatives aim to support
health care organizations engaging in
interoperable exchange of health
information. The Office of the National
Coordinator for Health Information
Technology (ONC) launched The
Trusted Exchange Framework and
Common Agreement (TEFCA), which
establishes a universal governance,
policy, and technical floor for
nationwide interoperability; simplifies
connectivity for organizations to
securely exchange information to
improve patient care, enhance the
welfare of populations, and generate
health care value; and enables
individuals to gather their healthcare
CMS acknowledged the importance of
TEFCA in the FY 2023 Inpatient
Prospective Payment System (IPPS)
final rule (87 FR 48780) by adding the
Enabling Exchange under TEFCA (87 FR
49329) as a new measure under the
Health Information Exchange Objective
for the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program. Participants in
the Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program may also earn credit for the
Health Information Exchange Objective
by reporting on the previously finalized
Health Information Exchange (HIE)
Bidirectional Exchange measure (86 FR
In the CY 2023 Physician Fee
Schedule final rule (87 FR 70067
through 70071), CMS also added a new
optional measure, Enabling Exchange
Under TEFCA, to the Health
Information Exchange objective for the
Merit-based Incentive Payment System
(MIPS) Promoting Interoperability
performance category beginning with
the CY 2023 performance period/2025
MIPS payment year. Currently, for the
CY 2024 performance period/2026 MIPS
payment year, MIPS eligible clinicians
may fulfill the Health Information
Exchange objective via three avenues by
reporting: (1) the two Support Electronic
Referral Loops measures; (2) the Health
Information Exchange Bidirectional
Exchange measure; or (3) the Enabling
Exchange under TEFCA measure (88 FR
79357 through 79362).
TEAM would like to support TEAM
participants’ interoperability efforts that
could lead to best practices across U.S.
health care landscape. However, we
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recognize that given the existing federal
interoperability initiatives, we do not
want to create duplicate efforts or create
unnecessary burden on TEAM
participants. We are seeking comment
on how CMS can promote
interoperability in the proposed TEAM,
in particular, to what extent TEAM
participants are planning on
participating in TEFCA in the next 1–2
years, as well as other means by which
interoperability may support care
coordination for an episode. Any further
proposals related to interoperability
included in TEAM would be done in
future notice and comment rulemaking.
o. Evaluation Approach
(1) Background
The proposed TEAM is intended to
enable CMS to better understand the
effects of bundled payments models on
a broader range of Medicare providers
and capture a greater number of
episodes of care than what is currently
available under the CJR model and BPCI
Advanced. Obtaining information that is
representative of a wide and diverse
group of providers and episodes of care
will best inform us on how such a
payment model might function were it
to be more fully integrated within the
Medicare program. All CMS Innovation
Center models, which would include
the proposed TEAM, are rigorously
evaluated on their ability to improve
quality and reduce costs. In addition,
we routinely monitor CMS Innovation
Center models for potential unintended
consequences of the model that run
counter to the stated objective of
lowering costs without adversely
affecting quality of care. Outlined later
in this section are the proposed design
and evaluation methods, the data
collection methods, key evaluation
research questions, and the evaluation
period and anticipated reports for the
proposed TEAM.
(2) Design and Evaluation Methods
Our evaluation methodology for
TEAM would be consistent with the
standard CMS Innovation Center
evaluation approaches we have taken in
other projects such as the BPCI
initiative, BPCI Advanced and the CJR
model, and other CMS Innovation
Center models. Specifically, the
evaluation design and methodology for
the proposed TEAM would be designed
to allow for a comparison of historic
patterns of care among the TEAM
participants to any changes made in
these patterns in response to the TEAM.
In addition, the overall design would
include a comparison of TEAM
participants with hospitals not
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participating in TEAM to help us
discern simultaneous and competing
provider and market level forces that
could influence our findings.
Our evaluation methodology for this
model builds upon the fact that we are
proposing CBSAs to be selected for
participation in the model based on a
stratified random assignment. In this
approach, researchers evaluate the
effects of the model on outcomes of
interest by directly comparing CBSAs
that are randomly selected to participate
in the model to a comparison group of
CBSs that were not randomly selected
for the model (but could have been).
Randomized evaluation designs of this
kind are widely considered the ‘‘gold
standard’’ for social science and medical
research because they ensure that the
systematic differences are reduced
between units that do and do not
experience an intervention, which
ensures that (on average) differences in
outcomes between participating and
non-participating units reflect the effect
of the intervention.
We plan to use a range of analytic
methods, including regression and other
multivariate methods appropriate to the
analysis of stratified randomized
experiments to examine each of our
measures of interest. Measures of
interest could include, for example,
quality of and access to care, utilization
patterns, expenditures, and beneficiary
experience. With these methodologies,
we would be able to examine the
experience of the TEAM participants
over time relative to those in the
comparison group controlling for as
many of the relevant confounding
factors as is possible. The evaluation
would also include rigorous qualitative
analyses in order to capture the evolving
nature of care delivery transformation.
In our design, we plan to take into
account the impact of the TEAM at the
geographic unit level, the hospital level,
and at the patient level. We are also
considering various statistical methods
to address factors that could confound
or bias our results. For example, we
would use statistical techniques to
account for clustering of patients within
hospitals and markets. Clustering allows
our evaluation to compensate for
commonalities in beneficiary outcomes
by hospitals and by markets.
Accounting for clustering ensures that
we do not overstate our effective sample
size by failing to account for the fact
that performance of hospitals in a given
market may not be fully independent of
one another. Alternatively, accounting
for clustering may improve statistical
precision or allow us to better examine
how patterns of performance vary across
hospitals. Thus, in our analysis, if a
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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large hospital consistently has poor
performance, clustering would allow us
to still be able to detect improved
performance in the other, smaller
hospitals in a market rather than place
too much weight on the results of one
hospital and potentially lead to biased
estimates and mistaken inferences.
Finally, we plan to use various
statistical techniques to examine the
effects of the TEAM while also taking
into account the effects of other ongoing
interventions such as Medicare Shared
Savings Program. For example, we are
considering additional regression
techniques to help identify and evaluate
the incremental effects of adding the
TEAM in areas where patients and
market areas are already subject to these
other interventions as well as potential
interactions among these efforts.
(3) Data Collection Methods
We are considering multiple sources
of data to evaluate the effects of the
TEAM. We expect to base much of our
analysis on secondary data sources such
as the Medicare FFS claims. The
beneficiary claims data would provide
information such as expenditures in
total and by type of provider and service
as well as whether or not there was an
inpatient hospital readmission. In
conjunction with the secondary data
sources mentioned previously, we are
considering a CMS-administered survey,
guided interviews and focus groups of
beneficiaries who were in an episode
during the performance year. This
survey would be administered to TEAM
beneficiaries who were in an episode or
similar patients selected as part of a
control group. The primary focus of this
survey would be to obtain information
on the TEAM beneficiary’s experience
in episodes relative to usual care. The
administration of this beneficiary survey
would be coordinated with
administration of the HCAHPS (Hospital
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems) survey so as to
not conflict with or compromise this
HCAHPS efforts. Likewise, we are
considering a survey administered by
CMS with providers including, but not
limited to, TEAM participants,
physicians, and PAC providers
participating in the TEAM. These
surveys would provide insight on
providers’ experience under the model
and further information on the care
redesign strategies undertaken by health
care providers.
In addition, we are considering CMS
evaluation contractor administered site
visits and focus groups with selected
TEAM participants, physicians and PAC
providers. We believe that these
qualitative methods would provide
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contextual information that would help
us better understand the dynamics and
interactions occurring among the
providers in TEAM. For example, these
data could help us better understand
hospitals’ intervention plans as well as
how they were implemented and what
they achieved. Moreover, in contrast to
relying on quantitative methods alone,
qualitative approaches would enable us
to capture variations in implementation
as well as identify factors that are
associated with successful interventions
and distinguish the effects of multiple
interventions that may be occurring
within participating providers, such as
simultaneous ACO and bundled
payment participation.
We are considering primary data
collection efforts with providers and
beneficiaries within the control group.
The systematic data collection from
control group providers would allow for
parsing out changes in standard of care
from the TEAM impact. Additionally,
primary data collection with
beneficiaries who received care at
control group providers will provide
critical information about the impact of
the model on self-reported health status,
experience of care and overall
(4) Key Evaluation Research Questions
Our evaluation would assess the
impact of the TEAM on the aims of
improved care quality and efficiency as
well as reduced health care costs. This
would include assessments of patient
experience of care, utilization,
outcomes, Medicare expenditures,
provider costs, quality, and access. Our
key evaluation questions would include,
but are not limited to, the following:
• Payment. Is there a reduction in
Medicare expenditures in absolute
terms? By subcategories? Do the TEAM
participants reduce or eliminate
variations in expenditures that are not
attributable to differences in health
status? If so, how have they
accomplished these changes? Did TEAM
result in net savings to the Medicare
program, after accounting for the
financial incentives distributed under
the model?
• Utilization. Are their changes in
Medicare utilization patterns overall
and for specific types of services? How
do these patterns compare to historic
patterns, regional variations, and
national patterns of care? How are these
patterns of changing utilization
associated with Medicare payments,
patient outcomes and general clinical
judgment of appropriate care?
• Referral Patterns and Market
Impact. How has provider behavior in
the selected CBSAs changed under the
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model? Is there evidence of broader
changes to the market? Are provider
relationships changing over the course
of the model? Is the model facilitating
continuity of care by connecting
beneficiaries with new or existing
primary care providers?
• Outcomes/Quality. Is there either a
negative or positive impact on quality of
care and/or better patient experiences of
care? Did the incidence of relevant
clinical outcomes such as complications
remain constant or decrease? Were there
changes in beneficiary outcomes under
the model compared to appropriate
comparison groups?
• Equity. Were there notable impacts
by subgroups based on beneficiary
characteristics such as race/ethnicity,
dual status, rurality, or other measures
of socio-economic disadvantage? How
did TEAM participants address health
disparities in care? Did the financial
performance differ for hospitals
furnishing a substantial share of services
to uninsured and low-income patients?
• Transformation. Is there evidence
that the participants’ changes in care
delivery, that were made in the response
to the model, will be sustained? Did
TEAM enable positive spillover effects
to other episodes of care, or other
providers across the local market of the
health system?
• Unintended Consequences. Did
TEAM result in any unintended
consequences, including adverse
selection of patients, access problems,
cost shifting beyond the agreed upon
episode, evidence of stinting on
appropriate care, anti-competitive
effects on local health care markets,
evidence of inappropriate referrals
practices? Is so, how, to what extent,
and for which beneficiaries or
• Potential for Extrapolation of
Results. What was the typical patient
case mix in the participating practices
and how did this compare to regional
and national patient populations? What
were the characteristics of participating
practices and to what extent were they
representative of practices treating
Medicare FFS beneficiaries? Was the
model more successful in certain types
of markets? To what extent would the
results be able to be extrapolated to
similar markets and/or nationally?
• Explanations for Variations in
Impact. What factors are associated with
the pattern of results (previously)?
Specifically, are they related to:
• Characteristics of the model
including variations by year and factors
such as presence of downside risk or
track assignment?
The TEAM participant’s specific
features and structure, including such
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
factors as the number of relevant cases,
provider mix, and health system
• The TEAM participant’s
organizational culture and readiness
• The TEAM participant’s care
redesign interventions and their ability
to carry out their proposed intervention?
• Characteristics and nature of
interaction with partner providers
including PAC provider community?
• Characteristics of market and CBSA
such as resources, care infrastructure
and supply of physicians and associated
• Characteristics associated with the
patient populations served?
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(5) Evaluation Period and Anticipated
As discussed in section X.A.3.a.(1). of
the preamble of this proposed rule,
TEAM would have a 5-year model
performance period. The evaluation
period would encompass this entire 5year model performance period and up
to 2 years after. We plan to evaluate the
TEAM on an annual basis. However, we
recognize, that interim results are
subject to issues such as sample size
and random fluctuations in practice
patterns. Hence, while CMS intends to
conduct periodic summaries to offer
useful insight during the course of the
model test, a final analysis after the end
of the 5-year model performance period
will be important for ultimately
synthesizing and validating results.
We seek comments on our design,
evaluation, data collection methods, and
research questions.
p. Decarbonization and Resilience
In this section, we discuss a proposal
for a voluntary Decarbonization and
Resilience Initiative within TEAM to
assist hospitals in addressing the threats
to the nation’s health and its health care
system presented by climate change and
the effects of hospital carbon emissions
on health outcomes, health care costs
and quality of care. The voluntary
initiative would have two elements:
technical assistance for all interested
TEAM participants and a proposed
voluntary reporting option to capture
information related Scope 1 and Scope
2 emissions as defined by the
Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHGP)
framework, 711 with the potential to add
Scope 3 in future years.
711 Janet Ranganathan, Laurent Corbier, Pankaj
Bhatia, Simon Schultz, Peter Gage, & Kjeli Oren.
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised
Edition). World Business Council for Sustainable
Development and World Resources Institute. 2004.
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The threats presented by climate
change to the health of beneficiaries and
to health care operations are growing.
These include acute climate-related
events (for example, wildfires, high—
powered storms, flooding) that can harm
exposed populations and disrupt service
delivery, exacerbations of chronic
illness (for example, extreme heat
impacts on cardiovascular and
pulmonary health) and increases in
water-borne and insect-borne illness.712
These risks often fall disproportionately
on traditionally underserved
populations, heightening existing health
disparities.713 In view of these
challenges, health care organizations
must increase their resilience, and
understand and address their patients’
climate-related health risks.
Health systems have reduced their
own significant emissions and groundlevel air pollution, often through the
introduction of energy efficiency
solutions, renewable energy initiatives,
and focused efficiency measures in
clinical care delivery in areas including
surgery (described throughout section
X.A.3.p. of the preamble of this
proposed rule). We believe these types
of cumulative reductions have the
potential to make significant
contributions to nationwide emission
reductions and produce savings. At an
individual facility level, these
reductions have the potential to save the
facility money and enhance their
operational resilience (as many
sustainable energy solutions can create
more energy independence for
facilities), meaning decarbonization has
bearing on quality of care and cost.
More efficient utilization of resources in
the surgical setting, specifically, can
also reduce cost and improve
sustainability; for example, although
operating rooms represent a relatively
small proportion of hospitals’ physical
footprint, they typically consume 3–6
times more energy per square foot as the
hospital as a whole,714 account for 40–
60 percent of the hospital’s supply
712 Allison R. Crimmins & Alexa K. Jay (eds.). U.S.
Global Change Research Program. Fifth National
Climate Assessment. U.S. Global Change Research
Program. 2023.
713 EPA’s Office of Atmospheric Programs.
Climate Change and Social Vulnerability in the
United States: A Focus on Six Impacts. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 430–R–21–
003. September 2021.
714 Andrea J. MacNeill, Robert Lillywhite, & Carl
J. Brown. The Impact of Surgery on Global Climate:
A Carbon Footprinting Study Of Operating Theatres
in Three Health Systems. Lancet Planetary Health,
vol. 1, no. 9, pp. E381–E388. December 2017.
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costs, and produce 30 percent of the
hospital’s waste.715
Because hospital activities (such as
surgical procedures) impact emissions
and the work of hospitals requires
uninterrupted service delivery, we
believe TEAM presents an opportunity
for CMS to learn more about key
strategies for decarbonization (for
example, clinical decarbonization
approaches, approaches to reducing
low-value services and physical waste)
and improving resiliency in the health
care system. It is hoped that this
initiative would help bring savings to
the health system and the Medicare
Program, consistent with TEAM’s goals.
(1) Background
(a) Climate Impact on Health
Climate change driven by greenhouse
gas (GHG) emissions threatens patients’
health. The health care industry’s
contribution to those emissions is welldocumented and accounts for between
4.4 and 4.6 percent of worldwide GHG
emissions.716 In the U.S. in 2018, GHG
emissions from the health care sector
accounted for 8.5 percent of total U.S.
GHG emissions.717 According to the
National Climate Assessment, the US
Government’s official report on climate
change impacts, children, older adults,
and low-income communities are
disproportionately affected by climate
change and pollution, meaning the
Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP programs
bear much of the medical expenses and
caregiving services related to emissions.
718 Medicare beneficiaries face several
health conditions related to GHG
emissions, including, but not limited to,
heart disease, stroke, cancer, and
715 Maya A Babu, Angela K Dalenberg, Glen
Goodsell, Amanda B Holloway, Marcia M Belau, &
Michael J Link. Greening the Operating Room:
Results of a Scalable Initiative to Reduce Waste and
Recover Supply Costs. Neurosurgery, vol. 85, no. 3,
pp. 432–437. September 1, 2019. https://
716 Matthew J. Eckelman, Kaixin Huang, Robert
Lagasse, Emily Senay, Robert Dubrow, & Jodi D.
Sherman. Health Care Pollution and Public Health
Damage in The United States: An Update. Health
Affairs, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 2071–2079. December
717 Matthew J. Eckelman, Kaixin Huang, Robert
Lagasse, Emily Senay, Robert Dubrow, & Jodi D.
Sherman. Health Care Pollution and Public Health
Damage in The United States: An Update. Health
Affairs, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 2071–2079. December
718 USGCRP, 2018: Impacts, Risks, and
Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National
Climate Assessment, Volume II [Reidmiller, D.R.,
C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, K.L.M.
Lewis, T.K. Maycock, and B.C. Stewart (eds.)]. U.S.
Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC,
USA, 1515 pp. doi: 10.7930/NCA4.2018.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
respiratory diseases.’’ 719 More
discussion on the impact of climate to
Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP
beneficiaries is presented in section
X.A.3.p.(1).(c).(v). of the preamble of
this proposed rule. The estimated
disease burden from U.S. health care
pollution is the same order of
magnitude as years of life lost as a result
of deaths from preventable medical
In keeping with an increased focus on
climate resilience and sustainability
across HHS, the Biden Administration
in 2021 called for the creation of a new
Office of Climate Change and Health
Equity (OCCHE) within HHS via
executive order (E.O. 14008), and for the
first time HHS set an aim for addressing
climate-related threats to health in its
2022–2026 strategic plan, requiring all
Operating Divisions to contribute. In
2022, the Biden Administration
launched the Health Sector Climate
Pledge, a voluntary commitment to
climate resilience and emissions
reduction that invites health sector
organizations to align with
administration goals, cutting GHG
emissions by 50 percent by 2030 and
achieving net zero emissions by 2050. A
group of 133 organizations representing
900 hospitals have signed the Pledge as
of November 16, 2023.721 To support
health sector efforts with climate
resilience and emissions reduction,
OCCHE developed a resource hub 722,
featuring tools from across HHS such as
a compendium of federal resources for
the healthcare sector, information on
how to leverage the IRA, an educational
719 Joel D. Kaufman, Sara D. Adar, R. Graham
Barr, et al. Association Between Air Pollution and
Coronary Artery Calcification Within Six
Metropolitan Areas in the USA (The Multi-Ethnic
Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution): A
Longitudinal Cohort Study. Lancet, vol. 388, no.
10045, pp. 696–704. August 13, 2017. https://
720 Joel D. Kaufman, Sara D. Adar, R. Graham
Barr, et al. Association Between Air Pollution and
Coronary Artery Calcification Within Six
Metropolitan Areas in the USA (The Multi-Ethnic
Study of Atherosclerosis and Air Pollution): A
Longitudinal Cohort Study. Lancet, vol. 388, no.
10045, pp. 696–704. August 13, 2017. https://
721 HHS Office of Climate Change & Health
Equity. Health Sector Commitments to Emissions
Reduction and Resilience. HHS Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Health—Health Sector
Pledge. January 3, 2024.
722 HHS Office of Climate Change & Health
Equity. Compendium of Federal Resources for
Health Sector Emissions Reduction and Resilience.
HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health—
Health Sector Pledge. December 7, 2023. https://
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webinar series, and the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality
(AHRQ)’s Decarbonization Primer 723
(referred to hereafter as the AHRQ
primer). OCCHE also convenes federal
health systems (for example, Indian
Health Service, Veteran’s Health
Administration) to collaborate on
meeting the administration’s goals for
emissions reduction, which can inform
this initiative.
(b) Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Health
CMS has twice sought and received
feedback on approaches to
decarbonization and resilience through
requests for information in proposed
rules. The feedback to these requests
was summarized in the final rules. The
first request for information was
published in the Patient Protection and
Affordable Care Act; HHS Notice of
Benefit and Payment Parameters for
2023 proposed rule (87 FR 693 through
694) and a summary presented in the
final rule (87 FR 27354). The second
was in the in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule (87 FR 28478
through 28479) and the summary was
presented in the final rule (87 FR
49167). Overall, respondents showed a
notable interest in reducing health
sector emissions and increasing
transparent GHG emissions reporting.
CMS continues to update policies to
promote energy efficiency and reduce
GHG emissions. For example, in 2023,
CMS issued the Categorical Waiver
Health Care Microgrid System. CMS
requires specified providers to have
‘‘emergency power for an essential
electrical system (EES) to be supplied by
a generator or batter system.’’ 724 The
waiver permits normal and emergency
power to be supplied by sources other
than a generator or battery system,
including a health care microgrid
systems that use sustainable sources of
energy such as solar power.
When discussing GHG for this
initiative, we refer to the Greenhouse
Gas Protocol (GHGP) framework, which
723 Bhargavi Sampath, Matthew Jensen, Jennifer
Lenoci-Edwards, Kevin Little, Hardeep Singh, &
Jodi D. Sherman. Reducing Health care Carbon
Emissions: A Primer on Measures and Actions for
Health Care Organizations to Mitigate Climate
Change. U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research &
Quality. AHRQ pub. No. 22–M011. September 2023.
Reducing Healthcare Carbon Emissions: A Primer
on Measures and Actions to Mitigate Climate
Change (
724 CMS Quality, Safety, & Oversight Group
(QSOG) Director and CMS Survey & Operations
Group (SOG) Director. Categorical Waiver—Health
Care Microgrid Systems (HCMSs). CMS Center for
Clinical Standards and Quality reference no. QSO–
23–11–LSC. March 31, 2023.
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is a globally recognized standard for
quantifying and reporting on emissions.
The framework defines 3 scope
levels.725 We have included examples
that relate to health care. 726 727
• Scope 1: Direct emissions. Direct
GHG emissions occur from sources that
are owned or controlled by an
organization or company. For health
care, Scope 1 captures health care
operations such as direct facilities
emissions, anesthetic gases, and GHG
emissions from leased or owned
• Scope 2: Indirect emissions from
purchased energy. GHG emissions from
the generation of purchased electricity
consumed by the organization or
company. For health care facilities,
Scope 2 includes purchased or acquired
electricity, and steam, heat, or cooling
consumed by the reporting organization
or company.
• Scope 3: Other indirect GHG
emissions. Scope 3 allows for the
treatment of all other indirect emissions.
Scope 3 incorporates upstream and
downstream emissions in the supply
chain. For health care, Scope 3 may
include purchased pharmaceuticals and
chemicals, medical devices and
supplies, food, water, waste, employee
and patient transportation, and
additional emissions outside of Scopes
1 and 2. In Scope 3, all purchased and
sold goods have an estimated emissions
factor for their production,
transportation, and life cycle. For
example, in a health care setting, Scope
3 emissions may include prescribed
medicine such as metered dose inhalers
(MDI). Scope 3 uniquely incorporates
intangible emissions through the
organization’s reported investments.
In a 2018 analysis, Scope 1 accounted
for 7 percent of the U.S. National Health
Care GHG emissions, Scope 2 accounted
for 11 percent, and Scope 3 accounted
for the remaining 82 percent.728 We
725 Janet Ranganathan, Laurent Corbier, Pankaj
Bhatia, Simon Schultz, Peter Gage, & Kjeli Oren.
The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate
Accounting and Reporting Standard (Revised
Edition). World Business Council for Sustainable
Development and World Resources Institute. 2004.
726 Nick Watts (ed.). Delivering a ‘Net Zero’
National Health Service. NHS England & NHS
Improvement publication no. PAR133. July 2022.
727 Matthew J. Eckelman, Kaixin Huang, Robert
Lagasse, Emily Senay, Robert Dubrow, & Jodi D.
Sherman. Health Care Pollution and Public Health
Damage in The United States: An Update. Health
Affairs, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 2071–2079. December
728 Matthew J. Eckelman, Kaixin Huang, Robert
Lagasse, Emily Senay, Robert Dubrow, & Jodi D.
Sherman. Health Care Pollution and Public Health
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
believe that Scopes 1 and 2 emissions
reduction measures represent areas
where there are significant
opportunities to increase hospital
operating efficiency and reduce
operating costs. Therefore, we are
proposing in section X.A.3.p.(4). of the
preamble of this proposed rule that
TEAM participants could voluntarily
report on organizational questions and
Scopes 1 and 2 metrics, as participants
in TEAM would have direct oversight of
these items. While we are not proposing
Scope 3 metrics in this rule, we
recognize Scope 3 accounts for the
largest portion of GHG emissions.
Therefore, we are seeking comment in
section X.A.3.p.(4).(a).(vii). of the
preamble of this proposed rule on how
we might be able to standardize and
collect this information in the future.
(c) Rationale for Establishing the
Decarbonization and Resilience
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(i) GHG Emissions Are Relevant to
Monitoring and Evaluating Quality
The CMS Innovation Center is granted
discretion to collect data necessary for
the purposes of evaluating and
monitoring its models under section
1115A(b)(4)(B) of the Act.
Overwhelming evidence points to GHG
emission’s deleterious effect on patient
health and the disproportionate impact
born by Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP
beneficiaries. See section
X.A.3.p.(1).(c).(v). of the preamble of
this proposed rule, for GHG Emissions
Impact on Medicare, Medicaid, and
CHIP populations.
Given the established impact GHG
emissions have on Medicare, Medicaid,
and CHIP beneficiary health, CMS
proposes to collect data on GHG
emissions, through voluntary reporting,
as part of our monitoring and evaluation
of the model, just as CMS monitors for
other quality indicators that may impact
beneficiary health.
(ii) Measuring GHG Emissions is a Key
First Step To Reducing GHG Emissions
Which Could Improve Quality
Outcomes for Beneficiaries
Measuring GHG emissions is an
important first step toward reducing
GHG emissions, and such reductions
could lead to outcome quality
improvements among beneficiaries. By
organizing a GHG emissions reporting
system, CMS is supporting TEAM
participants in establishing a baseline
Damage in The United States: An Update. Health
Affairs, vol. 39, no. 12, pp. 2071–2079. December
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understanding of their GHG emissions,
how much and how efficiently energy is
used in their facilities, and the
emissions generated by their facilities or
activities. Establishing this baseline
understanding is a necessary first step to
lowering emissions. The proposed
decarbonization initiative could directly
lead to lower emissions through: (1)
sharing benchmarkable data back to
TEAM participants, which will support
identification of opportunities to
improve energy efficiency; (2)
supporting their GHG emissions
reporting activities, which will support
TEAM participants in better
understanding their current state energy
consumption, GHG emissions, and
opportunities to improve energy
efficiency; and (3) providing technical
assistance related to reporting,
identifying, and accessing resources for
and undertaking activities to reduce
GHG emissions.
Given the association of emissions
with chronic diseases, including
respiratory and cardiovascular disease,
the decarbonization and resilience
initiative could improve health
outcomes for the Medicare, Medicaid,
and CHIP beneficiaries
disproportionately affected by GHG
emissions. In particular, the
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
released a report on the health impacts
of GHG emissions, pollution, and
climate change and health and pointed
towards key health outcomes that are
impacted—new asthma diagnoses in
children age 0–17 due to particulate air
pollution, premature deaths in adults
ages 65 and older due to particulate air
pollution, and deaths due to extreme
temperatures.729 We would expect
reductions in GHG emissions to
improve these health outcomes for its
patient populations.
(iii) Measuring GHG Emissions Could
Improve Hospitals’ Resilience and
Beneficiaries’ Continuity of Care, Both
of Which Impact Quality Outcomes
In addition to these general health
quality impacts, there are also resilience
and continuity of care impacts
associated with energy efficiency and a
transition to sustainable energy sources
for hospitals, which also impact quality
outcomes. One study that examined 158
hospital evacuations between 2000 and
2017 found that nearly three-quarters
729 EPA’s Office of Atmospheric Programs.
Climate Change and Social Vulnerability in the
United States: A Focus on Six Impacts. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. EPA 430–R–21–
003. September 2021.
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were for climate-sensitive events such
as wildfires or hurricanes.730 In addition
to causing hospital evacuations, climate
change can disrupt health care system
operations by causing facility damage
and closures, power outages,
displacement of health care
professionals, and disruptions in
transportation. These climate impacts
affect access to and quality of care.
By sharing back benchmarkable data
with TEAM participants (as described in
section X.A.3.p.(6).(a). of the preamble
of this proposed rule, Individualized
Feedback Reports to TEAM Participants,
of the preamble of this proposed rule),
providing technical assistance related to
GHG emissions reporting, and providing
technical assistance to improve energy
efficiency and energy resilience, the
Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative could directly support TEAM
participants in building greater energy
resilience to disasters and ensuring
greater continuity of care. We expect the
Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative to increase the energy
efficiency of participating TEAM
participants and the degree to which
they have sustainable, more localized
sources of energy that are resilient to
disasters and other climate change
related hazards.731 We expect this to
lead to fewer hospital closures during
disasters and therefore improve
continuity of care and other health
quality outcomes for effected
beneficiaries. Greenwich Hospital offers
an example of this. In 2008, the hospital
invested in building a low- carbon,
energy efficient energy infrastructure
with the intention of it being able to
withstand the impact of an extreme
weather event. The investment proved
to be valuable because when Hurricane
Sandy hit the New Jersey coast in 2012,
the hospital was still able to carry on
with normal healthcare operations.
(iv) GHG Emissions are Relevant To
Reducing Program Expenditures
Reductions in operating costs and
spending due to energy efficiency and
more efficient provision of care (in the
case of anesthetic gases) directly
contribute to savings for CMS. GHG
730 Sharon E. Mace & Aishwarya Sharma. Hospital
Evacuations Due to Disasters in the United States
in the Twenty-First Century. American Journal of
Disaster Medicine, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 7–22. January
2020, Hospital evacuations due to disasters in the
United States in the twenty-first century—PubMed
731 NOAA Climate Program Office. Hospital Plans
Ahead for Power, Serves the Community Through
Hurricane Sandy. U.S. National Oceanic &
Atmospheric Administration Climate Resilience
Toolkit. February 15, 2018. https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
emissions reporting is a necessary first
step for hospitals to begin to understand
their emissions, how energy efficient
their facilities and processes are, and to
identify opportunities to increase
efficiencies and lower operating costs
and spending tied to GHG emissions
and to overutilization of anesthetic gas.
In turn, increased energy efficiency and
reduced energy expenditures may
reduce Medicare Program costs.
Technical assistance provided under the
initiative would also further help
hospitals identify, resource, and
implement energy efficiency
Medicare pays Critical Access
Hospitals based on each hospital’s
reported costs outside of IPPS.
Therefore, reductions in operating costs
and some capital costs could lead to
cost savings for the Medicare program.
Medicare pays for capital and operating
costs as part of IPPS payments, and
efficiencies achieved through
decarbonization could lead to savings to
the Medicare program. In addition,
reporting questions and metrics related
to energy use could improve
understanding of those costs and inform
potential future policy development to
secure further savings.
Medicare covers anesthesia services
through both Part A and Part B.
Research has shown that low-flow
anesthesia techniques (≤1 L/min) are
associated with lower costs, reduced
emissions, and do not impact quality of
care or health outcomes.732 The Patient
Safety and Support of Positive
Experiences with Anesthesia MIPS
Value Pathway already includes an
efficiency measure focused on
encouraging the use of low flow
inhalation general anesthesia during the
maintenance phase of the anesthetic for
patients aged 18 years or older who
undergo an elective procedure lasting 30
minutes or longer (ABG44). Such
improvements to the provision of care
and anesthesia could simultaneously
lower emissions and reduce costs/
produce savings.
(v) GHG Emissions Impact on Medicare,
Medicaid, and CHIP Populations
Medicare and Medicaid beneficiary
health and program expenditures are
directly impacted by GHG emissions.
Older adults, or those 65 years old and
older, experience poorer health
732 Alicia Edmonds, Hilary Stambaugh, Scot
Pettey, & Kenn B. Daratha. Evidence-Based Project:
Cost Savings and Reduction in Environmental
Release With Low-Flow Anesthesia. AANA J, vol.
89, no. 1, pp. 27–33. February 2021. EvidenceBased Project: Cost Savings and Reduction in
Environmental Release With Low-Flow
Anesthesia—PubMed (
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outcomes because of rising
temperatures, air pollution, and disaster
events. Depending on global trajectories
of global warming, particulate matter
concentrations are estimated to result in
approximately 2,000 to 6,000 premature
U.S. deaths for those over 65 years old
on an annual basis. Air pollution has
other negative health consequences,
including the exacerbation of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease and
increased occurrence of heart attacks,
especially for those living with diabetes
or obesity.733
Other studies have documented the
impact of weather-related events such as
high temperatures, flood, storms, or
hurricanes that may disproportionately
affect older adults.734 735 736 737
Medicaid beneficiaries are typically
lower-income populations, pregnant
people, and children, all of whom
experience many direct and indirect
health challenges because of climate
drivers and events, including greater
exposure to air pollution, mortality and
injury from extreme temperatures, and
food insecurity.738
Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries
are among the groups most vulnerable to
the health effects of climate change and
GHG emissions and bear the highest
share of climate-sensitive health costs
including those from GHG emissions
which may account for billions in
health-related costs to both
733 Lulin Wang, Junqing Xie, Yonghua Hu, &
Yaohua Tian. Air Pollution and Risk of Chronic
Obstructed Pulmonary Disease: The Modifying
Effect of Genetic Susceptibility and Lifestyle.
Lancet eBioMedicine, vol. 79, pp. 103994. May
2022. Air pollution and risk of chronic obstructed
pulmonary disease: The modifying effect of genetic
susceptibility and lifestyle—PMC (
734 Marina Romanello, Alice McGushin, Claudia
Di Napoli, et al. The 2021 Report of the Lancet
Countdown on Health and Climate Change: Code
Red for a Healthy Future. Lancet, vol. 398, no.
10311, pp. 1619–1662. October 20, 2021. The 2021
report of the Lancet Countdown on health and
climate change: code red for a healthy future—The
735 Janet L. Gamble & John Balbus. Chapter. 9:
Populations of Concern. In: U.S. Global Change
Research Program. The Impacts of Climate Change
on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific
Assessment. 2016. The Impacts of Climate Change
on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific
Assessment (
736 Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum & Nicola
Wheeler. COP24 Special Report: Health & Climate
Change. World Health Organization Special Report.
2018. 9789241514972-eng.pdf (
737 Laura P. Sands, Quyen Do, Pang Du, Yunnan
Xu, & Rachel Pruchno. Long Term Impact of
Hurricane Sandy on Hospital Admissions of Older
Adults. Social Science & Medicine, vol. 293, pp.
114659. January 1, 2023. Long term impact of
Hurricane Sandy on hospital admissions of older
adults—PMC (
738 Wim Thiery, Stefan Lange, Joeri Rogel, et al.
Intergenerational Inequities in Exposure to Climate
Extremes. Science, vol. 374, no. 6564, pp. 158–160.
September 26, 2021. Intergenerational inequities in
exposure to climate extremes—PubMed (
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programs.739 740 The Office of
Management and Budget’s (OMB) 2022
Assessment of the Federal Government’s
Financial Risks to Climate Change
estimates that ‘‘Federal climate-related
healthcare spending in a few key areas
could increase by between $824 million
and $22 billion (2020$) by the end of
the century.’’ 741
(2) Defining the Decarbonization and
Resilience Initiative
We are proposing at § 512.505 that a
Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative is an initiative for TEAM
participants that includes technical
assistance on decarbonization and a
voluntary reporting program where
TEAM participants may annually report
questions and metrics related to
emissions to CMS based on information
that we describe in section X.A.3.p.(4).
of the preamble of this proposed rule.
We are proposing that CMS would
make available to TEAM participants
technical assistance related to
decarbonization, emissions reduction,
and energy efficiency as described in
section X.A.3.p.(4). of the preamble of
this proposed rule. The voluntary
reporting component of the initiative
described in section X.A.3.p.(4). of the
preamble of this proposed rule would
allow TEAM participants to elect to
report metrics including emissions data
and assessment questions on four
potential categories: organizational
questions, building energy metrics,
anesthetic gas metrics, and
transportation metrics to CMS. We are
proposing the building metrics would
be reported to CMS using the ENERGY
STAR® PortfolioManager® and all other
metrics would be reported to CMS in a
manner and form specified by CMS.
TEAM participants that elect to report
all the metrics after a performance year
would receive individualized feedback
reports and public recognition from
(3) Technical Assistance
For the technical assistance portion of
the Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative we are proposing that CMS
739 Vijay S. Limaye, Wendy Max, Juanita
Constible, & Kim Knowlton. Estimating the HealthRelated Costs of 10 Climate-Sensitive U.S. Events
During 2012. GeoHealth, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 245–265.
September 17, 2019. Estimating the Health-Related
Costs of 10 Climate-Sensitive U.S. Events During
2012—PMC (
740 Ibid.
741 U.S. Office of Management & Budget. Climate
Risk Exposure: An Assessment of the Federal
Government’s Financial Risks to Climate Change.
OMB White Paper. April 2022. https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
would provide three types of support to
interested TEAM participants:
• Developing approaches to enhance
organizational sustainability and
• Transitioning to care delivery
methods that result in lower GHG
emissions and are clinically equivalent
to or better than previous care delivery
methods (for example, switching from
Desflurane to alternative inhaled
anesthetics); and
• Identifying and using tools to
measure emissions and associated
measurement activities.
In the first support type, developing
organizational approaches, CMS would
entail offer interested TEAM
participants guidance on best practices
and methods for identifying
opportunities to reduce GHG emissions
while promoting sustainability and
resilience. Particular attention will be
placed on building efficiency and
sustainable transportation. We would
also help to identify potential nonMedicare financing strategies for this
work, noting that TEAM participants
have access to tax credits and grant
programs that can support
decarbonization and climate resilience
investments through the Inflation
Reduction Act,742 as well as other
federal funding opportunities.743
OCCHE is leading a Catalytic Program to
support safety-net health providers in
taking advantage of these
unprecedented opportunities; TEAM
participants would be encouraged to
take advantage of the recorded content
and other materials from that
With respect to the second type of
support transitioning to lower-carbon
clinical alternatives, we would offer
guidance on strategies for reducing
emissions associated with inhaled
anesthetic gases in pursuit of
742 HHS Office of Climate Change & Health
Equity. (OCCHE) Quickfinder for Leveraging the
Inflation Reduction Act for the Health Sector. HHS
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health.
February 27, 2024. The Office of Climate Change
and Health Equity (OCCHE) Quickfinder for
Leveraging the Inflation Reduction Act for the
Health Sector |
743 HHS Office of Climate Change & Health
Equity. Compendium of Federal Resources for
Health Sector Emissions Reduction and Resilience.
HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health.
December 7, 2023. Compendium of Federal
Resources for Health Sector Emissions Climate
Change Technical Assistance for Territories
Reduction and Resilience |
744 HHS Office of Climate Change & Health
Equity. Catalytic Program on Utilizing the IRA. HHS
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health
Resource Hub. March 1, 2024.
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improvements on the measures
described later in this section (drawing
in part on ongoing work by federal
health systems in this area). Other types
of care delivery transitions could benefit
patients by reducing demand for
hospital services through education,
addressing health inequities, improving
telehealth options, and improving
upstream care management.
For the third type of support,
developing emissions measurement
strategies, we would identify relevant
measures, existing tools (for example,
the ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
platform described in section
X.A.3.p.(4). of the preamble of this
proposed rule) and new tools as needed.
We would also offer guidance on
strategies for using emissions data to
identify opportunities to save energy
and reduce emissions (for example,
ENERGY STAR® Treasure Hunt to
identify potential areas to reduce energy
We are proposing that this technical
assistance would be targeted to
interested TEAM participants, but we
would also make this information
available to other hospitals that might
request it, as feasible.
(4) Voluntary Reporting
For the voluntary reporting portion of
the TEAM Decarbonization and
Resiliency Initiative, we are proposing
at § 512.598 that TEAM participants
may elect to report metrics and
questions related to emissions to CMS
on an annual basis following each
performance year. TEAM participants
that elect to report on all the initiative
metrics and questions to CMS, in the
form and manner required by CMS,
would be eligible for benefits such as
receiving individualized feedback
reports and public recognition as well as
potentially achieving operational
savings (please note these savings
would be incidental and not a result of
model-related payments). In section
X.A.3.p.(4). of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we propose the metrics
and questions that would be included in
the voluntary reporting initiative. In
section X.A.3.p.(5). of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we propose how and
when the metrics and questions would
be reported to CMS. Finally, in section
X.A.3.p.(6). of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we outline our proposals
for benefits for TEAM participants that
elect to engage in the voluntary
reporting portion of the Decarbonization
and Resiliency Initiative as well as
745 Energy Star Treasure Hunts, https://
PO 00000
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document some potential indirect
benefits, such as operational savings.
(a) Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative Metrics
(i) Background on Scope and Metrics
As discussed in section X.A.3.p.(1). of
the preamble of this proposed rule, the
GHGP establishes a framework for
measuring Scope 1 and Scope 2
emissions. In identifying priority Scope
1 and Scope 2 categories and metrics for
emissions reporting for TEAM
participants, we considered guidance
and research from several sources. In
2022, AHRQ convened an expert panel
to develop a primer for identifying,
prioritizing, monitoring, and reducing
health care carbon emissions. In
developing our proposals, we referred to
this AHRQ primer to identify potential
measures for Scopes 1 and 2. We also
looked at guideline sources, such as the
new Sustainable Healthcare
Certification requirements by The Joint
Commission (TJC), for their elements on
leadership, measurement, and
performance improvement; and
guidance from the National Academy of
Medicine (NAM) for steps and key
actions to reduce GHG emission within
health care systems.
The AHRQ primer identified three
categories that fit into Scopes 1 and 2:
building energy, anesthetic gases, and
transportation. NAM published key
actions that facilities could take to
address greenhouse gas emissions.746
These actions are broken into two steps.
Step I focuses on actions to start a
decarbonization journey and includes
activities like assembling an executive
sustainability team, performing a GHG
inventory, and establishing specific
decarbonization goals. Step II actions,
which focus on specific interventions,
include activities for reducing emissions
from building energy, anesthetic gas,
and transportation. TJC launched a
Sustainable Healthcare Certification
program that includes required
standards for organizational
performance and leadership, such as a
sustainability plan, as well as
requirements for collection of detailed
emissions information for at least 3
different sources out of six—energy use
(fuel combustion), purchased electricity
746 Kathy Gerwig, Hardeep Singh, Jodi Sherman,
Walt Vernon, & Beth Schenk. Action Collaborative
on Decarbonizing the Health Sector. Key Actions to
Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by U.S.
Hospitals and Health Systems. National Academy of
Medicine Climate Collaborative. 2022. https://
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(purchased grid electricity, district
steam, chilled and hot water), anesthetic
gas use (including volatile agents and
nitrous oxide), pressurized metereddose inhaler use), fleet vehicle carbonbased fuel use (from organizationowned vehicles), and waste disposal.
(ii) Proposed Scope and Sources for
At this time, we are proposing to limit
metrics that TEAM participants may
voluntarily report for the
Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative to Scope 1 (direct emissions
related to health care operations) and
Scope 2 (emissions related to purchased
electricity consumption). We believe
that TEAM participants have more
ability to track and report these metrics
at this time and could use information
from these metrics to assess ways to
reduce their carbon emissions and
improve their operating efficiency.
TEAM participants would be
encouraged to look at emissions across
all three Scopes, but for this initial
program, the proposed metrics would
include Scopes 1 and 2. We seek
comment on our proposal to limit the
focus of the Decarbonization and
Resilience Initiative to Scopes 1 and 2
for the initial years of the TEAM Model.
Based on programs and publications
discussed in section X.A.3.p.(4).(a).(i).
of the preamble of this proposed rule,
we are proposing four areas for
reporting: (1) Organizational Questions;
(2) Building Energy Metrics; (3)
Anesthetic Gas Metrics; and (4)
Transportation Metrics. We are
proposing at § 512.598(a) the metrics for
the voluntary program. TEAM
participants, if they so choose, would
report on these four categories. In
proposing these voluntary questions and
areas for voluntary metric reporting,
CMS is prioritizing alignment with
existing initiatives such as those
described in section X.A.3.p.(4).(a).(i). of
the preamble of this proposed rule.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(iii) Organizational Questions
For the Decarbonization and
Resilience Initiative, we are proposing
at § 512.598(a)(1) a set of organizational
questions about the TEAM participants’
sustainability team and sustainability
activities. These questions are generally
based on NAM’s key action Step I
shortlist. We propose the organizational
questions would include the following:
• Does your facility have a
sustainability team? If so, does your
facility’s sustainability team include
broad representation, seeking input
across operational and clinical lines,
and engaging staff, executive leaders,
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clinicians, board members, and
• Does your facility perform a GHG
inventory? If so, which of the following
are included in your facility’s GHG
++ Scope 1 emissions.
++ Scope 2 emissions.
++ Scope 3 emissions (business travel,
employee commuting, waste)?
• Has your facility implemented a
decarbonization goal that compares
performance to a baseline year?
• What are your facility’s
decarbonization goals (for example, 10
percent GHG reduction annually across
all operations, aiming to achieve 50
percent reduction by 2030)? What is the
baseline year used to measure your
facility’s decarbonization success?
• Has your facility implemented a
decarbonization plan?
• What is your facility’s
implementation plan? What milestones
and deliverables to track progress are
you documenting?
• Has your facility designated
resources for decarbonization and
resilience initiatives?
• Does your facility track operation
room (OR) specific energy use or waste?
If so, what, if any, OR energy efficiency
or waste reduction initiatives have you
We anticipate these questions would
be relatively straightforward to report on
and may encourage TEAM participants
who that have not yet started working
on decarbonization and/or resilience
initiatives to see what other hospitals
are doing to implement decarbonization
efforts. We seek feedback on the
potential burden of adding overall
organizational questions to the
Decarbonization and Resilience
(iv) Building Energy Metrics
For building energy usage, we are
proposing metrics that would assess
both the raw GHG emissions (locationbased and market-based methods of
calculation) from energy use (direct and
indirect), source information, and
information to normalize these metrics.
Specifically, we are proposing at
§ 512.598(a)(2) a set of building energy
metrics related to measuring and
reporting GHG emissions related to
energy use at TEAM participant
facilities. We are proposing at
§ 512.598(a)(2)(i) that these proposed
building energy metrics would be based
on the ENERGY STAR® Portfolio
Manager® guidelines for the time of
submission and that TEAM participants
choosing to report these metrics must
submit using ENERGY STAR® Portfolio
Manager® according to the reporting
PO 00000
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and timing requirements proposed in
section X.A.3.p.(5). of the preamble of
this proposed rule. We are proposing to
adopt the ENERGY STAR® Portfolio
Manager® guidelines at the time of
submission to ensure that the metrics
collected are consistent with current
For the Decarbonization and
Resilience initiative, we are proposing
at § 512.598(a)(2)(ii) the following
metrics: ENERGY STAR® Score for
Hospitals, as well as the supporting data
that goes into that calculation, and
energy costs and basic energy
consumption metrics such as total,
direct, and indirect GHG emissions and
emissions intensity as specified in the
ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®.747
As of this publication, the most recent
ENERGY STAR® Score for Hospitals
methodology was published in February
2021 748 and requires information such
as energy use intensity, electricity,
natural gas, and other source emissions
usage and several normalizing factors
such as building size, number of fulltime equivalent workers, number of
staffed beds, number of magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) machines, and
zip code (to pull weather and climate
related data such as the number of
heating and cooling days).749 We
propose that this supporting data would
be reported to CMS, as well. Having
both the aggregate score and the
underlying details would provide CMS
additional detail to monitor the impact
of emissions. As described in section
X.A.3.p.(5). of the preamble of this
proposed rule, TEAM participants who
elect to report data would submit after
the performance year. Should the
ENERGY STAR® Score for Hospitals
method change, we would default to the
methods that ENERGY STAR® is using
at the time of submission so that the
data reported to CMS would be
consistent with ENERGY STAR® Score
for Hospitals.
ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®
also allows users to track GHG
747 EPA Office of Air Programs. ENERGY STAR
Portfolio Manager Glossary. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency & U.S. Department of Energy.
748 EPA Office of Air Programs. ENERGY STAR
Score for Hospitals (General Medical and Surgical).
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency & U.S.
Department of Energy. February 19, 2021. https://
749 EPA Office of Air Programs. Technical
Reference: ENERGY STAR Score for Hospitals in
the United States. U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency & U.S. Department of Energy. February
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(v) Anesthetic Gas Metrics
We believe anesthetic gas metrics are
important to collect for the TEAM
Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative because the TEAM’s proposed
initial performance focus is on surgical
procedures which regularly utilize
anesthetic gas, as discussed previously.
We are proposing at § 512.598(a)(3) a set
of metrics related to measuring and
managing emissions from anesthetic gas.
These metrics include total GHG
emissions from inhaled anesthetic
gasses (based on purchase records)
along with the associated normalization
factors, and additional assessment
We evaluated methods to consistently
capture anesthesia metrics. ENERGY
STAR Portfolio Manager currently does
not collect information or calculate
benchmarks on anesthetic gases. There
are other calculators, such as Practice
Greenhealth’s ® Health Care Emissions
Impact Calculator that collect and
calculate data related to anesthetic
metrics,752 but we were concerned that
using multiple tools to report metrics
(considering we are already proposing
to use ENERGY STAR® Portfolio
Manager® for the building energy
metrics) would increase reporting
complexity and reporting burden. The
AHRQ primer recommended total GHG
emissions from inhaled anesthetics and
mean gas flow rates, but we were
concerned on the feasibility of capturing
mean gas flow rates. Based on all these
factors, we are therefore proposing at
§ 512.598(a)(3)(i) to include a metric for
total GHG emissions from inhaled
anesthetics using purchased records.
The metric would include information
such as volume of the bottle, the
number of bottles, and/or the number of
pounds, depending on the anesthetic
gas.753 We believe purchase records
provide a proxy for actual utilization
and that purchased records may be
easier for TEAM participants to report
compared to actual usage which
generally would have to be extracted
from electronic health records. Also, we
are proposing at § 512.598(a)(3)(ii)
normalization factors which we propose
to be anesthetic hours so we could more
accurately compare the carbon impact
across different facilities. We believe
these metrics would provide
information on anesthetic gases which
would be most relevant to the episodes
and provide a means for which to create
anesthetic gas metric benchmarks.
At § 512.598(a)(3)(iii), we are also
proposing to include assessment
questions broadly based on the key
actions recommended by NAM Step II
for reducing emissions from anesthetic
gases that TEAM participants may
choose to answer. Assessment questions
include the following:
• Has your facility set an emissions
reduction goal related to anesthetic
750 AHA Health Forum. Fast Facts on Hospitals.
American Hospital Association. 2024. https://
751 EPA Office of Air Programs. State/Local
Compliance Ordinances. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency & U.S. Department of Energy.
February 20, 2024. State/local compliance
ordinances (
752 Practice Greenhealth. Health Care Emissions
Impact Calculator. 2023. https://
753 We recognize that certain gases and
compounds are most easily measured by volume
and others in weight as they are not purchased by
bottle (for example, Nitrous Oxide).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
emissions and energy costs, which
captures total energy cost and can
inform tracking of potential savings.
There are several reasons we are
proposing that TEAM participants use
the ENERGY STAR® Portfolio Manager®
for submitting building energy metrics.
First, ENERGY STAR® Portfolio
Manager® is a free, on-line
benchmarking tool used by over 3,000
hospitals as of January 2024
(approximately half of the number of
U.S. hospitals 750) to benchmark energy,
water, and waste. Approximately fortyseven state and local governments 751
require its use to track and report energy
usage and emissions on an annual basis.
We believe that by using data and
information collected in the ENERGY
STAR® Portfolio Manager® tool, we
would minimize the reporting burden
for TEAM participants and maximize
the benchmarking value of reporting,
which should make comparisons and
measuring progress easier. We also
believe the information collected in the
ENERGY STAR® Score for Hospitals are
similar to recommended measures in
the AHRQ primer.
Finally, we also considered an
alternative where we instead allowed
private vendors with a relationship to
the facility to submit equivalent
information, aligned to the GHG
Protocol, instead of ENERGY STAR
Portfolio Manager. Ideally, we would
like TEAM participants to have options
to collect and capture their emissions
data, but we also want to ensure that
any benchmarks are consistent across
TEAM participants.
We seek feedback on our proposed
metrics reported through ENERGY
STAR Portfolio Manager and on the
alternative of allowing private vendors
to submit equivalent information.
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PO 00000
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• Does your facility track and
benchmark anesthetic gas emissions at
the procedure and provider level?
• Has your facility removed the use of
desflurane or removed vaporizers when
using desflurane?
• Has your facility decommissioned
piped nitrous oxide and substituted ecylinders? If not, are these activities in
We believe answering these
assessment questions would provide
facilities with ideas and actions that
could in turn reduce impact on
emissions and would supplement the
other anesthesia gases data.
We seek comment on our proposed
anesthesia gas metrics which would
include the total GHG emissions from
inhaled anesthetics and anesthetic
hours and assessment questions for
anesthetic gases. We particularly seek
feedback on the feasibility of reporting
data based on purchase records or
whether we should require actual
records. We also seek comment on the
feasibility of capturing anesthetic hours
or if we should consider a different
normalization factor such as number of
operating rooms. We are also seeking
feedback on whether we should
consider other calculators, metrics and
inputs to determine GHG emissions
from anesthetic gases, or quality
measures such as ABG44: Low Flow
Inhalational General Anesthesia.
Finally, while we believe it is
important to capture the data on total
GHG emissions from inhaled
anesthetics, anesthetic hours, and the
assessment questions for anesthetic
gases, we also considered whether we
provide the TEAM participants an
option of reporting either the total GHG
emissions from inhaled anesthetics
(with anesthetic hours) or reporting the
assessment questions for the voluntary
reporting program. We believe this
flexibility for TEAM participants could
reduce reporting burden and enhance
participation, but we are concerned this
alternative may not provide comparable
data across the TEAM participants who
voluntarily submit data. We seek
feedback on this alternative for TEAM
participants who choose to submit to
report either anesthetic gases and
anesthetic hours or to report the
assessment questions.
(vi) Transportation Metrics
The third category of information
relevant to health care facilities is the
GHG emissions related to leased or
owned vehicles. We are proposing at
§ 512.598(a)(4) a set of metrics that focus
on greenhouse gases related to leased or
owned vehicles. We are proposing
§ 512.598(a)(4)(i) through (a)(4)(iii)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
metrics that include gallons for owned
and leased vehicles consistent with
GHGP Scope 1 requirements, patient
encounter volume as a normalization
factor, and assessment questions. For
transportation emissions related to
patient transportation and supply chain,
please see the RFI on Scope 3 emissions
which seeks comment on the feasibility
of reporting Scope 3 emissions such as
those from Scope 3 transportation
emissions (for example, patient
Including information on gallons for
owned and leased vehicles aligns with
the AHRQ primer core measure for
transportation, and we anticipate that
TEAM participants can capture this
information. We also propose that if
TEAM participants choose to partake in
the Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative Voluntary Reporting, we
would require TEAM participants to
capture patient encounter volume as a
normalization factor and are considering
a range of other factors consistent with
GHG protocols such as full-time
equivalents (FTEs).
We are also proposing a series of
assessment questions that align with the
NAM recommended key actions to
reduce transportation emissions.
Assessment questions include the
• Has your facility set an emissions
reduction goal related to transportation?
• Has your facility executed plans to
reduce fleet emissions (either from
reducing miles or replacing with electric
vehicles [EVs])?
• Has your facility identified
measures to optimize product delivery?
• Has your facility provided (or in the
process of providing) EV charging
We seek feedback on the proposed
transportation metrics. Additionally, we
seek feedback to the extent hospitals are
tracking this information and the
operational feasibility to track and
report this information or if other
alternative metrics may be more feasible
(for example, mileage). Finally, while
we believe it is important to capture
both the data on the gallons of gas as
well as the assessment questions, we
also considered whether we provide the
TEAM participants an option of
reporting either the gallons data or
reporting the assessment questions for
the voluntary reporting program. We
believe this flexibility for TEAM
participants could reduce reporting
burden and enhance participation, but
we are concerned this alternative may
not provide comparable data across the
TEAM participants who voluntarily
submit data. We seek feedback on this
alternative for TEAM participants who
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choose to submit to report either gallons
and patient encounter or to report the
assessment questions.
(vii) Request for Information on Scope 3
Metrics and MDIs
Both Scope 3 and MDI emissions
account for a large percentage of
medical carbon emissions and CMS is
interested in potential ways in which to
provide technical assistance to TEAM
participants to assess available metrics
to help reduce the enormity of this
(a) Scope 3 Metrics
We believe Scope 3 emissions are
relevant to a Decarbonization and
Resilience Initiative connected to TEAM
because Scope 3 emissions account for
82 percent of all U.S. health care
emissions. Scope 3 includes all
emissions upstream and downstream in
the supply chain and other indirect
emissions. We seek additional
information regarding potential future
voluntary reporting of Scope 3
• What metrics or data collection
elements would be appropriate for
TEAM participants to accurately report
Scope 3 emissions?
• Is there an industry standard tool
that can be utilized for Scope 3
• Which Scope 3 categories are most
feasible and appropriate for hospitals
participating in TEAM to report at this
• How can CMS and hospitals engage
other parts of supply chain that
contribute to Scope 3 emissions or
incentivize their reduction of Scope 3
• Would hospital burden of Scope 3
reporting differ from Scope 1 and 2
(b) MDIs
Also, under Scope 3, we seek
additional information regarding MDIs.
We believe that further understanding of
the MDI prescription and usage rates
could assist in finding pathways of
reduction and substitution to a less
harmful environmental option.
However, we understand that most MDI
prescriptions and the management of
related conditions occur in the
outpatient setting and may not be
directly relevant to TEAM participants.
Hospital reductions in MDI
prescriptions can still result in
significant reductions of GHG
emissions. For example, Providence
Oregon hospitals identified clinically
equivalent MDI formulations of
albuterol with 3-fold differences in
PO 00000
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emissions.754 By prioritizing the lower
emissions intensity inhalers, these
emissions are projected to drop by 42
percent, or 298 tons of CO2e (the
equivalent of 64 gasoline powered
passenger vehicles driven) per year. We
are seeking information on the
feasibility of capturing information on
MDI outpatient prescriptions as a
percentage of all inhaler prescriptions
relevant to TEAM participants.
• What role do acute care hospitals,
hospital-based pharmacies, or other
providers in the inpatient setting play in
prescribing MDIs and guiding patients
toward environmentally preferable
selections, such as dry powder
inhaler,755 when clinically safe to do so?
We believe it would be important to
record data such as the volume of each
MDI cannister (micrograms) and number
of MDI cannisters prescribed on an
annual basis and this would be helpful
to capture. We are seeking feedback on
the feasibility of capturing information
for the following questions:
• What is the utilization rate of MDIs
and dry powder inhalers, for inpatients?
• What is the prescription rate of
MDIs and dry powder inhalers?
• Is there a way to replace the MDI
propellant from a hydrofluorocarbon to
(5) Report Timing
For the Decarbonization and
Resilience Initiative, we are proposing
at § 512.598(b) that if TEAM
participants so choose, they would
report information annually to CMS
after each performance period. The form
and manner would be specified by CMS
for each performance period including
using ENERGY STAR® Portfolio
Manager® for building energy metrics
proposed in section X.A.3.p.(4).(a).(iv).
of the preamble of this proposed rule.
We anticipate reporting for the other
metrics and assessment questions would
be a survey and questionnaire in a form
and manner specified by CMS. We are
also proposing at § 512.598(b) that the
Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative information would need to be
reported to CMS by no later than 120
days in the year following the
754 Bhargavi Sampath, Matthew Jensen, Jennifer
Lenoci-Edwards, Kevin Little, Hardeep Singh, &
Jodi D. Sherman. Reducing Health care Carbon
Emissions: A Primer on Measures and Actions for
Health Care Organizations to Mitigate Climate
Change. U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research &
Quality. AHRQ pub. No. 22–M011. September 2023.
Reducing Healthcare Carbon Emissions: A Primer
on Measures and Actions to Mitigate Climate
Change (
755 Kimberly Wintemute & Fiona Miller. Dry
Powder Inhalers Are Environmentally Preferable to
Metered-Dose Inhalers. CMAJ, vol. 192, no. 29, pp.
E846. July 20, 2020.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
performance period, or a later date as
determined by CMS. We believe it is
important to have flexibility to delay the
reporting in case of an emergency or
technical issue.
We also considered requiring
reporting by June 1 after the
performance period to align with the
majority of the local decarbonization
programs that report to ENERGY
STAR®.756 We are seeking comment on
the proposed report timing and
(6) Benefits for TEAM Participants Who
Elect To Report in the Decarbonization
and Resiliency Initiative
We are proposing at § 512.598(c) that
TEAM participants who elect to report
all the metrics identified in section
X.A.3.p.(4). of the preamble of this
proposed rule in the manner described
in section X.A.3.p.(5). of the preamble of
this proposed rule would receive
individualized feedback reports and be
eligible to receive public recognition for
their commitment to decarbonization. In
addition to these proposed benefits, we
believe TEAM participants may receive
additional indirect benefits from
engaging in the voluntary reporting
portion of the Decarbonization and
Resiliency Initiative.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(a) Individualized Feedback Reports to
TEAM Participants
We are proposing at § 512.598(c)(1) to
provide individualized feedback reports
to TEAM participants who voluntarily
report to CMS the four emissions-related
metrics in the Decarbonization and
Resilience Initiative. We anticipate
these reports would summarize
facilities’ emissions metrics and would
include benchmarks, as feasible, for
normalized metrics to compare
facilities, in aggregate, to other TEAM
participants in the Decarbonization and
Resilience Initiative. While ENERGY
STAR has many robust benchmarks
related to building energy efficiency, we
believe that TEAM participants would
be able to learn additional information
from peers about emissions from
anesthetic gases and transportation
emissions. See section X.A.3.p.(4).(a). of
the preamble of this proposed rule for
discussion of the proposed metrics and
calculator tools to be used as part of the
Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative. CMS does not intend to make
these individualized feedback reports
available to the public or other TEAM
756 EPA
Office of Air Programs. State/Local
Compliance Ordinances. U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency & U.S. Department of Energy.
February 20, 2024. State/local compliance
ordinances (
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participants and intends them for the
purpose of learning and improvement.
We invite public comment on this
(b) Establishment of a Publicly Reported
Hospital Recognition of Decarbonization
We propose at § 512.598(c)(2) to
establish a publicly reported hospital
recognition badge for the TEAM
participant’s commitment to
decarbonization; CMS would post a
hospital recognition badge on a CMS
website. We would provide annual
recognition to TEAM participants for
reporting all the metrics detailed in
section X.A.3.p.(4).(a). of the preamble
of this proposed rule. The recognition
badge would be reevaluated each year
based on the reporting of performance
year metrics to CMS. We believe adding
this recognition to a consumer-facing
CMS website would allow patients and
families to choose hospitals that have
participated in efforts to measure health
care carbon emissions.
To encourage meaningful reductions
in emissions, we are seeking comments
on potentially expanding to a tiered
recognition in future years. We believe
a tiered approach could better
acknowledge TEAM participants that
have elected to voluntarily report their
emissions data, actively engage in
decarbonization activities that would
result in reduced Scopes 1, 2, and 3
emissions, and meet absolute or relative
standards of reported energy efficiency
and lowered emissions. We seek
comment on tiering such badging so as
to recognize TEAM Participants that
meet certain absolute or relative
standards based on emissions reporting
measures or other standards such as the
Department of Energy’s National
Definition for a Zero Emission Building
and may consider making select
reported information public.757 Any
modifications to the public recognition
benefit would be addressed through
future rulemaking.
We invite public comment on the
proposed publicly reported hospital
recognition of decarbonization
(c) Indirect Benefits
We believe that in addition to the
direct benefits of participating in the
Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative there are several indirect
benefits associated with the Initiative’s
757 Kent Peterson, Paul Torcellini, & Roger Grant.
A Common Definition for Zero Energy Buildings.
National Institute of Building Sciences. September
2015. DOE/EE–1247.
PO 00000
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efforts to assist interested TEAM
participants in undertaking
decarbonization and resilience
activities. Decarbonization can help
improve the financial well-being of
health care facilities by reducing
operational costs. Estimates indicate
that up to 30 percent of the energy used
in hospitals and other commercial
buildings is consumed unnecessarily
and investing in decarbonization has
been shown to decrease operational
costs through supply chain optimization
and reduced energy consumption and
Beyond the potential cost reduction
benefit of decarbonization, investing in
decarbonization may help to improve
patient care and outcomes. For example,
facilities that opt to reduce GHG
emissions by switching to renewable
energy sources increase their resilience
and thus can bypass power outages in
the electric grid during climate
emergencies. Furthermore, by reducing
GHG emissions, healthcare facilities are
contributing to preventing or
ameliorating adverse health outcomes
that are linked to air pollution and
climate change-related hazards like
hurricanes (for example, respiratory
illnesses, injury).759 Health systems
could benefit patients by reduced
demand for hospital services through
encouraging health education,
addressing health inequities
perpetuated by social determinants of
health, improving telehealth options,
and improving upstream care
management. A well-developed
sustainability strategy could allow
health systems to become more resilient
to the consequences of extreme weather
events, which exacerbate patients’
chronic cardiac, respiratory, and other
758 Hardeep Singh, Walt Vernon, Terri Scannell,
& Kathy Gerwig. (2023). Crossing the
Decarbonization Chasm: A Call to Action for
Hospital and Health System Leaders to Reduce
Their Greenhouse Gas Emissions. National
Academy of Medicine Discussion Paper. November
29, 2023.
759 Vijay S. Limaye, Wendy Max, Juanita
Constible, & Knowlton. Estimating the HealthRelated Costs of 10 Climate-Sensitive U.S. Events
During 2012. GeoHealth, vol. 3, no. 9, pp. 245–265.
September 17, 2019. Estimating the Health-Related
Costs of 10 Climate-Sensitive U.S. Events During
2012—PMC (
760 The Joint Commission. Sustainable Healthcare
Certification. 2024. Sustainable Healthcare
Certification | The Joint Commission.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(d) Request for Information on Potential
Future Incentives for Participation in
the Voluntary Decarbonization and
Resilience Initiative
At this time, we are not proposing any
bonuses, payments, or payment
adjustments to TEAM participants for
voluntary reporting in the
Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative. We may add such a policy to
the Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative in future years, subject to
additional rulemaking. We seek
feedback on the ways we could
structure potential payments, bonuses,
or payment adjustments. To offer some
• A potential bonus added to the
Composite Quality Score (CQS), which
is discussed in section X.A.3.d.(5).(e). of
the preamble of the proposed rule, for
TEAM participants who report the
information for the Decarbonization and
Resilience Initiative. This would reward
TEAM participants for collecting and
reporting data, but not necessarily for
better performance.
• We could elect to modify the CQS
score by providing a bonus for those
who perform well on the
Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative. We welcome thoughts on
which metrics we should identify for
measuring performance and how a
bonus could be structured.
We invite public comment on the
future bonuses, payments, or
adjustments for participation in the
Decarbonization and Resilience
q. Termination of the TEAM
The general provisions relating to
termination of the model by CMS in 42
CFR 512.596 would apply to the TEAM.
Consistent with these provisions, in the
event we terminate the TEAM, we
would provide written notice to TEAM
participants specifying the grounds for
termination and the effective date of
such termination or ending. As
provided by section 1115A(d)(2) of the
Act and § 512.594, termination of the
model under section 1115A(b)(3)(B) of
the Act would not be subject to
administrative or judicial review.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
B. Provider Reimbursement Review
Board (PRRB) (§ 405.1845)
Section 1878 of the Act (42 U.S.C.
1395oo) established by the Social
Security Amendments of 1972,
describes the role and function of the
Provider Reimbursement Review Board
(PRRB), a five-member administrative
tribunal that adjudicates disputes over
Medicare reimbursement for certain
providers of services in the Medicare
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program. The statute requires the HHS
Secretary to appoint individuals to the
PRRB for a 3-year term of office; the law
also established a shorter length of
office for the first appointments for the
newly created PRRB to permit staggered
terms of office. To qualify for
appointment to the PRRB, all members
must be knowledgeable in the field of
payment of providers of services; two
members must be representative of a
Medicare provider of services; and at
least one member must be a certified
public accountant. In 1974, the Social
Security Administration (SSA), which
administered the Medicare program
prior to its transfer to the Health Care
Financing Administration in the
Department of Health and Human
Services, promulgated the implementing
regulations for the PRRB. The
regulations governing the operation and
administration of the PRRB reside at 42
CFR part 405 subpart R, with the
provision governing the composition of
the PRRB at 42 CFR 405.1845. In
addition to codifying the statutory
requirements governing the composition
of the PRRB, the regulations established
that no Board Member is permitted to
serve more than two consecutive 3-year
terms of office and that the Secretary
has the authority to terminate a Board
Member’s term of office for good cause.
When the PRRB was established more
than 50 years ago, payment to providers
participating in the Medicare program
was on a cost reimbursement basis.
Beginning October 1, 1983, Medicare
transitioned to a prospective payment
system for inpatient hospitals. These
changes in reimbursement have led to
changes in the types of cases
adjudicated by the Board, the
complexity of the matters that come
before the Board, and often, the amount
of time required to bring matters to
resolution. While the limit on the
number of consecutive terms served by
a Board Member was established in the
1974 implementing regulations, CMS no
longer believes that the current
limitation on the number of consecutive
terms a Board Member may serve makes
good sense.
In this proposed rule, we propose to
amend paragraphs (a) and (b) of 42 CFR
405.1845, effective January 1, 2025.
• First, we seek to modify the
requirement that Board Members shall
be knowledgeable in the area of cost
reimbursement, so that it instead
requires them to be knowledgeable in
the field of payment of providers under
Medicare Part A.
• Second, we propose to permit a
Board Member to serve no more than
three consecutive terms, instead of two
PO 00000
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consecutive terms allowed under
current regulations.
• Third, we propose to permit a
Board Member who is designated as
Chairperson in their second or third
consecutive term to serve a fourth
consecutive term to continue leading
the Board as Chairperson.
The proposed change to paragraph (a)
is intended to align the regulatory
language with the statute, which, at
section 1878(h) of the Act states, ‘‘All of
the members of the Board shall be
persons knowledgeable in the field of
payment of providers of services . . .’’
As explained earlier in this preamble, it
was the case that Medicare payment to
providers was on cost reimbursement
basis when this provision became law;
however, this change would clarify that
a Board Member must have knowledge
of Medicare Part A payment (which
broadly covers the category of cases
adjudicated by the PRRB, as opposed to
the narrower subcategory of cost
reimbursement matters). The proposed
changes to paragraph (b) are intended to
reduce the amount of turnover that
occurs on the PRRB, enabling CMS to
recruit and retain highly qualified
individuals as they gain experience in
adjudicating cases. We believe that
these changes have the potential to
expand the pool of applicants seeking to
serve on the Board and who, because of
the current two-term limitation, may not
be willing to entertain a job change for
what would be at most a 6-year period
of service. These changes would also
create a new pathway for advancement
for an experienced Board Member to
continue their service to the PRRB in
the Chairperson position. Under current
regulations, if a Board Member is
serving in their first or second
consecutive term and later designated as
Chairperson, the total length of service
on the PRRB remains 6 years, or two
consecutive terms. In other words, a
Board Member who is designated as
Chairperson in year 4 or 5 of their
second consecutive term is only
permitted to serve 1 to 2 more years as
Chairperson. Under this proposal, the
PRRB would continue to benefit from
having an experienced Board Member
serve for a total of 12 years, if they were
designated as Chairperson in their
second or third consecutive term.
We recognize that the limit of two
consecutive terms under current
regulations creates more openings on
the PRRB, which offers opportunities for
newly appointed individuals to apply
their unique skill sets, experience, and
perspective to the work. However, there
is an opportunity cost associated with
the current level of turnover.
Recruitment of Board Members occurs
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
with regularity, generally every 1 to 3
years, and considerable time and effort
have been expended by CMS and HHS
in recruiting and vetting candidates as
well as training newly appointed Board
Members. Over time, it has been
increasingly challenging to attract a
large pool of qualified candidates who
have relevant skills and experience in
matters that come before the PRRB.
Even after a candidate is identified,
they must be formally appointed to the
PRRB by the Secretary. Upon accepting
the appointment, a Board Member must
devote significant time to learning the
duties of the job. As a result, in our
experience, a newer Board Member
takes more time to complete tasks
relative to their colleagues who have
more experience in the role. While
Board Members may have a strong legal,
accounting, health care, or other
professional background, this position
often is the first time they are in an
adjudicatory role. Conversely, when a
Board Member departs, there is a loss of
institutional knowledge and expertise
that adversely impacts efficiency and
productivity. Turnover also impacts the
relationships among and between the
Board Members, and it takes time for the
newly constituted Board to learn how to
work together. This proposal would
decrease the frequency of turnover and
permit lengthier periods of service for
Board Members, which we believe
would have the potential to increase the
PRRB’s efficiency and productivity.
The volume of cases filed with the
PRRB has remained relatively steady
over the past several decades with the
average number of appeals filed and
closed annually hovering around 2,000.
The PRRB’s docket has experienced
years in which fewer appeals were filed
in large part due to holds on issuing
Notices of Program Reimbursement from
which many providers file their appeals.
A year or years with a lower appeals
volume was then followed in
subsequent years by spikes of new
appeals once the holds were lifted. The
PRRB’s total docket has ranged from
about 5,000 appeals to about 10,000
appeals over the last 30 years, with an
average ending annual inventory of
8,700 cases. The PRRB’s fiscal year 2023
docket ended with 8,698 open appeals.
Additionally, the nature of the PRRB’s
cases has evolved. For example, in the
past decade, the PRRB has seen an
increase in broad-based legal challenges
to regulatory interpretations and fewer
appeals of reimbursable expenses
specific to individual providers, which
were common in the early years of the
PRRB’s operation. Early on, disputes
over a provider’s allowable costs in its
cost report involving such expenses as
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owners’ compensation, malpractice
insurance, and marketing expenses were
the norm, and generally these issues are
simpler matters to adjudicate. With the
evolution of Part A reimbursement to a
prospective payment system, the issues
on appeal with the PRRB frequently
involve nuanced issues that implicate
highly specialized and complex areas of
law. Cases that have been adjudicated
by the PRRB often reach the federal
courts, and on occasion, are decided by
the U.S. Supreme Court.761 Permitting
Board Members to serve more than two
consecutive terms would allow them
greater opportunity to follow the
landscape of issues under judicial
review, as it is not unusual for it to take
years for cases to wind their way
through the courts. Over their length of
service, a Board Member develops an
understanding of how certain issues are
decided in the courts and applies that
knowledge to the issues presented to the
PRRB. The longer length of service
would allow Board Members to obtain
a deeper understanding of, and
knowledge about, the issues and
We also are considering a policy of
permitting a Board Member to serve four
consecutive 3-year terms, which would
effectively permit an individual to serve
as long as 12 years (with the potential
of serving another 3 years, or 15 years
total, if the Board Member would later
be designated as Chairperson), as
opposed to 9 years under this proposed
regulatory change (with the potential of
serving a total of 12 years by concluding
their service on the PRRB as
Chairperson). Making a Board Member
eligible to serve as many four
consecutive terms could have an
advantage over three consecutive terms,
which means even less turnover and a
greater ability to retain highly qualified
Board Members. We seek public
comment on this alternative option of
four consecutive terms rather than three.
We also are considering permitting a
Board Member who ascends to the
position of Chairperson to serve an
additional two or three consecutive
terms, instead of the proposed one
additional consecutive term. Such a
policy would permit an individual to
serve 15 or 18 years (three 3-year terms
as a Board Member and another two or
three 3-year terms as Chairperson).
Allowing a Board Member who is later
designated as Chairperson to serve two
or three additional consecutive terms
761 See e.g.: Becerra v. Empire Health Found., for
Valley Hosp. Med. Ctr., 142 S. Ct. 2354 (2022);
Sebelius v. Auburn Reg’l Med. Ctr., 568 U.S. 145
(2013); Your Home Visiting Nurse Servs., Inc. v.
Shalala, 525 U.S. 449 (1999); and Bethesda Hosp.
Ass’n v. Bowen, 485 U.S. 399 (1988).
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would likely make all Board vacancies
more attractive relative to current
regulations (given the prospect of career
progression and a longer tenure) and
provide a longer period for a Board
Member to gain experience prior to
assuming the role of Chairperson, as
they develop the knowledge, skills, and
abilities in serve in a leadership
capacity on the Board. Our intent in this
proposal is to strike an appropriate
balance between an appropriate level of
turnover and CMS’s desire to recruit
and retain qualified Board Members. We
solicit comment on these alternative
options for the extended tenure of the
Chairperson and whether our proposal
or one of the alternative proposals best
strikes this balance.
C. Maternity Care Request for
Information (RFI)
1. Overview
As described in the White House
Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal
Health Crisis and in the CMS Maternity
Care Action Plan we are committed to
reducing maternal health disparities and
improving maternal health outcomes
during pregnancy, childbirth, and the
postpartum period.762 763 In alignment
with our commitment to addressing the
maternal health crisis, this RFI seeks to
gather information on differences
between hospital resources required to
provide inpatient pregnancy and
childbirth services to Medicare patients
as compared to non-Medicare patients.
To the extent that the resources required
differ between patient populations, we
also wish to gather information on the
extent to which non-Medicare payers, or
other commercial insurers, may be using
the IPPS as a basis for determining their
payment rates for inpatient pregnancy
and childbirth services and the effect, if
any, that the use of the IPPS as a basis
for determining payment by those
payers may have on maternal health
2. Use of Medicare Data for the
Calculation of the IPPS MS–DRG
Relative Weights
As explained in section II.A. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, section
1886(d)(4) of the Act requires the
Secretary to establish a classification of
inpatient hospital discharges by
diagnosis-related groups and a
762 White House. White House Blueprint for
Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis. 2022.
Accessed January 2, 2024. https://
763 CMS. CMS Cross Cutting Initiative: Maternity
Care Action Plan. 2022. Accessed January 2, 2023.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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methodology for classifying specific
hospital discharges within these groups.
We refer to these groups of diagnoses as
the IPPS Medicare Severity Diagnosis
Related Groups (MS–DRGs). For each
MS–DRG, the Secretary is required to
assign an appropriate weighting factor
which reflects the relative hospital
resources used with respect to
discharges classified within that group
compared to discharges classified
within other groups. The Secretary is
also required to adjust the MS–DRG
classifications and weighting factors at
least annually to reflect changes in
treatment patterns, technology, and
other factors which may change the
relative use of hospital resources.
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58652), our
goal is always to use the best available
data overall for ratesetting, including
the calculation of the IPPS MS–DRG
relative weights. We primarily utilize
Medicare claims data and Medicare cost
report data for IPPS ratesetting for
inpatient hospital services. The claims
data we utilize is specific to the
Medicare beneficiaries population,
which includes people 65 and older or
people with disabilities, End-Stage
Renal Disease, or amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS) that qualifies them for
Medicare earlier than the age of 65.764
Although most Medicare beneficiaries
are 65 and older, in 2021 around 13%
of the total share of Medicare
beneficiaries were under the age of
65.765 Therefore, people of reproductive
age may have Medicare as their primary
health insurance. Notably, a study from
the National Institutes of Health found
that pregnant women with disabilities
have higher risks for maternal mortality
and severe complications during birth
and pregnancy compared to other
pregnant women.766 Thus, considering
we utilize data that is specific to the
Medicare beneficiary population in our
ratesetting for inpatient hospital
services we caution against using the
IPPS rates and DRGs without first taking
764 Who’s eligible for Medicare? U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services. Accessed January 2,
765 Medicare Beneficiaries at a Glance 2023
Edition. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
766 Gleason JL, Grewal J, Chen Z, Cernich AN,
Grantz KL. Risk of Adverse Maternal Outcomes in
Pregnant Women With Disabilities. JAMA Netw
Open. 2021;4(12):e2138414. Published 2021 Dec 1.
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into account the characteristics of the
Medicare beneficiary population.
3. Request for Information
This RFI seeks to gather information
on differences between the resources
required to provide inpatient obstetrical
services to Medicare patients, on which
the IPPS MS–DRGs relative weights for
those services are based, as compared to
non-Medicare patients. To the extent
that the resources required differ, we
also seek information regarding the
extent to which non-Medicare payers,
such as state Medicaid programs, may
be using the IPPS MS–DRG relative
weights to determine payment for
inpatient obstetrical services and the
effect, if any, that the use of those
relative weights by those payers may
have on maternal health outcomes. For
instance, what types of modifications or
assumptions, if any, are being made by
payers when they are using the IPPS
MS–DRG relative weights to account for
the fact they are based on the Medicare
beneficiary population? For example,
one area where we are seeking
additional information is the extent to
which the use of the IPPS MS–DRG
relative weights by state Medicaid
programs may influence the number of
low-risk cesarean deliveries for
Medicaid patients. There are state
Medicaid programs that have
implemented payment initiatives, such
as bundled payment models, blended
payments, reduced payment or
nonpayment for some procedures, and
pay-for-performance models to improve
maternal health outcomes. Some
initiatives have demonstrated improved
outcomes, such as a reduction in
unnecessary cesarean deliveries.767
Does the use of the IPPS MS–DRG
relative weights as the basis for setting
rates for other payers, to the extent it
occurs, impact efforts to reduce low-risk
cesarean deliveries? For example, if the
differential between the hospital
resources required for vaginal versus
cesarean births is not the same for
Medicare and non-Medicare patients,
does the use of the IPPS MS–DRG
relative weights for non-Medicare
patients impact the number of low-risk
cesarean deliveries? If so, how? For
767 MACPAC. Medicaid Payment Initiatives to
Improve Maternal and Birth Outcomes. MACPAC.
Published April 2019.
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reference, IPPS MS–DRG relative
weights and arithmetic length of stay for
MS–DRGs for vaginal births and
cesarean births are shown in Table
In summary, we pose the following
questions to help facilitate feedback. We
note that posing these questions to
facilitate feedback in no way alters our
longstanding principle, reiterated each
year in the IPPS rulemaking, that
facilities should not consider
differences in relative weights when
making treatment decisions.
• What policy options could help
drive improvements in maternal health
• How can CMS support hospitals in
improving maternal health outcomes?
• What, if any, payment models have
impacted maternal health outcomes,
and how?
• What, if any, payment models have
been effective in improving maternal
health outcomes, especially in rural
• What factors influence the number
of vaginal deliveries and cesarean
• To what extent do non-Medicare
payers, such as state Medicaid
programs, use the IPPS MS–DRG
relative weights to determine payment
for inpatient obstetrical services? What
effect, if any, does the use of those
relative weights by those payers have on
maternal health outcomes?
• To what extent are Medicare claims
and cost report data reflective of the
differences in relative costs between
vaginal births and cesarean section
births for non-Medicare patients?
• Are there other data beyond claims
and cost reports that Medicare should
consider incorporating in development
of relative weights for vaginal births and
cesarean section births?
• What impact, if any, does the
relatively lower numbers of births in
Medicare have on the variability of the
relative weights?
• What effect, if any, does potential
variability in the relative weights on an
annual basis have on maternal health
768 For other obstetrics MS–DRGs not listed in the
table, refer to MS–DRG Definitions Manual: MDC 14
Pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium located
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Delivery Type 2
Cesarean Section with MCC
Vaginal Birth with MCC
FY 2021
Cesarean Section with CC
Vaginal Birth with CC
Cesarean Section without MCC/CC
Vaginal Birth without MCC/CC
Cesarean Section with MCC
Vaginal Birth with MCC
Cesarean Section with CC
Vaginal Birth with CC
Cesarean Section without MCC/CC
Vaginal Birth without MCC/CC
1 MS-DRG definitions can be located in the ICD-10 MS-DRG Defmitions Manual Files V41.l located at: imps: ·:,vww.cms.oovimedicare:pavment/prospectiw-pa,ment-svstemsiacute-inpatient-pps..'rns-
CC refers to complications and comorbidities. MCC refers to major complications and comorbidities.
For purposes of illustrating the approximate annual number of Medicare FFS cases in each MS-DRG, this column shows case counts based on the data used to develop the proposed FY 2025 MS-DRG
relative weights, as discussed in section II.D. of the preamble of this proposed rule.
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D. Request for Information on
Obstetrical Services Standards for
Hospitals, CAHs, and REHs
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1. Background
CMS establishes health and safety
requirements for Medicare-certified
providers and suppliers and selected
Medicaid provider types. The
requirements apply to all patients
served by these facilities and must be
met in order for facilities to participate
in the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
Conditions of participation (CoPs) for
hospitals, CAHs, and rural emergency
hospitals (REHs) set regulatory
standards for many of the basic
functions of such hospitals, as well as
for some optional services that hospitals
are not required by law to provide.
Hospital CoPs at 42 CFR part 482
include standards regarding the
responsibilities of the governing body,
requirements for protecting patient
rights, quality assessment and
performance improvement requirements
(QAPI), medical staff standards, and
infection prevention and control and
antibiotic stewardship requirements. All
of these current standards together exist
to protect patient health and safety,
including the health and safety of
pregnant, postpartum, and birthing
patients. Similar provisions for CAHs
and REHs are found at 42 CFR 485
subparts F and E, respectively.
Currently, there are no baseline care
requirements for hospitals, CAHs, and
REHs that are specific to maternal-child
services (that is, labor and delivery,
prenatal and post-partum care, and care
for newborn infants, alternately referred
to in this discussion as obstetrical
services, obstetrics, maternal health, or
maternity care). In addition to
obstetrical units, care for pregnant and
postpartum patients may also occur in
other parts of facilities such as other
inpatient wards, emergency
departments, hospital-associated
outpatient departments, as well as in
facilities without obstetrical units and/
or emergency services. Such care may
occur before, during, or after delivery.
Given the ongoing concerns about the
delivery of maternity care in Medicare
and Medicaid certified hospitals, CAHs,
and REHs, CMS plans to propose
baseline health and safety standards for
obstetrical services in the calendar year
(CY) 2025 Outpatient Prospective
Payment System/Ambulatory Surgical
Center (ASC) proposed rule.
Access to maternity care in the U.S.
has continued to decline in recent years.
Specifically, it is estimated that up to
6.9 million women have low to no
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access to maternity care.769 From 2014
to 2018, 53 rural counties experienced
closures of their hospital-based
obstetrical (OB) services. This is in
addition to the 1,045 counties that
already did not have obstetric services
in 2014.770 Furthermore, 200 urban
counties lost one or more obstetric units
between 2019 and 2020.771 The March
of Dimes published a report which
found that there were closures across 12
states from 2019 to 2020, in which 21
rural counties lost one or more hospital
obstetric units.772 In 2019, an estimated
58.7 percent of rural counties had no
obstetricians, 81.7 percent had no
advanced practice midwives, 86.3
percent had no midwives, and 56.9
percent had no family physicians who
delivered babies, and nearly a third of
rural counties (608, 30.8 percent) had
none of these types of OB clinicians.773
Explanations for these closures include
shortages of obstetricians and family
physicians, low volume of births, and
low-income/poor payer-mix in these
communities.774 When these units
close, women must travel long distances
to a hospital that has obstetrical
services. Specifically, in a survey of 133
hospital administrators, those in areas
that lost access to inpatient obstetric
services also reported limited access to
many supports and services (such as
midwifery and doula care) indirectly
related to inpatient obstetric care that
have strong evidence of improving
maternal and infant health outcomes.775
Factors that affect the availability of
rural hospital-based obstetric care
include labor costs, liability insurance
costs, a high proportion of births to
people who are uninsured or covered by
Medicaid, and low payment rates for
maternity care services.776 Lack of
769 Nowhere to Go: Maternity Care Deserts Across
the U.S. 2022 Report. March of Dimes. https://
770 Kozhimannil KB, Interrante JD, Tuttle MKS,
Henning-Smith C. Changes in Hospital-Based
Obstetric Services in Rural US Counties, 2014–
2018. JAMA. 2020;324(2):197–199.
771 American Hospital Association, 2019–2020.
772 Nowhere to Go: Maternity Care Deserts Across
the U.S. 2022 Report. March of Dimes. https://
774 Nowhere to Go: Maternity Care Deserts Across
the U.S. 2022 Report. March of Dimes. https://
2022_Maternity_Care_Report.pdf and American
Hospital Association, 2019–2020.
776 The Government Accountability Office, GAO–
23–105515, MATERNAL HEALTH: Availability of
Hospital-Based Obstetric Care in Rural Areas,
PO 00000
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access contributes to women in rural
areas having a nine percent increased
probability of maternal mortality or
morbidity as compared to women in
urban areas.777 Poor maternal health
access disproportionately affects nonHispanic black women, American
Indian and Alaska Native women (AI/
AN), low-income women and women
with disabilities. For example, in 2021,
the maternal mortality rate for nonHispanic Black women was 69.9 deaths
per 100,000 live births, 2.6 times the
rate for non-Hispanic White women.
Rates for Black women were
significantly higher than rates for White
and Hispanic women. The increases
from 2020 to 2021 for all race and
Hispanic-origin groups were
significant.778 CMS considers it
imperative to address disparities in care
when discussing policy changes for
improving maternal health care.
In Fall 2023, CMS launched the firstever ‘‘Birthing-Friendly’’ designation
icon on CMS’s Care Compare online tool
to describe facilities with high-quality
maternity care. To earn the designation,
hospitals and health systems report
their progress on our Maternal
Morbidity Structural Measure to the
Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
(IQR) Program. The measure identifies
whether a hospital or health system has
participated in a statewide or national
perinatal quality improvement
collaborative program and implemented
evidence-based quality interventions in
hospital settings to improve maternal
health, such as maternal safety bundles.
Maternal safety bundles have
demonstrated success in driving
improvements, particularly with regards
to obstetric hemorrhage, severe
hypertension in pregnancy, and nonmedically indicated Cesarean
deliveries.779 780 781 Hospitals and health
professionals also have access to
evidence-based best practices for
determining the risk of obstetric
777 Hostetter M, Klein S. Restoring Access to
Maternity Care in Rural America. The
Commonwealth Fund. September 20, 2021.
Available at:
publications/2021/sep/restoring-access-maternitycareruralamerica. Accessed May 17, 2022.
779 Jennifer A. Callaghan-Koru et al.
Implementation of the Safe Reduction of Primary
Cesarean Births safety bundle during the first year
of a statewide collaborative in Maryland. Obstet
Gynecol 2019;134:109–19.
780 Elliott K. Main et al. Reduction of severe
maternal morbidity from hemorrhage using a state
perinatal quality collaborative. Am J Obstet Gynecol
781 Patricia Lee King et al. Reducing time to
treatment for severe maternal hypertension through
statewide quality improvement. Am J Obstet
Gynecol 2018;218:S4.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
hemorrhage and hypertension and for
managing patients with these
complications (including in the
emergency setting). Yet, these best
practices are not universally utilized nor
incorporated into facilities’ standards of
care.782 We direct readers to the quality,
safety, and oversight memorandum
(QSO–22–05-Hospitals) released by
CMS,783 which encourages hospitals to
consider implementation of evidencebased best practices for the management
of obstetric emergencies, along with
interventions to address other key
contributors to maternal health
disparities, to support the delivery of
equitable, high-quality care for all
pregnant and postpartum individuals.
Facilities could implement these best
practices voluntarily as part of a
hospital’s QAPI program (§ 482.21),
which requires that hospitals develop,
implement, and maintain an effective,
ongoing, hospital wide, data-driven
quality assessment and performance
improvement program. The Quality
Safety and Oversight (QSO) memo
(QSO–22–05–Hospitals) further directs
hospitals to a variety of resources
available to assist in improvement
efforts. These include the following:
• Agency for Healthcare Research and
Quality Toolkit for Improving
Perinatal Safety https://
• Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention-Funded Perinatal Quality
• HRSA-Funded AIM Program Patient
Safety Bundles
• HRSA-Funded Rural Health
Information Hub Rural Maternal
Health Toolkit https://
• Institute for Healthcare Improvement
• National Institute for Children’s
Health Quality National Network of
Perinatal Quality Collaboratives
• The Joint Commission Provision of
Care, Treatment, and Services
Standards for Maternal Safety https://
782 Jennifer A. Callaghan-Koru et al.
Implementation of the Safe Reduction of Primary
Cesarean Births safety bundle during the first year
of a statewide collaborative in Maryland. Obstet
Gynecol 2019;134:109–19.
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• U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services and March of Dimes
Public-Private Partnership, Maternal
Health Collaborative to Advance
Racial Equity (Maternal HealthCARE),
Quality Improvement Initiative
This list is not exhaustive. We
recommend that hospitals also explore
other national resources, as well as
those specific to their state and region.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we published a maternal
health RFI that solicited feedback on a
wide range of maternal health issues
and opportunities for CMS to improve
maternal health care (87 FR 28549).784
In response, some commenters were
concerned that failure to comply with
the new CoP would result in the loss of
Medicare certification, that access to
obstetrical care would be negatively
impacted, that a new CoP may
potentially exacerbate rates of maternal
morbidity/mortality, and that a new
maternal health CoP would exacerbate
disparities in obstetrical care. Other
commenters, including the American
College of Obstetrics and Gynecology
(ACOG) and the American Medical
Association (AMA) supported the
creation of a CoP specifically for labor
and delivery, recognizing that CoPs
establish minimum health and safety
standards across participating entities
and institutions, and recommending
that CMS explore options to establish
such CoPs for participating hospitals
with relevant stakeholders.785
2. Obstetrical Services CoP
With this RFI, we hope to further
explore such options and plan to
propose a targeted obstetrical services
CoP to establish baseline requirements
784 Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient
Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care
Hospitals and the Long Term Care Hospital
Prospective Payment System and Proposed Policy
Changes and Fiscal Year 2023 Rates; Quality
Programs and Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program Requirements for Eligible Hospitals and
Critical Access Hospitals; Costs Incurred for
Qualified and NonQualified Deferred Compensation
Plans; and Changes to Hospital and Critical Access
Hospital Conditions of Participation, May 10, 2022
(87 FR 28549).
785 Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient
Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care
Hospitals and the Long-term Care Hospital
Prospective Payment System and Policy Changes
and Fiscal Year 2023 Rates; Quality Programs and
Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program
Requirements for Eligible Hospitals and Critical
Access Hospitals; Costs Incurred for Qualified and
Non-Qualified Deferred Compensation Plans; and
Changes to Hospital and Critical Access Hospital
Conditions of Participation, (August 10, 2022; (87
FR 49291))
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for obstetrical care within participating
facilities in the CY 2025 OPPS/ASC
proposed rule based in part on public
comments received in response to this
RFI. The comments that we receive on
this RFI will help to inform CMS on
potential proposals that may be
included in the proposed rule.
Therefore, we are seeking public
comment on potential solutions that
could reduce the rates of maternal
mortality and reduce disparities in
maternal mortality and morbidity,
which can be implemented through the
hospital CoPs. We believe it is necessary
to develop a standard by which
obstetrics care delivery is performed in
order to address well-documented
concerns regarding maternal morbidity,
mortality, and maternity care access in
the United States. The goal would be to
ensure that any policy change to
obstetrical services improves maternal
health care outcomes and addresses
preventable disparities in care but does
not exacerbate access to care issues. We
recognize that section 1801 of the Act
prohibits federal interference in the
practice of medicine and therefore we
are seeking comment on interventions
that do not interfere in medical practice.
Specifically, we are soliciting
comment on what should be the
overarching requirement, scope, and
structure for an obstetrical services CoP.
What types of facilities and care settings
should such a CoP apply to (that is, all
hospitals, hospitals with/without OB
units, hospitals with/without emergency
services, CAHs, REHs, outpatient
settings, which may include inpatient
and outpatient prenatal, postpartum,
emergency, and birthing care services)?
CoP policy options could include (but
are not limited to) the following. We
welcome data, alternatives, benefits, and
descriptions of possible unintended
consequences on these potential
• Creating an optional services CoP
specific to obstetrical services, similar to
the current Optional Services CoPs for
Surgical services (42 CFR 482.51),
Anesthesia services (42 CFR 482.52),
Outpatient services (42 CFR 482.54), or
Emergency services (42 CFR 482.55). In
this case, hospitals providing obstetrical
services would be required to ensure
that obstetrical services are well
organized and provided in accordance
with nationally recognized standards of
care and evidence-based best practices.
Such a requirement would be flexible
enough to be tailored to hospitals of
differing sizes and capabilities. The
organization of OB services would be
required to be appropriate to the scope
of the services offered, and to integrate
the OB services with other departments
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
of the hospital, as appropriate. Policies
governing obstetrical care would need to
be designed to assure the achievement
and maintenance of high standards of
medical practice and patient care and
• Modelling an OB services CoP after
infection prevention and control
stewardship program CoPs (42 CFR
482.42). This could include
requirements relating to service
organization and policies, leadership
responsibilities, and application to
multi-hospital systems.
• Requiring hospitals to develop
standard processes for managing
pregnant, birthing, and postpartum
patients with or at risk for: (1) obstetric
hemorrhage (a leading cause of maternal
mortality); and (2) severe hypertension
(a common pregnancy complication).
Best practices for handling these issues,
such as those highlighted in the
resources cited above, already exist and
CMS could require that hospitals
establish policies that adopt or are
consistent with existing accredited
Additionally, we solicit public
comment on the following questions:
• What are existing acceptable
standards of practice, organization, and
staffing for obstetrical services
(including staff qualifications and scope
of practice considerations) in hospital
obstetrical wards, emergency
departments, CAHs, and REHs?
• What are existing regulatory
barriers to quality care for pregnant and
postpartum patients in hospital
obstetrical wards, hospitals and CAHs
that do not operate obstetrical wards,
emergency departments, and in REHs?
• What regulatory changes are needed
to ensure quality care for all pregnant,
laboring, and postpartum patients across
all care settings? Would establishing
regulatory standards for organization,
staffing, and for delivery of services for
obstetrical units, similar to the existing
standards for surgical services, advance
this goal? What additional standards
should be considered?
• How could CMS better understand
patients’ experience of maternity care?
What tools or instruments exist to
understand individuals’ experience of
maternity care? How might CMS
incorporate these tools or instruments
into an obstetrical CoP?
• How would an obstetrical services
CoP impact access to care for pregnant,
birthing, and postpartum individuals?
How will the CoP impact hospitals with
respect to factors that have led some
facilities to close their maternity units,
including high costs, labor shortages,
and declining birth rates?
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• What policy options would help
alleviate any potential unintended
consequences of an obstetrical services
CoP and the impact on maternity care
access and workforce? How should
these policy options account for
variation in hospital size, volume, and
complexity of services? What other
hospital-specific factors should be
accounted for?
• How would the growth in the
number of birth centers affect the
impact of establishing an obstetrical
services CoP? As of February 2022, 400
midwifery-led birth centers exist across
40 states and Washington DC, with their
numbers more than doubling in the last
decade (representing 0.52 percent of
births in 2017).786 Birth centers, which
are not subject to the Emergency
Medical Treatment and Labor Act
(EMTALA),787 treat primarily low risk
pregnancies. However, in approximately
18 percent of cases birth centers will
direct or transfer pregnant or
postpartum individuals or newborns to
a hospital.788
• What should minimum oversight
requirements be for an obstetrical unit?
We believe it is necessary to require that
obstetrical units (including patient
rooms/suites, operation rooms, and
postpartum/recovery rooms whether
combined or separate) be supervised by
an experienced certified nurse
practitioner, physician assistant,
certified nurse midwife, or a doctor of
medicine or osteopathy. Experienced
oversight is necessary to ensure safe,
high-quality care. However, we
welcome comments on staffing and
oversight requirements for obstetrical
units, including whether these oversight
requirements in an obstetric unit lead to
improved quality outcomes for the
mother and the baby or may result in
unintended consequences. We also
welcome comments on whether there
should be similar or different oversight
requirements for small hospitals, CAHs,
and REHs.
• What should be required with
respect to credentialling of health
professionals to provide obstetrical
services within a specific facility? We
understand that health professionals
(midwives, advanced practice providers,
physicians, doulas, etc.) have differing
skill sets and expertise. Therefore, we
would expect that facility credentialling
786 MacDorman
MF, Declercq E. Trends and state
variations in out-of-hospital births in the United
States, 2004–2017. Birth. 2019 Jun;46(2):279–288.
doi: 10.1111/birt.12411. Epub 2018 Dec 10. PMID:
30537156; PMCID: PMC6642827.
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of health professionals to provide
obstetrical services, consistent with
state law, must be delineated for all
practitioners providing obstetrical care
in the facility in accordance with the
competencies of each practitioner and
that the facility maintain a roster of
practitioners specifying the duties and
privileges of each practitioner. Such a
requirement would be consistent with
the existing surgical services CoP (42
CFR 482.51(a)(4)).
• Should obstetrical units be required
to maintain a minimum set of obstetrical
care equipment and supplies? We
recognize that facilities have different
capacities and populations, and we are
seeking comment on whether there is a
core set of equipment and supplies that
could enhance obstetrical readiness. For
example, facilities might need to ensure
that all delivery rooms have a callsystem, fetal monitoring capabilities,
adult and neonatal resuscitation
equipment, accessible medical
equipment, and adequate provisions for
emergent/precipitous deliveries,
obstetrical emergencies (such as
hypertensive emergencies and
hemorrhage), and immediate postdelivery care. Should hospitals and
CAHs without obstetrical units,
emergency departments, and REHs have
similar requirements? Such
requirements would be consistent with
the existing surgical services CoP (42
CFR 482.51(b)(3)).
• Beyond what is already required for
emergency department (ED) patients
under EMTALA, should a hospital
obstetrical services CoP include a
requirement for transfer protocols for
when a non-ED patient needs care that
exceed the capability of the hospital
(that is, inpatient to inpatient transfers)?
Should a similar requirement apply to
hospitals and CAHs without emergency
services and/or obstetrical services?
• Are there additional ways the CoPs
could improve or address the health and
safety of pregnant and postpartum
patients across all care settings?
• Are there refinements to Medicare
and/or Medicaid payment structures for
obstetrics care, and/or perinatal care
that could improve the delivery of
maternal care, and also address existing
disparities? We are interested in specific
refinements that are within CMS
statutory authorities.
3. Staff Training
According to the AHA, between 2015
and 2019, there were at least 89
obstetric unit closures in the U.S.,789
789 American Hospital Association Infographic
accessed 12/06/2023.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
with a disproportionate impact on rural
and underserved
communities.790 791 792 793 Given the
increasing number of areas across the
country with limited to no access to
maternal health care, emergency
departments, CAHs, and REH and nonobstetrical professionals working in
these settings may experience a higher
acuity and frequency of patients
needing obstetrical care. Moreover, a
number of emergency departments,
CAHs, and REHs, especially in rural
areas, may be staffed by clinicians with
less training in obstetrical
emergencies.794 795 796 797 798 Rural
hospitals with and without obstetric
units report that their greatest concerns
in responding to local obstetric
emergencies include a lack of specialty
care providers and a lack of skills to
address emergency births.
We note that existing hospital CoPs
for emergency services (42 CFR 482.55)
already require that ‘‘there must be
adequate medical and nursing personnel
qualified in emergency care to meet the
written emergency procedures and
needs anticipated by the facility.’’ In
addition, EMTALA requires Medicareparticipating hospitals, CAHs, and REHs
with emergency departments to
‘‘provide a medical screening
examination (MSE) [. . .] for an
emergency medical condition (EMC),
including active labor, regardless of an
individual’s ability to pay. Applicable
facilities are then required to provide
stabilizing treatment for patients with
EMCs.’’ 799 Furthermore, existing the
Joint Commission (TJC) standards on the
provision of care, treatment, and
services standards for maternal safety
require the education of all staff and
providers who treat pregnant/
postpartum patients on the hospital’s
evidence-based severe hypertension/
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preeclampsia and hemorrhage
procedures.800 The standards also
recommend that hospitals use in-situ
training and drills that include
multidisciplinary teams. We expect that
facilities will ensure their emergency
staff are trained to handle obstetrical
related emergencies in compliance with
Despite these existing regulations and
standards, several organizations have
cited that obstetrical readiness for
hospitals with and without obstetrical
services is suboptimal.801 802 803 In these
situations, appropriate training, best
practice protocols (such as recognizing
early warning signs of hemorrhage and
other adverse events associated with
pregnancy and birth), and transfer
protocols are critical to averting
avoidable maternal complications and
deaths, establishing and maintaining
facilities’ obstetrical readiness,804 and
ensuring compliance with existing CoP
and EMTALA regulations.
We are interested in feedback on
requiring additional training, protocols,
or equipment for hospital non-OB unit,
emergency department, CAH, and REH
staff that treat pregnant and postpartum
patients as a stop-gap measure to ensure
individuals living without access to
maternal health care can safely and
effectively receive necessary services.
Training requirements could encompass
training in common obstetrical
conditions and emergencies or training
on methods for improving the respectful
delivery of care to pregnant and
postpartum patients or both. This could
be connected to the hospital emergency
services CoPs or applied more broadly
to all or a subset of hospital, CAH, and
REH staff and require that such facilities
demonstrate that staff have adequate or
minimum obstetrical training as well as
training in hospital protocols, such as
transfer protocols for when a pregnant,
birthing, or postpartum persons under
the facilities’ care (including emergency
department patients) need a higher level
of obstetrical care than the hospital is
able to provide. We also seek feedback
on how potential challenges with such
a requirement could be mitigated.
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We note that since hospitals are
neither required to provide obstetrical
services nor emergency services, we are
interested in ways to mitigate potential
impacts and costs to hospitals in
implementing such a possible
requirement. We seek feedback from the
public to learn more about the impact of
this particular potential requirement
and evidence supporting the need for
such a requirement.
Therefore, we are seeking public
comment specifically on the following:
• Should minimum OB staff training
requirements (both initial and ongoing)
be included in an obstetric services
CoP? The Joint Commission (TJC)
requires the education of all staff and
providers who treat pregnant/
postpartum/birthing patients on the
hospital’s evidence-based severe
hypertension/preeclampsia and
hemorrhage procedures.805 Should a
similar requirement be included in an
OB services CoP? Are there other
requirements for training that should be
included, such as neonatal
• Given the rate of OB unit closures,
should CMS require a minimum
obstetrical training standard for
hospital/CAH non-OB unit, emergency
department, REH, or other non-OB staff
that may care for pregnant, birthing, and
postpartum patients to improve
maternal health outcomes? What
evidence exists to support the need for
further or baseline obstetrical training
for these non-obstetrical health
professionals? What might this training
entail? Which clinical staff and which
facility types should such requirements
apply to? What intervals should such
training be required? Is there data and
evidence that demonstrates that such
training improves maternal health care
outcomes? If so, what evidenced-based
trainings, best practice standards, and
protocols are currently available? What
are the barriers to accessing such
obstetrical training, including in rural
areas? What are policy options to
mitigate any potential unintended
consequences or provider burden of
such a requirement? Should this
training apply to all hospitals or a
subset (that is, those with emergency
services; or those with emergency
services but no obstetrical services)? For
example, the existing Emergency
Services CoP at 42 CFR 482.55 could be
revised to require that hospitals with
emergency services (which would
include hospitals with and without
obstetrical services units) establish best
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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practice protocols, transfer protocols,
and regular staff training for
management of common obstetrical
conditions and emergencies.
• Should such additional staff
training include separate training on
methods for providing respectful care
for pregnant, birthing, and postpartum
patients in an effort to improve maternal
health outcomes? Which staff should
this apply to? Is there data and evidence
that demonstrates that such training
improves maternal health care
outcomes? If so, what evidenced-based
trainings on respectful care for pregnant,
birthing, and postpartum patients are
currently available?
• Should staff also be trained on
implicit bias, trauma-informed care, or
other specific training topics aimed at
addressing bias and reducing disparities
in maternity care? Which staff should
this apply to? Is there data and evidence
that demonstrates that implicit bias and
trauma-informed care training improves
maternal health care outcomes? If so,
what evidenced-based trainings are
currently available?
• Should additional staff training
include separate training on the
screening, assessment, treatment, and
referral for maternal depression and
related behavioral health disorders by
staff? Which staff should this apply to?
Is there data and evidence that
demonstrates that such training
improves maternal health care
outcomes? If so, what evidenced-based
trainings are currently available?
• For all possible training topics
discussed in above bullets of this
section, what is the recommended
frequency of staff training needed to
balance maintaining skills and
teamwork with minimizing associated
burdens (i.e., staff time, costs),
especially for rural facilities?
• What additional policies should
CMS consider to support the obstetrical
readiness of hospitals with and without
labor and delivery units for obstetrical
emergencies, high-risk pregnancy
related conditions, and common
obstetrical conditions?
4. Data
We are also interested in
understanding if and how requiring
hospitals to submit data related to
maternal morbidity and mortality could
be incorporated into any maternal
services CoP. In January 2010, the
Transforming Maternity Care
Symposium Steering Committee issued
a Blueprint for Action that included
improving the availability and ease of
collection of standardized maternity
care data in order to encourage high
quality clinical care, allow performance
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measurement and comparison, and
support creation and implementation of
a national public reporting system for
maternity care data available to all
relevant stakeholders in order to drive
improvements in maternity care.806
Maternal health advocates have stated
that the lack of maternal morbidity and
mortality data limits where meaningful
changes can occur. Currently, Maternal
Mortality Review Committee (MMRC)
data reporting is dependent upon state
requirements and often voluntary
reporting by health care facilities. While
there are concerns about a lack of data,
some parties have suggested that,
though voluntary, MMRC data
collection from facilities is robust and
timely. We encourage facilities to report
data to their state MMRC, where they
exist and in alignment with
requirements in their specific states.
However, not all states have an MMRC.
We believe that improving the available
data would enable facilities to compare
data and conduct more complete
assessments of their maternal health
readiness and opportunities for growth
and improvement. To that end, we are
interested in public comment on the
• How could CMS help improve data
collection related to maternal morbidity
and mortality across all demographics?
• Should hospitals be required to
directly report to MMRCs when
available? (
• Could such a data collection
requirement be incorporated into an
obstetrical services CoP, or would it be
more appropriately incorporated into
another existing hospital CoP, such as
• Are there common critical data
elements that would be most important
and appropriate to collect through a CoP
aimed at improving maternal health
data? Are there data standards currently
available or under development that can
support standardized reporting? How do
we ensure data collection encompasses
all demographics?
• How can any associated burden of
possible future data collection and
reporting requirements for providers be
D. Proposed Changes to the Payment
Error Rate Measurement (PERM)
The Payment Integrity Information
Act of 2019 requires federal agencies to
annually review programs susceptible to
significant improper payments, estimate
the amount of improper payments,
report those estimates to Congress, and
submit a report on actions the agency is
taking to reduce the improper payments.
Medicaid and the Children’s Health
Insurance Program (CHIP) were
identified as programs at risk for
significant improper payments. We
measure Medicaid and CHIP improper
payments through the Payment Error
Rate Measurement (PERM) program.
Under PERM, reviews are conducted in
three component areas (FFS, managed
care, and eligibility) for both the
Medicaid program and CHIP. The
results of these reviews are used to
produce national program improper
payment rates, as well as state-specific
program improper payment rates. The
PERM program uses a 17-state, 3-year
rotation cycle for measuring improper
payments, so every state is measured
once every 3 years.
Section 202 of Division N of the
Further Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2020 (FCAA, 2020) (Pub. L. 116–
94) amended Medicaid program
integrity requirements in Puerto Rico.
Puerto Rico was required to publish a
plan, developed by Puerto Rico in
coordination with CMS, and approved
by the CMS Administrator, not later
than 18 months after the FCAA’s
enactment, for how Puerto Rico would
develop measures to comply with the
PERM requirements of 42 CFR part 431,
subpart Q. Puerto Rico published this
plan on June 20, 2021,807 and it was
approved by the CMS Administrator on
June 22, 2021. We propose to remove
the exclusion of Puerto Rico from the
PERM program found at 42 CFR
431.954(b)(3). In compliance with
section 202 of Division N of the FCAA,
2020, Puerto Rico has developed
measures to comply with the PERM
requirements of 42 CFR part 431,
subpart Q. Including Puerto Rico in the
PERM program will increase
transparency in its Medicaid and CHIP
operations and will improve program
integrity efforts, that protect taxpayer
dollars from improper payments.
Puerto Rico would be incorporated
into the PERM program starting in RY27
(Cycle 3), which covers the payment
period between July 1, 2025 through
June 30, 2026.
806 Angood P. B, Armstrong E. M., Ashton D,
Burstin H., Corry M. P, Delbanco S. F, et al.
Blueprint for action: Steps toward a high-quality,
high-value maternity care system. Women’s Health
Issues. 2010;20(1) (Suppl. 1): S18–S49.
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F. CoP Requirements for Hospitals and
CAHs To Report Acute Respiratory
1. Background
Under sections 1866 and 1902 of the
Act, providers of services seeking to
participate in the Medicare or Medicaid
program, or both, must enter into an
agreement with the Secretary or the
state Medicaid agency, as appropriate.
Hospitals (all hospitals to which the
requirements of 42 CFR part 482 apply,
including short-term acute care
hospitals, LTC hospitals, rehabilitation
hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, cancer
hospitals, and children’s hospitals) and
CAHs seeking to be Medicare and
Medicaid providers of services under 42
CFR part 485, subpart F, must be
certified as meeting Federal
participation requirements. Our
conditions of participation (CoPs),
conditions for coverage (CfCs), and
requirements set out the patient health
and safety protections established by the
Secretary for various types of providers
and suppliers. The specific statutory
authority for hospital CoPs is set forth
in section 1861(e) of the Act; section
1820(e) of the Act provides similar
authority for CAHs. The hospital
provision at section 1861(e)(9) of the
Act authorizes the Secretary to issue any
regulations he or she deems necessary to
protect the health and safety of patients
receiving services in those facilities; the
CAH provision at section 1820(e)(3) of
the Act authorizes the Secretary to issue
such other criteria as he or she may
require. The CoPs are codified at 42 CFR
part 482 for hospitals, and at 42 CFR
part 485, subpart F, for CAHs.
Our CoPs at § 482.42 for hospitals and
§ 485.640 for CAHs require that
hospitals and CAHs, respectively, have
active facility-wide programs for the
surveillance, prevention, and control of
healthcare-associated infections (HAIs)
and other infectious diseases and for the
optimization of antibiotic use through
stewardship. Additionally, the programs
must demonstrate adherence to
nationally recognized infection
prevention and control guidelines, as
well as to best practices for improving
antibiotic use where applicable, and for
reducing the development and
transmission of HAIs and antibioticresistant organisms. Infection
prevention and control problems and
antibiotic use issues identified in the
required hospital and CAH programs
must also be addressed in coordination
with facility-wide quality assessment
and performance improvement (QAPI)
Infection prevention and control is a
primary goal and responsibility of
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hospitals and CAHs in their normal dayto-day operations, and these programs
have been at the center of initiatives
taking place in hospitals and CAHs
since the beginning of the Public Health
Emergency (PHE) for COVID–19. Our
regulations for hospitals and CAHs at
§§ 482.42(a)(3) and 485.640(a)(3),
respectively, require infection
prevention and control program policies
to address any infection control issues
identified by public health authorities.
On March 4, 2020, we issued
guidance stating that hospitals should
inform infection prevention and control
services, local and state public health
authorities, and other health care
facility staff as appropriate about the
presence of a person under investigation
for COVID–19 (QSO–20–13-Hospitals).
CMS followed this guidance with an
interim final rule with comment period
(IFC), ‘‘Medicare and Medicaid
Programs, Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments (CLIA), and
Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act; Additional Policy and Regulatory
Revisions in Response to the COVID–19
Public Health Emergency,’’ published
on September 2, 2020 (85 FR 54820),
that required hospitals and CAHs to
report important data critical to support
the fight against COVID–19. The IFC
provisions specifically required that
hospitals and CAHs report specified
information about COVID–19 in a
format and frequency specified by the
Secretary. Examples of data elements
that could be required to be reported
included things such as the number of
staffed beds in a hospital and the
number of those that are occupied,
information about its supplies, and a
count of patients currently hospitalized
who have laboratory-confirmed COVID–
19. These elements proved essential for
developing and directing
implementation of infection prevention
and control guidance, as well as
resource allocations and technical
assistance during the PHE.
On August 10, 2022, we finalized
revisions to the COVID–19 and Seasonal
Influenza reporting standards for
hospitals and CAHs (at §§ 482.42(e) and
(f); and 485.640(d) and (e), respectively)
in the FY 2023 IPPS final rule
‘‘Medicare Program; Hospital Inpatient
Prospective Payment Systems for Acute
Care Hospitals and the Long Term Care
Hospital Prospective Payment System
and Policy Changes and Fiscal Year
2023 Rates’’ (87 FR 48780, 49409), to
require that, beginning at the conclusion
of the COVID–19 PHE declaration and
continuing until April 30, 2024,
hospitals and CAHs must electronically
report information about COVID–19 and
seasonal influenza virus, influenza-like
PO 00000
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illness, and severe acute respiratory
infection in a standardized format
specified by the Secretary. In
establishing these requirements, we
stressed that such reporting continued
to be necessary for CMS to monitor
whether individual hospitals and CAHs
were appropriately tracking, planning
for, responding to, and mitigating the
spread and impact of COVID–19 and
influenza on patients, the staff who care
for them, and the general public (87 FR
49377). We also noted that the approach
finalized in that rule would provide a
path towards ending the overall
reporting of COVID–19-related data
between the end of the current PHE and
April 2024, when those requirements
would sunset (87 FR 49379).
2. Hospital Respiratory Illness Data Are
and Will Continue To Be Critical for
Patient Health and Safety
The COVID–19 pandemic highlighted
the importance of taking a broad view
of patient safety—one that recognizes
patient safety is determined not just by
what is happening at the bedside, but
also what is happening in the broader
hospital, and in hospitals across the
region, state, and country. At the same
time, it also demonstrated the patient
benefits of strong integration between
public health and health care systems,
particularly when data are available to
direct collaborative actions that protect
patient and public health and safety.
Data from health care providers remain
the key driver to identify and respond
to public health threats, yet health care
and public health data systems have
long persisted on separate, often poorly
compatible tracks.
Hospital and CAH-reported data on
COVID–19, influenza, and RSV
infections among patients, as well as
hospital bed capacity and occupancy
rates, continue to play a critical role in
infection prevention and control efforts
at every level of the health system. The
value of these data extend beyond the
COVID–19 PHE. For example, source
control remains an important
intervention during periods of higher
respiratory virus transmission.808 Data
on hospital admissions reported under
the current CoPs continue to inform
national, state, and county
recommendations for community and
health care mitigation measures.809
809 Infection Control: Severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV–2) | CDC;
2023.12.14—IDPH Recommends Healthcare
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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Notably, the CDC recommends that
health care facilities consider levels of
respiratory virus transmission in the
whole community when making
decisions about source control.
Comprehensive and consistent
surveillance across hospitals creates a
shared resource that all health care
facilities in a community can use to
inform infection control policies.
Hospitals and CAH requirement to
report this data ends in April 2024. Not
maintaining this reporting would result
in an absence of vital information on
local, regional, and national
transmission and impact of respiratory
illness, with significant implications for
both patient care and public health
The data produced by hospital
respiratory virus reporting requirements
under the PHE informed coordination of
hospital operations and were especially
important to anticipate and prepare for
surge conditions. Collaborative, data
driven approaches can help to manage
patient transfers and alleviate strained
hospitals, ultimately aiding to improve
patient care. Medical operations
coordination centers (MOCCs) and
similar structures showed promise as
effective tools for facilitating medical
surge response.810 MOCCs are often
rapidly stood up as needed and reliant
on shared visibility across multiple,
often competitive, hospitals.
Standardized data collections enable
MOCCs and other partners to support
patient placements and transfers and
Facilities Adopt Mitigation Measures as Respiratory
Viruses Increase ( 2024-doh-maskingadvisory.pdf (; Health Alert Network
(HAN)—00503 | Urgent Need to Increase
Immunization Coverage for Influenza, COVID–19,
and RSV and Use of Authorized/Approved
Therapeutics in the Setting of Increased Respiratory
Disease Activity During the 2023–2024 Winter
Season (
810 Hick, J. L., Hanfling, D., & Wynia, M. (2022).
Hospital Planning for Contingency and Crisis
Conditions: Crisis Standards of Care Lessons from
COVID–19. Joint Commission journal on quality
and patient safety, 48(6–7), 354–361. https://
US Department of Health and Human Services.
2nd ed. Medical Operations Coordination Cells
Toolkit; Nov 2021. Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Preparedness and Response; Technical
Resources, Assistance Center, and Information
documents/fema-mocc-toolkit.pdf. Accessed Jan 30,
Valin JP, et. al. Physician executives guide a
successful COVID–19 response in Colorado. NEJM
Catalyst. Epub 2021 Oct 15. Accessed Jan 30, 2024.
Villarroel L. Collaboration on the Arizona surge
line: how COVID–19 became the impetus for
private, public, and federal hospitals to function as
one system. NEJM Catalyst. Epub. 2021 Jan.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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identify patient load balancing needs.811
This helps the health care community to
prepare for and effectively respond to
respiratory illness surges in ways that
maintain the safety and availability of
critical care services. MOCCs or similar
structures were implemented in
multiple jurisdictions to help place
patients and mitigate strain.812 Even
without formal MOCCs, jurisdictions,
health care coalitions, and health
systems have used hospital capacity
data to coordinate patient placement
and reduce ED boarding and
overcrowding.813 These efforts are
especially critical as surge conditions
can impact quality of care and patient
outcomes—many COVID–19 deaths
were potentially attributable to surgestrained hospitals.814 The data reported
under the COP were important to inform
MOCC operations and identify and
mitigate strain on health care systems.
Insight into hospital and CAH
capacity helps ensure capabilities are
available to meet patient needs with
quality care through enhanced planning,
technical assistance, resource allocation,
and coordination.815 While health care
entities often work independently
within their own systems, health care
partners are ultimately part of an
ecosystem caring for patients in their
community. This interdependency is
especially highlighted during times of
strain—whether it is due to temporary
conditions such as diversion, permanent
changes with facility closures, or PHEs.
Regardless of facility status, the need for
patient care remains—resulting in
increased strain on surrounding
hospitals. Health care coalitions (HCCs)
are one example of local health care
partners working together to increase
StoriesfromtheField/Pages/Stories/WAHospitalSurge-March2020.aspx (March 2020).
813 e.g., Alaska Hospital Capacity Dashboard
814 Kadri SS, Sun J, Lawandi A, et al. Association
between caseload surge and COVID–19 survival in
558 U.S. hospitals, March to August 2020. Ann
Intern Med. Jul 06 2021.174(9):1240–1251.
Auld SC, Caridi-Scheible M, Blum JM, et al. ICU
and ventilator mortality among critically ill adults
with coronavirus disease 2019. Crit Care Med. 09
Keene AB, Admon AJ, Brenner SK, Gupta S,
Lazarous D, Leaf DE, Gershengorn HB; STOP–
COVID Investigators. Association of Surge
Conditions with Mortality Among Critically Ill
Patients with COVID–19. J Intensive Care Med.
2022 Apr;37(4):500–509. doi: 10.1177/
08850666211067509. Epub 2021 Dec 23. PMID:
34939474; PMCID: PMC8926920.
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local and regional health care resilience
during respiratory illness surges and
more.816 HCCs plan and respond
together, sharing real-time information
and providing technical assistance to
support their partners.817 At the state
level, in addition to patient placements
and load balancing operations, hospital
associations and state health
departments have used hospital data to
monitor for potential trends and to
inform their response. Hospital capacity
data helped to inform and monitor
triggers for patient load balancing,
allocations of scarce resources, and
requests for additional resources or
mutual aid.818 Hospitals and health care
systems can also use the information for
planning purposes, identifying how
their facility may be impacted and to
help prepare accordingly.819
Information sharing across the health
care ecosystem helps the health care
community to prepare for, and
effectively respond to, respiratory
illness surges in ways that maintain the
safety and availability of critical care
Data from hospitals play a central role
in guiding actions to reduce the
prevalence of respiratory infections in
the community.820 In recognition of this
point, the Biden-Harris Administration’s
National Biodefense Strategy includes a
goal to, ‘‘maintain and enhance an
enduring domestic all-hazards hospital
data collection capability, including
data reporting and management
systems, governance processes, and user
guidance, to enable comprehensive data
reporting for biosurveillance, situational
awareness, and emergency response
operations at the federal and STLT
levels.’’ 821
The prevalence of respiratory
infections in the community affects
patient safety within hospitals in at least
two ways: First, community prevalence
is a key risk factor for within-facility
pathogen transmission. Higher infection
818 Mitchell SH, Rigler J, Baum K. Regional
Transfer Coordination and Hospital Load Balancing
During COVID–19 Surges. JAMA Health Forum.
2022;3(2):e215048. doi:10.1001/
820 COVID–19 Surveillance After Expiration of the
Public Health Emergency Declaration—United
States, May 11, 2023 | MMWR (
821 National-Biodefense-Strategy-andImplementation-Plan-Final.pdf (
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
prevalence in the community
unavoidably translates to higher
prevalence among staff, patients, and
visitors entering a facility. The more
times a pathogen is introduced into a
facility, the more times it has a chance
to spread onward within that facility.
Within-facility infection control
measures can substantially mitigate this
risk, but no single action confers
absolute protection—rather, layered
mitigation measures, particularly when
those include community level actions,
are most effective. Second, the
community prevalence of respiratory
infections is a key driver of health care
worker absenteeism, which can lead to
staff shortages that adversely affect
patient safety.
Data on hospitalizations feature
prominently on CDC’s website and are
directly tied to specific diseaseprevention guidance (for example,
whether mask-wearing is recommended
in public indoor spaces). Additionally,
analyses that measure the trajectory of
waves of COVID–19 and seasonal
influenza and analyses that generate
forecasts have relied on nationally
comprehensive data on hospital
admissions.822 Similarly, scenario
models that have been used to generate
seasonal projections for COVID–19 and
that have informed vaccination policy
are based on hospital admissions
data.823 The incidence of COVID–19 and
influenza hospital admissions inform
urgent messages from CDC on actions
health care providers can take to protect
their patients from respiratory
viruses.824 No other data source
available to CDC has the same level of
timeliness, geographic resolution and
coverage, and interpretability as
nationally comprehensive
hospitalization surveillance.
Respiratory illness reporting proved
invaluable during the COVID–19 PHE,
and these data have significant and
ongoing value for protecting patient
health and safety. While the COVID–19
PHE has ended, SARS–CoV–2 continues
to circulate throughout the globe.
Although COVID–19 activity and
hospitalization rates have been lower,
than those of 2020 through early 2022,
there was no epidemiologic bright line
associated with the end of the PHE. For
example, in January 2024, COVID–19
822 CFA and NCIRD Modeling and Forecasting of
Respiratory Diseases (
823 Public health impact of the U.S. Scenario
Modeling Hub—ScienceDirect.
824 Health Alert Network (HAN)—00503 | Urgent
Need to Increase Immunization Coverage for
Influenza, COVID–19, and RSV and Use of
Authorized/Approved Therapeutics in the Setting
of Increased Respiratory Disease Activity During the
2023–2024 Winter Season (
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hospital admissions were only modestly
lower than they were at the July 2022 or
December 2022 peaks.825 At the same
time, other respiratory viruses have seen
a resurgence, and the moderate COVID–
19 burden coinciding with resurgent
influenza and RSV has led to an overall
hospitalization burden larger than
observed during severe influenza and
RSV seasons prior to the COVID–19
pandemic, placing patient health and
safety at risk.826
The result of this ‘‘new normal’’ will
be more burdensome respiratory virus
seasons for the foreseeable future, which
promises to place continued strain on
the nation’s hospitals.827 In response to
this changed landscape, public health
agencies such as CDC have shifted
prevention and control strategies from a
focus on specific viruses to an approach
that addresses the threats presented by
the broader respiratory virus season,
including overall impacts on hospital
capacity and patient health and
The elevated risks of respiratory
viruses in the post-PHE era present
ongoing threats, both direct and
indirect, to patient health and safety. As
discussed elsewhere in this proposed
rule, the COVID–19 PHE strained the
health care system substantially,
introducing new safety risks and
negatively impacting patient safety in
the normal delivery of care. Data from
the pandemic showed that the incidence
of health care associated infections
would increase when COVID–19
hospitalizations were high,829 creating a
feedback loop between increased stress
on hospitals, increased illness in the
community, and negative effects on
patient health and safety. Degradation in
other measures of patient safety,
including pressure ulcers and falls,
further demonstrate how the strains
associated with surge response
826 Respiratory Disease Season Outlook (
827 Respiratory Disease Season Outlook (
828 See
index.html and data summaries of respiratory virus
burden at
data-research/dashboard/snapshot.html. https://
829 Continued increases in the incidence of
healthcare-associated infection (HAI) during the
second year of the coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID–19) pandemic | Infection Control &
Hospital Epidemiology | Cambridge Core; https://;
The impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–
19) on healthcare-associated infections in 2020: A
summary of data reported to the National
Healthcare Safety Network—PubMed (;
Impact of COVID–19 pandemic on central-lineassociated bloodstream infections during the early
months of 2020, National Healthcare Safety
Network—PubMed (
PO 00000
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adversely affect routine safety
practices.830 Elevated respiratory virus
activity also impacts patient access to
hospital care and services and the
resiliency of the health care system
overall. During the most severe waves of
respiratory illness, hospitals see delays
in elective procedures, bed capacity
issues that require diversion, and other
disruptions to routine patient care.831
3. Proposal To Continue Respiratory
Illness Reporting in a Modified Form
In light of continued utility of
respiratory illness data, we propose to
revise the hospital and CAH infection
prevention and control and antibiotic
stewardship programs CoPs to extend a
modified form of the current COVID–19
and influenza reporting requirements
that will include data for RSV and
reduce the frequency of reporting for
hospitals and CAHs. These proposed
requirements would take effect on
October 1, 2024. While hospitals and
CAHs are encouraged to voluntarily
continue reporting these data in the
interim, we recognize that there would
be a 5-month gap between the sunset
date for current reporting requirements
(April 30, 2024) and the proposed
implementation date for these new
requirements. We welcome public
comment on strategies to mitigate
challenges and support an informed
Specifically, we propose to replace
the COVID–19 and Seasonal Influenza
reporting standards for hospitals and
CAHs at § 482.42(e) and (f) and
§ 485.640(d) and (e), respectively, with
a new standard addressing respiratory
illnesses to require that, beginning on
October 1, 2024, hospitals and CAHs
electronically report information about
COVID–19, influenza, and RSV in a
standardized format and frequency
specified by the Secretary. To the extent
determined by the Secretary, we
propose that the data elements for
which reporting would be required at
this time include—
• Confirmed infections of respiratory
illnesses, including COVID–19,
influenza, and RSV, among hospitalized
• Hospital bed census and capacity
(both overall and by hospital setting and
population group [adult or pediatric]);
PMC9526134/; Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2022
Oct;43(10):1473–1476.doi: 10.1017/ice.2021.280.
Epub 2021 Jun 24.; Changes in the number of
intensive care unit beds in US hospitals during the
early months of the coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID–19) pandemic—PubMed (
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
• Limited patient demographic
information, including age.
We considered the data elements that
proved most actionable and informative
over the course of the COVID–19 PHE
with evidence of protecting health and
safety, as well as more recent lessons
that have emerged during the 2023–
2024 respiratory virus response.832 We
also considered ways to balance the
burden of reporting on hospitals and
CAHs with the need to maintain a level
of situational awareness that will benefit
hospitals and the patients and
communities they serve. Therefore,
outside a declared national PHE for an
acute respiratory illness (as discussed
further below), we propose that
hospitals and CAHs would have to
report these data on a weekly basis
(either in the form of weekly totals or
snapshots of key indicators) through a
CDC-owned or supported system.
Sustained data collection and
reporting outside of emergencies would
help ensure that hospitals and CAHs
maintain a functional reporting capacity
that can be mobilized quickly when a
new threat emerges to inform and direct
response efforts (for example, resource
allocations or patient load balancing
within and across facilities) that protect
patients and their communities. It will
also provide the baseline data necessary
to forecast, detect, quantify and,
ultimately, direct responses to signals of
strain. For example, to estimate the
extent to which a novel SARS-CoV–2
variant threatens hospital capacity,
analysts need data on a population’s
epidemiologic history (for example, the
presence and magnitude of prior waves
of SARS-CoV–2) and they need data to
infer the relationship between
respiratory virus admissions and strain
on hospital capacity.
Unlike the previous and sunsetting
hospital and CAH reporting CoPs, the
reporting requirements proposed in this
rule are not tied to a specific PHE
declaration. PHE declarations are
valuable tools to marshal nimble and
fast emergency responses. However,
there are many respiratory disease
threats to hospital operations and
patient safety that would not necessarily
be subject to a PHE declaration nor have
significant potential to become a PHE.
In those instances, routine data about
influenza hospitalizations and
admissions are critical to inform
allocation of resources to hospitals and
planning to prevent disruptions to
patient care.
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These proposals are scaled back and
tailored from the current post-COVID–
19 PHE requirements, continuing the
collection of the minimal necessary data
to maintain a level of situational
awareness that would benefit patients
and hospitals across the country while
reducing reporting burden on hospitals
and CAHs.
We welcome public comments on our
proposals, and on ways that reporting
burden can be minimized while still
providing adequate data. We also
welcome feedback on any challenges of
collecting and reporting these data;
ways that CMS could reduce reporting
burden for facilities; and alternative
reporting mechanisms or quality
reporting programs through which CMS
could instead effectively and
sustainably incentivize reporting.
Finally, we welcome comments on the
value of these data in protecting the
health and safety of individuals
receiving treatment and working in
hospitals and CAHs.
4. Soliciting Input on Collecting Data by
Race and Ethnicity
The COVID–19 pandemic devastated
communities across the United States,
and socially vulnerable populations
have been disproportionately affected.
From the beginning, reports indicated
that people of color and people from
economically disadvantaged
communities were at an increased risk
of becoming sick from COVID–19, being
hospitalized due to COVID–19, and
dying from COVID–19, compared to
members of predominantly white and/or
affluent communities.833 At the same
time, the data necessary to detect and
respond to these disparities were not
consistently available from core data
sources, including hospitalization data
reported by hospitals and CAHs under
§§ 482.42(e) and (f); and 485.640(d) and
(e), respectively.
We are committed to protecting
patients from all communities and
preventing inequities caused or
exacerbated by respiratory viruses like
COVID–19, influenza, and RSV. Timely,
complete data on racial and ethnic
differences in hospitalizations are
critical to meeting that commitment in
policy solutions. In addition, timely,
complete data on granular demographic
information can assist us in assuring the
health and safety of individuals
receiving health care services to the
greatest extent possible. For that reason,
we seek comment on expanding the
PO 00000
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scope of demographic information
collection to further support
improvements in clinical outcomes
while also protecting privacy and the
safety of demographic groups.
At the same time, we recognize that
efforts to improve the collection of race/
ethnicity data and standards for how
these data are captured are still
evolving.834 We also recognize that in
the context of aggregate data collection,
requesting multiple demographic details
for each data element may increase data
collection and reporting burdens.
For this reason, we invite comment as
to whether race/ethnicity demographic
information should be explicitly
included as part of requirements for
ongoing reporting beginning on October
1, 2024. We are particularly interested
in comments that address the ways
these additional data elements could be
used to better protect patient and
community health and safety both
during and outside of a declared PHE.
We are interested in comments on how
to protect patient privacy within
demographic groups and best use the
data to inform public health efforts
without stigmatizing demographic
groups.835 We are also interested in
comments that address system readiness
and capacity to collect and report these
data. Finally, we request comments as to
whether the additional demographic
factors including socioeconomic or
disability status that may be associated
with disparities in outcome, should be
required for mandatory ongoing
reporting starting on October 1, 2024.
After considering the public comments
on this issue, we may decide to finalize
a policy of collecting demographic
information on race/ethnicity and/or
additional factors.
5. Proposal To Collect Additional
Elements During a PHE
Routinely collected data from
hospitals also power forecasts that
inform decision making during an
emergency response.836 In the face of
future illness emergencies, we
anticipate stakeholders—including
health care systems—will continue to
835 Landers S, Kapadia F, Tarantola D.
Monkeypox, After HIV/AIDS and COVID–19:
Suggestions for Collective Action and a Public
Health of Consequence, November 2022. Am J
Public Health. 2022 Nov;112(11):1564–1566. doi:
10.2105/AJPH.2022.307100. PMID: 36223580;
PMCID: PMC9558195. https://
836 JMIR Preprints #54340: Responding to the
return of influenza in the United States: applying
CDC surveillance, analysis, and modeling to inform
understanding of seasonal influenza.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
need data on how respiratory illnesses
are affecting and burdening the health
care system. Better understanding
anticipated impacts empower hospitals
and CAHs, health systems, and
jurisdictions to take steps that protect
patient safety and health care system
capacity in the face of surges in
respiratory virus cases, including lowprobability, high-impact events such as
pandemics that pose catastrophic risks
to patient safety and the health care
system. These include facility-initiated
actions, such as delaying elective
procedures or activating contracts for
additional surge staffing support, as
well as jurisdiction or federal-level
actions to mobilize supplies, staffing, or
other forms of support. Collaborations
during the COVID–19 pandemic
demonstrated the value of bringing
together analysts, public health officials,
and health care practitioners and
leaders to use advanced analytics to
guide emergency response, and data
from hospitals were central to some of
these efforts.837 The federal government
has made significant investments to
consolidate these gains and develop
response-ready analytic tools that work
at scale to meet the needs of the health
care and public health systems.838
These proposed requirements would
provide a foundation for response-ready
hospitals, CAHs, and the broader health
system. However, we also recognize
that, while necessary, they may not be
sufficient in the course of an actual
emergency response. Accordingly, we
propose that—
• During a declared federal, state, or
local PHE for an infectious disease the
Secretary may require hospitals to
report data up to a daily frequency
without notice and comment
• During a declared PHE for
infectious disease, the Secretary may
require the reporting of additional or
modified data elements relevant to
infectious disease PHE including but
not limited to: confirmed infections of
the infectious disease, facility structure
and infrastructure operational status;
hospital/ED diversion status; staffing
and staffing shortages; supply inventory
shortages (for example, equipment,
blood products, gases); medical
countermeasures and therapeutics; and
additional, demographic factors.
• If the Secretary determines that an
event is significantly likely to become a
837 Real-time pandemic surveillance using
hospital admissions and mobility data | PNAS
Coordinated Strategy for a Model-Based Decision
Support Tool for Coronavirus Disease, Utah, USA—
Volume 27, Number 5—May 2021—Emerging
Infectious Diseases journal—CDC.
838 cdc-cfa-annual-report-2023.pdf.
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PHE for an infectious disease, the
Secretary may require hospitals to
report data up to a daily frequency
without notice and comment
We invite comments on if, during a
PHE, there should be any limits to the
data the Secretary can require without
notice and comment rulemaking, such
as limits on the duration of additional
reporting or the scope of the jurisdiction
of reporting (that is, state or local PHEs).
We also seek comments on whether and
how the Secretary should still seek
stakeholder feedback on additional
elements during a PHE without notice
and comment rulemaking and how HHS
should notify hospitals of new required
infectious disease data. We also invite
comments on the evidence HHS should
provide to demonstrate: (1) that an event
is ‘‘significantly likely to become a
PHE’’; or (2) that the increased scope of
required data will be used to protect
patient and community health and
safety. Finally, we invite comment on
whether hospitals should be
incentivized for this data if the burden
of collecting and reporting reaches a
certain threshold of cost or time.
6. Collaboration
To further reduce burden in the short
term, we will work with the CDC to
ensure hospitals can continue to use
existing, established systems to report
data in the interim. The CDC will
continue increasing the automation
capabilities of the surveillance systems
like NHSN and its ability to connect
with other data submission techniques,
vendors, and systems. The CDC, CMS,
and ASPR are also working with Office
of the National Coordinator for Health
Information Technology (ONC),
jurisdictions, health information
technology (health IT) vendors,
hospitals and CAHs, and other public
and private partners to establish
national standards and interoperability
requirements that reduce burden and
promote standardization. We request
comment from facilities on the existing,
established data systems; what has
worked well and what has been the
challenges? Do facilities recommend
alternative data reporting mechanisms?
We recognize that some of the
proposed data elements are currently
reported via multiple mechanisms, and
this could place unnecessary burdens
on hospitals. If finalized, CMS, CDC,
and ASPR will work with hospitals,
health systems, and state, territorial,
local and tribal agencies (STLTs) to
streamline this federal, state, and local
reporting burden, utilizing the least
burdensome technical exchange
mechanism for reporting. CDC and
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ASPR, together with ONC, would also
take steps to encourage state, local,
jurisdictional partners to utilize the
same HHS-adopted health IT standards
like USCDI for data exchange, which
would further reduce burden on health
care systems. We will also explore
where guidance can leverage data sets
being developed under the USCDI+
initiative, which focuses on develop and
advancing use of standardized data
elements for exchange for additional use
cases that build on the USCDI.839
CMS, CDC, and ASPR recognize the
immense value of partnerships with
hospitals, health systems, STLTs,
associations, and other partners.
Throughout the COVID–19 PHE,
partners at all levels worked alongside
CMS, CDC, and ASPR to provide
additional context, insight, and
feedback based on conditions on the
ground. This context helped data
collections be more effective and helped
provide a fuller picture than data alone.
CMS, CDC, and ASPR are grateful for
the many collaborations with partners
on data and beyond. CDC, ASPR, and
ONC will explore opportunities to
codify continued partnerships to
prepare for and respond to incidents
such as respiratory illnesses more
effectively. We welcome public
comment on ways that all public
agencies involved in these types of data
collections can be good partners.
7. Request for Information on Health
Care Reporting to the National
Syndromic Surveillance Program
CDC’s National Syndromic
Surveillance Program (NSSP) is a
collaboration among CDC, other federal
agencies, local and state health
departments, and academic and private
sector partners who have formed a
Community of Practice. They collect,
analyze, and share electronic patient
encounter data received from emergency
departments, urgent and ambulatory
care centers, inpatient health care
settings, and laboratories.
The electronic health data are
integrated through a shared platform;
the BioSense Platform. The public
health community uses analytic tools on
the platform to analyze data received as
early as 24 hours after a patient’s visit
to a participating facility. Public health
officials use these timely and actionable
data to detect, characterize, monitor,
and respond to events of public health
The primary dataset used for analysis
is Emergency Department patient visit
data obtained through data leveraging
839 For more information about USCDI+ https://
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
HL7v2 ADT-based messaging among
CDC, local and state health departments,
and the nation’s acute care hospitals. By
tracking symptoms and diagnoses of
patients using this electronic health data
source, analysts can detect unusual
levels or changing patterns of illness.
Every day, more than 2,000 users
(analysts at all levels of government
including 73 state and local health
departments) conduct 4,000 searches of
these data for response, decisionmaking, and action. In 2022–23, these
data were used to provide critical
insights for more than 40 responses
across infectious diseases (including
COVID–19, RSV, influenza, tickborne
disease, domestic polio, and Mpox),
disasters (including hurricanes and
typhoons, extreme heat and cold,
flooding, chemical exposure, food and
water contamination), injuries
(including overdose, poisonings, boating
injuries in collaboration with the Coast
Guard, child abuse and elder abuse) and
for mental health, mass gatherings, and
other conditions. These data provide
public health with a common
situational awareness of health threats
over time and across regional
boundaries. New responses between
2022 and 2023 included the Mpox
public health emergency, domestic
malaria, asthma from Canadian wildfire
smoke, Hurricane Ian, Typhoon Mawar,
volcanic eruption in Hawaii, the train
derailment in Ohio, hepatitis of
unknown cause in children,
encephalitis and meningitis in young
children, group A Streptococcal Disease,
and pertussis. Nationwide, CDC’s NSSP
data are presented on many local, state,
and federal public websites.
CDC’s NSSP data provide crucial
insights that inform hospital
preparedness and better prepare for
emerging health events. Syndromic
surveillance relies on the secondary use
of EHR data that supports delivery of
care, enabling an efficient and costeffective way to identify and
characterize public health threats. The
provision of these data requires no
ongoing action from a health care
provider, with data exchange automated
from the EHR.
Currently, CDC receives data from 78
percent of the non-federal emergency
departments across 50 states,
Washington DC, and Guam. In most
cases, the technical pathway for these
data is from health care facilities’ and
health care systems’ EHRs to their state
or local public health agency, which
then further shares these data with CDC.
However, a number of other options
exist, and CDC has worked with Health
Information Exchanges, EHR vendors,
and individual facilities and health
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systems to support the technical
provisioning of ED data feeds to CDC’s
NSSP and to supplement the technical
capacity of some state and local public
health agencies. Recognizing the
tremendous value that these data offer
in providing a fast and broad look at the
trends and patterns of illness and injury
across the county, CDC is seeking to
close the remaining participation gap to
ensure all communities served by acute
care hospitals and CAHs are well
represented in CDC’s NSSP.
The current level of reporting and
participation has been the result of
many years of active effort by state and
local public health agencies, CDC, and
hospitals devoted to building a broad
network of data providers and program
participants. The CMS EHR Incentive
Program, and subsequently the
Promoting Interoperability Program,
have helped to incentivize and offset
some of the health care system
investment that has been needed for this
public health reporting activity to occur.
However, some challenges remain in
closing the participation gap. In some
instances, data are already being shared
locally between health care and public
health agencies, but they are not yet
provided to the national system, CDC’s
NSSP. In other cases, some health care
facilities have not yet begun providing
data despite their jurisdictional public
health agency already actively
participating in CDC’s NSSP.
Syndromic surveillance is not a part
of any condition of participation under
this program, but the continued growth
of national syndromic surveillance
would benefit hospitals, health care,
and public health. The goal of this RFI
is better understand what else can be
done to ensure that this effort can
continue to make progress and that this
critical data source is available at all
levels of public health to support health
care preparedness, public health
readiness, and responsiveness to
existing and emerging health threats.
We seek input on the following:
• How can CMS further advance
hospital and CAH participation in
• Should CMS require hospitals and
CAHs to report data to CDC’s NSSP,
whether as a condition of participation
or as a modification to current
requirements under the Promoting
Interoperability Program?
• Should CMS explore other
incentive or existing quality and
reporting programs to collect this
• What would be the potential burden
for facilities in creating these
connections in state and local public
health jurisdictions that have not yet
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established syndromic programs and/or
where state and local public health are
not presently exchanging data with
CDC’s NSSP? Are there unique
challenges in rural areas that CMS
should take into consideration?
• Data reported as part of syndromic
surveillance requirements could serve
as an alternative source for the COVID–
19, influenza, and RSV hospitalization
reporting requirements proposed in this
rule—and even support eventual
evolution towards an all-hazards
approach for monitoring inpatient
hospitalizations for conditions of public
health significance. Should CMS
consider a future requirement or
otherwise incentivize facilities to
expand ADT-based reporting currently
provided for emergency department
visits to include data collected from
inpatient settings as defined in the HHS
COVID–19 reporting guidance,840 or a
subset of these? If the latter, should a
subset of inpatient locations be subject
to such a requirement? What would be
the potential value and burden tradeoffs to facilities? And, should any
requirement specify that reporting also
be to CDC’s NSSP (in addition to more
general reporting to state/local
syndromic surveillance systems? (noting
that often the reporting to CDC’s NSSP
happens through a given state/local
system and that applicable law may
• How can CMS leverage its
authorities and programs to improve the
quality of data reported to CDC’s NSSP,
especially for key elements that are
sometimes incomplete, including
discharge diagnoses, discharge
disposition, and patient class? 841
• In addition to its value for public
health, how could CDC’s NSSP serve as
a tool to directly improve clinical
practice, patient safety, and overall
situational awareness? What types of
questions would you like the system to
help answer?
XI. MedPAC Recommendations and
Publicly Available Files
A. MedPAC Recommendations
Under section 1886(e)(4)(B) of the
Act, the Secretary must consider
MedPAC’s recommendations regarding
hospital inpatient payments. Under
section 1886(e)(5) of the Act, the
Secretary must publish in the annual
proposed and final IPPS rules the
Secretary’s recommendations regarding
MedPAC’s recommendations. We have
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
reviewed MedPAC’s March 2024
‘‘Report to the Congress: Medicare
Payment Policy’’ and have given the
recommendations in the report
consideration in conjunction with the
policies set forth in this proposed rule.
MedPAC recommendations for the IPPS
for FY 2025 are addressed in Appendix
B to this proposed rule.
For further information relating
specifically to the MedPAC reports or to
obtain a copy of the reports, contact
MedPAC at (202) 653–7226, or visit
MedPAC’s website at https://
3. Provider Occupational Mix
Adjustment Factors for Each
Occupational Category Public Use File
This file contains each hospital’s
occupational mix adjustment factors by
occupational category. Two versions of
these files are created each year to
support the rulemaking.
Media: internet at https://
Period Available: FY 2025 IPPS
B. Publicly Available Files
4. Other Wage Index Files
CMS releases other wage index
analysis files after each proposed and
final rule.
Media: internet at https://
Periods Available: FY 2005 through
FY 2025.
IPPS-related data are available on the
internet for public use. The data can be
found on the CMS website at https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/index. Following is
a listing of the IPPS-related data files
that are available.
Commenters interested in discussing
any data files used in construction of
this proposed rule should contact
Michael Treitel at (410) 786–4552.
1. CMS Wage Data Public Use File
This file contains the hospital hours
and salaries from Worksheet S–3, parts
II and III from FY 2021 Medicare cost
reports used to create the proposed FY
2025 IPPS wage index. Multiple
versions of this file are created each
year. For a discussion of the release of
different versions of this file, we refer
readers to section III.C.4. of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
Media: internet at https://
Periods Available: FY 2007 through
FY 2025 IPPS Update.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
2. CMS Occupational Mix Data Public
Use File
This file contains the CY 2022
occupational mix survey data to be used
to compute the occupational mix
adjusted wage indexes. Multiple
versions of this file are created each
year. For a discussion of the release of
different versions of this file, we refer
readers to section III.C.4 of the preamble
of this proposed rule.
Media: internet at https://
Period Available: FY 2025 IPPS
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5. FY 2025 IPPS FIPS CBSA State and
County Crosswalk
This file contains a crosswalk of State
and county codes used by the Federal
Information Processing Standards
(FIPS), county name, and a list of Core
Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs).
Media: internet at https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/ (on the
navigation panel on the left side of the
page, click on the FY 2025 proposed
rule home page or the FY 2025 final rule
home page) or
Period Available: FY 2025 IPPS
6. HCRIS Cost Report Data
The data included in this file contain
cost reports with fiscal years ending on
or after September 30, 1996. These data
files contain the highest level of cost
report status.
Media: internet at https://
(We note that data are no longer
offered on a CD. All of the data collected
are now available free for download
from the cited website.)
7. Provider-Specific File
This file is a component of the
PRICER program used in the MAC’s
system to compute DRG/MS–DRG
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payments for individual bills. The file
contains records for all prospective
payment system eligible hospitals,
including hospitals in waiver States,
and data elements used in the
prospective payment system
recalibration processes and related
activities. Beginning with December
1988, the individual records were
enlarged to include pass-through per
diems and other elements.
Media: internet at https://
Period Available: Quarterly Update.
8. CMS Medicare Case-Mix Index File
This file contains the Medicare casemix index by provider number based on
the MS–DRGs assigned to the hospital’s
discharges using the GROUPER version
in effect on the date of the discharge.
The case-mix index is a measure of the
costliness of cases treated by a hospital
relative to the cost of the national
average of all Medicare hospital cases,
using DRG/MS–DRG weights as a
measure of relative costliness of cases.
Two versions of this file are created
each year to support the rulemaking.
Media: internet at https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/Acute-InpatientFiles-for-Download.html, or for the more
recent data files,
(on the navigation panel on the left side
of page, click on the specific fiscal year
proposed rule home page or fiscal year
final rule home page desired).
Periods Available: FY 1985 through
FY 2025.
9. MS–DRG Relative Weights (Also
Table 5—MS–DRGs)
This file contains a listing of MS–
DRGs, MS–DRG narrative descriptions,
relative weights, and geometric and
arithmetic mean lengths of stay for each
fiscal year. Two versions of this file are
created each year to support the
Media: internet at https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/Acute-InpatientFiles-for-Download.html, or for the more
recent data files,
(on the navigation panel on the left side
of page, click on the specific fiscal year
proposed rule home page or the fiscal
year final rule home page desired).
Periods Available: FY 2005 through
FY 2025 IPPS Update.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
10. IPPS Payment Impact File
This file contains data used to
estimate payments under Medicare’s
hospital inpatient prospective payment
systems for operating and capital-related
costs. The data are taken from various
sources, including the Provider-Specific
File, HCRIS Cost Report Data, MedPAR
Limited Data Sets, and prior impact
files. The data set is abstracted from an
internal file used for the impact analysis
of the changes to the prospective
payment systems published in the
Federal Register. Two versions of this
file are created each year to support the
Media: internet at https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/Historical-ImpactFiles-for-FY-1994-through-Present, or
for the more recent data files, https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/ (on the
navigation panel on the left side of page,
click on the specific fiscal year
proposed rule home page or fiscal year
final rule home page desired).
Periods Available: FY 1994 through
FY 2025 IPPS Update.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
11. AOR/BOR File
This file contains data used to
develop the MS–DRG relative weights. It
contains mean, maximum, minimum,
standard deviation, and coefficient of
variation statistics by MS–DRG for
length of stay and standardized charges.
The BOR file are ‘‘Before Outliers
Removed’’ and the AOR file is ‘‘After
Outliers Removed.’’ (Outliers refer to
statistical outliers, not payment
outliers.) Two versions of this file are
created each year to support the
Media: internet at https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/Acute-InpatientFiles-for-Download.html, or for the more
recent data files,
(on the navigation panel on the left side
of page, click on the specific fiscal year
proposed rule home page or fiscal year
final rule home page desired).
Periods Available: FY 2005 through
FY 2025 IPPS Update.
12. Prospective Payment System (PPS)
Standardizing File
This file contains information that
standardizes the charges used to
calculate relative weights to determine
payments under the hospital inpatient
operating and capital prospective
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payment systems. Variables include
wage index, cost-of-living adjustment
(COLA), case-mix index, indirect
medical education (IME) adjustment,
disproportionate share, and the CoreBased Statistical Area (CBSA). The file
supports the rulemaking.
Media: internet at https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/ (on the
navigation panel on the left side of the
page, click on the FY 2025 proposed
rule home page or the FY 2025 final rule
home page) or
Period Available: FY 2025 IPPS
13. MS–DRG Relative Weights Cost
Centers File
This file provides the lines on the cost
report and the corresponding revenue
codes that we used to create the 19
national cost center cost-to-charge ratios
(CCRs) that we used in the relative
weight calculation.
Media: internet at https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/ (on the
navigation panel on the left side of the
page, click on the FY 2025 proposed
rule home page or the FY 2025 final rule
home page) or
Period Available: FY 2025 IPPS
14. Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program Supplemental File
The Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program Supplemental File is only
available and updated for the final rule,
when the most recent data is available.
Therefore, we refer readers to the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
supplemental file, which has the most
recent finalized payment adjustment
factor components and is the same data
as would have been used to create the
FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule
supplemental file.
Media: internet at https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/ (on the
navigation panel on the left side of the
page, click on the FY 2025 proposed
rule home page or the FY 2025 final rule
home page) or
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Period Available: FY 2025 IPPS
15. Medicare Disproportionate Share
Hospital (DSH) Supplemental File
This file contains information on the
calculation of the uncompensated care
payments for DSH-eligible hospitals as
well as the supplemental payments for
eligible IHS and Tribal hospitals and
hospitals located in Puerto Rico for FY
2025. Variables include the data used to
determine a hospital’s share of
uncompensated care payments, total
uncompensated care payments,
estimated per-claim uncompensated
care payment amounts, and if
applicable, supplemental payment
amounts. The file supports the
Media: internet at https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/ (on the
navigation panel on the left side of the
page, click on the FY 2025 proposed
rule home page or the FY 2025 final rule
home page) or
Period Available: FY 2025 IPPS
16. New Technology Thresholds File
This file contains the cost thresholds
by MS–DRG that are generally used to
evaluate applications for new
technology add-on payments for the
fiscal year that follows the fiscal year
that is otherwise the subject of the
rulemaking. (As discussed in section
II.G. of this proposed rule, we use the
proposed threshold values associated
with the proposed rule for that fiscal
year to evaluate the cost criterion for
applications for new technology add-on
payments and previously approved
technologies that may continue to
receive new technology add-on
payments, if those technologies would
be assigned to a proposed new MS–DRG
for that same fiscal year.) Two versions
of this file are created each year to
support rulemaking.
Media: internet at https://
AcuteInpatientPPS/ (on the
navigation panel on the left side of the
page, click on the applicable fiscal
year’s proposed rule or final rule home
page) or
Periods Available: For FY 2025 and
FY 2026 applications.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
XII. Collection of Information
A. Statutory Requirement for
Solicitation of Comments
Under the Paperwork Reduction Act
(PRA) of 1995, we are required to
provide 60-day notice in the Federal
Register and solicit public comment
before a collection of information
requirement is submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) for
review and approval. In order to fairly
evaluate whether an information
collection should be approved by OMB,
section 3506(c)(2)(A) of the PRA of 1995
requires that we solicit comment on the
following issues:
• The need for the information
collection and its usefulness in carrying
out the proper functions of our agency.
• The accuracy of our estimate of the
information collection burden.
• The quality, utility, and clarity of
the information to be collected.
• Recommendations to minimize the
information collection burden on the
affected public, including automated
collection techniques.
In this proposed rule, we are
soliciting public comment on each of
these issues for the following sections of
this document that contain information
collection requirements (ICRs). The
following ICRs are listed in the order of
appearance within the preamble (see
sections II. through X. of the preamble
of this proposed rule).
B. Collection of Information
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
1. ICRs Regarding the Implementation of
Section 4122 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2023—Distribution
of Additional Residency Positions
As discussed in section V.G.2. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, teaching
hospitals would be able to submit
electronic applications to CMS for
resident slot increase requests under
section 4122 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act (CAA), 2023. The
burden associated with these requests
will be captured under OMB control
number 0938–1417 (expiration date
March 31, 2025), currently approved for
CMS to receive electronic applications
for Medicare-funded GME Residency
Positions submitted in accordance with
Section 126 of the CAA, 2021. For that
information collection, we estimated
each eligible hospital (1,325 hospitals)
would require 8 hours per eligible
hospital annually to gather appropriate
documentation, prepare and submit an
application for a total burden of 10,600
hours (8 hours × 1,325 hospitals). The
most recent data from the BLS reflects
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a mean salary for legal secretaries and
administrative assistants of $26.05.842
With the fringe benefits included the
salary is $52.10 ($26.05 × 2). The total
cost related to this information
collection is approximately $416.80 per
eligible hospital per year ($52.10 × 8.0
hours per hospital). The total estimated
burden is $552,260 ($52.10 × 10,600
hours). As a result of the proposed
policies in this proposed rule, for FY
2026, if an eligible hospital submits an
electronic application to CMS for
section 126 of the CAA, 2021 or for
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, the total
annual burden remains the same.
However, if an eligible hospital submits
an electronic application to CMS for
both section 126 of the CAA, 2021, and
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, we
estimate that the new total annual
burden to be 16 hours per eligible
hospital. We estimate the adjustment in
the number of hours from 8 hours to 16
hours, results in 21,200 hours (16 hours
× 1,325 hospitals) at a cost of $1,104,520
($52.10 × 21,200 hours) for FY 2026
only. We will submit the revised
information collection request to OMB
for approval under OMB control number
0938–1417 (expiration date March 31,
2. ICRs for Payment Adjustments for
Establishing and Maintaining Access to
Essential Medicines
In section V.J. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing, for
cost reporting periods beginning on or
after October 1, 2024, a separate
payment under IPPS to small,
independent hospitals for establishing
and maintaining access to buffer stocks
of essential medicines to foster a more
reliable, resilient supply of these
medicines for these hospitals. The
proposed payment adjustments would
be based on the reasonable cost incurred
by the hospital for establishing and
maintaining access to a 6-month buffer
stock of one or more essential medicines
during the cost reporting period. In
order to calculate the essential
medicines payment adjustment for each
eligible cost reporting period, we
propose to create a new supplemental
cost reporting form that would collect
the additional information from
Specifically, the new cost reporting
worksheet would only collect the costs
of a hospital that voluntarily requests
separate payment under this proposed
policy for the costs associated with
842 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational
Outlook Handbook, Legal Secretaries and
Administrative Assistants. Accessed on February 6,
2024. Available at:
PO 00000
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establishing and maintaining access to
its buffer stock of one or more essential
medicines. This new information would
include the costs associated with
contractual arrangements to establish
and maintain access to buffer stock(s) of
essential medicine(s) as well as the costs
associated with directly establishing
and maintaining buffer stock(s) of
essential medicine(s) such as (but not
limited to) utilities like cold chain
storage and heating, ventilation, and air
conditioning, warehouse space,
refrigeration, management of stock
including stock rotation, managing
expiration dates, and managing recalls,
administrative costs related to
contracting and record-keeping, and
dedicated staff for maintaining the
buffer stock(s). This information would
be used, along with other information
already collected on the Hospitals and
Health Care Complex Cost Report (Form
CMS–2552–10) approved under OMB
control number 0938–0050, to calculate
the IPPS payment adjustment amount.
This new cost report worksheet may be
submitted by a provider of service as
part of the annual filing of the cost
report and the provider should make
available to its contractor and CMS,
documentation to substantiate the data
included on this Medicare cost report
worksheet. The documentation
requirements are based on the
recordkeeping requirements at current
§ 413.20, which require providers of
services to maintain sufficient financial
records and statistical data for proper
determination of costs payable under
The burden associated with filling out
this new essential medicine cost report
worksheet would be the time and effort
necessary for the provider to locate and
obtain the relevant supporting
documentation to report the costs of a
hospital to establish and maintain
access to its buffer stock for the cost
reporting period. We estimate the
number of respondents to be 493. This
number is comprised of Medicare
certified section 1886(d) hospitals that
are small, independent hospitals that
would be eligible for the proposed
payment adjustment. We estimate the
average burden hours per facility to be
1.0 hour. This breaks down to
approximately 0.4 hours per provider
for recordkeeping, which includes a
0.10-hour burden associated with
monitoring the FDA Drug Shortage
Database once when the hospital elects
to establish a buffer stock of an essential
medicine and again when the hospital is
not able to maintain a previously
established 6-month buffer stock of an
essential medicine. We estimate 0.6
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
hour per provider for obtaining and
analyzing the data and reporting. We
recognize this average varies depending
on the provider size and complexity. In
addition to seeking general comment on
this burden estimate, we are specifically
seeking feedback on the burden estimate
that is associated with monitoring the
FDA shortage list as described. CMS
would conduct provider education
regarding additions and deletions to the
publicly available FDA Drug Shortages
Database to assist hospitals with this
proposed policy.
We estimate the associated labor costs
as follows. As explained earlier, the
estimate of 0.4 hour is required for
recordkeeping including time for
bookkeeping activities. Based on the
most recent data published by Bureau of
Labor Statistics (BLS) in its 2022
Occupation Employment and Wage
Statistics Program, the mean hourly
wage for Bookkeeping, Accounting, and
Auditing Clerks (Category 43–3031) is
$22.81. We added 100 percent of the
mean hourly wage to account for fringe
and overhead benefits, which calculates
to $45.62 ($22.81 + $22.81) and
multiplied it by 0.4 hour, to determine
the annual recordkeeping costs per
hospital to be $18.25 ($45.62 per hour
multiplied by 0.4 hour). The estimated
0.6 hours for reporting include time for
accounting and audit professionals’
activities. The mean hourly wage for
Accountants and Auditors (Category 13–
2011) is $41.70. We added 100 percent
of the mean hourly wage to account for
fringe and overhead benefits, which
calculates to $83.40 ($41.70 plus $41.70)
and multiplied it by 0.6 hour, to
determine the annual reporting costs per
hospital to be $50.04 ($83.40 per hour
multiplied by 0.6 hour). We calculated
the total average annual cost per
hospital of $68.29 by adding the
recordkeeping costs (which includes
monitoring the FDA Drug Shortages
Database) of $18.25 plus the reporting
costs of $50.04. We estimated the total
annual cost to be $33,667 ($68.29 cost
per hospital multiplied by 493
hospitals). We seek comment on our
estimates and cost of recordkeeping and
3. ICRs Relating to the Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program
In this proposed rule, we are not
proposing any changes to the Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program for FY
2025. All six of the current Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program’s
measures are claims-based measures.
We believe that continuing to use these
claims-based measures would not create
or reduce any information collection
burden for hospitals because they will
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continue to be collected using Medicare
FFS claims that hospitals are already
submitting to the Medicare program for
payment purposes.
4. ICRs for the Hospital Value-Based
Purchasing (VBP) Program
In section IX.B.2. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we discuss our
proposed updates to the Hospital VBP
Program. Specifically, in this proposed
rule, we are proposing to adopt an
updated version of the Hospital
Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems (HCAHPS)
Survey measure beginning with the FY
2030 program year to align with the
proposed adoption of the updated
measure in the Hospital IQR Program
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 payment determination.
The proposed updated HCAHPS Survey
measure in the Hospital VBP Program
would add three new survey
dimensions, remove one existing survey
dimension, and modify one existing
survey dimension. We are also
proposing to modify scoring on the
HCAHPS Survey measure beginning
with the FY 2030 program year to
account for the proposed updates to the
survey. We are also proposing to modify
scoring of the HCAHPS Survey measure
in the Hospital VBP Program for the FY
2027 to FY 2029 program years to only
score on the six unchanged dimensions
of the survey while the updates to the
survey are adopted and publicly
reported on in the Hospital IQR
Data collections for the Hospital VBP
Program are associated with the
Hospital IQR Program under OMB
control number 0938–1022 (expiration
date January 31, 2026), the National
Healthcare Safety Network under OMB
control number 0920–0666 (expiration
date December 31, 2026), and the
HCAHPS Survey under OMB control
number 0938–0981 (expiration date
January 31, 2025). The Hospital VBP
Program would use data that are also
used to calculate quality measures in
these programs and Medicare FFS
claims data that hospitals are already
submitting to CMS for payment
purposes, therefore, the program does
not anticipate any additional change in
burden associated with these proposed
updates outside of the burden that is
associated with collecting that data
under the Hospital IQR Program. There
is also no estimated change in burden
related to the proposed scoring
methodology change because the
proposal does not require hospitals to
submit any additional information
specific to the Hospital VBP Program
but instead would change how hospitals
PO 00000
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are scored based on the information
already being submitted under the
Hospital IQR Program.
We discuss the burden associated
with the similar proposal to adopt the
updated HCAHPS Survey measure
under the Hospital IQR Program in
section XII.B.6. of the preamble of this
proposed rule. We note that respondents
would only complete the HCAHPS
Survey once for use in both programs,
so there is no additional information
collection burden for the Hospital VBP
5. ICRs Relating to the HospitalAcquired Condition (HAC) Reduction
OMB has currently approved 28,800
hours of burden and approximately $1.2
million under OMB control number
0938–1352 (expiration date November
30, 2025), accounting for information
collection burden experienced by 400
subsection (d) hospitals selected for
validation each year in the HAC
Reduction Program.
In section V.M. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we state that we are not
proposing to add or remove any
measures from the HAC Reduction
6. ICRs for the Hospital Inpatient
Quality Reporting (IQR) Program
a. Background
Data collections for the Hospital IQR
Program are associated with OMB
control number 0938–1022. OMB has
currently approved 2,286,977 hours of
burden at a cost of approximately $80.3
million under OMB control number
0938–1022 (expiration date January 31,
2026), accounting for information
collection burden experienced by
approximately 3,150 IPPS hospitals and
1,350 non-IPPS hospitals for the FY
2026 payment determination. In this
proposed rule, we describe the burden
changes regarding collection of
information, under OMB control
number 0938–1022, for IPPS hospitals.
For more detailed information on our
proposals for the Hospital IQR Program,
we refer readers to sections IX.B.1.,
IX.B.2., and IX.C. of the preamble of this
proposed rule. We are proposing to
adopt seven new measures: (1) AgeFriendly Hospital measure beginning
with the CY 2025 reporting period/FY
2027 payment determination; (2) Patient
Safety Structural measure beginning
with the CY 2025 reporting period/FY
2027 payment determination; (3)
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract
Infection (CAUTI) Standardized
Infection Ratio Stratified for Oncology
Locations measure beginning with the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
CY 2026 reporting period/FY 2028
payment determination; (4) Central
Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection
(CLABSI) Standardized Infection Ratio
Stratified for Oncology Locations
measure beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 reporting
period; (5) Hospital Harm—Falls with
Injury electronic clinical quality
measure (eCQM) beginning with the CY
2026 reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination; (6) Hospital Harm—
Postoperative Respiratory Failure eCQM
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination;
and (7) Thirty-day Risk-Standardized
Death Rate among Surgical Inpatients
with Complications (Failure-to-Rescue)
measure beginning with the July 1,
2023–June 30, 2025 reporting period/FY
2027 payment determination. We are
proposing refinements to two measures:
(1) the Global Malnutrition Composite
Score (GMCS) eCQM, beginning with
the CY 2026 reporting period/FY 2028
payment determination; and (2) the
HCAHPS Survey beginning with the CY
2025 reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination. We are proposing to
remove five measures: (1) Death Among
Surgical Inpatients with Serious
Treatable Complications (CMS PSI–04)
measure beginning with the July 1,
2023–June 30, 2025 reporting period/FY
2027 payment determination; (2)
Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode-of-Care for Acute Myocardial
Infarction (AMI) measure beginning
with the July 1, 2021–June 30, 2024
reporting period/FY 2026 payment
determination; (3) Hospital-level, RiskStandardized Payment Associated with
a 30-Day Episode-of-Care for Heart
Failure (HF) measure beginning with the
July 1, 2021–June 30, 2024 reporting
period/FY 2026 payment determination;
(4) Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode-of-Care for Pneumonia (PN)
measure beginning with the July 1,
2021–June 30, 2024 reporting period/FY
2026 payment determination; and (5)
Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode-of-Care for Elective Primary
Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/or
Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) measure
beginning with the April 1, 2021–March
31, 2024 reporting period which is
associated with the FY 2026 payment
determination. We are proposing to
increase the total number of eCQMs
reported from six to nine for the CY
2026 reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination and then from nine to
eleven beginning with the CY 2027
reporting period/FY 2029 payment
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
determination. Lastly, we are proposing
to update the scoring methodology for
eCQM validation, to remove the
requirement that hospitals must submit
100 percent of eCQM records to pass
validation beginning with CY 2025
eCQM data affecting the FY 2028
payment determination, and to no
longer require hospitals to resubmit
medical records as part of their request
for reconsideration of validation
beginning with CY 2025 discharges
affecting the FY 2028 payment
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we utilized the median hourly
wage rate for Medical Records
Specialists, in accordance with the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), to
calculate our burden estimates for the
Hospital IQR Program (88 FR 59312).
Using the most recent data the May
2022 National Occupational
Employment and Wage Estimates
(OEWS) from the BLS reflects a mean
hourly wage of $24.56 per hour for all
medical records specialists (SOC 29–
2072), however, we are proposing to use
the mean hourly wage for medical
records specialists for the industry,
‘‘general medical and surgical
hospitals,’’ which is $26.06.843 We
believe the industry of ‘‘general medical
and surgical hospitals’’ is more specific
to our settings for use in our
calculations than other industries that
fall under medical records specialists,
such as ‘‘office of physicians’’ or
‘‘nursing care facilities.’’ We calculated
the cost of overhead, including fringe
benefits, at 100 percent of the median
hourly wage, consistent with previous
years. This is necessarily a rough
adjustment, both because fringe benefits
and overhead costs vary significantly by
employer and methods of estimating
these costs vary widely in the literature.
Nonetheless, we believe that doubling
the hourly wage rate ($26.06 × 2 =
$52.12) to estimate total cost is a
reasonably accurate estimation method.
Accordingly, unless otherwise specified,
we will calculate cost burden to
hospitals using a wage plus benefits
estimate of $52.12 per hour throughout
the discussion in this section of this rule
for the Hospital IQR Program.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 59312), our burden
estimates were based on an assumption
of approximately 3,150 IPPS hospitals.
For this proposed rule, based on data
from the FY 2024 Hospital IQR Program
payment determination, we are
843 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational
Outlook Handbook, Medical Records Specialists.
Accessed January 3, 2024. Available at: https://
PO 00000
Frm 00581
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
updating our assumption and estimate
that approximately 3,050 IPPS hospitals
will report data to the Hospital IQR
Program for the CY 2025 reporting
b. Information Collection Burden
Estimate for the Proposed Adoption of
the Age-Friendly Hospital Measure
Beginning With the CY 2025 Reporting
Period/FY 2027 Payment Determination
In section IX.C.5.a. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we discuss the
proposal to adopt the Age-Friendly
Hospital measure beginning with the CY
2025 reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination. Hospitals would submit
responses on an annual basis during the
submission period through CMS’
Hospital Quality Reporting (HQR)
System. Specifically, for the AgeFriendly Hospital measure, hospitals
would be required to attest ‘‘yes’’ or
‘‘no’’ in response to questions across
five domains annually for a given
reporting period. Similar to the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity measure
currently approved under OMB control
number 0938–1022 (expiration date
January 31, 2026), which also requires a
‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’ attestation to questions
across five domains, we estimate the
information collection burden
associated with this measure to be, on
average across all 3,050 IPPS hospitals,
no more than 10 minutes per hospital
per year (87 FR 49385). Using the
estimate of 10 minutes (or 0.167 hour)
per hospital per year, we estimate that
the adoption of this measure would
result in a total annual burden increase
of 509 hours across all participating
IPPS hospitals (0.167 hour × 3,050 IPPS
hospitals) at a cost of $26,529 (509
hours × $52.12).
c. Information Collection Burden
Estimate for the Proposed Adoption of
the Patient Safety Structural Measure
Beginning With the CY 2025 Reporting
Period/FY 2027 Payment Determination
In section IX.B.1. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we discuss the
proposal to adopt the Patient Safety
Structural measure beginning with the
CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
payment determination. Hospitals
would submit responses on an annual
basis during the submission period
through the Center for Disease Control
and Prevention’s (CDC) National
Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN).
Specifically, hospitals would be
required to provide responses and attest
‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’ in response to a total of
five domains for a given reporting
period. Similar to the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity measure
currently approved under OMB control
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
number 0938–1022 (expiration date
January 31, 2026), which also requires a
‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’ response to each of five
domains, we estimate the information
collection burden associated with this
measure to be, on average across all
3,050 IPPS hospitals, no more than 10
minutes per hospital per year. Using the
estimate of 10 minutes (or 0.167 hour)
per hospital per year, and the updated
wage estimate as described previously,
we estimate that the adoption of this
measure would result in a total annual
burden increase of 509 hours across all
participating IPPS hospitals (0.167 hour
× 3,050 IPPS hospitals) at a cost of
$26,529 (509 hours × $52.12).
We discuss the burden associated
with the proposal to adopt the Patient
Safety Structural measure for the
PCHQR Program in section XII.B.7.a. We
will submit the revised information
collection estimates to OMB for
approval under OMB control number
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
d. Information Collection Burden
Estimate for the Proposed Adoption of
Two Healthcare-Associated Infection
(HAI) Measures Beginning With the CY
2026 Reporting Period/FY 2028
Payment Determination
In section IX.C.5.b. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
adopt two HAI measures beginning with
the CY 2026 reporting period/FY 2028
payment determination: (1) the CAUTI
Standardized Infection Ratio Stratified
for Oncology Locations measure, and (2)
the CLABSI Standardized Infection
Ratio Stratified for Oncology Locations
measure. We are proposing to collect
data for both measures via the National
Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN),
which is a secure, internet-based
surveillance system maintained and
managed by the CDC that is provided
free of charge to providers. To report to
the NHSN, hospitals must first agree to
the NHSN Agreement to Participate and
Consent form, which specifies how
NHSN data will be used, including
fulfilling CMS’s quality measurement
reporting requirements for NHSN
data.844 Hospitals would provide data
for both measures from their EHRs and
report on a quarterly basis. The burden
associated with submission of data via
the NHSN continues to be accounted for
under OMB control number 0920–0666
(expiration date December 31, 2026).
Therefore, we do not anticipate any
changes in burden associated with OMB
control number 0938–1022.
844 CDC. (2023). FAQs About NHSN Agreement to
Participate and Consent. Available at: https://
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
e. Information Collection Burden for the
Proposed Adoption of Two eCQMs and
Modification of One eCQM Beginning
With the CY 2026 Reporting Period/FY
2028 Payment Determination
In sections IX.C.5.c. and IX.C.5.d of
the preamble of this proposed rule, we
are proposing to adopt two new eCQMs
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination:
(1) the Hospital Harm—Falls With
Injury eCQM, and the (2) Hospital
Harm—Postoperative Respiratory
Failure eCQM, to add to the set of
eCQMs from which hospitals may selfselect to meet their eCQM reporting
requirements. In section IX.C.7.a. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to modify the GMCS eCQM to
add patients ages 18 to 64 to the current
cohort of patients 65 years or older
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination.
Under OMB control number 0938–
1022 (expiration date January 31, 2026),
the currently approved burden estimate
for reporting and submission of eCQM
measures is one hour per quarter per
IPPS hospital (0.167 hours/eCQM x 6
eCQMs) for all six required eCQM
measures. The addition of these two
new eCQMs and modification of the
GMCS eCQM would not affect the
information collection burden
associated with submitting eCQM
measure data under the currently
established Hospital IQR Program,
which is that hospitals are not required
to report more than a total of six eCQMs
(87 FR 49299 through 49302). However,
in the immediately following section of
this Collection of Information section,
we discuss the burden associated with
our proposal to increase the total
number of eCQMs.
f. Information Collection Burden for the
Modification of the eCQM Reporting
and Submission Requirements
Beginning With the CY 2026 Reporting
Period/FY 2028 Payment Determination
In section IX.C.9.c. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
modify the eCQM reporting and
submission requirements whereby we
would increase the total number of
eCQMs to be reported from six to nine
eCQMs for the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination
and then from nine to eleven eCQMs
beginning with the CY 2027 reporting
period/FY 2029 payment determination.
We previously finalized in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule that, for
the CY 2024 reporting period/FY 2026
payment determination and subsequent
years, hospitals are required to submit
data quarterly for six eCQMs each year
PO 00000
Frm 00582
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
which must include the Safe Use of
Opioids-Concurrent Prescribing,
Cesarean Birth, and Severe Obstetric
Complications eCQMs in addition to
three self-selected eCQMs (87 FR
49387). In this proposed rule, we are
proposing that, for the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination, hospitals would be
required to submit data for nine total
eCQMs: three self-selected, Safe Use of
Opioids, Severe Obstetric
Complications, Cesarean Birth, Hospital
Harm—Severe Hypoglycemia, Hospital
Harm—Severe Hyperglycemia, and
Hospital Harm—Opioid-Related
Adverse Events. We are also proposing
that, beginning with the CY 2027
reporting period/FY 2029 payment
determination, hospitals would be
required to submit data for these nine
eCQMs as well as the Hospital Harm—
Pressure Injury and Hospital Harm—
Acute Kidney Injury eCQMs.
We continue to estimate the
information collection burden
associated with the eCQM reporting and
submission requirements to be 10
minutes per measure per quarter. For
the increase in submission from six to
nine eCQMs for the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination,
we estimate a total of 30 minutes or 0.5
hour (10 minutes × 3 eCQMs) per
hospital per quarter. We estimate a total
burden increase of 6,100 hours (0.5 hour
x 3,050 IPPS hospitals × 4 quarters) at
a cost of $317,932 (6,100 hours ×
$52.12). For the additional increase in
submission from nine to eleven eCQMs
beginning with the CY 2027 reporting
period/FY 2029 payment determination,
we estimate a total of 50 minutes or 0.83
hours (10 minutes × 5 eCQMs) per
hospital per quarter, accounting for both
the increase of three eCQMs for the CY
2026 reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination and the increase of two
eCQMs for the CY 2027 reporting
period/FY 2029 payment determination.
We estimate a total burden increase of
10,126 hours annually (0.83 hour ×
3,050 IPPS hospitals x 4 quarters) at a
cost of $527,767 (10,126 hours × $52.12)
compared to the currently approved
burden estimate.
g. Information Collection Burden for the
Proposed Adoption of Thirty-day RiskStandardized Death Rate Among
Surgical Inpatients With Complications
(Failure-to-Rescue) Measure Beginning
with the July 1, 2023—June 30, 2025
Reporting Period/FY 2027 Payment
In section IX.C.5.e. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
adopt the Thirty-day Risk-standardized
Death Rate among Surgical Inpatients
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
with Complications (Failure-to-Rescue)
claims measure beginning with the July
1, 2023—June 30, 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 payment determination.
Because this measure is calculated using
Medicare Advantage data and Medicare
FFS claims that are already reported to
the Medicare program for payment
purposes, adopting this measure would
not result in a change in burden
associated with OMB control number
0938–1022 (expiration date January 31,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
h. Information Collection Burden for the
Proposed Removal of Four Payment
Measures and One Claims-Based
In section IX.C.6.b. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
remove four claims-based payment
measures beginning with the FY 2026
payment determination: (1) Hospitallevel, Risk-Standardized Payment
Associated with a 30-Day Episode-ofCare for AMI measure; (2) Hospitallevel, Risk-Standardized Payment
Associated with a 30-Day Episode-ofCare for HF measure; (3) Hospital-level,
Risk-Standardized Payment Associated
with a 30-Day Episode-of-Care for
Pneumonia measure; and (4) Hospitallevel, Risk-Standardized Payment
Associated with a 30-Day Episode-ofCare for Elective Primary THA and/or
TKA measure. In section IX.C.6.a., we
are also proposing to remove the Death
Among Surgical Inpatients with Serious
Treatable Complications (CMS PSI–04)
claims-based measure beginning with
the FY 2027 payment determination.
Because these measures are calculated
using Medicare FFS claims that are
already reported to the Medicare
program for payment purposes,
removing these measures would not
result in a change in burden associated
with OMB control number 0938–1022.
i. Information Collection Burden for the
Proposed Modification of the HCAHPS
Survey Beginning With the CY 2025
Reporting Period/FY 2027 Payment
In section IX.B.2.e.of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
modify the HCAHPS Survey measure
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 program year.
Specifically, the updated measure
includes adding three new submeasures, removing one existing submeasure, and revising one existing submeasure. The new sub-measures would
include: ‘‘Care Coordination,’’
‘‘Restfulness of Hospital Environment,’’
and ‘‘Information about Symptoms.’’
Under OMB control number 0938–
0981 (expiration date January 31, 2025),
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
we estimate the time to complete the
HCAHPS Survey is approximately 7.25
minutes per respondent and
approximately 2,309,985 respondents
would complete and submit the
HCAHPS Survey as part of the Hospital
IQR Program. As stated in section
IX.B.2.b. of this proposed rule, we
estimate the combination of survey submeasure removals and additions would
result in an additional 0.75 minute
(0.0125 hour) per respondent to
complete the updated version of the
HCAHPS Survey. Therefore, we
estimate the updated time to complete
the HCAHPS Survey would be 8
minutes per respondent (0.133 hour).
We believe that the cost for
beneficiaries undertaking administrative
and other tasks on their own time is a
post-tax wage of $24.04/hr. The Valuing
Time in U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services Regulatory Impact
Analyses: Conceptual Framework and
Best Practices identifies the approach
for valuing time when individuals
undertake activities on their own
time.845 To derive the costs for
beneficiaries, a measurement of the
usual weekly earnings of wage and
salary workers from BLS’s Labor Force
Statistics program, Current Population
Survey (CPS) of $1,118, divided by 40
hours to calculate an hourly pre-tax
wage rate of $27.95/hr.846 This rate is
adjusted downwards by an estimate of
the effective tax rate for median income
households of about 14 percent
calculated by comparing pre- and posttax income,847 resulting in the post-tax
hourly wage rate of $24.04/hr. Unlike
our state and private sector wage
adjustments, we are not adjusting
beneficiary wages for fringe benefits and
other indirect costs since the
individuals’ activities, if any, would
occur outside the scope of their
employment. We therefore estimate a
burden increase of 28,875 hours
(2,309,985 respondents × 0.0125 hour)
at a cost of $694,155 (28,875 hours ×
We will submit the revised
information collection estimates to OMB
for approval under OMB control number
wkyeng.pdf. Accessed January 1, 2024.
09/median-household-income.html. Accessed
January 2, 2024.
PO 00000
Frm 00583
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
j. Information Collection Burden for the
Proposed Changes to Data Validation
In section IX.C.10. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
update the scoring methodology for
eCQM validation, replace the existing
combined validation score for eCQMs
and chart-abstracted measures with two
separate validation scores for chartabstracted measures and eCQMs
beginning with the FY 2028 payment
determination, and remove the
requirement that hospitals must submit
100 percent of eCQM records to pass
validation beginning with CY 2025
eCQM data affecting the FY 2028
payment determination. We are also
proposing in section IX.C.13 of this
proposed rule to no longer require
hospitals to resubmit medical records as
part of their request for reconsideration
of validation, beginning with CY 2025
discharges affecting the FY 2028
payment determination.
Proposed changes to the scoring
methodology and validation score
would not affect burden as neither the
amount of data nor frequency of data
submission is impacted. The proposal to
remove the requirement that hospitals
must submit 100 percent of eCQM
records to pass validation would not
affect burden, as the proposal to
implement eCQM validation scoring
would still require hospitals to submit
the same number of requested medical
records to validate the accuracy of
eCQM data (the extent to which data
abstracted from the submitted medical
record matches the data submitted in
the QRDA I file). Lastly, as finalized in
the FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
regarding information collection burden
associated with the Hospital IQR
Program’s request for reconsideration
process, information collection
requirements imposed subsequent to an
administrative action are not subject to
the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
under 5 CFR 1320.4(a)(2), therefore the
proposal to no longer require hospitals
to resubmit medical records as part of
their request for reconsideration of
validation would not affect burden (75
FR 50411).
k. Summary of Information Collection
Burden Estimates for the Hospital IQR
In summary, under OMB control
number 0938–1022 (expiration date
January 31, 2026), we estimate that the
policies promulgated in this proposed
rule would result in a total increase of
10,635 hours at a cost of $554,296
annually for 3,050 IPPS hospitals from
the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
PO 00000
January 31, 2025), we estimate that the
policies promulgated in this proposed
rule would result in a total increase of
28,875 hours at a cost of $694,155
annually for 3,050 hospitals beginning
with the CY 2025 reporting period/FY
2027 payment determination. The total
increase in burden associated with the
proposed information collections under
OMB control numbers 0938–1022,
0920–0666, and 0938–0981 is
approximately 40,019 hours (10,635 +
509 + 28,875) at a cost of $1,274,980
Frm 00584
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
($554,296 + $26,529 + $694,155). We
will submit the revised information
collection estimates to OMB for
approval under OMB control numbers
0938–1022, 0920–0666, and 0938–0981.
With respect to any costs/burdens
unrelated to data submission, we refer
readers to the Regulatory Impact
Analysis (section I.K. of Appendix A of
this proposed rule).
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Jkt 262001
Annual Recordkeepine and Reporthte Requirements Under 0MB Control Number 0938-1022 for the CY 2025 Reporthte Period/ FY 2027 Pavment Determinations
Net ,lifference
time per
res pond ents
nt per
in annual
burden hours
Adoot A~c-Fricndlv Hosoital 1fcasurc
Total Chane• in Information Collection Burden Hours: +509
Total Cost Estimate: l"odatcd Hourh Wage $52.12) x Change in Burden Hours (+5091 = $26,529
00:35 May 02, 2024
payment determination through the CY
2027 reporting period/FY 2029 payment
determination. Under OMB control
number 0920–0666 (expiration date
December 31, 2026), we estimate that
the policies being proposed in this
proposed rule would result in a total
increase of 509 hours at a cost of
$26,529 annually for 3,050 IPPS
hospitals beginning with the CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination. Under OMB control
number 0938–0981 (expiration date
VerDate Sep<11>2014
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00585
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Annual Reconlkeeoin!! and Reoortino Reauirements Under 0MB Cootrol Number 0938-1022 for the CY 2026 Reoorrin, Period/ FY 2028 Pavment Determinations
time per
'.I/umber or
records per
in annual
respondent responde
Ad,mt Agc-Fricndlv Hosoital Measure
3 050
AdOD! Modification to eCQM ReportiD£
Total Chan!!:e in Information Collection Durden Hours: +6,609
Total Cost Estimate: Un,J•ted HourlvWw,e ($52.12) xChano.e in Burden Hours (+6 609) = $344.461
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00586
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Annual Reconlkeenin!! and Renortin!! Requirements Under OMII Control Number 0938-1022 for the CY 2027 Renortln1 Period/ l•'Y 2029 Pavment Determinations
time per
'.I/umber of
records per
in annual
respondent responde
per year
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00587
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Annual Reconlkeenino and Reportine Requirements Under 0MB Control Nwnber 0920-0666 for the CY 2025 Reportine Period/ FY 2027 Pavment Determinations
time per
Number of
Net difference
nt per
in annual
burden hoon
A,t,~t Pa1font Safotv Structural Measure
3 050
Total Chan2e in Information Collection Ilnnlen Uonrs: +509
Total Cost Estimate: (;n,L,tcd Hourlv Wage $52.12) x Change in Burden Houn; (+509) = $26,529
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Jkt 262001
Total Chan2e in Information Collection Durden Hours: +28 875
Total Cost Estimate: Unrl•ted HourlvWai,e ($24.04) x Clumo.e in Burden Hours (+28 875)= $694 155
PO 00000
Frm 00588
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
the information collection burden
associated with the PCHQR Program.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we utilized the median hourly
wage rate for Medical Records
Specialists, in accordance with the
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), to
calculate our burden estimates for the
PCHQR Program (88 FR 59317). While
the most recent data from the BLS
reflects a mean hourly wage of $24.56
per hour for all medical records
specialists, $26.06 is the mean hourly
wage for ‘‘general medical and surgical
reporting period/FY 2027 program year,
which we anticipate would affect the
information collection burden. We are
also proposing to modify the HCAHPS
survey beginning with the CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 program year,
which is currently approved under
OMB control number 0938–0981
(expiration date January 31, 2025). We
are also proposing to move up the start
date for public display of the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity (HCHE)
measure. This proposal would not affect
Annual Recordkcenina and Rei ortin2 R.,nuiremcnts Under O}IB Control l'iumbcr 0938-0981 for the FY 2027 Pa\ment Determination
)lumber of
time per
records per
in annual
respoudent responde
per quarter
Adopt Proposed Measure Updates to the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
7. ICRs for PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital
Quality Reporting (PCHQR) Program
00:35 May 02, 2024
OMB has currently approved 109
hours of burden at a cost of $2,452
under OMB control number 0938–1175
(expiration date January 31, 2027),
accounting for the annual information
collection requirements for 11 PCHs for
the PCHQR Program. In the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
adopt the Patient Safety Structural
measure beginning with the CY 2025
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
hospitals,’’ which is an industry within
medical records specialists.848 We
believe the industry of ‘‘general medical
and surgical hospitals’’ is more specific
to our settings for use in our
calculations than other industries that
fall under medical records specialists,
such as ‘‘office of physicians’’ or
‘‘nursing care facilities.’’ We calculated
the cost of overhead, including fringe
benefits, at 100 percent of the mean
hourly wage, consistent with previous
years. This is necessarily a rough
adjustment, both because fringe benefits
and overhead costs vary significantly by
employer and methods of estimating
these costs vary widely in the literature.
Nonetheless, we believe that doubling
the hourly wage rate ($26.06 × 2 =
$52.12) to estimate total cost is a
reasonably accurate estimation method.
Accordingly, unless otherwise specified,
we will calculate cost burden to
hospitals using a wage plus benefits
estimate of $52.12 per hour throughout
the discussion in this section of this rule
for the PCHQR Program.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
a. Information Collection Burden
Estimate for the Proposal To Adopt the
Patient Safety Structural Measure
Beginning With the CY 2025 Reporting
Period/FY 2027 Program Year
In section IX.B.1. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we discuss the
proposal to adopt the Patient Safety
Structural measure beginning with the
CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
program year. PCHs would submit
responses on an annual basis during the
submission period through the Center
for Disease Control and Prevention’s
(CDC) National Healthcare Safety
Network (NHSN). Specifically, PCHs
would be required to provide responses
and attest ‘‘yes’’ or ‘‘no’’ in response to
a total of five domains for a given
reporting period. Similar to the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity measure
currently approved under OMB control
number 0938–1022 (expiration date
January 31, 2026), which also requires a
yes or no response to each of five
domains, we estimate the information
collection burden associated with this
measure to be, on average across all 11
PCHs, no more than 10 minutes per PCH
per year. Using the estimate of 10
minutes (or 0.167 hours) per PCH per
year, and the updated wage estimate as
described previously, we estimate that
the adoption of this measure would
result in a total annual burden increase
of 2 hours across all participating PCHs
848 U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational
Outlook Handbook, Medical Records Specialists.
Accessed on January 2, 2024. Available at: https://
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
(0.167 hours × 11 PCHs) at a cost of $104
(2 hours × $52.12).
We discuss the burden associated
with the proposal to adopt the Patient
Safety Structural measure for the
Hospital IQR Program in section
XII.B.6.c. of the preamble of this
proposed rule. We will submit the
revised information collection estimates
to OMB for approval under OMB control
number 0920–0666.
b. Information Collection Burden for the
Proposed Modification of the HCAHPS
Survey Beginning With the CY 2025
Reporting Period/FY 2027 Program Year
In section IX.B.2.e of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
modify the HCAHPS Survey measure
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 program year.
Specifically, we are proposing to refine
the current HCAHPS Survey by adding
three new sub-measures, removing one
existing sub-measure, and revising one
existing sub-measure. The new submeasures would include: ‘‘Care
Coordination,’’ ‘‘Restfulness of Hospital
Environment,’’ and ‘‘Information about
Under OMB control number 0938–
0981 (expiration date January 31, 2025),
we estimate the time to complete the
HCAHPS Survey is approximately 7.25
minutes per respondent and
approximately 13,105 respondents
would complete and submit the
HCAHPS survey as part of the PCHQR
Program. As stated in section IX.B.2.b of
this proposed rule, we estimate the
combination of sub-measure removals
and additions would result in an
additional 0.75 minutes (0.0125 hours)
per respondent to complete the
HCAHPS Survey. Therefore, we
estimate the updated time to complete
the HCAHPS Survey would be 8.0
minutes per respondent (0.133 hours).
We believe that the cost for
beneficiaries undertaking administrative
and other tasks on their own time is a
post-tax wage of $24.04/hr. The Valuing
Time in U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services Regulatory Impact
Analyses: Conceptual Framework and
Best Practices identifies the approach
for valuing time when individuals
undertake activities on their own
time.849 To derive the costs for
beneficiaries, a measurement of the
usual weekly earnings of wage and
salary workers of $1,118, divided by 40
hours to calculate an hourly pre-tax
wage rate of $27.95/hr. 850 This rate is
wkyeng.pdf. Accessed January 1, 2024.
PO 00000
Frm 00589
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
adjusted downwards by an estimate of
the effective tax rate for median income
households of about 14 percent
calculated by comparing pre- and posttax income,851 resulting in the post-tax
hourly wage rate of $24.04/hr. Unlike
our State and private sector wage
adjustments, we are not adjusting
beneficiary wages for fringe benefits and
other indirect costs since the
individuals’ activities, if any, would
occur outside the scope of their
employment. We therefore estimate a
burden increase of 164 hours (13,105
respondents × 0.0125 hours) at a cost of
$3,943 (164 hours × $24.04).
We will submit the revised
information collection request to OMB
for approval under OMB control number
c. Information Collection Burden
Estimate for the Proposal To Move Up
the Start Date of Public Display of the
Hospital Commitment to Health Equity
In section IX.D.5. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
move up the start date of PCH
performance on the Hospital
Commitment to Health Equity measure.
Because we are not proposing to require
PCHs to collect or submit any additional
data, we do not estimate any change in
information collection burden
associated with this proposal.
d. Summary of Information Collection
Burden Estimates for the PCHQR
In summary, under OMB control
number 0920–0666 (expiration date
December 31, 2026), we estimate that
the policies being proposed in this
proposed rule would result in a total
increase of 2 hours at a cost of $104
annually for 11 PCHs beginning with
the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
program year. Under OMB control
number 0938–0981 (expiration date
January 31, 2025), we estimate that the
policies being proposed in this
proposed rule would result in a total
increase of 164 hours at a cost of $3,943
annually for 11 PCHs beginning with
the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
program year. The total increase in
burden associated with this information
collection would be approximately 166
hours at a cost of $4,047. We will
submit the revised information
collection request to OMB for approval
under OMB control numbers 0920–0666
and 0938–0981.
09/median-household-income.html. Accessed
January 2, 2024.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
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Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00590
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Annual Recordkee11ine and Re11ortine Requirements Under 0MB Control Number 0920-0666 for the CY 2025 Re11ortine Period/FY 2027 Pro,,..,.m Year
time per
Number of
records per
in annual
respondent responde
per year
per quarter
Adoot Patient Safetv Structnral Measure
Total Chane:e in Information Collection Burden Hours: +2
Total Cost Estimate: Updated Hourly Wage ($52.12) xChange in Burden Hours (+2) =$104
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Frm 00591
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Total Chane:e in Information Collection Burden Hours: + 164
Total Cost Estimate: Updated Hourly Wage ($24.04) x Change in Burden Hours (+ 164) = $3,943
effort associated with complying with
the requirements of the LTCH QRP. In
sections IX.E.4.c. and IX.E.4.e. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we
proposed to add four items to the LCDS
and replace one item on the LCDS. The
fiscal year will receive a 2-percentage
point reduction to its otherwise
applicable annual update for that fiscal
We believe that the burden associated
with the LTCH QRP is the time and
PO 00000
Annual Recordkeepine: and Reportine: Requirements Under 0MB Control Number 0938-0981 for the CY 2025 Reportine: Period/FY 2027 Pro !!l'am Year
Number of
records per
in annual
time per
respondent responde
Adopt Proposed Measure Updates to the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Jkt 262001
8. ICRs for the Long-Term Care Hospital
Quality Reporting Program (LTCH QRP)
00:35 May 02, 2024
An LTCH that does not meet the
requirements of the LTCH QRP for a
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
LCDS V5.1 has been approved under
OMB control number 0938–1163
(Expiration date: 08/31/2025). The
following is a discussion of this
information collection.
In section IX.E.4.c. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
adopt four new items as standardized
patient assessment data elements under
the SDOH category beginning with the
FY 2028 LTCH QRP. The proposed
items, Living Situation (one item), Food
(two items), and Utilities (one item),
would be collected at admission using
the LCDS. If adopted as proposed, four
new items would be added to the LCDS
and would result in an increase of 0.02
hours (1.2 minutes/60) of clinical staff
time at admission. We are also
proposing to modify the current
Transportation item on the LCDS, which
is currently collected at admission and
discharge. We are proposing that the
Transportation item would only be
collected at admission beginning with
the FY 2028 LTCH QRP as described in
sections IX.E.4.e. and E.7.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule. The
burden associated with collecting this
item at admission and discharge was
accounted for in the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH final rule (84 FR 42606) when the
item was originally adopted. If adopted
as proposed, LTCHs would no longer
have to collect one item at discharge to
meet LTCH QRP reporting requirements,
which would result in a decrease of
0.005 hours (0.3 minutes/60) of clinical
staff time at discharge. Using data
collected for FY 2023, we estimated
130,050 total admissions and 96,890
planned discharges from 329 LTCHs
annually. This equates to an increase of
2,117 hours for all LTCHs [(130,050 ×
0.02 hour) ¥ (96,890 × 0.005 hour)] and
6.43 hours per LTCH.
We believe that the additional SDOH
items would be completed equally by
RNs and LPN/LVNs. Individual LTCHs
determine the staffing resources
necessary. We averaged BLS’ National
Occupational Employment and Wage
Estimates (see Table XII.B–05) for these
labor types and established a composite
cost estimate using our adjusted wage
estimates. The composite estimate of
$65.31/hr was calculated by weighting
each hourly wage equally [($78.10 +
$52.52)/2]. We estimate the total cost
would be increased by $420.16 per
LTCH annually, or $138,231.88 for all
LTCHs annually ([(130,050 admission
assessments × 0.02 hour = 2,601 hours)
× $65.31/hr] ¥ [(96,890 planned
discharge assessments × 0.005 hour =
484.45 hours) × $65.31/hr] =
$138,231.88); ($138,231.88/329 LTCHs
= $420.16/LTCH).
Occupation Title
Registered Nurse (RN)
Licensed Practical Nurse/Licensed Vocational Nurse (LPN/L VN)
As described in Table XII.B–06, under
OMB control number 0938–1163, we
estimate that the policies finalized in
this final rule for the LTCH QRP would
result in an overall increase of 2,117
hours annually for 329 LTCHs. The total
cost increase related to this proposed
information collection is estimated at
approximately $138,231.88. The
increase in burden would be accounted
Wae:e ($/hr)
and Fringe
for in a revised information collection
request under OMB control number
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Estimated change in burden associated with
Proposal to Collect Four New Items As
Standardized Patient Assessment Data Elements
and Modify One Item Collected as a Standardized
Patient Assessment Data Element beginning with
the FY 2028 LTCH QRP
In section IX.E.7.c. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
extend the LCDS Admission assessment
window from three days to four days
beginning with the FY 2028 LTCH QRP.
However, this change would have no
impact on burden.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
+6.43 hours
We invite public comments on the
proposed information collection
PO 00000
Change in
Annual Burden
Change in
Annual Cost
+2,117 hours
9. ICRs for the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program
a. Background
In section IX.F. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss several
proposed policies for the Medicare
Frm 00592
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
EP02MY24.295 EP02MY24.296
Change in
Change in
Annual Burden
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Promoting Interoperability Program. As
discussed in the most recent Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) notice pending
approval under OMB control number
0938–1278 (expiration date December
31, 2025), we have requested approval
for 29,625 hours of burden at a cost of
approximately $1.3 million, accounting
for information collection burden
experienced by approximately 3,150
eligible hospitals and 1,350 CAHs for
the EHR reporting period in CY 2024. In
this proposed rule, we describe the
burden changes regarding collection of
information under OMB control number
0938–1278 for eligible hospitals and
CAHs. The collection of information
burden analysis in this proposed rule
focuses on all eligible hospitals and
CAHs that could participate in the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program and report the objectives and
measures, and report eCQMs, under the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program for the EHR reporting periods
in CY 2025 through CY 2027.
We are proposing to adopt two new
eCQMs beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period: (1) the Hospital
Harm—Falls with Injury eCQM, and (2)
the Hospital Harm—Postoperative
Respiratory Failure eCQM. We are
proposing to separate the previously
finalized Antimicrobial Use and
Resistance (AUR) Surveillance measure
into two separate measures, beginning
with the EHR reporting period in CY
2025: (1) the Antimicrobial Use (AU)
Surveillance measure and (2) the
Antimicrobial Resistance (AR)
Surveillance Measure. We are also
proposing to modify the Global
Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS)
eCQM, beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period. In addition, we are
proposing to increase the total number
of eCQMs eligible hospitals and CAHs
report from six to nine for the CY 2026
reporting period, and then from nine to
eleven beginning with the CY 2027
reporting period. Lastly, we are
proposing to increase the minimum
scoring threshold from 60 points to 80
points beginning with the EHR reporting
period in CY 2025; this proposal would
not affect the information collection
burden associated with the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we utilized the median hourly
wage rate for Medical Records
Specialists, in accordance with the BLS,
to calculate our burden estimates for the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program (88 FR 59325). Using the most
recent data, the May 2022 National
Occupational Employment and Wage
Estimates (OEWS) from the BLS reflects
a mean hourly wage of $24.56 per hour
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
for all medical records specialists (SOC
29–2072), however, we are proposing to
use the mean hourly wage for medical
records specialists for the industry,
‘‘general medical and surgical
hospitals,’’ which is $26.06.852 We
believe the industry of ‘‘general medical
and surgical hospitals’’ is more specific
to our settings for use in our
calculations than other industries that
fall under medical records specialists,
such as ‘‘office of physicians’’ or
‘‘nursing care facilities.’’ We calculated
the cost of overhead, including fringe
benefits, at 100 percent of the median
hourly wage, consistent with previous
years. This is necessarily a rough
adjustment, both because fringe benefits
and overhead costs vary significantly by
employer and methods of estimating
these costs vary widely in the literature.
Nonetheless, we believe that doubling
the hourly wage rate ($26.06 × 2 =
$52.12) to estimate total cost is a
reasonably accurate estimation method.
Accordingly, unless otherwise specified,
we will calculate cost burden to eligible
hospitals and CAHs using a wage plus
benefits estimate of $52.12 per hour
throughout the discussion in this
section of this rule for the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 59325), our burden
estimates were based on an assumption
of 4,500 eligible hospitals and CAHs. In
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
the Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program and Hospital IQR Program used
the same estimate for the number of
eligible hospitals and IPPS hospitals for
both programs (88 FR 59325). In section
XII.B.6.a. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we provide our updated
estimate of 3,050 IPPS hospitals for the
Hospital IQR Program for the CY 2025
reporting period. Upon further analysis,
we believe it is no longer appropriate to
use the same estimate for both programs
as the approximately 100 eligible
hospitals located in Maryland and
Puerto Rico which were previously
excluded from our estimate of IPPS
hospitals and included in our estimate
of non-IPPS hospitals should be
included as eligible hospitals for the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program. Therefore, for this proposed
rule, based on data from the EHR
reporting period in CY 2022, we
estimate approximately 3,150 eligible
hospitals and 1,400 CAHs will report
data to the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program for the EHR
852 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Occupational
Outlook Handbook, Medical Records Specialists.
Accessed on January 3, 2024. Available at: https://
PO 00000
Frm 00593
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
reporting period in CY 2025, for a total
number of 4,550 respondents.
b. Information Collection Burden for the
Proposed Adoption of the Two eCQMs
and Modification of One eCQM
Beginning With the CY 2026 Reporting
In section IX.F.6.a. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
adopt two new eCQMs beginning with
the CY 2026 reporting period: (1) the
Hospital Harm—Falls With Injury
eCQM and (2) the Hospital Harm—
Postoperative Respiratory Failure
eCQM, to add to the set of eCQMs from
which hospitals may self-select to meet
their eCQM reporting requirements. In
section IX.F.6.a. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to
modify the GMCS eCQM to add patients
ages 18 to 64 to the current cohort of
patients 65 years or older beginning
with the CY 2026 reporting period.
Under OMB control number 0938–
1278 (expiration date December 31,
2025), the currently approved burden
estimate for reporting and submission of
eCQM measures is one hour per CAH
for all six required eCQM measures. The
addition of these two eCQMs and
modification of the GMCS eCQM do not
affect the information collection burden
associated with submitting eCQM
measure data under the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program. As
finalized in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, current policy requires
CAHs to select six eCQMs from the
eCQM measure set on which to report
(87 FR 49365 through 49367). In other
words, although these new eCQMs are
being added to the eCQM measure set,
CAHs are not required to report more
than a total of six eCQMs.
In section XII.B.9.c. (of the Collection
of Information section of this proposed
rule), we account for the burden
associated with our proposal to increase
the total number of eCQMs reported
from six to nine for the CY 2026
reporting period and then from nine to
eleven beginning with the CY 2027
reporting period. We refer readers to
section XII.B.7.f. of this Collection of
Information section for discussion of the
similar proposals impacting eligible
hospitals (referred to as IPPS hospitals
under the Hospital IQR Program).
c. Information Collection Burden for the
Modification of the eCQM Reporting
and Submission Requirements
Beginning With the CY 2026 Reporting
In section IX.F.6.b. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
modify our eCQM reporting and
submission requirements by increasing
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the total number of eCQMs to be
reported from six to nine eCQMs for the
CY 2026 reporting period and from nine
to eleven beginning with the CY 2027
reporting period.
We previously finalized in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule that, for
the CY 2024 reporting period, CAHs are
required to annually submit quarterly
data for six eCQMs each year, which
must consist of the Safe Use of OpioidsConcurrent Prescribing, Cesarean Birth,
and Severe Obstetric Complications
eCQMs in addition to three self-selected
eCQMs (87 FR 49394 through 49395). In
this proposed rule, we are proposing
that, for the CY 2026 reporting period,
CAHs would be required to submit data
for nine total eCQMs: three self-selected,
Safe Use of Opioids, Severe Obstetric
Complications, Cesarean Birth Rate,
Hospital Harm—Severe Hypoglycemia,
Hospital Harm—Severe Hyperglycemia,
and Hospital Harm—Opioid-Related
Adverse Events. We are also proposing
that, beginning with the CY 2027
reporting period, CAHs would be
required to submit data for these nine
eCQMs as well as the Hospital Harm—
Pressure Injury and Hospital Harm—
Acute Kidney Injury eCQMs.
To calculate the information
collection burden associated with this
proposal, we estimate a total of 1,500
respondents, which includes the 100
eligible hospitals not included as IPPS
hospitals for the Hospital IQR Program
as well as the 1,400 CAHs required to
report eCQM data for the Medicare
Promoting Interoperability Program. We
continue to estimate the information
collection burden associated with the
eCQM reporting and submission
requirements to be 10 minutes per
measure per quarter. For the increase in
submission from six to nine eCQMs for
the CY 2026 reporting period, we
estimate a total of 30 minutes or 0.5
hour (10 minutes × 3 eCQMs) per CAH
per quarter. We estimate a total burden
increase of 3,000 hours (0.5 hour × 1,500
CAHs × 4 quarters) at a cost of $156,360
(3,000 hours × $52.12). For the
additional increase in submission from
nine to eleven eCQMs beginning with
the CY 2027 reporting period, we
estimate a total of 50 minutes or 0.83
hour (10 minutes × 5 eCQMs) per CAH
per quarter. We estimate a total burden
increase of 5,000 hours annually (0.83
hour × 1,500 CAHs × 4 quarters) at a cost
of $260,600 (5,000 hours × $52.12).
With respect to any costs/burdens
related to eligible hospitals (referred to
as IPPS hospitals under the Hospital
IQR Program), we refer readers to
section XII.B.7.f. of the preamble of this
proposed rule.
d. Information Collection Burden for the
Proposal To Separate the AUR
Surveillance Measure Into Two
Measures Beginning With the EHR
Reporting Period in CY 2025
In section IX.F.2. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
modify the AUR Surveillance measure
by separating the single measure into
two measures: (1) AU Surveillance and
(2) AR Surveillance, beginning with the
EHR reporting period in CY 2025. In the
CY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
finalized a burden estimate of 0.5
minutes per eligible hospital and CAH
to attest the AUR Surveillance measure
(87 FR 49394). In association with this
proposal, we estimate an annual
increase in burden for each eligible
hospital and CAH to attest to both
measures of 0.5 minutes (.0083 hours).
Therefore, we estimate a total increase
in burden of 38 hours across all eligible
hospitals and CAHs (.0083 hours ×
4,550 eligible hospitals and CAHs)
annually at a cost of $1,981 (38 hours
× $52.12).
e. Information Collection Burden for the
Proposed Increase to the Minimum
Scoring Threshold From 60 Points to 80
Points Beginning With the EHR
Reporting Period in CY 2025
In section IX.F.5. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing to
increase the minimum scoring threshold
from 60 points to 80 points beginning
with the EHR reporting period in CY
2025. Because we are not requiring
eligible hospitals or CAHs to collect or
submit any additional data, we do not
estimate any change in information
collection burden associated with this
f. Summary of Estimates Used To
Calculate the Collection of Information
In summary, under OMB control
number 0938–1278 (expiration date
December 31, 2025), we estimate that
the policies in this proposed rule would
result in an increase in burden of 5,038
hours at a cost of $262,581. Based on
these proposed policies, the annual
burden per eligible hospital and CAH
would increase to 6 hours and 36
minutes (6.6 hours) as well as an
additional 7.33 hours annually for CAHs
to report eCQMs. We will submit the
revised information collection estimates
to OMB for approval under OMB control
number 0938–1278.
With respect to any costs/burdens
unrelated to data submission, we refer
readers to the Regulatory Impact
Analysis (section I.N. of Appendix A of
this proposed rule).
Annual Recordkeepinl! and Reportinl! Requirements l:nder O1\IB Control Nnmber 0938-1278 for the Reportinl! Period in CY 2025
Adopt Modification to the AUR Surveillance
Total Chall!!e In Infonnatloo Collection Burden Ho1ll'!l: +38
Total Cost Estimate: Updated Hourlv Wage ($52.12) x Change in Burden Hours ( 138) = $1 981
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00594
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
I\"et difference
In annual
burden hours
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Annual Recordkeeoin!! and Reoortin!! Rec uirements l:nder 01\IB Control Nnmber 0938-1278 for the Reoortin!! Period in CY 2026
time per
Number of
records per
per year
per quarter
Adopt :\,lodification to the AUR Surveillance
Adoot :\,lodification to eCOM Renortine
in annual
Total Chane:e in lnfonnation Collection Burden Hours: + 3,038
Total Cost Estimate: Updated Hourlv Wage ($52.12) x Change in Burden Hours (+3,038) = $158,341
Annnal Recordkeeolnl! and Reoortine Reoulrements t:nder 0MB Control Number 0938-1278 for the Reoortine l'eriod in CY 21127
Adoot Modification to the AUR Su,veillance Measure
Adoot Modification to eCO\1 Reoortin!!
Time per
Number of
Records per
ner ouarter
(hours) per
Annual Burden
(hours) across
in Annual
Total Chane.e in Information Collection Borden Hours: +5,038
Total Cost Estimate: Undated Hourlv Wa1J,c (S52.12) x Chan/1,c in Burden Hours ( +5,038) = $262 581
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
11. ICRs for Payment Error Rate
Measurement (PERM)
a. ICRs Regarding § 431.970 Information
Submission and Systems Access
Section 431.970 defines state and
provider submission responsibilities,
including state submission of Medicaid
and CHIP FFS claims and managed care
payments on a quarterly basis; and
provider submission of medical records.
These claims and payments are
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
rigorously reviewed by the federal
statistical contractor. Additionally,
states are required to collect and submit
(with an estimate of 4 submissions) state
policies. There would be an initial
submission and quarterly updates. The
ongoing burden associated with the
requirements under § 431.970 is the
time and effort it would take each of the
up to 36 state programs (17–18
Medicaid and 17–18 CHIP agencies for
17–18 states equates to maximum 36
total respondents each PERM year) to
submit its claims universe, and collect
and submit state policies, and the time
and effort it would take providers to
furnish medical record documentation.
We estimate that it will take 1,350 hours
annually per state program to develop
and submit its claims universe and state
policies. The total estimated hours is
broken down between the FFS, managed
care, and eligibility components and is
estimated at 900 hours for universe
development and submission, and 450
hours for policy collection and
submission. Per component it is
estimated at 1,150 FFS hours, 100
managed care hours, and 100 eligibility
hours for a total of 48,600 annual hours
(1,350 hours × 36 respondents). The
total estimated annual cost per
respondent is $86,832 (1,350 hours ×
$64.32), and the total estimated annual
cost across all respondents is $3,125,952
($86,832 × 36 respondents). The
preceding requirements and burden
PO 00000
Frm 00595
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
estimates will be submitted to OMB as
reinstatements with changes of the
information collection requests
previously approved under control
numbers 0938–0974, 0938–0994, and
0938–1012. Inclusion of Puerto Rico has
added an additional burden of 2,700
hours and $173,664 for Information
Submission and Systems Access
b. ICRs Regarding § 431.992 Corrective
Action Plan
Section 431.992 requires states to
submit corrective action plans to
address all improper payments and
deficiencies found through the PERM
review as defined at § 431.960(f)(1) and
evaluate corrective actions from the
previous PERM cycle as defined at
§ 431.992(b)(4). The ongoing burden
associated with the requirements under
§ 431.992 is the time and effort it would
take each of the up to 36 state programs
(17–18 Medicaid and 17–18 CHIP
agencies for 17–18 states equates to
maximum 36 total respondents per
PERM cycle) to submit its corrective
action plan. We estimate that it will take
750 hours (250 hours for FFS, 250 hours
for managed care and an additional 250
hours for eligibility), per PERM cycle
per state program to submit its
corrective action plan for a total
estimated annual burden of 27,000
hours (750 hours × 36 respondents). We
estimate the total cost per respondent to
be $48,240 (750 hours × $64.32). The
EP02MY24.298 EP02MY24.299
10. ICRs for the Transforming Episode
Accountability Model
In section X.A. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to test
the Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM) under
the authority of the CMS Innovation
Center. Section 1115A of the Act
authorizes the CMS Innovation Center
to test innovative payment and service
delivery models that preserve or
enhance the quality of care furnished to
Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s
Health Insurance Program beneficiaries
while reducing program expenditures.
As stated in section 1115A(d)(3) of the
Act, Chapter 35 of title 44, United States
Code, shall not apply to the testing and
evaluation of models under section
1115A of the Act. As a result, the
information collection requirements
contained in this proposed rule for
TEAM need not be reviewed by the
Office of Management and Budget.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
total estimated cost for all respondents
is $1,736,640 ($48,240 × 36
respondents). The preceding
requirements and burden estimates will
be submitted to OMB as part of
reinstatement of the information
collection requests previously approved
under control numbers 0938–0974,
0938–0994, and 0938–1012. total
burden would amount to: 36 annual
respondents, 36 annual responses, and
750 hours per corrective action plan
Inclusion of Puerto Rico has added an
additional burden of 1,500 hours and
$96,480 for Corrective Action Plan
c. ICRs Regarding § 431.998 Difference
Resolution and Appeal Process
Section 431.998 allows states to
dispute federal contractor findings. The
ongoing burden associated with the
requirements under § 431.998 is the
time and effort it would take each of the
up to 36 state programs (17–18
Medicaid and 17–18 CHIP agencies for
17–18 states equates to maximum 36
total respondents per PERM cycle) to
review PERM findings and inform the
federal contractor(s) of any additional
information and/or dispute requests. We
estimate that it will take 1,625 hours
(500 hours for FFS, 475 hours for
managed care and an additional 650
hours for eligibility) per PERM cycle per
state program to review PERM findings
and inform federal contractor(s) of any
additional information or dispute
requests for FFS, managed care, and
eligibility components for a total
estimated annual burden of 58,500
hours (1,625 hours × 36 respondents).
We estimate the total cost per
respondent to be $104,520 (1,625 hours
× $64.32). The total estimated cost for
all respondents is $3,762,720 ($104,520
× 36 respondents). The preceding
requirements and burden estimates will
be submitted to OMB as reinstatements
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Type of Respondent
Hospitals and CAHs
VerDate Sep<11>2014
of the information collection requests
previously approved under control
numbers 0938–0974, 0938–0994, and
0938–1012. total burden would amount
to: 36 annual respondents, 36 annual
responses, and 1,625 hours per PERM
Inclusion of Puerto Rico has added an
additional burden of 3,250 hours and
$209,040 for Difference Resolution and
Appeal Process requirements.
12. ICRs for the CoP Requirements for
Hospitals and CAHs To Report Acute
Respiratory Illnesses
a. Ongoing Reporting
The hospital must electronically
report information on acute respiratory
illnesses, including influenza, SARS–
CoV–2/COVID–19, and RSV, in a
standardized format and frequency
specified by the Secretary. To the extent
as required by the Secretary, this report
must include the following data
• Confirmed infections for a limited
set of respiratory illnesses, including
but not limited to influenza, SARS–
CoV–2/COVID–19, and RSV, among
newly admitted and hospitalized
• Total bed census and capacity,
including for critical hospital units and
age groups.
• Limited patient demographic
information, including but not limited
to age.
For purposes of burden estimates, we
do not differentiate among hospitals and
CAHs as they all would collect data. For
the estimated costs contained in the
analysis that follows, we used data from
the BLS to determine the mean hourly
wage for the staff member responsible
for reporting the required information
for a hospital (or a CAH).1 Based on our
experience with hospitals and CAHs
and the previous COVID–19 and related
reporting requirements, we believe that
this would primarily be the
responsibility of a registered nurse and
we have used this position in this
analysis at an average hourly salary of
$39.05. For the total hourly cost, we
doubled the mean hourly wage for a 100
percent increase to cover overhead and
fringe benefits, according to standard
HHS estimating procedures. If the total
cost after doubling resulted in 0.50 or
more, the cost was rounded up to the
next dollar. If it was 0.49 or below, the
total cost was rounded down to the next
dollar. Therefore, we estimated the total
hourly cost for a registered nurse to
perform these duties would be $78.
Based on the assumption of weekly
reporting frequency, we estimate that
total annual burden hours for all
participating hospitals and CAHs to
comply with these requirements would
be 248,976 hours based on weekly
reporting of the required information by
approximately 6,384 hospitals and
CAHs × 52 weeks per year and at an
average weekly response time of 0.75
hours for a registered nurse with an
average hourly salary of $78. Therefore,
the estimate for total annual costs for all
hospitals and CAHs to comply with the
required reporting provisions weekly
would be $19,420,128 (248,976 hours ×
6,384 facilities) or approximately $3,042
per facility annually ($19,420,128/6,384
Furthermore, we note that this
estimate likely overestimates the costs
associated with reporting because it
assumes that all hospitals and CAHs
would report manually. Efforts are
underway to automate hospital and
CAH reporting that have the potential to
significantly decrease reporting burden
and improve reliability. Our preliminary
estimates for these reporting activities
(OMB control numbers 0938–0328 for
hospitals and 0938–1043 for CAHs) can
be found in the tables that follow.
Number of
Responses per
(low rangeNumber of
Form Name
high range)
Standardized format as
determined by the
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00596
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Burden per
(in hours)
Total Burden
Hours (low
range- high
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Type of Respondent
Hospitals and CAH Staff- Registered Nurses
Hourly Wage
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
b. PHE Reporting
In the event that the Secretary has
declared a national Public Health
Emergency (PHE) for an acute
respiratory illness or determined that a
significant threat for one exists, the
hospital must also electronically the
report the following data elements in a
standardized format and frequency
specified by the Secretary:
• Supply inventory shortages.
• Staffing shortages.
• Relevant medical countermeasures
and therapeutic inventories, usage, or
• Facility structure and operating
status, including hospital/ED diversion
In addition, we propose reporting
requirements for future acute respiratory
illness PHEs or significant threats
thereof that would require hospitals and
CAHs to electronically report additional
information on acute respiratory
illnesses and related impacts on facility
operations only when the Secretary has
declared a national PHE directly related
to such illnesses or determined that a
significant threat for one exists.
Specifically, we proposed that when the
Secretary has declared an applicable
PHE or identified a threat thereof,
hospitals and CAHs would be required
to report specific data elements to the
CDC’s National Health Safety Network
(NHSN), or other CDC-supported
surveillance systems, as determined by
the Secretary.
For purposes of burden estimates, we
do not differentiate among hospitals and
CAHs as they all would complete the
same data collection. For the estimated
costs contained in the analysis that
follows, we used data from the U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to
determine the mean hourly wage for the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
staff member responsible for reporting
the required information for a hospital
(or a CAH).2 Based on our experience
with hospitals and CAHs and the
previous COVID–19 and related
reporting requirements, we believe that
this would primarily be the
responsibility of a registered nurse and
we have used this position in this
analysis at an average hourly salary of
$39.05. For the total hourly cost, we
doubled the mean hourly wage for a 100
percent increase to cover overhead and
fringe benefits, according to standard
HHS estimating procedures. If the total
cost after doubling resulted in 0.50 or
more, the cost was rounded up to the
next dollar. If it was 0.49 or below, the
total cost was rounded down to the next
dollar. Therefore, we estimated the total
hourly cost for a registered nurse to
perform these duties would be $78.
We acknowledge that the data
elements and reporting frequency could
increase or decrease due to the what the
Secretary deems necessary for the given
PHE; the changes would impact this
burden estimate. For instance, data
reporting requirements may be active for
less than or more than a year. During the
COVID–19 PHE, facilities reported
daily. However, we cannot predict how
often the Secretary would require data
reporting for future PHE. Therefore, we
included two burden estimates to
encapsule a range in frequency of
reporting. The lower range is based on
twice a week reporting. The higher
range is based on daily reporting.
Based on the assumption of twice
weekly reporting frequency, we
estimated that total annual burden
hours for all participating hospitals and
CAHs to comply with these
requirements would be 995,904 hours
based on twice weekly reporting of the
PO 00000
Frm 00597
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
required information by approximately
6,384 hospitals and CAHs × 104 days a
year and at an average twice weekly
response time of 1.5 hours for a
registered nurse with an average hourly
salary of $78. Therefore, the estimate for
total annual costs for all hospitals and
CAHs to comply with the required
reporting provisions weekly would be
$77,680,512 (995,904 hours × $78) or
approximately $12,168 ($77,680,512/
6,384 facilities) per facility annually.
Based on the assumption of daily
reporting frequency, we estimated that
total annual burden hours for all
participating hospitals and CAHs to
comply with these requirements would
be 3,495,240 hours based on daily
reporting of the required information by
approximately 6,384 hospitals and
CAHs × 365 days a year and at an
average daily response time of 1.5 hours
for a registered nurse with an average
hourly salary of $78. Therefore, the
estimate for total annual costs for all
hospitals and CAHs to comply with the
required reporting provisions weekly
would be $272,628,720 (3,495,240 hours
× $78) or approximately $42,705
($272,628,720/6,384 facilities) per
facility annually.
Furthermore, we note that this
estimate likely overestimates the costs
associated with reporting because it
assumes that all hospitals and CAHs
would report manually. Efforts are
underway to automate hospital and
CAH reporting that have the potential to
significantly decrease reporting burden
and improve reliability. Our preliminary
estimates for these reporting activities
(OMB control numbers 0938–0328 for
hospitals and 0938–1043 for CAHs) can
be found in the tables that follow.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00598
Fmt 4701
Type of Respondent
Sfmt 4725
Hospitals and CAHs
Form Name
Standardized format as
determined by the Secretary
Number of
Number of Responses
per Respondent (low
range -high range)
104to 365
Average Burden per
Response (in hours)
Total Burden Hours
(low range - high range)
995,904 to 3,495,240
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00599
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Hospitals and CAH Staff- Registered Nurses
995,904 to 3,495,240
Total Respondent Costs
$ 77,680,512 to$
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
Hourly Wage
Type of Respondent
Total Burden Hours
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
XIII. Response to Comments
Because of the large number of public
comments, we normally receive on
Federal Register documents, we are not
able to acknowledge or respond to them
individually. We will consider all
comments we receive by the date and
time specified in the DATES section of
this proposed rule, and, when we
proceed with a subsequent document(s),
we will respond to those comments in
the preamble to that document.
Chiquita Brooks-LaSure,
Administrator of the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services,
approved this document on April 2,
List of Subjects
42 CFR Part 405
Administrative practice and
procedure, Diseases, Health facilities,
Health professions, Medical devices,
Medicare Reporting and recordkeeping
requirements, Rural areas, X-rays.
42 CFR Part 412
Administrative practice and
procedure, Health facilities, Medicare,
Puerto Rico, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
42 CFR Part 413
Diseases, Health facilities, Medicare,
Puerto Rico, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
42 CFR Part 431
Grant programs—health, Health
facilities, Medicaid, Privacy, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
42 CFR Part 482
Grant programs—health, Hospitals,
Medicaid, Incorporation by reference,
Medicare, Reporting and recordkeeping
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
42 CFR Part 485
Grant programs—health, Health
facilities, Incorporation by Reference,
Medicaid, Medicare, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
42 CFR Part 512
Administrative practice and
procedure, Health care, Health facilities,
Health insurance, Intergovernmental
relations, Medicare, Penalties, Reporting
and recordkeeping requirements.
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
1. The authority citation for part 405
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 263a, 405(a), 1302,
1320b–12, 1395x, 1395y(a), 1395ff, 1395hh,
1395kk, 1395rr, and 1395ww(k).
2. Section 405.1845 is amended by—
a. Revising paragraphs (a) and (b); and
b. Revising the paragraph (c)
paragraph heading.
The revisions read as follows:
§ 405.1845 Composition of Board;
hearings, decisions, and remands.
(a) Composition of the Board. The
Board consists of five members
appointed by the Secretary.
(1) All members must be
knowledgeable in the field of payment
of providers under Medicare Part A.
(2) At least one member must be a
certified public accountant.
(3) At least two Board members must
be representative of providers of
(b) Terms of office. The term of office
for Board members must be 3 years,
except that initial appointments may be
for such shorter terms as the Secretary
may designate to permit staggered terms
of office.
(1) No member may serve more than
three consecutive terms of office, except
a Board member who, in their second or
third consecutive term, is designated as
Chairperson, as described in paragraph
(c) of this section, may serve a
maximum of four consecutive terms,
provided that the Member continues to
serve as Chairperson once so
(2) The Secretary has the authority to
terminate a Board member’s term of
office for good cause.
(c) Role of the Chairperson. * * *
42 CFR Part 495
Administrative practice and
procedure, Health facilities, Health
maintenance organizations (HMO),
Health professions, Health records,
Medicaid, Medicare, Penalties, Privacy,
and Reporting and recordkeeping
VerDate Sep<11>2014
3. The authority citation for part 412
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302 and 1395hh.
4. Section 412.1 is amended by
revising paragraph (a)(1)(iv) to read as
§ 412.1
Scope of part.
(a) * * *
(1) * * *
(iv) Additional payments are made for
outlier cases, bad debts, indirect
medical education costs, for serving a
disproportionate share of low-income
patients, for the additional resource
PO 00000
Frm 00600
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
costs of domestic National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health
approved surgical N95 respirators, and
for the additional resource costs for
small, independent hospitals to
establish and maintain access to buffer
stocks of essential medicines.
■ 5. Section 412.2 is amended by adding
paragraph (f)(11) to read as follows:
§ 412.2
Basis of payment.
(f) * * *
(11) A payment adjustment for small,
independent hospitals for the additional
resource costs of establishing and
maintaining access to buffer stocks of
essential medicines as specified in
§ 412.113.
■ 6. Section 412.23 is amended by
revising paragraphs (e)(3)(i), (iii), and
(iv) and revising and republish
paragraph (e)(4) to read as follows:
§ 412.23 Excluded hospitals:
(e) * * *
(3) * * *
(i) Subject to the provisions of
paragraphs (e)(3)(ii) through (vii) of this
section and paragraphs (e)(4)(iv) and (v)
of this section as applicable, the average
Medicare inpatient length of stay
specified under paragraph (e)(2)(i) of
this section is calculated by dividing the
total number of covered and noncovered
days of stay of Medicare inpatients (less
leave or pass days) by the number of
total Medicare discharges for the
hospital’s most recent complete cost
reporting period. Subject to the
provisions of paragraphs (e)(3)(ii)
through (vii) of this section, the average
inpatient length of stay specified under
paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section is
calculated by dividing the total number
of days for all patients, including both
Medicare and non-Medicare inpatients
(less leave or pass days) by the number
of total discharges for the hospital’s
most recent complete cost reporting
(iii) If a change in a hospital’s average
length of stay specified under paragraph
(e)(2)(i) or (e)(2)(ii) of this section would
result in the hospital not maintaining an
average Medicare inpatient length of
stay of greater than 25 days, the
calculation is made by the same method
for the period of at least 5 months of the
immediately preceding 6-month period.
(iv) [Reserved]
(4) For the purpose of calculating the
average length of stay for hospitals
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
seeking to become long-term care
hospitals, with the exception of
paragraphs (e)(3)(iii) and (v) of this
section, the provisions of paragraph
(e)(3) of this section apply.
(i) Definition. For the purpose of
payment under the long-term care
hospital prospective payment system
under subpart O of this part, a new longterm care hospital is a provider of
inpatient hospital services that meets
the qualifying criteria in paragraphs
(e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section; meets
the applicable requirements of
paragraphs (e)(4)(ii) through (v) of this
section; and, under present or previous
ownership (or both), its first cost
reporting period as a LTCH begins on or
after October 1, 2002.
(ii) Satellite facilities and remote
locations of hospitals seeking to become
new long-term care hospitals. Except as
specified in paragraph (e)(4)(iii) of this
section, a satellite facility (as defined in
§ 412.22(h)) or a remote location of a
hospital (as defined in § 413.65(a)(2) of
this chapter) that voluntarily
reorganizes as a separate Medicare
participating hospital, with or without a
concurrent change in ownership, and
that seeks to qualify as a new long-term
care hospital for Medicare payment
purposes must demonstrate through
documentation that it meets the average
length of stay requirement as specified
under paragraphs (e)(2)(i) or (e)(2)(ii) of
this section based on discharges that
occur on or after the effective date of its
participation under Medicare as a
separate hospital.
(iii) Provider-based facility or
organization identified as a satellite
facility and remote location of a
hospital prior to July 1, 2003. Satellite
facilities and remote locations of
hospitals that became subject to the
provider-based status rules under
§ 413.65 as of July 1, 2003, that become
separately participating hospitals, and
that seek to qualify as long-term care
hospitals for Medicare payment
purposes may submit to the fiscal
intermediary discharge data gathered
during 5 months of the immediate 6
months preceding the facility’s
separation from the main hospital for
calculation of the average length of stay
specified under paragraph (e)(2)(i) or
paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section.
(iv) Qualifying period for hospitals
seeking to become long-term care
hospitals. A hospital may be classified
as a long-term care hospital after a 6month qualifying period, provided that
the average length of stay during at least
5 consecutive months of that 6-month
qualifying period, calculated under
paragraph (e)(2) of this section, is
greater than 25 days. The 6-month
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
qualifying period for a hospital is the 6
months immediately preceding the date
of long-term care hospital classification.
(v) Special rule for hospitals seeking
to become long-term care hospitals that
experience a change in ownership. If a
hospital seeks exclusion from the
inpatient prospective payment system
as a long-term care hospital and a
change of ownership (as described in
§ 489.18 of this chapter) occurs within
the period of at least 5 months of the 6month period preceding its petition for
long-term care hospital status, the
hospital may be excluded from the
inpatient prospective payment system
as a long-term care hospital for the next
cost reporting period if, for the period
of at least 5 months of the 6 months
immediately preceding the start of the
cost reporting period for which the
hospital is seeking exclusion from the
inpatient prospective payment system
as a long-term care hospital (including
time before the change of ownership),
the hospital has met the required
average length of stay, has continuously
operated as a hospital, and has
continuously participated as a hospital
in Medicare.
■ 7. Section 412.88 is amended by
adding paragraphs (a)(2)(ii)(C) and
(b)(2)(iv) to read as follows:
§ 412.88 Additional payment for new
medical service or technology.
(a) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) * * *
(C) For a medical product that is a
gene therapy that is indicated and used
specifically for the treatment of sickle
cell disease and approved for new
technology add-on payments in the FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, for
discharges occurring on or after October
1, 2024, if the costs of the discharge
(determined by applying the operating
cost-to-charge ratios as described in
§ 412.84(h)) exceed the full DRG
payment, an additional amount equal to
the lesser of—
(1) 75 percent of the costs of the new
medical service or technology; or
(2) 75 percent of the amount by which
the costs of the case exceed the standard
DRG payment.
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(iv) For discharges occurring on or
after October 1, 2024, for a medical
product that is a gene therapy that is
indicated and used specifically for the
treatment of sickle cell disease and
approved for new technology add-on
payments in the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PO 00000
Frm 00601
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
PPS final rule, 75 percent of the
estimated costs of the new medical
service or technology.
■ 8. Section 412.90 is amended by
revising paragraph (j) to read as follows:
§ 412.90
General rules.
(j) Medicare-dependent, small rural
hospitals. For cost reporting periods
beginning on or after April 1, 1990, and
before October 1, 1994, and for
discharges occurring on or after October
1, 1997 and before January 1, 2025, CMS
adjusts the prospective payment rates
for inpatient operating costs determined
under subparts D and E of this part if
a hospital is classified as a Medicaredependent, small rural hospital.
■ 9. Section 412.96 is amended by
revising paragraph (c)(2)(ii) to read as
§ 412.96 Special treatment: Referral
(c) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii) For cost reporting periods
beginning on or after January 1, 1986, an
osteopathic hospital, recognized by the
American Osteopathic Healthcare
Association (or any successor
organization), that is located in a rural
area must have at least 3,000 discharges
during its cost reporting period that
began during the same fiscal year as the
cost reporting periods used to compute
the regional median discharges under
paragraph (i) of this section to meet the
number of discharges criterion. A
hospital applying for rural referral
center status under the number of
discharges criterion in this paragraph
must demonstrate its status as an
osteopathic hospital.
■ 10. Section 412.101 is amended by
revising paragraphs (b)(2)(i), (b)(2)(iii),
(c)(1), and (c)(3) introductory text to
read as follows:
§ 412.101 Special treatment: Inpatient
hospital payment adjustment for lowvolume hospitals.
(b) * * *
(2) * * *
(i) For FY 2005 through FY 2010, the
portion of FY 2025 beginning on
January 1, 2025 and subsequent fiscal
years, a hospital must have fewer than
200 total discharges, which includes
Medicare and non-Medicare discharges,
during the fiscal year, based on the
hospital’s most recently submitted cost
report, and be located more than 25 road
miles (as defined in paragraph (a) of this
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
section) from the nearest ‘‘subsection
(d)’’ (section 1886(d) of the Act)
(iii) For FY 2019 through FY 2024 and
the portion of FY 2025 beginning on
October 1, 2024, and ending on
December 31, 2024, a hospital must
have fewer than 3,800 total discharges,
which includes Medicare and nonMedicare discharges, during the fiscal
year, based on the hospital’s most
recently submitted cost report, and be
located more than 15 road miles (as
defined in paragraph (a) of this section)
from the nearest ‘‘subsection (d)’’
(section 1886(d) of the Act) hospital.
(c) * * *
(1) For FY 2005 through FY 2010, the
portion of FY 2025 beginning on
January 1, 2025 and subsequent fiscal
years, the adjustment is an additional 25
percent for each Medicare discharge.
(3) For FY 2019 through FY 2024 and
the portion of FY 2025 beginning on
October 1, 2024, and ending on
December 31, 2024, the adjustment is as
■ 11. Section 412.103 is amended by
revising paragraph (a)(1) to read as
§ 412.103 Special treatment: Hospitals
located in urban areas and that apply for
reclassification as rural.
(a) * * *
(1) The hospital is located in a rural
census tract of a Metropolitan Statistical
Area (MSA) as determined under the
most recent version of the Goldsmith
Modification, using the Rural-Urban
Commuting Area codes and additional
criteria, as determined by the Federal
Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP)
of the Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA), which is
available at the web link provided in the
most recent Federal Register notice
issued by HRSA defining rural areas.
■ 12. Section 412.104 is amended by
revising paragraphs (b)(2) through (b)(4)
to read as follows:
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§ 412.104 Special treatment: Hospitals
with high percentage of ESRD discharges.
(b) * * *
(2)(i) Effective for cost reporting
periods beginning before October 1,
2024, the estimated weekly cost of
dialysis is the average number of
dialysis sessions furnished per week
during the 12-month period that ended
June 30, 1983, multiplied by the average
cost of dialysis for the same period.
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(ii) Effective for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2024,
the estimated weekly cost of dialysis is
calculated as 3 dialysis sessions per
week multiplied by the applicable ESRD
prospective payment system (PPS) base
rate (as defined in 42 CFR 413.171) that
corresponds with the fiscal year in
which the cost reporting period begins.
(3) The average cost of dialysis used
for purposes of determining the
estimated weekly cost of dialysis for
cost reporting periods beginning before
October 1, 2024, includes only those
costs determined to be directly related
to the renal dialysis services. (These
costs include salary, employee health
and welfare, drugs, supplies, and
laboratory services.)
(4) Effective for cost reporting periods
beginning before October 1, 2024, the
average cost of dialysis is reviewed and
adjusted, if appropriate, at the time the
composite rate reimbursement for
outpatient dialysis is reviewed.
■ 13. Section 412.105 is amended by
adding paragraph (f)(1)(iv)(C)(4) to read
as follows:
§ 412.105 Special treatment: Hospitals that
incur indirect costs for graduate medical
education programs.
(f) * * *
(1) * * *
(iv) * * *
(C) * * *
(4) Effective for portions of cost
reporting periods beginning on or after
July 1, 2026, a hospital may qualify to
receive an increase in its otherwise
applicable FTE resident cap if the
criteria specified in § 413.79(q) of this
subchapter are met.
■ 14. Section 412.106 is amended by
revising paragraph (i)(1) to read as
§ 412.106 Special treatment: Hospitals that
serve a disproportionate share of lowincome patients.
(i) * * *
(1) Interim payments are made during
the payment year to each hospital that
is estimated to be eligible for payments
under this section at the time of the
annual final rule for the hospital
inpatient prospective payment system,
subject to the final determination of
eligibility at the time of cost report
settlement for each hospital. For FY
2025 and subsequent fiscal years,
interim uncompensated care payments
are calculated based on an average of
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the most recent 3 years of available
historical discharge data.
■ 15. Section 412.108 is amended by
revising paragraphs (a)(1) introductory
text and (c)(2)(iii) introductory text to
read as follows:
§ 412.108 Special treatment: Medicaredependent, small rural hospitals.
(a) * * *
(1) General considerations. For cost
reporting periods beginning on or after
April 1, 1990, and ending before
October 1, 1994, or for discharges
occurring on or after October 1, 1997,
and before January 1, 2025, a hospital is
classified as a Medicare-dependent,
small rural hospital if it meets all of the
following conditions:
(c) * * *
(2) * * *
(iii) For discharges occurring during
cost reporting periods (or portions
thereof) beginning on or after October 1,
2006, and before January 1, 2025, 75
percent of the amount that the Federal
rate determined under paragraph (c)(1)
of this section is exceeded by the
highest of the following:
■ 16. Section 412.113 is amended by
adding paragraph (g) to read as follows:
§ 412.113
Other payments.
(g) Additional resource costs of
establishing and maintaining access to
buffer stocks of essential medicines. (1)
Essential medicines are the 86
medicines prioritized in the report
Essential Medicines Supply Chain and
Manufacturing Resilience Assessment
developed by the U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services Office of
the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness
and Response and published in May of
2022, and any subsequent revisions to
that list of medicines. A buffer stock of
essential medicines for a hospital is a
supply, for no less than a 6-month
period of one or more essential
(2) The additional resource costs of
establishing and maintaining access to a
buffer stock of essential medicines for a
hospital are the additional resource
costs incurred by the hospital to directly
hold a buffer stock of essential
medicines for its patients or arrange
contractually for such a buffer stock to
be held by another entity for use by the
hospital for its patients. The additional
resource costs of establishing and
maintaining access to a buffer stock of
essential medicines does not include the
resource costs of the essential medicines
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(3) For cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2024, a
payment adjustment to a small,
independent hospital for the additional
resource costs of establishing and
maintaining access to buffer stocks of
essential medicines is made as
described in paragraph (g)(4) of this
section. For purposes of this section, a
small, independent hospital is a
hospital with 100 or fewer beds as
defined in § 412.105(b) during the cost
reporting period that is not part of a
chain organization, defined as a group
of two or more health care facilities
which are owned, leased, or through
any other device, controlled by one
(4) The payment adjustment is based
on the estimated reasonable cost
incurred by the hospital for establishing
and maintaining access to buffer stocks
of essential medicines during the cost
reporting period.
■ 17. Section 412.140 is amended by
revising paragraphs (d)(2)(ii) and
(e)(2)(vii) introductory text to read as
§ 412.140 Participation, data submission,
and validation requirements under the
Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(d) * * *
(2) * * *
(ii)(A) Prior to the FY 2028 payment
determination, a hospital meets the
eCQM validation requirement with
respect to a fiscal year if it submits 100
percent of sampled eCQM measure
medical records in a timely and
complete manner, as determined by
(B) For the FY 2028 payment
determination and later years, a hospital
meets the eCQM validation requirement
with respect to a fiscal year if it achieves
a 75-percent score, as determined by
(e) * * *
(2) * * *
(vii) If the hospital has requested
reconsideration on the basis that CMS
concluded it did not meet the validation
requirement set forth in paragraph (d) of
this section, the reconsideration request
must contain a detailed explanation
identifying which data the hospital
believes was improperly validated by
CMS and why the hospital believes that
such data are correct.
§ 412.230
18. In § 412.230 amend paragraph
(a)(5)(i) by removing the phrase ‘‘in the
rural area of the state’’ and adding in its
place the phrase ‘‘either in its
geographic area or in the rural area of
the State’’.
■ 19. Amend § 412.273 by revising
paragraphs (c)(1)(ii) and (c)(2) to read as
§ 412.273 Withdrawing an application,
terminating an approved 3-year
reclassification, or canceling a previous
withdrawal or termination.
(c) * * *
(ii) After the MGCRB issues a
decision, provided that the request for
withdrawal is received by the MCGRB
within 45 days of the date of filing for
public inspection of the proposed rule
at the website of the Office of the
Federal Register, or within 7 calendar
days of receiving a decision of the
Administrator’s in accordance with
§ 412.278, whichever is later concerning
changes to the inpatient hospital
prospective payment system and
proposed payment rates for the fiscal
year for which the application has been
(2) A request for termination must be
received by the MGCRB within 45 days
of the date of filing for public inspection
of the proposed rule at the website of
the Office of the Federal Register, or
within 7 calendar days of receiving a
decision of the Administrator’s in
accordance with § 412.278, whichever is
later concerning changes to the
inpatient hospital prospective payment
system and proposed payment rates for
the fiscal year for which the termination
is to apply.
20. The authority citation for part 413
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302, 1395d(d),
1395f(b), 1395g, 1395l(a), (i), and (n),
1395x(v), 1395hh, 1395rr, 1395tt, and
§ 413.75
21. Section 413.75 is amended in
paragraph (b), in the definition of
‘‘Emergency Medicare GME Affiliated
Group’’ by removing the reference
‘‘§ 413.79(f)(6)’’ and adding in its place
the reference ‘‘§ 413.79(f)(7)’’.
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§ 413.78
22. Section 413.78 is amended by—
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a. In paragraph (e)(3)(iii), removing
the reference ‘‘§ 413.79(f)(6)’’ and
adding in its place the reference
‘‘§ 413.79(f)(7)’’; and
■ b. In paragraph (f)(3)(iii) introductory
text, removing the reference
‘‘§ 413.79(f)(6)’’ and adding in its place
the reference ‘‘§ 413.79(f)(7)’’.
■ 23. Section 413.79 is amended by—
■ a. Revising paragraphs (d)(6), (f)(8)
and (k)(2)(i); and
■ b. Adding paragraph (q).
The revisions and addition read as
§ 413.79 Direct GME payments:
Determination of the weighted number of
FTE residents.
(d) * * *
(6) Subject to the provisions of
paragraph (h) of this section, FTE
residents who are displaced by the
closure of either another hospital or
another hospital’s program are added to
the FTE count after applying the
averaging rules in this paragraph (d), for
the receiving hospital for the duration of
the time that the displaced residents are
training at the receiving hospital.
(f) * * *
(8) FTE resident cap slots added
under section 126 of Public Law 116–
260 and section 4122 of Public Law
117–328 may be used in a Medicare
GME affiliation agreement beginning in
the fifth year after the effective date of
those FTE resident cap slots.
(k) * * *
(2) * * *
(i)(A) For rural track programs started
before October 1, 2012, for the first 3
years of the rural track’s existence, the
rural track FTE limitation for each urban
hospital will be the actual number of
FTE residents, subject to the rolling
average specified in paragraph (d)(7) of
this section, training in the rural track
at the urban hospital and the rural
nonprovider site(s).
(B) For rural track programs started on
or after October 1, 2012, and before
October 1, 2022, prior to the start of the
urban hospital’s cost reporting period
that coincides with or follows the start
of the sixth program year of the rural
track’s existence, the rural track FTE
limitation for each urban hospital will
be the actual number of FTE residents,
subject to the rolling average specified
in paragraph (d)(7) of this section,
training in the rural track at the urban
hospital and the rural nonprovider
(C) For cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2022,
before the start of the urban or rural
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
hospital’s cost reporting period that
coincides with or follows the start of the
sixth program year of the Rural Track
Program’s existence, the rural track FTE
limitation for each hospital will be the
actual number of FTE residents training
in the Rural Track Program at the urban
or rural hospital and subject to the
requirements under § 413.78(g), at the
rural nonprovider site(s).
(q) Determination of an increase in
the otherwise applicable resident cap
under section 4122 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act (Pub. L. 117—328).
For portions of cost reporting periods
beginning on or after July 1, 2026, a
hospital may receive an increase in its
otherwise applicable FTE resident cap
(as determined by CMS) if the hospital
meets the requirements and qualifying
criteria under section 1886(h)(10) of the
Act and if the hospital submits an
application to CMS within the
timeframe specified by CMS.
24. The authority citation for part 431
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302.
§ 431.954
CoV–2/COVID–19, and RSV, among
newly admitted and hospitalized
(B) Total bed census and capacity,
including for critical hospital units and
age groups.
(C) Limited patient demographic
information, including but not limited
to age.
(2) Public health emergency (PHE)
reporting. In the event that the Secretary
has declared a national, state, or local
PHE for an acute infectious illness or
determined that a significant threat for
one exists, the hospital must also
electronically the report the following
data elements in a standardized format
and frequency specified by the
(i) Supply inventory shortages.
(ii) Staffing shortages.
(iii) Relevant medical
countermeasures and therapeutic
inventories, usage, or both.
(iv) Facility structure and operating
status, including hospital/ED diversion
28 The authority citation for part 482
continues to read as follows:
25. Section 431.954 is amended in
paragraph (b)(3) by removing the phrase
‘‘Puerto Rico, Guam,’’ and adding in its
place the word ‘‘Guam,’’.
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302 and 1395hh.
§ 485.640 Condition of participation:
Infection prevention and control and
antibiotic stewardship programs.
26. The authority citation for part 482
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302, 1395hh, and
1395rr, unless otherwise noted.
27. Section 482.42 is amended by
revising paragraph (e) and removing
paragraph (f) to read as follows:
§ 482.42 Condition of participation:
Infection prevention and control and
antibiotic stewardship programs.
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29. Section 485.640 is amended
revising paragraph (d) and removing
paragraph (e) to read as follows:
(e) Respiratory illness reporting—(1)
Ongoing reporting. The hospital must
electronically report information on
acute respiratory illnesses, including
influenza, SARS–CoV–2/COVID–19,
and RSV.
(i) The report must be in a
standardized format and frequency
specified by the Secretary.
(ii) To the extent as required by the
Secretary, this report must include all of
the following data elements:
(A) Confirmed infections for a limited
set of respiratory illnesses, including
but not limited to influenza, SARS–
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(d) Respiratory illness reporting—(1)
Ongoing reporting. The CAH must
electronically report information on
acute respiratory illnesses, including
influenza, SARS–CoV–2/COVID–19,
and RSV.
(i) The report must be in a
standardized format and frequency
specified by the Secretary.
(ii) To the extent as required by the
Secretary, the report must include the
following data elements:
(A) Confirmed infections for a limited
set of respiratory illnesses, including
but not limited to influenza, SARS–
CoV–2/COVID–19, and RSV, among
newly admitted and hospitalized
(B) Total bed census and capacity,
including for critical hospital units and
age groups.
(C) Limited patient demographic
information, including but not limited
to age.
(2) Public health emergency (PHE)
reporting. In the event that the Secretary
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has declared a national, state, or local
PHE for an acute infectious illness or
determined that a significant threat for
one exists, the CAH must also
electronically the report the following
data elements in a standardized format
and frequency specified by the
(i) Supply inventory shortages.
(ii) Staffing shortages.
(iii) Relevant medical
countermeasures and therapeutic
inventories, usage, or both.
(iv) Facility structure and operating
status, including CAH/ED diversion
30. The authority citation for part 495
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302 and 1395hh.
31. Section 495.24 is amended by—
a. In paragraph (f)(1)(i)(B) removing
the phrase ‘‘In 2023 and subsequent
years’’ and adding in its place the
phrase ‘‘In 2023 and 2024,’’; and
■ b. Adding paragraph (f)(1)(i)(C).
The addition reads as follows:
§ 495.24 Stage 3 meaningful use
objectives and measures for EPs, eligible
hospitals and CAHs for 2019 and
subsequent years.
(f) * * *
(1) * * *
(i) * * *
(C) In 2025 and subsequent years,
earn a total score of at least 80 points.
■ 32. Revise the heading for part 512 to
read as follows:
33. The authority citation for part 512
continues to read as follows:
Authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302, 1315a, and
34. Amend part 512 by adding
subparts D and E to read as follows:
Subpart D [Reserved]
Subpart E—Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM)
512.500 Basis and scope of subpart.
512.505 Definitions
TEAM Participation
512.515 Geographic areas.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Participation tracks.
APM options.
Scope of Episodes Being Tested
512.525 Episodes.
512.535 Beneficiary inclusion criteria.
512.537 Determination of the episode.
Pricing Methodology
512.540 Determination of preliminary target
512.545 Determination of reconciliation
target prices.
Quality Measures and Composite Quality
512.547 Quality measures, composite
quality score, and display of quality
Reconciliation and Review Process
512.550 Reconciliation process and
determination of the reconciliation
payment or repayment amount.
512.552 Treatment of incentive programs or
add-on payments under existing
Medicare payment systems.
512.555 Proration of payments for services
that extend beyond an episode.
512.560 Appeals process.
512.561 Reconsideration review processes.
Data Sharing and Other Requirements
512.562 Data sharing with TEAM
512.563 Health equity plans.
512.564 Referral to primary care services.
Financial Arrangements and Beneficiary
512.565 Sharing arrangements.
512.568 Distribution arrangements
512.570 Downstream distribution
512.575 TEAM beneficiary incentives.
512.576 Application of the CMS-sponsored
model arrangements and patient
incentives safe harbor.
Medicare Program Waivers
512.580 TEAM Medicare Program waivers.
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General Provisions
512.582 Beneficiary protections.
512.584 Cooperation in model evaluation
and monitoring.
512.586 Audits and record retention.
512.588 Rights in data and intellectual
512.590 Monitoring and compliance.
512.592 Remedial action.
512.594 Limitations on review.
512.595 Bankruptcy and other notifications.
512.596 Termination of TEAM or TEAM
participant from model by CMS.
512.598 Decarbonization and resilience
§ 512.500
Basis and scope of subpart.
(a) Basis. This subpart implements the
test of the Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM) under
section 1115A(b) of the Act. Except as
specifically noted in this part, the
regulations under this subpart do not
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affect the applicability of other
provisions affecting providers and
suppliers under Medicare FFS,
including the applicability of provisions
regarding payment, coverage, and
program integrity.
(b) Scope. This subpart sets forth the
(i) Participation in TEAM.
(ii) Scope of episodes being tested.
(iii) Pricing methodology.
(iv) Quality measures and quality
reporting requirements.
(v) Reconciliation and review
(vi) Data sharing and other
(vii) Financial arrangements and
beneficiary incentives.
(viii) Medicare program waivers
(ix) Beneficiary protections.
(x) Cooperation in model evaluation
and monitoring.
(xi) Audits and record retention.
(xii) Rights in data and intellectual
(xiii) Monitoring and compliance.
(xiv) Remedial action.
(xv) Limitations on review.
(xvi) Miscellaneous provisions on
bankruptcy and other notifications.
(xvii) Model termination by CMS.
(xviii) Decarbonization.
§ 512.505
For the purposes of this part, the
following definitions are applicable
unless otherwise stated:
AAPM stands for Advanced
Alternative Payment Model.
AAPM option means the advanced
alternative payment model option of
TEAM for Track 2 and Track 3 TEAM
participants that provide their CMS EHR
Certification ID and attest to their use of
CEHRT in accordance with § 512.522.
ACO means an accountable care
organization, as defined at § 425.20 of
this chapter.
ACO participant has the meaning set
forth in § 425.20 of this chapter.
ACO provider/supplier has the
meaning set forth in § 425.20 of this
Acute care hospital means a provider
subject to the prospective payment
system specified in § 412.1(a)(1) of this
Age bracket risk adjustment factor
means the coefficient of risk associated
with a patient’s age bracket, calculated
as described in § 512.545(a)(1).
Aggregated reconciliation target price
refers to the sum of the reconciliation
target prices for all episodes attributed
to a given TEAM participant for a given
performance year.
Alignment payment means a payment
from a TEAM collaborator to a TEAM
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participant under a sharing
arrangement, for the sole purpose of
sharing the TEAM participant’s
responsibility for making repayments to
Anchor hospitalization means the
initial hospital stay upon admission for
an episode category included in TEAM,
as described in § 512.525(c), for which
the institutional claim is billed through
the inpatient prospective payment
system (IPPS).
Anchor procedure means a procedure
related to an episode category, as
described in § 512.525(c), included in
TEAM that is permitted and paid for by
Medicare when performed in a hospital
outpatient department (HOPD) and
billed through the Hospital Outpatient
Prospective Payment System (OPPS).
ADI stands for Area Deprivation
APM stands for Alternative Payment
APM Entity means an entity as
defined in § 414.1305 of this chapter.
Baseline episode spending refers to
total episode spending by all providers
and suppliers associated with a given
MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type for all
hospitals in a given region during the
baseline period.
Baseline period means the 3-year
historical period used to construct the
preliminary target price and
reconciliation target price for a given
performance year.
Baseline year means any one of the3
years included in the baseline period.
Benchmark price means average
standardized episode spending by all
providers and suppliers associated with
a given MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type
for all hospitals in a given region during
the applicable baseline period.
Beneficiary means an individual who
is enrolled in Medicare FFS.
BPCI stands for the Bundled
Payments for Care Improvement Model,
which was an episode-based payment
initiative with four models tested by the
CMS Innovation Center from April 2013
to September 2018.
BPCI Advanced stands for the
Bundled Payments for Care
Improvement Advanced Model, which
is an episode-based payment model
tested by the CMS Innovation Center
from October 2018 to December 2025.
CCN stands for CMS certification
CEHRT means certified electronic
health record technology that meets the
requirements set forth in § 414.1305 of
this chapter.
Change in control means any of the
(1) The acquisition by any ‘‘person’’
(as this term is used in sections 13(d)
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
and 14(d) of the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934) of beneficial ownership (within
the meaning of Rule 13d–3 promulgated
under the Securities Exchange Act of
1934), directly or indirectly, of voting
securities of the TEAM participant
representing more than 50 percent of the
TEAM participant’s outstanding voting
securities or rights to acquire such
(2) The acquisition of the TEAM
participant by any individual or entity.
(3) The sale, lease, exchange or other
transfer (in one transaction or a series of
transactions) of all or substantially all of
the assets of the TEAM participant.
(4) The approval and completion of a
plan of liquidation of the TEAM
participant, or an agreement for the sale
or liquidation of the TEAM participant.
CJR stands for the Comprehensive
Care for Joint Replacement Model,
which is an episode-based payment
model tested by the CMS Innovation
Center from April 2016 to December
Clinician engagement list means the
list of eligible clinicians or MIPS
eligible clinicians that participate in
TEAM activities and have a contractual
relationship with the TEAM participant,
and who are not listed on the financial
arrangements list, as described in
§ 512.522(c).
CMS Electronic Health Record (EHR)
Certification ID means the identification
number that represents the combination
of Certified Health Information
Technology that is owned and used by
providers and hospitals to provide care
to their patients and is generated by the
Certified Health Information
Technology Product List.
Collaboration agent means an
individual or entity that is not a TEAM
collaborator and that is either of the
(1) A member of a PGP, NPPGP, or
TGP that has entered into a distribution
arrangement with the same PGP,
NPPGP, or TGP in which he or she is
an owner or employee, and where the
(2) An ACO participant or ACO
provider/supplier that has entered into
a distribution arrangement with the
same ACO in which it is participating,
and where the ACO is a TEAM
Composite quality score (CQS) means
a score computed for each TEAM
participant to summarize the TEAM
participant’s level of quality
performance and improvement on
specified quality measures as described
in § 512.547.
Core-based statistical area (CBSA)
means a statistical geographic entity
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defined by the Office of Management
and Budget (OMB) consisting of the
county or counties associated with at
least one core (urbanized area or urban
cluster) of at least 10,000 population,
plus adjacent counties having a high
degree of social and economic
integration with the core as measured
through commuting ties with the
counties containing the core.
CORF stands for comprehensive
outpatient rehabilitation facility.
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
means any coronary revascularization
procedure paid through the IPPS under
MS–DRG 231–236, including both
elective CABG and CABG procedures
performed during initial acute
myocardial infarction treatment (AMI).
Covered services means the scope of
health care benefits described in
sections 1812 and 1832 of the Act for
which payment is available under Part
A or Part B of Title XVIII of the Act.
Critical access hospital (CAH) means
a hospital designated under subpart F of
part 485 of this chapter.
CQS adjustment amount means the
amount subtracted from the positive or
negative reconciliation amount to
generate the reconciliation payment or
repayment amount.
CQS adjustment percentage means
the percentage CMS applies to the
positive or negative reconciliation
amount based on the TEAM
participant’s CQS performance.
CQS baseline period means calendar
year 2025 and is the time period used
to benchmark quality measure
Days means calendar days.
Decarbonization and Resilience
Initiative means an initiative for TEAM
participants that includes technical
assistance on decarbonization and a
voluntary reporting program where
TEAM participants may annually report
metrics and questions related to
emissions in accordance with § 512.598.
Descriptive TEAM materials and
activities means general audience
materials such as brochures,
advertisements, outreach events, letters
to beneficiaries, web pages, mailings,
social media, or other materials or
activities distributed or conducted by or
on behalf of the TEAM participant or its
downstream participants when used to
educate, notify, or contact beneficiaries
regarding TEAM. All of the following
communications are not descriptive
TEAM materials and activities:
(1) Communications that do not
directly or indirectly reference TEAM
(for example, information about care
coordination generally).
(2) Information on specific medical
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(3) Referrals for health care items and
services, except as required by
§ 512.564.
(4) Any other materials that are
excepted from the definition of
‘‘marketing’’ as that term is defined at
45 CFR 164.501.
Discount factor means a set
percentage included in the preliminary
target price and reconciliation target
price intended to reflect Medicare’s
potential savings from TEAM.
Distribution arrangement means a
financial arrangement between a TEAM
collaborator that is an ACO, PGP,
NPPGP, or TGP and a collaboration
agent for the sole purpose of distributing
some or all of a gainsharing payment
received by the ACO, PGP, NPPGP, or
Distribution payment means a
payment from a TEAM collaborator that
is an ACO, PGP, NPPGP, or TGP to a
collaboration agent, under a distribution
arrangement, composed only of
gainsharing payments.
DME stands for durable medical
Downstream collaboration agent
means an individual who is not a TEAM
collaborator or a collaboration agent and
who is a member of a PGP, NPPGP, or
TGP that has entered into a downstream
distribution arrangement with the same
PGP, NPPGP, or TGP in which he or she
is an owner or employee, and where the
PGP, NPPGP, or TGP is a collaboration
Downstream distribution arrangement
means a financial arrangement between
a collaboration agent that is both a PGP,
NPPGP, or TGP and an ACO participant
and a downstream collaboration agent
for the sole purpose of sharing a
distribution payment received by the
Downstream participant means an
individual or entity that has entered
into a written arrangement with a TEAM
participant, TEAM collaborator,
collaboration agent, or downstream
collaboration agent under which the
downstream participant engages in one
or more TEAM activities.
Dually eligible beneficiary means a
beneficiary enrolled in both Medicare
and full Medicaid benefits.
EHR stands for electronic health
Eligible clinician means a clinician as
defined in § 414.1305 of this chapter.
Episode category means one of the
five episodes tested in TEAM as
described at § 512.525(d).
Episode means all Medicare Part A
and B items and services described in
§ 512.525(e) (and excluding the items
and services described in § 512.525(f))
that are furnished to a beneficiary
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described in § 512.535 during the time
period that begins on the date of the
beneficiary’s admission to an anchor
hospitalization or the date of the anchor
procedure, as described at § 512.525(c),
and ends on the 30th day following the
date of discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure,
with the date of discharge or date of the
anchor procedure itself being counted as
the first day in the 30-day postdischarge period, as described at
§ 512.537. In the case that an anchor
hospitalization for the same episode
category occurs within 3 days of an
anchor procedure, the anchor procedure
episode is canceled, and the episode
start date for the anchor hospitalization
is the same as the outpatient procedure.
Essential access community hospital
means a hospital as defined under
§ 412.109 of this chapter.
Final normalization factor refers to
the national mean of the benchmark
price for each MS–DRG/HCPCS episode
type divided by the national mean of the
risk-adjusted benchmark price for the
same MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type.
Financial arrangements list means the
list of eligible clinicians or MIPS
eligible clinicians that have a financial
arrangement with the TEAM
participant, TEAM collaborator,
collaboration agent, and downstream
collaboration agent, as described in
§ 512.522(b).
Gainsharing payment means a
payment from a TEAM participant to a
TEAM collaborator, under a sharing
arrangement, composed of only
reconciliation payments, internal cost
savings, or both.
HCPCS stands for Healthcare
Common Procedure Coding System,
which is used to bill for items and
Health disparities means preventable
differences in the burden of disease,
injury, violence, or opportunities to
achieve optimal health, health quality,
or health outcomes that are experienced
by one or more underserved
communities within the TEAM
participant’s population of TEAM
beneficiaries that the participant will
aim to reduce.
Health equity goal means a targeted
outcome relative to health equity plan
performance measures.
Health equity plan means a document
that identifies health equity goals,
intervention strategies, and performance
measures to improve health disparities
identified within the TEAM
participant’s population of TEAM
beneficiaries that the TEAM participant
will aim to reduce as described in
§ 512.563.
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Health equity plan intervention
strategy means the initiative the TEAM
participant creates and implements to
reduce the identified health disparities
as part of the health equity plan.
Health equity plan performance
measure means a quantitative metric
that the TEAM participant uses to
measure changes in health disparities
arising from the health equity plan
intervention strategies.
HHA means a Medicare-enrolled
home health agency.
High-cost outlier cap refers to the 99th
percentile of regional spending for a
given MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type in
a given region, which is the amount at
which episode spending would be
capped for purposes of determining
baseline and performance year episode
Hospital means a hospital as defined
in section 1886(d)(1)(B) of the Act.
Hospital discharge planning means
the standards set forth in § 482.43 of this
ICD–CM stands for International
Classification of Diseases, Clinical
Internal cost savings means the
measurable, actual, and verifiable cost
savings realized by the TEAM
participant resulting from care redesign
undertaken by the TEAM participant in
connection with providing items and
services to TEAM beneficiaries within
an episode. Internal cost savings does
not include savings realized by any
individual or entity that is not the
TEAM participant.
IPF stands for inpatient psychiatric
IPPS stands for Inpatient Prospective
Payment System, which is the payment
system for subsection (d) hospitals as
defined in section 1886(d)(1)(B) of the
IRF stands for inpatient rehabilitation
LIS stands for Medicare Part D LowIncome Subsidy.
Lower-extremity joint replacement
(LEJR) means any hip, knee, or ankle
replacement that is paid under MS–DRG
469, 470, 521, or 522 through the IPPS
or HCPCS code 27447, 27130, or 27702
through the OPPS.
LTCH stands for long-term care
Major bowel procedure means any
small or large bowel procedure paid
through the IPPS under MS–DRG 329–
Mandatory CBSA means a core-based
statistical area selected by CMS in
accordance with § 512.520 where all
eligible hospitals are required to
participate in TEAM.
MDC stands for Major Diagnostic
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Medically necessary means reasonable
and necessary for the diagnosis or
treatment of an illness or injury, or to
improve the functioning of a malformed
body member.
Medicare severity diagnosis-related
group (MS–DRG) means, for the
purposes of this model, the
classification of inpatient hospital
discharges updated in accordance with
§ 412.10 of this chapter.
Medicare-dependent, small rural
hospital (MDH) means a specific type of
hospital that meets the classification
criteria specified under § 412.108 of this
Member of the NPPGP or NPPGP
member means a nonphysician
practitioner or therapist who is an
owner or employee of an NPPGP and
who has reassigned to the NPPGP his or
her right to receive Medicare payment.
Member of the PGP or PGP member
means a physician, nonphysician
practitioner, or therapist who is an
owner or employee of the PGP and who
has reassigned to the PGP his or her
right to receive Medicare payment.
Member of the TGP or TGP member
means a therapist who is an owner or
employee of a TGP and who has
reassigned to the TGP his or her right to
receive Medicare payment.
MIPS stands for Merit-based Incentive
Payment System
MIPS eligible clinician means a
clinician as defined in § 414.1305 of this
Model-specific payment means a
payment made by CMS only to TEAM
participants and includes, unless
otherwise specified, the reconciliation
Model performance period means the
60-month period from January 1, 2026,
to December 31, 2030, during which
TEAM is being tested and the TEAM
participant is held accountable for
spending and quality.
Model start date means January 1,
2026, the start of the model performance
MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type refers
to the subset of episodes within an
episode category that are associated
with a given MS–DRG/HCPCS, as set
forth at § 512.540(a)(1).
Non-AAPM option means the option
of TEAM for TEAM participants in
Track 1 or for TEAM participants in
Track 2 or Track 3 that do not attest to
use of CEHRT as described in § 512.522.
Nonphysician practitioner means one
of the following:
(1) A physician assistant who satisfies
the qualifications set forth at
§ 410.74(a)(2)(i) and (ii) of this chapter.
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(2) A nurse practitioner who satisfies
the qualifications set forth at § 410.75(b)
of this chapter.
(3) A clinical nurse specialist who
satisfies the qualifications set forth at
§ 410.76(b) of this chapter.
(4) A certified registered nurse
anesthetist (as defined at § 410.69(b) of
this chapter).
(5) A clinical social worker (as
defined at § 410.73(a) of this chapter).
(6) A registered dietician or nutrition
professional (as defined at § 410.134 of
this chapter).
NPI stands for National Provider
NPPGP stands for Non-Physician
Provider Group Practice, which means
an entity that is enrolled in Medicare as
a group practice, includes at least one
owner or employee who is a
nonphysician practitioner, does not
include a physician owner or employee,
and has a valid and active TIN.
NPRA stands for Net Payment
Reconciliation Amount, which means
the dollar amount representing the
difference between the reconciliation
target price and performance year
spending, after adjustments for quality
and stop-gain/stop-loss limits, but prior
to the post-episode spending
OIG stands for the Department of
Health and Human Services Office of
the Inspector General.
OP means an outpatient procedure for
which the institutional claim is billed
by the hospital through the OPPS.
OPPS stands for the Outpatient
Prospective Payment System.
PAC stands for post-acute care.
PBPM stands for per-beneficiary-permonth.
Performance year means a 12-month
period beginning on January 1 and
ending on December 31 of each year
during the model performance period.
Performance year spending means the
sum of standardized Medicare claims
payments during the performance year
for the items and services that are
included in the episode in accordance
with § 512.525(e), excluding the items
and services described in § 512.525(f).
PGP stands for physician group
Physician has the meaning set forth in
section 1861(r) of the Act.
Post-episode spending amount means
the sum of all Medicare Parts A and B
payments for items and services
furnished to a beneficiary within 30
days after the end of an episode and
includes the prorated portion of services
that began during the episode and
extended into the 30-day post-episode
Preliminary target price refers to the
target price provided to the TEAM
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participant prior to the start of the
performance year, which is subject to
adjustment at reconciliation, as set forth
at § 512.540.
Primary care services has the meaning
set forth in section 1842(i)(4) of the Act.
Prospective normalization factor
refers to the multiplier incorporated into
the preliminary target price to ensure
that the average of the total risk-adjusted
preliminary target price does not exceed
the average of the total non-risk adjusted
preliminary target price, calculated as
set forth in § 512.540(b)(6).
Prospective trend factor refers to the
multiplier incorporated into the
preliminary target price to estimate
changes in spending patterns between
the baseline period and the performance
year, calculated as set forth in
§ 512.540(b)(7).
Provider means a ‘‘provider of
services’’ as defined under section
1861(u) of the Act and codified in the
definition of ‘‘provider’’ at § 400.202 of
this chapter.
Provider of outpatient therapy
services means an entity that is enrolled
in Medicare as a provider of therapy
services and furnishes one or more of
the following:
(1) Outpatient physical therapy
services as defined in § 410.60 of this
(2) Outpatient occupational therapy
services as defined in § 410.59 of this
(3) Outpatient speech-language
pathology services as defined in
§ 410.62 of this chapter.
QP stands for Qualifying APM
Participant as defined in § 414.1305 of
this chapter.
Quality-adjusted reconciliation
amount refers to the dollar amount
representing the difference between the
reconciliation target price and
performance year spending, after
adjustments for quality, but prior to
application of stop-gain/stop-loss limits
and the post-episode spending
Raw quality measure score means the
quality measure value as obtained from
the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting
Program and the Hospital-Acquired
Condition Reduction Program.
Reconciliation amount means the
dollar amount representing the
difference between the reconciliation
target price and performance year
spending, prior to adjustments for
quality, stop-gain/stop-loss limits, and
post-episode spending.
Reconciliation payment amount
means the amount that CMS may owe
to a TEAM participant after
reconciliation as determined in
accordance with § 512.550(g).
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Reconciliation target price means the
target price applied to an episode at
reconciliation, as determined in
accordance with § 512.545.
Region means one of the nine U.S.
census divisions, as defined by the U.S.
Census Bureau.
Reorganization event refers to a
merger, consolidation, spin off or other
restructuring that results in a new
hospital entity under a given CCN.
Repayment amount means the
amount that the TEAM participant may
owe to Medicare after reconciliation as
determined in accordance with
§ 512.550(g).
Rural hospital means an IPPS hospital
that meets one of the following criteria:
(1) Is located in a rural area as defined
under § 412.64 of this chapter.
(2) Is located in a rural census tract
defined under § 412.103(a)(1) of this
(3) Has reclassified as a rural hospital
under § 412.103 of this chapter.
(4) Is a rural referral center (RRC),
which has the same meaning given this
term under § 412.96 of this chapter.
Safety Net hospital means an IPPS
hospital that meets at least one of the
following criteria:
(1) Exceeds the 75th percentile of the
proportion of Medicare beneficiaries
considered dually eligible for Medicare
and Medicaid across all PPS acute care
hospitals in the baseline period.
(2) Exceeds the 75th percentile of the
proportion of Medicare beneficiaries
partially or fully eligible to receive Part
D low-income subsidies across all PPS
acute care hospitals in the baseline
Scaled quality measure score means
the score equal to the percentile to
which the TEAM participant’s raw
quality measure score would have
belonged in the CQS baseline period.
Sharing arrangement means a
financial arrangement between a TEAM
participant and a TEAM collaborator for
the sole purpose of making gainsharing
payments or alignment payments under
SNF stands for skilled nursing
Sole community hospital (SCH)
means a hospital that meets the
classification criteria specified in
§ 412.92 of this chapter.
Spinal fusion means any cervical,
thoracic, or lumbar spinal fusion
procedure paid through the IPPS under
MS–DRG 453–455, 459–460, or 471–
473, or through the OPPS under HCPCS
codes 22551, 22554, 22612, 22630, or
SHFFT (Surgical Hip and Femur
Fracture Treatment) means a hip
fixation procedure, with or without
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fracture reduction, but excluding joint
replacement, that is paid through the
IPPS under MS–DRGs 480–482.
Supplier means a supplier as defined
in section 1861(d) of the Act and
codified at § 400.202 of this chapter.
TAA stands for total ankle
TEAM activities mean any activity
related to promoting accountability for
the quality, cost, and overall care for
TEAM beneficiaries and performance in
the model, including managing and
coordinating care; encouraging
investment in infrastructure and
redesigned care processes for high
quality and efficient service delivery; or
carrying out any other obligation or duty
under the model.
TEAM beneficiary means a beneficiary
who meets the beneficiary inclusion
criteria in § 512.535 and who is in an
TEAM collaborator means an ACO or
one of the following Medicare-enrolled
individuals or entities that enters into a
sharing arrangement:
(1) SNF.
(2) HHA.
(3) LTCH.
(4) IRF.
(5) Physician.
(6) Nonphysician practitioner.
(7) Therapist in private practice.
(8) CORF.
(9) Provider of outpatient therapy
(10) PGP.
(11) Hospital.
(12) CAH.
(13) NPPGP.
(14) Therapy Group Practice (TGP).
TEAM data sharing agreement means
an agreement between the TEAM
participant and CMS that includes the
terms and conditions for any
beneficiary-identifiable data shared with
the TEAM participant under § 512.562.
TEAM HCC count refers to the TEAM
Hierarchical Condition Category count,
which is a categorical risk adjustment
variable designed to reflect a
beneficiary’s overall health status
during a 90-day lookback period by
grouping similar diagnoses into one
related category and counting the total
number of diagnostic categories that
apply to the beneficiary.
TEAM participant means an acute
care hospital that initiates episodes and
is paid under the IPPS with a CCN
primary address located in one of the
geographic areas selected for
participation in TEAM in accordance
with § 512.515.
TEAM payment means a payment
made by CMS only to TEAM
participants, or a payment adjustment
made only to payments made to TEAM
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participants, under the terms of TEAM
that is not applicable to any other
providers or suppliers.
TEAM reconciliation report means the
report prepared after each reconciliation
that CMS provides to the TEAM
participant notifying the TEAM
participant of the outcome of the
TGP or therapy group practice means
an entity that is enrolled in Medicare as
a therapy group in private practice,
includes at least one owner or employee
who is a therapist in private practice,
does not include an owner or employee
who is a physician or nonphysician
practitioner, and has a valid and active
THA means total hip arthroplasty.
Therapist means one of the following
individuals as defined at § 484.4 of this
(1) Physical therapist.
(2) Occupational therapist.
(3) Speech-language pathologist.
Therapist in private practice means a
therapist that—
(1) Complies with the special
provisions for physical therapists in
private practice in § 410.60(c) of this
(2) Complies with the special
provisions for occupational therapists in
private practice in § 410.59(c) of this
chapter; or
(3) Complies with the special
provisions for speech-language
pathologists in private practice in
§ 410.62(c) of this chapter.
TIN stands for taxpayer identification
TKA stands for total knee
Track 1 means a participation track in
TEAM in which a TEAM participant
may participate for the first performance
year. TEAM participants in Track 1 are
subject to the CQS adjustment
percentage described in
§ 512.550(d)(1)(i), the limitations on
gain described in § 512.550(e)(2) and the
calculation of the reconciliation
payment described in § 512.550(g).
Track 2 means a participation track in
TEAM in which certain TEAM
participants, as described in
§ 512.520(b)(3), may request to
participate in for performance years 2
through 5. TEAM participants in Track
2 are subject to the CQS adjustment
percentage described in
§ 512.550(d)(1)(ii), limitations on gain
and loss described in § 512.550(e)(2)
and § 512.550(e)(3), and the calculation
of the reconciliation payment or
repayment amount described in
§ 512.550(g).
Track 3 means a participation track in
TEAM in which a TEAM participant
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may participate in for performance years
1 through 5. TEAM participants in
Track 3 are subject to the CQS
adjustment percentage described in
§ 512.550(d)(1)(iii), limitations on loss
and gain described in § 512.550(e)(1)
and in § 512.550(e)(2), and the
calculation of the reconciliation
payment or repayment amount
described in § 512.550(g).
Underserved community means a
population sharing a particular
characteristic, including geography, that
has been systematically denied a full
opportunity to participate in aspects of
economic, social, and civic life.
U.S. Territories means American
Samoa, the Federated States of
Micronesia, Guam, the Marshall Islands,
and the Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands, Palau, Puerto Rico,
U.S. Minor Outlying Islands, and the
U.S. Virgin Islands.
Weighted scaled score means the
scaled quality measure score multiplied
by its normalized weight.
TEAM Participation
§ 512.515
Geographic areas.
(a) General. CMS selects the CBSAs
included in TEAM. All acute care
hospitals paid under the IPPS and
located within the selected CBSAs must
participate in TEAM. CMS uses a
stratified random sampling to select the
(b) Exclusions. CMS excludes from
the selection of geographic areas CBSAs
that meet any of the following criteria:
(1) Are located entirely in the State of
(2) Are located partially in Maryland,
and in which more than 50 percent of
the five episode categories tested in
TEAM were initiated at a Maryland
hospital between January 1, 2022 and
June 30, 2023.
(3) Did not have at least one episode
for at least one of the five episode
categories tested in TEAM between
January 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023.
(c) Stratification. CMS stratifies the
CBSAs that are not excluded in
accordance with paragraph (b) of this
section into ‘‘high’’ and ‘‘low’’
categories based four characteristics.
CMS then stratifies the CBSAs into
mutually exclusive groups
corresponding to the 16 unique
combinations of high and low values,
based on the median, across the four
characteristics. CMS then moves outlier
CBSAs with a very high number of
safety net hospitals into a separate
group and thereby creates a total of 17
mutually exclusive stratified groups.
The four characteristics are as follows:
(1) Average episode spend for a broad
set of episode categories tested in the
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BPCI Advanced Model, as described in
§ 512.505, between January 1, 2022 and
June 30, 2023.
(2) Number of acute care hospitals
paid under the IPPS between January 1,
2022 and June 30, 2023.
(3) Past exposure to Bundled
Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI)
Models 2, 3, and 4, as described in
§ 512.505, Comprehensive Care for Joint
Replacement (CJR) as described in
§ 512.505, or BPCI Advanced between
October 1, 2013 and December 31, 2022.
(4) Number of Safety Net hospitals in
2022 that have initiated at least one
episode between January 1, 2022 and
June 30, 2023 for at least one of the five
episode categories tested in TEAM.
(d) Random selection. CMS randomly
selects CBSAs from the 17 stratified
groups, with a higher chance of
selection for those CBSAs with a high
number of safety net hospitals or low
past exposure to bundles and a lower
chance of selection for all other CBSAs.
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§ 512.520
Participation tracks.
(a) For performance year 1: (1) The
TEAM participant may choose to
participate in Track 1 or Track 3.
(2) The TEAM participant must notify
CMS of its track choice, prior to
performance year 1, in a form and
manner and by a date specified by CMS.
(3) CMS assigns the TEAM participant
to Track 1 for performance year 1 if a
TEAM participant does not choose a
track in the form and manner and by the
date specified by CMS.
(b) For performance years 2 through 5:
(1) CMS assigns a TEAM participant to
participate in Track 3 unless the TEAM
participant requests to participate in
Track 2 and receives approval from
CMS to participate in Track 2.
(2) The TEAM participant must notify
CMS of its Track 2 request prior to
performance year 2, and prior to every
performance year thereafter, in a form
and manner and by a date specified by
(3) CMS does not approve a TEAM
participant’s request to participate in
Track 2 submitted in accordance with
paragraph (b)(2) of this section unless
the TEAM participant is one of the
following hospital types at the time of
the request:
(i) Medicare-dependent hospital (as
defined in § 512.505).
(ii) Rural hospital (as defined in
§ 512.505).
(iii) Safety Net hospital (as defined in
§ 512.505).
(iv) Sole community hospital (as
defined in § 512.505).
(v) Essential access community
hospital (as defined in § 512.505).
(4) A TEAM participant who does not
notify CMS of its Track 2 request prior
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to a given performance year in the form
and manner and by the date specified by
CMS or who is not one of the hospital
types specified in paragraph (b)(3) of
this section at the time of the request is
assigned to Track 3 for the applicable
performance year.
§ 512.522
APM options.
(a) TEAM APM options. For
performance years 1 through 5, a TEAM
participant may choose either of the
following options based on their CEHRT
use and track participation:
(1) AAPM option. A TEAM
participant participating in Track 2 or
Track 3 may select the AAPM option by
attesting in a form and manner and by
a date specified by CMS to their use of
CEHRT, as defined in § 414.1305 of this
chapter, on an annual basis prior to the
start of each performance year.
(i) A TEAM participant that selects
the AAPM option as provided for in
paragraph (a)(1) must provide their CMS
electronic health record certification ID
in a form and manner and by a date
specified by CMS on annual basis prior
to the end of each performance year.
(ii) A TEAM participant that selects
the AAPM option as provided for in
paragraph (a)(1) must retain
documentation of their attestation to
CEHRT use and provide access to the
documentation in accordance with
§ 512.586.
(2) Non-AAPM option. CMS assigns
the TEAM participant to the non-AAPM
option if the TEAM participant is in
Track 1 or if the TEAM participant is in
Track 2 or Track 3 and does not attest
in a form and manner and by a date
specified by CMS to their use of CEHRT
as defined in § 414.1305 of this chapter.
(b) Financial arrangements list. A
TEAM participant with TEAM
collaborators, collaboration agents, or
downstream collaboration agents during
a performance year must submit to CMS
a financial arrangements list in a form
and manner and by a date specified by
CMS on a quarterly basis for each
performance year. The financial
arrangements list must include the
(1) TEAM collaborators. For each
physician, nonphysician practitioner, or
therapist who is a TEAM collaborator
during the performance year:
(i) The name, TIN, and NPI of the
TEAM collaborator.
(ii) The start date and, if applicable,
end date, for the sharing arrangement
between the TEAM participant and the
TEAM collaborator.
(2) Collaboration agents. For each
physician, nonphysician practitioner, or
therapist who is a collaboration agent
during the performance year:
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(i) The name, TIN, and NPI of the
collaboration agent and the name and
TIN of the TEAM collaborator with
which the collaboration agent has
entered into a distribution arrangement.
(ii) The start date and, if applicable,
end date, for the distribution
arrangement between the TEAM
collaborator and the collaboration agent.
(3) Downstream collaboration agents.
For each physician, nonphysician
practitioner, or therapist who is a
downstream collaboration agent during
the performance year:
(i) The name, TIN, and NPI of the
downstream collaboration agent and the
name and TIN of the collaboration agent
with which the downstream
collaboration agent has entered into a
downstream distribution arrangement.
(ii) The start date and, if applicable,
end date, for the downstream
distribution arrangement between the
collaboration agent and the downstream
collaboration agent.
(c) Clinician engagement list. A
TEAM participant must submit to CMS
a clinician engagement list in a form
and manner and by a date specified by
CMS on a quarterly basis during each
performance year. The clinician
engagement list must include the
(1) For each physician, nonphysician
practitioner, or therapist who is not on
a TEAM participant’s financial
arrangements list during the
performance year but who does have a
contractual relationship with the TEAM
participant and participates in TEAM
activities during the performance year:
(i) The name, TIN, and NPI of the
physician, nonphysician practitioner, or
(ii) The start date and, if applicable,
the end date for the contractual
relationship between the physician,
nonphysician practitioner, or therapist
and the TEAM participant.
(d) Attestation to no individuals. A
TEAM participant with no individuals
that meet the criteria specified in
paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this
section for the financial arrangements
list or paragraph (c) of this section for
the clinician engagement list must attest
in a form and manner and by a date
specified by CMS that there are no
financial arrangements or clinician
engagements to report.
(e) Documentation requirements. A
TEAM participant that submits a
financial arrangements list specified in
paragraph (b) of this section or a
clinician engagement list specified in
paragraph (c) of this section must retain
and provide access to the
documentation in accordance with
§ 512.586.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Scope of Episodes Being Tested
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
§ 512.525
(a) Time periods. All episodes must
begin on or after January 1, 2026 and
end on or before December 31, 2030.
(b) Episode attribution. All items and
services included in the episode are
attributed to the TEAM participant at
which the anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure, as applicable, occurs.
(c) Episode initiation. An episode is
initiated by—
(1) A beneficiary’s admission to a
TEAM participant for an anchor
hospitalization that is paid under a MS–
DRG specified in paragraph (d) of this
section; or
(2) A beneficiary’s receipt of an
anchor procedure billed under a HCPCS
code specified in paragraph (d) of this
section. If an anchor hospitalization is
initiated on the same day as or within
3 days of an outpatient procedure for
the same episode category, the episode
start date will be that of the outpatient
procedure rather than the admission
date, and an anchor procedure will not
be initiated.
(d) Episode categories. The MS–DRGs
and HCPCS codes included in the
episodes are as follows:
(1) Lower extremity joint replacement
(i) IPPS discharge under MS–DRG
469, 470, 521, or 522; or
(ii) OPPS claim for HCPCS codes
27447, 27130, or 27702.
(2) Surgical hip/femur fracture
treatment (SHFFT). IPPS discharge
under MS–DRG 480 to 482.
(3) Coronary artery bypass graft
(CABG). IPPS discharge under MS–DRG
231 to 236.
(4) Spinal fusion:
(i) IPPS discharge under MS–DRG
453, 454, 455, 459, 460, 471, 472, 473;
(ii) OPPS claim for HCPCS codes
22551, 22554, 22612, 22630, or 22633.
(5) Major bowel procedure. IPPS
discharge under MS–DRG 329 to 331.
(e) Included services. All Medicare
Part A and B items and services are
included in the episode, except as
specified in paragraph (f) of this section.
These services include, but are not
limited to, the following:
(1) Physicians’ services.
(2) Inpatient hospital services
(including hospital readmissions).
(3) IPF services.
(4) LTCH services.
(5) IRF services.
(6) SNF services.
(7) HHA services.
(8) Hospital outpatient services.
(9) Outpatient therapy services.
(10) Clinical laboratory services.
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(11) DME.
(12) Part B drugs and biologicals,
except for those excluded under
paragraph (f) of this section.
(13) Hospice services.
(14) Part B professional claims dated
in the 3 days prior to an anchor
hospitalization if a claim for the surgical
procedure for the same episode category
is not detected as part of the
hospitalization because the procedure
was performed by the TEAM participant
on an outpatient basis but the patient
was subsequently admitted as an
(f) Excluded services. The following
items, services, and payments are
excluded from the episode:
(1) Select items and services
considered unrelated to the anchor
hospitalization or the anchor procedure
for episodes in the baseline period and
performance year, including, but not
limited to, the following:
(i) Inpatient hospital admissions for
MS–DRGs that group to the following
categories of diagnoses:
(A) Oncology.
(B) Trauma medical.
(C) Organ transplant.
(D) Ventricular shunt.
(ii) Inpatient hospital admissions that
fall into the following Major Diagnostic
Categories (MDCs):
(A) MDC 02 (Diseases and Disorders
of the Eye).
(B) MDC 14 (Pregnancy, Childbirth,
and Puerperium).
(C) MDC 15 (Newborns).
(D) MDC 25 (Human
Immunodeficiency Virus).
(2) New technology add-on payments,
as defined in part 412, subpart F of this
chapter for episodes in the baseline
period and performance year.
(3) Transitional pass-through
payments for medical devices as defined
in § 419.66 of this chapter for episodes
initiated in the baseline period and
performance year.
(4) Hemophilia clotting factors
provided in accordance with § 412.115
of this chapter for episodes in the
baseline period and performance year.
(5) Part B payments for low-volume
drugs, high-cost drugs and biologicals,
and blood clotting factors for
hemophilia for episodes in the baseline
period and performance year, billed on
outpatient, carrier, and DME claims,
defined as—
(i) Drug/biological HCPCS codes that
are billed in fewer than 31 episodes in
total across all episodes in TEAM
during the baseline period;
(ii) Drug/biological HCPCS codes that
are billed in at least 31 episodes in the
baseline period and have a mean cost of
greater than $25,000 per episode in the
baseline period; and
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(iii) HCPCS codes corresponding to
clotting factors for hemophilia patients,
identified in the quarterly average sales
price file for certain Medicare Part B
drugs and biologicals as HCPCS codes
with clotting factor equal to 1, HCPCS
codes for new hemophilia clotting
factors not included in the baseline
period, and other HCPCS codes
identified as hemophilia.
(6) Part B payments, in addition to
those listed in paragraph (f)(5) of this
section, for low-volume drugs, high-cost
drugs and biologicals, and blood
clotting factors for hemophilia for
episodes initiated in the performance
year, billed on outpatient, carrier, and
DME claims, defined as—
(i) Drug/biological HCPCS codes that
were not captured in the baseline period
and appear in 10 or fewer episodes in
the performance year;
(ii) Drug/biological HCPCS codes that
were not included in the baseline
period, appear in more than 10 episodes
in the performance year, and have a
mean cost of greater than $25,000 per
episode in the performance year; and
(iii) Drug/biological HCPCS codes that
were not included in the baseline
period, appear in more than 10 episodes
in the performance year, have a mean
cost of $25,000 or less per episode in the
performance year, and correspond to a
drug/biological that appears in the
baseline period but was assigned a new
HCPCS code between the baseline
period and the performance year.
(iv) HCPCS codes for new hemophilia
clotting factors not included in the
baseline period.
(g) List of excluded services. The list
of excluded MS–DRGs, MDCs, and
HCPCS codes is posted on the CMS
(h) Updating the list of excluded
services. The list of excluded services is
updated through rulemaking to reflect:
(1) Changes to the MS–DRGs under
the IPPS.
(2) Coding changes.
(3) Other issues brought to CMS’
§ 512.535
Beneficiary inclusion criteria.
(a) Episodes tested in TEAM include
only those in which care is furnished to
beneficiaries who meet all of the
following criteria upon admission for an
anchor procedure or anchor
(1) Are enrolled in Medicare Parts A
and B.
(2) Are not eligible for Medicare on
the basis of having end stage renal
disease, as described in § 406.13 of this
(3) Are not enrolled in any managed
care plan (for example, Medicare
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Advantage, health care prepayment
plans, or cost-based health maintenance
(4) Are not covered under a United
Mine Workers of America health care
(5) Have Medicare as their primary
(b) The episode is canceled in
accordance with § 512.537(b) if at any
time during the episode a beneficiary no
longer meets all of the criteria in this
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
§ 512.537
Determination of the episode.
(a) Episode conclusion. (1) An episode
ends on the 30th day following the date
of the anchor procedure or the date of
discharge from the anchor
hospitalization, as applicable, with the
date of the anchor procedure or the date
of discharge from the anchor
hospitalization being counted as the
first day in the 30-day post-discharge
(b) Cancellation of an episode. The
episode is canceled and is not included
in the reconciliation calculation as
specified in § 512.545 if any of the
following occur:
(1) The beneficiary ceases to meet any
criterion listed in § 512.535.
(2) The beneficiary dies during the
anchor hospitalization or the outpatient
stay for the anchor procedure.
(3) The episode qualifies for
cancellation due to extreme and
uncontrollable circumstances. An
extreme and uncontrollable
circumstance occurs if both of the
following criteria are met:
(i) The TEAM participant has a CCN
primary address that—
(A) Is located in an emergency area,
as those terms are defined in section
1135(g) of the Act, for which the
Secretary has issued a waiver under
section 1135 of the Act; and
(B) Is located in a county, parish, or
tribal government designated in a major
disaster declaration or emergency
disaster declaration under the Stafford
(ii) The date of admission to the
anchor hospitalization or the date of the
anchor procedure is during an
emergency period (as defined in section
1135(g) of the Act) or in the 30 days
before the date that the emergency
period (as defined in section 1135(g) of
the Act) begins.
Pricing Methodology
§ 512.540 Determination of preliminary
target prices.
(a) Preliminary target price
application. CMS establishes
preliminary target prices for TEAM
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participants for each performance year
of the model as follows:
(1) MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type.
CMS uses the MS–DRGs and, as
applicable, HCPCS codes specified in
§ 512.525(d) when calculating the
preliminary target prices for each MS–
DRG/HCPCS episode type.
(i) CMS determines a separate
preliminary target price for each of the
24 MS–DRGs specified in § 512.525(d).
(ii) Preliminary target prices for a
subset of the MS–DRGs specified in
§ 512.525(d) include certain HCPCS
codes as follows:
(A) HCPCS 27130 and 27447 are
included in MS–DRG 470
(B) HCPCS 27702 is included in MS–
DRG 469.
(C) HCPCS 22633 is included in MS–
DRG 455.
(D) HCPCS 22612 and 22630 are
included in MS–DRG 460.
(E) HCPCS 22551 and 22554 are
included in MS–DRG 473.
(2) Applicable time period for
preliminary target prices. CMS
calculates preliminary target prices for
each MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type and
region for each performance year and
applies the preliminary target price to
each episode based on the episode’s
date of discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or the episode’s date of
the anchor procedure, as applicable.
(3) Episodes that begin in one
performance year and end in the
subsequent performance year. CMS
applies the preliminary target price to
the episode based on the date of
discharge from the anchor
hospitalization or the date of the anchor
procedure, as applicable, but reconciles
the episode based on the end date of the
(b) Preliminary target price
(1) CMS calculates preliminary target
prices based on average baseline
episode spending for the region where
the TEAM participant is located.
(i) The region used for calculating the
preliminary target price corresponds to
the U.S. Census Division associated
with the primary address of the CCN of
the TEAM participant, and the regional
episode spending amount is based on all
hospitals in the region, except as
specified in § 512.540(b)(1)(ii).
(ii) In cases where a TEAM
participant is located in a CBSA
selected for participation in TEAM
which spans more than one region, the
TEAM participant and all other
hospitals in the CBSA will be grouped
into the region where the most populous
city in the CBSA is located for pricing
and payment calculations.
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(2) CMS uses the following baseline
periods to determine baseline episode
(i) Performance Year 1: Episodes
beginning on January 1, 2022 through
December 31, 2024.
(ii) Performance Year 2: Episodes
beginning on January 1, 2023 through
December 31, 2025.
(iii) Performance Year 3: Episodes
beginning on January 1, 2024 through
December 31, 2026.
(iv) Performance Year 4: Episodes
beginning on January 1, 2025 through
December 31, 2027.
(v) Performance Year 5: Episodes
beginning on January 1, 2026 through
December 31, 2028.
(3) CMS calculates the benchmark
price as the weighted average of
baseline episode spending, applying the
following weights:
(i) Baseline episode spending from
baseline year 1 is weighted at 17
(ii) Baseline episode spending from
baseline year 2 is weighted at 33
(iii) Baseline episode spending from
baseline year 3 is weighted at 50
(4) Exception for high episode
spending. CMS applies a high-cost
outlier cap to baseline episode spending
at the 99th percentile of regional
spending for each of the MS–DRG/
HCPCS episode types specified in
§ 512.540(a)(1)(ii).
(5) Exclusion of incentive programs
and add-on payments under existing
Medicare payment systems. Certain
Medicare incentive programs and addon payments are excluded from baseline
episode spending by using, with certain
modifications, the CMS Price (Payment)
Standardization Detailed Methodology
used for the Medicare spending per
beneficiary measure in the Hospital
Value-Based Purchasing Program.
(6) Prospective normalization factor.
Based on the episodes in the most
recent calendar year of the baseline
period, CMS calculates a prospective
normalization factor, which is a
multiplier that ensures that the average
risk adjusted target price does not
exceed the average unadjusted target
price, by doing the following:
(i) CMS applies risk adjustment
multipliers, as specified in
§ 512.545(a)(1) through (3), to the most
recent baseline year episodes to
calculate the estimated risk-adjusted
target price for all performance year
(ii) CMS divides the mean of the
preliminary target price for each episode
across all hospitals and regions by the
mean of the estimated risk-adjusted
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
target price calculated in
§ 512.540(b)(6)(i) for the same episode
types across all hospitals and regions.
(7) Prospective trend factor. CMS
calculates the average regional episode
spending for each MS–DRG/HCPCS
episode type using the most recent
calendar year of the applicable baseline
period. CMS then calculates the
difference between the average regional
spending for each MS–DRG/HCPCS
episode type during the most recent
calendar year of the baseline period and
the average regional spending for each
MS–DRG/HCPCS episode type during
the first years of the baseline period to
determine the prospective trend factor.
(8) Communication of preliminary
target prices. CMS communicates the
preliminary target prices for each MS–
DRG/HCPCS episode type for each
region to the TEAM participant before
the performance year in which they
(c) Discount factor. CMS incorporates
a discount factor of 3 percent to the
TEAM participant’s preliminary episode
target prices intended to reflect
Medicare’s potential savings from
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
§ 512.545 Determination of reconciliation
target prices.
CMS calculates the reconciliation
target price as follows:
(a) CMS risk adjusts the preliminary
episode target prices computed under
§ 512.540 at the beneficiary level using
a TEAM Hierarchical Condition
Category (HCC) count risk adjustment
factor, an age bracket risk adjustment
factor, and a social need risk adjustment
(1) The TEAM HCC count risk
adjustment factor uses five variables,
representing beneficiaries with zero,
one, two, three, or four or more CMS–
HCC conditions based on a 90-day
lookback period that begins 91 days
prior to the anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure and ends on the day
prior to the anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure.
(2) The age bracket risk adjustment
factor uses four variables, representing
beneficiaries in the following age groups
as of the first day of the episode:
(i) Less than 65 years.
(ii) 65 to less than 75 years.
(iii) 75 years to less than 85 years.
(iv) 85 years or more.
(3) The social need risk adjustment
factor uses two variables, representing
beneficiaries that, as of the first day of
the episode—
(i) Meet one or more of the following
measures of social need:
(A) State ADI above the 8th decile.
(B) National ADI above the 80th
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(C) Eligibility for the low-income
(D) Eligibility for full Medicaid
(ii) Do not meet any of the three
measures of social need in
§ 512.545(a)(1)(iii)(A).
(b) All risk adjustment factors are
computed prior to the start of the
performance year via a linear regression
analysis. The regression analysis is
computed using 3 years of claims data
as follows:
(1) For performance year 1, CMS uses
claims data with dates of service dated
January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024.
(2) For performance year 2, CMS uses
claims data with dates of service dated
January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025.
(3) For performance year 3, CMS uses
claims data with dates of service dated
January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026.
(4) For performance year 4, CMS uses
claims data with dates of service dated
January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2027.
(5) For performance year 5, CMS uses
claims data with dates of service dated
January 1, 2026 to December 30, 2028.
(c) The annual linear regression
analysis produces exponentiated
coefficients to determine the anticipated
marginal effect of each risk adjustment
factor on episode costs. CMS transforms,
or exponentiates, these coefficients, and
the resulting coefficients are the TEAM
HCC count risk adjustment factor, the
age bracket risk adjustment factor, and
the social need risk adjustment factor
that would be used during
reconciliation for the subsequent
performance year.
(d) At the time of reconciliation, the
preliminary target prices computed
under § 512.540 are risk adjusted at the
beneficiary level by applying the
applicable TEAM HCC count risk
adjustment factor, the age bracket risk
adjustment factor, and the social need
risk adjustment factor specific to the
beneficiary in the episode, as set forth
in paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
(e) The risk-adjusted preliminary
target prices are normalized at
reconciliation to ensure that the average
of the total risk-adjusted preliminary
target price does not exceed the average
of the total non-risk adjusted
preliminary target price.
(1) The final normalization factor at
(i) Is the national mean of the
benchmark price for each MS–DRG/
HCPCS episode type divided by the
national mean of the risk-adjusted
benchmark price for the same MS–DRG/
HCPCS episode type.
(ii) As applied, cannot exceed + /¥5
percent of the prospective normalization
factor (as specified in § 512.540(b)(7)).
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(2) CMS applies the final
normalization factor to the previously
calculated, beneficiary level, riskadjusted target prices specific to each
region and MS–DRG/HCPCS episode
type (as specified in paragraph (a)(4) of
this section) to calculate the
reconciliation target prices, which are
compared to performance year spending
at reconciliation, as specified in
§ 512.550(c).
Quality Measures and Composite
Quality Score
§ 512.547 Quality measures, composite
quality score, and display of quality
(a) Quality measures. CMS calculates
the quality measures used to evaluate
the TEAM participant’s performance
using Medicare claims data or patientreported outcomes data that requires no
action or reporting by the TEAM
participants beyond what is currently
required in the Hospital Inpatient
Quality Reporting Program and the
Hospital-Acquired Condition Reduction
Program. The following quality
measures are used for public reporting
and for determining the TEAM
participant’s CQS as described in
paragraph (b) of this section:
(1) For all episode categories: Hybrid
Hospital-Wide All-Cause Readmission
Measure with Claims and Electronic
Health Record Data (CMIT ID #356);
(2) For all episode categories: CMS
Patient Safety and Adverse Events
Composite (CMS PSI 90) (CMIT ID
#135); and
(3) For LEJR episodes: Hospital-Level
Total Hip and/or Total Knee
Arthroplasty (THA/TKA) PatientReported Outcome-Based Performance
Measure (PRO–PM) (CMIT ID #1618).
(b) Calculation of the composite
quality score (CQS). (1) CMS converts
the TEAM participant’s raw quality
measure score for the performance year
into a scaled quality measure score by
comparing the raw quality measure
score to the distribution of raw quality
measure score percentiles among a
national cohort of hospitals, consisting
of TEAM participants and hospitals not
participating in TEAM, in the CQS
baseline period.
(i) CMS assigns a scaled quality
measure score equal to the percentile to
which the TEAM Participant’s raw
quality measure score would have
belonged in the CQS baseline period.
(A) CMS assigns the higher scaled
quality measure score if the TEAM
participant’s raw quality measure score
straddles two percentiles in the CQS
baseline period.
(B) CMS assigns a scaled quality
measure score of 100 if the TEAM
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
participant’s raw quality measure score
is greater than the maximum of the raw
quality measure scores in the CQS
baseline period.
(C) CMS assigns a scaled quality
measure score of 0 if the raw quality
measure score is less than the minimum
of the raw quality measure scores in the
baseline period.
(D) CMS does not assign a scaled
quality measure score if the TEAM
participant has no raw quality measure
(2) CMS calculates a normalized
weight for each quality measure by
dividing the TEAM participant’s volume
of attributed episodes for a given quality
measure by the total volume of all the
TEAM participant’s attributed episodes.
(3) CMS calculates a weighted scaled
score for each quality measure by
multiplying each quality measure’s
scaled quality measure score, computed
under paragraph (b)(2) of this section,
by its normalized weight, computed
under paragraph (b)(3) of this section.
(4) CMS sums each quality measure’s
weighted scaled score, computed under
paragraph (b)(4) of this section, to
construct the CQS.
(c) Display of quality measures. (1)
CMS displays quality measure results
on the publicly available CMS website
that is specific to TEAM, in a form and
manner consistent with other publicly
reported measures.
(2) CMS shares quality measures with
the TEAM participant prior to display
on the CMS website.
(3) CMS uses the following time
periods to share quality measure
(i) Quality measure performance in
performance year 1 is reported in 2027.
(ii) Quality measure performance in
performance year 2 is reported in 2028.
(iii) Quality measure performance in
performance year 3 is reported in 2029.
(iv) Quality measure performance in
performance year 4 is reported in 2030.
(v) Quality measure performance in
performance year 5 is reported in 2031.
Reconciliation and Review Process
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
§ 512.550 Reconciliation process and
determination of the reconciliation payment
or repayment amount.
(a) General. Providers and suppliers
furnishing items and services included
in the episode bill for such items and
services in accordance with existing
Medicare rules.
(b) Reconciliation process. Six months
after the end of each performance year,
CMS does the following:
(1) Performs a reconciliation
calculation to establish a reconciliation
payment or repayment amount for each
TEAM participant.
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(2) For TEAM participants that
experience a reorganization event in
which one or more hospitals reorganize
under the CCN of a TEAM participant,
(i) Separate reconciliation
calculations for each predecessor TEAM
participant for episodes where the
anchor hospitalization admission or the
anchor procedure occurred before the
effective date of the reorganization
event; and
(ii) Reconciliation calculations for
each new or surviving TEAM
participant for episodes where the
anchor hospitalization admission or
anchor procedure occurred on or after
the effective date of the reorganization
(c) Calculation of the reconciliation
amount. CMS compares the
reconciliation target prices described in
§ 512.545 and the TEAM participant’s
performance year spending to establish
a reconciliation amount for the TEAM
participant for each performance year as
(1) CMS determines the performance
year spending for each episode included
in the performance year (other than
episodes that have been canceled in
accordance with § 512.537(b)) using
claims data that is available 6 months
after the end of the performance year.
(2) CMS calculates and applies the
high-cost outlier cap for performance
year episode spending by applying the
calculation described in § 512.540(b)(4)
to performance year episode spending.
(3) CMS applies the adjustments
specified in § 512.545 to the preliminary
target prices computed in accordance
with § 512.540 to calculate the
reconciliation target prices.
(4) CMS aggregates the reconciliation
target prices computed in accordance
with paragraph (c)(3) of this section for
all episodes included in the
performance year (other than episodes
that have been canceled in accordance
with § 512.537(b)).
(5) CMS subtracts the performance
year spending amount determined
under paragraph (c)(1–2) of this section
from the aggregated reconciliation target
price amount determined under
paragraph (c)(4) of this section to
determine the reconciliation amount.
(d) Calculation of the quality-adjusted
reconciliation amount. CMS adjusts the
reconciliation amount based on the
Composite Quality Score as follows:
(1) CMS calculates a CQS adjustment
percentage based on a TEAM
participant’s CQS, computed in
accordance with § 512.547(b).
(i) CMS applies a CQS adjustment
percentage up to 10 percent for positive
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reconciliation amounts for TEAM
participants in Track 1.
(ii) CMS applies a CQS adjustment
percentage up to 10 percent for positive
reconciliation amounts and up to 15
percent for negative reconciliation
amounts for TEAM participants in Track
(iii) CMS applies a CQS adjustment
percentage up to 10 percent for positive
reconciliation amounts and up to 10
percent for negative reconciliation
amounts for TEAM participants in Track
(2) CMS multiplies the CQS
adjustment percentage, computed under
paragraph (d)(1) of this section, by the
TEAM participant’s positive or negative
reconciliation amount calculated in
paragraph (c) of this section to construct
the CQS adjustment amount.
(3) CMS subtracts the CQS adjustment
amount, computed from paragraph
(d)(2) of this section, from the positive
or negative reconciliation amount
calculated in paragraph (c) of this
section to construct the quality-adjusted
reconciliation amount.
(e) Calculation of the net payment
reconciliation amount (NPRA). CMS
applies stop-loss and stop gain limits to
the quality-adjusted reconciliation
amount computed in paragraph (d) of
this section to calculate the NPRA as
(1) Limitation on loss. For TEAM
participants in Track 3, except as
provided in paragraph (e)(3) of this
section, the repayment amount for a
performance year cannot exceed 20
percent of the aggregated reconciliation
target price amount calculated in
paragraph (c)(3) of this section for the
performance year. The post-episode
spending calculation amount in
paragraph (f) of this section is not
subject to the limitation on loss.
(2) Limitation on gain. For TEAM
participants in Tracks 1 or 2, the
reconciliation payment amount for a
performance year cannot exceed 10
percent of the aggregated reconciliation
target price amount calculated in
accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this
section for the performance year. For
TEAM participants in Track 3, the
reconciliation payment amount for a
performance year cannot exceed 20
percent of the aggregated reconciliation
target price amount calculated in
accordance with paragraph (c)(3) of this
section for the performance year. The
post-episode spending amount
calculated in accordance with paragraph
(f) of this section is not subject to the
limitation on gain.
(3) Limitation on loss for certain
providers. For performance years 2–5,
the repayment amount for a TEAM
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participant in Track 2 defined at
§ 512.505, or a TEAM participant that
does not meet the low volume threshold
of at least 31 episodes across the
applicable 3-year baseline period,
cannot exceed 10 percent of the
aggregated reconciliation target price
amount calculated in accordance with
paragraph (c)(3) of this section.
(f) Post-episode spending calculation.
CMS calculates the post-episode
spending amount as follows: If the
average post-episode spending amount
for a TEAM participant in the
performance year being reconciled is
greater than 3 standard deviations above
the regional average post-episode
spending amount for the performance
year, then the post-episode spending
amount that exceeds 3 standard
deviations above the regional average
post-episode spending amount for the
performance year is subtracted from the
NPRA for that performance year.
(g) Calculation of the reconciliation
payment or repayment amount. (1) CMS
applies the results of the post-episode
spending calculation set forth in
paragraph (f) of this section to the NPRA
as follows:
(i) For TEAM participants whose postepisode spending amount does not
exceed the limit calculated in paragraph
(f) of this section, the reconciliation
payment or repayment amount is equal
to the NPRA.
(ii) If the TEAM participant’s postepisode spending exceeds the limit
calculated in paragraph (f) of this
section, CMS subtracts the amount of
post-episode spending exceeding the
limit from the NPRA to calculate the
reconciliation payment or repayment
(2) If the amount calculated in
paragraph (g)(1) of this section is
positive, the TEAM participant is owed
a reconciliation payment in that
amount, to be paid by CMS in one lump
sum payment.
(3) If the amount calculated in
paragraph (g)(1) of this section is
negative, CMS determines the
repayment amount as follows:
(i) For TEAM participants in Track 1
for Performance Year 1, the TEAM
participant will not owe a repayment
(ii) For TEAM participants in Track 2
or Track 3 for Performance Years 1–5,
the Team participant will owe that
amount as a repayment to CMS.
(h) TEAM reconciliation report. CMS
issues each TEAM participant a TEAM
reconciliation report for the
performance year. Each TEAM
reconciliation report contains the
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(1) The total performance year
spending for the TEAM participant.
(2) The TEAM participant’s
reconciliation target prices.
(3) The TEAM participant’s
reconciliation amount.
(4) The TEAM participant’s composite
quality score calculated in accordance
with § 512.547(b).
(5) The TEAM participant’s qualityadjusted reconciliation amount.
(6) The stop-loss and stop-gain limits
that apply to the TEAM participant.
(7) The TEAM participant’s NPRA.
(8) The TEAM participant’s postepisode spending amount, if applicable.
(9) The amount of any reconciliation
payment owed to the TEAM participant
or repayment owed by the TEAM
participant to CMS for the performance
year, if applicable.
geometric mean length of stay, using the
following methodology:
(i) The first day of the IPPS stay is
counted as 2 days.
(ii) If the actual length of stay that
occurred during the episode is equal to
or greater than the MS–DRG geometric
mean, the full MS–DRG payment is
allocated to the episode.
(iii) If the actual length of stay that
occurred during the episode is less than
the MS–DRG geometric mean length of
stay, the MS–DRG payment amount is
allocated to the episode based on the
number of inpatient days that fall
within the episode.
(4) If the full amount of the payment
is not allocated to the episode, any
remainder amount is allocated to the
post-episode spending calculation
(defined in § 512.550(f)).
§ 512.552 Treatment of incentive programs
or add-on payments under existing
Medicare payment systems.
§ 512.560
The TEAM does not replace any
existing Medicare incentive programs or
add-on payments. The TEAM payments
are independent of, and do not affect,
any incentive programs or add-on
payments under existing Medicare
payment systems.
§ 512.555 Proration of payments for
services that extend beyond an episode.
(a) General. CMS prorates services
included in the episode that extend
beyond the episode so that only those
portions of the services that were
furnished during the episode are
included in the calculation of the actual
episode payments.
(b) Proration of services. CMS prorates
payments for services that extend
beyond the episode for the purposes of
calculating both baseline episode
spending and performance year
spending using the following
(1) Non-IPPS inpatient services. NonIPPS inpatient services that extend
beyond the end of the episode are
prorated according to the percentage of
the actual length of stay (in days) that
falls within the episode.
(2) Home health agency services.
Home health agency services paid under
the Medicare prospective payment
system in accordance with part 484,
subpart E of this chapter that extend
beyond the episode are prorated
according to the percentage of days,
starting with the first billable service
date and through and including the last
billable service date, that occur during
the episode.
(3) IPPS services. IPPS services that
extend beyond the end of the episode
are prorated according to the MS–DRG
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Appeals process.
(a) Notice of calculation error (first
level of appeal). Subject to the
limitations on review in § 512.594, if a
TEAM participant wishes to dispute
calculations involving a matter related
to payment, reconciliation amounts,
repayment amounts, the use of quality
measure results in determining the
composite quality score, or the
application of the composite quality
score during reconciliation, the TEAM
participant is required to provide
written notice of the calculation error,
in a form and manner and by a date
specified by CMS.
(1) Unless the TEAM participant
provides such written notice, CMS
deems the TEAM reconciliation report
to be final 30 calendar days after it is
issued and proceeds with the payment
or repayment processes as applicable.
(2) If CMS receives a notice of a
calculation error within 30 calendar
days of the issuance of the TEAM
reconciliation report, CMS responds in
writing within 30 calendar days to
either confirm that there was an error in
the calculation or verify that the
calculation is correct. CMS reserves the
right to extend the time for its response
upon written notice to the TEAM
(3) Only TEAM participants may use
the calculation error process described
in this part.
(b) Exception to the appeals process.
If the TEAM participant contests a
matter that does not involve an issue
contained in, or a calculation that
contributes to, a TEAM reconciliation
report, a notice of calculation error is
not required. In these instances, if CMS
does not receive a request for
reconsideration from the TEAM
participant within 10 calendar days of
the notice of the initial reconciliation,
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the initial determination is deemed final
and CMS proceeds with the action
indicated in the initial determination.
This does not apply to the limitations
on review in § 512.594.
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§ 512.561 Reconsideration review
(a) Applicability of this section. This
section is applicable only where section
1869 of the Act has been waived or is
not applicable for TEAM participants.
This section is only applicable to TEAM
(b) Right to reconsideration. The
TEAM participant may request
reconsideration of a determination made
by CMS only if such reconsideration is
not precluded by section 1115A(d)(2) of
the Act or this subpart.
(1) A request for reconsideration by
the TEAM participant must satisfy the
following criteria:
(i) The request must be submitted to
a designee of CMS (‘‘Reconsideration
Official’’) who—
(A) Is authorized to receive such
requests; and
(B) Did not participate in the
determination that is the subject of the
reconsideration request or, if applicable,
the notice of calculation error process.
(ii) The request must include a copy
of the initial determination issued by
CMS and contain a detailed, written
explanation of the basis for the dispute,
including supporting documentation.
(iii) The request must be made within
30 days of the date of the initial
determination for which reconsideration
is being requested via email to an
address as specified by CMS.
(2) Requests that do not meet the
requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this
section are denied.
(3) Within 10 business days of
receiving a request for reconsideration,
the Reconsideration Official sends the
parties a written acknowledgement of
receipt of the reconsideration request.
This acknowledgement sets forth the
(i) The review procedures.
(ii) A schedule that permits each party
to submit position papers and
supporting documentation in support of
the party’s position for consideration by
the reconsideration official.
(4) The TEAM participant must satisfy
the notice of calculation error
requirements specified in this part
before submitting a reconsideration
request under paragraph (b) of this
(c) Standards for reconsideration. (1)
The parties must continue to fulfill all
responsibilities and obligations under
TEAM during the course of any dispute
arising under this part.
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(2) The reconsideration consists of a
review of documentation that is
submitted timely and in accordance
with the standards specified by the
reconsideration official.
(3) The burden of proof is on the
TEAM participant to demonstrate to the
reconsideration official with clear and
convincing evidence that the
determination is inconsistent with the
terms of this subpart.
(d) Reconsideration determination. (1)
The reconsideration determination is
based solely upon—
(i) Position papers and supporting
documentation that are timely
submitted to the reconsideration official
per the schedule defined in paragraph
(b)(3)(ii) and meet the standards for
submission under paragraph (b)(1) of
this section; and
(ii) Documents and data that were
timely submitted to CMS in the required
format before CMS made the
determination that is the subject of the
reconsideration request.
(2) The reconsideration official issues
the reconsideration determination to
CMS and to the TEAM participant in
(3) Absent unusual circumstances, in
which case the reconsideration official
reserves the right to an extension upon
written notice to the TEAM participant,
the reconsideration determination is
issued within 60 days of receipt of
timely filed position papers and
supporting documentation per the
schedule defined in paragraph (b)(3)(ii)
of this section.
(4) The reconsideration determination
is final and binding 30 days after its
issuance, unless the TEAM participant
or CMS timely requests review of the
reconsideration determination in
accordance with paragraphs (e)(1) and
(2) of this section.
(e) CMS Administrator review. The
TEAM participant or CMS may request
that the CMS Administrator review the
reconsideration determination.
(1) The request must be made via
email within 30 days of the date of the
reconsideration determination to the
address specified by CMS.
(2) The request must include a copy
of the reconsideration determination
and a detailed written explanation of
why the TEAM participant or CMS
disagrees with the reconsideration
(3) The CMS Administrator promptly
sends the parties a written
acknowledgement of receipt of the
request for review.
(4) The CMS Administrator sends the
parties notice of the following:
(i) Whether the request for review is
granted or denied.
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(ii) If the request for review is granted,
the review procedures and a schedule
that permits each party to submit a brief
in support of the party’s position for
consideration by the CMS
(5) If the request for review is denied,
the reconsideration determination is
final and binding as of the date the
request for review is denied.
(6) If the request for review is
(i) The record for review consists
solely of—
(A) Timely submitted briefs and the
evidence contained in the record of the
proceedings before the reconsideration
official; and
(B) Evidence as set forth in the
documents and data described in
paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section;
(ii) The CMS Administrator reviews
the record and issues to CMS and to the
TEAM participant a written
determination; and
(iii) The written determination of the
CMS Administrator is final and binding
as of the date the written determination
is sent.
Data Sharing and Other Requirements
§ 512.562 Data sharing with TEAM
(a) General. CMS shares certain
beneficiary-identifiable data as
described in paragraphs (b), (c), and (e)
of this section and certain regional
aggregate data as described in paragraph
(d) of this section with TEAM
participants regarding TEAM
beneficiaries and performance under the
(b) Beneficiary-identifiable claims
data. CMS shares beneficiaryidentifiable claims data with TEAM
participants as follows:
(1) CMS makes available certain
beneficiary-identifiable claims data
described in paragraph (b)(5) of this
section for TEAM participants to request
for purposes of conducting health care
operations work that falls within the
first or second paragraph of the
definition of health care operations at 45
CFR 164.501 regarding their TEAM
(2) A TEAM participant that wishes to
receive beneficiary-identifiable claims
data for its TEAM beneficiaries must do
all of the following:
(i) Submit a formal request for the
data on an annual basis in a manner and
form and by a date specified by CMS,
indicating their selection of summary
beneficiary-identifiable data, raw
beneficiary-identifiable data, or both,
and attest that—
(A) The TEAM participant is
requesting claims data of TEAM
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beneficiaries who would be in an
episode during the baseline period or
performance year, as a HIPAA covered
(B) The TEAM participant’s request
reflects the minimum data necessary, as
set forth in paragraph (c) of this section,
for the TEAM participant to conduct
health care operations work that falls
within the first or second paragraph of
the definition of health care operations
at 45 CFR 164.501.
(C) The TEAM participant’s use of
claims data will be limited to
developing processes and engaging in
appropriate activities related to
coordinating care, improving the quality
and efficiency of care, and conducting
population-based activities relating to
improving health or reducing health
care costs that are applied uniformly to
all TEAM beneficiaries, in an episode
during the baseline period or
performance year, and that these data
will not be used to reduce, limit or
restrict care for specific Medicare
(ii) Sign and submit a TEAM data
sharing agreement, as defined in
§ 512.505, with CMS as set forth in
paragraph (e) of this section.
(3) CMS shares this beneficiaryidentifiable claims data with a TEAM
participant in accordance with
applicable privacy and security laws
and established privacy and security
(4) CMS omits from the beneficiaryidentifiable claims data any information
that is subject to the regulations in 42
CFR part 2 governing the confidentiality
of substance use disorder patient
(5) The beneficiary-identifiable claims
data will include, when available, the
(i) Unrefined (raw) Medicare Parts A
and B beneficiary-identifiable claims
data for TEAM beneficiaries in an
episode during the 3-year baseline
period and performance year.
(ii) Summarized (summary) Medicare
Parts A and B beneficiary-identifiable
claims data for TEAM beneficiaries in
an episode during the 3-year baseline
period and performance year.
(6) CMS makes available the
beneficiary-identifiable claims data for
retrieval by TEAM participants at the
following frequency:
(i) Annually, at least 1 month prior to
every performance year for baseline
period data, based on the baseline
periods described in § 512.540(b)(2).
(ii) Monthly during the performance
year and for up to 6 months after the
performance year for performance year
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(c) Minimum necessary data. The
TEAM participant must limit its request
for beneficiary-identifiable data under
paragraph (b) of this section to the
minimum necessary Parts A and B data
elements which may include, but are
not limited to the following:
(1) Medicare beneficiary identifier
(2) Procedure code.
(3) Gender.
(4) Diagnosis code.
(5) Claim ID.
(6) The from and through dates of
(7) The provider or supplier ID.
(8) The claim payment type.
(9) Date of birth and death, if
(10) Tax identification number.
(11) National provider identifier.
(d) Regional aggregate data. (1) CMS
shares regional aggregate data for the 3year baseline period and performance
years with TEAM participants as
(i) CMS shares 3-year baseline period
regional aggregate data annually at least
1 month before the performance year,
based on the baseline periods described
in § 512.540(b)(2).
(ii) CMS shares performance year
regional aggregate data on a monthly
basis during the performance year and
for up to 6 months after the performance
(2) Regional aggregate data will—
(i) Be aggregated based on all Parts A
and B claims associated with episodes
in TEAM for the U.S. Census Division
in which the TEAM participant is
(ii) Summarize average episode
spending for episodes in TEAM in the
U.S. Census Division in which the
TEAM participant is located.
(iii) Be de-identified in accordance
with 45 CFR 164.514(b).
(e) TEAM data sharing agreement. (1)
A TEAM participant who wishes to
retrieve the beneficiary-identifiable data
specified in paragraph (b) of this
section, must complete and submit, on
at least an annual basis, a signed TEAM
data sharing agreement, as defined in
§ 512.505, to be provided in a form and
manner and by a date specified by CMS,
under which the TEAM participant
(i) To comply with the requirements
for use and disclosure of this
beneficiary-identifiable data that are
imposed on covered entities by the
HIPAA regulations and the
requirements of the TEAM set forth in
this part.
(ii) To comply with additional
privacy, security, breach notification,
and data retention requirements
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specified by CMS in the TEAM data
sharing agreement.
(iii) To contractually bind each
downstream recipient of the beneficiaryidentifiable data that is a business
associate of the TEAM participant to the
same terms and conditions to which the
TEAM participant is itself bound in its
TEAM data sharing agreement with
CMS as a condition of the business
associate’s receipt of the beneficiaryidentifiable data retrieved by the TEAM
participant under the TEAM.
(iv) That if the TEAM participant
misuses or discloses the beneficiaryidentifiable data in a manner that
violates any applicable statutory or
regulatory requirements or that is
otherwise non-compliant with the
provisions of the data sharing
agreement, CMS may deem the TEAM
participant ineligible to retrieve
beneficiary-identifiable data under
paragraph (b) of this section for any
amount of time, and the TEAM
participant may be subject to additional
sanctions and penalties available under
the law.
(2) A TEAM participant must comply
with all applicable laws and the terms
of the TEAM data sharing agreement in
order to retrieve the beneficiaryidentifiable data.
§ 512.563
Health equity plans.
(a) The TEAM participant may
voluntarily submit a health equity plan
to CMS for performance year 1 that
includes the elements specified in
paragraph (c) of this section,.
(b) For performance years 2 through 5,
the TEAM participant must submit a
health equity plan in a form and manner
and by the dates specified by CMS.
(c) Health equity plans must include
the following elements:
(1) Identifies health disparities in the
TEAM participant’s population of
TEAM beneficiaries.
(2) Identifies health equity goals and
describes how the TEAM participant
will use the health equity goals to
monitor and evaluate progress in
reducing the identified health
(3) Describes the health equity plan
intervention strategy.
(4) Identifies health equity plan
performance measure(s), the data
sources used to construct the
performance measures, and an approach
to monitor and evaluate the measures.
§ 512.564
Referral to primary care
(a) A TEAM participant must include
in hospital discharge planning a referral
to a supplier of primary care services for
a TEAM beneficiary, on or prior to
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
discharge from an anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure.
(b) In making the referral described in
paragraph (a), the TEAM participant
must comply with beneficiary freedom
of choice, as described in § 512.582(a) of
this subpart.
(c) A TEAM participant that does not
comply with paragraph (a) of this
section, may be subject to remedial
action as described in § 512.592.
Financial Arrangements and
Beneficiary Incentives
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§ 512.565
Sharing arrangements.
(a) General. (1) A TEAM participant
may enter into a sharing arrangement
with a TEAM collaborator to make a
gainsharing payment, or to receive an
alignment payment, or both. A TEAM
participant must not make a gainsharing
payment to a TEAM collaborator or
receive an alignment payment from a
TEAM collaborator except in
accordance with a sharing arrangement.
(2) A sharing arrangement must
comply with the provisions of this
section and all other applicable laws
and regulations, including the
applicable fraud and abuse laws and all
applicable payment and coverage
(3) TEAM participants must develop,
maintain, and use a set of written
policies for selecting individuals and
entities to be TEAM collaborators.
(i) These policies must contain
criteria related to, and inclusive of, the
quality of care delivered by the potential
TEAM collaborator and the provision of
TEAM activities.
(ii) The selection criteria cannot be
based directly or indirectly on the
volume or value of past or anticipated
referrals or business otherwise
generated by, between or among the
TEAM participant, any TEAM
collaborator, any collaboration agent,
any downstream collaboration agent, or
any individual or entity affiliated with
a TEAM participant, TEAM
collaborator, collaboration agent, or
downstream collaboration agent.
(iii) A selection criterion that
considers whether a potential TEAM
collaborator has performed a reasonable
minimum number of services that
would qualify as TEAM activities, as
determined by the TEAM participant,
will be deemed not to violate the
volume or value standard if the purpose
of the criterion is to ensure the quality
of care furnished to TEAM beneficiaries.
(4) If a TEAM participant enters into
a sharing arrangement, its compliance
program must include oversight of
sharing arrangements and compliance
with the applicable requirements of
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(b) Requirements. (1) A sharing
arrangement must be in writing and
signed by the parties, and entered into
before care is furnished to TEAM
beneficiaries under the sharing
(2) Participation in a sharing
arrangement must be voluntary and
without penalty for nonparticipation.
(3) The sharing arrangement must
require the TEAM collaborator and its
employees, contractors (including
collaboration agents), and
subcontractors (including downstream
collaboration agents) to comply with all
of the following:
(i) The applicable provisions of this
part (including requirements regarding
beneficiary notifications, access to
records, record retention, and
participation in any evaluation,
monitoring, compliance, and
enforcement activities performed by
CMS or its designees).
(ii) All applicable Medicare provider
enrollment requirements at § 424.500 of
this chapter, including having a valid
and active TIN or NPI, during the term
of the sharing arrangement.
(iii) All other applicable laws and
(4) The sharing arrangement must
require the TEAM collaborator to have
or be covered by a compliance program
that includes oversight of the sharing
arrangement and compliance with the
requirements of TEAM that apply to its
role as a TEAM collaborator, including
any distribution arrangements.
(5) The sharing arrangement must not
pose a risk to beneficiary access,
beneficiary freedom of choice, or quality
of care.
(6) The board or other governing body
of the TEAM participant must have
responsibility for overseeing the TEAM
participant’s participation in TEAM, its
arrangements with TEAM collaborators,
its payment of gainsharing payments, its
receipt of alignment payments, and its
use of beneficiary incentives in the
TEAM model.
(7) The specifics of the agreement
must be documented in writing and
must be made available to CMS upon
request (as outlined in § 512.590).
(8) The sharing arrangement must
specify the following:
(i) The purpose and scope of the
sharing arrangement.
(ii) The obligations of the parties,
including specified TEAM activities and
other services to be performed by the
parties under the sharing arrangement.
(iii) The date range for which the
sharing arrangement is effective.
(iv) The financial or economic terms
for payment, including the following:
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(A) Eligibility criteria for a
gainsharing payment.
(B) Eligibility criteria for an alignment
(C) Frequency of gainsharing or
alignment payments.
(D) Methodology and accounting
formula for determining the amount of
a gainsharing payment or alignment
(9) The sharing arrangement must
(i) Induce the TEAM participant,
TEAM collaborator, or any employees,
contractors, or subcontractors of the
TEAM participant or TEAM collaborator
to reduce or limit medically necessary
services to any Medicare beneficiary; or
(ii) Restrict the ability of a TEAM
collaborator to make decisions in the
best interests of its patients, including
the selection of devices, supplies, and
(c) Gainsharing payment, alignment
payment, and internal cost savings
conditions and restrictions. (1)
Gainsharing payments, if any, must—
(i) Be derived solely from
reconciliation payment amounts, or
internal cost savings, or both;
(ii) Be distributed on an annual basis
(not more than once per calendar year);
(iii) Not be a loan, advance payment,
or payment for referrals or other
business; and
(iv) Be clearly identified as a
gainsharing payment at the time it is
(2)(i) To be eligible to receive a
gainsharing payment, a TEAM
collaborator must meet quality of care
criteria for the performance year for
which the TEAM participant accrued
the internal cost savings or earned the
reconciliation payment that comprises
the gainsharing payment. The qualityof-care criteria must be established by
the TEAM participant and directly
relate to the episode.
(ii) To be eligible to receive a
gainsharing payment, or to be required
to make an alignment payment, a TEAM
collaborator other than ACO, PGP,
NPPGP, or TGP must have directly
furnished a billable item or service to a
TEAM beneficiary during an episode
that was attributed to the same
performance year for which the TEAM
participant accrued the internal cost
savings or earned the reconciliation
payment amount or repayment amount
that comprises the gainsharing payment
or the alignment payment.
(iii) To be eligible to receive a
gainsharing payment, or to be required
to make an alignment payment, a TEAM
collaborator that is a PGP, NPPGP, or
TGP must meet the following criteria:
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(A) The PGP, NPPGP, or TGP must
have billed for an item or service that
was rendered by one or more PGP
member, NPPGP member, or TGP
member respectively to a TEAM
beneficiary during an episode that was
attributed to the same performance year
for which the TEAM participant accrued
the internal cost savings or earned the
reconciliation payment amount or
repayment amount that comprises the
gainsharing payment or the alignment
(B) The PGP, NPPGP, or TGP must
have contributed to TEAM activities and
been clinically involved in the care of
TEAM beneficiaries during the same
performance year for which the TEAM
participant accrued the internal cost
savings or earned the reconciliation
payment amount or repayment amount
that comprises the gainsharing payment
or the alignment payment. A nonexhaustive list of examples where, a
PGP, NPPGP, or TGP might have been
clinically involved in the care of TEAM
beneficiaries includes—
(1) Providing care coordination
services to TEAM beneficiaries during
or after inpatient admission;
(2) Engaging with a TEAM participant
in care redesign strategies, and actually
performing a role in implementing such
strategies, that are designed to improve
the quality of care for episodes and
reduce episode spending; or
(3) In coordination with other
providers and suppliers (such as PGP
members, NPPGP members, or TGP
members; the TEAM participant; and
post-acute care providers),
implementing strategies designed to
address and manage the comorbidities
of TEAM beneficiaries.
(iv) To be eligible to receive a
gainsharing payment, or to be required
to make an alignment payment, a TEAM
collaborator that is an ACO must meet
the following criteria:
(A) The ACO must have had an ACO
provider/supplier that directly
furnished, or an ACO participant that
billed for, an item or service that was
rendered to a TEAM beneficiary during
an episode that was attributed to the
same performance year for which the
TEAM participant accrued the internal
cost savings or earned the reconciliation
payment amount or repayment amount
that comprises the gainsharing payment
or the alignment payment; and
(B) The ACO must have contributed to
TEAM activities and been clinically
involved in the care of TEAM
beneficiaries during the performance
year for which the TEAM participant
accrued the internal cost savings or
earned the reconciliation payment
amount or repayment amount that
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comprises the gainsharing payment or
the alignment payment. A nonexhaustive list of ways in which an
ACO might have been clinically
involved in the care of TEAM
beneficiaries could include—
(1) Providing care coordination
services to TEAM beneficiaries during
and/or after inpatient admission;
(2) Engaging with a TEAM participant
in care redesign strategies and
performing a role in implementing such
strategies that are designed to improve
the quality of care and reduce spending
for episodes; or
(3) In coordination with providers and
suppliers (such as ACO participants,
ACO providers/suppliers, the TEAM
participant, and post-acute care
providers), implementing strategies
designed to address and manage the
comorbidities of TEAM beneficiaries.
(3)(i) The methodology for accruing,
calculating and verifying internal cost
savings will be determined by the
TEAM participant; however, the
methodology must be transparent,
measurable, and verifiable in
accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP) and
Government Auditing Standards (The
Yellow Book).
(ii) The methodology used to calculate
internal cost savings must reflect the
actual, internal cost savings achieved by
the TEAM participant through the
documented implementation of TEAM
activities identified by the TEAM
participant and must exclude—
(A) Any savings realized by any
individual or entity that is not the
TEAM participant; and
(B) ‘‘Paper’’ savings from accounting
conventions or past investment in fixed
(4) The amount of any gainsharing
payments must be determined in
accordance with a methodology that is
based solely on quality of care and the
provision of TEAM activities. The
methodology may take into account the
amount of TEAM activities provided by
a TEAM collaborator relative to other
TEAM collaborators.
(5) For a performance year, the
aggregate amount of all gainsharing
payments that are derived from
reconciliation payment amounts must
not exceed the amount of that year’s
reconciliation payment amount.
(6) No entity or individual, whether a
party to a sharing arrangement or not,
may condition the opportunity to make
or receive gainsharing payments or to
make or receive alignment payments
directly or indirectly on the volume or
value of past or anticipated referrals or
business otherwise generated by,
between or among the TEAM
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participant, any TEAM collaborator, any
collaboration agent, any downstream
collaboration agent, or any individual or
entity affiliated with a TEAM
participant, TEAM collaborator,
collaboration agent, or downstream
collaboration agent.
(7) A TEAM participant must not
make a gainsharing payment to a TEAM
collaborator if CMS has notified the
TEAM participant that such TEAM
collaborator is subject to any action by
CMS, HHS or any other governmental
entity, or its designees, for
noncompliance with this part or the
fraud and abuse laws, for the provision
of substandard care to TEAM
beneficiaries or other integrity
problems, or for any other program
integrity problems or noncompliance
with any other laws or regulations.
(8) The sharing arrangement must
require the TEAM participant to recoup
any gainsharing payment that contained
funds derived from a CMS overpayment
on a reconciliation payment amount or
was based on the submission of false or
fraudulent data.
(9) Alignment payments from a TEAM
collaborator to a TEAM participant may
be made at any interval that is agreed
upon by both parties, and must not be—
(i) Issued, distributed, or paid prior to
the calculation by CMS of a repayment
amount; payment;
(ii) Loans, advance payments, or
payments for referrals or other business;
(iii) Assessed by a TEAM participant
in the absence of a repayment amount.
(10) The TEAM participant must not
receive any amounts under a sharing
arrangement from a TEAM collaborator
that are not alignment payments.
(11) For a performance year, the
aggregate amount of all alignment
payments received by the TEAM
participant must not exceed 50 percent
of the TEAM participant’s repayment
(12) The aggregate amount of all
alignment payments from a TEAM
collaborator to the TEAM participant
may not be greater than—
(i) With respect to a TEAM
collaborator other than an ACO, 25
percent of the TEAM participant’s
repayment amount.
(ii) With respect to a TEAM
collaborator that is an ACO, 50 percent
of the TEAM participant’s repayment
(13) The amount of any alignment
payments must be determined in
accordance with a methodology that
does not directly account for the volume
or value of past or anticipated referrals
or business otherwise generated by,
between or among the TEAM
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
participant, any TEAM collaborator, any
collaboration agent, any downstream
collaboration agent, or any individual or
entity affiliated with a TEAM
participant, TEAM collaborator,
collaboration agent, or downstream
collaboration agent.
(14) All gainsharing payments and
any alignment payments must be
administered by the TEAM participant
in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP) and
Government Auditing Standards (The
Yellow Book).
(15) All gainsharing payments and
alignment payments must be made by
check, electronic funds transfer, or
another traceable cash transaction.
(d) Documentation requirements. (1)
TEAM participants must—
(i) Document the sharing arrangement
contemporaneously with the
establishment of the arrangement;
(ii) Publicly post (and update on at
least a quarterly basis) on a web page on
the TEAM participant’s website—
(A) Accurate lists of all current TEAM
collaborators, including the TEAM
collaborators’ names and addresses as
well as accurate historical lists of all
TEAM collaborators.
(B) Written policies for selecting
individuals and entities to be TEAM
collaborators as required by
§ 512.565(a)(3).
(iii) Maintain, and require each TEAM
collaborator to maintain,
contemporaneous documentation with
respect to the payment or receipt of any
gainsharing payment or alignment
payment that includes, at a minimum:
(A) Nature of the payment
(gainsharing payment or alignment
(B) Identity of the parties making and
receiving the payment;
(C) Date of the payment;
(D) Amount of the payment; and
(E) Date and amount of any
recoupment of all or a portion of a
TEAM collaborator’s gainsharing
(F) Explanation for each recoupment,
such as whether the TEAM collaborator
received a gainsharing payment that
contained funds derived from a CMS
overpayment of a reconciliation
payment or was based on the
submission of false or fraudulent data.
(2) The TEAM participant must keep
records of all of the following:
(i) Its process for determining and
verifying its potential and current
TEAM collaborators’ eligibility to
participate in Medicare.
(ii) Its plan to track internal cost
(iii) Information on the accounting
systems used to track internal cost
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(iv) A description of current health
information technology, including
systems to track reconciliation payment
amounts, repayment amounts, and
internal cost savings.
(v) Its plan to track gainsharing
payments and alignment payments.
(3) The TEAM participant must retain
and provide access to and must require
each TEAM collaborator to retain and
provide access to, the required
documentation in accordance with
§ 512.586.
§ 512.568
Distribution arrangements.
(a) General. (1) An ACO, PGP, NPPGP,
or TGP that is a TEAM collaborator and
has entered into a sharing arrangement
with a TEAM participant may distribute
all or a portion of any gainsharing
payment it receives from the TEAM
participant only in accordance with a
distribution arrangement.
(2) All distribution arrangements must
comply with the provisions of this
section and all other applicable laws
and regulations, including the fraud and
abuse laws.
(b) Requirements. (1) All distribution
arrangements must be in writing and
signed by the parties, contain the
effective date of the agreement, and be
entered into before care is furnished to
TEAM beneficiaries under the
distribution arrangement.
(2) Participation in a distribution
arrangement must be voluntary and
without penalty for nonparticipation.
(3) The distribution arrangement must
require the collaboration agent to
comply with all applicable laws and
(4) The opportunity to make or
receive a distribution payment must not
be conditioned directly or indirectly on
the volume or value of past or
anticipated referrals or business
otherwise generated by, between or
among the TEAM participant, any
TEAM collaborator, any collaboration
agent, any downstream collaboration
agent, or any individual or entity
affiliated with a TEAM participant,
TEAM collaborator, collaboration agent,
or downstream collaboration agent.
(5) The amount of any distribution
payments from an ACO, from an NPPGP
to an NPPGP member, or from a TGP to
a TGP member, must be determined in
accordance with a methodology that is
solely based on quality of care and the
provision of TEAM activities and that
may take into account the amount of
such TEAM activities provided by a
collaboration agent relative to other
collaboration agents.
(6) The amount of any distribution
payments from a PGP must be
determined in accordance with a
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methodology that is solely based on
quality of care and the provision of
TEAM activities and that may take into
account the amount of such TEAM
activities provided by a collaboration
agent relative to other collaboration
(7) A collaboration agent is eligible to
receive a distribution payment only if
the collaboration agent furnished or
billed for an item or service rendered to
a TEAM beneficiary during an episode
that was attributed to the same
performance year for which the TEAM
participant accrued the internal cost
savings or earned the reconciliation
payment amount that comprises the
gainsharing payment being distributed.
(8) With respect to the distribution of
any gainsharing payment received by an
ACO, PGP, NPPGP, or TGP, the total
amount of all distribution payments for
a performance year must not exceed the
amount of the gainsharing payment
received by the TEAM collaborator from
the TEAM participant for the same
performance year.
(9) All distribution payments must be
made by check, electronic funds
transfer, or another traceable cash
(10) The collaboration agent must
retain the ability to make decisions in
the best interests of the patient,
including the selection of devices,
supplies, and treatments.
(11) The distribution arrangement
must not—
(i) Induce the collaboration agent to
reduce or limit medically necessary
items and services to any Medicare
beneficiary; or
(ii) Reward the provision of items and
services that are medically unnecessary.
(12) The TEAM collaborator must
maintain contemporaneous
documentation regarding distribution
arrangements in accordance with
§ 512.586, including all of the following:
(i) The relevant written agreements.
(ii) The date and amount of any
distribution payment(s).
(iii) The identity of each collaboration
agent that received a distribution
(iv) A description of the methodology
and accounting formula for determining
the amount of any distribution payment.
(13) The TEAM collaborator may not
enter into a distribution arrangement
with any individual or entity that has a
sharing arrangement with the same
TEAM participant.
(14) The TEAM collaborator must
retain and provide access to and must
require collaboration agents to retain
and provide access to, the required
documentation in accordance with
§ 512.586.
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§ 512.570 Downstream distribution
(a) General. (1) An ACO participant
that is a PGP, NPPGP, or TGP and that
has entered into a distribution
arrangement with a TEAM collaborator
that is an ACO, may distribute all or a
portion of any distribution payment it
receives from the TEAM collaborator
only in accordance with a downstream
distribution arrangement.
(2) All downstream distribution
arrangements must comply with the
provisions of this section and all
applicable laws and regulations,
including the fraud and abuse laws.
(b) Requirements. (1) All downstream
distribution arrangements must be in
writing and signed by the parties,
contain the effective date of the
agreement, and be entered into before
care is furnished to TEAM beneficiaries
under the downstream distribution
(2) Participation in a downstream
distribution arrangement must be
voluntary and without penalty for
(3) The downstream distribution
arrangement must require the
downstream collaboration agent to
comply with all applicable laws and
(4) The opportunity to make or
receive a downstream distribution
payment must not be conditioned
directly or indirectly on the volume or
value of past or anticipated referrals or
business otherwise generated by,
between or among the TEAM
participant, any TEAM collaborator, any
collaboration agent, any downstream
collaboration agent, or any individual or
entity affiliated with a TEAM
participant, TEAM collaborator,
collaboration agent, or downstream
collaboration agent.
(5) The amount of any downstream
distribution payments from an NPPGP
to an NPPGP member or from a TGP to
a TGP member must be determined in
accordance with a methodology that is
solely based on quality of care and the
provision of TEAM activities and that
may take into account the amount of
such TEAM activities provided by a
downstream collaboration agent relative
to other downstream collaboration
(6) The amount of any downstream
distribution payments from a PGP must
be determined in accordance with a
methodology that is solely based on
quality of care and the provision of
TEAM activities and that may take into
account the amount of such TEAM
activities provided by a downstream
collaboration agent relative to other
downstream collaboration agents.
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(7) A downstream collaboration agent
is eligible to receive a downstream
distribution payment only if the
downstream collaboration agent
furnished an item or service to a TEAM
beneficiary during an episode that is
attributed to the same performance year
for which the TEAM participant accrued
the internal cost savings or earned the
reconciliation payment amount that
comprises the gainsharing payment
from which the ACO made the
distribution payment to the PGP,
NPPGP, or TGP that is an ACO
(8) The total amount of all
downstream distribution payments
made to downstream collaboration
agents must not exceed the amount of
the distribution payment received by
the PGP, NPPGP, or TGP from the ACO.
(9) All downstream distribution
payments must be made by check,
electronic funds transfer, or another
traceable cash transaction.
(10) The downstream collaboration
agent must retain his or her ability to
make decisions in the best interests of
the beneficiary, including the selection
of devices, supplies, and treatments.
(11) The downstream distribution
arrangement must not—
(i) Induce the downstream
collaboration agent to reduce or limit
medically necessary services to any
Medicare beneficiary; or
(ii) Reward the provision of items and
services that are medically unnecessary.
(12) The PGP, NPPGP, or TGP must
maintain contemporaneous
documentation regarding downstream
distribution arrangements in accordance
with § 512.586, including the following:
(i) The relevant written agreements.
(ii) The date and amount of any
downstream distribution payment.
(iii) The identity of each downstream
collaboration agent that received a
downstream distribution payment.
(iv) A description of the methodology
and accounting formula for determining
the amount of any downstream
distribution payment.
(13) The PGP, NPPGP, or TGP may
not enter into a downstream distribution
arrangement with any PGP member,
NPPGP member, or TGP member who
(i) A sharing arrangement with a
TEAM participant.
(ii) A distribution arrangement with
the ACO that the PGP, NPPGP, or TGP
is a participant in.
(14) The PGP, NPPGP, or TGP must
retain and provide access to, and must
require downstream collaboration
agents to retain and provide access to,
the required documentation in
accordance with § 512.586.
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§ 512.575
TEAM beneficiary incentives.
(a) General. TEAM participants may
choose to provide in-kind patient
engagement incentives including but
not limited to items of technology to
TEAM beneficiaries in an episode,
subject to the following conditions:
(1) The incentive must be provided
directly by the TEAM participant or by
an agent of the TEAM participant under
the TEAM participant’s direction and
control to the TEAM beneficiary during
an episode.
(2) The item or service provided must
be reasonably connected to medical care
provided to a TEAM beneficiary during
an episode.
(3) The item or service must be a
preventive care item or service or an
item or service that advances a clinical
goal, as listed in paragraph (c) of this
section, for a TEAM beneficiary in an
episode by engaging the TEAM
beneficiary in better managing his or her
own health.
(4) The item or service must not be
tied to the receipt of items or services
outside the episode.
(5) The item or service must not be
tied to the receipt of items or services
from a particular provider or supplier.
(6) The availability of the items or
services must not be advertised or
promoted, except that a TEAM
beneficiary may be made aware of the
availability of the items or services at
the time the TEAM beneficiary could
reasonably benefit from them.
(7) The cost of the items or services
must not be shifted to any Federal
health care program, as defined at
section 1128B(f) of the Act.
(b) Technology provided to a TEAM
beneficiary. TEAM beneficiary
engagement incentives involving
technology are subject to the following
additional conditions:
(1) Items or services involving
technology provided to a TEAM
beneficiary may not exceed $1,000 in
retail value for any one TEAM
beneficiary during any one episode.
(2) Items or services involving
technology provided to a TEAM
beneficiary must be the minimum
necessary to advance a clinical goal, as
listed in paragraph (c) of this section, for
a beneficiary in an episode.
(3) Items of technology exceeding $75
in retail value must—
(i) Remain the property of the TEAM
participant; and
(ii) Be retrieved from the TEAM
beneficiary at the end of the episode,
with documentation of the ultimate date
of retrieval. The TEAM participant must
document all retrieval attempts. In cases
when the item of technology is not able
to be retrieved, the TEAM participant
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
must determine why the item was not
retrievable. If it was determined that the
item was misappropriated (if it were
sold, for example), the TEAM
participant must take steps to prevent
future beneficiary incentives for that
TEAM beneficiary. Following this
process, documented, diligent, good
faith attempts to retrieve items of
technology will be deemed to meet the
retrieval requirement.
(c) Clinical goals of TEAM. The
following are the clinical goals of
TEAM, which may be advanced through
TEAM beneficiary incentives:
(1) Beneficiary adherence to drug
(2) Beneficiary adherence to a care
(3) Reduction of readmissions and
complications following an episode.
(4) Management of chronic diseases
and conditions that may be affected by
the TEAM procedure.
(d) Documentation of TEAM
beneficiary incentives. (1) TEAM
participants must maintain
documentation of items and services
furnished as beneficiary incentives that
exceed $25 in retail value.
(2) The documentation must be
established contemporaneously with the
provision of the items and services with
a record established and maintained to
include at least the following:
(i) The date the incentive is provided.
(ii) The identity of the TEAM
beneficiary to whom the item or service
was provided.
(3) The documentation regarding
items of technology exceeding $75 in
retail value must also include
contemporaneous documentation of any
attempt to retrieve technology at the end
of an episode, or why the items were not
retrievable, as described in paragraph
(b)(3) of this section.
(4) The TEAM participant must retain
and provide access to the required
documentation in accordance with
§ 512.586.
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§ 512.576 Application of the CMSsponsored model arrangements and patient
incentives safe harbor.
(a) Application of the CMS-sponsored
model arrangements safe harbor. CMS
has determined that the Federal antikickback statute safe harbor for CMSsponsored model arrangements (42 CFR
1001.952(ii)(1)) is available to protect
remuneration furnished in the TEAM in
the form of sharing arrangement’s
gainsharing payments and alignment
payments, the distribution
arrangement’s distribution payments,
and the downstream distribution
arrangement’s distribution payments
that meet all safe harbor requirements
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set forth in 42 CFR 1001.952(ii), and
§§ 512.565, 512.568, 512.570.
(b) Application of the CMS-sponsored
model patient incentives safe harbor.
CMS has determined that the Federal
anti-kickback statute safe harbor for
CMS-sponsored model patient
incentives (42 CFR 1001.952(ii)(2)) is
available to protect TEAM beneficiary
incentives that meet all safe harbor
requirements set forth in 42 CFR
1001.952(ii) and § 512.575.
Medicare Program Waivers
§ 512.580
TEAM Medicare Program
(a) Waiver of certain telehealth
requirements—(1) Waiver of the
geographic site requirements. Except for
the geographic site requirements for a
face-to-face encounter for home health
certification, CMS waives the
geographic site requirements of section
1834(m)(4)(C)(i)(I) through (III) of the
Act for episodes being tested in TEAM
solely for services that—
(i) May be furnished via telehealth
under existing Medicare program
requirements; and
(ii) Are included in the episode in
accordance with § 512.525(e).
(2) Waiver of the originating site
requirements. Except for the originating
site requirements for a face-to-face
encounter for home health certification,
CMS waives the originating site
requirements under section
1834(m)(4)I(ii)(I) through (VIII) of the
Act for episodes to permit a telehealth
visit to originate in the beneficiary’s
home or place of residence solely for
services that—
(i) May be furnished via telehealth
under existing Medicare program
requirements; and
(ii) Are included in the episode in
accordance with § 512.525(e).
(3) Waiver of selected payment
provisions. (i) CMS waives the payment
requirements under section
1834(m)(2)(A) of the Act so that the
facility fee normally paid by Medicare
to an originating site for a telehealth
service is not paid if the service is
originated in the beneficiary’s home or
place of residence.
(ii) CMS waives the payment
requirements under section
1834(m)(2)(B) of the Act to allow the
distant site payment for telehealth home
visit HCPCS codes unique to TEAM.
(4) Other requirements. All other
requirements for Medicare coverage and
payment of telehealth services continue
to apply, including the list of specific
services approved to be furnished by
(b) Waiver of the SNF 3-day rule—(1)
Episodes initiated by an anchor
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hospitalization. CMS waives the SNF 3day rule for coverage of a SNF stay
within 30 days of the date of discharge
from the anchor hospitalization for a
beneficiary who is a TEAM beneficiary
on the date of discharge from the anchor
hospitalization if the SNF is identified
on the applicable calendar quarter list of
qualified SNFs at the time of the TEAM
beneficiary’s admission to the SNF.
(2) Episodes initiated by an anchor
procedure. CMS waives the SNF 3-day
rule for coverage of a SNF stay within
30 days of the date of service of the
anchor procedure for a beneficiary who
is a TEAM beneficiary on the date of
service of the anchor procedure if the
SNF is identified on the applicable
calendar quarter list of qualified SNFs at
the time of the TEAM beneficiary’s
admission to the SNF.
(3) Determination of qualified SNFs.
CMS determines the qualified SNFs for
each calendar quarter based on a review
of the most recent rolling 12 months of
overall star ratings on the Five-Star
Quality Rating System for SNFs on the
Nursing Home Compare website.
Qualified SNFs are rated an overall of 3
stars or better for at least 7 of the 12
(4) Posting of qualified SNFs. CMS
posts to the CMS website the list of
qualified SNFs in advance of the
calendar quarter.
(5) Financial liability for non-covered
SNF services. If CMS determines that
the waiver requirements specified in
paragraph (b) of this section were not
met, the following apply:
(i) CMS makes no payment to a SNF
for SNF services if the SNF admits a
TEAM beneficiary who has not had a
qualifying anchor hospitalization or
anchor procedure.
(ii) In the event that CMS makes no
payment for SNF services furnished by
a SNF as a result of paragraph (5)(i) of
this section, the beneficiary protections
specified in paragraph (5)(iii) of this
section apply, unless the TEAM
participant has provided the beneficiary
with a discharge planning notice in
accordance with § 512.582(b)(3).
(iii) If the TEAM participant does not
provide the beneficiary with a discharge
planning notice in accordance with
§ 512.582(b)(3)—
(A) The SNF must not charge the
beneficiary for the expenses incurred for
such services;
(B) The SNF must return to the
beneficiary any monies collected for
such services; and
(C) The TEAM participant is
financially liable for the expenses
incurred for such services.
(4) If the TEAM participant provided
a discharge planning notice to the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
beneficiary in accordance with
§ 512.582(b)(3), then normal SNF
coverage requirements apply and the
beneficiary may be financially liable for
non-covered SNF services.
(c) Other requirements. All other
Medicare rules for coverage and
payment of Part A-covered services
continue to apply except as otherwise
waived in this part.
General Provisions
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§ 512.582
Beneficiary protections.
(a) Beneficiary freedom of choice. (1)
A TEAM participant, TEAM
collaborators, collaboration agents,
downstream collaboration agent and
downstream participants must not
restrict Medicare beneficiaries’ ability to
choose to receive care from any provider
or supplier.
(2) The TEAM participant and its
downstream participants must not
commit any act or omission, nor adopt
any policy that inhibits beneficiaries
from exercising their freedom to choose
to receive care from any provider or
supplier or from any health care
provider who has opted out of
Medicare. The TEAM participant and its
downstream participants may
communicate to TEAM beneficiaries the
benefits of receiving care with the
TEAM participant, if otherwise
consistent with the requirements of this
part and applicable law.
(3) As part of discharge planning and
referral, TEAM participants must
provide a complete list of HHAs, SNFs,
IRFs, or LTCHs that are participating in
the Medicare program, and that serve
the geographic area (as defined by the
HHA) in which the patient resides, or in
the case of a SNF, IRF, or LTCH, in the
geographic area requested by the
(i) This list must be presented to
TEAM beneficiaries for whom home
health care, SNF, IRF, or LTCH services
are medically necessary.
(ii) TEAM participants must specify
on the list those post-acute care
providers on the list with whom they
have a sharing arrangement.
(iii) TEAM participants may
recommend preferred providers and
suppliers, consistent with applicable
statutes and regulations.
(iv) TEAM participants may not limit
beneficiary choice to any list of
providers or suppliers in any manner
other than as permitted under
applicable statutes and regulations.
(v) TEAM participants must take into
account patient and family preferences
for choice of provider and supplier
when they are expressed.
(4) TEAM participants may not charge
any TEAM collaborator a fee to be
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included on any list of preferred
providers or suppliers, nor may the
TEAM participant accept such
(b) Required beneficiary notification—
(1) TEAM participant beneficiary
notification—(i) Notification to
beneficiaries. Each TEAM participant
must provide written notification to any
TEAM beneficiary that meets the criteria
in § 512.535 of his or her inclusion in
the TEAM model.
(ii) Timing of notification. Prior to
discharge from the anchor
hospitalization, or prior to discharge
from the anchor procedure, as
applicable, the TEAM participant must
provide the TEAM beneficiary with a
beneficiary notification as described in
paragraph (b)(1)(iv) of this section.
(iii) List of beneficiaries who have
received a notification. The TEAM
participant must be able to generate a
list of all beneficiaries who have
received such notification, including the
date on which the notification was
provided to the beneficiary, to CMS or
its designee upon request.
(iv) Content of notification. The
beneficiary notification must contain all
of the following:
(A) A detailed explanation of TEAM
and how it might be expected to affect
the beneficiary’s care.
(B) Notification that the beneficiary
retains freedom of choice to choose
providers and services.
(C) Explanation of how patients can
access care records and claims data
through an available patient portal, if
applicable, and how they can share
access to their Blue Button® electronic
health information with caregivers.
(D) Explanation of the type of
beneficiary-identifiable claims data the
TEAM participant may receive.
(E) A statement that all existing
Medicare beneficiary protections
continue to be available to the TEAM
beneficiary. These include the ability to
report concerns of substandard care to
Quality Improvement Organizations or
the 1–800–MEDICARE helpline.
(F) A list of the providers, suppliers,
and ACOs with whom the TEAM
participant has a sharing arrangement.
This requirement may be fulfilled by the
TEAM participant including in the
detailed notification a Web address
where beneficiaries may access the list.
(2) TEAM collaborator notice. A
TEAM participant must require every
TEAM collaborator to provide written
notice to applicable TEAM beneficiaries
of TEAM, including information on the
quality and payment incentives under
TEAM, and the existence of its sharing
arrangement with the TEAM
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(i) With the exception of ACOs, PGPs,
NPPGPs, and TGPs, a TEAM participant
must require every TEAM collaborator
that furnishes an item or service to a
TEAM beneficiary during an episode to
provide written notice to the beneficiary
of TEAM, including basic information
on the quality and payment incentives
under TEAM, and the existence of the
TEAM collaborator’s sharing
arrangement. The notice must be
provided no later than the time at which
the beneficiary first receives an item or
service from the TEAM collaborator
during an episode. In circumstances
where, due to the patient’s condition, it
is not feasible to provide notification at
such time, the notification must be
provided to the beneficiary or his or her
representative as soon as is reasonably
practicable. The TEAM collaborator
must be able to provide a list of all
beneficiaries who received such a
notice, including the date on which the
notice was provided to the beneficiary,
to CMS upon request.
(ii) A TEAM participant must require
every PGP, NPPGP, or TGP that is a
TEAM collaborator where a member of
the PGP, member of the NPPGP, or
member of the TGP furnishes an item or
service to a TEAM beneficiary during an
episode to provide written notice to the
beneficiary of TEAM, including basic
information on the quality and payment
incentives under TEAM, and the
existence of the entity’s sharing
arrangement. The notice must be
provided no later than the time at which
the beneficiary first receives an item or
service from any member of the PGP,
member of the NPPGP, or member of the
TGP, and the required PGP, NPPGP, or
TGP notice may be provided by that
member respectively. In circumstances
where, due to the patient’s condition, it
is not feasible to provide notice at such
times, the notice must be provided to
the beneficiary or his or her
representative as soon as is reasonably
practicable. The PGP, NPPGP, or TGP
must be able to provide a list of all
beneficiaries who received such a
notice, including the date on which the
notice was provided to the beneficiary,
to CMS upon request.
(iii) A TEAM participant must require
every ACO that is a TEAM collaborator
where an ACO participant or ACO
provider/supplier furnishes an item or
service to a TEAM beneficiary during an
episode to provide written notice to the
beneficiary of TEAM, including basic
information on the quality and payment
incentives under TEAM, and the
existence of the entity’s sharing
arrangement. The notice must be
provided no later than the time at which
the beneficiary first receives an item or
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
service from any ACO participant or
ACO provider/supplier and the required
ACO notice may be provided by that
ACO participant or ACO provider/
supplier respectively. In circumstances
where, due to the patient’s condition, it
is not feasible to provide notice at such
times, the notice must be provided to
the beneficiary or his or her
representative as soon as is reasonably
practicable. The ACO must be able to
provide a list of all beneficiaries who
received such a notice, including the
date on which the notice was provided
to the beneficiary, to CMS upon request.
(3) Discharge planning notice. A
TEAM participant must provide the
beneficiary with a written notice of any
potential financial liability associated
with non-covered services
recommended or presented as an option
as part of discharge planning, no later
than the time that the beneficiary
discusses a particular post-acute care
option or at the time the beneficiary is
discharged from an anchor procedure or
anchor hospitalization, whichever
occurs earlier.
(i) If the TEAM participant knows or
should have known that the beneficiary
is considering or has decided to receive
a non-covered post-acute care service or
other non-covered associated service or
supply, the TEAM participant must
notify the beneficiary in writing that the
service would not be covered by
(ii) If the TEAM participant is
discharging a beneficiary to a SNF after
an inpatient hospital stay, and the
beneficiary is being transferred to or is
considering a SNF that would not
qualify under the SNF 3-day waiver in
§ 512.580, the TEAM participant must
notify the beneficiary in accordance
with paragraph (b)(3)(i) of this section
that the beneficiary will be responsible
for payment for the services furnished
by the SNF during that stay, except
those services that would be covered by
Medicare Part B during a non-covered
inpatient SNF stay.
(4) Access to records and retention.
Lists of beneficiaries that receive
notifications or notices must be
retained, and access provided to CMS,
or its designees, in accordance with
§ 512.586.
(c) Availability of services. (1) The
TEAM participant and its downstream
participants must continue to make
medically necessary covered services
available to beneficiaries to the extent
required by applicable law. TEAM
beneficiaries and their assignees retain
their rights to appeal claims in
accordance with part 405, subpart I of
this chapter.
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(2) The TEAM participant and its
downstream participants must not take
any action to select or avoid treating
certain Medicare beneficiaries based on
their income levels or based on factors
that would render the beneficiary an
‘‘at-risk beneficiary’’ as defined at
§ 425.20 of this chapter.
(3) The TEAM participant and its
downstream participants must not take
any action to selectively target or engage
beneficiaries who are relatively healthy
or otherwise expected to improve the
TEAM participant’s or downstream
participant’s financial or quality
performance, a practice commonly
referred to as ‘‘cherry-picking.’’
(d) Descriptive TEAM materials and
activities. (1) The TEAM participant and
its downstream participants must not
use or distribute descriptive TEAM
materials and activities that are
materially inaccurate or misleading.
(2) The TEAM participant and its
downstream participants must include
the following statement on all
descriptive TEAM materials and
activities: ‘‘The statements contained in
this document are solely those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect
the views or policies of the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
The authors assume responsibility for
the accuracy and completeness of the
information contained in this
(3) The TEAM participant and its
downstream participants must retain
copies of all written and electronic
descriptive TEAM materials and
activities and appropriate records for all
other descriptive TEAM materials and
activities in a manner consistent with
§ 512.135(c).
(4) CMS reserves the right to review,
or have a designee review, descriptive
TEAM materials and activities to
determine whether or not the content is
materially inaccurate or misleading.
This review takes place at a time and in
a manner specified by CMS once the
descriptive TEAM materials and
activities are in use by the TEAM
§ 512.584 Cooperation in model evaluation
and monitoring.
The TEAM participant and its TEAM
collaborators must comply with the
requirements of § 403.1110(b) of this
chapter and must otherwise cooperate
with CMS’ TEAM evaluation and
monitoring activities as may be
necessary to enable CMS to evaluate
TEAM in accordance with section
1115A(b)(4) of the Act and to conduct
monitoring activities under § 512.590,
including producing such data as may
be required by CMS to evaluate or
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monitor TEAM, which may include
protected health information as defined
in 45 CFR 160.103 and other
individually-identifiable data.
§ 512.586
Audits and record retention.
(a) Right to audit. The Federal
government, including CMS, HHS, and
the Comptroller General, or their
designees, has the right to audit,
inspect, investigate, and evaluate any
documents and other evidence
regarding implementation of TEAM.
(b) Access to records. The TEAM
participant and its TEAM collaborators
must maintain and give the Federal
government, including CMS, HHS, and
the Comptroller General, or their
designees, access to all such documents
and other evidence sufficient to enable
the audit, evaluation, inspection, or
investigation of the implementation of
TEAM, including without limitation,
documents and other evidence
regarding all of the following:
(1) The TEAM participant’s and its
downstream participants’ compliance
with the terms of TEAM.
(2) The accuracy of TEAM
reconciliation payment amounts and
repayment amounts.
(3) The TEAM participant’s payment
of amounts owed to CMS under TEAM.
(4) Quality measure information and
the quality of services performed under
the terms of TEAM.
(5) Utilization of items and services
furnished under TEAM.
(6) The ability of the TEAM
participant to bear the risk of potential
losses and to repay any losses to CMS,
as applicable.
(7) Patient safety.
(8) Other program integrity issues.
(c) Record retention. (1) The TEAM
participant and its downstream
participants must maintain the
documents and other evidence
described in paragraph (b) of this
section and other evidence for a period
of 6 years from the last payment
determination for the TEAM participant
under TEAM or from the date of
completion of any audit, evaluation,
inspection, or investigation, whichever
is later, unless—
(i) CMS determines there is a special
need to retain a particular record or
group of records for a longer period and
notifies the TEAM participant at least 30
days before the normal disposition date;
(ii) There has been a termination,
dispute, or allegation of fraud or similar
fault against the TEAM participant or its
downstream participants, in which case
the records must be maintained for an
additional 6 years from the date of any
resulting final resolution of the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
termination, dispute, or allegation of
fraud or similar fault.
(2) If CMS notifies the TEAM
participant of the special need to retain
records in accordance with paragraph
(c)(1)(i) of this section or there has been
a termination, dispute, or allegation of
fraud or similar fault against the TEAM
participant or its downstream
participants described in paragraph
(c)(1)(ii) of this section, the TEAM
participant must notify its downstream
participants of this need to retain
records for the additional period
specified by CMS.
§ 512.588
Rights in data and intellectual
(a) CMS may—
(1) Use any data obtained under
§§ 512.584, 512.586, or 512.590 to
evaluate and monitor TEAM; and
(2) Disseminate quantitative and
qualitative results and successful care
management techniques, including
factors associated with performance, to
other providers and suppliers and to the
public. Data disseminated may include
(i) De-identified results of patient
experience of care and quality of life
surveys, and patient;
(ii) De-identified measure results
calculated based upon claims, medical
records, and other data sources.
(b) Notwithstanding any other
provision of this part, for all data that
CMS confirms to be proprietary trade
secret information and technology of the
TEAM participant or its downstream
participants, CMS or its designee(s) will
not release this data without the express
written consent of the TEAM participant
or its downstream participant, unless
such release is required by law.
(c) If the TEAM participant or its
downstream participant wishes to
protect any proprietary or confidential
information that it submits to CMS or its
designee, the TEAM participant or its
downstream participant must label or
otherwise identify the information as
proprietary or confidential. Such
assertions are subject to review and
confirmation by CMS prior to CMS’
acting upon such assertions.
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§ 512.590
Monitoring and compliance.
(a) Compliance with laws. The TEAM
participant and each of its downstream
participants must comply with all
applicable laws and regulations.
(b) CMS monitoring and compliance
activities. (1) CMS staff, or its approved
designee, may conduct monitoring
activities to ensure compliance by the
TEAM participant and each of its
downstream participants with the terms
of TEAM under this subpart to—
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(i) Understand TEAM participants’
use of TEAM payments; and
(ii) Promote the safety of beneficiaries
and the integrity of TEAM.
(2) Monitoring activities may include,
without limitation, all of the following:
(i) Documentation requests sent to the
TEAM participant and its downstream
participants, including surveys and
(ii) Audits of claims data, quality
measures, medical records, and other
data from the TEAM participant and its
downstream participants.
(iii) Interviews with members of the
staff and leadership of the TEAM
participant and its downstream
(iv) Interviews with beneficiaries and
their caregivers.
(v) Site visits to the TEAM participant
and its downstream participants,
performed in a manner consistent with
paragraph (c) of this section.
(vi) Monitoring quality outcomes and
clinical data, if applicable.
(vii) Tracking patient complaints and
(3) In conducting monitoring and
oversight activities, CMS or its
designees may use any relevant data or
information including without
limitation all Medicare claims
submitted for items or services
furnished to TEAM beneficiaries.
(c) Site visits. (1) In a manner
consistent with § 512.584, the TEAM
participant and its downstream
participants must cooperate in periodic
site visits performed by CMS or its
designees in order to facilitate the
evaluation of TEAM and the monitoring
of the TEAM participant’s compliance
with the terms of TEAM.
(2) CMS or its designee provides, to
the extent practicable, the TEAM
participant or downstream participant
with no less than 15 days advance
notice of any site visit. CMS—
(i) Attempts, to the extent practicable,
to accommodate a request for particular
dates in scheduling site visits; and
(ii) Does not accept a date request
from a TEAM participant or
downstream participant that is more
than 60 days after the date of the CMS
initial site visit notice.
(3) The TEAM participant and its
downstream participants must ensure
that personnel with the appropriate
responsibilities and knowledge
associated with the purpose of the site
visit are available during all site visits.
(4) Additionally, CMS may perform
unannounced site visits at the office of
the TEAM participant and any of its
downstream participants at any time to
investigate concerns about the health or
safety of beneficiaries or other patients
or other program integrity issues.
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(5) Nothing in this part shall be
construed to limit or otherwise prevent
CMS from performing site visits
permitted or required by applicable law.
(d) Reopening of payment
determinations. (1) CMS may reopen a
TEAM payment determination on its
own motion or at the request of a TEAM
participant, within 4 years from the date
of the determination, for good cause (as
defined at § 405.986 of this chapter).
(2) CMS may reopen a TEAM
payment determination at any time if
there exists reliable evidence (as defined
in § 405.902 of this chapter) that the
determination was procured by fraud or
similar fault (as defined in § 405.902 of
this chapter).
(3) CMS’s decision regarding whether
to reopen a TEAM payment
determination is binding and not subject
to appeal.
(e) OIG authority. Nothing contained
in the terms of TEAM limits or restricts
the authority of the HHS Office of
Inspector General or any other Federal
government authority, including its
authority to audit, evaluate, investigate,
or inspect the TEAM participant or its
downstream participants for violations
of any Federal statutes, rules, or
§ 512.592
Remedial action.
(a) Grounds for remedial action. CMS
may take one or more remedial actions
described in paragraph (b) of this
section if CMS determines that the
TEAM participant or a downstream
(1) Has failed to comply with any of
the terms of TEAM, included in this
(2) Has failed to comply with any
applicable Medicare program
requirement, rule, or regulation.
(3) Has taken any action that threatens
the health or safety of a beneficiary or
other patient.
(4) Has submitted false data or made
false representations, warranties, or
certifications in connection with any
aspect of TEAM.
(5) Has undergone a change in control
that presents a program integrity risk.
(6) Is subject to any sanctions of an
accrediting organization or a Federal,
State, or local government agency.
(7) Is subject to investigation or action
by HHS (including the HHS Office of
Inspector General and CMS) or the
Department of Justice due to an
allegation of fraud or significant
misconduct, including any of the
(i) Being subject to the filing of a
complaint or filing of a criminal charge.
(ii) Being subject to an indictment.
(iii) Being named as a defendant in a
False Claims Act qui tam matter in
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
which the Federal government has
intervened, or similar action.
(8) Has failed to demonstrate
improved performance following any
remedial action imposed under this
(9) Has misused or disclosed
beneficiary-identifiable data in a
manner that violates any applicable
statutory or regulatory requirements or
that is otherwise non-compliant with
the provisions of the applicable data
sharing agreement.
(b) Remedial actions. If CMS
determines that one or more grounds for
remedial action described in paragraph
(a) of this section has taken place, CMS
may take one or more of the following
remedial actions:
(1) Notify the TEAM participant and,
if appropriate, require the TEAM
participant to notify its downstream
participants of the violation.
(2) Require the TEAM participant to
provide additional information to CMS
or its designees.
(3) Subject the TEAM participant to
additional monitoring, auditing, or both.
(4) Prohibit the TEAM participant
from distributing TEAM payments, as
(5) Require the TEAM participant to
terminate, immediately or by a deadline
specified by CMS, its agreement with a
downstream participant with respect to
(6) Require the TEAM participant to
submit a corrective action plan in a form
and manner and by a date specified by
(7) Discontinue the provision of data
sharing and reports to the TEAM
(8) Recoup TEAM payments.
(9) Reduce or eliminate a TEAM
payment otherwise owed to the TEAM
(10) Such other action as may be
permitted under the terms of this part.
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§ 512.594
Limitations on review.
There is no administrative or judicial
review under sections 1869 or 1878 of
the Act or otherwise for all of the
(a) The selection of models for testing
or expansion under section 1115A of the
(b) The selection of organizations,
sites, or participants to test TEAM,
including a decision by CMS to remove
a TEAM participant or to require a
TEAM participant to remove a
downstream participant from TEAM.
(c) The elements, parameters, scope,
and duration of testing or
dissemination, including without
limitation the following:
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(1) The selection of quality
performance standards for TEAM by
(2) The methodology used by CMS to
assess the quality of care furnished by
the TEAM participant.
(3) The methodology used by CMS to
attribute TEAM beneficiaries to the
TEAM participant, if applicable.
(d) Determinations regarding budget
neutrality under section 1115A(b)(3) of
the Act.
(e) The termination or modification of
the design and implementation of
TEAM under section 1115A(b)(3)(B) of
the Act.
(f) Determinations about expansion of
the duration and scope of TEAM under
section 1115A(c) of the Act, including
the determination that TEAM is not
expected to meet criteria described in
paragraph (a) or (b) of this section.
§ 512.595 Bankruptcy and other
(a) Notice of bankruptcy. If the TEAM
participant has filed a bankruptcy
petition, whether voluntary or
involuntary, the TEAM participant must
provide written notice of the bankruptcy
to CMS and to the U.S. Attorney’s Office
in the district where the bankruptcy was
filed, unless final payment has been
made by either CMS or the TEAM
participant under the terms of TEAM
and all administrative or judicial review
proceedings relating to any TEAM
payments have been fully and finally
resolved. The notice of bankruptcy must
be sent by certified mail no later than 5
days after the petition has been filed
and must contain a copy of the filed
bankruptcy petition (including its
docket number). The notice to CMS
must be addressed to the CMS Office of
Financial Management at 7500 Security
Boulevard, Mailstop C3–01–24,
Baltimore, MD 21244 or such other
address as may be specified on the CMS
website for purposes of receiving such
(b) Notice of legal name change. A
TEAM participant must furnish written
notice to CMS within 30 days of any
change in its legal name becomes
effective. The notice of legal name
change must be in a form and manner
specified by CMS and must include a
copy of the legal document effecting the
name change, which must be
authenticated by the appropriate State
(c) Notice of change in control. (1) A
TEAM participant must furnish written
notice to CMS in a form and manner
specified by CMS at least 90 days before
any change in control becomes effective.
(2) If CMS determines, in accordance
with § 512.592(a)(5), that a TEAM
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participant’s change in control would
present a program integrity risk, CMS
(i) Take remedial action against the
TEAM participant under § 512.160(b).
(ii) Require immediate reconciliation
and payment of all monies owed to CMS
by a TEAM participant that is subject to
a change in control.
§ 512.596 Termination of TEAM or TEAM
participant from model by CMS.
(a) Termination of TEAM. (1) CMS
may terminate TEAM for reasons
including, but not limited to, the
(i) CMS determines that it no longer
has the funds to support TEAM.
(ii) CMS terminates TEAM in
accordance with section 1115A(b)(3)(B)
of the Act.
(2) If CMS terminates TEAM, CMS
provides written notice to the TEAM
participant specifying the grounds for
termination and the effective date of
such termination.
(b) Notice of a TEAM participant’s
termination from TEAM. If a TEAM
participant receives notification that it
has been terminated from TEAM and
wishes to dispute the termination, it
must provide a written notice to CMS
requesting review of the termination
within 10 calendar days of the notice.
CMS has 30 days to respond to the
TEAM participant’s request for review.
If the TEAM participant fails to notify
CMS, the termination is deemed final.
§ 512.598
Decarbonization and Resilience
TEAM participants may elect to report
questions and metrics related to
emissions to CMS on an annual basis
following each performance period.
(a) Voluntary Reporting includes the
following metrics:
(1) Organizational questions, which
are a set of questions about the TEAM
participants’ sustainability team and
sustainability activities.
(2) Building energy metrics, which are
a set of metrics related to measuring and
reporting GHG emissions related to
energy use at TEAM participant
(i) Building energy metrics are based
PortfolioManager® guidelines for the
time of submission. TEAM participants
reporting these metrics must submit
using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
in manner described in paragraph (b).
(ii) Metrics to be collected include:
(A) ENERGY STAR Score for
Hospitals as defined in the ENERGY
STAR Portfolio Manager as well as
supporting data which may include
energy use intensity, electricity, natural
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gas, and other source emissions and
normalizing factors such as building
size, number of full-time equivalent
workers, number of staffed beds,
number of magnetic resonance imaging
machines, zip codes, and heating and
cooling days, as specified in the
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.
(B) Energy cost, to capture total
energy costs, as specified in the
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager.
(C) Total, direct, and indirect GHG
emissions and emissions intensity as
specified in the ENERGY STAR
Portfolio Manager.
(3) Anesthetic gas metrics, which are
a set of metrics related to measuring and
managing emissions from anesthetic gas
which include all of the following:
(i) Total greenhouse gas emissions
from inhaled anesthetics based on
purchase records.
(ii) Normalization factors that may
include information on anesthetic
(iii) Assessment questions based on
key actions recommended for reducing
emissions for anesthetic gases.
(4) Transportation metrics, which are
a set metrics that focus on greenhouse
gases related to leased or owned
vehicles and may include any of the
(i) Gallons for owned and leased
(ii) Normalization factors that may
include patient encounter volume.
(iii) Assessment questions on key
actions to reduce transportation
(A) If the TEAM Participant elects to
report the metrics in paragraph (a) of
this section to CMS, such information
must be reported to CMS in a form and
manner specified by CMS for each
performance year, including the use of
ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager for
the building energy metrics at paragraph
(a)(2) of this section and a survey and
questionnaire for questions and metrics
at paragraphs (a)(1), (3), and (4) of this
section. If the TEAM participant
chooses to participate, the TEAM
participant must report the information
to CMS no later than 120 days in the
year following the performance year, or
a later date as specified by CMS.
(B) If a TEAM participant elects to
report all the metrics specified in
paragraph (a) of this section to CMS, in
the manner specified in paragraph (b) of
this section, CMS annually provides to
the TEAM participant with the
(1) Individualized feedback reports,
which may summarize facilities’
emissions metrics and would include
benchmarks, as feasible, for normalized
metrics to compare facilities, in
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aggregate, to other TEAM participants in
the Decarbonization and Resilience
(2) Publicly reported hospital
recognition for the TEAM participant’s
commitment to decarbonization through
a hospital recognition badge publicly
reported on a CMS website.
Xavier Becerra,
Secretary, Department of Health and Human
The following addendum and
appendices will not appear in the Code
of Federal Regulations.
Addendum—Schedule of Standardized
Amounts, Update Factors, Rate-ofIncrease Percentages Effective With
Cost Reporting Periods Beginning on or
After October 1, 2024, and Payment
Rates for LTCHs Effective for
Discharges Occurring on or After
October 1, 2024
I. Summary and Background
In this Addendum, we are setting forth a
description of the methods and data we used
to determine the proposed prospective
payment rates for Medicare hospital inpatient
operating costs and Medicare hospital
inpatient capital-related costs for FY 2025 for
acute care hospitals. We also are setting forth
the rate-of-increase percentage for updating
the target amounts for certain hospitals
excluded from the IPPS for FY 2025. We note
that, because certain hospitals excluded from
the IPPS are paid on a reasonable cost basis
subject to a rate-of-increase ceiling (and not
by the IPPS), these hospitals are not affected
by the proposed figures for the standardized
amounts, offsets, and budget neutrality
factors. Therefore, in this proposed rule, we
are setting forth the rate-of-increase
percentage for updating the target amounts
for certain hospitals excluded from the IPPS
that would be effective for cost reporting
periods beginning on or after October 1,
2024. In addition, we are setting forth a
description of the methods and data we used
to determine the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate that would be applicable to
Medicare LTCHs for FY 2025.
In general, except for SCHs and MDHs, for
FY 2025, each hospital’s payment per
discharge under the IPPS is based on 100
percent of the Federal national rate, also
known as the national adjusted standardized
amount. This amount reflects the national
average hospital cost per case from a base
year, updated for inflation.
SCHs are paid based on whichever of the
following rates yields the greatest aggregate
• The Federal national rate (including, as
discussed in section IV.E. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, uncompensated care
payments under section 1886(r)(2) of the
• The updated hospital-specific rate based
on FY 1982 costs per discharge.
• The updated hospital-specific rate based
on FY 1987 costs per discharge.
• The updated hospital-specific rate based
on FY 1996 costs per discharge.
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• The updated hospital-specific rate based
on FY 2006 costs per discharge.
Under section 1886(d)(5)(G) of the Act,
MDHs historically were paid based on the
Federal national rate or, if higher, the Federal
national rate plus 50 percent of the difference
between the Federal national rate and the
updated hospital-specific rate based on FY
1982 or FY 1987 costs per discharge,
whichever was higher. However, section
5003(a)(1) of Public Law 109–171 extended
and modified the MDH special payment
provision that was previously set to expire on
October 1, 2006, to include discharges
occurring on or after October 1, 2006, but
before October 1, 2011. Under section
5003(b) of Public Law 109–171, if the change
results in an increase to an MDH’s target
amount, we must rebase an MDH’s hospital
specific rates based on its FY 2002 cost
report. Section 5003(c) of Public Law 109–
171 further required that MDHs be paid
based on the Federal national rate or, if
higher, the Federal national rate plus 75
percent of the difference between the Federal
national rate and the updated hospital
specific rate. Further, based on the provisions
of section 5003(d) of Public Law 109–171,
MDHs are no longer subject to the 12-percent
cap on their DSH payment adjustment factor.
Section 4102 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2023 (Pub. L. 117–328),
enacted on December 29, 2022, extended the
MDH program through FY 2024 (that is, for
discharges occurring on or before September
30, 2024). Subsequently, section 307 of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024
(CAA, 2024) (Pub. L. 118–42), enacted on
March 9, 2024, further extended the MDH
program for FY 2025 discharges occurring
before January 1, 2025. Prior to enactment of
the CAA, 2024, the MDH program was only
to be in effect through the end of FY 2024.
Under current law, the MDH program will
expire for discharges on or after January 1,
2025. We refer readers to section V.F. of the
preamble of this proposed rule for further
discussion of the MDH program.
As discussed in section V.B.2. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, section
1886(n)(6)(B) of the Act was amended to
specify that the adjustments to the applicable
percentage increase under section
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act apply to
subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals that are
not meaningful EHR users, effective
beginning FY 2022. In general, Puerto Rico
hospitals are paid 100 percent of the national
standardized amount and are subject to the
same national standardized amount as
subsection (d) hospitals that receive the full
update. Accordingly, our discussion later in
this section does not include references to
the Puerto Rico standardized amount or the
Puerto Rico-specific wage index.
As discussed in section II. of this
Addendum, we are proposing to make
changes in the determination of the
prospective payment rates for Medicare
inpatient operating costs for acute care
hospitals for FY 2025. In section III. of this
Addendum, we discuss our proposed policy
changes for determining the prospective
payment rates for Medicare inpatient capitalrelated costs for FY 2025. In section IV. of
this Addendum, we are setting forth the rate-
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
of-increase percentage for determining the
rate-of-increase limits for certain hospitals
excluded from the IPPS for FY 2025. In
section V. of this Addendum, we discuss
proposed policy changes for determining the
LTCH PPS standard Federal rate for LTCHs
paid under the LTCH PPS for FY 2025. The
tables to which we refer in the preamble of
this proposed rule are listed in section VI. of
this Addendum and are available via the
internet on the CMS website.
II. Proposed Changes to Prospective Payment
Rates for Hospital Inpatient Operating Costs
for Acute Care Hospitals for FY 2025
The basic methodology for determining
prospective payment rates for hospital
inpatient operating costs for acute care
hospitals for FY 2005 and subsequent fiscal
years is set forth under § 412.64. The basic
methodology for determining the prospective
payment rates for hospital inpatient
operating costs for hospitals located in Puerto
Rico for FY 2005 and subsequent fiscal years
is set forth under §§ 412.211 and 412.212. In
this section, we discuss the factors we are
proposing to use for determining the
proposed prospective payment rates for FY
In summary, the proposed standardized
amounts set forth in Tables 1A, 1B, and 1C
that are listed and published in section VI.
of this Addendum (and available via the
internet on the CMS website) reflect—
• Equalization of the standardized
amounts for urban and other areas at the
level computed for large urban hospitals
during FY 2004 and onward, as provided for
under section 1886(d)(3)(A)(iv)(II) of the Act.
• The labor-related share that is applied to
the standardized amounts to give the hospital
the highest payment, as provided for under
sections 1886(d)(3)(E) and 1886(d)(9)(C)(iv)
of the Act. For FY 2025, depending on
whether a hospital submits quality data
under the rules established in accordance
with section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act
(hereafter referred to as a hospital that
submits quality data) and is a meaningful
EHR user under section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of
the Act (hereafter referred to as a hospital
that is a meaningful EHR user), there are four
possible applicable percentage increases that
can be applied to the national standardized
We refer readers to section V.B. of the
preamble of this proposed rule for a complete
discussion on the FY 2025 inpatient hospital
update. The table that follows shows these
four scenarios:
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Proposed FY 2025 Aoolicable Percenta~e Increase for the IPPS
Hospital Did
NOT Submit
Quality Data
Quality Data
Quality Data
and is a
and is NOT a
and is a
EHR User
EHR User
EHR User
Proposed Market Basket Rate-of-Increase
Proposed Adjustment for Failure to Submit Quality
Data under Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act
Proposed Adjustment for Failure to be a Meaningful
EHR User under Section 1886(b)(3)ffi)(ix) of the Act
Proposed Productivity Adjustment under Section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi) of the Act
Proposed Applicable Percentage Increase Applied
to Standardized Amount
We note that section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of
the Act, which specifies the adjustment to
the applicable percentage increase for
‘‘subsection (d)’’ hospitals that do not submit
quality data under the rules established by
the Secretary, is not applicable to hospitals
located in Puerto Rico. In addition, section
602 of Public Law 114–113 amended section
1886(n)(6)(B) of the Act to specify that Puerto
Rico hospitals are eligible for incentive
payments for the meaningful use of certified
EHR technology, effective beginning FY
2016, and also to apply the adjustments to
the applicable percentage increase under
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act to
subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals that are
not meaningful EHR users, effective
beginning FY 2022. Accordingly, the
applicable percentage increase for subsection
(d) Puerto Rico hospitals that are not
meaningful EHR users for FY 2025 and
subsequent fiscal years is adjusted by the
proposed adjustment for failure to be a
meaningful EHR user under section
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act. The regulations
at 42 CFR 412.64(d)(3)(ii) reflect the current
law for the update for subsection (d) Puerto
Rico hospitals for FY 2022 and subsequent
fiscal years.
• An adjustment to the standardized
amount to ensure budget neutrality for DRG
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recalibration and reclassification, as provided
for under section 1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of the Act.
• An adjustment to the standardized
amount to ensure budget neutrality for the
permanent 10 percent cap on the reduction
in a MS–DRG’s relative weight in a given
fiscal year, as discussed in section II.D.2.c. of
the preamble of this proposed rule,
consistent with our current methodology for
implementing DRG recalibration and
reclassification budget neutrality under
section 1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of the Act.
• An adjustment to ensure the wage index
and labor-related share changes (depending
on the fiscal year) are budget neutral, as
provided for under section 1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of
the Act (as discussed in the FY 2006 IPPS
final rule (70 FR 47395) and the FY 2010
IPPS final rule (74 FR 44005)). We note that
section 1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of the Act requires
that when we compute such budget
neutrality, we assume that the provisions of
section 1886(d)(3)(E)(ii) of the Act (requiring
a 62-percent labor-related share in certain
circumstances) had not been enacted.
• An adjustment to ensure the effects of
geographic reclassification are budget
neutral, as provided for under section
1886(d)(8)(D) of the Act, by removing the FY
2024 budget neutrality factor and applying a
revised factor.
PO 00000
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Hospital Did
NOT Submit
Quality Data
and is NOT a
EHR User
• An adjustment to the standardized
amount to implement in a budget neutral
manner the increase in the wage index values
for hospitals with a wage index value below
the 25th percentile wage index value across
all hospitals (as described in section III.G.5
of the preamble of this proposed rule).
• An adjustment to the standardized
amount to implement in a budget neutral
manner the wage index cap policy (as
described in section III.G.6. of the preamble
of this proposed rule).
• An adjustment to ensure the effects of
the Rural Community Hospital
Demonstration program required under
section 410A of Public Law 108–173 (as
amended by sections 3123 and 10313 of Pub.
L. 111–148, which extended the
demonstration program for an additional 5
years and section 15003 of Pub. L. 114–255),
are budget neutral as required under section
410A(c)(2) of Public Law 108–173.
• An adjustment to remove the FY 2024
outlier offset and apply an offset for FY 2025,
as provided for in section 1886(d)(3)(B) of the
For FY 2025, consistent with current law,
we are proposing to apply the rural floor
budget neutrality adjustment to hospital
wage indexes. Also, consistent with section
3141 of the Affordable Care Act, instead of
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
applying a State-level rural floor budget
neutrality adjustment to the wage index, we
are proposing to apply a uniform, national
budget neutrality adjustment to the FY 2025
wage index for the rural floor.
For FY 2025, we are proposing to continue
to not remove the Stem Cell Acquisition
Budget Neutrality Factor from the prior year’s
standardized amount and to not apply a new
factor. If we removed the prior year’s
adjustment, we would not satisfy budget
neutrality. We believe this approach ensures
the effects of the reasonable cost-based
payment for allogeneic hematopoietic stem
cell acquisition costs under section 108 of the
Further Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2020 (Pub. L. 116–94) are budget neutral as
required under section 108 of Public Law
116–94. For a discussion of Stem Cell
Acquisition Budget Neutrality Factor, we
refer the reader to the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (85 FR 59032 and 59033).
A. Calculation of the Proposed Adjusted
Standardized Amount
1. Standardization of Base-Year Costs or
Target Amounts
In general, the national standardized
amount is based on per discharge averages of
adjusted hospital costs from a base period
(section 1886(d)(2)(A) of the Act), updated
and otherwise adjusted in accordance with
the provisions of section 1886(d) of the Act.
The September 1, 1983 interim final rule (48
FR 39763) contained a detailed explanation
of how base-year cost data (from cost
reporting periods ending during FY 1981)
were established for urban and rural
hospitals in the initial development of
standardized amounts for the IPPS.
Sections 1886(d)(2)(B) and 1886(d)(2)(C) of
the Act require us to update base-year per
discharge costs for FY 1984 and then
standardize the cost data in order to remove
the effects of certain sources of cost
variations among hospitals. These effects
include case-mix, differences in area wage
levels, cost-of-living adjustments for Alaska
and Hawaii, IME costs, and costs to hospitals
serving a disproportionate share of lowincome patients.
For FY 2025, we are proposing to continue
to use the national labor-related and
nonlabor-related shares (which are based on
the 2018-based hospital IPPS market basket)
that were used in FY 2024. Specifically,
under section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act, the
Secretary estimates, from time to time, the
proportion of payments that are labor-related
and adjusts the proportion (as estimated by
the Secretary from time to time) of hospitals’
costs which are attributable to wages and
wage-related costs of the DRG prospective
payment rates. We refer to the proportion of
hospitals’ costs that are attributable to wages
and wage-related costs as the ‘‘labor-related
share.’’ For FY 2025, as discussed in section
III.I. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
we are proposing to use a labor-related share
of 67.6 percent for the national standardized
amounts for all IPPS hospitals (including
hospitals in Puerto Rico) that have a wage
index value that is greater than 1.0000.
Consistent with section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the
Act, we are proposing to apply the wage
index to a labor-related share of 62 percent
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of the national standardized amount for all
IPPS hospitals (including hospitals in Puerto
Rico) whose wage index values are less than
or equal to 1.0000.
The proposed standardized amounts for
operating costs appear in Tables 1A, 1B, and
1C that are listed and published in section
VI. of the Addendum to this proposed rule
and are available via the internet on the CMS
2. Computing the National Average
Standardized Amount
Section 1886(d)(3)(A)(iv)(II) of the Act
requires that, beginning with FY 2004 and
thereafter, an equal standardized amount be
computed for all hospitals at the level
computed for large urban hospitals during FY
2003, updated by the applicable percentage
increase. Accordingly, we are proposing to
calculate the FY 2025 national average
standardized amount irrespective of whether
a hospital is located in an urban or rural
3. Updating the National Average
Standardized Amount
Section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the Act specifies
the applicable percentage increase used to
update the standardized amount for payment
for inpatient hospital operating costs. We
note that, in compliance with section 404 of
the MMA, we are proposing to use the 2018based IPPS operating and capital market
baskets for FY 2025. As discussed in section
IV.B. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
in accordance with section 1886(b)(3)(B) of
the Act, as amended by section 3401(a) of the
Affordable Care Act, we are proposing to
reduce the FY 2025 applicable percentage
increase (which for this proposed rule is
based on IGI’s fourth quarter 2023 forecast of
the 2018-based IPPS market basket) by the
productivity adjustment, as discussed
elsewhere in this proposed rule.
Based on IGI’s fourth quarter 2023 forecast
of the hospital market basket percentage
increase (as discussed in appendix B of this
proposed rule), the forecast of the hospital
market basket percentage increase for FY
2025 for this proposed rule is 3.0 percent and
the forecast of the productivity adjustment
for FY 2025 for this proposed rule is 0.4
percent. As discussed earlier, for FY 2025,
depending on whether a hospital submits
quality data under the rules established in
accordance with section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of
the Act and is a meaningful EHR user under
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act, there are
four possible applicable percentage increases
that can be applied to the standardized
amount. We refer readers to section V.B. of
the preamble of this proposed rule for a
complete discussion on the FY 2025
inpatient hospital update to the standardized
amount. We also refer readers to the previous
table for the four possible applicable
percentage increases that would be applied to
update the national standardized amount.
The proposed standardized amounts shown
in Tables 1A through 1C that are published
in section VI. of this Addendum and that are
available via the internet on the CMS website
reflect these differential amounts.
Although the update factors for FY 2025
are set by law, we are required by section
1886(e)(4) of the Act to recommend, taking
PO 00000
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into account MedPAC’s recommendations,
appropriate update factors for FY 2025 for
both IPPS hospitals and hospitals and
hospital units excluded from the IPPS.
Section 1886(e)(5)(A) of the Act requires that
we publish our recommendations in the
Federal Register for public comment. Our
recommendation on the proposed FY 2025
update factors is set forth in appendix B of
this proposed rule.
4. Methodology for Calculation of the
Average Standardized Amount
The methodology we used to calculate the
proposed FY 2025 standardized amount is as
• To ensure we are only including
hospitals paid under the IPPS in the
calculation of the standardized amount, we
applied the following inclusion and
exclusion criteria: include hospitals whose
last four digits fall between 0001 and 0879
(section 2779A1 of Chapter 2 of the State
Operations Manual on the CMS website at:
som107c02.pdf); exclude CAHs at the time of
this proposed rule; exclude hospitals in
Maryland (because these hospitals are paid
under an all payer model under section
1115A of the Act); and remove PPS excludedcancer hospitals that have a ‘‘V’’ in the fifth
position of their provider number or a ‘‘E’’ or
‘‘F’’ in the sixth position.
Section 125 of Division CC (section 125) of
the CAA 2021 established a new rural
Medicare provider type: Rural Emergency
Hospitals (REHs). (We refer the reader to the
CMS website at
medicare/health-safety-standards/guidancefor-laws-regulations/hospitals/ruralemergency-hospitals for additional
information on REHs.) In doing so, section
125 amended section 1861(e) of the Act,
which provides the definition of a hospital
and states that the term ‘‘hospital’’ does not
include, unless the context otherwise
requires, a critical access hospital (as defined
in subsection (mm)(1)) or a rural emergency
hospital (as defined in subsection (kkk)(2)).
Section 125 also added section 1861(kkk) to
the Act, which sets forth the requirements for
REHs. Per section 1861(kkk)(2) of the Act,
one of the requirements for an REH is that
it does not provide any acute care inpatient
services (other than post-hospital extended
care services furnished in a distinct part unit
licensed as a skilled nursing facility (SNF)).
Therefore, we believe hospitals that have
subsequently converted to REH status should
be removed from the calculation of the
standardized amount, because they are a
separately certified Medicare provider type
and are not comparable to other short-term,
acute care hospitals as they do not provide
inpatient hospital services. For FY 2025, we
are proposing to exclude REHs from the
calculation of the standardized amount,
including hospitals that subsequently became
REHs after the period from which the data
were taken.
• As in the past, we are proposing to adjust
the FY 2025 standardized amount to remove
the effects of the FY 2024 geographic
reclassifications and outlier payments before
applying the FY 2025 updates. We then
applied budget neutrality offsets for outliers
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
and geographic reclassifications to the
standardized amount based on proposed FY
2025 payment policies.
• We do not remove the prior year’s budget
neutrality adjustments for reclassification
and recalibration of the DRG relative weights
and for updated wage data because, in
accordance with sections 1886(d)(4)(C)(iii)
and 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act, estimated
aggregate payments after updates in the DRG
relative weights and wage index should equal
estimated aggregate payments prior to the
changes. If we removed the prior year’s
adjustment, we would not satisfy these
Budget neutrality is determined by
comparing aggregate IPPS payments before
and after making changes that are required to
be budget neutral (for example, changes to
MS–DRG classifications, recalibration of the
MS–DRG relative weights, updates to the
wage index, and different geographic
reclassifications). We include outlier
payments in the simulations because they
may be affected by changes in these
• Consistent with our methodology
established in the FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (75 FR 50422 through 50433),
because IME Medicare Advantage payments
are made to IPPS hospitals under section
1886(d) of the Act, we believe these
payments must be part of these budget
neutrality calculations. However, we note
that it is not necessary to include Medicare
Advantage IME payments in the outlier
threshold calculation or the outlier offset to
the standardized amount because the statute
requires that outlier payments be not less
than 5 percent nor more than 6 percent of
total ‘‘operating DRG payments,’’ which does
not include IME and DSH payments. We refer
readers to the FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule for a complete discussion on our
methodology of identifying and adding the
total Medicare Advantage IME payment
amount to the budget neutrality adjustments.
• Consistent with the methodology in the
FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, in order
to ensure that we capture only fee-for-service
claims, we are only including claims with a
‘‘Claim Type’’ of 60 (which is a field on the
MedPAR file that indicates a claim is an FFS
• Consistent with our methodology
established in the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (81 FR 57277), in order to further
ensure that we capture only FFS claims, we
are excluding claims with a ‘‘GHOPAID’’
indicator of 1 (which is a field on the
MedPAR file that indicates a claim is not an
FFS claim and is paid by a Group Health
• Consistent with our methodology
established in the FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (75 FR 50422 through 50423), we
examine the MedPAR file and remove
pharmacy charges for anti-hemophilic blood
factor (which are paid separately under the
IPPS) with an indicator of ‘‘3’’ for blood
clotting with a revenue code of ‘‘0636’’ from
the covered charge field for the budget
neutrality adjustments. We are proposing to
remove organ acquisition charges, except for
cases that group to MS–DRG 018, from the
covered charge field for the budget neutrality
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adjustments because organ acquisition is a
pass-through payment not paid under the
IPPS. Revenue centers 081X–089X are
typically excluded from ratesetting, however,
we are proposing to not remove revenue
center 891 charges from MS–DRG 018 claims
during ratesetting because those revenue 891
charges were included in the relative weight
calculation for MS–DRG 018, which is
consistent with the policy finalized in the FY
2021 final rule (85 FR 58600). We note that
a new MedPAR variable for revenue code 891
charges was introduced in April 2020.
• For FY 2025, we are continuing to
remove allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
acquisition charges from the covered charge
field for budget neutrality adjustments. As
discussed in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule, payment for allogeneic
hematopoietic stem cell acquisition costs is
made on a reasonable cost basis for cost
reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 2020 (85 FR 58835 through
• The participation of hospitals under the
BPCI (Bundled Payments for Care
Improvement) Advanced model started on
October 1, 2018. The BPCI Advanced model,
tested under the authority of section 3021 of
the Affordable Care Act (codified at section
1115A of the Act), is comprised of a single
payment and risk track, which bundles
payments for multiple services beneficiaries
receive during a Clinical Episode. Acute care
hospitals may participate in the BPCI
Advanced model in one of two capacities: as
a model Participant or as a downstream
Episode Initiator. Regardless of the capacity
in which they participate in the BPCI
Advanced model, participating acute care
hospitals would continue to receive IPPS
payments under section 1886(d) of the Act.
Acute care hospitals that are participants also
assume financial and quality performance
accountability for Clinical Episodes in the
form of a reconciliation payment. For
additional information on the BPCI
Advanced model, we refer readers to the
BPCI Advanced web page on the CMS Center
for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation’s
website at:
For FY 2025, consistent with how we
treated hospitals that participated in the BPCI
Advanced Model in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (85 FR 59029 and 59030), we
are proposing to include all applicable data
from subsection (d) hospitals participating in
the BPCI Advanced model in our IPPS
payment modeling and ratesetting
calculations. We believe it is appropriate to
include all applicable data from the
subsection (d) hospitals participating in the
BPCI Advanced model in our IPPS payment
modeling and ratesetting calculations
because these hospitals are still receiving
IPPS payments under section 1886(d) of the
Act. For the same reasons, we are proposing
to include all applicable data from subsection
(d) hospitals participating in the
Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement
(CJR) Model in our IPPS payment modeling
and ratesetting calculations.
• Consistent with our methodology
established in the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (77 FR 53687 through 53688), we
PO 00000
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believe that it is appropriate to include
adjustments for the Hospital Readmissions
Reduction Program and the Hospital VBP
Program (established under the Affordable
Care Act) within our budget neutrality
Both the hospital readmissions payment
adjustment (reduction) and the hospital VBP
payment adjustment (redistribution) are
applied on a claim-by-claim basis by
adjusting, as applicable, the base-operating
DRG payment amount for individual
subsection (d) hospitals, which affects the
overall sum of aggregate payments on each
side of the comparison within the budget
neutrality calculations.
In order to properly determine aggregate
payments on each side of the comparison,
consistent with the approach we have taken
in prior years, for FY 2025, we are proposing
to continue to apply a proxy based on the
prior fiscal year hospital readmissions
payment adjustment and a proxy based on
the prior fiscal year hospital VBP payment
adjustment on each side of the comparison,
consistent with the methodology that we
adopted in the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (77 FR 53687 through 53688). Under this
proposed policy for FY 2025, we used the
final FY 2024 readmissions adjustment
factors from Table 15 of the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule and the final FY 2024
hospital VBP adjustment factors from Table
16B of the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule. These proxy factors are applied on both
sides of our comparison of aggregate
payments when determining all budget
neutrality factors described in section II.A.4.
of this Addendum. We refer the reader to
section V.K. of the preamble of this proposed
rule for a complete discussion on the
Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program
and section V.L. of the preamble of this
proposed rule for a complete discussion on
the Hospital VBP Program.
• The Affordable Care Act also established
section 1886(r) of the Act, which modifies
the methodology for computing the Medicare
DSH payment adjustment beginning in FY
2014. Beginning in FY 2014, IPPS hospitals
receiving Medicare DSH payment
adjustments receive an empirically justified
Medicare DSH payment equal to 25 percent
of the amount that would previously have
been received under the statutory formula set
forth under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act
governing the Medicare DSH payment
adjustment. In accordance with section
1886(r)(2) of the Act, the remaining amount,
equal to an estimate of 75 percent of what
otherwise would have been paid as Medicare
DSH payments, reduced to reflect changes in
the percentage of individuals who are
uninsured and any additional statutory
adjustment, is available to make additional
payments to Medicare DSH hospitals based
on their share of the total amount of
uncompensated care reported by Medicare
DSH hospitals for a given time period. In
order to properly determine aggregate
payments on each side of the comparison for
budget neutrality, prior to FY 2014, we
included estimated Medicare DSH payments
on both sides of our comparison of aggregate
payments when determining all budget
neutrality factors described in section II.A.4.
of this Addendum.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
To do this for FY 2025 (as we did for the
last 11 fiscal years), we are proposing to
include estimated empirically justified
Medicare DSH payments that would be paid
in accordance with section 1886(r)(1) of the
Act and estimates of the additional
uncompensated care payments made to
hospitals receiving Medicare DSH payment
adjustments as described by section
1886(r)(2) of the Act. That is, we are
proposing to consider estimated empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments at 25
percent of what would otherwise have been
paid, and also the estimated additional
uncompensated care payments for hospitals
receiving Medicare DSH payment
adjustments on both sides of our comparison
of aggregate payments when determining all
budget neutrality factors described in section
II.A.4. of this Addendum.
We also are proposing to include the
estimated supplemental payments for eligible
IHS/Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico
hospitals on both sides of our comparison of
aggregate payments when determining all
budget neutrality factors described in section
II.A.4. of this Addendum.
• When calculating total payments for
budget neutrality, to determine total
payments for SCHs, we model total hospitalspecific rate payments and total Federal rate
payments and then include whichever one of
the total payments is greater. As discussed in
section IV.G. of the preamble to this
proposed rule and later in this section, we
are proposing to continue to use the FY 2014
finalized methodology under which we take
into consideration uncompensated care
payments in the comparison of payments
under the Federal rate and the hospitalspecific rate for SCHs. Therefore, we are
proposing to include estimated
uncompensated care payments in this
As discussed elsewhere in this proposed
rule, section 307 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 (CAA, 2024) (Pub.
L. 118–42), enacted on March 9, 2024,
extended the MDH program for FY 2025
discharges occurring before January 1, 2025.
Prior to enactment of the CAA, 2024, the
MDH program was only to be in effect
through the end of FY 2024. Therefore, under
current law, the MDH program will expire for
discharges on or after January 1, 2025. As a
result, MDHs that currently receive the
higher of payments made based on the
Federal rate or the payments made based on
the Federal rate plus 75 percent of the
difference between payments based on the
Federal rate and the hospital-specific rate
will be paid based on the Federal rate starting
January 1, 2025. Because of the timing of this
legislation, the total payments for budget
neutrality discussed in this section do not
reflect the extension of the MDH program for
the first quarter of FY 2025. This extension
will be reflected in the total payments for
budget neutrality for the final rule. We note,
for the final rule, consistent with historical
practice for MDHs, when computing
payments under the Federal national rate
plus 75 percent of the difference between the
payments under the Federal national rate and
the payments under the updated hospitalspecific rate, we are proposing to continue to
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take into consideration uncompensated care
payments in the computation of payments
under the Federal rate and the hospitalspecific rate for MDHs under the extension.
• We are proposing to include an
adjustment to the standardized amount for
those hospitals that are not meaningful EHR
users in our modeling of aggregate payments
for budget neutrality for FY 2025. Similar to
FY 2024, we are including this adjustment
based on data on the prior year’s
performance. Payments for hospitals would
be estimated based on the proposed
applicable standardized amount in Tables 1A
and 1B for discharges occurring in FY 2025.
• In our determination of all budget
neutrality factors described in section II.A.4.
of this Addendum, we used transfer-adjusted
We note, in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 49414 through 49415), we
finalized a change to the ordering of the
budget neutrality factors in the calculation so
that the RCH Demonstration budget
neutrality factor is applied after all wage
index and other budget neutrality factors. We
refer the reader to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule for further discussion.
We note that the wage index value is
calculated and assigned to a hospital based
on the hospital’s labor market area. Under
section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act, beginning
with FY 2005, we delineate hospital labor
market areas based on the Core-Based
Statistical Areas (CBSAs) established by the
Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The current statistical areas used in FY 2024
are based on the OMB delineations that were
adopted beginning with FY 2015 (based on
the revised delineations issued in OMB
Bulletin No. 13–01) to calculate the area
wage indexes, with updates as reflected in
OMB Bulletin Nos. 15–01, 17–01, and 18–04.
For purposes of determining all of the FY
2024 budget neutrality factors, we
determined aggregate payments on each side
of the comparison for our budget neutrality
calculations using wage indexes based on the
current CBSAs.
On July 21, 2023, OMB released Bulletin
No. 23–01. A copy of OMB Bulletin No. 23–
01 may be obtained at https://
2023/07/OMB-Bulletin-23-01.pdf. According
to OMB, the delineations reflect the 2020
Standards for Delineating Core Based
Statistical Areas (‘‘the 2020 Standards’’),
which appeared in the Federal Register on
July 16, 2021 (86 FR 37770 through 37778),
and the application of those standards to
Census Bureau population and journey-towork data (e.g., 2020 Decennial Census,
American Community Survey, and Census
Population Estimates Program data). In order
to implement these revised standards for the
IPPS, it was necessary to identify the new
OMB labor market area delineation for each
county and hospital in the country. As stated
in section III.B. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we believe that using the
revised delineations based on OMB Bulletin
No. 23–01 will increase the integrity of the
IPPS wage index system by more accurately
representing current geographic variations in
wage levels. As discussed in section III. of
the preamble of this proposed rule, we are
PO 00000
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proposing to adopt the new OMB labor
market area delineations as described in the
July 21, 2023 OMB Bulletin No. 23–01,
effective for the FY 2025 IPPS wage index.
Consistent with our policy to adopt the
new OMB delineations, in order to properly
determine aggregate payments on each side
of the comparison for our budget neutrality
calculations, we are proposing to use wage
indexes based on the new OMB delineations
in the determination of all of the budget
neutrality factors discussed later in this
section. We also note that, consistent with
past practice as finalized in the FY 2005 IPPS
final rule (69 FR 49034), we are not adopting
the new OMB delineations themselves in a
budget neutral manner. We continue to
believe that the revision to the labor market
areas in and of itself does not constitute an
‘‘adjustment or update’’ to the adjustment for
area wage differences, as provided under
section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act.
a. Proposed Reclassification and
Recalibration of MS–DRG Relative Weights
Before Cap
Section 1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of the Act
specifies that, beginning in FY 1991, the
annual DRG reclassification and recalibration
of the relative weights must be made in a
manner that ensures that aggregate payments
to hospitals are not affected. As discussed in
section II.D. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we normalized the recalibrated MS–
DRG relative weights by an adjustment factor
so that the average case relative weight after
recalibration is equal to the average case
relative weight prior to recalibration.
However, equating the average case relative
weight after recalibration to the average case
relative weight before recalibration does not
necessarily achieve budget neutrality with
respect to aggregate payments to hospitals
because payments to hospitals are affected by
factors other than average case relative
weight. Therefore, as we have done in past
years, we are proposing to make a budget
neutrality adjustment to ensure that the
requirement of section 1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of
the Act is met.
For this FY 2025 proposed rule, to comply
with the requirement that MS–DRG
reclassification and recalibration of the
relative weights be budget neutral for the
standardized amount and the hospitalspecific rates, we used FY 2023 discharge
data to simulate payments and compared the
• Aggregate payments using the new OMB
labor market area delineations proposed for
FY 2025, the FY 2024 labor-related share
percentages, the FY 2024 relative weights,
and the FY 2024 pre-reclassified wage data,
and applied the proxy hospital readmissions
payment adjustments and proxy hospital
VBP payment adjustments (as described
previously); and
• Aggregate payments using the new OMB
labor market area delineations proposed for
FY 2025, the FY 2024 labor-related share
percentages, the proposed FY 2025 relative
weights before applying the 10 percent cap,
and the FY 2024 pre-reclassified wage data,
and applied the same proxy hospital
readmissions payment adjustments and
proxy hospital VBP payment adjustments
applied previously.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Because this payment simulation uses the
proposed FY 2025 relative weights (before
applying the 10 percent cap), consistent with
our proposal in section V.I. of the preamble
to this proposed rule, we applied the
proposed adjustor for certain cases that group
to MS–DRG 018 in our simulation of these
payments. We note that because the
simulations of payments for all of the budget
neutrality factors discussed in this section
also use the FY 2025 relative weights, we are
proposing to apply the adjustor for certain
MS–DRG 018 (Chimeric Antigen Receptor
(CAR) T-cell and other immunotherapies)
cases in all simulations of payments for the
budget neutrality factors discussed later in
this section. We refer the reader to section
V.I. of the preamble of this proposed rule for
a complete discussion on the proposed
adjustor for certain cases that group to MS–
DRG 018 and to section II.D.2.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, for a
complete discussion of the proposed
adjustment to the FY 2025 relative weights to
account for certain cases that group to MS–
DRG 018.
Based on this comparison, we computed a
proposed budget neutrality adjustment factor
and applied this factor to the standardized
amount. As discussed in section IV. of this
Addendum, we are proposing to apply the
MS–DRG reclassification and recalibration
budget neutrality factor to the hospitalspecific rates that are effective for cost
reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 2024. Please see the table later in
this section setting forth each of the proposed
FY 2025 budget neutrality factors.
b. Proposed Budget Neutrality Adjustment
for Reclassification and Recalibration of MS–
DRG Relative Weights With Cap
As discussed in section II.D.2.c of the
preamble of this proposed rule, in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48897
through 48900), we finalized a permanent 10percent cap on the reduction in an MS–
DRG’s relative weight in a given fiscal year,
beginning in FY 2023. As also discussed in
section II.D.2.c of the preamble of this
proposed rule, and consistent with our
current methodology for implementing
budget neutrality for MS–DRG
reclassification and recalibration of the
relative weights under section
1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of the Act, we apply a
budget neutrality adjustment to the
standardized amount for all hospitals so that
this 10-percent cap on relative weight
reductions does not increase estimated
aggregate Medicare payments beyond the
payments that would be made had we never
applied this cap. We refer the reader to the
FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for further
To calculate this proposed budget
neutrality adjustment factor for FY 2025, we
used FY 2023 discharge data to simulate
payments and compared the following:
• Aggregate payments using the new OMB
labor market area delineations proposed for
FY 2025, the FY 2024 labor-related share
percentages, the proposed FY 2025 relative
weights before applying the 10-percent cap,
and the FY 2024 pre-reclassified wage data,
and applied the proposed proxy FY 2025
hospital readmissions payment adjustments
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and the proposed proxy FY 2025 hospital
VBP payment adjustments; and
• Aggregate payments using the new OMB
labor market area delineations proposed for
FY 2025, the FY 2024 labor-related share
percentages, the proposed FY 2025 relative
weights after applying the 10-percent cap,
and the FY 2024 pre-reclassified wage data,
and applied the same proposed proxy FY
2025 hospital readmissions payment
adjustments and proposed proxy FY 2025
hospital VBP payment adjustments applied
Because this payment simulation uses the
FY 2025 relative weights, consistent with our
proposal in section V.I. of the preamble to
this proposed rule and our historical policy,
and as discussed in the preceding section, we
applied the proposed adjustor for certain
cases that group to MS–DRG 018 in our
simulation of these payments.
In addition, we applied the proposed MS–
DRG reclassification and recalibration budget
neutrality adjustment factor before the cap
(derived in the first step) to the payment rates
that were used to simulate payments for this
comparison of aggregate payments from FY
2024 to FY 2025. Based on this comparison,
we computed a proposed budget neutrality
adjustment factor and applied this factor to
the standardized amount. As discussed in
section IV. of this Addendum, as we are
proposing to apply this budget neutrality
factor to the hospital-specific rates that are
effective for cost reporting periods beginning
on or after October 1, 2024. Please see the
table later in this section setting forth each
of the proposed FY 2025 budget neutrality
c. Updated Wage Index—Proposed Budget
Neutrality Adjustment
Section 1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of the Act requires
us to update the hospital wage index on an
annual basis beginning October 1, 1993. This
provision also requires us to make any
updates or adjustments to the wage index in
a manner that ensures that aggregate
payments to hospitals are not affected by the
change in the wage index. Section
1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of the Act requires that we
implement the wage index adjustment in a
budget neutral manner. However, section
1886(d)(3)(E)(ii) of the Act sets the laborrelated share at 62 percent for hospitals with
a wage index less than or equal to 1.0000,
and section 1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of the Act
provides that the Secretary shall calculate the
budget neutrality adjustment for the
adjustments or updates made under that
provision as if section 1886(d)(3)(E)(ii) of the
Act had not been enacted. In other words,
this section of the statute requires that we
implement the updates to the wage index in
a budget neutral manner, but that our budget
neutrality adjustment should not take into
account the requirement that we set the
labor-related share for hospitals with wage
indexes less than or equal to 1.0000 at the
more advantageous level of 62 percent.
Therefore, for purposes of this budget
neutrality adjustment, section 1886(d)(3)(E)(i)
of the Act prohibits us from taking into
account the fact that hospitals with a wage
index less than or equal to 1.0000 are paid
using a labor-related share of 62 percent.
Consistent with current policy, for FY 2025,
PO 00000
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we are proposing to adjust 100 percent of the
wage index factor for occupational mix. We
describe the occupational mix adjustment in
section III.E. of the preamble of this proposed
To compute a proposed budget neutrality
adjustment factor for wage index and laborrelated share percentage changes, we used FY
2023 discharge data to simulate payments
and compared the following:
• Aggregate payments using the new OMB
labor market area delineations proposed for
FY 2025, the proposed FY 2025 relative
weights and the FY 2023 pre-reclassified
wage indexes, applied the FY 2024 laborrelated share of 67.6 percent to all hospitals
(regardless of whether the hospital’s wage
index was above or below 1.0000), and
applied the proxy FY 2025 hospital
readmissions payment adjustment and the
proxy FY 2025 hospital VBP payment
• Aggregate payments using the new OMB
labor market area delineations proposed for
FY 2025, the proposed FY 2025 relative
weights and the proposed FY 2025 prereclassified wage indexes, applied the
proposed labor-related share for FY 2025 of
67.6 percent to all hospitals (regardless of
whether the hospital’s wage index was above
or below 1.0000), and applied the same proxy
FY 2025 hospital readmissions payment
adjustments and proxy FY 2025 hospital VBP
payment adjustments applied previously.
In addition, we applied the proposed MS–
DRG reclassification and recalibration budget
neutrality adjustment factor before the
proposed cap (derived in the first step) and
the 10 percent cap on relative weight
reductions adjustment factor (derived from
the second step) to the payment rates that
were used to simulate payments for this
comparison of aggregate payments from FY
2024 to FY 2025. Based on this comparison,
we computed a proposed budget neutrality
adjustment factor and applied this factor to
the standardized amount for changes to the
wage index. Please see the table later in this
section for a summary of the proposed FY
2025 budget neutrality factors.
d. Reclassified Hospitals—Proposed Budget
Neutrality Adjustment
Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act provides
that certain rural hospitals are deemed urban.
In addition, section 1886(d)(10) of the Act
provides for the reclassification of hospitals
based on determinations by the MGCRB.
Under section 1886(d)(10) of the Act, a
hospital may be reclassified for purposes of
the wage index.
Under section 1886(d)(8)(D) of the Act, the
Secretary is required to adjust the
standardized amount to ensure that aggregate
payments under the IPPS after
implementation of the provisions of sections
1886(d)(8)(B) and (C) and 1886(d)(10) of the
Act are equal to the aggregate prospective
payments that would have been made absent
these provisions. We note, in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH final rule (88 FR 58971–77), we
finalized a policy beginning with FY 2024 to
include hospitals with § 412.103
reclassification along with geographically
rural hospitals in all rural wage index
calculations, and only exclude ‘‘dual reclass’’
hospitals (hospitals with simultaneous
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
§ 412.103 and MGCRB reclassifications) in
accordance with the hold harmless provision
at section 1886(d)(8)(C)(ii) of the Act.
Consistent with the previous policy,
beginning with FY 2024, we include the data
of all § 412.103 hospitals (including those
that have an MGCRB reclassification) in the
calculation of ‘‘the wage index for rural areas
in the State in which the county is located’’
as referred to in section 1886(d)(8)(C)(iii) of
the Act.
We refer the reader to the FY 2015 IPPS
final rule (79 FR 50371 and 50372) for a
complete discussion regarding the
requirement of section 1886(d)(8)(C)(iii) of
the Act. We further note that the wage index
adjustments provided for under section
1886(d)(13) of the Act are not budget neutral.
Section 1886(d)(13)(H) of the Act provides
that any increase in a wage index under
section 1886(d)(13) of the Act shall not be
taken into account in applying any budget
neutrality adjustment with respect to such
index under section 1886(d)(8)(D) of the Act.
To calculate the proposed budget neutrality
adjustment factor for FY 2025, we used FY
2022 discharge data to simulate payments
and compared the following:
• Aggregate payments using the new OMB
labor market area delineations proposed for
FY 2025, the proposed FY 2025 labor-related
share percentage, the proposed FY 2025
relative weights, and the proposed FY 2025
wage data prior to any reclassifications under
sections 1886(d)(8)(B) and (C) and
1886(d)(10) of the Act, and applied the proxy
FY 2025 hospital readmissions payment
adjustments and the proxy FY 2025 hospital
VBP payment adjustments.
• Aggregate payments using the new OMB
labor market area delineations proposed for
FY 2025, the proposed FY 2025 labor-related
share percentage, the proposed FY 2025
relative weights, and the proposed FY 2025
wage data after such reclassifications, and
applied the same proxy FY 2025 hospital
readmissions payment adjustments and the
proxy FY 2025 hospital VBP payment
adjustments applied previously.
We note that the reclassifications applied
under the second simulation and comparison
are those listed in Table 2 associated with
this proposed rule, which is available via the
internet on the CMS website. This table
reflects reclassification crosswalks for FY
2025 and applies the policies explained in
section III. of the preamble of this proposed
rule. Based on this comparison, we computed
a proposed budget neutrality adjustment
factor and applied this proposed factor to the
standardized amount to ensure that the
effects of these provisions are budget neutral,
consistent with the statute. Please see the
table later in this section for a summary of
the proposed FY 2025 budget neutrality
The proposed FY 2025 budget neutrality
adjustment factor was applied to the
standardized amount after removing the
effects of the FY 2024 budget neutrality
adjustment factor. We note that the proposed
FY 2025 budget neutrality adjustment reflects
FY 2025 wage index reclassifications
approved by the MGCRB or the
Administrator at the time of development of
this proposed rule.
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e. Proposed Rural Floor Budget Neutrality
Under § 412.64(e)(4), we make an
adjustment to the wage index to ensure that
aggregate payments after implementation of
the rural floor under section 4410 of the BBA
(Pub. L. 105–33) are equal to the aggregate
prospective payments that would have been
made in the absence of this provision.
Consistent with section 3141 of the
Affordable Care Act and as discussed in
section III.G. of the preamble of this proposed
rule and codified at § 412.64(e)(4)(ii), the
budget neutrality adjustment for the rural
floor is a national adjustment to the wage
Similar to our calculation in the FY 2015
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 50369
through 50370), for FY 2025, we are
proposing to calculate a national rural Puerto
Rico wage index. Because there are no rural
Puerto Rico hospitals with established wage
data, our calculation of the FY 2025 rural
Puerto Rico wage index is based on the
policy adopted in the FY 2008 IPPS final rule
with comment period (72 FR 47323). That is,
we use the unweighted average of the wage
indexes from all CBSAs (urban areas) that are
contiguous to (share a border with) the rural
counties to compute the rural floor (72 FR
47323; 76 FR 51594). Under the OMB labor
market area delineations, except for Arecibo,
Puerto Rico (CBSA 11640), all other Puerto
Rico urban areas are contiguous to a rural
area. Therefore, based on our existing policy,
the proposed FY 2025 rural Puerto Rico wage
index is calculated based on the average of
the proposed FY 2025 wage indexes for the
following urban areas: Aguadilla-Isabela, PR
(CBSA 10380); Guayama, PR (CBSA 25020);
Mayaguez, PR (CBSA 32420); Ponce, PR
(CBSA 38660); San German, PR (CBSA
41900); and San Juan-Carolina-Caguas, PR
(CBSA 41980).
We note, in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH final
rule (88 FR 58971–77), we finalized a policy
beginning with FY 2024 to include hospitals
with § 412.103 reclassification along with
geographically rural hospitals in all rural
wage index calculations and are only
excluding ‘‘dual reclass’’ hospitals (hospitals
with simultaneous § 412.103 and MGCRB
reclassifications) in accordance with the hold
harmless provision at section
1886(d)(8)(C)(ii) of the Act. Consistent with
the previous policy, beginning with FY 2024,
we include the data of all § 412.103 hospitals
(including those that have an MGCRB
reclassification) in the calculation of the rural
To calculate the proposed national rural
floor budget neutrality adjustment factor, we
used FY 2023 discharge data to simulate
payments, the new OMB labor market area
delineations proposed for FY 2025, and the
post-reclassified national wage indexes and
compared the following:
• National simulated payments without
the rural floor.
• National simulated payments with the
rural floor.
Based on this comparison, we determined
a proposed national rural floor budget
neutrality adjustment factor. The proposed
national adjustment was applied to the
national wage indexes to produce proposed
PO 00000
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rural floor budget neutral wage indexes.
Please see the table later in this section for
a summary of the proposed FY 2025 budget
neutrality factors.
As further discussed in section III.G.2. of
this proposed rule, we note that section 9831
of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021
(Pub. L. 117–2), enacted on March 11, 2021
amended section 1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of the Act
(42 U.S.C. 1395ww(d)(3)(E)(i)) and added
section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of the Act to
establish a minimum area wage index (or
imputed floor) for hospitals in all-urban
States for discharges occurring on or after
October 1, 2022. Unlike the imputed floor
that was in effect from FY 2005 through FY
2018, section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv)(III) of the Act
provides that the imputed floor wage index
shall not be applied in a budget neutral
manner. Specifically, section 9831(b) of
Public Law 117–2 amends section
1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of the Act to exclude the
imputed floor from the budget neutrality
requirement under section 1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of
the Act. In the past, we budget neutralized
the estimated increase in payments each year
resulting from the imputed floor that was in
effect from FY 2005 through FY 2018. For FY
2022 and subsequent years, in applying the
imputed floor required under section
1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of the Act, we are applying
the imputed floor after the application of the
rural floor and would apply no reductions to
the standardized amount or to the wage
index to fund the increase in payments to
hospitals in all-urban States resulting from
the application of the imputed floor. We refer
the reader to section III.G.2. of the preamble
of this proposed rule for a complete
discussion regarding the imputed floor.
f. Proposed Continuation of the Low Wage
Index Hospital Policy—Proposed Budget
Neutrality Adjustment
As discussed in section III.G.5. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to continue for FY 2025 the wage
index policy finalized in the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule to address wage index
disparities by increasing the wage index
values for hospitals with a wage index value
below the 25th percentile wage index value
across all hospitals (the low wage index
hospital policy). As discussed in section
III.G.3. of this proposed rule, consistent with
our current methodology for implementing
wage index budget neutrality under section
1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act, we are proposing to
make a budget neutrality adjustment to the
national standardized amount for all
hospitals so that the increase in the wage
index for hospitals with a wage index below
the 25th percentile wage index, is
implemented in a budget neutral manner.
To calculate this proposed budget
neutrality adjustment factor for FY 2025, we
used FY 2023 discharge data to simulate
payments and compared the following:
• Aggregate payments using the new OMB
labor market area delineations proposed for
FY 2025, the proposed FY 2025 labor-related
share percentage, the proposed FY 2025
relative weights, and the proposed FY 2025
wage index for each hospital before adjusting
the wage indexes under the low wage index
hospital policy, and applied the proposed
proxy FY 2025 hospital readmissions
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
payment adjustments and the proposed
proxy FY 2025 hospital VBP payment
adjustments; and
• Aggregate payments using the new OMB
labor market area delineations proposed for
FY 2025, the proposed FY 2025 labor-related
share percentage, the proposed FY 2025
relative weights, and the proposed FY 2025
wage index for each hospital after adjusting
the wage indexes under the low wage index
hospital policy, and applied the same proxy
FY 2025 hospital readmissions payment
adjustments and the proposed proxy FY 2025
hospital VBP payment adjustments applied
This proposed FY 2025 budget neutrality
adjustment factor was applied to the
standardized amount.
g. Permanent Cap Policy for Wage Index—
Proposed Budget Neutrality Adjustment
As noted previously, in section III.G. 6. of
the preamble to this proposed rule, in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49018
through 49021) we finalized a policy to apply
a 5-percent cap on any decrease to a
hospital’s wage index from its wage index in
the prior FY, regardless of the circumstances
causing the decline. That is, a hospital’s wage
index would not be less than 95 percent of
its final wage index for the prior FY. We also
finalized the application of this permanent
cap policy in a budget neutral manner
through an adjustment to the standardized
amount to ensure that estimated aggregate
payments under our wage index cap policy
for hospitals that will have a decrease in their
wage indexes for the upcoming fiscal year of
more than 5 percent will equal what
estimated aggregate payments would have
been without the permanent cap policy.
To calculate a wage index cap budget
neutrality adjustment factor for FY 2025, we
used FY 2023 discharge data to simulate
payments and compared the following:
• Aggregate payments without the 5percent cap using the proposed FY 2025
labor-related share percentages, the new
OMB labor market area delineations
proposed for FY 2025, the proposed FY 2025
relative weights, the proposed FY 2025 wage
index for each hospital after adjusting the
wage indexes under the low wage index
hospital policy, and applied the proposed
proxy FY 2025 hospital readmissions
payment adjustments and the proposed
proxy FY 2025 hospital VBP payment
• Aggregate payments with the 5-percent
cap using the proposed FY 2025 labor-related
share percentages, the new OMB labor
market area delineations proposed for FY
2025, the proposed FY 2025 relative weights,
the proposed FY 2025 wage index for each
hospital after adjusting the wage indexes
under the low wage index hospital policy,
and applied the same proxy FY 2025 hospital
readmissions payment adjustments and the
proposed proxy FY 2025 hospital VBP
payment adjustments applied previously.
We note, Table 2 associated with this
proposed rule contains the wage index by
provider before and after applying the low
wage index hospital policy and the proposed
h. Proposed Rural Community Hospital
Demonstration Program Adjustment
In section V.N. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss the Rural
Community Hospital (RCH) Demonstration
program, which was originally authorized for
a 5-year period by section 410A of the
Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement,
and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) (Pub.
L. 108–173), and extended for another 5-year
period by sections 3123 and 10313 of the
Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111–148).
Subsequently, section 15003 of the 21st
Century Cures Act (Pub. L. 114–255), enacted
December 13, 2016, amended section 410A of
Public Law 108–173 to require a 10-year
extension period (in place of the 5-year
extension required by the Affordable Care
Act, as further discussed later in this
section). Finally, Division CC, section 128(a)
of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of
2021 (Pub. L. 116–260) again amended
section 410A to require a 15-year extension
period in place of the 10-year period. We
make an adjustment to the standardized
amount to ensure the effects of the RCH
Demonstration program are budget neutral as
required under section 410A(c)(2) of Public
Law 108–173. We refer readers to section
V.N. of the preamble of this proposed rule for
complete details regarding the Rural
Community Hospital Demonstration.
With regard to budget neutrality, as
mentioned earlier, we make an adjustment to
the standardized amount to ensure the effects
of the Rural Community Hospital
Demonstration are budget neutral, as
required under section 410A(c)(2) of Public
Law 108–173. For FY 2025, based on the
latest data for this proposed rule, the total
amount that we are applying to make an
adjustment to the standardized amounts to
ensure the effects of the Rural Community
Hospital Demonstration program are budget
neutral is $ 49,522,206. Accordingly, using
the most recent data available to account for
the estimated costs of the demonstration
program, for FY 2025, we computed a factor
for the Rural Community Hospital
Demonstration budget neutrality adjustment
that would be applied to the standardized
amount. Please see the table later in this
section for a summary of the Proposed FY
2025 budget neutrality factors. We refer
readers to section V.N. of the preamble of this
proposed rule on complete details regarding
the calculation of the amount we are
applying to make an adjustment to the
standardized amounts.
The following table is a summary of the
proposed FY 2025 budget neutrality factors,
as discussed in the previous sections.
Summary of Proposed FY 2025 Bud~et Neutrality Factors
MS-DRG Reclassification and Recalibration Budget Neutrality Factor
Cap Policy MS-DRG Weights Budget Neutrality Factor
Wage Index Budget Neutrality Factor
Reclassification Budget Neutrality Factor
*Rural Floor Budget Neutrality Factor
Low Wage Index Hospital Policy Budget Neutrality Factor
Cap Policy Wage Index Budget Neutrality Factor
Rural Demonstration Budget Neutrality Factor
i. Proposed Outlier Payments
Section 1886(d)(5)(A) of the Act provides
for payments in addition to the basic
prospective payments for ‘‘outlier’’ cases
involving extraordinarily high costs. To
qualify for outlier payments, a case must
have costs greater than the sum of the
prospective payment rate for the MS–DRG,
any IME and DSH payments, uncompensated
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care payments, supplemental payment for
eligible IHS/Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico
hospitals, any new technology add-on
payments, and the ‘‘outlier threshold’’ or
‘‘fixed-loss’’ amount (a dollar amount by
which the costs of a case must exceed
payments in order to qualify for an outlier
payment). We refer to the sum of the
prospective payment rate for the MS–DRG,
PO 00000
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any IME and DSH payments, uncompensated
care payments, supplemental payment for
eligible IHS/Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico
hospitals, any new technology add-on
payments, and the outlier threshold as the
outlier ‘‘fixed-loss cost threshold.’’ To
determine whether the costs of a case exceed
the fixed-loss cost threshold, a hospital’s CCR
is applied to the total covered charges for the
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
*The rural floor budget neutrality factor is applied to the national wage indexes while the rest of the budget
neutrality adjustments are applied to the standardized amounts.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
case to convert the charges to estimated costs.
Payments for eligible cases are then made
based on a marginal cost factor, which is a
percentage of the estimated costs above the
fixed-loss cost threshold. The marginal cost
factor for FY 2025 is 80 percent, or 90
percent for burn MS–DRGs 927, 928, 929,
933, 934 and 935. We have used a marginal
cost factor of 90 percent since FY 1989 (54
FR 36479 through 36480) for designated burn
DRGs as well as a marginal cost factor of 80
percent for all other DRGs since FY 1995 (59
FR 45367).
In accordance with section
1886(d)(5)(A)(iv) of the Act, outlier payments
for any year are projected to be not less than
5 percent nor more than 6 percent of total
operating DRG payments (which does not
include IME and DSH payments) plus outlier
payments. When setting the outlier
threshold, we compute the percent target by
dividing the total projected operating outlier
payments by the total projected operating
DRG payments plus projected operating
outlier payments. As discussed in the next
section, for FY 2025, we are incorporating an
estimate of the impact of outlier
reconciliation when setting the outlier
threshold. We do not include any other
payments such as IME and DSH within the
outlier target amount. Therefore, it is not
necessary to include Medicare Advantage
IME payments in the outlier threshold
calculation. Section 1886(d)(3)(B) of the Act
requires the Secretary to reduce the average
standardized amount by a factor to account
for the estimated total of outlier payments as
a proportion of total DRG payments. More
information on outlier payments may be
found on the CMS website at: https://
(1) Proposed Methodology To Incorporate an
Estimate of the Impact of Outlier
Reconciliation in the FY 2025 Outlier FixedLoss Cost Threshold
The regulations in 42 CFR 412.84(i)(4) state
that any outlier reconciliation at cost report
settlement will be based on operating and
capital cost-to-charge ratios (CCRs) calculated
based on a ratio of costs to charges computed
from the relevant cost report and charge data
determined at the time the cost report
coinciding with the discharge is settled.
Instructions for outlier reconciliation are in
section of chapter 3 of the Claims
Processing Manual (on line at https://
clm104c03.pdf). The original instructions
issued in July 2003 853 instruct MACs to
identify for CMS any instances where: (1) a
hospital’s actual operating CCR for the cost
reporting period fluctuates plus or minus 10
percentage points or more compared to the
interim operating CCR used to calculate
outlier payments when a bill is processed;
and (2) the total operating and capital outlier
payments for the hospital exceeded $500,000
for that cost reporting period. Cost reports
853 Change Request 2785 (Transmittal A–03–058;
July 3, 2003) found at
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that meet these criteria will have the
hospital’s outlier payments reconciled at the
time of cost report final settlement if
approved by the CMS Central Office. For the
remainder of this discussion, we refer to
these criteria as the original criteria for
outlier reconciliation (or the original criteria).
On March 28, 2024, we issued Change
Request (CR) 13566, which is available at
r12558cp. CR 13566 provides additional
instructions to MACs that expand the criteria
for identifying cost reports MACs are to refer
to CMS for approval of outlier reconciliation.
We anticipate that MACs will identify more
cost reports to refer to CMS for outlier
reconciliation approval. A report issued by
the Office of the Inspector General (OIG)
recommended that CMS require
reconciliation of all hospital outlier
payments during a cost-reporting period in
its November 2019 report titled ‘‘Hospitals
Received Millions in Excessive Outlier
Payments Because CMS Limits the
Reconciliation Process’’ (A–05–16–00060).854
CMS concurs with the OIG’s
Consistent with the OIG recommendation,
CMS modified the original criteria for
identifying cost reports to refer to CMS for
outlier reconciliation approval in
instructions to MACs in CR 13566.
Specifically, CR 13566 states that for cost
reports beginning on or after October 1, 2024,
MACs shall identify for CMS any instances
where: (1) the actual operating CCR is found
to be plus or minus 20 percent or more from
the operating CCR used during that time
period to make outlier payments, and (2) the
total operating and capital outlier payments
for the hospital exceeded $500,000 for that
cost reporting period. For the remainder of
this discussion, we refer to these criteria as
the new criteria for outlier reconciliation (or
the new criteria). We believe the new criteria
balance current administrative feasibility
with the goal of expanding the scope of cost
reports identified for outlier reconciliation
approval to increase the accuracy of outlier
payments. These new criteria for identifying
hospital cost reports that MACs should
identify for outlier reconciliation approval
are in addition to the original criteria for
reconciliation described previously. That is,
under the new criteria, MACs identify
hospitals for outlier reconciliation that would
not have met the original criteria. For
example, in an instance where a hospital was
paid with an operating CCR of 0.09 and its
actual operating CCR was 0.07, then the
hospital would not have met the 10percentage point criterion under the original
criteria (the hospital’s operating CCR would
have to be a negative number, which is not
possible). Under the new criteria, a hospital
that had a change in their actual operating
CCR that was greater than 20 percent from
the CCR used for payment during the cost
reporting period would be referred to CMS.
Using the same example, while the operating
CCR changed by a difference of ¥0.02
854 This report is available on the OIG website at:
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percentage point (0.07 minus 0.09), the
percentage change operating CCR is ¥22.2
percent ((0.07/0.09)¥1), which meets the
new 20 percent criterion. In addition, CR
13566 instructs that for cost reporting periods
that begin on or after October 1, 2024, a
hospital in its first cost reporting period will
be referred for reconciliation of outlier
payments at the time of cost report final
settlement. As such, new hospitals will be
referred for outlier reconciliation regardless
of the change to the operating CCR and no
matter the amount of outlier payments during
the cost reporting period.
If we determine that a hospital’s outlier
payments should be reconciled, we reconcile
both operating and capital outlier payments.
We refer readers to section of
Chapter 3 of the Medicare Claims Processing
Manual for complete instructions regarding
outlier reconciliation, including the update
to the outlier reconciliation criteria provided
in CR 13566.
The regulations at § 412.84(m) further state
that at the time of any outlier reconciliation
under § 412.84(i)(4), outlier payments may be
adjusted to account for the time value of any
underpayments or overpayments. Section of Chapter 3 of the Medicare Claims
Processing Manual contains instructions on
how to assess the time value of money for
reconciled outlier amounts.
If the operating CCR of a hospital approved
for outlier reconciliation is lower at cost
report settlement compared to the operating
CCR used for payment, the hospital would
owe CMS money. Conversely, if the operating
CCR increases at cost report settlement
compared to the operating CCR used for
payment, CMS would owe the hospital
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(84 FR 42623 through 42635), we finalized a
methodology to incorporate outlier
reconciliation in the FY 2020 outlier fixed
loss cost threshold. As discussed in the FY
2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (84 FR
19592), we stated that rather than trying to
predict which claims and/or hospitals may
be subject to outlier reconciliation, we
believe a methodology that incorporates an
estimate of outlier reconciliation dollars
based on actual outlier reconciliation
amounts reported in historical cost reports
would be a more feasible approach and
provide a better estimate and predictor of
outlier reconciliation for the upcoming fiscal
year. We also stated that we believe the
methodology addresses stakeholders’
concerns about the impact of outlier
reconciliation on the modeling of the outlier
threshold. For a detailed discussion of
additional background regarding the
incorporation of outlier reconciliation into
the outlier fixed loss cost threshold, we refer
the reader to the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule. Consistent with the instructions to
MACs that added new criteria that identify
additional cost reports for reconciliation
beginning with FY 2025 cost reports, we are
proposing changes to our methodology to
reflect the estimated reconciled outlier
payments of the additional hospital cost
reports identified under the new criteria.
Specifically, we are proposing to make
modifications to the steps of our
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
methodology in section II.A.4.i.1.a. of this
Addendum to reflect the estimated
reconciled outlier payments under the new
criteria in the projection of outlier
reconciliations for the FY 2025 outlier fixed
loss cost threshold.
(a) Incorporating a Proposed Projection of
Outlier Reconciliations for the FY 2025
Outlier Threshold Calculation
Based on the methodology finalized in the
FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR
42623 through 42625), for FY 2025, we are
proposing to continue to incorporate outlier
reconciliation in the FY 2025 outlier fixed
loss cost threshold, with modifications to
reflect the expansion of outlier
reconciliations under the new criteria in CR
13566 (described previously).
As discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, for FY 2020, we used the
historical outlier reconciliation amounts from
the FY 2014 cost reports (cost reports with
a begin date on or after October 1, 2013, and
on or before September 30, 2014), which we
believed would provide the most recent and
complete available data to project the
estimate of outlier reconciliation. We refer
the reader to the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (84 FR 42623 through 42625) for a
discussion on the use of the FY 2014 cost
report data for purposes of projecting outlier
reconciliations for the FY 2020 outlier
threshold calculation. For FY 2024, we
applied the same methodology finalized in
FY 2020, using the historical outlier
reconciliation amounts from the FY 2018 cost
reports (cost reports with a begin date on or
after October 1, 2017, and on or before
September 30, 2018).
Similar to the FY 2024 methodology, we
are proposing to determine a projection of
outlier reconciliations for the FY 2025 outlier
threshold calculation by advancing the
historical data used by 1 year. Specifically,
we are proposing to use FY 2019 cost reports
(cost reports with a begin date on or after
October 1, 2018, and on or before September
30, 2019). For FY 2025, we are proposing to
use the methodology from FY 2020 to
incorporate a projection of operating outlier
reconciliations for the FY 2025 outlier
threshold calculation, modified to reflect
additional cost reports that would be
identified for reconciliation under the new
criteria in CR 13566. Because the new criteria
are not effective until FY 2025 cost reports,
to estimate outlier reconciliation dollars
under the new criteria, we are proposing to
apply the new criteria to FY 2019 cost reports
as if they had been in place at the time of
final cost report settlement (as described in
more detail later in this section).
As described previously, under the
expanded outlier reconciliation criteria in CR
13566, for cost reporting periods beginning
on or after October 1, 2024, new hospitals
will have their outlier payments referred for
outlier reconciliation by the MAC to CMS in
their first cost reporting period regardless of
the change to the operating CCR and no
matter the amount of outlier payments during
the cost reporting period. For purposes of the
methodology for incorporating a projection of
operating outlier reconciliations for the FY
2025 outlier threshold calculation to reflect
additional cost reports that would be
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identified for reconciliation under the criteria
added by CR 13566, we are not proposing to
include the first cost reporting periods of
new hospitals because the lack of
predictability of new hospitals’ data may
impact the reliability of our projection. We
note we expect the proposed modifications to
our methodology for incorporating a
projection of operating outlier reconciliations
into the outlier threshold calculation would
be necessary for 6 years, at which point the
additional FY 2025 cost reports with outlier
payments reconciled under the new criteria
will be reflected in the HCRIS data available
to be used to set the threshold.
For FY 2019 hospital cost reports that were
reconciled using the original criteria for
referral for outlier reconciliation, for this FY
2025 proposed rule, we used the December
2023 HCRIS extract of the cost report data to
calculate the proposed percentage adjustment
for outlier reconciliation. For the FY 2025
final rule, we propose to use the latest
quarterly HCRIS extract that is publicly
available at the time of the development of
that rule which, for FY 2025, would be the
March 2024 extract. As discussed in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH final rule (88 FR 59346), we
generally expect historical cost reports for the
applicable fiscal year to be available by
March, and we have worked with our MACs
so that historical cost reports for the
applicable fiscal year can be made available
with the March HCRIS update for the final
To account for the additional hospital cost
reports that would be reconciled as a result
of the new criteria, we are proposing to use
data from the Provider Specific File (PSF)
and the cost report to identify the FY 2019
cost reports that would have met the new
criteria if those criteria had been in effect.
This is because the FY 2019 cost reports in
HCRIS would not have been identified as
meeting the new criteria for outlier
reconciliation since those new criteria are not
being used until cost reports beginning with
FY 2025. As such, these FY 2019 cost reports
do not have an amount reported for operating
or capital outlier reconciliation dollars.
Therefore, we are proposing to modify our
methodology to estimate the outlier
reconciliation dollars based on the operating
and capital outlier amounts reported on the
FY 2019 cost reports and supplemental data
collected from the MACs, as described
further in this section.
The following proposed steps are similar to
those finalized in the FY 2020 final rule, with
updated data for FY 2025 and additional
steps to reflect the cost reports that would be
identified with new criteria under the
updated instructions:
Step 1.—Identify hospital cost reports that
meet the original criteria or the new criteria.
Step 1a.—Identify hospitals that report on
their cost report the operating outlier
reconciliation dollars on Worksheet E, Part
A, Line 2.01. We note, these were hospitals
that were identified by the MACs that met
the original criteria for outlier reconciliation
and were approved by CMS for outlier
reconciliation. We use the Federal FY 2019
cost reports for hospitals paid under the IPPS
from the most recent publicly available
quarterly HCRIS extract available at the time
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of development of the proposed and final
rules, and exclude sole community hospitals
(SCHs) that were paid under their hospitalspecific rate (that is, if Worksheet E, Part A,
Line 48 is greater than Line 47). We note that
when there are multiple columns available
for the lines of the cost report described in
the following steps and the provider was
paid under the IPPS for that period(s) of the
cost report, then we believe it is appropriate
to use multiple columns to fully represent
the relevant IPPS payment amounts,
consistent with our methodology for the FY
2020 final rule.
Step 1b.—For hospitals that were not
included in Step 1a, to identify hospitals that
would be referred for outlier reconciliation
under the new criteria, we are proposing to
use data from the latest PSF and cost report
data from the most recent publicly available
quarterly HCRIS extract. We identified
hospitals with cost reports where the actual
operating CCR for the cost reporting period
fluctuates plus or minus 20 percent or more
compared to the interim operating CCR used
to calculate outlier payments when a bill is
processed. To do this, we compared the
operating CCR calculated from the FY 2019
cost report in the most recent publicly
available quarterly HCRIS extract (the
December 2023 HCRIS for this proposed rule)
to the weighted operating CCR used for claim
payment during the FY 2019 cost reporting
period from the latest quarterly PSF update
(December 2023 for this proposed rule). We
then determined whether the hospital had
total operating and capital outlier payments
greater than $500,000 during the FY 2019
cost reporting period based on the most
recent publicly available quarterly HCRIS
(the December 2023 HCRIS for this proposed
rule). If the hospital met both of these
criteria, we included the operating outlier
payments from the MAC using CCRs from the
FY 2019 cost report (as described in Step 2b–
2). For the final rule, to identify hospitals
that would be referred for reconciliation, we
propose to use the most recent HCRIS and
PSF data available, which would be the
March 2024 update.
Step 2.—Determine the aggregate amount
of operating outlier reconciliation dollars
(under both the original criteria and the new
Step 2a.—Calculate the aggregate amount
of historical total of operating outlier
reconciliation dollars (Worksheet E, Part A,
Line 2.01) using the Federal FY 2019 cost
reports from Step 1a.
Step 2b.—For the hospitals that would
have met the new criteria as identified in
Step 1b, to determine the aggregate amount
of operating outlier reconciliation dollars, we
propose to use the following process:
We collected supplemental estimated
outlier payment data from the MACs for
claims with discharges occurring during the
hospital’s FY 2019 cost reporting period to
estimate the change in the hospital’s outlier
payments. Specifically, for each hospital
identified in Step 1b, the MACs used the
actual operating CCR calculated from the FY
2019 cost report and the utility in the claims
system along with that CCR to determine
total outlier payments for claims with
discharges occurring during the hospital’s FY
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
processing system may slightly differ from
the cost report data in the HCRIS due to
timing. This approach would also allow CMS
to use more recent data (from the most recent
publicly available quarterly HCRIS extract,
which is December 2023 for this proposed
rule) to estimate outlier reconciliation dollars
as compared to estimating outlier
reconciliation dollars using the supplemental
outlier payment data from the MACs, which
was submitted by the MACs to CMS
beginning in November 2022 (as described in
this section). This is also the same data used
to determine the aggregate amount of
operating outlier reconciliation dollars for
hospitals from the FY 2019 cost report data
using the December 2023 HCRIS extract in
Step 2a.
As presented in the table that follows, to
calculate the imputed operating outlier
payment for the FY 2019 cost report, we
multiplied the operating outlier payment
reported on the FY 2019 cost report by the
following ratio (determined from the
supplemental data collected from the MACs
described previously): Operating Outlier
Payments from MAC using the CCR from FY
2019 Cost Report divided by Operating
Outlier Payments from MAC Based on Claim
Payment. The general formula is the
following: Operating Outlier Payments
Reported on the Cost Report * (Operating
Outlier Payments from MAC Using CCRs
from FY 2019 Cost Report/Operating Outlier
Payments from MAC Based on Claim
To calculate the Estimated Operating
Outlier Reconciliation Dollars, we then
subtracted the Imputed Operating Outlier
Amount for the FY 2019 Cost Report (Step
2b–5) from the Operating Outlier Payment
Reported on the FY 2019 Cost Report (Step
The following is an example to illustrate
our proposed calculation to determine the
estimated amount of operating outlier
reconciliation dollars for the hospitals that
would have met the new criteria:
C Based on Claim Pa ment
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
onciliation Dollars Ste
We note the following, with regard to the
data used in the calculation:
• Due to system limitations the MACs
needed 13 months to process all providers’
claims through the claims utility (for Steps
2b–;2 and 2b–;3). The MACs used the
operating and capital CCR from the FY 2019
cost reports based on the September 2022
HCRIS extract and began processing the
supplemental data for FY 2019 outlier
payments in November 2022. We propose to
move this forward each year, using the
September HCRIS for future fiscal years for
the CCRs (for example, for FY 2026, MACs
would use CCRs from the FY 2020 cost
reports based on the September 2023 HCRIS).
• For FY 2025, for the ‘‘Operating Outlier
Payment Reported on the FY 2019 Cost
Report’’ (Step 2b–;1) we used operating
outlier payments reported on Worksheet E,
Part A, Lines 2.02, 2.03, and 2.04 from the
FY 2019 cost report using the most recent
publicly available quarterly HCRIS extract for
this proposed rule (that is, the December
2023 HCRIS extract). We propose to move
this forward each year and use the most
recent publicly available quarterly HCRIS
extract (for example, for FY 2026, we would
use operating outlier payments reported on
Worksheet E, Part A, Lines 2.02, 2.03, and
2.04 from the FY 2020 cost reports using the
most recent publicly available quarterly
HCRIS extract).
• For the hospitals identified in Step 1b,
we have posted a public use file that includes
the operating CCR calculated from the FY
2019 cost report in the most recent publicly
available quarterly HCRIS extract (the
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December 2023 HCRIS for this proposed
rule), the weighted operating CCR used for
claim payment during the FY 2019 cost
reporting period from the latest quarterly PSF
update (December 2023 for this proposed
rule), supplemental data from the MACs and
operating outlier payment reported on the FY
2019 cost report.
Step 3.—Calculate the aggregate amount of
total Federal operating payments across all
applicable hospitals using the Federal FY
2019 cost reports. The total Federal operating
payments consist of the Federal payments
(Worksheet E, Part A, Line 1.01 and Line
1.02, plus Line 1.03 and Line 1.04), outlier
payments (Worksheet E, Part A, Lines 2.02,
2.03, and 2.04), and the outlier reconciliation
amounts from Steps 2a and 2b. We note that
a negative amount on Worksheet E, Part A,
Line 2.01 from Step 2a for outlier
reconciliation indicates an amount that was
owed by the hospital, and a positive amount
indicates this amount was paid to the
hospital. Similarly, a negative amount from
Step 2b for outlier reconciliation indicates an
amount that would have been owed by the
hospital, and a positive amount indicates an
amount that would have been paid to the
Step 4.—Divide the aggregate amount from
Step 2 (that is, the sum of the amounts from
Steps 2a and 2b) by the amount from Step 3
and multiply the resulting amount by 100 to
produce the percentage of total operating
outlier reconciliation dollars to total Federal
operating payments for FY 2019. For FY
2025, the proposed ratio is a negative 0.03979
percent ((¥$34,513,755/$86,740,955,496) ×
PO 00000
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100), which, when rounded to the second
digit, is ¥0.04 percent. This percentage
amount would be used to adjust the outlier
target for FY 2025 as described in Step 5.
Step 5.—Because the outlier reconciliation
dollars are only available on the cost reports,
and not in the Medicare claims data in the
MedPAR file used to model the outlier
threshold, we are proposing to target 5.1
percent minus the percentage determined in
Step 4 in determining the outlier threshold.
Using the FY 2019 cost reports, because the
aggregate outlier reconciliation dollars from
Step 2 are negative, we are targeting an
amount higher than 5.1 percent for outlier
payments for FY 2025 under our proposed
methodology. Therefore, for FY 2025, we are
proposing to incorporate a projection of
outlier reconciliation dollars by targeting an
outlier threshold at 5.14 percent [5.1 percent
¥ (¥0.04 percent)].
When the percentage of operating outlier
reconciliation dollars to total Federal
operating payments rounds to a negative
value (that is, when the aggregate amount of
outlier reconciliation as a percent of total
operating payments rounds to a negative
percent), the effect is a decrease to the outlier
threshold compared to an outlier threshold
that is calculated without including this
estimate of operating outlier reconciliation
dollars. In section II.A.4.i.(2). of this
Addendum, we provide the FY 2025 outlier
threshold as calculated for this proposed rule
both with and without including this
proposed percentage estimate of operating
outlier reconciliation.
2019 cost report (this is the same process
MACs would have used if the cost report had
been identified for reconciliation had the
new criteria been in place for FY 2019 cost
reports). For those same claims with
discharges occurring during the hospital’s
2019 cost report, the MAC provided to CMS
the outlier payment as reported on the claim
(which was based on the hospital’s CCR in
the PSF at the time of claim payment).
Using this supplemental estimated outlier
payment data, we computed a ratio of the
outlier payments based on the actual
operating CCR for the FY 2019 cost reporting
period and the CCR used at the time of claim
payment. This ratio is then applied to the
operating outlier payment reported on the FY
2019 cost report to impute an operating
outlier payment for the FY 2019 cost report.
We believe it is appropriate to impute the
operating outlier payment for the cost report
using the supplemental data from the MACs
described previously rather than use the
actual amount reported on the cost report
because the claims data in the claims
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
As explained in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule (84 FR 19593), we would
continue to use a 5.1 percent target (or an
outlier offset factor of 0.949) in calculating
the outlier offset to the standardized amount.
Therefore, the proposed operating outlier
offset to the standardized amount was 0.949
We are inviting public comment on our
proposed methodology for projecting an
estimate of outlier reconciliation and
incorporating that estimate into the modeling
for the fixed-loss cost outlier threshold for FY
(b) Proposed Reduction to the FY 2025
Capital Standard Federal Rate by an
Adjustment Factor To Account for the
Projected Proportion of Capital IPPS
Payments Paid as Outliers
We establish an outlier threshold that is
applicable to both hospital inpatient
operating costs and hospital inpatient capital
related costs (58 FR 46348). Similar to the
calculation of the adjustment to the
standardized amount to account for the
projected proportion of operating payments
paid as outlier payments, as discussed in
greater detail in section III.A.2. of this
Addendum, we are proposing to reduce the
FY 2025 capital standard Federal rate by an
adjustment factor to account for the projected
proportion of capital IPPS payments paid as
outliers. The regulations in 42 CFR
412.84(i)(4) state that any outlier
reconciliation at cost report settlement would
be based on operating and capital CCRs
calculated based on a ratio of costs to charges
computed from the relevant cost report and
charge data determined at the time the cost
report coinciding with the discharge is
settled. As such, any reconciliation also
applies to capital outlier payments.
For FY 2025, we are proposing to continue
to use the methodology from FY 2020 to
adjust the FY 2025 capital standard Federal
rate by an adjustment factor to account for
the projected proportion of capital IPPS
payments paid as outliers, with
modifications to reflect the expansion of
outlier reconciliations under the new criteria
in CR 13566 (described previously).
For purposes of the methodology for
incorporating a projection of capital outlier
reconciliations for the FY 2025 outlier
adjustment to the capital standard Federal
rate to reflect additional cost reports that
would be identified for reconciliation under
the criteria added by CR 13566, as we
discussed in section II.A.4.i.1.a. of the
Addendum of this proposed rule regarding
the projection of the operating outlier
reconciliation, we are not proposing to
include the first cost reporting periods of
new hospitals because the lack of
predictability of new hospitals’ data may
impact the reliability of our projection. As
noted, we expect the proposed modifications
to our methodology for incorporating a
projection of capital outlier reconciliations
into the outlier adjustment to the capital
standard federal rate would be necessary for
6 years, at which point the additional FY
2025 cost reports with outlier payments
reconciled under the new criteria will be
reflected in the HCRIS data available to be
used to determine this adjustment.
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For FY 2019 hospital cost reports that were
reconciled using the original criteria for
referral for outlier reconciliation, for this FY
2025 proposed rule, we used the December
2023 HCRIS extract of the cost report data to
calculate the proposed percentage adjustment
for outlier reconciliation. For the FY 2025
final rule, we propose to use the latest
quarterly HCRIS extract that is publicly
available at the time of the development of
that rule which, for FY 2025, would be the
March 2024 extract. As discussed in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH final rule (88 FR 59347), we
generally expect historical cost reports for the
applicable fiscal year to be available by
March, and we have worked with our MACs
so that historical cost reports for the
applicable fiscal year can be made available
with the March HCRIS update for the final
To account for the additional hospital cost
reports that would be reconciled as a result
of the new criteria, we are proposing to use
data from the PSF and the cost report to
identify the FY 2019 cost reports that would
have met the new criteria if those criteria had
been in effect. This is because the FY 2019
cost reports in HCRIS would not have been
identified as meeting the new criteria for
outlier reconciliation since those new criteria
are not being used until cost reports
beginning with FY 2025. As such, these FY
2019 cost reports do not have an amount
reported for operating or capital outlier
reconciliation dollars. Therefore, we are
proposing to modify our methodology to
estimate the outlier reconciliation dollars
based on the operating and capital outlier
amounts reported on the FY 2019 cost reports
and supplemental data collected from the
MACs as described further in this section.
Similar to FY 2020, as part of our proposal
for FY 2025 to incorporate into the outlier
model the total outlier reconciliation dollars
from the most recent and most complete
fiscal year cost report data, we also are
proposing to adjust our estimate of FY 2025
capital outlier payments to incorporate a
projection of capital outlier reconciliation
payments when determining the adjustment
factor to be applied to the capital standard
Federal rate to account for the projected
proportion of capital IPPS payments paid as
outliers (that is, the capital outlier payment
adjustment factor). To do so, we are
proposing to use the following methodology,
which generally parallels the proposed
methodology to incorporate a projection of
operating outlier reconciliation payments for
the FY 2025 outlier threshold calculation,
including updated data for FY 2025 and
additional steps to reflect the cost reports
that would be identified with new criteria
under the updated instructions.
Step 1.—Identify hospital cost reports that
meet the original criteria or the new criteria.
Step 1a.—Identify hospitals that report on
their cost report the capital outlier
reconciliation dollars on Worksheet E, Part
A, Line 93, Column 1. We note, these were
hospitals that were identified by the MACs
that met the original criteria for outlier
reconciliation and were approved by CMS for
outlier reconciliation. We use the Federal FY
2019 cost reports for hospitals paid under the
IPPS from the most recent publicly available
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quarterly HCRIS extract available at the time
of development of the proposed and final
rules and exclude SCHs that were paid under
their hospital-specific rate (that is, if
Worksheet E, Part A, Line 48 is greater than
Line 47). We note that when there are
multiple columns available for the lines of
the cost report described in the following
steps and the provider was paid under the
IPPS for that period(s) of the cost report, then
we believe it is appropriate to use multiple
columns to fully represent the relevant IPPS
payment amounts, consistent with our
methodology for the FY 2020 final rule.
Step 1b.—For hospitals that were not
included in Step 1a, to identify hospitals that
would be referred for outlier reconciliation
under the new criteria, we used the same
hospitals that were identified in Step 1b of
the operating methodology. We note, as
discussed previously, the new criteria from
CR 13566 is based on the change to the
operating CCR (not the capital CCR) where
the actual operating CCR for the cost
reporting period fluctuates plus or minus 20
percent or more compared to the interim
operating CCR used to calculate outlier
payments when a bill is processed and the
hospital had total operating and capital
outlier payments greater than $500,000
during the cost reporting period.
Step 2.—Determine the aggregate amount
of capital outlier reconciliation dollars
(under both the original criteria and the new
Step 2a.—Calculate the aggregate amount
of the historical total of capital outlier
reconciliation dollars (Worksheet E, Part A,
Line 93, Column 1) using the Federal FY
2019 cost reports from Step 1.
Step 2b.—For the hospitals that would
have met the new criteria as identified in
Step 1b, to determine the aggregate amount
of capital outlier reconciliation dollars, we
propose to use the following process (we note
this process is the same as Step 2b of the
operating methodology):
We collected supplemental estimated
outlier payment data from the MACs for
claims with discharges occurring during the
hospital’s FY 2019 cost reporting period to
estimate the change in the hospital’s outlier
payments. Specifically, for each hospital
identified in Step 1b, the MACs used the
actual capital CCR calculated from the FY
2019 cost report and the utility in the claims
system along with that CCR to determine
total outlier payments for claims with
discharges occurring during the hospital’s FY
2019 cost report (this is the same process
MACs would have used if the cost report had
been identified for reconciliation had the
new criteria been in place for FY 2019 cost
reports). For those same claims with
discharges occurring during the hospital’s
2019 cost report, the MAC provided to CMS
the outlier payment as reported on the claim
(which was based on the hospital’s CCR in
the PSF at the time of claim payment).
Using this supplemental estimated outlier
payment data, we computed a ratio of the
outlier payments based on the actual capital
CCR for the FY 2019 cost reporting period
and the capital CCR used at the time of claim
payment. This ratio is then applied to the
capital outlier payment reported on the FY
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
beginning in November 2022 (as described in
this section). This is also the same data used
to determine the aggregate amount of capital
outlier reconciliation dollars for hospitals
from the FY 2019 cost report data using the
December 2023 HCRIS extract in Step 2a.
As presented in the table that follows, to
calculate the imputed capital outlier payment
for the FY 2019 cost report, we multiplied
the capital outlier payment reported on the
FY 2019 cost report by the following ratio
(determined from the supplemental data
collected from the MACs described
previously): Capital Outlier Payments from
MAC using the CCR from FY 2019 Cost
Report divided by Capital Outlier Payments
from MAC Based on Claim Payment. The
general formula is the following: Capital
Outlier Payments Reported on the Cost
Report * (Capital Outlier Payments from
MAC Using CCRs from FY 2019 Cost Report/
Capital Outlier Payments from MAC Based
on Claim Payment).
To calculate the Estimated Capital Outlier
Reconciliation Dollars, we then subtracted
the Imputed Capital Outlier Amount for the
FY 2019 Cost Report (Step 2b–5) from the
Capital Outlier Payment Reported on the FY
2019 Cost Report (Step 2b–1).
The following is an example to illustrate
our proposed calculation to determine the
estimated amount of capital outlier
reconciliation dollars for the hospitals that
would have met the new criteria:
ents from MAC Based on Claim Pa ment
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Outlier Reconciliation Dollars Ste
We note the following, with regard to the
data used in the calculation:
• Due to system limitations the MACs
needed 13 months to process all providers’
claims through the claims utility (for Steps
2b-2 and 2b-3). The MACs used the operating
and capital CCR from the FY 2019 cost
reports based on the September 2022 HCRIS
extract and began processing the
supplemental data for FY 2019 outlier
payments in November 2022. We propose to
move this forward each year, using the
September HCRIS for future fiscal years for
the CCRs (for example, for FY 2026, MACs
would use CCRs from the 2020 cost reports
based on the September 2023 HCRIS).
• For FY 2025, for the ‘‘Capital Outlier
Payment Reported on the FY 2019 Cost
Report’’ (Step 2b-1) we used capital outlier
payments reported on Worksheet L, Part I,
Line 2 and Line 2.01 from the FY 2019 cost
report using the most recent publicly
available quarterly HCRIS extract for this
proposed rule (that is, the December 2023
HCRIS extract). We propose to move this
forward each year and use the most recent
publicly available quarterly HCRIS extract
(for example, for FY 2026, we would use
operating capital payments reported on
Worksheet L, Part I, Line 2 and Line 2.01
from the FY 2020 cost reports using the most
recent publicly available quarterly HCRIS
• For the hospitals identified in Step 1b,
we have posted a public use file that includes
the operating CCR calculated from the FY
2019 cost report in the most recent publicly
available quarterly HCRIS extract (the
December 2023 HCRIS for this proposed
rule), the weighted operating CCR used for
claim payment during the FY 2019 cost
reporting period from the latest quarterly PSF
update (December 2023 for this proposed
rule), supplemental data from the MACs and
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capital outlier payments reported on the FY
2019 cost report.
Step 3.—Calculate the aggregate amount of
total capital Federal payments across all
applicable hospitals using the Federal FY
2019 cost reports. The total capital Federal
payments consist of the capital DRG
payments, including capital outlier
payments, capital indirect medical education
(IME) and capital disproportionate share
hospital (DSH) payments (Worksheet E, Part
A, Line 50, Column 1) and the capital outlier
reconciliation amounts from Steps 2a and 2b.
We note that a negative amount on
Worksheet E, Part A, Line 93 from Step 2a
for capital outlier reconciliation indicates an
amount that was owed by the hospital, and
a positive amount indicates this amount was
paid to the hospital. Similarly, a negative
amount from Step 2b for capital outlier
reconciliation indicates an amount that
would have been owed by the hospital, and
a positive amount indicates an amount that
would have been paid to the hospital.
Step 4.—Divide the aggregate amount from
Step 2 (that is, the sum of the amounts from
Steps 2a and 2b) by the amount from Step 3
and multiply the resulting amount by 100 to
produce the percentage of total capital outlier
reconciliation dollars to total capital Federal
payments for FY 2019. This percentage
amount would be used to adjust the estimate
of capital outlier payments for FY 2025 as
described in Step 5.
Step 5.—Because the outlier reconciliation
dollars are only available on the cost reports,
and not in the specific Medicare claims data
in the MedPAR file used to estimate outlier
payments, we are proposing that the estimate
of capital outlier payments for FY 2025
would be determined by adding the
percentage in Step 5 to the estimated
percentage of capital outlier payments
otherwise determined using the shared
outlier threshold that is applicable to both
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hospital inpatient operating costs and
hospital inpatient capital-related costs. (We
note that this percentage is added for capital
outlier payments but subtracted in the
analogous step for operating outlier
payments. We have a unified outlier payment
methodology that uses a shared threshold to
identify outlier cases for both operating and
capital payments. The difference stems from
the fact that operating outlier payments are
determined by first setting a ‘‘target’’
percentage of operating outlier payments
relative to aggregate operating payments
which produces the outlier threshold. Once
the shared threshold is set, it is used to
estimate the percentage of capital outlier
payments to total capital payments based on
that threshold. Because the threshold is
already set based on the operating target,
rather than adjusting the threshold (or
operating target), we adjust the percentage of
capital outlier to total capital payments to
account for the estimated effect of capital
outlier reconciliation payments. This
percentage is adjusted by adding the capital
outlier reconciliation percentage from Step 5
to the estimate of the percentage of capital
outlier payments to total capital payments
based on the shared threshold.) We note,
when the aggregate capital outlier
reconciliation dollars from Steps 2a and 2b
are negative, the estimate of capital outlier
payments for FY 2025 under our proposed
methodology would be lower than the
percentage of capital outlier payments
otherwise determined using the shared
outlier threshold.
For this FY 2025 proposed rule, the
estimated percentage of FY 2025 capital
outlier payments otherwise determined using
the shared outlier threshold is 4.26 percent
(estimated capital outlier payments of
$290,612,698 divided by (estimated capital
outlier payments of $290,612,698 plus the
estimated total capital Federal payment of
2019 cost report to impute a capital outlier
payment for the FY 2019 cost report. We
believe it is appropriate to impute the capital
outlier payment for the cost report using the
supplemental data from the MACs described
previously rather than use the actual amount
reported on the cost report because the
claims data in the claims processing system
may slightly differ from the cost report data
in the HCRIS due to timing. This approach
would also allow CMS to use more recent
data (from the most recent publicly available
quarterly HCRIS extract, which is December
2023 for this proposed rule) to estimate
outlier reconciliation dollars as compared to
estimating outlier reconciliation dollars using
the supplemental data from the MACs which
was submitted by the MACs to CMS
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
$6,532,600,813)). The proposed ratio in Step
5 is a negative ¥0.026446 percent
((¥$2,056,344/$7,775,606,401) × 100),
which, when rounded to the second digit, is
¥0.03 percent. Therefore, for this FY 2025
proposed rule, taking into account projected
capital outlier reconciliation under our
proposed methodology would decrease the
estimated percentage of FY 2025 aggregate
capital outlier payments by 0.03 percent.
As discussed in section III.A.2. of this
Addendum, we are proposing to incorporate
the capital outlier reconciliation dollars from
Step 5 when applying the outlier adjustment
factor in determining the capital Federal rate
based on the estimated percentage of capital
outlier payments to total capital Federal rate
payments for FY 2025.
We are inviting public comment on our
proposed methodology for projecting an
estimate of capital outlier reconciliation and
incorporating that estimate into the modeling
of the estimate of FY 2025 capital outlier
payments for purposes of determining the
capital outlier adjustment factor.
(2) Proposed FY 2025 Outlier Fixed-Loss Cost
In the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(78 FR 50977 through 50983), in response to
public comments on the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule, we made changes to our
methodology for projecting the outlier fixedloss cost threshold for FY 2014. We refer
readers to the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule for a detailed discussion of the changes.
As we have done in the past, to calculate
the proposed FY 2025 outlier threshold, we
simulated payments by applying proposed
FY 2025 payment rates and policies using
cases from the FY 2023 MedPAR file. As
noted in section II.C. of this Addendum, we
specify the formula used for actual claim
payment which is also used by CMS to
project the outlier threshold for the
upcoming fiscal year. The difference is the
source of some of the variables in the
formula. For example, operating and capital
CCRs for actual claim payment are from the
Provider-Specific File (PSF) while CMS uses
an adjusted CCR (as described later in this
section) to project the threshold for the
upcoming fiscal year. In addition, charges for
a claim payment are from the bill while
charges to project the threshold are from the
MedPAR data with an inflation factor applied
to the charges (as described earlier).
In order to determine the proposed FY
2025 outlier threshold, we inflated the
charges on the MedPAR claims by 2 years,
from FY 2023 to FY 2025. Consistent with
the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR
42626 and 42627), we are proposing to use
the following methodology to calculate the
charge inflation factor for FY 2025:
• Include hospitals whose last four digits
fall between 0001 and 0899 (section 2779A1
of Chapter 2 of the State Operations Manual
on the CMS website at
include CAHs and REHs that were IPPS
hospitals for the time period of the MedPAR
data being used to calculate the charge
inflation factor; include hospitals in
Maryland; and remove PPS-excluded cancer
hospitals that have a ‘‘V’’ in the fifth position
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of their provider number or a ‘‘E’’ or ‘‘F’’ in
the sixth position.
• Include providers that are in both
periods of charge data that are used to
calculate the 1-year average annual rate ofchange in charges per case. We note this is
consistent with the methodology used since
FY 2014.
• We excluded Medicare Advantage IME
claims for the reasons described in section
I.A.4. of this Addendum. We refer readers to
the FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for a
complete discussion on our methodology of
identifying and adding the total Medicare
Advantage IME payment amount to the
budget neutrality adjustments.
• In order to ensure that we capture only
FFS claims, we included claims with a
‘‘Claim Type’’ of 60 (which is a field on the
MedPAR file that indicates a claim is an FFS
• In order to further ensure that we capture
only FFS claims, we excluded claims with a
‘‘GHOPAID’’ indicator of 1 (which is a field
on the MedPAR file that indicates a claim is
not an FFS claim and is paid by a Group
Health Organization).
• We examined the MedPAR file and
removed pharmacy charges for antihemophilic blood factor (which are paid
separately under the IPPS) with an indicator
of ‘‘3’’ for blood clotting with a revenue code
of ‘‘0636’’ from the covered charge field. We
also removed organ acquisition charges from
the covered charge field because organ
acquisition is a pass-through payment not
paid under the IPPS. As noted previously, we
proposing to remove allogeneic
hematopoietic stem cell acquisition charges
from the covered charge field for budget
neutrality adjustments. As discussed in the
FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, payment
for allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
acquisition costs is made on a reasonable cost
basis for cost reporting periods beginning on
or after October 1, 2020 (85 FR 58835 through
• Because this payment simulation uses
the proposed FY 2025 relative weights,
consistent with our proposal discussed in
section IV.I. of the preamble to this final rule,
we applied the proposed adjustor for certain
cases that group to MS–DRG 018 in our
simulation of these payments.
Our general methodology to inflate the
charges computes the 1-year average annual
rate-of-change in charges per case which is
then applied twice to inflate the charges on
the MedPAR claims by 2 years since we
typically use claims data for the fiscal year
that is 2 years prior to the upcoming fiscal
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(84 FR 42627), we modified our charge
inflation methodology. We stated that we
believe balancing our preference to use the
latest available data from the MedPAR files
and stakeholders’ concerns about being able
to use publicly available MedPAR files to
review the charge inflation factor can be
achieved by modifying our methodology to
use the publicly available Federal fiscal year
period (that is, for FY 2020, we used the
charge data from Federal fiscal years 2017
and 2018), rather than the most recent data
available to CMS which, under our prior
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methodology, was based on calendar year
data. We refer the reader to the FY 2020
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for a complete
discussion regarding this change.
For the same reasons discussed in that
rulemaking, for FY 2025, we are proposing to
use the same methodology as FY 2020 to
determine the charge inflation factor. That is,
for FY 2025, we are proposing to use the
MedPAR files for the two most recent
available Federal fiscal year time periods to
calculate the charge inflation factor, as we
did for FY 2020. Specifically, for this
proposed rule we used the December 2022
MedPAR file of FY 2022 (October 1, 2021 to
September 30, 2022) charge data (released for
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule)
and the December 2023 MedPAR file of FY
2023 (October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023)
charge data (released for this FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule) to compute the
proposed charge inflation factor. We are
proposing that for the FY 2025 final rule, we
would use more recently updated data, that
is the MedPAR files from March 2023 for the
FY 2022 time period and March 2024 for the
FY 2023 time period.
For FY 2025, under this proposed
methodology, to compute the 1-year average
annual rate-of-change in charges per case, we
compared the average covered charge per
case of $82,570.13 ($574,544,024,043/
6,958,255) from October 1, 2021 through
September 30, 2022, to the average covered
charge per case of $85,990.03
($593,444,028,889/6,901,312) from October 1,
2022 through September 30, 2023. This rateof-change was 4.142 percent (1.04142) or
8.4555 percent (1.084555) over 2 years. The
billed charges are obtained from the claims
from the MedPAR file and inflated by the
inflation factor specified previously.
As we have done in the past, in this FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are
proposing to establish the FY 2025 outlier
threshold using hospital CCRs from the
December 2023 update to the ProviderSpecific File (PSF), the most recent available
data at the time of the development of the
proposed rule. We are proposing to apply the
following edits to providers’ CCRs in the
PSF. We believe these edits are appropriate
to accurately model the outlier threshold. We
first search for Indian Health Service
providers and those providers assigned the
statewide average CCR from the current fiscal
year. We then replace these CCRs with the
statewide average CCR for the upcoming
fiscal year. We also assign the statewide
average CCR (for the upcoming fiscal year) to
those providers that have no value in the
CCR field in the PSF or whose CCRs exceed
the ceilings described later in this section
(3.0 standard deviations from the mean of the
log distribution of CCRs for all hospitals). We
do not apply the adjustment factors described
later in this section to hospitals assigned the
statewide average CCR. For FY 2025, we are
proposing to continue to apply an adjustment
factor to the CCRs to account for cost and
charge inflation (as explained later in this
section). We also are proposing that, if more
recent data become available, we would use
that data to calculate the final FY 2025
outlier threshold.
In the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(78 FR 50979), we adopted a new
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
methodology to adjust the CCRs. Specifically,
we finalized a policy to compare the national
average case-weighted operating and capital
CCR from the most recent update of the PSF
to the national average case-weighted
operating and capital CCR from the same
period of the prior year.
Therefore, as we have done in the past, we
are proposing to adjust the CCRs from the
December 2023 update of the PSF by
comparing the percentage change in the
national average case weighted operating
CCR and capital CCR from the December
2022 update of the PSF to the national
average case weighted operating CCR and
capital CCR from the December 2023 update
of the PSF. We note that we used total
transfer-adjusted cases from FY 2023 to
determine the national average case weighted
CCRs for both sides of the comparison. As
stated in the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (78 FR 50979), we believe that it is
appropriate to use the same case count on
both sides of the comparison because this
will produce the true percentage change in
the average case-weighted operating and
capital CCR from one year to the next
without any effect from a change in case
count on different sides of the comparison.
Using the proposed methodology, for this
proposed rule, we calculated a December
2022 operating national average caseweighted CCR of 0.246416 and a December
2023 operating national average caseweighted CCR of 0.254624. We then
calculated the percentage change between the
two national operating case-weighted CCRs
by subtracting the December 2022 operating
national average case-weighted CCR from the
December 2023 operating national average
case-weighted CCR and then dividing the
result by the December 2022 national
operating average case-weighted CCR. This
resulted in a proposed one-year national
operating CCR adjustment factor of 1.03331.
We used this same proposed methodology
to adjust the capital CCRs. Specifically, we
calculated a December 2022 capital national
average case-weighted CCR of 0.018005 and
a December 2023 capital national average
case-weighted CCR of 0.017765. We then
calculated the percentage change between the
two national capital case-weighted CCRs by
subtracting the December 2022 capital
national average case-weighted CCR from the
December 2023 capital national average caseweighted CCR and then dividing the result by
the December 2022 capital national average
case-weighted CCR. This resulted in a
proposed one-year national capital CCR
adjustment factor of 0.98667.
For purposes of estimating the proposed
outlier threshold for FY 2025, we used a
wage index that reflects the policies
discussed in this proposed rule. This
includes the following:
• Application of the proposed rural and
imputed floor adjustment.
• The proposed frontier State floor
adjustments in accordance with section
10324(a) of the Affordable Care Act.
• The proposed out-migration adjustment
as added by section 505 of Public Law 108–
• Incorporating the proposed FY 2025 low
wage index hospital policy (described in
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section III.G.5 of the preamble of this
proposed rule) for hospitals with a wage
index value below the 25th percentile, where
the increase in the wage index value for these
hospitals would be equal to half the
difference between the otherwise applicable
final wage index value for a year for that
hospital and the 25th percentile wage index
value for that year across all hospitals.
• Incorporating our policy (described in
section III.6. of the preamble of this proposed
rule) to apply a 5-percent cap on any
decrease to a hospital’s wage index from its
wage index in the prior FY, regardless of the
circumstances causing the decline.
If we did not take the aforementioned into
account, our estimate of total FY 2025
payments would be too low, and, as a result,
our proposed outlier threshold would be too
high, such that estimated outlier payments
would be less than our projected 5.1 percent
of total payments (which includes outlier
As described in sections V.K. and V.L.,
respectively, of the preamble of this proposed
rule, sections 1886(q) and 1886(o) of the Act
establish the Hospital Readmissions
Reduction Program and the Hospital VBP
Program, respectively. We do not believe that
it is appropriate to include the proposed
hospital VBP payment adjustments and the
hospital readmissions payment adjustments
in the proposed outlier threshold calculation
or the proposed outlier offset to the
standardized amount. Specifically, consistent
with our definition of the base operating DRG
payment amount for the Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program under
§ 412.152 and the Hospital VBP Program
under § 412.160, outlier payments under
section 1886(d)(5)(A) of the Act are not
affected by these payment adjustments.
Therefore, outlier payments would continue
to be calculated based on the unadjusted base
DRG payment amount (as opposed to using
the base-operating DRG payment amount
adjusted by the hospital readmissions
payment adjustment and the hospital VBP
payment adjustment). Consequently, we are
proposing to exclude the estimated hospital
VBP payment adjustments and the estimated
hospital readmissions payment adjustments
from the calculation of the proposed outlier
fixed-loss cost threshold.
We note that, to the extent section 1886(r)
of the Act modifies the DSH payment
methodology under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of
the Act, the uncompensated care payment
under section 1886(r)(2) of the Act, like the
empirically justified Medicare DSH payment
under section 1886(r)(1) of the Act, may be
considered an amount payable under section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act such that it would be
reasonable to include the payment in the
outlier determination under section
1886(d)(5)(A) of the Act. As we have done
since the implementation of uncompensated
care payments in FY 2014, for FY 2025, we
are proposing to allocate an estimated perdischarge uncompensated care payment
amount to all cases for the hospitals eligible
to receive the uncompensated care payment
amount in the calculation of the outlier fixedloss cost threshold methodology. We
continue to believe that allocating an eligible
hospital’s estimated uncompensated care
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payment to all cases equally in the
calculation of the outlier fixed-loss cost
threshold would best approximate the
amount we would pay in uncompensated
care payments during the year because, when
we make claim payments to a hospital
eligible for such payments, we would be
making estimated per-discharge
uncompensated care payments to all cases
Furthermore, we continue to believe that
using the estimated per-claim
uncompensated care payment amount to
determine outlier estimates provides
predictability as to the amount of
uncompensated care payments included in
the calculation of outlier payments.
Therefore, consistent with the methodology
used since FY 2014 to calculate the outlier
fixed-loss cost threshold, for FY 2025, we are
proposing to include estimated FY 2025
uncompensated care payments in the
computation of the proposed outlier fixedloss cost threshold. Specifically, we are
proposing to use the estimated per-discharge
uncompensated care payments to hospitals
eligible for the uncompensated care payment
for all cases in the calculation of the
proposed outlier fixed-loss cost threshold
In addition, consistent with the
methodology finalized in the FY 2023 final
rule, we are proposing to include the
estimated supplemental payments for eligible
IHS/Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico
hospitals in the computation of the FY 2025
proposed outlier fixed-loss cost threshold.
Specifically, we are proposing to use the
estimated per-discharge supplemental
payments to hospitals eligible for the
supplemental payment for all cases in the
calculation of the proposed outlier fixed-loss
cost threshold methodology.
Using this methodology, we used the
formula described in section I.C.1. of this
Addendum to simulate and calculate the
Federal payment rate and outlier payments
for all claims. In addition, as described in the
earlier section to this Addendum, we are
proposing to incorporate an estimate of FY
2025 outlier reconciliation in the
methodology for determining the outlier
threshold. As noted previously, for the FY
2025 proposed rule, the ratio of outlier
reconciliation dollars to total Federal
Payments (Step 4) is a negative 0.039789
percent, which, when rounded to the second
digit, is ¥0.04 percent. Therefore, for FY
2025, we are proposing to incorporate a
projection of outlier reconciliation dollars by
targeting an outlier threshold at 5.14 percent
[5.1 percent ¥(¥.04 percent)]. Under this
proposed approach, we determined a
proposed threshold of $49,237 and calculated
total outlier payments of $4,330,371,122 and
total operating Federal payments of
$79,917,085,666. We then divided total
outlier payments by total operating Federal
payments plus total outlier payments and
determined that this threshold matched with
the 5.14 percent target, which reflected our
proposal to incorporate an estimate of outlier
reconciliation in the determination of the
outlier threshold (as discussed in more detail
in the previous section of this Addendum).
We note that, if calculated without applying
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
our proposed methodology for incorporating
an estimate of outlier reconciliation in the
determination of the outlier threshold, the
proposed threshold would be $49,601. We
are proposing an outlier fixed-loss cost
threshold for FY 2025 equal to the
prospective payment rate for the MS–DRG,
plus any IME, empirically justified Medicare
DSH payments, estimated uncompensated
care payment, estimated supplemental
payment for eligible IHS/Tribal hospitals and
Puerto Rico hospitals, and any add-on
payments for new technology, plus $49,237.
(3) Other Proposed Changes Concerning
As stated in the FY 1994 IPPS final rule (58
FR 46348), we establish an outlier threshold
that is applicable to both hospital inpatient
operating costs and hospital inpatient
capital-related costs. When we modeled the
combined operating and capital outlier
payments, we found that using a common
threshold resulted in a higher percentage of
outlier payments for capital-related costs
than for operating costs. We project that the
threshold for FY 2025 (which reflects our
methodology to incorporate an estimate of
operating outlier reconciliation) would result
in outlier payments that would equal 5.1
percent of operating DRG payments and we
Operatin2 Standardized Amounts
estimate that capital outlier payments would
equal 4.23 percent of capital payments based
on the Federal rate (which reflects our
methodology discussed previously to
incorporate an estimate of capital outlier
In accordance with section 1886(d)(3)(B) of
the Act and as discussed previously, we are
proposing to reduce the FY 2025
standardized amount by 5.1 percent to
account for the projected proportion of
payments paid as outliers.
The proposed outlier adjustment factors
that would be applied to the operating
standardized amount and capital Federal rate
based on the proposed FY 2025 outlier
threshold are as follows:
Capital Federal Rate*
We are proposing to apply the outlier
adjustment factors to the FY 2025 payment
rates after removing the effects of the FY
2024 outlier adjustment factors on the
standardized amount.
To determine whether a case qualifies for
outlier payments, we currently apply
hospital-specific CCRs to the total covered
charges for the case. Estimated operating and
capital costs for the case are calculated
separately by applying separate operating
and capital CCRs. These costs are then
combined and compared with the outlier
fixed-loss cost threshold.
Under our current policy at § 412.84, we
calculate operating and capital CCR ceilings
and assign a statewide average CCR for
hospitals whose CCRs exceed 3.0 standard
deviations from the mean of the log
distribution of CCRs for all hospitals. Based
on this calculation, for hospitals for which
the MAC computes operating CCRs greater
than 1.288 or capital CCRs greater than 0.129
or hospitals for which the MAC is unable to
calculate a CCR (as described under
§ 412.84(i)(3) of our regulations), statewide
average CCRs are used to determine whether
a hospital qualifies for outlier payments.
Table 8A listed in section VI. of this
Addendum (and available via the internet on
the CMS website) contains the proposed
statewide average operating CCRs for urban
hospitals and for rural hospitals for which
the MAC is unable to compute a hospitalspecific CCR within the range previously
specified. These statewide average ratios
would be effective for discharges occurring
on or after October 1, 2024 and would
replace the statewide average ratios from the
prior fiscal year. Table 8B listed in section
VI. of this Addendum (and available via the
internet on the CMS website) contains the
comparable proposed statewide average
capital CCRs. As previously stated, the
proposed CCRs in Tables 8A and 8B would
be used during FY 2025 when hospitalspecific CCRs based on the latest settled cost
report either are not available or are outside
the range noted previously. Table 8C listed
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in section VI. of this Addendum (and
available via the internet on the CMS
website) contains the proposed statewide
average total CCRs used under the LTCH PPS
as discussed in section V. of this Addendum.
We finally note that section 20.1.2 of
chapter three of the Medicare Claims
Processing Manual (on the internet at https://
clm104c03.pdf) covers an array of topics,
including CCRs, reconciliation, and the time
value of money. We encourage hospitals that
are assigned the statewide average operating
and/or capital CCRs to work with their MAC
on a possible alternative operating and/or
capital CCR as explained in the manual. Use
of an alternative CCR developed by the
hospital in conjunction with the MAC can
avoid possible overpayments or
underpayments at cost report settlement,
thereby ensuring better accuracy when
making outlier payments and negating the
need for outlier reconciliation. We also note
that a hospital may request an alternative
operating or capital CCR at any time as long
as the guidelines of the manual are followed.
In addition, the manual outlines the outlier
reconciliation process for hospitals and
Medicare contractors. We refer hospitals to
the manual instructions for complete details
on outlier reconciliation.
(4) FY 2023 Outlier Payments
Our current estimate, using available FY
2023 claims data, is that actual outlier
payments for FY 2023 were approximately
5.23 percent of actual total MS–DRG
payments. Therefore, the data indicate that,
for FY 2023, the percentage of actual outlier
payments relative to actual total payments is
higher than we projected for FY 2023.
Consistent with the policy and statutory
interpretation we have maintained since the
inception of the IPPS, we do not make
retroactive adjustments to outlier payments
to ensure that total outlier payments for FY
2023 are equal to 5.1 percent of total MS–
DRG payments. As explained in the FY 2003
Outlier final rule (68 FR 34502), if we were
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to make retroactive adjustments to all outlier
payments to ensure total payments are 5.1
percent of MS–DRG payments (by
retroactively adjusting outlier payments), we
would be removing the important aspect of
the prospective nature of the IPPS. Because
such an across-the-board adjustment would
either lead to more or less outlier payments
for all hospitals, hospitals would no longer
be able to reliably approximate their payment
for a patient while the patient is still
hospitalized. We believe it would be neither
necessary nor appropriate to make such an
aggregate retroactive adjustment.
Furthermore, we believe it is consistent with
the statutory language at section
1886(d)(5)(A)(iv) of the Act not to make
retroactive adjustments to outlier payments.
This section states that outlier payments be
equal to or greater than 5 percent and less
than or equal to 6 percent of projected or
estimated (not actual) MS–DRG payments.
We believe that an important goal of a PPS
is predictability. Therefore, we believe that
the fixed-loss outlier threshold should be
projected based on the best available
historical data and should not be adjusted
retroactively. A retroactive change to the
fixed-loss outlier threshold would affect all
hospitals subject to the IPPS, thereby
undercutting the predictability of the system
as a whole.
We note that, because the MedPAR claims
data for the entire FY 2024 period would not
be available until after September 30, 2024,
we are unable to provide an estimate of
actual outlier payments for FY 2024 based on
FY 2024 claims data in this proposed rule.
We will provide an estimate of actual FY
2024 outlier payments in the FY 2026 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule.
5. Proposed FY 2025 Standardized Amount
The adjusted standardized amount is
divided into labor-related and nonlaborrelated portions. Tables 1A and 1B listed and
published in section VI. of this Addendum
(and available via the internet on the CMS
website) contain the national standardized
amounts that we are proposing to apply to all
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
*The adjustment factor for the capital Federal rate includes an adjustment to the estimated percentage of FY 2025 capital outlier
payments for capital outlier reconciliation, as discussed previously and in section III.A.2 in this Addendum.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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hospitals, except hospitals located in Puerto
Rico, for FY 2025. The proposed
standardized amount for hospitals in Puerto
Rico is shown in Table 1C listed and
published in section VI. of this Addendum
(and available via the internet on the CMS
website). The proposed amounts shown in
Tables 1A and 1B differ only in that the
labor-related share applied to the
standardized amounts in Table 1A is 67.6
percent, and the labor-related share applied
to the standardized amounts in Table 1B is
62 percent. In accordance with sections
1886(d)(3)(E) and 1886(d)(9)(C)(iv) of the Act,
we are proposing to apply a labor-related
share of 62 percent, unless application of that
percentage would result in lower payments
to a hospital than would otherwise be made.
In effect, the statutory provision means that
we would apply a labor-related share of 62
percent for all hospitals whose wage indexes
are less than or equal to 1.0000.
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In addition, Tables 1A and 1B include the
proposed standardized amounts reflecting
the proposed applicable percentage increases
for FY 2025.
The proposed labor-related and nonlaborrelated portions of the national average
standardized amounts for Puerto Rico
hospitals for FY 2025 are set forth in Table
1C listed and published in section VI. of this
Addendum (and available via the internet on
the CMS website). Similarly, section
1886(d)(9)(C)(iv) of the Act, as amended by
section 403(b) of Public Law 108–173,
provides that the labor-related share for
hospitals located in Puerto Rico be 62
percent, unless the application of that
percentage would result in lower payments
to the hospital.
The following table illustrates the changes
from the FY 2024 national standardized
amounts to the proposed FY 2025 national
standardized amounts. The second through
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fifth columns display the changes from the
FY 2024 standardized amounts for each
proposed applicable FY 2025 standardized
amount. The first row of the table shows the
updated (through FY 2024) average
standardized amount after restoring the FY
2024 offsets for outlier payments, geographic
reclassification, rural demonstration, lowest
quartile, and wage index cap policy budget
neutrality. The MS–DRG reclassification and
recalibration wage index, and stem cell
acquisition budget neutrality factors are
cumulative (that is, we have not restored the
offsets). Accordingly, those FY 2024
adjustment factors have not been removed
from the base rate in the following table.
Additionally, for FY 2025 we have applied
the proposed budget neutrality factors for the
lowest quartile hospital policy, described
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Hospital Submitted
Quality Data and is
NOT a Meaningful EHR
If Wage Index is Greater
Than 1.0000:
Labor (67.6%): $4,628.54
Nonlabor (32.4%):
Hospital Did NOT
Submit Quality Data
and is NOT a
Meanin!!ful EHR User
If Wage Index is Greater
Than 1.0000:
Labor (67.6%): $4,628.54
Nonlabor (32.4%):
If Wage Index is less Than
or Equal to 1.0000:
Labor (62%): $4,385.87
Nonlabor (38%):
Labor: S4,S06.29
Nonlabor: S2,1S9.81
Labor: $4,407.47
Nonlabor: $2112.4S
Labor: $4,473.35
Nonlabor: $2144.02
Labor: $4,374.53
Nonlabor: $2.096.66
Labor: S4,132.98
Nonlabor: S2,533.12
Labor: $4,102.77
Nonlabor: $2,514.60
B. Proposed Adjustments for Area Wage
Levels and Cost-of-Living
payment rates as described in this
Tables 1A through 1C, as published in
section VI. of this Addendum (and available
via the internet on the CMS website), contain
the proposed labor-related and nonlaborrelated shares that we are proposing to use
to calculate the prospective payment rates for
hospitals located in the 50 States, the District
of Columbia, and Puerto Rico for FY 2025.
This section addresses two types of
adjustments to the standardized amounts that
are made in determining the prospective
1. Proposed Adjustment for Area Wage
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If Wage Index is less
Than or Equal to 1.0000:
Labor (62%): $4,385.87
Nonlabor (38%):
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Sections 1886(d)(3)(E) and
1886(d)(9)(C)(iv) of the Act require that we
make an adjustment to the labor-related
portion of the national prospective payment
rate to account for area differences in
hospital wage levels. This adjustment is
made by multiplying the labor-related
portion of the adjusted standardized amounts
by the appropriate wage index for the area in
which the hospital is located. For FY 2025,
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as discussed in section IV.B.3. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to apply a labor-related share of
67.6 percent for the national standardized
amounts for all IPPS hospitals (including
hospitals in Puerto Rico) that have a wage
index value that is greater than 1.0000.
Consistent with section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the
Act, we are proposing to apply the wage
index to a labor-related share of 62 percent
of the national standardized amount for all
IPPS hospitals (including hospitals in Puerto
Rico) whose wage index values are less than
or equal to 1.0000. In section III. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we discuss
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
FY 2025 Base Rate after removing:
1. FY 2024 Geographic
Reclassification Budget Neutrality
2. FY 2024 Operating Outlier
3. FY 2024 Rural Uemonstration
Budget Neutrality Factor
4. FY 2024 Lowest Quartile Budget
Neutrality Factor (0.997402)
5. FY 2024 Cap Policy Wage Index
Dudget Neutrality Factor
Proposed FY 2025 Update Factor
Proposed FY 2025 MS-DRG
Reclassification and Recalibration
Budget Neutrality Factor Before
Proposed FY 2025 Cap Policy MSDRG WeightBudget Neutrality
Proposed FY 2025 Wage Index
Budl!et Neutrality Factor
Proposed FY 2025 Reclassificatim1
Budget Neutrality Factor
Proposed FY 2025 Lowest Quartile
Budget Neutrality Factor
Proposed FY 2025 Cap Policy
Wage Index Budget Neutrality
Proposed FY 2025 RCH
Demonstration Budget Neutrality
Proposed FY 2025 Operating
Outlier Factor
Proposed National Standardized
Amount for FY 2025 if Wage
Index i'i Greater Than 1.0000;
Labor/Non-Labor Share
Percenta!!e (67.6/32.4)
Proposed National Standardized
Amount for FY 2025 if Wage
Index is Less Than or Equal to
1.0000; Labor/Non-Labor Share
Percenta!!e (62/38)
Hospital Did NOT
Submit Quality Data
and is a Meaningful
EHR User
If Wage Index is
Greater Than 1.0000:
Nonlabor (32.4% ):
If Wage Index is less
Than or Equal to l.0000:
Labor (62%): $4,385.87
Nonlabor (38% ):
Hmpital Submitted
Quality Data and is a
Meaningful EHR User
If Wage Index is Greater
llian 1.0000:
Labor (67.6%): $
Nonlabor (32.4%): $
If Wage Index is less
Than or Equal to 1.0000:
Labor (62%): $4,385.87
Nonlabor (38%):
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the data and methodology for the FY 2025
wage index.
2. Adjustment for Cost-of-Living in Alaska
and Hawaii
Section 1886(d)(5)(H) of the Act provides
discretionary authority to the Secretary to
make adjustments as the Secretary deems
appropriate to take into account the unique
circumstances of hospitals located in Alaska
and Hawaii. Higher labor-related costs for
these two States are taken into account in the
adjustment for area wages described
previously. To account for higher non-laborrelated costs for these two States, we
multiply the nonlabor-related portion of the
standardized amount for hospitals in Alaska
and Hawaii by an adjustment factor.
In the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
we established a methodology to update the
COLA factors for Alaska and Hawaii that
were published by the U.S. Office of
Personnel Management (OPM) every 4 years
(coinciding with the update to the laborrelated share of the IPPS market basket),
beginning in FY 2014. We refer readers to the
FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed and final
rules for additional background and a
detailed description of this methodology (77
FR 28145 through 28146 and 77 FR 53700
through 53701, respectively). For FY 2022, in
the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR
45546 through 45547), we updated the COLA
factors published by OPM for 2009 (as these
are the last COLA factors OPM published
prior to transitioning from COLAs to locality
pay) using the methodology that we finalized
in the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Based on the policy finalized in the FY 2013
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we are continuing
to use the same COLA factors in FY 2025 that
were used in FY 2024 to adjust the nonlaborrelated portion of the standardized amount
for hospitals located in Alaska and Hawaii.
The following table lists the COLA factors for
FY 2025.
FY 2025 Cost-of-Living Adjustment Factors (COLA):
Alaska and Hawaii Hospitals
City of Anchorage and SO-kilometer (5O-mile) radius by road
City of Fairbanks and SO-kilometer (5O-mile) radius by road
City of Juneau and SO-kilometer (5O-mile) radius by road
Rest of Alaska
City and County of Honolulu
County of Hawaii
County of Kauai
County of Maui and County of Kalawao
C. Calculation of the Proposed Prospective
Payment Rates
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
1. General Formula for Calculation of the
Prospective Payment Rates for FY 2025
In general, the operating prospective
payment rate for all hospitals (including
hospitals in Puerto Rico) paid under the
IPPS, except SCHs and MDHs, for FY 2025
equals the Federal rate (which includes
uncompensated care payments). As
previously discussed, section 4102 of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (Pub.
L. 117–328), enacted on December 29, 2022,
extended the MDH program through FY 2024
(that is, for discharges occurring on or before
September 30, 2024). Subsequently, section
307 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2024 (CAA, 2024) (Pub. L. 118–42), enacted
on March 9, 2024, further extended the MDH
program for discharges occurring before
January 1, 2025. Prior to enactment of the
CAA, 2024, the MDH program was only to be
in effect through the end of FY 2024. Under
current law, the MDH program will expire for
discharges on or after January 1, 2025.
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SCHs are paid based on whichever of the
following rates yields the greatest aggregate
• The Federal national rate (which, as
discussed in section IVE. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, includes uncompensated
care payments).
• The updated hospital-specific rate based
on FY 1982 costs per discharge.
• The updated hospital-specific rate based
on FY 1987 costs per discharge.
• The updated hospital-specific rate based
on FY 1996 costs per discharge.
• The updated hospital-specific rate based
on FY 2006 costs per discharge to determine
the rate that yields the greatest aggregate
The prospective payment rate for SCHs for
FY 2025 equals the higher of the applicable
Federal rate, or the hospital-specific rate as
described later in this section. The
prospective payment rate for MDHs for FY
2025 discharges occurring before January 1,
2025 equals the higher of the Federal rate, or
the Federal rate plus 75 percent of the
difference between the Federal rate and the
hospital-specific rate as described in this
section. For MDHs, the updated hospitalspecific rate is based on FY 1982, FY 1987,
or FY 2002 costs per discharge, whichever
yields the greatest aggregate payment.
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2. Operating and Capital Federal Payment
Rate and Outlier Payment Calculation
Note: The formula specified in this section
is used for actual claim payment and is also
used by CMS to project the outlier threshold
for the upcoming fiscal year. The difference
is the source of some of the variables in the
formula. For example, operating and capital
CCRs for actual claim payment are from the
PSF while CMS uses an adjusted CCR (as
described previously) to project the threshold
for the upcoming fiscal year. In addition,
charges for a claim payment are from the bill
while charges to project the threshold are
from the MedPAR data with an inflation
factor applied to the charges (as described
Step 1—Determine the MS–DRG and MS–
DRG relative weight (from Table 5) for each
claim primarily based on the ICD–10–CM
diagnosis and ICD–10–PCS procedure codes
on the claim.
Step 2—Select the applicable average
standardized amount depending on whether
the hospital submitted qualifying quality data
and is a meaningful EHR user, as described
Step 3—Compute the operating and capital
Federal payment rate:
—Federal Payment Rate for Operating Costs
= MS–DRG Relative Weight × [(LaborRelated Applicable Standardized Amount
Lastly, as we finalized in the FY 2013
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53700 and
53701), we intend to update the COLA
factors at the same time as the update to the
labor-related share of the IPPS market basket.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
× Applicable CBSA Wage Index) +
(Nonlabor-Related Applicable
Standardized Amount × Cost-of-Living
Adjustment)] × (1 + IME + (DSH * 0.25))
—Federal Payment for Capital Costs = MS–
DRG Relative Weight × Federal Capital
Rate × Geographic Adjustment Fact × (l +
Step 4—Determine operating and capital
—Operating Costs = (Billed Charges ×
Operating CCR)
—Capital Costs = (Billed Charges × Capital
Step 5—Compute operating and capital
outlier threshold (CMS applies a geographic
adjustment to the operating and capital
outlier threshold to account for local cost
—Operating CCR to Total CCR = (Operating
CCR)/(Operating CCR + Capital CCR)
—Operating Outlier Threshold = [Fixed Loss
Threshold × ((Labor-Related Portion ×
CBSA Wage Index) + Nonlabor-Related
portion)] × Operating CCR to Total CCR +
Federal Payment with IME, DSH +
Uncompensated Care Payment +
supplemental payment for eligible IHS/
Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals
+ New Technology Add-On Payment
—Capital CCR to Total CCR = (Capital CCR)/
(Operating CCR + Capital CCR)
—Capital Outlier Threshold = (Fixed Loss
Threshold × Geographic Adjustment Factor
× Capital CCR to Total CCR) + Federal
Payment with IME and DSH
Step 6—Compute operating and capital
outlier payments:
—Marginal Cost Factor = 0.80 or 0.90
(depending on the MS–DRG)
—Operating Outlier Payment = (Operating
Costs—Operating Outlier Threshold) ×
Marginal Cost Factor
—Capital Outlier Payment = (Capital
Costs¥Capital Outlier Threshold) ×
Marginal Cost Factor
The payment rate may then be further
adjusted for hospitals that qualify for a lowvolume payment adjustment under section
1886(d)(12) of the Act and 42 CFR
412.101(b). The base-operating DRG payment
amount may be further adjusted by the
hospital readmissions payment adjustment
and the hospital VBP payment adjustment as
described under sections 1886(q) and 1886(o)
of the Act, respectively. Payments also may
be reduced by the 1-percent adjustment
under the HAC Reduction Program as
described in section 1886(p) of the Act. We
also make new technology add-on payments
in accordance with section 1886(d)(5)(K) and
(L) of the Act. Finally, we add the
uncompensated care payment and
supplemental payment for eligible IHS/Tribal
hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals to the
total claim payment amount. As noted in the
previous formula, we take uncompensated
care payments, supplemental payments for
eligible IHS/Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico
hospitals, and new technology add-on
payments into consideration when
calculating outlier payments.
3. Hospital-Specific Rate (Applicable Only to
SCHs and MDHs)
a. Calculation of Hospital-Specific Rate
Section 1886(b)(3)(C) of the Act provides
that SCHs are paid based on whichever of the
following rates yields the greatest aggregate
payment: the Federal rate; the updated
hospital-specific rate based on FY 1982 costs
per discharge; the updated hospital-specific
rate based on FY 1987 costs per discharge;
the updated hospital-specific rate based on
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Proposed Market Basket Rat~of-Increase
Proposed Adjustment for Failure to Submit Quality Data under
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act
Proposed Adjustment for Failure to be a Meaningful EHR User
under Section 1886(hY3YRYix) of the Act
Proposed Productivity Adjustment under Section 1886(bX3XBXxi)
Proposed Applicable Percentage Increase Applied to
Standardized Amount
For a complete discussion of the applicable
percentage increase applied to the hospitalspecific rates for SCHs and MDHs, we refer
readers to section V.F. of the preamble of this
proposed rule.
In addition, because SCHs and MDHs use
the same MS–DRGs as other hospitals when
they are paid based in whole or in part on
the hospital-specific rate, the hospitalspecific rate is adjusted by a budget
neutrality factor to ensure that changes to the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Quality Data
and is a
EHR User
Quality Data
and is NOT a
EHR User
Hospital Did
NOT Submit
Quality Data
and is a
EHR User
Hospital Did
NOT Submit
Quality Data
and is NOT a
Meaningful EHR
MS–DRG classifications and the recalibration
of the MS–DRG relative weights are made in
a manner so that aggregate IPPS payments are
unaffected. Therefore, the hospital specificrate for an SCH or MDH is adjusted by the
proposed MS–DRG reclassification and
recalibration budget neutrality factor, as
discussed in section III. of this Addendum
and listed in the table in section II. of this
Addendum. In addition, as discussed in
section II.E.2.d. of the preamble this
PO 00000
Frm 00646
FY 1996 costs per discharge; or the updated
hospital-specific rate based on FY 2006 costs
per discharge to determine the rate that
yields the greatest aggregate payment. As
discussed previously, currently MDHs are
paid based on the Federal national rate or, if
higher, the Federal national rate plus 75
percent of the difference between the Federal
national rate and the greater of the updated
hospital-specific rates based on either FY
1982, FY 1987, or FY 2002 costs per
discharge. As noted, under current law, the
MDH program is effective for FY 2025
discharges on or before December 31, 2024.
For a more detailed discussion of the
calculation of the hospital-specific rates, we
refer readers to the FY 1984 IPPS interim
final rule (48 FR 39772); the April 20, 1990
final rule with comment period (55 FR
15150); the FY 1991 IPPS final rule (55 FR
35994); and the FY 2001 IPPS final rule (65
FR 47082).
b. Updating the FY 1982, FY 1987, FY 1996,
FY 2002 and FY 2006 Hospital-Specific Rate
for FY 2025
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(iv) of the Act
provides that the applicable percentage
increase applicable to the hospital-specific
rates for SCHs and MDHs equals the
applicable percentage increase set forth in
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(i) of the Act (that is, the
same update factor as for all other hospitals
subject to the IPPS). Because the Act sets the
update factor for SCHs and MDHs equal to
the update factor for all other IPPS hospitals,
the update to the hospital-specific rates for
SCHs and MDHs is subject to the
amendments to section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the
Act made by sections 3401(a) and 10319(a) of
the Affordable Care Act. Accordingly, the
proposed applicable percentage increases to
the hospital-specific rates applicable to SCHs
and MDHs are the following:
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
proposed rule and previously, we are
applying a permanent 10-percent cap on the
reduction in a MS–DRG’s relative weight in
a given fiscal year, as finalized in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. Because
SCHs and MDHs use the same MS–DRGs as
other hospitals when they are paid based in
whole or in part on the hospital-specific rate,
consistent with the policy adopted in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48897
through 48900 and 49432 through 49433), the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
hospital specific-rate for an SCH or MDH
would be adjusted by the proposed MS–DRG
10-percent cap budget neutrality factor. The
resulting rate is used in determining the
payment rate that an SCH or MDH would
receive for its discharges beginning on or
after October 1, 2024.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
III. Proposed Changes to Payment Rates for
Acute Care Hospital Inpatient CapitalRelated Costs for FY 2025
The PPS for acute care hospital inpatient
capital-related costs was implemented for
cost reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 1991. The basic methodology for
determining Federal capital prospective rates
is set forth in the regulations at 42 CFR
412.308 through 412.352. In this section of
this Addendum, we discuss the factors that
we are proposing to use to determine the
capital Federal rate for FY 2025, which
would be effective for discharges occurring
on or after October 1, 2024.
All hospitals (except ‘‘new’’ hospitals
under § 412.304(c)(2)) are paid based on the
capital Federal rate. We annually update the
capital standard Federal rate, as provided in
§ 412.308(c)(1), to account for capital input
price increases and other factors. The
regulations at § 412.308(c)(2) also provide
that the capital Federal rate be adjusted
annually by a factor equal to the estimated
proportion of outlier payments under the
capital Federal rate to total capital payments
under the capital Federal rate. In addition,
§ 412.308(c)(3) requires that the capital
Federal rate be reduced by an adjustment
factor equal to the estimated proportion of
payments for exceptions under § 412.348.
(We note that, as discussed in the FY 2013
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53705),
there is generally no longer a need for an
exceptions payment adjustment factor.)
However, in limited circumstances, an
additional payment exception for
extraordinary circumstances is provided for
under § 412.348(f) for qualifying hospitals.
Therefore, in accordance with
§ 412.308(c)(3), an exceptions payment
adjustment factor may need to be applied if
such payments are made. Section
412.308(c)(4)(ii) requires that the capital
standard Federal rate be adjusted so that the
effects of the annual DRG reclassification and
the recalibration of DRG weights and changes
in the geographic adjustment factor (GAF) are
budget neutral.
Section 412.374 provides for payments to
hospitals located in Puerto Rico under the
IPPS for acute care hospital inpatient capitalrelated costs, which currently specifies
capital IPPS payments to hospitals located in
Puerto Rico are based on 100 percent of the
Federal rate.
A. Determination of the Proposed Federal
Hospital Inpatient Capital-Related
Prospective Payment Rate Update for FY
In the discussion that follows, we explain
the factors that we are proposing to use to
determine the capital Federal rate for FY
2025. In particular, we explain why the
proposed FY 2025 capital Federal rate would
increase approximately 2.50 percent,
compared to the FY 2024 capital Federal rate.
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As discussed in the impact analysis in
Appendix A to this proposed rule, we
estimate that capital payments per discharge
would increase approximately 2.4 percent
during that same period. Because capital
payments constitute approximately 10
percent of hospital payments, a 1-percent
change in the capital Federal rate yields only
approximately a 0.1 percent change in actual
payments to hospitals.
1. Projected Capital Standard Federal Rate
Under § 412.308(c)(1), the capital standard
Federal rate is updated on the basis of an
analytical framework that takes into account
changes in a capital input price index (CIPI)
and several other policy adjustment factors.
Specifically, we adjust the projected CIPI rate
of change, as appropriate, each year for casemix index-related changes, for intensity, and
for errors in previous CIPI forecasts. The
proposed update factor for FY 2025 under
that framework is 3.0 percent based on a
projected 2.5 percent increase in the 2018based CIPI, a proposed 0.0 percentage point
adjustment for intensity, a proposed 0.0
percentage point adjustment for case-mix, a
proposed 0.0 percentage point adjustment for
the DRG reclassification and recalibration,
and a proposed forecast error correction of
0.5 percentage point. As discussed in section
III.C. of this Addendum, we continue to
believe that the CIPI is the most appropriate
input price index for capital costs to measure
capital price changes in a given year. We also
explain the basis for the FY 2025 CIPI
projection in that same section of this
Addendum. In this proposed rule, we
describe the policy adjustments that we are
proposing to apply in the update framework
for FY 2025.
The case-mix index is the measure of the
average DRG weight for cases paid under the
IPPS. Because the DRG weight determines
the prospective payment for each case, any
percentage increase in the case-mix index
corresponds to an equal percentage increase
in hospital payments.
The case-mix index can change for any of
several reasons—
• The average resource use of Medicare
patient changes (‘‘real’’ case-mix change);
• Changes in hospital documentation and
coding of patient records result in higherweighted DRG assignments (‘‘coding
effects’’); or
• The annual DRG reclassification and
recalibration changes may not be budget
neutral (‘‘reclassification effect’’).
We define real case-mix change as actual
changes in the mix (and resource
requirements) of Medicare patients, as
opposed to changes in documentation and
coding behavior that result in assignment of
cases to higher-weighted DRGs, but do not
reflect higher resource requirements. The
capital update framework includes the same
case-mix index adjustment used in the
former operating IPPS update framework (as
discussed in the May 18, 2004 IPPS proposed
rule for FY 2005 (69 FR 28816)). (We no
longer use an update framework to make a
recommendation for updating the operating
IPPS standardized amounts, as discussed in
section II. of appendix B to the FY 2006 IPPS
final rule (70 FR 47707).)
PO 00000
Frm 00647
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
For FY 2025, we are projecting a 0.5
percent total increase in the case-mix index.
We estimated that the real case-mix increase
would equal 0.5 percent for FY 2025. The net
adjustment for change in case-mix is the
difference between the projected real
increases in case mix and the projected total
increase in case mix. Therefore, the proposed
net adjustment for case-mix change in FY
2025 is 0.0 percentage point.
The capital update framework also
contains an adjustment for the effects of DRG
reclassification and recalibration. This
adjustment is intended to remove the effect
on total payments of prior year’s changes to
the DRG classifications and relative weights,
to retain budget neutrality for all case-mix
index-related changes other than those due to
patient severity of illness. Due to the lag time
in the availability of data, there is a 2-year
lag in data used to determine the adjustment
for the effects of DRG reclassification and
recalibration. For example, for this proposed
rule, we have the FY 2023 MedPAR claims
data available to evaluate the effects of the
FY 2023 DRG reclassification and
recalibration as part of our update for FY
2025. We assume for purposes of this
adjustment, that the estimate of FY 2023 DRG
reclassification and recalibration would
result in no change in the case-mix when
compared with the case mix index that
would have resulted if we had not made the
reclassification and recalibration changes to
the DRGs. Therefore, we are proposing to
make a 0.0 percentage point adjustment for
reclassification and recalibration in the
update framework for FY 2025.
The capital update framework also
contains an adjustment for forecast error. The
input price index forecast is based on
historical trends and relationships
ascertainable at the time the update factor is
established for the upcoming year. In any
given year, there may be unanticipated price
fluctuations that may result in differences
between the actual increase in prices and the
forecast used in calculating the update
factors. In setting a prospective payment rate
under the framework, we make an
adjustment for forecast error only if our
estimate of the change in the capital input
price index for any year is greater than 0.25
percentage point in absolute terms. There is
a 2-year lag between the forecast and the
availability of data to develop a measurement
of the forecast error. Historically, when a
forecast error of the CIPI is greater than 0.25
percentage point in absolute terms, it is
reflected in the update recommended under
this framework. A forecast error of 0.5
percentage point was calculated for the FY
2023 update, for which there are historical
data. That is, current historical data indicate
that the forecasted FY 2023 CIPI increase (2.5
percent) used in calculating the FY 2023
update factor is 0.5 percentage point lower
than actual realized price increases (3.0
percent). As this exceeds the 0.25 percentage
point threshold, we are proposing an
adjustment of 0.5 percentage point for the FY
2023 forecast error in the update for FY 2025.
Under the capital IPPS update framework,
we also make an adjustment for changes in
intensity. Historically, we calculate this
adjustment using the same methodology and
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
data that were used in the past under the
framework for operating IPPS. The intensity
factor for the operating update framework
reflects how hospital services are utilized to
produce the final product, that is, the
discharge. This component accounts for
changes in the use of quality-enhancing
services, for changes within DRG severity,
and for expected modification of practice
patterns to remove noncost-effective services.
Our intensity measure is based on a 5-year
We calculate case-mix constant intensity as
the change in total cost per discharge,
adjusted for price level changes (the CPI for
hospital and related services) and changes in
real case-mix. Without reliable estimates of
the proportions of the overall annual
intensity changes that are due, respectively,
to ineffective practice patterns and the
combination of quality-enhancing new
technologies and complexity within the DRG
system, we assume that one-half of the
annual change is due to each of these factors.
Thus, the capital update framework provides
an add-on to the input price index rate of
increase of one-half of the estimated annual
increase in intensity, to allow for increases
within DRG severity and the adoption of
quality-enhancing technology.
In this proposed rule, we are proposing to
continue to use a Medicare-specific intensity
measure that is based on a 5-year adjusted
average of cost per discharge for FY 2025 (we
refer readers to the FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (75 FR 0436) for a full description
of our Medicare-specific intensity measure).
Specifically, for FY 2025, we are proposing
to use an intensity measure that is based on
an average of cost-per-discharge data from
the 5-year period beginning with FY 2018
and extending through FY 2022. Based on
these data, we estimated that case-mix
constant intensity declined during FYs 2018
through 2022. In the past, when we found
intensity to be declining, we believed a zero
(rather than a negative) intensity adjustment
was appropriate. Consistent with this
approach, because we estimated that
intensity declined during that 5-year period,
we believe it is appropriate to continue to
apply a zero-intensity adjustment for FY
2025. Therefore, we are proposing to make a
0.0 percentage point adjustment for intensity
in the update for FY 2025.
Earlier, we described the basis of the
components we used to develop the
proposed 3.0 percent capital update factor
under the capital update framework for FY
2025, as shown in the following table.
Capital Input Price Index*
Case-Mix Adjustment Factors:
Projected Case-Mix Change
Real Across DRG Change
Effect of FY 2023 Reclassification and Recalibration
Forecast Error Correction
Total Update
2. Outlier Payment Adjustment Factor
Section 412.312(c) establishes a unified
outlier payment methodology for inpatient
operating and inpatient capital-related costs.
A shared threshold is used to identify outlier
cases for both inpatient operating and
inpatient capital-related payments. Section
412.308(c)(2) provides that the standard
Federal rate for inpatient capital-related costs
be reduced by an adjustment factor equal to
the estimated proportion of capital-related
outlier payments to total inpatient capitalrelated PPS payments. The outlier threshold
is set so that operating outlier payments are
projected to be 5.1 percent of total operating
IPPS DRG payments. For FY 2025, we are
proposing to continue to incorporate the
impact of estimated operating outlier
reconciliation payment amounts into the
outlier threshold model. (For more details on
our proposal to incorporate an estimate of the
impact of operating outlier reconciliation
payment amounts into the outlier threshold
model, including modifications we are
proposing to our methodology to reflect the
estimate of operating outlier reconciliation
payment amounts under the new criteria
which expands the scope of cost reports
identified for outlier reconciliation approval
in FY 2025, see section II.A.4.i. of this
Addendum to this proposed rule.)
For FY 2024, we estimated that outlier
payments for capital-related PPS payments
would equal 4.02 percent of inpatient capitalrelated payments based on the capital
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Federal rate. Based on the threshold
discussed in section II.A. of this Addendum,
we estimate that prior to taking into account
projected capital outlier reconciliation
payments, outlier payments for capitalrelated costs would equal 4.26 percent of
inpatient capital-related payments based on
the proposed capital Federal rate in FY 2025.
Using the proposed methodology outlined in
section II.A.4.i. of this Addendum, we
estimate that taking into account projected
capital outlier reconciliation payments
would decrease the estimated percentage of
FY 2025 capital outlier payments by 0.03
percent. Therefore, accounting for estimated
capital outlier reconciliation, the estimated
outlier payments for capital-related PPS
payments would equal 4.23 percent (4.26
percent¥0.03 percent) of inpatient capitalrelated payments based on the proposed
capital Federal rate in FY 2025. Accordingly,
we are proposing to apply an outlier
adjustment factor of 0.9577 in determining
the capital Federal rate for FY 2025. Thus, we
estimate that the percentage of capital outlier
payments to total capital Federal rate
payments for FY 2025 would be higher than
the percentage we estimated for FY 2024.
(For more details on our proposed
methodology for incorporating the impact of
estimated capital outlier reconciliation
payment amounts into the calculation of the
capital outlier adjustment factor for FY 2025,
including modifications we are proposing to
make to our methodology to reflect the
PO 00000
Frm 00648
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
estimate of capital outlier reconciliation
payment amounts under the new criteria
which expands the scope of cost reports
identified for outlier reconciliation approval
in FY 2025, see section II.A.4.i. of this
Addendum to this proposed rule.)
The outlier reduction factors are not built
permanently into the capital rates; that is,
they are not applied cumulatively in
determining the capital Federal rate. The
proposed FY 2025 outlier adjustment of
0.9577 is a ¥0.21 percent change from the
FY 2024 outlier adjustment of 0.9598.
Therefore, the proposed net change in the
outlier adjustment to the capital Federal rate
for FY 2024 is 0.9979 (0.9577/0.9598) so that
the proposed outlier adjustment would
decrease the FY 2025 capital Federal rate by
approximately ¥0.21 percent compared to
the FY 2024 outlier adjustment.
3. Budget Neutrality Adjustment Factor for
Changes in DRG Classifications and Weights
and the GAF
Section 412.308(c)(4)(ii) requires that the
capital Federal rate be adjusted so that
aggregate payments for the fiscal year based
on the capital Federal rate, after any changes
resulting from the annual DRG
reclassification and recalibration and changes
in the GAF, are projected to equal aggregate
payments that would have been made on the
basis of the capital Federal rate without such
As discussed in section III.G.5. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, in the FY
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
*The capital input price index represents the 2018-based CIPI.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42325
through 42339), we finalized a policy to help
reduce wage index disparities between high
and low wage index hospitals by increasing
the wage index values for hospitals with a
wage index value below the 25th percentile
wage index. We stated that this policy would
be effective for at least 4 years, beginning in
FY 2020. This policy was applied in FYs
2020 through 2024, and we are proposing to
continue to apply this policy for at least 3
more years, beginning in FY 2025. In
addition, beginning in FY 2023, we finalized
a permanent 5-percent cap on any decrease
to a hospital’s wage index from its wage
index in the prior FY regardless of the
circumstances causing the decline. That is,
under this policy, a hospital’s wage index
value would not be less than 95 percent of
its prior year value (87 FR 49018 through
We have established a 2-step methodology
for computing the budget neutrality factor for
changes in the GAFs in light of the effect of
those wage index changes on the GAFs. In
the first step, we first calculate a factor to
ensure budget neutrality for changes to the
GAFs due to the update to the wage data,
wage index reclassifications and
redesignations, and application of the rural
floor policy, consistent with our historical
GAF budget neutrality factor methodology. In
the second step, we calculate a factor to
ensure budget neutrality for changes to the
GAFs due to our policy to increase the wage
index for hospitals with a wage index value
below the 25th percentile wage index, which
we are proposing to continue in FY 2025, and
our policy to place a 5-percent cap on any
decrease in a hospital’s wage index from the
hospital’s final wage index in the prior fiscal
year. In this section, we refer to the policy
that we applied in FYs 2020 through FY 2024
and are proposing to continue to apply in FY
2025, of increasing the wage index for
hospitals with a wage index value below the
25th percentile wage index, as the lowest
quartile hospital wage index adjustment (also
known as low wage index hospital policy).
We refer to our policy to place a 5-percent
cap on any decrease in a hospital’s wage
index from the hospital’s final wage index in
the prior fiscal year as the 5-percent cap on
wage index decreases policy.
The budget neutrality factors applied for
changes to the GAFs due to the update to the
wage data, wage index reclassifications and
redesignations, and application of the rural
floor policy are built permanently into the
capital Federal rate; that is, they are applied
cumulatively in determining the capital
Federal rate. However, the budget neutrality
factor for the lowest quartile hospital wage
index adjustment and the 5-percent cap on
wage index decreases policy is not
permanently built into the capital Federal
rate. This is because the GAFs with the
lowest quartile hospital wage index
adjustment and the 5-percent cap on wage
index decreases policy applied from the
previous year are not used in the budget
neutrality factor calculations for the current
year. Accordingly, and consistent with this
approach, prior to calculating the proposed
GAF budget neutrality factors for FY 2025,
we removed from the capital Federal rate the
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budget neutrality factor applied in FY 2024
for the lowest quartile hospital wage index
adjustment and the 5-percent cap on wage
index decreases policy. Specifically, we
divided the capital Federal rate by the FY
2024 budget neutrality factor of 0.9964 (88
FR 59362). We refer the reader to the FY 2022
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45552) for
additional discussion on our policy of
removing the prior year budget neutrality
factor for the lowest quartile hospital wage
index adjustment and the 5-percent cap on
wage index decreases from the capital
Federal rate.
In light of the proposed changes to the
wage index and other proposed wage index
policies for FY 2025 discussed previously,
which directly affect the GAF, we are
proposing to continue to compute a budget
neutrality adjustment for changes in the
GAFs in two steps. We discuss our proposed
2-step calculation of the proposed GAF
budget neutrality factors for FY 2025 as
To determine the GAF budget neutrality
factors for FY 2025, we first compared
estimated aggregate capital Federal rate
payments based on the FY 2024 MS–DRG
classifications and relative weights and the
FY 2024 GAFs to estimated aggregate capital
Federal rate payments based on the FY 2024
MS–DRG classifications and relative weights
and the proposed FY 2025 GAFs without
incorporating the proposed lowest quartile
hospital wage index adjustment and the 5percent cap on wage index decreases policy.
To achieve budget neutrality for these
proposed changes in the GAFs, we calculated
an incremental GAF budget neutrality
adjustment factor of 1.0029 for FY 2025.
Next, we compared estimated aggregate
capital Federal rate payments based on the
proposed FY 2025 GAFs with and without
the proposed lowest quartile hospital wage
index adjustment and the 5-percent cap on
wage index decreases policy. For this
calculation, estimated aggregate capital
Federal rate payments were calculated using
the proposed FY 2025 MS–DRG
classifications and relative weights (after
application of the 10-percent cap discussed
later in this section) and the proposed FY
2025 GAFs (both with and without the
proposed lowest quartile hospital wage index
adjustment and the 5-percent cap on wage
index decreases policy). (We note, for this
calculation the proposed GAFs included the
imputed floor, out-migration, and Frontier
State adjustments.) To achieve budget
neutrality for the effects of the proposed
lowest quartile hospital wage index
adjustment and the 5-percent cap on wage
index decreases policy on the proposed FY
2025 GAFs, we calculated an incremental
GAF budget neutrality adjustment factor of
0.9943. As discussed earlier in this section,
the budget neutrality factor for the lowest
quartile hospital wage index adjustment
factor and the 5-percent cap on wage index
decreases policy is not permanently built
into the capital Federal rate. Consistent with
this, we present the proposed budget
neutrality factor for the proposed lowest
quartile hospital wage index adjustment and
the 5-percent cap on wage index decreases
policy calculated under the second step of
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this 2-step methodology separately from the
other proposed budget neutrality factors in
the discussion that follows, and this
proposed factor is not included in the
calculation of the proposed combined GAF/
DRG adjustment factor described later in this
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
we finalized a permanent 10-percent cap on
the reduction in an MS–DRG’s relative
weight in a given fiscal year, beginning in FY
2023. Consistent with our historical
methodology for adjusting the capital
standard Federal rate to ensure that the
effects of the annual DRG reclassification and
the recalibration of DRG weights are budget
neutral under § 412.308(c)(4)(ii), we finalized
to apply an additional budget neutrality
factor to the capital standard Federal rate so
that the 10-percent cap on decreases in an
MS–DRG’s relative weight is implemented in
a budget neutral manner (87 FR 49436).
Specifically, we augmented our historical
methodology for computing the budget
neutrality factor for the annual DRG
reclassification and recalibration by
computing a budget neutrality adjustment for
the annual DRG reclassification and
recalibration in two steps. We first calculate
a budget neutrality factor to account for the
annual DRG reclassification and recalibration
prior to the application of the 10-percent cap
on MS–DRG relative weight decreases. Then
we calculate an additional budget neutrality
factor to account for the application of the
10-percent cap on MS–DRG relative weight
To determine the proposed DRG budget
neutrality factors for FY 2025, we first
compared estimated aggregate capital Federal
rate payments based on the FY 2024 MS–
DRG classifications and relative weights to
estimated aggregate capital Federal rate
payments based on the proposed FY 2025
MS–DRG classifications and relative weights
prior to the application of the 10-percent cap.
For these calculations, estimated aggregate
capital Federal rate payments were
calculated using the proposed FY 2025 GAFs
without the proposed lowest quartile hospital
wage index adjustment and the 5-percent cap
on wage index decreases policy. The
proposed incremental adjustment factor for
DRG classifications and changes in relative
weights prior to the application of the 10percent cap is 0.9969. Next, we compared
estimated aggregate capital Federal rate
payments based on the proposed FY 2025
MS–DRG classifications and relative weights
prior to the application of the 10-percent cap
to estimated aggregate capital Federal rate
payments based on the proposed FY 2025
MS–DRG classifications and relative weights
after the application of the 10-percent cap.
For these calculations, estimated aggregate
capital Federal rate payments were also
calculated using the proposed FY 2025 GAFs
without the proposed lowest quartile hospital
wage index adjustment and the 5-percent cap
on wage index decreases policy. The
proposed incremental adjustment factor for
the application of the 10-percent cap on
relative weight decreases is 0.9996.
Therefore, to achieve budget neutrality for
the proposed FY 2025 MS–DRG
reclassification and recalibration (including
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
the 10-percent cap), based on the calculations
described previously, we are proposing to
apply an incremental budget neutrality
adjustment factor of 0.9965 (0.9969 × 0.9996)
for FY 2025 to the capital Federal rate. We
note that all the values are calculated with
unrounded numbers.
The proposed incremental adjustment
factor for the proposed FY 2025 MS–DRG
reclassification and recalibration (0.9965)
and for proposed changes in the FY 2025
GAFs due to the proposed update to the wage
data, wage index reclassifications and
redesignations, and application of the rural
floor policy (1.0029) is 0.9994 (0.9965 ×
1.0029). This incremental adjustment factor
is built permanently into the capital Federal
rates. To achieve budget neutrality for the
effects of the proposal to continue the lowest
quartile hospital wage index adjustment and
the 5-percent cap on wage index decreases
policy on the FY 2025 GAFs, as described
previously, we calculated a proposed budget
neutrality adjustment factor of 0.9943 for FY
2025. We refer to this budget neutrality factor
for the remainder of this section as the lowest
quartile/cap adjustment factor.
We applied the budget neutrality
adjustment factors described previously to
the capital Federal rate. This follows the
requirement under § 412.308(c)(4)(ii) that
estimated aggregate payments each year be
no more or less than they would have been
in the absence of the annual DRG
reclassification and recalibration and changes
in the GAFs.
The methodology used to determine the
recalibration and geographic adjustment
factor (GAF/DRG) budget neutrality
adjustment is similar to the methodology
used in establishing budget neutrality
adjustments under the IPPS for operating
costs. One difference is that, under the
operating IPPS, the budget neutrality
adjustments for the effect of updates to the
wage data, wage index reclassifications and
redesignations, and application of the rural
floor policy are determined separately. Under
the capital IPPS, there is a single budget
neutrality adjustment factor for changes in
the GAF that result from updates to the wage
data, wage index reclassifications and
redesignations, and application of the rural
floor policy. In addition, there is no
adjustment for the effects that geographic
reclassification, the proposed continuation of
the lowest quartile hospital wage index
adjustment, or the 5-percent cap on wage
index decreases policy described previously
have on the other payment parameters, such
as the payments for DSH or IME.
The proposed incremental GAF/DRG
adjustment factor of 0.9994 accounts for the
proposed MS–DRG reclassifications and
recalibration (including application of the 10percent cap on relative weight decreases) and
for proposed changes in the GAFs that result
from proposed updates to the wage data, the
effects on the GAFs of FY 2025 geographic
reclassification decisions made by the
MGCRB compared to FY 2024 decisions, and
the application of the rural floor policy. The
proposed lowest quartile/cap adjustment
factor of 0.9943 accounts for changes in the
GAFs that result from our proposal to
continue the policy to increase the wage
index values for hospitals with a wage index
value below the 25th percentile wage index
and the 5-percent cap on wage index
decreases policy. However, these factors do
not account for changes in payments due to
changes in the DSH and IME adjustment
4. Capital Federal Rate for FY 2025
For FY 2024, we established a capital
Federal rate of $503.83 (88 FR 59363). We are
proposing to establish an update of 3.0
percent in determining the FY 2025 capital
Federal rate for all hospitals. As a result of
this proposed update and the proposed
budget neutrality factors discussed earlier,
we are proposing to establish a national
capital Federal rate of $516.41 for FY 2025.
The proposed national capital Federal rate
for FY 2025 was calculated as follows:
• The proposed FY 2025 update factor is
1.03; that is, the proposed update is 3.0
• The proposed FY 2025 GAF/DRG budget
neutrality adjustment factor that is applied to
the capital Federal rate for proposed changes
in the MS–DRG classifications and relative
weights (including application of the 10percent cap on relative weight decreases) and
proposed changes in the GAFs that result
from updates to the wage data, wage index
reclassifications and redesignations, and
application of the rural floor policy is 0.9994.
• The proposed FY 2025 lowest quartile/
cap budget neutrality adjustment factor that
is applied to the capital Federal rate for
changes in the GAFs that result from our
proposal to continue to increase the wage
index values for hospitals with a wage index
value below the 25th percentile wage index
and the 5-percent cap on wage index
decreases policy is 0.9943.
• The proposed FY 2025 outlier
adjustment factor is 0.9577.
We are providing the following chart that
shows how each of the proposed factors and
adjustments for FY 2025 affects the
computation of the proposed FY 2025
national capital Federal rate in comparison to
the FY 2024 national capital Federal rate.
The proposed FY 2025 update factor has the
effect of increasing the capital Federal rate by
3.0 percent compared to the FY 2024 capital
Federal rate. The proposed GAF/DRG budget
neutrality adjustment factor has the effect of
decreasing the capital Federal rate by 0.06
percent. The proposed FY 2025 lowest
quartile/cap budget neutrality adjustment
factor has the effect of decreasing the capital
Federal rate by 0.21 percent compared to the
FY 2024 capital Federal rate. The proposed
FY 2025 outlier adjustment factor has the
effect of decreasing the capital Federal rate
by 0.21 percent compared to the FY 2024
capital Federal rate. The combined effect of
all the proposed changes would increase the
national capital Federal rate by
approximately 2.5 percent, compared to the
FY 2024 national capital Federal rate.
Percent Chan!!e
2.50 4
1 The update factor and the GAF/DRG budget neutrality adjustment factors are built permanently into the capital Federal rate. Thus, for
example, the incremental change from FY 2024 to FY 2025 resulting from the application of the proposed 0.9994 GAF/DRG budget neutrality
adjustment factor for FY 2025 is a net change of 0.9994 (or -0.06 percent).
2 The lowest quartile/cap budget neutrality adjustment factor is not built permanently into the capital Federal rate; that is, the factor is not
applied cumulatively in determining the capital Federal rate. Thus, for example, the net change resulting from the application of the proposed
FY 2025 lowest quartile/cap budget neutrality adjustment factor is 0.9943/0.9964 or 0.9979 (or -0.21 percent).
3 The outlier reduction factor is not built permanently into the capital Federal rate; that is, the factor is not applied cumulatively in determining
the capital Federal rate. Thus, for example, the net change resulting from the application of the proposed FY 2025 outlier adjustment factor is
0.9577/0.9598 or 0.9979 (or -0.21 percent).
4 Percent change may not sum due to rounding.
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Update Factor1
GAF/DRG Adiustment Factor1
Ouartile/Cao Adiustment Factor2
Outlier Adjustment Factor3
Capital Federal Rate
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
B. Calculation of the Proposed Inpatient
Capital-Related Prospective Payments for FY
For purposes of calculating payments for
each discharge during FY 2025, the capital
Federal rate is adjusted as follows: (Standard
Federal Rate) × (DRG weight) × (GAF) ×
(COLA for hospitals located in Alaska and
Hawaii) × (1 + DSH Adjustment Factor + IME
Adjustment Factor, if applicable). The result
is the adjusted capital Federal rate.
Hospitals also may receive outlier
payments for those cases that qualify under
the threshold established for each fiscal year.
Section 412.312(c) provides for a shared
threshold to identify outlier cases for both
inpatient operating and inpatient capitalrelated payments. The proposed outlier
threshold for FY 2025 is in section II.A. of
this Addendum. For FY 2025, a case will
qualify as a cost outlier if the cost for the case
is greater than the prospective payment rates
for the MS–DRG plus IME and DSH
payments (including the empirically justified
Medicare DSH payment and the estimated
uncompensated care payment), estimated
supplemental payment for eligible IHS/Tribal
hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals, and any
add-on payments for new technology, plus
the proposed fixed-loss amount of $49,237.
Currently, as provided under
§ 412.304(c)(2), we pay a new hospital 85
percent of its reasonable costs during the first
2 years of operation, unless it elects to
receive payment based on 100 percent of the
capital Federal rate. Effective with the third
year of operation, we pay the hospital based
on 100 percent of the capital Federal rate
(that is, the same methodology used to pay
all other hospitals subject to the capital PPS).
C. Capital Input Price Index
1. Background
Like the operating input price index, the
capital input price index (CIPI) is a fixedweight price index that measures the price
changes associated with capital costs during
a given year. The CIPI differs from the
operating input price index in one important
aspect—the CIPI reflects the vintage nature of
capital, which is the acquisition and use of
capital over time. Capital expenses in any
given year are determined by the stock of
capital in that year (that is, capital that
remains on hand from all current and prior
capital acquisitions). An index measuring
capital price changes needs to reflect this
vintage nature of capital. Therefore, the CIPI
was developed to capture the vintage nature
of capital by using a weighted-average of past
capital purchase prices up to and including
the current year.
For this proposed rule, we are proposing to
use the IPPS operating and capital market
baskets that reflect a 2018 base year. For a
complete discussion of the 2018-based
market baskets, we refer readers to section IV.
of the preamble of the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (86 FR 45194 through 45213).
2. Forecast of the CIPI for FY 2025
Based on IHS Global Inc.’s (IGI) fourth
quarter 2023 forecast, for this proposed rule,
we are forecasting the 2018-based CIPI to
increase 2.5 percent in FY 2025. This reflects
a projected 3.0 percent increase in vintage-
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weighted depreciation prices (building and
fixed equipment, and movable equipment),
and a projected 3.9 percent increase in other
capital expense prices in FY 2025, partially
offset by a projected 1.1 percent decline in
vintage-weighted interest expense prices in
FY 2025. The weighted average of these three
factors produces the forecasted 2.5 percent
increase for the 2018-based CIPI in FY 2025.
We are also proposing that if more recent
data become available (for example, a more
recent estimate of the percentage increase in
the 2018-based CIPI), we would use such
data, if appropriate, to determine the FY 2025
percentage increase in the 2018-based CIPI
for the final rule.
IV. Proposed Changes to Payment Rates for
Excluded Hospitals: Rate-of-Increase
Percentages for FY 2025
Payments for services furnished in
children’s hospitals, 11 cancer hospitals, and
hospitals located outside the 50 States, the
District of Columbia and Puerto Rico (that is,
short-term acute care hospitals located in the
U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern
Mariana Islands, and American Samoa) that
are excluded from the IPPS are paid on the
basis of reasonable costs based on the
hospital’s own historical cost experience,
subject to a rate-of-increase ceiling. A per
discharge limit (the target amount, as defined
in § 413.40(a) of the regulations) is set for
each hospital, based on the hospital’s own
cost experience in its base year, and updated
annually by a rate-of-increase percentage
specified in § 413.40(c)(3). In addition, as
specified in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (82 FR 38536), effective for cost
reporting periods beginning during FY 2018,
the annual update to the target amount for
extended neoplastic disease care hospitals
(hospitals described in § 412.22(i) of the
regulations) also is the rate-of-increase
percentage specified in § 413.40(c)(3). (We
note that, in accordance with § 403.752(a),
religious nonmedical health care institutions
(RNHCIs) are also subject to the rate-ofincrease limits established under § 413.40 of
the regulations.)
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule, based on IGI’s 2023 fourth quarter
forecast, we estimate that the 2018-based
IPPS operating market basket rate-of-increase
for FY 2025 is 3.0 percent. Based on this
estimate, the proposed FY 2025 rate-ofincrease percentage that will be applied to
the FY 2024 target amounts in order to
calculate the proposed FY 2025 target
amounts for children’s hospitals, the 11
cancer hospitals, RNCHIs, short-term acute
care hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin
Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands,
and American Samoa, and extended
neoplastic disease care hospitals will be 3.0
percent, in accordance with the applicable
regulations at 42 CFR 413.40. We are also
proposing that if more recent data
subsequently become available (for example,
a more recent estimate of the market basket
rate-of-increase, we would use such data, if
appropriate, to calculate the final IPPS
operating market basket rate-of-increase for
FY 2025.
IRFs and rehabilitation distinct part units,
IPFs and psychiatric units, and LTCHs are
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excluded from the IPPS and paid under their
respective PPSs. The IRF PPS, the IPF PPS,
and the LTCH PPS are updated annually. We
refer readers to section VIII. of the preamble
and section V. of the Addendum of this
proposed rule for the changes to the Federal
payment rates for LTCHs under the LTCH
PPS for FY 2025. The annual updates for the
IRF PPS and the IPF PPS are issued by the
agency in separate Federal Register
V. Proposed Changes to the Payment Rates
for the LTCH PPS for FY 2025
A. Proposed LTCH PPS Standard Federal
Payment Rate for FY 2025
1. Overview
In section VIII. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss our annual
updates to the payment rates, factors, and
specific policies under the LTCH PPS for FY
Under § 412.523(c)(3) of the regulations, for
FY 2012 and subsequent years, we updated
the standard Federal payment rate by the
most recent estimate of the LTCH PPS market
basket at that time, including additional
statutory adjustments required by sections
1886(m)(3) (citing sections
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) and 1886(m)(4) of the Act
as set forth in the regulations at
§ 412.523(c)(3)(viii) through (xvii)). (For a
summary of the payment rate development
prior to FY 2012, we refer readers to the FY
2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38310
through 38312) and references therein.)
Section 1886(m)(3)(A) of the Act specifies
that, for rate year 2012 and each subsequent
rate year, any annual update to the standard
Federal payment rate shall be reduced by the
productivity adjustment described in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act as discussed in
section VIII.C.2. of the preamble of this
proposed rule. This section of the Act further
provides that the application of section
1886(m)(3)(B) of the Act may result in the
annual update being less than zero for a rate
year, and may result in payment rates for a
rate year being less than such payment rates
for the preceding rate year. (As noted in
section VIII.C.2. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, the annual update to the
LTCH PPS occurs on October 1 and we have
adopted the term ‘‘fiscal year’’ (FY) rather
than ‘‘rate year’’ (RY) under the LTCH PPS
beginning October 1, 2010. Therefore, for
purposes of clarity, when discussing the
annual update for the LTCH PPS, including
the provisions of the Affordable Care Act, we
use the term ‘‘fiscal year’’ rather than ‘‘rate
year’’ for 2011 and subsequent years.)
For LTCHs that fail to submit the required
quality reporting data in accordance with the
LTCH QRP, the annual update is reduced by
2.0 percentage points as required by section
1886(m)(5) of the Act.
2. Development of the Proposed FY 2025
LTCH PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate
Consistent with our historical practice and
§ 412.523(c)(3)(xvii), for FY 2025, we are
proposing to apply the annual update to the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
from the previous year. Furthermore, in
determining the proposed LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate for FY 2025,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
we also are proposing to make certain
regulatory adjustments, consistent with past
practices. Specifically, in determining the
proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate, we are proposing to
apply a budget neutrality adjustment factor
for the changes related to the area wage level
adjustment (that is, changes to the wage data
and labor-related share) as discussed in
section V.B.6. of this Addendum.
In this proposed rule, we are proposing to
establish an annual update to the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate of 2.8 percent
(that is, the most recent estimate of the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket
increase of 3.2 percent less the proposed
productivity adjustment of 0.4 percentage
point). Therefore, in accordance with
§ 412.523(c)(3)(xvii), we are proposing to
apply an update factor of 1.028 to the FY
2024 LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate of $48,116.62 to determine the proposed
FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate. Also, in accordance with
§ 412.523(c)(3)(xvii) and (c)(4), we are
required to reduce the annual update to the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate by
2.0 percentage points for LTCHs that fail to
submit the required quality reporting data for
FY 2025 as required under the LTCH QRP.
Therefore, for LTCHs that fail to submit
quality reporting data under the LTCH QRP,
we are proposing to establish an annual
update to the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate of 0.8 percent (or an update
factor of 1.008). This proposed update
reflects the proposed annual market basket
update of 3.2 percent reduced by the
proposed 0.4 percentage point productivity
adjustment, as required by section
1886(m)(3)(A)(i) of the Act, minus 2.0
percentage points for LTCHs failing to submit
quality data under the LTCH QRP, as
required by section 1886(m)(5) of the Act.
Consistent with § 412.523(d)(4), we are
proposing to apply an area wage level budget
neutrality factor to the FY 2025 LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate of 0.9959347,
based on the best available data at this time,
to ensure that any proposed changes to the
area wage level adjustment (that is, the
proposed annual update of the wage index
(including the proposed update to the CBSA
labor market areas and the application of the
5-percent cap on wage index decreases,
discussed later in this section), and proposed
labor-related share) would not result in any
change (increase or decrease) in estimated
aggregate LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate payments. Accordingly, we are
proposing to establish an LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate of $49,262.80
(calculated as $48,116.62 × 1.028 ×
0.9959347) for FY 2025. For LTCHs that fail
to submit quality reporting data for FY 2025,
in accordance with the requirements of the
LTCH QRP under section 1866(m)(5) of the
Act, we are proposing to establish an LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate of
$48,304.38 (calculated as $48,116.62 × 1.008
× 0.9959347) for FY 2025.
B. Proposed Adjustment for Area Wage
Levels Under the LTCH PPS for FY 2025
1. Background
Under the authority of section 123 of the
BBRA, as amended by section 307(b) of the
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BIPA, we established an adjustment to the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate to
account for differences in LTCH area wage
levels under § 412.525(c). The labor-related
share of the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate is adjusted to account for
geographic differences in area wage levels by
applying the applicable LTCH PPS wage
index. The applicable LTCH PPS wage index
is computed using wage data from inpatient
acute care hospitals without regard to
reclassification under section 1886(d)(8) or
section 1886(d)(10) of the Act.
The proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate wage index values that
would be applicable for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate discharges occurring on
or after October 1, 2024, through September
30, 2025, are presented in Table 12A (for
urban areas) and Table 12B (for rural areas),
which are listed in section VI. of this
Addendum and available via the internet on
the CMS website.
2. Proposed Geographic Classifications
(Labor Market Areas) Under the LTCH PPS
In adjusting for the differences in area
wage levels under the LTCH PPS, the laborrelated portion of an LTCH’s Federal
prospective payment is adjusted by using an
appropriate area wage index based on the
geographic classification (labor market area)
in which the LTCH is located. Specifically,
the application of the LTCH PPS area wage
level adjustment under existing § 412.525(c)
is made based on the location of the LTCH—
either in an ‘‘urban area,’’ or a ‘‘rural area,’’
as defined in § 412.503. Under § 412.503, an
‘‘urban area’’ is defined as a Metropolitan
Statistical Area (MSA) (which includes a
Metropolitan division, where applicable), as
defined by the Executive OMB, and a ‘‘rural
area’’ is defined as any area outside of an
urban area (75 FR 37246).
The geographic classifications (labor
market area definitions) currently used under
the LTCH PPS, effective for discharges
occurring on or after October 1, 2014, are
based on the Core Based Statistical Areas
(CBSAs) established by OMB, which are
based on the 2010 decennial census data. In
general, the current statistical areas (which
were implemented beginning with FY 2015)
are based on revised OMB delineations
issued on February 28, 2013, in OMB
Bulletin No. 13–01. (We note we have
adopted minor revisions and updates in the
years between the decennial censuses.) We
adopted these labor market area delineations
because they were at that time based on the
best available data that reflect the local
economies and area wage levels of the
hospitals that are currently located in these
geographic areas. We also believed that these
OMB delineations would ensure that the
LTCH PPS area wage level adjustment most
appropriately accounted for and reflected the
relative hospital wage levels in the
geographic area of the hospital as compared
to the national average hospital wage level.
We noted that this policy was consistent with
the IPPS policy adopted in FY 2015 under
§ 412.64(b)(1)(ii)(D) (79 FR 49951 through
49963). (For additional information on the
CBSA-based labor market area (geographic
classification) delineations currently used
under the LTCH PPS and the history of the
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labor market area definitions used under the
LTCH PPS, we refer readers to the FY 2015
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 50180
through 50185).)
In general, it is our historical practice to
update the CBSA-based labor market area
delineations annually based on the most
recent updates issued by OMB. Generally,
OMB issues major revisions to statistical
areas every 10 years, based on the results of
the decennial census. However, OMB
occasionally issues minor updates and
revisions to statistical areas in the years
between the decennial censuses. OMB
Bulletin No. 17–01, issued August 15, 2017,
established the delineations for the Nation’s
statistical areas, and the corresponding
changes to the CBSA-based labor market
areas were adopted in the FY 2019 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41731). A copy
of this bulletin may be obtained on the
website at:
On April 10, 2018, OMB issued OMB
Bulletin No. 18–03, which superseded OMB
Bulletin No. 17–01 (August 15, 2017). On
September 14, 2018, OMB issued OMB
Bulletin No. 18–04, which superseded OMB
Bulletin No. 18–03 (April 10, 2018).
Historically OMB bulletins issued between
decennial censuses have only contained
minor modifications to CBSA delineations
based on changes in population counts.
However, OMB’s 2010 Standards for
Delineating Metropolitan and Micropolitan
Standards created a larger mid-decade
redelineation that takes into account
commuting data from the American
Commuting Survey. As a result, OMB
Bulletin No. 18–04 (September 14, 2018)
included more modifications to the CBSAs
than are typical for OMB bulletins issued
between decennial censuses. We adopted the
updates set forth in OMB Bulletin No. 18–04
in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85
FR 59050 through 59051). A copy of OMB
Bulletin No. 18–04 (September 14, 2018) may
be obtained at
On March 6, 2020, OMB issued Bulletin
No. 20–01, which provided updates to and
superseded OMB Bulletin No. 18–04, which
was issued on September 14, 2018. The
attachments to OMB Bulletin No. 20–01
provided detailed information on the update
to statistical areas since September 14, 2018.
(For a copy of this bulletin, we refer readers
to the following website: https://
2020/03/Bulletin-20-01.pdf.) In OMB Bulletin
No. 20–01, OMB announced one new
Micropolitan Statistical Area and one new
component of an existing Combined
Statistical Area. After reviewing OMB
Bulletin No. 20–01, we determined that the
changes in OMB Bulletin 20–01
encompassed delineation changes that would
not affect the CBSA-based labor market area
delineations used under the LTCH PPS.
Therefore, we adopted the updates set forth
in OMB Bulletin No. 20–01 in the FY 2022
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45556
through 45557) consistent with our general
policy of adopting OMB delineation updates;
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
proposed changes is presented in the
discussion that follows in this section. For
complete details on the proposed changes,
we refer readers to section III.B. of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
a. Urban Counties That Would Become Rural
Under the Revised OMB Delineations
CBSAs are made up of one or more
constituent counties. Analysis of the revised
labor market area delineations (based upon
OMB Bulletin No. 23–01) that we propose to
implement, beginning in FY 2025, shows that
a total of 53 counties (and county
equivalents) that were located in an urban
CBSA pursuant to OMB Bulletin No. 20–01
would be located in a rural area under the
revised OMB delineations. The chart in
section III.B.4. of the preamble of this
proposed rule lists the 53 urban counties that
would be rural under these revised OMB
b. Rural Counties That Would Become Urban
Under the Revised OMB Delineations
Analysis of the revised labor market area
delineations (based upon OMB Bulletin No.
23–01) that we propose to implement,
beginning in FY 2025, shows that a total of
54 counties (and county equivalents) that
were located in a rural area pursuant to OMB
Bulletin No. 20–01 would be located in an
urban CBSA under the revised OMB
delineations. The chart in section III.B.5. of
the preamble of this proposed rule lists the
54 rural counties that would be urban under
these revised OMB delineations.
c. Urban Counties That Would Move to a
Different Urban CBSA Under the Revised
OMB Delineations
In addition to rural counties becoming
urban and urban counties becoming rural,
some urban counties would shift from one
urban CBSA to another urban CBSA under
our proposal to adopt the revised
delineations announced in OMB Bulletin No.
23–01. In other cases, adopting the revised
delineations announced in OMB Bulletin No.
23–01 would involve a change only in CBSA
name and/or number, while the CBSA
continues to encompass the same constituent
counties. For example, CBSA 23844 (Gary,
IN) would experience both a change to its
number and its name and become CBSA
29414 (Lake County-Porter County-Jasper
County, IN), while all of its four constituent
counties would remain the same. In other
cases, only the name of the CBSA would be
modified, and none of the currently assigned
counties would be reassigned to a different
urban CBSA. The chart in section III.B.6. of
the preamble of this proposed rule lists the
CBSAs where we are proposing to change the
name and/or CBSA number only.
There are also counties that would shift
between existing and new CBSAs, changing
the constituent makeup of the CBSAs, under
our proposal to adopt the revisions to the
OMB delineations based on OMB Bulletin
No. 23–01. For example, some CBSAs would
be split into multiple new CBSAs, or a CBSA
would lose one or more counties to other
urban CBSAs. The chart in section III.B.6 of
the preamble of this proposed rule lists the
urban counties that would move from one
urban CBSA to a new or modified CBSA
under our proposal to adopt these revisions
to the OMB delineations.
d. Change to County-Equivalents in the State
of Connecticut
For FY 2025, we are continuing to use the
Federal Information Processing Standard
(FIPS) county codes, maintained by the U.S.
Census Bureau, for purposes of cross walking
counties to CBSAs. In a June 6, 2022 Federal
Register notice (87 FR 34235 through 34240),
the Census Bureau announced that it was
implementing the State of Connecticut’s
request to replace the 8 counties in the State
with 9 new ‘‘Planning Regions.’’ Planning
regions now serve as county-equivalents
within the CBSA system. OMB Bulletin No.
23–01 is the first set of revised delineations
that referenced the new county-equivalents
for Connecticut. We have evaluated the
change in hospital assignments for
Connecticut LTCHs and are proposing to
adopt the planning regions as county
equivalents for wage index purposes. As all
forthcoming county-based delineation data
will utilize these new county-equivalent
definitions for the Connecticut, we believe it
is necessary to adopt this migration from
counties to planning region countyequivalents in order to maintain consistency
with OMB Bulletin No. 23–01 and future
OMB updates. This proposal to adopt the
planning regions as county equivalents for
wage index purposes is consistent with the
changes proposed under the IPPS for FY
2025 as discussed in section III.B.3. of the
preamble of this proposed rule. We are
providing the following crosswalk for each
LTCH in Connecticut with the current and
proposed FIPS county and county-equivalent
codes and CBSA assignments.
As previously discussed, we are proposing
to adopt the revisions announced in OMB
Bulletin No. 23–01 to the CBSA-based labor
market area delineations under the LTCH
PPS, effective October 1, 2024. Accordingly,
the proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS wage index
values in Tables 12A and 12B listed in
section VI. of the Addendum to this proposed
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rule (which are available via the internet on
the CMS website) reflect the proposed
revisions to the CBSA-based labor market
area delineations previously described. We
also are including in a supplemental data file
an updated county-to-CBSA crosswalk that
reflects the proposed revisions to the CBSAbased labor market area delineations. This
PO 00000
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supplemental data file for public use will be
posted on the CMS website for this proposed
rule at
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
however, the LTCH PPS area wage level
adjustment was not altered as a result of
adopting the updates because the CBSAbased labor market area delineations were the
same as the CBSA-based labor market area
delineations adopted in the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule based on OMB Bulletin
No. 18–04 (85 FR59050 through 59051).
Thus, most recently in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59366), we
continued to use the CBSA-based labor
market area delineations as established in
OMB Bulletin 18–04 and OMB Bulletin 20–
In the July 16, 2021 Federal Register (86
FR 37777), OMB finalized a schedule for
future updates based on results of the
decennial Census updates to commuting
patterns from the American Community
Survey. In accordance with that schedule, on
July 21, 2023, OMB released Bulletin No. 23–
01, which superseded OMB Bulletin No. 20–
01. A copy of OMB Bulletin No. 23–01 may
be obtained at
wp-content/uploads/2023/07/OMB-Bulletin23-01.pdf. According to OMB, the
delineations reflect the 2020 Standards for
Delineating Core Based Statistical Areas (‘‘the
2020 Standards’’), which appeared in the
Federal Register on July 16, 2021 (86 FR
37770 through 37778), and the application of
those standards to Census Bureau population
and journey-to-work data (that is, 2020
Decennial Census, American Community
Survey, and Census Population Estimates
Program data). In this proposed rule, under
the authority of section 123 of the BBRA, as
amended by section 307(b) of the BIPA, we
are proposing to adopt the revised
delineations announced in OMB Bulletin No.
23–01 effective for FY 2025 under the LTCH
PPS. We believe that adopting the CBSAbased labor market area delineations
established in OMB Bulletin 23–01 would
ensure that the LTCH PPS area wage level
adjustment most appropriately accounts for
and reflects the relative hospital wage levels
in the geographic area of the hospital as
compared to the national average hospital
wage level based on the best available data
that reflect the local economies and area
wage levels of the hospitals that are currently
located in these geographic areas (81 FR
57298). This proposal to adopt the revised
delineations announced in OMB Bulletin No.
23–01 is consistent with the changes
proposed under the IPPS for FY 2025 as
discussed in section III.B. of the preamble of
this proposed rule. A summary of these
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
3. Proposed Labor-Related Share for the
LTCH PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate
Under the payment adjustment for the
differences in area wage levels under
§ 412.525(c), the labor-related share of an
LTCH’s standard Federal payment rate is
adjusted by the applicable wage index for the
labor market area in which the LTCH is
located. The LTCH PPS labor-related share
currently represents the sum of the laborrelated portion of operating costs and a laborrelated portion of capital costs using the
applicable LTCH market basket. Additional
background information on the historical
development of the labor-related share under
the LTCH PPS can be found in the RY 2007
LTCH PPS final rule (71 FR 27810 through
27817 and 27829 through 27830) and the FY
2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51766
through 51769 and 51808).
For FY 2013, we rebased and revised the
market basket used under the LTCH PPS by
adopting a 2009-based LTCH market basket.
In addition, for FY 2013 through FY 2016, we
determined the labor-related share annually
as the sum of the relative importance of each
labor-related cost category of the 2009-based
LTCH market basket for the respective fiscal
year based on the best available data. (For
more details, we refer readers to the FY 2013
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53477
through 53479).) For FY 2017, we rebased
and revised the 2009-based LTCH market
basket to reflect a 2013 base year. In addition,
for FY 2017 through FY 2020, we determined
the labor-related share annually as the sum
of the relative importance of each laborrelated cost category of the 2013-based LTCH
market basket for the respective fiscal year
based on the best available data. (For more
details, we refer readers to the FY 2017 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR 57085 through
57096).) Then, effective for FY 2021, we
rebased and revised the 2013-based LTCH
market basket to reflect a 2017 base year and
determined the labor-related share annually
as the sum of the relative importance of each
labor-related cost category in the 2017-based
LTCH market basket using the most recent
available data. (For more details, we refer
readers to the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58909 through 58926).)
As discussed in section VIII.D of the
preamble to this proposed rule, effective for
FY 2025, we are proposing to rebase and
revise the 2017-based LTCH market basket to
reflect a 2022 base year. In conjunction with
that proposal, as discussed in section VIII.D.
of the preamble of this proposed rule, we are
also proposing that the LTCH PPS laborrelated share for FY 2025 would be the sum
of the FY 2025 relative importance of each
labor-related cost category in the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket using the
most recent available data. Table VIII.D–09 in
section VIII.D. of the preamble of this
proposed rule shows the proposed FY 2025
labor-related share using the proposed 2022based LTCH market basket and the FY 2024
labor-related share using the 2017-based
LTCH market basket. The proposed laborrelated share for FY 2025 is the sum of the
labor-related portion of operating costs from
the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket (that is, the sum of the FY 2025
relative importance shares of Wages and
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Salaries; Employee Benefits; Professional
Fees: Labor-Related; Administrative and
Facilities Support Services; Installation,
Maintenance, and Repair Services; All Other:
Labor-Related Services) and a portion of the
relative importance of Capital-Related cost
weight from the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket. The relative importance
reflects the different rates of price change for
these cost categories between the base year
(2022) and FY 2025. Based on IHS Global
Inc.’s fourth quarter 2023 forecast of the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket,
the sum of the FY 2025 relative importance
for Wages and Salaries; Employee Benefits;
Professional Fees: Labor-Related;
Administrative and Facilities Support
Services; Installation, Maintenance, and
Repair Services; and All Other: Labor-Related
Services was 68.9 percent. The portion of
capital-related costs that is influenced by the
local labor market is estimated to be 46
percent (that is, the same percentage applied
to the 2009-based, 2013-based, and 2017based LTCH market basket capital-related
costs relative importance). Since the FY 2025
relative importance for capital-related costs
was 8.4 percent based on IHS Global Inc.’s
fourth quarter 2023 forecast of the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket, we took 46
percent of 8.4 percent to determine the laborrelated share of capital-related costs for FY
2025 of 3.9 percent. Therefore, we are
proposing a total labor-related share for FY
2025 of 72.8 percent (the sum of 68.9 percent
for the labor-related share of operating costs
and 3.9 percent for the labor-related share of
capital-related costs). The total difference
between the FY 2025 labor-related share
using the proposed 2022 based LTCH market
basket (72.8 percent) and the FY 2024 laborrelated share using the 2017 based LTCH
market basket (68.5 percent) is 4.3 percentage
points. As discussed in greater detail in
section VIII.D. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, this difference is primarily
attributable to the revision to the base year
cost weights for those categories included in
the labor-related share. Consistent with our
historical practice, we are proposing that if
more recent data becomes available after the
publication of the proposed rule and before
the publication of the final rule (for example,
a more recent estimate of the relative
importance of each labor-related cost
category of the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket), we will use such data, if
appropriate, to determine the FY 2025 LTCH
PPS labor-related share.
4. Proposed Wage Index for FY 2025 for the
LTCH PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate
Historically, we have established LTCH
PPS area wage index values calculated from
acute care IPPS hospital wage data without
taking into account geographic
reclassification under sections 1886(d)(8) and
1886(d)(10) of the Act (67 FR 56019). The
area wage level adjustment established under
the LTCH PPS is based on an LTCH’s actual
location without regard to the ‘‘urban’’ or
‘‘rural’’ designation of any related or
affiliated provider. As with the IPPS wage
index, wage data for multicampus hospitals
with campuses located in different labor
market areas (CBSAs) are apportioned to each
CBSA where the campus (or campuses) are
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located. We also employ a policy for
determining area wage index values for areas
where there are no IPPS wage data.
Consistent with our historical
methodology, to determine the applicable
area wage index values for the FY 2025 LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate, under
the broad authority of section 123 of the
BBRA, as amended by section 307(b) of the
BIPA, we are proposing to continue to
employ our historical practice of using the
same data we used to compute the proposed
FY 2025 acute care hospital inpatient wage
index, as discussed in section III. of the
preamble of this proposed rule (that is, wage
data collected from cost reports submitted by
IPPS hospitals for cost reporting periods
beginning during FY 2021) because these
data are the most recent complete data
In addition, we are proposing to compute
the FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate area wage index values
consistent with the ‘‘urban’’ and ‘‘rural’’
geographic classifications (that is, the
proposed labor market area delineations as
previously discussed in section V.B. of this
Addendum) and our historical policy of not
taking into account IPPS geographic
reclassifications under sections 1886(d)(8)
and 1886(d)(10) of the Act in determining
payments under the LTCH PPS. We are also
proposing to continue to apportion the wage
data for multicampus hospitals with
campuses located in different labor market
areas to each CBSA where the campus or
campuses are located, consistent with the
IPPS policy. Lastly, consistent with our
existing methodology for determining the
LTCH PPS wage index values, for FY 2025,
we are proposing to continue to use our
existing policy for determining area wage
index values for areas where there are no
IPPS wage data. Under our existing
methodology, the LTCH PPS wage index
value for urban CBSAs with no IPPS wage
data is determined by using an average of all
of the urban areas within the State, and the
LTCH PPS wage index value for rural areas
with no IPPS wage data is determined by
using the unweighted average of the wage
indices from all of the CBSAs that are
contiguous to the rural counties of the State.
Based on the FY 2021 IPPS wage data that
we are proposing to use to determine the
proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS area wage
index values in this proposed rule, there are
no IPPS wage data for the urban area of
Hinesville, GA (CBSA 25980). Consistent
with our existing methodology, we calculated
the proposed FY 2025 wage index value for
CBSA 25980 as the average of the wage index
values for all of the other urban areas within
the State of Georgia (that is, proposed CBSAs
10500, 12020, 12054, 12260, 15260, 16860,
17980, 19140, 23580, 31420, 31924, 40660,
42340, 46660, and 47580), as shown in Table
12A, which is listed in section VI. of this
Based on the FY 2021 IPPS wage data that
we are proposing to use to determine the
proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS area wage
index values in this proposed rule, there are
no IPPS wage data for rural North Dakota
(CBSA 35). Consistent with our existing
methodology, we calculated the proposed FY
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
2025 wage index value for CBSA 35 as the
average of the wage index values for all
proposed CBSAs that are contiguous to the
rural counties of the State (that is, proposed
CBSAs 13900, 22020, 24220, and 33500), as
shown in Table 12B, which is listed in
section VI. of this Addendum. We note that,
as IPPS wage data are dynamic, it is possible
that the number of urban and rural areas
without IPPS wage data will vary in the
5. Permanent Cap on Wage Index Decreases
a. Permanent Cap on LTCH PPS Wage Index
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(87 FR 49440 through 49442), we finalized a
policy that applies a permanent 5-percent
cap on any decrease to an LTCH’s wage index
from its wage index in the prior year.
Consistent with the requirement at
§ 412.525(c)(2) that changes to area wage
level adjustments are made in a budget
neutral manner, we include the application
of this policy in the determination of the area
wage level budget neutrality factor that is
applied to the standard Federal payment rate,
as is discussed later in section V.B.6. of this
Under this policy, an LTCH’s wage index
will not be less than 95 percent of its wage
index for the prior fiscal year. An LTCH’s
wage index cap adjustment is determined
based on the wage index value applicable to
the LTCH on the last day of the prior Federal
fiscal year. However, for newly opened
LTCHs that become operational on or after
the first day of the fiscal year, these LTCHs
will not be subject to the LTCH PPS wage
index cap since they were not paid under the
LTCH PPS in the prior year. For example,
newly opened LTCHs that become
operational during FY 2025 would not be
eligible for the LTCH PPS wage index cap in
FY 2025. These LTCHs would receive the
calculated wage index for the area in which
they are geographically located, even if other
LTCHs in the same geographic area are
receiving a wage index cap. The cap on wage
index decreases policy is reflected at
§ 412.525(c)(1).
For each LTCH we identify in our
rulemaking data, we are including in a
supplemental data file the wage index values
from both fiscal years used in determining its
capped wage index. This includes the
LTCH’s final prior year wage index value, the
LTCH’s uncapped current year wage index
value, and the LTCH’s capped current year
wage index value. Due to the lag in
rulemaking data, a new LTCH may not be
listed in this supplemental file for a few
years. For this reason, a newly opened LTCH
could contact their MAC to ensure that its
wage index value is not less than 95 percent
of the value paid to it for the prior Federal
fiscal year. This supplemental data file for
public use will be posted on the CMS website
for this proposed rule at https://
b. Permanent Cap on IPPS Comparable Wage
Index Decreases
Determining LTCH PPS payments for
short-stay-outlier cases (reflected in
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§ 412.529) and site neutral payment rate
cases (reflected in § 412.522(c)) requires
calculating an ‘‘IPPS comparable amount.’’
For information on this ‘‘IPPS comparable
amount’’ calculation, we refer the reader to
the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR
49608 through 49610). Determining LTCH
PPS payments for LTCHs that do not meet
the applicable discharge payment percentage
(reflected in § 412.522(d)) requires
calculating an ‘‘IPPS equivalent amount.’’ For
information on this ‘‘IPPS equivalent
amount’’ calculation, we refer the reader to
the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR
42439 through 42445).
Calculating both the ‘‘IPPS comparable
amount’’ and the ‘‘IPPS equivalent amount’’
requires adjusting the IPPS operating and
capital standardized amounts by the
applicable IPPS wage index for
nonreclassified IPPS hospitals. That is, the
standardized amounts are adjusted by the
IPPS wage index for nonreclassified IPPS
hospitals located in the same geographic area
as the LTCH. In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 49442 through 49443), we
finalized a policy that applies a permanent 5percent cap on decreases in an LTCH’s
applicable IPPS comparable wage index from
its applicable IPPS comparable wage index in
the prior year. Historically, we have not
budget neutralized changes to LTCH PPS
payments that result from the annual update
of the IPPS wage index for nonreclassified
IPPS hospitals. Consistent with this
approach, the cap on decreases in an LTCH’s
applicable IPPS comparable wage index is
not applied in a budget neutral manner.
Under this policy, an LTCH’s applicable
IPPS comparable wage index will not be less
than 95 percent of its applicable IPPS
comparable wage index for the prior fiscal
year. An LTCH’s applicable IPPS comparable
wage index cap adjustment is determined
based on the wage index value applicable to
the LTCH on the last day of the prior Federal
fiscal year. However, for newly opened
LTCHs that become operational on or after
the first day of the fiscal year, these LTCHs
will not be subject to the applicable IPPS
comparable wage index cap since they were
not paid under the LTCH PPS in the prior
year. For example, newly opened LTCHs that
become operational during FY 2025 would
not be eligible for the applicable IPPS
comparable wage index cap in FY 2025. This
means that these LTCHs would receive the
calculated applicable IPPS comparable wage
index for the area in which they are
geographically located, even if other LTCHs
in the same geographic area are receiving a
wage cap. The cap on IPPS comparable wage
index decreases policy is reflected at
§ 412.529(d)(4)(ii)(B) and (d)(4)(iii)(B).
Similar to the information we are making
available for the cap on the LTCH PPS wage
index values (described previously), for each
LTCH we identify in our rulemaking data, we
are including in a supplemental data file the
wage index values from both fiscal years
used in determining its capped applicable
IPPS comparable wage index. Due to the lag
in rulemaking data, a new LTCH may not be
listed in this supplemental file for a few
years. For this reason, a newly opened LTCH
could contact its MAC to ensure that its
PO 00000
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applicable IPPS comparable wage index
value is not less than 95 percent of the value
paid to them for the prior Federal fiscal year.
This supplemental data file for public use
will be posted on the CMS website for this
proposed rule at:
6. Proposed Budget Neutrality Adjustments
for Changes to the LTCH PPS Standard
Federal Payment Rate Area Wage Level
Historically, the LTCH PPS wage index and
labor-related share are updated annually
based on the latest available data. Under
§ 412.525(c)(2), any changes to the area wage
index values or labor-related share are to be
made in a budget neutral manner such that
estimated aggregate LTCH PPS payments are
unaffected; that is, will be neither greater
than nor less than estimated aggregate LTCH
PPS payments without such changes to the
area wage level adjustment. Under this
policy, we determine an area wage level
adjustment budget neutrality factor that is
applied to the standard Federal payment rate
to ensure that any changes to the area wage
level adjustments are budget neutral such
that any changes to the area wage index
values or labor-related share would not result
in any change (increase or decrease) in
estimated aggregate LTCH PPS payments.
Accordingly, under § 412.523(d)(4), we have
applied an area wage level adjustment budget
neutrality factor in determining the standard
Federal payment rate, and we also
established a methodology for calculating an
area wage level adjustment budget neutrality
factor. (For additional information on the
establishment of our budget neutrality policy
for changes to the area wage level
adjustment, we refer readers to the FY 2012
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51771
through 51773 and 51809).)
For FY 2025, in accordance with
§ 412.523(d)(4), we are applying a proposed
area wage level budget neutrality factor to
adjust the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate to account for the estimated
effect of the adjustments or updates to the
area wage level adjustment under
§ 412.525(c)(1) on estimated aggregate LTCH
PPS payments, consistent with the
methodology we established in the FY 2012
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51773). As
discussed in section V.B.6. of this
Addendum, consistent with, § 412.525(c)(2),
we include the application of the 5-percent
cap on wage index decreases in the
determination of the proposed area wage
level budget neutrality factor. Specifically,
we are proposing to determine an area wage
level adjustment budget neutrality factor that
is applied to the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate under § 412.523(d)(4) for FY
2025 using the following methodology:
Step 1—Simulate estimated aggregate
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
payments using the FY 2024 wage index
values and the FY 2024 labor-related share of
68.5 percent. We note that the FY 2024 wage
index values are based on the existing CBSA
labor market areas used in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule.
Step 2—Simulate estimated aggregate
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
payments using the proposed FY 2025 wage
index values (including the proposed update
to the CBSA labor market areas and the
application of the 5 percent cap on wage
index decreases) and the proposed FY 2025
labor-related share of 72.8 percent. (As noted
previously, the proposed changes to the wage
index values based on updated hospital wage
data are discussed in section V.B.4. of this
Addendum and the proposed labor-related
share is discussed in section V.B.3. of this
Step 3—Calculate the ratio of these
estimated total LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate payments by dividing the
estimated total LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate payments using the FY 2024
area wage level adjustments (calculated in
Step 1) by the estimated total LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate payments
using the proposed FY 2025 updates to the
area wage level adjustment (calculated in
Step 2) to determine the proposed budget
neutrality factor for updates to the area wage
level adjustment for FY 2025 LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate payments.
Step 4—Apply the proposed FY 2025
updates to the area wage level adjustment
budget neutrality factor from Step 3 to
determine the proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate after the
application of the proposed FY 2025 annual
We are proposing to use the most recent
data available, including claims from the FY
2023 MedPAR file, in calculating the FY
2025 LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate area wage level adjustment budget
neutrality factor. We note that, because the
area wage level adjustment under
§ 412.525(c) is an adjustment to the LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate,
consistent with historical practice, we only
used data from claims that qualified for
payment at the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate under the dual rate LTCH PPS
to calculate the FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate area wage level
adjustment budget neutrality factor.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(87 FR 49448), we discussed the abnormal
charging practices of an LTCH (CCN 312024)
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in FY 2021 that led to the LTCH receiving an
excessive amount of high-cost outlier
payments. In that rule, we stated our
understanding that, based on information we
received from the provider, these abnormal
charging practices would not persist into FY
2023. Therefore, we did not include their
cases in our model for determining the FY
2023 outlier fixed-loss amount. In the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
59376), we stated that the FY 2022 MedPAR
claims also reflect the abnormal charging
practices of this LTCH. Therefore, we
removed claims from CCN 312024 when
determining the fixed-loss amount for LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases for
FY 2024 and all other FY 2024 ratesetting
calculations, including the MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights and the calculation of the
area wage level adjustment budget neutrality
factor. Given recent actions by the
Department of Justice regarding CCN 312024
(see, we are proposing to again remove
claims from CCN 312024 when determining
the area wage level adjustment budget
neutrality factor for FY 2025 and all other FY
2025 ratesetting calculations, including the
MS–LTC–DRG relative weights and the fixedloss amount for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases.
For this proposed rule, using the steps in
the methodology previously described, we
determined a proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate area wage
level adjustment budget neutrality factor of
0.9959347. Accordingly, in section V.A. of
this Addendum, we applied the proposed
area wage level adjustment budget neutrality
factor of 0.9959347 to determine the
proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate, in accordance with
§ 412.523(d)(4).
C. Proposed Cost-of-Living Adjustment
(COLA) for LTCHs Located in Alaska and
Under § 412.525(b), a cost-of-living
adjustment (COLA) is provided for LTCHs
located in Alaska and Hawaii to account for
the higher costs incurred in those States.
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Specifically, we apply a COLA to payments
to LTCHs located in Alaska and Hawaii by
multiplying the nonlabor-related portion of
the standard Federal payment rate by the
applicable COLA factors established annually
by CMS. Higher labor-related costs for LTCHs
located in Alaska and Hawaii are taken into
account in the adjustment for area wage
levels previously described. The
methodology used to determine the COLA
factors for Alaska and Hawaii is based on a
comparison of the growth in the Consumer
Price Indexes (CPIs) for Anchorage, Alaska,
and Honolulu, Hawaii, relative to the growth
in the CPI for the average U.S. city as
published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics
(BLS). It also includes a 25-percent cap on
the CPI-updated COLA factors. Under our
current policy, we have updated the COLA
factors using the methodology as previously
described every 4 years (at the same time as
the update to the labor-related share of the
IPPS market basket) and we last updated the
COLA factors for Alaska and Hawaii
published by OPM for 2009 in FY 2022 (86
FR 45559 through 45560).
We continue to believe that determining
updated COLA factors using this
methodology would appropriately adjust the
nonlabor-related portion of the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate for LTCHs
located in Alaska and Hawaii. Therefore, in
this proposed rule, for FY 2025, under the
broad authority conferred upon the Secretary
by section 123 of the BBRA, as amended by
section 307(b) of the BIPA, to determine
appropriate payment adjustments under the
LTCH PPS, we are proposing to continue to
use the COLA factors based on the 2009 OPM
COLA factors updated through 2020 by the
comparison of the growth in the CPIs for
Anchorage, Alaska, and Honolulu, Hawaii,
relative to the growth in the CPI for the
average U.S. city as established in the FY
2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. (For
additional details on our current
methodology for updating the COLA factors
for Alaska and Hawaii and for a discussion
on the FY 2022 COLA factors, we refer
readers to the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45559 through 45560).)
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
City of Anchorage and SO-kilometer (5O-mile) radius by road
City of Fairbanks and SO-kilometer (5O-mile) radius by road
City of Juneau and SO-kilometer (5O-mile) radius by road
FY 2025
D. Proposed Adjustment for LTCH PPS High
Cost Outlier (HCO) Cases
1. HCO Background
From the beginning of the LTCH PPS, we
have included an adjustment to account for
cases in which there are extraordinarily high
costs relative to the costs of most discharges.
Under this policy, additional payments are
made based on the degree to which the
estimated cost of a case (which is calculated
by multiplying the Medicare allowable
covered charge by the hospital’s overall
hospital CCR) exceeds a fixed-loss amount.
This policy results in greater payment
accuracy under the LTCH PPS and the
Medicare program, and the LTCH sharing the
financial risk for the treatment of
extraordinarily high-cost cases.
We retained the basic tenets of our HCO
policy in FY 2016 when we implemented the
dual rate LTCH PPS payment structure under
section 1206 of Pub. L. 113–67. LTCH
discharges that meet the criteria for exclusion
from the site neutral payment rate (that is,
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases) are paid at the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate, which includes, as
applicable, HCO payments under
§ 412.523(e). LTCH discharges that do not
meet the criteria for exclusion are paid at the
site neutral payment rate, which includes, as
applicable, HCO payments under
§ 412.522(c)(2)(i). In the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, we established separate fixedloss amounts and targets for the two different
LTCH PPS payment rates. Under this
bifurcated policy, the historic 8-percent HCO
target was retained for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases, with the fixedloss amount calculated using only data from
LTCH cases that would have been paid at the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate if
that rate had been in effect at the time of
those discharges. For site neutral payment
rate cases, we adopted the operating IPPS
HCO target (currently 5.1 percent) and set the
fixed-loss amount for site neutral payment
rate cases at the value of the IPPS fixed-loss
amount. Under the HCO policy for both
payment rates, an LTCH receives 80 percent
of the difference between the estimated cost
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of the case and the applicable HCO
threshold, which is the sum of the LTCH PPS
payment for the case and the applicable
fixed-loss amount for such case.
To maintain budget neutrality, consistent
with the budget neutrality requirement at
§ 412.523(d)(1) for HCO payments to LTCH
PPS standard Federal rate payment cases, we
also adopted a budget neutrality requirement
for HCO payments to site neutral payment
rate cases by applying a budget neutrality
factor to the LTCH PPS payment for those
site neutral payment rate cases. (We refer
readers to § 412.522(c)(2)(i) of the regulations
for further details.) We note that, during the
4-year transitional period, the site neutral
payment rate HCO budget neutrality factor
did not apply to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate portion of the blended
payment rate at § 412.522(c)(3) payable to site
neutral payment rate cases. (For additional
details on the HCO policy adopted for site
neutral payment rate cases under the dual
rate LTCH PPS payment structure, including
the budget neutrality adjustment for HCO
payments to site neutral payment rate cases,
we refer readers to the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (80 FR 49617 through 49623).)
2. Determining LTCH CCRs Under the LTCH
a. Background
As noted previously, CCRs are used to
determine payments for HCO adjustments for
both payment rates under the LTCH PPS and
are also used to determine payments for site
neutral payment rate cases. As noted earlier,
in determining HCO and the site neutral
payment rate payments (regardless of
whether the case is also an HCO), we
generally calculate the estimated cost of the
case by multiplying the LTCH’s overall CCR
by the Medicare allowable charges for the
case. An overall CCR is used because the
LTCH PPS uses a single prospective payment
per discharge that covers both inpatient
operating and capital-related costs. The
LTCH’s overall CCR is generally computed
based on the sum of LTCH operating and
capital costs (as described in section 150.24,
Chapter 3, of the Medicare Claims Processing
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Manual (Pub. 100–4)) as compared to total
Medicare charges (that is, the sum of its
operating and capital inpatient routine and
ancillary charges), with those values
determined from either the most recently
settled cost report or the most recent
tentatively settled cost report, whichever is
from the latest cost reporting period.
However, in certain instances, we use an
alternative CCR, such as the statewide
average CCR, a CCR that is specified by CMS,
or one that is requested by the hospital. (We
refer readers to § 412.525(a)(4)(iv) of the
regulations for further details regarding CCRs
and HCO adjustments for either LTCH PPS
payment rate and § 412.522(c)(1)(ii) for the
site neutral payment rate.)
The LTCH’s calculated CCR is then
compared to the LTCH total CCR ceiling.
Under our established policy, an LTCH with
a calculated CCR in excess of the applicable
maximum CCR threshold (that is, the LTCH
total CCR ceiling, which is calculated as 3
standard deviations from the national
geometric average CCR) is generally assigned
the applicable statewide CCR. This policy is
premised on a belief that calculated CCRs in
excess of the LTCH total CCR ceiling are most
likely due to faulty data reporting or entry,
and CCRs based on erroneous data should
not be used to identify and make payments
for outlier cases.
b. Proposed LTCH Total CCR Ceiling
Consistent with our historical practice, we
are proposing to use the best available data
to determine the LTCH total CCR ceiling for
FY 2025 in this proposed rule. Specifically,
in this proposed rule, we are proposing to
use our established methodology for
determining the LTCH total CCR ceiling
based on IPPS total CCR data from the
December 2023 update of the Provider
Specific File (PSF), which is the most recent
data available. Accordingly, we are proposing
an LTCH total CCR ceiling of 1.371 under the
LTCH PPS for FY 2025 in accordance with
§ 412.525(a)(4)(iv)(C)(2) for HCO cases under
either payment rate and § 412.522(c)(1)(ii) for
the site neutral payment rate. Consistent with
our historical practice, we are proposing to
use the best available data, if applicable, to
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Rest of Alaska
City and County of Honolulu
County of Hawaii
County of Kauai
County of Maui and County of Kalawao
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
determine the LTCH total CCR ceiling for FY
2025 in the final rule. (For additional
information on our methodology for
determining the LTCH total CCR ceiling, we
refer readers to the FY 2007 IPPS final rule
(71 FR 48117 through 48119).)
c. LTCH Statewide Average CCRs
Our general methodology for determining
the statewide average CCRs used under the
LTCH PPS is similar to our established
methodology for determining the LTCH total
CCR ceiling because it is based on ‘‘total’’
IPPS CCR data. (For additional information
on our methodology for determining
statewide average CCRs under the LTCH PPS,
we refer readers to the FY 2007 IPPS final
rule (71 FR 48119 through 48120).) Under the
LTCH PPS HCO policy at
§ 412.525(a)(4)(iv)(C), the SSO policy at
§ 412.529(f)(4)(iii), and the site neutral
payment rate at § 412.522(c)(1)(ii), the MAC
may use a statewide average CCR, which is
established annually by CMS, if it is unable
to determine an accurate CCR for an LTCH
in one of the following circumstances: (1)
New LTCHs that have not yet submitted their
first Medicare cost report (a new LTCH is
defined as an entity that has not accepted
assignment of an existing hospital’s provider
agreement in accordance with § 489.18); (2)
LTCHs whose calculated CCR is in excess of
the LTCH total CCR ceiling; and (3) other
LTCHs for whom data with which to
calculate a CCR are not available (for
example, missing or faulty data). (Other
sources of data that the MAC may consider
in determining an LTCH’s CCR include data
from a different cost reporting period for the
LTCH, data from the cost reporting period
preceding the period in which the hospital
began to be paid as an LTCH (that is, the
period of at least 6 months that it was paid
as a short-term, acute care hospital), or data
from other comparable LTCHs, such as
LTCHs in the same chain or in the same
Consistent with our historical practice of
using the best available data, in this proposed
rule, we are proposing to use our established
methodology for determining the LTCH PPS
statewide average CCRs, based on the most
recent complete IPPS ‘‘total CCR’’ data from
the December 2023 update of the PSF. We are
proposing LTCH PPS statewide average total
CCRs for urban and rural hospitals that
would be effective for discharges occurring
on or after October 1, 2024, through
September 30, 2025, in Table 8C listed in
section VI. of this Addendum (and available
via the internet on the CMS website).
Consistent with our historical practice, we
also are proposing to use the best available
data, if applicable, to determine the LTCH
PPS statewide average total CCRs for FY 2025
in the final rule.
Under the proposed LTCH PPS labor
market areas, all areas in the District of
Columbia, New Jersey, and Rhode Island are
classified as urban. Therefore, there are no
rural statewide average total CCRs listed for
those jurisdictions in Table 8C. This policy
is consistent with the policy that we
established when we revised our
methodology for determining the applicable
LTCH statewide average CCRs in the FY 2007
IPPS final rule (71 FR 48119 through 48121)
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and is the same as the policy applied under
the IPPS. In addition, consistent with our
existing methodology, in determining the
urban and rural statewide average total CCRs
for Maryland LTCHs paid under the LTCH
PPS, we are proposing to continue to use, as
a proxy, the national average total CCR for
urban IPPS hospitals and the national
average total CCR for rural IPPS hospitals,
respectively. We are proposing to use this
proxy because we believe that the CCR data
in the PSF for Maryland hospitals may not
be entirely accurate (as discussed in greater
detail in the FY 2007 IPPS final rule (71 FR
Furthermore, although Connecticut,
Massachusetts, Nevada, and North Dakota
have areas that are designated as rural under
the proposed LTCH PPS labor market areas,
in our calculation of the LTCH statewide
average CCRs, there were no trimmed CCR
data available from IPPS hospitals located in
these rural areas as of December 2023. We
refer the reader to section II.A.4.i.(2). of this
Addendum for details on the trims applied
to the IPPS CCR data from the December
2023 update of the PSF, which are the same
data used to calculate the LTCH statewide
average total CCRs. Therefore, consistent
with our existing methodology, we are
proposing to use the national average total
CCR for rural IPPS hospitals for rural
Connecticut, Massachusetts, Nevada, and
North Dakota in Table 8C. We note that there
were no LTCHs located in these rural areas
as of December 2023.
d. Reconciliation of HCO Payments
Under the HCO policy at
§ 412.525(a)(4)(iv)(D), the payments for HCO
cases are subject to reconciliation (regardless
of whether payment is based on the LTCH
standard Federal payment rate or the site
neutral payment rate). Specifically, any such
payments are reconciled at settlement based
on the CCR that was calculated based on the
cost report coinciding with the discharge. For
additional information on the reconciliation
policy, we refer readers to sections 150.26
through 150.28 of the Medicare Claims
Processing Manual (Pub. 100–4), as added by
Change Request 7192 (Transmittal 2111;
December 3, 2010) and the RY 2009 LTCH
PPS final rule (73 FR 26820 through 26821),
and most recently modified by Change
Request 13566 (Transmittal 12558; March 28,
2024) with an update to the outlier
reconciliation criteria.
3. Proposed High-Cost Outlier Payments for
LTCH PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate
a. High-Cost Outlier Payments for LTCH PPS
Standard Federal Payment Rate Cases
Under the regulations at § 412.525(a)(2)(ii)
and as required by section 1886(m)(7) of the
Act, the fixed-loss amount for HCO payments
is set each year so that the estimated
aggregate HCO payments for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases are
99.6875 percent of 8 percent (that is, 7.975
percent) of estimated aggregate LTCH PPS
payments for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases. (For more details on the
requirements for high-cost outlier payments
in FY 2018 and subsequent years under
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section 1886(m)(7) of the Act and additional
information regarding high-cost outlier
payments prior to FY 2018, we refer readers
to the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82
FR 38542 through 38544).)
b. Proposed Fixed-Loss Amount for LTCH
PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate Cases for
FY 2025
In this section of this Addendum, we
discuss our proposed methodology for
determining the proposed fixed-loss amount
for LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases for FY 2025. As we state later in this
section, the proposed fixed-loss amount we
determined for FY 2025 is significantly
higher than the fixed-loss amount we
finalized for FY 2024 (88 FR 59377). As we
discuss later in this section, we are soliciting
comments on our proposed fixed-loss
amount as well as an alternative approach
that we considered for determining the fixedloss amount for FY 2025. We refer the reader
to section I.O.4. of Appendix A of this
proposed rule for our full discussion on the
alternative approach.
When we implemented the LTCH PPS, we
established a fixed-loss amount so that total
estimated outlier payments are projected to
equal 8 percent of total estimated payments
(that is, the target percentage) under the
LTCH PPS (67 FR 56022 through 56026).
When we implemented the dual rate LTCH
PPS payment structure beginning in FY 2016,
we established that, in general, the historical
LTCH PPS HCO policy would continue to
apply to LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases. That is, the fixed-loss
amount for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases would be determined
using the LTCH PPS HCO policy adopted
when the LTCH PPS was first implemented,
but we limited the data used under that
policy to LTCH cases that would have been
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases if the statutory changes had been in
effect at the time of those discharges.
To determine the applicable fixed-loss
amount for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases, we estimate outlier
payments and total LTCH PPS payments for
each LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate case (or for each case that would have
been an LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate case if the statutory changes had been in
effect at the time of the discharge) using
claims data from the MedPAR files. In
accordance with § 412.525(a)(2)(ii), the
applicable fixed-loss amount for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases results
in estimated total outlier payments being
projected to be equal to 7.975 percent of
projected total LTCH PPS payments for LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(87 FR 49448), we discussed the abnormal
charging practices of an LTCH (CCN 312024)
in FY 2021 that led to the LTCH receiving an
excessive amount of high-cost outlier
payments. In that rule, we stated our belief,
based on information we received from the
provider, that these abnormal charging
practices would not persist into FY 2023.
Therefore, we did not include their cases in
our model for determining the FY 2023
outlier fixed-loss amount. In the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59376), we
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
stated that the FY 2022 MedPAR claims also
reflect the abnormal charging practices of this
LTCH. Therefore, we removed claims from
CCN 312024 when determining the fixed-loss
amount for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases for FY 2024 and all other
FY 2024 ratesetting calculations, including
the MS–LTC–DRG relative weights and the
calculation of the area wage level adjustment
budget neutrality factor. Given recent actions
by the Department of Justice regarding CCN
312024 (see
new-jersey-hospital-and-investors-payunited-states-306-million-alleged-falseclaims-related), we are proposing to again
remove claims from CCN 312024 when
determining the fixed-loss amount for LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases for
FY 2025 and all other FY 2025 ratesetting
calculations, including the MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights and the calculation of the
area wage level adjustment budget neutrality
(1) Proposed Charge Inflation Factor for Use
in Determining the Proposed Fixed-Loss
Amount for LTCH PPS Standard Federal
Payment Rate Cases for FY 2025
Under the LTCH PPS, the cost of each
claim is estimated by multiplying the charges
on the claim by the provider’s CCR. Due to
the lag time in the availability of claims data,
when estimating costs for the upcoming
payment year we typically inflate the charges
from the claims data by a uniform factor.
For greater accuracy in calculating the
fixed-loss amount, in the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45562 through
45566), we finalized a technical change to
our methodology for determining the charge
inflation factor. Similar to the method used
under the IPPS hospital payment
methodology (as discussed in section
II.A.4.i.(2). of this Addendum), our
methodology determines the LTCH charge
inflation factor based on the historical growth
in charges for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases, calculated using
historical MedPAR claims data. In this
section of this Addendum, we describe our
charge inflation factor methodology.
Step 1—Identify LTCH PPS Standard Federal
Payment Rate Cases
The first step in our methodology is to
identify LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate cases from the MedPAR claim files for
the two most recently available Federal fiscal
year time periods. For both fiscal years,
consistent with our historical methodology
for determining payment rates for the LTCH
PPS, we remove any claims submitted by
LTCHs that were all-inclusive rate providers
as well as any Medicare Advantage claims.
For both fiscal years, we also remove claims
from providers that only had claims in one
of the fiscal years.
Step 2—Remove Statistical Outliers
The next step in our methodology is to
remove all claims from providers whose
growth in average charges was a statistical
outlier. We remove these statistical outliers
prior to calculating the charge inflation factor
because we believe they may represent
aberrations in the data that would distort the
measure of average charge growth. To
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perform this statistical trim, we first calculate
each provider’s average charge in both fiscal
years. Then, we calculate a charge growth
factor for each provider by dividing its
average charge in the most recent fiscal year
by its average charge in the prior fiscal year.
Then we remove all claims for providers
whose calculated charge growth factor was
outside 3 standard deviations from the mean
provider charge growth factor.
Step 3—Calculate the Charge Inflation Factor
The final step in our methodology is to use
the remaining claims to calculate a national
charge inflation factor. We first calculate the
average charge for those remaining claims in
both fiscal years. Then we calculate the
national charge inflation factor by dividing
the average charge in the more recent fiscal
year by the average charge in the prior fiscal
Following the methodology described
previously, we computed a proposed charge
inflation factor based on the most recently
available data. Specifically, we used the
December 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file and the December 2022 update
of the FY 2022 MedPAR as the basis of the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases for the two most recently available
Federal fiscal year time periods, as described
previously in our methodology. Therefore,
we trimmed the December 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR file and the December
2022 update of the FY 2022 MedPAR file as
described in steps 1 and 2 of our
methodology. To compute the 1-year average
annual rate-of-change in charges per case, we
compared the average covered charge per
case of $280,441 ($11,524,447,130/41,094
cases) from FY 2022 to the average covered
charge per case of $301,155
($12,627,438,548/41,930 cases) from FY
2023. This rate-of-change was 7.3863 percent,
which results in a 1-year charge inflation
factor of 1.073863, and a 2-year charge
inflation factor of 1.153182 (calculated by
squaring the 1-year factor). We propose to
inflate the billed charges obtained from the
FY 2023 MedPAR file by this 2-year charge
inflation factor of 1.153182 when
determining the proposed fixed-loss amount
for LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases for FY 2025.
(2) CCRs for Use in Determining the FixedLoss Amount for LTCH PPS Standard Federal
Payment Rate Cases for FY 2025
For greater accuracy in calculating the
fixed-loss amount, in the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45562 through
45566), we finalized a technical change to
our methodology for determining the CCRs
used to calculate the fixed-loss amount.
Similar to the methodology used for IPPS
hospitals (as discussed in section II.A.4.i.(2).
of this Addendum), our methodology adjusts
CCRs obtained from the best available PSF
data by an adjustment factor that is
calculated based on historical changes in the
average case-weighted CCR for LTCHs. We
believe these adjusted CCRs more accurately
reflect CCR levels in the upcoming payment
year because they account for historical
changes in the relationship between costs
and charges for LTCHs. In this section of this
Addendum, we describe our CCR adjustment
factor methodology.
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Step 1—Assign Providers Their Historical
The first step in our methodology is to
identify providers with LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases in the most recent
MedPAR claims file (excluding all-inclusive
rate providers and providers with only
Medicare Advantage claims). For each of
these providers, we then identify the CCR
from the most recently available PSF. For
each of these providers we also identify the
CCR from the PSF that was made available
one year prior to the most recently available
Step 2—Trim Providers With Insufficient
CCR Data
The next step in our methodology is to
remove from the CCR adjustment factor
calculation any providers for which we
cannot accurately measure changes to their
CCR using the PSF data. We first remove any
provider whose CCR was missing in the most
recent PSF or prior year PSF. We next
remove any provider assigned the statewide
average CCR for their State in either the most
recent PSF or prior year PSF. We lastly
remove any provider whose CCR was not
updated between the most recent PSF and
prior year PSF (determined by comparing the
effective date of the records).
Step 3—Remove Statistical Outliers
The next step in our methodology is to
remove providers whose change in their CCR
is a statistical outlier. To perform this
statistical trim, for those providers remaining
after application of Step 2, we calculate a
provider-level CCR growth factor by dividing
the provider’s CCR from the most recent PSF
by its CCR in the prior year’s PSF. We then
remove any provider whose CCR growth
factor was outside 3 standard deviations from
the mean provider CCR growth factor. These
statistical outliers are removed prior to
calculating the CCR adjustment factor
because we believe that they may represent
aberrations in the data that would distort the
measure of average annual CCR change.
Step 4—Calculate a CCR Adjustment Factor
The final step in our methodology is to
calculate, across all remaining providers after
application of Step 3, an average caseweighted CCR from both the most recent PSF
and prior year PSF. The provider case counts
that we use to calculate the case-weighted
average are determined from claims for LTCH
standard Federal rate cases from the most
recent MedPAR claims file. We note when
determining these case counts, consistent
with our historical methodology for
determining the MS–LTC–DRG relative
weights, we do not count short stay outlier
claims as full cases but instead as a fraction
of a case based on the ratio of covered days
to the geometric mean length of stay for the
MS–LTC–DRG grouped to the case. We
calculate the national CCR adjustment factor
by dividing the case-weighted CCR from the
most recent PSF by the case-weighted CCR
from the prior year PSF.
Following the methodology described
previously, we computed a CCR adjustment
factor based on the most recently available
data. Specifically, we used the December
2023 PSF as the most recently available PSF
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
and the December 2022 PSF as the PSF that
was made available one year prior to the
most recently available PSF, as described in
our methodology. In addition, we used
claims from the December 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR file in our calculation of
average case-weighted CCRs described in
Step 4 of our methodology. Specifically,
following the methodology described
previously and, for providers with LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases in the
December 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file, we identified their CCRs from
both the December 2022 PSF and December
2023 PSF. After performing the trims
outlined in our methodology, we used the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
case counts from the FY 2023 MedPAR file
(classified using proposed Version 42 of the
GROUPER) to calculate case-weighted
average CCRs. Based on this data, we
calculated a December 2022 national average
case-weighted CCR of 0.232841 and a
December 2023 national average caseweighted CCR of 0.238141. We then
calculated the proposed national CCR
adjustment factor by dividing the December
2023 national average case-weighted CCR by
the December 2022 national average caseweighted CCR. This results in a proposed 1year national CCR adjustment factor of
1.02276. When calculating the proposed
fixed-loss amount for FY 2025, we assigned
the statewide average CCR for the upcoming
fiscal year to all providers who were assigned
the statewide average in the December 2023
PSF or whose CCR was missing in the
December 2023 PSF. For all other providers,
we multiplied their CCR from the December
2023 PSF by the proposed 1-year national
CCR adjustment factor of 1.02276.
(3) Proposed Fixed-Loss Amount for LTCH
PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate Cases for
FY 2025
In this proposed rule, for FY 2025, using
the best available data and the steps
described previously, we calculated a
proposed fixed-loss amount that would
maintain estimated HCO payments at the
projected 7.975 percent of total estimated
LTCH PPS payments for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases as required by
section 1886(m)(7) of the Act and in
accordance with § 412.525(a)(2)(ii) (based on
the proposed payment rates and policies for
these cases presented in this proposed rule).
Consistent with our historical practice, we
are proposing to use the best available LTCH
claims data and CCR data, if applicable,
when determining the fixed-loss amount for
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases for FY 2025 in the final rule. Therefore,
based on LTCH claims data from the
December 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file adjusted for charge inflation
and adjusted CCRs from the December 2023
update of the PSF, under the broad authority
of section 123(a)(1) of the BBRA and section
307(b)(1) of the BIPA, we are proposing a
fixed-loss amount for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases for FY 2025 of
$90,921 that would result in estimated
outlier payments projected to be equal to
7.975 percent of estimated FY 2025 payments
for such cases. As such, we would make an
additional HCO payment for the cost of an
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LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
case that exceeds the HCO threshold amount
that is equal to 80 percent of the difference
between the estimated cost of the case and
the outlier threshold (the sum of the
proposed adjusted LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate payment and the
proposed fixed-loss amount for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases of
The proposed fixed-loss amount for FY
2025 ($90,921) is significantly higher than
the fixed-loss amount for FY 2024 ($59,873).
Each year the fixed-loss amount is
determined prospectively based on the best
available data at the time. Using the FY 2023
MedPAR file, we estimate that actual highcost outlier payments accounted for 11.6
percent of total LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate payments in FY 2023. This
percentage is much higher than the budget
neutral target of 7.975 percent that we
modelled, using the best available data at the
time, when determining the FY 2023 fixedloss amount of $38,518 (87 FR 49449). We
currently estimate that for actual high-cost
outlier payments to have accounted for 7.975
percent of total LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate payments in FY 2023, the fixedloss amount would have needed to have been
set at approximately $65,260. Furthermore,
as discussed in Appendix A to this proposed
rule, we currently model that high-cost
outlier payments in FY 2024 will account for
9.3 percent of total LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate payments. This
percentage is also much higher than the
budget neutral target of 7.975 percent that we
modelled, using the best available data at the
time, when determining the FY 2024 fixedloss amount of $59,873 (88 FR 59377). Based
on this model, we estimate that the FY 2024
fixed-loss amount would have needed to
have been set at approximately $72,275 to
meet the requirement that high-cost outlier
payments account for 7.975 percent of total
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
payments in FY 2024.
Based on this recent experience, we believe
a large increase to the fixed-loss amount
would be warranted to ensure that estimated
outlier payments in FY 2025 return to our
statutorily required budget neutral target of
7.975 percent. However, we acknowledge
that the proposed increase to the fixed-loss
amount is substantial. In section I.O.4. of
Appendix A of this proposed rule, we
discuss an alternative approach we
considered for determining the proposed FY
2025 fixed-loss amount that may have
mitigated the magnitude of the increase in
the proposed fixed-loss amount for FY 2025.
As stated in that section, we are soliciting
comments on both our proposed
methodology for determining the FY 2025
fixed-loss amount and the alternative
approach. We will consider these comments
when finalizing the fixed-loss amount for
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases for FY 2025 in the final rule.
4. High-Cost Outlier Payments for Site
Neutral Payment Rate Cases
When we implemented the application of
the site neutral payment rate in FY 2016, in
examining the appropriate fixed-loss amount
for site neutral payment rate cases issue, we
PO 00000
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considered how LTCH discharges based on
historical claims data would have been
classified under the dual rate LTCH PPS
payment structure and the CMS’ Office of the
Actuary projections regarding how LTCHs
will likely respond to our implementation of
policies resulting from the statutory payment
changes. We again relied on these
considerations and actuarial projections in
FY 2017 and FY 2018 because the historical
claims data available in each of these years
were not all subject to the LTCH PPS dual
rate payment system. Similarly, for FYs 2019
through 2024, we continued to rely on these
considerations and actuarial projections
because, due to the transitional blended
payment policy for site neutral payment rate
cases and the provisions of section 3711(b)(2)
of the CARES Act, the historical claims data
available in each of these years were not
subject to the full effect of the site neutral
payment rate.
For FYs 2016 through 2024, our actuaries
projected that the proportion of cases that
would qualify as LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases versus site neutral
payment rate cases under the statutory
provisions would remain consistent with
what is reflected in the historical LTCH PPS
claims data. Although our actuaries did not
project an immediate change in the
proportions found in the historical data, they
did project cost and resource changes to
account for the lower payment rates. Our
actuaries also projected that the costs and
resource use for cases paid at the site neutral
payment rate would likely be lower, on
average, than the costs and resource use for
cases paid at the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate and would likely mirror the
costs and resource use for IPPS cases
assigned to the same MS–DRG, regardless of
whether the proportion of site neutral
payment rate cases in the future remains
similar to what is found based on the
historical data. As discussed in the FY 2016
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR 49619), this
actuarial assumption is based on our
expectation that site neutral payment rate
cases would generally be paid based on an
IPPS comparable per diem amount under the
statutory LTCH PPS payment changes that
began in FY 2016, which, in the majority of
cases, is much lower than the payment that
would have been paid if these statutory
changes were not enacted. In light of these
projections and expectations, we discussed
that we believed that the use of a single
fixed-loss amount and HCO target for all
LTCH PPS cases would be problematic. In
addition, we discussed that we did not
believe that it would be appropriate for
comparable LTCH PPS site neutral payment
rate cases to receive dramatically different
HCO payments from those cases that would
be paid under the IPPS (80 FR 49617 through
49619 and 81 FR 57305 through 57307). For
those reasons, we stated that we believed that
the most appropriate fixed-loss amount for
site neutral payment rate cases for FYs 2016
through 2024 would be equal to the IPPS
fixed-loss amount for that particular fiscal
year. Therefore, we established the fixed-loss
amount for site neutral payment rate cases as
the corresponding IPPS fixed-loss amounts
for FYs 2016 through 2024. In particular, in
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
FY 2024, we established the fixed-loss
amount for site neutral payment rate cases as
the FY 2024 IPPS fixed-loss amount of
$42,750 (88 FR 59378).
For this proposed rule, we used FY 2023
data in the FY 2025 LTCH PPS proposed
ratesetting. We note that section 3711(b)(2) of
the CARES Act provided a waiver of the
application of the site neutral payment rate
for LTCH cases admitted during the COVID–
19 PHE period. The COVID–19 PHE expired
on May 11, 2023. Therefore, all LTCH PPS
cases in FY 2023 with admission dates on or
before the PHE expiration date were paid the
LTCH PPS standard Federal rate regardless of
whether the discharge met the statutory
patient criteria. Because not all FY 2023
claims in the data used for this proposed rule
were subject to the site neutral payment rate,
we continue to rely on the same
considerations and actuarial projections used
in FYs 2016 through 2024 when developing
a fixed-loss amount for site neutral payment
rate cases for FY 2025. Our actuaries
continue to project that the costs and
resource use for FY 2025 cases paid at the
site neutral payment rate would likely be
lower, on average, than the costs and
resource use for cases paid at the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate and will likely
mirror the costs and resource use for IPPS
cases assigned to the same MS–DRG,
regardless of whether the proportion of site
neutral payment rate cases in the future
remains similar to what was found based on
the historical data. (Based on the FY 2023
LTCH claims data used in the development
of this final rule, if the provisions of the
CARES Act had not been in effect,
approximately 71 percent of LTCH cases
would have been paid the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate and
approximately 29 percent of LTCH cases
would have been paid the site neutral
payment rate for discharges occurring in FY
For these reasons, we continue to believe
that the most appropriate fixed-loss amount
for site neutral payment rate cases for FY
2025 is the IPPS fixed-loss amount for FY
2025. Therefore, for FY 2025, we are
proposing that the applicable HCO threshold
for site neutral payment rate cases is the sum
of the site neutral payment rate for the case
and the proposed IPPS fixed-loss amount.
That is, we are proposing a fixed-loss amount
for site neutral payment rate cases of $49,237,
which is the same proposed FY 2025 IPPS
fixed-loss amount discussed in section
II.A.4.i.(2). of this Addendum. Accordingly,
under this policy, for FY 2025, we would
calculate an HCO payment for site neutral
payment rate cases with costs that exceed the
HCO threshold amount that is equal to 80
percent of the difference between the
estimated cost of the case and the outlier
threshold (the sum of the site neutral
payment rate payment and the proposed
fixed-loss amount for site neutral payment
rate cases of $49,237).
In establishing an HCO policy for site
neutral payment rate cases, we established a
budget neutrality adjustment under
§ 412.522(c)(2)(i). We established this
requirement because we believed, and
continue to believe, that the HCO policy for
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site neutral payment rate cases should be
budget neutral, just as the HCO policy for
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases is budget neutral, meaning that
estimated site neutral payment rate HCO
payments should not result in any change in
estimated aggregate LTCH PPS payments.
To ensure that estimated HCO payments
payable to site neutral payment rate cases in
FY 2025 would not result in any increase in
estimated aggregate FY 2025 LTCH PPS
payments, under the budget neutrality
requirement at § 412.522(c)(2)(i), it is
necessary to reduce site neutral payment rate
payments by 5.1 percent to account for the
estimated additional HCO payments payable
to those cases in FY 2025. Consistent with
our historical practice, we are proposing to
continue this policy.
As discussed earlier, consistent with the
IPPS HCO payment threshold, we estimate
the proposed fixed-loss threshold would
result in FY 2025 HCO payments for site
neutral payment rate cases to equal 5.1
percent of the site neutral payment rate
payments that are based on the IPPS
comparable per diem amount. As such, to
ensure estimated HCO payments payable for
site neutral payment rate cases in FY 2025
would not result in any increase in estimated
aggregate FY 2025 LTCH PPS payments,
under the budget neutrality requirement at
§ 412.522(c)(2)(i), it is necessary to reduce the
site neutral payment rate amount paid under
§ 412.522(c)(1)(i) by 5.1 percent to account
for the estimated additional HCO payments
payable for site neutral payment rate cases in
FY 2025. To achieve this, for FY 2025, we are
proposing to apply a budget neutrality factor
of 0.949 (that is, the decimal equivalent of a
5.1 percent reduction, determined as 1.0—
5.1/100 = 0.949) to the site neutral payment
rate for those site neutral payment rate cases
paid under § 412.522(c)(1)(i). We note that,
consistent with our current policy, this
proposed HCO budget neutrality adjustment
would not be applied to the HCO portion of
the site neutral payment rate amount (81 FR
E. Proposed Update to the IPPS Comparable
Amount To Reflect the Statutory Changes to
the IPPS DSH Payment Adjustment
In the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(78 FR 50766), we established a policy to
reflect the changes to the Medicare IPPS DSH
payment adjustment methodology made by
section 3133 of the Affordable Care Act in the
calculation of the ‘‘IPPS comparable amount’’
under the SSO policy at § 412.529 and the
‘‘IPPS equivalent amount’’ under the site
neutral payment rate at § 412.522.
Historically, the determination of both the
‘‘IPPS comparable amount’’ and the ‘‘IPPS
equivalent amount’’ includes an amount for
inpatient operating costs ‘‘for the costs of
serving a disproportionate share of lowincome patients.’’ Under the statutory
changes to the Medicare DSH payment
adjustment methodology that began in FY
2014, in general, eligible IPPS hospitals
receive an empirically justified Medicare
DSH payment equal to 25 percent of the
amount they otherwise would have received
under the statutory formula for Medicare
PO 00000
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DSH payments prior to the amendments
made by the Affordable Care Act. The
remaining amount, equal to an estimate of 75
percent of the amount that otherwise would
have been paid as Medicare DSH payments,
reduced to reflect changes in the percentage
of individuals under the age of 65 who are
uninsured, is made available to make
additional payments to each hospital that
qualifies for Medicare DSH payments and
that has uncompensated care. The additional
uncompensated care payments are based on
the hospital’s amount of uncompensated care
for a given time period relative to the total
amount of uncompensated care for that same
time period reported by all hospitals that
receive Medicare DSH payments.
To reflect the Medicare DSH payment
adjustment methodology statutory changes in
section 3133 of the Affordable Care Act in the
calculation of the ‘‘IPPS comparable amount’’
and the ‘‘IPPS equivalent amount’’ under the
LTCH PPS, we stated in the FY 2014 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR 50766) that we
will include a reduced Medicare DSH
payment amount that reflects the projected
percentage of the payment amount calculated
based on the statutory Medicare DSH
payment formula prior to the amendments
made by the Affordable Care Act that will be
paid to eligible IPPS hospitals as empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments and
uncompensated care payments in that year
(that is, a percentage of the operating
Medicare DSH payment amount that has
historically been reflected in the LTCH PPS
payments that are based on IPPS rates). We
also stated, in the FY 2014 IPPS/LTC PPS
final rule (78 FR 50766), that the projected
percentage will be updated annually,
consistent with the annual determination of
the amount of uncompensated care payments
that will be made to eligible IPPS hospitals.
We believe that this approach results in
appropriate payments under the LTCH PPS
and is consistent with our intention that the
‘‘IPPS comparable amount’’ and the ‘‘IPPS
equivalent amount’’ under the LTCH PPS
closely resemble what an IPPS payment
would have been for the same episode of
care, while recognizing that some features of
the IPPS cannot be translated directly into
the LTCH PPS (79 FR 50766 through 50767).
For FY 2025, as discussed in greater detail
in section IV.E.2.b. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, based on the most recent data
available, our estimate of 75 percent of the
amount that would otherwise have been paid
as Medicare DSH payments (under the
methodology outlined in section 1886(r)(2) of
the Act) is adjusted to 62.14 percent of that
amount to reflect the change in the
percentage of individuals who are uninsured.
The resulting amount is then used to
determine the amount available to make
uncompensated care payments to eligible
IPPS hospitals in FY 2025. In other words,
the amount of the Medicare DSH payments
that would have been made prior to the
amendments made by the Affordable Care
Act is adjusted to 46.61 percent (the product
of 75 percent and 62.14 percent) and the
resulting amount is used to calculate the
uncompensated care payments to eligible
hospitals. As a result, for FY 2025, we project
that the reduction in the amount of Medicare
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
DSH payments pursuant to section 1886(r)(1)
of the Act, along with the payments for
uncompensated care under section 1886(r)(2)
of the Act, will result in overall Medicare
DSH payments of 71.61 percent of the
amount of Medicare DSH payments that
would otherwise have been made in the
absence of the amendments made by the
Affordable Care Act (that is, 25 percent +
46.61 percent = 71.61 percent).
Therefore, for FY 2025, we are proposing
to establish that the calculation of the ‘‘IPPS
comparable amount’’ under § 412.529 would
include an applicable operating Medicare
DSH payment amount that is equal to 71.61
percent of the operating Medicare DSH
payment amount that would have been paid
based on the statutory Medicare DSH
payment formula absent the amendments
made by the Affordable Care Act.
Furthermore, consistent with our historical
practice, we are proposing that, if more
recent data became available, we would use
that data to determine the applicable
operating Medicare DSH payment amount
used to calculate the ‘‘IPPS comparable
amount’’ in the final rule.
F. Computing the Proposed Adjusted LTCH
PPS Federal Prospective Payments for FY
Under the dual rate LTCH PPS payment
structure, only LTCH PPS cases that meet the
statutory criteria to be excluded from the site
neutral payment rate are paid based on the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate.
Under § 412.525(c), the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate is adjusted to account
for differences in area wages; we make this
adjustment by multiplying the labor-related
share of the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate for a case by the applicable
LTCH PPS wage index (the proposed FY
2025 values are shown in Tables 12A through
12B listed in section VI. of this Addendum
and are available via the internet on the CMS
website). The LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate is also adjusted to account for
the higher costs of LTCHs located in Alaska
and Hawaii by the applicable COLA factors
(the proposed FY 2025 factors are shown in
the chart in section V.C. of this Addendum)
in accordance with § 412.525(b). In this
proposed rule, we are proposing to establish
an LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
for FY 2025 of $49,262.80, as discussed in
section V.A. of this Addendum. We illustrate
the methodology to adjust the proposed
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate for
FY 2025, applying our proposed LTCH PPS
amounts for the standard Federal payment
rate, MS–LTC–DRG relative weights, and
wage index in the following example:
During FY 2025, a Medicare discharge that
meets the criteria to be excluded from the site
neutral payment rate, that is, an LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate case, is from
an LTCH that is located in CBSA 16984,
which has a proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS
wage index value of 1.0237 (as shown in
Table 12A listed in section VI. of this
Addendum). The Medicare patient case is
classified into proposed MS–LTC–DRG 189
(Pulmonary Edema & Respiratory Failure),
which has a proposed relative weight for FY
2025 of 0.9791 (as shown in Table 11 listed
in section VI. of this Addendum). The LTCH
submitted quality reporting data for FY 2025
in accordance with the LTCH QRP under
section 1886(m)(5) of the Act.
To calculate the LTCH’s total adjusted
proposed Federal prospective payment for
this Medicare patient case in FY 2025, we
computed the wage-adjusted Federal
prospective payment amount by multiplying
the unadjusted proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate ($49,262.80)
by the proposed labor-related share (72.8
percent) and the proposed wage index value
(1.0237). This wage-adjusted amount was
then added to the proposed nonlabor-related
portion of the unadjusted proposed LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate (27.2
percent; adjusted for cost of living, if
applicable) to determine the adjusted
proposed LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate, which is then multiplied by
the proposed MS–LTC–DRG relative weight
(0.9791) to calculate the total adjusted
proposed LTCH PPS standard Federal
prospective payment for FY 2025
($49,065.40). The table illustrates the
components of the calculations in this
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Unadjusted Proposed LTCH PPS Standard Federal Prosnective Payment Rate
Proposed Labor-Related Share
Proposed Labor-Related Portion of the LTCH PPS Standard Federal Pavment Rate
Proposed Wage Index (CBSA 16984)
Proposed Wage-Adjusted Labor Share of the LTCH PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate
Proposed Nonlabor-Related Portion of the LTCH PPS Standard Federal Pavment Rate ($49,262.80 x 0.272)
Adiusted Pronosed L TCH PPS Standard Federal Pavment Amount
Proposed MS-L TC-DRG 189 Relative Weight
Total Adiusted Proposed L TCH PPS Standard Federal Prospective Pavment
VI. Tables Referenced in This Proposed Rule
Generally Available Through the Internet on
the CMS Website
This section lists the tables referred to
throughout the preamble of this proposed
rule and in the Addendum. In the past, a
majority of these tables were published in the
Federal Register as part of the annual
proposed and final rules. However, similar to
FYs 2012 through 2024, for the FY 2025
rulemaking cycle, the IPPS and LTCH PPS
tables will not be published in the Federal
Register in the annual IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed and final rules and will be on the
CMS website. Specifically, all IPPS tables
listed in the proposed rule, with the
exception of IPPS Tables 1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D,
and LTCH PPS Table 1E, will generally be
available on the CMS website. IPPS Tables
1A, 1B, 1C, and 1D, and LTCH PPS Table 1E
are displayed at the end of this section and
will continue to be published in the Federal
Register as part of the annual proposed and
final rules.
Tables 7A and 7B historically contained
the Medicare prospective payment system
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selected percentile lengths of stay for the
MS–DRGs for the prior year and upcoming
fiscal year. We note, in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49452), we
finalized beginning with FY 2023, to provide
the percentile length of stay information
previously included in Tables 7A and 7B in
the supplemental AOR/BOR data file. The
AOR/BOR files can be found on the FY 2025
IPPS proposed rule home page on the CMS
website at
After hospitals have been given an
opportunity to review and correct their
calculations for FY 2025, we will post Table
15 (which will be available via the CMS
website) to display the final FY 2025
readmissions payment adjustment factors
that will be applicable to discharges
occurring on or after October 1, 2024. We
expect Table 15 will be posted on the CMS
website in the Fall 2024.
Readers who experience any problems
accessing any of the tables that are posted on
the CMS websites identified in this proposed
PO 00000
Frm 00662
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
= $35 863.32
X 1.0237
= $36,713.28
+ $13,399.48
= $50 112.76
= $49,065.40
rule should contact Michael Treitel at (410)
The following IPPS tables for this proposed
rule are generally available on the CMS
website at
AcuteInpatientPPS/. Click on the
link on the left side of the screen titled ‘‘FY
2025 IPPS Proposed Rule Home Page’’ or
‘‘Acute Inpatient -Files- for Download.’’
Table 2.—Proposed Case-Mix Index and
Wage Index Table by CCN—FY 2025
Proposed Rule
Table 3.—Proposed Wage Index Table by
CBSA—FY 2025 Proposed Rule
Table 4A.—Proposed List of Counties Eligible
for the Out-Migration Adjustment under
Section 1886(d)(13) of the Act—FY 2025
Proposed Rule
Table 4B.—Proposed Counties Redesignated
under Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act
(LUGAR Counties)—FY 2025 Proposed
Table 5.—Proposed List of Medicare Severity
Diagnosis-Related Groups (MS–DRGs),
Relative Weighting Factors, and
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Geometric and Arithmetic Mean Length
of Stay—FY 2025 Proposed Rule
Table 6A.—New Diagnosis Codes—FY 2025
Table 6B.—New Procedure Codes—FY 2025
Table 6C.—Invalid Diagnosis Codes—FY
Table 6D.—Invalid Procedure Codes—FY
Table 6E.—Revised Diagnosis Code Titles—
FY 2025
Table 6F.—Revised Procedure Code Titles—
FY 2025
Table 6G.1.—Proposed Secondary Diagnosis
Order Additions to the CC Exclusions
List—FY 2025
Table 6G.2.—Proposed Principal Diagnosis
Order Additions to the CC Exclusions
List—FY 2025
Table 6H.1.—Proposed Secondary Diagnosis
Order Deletions to the CC Exclusions
List—FY 2025
Table 6H.2.—Proposed Principal Diagnosis
Order Deletions to the CC Exclusions
List—FY 2025
Table 6I.1.—Proposed Additions to the MCC
List—FY 2025
Table 6J.1.—Proposed Additions to the CC
List—FY 2025
Table 6J.2.—Proposed Deletions to the CC
List—FY 2025
Table 6P.—ICD–10–CM and ICD–10–PCS
Codes for Proposed MS–DRG Changes—
FY 2025 (Table 6P contains multiple
tables, 6P.1a. through 6P.2h that include
the ICD–10–CM and ICD–10–PCS code
lists relating to specific proposed MS–
DRG changes or other analyses). These
tables are referred to throughout section
II.C. of the preamble of this proposed
Table 8A.—Proposed FY 2025 Statewide
Average Operating Cost-to-Charge Ratios
(CCRs) for Acute Care Hospitals (Urban
and Rural)
Table 8B.—Proposed FY 2025 Statewide
Average Capital Cost-to-Charge Ratios
(CCRs) for Acute Care Hospitals
Table 16.—Proposed Proxy Hospital ValueBased Purchasing (VBP) Program
Adjustment Factors for FY 2025
Table 18.—Proposed FY 2025 Medicare DSH
Uncompensated Care Payment Factor 3
The following LTCH PPS tables for this FY
2025 proposed rule are available through the
internet on the CMS website at https://
index.html under the list item for Regulation
Number CMS–1808–P:
Table 8C.—Proposed FY 2025 Statewide
Average Total Cost-to-Charge Ratios
(CCRs) for LTCHs (Urban and Rural)
Table 11.—Proposed MS–LTC–DRGs,
Relative Weights, Geometric Average
Length of Stay, and Short-Stay Outlier
(SSO) Threshold for LTCH PPS
Discharges Occurring from October 1,
2024, through September 30, 2025
Table 12A.—Proposed LTCH PPS Wage
Index for Urban Areas for Discharges
Occurring from October 1, 2024, through
September 30, 2025
Table 12B.—Proposed LTCH PPS Wage Index
for Rural Areas for Discharges Occurring
from October 1, 2024, through September
30, 2025
Hospital Submitted Quality
Data and is a Meaningful EHR
date = 2.6 Percent
Hospital Submitted Quality
Data and is NOT a
Meaningful EHR User
date = 0.35 Percent
Hospital Did NOT Submit
Quality Data and is a
Meaningful EHR User
date = 1.85 Percent
Hospital Did NOT Submit
Quality Data and is NOT a
Meaningful EHR User
date = -0.4 Percent
Hospital Submitted Quality
Data and is a Meaningful EHR
User (Update= 2.6 Percent)
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Hospital Submitted Quality
Data and is NOT a
Meaningful EHR User
(Update= 0.35 Percent)
Hospital Did NOT Submit
Quality Data and is a
Meaningful EHR User
(Update= 1.85 Percent)
Hospital Did NOT Submit
Quality Data and is NOT a
Meaningful EHR User
(Update= -0.4 Percent)
$4,012.14 I $2,459.os
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EP02MY24.317 EP02MY24.318
OR EQUAL TO 1)--FY 2025
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Hospital is a Meaningful EHR User Hospital is NOT a Meaningful EHR
and Wage Index Less Than or Equal User and Wage Index Less Than or
to 1 (Update= 2.6)
Equal to 1 (Uodate = 0.35)
Rates ifWae:e Index Greater Than 1
I Nonlabor
Not Applicable
1 For
Not Applicable
FY 2025, there are no CBSAs in Puerto Rico with a national wage index greater than 1.
RA TE-FY 2025
I National
Full Update
(2.8 Percent)
Standard Federal Rate
Reduced Update*
(0.8 Percent)
Appendix A: Economic Analyses
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
I. Regulatory Impact Analysis
A. Statement of Need
This proposed rule is necessary to make
payment and policy changes under the IPPS
for Medicare acute care hospital inpatient
services for operating and capital-related
costs as well as for certain hospitals and
hospital units excluded from the IPPS. This
proposed rule also is necessary to make
payment and policy changes for Medicare
hospitals under the LTCH PPS. Also, as we
note later in this Appendix, the primary
objective of the IPPS and the LTCH PPS is
to create incentives for hospitals to operate
efficiently and minimize unnecessary costs,
while at the same time ensuring that
payments are sufficient to adequately
compensate hospitals for their legitimate
costs in delivering necessary care to
Medicare beneficiaries. In addition, we share
national goals of preserving the Medicare
Hospital Insurance Trust Fund.
We believe that the proposed changes in
this proposed rule, such as the proposed
updates to the IPPS and LTCH PPS rates, and
the proposals and discussions relating to
applications for new technology add-on
payments, are needed to further each of these
goals while maintaining the financial
viability of the hospital industry and
ensuring access to high quality health care
for Medicare beneficiaries.
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We expect that these proposed changes
would ensure that the outcomes of the
prospective payment systems are reasonable
and provide equitable payments, while
avoiding or minimizing unintended adverse
1. Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Prospective
Payment System (IPPS)
a. Proposed Update to the IPPS Payment
In accordance with section 1886(b)(3)(B) of
the Act and as described in section V.B. of
the preamble to this proposed rule, we are
proposing to update the national
standardized amount for inpatient hospital
operating costs by the proposed applicable
percentage increase of 2.6 percent (that is, a
proposed 3.0 percent market basket update
with a proposed reduction of 0.4 percentage
point for the productivity adjustment). We
are also proposing to apply the proposed
applicable percentage increase (including the
market basket update and the proposed
productivity adjustment) to the hospitalspecific rates.
Subsection (d) hospitals that do not submit
quality information under rules established
by the Secretary and that are meaningful EHR
users under section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the
Act would receive a proposed applicable
percentage increase of 1.850 percent which
reflects a one-quarter percent reduction of the
market basket update for failure to submit
quality data. Hospitals that are identified as
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not meaningful EHR users and do submit
quality information under section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act would receive a
proposed applicable percentage increase of
0.350 percent which reflects a three-quarter
percent reduction of the market basket
update for being identified as not a
meaningful EHR user.
Hospitals that are identified as not
meaningful EHR users under section
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act and also do not
submit quality data under section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act would receive a
proposed applicable percentage increase of
¥0.4 percent, which reflects a one-quarter
percent reduction of the market basket
update for failure to submit quality data and
a three-quarter percent reduction of the
market basket update for being identified as
not a meaningful EHR user.
b. Proposed Changes for the Add-On
Payments for New Services and Technologies
Consistent with sections 1886(d)(5)(K) and
(L) of the Act, we review applications for
new technology add-on payments based on
the eligibility criteria at 42 CFR 412.87. As
set forth in 42 CFR 412.87(f)(1), we consider
whether a technology meets the criteria for
the new technology add-on payment and
announce the results as part of the annual
updates and changes to the IPPS. New
technology add-on payments are not budget
As discussed in section II.E.7. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
EP02MY24.319 EP02MY24.320
* For LTCHs that fail to submit quality reporting data for FY 2025 in accordance with the LTCH Quality Reporting Program (LTCH
QRP), the annual update is reduced by 2.0 percentage points as required by section 1886(m)(5) of the Act.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
proposing that beginning with new
technology add-on payments for FY 2026, in
assessing whether to continue the new
technology add-on payments for those
technologies that are first approved for new
technology add-on payments in FY 2025 or
a subsequent year, we would extend new
technology add-on payments for an
additional fiscal year when the three-year
anniversary date of the product’s entry onto
the U.S. market occurs on or after October 1
of the upcoming fiscal year. For technologies
that were first approved for new technology
add-on payments prior to FY 2025, including
for technologies we determine to be
substantially similar to those technologies,
we would continue to use the midpoint of
the upcoming fiscal year (April 1) when
determining whether a technology would
still be considered ‘‘new’’ for purposes of
new technology add-on payments. Similarly,
we are also proposing that beginning with
applications for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2026, we would use the
start of the fiscal year (October 1) instead of
April 1 to determine whether to approve new
technology add-on payment for that fiscal
year. We note that this proposal, if finalized,
would be effective beginning with new
technology add-on payments for FY 2026,
and there would be no impact of this
proposal in FY 2025. We note that it is
premature to estimate the potential payment
impact for this proposal because we have not
yet determined whether any of the FY 2025
new technology add-on payment applications
will meet the specified criteria for new
technology add-on payments for FY 2025.
However, for purposes of estimating the
impact of our proposed changes to the
calculation of the inpatient new technology
add-on payment—if we determine that all 10
of the FY 2025 new technology add-on
payment applications that have been FDAapproved or cleared since the start of FY
2024 (as discussed in section II.E.5. and
section II.E.6. of the preamble of this
proposed rule) meet the specified criteria for
new technology add-on payments for FY
2025, FY 2026, and FY 2027, and if we
determine that none of these technologies
would be substantially similar to those
technologies that were first approved for new
technology add-on payments prior to FY
2025—based on preliminary information
from the applicants at the time of this
proposed rule, this proposal, if finalized,
would increase IPPS spending by
approximately $380 million in FY 2027.
As discussed in section II.E.8. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing that beginning with new
technology add-on payment applications for
FY 2026, we would no longer consider a hold
status to be an inactive status for the
purposes of eligibility for the new technology
add-on payment under our existing policy for
technologies that are not already FDA market
authorized for the indication that is the
subject of the new technology add-on
payment application. Under this existing
policy, applicants must have a complete and
active FDA market authorization request at
the time of new technology add-on payment
application submission and must provide
documentation of FDA acceptance or filing to
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CMS at the time of application submission,
consistent with the type of FDA marketing
authorization application the applicant has
submitted to FDA. We note that the cost
impact of this proposal is not estimable. We
expect that some applicants who were
ineligible to apply in FY 2025 may apply for
new technology add-on payments for FY
As discussed in section II.E.9. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing that, subject to our review of the
new technology add-on payment eligibility
criteria, for a gene therapy approved for new
technology add-on payments in the FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for the treatment
of sickle cell disease (SCD), effective with
discharges on or after October 1, 2024 and
concluding at the end of the 2- to 3-year
newness period for such therapy, if the costs
of a discharge (determined by applying CCRs
as described in § 412.84(h)) involving the use
of such therapy for the treatment of SCD
exceed the full DRG payment (including
payments for IME and DSH, but excluding
outlier payments), Medicare would make an
add-on payment equal to the lesser of: (1) 75
percent of the costs of the new medical
service or technology; or (2) 75 percent of the
amount by which the costs of the case exceed
the standard DRG payment. We note that it
is premature to estimate the potential
payment impact for FY 2025 because we
have not yet determined whether any gene
therapy indicated and used specifically for
the treatment of SCD will meet the specified
criteria for new technology add-on payments
for FY 2025.
c. Proposed Continuation of the Low Wage
Index Hospital Policy
To help mitigate wage index disparities
between high wage and low wage hospitals,
in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS rule (84 FR
42326 through 42332), we adopted a policy
to increase the wage index values for certain
hospitals with low wage index values (the
low wage index hospital policy). This policy
was adopted in a budget neutral manner
through an adjustment applied to the
standardized amounts for all hospitals. We
indicated our intention that this policy
would be effective for at least 4 years,
beginning in FY 2020, to allow employee
compensation increases implemented by
these hospitals sufficient time to be reflected
in the wage index calculation. We also stated
we intended to revisit the issue of the
duration of this policy in future rulemaking
as we gained experience under the policy. As
discussed in section III.G.5. of the preamble
of this proposed rule, while we are using the
FY 2021 cost report data for the FY 2025
wage index, we are unable to
comprehensively evaluate the effect, if any,
the low wage index hospital policy had on
hospitals’ wage increases during the years the
COVID–19 PHE was in effect. We believe it
is necessary to wait until we have useable
data from fiscal years after the PHE before
reaching any conclusions about the efficacy
of the policy. Therefore, we are proposing
that the low wage index hospital policy and
the related budget neutrality adjustment
would be effective for at least 3 more years,
beginning in FY 2025.
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d. Proposed Implementation of Section 4122
of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023
(CAA, 2023)
As discussed in section V.G.2. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are we are
including a proposal to implement section
4122 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act
(CAA) of 2023. Section 4122(a) of the CAA,
2023, amended section 1886(h) of the Act by
adding a new section 1886(h)(10) of the Act
requiring the distribution of additional
residency positions (also referred to as slots)
to hospitals. Section 4122 makes available
200 residency positions, to be distributed
beginning in FY 2026, with priority given to
hospital sin 4 statutorily specified categories.
At least 100 of the 200 residency positions
made available under section 4122 shall be
distributed for psychiatry or psychiatry
subspecialty residency training programs. We
expect these changes will make appropriate
Medicare GME payments to hospitals for
Medicare’s share of the direct costs to operate
the hospital’s approved medical residency
program, and for IPPS hospitals the indirect
costs associated with residency programs that
may result in higher patient care costs,
consistent with the law. We expect that these
changes will ensure that the outcomes of
these Medicare payment policies are
reasonable and provide equitable payments,
while avoiding or minimizing unintended
adverse consequences.
e. Additional Payment for Uncompensated
Care to Medicare Disproportionate Share
Hospitals (DSHs) and Supplemental Payment
In this proposed rule, as required by
section 1886(r)(2) of the Act, we are updating
our estimates of the 3 factors used to
determine uncompensated care payments for
FY 2025. Beginning with FY 2023, we
adopted a multiyear averaging methodology
to determine Factor 3 of the uncompensated
care payment methodology, which would
help to mitigate against large fluctuations in
uncompensated care payments from year to
year. Under this methodology, for FY 2025
and subsequent fiscal years, we would
determine Factor 3 for all eligible hospitals
using a 3-year average of the data on
uncompensated care costs from Worksheet
S–10 for the 3 most recent fiscal years for
which audited data are available.
Specifically, we would use a 3-year average
of audited data on uncompensated care costs
from Worksheet S–10 from the FY 2019, FY
2020, and FY 2021 cost reports to calculate
Factor 3 for FY 2025 for all eligible hospitals.
Beginning with FY 2023 (87 FR 49047
through 49051), we also established a
supplemental payment for IHS and Tribal
hospitals and hospitals located in Puerto
Rico. In section IV.D. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we summarize the ongoing
methodology for supplemental payments.
f. Rural Community Hospital Demonstration
The Rural Community Hospital
Demonstration (RCHD) was authorized
originally for a 5-year period by section 410A
of the Medicare Prescription Drug,
Improvement, and Modernization Act of
2003 (MMA) (Pub. L. 108–173), and it was
extended for another 5-year period by section
3123 and 10313 of the Affordable Care Act
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
(Pub. L. 111–148). Section 15003 of the 21st
Century Cures Act (Cures Act) (Pub. L. 114–
255) extended the demonstration for an
additional 5-year period, and section 128 of
the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021
(Pub. L. 116–159) included an additional 5year re-authorization. CMS has conducted
the demonstration since 2004, which allows
enhanced, cost-based payment for Medicare
inpatient services for up to 30 small rural
The authorizing legislation imposes a strict
budget neutrality requirement. In this
proposed rule, we summarize the status of
the demonstration program, and the ongoing
methodologies for implementation and
budget neutrality.
2. Frontier Community Health Integration
Project (FCHIP) Demonstration
The Frontier Community Health
Integration Project (FCHIP) demonstration
was authorized under section 123 of the
Medicare Improvements for Patients and
Providers Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 110–275), as
amended by section 3126 of the Affordable
Care Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 114–158), and most
recently re-authorized and extended by the
Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021
(Pub. L. 116–159). The legislation authorized
a demonstration project to allow eligible
entities to develop and test new models for
the delivery of health care in order to
improve access to and better integrate the
delivery of acute care, extended care and
other health care services to Medicare
beneficiaries in certain rural areas. The
FCHIP demonstration initial period was
conducted in 10 critical access hospitals
(CAHs) from August 1, 2016, to July 31, 2019,
and the demonstration ‘‘extension period’’
began on January 1, 2022, to run through
June 30, 2027.
The authorizing legislation requires the
FCHIP demonstration to be budget neutral. In
this proposed rule, we propose to continue
with the budget neutrality approach used in
the demonstration initial period for the
demonstration extension period—to offset
payments across CAHs nationally—should
the demonstration incur costs to Medicare.
3. Proposed Update to the LTCH PPS
Payment Rates
As discussed in section VIII.D. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to rebase and revise the 2017based LTCH market basket to reflect a 2022
base year. The proposed update to the LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate for FY
2025 is discussed in section VIII.C.2. of the
preamble of this proposed rule. For FY 2025,
we are proposing to update the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate by 2.8 percent
(that is, a 3.2 percent proposed market basket
update with a proposed reduction of 0.4
percentage point for the productivity
adjustment, as required by section
1886(m)(3)(A)(i) of the Act). LTCHs that
failed to submit quality data, as required by
1886(m)(5)(A)(i) of the Act would receive a
proposed update of 0.80 percent for FY 2025,
which reflects a 2.0 percentage point
reduction for failure to submit quality data.
4. Hospital Quality Programs
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act
requires subsection (d) hospitals to report
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data in accordance with the requirements of
the Hospital IQR Program for purposes of
measuring and making publicly available
information on health care quality and links
the quality data submission to the annual
applicable percentage increase. Sections
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix), 1886(n), and 1814(l) of the
Act require eligible hospitals and CAHs to
demonstrate they are meaningful users of
certified EHR technology for purposes of
electronic exchange of health information to
improve the quality of health care and links
the submission of information demonstrating
meaningful use to the annual applicable
percentage increase for eligible hospitals and
the applicable percent for CAHs. Section
1886(m)(5) of the Act requires each LTCH to
submit quality measure data in accordance
with the requirements of the LTCH QRP for
purposes of measuring and making publicly
available information on health care quality,
and in order to avoid a 2-percentage point
reduction. Section 1886(o) of the Act requires
the Secretary to establish a value-based
purchasing program under which valuebased incentive payments are made in a
fiscal year to hospitals that meet the
performance standards established on an
announced set of quality and efficiency
measures for the fiscal year. The purposes of
the Hospital VBP Program include measuring
the quality of hospital inpatient care, linking
hospital measure performance to payment,
and making publicly available information
on hospital quality of care. Section 1886(p)
of the Act requires a reduction in payment
for subsection (d) hospitals that rank in the
worst-performing 25 percent with respect to
measures of hospital-acquired conditions
under the HAC Reduction Program for the
purpose of measuring HACs, linking measure
performance to payment, and making
publicly available information on health care
quality. Section 1886(q) of the Act requires
a reduction in payment for subsection (d)
hospitals for excess readmissions based on
measures for applicable conditions under the
Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program
for the purpose of measuring readmissions,
linking measure performance to payment,
and making publicly available information
on health care quality. Section 1866(k) of the
Act applies to hospitals described in section
1886(d)(1)(B)(v) of the Act (referred to as
‘‘PPS-exempt cancer hospitals’’ or ‘‘PCHs’’)
and requires PCHs to report data in
accordance with the requirements of the
PCHQR Program for purposes of measuring
and making publicly available information
on the quality of care furnished by PCHs.
However, there is no reduction in payment
to a PCH that does not report data.
5. Other Proposed Provisions
a. Transforming Episode Accountability
Model (TEAM)
In section X.A. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing the creation
and testing of a new alternative payment
model called the Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM). Section
1115A of the Act authorizes the testing of
innovative payment and service delivery
models that preserve or enhance the quality
of care furnished to Medicare, Medicaid, and
CHIP beneficiaries while reducing program
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expenditures. The underlying issue
addressed by the proposed model is that
under FFS, Medicare makes separate
payments to providers and suppliers for
items and services furnished to a beneficiary
over the course of an episode. Because
providers and suppliers are paid for each
individual item or service delivered, this may
lead to care that is fragmented, unnecessary
or duplicative, while making it challenging to
invest in quality improvement or care
coordination that would maximize patient
benefit. We anticipate the proposed model
may reduce costs while maintaining or
improving quality of care by bundling
payment for items and services for a given
episode and holding TEAM participants
accountable for spending and quality
performance, as well as by providing
incentives to promote high quality and
efficient care.
We propose to create and test an episodebased payment model under the authority at
section 1115A of the Act in which selected
acute care hospitals would be required to
participate. The model would build on and
incorporate the most promising model
features from other CMS Innovation Center
episode-based payment models such as the
BPCI Advanced Model and the CJR Model.
Testing this new model would allow us to
learn more about the patterns of potentially
inefficient utilization of health care services,
as well as how to improve the beneficiary
care experience during care transitions and
incentivize quality improvements for
common surgical episodes. This information
could inform future Medicare payment
policy and potentially establish the
framework for managing clinical episodes as
a standard practice in Traditional Medicare.
Under the proposed model, acute care
hospitals in certain selected geographic areas,
Core-Based Statistical Areas, would be
accountable for five initial episode
categories: coronary artery bypass graft, lower
extremity joint replacement, major bowel
procedure, surgical hip/femur fracture
treatment excluding lower extremity joint
replacement, and spinal fusion. We believe
the model may benefit Medicare beneficiaries
through improving the coordination of items
and services paid for through Medicare FFS
payments, encouraging provider investment
in health care infrastructure and redesigned
care processes, and incentivizing higher
value care across the inpatient and post-acute
care settings for the episode. The model will
also provide an opportunity to evaluate the
nature and extent of reductions in the cost of
treatment by providing financial incentives
for providers to coordinate their efforts to
meet patient needs and prevent future costs.
The proposed model may benefit
beneficiaries by holding hospitals
accountable for the quality and cost of care
for 30 day episodes after a beneficiary is
discharged from the inpatient stay or hospital
outpatient procedure, which could encourage
investment in infrastructure and redesigned
care processes the promote high quality and
efficient service delivery that focuses on
patient-centered care.
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
b. Provider Reimbursement Review Board
potential future threats from either existing
or potential future sources of such infections.
Section 1878 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 1395oo)
established by the Social Security
Amendments of 1972, requires the Secretary
to appoint individuals to the PRRB for a 3year term of office. In regulations
promulgated after the enactment of this
provision, 42 CFR 405.1845 stipulated that
no member shall serve more than two
consecutive 3-year terms of office. In section
X.B. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
we discuss our proposal to increase from two
to three the number of consecutive terms that
a PRRB Member is eligible to serve, while
also permitting a Board Member who is
designated as Chairperson in their second or
third consecutive term to serve a fourth
consecutive term as Chairperson. We believe
that extending the length of service of Board
Members could have an increased effect on
the PRRB’s productivity and efficiency as
well as increase the number of individuals
who seek a position on the PRRB.
c. Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM)
Section 202 of the Further Consolidated
Appropriations Act of 2020 (CAA; Pub. L.
116–94) amended Medicaid program
integrity requirements in Puerto Rico. Puerto
Rico was required to publish a plan,
developed by Puerto Rico in coordination
with CMS, and approved by the CMS
Administrator, not later than 18 months after
the CAA’s enactment, for how Puerto Rico
would develop measures to comply with the
PERM requirements of 42 CFR part 431,
subpart Q. Puerto Rico published this plan
on June 20, 2021, that was approved by the
CMS Administrator on June 22, 2021.
In section X.E. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss our proposal to
remove the exclusion of Puerto Rico from the
PERM program found at 42 CFR
431.954(b)(3). In compliance with section
202 of the CAA, Puerto Rico has developed
measures to comply with the PERM
requirements of 42 CFR part 431, subpart Q,
and we therefore propose that the PERM
program become applicable to Puerto Rico.
We believe that including Puerto Rico in the
PERM program would increase visibility into
its Medicaid and CHIP operations and ought
to improve its program integrity efforts, that
protect taxpayer dollars from improper
d. Hospital CoP Reporting Requirements
Under sections 1861(e)(9) and 1820(e)(3) of
the Act, hospitals and CAHs, respectively,
under the Medicare and Medicaid programs
must meet standards for the health and safety
of patients receiving services in those
facilities. Rules issued under that statutory
authority require such facilities to engage in
the surveillance, prevention, and control of
health care-associated acute respiratory
illnesses. In 2020, we published detailed
reporting standards related specifically to
COVID–19 for hospitals and CAHs. Those
standards sunset on April 30, 2024. In
section X.F. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we would establish streamlined
standards that apply to a range of acute
respiratory illnesses, not just to COVID–19,
and would contribute to the ability to combat
B. Overall Impact
We have examined the impacts of this
proposed rule as required by Executive Order
12866 on Regulatory Planning and Review
(September 30, 1993), Executive Order 13563
on Improving Regulation and Regulatory
Review (January 18, 2011), Executive Order
14094 on Modernizing Regulatory Review
(April 6, 2023), the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(RFA) (September 19, 1980, Pub. L. 96–354),
section 1102(b) of the Act, section 202 of the
Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995
(March 22, 1995; Pub. L. 104–4), Executive
Order 13132 on Federalism (August 4, 1999),
and the Congressional Review Act (CRA) (5
U.S.C. 804(2)).
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563 direct
agencies to assess all costs and benefits of
available regulatory alternatives and, if
regulation is necessary, to select regulatory
approaches that maximize net benefits
(including potential economic,
environmental, public health and safety
effects, distributive impacts, and equity).
Executive Order 14094 amends section 3(f) of
Executive Order 12866 to define a
‘‘significant regulatory action’’ as any
regulatory action that is likely to result in a
rule that may: (1) have an annual effect on
the economy of $200 million or more in any
1 year, or adversely affect in a material way
the economy, productivity, competition, jobs,
the environment, public health or safety, or
state, local, territorial, or tribal governments
or communities; (2) create a serious
inconsistency or otherwise interfere with an
action taken or planned by another agency;
(3) materially alter the budgetary impacts of
entitlement grants, user fees, or loan
programs or the rights and obligations of
recipients thereof; or (4) raise legal or policy
issues for which centralized review would
meaningfully further the President’s
priorities or the principles set forth in this
Executive Order.
A regulatory impact analysis (RIA) must be
prepared for major rules with significant
regulatory action/s and/or with significant
effects as per section 3(f)(1) of $200 million
or more in any 1 year. Based on our
estimates, OMB’S Office of Information and
Regulatory Affairs has determined this
rulemaking is significant per section 3(f)(1) as
measured by the $200 million or more in any
1 year. We have prepared a regulatory impact
analysis that to the best of our ability
presents the costs and benefits of the
rulemaking. OMB has reviewed these
regulations, and the Departments have
provided the following assessment of their
We estimate that the proposed changes for
FY 2025 acute care hospital operating and
capital payments would redistribute amounts
in excess of $200 million to acute care
hospitals. The proposed applicable
percentage increase to the IPPS rates required
by the statute, in conjunction with other
proposed payment changes in this proposed
rule, would result in an estimated $3.0
billion increase in FY 2025 payments,
primarily driven by the changes in FY 2025
operating payments, including
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uncompensated care payments, FY 2025
capital payments, the expiration of the
temporary changes in the low-volume
hospital program and the expiration of the
MDH program. These changes are relative to
payments made in FY 2024. The impact
analysis of the capital payments can be found
in section I.I. of the Appendix in this
proposed rule. In addition, as described in
section I.J. of this Appendix, LTCHs are
expected to experience an increase in
payments by approximately $40 million in
FY 2025 relative to FY 2024.
Our operating payment impact estimate
includes the proposed 2.6 percent hospital
update to the standardized amount (reflecting
the proposed 3.0 percent market basket
update reduced by the proposed 0.4
percentage point productivity adjustment).
The estimates of IPPS operating payments to
acute care hospitals do not reflect any
changes in hospital admissions or real casemix intensity, which would also affect
overall payment changes.
The analysis in this Appendix, in
conjunction with the remainder of this
document, demonstrates that this proposed
rule is consistent with the regulatory
philosophy and principles identified in
Executive Orders 12866 and 13563, the RFA,
and section 1102(b) of the Act. This proposed
rule would affect payments to a substantial
number of small rural hospitals, as well as
other classes of hospitals, and the effects on
some hospitals may be significant. Finally, in
accordance with the provisions of Executive
Order 12866, the Office of Management and
Budget has reviewed this proposed rule.
C. Objectives of the IPPS and the LTCH PPS
The primary objective of the IPPS and the
LTCH PPS is to create incentives for
hospitals to operate efficiently and minimize
unnecessary costs, while at the same time
ensuring that payments are sufficient to
adequately compensate hospitals for their
costs in delivering necessary care to
Medicare beneficiaries. In addition, we share
national goals of preserving the Medicare
Hospital Insurance Trust Fund.
We believe that the changes in this
proposed rule would further each of these
goals while maintaining the financial
viability of the hospital industry and
ensuring access to high quality health care
for Medicare beneficiaries. We expect that
these proposed changes would ensure that
the outcomes of the prospective payment
systems are reasonable and equitable, while
avoiding or minimizing unintended adverse
Because this proposed rule contains a
range of policies, we refer readers to the
section of the proposed rule where each
policy is discussed. These sections include
the rationale for our decisions, including the
need for the proposed policy.
D. Limitations of Our Analysis
The following quantitative analysis
presents the projected effects of our proposed
policy changes, as well as statutory changes
effective for FY 2025, on various hospital
groups. We estimate the effects of individual
proposed policy changes by estimating
payments per case, while holding all other
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
payment policies constant. We use the best
data available, but, generally unless
specifically indicated, we do not attempt to
make adjustments for future changes in such
variables as admissions, lengths of stay, case
mix, changes to the Medicare population, or
incentives. In addition, we discuss
limitations of our analysis for specific
proposed policies in the discussion of those
policies as needed.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
E. Hospitals Included in and Excluded From
the IPPS
The prospective payment systems for
hospital inpatient operating and capital
related-costs of acute care hospitals
encompass most general short-term, acute
care hospitals that participate in the
Medicare program. There were 25 Indian
Health Service hospitals in our database,
which we excluded from the analysis due to
the special characteristics of the prospective
payment methodology for these hospitals.
Among other short term, acute care hospitals,
hospitals in Maryland are paid in accordance
with the Maryland Total Cost of Care Model,
and hospitals located outside the 50 States,
the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico
(that is, 6 short-term acute care hospitals
located in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the
Northern Mariana Islands, and American
Samoa) receive payment for inpatient
hospital services they furnish on the basis of
reasonable costs, subject to a rate-of-increase
As of March 2023, there were 3,090 IPPS
acute care hospitals included in our analysis.
This represents approximately 53 percent of
all Medicare-participating hospitals. The
majority of this impact analysis focuses on
this set of hospitals. There also are
approximately 1,376 CAHs. These small,
limited service hospitals are paid on the basis
of reasonable costs, rather than under the
IPPS. IPPS-excluded hospitals and units,
which are paid under separate payment
systems, include IPFs, IRFs, LTCHs, RNHCIs,
children’s hospitals, cancer hospitals,
extended neoplastic disease care hospital,
and short-term acute care hospitals located in
the Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern
Mariana Islands, and American Samoa.
Changes in the prospective payment systems
for IPFs and IRFs are made through separate
rulemaking. Payment impacts of changes to
the prospective payment systems for these
IPPS-excluded hospitals and units are not
included in this proposed rule. The impact
of the update and policy changes to the
LTCH PPS for FY 2025 is discussed in
section I.J. of this Appendix.
F. Quantitative Effects of the Policy Changes
Under the IPPS for Operating Costs
1. Basis and Methodology of Estimates
In this proposed rule, we are announcing
proposed policy changes and payment rate
updates for the IPPS for FY 2025 for
operating costs of acute care hospitals. The
proposed FY 2025 updates to the capital
payments to acute care hospitals are
discussed in section I.I. of the Appendix in
this proposed rule.
Based on the overall percentage change in
payments per case estimated using our
payment simulation model, we estimate that
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total FY 2025 operating payments would
increase by 2.4 percent, compared to FY
2024. The impacts do not reflect changes in
the number of hospital admissions or real
case-mix intensity, which would also affect
overall payment changes.
We have prepared separate impact analyses
of the proposed changes to each system. This
section deals with the proposed changes to
the operating inpatient prospective payment
system for acute care hospitals. Our payment
simulation model relies on the best available
claims data to enable us to estimate the
impacts on payments per case of certain
proposed changes in this proposed rule.
However, there are other proposed changes
for which we do not have data available that
would allow us to estimate the payment
impacts using this model. For those changes,
we have attempted to predict the payment
impacts based upon our experience and other
more limited data.
The data used in developing the
quantitative analyses of proposed changes in
payments per case presented in this section
are taken from the FY 2023 MedPAR file and
the most current Provider-Specific File (PSF)
that is used for payment purposes. Although
the analyses of the proposed changes to the
operating PPS do not incorporate cost data,
data from the best available hospital cost
reports were used to categorize hospitals. Our
analysis has several qualifications. First, in
this analysis, we do not adjust for future
changes in such variables as admissions,
lengths of stay, or underlying growth in real
case-mix. Second, due to the interdependent
nature of the IPPS payment components, it is
very difficult to precisely quantify the impact
associated with each proposed change. Third,
we use various data sources to categorize
hospitals in the tables. In some cases,
particularly the number of beds, there is a
fair degree of variation in the data from the
different sources. We have attempted to
construct these variables with the best
available source overall. However, for
individual hospitals, some
miscategorizations are possible.
Using cases from the FY 2023 MedPAR
file, we simulate payments under the
operating IPPS given various combinations of
payment parameters. As described
previously, Indian Health Service hospitals
and hospitals in Maryland were excluded
from the simulations. The impact of
proposed payments under the capital IPPS,
and the impact of proposed payments for
costs other than inpatient operating costs, are
not analyzed in this section. Estimated
payment impacts of the capital IPPS for FY
2025 are discussed in section I.I. of this
Appendix. We note, as discussed in section
III. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we
are proposing to adopt the new OMB labor
market area delineations as described in the
July 21, 2023 OMB Bulletin No. 23–01,
effective for the FY 2025 IPPS wage index.
We also note, as discussed in section II.A.4.
of the Addendum of this proposed rule, we
used wage indexes based on the new OMB
delineations in determining aggregate
payments on each side of the comparison for
the changes discussed below, except where
otherwise noted (for example, the FY 2024
baseline simulation model). This is
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consistent with our proposal discussed in
section II.A.4. of the Appendix of this
proposed rule, to use wage indexes based on
the proposed new OMB delineations in the
determination of all of the budget neutrality
factors in order to properly determine
aggregate payments on each side of the
comparison for our budget neutrality
calculations. We further note that as
discussed in that same section, consistent
with past practice as finalized in the FY 2005
IPPS final rule (69 FR 49034), we are not
adopting the new OMB delineations
themselves in a budget neutral manner. We
continue to believe that the revision to the
labor market areas in and of itself does not
constitute an ‘‘adjustment or update’’ to the
adjustment for area wage differences, as
provided under section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the
We discuss the following changes:
• The effects of the application of the
proposed applicable percentage increase of
2.6 percent (that is, a proposed 3.0 percent
market basket update with a proposed
reduction of 0.4 percentage point for the
productivity adjustment), and the proposed
applicable percentage increase (including the
proposed market basket update and the
proposed productivity adjustment) to the
hospital-specific rates.
• The effects of the proposed changes to
the relative weights and MS–DRG GROUPER.
• The effects of the proposed changes in
hospitals’ wage index values reflecting
updated wage data from hospitals’ cost
reporting periods beginning during FY 2021,
compared to the FY 2020 wage data, to
calculate the FY 2025 wage index.
• The effects of the geographic
reclassifications by the MGCRB (as of
publication of this proposed rule) that would
be effective for FY 2025.
• The effects of the proposed rural floor
with the application of the national budget
neutrality factor to the wage index.
• The effects of the proposed imputed
floor wage index adjustment. This provision
is not budget neutral.
• The effects of the proposed frontier State
wage index adjustment under the statutory
provision that requires hospitals located in
States that qualify as frontier States to not
have a wage index less than 1.0. This
provision is not budget neutral.
• The effects of the implementation of
section 1886(d)(13) of the Act, which
provides for an increase in a hospital’s wage
index if a threshold percentage of residents
of the county where the hospital is located
commute to work at hospitals in counties
with higher wage indexes for FY 2025. This
provision is not budget neutral.
• The effects of the expiration of the
special payment status for MDHs beginning
January 1, 2025 under current law. As
discussed elsewhere in this proposed rule,
section 307 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 (CAA, 2024) (Pub.
L. 118–42), enacted on March 9, 2024,
extended the MDH program for FY 2025
discharges occurring before January 1, 2025.
Prior to enactment of the CAA, 2024, the
MDH program was only to be in effect
through the end of FY 2024. Therefore, under
current law, the MDH program will expire for
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
discharges on or after January 1, 2025. As a
result, MDHs that currently receive the
higher of payments made based on the
Federal rate or the payments made based on
the Federal rate plus 75 percent of the
difference between payments based on the
Federal rate and the hospital-specific rate
will be paid based on the Federal rate starting
January 1, 2025. As discussed later in this
section, because of the timing of this
legislation, the payment impacts set forth in
Tables I and II of this section and discussed
elsewhere in this regulatory impact analysis
do not reflect extension of the MDH program
for the first quarter of FY 2025. This
extension will be reflected in the payment
impacts for the final rule.
• The total estimated change in payments
based on the proposed FY 2025 policies
relative to payments based on FY 2024
In accordance with section 1886(b)(3)(B)(i)
of the Act, each year we update the national
standardized amount for inpatient hospital
operating costs by a factor called the
‘‘applicable percentage increase.’’ For FY
2025, depending on whether a hospital
submits quality data under the rules
established in accordance with section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act (hereafter
referred to as a hospital that submits quality
data) and is a meaningful EHR user under
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act (hereafter
referred to as a hospital that is a meaningful
EHR user), there are four possible proposed
applicable percentage increases that can be
applied to the national standardized amount.
We refer readers to section V.B. of the
preamble of this proposed rule for a complete
discussion on the FY 2025 inpatient hospital
update. The table that follows shows these
four scenarios:
Submitted Quality
Data and is a
Meaningful EHR
Submitted Quality
Data and is NOT a
Meaningful EHR
Hospital Did NOT
Submit Quality
Data and is a
Meaningful EHR
Hospital Did NOT
Submit Quality Data
and is NOT a
Meaningful EHR
Proposed Market Basket Rate-of-Increase
Proposed Adjustment for Failure to Submit Quality Data
under Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act
Proposed Adjustment for Failure to be a Meaningful EHR
User under Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act
Submitted Quality
Data and is a
Meaningful EHR
Submitted Quality
Data and is NOT a
Meaningful EHR
Hospital Did NOT
Submit Quality
Data and is a
Meaningful EHR
Hospital Did NOT
Submit Quality Data
and is NOT a
Meaningful EHR
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Proposed Productivity Adjustment under Section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi) of the Act
Proposed Applicable Percentage Increase Applied lo
Standllrdized Amount
To illustrate the impact of the proposed FY
2025 changes, our analysis begins with a FY
2024 baseline simulation model using: the
FY 2024 applicable percentage increase of 2.6
percent; the FY 2024 MS–DRG GROUPER
(Version 41); the FY 2024 CBSA designations
for hospitals based on the OMB definitions
from the 2010 Census; the FY 2024 wage
index; and no MGCRB reclassifications.
Outlier payments are set at 5.1 percent of
total operating MS–DRG and outlier
payments for modeling purposes.
We note the following at the time this
impact analysis was prepared:
• 91 hospitals are estimated to not receive
the full market basket rate-of-increase for FY
2025 because they failed the quality data
submission process or did not choose to
participate, but are meaningful EHR users.
For purposes of the simulations shown later
in this section, we modeled the proposed
payment changes for FY 2025 using a
reduced update for these hospitals.
• 87 hospitals are estimated to not receive
the full market basket rate-of-increase for FY
2025 because they are identified as not
meaningful EHR users that do submit quality
information under section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)
of the Act. For purposes of the simulations
shown in this section, we modeled the
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proposed payment changes for FY 2025 using
a reduced update for these hospitals.
• 26 hospitals are estimated to not receive
the full market basket rate-of-increase for FY
2025 because they are identified as not
meaningful EHR users that do not submit
quality data under section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii)
of the Act.
Each proposed policy change, statutory or
otherwise, is then added incrementally to
this baseline, finally arriving at an FY 2025
model incorporating all of the proposed
changes. This simulation allows us to isolate
the effects of each proposed change.
Our comparison illustrates the proposed
percent change in payments per case from FY
2024 to FY 2025. Two factors not discussed
separately have significant impacts here. The
first factor is the update to the standardized
amount (see the table earlier in this section
that shows the four proposed applicable
percentage increases that can be applied to
the national standardized amount for FY
2025). We note, section 1886(b)(3)(B)(iv) of
the Act provides that the applicable
percentage increase applicable to the
hospital-specific rates for SCHs and MDHs
equals the applicable percentage increase set
forth in section 1886(b)(3)(B)(i) of the Act
(that is, the same update factor as for all other
hospitals subject to the IPPS). Because the
PO 00000
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Act sets the update factor for SCHs and
MDHs equal to the update factor for all other
IPPS hospitals, the update to the hospitalspecific rates for SCHs and MDHs is subject
to the amendments to section 1886(b)(3)(B) of
the Act made by sections 3401(a) and
10319(a) of the Affordable Care Act.
Accordingly, the proposed applicable
percentage increases to the hospital-specific
rates applicable to SCHs and MDHs for FY
2025 are the same as the four proposed
applicable percentage increases in the table
earlier in this section.
A second significant factor that affects the
changes in hospitals’ payments per case from
FY 2024 to FY 2025 is the change in
hospitals’ geographic reclassification status
from one year to the next. That is, payments
may be reduced for hospitals reclassified in
FY 2024 that are no longer reclassified in FY
2025. Conversely, payments may increase for
hospitals not reclassified in FY 2024 that are
reclassified in FY 2025.
2. Analysis of Table I
Table I displays the results of our analysis
of the proposed changes for FY 2025. The
table categorizes hospitals by various
geographic and special payment
consideration groups to illustrate the varying
impacts on different types of hospitals. The
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
top row of the table shows the overall impact
on the 3,090 acute care hospitals included in
the analysis.
The next two rows of Table I contain
hospitals categorized according to their
geographic location: urban and rural. There
are 2,390 hospitals located in urban areas and
700 hospitals in rural areas included in our
analysis. The next two groupings are by bedsize categories, shown separately for urban
and rural hospitals. The last groupings by
geographic location are by census divisions,
also shown separately for urban and rural
The second part of Table I shows hospital
groups based on hospitals’ FY 2025 payment
classifications, including any
reclassifications under section 1886(d)(10) of
the Act. For example, the rows labeled urban
and rural show that the numbers of hospitals
paid based on these categorizations after
consideration of geographic reclassifications
(including reclassifications under sections
1886(d)(8)(B) and 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act)
are 1,705, and 1,385, respectively.
The next three groupings examine the
impacts of the changes on hospitals grouped
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by whether or not they have GME residency
programs (teaching hospitals that receive an
IME adjustment) or receive Medicare DSH
payments, or some combination of these two
adjustments. There are 1,843 nonteaching
hospitals in our analysis, 959 teaching
hospitals with fewer than 100 residents, and
288 teaching hospitals with 100 or more
In the DSH categories, hospitals are
grouped according to their DSH payment
status, and whether they are considered
urban or rural for DSH purposes. The next
category groups together hospitals considered
urban or rural, in terms of whether they
receive the IME adjustment, the DSH
adjustment, both, or neither.
The next six rows examine the impacts of
the changes on rural hospitals by special
payment groups (SCHs and RRCs) and
reclassification status from urban to rural in
accordance with section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the
Act. Of the hospitals that are not reclassified
from urban to rural, there are 142 RRCs, 249
SCHs, and 120 hospitals that are both SCHs
and RRCs. Of the hospitals that are
reclassified from urban to rural, there are 586
PO 00000
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RRCs, 38 SCHs, and 43 hospitals that are
both SCHs and RRCs. As previously noted,
this analysis does not reflect the recent 3month extension of the MDH program
through December 31, 2024, under section
307 of the CAA, 2024 (Pub. L. 118–42).
The next series of groupings are based on
the type of ownership and the hospital’s
Medicare and Medicaid utilization expressed
as a percent of total inpatient days. These
data were taken from the most recent
available Medicare cost reports.
The next grouping concerns the geographic
reclassification status of hospitals. The first
subgrouping is based on whether a hospital
is reclassified or not. The second and third
subgroupings are based on whether urban
and rural hospitals were reclassified by the
MGCRB for FY 2025 or not, respectively. The
fourth subgrouping displays hospitals that
reclassified from urban to rural in accordance
with section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act. The
fifth subgrouping displays hospitals deemed
urban in accordance with section
1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
All Hosoitals
Bv Geof!l"aphic Location:
Floor with
of National
Urban hosoitals
Rural hospitals
Proposed FY
2025 Weights
FY 2025
Wage Data
Changes with
Application of
(2) 3
of Wage
FY 2025
(4) 5
(3) 4
Jkt 262001
of Imputed
Floor, the
Wage Index,
FY 2025
PO 00000
Bed Size (Urban):
Frm 00671
0-99 beds
100-199 beds
200-299 beds
300-499 beds
500 or more beds
Bed Size (Rural):
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
0-49 beds
150-199 beds
200 or more beds
Urban bv Re!!ion:
Middle Atlantic
East North Central
West North Central
South Atlantic
East South Central
West South Central
Rural bv Re!!ion:
Middle Atlantic
East North Central
West North Central
South Atlantic
East South Central
West South Central
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
Hospitals 1
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Hospitals
Bv Pavment Classification:
Teachin!! Status:
Urban hospitals
Rural areas
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
100 or more residents
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00672
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Medicare Utilization as a Percent of Inpatient Davs:
Over 65
Medicaid Utilization as a Percent oflnoatient Days:
Over 65
FY 2025 Reclassifications:
All Reclassified Hospitals
Non-Reclassified Hospitals
Urban Hospitals Reclassified
Urban Non-reclassified Hospitals
Rural Hospitals Reclassified Full Year
Rural Non-reclassified Hospitals Full Year
All Section 401 Reclassified Hospitals:
Other Reclassified Hospitals (Section 1886(d)(8)(B))
1 Because data necessary to classify some hospitals by category were missing, the total number of hospitals in each category may not equal the national total. Discharge data are from FY 2023, and
hospital cost report data are from the latest available reporting periods.
2 This column displays the payment impact of the proposed hospital rate update, including the proposed 2.6 percent update to the national standardized amount and the hospital-specific rate (the
proposed 3.0 percent market basket rate-of-increase reduced by 0.4 percentage point for the proposed productivity adjustment).
3 This column displays the proposed payment impact of the changes to the Version 42 GROUPER., the proposed changes to the relative weights and the recalibration of the MS-DRG weights based on
FY 2023 MedPAR data, and the permanent IO-percent cap where the relative weight for a MS-DRG would decrease by more than ten percent in a given fiscal year. This column displays the application
of the proposed recalibration budget neutrality factors of0.997301 and 0.999873.
4 This column displays the payment impact of the proposed update to wage index data using FY 2021 cost report data. This column displays the payment impact of the application of the proposed wage
budget neutrality factor. The proposed wage budget neutrality factor is 1.000014.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
Urban DSH:
100 or more beds
Less than 100 beds
100 or more beds
Less than 100 beds
Urban teachin2 and DSH:
Both teaching and DSH
Teaching and no DSH
No teaching and DSH
No teaching and no DSH
Special Hospital Types:
RRC with Section 401 Reclassification
SCH with Section 401 Reclassification
SCH and RRC with Section 401 Reclassification
Type of Ownership:
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Fewer than 100 residents
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
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PO 00000
Frm 00673
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
5 Shown here are the effects of geographic reclassifications by the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board (MGCRB). The effects demonstrate the FY 2025 payment impact of going from no
reclassifications to the reclassifications scheduled to be in effect for FY 2025. Reclassification for prior years has no bearing on the payment impacts shown here. This column reflects the proposed
geographic budget neutrality factor of0.972192.
6 This column displays the effects of the proposed rural floor. The Affordable Care Act requires the rural floor budget neutrality adjustment to be a 100 percent national level adjustment. The proposed
rural floor budget neutrality factor applied to the wage index 0.981486.
7 This column shows the combined impact of (1) the imputed floor for all-urban states; (2) the policy that requires hospitals located in frontier States have a wage index no less than 1.0; and (3) the
policy which provides for an increase in a hospital's wage index if a threshold percentage of residents of the county where the hospital is located commute to work at hospitals in counties with higher
wage indexes. These are not budget neutral policies.
8 This column displays the impact of the expiration of the MDH status for FY 2025, a non-budget neutral payment provision. As previously noted, this analysis does not reflect the 3-month extension of
the MDH program through December 31, 2024 under section 307 of the CAA, 2024 (Pub. L. 118-42).
9 This column shows the estimated change in proposed payments from FY 2024 to FY 2025.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
a. Effects of the Proposed Hospital Update
(Column 1)
As discussed in section V.B. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, this column
includes the proposed hospital update,
including the proposed 3.0 percent market
basket rate-of-increase reduced by the 0.4
percentage point for the proposed
productivity adjustment. As a result, we are
proposing to make a 2.6 percent update to the
national standardized amount. This column
also includes the proposed update to the
hospital-specific rates which includes the
proposed 3.0 percent market basket rate-ofincrease reduced by 0.4 percentage point for
the proposed productivity adjustment. As a
result, we are proposing to make a 2.6
percent update to the hospital-specific rates.
Overall, hospitals would experience a 2.6
percent increase in payments primarily due
to the combined effects of the proposed
hospital update to the national standardized
amount and the proposed hospital update to
the hospital-specific rate.
b. Effects of the Proposed Changes to the MS–
DRG Reclassifications and Relative CostBased Weights With Recalibration Budget
Neutrality (Column 2)
Column 2 shows the effects of the
proposed changes to the MS–DRGs and
relative weights with the application of the
proposed recalibration budget neutrality
factor to the standardized amounts. Section
1886(d)(4)(C)(i) of the Act requires us
annually to make appropriate classification
changes to reflect changes in treatment
patterns, technology, and any other factors
that may change the relative use of hospital
resources. Consistent with section
1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of the Act, we calculated a
proposed recalibration budget neutrality
factor to account for the changes in MS–
DRGs and relative weights to ensure that the
overall payment impact is budget neutral. We
also applied the permanent 10-percent cap
on the reduction in a MS–DRG’s relative
weight in a given year and an associated
recalibration cap budget neutrality factor to
account for the 10-percent cap on relative
weight reductions to ensure that the overall
payment impact is budget neutral.
As discussed in section II.D. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, for FY 2025,
we calculated the proposed MS–DRG relative
weights using the FY 2023 MedPAR data
grouped to the proposed Version 42 (FY
2025) MS–DRGs. The proposed
reclassification changes to the GROUPER are
described in more detail in section II.C. of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
The ‘‘All Hospitals’’ line in Column 2
indicates that changes due to the proposed
MS–DRGs and proposed relative weights
would result in a 0.0 percent change in
payments with the application of the
proposed recalibration budget neutrality
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factor of 0.997055 and the proposed
recalibration cap budget neutrality factor of
0.999617 to the standardized amount.
c. Effects of the Proposed Wage Index
Changes (Column 3)
Column 3 shows the impact of the
proposed updated wage data, with the
application of the proposed wage budget
neutrality factor. The wage index is
calculated and assigned to hospitals on the
basis of the labor market area in which the
hospital is located. Under section
1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act, beginning with FY
2005, we delineate hospital labor market
areas based on the Core Based Statistical
Areas (CBSAs) established by OMB. The
current statistical standards (based on OMB
standards) that we are proposing to use in FY
2025 are discussed in section III.A.2. of the
preamble of this proposed rule. Specifically,
we are proposing to implement the new OMB
delineations as described in the July 21, 2023
OMB Bulletin No. 23–01, effective beginning
with the FY 2025 IPPS wage index.
Section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act requires
that, beginning October 1, 1993, we annually
update the wage data used to calculate the
wage index. In accordance with this
requirement, the proposed wage index for
acute care hospitals for FY 2025 is based on
data submitted for hospital cost reporting
periods, beginning on or after October 1,
2020 and before October 1, 2021. The
estimated impact of the proposed updated
wage data on hospital payments is isolated in
Column 3 by holding the other payment
parameters constant in this simulation. That
is, Column 3 shows the proposed percentage
change in payments when going from a
model using the FY 2024 wage index, the
labor-related share of 67.6 percent, and
having a 100-percent proposed occupational
mix adjustment applied, to a model using the
proposed FY 2025 pre-reclassification wage
index with the proposed labor-related share
of 67.6 percent, also having a 100-percent
proposed occupational mix adjustment
applied, while holding other payment
parameters, such as use of the proposed
Version 42 MS–DRG GROUPER constant. As
noted earlier and as discussed in section
II.A.4. of the Addendum of this proposed
rule, we used wage indexes based on the new
OMB delineations in determining aggregate
payments on each side of the comparison/
model. The proposed FY 2025 occupational
mix adjustment is based on the CY 2022
occupational mix survey.
In addition, the column shows the impact
of the application of the proposed wage
budget neutrality to the national
standardized amount. In FY 2010, we began
calculating separate wage budget neutrality
and recalibration budget neutrality factors, in
accordance with section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the
Act, which specifies that budget neutrality to
account for wage index changes or updates
PO 00000
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made under that subparagraph must be made
without regard to the 62 percent labor-related
share guaranteed under section
1886(d)(3)(E)(ii) of the Act. Therefore, for FY
2025, we are proposing to calculate the wage
budget neutrality factor to ensure that
payments under the proposed updated wage
data and the proposed labor-related share of
67.6 percent are budget neutral, without
regard to the lower labor-related share of 62
percent applied to hospitals with a wage
index less than or equal to 1.0. In other
words, the proposed wage budget neutrality
factor is calculated under the assumption
that all hospitals receive the higher laborrelated share of the standardized amount.
The proposed FY 2025 wage budget
neutrality factor is 0.999957 and the overall
payment change is 0 percent.
Column 3 shows the impacts of updating
the wage data. Overall, the proposed new
wage data and the proposed labor-related
share, combined with the proposed wage
budget neutrality adjustment, would lead to
no change for all hospitals, as shown in
Column 3.
In looking at the wage data itself, the
national average hourly wage would increase
8.75 percent compared to FY 2024.
Therefore, the only manner in which to
maintain or exceed the previous year’s wage
index was to match or exceed the proposed
8.75 percent increase in the national average
hourly wage.
The following chart compares the shifts in
wage index values for hospitals due to
proposed changes in the average hourly wage
data for FY 2025 relative to FY 2024. These
figures reflect proposed changes in the ‘‘prereclassified, occupational mix-adjusted wage
index,’’ that is, the wage index before the
application of geographic reclassification, the
rural floor, the out-migration adjustment, and
other wage index exceptions and
adjustments. We note that the ‘‘postreclassified wage index’’ or ‘‘payment wage
index,’’ which is the wage index that
includes all such exceptions and adjustments
(as reflected in Tables 2 and 3 associated
with this proposed rule) is used to adjust the
labor-related share of a hospital’s
standardized amount, either 67.6 percent (as
proposed) or 62 percent, depending upon
whether a hospital’s wage index is greater
than 1.0 or less than or equal to 1.0.
Therefore, the proposed pre-reclassified wage
index figures in the following chart may
illustrate a somewhat larger or smaller
proposed change than would occur in a
hospital’s payment wage index and total
The following chart shows the projected
impact of proposed changes in the area wage
index values for urban and rural hospitals
based on the wage data used for this
proposed rule.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
d. Effects of MGCRB Reclassifications
(Column 4)
Our impact analysis to this point has
assumed acute care hospitals are paid on the
basis of their actual geographic location (with
the exception of ongoing policies that
provide that certain hospitals receive
payments on bases other than where they are
geographically located, such as hospitals
with a § 412.103 reclassification or ‘‘LUGAR’’
status). The changes in Column 4 reflect the
per case payment impact of moving from this
baseline to a simulation incorporating the
MGCRB decisions for FY 2025.
By spring of each year, the MGCRB makes
reclassification determinations that would be
effective for the next fiscal year, which
begins on October 1. The MGCRB may
approve a hospital’s reclassification request
for the purpose of using another area’s wage
index value. Hospitals may appeal denials by
the MGCRB of reclassification requests to the
CMS Administrator. Further, hospitals have
45 days from the date the IPPS proposed rule
is issued in the Federal Register to decide
whether to withdraw or terminate an
approved geographic reclassification for the
following year.
The overall effect of geographic
reclassification is required by section
1886(d)(8)(D) of the Act to be budget neutral.
Therefore, for purposes of this impact
analysis, we are proposing to apply an
adjustment of 0.976773 to ensure that the
effects of the reclassifications under sections
1886(d)(8)(B) and (C) and 1886(d)(10) of the
Act are budget neutral (section II.A. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule).
Geographic reclassification generally
benefits hospitals in rural areas. We estimate
that the geographic reclassification would
increase payments to rural hospitals by an
average of 2.4 percent. By region, most rural
hospital categories would experience
increases in payments due to MGCRB
Table 2 listed in section VI. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule and
available via the internet on the CMS website
reflects the reclassifications for FY 2025.
e. Effects of the Proposed Rural Floor,
Including Application of National Budget
Neutrality (Column 5)
As discussed in section III.G.1. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, section 4410
of Pub. L. 105–33 established the rural floor
by requiring that the wage index for a
hospital in any urban area cannot be less
than the wage index applicable to hospitals
located in rural areas in the same state. We
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apply a uniform budget neutrality adjustment
to the wage index. Column 5 shows the
effects of the rural floor.
The Affordable Care Act requires that we
apply one rural floor budget neutrality factor
to the wage index nationally. We have
calculated a proposed FY 2025 rural floor
budget neutrality factor to be applied to the
wage index of 0.985868, which would reduce
wage indexes by 1.4 percent compared to the
rural floor provision not being in effect.
Column 5 shows the projected impact of
the rural floor with the proposed national
rural floor budget neutrality factor applied to
the wage index. The column compares the
proposed post-reclassification FY 2025 wage
index of providers before the proposed rural
floor adjustment to the proposed postreclassification FY 2025 wage index of
providers with the proposed rural floor
We estimate that 492 hospitals would
receive the rural floor in FY 2025. All IPPS
hospitals in our model would have their
wage indexes reduced by the proposed rural
floor budget neutrality adjustment of
0.985868. We project that, in aggregate, rural
hospitals would experience a 0.4 percent
decrease in payments as a result of the
application of the proposed rural floor budget
neutrality adjustment because the rural
hospitals do not benefit from the rural floor,
but have their wage indexes downwardly
adjusted to ensure that the application of the
rural floor is budget neutral overall. We
project that, in the aggregate, hospitals
located in urban areas would experience no
change in payments, because increases in
payments to hospitals benefitting from the
rural floor offset decreases in payments to
non-rural floor urban hospitals whose wage
index is downwardly adjusted by the
proposed rural floor budget neutrality factor.
Urban hospitals in the Pacific region would
experience a 2.6 percent increase in
payments primarily due to the application of
the rural floor in California.
f. Effects of the Application of the Proposed
Imputed Floor, Proposed Frontier State Wage
Index and Proposed Out-Migration
Adjustment (Column 6)
This column shows the combined effects of
the application of the following: (1) the
imputed floor under section
1886(d)(3)(E)(iv)(I) and (II) of the Act, which
provides that for discharges occurring on or
after October 1, 2021, the area wage index
applicable to any hospital in an all-urban
State may not be less than the minimum area
wage index for the fiscal year for hospitals in
PO 00000
Frm 00675
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Number of Hospitals
1 886
that State established using the methodology
described in § 412.64(h)(4)(vi) as in effect for
FY 2018; (2) section 10324(a) of the
Affordable Care Act, which requires that we
establish a minimum post-reclassified wage
index of 1.00 for all hospitals located in
‘‘frontier States;’’ and (3) the effects of section
1886(d)(13) of the Act, which provides for an
increase in the wage index for hospitals
located in certain counties that have a
relatively high percentage of hospital
employees who reside in the county, but
work in a different area with a higher wage
These three wage index provisions are not
budget neutral and would increase payments
overall by 0.4 percent compared to the
provisions not being in effect.
Section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv)(III) of the Act
provides that the imputed floor wage index
for all-urban States shall not be applied in a
budget neutral manner. Therefore, the
proposed imputed floor adjustment is
estimated to increase IPPS operating
payments by approximately $246 million.
There are an estimated 99 providers in
Connecticut, Washington DC, New Jersey,
Puerto Rico, and Rhode Island that would
receive the imputed floor wage index.
The term ‘‘frontier States’’ is defined in the
statute as States in which at least 50 percent
of counties have a population density less
than 6 persons per square mile. Based on
these criteria, 5 States (Montana, Nevada,
North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming)
are considered frontier States, and an
estimated 41 hospitals located in Montana,
North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming
would receive a frontier wage index of
1.0000. We note, the rural floor for Nevada
exceeds the frontier state wage index of
1.000, and therefore no hospitals in Nevada
receive the frontier state wage index. Overall,
this provision is not budget neutral and is
estimated to increase IPPS operating
payments by approximately $52 million.
In addition, section 1886(d)(13) of the Act
provides for an increase in the wage index for
hospitals located in certain counties that
have a relatively high percentage of hospital
employees who reside in the county but work
in a different area with a higher wage index.
Hospitals located in counties that qualify for
the payment adjustment would receive an
increase in the wage index that is equal to
a weighted average of the difference between
the wage index of the resident county, postreclassification and the higher wage index
work area(s), weighted by the overall
percentage of workers who are employed in
an area with a higher wage index. There are
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Proposed FY 2025 Percentage Change in Area Wage Index Values
Increase 10 percent or more
Increase greater than or equal to 5 percent and less than 10 percent
Increase or decrease less than 5 percent
Decrease greater than or equal to 5 percent and less than 10 percent
Decrease 10 percent or more
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
an estimated 196 providers that would
receive the proposed out-migration wage
adjustment in FY 2025. This out-migration
wage adjustment is not budget neutral, and
we estimate the impact of these providers
receiving the proposed out-migration
increase would be approximately $55
g. Effects of the Expiration of MDH Special
Payment Status (Column 7)
Column 7 shows our estimate of the
changes in payments due to the expiration of
MDH status, a nonbudget neutral payment
provision. Section 102 of the Continuing
Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental
Appropriations Act, 2023 (Pub. L. 117–180),
extended the MDH program (which, under
previous law, was to be in effect for
discharges before October 1, 2022 only)
through December 16, 2022. Section 102 of
the Further Continuing Appropriations and
Extensions Act, 2023 (Pub. L. 117–229)
extended the MDH program through
December 23, 2022. Section 4102 of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (Pub.
L. 117–328), extended the MDH program
through FY 2024 (that is for discharges
occurring before October 1, 2024). As
previously noted, section 307 of the CAA,
2024 (Pub. L. 118–42), enacted on March 9,
2024, further extended the MDH program for
FY 2025 discharges occurring before January
1, 2025. Prior to enactment of the CAA, 2024,
the MDH program was only to be in effect
through the end of FY 2024. Therefore, under
current law, the MDH program will expire for
discharges on or after January 1, 2025.
Hospitals that qualify to be MDHs receive the
higher of payments made based on the
Federal rate or the payments made based on
the Federal rate amount plus 75 percent of
the difference between payments based on
the Federal rate and payments based on the
hospital-specific rate (a hospital-specific
cost-based rate). Because this provision is not
budget neutral, the expiration of this
payment provision is estimated to result in
a 0.2 percent decrease in payments overall,
not taking into consideration the extension
through the first quarter of FY 2025. There
are currently 173 MDHs, of which we
estimate 114 would be paid under the
blended payment of the Federal rate and
hospital-specific rate if the MDH program
were not set to expire. Because those 114
MDHs will no longer receive the blended
payment and will be paid only under the
Federal rate for FY 2025 discharges
beginning on or after January 1, 2025, it is
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estimated that those hospitals would
experience an overall decrease in payments
of approximately $151 million. The $151
overall decrease reflects the 3-month
extension of the MDH program through
December 31, 2024 under section 307 of the
CAA, 2024. However, we note that because
of the timing of this legislation, the payment
impacts set forth in Tables I and II of this
section and discussed elsewhere in this
regulatory impact analysis do not reflect
extension of the MDH program for the first
quarter of FY 2025. This extension will be
reflected in the payment impacts for the final
h. Effects of All Proposed FY 2025 Changes
(Column 8)
Column 8 shows our estimate of the
proposed changes in payments per discharge
from FY 2024 and FY 2025, resulting from all
changes reflected in this proposed rule for FY
2025. It includes combined effects of the
year-to-year change of the factors described
in previous columns in the table.
The proposed average increase in
payments under the IPPS for all hospitals is
approximately 2.4 percent for FY 2025
relative to FY 2024 and for this row is
primarily driven by the proposed changes
reflected in Column 1. Column 8 includes the
proposed annual hospital update of 2.6
percent to the national standardized amount.
This annual hospital update includes the
proposed 3.0 percent market basket rate-ofincrease reduced by the 0.4 percentage point
proposed productivity adjustment. Hospitals
paid under the hospital-specific rate would
receive a 2.6 percent proposed hospital
update. As described in Column 1, the
proposed annual hospital update for
hospitals paid under the national
standardized amount, combined with the
proposed annual hospital update for
hospitals paid under the hospital-specific
rates, combined with the proposed other
adjustments described previously and shown
in Table I, would result in a 2.4 percent
increase in payments in FY 2025 relative to
FY 2024.
This column also reflects the estimated
effect of outlier payments returning to their
targeted levels in FY 2025 as compared to the
estimated outlier payments for FY 2024
produced from our payment simulation
model. As discussed in section II.A.4.i. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule, the statute
requires that outlier payments for any year
are projected to be not less than 5 percent nor
more than 6 percent of total operating DRG
PO 00000
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payments plus outlier payments, and also
requires that the average standardized
amount be reduced by a factor to account for
the estimated proportion of total DRG
payments made to outlier cases. We continue
to use a 5.1 percent target (or an outlier offset
factor of 0.949) in calculating the outlier
offset to the standardized amount, just as we
did for FY 2024. Therefore, our estimate of
payments per discharge for FY 2025 from our
payment simulation model reflects this 5.1
percent outlier payment target. Our payment
simulation model shows that estimated
outlier payments for FY 2024 exceed that
target by approximately 0.01 percent.
Therefore, our estimate of the changes in
payments per discharge from FY 2024 to FY
2025 in Column 8 reflects the estimated
¥0.01 percent change in outlier payments
produced by our payment simulation model
when returning to the 5.1 percent outlier
target for FY 2025. There are also interactive
effects among the various factors comprising
the payment system that we are not able to
isolate, which may contribute to our estimate
of the changes in payments per discharge
from FY 2024 and FY 2025 in Column 8.
Overall payments to hospitals paid under
the IPPS due to the proposed applicable
percentage increase and proposed changes to
policies related to MS–DRGs, geographic
adjustments, and outliers are estimated to
increase by 2.4 percent for FY 2025.
Hospitals in urban areas would experience a
2.4 percent increase in payments per
discharge in FY 2025 compared to FY 2024.
Hospital payments per discharge in rural
areas are estimated to increase by 1.9 percent
in FY 2025.
3. Impact Analysis of Table II
Table II presents the projected impact of
the proposed changes for FY 2025 for urban
and rural hospitals and for the different
categories of hospitals shown in Table I. It
compares the estimated average payments
per discharge for FY 2024 with the estimated
average payments per discharge for FY 2025,
as calculated under our models. Therefore,
this table presents, in terms of the average
dollar amounts paid per discharge, the
combined effects of the proposed changes
presented in Table I. The estimated
percentage changes shown in the last column
of Table II equal the estimated percentage
changes in average payments per discharge
from Column 8 of Table I.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Proposed Average
FY 2025 Payment
Per Discharge
Average FY 2024
Payment Per
Proposed FY
2025 Changes
11 106
10 934
Number of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
All Hosoitals
By Geoeraphic Location:
Urban hospitals
Rural hospitals
Bed Size (Urban):
0-99 beds
100-199 beds
200-299 beds
300-499 beds
500 or more beds
Bed Size (Rural):
0-49 beds
50-99 beds
100-149 beds
150-199 beds
200 or more beds
Urban by Reeion:
New England
Middle Atlantic
East North Central
West North Central
South Atlantic
East South Central
West South Central
Rural by Re2ion:
New England
Middle Atlantic
East North Central
West North Central
South Atlantic
East South Central
West South Central
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico Hospitals
Bv Pavment Classification:
Urban hospitals
Rural areas
Teachine Status:
Fewer than 100 residents
100 or more residents
100 or more beds
Less than 100 beds
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
Frm 00677
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Proposed Average
FY 2025 Payment
Per Discharge
Average FY 2024
Payment Per
Proposed FY
2025 Changes
14 323
13 957
1 362
18 517
18 002
1 955
14 899
18 321
11 014
14 565
17 899
11 100
Number of
100 or more beds
Less than 100 beds
Urban teachine and DSH:
Both teaching and DSH
Teaching and no DSH
No teaching and DSH
No teaching and no DSH
Soecial Hosnital Tvnes:
RRC with Section 401 Reclassification
SCH with Section 401 Reclassification
SCH and RRC with Section 401 Reclassification
Tyne ofOwnershio:
Medicare Utilization as a Percent of Innatient Davs:
Over 65
Medicaid Utilization as a Percent oflnoatient Days:
Over 65
FY 2025 Reclassifications:
All Reclassified Hospitals
Non-Reclassified Hospitals
Urban Hospitals Reclassified
Urban Non-reclassified Hospitals
Rural Hospitals Reclassified Full Year
Rural Non-reclassified Hospitals Full Year
All Section 401 Reclassified Hospitals:
Other Reclassified Hospitals (Section 1886(d)(8)(B))
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
4. Impact Analysis of Table III: Provider
Deciles by Beneficiary Characteristics
Advancing health equity is the first pillar
of CMS’s 2022 Strategic Framework.855 To
gain insight into how the IPPS policies could
affect health equity, we have added Table III,
Provider Deciles by Beneficiary
Characteristics, for informational purposes.
Table III details providers in terms of the
beneficiaries they serve, and shows
differences in estimated average payments
per case and changes in estimated average
payments per case relative to other providers.
As noted in section I.C. of this Appendix,
this proposed rule contains a range of
proposed policies, and there is a section of
the proposed rule where each policy is
discussed. Each section includes the
rationale for our proposals, including the
need for the proposed policy. The
information contained in Table III is
provided solely to demonstrate the
quantitative effects of our proposed policies
across a number of health equity dimensions
855 Available at:
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and does not form the basis or rationale for
the proposed policies.
Patient populations that have been
disadvantaged or underserved by the
healthcare system may include patients with
the following characteristics, among others:
members of racial and ethnic minorities;
members of federally recognized Tribes,
people with disabilities; members of the
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer
(LGBTQ+) community; individuals with
limited English proficiency, members of rural
communities, and persons otherwise
adversely affected by persistent poverty or
inequality. The CMS Framework for Health
Equity was developed with particular
attention to disparities in chronic and
infectious diseases; as an example of a
chronic disease associated with significant
disparities, we therefore also detail providers
in terms of the percentage of their claims for
beneficiaries receiving ESRD Medicare
Because we do not have data for all
characteristics that may identify
disadvantaged or underserved patient
populations, we use several proxies to
capture these characteristics, based on claims
data from the FY 2023 MedPAR file and
PO 00000
Frm 00678
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
Medicare enrollment data from Medicare’s
Enrollment Database (EDB), including: race/
ethnicity, dual eligibility for Medicaid and
Medicare, Medicare low income subsidy
(LIS) enrollment, a joint indicator for dual or
LIS enrollment, presence of an ICD–10–CM Z
code indicating a ‘‘social determinant of
health’’ (SDOH), presence of a behavioral
health diagnosis code, receiving ESRD
Medicare coverage, qualifying for Medicare
due to disability, living in a rural area, and
living in an area with an area deprivation
index (ADI) greater than or equal to 85. We
refer to each of these proxies as
characteristics in Table III and the discussion
that follows.
a. Race
The first health equity-relevant grouping
presented in Table III is race/ethnicity. To
assign the race/ethnicity variables used in
Table III, we utilized the Medicare Bayesian
Improved Surname Geocoding (MBISG) data
in conjunction with the MedPAR data. The
method used to develop the MBISG data
involves estimating a set of six racial and
ethnic probabilities (White, Black, Hispanic,
American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian or
Pacific Islander, and multiracial) from the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
surname and address of beneficiaries by
using previous self-reported data from a
national survey of Medicare beneficiaries,
post-stratified to CMS enrollment files. The
MBISG method is used by the CMS Office of
Minority Health in its reports analyzing
Medicare Advantage plan performance on
Healthcare Effectiveness Data and
Information Set (HEDIS) measures, and is
being considered by CMS for use in other
CMS programs. To estimate the percentage of
discharges for each specified racial/ethnic
category for each hospital, the sum of the
probabilities for that category for that
hospital was divided by the hospital’s total
number of discharges.
b. Income
The two main proxies for income available
in the Medicare claims and enrollment data
are dual eligibility for Medicare and
Medicaid and Medicare LIS status. Dualenrollment status is a powerful predictor of
poor outcomes on some quality and resource
use measures even after accounting for
additional social and functional risk
factors.856 Medicare LIS enrollment refers to
a beneficiary’s enrollment in the low-income
subsidy program for the Part D prescription
drug benefit. This program covers all or part
of the Part D premium for qualifying
Medicare beneficiaries and gives them access
to reduced copays for Part D drugs. (We note
that beginning on January 1, 2024, eligibility
for the full low-income subsidy was
expanded to include individuals currently
eligible for the partial low-income subsidy.)
Because Medicaid eligibility rules and
benefits vary by state/territory, Medicare LIS
enrollment identifies beneficiaries who are
likely to have low income but may not be
eligible for Medicaid. Not all beneficiaries
who qualify for the duals or LIS programs
actually enroll. Due to differences in the dual
eligibility and LIS qualification criteria and
less than complete participation in these
programs, sometimes beneficiaries were
flagged as dual but not LIS or vice versa.
Hence this analysis also used a ‘‘dual or LIS’’
flag as a third proxy for low income. The
dual and LIS flags were constructed based on
enrollment/eligibility status in the EDB
during the month of the hospital discharge.
c. Social Determinants of Health (SDOH)
Social determinants of health (SDOH) are
the conditions in the environments where
people are born, live, learn, work, play,
worship, and age that affect a wide range of
health, functioning, and quality-of-life
outcomes and risks.857 These circumstances
or determinants influence an individual’s
health status and can contribute to wide
health disparities and inequities. ICD–10–CM
contains Z-codes that describe a range of
issues related—but not limited—to education
and literacy, employment, housing, ability to
obtain adequate amounts of food or safe
drinking water, and occupational exposure to
857 Available at:
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toxic agents, dust, or radiation. The presence
of ICD–10–CM Z-codes in the range Z55–Z65
identifies beneficiaries with these SDOH
characteristics. The SDOH flag used for this
analysis was turned on if one of these Zcodes was recorded on the claim for the
hospital stay itself (that is, the beneficiary’s
prior claims were not examined for
additional Z-codes). Since these codes are
not required for Medicare FFS patients and
did not impact payment under the IPPS in
FY 2023, we believe they may be
underreported in the claims data from the FY
2023 MedPAR file used for this analysis and
not reflect the actual rates of SDOH. In 2019,
0.11 percent of all Medicare FFS claims were
Z code claims and 1.59 percent of
continuously enrolled Medicare FFS
beneficiaries had claims with Z codes.858
However, we expect the reporting of Z codes
on claims may increase over time, because of
newer quality measures in the Hospital
Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program
that capture screening and identification of
patient-level, health-related social needs
(MUC21–134 and MUC21–136) (87 FR 49201
through 49220). In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (88 FR 58755 through 58759),
we also finalized a change to the severity
designation of the following three ICD–10–
CM diagnosis codes from non-CC to CC:
Z59.00 (Homelessness, unspecified), Z59.01
(Sheltered homelessness) and Z59.02
(Unsheltered homelessness). We also refer
the reader to section II.C.12.c.1. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, where we
discuss our proposal to change the severity
level designation of the following seven ICD–
10–CM diagnosis codes from non-CC to CC
for FY 2025: Z59.10 (Inadequate housing,
unspecified), Z59.11 (Inadequate housing
environmental temperature), Z59.12
(Inadequate housing utilities), Z59.19 (Other
inadequate housing), Z59.811 (Housing
instability, housed, with risk of
homelessness), Z59.812 (Housing instability,
housed, homelessness in past 12 months),
and Z59.819 (Housing instability, housed
d. Behavioral Health
Beneficiaries with behavioral health
diagnoses often face co-occurring physical
illnesses, but often experience difficulty
accessing care.859 The combination of
physical and behavioral health conditions
can exacerbate both conditions and result in
poorer outcomes than one condition alone.860
Additionally, the intersection of behavioral
health and health inequities is a core aspect
858 See ‘‘Utilization of Z Codes for Social
Determinants of Health among Medicare Fee-forService Beneficiaries, 2019,’’ available at https://
859 Viron M, Zioto K, Schweitzer J, Levine G.
Behavioral Health Homes: an opportunity to
address healthcare inequities in people with serious
mental illness. Asian J Psychiatr. 2014 Aug; 10:10–
6. doi: 10.1016/j.ajp.2014.03.009.
860 Cully, J.A., Breland, J.Y., Robertson, S. et al.
Behavioral health coaching for rural veterans with
diabetes and depression: a patient randomized
effectiveness implementation trial. BMC Health
Serv Res 14, 191 (2014).
PO 00000
Frm 00679
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
of CMS’ Behavioral Health Strategy.861 We
used the presence of one or more ICD–10–CM
codes in the range of F01–F99 to identify
beneficiaries with a behavioral health
e. Disability
Beneficiaries with disabilities are
categorized as being disabled because of a
medically determinable physical or mental
impairment(s) that has lasted or is expected
to last for a continuous period of at least 12
months or is expected to result in death.862
Beneficiaries with disabilities often have
complex healthcare needs and difficulty
accessing care. Beneficiaries with disabilities
were classified as such persons for the
purposes of this analysis if their original
reason for qualifying for Medicare was
disability; this information was obtained
from Medicare’s EDB. We note that this is
likely an underestimation of disability
because it does not account for beneficiaries
who became disabled after becoming entitled
to Medicare. This metric also does not
capture all individuals who would be
considered to have a disability under 29
U.S.C. 705(9)(B).
Beneficiaries with ESRD have high
healthcare needs and high medical spending,
and often experience comorbid conditions
and poor mental health. Beneficiaries with
ESRD also experience significant disparities,
such as a limited life expectancy.863
Beneficiaries were classified as ESRD for the
purposes of this analysis if they were
receiving Medicare ESRD coverage during the
month of the discharge; this information was
obtained from Medicare’s EDB.
g. Geography
Beneficiaries in some geographic areas—
particularly rural areas or areas with
concentrated poverty—often have difficulty
accessing care.864 865 For this impact analysis,
beneficiaries were classified on two
dimensions: from a rural area and from an
area with an area deprivation index (ADI)
greater than or equal to 85.
Rural status is defined for purposes of this
analysis using the primary Rural-Urban
Commuting Area (RUCA) codes 4–10
(including micropolitan, small town, and
rural areas) corresponding to each
beneficiary’s zip code. RUCA codes are
defined at the census tract level based on
863 Smart NA, Titus TT. Outcomes of early versus
late nephrology referral in chronic kidney disease:
a systematic review. Am J Med. 2011
Nov;124(11):1073–80.e2. doi: 10.1016/
j.amjmed.2011.04.026. PMID: 22017785.
864 National Healthcare Quality and Disparities
Report chartbook on rural health care. Rockville,
MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality;
October 2017. AHRQ Pub. No. 17(18)-0001–2–EF
available at
865 Muluk, S, Sabik, L, Chen, Q, Jacobs, B, Sun,
Z, Drake, C. Disparities in geographic access to
medical oncologists. Health Serv Res. 2022; 57(5):
1035–1044. doi:10.1111/1475–6773.13991.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
measures of population density,
urbanization, and daily commuting. The ADI
is obtained from a publicly available dataset
designed to capture socioeconomic
disadvantage at the neighborhood level.866 It
utilizes data on income, education,
employment, housing quality, and 13 other
factors from the American Community
Survey and combines them into a single raw
score, which is then used to rank
neighborhoods (defined at various levels),
with higher scores reflecting greater
deprivation. The version of the ADI used for
this analysis is at the Census Block Group
level and the ADI corresponds to the Census
Block Group’s percentile nationally. Living
in an area with an ADI score of 85 or above,
a validated measure of neighborhood
disadvantage, is shown to be a predictor of
30-day readmission rates, lower rates of
cancer survival, poor end of life care for
patients with heart failure, and longer lengths
of stay and fewer home discharges post-knee
surgery even after accounting for individual
social and economic risk
factors.867 868 869 870 871 The MedPAR discharge
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
866 https://
867 7 U.S. Department of Health & Human
Services, ‘‘Executive Summary: Report to Congress:
Social Risk Factors and Performance in Medicare’s
Value-Based Purchasing Program,’’ Office of the
Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation,
March 2020. Available at
868 Kind AJ, et al., ‘‘Neighborhood socioeconomic
disadvantage and 30-day rehospitalization: a
retrospective cohort study.’’ Annals of Internal
Medicine. No. 161(11), pp 765–74, doi: 10.7326/
M13–2946 (December 2, 2014), available at https://
869 Jencks SF, et al., ‘‘Safety-Net Hospitals,
Neighborhood Disadvantage, and Readmissions
Under Maryland’s All-Payer Program.’’ Annals of
Internal Medicine. No. 171, pp 91–98, doi:10.7326/
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
data was linked to the RUCA using
beneficiaries’ five-digit zip code and to the
ADI data using beneficiaries’ 9-digit zip
codes, both of which were derived from
Common Medicare Enrollment (CME) files.
Beneficiaries with no recorded zip code were
treated as being from an urban area and as
having an ADI less than 85.
For each of these characteristics, the
hospitals were classified into groups as
follows. First, all discharges at IPPS hospitals
(excluding Maryland and IHS hospitals) in
the FY 2023 MedPAR file were flagged for
the presence of the characteristic, with the
exception of race/ethnicity, for which
probabilities were assigned instead of binary
flags, as described further in this section.
Second, the percentage of discharges at each
hospital for the characteristic was calculated.
Finally, the hospitals were divided into four
groups based on the percentage of discharges
for each characteristic: decile group 1
contains the 10% of hospitals with the lowest
rate of discharges for that characteristic;
decile group 2 to 5 contains the hospitals
with less than or equal to the median rate of
discharges for that characteristic, excluding
those in decile group 1; decile group 6 to 9
contains the hospitals with greater than the
M16–2671 (July 16, 2019), available at https://
870 Cheng E, et al., ‘‘Neighborhood and Individual
Socioeconomic Disadvantage and Survival Among
Patients With Nonmetastatic Common Cancers.’’
JAMA Network Open Oncology. No. 4(12), pp 1–17,
doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.39593
(December 17, 2021), available at https://
871 Khlopas A, et al., ‘‘Neighborhood
Socioeconomic Disadvantages Associated With
Prolonged Lengths of Stay, Nonhome Discharges,
and 90-Day Readmissions After Total Knee
Arthroplasty.’’ The Journal of Arthroplasty. No.
37(6), pp S37–S43, doi: 10.1016/j.arth.2022.01.032
(June 2022), available at
PO 00000
Frm 00680
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
median rate of discharges for that
characteristic, excluding those in decile
group 10; and decile group 10 contains the
10% of hospitals with the highest rate of
discharges for that characteristic. These
decile groups provide an overview of the
ways in which the average estimated
payments per discharge vary between the
providers with the lowest and highest
percentages of discharges for each
characteristic, as well as those above and
below the median.
We note that a supplementary providerlevel dataset containing the percentage of
discharges at each hospital for each of the
characteristics in Table III is available on our
• Column 1 of Table III specifies the
beneficiary characteristic.
• Column 2 specifies the decile group.
• Column 3 specifies the percentiles
covered by the decile group.
• Column 4 specifies the percentage range
of discharges for each decile group specified
in the first column.
• Columns 5 and 6 present the average
estimated payments per discharge for FY
2024 and average estimated payments per
discharge for FY 2025, respectively.
• Column 7 shows the percentage
difference between these averages.
The average payment per discharge, as well
as the percentage difference between the
average payment per discharge in FY 2024
and FY 2025, can be compared across decile
groups. For example, providers with the
lowest decile of discharges for Dual (All) or
LIS Enrolled beneficiaries have an average
FY 2024 payment per discharge of
$13,660.95, while providers with the highest
decile of discharges for Dual (All) or LIS
Enrolled beneficiaries have an average FY
2024 payment per discharge of $21,150.86.
This pattern is also seen in the proposed
average FY 2025 payment per discharge.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
Frm 00681
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
0 to 10
>10 to 50
>50 to 90
>90 to 100
15 957.21
16 397.17
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
Who Are Asian or Pacific Islander
2 to 5
6to 9
0 to 10
>10 to 50
>50 to 90
>90 to 100
22 656.61
22 995.57
2 to 5
6to 9
0 to 10
>10 to 50
>50 to 90
>90 to 100
23.5% - 93.8%
18 997.23
19 595.85
2 to 5
6to 9
0 to 10
>10 to 50
>50 to 90
>90 to 100
0.3%- 1.0%
21.4% - 98.3%
2 to 5
6to 9
0 lo 10
>10 to 50
>50 to 90
>90 to 100
2 to 5
6to 9
0 to 10
>10 to 50
>50 to 90
>90 to 100
47.2% - 85.1 %
95. 1% - 98.5%
2 to 5
6to 9
Oto 10
>50 to 90
>90 to 100
0.0% - 10.7"/o
10.7% - 24.7"/o
24.7% - 50.4%
50.4% - 100.0%
0 to 10
>10 to 50
>50 to 90
>90 to 100
26.8% - 52.5%
52.5% - 100.0%
21 182.55
0 to 10
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
Who Are Olnck
% OfDis~harges for Benefkiaries
Who Are Hispanic
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
Who Are Multiracial
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
Who Are White
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
Who Are Dual (All) Enrolled During
the Month of Discharge
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
Vvl10 Are LIS Enrolled During the
Month of Discharge
2 to 5
6to 9
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
Who Are American Indian or Alaska
2 to 5
6to 9
All Hospilals
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
VerDate Sep<11>2014
Jkt 262001
PO 00000
Frm 00682
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
2 to S
6 to 9
>10 to SO
>SO to 90
>90to 100
12.1 % - 27.0%
27.0% - 52.6%
52.6% - 100.0%
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
with a Z code rnporleu relawu to
2 to S
6 to 9
0 to 10
>SO to 90
>90 to 100
6.2% - 100.0%
2 to S
6 to 9
Oto 10
>SO to 90
>90 to 100
35.7% - 46.8%
46.8% - 57.8%
57.8% - 100.0"/o
2 lo S
6 to 9
Oto 10
>10 lo 50
>SO to 90
>90to 100
14.1 % - 93.4%
93.4% - 100.0"/o
2 to 5
6 to 9
Oto 10
>10 to 50
>SO to 90
>90to 100
0.0%- 3.9%
3.9%- 9.1%
22 017.76
2 to S
6 to 9
Oto 10
>lOto SO
>50to 90
>90to 100
16.0% - 25.8%
25.8%- 38.1%
% or Discharges for Bendiciaries
with a Behavioral Health Diagnosis
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
who come from rnral areas
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
with ESRD coverage **
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
with Disability
0 to 10
>50to 90
>90 lo 100
10.3% - 46.6%
46.6% - 100.0"/o
* Decile group 1 contains the 10% of hospitals with the lowest rate of discharges for that characteristic; decile group 2 to 5 contains the hospitals with less than or equal to the median rate of discharges for that characteristic,
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
who Ii ve in an area with ADI >= 85
2 to S
6 to 9
excluding those in decile group I; decile group 6 to 9 contains the hospitals with greater than the median rate of discharges for that characteristic, excluding those in group 10; and decile group 10 contains the 10% of
hospitals with the highest rate of discharges for that characteristic.
** Greater than IO percent of providers did not report discharges associated with this characteristic. Therefore, we have randomly allocated those providers to decile groups I and 2.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
% Of Discharges for Beneficiaries
Who Are Dual (All) or LIS Enrolled
During the Month of Discharge
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
G. Effects of Other Policy Changes
In addition to those proposed policy
changes discussed previously that we are
able to model using our IPPS payment
simulation model, we are proposing to make
various other changes in this proposed rule.
As noted in section I.D. of this Appendix A,
our payment simulation model uses the most
recent available claims data to estimate the
impacts on payments per case of certain
proposed changes in this proposed rule.
Generally, we have limited or no specific
data available with which to estimate the
impacts of these proposed changes using that
payment simulation model. For those
proposed changes, we have attempted to
predict the payment impacts based upon our
experience and other more limited data. Our
estimates of the likely impacts associated
with these other proposed changes are
discussed in this section.
1. Effects of the Proposed Policy Changes
Relating to New Medical Service and
Technology Add-On Payments
a. Proposed FY 2025 Status of Technologies
Approved for FY 2024 New Technology AddOn Payments
In section II.E.4. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to continue
to make new technology add-on payments for
the 24 technologies listed in the following
table in FY 2025 because these technologies
would still be considered new for purposes
of new technology add-on payments. Under
§ 412.88(a)(2), the new technology add-on
payment for each case would be limited to
the lesser of: (1) 65 percent of the costs of the
new technology (or 75 percent of the costs for
technologies designated as Qualified
Infectious Disease Products (QIDPs) or
approved under the Limited Population
Pathway for Antibacterial and Antifungal
Drugs (LPAD) pathway); or (2) 65 percent of
the amount by which the costs of the case
exceed the standard MS–DRG payment for
the case (or 75 percent of the amount for
technologies designated as QIDPs or
approved under the LPAD pathway). Because
it is difficult to predict the actual new
technology add-on payment for each case,
our estimates in this proposed rule are based
on the applicant’s estimate at the time they
submitted their original application and the
increase in new technology add-on payments
for FY 2025 as if every claim that would
qualify for a new technology add-on payment
would receive the maximum add-on
In the following table are estimates for the
24 new technology add-on payments which
we are proposing to continue in FY 2025:
EPKINL YIM ( epcoritamab-bysp) and
COLUMVI™ (glofitamab-gxbm)
Lunsumio™ (mosunetuzumab)
REBYOTATM (fecal microbiota, live-jshn) and
VOWST™ (fecal microbiota spores, live-brpk)
SPEVIGO® (spesolimab)
TECVAYLI™ (teclistamab-cqyv)
TERLIVAZ® (terlipressin)
Aveir™ AR Leadless Pacemaker
Aveir™ Dual-Chamber Leadless
Ceribell Status Epilepticus Monitor
DefenCath™ (taurolidine/heparin)
EchoGo Heart Failure 1.0
Phagenyx® System
REZZAYO™ (rezafungin for injection)
SAINT Neuromodulation System
TOPS™ System
XACDURO® (sulbactam/durlobactam)
Ammie:ate Estimated Total FY 2025 Impact
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
b. Proposed FY 2025 Applications for New
Technology Add-On Payments
In sections II.E.5. and 6. of the preamble to
this proposed rule are 27 discussions of
technologies with respect to add-on
payments for new medical services and
technologies for FY 2024 (including
CasgevyTM (exagamglogene autotemcel) for
which the applicant submitted a single
VerDate Sep<11>2014
00:35 May 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
application for two separate indications, each
of which is discussed separately). We note
that of the 39 applications (23 alternative and
16 traditional) we received, 8 applications
were not eligible for consideration for new
technology add-on payment (7 alternative
and 1 traditional), and 5 applicants withdrew
their application (2 alternative and 3
traditional) prior to the issuance of this
proposed rule (including the withdrawal of
the application for DefenCathTM (taurolidine/
PO 00000
Frm 00683
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
heparin), which received conditional
approval for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2024, subsequently was
eligible to receive new technology add-on
payments beginning with discharges on or
after January 1, 2024, and for which we are
proposing to continue making new
technology add-on payments for FY 2025).
As explained in the preamble to this
proposed rule, add-on payments for new
medical services and technologies under
Estimated Total
Proposed FY 2025 NTAP
Amount (65 % or 75 %)
FY 2025 Impact
Technolo!?V Name
Thoraflex™ Hybrid Device
ViviStim® Paired VNS System
GORE® TAG® Thoracic Branch Endoprosthesis
iFuse Bedrock Granite hnplant System
CYTALUX® (pafolacianine) (ovarian indication)
CYTALUX® (pafolacianine) (lun!! indication)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
section 1886(d)(5)(K) of the Act are not
required to be budget neutral. As discussed
in section II.E.6. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, under the alternative pathway
for new technology add-on payments, new
technologies that are medical products with
a QIDP designation, approved through the
FDA LPAD pathway, or are designated under
the Breakthrough Device program will be
considered not substantially similar to an
existing technology for purposes of the new
technology add-on payment under the IPPS,
and will not need to demonstrate that the
technology represents a substantial clinical
improvement. These technologies must still
be within the 2- to 3-year newness period, as
discussed in section II.E.1.a.(1). of the
preamble this proposed rule, and must also
still meet the cost criterion.
As also discussed in section II.E.6. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to approve 15 new technology
add-on payments for 14 alternative pathway
applications submitted for FY 2025 new
technology add-on payments (including
ZEVTERATM (ceftobiprole medocaril) for
which the applicant submitted a single
application for multiple indications, and for
which we are proposing two separate new
technology add-on payments).
Based on preliminary information from the
applicants at the time of this proposed rule,
we estimate that total payments for the 14
technologies that applied under the
alternative pathway, if approved, would be
approximately $172.7 million for FY 2025.
Total estimated FY 2025 payments for new
technologies that are designated as a QIDP
are approximately $5.6 million, and the total
estimated FY 2025 payments for new
technologies that are part of the Breakthrough
Device program are approximately $167
million. Because cost or volume information
has not yet been provided for 3 of the 14
technologies under the alternative pathway,
we have not included those technologies in
the estimate. We did not receive any LPAD
applications for add-on payments for new
technologies for FY 2025. We note that the
estimated payments may be updated in the
final rule based on revised or additional
information CMS receives prior to the final
We have not yet determined whether any
of the technologies discussed in section
II.E.5. of the preamble of this proposed rule
will meet the criteria for new technology
add-on payments for FY 2025 under the
traditional pathway. Consequently, it is
premature to estimate the potential payment
impact of these technologies for any potential
new technology add-on payments for FY
2025. We note that, as in past years, if any
of the technologies that applied under the
traditional pathway are found to be eligible
for new technology add-on payments for FY
2025, we would discuss the estimated
payment impact for FY 2025 in the FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Jkt 262001
2. Medicare DSH Uncompensated Care
Payments and Supplemental Payment for
Indian Health Service Hospitals and Tribal
Hospitals and Hospitals Located in Puerto
As discussed in section IV.E. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, under section
3133 of the Affordable Care Act, hospitals
that are eligible to receive Medicare DSH
payments will receive 25 percent of the
amount they previously would have received
under the statutory formula for Medicare
DSH payments under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of
the Act. The remainder, equal to an estimate
of 75 percent of what formerly would have
been paid as Medicare DSH payments (Factor
1), reduced to reflect changes in the
percentage of uninsured individuals (Factor
2), is available to make additional payments
to each hospital that qualifies for Medicare
DSH payments and that has reported
uncompensated care. Each hospital that is
eligible for Medicare DSH payments will
receive an additional payment based on its
estimated share of the total amount of
uncompensated care for all hospitals eligible
for Medicare DSH payments. The
uncompensated care payment methodology
has redistributive effects based on the
proportion of a hospital’s amount of
uncompensated care relative to the aggregate
amount of uncompensated care of all
hospitals eligible for Medicare DSH
payments (Factor 3). The change to Medicare
DSH payments under section 3133 of the
Affordable Care Act is not budget neutral.
In this proposed rule, we are proposing to
establish the amount to be distributed as
uncompensated care payments (UCP) to
DSH-eligible hospitals for FY 2025, which is
$6,498,135,150.00. This figure represents 75
percent of the amount that otherwise would
have been paid for Medicare DSH payment
adjustments adjusted by a Factor 2 of 62.14
percent. For FY 2024, the amount available
to be distributed for uncompensated care was
$5,938,006,756.87 or 75 percent of the
amount that otherwise would have been paid
for Medicare DSH payment adjustments
adjusted by a Factor 2 of 59.29 percent. In
addition, eligible IHS/Tribal hospitals and
hospitals located in Puerto Rico are estimated
to receive approximately $91,084,288 million
in supplemental payments in FY 2025, as
determined based on the difference between
each hospital’s FY 2022 UCP (increased by
9.43 percent, which is the projected change
between the FY 2025 total uncompensated
care payment amount and the total
uncompensated care payment amount for FY
2022) and its FY 2025 UCP as calculated
using the methodology for FY 2025. If this
difference is less than or equal to zero, the
hospital will not receive a supplemental
payment. For this proposed rule, the total
proposed UCP and proposed supplemental
payments equal approximately $6.589
billion. For FY 2025, we are proposing to use
3 years of data on uncompensated care costs
from Worksheet S–10 of the FYs 2019, 2020,
and 2021 cost reports to calculate Factor 3 for
all DSH-eligible hospitals, including IHS/
Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals.
PO 00000
Frm 00684
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
For a complete discussion regarding the
methodology for calculating Factor 3 for FY
2025, we refer readers to section IV.E. of the
preamble of this proposed rule. For a
discussion regarding the methodology for
calculating the supplemental payments, we
refer readers to section IV.D. of the preamble
of this proposed rule.
To estimate the impact of the combined
effect of the proposed changes in Factors 1
and 2, as well as the changes to the data used
in determining Factor 3, on the calculation of
Medicare UCP along with changes to
supplemental payments for IHS/Tribal
hospitals and hospitals located in Puerto
Rico, we compared total UCP and
supplemental payments estimated in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule correction
notice (88 FR 68484) to the combined total
of the proposed UCP and the proposed
supplemental payments estimated in this FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule. For FY
2024, we calculated 75 percent of the
estimated amount that would be paid as
Medicare DSH payments absent section 3133
of the Affordable Care Act, adjusted by a
Factor 2 of 59.29 percent and multiplied by
a Factor 3 calculated using the methodology
described in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule. For FY 2025, we calculated 75
percent of the estimated amount that would
be paid as Medicare DSH payments during
FY 2025 absent section 3133 of the
Affordable Care Act, adjusted by a Factor 2
of 62.14 percent and multiplied by a Factor
3 calculated using the methodology
described previously. For this proposed rule,
the supplemental payments for IHS/Tribal
hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals are
calculated as the difference between the
hospital’s adjusted base year amount (as
determined based on the hospital’s FY 2022
uncompensated care payment) and the
hospital’s FY 2025 uncompensated care
Our analysis included 2,422 hospitals that
are projected to be DSH-eligible in FY 2025.
Our analysis did not include hospitals that
had terminated their participation in the
Medicare program as of February 2, 2024,
Maryland hospitals, new hospitals, and SCHs
that are expected to be paid based on their
hospital-specific rates. The 23 hospitals that
are anticipated to be participating in the
Rural Community Hospital Demonstration
Program were also excluded from this
analysis, as participating hospitals are not
eligible to receive empirically justified
Medicare DSH payments and uncompensated
care payments. In addition, the data from
merged or acquired hospitals were combined
under the surviving hospital’s CMS
certification number (CCN), and the nonsurviving CCN was excluded from the
analysis. The estimated impact of the
changes in Factors 1, 2, and 3 on UCP and
supplemental payments for eligible IHS/
Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals
across all hospitals projected to be DSHeligible in FY 2025, by hospital
characteristic, is presented in the following
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
FY 2024 Final Rule
Care Payments and
($ in millions)
FY 2025 Proposed
Uncompensated Care
Payments and
($ in millions)
($ in
2 090
Number of
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
By Geo2raphic Location
Urban Hospitals
Other U man Areas
Large Urban Areas
Rural Hospitals
Bed Siu (Urban)
Oto 99 Beds
100 to 249 Beds
250+ Beds
Bed Size (Rural)
0 to 99 Beds
100 to 249 Beds
250+ Beds
Urban by Re2ion
New England
Middle Atlantic
South Atlantic
East North Central
East South Central
West North Central
West South Central
Puerto Rico
Rural by Re2ion
New England
Middle Atlantic
South Atlantic
East North Central
East South Central
West North Central
West South Central
Bv Pavment Classification
Urban Hospitals
Large Urban Areas
Other uman Areas
Rural Hospitals
Teaehin2 Status
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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PO 00000
Frm 00685
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
FY 2024 Final Rule
Care Payments and
($ in millions)
FY 2025 Proposed
Uncompensated Care
Payments and
($ in millions)
Number of
Fewer than 100 residents
100 or more residents
FY2024FY 2025
($ in
Type of Ownership
Medicare Utilization
Oto 25
25 to 50
50 to 65
Greater than 65
Medicaid Utilization
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
The changes in projected FY 2025 UCP and
supplemental payments compared to the
total of UCP and supplemental payments in
FY 2024 are driven by increases in Factor 1
and Factor 2. The proposed Factor 1 has
increased from the FY 2024 final rule’s
Factor 1 of $10.015 billion to this proposed
rule’s Factor 1 of $10.457 billion. The
proposed Factor 2 has increased from FY
2024 final rule’s Factor 2 of 59.29 percent to
this proposed rule’s Factor 2 of 62.14
percent. In addition, we note that there is a
slight increase in the number of projected
DSH-eligible hospitals to 2,422 at the time of
the development for this proposed rule
compared to the 2,384 DSHs in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58640).
Based on the changes, the impact analysis
found that, across all projected DSH-eligible
hospitals, FY 2025 UCP and supplemental
payments are estimated at approximately
$6.589 billion, or an increase of
approximately 9.43 percent from FY 2024
UCP and supplemental payments
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(approximately $6.021 billion). While the
changes result in a net increase in the total
amount available to be distributed in UCP
and supplemental payments, the projected
payment increases vary by hospital type.
This redistribution of payments is caused by
changes in Factor 3 and the amount of the
supplemental payment for DSH-eligible IHS/
Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals.
As seen in the previous table, a percent
change of less than 9.43 percent indicates
that hospitals within the specified category
are projected to experience a smaller increase
in payments, on average, compared to the
universe of projected FY 2025 DSH-eligible
hospitals. Conversely, a percentage change
greater than 9.43 percent indicates that a
hospital type is projected to have a larger
increase compared to the overall average. The
variation in the distribution of overall
payments by hospital characteristic is largely
dependent on a given hospital’s
uncompensated care costs as reported on the
Worksheet S–10 and used in the Factor 3
PO 00000
Frm 00686
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
computation and whether the hospital is
eligible to receive the supplemental payment.
Rural hospitals, in general, are projected to
experience a slightly larger increase in UCP
compared to the increase their urban
counterparts are projected to experience.
Overall, rural hospitals are projected to
receive a 13.47 percent increase in payments,
while urban hospitals are projected to receive
a 9.20 percent increase in payments, which
is slightly less than the overall hospital
By bed size, rural hospitals with 0 to 99
beds and rural hospitals with 100 to 249 beds
are projected to receive larger than average
increases of a 12.33 percent and 16.89
percent, respectively, while rural hospitals
with 250+ beds are projected to receive a
smaller than average increase of 6.86 percent.
Among urban hospitals, the smallest urban
hospitals, those with 0 to 99 beds, are
projected to receive an increase in payments
that is greater than the overall hospital
average, an increase of 16.33 percent. In
contrast, larger urban hospitals with 100–249
Oto 25
25 to 50
50 to 65
Greater than 65
Source: Dobson I DaVanzo analysis of 2019, 2020, and 2021 Hospital Cost Reports.
*Dollar UCP calculated by [0.75 * estimated section 1886(d)(5)(F) payments* Factor 2 * Factor 3]. When summed across all
hospitals projected to receive DSH payments, UCP and supplemental payments are estimated to be $6,021 million in FY 2024,
and UCP and supplemental payments are estimated to be$ 6,589 million in FY 2025.
** For IHS/fribal hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals, this impact table reflects the supplemental payments.
*** Percentage change is determined as the difference between Medicare UCP and supplemental payments modeled for this FY
2025 IPPS/L TCH PPS proposed rule (column 3) and Medicare UCP and supplemental payments modeled for the FY 2024
IPPS/L TCH PPS final rule correction notice (column 2) divided by Medicare UCP and supplemental payments modeled for the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule correction notice (column 2) times 100 percent.
****Hospitals with missing or unkno\\n Medicare utilization or Medicaid utilization are not shown in the table.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
beds and urban hospitals with 250+ beds are
projected to receive 9.23 and 8.79 percent
increases in payments, respectively.
By region, rural hospitals are projected to
receive a varied range of payment changes.
Rural hospitals in the New England and
South Atlantic regions are projected to
receive smaller than average increases in
payments. Rural hospitals in all other regions
are projected to receive larger than average
increases in payments. Urban hospitals in the
West South Central, Mountain, and Pacific
regions are projected to receive larger than
average increases in payments, while urban
hospitals in all other regions are projected to
receive smaller than average increases in
By payment classification, although
hospitals in urban payment areas overall are
expected to receive a 9.56 percent increase in
UCP and supplemental payments, hospitals
in large urban payment areas are projected to
receive a larger than average increase in
payments of 11.00 percent. In contrast,
hospitals in other urban payment areas and
hospitals in rural payment areas are projected
to receive a smaller than average increase in
payments of 7.47 and 9.29 percent,
Nonteaching hospitals and teaching
hospitals with 100+ residents are projected to
receive a larger than average payment
increase of 10.88 percent and 9.60 percent,
respectively. Teaching hospitals with fewer
than 100 residents are projected to receive
smaller than average payment increases of
8.20 percent. Voluntary hospitals are
projected to receive smaller than average
increases of 8.85 percent, while governmentowned hospitals and proprietary hospitals
are expected to receive a larger than average
payment increase of 10.60 percent and 9.52
percent, respectively. Hospitals with less
than 25 percent Medicare utilization and
those with greater than 65 percent Medicare
utilization are projected to receive larger than
average increases of 9.84 percent and 27.26
percent, respectively, while hospitals with
Medicare utilization between 25–50 percent
and 50–65 percent are projected to receive
smaller than average payment increases of
8.47 percent and 2.91 percent, respectively.
Hospitals with 50–65 percent Medicaid
utilization and those with greater than 65
percent Medicaid utilization are projected to
receive larger than average increases in
payments of 13.58 and 12.66 percent,
respectively, while hospitals with less than
25 percent Medicaid utilization and those
with Medicaid utilization between 25–50
percent are projected to receive smaller than
average increases of 9.17 percent and 8.61
percent, respectively.
The impact table reflects the modeled FY
2025 UCP and supplemental payments for
IHS/Tribal and Puerto Rico hospitals. We
note that the supplemental payments to IHS/
Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals are
estimated to be approximately $91.1 million
in FY 2025.
3. Effects of the Changes to Low-Volume
Hospital Payment Adjustment Policy
In section V.D. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss the extension of
the temporary changes to the low-volume
hospital payment policy originally provided
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for by the Affordable Care Act and extended
by subsequent legislation. Specifically,
section 306 of the CAA, 2024 further
extended the modified definition of lowvolume hospital and the methodology for
calculating the payment adjustment for lowvolume hospitals under section 1886(d)(12)
through December 31, 2024. Beginning
January 1, 2025, the low-volume hospital
qualifying criteria and payment adjustment
will revert to the statutory requirements that
were in effect prior to FY 2011, and the
preexisting low-volume hospital payment
adjustment methodology and qualifying
criteria, as implemented in FY 2005, will
resume. Effective for FY 2025, discharges
occurring on or after January 1, 2025 and
subsequent years, in order to qualify as a
low-volume hospital, a subsection (d)
hospital must be more than 25 road miles
from another subsection (d) hospital and
have less than 200 discharges (that is, less
than 200 discharges total, including both
Medicare and non-Medicare discharges)
during the fiscal year. We recognize the
importance of this extension with respect to
the goal of advancing health equity by
addressing the health disparities that
underlie the health system, which is one of
CMS’ strategic pillars and a Biden-Harris
Administration priority, as described in
section I.A.2. of the preamble of this
proposed rule. The provisions of section 306
of the CAA, 2024 are projected to increase
payments to IPPS hospitals by approximately
$87 million in FY 2025 relative to what the
payments would have been in the absence of
section 306.
Based upon the best available data at this
time, we estimate the expiration of the
temporary changes to the low-volume
hospital payment policy for FY 2025
discharges occurring on or after January 1,
2025 would decrease aggregate low-volume
hospital payments by $261 million in FY
2025 as compared to FY 2024. These
payment estimates were determined based on
the estimated payments for the 608 providers
that are expected to no longer qualify under
the criteria that will apply beginning on
January 1, 2025. These impacts were
calculated using the same methodology used
in developing the quantitative analyses of
changes in payments per case discussed
previously in section I.G. of this Appendix A
of this proposed rule.
4. Effects of the Distribution of Additional
Residency Positions Under the Provisions of
Section 4122 of Subtitle C of the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023
(CAA, 2023)
In section V.F.2. of this proposed rule we
are proposing to implement section 4122 of
the CAA, 2023, which requires that the
Secretary initiate an application round to
distribute 200 residency positions (also
referred to as slots) with at least 100 of the
positions being distributed for psychiatry or
psychiatry subspecialty residency programs.
The residency positions distributed under
section 4122 are effective July 1, 2026.
We are proposing to first distribute slots by
prorating the available 200 positions among
all qualifying hospitals such that each
qualifying hospital receives up to 1.00 FTE—
that is, 1.00 FTE or a fraction of 1.00 FTE.
PO 00000
Frm 00687
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
We are proposing that a qualifying hospital
is a Category One, Category Two, Category
Three, or Category Four hospital, or one that
meets the definitions of more than one of
these categories, as defined at section
1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Act.872 We are
proposing that if any residency slots remain
after distributing up to 1.00 FTE to each
qualifying hospital, we will prioritize the
distribution of the remaining slots based on
the HPSA score associated with the program
for which each qualifying hospital is
applying using the methodology we finalized
for purposes of implementing section 126 of
the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73434 through 73440).
Using this HPSA prioritization method, we
are proposing to limit a qualifying hospital’s
total award under section 4122 of the CAA,
2023, to 10.00 additional FTEs consistent
with section 1886(h)(10)(C)(i) of the Act. We
believe including such a prioritization will
further support the training of residents in
underserved and rural areas thereby helping
to address physician shortages and the larger
issue of health inequities in these areas.
The Office of the Actuary estimates an
increase of $10 million in Medicare
payments to teaching hospitals for FY 2026,
and an increase in Medicare payments to
teaching hospitals of $280 million for FYs
2026 through 2030 (over 5 years). In total, for
FYs 2026 through 2036, Medicare payments
to teaching hospitals are estimated to
increase by $740 million.
In addition, we are proposing a
modification to our methodology for
distributing slots under section 126 of the
CAA, 2021. Section 1886(h)(9)(B)(ii) of the
Act requires the Secretary to distribute at
least 10 percent of the aggregate number of
total residency positions available to the
same four categories of hospitals. Section 126
of the CAA, 2021, makes available 1,000
residency positions and therefore, at least
100 residency positions must be distributed
to hospitals qualifying in each of the four
categories. In the final rule implementing
section 126 of the CAA, 2021, we stated we
would track progress in meeting all statutory
872 Category One consists of hospitals that are
located in a rural area (as defined in section
1886(d)(2)(D) of the Act) or have been reclassified
being located in a rural area (pursuant to section
1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act). Category Two consists of
hospitals in which the reference resident level of
the hospital (as specified in section
1886(h)(10)(F)(iv) of the Act) is greater than the
otherwise applicable resident limit. Category Three
consists of hospitals located in States with new
medical schools that received ‘Candidate School’
status from the Liaison Committee on Medical
Education (LCME) or that received ‘PreAccreditation’ status from the American
Osteopathic Association (AOA) Commission on
Osteopathic College Accreditation (the COCA) on or
after January 1, 2000, and that have achieved or
continue to progress toward ‘Full Accreditation’
status (as such term is defined by the LCME) or
toward ‘Accreditation’ status (as such term is
defined by the COCA); or additional locations and
branch campuses established on or after January 1,
2000, by medical schools with ‘Full Accreditation’
status (as such term is defined by LCME) or
‘Accreditation’ status (as such term is defined by
the COCA). Category Four consists of hospitals that
serve areas designated as HPSAs under section
332(a)(1)(A) of the Public Health Service Act
(PHSA), as determined by the Secretary.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
requirements and evaluate the need to
modify the distribution methodology in
future rulemaking (86 FR 73441). To date, we
have the completed the distribution of
residency slots under rounds 1 and 2 of the
section 126 distributions and have
determined that only 12.76 DGME slots and
18.06 IME slots were distributed to hospitals
qualifying under Category Four. We are
proposing that in rounds 4 and 5 we will
prioritize the distribution of slots to hospitals
that qualify under Category Four, regardless
of HPSA score, to ensure that at least 100
residency slots are distributed to these
hospitals. The remaining slots awarded
under rounds 4 and 5 will be distributed
using the existing methodology based on
HPSA score (86 FR 73434 through 73440).
That is, the remaining slots will be
distributed to hospitals qualifying under
Category One, Category Two, or Category
Three, or hospitals that meet the definition
of more than one of these categories, based
on the HPSA score associated with the
program for which each hospital is applying.
We believe there is a minimal impact
associated with this proposed change in
methodology as the number of total slots
distributed will remain the same.
5. Effects of Proposed Changes to Additional
Payment for Hospitals With a High
Percentage of ESRD Beneficiary Discharges
As discussed in section V.I. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to update our payment
methodology for determining the ESRD addon payment for hospitals with a high
percentage of ESRD beneficiary discharges.
Under § 412.104(b), the ESRD add-on is
based on the average length of stay (in days)
for ESRD beneficiaries in the hospital,
expressed as a ratio to 1 week (7 days),
multiplied by the estimated weekly cost of
dialysis, then multiplied by the number of
ESRD beneficiary discharges (Worksheet E
Part A Column 1 line 41.01). We are
proposing that effective for cost reporting
periods beginning on or after October 1,
2024, the estimated weekly cost of dialysis
would be calculated as the ESRD PPS base
rate (as defined in 42 CFR 413.171)
multiplied by three. As discussed in section
V.I. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
under our proposal, the CY 2025 ESRD PPS
base rate would be used for all cost reports
beginning during Federal FY 2025 (that is, for
cost reporting periods starting on or after
October 1, 2024, through September 30,
Our impact analysis includes 91 hospitals
that were eligible for the ESRD add-on
payment based on the historical composite
rate in the FY 2017 cost report data, which
is a historical year that has a high percentage
of final settled cost report data regarding
ESRD add-on payments. To estimate the
impact of the proposed change to the
payment methodology, we compared total
ESRD add-on payments from the December
2023 update of the FY 2017 cost report data
to the estimated FY 2025 ESRD add-on
payments using, for illustrative purposes, the
CY 2024 ESRD PPS base rate published in the
CY 2024 ESRD PPS final rule (88 FR 76345),
which is $271.02. (As previously noted,
under our proposal, the CY 2025 ESRD PPS
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base rate would be used for all cost reports
beginning during Federal FY 2025 (that is, for
cost reporting periods starting on or after
October 1, 2024, through September 30,
2025).) The total ESRD add-on payments
based on the FY 2017 cost report data are
approximately $22 million. The total
estimated FY 2025 ESRD add-on payments
under this proposal, as estimated using the
CY 2024 ESRD PPS base rate, would be
approximately $31.4 million. Therefore, we
estimate the proposal would increase ESRD
add-on payments by approximately $10
6. Estimated Effects of the Proposed IPPS
Payment Adjustment for Establishing and
Maintaining Access to Essential Medicines
As discussed in section V.K.1. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we propose
IPPS payment adjustments for the additional
resource costs that small, independent
hospitals incur in establishing and
maintaining access to a 6-month buffer stock
of one or more essential medicine(s). We
propose that the payment adjustments would
commence for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2024.
We propose to make this payment
adjustment under the IPPS for the additional
resource costs of establishing and
maintaining access to a buffer stock of
essential medicines under section
1886(d)(5)(I) of the Act. We are not proposing
to make the IPPS payment adjustment budget
neutral under the IPPS.
The data currently available to calculate a
spending estimate for FY 2025 under the
IPPS is limited. However, we believe the
methodology described in this section to
calculate this spending estimate under the
IPPS for FY 2025 is reasonable based on the
information available.
To estimate total spending associated with
this proposed policy under the IPPS, we used
the following information for all eligible
hospitals with completed 12-month or greater
cost reporting periods concluding in CY 2021
(the most recent cost reporting period for
which data was available):
• Estimated spend per eligible hospital on
its applicable essential medicines, expressed
as a percentage of the total Drugs Charged to
Patients cost center, as found on Worksheet
B, Part 1, line 73, column 26 on Form CMS–
2552–2010. For purposes of this estimate, we
believe it is reasonable to assume that the
cost of a given hospital’s essential medicines
will be 1 percent of its total Drugs Charged
to Patients costs.
• Multiplicative factor of 50 percent to
estimate the total cost of the essential
medicines that are in the 6-month buffer
• Assumed cost of carrying essential
medicines, expressed as a percentage of the
total cost of the essential medicines that are
in the buffer stock. Based on commenter
feedback on the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC
proposed rule,873 we believe it is reasonable
to assume for purposes of this spending
estimate a cost of carrying essential
medicines of 20 percent of the cost of the
essential medicines themselves. This
PO 00000
Frm 00688
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
assumption of a 20 percent cost of carrying
would apply to any size of buffer stock of
essential medicine.
• The provider-specific inpatient Medicare
share percentage, expressed as the percentage
of inpatient Medicare costs to total hospital
To calculate the estimated aggregate IPPS
payments under this proposed policy, we
multiplied together the four factors listed for
each eligible hospital and summed across all
eligible hospitals. Based on the latest hospital
cost report data available, we identified 493
IPPS hospitals that would potentially be
eligible for this proposed payment. These 493
IPPS hospitals are those providers that: (1)
had 100 or fewer beds as defined in
§ 412.105(b); and (2) answered ‘‘N’’ to line
140, column 1 and did not fill out any part
of lines 141 through 143 on Worksheet S2
Part I on Form CMS–2552–10. We estimate
that the aggregate FY 2025 IPPS payments
under this proposed policy, given the
assumptions detailed previously, would be
approximately $0.3 million, and the average
IPPS payment per eligible hospital would be
approximately $620. As noted previously and
as stated in section V.K.2 of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are not proposing to
make this policy budget neutral under the
We also estimated the total costs for
eligible hospitals to establish and maintain
buffer stocks of essential medicines in order
to inform the public what portion of the total
costs would be separately paid under the
proposed policy. To calculate this, we
multiplied together the first three factors
listed previously for each eligible hospital,
but not the fourth factor (i.e. we did not
multiply by the provider specific inpatient
Medicare share percentage) and summed
across all eligible hospitals. We estimate that
the total costs for eligible hospitals to
establish and maintain buffer stocks of
essential medicines would be approximately
$2.8 million, and the average cost per eligible
hospital would be approximately $5,610. The
IPPS payments under this proposed policy
represent approximately 11 percent of that
amount, or $0.3 million.
As discussed earlier, our estimate was
calculated at the hospital level and then
summed. However, for illustrative purposes
the calculation can be described alternatively
as starting with the aggregated total Drugs
Charged to Patients across all 493 eligible
hospitals of approximately $2.8 billion,
assuming the annual cost of essential
medicines to be 1 percent of that amount or
$28 million (= $2.8 billion * .01), calculating
the cost of 6 months of essential medicines
as half that amount or $14 million (= $28
million * .50), assuming that the cost of
carrying essential medicines is 20 percent of
that amount or $2.8 million (= $14 million
* .20), and then calculating the Medicare
inpatient share of that amount at 11 percent
or $0.3 million (= $2.8 million * .11).
We seek comment on these assumptions
and estimates.
7. Effects Under the Hospital Readmissions
Reduction Program for FY 2025
In section V.K. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we note that we are not
proposing to add, modify, or remove any
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
policies for the FY 2025 Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program; the
policies finalized in FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 49081 through 49094)
continue to apply. This program requires a
reduction to a hospital’s base operating DRG
payment to account for excess readmissions
of selected applicable conditions and
procedures. Table I.G.7.-01 and the analysis
in this proposed rule illustrate the estimated
financial impact of the Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program payment
adjustment methodology by hospital
characteristic. Hospitals are sorted into
quintiles based on the proportion of dualeligible stays among Medicare fee-for-service
(FFS) and managed care stays between July
1, 2019 and June 30, 2022 (that is, the FY
2024 Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program’s applicable period, which is the
most recently available data at the time of
publication of this proposed rule).874
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
874 Although the FY 2024 performance period is
July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2022, we note that
first and second quarter data from CY 2020 is
excluded from program calculations due to the
nationwide ECE that was granted in response to the
COVID–19 PHE. Taking into consideration the 30day window to identify readmissions, the period for
calculating DRG payments will be adjusted to July
1, 2019 through December 1, 2019 and July 1, 2020
through June 30, 2022.
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Hospitals’ excess readmission ratios (ERRs)
are assessed relative to their peer group
median and a neutrality modifier is applied
in the payment adjustment factor calculation
to maintain budget neutrality. In the FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we will provide
an updated estimate of the financial impact
using the proportion of dually-eligible
beneficiaries, ERRs, and aggregate payments
for each condition/procedure and all
discharges for applicable hospitals from the
FY 2025 Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program applicable period (that is, July 1,
2020 through June 30, 2023).
The results in Table I.G.7.–01 include
2,855 non-Maryland hospitals estimated as
eligible to receive a penalty during the
performance period. Hospitals are eligible to
receive a penalty if they have 25 or more
eligible discharges for at least one measure
between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2023. The
second column in Table I.G.7.–01 indicates
the total number of non-Maryland hospitals
with available data for each characteristic
that have an estimated payment adjustment
factor less than 1 (that is, penalized
The third column in Table I.G.8.–01
indicates the estimated percentage of
penalized hospitals among those eligible to
receive a penalty by hospital characteristic.
For example, 78.53 percent of eligible
PO 00000
Frm 00689
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
hospitals characterized as non-teaching
hospitals are expected to be penalized.
Among teaching hospitals, 87.63 percent of
eligible hospitals with fewer than 100
residents and 90.29 percent of eligible
hospitals with 100 or more residents are
expected to be penalized. The fourth column
in Table I.G.7.–01 estimates the financial
impact on hospitals by hospital
characteristic. Table I.G.7.–01 also shows the
share of penalties as a percentage of all base
operating DRG payments for hospitals with
each characteristic. This is calculated as the
sum of penalties for all hospitals with that
characteristic over the sum of all base
operating DRG payments for those hospitals
between October 1, 2021, through September
30, 2022 (FY 2022). For example, the penalty
as a share of payments for non-teaching
hospitals is 0.49 percent. This means that
total penalties for all non-teaching hospitals
are 0.49 percent of total payments for nonteaching hospitals. Measuring the financial
impact on hospitals as a percentage of total
base operating DRG payments accounts for
differences in the amount of base operating
DRG payments for hospitals with the
characteristic when comparing the financial
impact of the program on different groups of
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Table T.G.7.-01 Estimated Percentage of Hospitals Penalized and Penalty as Share of
Payments for FY 2025 Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program by Hospital
Number of
!Percentage of
!Penalty as a share
Number of
K>f paymentstdJ (%)
IPenalizedl•l (%)
~II Hospitals
By Geographic LocationleJ (n= 2,852)
!Urban hospitals
1-99 beds
100-199 beds
200-299 beds
300-399 beds
400-499 beds
500 or more beds 252
Rural hospitals
1-49 beds
50-99 beds
100-149 beds
150-199 beds
200 or more beds 33
IBy Teaching Statuslfl (n= 2,852)
Fewer than 100
100 or more
By Ownership Type(n= 2,852)
1 790
IBy Safety-Net StatuslgJ (n= 2,852)
65 and over
IBy Medicare Cost Report (MCR) Percentagelil (n= 2,849)
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Safety-net hospitals 557
By Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Patient Percentagelhl (n= 2,852)
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
1 551
Source: The table results are based on the data used to calculate the FY 2024 payment adjustment factors of open,
non-Maryland, subsection (d) hospitals only. The FY 2024 payment adjustment factors are based on discharges
from July 1, 2019, through December 1, 2019, and July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2022. The shortened data period is
due to the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) nationwide Extraordinary Circumstances Exception (ECE)
which excluded data from January 1, 2020, through June 30, 2020, from the Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program calculations. Although data from all subsection (d) and Maryland hospitals are used in calculations of each
hospital's ERR, this table does not include results for Mary land hospitals and hospitals that are not open as of the
October 2023 public reporting open hospital list because these hospitals are not eligible for a penalty under the
program. Hospitals are sorted into five peer groups based on the proportion of FFS and managed care dual-eligible
stays for the multi-year performance period. Hospital characteristics are from the FY 2024 IPPS Proposed Rule
Impact File.
For the FY 2024 applicable period, CMS will only be assessing data from July 1, 2019, through December 1, 2019,
and July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2022, due to the COVID-19 PHE nationwide ECE which excluded data from
January 1, 2020, through June 30, 2020, from the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program calculations.
• This column is the number of applicable hospitals within the characteristic that are eligible for a penalty (that is,
they have 25 or more eligible discharges for at least one measure).
b This column is the number of applicable hospitals that are penalized (that is, they have 25 or more eligible
discharges for at least one measure and an estimated payment adjustment factor less than 1) within the characteristic.
0 This column is the percentage of applicable hospitals that are penalized among hospitals that are eligible to receive
a penalty by characteristic.
d This column is calculated as the sum of all penalties for the group of hospitals with that characteristic divided by
total base operating DRG payments for all those hospitals. Measuring the financial impact on hospitals as a
percentage of total base operating DRG payments in this way allows for comparisons across hospital characteristics
that accounts for differences in the amount of base operating DRG payments for different groups of hospitals.
MedPAR data from October 1, 2021, through September 30, 2022 (FY 2022), are used to estimate the total base
operating DRG payments.
0 The total number of hospitals with hospital characteristics data may not add up to the total number of hospitals
because not all hospitals have data for all characteristics. Not all hospitals had data for geographic location,
teaching status, ownership type, safety net status, and DSH patient percentage (n=2,852; missing=3), region
(n=2,854; missing=!), and MCR percentage (n=2,849; missing=6).
r A hospital is considered a teaching hospital if it has an Indirect Medical Education adjustment factor for Operation
PPS (TCHOP) greater than zero.
g A hospital is considered a safety-net hospital if it is in the top DSH quintile.
h DSH patient percentage is the sum of the percentage of Medicare inpatient days attributable to patients eligible for
both Medicare Part A and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), and the percentage of total inpatient days
attributable to patients eligible for Medicaid but not Medicare Part A.
i MCR (Medicare Cost Report) percentage is the percentage of total inpatient stays from Medicare patients.
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
1 884
65 and over
By Region (n= 2,854)
New England
Middle Atlantic
East North Central f454
West North Central ~31
South Atlantic
East South Central ~50
West South Central f440
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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Urban Hospitals
0-99 beds
100-199 beds
200-299 beds
300-499 beds
500 or more beds
Rural Hospitals
0-49 beds
50-99 beds
100-149 beds
150-199 beds
200 or more beds
Urban By Re2ion
New England
Middle Atlantic
South Atlantic
East North Central
East South Central
West North Central
West South Central
Rural By Re2ion
New England
Middle Atlantic
South Atlantic
East North Central
East South Central
West North Central
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Average Net Percentage
Number of
Payment Ad.iustment
All Hospitals
Urban Area
Rural Area
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
West South Central
Over 65
Over 65
The actual FY 2025 program year’s TPSs
would not be reviewed and corrected by
hospitals until after the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule has been published. Therefore,
the same historical universe of eligible
hospitals and corresponding TPSs from the
FY 2024 program year would be used for the
updated impact analysis in the final rule, if
the proposals, as previously described, for FY
2025 are not finalized.
7. Effects of Requirements Under the HAC
Reduction Program for FY 2025
We are presenting the estimated impact of
the FY 2025 Hospital-Acquired Condition
(HAC) Reduction Program on hospitals by
hospital characteristic based on previously
adopted policies for the program. We are not
proposing to add or remove any measures
from the HAC Reduction Program in this
proposed rule, nor are we proposing any
changes to reporting or submission
requirements which would have any
significant economic impact for the FY 2025
program year or future years. The table in
this section presents the estimated
proportion of hospitals in the worstperforming quartile of Total HAC Scores by
hospital characteristic. Hospitals’ CMS
Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite
(CMS PSI 90) measure results are based on
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) discharges
from January 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022
and version 13.0 of the PSI software.
Hospitals’ measure results for Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Central Line-Associated Bloodstream
Infection (CLABSI), Catheter-Associated
Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI), Colon and
Abdominal Hysterectomy Surgical Site
Infection (SSI), Methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteremia,
and Clostridium difficile Infection (CDI) are
derived from standardized infection ratios
(SIRs) calculated with hospital surveillance
data reported to the CDC’s National
Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) for
infections occurring between January 1, 2022
and December 31, 2022. Hospital
characteristics are based on the FY 2024 IPPS
Final Rule Impact File.
This table includes 2,945 non-Maryland
hospitals with an estimated FY 2025 Total
HAC Score based on the most recently
available data at the time of publication of
this proposed rule. Maryland hospitals and
hospitals without a Total HAC Score are
excluded from the table. Actual results for FY
2025 will be determined in the fall of 2024
after a 30-day review and corrections period
for hospitals to review their program results.
PO 00000
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The first column presents a breakdown of
each characteristic and the second column
indicates the number of hospitals for the
respective characteristic.
The third column in the table indicates the
estimated number of hospitals for each
characteristic that would be in the worstperforming quartile of Total HAC Scores. For
example, with regard to teaching status, 448
hospitals out of 1,719 hospitals characterized
as non-teaching hospitals would be subject to
a payment reduction. Among teaching
hospitals, 193 out of 933 hospitals with fewer
than 100 residents and 84 out of 279
hospitals with 100 or more residents would
be subject to a payment reduction.
The fourth column in the table indicates
the estimated proportion of hospitals for each
characteristic that would be in the worst
performing quartile of Total HAC Scores and
thus receive a payment reduction under the
FY 2025 HAC Reduction Program. For
example, 26.1 percent of the 1,719 hospitals
characterized as non-teaching hospitals, 20.7
percent of the 933 teaching hospitals with
fewer than 100 residents, and 30.1 percent of
the 279 teaching hospitals with 100 or more
residents would be subject to a payment
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Source: FY 2025 HAC Reduction Program estimated proposed rule results are based on CMS PSI 90 data from January 1, 2021, through June 30,
2022, and CDC NHSN HAI results from January 1, 2022, through December 31, 2022. Hospital Characteristics are based on the FY 2024 IPPS
Final Rule Impact File
• This column is the numher of non-Maryland hospitals with a Total TIAC Score within the corresponding characteristic that are estimated to he in
the worst-performing quartile.
h This column is the percent of non-Maryland hospitals within each characteristic that are estimated to be in the worst-performing quartile. The
percentages are calculated by dividing the number of non-'daryland hospitals with a Total HAC Score in the worst-performing quartile by the
total number of non-Maryland hospitals with a Total HAC Score within that characteristic.
'The number of non-Maryland hospitals with a Total HAC Score (N - 2,945). Note that not all hospitals have data for all hospital characteristics.
• The number of hospitals that had information for geographic location with bed size, Safety-net status, DSH percent, and teaching status. (n ~
'A hospital is considered a Safety-net hospital if it is in the top quintile for DSH percent.
'Tue DSH patient percentage is equal to the sum of: (1) the percentage of'dedicare inpatient days attributable to patients eligible for both
'dedicare Part A and Supplemental Security Income; and (2) the percentage of total inpatient days attributable to patients eligible for Medicaid
but not Medicare Part A.
• A hospital is considered a teaching hospital if it has an I'dE adjustment factor for Operation PPS (TCHOP) greater than zero.
h Not all hospitals had data for Ownership (n ~ 2,930)
;'-fot all hospitals had data for MCR percent (n ~ 2,924).
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Estimated Proportion of Hospitals in the Worst-Performing Quartile (>75th percentile) of the Total HAC Scores for
the FY 2025 HAC Reduction Program (bv Hospital Characteristic)
Number of Hospitals in the
Number of
Percent of Hospitals in the WorstHospital Characteristic
Performine Ouartileb
All Hospitals 0
Bv Geoeraphic Location (n = 2,931)d
Urban hospitals
1-99 beds
100-199 beds
200-299 beds
300-399 beds
400-499 beds
500 or more beds
Rural hospitals
1-49 beds
50-99 beds
100-149 beds
150-199 beds
200 or more beds
Bv Teachin11: Statusg (n =2.931 d
1 719
Fewer than 100 residents
100 or more residents
Bv Ownershiph (n = 2,930)
1 829
Bv Safetv-Net Status• (n = 2 931 Y1
Non-safely nel
Bv Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSID Patient Percentagef (n = 2,931)d
65 and over
Bv Medicare Cost Report IMCR) Percentagei (n = 2,924)
1 892
65 and over
Bv Region (n= 2,945)
New En!!:land
Middle Atlantic
East North Central
West North Central
South Atlantic
East South Central
West South Central
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
10. Effects of the Implementation of the Rural
Community Hospital Demonstration Program
in FY 2025
In section V.N.2 of the preamble of this
proposed rule for FY 2025, we discussed our
budget neutrality methodology for section
410A of Public Law 108–173, as amended by
sections 3123 and 10313 of Public Law 111–
148, by section 15003 of Public Law 114–255,
and most recently, by section 128 of Public
Law 116–260, which requires the Secretary to
conduct a demonstration that would modify
payments for inpatient services for up to 30
rural hospitals.
Section 128 of Public Law 116–260
requires the Secretary to conduct the Rural
Community Hospital Demonstration for a 15year extension period (that is, for an
additional 5 years beyond the previous
extension period). In addition, the statute
provides for continued participation for all
hospitals participating in the demonstration
program as of December 30, 2019.
Section 410A(c)(2) of Public Law 108–173
requires that in conducting the
demonstration program under this section,
the Secretary shall ensure that the aggregate
payments made by the Secretary do not
exceed the amount which the Secretary
would have paid if the demonstration
program under this section was not
implemented (budget neutrality). We propose
to adopt the general methodology used in
previous years, whereby we estimated the
additional payments made by the program for
each of the participating hospitals as a result
of the demonstration, and then adjusted the
national IPPS rates by an amount sufficient
to account for the added costs of this
demonstration. In other words, we have
applied budget neutrality across the payment
system as a whole rather than across the
participants of this demonstration. The
language of the statutory budget neutrality
requirement permits the agency to implement
the budget neutrality provision in this
manner. The statutory language requires that
aggregate payments made by the Secretary do
not exceed the amount which the Secretary
would have paid if the demonstration was
not implemented but does not identify the
range across which aggregate payments must
be held equal.
For this proposed rule, the resulting
amount applicable to FY 2025 is $49,522,206,
which we are proposing as the budget
neutrality offset adjustment for FY 2025. This
estimated amount is based on the specific
assumptions regarding the data sources used,
that is, recently available ‘‘as submitted’’ cost
reports and historical and currently finalized
update factors for cost and payment.
In previous years, we have incorporated a
second component into the budget neutrality
offset amounts identified in the IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rules. As finalized cost reports
became available, we determined the amount
by which the actual costs of the
demonstration for an earlier, given year
differed from the estimated costs for the
demonstration set forth in the IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule for the corresponding fiscal
year, and we incorporated that amount into
the budget neutrality offset amount for the
upcoming fiscal year. We have calculated
this difference for FYs 2005 through 2018
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between the actual costs of the demonstration
as determined from finalized cost reports
once available, and estimated costs of the
demonstration as identified in the applicable
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rules for these years.
With the extension of the demonstration
for another 5-year period, as authorized by
section 128 of Public Law 116–260, we will
continue this general procedure. At this time,
for the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule, not all of the finalized cost reports are
available for the 26 hospitals that completed
cost report periods beginning in FY 2019
under the demonstration payment
methodology. If all of these cost reports are
available, we will include in the budget
neutrality offset amount in the FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule the amount by which
the actual costs of the demonstration, as
determined from these cost reports, differed
from the estimated costs identified in the FY
2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
11. Effects of Continued Implementation of
the Frontier Community Health Integration
Project (FCHIP) Demonstration
As described in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (88 FR 59119 through 59122),
CMS waived certain Medicare rules for CAHs
participating in the demonstration extension
period to allow for alternative reasonable
cost-based payment methods in the three
distinct intervention service areas: telehealth
services, ambulance services, and skilled
nursing facility/nursing facility services.
These waivers were implemented with the
goal of increasing access to care with no net
increase in costs. As we explained in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59119
through 59122), section 129 of Public Law
116–159, stipulates that only the 10 CAHs
that participated in the initial period of the
FCHIP Demonstration are eligible to
participate during the extension period.
Among the eligible CAHs, five elected to
participate in the extension period. The
selected CAHs are located in two states—
Montana and North Dakota—and are
implementing the three intervention services.
As explained in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, we based our selection of
CAHs for participation in the demonstration
with the goal of maintaining the budget
neutrality of the demonstration on its own
terms meaning that the demonstration would
produce savings from reduced transfers and
admissions to other health care providers,
offsetting any increase in Medicare payments
as a result of the demonstration. However,
because of the small size of the
demonstration and uncertainty associated
with the projected Medicare utilization and
costs, the policy we finalized for the
demonstration extension period of
performance in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule provides a contingency plan to
ensure that the budget neutrality requirement
in section 123 of Public Law 110–275 is met.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
we adopted the same budget neutrality policy
contingency plan used during the
demonstration initial period to ensure that
the budget neutrality requirement in section
123 of Public Law 110 275 is met during the
demonstration extension period. If analysis
of claims data for Medicare beneficiaries
receiving services at each of the participating
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CAHs, as well as from other data sources,
including cost reports for the participating
CAHs, shows that increases in Medicare
payments under the demonstration during
the 5-year extension period is not sufficiently
offset by reductions elsewhere, we will
recoup the additional expenditures
attributable to the demonstration through a
reduction in payments to all CAHs
As explained in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (88 FR 59119 through 59122),
because of the small scale of the
demonstration, we indicated that we did not
believe it would be feasible to implement
budget neutrality for the demonstration
extension period by reducing payments to
only the participating CAHs. Therefore, in
the event that this demonstration extension
period is found to result in aggregate
payments in excess of the amount that would
have been paid if this demonstration
extension period were not implemented,
CMS policy is to comply with the budget
neutrality requirement finalized in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, by reducing
payments to all CAHs, not just those
participating in the demonstration extension
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
we stated that we believe it is appropriate to
make any payment reductions across all
CAHs because the FCHIP Demonstration was
specifically designed to test innovations that
affect delivery of services by the CAH
provider category. As we explained in the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we believe
that the language of the statutory budget
neutrality requirement at section 123(g)(1)(B)
of Public Law 110–275 permits the agency to
implement the budget neutrality provision in
this manner. The statutory language merely
refers to ensuring that aggregate payments
made by the Secretary do not exceed the
amount which the Secretary estimates would
have been paid if the demonstration project
was not implemented and does not identify
the range across which aggregate payments
must be held equal.
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(86 FR 45323 through 45328), CMS
concluded that the initial period of the
FCHIP Demonstration had satisfied the
budget neutrality requirement described in
section 123(g)(1)(B) of Public Law 110–275.
Therefore, CMS did not apply a budget
neutrality payment offset policy for the
initial period of the demonstration. As
explained in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule, we finalized a policy to address
the demonstration budget neutrality
methodology and analytical approach for the
initial period of the demonstration. In the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized
a policy to adopt the same budget neutrality
methodology and analytical approach used
during the demonstration initial period to be
used for the demonstration extension period.
As stated in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (88 FR 59119 through 59122), our
policy for implementing the 5-year extension
period for section 129 of Public Law 116–260
follows same budget neutrality methodology
and analytical approach as the demonstration
initial period methodology. While we expect
to use the same methodology that was used
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
to assess the budget neutrality of the FCHIP
Demonstration during initial period of the
demonstration to assess the financial impact
of the demonstration during this extension
period, upon receiving data for the extension
period, we may update and/or modify the
FCHIP budget neutrality methodology and
analytical approach to ensure that the full
impact of the demonstration is appropriately
captured. Therefore, we are not proposing to
apply a budget neutrality payment offset to
payments to CAHs in FY 2025. This policy
will have no impact for any national payment
system for FY 2025.
12. Effects of Proposed Implementation of the
Transforming Episode Accountability Model
In section X.A. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to test a new
mandatory episode-based payment model
titled the Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM) under the
authority of the CMS Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Innovation (CMS Innovation
Center). Section 1115A of the Act authorizes
the CMS Innovation Center to test innovative
payment and service delivery models that
preserve or enhance the quality of care
furnished to Medicare, Medicaid, and
Children’s Health Insurance Program
beneficiaries while reducing program
expenditures. The intent of TEAM is to
improve beneficiary care through financial
accountability for episode categories that
begin with one of the following procedures:
coronary artery bypass graft, lower extremity
joint replacement, major bowel procedure,
surgical hip/femur fracture treatment, and
spinal fusion. TEAM would test whether
financial accountability for these episode
categories reduces Medicare expenditures
while preserving or enhancing the quality of
care for Medicare beneficiaries. We anticipate
that TEAM would benefit Medicare
beneficiaries through improving the
coordination of items and services paid for
through Medicare fee-for-service (FFS)
payments, encouraging provider investment
in health care infrastructure and redesigned
care processes, and incentivizing higher
value care across the inpatient and post-acute
care settings for the episode.
As proposed, TEAM would be mandatory
for acute care hospitals located within
selected CBSAs. This episode-based payment
model would begin on January 1, 2026, and
end on December 31, 2030. Payment
approaches that hold providers accountable
for episode cost and performance can
potentially create incentives for the
implementation and coordination of care
redesign between participants and other
providers and suppliers such as physicians
and post-acute care providers. TEAM could
enable hospitals to consider the most
appropriate strategies for care redesign,
including (1) increasing post-hospitalization
follow-up and medical management for
patients; (2) coordinating care across the
inpatient and post-acute care spectrum; (3)
conducting appropriate discharge planning;
(4) improving adherence to treatment or drug
regimens; (5) reducing readmissions and
complications during the post-discharge
period; (6) managing chronic diseases and
conditions that may be related to the
proposed episodes; (7) choosing the most
appropriate post-acute care setting; and (8)
coordinating between providers and
suppliers such as hospitals, physicians, and
post-acute care providers.
Under this proposed model, TEAM
participants would continue to bill Medicare
under the traditional FFS system for items
and services furnished to Medicare FFS
beneficiaries. The TEAM participant may
receive a reconciliation payment from CMS
if Medicare FFS expenditures for a
performance year are less than the
reconciliation target price, subject to a
quality adjustment. TEAM would not have
downside risk for Track 1 and TEAM
participants would only be accountable for
performance year spending below their
reconciliation target price, subject to a
quality adjustment, that would result in a
reconciliation payment amount. For Track 2
and Track 3, TEAM would be a two-sided
risk model that requires TEAM participants
to be accountable for performance year
spending above or below their reconciliation
target price, subject to a quality adjustment,
that would result in a reconciliation payment
amount or a repayment amount.
a. Effects on the Medicare Program
TEAM is a mandatory episode-based
payment model which would have a direct
effect on the Medicare program because
TEAM participants would be incentivized to
reduce Medicare spending. Additionally,
TEAM participants could receive a
reconciliation payment amount from CMS or
have to pay CMS a repayment amount based
on their spending and quality performance.
Table I.G.12–01 shows the projected financial
impacts of TEAM over the course of the fiveyear model test. The first performance year
(2026) of TEAM is expected to cost the
Medicare program $27 million because we
assume most TEAM participants would elect
participation in Track 1, which is not subject
to downside risk. Therefore, the estimated
$85 million represents the difference
between reconciliation payment amounts and
repayment amounts resulting in more TEAM
participants earning reconciliation payment
amounts in performance year 1 rather than
paying CMS repayment amounts. In
performance year 2 (2027), TEAM
participants would be subject to both upside
and downside risk, regardless of
participation track, and we estimate TEAM
participants on net (that is, repayment
amounts less reconciliation payments) would
pay $98 million to CMS, and that TEAM
would save the Medicare program $157
million. To protect TEAM participants from
significant financial risk, we have proposed
a 10 percent stop-loss and stop-gain limit for
TEAM participants in Track 2 and a 20
percent stop-loss and stop-gain limit for
TEAM participants in Track 3. These limits
would cap the total amount of repayments
paid by TEAM participants to CMS or cap the
total amount of reconciliation payment
amounts paid by CMS to TEAM participants.
In performance year 3 (2028), we estimate
TEAM participants on net would pay $133
million to CMS, and that TEAM would save
the Medicare program $194 million. We
estimate that TEAM participants on net
would pay CMS $136 million in performance
year 4 and $121 million in performance year
5, and that TEAM would save the Medicare
program $197 million and $184 million for
these performance years, respectively. We
estimate that on net, TEAM participants
would pay CMS $403 million, and that
TEAM would save the Medicare program
approximately $705 million over the 5
performance years (2026 through 2030).
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
(1) Assumptions
We assumed TEAM episode volume is
estimated to grow at the same rate as
projected Medicare FFS enrollment as
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indicated in the 2023 Medicare Trustees
Report.875 Further, an internal sample set of
hospitals was used to estimate financial
impacts and simulate TEAM participation.
The amount of national episode spending
PO 00000
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TEAM episode spending
(+) Reconciliation payment amounts
(positive) and Repayment amounts
- Baseline episode spending
lmoact as % of Baseline
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
captured by the sample set of hospitals was
29 percent in 2023.
We note that TEAM participants are
estimated to reduce episode spending by 1
percent as a result of participating in TEAM.
The fifth annual evaluation report of the
Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement
(CJR) model indicated that CJR resulted in
roughly a 4 percent reduction in lower
extremity joint replacement (LEJR) spending
(not including reconciliation payments) for
participants over the course of the model.876
Since participation in CJR is mandatory in 34
metropolitan statistical areas, and LEJR
episodes make up a significant portion of the
episodes included in TEAM, the CJR
evaluation results appear to be a reasonable
proxy for what to expect in TEAM. However,
the episode length in CJR is 90 days, whereas
in TEAM the proposed length is 30 days.
Internal analysis indicated that the 30-day
episode is approximately 75 percent as costly
as a 90-day episode for LEJR procedures. In
addition, post-acute care spending has been
declining in recent years for episodes that we
are proposing to include in TEAM, which
could limit the potential for TEAM
participants to achieve significant
improvements in efficiency. Thus, we believe
that the intervention effect of TEAM on
episode spending will be a reduction of 0 to
3 percent (see Table I.G.12–02 for a
sensitivity analysis for how the financial
impact is affected by changes in this
We also note that starting from actual
episode spending that occurred in the first
half 2023, average baseline spending per
episode is estimated to increase by 1.5
percent every year. The national average per
episode spending growth for all TEAM
episode types in years 2018, 2019, 2022, and
2023 was approximately 1.3 percent. Annual
growth rates for each episode type were
weighted by spending, and historical
experience during 2020 and 2021 were
excluded due to possible impacts from the
peak of the COVID–19 pandemic. Since some
of the historical experience in these years
includes Medicare policy changes for LEJR
episodes that resulted in surgeries occurring
in more efficient care settings, translating to
spending decreases that may not be
duplicated in future years, the assumed
annual trend is slightly greater than the
observed average trend from the historical
Additionally, our estimates do not include
the impact of TEAM beneficiary overlap with
total cost of care models, such as when a
TEAM beneficiary is also assigned to a
Medicare Shared Savings Program ACO.
However, given the precision in the Shared
Savings Program projections, we do not
anticipate a practical difference in the ACO’s
shared savings estimates. Nor do we
anticipate TEAM beneficiary overlap with
total cost of care models having a meaningful
effect to TEAM’s projected financial impacts,
described in Table I.G.12–01.
Because the financial impact is based on
projections of spending, the estimates
implicitly assume that there will be no
significant difference between the projected
episode spending used to calculate the
prospective target prices and actual episode
spending. This assumption has a large degree
of uncertainty, and the actual TEAM
financial impacts will be highly sensitive to
this difference. The direction, magnitude and
timing of projection inaccuracies would all
affect the overall financial impact estimate.
(2) Sensitivity Analysis
We also performed a sensitivity analysis to
assess various intervention effects on TEAM.
Overall financial impacts are sensitive to the
intervention effect TEAM would have on
TEAM participants’ episode spending. Table
I.G.12–02 includes financial impacts at
various intervention effect assumptions (note
that negative values indicate savings):
The sensitivity is due to the lack of the
requirement that participants participate in
downside risk during performance year 1 and
the effect that reductions in episode spending
during performance years would have on
target prices for future performance years.
b. Effects on the Medicare Beneficiaries
We believe that episode-based payment
models may have the potential to benefit
beneficiaries because the intent of the models
is to test whether providers are able to
improve the coordination and transition of
care, invest in infrastructure and redesigned
care processes for high quality and efficient
service delivery and incentivize higher value
care across the inpatient and post-acute care
spectrum. We believe that episode-based
payment models have a patient-centered
focus such that they incentivize improved
healthcare delivery and communication
based on the needs of the beneficiary, thus
potentially benefitting beneficiaries. The
proposed model would not affect beneficiary
cost sharing for items and services that
beneficiaries receive from TEAM participants
or premiums paid by beneficiaries. If there is
a shift in the utilization of items and services
within each episode, then beneficiary cost
sharing could be higher or lower than would
otherwise be experienced.
We are proposing to include a patient
reported outcome measure, specific to LEJR
episode categories, in the TEAM quality
measures that would be tied to payment with
the belief that doing so would encourage
TEAM participants to focus on and deliver
improved quality of care for Medicare
beneficiaries. Additionally, TEAM
participants must perform well on quality
measure performance to achieve their
maximum reconciliation payment. The
accountability of TEAM participants for both
quality and the cost of care that is furnished
to TEAM beneficiaries within an episode
provides TEAM participants with new
incentives to improve the health and wellbeing of the Medicare beneficiaries they treat.
Additionally, the proposed model does not
affect the beneficiary’s freedom of choice to
obtain health services from any individual or
organization qualified to participate in the
Medicare program as guaranteed under
section 1802 of the Act. Eligible beneficiaries
who receive one of the five proposed surgical
episode categories from a TEAM participant
would not have the option to opt their
episodes out of the model. TEAM
participants may not prevent or restrict
beneficiaries to any list of preferred or
recommended providers.
Many controls exist under Medicare to
ensure beneficiary access and quality, and we
have proposed to use our existing authority,
if necessary, to audit TEAM participants if
claims analysis indicates an inappropriate
change in delivered services. Given that
TEAM participants would receive a
reconciliation payment, subject to a quality
adjustment, when they are able to reduce
spending below the reconciliation target
price, they could have an incentive to avoid
complex, high-cost cases by referring them to
nearby facilities or specialty referral centers.
We intend to monitor the claims data from
TEAM participants—for example, to compare
a hospital’s case mix relative to a pre-model
historical baseline to determine whether
complex patients are being systematically
excluded. Furthermore, we also proposed to
require TEAM participants to supply
beneficiaries with written information
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
regarding the hospital’s participation in
TEAM as well as their rights under Medicare,
including their right to use their provider of
We have proposed to implement
safeguards to ensure that Medicare
beneficiaries do not experience a delay in
services. Specifically, to avoid perverse
incentives to withhold or delay medically
necessary care until after an episode ends, we
propose that TEAM participants remain
responsible for episode spending in the 30day period following completion of each
episode for all services covered under
Medicare Parts A and B, regardless of
whether the services are included in the
proposed episode definition.
Importantly, approaches to savings will
include taking steps that facilitate patient
recovery, shorten recovery duration, and
minimize post-operative problems that might
lead to readmissions. Thus, the model itself
rewards better patient care.
Lastly, we note that the proposed TEAM
Model would not change Medicare FFS
payments, beneficiary copayments,
deductibles, or coinsurance. Beneficiaries
may benefit if TEAM participants are able to
systematically improve the quality of care
while reducing costs. We welcome public
comments on our estimates of the impact of
our proposals on Medicare beneficiaries.
c. Aggregate Effects on the Market
There may be spillover effects in the nonMedicare market, or even in the Medicare
market in other areas as a result of this
model, if finalized. Testing changes in
Medicare payment policy may have
implications for non-Medicare payers. As an
example, non-Medicare patients may benefit
if participating hospitals introduce systemwide changes that improve the coordination
and quality of health care. Other payers may
also be developing payment models and may
align their payment structures with CMS or
may be waiting to utilize results from CMS’
evaluations of payment models. Because it is
unclear whether and how this evidence
applies to a test of these new payment
models, our analyses assume that spillover
effects on non-Medicare payers will not
occur, although this assumption is subject to
considerable uncertainty. We welcome
comments on this assumption and evidence
on how this rulemaking, if finalized, would
impact non-Medicare payers and patients.
13. Effects of Proposed Changes the Provider
Reimbursement Review Board (PRRB)
In section X.B of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing changes to
42 CFR 405.1845 to permit individuals to
serve one or two additional consecutive
terms as PRRB Members, relative to the
current regulations, which allow two
consecutive 3-year terms (6 consecutive
years). Based on historical experience, PRRB
Members generally serve 6 consecutive years
as permitted by the current regulations;
under the proposed rule, a PRRB Member
would be eligible to serve for 9 years, or 12
years if they are designated as Chairperson in
their second or third consecutive term. We
anticipate achieving productivity gains and
greater efficiencies from retaining
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experienced Board Members over a longer
period, particularly since Board Members
spend a portion of their initial term
acclimating to the adjudicatory
responsibilities and deepening their expertise
in the wide scope of specialized matters that
come before the Board. Accordingly, under
this proposal, we anticipate that a Board
Member could address increasingly complex
and technical issues and a higher volume of
cases as they gain additional seniority.
Furthermore, providing an individual the
opportunity to experience the day-to-day
responsibilities of the PRRB before leading
the Board as Chairperson could benefit the
entire five-person Board. Finally, the
possibility of having a 9-to-12-year tenure on
the PRRB might make the position more
attractive to prospective applicants, thereby
increasing the size of the candidate pool. We
believe for example that otherwise qualified
individuals might refrain from applying,
knowing that the position is limited to no
more than 6 years. Therefore, these proposed
changes will result in a no cost impact
relative to the requirements of Executive
Orders 12866, 13563, and 14094. There may
be negligible government savings attributable
to reducing human resource-related costs
such as recruitment and hiring activity.
14. Effects of the Proposed Removal of the
Puerto Rico Exclusion From Payment Error
Rate Measurement (PERM) Review
In section X.E. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss in detail the
changes to the administration of the existing
PERM program. The Further Consolidated
Appropriations Act of 2020 (Pub. L. 116–94)
required Puerto Rico to publish a plan,
developed in coordination with CMS, and
approved by the CMS Administrator, not
later than 18 months after the FCAA’s
enactment, for how Puerto Rico would
develop measures to comply with the PERM
requirements of 42 CFR part 431, subpart Q.
Currently, Puerto Rico is excluded from
PERM via regulation at 42 CFR 431.954(b)(3).
Puerto Rico would be incorporated into the
PERM program starting in reporting year
2027 (Cycle 3), which covers the payment
period between July 1, 2025 through June 30,
Including Puerto Rico in the PERM
program would increase visibility into its
Medicaid and CHIP operations and should
improve program integrity efforts that protect
taxpayer dollars from improper payments. A
state 877 in the PERM program will be
reviewed only once every 3 years and it is
not likely that a provider would be selected
more than once per program cycle to provide
supporting documentation, minimizing the
annual burden on both the state and its
providers. Therefore, we estimate the cost to
Puerto Rico for participating in the PERM
program would be approximately $3.5
million annually. More detail about the cost
and burden hours associated with response
to requests for information (approximately
6,000 hours annually) can be found in the
877 For PERM, a ‘‘state’’ represents an entity
receiving Medicaid and CHIP funding that is
measured for improper payments, which includes
the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and now
Puerto Rico.
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program PRA package (CMS–10166, CMS–
10178, CMS–10184). Therefore, we do not
anticipate this to be a significant
administrative cost.
We are not preparing an analysis for this
policy under the Regulatory Flexibility Act
(RFA) because we have determined that the
policy will not have a significant impact on
a substantial number of small entities.
We are not preparing an analysis for
section 1102(b) of the Act because this policy
will not have a significant impact on the
operations of a substantial number of small
rural hospitals.
Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 also requires that
agencies assess anticipated costs and benefits
before issuing any rule that may result in
expenditure in any one year of $100 million
in 1995 dollars, updated annually for
inflation. That threshold level is currently
approximately $183 million. This policy will
not result in an impact of $183 million or
more on State, local or tribal governments, in
the aggregate, or on the private sector.
Executive Order 13132 establishes certain
requirements that an agency must meet when
it promulgates a proposed rule (and
subsequent final rule) that imposes
substantial direct requirement costs on State
and local governments, preempts State law,
or otherwise has Federalism implications.
Because this policy does not impose
substantial costs on State or local
governments, the requirements of Executive
Order 13132 are not applicable.
14. Effects of Hospital and CAH Reporting of
Acute Respiratory Illnesses
In section X.F. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss our proposed
requirements related to the reporting of acute
respiratory illnesses that would have
potentially major public health benefits.
Proposed routine reporting of these illnesses
absent any new emergency makes it possible
to use the data to determine which hospitals
faced unusually high or low reported levels
of such illnesses. Such comparisons would
allow individual hospitals, individual cities
or states, or the federal government, to
analyze outlier hospitals (either high or low
rates of acute respiratory infections) to
determine if there were any local factors that
might suggest some form of intervention
would be beneficial to redress problems or to
export successes among the universe of
hospitals and CAHs. For example, if
hospitals in a particular geographic area were
finding an unusually high rate of these
illnesses among admitted patients from a
particular geographic area, investigation of
potential causes might lead to improvements
in that area’s immunization outreach efforts.
It would not take many such interventions to
have potentially substantial life-saving
effects. Since the value of a ‘‘statistical’’
human life saved is generally estimated by
HHS to have a value of about $10 million,
even a dozen lives saved somewhere in the
nation would exceed the cost of this
reporting several times over.878 In the
878 See the discussion of assessing benefits in the
HHS Guidelines for Regulatory Impact Analysis at
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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hopefully unlikely case where an outbreak of
acute respiratory illness was so substantial as
to require the declaration of a public health
emergency, the life-saving benefits could be
many times higher. For example, an ‘‘early
warning’’ signal could speed the
development of a vaccine, effective use of
particular medicines for treatments, or other
interventions to prevent or ameliorate
adverse outcomes ranging from a single
instance of illness to a national epidemic.
H. Effects on Hospitals and Hospital Units
Excluded From the IPPS
As of January 2024, there were 91
children’s hospitals, 11 cancer hospitals, 6
short term acute care hospitals located in the
Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana
Islands, and American Samoa, 1 extended
neoplastic disease care hospital, and 9
RNHCIs being paid on a reasonable cost basis
subject to the rate-of-increase ceiling under
§ 413.40. (In accordance with § 403.752(a) of
the regulation, RNHCIs are paid under
§ 413.40.) Among the remaining providers,
the rehabilitation hospitals and units, and the
LTCHs, are paid the Federal prospective per
discharge rate under the IRF PPS and the
LTCH PPS, respectively, and the psychiatric
hospitals and units are paid the Federal per
diem amount under the IPF PPS. As stated
previously, IRFs and IPFs are not affected by
the rate updates discussed in this proposed
rule. The impacts of the changes on LTCHs
are discussed in section I.J. of this appendix.
For the children’s hospitals, cancer
hospitals, short-term acute care hospitals
located in the Virgin Islands, Guam, the
Northern Mariana Islands, and American
Samoa, the extended neoplastic disease care
hospital, and RNHCIs, the update of the rateof-increase limit (or target amount) is the
estimated FY 2025 percentage increase in the
2018-based IPPS operating market basket,
consistent with section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ii) of
the Act, and §§ 403.752(a) and 413.40 of the
regulations. Consistent with current law,
based on IGI’s fourth quarter 2023 forecast of
the 2018-based IPPS market basket increase,
we are estimating the FY 2025 update to be
3.0 percent (that is, the estimate of the market
basket rate-of-increase), as discussed in
section V.A. of the preamble of this proposed
rule. We proposed that if more recent data
become available for the final rule, we would
use such data, if appropriate, to calculate the
final IPPS operating market basket update for
FY 2025. The Affordable Care Act requires a
productivity adjustment (0.4 percentage
point reduction proposed for FY 2025),
resulting in a proposed 2.6 percent
applicable percentage increase for IPPS
hospitals that submit quality data and are
meaningful EHR users, as discussed in
section V.B. of the preamble of this proposed
rule. Children’s hospitals, cancer hospitals,
short term acute care hospitals located in the
Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana
Islands, and American Samoa, the extended
neoplastic disease care hospital, and RNHCIs
that continue to be paid based on reasonable
costs subject to rate-of-increase limits under
§ 413.40 of the regulations are not subject to
the reductions in the applicable percentage
increase required under the Affordable Care
Act. Therefore, for those hospitals paid under
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§ 413.40 of the regulations, the update is the
percentage increase in the 2018-based IPPS
operating market basket for FY 2025,
currently estimated at 3.0 percent.
The impact of the update in the rate-ofincrease limit on those excluded hospitals
depends on the cumulative cost increases
experienced by each excluded hospital since
its applicable base period. For excluded
hospitals that have maintained their cost
increases at a level below the rate-of-increase
limits since their base period, the major effect
is on the level of incentive payments these
excluded hospitals receive. Conversely, for
excluded hospitals with cost increases above
the cumulative update in their rate-ofincrease limits, the major effect is the amount
of excess costs that would not be paid.
We note that, under § 413.40(d)(3), an
excluded hospital that continues to be paid
under the TEFRA system and whose costs
exceed 110 percent of its rate-of-increase
limit receives its rate-of-increase limit plus
the lesser of: (1) 50 percent of its reasonable
costs in excess of 110 percent of the limit; or
(2) 10 percent of its limit. In addition, under
the various provisions set forth in § 413.40,
hospitals can obtain payment adjustments for
justifiable increases in operating costs that
exceed the limit.
I. Effects of Changes in the Capital IPPS
1. General Considerations
For the impact analysis presented in this
section of this proposed rule, we used data
from the December 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file and the December 2023
update of the Provider-Specific File (PSF)
that was used for payment purposes.
Although the analyses of the proposed
changes to the capital prospective payment
system do not incorporate cost data, we used
the December 2023 update of the most
recently available hospital cost report data to
categorize hospitals. Our analysis has several
qualifications and uses the best data
available, as described later in this section of
this proposed rule.
Due to the interdependent nature of the
IPPS, it is very difficult to precisely quantify
the impact associated with each proposed
change. In addition, we draw upon various
sources for the data used to categorize
hospitals in the tables. In some cases (for
instance, the number of beds), there is a fair
degree of variation in the data from different
sources. We have attempted to construct
these variables with the best available
sources overall. However, it is possible that
some individual hospitals are placed in the
wrong category.
Using cases from the December 2023
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file, we
simulated payments under the capital IPPS
for FY 2024 and the proposed payments for
FY 2025 for a comparison of total payments
per case. Short-term, acute care hospitals not
paid under the general IPPS (for example,
hospitals in Maryland) are excluded from the
The methodology for determining a capital
IPPS payment is set forth at § 412.312. The
basic methodology for calculating the capital
IPPS payments in FY 2025 is as follows:
(Standard Federal rate) × (DRG weight) ×
(GAF) × (COLA for hospitals located in
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Alaska and Hawaii) × (1 + DSH
adjustment factor + IME adjustment
factor, if applicable).
In addition to the other adjustments,
hospitals may receive outlier payments for
those cases that qualify under the threshold
established for each fiscal year. We modeled
payments for each hospital by multiplying
the capital Federal rate by the geographic
adjustment factor (GAF) and the hospital’s
case-mix. Then we added estimated
payments for indirect medical education,
disproportionate share, and outliers, if
applicable. For purposes of this impact
analysis, the model includes the following
• The capital Federal rate was updated,
beginning in FY 1996, by an analytical
framework that considers changes in the
prices associated with capital-related costs
and adjustments to account for forecast error,
changes in the case-mix index, allowable
changes in intensity, and other factors. As
discussed in section III.A.1. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule, the
proposed update to the capital Federal rate
is 3.0 percent for FY 2025.
• In addition to the proposed FY 2025
update factor, the proposed FY 2025 capital
Federal rate was calculated based on a
proposed GAF/DRG budget neutrality
adjustment factor of 0.9994, a proposed
budget neutrality factor for the proposed
continuation of the lowest quartile hospital
wage index adjustment and the 5-percent cap
on wage index decreases policy of 0.9943,
and a proposed outlier adjustment factor of
2. Results
We used the payment simulation model
previously described in section I.I. of
Appendix A of this proposed rule to estimate
the potential impact of the proposed changes
for FY 2025 on total capital payments per
case, using a universe of 3,090 hospitals. As
previously described, the individual hospital
payment parameters are taken from the best
available data, including the December 2023
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file, the
December 2023 update to the PSF, and the
most recent available cost report data from
the December 2023 update of HCRIS. In
Table III, we present a comparison of
estimated total payments per case for FY
2024 and estimated proposed total payments
per case for FY 2025 based on the proposed
FY 2025 payment policies. Column 2 shows
estimates of payments per case under our
model for FY 2024. Column 3 shows
estimates of proposed payments per case
under our model for FY 2025. Column 4
shows the total proposed percentage change
in payments from FY 2024 to FY 2025. The
change represented in Column 4 includes the
proposed 3.0 percent update to the capital
Federal rate and other proposed changes in
the adjustments to the capital Federal rate.
The comparisons are provided by: (1)
geographic location; (2) region; and (3)
payment classification.
The simulation results show that, on
average, capital payments per case in FY
2025 are expected to increase 2.4 percent
compared to capital payments per case in FY
2024. This expected increase is primarily due
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
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to the proposed 3.0 percent update to the
capital Federal rate being partially offset by
an expected decrease in capital outlier
payments. In general, regional variations in
estimated capital payments per case in FY
2025 as compared to capital payments per
case in FY 2024 are primarily due to the
proposed changes in GAFs, and are generally
consistent with the projected changes in
payments due to the proposed changes in the
wage index (and proposed policies affecting
the wage index), as shown in Table I in
section I.F. of this appendix.
The net impact of these proposed changes
is an estimated 2.4 percent increase in capital
payments per case from FY 2024 to FY 2025
for all hospitals (as shown in Table III). The
geographic comparison shows that, on
average, hospitals in both urban and rural
classifications would experience an increase
in capital IPPS payments per case in FY 2025
as compared to FY 2024. Capital IPPS
payments per case would increase by an
estimated 2.4 percent for hospitals in urban
areas while payments to hospitals in rural
areas would increase by 3.4 percent from FY
2024 to FY 2025. The primary factor
contributing to the difference in the projected
increase in capital IPPS payments per case
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for rural hospitals as compared to urban
hospitals is the estimated increase in capital
payments to rural hospitals due to the effect
of proposed changes in the GAFs.
The comparisons by region show that the
change in capital payments per case from FY
2024 to FY 2025 for urban areas range from
a 0.1 percent decrease for the New England
urban region to a 5.2 percent increase for the
East South Central urban region. Meanwhile,
the change in capital payments per case from
FY 2024 to FY 2025 for rural areas range from
a 1.0 percent increase for the Pacific rural
region to a 5.4 percent increase for the East
South Central rural region. Capital IPPS
payments per case for hospitals located in
Puerto Rico are projected to increase by an
estimated 2.3 percent. These regional
differences are primarily due to the proposed
changes in the GAFs.
The comparison by hospital type of
ownership (Voluntary, Proprietary, and
Government) shows that both proprietary and
government hospitals are expected to
experience an increase in capital payments
per case from FY 2024 to FY 2025 of 2.6
percent. Meanwhile, voluntary hospitals are
expected to experience an increase in capital
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payments per case from FY 2024 to FY 2025
of 2.4 percent.
Section 1886(d)(10) of the Act established
the MGCRB. Hospitals may apply for
reclassification for purposes of the wage
index for FY 2025. Reclassification for wage
index purposes also affects the GAFs because
that factor is constructed from the hospital
wage index. To present the effects of the
hospitals being reclassified as of the
publication of this proposed rule for FY
2025, we show the proposed average capital
payments per case for reclassified hospitals
for FY 2025. Urban reclassified hospitals are
expected to experience an increase in capital
payments of 2.4 percent; urban
nonreclassified hospitals are expected to
experience an increase in capital payments of
2.3 percent. Rural reclassified hospitals are
expected to experience an increase in capital
payments of 3.9 percent; rural
nonreclassified hospitals are expected to
experience an increase in capital payments of
2.6 percent. The higher expected increase in
payments for rural reclassified hospitals
compared to rural nonreclassified hospitals is
primarily due to the proposed changes in the
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
All Hospitals
By Geo!!raohic Location:
Urban hospitals
Rural hospitals
Bed Size (Urban):
0-99 beds
I 00-199 beds
200-299 beds
300-499 beds
500 or more beds
Bed Size 2014
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PO 00000
Frm 00701
Fmt 4701
FY 2024
FY 2025
I, 19 l
I, 12 l
-0. l
Sfmt 4725
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
100 or more beds
Less than 100 beds
Urban teachine: and DSH:
Both teaching and DSH
Teaching and no DSH
No teaching and DSH
No teaching and no DSH
Special Hospital Types:
RRC with Section 401 Rural Reclassification
SCH with Section 401 Rural Reclassification
SCH and RRC with Section 401 Rural Reclassification
Tvne of Ownershin:
Medicare Utilization as a Percent of Inpatient Davs:
Over 65
Medicaid Utilization as a Percent of Innatient Davs:
Over 65
FY 2025 Reclassifications:
All Reclassified Hospitals
Non-Reclassified Hospitals
Urban Hospitals Reclassified
Urban Non-Reclassified Hosoitals
Rural Hospitals Reclassified Full Year
Rural Non-Reclassified Hospitals Full Year
All Section 401 Rural Reclassified Hospitals
Other Reclassified Hosoitals (Section 1886(d)(8)(B))
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
J. Effects of Proposed Payment Rate Changes
and Policy Changes Under the LTCH PPS
1. Introduction and General Considerations
In section VIII. of the preamble of this
proposed rule and section V. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule, we set forth
the proposed annual update to the payment
rates for the LTCH PPS for FY 2025. In the
preamble of this proposed rule, we specify
the statutory authority for the proposals that
are presented, identify the proposed policies
for FY 2025, and present rationales for our
proposals as well as alternatives that were
considered. In this section, we discuss the
impact of the proposed changes to the
payment rate, factors, and other payment rate
policies related to the LTCH PPS that are
presented in the preamble of this proposed
rule in terms of their estimated fiscal impact
on the Medicare budget and on LTCHs.
There are 330 LTCHs included in this
impact analysis. We note that, although there
are currently approximately 338 LTCHs, for
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FY 2024
FY 2025
purposes of this impact analysis, we
excluded the data of all-inclusive rate
providers consistent with the development of
the FY 2025 MS–LTC–DRG relative weights
(discussed in section VIII.B.3. of the
preamble of this proposed rule). We have
also excluded data for CCN 312024 from this
impact analysis due to their abnormal
charging practices. We note this is consistent
with our proposals to remove this LTCH from
the calculation of the FY 2025 MS–LTC–DRG
relative weights, the area wage level
adjustment budget neutrality factor, and the
fixed-loss amount for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases (discussed in
section VIII.B.3. of the preamble of this
proposed rule). Moreover, another LTCH,
only had one claim in the claims data used
for this proposed rule. Because the number
of covered days of care that are chargeable to
Medicare utilization for the stay was reported
as 0 on this claim, we excluded this claim
and LTCH from our impact analysis. Lastly,
in the claims data used for this proposed
rule, one of the 330 LTCHs included in our
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impact analysis only had claims for site
neutral payment rate cases and, therefore,
does not affect our impact analysis for LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases
presented in Table IV (that is, the impact
analysis presented in Table IV is based on the
data for 329 LTCHs).
In the impact analysis, we used the
proposed payment rate, factors, and policies
presented in this proposed rule, the proposed
2.8 percent annual update to the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate, the proposed
update to the MS–LTC–DRG classifications
and relative weights, the proposed update to
the wage index values (including the
proposed update to the CBSA labor market
areas) and labor-related share, and the best
available claims and CCR data to estimate the
change in payments for FY 2025.
Under the dual rate LTCH PPS payment
structure, payment for LTCH discharges that
meet the criteria for exclusion from the site
neutral payment rate (that is, LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases) is based
on the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
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rate. Consistent with the statute, the site
neutral payment rate is the lower of the IPPS
comparable per diem amount as determined
under § 412.529(d)(4), including any
applicable outlier payments as specified in
§ 412.525(a), reduced by 4.6 percent for FYs
2018 through 2026; or 100 percent of the
estimated cost of the case as determined
under § 412.529(d)(2). In addition, there are
two separate high cost outlier targets—one
for LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases and one for site neutral payment rate
Based on the best available data for the 330
LTCHs in our database that were considered
in the analyses used for this proposed rule,
we estimate that overall LTCH PPS payments
in FY 2025 will increase by approximately
1.6 percent (or approximately $41 million)
based on the proposed rates and factors
presented in section VIII. of the preamble and
section V. of the Addendum to this proposed
Based on the FY 2023 LTCH cases that
were used for the analysis in this proposed
rule, approximately 29 percent of those cases
were classified as site neutral payment rate
cases (that is, 29 percent of LTCH cases
would not meet the statutory patient-level
criteria for exclusion from the site neutral
payment rate). We note that section
3711(b)(2) of the CARES Act provided a
waiver of the application of the site neutral
payment rate for LTCH cases admitted during
the COVID–19 PHE period. The COVID–19
PHE expired on May 11, 2023. Therefore, all
LTCH PPS cases in FY 2023 with admission
dates on or before the PHE expiration date
were paid the LTCH PPS standard Federal
rate regardless of whether the discharge met
the statutory patient criteria. Because not all
FY 2023 cases were subject to the site neutral
payment rate, for purposes of this impact
analysis, we continue to rely on the same
considerations and actuarial projections used
in FYs 2016 through 2024. Our Office of the
Actuary currently estimates that the percent
of LTCH PPS cases that will be classified as
site neutral payment rate cases in FY 2025
will not change significantly from the most
recent historical data. To estimate FY 2025
LTCH PPS payments for site neutral payment
rate cases, we calculated the IPPS
comparable per diem amounts using the
proposed FY 2025 IPPS rates and factors
along with other changes that would apply to
the site neutral payment rate cases in FY
2025. We estimate that aggregate LTCH PPS
payments for these site neutral payment rate
cases will increase by approximately 4.7
percent (or approximately $14 million). This
projected increase in payments to LTCH PPS
site neutral payment rate cases is primarily
due to the proposed updates to the IPPS rates
and factors reflected in our estimate of the
IPPS comparable per diem amount, as well
as an increase in estimated costs for these
cases determined using the proposed charge
and CCR adjustment factors described in
section V.D.3.b. of the Addendum to this
proposed rule. We note that we estimate
payments to site neutral payment rate cases
in FY 2025 will represent approximately 12
percent of estimated aggregate FY 2025 LTCH
PPS payments.
Based on the FY 2023 LTCH cases that
were used for the analysis in this proposed
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rule, approximately 71 percent of LTCH cases
will meet the patient-level criteria for
exclusion from the site neutral payment rate
in FY 2025, and will be paid based on the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate.
We estimate that total LTCH PPS payments
for these LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases in FY 2025 will increase
approximately 1.2 percent (or approximately
$26 million). This estimated increase in
LTCH PPS payments for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases in FY 2025 is
primarily due to the proposed 2.8 percent
annual update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate being partially offset by
a projected 1.3 percent decrease in high cost
outlier payments as a percentage of total
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
payments, which is discussed later in this
Based on the 330 LTCHs that were
represented in the FY 2023 LTCH cases that
were used for the analyses in this proposed
rule presented in this appendix, we estimate
that aggregate FY 2024 LTCH PPS payments
will be approximately $2.583 billion, as
compared to estimated aggregate FY 2025
LTCH PPS payments of approximately $2.624
billion, resulting in an estimated overall
increase in LTCH PPS payments of
approximately $41 million. We note that the
estimated $41 million increase in LTCH PPS
payments in FY 2025 does not reflect
changes in LTCH admissions or case-mix
intensity, which will also affect the overall
payment effects of the proposed policies in
this proposed rule.
The LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate for FY 2024 is $48,116.62. For FY 2025,
we are proposing to establish an LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate of $49,262.80
which reflects the proposed 2.8 percent
annual update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate and the proposed
budget neutrality factor for updates to the
area wage level adjustment of 0.9959347
(discussed in section V.B.6. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule). For LTCHs
that fail to submit data for the LTCH QRP,
in accordance with section 1886(m)(5)(C) of
the Act, we are proposing to establish an
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate of
$48,304.38. This proposed LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate reflects the
proposed updates and factors previously
described, as well as the required 2.0
percentage point reduction to the annual
update for failure to submit data under the
Table IV shows the estimated impact for
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases. The estimated change attributable
solely to the proposed annual update of 2.8
percent to the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate is projected to result in an
increase of 2.7 percent in payments per
discharge for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases from FY 2024 to FY 2025,
on average, for all LTCHs (Column 6). The
estimated increase of 2.7 percent shown in
Column 6 of Table IV also includes estimated
payments for short-stay outlier (SSO) cases,
a portion of which are not affected by the
annual update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate, as well as the
reduction that is applied to the annual
PO 00000
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update for LTCHs that do not submit the
required LTCH QRP data. For most hospital
categories, the projected increase in
payments based on the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate to LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases also rounds to
approximately 2.7 percent.
For FY 2025, we are proposing to update
the wage index values based on the most
recent available data (data from cost
reporting periods beginning during FY 2021
which is the same data used for the FY 2025
IPPS wage index) and the revised CBSA labor
market areas delineations that we are
proposing to adopt (as discussed in section
V.B.2. of the Addendum to this proposed
rule). In addition, we are proposing to
establish a labor-related share of 72.8 percent
for FY 2025, based on the most recent
available data (IGI’s fourth quarter 2023
forecast) of the relative importance of the
labor-related share of operating and capital
costs of the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket. We also are proposing to
apply an area wage level budget neutrality
factor of 0.9959347 to ensure that the
proposed changes to the area wage level
adjustment would not result in any change in
estimated aggregate LTCH PPS payments to
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
For LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate cases, we currently estimate high-cost
outlier payments as a percentage of total
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
payments will decrease from FY 2024 to FY
2025. Based on the FY 2023 LTCH cases that
were used for the analyses in this proposed
rule, we estimate that the FY 2024 high-cost
outlier threshold of $59,873 (as established in
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule) will
result in estimated high cost outlier
payments for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases in FY 2024 that are
projected to exceed the 7.975 percent target.
Specifically, we currently estimate that highcost outlier payments for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases will be
approximately 9.3 percent of the estimated
total LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate payments in FY 2024. Combined with
our estimate that FY 2025 high-cost outlier
payments for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases will be 7.975 percent of
estimated total LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate payments in FY 2025, this will
result in an estimated decrease in high cost
outlier payments as a percentage of total
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
payments of approximately 1.3 percent
between FY 2024 and FY 2025. We note that,
in calculating these estimated high cost
outlier payments, we inflated charges
reported on the FY 2023 claims by the
proposed charge inflation factor described in
section V.D.3.b. of the Addendum to this
proposed rule. We also note that, in
calculating these estimated high-cost outlier
payments, we estimated the cost of each case
by multiplying the inflated charges by the
adjusted CCRs that we determined using our
proposed methodology described in section
V.D.3.b. of the Addendum to this proposed
rule. We lastly note, we are soliciting
comments on our proposed methodology for
determining the fixed-loss amount for FY
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2025 (described in section V.D.3.b. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule) as well as
on an alternative approach we considered
(described in section I.O.4. of this appendix).
We will consider these comments when
finalizing the fixed-loss amount for LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases for
FY 2025 in the final rule.
Table IV shows the estimated impact of the
proposed payment rate and policy changes
on LTCH PPS payments for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases for FY
2025 by comparing estimated FY 2024 LTCH
PPS payments to estimated FY 2025 LTCH
PPS payments. (As noted earlier, our analysis
does not reflect changes in LTCH admissions
or case-mix intensity.) We note that these
impacts do not include LTCH PPS site
neutral payment rate cases as discussed in
section I.J.3. of this appendix.
As we discuss in detail throughout this
proposed rule, based on the best available
data, we believe that the provisions of this
proposed rule relating to the LTCH PPS,
which are projected to result in an overall
increase in estimated aggregate LTCH PPS
payments (for both LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases and site neutral
payment rate cases), and the resulting LTCH
PPS payment amounts will result in
appropriate Medicare payments that are
consistent with the statute.
2. Impact on Rural Hospitals
For purposes of section 1102(b) of the Act,
we define a small rural hospital as a hospital
that is located outside of an urban area and
has fewer than 100 beds. As shown in Table
IV, we are projecting a 2.3 percent increase
in estimated payments for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases for
LTCHs located in a rural area. This increase
is primarily due to the combination of the
proposed 2.8 percent annual update to the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate for
FY 2025, the proposed changes to the area
wage level adjustment, and estimated
changes in outlier payments. This estimated
impact is based on the FY 2023 data for the
18 rural LTCHs (out of 329 LTCHs) that were
used for the impact analyses shown in Table
3. Anticipated Effects of the Proposed LTCH
PPS Payment Rate Changes and Policy
a. Budgetary Impact
Section 123(a)(1) of the BBRA requires that
the PPS developed for LTCHs ‘‘maintain
budget neutrality.’’ We believe that the
statute’s mandate for budget neutrality
applies only to the first year of the
implementation of the LTCH PPS (that is, FY
2003). Therefore, in calculating the FY 2003
standard Federal payment rate under
§ 412.523(d)(2), we set total estimated
payments for FY 2003 under the LTCH PPS
so that estimated aggregate payments under
the LTCH PPS were estimated to equal the
amount that would have been paid if the
LTCH PPS had not been implemented.
Section 1886(m)(6)(A) of the Act
establishes a dual rate LTCH PPS payment
structure with two distinct payment rates for
LTCH discharges beginning in FY 2016.
Under this statutory change, LTCH
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discharges that meet the patient-level criteria
for exclusion from the site neutral payment
rate (that is, LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases) are paid based on the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate.
LTCH discharges paid at the site neutral
payment rate are generally paid the lower of
the IPPS comparable per diem amount,
reduced by 4.6 percent for FYs 2018 through
2026, including any applicable high cost
outlier (HCO) payments, or 100 percent of the
estimated cost of the case, reduced by 4.6
As discussed in section I.J.1. of this
appendix, we project an increase in aggregate
LTCH PPS payments in FY 2025 of
approximately $41 million. This estimated
increase in payments reflects the projected
increase in payments to LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases of approximately
$26 million and the projected increase in
payments to site neutral payment rate cases
of approximately $14 million under the dual
rate LTCH PPS payment rate structure
required by the statute beginning in FY 2016.
As discussed in section V.D. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule, our
actuaries project cost and resource changes
for site neutral payment rate cases due to the
site neutral payment rates required under the
statute. Specifically, our actuaries project
that the costs and resource use for cases paid
at the site neutral payment rate will likely be
lower, on average, than the costs and
resource use for cases paid at the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate, and will
likely mirror the costs and resource use for
IPPS cases assigned to the same MS–DRG.
While we are able to incorporate this
projection at an aggregate level into our
payment modeling, because the historical
claims data that we are using in this
proposed rule to project estimated FY 2025
LTCH PPS payments (that is, FY 2023 LTCH
claims data) do not reflect this actuarial
projection, we are unable to model the
impact of the change in LTCH PPS payments
for site neutral payment rate cases at the
same level of detail with which we are able
to model the impacts of the changes to LTCH
PPS payments for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases. Therefore, Table
IV only reflects proposed changes in LTCH
PPS payments for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases and, unless
otherwise noted, the remaining discussion in
section I.J.3. of this appendix refers only to
the impact on LTCH PPS payments for LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases. In
the following section, we present our
provider impact analysis for the proposed
changes that affect LTCH PPS payments for
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
b. Impact on Providers
The basic methodology for determining a
per discharge payment for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases is
currently set forth under §§ 412.515 through
412.533 and 412.535. In addition to adjusting
the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
by the MS–LTC–DRG relative weight, we
make adjustments to account for area wage
levels and SSOs. LTCHs located in Alaska
and Hawaii also have their payments
adjusted by a COLA. Under our application
PO 00000
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of the dual rate LTCH PPS payment structure,
the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
is generally only used to determine payments
for LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases (that is, those LTCH PPS cases that
meet the statutory criteria to be excluded
from the site neutral payment rate). LTCH
discharges that do not meet the patient-level
criteria for exclusion are paid the site neutral
payment rate, which we are calculating as the
lower of the IPPS comparable per diem
amount as determined under § 412.529(d)(4),
reduced by 4.6 percent for FYs 2018 through
2026, including any applicable outlier
payments, or 100 percent of the estimated
cost of the case as determined under existing
§ 412.529(d)(2). In addition, when certain
thresholds are met, LTCHs also receive HCO
payments for both LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases and site neutral
payment rate cases that are paid at the IPPS
comparable per diem amount.
To understand the impact of the changes
to the LTCH PPS payments for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases
presented in this proposed rule on different
categories of LTCHs for FY 2025, it is
necessary to estimate payments per discharge
for FY 2024 using the rates, factors, and the
policies established in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule and estimate payments
per discharge for FY 2025 using the proposed
rates, factors, and the policies in this
proposed rule (as discussed in section VIII.
of the preamble of this proposed rule and
section V. of the Addendum to this proposed
rule). As discussed elsewhere in this
proposed rule, these estimates are based on
the best available LTCH claims data and
other factors, such as the application of
inflation factors to estimate costs for HCO
cases in each year. The resulting analyses can
then be used to compare how our proposed
policies applicable to LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases affect different
groups of LTCHs.
For the following analysis, we group
hospitals based on characteristics provided
in the OSCAR data, cost report data in
HCRIS, and PSF data. Hospital groups
included the following:
• Location: large urban/other urban/rural.
• Participation date.
• Ownership control.
• Census region.
• Bed size.
c. Proposed Calculation of LTCH PPS
Payments for LTCH PPS Standard Federal
Payment Rate Cases
For purposes of this impact analysis, to
estimate the per discharge payment effects of
our policies on payments for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases, we
simulated FY 2024 and proposed FY 2025
payments on a case-by-case basis using
historical LTCH claims from the FY 2023
MedPAR files that met or would have met the
criteria to be paid at the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate if the statutory patientlevel criteria had been in effect at the time
of discharge for all cases in the FY 2023
MedPAR files. For modeling FY 2024 LTCH
PPS payments, we used the FY 2024 standard
Federal payment rate of $48,116.62 (or
$47,185.03 for LTCHs that failed to submit
quality data as required under the
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requirements of the LTCH QRP). Similarly,
for modeling payments based on the
proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate, we used the proposed
FY 2025 standard Federal payment rate of
$49,262.80 (or $48,304.38 for LTCHs that
failed to submit quality data as required
under the requirements of the LTCH QRP). In
each case, we applied the applicable
proposed adjustments for area wage levels
and the COLA for LTCHs located in Alaska
and Hawaii. Specifically, for modeling FY
2024 LTCH PPS payments, we used the
current FY 2024 labor-related share (68.5
percent), the wage index values established
in the Tables 12A and 12B listed in the
Addendum to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (which are available via the
internet on the CMS website), the FY 2024
HCO fixed-loss amount for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases of
$59,873 (as reflected in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule), and the FY 2024 COLA
factors (shown in the table in section V.C. of
the Addendum to that final rule) to adjust the
FY 2024 nonlabor-related share (31.5
percent) for LTCHs located in Alaska and
Hawaii. Similarly, for modeling proposed FY
2025 LTCH PPS payments, we used the
proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS labor-related
share (72.8 percent), the proposed FY 2025
wage index values from Tables 12A and 12B
listed in section VI. of the Addendum to this
proposed rule (which are available via the
internet on the CMS website), the proposed
FY 2025 HCO fixed-loss amount for LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases of
$90,921 (as discussed in section V.D.3. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule), and the
proposed FY 2025 COLA factors (shown in
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the table in section V.C. of the Addendum to
this proposed rule) to adjust the proposed FY
2025 nonlabor-related share (27.2 percent) for
LTCHs located in Alaska and Hawaii. We
note that in modeling payments for HCO
cases for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases, we inflated charges
reported on the FY 2023 claims by the
proposed charge inflation factors in section
V.D.3.b. of the Addendum to this proposed
rule. We also note that in modeling payments
for HCO cases for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases, we estimated the
cost of each case by multiplying the inflated
charges by the adjusted CCRs that we
determined using our proposed methodology
described in section V.D.3.b. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule.
The impacts that follow reflect the
estimated ‘‘losses’’ or ‘‘gains’’ among the
various classifications of LTCHs from FY
2024 to FY 2025 based on the payment rates
and policy changes applicable to LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases
presented in this proposed rule. Table IV
illustrates the estimated aggregate impact of
the change in LTCH PPS payments for LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases
among various classifications of LTCHs. (As
discussed previously, these impacts do not
include LTCH PPS site neutral payment rate
• The first column, LTCH Classification,
identifies the type of LTCH.
• The second column lists the number of
LTCHs of each classification type.
• The third column identifies the number
of LTCH cases expected to meet the LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate criteria.
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• The fourth column shows the estimated
FY 2024 payment per discharge for LTCH
cases expected to meet the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate criteria (as
described previously).
• The fifth column shows the estimated
proposed FY 2025 payment per discharge for
LTCH cases expected to meet the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate criteria (as
described previously).
• The sixth column shows the percentage
change in estimated payments per discharge
for LTCH cases expected to meet the LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate criteria
from FY 2024 to FY 2025 due to the proposed
annual update to the standard Federal rate
(as discussed in section V.A.2. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule).
• The seventh column shows the
percentage change in estimated payments per
discharge for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases from FY 2024 to FY 2025
due to the proposed changes to the area wage
level adjustment (that is, the proposed
updated hospital wage data, the proposed
labor market areas, and the proposed laborrelated share) and the application of the
corresponding proposed budget neutrality
factor (as discussed in section V.B.6. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule).
• The eighth column shows the percentage
change in estimated payments per discharge
for LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases from FY 2024 (Column 4) to FY 2025
(Column 5) due to all proposed changes.
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PO 00000
Frm 00706
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4725
53 272
53 960
OCT. 1983 - SEPT. 1993
OCT. 1993 - SEPT. 2002
17 117
LTCH Classification
Change Due
to Change to
the Annual
Update to the
Federal Rate2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
Change Due to
All Standard
Payment Rate
Number of LTCH
PPS Standard
Payment Rate
Average FY
2025 LTCH
PPS Payment
Per Standard
Payment Rate1
BEDS: 0-24
BEDS: 25-49
BEDS: 50-74
BEDS: 75-124
BEDS: 125-199
BEDS: 200+
Percent Change
Due to Changes
to Area Wage
Adjustment with
Wage Budget
Average FY
2024 LTCH
PPS Payment
Per Standard
Pa)ment Rate
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khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
d. Results
Jkt 262001
Frm 00707
Fmt 4701
Sfmt 4702
analysis in Table IV shows that estimated
payments per discharge for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases are
projected to increase 1.2 percent, on average,
for all LTCHs from FY 2024 to FY 2025 as
following summary of the impact (as shown
in Table IV) of the proposed LTCH PPS
payment rate and policy changes for LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases
presented in this proposed rule. The impact
PO 00000
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
00:35 May 02, 2024
Based on the FY 2023 LTCH cases (from
329 LTCHs) that were used for the analyses
in this proposed rule, we have prepared the
VerDate Sep<11>2014
1 Estimated FY 2025 LTCH PPS payments for LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate criteria based on the proposed payment rate and factor changes applicable to
such cases presented in the preamble of and the Addendum to this proposed rule.
2 Percent change in estimated payments per discharge for L TCH PPS standard Federal payment rate cases from FY 2024 to FY 2025 due to the proposed annual update
to the L TCH PPS standard Federal payment rate.
3 Percent change in estimated payments per discharge for L TCH PPS standard Federal payment rate cases from FY 2024 to FY 2025 due to the proposed changes to the
area wage level adjustment under § 412.525( c) (that is, the proposed updated hospital wage data, the proposed labor market areas, and the proposed labor related share)
with budget neutrality.
4 Percent change in estimated payments per discharge for LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate cases from FY 2024 (shown in Column 4) to FY 2025 (shown in
Column 5), due to all of the proposed changes to the rates and factors applicable to such cases presented in the preamble and the Addendum to this proposed rule. We
note that this colunm, which shows the percent change in estimated payments per discharge due to all proposed changes, does not equal the sum of the percent changes in
estimated payments per discharge due to the proposed annual update to the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate (Column 6) and due to the proposed changes to the
area wage level adjustment with budget neutrality (Column 7) due to the effect of estimated changes in estimated payments to aggregate HCO payments for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases (as discussed in this impact analysis), as well as other interactive effects that cannot be isolated.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
a result of the proposed payment rate and
policy changes applicable to LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases
presented in this proposed rule. This
estimated 1.2 percent increase in LTCH PPS
payments per discharge was determined by
comparing estimated FY 2025 LTCH PPS
payments (using the proposed payment rates
and factors discussed in this proposed rule)
to estimated FY 2024 LTCH PPS payments
for LTCH discharges which will be LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases if
the dual rate LTCH PPS payment structure
was or had been in effect at the time of the
discharge (as described in section I.J.3. of this
As stated previously, we are proposing an
annual update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for FY 2025 of 2.8
percent. For LTCHs that fail to submit quality
data under the requirements of the LTCH
QRP, as required by section 1886(m)(5)(C) of
the Act, a 2.0 percentage point reduction is
applied to the annual update to the LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate.
Consistent with § 412.523(d)(4), we also are
applying a proposed budget neutrality factor
for changes to the area wage level adjustment
of 0.9959347 (discussed in section V.B.6. of
the Addendum to this proposed rule), based
on the best available data at this time, to
ensure that any proposed changes to the area
wage level adjustment will not result in any
change (increase or decrease) in estimated
aggregate LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate payments. As we also
explained earlier in this section of the
proposed rule, for most categories of LTCHs
(as shown in Table IV, Column 6), the
estimated payment increase due to the
proposed 2.8 percent annual update to the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate is
projected to result in approximately a 2.7
percent increase in estimated payments per
discharge for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases for all LTCHs from FY
2024 to FY 2025. We note our estimate of the
changes in payments due to the proposed
update to the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate also includes estimated
payments for short-stay outlier (SSO) cases,
a portion of which are not affected by the
annual update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate, as well as the
reduction that is applied to the annual
update for LTCHs that do not submit data
under the requirements of the LTCH QRP.
(1) Location
Based on the most recent available data,
the vast majority of LTCHs are located in
urban areas. Only approximately 5 percent of
the LTCHs are identified as being located in
a rural area, and approximately 4 percent of
all LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases are expected to be treated in these rural
hospitals. The impact analysis presented in
Table IV shows that the overall average
percent increase in estimated payments per
discharge for LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases from FY 2024 to FY 2025
for all hospitals is 1.2 percent. Urban LTCHs
are projected to experience an increase of 1.1
percent. Meanwhile, rural LTCHs are
projected to experience an increase of 2.3
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(2) Participation Date
LTCHs are grouped by participation date
into four categories: (1) before October 1983;
(2) between October 1983 and September
1993; (3) between October 1993 and
September 2002; and (4) October 2002 and
after. Based on the best available data, the
categories of LTCHs with the largest expected
percentage of LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases (approximately 41
percent and 45 percent, respectively) are in
LTCHs that began participating in the
Medicare program between October 1993 and
September 2002 and after October 2002.
These LTCHs are expected to experience an
increase in estimated payments per discharge
for LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases from FY 2024 to FY 2025 of 1.3 percent
and 1.1 percent, respectively. LTCHs that
began participating in the Medicare program
between October 1983 and September 1993
are projected to experience an increase in
estimated payments per discharge for LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases
from FY 2024 to FY 2025 of 1.3 percent, as
shown in Table IV. Approximately 3 percent
of LTCHs began participating in the Medicare
program before October 1983, and these
LTCHs are projected to experience a decrease
in estimated payments per discharge for
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases from FY 2024 to FY 2025 of 1.4
percent, partially due to the proposed
changes to the area wage level adjustment.
(3) Ownership Control
LTCHs are grouped into three categories
based on ownership control type: voluntary,
proprietary, and government. Based on the
best available data, approximately 16 percent
of LTCHs are identified as voluntary (Table
IV). The majority (approximately 81 percent)
of LTCHs are identified as proprietary, while
government owned and operated LTCHs
represent approximately 3 percent of LTCHs.
Based on ownership type, proprietary LTCHs
are expected to experience an increase in
payments to LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases of 1.3 percent. Voluntary
LTCHs are expected to experience an
increase in payments to LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases from FY 2024 to
FY 2025 of 0.2 percent. Meanwhile,
government owned and operated LTCHs are
expected to experience a decrease in
payments to LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases from FY 2024 to FY 2025
of 0.3 percent.
(4) Census Region
The comparisons by region show that the
changes in estimated payments per discharge
for LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases from FY 2024 to FY 2025 are projected
to range from a decrease of 0.2 percent in the
New England region to an increase of 2.2
percent in the Mountain region. These
regional variations are primarily due to the
proposed changes to the area wage
adjustment and estimated changes in outlier
(5) Bed Size
LTCHs are grouped into six categories
based on bed size: 0–24 beds; 25–49 beds;
50–74 beds; 75–124 beds; 125–199 beds; and
greater than 200 beds. We project that LTCHs
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with greater than 200 beds will experience no
change in payments for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases. LTCHs with 25–
49 beds are projected to experience the
largest increase in payments, 1.6 percent. The
remaining bed size categories are projected to
experience an increase in payments in the
range of 0.2 to 1.5 percent.
4. Effect on the Medicare Program
As stated previously, we project that the
provisions of this proposed rule will result in
an increase in estimated aggregate LTCH PPS
payments to LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate cases in FY 2025 relative to FY
2024 of approximately $26 million (or
approximately 1.2 percent) for the 330
LTCHs in our database. Although, as stated
previously, the hospital-level impacts do not
include LTCH PPS site neutral payment rate
cases, we estimate that the provisions of this
proposed rule will result in an increase in
estimated aggregate LTCH PPS payments to
site neutral payment rate cases in FY 2025
relative to FY 2024 of approximately $14
million (or approximately 4.7 percent) for the
330 LTCHs in our database. (As noted
previously, we estimate payments to site
neutral payment rate cases in FY 2025 will
represent approximately 12 percent of total
estimated FY 2025 LTCH PPS payments.)
Therefore, we project that the provisions of
this proposed rule will result in an increase
in estimated aggregate LTCH PPS payments
for all LTCH cases in FY 2025 relative to FY
2024 of approximately $41 million (or
approximately 1.6 percent) for the 330
LTCHs in our database.
5. Effect on Medicare Beneficiaries
Under the LTCH PPS, hospitals receive
payment based on the average resources
consumed by patients for each diagnosis. We
do not expect any changes in the quality of
care or access to services for Medicare
beneficiaries as a result of this proposed rule,
but we continue to expect that paying
prospectively for LTCH services will enhance
the efficiency of the Medicare program. As
discussed previously, we do not expect the
continued implementation of the site neutral
payment system to have a negative impact on
access to or quality of care, as demonstrated
in areas where there is little or no LTCH
presence, general short-term acute care
hospitals are effectively providing treatment
for the same types of patients that are treated
in LTCHs.
K. Effects of Requirements for the Hospital
Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program
In section IX.C. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss proposed
requirements for hospitals reporting quality
data under the Hospital IQR Program to
receive the full annual percentage increase
for the FY 2027 payment determination and
subsequent years.
In the preamble of this proposed rule, we
are proposing: (1) to adopt the Age-Friendly
Hospital measure beginning with the CY
2025 reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination; (2) to adopt the Patient Safety
Structural measure beginning with the CY
2025 reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination; (3) to adopt the CatheterAssociated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Standardized Infection Ratio Stratified for
Oncology Locations measure beginning with
the CY 2026 reporting period/FY 2028
payment determination; (4) to adopt the
Central Line-Associated Bloodstream
Infection (CLABSI) Standardized Infection
Ratio Stratified for Oncology Locations
measure beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 reporting period;
(5) to adopt the Hospital Harm—Falls with
Injury electronic clinical quality measure
(eCQM) beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination; (6) to adopt the Hospital
Harm—Postoperative Respiratory Failure
eCQM beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination; (7)
to adopt the Thirty-day Risk-Standardized
Death Rate among Surgical Inpatients with
Complications (Failure-to-Rescue) measure
beginning with the July 1, 2023–June 30,
2025 reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination; (8) to modify the Global
Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS)
eCQM, beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination; (9)
to modify the HCAHPS Survey measure
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting period/
FY 2027 payment determination (10) to
remove the Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized
Payment Associated with a 30-Day Episodeof-Care for Acute Myocardial Infarction
(AMI) measure beginning with the July 1,
2021–June 30, 2024 reporting period/FY 2026
payment determination; (11) to remove the
Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized Payment
Associated with a 30-Day Episode-of-Care for
Heart Failure (HF) measure beginning with
the July 1, 2021–June 30, 2024 reporting
period/FY 2026 payment determination; (12)
to remove the Hospital-level, RiskStandardized Payment Associated with a 30Day Episode-of-Care for Pneumonia (PN)
measure beginning with the July 1, 2021–
June 30, 2024 reporting period/FY 2026
payment determination; (13) to remove the
Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized Payment
Associated with a 30-Day Episode-of-Care for
Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty
(THA) and/or Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)
measure beginning with the April 1, 2021–
March 31, 2024 reporting period/FY 2026
payment determination; (14) to remove the
Death Among Surgical Inpatients with
Serious Treatable Complications (CMS PSI–
04) measure beginning with the July 1, 2023–
June 30, 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
payment determination; (15) to increase the
total number of eCQMs reported from six to
nine for the CY 2026 reporting period/FY
2028 payment determination and then from
nine to eleven beginning with the CY 2027
reporting period/FY 2029 payment
determination; (16) to update the scoring
methodology for eCQM validation; (17) to
remove the requirement that hospitals must
submit 100 percent of eCQM records to pass
validation beginning with CY 2025 eCQM
data affecting the FY 2028 payment
determination; and (18) to no longer require
hospitals to resubmit medical records as part
of their request for reconsideration of
validation beginning with CY 2025
discharges affecting the FY 2028 payment
As shown in the summary tables in section
XII.B.6.k. of the preamble of this proposed
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rule, we estimate a total information
collection burden increase for 3,050 IPPS
hospitals of 40,019 hours at a cost of
$1,274,980 annually associated with the
policies we are proposing across a 3-year
period from the CY 2025 reporting period/FY
2027 payment determination through the CY
2027 reporting period/FY 2029 payment
determination, compared to our currently
approved information collection burden
In sections IX.C.5.a. and IX.B.1 of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to adopt the Age-Friendly Hospital
and Patient Safety Structural measures. In
order for hospitals to receive a point for each
of the domains in the measures, affirmative
attestations are required for each of the
statements within a domain. Similar to the
FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule adoption
of the Hospital Commitment to Health Equity
measure, for hospitals that are unable to
attest affirmatively for a statement and would
like to earn additional points under the
measure, there are likely to be additional
costs associated with activities such as
updating hospital policies, protocols, or
processes; engaging senior leadership;
conducting required analyses, surveys, and
screenings; performing data analysis and
collection; and training staff (87 FR 49492).
The extent of these costs would vary from
hospital to hospital depending on what
policies the hospital already has in place,
what activities the hospital is already
performing, hospital size, and the individual
choices each hospital makes to meet the
criteria necessary to attest affirmatively.
There may also be some non-recurring costs
associated with changes in workflow and
information systems to collect patient
screening data, however the extent of these
costs is difficult to quantify as different
hospitals may utilize different modes of data
collection (for example paper-based,
electronically patient-directed, clinicianfacilitated, etc.).
For the Age-Friendly Hospital measure,
there would be additional impacts incurred
by patients admitted to hospitals that do not
currently conduct patient screenings but
would decide to do so. Hospitals would be
able to conduct these screenings via multiple
methods, however, we believe most hospitals
would likely collect data through a screening
tool incorporated into their electronic health
record (EHR) or other patient intake process.
For the Frailty Screening and Intervention
domain, we assume patients would be
screened using a combination of validated
tools such as the Katz Index of Independence
in Activities of Daily Living, the Lawton and
Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily-Living
Scale, the Mini-Cog screening for early
dementia, and the Patient Health
Questionnaire-2 depression
module.879 880 881 882 883 For the Social
879 Park, C., et al. (2022). ‘‘Association Between
Implementation of a Geriatric Trauma Clinical
Pathway and Changes in Rates of Delirium in Older
Adults With Traumatic Injury.’’ JAMA Surg 157(8):
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Vulnerability domain, we assume patients
would be screened using a tool such as the
Emergency Department Senior Abuse
Identification (ED Senior AID) tool,884 which
is currently undergoing validation. We
estimate each patient would require no more
than 20 minutes (0.33 hours) to complete the
screenings for both domains.
We believe that the cost for beneficiaries
undertaking administrative and other tasks
on their own time is a post-tax wage of
$24.04/hr. The Valuing Time in U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services
Regulatory Impact Analyses: Conceptual
Framework and Best Practices identifies the
approach for valuing time when individuals
undertake activities on their own time.885 To
derive the costs for beneficiaries, a
measurement of the usual weekly earnings of
wage and salary workers of $1,118 was
divided by 40 hours to calculate an hourly
pre-tax wage rate of $27.95/hr.886 This rate is
adjusted downwards by an estimate of the
effective tax rate for median income
households of about 14 percent calculated by
comparing pre- and post-tax income,887
resulting in the post-tax hourly wage rate of
$24.04/hr. Unlike our state and private sector
wage adjustments, we are not adjusting
beneficiary wages for fringe benefits and
other indirect costs since the individuals’
activities, if any, would occur outside the
scope of their employment.
Based on information collected by the
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
for CY 2010 through CY 2019,888 we estimate
approximately 7,600,000 patients would be
screened annually across all participating
IPPS hospitals (12,850,233 average annual
admissions of patients aged 65 and over ×
(3,050 IPPS hospitals ÷ 5,157 total U.S.
community hospitals 889)) or an average of
2,492 patients per IPPS hospital. For the CY
2025 reporting period and subsequent years,
for each IPPS hospital that elects to perform
these screenings, we estimate it would
require patients an average of 831 hours
(2,492 respondents × 0.33 hours) at a cost of
$19,969 (831 hours × $24.04) to complete the
In sections IX.C.5.c. and IX.C.5.d. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to adopt two new eCQMs. As
noted in the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
884 Platts-Mills TF, Dayaa JA, Reeve BB, et al.
Development of the Emergency Department Senior
Abuse Identification (ED Senior AID) tool. J Elder
Abuse Negl. Aug-Oct 2018;30(4):247–270.
wkyeng.pdf. Accessed January 2, 2024.
09/median-household-income.html. Accessed
January 2, 2024.
888 Accessed
January 3, 2024.
889 Accessed January 3, 2024.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
rule regarding removal of eCQMs, while there
is no change in information collection
burden related to the proposed policies with
regard to submission of measure data, we
believe that costs associated with adopting
two new eCQMs are multifaceted and
include not only the burden associated with
reporting, but also the costs associated with
implementing and maintaining all of the
eCQMs available for use in the Hospital IQR
Program in hospitals’ EHR systems (83 FR
41771). We do not believe the remaining
proposed policies would result in any
additional economic impact beyond the
additional collection of information burden
discussed in section XII.B.6 of this proposed
Historically, 100 hospitals, on average, that
participate in the Hospital IQR Program do
not receive the full annual percentage
increase in any fiscal year due to the failure
to meet all requirements of the Hospital IQR
Program. We anticipate that the number of
hospitals not receiving the full annual
percentage increase will be approximately
the same as in past years based on review of
previous performance.
L. Effects of Proposed New Requirements for
the PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality
Reporting (PCHQR) Program
In section IX.D. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss proposed
requirements for PPS-exempt cancer
hospitals (PCHs) reporting quality data under
the PCH Quality Reporting (PCHQR)
Program. The PCHQR Program is authorized
under section 1866(k) of the Act. There is no
financial impact to PCH Medicare
reimbursement if a PCH does not submit
In the preamble of this proposed rule, we
are proposing: (1) to adopt the Patient Safety
Structural measure beginning with the CY
2025 reporting period/FY 2027 program year;
(2) to modify the HCAHPS Survey beginning
with the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
program year; and (3) to move up the start
date for public display of PCH performance
on the Hospital Commitment to Health
Equity measure.
As shown in the summary table in section
XII.B.7.d. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we estimate a total information
collection burden increase for 11 PCHs of 166
hours at a cost of $4,047 annually associated
with our proposed policies and updated
burden estimates beginning with the CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 program year
compared with our currently approved
information collection burden estimates. We
refer readers to section XII.B.7. of this
proposed rule (Collection of Information) for
a detailed discussion of the calculations
estimating the changes to the information
collection burden for submitting data to the
PCHQR Program.
In section IX.B.1. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to adopt the
Patient Safety Structural measure. We are
proposing that in order for a PCH to receive
a point for a domain in the measure, the PCH
would be required to affirmatively attest to
each of the statements within that domain.
We estimate that if a PCH is unable to attest
affirmatively to all of the statements in a
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domain and, in a future program year, desires
to earn a point for that domain, the PCH will
likely incur costs associated with activities
needed to be able to affirmatively attest,
which could include updating policies,
protocols, or processes; engaging senior
leadership; conducting required analyses; or
training staff (87 FR 49492). The extent of
these costs will vary from PCH to PCH
depending on what policies the PCH already
has in place, what activities the PCH is
already performing, facility size, and the
individual choices each PCH makes in order
to meet the criteria necessary to attest
affirmatively. We do not believe the
remaining proposals to modify the HCAHPS
Survey beginning with the CY 2025 reporting
period/FY 2027 program year and to move up
the start date for public display of PCH
performance on the Hospital Commitment to
Health Equity measure will result in any
additional economic impact.
M. Effects of Requirements for the Long-Term
Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program
In section IX.E. of the preamble of the
proposed rule, we are proposing to adopt
four new items as standardized patient
assessment data elements under the SDOH
category and to modify the current
Transportation item on the LCDS beginning
with the FY 2028 LTCH QRP. We are
proposing to adopt items to be collected at
admission using the LCDS for: Living
Situation (one item), Food (two items), and
Utilities (one item). We are proposing to
modify the current Transportation item on
the LCDS, which is currently collected at
admission and discharge. We are proposing
that the Transportation item would only be
collected at admission beginning with the FY
2028 LTCH QRP. We are also proposing to
extend the admission assessment window for
the LCDS from three to four days beginning
with the FY 2028 LTCH QRP. Finally, we are
seeking information on two topics: future
measure concepts for the LTCH QRP and a
future LTCH Star Rating system.
The effect of these proposals for the LTCH
QRP would be an overall increase in burden
for LTCHs participating in the LTCH QRP. As
shown in summary table XII.B–06 in section
XII.B.7. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
we estimate a total information collection
burden increase for 329 eligible LTCHs of
2,116.55 hours for a cost increase of
$138,231.88 annually associated with our
proposed policies and updated burden
estimates for the FY 2028 program year
compared to our currently approved
information collection burden estimates. We
refer readers to section XII.B.8. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, where CMS
has provided an estimate of the burden and
cost to LTCHs, and note that it will be
included in a revised information collection
request for 0938–1163.
N. Effects of Requirements Regarding the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program
In section IX.F. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we discuss proposed
requirements for eligible hospitals and
critical access hospitals (CAHs) to report
objectives and measures, and report
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electronic clinical quality measures (eCQMs)
under the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program.
In this proposed rule, we are proposing: (1)
to adopt the Hospital Harm—Falls with
Injury eCQM beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period; (2) to adopt the Hospital
Harm—Postoperative Respiratory Failure
eCQM beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period; (3) to modify the Antimicrobial Use
and Resistance (AUR) Surveillance measure
by splitting it into an Antimicrobial Use
Surveillance measure and an Antimicrobial
Resistance Surveillance measure beginning
with the electronic health record (EHR)
reporting period in CY 2025; (4) to modify
the Global Malnutrition Composite Score
(GMCS) eCQM, beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period; (5) to increase the total
number of eCQMs reported from six to nine
for the CY 2026 reporting period and then
from nine to eleven beginning with the CY
2027 reporting period; and (6) to increase the
minimum scoring threshold from 60 points to
80 points beginning with the EHR reporting
period in CY 2025.
As shown in the summary table in section
XII.B.9. of this proposed rule, we estimate a
total information collection burden increase
for 3,150 eligible hospitals and 1,400 CAHs
of 5,038 hours at a cost of $262,581 annually
associated with our proposed policies and
updated burden estimates over the three-year
period from the EHR reporting period in CY
2025 through the EHR reporting period in CY
2027 compared to our currently approved
information collection burden estimates. We
refer readers to section XII.B.9.f. of the
preamble of this proposed rule (Collection of
Information) for a detailed discussion of the
calculations estimating the changes to the
information collection burden for submitting
data to the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program.
In section IX.F.6.a. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to adopt two
new eCQMs and to modify one eCQM.
Similar to the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule regarding removal of eCQM measures,
while there is no change in information
collection burden related to the proposed
policies with regard to submission of
measure data, we believe that costs
associated with adopting two new eCQMs
and modifying one existing eCQM are
multifaceted and include not only the burden
associated with reporting, but also the costs
associated with implementing and
maintaining all of the eCQMs available for
use in the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program in hospitals’ and
CAHs’ EHR systems (83 FR 41771).
In section IX.F.5. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to increase
the performance-based scoring threshold for
eligible hospitals and CAHs reporting under
the Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program from 60 points to 80 points
beginning with the EHR reporting period in
CY 2025. Our review of the CY 2022
Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program’s performance results indicates
98.5% of eligible hospitals and CAHs
currently successfully meet the threshold of
60 points while 81.5% of eligible hospitals
and CAHs currently exceed a score of 80
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
points. If this proposal is finalized, the 17%
of eligible hospitals and CAHs that meet the
current threshold of 60 points but not the
proposed threshold of 80 points would be
required to better align their health
information systems with evolving industry
standards and/or increase data exchange to
raise their performance score or be subject to
a potential downward payment adjustment.
We do not believe the remaining proposed
policies would result in any additional
economic impact beyond the additional
collection of information burden discussed in
section XII.B.9. of the preamble of this
proposed rule.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
O. Alternatives Considered
This proposed rule contains a range of
policies. It also provides descriptions of the
statutory provisions that are addressed,
identifies the proposed policies, and presents
rationales for our decisions and, where
relevant, alternatives that were considered.
1. Alternatives Considered for the
Distribution of Additional Residency
Positions Under the Provisions of Section
4122 of Subtitle C of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2023 (CAA, 2023)
Section 4122(a) of the CAA, 2023 amended
section 1886(h) of the Act by adding a new
section 1886(h)(10) of the Act requiring the
distribution of an additional 200 residency
positions (also referred to as slots) to
qualifying hospitals. Section
1886(h)(10)(B)(iii) of the Act further requires
that each qualifying hospital that submits a
timely application receive at least 1 (or a
fraction of 1) of the slots made available
under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act before
any qualifying hospital receives more than 1
residency position.
In section V.F.2. of this proposed rule we
discuss our proposal to first distribute slots
by prorating the available 200 positions
among all qualifying hospitals such that each
qualifying hospital receives up to 1.00 FTE—
that is, 1.00 FTE or a fraction of 1.00 FTE.
We are proposing that a qualifying hospital
is a Category One, Category Two, Category
Three, or Category Four hospital, or one that
meets the definitions of more than one of
these categories, as defined at section
1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Act.890 We are
890 Category One consists of hospitals that are
located in a rural area (as defined in section
1886(d)(2)(D) of the Act) or have been reclassified
being located in a rural area (pursuant to section
1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act). Category Two consists of
hospitals in which the reference resident level of
the hospital (as specified in section
1886(h)(10)(F)(iv) of the Act) is greater than the
otherwise applicable resident limit. Category Three
consists of hospitals located in States with new
medical schools that received ‘Candidate School’
status from the Liaison Committee on Medical
Education (LCME) or that received ‘PreAccreditation’ status from the American
Osteopathic Association (AOA) Commission on
Osteopathic College Accreditation (the COCA) on or
after January 1, 2000, and that have achieved or
continue to progress toward ‘Full Accreditation’
status (as such term is defined by the LCME) or
toward ‘Accreditation’ status (as such term is
defined by the COCA); or additional locations and
branch campuses established on or after January 1,
2000, by medical schools with ‘Full Accreditation’
status (as such term is defined by LCME) or
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proposing that if any residency slots remain
after distributing up to 1.00 FTE to each
qualifying hospital, we will prioritize the
distribution of the remaining slots based on
the HPSA score associated with the program
for which each qualifying hospital is
applying using the methodology we finalized
for purposes of implementing section 126 of
the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73434 through 73440).
Using this HPSA prioritization method, we
are proposing to limit a qualifying hospital’s
total award under section 4122 of the CAA,
2023, to 10.00 additional FTEs, consistent
with section 1886(h)(10)(C)(i) of the Act.
We are considering an alternative approach
to distributing the 200 residency slots under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, which would
place greater emphasis on the distribution of
additional residency positions to hospitals
that are training residents in geographic and
population HPSAs. Under this approach, the
statutory requirement that each qualifying
hospital receive 1 slot or a fraction of 1 slot
would be met by awarding each qualifying
hospital 0.01 FTE. The remaining residency
slots would be prioritized for distribution
based on the HPSA score associated with the
program for which each hospital is applying
using the HPSA prioritization methodology
we finalized for purposes of implementing
section 126 of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73434
through 73440). To illustrate, if 1,000
qualifying hospitals were to apply under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, we would
first award each qualifying hospital 0.01
FTEs, resulting in the distribution of 10.00
FTEs (1,000 x 0.01). We would then
distribute the remaining 190 slots (200¥10)
based on the HPSA prioritization method we
finalized for implementation of section 126
of the CAA, 2021, such that applications
associated with higher HPSA scores would
receive priority. We believe that under this
alternative distribution methodology we
would further the work achieved by section
126 of the CAA, 2021, by distributing
residency slots to underserved areas in
greatest need of additional physicians. Using
this alternative distribution methodology, we
would limit a qualifying hospital’s total
award under section 4122 of the CAA, 2023,
to 10.00 additional FTEs consistent with
section 1886(h)(10)(C)(i) of the Act.
Consistent with the methodology we use for
implementation of section 126 of the CAA,
2021, as part of determining eligibility for
additional slots, we would compare the
hospital’s FTE resident count to its adjusted
FTE resident cap on the cost report
worksheets submitted with its application. If
the hospital’s FTE count is below its adjusted
FTE cap, the hospital would be ineligible for
its full FTE request. We note that in
calculating the adjusted FTE cap we do not
consider adjustments for Medicare GME
Affiliation Agreements, since these
adjustments are temporary. We seek
comment on this alternative proposal,
including awarding each qualifying hospital
0.01 FTEs and use of HPSA scores to
determine priority for remaining slots.
‘Accreditation’ status (as such term is defined by
the COCA). Category Four consists of hospitals that
serve areas designated as HPSAs under section
332(a)(1)(A) of the Public Health Service Act
(PHSA), as determined by the Secretary.
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2. Alternative Considered for the Proposed
Separate IPPS Payment for Establishing and
Maintaining Access to Essential Medicines
As discussed in section V.J. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing a separate payment to hospitals for
the IPPS share of the additional costs of
establishing and maintaining access to a 6month buffer stock of one or more essential
medicines, either directly or through
contractual arrangement with pharmaceutical
manufacturers, distributors, or
intermediaries. Eligibility for payment under
this proposed policy would be limited to
small, independent hospitals with 100 or
fewer beds that are not part of a chain
organization. As also discussed in section
V.J. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
this proposal was informed by commenter
feedback on the Request for Comment on a
potential Medicare payment policy that
would provide separate payment for
Medicare’s share of the inpatient costs of
establishing and maintaining a 3-month
buffer stock of one or more essential
medicines for all IPPS hospitals, included in
the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC proposed rule (88 FR
As part of a broader HHS initiative to
address the detrimental effects of drug
shortages, our intention with this proposed
payment policy is to help insulate small,
independent hospitals, and the inpatient care
they provide, from the negative effects of
drug shortages and promote the overall
resiliency of drug supply chains without
exacerbating existing shortages or
contributing to hoarding behaviors for
essential medicines during active shortages.
As discussed in section V.J. of the preamble
of this proposed rule, the appropriate time to
establish a buffer stock for a drug is before
it goes into shortage or after a shortage period
has ended. In order to further mitigate any
potential for the proposed policy to
exacerbate existing shortages or contribute to
hoarding, if an essential medicine is listed as
‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ on the FDA Drug
Shortages Database, we are proposing that no
separate buffer stock payment for that
medicine would be made unless the hospital
had already established and was maintaining
a buffer stock of that medicine prior to the
shortage. We believe that this approach is
necessary to avoid rewarding hoarding
behaviors, which we believe are not
consistent with resiliency goals. If an
essential medicine is listed as ‘‘Currently in
Shortage’’ on the FDA Drug Shortages
Database, we are proposing that a hospital
that newly establishes a buffer stock of that
medicine while it is in shortage would not
be eligible for separate buffer stock payment
for that medicine for the duration of the
shortage. However, if a hospital had already
established and was maintaining a buffer
stock of that medicine prior to the shortage,
we are proposing that the hospital would
continue to be eligible for separate buffer
stock payment for that medicine for the
duration of the shortage. We are proposing
that hospital would continue to be eligible
even if the number of months of supply of
that medicine in the buffer stock were to
drop to less than 6 months as the hospital
draws down that buffer stock. Once an
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
essential medicine is no longer listed as
‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ in the FDA Drug
Shortages Database, our proposed policy does
not differentiate that essential medicine from
other essential medicines and hospitals
would be eligible to establish and maintain
buffer stocks for the medicine as they would
have before the shortage.
We also considered an alternative to this
policy whereby a hospital would no longer
be eligible for separate payment for the buffer
stock of an essential medicine beginning on
the day the medicine is listed as ‘‘Currently
in Shortage’’ on the FDA Drug Shortages
Database, even if the hospital had already
established and was maintaining a buffer
stock of that medicine prior to the shortage.
Under this alternative approach, the separate
payment would not be available for the
portion of the cost reporting period during
which the medicine is listed on the FDA
Drug Shortages Database. However, as this
separate payment is proposed to be limited
to small, independent hospitals, we do not
believe such an approach is necessary, as we
do not believe these hospitals would have the
ability to continue to acquire essential
medicines for their buffer stocks during an
active shortage the way that larger hospitals
and chain hospitals may be able to do. If we
proposed different hospital eligibility
requirements, including larger hospitals or
chain hospitals that have greater ability to
continue to acquire and potentially hoard an
essential medicine in active shortage, we
would likely have proposed to limit
eligibility for separate payment for the buffer
stock during a given cost reporting period in
this alternative manner. We were also
concerned about the potential administrative
burden of record keeping and additional
monitoring of the FDA Drug Shortages
Database on these small, independent
hospitals if this alternative policy was
We also considered whether a certain
period of time, 6 months for example, should
elapse before an essential medicine that was
listed as ‘‘Currently in Shortage’’ on the FDA
Drug Shortages Database would become
eligible for separate payment for the
additional resource costs of establishing and
maintaining a 6-month buffer stock. Had we
proposed different hospital eligibility
requirements for the separate payment,
including larger hospitals or chain hospitals
as mentioned previously, we may have
proposed such a requirement to account for
the ramp up time that manufacturers need to
reestablish supply of a given drug in shortage
and to not reward potential hoarding
behaviors. Because the buffer stocks that
small, independent hospitals would require
are likely smaller compared to larger
hospitals and hospital chains, we do not
believe that these hospitals would induce
substantial demand shocks in the
pharmaceutical supply chain through
establishing their respective buffer stocks of
essential medicines immediately following
an active shortage of an essential medicine.
Therefore, we do not believe it is necessary
to require that a certain period of time should
elapse after an essential medicine is no
longer listed as ‘‘Currently in Shortage’’
before that medicine becomes eligible for
separate payment under our proposed policy.
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As discussed in section V.J. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing that for purposes of the proposed
separate payment under the IPPS, the costs
of buffer stocks that would be eligible for
separate payment are the additional resource
costs of establishing and maintaining access
to a 6-month buffer stock for any eligible
medicines on ARMI’s List of 86 essential
medicines, including any subsequent
revisions to that list of medicines. We are
proposing that if the ARMI List is updated to
add or remove any essential medicines, all
medicines on the updated list would be
eligible for separate payment under this
policy for the IPPS shares of the costs of
establishing and maintaining access to 6month buffer stocks as of the date the
updated ARMI List is published. However,
we recognize that the ARMI List does not
include certain medicines that have recently
been in shortage and that may be considered
essential and are more prevalent in specific
care settings other than an inpatient hospital,
such as drugs used in oncology care on an
outpatient basis. We considered providing
separate payment under this proposal for
establishing and maintaining access to a
buffer stock of a broader list of medicines
than just those on the ARMI List, for
example, to include certain types of oncology
drugs. To the extent that in the future other
lists or medicines (such as buprenorphinebased medications or oncology drugs) are
identified for eligibility in future iterations of
this policy, we are seeking comment on the
potential mechanism and timing for
incorporating those updates.
3. Alternatives Considered to the LTCH QRP
Reporting Requirements
With regard to the proposal to add three
assessment items to the LCDS and replace
one assessment item on the LCDS, we believe
these proposals will advance the CMS
National Quality Strategy Goals of equity and
engagement. We considered the alternative of
delaying the proposal to collect these
assessment items, but given the fact they will
encourage meaningful collaboration between
healthcare providers, caregivers, and
community-based organizations to address
HRSNs prior to discharge from the LTCH, we
believe further delay is unwarranted. With
regard to the proposal to extend the LCDS
Admission assessment window, we
considered the option of maintaining the
current 3-day assessment period versus
extending it to 4 days. However, this
proposal is responsive to providers’ feedback
we received regarding the difficulty of
collecting the required LCDS data elements
within the 3-day assessment window when
medically complex patients are admitted
prior to and on weekends. Additionally,
extending the assessment period would have
no impact on the calculation of LTCH QRP
measures, and would only require minimal
revisions to the LCDS guidance manuals.
4. Alternatives Considered for the FY 2025
LTCH PPS Outlier Fixed-Loss Threshold
As discussed in section V.D.3. of the
Addendum of this proposed rule, we are
proposing a fixed-loss amount for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases for FY
2025 of $90,921 that would result in
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estimated outlier payments projected to be
equal to 7.975 percent of estimated FY 2025
payments for such cases. We acknowledge
that the proposed increase to the fixed-loss
amount from the FY 2024 fixed-loss amount
($59,873) is substantial. We also
acknowledge that the FY 2024 fixed-loss
amount was substantially higher than the FY
2023 fixed-loss amount ($38,518). We
recognize that such substantial increases to
the fixed-loss amount in consecutive years
could impact LTCH operations.
For this reason, as an alternative to our
proposed fixed-loss threshold, using the
broad authority conferred upon the Secretary
under section 307(b)(1) of the BIPA to make
‘‘adjustment’’ to ‘‘outliers’’ under the LTCH
prospective payment system, we considered
proposing to establish the FY 2025 fixed-loss
amount as an average of the FY 2024 fixedamount ($59,873) and our modelled FY 2025
fixed-loss amount ($90,921). Under this
approach, the proposed fixed-loss amount
would have been $75,397 (($59,873 +
$90,921)/2). This alternative approach would
provide a 1-year transition to the full increase
to the fixed-loss amount for LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate cases that we
project would result in estimated outlier
payments projected to be equal to 7.975
percent of estimated payments for such cases.
We estimate that this alternative fixed-loss
amount would result in estimated outlier
payments projected to be equal to 9.5 percent
of estimated FY 2025 payments for such
cases. Under this approach, the estimated
difference between the 7.975 percent target
and the estimated percentage of outlier
payments under the alternative fixed-loss
amount would be non-budget neutral. As we
have previously stated in the RY 2007 LTCH
PPS final rule (71 FR 27863 through 27864)
and most recently in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (88 FR 59426), we believe that
the mandate in section 123(a)(1) of the BBRA
for budget neutrality applies only to the first
year of the implementation of the LTCH PPS
(that is, FY 2003). We estimate that aggregate
FY 2025 LTCH PPS payments would increase
by $39 million under this alternative
approach, based on the data used in this
proposed rule. We are soliciting comments
on both our proposed methodology for
determining the FY 2025 fixed-loss amount
discussed in section V.D.3. of the Addendum
of this proposed rule and the alternative
approach discussed in this section. We will
consider these comments when finalizing the
fixed-loss amount for LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate cases for FY 2025 in the
final rule.
5. Alternatives Considered for the
Transforming Episode Accountability Model
In section X.A. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to test a new
mandatory episode-based payment model
called the Transforming Episode
Accountability Model (TEAM). TEAM is
designed to improve beneficiary care through
financial accountability for episodes
categories that begin with one of the
following procedures: coronary artery bypass
graft, lower extremity joint replacement,
major bowel procedure, surgical hip/femur
fracture treatment, and spinal fusion. TEAM
would test whether financial accountability
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
for these episode categories reduces Medicare
expenditures while preserving or enhancing
the quality of care for Medicare beneficiaries.
We anticipate that TEAM would benefit
Medicare beneficiaries through improving
the coordination of items and services paid
for through Medicare FFS payments,
encouraging provider investment in health
care infrastructure and redesigned care
processes, and incentivizing higher value
care across the inpatient and post-acute care
settings for the episode.
Throughout this proposed rule, we have
identified our proposed policies and
alternatives that we have considered and
provided information as to the effects of
these alternatives and the rationale for each
of the proposed policies. For example, we
considered allowing physician group
practices (PGPs) be TEAM participants,
however, we are concerned that PGPs are
generally smaller entities and care for a lower
volume of Medicare beneficiaries which
could make it challenging to take on the level
of financial risk to participate in the model.
We solicit and welcome comments on our
proposals, on the alternatives we have
identified, and on other alternatives that we
should consider. We note that our estimates
are limited to acute care hospitals that may
be selected to participate in this proposed
model. This proposed model would not
directly affect hospitals that are not
participating in the model. However, the
model may encourage innovations in health
care delivery in other areas or in care
reimbursed through other payers. For
example, a TEAM participant may choose to
extend their arrangements to arrangements
outside of the model for all surgical
procedures they provide, as permitted by all
applicable laws, not just those reimbursed by
Medicare and tested in TEAM. We welcome
comments on our proposals and the
alternatives we have identified in the
P. Overall Conclusion
1. Acute Care Hospitals
Acute care hospitals are estimated to
experience an increase of approximately $3.2
billion in FY 2025, including operating,
capital, and the combined effects of (1) the
proposed changes to add-on payments for
certain ESRD discharges, (2) the proposed
payment adjustment for establishing and
maintaining access to a buffer stock of
essential medicines, (3) new technology addon payment changes, and (4) the statutory
expiration of the MDH program and the
temporary changes to the low-volume
hospital payment adjustment on January 1,
2025. The estimated change in operating
payments is approximately $3.1 billion
(discussed in sections I.F of this Appendix).
The estimated change in capital payments is
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approximately $0.183 billion (discussed in
section I.I. of this Appendix). The estimated
change in the combined effects of (1) the
proposed changes to add-on payments for
certain ESRD discharges, (2) the proposed
payment adjustment for establishing and
maintaining access to a buffer stock of
essential medicines, (3) new technology addon payment changes, and (4) the statutory
expiration of the temporary changes to the
low-volume hospital payment adjustment on
January 1, 2025 is approximately ¥$0.158
billion as discussed in sections I.F and I.G.
of this Appendix. Totals may differ from the
sum of the components due to rounding.
Table I. of section I.F. of this Appendix
also demonstrates the estimated
redistributional impacts of the IPPS budget
neutrality requirements for the proposed
MS–DRG and proposed wage index changes,
and for the wage index reclassifications
under the MGCRB.
We estimate that hospitals will experience
a 2.4 percent increase in capital payments
per case, as shown in Table III. of section I.I.
of this Appendix. We project that there will
be a $183 million increase in capital
payments in FY 2025 compared to FY 2024.
The discussions presented in the previous
pages, in combination with the remainder of
this proposed rule, constitute a regulatory
impact analysis.
2. LTCHs
Overall, LTCHs are projected to experience
an increase in estimated payments in FY
2025. In the impact analysis, we are using the
rates, factors, and policies presented in this
proposed rule based on the best available
claims and CCR data to estimate the change
in payments under the LTCH PPS for FY
2025. Accordingly, based on the best
available data for the 330 LTCHs included in
our analysis, we estimate that overall FY
2025 LTCH PPS payments would increase
approximately $41 million relative to FY
2024, primarily due to the proposed annual
update to the LTCH PPS standard Federal
rate partially offset by an estimated decrease
in high-cost outlier payments.
Q. Regulatory Review Cost Estimation
If regulations impose administrative costs
on private entities, such as the time needed
to read and interpret a rule, we should
estimate the cost associated with regulatory
review. Due to the uncertainty involved with
accurately quantifying the number of entities
that will review the rule, we assume that the
total number of unique commenters on last
year’s proposed rule will be the number of
reviewers of this proposed rule. We
acknowledge that this assumption may
understate or overstate the costs of reviewing
the rule. It is possible that not all
commenters reviewed last year’s rule in
detail, and it is also possible that some
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reviewers chose not to comment on the
proposed rule. For these reasons, we believe
that the number of past commenters would
be a fair estimate of the number of reviewers
of this rule. We welcome any comments on
the approach in estimating the number of
entities which will review this proposed rule.
We recognize that different types of entities
are in many cases affected by mutually
exclusive sections of the rule. Thus, for the
purposes of our estimate we assume that each
reviewer read approximately 50 percent of
the proposed rule. Finally, in our estimates,
we have used the 3,274 number of timely
pieces of correspondence on the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH proposed rule as our estimate for
the number of reviewers of this rule. We
continue to acknowledge the uncertainty
involved with using this number, but we
believe it is a fair estimate due to the variety
of entities affected and the likelihood that
some of them choose to rely (in full or in
part) on press releases, newsletters, fact
sheets, or other sources rather than the
comprehensive review of preamble and
regulatory text. We seek comments on this
Using the wage information from the BLS
for medical and health service managers
(Code 11–9111), we estimate that the cost of
reviewing the proposed rule is $100.80 per
hour, including overhead and fringe benefits
nat.htm). Assuming an average reading
speed, we estimate that it would take
approximately 20.83 hours for the staff to
review half of this proposed rule. For each
IPPS hospital or LTCH that reviews this
proposed rule, the estimated cost is $2,099.66
(20.83 hours × $100.80). Therefore, we
estimate that the total cost of reviewing this
proposed rule is $6,874,299.94 ($2,099.66 ×
3,274 reviewers).
II. Accounting Statements and Tables
A. Acute Care Hospitals
As required by OMB Circular A–4
(available at
circulars/A4/a-4.pdf), in Table V. of this
Appendix, we have prepared an accounting
statement showing the classification of the
expenditures associated with the provisions
of this proposed rule as they relate to acute
care hospitals. This table provides our best
estimate of the change in Medicare payments
to providers as a result of the proposed
changes to the IPPS presented in this
proposed rule. All expenditures are classified
as transfers to Medicare providers.
As shown in Table V. of this Appendix, the
net costs to the Federal Government
associated with the policies in this proposed
rule are estimated at $3.2 billion.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Annualized Monetized Transfers
From Whom to Whom
As discussed in section I.J. of this
Appendix, the impact analysis of the
payment rates and factors presented in this
proposed rule under the LTCH PPS is
projected to result in an increase in estimated
aggregate LTCH PPS payments in FY 2025
relative to FY 2024 of approximately $41
million based on the data for 330 LTCHs in
our database that are subject to payment
$3 .2 billion
Federal Government to IPPS Medicare Providers
under the LTCH PPS. Therefore, as required
by OMB Circular A–4 (available at https://
legacy_drupal_files/omb/circulars/A4/a4.pdf), in Table VI. of this Appendix, we
have prepared an accounting statement
showing the classification of the
expenditures associated with the provisions
of this proposed rule as they relate LTCHs.
Table VI. of this Appendix provides our best
estimate of the estimated change in Medicare
payments under the LTCH PPS as a result of
the payment rates and factors and other
provisions presented in this proposed rule
based on the data for the 330 LTCHs in our
database. All expenditures are classified as
transfers to Medicare providers (that is,
As shown in Table VI. of this Appendix,
the net cost to the Federal Government
associated with the policies for LTCHs in this
proposed rule are estimated at $41 million.
III. Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA)
The RFA requires agencies to analyze
options for regulatory relief of small entities.
For purposes of the RFA, small entities
include small businesses, nonprofit
organizations, and small government
jurisdictions. We estimate that most hospitals
and most other providers and suppliers are
small entities as that term is used in the RFA.
The great majority of hospitals and most
other health care providers and suppliers are
small entities, either by being nonprofit
organizations or by meeting the SBA
definition of a small business (having
revenues of less than $8.0 million to $41.5
million in any 1 year). (For details on the
latest standards for health care providers, we
refer readers to page 38 of the Table of Small
Business Size Standards for NAIC 622 found
on the SBA website at
For purposes of the RFA, all hospitals and
other providers and suppliers are considered
to be small entities. Because all hospitals are
considered to be small entities for purposes
of the RFA, the hospital impacts described in
this proposed rule are impacts on small
entities. Individuals and States are not
included in the definition of a small entity.
MACs are not considered to be small entities
because they do not meet the SBA definition
of a small business.
HHS’s practice in interpreting the RFA is
to consider effects economically ’’significant’’
if greater than 5 percent of providers reach
a threshold of 3 to 5 percent or more of total
revenue or total costs. We believe that the
provisions of this proposed rule relating to
IPPS hospitals would have an economically
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$41 million
Federal Government to L TCH Medicare Providers
significant impact on small entities as
explained in this Appendix. Therefore, the
Secretary has certified that this proposed rule
would have a significant economic impact on
a substantial number of small entities. For
example, the majority of the 3,090 IPPS
hospitals included in the impact analysis
shown in ‘‘Table I.—Impact Analysis of
Proposed Changes to the IPPS for Operating
Costs for FY 2025,’’ on average are expected
to see increases in the range of 2.4 percent,
primarily due to the proposed hospital rate
update, as discussed in section I.F. of this
Appendix. On average, the proposed rate
update for these hospitals is estimated to be
2.4 percent.
The 330 LTCH PPS hospitals included in
the impact analysis shown in ‘‘Table IV:
Impact of Proposed Payment Rate and Policy
Changes to LTCH PPS Payments for LTCH
PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate Cases for
FY 2025 (Estimated FY 2024 Payments
Compared to Estimated Proposed FY 2025
Payments)’’ on average are expected to see an
increase of approximately 1.2 percent,
primarily due to the proposed annual
standard Federal rate update for FY 2025 (2.8
percent) being partially offset by a projected
1.3 percent decrease in high cost outlier
payments as a percentage of total LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate payments, as
discussed in section I.J. of this Appendix.
This proposed rule contains a range of
proposals. It provides descriptions of the
statutory provisions that are addressed,
identifies the proposed policies, and presents
rationales for our decisions and, where
relevant, alternatives that were considered.
The analyses discussed in this Appendix and
throughout the preamble of this proposed
rule constitutes our regulatory flexibility
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analysis. We are seeking public comments on
our estimates and analysis of the impact of
our proposals on small entities.
IV. Impact on Small Rural Hospitals
Section 1102(b) of the Act requires us to
prepare a regulatory impact analysis for any
proposed or final rule that may have a
significant impact on the operations of a
substantial number of small rural hospitals.
This analysis must conform to the provisions
of section 603 of the RFA. With the exception
of hospitals located in certain New England
counties, for purposes of section 1102(b) of
the Act, we define a small rural hospital as
a hospital that is located outside of an urban
area and has fewer than 100 beds. Section
601(g) of the Social Security Amendments of
1983 (Pub. L. 98–21) designated hospitals in
certain New England counties as belonging to
the adjacent urban area. Thus, for purposes
of the IPPS and the LTCH PPS, we continue
to classify these hospitals as urban hospitals.
As shown in Table I. in section I.F. of this
Appendix, rural IPPS hospitals with 0–49
beds (350 hospitals) are expected to
experience an increase in payments from FY
2024 to FY 2025 of 0.7 percent and rural IPPS
hospitals with 50–99 beds (183 hospitals) are
expected to experience no change in
payments from FY 2024 to FY 2025. These
changes are primarily driven by the proposed
hospital rate update offset by the statutory
expiration of the MDH program. We refer
readers to Table I. in section I.F. of this
Appendix for additional information on the
quantitative effects of the proposed policy
changes under the IPPS for operating costs.
All rural LTCHs (18 hospitals) shown in
Table IV. in section I.J. of this Appendix have
less than 100 beds. These hospitals are
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
expected to experience an increase in
payments from FY 2024 to FY 2025 of 2.3
percent. This increase is primarily due to the
combination of the proposed 2.8 percent
annual update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for FY 2025, the
proposed changes to the area wage level
adjustment, and estimated changes in outlier
payments, as discussed in section I.J. of this
V. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act Analysis
Section 202 of the Unfunded Mandates
Reform Act of 1995 (Pub. L. 104–4) also
requires that agencies assess anticipated costs
and benefits before issuing any rule whose
mandates require spending in any 1 year of
$100 million in 1995 dollars, updated
annually for inflation. In 2024, that threshold
level is approximately $183 million. This
proposed rule would not mandate any
requirements that meet the threshold for
State, local, or tribal governments, nor would
it affect private sector costs.
VI. Executive Order 13132
Executive Order 13132 establishes certain
requirements that an agency must meet when
it promulgates a proposed rule (and
subsequent final rule) that imposes
substantial direct requirement costs on state
and local governments, preempts state law,
or otherwise has federalism implications.
This proposed rule would not have a
substantial direct effect on state or local
governments, preempt states, or otherwise
have a federalism implication.
VII. Executive Order 13175
Executive Order 13175 directs agencies to
consult with Tribal officials prior to the
formal promulgation of regulations having
tribal implications. Section 1880(a) of the Act
states that a hospital of the Indian Health
Service, whether operated by such Service or
by an Indian tribe or tribal organization, is
eligible for Medicare payments so long as it
meets all of the conditions and requirements
for such payments which are applicable
generally to hospitals. Consistent with
section 1880(a) of the Act, this proposed rule
contains general provisions also applicable to
hospitals and facilities operated by the
Indian Health Service or Tribes or Tribal
organizations under the Indian SelfDetermination and Education Assistance Act.
We continue to engage in consultations with
Tribal officials on IPPS issues of interest. We
will use input received from these
consultations, as well as the comments on
the proposed rule, to inform this rulemaking.
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VIII. Executive Order 12866
In accordance with the provisions of
Executive Order 12866, the Office of
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Management and Budget reviewed this
proposed rule.
Appendix B: Recommendation of
Update Factors for Operating Cost
Rates of Payment for Inpatient Hospital
I. Background
Section 1886(e)(4)(A) of the Act requires
that the Secretary, taking into consideration
the recommendations of MedPAC,
recommend update factors for inpatient
hospital services for each fiscal year that take
into account the amounts necessary for the
efficient and effective delivery of medically
appropriate and necessary care of high
quality. Under section 1886(e)(5) of the Act,
we are required to publish update factors
recommended by the Secretary in the
proposed and final IPPS rules. Accordingly,
this Appendix provides the
recommendations for the update factors for
the IPPS national standardized amount, the
hospital-specific rate for SCHs and MDHs,
and the rate-of-increase limits for certain
hospitals excluded from the IPPS, as well as
LTCHs. In prior years, we made a
recommendation in the IPPS proposed rule
and final rule for the update factors for the
payment rates for IRFs and IPFs. However,
for FY 2025, consistent with our approach for
FY 2024, we are including the Secretary’s
recommendation for the update factors for
IRFs and IPFs in separate Federal Register
documents at the time that we announce the
annual updates for IRFs and IPFs. We also
discuss our response to MedPAC’s
recommended update factors for inpatient
hospital services.
II. Inpatient Hospital Update for FY 2025
A. Proposed FY 2025 Inpatient Hospital
As discussed in section V.B. of the
preamble to this proposed rule, for FY 2025,
consistent with section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the
Act, as amended by sections 3401(a) and
10319(a) of the Affordable Care Act, we are
setting the applicable percentage increase by
applying the following adjustments in the
following sequence. Specifically, the
applicable percentage increase under the
IPPS is equal to the rate-of-increase in the
hospital market basket for IPPS hospitals in
all areas, subject to a reduction of one-quarter
of the applicable percentage increase (prior to
the application of other statutory
adjustments; also referred to as the market
basket update or rate-of-increase (with no
adjustments)) for hospitals that fail to submit
quality information under rules established
by the Secretary in accordance with section
PO 00000
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1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act and a reduction
of three-quarters of the applicable percentage
increase (prior to the application of other
statutory adjustments; also referred to as the
market basket update or rate-of-increase
(with no adjustments)) for hospitals not
considered to be meaningful electronic
health record (EHR) users in accordance with
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act, and then
subject to an adjustment based on changes in
economy-wide productivity (the productivity
adjustment). Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi) of the
Act, as added by section 3401(a) of the
Affordable Care Act, states that application of
the productivity adjustment may result in the
applicable percentage increase being less
than zero.
We note that, in compliance with section
404 of the MMA, in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (86 FR 45194 through 45204),
we replaced the 2014-based IPPS operating
and capital market baskets with the rebased
and revised 2018-based IPPS operating and
capital market baskets beginning in FY 2022.
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule, in accordance with section 1886(b)(3)(B)
of the Act, we are proposing to base the
proposed FY 2025 market basket update used
to determine the applicable percentage
increase for the IPPS on IGI’s fourth quarter
2023 forecast of the 2018-based IPPS market
basket rate-of-increase with historical data
through third quarter 2023, which is
estimated to be 3.0 percent. In accordance
with section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the Act, as
amended by section 3401(a) of the Affordable
Care Act, in section IV.B. of the preamble of
this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule,
based on IGI’s fourth quarter 2023 forecast,
we are proposing a productivity adjustment
of 0.4 percentage point for FY 2025. We are
also proposing that if more recent data
subsequently become available, we would
use such data, if appropriate, to determine
the FY 2025 market basket update and
productivity adjustment for the FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Therefore, based on IGI’s fourth quarter
2023 forecast of the 2018-based IPPS market
basket update and the productivity
adjustment, depending on whether a hospital
submits quality data under the rules
established in accordance with section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act (hereafter
referred to as a hospital that submits quality
data) and is a meaningful EHR user under
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act (hereafter
referred to as a hospital that is a meaningful
EHR user), we are proposing four possible
applicable percentage increases that could be
applied to the standardized amount, as
shown in the following table.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
Proposed Market Basket Rate-of-Increase
Proposed Adjustment for Failure to Submit Quality Data under Section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act
Proposed Adjustment for Failure to be a Meaningful EHR User under Section
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act
Proposed Productivily Adi uslmenl under Section l 886(b )(3 )(B)( xi) of the Acl
Prooosed Aoolicable Percentaee Increase Annlied to Standardized Amount
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with PROPOSALS2
B. Proposed FY 2025 SCH and MDH Update
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(iv) of the Act
provides that the FY 2025 applicable
percentage increase in the hospital-specific
rate for SCHs and MDHs equals the
applicable percentage increase set forth in
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(i) of the Act (that is, the
same update factor as for all other hospitals
subject to the IPPS).
Section 307 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 (CAA, 2024) (Pub.
L. 118–42), enacted on March 9, 2024,
extended the MDH program for FY 2025
discharges occurring before January 1, 2025.
Prior to enactment of the CAA, 2024, the
MDH program was only to be in effect
through the end of FY 2024. Therefore, under
current law, the MDH program will expire for
discharges on or after January 1, 2025. We
refer readers to section V.E. of the preamble
of this proposed rule for further discussion
of the MDH program.
As previously stated, the update to the
hospital specific rate for SCHs and MDHs is
subject to section 1886(b)(3)(B)(i) of the Act,
as amended by sections 3401(a) and 10319(a)
of the Affordable Care Act. Accordingly,
depending on whether a hospital submits
quality data and is a meaningful EHR user,
we are proposing the same four possible
applicable percentage increases in the
previous table for the hospital-specific rate
applicable to SCHs and MDHs.
C. Proposed FY 2025 Puerto Rico Hospital
Because Puerto Rico hospitals are no
longer paid with a Puerto Rico-specific
standardized amount under the amendments
to section 1886(d)(9)(E) of the Act, there is no
longer a need for us to make an update to the
Puerto Rico standardized amount. Hospitals
in Puerto Rico are now paid 100 percent of
the national standardized amount and,
therefore, are subject to the same update to
the national standardized amount discussed
under section V.B.1. of the preamble of this
proposed rule.
In addition, as discussed in section V.B.2.
of the preamble of this proposed rule, section
602 of Public Law 114–113 amended section
1886(n)(6)(B) of the Act to specify that
subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals are
eligible for incentive payments for the
meaningful use of certified EHR technology,
effective beginning FY 2016. In addition,
section 1886(n)(6)(B) of the Act was amended
to specify that the adjustments to the
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Quality Data
and is a
EHR User
Data and is
EHR User
Hospital Did
NOT Submit
Quality Data
and is a
EHR User
Hospital Did
NOT Submit
Quality Data
and is NOT a
EHR User
applicable percentage increase under section
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act apply to
subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals that are
not meaningful EHR users, effective
beginning FY 2022.
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act in
conjunction with section 602(d) of Public
Law 114–113 requires that for FY 2024 and
subsequent fiscal years, any subsection (d)
Puerto Rico hospital that is not a meaningful
EHR user as defined in section 1886(n)(3) of
the Act and not subject to an exception under
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act will have
a reduction of three-quarters of the applicable
percentage increase (prior to the application
of other statutory adjustments).
Based on IGI’s fourth quarter 2023 forecast
of the 2018-based IPPS market basket update
with historical data through third quarter
2023, for this FY 2025 proposed rule, in
accordance with section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the
Act, as previously discussed, for Puerto Rico
hospitals, we are proposing a market basket
update of 3.0 percent and a productivity
adjustment of 0.4 percentage point.
Therefore, for FY 2025, depending on
whether a Puerto Rico hospital is a
meaningful EHR user, there are two possible
applicable percentage increases that can be
applied to the standardized amount. Based
on these data, we are proposing the following
applicable percentage increases to the
standardized amount for FY 2025 for Puerto
Rico hospitals:
• For a Puerto Rico hospital that is a
meaningful EHR user, we are proposing an
applicable percentage increase to the
operating standardized amount of 2.6 percent
(that is, the FY 2025 estimate of the proposed
market basket rate-of-increase of 3.0 percent
less an adjustment of 0.4 percentage point for
the proposed productivity adjustment).
• For a Puerto Rico hospital that is not a
meaningful EHR user, we are proposing an
applicable percentage increase to the
operating standardized amount of 0.35
percent (that is, the FY 2025 estimate of the
proposed market basket rate-of-increase of
3.0 percent, less an adjustment of 2.25
percentage point (the proposed market basket
rate-of-increase of 3.0 percent × 0.75 for
failure to be a meaningful EHR user), and less
an adjustment of 0.4 percentage point for the
proposed productivity adjustment).
As noted previously, we are proposing that
if more recent data subsequently become
available, we would use such data, if
appropriate, to determine the FY 2025 market
PO 00000
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basket update and the productivity
adjustment for the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule.
D. Proposed Update for Hospitals Excluded
From the IPPS for FY 2025
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ii) of the Act is used
for purposes of determining the percentage
increase in the rate-of-increase limits for
children’s hospitals, cancer hospitals, and
hospitals located outside the 50 States, the
District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico (that is,
short-term acute care hospitals located in the
U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern
Mariana Islands, and America Samoa).
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ii) of the Act sets the
rate-of-increase limits equal to the market
basket percentage increase. In accordance
with § 403.752(a) of the regulations, religious
nonmedical health care institutions (RNHCIs)
are paid under the provisions of § 413.40,
which also use section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ii) of the
Act to update the percentage increase in the
rate-of-increase limits.
Currently, children’s hospitals, PPSexcluded cancer hospitals, RNHCIs, and
short-term acute care hospitals located in the
U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern
Mariana Islands, and American Samoa are
among the remaining types of hospitals still
paid under the reasonable cost methodology,
subject to the rate-of-increase limits. In
addition, in accordance with § 412.526(c)(3)
of the regulations, extended neoplastic
disease care hospitals (described in
§ 412.22(i) of the regulations) also are subject
to the rate-of-increase limits. As discussed in
section VI. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we are proposing to use the percentage
increase in the 2018-based IPPS operating
market basket to update the target amounts
for children’s hospitals, PPS-excluded cancer
hospitals, RNHCIs, short-term acute care
hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin Islands,
Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and
American Samoa, and extended neoplastic
disease care hospitals for FY 2025 and
subsequent fiscal years. Accordingly, for FY
2025, the rate-of-increase percentage to be
applied to the target amount for these
children’s hospitals, cancer hospitals,
RNHCIs, extended neoplastic disease care
hospitals, and short-term acute care hospitals
located in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the
Northern Mariana Islands, and American
Samoa is the FY 2025 percentage increase in
the 2018-based IPPS operating market basket.
For this proposed rule, the current estimate
of the IPPS operating market basket
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed Rules
percentage increase for FY 2025 is 3.0
percent. We are proposing that if more recent
data subsequently become available, we
would use such data, if appropriate, to
determine the FY 2025 market basket update
for the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
E. Proposed Update for LTCHs for FY 2025
Section 123 of Public Law 106–113, as
amended by section 307(b) of Public Law
106–554 (and codified at section 1886(m)(1)
of the Act), provides the statutory authority
for updating payment rates under the LTCH
As discussed in section V.A. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule, we are
proposing to update the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for FY 2025 by 2.8
percent, consistent with section 1886(m)(3)
of the Act which provides that any annual
update be reduced by the productivity
adjustment described in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act (that is, the
productivity adjustment). Furthermore, in
accordance with the LTCH QR Program
under section 1886(m)(5) of the Act, we are
proposing to reduce the annual update to the
LTCH PPS standard Federal rate by 2.0
percentage points for failure of a LTCH to
submit the required quality data.
Accordingly, we are proposing to establish an
update factor of 1.028 in determining the
LTCH PPS standard Federal rate for FY 2025.
For LTCHs that fail to submit quality data for
FY 2025, we are proposing to establish an
annual update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal rate of 0.8 percent (that is, the
proposed annual update for FY 2025 of 2.8
percent less 2.0 percentage points for failure
to submit the required quality data in
accordance with section 1886(m)(5)(C) of the
Act and our rules) by applying a proposed
update factor of 1.008 in determining the
LTCH PPS standard Federal rate for FY 2025.
(We note that, as discussed in section VII.D.
of the preamble of this proposed rule, the
proposed update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate of 2.8 percent for FY
2025 does not reflect any budget neutrality
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III. Secretary’s Recommendations
MedPAC is recommending inpatient
hospital rates be updated by the amount
specified in current law plus 1.5 percent.
MedPAC’s rationale for this update
recommendation is described in more detail
in this section. As previously stated, section
1886(e)(4)(A) of the Act requires that the
Secretary, taking into consideration the
recommendations of MedPAC, recommend
update factors for inpatient hospital services
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for each fiscal year that take into account the
amounts necessary for the efficient and
effective delivery of medically appropriate
and necessary care of high quality. Consistent
with current law, depending on whether a
hospital submits quality data and is a
meaningful EHR user, we are recommending
the four applicable percentage increases to
the standardized amount listed in the table
under section II. of this Appendix B. We are
recommending that the same applicable
percentage increases apply to SCHs and
In addition to making a recommendation
for IPPS hospitals, in accordance with
section 1886(e)(4)(A) of the Act, we are
recommending update factors for certain
other types of hospitals excluded from the
IPPS. Consistent with our policies for these
facilities, we are recommending an update to
the target amounts for children’s hospitals,
cancer hospitals, RNHCIs, short-term acute
care hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin
Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands,
and American Samoa and extended
neoplastic disease care hospitals of 3.0
For FY 2025, consistent with policy set
forth in section VII. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, for LTCHs that submit quality
data, we are recommending an update of 2.8
percent to the LTCH PPS standard Federal
rate. For LTCHs that fail to submit quality
data for FY 2025, we are recommending an
annual update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal rate of 0.8 percent.
IV. MedPAC Recommendation for Assessing
Payment Adequacy and Updating Payments
in Traditional Medicare
In its March 2024 Report to Congress,
MedPAC assessed the adequacy of current
payments and costs, and the relationship
between payments and an appropriate cost
base. MedPAC recommended an update to
the hospital inpatient rates by the amount
specified in current law plus 1.5 percent.
MedPAC anticipates that their
recommendation to update the IPPS payment
rate by the amount specified under current
law plus 1.5 percent in 2025 would generally
be adequate to maintain beneficiaries’ access
to hospital inpatient and outpatient care and
keep IPPS payment rates close to, if
somewhat below, the cost of delivering highquality care efficiently.
MedPAC stated that their recommended
update to IPPS and OPPS payment rates of
current law plus 1.5 percent may not be
sufficient to ensure the financial viability of
some Medicare safety-net hospitals with a
poor payer mix. MedPAC recommends
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redistributing the current Medicare safety-net
payments (disproportionate share hospital
and uncompensated care payments) using the
MedPAC-developed Medicare Safety-Net
Index (MSNI) for hospitals. In addition,
MedPAC recommends adding $4 billion to
this MSNI pool of funds to help maintain the
financial viability of Medicare safety-net
hospitals and recommended to Congress
transitional approaches for a MSNI policy.
We refer readers to the March 2024
MedPAC report, which is available for
download at, for a
complete discussion on these
We are proposing an applicable percentage
increase for FY 2025 of 2.6 percent as
described in section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the Act,
provided the hospital submits quality data
and is a meaningful EHR user consistent with
these statutory requirements. We note that,
because the operating and capital payments
in the IPPS remain separate, we are
continuing to use separate updates for
operating and capital payments in the IPPS.
The proposed update to the capital rate is
discussed in section III. of the Addendum to
this proposed rule.
We note that section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the
Act provides for additional Medicare
payment adjustments, called Medicare
disproportionate share hospital (DSH)
payments, for subsection (d) hospitals that
serve a significantly disproportionate number
of low-income patients. Section 1886(r) of the
Act provides that, for FY 2014 and each
subsequent fiscal year, the Secretary shall
pay each such subsection (d) hospital that is
eligible for Medicare DSH payments an
empirically justified DSH payment equal to
25 percent of the Medicare DSH adjustment
they would have received under section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act if subsection (r) did
not apply. The remaining amount, equal to
an estimate of 75 percent of what otherwise
would have been paid as Medicare DSH
payments if subsection (r) of the Act did not
apply, reduced to reflect changes in the
percentage of individuals who are uninsured,
is available to make additional payments to
each hospital that qualifies for Medicare DSH
payments and has uncompensated care.
These additional payments are called
uncompensated care payments. We refer
readers to section IV. of this proposed rule
for a further discussion of Medicare DSH and
uncompensated care payments.
[FR Doc. 2024–07567 Filed 4–10–24; 4:15 pm]
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 86 (Thursday, May 2, 2024)]
[Proposed Rules]
[Pages 35934-36649]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-07567]
[[Page 35933]]
Vol. 89
No. 86
May 2, 2024
Part II
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
42 CFR Parts 412, 413, 431, et al.
Medicare and Medicaid Programs and the Children's Health Insurance
Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for Acute Care
Hospitals and the Long Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System
and Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2025 Rates; Quality Programs
Requirements; and Other Policy Changes; Proposed Rule
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 86 / Thursday, May 2, 2024 / Proposed
[[Page 35934]]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
42 CFR Parts 412, 413, 431, 482, 485, 495, and 512
RIN 0938-AV34
Medicare and Medicaid Programs and the Children's Health
Insurance Program; Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment Systems for
Acute Care Hospitals and the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective
Payment System and Policy Changes and Fiscal Year 2025 Rates; Quality
Programs Requirements; and Other Policy Changes
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS).
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: This proposed rule would revise the Medicare hospital
inpatient prospective payment systems (IPPS) for operating and capital-
related costs of acute care hospitals; make changes relating to
Medicare graduate medical education (GME) for teaching hospitals;
update the payment policies and the annual payment rates for the
Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) for inpatient hospital
services provided by long-term care hospitals (LTCHs); and make other
policy-related changes.
DATES: To be assured consideration, comments must be received at one of
the addresses provided in the ADDRESSES section, no later than 5 p.m.
EDT on June 10, 2024.
ADDRESSES: In commenting, please refer to file code CMS-1808-P. Because
of staff and resource limitations, we cannot accept comments by
facsimile (FAX) transmission. Comments, including mass comment
submissions, must be submitted in one of the following three ways
(please choose only one of the ways listed):
1. Electronically. You may (and we encourage you to) submit
electronic comments on this regulation to
Follow the instructions under the ``submit a comment'' tab.
2. By regular mail. You may mail written comments to the following
address ONLY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of
Health and Human Services, Attention: CMS-1808-P, P.O. Box 8013,
Baltimore, MD 21244-8013.
Please allow sufficient time for mailed comments to be received
before the close of the comment period.
3. By express or overnight mail. You may send written comments via
express or overnight mail to the following address ONLY: Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services,
Attention: CMS-1808-P, Mail Stop C4-26-05, 7500 Security Boulevard,
Baltimore, MD 21244-1850.
For information on viewing public comments, we refer readers to the
beginning of the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Donald Thompson, and Michele Hudson,
(410) 786-4487 or [email protected], Operating Prospective Payment, MS-
DRG Relative Weights, Wage Index, Hospital Geographic
Reclassifications, Graduate Medical Education, Capital Prospective
Payment, Excluded Hospitals, Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospital
(DSH) Payment Adjustment, Sole Community Hospitals (SCHs), Medicare-
Dependent Small Rural Hospital (MDH) Program, Low-Volume Hospital
Payment Adjustment, and Inpatient Critical Access Hospital (CAH)
Emily Lipkin, and Jim Mildenberger, [email protected], Long-Term Care
Hospital Prospective Payment System and MS-LTC-DRG Relative Weights
Lily Yuan, [email protected], New Technology Add-On Payments
Mady Hue, [email protected], and Andrea Hazeley,
[email protected], MS-DRG Classifications Issues.
Siddhartha Mazumdar, siddhartha.mazumdar, Rural
Community Hospital Demonstration Program Issues.
Jeris Smith, [email protected], Frontier Community Health
Integration Project (FCHIP) Demonstration Issues.
Lang Le, [email protected], Hospital Readmissions Reduction
Program--Administration Issues.
Ngozi Uzokwe, [email protected], Hospital Readmissions
Reduction Program--Measures Issues.
Jennifer Tate, [email protected], Hospital-Acquired
Condition Reduction Program--Administration Issues.
Ngozi Uzokwe, [email protected], Hospital-Acquired Condition
Reduction Program--Measures Issues.
Julia Venanzi, [email protected], Hospital Inpatient
Quality Reporting Program and Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program--
Administration Issues.
Melissa Hager, [email protected], and Ngozi Uzokwe,
[email protected]--Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting Program
and Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program--Measures Issues Except
Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
Elizabeth Goldstein, [email protected], Hospital
Inpatient Quality Reporting and Hospital Value-Based Purchasing--
Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems
Measures Issues.
Ora Dawedeit, [email protected], PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital
Quality Reporting--Administration Issues.
Leah Domino, [email protected], PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital
Quality Reporting Program--Measure Issues.
Lorraine Wickiser, [email protected], Long-Term Care
Hospital Quality Reporting Program--Administration Issues.
Jessica Warren, [email protected], and Elizabeth Holland,
[email protected], Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Bridget Dickensheets, [email protected] and Mollie
Knight, [email protected], LTCH Market Basket Rebasing.
Benjamin Cohen, [email protected], Provider Reimbursement
Review Board.
[email protected] and [email protected],
Payment Error Rate Measurement Program.
[email protected], Transforming Episode Accountability Model
The Clinical Standards Group, [email protected],
Obstetrical Services Request for Information (RFI).
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Inspection of Public Comments: All comments
received before the close of the comment period are available for
viewing by the public, including any personally identifiable or
confidential business information that is included in a comment. We
post all comments received before the close of the comment period on
the following website as soon as possible after they have been
received: Follow the search instructions on
that website to view
[[Page 35935]]
public comments. CMS will not post on public comments
that make threats to individuals or institutions or suggest that the
commenter will take actions to harm an individual. CMS continues to
encourage individuals not to submit duplicative comments. We will post
acceptable comments from multiple unique commenters even if the content
is identical or nearly identical to other comments.
Plain Language Summary: In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(4), a
plain language summary of this rule may be found at
Tables Available on the CMS Website
The IPPS tables for this fiscal year (FY) 2025 proposed rule are
available on the CMS website at Click on the link
on the left side of the screen titled ``FY 2025 IPPS Proposed rule Home
Page'' or ``Acute Inpatient--Files for Download.'' The LTCH PPS tables
for this FY 2025 proposed rule are available on the CMS website at under the list item for Regulation
Number CMS-1808-P. For further details on the contents of the tables
referenced in this proposed rule, we refer readers to section VI. of
the Addendum to this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule.
Readers who experience any problems accessing any of the tables
that are posted on the CMS websites, as previously identified, should
contact Michael Treitel, [email protected].
I. Executive Summary and Background
A. Executive Summary
1. Purpose and Legal Authority
This FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule would make payment and
policy changes under the Medicare inpatient prospective payment system
(IPPS) for operating and capital-related costs of acute care hospitals
as well as for certain hospitals and hospital units excluded from the
IPPS. In addition, it would make payment and policy changes for
inpatient hospital services provided by long-term care hospitals
(LTCHs) under the long-term care hospital prospective payment system
(LTCH PPS). This proposed rule also would make policy changes to
programs associated with Medicare IPPS hospitals, IPPS-excluded
hospitals, and LTCHs. In this FY 2025 proposed rule, we are proposing
to continue policies to address wage index disparities impacting low
wage index hospitals. We are also proposing changes relating to
Medicare graduate medical education (GME) for teaching hospitals and
new technology add-on payments.
We are proposing a separate IPPS payment for establishing and
maintaining access to essential medicines.
In the Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program, we are
proposing to modify scoring of the Person and Community Engagement
Domain for the FY 2027 through FY 2029 program years to only score six
unchanged dimensions of the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Survey, and we are proposing to adopt
the updated HCAHPS Survey in the Hospital VBP Program beginning with
the FY 2030 program year after the updated survey would have been
publicly reported under the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR)
Program for 1 year. We are also proposing to modify scoring on the
HCAHPS Survey beginning with the FY 2030 program year to incorporate
the updated HCAHPS Survey measure into nine survey dimensions. Lastly,
we are providing previously and newly established performance standards
for the FY 2027 through FY 2030 program years for the Hospital VBP
In the Hospital IQR Program, we are proposing to add seven new
measures, modify two existing measures including the HCAHPS Survey
measure, and remove five measures. We are also proposing changes to the
reporting and submission requirements for electronic clinical quality
measures (eCQMs) and the validation process for the Hospital IQR
Program data.
In the PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting Program
(PCHQR), we are proposing to adopt the Patient Safety Structural
measure beginning with the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027 program
year. We are also proposing to modify the HCAHPS Survey measure and to
move up the start date for publicly displaying hospital performance on
the Hospital Commitment to Health Equity measure.
In the LTCH QRP, we are proposing to add four items to the LTCH
Continuity Assessment Record and Evaluation (CARE) Data Set (LCDS) and
modify one item on the LCDS beginning with the FY 2028 LTCH QRP.
Additionally, we are proposing to extend the admission assessment
window for the LCDS beginning with the FY 2028 LTCH QRP. Finally, we
are seeking information on future measure concepts for the LTCH QRP and
a future LTCH Star Rating system.
In the Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program, we are
proposing to separate the Antimicrobial Use and Resistance (AUR)
Surveillance measure into two measures, an Antimicrobial Use (AU)
Surveillance measure and an Antimicrobial Resistance (AR) Surveillance
measure, beginning with the electronic health record (EHR) reporting
period in CY 2025. We are proposing to increase the performance-based
scoring threshold from 60 to 80 points beginning with the EHR reporting
period in CY 2025. We are proposing to adopt two new eCQMs and modify
one eCQM, in alignment with the Hospital IQR Program. Finally, we are
proposing changes to the reporting and submission requirements for
eCQMs, in alignment with the Hospital IQR Program.
The Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM) proposes the
creation and testing of a new mandatory alternative payment model. The
intent of TEAM is to improve beneficiary care through financial
accountability for episodes categories that begin with one of the
following procedures: coronary artery bypass graft (CABG), lower
extremity joint replacement (LEJR), major bowel procedure, surgical
hip/femur fracture treatment (SHFFT), and spinal fusion. TEAM would
test whether financial accountability for these episode categories
reduces Medicare expenditures while preserving or enhancing the quality
of care for Medicare beneficiaries. We anticipate that TEAM would
benefit Medicare beneficiaries through improving the coordination of
items and services paid for through Medicare fee-for-service (FFS)
payments, encouraging provider investment in health care infrastructure
and redesigned care processes, and incentivizing higher value care
across the inpatient and post-acute care settings for the episode. We
propose to test TEAM for a 5-year model performance period, beginning
January 1, 2026, and ending December 31, 2030. Under the Quality
Payment Program (QPP), we anticipate that TEAM would be an Advanced
Alternative Payment Model (APM)for Track 2 and Track 3 and a Merit-
based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) APM for all participation tracks.
Under various statutory authorities, we either discuss continued
program implementation or propose to make changes to the Medicare IPPS,
the LTCH PPS, other related payment methodologies and programs for FY
2025 and subsequent fiscal years, and
[[Page 35936]]
other policies and provisions included in this rule. These statutory
authorities include, but are not limited to, the following:
Section 1886(d) of the Social Security Act (the Act),
which sets forth a system of payment for the operating costs of acute
care hospital inpatient stays under Medicare Part A (Hospital
Insurance) based on prospectively set rates. Section 1886(g) of the Act
requires that, instead of paying for capital-related costs of inpatient
hospital services on a reasonable cost basis, the Secretary use a
prospective payment system (PPS).
Section 1886(d)(1)(B) of the Act, which specifies that
certain hospitals and hospital units are excluded from the IPPS. These
hospitals and units are: rehabilitation hospitals and units; LTCHs;
psychiatric hospitals and units; children's hospitals; cancer
hospitals; extended neoplastic disease care hospitals; and hospitals
located outside the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto
Rico (that is, hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the
Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa). Religious nonmedical
health care institutions (RNHCIs) are also excluded from the IPPS.
Sections 123(a) and (c) of the Balanced Budget Refinement
Act of 1999 (BBRA) (Public Law (Pub. L.) 106-113) and section 307(b)(1)
of the Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 (BIPA) (Pub. L.
106-554) (as codified under section 1886(m)(1) of the Act), which
provide for the development and implementation of a prospective payment
system for payment for inpatient hospital services of LTCHs described
in section 1886(d)(1)(B)(iv) of the Act.
Section 1814(l)(4) of the Act requires downward
adjustments to the applicable percentage increase, beginning with FY
2015, for CAHs that do not successfully demonstrate meaningful use of
certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) for an EHR
reporting period for a payment adjustment year.
Section 1886(a)(4) of the Act, which specifies that costs
of approved educational activities are excluded from the operating
costs of inpatient hospital services. Hospitals with approved graduate
medical education (GME) programs are paid for the direct costs of GME
in accordance with section 1886(h) of the Act. Hospitals paid under the
IPPS with approved GME programs are paid for the indirect costs of
training residents in accordance with section 1886(d)(5)(B) of the Act.
Section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act provides for additional
Medicare IPPS payments to subsection (d) hospitals that serve a
significantly disproportionate number of low-income patients. These
payments are known as the Medicare disproportionate share hospital
(DSH) adjustment. Section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act specifies the
methods under which a hospital may qualify for the DSH payment
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act, which requires the
Secretary to reduce the applicable percentage increase that would
otherwise apply to the standardized amount applicable to a subsection
(d) hospital for discharges occurring in a fiscal year if the hospital
does not submit data on measures in a form and manner, and at a time,
specified by the Secretary.
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act, which requires
downward adjustments to the applicable percentage increase, beginning
with FY 2015 (and beginning with FY 2022 for subsection (d) Puerto Rico
hospitals), for eligible hospitals that do not successfully demonstrate
meaningful use of CEHRT for an EHR reporting period for a payment
adjustment year.
Section 1866(k) of the Act, which provides for the
establishment of a quality reporting program for hospitals described in
section 1886(d)(1)(B)(v) of the Act, referred to as ``PPS-exempt cancer
Section 1886(n) of the Act, which establishes the
requirements for an eligible hospital to be treated as a meaningful EHR
user of CEHRT for an EHR reporting period for a payment adjustment year
or, for purposes of subsection (b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act, for a fiscal
Section 1886(o) of the Act, which requires the Secretary
to establish a Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program, under
which value-based incentive payments are made in a fiscal year to
hospitals based on their performance on measures established for a
performance period for such fiscal year.
Section 1886(p) of the Act, which establishes a Hospital-
Acquired Condition (HAC) Reduction Program, under which payments to
applicable hospitals are adjusted to provide an incentive to reduce
hospital-acquired conditions.
Section 1886(q) of the Act, as amended by section 15002 of
the 21st Century Cures Act, which establishes the Hospital Readmissions
Reduction Program. Under the program, payments for discharges from an
applicable hospital as defined under section 1886(d) of the Act will be
reduced to account for certain excess readmissions. Section 15002 of
the 21st Century Cures Act directs the Secretary to compare hospitals
with respect to the number of their Medicare-Medicaid dual-eligible
beneficiaries in determining the extent of excess readmissions.
Section 1886(r) of the Act, as added by section 3133 of
the Affordable Care Act, which provides for a reduction to
disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments under section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act and for an additional uncompensated care
payment to eligible hospitals. Specifically, section 1886(r) of the Act
requires that, for fiscal year 2014 and each subsequent fiscal year,
subsection (d) hospitals that would otherwise receive a DSH payment
made under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act will receive two separate
payments: (1) 25 percent of the amount they previously would have
received under the statutory formula for Medicare DSH payments in
section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act if subsection (r) did not apply (``the
empirically justified amount''), and (2) an additional payment for the
DSH hospital's proportion of uncompensated care, determined as the
product of three factors. These three factors are: (1) 75 percent of
the payments that would otherwise be made under section 1886(d)(5)(F)
of the Act, in the absence of section 1886(r) of the Act; (2) 1 minus
the percent change in the percent of individuals who are uninsured; and
(3) the hospital's uncompensated care amount relative to the
uncompensated care amount of all DSH hospitals expressed as a
Section 1886(m)(5) of the Act, which requires the
Secretary to reduce by 2 percentage points the annual update to the
standard Federal rate for discharges for a long-term care hospital
(LTCH) during the rate year for LTCHs that do not submit data on
quality measures in the form, manner, and at a time, specified by the
Section 1886(m)(6) of the Act, as added by section
1206(a)(1) of the Pathway for Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) Reform Act
of 2013 (Pub. L. 113-67) and amended by section 51005(a) of the
Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Pub. L. 115-123), which provided for the
establishment of site neutral payment rate criteria under the LTCH PPS,
with implementation beginning in FY 2016. Section 51005(b) of the
Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 amended section 1886(m)(6)(B) by adding
new clause (iv), which specifies that the IPPS comparable amount
defined in clause (ii)(I) shall be reduced by 4.6 percent for FYs 2018
through 2026.
Section 1899B of the Act, which provides for the
establishment of standardized data reporting for certain
[[Page 35937]]
post-acute care providers, including LTCHs.
Section 1115A of the Act authorizes the testing of
innovative payment and service delivery models that preserve or enhance
the quality of care furnished to Medicare, Medicaid, and Children's
Health Insurance Program (CHIP) beneficiaries while reducing program
2. Summary of the Major Provisions
The following is a summary of the major provisions in this proposed
rule. In general, these major provisions are being proposed as part of
the annual update to the payment policies and payment rates, consistent
with the applicable statutory provisions. A general summary of the
changes in this proposed rule is presented in section I.D. of the
preamble of this proposed rule.
a. Proposed Continuation of the Low Wage Index Hospital Policy
To help mitigate growing wage index disparities between high wage
and low wage hospitals, in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS rule (84 FR 42326
through 42332), we adopted a policy to increase the wage index values
for certain hospitals with low wage index values (the low wage index
hospital policy). This policy was adopted in a budget neutral manner
through an adjustment applied to the standardized amounts for all
hospitals. We indicated our intention that this policy would be
effective for at least 4 years, beginning in FY 2020, in order to allow
employee compensation increases implemented by these hospitals
sufficient time to be reflected in the wage index calculation. As
discussed in section III.G.5. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
while we are using the FY 2021 cost report data for the FY 2025 wage
index, we are unable to comprehensively evaluate the effect, if any,
the low wage index hospital policy had on hospitals' wage increases
during the years the COVID-19 public health emergency (PHE) was in
effect. We believe it is necessary to wait until we have useable data
from fiscal years after the PHE before reaching any conclusions about
the efficacy of the policy. Therefore, we are proposing that the low
wage index hospital policy and the related budget neutrality adjustment
would be effective for at least three more years, beginning in FY 2025.
b. Proposed Separate IPPS Payment for Establishing and Maintaining
Access to Essential Medicines
As discussed in section V.J. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
the Biden-Harris administration has made it a priority to strengthen
the resilience of medical supply chains and support reliable access to
products for public health, including through prevention and mitigation
of medical product shortages. As a first step in this initiative, we
are proposing to establish a separate payment for small, independent
hospitals for the IPPS shares of the additional resource costs to
voluntarily establish and maintain a 6-month buffer stock of one or
more of 86 essential medicines, either directly or through contractual
arrangements with a pharmaceutical manufacturer, distributor, or
intermediary. For the purposes of this policy, we define small,
independent hospitals as hospitals with 100 beds or fewer that are not
part of a chain organization. We are proposing to make this separate
payment in a non-budget neutral manner under section 1886(d)(5)(I) of
the Act. We are proposing that the payment adjustments would commence
for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2024.
c. DSH Payment Adjustment, Additional Payment for Uncompensated Care,
and Supplemental Payment
Under section 1886(r) of the Act, which was added by section 3133
of the Affordable Care Act, starting in FY 2014, Medicare
disproportionate share hospitals (DSHs) receive 25 percent of the
amount they previously would have received under the statutory formula
for Medicare DSH payments in section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act. The
remaining amount, equal to 75 percent of the amount that would have
been paid as Medicare DSH payments under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the
Act if subsection (r) did not apply, is paid as additional payments
after the amount is reduced for changes in the percentage of
individuals that are uninsured. Each Medicare DSH that has
uncompensated care will receive an additional payment based on its
share of the total amount of uncompensated care for all Medicare DSHs
for a given time period. This additional payment is known as the
uncompensated care payment.
In this proposed rule, we are proposing to update our estimates of
the three factors used to determine uncompensated care payments for FY
2025. We are also proposing to continue to use uninsured estimates
produced by CMS' Office of the Actuary (OACT) as part of the
development of the National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) in
conjunction with more recently available data in the calculation of
Factor 2. Consistent with the regulation at Sec.
412.106(g)(1)(iii)(C)(11), which was adopted in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, for FY 2025, we will use the 3 most recent years of
audited data on uncompensated care costs from Worksheet S-10 of the FY
2019, FY 2020, and FY 2021 cost reports to calculate Factor 3 in the
uncompensated care payment methodology for all eligible hospitals.
Beginning with FY 2023 (87 FR 49047 through 49051), we also
established a supplemental payment for IHS and Tribal hospitals and
hospitals located in Puerto Rico. In section IV.D of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we summarize the ongoing methodology for
supplemental payments.
In this proposed rule, we are also proposing, for FY 2025 and
subsequent fiscal years, to calculate the per-discharge amount for
interim uncompensated care payments using the average of the most
recent 3 years of discharge data. Accordingly, for FY 2025, we propose
to use an average of discharge data from FY 2021, FY 2022, and FY 2023.
We believe that our proposed approach will likely result in a better
estimate of the number of discharges during FY 2025 and subsequent
years for purposes of the interim uncompensated care payment
calculation. We propose to codify this proposed approach in new Sec.
d. Proposed Adoption of the Patient Safety Structural Measure in the
Hospital IQR Program and PCHQR Program
The proposed Patient Safety Structural measure is an attestation-
based measure that assesses whether hospitals have a structure and
culture that prioritizes safety as demonstrated by the following five
domains: (1) leadership commitment to eliminating preventable harm; (2)
strategic planning and organizational policy; (3) culture of safety and
learning health system; (4) accountability and transparency; and (5)
patient and family engagement. Hospitals would attest to whether they
engage in specific evidence-based best practices within each of these
domains to achieve a score from zero to five out of five points. We are
proposing that hospitals would be required to report this measure
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027 program year for
the PCHQR Program and for the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination for the Hospital IQR Program.
[[Page 35938]]
e. Proposed Updated Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare
Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Survey Measure in the Hospital IQR
Program, Hospital VBP Program, and PCHQR Program
The proposal to use the updated version of the HCAHPS Survey
measure aligns with the National Quality Strategy goal to bring patient
voices to the forefront by incorporating feedback from patients and
caregivers. The proposed updated HCAHPS Survey measure would be adopted
for the Hospital IQR and PCHQR Programs beginning with the CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 payment determination and the CY 2025
reporting period/FY 2027 program year, respectively. For the Hospital
VBP Program, we are proposing to modify scoring on the Person and
Community Engagement Domain for the FY 2027 through FY 2029 program
years to only score six unchanged dimensions of the HCAHPS Survey. We
are proposing to adopt the updated HCAHPS Survey measure beginning with
the FY 2030 program year, which would result in nine HCAHPS Survey
dimensions for the Person and Community Engagement Domain. We are also
proposing to modify scoring of the Person and Community Engagement
Domain beginning with the FY 2030 program year to account for the
proposed updates to the HCAHPS Survey.
f. Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program
Section 1886(o) of the Act requires the Secretary to establish a
Hospital VBP Program under which value-based incentive payments are
made in a fiscal year to hospitals based on their performance on
measures established for a performance period for such fiscal year. In
this proposed rule, we are proposing to modify scoring on the Person
and Community Engagement Domain for the FY 2027 through FY 2029 program
years while the updated HCAHPS Survey measure would be publicly
reported under the Hospital IQR Program. In addition, we are proposing
to adopt the updated HCAHPS Survey measure beginning with the FY 2030
program year and modify scoring beginning with the FY 2030 program year
to account for the updated HCAHPS Survey.
g. Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program
Under section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act, subsection (d)
hospitals are required to report data on measures selected by the
Secretary for a fiscal year in order to receive the full annual
percentage increase. In the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are
proposing several changes to the Hospital IQR Program. We are proposing
the adoption of seven new measures: (1) Patient Safety Structural
measure beginning with the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination; (2) Age Friendly Hospital measure beginning with the CY
2025 reporting period/FY 2027 payment determination; (3) Catheter-
Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) Standardized Infection Ratio
Stratified for Oncology Locations beginning with the CY 2026 reporting
period/FY 2028 payment determination; (4) Central Line-Associated
Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI) Standardized Infection Ratio Stratified
for Oncology Locations beginning with the CY 2026 reporting period/FY
2028 reporting period; (5) Hospital Harm--Falls with Injury eCQM
beginning with the CY 2026 reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination; (6) Hospital Harm--Postoperative Respiratory Failure
eCQM beginning with the CY 2026 reporting period/FY 2028 payment
determination; and (7) Thirty-day Risk-Standardized Death Rate among
Surgical Inpatients with Complications (Failure-to-Rescue) measure
beginning with the July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025 reporting period/FY 2027
payment determination. We are also proposing refinements to two
measures currently in the Hospital IQR Program measure set: (1) Global
Malnutrition Composite Score (GMCS) eCQM, beginning with the CY 2026
reporting period/FY 2028 payment determination; and (2) the HCAHPS
Survey beginning with the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027 payment
determination. We are also proposing the removal of five measures: (1)
Death Among Surgical Inpatients with Serious Treatable Complications
(CMS PSI 04) measure beginning with the July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025
reporting period/FY 27 payment determination ; (2) Hospital-level,
Risk-Standardized Payment Associated with a 30-Day Episode-of-Care for
Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) measure beginning with the July 1,
2021-June 30, 2024 reporting period/FY 2026 payment determination; (3)
Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode-of-Care for Heart Failure (HF) measure beginning with the July
1, 2021-June 30, 2024 reporting period/FY 2026 payment determination;
(4) Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode-of-Care for Pneumonia (PN) measure beginning with July 1, 2021-
June 30, 2024 reporting period/FY 2026 payment determination and (5)
Hospital-level, Risk-Standardized Payment Associated with a 30-Day
Episode-of-Care for Elective Primary Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) and/
or Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) measure beginning with the April 1,
2021-March 31, 2024 reporting period/FY 2026 payment determination.
We are proposing to modify eCQM data reporting and submission
requirements by proposing a progressive increase in the number of
mandatory eCQMs a hospital would be required to report on beginning
with the CY 2026 reporting period/FY 2028 payment determination. We are
also proposing two changes to current policies related to validation of
hospital data: (1) to implement eCQM validation scoring based on the
accuracy of eCQM data beginning with the validation of CY 2025 eCQM
data affecting the FY 2028 payment determination; and (2) modification
of the data validation reconsideration request requirements to make
medical records submission optional for reconsideration requests
beginning with CY 2023 discharges/FY 2026 payment determination.
h. PPS-Exempt Cancer Hospital Quality Reporting (PCHQR) Program
Section 1866(k)(1) of the Act requires, for purposes of FY 2014 and
each subsequent fiscal year, that a hospital described in section
1886(d)(1)(B)(v) of the Act (a PPS-exempt cancer hospital, or a PCH)
submit data in accordance with section 1866(k)(2) of the Act with
respect to such fiscal year. In the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule, we are proposing to adopt the Patient Safety Structural measure
beginning with the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027 program year. We
are also proposing to modify the HCAHPS Survey measure beginning with
the CY 2025 reporting period/FY 2027 program year. We are also
proposing to move up the start date for publicly displaying hospital
performance on the Hospital Commitment to Health Equity measure from
July 2026 to January 2026 or as soon as feasible thereafter.
i. Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program (LTCH QRP)
We are proposing the following changes to the LTCH QRP: (1) add
four items to the LCDS beginning with the FY 2028 LTCH QRP; (2) modify
one item on the LCDS beginning with the FY 2028 LTCH QRP; and (3)
extend the admission assessment window for the LCDS beginning with the
FY 2028 LTCH QRP. We are also seeking information on future measure
concepts for the
[[Page 35939]]
LTCH QRP and a future LTCH Star Rating system.
j. Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program
In section X.F. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing several changes to the Medicare Promoting Interoperability
Program. Specifically, we are proposing: (1) to separate the
Antimicrobial Use and Resistance (AUR) Surveillance measure into two
measures, an Antimicrobial Use (AU) Surveillance measure and an
Antimicrobial Resistance (AR) Surveillance measure, beginning with the
EHR reporting period in CY 2025; to add a new exclusion for eligible
hospitals or critical access hospitals (CAHs) that do not have a data
source containing the minimal discrete data elements that are required
for AU or AR Surveillance reporting; to modify the applicability of the
existing exclusions to either the AU or AR Surveillance measures,
respectively; and to treat the AU and AR Surveillance measures as new
measures with respect to active engagement beginning with the EHR
reporting period in CY 2025; (2) to increase the performance-based
scoring threshold for eligible hospitals and CAHs reporting under the
Medicare Promoting Interoperability Program from 60 points to 80 points
beginning with the EHR reporting period in CY 2025; (3) to adopt two
new eCQMs that hospitals can select as one of their three self-selected
eCQMs beginning with the CY 2026 reporting period: the Hospital Harm--
Falls with Injury eCQM and the Hospital Harm--Postoperative Respiratory
Failure eCQM; (4) beginning with the CY 2026 reporting period, to
modify one eCQM, the Global Malnutrition Composite Score eCQM; and (5)
to modify eCQM data reporting and submission requirements by proposing
a progressive increase in the number of mandatory eCQMs eligible
hospitals and CAHs would be required to report on beginning with the CY
2026 reporting period.
k. Proposed Distribution of Additional Residency Positions Under the
Provisions of Section 4122 of Subtitle C of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2023 (CAA, 2023)
In this proposed rule, we are including a proposal to implement
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023. Section 4122(a) of the CAA, 2023,
amended section 1886(h) of the Act by adding a new section 1886(h)(10)
of the Act requiring the distribution of additional residency positions
(also referred to as slots) to hospitals. We refer readers to section
V.F.2. of the preamble of this proposed rule for a summary of the
provisions of section 4122 of the CAA, 2023 that we are proposing to
implement in this proposed rule.
l. Extension of the Medicare-Dependent, Small Rural Hospital (MDH)
Program and the Temporary Changes to the Low-Volume Hospital Payment
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (CAA, 2024) (Pub. L. 118-
42), enacted on March 9, 2024, extended the MDH program and the
temporary changes to the low-volume hospital qualifying criteria and
payment adjustment under the IPPS for a portion of FY 2025.
Specifically, section 306 of the CAA, 2024 further extended the
modified definition of low-volume hospital and the methodology for
calculating the payment adjustment for low-volume hospitals under
section 1886(d)(12) of the Act through December 31, 2024. Section 307
of the CAA, 2024 extended the MDH program under section 1886(d)(5)(G)
of the Act through December 31, 2024. Prior to enactment of the CAA,
2024, the low-volume hospital qualifying criteria and payment
adjustment were set revert to the statutory requirements that were in
effect prior to FY 2011 at the end of FY 2024 and beginning October 1,
2024, the MDH program would have no longer been in effect.
We recognize the importance of these extensions with respect to the
goal of advancing health equity by addressing the health disparities
that underlie the health system is one of CMS' strategic pillars \1\
and a Biden-Harris Administration priority.\2\ These provisions are
projected to increase payments to IPPS hospitals by approximately $137
million in FY 2025.
m. Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM)
In section X.A. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we propose
the Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM). TEAM would be a
5-year mandatory model tested under the authority of section 1115A of
the Act, beginning on January 1, 2026, and ending on December 31, 2030.
The intent of TEAM is to improve beneficiary care through financial
accountability for episodes categories that begin with one of the
following procedures: coronary artery bypass (CABG), lower extremity
joint replacement (LEJR), major bowel procedure, surgical hip/femur
fracture treatment (SHFFT), and spinal fusion. TEAM would test whether
financial accountability for these episode categories reduces Medicare
expenditures while preserving or enhancing the quality of care for
Medicare beneficiaries.
Under Traditional Medicare, Medicare makes separate payments to
providers and suppliers for the items and services furnished to a
beneficiary over the course of an episode of care. Because providers
and suppliers are paid for each individual item or service delivered,
providers may not be incentivized to invest in quality improvement and
care coordination activities. As a result, care may be fragmented,
unnecessary, or duplicative. By holding hospitals accountable for all
items and services provided during an episode, providers would be
better incentivized to coordinate patient care, avoid duplicative or
unnecessary services, and improve the beneficiary care experience
during care transitions.
Under the TEAM proposals, all acute care hospitals, with limited
exceptions, located within the Core-Based Statistical Areas that CMS
selects for model implementation would be required to participate in
TEAM. As proposed, TEAM would have a 1-year glide path opportunity that
would allow TEAM participants to ease into full financial risk as well
as different participation tracks to accommodate different levels of
financial risk and reward. Episodes would include non-excluded Medicare
Parts A and B items and services and would begin with an anchor
hospitalization or anchor procedure and would end 30 days after
hospital discharge. We are proposing that the following episode
categories, when furnished by a TEAM participant, would initiate a TEAM
Episode: lower extremity joint replacement, surgical hip femur fracture
treatment, spinal fusion, coronary artery bypass graft, and major bowel
TEAM participants would continue to bill Medicare FFS as usual but
would receive target prices for episodes prior to each performance
year. Target prices would be based on 3 years of baseline data,
prospectively trended forward to the relevant performance year, and
calculated at the level of MS-DRG/HCPCS episode type and region. Target
prices would also include a discount factor, normalization factor, and
a risk-adjustment. Performance in the model would be assessed by
comparing TEAM participants' actual Medicare FFS spending during a
performance year to their reconciliation target price as well as by
assessing performance on three quality measures. TEAM participants
would earn a payment from CMS, subject to a quality performance
[[Page 35940]]
adjustment, if their spending is below the reconciliation target price.
TEAM participants would owe CMS a repayment amount, subject to a
quality performance adjustment, if their spending was above the
reconciliation target price.
n. Maternity Care Request for Information (RFI)
In alignment with our commitment to addressing the maternal health
crisis, this RFI seeks to gather information on differences between
hospital resources required to provide inpatient pregnancy and
childbirth services to Medicare patients as compared to non-Medicare
patients. To the extent that the resources required differ between
patient populations, we also wish to gather information on the extent
to which non-Medicare payers, or other commercial insurers may be using
the IPPS as a basis for determining their payment rates for inpatient
pregnancy and childbirth services and the effect, if any, that the use
of the IPPS as a basis for determining payment by those payers may have
on maternal health outcomes.
o. Obstetrical Services RFI
As a result of ongoing concerns about the provision of maternity
care in Medicare and Medicaid certified hospitals, CAHS, and REHs, this
proposed rule includes a request for information regarding our intent
to propose baseline health and safety standards for obstetrical
services in future rulemaking. Public comments on the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule maternal health request for information recommended
that CMS explore options to establish an Obstetrical Services condition
of participation (CoP) for participating hospitals in collaboration
with relevant stakeholders. With this RFI, we hope to further explore
such options as we develop a proposal for a targeted Obstetrical
Services CoP. We are seeking public comment on multiple detailed
questions, ultimately seeking potential solutions that can be
implemented through the hospital CoPs to address well-documented
concerns regarding maternal morbidity, mortality, and access in the
United States. The goal is to ensure that any policy changes improve
maternal health care outcomes, addresses unjust disparities in care,
and do not exacerbate access to care issues.
p. Conditions of Participation Requirements for Hospitals and Critical
Access Hospitals To Report Acute Respiratory Illnesses
In section X.F. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we are
proposing to update the hospital and CAH infection prevention and
control and antibiotic stewardship programs conditions of participation
(CoPs) to extend a limited subset of the current COVID-19 and influenza
data reporting requirements. These proposed reporting requirements
ensure that hospitals and CAHs have appropriate insight related to
evolving infection control needs. Specifically, CMS is proposing to
replace the COVID-19 and Seasonal Influenza reporting standards for
hospitals and CAHs with a new standard addressing acute respiratory
illnesses to require that, beginning on October 1, 2024, hospitals and
CAHs would have to electronically report information about COVID-19,
influenza, and RSV. CMS is proposing that outside of a public health
emergency (PHE), hospitals and CAHs would have to report these data on
a weekly basis.
q. Proposed Changes to the Severity Level Designation for Z Codes
Describing Inadequate Housing and Housing Instability
As discussed in section II.C. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we are proposing to change the severity level designation for the
social determinants of health (SDOH) diagnosis codes describing
inadequate housing and housing instability from non-complication or
comorbidity (NonCC) to complication or comorbidity (CC) for FY 2025.
Consistent with our annual updates to account for changes in resource
consumption, treatment patterns, and the clinical characteristics of
patients, CMS is recognizing inadequate housing and housing instability
as indicators of increased resource utilization in the acute inpatient
hospital setting.
Consistent with the Administration's goal of advancing health
equity for all, including members of historically underserved and
under-resourced communities, as described in the President's January
20, 2021 Executive Order 13985 on ``Advancing Racial Equity and Support
for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government,'' \[1]\ we
also continue to be interested in receiving feedback on how we might
further foster the documentation and reporting of the diagnosis codes
describing social and economic circumstances to more accurately reflect
each health care encounter and improve the reliability and validity of
the coded data including in support of efforts to advance health
\[1]\ Available at 86 FR 7009 (January 25, 2021) (
3. Summary of Costs and Benefits
The following table provides a summary of the costs, savings, and
benefits associated with the major provisions described in section
I.A.2. of the preamble of this proposed rule.
[[Page 35941]]
[[Page 35942]]
[[Page 35943]]
B. Background Summary
1. Acute Care Hospital Inpatient Prospective Payment System (IPPS)
Section 1886(d) of the Act sets forth a system of payment for the
operating costs of acute care hospital inpatient stays under Medicare
Part A (Hospital Insurance) based on prospectively set rates. Section
1886(g) of the Act requires the Secretary to use a prospective payment
system (PPS) to pay for the capital-related costs of inpatient hospital
services for these ``subsection (d) hospitals.'' Under these PPSs,
Medicare payment for hospital inpatient operating and capital-related
costs is made at predetermined, specific rates for each hospital
discharge. Discharges are classified according to a list of diagnosis-
related groups (DRGs).
The base payment rate is comprised of a standardized amount that is
divided into a labor-related share and a nonlabor-related share. The
labor-related share is adjusted by the wage index applicable to the
area where the hospital is located. If the hospital is located in
Alaska or Hawaii, the nonlabor-related share is adjusted by a cost-of-
living adjustment factor. This base payment rate is multiplied by the
DRG relative weight.
If the hospital treats a high percentage of certain low-income
patients, it receives a percentage add-on payment applied to the DRG-
adjusted base payment rate. This add-on payment, known as the
disproportionate share hospital (DSH) adjustment, provides for a
percentage increase in Medicare payments to hospitals that qualify
under either of two statutory formulas designed to identify hospitals
that serve a disproportionate share of low-income patients. For
qualifying hospitals, the amount of this adjustment varies based on the
outcome of the statutory calculations. The Affordable Care Act revised
the Medicare DSH payment methodology and provides for an additional
Medicare payment beginning on October 1, 2013, that considers the
amount of uncompensated care furnished by the hospital relative to all
other qualifying hospitals.
If the hospital is training residents in an approved residency
program(s), it receives a percentage add-on payment for each case paid
under the IPPS, known as the indirect medical education (IME)
adjustment. This percentage varies, depending on the ratio of residents
to beds.
Additional payments may be made for cases that involve new
technologies or medical services that have been approved for special
add-on payments. In general, to qualify, a new technology or medical
service must demonstrate that it is a substantial clinical improvement
over technologies or services otherwise available, and that, absent an
add-on payment, it would be inadequately paid under the regular DRG
payment. In addition, certain transformative new devices and certain
antimicrobial products may qualify under an alternative inpatient new
technology add-on payment pathway by demonstrating that, absent an add-
on payment, they would be inadequately paid under the regular DRG
The costs incurred by the hospital for a case are evaluated to
determine whether the hospital is eligible for an additional payment as
an outlier case. This additional payment is designed to protect the
hospital from large financial losses due to unusually expensive cases.
Any eligible outlier payment is added to the DRG-adjusted base payment
rate, plus any DSH, IME, and new technology or medical service add-on
adjustments and, beginning in FY 2023 for IHS and Tribal hospitals and
hospitals located in Puerto Rico, the new supplemental payment.
Although payments to most hospitals under the IPPS are made on the
basis of the standardized amounts, some categories of hospitals are
paid in whole or in part based on their hospital-specific rate, which
is determined from their costs in a base year. For example, sole
community hospitals (SCHs) receive the higher of a hospital-specific
rate based on their costs in a base year (the highest of FY 1982, FY
1987, FY 1996, or FY 2006) or the IPPS Federal rate based on the
standardized amount. SCHs are the sole source of care in their areas.
Specifically, section 1886(d)(5)(D)(iii) of the Act defines an SCH as a
hospital that is located more than 35 road miles from another hospital
or that, by reason of factors such as an isolated location, weather
conditions, travel conditions, or absence of other like hospitals (as
determined by the Secretary), is the sole source of hospital inpatient
services reasonably available to Medicare beneficiaries. In addition,
certain rural hospitals previously designated by the Secretary as
essential access community hospitals are considered SCHs.
With the recent enactment of section 307 of the CAA, 2024, under
current law, the Medicare-dependent, small rural hospital (MDH) program
is effective through December 31, 2024. For discharges occurring on or
after October 1, 2007, but before January 1, 2025, an MDH receives the
higher of the Federal rate or the Federal rate plus 75 percent of the
amount by which the Federal rate is exceeded by the highest of its FY
1982, FY 1987, or FY 2002 hospital-specific rate. MDHs are a major
source of care for Medicare beneficiaries in their areas. Section
1886(d)(5)(G)(iv) of the Act defines an MDH as a hospital that is
located in a rural area (or, as amended by the Bipartisan Budget Act of
2018, a hospital located in a State with no rural area that meets
certain statutory criteria), has not more than 100 beds, is not an SCH,
and has a high percentage of Medicare discharges (not less than 60
percent of its inpatient days or discharges in its cost reporting year
beginning in FY 1987 or in two of its three most recently settled
Medicare cost reporting years). As section 307 of the CAA, 2024
extended the MDH program through the first quarter of FY 2025 only,
beginning on January 1, 2025, the MDH program will no longer be in
effect absent a change in law. Because the MDH program is not
authorized by statute beyond December 31, 2024, beginning January 1,
2025, all hospitals that previously qualified for MDH status under
section 1886(d)(5)(G) of the Act will no longer have MDH status and
will be paid based on the IPPS Federal rate.
Section 1886(g) of the Act requires the Secretary to pay for the
capital-related costs of inpatient hospital services in accordance with
a prospective payment system established by the Secretary. The basic
methodology for determining capital prospective payments is set forth
in our regulations at 42 CFR 412.308 and 412.312. Under the capital
IPPS, payments are adjusted by the same DRG for the case as they are
under the operating IPPS. Capital IPPS payments are also adjusted for
IME and DSH, similar to the adjustments made under the operating IPPS.
In addition, hospitals may receive outlier payments for those cases
that have unusually high costs.
The existing regulations governing payments to hospitals under the
IPPS are located in 42 CFR part 412, subparts A through M.
2. Hospitals and Hospital Units Excluded From the IPPS
Under section 1886(d)(1)(B) of the Act, as amended, certain
hospitals and hospital units are excluded from the IPPS. These
hospitals and units are: Inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF)
hospitals and units; long-term care hospitals (LTCHs); psychiatric
hospitals and units; children's hospitals; cancer hospitals; extended
neoplastic disease care hospitals, and hospitals located outside the 50
States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico (that is, hospitals
located in the U.S. Virgin
[[Page 35944]]
Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa).
Religious nonmedical health care institutions (RNHCIs) are also
excluded from the IPPS. Various sections of the Balanced Budget Act of
1997 (BBA) (Pub. L. 105-33), the Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP [State
Children's Health Insurance Program] Balanced Budget Refinement Act of
1999 (BBRA, Pub. L. 106-113), and the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP
Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000 (BIPA, Pub. L. 106-554)
provide for the implementation of PPSs for IRF hospitals and units,
LTCHs, and psychiatric hospitals and units (referred to as inpatient
psychiatric facilities (IPFs)). (We note that the annual updates to the
LTCH PPS are included along with the IPPS annual update in this
document. Updates to the IRF PPS and IPF PPS are issued as separate
documents.) Children's hospitals, cancer hospitals, hospitals located
outside the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico (that
is, hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern
Mariana Islands, and American Samoa), and RNHCIs continue to be paid
solely under a reasonable cost-based system, subject to a rate-of-
increase ceiling on inpatient operating costs. Similarly, extended
neoplastic disease care hospitals are paid on a reasonable cost basis,
subject to a rate-of-increase ceiling on inpatient operating costs.
The existing regulations governing payments to excluded hospitals
and hospital units are located in 42 CFR parts 412 and 413.
3. Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective Payment System (LTCH PPS)
The Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) for LTCHs applies to
hospitals described in section 1886(d)(1)(B)(iv) of the Act, effective
for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2002. The
LTCH PPS was established under the authority of sections 123 of the
BBRA and section 307(b) of the BIPA (as codified under section
1886(m)(1) of the Act). Section 1206(a) of the Pathway for SGR Reform
Act of 2013 (Pub. L. 113-67) established the site neutral payment rate
under the LTCH PPS, which made the LTCH PPS a dual rate payment system
beginning in FY 2016. Under this statute, effective for LTCH's cost
reporting periods beginning in FY 2016 cost reporting period, LTCHs are
generally paid for discharges at the site neutral payment rate unless
the discharge meets the patient criteria for payment at the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate. The existing regulations governing
payment under the LTCH PPS are located in 42 CFR part 412, subpart O.
Beginning October 1, 2009, we issue the annual updates to the LTCH PPS
in the same documents that update the IPPS.
4. Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs)
Under sections 1814(l), 1820, and 1834(g) of the Act, payments made
to critical access hospitals (CAHs) (that is, rural hospitals or
facilities that meet certain statutory requirements) for inpatient and
outpatient services are generally based on 101 percent of reasonable
cost. Reasonable cost is determined under the provisions of section
1861(v) of the Act and existing regulations under 42 CFR part 413.
5. Payments for Graduate Medical Education (GME)
Under section 1886(a)(4) of the Act, costs of approved educational
activities are excluded from the operating costs of inpatient hospital
services. Hospitals with approved graduate medical education (GME)
programs are paid for the direct costs of GME in accordance with
section 1886(h) of the Act. The amount of payment for direct GME costs
for a cost reporting period is based on the hospital's number of
residents in that period and the hospital's costs per resident in a
base year. The existing regulations governing payments to the various
types of hospitals are located in 42 CFR part 413. Section
1886(d)(5)(B) of the Act provides that prospective payment hospitals
that have residents in an approved GME program receive an additional
payment for each Medicare discharge to reflect the higher patient care
costs of teaching hospitals relative to non-teaching hospitals. The
additional payment is based on the indirect medical education (IME)
adjustment factor, which is calculated using a hospital's ratio of
residents to beds and a multiplier, which is set by Congress. Section
1886(d)(5)(B)(ii)(XII) of the Act provides that, for discharges
occurring during FY 2008 and fiscal years thereafter, the IME formula
multiplier is 1.35. The regulations regarding the indirect medical
education (IME) adjustment are located at 42 CFR 412.105.
C. Summary of Provisions of Recent Legislation That Would Be
Implemented in This Proposed Rule
1. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (CAA 2023; Pub. L. 117-
Section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, amended section 1886(h) of the Act
by adding a new section 1886(h)(10) of the Act requiring the
distribution of additional residency positions (also referred to as
slots) to hospitals. Section 1886(h)(10)(A) of the Act requires that
for FY 2026, the Secretary shall initiate an application round to
distribute 200 residency positions. At least 100 of the positions made
available under section 1886(h)(10)(A) of the Act shall be distributed
for psychiatry or psychiatry subspecialty residency training programs.
The Secretary is required, subject to certain provisions in the law, to
increase the otherwise applicable resident limit for each qualifying
hospital that submits a timely application by the number of positions
that may be approved by the Secretary for that hospital. The Secretary
is required to notify hospitals of the number of positions distributed
to them by January 31, 2026, and the increase is effective beginning
July 1, 2026.
In determining the qualifying hospitals for which an increase is
provided, section 1886(h)(10)(B)(i) of the Act requires the Secretary
to take into account the ``demonstrated likelihood'' of the hospital
filling the positions made available within the first 5 training years
beginning after the date the increase would be effective, as determined
by the Secretary.
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii) of the Act requires a minimum
distribution for certain categories of hospitals. Specifically, the
Secretary is required to distribute at least 10 percent of the
aggregate number of total residency positions available to each of four
categories of hospitals. Stated briefly, and discussed in greater
detail later in this proposed rule, the categories are as follows: (1)
hospitals located in rural areas or that are treated as being located
in a rural area (pursuant to sections 1886(d)(2)(D) and 1886(d)(8)(E)
of the Act); (2) hospitals in which the reference resident level of the
hospital is greater than the otherwise applicable resident limit; (3)
hospitals in States with new medical schools or additional locations
and branches of existing medical schools; and (4) hospitals that serve
areas designated as Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs). Section
1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Act defines a qualifying hospital as a
hospital in one of these four categories.
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(iii) of the Act further requires that each
qualifying hospital that submits a timely application receive at least
1 (or a fraction of 1) of the residency positions made available under
section 1886(h)(10) of the Act before any qualifying hospital receives
more than 1 residency position.
Section 1886(h)(10)(C) of the Act places certain limitations on the
distribution of the residency positions.
[[Page 35945]]
First, a hospital may not receive more than 10 additional full-time
equivalent (FTE) residency positions. Second, no increase in the
otherwise applicable resident limit of a hospital may be made unless
the hospital agrees to increase the total number of FTE residency
positions under the approved medical residency training program of the
hospital by the number of positions made available to that hospital.
Third, if a hospital that receives an increase to its otherwise
applicable resident limit under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act is
eligible for an increase to its otherwise applicable resident limit
under 42 CFR 413.79(e)(3) (or any successor regulation), that hospital
must ensure that residency positions received under section 1886(h)(10)
of the Act are used to expand an existing residency training program
and not for participation in a new residency training program.
2. The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (CAA, 2024; Pub. L. 118-
Section 306 of the CAA, 2024 extended through the first 3 months of
FY 2025 the modified definition of a low-volume hospital and the
methodology for calculating the payment adjustment for low-volume
hospitals in effect for FYs 2019 through 2024. Specifically, under
section 1886(d)(12)(C)(i) of the Act, as amended, for FYs 2019 through
2024 and the portion of FY 2025 occurring before January 1, 2025, a
subsection (d) hospital qualifies as a low-volume hospital if it is
more than 15 road miles from another subsection (d) hospital and has
less than 3,800 total discharges during the fiscal year. Under section
1886(d)(12)(D) of the Act, as amended, for discharges occurring in FYs
2019 through December 31, 2024, the Secretary determines the applicable
percentage increase using a continuous, linear sliding scale ranging
from an additional 25 percent payment adjustment for low-volume
hospitals with 500 or fewer discharges to a zero percent additional
payment for low-volume hospitals with more than 3,800 discharges in the
fiscal year.
Section 307 of the CAA, 2024 amended sections 1886(d)(5)(G)(i) and
1886(d)(5)(G)(ii)(II) of the Act to provide for an extension of the MDH
program through the first 3 months of FY 2025 (that is, through
December 31, 2024).
D. Summary of the Proposed Provisions
In this proposed rule, we set forth proposed payment and policy
changes to the Medicare IPPS for FY 2025 operating costs and capital-
related costs of acute care hospitals and certain hospitals and
hospital units that are excluded from IPPS. In addition, we set forth
proposed changes to the payment rates, factors, and other payment and
policy-related changes to programs associated with payment rate
policies under the LTCH PPS for FY 2025.
The following is a general summary of the changes that we are
proposing to make in this proposed rule.
1. Proposed Changes to MS-DRG Classifications and Recalibrations of
Relative Weights
In section II. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we include
the following:
Proposed changes to MS-DRG classifications based on our
yearly review for FY 2025.
Proposed recalibration of the MS-DRG relative weights.
A discussion of the proposed FY 2025 status of new
technologies approved for add-on payments for FY 2024, a presentation
of our evaluation and analysis of the FY 2025 applicants for add-on
payments for high-cost new medical services and technologies (including
public input, as directed by the Medicare Prescription Drug,
Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) Pub. L. 108-173,
obtained in a town hall meeting for applications not submitted under an
alternative pathway), and a discussion of the proposed status of FY
2025 new technology applicants under the alternative pathways for
certain medical devices and certain antimicrobial products.
A proposal to change the April 1 cutoff to October 1 for
determining whether a technology would be within its 2- to 3-year
newness period when considering eligibility for new technology add-on
payments, beginning in FY 2026, effective for those technologies that
are approved for new technology add-on payments starting in FY 2025 or
a subsequent years (as discussed in II.E.7. of the preamble of this
proposed rule).
A proposal that, beginning with new technology add-on
payment applications for FY 2026, we will no longer consider a hold
status to be an inactive status for the purposes of eligibility for the
new technology add-on payment (as discussed in section II.E.8. of the
preamble of this proposed rule).
A proposal that, subject to our review of the new
technology add-on payment eligibility criteria, for certain gene
therapies approved for new technology add-on payments in the FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH final rule for the treatment of sickle cell disease (SCD),
effective with discharges on or after October 1, 2024, and concluding
at the end of the 2- to 3-year newness period for such therapy, we will
temporarily increase the new technology add-on payment percentage to 75
percent (as discussed in section II.E.9. of the preamble of this
proposed rule).
2. Proposed Changes to the Hospital Wage Index for Acute Care Hospitals
In section III. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we propose
revisions to the wage index for acute care hospitals and the annual
update of the wage data. Specific issues addressed include, but are not
limited to, the following:
Proposed changes in CBSAs as a result of new OMB labor
market area delineations and proposed policies related to the proposed
changes in CBSAs.
The proposed FY 2025 wage index update using wage data
from cost reporting periods beginning in FY 2019.
Calculation, analysis, and implementation of the proposed
occupational mix adjustment to the wage index for acute care hospitals
for FY 2025 based on the 2022 Occupational Mix Survey.
Proposed application of the rural, imputed and frontier
State floors, and continuation of the low wage index hospital policy.
Proposed revisions to the wage index for acute care
hospitals, based on hospital redesignations and reclassifications under
sections 1886(d)(8)(B), (d)(8)(E), and (d)(10) of the Act.
Proposed adjustment to the wage index for acute care
hospitals for FY 2025 based on commuting patterns of hospital employees
who reside in a county and work in a different area with a higher wage
Proposed labor-related share for the FY 2025 wage index.
3. Payment Adjustment for Medicare Disproportionate Share Hospitals
(DSHs) for FY 2025
In section IV. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we discuss
the following:
Proposed calculation of Factor 1 and Factor 2 of the
uncompensated care payment methodology.
Proposed methodological approach for determining Factor 3
of the uncompensated care payment for FY 2025, which is the same
methodology that was used for FY 2024.
Proposed methodological approach for determining the
amount of interim uncompensated care payments using the average of the
most recent 3 years of discharge data.
[[Page 35946]]
4. Other Decisions and Proposed Changes to the IPPS for Operating Costs
In section V. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we discuss
proposed changes or clarifications of a number of the provisions of the
regulations in 42 CFR parts 412 and 413, including the following:
Proposed inpatient hospital update for FY 2025.
Proposed updated national and regional case-mix values and
discharges for purposes of determining RRC status and clarification of
the qualification under the discharge criterion for osteopathic
Proposed implementation of the statutory extension of the
temporary changes to the low-volume hospital payment adjustment through
December 31, 2024, the statutory expiration beginning January 1, 2025,
and the proposed payment adjustments for low-volume hospitals for FY
Proposed implementation of the statutory extension of the
MDH program through December 31, 2024, and the statutory expiration
beginning January 1, 2025.
A proposal to implement a provision of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act relating to payments to hospitals for GME and IME
costs, proposed direct graduate medical education (GME) and indirect
medical education (IME) policy modifications to the criteria for new
residency programs; technical fixes to the DGME regulations; a notice
of closure of two teaching hospitals and opportunities to apply for
available slots and a reminder of core-based statistical area (CBSA)
changes and application to GME policies;.
Proposed nursing and allied health education program
Medicare Advantage (MA) add-on rates and direct GME MA percent
reductions for CY 2023.
Proposed update to the payment adjustment for certain
clinical trial and expanded access use immunotherapy cases.
Proposed separate IPPS payment for establishing and maintaining
access to essential medicines.
Updating the proposed estimate of the financial impacts
for the FY 2025 Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program.
Proposed modifications to the scoring of the Person and
Community Engagement Domain in the Hospital VBP Program.
++ For the FY 2027 through FY 2029 program years to only score on
six unchanged dimensions of the HCAHPS Survey.
++ Beginning with the FY 2030 program year to account for the
proposed updated HCAHPS Survey.
Updating the proposed estimate of the financial impacts
for the FY 2025 Hospital-Acquired Conditions Reduction Program.
Discussion of and proposed changes relating to the
implementation of the Rural Community Hospital Demonstration Program in
FY 2025.
5. Proposed FY 2025 Policy Governing the IPPS for Capital-Related Costs
In section VI. of the preamble of the proposed rule, we discuss the
proposed payment policy requirements for capital-related costs and
capital payments to hospitals for FY 2025.
6. Proposed Changes to the Payment Rates for Certain Excluded
Hospitals: Rate-of-Increase Percentages
In section VII. of the preamble of the proposed rule, we discuss
the following:
Proposed changes to payments to certain excluded hospitals
for FY 2025.
Proposed continued implementation of the Frontier
Community Health Integration Project (FCHIP) Demonstration.
7. Proposed Changes to the LTCH PPS
In section VIII. of the preamble of the proposed rule, we propose
to rebase and revise the LTCH market basket to reflect a 2022 base
year, which includes a proposed update to the LTCH PPS labor-related
share. In section VIII. of the preamble of the proposed rule, we set
forth proposed changes to the LTCH PPS Federal payment rates, factors,
and other payment rate policies under the LTCH PPS for FY 2025. We are
also proposing a technical clarification to the regulations for
hospitals seeking to be classified as an LTCH.
8. Proposed Changes Relating to Quality Data Reporting for Specific
Providers and Suppliers
In section IX. of the preamble of the proposed rule, we addressed
the following:
Solicitation of comment on adopting measures across the
hospital quality reporting and value-based purchasing programs which
capture more forms of unplanned post-acute care and encourage hospitals
to improve discharge processes.
Proposed changes to the requirements for the Hospital IQR
Proposed changes to the requirements for the PCHQR
Proposed adoption of the Patient Safety Structural measure
in the Hospital IQR Program and the PCHQR Program.
Proposed updated HCAHPS Survey measure in the Hospital IQR
Program, PCHQR Program, and Hospital VBP Program.
Proposed changes to the requirements for the Long-Term
Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program (LTCH QRP), and request for
information on future measure concepts for the LTCH QRP and a star
rating system for the LTCH QRP.
Proposed changes to requirements pertaining to eligible
hospitals and CAHs participating in the Medicare Promoting
Interoperability Program.
9. Other Proposals and Comment Solicitations Included in the Proposed
Section X. of the preamble of the proposed rule includes the
Proposed implementation of TEAM that would test whether an
episode-based pricing methodology linked with accountability for
quality measure performance for select acute care hospitals reduces
Medicare program expenditures while preserving or improving the quality
of care for Medicare beneficiaries.
Proposed changes to permit a Provider Reimbursement Review
Board (PRRB) member to serve up to 3 consecutive terms (9 consecutive
years total), and up to 4 consecutive terms (12 consecutive years
total) in cases where a PRRB Member who, in their second or third
consecutive term, is designated as Chairperson, to continue serving as
Chairperson in the fourth consecutive term.
Solicitation of comments to gather information on
differences between hospital resources required to provide inpatient
pregnancy and childbirth services to Medicare patients as compared to
non-Medicare patients.
Solicitation of comments to gather information on
potential solutions that can be implemented through the hospital CoPs
to address well-documented concerns regarding maternal morbidity,
mortality, disparities, and maternity care access in the United States.
Proposal to remove the exclusion of Puerto Rico from the
Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM) program found at 42 CFR
Proposal for a new hospital CoP to replace the COVID-19
and Seasonal Influenza reporting standards for hospitals and CAHs that
were created during PHE.
10. Other Provisions of the Proposed Rule
Section XI.A. of the preamble of the proposed rule includes our
discussion of the MedPAC Recommendations.
[[Page 35947]]
Section XI.B. of the preamble of the proposed rule includes a
descriptive listing of the public use files associated with this
proposed rule.
Section XII. of the preamble of the proposed rule includes the
collection of information requirements for entities based on our
Section XIII. of the preamble of the proposed rule includes
information regarding our responses to public comments.
11. Determining Prospective Payment Operating and Capital Rates and
Rate-of-Increase Limits for Acute Care Hospitals
In sections II. and III. of the Addendum of the proposed rule, we
set forth proposed changes to the amounts and factors for determining
the proposed FY 2025 prospective payment rates for operating costs and
capital-related costs for acute care hospitals. We are proposing to
establish the threshold amounts for outlier cases. In addition, in
section IV. of the Addendum of the proposed rule, we address the
proposed update factors for determining the rate-of-increase limits for
cost reporting periods beginning in FY 2025 for certain hospitals
excluded from the IPPS.
12. Determining Prospective Payment Rates for LTCHs
In section V. of the Addendum of the proposed rule, we set forth
proposed changes to the amounts and factors for determining the
proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate and other
factors used to determine LTCH PPS payments under both the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate and the site neutral payment rate in FY
2025. We are proposing to establish the adjustments for the wage index
(including proposed changes to the LTCH PPS labor market area
delineations based on the new OMB delineations), labor-related share,
the cost-of-living adjustment, and high-cost outliers, including the
applicable fixed-loss amounts and the LTCH cost-to-charge ratios (CCRs)
for both payment rates.
13. Impact Analysis
In Appendix A of the proposed rule, we set forth an analysis of the
impact the proposed changes would have on affected acute care
hospitals, CAHs, LTCHs and other entities.
14. Recommendation of Update Factors for Operating Cost Rates of
Payment for Hospital Inpatient Services
In Appendix B of the proposed rule, as required by sections
1886(e)(4) and (e)(5) of the Act, we provide our recommendations of the
appropriate percentage changes for FY 2025 for the following:
A single average standardized amount for all areas for
hospital inpatient services paid under the IPPS for operating costs of
acute care hospitals (and hospital-specific rates applicable to SCHs
and MDHs).
Target rate-of-increase limits to the allowable operating
costs of hospital inpatient services furnished by certain hospitals
excluded from the IPPS.
The LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate and the site
neutral payment rate for hospital inpatient services provided for LTCH
PPS discharges.
15. Discussion of Medicare Payment Advisory Commission Recommendations
Under section 1805(b) of the Act, MedPAC is required to submit a
report to Congress, no later than March 15 of each year, in which
MedPAC reviews and makes recommendations on Medicare payment policies.
MedPAC's March 2024 recommendations concerning hospital inpatient
payment policies address the update factor for hospital inpatient
operating costs and capital-related costs for hospitals under the IPPS.
We address these recommendations in Appendix B of the proposed rule.
For further information relating specifically to the MedPAC March 2024
report or to obtain a copy of the report, contact MedPAC at (202) 220-
3700 or visit MedPAC's website at
II. Proposed Changes to Medicare Severity Diagnosis-Related Group (MS-
DRG) Classifications and Relative Weights
A. Background
Section 1886(d) of the Act specifies that the Secretary shall
establish a classification system (referred to as diagnosis-related
groups (DRGs)) for inpatient discharges and adjust payments under the
IPPS based on appropriate weighting factors assigned to each DRG.
Therefore, under the IPPS, Medicare pays for inpatient hospital
services on a rate per discharge basis that varies according to the DRG
to which a beneficiary's stay is assigned. The formula used to
calculate payment for a specific case multiplies an individual
hospital's payment rate per case by the weight of the DRG to which the
case is assigned. Each DRG weight represents the average resources
required to care for cases in that particular DRG, relative to the
average resources used to treat cases in all DRGs.
Section 1886(d)(4)(C) of the Act requires that the Secretary adjust
the DRG classifications and relative weights at least annually to
account for changes in resource consumption. These adjustments are made
to reflect changes in treatment patterns, technology, and any other
factors that may change the relative use of hospital resources.
B. Adoption of the MS-DRGs and MS-DRG Reclassifications
For information on the adoption of the MS-DRGs in FY 2008, we refer
readers to the FY 2008 IPPS final rule with comment period (72 FR 47140
through 47189).
For general information about the MS-DRG system, including yearly
reviews and changes to the MS-DRGs, we refer readers to the previous
discussions in the FY 2010 IPPS/RY 2010 LTCH PPS final rule (74 FR
43764 through 43766) and the FYs 2011 through 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rules (75 FR 50053 through 50055; 76 FR 51485 through 51487; 77 FR
53273; 78 FR 50512; 79 FR 49871; 80 FR 49342; 81 FR 56787 through
56872; 82 FR 38010 through 38085; 83 FR 41158 through 41258; 84 FR
42058 through 42165; 85 FR 58445 through 58596; 86 FR 44795 through
44961; 87 FR 48800 through 48891; and 88 FR 58654 through 58787,
For discussion regarding our previously finalized policies
(including our historical adjustments to the payment rates) relating to
the effect of changes in documentation and coding that do not reflect
real changes in case mix, we refer readers to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 48799 through 48800).
C. Proposed Changes to Specific MS-DRG Classifications
1. Discussion of Changes to Coding System and Basis for Proposed FY
2025 MS-DRG Updates
a. Conversion of MS-DRGs to the International Classification of
Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10)
As of October 1, 2015, providers use the International
Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) coding system to
report diagnoses and procedures for Medicare hospital inpatient
services under the MS-DRG system instead of the ICD-9-CM coding system,
which was used through September 30, 2015. The ICD-10 coding system
includes the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision,
Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) for diagnosis coding and the
International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure
[[Page 35948]]
System (ICD-10-PCS) for inpatient hospital procedure coding, as well as
the ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Official Guidelines for Coding and
Reporting. For a detailed discussion of the conversion of the MS-DRGs
to ICD-10, we refer readers to the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81
FR 56787 through 56789).
b. Basis for Proposed FY 2025 MS-DRG Updates
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (87 FR
28127) and final rule (87 FR 48800 through 48801), beginning with FY
2024 MS-DRG classification change requests, we changed the deadline to
request changes to the MS-DRGs to October 20 of each year to allow for
additional time for the review and consideration of any proposed
updates. We also described the new process for submitting requested
changes to the MS-DRGs via a new electronic application intake system,
Medicare Electronic Application Request Information SystemTM
(MEARISTM), accessed at We stated
that effective with FY 2024 MS-DRG classification change requests, CMS
will only accept requests submitted via MEARISTM and will no
longer consider requests sent via email. Additionally, we noted that
within MEARISTM, we have built in several resources to
support users, including a ``Resources'' section available at with technical support available under
``Useful Links'' at the bottom of the MEARISTM site.
Questions regarding the MEARISTM system can be submitted to
CMS using the form available under ``Contact'', also at the bottom of
the MEARISTM site. Accordingly, interested parties had to
submit MS-DRG classification change requests for FY 2025 by October 20,
We note that the burden associated with this information collection
requirement is the time and effort required to collect and submit the
data in the request for MS-DRG classification changes to CMS. The
aforementioned burden is subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA)
of 1995 and approved under OMB control number 0938-1431 and has an
expiration date of 09/30/2025.
Interested parties should submit any MS-DRG classification change
requests, including any comments and suggestions for FY 2026
consideration by October 20, 2024 via MEARISTM at:
As we have discussed in prior rulemaking, we may not be able to
fully consider all of the requests that we receive for the upcoming
fiscal year. We have found that, with the implementation of ICD-10,
some types of requested changes to the MS-DRG classifications require
more extensive research to identify and analyze all of the data that
are relevant to evaluating the potential change. We note in the
discussion that follows those topics for which further research and
analysis are required, and which we will continue to consider in
connection with future rulemaking.
We received four requests to modify the GROUPER logic in a number
of cardiac MS-DRGs under Major Diagnostic Category (MDC) 05 (Diseases
and Disorders of the Circulatory System). Specifically, we received
requests to--
Modify the GROUPER logic of new MS-DRG 212 (Concomitant
Aortic and Mitral Valve Procedures) to be defined by cases reporting
procedure codes describing a single open mitral or aortic valve
replacement/repair (MVR or AVR) procedure, plus an open coronary artery
bypass graft procedure (CABG) or open surgical ablation or cardiac
catheterization procedure plus a second concomitant procedure.
Modify the GROUPER logic of new MS-DRG 212 by redefining
the procedure code list that describes the performance of a cardiac
catheterization by either removing the ICD-10-PCS codes that describe
plain radiography of coronary artery codes from the logic list or
adding ICD-10-PCS procedure codes that involve computed tomography (CT)
or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning using contrast to the
list. This requestor also suggested that CMS add ICD-10-PCS procedures
codes that describe endovascular valve replacement or repair procedures
into the GROUPER logic of MS-DRG 212.
Modify the GROUPER logic of new MS-DRGs 323, 324 and 325
(Coronary Intravascular Lithotripsy with Intraluminal Device with MCC,
without MCC, and without Intraluminal Device, respectively). In two
separate but related requests, the requestors suggested that we add
procedure codes that describe additional percutaneous coronary
intervention (PCI) procedures such as percutaneous coronary rotational,
laser, and orbital atherectomy to the GROUPER logic of new MS-DRGs 323,
324, and 325.
We appreciate the submissions and related analyses provided by the
requestors for our consideration as we review MS-DRG classification
change requests for FY 2025; however, we note the complexity of the
GROUPER logic for these MS-DRGs in connection with these requests
requires more extensive analyses to identify and evaluate all of the
data relevant to assessing these potential modifications. Specifically,
we note the list of procedure codes that describe the performance of a
cardiac catheterization is in the definition of multiple MS-DRGs in MDC
05. Analyzing the impact of revising this list necessitates evaluating
the impact across numerous other MS-DRGs in MDC 05 that also include
this list in their definition, in addition to new MS-DRG 212. Secondly,
as discussed further in section II.C.4.c of this proposed rule, our
analysis continues to indicate that, when performed, open cardiac valve
replacement and supplement procedures are clinically different from
endovascular cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures in
terms of technical complexity and hospital resource use. Lastly, as we
have stated in prior rule making (88 FR 58708), atherectomy is distinct
from coronary lithotripsy in that each of these procedures are defined
by clinically distinct definitions and objectives. Additional analysis
to assess for unintended consequences across the classification is
needed as we have made a distinction between the root operations used
to describe atherectomy (Extirpation) and the root operation used to
describe lithotripsy (Fragmentation) in evaluating other requests in
rulemaking. We will need to consider the application of these two root
operations in other scenarios where we have also specifically stated
that Extirpation is not the same as Fragmentation and do not warrant
similar MS-DRG assignment (85 FR 58572 through 58573). Furthermore, as
MS-DRG 212 and MS-DRGs 323, 324 and 325 recently became effective on
October 1, 2023 (FY 2024), we believe additional time is needed to
review and evaluate extensive modifications to the structure of these
We will continue to monitor the data as we consider these issues in
connection with future rulemaking. As we continue the analysis of the
claims data with respect to MS-DRGs in MDC 05, we welcome public
comments and feedback on other factors that should be considered in the
potential restructuring of these MS-DRGs. Feedback and other
suggestions may be directed to MEARISTM at: As noted, interested parties should submit
any MS-DRG classification change requests, including any comments and
suggestions for FY 2026 consideration by October 20, 2024 via
As we did for the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, for this FY
[[Page 35949]]
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule we are providing a test version of the ICD-
10 MS-DRG GROUPER Software, Version 42, so that the public can better
analyze and understand the impact of the proposals included in this
proposed rule. We note that this test software reflects the proposed
GROUPER logic for FY 2025. Therefore, it includes the new diagnosis and
procedure codes that are effective for FY 2025 as reflected in Table
6A.--New Diagnosis Codes--FY 2025 and Table 6B.--New Procedure Codes--
FY 2025 associated with this proposed rule and does not include the
diagnosis codes that are invalid beginning in FY 2025 as reflected in
Table 6C.--Invalid Diagnosis Codes--FY 2025, and Table 6D.--Invalid
Procedure Codes--FY 2025 associated with this proposed rule. These
tables are not published in the Addendum to this proposed rule, but are
available on the CMS website at: as described in
section VI. of the Addendum to this proposed rule. Because the
diagnosis codes no longer valid for FY 2025 are not reflected in the
test software, we are making available a supplemental file in Table
6P.1a and 6P.1b that includes the mapped Version 42 FY 2025 ICD-10-CM
and ICD-10-PCS codes and the deleted Version 41 FY 2024 ICD-10-CM codes
and V41.1 ICD-10-PCS codes that should be used for testing purposes
with users' available claims data. Therefore, users will have access to
the test software allowing them to build case examples that reflect the
proposals included in this proposed rule. In addition, users will be
able to view the draft version of the ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual,
Version 42.
We also note that in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
58764), we stated that, as discussed in the CY 2024 Outpatient
Prospective Payment System and Ambulatory Surgical Center (OPPS/ASC)
proposed rule (CY 2024 OPPS/ASC proposed rule) (88 FR 49552, July 31,
2023), consistent with the process that is used for updates to the
``Integrated'' Outpatient Code Editor (I/OCE) and other Medicare claims
editing systems, we proposed to address any future revisions to the
IPPS Medicare Code Editor (MCE), including any additions or deletions
of claims edits, as well as the addition or deletion of ICD-10
diagnosis and procedure codes to the applicable MCE edit code lists,
outside of the annual IPPS rulemakings. As discussed in the CY 2024
OPPS/ASC proposed rule, we proposed to remove discussion of the IPPS
MCE from the annual IPPS rulemakings, beginning with the FY 2025
rulemaking, and to generally address future changes or updates to the
MCE through instruction to the Medicare administrative contractors
(MACs). We encouraged readers to review the discussion in the CY 2024
OPPS/ASC proposed rule and submit comments in response to the proposal
by the applicable deadline by following the instructions provided in
that proposed rule.
In the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC final rule (88 FR 82121 through 82124),
after consideration of the public comments we received, we finalized
the proposal to remove discussion of the MCE from the annual IPPS
rulemakings, beginning with FY 2025 rulemaking, and to generally
address future changes or updates to the MCE through instruction to the
MACs. Beginning with FY 2025, in association with the annual proposed
rule, we are making available a draft version of the Definitions of
Medicare Code Edits (MCE) Manual to provide the public with an
opportunity to review any changes that will become effective October 1
for the upcoming fiscal year. In addition, as a result of new and
modified code updates approved after the annual spring ICD-10
Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting, any further changes to
the MCE will be reflected in the finalized Definitions of Medicare Code
Edits (MCE) Manual, made available in association with the annual final
rule. We are making available the draft FY 2025 ICD-10 MCE Version 42
Manual file on the CMS website at:
The MCE manual is comprised of two chapters: Chapter 1: Edit code
lists provides a listing of each edit, an explanation of each edit, and
as applicable, the diagnosis and/or procedure codes for each edit, and
Chapter 2: Code list changes summarizes the changes in the edit code
lists (for example, additions and deletions) from the prior release of
the MCE software. The public may submit any questions, comments,
concerns, or recommendations regarding the MCE to the CMS mailbox at
[email protected] for our review and consideration.
The test version of the ICD-10 MS-DRG GROUPER Software, Version 42,
the draft version of the ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual, Version 42,
the draft version of the Definitions of Medicare Code Edits Manual,
Version 42, and the supplemental mapping files in Table 6P.1a and 6P.1b
of the FY 2024 and FY 2025 ICD-10-CM diagnosis and ICD-10-PCS procedure
codes are available at
Following are the changes that we are proposing to the MS-DRGs for
FY 2025. We are inviting public comments on each of the MS-DRG
classification proposed changes, as well as our proposals to maintain
certain existing MS-DRG classifications discussed in this proposed
rule. In some cases, we are proposing changes to the MS-DRG
classifications based on our analysis of claims data and clinical
appropriateness. In other cases, we are proposing to maintain the
existing MS-DRG classifications based on our analysis of claims data
and clinical appropriateness. For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule, our MS-DRG analysis was based on ICD-10 claims data from the
September 2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file, which contains
hospital bills received from October 1, 2022 through September 30,
2023. In our discussion of the proposed MS-DRG reclassification
changes, we refer to these claims data as the ``September 2023 update
of the FY 2023 MedPAR file.''
In deciding whether to propose to make further modifications to the
MS-DRGs for particular circumstances brought to our attention, we
consider whether the resource consumption and clinical characteristics
of the patients with a given set of conditions are significantly
different than the remaining patients represented in the MS-DRG. We
evaluate patient care costs using average costs and lengths of stay and
rely on clinical factors to determine whether patients are clinically
distinct or similar to other patients represented in the MS-DRG. In
evaluating resource costs, we consider both the absolute and percentage
differences in average costs between the cases we select for review and
the remainder of cases in the MS-DRG. We also consider variation in
costs within these groups; that is, whether observed average
differences are consistent across patients or attributable to cases
that are extreme in terms of costs or length of stay, or both. Further,
we consider the number of patients who will have a given set of
characteristics and generally prefer not to create a new MS-DRG unless
it would include a substantial number of cases.
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58448), we finalized
our proposal to expand our existing criteria to create a new
complication or comorbidity (CC) or major complication
[[Page 35950]]
or comorbidity (MCC) subgroup within a base MS-DRG. Specifically, we
finalized the expansion of the criteria to include the NonCC subgroup
for a three-way severity level split. We stated we believed that
applying these criteria to the NonCC subgroup would better reflect
resource stratification as well as promote stability in the relative
weights by avoiding low volume counts for the NonCC level MS-DRGs. We
noted that in our analysis of MS-DRG classification requests for FY
2021 that were received by November 1, 2019, as well as any additional
analyses that were conducted in connection with those requests, we
applied these criteria to each of the MCC, CC, and NonCC subgroups. We
also noted that the application of the NonCC subgroup criteria going
forward may result in modifications to certain MS-DRGs that are
currently split into three severity levels and result in MS-DRGs that
are split into two severity levels. We stated that any proposed
modifications to the MS-DRGs would be addressed in future rulemaking
consistent with our annual process and reflected in Table 5--Proposed
List of Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups (MS-DRGs), Relative
Weighting Factors, and Geometric and Arithmetic Mean Length of Stay for
the applicable fiscal year.
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 44798), we finalized
a delay in applying this technical criterion to existing MS-DRGs until
FY 2023 or future rulemaking, in light of the public health emergency
(PHE). Interested parties recommended that a complete analysis of the
MS-DRG changes to be proposed for future rulemaking in connection with
the expanded three-way severity split criteria be conducted and made
available to enable the public an opportunity to review and consider
the redistribution of cases, the impact to the relative weights,
payment rates, and hospital case mix to allow meaningful comment prior
to implementation.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48803), we also
finalized a delay in application of the NonCC subgroup criteria to
existing MS-DRGs with a three-way severity level split in light of the
ongoing PHE and until such time additional analyses can be performed to
assess impacts, as discussed in response to public comments in the FY
2022 and FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rules.
In association with our discussion of application of the NonCC
subgroup criteria in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR
26673 through 26676), we provided an alternate test version of the ICD-
10 MS-DRG GROUPER Software, Version 41.A, reflecting the proposed
GROUPER logic for FY 2024 as modified by the application of the NonCC
subgroup criteria to existing MS-DRGs with a three-way severity level
split, available at
Therefore, users had access to the alternate test software allowing
them to build case examples that reflect the proposals included in the
proposed rule with application of the NonCC subgroup criteria. We also
provided additional files including an alternate Table 5--Alternate
List of Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Groups (MS-DRGs), Relative
Weighting Factors, and Geometric and Arithmetic Mean Length of Stay, an
alternate Length of Stay (LOS) Statistics file, an alternate Case Mix
Index (CMI) file, and an alternate After Outliers Removed and Before
Outliers Removed (AOR_BOR) file. The files are available in association
with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule on the CMS website at:
We stated that the alternate test software and additional files
were made available so that the public could better analyze and
understand the impact on the proposals included in the proposed rule if
the NonCC subgroup criteria were to be applied to existing MS-DRGs with
a three-way severity level split. We refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR 26673 through 26676) for further
discussion of the alternate test software and additional files that
were made available.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58655 through
58661), we finalized to delay the application of the NonCC subgroup
criteria to existing MS-DRGs with a three-way severity level split for
FY 2024. We stated that we would continue to review and consider the
feedback we had received in response to the additional information we
made available in association with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule for our development of the FY 2025 proposed rule.
We note that the IPPS Payment Impact File made available in
connection with our annual IPPS rulemakings includes information used
to categorize hospitals by various geographic and special payment
consideration groups, including geographic location (urban or rural),
teaching hospital status (that is, whether or not a hospital has GME
residency programs and receives an IME adjustment), DSH hospital status
(that is, whether or not a hospital receives Medicare DSH payments),
special payment groups (that is, SCHs, MDHs, and RRCs) and other
categories reflected in the impact analysis generally shown in Appendix
A of the annual IPPS rulemakings. The IPPS Payment Impact File
associated with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule can be found on
the CMS website at:
We are proposing to continue to delay application of the NonCC
subgroup criteria to existing MS-DRGs with a three-way severity level
split for FY 2025, as we continue to consider the public comments
received in response to the FY 2024 rulemaking. We encourage interested
parties to review the impacts and other information made available with
the alternate test software (V41.A) and other additional files provided
in connection with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, as
previously discussed, and we continue to welcome feedback for
consideration for future rulemaking.
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58661),
we continue to apply the criteria to create subgroups, including
application of the NonCC subgroup criteria, in our annual analysis of
MS-DRG classification requests, consistent with our approach since FY
2021 when we finalized the expansion of the criteria to include the
NonCC subgroup for a three-way severity level split. Accordingly, in
our analysis of the MS-DRG classification requests for FY 2025 that we
received by October 20, 2023, as well as any additional analyses that
were conducted in connection with those requests, we applied these
criteria to each of the MCC, CC, and NonCC subgroups, as described in
the following table.
[[Page 35951]]
In general, once the decision has been made to propose to make
further modifications to the MS-DRGs as described previously, such as
creating a new base MS-DRG, or in our evaluation of a specific MS-DRG
classification request to split (or subdivide) an existing base MS-DRG
into severity levels, all five criteria must be met for the base MS-DRG
to be split (or subdivided) by a CC subgroup. We note that in our
analysis of requests to create a new MS-DRG, we typically evaluate the
most recent year of MedPAR claims data available. For example, we
stated earlier that for this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, our
MS-DRG analysis was based on ICD-10 claims data from the September 2023
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file. However, in our evaluation of
requests to split an existing base MS-DRG into severity levels, as
noted in prior rulemaking (80 FR 49368), we typically analyze the most
recent 2 years of data. This analysis includes 2 years of MedPAR claims
data to compare the data results from one year to the next to avoid
making determinations about whether additional severity levels are
warranted based on an isolated year's data fluctuation and also, to
validate that the established severity levels within a base MS-DRG are
supported. The first step in our process of evaluating if the creation
of a new CC subgroup within a base MS-DRG is warranted is to determine
if all the criteria is satisfied for a three-way split. In applying the
criteria for a three-way split, a base MS-DRG is initially subdivided
into the three subgroups: MCC, CC, and NonCC. Each subgroup is then
analyzed in relation to the other two subgroups using the volume
(Criteria 1 and 2), average cost (Criteria 3 and 4), and reduction in
variance (Criteria 5). If the criteria fail, the next step is to
determine if the criteria are satisfied for a two-way split. In
applying the criteria for a two-way split, a base MS-DRG is initially
subdivided into two subgroups: ``with MCC'' and ``without MCC'' (1_23)
or ``with CC/MCC'' and ``without CC/MCC'' (12_3). Each subgroup is then
analyzed in relation to the other using the volume (Criteria 1 and 2),
average cost (Criteria 3 and 4), and reduction in variance (Criteria
5). If the criteria for both of the two-way splits fail, then a split
(or CC subgroup) would generally not be warranted for that base MS-DRG.
If the three-way split fails on any one of the five criteria and all
five criteria for both two-way splits (1_23 and 12_3) are met, we would
apply the two-way split with the highest R2 value. We note that if the
request to split (or subdivide) an existing base MS-DRG into severity
levels specifies the request is for either one of the two-way splits
(1_23 or 12_3), in response to the specific request, we will evaluate
the criteria for both of the two-way splits; however, we do not also
evaluate the criteria for a three-way split.
2. Pre-MDC MS-DRG 018 Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell and Other
We received a request to revise the title of Pre-MDC MS-DRG 018
(Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell and Other Immunotherapies) in
connection with an ICD-10-PCS procedure code request that was submitted
via MEARISTM by the December 1, 2023 deadline for
consideration as an agenda topic to be discussed at the March 19-20,
2024 ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting. The
procedure code request involves the application of an autologous
genetically engineered cell-based gene therapy, prademagene zamikeracel
(PZ), that is indicated in the treatment of recessive dystrophic
epidermolysis bullosa (RDEB), an extremely rare genetic disease of the
skin that leads to large chronic wounds. The proposal was presented and
discussed at the March 19-20, 2024 ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance
Committee meeting. We refer the reader to the CMS website at for additional detailed information
regarding the request, including a recording of the discussion and the
related meeting materials. Public comments in response to the code
proposal are due by April 19, 2024. The requestor suggested that if
finalized, a new procedure code to identify the application of PZ
should be assigned to Pre-MDC MS-DRG 018 and that the title for Pre-MDC
MS-DRG 018 be revised to reflect ``Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T
and Other Autologous Gene and Cell Therapies''.
Because the diagnosis and procedure code proposals that are
presented at the March ICD-10-CM Coordination and Maintenance Committee
meeting for an October 1 implementation (upcoming FY) are not finalized
in time to include in Table 6A.--New Diagnosis Codes and Table 6B.--New
Procedure Codes in association with the proposed rule, as we have noted
in prior rulemaking, we use our established process to examine the MS-
DRG assignment for the predecessor codes to determine the most
appropriate MS-DRG assignment. Specifically, we review the predecessor
code and MS-DRG assignment most closely associated with the new
procedure code, and in the absence of claims data, we consider other
[[Page 35952]]
that may be relevant to the MS-DRG assignment, including the severity
of illness, treatment difficulty, complexity of service and the
resources utilized in the diagnosis and/or treatment of the condition.
We have noted in prior rulemaking that this process does not
automatically result in the new procedure code being assigned to the
same MS-DRG or to have the same designation (O.R. versus Non-O.R.) as
the predecessor code. Under this established process, the MS-DRG
assignment for the upcoming fiscal year for any new diagnosis or
procedure codes finalized after the March meeting would be reflected in
Table 6A.--New Diagnosis Codes and Table 6B.--New Procedure Codes
associated with the final rule for that fiscal year. Accordingly, the
MS-DRG assignment for any new procedure codes describing PZ, if
finalized following the March meeting, would be reflected in Table
6B.--New Procedure Codes associated with the final rule for FY 2025. As
noted in prior rulemaking (87 FR 28135), the codes that are finalized
after the March meeting are specifically identified with a footnote in
Table 6A.--New Diagnosis Codes and Table 6B.--New Procedure Codes that
are made publicly available in association with the final rule on the
CMS website at The public may provide feedback on
these finalized assignments, which is then taken into consideration for
the following fiscal year.
We do not agree with the request to revise the title for Pre-MDC
MS-DRG 018 for FY 2025 as requested because the logic for Pre-MDC MS-
DRG 018 is intended to include other immunotherapies and is not
restricted to CAR T-cell and autologous gene and cell therapies. As
discussed in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 44798 through
44806), we finalized our proposal to revise the title of Pre-MDC MS-DRG
018 to include ``Other Immunotherapies'' to better reflect the cases
reporting the administration of non-CAR T-cell therapies and other
immunotherapies that would also be assigned to this MS-DRG, in addition
to CAR T-cell therapies. We noted that the term ``Other
Immunotherapies'' is intended to encompass the group of therapies that
are currently available and being utilized today (for which codes have
been created for reporting in response to industry requests or are
being considered for implementation), and to enable appropriate MS-DRG
assignment for any future therapies that may also fit into this
category and are not specifically identified as a CAR T-cell product,
that may become available (for example receive marketing authorization
or a newly established procedure code in the ICD-10-PCS
We also note, as discussed in prior rulemaking, that this category
of therapies continues to evolve, and we are in the process of
carefully considering the feedback we have previously received about
ways in which we can continue to appropriately reflect resource
utilization while maintaining clinical coherence and stability in the
relative weights under the IPPS MS-DRGs. We appreciate the
recommendations and suggestions for consideration we have received and
will continue to examine these complex issues in connection with future
rulemaking. We acknowledge that there may be distinctions to account
for as we continue to gain more experience in the use of these
therapies and have additional claims data to analyze. Therefore, we are
not proposing to revise the title for Pre-MDC MS-DRG 018 to reflect
``Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T and Other Autologous Gene and Cell
Therapies'' at this time and are proposing to maintain the existing
title to Pre-MDC MS-DRG 018, ``Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell
and Other Immunotherapies'' for FY 2025.
3. MDC 01 (Diseases and Disorders of the Nervous System)
a. Logic for MS-DRGs 023 Through 027
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58661 through
58667), we discussed a request to reassign cases describing the
insertion of a neurostimulator generator into the skull in combination
with the insertion of a neurostimulator lead into the brain from MS-DRG
023 (Craniotomy with Major Device Implant or Acute Complex CNS
Principal Diagnosis with MCC or Chemotherapy Implant or Epilepsy with
Neurostimulator) to MS-DRG 021 (Intracranial Vascular Procedures with
Principal Diagnosis Hemorrhage with CC) or reassign all cases currently
assigned to MS-DRG 023 that involve a craniectomy or a craniotomy with
the insertion of device implant and create a new MS-DRG for these
We stated the requestor acknowledged that the relatively low volume
of cases that only involve the insertion of a neurostimulator generator
into the skull in combination with the insertion of a neurostimulator
lead into the brain in the claims data was likely not sufficient to
warrant the creation of a new MS-DRG. The requestor further stated
given the limited options within the existing MS-DRG structure that fit
from both a cost and clinical cohesiveness perspective, they believed
that MS-DRG 021 was the most logical fit in terms of average costs and
clinical coherence for reassignment even though, according to the
requestor, the insertion of a neurostimulator generator into the skull
in combination with the insertion of a neurostimulator lead into the
brain is technically more complex and involves a higher level of
training, extreme precision and sophisticated technology than
performing a craniectomy for hemorrhage.
We noted that while our data findings demonstrated the average
costs are higher for the cases with a principal diagnosis of epilepsy
with a neurostimulator generator inserted into the skull and insertion
of a neurostimulator lead into brain when compared to all cases in MS-
DRG 023, these cases represented a small percentage of the total number
of cases reported in this MS-DRG. We stated that while we appreciated
the requestor's concerns regarding the differential in average costs
for cases describing the insertion of a neurostimulator generator into
the skull in combination with the insertion of a neurostimulator lead
into the brain when compared to all cases in their assigned MS-DRG, we
believed additional time was needed to evaluate these cases as part of
our ongoing examination of the case logic to the MS-DRGs for craniotomy
and endovascular procedures, which are MS-DRG 023, MS-DRG 024
(Craniotomy with Major Device Implant or Acute Complex CNS Principal
Diagnosis without MCC), and MS-DRGs 025, 026, and 027 (Craniotomy and
Endovascular Intracranial Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively).
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48808
through 48820), in connection with our analysis of cases reporting
laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) procedures performed on the
brain or brain stem in MDC 01, we stated we have started to examine the
logic for case assignment to MS-DRGs 023 through 027 to determine where
further refinements could potentially be made to better account for
differences in the technical complexity and resource utilization among
the procedures that are currently assigned to those MS-DRGs. We stated
that specifically, we were in the process of evaluating procedures that
are performed using an open craniotomy (where it is necessary to
surgically remove a portion of the skull) versus a percutaneous burr
[[Page 35953]]
(where a hole approximately the size of a pencil is drilled) to obtain
access to the brain in the performance of a procedure. We stated we
were also reviewing the indications for these procedures, for example,
malignant neoplasms versus epilepsy to consider if there may be merit
in considering restructuring the current MS-DRGs to better recognize
the clinical distinctions of these patient populations in the MS-DRGs.
As part of this evaluation, as discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, we have begun to analyze the ICD-10 coded claims data
to determine if the patients' diagnoses, the objective of the procedure
performed, the specific anatomical site where the procedure is
performed or the surgical approach used (for example, open,
percutaneous, percutaneous endoscopic, among others) demonstrates a
greater severity of illness and/or increased treatment difficulty as we
consider restructuring MS-DRGs 023 through 027, including how to better
align the clinical indications with the performance of specific
intracranial procedures. We referred the reader to Tables 6P.2b through
6P.2f associated with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule
(available on the CMS website at: for data analysis
findings of cases assigned to MS-DRGs 023 through 027 from the
September 2022 update of the FY 2022 MedPAR file as we continue to look
for patterns of complexity and resource intensity.
In summary, we stated that while we agreed that neurostimulator
cases can have average costs that are higher than the average costs of
all cases in their respective MS-DRGs, in our analysis of this issue,
it was difficult to detect patterns of complexity and resource
intensity. Therefore, for the reasons discussed, we finalized our
proposal to maintain the current assignment of cases describing a
neurostimulator generator inserted into the skull with the insertion of
a neurostimulator lead into the brain for FY 2024.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we stated we continue to
believe that additional time is needed to evaluate these cases as part
of our ongoing examination of the case logic for MS-DRGs 023 through
027. As part of our ongoing, comprehensive analysis of the MS-DRGs
under ICD-10, we stated we would continue to explore mechanisms to
ensure clinical coherence between these cases and the other cases with
which they may potentially be grouped. We stated that the data analysis
as displayed in Tables 6P.2b through 6P.2f associated with the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule was displayed to provide the public an
opportunity to review our examination of the procedures by their
approach (open versus percutaneous), clinical indications, and
procedures that involve the insertion or implantation of a device and
to reflect on what factors should be considered in the potential
restructuring of these MS-DRGs. We welcomed further feedback on how CMS
should define technical complexity, what factors should be considered
in the analysis, and whether there are other data not included in
Tables 6P.2b through 6P.2f that CMS should analyze. We also stated we
are interested in receiving feedback on where further refinements could
potentially be made to better account for differences in the technical
complexity and resource utilization among the procedures that are
currently assigned to these MS-DRGs.
In response to this discussion in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we received two comments by the October 20, 2023 deadline. A
commenter recommended that CMS not use surgical approach (for example,
open versus percutaneous) as a factor to reclassify MS-DRGs 023 through
027. The commenter stated whether the opening is created via a drill
into the skull percutaneously or through a larger incision in the skull
for a craniotomy, both approaches involve the risk of intracranial
bleeding, infection, and brain swelling. The commenter further stated
they do not support a consideration of the reassignment of the ICD-10-
PCS procedure codes describing LITT, currently assigned to MS-DRGs 025
through 027, based on the diagnosis being treated. The commenter stated
that the LITT procedure requires the same steps, time, and clinical
resources when performed for brain cancer or epilepsy. In the
requestor's view, differences in the disease causing the tumors or
lesions do not affect the resources used for performing the procedure
or the post-operative care for the patient. Lastly, the commenter
stated they support the current structure of MS-DRGs 023 and 024 based
on an acute complicated principal diagnosis, or chemotherapy implant,
or epilepsy with neurostimulator. The commenter stated these diagnoses
represent severe complex conditions that require immediate and urgent
Another commenter stated that the current logic for MS-DRGs 023
through 027 is sufficient and supports the clinical and resource
similarities of the procedures reflected in these MS-DRGs. The
commenter performed its own analysis and stated they found that
realignment based on surgical approach or root operation could create
significant new inequities. The commenter recommended that CMS maintain
the current logic for MS-DRGs 025 through 027, as making changes could
be disruptive to hospitals and create challenges for Medicare
beneficiary access to life-saving technologies. The commenter stated
they strongly believe that maintaining the current structure provides
payment stability and integrity of these procedures over time.
CMS appreciates the comments submitted in response to the request
for feedback in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. As we continue
analysis of the claims data with respect to MS-DRGs 023 through 027, we
continue to seek public comments and feedback on other factors that
should be considered in the potential restructuring of these MS-DRGs.
As stated in prior rulemaking, we recognize the logic for MS-DRGs 023
through 027 has grown more complex over the years and believe there is
opportunity for further refinement. We refer the reader to the ICD-10
MS-DRG Definitions Manual, Version 41.1 (available on the CMS website
at: for complete
documentation of the GROUPER logic for MS-DRGs 023 through 027.
Feedback and other suggestions may continue to be directed to
MEARISTM, discussed in section II.C.1.b. of the preamble of
this proposed rule at:
b. Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT)
We received a request to add ICD-10-PCS procedure codes D0Y0CZZ
(Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) of brain) and D0Y1CZZ
(Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) of brain stem), to the
Chemotherapy Implant logic list in MS-DRG 023 (Craniotomy with Major
Device Implant or Acute Complex CNS Principal Diagnosis with MCC or
Chemotherapy Implant or Epilepsy with Neurostimulator). According to
the requestor, intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) for the brain is
always performed as part of the surgery to remove a brain tumor during
the same operative episode. The requestor stated that once maximal safe
tumor resection is achieved, the tumor cavity is examined for active
egress of cerebrospinal fluid or bleeding. Next,
[[Page 35954]]
intraoperative measurements are made using neuro-navigation or
intraoperative imaging such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or
computed tomography (CT) to ensure safe distance to organs or tissues
at risk, aid in appropriate dose calculation, and selection of proper
applicator size. The applicator is then implanted into the tumor cavity
and the radiation dose is delivered. The requestor stated that delivery
time can be up to 40 minutes and upon completion of the treatment, the
source is removed, and the cavity is re-inspected for active egress of
cerebrospinal fluid and bleeding.
The requestor stated that currently the ICD-10-PCS procedure codes
for excision of a brain tumor, 00B00ZZ (Excision of brain, open
approach) and 00B70ZZ (Excision of cerebral hemisphere, open approach)
map to both sets of craniotomy MS-DRGs. Specifically, MS-DRG 023
(Craniotomy with Major Device Implant or Acute Complex CNS Principal
Diagnosis with MCC or Chemotherapy Implant or Epilepsy with
Neurostimulator) and MS-DRG 024 (Craniotomy with Major Device Implant
or Acute Complex CNS Principal Diagnosis without MCC), and MS-DRGs 025,
026, and 027 (Craniotomy and Endovascular Intracranial Procedures with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively). However, the requestor
also stated that the procedure codes describing IORT (D0Y0CZZ or
D0Y1CZZ) are not listed in the GROUPER logic and do not affect MS-DRG
assignment. Therefore, cases reporting a procedure code describing
excision of a brain tumor (00B00ZZ or 00B70ZZ) with IORT currently map
to MS-DRGs 025, 026, and 027. The requestor suggested that cases
reporting a procedure code describing excision of a brain tumor
(00B00ZZ or 00B70ZZ) with IORT (D0Y0CZZ or D0Y1CZZ) should map to MS-
DRG 023 because of the higher costs associated with the addition of
IORT to the excision of brain tumor surgery. According to the
requestor, MS-DRG 023 includes complicated craniotomy cases involving
the placement of radiological sources and chemotherapy implants. The
requestor stated that because IORT involves a full course of radiation
therapy delivered directly to the tumor bed via an applicator that is
implanted into the tumor cavity during the same surgical session and is
clinically similar to two other procedures listed in the Chemotherapy
Implant logic list, it should also be included in the Chemotherapy
Implant logic list. Specifically, the requestor stated procedure code
00H004Z (Insertion of radioactive element, cesium-131 collagen implant
into brain, open approach) and procedure code 3E0Q305 (Introduction of
other antineoplastic into cranial cavity and brain, percutaneous
approach) also involve the delivery of either radiation or chemotherapy
directly after tumor resection. According to the requestor, the
resources involved in placing the delivery device are similar for all
three procedures and the distinction is that the procedures described
by codes 00H004Z and 3E0Q305 involve the insertion of devices that
deliver radiation or chemotherapy over a period of time, whereas IORT
delivers the entire dose of radiation during the operative session. As
such, the requestor asserted that IORT is clinically aligned with the
other procedures from a therapeutic and resource utilization
The requestor performed its own analysis using the FY 2022 MedPAR
file that was made available in association with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule and stated it found fewer than 11 cases reporting IORT
in MS-DRGs 025, 026, and 027, with the majority of those cases mapping
to MS-DRG 025. According to the requestor, the volume of claims
reporting IORT is anticipated to increase as appropriate use of the
technology is adopted.
The requestor is correct that currently, the logic for case
assignment to MS-DRG 023 includes a Chemotherapy Implant logic list and
the procedure codes that identify IORT (D0Y0CZZ and D0Y1CZZ) are not
listed in the GROUPER logic and do not affect MS-DRG assignment as the
procedures are designated as non-O.R. procedures. The requestor is also
correct that cases reporting a procedure code describing excision of a
brain tumor (00B00ZZ or 00B70ZZ) with IORT currently map to MS-DRGs
025, 026, and 027. We refer the reader to the ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions
Manual Version 41.1 (available on the CMS website at: for complete
documentation of the GROUPER logic.
In review of this request, we analyzed claims data from the
September 2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRGs 023, 024,
025, 026, and 027 and for cases reporting excision of brain tumor and
IORT. We identified claims reporting excision of brain tumor with
procedure code 00B00ZZ or 00B70ZZ and identified claims reporting IORT
with procedure code D0Y0CZZ or D0Y1CZZ. The findings from our analysis
are shown in the following table. We note that there were no cases
found to report IORT of brain (D0Y0CZZ) or brain stem (D0Y1CZZ) with
excision of brain (00B00ZZ) or excision of cerebral hemisphere
[[Page 35955]]
[[Page 35956]]
As the data show, there were no cases found to report the use of
IORT in the performance of a brain tumor excision; therefore, we are
unable to evaluate whether the use of IORT directly impacts resource
utilization. For this reason, we are proposing to maintain the current
structure of MS-DRGs 023, 024, 025, 026, and 027 for FY 2025. We will
continue to monitor the claims data in consideration of any future
modifications to the MS-DRGs for which IORT may be reported.
4. MDC 05 (Diseases and Disorders of the Circulatory System)
a. Concomitant Left Atrial Appendage Closure and Cardiac Ablation
We received a request to create a new MS-DRG to better accommodate
the costs of concomitant left atrial appendage closure and cardiac
ablation for atrial fibrillation in MDC 05 (Diseases and Disorders of
the Circulatory System). Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an irregular and
often rapid heart rate that occurs when the two upper chambers of the
heart experience chaotic electrical signals. AF presents as either
paroxysmal (lasting <7 days), persistent (lasting >7 day, but less than
1 year), or long standing persistent (chronic) (lasting >1 year) based
on time duration and can increase the risk for stroke, heart failure,
and mortality. Management of AF has two primary goals: optimizing
cardiac output through rhythm or rate control and decreasing the risk
of cerebral and systemic thromboembolism. Among patients with AF,
thrombus in the left atrial appendage (LAA) is a primary source for
thromboembolism. Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC) is a surgical or
minimally invasive procedure to seal off the LAA to reduce the risk of
embolic stroke.
According to the requestor, the manufacturer of the
WATCHMANTM Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC) device,
patients who are indicated for a LAAC device can also have symptomatic
AF. For these patients, performing a cardiac ablation and LAAC
procedure at the same time is ideal. Cardiac ablation is a procedure
that works by burning or freezing tissue on the inside of the heart to
disrupt faulty electrical signals causing the arrhythmia, which can
help the heart maintain a normal heart rhythm. The requestor
highlighted a recent study (Piccini et al. Left atrial appendage
occlusion with the WATCHMANTM FLX and concomitant catheter
ablation procedures. Heart Rhythm Society Meeting 2023, May 19, 2023;
New Orleans, LA.). According to the requestor, the results of this
study indicate that when LAAC is performed concomitantly with cardiac
ablation, the outcomes are comparable to patients who have undergone
these procedures separately.
[[Page 35957]]
The requestor identified the following potential procedure code
combination that would comprise a concomitant left atrial appendage
closure and cardiac ablation procedure: ICD-10-PCS procedure code
02L73DK (Occlusion of left atrial appendage with intraluminal device,
percutaneous approach), that identifies the WATCHMANTM
device, in combination with 02583ZZ (Destruction of conduction
mechanism, percutaneous approach). The requestor performed its own
analysis of this procedure code combination and stated that it found
the average costs of cases reporting concomitant left atrial appendage
closure and cardiac ablation procedures were consistently higher
compared to the average costs of other cases within their respective
MS-DRG, which it asserted could limit beneficiary access to these
procedures. The requestor asserted that improved Medicare payment for
providers who perform these procedures concomitantly would help
Medicare patients to gain better access to these lifesaving and
quality-improving services and decrease the risk of future readmissions
and the need for future procedures.
We reviewed this request and noted concerns regarding making
proposed MS-DRG changes based on a specific, single technology (the
WATCHMANTM Left Atrial Appendage Closure (LAAC) device)
identified by only one unique procedure code versus considering
proposed changes based on a group of related procedure codes that can
be reported to describe the same type or class of technology, which is
more consistent with the intent of the MS-DRGs. Therefore, in reviewing
this request, we identified eight additional ICD-10-PCS procedure codes
that describe LAAC procedures and included these codes in our analysis.
The nine codes we identified are listed in the following table.
Similarly, as noted previously, the requestor identified code
02583ZZ (Destruction of conduction mechanism, percutaneous approach) to
describe cardiac ablation. In our review of the ICD-10-PCS
classification, we identified 26 additional ICD-10-PCS codes that
describe cardiac ablation that we also examined. The 27 codes we
included in our analysis are listed in the following table.
[[Page 35958]]
In the ICD-10 MS-DRGs Definitions Manual Version 41.1, for
concomitant left atrial appendage closure and cardiac ablation
procedures, the GROUPER logic assigns MS-DRGs 273 and 274 (Percutaneous
and Other Intracardiac Procedures with and without MCC, respectively)
depending on the presence of any additional MCC secondary diagnoses. We
examined claims data from the September 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file for all cases in MS-DRGs 273 and 274 and compared the
results to cases reporting procedure codes describing concomitant left
atrial appendage closure and cardiac ablation. Our findings are shown
in the following table.
As shown in the table, in MS-DRG 273, we identified a total of
7,250 cases with an average length of stay of 5.4 days and average
costs of $35,197. Of those 7,250 cases, there were 80 cases reporting
procedure codes describing concomitant left atrial appendage closure
and cardiac ablation with average costs higher than the average costs
in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 273 ($70,447 compared to $35,197)
and a slightly longer average length of stay (5.8 days compared to 5.4
days). In MS-DRG 274, we identified a total of 47,801 cases with an
average length of stay of 1.4 days and average costs of $29,209. Of
those 47,801 cases, there were 781 cases reporting procedure codes
describing concomitant left atrial appendage closure and cardiac
ablation, with average costs higher than the average costs in the FY
2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 274 ($66,277 compared to $29,209) and a
slightly longer average length of stay (1.5 days compared to 1.4 days).
We reviewed these data and note, clinically, the management of AF
by performing concomitant left atrial appendage closure and cardiac
ablation can improve symptoms, prevent stroke, and reduce the risk of
bleeding compared with oral anticoagulants. The data analysis clearly
shows that cases reporting concomitant left atrial appendage closure
and cardiac ablation procedures have higher average costs and slightly
longer lengths of stay compared to all the cases in their assigned MS-
DRG. For these reasons, we are proposing to create a new MS-DRG for
cases reporting a LAAC procedure and a cardiac ablation procedure.
To compare and analyze the impact of our suggested modifications,
we ran a simulation using the claims data from the September 2023
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file. The following table illustrates our
findings for all 1,723 cases reporting procedure codes describing
concomitant left atrial appendage closure and cardiac ablation. We
believe the resulting proposed MS-DRG assignment is more clinically
homogeneous, coherent and better reflects hospital resource use.
We applied the criteria to create subgroups in a base MS-DRG as
discussed in section II.C.1.b. of this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule. As shown in the table that follows, a three-way split of the
proposed new MS-DRGs failed the criterion that there be at least 500
cases for each subgroup due to low volume. Specifically, for the ``with
MCC'' split, there were only 268 cases in the subgroup.
We then applied the criteria for a two-way split for the ``with CC/
MCC'' and ``without CC/MCC'' subgroups and found that the criterion
that there be at least a 20% difference in average cost between
subgroups could not be met. The following table illustrates our
[[Page 35959]]
We also applied the criteria for a two-way split for the ``with
MCC'' and ``without MCC'' subgroups and found that the criterion that
there be at least 500 or more cases in each subgroup similarly could
not be met. The criterion that there be at least a 20% difference in
average costs between the subgroups also was not met. The following
table illustrates our findings.
Therefore, for FY 2025, we are not proposing to subdivide the
proposed new MS-DRG for cases reporting procedure codes describing
concomitant left atrial appendage closure and cardiac ablation into
severity levels.
In summary, for FY 2025, taking into consideration that it
clinically requires greater resources to perform concomitant left
atrial appendage closure and cardiac ablation procedures, we are
proposing to create a new base MS-DRG for cases reporting a LAAC
procedure and a cardiac ablation procedure in MDC 05. The proposed new
MS-DRG is proposed new MS-DRG 317 (Concomitant Left Atrial Appendage
Closure and Cardiac Ablation). We are also proposing to include the
nine ICD-10-PCS procedure codes that describe LAAC procedures and 27
ICD-10-PCS procedure codes that describe cardiac ablation listed
previously in the logic for assignment of cases reporting a LAAC
procedure and a cardiac ablation procedure for the proposed new MS-DRG.
We note that discussion of the surgical hierarchy for the proposed
modification is discussed in section II.C.15. of this proposed rule.
b. Neuromodulation Device Implant for Heart Failure
(BarostimTM Baroreflex Activation Therapy)
The BAROSTIMTM system is the first neuromodulation
device system designed to trigger the body's main cardiovascular reflex
to target symptoms of heart failure. The system consists of an
implantable pulse generator (IPG) that is implanted subcutaneously in
the upper chest below the clavicle, a stimulation lead that is sutured
to either the right or left carotid sinus to activate the baroreceptors
in the wall of the carotid artery, and a wireless programmer system
that is used to non-invasively program and adjust BAROSTIMTM
therapy via telemetry. The BAROSTIMTM system is indicated
for the improvement of symptoms of heart failure in a subset of
patients with symptomatic New York Heart Association (NYHA) Class III
or Class II (who had a recent history of Class III) heart failure, with
a low left ventricular ejection fraction, who also do not benefit from
guideline directed pharmacologic therapy or qualify for Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy (CRT). The BAROSTIMTM system was
approved for new technology add-on payments for FY 2021 (85 FR 58716
through 58717) and FY 2022 (86 FR 44974). The new technology add-on
payment was subsequently discontinued effective FY 2023 (87 FR 48916).
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48837 through
48843), we discussed a request we received to reassign the ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes that describe the implantation of the
BAROSTIMTM system from MS-DRGs 252, 253, and 254 (Other
Vascular Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without MCC respectively) to
MS-DRGs 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, and 227 (Cardiac Defibrillator Implant
with and without Cardiac Catheterization with and without AMI/HF/Shock
with and without MCC, respectively). The requestor stated that the
subset of patients that have an indication for the implantation of a
BAROSTIMTM system also have indications for the implantation
of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillators (ICD), Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy Defibrillators (CRT-D) and/or Cardiac
Contractility Modulation (CCM) devices, all of which also require the
permanent implantation of a programmable, electrical pulse generator
and at least one electrical lead. The requestor further stated that the
average resource utilization required to implant the
BAROSTIMTM system demonstrates a significant disparity
compared to all procedures within MS-DRGs 252, 253, and 254.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we stated that the results
of the claims analysis demonstrated we did not have sufficient claims
data on which to base and evaluate any proposed changes to the current
MS-DRG assignment. We also expressed concern in equating the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system to the placement of ICD,
CRT-D, and CCM devices as these devices all differ in terms of
technical complexity and anatomical placement of the electrical
lead(s). We noted there is no intravascular component or vascular
puncture involved when implanting a BAROSTIMTM system. In
contrast, the placement of ICD, CRT-D, and CCM devices generally
involve a lead being affixed to the myocardium, being threaded through
the coronary sinus or crossing a heart valve and are procedures that
involve a greater level of complexity than affixing the stimulator lead
to either the right or left carotid sinus when implanting a
BAROSTIMTM system. We stated that we believed that as the
number of cases reporting procedure codes describing the implantation
of neuromodulation devices for heart failure increases, a better view
of the associated costs and lengths of stay on average will be
reflected in the data for purposes of assessing any reassignment of
these cases. Therefore, after consideration of the public comments we
received, and for the reasons stated earlier, we finalized our proposal
to maintain the assignment of cases reporting procedure codes that
describe the implantation of a neuromodulation device in MS-DRGs 252,
253, and 254 for FY 2023.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58712 through
58720), we discussed a request we received to add ICD-10-CM diagnosis
code R57.0 (Cardiogenic shock) to the list of ``secondary diagnoses''
that grouped to MS-DRGs 222 and 223 (Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with
Cardiac Catheterization with Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), Heart
Failure (HF), or Shock with and without MCC, respectively). During our
review of the issue, we noted that the results of our claims analysis
showed that in procedures involving a cardiac defibrillator implant,
the average costs and length of stay were generally similar without
regard to the presence of diagnosis codes describing AMI, HF, or shock.
We stated we believed that it may no longer be necessary to subdivide
MS-DRGs 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, and 227 based on the diagnosis codes
reported. After consideration of the public comments we received, and
for the reasons stated in the rule, we finalized our proposal to delete
[[Page 35960]]
DRGs 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, and 227. We also finalized our proposal
to create new MS-DRG 275 (Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with Cardiac
Catheterization and MCC), new MS-DRG 276 (Cardiac Defibrillator Implant
with MCC) and new MS-DRG 277 (Cardiac Defibrillator Implant without
MCC) in MDC 05 for FY 2024.
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we received a similar
request to again review the MS-DRG assignment of the ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes that describe the implantation of the
BAROSTIMTM system. Specifically, the requestor recommended
that CMS consider reassigning the ICD-10-PCS procedure codes that
describe the implantation of the BAROSTIMTM system from MS-
DRGs 252, 253, and 254 (Other Vascular Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without MCC respectively) to MS-DRGs 275 (Cardiac Defibrillator
Implant with Cardiac Catheterization and MCC), MS-DRG 276, and 277
(Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with MCC and without MCC respectively);
or to other more clinically coherent MS-DRGs for implantable device
procedures indicated for Class III heart failure patients. The
requestor stated in their analysis the number of claims reporting
procedure codes that describe the implantation of the
BAROSTIMTM system has been consistently growing over the
past few years. The requestor acknowledged that the implantation of the
BAROSTIMTM system is predominantly performed in the
outpatient setting but noted that a significant number of severely sick
patients with multiple comorbidities (such as chronic kidney disease,
end stage renal disease (ESRD), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
(COPD), and AF) are treated in an inpatient setting. The requestor
stated in their experience, hospitals that have performed
BAROSTIMTM procedures have stopped allowing patients to
receive the device in the inpatient setting due to the high losses for
each Medicare claim. The requestor asserted it is critically important
to allow very sick and fragile patients access to the
BAROSTIMTM procedure in an inpatient setting and stated
these patients should not be denied access by hospitals due to the
perceived gross underpayment of the current MS-DRG.
The requestor stated the BAROSTIMTM procedure is not
clinically coherent with other procedures assigned to MS-DRGs 252, 253,
and 254 (Other Vascular Procedures) as the majority of the ICD-10-PCS
codes assigned to MS-DRGs 252, 253, and 254 describe procedures to
identify, diagnose, clear and restructure veins and arteries, excluding
those that require implantable devices. Furthermore, the requestor
stated the costs of the implantable medical devices used for the
BAROSTIMTM system (that is, the electrical pulse generator
and electrical lead) alone far exceed the average costs of other cases
assigned to MS-DRGs 252, 253, and 254.
The following ICD-10-PCS procedure codes uniquely identify the
implantation of the BAROSTIMTM system: 0JH60MZ (Insertion of
stimulator generator into chest subcutaneous tissue and fascia, open
approach) in combination with 03HK3MZ (Insertion of stimulator lead
into right internal carotid artery, percutaneous approach) or 03HL3MZ
(Insertion of stimulator lead into left internal carotid artery,
percutaneous approach).
To analyze this request, we first examined claims data from the
September 2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRGs 252, 253,
and 254 to identify cases reporting procedure codes describing the
implantation of the BAROSTIMTM system with or without a
procedure code describing the performance of a cardiac catheterization
as MS-DRG 275 is defined by the performance of cardiac catheterization
and a secondary diagnosis of MCC. Our findings are shown in the
following table.
As shown in the table, in MS-DRG 252, we identified a total of
18,964 cases with an average length of stay of 8 days and average costs
of $30,456. Of those 18,964 cases, there was one case reporting
procedure codes describing
[[Page 35961]]
the implantation of the BAROSTIMTM system with a procedure
code describing the performance of a cardiac catheterization with costs
higher than the average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 252
($110,928 compared to $30,456) and a longer length of stay (9 days
compared to 8 days). There were 12 cases reporting procedure codes
describing the implantation of the BAROSTIMTM system without
a procedure code describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, with average costs higher than the average costs in
the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 252 ($66,291 compared to $30,456)
and a slighter shorter average length of stay (7.8 days compared to 8
days). In MS-DRG 253, we identified a total of 15,551 cases with an
average length of stay of 5.2 days and average costs of $22,870. Of
those 15,551 cases, there were seven cases reporting procedure codes
describing the implantation of the BAROSTIMTM system without
a procedure code describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, with average costs higher than the average costs in
the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 253 ($52,788 compared to $22,870)
and a shorter average length of stay (4 days compared to 5.2 days). We
found zero cases in MS-DRG 253 reporting procedure codes describing the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system with a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac catheterization. In MS-DRG 254,
we identified a total of 5,973 cases with an average length of stay of
2.3 days and average costs of $15,778. Of those 5,973 cases, there were
three cases reporting procedure codes describing the implantation of
the BAROSTIMTM system without a procedure code describing
the performance of a cardiac catheterization, with average costs higher
than the average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 254
($29,740 compared to $15,778) and a shorter average length of stay (1.3
days compared to 2.3 days). We found zero cases in MS-DRG 254 reporting
procedure codes describing the implantation of a BAROSTIMTM
system with a procedure code describing the performance of a cardiac
We then examined claims data from the September 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRGs 275, 276, and 277. Our findings are
shown in the following table.
As the table shows, for MS-DRG 275, there were a total of 3,358
cases with an average length of stay of 10.3 days and average costs of
$63,181. For MS-DRG 276, there were a total of 3,264 cases with an
average length of stay of 8.2 days and average costs of $54,993. For
MS-DRG 277, there were a total of 3,840 cases with an average length of
stay of 4.2 days and average costs of $42,111.
In exploring mechanisms to address this request, we noted in total,
there were only 23 cases reporting procedure codes describing the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system in MS-DRGs 252, 253, and
254 (13, 7, and 3, respectively). We reviewed these data, and while we
recognize that the average costs of the 23 cases reporting procedure
codes describing the implantation of a BAROSTIMTM are
greater when compared to the average costs of all cases in MS-DRGs 252,
253, and 254, the number of cases continues to be too small to warrant
the creation of a new MS-DRG for these cases.
We further note, that of the 23 cases reporting procedure codes
describing the implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system
identified in MS-DRGs 252, 253, and 254, only one case reported the
performance of cardiac catheterization. As discussed in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, when reviewing the consumption of hospital
resources for the cases reporting a cardiac defibrillator implant with
cardiac catheterization during a hospital stay, the claims data clearly
showed that the cases reporting secondary diagnoses designated as MCCs
were more resource intensive as compared to other cases reporting
cardiac defibrillator implant. Therefore, we finalized the creation of
MS-DRG 275 for cases reporting a cardiac defibrillator implant with
cardiac catheterization and a secondary diagnosis designated as an MCC.
Of the 23 cases reporting procedure codes describing the implantation
of a BAROSTIMTM system, there was only one case reporting a
procedure code describing the performance of cardiac catheterization
and a secondary diagnosis designated as an MCC, and we note that there
may have been other factors contributing to the higher costs of this
one case. The results of the claims analysis demonstrate we do not have
sufficient claims data on which to base and propose a change to the
current MS-DRG assignment of cases reporting procedure codes describing
the implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system from MS-DRGs 252,
253, and 254 to MS-DRG 275.
Further analysis of the claims data demonstrates that the 23 cases
reporting procedure codes describing the implantation of a
BAROSTIMTM system had an average length of stay of 5.8 days
and average costs of $59,355, as compared to the 3,264 cases in MS-DRG
276 that had an average length of stay of 8.2 days and average costs of
$54,993. While the cases reporting procedure codes describing the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system had average costs that
were $4,362 higher than the average costs of all cases in MS-DRG 276,
as noted, there were only a total of 23 cases, and there may have been
other factors contributing to the higher costs. We noted, however,
reassigning all cases reporting procedure codes describing the
implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system to MS-DRG 276, even if
there is not a MCC present, the cases would receive higher payment and
better account for the differences in resource utilization of these
cases than in their respective MS-DRG.
We reviewed the clinical issues and the claims data, and while we
continue to note that there is no intravascular component or vascular
puncture involved when implanting a BAROSTIMTM system, and
that the implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system is
distinguishable from the placement of ICD, CRT-D, and CCM devices, as
these devices all differ in terms of technical complexity and
anatomical placement of the electrical lead(s), as discussed in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48837 through 48843), we agree
that ICD, CRT-D, and CCM devices and the BAROSTIMTM system
are clinically coherent in that they share an indication of heart
failure, a major cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States,
and that these cases demonstrate comparable resource utilization. Based
on our review of the clinical issues and
[[Page 35962]]
the claims data, and to better account for the resources required, we
are proposing to reassign the cases reporting procedure codes
describing the implantation of a BAROSTIMTM system to MS-DRG
276, even if there is no MCC reported, to better reflect the clinical
severity and resource use involved in these cases.
Therefore, for FY 2025, we are proposing to reassign all cases with
one of the following ICD-10-PCS code combinations capturing cases
reporting procedure codes describing the implantation of a
BAROSTIMTM system, to MS-DRG 276, even if there is no MCC
0JH60MZ (Insertion of stimulator generator into chest
subcutaneous tissue and fascia, open approach) in combination with
03HK3MZ (Insertion of stimulator lead into right internal carotid
artery, percutaneous approach); and
0JH60MZ (Insertion of stimulator generator into chest
subcutaneous tissue and fascia, open approach) in combination with
03HL3MZ (Insertion of stimulator lead into left internal carotid
artery, percutaneous approach).
We also are proposing to change the title of MS-DRG 276 from
``Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with MCC'' to ``Cardiac Defibrillator
Implant with MCC or Carotid Sinus Neurostimulator'' to reflect the
proposed modifications to MS-DRG assignments. We note that discussion
of the surgical hierarchy for this proposed modification is discussed
in section II.C.15. of this proposed rule.
c. Endovascular Cardiac Valve Procedures
The human heart contains four major valves--the aortic, mitral,
pulmonary, and tricuspid valves. These valves function to keep blood
flowing through the heart. When conditions such as stenosis or
insufficiency/regurgitation occur in one or more of these valves,
valvular heart disease may result. Intervention options, including
surgical aortic valve replacement or transcatheter aortic valve
replacement can be performed to treat diseased or damaged aortic heart
valves. Surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) is a traditional,
open-chest surgery where an incision is made to access the heart. The
damaged valve is replaced, and the chest is surgically closed. Since
SAVR is a major surgery that involves an incision, recovery time tends
to be longer. Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) is a
minimally invasive procedure that involves a catheter being inserted
into an artery, without an incision for most cases, and then guided to
the heart. The catheter delivers the new valve without the need for the
chest or heart to be surgically opened. Since TAVR is a non-surgical
procedure, it is generally associated with a much shorter recovery
In the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 49892 through
49893), we discussed a request we received to create a new MS-DRG that
would only include the various types of cardiac valve replacements
performed by an endovascular or transcatheter technique. We reviewed
the claims data and stated the data analysis showed that cardiac valve
replacements performed by an endovascular or transcatheter technique
had a shorter average length of stay and higher average costs in
comparison to all of the cases in their assigned MS-DRGs, which were
MS-DRGs 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, and 221 (Cardiac Valve & Other Major
Cardiothoracic Procedure with and without Cardiac Catheterization, with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively). In the FY 2015 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule we stated that patients receiving endovascular
cardiac valve replacements were significantly different from those
patients who undergo an open chest cardiac valve replacement and noted
that patients receiving endovascular cardiac valve replacements are not
eligible for open chest cardiac valve procedures because of a variety
of health constraints, which we said highlights the fact that peri-
operative complications and post-operative morbidity have significantly
different profiles for open chest procedures compared with endovascular
interventions. We further noted that separately grouping these
endovascular valve replacement procedures provides greater clinical
cohesion for this subset of high-risk patients. Therefore, we finalized
our proposal to create MS-DRGs 266 and 267 (Endovascular Cardiac Valve
Replacement, with MCC and without MCC, respectively) for FY 2015.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42080 through
42089), we discussed a request we received to modify the MS-DRG
assignment for transcatheter mitral valve repair (TMVR) with implant
procedures. We reviewed the claims data and stated based on our data
analysis, transcatheter cardiac valve repair procedures and
transcatheter (endovascular) cardiac valve replacement procedures are
more clinically coherent in that they describe endovascular cardiac
valve interventions with implants, and were similar in terms of average
length of stay and average costs to cases in MS-DRGs 266 and 267 when
compared to other procedures in their current MS-DRG assignment. For
the reasons described in the rule and after consideration of the public
comments we received, we finalized our proposal to modify the structure
of MS-DRGs 266 and 267 by reassigning the procedure codes that describe
transcatheter cardiac valve repair (supplement) procedures, to revise
the title of MS-DRG 266 from ``Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement
with MCC'' to ``Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement
Procedures with MCC'' and to revise the title of MS-DRG 267 from
``Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement without MCC'' to
``Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement Procedures
without MCC'', to reflect the finalized restructuring.
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we received a request
to delete MS-DRGs 266 and 267 and to move the cases reporting
transcatheter aortic valve replacement or repair (supplement)
procedures currently assigned to those MS-DRGs into MS-DRGs 216, 217,
218, 219, 220, and 221. The requestor asserted that under the current
IPPS payment methodology, TAVR procedures are not profitable to
hospitals and when patients are clinically eligible for both a TAVR and
SAVR procedures, factors beyond clinical appropriateness can drive
treatment decisions. According to the requestor (the manufacturer of
the SAPIENTM family of transcatheter heart valves) sharing a
single set of MS-DRGs would eliminate the current disincentives
hospitals face and create financial neutrality between the two
lifesaving treatment options. The requestor stated the current
disincentives are increasingly problematic because they contribute to
treatment disparities among certain racial, socioeconomic, and
geographic groups.
The requestor noted that currently surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement procedures, such as SAVR, are assigned to
MS-DRGs 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, and 221, and endovascular cardiac
valve replacement and supplement procedures, such as TAVR, are assigned
to MS-DRGs 266 and 267. The requestor stated that both sets of MS-DRGs
address valve disease and include valve repair or replacement
procedures for any of the four heart valves. According to the
requestor, while the sets of MS-DRGs involve clinically similar cases
their payment rates differ which may be unintentionally influencing
clinical decision-making by incentivizing hospitals to choose more
invasive SAVR
[[Page 35963]]
procedures over less-invasive TAVR procedures.
As mentioned earlier, the requestor recommended that CMS delete MS-
DRGs 266 and 267 and move the cases reporting transcatheter aortic
valve replacement or repair (supplement) procedures currently assigned
to those MS-DRGs into MS-DRGs 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, and 221. The
requestor performed their own analysis and stated that their models of
this suggested solution indicated the change would result in moderate
differences in per case payments by case type and would not increase
overall Medicare spending. The requestor noted that while their
requested solution would potentially decrease payment to cases
currently assigned to MS-DRGs 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, and 221, while
at the same time increasing the payment to cases reporting endovascular
cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures, the results of
their claim analysis demonstrated that the net difference in total
payments across all cases would increase by approximately $6.5 million.
The requestor stated that they anticipate that their proposed solution
could increase Medicare patients' access to innovative endovascular
cardiac valve procedures by establishing payment neutrality between
SAVR and TAVR procedures.
We reviewed this request and note the requestor is correct that in
Version 41.1 cases reporting procedure codes that describe endovascular
cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures, including TAVR,
group to MS-DRGs 266 and 267. The requestor is also correct that cases
reporting procedure codes that describe surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement procedures, including SAVR, group to MS-DRGs
216, 217, 218, 219, 220, and 221. We refer the reader to the ICD-10 MS-
DRG Definitions Manual Version 41.1 (available on the CMS website at: for complete
documentation of the GROUPER logic for MS-DRGs 216, 217, 218, 219, 220,
221, 266 and 267.
To begin our analysis, we identified the ICD-10-PCS procedure codes
that describe endovascular (transcatheter) cardiac valve replacement
and supplement procedures and the ICD-10-PCS procedure codes that
describe surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures.
We also identified the ICD-10-PCS codes that describe cardiac
catheterization, as MS-DRGs 216, 217, and 218 (Cardiac Valve and Other
Major Cardiothoracic Procedures with Cardiac Catheterization with MCC,
with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) are defined by the
performance of cardiac catheterization. We refer the reader to Table
6P.2a, Table 6P.2b, and Table 6P.2c, respectively, associated with this
proposed rule (and available at: for the lists of the
ICD-10-PCS procedure codes that we identified that describe
endovascular cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures,
surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures, and
cardiac catheterization procedures.
We then examined the claims data from the September 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file for all cases in MS-DRGs 216, 217, 218, 219,
220, and 221 and compared the results to cases reporting surgical
cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures in MS-DRG 216, 217,
218, 219, 220, and 221. The following table shows our findings:
As shown in the table, in MS-DRG 216, we identified a total of
5,033 cases with an average length of stay of 13.9 days and average
costs of $84,176. Of those 5,033 cases, there were 2,973 cases
reporting surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures,
with average costs higher than the average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR
file for MS-DRG 216 ($87,497 compared to $84,176) and a longer average
length of stay (16.8 days
[[Page 35964]]
compared to 13.9 days). In MS-DRG 217, we identified a total of 1,635
cases with an average length of stay of 7.2 days and average costs of
$58,381. Of those 1,635 cases, there were 867 cases reporting surgical
cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures, with average costs
lower than the average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 217
($56,829 compared to $58,381) and a longer average length of stay (9.5
days compared to 7.2 days). In MS-DRG 218, we identified a total of 275
cases with an average length of stay of 3.4 days and average costs of
$54,624. Of those 275 cases, there were 60 cases reporting surgical
cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures, with average costs
lower than the average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 218
($45,096 compared to $54,624) and a longer average length of stay (6.7
days compared to 3.4 days). In MS-DRG 219, we identified a total of
12,458 cases with an average length of stay of 10.5 days and average
costs of $67,228. Of those 12,458 cases, there were 9,780 cases
reporting surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures,
with average costs lower than the average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR
file for MS-DRG 219 ($64,954 compared to $67,228), and a slightly
shorter average length of stay (10.3 days compared to 10.5 days). In
MS-DRG 220, we identified a total of 9,829 cases with an average length
of stay of 6.3 days and average costs of $47,242. Of those 9,829 cases,
there were 7,841 cases reporting surgical cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures, with average costs lower than the average costs
in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 220 ($46,245 compared to $47,242)
and a slightly longer average length of stay (6.4 days compared to 6.3
days). In MS-DRG 221, we identified a total of 1,242 cases with an
average length of stay of 3.8 days and average costs of $41,539. Of
those 1,242 cases, there were 627 cases reporting surgical cardiac
valve replacement and supplement procedures, with average costs lower
than the average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 221
($39,081 compared to $41,539) and a longer average length of stay (4.9
days compared to 3.8 days).
Next, we examined claims data from the September 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRGs 266 and 267. Our findings are shown in
the following table.
Because there is a two-way split within MS-DRGs 266 and 267 and
there is a three-way split within MS-DRGs 216, 217, and 218, and MS-
DRGs 219, 220, and 221 (Cardiac Valve and Other Major Cardiothoracic
Procedures without Cardiac Catheterization with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively), we also analyzed the cases reporting a
code describing an endovascular cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedure with a procedure code describing the performance
of a cardiac catheterization for the presence or absence of a secondary
diagnosis designated as a complication or comorbidity (CC) or a major
complication or comorbidity (MCC). We also analyzed the cases reporting
a code describing an endovascular cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedure without a procedure code describing the
performance of a cardiac catheterization for the presence or absence of
a secondary diagnosis designated as a CC or an MCC.
As shown in the table, the data analysis performed indicates that
the 5,443 cases in MS-DRG 266 reporting endovascular cardiac valve
replacement and supplement procedures with a procedure code describing
[[Page 35965]]
performance of a cardiac catheterization, and with a secondary
diagnosis code designated as an MCC have an average length of stay that
is shorter than the average length of stay (7.9 days versus 16.8 days)
and lower average costs ($63,128 versus $87,497) when compared to the
cases in MS-DRG 216 reporting surgical cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures with a procedure code describing the performance
of a cardiac catheterization, and with a secondary diagnosis code
designated as an MCC. The 4,761 cases in MS-DRG 267 reporting
endovascular cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures with a
procedure code describing the performance of a cardiac catheterization,
and with a secondary diagnosis code designated as a CC have an average
length of stay that is shorter than the average length of stay (2 days
versus 9.5 days) and lower average costs ($42,163 versus $56,829) when
compared to the cases in MS-DRG 217 reporting surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement procedures with a procedure code describing
the performance of a cardiac catheterization, and with a secondary
diagnosis code designated as an CC. The 1,386 cases in MS-DRG 267
reporting endovascular cardiac valve replacement and supplement
procedures with a procedure code describing the performance of a
cardiac catheterization, and without a secondary diagnosis code
designated as a CC or MCC have an average length of stay that is
shorter than the average length of stay (1.3 days versus 6.7 days) and
lower average costs ($39,709 versus $45,096) when compared to the cases
in MS-DRG 218 reporting surgical cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures with a procedure code describing the performance
of a cardiac catheterization, without a secondary diagnosis code
designated as a CC or MCC.
The 14,493 cases in MS-DRG 266 reporting endovascular cardiac valve
replacement and supplement procedures without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac catheterization, and with a
secondary diagnosis code designated as an MCC have an average length of
stay that is shorter than the average length of stay (3.5 days versus
10.3 days) and lower average costs ($50,831 versus $64,954) when
compared to the cases in MS-DRG 219 reporting surgical cardiac valve
replacement and supplement procedures without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac catheterization, and with a
secondary diagnosis code designated as an MCC. The 22,996 cases in MS-
DRG 267 reporting endovascular cardiac valve replacement and supplement
procedures without a procedure code describing the performance of a
cardiac catheterization, and with a secondary diagnosis code designated
as a CC have an average length of stay that is shorter than the average
length of stay (1.5 days versus 6.4 days) and lower average costs
($43,637 versus $46,245) when compared to the cases in MS-DRG 220
reporting surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures
without a procedure code describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization, and with a secondary diagnosis code designated as an
CC. The 7,522 cases in MS-DRG 267 reporting endovascular cardiac valve
replacement and supplement procedures without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac catheterization, and without a
secondary diagnosis code designated as a CC or MCC have an average
length of stay that is shorter than the average length of stay (1.2
days versus 4.9 days) and higher average costs ($42,472 versus $39,081)
when compared to the cases in MS-DRG 221 reporting surgical cardiac
valve replacement and supplement procedures without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac catheterization, without a
secondary diagnosis code designated as a CC or MCC.
This data analysis shows the cases in MS-DRG 266 and 267 reporting
endovascular cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures with a
procedure code describing the performance of a cardiac catheterization
when distributed based on the presence or absence of a secondary
diagnosis designated as a CC or a MCC have average costs lower than the
average costs of cases reporting surgical cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures with a procedure code describing the performance
of a cardiac catheterization in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRGs
216, 217, and 218 respectively, and the average lengths of stay are
shorter. Similarly, the cases in MS-DRG 266 and 267 reporting
endovascular cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures
without a procedure code describing the performance of a cardiac
catheterization when distributed based on the presence or absence of a
secondary diagnosis designated as a CC or a MCC generally have average
costs lower than the average costs of cases reporting surgical cardiac
valve replacement and supplement procedures without a procedure code
describing the performance of a cardiac catheterization in the FY 2023
MedPAR file for MS-DRGs 219, 220, and 221 respectively, and the average
lengths of stay are shorter.
For patients with an indication for cardiac valve replacement,
clinical and anatomic factors must be considered when decision-making
between procedures such as TAVR and SAVR. We note that SAVR is not a
treatment option for patients with extreme surgical risk (that is, high
probability of death or serious irreversible complication), severe
atheromatous plaques of the ascending aorta such that aortic cross-
clamping is not feasible, or with other conditions that would make
operation through sternotomy or thoracotomy prohibitively hazardous. We
agree that the endovascular or transcatheter technique presents a
viable option for high-risk patients who are not candidates for the
traditional open surgical approach, however we also note that TAVR is
not indicated for every patient. TAVR is contraindicated in patients
who cannot tolerate an anticoagulation/antiplatelet regimen, or who
have active bacterial endocarditis or other active infections, or who
have significant annuloplasty ring dehiscence.
We have concern with the assertion that clinicians perform more
invasive surgical procedures, such as SAVR procedures, only to increase
payment to their facility where minimally invasive TAVR procedures are
also viable option. The choice of SAVR versus TAVR should not be based
on potential facility payment. Instead, the decision on the procedural
approach to be utilized should be based upon an individualized risk-
benefit assessment that includes reviewing factors such as the
patient's age, surgical risk, frailty, valve morphology, and presence
of concomitant valve disease or coronary artery disease. As we have
stated in prior rulemaking (83 FR 41201), it is not appropriate for
facilities to deny treatment to beneficiaries needing a specific type
of therapy or treatment that involves increased costs. Conversely, it
is not appropriate for facilities to recommend a specific type of
therapy or treatment strictly because it may involve higher payment to
the facility.
Also, we have concern with the requestor's assertion that sharing a
single set of MS-DRGs could eliminate any perceived disincentives
hospitals may face and create financial neutrality between the two
lifesaving treatment options. Data analysis shows that cases reporting
surgical cardiac valve
[[Page 35966]]
replacement and supplement procedures have higher costs and longer
lengths of stay. If clinical decision-making is being driven by
financial motivations, as suggested by the requestor, in circumstances
where the decision on which approach is best (for example, TAVR or
SAVR) is left to the providers' discretion, it is unclear how reducing
payment for surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement
procedures would eliminate possible disincentives, or not have the
opposite effect, and instead incentivize endovascular cardiac valve
replacement and supplement procedures.
The MS-DRGs are a classification system intended to group together
diagnoses and procedures with similar clinical characteristics and
utilization of resources and are not intended to be utilized as a tool
to incentivize the performance of certain procedures. When performed,
surgical cardiac valve replacement and supplement procedures are
clinically different from endovascular cardiac valve replacement and
supplement procedures in terms of technical complexity and hospital
resource use. In the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we stated that
separately grouping endovascular valve replacement procedures provides
greater clinical cohesion for this subset of high-risk patients. Our
claims analysis for this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule
demonstrates that this continues to be substantiated by the difference
in average costs and average lengths of stay demonstrated by the two
cohorts. We continue to believe that endovascular cardiac valve
replacement and supplement procedures are clinically coherent in their
currently assigned MS-DRGs. Therefore, we are proposing to maintain the
structure of MS-DRGs 266 and 267 for FY 2025.
d. MS-DRG Logic for MS-DRG 215
We received a request to review the GROUPER logic for MS-DRG 215
(Other Heart Assist System Implant) in MDC 05 (Diseases and Disorders
of the Circulatory System). The requestor stated that when the
procedure code describing the revision of malfunctioning devices within
the heart via an open approach is assigned, the encounter groups to MS-
DRG 215. The requestor stated that, in their observation, ICD-10-PCS
code 02WA0JZ (Revision of synthetic substitute in heart, open approach)
can only be assigned if a more specific anatomical site is not
documented in the operative note. The requestor further stated they
interpreted this to mean that an ICD-10-PCS procedure code describing
the open revision of a synthetic substitute in the heart can only apply
to the ventricular wall or left atrial appendage and excludes the
atrial or ventricular septum or any valve to qualify for MS-DRG 215 and
recommended that CMS consider the expansion of the open revision of
heart structures to include the atrial or ventricular septum and heart
To begin our analysis, we reviewed the GROUPER logic. The requestor
is correct that ICD-10-PCS procedure code 02WA0JZ is currently one of
the listed procedure codes in the GROUPER logic for MS-DRG 215. While
the requestor stated that when procedures codes describing the
revisions of malfunctioning devices within the heart via an open
approach are assigned, the encounter groups to MS-DRG 215, we wish to
clarify that the revision codes listed in the GROUPER logic for MS-DRG
215 specifically describe procedures to correct, to the extent
possible, a portion of a malfunctioning heart assist device or the
position of a displaced heart assist device. Further, it is unclear
what is meant by the requestor's statement that ICD-10-PCS code 02WA0JZ
can only be assigned if more specific anatomical site is not documented
in the operative note, as ICD-10-PCS code 02WA0JZ is used to describe
the open revision of artificial heart systems. Total artificial hearts
are pulsating bi-ventricular devices that are implanted into the chest
to replace a patient's left and right ventricles and can provide a
bridge to heart transplantation for patients who have no other
reasonable medical or surgical treatment options. We refer the reader
to the ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual Version 41.1 (available on the
CMS website at: for complete documentation of the GROUPER logic for MS-DRG
215. We encourage the requestor and any providers that have cases
involving heart assist devices for which they need ICD-10 coding
assistance and clarification on the usage of the codes, to submit their
questions to the American Hospital Association's Central Office on ICD-
10 at
As previously noted, the requestor recommended that we consider
expansion of the open revision of heart structures to include the
atrial or ventricular septum and heart valves. The requestor did not
provide a specific list of procedure codes involving the open revision
of heart structures. While not explicitly stated, we understood this
request to be for our consideration of the reassignment of the
procedure codes describing the open revision of devices in the heart
valves, atrial septum, or ventricular septum to MS-DRG 215, therefore,
we reviewed the ICD-10-PCS classification and identified the following
18 procedure codes. These 18 codes are all assigned to MS-DRGs 228 and
229 (Other Cardiothoracic Procedures with and without MCC,
respectively) in MDC 05 in Version 41.1.
[[Page 35967]]
Next, we examined claims data from the September 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 228 and 229 to identify cases reporting
one of the 18 codes listed previously that describe the open revision
of devices in the heart valves, atrial septum, or ventricular septum.
Our findings are shown in the following table:
As shown in the table, in MS-DRG 228, we identified a total of
4,391 cases with an average length of stay of 8.7 days and average
costs of $44,565. Of those 4,391 cases, there were 12 cases reporting a
procedure code describing the open revision of devices in the heart
valves, atrial septum, or ventricular septum, with average costs higher
than the average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 228
($51,549 compared to $44,565) and a longer average length of stay (15.7
days compared to 8.7 days). In MS-DRG 229, we identified a total of
5,712 cases with an average length of stay of 3.3 days and average
costs of $28,987. Of those 5,712 cases, there was one case reporting a
procedure code describing the open revision of devices in the heart
valves, atrial septum, or ventricular septum with costs lower than the
average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 229 ($11,322
compared to $28,987) and a shorter length of stay (1 day compared to
3.3 days).
We then examined claims data from the September 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR for MS-DRG 215. Our findings are shown in the following
Our analysis indicates that the cases assigned to MS-DRG 215 have
much higher average costs than the cases reporting a procedure code
describing the open revision of devices in the heart valves, atrial
septum, or ventricular septum currently assigned to MS-DRGs 228 and
229. Instead, the average costs and average length of stay for case
reporting a procedure code describing the open revision of devices in
the heart valves, atrial septum, or ventricular septum appear to be
generally more aligned with the average costs and average length of
stay for all cases in MS-DRGs 228 and 229, where they are currently
In addition, based on our review of the clinical considerations, we
do not believe the procedure codes describing the open revision of
devices in the heart valves, atrial septum, or ventricular septum are
clinically coherent with the procedure codes currently assigned to MS-
DRG 215. Heart assist devices, such as ventricular assist devices and
artificial heart systems, provide circulatory support by taking over
most of the workload of the left ventricle. Blood enters the pump
through an
[[Page 35968]]
inflow conduit connected to the left ventricle and is ejected through
an outflow conduit into the body's arterial system. Heart assist
devices can provide temporary left, right, or biventricular support for
patients whose hearts have failed and can also be used as a bridge for
patients who are awaiting a heart transplant. Devices placed in the
heart valves, atrial septum, or ventricular septum do not serve the
same purpose as heart assist devices and we do not believe the
procedure codes describing the revision of these devices should be
assigned to MS-DRG 215. Further, the various indications for devices
placed in the heart valves, atrial septum or ventricular septum are not
aligned with the indications for heart assist devices. We believe that
patients with indications for heart assist devices tend to be more
severely ill and these inpatient admissions are associated with greater
resource utilization. Therefore, for the reasons stated previously, we
are proposing to maintain the GROUPER logic for MS-DRG 215 for FY 2025.
5. MDC 06 (Diseases and Disorders of the Digestive System): Excision of
Intestinal Body Parts
We identified a replication issue from the ICD-9 based MS-DRGs to
the ICD-10 based MS-DRGs regarding the assignment of eight ICD-10-PCS
codes that describe the excision of intestinal body parts by open,
percutaneous, or percutaneous endoscopic approach. Under the Version 32
ICD-9 based MS-DRGs, ICD-9-CM procedure code 45.33 (Local excision of
lesion or tissue of small intestine, except duodenum) was designated as
an O.R. procedure and was assigned to MDC 06 (Diseases and Disorders of
the Digestive System) in MS-DRGs 347, 348, and 349 (Anal and Stomal
Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively).
There are eight ICD-10-PCS code translations that provide more
detailed and specific information for ICD-9-CM code 45.33 that also
currently group to MS-DRGs 347, 348, and 349 in the ICD-10 MS-DRGs
Version 41.1. These eight procedure codes are shown in the following
We noted during our review of this issue that under ICD-9-CM,
procedure code 45.33 did not differentiate the specific type of
approach used to perform the procedure. This is in contrast to the
eight comparable ICD-10-PCS code translations listed in the previous
table that do differentiate among various approaches (open,
percutaneous, and percutaneous endoscopic). We also noted that there
are four additional ICD-10-PCS code translations that provide more
detailed and specific information for ICD-9-CM code 45.33, however
these four codes currently group to MS-DRGs 329, 330, and 331 (Major
Small and Large Bowel Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively), and not MS-DRGs 347, 348, and 349, in the ICD-10 MS-DRGs
Version 41.1. These four procedure codes are shown in the following
We refer the reader to the ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual Version
41.1 (available on the CMS website at: for complete documentation of the GROUPER
logic for MS-DRGs 329, 330, 331, 347, 348, and 349.
Next, we examined claims data from the September 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 347, 348, and 349 to identify cases
reporting one of the eight codes listed previously that describe
excision of intestinal body parts by an open, percutaneous, or
percutaneous endoscopic approach. Our findings are shown in the
following table:
[[Page 35969]]
As shown in the table, in MS-DRG 347, we identified a total of 752
cases with an average length of stay of 7.6 days and average costs of
$21,462. Of those 752 cases, there were 66 cases reporting one of eight
procedure codes describing the excision of intestinal body parts by an
open, percutaneous, or percutaneous endoscopic approach, with average
costs higher than the average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-
DRG 347 ($27,081 compared to $21,462) and a longer average length of
stay (8.5 days compared to 7.6 days). In MS-DRG 348, we identified a
total of 1,580 cases with an average length of stay of 4.2 days and
average costs of $12,020. Of those 1,580 cases, there were 192 cases
reporting one of eight procedure codes describing the excision of
intestinal body parts by an open, percutaneous, or percutaneous
endoscopic approach, with average costs higher than the average costs
in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 348 ($17,063 compared to $12,020)
and a longer average length of stay (4.9 days compared to 4.2 days). In
MS-DRG 349, we identified a total of 644 cases with an average length
of stay of 2.2 days and average costs of $9,095. Of those 644 cases,
there were 117 cases reporting one of eight procedure codes describing
the excision of intestinal body parts by an open, percutaneous, or
percutaneous endoscopic approach, with average costs higher than the
average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 349 ($14,612
compared to $9,095), and a longer average length of stay (3 days
compared to 2.2 days).
We then examined claims data from the September 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR for MS-DRGs 329, 330, and 331. Our findings are shown in
the following table.
While the average costs for all cases in MS-DRGs 329, 330, and 331
are higher than the average costs of the cases reporting one of eight
procedure codes describing the excision of intestinal body parts by an
open, percutaneous, or percutaneous endoscopic approach, the data
suggest that overall, cases reporting one of eight procedure codes
describing the excision of intestinal body parts by an open,
percutaneous, or percutaneous endoscopic approach may be more
appropriately aligned with the average costs of the cases in MS-DRGs
329, 330, and 331 in comparison to MS-DRGs 347, 348, and 349, even
though the average lengths of stay are shorter.
We reviewed this grouping issue, and our analysis indicates that
the eight procedure codes describing the excision of intestinal body
parts by an open, percutaneous, or percutaneous endoscopic approach
were initially assigned to the list of procedures in the GROUPER logic
for MS-DRGs 347, 348, and 349 as a result of replication in the
transition from ICD-9 to ICD-10 based MS-DRGs. We also note that
procedure codes 0DB83ZZ, 0DBA3ZZ, 0DBA4ZZ, 0DBB3ZZ, 0DBB4ZZ, 0DBC0ZZ,
0DBC3ZZ, and 0DBC4ZZ do not describe procedures on a stoma, which is an
artificial opening on the abdomen that can be connected to either the
digestive or urinary system to allow waste to be diverted out of the
body, or the anus. We support the reassignment of codes 0DB83ZZ,
clinical coherence and believe these eight procedure codes should be
appropriately grouped along with the four other procedure codes that
describe excision of intestinal body parts by an open, or percutaneous
endoscopic approach currently assigned to MS-DRGs 329, 330, and 331.
Accordingly, because the procedures described by the eight
procedure codes that describe excision of intestinal body parts by an
open, percutaneous, or percutaneous endoscopic approach are not
clinically consistent with procedures on the anus or stoma, and it is
clinically appropriate to reassign these procedures to be consistent
with the four other procedure codes that describe excision of
intestinal body parts by an open, or percutaneous endoscopic approach
in MS-DRGs 329, 330, and 331, we are proposing the reassignment of
procedure codes 0DB83ZZ, 0DBA3ZZ, 0DBA4ZZ, 0DBB3ZZ, 0DBB4ZZ, 0DBC0ZZ,
0DBC3ZZ, and 0DBC4ZZ from MS-DRGs 347, 348, and 349 (Anal and Stomal
Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) to MS-
DRGs 329, 330, and 331 (Major Small and Large Bowel Procedures with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 06, effective FY
[[Page 35970]]
6. MDC 08 (Diseases and Disorders of the Musculoskeletal System and
Connective Tissue)
a. MS-DRG Logic for MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458
We identified an inconsistency in the GROUPER logic for MS-DRGs
456, 457, and 458 (Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with Spinal Curvature,
Malignancy, Infection or Extensive Fusions with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) related to ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes
describing deforming dorsopathies. The logic for case assignment to MS-
DRGs 456, 457, and 458 as displayed in the ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions
Manual Version 41.1 (which is available on the CMS website at: is comprised of
four logic lists. The first logic list is entitled ``Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical'' and is defined by a list of procedure codes
designated as O.R. procedures that describe spinal fusion procedures of
the thoracic, thoracolumbar, lumbar, lumbosacral, sacrococcygeal,
coccygeal, and sacroiliac joint. The second logic list is entitled
``Spinal Curvature/Malignancy/Infection'' and is defined by a list of
diagnosis codes describing spinal curvature, spinal malignancy, and
spinal infection that are used to define the logic for case assignment
when any one of the listed diagnosis codes is reported as the principal
diagnosis. The third logic list is entitled ``OR Secondary Diagnosis''
and is defined by a list of diagnosis codes describing curvature of the
spine that are used to define the logic for case assignment when any
one of the listed codes is reported as a secondary diagnosis. The
fourth logic list is entitled ``Extensive Fusions'' and is defined by a
list of procedure codes designated as O.R. procedures that describe
extensive spinal fusion procedures. We refer the reader to the ICD-10
MS-DRG Definitions Manual Version 41.1, (available on the CMS website
at: for complete
documentation of the GROUPER logic for MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458.
In the second logic list entitled ``Spinal Curvature/Malignancy/
Infection'' there are a subset of six diagnosis codes describing other
specified deforming dorsopathies as shown in the following table.
In the third logic list entitled ``OR Secondary Diagnosis'' there
are currently 14 diagnosis codes listed, one of which is diagnosis code
M43.8X9 (Other specified deforming dorsopathies, site unspecified) as
shown in the following table.
We recognized that the five diagnosis codes describing deforming
dorsopathies of specific anatomic sites that are listed in the second
logic list entitled ``Spinal Curvature/Malignancy/Infection'' are not
listed in the third logic list entitled ``OR Secondary Diagnosis'',
rather, only diagnosis code M43.8X9 (Other specified deforming
dorsopathies, site unspecified) appears in both logic lists. Therefore,
we considered if it was clinically appropriate to add the five
diagnosis codes describing deforming dorsopathies of specific anatomic
sites that are listed in the second logic list entitled ``Spinal
Curvature/Malignancy/Infection'' to the third logic list entitled ``OR
Secondary Diagnosis''.
A deforming dorsopathy is characterized by abnormal bending or
flexion in the vertebral column. All spinal deformities involve
problems with curve or rotation of the spine, regardless of site
specificity. We believe the five diagnosis codes describing deforming
dorsopathies of specific anatomic sites to be clinically aligned with
the diagnosis codes currently
[[Page 35971]]
included in the ``OR Secondary Diagnosis'' logic list. Therefore, for
clinical consistency we are proposing to add diagnosis codes M43.8X4,
M43.8X5, M43.8X6, M43.8X7, and M43.8X8 to the ``OR Secondary
Diagnosis'' logic list for MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458, effective October
1, 2024 for FY 2025.
b. Interbody Spinal Fusion Procedures
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR 26726 through
26729) and final rule (88 FR 58731 through 58735, as corrected in the
FY 2024 final rule correction notice at 88 FR 77211), we discussed a
request we received to reassign cases reporting spinal fusion
procedures using an aprevoTM customized interbody fusion
device from the lower severity MS-DRG 455 (Combined Anterior and
Posterior Spinal Fusion without CC/MCC) to the higher severity MS-DRG
453 (Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion with MCC), from the
lower severity MS-DRG 458 (Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with Spinal
Curvature, Malignancy, Infection or Extensive Fusions without CC/MCC)
to the higher severity level MS-DRG 456 (Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
with Spinal Curvature, Malignancy, Infection or Extensive Fusions with
MCC) when a diagnosis of malalignment is reported, and from MS-DRGs 459
and 460 (Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with MCC and without MCC,
respectively) to MS-DRG 456. We refer the reader to the ICD-10 MS-DRG
Definitions Manual Version 41.1 (available on the CMS website at: for complete
documentation of the GROUPER logic.
We also noted that the aprevoTM Intervertebral Body
Fusion Device technology was approved for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2022 (86 FR 45127 through 45133). We further noted
that, as discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49468
through 49469), CMS finalized the continuation of the new technology
add-on payments for this technology for FY 2023. In the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58802), we finalized the continuation of new
technology add-on payments for the transforaminal lumbar interbody
fusion (TLIF) indication for aprevoTM for FY 2024, and the
discontinuation of the new technology add-on payments for the anterior
lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) and lateral lumbar interbody fusion
(LLIF) indications for FY 2024. We refer the reader to section II.E.
for discussion of the FY 2025 status of technologies receiving new
technology add-on payments for FY 2024, including the status for the
aprevoTM technology.
As also discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR
26726 through 26729) and final rule (88 FR 58731 through 58735),
effective October 1, 2021 (FY 2022), we implemented 12 new ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to identify and describe spinal fusion procedures using
the aprevoTM customized interbody fusion device. In the
proposed rule we noted that the manufacturer expressed concerns that
there may be unintentional miscoded claims from providers with whom
they do not have an explicit relationship and that following the
submission of the request for the FY 2024 MS-DRG classification change
for cases reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure
utilizing an aprevoTM customized interbody spinal fusion
device, it submitted a code proposal requesting a revision to the title
of the procedure codes that were finalized effective FY 2022. As
discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, a proposal to revise
the code title for the procedure codes that identify and describe
spinal fusion procedures using the aprevoTM customized
interbody fusion device was presented and discussed as an Addenda item
at the March 7-8, 2023 ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee
meeting and subsequently finalized.
The code title changes for the 12 ICD-10-PCS procedure codes to
identify and describe spinal fusion procedures using the
aprevoTM customized interbody fusion device were reflected
in the FY 2024 ICD-10-PCS Code Update files available via the CMS
website at:, as well as in Table 6F.--Revised Procedure Code
Titles--FY 2024 associated with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
and available via the CMS website at: We note that
only the code titles were revised and the code numbers themselves did
not change.
Accordingly, effective with discharges on and after October 1, 2023
(FY 2024), the 12 ICD-10-PCS procedure codes to identify and describe
spinal fusion procedures using the aprevoTM customized
interbody fusion device with their revised code titles are as follows:
[[Page 35972]]
As discussed in the FY 2024 proposed and final rules, as part of
our analysis of the manufacturer's request to reassign cases involving
the aprevoTM device, we presented findings from our analysis
of claims data from the September 2022 update of the FY 2022 MedPAR
file for MS-DRGs 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, and 460 and cases
reporting any one of the 12 original procedure codes describing
utilization of an aprevoTM customized interbody spinal
fusion device. We stated that while we agreed that the findings from
our analysis appeared to indicate that cases reporting the performance
of a procedure using an aprevoTM customized interbody spinal
fusion device reflected a higher consumption of resources, due to the
concerns expressed with respect to suspected inaccuracies of the coding
and therefore, reliability of the claims data, we would continue to
monitor the claims data for resolution of the potential coding issues
identified by the requestor (the manufacturer). We stated that we
continued to believe additional review of claims data was warranted and
would be informative as we continued to consider cases involving this
technology for future rulemaking. Specifically, we stated we believed
it would be premature to propose any MS-DRG modifications for spinal
fusion procedures using an aprevoTM customized interbody
spinal fusion device for FY 2024 and finalized our proposal to maintain
the structure of MS-DRGs 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459, and 460,
without modification, for FY 2024 (88 FR 58734 through 58735). As
discussed further in the FY 2024 final rule correction, in response to
the manufacturer's comment expressing concern about the reliability of
the Medicare claims data in the MedPAR file used for purposes of CMS's
claims data analysis, as compared to the manufacturer's analysis of its
own customer claims data, we stated that in order for us to consider
using non-MedPAR data, the non-MedPAR data must be independently
validated, meaning when an entity submits non-MedPAR data, we must be
able to independently review the medical records and verify that a
particular procedure was performed for each of the cases that
purportedly involved the procedure. We noted that, in this particular
circumstance, where external data for cases reporting the use of an
aprevoTM spinal fusion device was provided, we did not have
access to the medical records to conduct an independent review;
therefore, we were not able to validate or confirm the non-MedPAR data
submitted by the commenter for consideration in FY 2024. However, we
also noted that our work in this area was ongoing, and we would
continue to examine the data and consider these issues as we develop
potential future rulemaking proposals. We refer readers to the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS correction notice (88 FR 77211) for further discussion.
\3\ As noted earlier in the discussion, the code titles were
updated but the code numbers themselves did not change.
In advance of this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, the
manufacturer provided us with a list of the providers with which it
indicated it has an explicit relationship to assist in our ongoing
review of its request for reassignment of cases reporting spinal fusion
procedures using an aprevoTM interbody fusion device from
the lower severity spinal fusion MS-DRGs to the higher severity level
spinal fusion MS-DRGs.
To continue our analysis of cases reporting spinal fusion
procedures using an aprevoTM customized interbody fusion
device, we first analyzed claims data from the September 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRGs 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 458, 459,
and 460, and cases reporting any one of the previously listed procedure
codes describing the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device.\3\ Our findings are shown in the following tables.
[[Page 35973]]
We identified the majority of cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device in MS-DRGs 453, 454, and
455 with a total of 242 cases (26 + 129 + 87 = 242) with an average
length of stay of 4.6 days and average costs of $68,526. The 26 cases
found in MS-DRG 453 appear to have a comparable average length of stay
(9.8 days versus 9.5 days) and higher average costs ($99,162 versus
$80,420) compared to all the cases in MS-DRG 453, with a difference in
average costs of $18,742 for the cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device. The 129 cases found in
MS-DRG 454 appear to have a comparable average length of stay (4.9 days
versus 4.3 days) and higher average costs ($71,527 versus $54,983)
compared to all the cases in MS-DRG 454, with a difference in average
costs of $16,544 for the cases reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device. The 87 cases found in MS-DRG 455 have
an identical average length of stay of 2.6 days in comparison to all
the cases in MS-DRG 455, however, the difference in average costs is
$13,907 ($54,922-$41,015 = $13,907) for the cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
[[Page 35974]]
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
For MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458, we found a total of 19 cases (2 + 11
+ 6 = 19) reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using
an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody
fusion device with an average length of stay of 4.7 days and average
costs of $51,384. The 2 cases found in MS-DRG 456 have a shorter
average length of stay (8.5 days versus 12.6 days) and lower average
costs ($69,009 versus $76,060) compared to all the cases in MS-DRG 456.
The 11 cases found in MS-DRG 457 also have a shorter average length of
stay (5.0 days versus 6.1 days) and lower average costs ($47,221 versus
$52,179). For MS-DRG 458, we found 6 cases reporting the performance of
a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device with a comparable average
length of stay (3.0 days versus 3.1 days) and higher average costs
($53,140 versus $39,260) compared to the average costs of all the cases
in MS-DRG 458, with a difference in average costs of $13,880 ($53,140-
$39,260 = $13,880) for the cases reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device.
For MS-DRGs 459 and 460, we found a total of 65 cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device with an
average length of stay of 2.7 days and average costs of $57,128. The
single case found in MS-DRG 459 had a longer average length of stay (22
days versus 9.6 days) and higher average costs ($288,499 versus
$53,192) compared to the average costs of all the cases in MS-DRG 459.
For MS-DRG 460, the 64 cases reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device had a shorter average length of stay
(2.4 days versus 3.4 days) and higher average cost ($53,513 versus
$32,586), compared to all the cases in MS-DRG 460, with a difference in
average costs of $20,927 ($53,513-$32,586 = $20,927) for the cases
reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
As discussed in the FY 2024 final rule, the manufacturer expressed
concern that there may be unintentional miscoded claims from providers
with whom they do not have an explicit relationship and, as previously
discussed, subsequently provided the list of providers with which it
indicated it has an explicit relationship to assist in our ongoing
review. In connection with the list of providers submitted, the
manufacturer also resubmitted claims data from the Standard Analytical
File (SAF) that included FY 2022 claims and the first two quarters
(discharges beginning October 1, 2022 through March 31, 2023) of FY
2023 from these providers. We note that the list of providers the
manufacturer submitted to us was considered applicable for the dates of
service in connection with the resubmitted claims data. The
manufacturer stated that the list of providers with which it has an
explicit relationship is subject to change on a weekly basis as
additional providers begin to use the technology. The manufacturer also
clarified that the external customer data it had previously referenced
in connection with the FY 2024 rulemaking that was received directly
from the providers with which it has an explicit relationship is
Medicare data. We reviewed the September update of the FY 2022 MedPAR
file and compared it against the claims data file with the list of
providers submitted by the manufacturer for FY 2022. In this updated
analysis of the September update of the FY 2022 MedPAR claims data, we
were able to confirm that the majority of the cases for the providers
with which the manufacturer indicated it has an explicit relationship
matched the claims data in our FY 2022 MedPAR file. However, we
identified 3 claims that appeared in the manufacturer's file that were
not found in our FY 2022 MedPAR file and could not be validated. Next,
we reviewed the September update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file and
compared it against the claims data file with the list of providers
submitted by the manufacturer for the first two quarters of FY 2023. We
were able to confirm that the majority of the cases for the providers
with which the manufacturer indicated it has an explicit relationship
matched the claims data in our FY 2023 MedPAR file. However, we
identified 2 claims that appeared in the manufacturer's file that were
not found in our FY 2023 MedPAR file and also could not be validated.
In our analysis of the cases reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device in MS-DRGs 453, 454, 455, 456, 457,
458, 459, and 460 from the September update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file,
we also reviewed the findings for cases identified based on the list of
providers with which the manufacturer indicated it has an explicit
relationship and cases based on other providers, (that is, those
providers not included on the manufacturer's list), and compared those
to the findings from all the cases we identified in the September
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device in MS-DRGs 453, 454, 455, 456, 457,
458, 459, and 460. The findings from our analysis are shown in the
following table. We note that there were no cases found to report the
performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device based on the
list of providers submitted by the manufacturer in MS-DRG 456.
[[Page 35975]]
For MS-DRG 453, the data show that of the 26 cases found to report
the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file, 10 cases were reported based on
the manufacturer's provider list, and 16 cases were reported based on
other providers. The average length of stay is longer (10.5 days versus
9.4 days), and the average costs are higher ($118,863 versus $86,849)
for the 10 cases reported based on the manufacturer's provider list
compared to the 16 cases that were reported based on other providers.
For MS-DRG 454, the data show that of the 129 cases found to report the
performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device from the FY
2023 MedPAR file, 48 cases were reported based on the manufacturer's
provider list, and 81 cases were reported based on other providers. The
average length of stay is longer (6.3 days versus 4.1 days), and the
average costs are higher ($81,680 versus $65,510) for the 48 cases
reported based on the manufacturer's provider list compared to the 81
cases that were reported based on other providers. For MS-DRG 455, the
data show that of the 87 cases found to report the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device from the FY 2023 MedPAR
file, 14 cases were reported based on the manufacturer's provider list,
and 73 cases were reported based on other providers. The average
[[Page 35976]]
length of stay is shorter (2.5 days versus 2.6 days), and the average
costs are higher ($61,637 versus $53,634) for the 14 cases reported
based on the manufacturer's provider list compared to the 73 cases that
were reported based on other providers.
For MS-DRG 456, the data show that of the 2 cases found to report
the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file, there were no cases reported based
on the manufacturer's provider list and the 2 cases reported were based
on other providers. For MS-DRG 457, the data show that of the 11 cases
found to report the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file, 2 cases were reported based on the
manufacturer's provider list, and 9 cases were reported based on other
providers. The average length of stay is shorter (4.5 days versus 5.1
days), and the average costs are higher ($53,113 versus $45,912) for
the 2 cases reported based on the manufacturer's provider list compared
to the 9 cases that were reported based on other providers. For MS-DRG
458, the data show that of the 6 cases found to report the performance
of a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device from the FY 2023 MedPAR
file, 3 cases were reported based on the manufacturer's provider list,
and 3 cases were reported based on other providers. The average length
of stay is longer (3.3 days versus 2.7 days), and the average costs are
lower ($52,760 versus $53,520) for the 3 cases reported based on the
manufacturer's provider list compared to the 3 cases that were reported
for other providers.
For MS-DRG 459, the data show that the single case found to report
the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device from the FY 2023 MedPAR file was based on the manufacturer's
provider list. There were no cases reported based on other providers.
For MS-DRG 460, the data show that of the 64 cases found to report the
performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device from the FY
2023 MedPAR file, 13 cases were reported based on the manufacturer's
provider list, and 51 cases were reported based on other providers. The
average length of stay is comparable (2.6 days versus 2.3 days), and
the average costs are higher ($62,829 versus $51,138) for the 13 cases
reported based on the manufacturer's provider list compared to the 51
cases that were reported from other providers.
We considered these data findings with regard to the concerns
expressed by the manufacturer that there may be unintentional miscoded
claims reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device from providers with whom the manufacturer does not have an
explicit relationship. Based on our review and analysis of the claims
data, we are unable to confirm that the claims from these providers
with whom the manufacturer indicated that it does not have an explicit
relationship are miscoded.
We note that, while a newly established ICD-10 code may be
associated with an application for new technology add-on payment, such
codes are not generally established to be product specific. If, after
consulting the official coding guidelines, a provider determines that
an ICD-10 code associated with a new technology add-on payment
describes the technology that they are billing, the hospital may report
the code and be eligible to receive the associated add-on payment.
Providers are responsible for ensuring that they are billing correctly
for the services they render. In addition, as we noted in the FY 2018
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38012), coding advice is issued
independently from payment policy. We also note that, historically, we
have not provided coding advice in rulemaking with respect to policy
(82 FR 38045). As one of the Cooperating Parties for ICD-10, we
collaborate with the American Hospital Association (AHA) through the
Coding Clinic for ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS to promote proper coding. We
recommend that an entity seeking coding guidance submit any questions
pertaining to correct coding to the AHA.
Accordingly, after review of the list of providers and associated
claims data submitted by the manufacturer, and our analysis of the
MedPAR data, we believe these MedPAR data are appropriate for our FY
2025 analysis. Therefore, in assessing the request for reassignment of
cases reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device from the lower severity MS-DRG 455 to the higher severity MS-DRG
453, from the lower severity MS-DRG 458 to the higher severity level
MS-DRG 456 when a diagnosis of malalignment is reported, and cases from
MS-DRGs 459 and 460 to MS-DRG 456 for FY 2025, we considered all the
claims data reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure,
including those spinal fusion procedures using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device as identified
in the September update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file for these MS-DRGs.
Consequently, our analysis also included claims based on the list of
providers submitted by the manufacturer as well as other providers.
Based on the findings from our analysis and clinical review, we do
not believe the requested reassignments are supported. Specifically, it
would not be appropriate to propose to reassign the 87 cases reporting
the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device from the lower severity level MS-DRG 455 (without CC/MCC) with
an average length of stay of 2.6 days and average costs of $54,922 to
the higher severity level MS-DRG 453 (with MCC) with an average length
of stay of 9.5 days and average costs of $80,420. If we were to propose
to reassign the 87 cases from the lower severity MS-DRG 455 to the
higher severity MS-DRG 453, the MS-DRGs would no longer be clinically
coherent with regard to severity of illness of the patients, and the
cases would reflect a difference in resource utilization, as
demonstrated by the difference in average costs of approximately
$25,498 ($80,420-$54,922 = $25,498), as well as a difference in average
length of stay (2.6 days versus 9.5 days) compared to all the cases in
MS-DRG 453. Similarly, it would not be appropriate to propose to
reassign the 6 cases reporting the performance of a spinal fusion
procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device from the lower severity level MS-DRG
458 (without CC/MCC) with an average length of stay of 3.0 days and
average costs of $53,140 to the higher severity level MS-DRG 456 (with
MCC) with an average length of stay of 12.6 days and average costs of
$76,060. If we were to propose to reassign the 6 cases from the lower
severity MS-DRG 458 to the higher severity MS-DRG 456, the MS-DRGs
would no longer be clinically coherent with regard to severity of
illness of the patients and the cases would reflect a difference in
resource utilization, as demonstrated by the difference in average
costs of approximately $22,920 ($76,060-$53,140 = $22,920) as well as a
difference in average length of stay
[[Page 35977]]
(3.0 days versus 12.6 days) compared to all the cases in MS-DRG 456.
Finally, it would not be appropriate nor consistent with the definition
of the MS-DRGs to propose to reassign the 65 cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device from MS-DRGs
459 and 460 with an average length of stay of 2.7 days and average
costs of $57,128 to MS-DRG 456. In addition to the cases reflecting a
difference in resource utilization as demonstrated by the difference in
average costs of approximately $18,932 ($76,060-$57,128 = $18,932) as
well as having a shorter average length of stay (2.7 days versus 12.6
days), we note that the logic for case assignment to MS-DRGs 456, 457,
and 458 is specifically defined by principal diagnosis logic. As such,
cases grouping to this set of MS-DRGs require a principal diagnosis of
spinal curvature, malignancy, or infection, or an extensive fusion
procedure. Therefore, it would not be clinically appropriate to propose
to reassign cases from MS-DRGs 459 and 460 that do not have a principal
diagnosis of spinal curvature, malignancy, or infection, or an
extensive fusion procedure, and are not consistent with the logic for
case assignment to MS-DRG 456.
In light of the higher average costs of the cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device in MS-DRGs
453, 454, 455, 458, and 460, we further reviewed the claims data for
cases reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device in these MS-DRGs and identified a wide range in the average
length of stay and average costs. For example, in MS-DRG 453, the
average length of stay for the 26 cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device ranged from 3.0 days to
27 days and the average costs ranged from $28,054 to $177,919. In MS-
DRG 454, the average length of stay for the 129 cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device ranged from
1.0 day to 16 days and the average costs ranged from $10,242 to
$316,780. In MS-DRG 455, the average length of stay for the 87 cases
reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device ranged from 1.0 day to 9.0 days and the average costs ranged
from $7,961 to $216,200. In MS-DRG 456, the average length of stay for
the 2 cases reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure
using an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device were 8.0 days and 9.0 days, respectively, with
average costs of $107,457 and $30,560, respectively. In MS-DRG 457, the
average length of stay for the 11 cases reporting the performance of a
spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device ranged from 1.0 day to 17
days and the average costs ranged from $25,955 to $89,176. In MS-DRG
458, the average length of stay for the 6 cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device ranged from
1.0 day to 5.0 days and the average costs ranged from $33,165 to
$78,720. In MS-DRG 459, the length of stay for the single case
reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device was 22 days with a cost of $288,499, indicating it is an
outlier. In MS-DRG 460, the average length of stay for the 64 cases
reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device ranged from 1.0 day to 8.0 days and the average costs ranged
from $8,981 to $325,104.
In our analysis of the claims data for MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455,
we also identified a number of cases for which additional spinal fusion
procedures were performed, beyond the logic for case assignment to the
respective MS-DRG. For example, the logic for case assignment to MS-
DRGs 453, 454, and 455 requires at least one anterior column fusion and
one posterior column fusion (that is, combined anterior and posterior
fusion). We note that the aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device is used in the performance of an
anterior column fusion. Findings from our analysis of MS-DRG 453 show
that of the 26 cases reporting a combined anterior and posterior fusion
(including an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device), 24 cases also reported another spinal fusion
procedure. We categorized these cases as ``multiple level fusions''
where another procedure code describing a spinal fusion procedure was
reported in addition to the combined anterior and posterior fusion
procedure codes. Findings from our analysis of MS-DRG 454 show that of
the 129 cases reporting a combined anterior and posterior fusion
(including an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device), 100 cases also reported another spinal fusion
procedure. Lastly, findings from our analysis of MS-DRG 455 show that
of the 87 cases reporting a combined anterior and posterior fusion
(including an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device), 51 cases also reported another spinal fusion
While the findings from our analysis indicate a wide range in the
average length of stay and average costs for cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device, we believe
the increase in resource utilization for certain cases may be partially
attributable to the performance of multiple level fusion procedures
and, specifically for MS-DRGs 453 and 454, the reporting of secondary
diagnosis MCC and CC conditions. Our analysis of the data for MS-DRGs
453 and 454 show that the cases reporting the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device also reported multiple MCC and CC
conditions, which we believe may be an additional contributing factor
to the increase in resource utilization for these cases, combined with
the reported performance of multiple level fusions.
In our analysis of the data for MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455 and cases
reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device, we also identified other procedures that were reported, some of
which are designated as operating room (O.R.) procedures, that we
believe may be another contributing factor to the increase in resource
utilization and complexity for these cases. (We note that because a
discectomy is frequently performed in connection with a spinal fusion
procedure, we did not consider these procedures as contributing factors
to consumption of resources in these spinal fusion cases). In the
tables that follow we provide a list of the top 5 MCC and CC
conditions, as well as the top 5 O.R. procedures (excluding discectomy)
reported in MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455 that we believe may be
contributing factors to the increase in resource utilization and
complexity for these cases. We note that the logic for case assignment
to MS-DRG 453 includes the reporting of at least one
[[Page 35978]]
secondary diagnosis MCC condition (``with MCC'') and cases that group
to this MS-DRG may also report secondary diagnosis CC conditions. We
are providing the frequency data for both the top 5 secondary diagnosis
MCC conditions and the top 5 secondary diagnosis CC conditions, in
addition to the top 5 O.R. procedures (excluding discectomy) that were
reported for spinal fusion cases with an aprevoTM custom-
made anatomically designed interbody fusion device in MS-DRG 453.
Because the logic for case assignment to MS-DRG 454 includes the
reporting of at least one secondary diagnosis CC condition (``with
CC'') we are providing the top 5 secondary diagnosis CC conditions and
the top 5 O.R. procedures (excluding discectomy) that were reported for
spinal fusion cases with an aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device in MS-DRG 454. We note
that the logic for case assignment to MS-DRG 455 is ``without CC/MCC''
and does not include any secondary diagnosis MCC or CC conditions,
therefore, we are only providing a table with the top 5 O.R. procedures
(excluding discectomy) reported for that MS-DRG in addition to a spinal
fusion procedure.
[[Page 35979]]
As previously summarized, our analysis of the claims data for cases
reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device demonstrated a low volume of cases and higher average costs in
comparison to all the cases in their respective MS-DRGs (that is, in
MS-DRGs 453, 454, 455, 458, 459, and 460). Therefore, we expanded our
analysis to include all spinal fusion cases in MS-DRGs 453, 454, 455,
456, 457, 458, 459, and 460 to identify and further examine the cases
reporting multiple level fusions versus single level fusions, multiple
MCCs or CCs, and other O.R. procedures as we believed that clinically,
all of these factors may contribute to increases in resource
utilization, severity of illness and technical complexity.
We began our expanded analysis with MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455.
Based on the findings for a subset of the cases (that is, the subset of
cases reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device) in these MS-DRGs as previously discussed, and our review of the
logic for case assignment to these MS-DRGs, we developed three
categories of spinal fusion procedures to further examine. The first
category was for the single level combined anterior and posterior
fusions except cervical, the second category was for the multiple level
combined anterior and posterior fusions except cervical and the third
category was for the combined anterior and posterior cervical spinal
fusions. We refer the reader to Table 6P.2d for the list of procedure
codes we identified to categorize the single level combined anterior
and posterior fusions except cervical, Table 6P.2e for the list of
procedure codes we identified to categorize the multiple level combined
anterior and posterior fusions except cervical, and Table 6P.2f for the
list of procedure codes we identified to categorize the combined
anterior and posterior cervical spinal fusions. Findings from our
analysis are shown in the following table.
The data show that across MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455, cases
reporting multiple level combined anterior and posterior fusion
procedures have a comparable average length of stay (9.6 days versus
9.5 days, 4.8 days versus 4.3 days, and 3.0 days versus 2.6 days,
respectively) and higher average costs ($91,358 versus $80,420, $64,065
versus $54,983, and $50,097 versus $41,015) compared to all the cases
in MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455, respectively. The data also show that
across MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455, cases reporting multiple level
combined anterior and posterior fusion procedures have a longer average
length of stay (9.6 days versus 6.4 days, 4.8 days versus 3.4 days, and
3.0 days versus 2.3 days, respectively) and higher average costs
($91,358 versus $47,031, $64,065 versus $38,107, and $50,097 versus
$33,010, respectively) compared to cases reporting a single level
combined anterior and posterior fusion. For cases reporting a combined
anterior and posterior cervical fusion across MS-DRGs 453 and 454, the
data show a longer average length of stay (12.5 days versus 9.5 days,
and 5.1 days versus 4.3 days, respectively) compared to all the cases
in MS-DRGs 453 and 454 and a comparable average length of stay (2.9
days versus 2.6 days) for cases reporting a combined anterior and
posterior cervical fusion in MS-DRG 455. The data also show that across
MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455, cases reporting a combined anterior and
posterior cervical fusion have higher average costs ($75,077 versus
$47,031, $52,274 versus $38,107, and $37,515 versus $33,010,
respectively) compared to the single level combined anterior and
posterior fusion cases.
The data also reflect that in applying the logic that was developed
for the three categories of spinal fusion in MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455
(single level combined anterior and posterior fusion except cervical,
multiple level combined anterior and posterior fusion except cervical,
and combined anterior and posterior cervical fusion), there is a
[[Page 35980]]
small redistribution of cases from the current MS-DRGs 453, 454, and
455 to other spinal fusion MS-DRGs because the logic for case
assignment to MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455 is currently satisfied with any
one procedure code from the anterior spinal fusion logic list and any
one procedure code from the posterior spinal fusion logic list,
however, the logic lists that were developed for our analysis using the
three categories of spinal fusion are comprised of specific procedure
code combinations to satisfy the criteria for case assignment to any
one of the three categories developed. For example, based on our
analysis of MS-DRG 453 using the September update of the FY 2023 MedPAR
file, the total number of cases found in MS-DRG 453 is 4,066 and with
application of the logic for each of the three categories, the total
number of cases in MS-DRG 453 is 4,042 (791 + 2,664 + 587 = 4,042), a
difference of 24 cases. Using the September update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file, the total number of cases found in MS-DRG 454 is 20,425
and with application of the logic for each of the three categories, the
total number of cases in MS-DRG 454 is 20,370 (6,481 + 12,498 + 1,391 =
20,370), a difference of 55 cases. Lastly, using the September update
of the FY 2023 MedPAR file, the total number of cases found in MS-DRG
455 is 17,000 and with application of the logic for each of the three
categories, the total number of cases in MS-DRG 455 is 16,987 (9,763 +
6,879 + 345 = 16,987), a difference of 13 cases. Overall, a total of 92
cases are redistributed from MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455 to other spinal
fusion MS-DRGs.
The findings from our analysis of MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455 are
consistent with the expectation that clinically, the greater the number
of spinal fusion procedures performed during a single procedure (for
example, intervertebral levels fused), the greater the consumption of
resources expended. We believe the use of interbody fusion cages, other
types of spinal instrumentation, operating room time, comorbidities,
pharmaceuticals, and length of stay may all be contributing factors to
resource utilization for spinal fusion procedures. In addition, it is
expected that as a result of potential changes to the logic for case
assignment to a MS-DRG, there will be a redistribution of cases among
the MS-DRGs.
Based on our review and analysis of the spinal fusion cases in MS-
DRGs 453, 454, and 455, we believe new MS-DRGs are warranted to
differentiate between multiple level combined anterior and posterior
spinal fusions except cervical, single level combined anterior and
posterior spinal fusions except cervical, and combined anterior and
posterior cervical spinal fusions, to more appropriately reflect
utilization of resources for these procedures, including those
performed with an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device. We note that the performance of a spinal
fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically
designed interbody fusion device as identified by any one of the 12
previously listed procedure codes would not be reported for a cervical
spinal fusion procedure as reflected in Table 6P.2f associated with
this proposed rule and available on the CMS website at:
To compare and analyze the impact of our suggested modifications,
we ran simulations using claims data from the September 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file. The following table illustrates our findings
for all 23,017 cases reporting procedure codes describing multiple
level combined anterior and posterior spinal fusions.
Consistent with our established process as discussed in section
II.C.1.b. of the preamble of this proposed rule, once the decision has
been made to propose to make further modifications to the MS-DRGs, such
as creating a new base MS-DRG, all five criteria to create subgroups
must be met for the base MS-DRG to be split (or subdivided) by a CC
subgroup. Therefore, we applied the criteria to create subgroups in a
base MS-DRG. We note that, as shown in the table that follows, a three-
way split of this proposed new base MS-DRG was met. The following table
illustrates our findings.
For the proposed new MS-DRGs, there is (1) at least 500 or more
cases in the MCC group, the CC subgroup, and in the without CC/MCC
subgroup; (2) at least 5 percent of the cases are in the MCC subgroup,
the CC subgroup, and in the without CC/MCC subgroup; (3) at least a 20
percent difference in average costs between the MCC subgroup and the CC
subgroup and between the CC group and NonCC subgroup; (4) at least a
$2,000 difference in average costs between the MCC subgroup and the
with CC subgroup and between the CC subgroup and NonCC subgroup; and
(5) at least a 3-percent reduction in cost variance, indicating that
the proposed severity level splits increase the explanatory power of
the base MS-DRG in capturing differences in expected cost between the
proposed MS-DRG severity level splits by at least 3 percent and thus
improve the overall accuracy of the IPPS payment system.
As a result, for FY 2025, we are proposing to create new MS-DRG 426
(Multiple Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion Except
Cervical with MCC), new MS-DRG 427 (Multiple Level Combined Anterior
and Posterior Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with CC), and new MS-DRG
428 (Multiple Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical without CC/MCC). The following table reflects a
simulation of the proposed new MS-DRGs.
[[Page 35981]]
The next step in our analysis of the impact of our suggested
modifications to MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455 was to review the cases
reporting single combined anterior and posterior cervical fusions. The
following table illustrates our findings for all 16,059 cases reporting
procedure codes describing single level combined anterior and posterior
spinal fusions.
Consistent with our established process as discussed in section
II.C.1.b. of the preamble of this proposed rule, once the decision has
been made to propose to make further modifications to the MS-DRGs, such
as creating a new base MS-DRG, all five criteria to create subgroups
must be met for the base MS-DRG to be split (or subdivided) by a CC
subgroup. Therefore, we applied the criteria to create subgroups in a
base MS-DRG. We note that, as shown in the table that follows, a three-
way split of this proposed new base MS-DRG failed to meet the criterion
that at least 5% or more of the cases are in the MCC subgroup. It also
failed to meet the criterion that there be at least a 20% difference in
average costs between the CC and NonCC (without CC/MCC) subgroup. The
following table illustrates our findings.
As discussed in section II.C.1.b. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, if the criteria for a three-way split fail, the next step is to
determine if the criteria are satisfied for a two-way split. We
therefore applied the criteria for a two-way split for the ``with MCC
and without MCC'' subgroups. We note that, as shown in the table that
follows, a two-way split of this base MS-DRG failed to meet the
criterion that there be at least 5% or more of the cases in the with
MCC subgroup.
We then applied the criteria for a two-way split for the ``with CC/
MCC and without CC/MCC'' subgroups. As shown in the table that follows,
a two-way split of this base MS-DRG failed to meet the criterion that
there be at least a 20% difference in average costs between the ``with
CC/MCC and without CC/MCC'' subgroup.
We note that because the criteria for both of the two-way splits
failed, a split (or CC subgroup) is not warranted for the proposed new
base MS-DRG. As a result, for FY 2025, we are proposing to create new
base MS-DRG 402 (Single Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal
Fusion Except Cervical). The following table reflects a simulation of
the proposed new base MS-DRG.
For the final step in our analysis of the impact of our suggested
modifications to MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455 we reviewed the cases
reporting combined anterior and posterior cervical fusions. The
following table illustrates our findings for all 2,323 cases reporting
procedure codes
[[Page 35982]]
describing combined anterior and posterior cervical spinal fusions.
Consistent with our established process as discussed in section
II.C.1.b. of the preamble of this proposed rule, once the decision has
been made to propose to make further modifications to the MS-DRGs, such
as creating a new base MS-DRG, all five criteria to create subgroups
must be met for the base MS-DRG to be split (or subdivided) by a CC
subgroup. Therefore, we applied the criteria to create subgroups in a
base MS-DRG. We note that, as shown in the table that follows, a three-
way split of this proposed new base MS-DRG failed to meet the criterion
that that there be at least 500 cases in the NonCC subgroup.
As discussed in section II.C.1.b. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, if the criteria for a three-way split fail, the next step is to
determine if the criteria are satisfied for a two-way split. We
therefore applied the criteria for a two-way split for the ``with MCC
and without MCC'' subgroups. We note that, as shown in the table that
follows, a two-way split of this proposed new base MS-DRG was met. For
the proposed MS-DRGs, there is at least (1) 500 or more cases in the
MCC group and in the without MCC subgroup; (2) 5 percent or more of the
cases in the MCC group and in the without MCC subgroup; (3) a 20
percent difference in average costs between the MCC group and the
without MCC group; (4) a $2,000 difference in average costs between the
MCC group and the without MCC group; and (5) a 3-percent reduction in
cost variance, indicating that the proposed severity level splits
increase the explanatory power of the base MS-DRG in capturing
differences in expected cost between the proposed MS-DRG severity level
splits by at least 3 percent and thus improve the overall accuracy of
the IPPS payment system. The following table illustrates our findings
for the suggested MS-DRGs with a two-way severity level split.
Accordingly, because the criteria for the two-way split were met,
we believe a split (or CC subgroup) is warranted for the proposed new
base MS-DRG. As a result, for FY 2025, we are proposing to create new
MS-DRG 429 (Combined Anterior and Posterior Cervical Spinal Fusion with
MCC) and new MS-DRG 430 (Combined Anterior and Posterior Cervical
Spinal Fusion without MCC). The following table reflects a simulation
of the proposed new MS-DRGs.
We then analyzed the cases reporting spinal fusion procedures in
MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458. As previously described, the logic for case
assignment to MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458 is defined by principal
diagnosis logic and extensive fusion procedures. Cases reporting a
principal diagnosis of spinal curvature, malignancy, or infection or an
extensive fusion procedure will group to these MS-DRGs. We refer the
reader to the ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual Version 41.1 available
on the CMS website at: for complete documentation of the GROUPER logic for MS-
DRGs 456, 457, and 458.
As also previously described, in our initial analysis of cases
reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device, the 13 cases we found in MS-DRGs 456 and 457 (2 + 11 = 13,
respectively) appeared to be grouping appropriately, however, the
average costs for the 6 cases found in MS-DRG 458 showed a difference
of approximately $13,880. Because of the low volume of cases reporting
the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device in the ``without CC/MCC'' MS-DRG 458, and the low volume of
cases reporting the performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an
aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion
device in MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458 overall (2 + 11 + 6 = 19), for this
expanded review of the claims data, we are sharing the results of our
analysis in association with cases reporting extensive fusion
procedures in MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458. Our findings are shown in the
following table.
[[Page 35983]]
The data show that the 332 cases reporting an extensive fusion
procedure in MS-DRG 456 have a shorter average length of stay (11.5
days versus 12.6 days) and higher average costs ($89,773 versus
$76,060) compared to all the cases in MS-DRG 456. For MS-DRG 457, the
data show that the 171 cases reporting an extensive fusion have a
comparable average length of stay (6.6 days versus 6.1 days) and higher
average costs ($75,588 versus $52,179) compared to all the cases in MS-
DRG 457. Lastly, for MS-DRG 458, the data show that the 146 cases
reporting an extensive fusion procedure have a comparable average
length of stay (3.8 days versus 3.1 days) and higher average costs
($48,035 versus $39,260) compared to all the cases in MS-DRG 458.
We believe that over time, the volume of cases reporting the
performance of a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM
custom-made anatomically designed interbody fusion device in MS-DRGs
456, 457, and 458 may increase and we could consider further in the
context of the cases reporting an extensive fusion procedure. However,
due to the logic for case assignment to these MS-DRGs also being
defined by diagnosis code logic, additional analysis would be needed
prior to considering any modification to the current structure of these
MS-DRGs. As we continue to evaluate how we may refine these spinal
fusion MS-DRGs, we are also seeking public comments and feedback on
other factors that should be considered in the potential restructuring
of MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458. Thus, for FY 2025, we are proposing to
maintain the current structure of MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458, without
modification. Feedback and other suggestions for future rulemaking may
be submitted by October 20, 2024 and directed to MEARISTM at
Next, we performed an expanded analysis for spinal fusion cases
reported in MS-DRGs 459 and 460. We note that cases grouping to MS-DRG
459 have at least one secondary diagnosis MCC condition reported
(``with MCC'') and because MS-DRG 460 is ``without MCC'', cases
grouping to this MS-DRG may include the reporting of at least one
secondary diagnosis CC condition (in addition to cases that may not
report a CC (for example, NonCC)). Based on the findings for a subset
of the cases (that is, the subset of cases reporting the performance of
a spinal fusion procedure using an aprevoTM custom-made
anatomically designed interbody fusion device) in these MS-DRGs as
previously discussed, and our review of the logic for case assignment
to these MS-DRGs, we developed two categories of spinal fusion
procedures to further examine. The first category was for the single
level spinal fusions except cervical, and the second category was for
the multiple level spinal fusions except cervical. We refer the reader
to Table 6P.2g for the list of procedure codes we identified to
categorize the single level spinal fusions except cervical and Table
6P.2h for the list of procedure codes we identified to categorize the
multiple level spinal fusions except cervical. Findings from our
analysis are shown in the following table.
The data show that the 2,069 cases reporting a multiple level
spinal fusion except cervical in MS-DRG 459 have a longer average
length of stay (10.1 days versus 9.6 days) and higher average costs
($57,209 versus $53,192) when compared to all the cases in MS-DRG 459.
The data also show that the 2,069 cases reporting a multiple level
spinal fusion except cervical in MS-DRG 459 have a longer average
length of stay (10.1 days versus 8.9 days) and higher average costs
($57,209 versus $46,031) when compared to the 1,098 cases reporting a
single level spinal fusion except cervical in MS-DRG 459. For MS-DRG
460, the data show that the 14,677 cases reporting a multiple level
spinal fusion except cervical have a comparable average length of stay
(3.9 days versus 3.4 days) and higher average costs ($36,932 versus
$32,586) when compared to all the cases in MS-DRG 460. The data also
show that the 14,677 cases reporting a multiple level spinal fusion
except cervical have a comparable average length of stay (3.9 days
versus 3.0 days) and higher average costs ($36,932 versus $28,110) when
compared to the 14,058 cases reporting a single level spinal fusion
except cervical in MS-DRG 460.
Based on our review and analysis of the spinal fusion cases in MS-
DRGs 459 and 460, we believe new MS-DRGs are warranted to differentiate
between multiple level spinal fusions except cervical and single level
spinal fusions except cervical to more appropriately reflect
utilization of resources for these procedures, including those
performed with an aprevoTM custom-made anatomically designed
interbody fusion device.
[[Page 35984]]
To compare and analyze the impact of our suggested modifications,
we ran simulations using claims data from the September 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file. The following table illustrates our findings
for all 16,746 cases reporting procedure codes describing multiple
level spinal fusions except cervical.
Consistent with our established process as discussed in section
II.C.1.b. of the preamble of this proposed rule, once the decision has
been made to propose to make further modifications to the MS-DRGs, such
as creating a new base MS-DRG, all five criteria to create subgroups
must be met for the proposed new base MS-DRG to be split (or
subdivided) by a CC subgroup. Therefore, we applied the criteria to
create subgroups in a base MS-DRG. We note that, as shown in the table
that follows, a three-way split of this proposed new base MS-DRG failed
to meet the criterion that there be at least a 20% difference in
average costs between the CC and NonCC (without CC/MCC) subgroup. The
following table illustrates our findings.
As discussed in section II.C.1.b. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, if the criteria for a three-way split fail, the next step is to
determine if the criteria are satisfied for a two-way split. We
therefore applied the criteria for a two-way split for the ``with MCC
and without MCC'' subgroups. We note that, as shown in the table that
follows, a two-way split of this proposed new base MS-DRG was met. For
the proposed MS-DRGs, there is at least (1) 500 or more cases in the
MCC group and in the without MCC subgroup; (2) 5 percent or more of the
cases in the MCC group and in the without MCC subgroup; (3) a 20
percent difference in average costs between the MCC group and the
without MCC group; (4) a $2,000 difference in average costs between the
MCC group and the without MCC group; and (5) a 3-percent reduction in
cost variance, indicating that the proposed severity level splits
increase the explanatory power of the base MS-DRG in capturing
differences in expected cost between the proposed MS-DRG severity level
splits by at least 3 percent and thus improve the overall accuracy of
the IPPS payment system. The following table illustrates our findings
for the suggested MS-DRGs with a two-way severity level split.
As a result, for FY 2025, we are proposing to create new MS-DRGs
447 (Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with MCC) and new MS-
DRG 448 (Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical without MCC). We
are also proposing to revise the title for existing MS-DRGs 459 and 460
to ``Single Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with MCC and without
MCC'', respectively. This proposal would better differentiate the
resource utilization, severity of illness and technical complexity
between single level and multiple level spinal fusions that do not
include cervical spinal fusions in the logic for case assignment. The
following table reflects a simulation of the proposed new MS-DRGs.
In conclusion, we are proposing to delete MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455
and proposing to create 8 new MS-DRGs. We are proposing to create new
MS-DRG 426 (Multiple Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal
Fusion Except Cervical with MCC), MS-DRG 427 (Multiple Level Combined
Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with CC), MS-DRG
428 (Multiple Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion
Except Cervical without CC/MCC), MS-DRG 402 (Single Level Combined
Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion Except Cervical), MS-DRG 429
(Combined Anterior and Posterior Cervical Spinal Fusion with MCC), MS-
DRG 430 (Combined Anterior and Posterior Cervical Spinal Fusion without
MCC), MS-DRG 447 (Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with
MCC) and MS-DRG 448 (Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical
without MCC) for FY 2025. We are proposing the logic for case
assignment to these proposed new MS-DRGs as displayed in Table 6P.2d,
Table 6P.2e, Table 6P.2f, Table 6P.2g, and Table 6P.2h. We are also
proposing to revise the title for MS-DRGs 459 and
[[Page 35985]]
460 to ``Single Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with MCC and
without MCC'', respectively. Lastly, as discussed in section II.C.14 of
the preamble of this proposed rule, we are proposing conforming changes
to the surgical hierarchy for MDC 08.
7. MDC 10 (Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and
Disorders): Resection of Right Large Intestine
We identified an inconsistency in the MDC and MS-DRG assignment of
procedure codes describing resection of the right large intestine and
resection of the left large intestine with an open and percutaneous
endoscopic approach. ICD-10-PCS procedure codes 0DTG0ZZ (Resection of
left large intestine, open approach) and 0DTG4ZZ (Resection of left
large intestine, percutaneous endoscopic approach) are currently
assigned to MDC 10 in MS-DRGs 628, 629, and 630 (Other Endocrine,
Nutritional and Metabolic O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively). However, the procedure codes that
describe resection of the right large intestine with an open or
percutaneous endoscopic approach, 0DTF0ZZ (Resection of right large
intestine, open approach) and 0DTF4ZZ (Resection of right large
intestine, percutaneous endoscopic approach) are not assigned to MDC 10
in MS-DRGs 628, 629, and 630. To ensure clinical alignment and
consistency, as well as appropriate MS-DRG assignment, we are proposing
to add procedure codes 0DTF0ZZ and 0DTF4ZZ to MDC 10 in MS-DRGs 628,
629, and 630 effective October 1, 2024 for FY 2025.
8. MDC 15 (Newborns and Other Neonates With Conditions Originating in
Perinatal Period): MS-DRG 795 Normal Newborn
We received a request to review the GROUPER logic that would
determine the assignment of cases to MS-DRG 794 (Neonate with Other
Significant Problems). The requestor stated that it appears that MS-DRG
794 is the default MS-DRG in MDC 15 (Newborns and Other Neonates with
Conditions Originating in Perinatal Period), as the GROUPER logic for
MS-DRG 794 displayed in the ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 41.1 Definitions
Manual is defined by a ``principal or secondary diagnosis of newborn or
neonate, with other significant problems, not assigned to DRG 789
through 793 or 795''. The requestor expressed concern that defaulting
to MS-DRG 794, instead of MS-DRG 795 (Normal Newborn), for assignment
of cases in MDC 15 could contribute to overpayments in healthcare by
not aligning the payment amount to the appropriate level of care in
newborn cases. The requestor recommended that CMS update the GROUPER
logic that would determine the assignment of cases to MS-DRGs in MDC 15
to direct all cases that do not have the diagnoses and procedures as
specified in the Definitions Manual to instead be grouped to MS-DRG
Specifically, the requestor expressed concern that a newborn
encounter coded with a principal diagnosis code from ICD-10-CM category
Z38 (Liveborn infants according to place of birth and type of
delivery), followed by code P05.19 (Newborn small for gestational age,
other), P59.9 (Neonatal jaundice, unspecified), Q38.1 (Ankyloglossia),
Q82.5 (Congenital non-neoplastic nevus), or Z23 (Encounter for
immunization) is assigned to MS-DRG 794. The requestor stated that they
performed a detailed claim level study, and in their clinical
assessment, newborn encounters coded with a principal diagnosis code
from ICD-10-CM category Z38, followed by diagnosis code P05.19, P59.9,
Q38.1, Q82.5, or Z23 in fact clinically describe normal newborn
encounters and the case assignment should instead be to MS-DRG 795.
Our analysis of this grouping issue confirmed that when a principal
diagnosis code from MDC 15, such as a diagnosis code from category Z38
(Liveborn infants according to place of birth and type of delivery), is
reported followed by ICD-10-CM code P05.19 (Newborn small for
gestational age, other), Q38.1 (Ankyloglossia) or Q82.5 (Congenital
non-neoplastic nevus), the case is assigned to MS-DRG 794.
However, as we examined the GROUPER logic that would determine an
assignment of cases to MS-DRG 795, we noted the ``only secondary
diagnosis'' list under MS-DRG 795 already includes ICD-10-CM codes
P59.9 (Neonatal jaundice, unspecified) and Z23 (Encounter for
immunization). Therefore, when a principal diagnosis code from MDC 15,
such as a diagnosis code from category Z38 (Liveborn infants according
to place of birth and type of delivery) is reported, followed by ICD-
10-CM code P59.9 or Z23, the case is currently assigned to MS-DRG 795,
not MS-DRG 794, as suggested by the requestor. We refer the reader to
the ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 41.1 Definitions Manual (available on the CMS
website at: for
complete documentation of the GROUPER logic for MS-DRGs 794 and 795.
Next, we reviewed the claims data from the September 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file; however, we found zero cases across MS-DRGs
794 and 795. We then examined the clinical factors. The description for
ICD-10-CM diagnosis code P05.19 is ``Newborn small for gestational age,
other'' and the inclusion term in the ICD-10-CM Tabular List of
Diseases for this diagnosis code is ``Newborn small for gestational
age, 2500 grams and over.'' We note that ``small-for-gestational age''
is diagnosed by assessing the gestational age and the weight of the
baby after birth. There is no specific treatment for small-for-
gestational-age newborns. Most newborns who are moderately small for
gestational age are healthy babies who just happen to be on the smaller
side. Unless the newborn is born with an infection or has a genetic
disorder, most small-for-gestational-age newborns have no symptoms and
catch up in their growth during the first year of life and have a
normal adult height. Next, ICD-10-CM diagnosis code Q38.1 describes
ankyloglossia, also known as tongue-tie, which is a condition that
impairs tongue movement due to a restrictive lingual frenulum. In
infants, tongue-tie is treated by making a small cut to the lingual
frenulum to allow the tongue to move more freely. This procedure,
called a frenotomy, can be done in a healthcare provider's office
without anesthesia. Newborns generally recover within about a minute of
the procedure, and pain relief is usually not indicated. Lastly, ICD-
10-CM diagnosis code Q82.5 describes a congenital non-neoplastic nevus.
A congenital nevus is a type of pigmented birthmark that appears at
birth or during a baby's first year. Most congenital nevi do not cause
health problems and may only require future monitoring.
In reviewing these three ICD-10-CM codes and the conditions they
describe; we believe these diagnoses generally do not prolong the
inpatient admission of the newborn and newborns with these diagnoses
generally receive standard follow-up care after birth. Clinically, we
agree with the requestor that newborn encounters coded with a principal
diagnosis code from ICD-10-CM category Z38 (Liveborn infants according
to place of birth and type of delivery), followed by code P05.19
(Newborn small for gestational age, other), Q38.1 (Ankyloglossia), or
Q82.5 (Congenital non-neoplastic nevus) should not map to MS-DRG 794
(Neonate with Other Significant Problems) and should instead be
assigned to MS-DRG 795 (Normal
[[Page 35986]]
Newborn). Therefore, for the reasons discussed, we are proposing to
reassign diagnosis code P05.19 from the ``principal or secondary
diagnosis'' list under MS-DRG 794 to the ``principal diagnosis'' list
under MS-DRG 795 (Normal Newborn). We are also proposing to add
diagnosis codes Q38.1 and Q82.5 to the ``only secondary diagnosis''
list under MS-DRG 795 (Normal Newborn). Under this proposal, cases with
a principal diagnosis described by an ICD-10-CM code from category Z38
(Liveborn infants according to place of birth and type of delivery),
followed by codes P05.19, Q38.1, or Q82.5 will be assigned to MS-DRG
In response to the recommendation that CMS update the GROUPER logic
that would determine an assignment of cases to MS-DRGs in MDC 15, we
agree with the requestor that the GROUPER logic for MS-DRG 794 is
defined by a ``principal or secondary diagnosis of newborn or neonate,
with other significant problems, not assigned to DRG 789 through 793 or
795''. We acknowledge that MS-DRG 794 utilizes ``fall-through'' logic,
meaning if a diagnosis code is not assigned to any of the other MS-
DRGs, then assignment ``falls-through'' to MS-DRG 794. We have started
to examine the GROUPER logic that would determine the assignment of
cases to the MS-DRGs in MDC 15, including MS-DRGs 794 and 795, to
determine where further refinements could potentially be made to better
account for differences in clinical complexity and resource
utilization. However, as we have noted in prior rulemaking (72 FR
47152), we cannot adopt the same approach to refine the newborn MS-DRGs
because of the extremely low volume of Medicare patients there are in
these MS-DRGs. Additional time is needed to fully and accurately
evaluate cases currently grouping to the MS-DRGs in MDC 15 to consider
if restructuring the current MS-DRGs would better recognize the
clinical distinctions of these patient populations. Any proposed
modifications to these MS-DRGs will be addressed in future rulemaking
consistent with our annual process.
As noted earlier, we have started our examination of the GROUPER
logic that would determine an assignment of cases to MS-DRGs in MDC 15.
During this review we noted the logic for MS-DRG 795 (Normal Newborn)
includes five diagnosis codes from ICD-10-CM category Q81
(Epidermolysis bullosa). We refer the reader to the ICD-10 MS-DRG
Version 41.1 Definitions Manual (available via on the CMS website at: for complete
documentation of the GROUPER logic for MS-DRG 795. The five diagnosis
codes and their current MDC and MS-DRG assignments are listed in the
following table.
We reviewed this grouping issue and noted that epidermolysis
bullosa (EB) is a group of genetic (inherited) disorders that causes
skin to be fragile, blister, and tear easily in response to minimal
friction or trauma. In some cases, blisters form inside the body in
places such as the mouth, esophagus, other internal organs, or eyes.
When the blisters heal, they can cause painful scarring. In severe
cases, the blisters and scars can harm internal organs and tissue
enough to be fatal. Patients diagnosed with severe cases of EB have a
life expectancy that ranges from infancy to 30 years of age.
EB has four primary types: simplex, junctional, dystrophic, and
Kindler syndrome, and within each type there are various subtypes,
ranging from mild to severe. A skin biopsy can confirm a diagnosis of
EB and identify which layers of the skin are affected and determine the
type of epidermolysis bullosa. Genetic testing may also be ordered to
diagnose the specific type and subtype of the disease. In caring for
patients with EB, adaptions may be necessary in the form of handling,
feeding, dressing, managing pain, and treating wounds caused by the
blisters and tears. If there is a known diagnosis of EB, but the
neonate has no physical signs at birth, there will still need to be
specialty consultation in the inpatient setting or referral for
outpatient follow-up. We believe the five diagnosis codes from ICD-10-
CM category Q81 (Epidermolysis bullosa) describe conditions that
require advanced care and resources similar to other conditions already
assigned to the logic of MS-DRG 794 and MS-DRGs 595 and 596 (Major Skin
Disorders with MCC and without MCC, respectively), even in cases where
the type of EB is unspecified.
Therefore, for clinical consistency, we are proposing to reassign
ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes Q81.0, Q81.1, Q81.2, Q81.8, and Q81.9 from
MS-DRGs 606 and 607 in MDC 09 (Diseases and Disorders of the Skin,
Subcutaneous Tissue and Breast) and MS-DRG 795 (Normal Newborn) in MDC
15 to MS-DRGs 595 and 596 in MDC 09 and MS-DRG 794 in MDC 15, effective
October 1, 2024 for FY 2025.
9. MDC 17 (Myeloproliferative Diseases and Disorders, Poorly
Differentiated Neoplasms): Acute Leukemia
We identified a replication issue from the ICD-9 based MS-DRGs to
the ICD-10 based MS-DRGs regarding the assignment of six ICD-10-CM
diagnosis codes that describe a type of acute leukemia. Under the
Version 32 ICD-9-CM based MS-DRGs, the ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes as
shown in the following table were assigned to surgical MS-DRGs 820,
821, and 822 (Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively), surgical MS-DRGs 823,
824, and 825 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively), and medical MS-
DRGs 840, 841, and 842 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 17 (Myeloproliferative
Diseases and Disorders, Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms). The six ICD-
10-PCS code translations also shown in the following table, that
provide more detailed and specific information for the ICD-9-CM codes
reflected, also currently group to MS-DRGs 820, 821, 822, 823, 824,
825, 840, 841 and 842 in the ICD-10 MS-DRGs Version 41.1. We refer the
reader to the ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual Version 41.1 (available
on the CMS website at:
[[Page 35987]]
drg-classifications-and-software) for complete documentation of the
GROUPER logic for MS-DRGs 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825, 840, 841, and
During our review of this issue, we noted that under ICD-9-CM, the
diagnosis codes as reflected in the table did not describe the acuity
of the diagnosis (for example, acute versus chronic). This is in
contrast to their six comparable ICD-10-CM code translations listed in
the previous table that provide more detailed and specific information
for the ICD-9-CM diagnosis codes and do specify the acuity of the
We note that ICD-10-CM codes C94.20, C94.21, and C94.22 describe
acute megakaryoblastic leukemia (AMKL), a rare subtype of acute myeloid
leukemia (AML) that affects megakaryocytes, platelet-producing cells
that reside in the bone marrow. Similarly, ICD-10-CM codes C94.40,
C94.41, and C94.42 describe acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis
(APMF), a rare form of acute myeloid leukemia characterized by acute
panmyeloid proliferation with increased blasts and accompanying
fibrosis of the bone marrow that does not meet the criteria for AML
with myelodysplasia related changes. As previously mentioned, these six
diagnosis codes are assigned to MS-DRGs 820, 821, 822, 823, 824, 825,
840, 841, and 842. The GROUPER logic lists for MS-DRGs 820, 821, and
822 includes diagnosis codes describing lymphoma and both acute and
non-acute leukemias, however the logic lists for MS-DRGs 823, 824, 825,
840, 841, and 842 contain diagnosis codes describing lymphoma and non-
acute leukemias. In our analysis of this grouping issue, we also noted
that cases reporting a chemotherapy principal diagnosis with a
secondary diagnosis describing acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis are assigned to MS-DRGs 846, 847, and
848 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis, with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in Version 41.1.
Next, we examined claims data from the September 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 823, 824, 825, 840, 841, and 842 to
identify cases reporting one of the six diagnosis codes listed
previously that describe acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis. We also examined MS-DRGs 846, 847, and
848 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis, with
MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively). Our findings are shown
in the following tables:
As shown in the table, in MS-DRG 823, we identified a total of
2,235 cases with an average length of stay of 14 days and average costs
of $40,587. Of those 2,235 cases, there were two cases reporting a
diagnosis code that describes acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis, with average costs higher than the
average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 823 ($49,600
compared to $40,587) and a longer average length of stay (31.5 days
compared to 14 days). We found zero cases in MS-DRG 824 reporting a
diagnosis code that describes acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis. In MS-DRG 825, we identified a total of
427 cases with an average length of stay of 2.9 days and average costs
of $10,959. Of those 427 cases, there was one case reporting a
diagnosis code that describes acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis, with costs higher than the average
costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 825 ($17,293 compared to
$10,959) and a longer length of stay (6 days compared to 2.9 days).
[[Page 35988]]
As shown in the table, in MS-DRG 840, we identified a total of
7,747 cases with an average length of stay of 9.6 days and average
costs of $26,215. Of those 7,747 cases, there were 12 cases reporting a
diagnosis code that describes acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis, with average costs lower than the
average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 840 ($21,357
compared to $26,215) and a shorter average length of stay (8.7 days
compared to 9.6 days). In MS-DRG 841, we identified a total of 5,019
cases with an average length of stay of 5.3 days and average costs of
$13,502. Of those 5,019 cases, there were six cases reporting a
diagnosis code that describes acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis, with average costs lower than the
average costs in the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 841 ($6,976
compared to $13,502) and a shorter average length of stay (2.8 days
compared to 5.3 days). We found zero cases in MS-DRG 842 reporting a
diagnosis code that describes acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute
panmyelosis with myelofibrosis.
As shown in the table, in MS-DRG 847, we identified a total of
7,329 cases with an average length of stay of 4.4 days and average
costs of $11,250. Of those 7,329 cases, there were two cases reporting
a chemotherapy principal diagnosis code with a secondary diagnosis code
that describes acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute panmyelosis
with myelofibrosis, with average costs lower than the average costs in
the FY 2023 MedPAR file for MS-DRG 840 ($7,569 compared to $11,250) and
a longer average length of stay (5 days compared to 4.4 days). We found
zero cases in MS-DRGs 846 and 848 reporting a diagnosis code that
describes acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute panmyelosis with
Next, we examined the MS-DRGs within MDC 17. Given that the six
diagnoses codes describe subtypes of acute myeloid leukemia, we
determined that the cases reporting a principal diagnosis of acute
megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis would
more suitably group to medical MS-DRGs 834, 835, and 836 (Acute
Leukemia without Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without
CC/MCC, respectively). Similarly, cases reporting a chemotherapy
principal diagnosis with a secondary diagnosis describing acute
megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis would
more suitably group to medical MS-DRGs 837, 838, and 839 (Chemotherapy
with Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis, or with High Dose
Chemotherapy Agent with MCC, with CC or High Dose Chemotherapy Agent,
and without CC/MCC, respectively).
We then examined claims data from the September 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR for MS-DRGs 834, 835, 836, 837, 838, and 839. Our
findings are shown in the following table.
[[Page 35989]]
While the average costs for all cases in MS-DRGs 834, 835, 836,
837, 838, and 839 are higher than the average costs of the small number
of cases reporting a diagnosis code that describes acute
megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis, or
reporting a chemotherapy principal diagnosis with a secondary diagnosis
describing acute megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute panmyelosis with
myelofibrosis, and the average lengths of stay are longer, we note that
diagnosis codes C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41, and C94.42
describe types of acute leukemia. For clinical coherence, we believe
these six diagnosis codes would be more appropriately grouped along
with other ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes that describe types of acute
We reviewed this grouping issue, and our analysis indicates that
the six diagnosis codes describing the acute megakaryoblastic leukemia
or acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis were initially assigned to the
list of diagnoses in the GROUPER logic for MS-DRGs 823, 824, 825, 840,
841, and 842 as a result of replication in the transition from ICD-9 to
ICD-10 based MS-DRGs. We also note that diagnosis codes C94.20, C94.21,
C94.22, C94.40, C94.41, and C94.42 do not describe non-acute leukemia
Accordingly, because the six diagnosis codes that describe acute
megakaryoblastic leukemia or acute panmyelosis with myelofibrosis are
not clinically consistent with non-acute leukemia diagnoses, and it is
clinically appropriate to reassign these diagnosis codes to be
consistent with the other diagnosis codes that describe acute leukemias
in MS-DRGs 834, 835, 836, 837, 838, and 839, we are proposing the
reassignment of diagnosis codes C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41,
and C94.42 from MS-DRGs 823, 824 and 825 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute
Leukemia with Other Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively), and MS-DRGs 840, 841, and 842 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute
Leukemia with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) to MS-
DRGs 834, 835, and 836 (Acute Leukemia without Major O.R. Procedures
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) and MS-DRGs 837,
838, and 839 (Chemotherapy with Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis,
or with High Dose Chemotherapy Agent with MCC, with CC or High Dose
Chemotherapy Agent, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 17,
effective FY 2025. Under this proposal, diagnosis codes C94.20, C94.21,
C94.22, C94.40, C94.41, and C94.42 will continue to be assigned to
surgical MS-DRGs 820, 821, and 822 (Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major
O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively).
In our review of the MS-DRGs in MDC 17 for further refinement, we
next examined the procedures currently assigned to MS-DRGs 820, 821,
and 822 (Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures with MCC,
with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) and MS-DRGs 826, 827, and
828 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms
with Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively). We note that the logic for case assignment to MS-DRGs
820, 821, 822, 826, 827, and 828 is comprised of a logic list entitled
``Operating Room Procedures'' which is defined by a list of 4,320 ICD-
10-PCS procedure codes, including 90 ICD-10-PCS codes describing bypass
procedures from the cerebral ventricle to various body parts. We refer
the reader to the ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual Version 41.1
(available on the CMS website at: for complete
documentation of the GROUPER logic for MS-DRGs 820, 821, 822, 826, 827,
and 828.
In our review of the procedures currently assigned to MS-DRGs 820,
821, 822, 826, 827, and 828, we noted 12 ICD-10-PCS procedure codes
that describe bypass procedures from the cerebral ventricle to the
subgaleal space or cerebral cisterns, such as subgaleal or cisternal
shunt placement, that are not included in the logic for MS-DRGs 820,
821, 822, 826, 827, and 828. The 12 procedure codes are listed in the
following table.
[[Page 35990]]
A subgaleal shunt consists of a shunt tube with one end in the
lateral ventricles while the other end is inserted into the subgaleal
space of the scalp, while a ventriculo-cisternal shunt diverts the
cerebrospinal fluid flow from one of the lateral ventricles, via a
ventricular catheter, to the cisterna magna of the posterior fossa.
Both procedures allow for the drainage of excess cerebrospinal fluid.
Indications for ventriculosubgaleal or ventriculo-cisternal shunting
include acute head trauma, subdural hematoma, hydrocephalus, and
leptomeningeal disease (LMD) in malignancies such as breast cancer,
lung cancer, melanoma, acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and non-
hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL).
Recognizing that acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and non-hodgkin's
lymphoma (NHL) are indications for ventriculosubgaleal or ventriculo-
cisternal shunting, we support adding the 12 ICD-10-PCS codes
identified in the table to MS-DRGs 820, 821, 822, 826, 827, and 828 in
MDC 17 for consistency to align with the procedure codes listed in the
definition of MS-DRGs 820, 821, 822, 826, 827, and 828 and also to
permit proper case assignment when a principal diagnosis from MDC 17 is
reported with one of the procedure codes in the table that describes
bypass procedures from the cerebral ventricle to the subgaleal space or
cerebral cisterns. Therefore, we are proposing to add the 12 procedure
codes that describe bypass procedures from the cerebral ventricle to
the subgaleal space or cerebral cisterns listed previously to MS-DRGs
820, 821, 822, 826, 827, and 828 in MDC 17 for FY 2025.
Lastly, in our analysis of the MS-DRGs in MDC 17 for further
refinement, we noted that the logic for case assignment to medical MS-
DRGs 834, 835, and 836 (Acute Leukemia without Major O.R. Procedures
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) as displayed in
the ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 41.1 Definitions Manual (available on the CMS
website at: is comprised of a logic list entitled
``Principal Diagnosis'' and is defined by a list of 27 ICD-10-CM
diagnosis codes describing various types of acute leukemias. When any
one of the 27 listed diagnosis codes from the ``Principal Diagnosis''
logic list is reported as a principal diagnosis, without a procedure
code designated as an O.R. procedure or without a procedure code
designated as a non-O.R. procedure that affects the MS-DRG, the case
results in assignment to MS-DRG 834, 835, or 836 depending on the
presence of any additional MCC or CC secondary diagnoses. We note
however, that while not displayed in the ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 41.1
Definitions Manual, when any one of the 27 listed diagnosis codes from
the ``Principal Diagnosis'' logic list is reported as a principal
diagnosis, along with a procedure code designated as an O.R. procedure
that is not listed in the logic list of MS-DRGs 820, 821, and 822
(Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively), the case also results in assignment
to medical MS-DRG 834, 835, or 836 depending on the presence of any
additional MCC or CC secondary diagnoses.
As medical MS-DRG 834, 835, and 836 contains GROUPER logic that
includes ICD-10-PCS procedure codes designated as O.R. procedures, we
examined claims data from the September 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file for MS-DRG 834, 835, and 836 to identify cases reporting an
O.R. procedure. Our findings are shown in the following table:
As shown by the table, in MS-DRG 834, we identified a total of
4,094 cases, with an average length of stay of 16.3 days and average
costs of $49,986. Of those 4,094 cases, there were 277 cases reporting
an O.R. procedure, with higher average costs as compared to all cases
in MS-DRG 834 ($92,246 compared to $49,986), and a longer average
length of stay (28.2 days compared to 16.3 days). In MS-DRG 835, we
identified a total of 1,682 cases with an average length of stay of 7.2
days and average costs of $19,023. Of those 1,682 cases, there were 79
cases reporting an O.R. procedure, with higher average costs as
compared to all cases in MS-DRG 835 ($30,771 compared to $19,023), and
a longer average length of stay (10.4 days compared to 7.2 days). In
MS-DRG 836, we identified a total of 230 cases with an average length
of stay of 4 days and average costs of $11,225. Of those 230 cases,
there were 7 cases reporting an O.R. procedure, with higher average
costs as compared to all cases in MS-DRG 836 ($17,950 compared to
$11,225), and a longer average length of stay (5.9 days compared to 4
days). The data analysis shows that the average costs of cases
reporting an O.R. procedure are higher than for all cases in their
respective MS-DRG.
The data analysis clearly shows that cases reporting a principal
diagnosis code describing a type of acute leukemia with an ICD-10-PCS
procedure code designated as O.R. procedure that is not listed in the
logic list of MS-DRGs 820, 821, and 822 have higher average costs and
longer lengths of stay compared to all the cases in their assigned MS-
DRG. For these reasons, we are proposing to create a new surgical MS-
DRG for cases reporting a principal diagnosis code describing a type of
acute leukemia with an O.R. procedure.
To compare and analyze the impact of our suggested modifications,
we ran a simulation using the claims data from the September 2023
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file. The following table illustrates our
findings for all 367 cases reporting a principal diagnosis code
describing a type of acute leukemia with an ICD-10-PCS procedure code
designated as O.R. procedure that is not listed in the logic list of
MS-DRGs 820, 821, and 822. We believe the resulting proposed MS-DRG
assignment, reflecting these modifications, is more
[[Page 35991]]
clinically homogeneous, coherent and better reflects hospital resource
We applied the criteria to create subgroups in a base MS-DRG as
discussed in section II.C.1.b. of this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule. As shown in the table, we identified a total of 367 cases using
the claims data from the September 2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR
file, so the criterion that there are at least 500 or more cases in
each subgroup could not be met. Therefore, for FY 2025, we are not
proposing to subdivide the proposed new MS DRG for acute leukemia with
other procedures into severity levels.
In summary, for FY 2025, we are proposing to create a new base
surgical MS-DRG for cases reporting a principal diagnosis describing a
type of acute leukemia with an ICD-10-PCS procedure code designated as
O.R. procedure that is not listed in the logic list of MS-DRGs 820,
821, and 822 in MDC 17. The proposed new MS-DRG is proposed new MS-DRG
850 (Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures). We are proposing to add the
27 ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes describing various types of acute
leukemias currently listed in the logic list entitled ``Principal
Diagnosis'' in MS-DRGs 834, 835, and 836 as well as ICD-10-CM codes
C94.20, C94.21, C94.22, C94.40, C94.41, and C94.42 discussed earlier in
this section to the proposed new MS-DRG 850. We are also proposing to
add the procedure codes from current MS-DRGs 823, 824, and 825
(Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) to the proposed new MS-DRG 850.
We note that in the current logic list of MS-DRGs 823, 824, and 825
there are 189 procedure codes describing stereotactic radiosurgery of
various body parts that are designated as non-O.R. procedures affecting
the MS-DRG, therefore, as part of the logic for new MS-DRG 850, we are
also proposing to designate these 189 codes as non-O.R. procedures
affecting the MS-DRG.
In addition, we are proposing to revise the titles for MS-DRGs 834,
835, and 836 by deleting the reference to ``Major O.R. Procedures'' in
the title. Specifically, we are proposing to revise the titles of
medical MS-DRGs 834, 835, and 836 from ``Acute Leukemia without Major
O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC'', respectively
to ``Acute Leukemia with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC'',
respectively to better reflect the GROUPER logic that will no longer
include ICD-10-PCS procedure codes designated as O.R. procedures. We
note that discussion of the surgical hierarchy for the proposed
modifications is discussed in section II.C.15. of this proposed rule.
10. Review of Procedure Codes in MS-DRGs 981 Through 983 and 987
Through 989
We annually conduct a review of procedures producing assignment to
MS-DRGs 981 through 983 (Extensive O.R. Procedure Unrelated to
Principal Diagnosis with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) or MS-DRGs 987 through 989 (Non-Extensive O.R. Procedure
Unrelated to Principal Diagnosis with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) on the basis of volume, by procedure, to see if it would
be appropriate to move cases reporting these procedure codes out of
these MS-DRGs into one of the surgical MS-DRGs for the MDC into which
the principal diagnosis falls. The data are arrayed in two ways for
comparison purposes. We look at a frequency count of each major
operative procedure code. We also compare procedures across MDCs by
volume of procedure codes within each MDC. We use this information to
determine which procedure codes and diagnosis codes to examine.
We identify those procedures occurring in conjunction with certain
principal diagnoses with sufficient frequency to justify adding them to
one of the surgical MS-DRGs for the MDC in which the diagnosis falls.
We also consider whether it would be more appropriate to move the
principal diagnosis codes into the MDC to which the procedure is
currently assigned.
Based on the results of our review of the claims data from the
September 2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file of cases found to
group to MS-DRGs 981 through 983 or MS-DRGs 987 through 989, we did not
identify any cases for reassignment and are not proposing to move any
cases from MS-DRGs 981 through 983 or MS-DRGs 987 through 989 into a
surgical MS-DRGs for the MDC into which the principal diagnosis or
procedure is assigned.
In addition to the internal review of procedures producing
assignment to MS-DRGs 981 through 983 or MS-DRGs 987 through 989, we
also consider requests that we receive to examine cases found to group
to MS-DRGs 981 through 983 or MS-DRGs 987 through 989 to determine if
it would be appropriate to add procedure codes to one of the surgical
MS-DRGs for the MDC into which the principal diagnosis falls or to move
the principal diagnosis to the surgical MS-DRGs to which the procedure
codes are assigned. We did not receive any requests suggesting
We also review the list of ICD-10-PCS procedures that, when in
combination with their principal diagnosis code, result in assignment
to MS DRGs 981 through 983, or 987 through 989, to ascertain whether
any of those procedures should be reassigned from one of those two
groups of MS DRGs to the other group of MS DRGs based on average costs
and the length of stay. We look at the data for trends such as shifts
in treatment practice or reporting practice that would make the
resulting MS DRG assignment illogical. If we find these shifts, we
would propose to move cases to keep the MS DRGs clinically similar or
to provide payment for the cases in a similar manner. Generally, we
move only those procedures for which we have an adequate number of
discharges to analyze the data.
Additionally, we also consider requests that we receive to examine
cases found to group to MS-DRGs 981 through 983 or MS-DRGs 987 through
989 to determine if it would be appropriate for the cases to be
reassigned from one of the MS-DRG groups to the other. Based on the
results of our review of the claims data from the September 2023 update
of the FY 2023 MedPAR file we did not identify any cases for
reassignment. We also did not receive any requests suggesting
reassignment. Therefore, for FY 2025 we are not proposing to move any
cases reporting procedure codes from MS-
[[Page 35992]]
DRGs 981 through 983 to MS-DRGs 987 through 989 or vice versa.
11. Operating Room (O.R.) and Non-O.R. Procedures
a. Background
Under the IPPS MS-DRGs (and former CMS MS-DRGs), we have a list of
procedure codes that are considered operating room (O.R.) procedures.
Historically, we developed this list using physician panels that
classified each procedure code based on the procedure and its effect on
consumption of hospital resources. For example, generally the presence
of a surgical procedure which required the use of the operating room
would be expected to have a significant effect on the type of hospital
resources (for example, operating room, recovery room, and anesthesia)
used by a patient, and therefore, these patients were considered
surgical. Because the claims data generally available do not precisely
indicate whether a patient was taken to the operating room, surgical
patients were identified based on the procedures that were performed.
Generally, if the procedure was not expected to require the use of
the operating room, the patient would be considered medical (non-O.R.).
Currently, each ICD-10-PCS procedure code has designations that
determine whether and in what way the presence of that procedure on a
claim impacts the MS-DRG assignment. First, each ICD-10-PCS procedure
code is either designated as an O.R. procedure for purposes of MS-DRG
assignment (``O.R. procedures'') or is not designated as an O.R.
procedure for purposes of MS-DRG assignment (``non-O.R. procedures'').
Second, for each procedure that is designated as an O.R. procedure,
that O.R. procedure is further classified as either extensive or non-
extensive. Third, for each procedure that is designated as a non-O.R.
procedure, that non-O.R. procedure is further classified as either
affecting the MS-DRG assignment or not affecting the MS-DRG assignment.
We refer to these designations that do affect MS-DRG assignment as
``non O.R. affecting the MS-DRG.'' For new procedure codes that have
been finalized through the ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance
Committee meeting process and are proposed to be classified as
O.R. procedures or non-O.R. procedures affecting the MS-DRG, we
recommend the MS-DRG assignment which is then made available in
association with the proposed rule (Table 6B.--New Procedure Codes) and
subject to public comment. These proposed assignments are generally
based on the assignment of predecessor codes or the assignment of
similar codes. For example, we generally examine the MS-DRG assignment
for similar procedures, such as the other approaches for that
procedure, to determine the most appropriate MS-DRG assignment for
procedures proposed to be newly designated as O.R. procedures. As
discussed in section II.C.13 of the preamble of this proposed rule, we
are making Table 6B.--New Procedure Codes--FY 2025 available on the CMS
website at: We also refer readers to the ICD-10
MS-DRG Version 41.1 Definitions Manual at: for detailed information
regarding the designation of procedures as O.R. or non-O.R. (affecting
the MS-DRG) in Appendix E--Operating Room Procedures and Procedure
Code/MS-DRG Index.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we stated that, given
the long period of time that has elapsed since the original O.R.
(extensive and non-extensive) and non-O.R. designations were
established, the incremental changes that have occurred to these O.R.
and non-O.R. procedure code lists, and changes in the way inpatient
care is delivered, we plan to conduct a comprehensive, systematic
review of the ICD-10-PCS procedure codes. This will be a multiyear
project during which we will also review the process for determining
when a procedure is considered an operating room procedure. For
example, we may restructure the current O.R. and non-O.R. designations
for procedures by leveraging the detail that is now available in the
ICD-10 claims data. We refer readers to the discussion regarding the
designation of procedure codes in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(82 FR 38066) where we stated that the determination of when a
procedure code should be designated as an O.R. procedure has become a
much more complex task. This is, in part, due to the number of various
approaches available in the ICD-10-PCS classification, as well as
changes in medical practice. While we have typically evaluated
procedures on the basis of whether or not they would be performed in an
operating room, we believe that there may be other factors to consider
with regard to resource utilization, particularly with the
implementation of ICD-10.
We discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule that as a
result of this planned review and potential restructuring, procedures
that are currently designated as O.R. procedures may no longer warrant
that designation, and conversely, procedures that are currently
designated as non-O.R. procedures may warrant an O.R. type of
designation. We intend to consider the resources used and how a
procedure should affect the MS-DRG assignment. We may also consider the
effect of specific surgical approaches to evaluate whether to subdivide
specific MS-DRGs based on a specific surgical approach. We stated we
plan to utilize our available MedPAR claims data as a basis for this
review and the input of our clinical advisors. As part of this
comprehensive review of the procedure codes, we also intend to evaluate
the MS-DRG assignment of the procedures and the current surgical
hierarchy because both of these factor into the process of refining the
ICD-10 MS-DRGs to better recognize complexity of service and resource
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58540 through
58541), we provided a summary of the comments we had received in
response to our request for feedback on what factors or criteria to
consider in determining whether a procedure is designated as an O.R.
procedure in the ICD-10-PCS classification system for future
consideration. We also stated that in consideration of the PHE, we
believed it may be appropriate to allow additional time for the claims
data to stabilize prior to selecting the timeframe to analyze for this
We stated in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58749)
that we continue to believe additional time is necessary as we continue
to develop our process and methodology. Therefore, we stated we will
provide more detail on this analysis and the methodology for conducting
this review in future rulemaking. In response to this discussion in the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we received a comment by the October
20, 2023 deadline. The commenter acknowledged that there is no easy
rule that would allow CMS to designate certain surgeries as ``non-
O.R.'' procedures. The commenter stated that they believed that open
procedures should always be designated O.R. procedures and approaches
other than open should not be a sole factor in designating a procedure
as non-O.R. as some minimally-invasive procedures using a percutaneous
endoscopic approach require more training,
[[Page 35993]]
specialized equipment, time, and resources than traditional open
procedures. In addition, the commenter stated that whether a procedure
is frequently or generally performed in the outpatient setting should
not be used for determination of O.R. vs non-O.R. designation and noted
that a surgery that can be performed in the outpatient setting for a
clinically stable patient may not be able to be safely performed on a
patient who is clinically unstable. The commenter also asserted that
for procedures that can be performed in various locations within the
hospital, that is, bedside vs operating room, there should be a
mechanism to differentiate the setting of the procedure to determine
the MS-DRG assignment as in the commenter's assessment, the ICD-10
classification does not provide a way to indicate the severity of
certain conditions, or the complexity of procedures performed.
CMS appreciates the commenter's feedback and recommendations as to
factors to consider in evaluating O.R. designations. We agree with the
commenter and believe that there may be other factors to consider with
regard to resource utilization. As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, we have signaled in prior rulemaking that the
designation of an O.R. procedure encompasses more than the physical
location of the hospital room in which the procedure may be performed;
in other words, the performance of a procedure in an operating room is
not the sole determining factor we will consider as we examine the
designation of a procedure in the ICD-10-PCS classification system. We
are exploring alternatives on how we may restructure the current O.R.
and non-O.R. designations for procedures by leveraging the detail that
is available in the ICD-10 claims data. We are considering the feedback
received on what factors and/or criteria to consider in determining
whether a procedure is designated as an O.R. procedure in the ICD-10-
PCS classification system as continue to develop our process and
methodology, and will provide more detail on this analysis and the
methodology for conducting this comprehensive review in future
rulemaking. We encourage the public to continue to submit comments on
any other factors to consider in our refinement efforts to recognize
and differentiate consumption of resources for the ICD-10 MS-DRGs for
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we did not receive
any requests regarding changing the designation of specific ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes from non-O.R. to O.R. procedures, or to change the
designation from O.R. procedures to non-O.R. procedures by the October
20, 2023 deadline. In this section of the proposed rule, we discuss the
proposals we are making based on our internal review and analysis and
we discuss the process that was utilized for evaluating each procedure
code. For each procedure, we considered--
Whether the procedure would typically require the
resources of an operating room;
Whether it is an extensive or a non-extensive procedure;
To which MS-DRGs the procedure should be assigned.
We note that many MS-DRGs require the presence of any O.R.
procedure. As a result, cases with a principal diagnosis associated
with a particular MS-DRG would, by default, be grouped to that MS-DRG.
Therefore, we do not list these MS-DRGs in our discussion in this
section of this proposed rule. Instead, we only discuss MS-DRGs that
require explicitly adding the relevant procedure codes to the GROUPER
logic in order for those procedure codes to affect the MS-DRG
assignment as intended.
For procedures that would not typically require the resources of an
operating room, we determined if the procedure should affect the MS-DRG
assignment. In cases where we are proposing to change the designation
of procedure codes from non-O.R. procedures to O.R. procedures, we also
are proposing one or more MS-DRGs with which these procedures are
clinically aligned and to which the procedure code would be assigned.
In addition, cases that contain O.R. procedures will map to MS-DRGs
981, 982, or 983 (Extensive O.R. Procedure Unrelated to Principal
Diagnosis with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) or MS-
DRGs 987, 988, or 989 (Non-Extensive O.R. Procedure Unrelated to
Principal Diagnosis with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) when they do not contain a principal diagnosis that
corresponds to one of the MDCs to which that procedure is assigned.
These procedures need not be assigned to MS-DRGs 981 through 989 in
order for this to occur. Therefore, we did not specifically address
that aspect in summarizing the proposals we are making based on our
internal review and analysis in this section of this proposed rule.
b. Non-O.R. Procedures to O.R. Procedures
(1) Laparoscopic Biopsy of Intestinal Body Parts
During our review, we noted inconsistencies in how procedures
involving laparoscopic excisions of intestinal body parts are
designated. Procedure codes describing the laparoscopic excision of
intestinal body parts differ by qualifier. ICD-10-PCS procedure codes
describing excisions of intestinal body parts with the diagnostic
qualifier ``X'', are used to report these procedures when performed for
diagnostic purposes. We identified the following five related codes:
We noted the ICD-10-PCS procedure codes describing the laparoscopic
excision of intestinal body parts for diagnostic purposes listed
previously have been assigned different attributes in terms of
designation as an O.R. or Non-O.R. procedure when compared to similar
procedures describing the laparoscopic excisions of intestinal body
parts for nondiagnostic purposes. In the ICD-10 MS-DRGs Version 41,
these ICD-10-PCS codes are currently recognized as non-O.R. procedures
for purposes of MS-DRG assignment, while similar excision of intestinal
body part procedure codes with the same approach but different
qualifiers are recognized as O.R. procedures.
Upon further review and consideration, we believe that procedure
codes 0DBF4ZX, 0DBG4ZX, 0DBL4ZX, 0DBM4ZX and 0DBN4ZX describing a
laparoscopic excision of an intestinal body parts for diagnostic
[[Page 35994]]
purposes warrant designation as an O.R. procedures consistent with
other laparoscopic excision procedures performed on the same intestinal
body parts for nondiagnostic purposes. We also believe it is clinically
appropriate for these procedures to group to the same MS-DRGs as the
procedures describing excision procedures performed on the intestinal
body parts for nondiagnostic purposes. Therefore, we are proposing to
add procedure codes 0DBF4ZX, 0DBG4ZX, 0DBL4ZX, 0DBM4ZX and 0DBN4ZX to
the FY 2025 ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 42 Definitions Manual in Appendix E--
Operating Room Procedures and Procedure Code/MS-DRG Index as O.R.
procedures assigned to MS-DRG 264 (Other Circulatory System O.R.
Procedures) in MDC 05 (Diseases and Disorders of the Circulatory
System); MS-DRGs 329, 330, and 331 (Major Small and Large Bowel
Procedures, with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC
06 (Diseases and Disorders of the Digestive System); MS-DRGs 820, 821,
and 822 (Lymphoma and Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, CC,
without CC/MCC, respectively) and MS-DRGS 826, 827, and 828
(Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms with
Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) in MDC 17 (Myeloproliferative Diseases and Disorders,
Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms); MS-DRGs 907, 908, and 909 (Other O.R.
Procedures for Injuries with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) in MDC 21 (Injuries, Poisonings and Toxic Effects of
Drugs); and MS-DRGs 957, 958, and 959 (Other O.R. Procedures for
Multiple Significant Trauma with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively) in MDC 24 (Multiple Significant Trauma).
(2) Laparoscopic Biopsy of Gallbladder and Pancreas
During our review, we noted inconsistencies in how procedures
involving laparoscopic excisions of gallbladder or pancreas are
designated. Procedure codes describing the laparoscopic excision of the
gallbladder or pancreas differ by qualifier. The ICD-10-PCS procedure
code describing an excision of the gallbladder and the procedure code
describing an excision of the pancreas with the diagnostic qualifier
``X'', are used to report these procedures when performed for
diagnostic purposes. We identified the following two related codes:
We noted the ICD-10-PCS procedure codes describing the laparoscopic
excision of the gallbladder or the pancreas for diagnostic purposes
listed previously have been assigned different attributes in terms of
designation as an O.R. or a Non-O.R. procedure when compared to similar
procedures describing the laparoscopic excisions of the gallbladder or
the pancreas for nondiagnostic purposes. In the ICD-10 MS-DRGs Version
41, these ICD-10-PCS codes are currently recognized as non-O.R.
procedures for purposes of MS-DRG assignment, while similar excision of
the gallbladder or the pancreas procedure codes with the same approach
but different qualifiers are recognized as O.R. procedures.
Upon further review and consideration, we believe that procedure
code 0FB44ZX describing a laparoscopic excision of the gallbladder for
diagnostic purposes and procedure code 0FBG4ZX describing a
laparoscopic excision of the pancreas for diagnostic purposes both
warrant designation as an O.R. procedure consistent with other
laparoscopic excision procedures performed on the same body parts for
nondiagnostic purposes. We also believe it is clinically appropriate
for these procedures to group to the same MS-DRGs as the procedures
describing excision procedures performed on the gallbladder or pancreas
for nondiagnostic purposes. Therefore, we are proposing to add
procedure code 0FB44ZX to the FY 2025 ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 42
Definitions Manual in Appendix E--Operating Room Procedures and
Procedure Code/MS-DRG Index as an O.R. procedure assigned to MS-DRGs
411, 412, and 413 (Cholecystectomy with C.D.E., with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) and MS-DRGs 417, 418, and 419
(Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy without C.D.E., with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 07 (Diseases and Disorders of the
Hepatobiliary System and Pancreas); MS-DRGs 820, 821, and 822 (Lymphoma
and Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without
CC/MCC, respectively) and MS-DRGS 826, 827, and 828 (Myeloproliferative
Disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms with Major O.R. Procedures
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 17
(Myeloproliferative Diseases and Disorders, Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms); MS-DRGs 907, 908, and 909 (Other O.R. Procedures for
Injuries with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 21
(Injuries, Poisonings and Toxic Effects of Drugs); and MS-DRGs 957,
958, and 959 (Other O.R. Procedures for Multiple Significant Trauma
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 24
(Multiple Significant Trauma).
We are also proposing to add procedure code 0FBG4ZX to the FY 2025
ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 42 Definitions Manual in Appendix E--Operating
Room Procedures and Procedure Code/MS-DRG Index as an O.R. procedure
assigned to MS-DRGs 405, 406, and 407 (Pancreas, Liver and Shunt
Procedures, with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC
06 (Diseases and Disorders of the Digestive System); MS-DRGs 628, 629
and 630 (Other Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic O.R. Procedures
with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 10
(Endocrine, Nutritional and Metabolic Diseases and Disorders); MS-DRGs
907, 908, and 909 (Other O.R. Procedures for Injuries with MCC, with
CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 21 (Injuries, Poisonings
and Toxic Effects of Drugs); and MS-DRGs 957, 958, and 959 (Other O.R.
Procedures for Multiple Significant Trauma with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 24 (Multiple Significant Trauma).
12. Proposed Changes to the MS-DRG Diagnosis Codes for FY 2025
a. Background of the CC List and the CC Exclusions List
Under the IPPS MS-DRG classification system, we have developed a
standard list of diagnoses that are considered CCs. Historically, we
developed this list using physician panels that classified each
diagnosis code based on whether the diagnosis, when present as a
secondary condition, would be considered a substantial complication or
comorbidity. A substantial complication or comorbidity was defined as a
condition that, because of its presence with a specific principal
[[Page 35995]]
diagnosis, would cause an increase in the length-of-stay by at least 1
day in at least 75 percent of the patients. However, depending on the
principal diagnosis of the patient, some diagnoses on the basic list of
complications and comorbidities may be excluded if they are closely
related to the principal diagnosis. In FY 2008, we evaluated each
diagnosis code to determine its impact on resource use and to determine
the most appropriate CC subclassification (NonCC, CC, or MCC)
assignment. We refer readers to sections II.D.2. and 3. of the preamble
of the FY 2008 IPPS final rule with comment period for a discussion of
the refinement of CCs in relation to the MS DRGs we adopted for FY 2008
(72 FR 47152 through 47171).
b. Overview of Comprehensive CC/MCC Analysis
In the FY 2008 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (72 FR 47159), we described
our process for establishing three different levels of CC severity into
which we would subdivide the diagnosis codes. The categorization of
diagnoses as a MCC, a CC, or a NonCC was accomplished using an
iterative approach in which each diagnosis was evaluated to determine
the extent to which its presence as a secondary diagnosis resulted in
increased hospital resource use. We refer readers to the FY 2008 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (72 FR 47159) for a complete discussion of our
approach. Since the comprehensive analysis was completed for FY 2008,
we have evaluated diagnosis codes individually when assigning severity
levels to new codes and when receiving requests to change the severity
level of specific diagnosis codes.
We noted in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (84 FR 19235
through 19246) that with the transition to ICD-10-CM and the
significant changes that have occurred to diagnosis codes since the FY
2008 review, we believed it was necessary to conduct a comprehensive
analysis once again. Based on this analysis, we proposed changes to the
severity level designations for 1,492 ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes and
invited public comments on those proposals. As summarized in the FY
2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, many commenters expressed concern with
the proposed severity level designation changes overall and recommended
that CMS conduct further analysis prior to finalizing any proposals.
After careful consideration of the public comments we received, as
discussed further in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we generally
did not finalize our proposed changes to the severity designations for
the ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes, other than the changes to the severity
level designations for the diagnosis codes in category Z16 (Resistance
to antimicrobial drugs) from a NonCC to a CC. We stated that postponing
adoption of the proposed comprehensive changes in the severity level
designations would allow further opportunity to provide additional
background to the public on the methodology utilized and clinical
rationale applied across diagnostic categories to assist the public in
its review. We refer readers to the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(84 FR 42150 through 42152) for a complete discussion of our response
to public comments regarding the proposed severity level designation
changes for FY 2020.
As discussed in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (85 FR
32550), to provide the public with more information on the CC/MCC
comprehensive analysis discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
and final rules, CMS hosted a listening session on October 8, 2019. The
listening session included a review of this methodology utilized to
mathematically measure the impact on resource use. We refer readers to for
the transcript and audio file of the listening session. We also refer
readers to for the
supplementary file containing the mathematical data generated using
claims from the FY 2018 MedPAR file describing the impact on resource
use of specific ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes when reported as a secondary
diagnosis that was made available for the listening session.
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58550 through
58554), we discussed our plan to continue a comprehensive CC/MCC
analysis, using a combination of mathematical analysis of claims data
as discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (84 FR 19235)
and the application of nine guiding principles and plan to present the
findings and proposals in future rulemaking. The nine guiding
principles are as follows:
Represents end of life/near death or has reached an
advanced stage associated with systemic physiologic decompensation and
Denotes organ system instability or failure.
Involves a chronic illness with susceptibility to
exacerbations or abrupt decline.
Serves as a marker for advanced disease states across
multiple different comorbid conditions.
Reflects systemic impact.
Post-operative/post-procedure condition/complication
impacting recovery.
Typically requires higher level of care (that is,
intensive monitoring, greater
number of caregivers, additional testing, intensive care unit care,
extended length of stay).
Impedes patient cooperation or management of care or both.
Recent (last 10 years) change in best practice, or in
practice guidelines and review of the extent to which these changes
have led to concomitant changes in expected resource use.
We refer readers to the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for a
complete summation of the comments we received for each of the nine
guiding principles and our responses to those comments. We note that
since the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule we have continued to solicit
feedback regarding the nine guiding principles, as well as other
possible ways we can incorporate meaningful indicators of clinical
severity. We have encouraged the public to provide a detailed
explanation of how applying a suggested concept or principle would
ensure that the severity designation appropriately reflects resource
use for any diagnosis code when providing feedback or comments. In the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR 26748 through 26750) we
illustrated how the nine guiding principles might be applied in
evaluating changes to the severity designations of diagnosis codes in
our discussion of our proposed changes to the severity level
designation for certain diagnosis codes that describe homelessness.
Since the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we have not received any
additional feedback or comments on the nine guiding principles;
therefore, we are proposing to finalize the nine guiding principles as
listed previously in this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule. Under
this proposal, our evaluations to determine the extent to which the
presence of a diagnosis code as a secondary diagnosis results in
increased hospital resource use will include a combination of
mathematical analysis of claims data as discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule (84 FR 19235) and the application of the nine
guiding principles.
[[Page 35996]]
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (86 FR 25175 through
25180), as another interval step in our comprehensive review of the
severity designations of ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes, we requested public
comments on a potential change to the severity level designations for
``unspecified'' ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes that we were considering
adopting for FY 2022. Specifically, we noted we were considering
changing the severity level designation of ``unspecified'' diagnosis
codes to a NonCC where there are other codes available in that code
subcategory that further specify the anatomic site. As summarized in
the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, many commenters expressed concern
with the potential severity level designation changes overall and
recommended that CMS delay any possible change to the designation of
these codes to give hospitals and their physicians time to prepare.
After careful consideration of the public comments we received, we
maintained the severity level designation of the ``unspecified''
diagnosis codes currently designated as a CC or MCC where there are
other codes available in that code subcategory that further specify the
anatomic site for FY 2022. We refer readers to the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (86 FR 44916 through 44926) for a complete discussion of
our response to public comments regarding the potential severity level
designation changes. Instead, for FY 2022, we finalized a new Medicare
Code Editor (MCE) code edit for ``unspecified'' codes, effective with
discharges on and after April 1, 2022. We stated we believe finalizing
this new edit would provide additional time for providers to be
educated while not affecting the payment the provider is eligible to
receive. We refer the reader to section II.D.14.e. of the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 44940 through 44943) for the complete
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48866),
we stated that as the new unspecified edit became effective beginning
with discharges on and after April 1, 2022, we believed it was
appropriate to not propose to change the designation of any ICD-10-CM
diagnosis codes, including the unspecified codes that are subject to
the ``Unspecified Code'' edit, as we continue our comprehensive CC/MCC
analysis to allow interested parties the time needed to become
acclimated to the new edit.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH proposed rule (87 FR 28177 through 28181),
we also requested public comments on how the reporting of diagnosis
codes in categories Z55-Z65 might improve our ability to recognize
severity of illness, complexity of illness, and/or utilization of
resources under the MS-DRGs. Consistent with the Administration's goal
of advancing health equity for all, including members of historically
underserved and under-resourced communities, as described in the
President's January 20, 2021 Executive Order 13985 on ``Advancing
Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the
Federal Government,'' \4\ we stated we were also interested in
receiving feedback on how we might otherwise foster the documentation
and reporting of the diagnosis codes describing social and economic
circumstances to more accurately reflect each health care encounter and
improve the reliability and validity of the coded data including in
support of efforts to advance health equity.
\4\ Available at:
We noted that social determinants of health (SDOH) are the
conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn,
work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health,
functioning, and quality-of-life outcomes and risks.\5\ The subset of Z
codes that describe the social determinants of health are found in
categories Z55-Z65 (Persons with potential health hazards related to
socioeconomic and psychosocial circumstances). These codes describe a
range of issues related--but not limited--to education and literacy,
employment, housing, ability to obtain adequate amounts of food or safe
drinking water, and occupational exposure to toxic agents, dust, or
\5\ Available at:
We received numerous public comments that expressed a variety of
views on our comment solicitation, including many comments that were
supportive, and others that offered specific suggestions for our
consideration in future rulemaking. Many commenters applauded CMS'
efforts to encourage documentation and reporting of SDOH diagnosis
codes given the impact that social risks can have on health outcomes.
These commenters stated that it is critical that physicians, other
health care professionals, and facilities recognize the impact SDOH
have on the health of their patients. Many commenters also stated that
the most immediate and important action CMS could take to increase the
use of SDOH Z codes is to finalize the evidence-based ``Screening for
Social Drivers of Health'' and ``Screen Positive Rate for Social
Drivers of Health'' measures proposed to be adopted in the Hospital
Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) Program. In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 49202 through 49220), CMS finalized the ``Screening
for Social Drivers of Health'' and ``Screen Positive Rate for Social
Drivers of Health'' measures in the Hospital Inpatient Quality
Reporting (IQR) Program. We refer readers to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 48867 through 48872) for the complete discussion of
the public comments received regarding the request for information on
SDOH diagnosis codes.
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58755
through 58759), based on our analysis of the impact on resource use for
the ICD-10-CM Z codes that describe homelessness and after
consideration of public comments, we finalized changes to the severity
levels for diagnosis codes Z59.00 (Homelessness, unspecified), Z59.01
(Sheltered homelessness), and Z59.02 (Unsheltered homelessness), from
NonCC to CC. We stated our expectation that finalizing the changes
would encourage the increased documentation and reporting of the
diagnosis codes describing social and economic circumstances and serve
as an example for providers that, when they document and report SDOH
codes, CMS can further examine the claims data and consider future
changes to the designation of these codes when reported as a secondary
diagnosis. We further stated CMS would continue to monitor and evaluate
the reporting of the diagnosis codes describing social and economic
We refer the reader to the following section of this proposed rule
for our proposed changes to the severity level designation for the
diagnosis codes that describe inadequate housing and housing
instability for FY 2025.
We have updated the Impact on Resource Use Files on the CMS website
so that the public can review the mathematical data for the impact on
resource use generated using claims from the FY 2019 through the FY
2023 MedPAR files. These files are posted on the CMS website at As discussed in
prior rulemaking, we also continue to be interested in receiving
feedback on how we might further foster the documentation and reporting
of the
[[Page 35997]]
most specific diagnosis codes supported by the available medical record
documentation and clinical knowledge of the patient's health condition
to more accurately reflect each health care encounter and improve the
reliability and validity of the coded data.
For new diagnosis codes approved for FY 2025, consistent with our
annual process for designating a severity level (MCC, CC, or NonCC) for
new diagnosis codes, we first review the predecessor code designation,
followed by review and consideration of other factors that may be
relevant to the severity level designation, including the severity of
illness, treatment difficulty, complexity of service and the resources
utilized in the diagnosis or treatment of the condition. We note that
this process does not automatically result in the new diagnosis code
having the same designation as the predecessor code. We refer the
reader to section II.C.13 of this proposed rule for the discussion of
the proposed changes to the ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS coding systems for
FY 2025.
c. Proposed Changes to Severity Levels
1. SDOH--Inadequate Housing/Housing Instability
As discussed earlier in this section, in continuation of our
examination of the SDOH Z codes, for this proposed rule, we reviewed
the mathematical data on the impact on resource use for the subset of
ICD-10-CM Z codes that describe the social determinants of health found
in categories Z55-Z65 (Persons with potential health hazards related to
socioeconomic and psychosocial circumstances).
The ICD-10-CM SDOH Z codes that describe inadequate housing and
housing instability are currently designated as NonCCs when reported as
secondary diagnoses. The following table reflects the impact on
resource use data generated using claims from the September 2023 update
of the FY 2023 MedPAR file. We refer readers to the FY 2008 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (72 FR 47159) for a complete discussion of our
historical approach to mathematically evaluate the extent to which the
presence of an ICD-10-CM code as a secondary diagnosis resulted in
increased hospital resource use, and a more detailed explanation of the
columns in the table.
The table shows that the C1 value is 2.63 for ICD-10-CM diagnosis
code Z59.10 and 1.85 for ICD-10-CM diagnosis code Z59.19. A value close
to 2.0 in column C1 suggests that the secondary diagnosis is more
aligned with a CC than a NonCC. Because the C1 values in the table are
generally close to 2, the data suggest that when these two SDOH Z codes
are reported as a secondary diagnosis, the resources involved in caring
for a patient experiencing inadequate housing support increasing the
severity level from a NonCC to a CC. In contrast, the C1 value for ICD-
10-CM diagnosis code Z59.11 is 0.51 and is 0.99 for ICD-10-CM diagnosis
code Z59.12. A C1 value generally closer to 1 suggests the resources
involved in caring for patients experiencing inadequate housing in
terms of environmental temperature and utilities are more aligned with
a NonCC severity level than a CC or an MCC severity level.
The underlying cause of the inconsistency between the C1 values for
inadequate housing, unspecified and other inadequate housing and the
two more specific codes that describe the necessities unavailable in
the housing environment is unclear. We note that diagnosis codes Z59.10
(Inadequate housing, unspecified), Z59.11 (Inadequate housing
environmental temperature), Z59.12 (Inadequate housing utilities), and
Z59.19 (Other inadequate housing) became effective on April 1, 2023 (FY
2023). In reviewing the historical C1 values for code Z59.1 (Inadequate
housing), the predecessor code before the code was expanded to further
describe inadequate housing and the basic necessities unavailable in
the housing environment, we note the mathematical data for the impact
on resource use generated using claims from the FY 2019, FY 2020, FY
2021, and FY 2022 MedPAR files reflects C1 values for code Z59.1 of
2.09, 1.73, 2.04, and 2.69, respectively. We refer the reader to the
Impact on Resource Use Files generated using claims from the FY 2019
through the FY 2022 MedPAR files posted on the CMS website at We believe the lower
C1 values for ICD-10-CM
[[Page 35998]]
codes Z59.11 (Inadequate housing environmental temperature) and Z59.12
(Inadequate housing utilities) reflected in the mathematical data for
the impact on resource use generated using claims from the FY 2023
MedPAR file may be attributed to lack of use or knowledge about the
newly expanded codes, such that the data may not yet reflect the full
impact on resource use for patients experiencing these circumstances.
Similarly, the table shows that the C1 value is 1.97 for ICD-10-CM
diagnosis code Z59.811. A value close to 2.0 in column C1 suggests that
the secondary diagnosis is more aligned with a CC than a NonCC. Because
the C1 value in the table is generally close to 2, the data suggest
that when this SDOH Z code is reported as a secondary diagnosis, the
resources involved in caring for a patient experiencing an imminent
risk of homelessness support increasing the severity level from a NonCC
to a CC. In contrast, the C1 value for ICD-10-CM diagnosis code Z59.812
(Housing instability, housed, homelessness in past 12 months) and
(Housing instability, housed unspecified) is 0.76 and is 0.92 for ICD-
10-CM diagnosis code Z59.819. A C1 value generally closer to 1 suggests
the resources involved in caring for patients experiencing housing
instability, with history of homelessness in the past 12 months or
housing instability, unspecified are more aligned with a NonCC severity
level than a CC or an MCC severity level. The underlying cause of the
inconsistency between the C1 values for codes describing housing
instability is unclear.
We note that diagnosis codes Z59.811, Z59.812, and Z59.819 became
effective on October 1, 2021 (FY 2022). In reviewing the historical C1
values for code Z59.8 (Other problems related to housing and economic
circumstances), the predecessor code before the code was expanded to
further describe the problems related to housing and economic
circumstances, we note the mathematical data for the impact on resource
use generated using claims from the FY 2019 and FY 2020 MedPAR files
reflects C1 values for code Z59.8 of 1.92 and 1.63, respectively. There
were no data reflected for this code in the Impact on Resource Use File
generated using claims from the FY 2021 MedPAR files. The mathematical
data for the impact on resource use generated using claims from the FY
2022 MedPAR file reflects C1 values for codes Z59.811, Z59.812, and
Z59.819 of 2.44, 3.12, and 2.09, respectively. We are uncertain if the
fluctuations in the C1 values from year to year, or FY 2021, in
particular, may reflect fluctuations that may be a result of the COVID-
19 public health emergency or even reduced hospitalizations of certain
conditions. We are also uncertain if the fluctuations may be attributed
to lack of use or knowledge about the expanded codes, such that the
data on the reporting of codes Z59.812 and Z59.819 may not yet reflect
the full impact on resource use for patients experiencing these
As discussed in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58550
through 58554), following the listening session on October 8, 2019, we
reconvened an internal workgroup comprised of clinicians, consultants,
coding specialists and other policy analysts to identify guiding
principles to apply in evaluating whether changes to the severity level
designations of diagnoses are needed and to ensure the severity
designations appropriately reflect resource use based on review of the
claims data, as well as consideration of relevant clinical factors (for
example, the clinical nature of each of the secondary diagnoses and the
severity level of clinically similar diagnoses) and improve the overall
accuracy of the IPPS payments.
In considering the nine guiding principles identified by the
workgroup, as summarized previously, we note that, similar to
homelessness, inadequate housing and housing instability are
circumstances that can impede patient cooperation or management of
care, or both. In addition, patients experiencing inadequate housing
and housing instability can require a higher level of care by needing
an extended length of stay.
Inadequate housing is defined as an occupied housing unit that has
moderate or severe physical problems (for example, deficiencies in
plumbing, heating, electricity, hallways, and upkeep).6 7
Features of substandard housing have long been identified as
contributing to the spread of infectious diseases. Patients living in
inadequate housing may be exposed to health and safety risks, such as
vermin, mold, water leaks, and inadequate heating or cooling
systems.8 9 An increasing body of evidence has associated
poor housing conditions with morbidity from infectious diseases,
chronic illnesses, exposure to toxins, injuries, poor nutrition, and
mental disorders.\10\
\6\ US Bureau of the Census. American Housing Survey (AHS).
Washington, DC: US Bureau of the Census; 2010. Available at
\7\ US Bureau of the Census. Codebook for the American Housing
Survey, public use file: 1997 and later. Washington, DC: US Bureau
of the Census; 2009. Available at
\8\ Hern[aacute]ndez, D. (2016). Affording housing at the
expense of health: Exploring the housing and neighborhood strategies
of poor families. Journal of Family Issues, 37(7), 921-946. doi:
\9\ Joint Center for Housing Studies. (2020). The state of the
nation's housing 2020. Harvard University.
\10\ Krieger J, Higgins DL. Housing and health: time again for
public health action. Am J Public Health. 2002 May;92(5):758-68.
doi: 10.2105/ajph.92.5.758. PMID: 11988443; PMCID: PMC1447157.
Housing instability encompasses a number of challenges, such as
having trouble paying rent, overcrowding, moving frequently, or
spending the bulk of household income on housing.\11\ These experiences
may negatively affect physical health and make it harder to access
health care. Studies have found moderate evidence to suggest that
housing instability is associated with higher prevalence of overweight/
obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, worse
hypertension and diabetes control, and higher acute health care
utilization among those with diabetes and cardiovascular disease.\12\
\11\ Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Retrieved on December 27, 2023 from
\12\ Gu, K.D., Faulkner, K.C. & Thorndike, A.N. Housing
instability and cardiometabolic health in the United States: a
narrative review of the literature. BMC Public Health 23, 931
In reviewing the mathematical data for the impact on resource use
generated using claims from the FY 2023 MedPAR file for the seven ICD-
10-CM codes describing inadequate housing and housing instability
comprehensively and reviewing the potential impact these circumstances
could have on patients' clinical course, we note that whether the
patient is experiencing inadequate housing or housing instability, the
patient may have limited or no access to prescription medicines or
over-the-counter medicines, including adequate locations to store
medications away from the heat or cold, and have difficulties adhering
to medication regimens. Experiencing inadequate housing or housing
instability may negatively affect a patient's physical health and make
it harder to access timely health care.\8,9\ Delays in medical care may
increase morbidity and mortality risk among those with underlying,
preventable, and treatable medical conditions.\13\ In
[[Page 35999]]
addition, findings also suggest that patients experiencing inadequate
housing or housing instability are associated with higher rates of
inpatient admissions for mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental
disorders, longer hospital stays, and substantial health care
\13\ Gertz AH, Pollack CC, Schultheiss MD, Brownstein JS.
Delayed medical care and underlying health in the United States
during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Prev Med Rep.
2022 Aug;28:101882. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2022.101882. Epub 2022 Jul
5. PMID: 35813398; PMCID: PMC9254505.
\14\ Rollings KA, Kunnath N, Ryus CR, Janke AT, Ibrahim AM.
Association of Coded Housing Instability and Hospitalization in the
US. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(11):e2241951. doi:10.1001/
Therefore, after considering the impact on resource use data
generated using claims from the September 2023 update of the FY 2023
MedPAR file for the seven ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes that describe
inadequate housing and housing instability and consideration of the
nine guiding principles, we are proposing to change the severity level
designation for diagnosis codes Z59.10 (Inadequate housing,
unspecified), Z59.11 (Inadequate housing environmental temperature),
Z59.12 (Inadequate housing utilities), Z59.19 (Other inadequate
housing), Z59.811 (Housing instability, housed, with risk of
homelessness), Z59.812 (Housing instability, housed, homelessness in
past 12 months) and Z59.819 (Housing instability, housed unspecified)
from NonCC to CC for FY 2025.
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48868),
if SDOH Z codes are not consistently reported in inpatient claims data,
our methodology utilized to mathematically measure the impact on
resource use, as described previously, may not adequately reflect what
additional resources were expended by the hospital to address these
SDOH circumstances in terms of requiring clinical evaluation, extended
length of hospital stay, increased nursing care or monitoring or both,
and comprehensive discharge planning. We will continue to monitor SDOH
Z code reporting, including reporting based on SDOH screening performed
as a result of new quality measures in the Hospital Inpatient Quality
Reporting program. We may consider proposing changes for other SDOH
codes in the future based on our analysis of the impact on resource
use, per our methodology, as previously described, and consideration of
the guiding principles. We also continue to be interested in receiving
feedback on how we might otherwise foster the documentation and
reporting of the diagnosis codes describing social and economic
circumstances to more accurately reflect each health care encounter and
improve the reliability and validity of the coded data including in
support of efforts to advance health equity.
To inform future rulemaking, feedback and other suggestions may be
submitted by October 20, 2024 and directed to MEARISTM at:
2. Causally Specified Delirium
Additionally, for this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we
received a request to change the severity level designations of the
ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes that describe causally specified delirium
from CC to MCC when reported as secondary diagnoses. Causally specified
delirium is delirium caused by the physiological effects of a medical
condition, by the direct physiological effects of a substance or
medication, including withdrawal, or by multiple or unknown etiological
factors. The requestor noted that ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes G92.8
(Other toxic encephalopathy), G92.9 (Unspecified toxic encephalopathy)
and G93.41 (Metabolic encephalopathy) are currently all designated as
MCCs. According to the requestor, a diagnosis of delirium implies an
underlying acute encephalopathy, and as such, the severity designation
of the diagnosis codes that describe causally specified delirium should
be on par with the severity designation of the diagnosis codes that
describe toxic encephalopathy and metabolic encephalopathy. The
requestor stated that toxic encephalopathy, metabolic encephalopathy,
and causally specified delirium all describe core symptoms of
impairment of level of consciousness and cognitive change caused by a
medical condition or substance.
The requestor further stated that there is robust literature
detailing the impact delirium can have on cognitive decline, rates of
functional decline, subsequent dementia diagnosis,
institutionalization, care complexity and costs, readmission rates, and
mortality. The requestor considered each of the nine guiding principles
discussed earlier in this section and noted how each of the principles
could be applied in evaluating changes to the severity designations of
the diagnosis codes that describe causally specified delirium in their
request. Specifically, the requestor stated that delirium is a textbook
example that maps to the nine guiding principles for evaluating a
potential change in severity designation in that delirium (1) has a
bidirectional link with dementia, (2) indexes physiological
vulnerability across populations, (3) impacts healthcare systems across
levels of care, (4) complicates postoperative recovery, (5) consigns
patients to higher levels of care, and for longer, (6)impedes patient
engagement in care, (7) has several recent treatment guidelines, (8)
indicates neuronal/brain injury, and (9) represents a common expression
of terminal illness.
The requestor identified 37 ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes that describe
causally specified delirium. We agree that these 37 diagnosis codes are
all currently designated as CCs. We refer the reader to Appendix G of
the ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 41.1 Definitions Manual (available on the CMS
website at: for
the complete list of diagnoses designated as CCs when reported as
secondary diagnoses, except when used in conjunction with the principal
diagnosis in the corresponding CC Exclusion List in Appendix C. To
evaluate this request, we analyzed the claims data in the September
2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file. The following table shows the
analysis for each of the diagnosis codes identified by the requestor
that describe causally specified delirium.
[[Page 36000]]
[[Page 36001]]
We analyzed these data as described in FY 2008 IPPS final rule (72
FR 47158 through 47161). The table shows that the C1 values of the
diagnosis codes that describe causally specified delirium range from a
low of 0.35 to a high of 4.00. As stated earlier, a C1 value close to
2.0 suggests the condition is more like a CC than a non-CC but not as
significant in resource usage as an MCC. On average, the C1 values of
the diagnoses that describe causally specified delirium suggest that
these codes are more like a NonCC than a CC. We note diagnosis code
F11.221 (Opioid dependence with intoxication delirium) had a C1 value
of 4.00, however our analysis reflects that this diagnosis code was
reported as a secondary diagnosis in only 42 claims, and only one claim
reported F11.221 as a secondary diagnosis with no other secondary
diagnosis or with all other secondary diagnoses that are NonCCs.
The C2 findings of the diagnosis codes that describe causally
specified delirium range from a low of 0.28 to a high of 3.22 and the
C3 findings range from a low of 1.25 to a high of 3.85. The data are
clearly mixed between the C2 and C3 findings, and do not consistently
support a change in the severity level. On average, the C2 and C3
findings again suggest that these codes that describe causally
specified delirium are more similar to a NonCC.
In considering the nine guiding principles, as summarized
previously, we note that delirium is a diagnosis that can impede
patient cooperation or management of care or both. Delirium is a
confusional state that can manifest as agitation, tremulousness, and
hallucinations or even somnolence and decreased arousal. In addition,
patients diagnosed with delirium can require a higher level of care by
needing intensive monitoring, and a greater number of caregivers.
Managing disruptive behavior, particularly agitation and combative
behavior, is a challenging aspect in caring for patients diagnosed with
delirium. Prevention and treatment of delirium can include avoiding
factors known to cause or aggravate delirium; identifying and treating
the underlying acute illness; and where appropriate using low-dose,
short-acting pharmacologic agents.
After considering the C1, C2, and C3 values of the 37 ICD-10-CM
diagnosis codes that describe causally specified delirium and
consideration of the nine guiding principles, we believe these 37 codes
should not be designated as MCCs. While there is a lack of consistent
claims data to support a severity level change from CCs to MCCs, we
recognize patients with delirium can utilize increased hospital
resources and can be at a higher severity level. Therefore, we are
proposing to retain the severity designation of the 37 codes listed
previously as CCs for FY 2025.
d. Proposed Additions and Deletions to the Diagnosis Code Severity
Levels for FY 2025
The following tables identify the proposed additions and deletions
to the diagnosis code MCC severity levels list and the proposed
additions and deletions to the diagnosis code CC severity levels list
for FY 2025 and are available on the CMS website at:
Table 6I.1--Proposed Additions to the MCC List-FY 2025;
Table 6J.1--Proposed Additions to the CC List-FY 2025; and
Table 6J.2--Proposed Deletions to the CC List-FY 2025
[[Page 36002]]
e. Proposed CC Exclusions List for FY 2025
In the September 1, 1987 final notice (52 FR 33143) concerning
changes to the DRG classification system, we modified the GROUPER logic
so that certain diagnoses included on the standard list of CCs would
not be considered valid CCs in combination with a particular principal
diagnosis. We created the CC Exclusions List for the following reasons:
(1) to preclude coding of CCs for closely related conditions; (2) to
preclude duplicative or inconsistent coding from being treated as CCs;
and (3) to ensure that cases are appropriately classified between the
complicated and uncomplicated DRGs in a pair.
In the May 19, 1987 proposed notice (52 FR 18877) and the September
1, 1987 final notice (52 FR 33154), we explained that the excluded
secondary diagnoses were established using the following five
Chronic and acute manifestations of the same condition
should not be considered CCs for one another;
Specific and nonspecific (that is, not otherwise specified
(NOS)) diagnosis codes for the same condition should not be considered
CCs for one another;
Codes for the same condition that cannot coexist, such as
partial/total, unilateral/bilateral, obstructed/unobstructed, and
benign/malignant, should not be considered CCs for one another;
Codes for the same condition in anatomically proximal
sites should not be considered CCs for one another; and
Closely related conditions should not be considered CCs
for one another.
The creation of the CC Exclusions List was a major project
involving hundreds of codes. We have continued to review the remaining
CCs to identify additional exclusions and to remove diagnoses from the
master list that have been shown not to meet the definition of a CC. We
refer readers to the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR 50541
through 50544) for detailed information regarding revisions that were
made to the CC and CC Exclusion Lists under the ICD-9-CM MS-DRGs.
The ICD-10 MS-DRGs Version 41.1 CC Exclusion List is included as
Appendix C in the ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual (available on the
CMS website at: and includes two lists identified
as Part 1 and Part 2. Part 1 is the list of all diagnosis codes that
are defined as a CC or MCC when reported as a secondary diagnosis. For
all diagnosis codes on the list, a link is provided to a collection of
diagnosis codes which, when reported as the principal diagnosis, would
cause the CC or MCC diagnosis to be considered as a NonCC. Part 2 is
the list of diagnosis codes designated as an MCC only for patients
discharged alive; otherwise, they are assigned as a NonCC.
Effective for the April 1, 2024 release of the ICD-10 MS-DRG
Definitions Manual, Version 41.1, a new section has been added to
Appendix C as follows:
Part 3: Secondary Diagnosis CC/MCC Severity Exclusions in Select MS-
Part 3 lists diagnosis codes that are designated as a complication
or comorbidity (CC) or major complication or comorbidity (MCC) and
included in the definition of the logic for the listed MS-DRGs. When
reported as a secondary diagnosis and grouped to one of the listed MS-
DRGs, the diagnosis is excluded from acting as a CC/MCC for severity in
DRG assignment.
The purpose of this new section is to include the list of MS-DRGs
subject to what is referred to as suppression logic. In addition to the
suppression logic excluding secondary diagnosis CC or MCC conditions
that may be included in the definition of the logic for a DRG, it is
also based on the presence of other secondary diagnosis logic defined
within certain base DRGs. Therefore, if a MS-DRG has secondary
diagnosis logic, the suppression is activated regardless of the
severity of the secondary diagnosis code(s) for appropriate grouping
and MS-DRG assignment.
Each MS-DRG is defined by a particular set of patient attributes
including principal diagnosis, specific secondary diagnoses,
procedures, sex, and discharge status. The patient attributes which
define each MS-DRG are displayed in a series of headings which indicate
the patient characteristics used to define the MS-DRG. These headings
indicate how the patient's diagnoses and procedures are used in
determining MS-DRG assignment. Following each heading is a complete
list of all the ICD-10-CM diagnosis or ICD-10-PCS procedure codes
included in the MS-DRG. One of these headings is secondary diagnosis.
Secondary diagnosis. Indicates that a specific set of
secondary diagnoses are used in the definition of the MS-DRG. For
example, a secondary diagnosis of acute leukemia with chemotherapy is
used to define MS-DRG 839.
The full list of MS-DRGs where suppression occurs is shown in the
following table.
[[Page 36003]]
We believe this additional information about the suppression logic
may further assist users of the ICD-10 MS-DRG GROUPER software and
related materials.
In our review of the MS-DRGs containing secondary diagnosis logic
in association with the suppression logic previously discussed, we
identified another set of MS-DRGs containing secondary diagnosis logic
in the definition of the MS-DRG. Specifically, we identified MS-DRGs
673, 674, and 675 (Other Kidney and Urinary Tract Procedures with MCC,
with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) in MDC 11 (Diseases and
Disorders of the Kidney and Urinary Tract), as displayed in the ICD-10
MS-DRG Version 41.1 Definitions Manual (which is available on the CMS
website at: which
contains secondary diagnosis logic.
Of the seven logic lists included in the definition of MS-DRGs 673,
674, and 675, there are three ``Or Principal Diagnosis'' logic lists
and one ``With Secondary Diagnosis'' logic list. The first ``Or
Principal Diagnosis'' logic list is comprised of 21 diagnosis codes
describing conditions such as chronic kidney disease, kidney failure,
and complications related to a vascular dialysis catheter or kidney
transplant. The second ``Or Principal Diagnosis'' logic list is
comprised of four diagnosis codes describing diabetes with diabetic
chronic kidney disease followed by a ``With Secondary Diagnosis'' logic
list that includes diagnosis codes N18.5 (Chronic kidney disease, stage
5) and N18.6 (End stage renal disease). These logic lists are
components of the special logic in MS-DRGs 673, 674, and 675 for
certain MDC 11 diagnoses reported with procedure codes for the
insertion of tunneled or totally implantable vascular access devices.
The third ``Or Principal Diagnosis'' logic list is comprised of three
diagnosis codes describing Type 1 diabetes with different kidney
complications as part of the special logic in MS-DRGs 673, 674, and 675
for pancreatic islet cell transplantation performed in the absence of
any other surgical procedure.
Under the Version 41.1 ICD-10 MS-DRGs, diagnosis code N18.5
(Chronic kidney disease, stage 5) is currently designated as a CC and
diagnosis code N18.6 (End stage renal disease) is designated as an MCC.
In our review of the MS-DRGs containing secondary diagnosis logic in
association with the suppression logic, we noted that currently, when
some diagnosis codes from the ``Or Principal Diagnosis'' logic lists in
MS-DRGs 673, 674, and 675 are reported as the principal diagnosis and
either diagnosis code N18.5 or N18.6 from the ``With Secondary
Diagnosis'' logic list is reported as a secondary diagnosis, some cases
are grouping to MS-DRG 673 (Other Kidney and Urinary Tract Procedures
with MCC) or to MS-DRG 674 (Other Kidney and Urinary Tract Procedures
with CC) in the absence of any other MCC or CC secondary diagnoses
being reported.
In our analysis of this issue, we noted that diagnosis codes N18.5
and N18.6 are excluded from acting as a CC or MCC, when reported with
[[Page 36004]]
diagnoses from Principal Diagnosis Collection Lists 1379 and 1380,
respectively, as reflected in Part 1 of Appendix C in the CC Exclusion
List. We refer the reader to Part 1 of Appendix C in the CC Exclusion
List as displayed in the ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 41.1 Definitions Manual
(which is available on the CMS website at: for the complete list of principal
diagnoses in Principal Diagnosis Collection Lists 1379 and 1380.
Specifically, when codes N18.5 or N18.6 are reported as secondary
diagnoses, they are considered as NonCCs when the diagnosis codes from
the ``Or Principal Diagnosis'' logic lists in MS-DRGs 673, 674, and 675
reflected in the following table are reported as the principal
diagnosis under the CC Exclusion logic.
We also noted that currently, a subset of diagnosis codes from the
first ``Or Principal Diagnosis'' logic list in MS-DRGs 673, 674, and
675 are not listed in Principal Diagnosis Collection Lists 1379 or 1380
for diagnosis codes N18.5 and N18.6, respectively. As a result, when
one of the 13 diagnosis codes listed in the following table are
reported as the principal diagnosis, and either diagnosis code N18.5 or
N18.6 from the ``With Secondary Diagnosis'' logic list are reported as
a secondary diagnosis, the cases are grouping to MS-DRG 673 (Other
Kidney and Urinary Tract Procedures with MCC) or to MS-DRG 674 (Other
Kidney and Urinary Tract Procedures with CC) when also reported with a
procedure code describing the insertion of a tunneled or totally
implantable vascular access device.
[[Page 36005]]
Consistent with how other similar logic lists function in the ICD-
10 GROUPER software for case assignment to the ``with MCC'' or ``with
CC'' MS-DRGs, the logic for case assignment to MS-DRG 673 is intended
to require any other diagnosis designated as an MCC and reported as a
secondary diagnosis for appropriate assignment, and not the diagnoses
currently listed in the logic for the definition of the MS-DRG.
Likewise, the logic for case assignment to MS-DRG 674 is intended to
require any other diagnosis designated as a CC and reported as a
secondary diagnosis for appropriate assignment.
Therefore, for FY 2025, we are proposing to correct the logic for
case assignment to MS-DRGs 673, 674, and 675 by adding suppression
logic to exclude diagnosis codes N18.5 (Chronic kidney disease, stage
5) and N18.6 (End stage renal disease) from the logic list entitled
``With Secondary Diagnosis'' from acting as a CC or an MCC,
respectively, when reported as a secondary diagnosis with one of the 13
previously listed principal diagnosis codes from the ``Or Principal
Diagnosis'' logic lists in MS-DRGs 673, 674, and 675 for appropriate
grouping and MS-DRG assignment. Under this proposal, when diagnosis
codes N18.5 or N18.6 are reported as a secondary diagnosis with one of
the 13 previously listed principal diagnosis codes, the GROUPER will
assign MS-DRG 675 (Other Kidney and Urinary Tract Procedures without
CC/MCC) in the absence of any other MCC or CC secondary diagnoses being
reported. We also note that the current list of MS-DRGs subject to
suppression logic as previously discussed and listed under Version 41.1
includes MS-DRGs that are not subdivided by a two-way severity level
split (``with MCC and without MCC'' or ``with CC/MCC and without CC/
MCC'') or a three-way severity level split (with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC, respectively), or the listed MS-DRG includes diagnoses
that are not currently designated as a CC or MCC. To avoid potential
confusion, we are proposing to refine how the suppression logic is
displayed under Appendix C--Part 3 to not display the MS-DRGs where the
suppression logic has no impact on the grouping (meaning the logic list
for the affected MS-DRG contains diagnoses that are all designated as
NonCCs, or the MS-DRG is not subdivided by a severity level split) as
reflected in the draft Version 42 ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual,
which is available in association with this proposed rule at:
In addition, we are proposing changes to the ICD-10 MS-DRGs Version
42 CC Exclusion List based on the diagnosis code updates as discussed
in section II.C.13. of this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule.
Therefore, we have developed Table 6G.1.--Proposed Secondary Diagnosis
Order Additions to the CC Exclusions List--FY 2025; Table 6G.2.--
Proposed Principal Diagnosis Order Additions to the CC Exclusions
List--FY 2025; Table 6H.1.--Proposed Secondary Diagnosis Order
Deletions to the CC Exclusions List--FY 2025; and Table 6H.2.--Proposed
Principal Diagnosis Order Deletions to the CC Exclusions List--FY 2025.
For Table 6G.1, each secondary diagnosis code proposed for addition to
the CC Exclusion List is shown with an asterisk and the principal
diagnoses proposed to exclude the secondary diagnosis code are provided
in the indented column immediately following it. For Table 6G.2, each
of the principal diagnosis codes for which there is a CC exclusion is
shown with an asterisk and the conditions proposed for addition to the
CC Exclusion List that will not count as a CC are provided in an
indented column immediately following the affected principal diagnosis.
For Table 6H.1, each secondary diagnosis code proposed for deletion
from the CC Exclusion List is shown with an asterisk followed by the
principal diagnosis codes that currently exclude it. For Table 6H.2,
each of the principal diagnosis codes is shown with an asterisk and the
proposed deletions to the CC Exclusions List are provided in an
indented column immediately following the affected principal
[[Page 36006]]
diagnosis. Tables 6G.1., 6G.2., 6H.1., and 6H.2. associated with this
proposed rule are available on the CMS website at:
13. Proposed Changes to the ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding Systems
To identify new, revised and deleted diagnosis and procedure codes,
for FY 2025, we have developed Table 6A.--New Diagnosis Codes, Table
6B.--New Procedure Codes, Table 6C.--Invalid Diagnosis Codes, Table
6D.--Invalid Procedure Codes, Table 6E.--Revised Diagnosis Code Titles,
and Table 6F.--Revised Procedure Code Titles for this proposed rule.
These tables are not published in the Addendum to this proposed rule,
but are available on the CMS website at: as
described in section VI. of the Addendum to this proposed rule. As
discussed in section II.C.15. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
the code titles are adopted as part of the ICD-10 (previously ICD-9-CM)
Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting process. Therefore,
although we publish the code titles in the IPPS proposed and final
rules, they are not subject to comment in the proposed or final rules.
We are proposing the MDC and MS-DRG assignments for the new
diagnosis codes and procedure codes as set forth in Table 6A.--New
Diagnosis Codes and Table 6B.--New Procedure Codes. In addition, the
proposed severity level designations for the new diagnosis codes are
set forth in Table 6A. and the proposed O.R. status for the new
procedure codes are set forth in Table 6B. Consistent with our
established process, we examined the MS-DRG assignment and the
attributes (severity level and O.R. status) of the predecessor
diagnosis or procedure code, as applicable, to inform our proposed
assignments and designations. Specifically, we review the predecessor
code and MS-DRG assignment most closely associated with the new
diagnosis or procedure code, and in the absence of claims data, we
consider other factors that may be relevant to the MS-DRG assignment,
including the severity of illness, treatment difficulty, complexity of
service and the resources utilized in the diagnosis and/or treatment of
the condition. We note that this process does not automatically result
in the new diagnosis or procedure code being proposed for assignment to
the same MS-DRG or to have the same designation as the predecessor
We are making available on the CMS website at
the following tables associated with this proposed rule:
Table 6A.--New Diagnosis Codes--FY 2025;
Table 6B.--New Procedure Codes--FY 2025;
Table 6C.--Invalid Diagnosis Codes--FY 2025;
Table 6D.--Invalid Procedure Codes--FY 2025;
Table 6E.--Revised Diagnosis Code Titles--FY 2025;
Table 6F.--Revised Procedure Code Titles--FY 2025;
Table 6G.1.--Proposed Secondary Diagnosis Order Additions
to the CC Exclusions List--FY 2025;
Table 6G.2.--Proposed Principal Diagnosis Order Additions
to the CC Exclusions List--FY 2025;
Table 6H.1.--Proposed Secondary Diagnosis Order Deletions
to the CC Exclusions List--FY 2025;
Table 6H.2.--Proposed Principal Diagnosis Order Deletions
to the CC Exclusions List--FY 2025;
Table 6I.1.--Proposed Additions to the MCC List--FY 2025;
Table 6J.1.--Proposed Additions to the CC List--FY 2025;
Table 6J.2.--Proposed Deletions to the CC List--FY 2025.
14. Proposed Changes to the Surgical Hierarchies
Some inpatient stays entail multiple surgical procedures, each one
of which, occurring by itself, could result in assignment of the case
to a different MS-DRG within the MDC to which the principal diagnosis
is assigned. Therefore, it is necessary to have a decision rule within
the GROUPER by which these cases are assigned to a single MS-DRG. The
surgical hierarchy, an ordering of surgical classes from most resource-
intensive to least resource-intensive, performs that function.
Application of this hierarchy ensures that cases involving multiple
surgical procedures are assigned to the MS-DRG associated with the most
resource-intensive surgical class.
A surgical class can be composed of one or more MS-DRGs. For
example, in MDC 11, the surgical class ``kidney transplant'' consists
of a single MS-DRG (MS-DRG 652) and the class ``major bladder
procedures'' consists of three MS-DRGs (MS-DRGs 653, 654, and 655).
Consequently, in many cases, the surgical hierarchy has an impact
on more than one MS-DRG. The methodology for determining the most
resource-intensive surgical class involves weighting the average
resources for each MS-DRG by frequency to determine the weighted
average resources for each surgical class. For example, assume surgical
class A includes MS-DRGs 001 and 002 and surgical class B includes MS-
DRGs 003, 004, and 005. Assume also that the average costs of MS-DRG
001 are higher than that of MS-DRG 003, but the average costs of MS-
DRGs 004 and 005 are higher than the average costs of MS-DRG 002. To
determine whether surgical class A should be higher or lower than
surgical class B in the surgical hierarchy, we would weigh the average
costs of each MS-DRG in the class by frequency (that is, by the number
of cases in the MS-DRG) to determine average resource consumption for
the surgical class. The surgical classes would then be ordered from the
class with the highest average resource utilization to that with the
lowest, with the exception of ``other O.R. procedures'' as discussed in
this proposed rule.
This methodology may occasionally result in assignment of a case
involving multiple procedures to the lower-weighted MS-DRG (in the
highest, most resource-intensive surgical class) of the available
alternatives. However, given that the logic underlying the surgical
hierarchy provides that the GROUPER search for the procedure in the
most resource-intensive surgical class, in cases involving multiple
procedures, this result is sometimes unavoidable.
We note that, notwithstanding the foregoing discussion, there are a
few instances when a surgical class with a lower average cost is
ordered above a surgical class with a higher average cost. For example,
the ``other O.R. procedures'' surgical class is uniformly ordered last
in the surgical hierarchy of each MDC in which it occurs, regardless of
the fact that the average costs for the MS-DRG or MS-DRGs in that
surgical class may be higher than those for other surgical classes in
the MDC. The ``other O.R. procedures'' class is a group of procedures
that are only infrequently related to the diagnoses in the MDC but are
still occasionally performed on patients with cases assigned to the MDC
with these diagnoses. Therefore, assignment to these surgical classes
should only occur if no other surgical class more closely related to
the diagnoses in the MDC is appropriate.
A second example occurs when the difference between the average
costs for two surgical classes is very small. We have found that small
differences generally do not warrant reordering of the hierarchy
because, as a result of
[[Page 36007]]
reassigning cases on the basis of the hierarchy change, the average
costs are likely to shift such that the higher-ordered surgical class
has lower average costs than the class ordered below it.
Based on the changes that we are proposing to make for FY 2025, as
discussed in section II.C. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we
are proposing to modify the existing surgical hierarchy for FY 2025 as
As discussed in section II.C.4.a. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we are proposing to revise the surgical hierarchy for the MDC 05
(Diseases and Disorders of the Circulatory System) MS-DRGs as follows:
In the MDC 05 MS-DRGs, we are proposing to sequence proposed new MS-DRG
317 (Concomitant Left Atrial Appendage Closure and Cardiac Ablation)
above MS-DRG 275 (Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with Cardiac
Catheterization and MCC) and below MS-DRGs 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, and
236 (Coronary Bypass with or without PTCA, with or without Cardiac
Catheterization or Open Ablation, with and without MCC, respectively).
As discussed in section II.C.4.b. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we are proposing to revise the title for MS-DRG 276 from
``Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with MCC'' to ``Cardiac Defibrillator
Implant with MCC or Carotid Sinus Neurostimulator''.
As discussed in section II.C.6.b. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we are proposing to delete MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455 (Combined
Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively). Based on the changes we are proposing to make for
those MS-DRGs in MDC 08 (Diseases and Disorders of the Musculoskeletal
System and Connective Tissue), we are proposing to revise the surgical
hierarchy for MDC 08 as follows: In MDC 08, we are proposing to
sequence proposed new MS-DRGs 426, 427, and 428 (Multiple Level
Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with MCC,
with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively) above proposed new MS-DRG
402 (Single Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion Except
Cervical). We are proposing to sequence proposed new MS-DRGs 429 and
430 (Combined Anterior and Posterior Cervical Spinal Fusion with MCC
and without MCC, respectively) above MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458 (Spinal
Fusion Except Cervical with Spinal Curvature, Malignancy, Infection or
Extensive Fusions with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC, respectively)
and below proposed new MS-DRG 402. We are proposing to sequence
proposed new MS-DRGs 447 and 448 (Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except
Cervical with MCC and without MCC, respectively) above proposed revised
MS-DRGs 459 and 460 (Single Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with
and without MCC, respectively) and below MS-DRGs 456, 457, and 458.
Lastly, as discussed in section II.C.9. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to revise the surgical hierarchy for
the MDC 17 (Myeloproliferative Diseases and Disorders, Poorly
Differentiated Neoplasms) MS-DRGs as follows: For the MDC 17 MS-DRGs,
we are proposing to sequence proposed new MS-DRG 850 (Acute Leukemia
with Other Procedures) above MS-DRGs 823, 824 and 825 (Lymphoma and
Non-Acute Leukemia with Other Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without
CC/MCC, respectively) and below MS-DRGs 820, 821, and 822 (Lymphoma and
Leukemia with Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively).
Our proposal for Appendix D MS-DRG Surgical Hierarchy by MDC and
MS-DRG of the ICD-10 MS-DRG Definitions Manual Version 42 is
illustrated in the following tables.
[[Page 36008]]
15. Maintenance of the ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Coding Systems
In September 1985, the ICD-9-CM Coordination and Maintenance
Committee was formed. This is a Federal interdepartmental committee,
co-chaired by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC)
National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and CMS, charged with
maintaining and updating the ICD-9-CM system. The final update to ICD-
9-CM codes was made on October 1, 2013. Thereafter, the name of the
Committee was changed to the ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance
Committee, effective with the March 19-20, 2014 meeting. The ICD-10
Coordination and Maintenance Committee addresses updates to the ICD-
10-CM and ICD-10-PCS coding systems. The Committee is jointly
responsible for approving coding changes, and developing errata,
addenda, and other modifications to the coding systems to reflect newly
developed procedures and technologies and newly identified diseases.
The Committee is also responsible for promoting the use of Federal and
non-Federal educational programs and other communication techniques
with a view toward standardizing coding applications and upgrading the
quality of the classification system.
The official list of ICD-9-CM diagnosis and procedure codes by
fiscal year can be found on the CMS website at:
The official list of ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS codes can be found on
the CMS website at:
The NCHS has lead responsibility for the ICD-10-CM and ICD-9-CM
diagnosis codes included in the Tabular List and Alphabetic Index for
Diseases, while CMS has lead responsibility for the ICD-10-PCS and ICD-
9-CM procedure codes included in the Tabular List and Alphabetic Index
for Procedures.
The Committee encourages participation in the previously mentioned
process by health- related organizations. In this regard, the Committee
holds public meetings for discussion of educational issues and
[[Page 36009]]
proposed coding changes. These meetings provide an opportunity for
representatives of recognized organizations in the coding field, such
as the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA), the
American Hospital Association (AHA), and various physician specialty
groups, as well as individual physicians, health information management
professionals, and other members of the public, to contribute ideas on
coding matters. After considering the opinions expressed during the
public meetings and in writing, the Committee formulates
recommendations, which then must be approved by the agencies.
The Committee presented proposals for coding changes for
implementation in FY 2025 at a public meeting held on September 12-13,
2023 and finalized the coding changes after consideration of comments
received at the meetings and in writing by November 15, 2023.
The Committee held its Spring 2024 meeting on March 19-20, 2024.
The deadline for submitting comments on these code proposals is April
19, 2024. It was announced at this meeting that any new diagnosis and
procedure codes for which there was consensus of public support, and
for which complete tabular and indexing changes would be made by June
2024 would be included in the October 1, 2024 update to the ICD-10-CM
diagnosis and ICD-10-PCS procedure code sets. As discussed in earlier
sections of the preamble of this proposed rule, there are new, revised,
and deleted ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes and ICD-10-PCS procedure codes
that are captured in Table 6A.--New Diagnosis Codes, Table 6B.--New
Procedure Codes, Table 6C.--Invalid Diagnosis Codes, Table 6D.--Invalid
Procedure Codes, Table 6E.--Revised Diagnosis Code Titles, and Table
6F.--Revised Procedure Code Titles for this proposed rule, which are
available on the CMS website at:
The code titles are adopted as part of the ICD-10 (previously ICD-
9-CM) Coordination and Maintenance Committee process. Therefore,
although we make the code titles available for the IPPS proposed rule,
they are not subject to comment in the proposed rule. Because of the
length of these tables, they are not published in the Addendum to the
proposed rule. Rather, they are available on the CMS website as
discussed in section VI. of the Addendum to the proposed rule.
Recordings for the virtual meeting discussions of the procedure
codes at the Committee's September 12-13, 2023 meeting and the March
19-20, 2024 meeting can be obtained from the CMS website at: The
materials for the discussions relating to diagnosis codes at the
September 12-13, 2023 meeting and March 19-20, 2024 meeting can be
found at: These
websites also provide detailed information about the Committee,
including information on requesting a new code, participating in a
Committee meeting, timeline requirements and meeting dates.
We encourage commenters to submit questions and comments on coding
issues involving diagnosis codes via Email to:">
Questions and comments concerning the procedure codes should be
submitted via Email to: [email protected].
CMS implemented 41 new procedure codes including the insertion of a
palladium-103 collagen implant into the brain, the excision or
resection of intestinal body parts using a laparoscopic hand-assisted
approach, the transfer of omentum for pedicled omentoplasty procedures,
and the administration of talquetamab into the ICD-10-PCS
classification effective with discharges on and after April 1, 2024.
The procedure codes are as follows:
[[Page 36010]]
[[Page 36011]]
[[Page 36012]]
The 41 procedure codes are also reflected in Table 6B- New
Procedure Codes, which is available on the CMS website at: We are soliciting public comments on the most
appropriate MDC, MS-DRG, and operating room status assignments for
these codes for FY 2025, as well as any other options for the GROUPER
We note that Change Request (CR) 13458, Transmittal 12384, titled
``April 2024 Update to the Medicare Severity--Diagnosis Related Group
(MS-DRG) Grouper and Medicare Code Editor (MCE) Version 41.1'' was
issued on November 30, 2023 (available on the CMS website at: regarding the release of an updated version of
the ICD-10 MS-DRG GROUPER and Medicare Code Editor software, Version
41.1, effective with discharges on and after April 1, 2024, reflecting
the new procedure codes. The updated software, along with the updated
ICD-10 MS-DRG Version 41.1 Definitions Manual and the Definitions of
Medicare Code Edits Version 41.1 manual is available at:
[[Page 36013]]
In the September 7, 2001 final rule implementing the IPPS new
technology add-on payments (66 FR 46906), we indicated we would attempt
to include proposals for procedure codes that would describe new
technology discussed and approved at the Spring meeting as part of the
code revisions effective the following October.
Section 503(a) of the Medicare Modernization Act (Pub. L. 108-173)
included a requirement for updating diagnosis and procedure codes twice
a year instead of a single update on October 1 of each year. This
requirement was included as part of the amendments to the Act relating
to recognition of new technology under the IPPS. Section 503(a) of
Public Law 108-173 amended section 1886(d)(5)(K) of the Act by adding a
clause (vii) which states that the Secretary shall provide for the
addition of new diagnosis and procedure codes on April 1 of each year,
but the addition of such codes shall not require the Secretary to
adjust the payment (or diagnosis-related group classification) until
the fiscal year that begins after such date. This requirement improves
the recognition of new technologies under the IPPS by providing
information on these new technologies at an earlier date. Data will be
available 6 months earlier than would be possible with updates
occurring only once a year on October 1.
In the FY 2005 IPPS final rule, we implemented section
1886(d)(5)(K)(vii) of the Act, as added by section 503(a) of Public Law
108-173, by developing a mechanism for approving, in time for the April
update, diagnosis and procedure code revisions needed to describe new
technologies and medical services for purposes of the new technology
add-on payment process. We also established the following process for
making these determinations. Topics considered during the Fall ICD-10
(previously ICD-9-CM) Coordination and Maintenance Committee meeting
were considered for an April 1 update if a strong and convincing case
was made by the requestor during the Committee's public meeting. The
request needed to identify the reason why a new code was needed in
April for purposes of the new technology process. Meeting participants
and those reviewing the Committee meeting materials were provided the
opportunity to comment on the expedited request. We refer the reader to
the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 44950) for further
discussion of the implementation of this prior April 1 update for
purposes of the new technology add-on payment process.
However, as discussed in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86
FR 44950 through 44956), we adopted an April 1 implementation date, in
addition to the annual October 1 update, beginning with April 1, 2022.
We noted that the intent of this April 1 implementation date is to
allow flexibility in the ICD-10 code update process. With this new
April 1 update, CMS now uses the same process for consideration of all
requests for an April 1 implementation date, including for purposes of
the new technology add-on payment process (that is, the prior process
for consideration of an April 1 implementation date only if a strong
and convincing case was made by the requestor during the meeting no
longer applies). We are continuing to use several aspects of our
existing established process to implement new codes through the April 1
code update, which includes presenting proposals for April 1
consideration at the September ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance
Committee meeting, requesting public comments, reviewing the public
comments, finalizing codes, and announcing the new codes with their
assignments consistent with the new GROUPER release information. We
note that under our established process, requestors indicate whether
they are submitting their code request for consideration for an April 1
implementation date or an October 1 implementation date. The ICD-10
Coordination and Maintenance Committee makes efforts to accommodate the
requested implementation date for each request submitted. However, the
Committee determines which requests are to be presented for
consideration for an April 1 implementation date or an October 1
implementation date. As discussed earlier in this section of the
preamble of this proposed rule, there were code proposals presented for
an April 1, 2024 implementation at the September 12-13, 2023 Committee
meetings. Following the receipt of public comments, the code proposals
were approved and finalized, therefore, there were new codes
implemented April 1, 2024.
Consistent with the process we outlined for the April 1
implementation date, we announced the new codes in November 2023 and
provided the updated code files in December 2023 and ICD-10-CM Official
Guidelines for Coding and Reporting in January 2024. In the February
05, 2024 Federal Register (89 FR 7710), notice for the March 19-20,
2024 ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee Meeting was
published that includes the tentative agenda and identifies which
topics are related to a new technology add-on payment application. By
February 1, 2024 we made available the updated Version 41.1 ICD-10 MS-
DRG GROUPER software and related materials on the CMS web page at:
ICD-9-CM addendum and code title information is published on the
CMS website at ICD-10-CM
and ICD-10-PCS addendum and code title information is published on the
CMS website at CMS also sends electronic files containing all ICD-10-CM and
ICD-10-PCS coding changes to its Medicare contractors for use in
updating their systems and providing education to providers.
Information on ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes, along with the Official ICD-
10-CM Coding Guidelines, can be found on the CDC website at
Additionally, information on new, revised, and deleted ICD-10-CM
diagnosis and ICD-10-PCS procedure codes is provided to the AHA for
publication in the Coding Clinic for ICD-10. The AHA also distributes
coding update information to publishers and software vendors.
For FY 2024, there are currently 74,044 diagnosis codes and 78,638
procedure codes. As displayed in Table 6A.--New Diagnosis Codes and in
Table 6B.--New Procedure Codes associated with this proposed rule (and
available on the CMS website at, there are 252 new
diagnosis codes that have been finalized for FY 2025 at the time of the
development of this proposed rule and 41 new procedure codes that were
effective with discharges on and after April 1, 2024. The code titles
are adopted as part of the ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance
Committee process. Thus, although we publish the code titles in the
IPPS proposed and final rules, they are not subject to comment in the
proposed or final rules. We will continue to provide the October
updates in this manner in the IPPS proposed and final rules.
[[Page 36014]]
16. Replaced Devices Offered Without Cost or With a Credit
a. Background
In the FY 2008 IPPS final rule with comment period (72 FR 47246
through 47251), we discussed the topic of Medicare payment for devices
that are replaced without cost or where credit for a replaced device is
furnished to the hospital. We implemented a policy to reduce a
hospital's IPPS payment for certain MS-DRGs where the implantation of a
device that subsequently failed or was recalled determined the base MS-
DRG assignment. At that time, we specified that we will reduce a
hospital's IPPS payment for those MS-DRGs where the hospital received a
credit for a replaced device equal to 50 percent or more of the cost of
the device.
In the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51556 through
51557), we clarified this policy to state that the policy applies if
the hospital received a credit equal to 50 percent or more of the cost
of the replacement device and issued instructions to hospitals
b. Proposed Changes for FY 2025
As discussed in section II.C.5. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, for FY 2025, we are proposing to revise the title of MS-DRG 276
from ``Cardiac Defibrillator Implant with MCC'' to ``Cardiac
Defibrillator Implant with MCC or Carotid Sinus Neurostimulator''.
As stated in the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (80 FR 24409),
we generally map new MS-DRGs onto the list when they are formed from
procedures previously assigned to MS-DRGs that are already on the list.
Currently, MS-DRG 276 is on the list of MS-DRGs subject to the policy
for payment under the IPPS for replaced devices offered without cost or
with a credit as shown in the following table. Therefore, we are
proposing that if the applicable proposed MS-DRG changes are finalized,
we would make conforming changes to the title of MS-DRG 276 as
reflected in the table that follows. We are also proposing to continue
to include the existing MS-DRGs currently subject to the policy as
displayed in the following table.
[[Page 36015]]
[[Page 36016]]
The final list of MS-DRGs subject to the IPPS policy for replaced
devices offered without cost or with a credit will be included in the
FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule and also will be issued to providers
in the form of a Change Request (CR).
D. Recalibration of the FY 2025 MS-DRG Relative Weights
1. Data Sources for Developing the Relative Weights
Consistent with our established policy, in developing the MS-DRG
relative weights for FY 2025, we propose to use two data sources:
claims data and cost report data. The claims data source is the MedPAR
file, which includes fully coded diagnostic and procedure data for all
Medicare inpatient hospital bills. The FY 2023 MedPAR data used in this
proposed rule include discharges occurring on October 1, 2022, through
September 30, 2023, based on bills received by CMS through December 31,
2023, from all hospitals subject to the IPPS and short-term, acute care
hospitals in Maryland (which at that time were under a waiver from the
The FY 2023 MedPAR file used in calculating the relative weights
includes data for approximately 6,887,902 Medicare discharges from IPPS
providers. Discharges for Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in a Medicare
Advantage managed care plan are excluded from this analysis. These
discharges are excluded when the MedPAR ``GHO Paid'' indicator field on
the claim record is equal to ``1'' or when the MedPAR DRG payment
field, which represents the total payment for the claim, is equal to
the MedPAR ``Indirect Medical Education (IME)'' payment field,
indicating that the claim was an ``IME only'' claim submitted by a
teaching hospital on behalf of a beneficiary enrolled in a Medicare
Advantage managed care plan. In addition, the December 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file complies with version 5010 of the X12 HIPAA
Transaction and Code Set Standards, and includes a variable called
``claim type.'' Claim type ``60'' indicates that the claim was an
inpatient claim paid as fee-for-service. Claim types ``61,'' ``62,''
``63,'' and ``64'' relate to encounter claims, Medicare Advantage IME
claims, and HMO no-pay claims. Therefore, the calculation of the
proposed relative weights for FY 2025 also excludes claims with claim
type values not equal to ``60.'' The data exclude CAHs, including
hospitals that subsequently became CAHs after the period from which the
data were taken. In addition, the data exclude Rural Emergency
Hospitals (REHs), including hospitals that subsequently became REHs
after the period from which the data were taken. We note that the
proposed FY 2025 relative weights are based on the ICD-10-CM diagnosis
codes and ICD-10-PCS procedure codes from the FY 2023 MedPAR claims
data, grouped through the ICD-10 version of
[[Page 36017]]
the proposed FY 2025 GROUPER (Version 42).
The second data source used in the cost-based relative weighting
methodology is the Medicare cost report data files from the Healthcare
Cost Report Information System (HCRIS). In general, we use the HCRIS
dataset that is 3 years prior to the IPPS fiscal year. Specifically,
for this proposed rule, we used the December 2023 update of the FY 2022
HCRIS for calculating the FY 2025 cost-based relative weights.
Consistent with our historical practice, for this FY 2025 proposed
rule, we are providing the version of the HCRIS from which we
calculated these 19 CCRs on the CMS website at Click on
the link on the left side of the screen titled ``FY 2025 IPPS Proposed
Rule Home Page'' or ``Acute Inpatient Files for Download.''
2. Methodology for Calculation of the Relative Weights
a. General
We calculated the proposed FY 2025 relative weights based on 19
CCRs. The methodology we are proposing to use to calculate the FY 2025
MS-DRG cost-based relative weights based on claims data in the FY 2023
MedPAR file and data from the FY 2022 Medicare cost reports is as
To the extent possible, all the claims were regrouped
using the proposed FY 2025 MS-DRG classifications discussed in sections
II.B. and II.C. of the preamble of this proposed rule.
The transplant cases that were used to establish the
relative weights for heart and heart-lung, liver and/or intestinal, and
lung transplants (MS-DRGs 001, 002, 005, 006, and 007, respectively)
were limited to those Medicare-approved transplant centers that have
cases in the FY 2023 MedPAR file. (Medicare coverage for heart, heart-
lung, liver and/or intestinal, and lung transplants is limited to those
facilities that have received approval from CMS as transplant centers.)
Organ acquisition costs for kidney, heart, heart-lung,
liver, lung, pancreas, and intestinal (or multivisceral organs)
transplants continue to be paid on a reasonable cost basis.
Because these acquisition costs are paid separately from the
prospective payment rate, it is necessary to subtract the acquisition
charges from the total charges on each transplant bill that showed
acquisition charges before computing the average cost for each MS-DRG
and before eliminating statistical outliers.
Section 108 of the Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020
provides that, for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October
1, 2020, costs related to hematopoietic stem cell acquisition for the
purpose of an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant shall be
paid on a reasonable cost basis. We refer the reader to the FY 2021
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for further discussion of the reasonable cost
basis payment for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October
1, 2020 (85 FR 58835 through 58842). For FY 2022 and subsequent years,
we subtract the hematopoietic stem cell acquisition charges from the
total charges on each transplant bill that showed hematopoietic stem
cell acquisition charges before computing the average cost for each MS-
DRG and before eliminating statistical outliers.
Claims with total charges or total lengths of stay less
than or equal to zero were deleted. Claims that had an amount in the
total charge field that differed by more than $30.00 from the sum of
the routine day charges, intensive care charges, pharmacy charges,
implantable devices charges, supplies and equipment charges, therapy
services charges, operating room charges, cardiology charges,
laboratory charges, radiology charges, other service charges, labor and
delivery charges, inhalation therapy charges, emergency room charges,
blood and blood products charges, anesthesia charges, cardiac
catheterization charges, CT scan charges, and MRI charges were also
At least 92.6 percent of the providers in the MedPAR file
had charges for 14 of the 19 cost centers. All claims of providers that
did not have charges greater than zero for at least 14 of the 19 cost
centers were deleted. In other words, a provider must have no more than
five blank cost centers. If a provider did not have charges greater
than zero in more than five cost centers, the claims for the provider
were deleted.
Statistical outliers were eliminated by removing all cases
that were beyond 3.0 standard deviations from the geometric mean of the
log distribution of both the total charges per case and the total
charges per day for each MS-DRG.
Effective October 1, 2008, because hospital inpatient
claims include a Present on Admission (POA) field for each diagnosis
present on the claim, only for purposes of relative weight-setting, the
POA indicator field was reset to ``Y'' for ``Yes'' for all claims that
otherwise have an ``N'' (No) or a ``U'' (documentation insufficient to
determine if the condition was present at the time of inpatient
admission) in the POA field.
Under current payment policy, the presence of specific HAC codes,
as indicated by the POA field values, can generate a lower payment for
the claim. Specifically, if the particular condition is present on
admission (that is, a ``Y'' indicator is associated with the diagnosis
on the claim), it is not a HAC, and the hospital is paid for the higher
severity (and, therefore, the higher weighted MS-DRG). If the
particular condition is not present on admission (that is, an ``N''
indicator is associated with the diagnosis on the claim) and there are
no other complicating conditions, the DRG GROUPER assigns the claim to
a lower severity (and, therefore, the lower weighted MS-DRG) as a
penalty for allowing a Medicare inpatient to contract a HAC. While the
POA reporting meets policy goals of encouraging quality care and
generates program savings, it presents an issue for the relative
weight-setting process. Because cases identified as HACs are likely to
be more complex than similar cases that are not identified as HACs, the
charges associated with HAC cases are likely to be higher as well.
Therefore, if the higher charges of these HAC claims are grouped into
lower severity MS-DRGs prior to the relative weight-setting process,
the relative weights of these particular MS-DRGs would become
artificially inflated, potentially skewing the relative weights. In
addition, we want to protect the integrity of the budget neutrality
process by ensuring that, in estimating payments, no increase to the
standardized amount occurs as a result of lower overall payments in a
previous year that stem from using weights and case-mix that are based
on lower severity MS-DRG assignments. If this would occur, the
anticipated cost savings from the HAC policy would be lost.
To avoid these problems, we reset the POA indicator field to ``Y''
only for relative weight-setting purposes for all claims that otherwise
have an ``N'' or a ``U'' in the POA field. This resetting ``forced''
the more costly HAC claims into the higher severity MS-DRGs as
appropriate, and the relative weights calculated for each MS-DRG more
closely reflect the true costs of those cases.
In addition, in the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, for FY 2013
and subsequent fiscal years, we finalized a policy to treat hospitals
that participate in the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement (BPCI)
initiative the same as prior fiscal years for the IPPS payment modeling
and ratesetting
[[Page 36018]]
process without regard to hospitals' participation within these bundled
payment models (77 FR 53341 through 53343). Specifically, because acute
care hospitals participating in the BPCI Initiative still receive IPPS
payments under section 1886(d) of the Act, we include all applicable
data from these subsection (d) hospitals in our IPPS payment modeling
and ratesetting calculations as if the hospitals were not participating
in those models under the BPCI initiative. We refer readers to the FY
2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for a complete discussion on our final
policy for the treatment of hospitals participating in the BPCI
initiative in our ratesetting process. For additional information on
the BPCI initiative, we refer readers to the CMS' Center for Medicare
and Medicaid Innovation's website at and to section IV.H.4. of the
preamble of the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53341 through
The participation of hospitals in the BPCI initiative concluded on
September 30, 2018. The participation of hospitals in the BPCI Advanced
model started on October 1, 2018. The BPCI Advanced model, tested under
the authority of section 1115A of the Act, is comprised of a single
payment and risk track, which bundles payments for multiple services
that beneficiaries receive during a Clinical Episode. Acute care
hospitals may participate in BPCI Advanced in one of two capacities: as
a model Participant or as a downstream Episode Initiator. Regardless of
the capacity in which they participate in the BPCI Advanced model,
participating acute care hospitals will continue to receive IPPS
payments under section 1886(d) of the Act. Acute care hospitals that
are Participants also assume financial and quality performance
accountability for Clinical Episodes in the form of a reconciliation
payment. For additional information on the BPCI Advanced model, we
refer readers to the BPCI Advanced web page on the CMS Center for
Medicare and Medicaid Innovation's website at Consistent with our
policy for FY 2024, and consistent with how we have treated hospitals
that participated in the BPCI Initiative, for FY 2025, we continue to
believe it is appropriate to include all applicable data from the
subsection (d) hospitals participating in the BPCI Advanced model in
our IPPS payment modeling and ratesetting calculations because, as
noted previously, these hospitals are still receiving IPPS payments
under section 1886(d) of the Act. Consistent with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, we are also proposing to include all applicable data
from subsection (d) hospitals participating in the Comprehensive Care
for Joint Replacement (CJR) Model in our IPPS payment modeling and
ratesetting calculations.
The charges for each of the 19 cost groups for each claim were
standardized to remove the effects of differences in area wage levels,
IME and DSH payments, and for hospitals located in Alaska and Hawaii,
the applicable cost-of-living adjustment. Because hospital charges
include charges for both operating and capital costs, we standardized
total charges to remove the effects of differences in geographic
adjustment factors, cost-of-living adjustments, and DSH payments under
the capital IPPS as well. Charges were then summed by MS-DRG for each
of the 19 cost groups so that each MS-DRG had 19 standardized charge
totals. Statistical outliers were then removed. These charges were then
adjusted to cost by applying the proposed national average CCRs
developed from the FY 2022 cost report data.
The 19 cost centers that we used in the relative weight calculation
are shown in a supplemental data file, Cost Center HCRIS Lines
Supplemental Data File, posted via the internet on the CMS website for
this proposed rule and available at The supplemental
data file shows the lines on the cost report and the corresponding
revenue codes that we used to create the proposed 19 national cost
center CCRs. If we receive comments about the groupings in this
supplemental data file, we may consider these comments as we finalize
our policy.
Consistent with historical practice, we account for rare situations
of non-monotonicity in a base MS-DRG and its severity levels, where the
mean cost in the higher severity level is less than the mean cost in
the lower severity level, in determining the relative weights for the
different severity levels. If there are initially non-monotonic
relative weights in the same base DRG and its severity levels, then we
combine the cases that group to the specific non-monotonic MS-DRGs for
purposes of relative weight calculations. For example, if there are two
non-monotonic MS-DRGs, combining the cases across those two MS-DRGs
results in the same relative weight for both MS-DRGs. The relative
weight calculated using the combined cases for those severity levels is
monotonic, effectively removing any non-monotonicity with the base DRG
and its severity levels. For this FY 2025 proposed rule, this
calculation was applied to address non-monotonicity for cases that
grouped to the following: MS-DRG 016 and MS-DRG 017, MS-DRG 095 and MS-
DRG 096, MS-DRG 504 and MS-DRG 505, MS-DRG 797 and MS-DRG 798. In the
supplemental file titled AOR/BOR File, we include statistics for the
affected MS-DRGs both separately and with cases combined.
We are inviting public comments on our proposals related to
recalibration of the proposed FY 2025 relative weights and the changes
in relative weights from FY 2024.
b. Relative Weight Calculation for MS-DRG 018
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58451 through
58453), we created MS-DRG 018 for cases that include procedures
describing CAR T-cell therapies. We also finalized our proposal to
modify our existing relative weight methodology to ensure that the
relative weight for MS-DRG 018 appropriately reflects the relative
resources required for providing CAR T-cell therapy outside of a
clinical trial, while still accounting for the clinical trial cases in
the overall average cost for all MS-DRGs (85 FR 58599 through 58600).
Specifically, we stated that clinical trial claims that group to new
MS-DRG 018 would not be included when calculating the average cost for
MS-DRG 018 that is used to calculate the relative weight for this MS-
DRG, so that the relative weight reflects the costs of the CAR T-cell
therapy drug. We stated that we identified clinical trial claims as
claims that contain ICD-10-CM diagnosis code Z00.6 or contain
standardized drug charges of less than $373,000, which was the average
sales price of KYMRIAH and YESCARTA, the two CAR T-cell biological
products licensed to treat relapsed/refractory large B-cell lymphoma as
of the time of the development of the FY 2021 final rule. In addition,
we stated that (a) when the CAR T-cell therapy product is purchased in
the usual manner, but the case involves a clinical trial of a different
product, the claim will be included when calculating the average cost
for new MS-DRG 018 to the extent such cases can be identified in the
historical data, and (b) when there is expanded access use of
immunotherapy, these cases will not be included when calculating the
average cost for new MS-DRG 018 to the extent such cases can be
identified in the historical data.
We also finalized our proposal to calculate an adjustment to
account for
[[Page 36019]]
the CAR T-cell therapy cases identified as clinical trial cases in
calculating the national average standardized cost per case that is
used to calculate the relative weights for all MS-DRGs and for purposes
of budget neutrality and outlier simulations. We calculate this
adjustor by dividing the average cost for cases that we identify as
clinical trial cases by the average cost for cases that we identify as
non-clinical trial cases, with the additional refinements that (a) when
the CAR T-cell therapy product is purchased in the usual manner, but
the case involves a clinical trial of a different product, the claim
will be included when calculating the average cost for cases not
determined to be clinical trial cases to the extent such cases can be
identified in the historical data, and (b) when there is expanded
access use of immunotherapy, these cases will be included when
calculating the average cost for cases determined to be clinical trial
cases to the extent such cases can be identified in the historical
data. We stated that to the best of our knowledge, there were no claims
in the historical data used in the calculation of this adjustment for
cases involving a clinical trial of a different product, and to the
extent the historical data contain claims for cases involving expanded
access use of immunotherapy we believe those claims would have drug
charges less than $373,000.
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58842), we also
finalized an adjustment to the payment amount for applicable clinical
trial and expanded access use immunotherapy cases that group to MS-DRG
018, and indicated that we would provide instructions for identifying
these claims in separate guidance. Following the issuance of the FY
2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we issued guidance \15\ stating that
providers may enter a Billing Note NTE02 ``Expand Acc Use'' on the
electronic claim 837I or a remark ``Expand Acc Use'' on a paper claim
to notify the MAC of expanded access use of CAR T-cell therapy. In this
case, the MAC would add payer-only condition code ``ZB'' so that Pricer
will apply the payment adjustment in calculating payment for the case.
In cases when the CAR T-cell therapy product is purchased in the usual
manner, but the case involves a clinical trial of a different product,
the provider may enter a Billing Note NTE02 ``Diff Prod Clin Trial'' on
the electronic claim 837I or a remark ``Diff Prod Clin Trial'' on a
paper claim. In this case, the MAC would add payer-only condition code
``ZC'' so that the Pricer will not apply the payment adjustment in
calculating payment for the case.
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we revised MS-DRG 018 to
include cases that report the procedure codes for CAR T-cell and non-
CAR T-cell therapies and other immunotherapies (86 FR 44798 through
44806). We also finalized our proposal to continue to use the proxy of
standardized drug charges of less than $373,000 (86 FR 44965) to
identify clinical trial claims. We also finalized use of this same
proxy for the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48894).
Following the issuance of the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
issued guidance \16\ stating where there is expanded access use of
immunotherapy, the provider may submit condition code ``90'' on the
claim so that Pricer will apply the payment adjustment in calculating
payment for the case. We stated that MACs would no longer append
Condition Code `ZB' to inpatient claims reporting Billing Note NTE02
``Expand Acc Use'' on the electronic claim 837I or a remark ``Expand
Acc Use'' on a paper claim, effective for claims for discharges that
occur on or after October 1, 2022.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we explained that the
MedPAR claims data now includes a field that identifies whether or not
the claim includes expanded access use of immunotherapy. We stated that
for the FY 2022 MedPAR claims data, this field identifies whether or
not the claim includes condition code ZB, and for the FY 2023 MedPAR
data and subsequent years, this field will identify whether or not the
claim includes condition code 90. We further noted that the MedPAR
files now also include a variable that indicates whether the claim
includes the payer-only condition code ``ZC'', which identifies a case
involving the clinical trial of a different product where the CAR T-
cell, non-CAR T-cell, or other immunotherapy product is purchased in
the usual manner.
Accordingly, and as discussed further in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule, we finalized two modifications to our methodology for
identifying clinical trial claims and expanded access use claims in MS-
DRG 018 (88 FR 58791). First, we finalized to exclude claims with the
presence of condition code ``90'' (or, for FY 2024 ratesetting, which
was based on the FY 2022 MedPAR data, the presence of condition code
``ZB'') and claims that contain ICD-10-CM diagnosis code Z00.6 without
payer-only code ``ZC'' that group to MS-DRG 018 when calculating the
average cost for MS-DRG 018. Second, we finalized to no longer use the
proxy of standardized drug charges of less than $373,000 to identify
clinical trial claims and expanded access use cases when calculating
the average cost for MS-DRG 018. Accordingly, we finalized that in
calculating the relative weight for MS-DRG 018 for FY 2024, only those
claims that group to MS-DRG 018 that (1) contain ICD-10-CM diagnosis
code Z00.6 and do not include payer-only code ``ZC'' or (2) contain
condition code ``ZB'' (or, for subsequent fiscal years, condition code
``90'') would be excluded from the calculation of the average cost for
MS-DRG 018. Consistent with this, we also finalized modifications to
our calculation of the adjustment to account for the CAR T-cell therapy
cases identified as clinical trial cases in calculating the national
average standardized cost per case that is used to calculate the
relative weights for all MS-DRGs. We refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule for further discussion of these modifications (88
FR 58791).
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are proposing to
continue to use our methodology as modified in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule for identifying clinical trial claims and expanded
access use claims in MS-DRG 018. First, we exclude claims with the
presence of condition code ``90'' and claims that contain ICD-10-CM
diagnosis code Z00.6 without payer-only code ``ZC'' that group to MS-
DRG 018 when calculating the average cost for MS-DRG 018. Second, we no
longer use the proxy of standardized drug charges of less than $373,000
to identify clinical trial claims and expanded access use cases when
calculating the average cost for MS-DRG 018. Accordingly, we are
proposing that in calculating the relative weight for MS-DRG 018 for FY
2025, only those claims that group to MS-DRG 018 that (1) contain ICD-
10-CM diagnosis code Z00.6 and do not include payer-only code ``ZC'' or
(2) contain condition code ``90'' would be excluded from the
calculation of the average cost for MS-DRG 018.
We are also proposing to continue to use the methodology as
modified in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule to calculate the
adjustment to account for the CAR T-cell therapy cases identified as
clinical trial cases in calculating the national average standardized
cost per case that is used to calculate the relative weights for all
[[Page 36020]]
Calculate the average cost for cases assigned to MS-DRG
018 that either (a) contain ICD-10-CM diagnosis code Z00.6 and do not
contain condition code ``ZC'' or (b) contain condition code ``90''.
Calculate the average cost for all other cases assigned to
MS-DRG 018.
Calculate an adjustor by dividing the average cost
calculated in step 1 by the average cost calculated in step 2.
Apply the adjustor calculated in step 3 to the cases
identified in step 1 as applicable clinical trial or expanded access
use cases, then add this adjusted case count to the non-clinical trial
case count prior to calculating the average cost across all MS-DRGs.
Under our proposal to continue to apply this methodology, based on
the December 2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file used for this
proposed rule, we estimated that the average costs of cases assigned to
MS-DRG 018 that are identified as clinical trial cases ($116,831) were
34 percent of the average costs of the cases assigned to MS-DRG 018
that are identified as non-clinical trial cases ($342,684).
Accordingly, as we did for FY 2024, we are proposing to adjust the
transfer-adjusted case count for MS-DRG 018 by applying the proposed
adjustor of 0.34 to the applicable clinical trial and expanded access
use immunotherapy cases, and to use this adjusted case count for MS-DRG
018 in calculating the national average cost per case, which is used in
the calculation of the relative weights. Therefore, in calculating the
national average cost per case for purposes of this proposed rule, each
case identified as an applicable clinical trial or expanded access use
immunotherapy case was adjusted by 0.34. As we did for FY 2024, we are
applying this same adjustor for the applicable cases that group to MS-
DRG 018 for purposes of budget neutrality and outlier simulations. We
are also proposing to update the value of the adjustor based on more
recent data for the final rule.
d. Cap for Relative Weight Reductions
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized a permanent
10-percent cap on the reduction in an MS-DRG's relative weight in a
given fiscal year, beginning in FY 2023. We also finalized a budget
neutrality adjustment to the standardized amount for all hospitals to
ensure that application of the permanent 10-percent cap does not result
in an increase or decrease of estimated aggregate payments. We refer
the reader to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for further
discussion of this policy. In the Addendum to this IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we present the proposed budget neutrality adjustment for
reclassification and recalibration of the FY 2025 MS-DRG relative
weights with application of this cap. We are also making available on
the CMS website a supplemental file demonstrating the application of
the permanent 10 percent cap for FY 2025. For a further discussion of
the proposed budget neutrality adjustment for FY 2025, we refer readers
to the Addendum of this proposed rule.
3. Development of Proposed National Average Cost-To-Charge Ratios
We developed the proposed national average CCRs as follows:
Using the FY 2022 cost report data, we removed CAHs, Indian Health
Service hospitals, all-inclusive rate hospitals, and cost reports that
represented time periods of less than 1 year (365 days). We included
hospitals located in Maryland because we include their charges in our
claims database. Then we created CCRs for each provider for each cost
center (see the supplemental data file for line items used in the
calculations) and removed any CCRs that were greater than 10 or less
than 0.01. We normalized the departmental CCRs by dividing the CCR for
each department by the total CCR for the hospital for the purpose of
trimming the data. Then we took the logs of the normalized cost center
CCRs and removed any cost center CCRs where the log of the cost center
CCR was greater or less than the mean log plus/minus 3 times the
standard deviation for the log of that cost center CCR. Once the cost
report data were trimmed, we calculated a Medicare-specific CCR. The
Medicare-specific CCR was determined by taking the Medicare charges for
each line item from Worksheet D-3 and deriving the Medicare-specific
costs by applying the hospital-specific departmental CCRs to the
Medicare-specific charges for each line item from Worksheet D-3. Once
each hospital's Medicare-specific costs were established, we summed the
total Medicare-specific costs and divided by the sum of the total
Medicare-specific charges to produce national average, charge-weighted
After we multiplied the total charges for each MS-DRG in each of
the 19 cost centers by the corresponding national average CCR, we
summed the 19 ``costs'' across each MS-DRG to produce a total
standardized cost for the MS-DRG. The average standardized cost for
each MS-DRG was then computed as the total standardized cost for the
MS-DRG divided by the transfer-adjusted case count for the MS-DRG. The
average cost for each MS-DRG was then divided by the national average
standardized cost per case to determine the proposed relative weight.
The proposed FY 2025 cost-based relative weights were then normalized
by an adjustment factor of 1.92287 so that the average case weight
after recalibration was equal to the average case weight before
recalibration. The normalization adjustment is intended to ensure that
recalibration by itself neither increases nor decreases total payments
under the IPPS, as required by section 1886(d)(4)(C)(iii) of the Act.
We then applied the permanent 10-percent cap on the reduction in a MS-
DRG's relative weight in a given fiscal year; specifically for those
MS-DRGs for which the relative weight otherwise would have declined by
more than 10 percent from the FY 2024 relative weight, we set the
proposed FY 2025 relative weight equal to 90 percent of the FY 2024
relative weight. The proposed relative weights for FY 2025 as set forth
in Table 5 associated with this proposed rule and available on the CMS
website at reflect the application of this cap.
The proposed 19 national average CCRs for FY 2025 are as follows:
[[Page 36021]]
Since FY 2009, the relative weights have been based on 100 percent
cost weights based on our MS-DRG grouping system.
When we recalibrated the DRG weights for previous years, we set a
threshold of 10 cases as the minimum number of cases required to
compute a reasonable weight. We are proposing to use that same case
threshold in recalibrating the proposed MS-DRG relative weights for FY
2025. Using data from the FY 2023 MedPAR file, there were 8 MS-DRGs
that contain fewer than 10 cases. For FY 2025, because we do not have
sufficient MedPAR data to set accurate and stable cost relative weights
for these low-volume MS-DRGs, we are proposing to compute relative
weights for the low-volume MS-DRGs by adjusting their final FY 2024
relative weights by the percentage change in the average weight of the
cases in other MS-DRGs from FY 2024 to FY 2025. The crosswalk table is
as follows.
[[Page 36022]]
E. Add-On Payments for New Services and Technologies for FY 2025
1. Background
Effective for discharges beginning on or after October 1, 2001,
section 1886(d)(5)(K)(i) of the Act requires the Secretary to establish
(after notice and opportunity for public comment) a mechanism to
recognize the costs of new medical services and technologies (sometimes
collectively referred to in this section as ``new technologies'') under
the IPPS. Section 1886(d)(5)(K)(vi) of the Act specifies that a medical
service or technology will be considered new if it meets criteria
established by the Secretary after notice and opportunity for public
comment. Section 1886(d)(5)(K)(ii)(I) of the Act specifies that a new
medical service or technology may be considered for new technology add-
on payment if, based on the estimated costs incurred with respect to
discharges involving such service or technology, the DRG prospective
payment rate otherwise applicable to such discharges under this
subsection is inadequate. The regulations at 42 CFR 412.87 implement
these provisions and Sec. 412.87(b) specifies three criteria for a new
medical service or technology to receive the additional payment: (1)
The medical service or technology must be new; (2) the medical service
or technology must be costly such that the DRG rate otherwise
applicable to discharges involving the medical service or technology is
determined to be inadequate; and (3) the service or technology must
demonstrate a substantial clinical improvement over existing services
or technologies. In addition, certain transformative new devices and
antimicrobial products may qualify under an alternative inpatient new
technology add-on payment pathway, as set forth in the regulations at
Sec. 412.87(c) and (d).
We note that section 1886(d)(5)(K)(i) of the Act requires that the
Secretary establish a mechanism to recognize the costs of new medical
services and technologies under the payment system established under
that subsection, which establishes the system for paying for the
operating costs of inpatient hospital services. The system of payment
for capital costs is established under section 1886(g) of the Act.
Therefore, as discussed in prior rulemaking (72 FR 47307 through
47308), we do not include capital costs in the add-on payments for a
new medical service or technology or make new technology add-on
payments under the IPPS for capital-related costs.
In this rule, we highlight some of the major statutory and
regulatory provisions relevant to the new technology add-on payment
criteria, as well as other information. For further discussion on the
new technology add-on payment criteria, we refer readers to the FY 2012
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51572 through 51574), the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42288 through 42300), and the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58736 through 58742).
a. New Technology Add-on Payment Criteria
(1) Newness Criterion
Under the first criterion, as reflected in Sec. 412.87(b)(2), a
specific medical service or technology will no longer be considered
``new'' for purposes of new medical service or technology add-on
payments after CMS has recalibrated the MS-DRGs, based on available
data, to reflect the cost of the technology. We note that we do not
consider a service or technology to be new if it is substantially
similar to one or more existing technologies. That is, even if a
medical product receives a new FDA approval or clearance, it may not
necessarily be considered ``new'' for purposes of new technology add-on
payments if it is ``substantially similar''
[[Page 36023]]
to another medical product that was approved or cleared by FDA and has
been on the market for more than 2 to 3 years. In the FY 2010 IPPS/RY
2010 LTCH PPS final rule (74 FR 43813 through 43814), we established
criteria for evaluating whether a new technology is substantially
similar to an existing technology, specifically whether: (1) a product
uses the same or a similar mechanism of action to achieve a therapeutic
outcome; (2) a product is assigned to the same or a different MS-DRG;
and (3) the new use of the technology involves the treatment of the
same or similar type of disease and the same or similar patient
population. If a technology meets all three of these criteria, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered ``new'' for purposes of new technology add-on
payments. For a detailed discussion of the criteria for substantial
similarity, we refer readers to the FY 2006 IPPS final rule (70 FR
47351 through 47352) and the FY 2010 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (74 FR
43813 through 43814).
(2) Cost Criterion
Under the second criterion, Sec. 412.87(b)(3) further provides
that, to be eligible for the add-on payment for new medical services or
technologies, the MS-DRG prospective payment rate otherwise applicable
to discharges involving the new medical service or technology must be
assessed for adequacy. Under the cost criterion, consistent with the
formula specified in section 1886(d)(5)(K)(ii)(I) of the Act, to assess
the adequacy of payment for a new technology paid under the applicable
MS-DRG prospective payment rate, we evaluate whether the charges of the
cases involving a new medical service or technology will exceed a
threshold amount that is the lesser of 75 percent of the standardized
amount (increased to reflect the difference between cost and charges)
or 75 percent of one standard deviation beyond the geometric mean
standardized charge for all cases in the MS-DRG to which the new
medical service or technology is assigned (or the case-weighted average
of all relevant MS-DRGs if the new medical service or technology occurs
in many different MS-DRGs). The MS-DRG threshold amounts generally used
in evaluating new technology add-on payment applications for FY 2025
are presented in a data file that is available, along with the other
data files associated with the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule and
correction notification, on the CMS website at:
We note that, under the policy finalized in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (85 FR 58603 through 58605), beginning with FY 2022, we
use the proposed threshold values associated with the proposed rule for
that fiscal year to evaluate the cost criterion for all applications
for new technology add-on payments and previously approved technologies
that may continue to receive new technology add-on payments, if those
technologies would be assigned to a proposed new MS-DRG for that same
fiscal year.
As finalized in the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41275),
beginning with FY 2020, we include the thresholds applicable to the
next fiscal year (previously included in Table 10 of the annual IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed and final rules) in the data files associated with
the prior fiscal year. Accordingly, the proposed thresholds for
applications for new technology add-on payments for FY 2026 are
presented in a data file that is available on the CMS website, along
with the other data files associated with the FY 2025 proposed rule, by
clicking on the FY 2025 IPPS Proposed Rule Home Page at:
In the September 7, 2001 final rule that established the new
technology add-on payment regulations (66 FR 46917), we discussed that
applicants should submit a significant sample of data to demonstrate
that the medical service or technology meets the high-cost threshold.
Specifically, applicants should submit a sample of sufficient size to
enable us to undertake an initial validation and analysis of the data.
We also discussed in the September 7, 2001 final rule (66 FR 46917) the
issue of whether the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule at 45 CFR parts 160 and 164 applies to claims
information that providers submit with applications for new medical
service or technology add-on payments. We refer readers to the FY 2012
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51573) for further information on this
(3) Substantial Clinical Improvement Criterion
Under the third criterion at Sec. 412.87(b)(1), a medical service
or technology must represent an advance that substantially improves,
relative to technologies previously available, the diagnosis or
treatment of Medicare beneficiaries. In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42288 through 42292), we prospectively codified in our
regulations at Sec. 412.87(b) the following aspects of how we evaluate
substantial clinical improvement for purposes of new technology add-on
payments under the IPPS:
The totality of the circumstances is considered when
making a determination that a new medical service or technology
represents an advance that substantially improves, relative to services
or technologies previously available, the diagnosis or treatment of
Medicare beneficiaries.
A determination that a new medical service or technology
represents an advance that substantially improves, relative to services
or technologies previously available, the diagnosis or treatment of
Medicare beneficiaries means--
++ The new medical service or technology offers a treatment option
for a patient population unresponsive to, or ineligible for, currently
available treatments;
The new medical service or technology offers a treatment option for
a patient population unresponsive to, or ineligible for, currently
available treatments;
The new medical service or technology offers the ability to
diagnose a medical condition in a patient population where that medical
condition is currently undetectable, or offers the ability to diagnose
a medical condition earlier in a patient population than allowed by
currently available methods, and there must also be evidence that use
of the new medical service or technology to make a diagnosis affects
the management of the patient. The new medical service or technology
offers a treatment option for a patient population unresponsive to, or
ineligible for, currently available treatments;
The use of the new medical service or technology significantly
improves clinical outcomes relative to services or technologies
previously available as demonstrated by one or more of the following: a
reduction in at least one clinically significant adverse event,
including a reduction in mortality or a clinically significant
complication; a decreased rate of at least one subsequent diagnostic or
therapeutic intervention; a decreased number of future hospitalizations
or physician visits; a more rapid beneficial resolution of the disease
process treatment including, but not limited to, a reduced length of
stay or recovery time; an improvement in one or more activities of
daily living; an improved quality of life; or, a
[[Page 36024]]
demonstrated greater medication adherence or compliance; or
++ The totality of the circumstances otherwise demonstrates that
the new medical service or technology substantially improves, relative
to technologies previously available, the diagnosis or treatment of
Medicare beneficiaries.
Evidence from the following published or unpublished
information sources from within the United States or elsewhere may be
sufficient to establish that a new medical service or technology
represents an advance that substantially improves, relative to services
or technologies previously available, the diagnosis or treatment of
Medicare beneficiaries: clinical trials, peer reviewed journal
articles; study results; meta-analyses; consensus statements; white
papers; patient surveys; case studies; reports; systematic literature
reviews; letters from major healthcare associations; editorials and
letters to the editor; and public comments. Other appropriate
information sources may be considered.
The medical condition diagnosed or treated by the new
medical service or technology may have a low prevalence among Medicare
The new medical service or technology may represent an
advance that substantially improves, relative to services or
technologies previously available, the diagnosis or treatment of a
subpopulation of patients with the medical condition diagnosed or
treated by the new medical service or technology.
We refer the reader to the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR
42288 through 42292) for additional discussion of the evaluation of
substantial clinical improvement for purposes of new technology add-on
payments under the IPPS.
We note, consistent with the discussion in the FY 2003 IPPS final
rule (67 FR 50015), that while FDA has regulatory responsibility for
decisions related to marketing authorization (for example, approval,
clearance, etc.), we do not rely upon FDA criteria in our evaluation of
substantial clinical improvement for purposes of determining what
services and technologies qualify for new technology add-on payments
under Medicare. This criterion does not depend on the standard of
safety and effectiveness on which FDA relies but on a demonstration of
substantial clinical improvement in the Medicare population.
b. Alternative Inpatient New Technology Add-On Payment Pathway
Beginning with applications for FY 2021 new technology add-on
payments, under the regulations at Sec. 412.87(c), a medical device
that is part of FDA's Breakthrough Devices Program may qualify for the
new technology add-on payment under an alternative pathway.
Additionally, under the regulations at Sec. 412.87(d) for certain
antimicrobial products, beginning with FY 2021, a drug that is
designated by FDA as a Qualified Infectious Disease Product (QIDP),
and, beginning with FY 2022, a drug that is approved by FDA under the
Limited Population Pathway for Antibacterial and Antifungal Drugs
(LPAD), may also qualify for the new technology add-on payment under an
alternative pathway. We refer the reader to the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (84 FR 42292 through 42297) and the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (85 FR 58737 through 58739) for further discussion on this
policy. We note that CMS reviews the application based on the
information provided by the applicant only under the alternative
pathway specified by the applicant at the time of application
submission. To receive approval for the new technology add-on payment
under that alternative pathway, the technology must have the applicable
FDA designation and meet all other requirements in the regulations in
Sec. 412.87(c) and (d), as applicable.
(1) Alternative Pathway for Certain Transformative New Devices
For applications received for new technology add-on payments for FY
2021 and subsequent fiscal years, a medical device designated under
FDA's Breakthrough Devices Program that has received FDA marketing
authorization will be considered not substantially similar to an
existing technology for purposes of the new technology add-on payment
under the IPPS, and will not need to meet the requirement under Sec.
412.87(b)(1) that it represent an advance that substantially improves,
relative to technologies previously available, the diagnosis or
treatment of Medicare beneficiaries. Under this alternative pathway, a
medical device that has received FDA marketing authorization (that is,
has been approved or cleared by, or had a De Novo classification
request granted by, FDA) as a Breakthrough Device, for the indication
covered by the Breakthrough Device designation, will need to meet the
requirements of Sec. 412.87(c). We note that in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (85 FR 58734 through 58736), we clarified our policy
that a new medical device under this alternative pathway must receive
marketing authorization for the indication covered by the Breakthrough
Devices Program designation. We refer the reader to the FY 2021 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58734 through 58736) for further discussion
regarding this clarification.
(2) Alternative Pathway for Certain Antimicrobial Products
For applications received for new technology add-on payments for
certain antimicrobial products, beginning with FY 2021, if a technology
is designated by FDA as a QIDP and received FDA marketing
authorization, and, beginning with FY 2022, if a drug is approved under
FDA's LPAD pathway and used for the indication approved under the LPAD
pathway, it will be considered not substantially similar to an existing
technology for purposes of new technology add-on payments and will not
need to meet the requirement that it represent an advance that
substantially improves, relative to technologies previously available,
the diagnosis or treatment of Medicare beneficiaries. Under this
alternative pathway for QIDPs and LPADs, a medical product that has
received FDA marketing authorization and is designated by FDA as a QIDP
or approved under the LPAD pathway will need to meet the requirements
of Sec. 412.87(d). We refer the reader to the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (84 FR 42292 through 42297) and FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58737 through 58739) for further discussion on this policy.
We note that, in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58737
through 58739), we clarified that a new medical product seeking
approval for the new technology add-on payment under the alternative
pathway for QIDPs must receive FDA marketing authorization for the
indication covered by the QIDP designation. We also finalized our
policy to expand our alternative new technology add-on payment pathway
for certain antimicrobial products to include products approved under
the LPAD pathway and used for the indication approved under the LPAD
c. Additional Payment for New Medical Service or Technology
The new medical service or technology add-on payment policy under
the IPPS provides additional payments for cases with relatively high
costs involving eligible new medical services or technologies, while
preserving some of the incentives inherent under an average-based
prospective payment system. The
[[Page 36025]]
payment mechanism is based on the cost to hospitals for the new medical
service or technology. As noted previously, we do not include capital
costs in the add-on payments for a new medical service or technology or
make new technology add-on payments under the IPPS for capital-related
costs (72 FR 47307 through 47308).
For discharges occurring before October 1, 2019, under Sec.
412.88, if the costs of the discharge (determined by applying operating
cost-to-charge ratios (CCRs) as described in Sec. 412.84(h)) exceed
the full DRG payment (including payments for IME and DSH, but excluding
outlier payments), CMS made an add-on payment equal to the lesser of:
(1) 50 percent of the costs of the new medical service or technology;
or (2) 50 percent of the amount by which the costs of the case exceed
the standard DRG payment.
Beginning with discharges on or after October 1, 2019, for the
reasons discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42297
through 42300), we finalized an increase in the new technology add-on
payment percentage, as reflected at Sec. 412.88(a)(2)(ii).
Specifically, for a new technology other than a medical product
designated by FDA as a QIDP, beginning with discharges on or after
October 1, 2019, if the costs of a discharge involving a new technology
(determined by applying CCRs as described in Sec. 412.84(h)) exceed
the full DRG payment (including payments for IME and DSH, but excluding
outlier payments), Medicare will make an add-on payment equal to the
lesser of: (1) 65 percent of the costs of the new medical service or
technology; or (2) 65 percent of the amount by which the costs of the
case exceed the standard DRG payment. For a new technology that is a
medical product designated by FDA as a QIDP, beginning with discharges
on or after October 1, 2019, if the costs of a discharge involving a
new technology (determined by applying CCRs as described in Sec.
412.84(h)) exceed the full DRG payment (including payments for IME and
DSH, but excluding outlier payments), Medicare will make an add-on
payment equal to the lesser of: (1) 75 percent of the costs of the new
medical service or technology; or (2) 75 percent of the amount by which
the costs of the case exceed the standard DRG payment. For a new
technology that is a medical product approved under FDA's LPAD pathway,
beginning with discharges on or after October 1, 2020, if the costs of
a discharge involving a new technology (determined by applying CCRs as
described in Sec. 412.84(h)) exceed the full DRG payment (including
payments for IME and DSH, but excluding outlier payments), Medicare
will make an add-on payment equal to the lesser of: (1) 75 percent of
the costs of the new medical service or technology; or (2) 75 percent
of the amount by which the costs of the case exceed the standard DRG
payment. As set forth in Sec. 412.88(b)(2), unless the discharge
qualifies for an outlier payment, the additional Medicare payment will
be limited to the full MS-DRG payment plus 65 percent (or 75 percent
for certain antimicrobial products (QIDPs and LPADs)) of the estimated
costs of the new technology or medical service. We refer the reader to
the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42297 through 42300) for
further discussion on the increase in the new technology add-on payment
beginning with discharges on or after October 1, 2019.
We note that, consistent with the prospective nature of the IPPS,
we finalize the new technology add on payment amount for technologies
approved or conditionally approved for new technology add-on payments
in the final rule for each fiscal year and do not make mid-year changes
to new technology add-on payment amounts. Updated cost information may
be submitted and included in rulemaking to be considered for the
following fiscal year.
Section 503(d)(2) of the MMA (Pub. L. 108-173) provides that there
shall be no reduction or adjustment in aggregate payments under the
IPPS due to add-on payments for new medical services and technologies.
Therefore, in accordance with section 503(d)(2) of the MMA, add-on
payments for new medical services or technologies for FY 2005 and
subsequent years have not been subjected to budget neutrality.
d. Evaluation of Eligibility Criteria for New Medical Service or
Technology Applications
In the FY 2009 IPPS final rule (73 FR 48561 through 48563), we
modified our regulation at Sec. 412.87 to codify our longstanding
practice of how CMS evaluates the eligibility criteria for new medical
service or technology add-on payment applications. That is, we first
determine whether a medical service or technology meets the newness
criterion, and only if so, do we then make a determination as to
whether the technology meets the cost threshold and represents a
substantial clinical improvement over existing medical services or
technologies. We specified that all applicants for new technology add-
on payments must have FDA approval or clearance by July 1 of the year
prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for which the application is
being considered. In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, to more
precisely describe the various types of FDA approvals, clearances and
classifications that we consider under our new technology add-on
payment policy, we finalized a technical clarification to the
regulation to indicate that new technologies must receive FDA marketing
authorization (such as pre-market approval (PMA); 510(k) clearance; the
granting of a De Novo classification request, or approval of a New Drug
Application (NDA)) by July 1 of the year prior to the beginning of the
fiscal year for which the application is being considered. Consistent
with our longstanding policy, we consider FDA marketing authorization
as representing that a product has received FDA approval or clearance
when considering eligibility for the new technology add-on payment (85
FR 58742).
Additionally, in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58739
through 58742), we finalized our proposal to provide conditional
approval for new technology add-on payment for a technology for which
an application is submitted under the alternative pathway for certain
antimicrobial products at Sec. 412.87(d) that does not receive FDA
marketing authorization by July 1 prior to the particular fiscal year
for which the applicant applied for new technology add-on payments,
provided that the technology otherwise meets the applicable add-on
payment criteria. Under this policy, cases involving eligible
antimicrobial products would begin receiving the new technology add-on
payment sooner, effective for discharges the quarter after the date of
FDA marketing authorization, provided that the technology receives FDA
marketing authorization before July 1 of the fiscal year for which the
applicant applied for new technology add-on payments.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948 through
58958), we finalized that, beginning with the new technology add-on
payment applications for FY 2025, for technologies that are not already
FDA market authorized for the indication that is the subject of the new
technology add-on payment application, applicants must have a complete
and active FDA market authorization request at the time of new
technology add-on payment application submission and must provide
documentation of FDA acceptance or filing to CMS at the time of
application submission, consistent with the type of FDA marketing
authorization application the applicant
[[Page 36026]]
has submitted to FDA. See Sec. 412.87(e) and further discussion in the
FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948 through 58958). We also
finalized that, beginning with FY 2025 applications, in order to be
eligible for consideration for the new technology add-on payment for
the upcoming fiscal year, an applicant for new technology add-on
payments must have received FDA approval or clearance by May 1 (rather
than July 1) of the year prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for
which the application is being considered (except for an application
that is submitted under the alternative pathway for certain
antimicrobial products), as reflected at Sec. Sec. 412.87(f)(2) and
(f)(3), as amended and redesignated in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 58948 through 58958, 88 FR 59331).
e. New Technology Liaisons
Many interested parties (including device/biologic/drug developers
or manufacturers, industry consultants, others) engage CMS for
coverage, coding, and payment questions or concerns. In order to
streamline engagement by centralizing the different innovation pathways
within CMS including new technology add-on payments, CMS has
established a team of new technology liaisons that can serve as an
initial resource for interested parties. This team is available to
assist with all of the following:
Help to point interested parties to or provide information
and resources where possible regarding process, requirements, and
Coordinate and facilitate opportunities for interested
parties to engage with various CMS components.
Serve as a primary point of contact for interested parties
and provide updates on developments where possible or appropriate.
We receive many questions from parties interested in pursuing new
technology add-on payments who may not be entirely familiar with
working with CMS. While we encourage interested parties to first review
our resources available at, we know that there may
be additional questions about the application process. Interested
parties with further questions regarding Medicare's coverage, coding,
and payment processes, and how they can navigate these processes,
whether for new technology add-on payments or otherwise, should review
the updated resource guide available at: Parties that would like to further discuss questions or
concerns with CMS should contact the new technology liaison team at
[email protected].
f. Application Information for New Medical Services or Technologies
Applicants for add-on payments for new medical services or
technologies for FY 2026 must submit a formal request, including a full
description of the clinical applications of the medical service or
technology and the results of any clinical evaluations demonstrating
that the new medical service or technology represents a substantial
clinical improvement (unless the application is under one of the
alternative pathways as previously described), along with a significant
sample of data to demonstrate that the medical service or technology
meets the high-cost threshold. CMS will review the application based on
the information provided by the applicant under the pathway specified
by the applicant at the time of application submission. Complete
application information, along with final deadlines for submitting a
full application, will be posted as it becomes available on the CMS
website at:
To allow interested parties to identify the new medical services or
technologies under review before the publication of the proposed rule
for FY 2026, once the application deadline has closed, CMS will post on
its website a list of the applications submitted, along with a brief
description of each technology as provided by the applicant.
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48986
through 48990), we finalized our proposal to publicly post online new
technology add-on payment applications, including the completed
application forms, certain related materials, and any additional
updated application information submitted subsequent to the initial
application submission (except certain volume, cost and other
information identified by the applicant as confidential), beginning
with the application cycle for FY 2024, at the time the proposed rule
is published. We also finalized that with the exception of information
included in a confidential information section of the application, cost
and volume information, and materials identified by the applicant as
copyrighted and/or not otherwise releasable to the public, the contents
of the application and related materials may be posted publicly, and
that we will not post applications that are withdrawn prior to
publication of the proposed rule. We refer the reader to the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48986 through 48990) for further
information regarding this policy.
We note that the burden associated with this information collection
requirement is the time and effort required to collect and submit the
data in the formal request for add-on payments for new medical services
and technologies to CMS. The aforementioned burden is subject to the
PRA and approved under OMB control number 0938-1347 and has an
expiration date of December 31, 2026.
2. Public Input Before Publication of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
on Add-On Payments
Section 1886(d)(5)(K)(viii) of the Act, as amended by section
503(b)(2) of the MMA, provides for a mechanism for public input before
publication of a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding whether a
medical service or technology represents a substantial clinical
improvement. The process for evaluating new medical service and
technology applications requires the Secretary to do all of the
Provide, before publication of a proposed rule, for public
input regarding whether a new service or technology represents an
advance in medical technology that substantially improves the diagnosis
or treatment of Medicare beneficiaries.
Make public and periodically update a list of the services
and technologies for which applications for add-on payments are
Accept comments, recommendations, and data from the public
regarding whether a service or technology represents a substantial
clinical improvement.
Provide, before publication of a proposed rule, for a
meeting at which organizations representing hospitals, physicians,
manufacturers, and any other interested party may present comments,
recommendations, and data regarding whether a new medical service or
technology represents a substantial clinical improvement to the
clinical staff of CMS.
In order to provide an opportunity for public input regarding add-
on payments for new medical services and technologies for FY 2025 prior
to publication of the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we published
a notice in the Federal Register on September 28, 2023 (88 FR 66850)
and held a virtual town hall meeting on
[[Page 36027]]
December 13, 2023. In the announcement notice for the meeting, we
stated that the opinions and presentations provided during the meeting
would assist us in our evaluations of applications by allowing public
discussion of the substantial clinical improvement criterion for the FY
2025 new medical service and technology add-on payment applications
before the publication of the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH IPPS proposed rule.
Approximately 130 individuals registered to attend the virtual town
hall meeting. We posted the recordings of the virtual town hall on the
CMS web page at: We considered each applicant's
presentation made at the town hall meeting, as well as written comments
received by the December 18, 2023 deadline, in our evaluation of the
new technology add-on payment applications for FY 2025 in the
development of the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule. In response to
the published notice and the December 13, 2023 New Technology Town Hall
meeting, we received written comments regarding the applications for FY
2025 new technology add-on payments. As explained earlier and in the
Federal Register notice announcing the New Technology Town Hall meeting
(88 FR 66850 through 66853), the purpose of the meeting was
specifically to discuss the substantial clinical improvement criterion
with regard to pending new technology add-on payment applications for
FY 2025. Therefore, we are not summarizing any written comments in this
proposed rule that are unrelated to the substantial clinical
improvement criterion. In section II.E.5. of the preamble of the
proposed rule, we are summarizing comments regarding individual
applications, or, if applicable, indicating that there were no comments
received in response to the New Technology Town Hall meeting notice or
New Technology Town Hall meeting, at the end of each discussion of the
individual applications.
3. ICD-10-PCS Section ``X'' Codes for Certain New Medical Services and
As discussed in the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR 49434),
the ICD-10-PCS includes a new section containing the new Section ``X''
codes, which began being used with discharges occurring on or after
October 1, 2015. Decisions regarding changes to ICD-10-PCS Section
``X'' codes will be handled in the same manner as the decisions for all
of the other ICD-10-PCS code changes. That is, proposals to create,
delete, or revise Section ``X'' codes under the ICD-10-PCS structure
will be referred to the ICD-10 Coordination and Maintenance Committee.
In addition, several of the new medical services and technologies that
have been, or may be, approved for new technology add-on payments may
now, and in the future, be assigned a Section ``X'' code within the
structure of the ICD-10-PCS. We posted ICD-10-PCS Guidelines on the CMS
website at:, including
guidelines for ICD-10-PCS Section ``X'' codes. We encourage providers
to view the material provided on ICD-10-PCS Section ``X'' codes.
4. Proposed FY 2025 Status of Technologies Receiving New Technology
Add-On Payments for FY 2024
In this section of the proposed rule, we discuss the proposed FY
2025 status of 31 technologies approved for FY 2024 new technology add-
on payments, as set forth in the tables that follow. Specifically, we
present our proposals to continue the new technology add-on payments
for FY 2025 for those technologies that were approved for the new
technology add-on payment for FY 2024, and which would still be
considered ``new'' for purposes of new technology add-on payments for
FY 2025. We also present our proposals to discontinue new technology
add-on payments for FY 2025 for those technologies that were approved
for the new technology add-on payment for FY 2024, and which would no
longer be considered ``new'' for purposes of new technology add-on
payments for FY 2025.
Additionally, we note that we conditionally approved
DefenCathTM (taurolidine/heparin) for FY 2024 new technology
add-on payments under the alternative pathway for certain antimicrobial
products (88 FR 58942 through 58944), subject to the technology
receiving FDA marketing authorization by July 1, 2024.
DefenCathTM (taurolidine/heparin) received FDA marketing
authorization on November 15, 2023, and was eligible to receive new
technology add-on payments in FY 2024 beginning with discharges on or
after January 1, 2024. As DefenCathTM (taurolidine/heparin)
received FDA marketing authorization prior to July 1, 2024, and was
approved for new technology add-on payments in FY 2024, we are
proposing to continue making new technology add-on payments for
taurolidine/heparin for FY 2025.
Our policy is that a medical service or technology may continue to
be considered ``new'' for purposes of new technology add-on payments
within 2 or 3 years after the point at which data begin to become
available reflecting the inpatient hospital code assigned to the new
service or technology. Our practice has been to begin and end new
technology add-on payments on the basis of a fiscal year, and we have
generally followed a guideline that uses a 6-month window before and
after the start of the fiscal year to determine whether to extend the
new technology add-on payment for an additional fiscal year. In
general, we extend new technology add-on payments for an additional
year only if the 3-year anniversary date of the product's entry onto
the U.S. market occurs in the latter half of the fiscal year (70 FR
Table II.E.--01 lists the technologies for which we are proposing
to continue making new technology add-on payments for FY 2025 because
they are still considered ``new'' for purposes of new technology add-on
payments. This table also presents the newness start date, new
technology add-on payment start date, 3-year anniversary date of the
product's entry onto the U.S. market, relevant final rule citations
from prior fiscal years, proposed maximum add-on payment amount, and
coding assignments for each technology. We refer readers to the cited
final rules in the following table for a complete discussion of the new
technology add-on payment application, coding, and payment amount for
these technologies, including the applicable indications and discussion
of the newness start date.
We are inviting public comments on our proposals to continue new
technology add-on payments for FY 2025 for the technologies listed in
the following table.
[[Page 36028]]
[[Page 36029]]
Table II.E.-02 lists the technologies for which we are proposing to
discontinue making new technology add-on payments for FY 2025 because
they are no longer ``new'' for purposes of new technology add-on
payments. This table
[[Page 36030]]
also presents the newness start date, new technology add-on payment
start date, the 3-year anniversary date of the product's entry onto the
U.S. market, and relevant final rule citations from prior fiscal years.
We refer readers to the cited final rules in the following table for a
complete discussion of each new technology add-on payment application
and the coding and payment amount for these technologies, including the
applicable indications and discussion of the newness start date.
We are inviting public comments on our proposals to discontinue new
technology add-on payments for FY 2025 for the technologies listed in
Table II.E.-02.
[[Page 36031]]
6. Proposed FY 2025 Applications for New Technology Add-On Payments
(Traditional Pathway)
As discussed previously, in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
we finalized our policy to publicly post online applications for new
technology add-on payment beginning with FY 2024 applications (87 FR
48986 through 48990). As noted in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
we are continuing to summarize each application in this proposed rule.
However, while we are continuing to provide discussion of the concerns
or issues we identified with respect to applications submitted under
the traditional pathway, we are providing more succinct information as
part of the summaries in the proposed and final rules regarding the
applicant's assertions as to how the medical service or technology
meets the newness, cost, and substantial clinical improvement criteria.
We refer readers to for
the publicly posted FY 2025 new technology add-on payment applications
and supporting information (with the exception of certain cost and
volume information, and information or materials identified by the
applicant as confidential or copyrighted), including tables listing the
ICD-10-CM codes, ICD-10-PCS codes, and/or MS-DRGs related to the
analyses of the cost criterion for certain technologies for the FY 2025
new technology add-on payment applications.
We received 16 applications for new technology add-on payments for
FY 2025 under the new technology add-on payment traditional pathway. As
discussed previously, in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
58948 through 58958), we finalized that beginning with the new
technology add-on payment applications for FY 2025, for technologies
that are not already FDA market authorized for the indication that is
the subject of the new technology add-on payment application,
applicants must have a complete and active FDA market authorization
request at the time of new technology add-on payment application
submission and must provide documentation of FDA acceptance or filing
to CMS at the time of application submission, consistent with the type
of FDA marketing authorization application the applicant has submitted
to FDA. See Sec. 412.87(e) and further discussion in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948 through 58958). Of the 16 applications
received under the traditional pathway, one applicant was not eligible
for consideration for new technology add-on payment because it did not
meet these requirements, and three applicants withdrew their
application prior to the issuance of this proposed rule. In accordance
with the regulations under Sec. 412.87(f), applicants for FY 2025 new
technology add-on payments must have received FDA approval or clearance
by May 1 of the year prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for
which the application is being considered. We are addressing the
remaining 12 applications. We note that the manufacturer for
Casgevy\TM\ (exagamglogene autotemcel) submitted a single application,
but for two separate indications, each of which is discussed separately
in this section.
a. CASGEVYTM (exagamglogene autotemcel) First Indication:
Sickle Cell Disease (SCD)
Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for Casgevy\TM\ for FY 2025 for use in
sickle cell disease. According to the applicant, Casgevy\TM\ is a one-
time, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
(CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) modified autologous cluster
of differentiation (CD)34+ hematopoietic stem & progenitor cell (HSPC)
cellular therapy approved for the treatment of sickle cell disease
(SCD) in patients 12 years and older with recurrent vaso-occlusive
crises (VOC). Per the applicant, using a CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing
technique, the patient's CD34+ HSPCs are edited ex vivo via Cas9, a
nuclease enzyme that uses a highly specific guide ribonucleic acid
(gRNA), at the critical transcription factor binding site GATA1 in the
erythroid specific enhancer region of the B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11A
(BCL11A) gene. According to the applicant, as a result of the editing,
GATA1 binding is irreversibly disrupted, and BCL11A expression is
reduced, resulting in an increased production of fetal hemoglobin
(HbF), and recapitulating a naturally occurring, clinically benign
condition called hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) that
reduces or eliminates SCD symptoms. As stated by the applicant,
Casgevy\TM\ infusion induces increased HbF production in SCD patients
to >=20 percent, which is known to be associated with fewer SCD
complications via addressing the underlying cause of SCD by preventing
RBC sickling. We note that the applicant is also seeking new technology
add-on payments for Casgevy\TM\ for FY 2025 for use in treating
transfusion-dependent beta thalassemia (TDT), as discussed separately
later in this section.
Please refer to the online application posting for Casgevy\TM\,
available at, for additional detail describing the technology and the
disease treated by the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion, according to the applicant,
Casgevy\TM\ was granted Biologics License Application (BLA) approval
from FDA on December 8, 2023, for treatment of SCD in patients 12 years
of age or older with recurrent VOCs. According to the applicant,
Casgevy\TM\ became commercially available immediately after FDA
approval. Casgevy\TM\ is available in 20 mL vials containing 4 to 13 x
10\6\ CD34+ cells/mL frozen in 1.5 to 20 mL of solution. The minimum
dose is 3 x 10\6\ CD34+ cells per kg of body weight, which may be
contained within multiple vials.
Effective April 1, 2023, the following ICD-10-PCS codes may be used
to uniquely describe procedures involving the use of Casgevy\TM\:
XW133J8 (Transfusion of exagamglogene autotemcel into peripheral vein,
percutaneous approach, new technology group 8) and XW143J8 (Transfusion
of exagamglogene autotemcel into central vein, percutaneous approach,
new technology group 8). The applicant provided a list of ICD-10-CM
diagnosis codes that may be used to identify this indication for
Casgevy\TM\. Please refer to the online application posting for the
complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the applicant. We believe
the relevant ICD-10-CM codes to identify the indication of SCD would
be: D57.1 (Sickle-cell disease without crisis), D57.20 (Sickle-cell/Hb-
C disease without crisis), D57.40 (Sickle-cell thalassemia without
crisis), D57.42 (Sickle-cell thalassemia beta zero without crisis),
D57.44 (Sickle-cell thalassemia beta plus without crisis), or D57.80
(Other sickle-cell disorders without crisis). We are inviting public
comments on the use of these ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes to identify the
indication of SCD for purposes of the new technology add-on payment, if
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered ``new'' for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that Casgevy\TM\ is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies, because Casgevy\TM\ is the
[[Page 36032]]
first approved therapy to use CRISPR gene editing technology and no
other approved technology uses the same or a similar mechanism of
action; and therefore, the technology meets the newness criterion. The
following table summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding the
substantial similarity criteria. Please see the online application
posting for Casgevy\TM\ for the applicant's complete statements in
support of its assertion that Casgevy\TM\ is not substantially similar
to other currently available technologies.
We note that CasgevyTM may have the same or similar
mechanism of action to LyfgeniaTM, for which we also
received an application for new technology add-on payments for FY 2025.
Casgevy\TM\ and Lyfgenia\TM\ are both gene therapies using modified
autologous CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell (HSPC)
therapies administered via stem cell transplantation for the treatment
of SCD. LyfgeniaTM was approved by FDA for this indication
on December 8, 2023. We note that both technologies are autologous, ex-
vivo modified hematopoietic stem-cell biological products. For these
technologies, patients are required to undergo CD34+ HSPC mobilization
followed by apheresis to extract CD34+ HSPCs for manufacturing and then
myeloablative conditioning using busulfan to deplete the patient's bone
marrow in preparation for the technologies' modified stem cells to
engraft to the bone marrow. Once engraftment occurs for both
technologies, the patient's cells start to produce a different form of
hemoglobin in order to reduce the sickling hemoglobin. Further, both
technologies appear to map to the same MS-DRGs, MS-DRG 016 (Autologous
Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC) and 017 (Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant without CC/MCC), and to treat the same or similar disease
(sickle cell disease) in the same or similar patient population
(patients 12 years of age and older who have a history of vaso-
occlusive events). Accordingly, as it appears that CasgevyTM
and LyfgeniaTM may use the same or similar mechanism of
action to achieve a therapeutic outcome (that is, to reduce the amount
of sickling hemoglobin to reduce and prevent VOEs associated with SCD),
would be assigned to the same MS-DRG, and treat the same or similar
patient population and disease, we believe that these technologies may
be substantially similar to each other such that they should be
considered as a single application for purposes of new technology add-
on payments. We note that if we determine that this technology is
substantially similar to LyfgeniaTM, we believe the newness
period would begin on December 8, 2023, the date both
CasgevyTM and LyfgeniaTM received FDA approval
for SCD. We are interested in information on how these two technologies
may differ from each other with respect to the substantial similarity
criteria and newness criterion, to inform our analysis of whether
CasgevyTM and LyfgeniaTM are substantially
similar to each other and therefore should be considered as a single
application for purposes of new technology add-on payments.
We are inviting public comments on whether CasgevyTM
meets the newness criterion, including whether CasgevyTM is
substantially similar to LyfgeniaTM and whether these
technologies should be evaluated as a single technology for purposes of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant searched the FY
2022 MedPAR and provided multiple analyses to demonstrate that
Casgevy\TM\ meets the cost criterion. The applicant included two
cohorts in the analyses to identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for Casgevy\TM\: the first cohort included
all cases in MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant) to account
for the low volume of SCD or transfusion-dependent beta thalassemia
(TDT) cases,
[[Page 36033]]
and the second cohort included cases in MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone
Marrow Transplant) with any ICD-10-CM diagnosis code of SCD or TDT. The
applicant explained that the cost analyses for SCD and TDT were
combined because the volume of cases with a sickle cell disease or beta
thalassemia diagnosis code was very low, and because it believed both
indications would be approved in time for new technology add-on
payment. In addition, the applicant noted that when searching for cases
in DRG 014 with SCD or beta thalassemia diagnosis codes, there were no
beta thalassemia cases. The applicant noted that cases included in the
analysis may not be a completely accurate representation of cases that
will be eligible for Casgevy\TM\ but that the analyses were provided in
recognition of the low volume of cases.
The applicant performed two analyses for each cohort: one with all
prior drug charges maintained, representing a scenario in which there
is no change to patient drug regimen with the use of Casgevy\TM\; and
the other with all prior drug charges removed, representing a scenario
in which no ancillary drugs are used in the treatment of Casgevy\TM\
patients. Per the applicant, this was done because some patients
receiving CasgevyTM could receive fewer ancillary drugs
during the inpatient stay, but it was difficult to know with certainty
whether this would be the case or to identify the exact differences in
drug regimens between patients receiving CasgevyTM and those
receiving allogeneic bone marrow transplants. The applicant noted the
analyses with drug charges removed were likely an over-estimation of
the ancillary drug charges that would be removed in cases involving the
use of Casgevy\TM\, but these were provided as sensitivity analyses.
According to the applicant, eligible cases for CasgevyTM
will be mapped to either Pre-MDC MS-DRG 016 (Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant with CC/MCC) or Pre-MDC MS-DRG 017 (Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant without CC/MCC), depending on whether complications or
comorbidities (CCs) or major complications or comorbidities (MCCs) are
present. For each analysis, the applicant used the FY 2025 new
technology add-on payment threshold for Pre-MDC MS-DRG 016 for all
identified cases, because it was typically higher than the threshold
for Pre-MDC MS-DRG 017. Each analysis followed the order of operations
described in the table later in this section.
For the first cohort, the applicant included all cases associated
with MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant). The applicant used
the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the following table and
identified 996 claims mapping to MS-DRG 014. With all prior drug
charges maintained (Scenario 1), the applicant calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$12,325,062, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491. With all prior drug charges removed (Scenario 2), the
applicant calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $12,181,526, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $182,491.
For the second cohort, the applicant searched for cases within MS-
DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant) with any ICD-10-CM
diagnosis codes representing SCD or TDT. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the following table and
identified 11 claims mapping to MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow
Transplant). With all prior drug charges maintained (Scenario 3), the
applicant calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $12,125,212, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $182,491. With all prior drug charges
removed (Scenario 4), the applicant calculated a final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per case of $12,086,551, which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $182,491.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant maintained that Casgevy\TM\ meets the cost
[[Page 36034]]
We are inviting public comments on whether Casgevy\TM\ meets the
cost criterion.
\17\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachments included in the online posting for the
With regard to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that Casgevy\TM\ represents a substantial clinical
improvement over existing technologies because it is anticipated to
expand patient eligibility for potentially curative SCD therapies, have
improved clinical outcomes relative to available therapies, and avoid
certain serious risks or side effects associated with existing
potentially curative treatment options for SCD. The applicant provided
one study to support these claims, as well as eight background articles
about clinical outcomes and safety risks of other SCD treatments.\18\
The following table summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding the
substantial clinical improvement criterion. Please see the online
posting for Casgevy\TM\ for the applicant's complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
\18\ Background articles are not included in the following table
but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
[[Page 36035]]
After review of the information provided by the applicant, we have
the following concerns regarding whether Casgevy\TM\ meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion. We note that the only
assessment of the technology submitted was from conference
presentations that provide data on the ongoing CLIMB-121 trial, a phase
1/2/3 single-arm trial assessing a single dose of CasgevyTM
in patients 12 to 35 years old with SCD and a history of 2 or more
severe VOCs per year over 2 years. The most recent data presented at
ASH in December 2023,\19\ which appears to supersede the earlier
results from Locatelli et al. (2023),\20\ indicates 44 participants
received CasgevyTM for SCD, of which only 30 participants
were evaluable for the primary and key secondary endpoints because they
were followed for at least 16 months (up to 45.5 months) post
CasgevyTM infusion. The applicant stated 96.7% of patients
achieved the primary efficacy endpoint (free of severe VOCs for at
least 12 consecutive months) and 100% of patients achieved the key
secondary efficacy endpoint (free from in-patient hospitalization for
severe VOCs for at least 12 consecutive months). Additionally, the
applicant noted a safety profile consistent with myeloablative busulfan
and autologous HSCT and that there were no malignancies nor serious
adverse events related to CasgevyTM. However, we note that
the provided evidence did not include peer-reviewed literature that
directly assessed the use of Casgevy\TM\ for SCD. We also question
whether the small study population may limit the generalizability of
these study outcomes to a Medicare population. In addition, from the
evidence submitted, we were also unable to determine where the study
took place (that is, within the U.S. or in locations outside the U.S),
which may also limit generalizability to the Medicare population.
Additionally, we question if the short follow-up duration is sufficient
to assess improvements in long-term clinical outcomes.
\19\ Frangoul H, et al. Presented at the 65th Annual American
Society of Hematology. 11 Dec 2023.
\20\ Locatelli F, et al. Presented at the 28th Annual European
Hematology Association; 11 June 2023.
Furthermore, the applicant asserted that CasgevyTM
significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services or
technologies previously available. Regarding the claim that
CasgevyTM is the first gene therapy specifically approved
for the treatment of SCD in patients 12 years and older with
[[Page 36036]]
recurrent VOCs, the applicant claims it was first to submit and have
their BLA accepted for a genetic therapy for treatment of SCD. The
applicant states the PDUFA date for CasgevyTM of December 8,
2023, and the PDUFA data for another gene therapy for SCD is December
20, 2023, and that Casgevy and another product were both approved on
December 8, 2023, as the first gene therapies for SCD. However, while
this claim was made in support of the assertion that
CasgevyTM significantly improves clinical outcomes, we note
that the information submitted regarding PDUFA dates and FDA approvals
does not appear to provide data regarding a significantly improved
clinical outcome under Sec. 412.87(b)(1)(ii)(C).
With regards to the claim that CasgevyTM is expected to
avoid certain serious risks or side effects associated with approved
viral-based gene therapies for SCD, the applicant cites the potential
risk of insertional oncogenesis after treatment with
LyfgeniaTM per the package insert for this other gene
therapy for SCD. We note that because clinical trials are conducted
under widely varying conditions, we question whether adverse reaction
rates observed in the clinical trials of one drug can be directly
compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug. We also
question if the follow-up duration for patients treated with
CasgevyTM is sufficient to assess improvement in the rate of
With regard to the claim that CasgevyTM is expected to
avoid certain serious risks or side effects associated with existing
potentially curative treatment options for SCD, the applicant states
that there are significant risks associated with allo-HSCT, including
graft failure (up to 9 percent frequency), acute and chronic graft-
versus-host disease (GVHD) (with chronic GVHD up to 18 percent
frequency), severe infection, hematologic malignancy, bleeding events,
and death. In contrast, the applicant claims CasgevyTM does
not require an allogeneic donor as each patient is their own donor and
therefore does not have risks of acute and chronic GVHD or immunologic
risks of secondary graft failure/rejection, in addition to not
requiring post-transplant immunosuppressive therapies. However, we
would be interested in additional evidence regarding the frequency and
clinical relevance of side effects such as severe infection,
hematologic malignancy, bleeding events, and death for both therapies.
We are inviting public comments on whether Casgevy\TM\ meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for
b. Casgevy\TM\ (exagamglogene autotemcel) Second Indication:
Transfusion-Dependent [beta]-Thalassemia (TDT)
Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for Casgevy\TM\ for FY 2025 for TDT.
According to the applicant, Casgevy\TM\ is a one-time, clustered
regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/CRISPR-
associated protein 9 (Cas9) modified autologous cluster of
differentiation (CD)34+ hematopoietic stem & progenitor cell (HSPC)
cellular therapy indicated for the treatment of transfusion-dependent
[beta]-thalassemia (TDT) in patients 12 years of age or older. Per the
applicant, using a CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technique, the patient's
CD34+ HSPCs are edited ex vivo via Cas9, a nuclease enzyme that uses a
highly specific guide ribonucleic acid (gRNA), at the critical
transcription factor binding site GATA1 in the erythroid specific
enhancer region of the B-cell lymphoma/leukemia 11A (BCL11A) gene.
According to the applicant, as a result of the editing, GATA1 binding
is irreversibly disrupted, and BCL11A expression is reduced, resulting
in an increased production of fetal hemoglobin (HbF). As stated by the
applicant, this increase in HbF recapitulates a naturally occurring,
clinically benign condition called hereditary persistence of fetal
hemoglobin (HPFH). The applicant states that as a result, Casgevy\TM\
infusion induces increased HbF production in TDT patients so that
circulating red blood cells (RBC) exhibit nearly 100 percent HbF,
eliminating the need for RBC transfusions. As previously discussed
earlier in this section, the applicant is also seeking new technology
add-on payments for Casgevy\TM\ for FY 2025 for use in treating SCD.
Please refer to the online application posting for Casgevy\TM\,
available at, for additional detail describing the technology and the
disease treated by the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion, according to the applicant,
Casgevy\TM\ was granted Biologics License Application (BLA) approval
from FDA on January 16, 2024, for the treatment of TDT in patients 12
years of age and older. The applicant also explained that the minimum
dosage of Casgevy\TM\ is 3x10\6\ CD34 + cells per kg of patient's
weight. A single dose of Casgevy\TM\ is supplied in one or more vials,
with each vial containing 4 to 13x10\6\ cells/mL suspended in 1.5 to 20
mL of cryo-preservative medium.
Effective April 1, 2023, the following ICD-10-PCS codes may be used
to uniquely describe procedures involving the use of Casgevy\TM\:
XW133J8 (Transfusion of exagamglogene autotemcel into peripheral vein,
percutaneous approach, new technology group 8) and XW143J8 (Transfusion
of exagamglogene autotemcel into central vein, percutaneous approach,
new technology group 8). The applicant provided a list of diagnosis
codes that may be used to currently identify this indication for
Casgevy\TM\ under the ICD-10-CM coding system. Please refer to the
online application posting for the complete list of ICD-10-CM codes
provided by the applicant. We believe the relevant ICD-10-CM codes to
identify the indication of TDT would be: D56.1 (Beta thalassemia),
D56.2 (Delta-beta thalassemia), or D56.5 (Hemoglobin E-beta
thalassemia). We are inviting public comments on the use of these ICD-
10-CM diagnosis codes to identify the indication of TDT for purposes of
the new technology add-on payment, if approved.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered ``new'' for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that Casgevy\TM\ is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies because Casgevy\TM\ is the first
approved therapy to use CRISPR gene editing as its mechanism of action,
and therefore, the technology meets the newness criterion. The
following table summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding the
substantial similarity criteria. Please see the online application
posting for Casgevy\TM\ for the applicant's complete statements in
support of its assertion that Casgevy\TM\ is not substantially similar
to other currently available technologies.
[[Page 36037]]
We question whether Casgevy\TM\ may be the same or similar to other
gene therapies used to treat TDT, specifically Zynteglo\TM\, which was
approved for treatment of TDT on August 17, 2022. Casgevy\TM\ and
Zynteglo\TM\ are both gene therapies using modified autologous CD34+
HSPC therapies administered via stem cell transplantation for the
treatment of TDT. Both technologies are autologous, ex-vivo modified
hematopoietic stem-cell biological products. For these technologies,
patients are required to undergo CD34+ HSPC mobilization followed by
apheresis to extract CD34+ HSPCs for manufacturing and then
myeloablative conditioning using busulfan to deplete the patient's bone
marrow in preparation for the technologies' modified stem cells to
engraft to the bone marrow. Once engraftment occurs, the patient's
cells start to produce a different form of hemoglobin to increase total
hemoglobin and reduce the need for RBC transfusions. Therefore, it
appears as if Casgevy\TM\ and Zynteglo\TM\ would use a similar
mechanism of action to achieve a therapeutic outcome for the treatment
of TDT. Further, both technologies appear to map to the same MS-DRGs,
MS-DRG 016 (Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC) and 017
(Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant without CC/MCC), and to treat the
same or similar disease (beta thalassemia) in the same or similar
patient population (patients who require regular blood transfusions).
Accordingly, we believe that these technologies may be substantially
similar to each other. We note that if Casgevy\TM\ is substantially
similar to Zynteglo\TM\ for the treatment of TDT, we believe the
newness period for this technology would begin on August 17, 2022, with
the Biologics License Application (BLA) approval date for Zynteglo\TM\.
We are inviting public comments on whether Casgevy\TM\ is
substantially similar to existing technologies and whether Casgevy\TM\
meets the newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant searched the FY
2022 MedPAR and provided multiple analyses to demonstrate that
Casgevy\TM\ meets the cost criterion. The applicant included two
cohorts in the analyses to identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for Casgevy\TM\: the first cohort included
all cases in MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant) to account
for the low volume of sickle cell disease (SCD) or TDT cases, and the
second cohort included cases in MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow
Transplant) with any ICD-10-CM diagnosis code of SCD or TDT. The
applicant explained that the cost analyses for SCD and TDT were
combined because the volume of cases with a sickle cell disease or beta
thalassemia diagnosis code was very small, and because it believed both
indications would be approved in time
[[Page 36038]]
for new technology add-on payment. In addition, the applicant noted
that when searching for cases in DRG 014 with SCD or beta thalassemia
diagnosis codes, there were no beta thalassemia cases. The applicant
noted that cases included in the analysis may not be a completely
accurate representation of cases that will be eligible for Casgevy\TM\
but that the analyses were provided in recognition of the low volume of
The applicant performed two analyses for each cohort: one with all
prior drug charges maintained, representing a scenario in which there
is no change to patient drug regimen with the use of Casgevy\TM\; and
the other with all prior drug charges removed, representing a scenario
in which no ancillary drugs are used in the treatment of Casgevy\TM\
patients. Per the applicant, this was done because some patients
receiving CasgevyTM could receive fewer ancillary drugs
during the inpatient stay, but it was difficult to know with certainty
whether this would be the case or to identify the exact differences in
drug regimens between patients receiving CasgevyTM and those
receiving allogeneic bone marrow transplants. The applicant notes the
analyses with drug charges removed were likely an over-estimation of
the ancillary drug charges that would be removed in cases involving the
use of Casgevy\TM\, but these were provided as sensitivity analyses.
According to the applicant, eligible cases for CasgevyTM
will be mapped to either Pre-MDC MS-DRG 016 (Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant with CC/MCC) or Pre-MDC MS-DRG 017 (Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant without CC/MCC), depending on whether complications or
comorbidities (CCs) or major complications or comorbidities (MCCs) are
present. For each analysis, the applicant used the FY 2025 new
technology add-on payment threshold for Pre-MDC MS-DRG 016 for all
identified cases, because it was typically higher than the threshold
for Pre-MDC MS-DRG 017. Each analysis followed the order of operations
described in the table later in this section.
For the first cohort, the applicant included all cases associated
with MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant). The applicant used
the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the following table and
identified 996 claims mapping to MS-DRG 014. With all prior drug
charges maintained (Scenario 1), the applicant calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$12,325,062, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491. With all prior drug charges removed (Scenario 2), the
applicant calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $12,181,526, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $182,491.
For the second cohort, the applicant searched for cases within MS-
DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplant) with any ICD-10-CM
diagnosis codes representing SCD or TDT. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the following table and
identified 11 claims mapping to MS-DRG 014 (Allogeneic Bone Marrow
Transplant). With all prior drug charges maintained (Scenario 3), the
applicant calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $12,125,212, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $182,491. With all prior drug charges
removed (Scenario 4), the applicant calculated a final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per case of $12,086,551, which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $182,491.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant asserted that Casgevy\TM\ meets the cost
\21\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36039]]
We are inviting public comments on whether Casgevy\TM\ meets the
cost criterion.
With regard to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that Casgevy\TM\ represents a substantial clinical
improvement over existing technologies because it is expected to avoid
certain serious risks or side effects associated with the existing
approved gene therapy for TDT, Zynteglo\TM\. The applicant provided one
study to support these claims, as well as two package inserts.\22\ The
following table summarizes the applicant's assertion regarding the
substantial clinical improvement criterion. Please see the online
posting for Casgevy\TM\ for the applicant's complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
\22\ Background articles are not included in the following table
but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
After review of the information provided by the applicant, we have
the following concerns regarding whether Casgevy\TM\ meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion. We note that the provided
evidence did not include any peer-reviewed literature that directly
assessed the use of Casgevy\TM\ for TDT. We note that the only
assessment of the technology submitted was from a conference
presentation \23\ that provides data on the CLIMB-111 trial, an ongoing
phase 1/2/3 single-arm trial assessing a single dose of
CasgevyTM in patients 12 to 35 years old with TDT. The data
submitted by the applicant indicated 48 participants aged 12 to 35
years received CasgevyTM for TDT, of which only 27
participants were evaluable for the primary and key secondary endpoints
because they were followed for at least 16 months (up to 43.7 months)
after CasgevyTM infusion. Per the applicant's conference
presentation, 88.9% of participants achieved both the primary efficacy
endpoint (transfusion independence for 12 consecutive months while
maintaining a weighted average hemoglobin of at least 9 g/dL) and the
key secondary efficacy endpoint (transfusion independence for 6
consecutive months while maintaining a weighted average hemoglobin of
at least 9 g/dL). The applicant noted that two patients had serious
adverse events related to CasgevyTM. Due to the small study
population and the median age of participants in the study, we question
if these study outcomes would be generalizable to a Medicare
population. In addition, from the evidence submitted, we were also
unable to determine where the study took place (that is, within the
U.S. or in locations outside the U.S), which may also limit
generalizability to the Medicare population. We also question if the
short follow-up duration is sufficient to assess improvements in long-
term clinical outcomes.
\23\ Locatelli F, et al. Presented at the 28th Annual European
Hematology Association; 11 June 2023.
Furthermore, with regard to the claim that CasgevyTM is
expected to avoid certain serious risks or side effects associated with
approved viral-based gene therapies for TDT, the applicant stated that
Zynteglo\TM\ utilizes gene transfer to use a modified, inert lentivirus
to add working exogenous copies of the [beta]-globin gene to increase
functional hemoglobin A; due to this mechanism of action and the semi-
random nature of viral integration, the applicant stated that treatment
with Zynteglo\TM\ carries the risk of lentiviral vector (LVV)-mediated
insertional oncogenesis after treatment. The applicant explained that
Casgevy\TM\ is an autologous ex-vivo modified hematopoietic stem-cell
biological product which uses a non-viral mechanism of action (CRISPR/
Cas9 gene editing), and therefore, this technology does not carry a
risk for insertional oncogenesis. The applicant also noted that gene
editing approaches, including CRISPR/Cas9, have the potential to
produce off-target edits, but in trials to date, off-target gene
editing has not been observed in the edited CD34+ cells from healthy
donors or patients. We note that we are unclear regarding the frequency
and related clinical relevance of LVV-mediated oncogenesis. We also
question if the follow-up duration for patients treated with
CasgevyTM is sufficient to assess improvement in the rate of
malignancy. We would be interested in more information on the overall
safety profile comparison between Casgevy\TM\ and Zynteglo\TM\, as well
as any comparisons of CasgevyTM to another potentially
curative treatment, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant for
patients with TDT.
We are inviting public comments on whether Casgevy\TM\ meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for
c. DuraGraft[supreg] (Vascular Conduit Solution)
Marizyme, Inc. submitted an application for new technology add-on
payments for DuraGraft[supreg] for FY 2025. According to the applicant,
DuraGraft[supreg] is an intraoperative vein-graft preservation solution
used during the harvesting and grafting interval during coronary artery
bypass graft surgery (CABG). The applicant stated that the use of
DuraGraft[supreg] does not change clinical/surgical practice; it
replaces solutions currently used for flushing and storage of the
saphenous vein grafts (SVG) from harvesting through grafting, including
tests for graft leakage. As noted in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule (88 FR 26795), Somahlution, Inc., acquired by Marizyme in
2020,\24\ submitted and
[[Page 36040]]
withdrew applications for new technology add-on payments for
DuraGraft[supreg] for FY 2018 and FY 2019. The applicant also submitted
an application for new technology add-on payments for FY 2020, as
summarized in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (84 FR 19305
through 19312), that it withdrew prior to the issuance of the FY 2020
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42180). We note that the applicant also
submitted an application for new technology add-on payments for FY
2024, as summarized in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR
26795 through 26803), that it withdrew prior to the issuance of the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58804).
\24\ NASDAQ. Marizyme, Inc. Completes Acquisition of
Somahlution, Inc. and Raises $7.0 Million in Private Placement
[verbar] Nasdaq (accessed 1/23/2023).
Please refer to the online application posting for
DuraGraft[supreg], available at, for additional detail describing the
technology and intraoperative ischemic injury.
With respect to the newness criterion, according to the applicant,
DuraGraft[supreg] was granted De Novo classification from FDA on
October 4, 2023, for adult patients undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass
Grafting surgeries and is intended for flushing and storage of SVGs
from harvesting through grafting for up to 4 hours. Per the applicant,
DuraGraft[supreg] is not yet commercially available due to a delay
related to finalizing the label prior to manufacturing.
The applicant stated that effective October 1, 2017, the following
ICD-10-PCS code may be used to uniquely describe procedures involving
the use of DuraGraft[supreg]: XY0VX83 (Extracorporeal introduction of
endothelial damage inhibitor to vein graft, new technology group 3).
Please refer to the online application posting for the complete list of
ICD-10-CM and PCS codes provided by the applicant.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered ``new'' for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that DuraGraft[supreg] is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies because DuraGraft[supreg] is a first-
in-class product as a storage and flushing solution for vascular grafts
used during CABG surgery and the components of DuraGraft[supreg]
directly interfere with the mechanisms of oxidative damage, and that
therefore, the technology meets the newness criterion. The following
table summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding the substantial
similarity criteria. Please see the online application posting for
DuraGraft[supreg] for the applicant's complete statements in support of
its assertion that DuraGraft[supreg] is not substantially similar to
other currently available technologies.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR 26796), we
expressed concern that the mechanism of action of DuraGraft[supreg] may
be the same or similar to other vein graft storage solutions.
Similarly, we note that according to the applicant, DuraGraft[supreg]
prevents intraoperative ischemic injury to the endothelial layer of
free vascular grafts, reducing the risks for post-CABG vein graft
disease and graft failure, which are clinical manifestations of graft
ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI), and we question whether
DuraGraft[supreg] might have a similar mechanism of action as existing
treatments for preventing ischemic injury of vein grafts during CABG
surgery and reducing vein graft disease or its complications following
CABG surgery. We are inviting public comments on whether
DuraGraft[supreg] is substantially similar to existing technologies and
whether DuraGraft[supreg] meets the newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for DuraGraft[supreg], the
applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for cases reporting a
combination of ICD-10-CM/PCS codes that represent patients who
underwent CABG procedures. Please see the online posting for
DuraGraft[supreg] for a complete list of MS-DRGs and ICD-10-CM and PCS
codes provided by the applicant. Using the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table, the applicant identified 33,511 cases
mapping to 59 MS-DRGs, including MS-DRG 236 (Coronary Bypass Without
Cardiac Catheterization Without MCC) representing 21.9 percent of the
identified cases. The applicant followed the order of operations
described in the following table and
[[Page 36041]]
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $321,620, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $235,829. Because the final inflated average case-
weighted standardized charge per case exceeded the average case-
weighted threshold amount, the applicant asserted that
DuraGraft[supreg] meets the cost criterion.
We note the following concerns regarding the cost criterion.
Although the applicant did not remove direct or indirect charges
related to the prior technology, we note that the applicant indicated
that the use of DuraGraft[supreg] replaces solutions currently used for
flushing and storage of the SVGs harvested through grafting, including
tests for graft leakage, in its discussion of the newness criterion.
Therefore, we question whether the cost criterion analysis should
remove charges for related or prior technologies, such as autologous
heparinized blood (AHB), Plasmalyte/Normosol, Lactated Ringers, and
heparinized saline (HS).
\25\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
We are inviting public comments on whether DuraGraft[supreg] meets
the cost criterion.
With regard to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that DuraGraft[supreg] represents a substantial
clinical improvement over existing technologies because there is no
other product or technology that reduces the incidence of peri-
operative myocardial infarction. The applicant provided four studies to
support this assertion, as well as 47 background articles about
reducing major adverse cardiac events (MACE).\26\ The following table
summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. Please see the online posting for
DuraGraft[supreg] for the applicant's complete statements regarding the
substantial clinical improvement criterion and the supporting evidence
\26\ Background articles are not included in the following table
but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
[[Page 36042]]
After review of the information provided by the applicant, we have
the following concerns regarding whether DuraGraft[supreg] meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion. As discussed in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR 26800 through 26801), we expressed
concern regarding the relatively small sample sizes of the Szalkiewicz
et al. (2022) \27\ and Perrault et al. (2021) \28\ studies, as compared
to the number of potentially eligible patients for this technology, and
relatively short follow-up periods. We continue to question whether the
sample was representative of the number of Medicare beneficiaries
potentially eligible for DuraGraft[supreg]. We refer readers to the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule for further discussion of these
concerns. For its FY 2025 application, the applicant also cited Lopez-
Menendez et al. (2021),\29\ which we note used a sample size of 180,
and therefore we similarly question whether
[[Page 36043]]
the results of this study would be replicated with a larger patient
\27\ Szalkiewicz, P, Emmert, MY, and Heinisch, PP, et al (2022).
Graft Preservation confers myocardial protection during coronary
artery bypass grafting. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, July
2022, pp 1-10. DOI 10.3389/fcvm.2022.922357.
\28\ Perrault, LP, Carrier, M, and Voisine, P, et al (2021).
Sequential multidetector computed tomography assessments after
venous graft treatment solution in coronary artery bypass grafting.
Journal of Thoracis and Cardiovascular Surgery. Jan. 2021, Vol. 161,
Number 1, 96-106.
\29\ Lopez-Menendez J, Castro-Pinto M, and Fajardo E, Miguelena
J, et al. Vein graft preservation with an endothelial damage
inhibitor in isolated coronary artery bypass surgery: an
observational propensity score-matched analysis. J Thorac Dis
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH proposed rule (88 FR 26800 through 26801),
we also questioned whether the results from the Haime et al. (2018)
\30\ study could be generalized to other patient groups, including
nonveterans, women, or those from other racial or ethnic groups. We
continue to question whether the demographic profiles in the Perrault,
Szalkiewicz, and Haime studies that the applicant submitted were
comparable with those of the U.S. Medicare patients who underwent CABG
surgery. For its FY 2025 application, the applicant also cited the
Lopez-Menendez et al. (2021) \31\ study, which was based on a European
patient population that was predominantly male (82 percent to 90
percent). However, as we noted in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule (88 FR 26800 through 26801), among the Medicare fee-for-service
beneficiaries who underwent CABG surgery, male patients accounted for
two-thirds (66 percent) of this population. Therefore, we continue to
question whether the findings of these studies would be replicable
among the Medicare population.
\30\ Haime, M, McLean RR, and Kurgansky KE, et al (2018).
Relationship between intra-operative vein graft treatment with
DuraGraft[supreg] or saline and clinical outcomes after coronary
artery bypass grafting, Expert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy,
16:12, 963-970. DOI: 10.1080/14779072.2018.1532289.
\31\ Ibid.
We are inviting public comments on whether DuraGraft[supreg] meets
the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
In this section, we summarize and respond to written public
comments received in response to the New Technology Town Hall meeting
notice published in the Federal Register regarding the substantial
clinical improvement criterion for DuraGraft[supreg].
Comment: The applicant submitted a public comment in response to
our question as to why two propensity match models were used in the
propensity match comparison of the EU DuraGraft[supreg] Registry to the
STS Registry that it presented during the New Technology Town Hall
meeting. The applicant explained that the goal of propensity matching
was to balance patient and technical factors predictive of mortality
throughout the observation period and to correct for differences that
may be encountered in the U.S. and Europe. The applicant stated that a
primary propensity score model (PSM) with 35 variables (2,400 patients
matched), and a secondary PSM with 25 variables (2,522 patients
matched, sensitivity analysis) were used. The applicant noted that the
propensity variables were chosen with a goal of comparing variables
descriptive of (1) U.S. and Western European populations, (2) the
general practice of cardiac surgery, and (3) standards of care for
surgical technique. The applicant noted that an important set of
variables that needed to be balanced were the components of the
EuroScore II (ESII). ESII is comprised of 18 patient variables and, per
the applicant, is considered to be the best predictor of peri-operative
and early mortality. ESII variables relevant for shorter term mortality
were supplemented with appropriate predictors for longer term
mortality.32 33 34
\32\ Aldea, G.S., Bakaeen, F.G., Pal, J., Fremes, S., Head,
S.J., Sabik, J., Rosengart, T., Kappetein, A.P., Thourani, V.H.,
Firestone, S., Mitchell, J.D., & Society of Thoracic Surgeons
(2016). The Society of Thoracic Surgeons Clinical Practice
Guidelines on Arterial Conduits for Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting.
The Annals of thoracic surgery, 101(2), 801-809.
\33\ Kolh, P., Kurlansky, P., Cremer, J., Lawton, J., Siepe, M.,
& Fremes, S. (2016). Transatlantic Editorial: A Comparison Between
European and North American Guidelines on Myocardial
Revascularization. The Annals of thoracic surgery, 101(6), 2031-
\34\ Shahian, D.M., O'Brien, S.M., Sheng, S., Grover, F.L.,
Mayer, J.E., Jacobs, J.P., Weiss, J.M., Delong, E.R., Peterson,
E.D., Weintraub, W.S., Grau-Sepulveda, M.V., Klein, L.W., Shaw,
R.E., Garratt, K.N., Moussa, I.D., Shewan, C.M., Dangas, G.D., &
Edwards, F.H. (2012). Predictors of long-term survival after
coronary artery bypass grafting surgery: results from the Society of
Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Surgery Database (the ASCERT study).
Circulation, 125(12), 1491-1500.
The applicant noted that the set of variables for the primary PSM
included 35 characteristics that are most strongly associated with
mortality across the time periods (including 1-year post-CABG) and were
consistently observed to have the highest degree of impact in the
studies. The applicant stated that these variables include
demographics, cardiac and pre-op surgical risk factors, coronary
anatomy, and surgical/procedural key characteristics (for example,
grafting strategy and conduit selection) to serve as the primary
analysis. The applicant indicated that all characteristics in the ESII
are included in the risk factors, with the exception of endocarditis,
surgery on the thoracic aorta, weight of the intervention, and poor
mobility, as they are not relevant to the subset of patients being
propensity matched, or in the case of poor mobility, not collected in
both databases. The applicant stressed that this list was reviewed and
edited with FDA during the pre-submission process. To further allow for
the selection of a cohort matched for standard of care and surgical
technique between the European and U.S. populations, additional
relevant variables were added including pre-op cardiac risk, coronary
anatomy, and surgical technique.
The applicant further noted that the set of variables for the
secondary PSM included 25 of the 35 variables from the primary PSM,
excluding characteristics of pre-op cardiac risk factors, coronary
anatomy, and aspects of surgical technique. The applicant asserted that
the secondary PSM serves as a sensitivity analysis to estimate whether
the standard of care for the treatment of patients with advanced
coronary artery disease and surgical techniques differ for patients in
the two cohorts which are otherwise balanced for surgical risk factors,
and whether these differences could affect mortality outcomes.
Response: We thank the applicant for its comments. We also note
that the applicant has provided the baseline demographic
characteristics and surgical risk factors of the two cohorts before and
after propensity score matching, which appears to demonstrate that the
two cohorts were more similar in those characteristics and factors as a
result of propensity score matching. We will take this information into
consideration when deciding whether to approve new technology add-on
payments for DuraGraft[supreg].
d. ELREXFIOTM (elranatamab-bcmm)
Pfizer, Inc. submitted an application for new technology add-on
payments for ELREXFIOTM for FY 2025. According to the
applicant, ELREXFIOTM is a B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)
directed cluster of differentiation (CD)3 T-cell engager indicated for
the treatment of adult patients with relapsed or refractory multiple
myeloma (RRMM) who have received at least four prior lines of therapy,
including a proteasome inhibitor (PI), an immunomodulatory agent
(IMiD), and an anti-CD38 monoclonal antibody (mAb). Per the applicant,
ELREXFIOTM is a bispecific, humanized immunoglobulin 2-
alanine (IgG2[Delta]a) kappa antibody derived from two mAbs,
administered as a fixed-dose, subcutaneous treatment. We note that the
applicant submitted an application for new technology add-on payments
for ELREXFIOTM for FY 2024 under the name elranatamab, as
summarized in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR 26803
through 26809), but the technology did not meet the July 1, 2023
deadline for FDA approval or clearance of the technology and,
[[Page 36044]]
therefore, was not eligible for consideration for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2024 (88 FR 58804).
Please refer to the online application posting for
ELREXFIOTM available at, for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion, according to the applicant,
ELREXFIOTM was granted Biologics License Application (BLA)
approval from FDA on August 14, 2023, for the treatment of adult
patients with RRMM who have received at least four prior lines of
therapy, including a PI, an IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb. According to
the applicant, ELREXFIOTM was commercially available
immediately after FDA approval. Per the applicant, the recommended
doses of ELREXFIO\TM\ subcutaneous injection are step-up doses of 12 mg
on day 1 and 32 mg on day 4, followed by a first treatment dose of 76
mg on day 8 and subsequent treatment doses as indicated in the label.
The applicant noted that treatment doses may be administered in an
inpatient or outpatient setting. Per the applicant, patients should be
hospitalized for 48 hours after administration of the first step-up
dose, and for 24 hours after administration of the second step-up dose.
The applicant assumed that there would be a single inpatient stay, with
one 44 mg vial used per dose, resulting in two doses (each a step-up
dose) being administered.
The applicant stated that effective October 1, 2023, the following
ICD-10-PCS code may be used to uniquely describe procedures involving
the use of ELREXFIOTM: XW013L9 (Introduction of elranatamab
antineoplastic into subcutaneous tissue, percutaneous approach, new
technology group 9). The applicant stated that C90.00 (Multiple myeloma
not having achieved remission), C90.01 (Multiple myeloma in remission),
C90.02 (Multiple myeloma in relapse), and Z51.12 (Encounter for
antineoplastic immunotherapy) may be used to currently identify the
indication for ELREXFIOTM under the ICD-10-CM coding system.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered ``new'' for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that ELREXFIOTM is not substantially similar to
other currently available technologies because it is the only therapy
approved for the treatment of patients with RRMM who have received 4
prior lines of therapy including a PI, IMiD, and mAb that uses a
humanized IgG2a antibody for the mechanism of action. Per the
applicant, it is also the only BCMA-directed bispecific antibody (bsAb)
therapy with clinical study data in its prescribing information
supporting use in patients who have received prior BCMA-directed
therapy, and that therefore, the technology meets the newness
criterion. The following table summarizes the applicant's assertions
regarding the substantial similarity criteria. Please see the online
application posting for ELREXFIOTM for the applicant's
complete statements in support of its assertion that
ELREXFIOTM is not substantially similar to other currently
available technologies.
[[Page 36045]]
[[Page 36046]]
With regard to the newness criterion, similar to our discussion in
the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR 26804), we note that
ELREXFIOTM may have a similar mechanism of action to that of
TECVAYLI[supreg], for which we approved an application for new
technology add-on payments for FY 2024 (88 FR 58891) for the treatment
of adult patients with RRMM after four or more prior lines of therapy,
including a PI, an IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb. As we previously noted,
TECVAYLI[supreg]'s mechanism of action is described as a bsAb, with
binding domains that simultaneously bind the BCMA target on tumor cells
and the CD3 T-cell receptor (88 FR 58886). The applicant asserts that
ELREXFIOTM has a unique CDR (the region of antibody that
recognizes and binds to target epitopes) that is critical to the
mechanism of action because it results in different targeted regions,
impacting how the drug works to target the cancer cells. However, it is
unclear how these differences result in a substantially different
mechanism of action from TECVAYLI[supreg]. Because of the apparent
similarity with the bsAb for ELREXFIOTM that uses binding
domains that simultaneously bind the BCMA target on tumor cells and the
CD3 T-cell receptor, we believe that the mechanism of action for
ELREXFIOTM may be the same or similar to that of
TECVAYLI[supreg]. The applicant also asserts that ELREXFIOTM
is different from TECVAYLI[supreg] because the two are based on
different immunoglobulin isotypes, and with the lower effector function
of IgG2, ELREXFIOTM should only activate T-cells in the
presence of BCMA and thus should only stimulate an immune response in
the tumor. Based on our understanding, however, that this may relate to
the risk of adverse event from ELREXFIOTM administration but
is not critical to the way the drug treats the underlying disease, we
question whether this would therefore relate to an assessment of
substantial clinical improvement, rather than of substantial
We also note that ELREXFIOTM and TECVAYLI[supreg] may
treat the same or similar disease (RRMM) in the same or similar patient
population (patients who have previously received a PI, IMiD, and an
anti-CD38 mAb). The applicant claims ELREXFIOTM is different
from TECVAYLI[supreg] because the prescribing information includes a
new subpopulation, the patient population that had received prior BCMA-
directed therapy. However, we believe the lack of inclusion of this
population in the prescribing information for TECVAYLI[supreg] does not
necessarily exclude the use of TECVAYLI[supreg] in this patient
population, nor does the FDA prescribing information for
TECVAYLI[supreg] specifically exclude this patient population. As such,
it is unclear whether ELREXFIOTM would in fact treat a
patient population different from TECVAYLI[supreg]. Accordingly, as it
appears that ELREXFIOTM and TECVAYLI[supreg] may use the
same or similar mechanism of action to achieve a therapeutic outcome,
would be assigned to the same MS-DRG, and treat the same or similar
patient population and disease, we believe that these technologies may
be substantially similar to each other. We note that if we determine
that this technology is substantially similar to TECVAYLI[supreg], we
believe the newness period for this technology would begin on November
9, 2022, the date TECVAYLI[supreg] became commercially available.
Furthermore, we believe another applicant for FY 2025 new
technology add-on payments, TALVEYTM, may also be
substantially similar to ELREXFIOTM. Per the application for
TALVEYTM, TALVEYTM is a bispecific antibody
approved for the treatment of adults with RRMM who have received at
least four prior lines of therapy, including a PI, IMiD, and an anti-
CD38 monoclonal antibody. The applicant for TALVEYTM states
TALVEYTM recruits CD3-expressing T cells to myeloma cells
that express GPRC5D, resulting in activation of the T cell receptor
pathway and lysis of GPRC5D-expressing MM cells. Per the applicant for
TALVEYTM, TALVEYTM was available for sale
immediately after its approval on August 9, 2023. We
[[Page 36047]]
believe TALVEYTM may be substantially similar to
ELREXFIOTM because it is also a bispecific antibody that
treats RRMM in patients who have previously received a PI, IMiD, and an
anti-CD38 mAb. Additionally, we note that similar to
ELREXFIOTM, the prescribing information for
TALVEYTM includes the population with prior exposure to BCMA
T-cell redirection therapy. Accordingly, as it appears that
ELREXFIOTM and TALVEYTM would use the same or
similar mechanism of action to achieve a therapeutic outcome, would be
assigned to the same MS-DRG, and would treat the same or similar
disease in the same or similar patient population, we believe that
these technologies may also be substantially similar to each other such
that they should be considered as a single application for purposes of
new technology add-on payments. We note that if ELREXFIOTM
is determined to only be substantially similar to TALVEYTM,
and not TECVAYLI[supreg], we believe the newness period for
ELREXFIOTM would begin on August 9, 2023, the date
TALVEYTM received FDA approval.
We are interested in receiving information on how these
technologies may differ from each other with respect to the substantial
similarity and newness criteria, to inform our analysis of whether
ELREXFIOTM is substantially similar to TALVEYTM
and/or TECVAYLI[supreg].
We are inviting public comments on whether ELREXFIOTM is
substantially similar to existing technologies and whether
ELREXFIOTM meets the newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for ELREXFIOTM,
the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR for cases reporting one of
the following ICD-10-CM codes in any position: C90.00 (Multiple myeloma
not having achieved remission), C90.01 (Multiple myeloma in remission),
or C90.02 (Multiple myeloma in relapse). Using the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table, the applicant identified
4,689 claims mapping to five MS-DRGs: MS-DRGs 840, 841, and 842
(Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with MCC, with CC, and without CC/MCC,
respectively), and MS-DRGs 846 and 847 (Chemotherapy without Acute
Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with MCC and with CC, respectively).
The applicant followed the order of operations described in the
following table and calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $170,699, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $77,190. Because the final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount, the applicant asserted that
ELREXFIOTM meets the cost criterion.
[[Page 36048]]
We are inviting public comments on whether ELREXFIOTM
meets the cost criterion.
With regards to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that ELREXFIOTM represents a substantial
clinical improvement over existing technologies because it is a new
treatment option for late-line RRMM patients who are refractory to or
otherwise ineligible for existing therapy. Per the applicant, it
significantly improves outcomes compared to existing therapy (Cohort A
objective response rate (ORR) of 57.7 percent with a complete response
(CR) or better achieved in 25.8 percent and very good partial response
(VGPR) in 25.8 percent; Cohort B ORR of 33.3 percent with duration of
response (DOR) of 84.3 percent at 9 months), has a manageable safety
profile, and shorter hospitalization than TECVAYLI[supreg] and
TALVEYTM. The applicant provided nine studies assessing
ELREXFIOTM to support these claims, as well as 12 background
articles about RRMM and comparator technologies.\35\ The following
table summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. Please see the online posting for
ELREXFIOTM for the applicant's complete statements regarding
the substantial clinical improvement criterion and the supporting
evidence provided.
\35\ Background articles are not included in the following table
but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
[[Page 36049]]
[[Page 36050]]
After review of the information provided by the applicant, we have
the following concerns regarding whether ELREXFIOTM meets
the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
With respect to the claim ELREXFIOTM is a new treatment
option for late-line patients with RRMM who are refractory to existing
therapies or otherwise ineligible for or unable to access them, the
applicant states the nature of the disease is such that patients
typically become refractory to the available treatment options or
patients may be unable to access some therapies for other reasons. The
applicant further notes patients need new therapies with new mechanisms
of action that can provide better efficacy, extend the duration of
response, and be available to a larger subset of the late-line RRMM
population, particularly patients with prior BCMA-directed therapy
exposure. The applicant states that ELREXFIOTM addresses
these limitations since it does not require patient-specific
manufacturing and is the only BCMA-directed bispecific antibody therapy
that has clinical study data on outcomes for patients exposed to prior
BCMA-directed therapy in its prescribing information. We note the
evidence presented does not identify a specific population that would
benefit from ELREXFIOTM that would not be eligible for or
benefit from other therapies for late-line RRMM, including
TECVAYLI[supreg], TALVEYTM, CARVYKTI[supreg], and
ABECMA[supreg]. With regard to the population with prior BCMA-directed
therapy exposure, as noted previously, the prescribing information for
TALVEYTM also includes efficacy data in this population and
the lack of inclusion of this population in the prescribing information
for TECVAYLI[supreg] does not exclude the use of this drug for these
With respect to the claim that ELREXFIOTM is the only
BCMA-directed bispecific antibody with clinical study data in the
prescribing information to support use in patients who have been
treated with prior BCMA-directed therapy, the applicant states that
although clinical studies evaluating TECVAYLI[supreg] included prior
BCMA-exposed RRMM patients, in Section 14 of the prescribing
information,\36\ the
[[Page 36051]]
FDA-approved labeling does not acknowledge outcomes or safety data for
prior BCMA-exposed patients. Furthermore, the applicant contends this
lack of inclusion suggests that prior-BCMA exposed patients continue to
have a high unmet need despite the availability of TECVAYLI[supreg],
and that the inclusion of this clinical study data in
ELREXFIOTM's prescribing information suggests that
ELREXFIOTM is able to fill this unmet need. However, as
noted previously, the lack of inclusion of similar study data in
TECVAYLI[supreg]'s prescribing information does not exclude the use of
this drug in these patients. Additionally, TALVEYTM is a
bsAb that was also studied in this patient population and has an
indication for patients with prior BCMA-directed therapy.
\36\ TECVAYLI (teclistamab-cqyv), injection, for subcutaneous
use; Janssen Biotech, Inc., 2023.
With respect to the claim that CAR T-cell therapies are largely
unavailable to Medicare beneficiaries with late-line RRMM, the
applicant states CAR T-cells take a significant amount of time to
manufacture, and given the rapid nature of RRMM, some patients may die
or become ineligible for treatment by the time the CAR T-cells are
available for infusion. However, we note that TECVAYLI[supreg] and
TALVEYTM have also received FDA approval and would therefore
be options for patients who are unable to access or receive CAR T-cell
The applicant states that MM is an incurable malignancy and that
patients' ability to respond to therapy diminishes over time, leading
to a reduced duration of response and eventually exhausting available
therapy options to manage the disease. The applicant asserts that
patients typically undergo several lines of therapy before exhausting
therapy options and succumbing to the disease. The applicant references
the low objective response rates (ORRs) of selinexor and conventional
chemotherapy in RRMM patients. We note there are several treatments
available to patients with RRMM who have received at least four prior
lines of therapy including a PI, an IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb, such as
TECVAYLI[supreg], TALVEYTM, ABECMA[supreg], and
CARVYKTI[supreg]. It is not clear from the evidence provided that there
is a patient population eligible for and responsive to
ELREXFIOTM that is neither eligible for nor responsive to
any of these other available therapies.
The applicant further claims that ELREXFIOTM's generally
manageable safety profile without dysgeusia and other toxicities that
severely impact quality of life, in conjunction with the improved
efficacy in late-line RRMM, makes it a substantial clinical improvement
treatment over existing therapies. Additionally, the applicant asserts
that dysgeusia and nail-related and skin-related toxicities that reduce
quality of life with TALVEYTM are not reported with
ELREXFIOTM. However, the safety profile of
ELREXFIOTM was not compared to ABECMA[supreg],
CARVYKTI[supreg], or TECVAYLI[supreg]. We also note we did not receive
evidence related to improved efficacy that compares
ELREXFIOTM with ABECMA[supreg], CARVYKTI[supreg],
TALVEYTM, or TECVAYLI[supreg], and we question if
ELREXFIOTM improves efficacy relative to these other
With respect to the claim that ELREXFIOTM significantly
improves outcomes compared to existing therapies approved for late-line
RRMM, including prior BCMA-exposed patients, the applicant provides
study results from MagnetisMM-3, an open-label, phase 2 study where
after receiving two step-up priming doses, patients received
subcutaneous ELREXFIOTM once weekly in 28-day cycles, which
after six cycles, was followed by once every 2 weeks for persistent
responders.\37\ The applicant stated the ORR for ELREXFIOTM
was 61 percent and the percentage of patients that had at least a
complete response was 37.4 percent after a median follow-up of 17.6
months in patients with RRMM and no prior exposure to BCMA-directed
therapy.\38\ The applicant acknowledges the lack of head-to-head
studies and submits indirect comparison analyses comparing
ELREXFIOTM to belantamab, selinexor-dexamethasone, real-
world physician's choice of treatment, real-world external control
arms, and TECVAYLI[supreg] in patients with triple-class refractory
multiple myeloma. The referenced indirect comparisons by Hlavacek et
al. (2023) \39\ and Costa et al. (2023) 40 41 showed the ORR
for ELREXFIOTM was significantly higher compared to
belantamab, selinexor-dexamethasone, real-world physician's choice of
treatment based on local clinical practice, and real-world external
control arms. We note, however, that no similar comparative analyses
were provided by the applicant to compare ELREXFIOTM to
TALVEYTM ABECMA[supreg], or CARVYKTI[supreg] . In the
absence of direct comparative trials between ELREXFIOTM and
TECVAYLI[supreg], the applicant submitted the results of an unanchored
matching-adjusted indirect comparison (MAIC) between the MagnetisMM-3
study, previously described, and the MajesTEC-1 study, assessing the
relative efficacy of the two therapies in patients with relapsed or
refractory MM na[iuml]ve to prior BCMA-directed therapy (Isha Mol et
al., 2023).\42\ MajesTEC-1 was an open-label, phase 1-2 study where
patients with RRMM and no prior exposure to BCMA-targeted therapy
received a weekly subcutaneous injection of TECVAYLI[supreg] after two
step-up doses.\43\ As stated by the applicant, the results of the MAIC
demonstrate ELREXFIOTM significantly improved ORR and PFS
versus TECVAYLI[supreg]. We note, however, that the mechanism used in
the MAIC to reweight MagnetisMM-3 patients to match the baseline
characteristics of patients from MajesTEC-1 is unclear, as is the
sensitivity analysis in which missing values of the adjusted baseline
characteristics for ELREXFIOTM patients were imputed by a
random sample of the observations in MagnetisMM-3 to potentially
increase the effective sample size. In addition, while the ORR and PFS
in the two analyses (base case adjusted and sensitivity analysis) were
significantly improved with ELREXFIOTM over
TECVAYLI[supreg], we note that the confidence intervals were wide,
reducing the certainty in these conclusions. The ORR odds ratio 95
percent confidence interval was 1.01 to 3.19 for the base case adjusted
analysis and 1.04 to 3.14 for the sensitivity analysis. Furthermore,
other outcomes
[[Page 36052]]
measured, such as the duration of response and overall survival, did
not demonstrate significant improvement with ELREXFIOTM.
Additionally, we note that with regard to the claim that
ELREXFIOTM significantly improves outcomes specifically in
RRMM patients who have had prior BMCA-directed therapy, the applicant
references the ELREXFIOTM prescribing information and
additional MagnetisMM-3 Cohort B data showing an ORR of 33.3 percent in
patients with prior BCMA-directed antibody drug conjugate (ADC) or CAR
T-cell therapy. However, we note that TECVAYLI[supreg] and
TALVEYTM may also be treatment options for BCMA-exposed
patients and we would appreciate information on comparative efficacy
between ELREXFIOTM and these treatment options in the prior
BCMA-directed therapy population.
\37\ Lesokhin AM, Tomasson MH, Arnulf B, et al. Elranatamab in
relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma: Phase 2 MagnetisMM-3 trial
results. Nat Med. 2023 Aug 15. Online ahead of print.
\38\ Michael H. Tomasson, et al., Long-Term Efficacy and Safety
of Elranatamab Monotherapy in the Phase 2 MagnetisMM-3 Trial in
Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Oral presentation at: 65th
American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting; 2023 Dec. 9-12.
\39\ Hlavacek P, Mol I, Hu Y, et al. Indirect treatment
comparison of elranatamab with belmaf, sel-dex, and real-world
physician's choice of treatment in patients with triple-class
exposed relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma. Presented at the
European Hematology Association (EHA) Congress, 2023 June 8-11,
Frankfurt, Germany.
\40\ Costa LJ, LeBlanc TW, Tesch H, et al. An indirect
comparison of elranatamab's (ELRA) objective response rate (ORR)
from MagnetisMM-3 (MM-3) versus real-world external control arms in
triple-class refractory (TCR) multiple myeloma (MM). Presented at
the European Hematology Association (EHA) Congress, 2023 June 8-11,
Frankfurt, Germany.
\41\ Costa LJ, et al., An Indirect Comparison of Elranatamab's
Progression-Free Survival and Overall Survival from MagnetisMM-3
Versus Real-World External Control Arms in Triple-Class Refractory
Multiple Myeloma. Abstract presented at the 65th American Society of
Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting; 2023 Dec. 9-12.
\42\ Isha Mol, et al., A Matching-Adjusted Indirect Comparison
of the Efficacy of Elranatamab and Teclistamab in Patients with
Triple-Class Exposed/Refractory Multiple Myeloma. Oral presentation
at: 65th American Society of Hematology (ASH) Annual Meeting; 2023
Dec. 9-12.
\43\ Moreau P, Garfall AL, van de Donk NWCJ, et al. Teclistamab
in Relapsed or Refractory Multiple Myeloma. NEJM. 2022 Aug 11.
With respect to the claim that ELREXFIOTM offers fewer
hospitalization days during the step-up dosing period than other
bispecific antibodies approved for patients with RRMM, thus lowering
barriers to patient access, the applicant references the prescribing
information for ELREXFIOTM, TECVAYLI[supreg], and
TALVEYTM to indicate that assuming patients are not sent
home between step-up doses, based on the step-up dosing schedules, the
patient would be hospitalized for 5 days with ELREXFIOTM, 9
days with TECVAYLI[supreg], and 9 to 12 days with TALVEYTM.
While the shorter step-up dosing may lead to a shorter hospitalization,
the applicant assumes, but does not demonstrate that the shorter step-
up dosing period and potentially shorter hospitalization would lower
barriers to patient access. Additionally, we note that there are other
variables besides duration of inpatient stay for the step-up dosing
that may affect availability or access to therapies, such that a
shorter step-up dosing duration may not necessarily result in better
access to therapy. For instance, social, financial, age-related, prior
therapy, and patient and provider dosing preferences may also affect
access to therapy. Furthermore, while the shorter step-up dosing
schedule should theoretically lead to a shorter hospitalization, we
note that the risk and severity of adverse drug events and patient
response could vary by drug, and that no clinical data was provided to
support this claim.
We are inviting public comments on whether ELREXFIOTM
meets the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for
e. FloPatch FP120
Flosonics Medical (R.A. 1929803 Ontario Corp.) submitted an
application for new technology add-on payments for FloPatch FP120 for
FY 2025. According to the applicant, FloPatch FP120 is a wireless,
wearable, continuous wave (4 MHz) Doppler ultrasound device that
adheres over peripheral vessels (that is, carotid & jugular) that
assesses blood flow in the peripheral vessels, enabling rapid and
repeatable dynamic assessments of both arterial and venous flow
simultaneously. According to the applicant, the FloPatch FP120
cardiovascular blood flowmeter adheres to a patient's neck (or any
other major vessel) and transmits Doppler-shifted ultrasonic waves from
the transducer to the artery and vein at a fixed angle of insonation
that are then reflected by moving blood cells back to the transducer.
Per the applicant, the signal processing unit wirelessly outputs data
to a secure iOS mobile medical application, which displays metrics from
the Doppler signal, such as maximal velocity trace and corrected flow
time, in a user-friendly interface. Per the applicant, FloPatch FP120
will optimize clinical workflow, is easy-to-use and hands-free, cloud-
connected, and can be deployed in under one minute, providing
instantaneous results.
Please refer to the online application posting for FloPatch FP120,
available at, for additional detail describing the technology and the
types of conditions that the technology might help diagnose and/or
With respect to the newness criterion, according to the applicant,
FloPatch FP120 received 510(k) clearance from FDA on May 3, 2023 for
use for the noninvasive assessment of blood flow in the carotid artery.
Per the applicant, in a more recent FDA 510(k) submission, the proposed
indication is for use for the noninvasive assessment of blood flow in
peripheral vasculature. However, based on the application submitted by
the applicant, the new technology add-on payment application for
FloPatch FP120 is not eligible for consideration for FY 2025 for the
proposed indication (for use for the noninvasive assessment of blood
flow in peripheral vasculature) because documentation of FDA acceptance
or filing of the marketing authorization request, that indicates that
FDA has determined that the application is sufficiently complete to
allow for substantive review by FDA, was not provided to CMS at the
time of new technology add-on payment application submission. As such,
the new technology add-on payment application for FloPatch FP120 is
only eligible for consideration for FY 2025 for the narrower indication
for use for the noninvasive assessment of blood flow in carotid artery.
We note that prior to the May 3, 2023 clearance, there were two FDA
510(k) clearances for the FloPatch FP120; one obtained in 2022 and one
in 2020. The indications in the 2020, 2022, and 2023 clearances are
identical, that is, for use for the noninvasive assessment of blood
flow in the carotid artery.\44\ In addition, the 2020 clearance was
based on substantial equivalence to the FloPatch FP110 device,\45\
which was an earlier version of FloPatch FP120 and was also FDA-
cleared. According to the applicant, FloPatch FP120 was commercially
available for this use as of January 1, 2023. However, as noted
earlier, the provided FDA 510(k) clearance was dated May 3, 2023.
Because the market availability date as indicated by the applicant
preceded the 2023 clearance date, and because the 2020 and 2022
clearances had the same indication as the 2023 clearance, we question
when the technology first became commercially available for use for the
noninvasive assessment of blood flow in the carotid artery and request
additional information on the market availability date for this
indication. Per the applicant, one FloPatch FP120 device would be used
per inpatient stay.
\44\ K223843, May 3, 2023; K222242, December 9, 2022; and
K200337, March 24, 2020.
\45\ K191388, June 21, 2019.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify FloPatch FP120. We note that the
applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique ICD-10-PCS
procedure code for FloPatch FP120 beginning in FY 2025. The applicant
provided a list of diagnosis codes that may be used to currently
identify the indication for FloPatch FP120 under the ICD-10-CM coding
system. Please refer to the online application posting for the complete
list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the applicant.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered new for the purpose of new technology add-on
[[Page 36053]]
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that FloPatch FP120 is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies because FloPatch FP120 offers real-
time, non-invasive monitoring of hemodynamic changes of both the
arterial and venous blood flow, improving fluid management decisions.
Per the applicant, FloPatch FP120 surpasses current methods by
providing continuous data, enhancing patient safety, and addressing
unmet clinical needs for immediate, precise assessments, and therefore,
the technology meets the newness criterion. The following table
summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding the substantial
similarity criteria. Please see the online application posting for
FloPatch FP120, for the applicant's complete statements in support of
its assertion that FloPatch FP120 is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies.
[[Page 36054]]
We note the following concerns with regard to the newness
criterion. With respect to the first substantial similarity criterion,
whether FloPatch FP120 uses the same or similar mechanism of action for
a therapeutic outcome when compared to existing technologies, we note
we did not receive information from the applicant regarding predicate
devices for FloPatch FP120 that were previously FDA-cleared in its
discussion of existing technologies. As noted, there are three prior
FDA 510(k) clearances for the FloPatch FP120, with the same indication
for use for the noninvasive assessment of blood flow in the carotid
artery.\46\ In addition, the 2020 clearance was based on substantial
equivalence to the FloPatch FP110 device,\47\ which was an earlier
version of FloPatch FP120 and was also FDA-cleared. We note that all of
the FloPatch FP120 FDA-cleared devices, as well as the FP110 version
have an identical method of attachment of the ultrasound probe to the
human body, and the same intended use and indications for use.
Accordingly, as the technology was already approved for use for this
same indication outside of the 2- to 3-year newness period, it appears
that it would no longer be considered new for purposes of new
technology add-on payments.
\46\ K223843, May 3, 2023; K222242, December 9, 2022; and
K200337, March 24, 2020.
\47\ K191388, June 21, 2019.
In addition, we question whether a different placement method or
the addition of a wearable functionality for the noninvasive assessment
of blood flow would constitute a different mechanism of action, and
also whether these differences may instead be relevant to the
assessment of substantial clinical improvement, rather than of newness.
For example, while the applicant described FloPatch FP120 as user-
friendly, we question whether ease-of-use in itself represents a
mechanism of action unique from existing technologies for a therapeutic
outcome, as the primary underlying mechanism of action is still Doppler
ultrasound technology.
With respect to the second substantial similarity criterion, that
is, whether a product is assigned to the same or a different MS-DRG,
although the applicant asserts that the device is new and has not
undergone sufficient review to be recognized as a treatment within the
existing MS-DRGs, we note that the applicant stated that FloPatch FP120
could be relevant to existing MS-DRGs that pertain to septicemia or
severe sepsis for the assessment of volume responsiveness. We believe
that, based on its indication, cases involving the use FloPatch FP120
would be assigned to the same MS-DRGs as those involving existing
technologies used for invasive and non-invasive measurements of blood
flow, such as for patients with septicemia or severe sepsis.
With respect to the third substantial similarity criterion, that
is, whether the technology involves treatment of the same or similar
type of disease or patient population when compared to an existing
technology, the applicant maintained that existing technologies do not
provide clinicians with the information they need, and while FloPatch
LP120 serves a similar purpose as existing technology, its process has
been optimized by providing a safer, more accurate, and instantaneous
method of assessment. While this may be relevant to the assessment of
substantial clinical improvement, it does not appear to be related to
newness, and we remain unclear about how the patient population for
which FloPatch FP120 is used differs from other patients for which
existing non-invasive (for example, Doppler ultrasound devices) and
invasive technologies are used for hemodynamic monitoring in a same or
similar type of disease (such as septicemia or severe sepsis).
Accordingly, as it appears that the May 3, 2023 FDA 510(k)
clearance and prior FDA 510(k) clearances for FloPatch FP120 may use
the same or similar mechanism of action to achieve a therapeutic
outcome, would be assigned to the same MS-DRG, and treat the same or
similar patient population and disease, we believe that these
technologies may be substantially similar to each other. We note that
if FloPatch FP120 as described in its 2023 FDA 510(k) clearance is
substantially similar to prior versions as described in the 2022 and
2020 FDA 510(k) clearances, we believe the newness period for this
technology would begin on March 24, 2020 with the earliest FDA 510(k)
clearance date for FloPatch FP120 (K200337) and therefore, because the
3-year anniversary date of the technology's entry onto the U.S. market
(March 24, 2023) occurred in FY 2023, the technology would no longer be
considered new and would not be eligible for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2025.
We are inviting public comments on whether FloPatch FP120 is
substantially similar to existing technologies and whether FloPatch
FP120 meets the newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for FloPatch FP120, the
applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR for cases with ICD-10-CM
diagnosis code category of E877 (Fluid overload, unspecified) and MS-
DRG codes for septicemia or severe sepsis. Using the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the following table, the applicant
identified 690,320 cases mapping to septicemia or severe sepsis MS-
DRGs. The applicant followed the order of operations described in the
following table and calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $93,703, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $70,142. Because the final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount, the applicant asserted that FloPatch
FP120 meets the cost criterion.
[[Page 36055]]
We note the following concern regarding the cost criterion. Per the
applicant, FloPatch FP120 is not indicated for use for a particular
disease or diagnosis, but rather to assess changes in blood flow in
response to a preload challenge and that it monitors hemodynamic change
in response to a clinical intervention. We note that the applicant
limited their coding determination and cost analysis to cases
associated with a diagnosis of septicemia or severe sepsis with the
identified MS-DRGs, 870, 871, and 872, as these are the cases for which
FloPatch FP120 is best suited. However, the applicant stated that
patients who are categorized under MS-DRGs other than 870, 871, and 872
can develop sepsis even though they are not initially admitted under a
sepsis-related DRG, such as post-surgical patients or patients admitted
for acute conditions like heart failure or chronic illnesses such as
diabetes or renal disease. As these patients may also require vigilant
monitoring for sepsis and fluid overload in a broader range of clinical
scenarios, we are interested in additional information regarding
whether such cases using the technology would map to other DRGs, and if
those cases should also be included in the cost analysis.
We are inviting public comments on whether FloPatch FP120 meets the
cost criterion.
With regard to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that FloPatch FP120 overcomes barriers associated
with traditional flow-directed therapies, which are often invasive and
require specific expertise, by offering a non-invasive, user-friendly
alternative. Per the applicant, the FloPatch FP120 makes precision
fluid management more accessible, enabling early detection of preload
unresponsiveness, thereby minimizing complications from over-
resuscitation. The applicant asserted that FloPatch FP120 offers a
treatment option for a patient population unresponsive to, or
ineligible for, currently available treatments; offers the ability to
diagnose a medical condition in a patient population where that medical
condition is currently undetectable or offers the ability to diagnose a
medical condition earlier in a patient population than allowed by
currently available methods; and that use of FloPatch FP120
significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services or
technologies previously available. The applicant provided five studies
to support these claims. We also note that seven other articles
submitted as supporting evidence should more appropriately be
characterized as background articles because they do not directly
assess the use of FloPatch FP120. Instead, those seven articles focus
on the relationship between fluid responsiveness status during septic
shock resuscitation.\48\ The following table summarizes the applicant's
assertions regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
Please see the online posting for FloPatch FP120 for the applicant's
complete statements regarding the substantial clinical improvement
criterion and the supporting evidence provided.
\48\ Background articles are not included in the following table
but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
[[Page 36056]]
We note the following concerns regarding whether FloPatch FP120
meets the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
In support of its assertion that FloPatch FP120 offers a treatment
option for a patient population unresponsive to, or ineligible for,
currently available treatments, the applicant stated that FloPatch
FP120 improves patient accessibility to flow-directed therapy. The
applicant referred to the Kenny et al. (2021a) \49\ study that focused
on a novel, hands-free CW Doppler patch developed for easily and
continuously monitoring changes in blood flow velocities in the common
carotid artery. The study included in vitro experiments conducted using
moving string and blood-mimicking flow phantoms; a small usability
study with 22 participants, and an in vivo proof-of-concept study with
one healthy volunteer and one congestive heart failure patient. While
the study found that the CW Doppler patch demonstrated accuracy in
identifying changes in target velocity in string and flow phantom
experiments, that it was easy to use, and that the Doppler patch could
continuously record and track instantaneous changes in carotid velocity
time integral (VTI) during a passive leg raise, we question if the
evidence demonstrates that the FloPatch FP120 substantially improves
patient accessibility to flow directed therapy relative to existing
technologies. We would be interested in evidence comparing the use of
FloPatch FP120 and existing technologies to demonstrate improvements in
patient accessibility. In addition, we note that the study had small
sample sizes, which may raise concerns about the reliability of the
\49\ Kenny J-[Eacute]S, Munding CE, Eibl JK, et al. (2021a) A
novel, hands-free ultrasound patch for continuous monitoring of
quantitative Doppler in the carotid artery. Scientific Reports
To support its claim that FloPatch FP120 improves patient
accessibility to flow-directed therapy, the applicant also included
findings from the Kenny et al. (2023a) \50\ study about the time cost
of physiologically ineffective intravenous fluid in the emergency
department (ED). Per the applicant, this study sought to
[[Page 36057]]
quantify the burden of fluid unresponsiveness early in ED care and
calculate the time spent providing physiologically ineffective IV fluid
using FloPatch FP120. It was a prospective study design, using a
convenience sample of 51 adult patients presenting to a single
community ED requiring IV fluid expansion for any indication, and
identified 86 preload challenges, and 19,667 carotid Doppler beats. The
study authors concluded that a clinically significant fraction of fluid
unresponsive or refractory patients was observed early in their ED
care, and a considerable amount of time was spent providing
physiologically ineffective IV fluid, and that these findings may
indicate an area in ED care where using wearable Doppler ultrasound
technology, like FloPatch FP120, would improve clinical efficiency. We
question whether these findings can be replicated in studies with a
larger sample. We also question if a study using a patient sample
representative of those potentially appropriate for FloPatch FP120
would yield similar results as one using a convenience sample. In
addition, we are interested in whether a multi-center trial would
generate the same result as a single-site study, where site-specific
attributes could potentially confound study results, reducing the
reliability of the findings.
\50\ Kenny J-[Eacute]S, Gibbs SO, Johnston D, et al. (2023a) The
time cost of physiologically ineffective intravenous fluids in the
emergency department: an observational pilot study employing
wearable Doppler ultrasound. Journal of Intensive Care 11:7
The applicant also asserted that FloPatch FP120 is able to diagnose
sepsis in a population where sepsis is currently undetectable, or to
diagnose it earlier than currently available technologies. The
applicant claimed that diagnosing preload unresponsiveness early in
care is important because doing so reduces complications. However,
although the applicant provided studies demonstrating that FloPatch
FP120 can diagnose sepsis, these studies do not appear to demonstrate
that the use of the technology to make a diagnosis affected the
management of the patients, as required under Sec.
412.87(b)(1)(ii)(B). For example, in the Kenny et al. (2023a) \51\
study on time cost of physiologically ineffective intravenous fluids in
the ED, as discussed earlier, there was no evidence linking the use of
FloPatch FP120 to changes in the management of patients such as
initiating or discontinuing IV fluid expansion.
\51\ Kenny J-[Eacute]S, Gibbs SO, Johnston D, et al. (2023a) The
time cost of physiologically ineffective intravenous fluids in the
emergency department: an observational pilot study employing
wearable Doppler ultrasound. Journal of Intensive Care 11:7
To further support its claim that diagnosing preload
unresponsiveness early in care is important because doing so reduces
complications, the applicant also used the Kenny et al. (2021c) \52\
study about correlation between carotid Doppler ultrasonography and
stroke volume. The study found that compared with existing handheld
Doppler devices, FloPatch FP120 was able to capture and analyze a large
number of cardiac cycles, account for inherent SV variation over many
cardiorespiratory cycles, and eliminate the effects of human errors.
The applicant hypothesized that when measured over many cardiac cycles,
monitoring SV change using FloPatch FP120 might support diagnosis and
management of evolving hypovolemia. While this study and those
discussed earlier demonstrated that FloPatch FP120 provided noninvasive
assessment of blood flow to determine SV changes, similar to our
previous concern, we remain interested in evidence showing how use of
the technology to make a diagnosis affects the management of patients,
such as the use of FloPatch FP120 to initiate or discontinue IV fluid
expansion in response to the observed SV changes.
\52\ Kenny JS, Barjaktarevic I, Mackenzie DC, et al. Carotid
Doppler ultrasonography correlates with stroke volume in a human
model of mypovolaemia and resuscitation: analysis of 48 570 cycles.
British Journal of Anesthesia 2021c. 127(2):E62-E63.
The applicant also referred to the findings of the Kenny et al.
(2023b) \53\ study on simultaneous venous-arterial Doppler during
preload augmentation to support its claim that diagnosing preload
unresponsiveness early in care is important because it reduces
complications. In that study, the researchers concluded that FloPatch
FP120 (referenced as the wearable Doppler biosensor) can help identify
patients with dynamic fluid intolerance, potentially guiding IV fluid
management and preventing downstream complications and costs. We are
concerned that the small clinical sample size and presence of potential
confounders could call into question the reliability and validity of
the findings. In addition, we note that this study does not appear to
demonstrate that use of FloPatch FP120 to assess preload responsiveness
affected the management of the patients, as the study states that the
treating clinician was blinded to the results of the wearable
ultrasound and that the choice for preload augmentation was at the
discretion of the treating clinician.
\53\ Kenny JS, Gibbs SO, Eibl JK, et al. (2023b) Simultaneous
venous-arterial Doppler during preload augmentation: illustrating
the Doppler Starling curve. Ultrasound J Jul 28;15(1):32. https://doi.org10.1186/s13089-023-00330-9.
To support the assertion that FloPatch FP120 significantly improves
clinical outcomes relative to services or technologies previously
available, the applicant claimed that current services for sepsis
patients are providing IV fluids without flow guidance, and referred to
three Kenny studies (2021a, 2023a, and 2023b), discussed earlier. As
discussed, we are interested in additional evidence that assesses the
impact of FloPatch FP120 compared to existing technologies that can be
used to provide flow guidance on clinical outcomes.
We are inviting public comments on whether FloPatch FP120 meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for FloPatch
f. HEPZATOTM KIT (Melphalan for Injection/Hepatic Delivery
Delcath System submitted an application for new technology add-on
payments for HEPZATOTM KIT for FY 2025. According to the
applicant, HEPZATOTM KIT is a drug/device combination
product consisting of melphalan and the Hepatic Delivery System (HDS),
indicated as a liver-directed treatment for adult patients with uveal
melanoma with unresectable hepatic metastases. Per the applicant, the
HDS is used to perform percutaneous hepatic perfusion (PHP), an
intensive local hepatic chemotherapy procedure, in which the alkylating
agent melphalan hydrochloride is delivered intra-arterially to the
liver with simultaneous extracorporeal filtration of hepatic venous
blood return (hemofiltration).
Please refer to the online application posting for
HEPZATOTM KIT, available at, for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion, according to the applicant,
HEPZATOTM KIT was granted approval as a New Drug Application
(NDA) from FDA on August 14, 2023, for use as a liver-directed
treatment for adult patients with uveal melanoma with unresectable
hepatic metastases affecting less than 50 percent of the liver and no
extrahepatic disease or extrahepatic disease limited to the bone, lymph
nodes, subcutaneous tissues, or lung that is amenable to resection or
radiation. According to the
[[Page 36058]]
applicant, the technology became available for sale on January 8, 2024,
because manufacturing did not commence until after FDA approval was
granted. Melphalan hydrochloride, a component of the
HEPZATOTM KIT, is administered by intra-arterial infusion
into the hepatic artery at a dose of 3 mg/kg of body weight with a
maximum dose of 220 mg during a single HEPZATO treatment. The drug is
infused over 30 minutes, followed by a 30-minute washout period.
According to the applicant, treatments should be administered every 6
to 8 weeks, but can be delayed until recovery from toxicities, and as
per clinical judgement.
The applicant stated that, effective October 1, 2023, the following
ICD-10-PCS code may be used to uniquely describe procedures involving
the use of HEPZATOTM KIT: XW053T9 (Introduction of melphalan
hydrochloride antineoplastic into peripheral artery, percutaneous
approach, new technology group 9). The applicant provided a list of
diagnosis codes that may be used to currently identify the indication
for HEPZATOTM KIT under the ICD-10-CM coding system. Please
refer to the online application posting for the complete list of ICD-
10-CM and ICD-10-PCS codes provided by the applicant.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered ``new'' for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that HEPZATOTM KIT is not substantially similar to
other currently available technologies because it offers the first
liver-directed treatment option to patients with liver-dominant
metastatic ocular melanoma (mOM) who may be poor candidates for liver
resection and/or who may have difficulty tolerating systemic
chemotherapy. According to the applicant, HEPZATOTM KIT uses
a unique PHP procedure to isolate liver circulation and deliver a high
concentration of melphalan to liver tumors via infusion followed by
filtration of the hepatic venous flow to remove melphalan out of the
blood with extracorporeal filters, and that therefore, the technology
meets the newness criterion. The following table summarizes the
applicant's assertions regarding the substantial similarity criteria.
Please see the online application posting for HEPZATOTM KIT
for the applicant's complete statements in support of its assertion
that HEPZATOTM KIT is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies.
[[Page 36059]]
[[Page 36060]]
We are inviting public comments on whether HEPZATOTM KIT
is substantially similar to existing technologies and whether
HEPZATOTM KIT meets the newness criterion. We are also
inviting public comments on drug-device combination technology
considerations for new technology add-on payments. Specifically, we
seek comment on whether reformatting the delivery mechanism for a drug
would represent a new mechanism of action for drug-device combination
technologies, and on factors that should be considered when considering
new technology add-on payments for technologies that may use a drug or
device component that is no longer new in combination with a new drug
or device component.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided multiple
analyses to demonstrate that it meets the cost criterion. For each
analysis, the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file using a
combination of ICD-10-CM and/or PCS codes to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for HEPZATOTM KIT.
The applicant explained that it used different codes to demonstrate
different cohorts that may be eligible for HEPZATOTM KIT
because it is indicated for a rare condition, hepatic-dominant mOM,
which does not have a unique ICD-10-CM diagnosis code to identify
potential cases with the specific diagnosis of interest, nor a unique
ICD-10-PCS procedure code that would identify patients receiving this
specific procedure. The applicant believed the cases identified in the
analysis are the closest proxies to the cases potentially eligible for
the use of HEPZATOTM KIT. Each analysis followed the order
of operations described in the table later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant searched for cases with ICD-
10-PCS code 3E05305 (Introduction of other antineoplastic into
peripheral artery, percutaneous approach) for the PHP procedure, and
ICD-10-CM code Z51.11 (Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy) as
the primary diagnosis for the administration of chemotherapy during an
inpatient stay. In addition, the applicant narrowed the analysis to
cases with liver-dominant mOM using at least one secondary liver
metastases diagnosis plus at least one ocular melanoma diagnosis.
Please see the online posting for HEPZATOTM KIT for the
complete list of codes provided by the applicant. The applicant used
the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant identified 11 claims mapping to one
MS-DRG: 829 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated
Neoplasms with Other Procedures with CC/MCC). The applicant calculated
a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$1,068,530, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount
of $104,848.
For the second analysis, the applicant searched for the following
combination of ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes: Z51.11 (Encounter for
antineoplastic chemotherapy) as the primary diagnosis code, in
combination with at least one of the following secondary liver
metastases codes: C78.7 (Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and
intrahepatic bile duct), or C22.9 (Malignant neoplasm of liver, not
specified as primary or secondary). The applicant used the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the following table. Under this
analysis, the applicant identified 1,134 claims mapping to nine MS-
DRGs, with 94 percent of identified cases mapping to three MS-DRGs: 829
(Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly Differentiated Neoplasms with
Other Procedures with CC/MCC), as well as 846 and 847 (Chemotherapy
without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis with MCC, and with CC,
respectively). The applicant calculated a final inflated average case-
weighted standardized charge per case of $1,066,207, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount of $81,652.
For the third analysis, the applicant searched for cases where the
ICD-10-CM code Z51.11 (Encounter for antineoplastic chemotherapy) is
the primary diagnosis or the ICD-10 PCS code 3E05305 (Introduction of
other antineoplastic into peripheral artery, percutaneous approach) is
reported. In addition, the case also needed to include at least one of
the following secondary liver metastases codes: C78.7 (Secondary
malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct) or C22.9
(Malignant neoplasm of liver, not specified as primary or secondary).
The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the
following table. Under this analysis, the applicant identified 1,277
claims mapping to 12 MS-DRGs with 92 percent of identified cases
mapping to three MS-DRGs: 829 (Myeloproliferative Disorders or Poorly
Differentiated Neoplasms with Other Procedures with CC/MCC); as well as
846 and 847 (Chemotherapy without Acute Leukemia as Secondary Diagnosis
with MCC, and with CC, respectively). The applicant calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$1,067,772, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount
of $80,245.
For the fourth analysis, the applicant searched for cases reporting
the following combination of ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes: C78.7
(Secondary malignant neoplasm of liver and intrahepatic bile duct) or
C22.9 (Malignant neoplasm of liver), in combination with at least one
ocular melanoma ICD-10-CM code. Please see the online posting for
HEPZATOTM KIT for the complete list of codes provided by the
applicant. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table. Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 1,059 claims mapping to 91 MS-DRGs with none exceeding 4.91
percent. The applicant calculated a final inflated average case-
weighted standardized charge per case of $1,062,553, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount of $66,104.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant asserted that HEPZATOTM KIT
meets the cost criterion.
[[Page 36061]]
\54\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36062]]
We are inviting public comments on whether HEPZATOTM KIT
meets the cost criterion.
With regard to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that HEPZATOTM KIT represents a
substantial clinical improvement over existing technologies because it
offers a minimally invasive, targeted, effective, and safe treatment
option to patients with liver-dominant mOM who may be poor candidates
for liver resection or who may have difficulty tolerating systemic
chemotherapy which results in a substantial clinical improvement in
response and survival rates over best available care and quality of
life compared to pre-treatment. The applicant provided 11 studies to
support these claims, as well as one background article about use of
chemosaturation with PHP (CS-PHP) as a palliative treatment option for
patients with unresectable cholangiocarcinoma.\55\ The following table
summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding the substantial
clinical improvement criterion. Please see the online posting for
[[Page 36063]]
KIT for the applicant's complete statements regarding the substantial
clinical improvement criterion and the supporting evidence provided.
\55\ Background articles are not included in the following table
but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
[[Page 36064]]
After review of the information provided by the applicant, we have
the following concerns regarding whether HEPZATOTM KIT meets
the substantial clinical improvement criterion. With respect to the
applicant's assertion that HEPZATOTM KIT offers a treatment
option for a patient population unresponsive or ineligible for
currently available treatments, while the applicant stated that
HEPZATOTM KIT offers an additional treatment option to
patients with liver-dominant mOM who may be poor candidates for liver
resection or who may have difficulty tolerating systemic chemotherapy,
it did not provide evidence in support of this assertion. We would be
interested in information regarding whether there are potential
Medicare patient populations that may have difficulty tolerating (or be
unresponsive to) KIMMTRAK[supreg] or other currently available
treatments, but would be a good candidate for HEPZATOTM KIT.
[[Page 36065]]
Regarding the claim that HEPZATOTM KIT improves survival
over other treatment options, the applicant provided seven peer-
reviewed cohort studies, summary material from an unpublished study,
and one randomized controlled clinical study to support the claim.
The seven peer reviewed cohort studies
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 provide a range of results of overall
survival as reported for patients treated with the HEPZATOTM
KIT (median overall survival after first Chemosaturation with
Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion [CS-PHP] ranged from 9.6 months to 27.4
months depending on the study, and median one-year overall survival
rate raged from 44 percent to 77 percent depending on study). A few of
the seven peer reviewed cohort studies (Karydis et al. (2018), Tong et
al. (2022); Meier et al. (2021)) reported statistically significant
improvement in overall survival (OS) when compared to non-responders or
stable disease groups. Only one of the seven studies, Dewald et al.
(2021), compared results to alternative treatments, but statistical
significance was not achieved (P = 0.97) with CS-PHP resulting in a
median OS of 24.1 months compared with 23.6 months for patients
receiving other therapies. We believe that additional evidence
supporting that HEPZATOTM KIT offers a significant
difference in OS rates compared to currently available treatments would
be helpful in our evaluation of the applicant's assertion. We note that
several of the studies provided as evidence include small, non-
randomized studies without the use of comparators or controls, which
may affect the ability to draw meaningful conclusions about treatment
outcomes from the results of the studies. We also note that a majority
of the studies provided (Bruning et al. (2020); Vogl et al. (2017);
Dewald et al. (2021); Meijer et al. (2021); and Artzner et al. (2019))
were conducted outside the United States. We question if there may be
differences in treatment guidelines between these countries that may
have affected clinical outcomes.
\56\ Bruning R, Tiede M, Schneider M, et al. Unresectable
Hepatic Metastasis of Uveal Melanoma: Hepatic Chemosaturation with
High-Dose Melphalan-Long-Term Overall Survival Negatively Correlates
with Tumor Burden. Radiol Res Pract. 2020.
\57\ Vogl TJ, Koch SA, Lotz G, et al. Percutaneous Isolated
Hepatic Perfusion as a Treatment for Isolated Hepatic Metastases of
Uveal Melanoma: Patient Outcome and Safety in a Multi-centre Study.
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol. Jun 2017;40(6):864-872.
\58\ Dewald CLA, Hinrichs JB, Becker LS, et al. Chemosaturation
with Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion: Outcome and Safety in Patients
with Metastasized Uveal Melanoma. Rofo. Aug 2021;193(8):928-936.
\59\ Meijer TS, Burgmans MC, de Leede EM, et al. Percutaneous
Hepatic Perfusion with Melphalan in Patients with Unresectable
Ocular Melanoma Metastases Confined to the Liver: A Prospective
Phase II Study. Ann Surg Oncol. Feb 2021;28(2):1130-1141.
\60\ Karydis I, Gangi A, Wheater MJ, et al. Percutaneous hepatic
perfusion with melphalan in uveal melanoma: A safe and effective
treatment modality in an orphan disease. J Surg Oncol. May
\61\ Artzner C, Mossakowski O, Hefferman G, et al.
Chemosaturation with percutaneous hepatic perfusion of melphalan for
liver-dominant metastatic uveal melanoma: a single center
experience. Cancer Imaging. Mayphip 30 2019;19(1):31.
\62\ Tong TML, Samim M, Kapiteijn E, et al. Predictive
parameters in patients undergoing percutaneous hepatic perfusion
with melphalan for unresectable liver metastases from uveal
melanoma: a retrospective pooled analysis. Cardiovasc Intervent
Radiol. 2022;45(9):1304-1313.
The applicant also submitted summary presentation material evidence
to support this claim in the form of a poster and slides for the FOCUS
study,\63\ in which 144 patients were enrolled, with 91 patients
receiving percutaneous hepatic perfusion (PHP) treatment and 32
patients receiving best available care (BAC). According to the
applicant, preliminary results from the phase III FOCUS Trial show that
progression free survival (PFS) was 9.03 months among PHP patients and
just over 3 months among best available care (BAC) patients. OS among
treated PHP patients was 19.25 months and among treated BAC patients
was 14.49 months. However, this study has yet to be published and is
not yet available for analysis and peer review. At this point, we are
unable to verify the methods, results, and conclusions of this study as
the applicant only provided evidence in the form of a poster and
presentation. For example, one citation provided by the applicant in
the form of a non-peer-reviewed conference presentation details
preliminary results from the FOCUS Phase III Trial. We would be
interested in the statistical analysis (including p value and CI data)
surrounding the OS rates. In addition, the poster notes that due to
slow enrollment and patient reluctance to receive BAC treatment, the
trial design was amended to a single arm design with all eligible
patients receiving PHP after discussion with FDA. We would be
interested in detail about these specific eligibility requirements, as
well as how the potential for confounding variables resulting from any
differences in the resulting populations were identified and mitigated.
\63\ Delcath ASCO 2022 FOCUS Trial Poster; FOCUS Trial Ongoing
(See online posting for Hepzato\TM\ Kit).
In the published randomized clinical trial \64\ (RCT) provided by
the applicant, the median hepatic progression free survival (hPFS), the
primary endpoint of the trial, was 7.0 months for patients using
HEPZATOTM KIT compared to 1.6 months for patients receiving
BAC. However, the median overall survival (OS) with the treatment of
HEPZATOTM KIT was 10.6 months (95 percent CI 6.9-13.6
months) compared to 10.0 months (95 percent CI 6.0-13.1 months) for the
group of patients who received BAC. The study notes that median OS was
not significantly different (PHP-Mel 10.6 months vs. BAC 10.0 months),
but OS was 13.1 months (95 percent CI 10.0-20.3 months) in BAC patients
who crossed over and received treatment with PHP-Mel (n = 28, 57.1
percent). In the study discussion of OS, Hughes, et al. concluded that
the 57 percent of patients who were allowed to crossover confounded the
ability to analyze any survival advantage associated with PHP Mel. We
would be interested in additional evidence in our evaluation of the
applicant's assertion that HEPZATOTM KIT substantially
improves survival over other treatment options.
\64\ Hughes MS, Zager J, Faries M, et al. Results of a
Randomized Controlled Multicenter Phase III Trial of Percutaneous
Hepatic Perfusion Compared with Best Available Care for Patients
with Melanoma Liver Metastases. Ann Surg Oncol. Apr 2016;23(4):1309-
Regarding the claim that HEPZATOTM KIT increases
response rate over BAC, we note that across the retrospective studies,
response rates ranged from an overall response rate of 42.3 percent
[Dewald et al (2021)] to a partial response of 89 percent [Vogl et al.
(2017)] depending on the study. However, as the applicant cited to many
of the same retroactive studies that it referenced in support of the
claim of improved survival [Bruning et al. (2020); Vogl et al. (2017);
Dewald et al. (2021); Meijer et al. (2021); Artzner et al. (2019); Tong
et al. (2022); Karydis et al. (2018)], we have the same questions as
discussed previously regarding the ability to draw meaningful
conclusions from the results of these studies in evaluation of this
Regarding the unpublished FOCUS study (Delcath ASCO 2022 FOCUS
Trial Poster),\65\ previously described, the applicant stated that in
the preliminary results from the FOCUS Trial, the overall response rate
(ORR) among PHP patients was 36.3 percent, nearly three
[[Page 36066]]
times better that the 12.5 percent ORR among BAC patients. However, as
previously noted, we would be interested in details about the
eligibility requirements, and how the potential for confounding
variables resulting from any differences in the resulting populations
were identified and mitigated.
\65\ Delcath ASCO 2022 FOCUS Trial Poster; FOCUS Trial Ongoing
(See online posting for Hepzato\TM\ Kit).
Lastly, with regard to the assertion that HEPZATOTM KIT
improves quality of life over pre-treatment, the applicant submitted
the Vogl et al. (2017) study as evidentiary support. The study was a
retrospective, multi-center study reporting outcome and safety after
percutaneous isolated hepatic perfusion (PIHP) with Melphalan for
patients with uveal melanoma and metastatic disease limited to the
liver. Thirty-five PIHP treatments were performed in 18 patients (8
male, 10 female) at seven hospitals across the U.S and Germany between
January 2012 and December 2016. Patients' life quality was assessed
using four-point scale questionnaires to rate overall health and life
quality after therapy, how much their health and quality of life had
changed after therapy, and how pleased they were with PIHP. We note
that the study used a subjective four-point measurement scale to
determine quality-of-life used in the study. We question if a more
objective assessment tool would be more helpful in evaluating a
patient's quality of life. It is unclear if the survey questions were
asked verbally, and by whom, or if the survey was answered in writing
by the patient alone. As the study was not randomized and the patients'
responses were not anonymous, we question if there may have been
resulting response bias, or interviewer bias that would impact our
ability to draw meaningful conclusions about a subjective measurement
of improved quality of life. In addition, we note that the study
utilized the Delcath Hepatic CHEMOSAT[supreg] Delivery System for
Melphalan components as part of the treatment, and it is unclear if the
technologies used in the study are the same as HEPZATOTM
KIT, or what differences may exist between the technologies. We would
be interested in information about any differences between Delcath's
HEPZATOTM KIT and the technologies used in this study for
PIHP with Melphalan.
We are inviting public comments on whether HEPZATOTM KIT
meets the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for
g. LantidraTM (donislecel-jujn (Allogeneic Pancreatic Islet
Cellular Suspension for Hepatic Portal Vein Infusion))
CellTrans Inc. submitted an application for new technology add-on
payments for LantidraTM for FY 2025. According to the
applicant, LantidraTM is an allogeneic pancreatic islet
cellular therapy indicated for the treatment of adults with Type 1
diabetes who are unable to approach target hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c)
because of repeated episodes of severe hypoglycemia despite intensive
diabetes management and education. Per the applicant,
LantidraTM is used in conjunction with concomitant
immunosuppression. The applicant asserted that the route of
administration for LantidraTM is infusion into the hepatic
portal vein only. The applicant noted that following transplant, the
patient is monitored for graft function and safety issues, including
potential adverse reactions due to immunosuppression. The applicant
stated that the primary mechanism of action for LantidraTM
is the secretion of insulin by the beta cells within the infused
allogeneic islet of Langerhans, which are responsible for regulating
blood glucose levels in response to glucose stimulation.
Please refer to the online application posting for
LantidraTM, available at, for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion, according to the applicant,
LantidraTM was granted approval for a Biologics License
Application (BLA) from FDA on June 28, 2023, for the treatment of
adults with Type 1 diabetes who are unable to approach target HbA1c
because of current repeated episodes of severe hypoglycemia despite
intensive diabetes management and education. According to the
applicant, the technology was commercially available on January 8,
2024. The applicant stated that the approved manufacturing site for
LantidraTM is at the University of Illinois (UI) Health, UI
in Chicago and time was needed to transfer islet cell transplant
clinical protocols to the UI Health transplant division.
We note that under national coverage determination (NCD) 260.3.1
Islet Cell Transplantation in the Context of a Clinical Trial, Medicare
will pay for the routine costs, as well as transplantation and
appropriate related items and services, for Medicare beneficiaries
participating in a National Institutes of Health (NIH)-sponsored
clinical trial(s). Specifically, Medicare will cover transplantation of
pancreatic islet cells, the insulin producing cells of the pancreas.
Coverage may include the costs of acquisition and delivery of the
pancreatic islet cells, as well as clinically necessary inpatient and
outpatient medical care and immunosuppressants. Because
LantidraTM may be covered by Medicare when it is used in the
setting of a clinical trial, we will evaluate whether
LantidraTM is eligible for new technology add-on payments
for FY 2025. We note that any payment made under the Medicare program
for services provided to a beneficiary would be contingent on CMS'
coverage of the item, and any restrictions on the coverage would apply.
The applicant stated that the recommended minimum dose is 5,000
equivalent islet number (EIN)/kg for the initial infusion, and 4,500
EIN/kg for subsequent infusion(s) in the same recipient. The maximum
dose per infusion is dictated by the estimated tissue volume, which
should not exceed 10 cc per infusion, and the total EIN present in the
infusion bag (up to a maximum of 1 x 10[supcaret]6 EIN per bag). A
second infusion may be performed if the patient does not achieve
independence from exogenous insulin within 1-year post-infusion or
within 1-year after losing independence from exogenous insulin after a
previous infusion. A third infusion may be performed using the same
criteria as for the second infusion.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify LantidraTM. We note
that the applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique ICD-
10-PCS procedure code for LantidraTM beginning in FY 2025.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered new for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that LantidraTM has not been assigned to the same
MS-DRG when compared to an existing technology to achieve a therapeutic
outcome. The following table summarizes the applicant's assertions
regarding the substantial similarity criteria. Please see the online
application posting for LantidraTM for the applicant's
complete statements in support of its assertion that
[[Page 36067]]
is not substantially similar to other currently available technologies.
We are inviting public comments on whether LantidraTM is
substantially similar to existing technologies and whether
LantidraTM meets the newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant included the two
most recent patient cases with charges of LantidraTM billed
by a hospital that administered the technology, based on that
hospital's billing data file on the undiscounted costs. The applicant
stated that it attempted to identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for LantidraTM by searching the
FY 2022 MedPAR and the 100 percent sample FY 2022 Standard Analytical
Files (SAF) for cases reporting ICD-10-CM/PCS codes and MS-DRGs codes
that were relevant to the FDA approved indication and administration of
LantidraTM, however, it could not confirm if cost data from
the two most recent patient cases were included in the FY 2022 MedPAR
or SAF. As a result, the applicant provided the charges billed by the
hospital for these two cases. The applicant stated that the MS-DRG
coded for the two cases was MS-DRG 639 (Diabetes without CC/MCC). The
applicant followed the order of operations described in the following
table and calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $374,547, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $32,311. Because the final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount, the applicant asserted that
LantidraTM meets the cost criterion.
We note the following concerns regarding the cost criterion. We
note that the applicant did not remove any charges or indirect charges
related to prior technology without providing further details. We are
interested in
[[Page 36068]]
additional information regarding whether LantidraTM would
replace any prior technology. We are also interested in how the
applicant estimated an inflation factor of 10.00 percent to apply to
the standardized charges. With respect to the cases included in the
cost analysis, we note that the applicant limited the cost analysis to
the two most recent patient cases with charges of LantidraTM
billed by the hospital, which the applicant asserted were the best
available data for the FY 2022 cost analysis. We note the MS-DRG coded
for these two cases was MS-DRG 639 (Diabetes without CC/MCC). We are
interested in information as to whether cases in other MS-DRGs would be
potentially eligible for LantidraTM and if these cases
should also be included in the cost analysis by using appropriate
inclusion/exclusion criteria based on reporting of ICD-10-CM/PCS codes.
We are inviting public comments on whether LantidraTM
meets the cost criterion.
With regard to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that LantidraTM represents a substantial
clinical improvement over existing technologies. The applicant asserted
that patients with the indication of Type 1 diabetes characterized by
hypoglycemic unawareness are at risk of severe hypoglycemia,
complications, and death, if untreated. According to the applicant,
when intensive insulin therapy is not sufficient for addressing
symptoms of severe hypoglycemia, LantidraTM infusion into
the hepatic portal vein offers a safe and effective minimally invasive
alternative with proven clinical outcomes, less complications, and
similar overall costs to that of whole pancreas transplantation. The
applicant also asserted that LantidraTM provides a treatment
option for patients unresponsive to, or ineligible for, currently
available treatments because whole pancreas transplant, a currently
available treatment, is associated with greater surgical and post-
procedural risk than pancreatic islet transplantation. Additionally,
the applicant asserted that due to procedural risks, some patients may
not be appropriate surgical candidates for whole pancreas
transplantation.\66\ The applicant provided two patient testimonials,
one study combining results of a Phase 1/2 and a Phase 3 clinical study
to support these claims, as well as one background article.\67\ The
following table summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding the
substantial clinical improvement criterion. Please see the online
posting for LantidraTM for the applicant's complete
statements regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion and
the supporting evidence provided.
\66\ CellTrans Inc., Cellular, Tissue, and Gene Therapies
Advisory Committee Briefing Document LantidraTM
(donislecel) for the Treatment of Brittle Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. April 15, 2021. Pages 22
and 105.
\67\ Background articles are not included in the following table
but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
[[Page 36069]]
After review of the information provided by the applicant, we have
the following concerns regarding whether LantidraTM meets
the substantial clinical improvement criterion. We are interested in
evidence on clinical outcomes based on comparison of
LantidraTM with currently available treatments, including
whole pancreatic transplant or recent advances in glucose monitoring
and insulin delivery systems that are FDA-approved. We also note that
according to the summary of the long-term six-year follow-up of
patients from the LantidraTM clinical trials,\68\ the number
of evaluable patients was reduced from 30 at the baseline to 12 at year
6. We question whether the small number would impact the reliability of
the conclusions about insulin independence and reduction in severe
hypoglycemic events. Regarding the applicant's claim that
LantidraTM patients achieved insulin independence, improved
HbA1c endpoints, had fewer hypoglycemia episodes, and experienced
improved quality of life, the applicant stated that the Phase 1/2 and 3
trials had over 10 years of extended follow-up, but specific results on
long-term efficacy appear to be provided only up to 6 years post- the
last transplant.\69\ We would be interested in learning about available
results from any longer-term follow-up. In addition, we would be
interested in data demonstrating that LantidraTM results in
improved clinical outcomes like reduced mortality to support an
assessment of whether LantidraTM represents a substantial
clinical improvement.
\68\ CellTrans, Inc. 2021, Table 20, p. 60.
\69\ Ibid.
We are inviting public comments on whether LantidraTM
meets the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for
h. AMTAGVITM (lifileucel)
Iovance Biotherapeutics, Inc. submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for AMTAGVITM (lifileucel) for FY
2025. According to the applicant, AMTAGVITM is an one-time,
single-dose autologous tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL)
immunotherapy for the treatment of advanced (unresectable or
metastatic) melanoma comprised of a suspension of TIL for intravenous
infusion. We note that Iovance Biotherapeutics submitted an application
for new technology add-on payments for AMTAGVITM for FY 2022
under the name lifileucel, as summarized in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (86 FR 25272 through 25282) but withdrew the application
prior to the issuance of the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR
44979). We also note that the applicant submitted an application for
AMTAGVITM for FY 2023 under the name lifileucel, as
summarized in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (87 FR 28244
through 28257), that it withdrew prior to the issuance of the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48920).
Please refer to the online application posting for
AMTAGVITM, available at, for additional detail describing the
technology and the treatment of unresectable or metastatic melanoma.
With respect to the newness criterion, according to the applicant,
AMTAGVITM was granted Biologics License Application (BLA)
approval from FDA on February 16, 2024 for treatment of adult patients
with unresectable or metastatic melanoma previously treated with a
programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1) blocking antibody, and if B-raf
proto-oncogene (BRAF) V600 mutation positive, a BRAF inhibitor with or
without a mitogen-activated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MEK)
inhibitor. The applicant stated that AMTAGVITM has received
Regenerative Medicine Advanced Therapy (RMAT), Orphan Drug, and Fast
Track designations from FDA for the treatment of advanced melanoma.
According to the applicant, AMTAGVITM is expected to be
commercially available within 30-40 days post-FDA approval due to the
need for the physician to prescribe AMTAGVITM, the treatment
center to receive approval from the patient's insurer and to schedule
and surgically resect the patient's tumor tissue, the 22-day TIL
manufacturing process, and shipment/invoicing of AMTAGVITM
to the treatment center for patient administration. We are interested
in additional information regarding the delay in the technology's
market availability, as it seems that the technology would need to be
available for sale before a physician would be able to prescribe
According to the applicant, AMTAGVITM is provided as a
single dose for infusion containing a suspension of TIL in up to four
patient-specific intravenous (IV) infusion bag(s), with each dose
containing 7.5 x 10[supcaret]9 to 72 x 10[supcaret]9 viable cells. The
applicant further noted that there is a lymphodepleting regimen
administered before infusion of AMTAGVITM, and, post-
AMTAGVITM infusion, an interleukin 2 (IL-2) infusion at
600,000 IU/kg is administered every 8 to 12 hours, for up to a maximum
of 6 doses, to support cell expansion in vivo.
The applicant stated that effective October 1, 2022, the following
ICD-10-PCS codes may be used to uniquely describe procedures involving
the use of AMTAGVITM: XW033L7 (Introduction of lifileucel
immunotherapy into peripheral vein, percutaneous approach, new
technology group 7), and XW043L7 (Introduction of lifileucel
immunotherapy into central vein, percutaneous approach, new technology
group 7). The applicant stated that all diagnosis codes under the
category C43 (Malignant melanoma of skin) may be used to currently
identify the indication for AMTAGVITM under the ICD-10-CM
coding system.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered ``new'' for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that AMTAGVITM is not substantially similar to
other currently available technologies because TIL immunotherapy with
AMTAGVITM has a novel and unique mechanism of action which
delivers a highly customized, personalized, and targeted, single-
infusion treatment for advanced melanoma, and AMTAGVITM is
the first and only TIL immunotherapy approved for the treatment of
advanced (unresectable or metastatic) melanoma, and that therefore, the
technology meets the newness criterion. The following table summarizes
the applicant's assertions regarding the substantial similarity
criteria. Please see the online application posting for
AMTAGVITM for the applicant's complete statements in support
of its assertion that AMTAGVITM is not substantially similar
to other currently available technologies.
[[Page 36070]]
\70\ Olson D, et al. Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI)
treatment after progression on anti-PD-1 therapy in advanced
melanoma: a systematic literature review. National Comprehensive
Care Network (NCCN) Annual Conference, Poster. March-April 2023.
\71\ Schumacher TN, Schreiber RD: Neoantigents in cancer
immunotherapy. Science 348:69-74, 2015.
\72\ Simpson-Abelson MR, Hilton F, Fardis M, et al: Iovance
generation-2 tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) product is
reinvigorated during the manufacturing process. Ann Ocol 31:S645-
S671, 2020 (suppl 4).
\73\ Raskov H, et al. British Journal of Cancer (2021) 124:359-
\74\ Fardis M, et al. Current and future directions for tumor
infiltrating lymphocyte therapy for the treatment of solid tumors.
Cell and Gene Therapy Insights, 2020; 6(6), 855-863.
[[Page 36071]]
We are inviting public comments on whether AMTAGVITM is
substantially similar to existing technologies and whether
AMTAGVITM meets the newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided multiple
analyses to demonstrate that it meets the cost criterion. For each
analysis, the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file using
different combinations of ICD-10-CM codes, ICD-10-PCS codes, and/or
inpatient length-of-stay (LOS) of 10 or more days. The applicant
explained that it used different combinations to demonstrate four
different cohorts that may be eligible for the technology. According to
the applicant, eligible cases for AMTAGVITM will be mapped
to Pre-MDC MS-DRG 018 (Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell and Other
Immunotherapies). For each analysis, the applicant used the FY 2025 new
technology add-on payments threshold for Pre-MDC MS-DRG 018 for all
identified cases. Each analysis followed the order of operations
described in the table later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant searched for potential cases
for the following combination of ICD-10-CM diagnosis/procedure codes:
any melanoma and metastasis diagnosis codes and any cytokine
interleukin-2 (IL-2) or chemotherapy procedure codes. Please see the
online posting for AMTAGVITM for the complete list of codes
provided by the applicant. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 176 claims mapping to 16 MS-DRGs, with each MS-DRG
representing 6.3 percent of identified cases. The applicant calculated
a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$2,150,682, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount
of $1,374,450.
For the second analysis, the applicant searched for potential cases
for the following ICD-10-CM diagnosis/procedure codes in combination
with an inpatient LOS of 10 or more days: any melanoma and metastasis
diagnosis codes and any cytokine interleukin-2 (IL-2) or chemotherapy
procedure codes. Please see the online posting for AMTAGVITM
for the complete list of codes provided by the applicant. The applicant
used the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant identified 77 claims mapping to
seven MS-DRGs, with each MS-DRG representing 14.3 percent of identified
cases. The applicant calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $2,207,367, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $1,374,450.
For the third analysis, the applicant searched for potential cases
for the following combination of ICD-10-CM diagnosis/procedure codes: a
code describing primary or admitting diagnosis of melanoma and a
metastasis diagnosis code. Please see the online posting for
AMTAGVITM for the complete list of codes provided by the
applicant. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table. Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 735 claims mapping to 64 MS-DRGs, with each MS-DRG
representing 3.4 percent to 1.5 percent of identified cases. The
applicant calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $2,017,903, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $1,374,450.
For the fourth analysis, the applicant searched for potential cases
for the following combination of ICD-10-CM diagnosis/procedure codes: a
code describing any diagnosis of melanoma and a metastasis diagnosis
code. Please see the online posting for AMTAGVITM
[[Page 36072]]
for the complete list of codes provided by the applicant. The applicant
used the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant identified 6,648 claims mapping to
358 MS-DRGs, each MS-DRG representing 0.2 percent to 6.7 percent of
identified cases. The applicant calculated a final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per case of $2,018,905, which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $1,374,450.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant asserted that AMTAGVITM meets
the cost criterion.
[[Page 36073]]
[[Page 36074]]
We are inviting public comments on whether AMTAGVITM
meets the cost criterion.
\75\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
With regard to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that AMTAGVITM represents a substantial
clinical improvement over existing technologies because the efficacy
and safety profile of the single infusion of AMTAGVITM TIL
immunotherapy addresses an important unmet need in the advanced
(unresectable or metastatic) melanoma population who lack effective or
approved treatment options after being previously treated with ICI
therapy. The applicant asserts that the clinically meaningful and
durable activity of AMTAGVITM represents substantial
clinical improvement over published outcomes for chemotherapy. The
applicant provided four studies to support these claims, as well as 22
background articles about treatments for advanced melanoma.\76\
\76\ Background articles are not included in the following table
but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
The following table summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding
the substantial clinical improvement criterion. Please see the online
posting for AMTAGVITM for the applicant's complete
statements regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion and
the supporting evidence provided.
[[Page 36075]]
After review of the information provided by the applicant, we have
the following concerns regarding whether AMTAGVITM meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion.
In support of its application, the applicant provided data from the
C-144-01 study, an ongoing phase two multicenter study (NCT02360579) to
assess the efficacy and safety of autologous TIL in patients with stage
IIIc-IV metastatic melanoma, which consisted of: Cohort 1 (n = 30
generation 1 no-cryopreserved TIL product); Cohort 2 (n = 66 generation
2 cryopreserved TIL product); Cohort 3 (a sub-sample of n = 10 from
Cohorts 1, 2, and 4); and Cohort 4 (n = 75 generation 2 cryopreserved
TIL product). In regard to the sample studied (Cohorts 2 & 4 combined)
by Chesney et al. (2022),\77\ similar to concerns raised in the FY 2022
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (86 FR 25281), we continue to question the
appropriateness of combining Cohorts 2 and 4 together. Furthermore,
similar to concerns raised in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule
(87 FR 28256 through 28257), we note that in the study of Chesney et
al. (2022), 54 percent of the sample size included males with a median
age of 56; data on race, ethnicity, and other demographics are not
presented. Given that the average age of Medicare beneficiaries is
substantially older, and that Medicare beneficiaries often have
multiple comorbidities, we question whether the sample evaluated is
appropriately representative of the Medicare population and whether
this sample has a disease burden similar to that seen in Medicare
beneficiaries.\78,79,80\ Thus, similar to concerns raised in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (87
[[Page 36076]]
FR 28256 through 28257), we are concerned that the findings may not be
generalizable to Medicare beneficiaries. Furthermore, as discussed in
the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (87 FR 28256), we continue to
question whether the patient sample evaluated in the Sarnaik et al.
(2021) \81\ study is appropriately representative of the Medicare
population and whether this sample has a disease burden similar to that
seen in Medicare beneficiaries.
\77\ Chesney J, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2022
\79\ Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Chronic
Conditions among Medicare Beneficiaries, Chartbook, 2012 Edition.
Baltimore, MD. 2012.
\80\ Cher, B., Ryan, A. M., Hoffman, G. J., & Sheetz, K. H.
(2020). Association of Medicaid Eligibility With Surgical
Readmission Among Medicare Beneficiaries. JAMA network open, 3(6),
\81\ Sarnaik A, et al. Lifileucel, a tumor-infiltrating
lymphocyte therapy, in metastatic melanoma. J Clin Oncol.
2021;39(24):2656-66. doi:10.1200/JCO.21.00612 (Published online
first: 2021/05/13).
Second, similar to concerns raised in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (86 FR 25279 through 25282) and the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (87 FR 28256 through 28257), we continue to note that
while multiple background studies were provided in support of the
applicant's claims for substantial clinical improvement, those that
evaluate AMTAGVITM are based solely on the C-144-01 trial.
The background studies focus primarily on describing the limitations of
other therapies rather than supporting the role of
AMTAGVITM, and no direct comparisons to other existing
therapies such as targeted therapies with combination BRAF plus MEK
inhibitors or nivolumab plus ipilimumab were provided. Therefore, we
would be interested in additional information comparing
AMTAGVITM to existing treatments (for example, evidence
comparing AMTAGVITM phase two studies to the phase two
studies of existing or approved treatments by using meta-analysis after
systematic review, or evidence based on retrospective cohort studies of
the relevant patients to assess whether AMTAGVITM had
significantly different impact on any outcomes compared to existing or
approved treatments).
Third, similar to concerns raised in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (86 FR 25279 through 25282), and the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule (87 FR 28256 through 28257), we note that the Chesney
et al. (2022) \82\ study uses a surrogate endpoint, ORR, which combines
the results of complete and partial responders; we question whether
this correlates to improvement in clinical outcomes such as overall
survival (OS).
\82\ Chesney J, et al. J Immunother Cancer 2022;
Finally, similar to concerns raised in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule (87 FR 28256 through 28257), we note that according to
the applicant, high-dose IL-2 has been used to treat metastatic
melanoma in the past and is given as a post-treatment to
AMTAGVITM. According to the applicant, the occurrence of
grade 3 and 4 treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) was early and
consistent with the lymphodepletion regimen (NMA-LD) and known profile
of IL-2. If AMTAGVITM is always given in conjunction with
the pre- and post-treatments, we question how it is possible to
determine the cause of the TEAEs which are categorized as severe based
on the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events v4.03. We
continue to question whether the effect seen in C-144-01 is due to
AMTAGVITM itself or due to other factors such as the use of
IL-2, general changes in medical practice over time, and the specific
sample identified for the trial at hand.
We are inviting public comments on whether AMTAGVITM
meets the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for
i. LyfgeniaTM (lovotibeglogene autotemcel)
Bluebird bio, Inc. submitted an application for new technology add-
on payments for Lyfgenia\TM\ (lovotibeglogene autotemcel) for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, Lyfgenia\TM\ is an autologous hematopoietic
stem cell-based gene therapy indicated for the treatment of patients 12
years of age or older with sickle cell disease (SCD) and a history of
vaso-occlusive events (VOE). Lyfgenia\TM\, administered as a single-
dose intravenous infusion, consists of an autologous cluster of
differentiation 34+ (CD34+) cell-enriched population from patients with
SCD that contains hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) transduced with BB305
lentiviral vector (LVV) encoding the [beta]-globin gene
([beta]A-T87Q-globin gene), suspended in a cryopreservation
solution. The applicant explained that Lyfgenia\TM\ is designed to add
functional copies of a modified form of the [beta]A-T87Q-
globin gene into a patient's own HSCs, which allows their red blood
cells to produce an anti-sickling adult hemoglobin (HbA\T87Q\), to
reduce or eliminate downstream complications of SCD.
Please refer to the online application posting for Lyfgenia\TM\,
available at, for additional detail describing the technology and the
disease treated by the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion, according to the applicant,
Lyfgenia\TM\ was granted Biologics License Application (BLA) approval
from FDA on December 8, 2023, for the treatment of patients 12 years of
age or older with SCD and a history of VOEs. The applicant stated that
it anticipates that LyfgeniaTM will become available for
sale on April 16, 2024 and that the first commercial claim for
Lyfgenia\TM\ will occur within approximately 130 days post-FDA approval
to allow for the one-time activity to commercially qualify the contract
manufacturer organization (CMO), followed by apheresis of the first
patient at the qualified treatment center (QTC), where the personalized
starting material will be shipped to the CMO for drug product
manufacturing, release testing, and shipment of final product to the
QTC for the one-time infusion. We are interested in additional
information regarding the delay in the technology's market
availability, as it appears that the technology would need to be
available for sale prior to the enrollment of the first patient at the
QTC. According to the applicant, Lyfgenia\TM\ is provided in infusion
bags containing 1.7 to 20x10\6\ cells/mL (1.4 to 20 x 10\6\ CD34+
cells/mL) in approximately 20 mL of solution and is supplied in one to
four infusion bags. Per the applicant, the minimum dose is 3.0 x 10\6\
CD34+ cells/kg patient weight.
According to the applicant, as of October 1, 2023, there are
currently two ICD-10-PCS procedure codes to distinctly identify the
intravenous administration of Lyfgenia\TM\: XW133H9 (Transfusion of
lovotibeglogene autotemcel into central vein, percutaneous approach,
new technology group 9) and XW143H9 (Transfusion of lovotibeglogene
autotemcel into peripheral vein, percutaneous approach, new technology
group 9). The applicant provided a list of diagnosis codes that may be
used to currently identify the indication for Lyfgenia\TM\ under the
ICD-10-CM coding system. Please refer to the online application posting
for the complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the applicant.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered ``new'' for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that Lyfgenia\TM\ is not substantially
[[Page 36077]]
similar to other currently available technologies, because Lyfgenia\TM\
has a distinct mechanism of action, which converts SCD at the genetic,
cellular, and physiologic level to a non-sickling phenotype through the
expression of the gene therapy-derived antisickling
[beta]A-T87Q-globin gene, and that therefore, the technology
meets the newness criterion. Additionally, the applicant stated
LyfgeniaTM is not substantially similar to other currently
available therapeutic approaches indicated for SCD or to any drug
therapy assigned to any MS-DRG in the 2022 MedPAR data.
The following table summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding
the substantial similarity criteria. Please see the online application
posting for Lyfgenia\TM\ for the applicant's complete statements in
support of its assertion that Lyfgenia\TM\ is not substantially similar
to other currently available technologies.
We note that Lyfgenia\TM\ may have the same or similar mechanism of
action to Casgevy\TM\, for which we also received an application for
new technology add-
[[Page 36078]]
on payments for FY 2025. Lyfgenia\TM\ and Casgevy\TM\ are both gene
therapies using modified autologous CD34+ hematopoietic stem and
progenitor cell (HSPC) therapies administered via stem cell
transplantation for the treatment of SCD. Both technologies are
autologous, ex-vivo modified hematopoietic stem-cell biological
products. As previously discussed, CasgevyTM was approved by
FDA for this indication on December 8, 2023. For these technologies,
patients are required to undergo CD34+ HSPC mobilization followed by
apheresis to extract CD34+ HSPCs for manufacturing and then
myeloablative conditioning using busulfan to deplete the patient's bone
marrow in preparation for the technologies' modified stem cells to
engraft to the bone marrow. Once engraftment occurs for both
technologies, the patient's cells start to produce a different form of
hemoglobin to reduce the amount of sickling hemoglobin. Further, both
technologies appear to map to the same MS-DRGs, MS-DRG 016 (Autologous
Bone Marrow Transplant with CC/MCC) and 017 (Autologous Bone Marrow
Transplant without CC/MCC), and to treat the same or similar disease
(sickle cell disease) in the same or similar patient population
(patients 12 years of age and older who have a history of vaso-
occlusive events). Accordingly, as it appears that Lyfgenia\TM\ and
Casgevy\TM\ may use the same or similar mechanism of action to achieve
a therapeutic outcome (that is, to reduce the amount of sickling
hemoglobin to reduce and prevent VOEs associated with SCD), would be
assigned to the same MS-DRG, and treat the same or similar patient
population and disease, we believe that these technologies may be
substantially similar to each other such that they should be considered
as a single application for purposes of new technology add-on payments.
We note that if we determine that this technology is substantially
similar to CasgevyTM, we believe the newness period would
begin on December 8, 2023, the date both LyfgeniaTM and
CasgevyTM received FDA approval for SCD. We are interested
in information on how these two technologies may differ from each other
with respect to the substantial similarity criteria and newness
criterion, to inform our analysis of whether LyfgeniaTM and
CasgevyTM are substantially similar to each other and
therefore should be considered as a single application for purposes of
new technology add-on payments.
We are inviting public comment on whether LyfgeniaTM
meets the newness criterion, including whether LyfgeniaTM is
substantially similar to CasgevyTM and whether these
technologies should be evaluated as a single technology for purposes of
new technology add-on payments.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided multiple
analyses to demonstrate that it meets the cost criterion. For each
analysis, the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR using different
ICD-10-CM codes to identify potential cases representing patients who
may be eligible for Lyfgenia\TM\. Per the applicant, Lyfgenia\TM\ is
intended for patients who have not already undergone Allogeneic Bone
Marrow Transplant or Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant. The applicant
explained that it used different ICD-10-CM codes to demonstrate
different cohorts of SCD patients that may be eligible for the
According to the applicant, eligible cases for Lyfgenia\TM\ will be
mapped to either Pre-MDC MS-DRG 016 (Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant
with CC/MCC) or 017 (Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant without CC/MCC).
For each cohort, the applicant performed two sets of analyses using
either the FY 2025 new technology add-on payments threshold for Pre-MDC
MS-DRG 016 or Pre-MDC MS-DRG 017 for all identified cases. We note that
the FY 2025 new technology add-on payments thresholds for both Pre-MDC
MS-DRG 016 and Pre-MDC MS-DRG 017 are $182,491. Each analysis followed
the order of operations described in the table later in this section.
For the primary cohort, the applicant searched for an appropriate
group of patients with any ICD-10-CM diagnosis code for SCD with
crisis. Please see the online posting for LyfgeniaTM for the
complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the applicant. The
applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the
following table. Under this analysis, the applicant identified 12,357
claims mapping to 167 MS-DRGs, including MS-DRGs 811 and 812 (Red Blood
Cell Disorders with MCC and without MCC, respectively) representing
76.0 percent of total identified cases. The applicant calculated a
final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$11,677,887, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount
of $182,491.
For the sensitivity 1 cohort, the applicant searched for a narrower
cohort of patients with the admitting or primary ICD-10-CM diagnosis
codes of Hemoglobin-SS (Hb-SS) SCD with crisis for the most common
genotype of SCD. Please see the online posting for
LyfgeniaTM for a complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided
by the applicant. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table. Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 10,987 claims mapping to 160 MS-DRGs, including MS-DRGs 811
and 812 (Red Blood Cell Disorders with and without MCC, respectively)
representing 75.1 percent of total identified cases. The applicant
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $11,680,025, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $182,491.
For the sensitivity 2 cohort, the applicant searched for a broader
cohort of patients with the primary or secondary ICD-10-CM diagnosis
codes for SCD with or without crisis. Please see the online posting for
LyfgeniaTM for a complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided
by the applicant. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table. Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 17,120 claims mapping to 453 MS-DRGs, including MS-DRGs 811
and 812 (Red Blood Cell Disorders with and without MCC, respectively)
representing 56.3 percent of total identified cases. The applicant
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $11,681,718, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $182,491.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant maintained that Lyfgenia\TM\ meets the
cost criterion.
[[Page 36079]]
We are inviting public comments on whether Lyfgenia\TM\ meets the
cost criterion. With regard to the substantial clinical improvement
criterion, the applicant asserted that Lyfgenia\TM\ represents a
substantial clinical improvement over existing technologies, because
Lyfgenia\TM\ is a one-time administration gene therapy that uniquely
impacts the pathophysiology of SCD at the genetic level and offers the
potential for stable, durable production of anti-sickling hemoglobin
HbA\T87Q\, with approximately 85 percent of RBCs producing HbA\T87Q\,
leading to complete resolution of severe VOEs in patients with SCD
through 5.5 years of follow-up. The applicant asserted that for these
reasons Lyfgenia\TM\ is a much-needed treatment option for a patient
population ineligible for allo-HSCT or without a matched related donor
and significantly improves health-related quality of life. The
applicant provided seven studies on LyfgeniaTM to support
these claims, as well as 22 background articles about SCD and its
current treatments.\84\ The following table summarizes the applicant's
assertions regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
Please see the online posting for Lyfgenia\TM\ for the applicant's
complete statements regarding the substantial clinical improvement
criterion and the supporting evidence provided.
\83\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
\84\ Background articles are not included in the following table
but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
[[Page 36080]]
[[Page 36081]]
After review of the information provided by the applicant, we have
the following concerns regarding whether Lyfgenia\TM\ meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion. With respect to the claim
that Lyfgenia\TM\ presents an acceptable risk-benefit profile in terms
of efficacy and safety for patients with SCD while allowing clinically
meaningful improvements in HRQoL, the applicant stated the safety
profile remains generally consistent with risk of autologous stem cell
transplant, myeloablative conditioning, and underlying SCD.
Additionally, the applicant mentions that serious treatment-emergent
adverse events (TEAEs) of grade 3 or higher TEAEs were reported, but no
cases of veno-occlusive liver disease, graft failure, or vector-
mediated replication competent lentivirus were reported. Per the
applicant, three patients had adverse events attributed to
Lyfgenia\TM\, including 2 events deemed possibly related and 1 event
deemed definitely related, with all 3 resolving within 1 week of onset.
We note that the applicant submitted one published article about Group
C results, an interim analysis by Kanter et al. (2022) \85\ in which
Lyfgenia\TM\'s safety and efficacy were evaluated in a nonrandomized,
open-label, single-dose phase 1-2 clinical trial (HGB-206) where 35
Group C patients had received LyfgeniaTM infusion. Group C
was established after optimizing the treatment process in the initial
cohorts, Groups A (7 patients) and B (2 patients). There was also a
more stringent inclusion criterion for severe vaso-occlusive events
before enrollment for Group C. The median follow-up was 17.3 months
(range, 3.7-37.6) and 25 patients met both the inclusion criteria for
vaso-occlusive events before enrollment and a minimum 6-month follow-up
required for assessment of vaso-occlusive events. After receiving
Lyfgenia\TM\, 12 patients (34 percent) had at least one serious adverse
event; the most frequently reported were abdominal pain, drug
withdrawal syndrome (opiate), nausea, and vomiting (6 percent each).
The two events that were deemed to be possibly related to
LyfgeniaTM were grade 2 leukopenia and grade 1 decreased
diastolic blood pressure and the one event that was deemed to be
definitely related was grade 2 febrile neutropenia. Although this
evidence was provided to assert LyfgeniaTM improves clinical
outcomes relative to previously available therapies, we note that the
risk-benefit profile and HRQoL for LyfgeniaTM is not
compared to existing therapies. We would be interested in additional
information regarding the risk-benefit profile of LyfgeniaTM
compared to existing therapies, including clarification regarding an
acceptable risk-benefit profile for patients with SCD and whether
Lyfgenia\TM\ fits this profile. We also question if the length of
patient follow-up (median: 17.3 months, range: 3.7 to 37.6) would be
sufficient to assess long-term safety outcomes.
\85\ Kanter, J., Walters, M.C., Krishnamurti, L., Mapara, M.Y.,
Kwiatkowski, J.L, Rifkin-Zenenberg, S., Aygun, B., Kasow, K.A.,
Pierciey, Jr., F.J., Bonner, M., Miller, A., Zhang, X., Lynch, J.,
Kim, D., Ribeil, J.A., Asmal, M., Goyal, S., Thompson, A.A., &
Tisdale, J.F. (2022). Biologic and Clinical Efficacy of LentiGlobin
for Sickle Cell Disease. The New England Journal of Medicine, 386,
Finally, with respect to the applicant's assertion that
LyfgeniaTM improves clinical outcomes by halting SCD
progression, presenting an acceptable risk-benefit profile with
clinically meaningful improvement in HRQoL, and results in complete
resolution of sVOEs, we note that the applicant provided multiple
sources of evidence that analyze the same phase 1-2 clinical study for
LyfgeniaTM, HGB-206. We received an additional unpublished
source \86\ that provided some data on the phase 3 HGB-210 trial and
combined this with data from HGB-206 with a total of 34 patients being
evaluable for efficacy and 47 for safety. The median age of these 47
patients was 23 years. Due to the small study population and the median
age of participants in the studies, we question if the safety and
efficacy data from these studies would be generalizable to the Medicare
\86\ Kanter J, et al. 65th ASH Annual Meeting and Exposition.
December 9-12, 2023. Abstract 1051. Oral presentation (December
We are inviting public comments on whether Lyfgenia\TM\ meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for
j. Quicktome Software Suite (Quicktome Neurological Visualization and
Planning Tool)
Omniscient Neurotechnology submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for Quicktome Software Suite for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, Quicktome Software Suite is a cloud-based
software that uses artificial intelligence (AI) tools and the
scientific field of connectomics to analyze millions of data points
derived from a patient's magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Per the
applicant, Quicktome Software Suite's proprietary Structural
Connectivity Atlas (SCA) uses machine learning and
[[Page 36082]]
tractographic techniques to create highly specific and personalized
maps of a patient's brain or connectome from a standard MRI scan,
regardless of brain shape, size, or physical distortion. The applicant
asserted that the SCA is combined with a key refinement algorithm which
identifies the location of parcels based on the specific structural
characteristics of an individual's brain. The applicant asserted that
Quicktome Software Suite uses resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) to
unveil the brain's network architecture or functional connectome by
mapping blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signal correlations across
brain parcels. Per the applicant, using data from a structural or a
functional MRI (fMRI) scan, Quicktome Software Suite's proprietary AI
allows clinicians to quickly and accurately assess the structural
layout (that is, the locations and integrity) or the functional
connectivity (that is, how different brain regions are working
together) of a patient's brain.
Please refer to the online application posting for Quicktome
Software Suite, available at, for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease for which the technology is used.
With respect to the newness criterion, according to the applicant,
the Quicktome Software Suite received FDA 510(k) clearance on May 30,
2023. Per the FDA-cleared indication, the Quicktome Software Suite is
composed of a set of modules intended for the display of medical images
and other healthcare data. It includes functions for image review,
image manipulation, basic measurements, planning, 3D visualization (MPR
reconstructions and 3D volume rendering), and the display of BOLD rs-
MRI scan studies. The FDA clearance for Quicktome Software Suite was
based on substantial equivalence to the legally marketed predicate
device, StealthViz Advanced Planning Application with Stealth Diffusion
Tensor Imaging (DTI)TM Package (hereafter referred to as
StealthVizTM), as both of these devices allow the import and
export of DICOM images to a hospital picture archiving and
communication system (PACS); contain a graphical user interface to
conduct planning and visualization; display MRI anatomical images, as
well as tractography constructed from Diffusion Weighted Images, in 2D
and 3D views; register tractography and an atlas to the underlying
anatomical images; allow adding, removing, and editing of objects
(including automatically segmented and manually defined regions of
interest); and are delivered as software on an off-the-shelf hardware
platform.\87\ Prior to the FDA 510(k) clearance of Quicktome Software
SuiteTM in 2023, the technology, under the trade name
Quicktome, received FDA 510(k) clearance on March 9, 2021, based on
substantial equivalence to StealthVizTM.\88\
StealthVizTM received FDA 510(k) clearance on May 16, 2008
for use in two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) surgical planning and
image review and analysis. According to the FDA 510(k) summary for
StealthVizTM, it enables digital diagnostic and functional
imaging datasets, reviewing and analyzing the data in various 2D and 3D
presentation formats, performing image fusion of datasets, segmenting
structures in the images with manual and automatic tools and converting
them into 3D objects for display, and exporting results to other
Medtronic Navigation planning applications, to a PACS or to Medtronic
Navigation surgical navigation systems such as StealthStation System.
According to the applicant, the Quicktome Software Suite was
commercially available immediately after FDA clearance.
\87\ Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 510(k) Premarket
notification for Medtronic Navigation, Inc.'s StealthViz Advanced
Planning Application with StealthDTI Package. K081512. May 16, 2008.
\88\ FDA. K203518. 2021.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify the Quicktome Software Suite. We
note that the applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique
ICD-10-PCS procedure code for the Quicktome Software Suite beginning in
FY 2025. The applicant provided a list of diagnosis codes that may
currently be used to identify the indication for Quicktome Software
Suite under the ICD-10-CM coding system. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided
by the applicant.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered new for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that Quicktome Software Suite is not substantially similar to
other currently available technologies because it is the first and only
FDA-cleared platform to enable connectomic analysis at an individual
level using machine learning and tractographic techniques to create
personalized maps of the human brain. In addition, the applicant
asserted that Quicktome Software Suite is the first cleared
neurological planning tool to offer rs-fMRI capabilities. Per the
applicant, Quicktome Software Suite eliminates the need for highly
trained personnel, who may not be available at most institutions, and
therefore, the technology meets the newness criterion. The applicant
further asserted that current technologies that rely on task-based fMRI
(tb-fMRI) can be problematic in brain tumor patients who may be
cognitively impaired because they may be unable to perform required
tasks. The following table summarizes the applicant's assertions
regarding the substantial similarity criteria. Please see the online
application posting for Quicktome Software Suite for the applicant's
complete statements in support of its assertion that the Quicktome
Software Suite is not substantially similar to other currently
available technologies.
[[Page 36083]]
We note the following concerns regarding whether Quicktome Software
Suite meets the newness criterion. With respect to the applicant's
claim that Quicktome Software Suite does not use the same or similar
mechanism of action as existing technologies to achieve a therapeutic
outcome, we note that, according to the 510(k) application, it appears
that the Quicktome Software Suite is equivalent to
StealthVizTM, its predicate device. We are unclear how the
Quicktome Software Suite's mechanism of action, which enables patient-
specific connectomic analysis for neurological planning, is different
from that of StealthVizTM. We note that
StealthVizTM received FDA 510(k) clearance on May 16, 2008
for use in 2D/3D surgical planning and image review and analysis, and
therefore is no longer considered new for purposes of new technology
add-on payments. According to the applicant, Quicktome Software Suite
is the first and only FDA-cleared platform to enable brain network
mapping and analysis at an individual level and provides clinicians
with information that was previously only available in a research
setting. We would be interested in further information to support that
the Quicktome Software Suite does not use the same or similar mechanism
of action as StealthVizTM to achieve a therapeutic outcome,
including information regarding capabilities of Quicktome Software
Suite not found in StealthVizTM, and whether and how those
capabilities are the result of a new mechanism of action.
In addition, we note that there are several existing FDA-approved
or cleared technologies (for example, StealthVizTM,
Brainlab's Elements and iPlan products) that analyze fMRI and other
medical imaging data to create 3-D maps of a patient's brain, including
white matter tracts. Furthermore, while the applicant asserted that
Quicktome Software Suite is the only FDA-cleared device that uses a rs-
fMRI, we question whether other FDA-cleared neurosurgical planning and
visualization technologies integrate rs-fMRI, or if the analysis of rs-
fMRI for neurosurgical planning is a mechanism of action unique to
Quicktome Software Suite. We would be interested in more information on
the relevant current standard of care and technologies utilized for
neurosurgical planning and how the mechanism of action of the Quicktome
Software Suite compares to the mechanism of action of existing
technologies and connectomics software.
With respect to the third criterion, whether Quicktome Software
Suite involves the treatment of the same or similar disease and patient
population compared to existing technologies, we note that the
applicant stated that the Quicktome Software Suite does not treat a new
disease type or patient population, but does provide new information
for the treatment of existing patient populations. However, the
provision of new information for the treatment of existing patient
populations does not mean that the technology treats a new disease type
or patient population, and therefore, it is unclear what the basis is
for the applicant's statement that the third criterion is not met. We
would be interested in additional information to support whether and
how Quicktome Software Suite may involve the treatment of a different
type of disease or patient population.
As discussed in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 44981),
we also continue to be interested in public comments regarding issues
related to determining newness for technologies that use AI, an
algorithm, or software. Specifically, we are interested in public
comment on how these technologies may be considered for the purpose of
identifying a unique mechanism of action; how updates to AI, an
algorithm, or software would affect an already approved technology or a
competing technology; whether software changes for an already approved
technology could be considered a new mechanism of action, and whether
an improved algorithm by competing technologies would represent a
unique mechanism of action if the outcome is the same as an already
approved AI new technology.
We are inviting public comments on whether Quicktome Software Suite
is substantially similar to existing technologies and whether Quicktome
Software Suite meets the newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for Quicktome Software Suite,
the applicant searched 2020 Medicare Inpatient
[[Page 36084]]
Hospitals--by Provider and Service data.\89\ The applicant included all
cases from the following MS-DRGs: 025 (Craniotomy and Endovascular
Intracranial Procedures with MCC), 026 (Craniotomy and Endovascular
Intracranial Procedures with CC), and 027 (Craniotomy and Endovascular
Intracranial Procedures without CC/MCC). Using the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table, the applicant identified
28,401 cases mapping to these three craniotomy MS-DRGs, with 64 percent
of the identified cases mapping to MS-DRG 025. The applicant followed
the order of operations described in the following table and calculated
a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$179,317, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of
$134,802. Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount,
the applicant asserted that Quicktome Software Suite meets the cost
\89\ The Medicare Inpatient Hospitals by Provider and Service
dataset provides information on inpatient discharges for Original
Medicare Part A beneficiaries by IPPS hospitals. It includes
information on the use, payment, and hospital charges for more than
3,000 U.S. hospitals that received IPPS payments. The data are
organized by hospital and Medicare Severity Diagnosis Related Group
We note the following concerns regarding the cost criterion. We
note that the applicant limited its cost analysis to MS-DRGs 025, 026,
and 027 because those three MS-DRGs represent brain tumor resection
procedures, which are the first and most clearly established procedures
for which the technology offers clinical utility. We are interested in
information as to whether the technology would map to other MS-DRGs,
such as 023 and 024 (Craniotomy with Major Device Implant or Acute
Complex CNS PDX with MCC or Chemotherapy, or without MCC,
respectively), or 054 and 055 (Nervous System Neoplasms with and
without MCC, respectively), and if these MS-DRGs should also be
included in the cost analysis. In addition, we question whether every
case within MS-DRGs 025, 026, 027 would be eligible for the technology
and whether there would be any appropriate inclusion/exclusion criteria
by ICD-10-CM/PCS codes within these MS-DRGs to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for Quicktome Software Suite.
We are inviting public comments on whether Quicktome Software Suite
meets the cost criterion.
With regard to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that Quicktome Software Suite represents a
substantial clinical improvement over existing technologies because
Quicktome supports the visualization and brain mapping that improve
clinical outcomes such as reducing the risk of an extended length of
stay (LOS) and unplanned readmissions for craniotomy patients by
reducing new postoperative neurological deficits that are caused by
damage to brain networks or a patient's connectome. The applicant
further asserted that Quicktome Software Suite is the first and only
FDA-cleared platform to enable connectomic analysis at an individual
level, enabling surgeons to visualize and avoid damaging these brain
networks during surgery, thereby significantly improving clinical
[[Page 36085]]
outcomes relative to services or technologies previously available. The
applicant submitted three published studies and one unpublished study
evaluating the Quicktome Software Suite to support these claims, as
well as four background articles about complications leading to
unplanned readmissions after cranial surgery, factors associated with
extended LOS in patients undergoing craniotomy for tumor resection, the
association of incorporating fMRI in presurgical planning with
mortality and morbidity in brain tumor patients, and the clinical
importance of non-traditional, large-scale brain networks with respect
to the potential adverse effects on patients when these networks are
disrupted during surgery.\90\ We note that one of the articles
submitted as a study using the technology, the Dadario and Sughrue
(2022) \91\ study, should more appropriately be characterized as a
background article because it does not directly assess the use of
Quicktome Software Suite.
\90\ Background articles are not included in the following table
but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
\91\ Dadario NB, Sughrue ME. Should Neurosurgeons Try to
Preserve Non-Traditional Brain Networks? A Systematic Review of the
Neuroscientific Evidence. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022;
The following table summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding
the substantial clinical improvement criterion. Please see the online
posting for Quicktome Software Suite for the applicant's complete
statements regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion and
the supporting evidence provided.
After our review of the information provided by the applicant, we
have the following concerns regarding whether Quicktome Software Suite
meets the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
With respect to the applicant's claim that Quicktome Software Suite
supports the visualization of brain networks and surgical planning to
avoid damaging them during surgery, we are concerned that the evidence
does not appear to demonstrate that the Quicktome Software Suite's
visualization and brain mapping techniques improve clinical outcomes
relative to services or technologies already available by avoiding or
reducing damage to the brain networks during surgery. For example, the
Shah et al. (2023) \92\ study
[[Page 36086]]
describes the use of connectomics in planning and guiding an awake
craniotomy for a tumor impinging on the language area in a 31-year-old
bilingual woman. The authors stated that Quicktome Software Suite was
used to generate preoperative connectome imaging for the patient, which
helped in assessing the risk of functional deficits, guiding surgical
planning, directing intraoperative mapping stimulation, and providing
insights into postoperative function. The authors further described how
preoperative imaging demonstrated proximity of the tumor to
parcellations of the language area, and how intraoperative awake
language mapping was performed, revealing speech arrest and paraphasic
errors at areas of the tumor boundary correlating to functional regions
that explained these findings. However, we are concerned that the
report is based on a single case, and we question whether these
findings would be generalizable to the broader Medicare population. In
addition, we note that the applicant did not provide evidence based on
comparison of the use of Quicktome Software Suite technology with
currently available cranial mapping software or tractography tools, and
we would be interested in comparisons that assess the use of Quicktome
Software Suite technology to improve these clinical outcomes relative
to currently available technologies, such as StealthVizTM or
Brainlab's Elements and iPlan products.
\92\ Shah HA, Ablyazova F, Alrez A, et al. Intraoperative awake
language mapping correlates to preoperative connectomics imaging: An
instructive case. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2023 Jun;229:107751. Doi:
10.1016/j.clineuro.2023.107751 Epub 2023 Apr 29. PMID: 3714997. 2.
In addition, we question whether the findings related to
Quicktome's efficacy are generalizable to the Medicare population.
Specifically, the Wu et al. (2023) \93\ study aimed to investigate the
involvement of non-traditional brain networks in insulo-Sylvian gliomas
and evaluate the potential of Quicktome Software Suite in optimizing
surgical approaches to preserve cognitive function. The study included
three parts. The first part involved a retrospective analysis of the
location of insulo-Sylvian gliomas in 45 adult patients who underwent
glioma surgery centered in the insular lobe. According to the research
team, Quicktome showed that 98 percent of the tumors involved a non-
traditional eloquent brain network, which is associated with cognitive
or neurological function. In part two, the research team prospectively
collected neuropsychological data on seven patients to assess tumor-
network involvement with change in cognition. Using Quicktome, the
research team found that all seven patients had a tumor involving a
non-traditional eloquent brain network. Part three described how the
research team used Quicktome Software Suite's network mapping
capabilities to inform surgical decision-making and predict the
preservation of cognitive function post-surgery for two prospective
patients. We note that while Quicktome Software Suite was used to
assist surgical decision-making in two patients, as previously
discussed, we question whether these limited findings would be
generalizable to the broader Medicare population, and we would be
interested in comparisons between Quicktome Software Suite and other
currently available technologies to improve these clinical outcomes.
\93\ Wu Z, Hu G, Cao B, Liu X, et al. Non-traditional cognitive
brain network involvement in insulo-Sylvian gliomas: a case series
study and clinical experience using Quicktome. Chin Neurosurg J.
2023 May 26;9(1):16. Doi: 10.1186/s41016-023-00325-4 PMID: 37231522;
PMCID: PMC10214670.
We also question whether the use of Quicktome Software Suite has a
direct impact on significantly reducing neurological or cognitive
deficits post-surgery. The applicant cited Morell et al. (2022),\94\ a
retrospective, single-center study of 100 patients who underwent
surgery for brain tumor resection. The research team used Quicktome
Software Suite to map and evaluate the integrity of nine large-scale
brain networks in these patients. According to the research team,
Quicktome's analysis showed that for more than half of these patients,
at least one of their brain networks were either affected during brain
surgery or at risk of postsurgical deficits. Among those at risk of
postsurgical deficits, their cortical regions or white matter fibers
were either displaced by the mass effect of the tumor or damaged during
surgery due to proximity to the tumor and/or planned transcortical
trajectory. We note that the primary focus of the study was to
retrospectively map large-scale brain networks in brain tumor patients
using Quicktome Software Suite platform, and therefore does not appear
to demonstrate that use of Quicktome Software Suite avoided damaging
these networks during surgery.
\94\ Morell AA, Eichberg DG, Shah AH, et al. Using machine
learning to evaluate large-scale brain networks in patients with
brain tumors: Traditional and non-traditional eloquent areas.
Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Sep 19;4(1):vdac142. Doi: 10.1093/noajnl/
vdac142. PMID: 36299797; PMCID: PMC9586213.
Similarly, we note that the applicant cited Hendricks et al.
(n.d.),\95\ which retrospectively analyzed the outcomes of 346 adult
patients who underwent resection of superficial cerebral cavernous
malformations (CMs) from November 2008 through June 2021. We note that
the focus of the study was the use of Quicktome Software Suite to
support the identification of areas of eloquent noneloquence, or cortex
injured or transgressed that causes unexpected deficits. Therefore, we
remain interested in evidence that incorporating Quicktome Software
Suite's analytics into surgical strategies and navigational tools
during craniotomy surgery is associated with improved post-surgical
\95\ Hendricks B, Scherschinkski L, Jubran J, et al.
Supratentorial Cavernous Malformation Surgery: The Seven Hotspots of
With respect to the applicant's claim that damaging brain networks
during surgery leads to neurologic complications, which are a leading
contributor to increased length of stay (LOS), ICU admission, and
readmissions, the applicant asserted that Quicktome Software Suite
enables surgeons to visualize these brain networks and change their
surgical approach as needed to avoid damaging these networks. We note
that the applicant submitted two documents in support of this claim,
both of which are background documents rather than studies that
evaluate clinical outcomes associated with the use of Quicktome
Software Suite. In particular, the Elsamadicy et al. (2018) \96\ study
showed that altered mental status and sensory or motor deficits were
the primary complications of craniotomies. The Philips et al. (2023)
\97\ study demonstrated that post-operative neurological deficits,
caused by damage to brain networks or a patient's connectome were
responsible for extended length of stay. Although these studies
supported the applicant's claim that damage to brain networks resulted
in neurological complications, increasing LOS and inpatient service
use, we note that the evidence provided for this claim does not assess
the use of Quicktome Software Suite to improve these clinical outcomes,
nor does the evidence appear to demonstrate that use of the technology
substantially improves these clinical outcomes relative to existing
technologies, such as StealthVizTM or Brainlab's Elements
and iPlan products. We would be interested in evidence demonstrating
[[Page 36087]]
utilization of the Quicktome Software Suite improves clinical outcomes
related to LOS, ICU admissions, and readmissions relative to existing
\96\ Elsamadicy, AA, Sergesketter, A, Adogwa, O, et al.
Complications and 30-Day readmission rates after craniotomy/
craniectomy: A single Institutional study of 243 consecutive
patients, Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, Volume 47, 2018, Pages
178-182, ISSN 0967-5868,
\97\ Phillips KR, Enriquez-Marulanda A, Mackel C, et al.
Predictors of extended length of stay related to craniotomy for
tumor resection. World Neurosurg X. 2023 Mar 31;19:100176.
doi:10.1016/j.wnsx.2023.100176 PMID: 37123627; PMCID: PMC10139985.
With respect to the applicant's claim that damaging brain networks
during surgery has adverse effects for patients, including decreased
quality of life and loss of function, the applicant asserted that
Quicktome Software Suite enables surgeons to visualize brain networks
and change their surgical approach as needed to avoid damaging these
networks. The applicant further asserted that while other techniques
have enabled the visualization of tractography or of parts of eloquent
networks, this is not an adequate substitute for the ability to review
the entirety of a patient's connectome (networks such as motor,
language, and vision). Per the applicant, Quicktome Software Suite is
the first of its kind to show the location and function of these
networks and that damage to these networks is associated with poor
outcomes. The applicant cited Vysotski et al. (2019),\98\ who
demonstrated that brain tumor patients who underwent a preoperative
fMRI experienced significantly lower risks for mortality than those who
did not. The applicant also cited Dadario and Sughrue (2022),\99\ who
discussed the clinical importance of preserving non-traditional brain
networks for neurosurgical patients. Similar to our previous concern,
we note that the evidence provided for this claim does not assess the
use of Quicktome Software Suite to improve quality of life and loss of
function, nor does the evidence appear to demonstrate that use of the
technology substantially improves these clinical outcomes relative to
existing technologies. Therefore, we continue to question whether there
is evidence to assess the effectiveness of Quicktome Software Suite to
reduce damage to brain networks during surgery.
\98\ Vysotski S, Madura C, Swan B, et al. Preoperative FMRI
Associated with Decreased Mortality and Morbidity in Brain Tumor
Patients. Interdiscip Neurosurg. 2018 Sep;13:40-45. doi: 10.1016/
j.inat.2018.02.001 Epub 2018 Feb 14. PMID: 31341789; PMCID:
\99\ Dadario NB, Sughrue ME. Should Neurosurgeons Try to
Preserve Non-Traditional Brain Networks? A Systematic Review of the
Neuroscientific Evidence. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2022;
We are also interested in public comments related to how we should
evaluate issues related to determining substantial clinical improvement
for technologies that use AI, an algorithm or software, including
issues related to algorithm transparency, and how CMS should consider
these issues in our assessment of substantial clinical improvement, as
we continue to gain experience in this area. Algorithm transparency
refers to whether, and the extent to which, clinical users are able to
access a consistent, baseline set of information about the algorithms
they use to support their decision making and to assess such algorithms
for fairness, appropriateness, validity, effectiveness, and
\100\ Department of Health and Human Services (December 13,
2023). HHS Finalizes Rule to Advance Health IT Interoperability and
Algorithm Transparency [verbar], accessed 2/20/2024.
We are inviting public comments on whether Quicktome Software Suite
Software Suite meets the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for Quicktome
Software Suite.
k. TALVEYTM (talquetamab-tgvs)
Johnson & Johnson Health Care Systems, Inc. submitted an
application for new technology add-on payments for TALVEYTM
for FY 2025. According to the applicant, TALVEYTM is the
first and only approved G protein-coupled receptor, class C, group 5,
member D (GPRC5D) targeting therapy, a bispecific antibody (bsAb)
approved for the treatment of adults with Relapsed or Refractory
Multiple Myeloma (RRMM) who have received at least four prior lines of
therapy (also referred to herein as 4L+RRMM), including a proteasome
inhibitor (PI), an immunomodulatory agent (IMiD), and an anti-cluster
of differentiation (CD)38 monoclonal antibody (mAb). GPRC5D is an
orphan receptor expressed at a significantly higher level on malignant
Multiple Myeloma (MM) cells than on normal plasma cells.
Please refer to the online application posting for
TALVEYTM available at, for additional detail describing the
technology and the disease treated by the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion, according to the applicant,
TALVEYTM was granted a Biologic License from FDA on August
9, 2023 for the treatment of adult patients with 4L+RRMM who have
received at least four prior lines of therapy, including a PI, an ImiD,
and an anti-CD38 mAb. According to the applicant, TALVEYTM
was commercially available immediately after FDA approval. Per the
applicant, patients may be dosed on a weekly or bi-weekly dosing
schedule. The applicant noted that patients on a weekly dosing schedule
receive three weight-based doses--a 0.01 mg/kg loading dose, a 0.06 mg/
kg loading dose, and the first 0.40 mg/kg treatment dose--during the
hospital stay; patients on a bi-weekly dosing schedule receive an
additional 0.80 mg/kg treatment dose during the hospital stay.
The applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique ICD-10-
PCS procedure code for TALVEYTM and was granted approval for
the following procedure code effective April 1, 2024: XW01329
(Introduction of talquetamab antineoplastic into subcutaneous tissue,
percutaneous approach, new technology group 9). The applicant stated
that ICD-10-CM codes C90.00 (Multiple myeloma not having achieved
remission) and C90.02 (Multiple myeloma in relapse) may be used to
currently identify the indication for TALVEYTM.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered ``new'' for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that TALVEYTM is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies because it has a unique mechanism of
action as a CD3 T-cell engaging bsAb targeting GPRC5D, and therefore,
the technology meets the newness criterion. The following table
summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding the substantial
similarity criteria. Please see the online application posting for
TALVEYTM for the applicant's complete statements in support
of its assertion that TALVEYTM is not substantially similar
to other currently available technologies.
[[Page 36088]]
With regard to the newness criterion, we note that
TALVEYTM may have a similar mechanism of action to that of
TECVAYLI[supreg], for which we approved an application for new
technology add-on payments for FY 2024 for the treatment of adult
patients with RRMM after four or more prior lines of therapy, including
a PI, an IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb (88 FR 58891). We also note that
TALVEYTM may have a similar mechanism of action to that of
ELREXFIOTM, another applicant for FY 2025 new technology
add-on payments. As previously discussed, ELREXFIOTM was
approved on August 14, 2023 for the treatment of adult patients with
RRMM who have received at least four prior lines of therapy, including
a PI, an IMiD, and an anti-CD38 mAb.
Per the applicant, TALVEYTM has a different mechanism of
action from TECVAYLI[supreg] or ELREXFIOTM because it binds
to different receptors. The applicant noted that TALVEYTM is
the only medicine that targets GPRC5D on myeloma cells. As we
previously noted, TECVAYLI[supreg]'s mechanism of action is described
as a bsAb, with binding domains that simultaneously bind the BCMA
target on tumor cells and the CD3 T-cell receptor (88 FR 58886). As
previously discussed, the mechanism of action for ELREXFIOTM
is as a bsAb that uses binding domains that simultaneously bind the
BCMA target on tumor cells and the CD3 T-cell receptor. However, while
the applicant asserts that TALVEYTM has a unique mechanism
of action as compared to TECVAYLI[supreg] and ELREXFIOTM by
binding to different receptors, we question how binding to a different
protein (GPRC5D) on the tumor cell would result in a different
mechanism of action compared to BCMA targeting bispecific antibodies.
Furthermore, we note that the applicant claimed that the target of
TALVEYTM, GPRC5D, has a unique tissue expression profile,
which results in an adverse event profile distinct from those of the
currently approved bispecific antibodies in RRMM targeting BCMA.
However, as this relates to the risk of adverse event from
TALVEYTM administration but is not critical to the way the
drug treats the underlying disease, we question whether this would
therefore relate to an assessment of substantial clinical
[[Page 36089]]
improvement rather than of substantial similarity. We would welcome
additional information on how molecular differences, such as the
regulation of expression of GPRC5D and BCMA on MM cells during
treatment, should be considered in determining whether a technology
utilizes a different mechanism of action to achieve a therapeutic
Accordingly, as it appears that TALVEYTM and
TECVAYLI[supreg] may use the same or similar mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic outcome, would be assigned to the same MS-DRG,
and treat the same or similar patient population and disease, we
believe that these technologies may be substantially similar to each
other. We note that if we determine that this technology is
substantially similar to TECVAYLI[supreg], we believe the newness
period would begin on November 9, 2022, the date TECVAYLITM
became commercially available (88 FR 58887).
Furthermore, as noted, we believe another applicant for FY 2025 new
technology add-on payments, ELREXFIOTM, may also be
substantially similar to TALVEYTM. Per the application for
ELREXFIOTM, ELREXFIOTM is a bispecific antibody
approved for the treatment of adults with RRMM who have received at
least four prior lines of therapy, including a PI, an IMiD, and an
anti-CD38 mAb. We believe ELREXFIOTM may be substantially
similar to TALVEYTM because it is also a bispecific antibody
that treats RRMM in patients who have previously received a PI, IMiD,
and an anti-CD38 mAb. Additionally, we note that similar to
TALVEYTM, the prescribing information for
ELREXFIOTM includes the population with prior exposure to
BCMA T-cell redirection therapy. Accordingly, as it appears that
TALVEYTM and ELREXFIOTM would use the same or
similar mechanism of action to achieve a therapeutic outcome, would be
assigned to the same MS-DRG, and would treat the same or similar
patient population and disease, we believe that these technologies may
also be substantially similar to each other such that they should be
considered as a single application for purposes of new technology add-
on payments. We note that if TALVEYTM is determined to only
be substantially similar to ELREXFIOTM, and not
TECVAYLI[supreg], we believe the newness period for TALVEYTM
would begin on August 9, 2023, the date TALVEYTM received
FDA approval.
We are interested in receiving information on how these
technologies may differ from each other with respect to the substantial
similarity and newness criteria, to inform our analysis of whether
TALVEYTM is substantially similar to ELREXFIOTM
and/or TECVAYLI[supreg].
We are inviting public comments on whether TALVEYTM is
substantially similar to existing technologies and whether
TALVEYTM meets the newness criterion.
With respect to the cost criterion, to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for TALVEYTM, the
applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR for cases reporting one of the
following ICD-10-CM codes in the first five diagnosis positions on the
claim: C90.00 (Multiple myeloma not having achieved remission), C90.01
(Multiple myeloma in remission), and C90.02 (Multiple myeloma in
relapse). Using the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the
following table, the applicant identified 4,468 claims mapping to five
MS-DRGs with 82 percent of identified cases mapping to MS-DRGs 840 and
841 (Lymphoma and Non-acute Leukemia with MCC, with CC, respectively).
The applicant followed the order of operations described in the
following table and calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $210,677, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $77,360. Because the final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount, the applicant asserted that
TALVEYTM meets the cost criterion.
[[Page 36090]]
We are inviting public comments on whether TALVEYTM
meets the cost criterion.
With regard to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that TALVEYTM represents a substantial
clinical improvement over existing technologies because
TALVEYTM meets two of three criteria for substantial
clinical improvement due to its off-the-shelf availability without the
need for complex manufacturing. Additionally, according to the
applicant, TALVEY\TM\ demonstrates clinically meaningful outcomes in
heavily pre-treated patients who are exposed or naive to prior T-cell
redirection therapy and provides a therapeutic option with a lower
severe infection rate. The applicant provided four studies to support
these claims. We also note that four other articles submitted as
supporting evidence should more appropriately be characterized as
background articles because they do not directly assess the use of
TALVEYTM. Instead, those four articles focus on existing
treatment options (ELREXFIOTM or TECVAYLI[supreg]) or the
high mortality rate of MM patients who died while waiting for CAR-T
cell therapies.\101\
\101\ Background articles are not included in the following
table but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
The following table summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding
the substantial clinical improvement criterion. Please see the online
posting for TALVEYTM for the applicant's complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
[[Page 36091]]
After review of the information provided by the applicant, we have
the following concerns regarding whether TALVEYTM meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion. With respect to the
applicant's claim that TALVEYTM offers an efficacious
treatment option for patients who are unable to receive CAR T-cell
therapy, we note that TECVAYLI[supreg] and ELREXFIOTM are
recently FDA-approved alternatives to CAR T-cell therapy with the same
indication as treatments for RRMM for patients ineligible or
unresponsive to four prior lines of therapy, including a PI, an IMiD,
and an anti-CD38 mAb. In addition, although the applicant claimed that
TALVEYTM is more accessible than CAR T-cell therapies
because it is readily available and can be delivered at any acute care
hospitals, we would be interested in evidence comparing the effects of
TALVEYTM and CAR T-cell therapies on mortality and other
clinical outcomes, as we did not receive results from clinical trials
comparing the efficacy of TALVEYTM with CAR T-cell
With respect to the applicant's claim that TALVEYTM has
a low incidence of serious and higher-grade infections and preserves B-
cell function, we note that the clinical data from the Hammons et al.
(2023) \102\ study did not appear to support this claim. Specifically,
the difference in the proportion of grade 3+ infections among patients
treated with BCMA bsAb (58 percent), GPRC5D bsAb combination therapy
with daratumumab and/or pomalidomide (33 percent), and GPRC5D bsAb
monotherapy (50 percent) was not statistically significant (p = 0.06).
While the total infection rate per 100 days was lower for the GPRC5D
monotherapy group, the difference was not statistically significant
(BCMA: 0.57 percent, GPRC5D combination: 0.62 percent, GPRC5D
monotherapy: 0.13 percent; p = 0.06). Moreover, the differences among
the three groups in bacterial, viral, and fungal infection rates per
100 days did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.07, 0.4, and
0.14 respectively). In addition, the difference among the three groups
regarding the need for hospitalization was not statistically
significant (p = 0.07). Similarly, we note that according to the
Rodriguez-Otero et al. (2023) \103\ poster presentation, of the 339
patients treated with TALVEYTM, 64 percent (n = 217)
experienced infections, of which 29 percent (n = 63) experienced grade
3-4 infections. The applicant highlighted a conclusion in the
Rodriguez-Otero poster that infection
[[Page 36092]]
rates, particularly rates of higher grade and fatal infections,
occurred less frequently with TALVEYTM compared with those
observed in BCMA-targeted T-cell based therapies. We note that because
clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, we
question whether adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials
of one drug can be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of
another drug without an effort to adjust for such conditions.
\102\ Hammons L, Szabo, A, Janardan, A, et al. The changing
spectrum of infection with BCMA and GPRC5D targeting bispecific
antibody (bsAb) therapy in patients with relapsed refractory
multiple myeloma. Haematologica. 2023 Aug 31.
\103\ Rodriguez-Otero, P, Schinke, C, Chari, A, et al. Analysis
of infections and parameters of humoral immunity in patients with
relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma treated with Talquetamab
monotherapy in MonumenTAL-1. 2023 American Society of Clinical
Oncology Annual Meeting, Poster #8020.
With respect to the applicant's claim that TALVEYTM
offers clinically meaningful outcomes in heavily pre-treated patients
na[iuml]ve to prior bsAb and CAR T-cell therapy, we note that the
applicant compared the results from MonumenTAL-1, the ongoing
TALVEYTM clinical study, with clinical study results of
TECVAYLI[supreg] and ELREXFIOTM.104 105 The
applicant noted that the overall response rates (ORRs) for
TALVEYTM's 0.4 mg/kg weekly and 0.8 mg/kg biweekly cohorts
of 74.1 percent and 71.7 percent respectively seem higher than the
response rates reported for TECVAYLI[supreg] (63 percent) and
ELREXFIOTM (61 percent). The applicant also noted the
duration of response (DOR), progression free survival (PFS), and
overall survival (OS) for TALVEYTM were comparable to that
of the BCMA bispecific antibodies. However, we note that this was based
on a comparison of three separate clinical trials, which can involve
numerous confounding variables, and the applicant did not provide
supporting data related to clinical trial design or statistical
analysis to explain why the potential effects of confounding variables
should not be a concern for purposes of this comparison. Therefore, we
are interested in additional evidence demonstrating that
TALVEYTM significantly improves clinical outcomes compared
to BCMA bispecific antibodies in heavily pre-treated patients
na[iuml]ve to prior bispecific antibody and CAR T-cell therapy that
adjusts for the effects of confounding factors.
\104\ Van de Donk, N, Moreau, P, Garfall, AL, et al. Long term
follow-up from MajesTEC-1 of Teclistamab, a BCMAxCD3 bispecific
antibody, in patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma.
2023 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Poster
\105\ Mohty, M, Tomasson, MH, and Arnulf, B, et al. Elranatamab,
a B-cell maturation antigen (BCMA)-CD3 bispecific antibody, for
patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma: Extended follow-
up and bi-weekly administration from the MagnetisMM-3 study. 2023
American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting, Poster #8039.
With respect to the applicant's claim that TALVEYTM
offers clinically meaningful outcomes in patients exposed to prior
bispecific antibody and CAR T-cell therapy, the applicant referenced
past results from MonumenTAL-1 that included a cohort of 51 patients
with prior T-cell redirection therapies (TCR) including BCMA-directed
CAR-T therapies and/or bispecific antibodies, citing an ORR of 64.7
percent in these heavily pre-treated patients.\106\ The applicant also
provided updated results that included an additional 19 patients with
prior TCR that demonstrated similar efficacy, noting slightly higher
ORRs and improved PFS and DOR rates in patients with prior BCMA CAR T-
cell versus prior bispecific antibody therapies. We welcome additional
information demonstrating the efficacy of TALVEYTM in
patients previously treated with BCMA-directed TCRs.
\106\ Jakubowiak, AJ, Anguille, S, Karlin, L, et al. Updated
Results of Talquetamab, a GPRC5DxCD3 bispecific antibody, in
patients with relapsed/refractory multiple myeloma with prior
exposure to T-Cell redirecting therapies: results of the Phase \1/2\
MonumenTAL-1 Study 2023 American Society of Hematology Annual
Meeting. Poster #3377.
We are inviting public comments on whether TALVEYTM
meets the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for
l. Odronextamab, First Indication: Relapsed or Refractory Diffuse Large
B-Cell Lymphoma (R/R DLBCL)
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for odronextamab for use in relapsed or
refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (R/R DLBCL) for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, odronextamab is the first and only novel,
fully-human Cluster of Differentiation (CD) 20 x CD 3 bispecific
antibody (bsAb) with an immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-based structure in B-
Cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (B-NHL) created using Regeneron's proprietary
Veloci-Bi[supreg] technology that is designed to simultaneously bind to
two types of antigens, CD20 found on both healthy and cancerous B
cells, and CD3 found on T-cells. Per the applicant, simultaneous
engagement of both arms of odronextamab results in the activation of
immune system T-cells, causing it to generate cytotoxic T-cells that
can destroy the targeted cells, including cancerous B-cells. We note
that Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. also submitted an application for
new technology add-on payments for odronextamab for use in relapsed or
refractory follicular lymphoma (R/R FL) for FY 2025, as discussed
separately later in this section.
Please refer to the online application posting for odronextamab,
available at, for additional detail describing the technology and the
disease treated by the technology.
With respect to the newness criterion, the applicant stated that
its marketing authorization request for odronextamab has been filed by
FDA and that it anticipates a Biologic License Application (BLA)
decision from FDA for adults with R/R DLBCL after at least two prior
systemic therapies, including patients with or without prior CAR T-cell
therapy, before May 1, 2024. According to the applicant, odronextamab
will be commercially available immediately after FDA approval.
According to the applicant, it anticipates that inpatient usage of
odronextamab might occur due to a physician's order or as a result of
an adverse event, such as cytokine release syndrome (CRS) Grade 2 or
higher, that results in an inpatient admission. The applicant noted
that in the pivotal Phase 2 clinical trial (ELM-2), when CRS Grade 2 or
3 events developed among DLBCL patients (there were no CRS Grade 4 or
higher reported on the recommended dosing regimen), 31 percent of the
time it occurred after the initial dose (0.7 mg), 46 percent after the
first intermediate dose (4 mg), 15 percent after the second
intermediate dose (20 mg), 0 percent after the first full dose (160
mg), and 8 percent after the second full dose & beyond (160 mg). Using
this information, the applicant developed a weighted average inpatient
dose of 17.4 mg.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify odronextamab. We note that the
applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique ICD-10-PCS
procedure code for odronextamab beginning in FY 2025. The applicant
provided a list of diagnosis codes that may be used to currently
identify this indication for odronextamab under the ICD-10-CM coding
system. Please refer to the online application posting for the complete
list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the applicant. We believe the
relevant ICD-10-CM codes to identify the indication of R/R DLBCL would
be the codes included in category C83 (Non-follicular lymphoma) under
the ICD-10-CM classification in subcategory: C83.3- (Diffuse large B-
[[Page 36093]]
lymphoma). We are inviting public comments on the use of these ICD-10-
CM diagnosis codes to identify the indication of R/R DLBCL for purposes
of the new technology add-on payment, if approved.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered ``new'' for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that odronextamab is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies. According to the applicant, the
mechanism of action for odronextamab presents noteworthy distinctions,
such as reduced potential for immunogenicity and anti-drug antibodies
through its novel fully human design and reduced ability to elicit an
immune response through the blocking effect of the IgG4-based
structure. The applicant also asserted that odronextamab is the only
bispecific antibody (bsAb) with a dedicated prospective cohort that
shows efficacy in patients with R/R DLBCL with prior CAR T-cell therapy
while also showing comparable efficacy in patients without prior CAR T-
cell therapy, and that therefore, the technology meets the newness
criterion. The following table summarizes the applicant's assertions
regarding the substantial similarity criteria. Please see the online
application posting for odronextamab for the applicant's complete
statements in support of its assertions that odronextamab is not
substantially similar to other currently available technologies.
[[Page 36094]]
We note that according to the applicant, odronextamab may have a
similar mechanism of action to that of EPKINLYTM
(epcoritamab) and COLUMVITM (glofitamab), for which we
approved an application for new technology add-on payments for FY 2024
(88 FR 58835) for the treatment of adult patients with R/R DLBCL after
two or more prior lines of systemic therapy. Specifically, a similar
IgG bsAb engaging CD3 x CD20 mechanism is utilized in the treatment of
the same population of R/R DLBCL adult patients with two or more prior
therapies. Although the applicant asserts that odronextamab is the
first and only fully human, IgG4-based bsAb in B-NHL, which may help
reduce potential for immunogenicity and anti-drug antibodies, we
believe that this would relate to the risk of adverse event from
odronextamab administration but is not critical to the way the drug
treats the underlying disease, and therefore would relate to an
assessment of substantial clinical improvement, rather than of
substantial similarity.
The applicant asserts that it treats a new patient population
because it is indicated for a sub-population of patients within R/R
DLBCL: adult patients with two or more prior therapies after transplant
or CAR T-cell therapy. However, as noted by the applicant, both
EPKINLYTM and COLUMVITM may also be used for
patients with R/R DLBCL with disease progression after transplant or
CAR T-cell therapy, also after two or more lines of systemic therapies.
Therefore, we believe that odronextamab may treat the same or similar
disease in the same or similar patient population as
EPKINLYTM and COLUMVITM. Accordingly, as it
appears that odronextamab, and EPKINLYTM and
COLUMVITM may use the same or similar mechanism of action to
achieve a therapeutic outcome, would be assigned to the same MS-DRG,
and treat the same or similar patient population and disease, we
believe that these technologies may be substantially similar to each
other. We note that if we determine that this technology is
substantially similar to EPKINLYTM and COLUMVITM,
we believe the newness period for this technology would begin on May
19, 2023, the date on which EPKINLYTM received FDA approval,
which is the earliest market availability date submitted for
EPKINLYTM and COLUMVITM. We are interested in
information on how these technologies may differ from each other with
respect to the substantial similarity criteria and newness criterion.
We are inviting public comments on whether odronextamab meets the
newness criterion, including whether odronextamab is substantially
similar to EPKINLYTM and COLUMVITM or other
existing technologies.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided multiple
analyses to demonstrate that it meets the cost criterion. For each
analysis, the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR using a combination
of ICD-10-CM and/or PCS codes to identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for odronextamab. The applicant explained
that it used different codes to demonstrate different cohorts that may
be eligible for the technology. Each analysis followed the order of
operations described in the tables later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant used a list of ICD-10-CM
diagnosis codes to identify cases with primary diagnosis of DLBCL. The
applicant excluded cases with a corresponding ICD-10-CM or ICD-10-PCS
code indicating active treatment. Per the applicant, active treatment
was defined as allogeneic stem cell transplant, bone marrow transplant,
transplant complications, chemotherapy administration, immunotherapy,
or radiation. Please see the online posting for odronextamab for the
complete list of codes provided by the applicant. The applicant used
the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the following table.
Under this analysis, the applicant identified 3,066 claims mapping to
10 MS-DRGs, including MS-DRG 840 (Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with
MCC) representing 34.9 percent of the identified cases. The applicant
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $141,787, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $106,031.
For the second analysis, the applicant identified cases using a
list of ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes: T80.89XA (Other complications
following infusion, transfusion, and therapeutic injection) or D89.832-
D89.839 (Cytokine release syndrome (CRS) Grades 2-5 or unspecified) in
any position. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table. Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 80 claims mapping to two MS-DRGs: 018 (Chimeric Antigen
Receptor (CAR) T-Cell and Other Immunotherapies) and 811 (Red Blood
Cell Disorders with MCC). The applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case of $1,095,920, which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $936,675.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant maintained that odronextamab meets the
cost criterion.
[[Page 36095]]
[[Page 36096]]
We are inviting public comments on whether odronextamab meets the
cost criterion.
With regard to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that odronextamab represents a substantial clinical
improvement over existing technologies because odronextamab offers a
new treatment for patients who are ineligible for CAR T-cell therapy
and represents a substantial clinical improvement over existing
technologies in patients with R/R DLBCL, including those with or
without prior CAR T-cell therapy. According to the applicant,
odronextamab will expand access to heavily pretreated, highly
refractory patients and will offer patients with R/R DLBCL a new
monotherapy that demonstrates substantial clinical benefits, including
a generally manageable safety profile and favorable Health Related
Quality of Life (HRQoL). The applicant also asserted that odronextamab
significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services or
technologies previously available (such as EPKINLY\TM\ and
COLUMVI\TM\). The applicant provided three studies to support these
claims, as well as nine background articles about other therapies.\107\
The following table summarizes the applicant's assertions regarding the
substantial clinical improvement criterion. Please see the online
posting for odronextamab for the applicant's complete statements
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion and the
supporting evidence provided.
\107\ Background articles are not included in the following
table but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
[[Page 36097]]
After review of the information provided by the applicant, we have
the following concerns regarding whether odronextamab meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion. We note that with respect
to the claim that odronextamab will increase treatment options for
patients with relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (R/R
DLBCL) who have a high risk of cytokine release syndrome (CRS), the
applicant submitted the oral presentation slides of the results from a
pre-specified analysis by Kim et al. (2022),\108\ presenting the
interim results for the Phase II trial for odronextamab, ELM-2. In this
trial, 140 patients (median age: 66 years) with R/R DLBCL after 2 or
more lines of therapy, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) 0 or
1, were assigned to receive either a
[[Page 36098]]
1/20 mg step-up regimen (n = 67) or 0.7/4/20 mg step-up regimen (n =
73) after the study initiated with a first cycle of step-up regimen of
1/20 mg. The regimen was modified to 0.7/4/20 mg during Cycle 1 to
further mitigate the risk of CRS. The rates of CRS grades 2 and 3 for
patients grouped to the 1/20 regimen were 17.9 percent and 7.5 percent
respectively, while rates of CRS grades 2 and 3 for patients grouped to
the 0.7/4/20 regimen were 13.7 percent and 1.4 percent. We note that
although the incidence of grade 3 CRS was lower in the 0.7/4/20 regimen
arm, the applicant indirectly compared these incidence rates with the
rates of trials as found in the prescribing information for other
existing technologies, including EPKINLY\TM\ and COLUMVI\TM\, and it is
unclear if these differences are statistically significant. We also
question whether there are differences between these clinical trials,
such as patient characteristics or other confounding variables, which
would limit such comparability between CRS incidence rates. We are
concerned as to whether the differences identified by the applicant
translate to clinically meaningful improvements for patients treated
with odronextamab as compared to rates for existing treatments.
\108\ Kim W, Kim T, Cho S, et al. Odronextamab in patients with
relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL):
results from a prespecified analysis of the pivotal Phase II study
ELM-2. Presented at American Society of Hematology (ASH). December
12, 2022.
With respect to the claim that odronextamab monotherapy is an
effective treatment option for patients with R/R DLBCL including those
with or without prior CAR T-cell therapy, the applicant submitted the
oral presentation slides of the results from a pre-specified analysis
by Kim et al. (2022),\109\ previously described. The oral presentation
slides refer to the Phase 1 trial for odronextamab (ELM-1) and indicate
consistency of results across trials. The applicant noted that patients
with prior CAR-T therapy demonstrated an objective response rate (ORR)
of 48.4 percent (95 percent CI: 30.2, 66.9), and a Complete Response
(CR) rate of 32.3 percent (n = 44 patients). The applicant cited other
information about CD20xCD3 bsAbs in patients with R/R DLBCL including
the United States Prescribing Information (USPI) for EPKINLY\TM\ and
COLUMVI\TM\ for which 29 percent and 30 percent of patients
respectively were refractory to CAR T-cell therapy. We note that the
provided evidence did not compare the efficacy of odronextamab to
EPKINLY\TM\ or COLUMVI\TM\. Similar to our earlier concern, we question
whether there are confounding factors between studies that would limit
indirect comparisons of ORR and CR. We would be interested in
additional evidence to assess the use of odronextamab in improving
these clinical outcomes relative to existing treatments.
\109\ Kim W, Kim T, Cho S, et al. Odronextamab in patients with
relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL):
results from a prespecified analysis of the pivotal Phase II study
ELM-2. Presented at American Society of Hematology (ASH). December
12, 2022.
With respect to the claim that the odronextamab clinical program
enrolled heavily pre-treated and highly refractory patients with high-
grade non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL) and sicker patients based on a worse
ECOG performance status, the applicant submitted the oral slides of the
results from a pre-specified analysis by Kim et al. (2022),\110\
previously described, and the peer-reviewed publication of the
EPKINLY\TM\ dose expansion cohort of the phase I/II clinical trial.
ECOG performance status is based on a five-point scale, with higher
numbers indicating greater disability. Both trials included patients
with ECOG performance status of 0 or 1 and the EPKINLY\TM\ trial also
included ECOG performance status scores of 2; the odronextamab trial (n
= 140) had rates of 32.1 percent and 67.9 percent for ECOG 0 and 1
respectively, whereas the EPKINLY\TM\ trial has ECOG performance status
scores of 47.1 percent, 49.7 percent, and 3.2 percent for ECOG 0, 1,
and 2 respectively. However, we note that these incidence rates of
patient characteristics are indirectly compared across unrelated
clinical trials and patient outcomes are not stratified in either trial
based on these characteristics. For example, we note that the
classification of ``worse ECOG status'' in the odronextamab trial had a
higher incidence rate of patients with ECOG 1 performance status, but
this trial did not include patients with ECOG 2 performance status, as
did the EPKINLY\TM\ trial.
\110\ Kim W, Kim T, Cho S, et al. Odronextamab in patients with
relapsed/refractory (R/R) diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL):
results from a prespecified analysis of the pivotal Phase II study
ELM-2. Presented at American Society of Hematology (ASH). December
12, 2022.
With regards to the applicant's assertions that odronextamab
significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to existing
technologies because it is the first CD20xCD3 bsAb to report long-term
patient outcomes at longest follow-up of 4.5 years, and that treatment
until disease progression may have benefits on HRQoL for heavily
pretreated patients with R/R DLBCL and potentially addresses unmet
needs in a challenging treatment setting, we are concerned that the
evidence presented does not compare these outcomes to existing
technologies, such as EPKINLY\TM\ or COLUMVI\TM\. For example, although
the applicant stated that odronextamab is the first to report on long-
term patient outcomes with the longest follow-up, there does not appear
to be evidence demonstrating comparisons of long-term patient outcomes
of odronextamab to existing technologies to support its claim that the
technology improves clinical outcomes. In addition, there does not
appear to be evidence of a direct HRQoL comparison to existing
technologies to assess improvements to HRQoL for heavily pretreated
patients with R/R DLBCL. Therefore, we welcome additional evidence
demonstrating comparisons of odronextamab to existing technologies to
support the applicant's claims.
We are inviting public comments on whether odronextamab meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for
m. Odronextamab, Second Indication: Relapsed or Refractory Follicular
Lymphoma (R/R FL)
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for odronextamab for use in relapsed or
refractory follicular lymphoma (R/R FL) for FY 2025. According to the
applicant odronextamab is the first and only novel, fully-human Cluster
of Differentiation (CD) 20 x CD 3 bispecific antibody (bsAb) with an
immunoglobulin G4 (IgG4)-based structure in B-Cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma
(B-NHL) created using Regeneron's proprietary Veloci-Bi[supreg]
technology that is designed to simultaneously bind to two types of
antigens, CD20, found on both healthy and cancerous B cells, and CD3,
found on T-cells. Per the applicant, simultaneous engagement of both
arms of odronextamab results in the activation of immune system T-
cells, causing it to generate cytotoxic T-cells that can destroy the
targeted cells, including cancerous B cells. As previously discussed
earlier in this section, Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. also submitted
an application for new technology add-on payments for odronextamab for
use in relapsed or refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (R/R DLBCL)
for FY 2025.
Please refer to the online application posting for odronextamab,
available at
[[Page 36099]]
publications/ntap/NTP231017YATW9, for additional detail describing the
technology and B-NHL R/R FL.
With respect to the newness criterion, the applicant stated that
its marketing authorization request for odronextamab has been filed by
FDA and that it anticipates a Biologic License Application (BLA)
decision from FDA for adults with R/R FL after at least two prior
systemic therapies, before May 1, 2024. According to the applicant,
odronextamab will be commercially available immediately after FDA
approval. According to the applicant, it anticipates that inpatient
usage of odronextamab might occur due to a physician's order or as a
result of an adverse event, such as cytokine release syndrome (CRS)
Grade 2 or higher, that results in an inpatient admission. The
applicant noted that in the pivotal Phase 2 clinical trial (ELM-2),
when CRS Grade 2 or 3 events developed among FL patients (there were no
CRS Grade 4 or higher reported on the recommended dosing regimen), 20
percent of the time they occurred after the initial dose (0.7 mg), 50
percent of the time after the first intermediate dose (4 mg), 20
percent of the time after the second intermediate dose (20 mg), 0
percent of the time after the first full dose (80 mg), and 10 percent
of the time after the second full dose and beyond (80 mg). Using this
information, the applicant developed a weighted average inpatient dose
of 14.1 mg.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify odronextamab. We note that the
applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique ICD-10-PCS
procedure code for odronextamab beginning in FY 2025. The applicant
provided a list of diagnosis codes that may be used to currently
identify this indication for odronextamab under the ICD-10-CM coding
system. Please refer to the online application posting for the complete
list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the applicant. We believe the
relevant ICD-10-CM codes to identify the indication of R/R FL would be
the codes included in category C82 (Follicular lymphoma) under the ICD-
10-CM classification in subcategories: C82.0--(Follicular lymphoma
grade I), C82.1--(Follicular lymphoma grade II), C82.2--(Follicular
lymphoma grade III, unspecified), C82.3--(Follicular lymphoma grade
IIIa), C82.4--(Follicular lymphoma grade IIIb), C82.5--(Diffuse
follicle center lymphoma), C82.6--(Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma),
C82.8--(Other types of follicular lymphoma), or C82.9--(Follicular
lymphoma, unspecified). We are inviting public comments on the use of
these ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes to identify the indication of R/R FL
for purposes of the new technology add-on payment, if approved.
As previously discussed, if a technology meets all three of the
substantial similarity criteria under the newness criterion, it would
be considered substantially similar to an existing technology and would
not be considered ``new'' for the purpose of new technology add-on
With respect to the substantial similarity criteria, the applicant
asserted that odronextamab is not substantially similar to other
currently available technologies because its mechanism of action
presents notable distinctions, such as reduced potential for
immunogenicity and anti-drug antibodies through its novel, fully human
design and reduced ability to elicit an immune response through the
blocking effect of the IgG4-based structure. The applicant further
asserted that odronextamab also has demonstrated efficacy in patients
with FL Grade 3b, which were excluded from the GO29781 study of
mosunetuzumab, and offers consistent efficacy in other high-risk
subgroups of patients with R/R FL, and that therefore, the technology
meets the newness criterion. The following table summarizes the
applicant's assertions regarding the substantial similarity criteria.
Please see the online application posting for odronextamab for the
applicant's complete statements in support of its assertion that
odronextamab is not substantially similar to other currently available
[[Page 36100]]
With regard to the newness criterion, we note that according to the
applicant odronextamab may have a similar mechanism of action to that
of LunsumioTM (mosunetuzumab), another IgG bsAb engaging
CD3xCD20, for which we approved an application for new technology add-
on payments for FY 2024 (88 FR 58844), which treats the same population
of R/R FL adult patients with two or more prior therapies. Although the
applicant states that there are key distinctions between the mechanism
of action of odronextamab and LunsumioTM because
odronextamab is the first and only fully human, IgG4-based bsAb, which
provides additional binding sites and reduces its ability to elicit an
inflammatory immune response, we do not believe that the number of
binding sites results in a different mechanism of action. We also
believe that a reduction in inflammatory immune response would relate
to the risk of an adverse event from odronextamab administration but is
not critical to the way the drug treats the underlying disease, and
therefore would relate to an assessment of substantial clinical
improvement, rather than of substantial similarity.
The applicant asserted that odronextamab treats a sub-population of
patients within the R/R FL adult
[[Page 36101]]
patients with two or more prior therapies in its summary, specifically,
that of R/R FL Grade 3b--a rare subgroup of patients who are generally
excluded from clinical trials.\111\ However, we note that the FDA-
approved labeling for LunsumioTM does not appear to exclude
this patient population. As such, it is unclear whether odronextamab
would treat a patient population different from other CD20 x CD3 IgG
bsAbs that treat patients with R/R FL, such as LunsumioTM.
Accordingly, as it appears that odronextamab and LunsumioTM
may use the same or similar mechanism of action to achieve a
therapeutic outcome, would be assigned to the same MS-DRG, and treat
the same or similar patient population and disease, we believe that
these technologies may be substantially similar to each other. We note
that if we determine that this technology is substantially similar to
LunsumioTM, we believe the newness period for this
technology would begin on December 22, 2022, the date
LunsumioTM received FDA approval.
\111\ Barraclough A, England JT, Villa D, Wight J, Hapgood G,
Conn J, Doo NW, Li EW, Gilbertson M, Shaw B, Bishton MJ, Saeed M,
Ratnasingam S, Abeyakoon C, Chong G, Wai SH, Ku M, Lee HP, Fleming
K, Tam C, Douglas G, Cheah CY, Ng ZY, Rolfe T, Mills AK, Hamad N,
Cashman H, Gleeson M, Narayana M, Hawkes EA. Outcomes in grade 3B
follicular lymphoma: an international study led by the Australasian
Lymphoma Alliance. Haematologica. 2023 Sep 1;108(9):2444-2453.
We are inviting public comments whether odronextamab meets the
newness criterion, including whether odronextamab is substantially
similar to LunsumioTM or other existing technologies.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided multiple
analyses to demonstrate that it meets the cost criterion. For each
analysis, the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR using a combination
of ICD-10-CM and/or PCS codes to identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for odronextamab. The applicant explained
that it used different codes to demonstrate different cohorts that may
be eligible for the technology. Each analysis followed the order of
operations described in the tables later in this section.
For the first analysis the applicant used a list of ICD-10-CM
diagnosis codes to identify cases with primary diagnoses of follicular
lymphoma. The applicant excluded cases with a corresponding ICD-10-CM
or ICD-10-PCS code indicating active treatment. Per the applicant,
active treatment was defined as allogeneic stem cell transplant, bone
marrow transplant, transplant complications, chemotherapy
administration, immunotherapy, or radiation. Please see the online
posting for odronextamab for the complete list of codes provided by the
applicant. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table. Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 482 claims mapping to nine MS-DRGs, including MS-DRG 840
(Lymphoma and Non-Acute Leukemia with MCC) representing 29.3 percent of
the identified cases. The applicant followed the order of operations
described in the following table and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case of $101,177 which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $95,779.
For the second analysis the applicant identified cases using a list
of ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes: T80.89XA (Other complications following
infusion, transfusion, and therapeutic injection) or D89.832-D89.839
(Cytokine release syndrome (CRS) Grades 2-5 or unspecified) in any
position. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria described
in the table later in this section. Under this analysis, the applicant
identified 80 claims mapping to two MS-DRGs, including 018 (Chimeric
Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell and Other Immunotherapies) and 811 (Red
Blood Cell Disorders with MCC). The applicant calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$1,095,920, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount
of $963,675.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant asserted that odronextamab meets the cost
[[Page 36102]]
[[Page 36103]]
We are inviting public comments on whether odronextamab meets the
cost criterion.
\112\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
With regard to the substantial clinical improvement criterion, the
applicant asserted that odronextamab represents a substantial clinical
improvement over existing technologies because it will expand access to
heavily pretreated, highly refractory patients for whom existing
therapies are not adequate. According to the applicant, treatment with
odronextamab offers patients with R/R FL a new, readily available
monotherapy that demonstrates multiple substantial clinical benefits,
including a generally manageable safety profile, and establishes a new
benchmark for efficacy. The applicant also asserted that odronextamab
significantly improves clinical outcomes relative to services or
technologies previously available (such as LunsumioTM). The
applicant provided three studies to support these claims, as well as
eight background articles about other therapies for the R/R FL patient
population.\113\ The following table summarizes the applicant's
assertions regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion.
Please see the online posting for odronextamab for the applicant's
complete statements regarding the substantial clinical improvement
criterion and the supporting evidence provided.
\113\ Background articles are not included in the following
table but can be accessed via the online posting for the technology.
[[Page 36104]]
After review of the information provided by the applicant, we have
the following concerns regarding whether odronextamab meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion. We note that with respect
to the claim that odronextamab will increase treatment options for
patients with R/R FL who have a high risk of CRS, the applicant
submitted the oral presentation slides of the results from a pre-
specified analysis by Kim et al. (2022),\114\ presenting the
[[Page 36105]]
interim results for the Phase II trial for odronextamab on the FL
cohort, ELM-2. In this Phase II trial, 131 patients (median age: 61
years) with R/R FL after two or more lines of therapy were grouped to
receive a 1/20 mg step-up regimen (n = 68) or 0.7/4/20 mg step-up
regimen (n = 53) after the study initiated with a first cycle of step-
up regimen of 1/20 mg. The regimen was modified to 0.7/4/20 mg during
Cycle 1 to further mitigate the risk of CRS. The rates of CRS grades 2
and 3 for the 1/20 regimen are 17.6 percent and 5.9 percent,
respectively, compared to the CRS grades 2 and 3 for the 0.7/4/20
regimen of 11.1 percent and 1.6 percent. We note that although the
incidence of grade 3 CRS was lower in the 0.7/4/20 regimen arm, the
applicant submitted the United States Prescribing Information (USPI)
for other therapies (including LunsumioTM and
tisagenlecleucel) used to treat R/R FL patients to provide the CRS
rates following treatment with existing therapies. As the applicant
indirectly compared these incidence rates with those rates of trials as
found in the prescribing information for other existing technologies,
it is unclear if these differences are statistically significant. We
note that because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying
conditions, we question whether adverse reaction rates observed in the
clinical trials of one drug can be directly compared to rates in the
clinical trials of another drug. We question whether such comparisons
across clinical trial cohorts adequately provide evidence of reduced
adverse events in patients treated with odronextamab.
\114\ Kim Tae Min, Taszner Michal, Cho Seok-Goo, et al.
Odronextamab in patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) follicular
lymphoma (FL) Grade 1-3a: results from a prespecified analysis of
the pivotal Phase II study ELM-2. Presented at American Society of
Hematology (ASH). December 12, 2022.
Similarly, we note that with respect to the claim that odronextamab
offers patients with heavily pretreated, highly refractory FL a new,
readily available, monotherapy that establishes a new benchmark for
efficacy, the applicant submitted the objective response rates (ORR)
and complete response rates (CR) of its Phase II study, ELM-2 and
compared them to the ORR and CR rates of the LunsumioTM
GO29781 study. We note the same concerns as with the previous claim
about comparing outcomes across studies given the variability in
clinical trial design.
With respect to the claim that odronextamab demonstrated efficacy
in patients with FL Grade 3b disease in the ELM-2 study, although the
applicant provided additional analysis from the ELM-2 study where
odronextamab demonstrated efficacy across six patients enrolled in the
study with FL Grade 3B, we note that it is unclear whether the
additional analysis that was provided in addition to the ELM-2 study
represents an ad-hoc analysis, therefore, we are concerned about
drawing conclusions from this ad-hoc analysis to appropriately
demonstrate efficacy in the FL Grade 3B subgroup. Furthermore, we are
concerned that the applicant did not compare the results of the study
to the efficacy of existing therapies for patients with FL Grade 3B. We
would be interested in additional evidence comparing outcomes between
odronextamab and existing therapies such as Breyanzi[supreg], which is
also approved for patients with FL Grade 3B with relapsed or refractory
disease after two or more lines of systemic therapy.
With respect to the claim that patients in the FL cohort of the
ELM-2 study exhibited more unfavorable select baseline characteristics
compared to those in the LunsumioTM study, the applicant
presented the analysis for odronextamab by Kim et al. (2022),\115\
described previously, and the LunsumioTM phase 2 study on R/
R patients with FL.\116\ The applicant stated that patients treated
with odronextamab in the ELM-2 cohort had received prior autologous
stem cell transplants at a higher rate (30.5 percent) than those
treated in the LunsumioTM study (21%). The applicant also
noted additional unfavorable select baseline characteristics for
patients in the ELM-2 study compared to patients in the
LunsumioTM study, including: more patients with a worse
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status, as 48.1
percent of patients in ELM-2 had an ECOG performance status of 1,
compared to 41 percent of patients in the LunsumioTM study;
more patients with an Ann Arbor stage III-IV (84.7 percent of patients,
compared to 77 percent of patients in the LunsumioTM study);
more patients with a FLIPI score of 3-5 (58.8 percent of patients,
compared to 44 percent of patients in the LunsumioTM study);
and more older patients, with 38.9 percent of patients >=65 years old
(median age of 61), compared to a median age of 60 for
LunsumioTM. We note these are indirect rate comparisons
across clinical trials without statistical adjustments performed across
the patient populations and clinical outcomes. We also note that
differences in patient characteristics across any two clinical trials,
even with the same selection criteria, are likely to occur. As such, we
question whether the comparison of baseline characteristics across
cohorts in independent clinical trials can be taken as indicative of
differences in clinical outcomes or efficacy between treatments.
\115\ Kim Tae Min, Taszner Michal, Cho Seok-Goo, et al.
Odronextamab in patients with relapsed/refractory (R/R) follicular
lymphoma (FL) Grade 1-3a: results from a prespecified analysis of
the pivotal Phase II study ELM-2. Presented at American Society of
Hematology (ASH). December 12, 2022.
\116\ Budde L, Sehn L, et al. Safety and efficacy of
mosunetuzumab, a bispecific antibody, in patients with relapsed or
refractory follicular lymphoma: a single-arm, multicentre, phase 2
study. The Lancet Oncology. 2022; 23: 1055065.
We are inviting public comments on whether odronextamab meets the
substantial clinical improvement criterion.
We did not receive any written comments in response to the New
Technology Town Hall meeting notice published in the Federal Register
regarding the substantial clinical improvement criterion for
6. Proposed FY 2025 Applications for New Technology Add-On Payments
(Alternative Pathways)
As discussed previously, beginning with applications for FY 2021, a
medical device designated under FDA's Breakthrough Devices Program that
has received marketing authorization as a Breakthrough Device, for the
indication covered by the Breakthrough Device designation, may qualify
for the new technology add-on payment under an alternative pathway.
Additionally, beginning with FY 2021, a medical product that is
designated by the FDA as a Qualified Infectious Disease Product (QIDP)
and has received marketing authorization for the indication covered by
the QIDP designation, and, beginning with FY 2022, a medical product
that is a new medical product approved under FDA's Limited Population
Pathway for Antibacterial and Antifungal Drugs (LPAD) and used for the
indication approved under the LPAD pathway, may also qualify for the
new technology add-on payment under an alternative pathway. Under an
alternative pathway, a technology will be considered not substantially
similar to an existing technology for purposes of the new technology
add-on payment under the IPPS and will not need to meet the requirement
that it represents an advance that substantially improves, relative to
technologies previously available, the diagnosis or treatment of
Medicare beneficiaries. These technologies must still be within the 2-
to-3-year newness period to be considered ``new,'' and must also still
meet the cost criterion.
As discussed previously, in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
[[Page 36106]]
finalized our proposal to publicly post online applications for new
technology add-on payment beginning with FY 2024 applications (87 FR
48986 through 48990). As noted in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
we are continuing to summarize each application in this proposed rule.
However, while we are continuing to provide discussion of the concerns
or issues, we identified with respect to applications submitted under
the alternative pathway, we are providing more succinct information as
part of the summaries in the proposed and final rules regarding the
applicant's assertions as to how the medical service or technology
meets the applicable new technology add-on payment criteria. We refer
readers to for the
publicly posted FY 2025 new technology add-on payment applications and
supporting information (with the exception of certain cost and volume
information, and information or materials identified by the applicant
as confidential or copyrighted), including tables listing the ICD-10-CM
codes, ICD-10-PCS codes, and/or MS-DRGs related to the analyses of the
cost criterion for certain technologies for the FY 2025 new technology
add-on payment applications.
We received 23 applications for new technology add-on payments for
FY 2025 under the new technology add-on payment alternative pathway. As
discussed previously, in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
58948 through 58958), we finalized that beginning with the new
technology add-on payment applications for FY 2025, for technologies
that are not already FDA market authorized for the indication that is
the subject of the new technology add-on payment application,
applicants must have a complete and active FDA market authorization
request at the time of new technology add-on payment application
submission and must provide documentation of FDA acceptance or filing
to CMS at the time of application submission, consistent with the type
of FDA marketing authorization application the applicant has submitted
to FDA. See Sec. 412.87(e) and further discussion in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948 through 58958). Of the 23 applications
received under the alternative pathway, seven applications were not
eligible for consideration for new technology add-on payment because
they did not meet these requirements; and two applicants withdrew their
applications prior to the issuance of this proposed rule, including the
withdrawal of the application for DefenCathTM (taurolidine/
heparin), which received conditional approval for new technology add-on
payments for FY 2024, subsequently received FDA approval in November
2023, and therefore was eligible to receive new technology add-on
payments beginning with discharges on or after January 1, 2024. As
discussed in section II.E.4. of this proposed rule, we are proposing to
continue making new technology add-on payments for
DefenCathTM (taurolidine/heparin) for FY 2025. Of the
remaining 14 applications, 12 of the technologies received a
Breakthrough Device designation from FDA. The remaining two
applications were designated as a QIDP by FDA. We did not receive any
applications for technologies approved through the LPAD pathway.
In accordance with the regulations under Sec. 412.87(f)(2),
applicants for new technology add-on payments for FY 2025 for
Breakthrough Devices must have FDA marketing authorization by May 1 of
the year prior to the beginning of the fiscal year for which the
application is being considered. Under Sec. 412.87(f)(3), applicants
for new technology add-on payments for FY 2025 for QIDPs and
technologies approved under the LPAD pathway must have FDA marketing
authorization by July 1 of the year prior to the beginning of the
fiscal year for which the application is being considered. The policy
finalized in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58742)
provides for conditional approval for a technology for which an
application is submitted under the alternative pathway for certain
antimicrobial products (QIDPs and LPADs) at Sec. 412.87(d) that does
not receive FDA marketing authorization by July 1 prior to the
particular fiscal year for which the applicant applied for new
technology add-on payments, provided that the technology receives FDA
marketing authorization before July 1 of the fiscal year for which the
applicant applied for new technology add-on payments. We refer the
reader to the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH final rule for a complete discussion of
this policy (85 FR 58737 through 58742).
As we did in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, for
applications under the alternative new technology add-on payment
pathway, in this proposed rule we are making a proposal to approve or
disapprove each of these 14 applications for FY 2025 new technology
add-on payments. Therefore, in this section of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we provide background information on each alternative
pathway application and propose whether or not each technology would be
eligible for the new technology add-on payment for FY 2025. We refer
readers to section II.H.8. of the preamble of the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (84 FR 42292 through 42297) and FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58715 through 58733) for further discussion of the
alternative new technology add-on payment pathways for these
a. Annalise Enterprise Computed Tomography Brain (CTB) Triage--
Obstructive Hydrocephalus (OH)
Annalise-Ai Pty Ltd submitted an application for new technology
add-on payments for the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage--OH for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage--OH is a
medical device software application used to aid in the triage and
prioritization of studies with features suggestive of obstructive
hydrocephalus (OH). Per the applicant, the device analyzes studies
using an artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm to identify suspected
OH findings in non-contrast computed tomography (NCCT) brain scans and
makes study-level output available to an order and imaging management
system for worklist prioritization or triage.
Please refer to the online application posting for the Annalise
Enterprise CTB Triage--OH available at, for additional detail describing the
technology and how it is used.
According to the applicant, the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage--OH
received Breakthrough Device designation from FDA on February 17, 2023,
for use in the medical care environment to aid in triage and
prioritization of studies with features suggestive of OH. The device
analyzes studies using an AI algorithm to identify findings. It makes
study-level output available to an order and imaging management system
for worklist prioritization or triage. The applicant stated that the
technology received 510(k) clearance from FDA on August 15, 2023, for
the same indication consistent with the Breakthrough Device
designation. Per the applicant, the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage--OH
was not immediately available for sale because there were additional
steps to be completed following 510(k) clearance prior to the product
becoming commercially available. According to the applicant, these
additional steps involved generating a new unique device identifier
(UDI) to incorporate the recently cleared finding for OH, integrating
this UDI into the device, and
[[Page 36107]]
releasing it. Per the applicant, the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage--OH
became commercially available on October 10, 2023.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify the Annalise Enterprise CTB
Triage--OH. The applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique
ICD-10-PCS procedure code for the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage--OH
beginning in FY 2025. The applicant provided a list of diagnosis codes
that may be used to currently identify the indication for the Annalise
Enterprise CTB Triage--OH under the ICD-10-CM coding system. Please
refer to the online application posting for the complete list of ICD-
10-CM codes provided by the applicant.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided three
analyses to demonstrate that the technology meets the cost criterion.
The applicant stated that for all three analyses, it used the 2021
Standard Analytic Files (SAF) Limited Data Set (LDS) to identify the
top admitting diagnosis codes for inpatient stays that were admitted
from the emergency room (ER) and included a non-contrast CT head scan.
Next, it searched the FY 2022 MedPAR data to identify applicable
inpatient stays based on different sets of admitting diagnosis codes
for each of the three analyses. The applicant explained that it used
admitting diagnosis codes from the inpatient stays, rather than
discharge diagnosis codes, because the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage--
OH is an AI-based technology used to identify and prioritize patients
suspected of OH. As a result, it will commonly be used in the ER before
the doctor and/or the hospital has assigned the primary or secondary
diagnosis for the inpatient stay. The applicant stated that admitting
diagnosis codes may be better predictors for whether the Annalise
Enterprise CTB Triage--OH service will be used, rather than primary or
secondary diagnosis at discharge, which will likely represent
information known after the procedure is performed. Per the applicant,
for identifying the top admitting diagnosis codes, the inpatient stays
were further narrowed down to only those where the patient had a
physician claim during the inpatient stay or 1 day before for a non-
contrast CT head scan (defined as CPT codes 70450, 70480, 70486), or
had an outpatient claim for a non-contrast CT head scan the day of
admission or 1 day before. Each analysis followed the order of
operations described in the table that follows later in this section.
For the primary analysis, the applicant stated that it searched the
FY 2022 MedPAR file for cases with emergency room charges (that is,
emergency room charge amount greater than $0) and/or an inpatient
admission type code (IP_ADMSN_TYPE_CD) equal to 1 for emergency, and
reporting one of the top 25 diagnosis codes associated with 50% of all
identified inpatient stays in the 2021 SAF. According to the applicant,
it identified 2,206,036 claims mapping to 714 MS-DRGs, including MS-DRG
871 (Septicemia or Severe Sepsis without MV >96 Hours with MCC), which
represented 16% of identified cases. The applicant stated that it
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $80,407, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold
amount of $69,892.
For the second analysis, the applicant stated that it conducted a
sensitivity analysis using cases with emergency room charges (that is,
emergency room charge amount greater than $0) and/or an inpatient
admission type code (IP_ADMSN_TYPE_CD) equal to 1 for emergency, and
reporting one of the top 186 admitting diagnosis codes associated with
80% of all identified inpatient stays in the 2021 SAF LDS. The
applicant noted that it identified 3,991,354 claims mapping to 739 MS-
DRGs, including MS-DRG 871 (Septicemia or Severe Sepsis without MV >96
Hours with MCC), which represented 11% of identified cases. The
applicant noted that it calculated a final inflated average case-
weighted standardized charge per case of $78,356, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount of $68,660.
For the third analysis, the applicant stated that it conducted a
sensitivity analysis that identified cases using the same criteria as
the primary analysis, and further limited it to cases that also
incurred CT charges. Per the applicant, it performed this sensitivity
analysis because although doctors are likely to order the Annalise AI
technology when a NCCT head scan is performed and the patient is
admitted through the emergency room, the MedPAR file variable for CT
charges does not differentiate between contrast and NCCTs, or the area
of the body where the CT is performed, and does not capture CT charges
billed by physicians during the inpatient stay. As a result, it further
limited the cases to those with charges for CT to assess if this would
impact whether the technology would meet the cost criterion. Per the
applicant, it identified 1,546,504 claims mapping to 702 MS-DRGs,
including MS-DRG 871 (Septicemia or Severe Sepsis without MV >96 Hours
with MCC), which represented 17% of identified cases. The applicant
stated that it calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $89,176, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $71,344.
The applicant asserted that because the final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per case exceeded the average case-
weighted threshold amount in all scenarios, the Annalise Enterprise CTB
Triage--OH meets the cost criterion.
\117\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36108]]
According to the applicant, the technology is used to aid in the
triage and prioritization of studies with features suggestive of OH.
However, the diagnosis codes that the applicant used to identify
eligible cases included non-neurologic diagnosis codes (for example,
U071, R0602, J189). We question whether these diagnosis codes are
applicable, and whether using neurologic diagnosis codes for diagnoses
that exhibit symptoms similar to OH would more accurately identify
eligible cases.
Subject to the applicant adequately addressing this concern, we
would agree that the technology meets the cost criterion and are
proposing to approve the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage--OH for new
technology add-on payments for FY 2025.
Based on preliminary information from the applicant at the time of
this proposed rule, the applicant anticipated the total cost of the
Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage--OH to the hospital to be $371.37 per
patient. According to the applicant, hospitals acquire the Annalise
Enterprise CTB Triage--OH system on a subscription-based model, with an
annual cost of $180,000 per hospital. The applicant stated that the
average cost per patient per hospital will vary by the volume of the
NCCT cases for which the software is used. To determine the cost per
case, the applicant used the following methodology:
First, the applicant conducted market research to estimate the
percent of NCCT cases where this software would likely be ordered,
which was estimated at 50% of NCCT head scans for older patients (>65
years of age) and 30% of NCCT head scans for younger patients (<65
years of age).
Second, the applicant used the 2021 SAF LDS to identify total NCCT
scans by hospital. To represent the full Medicare fee-for-service
population, the applicant multiplied total NCCT head scans at each
hospital from the data by 20.
Third, to calculate the total number of NCCT head scans for each
hospital, the applicant assumed that 56.5% of all NCCT scans are for
Medicare beneficiaries, based on literature on trends in the
utilization of head CT scans in the United States.\118\
\118\ Selfi, A, Jafari, S, and Mirmoeeni, S et al. (June 16,
2022) Trends in inpatient utilization of head computerized
tomography scans in the United States: A brief cross-sectional
study. Cureus 14(6): e26018. DOI 10.7759/cureus.26018
Fourth, to calculate the cost per case for each hospital, the
applicant divided $180,000 by the estimated number of NCCT head scans
analyzed by the technology for each hospital. Per the applicant, the
average cost per case across all IPPS hospitals was then calculated at
The applicant asserted that calculating the cost per case across
all IPPS hospitals was reasonable. The applicant noted that given its
limited time on the market and low number of subscribers, it used all
IPPS hospitals to calculate cost per case rather than
[[Page 36109]]
limiting the analysis to current subscribers. The applicant mentioned
that for technologies that are commercially available for a longer
period of time and with more subscribers, it may make sense to limit
the cost per case analysis to hospitals that are current subscribers
rather than using all IPPS hospitals in the calculation.
As we noted in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58630)
and in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 44983), we
understand that there are unique circumstances with respect to
determining a cost per case for a technology that utilizes a
subscription for its cost and we will continue to consider the issues
relating to calculation of the cost per unit of technologies sold on a
subscription basis as we gain more experience in this area. We continue
to welcome comments from the public as to the appropriate method to
determine a cost per case for such technologies, including comments on
whether the cost analysis should be updated based on the most recent
subscriber data for each year for which the technology may be eligible
for add-on payment.
We note that the cost information for this technology may be
updated in the final rule based on revised or additional information
CMS receives prior to the final rule. Under Sec. 412.88(a)(2), we
limit new technology add-on payments to the lesser of 65% of the
average cost of the technology, or 65% of the costs in excess of the
MS-DRG payment for the case. As a result, we are proposing that the
maximum new technology add-on payment for a case involving the use of
the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage--OH would be $241.39 for FY 2025
(that is, 65% of the average cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on whether the Annalise Enterprise CTB
Triage--OH meets the cost criterion and our proposal to approve new
technology add-on payments for the Annalise Enterprise CTB Triage--OH
for FY 2025 for use in the medical care environment to aid in triage
and prioritization of studies with features suggestive of OH.
b. ASTar[supreg] System
Q-linea submitted an application for new technology add-on payments
for the ASTar[supreg] System for FY 2025. According to the applicant,
the ASTar[supreg] System is a fully automated system for rapid
antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST). The applicant stated that
the proprietary AST technology is based on broth microdilution (BMD),
optimized for high sensitivity and short time-to-result, delivering
phenotypic AST with true minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) results
in approximately six hours.
Please refer to the online application posting for the
ASTar[supreg] System, available at, for additional detail describing the
technology and how it is used.
According to the applicant, the ASTar[supreg] System consists of
the ASTar[supreg] Instrument and the ASTar[supreg] BC G-Kit. According
to the applicant, the ASTar[supreg] Instrument and ASTar[supreg] BC G-
Kit, which includes the ASTar[supreg] BC G-Consumable Kit and the ASTar
BC G-Frozen Insert, received Breakthrough Device designation from FDA
on April 7, 2022. The ASTar[supreg] BC G-Kit is a multiplexed, in
vitro, diagnostic test utilizing AST methods and is intended for use
with the ASTar[supreg] Instrument. The ASTar[supreg] BC G-Kit is
performed directly on positive blood cultures confirmed positive for
Gram-negative bacilli only by Gram stain, and tests antimicrobial
agents with nonfastidious and fastidious bacterial species. According
to the applicant, its marketing authorization request for the
ASTar[supreg] BC G-Kit has been accepted by FDA, and it anticipates a
510(k) decision from FDA for the same indication consistent with the
Breakthrough Device designation before May 1, 2024. The applicant
stated that it anticipates the technology will be available on the
market immediately after 510(k) clearance from FDA.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify the ASTar[supreg] System. The
applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique ICD-10-PCS
procedure code for the ASTar[supreg] System beginning in FY 2025. The
applicant provided a list of diagnosis codes that may be used to
currently identify the indication for the ASTar[supreg] System under
the ICD-10-CM coding system. Please refer to the online application
posting for the complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided multiple
analyses to demonstrate that it meets the cost criterion. Each analysis
used different ICD-10-CM codes to identify potential cases in the FY
2022 MedPAR file representing patients who may be eligible for the
ASTar[supreg] System. According to the applicant, Cohort 1 comprised
patients with non-sepsis infections and Cohort 2 consisted of patients
with sepsis resulting from bacteria identifiable by the ASTar[supreg]
System. The applicant explained that these scenarios were separated as
the applicant believed that charges and MS-DRG assignments may differ
due to the resources required to treat sepsis patients compared to
those required for less severe infections. Finally, Cohort 3 included
all ICD-10-CM codes from Cohorts 1 and 2 because the applicant stated
that the ASTar[supreg] System may be used to identify any infection
caused by the bacteria listed in Cohorts 1 and 2. The applicant stated
that in all three cohorts, the patients mapped to a large number of MS-
DRGs based on the listed ICD-10-CM codes. Therefore, in the analyses,
the applicant only included the most common MS-DRGs, that is, the MS-
DRGs containing at least 1 percent of the potential case volume within
each of the three cohorts, as these are the MS-DRGs to which potential
ASTar[supreg] System cases would most closely map. The applicant used
the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the table that follows
later in this section to identify claims for each cohort. Each analysis
followed the order of operations described in the table that follows
later in this section.
For Cohort 1, the applicant identified 440,838 claims mapping to 14
MS-DRGs, including MS-DRG 871 (Septicemia or Severe Sepsis with MV >96
Hours with MCC) representing 25% of identified cases, and calculated a
final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$85,525, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of
For Cohort2, the applicant identified 224,825 claims mapping to 7
MS-DRGs, including MS-DRG 871 (Septicemia or Severe Sepsis with MV >96
Hours with MCC) representing 54% of identified cases, and calculated a
final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$99,508, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of
For Cohort3, the applicant identified 603,877 claims mapping to 13
MS-DRGs, including MS-DRG 871 (Septicemia or Severe Sepsis with MV >96
Hours with MCC) representing 34% of identified cases, and calculated a
final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
[[Page 36110]]
which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $73,727.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all the three cohorts, the applicant asserted that the ASTar[supreg]
System meets the cost criterion.
\119\ Codes referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
We agree with the applicant that the ASTar[supreg] System meets the
cost criterion and are therefore proposing to approve the ASTar[supreg]
System for new technology add-on payments for FY 2025, subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing authorization as a Breakthrough
Device for the indication corresponding to the Breakthrough Device
designation by May 1, 2024.
Based on preliminary information from the applicant at the time of
this proposed rule, the applicant anticipated the operating cost of the
ASTar[supreg] System to the hospital to be $150 per patient, based on
the operating component ASTar[supreg] BC G-Kit (composed of the
ASTar[supreg] BC G-Consumable Kit ($141) and ASTar BC G-Frozen Insert
($9)). The applicant also noted a capital cost of $200,000 for the
ASTar[supreg] Instrument. Because section 1886(d)(5)(K)(i) of the Act
requires that the Secretary establish a mechanism to recognize the
costs of new medical services or technologies under the payment system
established under that subsection, which establishes the system for
payment of the operating costs of inpatient hospital services, we do
not include capital costs in the add-on payments for a new medical
service or technology or make new technology add-on payments under the
IPPS for capital-related costs (86 FR 45145). As noted, the applicant
stated that the cost of the ASTar[supreg] Instrument is a capital cost.
Therefore, it appears that this component is not eligible for new
technology add-on payment because, as discussed in prior rulemaking and
as noted, we only make new technology add-on payments for operating
costs (72 FR 47307 through 47308). We note that any new technology add-
on payment for the ASTar[supreg] System would include only the cost of
ASTar[supreg] BC G-Kit ($150). We note that the cost information for
this technology may be updated in the final rule based on revised or
additional information CMS receives prior to the final rule. Under
Sec. 412.88(a)(2), we limit
[[Page 36111]]
new technology add-on payments to the lesser of 65% of the average cost
of the technology, or 65% of the costs in excess of the MS-DRG payment
for the case. As a result, we are proposing that the maximum new
technology add-on payment for a case involving the use of the
ASTar[supreg] System would be $97.50 for FY 2025 (that is, 65% of the
average cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on whether the ASTar[supreg] System meets
the cost criterion and our proposal to approve new technology add-on
payments for the ASTar[supreg] System for FY 2025, subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing authorization as a Breakthrough
Device for the indication corresponding to the Breakthrough Device
designation by May 1, 2024.
c. Cefepime-Taniborbactam
Venatorx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for cefepime-taniborbactam for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, cefepime-taniborbactam is an
investigational [beta]-lactam antibiotic/[beta]-lactamase inhibitor
combination under development for the treatment of complicated urinary
tract infections (cUTI), including pyelonephritis, melioidosis, and
hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia (HABP)/ventilator-associated
bacterial pneumonia (VABP).
Please refer to the online application posting for cefepime-
taniborbactam, available at, for additional detail describing the technology
and the disease treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, cefepime-taniborbactam received QIDP
designation from FDA on February 4, 2022, for cUTI, complicated intra-
abdominal infections (cIAI), HABP, VABP, and melioidosis. The applicant
stated that it is seeking approval from FDA for the treatment of
patients 18 years of age and older with cUTI, including pyelonephritis
caused by designated susceptible gram-negative bacteria, including
cases with concurrent bacteremia. According to the applicant, its
marketing request for cefepime-taniborbactam has been filed by FDA, and
it anticipates an NDA decision before July 1, 2024. According to the
applicant, cefepime-taniborbactam is not expected to be commercially
available immediately after FDA approval due to manufacturing readiness
activities and the expected commercial availability date is October 1,
2024. We note that, as an application submitted under the alternative
pathway for certain antimicrobial products at Sec. 412.87(d),
cefepime-taniborbactam is eligible for conditional approval for new
technology add-on payments if it does not receive FDA marketing
authorization by July 1, 2024, provided that the technology receives
FDA marketing authorization before July 1 of the fiscal year for which
the applicant applied for new technology add-on payments (that is, July
1, 2025), as provided in Sec. 412.87(f)(3). To estimate the average
dosage per patient, the applicant calculated a weighted average
duration of treatment. Per the applicant, based on the dosing schedule,
a patient receives approximately 3 doses per 24 hours. The applicant
noted for 48 patients with bacteremia, the average length of stay was
10.9 days, and for 392 patients without bacteremia, the average length
of stay was 7.2 days, which led to a weighted average treatment
duration of 7.5 days and 23 doses per average inpatient stay.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify cefepime-taniborbactam. The
applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique ICD-10-PCS
procedure code for cefepime-taniborbactam beginning in FY 2025. The
applicant stated that ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes for the treatment of
cUTI may be used to currently identify the indication for cefepime-
taniborbactam under the ICD-10-CM coding system. Please refer to the
online application posting for the complete list of ICD-10-CM codes
provided by the applicant.
With respect to the cost criterion, to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for cefepime-taniborbactam,
the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for claims that had one
of the ICD-10-CM codes reflecting conditions that would be considered
an indication for cefepime-taniborbactam for the treatment of cUTI.
Using the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the following
table, the applicant identified 833,530 claims mapping to 526 MS-DRGs,
including MS-DRG 871 (Septicemia or Severe Sepsis without MV >96 Hours
with MCC), 690 (Kidney and Urinary Tract Infections without MCC), and
689 (Kidney and Urinary Tract Infections with MCC). The applicant
followed the order of operations described in the following table and
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $91,218, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold
amount of $71,256. Because the final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount, the applicant asserted that cefepime-taniborbactam
meets the cost criterion.
\120\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36112]]
We agree with the applicant that cefepime-taniborbactam meets the
cost criterion and are therefore proposing to approve cefepime-
taniborbactam for new technology add-on payments for FY 2025, subject
to the technology receiving FDA marketing authorization as a QIDP for
the indication corresponding to the QIDP designation by July 1, 2024.
As an application submitted under the alternative pathway for certain
antimicrobial products at Sec. 412.87(d), cefepime-taniborbactam is
eligible for conditional approval for new technology add-on payments if
it does not receive FDA marketing authorization by July 1, 2024,
provided that the technology receives FDA marketing authorization
before July 1 of the fiscal year for which the applicant applied for
new technology add-on payments (that is, July 1, 2025), as provided in
Sec. 412.87(f)(3). If cefepime-taniborbactam receives FDA marketing
authorization before July 1, 2025, the new technology add-on payment
for cases involving the use of this technology would be made effective
for discharges beginning in the first quarter after FDA marketing
authorization is granted. If FDA marketing authorization is received on
or after July 1, 2025, no new technology add-on payments would be made
for cases involving the use of cefepime-taniborbactam for FY 2025.
The applicant has not provided an estimate for the cost of
cefepime-taniborbactam at the time of this proposed rule. Per the
applicant, based on the dosing schedule, a patient receives
approximately 3 doses per 24 hours. The applicant noted for 48 patients
with bacteremia, the average length of stay was 10.9 days, and for 392
patients without bacteremia, the average length of stay was 7.2 days,
which led to a weighted average treatment duration of 7.5 days and 23
doses per average inpatient stay. We expect the applicant to submit
cost information prior to the final rule, and we will provide an update
regarding the new technology add-on payment amount for the technology,
if approved, in the final rule. Any new technology add-on payment for
cefepime-taniborbactam would be subject to our policy under Sec.
412.88(a)(2)(ii)(B) where we limit new technology add-on payment for
QIDPs to the lesser of 75% of the average cost of the technology, or
75% of the costs in excess of the MS-DRG payment for the case.
We invite public comments on whether cefepime-taniborbactam meets
the cost criterion and our proposal to approve new technology add-on
payments for cefepime-taniborbactam for FY 2025, subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing authorization consistent with its
QIDP designation by July 1, 2024.
d. Edwards EVOQUE\TM\ Tricuspid Valve Replacement System (Transcatheter
Tricuspid Valve Replacement System)
Edwards Lifesciences LLC submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for the Edwards EVOQUE\TM\ Tricuspid Valve
Replacement System (``EVOQUE\TM\ System'') for FY 2025. According to
the applicant, the EVOQUE\TM\ System is a new, transcatheter treatment
option for patients with at least severe tricuspid regurgitation. Per
the applicant, the EVOQUE\TM\ System is designed to replace the native
tricuspid valve and consists of a transcatheter bioprosthetic valve, a
catheter-based delivery system, and supporting accessories.
Please refer to the online application posting for the Edwards
EVOQUE\TM\ Tricuspid Valve Replacement System, available at, for additional
detail describing the technology and the condition treated by the
According to the applicant, the EVOQUE\TM\ System received
Breakthrough Device designation from FDA on December 18, 2019, for the
treatment of patients with symptomatic moderate or above tricuspid
regurgitation. The applicant stated that the technology received
premarket approval from FDA on February 1, 2024 for a narrower
indication for use, for the improvement of health status in patients
with symptomatic severe tricuspid regurgitation despite optimal medical
[[Page 36113]]
therapy, for whom tricuspid valve replacement is deemed appropriate by
a heart team. Since the indication for which the applicant received
premarket approval is included within the scope of the Breakthrough
Device designation, it appears that the PMA indication is appropriate
for consideration for new technology add-on payment under the
alternative pathway criteria. According to the applicant, the
EVOQUE\TM\ System was commercially available immediately after FDA
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify the EVOQUE\TM\ System. The
applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique ICD-10-PCS
procedure code for the EVOQUE\TM\ System beginning in FY 2025. The
applicant stated that ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes I07.1 (Rheumatic
tricuspid insufficiency), I07.2 (Rheumatic tricuspid stenosis and
insufficiency), I36.1 (Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve) insufficiency),
and I36.2 (Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve) stenosis with insufficiency)
may be used to currently identify the indication for the EVOQUE\TM\
System under the ICD-10-CM coding system.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided two
analyses to demonstrate that the technology meets the cost criterion.
To identify potential cases representing patients who may be eligible
for the EVOQUE\TM\ System, each analysis used the same ICD-10-CM
diagnosis codes in different positions, with and without selected ICD-
10-PCS procedure codes, to identify relevant cases in the FY 2022
MedPAR file. Each analysis followed the order of operations described
in the table that follows later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant searched for cases assigned
to MS-DRGs 266 (Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement
Procedures with MCC) and 267 (Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement
and Supplement Procedures without MCC) that included one of the four
ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes in any position, as listed in the table that
follows later in this section. The applicant used the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the table that follows later in this
section. Under this analysis, the applicant identified 2,728 claims
mapping to the two MS-DRGs and calculated a final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per case of $267,720, which exceeded
the average case-weighted threshold amount of $194,848.
For the second analysis, the applicant searched for the cases that
included any of the ICD-10-PCS codes for percutaneous repair or
replacement of the tricuspid valve in any position, in combination with
one of the four ICD-10-CM codes for tricuspid valve insufficiency as
the primary diagnosis, as listed in the table that follows later in
this section. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the table that follows later in this section. Under this
analysis, the applicant identified 198 claims mapping to 6 MS-DRGs and
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $327,236, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $219,225.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant asserted that the EVOQUE\TM\ System meets
the cost criterion.
[[Page 36114]]
We agree with the applicant that the EVOQUE\TM\ System meets the
cost criterion and are therefore proposing to approve the EVOQUE\TM\
System for new technology add-on payments for FY 2025.
Based on preliminary information from the applicant at the time of
this proposed rule, the applicant anticipated the total cost of the
EVOQUE\TM\ System to the hospital to be $49,000 per patient, which
includes the following components: the EVOQUE\TM\ Tricuspid Delivery
System, the EVOQUE\TM\ Dilator Kit, the EVOQUE\TM\ Loading System, the
Stabilizer, Base, and Plate, and the EVOQUE\TM\ Valve. The applicant
noted that the listed
[[Page 36115]]
components of the EVOQUETM System are sold together as one
unit because they are all needed to perform the procedure, are all
single patient use, and are not sold separately. We note that the cost
information for this technology may be updated in the final rule based
on revised or additional information CMS receives prior to the final
rule. Under Sec. 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology add-on payments
to the lesser of 65% of the average cost of the technology, or 65% of
the costs in excess of the MS-DRG payment for the case. As a result, we
are proposing that the maximum new technology add-on payment for a case
involving the use of the EVOQUE\TM\ System would be $31,850 for FY 2025
(that is, 65% of the average cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on whether the EVOQUE\TM\ System meets
the cost criterion and our proposal to approve new technology add-on
payments for the EVOQUE\TM\ System for FY 2025 for the improvement of
health status in patients with symptomatic severe tricuspid
regurgitation despite optimal medical therapy, for whom tricuspid valve
replacement is deemed appropriate by a heart team.
e. GORE[supreg] EXCLUDER[supreg] Thoracoabdominal Branch Endoprosthesis
(TAMBE Device)
W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. submitted an application for new
technology add-on payments for the TAMBE Device for FY 2025. According
to the applicant, the TAMBE Device is used for endovascular repair in
patients with thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAA) and high-
surgical risk patients with pararenal abdominal aortic aneurysms (PAAA)
who have appropriate anatomy. Per the applicant, the TAMBE Device is
comprised of multiple required components, including: (1) an Aortic
Component, (2) Branch Components, (3) a Distal Bifurcated Component,
and (4) Contralateral Leg Component. According to the applicant, these
components together comprise the TAMBE Device.
Please refer to the online application posting for the GORE[supreg]
EXCLUDER[supreg] Thoracoabdominal Branch Endoprosthesis (TAMBE Device),
available at, for additional detail describing the technology and the
condition treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the TAMBE Device received Breakthrough
Device designation from FDA on October 1, 2021, for endovascular repair
of thoracoabdominal and pararenal aneurysms in the aorta in patients
who have appropriate anatomy. According to the applicant, the TAMBE
Device received premarket approval (PMA) from FDA on January 12, 2024,
for a slightly narrower indication for use, namely, TAAA and high-
surgical risk patients with PAAA who have appropriate anatomy. Since
the indication for which the applicant received premarket approval is
included within the scope of the Breakthrough Device designation, it
appears that the PMA indication is appropriate for consideration for
new technology add-on payment under the alternative pathway criteria.
According to the applicant, the TAMBE Device is not yet available for
sale due to the required lead time to train physicians on the TAMBE
Device, and the first commercial device will only be implanted May 1,
2024 or later. We are interested in additional information regarding
the delay in the technology's market availability, as we question
whether the date the device first became available for sale would be
the same as the date the first commercial device is implanted.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify the TAMBE Device. The applicant
submitted a request for approval for a unique ICD-10-PCS procedure code
for the TAMBE Device beginning in FY 2025. The applicant provided a
list of diagnosis codes that may be used to currently identify the
proposed indication for the TAMBE Device under the ICD-10-CM coding
system. Please refer to the online application posting for the complete
list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the applicant.
With respect to the cost criterion, to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for the TAMBE Device, the
applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for claims that had at least
one of the ICD-10-CM codes and at least one of the ICD-10-PCS codes as
listed in the following table. Using the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the following table, the applicant identified 1,005 claims
mapping to 19 MS-DRGs, including MS-DRG 269 (Aortic and Heart Assist
Procedures except Pulsation Balloon without MCC), which represented
54.5% of the identified cases. The applicant followed the order of
operations described in the following table and calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$448,347, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of
$185,799. Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount,
the applicant asserted that the TAMBE Device meets the cost criterion.
\121\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36116]]
We agree with the applicant that the TAMBE Device meets the cost
criterion and are therefore proposing to approve the TAMBE Device for
new technology add-on payments for FY 2025.
Based on preliminary information from the applicant at the time of
this proposed rule, the applicant anticipated the total cost of the
TAMBE Device to the hospital to be $72,675 per patient. Per the
applicant, the TAMBE Device has a number of required components,
including the aortic component ($29,000), branch components ($3,355),
distal bifurcated component (DBC) ($10,758), DBC extender component
($3,037), contralateral leg endoprosthesis ($4,390), and iliac extender
endoprosthesis ($3,037). The applicant stated that the actual type and
number of components used varies by patient depending on their anatomy
and the extent of the patient's aneurysm. The applicant determined the
number and types of components that were used in an average patient
based on a multicenter pivotal clinical trial conducted predominantly
in the U.S. and calculated the case cost per component. We note that
the cost information for this technology may be updated in the final
rule based on revised or additional information CMS receives prior to
the final rule. Under Sec. 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology add-
on payments to the lesser of 65% of the average cost of the technology,
or 65% of the costs in excess of the MS-DRG payment for the case. As a
result, we are proposing that the maximum new technology add-on payment
for a case involving the use of the TAMBE Device would be $47,238.75
for FY 2025 (that is, 65% of the average cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on whether the TAMBE Device meets the
cost criterion and our proposal to approve new technology add-on
payments for the TAMBE Device for FY 2025, for endovascular repair in
patients with thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms and high-surgical risk
patients with pararenal aortic aneurysms who have appropriate anatomy.
f. LimFlowTM System
LimFlow Inc. submitted an application for new technology add-on
payments for the LimFlowTM System for FY 2025. According to
the applicant, the LimFlowTM System is a single-use, medical
device system designed to treat patients who have chronic limb-
threatening ischemia with no suitable endovascular or surgical
revascularization options and are at risk of major amputation. Per the
applicant, the LimFlowTM System consists of LimFlow's
Cylindrical and Conical Stent Grafts that are used in conjunction with
a LimFlowTM Arterial Catheter, a LimFlowTM Venous
Catheter, and a LimFlowTM Valvulotome. According to
[[Page 36117]]
the applicant, the LimFlowTM System is used for
transcatheter arterialization of the deep veins, a minimally invasive
procedure that aims to restore blood flow to the ischemic foot by
diverting a stream of oxygenated blood through tibial veins in order to
permanently bypass heavily calcified and severely stenotic arteries
defined as unreconstructable. We note that LimFlow Inc. submitted an
application for new technology add-on payments for the
LimFlowTM System for FY 2024 as summarized in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR 26938 through 26940), but the
technology did not meet the applicable deadline of July 1, 2023 for FDA
approval or clearance of the technology and, therefore, was not
eligible for consideration for new technology add-on payments for FY
2024 (88 FR 58919).
Please refer to the online application posting for the
LimFlowTM System, available at, for additional detail
describing the technology and the condition treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the LimFlowTM System
received Breakthrough Device designation from FDA on October 3, 2017,
for the treatment of critical limb ischemia by minimally invasively
creating an arterio-venous bypass graft to produce the venous
arterialization procedure in the below-the-knee vasculature. The
applicant stated that the technology was granted premarket approval
from FDA on September 11, 2023, for patients who have chronic limb-
threatening ischemia with no suitable endovascular or surgical
revascularization options and are at risk of major amputation. Since
the indication for which the applicant received premarket approval is
considered equivalent to the Breakthrough Device designation, it
appears that the premarket approval indication is appropriate for
consideration for new technology add-on payment under the alternative
pathway criteria. Per the applicant, the LimFlowTM System
was not immediately available for sale because inventory build and ramp
for commercial sales was set to commence following FDA approval to
allow time for the conduct of surgeon training and medical education on
patient selection, indications, and surgical technique. The applicant
stated that the technology became commercially available on November 1,
The applicant provided a list of ICD-10-PCS codes that, effective
October 1, 2018, can be used to uniquely describe procedures involving
the use of the LimFlowTM System under the ICD-10-PCS coding
system. Please see the online posting for the LimFlowTM
System for the complete list of ICD-10-PCS codes provided by the
applicant. The applicant provided a list of diagnosis codes that may be
used to currently identify the indication for the LimFlowTM
System under the ICD-10-CM coding system. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided
by the applicant.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided three
analyses to demonstrate that it meets the cost criterion. Each analysis
used the same ICD-10-PCS codes to identify potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for the LimFlowTM System. The
applicant stated that the selected claims represent the exact
situations in which the LimFlowTM System would be used and
represent the cost of care associated with the use of the
LimFlowTM System. The applicant utilized a different year of
MedPAR data in each analysis. According to the applicant, it used
multiple years of data because the case count in each individual year
was low. The applicant imputed a value of 11 cases for MS-DRGs with
less than 11 cases. Each analysis followed the order of operations
described in the table that follows later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant searched FY 2022 MedPAR data
for claims reporting at least one of the ICD-10-PCS codes listed in the
table that follows later in this section to identify cases that may be
eligible for the LimFlowTM System. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the table that follows later
in this section. Under this analysis, the applicant identified 88
claims mapping to 8 MS-DRGs, with none exceeding more than 13% of the
total identified cases. The applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case of $307,461 which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $124,971.
For the second analysis, the applicant searched FY 2021 MedPAR data
for claims reporting at least one of the ICD-10-PCS codes listed in the
table that follows later in this section to identify cases that may be
eligible for the LimFlowTM System. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the table that follows later
in this section. Under this analysis, the applicant identified 111
claims mapping to 10 MS-DRGs, with none exceeding more than 11% of the
total identified cases. The applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case of $277,454, which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $116,278.
For the third analysis, the applicant searched FY 2020 MedPAR data
for claims reporting at least one of the ICD-10-PCS codes listed in the
table that follows later in this section to identify cases that may be
eligible for the LimFlowTM System. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the table that follows later
in this section. Under this analysis, the applicant identified 99
claims mapping to 9 MS-DRGs, with none exceeding more than 12% of the
total identified cases. The applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case of $273,638 which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $125,153.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant asserted that the LimFlowTM
System meets the cost criterion.
\122\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36118]]
We agree with the applicant that the LimFlowTM System
meets the cost criterion and are therefore proposing to approve the
LimFlowTM System for new technology add-on payments for FY
Based on preliminary information from the applicant at the time of
this proposed rule, the applicant anticipated the total cost of the
LimFlowTM System to the hospital to be $25,000 per patient.
According to the applicant, the LimFlowTM System is sold as
a system, as such, the components of the LimFlowTM System
are not priced or sold to hospitals independently. The applicant stated
that all components of the LimFlowTM System are single-use
and the entire system is an operating cost. We note that the cost
information for this technology may be updated in the final rule based
on revised or additional information CMS receives prior to the final
rule. Under Sec. 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology add-on payments
to the lesser of 65% of the average cost of the technology, or 65% of
the costs in excess of the MS-DRG payment for the case. As a result, we
are proposing that the maximum new technology add-on payment for a case
involving the use of the LimFlowTM System would be $16,250
for FY 2025 (that is, 65% of the average cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on whether the LimFlowTM
System meets the cost criterion and our proposal to approve new
technology add-on payments for the LimFlowTM System for FY
2025 for patients who have chronic limb-threatening ischemia with no
suitable endovascular or surgical revascularization options and are at
risk of major amputation.
g. ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal Denervation System
ReCor Medical submitted an application for new technology add-on
[[Page 36119]]
payments for the ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal Denervation
System for FY 2025. According to the applicant, the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal Denervation System is an
endovascular catheter-based system that delivers SonoWave360\TM\
ultrasound energy circumferentially, thermally ablating and disrupting
overactive renal sympathetic nerves to lower blood pressure in adult
(>=22 years of age) patients with uncontrolled hypertension who may be
inadequately responsive to or who are intolerant to anti-hypertensive
Please refer to the online application posting for the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal Denervation System, available at, for
additional detail describing the technology and the condition treated
by the technology.
According to the applicant, the ParadiseTM Ultrasound
Renal Denervation System received Breakthrough Device designation from
FDA on December 4, 2020, for reducing blood pressure in adult (>=22
years of age) patients with uncontrolled hypertension, who may be
inadequately responsive to, or who are intolerant to anti-hypertensive
medications. The applicant received FDA premarket approval for the
technology on November 7, 2023, for reducing blood pressure as an
adjunctive treatment in hypertension patients in whom lifestyle
modifications and antihypertensive medications do not adequately
control blood pressure. Because we consider the indication for which
the applicant received premarket approval to be within the scope of the
Breakthrough Device designation, and FDA considers this marketing
authorization to be for the Breakthrough Device designation,\123\ it
appears that the premarket approval indication is appropriate for
consideration for new technology add-on payment under the alternative
pathway criteria. According to the applicant, the technology was
commercially available immediately after FDA approval.
\123\ List of Breakthrough Devices with Marketing Authorization:
The applicant stated that effective October 1, 2023, the following
ICD-10-PCS code may be used to uniquely describe procedures involving
the use of the ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal Denervation
System: X051329 (Destruction of renal sympathetic nerve(s) using
ultrasound ablation, percutaneous approach, new technology group 9).
The applicant stated that ICD-10-CM codes I10 (Essential (primary)
hypertension), I15.1 (Hypertension secondary to other renal disorders),
I15.8 (Other secondary hypertension), I15.9 (Secondary hypertension,
unspecified), and I1A.0 (Resistant hypertension) may be used to
currently identify the indication for the ParadiseTM
Ultrasound Renal Denervation System under the ICD-10-CM coding system.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided multiple
analyses to demonstrate that it meets the cost criterion. Each analysis
used different MS-DRGs and/or ICD-10-CM codes to identify potential
cases representing patients who may be eligible for the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal Denervation System. The
applicant explained that it used different codes to demonstrate
different cohorts that may be eligible for the technology. Each
analysis followed the order of operations described in the table that
follows later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR
file for all cases that map to MS-DRG 264 (Other Circulatory System
O.R. Procedures). The applicant stated that medical MS-DRGs 304 and 305
(Hypertension with MCC and without MCC) are specific to hypertension.
However, given the nature of the procedure, the applicant's expectation
is that the DRG Grouper logic would assign potential cases representing
patients who may be eligible for the ParadiseTM Ultrasound
Renal Denervation System to a surgical MS-DRG. To identify the surgical
MS-DRG, the applicant identified ICD-10-PCS code 015M3ZZ (Destruction
of abdominal sympathetic nerve, percutaneous approach) as the procedure
most similar to the procedure performed using the ParadiseTM
Ultrasound Renal Denervation System, and determined the specific MS-DRG
to which that ICD-10-PCS code maps. The applicant used the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the table that follows later in this
section. Under this analysis, the applicant identified 7,064 claims
mapping to MS-DRG 264 (Other Circulatory System O.R. Procedures) and
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $357,807, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $98,708.
For the second analysis, as a sensitivity analysis the applicant
searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for all cases that map to MS-DRGs 304
or 305 (Hypertension with MCC and without MCC), which are specific to
hypertension. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the table that follows later in this section. Under this
analysis, the applicant identified 32,433 claims mapping to MS-DRG 304
(Hypertension with MCC) or 305 (Hypertension without MCC) and
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $268,298, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $46,986.
For the third analysis, the applicant provided a sensitivity
analysis that combined the first and second scenario together for a
broader list of MS-DRGs. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the table that follows later in this section.
Under this analysis, the applicant identified 39,497 claims mapping to
MS-DRGs 264 (Other Circulatory System O.R. Procedures), 304
(Hypertension with MCC), or 305 (Hypertension without MCC) and
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $284,306, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $56,237.
For the fourth analysis, the applicant performed a sensitivity
analysis to subset the cases assigned to MS-DRG 264 (Other Circulatory
System O.R. Procedures) to those reporting the following ICD-10-CM
codes: I10 (Essential (primary) hypertension), I15.1 (Hypertension
secondary to other renal disorders), I15.8 (Other secondary
hypertension), or I15.9 (Secondary hypertension, unspecified) in any
position. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria described
in the table that follows later in this section. Under this analysis,
the applicant identified 1,477 claims mapping to MS-DRG 264 (Other
Circulatory System O.R. Procedures) and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case of $325,810, which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $98,708.
For the fifth analysis, the applicant performed a sensitivity
analysis to subset the cases assigned to MS-DRGs 264 (Other Circulatory
System O.R. Procedures), 304 (Hypertension with MCC), or 305
(Hypertension without MCC) to those reporting the following ICD-10-CM
codes: I10 (Essential (primary) hypertension), I15.1 (Hypertension
secondary to other renal disorders), I15.8 (Other secondary
hypertension), or I15.9 (Secondary hypertension, unspecified) in any
position. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria described
in the table that follows later in this
[[Page 36120]]
section. Under this analysis, the applicant identified 14,415 claims
mapping to MS-DRGs 264 (Other Circulatory System O.R. Procedures), 304
(Hypertension with MCC), or 305 (Hypertension without MCC) and
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $272,701, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $50,817.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all analyses, the applicant asserted that the ParadiseTM
Ultrasound Renal Denervation System meets the cost criterion.
\124\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36121]]
We agree with the applicant that the ParadiseTM
Ultrasound Renal Denervation System meets the cost criterion and are
therefore proposing to approve the ParadiseTM Ultrasound
Renal Denervation System for new technology add-on payments for FY
Based on preliminary information from the applicant at the time of
this proposed rule, the applicant anticipated the total cost of the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal Denervation System to the
hospital to be $23,000 per patient, based on single-use components
including the operating costs of the catheter kit ($22,000), cable
($250), and cartridge ($750). We note that the cost information for
this technology may be updated in the final rule based on revised or
additional information CMS receives prior to the final rule. Under
Sec. 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology add-on payments to the
lesser of 65% of the average cost of the technology, or 65% of the
costs in excess of the MS-DRG payment for the case. As a result, we are
proposing that the maximum new technology add-on payment for a case
involving the use of the ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal
Denervation System would be $14,950 for FY 2025 (that is, 65% of the
average cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on whether the ParadiseTM
Ultrasound Renal Denervation System meets the cost criterion and our
proposal to approve new technology add-on payments for the
ParadiseTM Ultrasound Renal Denervation System for FY 2025
for reducing blood pressure as an adjunctive treatment in hypertension
patients in whom lifestyle modifications and antihypertensive
medications do not adequately control blood pressure, which corresponds
to the Breakthrough Device designation.
h. PulseSelectTM Pulsed Field Ablation (PFA) Loop Catheter
Medtronic, Inc. submitted an application for new technology add-on
payments for the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter for FY
2025. According to the applicant, the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop
Catheter is used to perform pulmonary vein isolation in cardiac
catheter ablation to treat atrial fibrillation. Per the applicant,
unlike existing methods that rely on thermal energy (either
radiofrequency or cryoablation), PulseSelectTM employs non-
thermal irreversible electroporation to induce cell death in cardiac
tissue at the target site. According to the applicant,
PulseSelectTM technology's non-thermal approach can avoid
risks associated with existing thermal cardiac catheter ablation
Please refer to the online application posting for the
PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter, available at, for additional
detail describing the technology and the disease treated by the
According to the applicant, the PulseSelectTM PFA
System, which includes a compatible Medtronic multi-electrode cardiac
ablation catheter (the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter),
received Breakthrough Device designation from FDA on September 27,
2018, for the treatment of drug refractory recurrent symptomatic atrial
fibrillation. The Medtronic multi-electrode cardiac ablation catheter
is also intended to be used for cardiac electrophysiological (EP)
mapping and measuring of intracardiac electrograms, delivery of
diagnostic pacing stimuli and verifying electrical isolation post-
treatment. According to the applicant, the PulseSelectTM PFA
System received premarket approval on December 13, 2023 for the
following indication that reflects a slightly narrower patient
population compared to the Breakthrough Device designation: for cardiac
electrophysiological mapping (stimulation and recording) and for
treatment of drug refractory, recurrent, symptomatic paroxysmal atrial
fibrillation or persistent atrial fibrillation (episode duration less
than 1 year). The applicant noted that the PulseSelectTM PFA
System consists of two primary elements: the PulseSelectTM
PFA Loop Catheter and the PulseSelectTM PFA Generator
system, but that as capital equipment, the PulseSelectTM PFA
Generator system is not the subject of this new technology add-on
payment application. According to the applicant, the technology was
commercially available immediately after FDA approval.
The applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique ICD-10-
PCS procedure code for the PulseSelectTM PFA System and was
granted approval for the following procedure code effective April 1,
2024: 02583ZF (Destruction of conduction mechanism using irreversible
electroporation, percutaneous approach). The applicant provided a list
of diagnosis codes that may be used to currently identify the
indication for the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter under the
ICD-10-CM coding system. Please refer to the online application posting
for the complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the applicant.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided multiple
analyses to demonstrate that it meets the cost criterion. The applicant
stated that there is an expectation the PulseSelectTM PFA
Loop Catheter will predominantly be used when both indicated uses are
employed in a single patient case. Each analysis used different ICD-10-
CM codes to identify potential cases representing patients who may be
eligible for the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter. The
applicant explained that it used different codes to demonstrate
different cohorts that may be eligible for the technology. Each
analysis followed the order of operations described in the table that
follows later in this section.
For the first analysis, the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR
file for claims that had the ICD-10-PCS code 02583ZZ (Destruction of
conduction mechanism, percutaneous approach) in any procedure code
position on the claim and identified 98 MS-DRGs. The applicant limited
the cost analysis to the top six MS-DRGs that had over 2% of cases in
each MS-DRG (see the table that follows later in this section for a
complete list of MS-DRGs provided by the applicant). According to the
applicant, these six MS-DRGs represented 86% of all cardiac catheter
ablation cases. Using the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the
table that follows later in this section, the applicant identified
14,695 claims mapping to these 6 MS-DRGs. The applicant followed the
order of operations described in the table that follows later in this
section and calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $176,942, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $136,813.
For the second analysis, the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR
file for claims that had the ICD-10-PCS code 02583ZZ (Destruction of
conduction mechanism, percutaneous approach) in any procedure code
position on the claim, and had one of the ICD-10-CM codes for atrial
fibrillation listed in the table that follows later in this section.
The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the
table that follows later in this section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 12,088 claims mapping to the top six MS-DRGs
(representing 82.3% of all cases) and calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case of $179,931, which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $136,782.
For the third analysis, the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR
file for claims that had the ICD-10-PCS code 02583ZZ (Destruction of
conduction mechanism, percutaneous approach) in
[[Page 36122]]
any procedure code position on the claim and had one of the ICD-10-CM
codes for paroxysmal or persistent atrial fibrillation listed in the
table that follows later in this section. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the table that follows later
in this section. Under this analysis, the applicant identified 9,446
claims mapping to the top six MS-DRGs (representing 64.3% of all cases)
and calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $180,114, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $136,193.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant asserted that the PulseSelectTM
PFA Loop Catheter meets the cost criterion.
\125\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36123]]
We agree with the applicant that the PulseSelectTM PFA
Loop Catheter meets the cost criterion and are therefore proposing to
approve the PulseSelectTM
[[Page 36124]]
PFA Loop Catheter for new technology add-on payments for FY 2025.
Based on preliminary information from the applicant at the time of
this proposed rule, the applicant anticipated the cost of the
PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter to the hospital to be $9,750
per patient, and for the PulseSelectTM PFA Catheter
Interface Cable to be $800 per patient, totaling $10,550 per inpatient
stay. We note that the cost information for this technology may be
updated in the final rule based on revised or additional information
CMS receives prior to the final rule. We note that the applicant stated
that the PulseSelectTM Pulsed Field Ablation (PFA) Interface
Cable is listed as a component of the PulseSelectTM Pulsed
Field Ablation (PFA) Generator Reusable Accessories. However, we note
the submitted new technology add-on payment application is for the
PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter, and that the applicant had
specified in its application that the PulseSelectTM PFA
Generator System is not the subject of this new technology add-on
payment application. Therefore, we believe the total cost per inpatient
stay should be based only on the cost of the PulseSelectTM
PFA Loop Catheter, which is $9,750 per the applicant. Under Sec.
412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology add-on payments to the lesser of
65% of the average cost of the technology, or 65% of the costs in
excess of the MS-DRG payment for the case. As a result, we are
proposing that the maximum new technology add-on payment for a case
involving the use of the PulseSelectTM PFA Loop Catheter
would be $6,337.50 for FY 2025 (that is, 65% of the average cost of the
We invite public comments on whether the PulseSelectTM
PFA Loop Catheter meets the cost criterion and our proposal to approve
new technology add-on payments for the PulseSelectTM PFA
Loop Catheter for FY 2025 for cardiac electrophysiological mapping
(stimulation and recording) and for treatment of drug refractory,
recurrent, symptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation or persistent
atrial fibrillation (episode duration less than 1 year).
i. Restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage
Restor3d submitted an application for new technology add-on
payments for the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, the TIDALTM Fusion Cages are
porous cages that vary in shape and size to accommodate individual
patient anatomy. Per the applicant, the TIDALTM Fusion Cage
is comprised of a single, continuous piece of titanium alloy fabricated
by laser powder bed fusion, an additive manufacturing technology.
According to the applicant, the TIDALTM Fusion Cage is an
accessory to the intramedullary nail for TTC Fusion and has a central
clearance hole to contain the intramedullary nail. Per the applicant,
the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage can be used to aid in
healing for fractures, bone voids, absent bone, or surgical resections
in conjunction with an intramedullary nail for TTC fusion. The
applicant noted that the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cages also
serve to support and contain bone graft materials that aid in
Please refer to the online application posting for the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage, available at, for additional detail
describing the technology and the disease treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion
Cage System received Breakthrough Device designation from FDA on June
26, 2023 for the indication of tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis (fusion)
to provide stabilization of the hindfoot and ankle with critical size
bone defect, in lieu of bulk allograft in procedures such as: post-
traumatic and degenerative arthritis; post-traumatic or primary
arthrosis involving both ankle and subtalar joints; revision after
failed ankle arthrodesis with subtalar involvement; failed total ankle
arthroplasty; non-union ankle arthrodesis; rheumatoid hindfoot;
talectomy; avascular necrosis of the talus; neuroarthropathy;
neuromuscular disease and severe deformity; osteoarthritis; Charcot
foot; and previously infected arthrosis, second degree. The restor3d
Fusion Cage System is intended to provide stabilization in long bones
of skeletally mature patients, including tibia, femur and humerus, in
the presence of critical sized bone defects in lieu of bulk allograft,
bone transport or other treatment for segmental defects in procedures
such as: stabilization of fractures of the diaphyseal or metaphyseal
regions of long bones; malunions and nonunion; osteomyelitis;
periprosthetic fractures. According to the applicant, its marketing
authorization request for the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage
System has been accepted by FDA, and it anticipates a 510(k) decision
from FDA for the same indication consistent with the Breakthrough
Device designation before May 1, 2024. The applicant anticipates that
the technology will be commercially available immediately after 510(k)
clearance from FDA.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify the restor3d TIDALTM
Fusion Cage. The applicant submitted a request for approval for a
unique ICD-10-PCS procedure code for the restor3d TIDALTM
Fusion Cage beginning in FY 2025. The applicant provided a list of
diagnosis codes that may be used to currently identify the indication
for the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage under the ICD-10-CM
coding system. Please refer to the online application posting for the
complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the applicant.
With respect to the cost criterion, to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage, the applicant searched the FY 2022
MedPAR file for claims that had one of the ICD-10-PCS codes
corresponding to fusion procedures or claims that had one of the other
ICD-10-PCS codes in combination with one of the selected admitting
diagnosis ICD-10-CM codes. According to the applicant, the selected
claims represented potential candidates for the technology, who have
undergone tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis (fusion) and require
stabilization of the hindfoot and ankle due to a critical size bone
defect. Using the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the
following table, the applicant identified 14,247 claims mapping to 24
MS-DRGs, including MS-DRG 617 (Amputation of Lower Limb for Endocrine,
Nutritional and Metabolic Disorders with CC) and MS-DRG 853 (Infectious
and Parasitic Diseases with O.R. Procedures with MCC), each
representing 16% of the identified cases. The applicant followed the
order of operations described in the following table and calculated a
final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$303,575, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount,
the applicant asserted that the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage
meets the cost criterion.
\126\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36125]]
We agree with the applicant that the restor3d TIDALTM
Fusion Cage meets the cost criterion and are therefore proposing to
approve the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage for new technology
add-on payments for FY 2025, subject to the technology receiving FDA
marketing authorization as a Breakthrough Device for the indication
corresponding to the Breakthrough Device designation by May 1, 2024.
Based on preliminary information from the applicant at the time of
this proposed rule, the applicant anticipated the cost of the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage for each patient to be $27,995. In
addition, the applicant noted the costs related to the technology for
required supporting instruments and materials consist of one unit each
of the Instrument Kit ($6,995), TTC Fusion Nail ($7,500), and Bone
Graft ($1,500). The applicant estimated the total cost to the hospital
to be $43,990 for each procedure per patient, including the related
cost of the technology. As we have discussed in prior rulemaking, when
determining a new technology add-on payment, we provide payment based
on the cost of the actual technology (such as the drug or device
itself) and not for additional costs related to the use of the device
(86 FR 45146). Based on the information provided by the applicant, the
cost of the Instrument Kit is included in the costs of the supporting
instruments and materials for each procedure related to the use of the
technology, rather than a cost of the technology itself. In addition,
the TTC Fusion Nail and Bone Graft are not new and unique components
for this technology, and can be purchased separately in support of
other technologies. Furthermore, we note that the Instrument Kit is not
included in the Breakthrough Device designation, and it therefore
appears that only the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage would be
designated as the Breakthrough Device once market authorized and would
be eligible for new technology add-on payments under the alternative
pathway. Therefore, it appears any add-on payment for the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage would include only the cost of the
restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage ($27,995).
We note that the cost information for this technology may be
updated in the final rule based on revised or additional information
CMS receives prior to the final rule. Under Sec. 412.88(a)(2), we
limit new technology add-on payments to the lesser of 65% of the
average cost of the technology, or 65% of the costs in excess of the
MS-DRG payment for the case. As a result, we are proposing that the
maximum new technology add-on payment for a case involving the use of
the restor3d TIDALTM Fusion Cage would be $18,196.75 for FY
2025 (that is, 65% of the average cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on whether the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage meets the cost criterion and our
proposal to approve new technology add-on payments for the restor3d
TIDALTM Fusion Cage for FY 2025, subject to the technology
receiving FDA marketing authorization as a Breakthrough Device for the
indication corresponding to the Breakthrough Device designation by May
1, 2024.
[[Page 36126]]
j. Symplicity SpyralTM Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation
Medtronic submitted an application for new technology add-on
payments for the Symplicity Spyral\TM\ Multi-Electrode Renal
Denervation Catheter for FY 2025. According to the applicant, the
Symplicity Spyral\TM\ Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter
provides a treatment option for patients with uncontrolled
hypertension, when used with the Symplicity G3TM Generator,
by delivering targeted radiofrequency energy to the renal nerves,
safely disrupting overactive sympathetic signaling between the kidneys
and brain, as a treatment for uncontrolled hypertension.
Please refer to the online application posting for the Symplicity
Spyral\TM\ Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter, available at, for
additional detail describing the technology and the condition treated
by the technology.
According to the applicant, the Symplicity Spyral\TM\ Multi-
Electrode Renal Denervation System received Breakthrough Device
designation from FDA on March 27, 2020, for the reduction of blood
pressure in patients with uncontrolled hypertension despite the use of
anti-hypertensive medications or in patients who may have documented
intolerance to anti-hypertensive medications. The applicant received
premarket approval for the technology on November 17, 2023, for
reducing blood pressure as an adjunctive treatment in patients with
hypertension in whom lifestyle modifications and antihypertensive
medications do not adequately control blood pressure. Because we
consider the indication for which the applicant received premarket
approval to be within the scope of the Breakthrough Device designation,
and FDA considers this marketing authorization to be for the
Breakthrough Device,\127\ it appears that the premarket approval
indication is appropriate for consideration for new technology add-on
payment under the alternative pathway criteria. According to the
applicant, the technology was commercially available immediately after
FDA approval.
\127\ List of Breakthrough Devices with Marketing Authorization:
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify the Symplicity Spyral\TM\ Multi-
Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter. The applicant submitted a request
for approval for a unique ICD-10-PCS procedure code for the Symplicity
Spyral\TM\ Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter beginning in FY
2025. The applicant provided a list of diagnosis codes that may be used
to currently identify the indication for the Symplicity Spyral\TM\
Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter under the ICD-10-CM coding
system. Please refer to the online application posting for the complete
list of ICD-10-CM codes provided by the applicant.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided two
analyses and two sensitivity analyses to demonstrate that it meets the
cost criterion. Each analysis used a common set of ICD-10-CM codes but
different criteria for the inclusion/exclusion of MS-DRGs and outlier
cases to identify potential cases representing patients who may be
eligible for the Symplicity Spyral\TM\ Multi-Electrode Renal
Denervation Catheter. The applicant explained that it used different
codes to demonstrate different cohorts that may be eligible for the
technology. Each analysis followed the order of operations described in
the table that follows later in this section.
For the first scenario (Cost Analysis #1), the applicant searched
the FY 2022 MedPAR file for cases where essential (primary)
hypertension was the reason for the admission, using at least one of
the ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes in the table that follows later in this
section. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria described
in the table that follows later in this section. Under this analysis,
the applicant identified 490,387 claims mapping to 99 MS-DRGs,
including MS-DRG 291 (Heart Failure and Shock With MCC) representing
67% of identified cases. The applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case of $136,450, which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $62,312.
The second scenario (Cost Analysis #1 with Outliers) was a
sensitivity analysis that mirrored the first scenario, except that
cases with outlier payments were included. The applicant used the
inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the table that follows later
in this section. Under this analysis, the applicant identified 501,760
claims mapping to 101 MS-DRGs, including MS-DRG 291 (Heart Failure and
Shock With MCC) representing 66.7% of identified cases. The applicant
calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized charge
per case of $145,001, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $63,789.
For the third scenario (Cost Analysis #2), the applicant searched
the FY 2022 MedPAR file for claims reporting any of the ICD-10-CM
diagnosis codes listed in the table that follows later in this section
but limited the case selection to MS-DRGs where the principal diagnosis
was essential hypertension, and no procedures were performed. Per the
applicant, this list represents a subset of cases that were most likely
to benefit from the new procedural treatment option for primary
hypertension. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the table that follows later in this section. Under this
analysis, the applicant identified 390,384 claims mapping to 8 MS-DRGs,
including MS-DRG 291 (Heart Failure and Shock With MCC) representing
84.4% of identified cases. The applicant calculated a final inflated
average case-weighted standardized charge per case of $124,525, which
exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of $52,861.
The fourth scenario (Cost Analysis #2 with Outliers) mirrored the
third scenario, except that cases with outlier payments were included.
The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the
table that follows later in this section. Under this analysis, the
applicant identified 395,634 claims mapping to 8 MS-DRGs, including MS-
DRG 291 (Heart Failure and Shock With MCC) representing 84.5% of
identified cases. The applicant calculated a final inflated average
case-weighted standardized charge per case of $128,356, which exceeded
the average case-weighted threshold amount of $52,873.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant asserted that the Symplicity Spyral\TM\
Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter meets the cost criterion.
\128\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36127]]
[[Page 36128]]
We agree with the applicant that the Symplicity Spyral\TM\ Multi-
Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter meets the cost criterion and are
therefore proposing to approve the Symplicity Spyral\TM\ Multi-
Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter for new technology add-on payments
for FY 2025.
An estimate for the cost of the Symplicity Spyral\TM\ Multi-
Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter is not available for publication
at the time of this proposed rule. We expect the applicant to release
cost information prior to the final rule, and we will provide an update
regarding the new technology add-on payment amount for the technology,
if approved, in the final rule. The applicant stated that there would
be two components for the cost of the technology, including operating
costs for the Symplicity Spyral\TM\ Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation
Catheter and capital costs for the Symplicity G3TM
Generator. Because section 1886(d)(5)(K)(i) of the Act requires that
the Secretary establish a mechanism to recognize the costs of new
medical services or technologies under the payment system established
under that subsection, which establishes the system for payment of the
operating costs of inpatient hospital services, we do not include
capital costs in the add-on payments for a new medical service or
technology or make new technology add-on payments under the IPPS for
capital-related costs (86 FR 45145). Based on the information from the
applicant, it appears that the Symplicity G3TM Generator is
a capital cost. Therefore, it appears that this component is not
eligible for new technology add-on payment because, as discussed in
prior rulemaking and as noted, we only make new technology add-on
payments for operating costs (72 FR 47307 through 47308). Any new
technology add-on payment for the Symplicity Spyral\TM\ Multi-Electrode
Renal Denervation Catheter would be subject to our policy under Sec.
412.88(a)(2) where we limit new technology add-on payment to the lesser
of 65% of the average cost of the technology, or 65% of the costs in
excess of the MS-DRG payment for the case.
We invite public comments on whether the Symplicity Spyral\TM\
Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter meets the cost criterion and
our proposal to approve new technology add-on payments for the
Symplicity Spyral\TM\ Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation Catheter for FY
2025 for reducing blood pressure as an adjunctive treatment in patients
with hypertension in whom lifestyle modifications and antihypertensive
medications do not adequately control blood pressure, which corresponds
to the Breakthrough Device designation
k. Transdermal Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) Measurement System
Utilizing Lumitrace
MediBeacon, Inc. submitted an application for new technology add-on
payments for the Transdermal GFR Measurement System utilizing Lumitrace
for FY 2025. According to the applicant, the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System utilizing Lumitrace is a three-component system: (1)
an optical skin sensor, (2) a monitor, and (3) Lumitrace
(relmapirazin), which is a proprietary fluorescent tracer agent
[[Page 36129]]
that glows in the presence of light and is removed from the blood
exclusively by the GFR mechanism of the kidney. The technology is
intended to measure GFR in patients with impaired or normal renal
function during clinical conditions where the real time measurement of
GFR (versus estimated measures) is clinically useful in the
understanding of kidney function. We note that MediBeacon, Inc.
submitted an application for new technology add-on payments for the
Transdermal GFR Measurement System utilizing Lumitrace for FY 2024, as
summarized in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule (88 FR 26954
through 26955), that it withdrew prior to the issuance of the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58919).
Please refer to the online application posting for the Transdermal
GFR Measurement System utilizing Lumitrace, available at, for additional
detail describing the technology.
According to the applicant, the Transdermal GFR Measurement System
utilizing Lumitrace received Breakthrough Device designation from FDA
on October 16, 2018, for measuring GFR in patients with impaired or
normal renal function. According to the applicant, its marketing
authorization request for the Transdermal GFR Measurement System
utilizing Lumitrace has been filed by FDA, and it anticipates a
premarket approval decision from FDA for the same indication consistent
with the Breakthrough Device designation before May 1, 2024. According
to the applicant, the Transdermal GFR Measurement System will not be
immediately available for sale because it is waiting for premarket
approval from FDA before producing large volumes of the agent, sensor,
and monitor, and anticipates a limited launch prior to widespread
The applicant stated that effective October 1, 2019, the following
ICD-10-PCS code may be used to uniquely describe procedures involving
the use of the Transdermal GFR Measurement System utilizing Lumitrace:
XT25XE5 (Monitoring of kidney using fluorescent pyrazine, external
approach, new technology group 5).
With respect to the cost criterion, to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System utilizing Lumitrace, the applicant searched the FY
2022 MedPAR file for claims that had one of the ICD-10-CM codes or the
ICD-10-PCS codes representing patients who are likely to require and/or
benefit from real-time kidney function monitoring during the inpatient
hospital stay. Using the inclusion/exclusion criteria described in the
following table, the applicant identified 470,171 claims mapping to 697
MS-DRGs, including MS-DRG 871 (Septicemia or Severe Sepsis without MV
>96 Hours with MCC) representing 15% of the identified cases. The
applicant followed the order of operations described in the following
table and calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $231,117, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $134,438.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount,
the applicant asserted that the Transdermal GFR Measurement System
utilizing Lumitrace meets the cost criterion.
\129\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36130]]
We agree with the applicant that the Transdermal GFR Measurement
System utilizing Lumitrace meets the cost criterion and are therefore
proposing to approve the Transdermal GFR Measurement System utilizing
Lumitrace for new technology add-on payments for FY 2025, subject to
the technology receiving FDA marketing authorization as a Breakthrough
Device for the indication corresponding to the Breakthrough Device
designation by May 1, 2024.
The applicant has not provided an estimate for the cost of the
Transdermal GFR Measurement System utilizing Lumitrace at the time of
this proposed rule. The applicant stated that there would be three
components for the cost of the technology: the operating cost of the
Transdermal GFR Measurement System Sensor, the operating cost of
Lumitrace (relmapirazin) that glows in the presence of light and is
removed from the blood exclusively by the GFR mechanism of the kidney,
and the capital cost of the Transdermal GFR Measurement System Monitor
that displays fluorescence collected by the Transdermal GFR Measurement
System Sensor to provide an indication of changes in transdermal GFR
over time. Because section 1886(d)(5)(K)(i) of the Act requires that
the Secretary establish a mechanism to recognize the costs of new
medical services or technologies under the payment system established
under that subsection, which establishes the system for payment of the
operating costs of inpatient hospital services, we do not include
capital costs in the add-on payments for a new medical service or
technology or make new technology add-on payments under the IPPS for
capital-related costs (86 FR 45145). As noted, the applicant stated
that the cost of the Transdermal GFR Measurement System Monitor is a
capital cost. Therefore, it appears that this component is not eligible
for new technology add-on payment because, as discussed in prior
rulemaking and as noted, we only make new technology add-on payments
for operating costs (72 FR 47307 through 47308). We expect the
applicant to submit cost information prior to the final rule, and we
will provide an update regarding the new technology add-on payment
amount for the technology, if approved, in the final rule. Any new
technology add-on payment for the Transdermal GFR Measurement System
utilizing Lumitrace would be subject to our policy under Sec.
412.88(a)(2) where we limit new technology add-on payments to the
lesser of 65% of the average cost of the technology, or 65% of the
costs in excess of the MS-DRG payment for the case.
We invite public comments on whether the Transdermal GFR
Measurement System utilizing Lumitrace meets the cost criterion and our
proposal to approve new technology add-on payments for the Transdermal
GFR Measurement System utilizing Lumitrace for FY 2025, subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing authorization as a Breakthrough
Device for the indication corresponding to the Breakthrough Device
designation by May 1, 2024.
l. TriClipTM G4
Abbott submitted an application for new technology add-on payments
for TriClip\TM\ G4 for FY 2025. According to the applicant, TriClip\TM\
G4 is intended for reconstruction of the insufficient tricuspid valve
through tissue approximation via a transcatheter approach. The
TriClip\TM\ G4 System consists of the TriClip\TM\ G4 Implant,
[[Page 36131]]
Clip Delivery System and Steerable Guide. The applicant explained that
the TriClip\TM\ G4 Implant is a percutaneously delivered mechanical
implant that helps close the tricuspid valve leaflets resulting in
fixed tricuspid leaflet approximation throughout the cardiac cycle.
According to the applicant, TriClip\TM\ G4 is intended for the
treatment of patients with symptomatic, severe tricuspid valve
regurgitation, whose symptoms and tricuspid regurgitation (TR) severity
persist despite being treated optimally with medical therapy.
Please refer to the online application posting for TriClip\TM\ G4,
available at, for additional detail describing the technology and the
disease treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the TriClip\TM\ G4 System received
Breakthrough Device designation from FDA on November 19, 2020, for the
treatment of patients with symptomatic, severe tricuspid valve
regurgitation, whose symptoms and TR severity persist despite being
treated optimally with medical therapy. According to the applicant, its
marketing authorization request has been filed by FDA, and it
anticipates a premarket approval (PMA) decision from FDA for the same
indication consistent with the Breakthrough Device designation before
May 1, 2024. According to the applicant, the technology is expected to
be commercially available immediately after FDA approval.
According to the applicant, the following ICD-10-PCS code may be
used to describe procedures involving the use of TriClip\TM\ G4:
02UJ3JZ (Supplement tricuspid valve with synthetic substitute,
percutaneous approach). The applicant noted that there are no FDA-
approved technologies using this procedure code. The applicant stated
that ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes I07.1 (Rheumatic tricuspid
insufficiency) and I36.1 (Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve) insufficiency)
may be used to currently identify the indication for TriClip\TM\ G4
under the ICD-10-CM coding system.
With respect to the cost criterion, to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for TriClip\TM\ G4, the
applicant searched the 2022 Medicare Inpatient Hospital Standard
Analytical File (100%) for claims that had one of the following ICD-10-
CM codes, I07.1 (Rheumatic tricuspid insufficiency) or I36.1
(Nonrheumatic tricuspid (valve) insufficiency) in the primary position,
in combination with ICD-10-PCS code 02UJ3JZ (Supplement tricuspid valve
with synthetic substitute, percutaneous approach). Using the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the following table, the applicant
identified 235 claims mapping to two MS-DRGs, MS-DRG 266 (Endovascular
Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement Procedures, with MCC), and 267
(Endovascular Cardiac Valve Replacement and Supplement Procedures,
without MCC). The applicant followed the order of operations described
in the following table and calculated a final inflated average case-
weighted standardized charge per case of $313,389 which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount of $192,861.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount,
the applicant asserted that TriClip\TM\ G4 meets the cost criterion.
[[Page 36132]]
We agree with the applicant that TriClip\TM\ G4 meets the cost
criterion and are therefore proposing to approve TriClip\TM\ G4 for new
technology add-on payments for FY 2025, subject to the technology
receiving FDA marketing authorization as a Breakthrough Device for the
indication corresponding to the Breakthrough Device designation by May
1, 2024.
Based on preliminary information from the applicant at the time of
this proposed rule, the applicant anticipated the total cost of
TriClip\TM\ G4 to the hospital to be $40,000 per procedure. According
to the applicant, the TriClip\TM\ System is composed of multiple
components: the TriClip\TM\ G4 Implant, Clip Delivery System, and
Steerable Guide Catheter. The applicant stated that all the components
typically required for a single procedure are sold together for a
single operating cost (for example, it is the same cost per procedure
whether the patient requires one or two implants). We note that the
cost information for this technology may be updated in the final rule
based on revised or additional information CMS receives prior to the
final rule. Under Sec. 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology add-on
payments to the lesser of 65% of the average cost of the technology, or
65% of the costs in excess of the MS-DRG payment for the case. As a
result, we are proposing that the maximum new technology add-on payment
for a case involving the use of TriClip\TM\ G4 would be $26,000 for FY
2025 (that is, 65% of the average cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on whether TriClip\TM\ G4 meets the cost
criterion and our proposal to approve new technology add-on payments
for TriClip\TM\ G4 for FY 2025, subject to the technology receiving FDA
marketing authorization as a Breakthrough Device for the indication
corresponding to the Breakthrough Device designation by May 1, 2024.
m. VADER[supreg] Pedicle System
Icotec Medical, Inc. submitted an application for new technology
add-on payments for the VADER[supreg] Pedicle System for FY 2025.
According to the applicant, the VADER[supreg] Pedicle System is a
pedicle screw system for standard posterior fixation of the spinal
column used to provide stabilization of infected spinal segments after
debridement of infectious tissues. According to the applicant, the
VADER[supreg] Pedicle System is made from high strength carbon fiber
reinforced polyether ether ketone, which provides low artifact imaging
to allow for post-operative surveillance of the healing of the infected
spinal segment.
Please refer to the online application posting for the
VADER[supreg] Pedicle System, available at, for additional detail
describing the technology and the condition treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, the VADER[supreg] Pedicle System
received Breakthrough Device designation from FDA on July 31, 2023 for
stabilizing the thoracic and/or lumbar spinal column as an adjunct to
fusion in patients diagnosed with an active spinal infection (for
example, spondylodiscitis, osteomyelitis) who are at risk of spinal
instability, progressive spinal deformity, or neurologic compromise,
following surgical debridement. The applicant stated that the
technology received 510(k) clearance from FDA on February 26, 2024, for
the following indication, which is the subject of the new technology
add-on payment application, and is consistent with the Breakthrough
Device designation: to stabilize the thoracic and/or lumbar spinal
column in patients who are or will be receiving concurrent medical
treatment for an active spinal infection (for example,
spondylodiscitis, osteomyelitis) that, without stabilization, could
lead to deterioration of bony structures and misalignment with
neurological compromise. We note that the VADER[supreg] Pedicle System
has received FDA 510(k) clearance for multiple indications since
2019.\130\ We also note that, under the eligibility criteria for
approval under the alternative pathway for certain transformative new
devices, only the use of the VADER[supreg] Pedicle System to stabilize
the thoracic and/or lumbar spine as an adjunct to fusion in patients
with spinal infection, and the FDA Breakthrough Device designation it
received for that use, are relevant for purposes of the new technology
add-on payment application for FY 2025. According to the applicant, the
technology was commercially available immediately after 510(k)
clearance from FDA.
\130\ K222789, January 9, 2023; K200596, October 13, 2020;
K193423, May 22, 2020; and K190545, June 20, 2019.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify the VADER[supreg] Pedicle
System. The applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique
ICD-10-PCS procedure code for the VADER[supreg] Pedicle System
beginning in FY 2025. The applicant provided a list of diagnosis codes
that may be used to currently identify the indication for the
VADER[supreg] Pedicle System under the ICD-10-CM coding system,
describing spinal infections including osteomyelitis, discitis, and
spondylopathies of various vertebral spine body parts including the
cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list of ICD-10-CM codes provided
by the applicant. As previously noted, only use of the technology for
the indications corresponding to the Breakthrough Device designation
would be relevant for new technology add-on payment purposes. We
believe the relevant ICD-10-CM codes to identify the Breakthrough
Device-designated indication would be the codes included in category
M46 (Other inflammatory spondylopathies) under the ICD-10-CM
classification in subcategories: M46.2- (Osteomyelitis of vertebra),
M46.3- (Infection of intervertebral disc (pyogenic)), M46.4- (Discitis,
unspecified), M46.5- (Other infective spondylopathies), M46.8- (Other
specified inflammatory spondylopathies), and M46.9- (Unspecified
inflammatory spondylopathy). We are inviting public comment on the use
of these ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes to identify the Breakthrough Device-
designated indication for purposes of the new technology add-on
payment, if approved.
With respect to the cost criterion, to identify potential cases
representing patients who may be eligible for the VADER[supreg] Pedicle
System, the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file for claims
reporting a combination of ICD-10-CM/PCS codes as listed in the online
posting for the VADER[supreg] Pedicle System. The applicant believes
these cases represent patients who have undergone fusion procedures and
have been diagnosed with an active spinal infection (such as
spondylodiscitis or osteomyelitis), and these patients are at risk of
spinal instability, progressive spinal deformity, or neurologic
compromise following surgical debridement, making them suitable
candidates for the use of the technology. Using the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the following table, the applicant identified
2,116 claims mapping to 22 MS-DRGs, with none exceeding more than 15%
of the total identified cases. The applicant followed the order of
operations described in the following table and calculated a final
inflated average case-weighted standardized charge per case of
$473,636, which exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount of
[[Page 36133]]
$197,922. Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount,
the applicant asserted that the VADER[supreg] Pedicle System meets the
cost criterion.
\131\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
We agree with the applicant that the VADER[supreg] Pedicle System
meets the cost criterion and are therefore proposing to approve the
VADER[supreg] Pedicle System for new technology add-on payments for FY
Based on preliminary information from the applicant at the time of
this proposed rule, the applicant anticipated the total cost of the
VADER[supreg] Pedicle System to the hospital to be $43,450 per patient.
According to the applicant, the unit prices are $6,500 for a pedicle
screw, $4,600 for a rod, and $350 for a set screw. The applicant stated
that an average of five pedicle screws, two rods, and five set screws
would be used for a spinal fusion procedure. The applicant calculated
the total cost of the technology by multiplying the unit price of each
component by the average number of that component used in the
procedure. We note that the cost information for this technology may be
updated in the final rule based on revised or additional information
CMS receives prior to the final rule. Under Sec. 412.88(a)(2), we
limit new technology add-on payments to the lesser of 65% of the
average cost of the technology, or 65% of the costs in excess of the
MS-DRG payment for the case. As a result, we are proposing that the
maximum new technology add-on payment for a case involving the use of
the VADER[supreg] Pedicle System would be $28,242.50 for FY 2025 (that
is, 65% of the average cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on whether the VADER[supreg] Pedicle
System meets the cost criterion and our proposal to approve new
technology add-on payments for the VADER[supreg] Pedicle System for FY
2025, when used
[[Page 36134]]
to stabilize the thoracic and/or lumbar spinal column in patients who
are or will be receiving concurrent medical treatment for an active
spinal infection (for example, spondylodiscitis, osteomyelitis) that,
without stabilization, could lead to deterioration of bony structures
and misalignment with neurological compromise.
n. ZEVTERATM (Ceftobiprole Medocaril)
Basilea Pharmaceutica International Ltd, Allschwil submitted an
application for new technology add-on payments for ZEVTERA\TM\
(ceftobiprole medocaril) for FY 2025. According to the applicant,
ZEVTERA\TM\ is an advanced intravenous cephalosporin antibiotic
designed to combat infections caused by antibiotic resistant pathogens.
The applicant stated that ZEVTERATM targets a wide range of
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including methicillin-
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), Streptococcus pneumoniae,
including penicillin-non-susceptible pneumococci (PNSP) and
Enterococcus faecalis, as well as non-Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase
(non-ESBL) producing Enterobacterales. The applicant noted that
ZEVTERA\TM\'s bactericidal activity is achieved by binding to essential
penicillin-binding proteins, disrupting the synthesis of the bacterial
cell wall's peptidoglycan layer and leading to bacterial cell death,
which differentiates it from other beta-lactams by effectively
addressing MRSA. Per the applicant, ZEVTERA\TM\ is stable against
certain beta-lactamases in both gram-positive and gram-negative
bacteria. The applicant stated that Phase 3 studies submitted to the
FDA demonstrate its non-inferiority compared to standard treatments in
various infections, including Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia (SAB),
acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (ABSSSI), and
community-acquired bacterial pneumonia (CABP).
Please refer to the online application posting for ZEVTERA\TM\,
available at, for additional detail describing the technology and the
disease treated by the technology.
According to the applicant, ZEVTERA\TM\ received QIDP designations
for CABP on July 20, 2015, for ABSSI on August 7, 2015, and for SAB on
December 8, 2017. According to the applicant, its marketing
authorization request for ZEVTERATM has been filed by FDA,
and it anticipates an NDA decision from FDA for the same indications
consistent with the QIDP designations by July 1, 2024. According to the
applicant, ZEVTERA\TM\ will be commercially available immediately after
FDA approval. We note that, as an application submitted under the
alternative pathway for certain antimicrobial products at Sec.
412.87(d), ZEVTERA\TM\ is eligible for conditional approval for new
technology add-on payments if it does not receive FDA marketing
authorization by July 1, 2024, provided that the technology receives
FDA marketing authorization before July 1 of the fiscal year for which
the applicant applied for new technology add-on payments (that is, July
1, 2025), as provided in Sec. 412.87(f)(3). According to the
applicant, for CABP and ABSSSI, ZEVTERA\TM\ is dosed at 500mg and
administered three times daily (Q8h) as a 2-hour intravenous infusion
for 5-14 days. For SAB, it is administered four times daily (Q6h) for
the first 8 days, followed by Q8h daily infusion for the subsequent
days, up to a total of 42 days.
According to the applicant, there are currently no ICD-10-PCS
procedure codes to distinctly identify ZEVTERA\TM\. We note that the
applicant submitted a request for approval for a unique ICD-10-PCS
procedure code for ZEVTERA\TM\ beginning in FY 2025. The applicant
provided a list of diagnosis codes that may be used to currently
identify the indication for ZEVTERA\TM\ under the ICD-10-CM coding
system, describing SAB, ABSSSI, and CABP. Please refer to the online
application posting for the complete list of ICD-10-CM (and PCS) codes
provided by the applicant. We believe the relevant combination of ICD-
10-CM codes to identify the indication of SAB would be: R78.81
(Bacteremia) in combination with B95.61 (Methicillin susceptible
Staphylococcus aureus infection as the cause of diseases classified
elsewhere) or B95.62 (Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
infection as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere). We are
inviting public comments on the use of these ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes
to identify the indication of SAB for purposes of the new technology
add-on payment, if approved.
With respect to the cost criterion, the applicant provided multiple
analyses to demonstrate that it meets the cost criterion. For each
analysis, the applicant searched the FY 2022 MedPAR file using
different sets of ICD-10-CM codes in the first five diagnosis positions
to identify potential cases representing different cohorts of patients
who may be eligible for ZEVTERA\TM\. The applicant performed the same
analysis on ABSSSI, CABP, and SAB cases individually and for all
indications combined.
For the first analysis, the applicant searched for claims with a
diagnosis code for ABSSSI using the ICD-10-CM codes listed in the
online posting for ZEVTERA\TM\. The applicant used the inclusion/
exclusion criteria described in the table that follows later in this
section. Under this analysis, the applicant identified 261,397 claims
mapping to 663 MS-DRGs and calculated a final inflated average case-
weighted standardized charge per case of $114,279, which exceeded the
average case-weighted threshold amount of $63,767.
For the second analysis, the applicant searched for claims with a
diagnosis code for CABP using the ICD-10-CM codes listed in the online
posting for ZEVTERA\TM\. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the table that follows later in this section.
Under this analysis, the applicant identified 635,628 claims mapping to
611 MS-DRGs and calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $143,456, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $78,778.
For the third analysis, the applicant searched for claims with a
diagnosis code for SAB using the ICD-10-CM codes listed in the online
posting for ZEVTERA\TM\. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion
criteria described in the table that follows later in this section.
Under this analysis, the applicant identified 105,068 claims mapping to
626 MS-DRGs and calculated a final inflated average case-weighted
standardized charge per case of $165,809, which exceeded the average
case-weighted threshold amount of $82,238.
For the fourth analysis, the applicant searched for claims with
diagnosis codes for ABSSSI, CABP, or SAB in the first five positions on
a claim, using the ICD-10-CM codes listed in the online posting for
ZEVTERA\TM\. The applicant used the inclusion/exclusion criteria
described in the table that follows later in this section. Under this
analysis, the applicant identified 958,104 claims mapping to 680 MS-
DRGs and calculated a final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case of $137,861, which exceeded the average case-weighted
threshold amount of $75,097.
Because the final inflated average case-weighted standardized
charge per case exceeded the average case-weighted threshold amount in
all scenarios, the applicant asserted that ZEVTERA\TM\ meets the cost
\132\ Lists referenced here may be found in the cost criterion
codes and MS-DRGs attachment included in the online posting for the
[[Page 36135]]
We agree with the applicant that ZEVTERA\TM\ meets the cost
criterion and are therefore proposing to approve ZEVTERA\TM\ for new
technology add-on payments for FY 2025, subject to the technology
receiving FDA marketing authorization for the indication corresponding
to the QIDP designation by July 1, 2024. As an application submitted
under the alternative pathway for certain antimicrobial products at
Sec. 412.87(d), ZEVTERA\TM\ is eligible for conditional approval for
new technology add-on payments if it does not receive FDA marketing
authorization by July 1, 2024, provided that the technology receives
FDA marketing authorization before July 1 of the fiscal year for which
the applicant applied for new technology add-on payments (that is, July
1, 2025), as provided in Sec. 412.87(f)(3). If ZEVTERA\TM\ receives
FDA marketing authorization before July 1, 2025, the new technology
add-on payment for cases involving the use of this technology would be
made effective for discharges beginning in the first quarter after FDA
marketing authorization is granted. If FDA marketing authorization is
received on or after July 1, 2025, no new technology add-on payments
would be made for cases involving the use of ZEVTERA\TM\ for FY 2025.
Based on preliminary information from the applicant at the time of
this proposed rule, the pricing for this treatment is set at $125 per
vial, and the recommended dosage varies depending on the condition
being treated. The applicant stated that for ABSSSI and CABP, the
suggested daily dose is 3 vials per day for a duration of 5-14 days,
resulting in an estimated average cost of $3,750 for a 10-day therapy.
The applicant noted that for SAB, the recommended dose is every 6 hours
for the first 8 days, followed by every 8 hours for up to 42 days. The
applicant made the assumption that patients would be inpatient for 28
days and then continue the therapy as an outpatient for up to 42 days,
which resulted in an average inpatient cost of $11,500. We note that
the cost information for this technology may be updated in the final
rule based on revised or additional information CMS receives prior to
the final rule. Under Sec. 412.88(a)(2), we limit new technology add-
on payments for technologies designated as QIDPs to the lesser of 75%
of the average cost of the technology, or 75% of the costs in excess of
the MS-DRG payment for the case. As a result, we are proposing that the
maximum new technology add-on payment for a case involving the use of
ZEVTERA\TM\ for FY 2025 would be $8,625.00 for the indication of SAB
and $2,812.50 for the indications of ABSSSI and CABP (that is, 75% of
the average cost of the technology).
We invite public comments on whether ZEVTERA\TM\ meets the cost
criterion and our proposal to approve new technology add-on payments
for ZEVTERA\TM\ for FY 2025 for SAB, ABSSSI, and CABP, subject to the
technology receiving FDA marketing
[[Page 36136]]
authorization consistent with its QIDP designations by July 1, 2024.
7. Proposed Change to the Method for Determining Whether a Technology
Would Be Within Its 2- to 3-Year Newness Period When Considering
Eligibility for New Technology Add-On Payments
As discussed previously in this rule, section 1886(d)(5)(K)(i) of
the Act requires the Secretary to establish (after notice and
opportunity for public comment) a mechanism to recognize the costs of
new medical services and technologies under the IPPS. Section
1886(d)(5)(K)(vi) of the Act specifies that a medical service or
technology will be considered new if it meets criteria established by
the Secretary after notice and opportunity for public comment. The
regulations at 42 CFR 412.87 implement these provisions. As further
discussed in FY 2005 IPPS final rule (69 FR 49002), the intent of
section 1886(d)(5)(K) of the Act and regulations under Sec.
412.87(b)(2) is to pay for new medical services and technologies for
the first 2 to 3 years that a product comes on the market, during the
period when the costs of the new technology are not yet fully reflected
in the DRG weights. Generally, we use the FDA marketing authorization
date as the indicator of the time when a technology begins to become
available on the market and data reflecting the costs of the technology
begin to become available for recalibration of the DRG weights. In
specific circumstances, we have recognized a date later than the FDA
marketing authorization date as the appropriate starting point for the
2- to 3-year newness period. For example, we have recognized a later
date where an applicant could prove a delay in actual availability of a
product after FDA approval or clearance. The costs of the new medical
service or technology, once paid for by Medicare for this 2- to 3-year
period, are accounted for in the MedPAR data that are used to
recalibrate the DRG weights on an annual basis. Therefore, we stated it
is appropriate to limit the add-on payment window for technologies that
have passed this 2- to 3-year timeframe.
As discussed previously in this rule, our policy is that a medical
service or technology may continue to be considered ``new'' for
purposes of new technology add-on payments within 2 or 3 years after
the point at which data begin to become available reflecting the
inpatient hospital code assigned to the new service or technology. Our
practice has been to begin and end new technology add-on payments on
the basis of a fiscal year, and we have generally followed a guideline
that uses a 6-month window before and after the start of the fiscal
year to determine whether to extend the new technology add-on payment
for an additional fiscal year. In general, we extend new technology
add-on payments for an additional year only if the three-year
anniversary date of the product's entry onto the U.S. market occurs in
the latter half of the fiscal year, that is, after April 1 (70 FR
We have not implemented a policy to stop new technology add-on
payment in the middle of the fiscal year (for example, during the month
that a technology reaches its three-year anniversary date of entry onto
the U.S. market) because, as we discussed in the FY 2005 IPPS final
rule, we believe that predictability is an important aspect of the
prospective payment system methodology. Accordingly, we believe that it
is appropriate to apply a consistent payment methodology for new
technologies throughout the fiscal year (69 FR 49016).
As previously discussed, in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(88 FR 58948 through 58958), we finalized that beginning with the new
technology add-on payment applications for FY 2025, for technologies
that are not already FDA market authorized for the indication that is
the subject of the new technology add-on payment application,
applicants must have a complete and active FDA marketing authorization
request at the time of new technology add-on payment application
submission and must provide documentation of FDA acceptance or filing
to CMS at the time of application submission, consistent with the type
of FDA marketing authorization application the applicant has submitted
to FDA. We also finalized that, beginning with FY 2025 applications, in
order to be eligible for consideration for new technology add-on
payment for the upcoming fiscal year, an applicant for new technology
add-on payments must have received FDA approval or clearance by May 1
(rather than July 1) of the year prior to the beginning of the fiscal
year for which the application is being considered (except for an
application that is submitted under the alternative pathway for certain
antimicrobial products).
As we summarized in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
commenters raised concerns that this policy would adversely impact
their ability to receive maximum flexibility with respect to when to
apply to FDA and when they apply for new technology add-on payment (88
FR 58953). Many commenters expressed specific concerns regarding moving
the FDA marketing authorization deadline to May 1 and the impact it
would have on how long technologies may be eligible for new technology
add-on payment. Several of the commenters asserted that this policy
change would prevent a 3-year new technology add-on payment duration
for almost all applicants, as only those technologies that receive FDA
marketing authorization in April would be eligible for 3 years of new
technology add-on payments, shortening the window from 3 months under
the former policy (April 1 until July 1) to just 1 month (April 1 until
May 1) (88 FR 58954). In response, we noted in that even under the
former policy, not all applicants receive the full 3 years of new
technology add on payments, and that there are many factors (including
timing of interactions with the FDA and manufacturing readiness) that
can delay a technology's approval by the FDA that would disrupt a
technology's ability to receive the full 3 years of payment. However,
we also noted the commenters' concerns regarding the shortened time
period between April 1 and May 1 under the new policy and stated that
we would consider for future rulemaking how we assess new technology
add-on payment eligibility in the third year of newness, such as
consideration of adjusting the April 1 cutoff to allow for a longer
window of eligibility (88 FR 58955).
After further consideration of commenters' concerns that the policy
we finalized in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule may limit the
ability of new technology add-on payment applicants to be eligible for
a third year of new technology add-on payments due to the shortened
timeframe between April 1 and May 1, we agree that there may be merit
to modifying our current 6-month guideline to provide additional
flexibility for applications submitted in accordance with this new
policy. While technologies that are FDA approved or cleared in April,
and technologies with a documented delay in availability on the U.S.
market such that the product's entry onto the U.S. market falls within
the second half of the fiscal year, would still be eligible for a third
year of new technology add-on payments under current policy, we agree
that the change in the FDA marketing authorization deadline from July 1
to May 1 may limit the ability of new technology add-on payment
applicants to be eligible for 3 years of new technology add-on
payments. Therefore, we are proposing to change the April 1 cutoff for
determining whether a technology would be within its 2- to 3-year
newness period when considering eligibility for
[[Page 36137]]
new technology add-on payments. We believe this proposed change would
continue the flexibility applicants had with respect to when they apply
to FDA and when they apply for new technology add-on payment, while
preserving a predictable and consistent payment methodology for new
technologies throughout the fiscal year.
Specifically, we are proposing that beginning with new technology
add-on payments for FY 2026, in assessing whether to continue the new
technology add-on payments for those technologies that are first
approved for new technology add-on payments in FY 2025 or a subsequent
year, we would extend new technology add-on payments for an additional
fiscal year when the three-year anniversary date of the product's entry
onto the U.S. market occurs on or after October 1 of that fiscal year.
We are proposing that this policy change would become effective
beginning with those technologies that are initially approved for new
technology add-on payments in FY 2025 or a subsequent year to allow
additional flexibility for those applications for new technologies
which were first subject to the change in the deadline for FDA
marketing authorization from July 1 to May 1. Therefore, for
technologies that were first approved for new technology add-on
payments prior to FY 2025, including for technologies we determine to
be substantially similar to those technologies, we would continue to
use the midpoint of the upcoming fiscal year (April 1) when determining
whether a technology would still be considered ``new'' for purposes of
new technology add-on payments. Similarly, we are also proposing that
beginning with applications for new technology add-on payments for FY
2026, we would use the start of the fiscal year (October 1) instead of
April 1 to determine whether to approve new technology add-on payment
for that fiscal year.
We are seeking public comment on our proposal to change the April 1
cutoff to October 1 for determining whether a technology would be
within its 2- to 3-year newness period when considering eligibility for
new technology add-on payments, beginning in FY 2026, effective for
those technologies that are approved for new technology add-on payments
starting in FY 2025 or a subsequent year.
8. Proposed Change to the Requirements Defining an Active FDA Marketing
Application for the Purpose of New Technology Add-On Payment
Application Eligibility
As previously discussed, in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(88 FR 58948 through 58958), we finalized that beginning with the new
technology add-on payment applications for FY 2025, for technologies
that are not already FDA market authorized for the indication that is
the subject of the new technology add-on payment application,
applicants must have a complete and active FDA market authorization
request at the time of new technology add-on payment application
submission, and must provide documentation of FDA acceptance or filing
to CMS at the time of application submission, consistent with the type
of FDA marketing authorization application the applicant has submitted
to FDA. See Sec. 412.87(e) and further discussion in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58948 through 58958).
As we discussed further in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule,
the documentation of FDA acceptance or filing of a marketing
authorization request must be provided at the time of new technology
add-on payment application, and be consistent with the type of FDA
marketing authorization the applicant has submitted to FDA. We stated
that we only accept new technology add-on payment applications once FDA
has received all of the information necessary to determine whether it
will accept (such as in the case of a 510(k) premarket submission or De
Novo Classification request) or file (such as in the case of a PMA,
NDA, or BLA) the application as demonstrated by documentation of the
acceptance/filing that is provided by FDA. The applicant is required to
submit documentation with its new technology add-on payment application
to demonstrate that FDA has determined that the application is
sufficiently complete to allow for substantive review by the FDA (88 FR
We also explained that, for the purposes of new technology add-on
payment applications, we consider an FDA marketing authorization
application to be in an active status when it has not been withdrawn,
is not the subject of a Complete Response Letter or final decision from
FDA to refuse to approve the application, and is not on hold (88 FR
58955 through 58956).
As noted in the FY 2024 final rule, we collaborated with FDA in
developing the terminology used for purposes of this policy, and the
intent behind using the terms we did was to ensure that the requirement
could apply to and be inclusive of the various FDA applications and
approval pathways for different types of drugs and devices. As such, we
did not use terms defined in statute or existing regulations or terms
defined by FDA (88 FR 58955). While FDA may consider an application for
an FDA marketing authorization to be under active review despite a hold
status, under our current policy we do not consider marketing
authorization applications in a hold status with FDA to be in an active
status for the purposes of new technology add-on payment application
eligibility. As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88
FR 58956) our intent with respect to considering applications that are
on hold at the time of new-technology add-on payment application
submission to be inactive was to ensure that applicants are far enough
along in the FDA review process that applicants would be able to
reasonably provide sufficient information at the time of new technology
add on payment application for CMS to identify critical questions
regarding the technology's eligibility for add-on payments and to allow
the public to assess the relevant new technology evaluation criteria in
the proposed rule. As noted in the FY 2024 final rule (88 FR 58956), we
have received applications over the years for technologies that are in
a hold status with up to 360 days allowed for submission of additional
We also recognize that applications for FDA marketing authorization
may go in and out of a hold status at various stages during the FDA
application process and for various reasons. The maximum length of a
hold status can vary based on the FDA approval pathway, such that the
time remaining for an applicant to resolve the hold may vary from days
to several months after the start of the new technology add-on payment
application cycle, depending on the FDA pathway, reason(s) for the hold
status, and how the timing of the hold coincides with the annual new
technology add-on payment application submission date. Additionally,
FDA may need to issue secondary letters of request for additional
information, often depending on the quality of initial response from
the applicant. Accordingly, while we continue to believe that an
application that is in a hold status with FDA pending additional
information may lack critical information that is needed to evaluate
whether the technology meets the eligibility criteria, we also
recognize the
[[Page 36138]]
variability in the reasons for a hold status and the varying lengths of
time for which an application can be on hold with FDA, such that some
applicants may be farther along in the process to obtain FDA marketing
authorization at the time of the hold.
After further consideration, based on the variability in the timing
of and reasons underlying hold statuses with FDA, we believe it is
appropriate to propose to update our policy. Specifically, we are
proposing, beginning with new technology add-on payment applications
for FY 2026, to no longer consider a hold status to be an inactive
status for the purposes of eligibility for the new technology add-on
payment. We would continue to consider an application to be in an
inactive status where it is withdrawn, the subject of a Complete
Response Letter, or the subject of a final decision from FDA to refuse
to approve the application. Because of the variety of circumstances for
which a technology may be in a hold status, as previously discussed, we
note that we may reassess this policy for future years, if finalized,
based on ongoing experience.
We invite public comments on our proposal to no longer consider a
hold status to be an inactive status for the purposes of eligibility
for new technology add-on payment, beginning with new technology add-on
payment applications for FY 2026.
9. Proposed Change to the Calculation of the Inpatient New Technology
Add-On Payment for Gene Therapies Indicated for Sickle Cell Disease
As discussed previously in this section, section
1886(d)(5)(K)(ii)(I) of the Act specifies that a new medical service or
technology may be considered for a new technology add-on payment if,
based on the estimated costs incurred with respect to discharges
involving such service or technology, the DRG prospective payment rate
otherwise applicable to such discharges under this subsection is
inadequate. Under our current policy, as set forth in Sec.
412.88(b)(2), unless the discharge qualifies for an outlier payment,
the additional Medicare payment will be limited to the full MS-DRG
payment plus 65 percent (or 75 percent for a medical product designated
by the FDA as a Qualified Infectious Disease Product [QIDP] or approved
under FDA's Limited Population Pathway for Antibacterial and Antifungal
Drugs [LPAD]) of the estimated costs of the new technology or medical
Since establishing the new technology add-on payment, we have been
cautious about increasing the new technology add-on payment percentage.
As stated in the May 4, 2001 proposed rule (66 FR 22695), we believe
limiting the new technology add-on payment percentage would provide
hospitals an incentive for continued cost-effective behavior in
relation to the overall costs of the case. In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule, in adopting the general increase in the new technology add-
on payment percentage from 50 percent to 65 percent, we stated that we
believed that 65 percent would be an incremental increase that would
reasonably balance the need to maintain the incentives inherent to the
prospective payment system while also encouraging the development and
use of new technologies. We continue to believe that it is important to
balance these incentives in assessing any potential change to the new
technology add-on payment calculation.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we also finalized an
increase in the new technology add-on payment percentage for QIDPs from
65 percent to 75 percent. We stated that we shared commenters' concerns
related to antimicrobial resistance and its serious impact on Medicare
beneficiaries and public health overall. We noted that the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) described antimicrobial resistance
as ``one of the biggest public health challenges of our time.'' We
stated that we believe that Medicare beneficiaries may be
disproportionately impacted by antimicrobial resistance due in large
part to the unique vulnerability to drug-resistant infections (for
example, due to age-related and/or disease-related immunosuppression,
greater pathogen exposure from via catheter use) among individuals aged
65 or older. We further stated that antimicrobial resistance results in
a substantial number of additional hospital days for Medicare
beneficiaries, resulting in significant unnecessary health care
To address the continued issues related to antimicrobial resistance
resulting in a substantial number of increased hospital days and
significant unnecessary health care expenditures for Medicare
beneficiaries, in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized a
proposal to expand the alternative new technology add-on payment
pathway for QIDPs to include products approved under the LPAD pathway
and to increase the maximum new technology add-on payment percentage
for a product approved under FDA's LPAD pathway, from 65 percent to 75
percent, consistent with the new technology add-on payment percentage
for a product that is designated by FDA as a QIDP, beginning with
discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2020 (85 FR 58739).
Since finalizing our current policy for QIDPs and LPADs, we
continue to receive feedback from interested parties regarding the
adequacy of new technology add-on payments for certain categories of
technologies, including cell and gene therapies to treat sickle cell
disease (SCD). Although we still believe it is prudent to proceed
cautiously with increasing the new technology add-on payment
percentage, we recognize that SCD, the most common inherited blood
disorder, has historically had limited treatment options. In addition,
hospitalizations and other health episodes related to SCD cost the
health system $3 billion per year.\133\ We further note that the
administration has identified a need to address SCD and has made a
commitment to improving outcomes for patients with SCD by facilitating
access to cell and gene therapies that treat SCD.\134\
\133\ Biden-Harris Administration Announces Action to Increase
Access to Sickle Cell Disease Treatments
\134\ Biden-Harris Administration Announces Action to Increase
Access to Sickle Cell Disease Treatments
Accordingly, we believe that further facilitating access to these
gene therapies for Medicare beneficiaries with SCD may have the
potential to simultaneously improve the health of impacted Medicare
beneficiaries and potentially lead to long-term savings in the Medicare
program. We also note that some gene therapies that treat SCD are among
the costliest treatments to date, and we are concerned about a
hospital's ability to sustain a potential financial loss to provide
access to such treatments. As we discussed when we increased the new
technology add-on payment for QIDPs in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule and products approved under FDA's LPAD in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule from 65 percent to 75 percent, we believe that it may be
appropriate to increase the maximum add-on amount in limited cases
where the current new technology add-on payment does not provide a
sufficient incentive for the use of a new technology, which we believe
may be the case for gene therapies that treat SCD. Accordingly, and
consistent with our new technology add-on payment policy for products
designated by the FDA as a QIDP or LPAD, we believe
[[Page 36139]]
there would be merit in also increasing the new technology add-on
payment percentage for gene therapies that are indicated and used for
the treatment of SCD to 75 percent.
Therefore, we are proposing that, subject to our review of the new
technology add-on payment eligibility criteria, for certain gene
therapies approved for new technology add-on payments in the FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for the treatment of SCD, effective with
discharges on or after October 1, 2024 and concluding at the end of the
2- to 3-year newness period for such therapy, if the costs of a
discharge (determined by applying CCRs as described in Sec. 412.84(h))
involving the use of such therapy for the treatment of SCD exceed the
full DRG payment (including payments for IME and DSH, but excluding
outlier payments), Medicare would make an add-on payment equal to the
lesser of: (1) 75 percent of the costs of the new medical service or
technology; or (2) 75 percent of the amount by which the costs of the
case exceed the standard DRG payment. We note that, if finalized, these
payment amounts would only apply to any gene therapy indicated and used
specifically for the treatment of SCD that CMS determines in the FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule meets the criteria for approval for new
technology add-on payment. We are also proposing to add new Sec.
412.88(a)(2)(ii)(C) and Sec. 412.88(b)(2)(iv) to reflect this proposed
change to the calculation of the new technology add-on payment amount,
beginning in FY 2025 and concluding at the end of the 2- to 3-year
newness period for each such therapy. With this incremental increase,
we believe hospitals would continue to have an incentive to balance the
desirability of using the new technology for patients as medically
appropriate while also maintaining an incentive for continued cost-
effective behavior in relation to the overall costs of the case.
We invite public comments on this proposal to temporarily increase
the new technology add-on payment percentage to 75 percent for a gene
therapy that is indicated and used for the treatment of SCD as
described previously. We also seek comment on whether we should make
this proposed 75 percent add-on payment percentage available only to
applicants that meet certain additional criteria, such as attesting to
offering and/or participating in outcome-based pricing arrangements
with purchasers (without regard to whether the specific purchaser
availed itself of the outcome-based arrangements), or otherwise
engaging in behaviors that promote access to these therapies at lower
III. Proposed Changes to the Hospital Wage Index for Acute Care
A. Background
1. Legislative Authority
Section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act requires that, as part of the
methodology for determining prospective payments to hospitals, the
Secretary adjust the standardized amounts for area differences in
hospital wage levels by a factor (established by the Secretary)
reflecting the relative hospital wage level in the geographic area of
the hospital compared to the national average hospital wage level. We
currently define hospital labor market areas based on the delineations
of statistical areas established by the Office of Management and Budget
(OMB). A discussion of the proposed FY 2025 hospital wage index based
on the statistical areas appears under section III.B. of the preamble
of this proposed rule.
Section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act requires the Secretary to update
the wage index annually and to base the update on a survey of wages and
wage-related costs of short-term, acute care hospitals. CMS collects
these data on the Medicare cost report, CMS Form 2552-10, Worksheet S-
3, Parts II, III, IV. The OMB control number for this information
collection request is 0938-0050, which expires on September 30, 2025.
Section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act also requires that any updates or
adjustments to the wage index be made in a manner that ensures that
aggregate payments to hospitals are not affected by the change in the
wage index. The proposed adjustment for FY 2025 is discussed in section
II.B. of the Addendum to this proposed rule.
As discussed in section III.I. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we also take into account the geographic reclassification of
hospitals in accordance with sections 1886(d)(8)(B) and 1886(d)(10) of
the Act when calculating IPPS payment amounts. Under section
1886(d)(8)(D) of the Act, the Secretary is required to adjust the
standardized amounts so as to ensure that aggregate payments under the
IPPS after implementation of the provisions of sections 1886(d)(8)(B),
1886(d)(8)(C), and 1886(d)(10) of the Act are equal to the aggregate
prospective payments that would have been made absent these provisions.
The proposed budget neutrality adjustment for FY 2025 is discussed in
section II.A.4.b. of the Addendum to this proposed rule.
Section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act also provides for the collection
of data every 3 years on the occupational mix of employees for short-
term, acute care hospitals participating in the Medicare program, in
order to construct an occupational mix adjustment to the wage index.
(The OMB control number for approved collection of this information is
0938-0907, which expires on January 31, 2026.) A discussion of the
occupational mix adjustment that we are proposing to apply to the FY
2025 wage index appears under section III.E. of the preamble of this
proposed rule.
2. Proposed Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs) for the FY 2025
Hospital Wage Index
The wage index is calculated and assigned to hospitals on the basis
of the labor market area in which the hospital is located. Under
section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act, beginning with FY 2005 (69 FR 49026
through 49032), we delineate hospital labor market areas based on OMB-
established Core-Based Statistical Areas (CBSAs). The current
statistical areas (which were implemented beginning with FY 2021) are
based on revised OMB delineations issued on Sept 14, 2018, in OMB
Bulletin No. 18-04.\135\ OMB Bulletin No. 18-04 established revised
delineations for Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Micropolitan
Statistical Areas, and Combined Statistical Areas in the United States
and Puerto Rico based on the 2010 Census and the American Community
Survey (ACS) and Census Bureau population estimates for 2015.
\135\ We note that while OMB Bulletin 20-01 superseded Bulletin
No. 18-04, it included no changes that required CMS to formally
adopt the revisions.
Historically, OMB issued major revisions to statistical areas every
10 years, based on the results of the decennial census and occasionally
issues minor updates and revisions to statistical areas in the years
between the decennial censuses through OMB Bulletins. On February 28,
2013, OMB issued Bulletin No. 13-01. CMS adopted these delineations,
based on the results of the 2010 census, effective beginning with the
FY 2015 IPPS wage index (79 FR 49951 through 49957). OMB subsequently
issued Bulletin No. 15-01 on July 15, 2015, followed by OMB Bulletin
No. 17-01 on August 15, 2017, which provided updates to and superseded
OMB Bulletin No. 15-01. The attachments to OMB Bulletin No. 17-01
provided detailed information on the update to statistical areas since
July 15, 2015 and were based on the
[[Page 36140]]
application of the 2010 Standards for Delineating Metropolitan and
Micropolitan Statistical Areas to Census Bureau population estimates
for July 1, 2014 and July 1, 2015. In the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (83 FR 41362 through 41363), we adopted the updates set forth in
OMB Bulletin No. 17-01 effective October 1, 2018, beginning with the FY
2019 wage index. OMB Bulletin No. 17-01 was superseded by the April 10,
2018 OMB Bulletin No. 18-03, and then by the September 14, 2018 OMB
Bulletin No. 18-04. These bulletins established revised delineations
for Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Micropolitan Statistical Areas, and
Combined Statistical Areas, and provided guidance on the use of the
delineations of these statistical areas. In FY 2021, we adopted the
updates set forth in OMB Bulletin No. 18-04 (85 FR 58743 through
58753). Thus, most recently in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
continued to use the OMB delineations that were adopted beginning with
FY 2015 (based on the revised delineations issued in OMB Bulletin No.
13-01) to calculate the area wage indexes, with updates as reflected in
OMB Bulletin Nos. 15-01, 17-01, and 18-04.
In the July 16, 2021 Federal Register (86 FR 37777), OMB finalized
a schedule for future updates based on results of the decennial Census
updates to commuting patterns from the ACS. In accordance with that
schedule, on July 21, 2023, OMB released Bulletin No. 23-01. A copy of
OMB Bulletin No. 23-01 may be obtained at According to OMB,
the delineations reflect the 2020 Standards for Delineating Core Based
Statistical Areas (``the 2020 Standards''), which appeared in the
Federal Register on July 16, 2021 (86 FR 37770 through 37778), and the
application of those standards to Census Bureau population and journey-
to-work data (that is, 2020 Decennial Census, American Community
Survey, and Census Population Estimates Program data).
B. Proposed Implementation of Revised Labor Market Area Delineations
We believe that using the revised delineations based on OMB
Bulletin No. 23-01 will increase the integrity of the IPPS wage index
system by creating a more accurate representation of current geographic
variations in wage levels. Therefore, we are proposing to implement the
revised OMB delineations as described in the July 21, 2023 OMB Bulletin
No. 23-01, beginning with the FY 2025 IPPS wage index. We are proposing
to use these revised delineations to calculate area wage indexes in a
manner that is generally consistent with the CMS' implementation of
CBSA-based wage index methodologies.
CMS has recognized that hospitals in certain areas may experience a
negative impact on their IPPS payment due to the proposed adoption of
the revised OMB delineations and has finalized transition policies to
mitigate negative financial impacts and provide stability to year-to-
year wage index variations. We refer readers to the FY 2015 IPPS final
rule (79 FR 49956 through 49962) for discussion of the transition
period finalized the last time CMS adopted revised OMB delineations
after a decennial census. In the FY 2020 final rule (84 FR 42336-
42337), CMS finalized a wage index transition policy to apply a 5
percent cap on any decrease that hospitals may experience in their
final wage index from the prior fiscal year. In FY 2023, the 5 percent
cap policy was made permanent for all acute care hospitals. This 5
percent cap on reductions policy is discussed in further detail in
section III.G.6 of the preamble of this proposed rule. We believe it is
important for the IPPS to use the updated labor market area
delineations in order to maintain a more accurate and up-to date
payment system that reflects the reality of current labor market
conditions. We believe the 5 percent cap policy will sufficiently
mitigate significant disruptive financial impacts on hospitals that are
negatively affected by the proposed adoption of the revised OMB
delineations and thus, we are not proposing a transition period for
these hospitals.
1. Micropolitan Statistical Areas
The OMB ``2020 Standards'' define a ``Micropolitan Statistical
Area'' as being associated with at least one urban area that has a
population of at least 10,000, but less than 50,000. A Micropolitan
Statistical Area comprises the central county or counties containing
the core, plus adjacent outlying counties having a high degree of
social and economic integration with the central county or counties as
measured through commuting (86 FR 37778). We refer to these areas as
Micropolitan Areas. Since FY 2005, we have treated Micropolitan Areas
as rural and included hospitals located in Micropolitan Areas in each
State's rural wage index. We refer readers to the FY 2005 IPPS final
rule (69 FR 49029 through 49032) and the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (79 FR 49952) for a complete discussion regarding this policy and
our rationale for treating Micropolitan Areas as rural. Based upon the
new 2020 Decennial Census data, a number of urban counties have
switched status and have joined or became Micropolitan Areas, and some
counties that once were part of a Micropolitan Area, under current OMB
delineations, have become urban. Overall, there are a similar number of
Micropolitan Areas (542) under the new OMB delineations based on the
2020 Census as existed under the latest data from the 2010 Census
(541). We believe that the best course of action would be to continue
the policy established in the FY 2005 IPPS final rule and include
hospitals located in Micropolitan Areas in each State's rural wage
index. These areas continue to be defined as having relatively small
urban cores (populations of 10,000-49,999). We do not believe it would
be appropriate to calculate a separate wage index for areas that
typically may include only a few hospitals for the reasons set forth in
the FY 2005 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (69 FR 49029 through 49032) and
the FY 2015 IPPS final rule (79 FR 49952). Therefore, in conjunction
with our proposal to implement the new OMB statistical area
delineations beginning in FY 2025, we are proposing to continue to
treat Micropolitan Areas as ``rural'' and to include Micropolitan Areas
in the calculation of each state's rural wage index.
2. Metropolitan Divisions
According to OMB's ``2020 Standards'' (86 FR 37776), a metropolitan
division is a county or group of counties within a metropolitan
statistical area (MSA) with a population of at least 2.5 million. Thus,
MSAs may be subdivided into metropolitan divisions. A county qualifies
as a ``main county'' of a metropolitan division if 65 percent or more
of workers living in the county also work within the county and the
ratio of the number of workers working in the county to the number of
workers living in the county is at least 0.75. A county qualifies as a
``secondary county'' if 50 percent or more, but less than 65 percent,
of workers living in the county also work within the county and the
ratio of the number of workers working in the county to the number of
workers living in the county is at least 0.75. After all the main and
secondary counties are identified and grouped, each additional county
that already has qualified for inclusion in the MSA falls within the
metropolitan division associated with the main/secondary county or
counties with which the county at issue has the highest employment
interchange measure. Counties in a metropolitan division must be
contiguous. In the FY 2005
[[Page 36141]]
IPPS final rule (69 FR 49029), CMS finalized our policy to use the
metropolitan divisions where applicable under the CBSA definitions. CMS
concluded that including the metropolitan divisions in the CBSA
definitions most closely approximated the labor market delineation from
the ``Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas'' delineations in place
prior to FY 2005.
Under the current delineations, 11 MSAs are subdivided into a total
of 31 metropolitan divisions. The revised OMB delineations have
subdivided two additional existing MSAs into metropolitan divisions
relative to the previous delineations. Under the proposed delineations,
13 MSAs (the 11 currently subdivided MSAs plus two additional MSAs) are
subdivided into 37 metropolitan divisions. Since the configurations of
most subdivided MSAs remain substantially similar in the revised
delineations compared to those used in FY 2024, in order to maintain
continuity and predictability in labor market delineations, we are
proposing to continue our policy to include metropolitan divisions as
separate CBSAs for wage index purposes.
3. Change to County-Equivalents in the State of Connecticut
In a June 6, 2022 Notice (87 FR 34235 through 34240), the Census
Bureau announced that it was implementing the State of Connecticut's
request to replace the 8 counties in the State with 9 new ``Planning
Regions.'' Planning regions now serve as county-equivalents within the
CBSA system. OMB Bulletin No. 23-01 is the first set of revised
delineations that referenced the new county-equivalents for
Connecticut. We have evaluated the change in hospital assignments for
Connecticut hospitals and are proposing to adopt the planning regions
as county equivalents for wage index purposes. As all forthcoming
county-based delineation data will utilize these new county-equivalent
definitions for the Connecticut, we believe it is necessary to adopt
this migration from counties to planning region county-equivalents in
order to maintain consistency with OMB Bulletin No. 23-01 and future
OMB updates. We are providing the following crosswalk for each hospital
in Connecticut with the current and proposed FIPS county and county-
equivalent codes and CBSA assignments.
[[Page 36142]]
We note that we are proposing that the remote location currently
indicated with 07B033 will be located in the same CBSA as the main
provider 070033. Therefore, consistent with the policy for remote
locations of multicampus hospitals discussed in FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (83 FR 41369 through 41374), it will no longer be necessary
to identify this remote location separately from the main provider for
wage index purposes.
We also note, as discussed in Section III.B.3 of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we propose to add both of the newly proposed rural
planning areas in Connecticut to the list of ``Lugar'' counties.
4. Urban Counties That Would Become Rural Under the Revised OMB
As previously discussed, we are proposing to implement the revised
OMB statistical area delineations (based upon OMB Bulletin No. 23-01)
beginning in FY 2025. Our analysis shows that a total of 53 counties
(and county equivalents) and 33 hospitals that were once considered
part of an urban CBSA would be considered to be located in a rural
area, beginning in FY 2025, under these revised OMB delineations. The
following chart lists the 53 urban counties that would be rural if we
finalize our proposal to implement the revised OMB delineations. We
note that there are four cases (CBSA 14100 [Bloomsburg-Berwick, PA],
CBSA 19180 [Danville, IL], CBSA 20700 [East Stroudsburg, PA], and CBSA
35100 [New Bern, NC]) where all constituent counties in an urban CBSA
would become rural under the revised OMB delineations.
[[Page 36143]]
[[Page 36144]]
We are proposing that the wage data for all hospitals located in
the counties listed here would now be considered when calculating their
respective State's rural wage index. We further refer readers to
section III.G.6 of the preamble of this proposed rule for a discussion
of the 5 percent cap policy. We believe that this policy, which caps
any reduction in wage index values at 5 percent of the hospital's prior
year wage index value, provides an adequate transition to mitigate
sudden negative financial impacts due to the adoption of wage index
policies, including the adoption of revised OMB labor market
We are also proposing revisions to the list of counties deemed
urban under section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act, which will affect a
number the hospitals located in these proposed rural counties. We note
that we are proposing to add 17 of the 53 counties listed here to the
list of ``Lugar'' counties whose hospitals, pursuant to 1886(d)(8)(B),
are deemed to be in an urban area. We refer readers to section
III.F.4.b for further discussion.
In addition, we note the provisions of Sec. 412.102 of our
regulations would continue to apply with respect to determining DSH
payments. Specifically, in the first year after a hospital loses urban
status, the hospital will receive an adjustment to its DSH payment that
equals two-thirds of the difference between the urban DSH payments
applicable to the hospital before its redesignation from urban to rural
and the rural DSH payments applicable to the hospital subsequent to its
redesignation from urban to rural. In the second year after a hospital
loses urban status, the hospital will receive an adjustment to its DSH
payment that equals one third of the difference between the urban DSH
payments applicable to the hospital before its redesignation from urban
to rural and the rural DSH payments applicable to the hospital
subsequent to its redesignation from urban to rural.
5. Rural Counties That Would Become Urban Under the Revised OMB
As previously discussed, we are proposing to implement the revised
OMB statistical area delineations (based upon OMB Bulletin No. 23-01)
beginning in FY 2025. Analysis of these OMB statistical area
delineations shows that a total of 54 counties (and county equivalents)
and 24 hospitals that were located in rural areas would be located in
urban areas under the revised OMB delineations. The following chart
lists the 54 rural counties that would be urban if we finalize our
proposal to implement the revised OMB delineations.
[[Page 36145]]
[[Page 36146]]
We are proposing that when calculating the area wage index, the
wage data for hospitals located in these counties would be included in
their new respective urban CBSAs. We also note that due to the proposed
adoption of the revised OMB delineations, some CAHs that were
previously located in rural areas may be located in urban areas. The
regulations at Sec. Sec. 412.103(a)(6) and 485.610(b)(5) provide
affected CAHs with a two-year transition period that begins from the
date the redesignation becomes effective. The affected CAHs must
[[Page 36147]]
reclassify as rural during this transition period in order to retain
their CAH status after the two-year transition period ends. We refer
readers to the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH final rule (79 FR 50162 through 50163)
for further discussion of the two-year transition period for CAHs. We
also note that special statuses limited to hospitals located in rural
areas (such as MDH or SCH status) may be terminated if hospitals are
located in proposed urban counties. In these cases, affected hospitals
should apply for rural reclassification status under Sec. 412.103
prior to October 1, 2024 to ensure no disruption in status.
6. Urban Counties That Would Move to a Different Urban CBSA Under the
Revised OMB Delineations
In addition to rural counties becoming urban and urban counties
becoming rural, some urban counties would shift from one urban CBSA to
a new or existing urban CBSA under our proposal to adopt the new OMB
In some cases, the change in CBSA would extend only to a change in
name. Revised CBSA names can be found in Table 3 of the addendum of the
proposed rule. In other cases, the CBSA number also would change. For
these CBSAs, the list of constituent urban counties in FY 2024 and FY
2025 would be the same (except in instances where an urban county
became rural, or a rural county became urban; as discussed in the
previous section). The following table lists the CBSAs where, under the
proposed delineations, the CBSA name and number would change but the
constituent counties would not change (not including instances where an
urban county became rural, or a rural county became urban).
In some cases, all of the urban counties from a FY 2024 CBSA would
be moved and subsumed by another CBSA in FY 2025. The following table
lists the CBSAs that, under the proposed delineations, would be
subsumed by an another CBSA.
In other cases, if we adopt the revised OMB delineations, some
counties would shift between existing and new CBSAs, changing the
constituent makeup of the CBSAs. For example, Calvert County, MD would
move from the current CBSA 12580 (Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-
VA-MD-WV) into proposed CBSA 30500 (Lexington Park, MD). The other
constituent counties of CBSA 12580 would be split into urban CBSAs
47664 (Washington, DC-MD) and 11694 (Arlington-Alexandria-Reston, VA-
WV). The following chart lists the urban counties that would split off
from one urban CBSA and move to a newly proposed or modified urban CBSA
if we adopt the revised OMB delineations.
[[Page 36148]]
[[Page 36149]]
[[Page 36150]]
If hospitals located in these counties move from one CBSA to
another under the revised OMB delineations, there may be impacts, both
negative and positive, upon their specific wage index values. We refer
readers to section III.F.3. of the preamble of this proposed rule for
discussion of our proposals to address the reassignment of MGCRB wage
index reclassifications for hospitals currently assigned to these
modified CBSAs.
7. Transition
Overall, we believe implementing the new OMB labor market area
delineations would result in wage index values being more
representative of the actual current costs of labor in a given area.
However, we recognize that some hospitals would experience decreases in
wage index values as a result of our proposed implementation of the new
labor market area delineations. We also realize that some hospitals
would have higher wage index values due to our proposed implementation
of the new labor market area delineations.
In the past, we have provided for transition periods when adopting
changes that have significant payment implications, particularly large
negative impacts. When adopting new OMB delineations based on the
decennial census for the 2005 and 2015 wage indexes, we applied a 3-
year transition for urban hospitals that became rural under the new
delineations and a 50/50 blended wage index adjustment for all
hospitals that would experience any decrease in their actual payment
wage index (69 FR 49032 through 49034 and 79 FR 28060 through 28062).
In connection with our adoption in FY 2021 of the updates in OMB
Bulletin 18-04, which included more modifications to the CBSAs than are
typical for OMB bulletins issued between decennial censuses, we adopted
a policy to place a 5-percent cap on any decrease in a hospital's wage
index from the hospital's final wage index in FY 2020 so that a
hospital's final wage index for FY 2021 would not be less than 95
percent of its final wage index for FY 2020 (85 FR 58753 through
58755). Given the unprecedented nature of the COVID-19 public health
emergency (PHE), we adopted a policy in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (86 FR 45164 through 45165) to apply an extended transition to the
FY 2022 wage index for hospitals affected by the transition in FY 2021
to mitigate significant negative impacts of, and provide additional
time for hospitals to adapt to, the CMS decision to adopt the revised
OMB delineations. In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49018
through 49021), under the authority at sections 1886(d)(3)(E) and
1886(d)(5)(I)(i) of the Act, we finalized a policy for FY 2023 and
subsequent years to apply a 5 percent cap on any decrease to a
hospital's wage index from its wage index in the prior FY, regardless
of the circumstances causing the decline.
We believe that this permanent cap policy, reflected at 42 CFR
412.64(h)(7) and discussed in section in III.G.6. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, sufficiently mitigates any large negative impacts
of adopting the new delineations. As we stated when finalizing the
permanent 5-percent cap policy in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(87 FR 49018 through 49021), we further considered the comments we
received during the FY 2022 rulemaking recommending a permanent 5
percent cap policy to prevent large year-to-year variations in wage
index values as a means to reduce overall volatility for hospitals. We
do not believe any additional transition period is necessary
considering that the current cap on wage index decreases, which was not
in place when we implemented the decennial census updates in FY 2005
and FY 2015, ensures that a hospital's wage index would not be less
than 95 percent of its final wage index for the prior year.
C. Worksheet S-3 Wage Data for the Proposed FY 2025 Wage Index
1. Cost Reporting Periods Beginning in FY 2021 for FY 2025 Wage Index
The proposed FY 2025 wage index values are based on the data
collected from the Medicare cost reports submitted by hospitals for
cost reporting periods beginning in FY 2021 (the FY 2024 wage indexes
were based on data from cost reporting periods beginning during FY
The FY 2025 wage index includes all of the following categories of
data associated with costs paid under the IPPS (as well as outpatient
Salaries and hours from short-term, acute care hospitals
(including paid lunch hours and hours associated with military leave
and jury duty).
Home office costs and hours.
Certain contract labor costs and hours, which include
direct patient care, certain top management, pharmacy, laboratory, and
nonteaching physician Part A services, and certain contract indirect
patient care services (as discussed in the FY 2008 final rule with
comment period (72 FR 47315 through 47317)).
Wage-related costs, including pension costs (based on
policies adopted in the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51586
through 51590) and modified in the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (80
FR 49505 through 49508)) and other deferred compensation costs.
Consistent with the wage index methodology for FY 2024, the
proposed wage index for FY 2025 excludes the direct and overhead
salaries and hours for services not subject to IPPS payment, such as
skilled nursing facility (SNF) services, home health services, costs
related to GME (teaching physicians and residents) and certified
registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs), and other subprovider components
that are not paid under the IPPS. The proposed FY 2025 wage index also
excludes the salaries, hours, and wage-related costs of hospital-based
rural health clinics (RHCs), and Federally Qualified Health Centers
(FQHCs), because Medicare pays for these costs outside of the IPPS (68
FR 45395). In addition, salaries, hours, and wage-related costs of CAHs
are excluded from the wage index for the reasons explained in the FY
2004 IPPS final rule (68 FR 45397 through 45398). Similar to our
treatment of CAHs, as discussed below, we are proposing to exclude
Rural Emergency Hospitals (REHs) from the wage index.
For FY 2020 and subsequent years, other wage-related costs are also
excluded from the calculation of the wage index. As discussed in the FY
2019 IPPS/LTCH final rule (83 FR 41365 through 41369), other wage-
related costs reported on Worksheet S-3, Part II, Line 18 and Worksheet
S-3, Part IV, Line 25 and subscripts, as well as all other wage-related
costs, such as contract labor costs, are excluded from the calculation
of the wage index.
[[Page 36151]]
2. Use of Wage Index Data by Suppliers and Providers Other Than Acute
Care Hospitals Under the IPPS
Data collected for the IPPS wage index also are currently used to
calculate wage indexes applicable to suppliers and other providers,
such as SNFs, home health agencies (HHAs), ambulatory surgical centers
(ASCs), and hospices. In addition, they are used for prospective
payments to IRFs, IPFs, and LTCHs, and for hospital outpatient
services. We note that, in the IPPS rules, we do not address comments
pertaining to the wage indexes of any supplier or provider except IPPS
providers and LTCHs. Such comments should be made in response to
separate proposed rules for those suppliers and providers.
3. Verification of Worksheet S-3 Wage Data
The wage data for the FY 2025 wage index were obtained from
Worksheet S-3, Parts II, III and IV of the Medicare cost report, CMS
Form 2552-10 (OMB Control Number 0938-0050 with an expiration date
September 30, 2025) for cost reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 2020, and before October 1, 2021. For wage index purposes,
we refer to cost reports beginning on or after October 1, 2020, and
before October 1, 2021, as the ``FY 2021 cost report,'' the ``FY 2021
wage data,'' or the ``FY 2021 data.'' Instructions for completing the
wage index sections of Worksheet S-3 are included in the Provider
Reimbursement Manual (PRM), Part 2 (Pub. 15-2), Chapter 40, Sections
4005.2 through 4005.4. The data file used to construct the proposed FY
2025 wage index includes FY 2021 data submitted to us as of January 26,
2024. As in past years, we performed an extensive review of the wage
data, mostly through the use of edits designed to identify aberrant
Consistent with the IPPS and LTCH PPS ratesettings, our policy
principles with regard to the wage index include generally using the
most current data and information available, which is usually data on a
4-year lag (for example, for the FY 2023 wage index we used cost report
data from FY 2019). We stated in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH final rule (87
FR 48994) that we will be looking at the differential effects of the
COVID-19 PHE on the audited wage data in future fiscal years. We also
stated we plan to review the audited wage data, and the impacts of the
COVID-19 PHE on such data and evaluate these data for future
rulemaking. For the FY 2025 wage index, the best available data
typically would be from the FY 2021 wage data.
In considering the impacts of the COVID-19 PHE on the FY 2021 wage
data, we compared that data with recent historical data. Based on pre
reclassified wage data, the changes in the wage data from FY 2020 to FY
2021 show the following compared to the annual changes for the most
recent 3 fiscal year periods (that is, FY 2017 to FY 2018, FY 2018 to
FY 2019 and FY 2019 to FY 2020):
Approximately 91 percent of hospitals have an increase in
their average hourly wage (AHW) from FY 2020 to FY 2021 compared to a
range of 76-86 percent of hospitals for the most recent 3 fiscal year
Approximately 97 percent of all CBSA AHWs are increasing
from FY 2020 to FY 2021 compared to a range of 84-91 percent of all
CBSAs for the most recent 3 fiscal year periods.
Approximately 51 percent of all urban areas have an
increase in their area wage index from FY 2020 to FY 2021 compared to a
range of 36-43 percent of all urban areas for the most recent 3 fiscal
year periods.
Approximately 55 percent of all rural areas have an
increase in their area wage index from FY 2020 to FY 2021 compared to a
range of 31-46 percent of all rural areas for the most recent 3 fiscal
year periods.
The unadjusted national average hourly wage increased by a
range of 2.4-5.4 percent per year from FY 2017-FY 2020. For FY 2021,
the unadjusted national average hourly increased by 8.7 percent from FY
Similar to the FY 2024 wage index, it is not readily apparent even
if the comparison with the historical trends had indicated greater
differences at a national level in this context, how any changes due to
the COVID-19 PHE differentially impacted the wages paid by individual
hospitals. Furthermore, even if changes due to the COVID-19 PHE did
differentially impact the wages paid by individual hospitals over time,
it is not clear how those changes could be isolated from changes due to
other reasons and what an appropriate potential methodology might be to
adjust the data to account for the effects of the COVID-19 PHE.
Lastly, we also note that we have not identified any significant
issues with the FY 2021 wage data itself in terms of our audits of this
data. As usual, the data was audited by the Medicare Administrative
Contractors (MACs), and there were no significant issues reported
across the data for all hospitals.
Taking all of these factors into account, we believe the FY 2021
wage data is the best available wage data to use for FY 2025 and are
proposing to use the FY 2021 wage data for FY 2025.
We welcome comment from the public with regard to the FY 2021 wage
data. We note, AHW data by provider and CBSA, including the data upon
which the comparisons provided above are based, is available in our
Public Use Files released with each proposed and final rule each fiscal
year. The Public Use Files for the respective FY Wage Index Home Page
can be found on the Wage Index Files web page at
We requested that our MACs revise or verify data elements that
resulted in specific edit failures. For the proposed FY 2025 wage
index, we identified and excluded 69 providers with aberrant data that
should not be included in the wage index. If data elements for some of
these providers are corrected, we intend to include data from those
providers in the final FY 2025 wage index. We also adjusted certain
aberrant data and included these data in the wage index. For example,
in situations where a hospital did not have documentable salaries,
wages, and hours for housekeeping and dietary services, we imputed
estimates, in accordance with policies established in the FY 2015 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 49965 through 49967). We instructed MACs to
complete their verification of questionable data elements and to
transmit any changes to the wage data no later than March 20, 2024.
In constructing the proposed FY 2025 wage index, we included the
wage data for facilities that were IPPS hospitals in FY 2021, inclusive
of those facilities that have since terminated their participation in
the program as hospitals, as long as those data did not fail any of our
edits for reasonableness. We believe that including the wage data for
these hospitals is, in general, appropriate to reflect the economic
conditions in the various labor market areas during the relevant past
period and to ensure that the current wage index represents the labor
market area's current wages as compared to the national average of
wages. However, we excluded the wage data for CAHs as discussed in the
FY 2004 IPPS final rule (68 FR 45397 through 45398); that is, any
hospital that is designated as a CAH by 7 days prior to the publication
of the preliminary wage index public use file (PUF) is excluded from
the calculation of the wage index. For the proposed rule, we removed 8
hospitals that converted to CAH status on or after January 23, 2023,
the cut-off date for
[[Page 36152]]
CAH exclusion from the FY 2024 wage index, and through and including
January 24, 2024, the cut-off date for CAH exclusion from the FY 2025
wage index. We note, we also removed 2 hospitals that converted to CAH
status prior to January 23, 2023.
The Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), 2021, was signed into
law on December 27, 2020. Section 125 of Division CC (section 125)
established a new rural Medicare provider type: Rural Emergency
Hospitals (REHs). (We refer the reader to the CMS website at for additional
information on REHs.) In doing so, section 125 amended section 1861(e)
of the Act, which provides the definition of a hospital and states that
the term ``hospital'' does not include, unless the context otherwise
requires, a critical access hospital (as defined in subsection (mm)(1))
or a rural emergency hospital (as defined in subsection (kkk)(2)).
Section 125 also added section 1861(kkk) to the Act, which sets forth
the requirements for REHs. Per section 1861(kkk)(2) of the Act, one of
the requirements for an REH is that it does not provide any acute care
inpatient services (other than post-hospital extended care services
furnished in a distinct part unit licensed as a skilled nursing
facility (SNF)). Similar to CAHs, we believe hospitals that have
subsequently converted to REH status should be removed from the wage
index calculation, because they are a separately certified Medicare
provider type and are not comparable to other short-term, acute care
hospitals as they do not provide inpatient hospital services. For FY
2025, we are proposing to treat REHs the same as CAHs and exclude 15
REHs from the wage index. Accordingly, similar to our policy on CAHs,
any hospital that is designated as a REH by 7 days prior to the
publication of the preliminary wage index public use file (PUF) is
excluded from the calculation of the wage index. In summary, we
calculated the FY 2025 wage index using the Worksheet S-3, Parts II and
III wage data of 3,075 hospitals.
For the proposed FY 2025 wage index, we allotted the wages and
hours data for a multicampus hospital among the different labor market
areas where its campuses are located using campus full-time equivalent
(FTE) percentages as originally finalized in the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (76 FR 51591). Table 2, which contains the FY 2025 wage
index associated with this proposed rule (available via the internet on
the CMS website), includes separate wage data for the campuses of 27
multicampus hospitals. The following chart lists the multicampus
hospitals by CMS certification number (CCN) and the FTE percentages on
which the wages and hours of each campus were allotted to their
respective labor market areas:
[[Page 36153]]
We note that, in past years, in Table 2, we have placed a ``B'' to
designate the subordinate campus in the fourth position of the hospital
CCN. However, for the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed and final rules
and subsequent rules, we have moved the ``B'' to the third position of
the CCN. Because all IPPS hospitals have a ``0'' in the third position
of the CCN, we believe that placement of the ``B'' in this third
position, instead of the ``0'' for the subordinate campus, is the most
efficient method of identification and interferes the least with the
other variable digits in the CCN.
4. Process for Requests for Wage Index Data Corrections
a. Process for Hospitals To Request Wage Index Data Corrections
The preliminary, unaudited Worksheet S-3 wage data files for the
proposed FY 2025 wage index were made available on May 23, 2023,
through the internet on the CMS website at We subsequently identified some
providers that were inadvertently omitted from the FY 2025 preliminary
Worksheet S-3 wage data file originally posted on May 23, 2023.
Therefore, on July 12, 2023, we posted an updated FY 2025 preliminary
Worksheet S-3 wage data file to include these missing providers. In
addition, the Calendar Year (CY) 2022 occupational mix survey data was
made available on July 12, 2023, through the internet on the CMS
website at On
August 14, 2023, we posted an updated CY 2022 Occupational Mix survey
data file that includes survey data for providers that were
inadvertently omitted from the file posted on July 12, 2023.
On January 31, 2024, we posted a public use file (PUF) at containing FY 2025 wage
index data available as of January 31, 2024. This PUF contains a tab
with the Worksheet S-3 wage data (which includes Worksheet S-3, Parts
II and III wage data from cost reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 2020, through September 30, 2021; that is, FY 2021 wage
data), a tab with the occupational mix data (which includes data from
the CY 2022 occupational mix survey, Form CMS-10079), a tab containing
the Worksheet S-3 wage data
[[Page 36154]]
of hospitals deleted from the January 31, 2024 wage data PUF, and a tab
containing the CY 2022 occupational mix data of the hospitals deleted
from the January 31, 2024 occupational mix PUF. In a memorandum dated
January 31, 2024, we instructed all MACs to inform the IPPS hospitals
that they service of the availability of the January 31, 2024, wage
index data PUFs, and the process and timeframe for requesting revisions
in accordance with the FY 2025 Hospital Wage Index Development Time
Table available at
In the interest of meeting the data needs of the public, beginning
with the proposed FY 2009 wage index, we post an additional PUF on the
CMS website that reflects the actual data that are used in computing
the proposed wage index. The release of this file does not alter the
current wage index process or schedule. We notify the hospital
community of the availability of these data as we do with the current
public use wage data files through our Hospital Open Door Forum. We
encourage hospitals to sign up for automatic notifications of
information about hospital issues and about the dates of the Hospital
Open Door Forums at the CMS website at
In a memorandum dated May 4, 2023, we instructed all MACs to inform
the IPPS hospitals that they service of the availability of the
preliminary wage index data files and the CY 2022 occupational mix
survey data files posted on May 23, 2023, and the process and timeframe
for requesting revisions.
If a hospital wished to request a change to its data as shown in
the May 23, 2023, preliminary wage data files and occupational mix data
files, the hospital had to submit corrections along with complete,
detailed supporting documentation to its MAC so that the MAC received
them by September 1, 2023. Hospitals were notified of these deadlines
and of all other deadlines and requirements, including the requirement
to review and verify their data as posted in the preliminary wage index
data files on the internet, through the letters sent to them by their
November 3, 2023 was the date by when MACs notified State hospital
associations regarding hospitals that failed to respond to issues
raised during the desk reviews. Additional revisions made by the MACs
were transmitted to CMS throughout January 2024. CMS published the wage
index PUFs that included hospitals' revised wage index data on January
31, 2024. Hospitals had until February 16, 2024, to submit requests to
the MACs to correct errors in the January 31, 2024, PUF due to CMS or
MAC mishandling of the wage index data, or to revise desk review
adjustments to their wage index data as included in the January 31,
2024, PUF. Hospitals also were required to submit sufficient
documentation to support their requests. Hospitals' requests and
supporting documentation must have been received by the MAC by the
February deadline (that is, by February 16, 2024, for the FY 2025 wage
After reviewing requested changes submitted by hospitals, MACs were
required to transmit to CMS any additional revisions resulting from the
hospitals' reconsideration requests by March 20, 2024. Under our
current policy as adopted in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82
FR 38153), the deadline for a hospital to request CMS intervention in
cases where a hospital disagreed with a MAC's handling of wage data on
any basis (including a policy, factual, or other dispute) is April 3,
2024. Data that were incorrect in the preliminary or January 31, 2024,
wage index data PUFs, but for which no correction request was received
by the February 16, 2024, deadline, are not considered for correction
at this stage. In addition, April 3, 2024, is the deadline for
hospitals to dispute data corrections made by CMS of which the hospital
was notified after the January 31, 2024, PUF and at least 14 calendar
days prior to April 3, 2024 (that is, March 20, 2024), that do not
arise from a hospital's request for revisions. The hospital's request
and supporting documentation must be received by CMS (and a copy
received by the MAC) by the April deadline (that is, by April 3, 2024,
for the FY 2025 wage index). We refer readers to the FY 2025 Hospital
Wage Index Development Time Table for complete details. Hospitals are
given the opportunity to examine Table 2 associated with this proposed
rule, which is listed in section VI. of the Addendum to the proposed
rule and available via the internet on the CMS website at Table 2 associated with
the proposed rule contains each hospital's proposed adjusted average
hourly wage used to construct the wage index values for the past 3
years, including the proposed FY 2025 wage index, which was constructed
from FY 2021 data. We note that the proposed hospital average hourly
wages shown in Table 2 only reflect changes made to a hospital's data
that were transmitted to CMS by early February 2024.
We plan to post the final wage index data PUFs on April 29, 2024,
on the CMS website at
The April 2024 PUFs are made available solely for the limited purpose
of identifying any potential errors made by CMS or the MAC in the entry
of the final wage index data that resulted from the correction process
(the process for disputing revisions submitted to CMS by the MACs by
March 20, 2024, and the process for disputing data corrections made by
CMS that did not arise from a hospital's request for wage data
revisions as discussed earlier), as previously described.
After the release of the April 2024 wage index data PUFs, changes
to the wage and occupational mix data can only be made in those very
limited situations involving an error by the MAC or CMS that the
hospital could not have known about before its review of the final wage
index data files. Specifically, neither the MAC nor CMS will approve
the following types of requests:
Requests for wage index data corrections that were
submitted too late to be included in the data transmitted to CMS by the
MACs on or before March 20, 2024.
Requests for correction of errors that were not, but could
have been, identified during the hospital's review of the January 31,
2024, wage index PUFs.
Requests to revisit factual determinations or policy
interpretations made by the MAC or CMS during the wage index data
correction process.
If, after reviewing the April 2024 final wage index data PUFs, a
hospital believes that its wage or occupational mix data are incorrect
due to a MAC or CMS error in the entry or tabulation of the final data,
the hospital is given the opportunity to notify both its MAC and CMS
regarding why the hospital believes an error exists and provide all
supporting information, including relevant dates (for example, when it
first became aware of the error). The hospital is required to send its
request to CMS and to the MAC so that it is received no later than May
29, 2024. May 29, 2024, is also the deadline for hospitals to dispute
data corrections made by CMS of which the hospital is notified on or
after 13 calendar days prior to April 3, 2024 (that is, March 21,
2024), and at least 14 calendar days prior to May 29, 2024 (that is,
May 15, 2024), that did not arise from a hospital's request for
[[Page 36155]]
revisions. (Data corrections made by CMS of which a hospital is
notified on or after 13 calendar days prior to May 29, 2024 (that is,
May 16, 2024), may be appealed to the Provider Reimbursement Review
Board (PRRB)). In accordance with the FY 2025 Hospital Wage Index
Development Time Table posted on the CMS website at, the May appeals are required to be submitted to CMS
through an online submission process or through email. We refer readers
to the FY 2025 Hospital Wage Index Development Time Table for complete
Verified corrections to the wage index data received timely (that
is, by May 29, 2024) by CMS and the MACs will be incorporated into the
final FY 2025 wage index, which will be effective October 1, 2024.
We created the processes previously described to resolve all
substantive wage index data correction disputes before we finalize the
wage and occupational mix data for the FY 2025 payment rates.
Accordingly, hospitals that do not meet the procedural deadlines set
forth earlier will not be afforded a later opportunity to submit wage
index data corrections or to dispute the MAC's decision with respect to
requested changes. Specifically, our policy is that hospitals that do
not meet the procedural deadlines as previously set forth (requiring
requests to MACs by the specified date in February and, where such
requests are unsuccessful, requests for intervention by CMS by the
specified date in April) will not be permitted to challenge later,
before the PRRB, the failure of CMS to make a requested data revision.
We refer readers also to the FY 2000 IPPS final rule (64 FR 41513) for
a discussion of the parameters for appeals to the PRRB for wage index
data corrections. As finalized in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(82 FR 38154 through 38156), this policy also applies to a hospital
disputing corrections made by CMS that do not arise from a hospital's
request for a wage index data revision. That is, a hospital disputing
an adjustment made by CMS that did not arise from a hospital's request
for a wage index data revision is required to request a correction by
the first applicable deadline. Hospitals that do not meet the
procedural deadlines set forth earlier will not be afforded a later
opportunity to submit wage index data corrections or to dispute CMS'
decision with respect to changes.
Again, we believe the wage index data correction process described
earlier provides hospitals with sufficient opportunity to bring errors
in their wage and occupational mix data to the MAC's attention.
Moreover, because hospitals had access to the final wage index data
PUFs by late April 2024, they have an opportunity to detect any data
entry or tabulation errors made by the MAC or CMS before the
development and publication of the final FY 2025 wage index by August
2024, and the implementation of the FY 2025 wage index on October 1,
2024. Given these processes, the wage index implemented on October 1
should be accurate. Nevertheless, in the event that errors are
identified by hospitals and brought to our attention after May 29,
2024, we retain the right to make midyear changes to the wage index
under very limited circumstances.
Specifically, in accordance with Sec. 412.64(k)(1) of our
regulations, we make midyear corrections to the wage index for an area
only if a hospital can show that: (1) The MAC or CMS made an error in
tabulating its data; and (2) the requesting hospital could not have
known about the error or did not have an opportunity to correct the
error, before the beginning of the fiscal year. For purposes of this
provision, ``before the beginning of the fiscal year'' means by the May
deadline for making corrections to the wage data for the following
fiscal year's wage index (for example, May 29, 2024, for the FY 2025
wage index). This provision is not available to a hospital seeking to
revise another hospital's data that may be affecting the requesting
hospital's wage index for the labor market area. As indicated earlier,
because CMS makes the wage index data available to hospitals on the CMS
website prior to publishing both the proposed and final IPPS rules, and
the MACs notify hospitals directly of any wage index data changes after
completing their desk reviews, we do not expect that midyear
corrections will be necessary. However, under our current policy, if
the correction of a data error changes the wage index value for an
area, the revised wage index value will be effective prospectively from
the date the correction is made.
In the FY 2006 IPPS final rule (70 FR 47385 through 47387 and
47485), we revised Sec. 412.64(k)(2) to specify that, effective on
October 1, 2005, that is, beginning with the FY 2006 wage index, a
change to the wage index can be made retroactive to the beginning of
the Federal fiscal year only when CMS determines all of the following:
(1) The MAC or CMS made an error in tabulating data used for the wage
index calculation; (2) the hospital knew about the error and requested
that the MAC and CMS correct the error using the established process
and within the established schedule for requesting corrections to the
wage index data, before the beginning of the fiscal year for the
applicable IPPS update (that is, by the May 29, 2024, deadline for the
FY 2025 wage index); and (3) CMS agreed before October 1 that the MAC
or CMS made an error in tabulating the hospital's wage index data and
the wage index should be corrected.
In those circumstances where a hospital requested a correction to
its wage index data before CMS calculated the final wage index (that
is, by the May 29, 2024 deadline for the FY 2025 wage index), and CMS
acknowledges that the error in the hospital's wage index data was
caused by CMS' or the MAC's mishandling of the data, we believe that
the hospital should not be penalized by our delay in publishing or
implementing the correction. As with our current policy, we indicated
that the provision is not available to a hospital seeking to revise
another hospital's data. In addition, the provision cannot be used to
correct prior years' wage index data; it can only be used for the
current Federal fiscal year. In situations where our policies would
allow midyear corrections other than those specified in Sec.
412.64(k)(2)(ii), we continue to believe that it is appropriate to make
prospective-only corrections to the wage index.
We note that, as with prospective changes to the wage index, the
final retroactive correction will be made irrespective of whether the
change increases or decreases a hospital's payment rate. In addition,
we note that the policy of retroactive adjustment will still apply in
those instances where a final judicial decision reverses a CMS denial
of a hospital's wage index data revision request.
b. Process for Data Corrections by CMS After the January 31 Public Use
File (PUF)
The process set forth with the wage index timetable discussed in
section III.C.4. of the preamble of this proposed rule allows hospitals
to request corrections to their wage index data within prescribed
timeframes. In addition to hospitals' opportunity to request
corrections of wage index data errors or MACs' mishandling of data, CMS
has the authority under section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act to make
corrections to hospital wage index and occupational mix data in order
to ensure the accuracy of the wage index. As we explained in the FY
2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR 49490 through
[[Page 36156]]
49491) and the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR 56914), section
1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act requires the Secretary to adjust the
proportion of hospitals' costs attributable to wages and wage-related
costs for area differences reflecting the relative hospital wage level
in the geographic areas of the hospital compared to the national
average hospital wage level. We believe that, under section
1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act, we have discretion to make corrections to
hospitals' data to help ensure that the costs attributable to wages and
wage-related costs in fact accurately reflect the relative hospital
wage level in the hospitals' geographic areas.
We have an established multistep, 15-month process for the review
and correction of the hospital wage data that is used to create the
IPPS wage index for the upcoming fiscal year. Since the origin of the
IPPS, the wage index has been subject to its own annual review process,
first by the MACs, and then by CMS. As a standard practice, after each
annual desk review, CMS reviews the results of the MACs' desk reviews
and focuses on items flagged during the desk review, requiring that, if
necessary, hospitals provide additional documentation, adjustments, or
corrections to the data. This ongoing communication with hospitals
about their wage data may result in the discovery by CMS of additional
items that were reported incorrectly or other data errors, even after
the posting of the January 31 PUF, and throughout the remainder of the
wage index development process. In addition, the fact that CMS analyzes
the data from a regional and even national level, unlike the review
performed by the MACs that review a limited subset of hospitals, can
facilitate additional editing of the data the need for which may not be
readily apparent to the MACs. In these occasional instances, an error
may be of sufficient magnitude that the wage index of an entire CBSA is
affected. Accordingly, CMS uses its authority to ensure that the wage
index accurately reflects the relative hospital wage level in the
geographic area of the hospital compared to the national average
hospital wage level, by continuing to make corrections to hospital wage
data upon discovering incorrect wage data, distinct from instances in
which hospitals request data revisions.
We note that CMS corrects errors to hospital wage data as
appropriate, regardless of whether that correction will raise or lower
a hospital's average hourly wage. For example, as discussed in section
III.C. of the preamble of the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR
41364), in situations where a hospital did not have documentable
salaries, wages, and hours for housekeeping and dietary services, we
imputed estimates, in accordance with policies established in the FY
2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 49965 through 49967). Furthermore,
if CMS discovers after conclusion of the desk review, for example, that
a MAC inadvertently failed to incorporate positive adjustments
resulting from a prior year's wage index appeal of a hospital's wage-
related costs such as pension, CMS would correct that data error, and
the hospital's average hourly wage would likely increase as a result.
While we maintain CMS' authority to conduct additional review and
make resulting corrections at any time during the wage index
development process, in accordance with the policy finalized in the FY
2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38154 through 38156) and as first
implemented with the FY 2019 wage index (83 FR 41389), hospitals are
able to request further review of a correction made by CMS that did not
arise from a hospital's request for a wage index data correction.
Instances where CMS makes a correction to a hospital's data after the
January 31 PUF based on a different understanding than the hospital
about certain reported costs, for example, could potentially be
resolved using this process before the final wage index is calculated.
We believe this process and the timeline for requesting review of such
corrections (as described earlier and in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule) promote additional transparency in instances where CMS
makes data corrections after the January 31 PUF and provide
opportunities for hospitals to request further review of CMS changes in
time for the most accurate data to be reflected in the final wage index
calculations. These additional appeals opportunities are described
earlier and in the FY 2025 Hospital Wage Index Development Time Table,
as well as in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38154 through
D. Method for Computing the Proposed FY 2025 Unadjusted Wage Index
The method used to compute the proposed FY 2025 wage index without
an occupational mix adjustment follows the same methodology that we
used to compute the wage indexes without an occupational mix adjustment
in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (see 85 FR 58758-58761), and we
are not proposing any changes to this methodology. We have restated our
methodology in this section of this rule.
Step 1.--We gathered data from each of the non-Federal, short-term,
acute care hospitals for which data were reported on the Worksheet S-3,
Parts II and III of the Medicare cost report for the hospital's cost
reporting period relevant to the wage index (in this case, for FY 2025,
these were data from cost reports for cost reporting periods beginning
on or after October 1, 2020, and before October 1, 2021). In addition,
we included data from hospitals that had cost reporting periods
beginning prior to the October 1, 2020 begin date and extending into FY
2021 but that did not have any cost report with a begin date on or
after October 1, 2020 and before October 1, 2021. We include this data
because no other data from these hospitals would be available for the
cost reporting period as previously described, and because particular
labor market areas might be affected due to the omission of these
hospitals. However, we generally describe these wage data as data
applicable to the fiscal year wage data being used to compute the wage
index for those hospitals. We note that, if a hospital had more than
one cost reporting period beginning during FY 2021 (for example, a
hospital had two short cost reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 2020, and before October 1, 2021), we include wage data from
only one of the cost reporting periods, the longer, in the wage index
calculation. If there was more than one cost reporting period and the
periods were equal in length, we included the wage data from the later
period in the wage index calculation.
Step 2.--Salaries.--The method used to compute a hospital's average
hourly wage excludes certain costs that are not paid under the IPPS.
(We note that, beginning with FY 2008 (72 FR 47315), we included what
were then Lines 22.01, 26.01, and 27.01 of Worksheet S-3, Part II of
CMS Form 2552-96 for overhead services in the wage index. Currently,
these lines are lines 28, 33, and 35 on CMS Form 2552-10. However, we
note that the wages and hours on these lines are not incorporated into
Line 101, Column 1 of Worksheet A, which, through the electronic cost
reporting software, flows directly to Line 1 of Worksheet S-3, Part II.
Therefore, the first step in the wage index calculation is to compute a
``revised'' Line 1, by adding to the Line 1 on Worksheet S-3, Part II
(for wages and hours respectively) the amounts on Lines 28, 33, and
35.) In calculating a hospital's Net Salaries (we note that we
previously used the term ``average'' salaries in the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (76 FR 51592), but we now use
[[Page 36157]]
the term ``net'' salaries) plus wage-related costs, we first compute
the following: Subtract from Line 1 (total salaries) the GME and CRNA
costs reported on CMS Form 2552-10, Lines 2, 4.01, 7, and 7.01, the
Part B salaries reported on Lines 3, 5 and 6, home office salaries
reported on Line 8, and exclude salaries reported on Lines 9 and 10
(that is, direct salaries attributable to SNF services, home health
services, and other subprovider components not subject to the IPPS). We
also subtract from Line 1 the salaries for which no hours were
reported. Therefore, the formula for Net Salaries (from Worksheet S-3,
Part II) is the following:
((Line 1 + Line 28 + Line 33 + Line 35)-(Line 2 + Line 3 + Line 4.01 +
Line 5 + Line 6 + Line 7 + Line 7.01 + Line 8 + Line 9 + Line 10)).
To determine Total Salaries plus Wage-Related Costs, we add to the
Net Salaries the costs of contract labor for direct patient care,
certain top management, pharmacy, laboratory, and nonteaching physician
Part A services (Lines 11, 12 and 13), home office salaries and wage-
related costs reported by the hospital on Lines 14.01, 14.02, and 15,
and nonexcluded area wage-related costs (Lines 17, 22, 25.50, 25.51,
and 25.52). We note that contract labor and home office salaries for
which no corresponding hours are reported are not included. In
addition, wage-related costs for nonteaching physician Part A employees
(Line 22) are excluded if no corresponding salaries are reported for
those employees on Line 4. The formula for Total Salaries plus Wage-
Related Costs (from Worksheet S-3, Part II) is the following:
((Line 1 + Line 28 + Line 33 + Line 35)-(Line 2 + Line 3 + Line 4.01 +
Line 5 + Line 6 + Line 7 + Line 7.01 + Line 8 + Line 9 + Line 10)) +
(Line 11 + Line 12 + Line 13 + Line 14.01 + 14.02 + Line 15) + (Line 17
+ Line 22 + 25.50 + 25.51 + 25.52).
Step 3.--Hours.--With the exception of wage-related costs, for
which there are no associated hours, we compute total hours using the
same methods as described for salaries in Step 2. The formula for Total
Hours (from Worksheet S-3, Part II) is the following:
((Line 1 + Line 28 + Line 33 + Line 35)-(Line 2 + Line 3 + Line 4.01 +
Line 5 + Line 6 + Line 7 + Line 7.01 + Line 8 + Line 9 + Line 10)) +
(Line 11 + Line 12 + Line 13 + Line 14.01 + 14.02 + Line 15).
Step 4.--For each hospital reporting both total overhead salaries
and total overhead hours greater than zero, we then allocate overhead
costs to areas of the hospital excluded from the wage index
calculation. First, we determine the ``excluded rate'', which is the
ratio of excluded area hours to Revised Total Hours (from Worksheet S-
3, Part II) with the following formula:
(Line 9 + Line 10)/(Line 1 + Line 28 + Line 33 + Line 35)-(Lines 2, 3,
4.01, 5, 6, 7, 7.01, and 8 and Lines 26 through 43).
We then compute the amounts of overhead salaries and hours to be
allocated to the excluded areas by multiplying the previously discussed
ratio by the total overhead salaries and hours reported on Lines 26
through 43 of Worksheet S-3, Part II. Next, we compute the amounts of
overhead wage-related costs to be allocated to the excluded areas using
three steps:
We determine the ``overhead rate'' (from Worksheet S-3,
Part II), which is the ratio of overhead hours (Lines 26 through 43
minus the sum of Lines 28, 33, and 35) to revised hours excluding the
sum of lines 28, 33, and 35 (Line 1 minus the sum of Lines 2, 3, 4.01,
5, 6, 7, 7.01, 8, 9, 10, 28, 33, and 35). We note that, for the FY 2008
and subsequent wage index calculations, we have been excluding the
overhead contract labor (Lines 28, 33, and 35) from the determination
of the ratio of overhead hours to revised hours because hospitals
typically do not provide fringe benefits (wage-related costs) to
contract personnel. Therefore, it is not necessary for the wage index
calculation to exclude overhead wage-related costs for contract
personnel. Further, if a hospital does contribute to wage-related costs
for contracted personnel, the instructions for Lines 28, 33, and 35
require that associated wage-related costs be combined with wages on
the respective contract labor lines. The formula for the Overhead Rate
(from Worksheet S-3, Part II) is the following:
(Lines 26 through 43-Lines 28, 33 and 35)/((((Line 1 + Lines 28, 33,
35)-(Lines 2, 3, 4.01, 5, 6, 7, 7.01, 8, and 26 through 43))-;(Lines 9
and 10)) + (Lines 26 through 43-Lines 28, 33, and 35)).
We compute overhead wage-related costs by multiplying the
overhead hours ratio by wage-related costs reported on Part II, Lines
17, 22, 25.50, 25.51, and 25.52.
We multiply the computed overhead wage-related costs by
the previously described excluded area hours ratio.
Finally, we subtract the computed overhead salaries, wage-related
costs, and hours associated with excluded areas from the total salaries
(plus wage-related costs) and hours derived in Steps 2 and 3.
Step 5.--For each hospital, we adjust the total salaries plus wage-
related costs to a common period to determine total adjusted salaries
plus wage-related costs. To make the wage adjustment, we estimate the
percentage change in the employment cost index (ECI) for compensation
for each 30-day increment from October 14, 2020, through April 15,
2022, for private industry hospital workers from data obtained from the
Bureau of Labor Statistics' (BLS') Office of Compensation and Working
Conditions. We use the ECI because it reflects the price increase
associated with total compensation (salaries plus fringes) rather than
just the increase in salaries. In addition, the ECI includes managers
as well as other hospital workers. This methodology to compute the
monthly update factors uses actual quarterly ECI data and assures that
the update factors match the actual quarterly and annual percent
changes. We also note that, since April 2006 with the publication of
March 2006 data, the BLS' ECI uses a different classification system,
the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS), instead of
the Standard Industrial Codes (SICs), which no longer exist. We have
consistently used the ECI as the data source for our wages and salaries
and other price proxies in the IPPS market basket, and we are not
proposing to make any changes to the usage of the ECI for FY 2025. The
factors used to adjust the hospital's data are based on the midpoint of
the cost reporting period, as indicated in this rule.
Step 6.--Each hospital is assigned to its appropriate urban or
rural labor market area before any reclassifications under section
1886(d)(8)(B), 1886(d)(8)(E), or 1886(d)(10) of the Act. Within each
urban or rural labor market area, we add the total adjusted salaries
plus wage-related costs obtained in Step 5 for all hospitals in that
area to determine the total adjusted salaries plus wage-related costs
for the labor market area.
Step 7.--We divide the total adjusted salaries plus wage-related
costs obtained under Step 6 by the sum of the corresponding total hours
(from Step 4) for all hospitals in each labor market area to determine
an average hourly wage for the area.
Step 8.--We add the total adjusted salaries plus wage-related costs
obtained in Step 5 for all hospitals in the Nation and then divide the
sum by the national sum of total hours from Step 4 to arrive at a
national average hourly wage.
[[Page 36158]]
Step 9.--For each urban or rural labor market area, we calculate
the hospital wage index value, unadjusted for occupational mix, by
dividing the area average hourly wage obtained in Step 7 by the
national average hourly wage computed in Step 8.
Step 10.--For each urban labor market area for which we do not have
any hospital wage data (either because there are no IPPS hospitals in
that labor market area, or there are IPPS hospitals in that area but
their data are either too new to be reflected in the current year's
wage index calculation, or their data are aberrant and are deleted from
the wage index), we finalized in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(84 FR 42305) that, for FY 2020 and subsequent years' wage index
calculations, such CBSAs' wage index would be equal to total urban
salaries plus wage-related costs (from Step 5) in the State, divided by
the total urban hours (from Step 4) in the State, divided by the
national average hourly wage from Step 8 (see 84 FR 42305 and 42306,).
We stated that we believe that, in the absence of wage data for an
urban labor market area, it is reasonable to use a statewide urban
average, which is based on actual, acceptable wage data of hospitals in
that State, rather than impute some other type of value using a
different methodology. For calculation of the proposed FY 2025 wage
index, we note there is one urban CBSA for which we do not have IPPS
hospital wage data. In Table 3 (which is available via the internet on
the CMS website), which contains the area wage indexes, we include a
footnote to indicate to which CBSA this policy applies. This CBSA's
wage index would be calculated as described, based on the FY 2020 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule methodology (84 FR 42305). Under this step, we also
apply our policy with regard to how dollar amounts, hours, and other
numerical values in the wage index calculations are rounded, as
discussed in this section of this proposed rule.
We refer readers to section II. of the Appendix of the proposed
rule for the policy regarding rural areas that do not have IPPS
Step 11.--Section 4410 of Public Law 105-33 provides that, for
discharges on or after October 1, 1997, the area wage index applicable
to any hospital that is located in an urban area of a State may not be
less than the area wage index applicable to hospitals located in rural
areas in that State. The areas affected by this provision are
identified in Table 2 listed in section VI. of the Addendum to the
proposed rule and available via the internet on the CMS website.
Following is our policy with regard to rounding of the wage data
(dollar amounts, hours, and other numerical values) in the calculation
of the unadjusted and adjusted wage index, as finalized in the FY 2020
IPPS/LTCH final rule (84 FR 42306). For data that we consider to be
``raw data,'' such as the cost report data on Worksheets S-3, Parts II
and III, and the occupational mix survey data, we use such data ``as
is,'' and do not round any of the individual line items or fields.
However, for any dollar amounts within the wage index calculations,
including any type of summed wage amount, average hourly wages, and the
national average hourly wage (both the unadjusted and adjusted for
occupational mix), we round the dollar amounts to 2 decimals. For any
hour amounts within the wage index calculations, we round such hour
amounts to the nearest whole number. For any numbers not expressed as
dollars or hours within the wage index calculations, which could
include ratios, percentages, or inflation factors, we round such
numbers to 5 decimals. However, we continue rounding the actual
unadjusted and adjusted wage indexes to 4 decimals, as we have done
As discussed in the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, in ``Step
5,'' for each hospital, we adjust the total salaries plus wage-related
costs to a common period to determine total adjusted salaries plus
wage-related costs. To make the wage adjustment, we estimate the
percentage change in the ECI for compensation for each 30-day increment
from October 14, 2020, through April 15, 2022, for private industry
hospital workers from the BLS' Office of Compensation and Working
Conditions data. We have consistently used the ECI as the data source
for our wages and salaries and other price proxies in the IPPS market
basket, and we are not proposing any changes to the usage of the ECI
for FY 2025. The factors used to adjust the hospital's data were based
on the midpoint of the cost reporting period, as indicated in the
following table.
[[Page 36159]]
For example, the midpoint of a cost reporting period beginning
January 1, 2021, and ending December 31, 2021, is June 30, 2021. An
adjustment factor of 1.03606 was applied to the wages of a hospital
with such a cost reporting period.
Previously, we also would provide a Puerto Rico overall average
hourly wage. As discussed in the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81
FR 56915), prior to January 1, 2016, Puerto Rico hospitals were paid
based on 75 percent of the national standardized amount and 25 percent
of the Puerto Rico-specific standardized amount. As a result, we
calculated a Puerto Rico specific wage index that was applied to the
labor-related share of the Puerto Rico-specific standardized amount.
Section 601 of Division O, Title VI (section 601) of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. L. 114-113) amended section
1886(d)(9)(E) of the Act to specify that the payment calculation with
respect to operating costs of inpatient hospital services of a
subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital for inpatient hospital discharges
on or after January 1, 2016, shall use 100 percent of the national
standardized amount. As we stated in the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (81 FR 56915 through 56916), because Puerto Rico hospitals are no
longer paid with a Puerto Rico specific standardized amount as of
January 1, 2016, under section 1886(d)(9)(E) of the Act, as amended by
section 601 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016, there is no
longer a need to calculate a Puerto Rico specific average hourly wage
and wage index. Hospitals in Puerto Rico are now paid 100 percent of
the national standardized amount and, therefore, are subject to the
national average hourly wage (unadjusted for occupational mix) and the
national wage index, which is applied to the national labor-related
share of the national standardized amount. Therefore, for FY 2025,
there is no Puerto Rico-specific overall average hourly wage or wage
Based on the previously discussed methodology, the proposed FY 2025
unadjusted national average hourly wage is the following:
E. Proposed Occupational Mix Adjustment to the FY 2025 Wage Index
As stated earlier, section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act provides for
the collection of data every 3 years on the occupational mix of
employees for each short-term, acute care hospital participating in the
Medicare program, in order to construct an occupational mix adjustment
to the wage index, for application beginning October 1, 2004 (the FY
2005 wage index). The purpose of the occupational mix adjustment is to
control for the effect of hospitals' employment choices on the wage
index. For example, hospitals may choose to employ different
combinations of registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, nursing
aides, and medical assistants for the purpose of providing nursing care
to their patients. The varying labor costs associated with these
choices reflect hospital management decisions rather than geographic
differences in the costs of labor.
1. Use of New 2022 Medicare Wage Index Occupational Mix Survey for the
FY 2025 Wage Index
Section 304(c) of Appendix F, Title III of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2001 (Pub. L. 106-554) amended section
1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act to require CMS to collect data every 3 years
on the occupational mix of employees for each
[[Page 36160]]
short-term, acute care hospital participating in the Medicare program
and to measure the earnings and paid hours of employment for such
hospitals by occupational category. As discussed in the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule (86 FR 25402 through 25403) and final rule (86
FR 45173), we collected data in 2019 to compute the occupational mix
adjustment for the FY 2022, FY 2023, and FY 2024 wage indexes. A new
measurement of occupational mix is required for FY 2025.
The FY 2025 occupational mix adjustment is based on a new calendar
year (CY) 2022 survey. Hospitals were required to submit their
completed 2022 surveys (Form CMS-10079, OMB Number 0938-0907,
expiration date January 31, 2026) to their MACs by July 1, 2023. The
preliminary, unaudited CY 2022 survey data were posted on the CMS
website on July 12, 2023. As with the Worksheet S-3, Parts II and III
cost report wage data, as part of the FY 2025 desk review process, the
MACs revised or verified data elements in hospitals' occupational mix
surveys that resulted in certain edit failures.
Consistent with the IPPS and LTCH PPS ratesettings, our policy
principles with regard to the occupational mix adjustment include
generally using the most current data and information available, which
is usually occupational mix data on a 3-year lag in the first year of
the use of the occupational mix survey (for example, for the FY 2022
wage index we used occupational mix data from 2019; we also used this
data for the FY 2023 and FY 2024 wage indexes). In the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH final rule (88 FR 58969-58970), one commenter had concerns that
the 2025 occupational mix data may be skewed due to the COVID-19 PHE,
and we stated that we plan to assess the CY 2022 Occupational Mix
Survey data in the FY 2025 IPPS proposed rule.
Based on pre-reclassified wage data, we computed the unadjusted and
adjusted wage indexes for FY 2025 using the 2022 occupational mix
survey data. We then measured the increases and decreases by CBSA as a
result of the 2022 occupational mix survey data. We compared this table
to the same table for the FY 2024 wage indexes, which used the 2019
occupational mix data, as well as the FY 2021 wage indexes, which used
the 2016 occupational mix data. This table demonstrates the impact of
the occupational mix adjusted wage data compared to unadjusted wage
data for the most recent three occupational mix surveys using the 2022
survey data compared to the 2019 survey data and the 2016 survey data.
That is, it shows whether hospitals' wage indexes will increase or
decrease under the 2022 survey data as compared to the most recent
years using the prior 2019 survey data and 2016 survey data
[[Page 36161]]
Based on the table, increases and decreases by CBSA are alike
across each year of occupational mix data. For example, 60.19 percent
of urban areas' wage indexes are increasing in FY 2025 due to the CY
2022 occupational mix data compared to 56.07 percent in FY 2024 using
CY 2019 occupational mix data. Similarly, 59.57 percent of rural areas'
wage indexes are increasing in FY 2025 due to the CY 2022 occupational
mix data compared to 57.45 percent in FY 2024 using CY 2019
occupational mix data. We also note that similar to the wage data, it
is not readily apparent, even if the comparison with the historical
trends had indicated greater differences by CBSA in this context, how
any changes due to the COVID-19 PHE differentially impacted the
occupational mix adjusted wages paid in each CBSA. Furthermore, even if
hypothetically changes due to the COVID-19 PHE did differentially
impact the occupational mix adjusted wage index over time, it is not
clear how those changes could be isolated from changes due to other
reasons and what an appropriate potential methodology might be to
adjust the data accordingly.
Lastly, we also note that we have not identified any significant
issues with the 2022 occupational mix data itself in terms of our
audits of this data. As usual, the data was audited by the MACs, and
there were no significant issues reported across the data for all
Taking all these factors into account, we believe the CY 2022
occupational mix data is the best available data to use for FY 2025 and
are proposing to use the CY 2022 occupational mix data for FY 2025.
2. Calculation of the Occupational Mix Adjustment for FY 2025
For FY 2025, we are proposing to calculate the occupational mix
adjustment factor using the same methodology that we have used since
the FY 2012 wage index (76 FR 51582 through 51586) and to apply the
occupational mix adjustment to 100 percent of the FY 2025 wage index.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42308), we modified our
methodology with regard to how dollar amounts, hours, and other
numerical values in the unadjusted and adjusted wage index calculation
are rounded, in order to ensure consistency in the calculation.
According to the policy finalized in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (84 FR 42308 and 42309), for data that we consider to be ``raw
data,'' such as the cost report data on
[[Page 36162]]
Worksheets S-3, Parts II and III, and the occupational mix survey data,
we continue to use these data ``as is'', and not round any of the
individual line items or fields. However, for any dollar amounts within
the wage index calculations, including any type of summed wage amount,
average hourly wages, and the national average hourly wage (both the
unadjusted and adjusted for occupational mix), we round such dollar
amounts to 2 decimals. We round any hour amounts within the wage index
calculations to the nearest whole number. We round any numbers not
expressed as dollars or hours in the wage index calculations, which
could include ratios, percentages, or inflation factors, to 5 decimals.
However, we continue rounding the actual unadjusted and adjusted wage
indexes to 4 decimals, as we have done historically.
Similar to the method we use for the calculation of the wage index
without occupational mix, salaries and hours for a multicampus hospital
are allotted among the different labor market areas where its campuses
are located. Table 2 associated with this proposed rule (which is
available via the internet on the CMS website), which contains the
proposed FY 2025 occupational mix adjusted wage index, includes
separate wage data for the campuses of multicampus hospitals. We refer
readers to section III.C. of the preamble of this proposed rule for a
chart listing the multicampus hospitals and the FTE percentages used to
allot their occupational mix data.
Because the statute requires that the Secretary measure the
earnings and paid hours of employment by occupational category not less
than once every 3 years, all hospitals that are subject to payments
under the IPPS, or any hospital that would be subject to the IPPS if
not granted a waiver, must complete the occupational mix survey, unless
the hospital has no associated cost report wage data that are included
in the proposed FY 2025 wage index. For the proposed FY 2025 wage
index, we are using the Worksheet S-3, Parts II and III wage data of
3,075 hospitals, and we used the occupational mix surveys of 2,950
hospitals for which we also had Worksheet S-3 wage data, which
represented a ``response'' rate of 96 percent (2,950/3,075). For the
proposed FY 2025 wage index, we are applying proxy data for
noncompliant hospitals, new hospitals, or hospitals that submitted
erroneous or aberrant data in the same manner that we applied proxy
data for such hospitals in the FY 2012 wage index occupational mix
adjustment (76 FR 51586). As a result of applying this methodology, the
proposed FY 2025 occupational mix adjusted national average hourly wage
is the following:
3. Implementation of the Proposed Occupational Mix Adjustment and the
Proposed FY 2025 Occupational Mix Adjusted Wage Index
As discussed in section III.E. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, for FY 2025, we are applying the occupational mix adjustment to
100 percent of the FY 2025 wage index. We calculated the occupational
mix adjustment using data from the 2022 occupational mix survey, using
the methodology described in the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76
FR 51582-51586).
Based on the 2022 occupational mix survey data, the proposed FY
2025 national average hourly wages for each occupational mix nursing
subcategory as calculated in Step 2 of the occupational mix calculation
are as follows:
The proposed national average hourly wage for the entire nurse
category is computed in Step 5 of the occupational mix calculation.
Hospitals with a nurse category average hourly wage (as calculated in
Step 4) of greater than the national nurse category average hourly wage
receive an occupational mix adjustment factor (as calculated in Step 6)
of less than 1.0. Hospitals with a nurse category average hourly wage
(as calculated in Step 4) of less than the national nurse category
average hourly wage receive an occupational mix adjustment factor (as
calculated in Step 6) of greater than 1.0.
Based on the 2022 occupational mix survey data, we determined (in
Step 7 of the occupational mix calculation) the following:
[[Page 36163]]
III. Proposed Changes to the Hospital Wage Index for Acute Care
F. Hospital Redesignations and Reclassifications
The following sections III.F.1 through III.F.4 discuss revisions to
the wage index based on hospital redesignations and reclassifications.
Specifically, hospitals may have their geographic area changed for wage
index payment by applying for urban to rural reclassification under
section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act (implemented at Sec. 412.103),
reclassification by the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board
(MGCRB) under section 1886(d)(10) of the Act, Lugar status
redesignations under section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act, or a combination
of the foregoing.
1. Urban to Rural Reclassification Under Section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the
Act, Implemented at Sec. 412.103
Under section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act, a qualifying prospective
payment hospital located in an urban area may apply for rural status
for payment purposes separate from reclassification through the MGCRB.
Specifically, section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act provides that, not later
than 60 days after the receipt of an application (in a form and manner
determined by the Secretary) from a subsection (d) hospital that
satisfies certain criteria, the Secretary shall treat the hospital as
being located in the rural area (as defined in paragraph (2)(D)) of the
State in which the hospital is located. We refer readers to the
regulations at Sec. 412.103 for the general criteria and application
requirements for a subsection (d) hospital to reclassify from urban to
rural status in accordance with section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act (such
hospitals are referred to herein as ``Sec. 412.103 hospitals''). The
FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51595 through 51596) includes
our policies regarding the effect of wage data from reclassified or
redesignated hospitals. We refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH final
rule (88 FR 58971 through 58977) for a review of our policy finalized
in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49004) to calculate the
rural floor with the wage data of urban hospitals reclassifying to
rural areas under Sec. 412.103, and discussion of our modification to
the calculation of the rural wage index and its implications for the
rural floor.
In the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41369 through
41374), we codified certain policies regarding multicampus hospitals in
the regulations at Sec. Sec. 412.92, 412.96, 412.103, and 412.108. We
stated that reclassifications from urban to rural under Sec. 412.103
apply to the entire hospital (that is, the main campus and its remote
location(s)). We also stated that a main campus of a hospital cannot
obtain Sole Community Hospital (SCH), Rural Referral Center (RRC), or
Medicare Dependent Hospital (MDH) status, or rural reclassification
under Sec. 412.103, independently or separately from its remote
location(s), and vice versa. In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(87 FR 49012 and 49013), we added Sec. 412.103(a)(8) to clarify that
for a multicampus hospital, approved rural reclassification status
applies to the main campus and any remote location located in an urban
area, including a main campus or any remote location deemed urban under
section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act. If a remote location of a hospital is
located in a different CBSA than the main campus of the hospital, it is
CMS' longstanding policy to assign that remote location a wage index
based on its own geographic area in order to comply with the statutory
requirement to adjust for geographic differences in hospital wage
levels (section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act). Hospitals are required to
identify and allocate wages and hours based on FTEs for remote
locations located in different CBSAs on Worksheet S-2, Part I, Lines
165 and 166 of form CMS-2552-10. In calculating wage index values, CMS
identifies the allocated wage data for these remote locations in Table
2 with a ``B'' in the 3rd position of the CCN. These remote locations
of hospitals with Sec. 412.103 rural reclassification status in a
different CBSA are identified in Table 2, and hospitals should evaluate
potential wage index outcomes for their remote location(s) when
withdrawing or terminating MGCRB reclassification, or canceling Sec.
412.103 rural reclassification status.
We also note that in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
59038 through 59039), we changed the effective date of rural
reclassification for a hospital qualifying for rural reclassification
under Sec. 412.103(a)(3) by meeting the criteria for SCH status (other
than being located in a rural area), and also applying to obtain SCH
status under Sec. 412.92, where eligibility for SCH classification
depends on a hospital merger. Specifically, we finalized that in these
circumstances, and subject to the hospital meeting the requirements set
forth at Sec. 412.92(b)(2)(vi), the effective date for rural
reclassification will be the effective date set forth in Sec.
Finally, we remind hospitals currently located in rural areas
becoming urban under the proposed adoption of the revised OMB
delineations in this proposed rule that if they have SCH, MDH, or RRC
status, they may choose to apply for a Sec. 412.103 urban to rural
reclassification if qualifying criteria are met in order to maintain
the SCH, MDH, or RRC status. We advise hospitals to evaluate their
options and if desired, apply for Sec. 412.103 urban to rural
reclassification before the beginning of FY 2025, to avoid a lapse in
SCH, MDH, or RRC status at the beginning of FY 2025 should we finalize
our proposal to adopt the revised OMB delineations.
a. Proposed Update to Rural Criteria at Sec. 412.103(a)(1)
Section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act describes criteria for hospitals
located in urban areas to be treated as being located in a rural area
of their state. The criterion at section 1886(d)(8)(E)(ii)(I) of the
Act requires that the hospital be located in a rural census tract of a
metropolitan statistical area (as determined under the most recent
modification of the Goldsmith Modification, originally published in the
Federal Register on February 27, 1992 (57 FR 6725)).
This condition is implemented in the regulation at Sec.
412.103(a)(1), which currently states: ``the hospital is located in a
rural census tract of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) as
determined under the most recent version of the Goldsmith Modification,
the Rural-Urban Commuting Area codes, as determined by the Office of
Rural Health Policy (ORHP) of the Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA), which is available via the ORHP website at: or from the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration,
Office of Rural Health Policy, 5600 Fishers Lane, Room 9A-55,
Rockville, MD 20857.''
The Goldsmith Modification \136\ was originally designed to
identify rural census tracts located in Metropolitan counties for
purposes of grant eligibility unrelated to the hospital IPPS but were
incorporated by section 1886(d)(8)(E)(ii)(I) of the Act for
[[Page 36164]]
purposes related to the hospital wage index.
\136\ Known as the ``Goldsmith Modification'' for its principal
developer, Harold F. Goldsmith, this method is described in detail
in the paper ``Improving the Operational Definition of ``Rural
Areas'' for Federal Programs'' available at
The Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) (known as ORHP in
Sec. 412.103) later funded development of Rural-Urban Commuting Area
(RUCA) codes via the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Economic
Research Service as the latest version of the Goldsmith Modification,
described in a May 3, 2007 Federal Register notice (72 FR 24589), to
address limitations of the original Goldsmith Modification. RUCAs, like
the Goldsmith Modification, are based on a sub-county unit, the census
tract, permitting a finer delineation of what constitutes rural areas
inside Metropolitan areas (72 FR 24590). In that notice, HRSA stated it
believes that the use of RUCAs allows more accurate targeting of
resources intended for the rural population to determine programmatic
eligibility for rural areas inside of Metropolitan counties. Using data
from the Census Bureau, every census tract in the United States is
assigned a RUCA code. In the May 3, 2007 Federal Register, HRSA stated
that ORHP considers all census tracts with RUCA codes 4-10 to be rural,
plus an additional 132 large area census tracts with RUCA codes 2 or 3
(72 FR 24591). They also stated that ORHP will continue to seek
refinements in the use of RUCAs.
FORHP has since published a revised definition of eligibility for
rural health grants for FY 2022 in a January, 12, 2021 Federal Register
Notice (86 FR 2418 through 2420). Specifically, FORHP added
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) counties that contain no Urbanized
Area (UA) \137\ to the areas eligible for the rural health grant
programs. FORHP did not remove any areas from the rural definition in
the FY 2022 Federal Register Notice.
\137\ UAs are defined by the Census Bureau as densely settled
areas with a total population of at least 50,000 people (86 FR
It has come to our attention that our current regulation text at
Sec. 412.103(a)(1) does not describe FORHP's expanded definition of a
``rural area'' from the FY 2022 Federal Register Notice. In addition,
Sec. 412.103(a)(1) contains a web link that is no longer active and
requires updating. We believe the current rural definition used by
FORHP for purposes of the rural health grant program constitutes ``the
most recent modification of the Goldsmith Modification'' referred to in
the statute, since the expanded definition of rural constitutes a
refinement to the use of RUCA codes, which were developed as the latest
version of the Goldsmith Modification. As stated in the FY 2022 Federal
Register Notice (86 FR 2420), the expanded criteria reflect FORHP's
desire to accurately identify areas that are rural in character using a
data-driven methodology that relies on existing geographic identifiers
and utilizes standard, national level data sources. We are therefore
proposing to amend our regulation text at Sec. 412.103(a)(1) to
provide a reference to the most recent Federal Register notice issued
by HRSA defining ``rural areas.'' In this way, there will be no need to
update the Medicare regulations if FORHP develops a further
modification of the Goldsmith Modification or if the weblink changes.
FORHP has published the current link in the Federal Register notice (86
FR 2418-2420) along with the most recent revisions to the current
complete rural definition, and it is available via the Rural Health
Grants Eligibility Analyzer at
We are proposing to amend the regulation text at 412.103(a)(1) to
read: the hospital is located in a rural census tract of a Metropolitan
Statistical Area (MSA) as determined under the most recent version of
the Goldsmith Modification, using the Rural-Urban Commuting Area codes
and additional criteria, as determined by the Federal Office of Rural
Health Policy (FORHP) of the Health Resources and Services
Administration (HRSA), which is available at the web link provided in
the most recent Federal Register notice issued by HRSA defining rural
b. Proposed Policy for Canceling Sec. 412.103 Reclassifications of
Terminated Providers
In the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR 49499 through
49500), CMS discussed its longstanding policy to terminate the Sec.
1886(d)(10) MGCRB wage index reclassification status for hospitals with
terminated CMS certification numbers (CCN). We determined that it would
be appropriate to terminate the MGCRB reclassification status for these
hospitals (with a limited exception for certain locations acquired by
another hospital in a different CBSA), as the hospital may no longer be
able to make timely and informed decisions regarding reclassification
At the time, we did not articulate a similar policy for hospitals
reclassified as rural under Sec. 412.103. While policies regarding
MGCRB reclassification were adopted for purposes related to the
hospital wage index, Sec. 412.103 reclassifications may have broader
implications. At the time the policy to terminate MGCRB
reclassifications for hospitals with terminated CCNs was implemented,
Sec. 412.103 reclassifications were less common, and generally had
negligible effects on State rural wage index values. Prior to FY 2024,
as a result of various wage index value hold-harmless policies,
discussed in detail in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
58973-58974), Sec. 412.103 hospital data rarely affected a state's
final rural wage index value. Under the current policy first
implemented in FY 2024, however, Sec. 412.103 hospital data is only
excluded from the rural wage index when indicated by the hold harmless
provision at section 1886(d)(8)(C)(ii) of the Act. Hospitals
reclassified under Sec. 412.103 now impact the rural wage index value
of most states. We refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH final rule
(88 FR 58973 through 58977) for discussion on how CMS finalized the
current policy to include the wage index data for Sec. 412.103
hospitals in more iterations of the rural wage index calculation.
Furthermore, following the policy implemented in the April 21, 2016
interim final rule with comment period (IFC) (81 FR 23428 through
23438), which allowed hospitals to maintain dual Sec. 412.103 and
MGCRB reclassification status, the number of rural reclassifications
has grown significantly. We now believe it is appropriate to propose a
policy regarding terminated or ``tied-out'' hospitals, effective for FY
2025, to address our concerns regarding the impacts these hospitals
would have on rural wage index values. Therefore, we are proposing that
Sec. 412.103 reclassifications will be considered cancelled for the
purposes of calculating area wage index for any hospital with a CCN
listed as terminated or ``tied-out'' as of the date that the hospital
ceased to operate with an active CCN. We propose to obtain and review
the best available CCN termination status lists as of the Sec.
412.103(b)(6) ``lock-in'' date (60 days after the proposed rule for the
FY is displayed in the Federal Register). The lock-in date is used to
determine whether a hospital has been approved for Sec. 412.103
reclassification in time for that status to be included in the upcoming
year's wage index development. We believe using this date for
evaluating CCN terminations would be consistent with the wage index
development timeline.
As stated previously, Sec. 412.103 reclassification may have other
implications for hospital status and payment. Hospitals may obtain
rural reclassification for several reasons, such as in order to convert
to a Critical Access Hospital (CAH), or to obtain Sole-Community
Hospital (SCH) status.
[[Page 36165]]
Eligibility requirements for Rural Emergency Hospital (REH)
qualification under section 1861(kkk)(3) of the Act included a
reference to reclassification under section 1886(d)(8)(E) (implemented
by Sec. 412.103). We note that our proposal to consider Sec. 412.103
reclassifications cancelled for the purposes of calculating area wage
index for any hospital with a CCN listed as terminated or ``tied-out''
is not intended to alter or affect the qualification for such statuses
or to have other effects unrelated to hospital wage index calculations.
The rural reclassification status would remain in effect for any period
that the original PPS hospital remains in operation with an active CCN.
For REH qualification requirement purposes, this would include the date
of enactment of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116-
260), which was December 27, 2020. We believe this policy provides
consistency and predictability in wage index values.
2. General Policies and Effects of MGCRB Reclassification and Treatment
of Dual Reclassified Hospitals
Under section 1886(d)(10) of the Act, the MGCRB considers
applications by hospitals for geographic reclassification for purposes
of payment under the IPPS. Hospitals must apply to the MGCRB to
reclassify not later than 13 months prior to the start of the fiscal
year for which reclassification is sought (usually by September 1).
Generally, hospitals must be proximate to the labor market area to
which they are seeking reclassification and must demonstrate
characteristics similar to hospitals located in that area. The MGCRB
issues its decisions by the end of February for reclassifications that
become effective for the following fiscal year (beginning October 1).
The regulations applicable to reclassifications by the MGCRB are
located in Sec. Sec. 412.230 through 412.280. (We refer readers to a
discussion in the FY 2002 IPPS final rule (66 FR 39874 and 39875)
regarding how the MGCRB defines mileage for purposes of the proximity
requirements.) The general policies for reclassifications and
redesignations and the policies for the effects of hospitals'
reclassifications and redesignations on the wage index are discussed in
the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for the FY 2012 final wage index
(76 FR 51595 and 51596).
In addition, in the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we discussed
the effects on the wage index of urban hospitals reclassifying to rural
areas under Sec. 412.103. In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84
FR 42332 through 42336), we finalized a policy to exclude the wage data
of urban hospitals reclassifying to rural areas under Sec. 412.103
from the calculation of the rural floor, but we reverted to the pre-FY
2020 policy in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49002
through 49004). Hospitals that are geographically located in States
without any rural areas are ineligible to apply for rural
reclassification in accordance with the provisions of Sec. 412.103.
On April 21, 2016, we published an interim final rule with comment
period (IFC) in the Federal Register (81 FR 23428 through 23438) that
included provisions amending our regulations to allow hospitals
nationwide to have simultaneous Sec. 412.103 and MGCRB
reclassifications. For reclassifications effective beginning FY 2018, a
hospital may acquire rural status under Sec. 412.103 and subsequently
apply for a reclassification under the MGCRB using distance and average
hourly wage criteria designated for rural hospitals. In addition, we
provided that a hospital that has an active MGCRB reclassification and
is then approved for redesignation under Sec. 412.103 will not lose
its MGCRB reclassification; such a hospital receives a reclassified
urban wage index during the years of its active MGCRB reclassification
and is still considered rural under section 1886(d) of the Act for
other purposes.
We discussed that when there is both a Sec. 412.103 redesignation
and an MGCRB reclassification, the MGCRB reclassification controls for
wage index calculation and payment purposes. Prior to FY 2024, we
excluded hospitals with Sec. 412.103 redesignations from the
calculation of the reclassified rural wage index if they also have an
active MGCRB reclassification to another area. That is, if an
application for urban reclassification through the MGCRB is approved
and is not withdrawn or terminated by the hospital within the
established timelines, we consider the hospital's geographic CBSA and
the urban CBSA to which the hospital is reclassified under the MGCRB
for the wage index calculation. We refer readers to the April 21, 2016
IFC (81 FR 23428 through 23438) and the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (81 FR 56922 through 56930), in which we finalized the April 21,
2016 IFC, for a full discussion of the effect of simultaneous
reclassifications under both the Sec. 412.103 and the MGCRB processes
on wage index calculations. For FY 2024 and subsequent years, we refer
readers to section III.G.1 of the preamble of the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule for discussion of our proposal to include hospitals with a
Sec. 412.103 redesignation that also have an active MGCRB
reclassification to another area in the calculation of the reclassified
rural wage index (88 FR 58971 through 58977).
a. Proposed Revision To Allow Sec. 412.103 Hospitals To Use Geographic
Area or Rural Area for Reclassification
On May 10, 2021, we published an interim final rule with comment
period (IFC) in the Federal Register (86 FR 24735 through 24739) that
included provisions amending our regulations to allow hospitals with a
rural redesignation to reclassify through the MGCRB using the rural
reclassified area as the geographic area in which the hospital is
located. We revised our regulation so that the redesignated rural area,
and not the hospital's geographic urban area, is considered the area a
Sec. 412.103 hospital is located in for purposes of meeting MGCRB
reclassification criteria, including the average hourly wage
comparisons required by Sec. 412.230(a)(5)(i) and (d)(1)(iii)(C).
Similarly, we revised the regulations to consider the redesignated
rural area, and not the geographic urban area, as the area a Sec.
412.103 hospital is located in for purposes of applying the prohibition
at Sec. 412.230(a)(5)(i) on reclassifying to an area with a pre-
reclassified average hourly wage lower than the pre-reclassified
average hourly wage for the area in which the hospital is located.
Effective for reclassification applications due to the MGCRB for
reclassification beginning in FY 2023, a Sec. 412.103 hospital could
apply for a reclassification under the MGCRB using the State's rural
area as the area in which the hospital is located. We refer readers to
the May 10, 2021 IFC (86 FR 24735 through 24739) and the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45187 through 45190), in which we finalized
the May 10, 2021 IFC, for a full discussion of these policies.
In a comment on the May 10, 2021 IFC (86 FR 24735 through 24739), a
commenter noted that the IFC states that a hospital reclassified under
Sec. 412.103 could potentially reclassify to any area with a pre-
reclassified average hourly wage that is higher than the pre-
reclassified average hourly wage for the rural area of the State for
purposes of the regulation at Sec. 412.230(a)(5)(i). The commenter
asserted that CMS' use of the word ``could'' in this context seems to
suggest that CMS would allow the hospital to use either its home
average hourly wage or the rural average hourly wage for purposes of
the regulation at Sec. 412.230(a)(5)(i). The commenter suggested that
CMS allow both comparison options, because the rural average hourly
wage may occasionally be higher than the hospital's home urban area's
average hourly wage.
[[Page 36166]]
In response, we clarified that the commenter's interpretation of
our policy is correct. We stated that while the court's decision in
Bates County Memorial Hospital v. Azar requires CMS to permit hospitals
to reclassify to any area with a pre-reclassified average hourly wage
that is higher than the pre-reclassified average hourly wage for the
rural area of the state, we do not believe that we are required to
limit hospitals from using their geographic home area for purposes of
the regulation at Sec. 412.230(a)(5)(i). Therefore, we clarified that
we would allow hospitals to reclassify to an area with an average
hourly wage that is higher than the average hourly wage of either the
hospital's geographic home area or the rural area (86 FR 45189).
While we clarified our policy in response to the aforementioned
comment, the regulation text was not similarly clarified to reflect
this policy inadvertently. We are therefore proposing to revise the
regulation text at Sec. 412.230(a)(5)(i) to reflect our policy
clarified in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45189). While
it has been CMS' policy to allow a Sec. 412.103 hospital to use either
its geographic area or the rural area of the State for purposes of
Sec. 412.230(a)(5)(i), we believe that synchronizing the regulation
text with our policy clarified in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(86 FR 45189) is necessary for consistency and to reduce unnecessary
Administrative appeals.
Specifically, we are proposing to replace the phrase in the
regulation at Sec. 412.230(a)(5)(i) that reads ``in the rural area of
the state'' with the phrase ``either in its geographic area or in the
rural area of the state.'' Section 412.230(a)(5)(i) with this proposed
revision would read: An individual hospital may not be redesignated to
another area for purposes of the wage index if the pre-reclassified
average hourly wage for that area is lower than the pre-reclassified
average hourly wage for the area in which the hospital is located. An
urban hospital that has been granted redesignation as rural under Sec.
412.103 is considered to be located either in its geographic area or in
the rural area of the State for the purposes of this paragraph
3. MGCRB Reclassification Issues for FY 2025
a. FY 2025 Reclassification Application Requirements and Approvals
As previously stated, under section 1886(d)(10) of the Act, the
MGCRB considers applications by hospitals for geographic
reclassification for purposes of payment under the IPPS. The specific
procedures and rules that apply to the geographic reclassification
process are outlined in regulations under 42 CFR 412.230 through
412.280. There are 610 hospitals approved for wage index
reclassifications by the MGCRB starting in FY 2025. Because MGCRB wage
index reclassifications are effective for 3 years, for FY 2025,
hospitals reclassified beginning in FY 2023 or FY 2024 are eligible to
continue to be reclassified to a particular labor market area based on
such prior reclassifications for the remainder of their 3-year period.
There were 237 hospitals approved for wage index reclassifications in
FY 2023 that will continue for FY 2025, and 316 hospitals approved for
wage index reclassifications in FY 2024 that will continue for FY 2025.
Of all the hospitals approved for reclassification for FY 2023, FY
2024, and FY 2025, 1,163 (approximately 32.5 percent) hospitals are in
a MGCRB reclassification status for FY 2025 (with 248 of these
hospitals reclassified back to their geographic location). We refer
readers to Section III.F.3.b of this proposed rule for information on
the effects of implementation of new OMB labor market area delineations
on reclassified hospitals.
Under the regulations at Sec. 412.273, hospitals that have been
reclassified by the MGCRB are permitted to withdraw their applications
if the request for withdrawal is received by the MGCRB any time before
the MGCRB issues a decision on the application, or after the MGCRB
issues a decision, provided the request for withdrawal is received by
the MGCRB within 45 days of the date that CMS' annual notice of
proposed rulemaking is issued in the Federal Register concerning
changes to the inpatient hospital prospective payment system and
proposed payment rates for the fiscal year for which the application
has been filed. Please note that Section III.F.3.c. of this proposed
rule contains a proposal to change the deadline for the withdrawal
requests to 45 days from the date of filing for public inspection of
the proposed rule at the website of the Office of the Federal Register.
For information about the current process for withdrawing,
terminating, or canceling a previous withdrawal or termination of a 3-
year reclassification for wage index purposes, we refer readers to
Sec. 412.273, as well as the FY 2002 IPPS final rule (66 FR 39887
through 39888) and the FY 2003 IPPS final rule (67 FR 50065 through
50066). Additional discussion on withdrawals and terminations, and
clarifications regarding reinstating reclassifications and ``fallback''
reclassifications were included in the FY 2008 IPPS final rule (72 FR
47333) and the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38148 through
Applications for FY 2026 reclassifications are due to the MGCRB by
September 1, 2024. This is also the current deadline for canceling a
previous wage index reclassification withdrawal or termination under
Sec. 412.273(d) for the FY 2025 cycle.
Applications and other information about MGCRB reclassifications
may be obtained beginning in mid-July 2024 via the internet on the CMS
website at This collection of information
was previously approved under OMB Control Number 0938-0573, which
expired on January 31, 2021. A reinstatement of this PRA package is
currently being developed. The public will have an opportunity to
review and submit comments regarding the reinstatement of this PRA
package through a public notice and comment period separate from this
b. Effects of Implementation of Proposal To Adopt Revised OMB Labor
Market Area Delineations on Reclassified Hospitals
(1) Background
Reclassifications granted under section 1886(d)(10) of the Act are
effective for 3 fiscal years, so that a hospital or county group of
hospitals would be assigned a wage index based upon the wage data of
hospitals in the labor market area to which it reclassified for a 3-
year period. Because hospitals that have been reclassified beginning in
FY 2023, 2024, or 2025 were reclassified based on the current labor
market delineations, if we adopt the revised OMB delineations based on
the OMB Bulletin No. 23-01 beginning in FY 2025 the CBSAs to which they
have been reclassified, or the CBSAs where they are located, may
change. Hospitals with current reclassifications are encouraged to
verify area wage indexes in Table 2 in the appendix of the proposed
rule, and to confirm that the CBSAs to which they have been
reclassified for FY 2025 would continue to provide a higher wage index
than their geographic area wage index. Hospitals may withdraw or
terminate their FY 2025 reclassifications by contacting the MGCRB
within 45 days from the date this proposed rule is issued in the
Federal Register (Sec. 412.273(c)).\138\
[[Page 36167]]
(2) Proposed Assignment Policy for Hospitals Reclassified to a CBSA
Where One or More Counties Move to the Rural Area or One or More Rural
Counties Move Into the CBSA
In the case where a CBSA would add a current rural county, or lose
a current constituent rural county, the current reclassification to the
resulting proposed CBSA would be maintained. In some cases, a hospital
may be located in a rural county that is proposed to join the CBSA to
which the hospital is reclassified. We note that in the FY 2015 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 49977), CMS terminated reclassifications
when, as a result of adopting the revised OMB delineations, a
hospital's geographic county was located in the CBSA for which it was
approved for MGCRB reclassification. At that time, there was no means
for a hospital to obtain an MGCRB reclassification to its own
geographic area (which we refer to as ``home area'' reclassifications).
However, as discussed in the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR
56925), ``home area'' reclassifications have since become possible as a
result of the change in policy in the 2016 IFC (81 FR 23428 through
23438) discussed earlier allowing for dual reclassifications. We
therefore do not believe it is necessary to terminate these
reclassifications as we did in FY 2015. In general, once the MGCRB has
approved a reclassification in accordance with subpart L of 42 CFR part
412, that reclassification remains in place for 3 years (see Sec.
412.274(b)(2)) unless terminated by the hospital pursuant to Sec.
412.273, and CMS does not reevaluate whether the hospital continues to
meet the criteria for reclassification during the three-year period. As
such, we propose to maintain these as ``home area'' reclassifications
instead of terminating them.
If a county is proposed to be removed from a CBSA and becomes
rural, a hospital in that county with a current ``home area''
reclassification would no longer be geographically located in the CBSA
to which they are reclassified. We propose that these reclassifications
would no longer be considered ``home area'' reclassifications, and the
hospital would be assigned the wage index applicable to other hospitals
that reclassify into the CBSA (which may be lower than the wage index
calculated for hospitals geographically located in the CBSA due to the
hold harmless provision at section 1886(d)(8)(C)(i) of the Act).\139\
\139\ In accordance with section 1886(d)(8)(C)(i) of the Act,
the wage index for hospitals located in a geographic area cannot be
reduced by the inclusion of reclassified hospitals. Therefore,
hospitals reclassified into the area would receive a wage index that
includes their data, whereas hospitals geographically located there
would receive a wage index that does not.
Finally, as discussed in section III.B.4, all the constituent
counties of CBSA 14100 (Bloomsberg-Berwick, PA), CBSA 19180 (Danville,
IL), CBSA 20700 (East Stroudsburg, PA) and CBSA 35100 (New Bern, NC)
become rural if we adopt the revised OMB delineations. There are
currently 6 hospitals with reclassifications to these areas.
As there is no sufficiently similar CBSA in the proposed
delineations, we are proposing that hospital reclassifications to these
CBSAs would be terminated for FY 2025. While we prefer to maintain the
remaining years of a MGCRB reclassification and transition the
reclassified hospitals to the most appropriate proposed CBSA, in an
instance when there is no urban county remaining, there is no
equivalent urban area that can be assigned to the reclassified
hospital. We note that Case No. 24C0548 is a ``home area''
reclassification, and the termination would have no direct effect on
wage index calculations.
(3) Proposed Assignment Policy for Hospitals Reclassified to a CBSA
Where the CBSA Number Changes, or the CBSA Is Subsumed by Another CBSA
We propose that in the case of a CBSA that experiences a change in
CBSA number, or where all urban counties in the CBSA are subsumed by
another CBSA, MGCRB reclassifications approved to the FY 2024 CBSA
would be assigned the proposed revised FY 2025 CBSA (as described in
the section III.B.6). In some cases, this reconfiguration of CBSAs
would result in an MGCRB reclassification approved to a different area
becoming a ``home area'' reclassification, if a hospital's current
geographic urban CBSA is subsumed by its reclassified CBSA. Otherwise,
the current reclassification would continue to the proposed revised
CBSA number.
(4) Proposed Assignment Policy for Hospitals Reclassified to CBSAs
Where One or More Counties Move to a New or Different Urban CBSA
In some cases, adopting the revised OMB delineations would result
in one or more counties splitting apart from their current CBSAs to
form new CBSAs, or counties shifting from one CBSA designation to
another CBSA. If CBSAs are split apart, or if counties shift from one
CBSA to another under the revised OMB delineations, for hospitals that
have reclassified to these CBSAs we must determine which reclassified
area to assign to the hospital for the remainder of a hospital's 3-year
reclassification period.
Consistent with the policy implemented in FY 2021 (85 FR 58743
through 58753), we are proposing to assign current ``home area''
reclassifications to these CBSAs to the hospital's proposed geographic
CBSA. That is, hospitals that were approved for MGCRB reclassification
to the geographic area they are located in effective for FYs 2023,
2024, or 2025 would continue to be assigned a reclassification to their
geographic ``home area.'' The assigned ``home area''
[[Page 36168]]
reclassification CBSA may be different from previous years if the
hospital is located in a county that was relocated to a new or
different urban CBSA.
The following is a table of hospitals with current active ``home
area'' reclassification to CBSAs where one or more counties are
proposed to move to a new or different urban CBSA. The table also lists
reclassifications (noted by an asterisk on the ``MGCRB Case Number'')
that were approved in FY 2023 or FY 2024 and would be superseded by a
new FY 2025 reclassification. Per Sec. 412.273(d)(4), these prior year
reclassifications are terminated once a new reclassification becomes
effective. However, if the new reclassification is withdrawn, the prior
year reclassification (often referred to as a ``fallback''
reclassification) would become active.
Consistent with the policy CMS implemented in the FY 2005 IPPS
final rule (69 FR 49054 through 49056), the FY 2015 IPPS final rule (79
FR 49973 through 49977), and in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(85 FR 58743 through 58753), for FY 2025, if a CBSA would be
reconfigured due to adoption of the revised OMB delineations and it
would not be possible for the reclassification to continue seamlessly
to the reconfigured CBSA (not including ``home area''
reclassifications, which were discussed previously), we believe it
would be appropriate for us to determine the best alternative location
to assign current reclassifications for the remaining 3 years.
Therefore, to maintain the integrity of a hospital's 3-year
reclassification period, we are proposing that current geographic
reclassifications (applications approved effective for FY 2023, FY
2024, or FY 2025) that would be affected by CBSAs that are split apart
or counties that shift to another CBSA under the revised OMB
delineations, would ultimately be assigned to a CBSA under the revised
OMB delineations that contains at least one county (or county
equivalent) from the reclassified CBSA under the current FY 2024
delineations, and that would be generally consistent with rules that
govern geographic reclassification. That is, consistent with the policy
finalized in FY 2015 (79 FR 49973) we are proposing a policy that other
affected reclassified hospitals be assigned to a CBSA that would
contain the most proximate county that (1) is located outside of the
hospital's proposed FY 2025 geographic labor market area, and (2) is
part of the original FY 2024 CBSA to which the hospital is
reclassified. We believe that assigning reclassifications to the CBSA
that contains the nearest county that meets the aforementioned criteria
satisfies the statutory requirement at section 1886(d)(10)(v) of the
Act by maintaining reclassification status for a period of 3 fiscal
years, while generally respecting the longstanding principle of
geographic proximity in the labor market reclassification process. For
county group reclassifications, we would follow our proposed policy, as
previously discussed, except that we are proposing to reassign
hospitals in a county group reclassification to the CBSA under the
revised OMB delineations that contains the county to which the majority
of hospitals in the group reclassification are geographically closest.
We are also proposing to allow such hospitals, or county groups of
hospitals, to submit a
[[Page 36169]]
request to the [email protected] mailbox for reassignment to
another proposed CBSA that would contain a county that is part of the
current CBSA to which it was approved to be reclassified (based on FY
2024 delineations) if the hospital or county group of hospitals can
demonstrate compliance with applicable reclassification proximity
rules, as described later in this section.
The following Table X provides a list of current FY 2024 CBSAs
(column 1) where one or more counties would be relocated to a new or
different urban CBSA. Hospitals with active MGCRB reclassifications
into the current FY 2024 CBSAs in column 1 would be subject to the
proposed reclassification assignment policy described in this
subsection. The third column of ``eligible'' CBSAs lists all proposed
revised CBSAs that contain at least one county that is part of the
current FY 2024 CBSA (in column 1).
Table Y lists all hospitals subject to our proposed
reclassification assignment policy and where their reclassifications
would be assigned for FY 2025 under this proposed policy. The table
lists reclassifications that would be in effect for FY 2025 under our
proposed policy and that are included in Table 2 in the addendum of
this proposed rule. The table also includes reclassifications (noted by
an asterisk on the ``MGCRB Case Number'') that were approved in FY 2023
or FY 2024 and that would be superseded by a new FY 2025
reclassification. As discussed previously, these prior year
``fallback'' reclassifications would become active if the subsequent FY
2025 reclassification is withdrawn. Please note, the following table
does not include hospitals currently reclassified to their ``home''
geographic area, which are discussed previously in this section.
[[Page 36170]]
[[Page 36171]]
(5) Proposed Assignment Policy for Hospitals Reclassified to CBSAs
Reconfigured Due to the Migration to Connecticut Planning Regions
As discussed in section III.B., CMS is proposing to adopt the
revised OMB Bulletin No. 23-01 delineations, which use planning regions
instead of counties as the basis for CBSA construction in the State of
Connecticut. There are five current urban CBSAs that include at least
one county in Connecticut. These are 14860 (Bridgeport-Stamford-
Norwalk, CT), 25540 (Hartford-East Hartford-Middletown, CT), 35300 (New
Have-Milford, CT), 35980 (Norwich-New London, CT), and 49340
(Worcester, MA-CT). In the proposed FY 2025 CBSAs, based on the OMB
Bulletin No. 23-01 delineations, there are five CBSAs that will contain
at least one county-equivalent ``planning region.'' The five CBSAs are
14860 (Bridgeport-Stamford-Danbury, CT), 25540 (Hartford-West Hartford-
East Hartford, CT), 35300 (New Haven, CT), 35980 (Norwich-New London-
Willimantic, CT), and 47930 (Waterbury-Shelton, CT).
As there was significant reconfiguration of the CBSAs due to the
transition from counties to planning regions, we are proposing to adopt
a similar assignment policy for hospitals reclassified to CBSAs that
currently include Connecticut counties as we do for hospitals
reclassified to CBSAs where one or more counties move to a new or
different urban CBSA (described in the previous subsection).
The following table lists all current ``home area''
reclassifications to one of the CBSAs that currently contain at least
one county in Connecticut.
[[Page 36172]]
The following table provides a list of current FY 2024 CBSAs
(column 1) that contain at least one county in Connecticut. Hospitals
with active MGCRB reclassifications into the CBSAs in column 1 would be
subject to the proposed reclassification assignment policy. The third
column of ``eligible'' CBSAs lists all proposed revised CBSAs that
contain at least one planning region that is part of the current FY
2025 CBSA (in column 1). Consistent with the policy proposed in the
previous section, we are proposing a policy that affected reclassified
hospitals be assigned to a CBSA that would contain the most proximate
planning region that (1) is located outside of the hospital's proposed
FY 2025 geographic labor market area, and (2) contains a portion of a
county included in the original FY 2024 CBSA to which the hospital is
The following table lists all hospitals subject to our proposed
reclassification assignment policy and their reclassifications to a
CBSA reconfigured due to the adoption of Connecticut planning regions
in FY 2025 under this proposed policy. The table lists
reclassifications that would be in effect for FY 2025 under our
proposed policy, and that are included in Table 2 in the addendum of
this proposed rule. The table also includes reclassifications (noted by
an asterisk on the ``MGCRB Case Number'') that were approved in FY 2023
or FY 2024 and would be superseded by a new FY 2025 reclassification.
These prior year reclassifications, frequently referred to as
``fallback'' reclassifications, may become active if the subsequent FY
2025 reclassification is withdrawn. (Please note, the following table
does not include hospitals currently reclassified to their ``home''
geographic area, which are discussed previously in this section.)
[[Page 36173]]
We note that the remote location currently indicated with 07B033
would, as proposed, be located in the same CBSA as the main provider
070033. Therefore, it would no longer be necessary to identify this
remote location separately from the main provider for wage index
purposes, and its MGCRB reclassification would no longer be listed in
Table 2 of the addendum of this proposed rule.
We believe that assigning reclassifications to the CBSA that
contains the nearest county-equivalent planning region that meets the
aforementioned criteria satisfies the statutory requirement at section
1886(d)(10)(v) of the Act by maintaining reclassification status for a
period of 3 fiscal years, while generally respecting the longstanding
principle of geographic proximity in the labor market reclassification
process. For county group reclassifications, we would follow our
proposed policy, as previously discussed, except that we are proposing
to reassign hospitals in a county group reclassification to the CBSA
under the revised OMB delineations that contains the county-equivalent
to which the majority of hospitals in the group reclassification are
geographically closest. We are also proposing to allow such hospitals,
or county groups of hospitals, to submit a request to the
[email protected] mailbox for reassignment to another proposed CBSA
that would contain a county that is part of the current CBSA to which
it was approved to be reclassified (based on FY 2024 delineations) if
the hospital or county group of hospitals can demonstrate compliance
with applicable reclassification proximity rules.
(6) Instructions To Request Reassignment of Reclassified CBSA
Hospitals that wish to be reassigned to an eligible CBSA (other
than the CBSA to which their reclassification would be assigned in this
proposed rule) for which they meet the applicable proximity criteria
under subpart L of 42 CFR part 412 may request reassignment within 45
days from the date the proposed rule is placed on display at the
Federal Register. Hospitals must send a request to
[email protected] and provide documentation establishing that they
meet the requisite proximity criteria for reassignment to an alternate
CBSA that contains one or more counties (or county-equivalents) from
the CBSA to which they are currently reclassified. We believe this
option of allowing hospitals to submit a request to CMS would provide
hospitals with greater flexibility with respect to their
reclassification reassignment, while ensuring that the proximity
requirements are met. We believe that where the proximity requirements
are met, the reclassified wage index would be consistent with the labor
market area to which the hospitals were originally approved for
reclassification. A hospital may request to reassign an individual
reclassification to any CBSA that in FY 2025 would contain a county or
county-equivalent (or in the case of Connecticut CBSAs, a portion of a
county) from the CBSA to which it was approved to be reclassified
(based on FY 2024 delineations). However, to be reassigned to an area
that is not the most proximate to the hospital, we believe it is
necessary that the hospital demonstrates that it complies with the
applicable proximity criteria under subpart L of 42 CFR part 412. If a
hospital cannot demonstrate proximity to a different eligible CBSA, the
hospital would not be considered for reclassification to that labor
market area, and the reclassification would remain with the CBSA
assigned under the general policy proposed earlier in this section. In
the case of a county group reclassification, all requests for
reassignment must include all actively reclassified hospitals (that is,
excluding any hospital that has since closed or converted to a
different provider type, or has terminated the reclassification).
[[Page 36174]]
groups must also demonstrate that they meet the appropriate proximity
requirements, including, for rural county groups, being adjacent to the
MSA to which they seek redesignation (412.232(a)(1)(ii)), and for urban
county groups, being in the same Combined Statistical Area or CBSA as
the urban area to which they seek redesignation (412.234(a)(3)(iv)).
All hospital requests for reassignment should contain the
hospital's name, address, CCN, and point of contact information. All
requests must be sent to [email protected]. Changes to a hospital's
CBSA assignment on the basis of a hospital's disagreement with our
determination of closest county, or on the basis of being granted a
reassignment due to meeting applicable proximity criteria under subpart
L of 42 CFR part 412 to an eligible CBSA will be announced in the FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. In any cases where a hospital requested
the Administrator review a reclassification dismissal or denial by the
MGCRB, the assignment and reassignment policies discussed in this
proposed rule would apply if the Board's decision is overturned; that
is, if the Administrator decides that the hospital's reclassification
request should be granted but the CBSA to which the hospital would
reclassify based on that decision would potentially be assigned to a
different CBSA as a result of adoption of the new OMB delineations, the
policies discussed in this proposed rule would apply to that
assignment. At the time of writing, CMS does not have a list of cases
for which the Administrator's review has been requested, nor the
disposition of any such cases. If a hospital is requesting review of a
reclassification to one of the CBSAs discussed in this section, they
may contact [email protected] to confirm to what CBSA the
reclassification would be assigned.
We recognize that the proposed reclassification assignment policies
may result in the assignment of the hospital for the remainder of its
3-year reclassification period to a CBSA that has a lower wage index
than the wage index that would have been assigned for the reclassified
hospital in the absence of the proposed adoption of the revised OMB
delineations. We believe that the 5 percent cap on negative wage index
changes discussed in section III.G.6 would mitigate significant
negative payment impacts for FY 2025, and hospitals would have adequate
time to fully assess any additional reclassification options available
to them.
d. Proposed Change to Timing of Withdrawals at 412.273(c)
As mentioned in section III.F.3.a of this proposed rule, under the
regulations at Sec. 412.273, hospitals that have been reclassified by
the MGCRB are permitted to withdraw or terminate an approved
reclassification. The current regulations at Sec. 412.273(c)(1)(ii)
and (c)(2) for withdrawals and terminations require the request to be
received by the MGCRB within 45 days of the date that CMS' annual
notice of proposed rulemaking is issued in the Federal Register
concerning changes to the IPPS and proposed payment rates.
In the 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS Final Rule (82 FR 38148 through 38150),
we finalized changes to the 45-day notification rules so that hospitals
have 45 days from the public display of the annual proposed rule for
the IPPS instead of 45 days from publication to inform CMS of certain
requested changes relating to the development of the hospital wage
index. We stated that we believe that the public has access to the
necessary information from the date of public display of the proposed
rule at the Office of the Federal Register and on its website in order
to make the decisions at issue. While we finalized changes to the 45-
day notification rules for decisions about the outmigration adjustment
and waiving Lugar status, we did not finalize a change to the timing
for withdrawing or terminating MGCRB decisions.
Instead, in response to comments expressing concern that some
hospitals may be disadvantaged if the Administrator's decision on a
hospital's request for review of an MGCRB decision has not been issued
prior to the proposed deadline for submitting withdrawal or termination
requests to the MGCRB, we maintained our existing policy of requiring
hospitals to request from the MGCRB withdrawal or termination of an
MGCRB reclassification within 45 days of issuance in the Federal
Register. We stated in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR
38149) that considering the usual dates of the MGCRB's decisions
(generally early February) and of the public display of the IPPS
proposed rule, the maximum amount of time for an Administrator's
decision to be issued may potentially extend beyond the proposed
deadline of 45 days from the date of public display.
However, the MGCRB currently issues decisions earlier, in January,
which mitigates this concern. For example, the MGCRB has sent decision
letters to hospitals via email on January 23, 2024 for the FY 2025
cycle and on January 31, 2023 for the FY 2024 cycle. We believe that
the MGCRB will continue to issue its decisions in January, due to their
upgrade to an electronic system that expedites processing applications
and issuing decision letters efficiently. The regulations at Sec. Sec.
412.278(a) and (b)(1) provide that a hospital may request the
Administrator to review the MGCRB decision within 15 days after the
date the MGCRB issues its decision. Under Sec. 412.278(f)(2)(i), the
Administrator issues a decision not later than 90 days following
receipt of the party's request for review. Consequently, MGCRB
decisions could be issued as late as the end of January, and the 15
days the hospital has to request the Administrator's review, plus the
90 days the Administrator has to issue a decision, would result in
hospitals receiving the results of the review prior to 45 days after
display (which would be May 16th if the proposed rule is displayed on
the target date of April 1, but later if there is a delay).
While the current timing of MGCRB decisions in January allows for
hospitals to receive the results of any review prior to 45 days after
display of the proposed rule for the relevant FY, and we expect this
timing to continue, we acknowledge that section 1886(d)(10)(C)(iii)(I)
of the Act grants the MGCRB 180 days after the application deadline to
render a decision. If the MGCRB were to delay issuing decisions until
the last day possible according to the Statute, which is February 28th,
a hospital requesting the Administrator's review may not receive the
results of the review prior to 45 days after display.
Therefore, we are proposing to change the deadline for hospitals to
withdraw or terminate MGCRB classifications from within 45 days of the
date that the annual notice of proposed rulemaking is issued in the
Federal Register to within 45 days of the public display of the annual
notice of proposed rulemaking on the website of the Office of the
Federal Register, or within 7 calendar days of receiving a decision of
the Administrator in accordance with Sec. 412.278 of this part,
whichever is later. This proposed change will synchronize this deadline
with other wage index deadlines, such as the deadlines for accepting
the outmigration adjustment and waiving or reinstating Lugar status. As
hospitals typically know the results of the Administrator's decisions
on reviews within 45 days of the public display of the proposed rule
for the upcoming fiscal year, we believe hospitals have access to the
information they need to make reclassification decisions. In the rare
circumstance that a hospital would not receive the results
[[Page 36175]]
of the review prior to 45 days of the public display date, or receives
the results of the review less than 7 days before the deadline, the
hospital would have 7 calendar days after receiving the Administrator's
decision to request to withdraw or terminate MGCRB classification.
While we do not anticipate frequent use of this extension, we believe
this fully addresses the concern that some hospitals may be
disadvantaged if the Administrator's decision on a hospital's request
for review of an MGCRB decision has not been issued prior to the
proposed deadline for submitting withdrawal or termination requests to
the MGCRB. We believe that 7 days after receiving the Administrator's
decision affords hospitals adequate time to make calculated
reclassification decisions.
Specifically, we are proposing to change the words ``within 45 days
of the date that CMS' annual notice of proposed rulemaking is issued in
the Federal Register'' in the regulation text at 412.273(c)(1)(ii) and
412.273(c)(2) for withdrawals and terminations to ``within 45 days of
the date of filing for public inspection of the proposed rule at the
website of the Office of the Federal Register, or within 7 calendar
days of receiving a decision of the Administrator in accordance with
Sec. 412.278 of this part, whichever is later''.
4. Redesignations Under Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act
a. Lugar Status Determinations
In the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51599 through
51600), we adopted the policy that, beginning with FY 2012, an eligible
hospital that waives its Lugar status in order to receive the out-
migration adjustment has effectively waived its deemed urban status
and, thus, is rural for all purposes under the IPPS effective for the
fiscal year in which the hospital receives the outmigration adjustment.
In addition, in that rule, we adopted a minor procedural change that
would allow a Lugar hospital that qualifies for and accepts the out-
migration adjustment (through written notification to CMS within 45
days from the issuance of the proposed rule in the Federal Register) to
waive its urban status for the full 3-year period for which its out-
migration adjustment is effective. By doing so, such a Lugar hospital
would no longer be required during the second and third years of
eligibility for the out-migration adjustment to advise us annually that
it prefers to continue being treated as rural and receive the out-
migration adjustment. In the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR
56930), we further clarified that if a hospital wishes to reinstate its
urban status for any fiscal year within this 3-year period, it must
send a request to CMS within 45 days of the issuance of the proposed
rule in the Federal Register for that particular fiscal year. We
indicated that such reinstatement requests may be sent electronically
to [email protected]. In the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82
FR 38147 through 38148), we finalized a policy revision to require a
Lugar hospital that qualifies for and accepts the out-migration
adjustment, or that no longer wishes to accept the out-migration
adjustment and instead elects to return to its deemed urban status, to
notify CMS within 45 days from the date of public display of the
proposed rule at the Office of the Federal Register. These revised
notification timeframes were effective beginning October 1, 2017. In
addition, in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38148), we
clarified that both requests to waive and to reinstate ``Lugar'' status
may be sent to [email protected]. To ensure proper accounting, we
request hospitals to include their CCN, and either ``waive Lugar'' or
``reinstate Lugar'', in the subject line of these requests.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42314 and 42315), we
clarified that in circumstances where an eligible hospital elects to
receive the outmigration adjustment within 45 days of the public
display date of the proposed rule at the Office of the Federal Register
in lieu of its Lugar wage index reclassification, and the county in
which the hospital is located would no longer qualify for an
outmigration adjustment when the final rule (or a subsequent correction
notice) wage index calculations are completed, the hospital's request
to accept the outmigration adjustment would be denied, and the hospital
would be automatically assigned to its deemed urban status under
section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act. We stated that final rule wage index
values would be recalculated to reflect this reclassification, and in
some instances, after taking into account this reclassification, the
out-migration adjustment for the county in question could be restored
in the final rule. However, as the hospital is assigned a Lugar
reclassification under section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act, it would be
ineligible to receive the county outmigration adjustment under section
1886(d)(13)(G) of the Act.
b. Effects of Proposed Implementation of Revised OMB Labor Market Area
Delineations on Redesignations Under Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act
As discussed in section III.A.2. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, CMS is proposing to update the CBSA labor market delineations to
reflect the changes made in the July 15, 2023, OMB Bulletin 23-01. In
that section, we proposed that 54 currently rural counties be added to
new or existing urban CBSAs. Of those 54 counties, 22 are currently
deemed urban under section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act. Hospitals located
in such a ``Lugar'' county, barring another form of wage index
reclassification, are assigned the reclassified wage index of a
designated urban CBSA. Section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act defines a
deemed urban county as a ``rural county adjacent to one or more urban
areas'' that meets certain commuting thresholds. Since we are proposing
to modify the status of these 22 counties from rural to urban, they
would no longer qualify as ``Lugar'' counties. Hospitals located within
these counties would be considered geographically urban under the
revised OMB delineations. The table in this section of this rule lists
the counties that would no longer be deemed urban under section
1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act if we adopt the revised OMB delineations. We
note that in almost all instances, the ``Lugar'' county is joining the
same (or a substantially similar) urban CBSA as it was deemed to in FY
[[Page 36176]]
We note that in the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 49973
through 49977), when we adopted large scale changes to the CBSA labor
market delineations based on the new 2010 decennial census, we also re-
evaluated the commuting data thresholds for all eligible rural counties
in accordance with the requirement set forth in section
1886(d)(8)(B)(ii)(II) of the Act to base the list of qualifying
hospitals on the most recently available decennial population data. We
are therefore proposing to reevaluate the ``Lugar'' status for all
counties in FY 2025 using the same commuting data table used to develop
the OMB Bulletin No. 23-01 revised delineations. The data table is the
``2016-2020 5-Year American Community Survey Commuting Flows''
(available on OMB's website: We are also proposing to
use the same methodology discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH final rule
(84 FR 42315 through 42318) to assign the appropriate reclassified CBSA
for hospitals in ``Lugar'' counties. That is, when assessing which CBSA
to assign, we will sum the total number of workers that commute from
the ``Lugar'' county to both ``central'' and ``outlying'' urban
counties (rather than just ``central'' county commuters).
By applying the 2020 American Community Survey (ACS) commuting data
to the updated OMB labor market delineations, we are proposing the
following changes to the current ``Lugar'' county list: 17 of the 53
urban counties that are proposed to become rural under the revised OMB
delineations, and both newly created rural Connecticut planning region
county-equivalents would qualify as ``Lugar'' counties. We also have
determined that, as proposed, 33 rural counties (an approximately 11
hospitals) would lose ``Lugar'' status, as the county no longer meets
the commuting thresholds or adjacency criteria specified in section
1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act.
[[Page 36177]]
The following table lists all proposed ``Lugar'' counties for FY
2025. We indicated additions to the list with ``New'' in column 5.
[[Page 36178]]
[[Page 36179]]
[[Page 36180]]
[[Page 36181]]
We note that Litchfield County, CT is no longer listed as a
``Lugar'' county as it is not included in the revised CBSA
delineations. The majority of Litchfield County is now within the
proposed Northwest Hills Planning Region county-equivalent, with some
of the county's current constituent townships assigned to other urban
county-equivalents. We also note that in prior fiscal years, Merrimack
County, NH was included as a ``Lugar'' redesignated county pursuant to
the provision at Sec. 412.62(f)(1)(ii)(B), which deems certain rural
counties in the New England region to be part of urban areas. Merrimack
County now meets the commuting standards to be considered deemed urban
under the ``Lugar'' statute at section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act.
We recognize that the changes to the ``Lugar'' list may have
negative financial impacts for hospitals that lose deemed urban status.
We believe that the 5 percent cap on negative wage index changes
discussed in section III.G.6, would mitigate significant negative
payment impacts for FY 2025, and would afford hospitals adequate time
to fully assess any additional reclassification options available to
them. We also note that special statuses limited to hospitals located
in rural areas (such as MDH or SCH status) may be terminated if
hospitals are deemed urban under section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act. In
these cases, hospitals should apply for rural reclassification status
under Sec. 413.103 prior to October 1, 2024, if they wish to ensure no
disruption in status.
G. Wage Index Adjustments: Rural Floor, Imputed Floor, State Frontier
Floor, Out-Migration Adjustment, Low Wage Index, and Cap on Wage Index
Decrease Policies
The following adjustments to the wage index are listed in the order
that they are generally applied. First, the rural floor, imputed floor,
and State frontier floor provide a minimum wage index. The rural floor
at section 4410(a) of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (Pub. L. 105-33)
provides that the wage index for hospitals in urban areas of a State
may not be less than the wage index applicable to hospitals located in
rural areas in that State. The imputed floor at section
1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of the Act provides a wage index minimum for all-
urban states. The state frontier floor at section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iii) of
the Act requires that hospitals in frontier states cannot be assigned a
wage index of less than 1.0000. Next, the out-migration adjustment at
section 1886(d)(13)(A) of the Act is applied, potentially increasing
the wage index for hospitals located in certain counties that have a
relatively high percentage of hospital employees who reside in the
county but work in a different county or counties with a higher wage
index. The low-wage index hospital adjustment finalized in the FY 2020
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42325 through 42339) is then applied,
which increases the wage index values for hospitals with wage indexes
at or below the 25th percentile. Finally, all hospital wage index
decreases are capped at 95 percent of the hospital's final wage index
in the prior fiscal year, according to the policy finalized in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49018 through 49021).
1. Rural Floor
Section 4410(a) of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (Pub. L. 105-33)
provides that, for discharges on or after October 1, 1997, the area
wage index applicable to any hospital that is located in an urban area
of a State may not be less than the area wage index applicable to
hospitals located in rural areas in that State. This provision is
referred to as the rural floor. Section 3141 of the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111-148) also requires that a national
budget neutrality adjustment be applied in implementing the rural
floor. Based on the FY 2025 wage index associated with this proposed
rule (which is available via the internet on the CMS website), and
based on the calculation of the rural floor including the wage data of
hospitals that have reclassified as rural under Sec. 412.103, we
estimate that 494 hospitals would receive the rural floor in FY 2025.
The budget neutrality impact of the proposed application of the rural
floor is discussed in section II.A.4.e. of Addendum A of this proposed
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 48784), CMS
finalized a
[[Page 36182]]
policy change to calculate the rural floor in the same manner as we did
prior to the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, in which the rural wage
index sets the rural floor. We stated that for FY 2023 and subsequent
years, we would include the wage data of Sec. 412.103 hospitals that
have no MGCRB reclassification in the calculation of the rural floor,
and include the wage data of such hospitals in the calculation of ``the
wage index for rural areas in the State in which the county is
located'' as referred to in section 1886(d)(8)(C)(iii) of the Act.
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH final rule (88 FR 58971-77), we finalized
a policy change beginning that year to include the data of all Sec.
412.103 hospitals, even those that have an MGCRB reclassification, in
the calculation of the rural floor and the calculation of ``the wage
index for rural areas in the State in which the county is located'' as
referred to in section 1886(d)(8)(C)(iii) of the Act. We explained that
after revisiting the case law, prior public comments, and the relevant
statutory language, we agreed that the best reading of section
1886(d)(8)(E)'s text that CMS ``shall treat the [Sec. 412.103]
hospital as being located in the rural area'' is that it instructs CMS
to treat Sec. 412.103 hospitals the same as geographically rural
hospitals for the wage index calculation.
Accordingly, in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized
a policy to include hospitals with Sec. 412.103 reclassification along
with geographically rural hospitals in all rural wage index
calculations, and to exclude ``dual reclass'' hospitals (hospitals with
simultaneous Sec. 412.103 and MGCRB reclassifications) that are
implicated by the hold harmless provision at section 1886(d)(8)(C)(ii)
of the Act. (For additional information on these changes, we refer
readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 58971 and
2. Imputed Floor
In the FY 2005 IPPS final rule (69 FR 49109 through 49111), we
adopted the imputed floor policy as a temporary 3-year regulatory
measure to address concerns from hospitals in all-urban States that
have stated that they are disadvantaged by the absence of rural
hospitals to set a wage index floor for those States. We extended the
imputed floor policy eight times since its initial implementation, the
last of which was adopted in the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule and
expired on September 30, 2018. We refer readers to further discussions
of the imputed floor in the IPPS/LTCH PPS final rules from FYs 2014
through 2019 (78 FR 50589 through 50590, 79 FR 49969 through 49971, 80
FR 49497 through 49498, 81 FR 56921 through 56922, 82 FR 38138 through
38142, and 83 FR 41376 through 41380, respectively) and to the
regulations at Sec. 412.64(h)(4). For FYs 2019, 2020, and 2021,
hospitals in all-urban states received a wage index that was calculated
without applying an imputed floor, and we no longer included the
imputed floor as a factor in the national budget neutrality adjustment.
Section 9831 of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (Pub. L. 117-
2), enacted on March 11, 2021, amended section 1886(d)(3)(E)(i) of the
Act and added section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of the Act to establish a
minimum area wage index for hospitals in all-urban States for
discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2021. Specifically, section
1886(d)(3)(E)(iv)(I) and (II) of the Act provides that for discharges
occurring on or after October 1, 2021, the area wage index applicable
to any hospital in an all-urban State may not be less than the minimum
area wage index for the fiscal year for hospitals in that State
established using the methodology described in Sec. 412.64(h)(4)(vi)
as in effect for FY 2018. Unlike the imputed floor that was in effect
from FYs 2005 through 2018, section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv)(III) of the Act
provides that the imputed floor wage index shall not be applied in a
budget neutral manner. Section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv)(IV) of the Act
provides that, for purposes of the imputed floor wage index under
clause (iv), the term all-urban State means a State in which there are
no rural areas (as defined in section 1886(d)(2)(D) of the Act) or a
State in which there are no hospitals classified as rural under section
1886 of the Act. Under this definition, given that it applies for
purposes of the imputed floor wage index, we consider a hospital to be
classified as rural under section 1886 of the Act if it is assigned the
State's rural area wage index value.
Effective beginning October 1, 2021 (FY 2022), section
1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of the Act reinstates the imputed floor wage index
policy for all-urban States, with no expiration date, using the
methodology described in Sec. 412.64(h)(4)(vi) as in effect for FY
2018. We refer readers to the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR
45176 through 45178) for further discussion of the original imputed
floor calculation methodology implemented in FY 2005 and the
alternative methodology implemented in FY 2013.
Based on data available for this proposed rule, States that would
be all-urban States as defined in section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv)(IV) of the
Act, and thus hospitals in such States that would be eligible to
receive an increase in their wage index due to application of the
imputed floor for FY 2025, are identified in Table 3 associated with
this proposed rule. States with a value in the column titled ``State
Imputed Floor'' would be eligible for the imputed floor.
The regulations at Sec. 412.64(e)(1) and (4) and (h)(4) and (5)
implement the imputed floor required by section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of
the Act for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2021. The
imputed floor would continue to be applied for FY 2025 in accordance
with the policies adopted in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. For
more information regarding our implementation of the imputed floor
required by section 1886(d)(3)(E)(iv) of the Act, we refer readers to
the discussion in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45176
through 45178).
3. State Frontier Floor for FY 2025
Section 10324 of Public Law 111-148 requires that hospitals in
frontier States cannot be assigned a wage index of less than 1.0000.
(We refer readers to the regulations at Sec. 412.64(m) and to a
discussion of the implementation of this provision in the FY 2011 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (75 FR 50160 through 50161).) In this FY 2025 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are not proposing any changes to the
frontier floor policy for FY 2025. In this proposed rule, 41 hospitals
would receive the frontier floor value of 1.0000 for their FY 2025
proposed wage index. These hospitals are located in Montana, North
Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming.
We note that while Nevada meets the criteria of a frontier State,
all hospitals within the State are projected to receive a wage index
value greater than 1.0000 prior to the application of the frontier
floor policy for FY 2025.
The areas affected by the rural and frontier floor policies for the
proposed FY 2025 wage index are identified in Table 3 associated with
this proposed rule, which is available via the internet on the CMS
4. Proposed Out-Migration Adjustment Based on Commuting Patterns of
Hospital Employees
In accordance with section 1886(d)(13) of the Act, as added by
section 505 of Public Law 108-173, beginning with FY 2005, we
established a process to make adjustments to the hospital wage index
based on
[[Page 36183]]
commuting patterns of hospital employees (the ``out-migration''
adjustment). The process, outlined in the FY 2005 IPPS final rule (69
FR 49061), provides for an increase in the wage index for hospitals
located in certain counties that have a relatively high percentage of
hospital employees who reside in the county but work in a different
county (or counties) with a higher wage index.
Section 1886(d)(13)(B) of the Act requires the Secretary to use
data the Secretary determines to be appropriate to establish the
qualifying counties. When the provision of section 1886(d)(13) of the
Act was implemented for the FY 2005 wage index, we analyzed commuting
data compiled by the U.S. Census Bureau that were derived from a
special tabulation of the 2000 Census journey-to-work data for all
industries (CMS extracted data applicable to hospitals). These data
were compiled from responses to the ``long-form'' survey, which the
Census Bureau used at that time, and which contained questions on where
residents in each county worked (69 FR 49062). However, the 2010 Census
was ``short form'' only; information on where residents in each county
worked was not collected as part of the 2010 Census. The Census Bureau
worked with CMS to provide an alternative dataset based on the latest
available data on where residents in each county worked in 2010, for
use in developing a new out-migration adjustment based on new commuting
patterns developed from the 2010 Census data beginning with FY 2016.
To determine the out-migration adjustments and applicable counties
for FY 2016, we analyzed commuting data compiled by the Census Bureau
that were derived from a custom tabulation of the American Community
Survey (ACS), an official Census Bureau survey, utilizing 2008 through
2012 (5-year) Microdata. The data were compiled from responses to the
ACS questions regarding the county where workers reside and the county
to which workers commute. As we discussed in prior IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rules, most recently in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR
49012), we have applied the same policies, procedures, and computations
since FY 2012. We refer readers to the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(80 FR 49500 through 49502) for a full explanation of the revised data
source. We also stated that we would consider determining out-migration
adjustments based on data from the next Census or other available data,
as appropriate.
As discussed earlier in section III.B., CMS is proposing to adopt
revised delineations from the OMB Bulletin 23-01, published July 21,
2023. The revised delineations incorporate population estimates based
on the 2020 decennial census, as well as updated journey-to-work
commuting data. The Census Bureau once again worked with CMS to provide
an alternative dataset based on the latest available data on where
residents in each county worked, for use in developing a new out-
migration adjustment based on new commuting patterns. We analyzed
commuting data compiled by the Census Bureau that were derived from a
custom tabulation of the ACS, utilizing 2016 through 2020 data. The
Census Bureau produces county level commuting flow tables every 5 years
using non-overlapping 5-year ACS estimates. The data include
demographic characteristics, home and work locations, and journey-to-
work travel flows. The custom tabulation requested by CMS was specific
to general medical and surgical hospital and specialty (except
psychiatric and substance use disorder treatment) hospital employees
(hospital sector Census code 8191/NAICS code 6221 and 6223) who worked
in the 50 States, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico and, therefore,
provided information about commuting patterns of workers at the county
level for residents of the 50 States, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico.
For the ACS, the Census Bureau selects a random sample of addresses
where workers reside to be included in the survey, and the sample is
designed to ensure good geographic coverage. The ACS samples
approximately 3.5 million resident addresses per year.\140\ The results
of the ACS are used to formulate descriptive population estimates, and,
as such, the sample on which the dataset is based represents the actual
figures that would be obtained from a complete count.
\140\ According to the Census Bureau, the effects of the PHE on
ACS activities in 2020 resulted in a lower number of addresses (~2.9
million) in the sample, as well as fewer interviews than a typical
For FY 2025, and subsequent years, we are proposing that the out-
migration adjustment will be based on the data derived from the
previously discussed custom tabulation of the ACS utilizing 2016
through 2020 (5-year) Microdata. As discussed earlier, we believe that
these data are the most appropriate to establish qualifying counties,
because they are the most accurate and up-to-date data that are
available to us. Furthermore, with the proposed transition of several
counties in Connecticut to ``planning region'' county equivalents
(discussed in section III.B.3. of the preamble this proposed rule), the
continued use of a commuting dataset developed with expiring county
definitions would be less accurate in approximating commuting flows. We
are proposing that the FY 2025 out-migration adjustments continue to be
based on the same policies, procedures, and computation that were used
for the FY 2012 out-migration adjustment. We have applied these same
policies, procedures, and computations since FY 2012, and we believe
they continue to be appropriate for FY 2025. (We refer readers to a
full discussion of the out-migration adjustment, including rules on
deeming hospitals reclassified under section 1886(d)(8) or section
1886(d)(10) of the Act to have waived the out-migration adjustment, in
the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51601 through 51602).)
Table 2 of this proposed rule (which is available via the internet on
the CMS website) lists the proposed out-migration adjustments for the
FY 2025 wage index.
5. Proposed Continuation of the Low Wage Index Hospital Policy and
Budget Neutrality Adjustment
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42325 through
42339), we finalized a policy to address the artificial magnification
of wage index disparities, based in part on comments we received in
response to our request for information included in our FY 2019 IPPS/
LTCH PPS proposed rule (83 FR 20372 through 20377). In the FY 2020
IPPS/LTCH final rule, based on those public comments and the growing
disparities between wage index values for high- and low-wage-index
hospitals, we explained that those growing disparities are likely
caused, at least in part, by the use of historical wage data to
prospectively set hospitals' wage indexes. That lag creates barriers to
hospitals with low wage index values being able to increase employee
compensation, because those hospitals will not receive corresponding
increases in their Medicare payment for several years (84 FR 42327).
Accordingly, we finalized a policy that provided certain low wage index
hospitals with an opportunity to increase employee compensation without
the usual lag in those increases being reflected in the calculation of
the wage index (as they would expect to do if not for the lag).\141\
[[Page 36184]]
We accomplished this by temporarily increasing the wage index values
for certain hospitals with low wage index values and doing so in a
budget neutral manner through an adjustment applied to the standardized
amounts for all hospitals, as well as by changing the calculation of
the rural floor. As explained in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH proposed rule
(84 FR 19396) and final rule (84 FR 42329), we indicated that the
Secretary has authority to implement the lowest quartile wage index
proposal under both section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act and under his
exceptions and adjustments authority under section 1886(d)(5)(I) of the
\141\ In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH proposed rule, we agreed with
respondents to a previous request for information who indicated that
some current wage index policies create barriers to hospitals with
low wage index values from being able to increase employee
compensation due to the lag between when hospitals increase the
compensation and when those increases are reflected in the
calculation of the wage index. (We noted that this lag results from
the fact that the wage index calculations rely on historical data.)
We also agreed that addressing this systemic issue did not need to
wait for comprehensive wage index reform given the growing
disparities between low and high wage index hospitals, including
rural hospitals that may be in financial distress and facing
potential closure (84 FR 19394 and 19395).
We increased the wage index for hospitals with a wage index value
below the 25th percentile wage index value for a fiscal year by half
the difference between the otherwise applicable final wage index value
for a year for that hospital and the 25th percentile wage index value
for that year across all hospitals (the low wage index hospital
policy). We stated in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42326
through 42328) our intention that this policy would be effective for at
least 4 years, beginning in FY 2020, to allow employee compensation
increases implemented by these hospitals sufficient time to be
reflected in the wage index calculation.
We note that the FY 2020 low wage index hospital policy and the
related budget neutrality adjustment are the subject of pending
litigation, including in Bridgeport Hospital, et al., v. Becerra, No.
1:20-cv-01574 (D.D.C.), No. 22-5249 (D.C. Cir.) (hereafter referred to
as Bridgeport). The district court in Bridgeport held that the
Secretary did not have authority under section 1886(d)(3)(E) or
1886(d)(5)(I)(i) of the Act to adopt the low wage index hospital policy
for FY 2020 and remanded the policy to the agency without vacatur. We
have appealed the court's decision.
As noted earlier, we finalized this policy in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
final rule to provide low wage index hospitals with an opportunity to
increase employee compensation without the usual lag in those increases
being reflected in the calculation of the wage index (as they would
expect to do if not for the lag). This continues to be the purpose of
the policy. We stated in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule our
intention that it would be in effect for at least 4 years beginning
October 1, 2019 (84 FR 42326). We also stated we intended to revisit
the issue of the duration of this policy in future rulemaking as we
gained experience under the policy. What could not have been
anticipated at the time the policy was promulgated was that
implementation of the policy would occur during the COVID-19 PHE, which
was declared starting in January of 2020 and continued until May of
2023. The effects of the COVID-19 PHE complicate our ability to
evaluate the low wage policy and our ability to determine whether low
wage hospitals have been provided a sufficient opportunity to increase
employee compensation under the policy without the usual lag.
In order to help gauge the impact of the COVID-19 PHE relative to
the impact of the low wage index hospital policy, we examined the
aggregate revenue each hospital reported on their FY 2020 cost reports
from the COVID-19 PHE Provider Relief Fund, the Small Business
Association Loan Forgiveness program, and other sources of COVID-19
related funding such as payroll retention credits and State emergency
relief funds. Specifically, we examined Worksheet G-3, lines 24.50
through 24.60 for each IPPS hospital's 2020 cost report. We found that
hospitals in the aggregate reported $31.1 billion in COVID-19 related
funding, and of that amount low wage hospitals reported $3.6 billion.
These amounts are much larger than, and likely had a much greater
impact on hospital operations, the approximately $230 million impact of
the low wage index hospital policy.\142\ For example, COVID-19 related
funding impacted the ability of hospitals, both low wage hospitals and
non-low wage hospitals, to change employee compensation in ways that
overshadowed any differential impact of the low wage index hospital
policy between the two groups that may have occurred in the absence of
the COVID-19 PHE.
\142\ As discussed in the FY 2020 IPPS final rule, the low wage
index hospital policy was implemented in a budget neutral manner. In
order to ensure that the overall effect of the application of the
low wage index hospital policy was budget neutral, we applied a
budget neutrality factor of 0.997987 to the FY 2020 standardized
amount (84 FR 42667). The IPPS spending associated with the
accounting statement in the FY 2020 IPPS final rule was
approximately $113 billion. Applying the budget neutrality
adjustment to the IPPS spending associated with the accounting
statement results in roughly a $230 million impact of the low wage
index hospital policy.
In addition to examining the COVID-19 related funding data, we also
examined the wage index data itself. For the FY 2025 wage index the
best available data typically would be from the FY 2021 wage data from
hospital cost reports. As discussed earlier in more detail in section
III.C, in considering the impacts of the COVID-19 PHE on the FY 2021
hospital wage data, we compared that data with recent historical data.
While there are some differences, it is not readily apparent how any
changes due to the COVID-19 PHE differentially impacted the wages paid
by individual hospitals. Furthermore, even if changes due to the COVID-
19 PHE did differentially impact the wages paid by individual hospitals
over time, it is not clear how those changes could be isolated from
changes due to other reasons and what an appropriate potential
methodology might be to adjust the data to account for the effects of
the COVID-19 PHE. Our inability to isolate the wage data changes due to
the COVID-19 PHE and disentangle them from changes due to the low wage
index hospital policy makes isolating and evaluating the impact of the
low wage index hospital policy challenging. We reached similar
conclusions with respect to the FY 2020 hospital wage data.
To help further inform our FY 2025 rulemaking with respect to the
low wage index hospital policy, we also conducted an analysis of
hospitals that received an increase to their wage index due to the
policy in FY 2020 (referred to as the low wage index hospitals for
brevity in the following discussion). Specifically, for each low wage
index hospital we calculated the percent increase in its average hourly
wages (AHWs) from FY 2019 to FY 2021 based on dividing its FY 2021
average hourly wage (using the wage data one year after the low wage
index hospital policy was implemented in FY 2020, available on the FY
2025 IPPS Proposed Rule web page) by its average hourly wage from the
FY 2019 wage data (the wage data one year before the low wage index
hospital policy was implemented in FY 2020, available on the FY 2023
IPPS final rule web page). We performed the same calculation for the
hospitals that were not low wage index hospitals. We then compared the
distributions of the average hourly wage increases between the two
groups. The results are shown in the following chart (Chart 1).
[[Page 36185]]
In general, the chart shows that the distribution of the changes in
the average hourly wages of the low wage index hospitals (mean = 15.1%,
standard deviation = 11.0%) is similar to the distribution of the
changes in the average hourly wages of the non-low wage index hospitals
(mean = 14.7%, standard deviation 8.9%). Although some low wage
hospitals have indicated to us that they did use the increased payments
they received under the low wage index hospital policy to increase
wages more than they otherwise would have, the similarity in the two
distributions indicates that, based on the audited wage data available
to us, the policy has generally not yet had the effect of substantially
reducing the wage index disparities that existed at the time the policy
was promulgated. Also, to the extent that wage index disparities for a
subset of low wage index hospitals has diminished, it is unclear to
what extent that is attributable to the low wage index hospital policy
given the effects of the COVID-19 PHE (as discussed below).
The COVID-19 PHE ended in May of 2023. With regard to the wage
index,4 years is the minimum time before increases in employee
compensation included in the Medicare cost report could be reflected in
the wage index data. The first full fiscal year of wage data after the
COVID-19 PHE is the FY 2024 wage data, which would be available for the
FY 2028 IPPS/LTCH PPS rulemaking. As we explained earlier in this
section, at the time the low wage index hospital policy was finalized,
our intention was that it would be in effect for at least 4 fiscal
years beginning October 1, 2019 and to revisit the issue of the
duration of this policy as we gained experience under the policy.
Because the effects of the COVID-19 PHE complicate our ability to
evaluate the low wage index hospital policy and our ability to
determine whether low wage hospitals have been provided a sufficient
opportunity to increase employee compensation under the policy without
the usual lag, we are proposing that the low wage index hospital policy
and the related budget neutrality adjustment would be effective for at
least three more years, beginning in FY 2025. This would result in the
policy being in effect for at least 4 full fiscal years in total after
the end of the COVID-19 PHE in May of 2023. This will allow us to gain
experience under the policy for the same duration and in an environment
more similar to the one we expected at the time the policy was first
In order to offset the estimated increase in IPPS payments to
hospitals with wage index values below the 25th percentile wage index
value, for FY 2025 and for subsequent fiscal years during which the low
wage index hospital policy is in effect, we are proposing to apply a
budget neutrality adjustment in the same manner as we have applied it
since FY 2020, as a uniform budget neutrality factor applied to the
standardized amount. We refer readers to section II.A.4.f. of the
Addendum to this proposed rule for further discussion of the budget
neutrality adjustment for FY 2025. For purposes of the low wage index
hospital policy, based on the data for this proposed rule, the table
displays the 25th percentile wage index value across all hospitals for
FY 2025.
6. Cap on Wage Index Decreases and Budget Neutrality Adjustment
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49018 through
49021), we finalized a wage index cap policy and associated budget
neutrality adjustment for FY 2023 and subsequent fiscal years. Under
this policy, we apply a 5-percent cap on any decrease to a hospital's
wage index from its wage index in the prior FY, regardless of the
circumstances causing the decline. A hospital's wage index will not be
less than 95 percent of its final wage index for the prior FY. If a
hospital's prior FY wage index is calculated with the application of
the 5-percent cap, the following year's wage index will not be less
than 95 percent of the hospital's capped wage index in the prior FY.
Except for newly opened hospitals, we apply the cap for a FY using the
final wage index applicable to the hospital on the last day of the
prior FY. A newly opened hospital will be paid the wage index for the
area in which it is geographically located for its
[[Page 36186]]
first full or partial fiscal year, and it will not receive a cap for
that first year, because it will not have been assigned a wage index in
the prior year. The wage index cap policy is reflected at Sec.
412.64(h)(7). We apply the cap in a budget neutral manner through a
national adjustment to the standardized amount each fiscal year. For
more information about the wage index cap policy and associated budget
neutrality adjustment, we refer readers to the discussion in the FY
2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49018 through 49021).
For FY 2025, we would apply the wage index cap and associated
budget neutrality adjustment in accordance with the policies adopted in
the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. We note that the budget
neutrality adjustment will be updated, as appropriate, based on the
final rule data. We refer readers to the Addendum of this proposed rule
for further information regarding the budget neutrality calculations.
H. FY 2025 Wage Index Tables
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we have included the
following wage index tables: Table 2 titled ``Case-Mix Index and Wage
Index Table by CCN''; Table 3 titled ``Wage Index Table by CBSA'';
Table 4A titled ``List of Counties Eligible for the Out-Migration
Adjustment under Section 1886(d)(13) of the Act''; and Table 4B titled
``Counties redesignated under section 1886(d)(8)(B) of the Act (Lugar
Counties).'' We refer readers to section VI. of the Addendum to this
proposed rule for a discussion of the wage index tables for FY 2025.
I. Proposed Labor-Related Share for the FY 2025 Wage Index
Section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the Act directs the Secretary to adjust
the proportion of the national prospective payment system base payment
rates that are attributable to wages and wage-related costs by a factor
that reflects the relative differences in labor costs among geographic
areas. It also directs the Secretary to estimate from time to time the
proportion of hospital costs that are labor-related and to adjust the
proportion (as estimated by the Secretary from time to time) of
hospitals' costs that are attributable to wages and wage-related costs
of the DRG prospective payment rates. We refer to the portion of
hospital costs attributable to wages and wage-related costs as the
labor-related share. The labor-related share of the prospective payment
rate is adjusted by an index of relative labor costs, which is referred
to as the wage index.
Section 403 of Public Law 108-173 amended section 1886(d)(3)(E) of
the Act to provide that the Secretary must employ 62 percent as the
labor-related share unless this would result in lower payments to a
hospital than would otherwise be made. However, this provision of
Public Law 108-173 did not change the legal requirement that the
Secretary estimate from time to time the proportion of hospitals' costs
that are attributable to wages and wage-related costs. Thus, hospitals
receive payment based on either a 62-percent labor-related share, or
the labor-related share estimated from time to time by the Secretary,
depending on which labor-related share results in a higher payment.
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45194 through
45208), we rebased and revised the hospital market basket to a 2018-
based IPPS hospital market basket which replaced the 2014-based IPPS
hospital market basket, effective beginning October 1, 2021. Using the
2018-based IPPS market basket, we finalized a labor-related share of
67.6 percent for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2021. In
addition, in FY 2022, we implemented this revised and rebased labor-
related share in a budget neutral manner (86 FR 45193, 86 FR 45529
through 45530). However, consistent with section 1886(d)(3)(E) of the
Act, we did not take into account the additional payments that would be
made as a result of hospitals with a wage index less than or equal to
1.0000 being paid using a labor-related share lower than the labor-
related share of hospitals with a wage index greater than 1.0000.
The labor-related share is used to determine the proportion of the
national IPPS base payment rate to which the area wage index is
applied. We include a cost category in the labor-related share if the
costs are labor intensive and vary with the local labor market. In the
FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45204 through 45207), we
included in the labor-related share the national average proportion of
operating costs that are attributable to the following cost categories
in the 2018-based IPPS market basket: Wages and Salaries; Employee
Benefits; Professional Fees: Labor-Related; Administrative and
Facilities Support Services; Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
Services; and All Other: Labor-Related Services. In this proposed rule,
for FY 2025, we are not proposing to make any further changes to the
labor-related share. For FY 2025, we are proposing to continue to use a
labor-related share of 67.6 percent for discharges occurring on or
after October 1, 2024. We note that, consistent with our established
frequency of rebasing the IPPS market basket every 4 years, we
anticipate proposing to rebase and revise the IPPS market basket in the
FY 2026 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule. Our preliminary evaluation of more
recent Medicare cost report data for IPPS hospitals for 2022 indicates
that the major IPPS market basket cost weights (particularly the
compensation and drug cost weights) are similar to those finalized in
the 2018-based IPPS market basket.
As discussed in section V.B. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
prior to January 1, 2016, Puerto Rico hospitals were paid based on 75
percent of the national standardized amount and 25 percent of the
Puerto Rico-specific standardized amount. As a result, we applied the
Puerto Rico-specific labor-related share percentage and nonlabor-
related share percentage to the Puerto Rico-specific standardized
amount. Section 601 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub.
L. 114-113) amended section 1886(d)(9)(E) of the Act to specify that
the payment calculation with respect to operating costs of inpatient
hospital services of a subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital for
inpatient hospital discharges on or after January 1, 2016, shall use
100 percent of the national standardized amount. Because Puerto Rico
hospitals are no longer paid with a Puerto Rico-specific standardized
amount as of January 1, 2016, under section 1886(d)(9)(E) of the Act as
amended by section 601 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016,
there is no longer a need for us to calculate a Puerto Rico-specific
labor-related share percentage and nonlabor-related share percentage
for application to the Puerto Rico-specific standardized amount.
Hospitals in Puerto Rico are now paid 100 percent of the national
standardized amount and, therefore, are subject to the national labor-
related share and nonlabor-related share percentages that are applied
to the national standardized amount. Accordingly, for FY 2025, we are
not proposing a Puerto Rico-specific labor-related share percentage or
a nonlabor-related share percentage.
Tables 1A and 1B, which are published in section VI. of the
Addendum to this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule and available via
the internet on the CMS website, reflect the proposed national labor-
related share. Table 1C, in section VI. of the Addendum to this FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule and available via the internet on the CMS
website, reflects the
[[Page 36187]]
national labor-related share for hospitals located in Puerto Rico. For
FY 2025, for all IPPS hospitals (including Puerto Rico hospitals) whose
wage indexes are less than or equal to 1.0000, we are proposing to
apply the wage index to a labor-related share of 62 percent of the
national standardized amount. For all IPPS hospitals (including Puerto
Rico hospitals) whose wage indexes are greater than 1.000, for FY 2025,
we are proposing to apply the wage index to a labor-related share of
67.6 percent of the national standardized amount.
IV. Proposed Payment Adjustment for Medicare Disproportionate Share
Hospitals (DSHs) for FY 2025 (Sec. 412.106)
A. General Discussion
Section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act provides for additional Medicare
payments to subsection (d) hospitals that serve a significantly
disproportionate number of low-income patients. The Act specifies two
methods by which a hospital may qualify for the Medicare
disproportionate share hospital (DSH) adjustment. Under the first
method, hospitals that are located in an urban area and have 100 or
more beds may receive a Medicare DSH payment adjustment if the hospital
can demonstrate that, during its cost reporting period, more than 30
percent of its net inpatient care revenues are derived from State and
local government payments for care furnished to patients with low
incomes. This method is commonly referred to as the ``Pickle method.''
The second method for qualifying for the DSH payment adjustment, which
is the more commonly used method, is based on a complex statutory
formula under which the DSH payment adjustment is based on the
hospital's geographic designation, the number of beds in the hospital,
and the level of the hospital's disproportionate patient percentage
A hospital's DPP is the sum of two fractions: the ``Medicare
fraction'' and the ``Medicaid fraction.'' The Medicare fraction (also
known as the ``SSI fraction'' or ``SSI ratio'') is computed by dividing
the number of the hospital's inpatient days that are furnished to
patients who were entitled to both Medicare Part A and Supplemental
Security Income (SSI) benefits by the hospital's total number of
patient days furnished to patients entitled to benefits under Medicare
Part A. The Medicaid fraction is computed by dividing the hospital's
number of inpatient days furnished to patients who, for such days, were
eligible for Medicaid, but were not entitled to benefits under Medicare
Part A, by the hospital's total number of inpatient days in the same
Because the DSH payment adjustment is part of the IPPS, the
statutory references to ``days'' in section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act
have been interpreted to apply only to hospital acute care inpatient
days. Regulations located at 42 CFR 412.106 govern the Medicare DSH
payment adjustment and specify how the DPP is calculated as well as how
beds and patient days are counted in determining the Medicare DSH
payment adjustment. Under Sec. 412.106(a)(1)(i), the number of beds
for the Medicare DSH payment adjustment is determined in accordance
with bed counting rules for the IME adjustment under Sec. 412.105(b).
Section 3133 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(Pub. L. 111-148), as amended by section 10316 of the same Act and
section 1104 of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (Pub.
L. 111-152), added a section 1886(r) to the Act that modifies the
methodology for computing the Medicare DSH payment adjustment. We refer
to these provisions collectively as section 3133 of the Affordable Care
Act. Beginning with discharges in FY 2014, hospitals that qualify for
Medicare DSH payments under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act receive 25
percent of the amount they previously would have received under the
statutory formula for Medicare DSH payments. This provision applies
equally to hospitals that qualify for DSH payments under section
1886(d)(5)(F)(i)(I) of the Act and those hospitals that qualify under
the Pickle method under section 1886(d)(5)(F)(i)(II) of the Act.
The remaining amount, equal to an estimate of 75 percent of what
otherwise would have been paid as Medicare DSH payments, reduced to
reflect changes in the percentage of individuals who are uninsured, is
available to make additional payments to each hospital that qualifies
for Medicare DSH payments and that has uncompensated care. The payments
to each hospital for a fiscal year are based on the hospital's amount
of uncompensated care for a given time period relative to the total
amount of uncompensated care for that same time period reported by all
hospitals that receive Medicare DSH payments for that fiscal year.
Since FY 2014, section 1886(r) of the Act has required that
hospitals that are eligible for DSH payments under section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act receive 2 separately calculated payments:
[[Page 36188]]
Specifically, section 1886(r)(1) of the Act provides that the
Secretary shall pay to such subsection (d) hospital 25 percent of the
amount the hospital would have received under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of
the Act for DSH payments, which represents the empirically justified
amount for such payment, as determined by the MedPAC in its March 2007
Report to Congress.\143\ We refer to this payment as the ``empirically
justified Medicare DSH payment.''
In addition to this empirically justified Medicare DSH payment,
section 1886(r)(2) of the Act provides that, for FY 2014 and each
subsequent fiscal year, the Secretary shall pay to such subsection (d)
hospital an additional amount equal to the product of three factors.
The first factor is the difference between the aggregate amount of
payments that would be made to subsection (d) hospitals under section
1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act if subsection (r) did not apply and the
aggregate amount of payments that are made to subsection (d) hospitals
under section 1886(r)(1) of the Act for such fiscal year. Therefore,
this factor amounts to 75 percent of the payments that would otherwise
be made under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act.
The second factor is, for FY 2018 and subsequent fiscal years, 1
minus the percent change in the percent of individuals who are
uninsured, as determined by comparing the percent of individuals who
were uninsured in 2013 (as estimated by the Secretary, based on data
from the Census Bureau or other sources the Secretary determines
appropriate, and certified by the Chief Actuary of CMS) and the percent
of individuals who were uninsured in the most recent period for which
data are available (as so estimated and certified).
The third factor is a percent that, for each subsection (d)
hospital, represents the quotient of the amount of uncompensated care
for such hospital for a period selected by the Secretary (as estimated
by the Secretary, based on appropriate data), including the use of
alternative data where the Secretary determines that alternative data
are available which are a better proxy for the costs of subsection (d)
hospitals for treating the uninsured, and the aggregate amount of
uncompensated care for all subsection (d) hospitals that receive a
payment under section 1886(r) of the Act. Therefore, this third factor
represents a hospital's uncompensated care amount for a given time
period relative to the uncompensated care amount for that same time
period for all hospitals that receive Medicare DSH payments in the
applicable fiscal year, expressed as a percent.
For each hospital, the product of these three factors represents
its additional payment for uncompensated care for the applicable fiscal
year. We refer to the additional payment determined by these factors as
the ``uncompensated care payment.'' In brief, the uncompensated care
payment for an individual hospital is determined as the product of the
following 3 factors:
Section 1886(r) of the Act applies to FY 2014 and each subsequent
fiscal year. In the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR 50620
through 50647) and the FY 2014 IPPS interim final rule with comment
period (78 FR 61191 through 61197), we set forth our policies for
implementing the required changes to the Medicare DSH payment
methodology made by section 3133 of the Affordable Care Act for FY
2014. In those rules, we noted that, because section 1886(r) of the Act
modifies the payment required under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act,
it affects only the DSH payment under the operating IPPS. It does not
revise or replace the capital IPPS DSH payment provided under the
regulations at 42 CFR part 412, subpart M, which was established
through the exercise of the Secretary's discretion in implementing the
capital IPPS under section 1886(g)(1)(A) of the Act.
Finally, section 1886(r)(3) of the Act provides that there shall be
no administrative or judicial review under section 1869, section 1878,
or otherwise of any estimate of the Secretary for purposes of
determining the factors described in section 1886(r)(2) of the Act or
of any period selected by the Secretary for the purpose of determining
those factors. Therefore, there is no administrative or judicial review
of the estimates developed for purposes of applying the three factors
used to determine uncompensated care payments, or of the periods
selected to develop such estimates.
B. Eligibility for Empirically Justified Medicare DSH Payments and
Uncompensated Care Payments
The payment methodology under section 3133 of the Affordable Care
Act applies to ``subsection (d) hospitals'' that would otherwise
receive a DSH payment made under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act.
Therefore, hospitals must receive empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments in a fiscal year to receive an additional Medicare
uncompensated care payment for that year. Specifically, section
1886(r)(2) of the Act states that, in addition to the empirically
justified Medicare DSH payment made to a subsection (d) hospital under
section 1886(r)(1) of the Act, the Secretary shall pay to ``such
subsection (d) hospitals'' the uncompensated care payment. Section
1886(r)(2)'s reference to ``such subsection (d) hospitals'' refers to
hospitals that receive empirically justified Medicare DSH payments
under section 1886(r)(1) for the applicable fiscal year.
In the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR 50622) and the FY
2014 IPPS interim final rule with comment period (78 FR 61193), we
explained that hospitals that are not eligible to receive empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments in a fiscal year will not receive
uncompensated care payments for that year. We also specified that we
would make a determination concerning eligibility for interim
uncompensated care payments based on each hospital's estimated DSH
status (that is, eligibility to receive empirically justified Medicare
DSH payments) for the applicable fiscal year (using the most recent
data that are available). For this proposed rule, we estimated DSH
status for all hospitals using the most recent available SSI ratios and
information from the most recent available Provider Specific File. We
note that FY 2020 SSI ratios available on the CMS website were the most
recent available SSI ratios at the time of developing this proposed
[[Page 36189]]
rule.\144\ If more recent data on DSH eligibility becomes available
before the final rule, we would use such data in the final rule.
Our final determinations of a hospital's eligibility for
uncompensated care and empirically justified Medicare DSH payments will
be based on the hospital's actual DSH status at cost report settlement
for FY 2025.
In the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR 50622) and in the
rulemakings for subsequent fiscal years, we have specified our policies
for several specific classes of hospitals within the scope of section
1886(r) of the Act. Eligible hospitals include the following:
Subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals that are eligible for
DSH payments also are eligible to receive empirically justified
Medicare DSH payments and uncompensated care payments under section
1886(r) of the Act (78 FR 50623 and 79 FR 50006).
Sole community hospitals (SCHs) that are paid under the
IPPS Federal rate receive interim payments based on what we estimate
and project their DSH status to be prior to the beginning of the fiscal
year (based on the best available data at that time) subject to
settlement through the cost report. If they receive interim empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments in a fiscal year, they will also be
eligible to receive interim uncompensated care payments for that fiscal
year on a per discharge basis. Final eligibility determinations will be
made at the end of the cost reporting period at settlement, and both
interim empirically justified Medicare DSH payments and uncompensated
care payments will be adjusted accordingly (78 FR 50624 and 79 FR
Medicare-dependent, small rural hospitals (MDHs) are paid
based on the IPPS Federal rate or, if higher, the IPPS Federal rate
plus 75 percent of the amount by which the Federal rate is exceeded by
the updated hospital-specific rate from certain specified base years
(76 FR 51684). The IPPS Federal rate that is used in the MDH payment
methodology is the same IPPS Federal rate that is used in the SCH
payment methodology. Because MDHs are paid based on the IPPS Federal
rate, they continue to be eligible to receive empirically justified
Medicare DSH payments and uncompensated care payments if their DPP is
at least 15 percent, and we apply the same process to determine MDHs'
eligibility for interim empirically justified Medicare DSH and interim
uncompensated care payments as we do for all other IPPS hospitals.
Legislation has extended the MDH program into FY 2024. We refer readers
to section V.F. of the preamble of this proposed rule for further
discussion of the MDH program.
Section 307 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 extended
the MDH program through December 31, 2024. We will continue to make a
determination concerning an MDH's eligibility for interim empirically
justified Medicare DSH and uncompensated care payments based on the
hospital's estimated DSH status for the applicable fiscal year.
IPPS hospitals that elect to participate in the Bundled
Payments for Care Improvement Advanced (BPCI Advanced) model, will
continue to be paid under the IPPS and, therefore, are eligible to
receive empirically justified Medicare DSH payments and uncompensated
care payments until the Model's final performance year, which ends on
December 31, 2025. For further information regarding the BPCI Advanced
model, we refer readers to the CMS website at
IPPS hospitals that participate in the Comprehensive Care
for Joint Replacement (CJR) Model's (80 FR 73300) continue to be paid
under the IPPS and, therefore, are eligible to receive empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments and uncompensated care payments We
refer the reader to the final rule that appeared in the May 3, 2021,
Federal Register (86 FR 23496), which extended the CJR Model for an
additional three performance years. The Model's final performance year
ends on December 31, 2024. For additional information on the CJR Model,
we refer readers to the CMS website at
Transforming Episode Accountability Model (TEAM) is a new
proposed episode-based model, which is discussed in section X.A. of the
preamble of this proposed rule. Hospitals participating in TEAM would
continue to be paid under the IPPS and, therefore, are eligible to
receive empirically justified Medicare DSH payments and uncompensated
care payments. The proposed model's start date is January 2026.
Ineligible hospitals include the following:
Maryland hospitals are not eligible to receive empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments and uncompensated care payments under
the payment methodology of section 1866(r) of the Act because they are
not paid under the IPPS. As discussed in the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (83 FR 41402 through 41403), CMS and the State have entered
into an agreement to govern payments to Maryland hospitals under a new
payment model, the Maryland Total Cost of Care (TCOC) Model, which
began on January 1, 2019. Under the Maryland TCOC Model, which
concludes on December 31, 2026, Maryland hospitals are not paid under
the IPPS and are ineligible to receive empirically justified Medicare
DSH payments and uncompensated care payments under section 1886(r) of
the Act.
SCHs that are paid under their hospital-specific rate are
not eligible for Medicare DSH and uncompensated care payments (78 FR
50623 and 50624).
Hospitals participating in the Rural Community Hospital
Demonstration Program are not eligible to receive empirically justified
Medicare DSH payments and uncompensated care payments under section
1886(r) of the Act because they are not paid under the IPPS (78 FR
50625 and 79 FR 50008). The Rural Community Hospital Demonstration
Program was originally authorized for a 5-year period by section 410A
of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act
of 2003 (MMA) (Pub. L. 108-173).\145\ The period of participation for
the last hospital in the demonstration under this most recent
legislative authorization will end on June 30, 2028. Under the payment
methodology that applies during this most recent extension of the
demonstration program, participating hospitals do not receive
empirically justified Medicare DSH payments, and they are excluded from
receiving interim and final uncompensated care payments. At the time of
development of this proposed rule, we believe 23 hospitals may
participate in the
[[Page 36190]]
demonstration program at the start of FY 2025.
\145\ The Rural Community Hospital Demonstration Program was
extended for a subsequent 5-year period by sections 3123 and 10313
of the Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111-148). The period of
performance for this 5-year extension period ended on December 31,
2016. Section 15003 of the 21st Century Cures Act (Pub. L. 114 255),
enacted on December 13, 2016, again amended section 410A of Public
Law 108-173 to require a 10-year extension period (in place of the
5-year extension required by the Affordable Care Act), therefore
requiring an additional 5-year participation period for the
demonstration program. Section 15003 of Public Law 114-255 also
required a solicitation for applications for additional hospitals to
participate in the demonstration program. The period of performance
for this 5-year extension period ended December 31, 2021. The
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116-260) amended
section 410A of Public Law 108-173 to extend the demonstration
program for an additional 5-year period.
C. Empirically Justified Medicare DSH Payments
As we have discussed earlier, section 1886(r)(1) of the Act
requires the Secretary to pay 25 percent of the amount of the Medicare
DSH payment that would otherwise be made under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of
the Act to a subsection (d) hospital. Because section 1886(r)(1) of the
Act merely requires the Secretary to pay a designated percentage of
these payments, without revising the criteria governing eligibility for
DSH payments or the underlying payment methodology, we stated in the FY
2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule that we did not believe that it was
necessary to develop any new operational mechanisms for making such
Therefore, in the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR 50626),
we implemented this provision by advising Medicare Administrative
Contractors (MACs) to simply adjust subsection (d) hospitals' interim
claim payments to an amount equal to 25 percent of what would have been
paid if section 1886(r) of the Act did not apply. We also made
corresponding changes to the hospital cost report so that these
empirically justified Medicare DSH payments could be settled at the
appropriate level at the time of cost report settlement. We provided
more detailed operational instructions and cost report instructions
following issuance of the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule that are
available on the CMS website at
D. Supplemental Payment for Indian Health Service (IHS) and Tribal
Hospitals and Puerto Rico Hospitals
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49047 through
49051), we established a new supplemental payment for IHS/Tribal
hospitals and hospitals located in Puerto Rico for FY 2023 and
subsequent fiscal years. This payment was established to help to
mitigate the impact of the decision to discontinue the use of low-
income insured days as a proxy for uncompensated care costs for these
hospitals and to prevent undue long-term financial disruption for these
providers. The regulations located at 42 CFR 412.106(h) govern the
supplemental payment. In brief, the supplemental payment for a fiscal
year is determined as the difference between the hospital's base year
amount and its uncompensated care payment for the applicable fiscal
year as determined under Sec. 412.106(g)(1). The base year amount is
the hospital's FY 2022 uncompensated care payment adjusted by one plus
the percent change in the total uncompensated care amount between the
applicable fiscal year (that is, FY 2025 for purposes of this
rulemaking) and FY 2022, where the total uncompensated care amount for
a fiscal year is determined as the product of Factor 1 and Factor 2 for
that year. If the base year amount is equal to or lower than the
hospital's uncompensated care payment for the current fiscal year, then
the hospital would not receive a supplemental payment because the
hospital would not be experiencing financial disruption in that year as
a result of the use of uncompensated care data from the Worksheet S-10
in determining Factor 3 of the uncompensated care payment methodology.
We are not proposing any changes to the methodology for determining
supplemental payments, and we will calculate the supplemental payments
to eligible IHS/Tribal and Puerto Rico hospitals consistent with the
methodology described in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR
49047 through 49051) and Sec. 412.106(h).
As discussed in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49048
and 49049), the eligibility and payment processes for the supplemental
payment are consistent with the processes for determining eligibility
to receive interim and final uncompensated care payments adopted in FY
2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. We note that the MAC will make a final
determination with respect to a hospital's eligibility to receive the
supplemental payment for a fiscal year, in conjunction with its final
determination of the hospital's eligibility for DSH payments and
uncompensated care payments for that fiscal year.
E. Uncompensated Care Payments
As we discussed earlier, section 1886(r)(2) of the Act provides
that, for each eligible hospital in FY 2014 and subsequent years, the
uncompensated care payment is the product of three factors, which are
discussed in the next sections.
1. Proposed Calculation of Factor 1 for FY 2025
Section 1886(r)(2)(A) of the Act establishes Factor 1 in the
calculation of the uncompensated care payment. The regulations located
at 42 CFR 412.106(g)(1)(i) govern the Factor 1 calculation. Under a
prospective payment system, we would not know the precise aggregate
Medicare DSH payment amounts that would be paid for a fiscal year until
cost report settlement for all IPPS hospitals is completed, which
occurs several years after the end of the fiscal year. Therefore,
section 1886(r)(2)(A)(i) of the Act provides authority to estimate this
amount by specifying that, for each fiscal year to which the provision
applies, such amount is to be estimated by the Secretary. Similarly, we
would not know the precise aggregate empirically justified Medicare DSH
payment amounts that would be paid for a fiscal year until cost report
settlement for all IPPS hospitals is completed. Thus, section
1886(r)(2)(A)(ii) of the Act provides authority to estimate this
amount. In brief, Factor 1 is the difference between the Secretary's
estimates of: (1) the amount that would have been paid in Medicare DSH
payments for the fiscal year, in the absence of section 1886(r) of the
Act; and (2) the amount of empirically justified Medicare DSH payments
that are made for the fiscal year, which takes into account the
requirement to pay 25 percent of what would have otherwise been paid
under section 1886(d)(5)(F) of the Act.
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, consistent with the
policy that has applied since the FY 2014 final rule (78 FR 50627
through 50631), we are determining Factor 1 from the most recently
available estimates of the aggregate amount of Medicare DSH payments
that would be made for FY 2025 in the absence of section 1886(r)(1) of
the Act and the aggregate amount of empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments that would be made for FY 2025, both as calculated by CMS'
Office of the Actuary (OACT). Consistent with the policy that has
applied in previous years, these estimates will not be revised or
updated subsequent to the publication of our final projections in the
FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
For this proposed rule, to calculate both estimates, we used the
most recently available projections of Medicare DSH payments for the
fiscal year, as calculated by OACT using the most recently filed
Medicare hospital cost reports with Medicare DSH payment information
and the most recent DPPs and Medicare DSH payment adjustments provided
in the IPPS Impact File. The projection of Medicare DSH payments for
the fiscal year is also partially based on OACT's Part A benefits
projection model, which projects, among other things, inpatient
hospital spending. Projections of DSH payments additionally require
projections of expected increases in
[[Page 36191]]
utilization and case-mix. The assumptions that were used in making
these inpatient hospital spending, utilization, and case-mix
projections and the resulting estimates of DSH payments for FY 2022
through FY 2025 are discussed later in this section and in the table
titled ``Factors Applied for FY 2022 through FY 2025 to Estimate
Medicare DSH Expenditures Using FY 2021 Baseline.''
For purposes of calculating Factor 1 and modeling the impact of
this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we used OACT's January 2024
Medicare DSH estimates, which were based on data from the December 2023
update of the Medicare Hospital Cost Report Information System (HCRIS)
and the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule IPPS Impact File, published in
conjunction with the publication of the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule. Because SCHs that are projected to be paid under their hospital-
specific rate are ineligible for empirically justified Medicare DSH
payments and uncompensated care payments, they were excluded from the
January 2024 Medicare DSH estimates. Because Maryland hospitals are not
paid under the IPPS, they are also ineligible for empirically justified
Medicare DSH payments and uncompensated care payments and were also
excluded from OACT's January 2024 Medicare DSH estimates.
The 23 hospitals that CMS expects will participate in the Rural
Community Hospital Demonstration Program in FY 2025 were also excluded
from OACT's January 2024 Medicare DSH estimates because under the
payment methodology that applies during the demonstration, these
hospitals are not eligible to receive empirically justified Medicare
DSH payments or uncompensated care payments.
For this proposed rule, using the data sources as previously
discussed, OACT's January 2024 estimates of Medicare DSH payments for
FY 2025 without regard to the application of section 1886(r)(1) of the
Act is approximately $13.943 billion. Therefore, also based on OACT's
January 2024 Medicare DSH estimates, the estimate of empirically
justified Medicare DSH payments for FY 2025, with the application of
section 1886(r)(1) of the Act, is approximately $3.486 billion (or 25
percent of the total amount of estimated Medicare DSH payments for FY
2025). Under Sec. 412.106(g)(1)(i), Factor 1 is the difference between
these two OACT estimates. Therefore, in this proposed rule, we are
determining that Factor 1 for FY 2025 would be $10,457,250,000, which
is equal to 75 percent of the total amount of estimated Medicare DSH
payments for FY 2025 ($13.943 billion minus $3.486 billion). We note
that consistent with our approach in previous rulemakings, OACT intends
to use more recent data that may become available for purposes of
projecting the final Factor 1 estimates for the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule.
We note that the Factor 1 estimates for proposed rules are
generally consistent with the economic assumptions and actuarial
analysis used to develop the President's Budget estimates under current
law, and the Factor 1 estimates for the final rules are generally
consistent with those used for the Midsession Review of the President's
Budget.\146\ Consistent with historical practice, we expect that the
Midsession Review will have updated economic assumptions and actuarial
analysis, which will be used for the development of Factor 1 estimates
in the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
\146\ As we have in the past, for additional information on the
development of the President's Budget, we refer readers to the
Office of Management and Budget website at
For a general overview of the principal steps involved in
projecting future inpatient costs and utilization, we refer readers to
the ``2023 Annual Report of the Boards of Trustees of the Federal
Hospital Insurance and Federal Supplementary Medical Insurance Trust
Funds,'' available on the CMS website at under ``Downloads.'' \147\ The actuarial projections contained in
these reports are based on numerous assumptions regarding future trends
in program enrollment, utilization and costs of health care services
covered by Medicare, as well as other factors affecting program
expenditures. In addition, although the methods used to estimate future
costs based on these assumptions are complex, they are subject to
periodic review by independent experts to ensure their validity and
reasonableness. We also refer readers to the 2018 Actuarial Report on
the Financial Outlook for Medicaid for a discussion of general issues
regarding Medicaid projections (available at
\147\ We note that the annual reports of the Medicare Boards of
Trustees to Congress represent the Federal Government's official
evaluation of the financial status of the Medicare Program.
In this proposed rule, we include information regarding the data
sources, methods, and assumptions employed by OACT's actuaries in
determining our estimate of Factor 1. In summary, we indicate the
historical HCRIS data update OACT used to estimate Medicare DSH
payments, we explain that the most recent Medicare DSH payment
adjustments provided in the IPPS Impact File were used, and we provide
the components of all the update factors that were applied to the
historical data to estimate the Medicare DSH payments for the upcoming
fiscal year, along with the associated rationale and assumptions. This
discussion also includes descriptions of the ``Other'' and
``Discharges'' assumptions and provides additional information
regarding how we address the Medicaid and CHIP expansion.
OACT's estimates for FY 2025 for this proposed rule began with a
baseline of $13.400 billion in Medicare DSH expenditures for FY 2021.
The following table shows the factors applied to update this baseline
through the current estimate for FY 2025:
[[Page 36192]]
In this table, the discharges column shows the changes in the
number of Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) inpatient hospital discharges.
The discharge figures for FY 2022 and FY 2023 are based on Medicare
claims data that have been adjusted by a completion factor to account
for incomplete claims data. We note that these claims data reflect the
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The discharge figure for FY 2024 is
based on preliminary data. The discharge figure for FY 2025 is an
assumption based on recent historical experience, an assumed partial
return to pre-COVID 19 trends, and assumptions related to how many
beneficiaries will be enrolled in Medicare Advantage (MA) plans. The
discharge figures for FY 2022 to FY 2025 incorporate the actual impact
and estimated future impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The case-mix column shows the estimated change in case-mix for IPPS
hospitals. The case-mix figures for FY 2022 and FY 2023 are based on
actual claims data adjusted by a completion factor to account for
incomplete claims data. We note that these claims data reflect the
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The case-mix figures for FY 2024 and
for FY 2025 are assumptions based on the 2012 ``Review of Assumptions
and Methods of the Medicare Trustees' Financial Projections'' report by
the 2010-2011 Medicare Technical Review Panel.\148\
The ``Other'' column reflects the change in other factors that
contribute to the Medicare DSH estimates. These factors include the
difference between the total inpatient hospital discharges and IPPS
discharges and various adjustments to the payment rates that have been
included over the years but are not reflected in the other columns
(such as the 20 percent add-on for COVID-19 discharges). In addition,
the ``Other'' column includes a factor for the estimated changes in
Medicaid enrollment. Based on the most recent available data, Medicaid
enrollment is estimated to be as follows: +8.3 percent in FY 2022, +5.1
percent in FY 2023, -13.9 percent in FY 2024, and -4.3 percent in FY
2025. In future IPPS rulemakings, our assumptions regarding Medicaid
enrollment may change based on actual enrollment in the States.
We note that, in developing their estimates of the effect of
Medicaid expansion on Medicare DSH expenditures, our actuaries have
assumed that the new Medicaid enrollees are healthier than the average
Medicaid enrollee and, therefore, receive fewer hospital services.\149\
Specifically, based on the most recent available data at the time of
developing this proposed rule, OACT assumed per capita spending for
Medicaid beneficiaries who enrolled due to the expansion to be
approximately 80 percent of the average per capita expenditures for a
pre-expansion Medicaid beneficiary, due to the better health of these
beneficiaries. The same assumption was used for the new Medicaid
beneficiaries who enrolled in 2020 and thereafter due to the COVID-19
pandemic. This assumption is consistent with recent internal estimates
of Medicaid per capita spending pre-expansion and post-expansion. In
future IPPS rulemakings, the assumption about the average per-capita
expenditures of Medicaid beneficiaries who enrolled due to the COVID-19
pandemic may change.
\149\ For a discussion of general issues regarding Medicaid
projections, we refer readers to the 2018 Actuarial Report on the
Financial Outlook for Medicaid, which is available at
The following table shows the factors that are included in the
``Update'' column of the previous table:
[[Page 36193]]
We are inviting public comments on our proposed Factor 1 for FY
IV. Proposed Payment Adjustment for Medicare Disproportionate Share
Hospitals (DSHs) for FY 2025 (Sec. 412.106)
2. Calculation of Proposed Factor 2 for FY 2025
a. Background
Section 1886(r)(2)(B) of the Act establishes Factor 2 in the
calculation of the uncompensated care payment. Section
1886(r)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act provides that, for FY 2018 and subsequent
fiscal years, the second factor is 1 minus the percent change in the
percent of individuals who are uninsured, as determined by comparing
the percent of individuals who were uninsured in 2013 (as estimated by
the Secretary, based on data from the Census Bureau or other sources
the Secretary determines appropriate, and certified by the Chief
Actuary of CMS) and the percent of individuals who were uninsured in
the most recent period for which data are available (as so estimated
and certified).
We are continuing to use the methodology that was used in FY 2018
through FY 2024 to determine Factor 2 for FY 2025--to use the National
Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA) data to determine the percent change
in the percent of individuals who are uninsured. We refer readers to
the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38197 and 38198) for a
complete discussion of the NHEA and why we determined, and continue to
believe, that it is the data source for the rate of uninsurance that,
on balance, best meets all our considerations and is consistent with
the statutory requirement that the estimate of the rate of uninsurance
be based on data from the Census Bureau or other sources the Secretary
determines appropriate.
In brief, the NHEA represents the government's official estimates
of economic activity (spending) within the health sector. The NHEA
includes comprehensive enrollment estimates for total private health
insurance (PHI) (including direct and employer-sponsored plans),
Medicare, Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and
other public programs, and estimates of the number of individuals who
are uninsured. The NHEA data are publicly available on the CMS website
To compute Factor 2 for FY 2025, the first metric that is needed is
the proportion of the total U.S. population that was uninsured in 2013.
For a complete discussion of the approach OACT used to prepare the
NHEA's estimate of the rate of uninsurance in 2013, including the data
sources used, we refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(88 FR 58998 and 58999).
The next metrics needed to compute Factor 2 for FY 2025 are
projections of the rate of uninsurance in both CY 2024 and CY 2025. On
an annual basis, OACT projects enrollment and spending trends for the
coming 10-year period. The most recent projections are for 2022 through
2031 and were published on June 14, 2023. Those projections used the
latest NHEA historical data that were available at the time of their
construction (that is, historical data through 2021). The NHEA
projection methodology accounts for expected changes in enrollment
across all of the categories of insurance coverage previously listed.
For a complete discussion of how the NHEA data account for expected
changes in enrollment across all the categories of insurance coverage
previously listed, we refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (88 FR 58999).
b. Proposed Factor 2 for FY 2025
Using these data sources and the previously described
methodologies, at the time of developing this proposed rule, OACT has
estimated that the uninsured rate for the historical, baseline year of
2013 was 14 percent, and that the uninsured rates for CYs 2024 and 2025
were 8.5 percent and 8.8 percent, respectively. As required by section
1886(r)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act, the Chief Actuary of CMS has certified
these estimates. We refer readers to OACT's Memorandum on Certification
of Rates of Uninsured prepared for this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed
rule for further details on the methodology and assumptions that were
used in the projection of these rates of uninsurance.\150\
As with the CBO estimates on which we based Factor 2 for fiscal
years before FY 2018, the NHEA estimates are for a calendar year. Under
the approach originally adopted in the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, we use a weighted average approach to project the rate of
uninsurance for each fiscal year. We continue to believe that, in order
to estimate the rate of uninsurance during a fiscal year accurately,
Factor 2 should reflect the estimated rate of uninsurance that
hospitals will experience during the fiscal year, rather than the rate
of uninsurance during only one of the calendar years that the fiscal
year spans. Accordingly, we are continuing to apply the weighted
average approach used in past fiscal years to estimate this proposed
rule's rate of uninsurance for FY 2025.
OACT certified the estimate of the rate of uninsurance for FY 2025
determined using this weighted average approach to be reasonable and
appropriate for purposes of section 1886(r)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act. We
note that we may also consider the use of more recent data that may
become available for purposes of estimating the rates of uninsurance
used in the calculation of the final Factor 2 for FY 2025. The
calculation of the proposed Factor 2 for FY 2025 is as follows:
Percent of individuals without insurance for CY 2013: 14
Percent of individuals without insurance for CY 2024: 8.5
Percent of individuals without insurance for CY 2025: 8.8
Percent of individuals without insurance for FY 2025 (0.25
times 0.085) + (0.75 times 0.088): 8.7 percent. 1-[verbar]((0.14-
0.087)/0.14)[verbar] = 1-0.3786 = 0.6214 (62.14 percent).
We are proposing that Factor 2 for FY 2025 would be 62.14 percent.
The proposed FY 2025 uncompensated care amount is equivalent to
proposed Factor 1 multiplied by proposed Factor 2, which is
We are inviting public comments on our proposed Factor 2 for FY
3. Calculation of Proposed Factor 3 for FY 2025
a. General Background
Section 1886(r)(2)(C) of the Act defines Factor 3 in the
calculation of the uncompensated care payment. As we have discussed
earlier, section 1886(r)(2)(C) of the Act states that Factor 3 is equal
to the percent, for each subsection (d) hospital, that represents the
quotient of: (1) the amount of uncompensated care for such hospital for
a period selected by the Secretary (as estimated by the Secretary,
based on appropriate data (including, in the case where the Secretary
determines alternative data are available that are a better proxy for
the costs of subsection (d) hospitals for treating the uninsured, the
use of such alternative data)); and (2) the aggregate amount of
uncompensated care for all subsection (d) hospitals that receive a
payment under section 1886(r) of the Act for such period (as so
estimated, based on such data).
[[Page 36194]]
Therefore, Factor 3 is a hospital-specific value that expresses the
proportion of the estimated uncompensated care amount for each
subsection (d) hospital and each subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospital
with the potential to receive Medicare DSH payments relative to the
estimated uncompensated care amount for all hospitals estimated to
receive Medicare DSH payments in the fiscal year for which the
uncompensated care payment is to be made. Factor 3 is applied to the
product of Factor 1 and Factor 2 to determine the amount of the
uncompensated care payment that each eligible hospital will receive for
FY 2014 and subsequent fiscal years. In order to implement the
statutory requirements for this factor of the uncompensated care
payment formula, it was necessary for us to determine: (1) the
definition of uncompensated care or, in other words, the specific items
that are to be included in the numerator (that is, the estimated
uncompensated care amount for an individual hospital) and the
denominator (that is, the estimated uncompensated care amount for all
hospitals estimated to receive Medicare DSH payments in the applicable
fiscal year); (2) the data source(s) for the estimated uncompensated
care amount; and (3) the timing and manner of computing the quotient
for each hospital estimated to receive Medicare DSH payments. The
statute instructs the Secretary to estimate the amounts of
uncompensated care for a period based on appropriate data. In addition,
we note that the statute permits the Secretary to use alternative data
in the case where the Secretary determines that such alternative data
are available that are a better proxy for the costs of subsection (d)
hospitals for treating individuals who are uninsured. For a discussion
of the methodology, we used to calculate Factor 3 for fiscal years 2014
through 2022, we refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH final rule (88
FR 59001 and 59002).
b. Background on the Methodology Used To Calculate Factor 3 for FY 2023
and Subsequent Years
Section 1886(r)(2)(C) of the Act governs the selection of the data
to be used in calculating Factor 3 and allows the Secretary the
discretion to determine the time periods from which we will derive the
data to estimate the numerator and the denominator of the Factor 3
quotient. Specifically, section 1886(r)(2)(C)(i) of the Act defines the
numerator of the quotient as the amount of uncompensated care for a
subsection (d) hospital for a period selected by the Secretary. Section
1886(r)(2)(C)(ii) of the Act defines the denominator as the aggregate
amount of uncompensated care for all subsection (d) hospitals that
receive a payment under section 1886(r) of the Act for such period. In
the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR 50634 through 50647), we
adopted a process of making interim payments with final cost report
settlement for both the empirically justified Medicare DSH payments and
the uncompensated care payments required by section 3133 of the
Affordable Care Act. Consistent with that process, we also determined
the time period from which to calculate the numerator and denominator
of the Factor 3 quotient in a way that would be consistent with making
interim and final payments. Specifically, we must have Factor 3 values
available for hospitals that we estimate will qualify for Medicare DSH
payments for a fiscal year and for those hospitals that we do not
estimate will qualify for Medicare DSH payments for that fiscal year
but that may ultimately qualify for Medicare DSH payments for that
fiscal year at the time of cost report settlement.
As described in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, commenters
expressed concerns that the use of only 1 year of data to determine
Factor 3 would lead to significant variations in year-to-year
uncompensated care payments. Some stakeholders recommended the use of 2
years of historical data from Worksheet S-10 data of the Medicare cost
report (86 FR 45237). In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we
stated that we would consider using multiple years of data when the
vast majority of providers had been audited for more than 1 fiscal year
under the revised reporting instructions. Audited FY 2019 cost reports
were available for the development of the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed and final rules. Feedback from previous audits and lessons
learned were incorporated into the audit process for the FY 2019
In consideration of the comments discussed in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule, in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49036
through 49047), we finalized a policy of using a multi-year average of
audited Worksheet S-10 data to determine Factor 3 for FY 2023 and
subsequent fiscal years. We explained our belief that this approach
would be generally consistent with our past practice of using the most
recent single year of audited data from the Worksheet S-10, while also
addressing commenters' concerns regarding year-to-year fluctuations in
uncompensated care payments. Under this policy, we used a 2-year
average of audited FY 2018 and FY 2019 Worksheet S-10 data to calculate
Factor 3 for FY 2023. We also indicated that we expected FY 2024 would
be the first year that 3 years of audited data would be available at
the time of rulemaking. For FY 2024 and subsequent fiscal years, we
finalized a policy of using a 3-year average of the uncompensated care
data from the 3 most recent fiscal years for which audited data are
available to determine Factor 3. Consistent with the approach that we
followed when multiple years of data were previously used in the Factor
3 methodology, if a hospital does not have data for all 3 years used in
the Factor 3 calculation, we will determine Factor 3 based on an
average of the hospital's available data. For IHS and Tribal hospitals
and Puerto Rico hospitals, we use the same multi-year average of
Worksheet S-10 data to determine Factor 3 for FY 2024 and subsequent
fiscal years as is used to determine Factor 3 for all other DSH-
eligible hospitals (in other words, hospitals eligible to receive
empirically justified Medicare DSH payments for a fiscal year) to
determine Factor 3.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49033 through
49047), we also modified our policy regarding cost reports that start
in one fiscal year and span the entirety of the following fiscal year.
Specifically, in the rare cases when we use a cost report that starts
in one fiscal year and spans the entirety of the subsequent fiscal year
to determine uncompensated care costs for the subsequent fiscal year,
we would not use the same cost report to determine the hospital's
uncompensated care costs for the earlier fiscal year. We explained that
using the same cost report to determine uncompensated care costs for
both fiscal years would not be consistent with our intent to smooth
year-to-year variation in uncompensated care costs. As an alternative,
we finalized our proposal to use the hospital's most recent prior cost
report, if that cost report spans the applicable period.\151\
\151\ For example, in determining Factor 3 for FY 2023, we did
not use the same cost report to determine a hospital's uncompensated
care costs for both FY 2018 and FY 2019. Rather, we used the cost
report that spanned the entirety of FY 2019 to determine
uncompensated care costs for FY 2019 and used the hospital's most
recent prior cost report to determine its uncompensated care costs
for FY 2018, provided that cost report spanned some portion of FY
(1) Scaling Factor
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59003), we continued
the policy finalized in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR
49042) to address the effects of calculating Factor
[[Page 36195]]
3 using data from multiple fiscal years, in which we apply a scaling
factor to the Factor 3 values calculated for all DSH-eligible hospitals
so that total uncompensated care payments to hospitals that are
projected to be DSH-eligible for a fiscal year will be consistent with
the estimated amount available to make uncompensated care payments for
that fiscal year. Pursuant to that policy, we divide 1 (the expected
sum of all DSH-eligible hospitals' Factor 3 values) by the actual sum
of all DSH-eligible hospitals' Factor 3 values and then multiply the
quotient by the uncompensated care payment determined for each DSH-
eligible hospital to obtain a scaled uncompensated care payment amount
for each hospital. This process is designed to ensure that the sum of
the scaled uncompensated care payments for all hospitals that are
projected to be DSH-eligible is consistent with the estimate of the
total amount available to make uncompensated care payments for the
applicable fiscal year.
(2) New Hospital Policy for Purposes of Factor 3
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59003), we continued
our new hospital policy that was modified in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (87 FR 49042) and initially adopted in the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (84 FR 42370 through 42371) to determine Factor 3 for
new hospitals. Consistent with our policy of using multiple years of
cost reports to determine Factor 3, we defined new hospitals as
hospitals that do not have cost report data for the most recent year of
data being used in the Factor 3 calculation. Under this definition, the
cut-off date for the new hospital policy is the beginning of the fiscal
year after the most recent year for which audits of the Worksheet S-10
data have been conducted. For FY 2024, the FY 2020 cost reports were
the most recent year of cost reports for which audits of Worksheet S-10
data had been conducted. Thus, hospitals with CMS Certification Numbers
(CCNs) established on or after October 1, 2020, were subject to the new
hospital policy for FY 2024.
Under our modified new hospital policy, if a new hospital has a
preliminary projection of being DSH-eligible based on its most recent
available disproportionate patient percentage, it may receive interim
empirically justified DSH payments. However, new hospitals will not
receive interim uncompensated care payments because we would have no
uncompensated care data on which to determine what those interim
payments should be. The MAC will make a final determination concerning
whether the hospital is eligible to receive Medicare DSH payments at
cost report settlement. In FY 2024, while we continued to determine the
numerator of the Factor 3 calculation using the new hospital's
uncompensated care costs reported on Worksheet S-10 of the hospital's
cost report for the current fiscal year, we determined Factor 3 for new
hospitals using a denominator based solely on uncompensated care costs
from cost reports for the most recent fiscal year for which audits have
been conducted. In addition, we applied a scaling factor to the Factor
3 calculation for a new hospital.\152\
\152\ In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49042), we
explained our belief that applying the scaling factor is appropriate
for purposes of calculating Factor 3 for all hospitals, including
new hospitals and hospitals that are treated as new hospitals, to
improve consistency and predictability across all hospitals.
(3) Newly Merged Hospital Policy
In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59004), we continued
our policy of treating hospitals that merge after the development of
the final rule for the applicable fiscal year similar to new hospitals.
As explained in the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 50021), for
these newly merged hospitals, we do not have data currently available
to calculate a Factor 3 amount that accounts for the merged hospital's
uncompensated care burden. In the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79
FR 50021 and 50022), we finalized a policy under which Factor 3 for
hospitals that we do not identify as undergoing a merger until after
the public comment period and additional review period following the
publication of the final rule or that undergo a merger during the
fiscal year will be recalculated similar to new hospitals.
Consistent with the policy adopted in the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule, in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59004), we
stated that we would continue to treat newly merged hospitals in a
similar manner to new hospitals, such that the newly merged hospital's
final uncompensated care payment will be determined at cost report
settlement where the numerator of the newly merged hospital's Factor 3
will be based on the cost report of only the surviving hospital (that
is, the newly merged hospital's cost report) for the current fiscal
year. However, if the hospital's cost reporting period includes less
than 12 months of data, the data from the newly merged hospital's cost
report will be annualized for purposes of the Factor 3 calculation.
Consistent with the methodology used to determine Factor 3 for new
hospitals described in section IV.E.3. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we continued our policy for determining Factor 3 for newly merged
hospitals using a denominator that is the sum of the uncompensated care
costs for all DSH-eligible hospitals, as reported on Worksheet S-10 of
their cost reports for the most recent fiscal year for which audits
have been conducted. In addition, we apply a scaling factor, as
discussed in section IV.E.3. of the preamble of this proposed rule, to
the Factor 3 calculation for a newly merged hospital. In the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we explained that consistent with past
policy, interim uncompensated care payments for the newly merged
hospital would be based only on the data for the surviving hospital's
CCN available at the time of the development of the final rule.
(4) CCR Trim Methodology
The calculation of a hospital's total uncompensated care costs on
Worksheet S-10 requires the use of the hospital's cost to charge ratio
(CCR). In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59004 through
59005), we continued the policy of trimming CCRs, which we adopted in
the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49043), for FY 2024. Under
this policy, we apply the following steps to determine the applicable
CCR separately for each fiscal year that is included as part of the
multi-year average used to determine Factor 3:
Step 1: Remove Maryland hospitals. In addition, we will remove all-
inclusive rate providers because their CCRs are not comparable to the
CCRs calculated for other IPPS hospitals.
Step 2: Calculate a CCR ``ceiling'' for the applicable fiscal year
with the following data: for each IPPS hospital that was not removed in
Step 1 (including hospitals that are not DSH-eligible), we use cost
report data to calculate a CCR by dividing the total costs on Worksheet
C, Part I, Line 202, Column 3 by the charges reported on Worksheet C,
Part I, Line 202, Column 8. (Combining data from multiple cost reports
from the same fiscal year is not necessary, as the longer cost report
will be selected.) The ceiling is calculated as 3 standard deviations
above the national geometric mean CCR for the applicable fiscal year.
This approach is consistent with the methodology for calculating the
CCR ceiling used for high-cost outliers. Remove all hospitals that
exceed the ceiling so that these aberrant CCRs do not skew the
calculation of the statewide average CCR.
[[Page 36196]]
Step 3: Using the CCRs for the remaining hospitals in Step 2,
determine the urban and rural statewide average CCRs for the applicable
fiscal year for hospitals within each State (including hospitals that
are not DSH-eligible), weighted by the sum of total hospital discharges
from Worksheet S-3, Part I, Line 14, Column 15.
Step 4: Assign the appropriate statewide average CCR (urban or
rural) calculated in Step 3 to all hospitals, excluding all-inclusive
rate providers, with a CCR for the applicable fiscal year greater than
3 standard deviations above the national geometric mean for that fiscal
year (that is, the CCR ``ceiling'').
Step 5: For hospitals that did not report a CCR on Worksheet S-10,
Line 1, we assign them the statewide average CCR for the applicable
fiscal year as determined in step 3.
After completing these steps, we re-calculate the hospital's
uncompensated care costs (Line 30) for the applicable fiscal year using
the trimmed CCR (the statewide average CCR (urban or rural, as
(5) Uncompensated Care Data Trim Methodology
After applying the CCR trim methodology, there are rare situations
where a hospital has potentially aberrant uncompensated care data for a
fiscal year that are unrelated to its CCR. Therefore, under the trim
methodology for potentially aberrant uncompensated care costs (UCC)
that was included as part of the methodology for purposes of
determining Factor 3 in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR
58832), if the hospital's uncompensated care costs for any fiscal year
that is included as a part of the multi-year average are an extremely
high ratio (greater than 50 percent) of its total operating costs in
the applicable fiscal year, we will determine the ratio of
uncompensated care costs to the hospital's total operating costs from
another available cost report, and apply that ratio to the total
operating expenses for the potentially aberrant fiscal year to
determine an adjusted amount of uncompensated care costs for the
applicable fiscal year.\153\
\153\ For example, if a hospital's FY 2018 cost report is
determined to include potentially aberrant data, data from its FY
2019 cost report would be used for the ratio calculation.
However, we note that we have audited the Worksheet S-10 data that
will be used in the Factor 3 calculation for a number of hospitals.
Because the UCC data for these hospitals have been subject to audit, we
believe that there is increased confidence that if high uncompensated
care costs are reported by these audited hospitals, the information is
accurate. Therefore, as we explained in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58832), we determined it is unnecessary to apply the UCC
trim methodology for a fiscal year for which a hospital's UCC data have
been audited.
In rare cases, hospitals that are not currently projected to be
DSH-eligible and that do not have audited Worksheet S-10 data may have
a potentially aberrant amount of insured patients' charity care costs
(line 23 column 2). In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
59004), we stated that in addition to the UCC trim methodology, we will
continue to apply an alternative trim specific to certain hospitals
that do not have audited Worksheet S-10 data for one or more of the
fiscal years that are used in the Factor 3 calculation. For FY 2023 and
subsequent fiscal years, in the rare case that a hospital's insured
patients' charity care costs for a fiscal year are greater than $7
million and the ratio of the hospital's cost of insured patient charity
care (line 23 column 2) to total uncompensated care costs (line 30) is
greater than 60 percent, we will not calculate a Factor 3 for the
hospital at the time of proposed or final rulemaking. This trim will
only impact hospitals that are not currently projected to be DSH-
eligible; and therefore, are not part of the calculation of the
denominator of Factor 3, which includes only uncompensated care costs
for hospitals projected to be DSH-eligible. Consistent with the
approach adopted in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, if a hospital
would be trimmed under both the UCC trim methodology and this
alternative trim, we will apply this trim in place of the existing UCC
trim methodology. We continue to believe this alternative trim more
appropriately addresses potentially aberrant insured patient charity
care costs compared to the UCC trim methodology, because the UCC trim
is based solely on the ratio of total uncompensated care costs to total
operating costs and does not consider the level of insured patients'
charity care costs.
Similar to the approach initially adopted in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule (86 FR 45245 and 45246), in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (88 FR 59005), we also stated that we would continue to use
a threshold of 3 standard deviations from the mean ratio of insured
patients' charity care costs to total uncompensated care costs (line 23
column 2 divided by line 30) and a dollar threshold that is the median
total uncompensated care cost reported on most recent audited cost
reports for hospitals that are projected to be DSH-eligible. We stated
that we continued to believe these thresholds are appropriate to
address potentially aberrant data. We also continued to include
Worksheet S-10 data from IHS/Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals
consistent with our policy finalized in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (87 FR 49047 through 49051). In addition, we continued our policy
adopted in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49044) of
applying the same threshold amounts originally calculated for the FY
2018 reports to identify potentially aberrant data for FY 2024 and
subsequent fiscal years to facilitate transparency and predictability.
If a hospital subject to this trim is determined to be DSH-eligible at
cost report settlement, the MAC will calculate the hospital's Factor 3
using the same methodology used to calculate Factor 3 for new
c. Methodology for Calculating Factor 3 for FY 2025
For FY 2025, consistent with Sec. 412.106(g)(1)(iii)(C)(11), we
are following the same methodology as applied in FY 2024 and described
in the previous section of this proposed rule: to determine Factor 3
using the most recent 3 years of audited cost reports, from FY 2019, FY
2020, and FY 2021. Consistent with our approach for FY 2024, for FY
2025, we are also applying the scaling factor, new hospital, newly
merged hospital, CCR trim methodology, UCC trim, and alternative trim
methodology policies discussed in the previous section of this proposed
rule. For purposes of this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are
using reports from the December 2023 HCRIS extract to calculate Factor
3. We intend to use the March 2024 update of HCRIS to calculate the
final Factor 3 for the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Thus, for FY 2025, we will use 3 years of audited Worksheet S-10
data to calculate Factor 3 for all eligible hospitals, including IHS
and Tribal hospitals and Puerto Rico hospitals that have a cost report
for 2013, following these steps:
Step 1: Select the hospital's longest cost report for each of the
most recent 3 years of fiscal year (FY) audited cost reports (FY 2019,
FY 2020, and FY 2021). Alternatively, in the rare case when the
hospital has no cost report for a particular year because the cost
report for the previous fiscal year spanned the more recent fiscal
year, the previous fiscal year cost report will be used in this step.
In the rare case that using a previous fiscal year cost report results
[[Page 36197]]
a period without a report, we would use the prior year report, if that
cost report spanned the applicable period.\154\ In general, we note
that, for purposes of the Factor 3 methodology, references to a fiscal
year cost report are to the cost report that spans the relevant fiscal
\154\ For example, if a hospital does not have a FY 2020 cost
report because the hospital's FY 2019 cost report spanned the FY
2020 time period, we will use the FY 2019 cost report that spanned
the FY 2020 time period for this step. Using the same example, where
the hospital's FY 2019 report is used for the FY 2020 time period,
we will use the hospital's FY 2018 report if it spans some of the FY
2019 time period. We will not use the same cost report for both the
FY 2020 and the FY 2019 time periods.
Step 2: Annualize the UCC from Worksheet S-10 Line 30, if a cost
report is more than or less than 12 months. (If applicable, use the
statewide average CCR (urban or rural) to calculate uncompensated care
Step 3: Combine adjusted and/or annualized uncompensated care costs
for hospitals that merged using the merger policy.
Step 4: Calculate Factor 3 for all DSH-eligible hospitals using
annualized uncompensated care costs (Worksheet S-10 Line 30) based on
cost report data from the most recent 3 years of audited cost reports
(from Step 1, 2 or 3). New hospitals and other hospitals that are
treated as if they are new hospitals for purposes of Factor 3 are
excluded from this calculation.
Step 5: Average the Factor 3 values from Step 4; that is, add the
Factor 3 values, and divide that amount by the number of cost reporting
periods with data to compute an average Factor 3 for the hospital.
Multiply by a scaling factor, as discussed in the previous section of
this proposed rule.
For purposes of identifying new hospitals, for FY 2025, the FY 2021
cost reports are the most recent year of cost reports for which audits
of Worksheet S-10 data have been conducted. Thus, hospitals with CCNs
established on or after October 1, 2021, will be subject to the new
hospital policy in FY 2025. If a new hospital is ultimately determined
to be eligible for Medicare DSH payments for FY 2025, the hospital will
receive an uncompensated care payment calculated using a Factor 3 where
the numerator is the uncompensated care costs reported on Worksheet S-
10 of the hospital's FY 2025 cost report, and the denominator is the
sum of the uncompensated care costs reported on Worksheet S-10 of the
FY 2021 cost reports for all DSH-eligible hospitals. In addition, we
will apply a scaling factor, as discussed previously, to the Factor 3
calculation for a new hospital. As we explained in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59004), we believe applying the scaling
factor is appropriate for purposes of calculating Factor 3 for all
hospitals, including new hospitals and hospitals that are treated as
new hospitals, to improve consistency and predictability across all
For FY 2025, the eligibility of a newly merged hospital to receive
interim uncompensated care payments will be based on whether the
surviving CCN has a preliminary projection of being DSH-eligible, and
the amount of any interim uncompensated care payments will be based on
the uncompensated care costs from the FY 2019, FY 2020, and FY 2021
cost reports available for the surviving CCN at the time the final rule
is developed. However, at cost report settlement, we will determine the
newly merged hospital's final uncompensated care payment based on the
uncompensated care costs reported on its FY 2025 cost report. That is,
we will revise the numerator of Factor 3 for the newly merged hospital
to reflect the uncompensated care costs reported on the newly merged
hospital's FY 2025 cost report. The denominator will be the sum of the
uncompensated care costs reported on Worksheet S-10 of the FY 2021 cost
reports for all DSH-eligible hospitals, which is the most recent fiscal
year for which audits have been conducted. We will also apply a scaling
factor, as described previously.
Under the CCR trim methodology, for purposes of this FY 2025
proposed rule, the statewide average CCR was applied to 10 hospitals'
FY 2019 reports, of which 4 hospitals had FY 2019 Worksheet S-10 data.
The statewide average CCR was applied to 8 hospitals' FY 2020 reports,
of which 3 hospitals had FY 2020 Worksheet S-10 data. The statewide
average CCR was applied to 8 hospitals' FY 2021 reports, of which 3
hospitals had FY 2021 Worksheet S-10 data.
For a hospital that is subject to either of the trims for
potentially aberrant data (the UCC trim and alternative trim
methodology explained in the previous section of this proposed rule)
and is ultimately determined to be DSH-eligible at cost report
settlement, its uncompensated care payment will be calculated only
after the hospital's reporting of insured charity care costs on its FY
2025 Worksheet S-10 has been reviewed. Accordingly, the MAC will
calculate a Factor 3 for the hospital only after reviewing the
uncompensated care information reported on Worksheet S-10 of the
hospital's FY 2025 cost report. Then we will calculate Factor 3 for the
hospital using the same methodology used to determine Factor 3 for new
hospitals. Specifically, the numerator will reflect the uncompensated
care costs reported on the hospital's FY 2025 cost report, while the
denominator will reflect the sum of the uncompensated care costs
reported on Worksheet S-10 of the FY 2021 cost reports of all DSH-
eligible hospitals. In addition, we will apply a scaling factor, as
discussed previously, to the Factor 3 calculation for the hospital.
For purposes of the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, consistent
with our Factor 3 methodology since the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (78 FR 50642), we intend to use data from the March 2024 HCRIS
extract for this calculation, which will be the latest quarterly HCRIS
extract that is publicly available at the time of the development of
the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
Regarding requests from providers to amend and/or reopen previously
audited Worksheet S-10 data for the most recent 3 cost reporting years
that are used in the methodology for calculating Factor 3, we note that
MACs follow normal timelines and procedures. For purposes of the Factor
3 calculation for the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, any amended
reports and/or reopened reports would need to have completed the
amended report and/or reopened report submission processes by the end
of March 2024. In other words, if the amended report and/or reopened
report is not available for the March HCRIS extract, then that amended
and/or reopened report data will not be part of the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH
PPS final rule's Factor 3 calculation. We note that the March HCRIS
data extract will be available during the comment period for this
proposed rule if providers want to verify that their amended and/or
reopened data is reflected in the March HCRIS extract.
d. Per-Discharge Amount of Interim Uncompensated Care Payments for FY
2025 and Subsequent Fiscal Years
Since FY 2014, we have made interim uncompensated care payments
during the fiscal year on a per-discharge basis. Typically, we use a 3-
year average of the number of discharges for a hospital to produce an
estimate of the amount of the hospital's uncompensated care payment per
discharge. Specifically, the hospital's total uncompensated care
payment amount for the applicable fiscal year is divided by the
hospital's historical 3-year average of discharges computed using the
most recent available data to determine the uncompensated care payment
per discharge for that fiscal year.
[[Page 36198]]
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45247 and 45248), we
modified this calculation for FY 2022 to be based on an average of FY
2018 and FY 2019 historical discharge data, rather than a 3-year
average using the most recent 3 years of discharge data, which would
have included data from FY 2018, FY 2019, and FY 2020. We explained our
belief that computing a 3-year average with FY 2020 discharge data
would underestimate discharges, due to the decrease in discharges
during the COVID-19 pandemic. For the same reason, in the FY 2023 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49045), we calculated interim uncompensated
care payments based on the 3-year average of discharges from FY 2018,
FY 2019, and FY 2021 rather than a 3-year average using the most recent
3 years of discharge data.
We explained in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59010)
that believed that computing a 3-year average using the most recent 3
years of discharge data would potentially underestimate the number of
discharges for FY 2024 due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
during FY 2020, which was the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. We
considered using an average of FY 2019, FY 2021, and FY 2022 discharge
data to calculate the per-discharge amount for interim uncompensated
care payments for FY 2024. However, we agreed with commenters that
using FY 2019 data may overestimate discharge volume because updated
claims data used to estimate the FY 2024 discharges in the Factor 1
calculation indicated that discharge volumes were not expected to
return to pre-pandemic levels during FY 2024. Therefore, for FY 2024,
we finalized a policy of calculating the per-discharge amount for
interim uncompensated care payments using an average of FY 2021 and FY
2022 discharge data.
For FY 2025 and subsequent fiscal years, we are proposing to
calculate the per-discharge amount for interim uncompensated care
payments using the average of the most recent 3 years of discharge
data. Accordingly, for FY 2025, we propose to use an average of
discharge data from FY 2021, FY 2022, and FY 2023. We believe that our
proposed approach will likely result in a better estimate of the number
of discharges during FY 2025 and subsequent years for purposes of the
interim uncompensated care payment calculation.
As we explained in the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR
50645), we believe that it is appropriate to use a 3-year average of
discharge data to reduce the degree to which we would over- or under-
pay the uncompensated care payment on an interim basis. In any given
year, a hospital could have low or high Medicare utilization that
differs from other years. For example, if a hospital had two Medicare
discharges in its most recent year of claims data but experienced four
discharges in FY 2025, during the fiscal year, we would pay two times
the amount the hospital should receive and need to adjust for that at
cost report settlement. Similarly, if a hospital had four Medicare
discharges in its most recent year of claims data, but experienced two
discharges in FY 2025, during the fiscal year, we would only pay half
the amount the hospital should receive and need to adjust for that at
cost report settlement.
We also believe that, generally, use of the most recent 3 years of
discharge data, rather than older data, is more likely to reflect
current trends in discharge volume and provide an approximate estimate
of the number of discharges in the applicable fiscal year. In addition,
we note that including discharge data from FY 2023 to compute this 3-
year average is consistent with the proposed use of FY 2023 Medicare
claims in the IPPS ratesetting, as discussed in section I.E. of the
preamble of this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule.
Under this proposal, the resulting 3-year average of the most
recent years of available historical discharge data would be used to
calculate a per-discharge payment amount that will be used to make
interim uncompensated care payments to each projected DSH-eligible
hospital during FY 2025 and subsequent fiscal years. The interim
uncompensated care payments made to a hospital during the fiscal year
will be reconciled following the end of the year to ensure that the
final payment amount is consistent with the hospital's prospectively
determined uncompensated care payment for the fiscal year.
We are proposing to make conforming changes to the regulations
under 42 CFR 412.106. Specifically, we are proposing to modify
paragraph (1) of Sec. 412.106(i) to state that for FY 2025 and
subsequent fiscal years, interim uncompensated care payments will be
calculated based on an average of the most recent 3 years of available
historical discharge data. We are requesting comments on this proposal.
In the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58833 and 58834), we
finalized a voluntary process through which a hospital may submit a
request to its MAC for a lower per-discharge interim uncompensated care
payment amount, including a reduction to zero, once before the
beginning of the fiscal year and/or once during the fiscal year. In
conjunction with this request, the hospital must provide supporting
documentation demonstrating that there would likely be a significant
recoupment at cost report settlement if the per-discharge amount is not
lowered (for example, recoupment of 10 percent or more of the
hospital's total uncompensated care payment, or at least $100,000). For
example, a hospital might submit documentation showing a large
projected increase in discharges during the fiscal year to support
reduction of its per-discharge uncompensated care payment amount. As
another example, a hospital might request that its per-discharge
uncompensated care payment amount be reduced to zero midyear if the
hospital's interim uncompensated care payments during the year have
already surpassed the total uncompensated care payment calculated for
the hospital.
Under the policy we finalized in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (85 FR 58833 through 58834), the hospital's MAC will evaluate
these requests and the supporting documentation before the beginning of
the fiscal year and/or with midyear requests when the historical
average number of discharges is lower than the hospital's projected
discharges for the current fiscal year. If following review of the
request and the supporting documentation, the MAC agrees that there
likely would be significant recoupment of the hospital's interim
Medicare uncompensated care payments at cost report settlement, the
only change that will be made is to lower the per-discharge amount
either to the amount requested by the hospital or another amount
determined by the MAC to be appropriate to reduce the likelihood of a
substantial recoupment at cost report settlement. If the MAC determines
it would be appropriate to reduce the interim Medicare uncompensated
care payment per-discharge amount, that updated amount will be used for
purposes of the outlier payment calculation for the remainder of the
fiscal year. We are continuing to apply this policy for FY 2025.
We refer readers to the Addendum in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH final
rule for a more detailed discussion of the steps for determining the
operating and capital Federal payment rate and the outlier payment
calculation (87 FR 49431 through 49432). No change would be made to the
total uncompensated care payment amount determined for the hospital on
the basis of its Factor 3. In other words, any change to the per-
[[Page 36199]]
discharge uncompensated care payment amount will not change how the
total uncompensated care payment amount will be reconciled at cost
report settlement.
e. Process for Notifying CMS of Merger Updates and To Report Upload
As we have done for every proposed and final rule beginning in FY
2014, in conjunction with this proposed rule, we will publish on the
CMS website a table listing Factor 3 for hospitals that we estimate
will receive empirically justified Medicare DSH payments in FY 2025
(that is, those hospitals that will receive interim uncompensated care
payments during the fiscal year), and for the remaining subsection (d)
hospitals and subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals that have the
potential of receiving an uncompensated care payment in the event that
they receive an empirically justified Medicare DSH payment for the
fiscal year as determined at cost report settlement. However, we note
that a Factor 3 will not be published for new hospitals and hospitals
that are subject to the alternative trim for hospitals with potentially
aberrant data that are not projected to be DSH-eligible.
We also will publish a supplemental data file containing a list of
the mergers that we are aware of and the computed uncompensated care
payment for each merged hospital. In the DSH uncompensated care
supplemental data file, we list new hospitals and the 10 hospitals that
would be subject to the alternative trim for hospitals with potentially
aberrant data that are not projected to be DSH-eligible, with a N/A in
the Factor 3 column.
Hospitals have 60 days from the date of public display of this FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule in the Federal Register to review the
table and supplemental data file published on the CMS website in
conjunction with this proposed rule and to notify CMS in writing of
issues related to mergers and/or to report potential upload
discrepancies due to MAC mishandling of Worksheet S-10 data during the
report submission process.\155\ Comments raising issues or concerns
that are specific to the information included in the table and
supplemental data file should be submitted by email to the CMS inbox at
[email protected]. We will address comments related to mergers
and/or reporting upload discrepancies submitted to the CMS DSH inbox as
appropriate in the table and the supplemental data file that we publish
on the CMS website in conjunction with the publication of the FY 2025
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule. All other comments submitted in response to
our proposals for FY 2025 must be submitted in one of the three ways
found in the ADDRESSES section of the proposed rule before the close of
the comment period in order to be assured consideration. In addition,
we note that the CMS DSH inbox is not intended for Worksheet S-10 audit
process related emails, which should be directed to the MACs.
\155\ For example, if the report does not reflect audit results
due to MAC mishandling, or the most recent report differs from a
previously accepted, amended report due to MAC mishandling.
IV. Proposed Payment Adjustment for Medicare Disproportionate Share
Hospitals (DSHs) for FY 2025 (Sec. 412.106)
F. Impact on Medicare DSH Payment Adjustment of Proposed Implementation
of New OMB Labor Market Delineations
As discussed in section III.B. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we are proposing to implement the new OMB labor market area
delineations (which are based on 2020 Decennial Census data) for the FY
2025 wage index. This proposal also would have an impact on the
calculation of Medicare DSH payment adjustments to certain hospitals.
Hospitals that are designated as rural with less than 500 beds and are
not rural referral centers (RRCs) or Medicare-dependent, small rural
hospitals (MDHs) are subject to a maximum DSH payment adjustment of 12
percent. Accordingly, hospitals with less than 500 beds that are
currently in urban counties that would become rural if we finalize our
proposal to adopt the new OMB delineations, and that do not become RRCs
or MDHs, would be subject to a maximum DSH payment adjustment of 12
percent. (We note, as discussed in section V.F.2. of the preamble of
this proposed rule, under current law the MDH program will expire on
December 31, 2024). We also note that urban hospitals are only subject
to a maximum DSH payment adjustment of 12 percent if they have less
than 100 beds.
Our existing regulations at 42 CFR 412.102 will apply in FY 2025
with respect to the calculation of the DSH payments to hospitals that
are currently located in urban counties that would become rural if we
finalize our proposal to adopt the new OMB delineations. The provisions
of 42 CFR 412.102 specify that a hospital located in an area that is
reclassified from urban to rural (as defined in the regulations), as a
result of the most recent OMB standards for delineating statistical
areas adopted by CMS, may receive an adjustment to its rural Federal
payment amount for operating costs for two successive fiscal years.
Specifically, the regulations state that, in the first year after a
hospital loses urban status, the hospital will receive an additional
payment that equals two thirds of the difference between the
disproportionate share payments as applicable to the hospital before
its redesignation from urban to rural and disproportionate share
payments otherwise, applicable to the hospital subsequent to its
redesignation from urban to rural. In the second year after a hospital
loses urban status, the hospital will receive an additional payment
that equals one-third of the difference between the disproportionate
share payments applicable to the hospital before its redesignation from
urban to rural and disproportionate share payments otherwise applicable
to the hospital subsequent to its redesignation from urban to rural.
G. Withdrawal of 42 CFR 412.106 (FY 2004 and Prior Fiscal Years) to the
Extent It Included Only ``Covered Days'' in the SSI Ratio
In Becerra v. Empire Health Foundation, for Valley Hospital Medical
Center, 597 U.S. 424 (2022) (Empire Health), the Supreme Court
addressed the question of whether Medicare patients remain ``entitled
to benefits under part A'' when Medicare does not pay for their care,
such as when they have exhausted their Medicare benefits for a spell of
illness. Prior to fiscal year (FY) 2005, when we calculated a
hospital's DSH adjustment we included in the Medicare fraction (also
referred to as the Medicare-SSI fraction, SSI fraction, or SSI ratio)
only ``covered'' Medicare patient days, that is, days paid by Medicare.
42. CFR 412.106(b)(2)(i) (2003). The ``covered'' days rule originated
in the FY 1986 IPPS interim final rule (51 FR 16,772 and 16,788) and
originally appeared in Sec. 412.106(a)(1)(i) but was later re-
numbered. The approach of excluding from the Medicare fraction patient
days for which Medicare did not pay was based on an interpretation of
the statute's parenthetical phrase ``(for such days).''
Section 1886(d)(5)(F)(vi)(I) of the Act. Following a series of
judicial decisions rejecting a parallel interpretation of the same
language in the numerator of the Medicaid fraction as counting only
patient days actually paid by the Medicaid program, the Secretary
revisited that approach in a 2004 rulemaking. Thus, the ``covered
days'' rule was the relevant Medicare payment policy until it was
revised and replaced
[[Page 36200]]
by the FY 2005 IPPS final rule (69 FR 48,916, 49,099, and 49,246).
The FY 2005 regulation at issue in Empire Health--codified in the
FY 2005 IPPS final rule--interpreted the statute to mean that the
Medicare fraction includes non-covered days in the SSI ratio. (For more
information see 69 FR 48916, 49099, and 49246 (amending 42 CFR
412.106(b)(2)(i) to include in the Medicare fraction all days
associated with patients who were entitled to Medicare Part A during
their hospital stays, regardless of whether Medicare paid for those
days).) In Empire Health, the Supreme Court upheld the FY 2005
regulation and held that the statute ``disclose[s] a surprisingly clear
meaning,'' 597 U.S. at 434, namely that beneficiaries remain ``entitled
to benefits under part A'' on days for which Medicare does not pay and
thus the Medicare fraction includes total days, not only covered days.
The Supreme Court also definitively resolved the meaning of the
parenthetical phrase ``(for such days)'' in the Medicare fraction,
rejecting the provider's contention that the phrase changed the
consistent meaning of ``entitled to benefits under Part A'' from
``meeting Medicare's statutory (age or disability) criteria on the days
in question,'' to ``actually receiving Medicare payments.'' Id. at 440.
The Court determined that the ``for such days'' parenthetical ``instead
works as HHS says: hand in hand with the ordinary statutory meaning of
`entitled to [Part A] benefits.' '' Id.
The Supreme Court has concluded that the interpretation set forth
in the FY 2005 IPPS final rule ``correctly construes the statutory
language at issue.'' Empire Health, 597 U.S. at 434. Because the pre-FY
2005 rule conflicts with the plain meaning of the statute, as confirmed
by the Supreme Court, it cannot govern the calculation of DSH payments
for hospitals with properly pending claims in DSH appeals or open cost
reports that include discharges that need to be determined pursuant to
the statute, regardless of whether such discharges would otherwise pre-
date the change in the regulation finalized by the FY 2005 IPPS final
rule. For that reason, we are proposing to formally withdraw 42 CFR
412.106 as it existed prior to the effective date of the FY 2005 IPPS
final rule to the extent it included only covered days in the SSI
ratio. We will apply the statute as understood by the Supreme Court in
Empire Health, instead of the pre-FY 2005 regulation, to any properly
pending claim in a DSH appeal or open cost report to which that
regulation would otherwise have applied. We do not believe this change
constitutes an exercise of our ``retroactive'' rulemaking authority
under section 1871(e)(1)(A) of the Act. Rather, we will apply the plain
meaning of the statute (as it has existed unchanged, in relevant part,
since its enactment on April 7, 1986). Moreover, because we are
applying the substantive legal standard established by the statute
itself, and not filling any gap therein, notice-and-comment rulemaking
is not required by section 1871(e)(1)(A) of the Act, as construed in
Azar v. Allina Health Services, 139 S. Ct. 1804 (June 3, 2019).
The withdrawal of this regulation will not serve as a basis to
reopen a CMS or contractor determination, a contractor hearing
decision, a CMS reviewing official decision, or a decision by the
Provider Reimbursement Review Board or the Administrator. We recognize
that hospitals may have anticipated receiving greater Medicare
reimbursement for still-open pre-FY 2005 cost reporting periods in
circumstances where the ``covered'' days limitation would have resulted
in a larger DSH adjustment. However, we are obliged to apply the
statute as the Supreme Court determined Congress wrote it.
V. Other Decisions and Changes to the IPPS for Operating System
A. Changes to MS-DRGs Subject to Postacute Care Transfer Policy and MS-
DRG Special Payments Policies (Sec. 412.4)
1. Background
Existing regulations at 42 CFR 412.4(a) define discharges under the
IPPS as situations in which a patient is formally released from an
acute care hospital or dies in the hospital. Section 412.4(b) defines
acute care transfers, and Sec. 412.4(c) defines postacute care
transfers. Our policy set forth in Sec. 412.4(f) provides that when a
patient is transferred and his or her length of stay is less than the
geometric mean length of stay for the MS-DRG to which the case is
assigned, the transferring hospital is generally paid based on a
graduated per diem rate for each day of stay, not to exceed the full
MS-DRG payment that would have been made if the patient had been
discharged without being transferred.
The per diem rate paid to a transferring hospital is calculated by
dividing the full MS-DRG payment by the geometric mean length of stay
for the MS-DRG. Based on an analysis that showed that the first day of
hospitalization is the most expensive (60 FR 45804), our policy
generally provides for payment that is twice the per diem amount for
the first day, with each subsequent day paid at the per diem amount up
to the full MS-DRG payment (Sec. 412.4(f)(1)). Transfer cases also are
eligible for outlier payments. In general, the outlier threshold for
transfer cases, as described in Sec. 412.80(b), is equal to (Fixed-
Loss Outlier threshold for Nontransfer Cases adjusted for geographic
variations in costs/Geometric Mean Length of Stay for the MS-DRG) *
(Length of Stay for the Case plus 1 day).
We established the criteria set forth in Sec. 412.4(d) for
determining which DRGs qualify for postacute care transfer payments in
the FY 2006 IPPS final rule (70 FR 47419 through 47420). The
determination of whether a DRG is subject to the postacute care
transfer policy was initially based on the Medicare Version 23.0
GROUPER (FY 2006) and data from the FY 2004 MedPAR file. However, if a
DRG did not exist in Version 23.0 or a DRG included in Version 23.0 is
revised, we use the current version of the Medicare GROUPER and the
most recent complete year of MedPAR data to determine if the DRG is
subject to the postacute care transfer policy. Specifically, if the MS-
DRG's total number of discharges to postacute care equals or exceeds
the 55th percentile for all MS-DRGs and the proportion of short-stay
discharges to postacute care to total discharges in the MS-DRG exceeds
the 55th percentile for all MS-DRGs, CMS will apply the postacute care
transfer policy to that MS-DRG and to any other MS-DRG that shares the
same base MS-DRG. The statute at subparagraph 1886(d)(5)(J) of the Act
directs CMS to identify MS-DRGs based on a high volume of discharges to
postacute care facilities and a disproportionate use of postacute care
services. As discussed in the FY 2006 IPPS final rule (70 FR 47416), we
determined that the 55th percentile is an appropriate level at which to
establish these thresholds. In that same final rule (70 FR 47419), we
stated that we will not revise the list of DRGs subject to the
postacute care transfer policy annually unless we are making a change
to a specific MS-DRG.
To account for MS-DRGs subject to the postacute care policy that
exhibit exceptionally higher shares of costs very early in the hospital
stay, Sec. 412.4(f) also includes a special payment methodology. For
these MS-DRGs, hospitals receive 50 percent of the full MS-DRG payment,
plus the single per diem payment, for the first day of the stay, as
well as a per diem payment for subsequent days (up to the full MS-DRG
payment (Sec. 412.4(f)(6))). For an MS-DRG to qualify for the special
payment methodology, the geometric mean
[[Page 36201]]
length of stay must be greater than 4 days, and the average charges of
1-day discharge cases in the MS-DRG must be at least 50 percent of the
average charges for all cases within the MS-DRG. MS-DRGs that are part
of an MS-DRG severity level group will qualify under the MS-DRG special
payment methodology policy if any one of the MS-DRGs that share that
same base MS-DRG qualifies (Sec. 412.4(f)(6)).
Prior to the enactment of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Pub.
L. 115-123), under section 1886(d)(5)(J) of the Act, a discharge was
deemed a ``qualified discharge'' if the individual was discharged to
one of the following postacute care settings:
A hospital or hospital unit that is not a subsection (d)
A skilled nursing facility.
Related home health services provided by a home health
agency provided within a timeframe established by the Secretary
(beginning within 3 days after the date of discharge).
Section 53109 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 amended section
1886(d)(5)(J)(ii) of the Act to also include discharges to hospice care
provided by a hospice program as a qualified discharge, effective for
discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2018. In the FY 2019 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41394), we made conforming amendments to
Sec. 412.4(c) of the regulation to include discharges to hospice care
occurring on or after October 1, 2018, as qualified discharges. We
specified that hospital bills with a Patient Discharge Status code of
50 (Discharged/Transferred to Hospice--Routine or Continuous Home Care)
or 51 (Discharged/Transferred to Hospice, General Inpatient Care or
Inpatient Respite) are subject to the postacute care transfer policy in
accordance with this statutory amendment.
2. Proposed Changes for FY 2025
As discussed in section II.D. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, based on our analysis of FY 2023 MedPAR claims data, we are
proposing to make changes to a number of MS-DRGs, effective for FY
2025. Specifically, we are proposing to do the following:
Adding ICD-10-PCS codes describing left atrial appendage
closure (LAAC) procedures and cardiac ablation procedures to proposed
new MS-DRG 317 (Concomitant Left Atrial Appendage Closure and Cardiac
Delete existing MS-DRGs 453, 454, and 455 (Combined
Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion with MCC, with CC, and without CC/
MCC, respectively) and to reassign procedures from the existing MS-
DRGs, 453, 454, and 455 and MS-DRGs 459 and 460 (Spinal Fusion except
Cervical with MCC and without MCC, respectively) to proposed new MS-DRG
402 (Single Level Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion Except
Cervical), proposed new MS-DRGs 426, 427, and 428 (Multiple Level
Combined Anterior and Posterior Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with MCC,
with CC, without MCC/CC, respectively), proposed new MS-DRGs 429 and
430 (Combined Anterior and Posterior Cervical Spinal Fusion with MCC
and without MCC, respectively), and proposed new MS-DRGs 447 and 448
(Multiple Level Spinal Fusion Except Cervical with MCC, and without
MCC, respectively). We note that we are also proposing to revise the
title of MS-DRGs 459 and 460 to ``Single Level Spinal Fusion Except
Cervical with MCC and without MCC, respectively''.
Reassign cases that report a principal diagnosis of acute
leukemia with an ``other'' O.R. procedure from MS-DRGs 834, 835, and
836 (Acute Leukemia without Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC,
and without CC/MCC, respectively) to proposed new MS-DRG 850 (Acute
Leukemia with Other O.R. Procedures). We note that we are also
proposing to revise the title of MS-DRGs 834, 835, and 836 from ``Acute
Leukemia without Major O.R. Procedures with MCC, with CC, and without
CC/MCC'', respectively to ``Acute Leukemia with MCC, with CC, and
without CC/MCC''.
The proposed revised MS-DRGs 459 and 460 are currently subject to
the postacute care transfer policy. We believe it is appropriate to
reevaluate the postacute care transfer policy status for MS-DRGs 459
and 460. When proposing changes to MS-DRGs that involve adding,
deleting, and reassigning procedures between proposed new and revised
MS-DRGs, we continue to believe it is necessary to evaluate all of the
affected MS-DRGs to determine whether they should be subject to the
postacute care transfer policy.
MS-DRGs 834, 835, and 836 are currently not subject to the
postacute care transfer policy. While we are proposing to reassign
certain cases from these MS-DRGs to newly proposed MS-DRGs, we have
estimated that less than 5 percent of the current cases would shift
from the current assigned MS-DRGs to the proposed new MS-DRGs. We do
not consider these proposed revisions to constitute a material change
that would warrant reevaluation of the postacute care status of MS-DRGs
834, 835, and 836. CMS may further evaluate what degree of shifts in
cases for existing MS-DRGs warrant consideration for the review of
postacute care transfer and special payment policy status in future
In light of the proposed changes to the MS-DRGs for FY 2025,
according to the regulations under Sec. 412.4(d), we have evaluated
the MS-DRGs using the general postacute care transfer policy criteria
and data from the FY 2023 MedPAR file. If an MS-DRG qualified for the
postacute care transfer policy, we also evaluated that MS-DRG under the
special payment methodology criteria according to regulations at Sec.
412.4(f)(6). We continue to believe it is appropriate to assess new MS-
DRGs and reassess revised MS-DRGs when proposing reassignment of
procedure codes or diagnosis codes that would result in material
changes to an MS-DRG.
Proposed new MS-DRGs 426, 427, 447, and 448 would qualify to be
included on the list of MS-DRGs that are subject to the postacute care
transfer policy. As described in the regulations at Sec.
412.4(d)(3)(ii)(D), MS-DRGs that share the same base MS DRG will all
qualify under the postacute care transfer policy if any one of the MS-
DRGs that share that same base MS-DRG qualifies. We therefore propose
to add proposed new MS-DRGs 426, 427, 428, 447, and 448 to the list of
MS-DRGs that are subject to the postacute care transfer policy.
MS-DRGs 459 and 460 are currently subject to the postacute care
transfer policy. As a result of our review, these MS-DRGs, as proposed
to be revised, would not qualify to be included on the list of MS-DRGs
that are subject to the postacute care transfer policy. We therefore
propose to remove proposed revised MS-DRGs 459 and 460 from the list of
MS-DRGs that are subject to the postacute care transfer policy if the
proposed changes to these MS-DRGs are finalized.
Using the December 2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file, we have
developed the following chart which sets forth the most recent analysis
of the postacute care transfer policy criteria completed for this
proposed rule with respect to each of these proposed new or revised MS-
DRGs. For the FY 2025 final rule, we intend to update this analysis
using the most recent available data at that time.
[[Page 36202]]
[[Page 36203]]
During our annual review of proposed new or revised MS-DRGs and
analysis of the December 2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file, we
reviewed the list of proposed revised or new MS-DRGs that qualify to be
included on the list of MS-DRGs subject to the postacute care transfer
policy for FY 2025 to determine if any of these MS-DRGs would also be
subject to the special payment methodology policy for FY 2025. We note
that MS-DRGs 459 and 460 are not currently subject to the special
payment policy, and as we are proposing to remove them from the list of
MS-DRGs subject to the postacute care transfer policy if the proposed
changes to those MS-DRGs are finalized, no further evaluation of
special payment policy is necessary.
Based on our analysis of proposed changes to MS-DRGs included in
this proposed rule, we determined that proposed new MS-DRGs 426, 427,
and 447 meet the criteria for the MS-DRG special payment methodology.
As described in the regulations at Sec. 412.4(f)(6)(iv), MS-DRGs that
share the same base MS-DRG will all qualify under the MS-DRG special
payment policy if any one of the MS-DRGs that share that same base MS-
DRG qualifies. Therefore, we are proposing that MS-DRGs 426, 427, 428,
447, 448, would be subject to the MS-DRG special payment methodology,
effective for FY 2025. For the FY 2025 final rule, we intend to update
this analysis using the most recent available data at that time.
B. Proposed Changes in the Inpatient Hospital Update for FY 2025 (Sec.
1. Proposed FY 2025 Inpatient Hospital Update
In accordance with section 1886(b)(3)(B)(i) of the Act, each year
we update the national standardized amount for inpatient hospital
operating costs by a factor called the ``applicable percentage
increase.'' For FY 2025, we are setting the applicable percentage
increase by applying the adjustments listed in this section in the same
sequence as we did for FY 2024. (We note that section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xii) of the Act required an additional reduction each
year only for FYs 2010 through 2019.) Specifically, consistent with
section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the Act, as amended by sections 3401(a) and
10319(a) of the Affordable Care Act, we are setting the applicable
percentage increase by applying the following adjustments in the
following sequence. The applicable percentage increase under the IPPS
for FY 2025 is equal to the rate-of-increase in the hospital market
basket for IPPS hospitals in all areas, subject to all of the
A reduction of one-quarter of the applicable percentage
increase (prior to the application of other statutory adjustments; also
referred to as the market basket update or rate-of-increase (with no
adjustments)) for hospitals that fail to submit quality information
under rules established by the Secretary in accordance with section
1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the Act.
A reduction of three-quarters of the applicable percentage
increase (prior to the application of other statutory adjustments; also
referred to as the market basket update or rate-of-increase (with no
adjustments)) for hospitals not considered to be meaningful EHR users
in accordance with section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act.
An adjustment based on changes in economy-wide multifactor
productivity (MFP) (the productivity adjustment).
[[Page 36204]]
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi) of the Act, as added by section 3401(a)
of the Affordable Care Act, states that application of the productivity
adjustment may result in the applicable percentage increase being less
than zero.
As published in the FY 2006 IPPS final rule (70 FR 47403), in
accordance with section 404 of Public Law 108-173, CMS determined a new
frequency for rebasing the hospital market basket of every 3 years. In
compliance with section 404 of the of Public Law 108-173, in the FY
2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45194 through 45204), we replaced
the 2014-based IPPS operating and capital market baskets with the
rebased and revised 2018-based IPPS operating and capital market
baskets beginning in FY 2022. Consistent with our established frequency
of rebasing the IPPS market basket every 4 years, we plan on proposing
to rebase and revise the IPPS market basket in the FY 2026 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed rule. We note that our preliminary evaluation of more
recent Medicare cost report data for IPPS hospitals for 2022 indicates
that the major IPPS market basket cost weights (particularly the
compensation and drug cost weights) are similar to those finalized in
the 2018-based IPPS market basket.
We are proposing to base the FY 2025 market basket update used to
determine the applicable percentage increase for the IPPS on IHS Global
Inc.'s (IGI's) fourth quarter 2023 forecast of the 2018-based IPPS
market basket rate-of-increase with historical data through third
quarter 2023, which is estimated to be 3.0 percent. We also are
proposing that if more recent data subsequently become available (for
example, a more recent estimate of the market basket update), we would
use such data, if appropriate, to determine the FY 2025 market basket
update in the final rule.
In the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51689 through
51692), we finalized our methodology for calculating and applying the
productivity adjustment. As we explained in that rule, section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act, as added by section 3401(a) of the
Affordable Care Act, defines this productivity adjustment as equal to
the 10-year moving average of changes in annual economy-wide, private
nonfarm business MFP (as projected by the Secretary for the 10-year
period ending with the applicable fiscal year, year, cost reporting
period, or other annual period). The U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau
of Labor Statistics (BLS) publishes the official measures of private
nonfarm business productivity for the U.S. economy. We note that
previously the productivity measure referenced in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) was published by BLS as private nonfarm business
multifactor productivity. Beginning with the November 18, 2021 release
of productivity data, BLS replaced the term MFP with total factor
productivity (TFP). BLS noted that this is a change in terminology only
and will not affect the data or methodology. As a result of the BLS
name change, the productivity measure referenced in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) is now published by BLS as private nonfarm
business total factor productivity. However, as mentioned, the data and
methods are unchanged. Please see for the BLS historical
published TFP data. A complete description of IGI's TFP projection
methodology is available on the CMS website at In addition, we note
that beginning with the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we refer to
this adjustment as the productivity adjustment rather than the MFP
adjustment, to more closely track the statutory language in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act. We note that the adjustment continues
to rely on the same underlying data and methodology.
For FY 2025, we are proposing a productivity adjustment of 0.4
percent. Similar to the proposed market basket rate-of-increase, for
this proposed rule, the estimate of the proposed FY 2025 productivity
adjustment is based on IGI's fourth quarter 2023 forecast. As noted
previously, we are proposing that if more recent data subsequently
become available, we would use such data, if appropriate, to determine
the FY 2025 productivity adjustment for the final rule.
Based on these data, we have determined four proposed applicable
percentage increases to the standardized amount for FY 2025, as
specified in the following table:
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42344), we revised
our regulations at 42 CFR 412.64(d) to reflect the current law for the
update for FY 2020 and subsequent fiscal years. Specifically, in
accordance with section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the Act, we added paragraph
(d)(1)(viii) to Sec. 412.64 to set forth the applicable percentage
increase to the operating standardized amount for FY 2020 and
subsequent fiscal years as the percentage increase in the market basket
index, subject to the reductions specified under Sec. 412.64(d)(2) for
a hospital that does not submit quality
[[Page 36205]]
data and Sec. 412.64(d)(3) for a hospital that is not a meaningful EHR
user, less a productivity adjustment.
As discussed in section V.F. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
section 4102 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA), 2023 (Pub.
L. 117-328), enacted on December 29, 2022, extended the MDH program
through FY 2024 (that is, for discharges occurring on or before
September 30, 2024). Subsequently, section 307 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 (CAA, 2024) (Pub. L. 118-42), enacted on March
9, 2024, further extended the MDH program for FY 2025 discharges
occurring before January 1, 2025. Prior to enactment of the CAA, 2024,
the MDH program was only to be in effect through the end of FY 2024.
Under current law, the MDH program will expire for discharges on or
after January 1, 2025. We refer readers to section V.F. of the preamble
of this proposed rule for further discussion of the MDH program.
Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(iv) of the Act provides that the applicable
percentage increase to the hospital-specific rates for SCHs and MDHs
equals the applicable percentage increase set forth in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(i) of the Act (that is, the same update factor as for all
other hospitals subject to the IPPS). Therefore, the update to the
hospital-specific rates for SCHs and MDHs also is subject to section
1886(b)(3)(B)(i) of the Act, as amended by sections 3401(a) and
10319(a) of the Affordable Care Act.
For FY 2025, we are proposing the following updates to the
hospital-specific rates applicable to SCHs and MDHs: A proposed update
of 2.6 percent for a hospital that submits quality data and is a
meaningful EHR user; a proposed update of 0.35 percent for a hospital
that submits quality data and is not a meaningful EHR user; a proposed
update of 1.85 percent for a hospital that fails to submit quality data
and is a meaningful EHR user; and a proposed update of -0.4 percent for
a hospital that fails to submit quality data and is not an meaningful
EHR user. As previously discussed, we are proposing that if more recent
data subsequently become available (for example, a more recent estimate
of the market basket update and the productivity adjustment), we would
use such data, if appropriate, to determine the market basket update
and the productivity adjustment in the final rule.
2. Proposed FY 2025 Puerto Rico Hospital Update
Section 602 of Public Law 114-113 amended section 1886(n)(6)(B) of
the Act to specify that subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals are
eligible for incentive payments for the meaningful use of certified EHR
technology, effective beginning FY 2016. In addition, section
1886(n)(6)(B) of the Act was amended to specify that the adjustments to
the applicable percentage increase under section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of
the Act apply to subsection (d) Puerto Rico hospitals that are not
meaningful EHR users, effective beginning FY 2022. Accordingly, for FY
2022, section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act in conjunction with section
602(d) of Public Law 114-113 requires that any subsection (d) Puerto
Rico hospital that is not a meaningful EHR user as defined in section
1886(n)(3) of the Act and not subject to an exception under section
1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act will have ``three-quarters'' of the
applicable percentage increase (prior to the application of other
statutory adjustments), or three-quarters of the applicable market
basket rate-of-increase, reduced by 33\1/3\ percent. The reduction to
three-quarters of the applicable percentage increase for subsection (d)
Puerto Rico hospitals that are not meaningful EHR users increases to
66\2/3\ percent for FY 2023, and, for FY 2024 and subsequent fiscal
years, to 100 percent. (We note that section 1886(b)(3)(B)(viii) of the
Act, which specifies the adjustment to the applicable percentage
increase for ``subsection (d)'' hospitals that do not submit quality
data under the rules established by the Secretary, is not applicable to
hospitals located in Puerto Rico.) The regulations at 42 CFR
412.64(d)(3)(ii) reflect the current law for the update for subsection
(d) Puerto Rico hospitals for FY 2022 and subsequent fiscal years. In
the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized the payment
reductions (83 FR 41674).
For FY 2025, consistent with section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the Act, as
amended by section 602 of Public Law 114-113, we are setting the
applicable percentage increase for Puerto Rico hospitals by applying
the following adjustments in the following sequence. Specifically, the
applicable percentage increase under the IPPS for Puerto Rico hospitals
will be equal to the rate of-increase in the hospital market basket for
IPPS hospitals in all areas, subject to a reduction of three-quarters
of the applicable percentage increase (prior to the application of
other statutory adjustments; also referred to as the market basket
update or rate-of-increase (with no adjustments)) for Puerto Rico
hospitals not considered to be meaningful EHR users in accordance with
section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) of the Act, and then subject to the
productivity adjustment at section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi) of the Act. As
noted previously, section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi) of the Act states that
application of the productivity adjustment may result in the applicable
percentage increase being less than zero.
Based on IGI's fourth quarter 2023 forecast of the 2018-based IPPS
market basket update with historical data through third quarter 2023,
for this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, in accordance with
section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the Act, as discussed previously, for Puerto
Rico hospitals we are proposing a market basket update of 3.0 percent
less a productivity adjustment of 0.4 percentage point. Therefore, for
FY 2025, depending on whether a Puerto Rico hospital is a meaningful
EHR user, there are two possible applicable percentage increases that
could be applied to the standardized amount. Based on these data, we
determined the following proposed applicable percentage increases to
the standardized amount for FY 2025 for Puerto Rico hospitals:
For a Puerto Rico hospital that is a meaningful EHR user,
we are proposing a FY 2025 applicable percentage increase to the
operating standardized amount of 2.6 percent (that is, the FY 2025
estimate of the proposed market basket rate-of-increase of 3.0 percent
less 0.4 percentage point for the proposed productivity adjustment).
For a Puerto Rico hospital that is not a meaningful EHR
user, we are proposing a FY 2025 applicable percentage increase to the
operating standardized amount of 0.35 percent (that is, the FY 2025
estimate of the proposed market basket rate-of-increase of 3.0 percent,
less an adjustment of 2.25 percentage points (the proposed market
basket rate-of-increase of 3.0 percent x 0.75 for failure to be a
meaningful EHR user), and less 0.4 percentage point for the proposed
productivity adjustment).
As noted previously, we are proposing that if more recent data
subsequently become available, we would use such data, if appropriate,
to determine the FY 2025 market basket update and the productivity
adjustment for the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule.
[[Page 36206]]
C. Rural Referral Centers (RRCs) Annual Updates to Case-Mix Index (CMI)
and Discharge Criteria (Sec. 412.96)
Under the authority of section 1886(d)(5)(C)(i) of the Act, the
regulations at Sec. 412.96 set forth the criteria that a hospital must
meet in order to qualify under the IPPS as a rural referral center
(RRC). RRCs receive special treatment under both the DSH payment
adjustment and the criteria for geographic reclassification.
Section 402 of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and
Modernization Act of 2003 (Pub. L. 108-173) raised the DSH payment
adjustment for RRCs such that they are not subject to the 12-percent
cap on DSH payments that is applicable to other rural hospitals. RRCs
also are not subject to the proximity criteria when applying for
geographic reclassification. In addition, they do not have to meet the
requirement that a hospital's average hourly wage must exceed, by a
certain percentage, the average hourly wage of the labor market area in
which the hospital is located.
Section 4202(b) of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (Pub. L. 105-33)
states, in part, that any hospital classified as an RRC by the
Secretary for FY 1991 shall be classified as such an RRC for FY 1998
and each subsequent fiscal year. In the August 29, 1997, IPPS final
rule with comment period (62 FR 45999 through 46000), we reinstated RRC
status for all hospitals that lost that status due to triennial review
or MGCRB reclassification. However, we did not reinstate the status of
hospitals that lost RRC status because they were now urban for all
purposes because of the OMB designation of their geographic area as
urban. Subsequently, in the August 1, 2000 IPPS final rule (65 FR
47087), we indicated that we were revisiting that decision.
Specifically, we stated that we would permit hospitals that previously
qualified as an RRC and lost their status due to OMB redesignation of
the county in which they are located from rural to urban, to be
reinstated as an RRC. Otherwise, a hospital seeking RRC status must
satisfy all of the other applicable criteria. We use the definitions of
``urban'' and ``rural'' specified in subpart D of 42 CFR part 412. One
of the criteria under which a hospital may qualify as an RRC is to have
275 or more beds available for use (Sec. 412.96(b)(1)(ii)). A rural
hospital that does not meet the bed size requirement can qualify as an
RRC if the hospital meets two mandatory prerequisites (a minimum case-
mix index (CMI) and a minimum number of discharges), and at least one
of three optional criteria (relating to specialty composition of
medical staff, source of inpatients, or referral volume). (We refer
readers to Sec. 412.96(c)(1) through (5) and the September 30, 1988,
Federal Register (53 FR 38513) for additional discussion.) With respect
to the two mandatory prerequisites, a hospital may be classified as an
RRC if the hospital's--
CMI is at least equal to the lower of the median CMI for
urban hospitals in its census region, excluding hospitals with approved
teaching programs, or the median CMI for all urban hospitals
nationally; and
Number of discharges is at least 5,000 per year, or, if
fewer, the median number of discharges for urban hospitals in the
census region in which the hospital is located. The number of
discharges criterion for an osteopathic hospital is at least 3,000
discharges per year, as specified in section 1886(d)(5)(C)(i) of the
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45217), in light of
the COVID-19 PHE, we amended the regulations at Sec. 412.96(h)(1) to
provide for the use of the best available data rather than the latest
available data in calculating the national and regional CMI criteria.
We also amended the regulations at Sec. 412.96(c)(1) to indicate that
the individual hospital's CMI value for discharges during the same
Federal fiscal year used to compute the national and regional CMI
values is used for purposes of determining whether a hospital qualifies
for RRC classification. We also amended the regulations Sec.
412.96(i)(1) and (2), which describe the methodology for calculating
the number of discharges criteria, to provide for the use of the best
available data rather than the latest available or most recent data
when calculating the regional discharges for RRC classification.
1. Case-Mix Index (CMI)
Section 412.96(c)(1) provides that CMS establish updated national
and regional CMI values in each year's annual notice of prospective
payment rates for purposes of determining RRC status. The methodology
we used to determine the national and regional CMI values is set forth
in the regulations at Sec. 412.96(c)(1)(ii). The proposed national
median CMI value for FY 2025 is based on the CMI values of all urban
hospitals nationwide, and the proposed regional median CMI values for
FY 2025 are based on the CMI values of all urban hospitals within each
census region, excluding those hospitals with approved teaching
programs (that is, those hospitals that train residents in an approved
GME program as provided in Sec. 413.75). These proposed values are
based on discharges occurring during FY 2023 (October 1, 2022 through
September 30, 2023), and include bills posted to CMS' records through
December 2023. We believe that this is the best available data for use
in calculating the proposed national and regional median CMI values and
is consistent with our proposal to use the FY 2023 MedPAR claims data
for FY 2025 ratesetting.
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are proposing that,
in addition to meeting other criteria, if rural hospitals with fewer
than 275 beds are to qualify for initial RRC status for cost reporting
periods beginning on or after October 1, 2024, they must have a CMI
value for FY 2023 that is at least--
1.7764 (national--all urban); or
The median CMI value (not transfer-adjusted) for urban
[[Page 36207]]
(excluding hospitals with approved teaching programs as identified in
Sec. 413.75) calculated by CMS for the census region in which the
hospital is located.
The proposed median CMI values by region are set forth in the
following table. We intend to update the proposed CMI values in the FY
2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule to reflect the updated FY 2023 MedPAR
file, which will contain data from additional bills received through
March 2024.
A hospital seeking to qualify as an RRC should obtain its hospital-
specific CMI value (not transfer-adjusted) from its MAC. Data are
available on the Provider Statistical and Reimbursement (PS&R) System.
In keeping with our policy on discharges, the CMI values are computed
based on all Medicare patient discharges subject to the IPPS MS-DRG-
based payment.
2. Discharges
Section 412.96(c)(2)(i) provides that CMS set forth the national
and regional numbers of discharges criteria in each year's annual
notice of prospective payment rates for purposes of determining RRC
status. As specified in section 1886(d)(5)(C)(ii) of the Act, the
national standard is set at 5,000 discharges. For FY 2025, we are
proposing to update the regional standards based on discharges for
urban hospitals' cost reporting periods that began during FY 2022 (that
is, October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2022), which are the latest
cost report data available at the time this proposed rule was
developed. We believe that this is the best available data for use in
calculating the proposed median number of discharges by region and is
consistent with our data proposal to use cost report data from cost
reporting periods beginning during FY 2022 for FY 2025 ratesetting.
Therefore, we are proposing that, in addition to meeting other
criteria, a hospital, if it is to qualify for initial RRC status for
cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2024, must
have, as the number of discharges for its cost reporting period that
began during FY 2022, at least--
5,000 (3,000 for an osteopathic hospital); or
If less, the median number of discharges for urban
hospitals in the census region in which the hospital is located. We
refer readers to the proposed number of discharges as set forth in the
following table. We intend to update these numbers in the FY 2025 final
rule based on the latest available cost report data.
We note that because the median number of discharges for hospitals
in each census region is greater than the national standard of 5,000
discharges, under this proposed rule, 5,000 discharges is the minimum
criterion for all hospitals, except for osteopathic hospitals for which
the minimum criterion is 3,000 discharges.
3. Qualification Under the Discharge Criterion for Osteopathic
Section 1886(d)(5)(C) of the Act sets forth certain criteria that
must be met for a hospital to be classified as a rural
[[Page 36208]]
referral center, including a discharge criterion specifying the
hospital has at least 5,000 discharges a year or, if less, the median
number of discharges in urban hospitals in the region in which the
hospital is located. Section 9106 of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget
Reconciliation Act of 1985 (Pub. L. 99-272) amended section
1886(d)(5)(C) of the Act to provide for a separate discharge criterion
for an osteopathic hospital to qualify for classification as a rural
referral center, effective for cost reporting periods beginning on or
after January 1, 1986. To implement this statutory provision, in the FY
1987 IPPS final rule, we revised 42 CFR 412.96(c)(2) to specify that
for cost reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 1986 an
osteopathic hospital, recognized by the American Osteopathic Hospital
Association, that is located in a rural area must have at least 3,000
discharges during its most recently completed cost reporting period to
meet the number of discharges criterion (51 FR 31471). In the FY 1996
IPPS final rule, in light of a name change of the American Osteopathic
Hospital Association to the American Osteopathic Healthcare
Association, we subsequently revised 42 CFR 412.96(c)(2) to specify
that the osteopathic hospital must be recognized by the American
Osteopathic Healthcare Association ``(or any successor organization)''
(60 FR 45810).
As we discussed in implementing the number of discharges criterion
for osteopathic hospitals in the FY 1987 IPPS final rule, ``[b]ecause
section 1886(d)(5)(C)(i) of the Act specifically limits this
qualification to osteopathic hospitals, we do not believe that this
standard should apply to all hospitals'' (51 FR 31473). Accordingly, to
qualify under this lower number of discharges criterion, a hospital
must be an osteopathic hospital. It has come to the attention of CMS
that the successor organization to the American Osteopathic Healthcare
Association, namely the Accreditation Commission for Health Care,
accredits acute care hospitals, including hospitals that are not
osteopathic. Thus, a hospital receiving an accreditation letter or
certificate from the successor organization is not necessarily an
osteopathic hospital. We are therefore proposing to revise the
regulations at 42 CFR 412.96(c)(2) to clarify that, to qualify for RRC
classification based on the lower discharge criterion for osteopathic
hospitals, a hospital must be an osteopathic hospital and by itself
recognition (such as an accreditation letter) by a successor
organization to the American Osteopathic Healthcare Association is not
necessarily sufficient to demonstrate that a hospital is an osteopathic
We propose to amend our regulations at 42 CFR 412.96 by revising
paragraph (c)(2)(ii) as follows: ``(ii) For cost reporting periods
beginning on or after January 1, 1986, an osteopathic hospital,
recognized by the American Osteopathic Healthcare Association (or any
successor organization), that is located in a rural area must have at
least 3,000 discharges during its cost reporting period that began
during the same fiscal year as the cost reporting periods used to
compute the regional median discharges under paragraph (i) of this
section to meet the number of discharges criterion. A hospital applying
for rural referral center status under the number of discharges
criterion in this paragraph must demonstrate its status as an
osteopathic hospital.''
Consistent with section 1886(d)(5)(C)(i) of the Act, evidence of
osteopathic status may include, but is not limited to, the hospital's
scope of services and its mix of medical specialties. CMS will consider
the totality of the information demonstrating whether an applicant
hospital is an osteopathic hospital. We seek comment on additional
types of evidence we should consider in the determination of a
hospital's osteopathic status.
D. Proposed Payment Adjustment for Low-Volume Hospitals (Sec. 412.101)
1. Background
Section 1886(d)(12) of the Act provides for an additional payment
to each qualifying low-volume hospital under the IPPS beginning in FY
2005. The low-volume hospital payment adjustment is implemented in the
regulations at 42 CFR 412.101. The additional payment adjustment to a
low-volume hospital provided for under section 1886(d)(12) of the Act
is in addition to any payment calculated under section 1886 of the Act,
and is based on the per discharge amount paid to the qualifying
hospital. In other words, the low-volume hospital payment adjustment is
based on total per discharge payments made under section 1886 of the
Act, including capital, DSH, IME, and outlier payments. For SCHs and
MDHs, the low-volume hospital payment adjustment is based in part on
either the Federal rate or the hospital-specific rate, whichever
results in a greater operating IPPS payment. The payment adjustment for
low-volume hospitals is not budget neutral.
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59041
through 59045), section 4101 of the CAA, 2023 (Pub. L. 117-328)
extended through FY 2024 the modified definition of a low-volume
hospital and the methodology for calculating the payment adjustment for
low-volume hospitals in effect for FYs 2019 through 2022. The
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (CAA, 2024) (Pub. L. 118-42),
enacted on March 9, 2024, extended the temporary changes to the low-
volume hospital qualifying criteria and payment adjustment under the
IPPS for a portion of FY 2025. Specifically, section 306 of the CAA,
2024 further extended the modified definition of low-volume hospital
and the methodology for calculating the payment adjustment for low-
volume hospitals under section 1886(d)(12) through December 31, 2024.
Beginning January 1, 2025, the low-volume hospital qualifying criteria
and payment adjustment will revert to the statutory requirements that
were in effect prior to FY 2011, and the preexisting low-volume
hospital payment adjustment methodology and qualifying criteria, as
implemented in FY 2005 and discussed later in this section, will
resume. We discuss the proposed payment policies for FY 2025 in section
V.E.2. in the preamble of this proposed rule.
[[Page 36209]]
2. Extension of Temporary Changes to Low-Volume Hospital Payment
Definition and Payment Adjustment Methodology and Conforming Changes to
As discussed previously, section 4101 of the CAA, 2023 modified the
definition of low-volume hospital and the methodology for calculating
the payment adjustment for low-volume hospitals under section
1886(d)(12) of the Act through September 30, 2024. Prior to the
enactment of the CAA, 2024 (Pub. L. 118-42), the temporary changes to
the low-volume hospital qualifying criteria and payment adjustment
provided by section 4101 of CAA, 2023 were set to expire on October 1,
2024. Section 306 of the CAA, 2024 extends the temporary changes to the
low-volume hospital qualifying criteria and payment adjustment under
the IPPS for the portion of FY 2025 beginning on October 1, 2024, and
ending on December 31, 2024 (that is, for discharges occurring before
January 1, 2025).
Under section 1886(d)(12)(C)(i) of the Act, as amended by Public
Law 118-42, for FYs 2019 through 2024 and the portion of FY 2025
occurring before January 1, 2025, a subsection (d) hospital qualifies
as a low-volume hospital if it is more than 15 road miles from another
subsection (d) hospital and has less than 3,800 total discharges during
the fiscal year. In accordance with the existing regulations at Sec.
412.101(a), we define the term ``road miles'' to mean ``miles'' as
defined at Sec. 412.92(c)(1). Under section 1886(d)(12)(D) of the Act,
as amended, for discharges occurring in FY 2019 through December 31,
2024, the Secretary determines the applicable percentage increase using
a continuous, linear sliding scale ranging from an additional 25
percent payment adjustment for low-volume hospitals with 500 or fewer
discharges to a zero percent additional payment for low volume
hospitals with more than 3,800 discharges in the fiscal year.
Consistent with the requirements of section 1886(d)(12)(C)(ii) of the
Act, the term ``discharge'' for purposes of these provisions refers to
total discharges, regardless of payer (that is, Medicare and non-
Medicare discharges).
In the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41399), we specified
a continuous, linear sliding scale formula to determine the low volume
payment adjustment, as reflected in the regulations at Sec.
412.101(c)(3)(ii). Consistent with the statute, we provided that
qualifying hospitals with 500 or fewer total discharges will receive a
low-volume hospital payment adjustment of 25 percent. For qualifying
hospitals with fewer than 3,800 discharges but more than 500
discharges, the low-volume payment adjustment is calculated by
subtracting from 25 percent the proportion of payments associated with
the discharges in excess of 500. For qualifying hospitals with fewer
than 3,800 total discharges but more than 500 total discharges, the
low-volume hospital payment adjustment is calculated using the formula
at Sec. 412.101(c)(3)(ii) (which is shown in the Table V.E.-01). For
this purpose, the term ``discharge'' refers to total discharges,
regardless of payer (that is, Medicare and non-Medicare discharges).
The hospital's most recently submitted cost report is used to determine
if the hospital meets the discharge criterion to receive the low volume
payment adjustment in the current year (Sec. 412.101(b)(2)(iii)). The
low-volume hospital payment adjustment for FYs 2019 through 2024 is set
forth in the regulations at Sec. 412.101(c)(3).
Consistent with the extension of the methodology for calculating
the payment adjustment for low-volume hospitals through FY 2024, we are
proposing to continue using the previously specified continuous, linear
sliding scale formula to determine the low-volume hospital payment
adjustment for the portion of FY 2025 occurring before January 1, 2025.
We are also proposing to make conforming changes to the regulation text
in Sec. 412.101 to reflect the extensions of the changes to the
qualifying criteria and the payment adjustment methodology for low-
volume hospitals in accordance with provisions of the CAA, 2024.
Specifically, we are proposing to make conforming changes to paragraphs
(b)(2)(iii) and (c)(3) introductory text of Sec. 412.101 to reflect
that the low-volume hospital payment adjustment policy in effect for
the portion of FY 2025 through December 31, 2024, is the same low-
volume hospital payment adjustment policy in effect for FYs 2019
through 2024 (as described in the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83
FR 41398 through 41399) and in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH final rule (88 FR
59041 through 59045)). In addition, in accordance with the provisions
of the CAA, 2024, we are proposing to make conforming changes to
paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (c)(1) of Sec. 412.101 to reflect that for
the portion of FY 2025 beginning on January 1, 2025 and for subsequent
fiscal years, the low-volume hospital payment adjustment policy will
revert back to the low-volume hospital payment adjustment policy in
effect for FYs 2005 through 2010, as described in section V.E.3. of
this preamble. We further propose that if the temporary changes to the
low-volume payment adjustment are extended through legislation beyond
December 31, 2024, we would make the conforming changes to the
regulations at Sec. 412.101 (b)(2)(i),
[[Page 36210]]
(b)(2)(iii), (c)(1), and (c)(3) to reflect any further extension.
3. Proposed Payment Adjustment for the Portion of FY 2025 Beginning on
January 1, 2025, and Subsequent Fiscal Years
In accordance with section 1886(d)(12) of the Act, as amended by
section 306 of the CAA, 2024, beginning with FY 2025 discharges
occurring on or after January 1, 2025, the low-volume hospital
definition and payment adjustment methodology will revert to the
statutory requirements that were in effect prior to the amendments made
by the Affordable Care Act and subsequent legislation. Specifically,
section 1886(d)(12)(B) of the Act requires, for discharges occurring in
FYs 2005 through 2010, FY 2025 discharges occurring on or after January
1, 2025 and subsequent years, that the Secretary determine an
applicable percentage increase for these low-volume hospitals based on
the ``empirical relationship'' between the standardized cost-per-case
for such hospitals and the total number of discharges of such hospitals
and the amount of the additional incremental costs (if any) that are
associated with such number of discharges. The statute thus mandates
that the Secretary develop an empirically justifiable adjustment based
on the relationship between costs and discharges for these low-volume
Therefore, effective for the portion of FY 2025 beginning on
January 1, 2025 and subsequent years, under current policy at Sec.
412.101(b), to qualify as a low-volume hospital, a subsection (d)
hospital must be more than 25 road miles from another subsection (d)
hospital and have less than 200 discharges (that is, less than 200
discharges total, including both Medicare and non-Medicare discharges)
during the fiscal year. For the portion of FY 2025 beginning on January
1, 2025, and subsequent years, the statute specifies that a low-volume
hospital must have less than 800 discharges during the fiscal year.
However, as required by section 1886(d)(12)(B)(i) of the Act, the
Secretary has developed an empirically justifiable payment adjustment
based on the relationship, for IPPS hospitals with less than 800
discharges, between the additional incremental costs (if any) that are
associated with a particular number of discharges. Based on an analysis
we conducted for the FY 2005 IPPS final rule (69 FR 49099 through
49102), a 25-percent low-volume adjustment to all qualifying hospitals
with less than 200 discharges was found to be most consistent with the
statutory requirement to provide relief for low-volume hospitals where
there is empirical evidence that higher incremental costs are
associated with low numbers of total discharges. (Under the policy we
established in that same final rule, hospitals with between 200 and 799
discharges do not receive a low-volume hospital adjustment.)
As discussed previously, for FYs 2005 through 2010 and FY 2019 and
subsequent years, the discharge determination is made based on the
hospital's number of total discharges, that is, Medicare and non-
Medicare discharges. The hospital's most recently submitted cost report
is used to determine if the hospital meets the discharge criterion to
receive the low-volume payment adjustment in the current year (Sec.
412.101(b)(2)(i)). We use cost report data to determine if a hospital
meets the discharge criterion because this is the best available data
source that includes information on both Medicare and non-Medicare
discharges. We note that, for FYs 2011 through 2018, we used the most
recently available MedPAR data to determine the hospital's Medicare
discharges because only Medicare discharges were used to determine if a
hospital met the discharge criterion for those years.
In addition to the discharge criterion, a hospital must also meet
the mileage criterion to qualify for the low-volume payment adjustment.
As specified by section 1886(d)(12)(C)(i) of the Act, a low-volume
hospital must be more than 25 road miles (or 15 road miles for FYs 2011
through 2024) from another subsection (d) hospital. Accordingly, for FY
2025 and subsequent fiscal years, in addition to the discharge
criterion, the eligibility for the low-volume payment adjustment is
also dependent upon the hospital meeting the mileage criterion at Sec.
412.101(b)(2)(i), which specifies that a hospital must be located more
than 25 road miles from the nearest subsection (d) hospital, consistent
with section 1886(d)(12)(C)(i) of the Act. We define, at Sec.
412.101(a), the term ``road miles'' to mean ``miles'' as defined at
Sec. 412.92(c)(1) (75 FR 50238 through 50275 and 50414). As previously
noted, we are proposing to make conforming changes to paragraphs
(b)(2)(i) and (c)(1) of Sec. 412.101 to reflect that for the portion
of FY 2025 beginning on January 1, 2025, and subsequent fiscal years,
the low-volume hospital payment adjustment policy is the same as that
in effect for FYs 2005 through 2010.
On average, approximately 600 hospitals per year were eligible for
the low-volume hospital payment adjustment for FYs 2019 through 2024
under the temporary changes in the low-volume hospital payment policy
as amended by section 50204 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Pub.
L. 115-123), and section 4101 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2023 (CAA, 2023) (Pub. L. 117-328). As discussed previously, the CAA,
2024 further extended the modified definition of low-volume hospital
and the methodology for calculating the payment adjustment for low-
volume hospitals under section 1886(d)(12) through December 31, 2024.
Therefore, for the portion of FY 2025 beginning on January 1, 2025 and
for subsequent years the low-volume hospital qualifying criteria and
payment adjustment will revert to the statutory requirements that were
in effect prior to FY 2011. Based on historical data for hospitals that
qualified during FYs 2005--2010, we estimate that fewer than 10
hospitals would qualify for the low-volume hospital payment adjustment
for the portion of FY 2025 beginning on January 1, 2025 under current
5. Process for Requesting and Obtaining the Low-Volume Hospital Payment
Adjustment FY 2025
In the FY 2011 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (75 FR 50238 through 50275
and 50414) and subsequent rulemaking, most recently in the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59044 through 59045), we discussed the
process for requesting and obtaining the low-volume hospital payment
adjustment. Under this previously established process, a hospital makes
a written request for the low-volume payment adjustment under Sec.
412.101 to its MAC. This request must contain sufficient documentation
to establish that the hospital meets the applicable mileage and
discharge criteria. The MAC will determine if the hospital qualifies as
a low-volume hospital by reviewing the data the hospital submits with
its request for low-volume hospital status in addition to other
available data. Under this approach, a hospital will know in advance
whether or not it will receive a payment adjustment under the low-
volume hospital policy. The MAC and CMS may review available data such
as the number of discharges, in addition to the data the hospital
submits with its request for low-volume hospital status, to determine
whether or not the hospital meets the qualifying criteria. (For
additional information on our existing process for requesting the low-
volume hospital payment adjustment, we refer readers to the FY 2019
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41399 through 41401).)
As explained earlier, for FY 2019 and subsequent fiscal years, the
[[Page 36211]]
determination is made based on the hospital's number of total
discharges, that is, Medicare and non-Medicare discharges, as was the
case for FYs 2005 through 2010. Under Sec. 412.101(b)(2)(i) and (iii),
a hospital's most recently submitted cost report is used to determine
if the hospital meets the discharge criterion to receive the low volume
payment adjustment in the current year. As discussed in the FY 2019
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41399 and 41400), we use cost report
data to determine if a hospital meets the discharge criterion because
this is the best available data source that includes information on
both Medicare and non-Medicare discharges. (For FYs 2011 through 2018,
the most recently available MedPAR data were used to determine the
hospital's Medicare discharges because non-Medicare discharges were not
used to determine if a hospital met the discharge criterion for those
years.) Therefore, a hospital must refer to its most recently submitted
cost report for total discharges (Medicare and non-Medicare) to decide
whether or not to apply for low-volume hospital status for a particular
fiscal year.
In addition to the discharge criterion, eligibility for the low-
volume hospital payment adjustment is also dependent upon the hospital
meeting the applicable mileage criterion specified in section
1886(d)(12)(C)(i) of the Act, which is codified at Sec. 412.101(b)(2),
for the fiscal year. Specifically, to meet the mileage criterion to
qualify for the low-volume hospital payment adjustment for the portion
of FY 2025 beginning October 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, a
hospital must be located more than 15 road miles from the nearest
subsection (d) hospital, as reflected in proposed revised Sec.
412.101(b)(2). Additionally, to meet the mileage criterion to qualify
for the low-volume hospital payment adjustment for the portion of FY
2025 beginning January 1, 2025 through September 30, 2025, a hospital
must be located more than 25 road miles from the nearest subsection (d)
hospital. (We define in Sec. 412.101(a) the term ``road miles'' to
mean ``miles'' as defined in Sec. 412.92(c)(1) (75 FR 50238 through
50275 and 50414).) For establishing that the hospital meets the mileage
criterion, the use of a web-based mapping tool as part of the
documentation is acceptable. The MAC will determine if the information
submitted by the hospital, such as the name and street address of the
nearest hospital(s), location on a map, and distance from the hospital
requesting low-volume hospital status, is sufficient to document that
it meets the mileage criterion. If not, the MAC will follow up with the
hospital to obtain additional necessary information to determine
whether or not the hospital meets the applicable mileage criterion.
In accordance with our previously established process, a hospital
must make a written request for low-volume hospital status that is
received by its MAC by September 1 immediately preceding the start of
the Federal fiscal year for which the hospital is applying for low-
volume hospital status in order for the applicable low-volume hospital
payment adjustment to be applied to payments for its discharges for the
fiscal year beginning on or after October 1 immediately following the
request (that is, the start of the Federal fiscal year). For a hospital
whose request for low-volume hospital status is received after
September 1, if the MAC determines the hospital meets the criteria to
qualify as a low-volume hospital, the MAC will apply the applicable
low-volume hospital payment adjustment to determine payment for the
hospital's discharges for the fiscal year, effective prospectively
within 30 days of the date of the MAC's low-volume status
Consistent with this previously established process, for FY 2025,
we are proposing that a hospital must submit a written request for low-
volume hospital status to its MAC that includes sufficient
documentation to establish that the hospital meets the applicable
mileage and discharge criteria (as described earlier). Specifically,
for the portion of FY 2025 beginning October 1, 2024 through December
31, 2024, a hospital must make a written request for low-volume
hospital status that is received by its MAC no later than September 1,
2024, in order for the low-volume, add-on payment adjustment to be
applied to payments for its discharges beginning on or after October 1,
2024. If a hospital's written request for low-volume hospital status
for the portion of FY 2025 beginning October 1, 2024 through December
31, 2024 is received after September 1, 2024, and if the MAC determines
the hospital meets the criteria to qualify as a low-volume hospital,
the MAC would apply the low-volume hospital payment adjustment to
determine the payment for the hospital's FY 2025 discharges beginning
October 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, effective prospectively
within 30 days of the date of the MAC's low-volume hospital status
Additionally, we are proposing that a hospital must also submit a
written request for low-volume hospital status to its MAC that includes
sufficient documentation to establish that the hospital continues to
meet the applicable mileage and discharge criteria for the portion of
FY 2025 beginning on January 1, 2025 through September 30, 2025 (as
described earlier). Specifically, for the portion of FY 2025 beginning
on January 1, 2025, a hospital must make a written request for low-
volume hospital status that is received by its MAC no later than
December 1, 2024, in order for the 25-percent, low-volume, add-on
payment adjustment to be applied to payments for its discharges
beginning on or after January 1, 2025. If a hospital's written request
for low-volume hospital status for the portion of FY 2025 beginning on
January 1, 2025 is received after December 1, 2024, and if the MAC
determines the hospital meets the criteria to qualify as a low-volume
hospital, the MAC would apply the low-volume hospital payment
adjustment to determine the payment for the hospital's FY 2025
discharges on or after January 1, 2025, effective prospectively within
30 days of the date of the MAC's low-volume hospital status
A hospital may choose to make a single written request for low-
volume hospital status to its MAC for both the portion of FY 2025
beginning on October 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2024 and the
portion of FY 2025 beginning on January 1, 2025 through September 30,
2024 by the September 1, 2024 deadline discussed previously.
Alternatively, a hospital may choose to submit separate written
requests, one for the portion of FY 2025 beginning on October 1, 2024
and ending on December 31, 2024 (by the September 1, 2024 deadline
discussed previously), and another for the portion of FY 2025 beginning
on January 1, 2025 through September 30, 2025 (by the December 1, 2024
deadline discussed previously).
Under this process, a hospital that qualified for the low-volume
hospital payment adjustment for FY 2024 may continue to receive a low-
volume hospital payment adjustment for FY 2025 without reapplying if it
meets both the discharge criterion and the mileage criterion applicable
for FY 2025 (that is, the discharge criterion and mileage criterion for
the period beginning October 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, as well
as the discharge criterion and mileage criterion for the period
beginning on January 1, 2025 through September 30, 2025, respectively).
As discussed previously, for the portion of FY 2025 beginning on
January 1, 2025, the discharge and the mileage criteria are reverting
to the statutory requirements that were in effect prior to FY 2011, and
to the preexisting low-
[[Page 36212]]
volume hospital qualifying criteria, as implemented in FY 2005 and
specified in the existing regulations at Sec. 412.101(b)(2)(i). As in
previous years, we are proposing that such a hospital must send written
verification that is received by its MAC no later than September 1,
2024 or December 1, 2024, respectively, stating that it meets the
mileage criterion for the applicable portion(s) of FY 2025, as
described previously. For example, for the portion of FY 2025 beginning
October 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, the hospital must state it
is located more than 15 road miles from the nearest ``subsection (d)''
hospital. Similarly, for the portion of FY 2025 beginning on January 1,
2025, the hospital must state it is located more than 25 road miles
from the nearest ``subsection (d)'' hospital. For FY 2025, we are
further proposing that this written verification must also state, based
upon the most recently submitted cost report, that the hospital meets
the discharge criterion for the applicable portion(s) of FY 2025, as
described previously. For example, for the portion of FY 2025 beginning
October 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024, the hospital must have less
than 3,800 discharges total, including both Medicare and non-Medicare
discharges. Similarly, for the portion of FY 2025 beginning on January
1, 2025, the hospital must have less than 200 discharges total,
including both Medicare and non-Medicare discharges. If a hospital's
request for low-volume hospital status for FY 2025 is received after
September 1, 2024, (or after December 1, 2024 for the portion of FY
2025 beginning on January 1, 2025) and if the MAC determines the
hospital meets the criteria to qualify as a low-volume hospital, the
MAC will apply the applicable low-volume add-on payment adjustment to
determine the payment for the hospital's discharges for the applicable
portion(s) FY 2025, effective prospectively within 30 days of the date
of the MAC's low-volume hospital status determination.
E. Proposed Changes in the Medicare-Dependent, Small Rural Hospital
(MDH) Program (Sec. 412.108)
1. Background for the MDH Program
Section 1886(d)(5)(G) of the Act provides special payment
protections, under the IPPS, to a Medicare-dependent, small rural
hospital (MDH). (For additional information on the MDH program and the
payment methodology, we refer readers to the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (76 FR 51683 through 51684).) As discussed in section V.B.
of the preamble of this proposed rule, section 307 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 (CAA, 2024) (Pub. L. 118-42), enacted on March
9, 2024, extended the MDH program for FY 2025 discharges occurring
before January 1, 2025. Prior to enactment of the CAA, 2024, the MDH
program was only to be in effect through the end of FY 2024. Under
current law, the MDH program provisions at section 1886(d)(5)(G) of the
Act will expire for discharges on or after January 1, 2025. Beginning
with discharges occurring on or after January 1, 2025, all hospitals
that previously qualified for MDH status will be paid based on the
Federal rate.
Since the extension of the MDH program through FY 2012 provided by
section 3124 of the Affordable Care Act, the MDH program had been
extended by subsequent legislation as follows: section 606 of the
American Taxpayer Relief Act (Pub. L. 112-240) extended the MDH program
through FY 2013 (that is, for discharges occurring before October 1,
2013). Section 1106 of the Pathway for SGR Reform Act of 2013 (Pub. L.
113-67) extended the MDH program through the first half of FY 2014
(that is, for discharges occurring before April 1, 2014). Section 106
of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (Pub. L. 113-93) extended the
MDH program through the first half of FY 2015 (that is, for discharges
occurring before April 1, 2015). Section 205 of the MACRA (Pub. L. 114-
10) extended the MDH program through FY 2017 (that is, for discharges
occurring before October 1, 2017). Section 50205 of the Bipartisan
Budget Act (Pub. L. 115-123) extended the MDH program through FY 2022
(that is for discharges occurring before October 1, 2022). Section 102
of the Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental
Appropriations Act, 2023 (Pub. L. 117-180) extended the MDH program
through December 16, 2022. Section 102 of the Further Continuing
Appropriations and Extensions Act, 2023 (Pub. L. 117-229) extended the
MDH program through December 23, 2022. Section 4102 of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2023 (Pub. L. 117-328) extended the MDH program
through FY 2024 (that is for discharges occurring before October 1,
2024). Lastly, under current law, section 307 of the CAA, 2024 (Pub. L.
118-42) extended the MDH program through December 31, 2024 (that is,
for discharges occurring before January 1, 2025).
For additional information on the extensions of the MDH program
after FY 2012, we refer readers to the following Federal Register
documents: The FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53404 through
53405 and 53413 through 53414); the FY 2013 IPPS notice (78 FR 14689);
the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR 50647 through 50649); the
FY 2014 interim final rule with comment period (79 FR 15025 through
15027); the FY 2014 notice (79 FR 34446 through 34449); the FY 2015
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (79 FR 50022 through 50024); the August 2015
interim final rule with comment period (80 FR 49596); the FY 2017 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR 57054 through 57057); the FY 2018 notice (83
FR 18303 through 18305); the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR
41429); and the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59045).
2. Implementation of Legislative Extension of MDH Program
Prior to the enactment of Public Law 118-42, under section 4102 of
Public Law 117-328, the MDH program authorized by section 1886(d)(5)(G)
of the Act was set to expire at the end of FY 2024. Section 307 of
Public Law 118-42 amended sections 1886(d)(5)(G)(i) and
1886(d)(5)(G)(ii)(II) of the Act by striking ``October 1, 2024'' and
inserting ``January 1, 2025''. Section 307 of Public Law 118-42 also
made conforming amendments to sections 1886(b)(3)(D)(i) and
1886(b)(3)(D)(iv) of the Act.
Therefore, we are proposing to make conforming changes to the
regulations governing the MDH program at Sec. 412.108(a)(1) and
(c)(2)(iii) and the general payment rules at Sec. 412.90(j) to reflect
the extension of the MDH program through December 31, 2024.
As a result of the extension of the MDH program through December
31, 2024 as provided by section 307 of Public Law 118-42, a provider
that is classified as an MDH as of September 30, 2024, will continue to
be classified as an MDH as of October 1, 2024, with no need to reapply
for MDH classification.
3. Expiration of the MDH Program
Because section 307 of the CAA, 2024 extended the MDH program
through December 31, 2024 only, beginning January 1, 2025, the MDH
program will no longer be in effect. Since the MDH program is not
authorized by statute beyond December 31, 2024, beginning January 1,
2025, all hospitals that previously qualified for MDH status under
section 1886(d)(5)(G) of the Act will no longer have MDH status and
will be paid based on the IPPS Federal rate. There are currently 173
MDHs, of which we estimate 114 would have been paid under the blended
payment of the Federal rate and hospital-specific rate while the
remaining 59 would have
[[Page 36213]]
been paid based on the IPPS Federal rate. With the expiration of the
MDH program, all these providers will all be paid based on the IPPS
Federal rate beginning with discharges occurring on or after January 1,
When the MDH program was set to expire at the end of FY 2012, in
the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53404 through 53405), we
revised our sole community hospital (SCH) policies to allow MDHs to
apply for SCH status in advance of the expiration of the MDH program
and be paid as such under certain conditions. We codified these changes
in the regulations at Sec. 412.92(b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(v).
Specifically, the existing regulations at Sec. 412.92(b)(2)(i) and
(b)(2)(v) allow for an effective date of an approval of SCH status that
is the day following the expiration date of the MDH program. We note
that these same conditions apply to MDHs that intend to apply for SCH
status with the expiration of the MDH program on December 31, 2024.
Therefore, in order for an MDH to receive SCH status effective January
1, 2025, the MDH must apply for SCH status at least 30 days before the
expiration of the MDH program; that is, the MDH must apply for SCH
status by December 2, 2024. The MDH also must request that, if approved
as an SCH, the SCH status be effective with the expiration of the MDH
program; that is, the MDH must request that the SCH status, if
approved, be effective January 1, 2025, immediately after its MDH
status expires with the expiration of the MDH program on December 31,
2024. We emphasize that an MDH that applies for SCH status in
anticipation of the expiration of the MDH program would not qualify for
the January 1, 2025 effective date for SCH status if it does not apply
by the December 2, 2024 deadline. If the MDH does not apply by the
December 2, 2024 deadline, the hospital would instead be subject to the
usual effective date for SCH classification as specified at Sec.
412.92(b)(2)(i); that is, as of the date the MAC receives the complete
application from the provider.
As noted, we are proposing to make conforming changes to the
regulations governing the MDH program at Sec. 412.108(a)(1) and
(c)(2)(iii) and the general payment rules at Sec. 412.90(j) to reflect
the extension of the MDH program through December 31, 2024. We are
further proposing that if the MDH program were to be extended by law
beyond December 31, 2024, similar to how it was extended by prior
legislation as described previously, we would, depending on timing of
such legislation in relation to the final rule, modify our proposed
conforming changes to the regulations governing the MDH program at
Sec. 412.108(a)(1) and (c)(2)(iii) and the general payment rules at
Sec. 412.90(j) to reflect any such further extension of the MDH
program. These modifications to our proposed conforming changes would
only be made if the MDH program were to be extended by statute beyond
December 31, 2024.
F. Payment for Indirect and Direct Graduate Medical Education Costs
(Sec. Sec. 412.105 and 413.75 Through 413.83)
1. Background
Section 1886(h) of the Act, as added by section 9202 of the
Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 (Pub. L.
99-272) and as currently implemented in the regulations at 42 CFR
413.75 through 413.83, establishes a methodology for determining
payments to hospitals for the direct costs of approved graduate medical
education (GME) programs. Section 1886(h)(2) of the Act sets forth a
methodology for the determination of a hospital-specific base-period
per resident amount (PRA) that is calculated by dividing a hospital's
allowable direct costs of GME in a base period by its number of full-
time equivalent (FTE) residents in the base period. The base period is,
for most hospitals, the hospital's cost reporting period beginning in
FY 1984 (that is, October 1, 1983 through September 30, 1984). The base
year PRA is updated annually for inflation. In general, Medicare direct
GME payments are calculated by multiplying the hospital's updated PRA
by the weighted number of FTE residents working in all areas of the
hospital complex (and at nonprovider sites, when applicable), and the
hospital's Medicare share of total inpatient days.
Section 1886(d)(5)(B) of the Act provides for a payment adjustment
known as the indirect medical education (IME) adjustment under the IPPS
for hospitals that have residents in an approved GME program, in order
to account for the higher indirect patient care costs of teaching
hospitals relative to nonteaching hospitals. The regulations regarding
the calculation of this additional payment are located at 42 CFR
412.105. The hospital's IME adjustment applied to the DRG payments is
calculated based on the ratio of the hospital's number of FTE residents
training in either the inpatient or outpatient departments of the IPPS
hospital (and, for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 1997, at
non-provider sites, when applicable) to the number of inpatient
hospital beds.
The calculation of both direct GME payments and the IME payment
adjustment is affected by the number of FTE residents that a hospital
is allowed to count. Generally, the greater the number of FTE residents
a hospital counts, the greater the amount of Medicare direct GME and
IME payments the hospital will receive. In an attempt to end the
implicit incentive for hospitals to increase the number of FTE
residents, Congress established a limit on the number of allopathic and
osteopathic residents that a hospital could include in its FTE resident
count for direct GME and IME payment purposes in the Balanced Budget
Act of 1997 (Pub. L. 105-33). Under section 1886(h)(4)(F) of the Act,
for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 1997, a
hospital's unweighted FTE count of residents for purposes of direct GME
cannot exceed the hospital's unweighted FTE count for direct GME in its
most recent cost reporting period ending on or before December 31,
1996. Under section 1886(d)(5)(B)(v) of the Act, a similar limit based
on the FTE count for IME during that cost reporting period is applied,
effective for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 1997. Dental
and podiatric residents are not included in this statutorily mandated
2. Distribution of Additional Residency Positions Under the Provisions
of Section 4122 of Subtitle C of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,
2023 (CAA, 2023)
a. Overview
CMS has increased the overall number of slots available to teaching
hospitals on several previous occasions. Notably, Congress authorized
Medicare payment for one thousand additional FTE GME resident slots in
section 126(a) of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, adding
paragraph 1886(h)(9) to the Act. Most recently, section 4122(a) of the
CAA, 2023 amended section 1886(h) of the Act by adding a new section
1886(h)(10) of the Act requiring the distribution of additional
residency positions (also referred to as slots) to hospitals. Section
1886(h)(10)(A) of the Act requires that for FY 2026, the Secretary
shall initiate an application round to distribute 200 residency
positions. At least 100 of the positions made available under section
1886(h)(10)(A) shall be distributed for psychiatry or psychiatry
subspecialty residency training programs. The Secretary is required,
subject to certain
[[Page 36214]]
provisions in the law, to increase the otherwise applicable resident
limit for each qualifying hospital that submits a timely application by
the number of positions that may be approved by the Secretary for that
hospital. The Secretary is required to notify hospitals of the number
of positions distributed to them by January 31, 2026, and the increase
is effective beginning July 1, 2026.
In determining the qualifying hospitals for which an increase is
provided, section 1886(h)(10)(B)(i) of the Act requires the Secretary
to take into account the ``demonstrated likelihood'' of the hospital
filling the positions made available within the first 5 training years
beginning after the date the increase would be effective, as determined
by the Secretary.
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii) of the Act requires a minimum
distribution for certain categories of hospitals. Specifically, the
Secretary is required to distribute at least 10 percent of the
aggregate number of total residency positions available to each of four
categories of hospitals. Stated briefly, and discussed in greater
detail later in this proposed rule, the categories are as follows: (1)
hospitals located in rural areas or that are treated as being located
in a rural area (pursuant to sections 1886(d)(2)(D) and 1886(d)(8)(E)
of the Act); (2) hospitals in which the reference resident level of the
hospital is greater than the otherwise applicable resident limit; (3)
hospitals in states with new medical schools or additional locations
and branches of existing medical schools; and (4) hospitals that serve
areas designated as Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs). Section
1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Act defines a qualifying hospital as a
hospital in one of these four categories.
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(iii) of the Act further requires that each
qualifying hospital that submits a timely application receive at least
1 (or a fraction of 1) of the residency positions made available under
section 1886(h)(10) of the Act before any qualifying hospital receives
more than 1 residency position.
Section 1886(h)(10)(C) of the Act places certain limitations on the
distribution of the residency positions. First, a hospital may not
receive more than 10 additional full-time equivalent (FTE) residency
positions. Second, no increase in the otherwise applicable resident
limit of a hospital may be made unless the hospital agrees to increase
the total number of FTE residency positions under the approved medical
residency training program of the hospital by the number of positions
made available to that hospital. Third, if a hospital that receives an
increase to its otherwise applicable resident limit under section
1886(h)(10) of the Act is eligible for an increase to its otherwise
applicable resident limit under 42 CFR 413.79(e)(3) (or any successor
regulation), that hospital must ensure that residency positions
received under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act are used to expand an
existing residency training program and not for participation in a new
residency training program.
b. Determinations Required for the Distribution of Residency Positions
(1) Determination That a Hospital Has a ``Demonstrated Likelihood'' of
Filling the Positions
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(i) of the Act directs the Secretary to take
into account the ``demonstrated likelihood'' of the hospital filling
the positions made available within the first 5 training years
beginning after the date the increase would be effective, as determined
by the Secretary. In accordance with section 1886(h)(10)(A)(iv) of the
Act, the increase would be effective beginning July 1 of the fiscal
year of the increase; therefore, additional residency positions under
section 1886(h)(10) of the Act would be effective July 1, 2026.
Consistent with the application cycle established for section 126
of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73419 through 73445) we are proposing that the
application deadline for the additional positions made available for a
fiscal year be March 31 of the prior fiscal year; that is, for FY 2026,
the application deadline would be March 31, 2025. Accordingly, all
references in this section to the application deadline are references
to the application deadline of March 31, 2025.
We are proposing that a hospital show a ``demonstrated likelihood''
of filling the additional positions (sometimes equivalently referred to
as slots) for which it applies by demonstrating that it does not have
sufficient room under its current FTE resident cap(s) to accommodate a
planned new program or expansion of an existing program. In order to be
eligible for additional positions, the new program or expansion of an
existing program could not begin prior to July 1, 2026, the effective
date of the section 4122 residency positions.
In order to demonstrate that a hospital does not have sufficient
room under its current FTE resident cap(s) for purposes of the
prioritization discussed at section c.3. of this preamble, if
applicable, we are proposing that a hospital would be required to
submit copies of its most recently submitted Worksheet E, Part A and
Worksheet E-4 from the Medicare cost report (CMS-Form- 2552-10) as part
of its application for an increase to its FTE resident cap(s). The
hospital would demonstrate and attest to a planned new program or
expansion of an existing program by meeting at least one of the
following two ``Demonstrated Likelihood'' criteria:
``Demonstrated Likelihood'' Criterion 1 (New Residency
Program). The hospital does not have sufficient room under its FTE
resident cap, is not a rural hospital eligible for an increase to its
cap under 42 CFR 413.79(e)(3) (or any successor regulation), and
intends to use the additional FTEs as part of a new residency program
that it intends to establish on or after the date the increase would be
effective (that is, a new program that begins training residents at any
point within the hospital's first 5 training years beginning on or
after the effective date of the increase). Under ``Demonstrated
Likelihood'' Criterion 1, the hospital will be required to meet at
least one of the following conditions as part of its application:
++ Application for accreditation of the new residency program has
been submitted to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
Education (ACGME) (or application for approval of the new residency
program has been submitted to the American Board of Medical Specialties
(ABMS)) by the application deadline.
++ The hospital has received written correspondence from the ACGME
(or ABMS) acknowledging receipt of the application for the new
residency program, or other types of communication concerning the new
program accreditation or approval process (such as notification of site
visit) by the application deadline.
``Demonstrated Likelihood'' Criterion 2 (Expansion of an
Existing Residency Program). The hospital does not have sufficient room
under its FTE resident cap, and the hospital intends to use the
additional FTEs to expand an existing residency training program within
the hospital's first 5 training years beginning on or after the date
the increase would be effective. Under ``Demonstrated Likelihood''
criterion 2, the hospital will be required to meet at least one of the
following conditions as part of its application:
++ The hospital has received approval by the application deadline
from an appropriate accrediting body (the ACGME or ABMS) to expand the
number of FTE residents in the program.
++ The hospital has submitted a request by the application deadline
[[Page 36215]]
a permanent complement increase of the existing residency program.
++ The hospital currently has unfilled positions in its residency
program that have previously been approved by the ACGME and is now
seeking to fill those positions.
Under ``Demonstrated Likelihood'' Criterion 2, the hospital is
applying for an increase in its FTE resident cap because it is
expanding an existing residency program. We are proposing this means
that as of the application deadline the hospital is either already
training residents in this program, or, if the program exists at
another hospital as of that date, the residents will begin to rotate to
the applying hospital on or after the effective date of the increase.
In addition, we note that section 1886(h)(10)(C)(ii) of the Act
requires that if a hospital is awarded positions, that hospital must
increase the number of its residency positions by the amount the
hospital's FTE resident cap increases, based on the newly awarded
positions under section 4122 of CAA, 2023. Therefore, we are proposing
that a hospital must, as part of its application, attest to increasing
the number of its residency positions by the amount of the hospital's
FTE resident cap increase based on any newly awarded positions, in
accordance with the provisions of section 1886(h)(10)(B)(i) of the Act.
(2) Determination That a Hospital Is Located or Treated as Being
Located in a Rural Area (Category One)
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii) of the Act requires the Secretary to
distribute not less than 10 percent of resident positions available for
distribution to each of four categories of hospitals. Under section
1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(I) of the Act, the first of these categories
consists of hospitals that are located in a rural area (as defined in
section 1886(d)(2)(D) of the Act) or are treated as being located in a
rural area (pursuant to section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act). We refer to
this category as Category One. We note that the definition of Category
One for purposes of section 4122 of the CAA, 2023 mirrors the
definition of Category One included under section 1886(h)(9)(B)(ii)(I)
for purposes of section 126 of the CAA, 2021. Therefore, we are
proposing to determine Category One eligibility as discussed in the
final rule implementing section 126 of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73422
through 73424).
For purposes of determining whether a hospital is considered rural,
we are proposing to use the County to CBSA Crosswalk and Urban CBSAs
and Constituent Counties for Acute Care Hospitals File, or successor
files containing similar information, from the most recent FY IPPS
final rule (or correction notice if applicable). This file will be
available on the CMS website in approximately August 2024, the year
prior to the year of the application deadline, March 31, 2025. Under
the file's current format, blank cells in Columns D and E indicate an
area outside of a CBSA.
Under section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act, a subsection (d) hospital
(that is, generally, an IPPS hospital) that is physically located in an
urban area is treated as being located in a rural area for purposes of
payment under the IPPS if it meets criteria specified in section
1886(d)(8)(E)(ii) of the Act, as implemented in the regulations at
Sec. 412.103. Under these regulations, a hospital may apply to CMS to
be treated as located in a rural area for purposes of payment under the
IPPS. Given the fixed number of available residency positions, it is
necessary to establish a deadline by which a hospital must be treated
as being located in a rural area for purposes of Category One. We are
proposing to use Table 2, or a successor table containing similar
information, posted with the most recent IPPS final rule, available on
the CMS website in approximately August 2024, (or correction notice if
applicable), to determine whether a hospital is reclassified to rural
under Sec. 412.103. If a hospital is not listed as reclassified to
rural on Table 2, but has been subsequently approved by the CMS
Regional Office to be treated as being located in a rural area for
purposes of payment under the IPPS as of the March 31, 2025 application
deadline, the hospital would submit its approval letter with its
application in order to be treated as being located in a rural area for
purposes of Category One.
(3) Determination of Hospitals for Which the Reference Resident Level
of the Hospital Is Greater Than the Otherwise Applicable Resident Limit
(Category Two)
Under section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(II) of the Act, the second
category consists of hospitals in which the reference resident level of
the hospital (as specified in section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iv) of the Act) is
greater than the otherwise applicable resident limit. We refer to this
category as Category Two. We note the definition of Category Two under
section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(II) of the Act mirrors the definition of
Category Two under section 1886(h)(9)(B)(ii)(II), section 126 of the
CAA, 2021. Therefore, we are proposing to determine Category Two
eligibility as discussed in the final rule implementing section 126 of
the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73424 through 73425) with adjustments to consider
the provisions of sections 126, 127, and 131 of the CAA, 2021, as
discussed later.
Under section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iv) of the Act, the term `reference
resident level' means, with respect to a hospital, the resident level
for the most recent cost reporting period of the hospital ending on or
before the date of enactment of section 1886(h)(10) of the Act,
December 29, 2022, for which a cost report has been settled (or, if
not, submitted (subject to audit)), as discussed in this proposed rule.
Under section 1886(h)(10)(F)(v) of the Act, the term `resident
level' has the meaning given such term in paragraph (7)(C)(i). That
section defines ``resident level'' as with respect to a hospital, the
total number of full-time equivalent residents, before the application
of weighting factors (as determined under paragraph (4)), in the fields
of allopathic and osteopathic medicine for the hospital.
Under section 1886(h)(10)(F)(i) of the Act, the term `otherwise
applicable resident limit' means, ``with respect to a hospital, the
limit otherwise applicable under subparagraphs (F)(i) and (H) of
paragraph (4) on the resident level for the hospital determined without
regard to the changes made by this provision of the CAA, 2023, but
taking into account section 1886(h)(7)(A), (7)(B), (8)(A), (8)(B), and
(9)(A)'' of the Act. These cross-referenced sub-paragraphs all address
the distribution of positions and redistribution of unused positions.
As finalized for purposes of section 126 of the CAA, 2023, the
``reference resident level'' refers to a hospital's allopathic and
osteopathic FTE resident count for a specific period. The definition
can vary based on what calculation is being performed to determine the
correct allopathic and osteopathic FTE resident count (see, for
example, 42 CFR 413.79(c)(1)(ii)) (86 FR 73424)). As noted previously,
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, under new section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iv) of
the Act defines the ``reference resident level'' as coming from the
most recent cost reporting period of the hospital ending on or before
the date of enactment of the CAA, 2023 (that is, December 29, 2022).
Under new section 1886(h)(10)(F)(i) of the Act, the term
``otherwise applicable resident limit'' is defined as ``the limit
otherwise applicable under subparagraphs (F)(i) and (H) of paragraph
(4) on the resident level for the hospital determined without regard to
this paragraph [that is, section 1886(h)(10) of the Act], but taking
[[Page 36216]]
account paragraphs (7)(A), (7)(B), (8)(A), (8)(B), and (9)(A).'' In the
FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 25505), we finalized for
purposes of section 126 of the CAA, 2021, the definition of ``otherwise
applicable resident limit'' as the hospital's 1996 cap during its
reference year, adjusted for the following: ``new medical residency
training programs'' as defined at Sec. 413.79(l); participation in a
Medicare GME affiliation agreement as defined at Sec. Sec. 413.75(b)
and referenced at 413.79(f); participation in an Emergency Medicare GME
affiliation agreement as defined at Sec. 413.79(f); participation in a
hospital merger; whether an urban hospital has a separately accredited
rural training track program as defined at Sec. 413.79(k); applicable
decreases or increases under section 422 of the MMA, applicable
decreases or increases under section 5503 of the Affordable Care Act,
and applicable increases under section 5506 of the Affordable Care Act.
For purposes of section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, we are proposing to use
this same definition of ``otherwise applicable resident limit'' and
adding to this definition the following: applicable increases or
adjustments under sections 126, 127, and 131 of the CAA, 2021.
Regarding the term ``resident level'', in the CY 2011 OPPS final
rule (75 FR 46391) we indicated that we generally refer to a hospital's
number of unweighted allopathic and osteopathic FTE residents in a
particular period as the hospital's resident level, which we are
proposing to define consistently with the definition in section 4122 of
the CAA, 2023; that is, the ``resident level'' under section
1886(h)(7)(c)(i) of the Act, which is defined as the total number of
full-time equivalent residents, before the application of weighting
factors (as determined under paragraph 1886(h)(4) of the Act), in the
fields of allopathic and osteopathic medicine for the hospital.
For the purposes of section 4122 of the CAA, 2023 we are proposing
that the definitions of the terms ``otherwise applicable resident
limit,'' ``reference resident level,'' and ``resident level'' should be
as similar as possible to the definitions those terms have in the
regulations at Sec. 413.79(c), as initially set out in the CY 2011
OPPS rulemaking, as revised for purposes of section 126 of the CAA,
2021 (86 FR 73424) with adjustments made to the definition of
``otherwise applicable resident limit'' for sections 126, 127, and 131
of the CAA, 2021.
(4) Determination of Hospitals Located in States With New Medical
Schools, or Additional Locations and Branch Campuses (Category Three)
The third category specified in section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(III) of
the Act, as added by section 4122 of CAA, 2023, consists of hospitals
located in States with new medical schools that received `Candidate
School' status from the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME)
or that received `Pre-Accreditation' status from the American
Osteopathic Association (AOA) Commission on Osteopathic College
Accreditation (the COCA) on or after January 1, 2000, and that have
achieved or continue to progress toward `Full Accreditation' status (as
such term is defined by the LCME) or toward `Accreditation' status (as
such term is defined by the COCA); or additional locations and branch
campuses established on or after January 1, 2000, by medical schools
with `Full Accreditation' status (as such term is defined by LCME) or
`Accreditation' status (as such term is defined by the COCA). We note
that the statutory language is specific with respect to these
definitions. We refer to this category as Category Three. We note that
the definition of Category Three for purposes of section 4122 of the
CAA, 2023, mirrors the definition of Category Three included under
section 1886(h)(9)(B)(ii)(III) of the Act for purposes of section 126
of the CAA, 2021. Therefore, we are proposing to determine Category
Three eligibility as discussed in the final rule implementing section
126 of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73425 through 73426).
We are proposing that the hospitals located in the following 35
States and one territory, referred to as Category Three States, would
be considered Category Three hospitals: Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas,
California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Idaho,
Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Massachusetts,
Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New
York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South
Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia,
and Wisconsin. If a hospital is located in a State not listed here, but
it believes the State in which it is located should be on this list,
the hospital may submit a formal comment on this proposed rule to make
a change to this list, or must provide documentation with submission of
its application to CMS that the State in which it is located has a
medical school or additional location or branch campus of a medical
school established on or after January 1, 2000. Pursuant to the
statutory language, all hospitals in such states are eligible for
consideration; the hospitals, themselves, do not need to meet the
conditions of section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(III)(aa) or (bb) of the Act in
order to be considered.
(5) Determination of Hospitals That Serve Areas Designated as Health
Professional Shortage Areas Under Section 332(a)(1)(A) of the Public
Health Service Act (Category Four)
The fourth category specified in the law consists of hospitals that
serve areas designated as HPSAs under section 332(a)(1)(A) of the
Public Health Service Act (PHSA), as determined by the Secretary.
Category Four for section 4122 of the CAA, 2023 mirrors the definition
of Category Four included under section 1886(h)(9)(B)(ii)(IV) for
purposes of implementing section 126 of the CAA, 2021. Therefore, we
are proposing to determine Category Four eligibility as discussed in
the final rule implementing section 126 of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73426
through 73430).
We are proposing that an applicant hospital qualifies under
Category Four if it participates in training residents in a program in
which the residents rotate for at least 50 percent of their training
time to a training site(s) physically located in a primary care or
mental-health-only geographic HPSA. Specific to mental-health-only
geographic HPSAs, we are proposing that the program must be a
psychiatry program or a subspecialty of psychiatry. In addition, a
Category Four hospital must submit an attestation, signed and dated by
an officer or administrator of the hospital who signs the hospital's
Medicare cost report, that it meets the requirement that residents
rotate for at least 50 percent of their training time to a training
site(s) physically located in a primary care or mental-health-only
geographic HPSA.
(6) Determination of a Qualifying Hospital
Section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Act defines a ``qualifying
hospital'' as ``a hospital described in any of the subclauses (I)
through (IV) of subparagraph (B)(ii).'' As such, and consistent with
the definition of ``qualifying hospital'' used for purposes of section
126 of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73430 through 73431), we are proposing to
define a qualifying hospital as a Category One, Category Two, Category
Three, or Category Four hospital, or one that meets the definitions of
more than one of these categories.
[[Page 36217]]
c. Number of Residency Positions Made Available to Hospitals and
Limitation on Individual Hospitals
(1) Number of Residency Positions Made Available and Distribution for
Psychiatry or Psychiatry Subspecialty Residencies
Section 1886(h)(10)(A)(ii) of the Act limits the aggregate number
of total new residency positions made available in FY 2026 across all
hospitals to no more than 200. Section 1886(h)(10)(A)(iii) of the Act
further specifies that at least 100 of the positions made available
under section 1886(h)(10) must be distributed for a psychiatry or
psychiatry subspecialty residency. The phrase ``psychiatry or
psychiatry subspecialty residency'' is defined at section
1886(h)(10)(F)(ii) of the Act to mean ``a residency in psychiatry as
accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
(ACGME) for the purpose of preventing, diagnosing, and treating mental
health disorders.''
We are proposing that of the total residency slots distributed
under section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, at least 100 but not more than 200
slots would be distributed to hospitals applying for residency programs
in psychiatry and psychiatry subspecialties. For purposes of
determining which programs are considered psychiatry subspecialties, we
are proposing to refer to the list included on ACGME website at under the ``Specialties'' tab, currently: Addiction
Medicine, Addiction Psychiatry, Brain Injury Medicine, Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry, Forensic
Psychiatry, Geriatric Psychiatry, Hospice and Palliative Medicine, and
Sleep Medicine. We note that the ACGME list of psychiatry
subspecialties may change, and we are proposing that the list of
psychiatry subspecialties included on the ACGME website at the time of
application submission would guide determination of which programs CMS
would consider psychiatry subspecialties. In accordance with statute,
the subspecialty would have to be accredited with psychiatry as a core
specialty. We are also proposing that the remaining non-psychiatric
slots would be awarded to other approved medical residency programs
under 42 CFR 413.75(b).
(2) Pro Rata Distribution and Limitation on Individual Hospitals
As noted earlier in this preamble, section 1886(h)(10)(B)(iii) of
the Act requires that each qualifying hospital that submits a timely
application under subparagraph 1886(h)(10)(A) of the Act would receive
at least 1 (or a fraction of 1) of the positions made available under
section 1886(h)(10) of the Act before any qualifying hospital receives
more than 1 of such positions. Section 1886(h)(10)(C)(i) of the Act
limits a qualifying hospital to receiving no more than 10 additional
FTEs from those authorized under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act. As
stated earlier in this preamble, we are proposing that a qualifying
hospital is a Category One, Category Two, Category Three, or Category
Four hospital, or one that meets the definitions of more than one of
these categories. For purposes of distributing residency slots under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, we are proposing to first distribute
slots by prorating the available 200 positions among all qualifying
hospitals such that each qualifying hospital receives up to 1.00 FTE,
that is, 1.00 FTE or a fraction of 1.00 FTE. We are proposing that if
residency positions are awarded based on a fraction of 1.00 FTE, each
qualifying hospital would receive the same FTE amount. Consistent with
the number of decimal places used for the FTE slots awards in other
distributions such as section 126 of the CAA, 2021, we are proposing to
prorate the slot awards under section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, rounded to
two decimal places. The table later in this section provides examples
of how the 200 slots would be prorated based on the number of
qualifying applicants. Given the limited number of residency positions
available and the number of hospitals we expect to apply, we are
proposing that a hospital may not submit more than one application
under section 4122 of the CAA, 2023.
We refer readers to section I.O.6. of Appendix A of this proposed
rule where we discuss an alternative we considered for the distribution
of slots under section 4122 of the CAA, 2023.
(3) Prioritization of Applications by HPSA Score
If any residency slots remain after distributing up to 1.00 FTE to
each qualifying hospital, we will prioritize the distribution of the
remaining slots based on the HPSA score associated with the program for
which each hospital is applying. Taking an example from the table in
the previous section, if 180 qualifying hospitals apply under section
4122 of the CAA, 2023, each qualifying hospital would receive 1.00 FTE
and the 20 remaining residency positions would be prioritized for
distribution based on the HPSA score associated with the program for
which each hospital is applying. We are proposing the HPSA
prioritization methodology will be the methodology we finalized for
purposes of section 126 of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73434 through 73440).
We believe including such a prioritization will further support the
training of residents in underserved and rural areas thereby helping to
address physician shortages and the larger issue of health inequities
in these areas. Using this HPSA prioritization method, we are proposing
to limit a qualifying hospital's total award under section 4122 of the
CAA, 2023, to 10.00 additional FTEs, consistent with section
1886(h)(10)(C)(i) of the Act. Consistent with the methodology we use
for implementing section 126 of the CAA, 2021, as part of determining
eligibility for additional slots, we would compare the hospital's FTE
resident count to its adjusted FTE resident cap on the cost report
worksheets submitted with its application. If the hospital's FTE count
is below its adjusted FTE cap, the hospital would be ineligible for its
full FTE request, because the facility had not yet fully utilized the
already-allotted slots. We note that in calculating the adjusted FTE
cap we do not consider adjustments for Medicare GME Affiliation
Agreements since these adjustments are temporary.
As finalized under section 126 of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73435), for
purposes of prioritization under section 4122 of
[[Page 36218]]
the CAA, 2023, primary care and mental-health-only population and
geographic HPSAs apply. As discussed in the final rule implementing
section 126 of the CAA, 2021, each year in November, prior to the
beginning of the application period, CMS will request HPSA ID and score
information from HRSA so that recent HPSA information is available for
use for the application period. CMS will only use this HPSA
information, HPSA ID's and their corresponding HPSA scores, in order to
review and prioritize applications. To assist hospitals in preparing
for their applications, the HPSA information received from HRSA will
also be posted when the online application system becomes available on
the CMS website at: The information will also be
posted on the CMS website at:
Click on the link on the left side of the screen associated with the
appropriate final rule home page or ``Acute Inpatient--Files for
Download'' (86 FR 73445).
Given that residency slots under section 4122 of the CAA, 2023 are
to be distributed in FY 2026, we are proposing that the HPSA IDs and
scores used for the prioritization of slots, if applicable, would be
the same HPSA IDs and scores used for the prioritization of slots under
round 4 of section 126 of the CAA, 2021. This group would include HPSAs
that are in designated or proposed for withdrawal status at the time
the HPSA information is received from HRSA. As noted in section j. of
this preamble, CMS will request HPSA data from HRSA in November 2024 to
be used for purposes of section 4122 of the CAA, 2023.
(4) Requirement for Rural Hospitals To Expand Programs
Section 1886(h)(10)(C)(iii) of the Act requires that if a hospital
that receives an increase in the otherwise applicable resident limit
under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act would be eligible for an
adjustment to the otherwise applicable resident limit for participation
in a new medical residency training program under 42 CFR 413.79(e)(3)
(or any successor regulation), the hospital shall ensure that any
positions made available under this paragraph are used to expand an
existing program of the hospital, and not be utilized for new medical
residency training programs. Under the regulations at 42 CFR
413.79(e)(3), a rural hospital may receive an increase to its cap for
participating in training residents in a new program, which is
effective after a 5-year cap-building period for that new program. We
note that if a rural hospital were to receive a cap increase for a new
program under the 5-year cap-building period as well as a cap increase
for the new program under section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, there may be
duplicative awarding of cap slots for the same program. Therefore, we
are proposing to implement section 1886(h)(10)(C)(iii) of the Act by
allowing rural hospitals to apply for slots to expand an existing
program, but not for slots to begin a new program. We are proposing
that this policy apply to both geographically rural hospitals and
hospitals that have reclassified as rural under 42 CFR 412.103, since
both groups of hospitals are considered rural under section
1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(I), which we refer to as Category One hospitals.
Only geographically urban hospitals that have not reclassified as rural
under 42 CFR 412.103 would be permitted to apply for slots to begin a
new program.
d. Distributing at Least 10 Percent of Positions to Each of the Four
Section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii) of the Act requires the Secretary to
distribute at least 10 percent of the aggregate number of total
residency positions available to each of the following categories of
hospitals discussed earlier. Given our experience with distributing
slots under section 126 of the CAA, 2021, we expect many hospitals will
meet the qualifications of more than one category. We are proposing to
collect information regarding qualification for all four categories in
the distribution of slots under section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, to allow
us to confirm that we have met this statutory requirement. Like the
CAA, 2023 provision, section 1886(h)(9)(B)(ii) of the Act from 2021
also requires the Secretary to distribute at least 10 percent of the
aggregate number of total residency positions available to the same
four categories of hospitals. Section 126 of the CAA, 2021, makes
available 1,000 residency positions and therefore, at least 100
residency positions must be distributed to hospitals qualifying in each
of the four categories. In the final rule implementing section 126 of
the CAA, 2021, we stated we would track progress in meeting all
statutory requirements and evaluate the need to modify the distribution
methodology in future rulemaking (86 FR 73441).
To date, we have completed the distribution of residency slots
under rounds 1 and 2 of the section 126 distributions (refer to CMS'
DGME web page for links to the round 1 and 2 awards: In tracking the
statutory requirement that at least 10 percent of the aggregate number
of total residency positions (100 out 1,000 slots) be distributed to
hospitals qualifying in each of the four categories, we have determined
that in rounds 1 and 2, only 12.76 DGME slots and 18.06 IME slots were
distributed to hospitals qualifying under Category Four. For each of
the other 3 categories based on the slots awarded in rounds 1 and 2, we
anticipate meeting the 10 percent requirement. For example, we have
determined that in rounds 1 and 2, 374.59 DGME and 375.11 IME slots
were distributed to hospitals qualifying under Category Three.
As discussed in the final rule implementing section 126 of the CAA,
2021, an applicant hospital qualifies under Category Four if it
participates in training residents in a program in which the residents
rotate for at least 50 percent of their training time to a training
site(s) physically located in a primary care or mental-health-only
geographic HPSA. Specific to mental-health-only geographic HPSAs, the
program must be a psychiatric or a psychiatric subspecialty program (86
FR 73430). Given that only 12.76 DGME slots and 18.06 IME slots have
been distributed to hospitals qualifying under Category Four, we are
proposing an amendment to our prioritization methodology for rounds 4
and 5 of section 126 of the CAA, 2021, to ensure that at least 100
residency slots are distributed to these hospitals. We are not
proposing an amendment to our prioritization methodology for round 3
because the application period for round 3 runs from January 9, 2024 to
March 31, 2024, prior to the date any proposals in this rule might be
Our current methodology for distributing residency slots under
section 126 prioritizes slot awards based on the HPSA score associated
with the program for which the hospital is applying, with higher scores
receiving priority (86 FR 73434 through 73440). We are proposing that
in rounds 4 and 5 of section 126 of the CAA, 2021, we will prioritize
the distribution of slots to hospitals that qualify under Category
Four, regardless of HPSA score. The remaining slots awarded under
rounds 4 and 5 will be distributed using the existing methodology based
on HPSA score (86 FR 73434 through 73440). That is, the remaining slots
will be distributed to hospitals qualifying under Category One,
Category Two, or Category Three, or hospitals that meet
[[Page 36219]]
the definitions of more than one of these categories, based on the HPSA
score associated with the program for which each hospital is applying.
e. Hospital Attestation to National CLAS Standards
For section 126 of the CAA, 2021, we finalized a policy that all
applicant hospitals be required to attest that they meet the National
Standards for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in
Health and Health Care (the National CLAS Standards) (86 FR 73441).
This was to ensure that the section 126 distribution broadened the
availability of quality care and services to all individuals,
regardless of preferred language, cultures, and health beliefs. We
stated in the final rule that the National CLAS standards are aligned
with the Administration's commitment to addressing healthcare barriers,
which include that residents are educated and trained in culturally and
linguistically appropriate policies and practices. This continues to be
the case today. Therefore, we are proposing the same requirement for
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, that we adopted for section 126 of the
CAA, 2021, for the same reason. Specifically, we are proposing that in
order to ensure that residents are educated and trained in culturally
and linguistically appropriate policies and practices, all applicant
hospitals for slots allocated under section 4122 of the CAA, 2023,
would be required to attest that they meet the National CLAS Standards
to ensure that the section 4122 distribution broadens the availability
of quality care and services to all individuals, regardless of
preferred language, cultures, and health beliefs. (For more information
on the CLAS standards, please refer to
f. Payment of Additional FTE Residency Positions Awarded Under Section
4122 of the CAA, 2023
Section 1886(h)(10)(D) requires that CMS pay a hospital for
additional positions awarded under this paragraph using the hospital's
existing direct GME nonprimary care PRAs consistent with the
regulations at Sec. 413.77. We note that as specified in section
1886(h)(2)(D)(ii) of the Act, for cost reporting periods beginning on
or after October 1, 1993, through September 30, 1995, each hospital's
PRA for the previous cost reporting period was not updated for
inflation for any FTE residents who were not either a primary care or
an obstetrics and gynecology resident. As a result, hospitals with both
primary care and obstetrics and gynecology residents and nonprimary
care residents in FY 1994 or FY 1995 have two separate PRAs: one for
primary care and obstetrics and gynecology and one for nonprimary care.
Those hospitals that only trained primary care and/or obstetrics and
gynecology residents and those that did not become teaching hospitals
until after this 2-year period, have a single PRA for direct GME
payment purposes. Therefore, we are proposing that for purposes of
direct GME payments for section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, if a hospital
has both a primary care and obstetrics and gynecology PRA and a
nonprimary care PRA, the nonprimary care PRA will be used, and if a
hospital has a single PRA, that PRA will be used. Furthermore, similar
to the policy finalized for purposes of direct GME payments under
section 126 of the CAA, 2021 (86 FR 73441), we are proposing that a
hospital that receives additional positions under section 4122 of the
CAA, 2023, would be paid for the FTE residents counted under those
positions using the PRAs for which payment is made for FTE residents
subject to the 1996 FTE cap. We expect to revise Worksheet E-4 to add a
line on which hospitals will report the number of FTEs by which the
hospital's FTE caps were increased for direct GME positions received
under section 4122 of the CAA, 2023.
g. Aggregation of Additional FTE Residency Positions Awarded Under
Section 4122 of the CAA, 2023
Section 1886(h)(10)(E) of the Act states that the Secretary shall
permit hospitals receiving additional residency positions attributable
to the increase provided under 1886(h)(10) to, beginning in the fifth
year after the effective date of such increase, apply such positions to
the limitation amount under paragraph (4)(F) that may be aggregated
pursuant to paragraph (4)(H) among members of the same affiliated
group. Therefore, we are proposing that FTE resident cap positions
added under section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, may be used in a Medicare
GME affiliation agreement beginning in the 5th year after the effective
date of the FTE resident cap positions consistent with the regulations
at 42 CFR 413.75(b) and 413.79(f). We are proposing to amend paragraph
(8) at 42 CFR 413.79(f) to state that FTE resident cap slots added
under section 4122 of Public Law 117-328 may be used in a Medicare GME
affiliation agreement beginning in the fifth year after the effective
date of those FTE resident cap slots.
h. Conforming Regulation Amendments for 42 CFR 412.105 and 42 CFR
Section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, under subsection (b), amends section
1886(d)(5)(B) of the Act to provide for increases in FTE resident
positions for IME payment purposes. Specifically, subsection (b) adds a
new section 1886(d)(5)(B)(xiii) of the Act, which states that for
discharges occurring on or after July 1, 2026, if additional payment is
made for FTE resident positions distributed to a hospital for direct
GME purposes under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act, the hospital will
receive IME payments based on the additional residency positions
awarded using the same IME adjustment factor used for the hospital's
other FTE residents. We are proposing conforming amendments to the IME
regulations at 42 CFR 412.105(f)(1)(iv)(C)(4) to specify that effective
for portions of cost reporting periods beginning on or after July 1,
2026, a hospital may qualify to receive an increase in its otherwise
applicable FTE resident cap if the criteria specified in 42 CFR
413.79(q) are met. We expect to revise Worksheet E Part A to add a line
on which hospitals will report the number of FTEs by which the
hospital's FTE caps were increased for IME positions received under
section 4122 of the CAA, 2023.
We are also proposing to amend our regulations at 42 CFR 413.79 by
adding a paragraph (q) to specify that for portions of cost reporting
periods beginning on or after July 1, 2026, a hospital may receive an
increase in its otherwise applicable FTE resident cap (as determined by
CMS) if the hospital meets the requirements and qualifying criteria
under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act and if the hospital submits an
application to CMS within the timeframe specified by CMS.
i. Prohibition on Administrative and Judicial Review
Section 4122 of the CAA, 2023, under subsection (c), prohibits
administrative and judicial review of actions taken under section
1886(h)(10) of the Act. Specifically, subsection (c) amends section
1886(h)(7)(E) of the Act by inserting ``paragraph (10),'' after
``paragraph (8),'' adding to the that paragraph to the list of
residency distributions not subject to review. Therefore, we are
proposing that the determinations and distribution of residency
positions under sections 1886(d)(5)(B)(xiii) and 1886(h)(10) of the Act
would be final and could not be subject to administrative or judicial
[[Page 36220]]
j. Application Process for Receiving Increases in FTE Resident Caps
All qualifying hospitals seeking increases in their FTE resident
caps must submit timely applications for this distribution by March 31,
2025. The completed application must be submitted to CMS using an
online application system, the Medicare Electronic Application Request
Information System\TM\ (MEARIS\TM\). The burden associated with this
information collection requirement is the time and effort necessary to
review instructions and register for MEARIS\TM\ as well as the time and
effort to gather, develop and submit various documents associated with
a formal request of resident position increases from teaching hospitals
to CMS. The aforementioned burden is subject to the Paperwork Reduction
Act (PRA); and as discussed in section XII.B. of this proposed rule,
the burden associated with these requests will be captured under OMB
control number 0938-1417 (expiration date March 31, 2025). We will
submit a revised information collection estimate to OMB for approval
under OMB control number 0938-1417 (expiration date March 31, 2025).
We are proposing that the following information be submitted as
part of an application for the application to be considered complete:
The name and Medicare provider number (CCN) of the
The name of the Medicare Administrative Contractor to
which the hospital submits its Medicare cost report.
The residency program for which the hospital is applying
to receive an additional position(s).
FTE resident counts for direct GME and IME and FTE
resident caps for direct GME and IME reported by the hospital in the
most recent as-filed cost report. (Including copies of Worksheet E,
Part A, and Worksheet E-4).
If the hospital qualifies under ``Demonstrated
Likelihood'' Criterion 1 (New Residency Program), which of the
following applies:
++ Application for accreditation of the new residency program has
been submitted to the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical
Education (ACGME) (or application for approval of the new residency
program has been submitted to the American Board of Medical Specialties
(ABMS)) by March 31, 2025.
++ The hospital has received written correspondence from the ACGME
(or ABMS) acknowledging receipt of the application for the new
residency program, or other types of communication concerning the new
program accreditation or approval process (such as notification of a
site visit) by March 31, 2025.
If the hospital qualifies under ``Demonstrated
Likelihood'' Criterion 2 (Expansion of an Existing Residency Program),
which of the following applies:
++ The hospital has received approval by March 31, 2025 from an
appropriate accrediting body (the ACGME or ABMS) to expand the number
of FTE residents in the program.
++ The hospital has submitted a request by March 31, 2025 for a
permanent complement increase of the existing residency training
++ The hospital currently has unfilled positions in its residency
program that have previously been approved by the ACGME and is now
seeking to fill those positions.
Indication of the categories under section
1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Act under which the hospital believes itself
to qualify:
++ (I) The hospital is located in a rural area (as defined in
section 1886(d)(2)(D) of the Act) or is treated as being located in a
rural area pursuant to section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act.
++ (II) The reference resident level of the hospital (as specified
in section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iv) of the Act) is greater than the otherwise
applicable resident limit.
++ (III) The hospital is located in a State with a new medical
school (as specified in section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(III)(aa) of the
Act), or with additional locations and branch campuses established by
medical schools (as specified in section 1886(h)(10)(B)(ii)(III)(bb) of
the Act) on or after January 1, 2000.
++ (IV) The hospital serves an area designated as a HPSA under
section 332(a)(1)(A) of the Public Health Service Act, as determined by
the Secretary.
The HPSA (if any) served by the residency program for
which the hospital is applying and the HPSA ID for that HPSA.
An attestation, signed and dated by an officer or
administrator of the hospital who signs the hospital's Medicare cost
report, stating the following:
``I hereby certify that the hospital is a Qualifying Hospital under
section 1886(h)(10)(F)(iii) of the Social Security Act, and that there
is a ``demonstrated likelihood'' that the hospital will fill the
position(s) made available under section 1886(h)(10) of the Act within
the first 5 training years beginning after the date the increase would
be effective.''
``I hereby certify that (choose if applicable):
__ If my application is for a currently accredited residency program,
the number of full-time equivalent (FTE) positions requested by the
hospital does not exceed the number of positions for which the program
is accredited.
__ If my hospital currently has unfilled positions in its residency
program that have previously been approved by the ACGME, the number of
FTE positions requested by the hospital does not exceed the number of
previously approved unfilled residency positions.
__ If my application is for a residency training program with more than
one participating site, I am only requesting the FTE amount that
corresponds with the training occurring at my hospital, and any FTE
training occurring at nonprovider settings consistent with 42 CFR
412.105(f)(1)(ii)(E) and 413.78(g).''
``I hereby certify that the hospital agrees to increase the number
of its residency positions by the amount the hospital's FTE resident
caps are increased under section 4122 of Subtitle C of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2023, if awarded positions under section
1886(h)(10)(C)(ii) of the Act.''
``I hereby certify that (choose one):
__ In the geographic HPSA the hospital is requesting that CMS use for
prioritization of its application, at least 50 percent of the program's
training time based on resident rotation schedules (or similar
documentation) occurs at training sites that treat the population of
the HPSA and are physically located in the HPSA.
__ In the population HPSA the hospital is requesting that CMS use for
prioritization of its application, at least 50 percent of the program's
training time based on resident rotation schedules (or similar
documentation) occurs at training sites that treat the designated
underserved population of the HPSA and are physically located in the
__ In the geographic HPSA the hospital is requesting that CMS use for
prioritization of its application, at least 5 percent of the program's
training time based on resident rotation schedules (or similar
documentation) occurs at training sites that treat the population of
the HPSA and are physically located in the HPSA, and the program's
training time at those sites plus the program's training time at Indian
or Tribal facilities located outside of the HPSA is at least 50 percent
of the program's training time.
__ In the population HPSA the hospital is requesting that CMS use for
[[Page 36221]]
prioritization of its application, at least 5 percent of the program's
training time based on resident rotation schedules (or similar
documentation) occurs at training sites that treat the designated
underserved population of the HPSA and are physically located in the
HPSA, and the program's training time at those sites plus the program's
training time at Indian or Tribal facilities located outside of that
HPSA is at least 50 percent of the program's training time.
__ None of the above apply.''
``I hereby certify that the hospital meets the National Standards
for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and
Health Care (the National CLAS Standards).''
``I hereby certify that I understand that misrepresentation or
falsification of any information contained in this application may be
punishable by criminal, civil, and administrative action, fine and/or
imprisonment under Federal law. Furthermore, I understand that if
services identified in this application were provided or procured
through payment directly or indirectly of a kickback or where otherwise
illegal, criminal, civil, and administrative action, fines and/or
imprisonment may result. I also certify that, to the best of my
knowledge and belief, it is a true, correct, and complete application
prepared from the books and records of the hospital in accordance with
applicable instructions, except as noted. I further certify that I am
familiar with the laws and regulations regarding Medicare payment to
hospitals for the training of interns and residents.''
The completed application must be submitted to CMS using the online
application system MEARIS\TM\. A link to the online application system
as well as instructions for accessing the system and completing the
online application process will be made available on the CMS Direct GME
website at:
We note that if the hospital is applying using a HPSA ID, the HPSA
score associated with that ID will automatically populate in the
application module. In preparing their applications for additional
residency positions, hospitals should refer to HRSA's Find Shortage
Areas by Address (
to obtain the HPSA ID of the HPSA served by the program and include
this ID in its application. Using this HPSA Find Shortage Areas by
Address, applicants may enter the address of a training location
(included on the hospital's rotation schedule or similar
documentation), provided the location chosen participates in training
residents in a program where at least 50 percent (5 percent if an
Indian and Tribal facility is included) of the training time occurs in
the HPSA. In November 2024, prior to the beginning of the application
period, CMS will request HPSA ID and score information from HRSA so
that recent HPSA information is available for use for the application
period. CMS will only use this HPSA information, HPSA IDs and their
corresponding HPSA scores, in order to review and prioritize
applications. To assist hospitals in preparing for their applications,
the HPSA information received from HRSA will also be posted when the
MEARIS\TM\ application module becomes available on the CMS website at:
The information will also be posted on the CMS website at: Click on the link on
the left side of the screen associated with the appropriate final rule
home page or ``Acute Inpatient--Files for Download.''
3. Proposed Modifications to the Criteria for New Residency Programs
and Requests for Information
Section 1886(h)(4)(H)(i) of the Act requires CMS to establish rules
for applying the direct GME cap in the case of medical residency
training programs established on or after January 1, 1995. Under
section 1886(d)(5)(B)(viii) of the Act, this provision also applies for
purposes of the IME adjustment. Accordingly, we issued regulations at
Sec. Sec. 413.79(e)(1) through (3) discussing the direct GME cap
calculation for a hospital that begins training residents in a new
medical residency training program(s) on or after January 1, 1995. The
same regulations apply for purposes of the IME cap calculation at Sec.
412.105(f)(1)(vii). CMS implemented these statutory requirements in the
August 29, 1997 Federal Register (62 FR 46005) and in the May 12, 1998
Federal Register (63 FR 26333). The calculation of both the DGME cap
and IME cap for new programs is discussed in the August 31, 2012
Federal Register (77 FR 53416).
Section 413.79(l) defines a new medical residency training program
as ``a medical residency that receives initial accreditation by the
appropriate accrediting body or begins training residents on or after
January 1, 1995.'' In the August 27, 2009 Federal Register (74 FR 43908
through 43917), CMS clarified the definition of a ``new'' residency
program and adopted supporting criteria regarding whether or not a
residency program can be considered ``new'' for the purpose of
determining if a hospital can receive additional direct GME and/or IME
cap slots for that program. CMS adopted these criteria in part to
prevent situations where a program at an existing teaching hospital
would be transferred to a new teaching hospital, resulting in cap slots
created for the same program at two different hospitals. To be
considered a ``new'' program for which new cap slots would be created,
a previously non-teaching hospital would have to ensure that the
program meets three primary criteria (74 FR 43912):
The residents are new, and
The program director is new, and
The teaching staff are new.
Over the years, we have received questions regarding the
application of these criteria, such as whether CMS would still consider
a program to be new for cap adjustment purposes if the three criteria
were partially, but not fully, met. We have answered such questions by
stating that, generally, a residency program's newness would not be
compromised as long as the ``overwhelming majority'' of the residents
or staff are not coming from previously existing programs in that same
The question of what constitutes a ``new'' program for purposes of
receiving additional Medicare-funded GME slots has taken on increasing
significance in light of the ability of urban hospitals to reclassify
as rural under 42 CFR 412.103 for IME purposes, and thus receive
additional IME cap slots for any new program started. To continue to
ensure that newly funded cap slots are created appropriately, we
ultimately would like to establish in rulemaking additional criteria
for determining program newness. However, we are not yet certain about
some of the criteria that should be proposed, and so we are soliciting
comments to gain additional clarity on best practices in these areas.
Accordingly, we discuss the items we are proposing and the items on
which we are soliciting public input through a Request for Information
a. Newness of Residents
Generally, when a hospital is creating a new residency program, it
recruits individuals that have recently graduated from medical school,
have no previous residency training experience, and
[[Page 36222]]
would be entering the program as first year (PGY1) residents. However,
new programs sometimes receive inquiries from applicants that have
training experience already, but for a variety of reasons need to
transfer to another program. If the program that such a resident wishes
to join is still within the 5-year cap building period, then,
consistent with the criteria adopted in the August 27, 2009 final rule,
the program director of this ``new'' program should be judicious with
regard to accepting residents who have received previous training in
the same specialty. In order to maintain the classification as a
``new'' residency program, the ``overwhelming majority'' of residents
in the program must be new. We believe it would be useful for the
provider community to have a concrete standard to refer to in
determining whether the ``overwhelming majority'' of residents in a
program are in fact new. Therefore, we propose that, in order for a
residency program to be considered new, at least 90 percent of the
individual resident trainees (not FTEs) must not have previous training
in the same specialty as the new program. For example, if there were 50
trainees (not FTEs) entering the program over the course of the 5-year
cap building period, then at least 45 of the trainees (90 percent of
50) must enter the program as brand new first year residents in that
particular specialty. If more than 10 percent of the trainees (not
FTEs) transferred from another program at a different hospital/sponsor
in the same specialty, even during their first year of training, we
propose that this would render the program ineligible for new cap
slots. (Note--we would apply standard rounding when 90 percent of a
number does not equal a whole number, rounding down to the nearest
whole number when the remainder is less than 0.5, and rounding up to
the nearest whole number when the remainder is 0.5 or above. For
example, if there were 48 trainees (not FTEs) entering the program over
the course of the 5-year cap building period, then at least 43 of the
trainees (90 percent of 48 = 43.2, which rounds down to 43) must enter
the program as brand new first year residents in that particular
specialty. If there were 45 trainees (not FTEs) entering the program,
then at least 41 of the trainees (90 percent of 45 = 40.5, which rounds
up to 41) must enter the program as brand new first year residents in
that particular specialty.)
For example, if a new program is in internal medicine, then at
least 90 percent of the entering residents must not have previously
enrolled and trained in an internal medicine program. If a resident was
formally enrolled in an internal medicine program (either preliminary
or categorical), even if that resident switched programs during their
first year of training, then we would consider that resident to have
had previous training in that same specialty. Conversely, if an
individual was a resident in a specialty other than internal medicine,
and that resident switched into the new internal medicine program and
began training in the new internal medicine program as a PGY1, then
that resident would not be considered to have had previous training in
the same specialty, and would be counted as a brand new resident.
(Note, we are distinguishing between a resident that is not enrolled in
an internal medicine program but may have done a rotation in internal
medicine as part of the requirements for a different specialty, from a
resident that actually was enrolled and participated in an internal
medicine program, consistent with the definition of ``resident'' at 42
CFR 413.75(b). In this example, we are generally focusing on
individuals who were accepted, enrolled, and participated in internal
medicine; we are generally not concerned with an individual that was
enrolled, accepted, and participated in a program other than internal
medicine but did a rotation in internal medicine.) We propose that the
proportion of brand new residents in a residency program would be
determined by the MAC based on all the individuals (not FTEs) that
enter the program as a whole at any point during the 5-year cap
building period, after the end of the 5 years.
We are proposing a threshold of 90 percent for new residents as
that is generally consistent with the concept of an ``overwhelming
majority,'' and because we have precedent for such a threshold in the
regulations for section 5506 of the Affordable Care Act, which State
that a hospital is considered to have taken over an ``entire'' program
from a closed hospital if it can demonstrate that it took in 90 percent
or more of the FTE residents in that program. Accordingly, for a
program to be considered ``new'' for the purpose of determining if a
hospital can receive additional direct GME and/or IME cap slots for
that program, we propose that at least 90 percent of the individual
resident trainees (not FTEs) in the program as a whole must not have
had previous training in the same specialty as the new program. If more
than 10 percent of the trainees (not FTEs) transferred from another
program at a different hospital/sponsor in the same specialty, even
during their first year of training, we propose that this would render
the program as a whole (but not the entire hospital or its other new
programs, if applicable) ineligible for new cap slots.
In addition, we understand that there may be certain challenges
that are unique to small or rural-based programs in developing new
residencies, and that meeting a proposed threshold of 90 percent of
resident trainees with no previous training experience in the specialty
may be more difficult for those programs. Accordingly, we are
soliciting comments on what should be considered a ``small'' program
and what percentage threshold or other approach regarding new resident
trainees should be applied to these programs. We solicit comment on
defining a small residency program as a program accredited for 16 or
fewer resident positions, because 16 positions would encompass the
minimum number of resident positions required for accredited programs
in certain specialties, such as primary care and general surgery, that
have historically experienced physician shortages, and therefore have
been prioritized by Congress and CMS for receipt of slots under
sections 5503 and 5506 of the Affordable Care Act.
b. Newness of Faculty and Program Director--RFI (Request for
Regarding the selection of teaching staff and a program director,
we understand that it would be reasonable for a new program to wish to
hire some staff that already have experience teaching residents and
operating a program. Therefore, to accommodate the hiring of some
experienced staff, we believe that the percentage of faculty with no
previous experience teaching in a program in the same specialty should
probably be less than 90 percent, but we are uncertain what the
appropriate threshold should be. At one extreme, we can envision a
scenario where recruitment of most or all of the experienced staff from
a particular existing program may even result in the disintegration of
and possible closure of that existing program. Such a situation could
be chaotic to that hospital and leave residents scrambling for
alternative sites to complete their training. Consequently, we do
believe there should be some threshold for the relative proportion of
non-experienced and experienced staff at a new residency program, and
we are requesting information from commenters regarding what a
reasonable threshold might be. We also are seeking comment on the
variables involved in examining the
[[Page 36223]]
newness of teaching staff. We note that the ACGME defines ``Core
Faculty'' \156\ in its Glossary of Terms as physician teachers that
devote at least 15 hours per week to a residency program, or 10 hours
per week to a fellowship. However, in addition to other minimum hours
for staff, there may be other types of faculty or staff that CMS should
consider to be involved in a program. We are therefore soliciting
information from commenters regarding whether any threshold for
determining the newness of teaching staff for a new program should
consider only the ACGME's definition of ``Core Faculty'', or count non-
core faculty as well.
\156\ Core Faculty: All physician faculty members who have a
significant role in the education of residents/fellows and who have
documented qualifications to instruct and supervise. Core faculty
members devote at least 15 hours per week to resident, or 10 hours
per week to fellow, education and administration. All core faculty
members should evaluate the competency domains, work closely with
and support the program director, assist in developing and
implementing evaluation systems, and teach and advise residents/
fellows. (
While we are uncertain what percentage the threshold for
experienced faculty should be, we are suggesting a threshold for
commenters to consider. We suggest that up to 50 percent of the
teaching staff in a new program may come from a previously existing
program in the same specialty, but if so, each of those staff members
should come from different previously existing programs. For example,
if there are 6 teaching staff total, then at least 3 must have no
previous experience teaching in the same specialty, while up to 3 may
come from previously existing programs in the same specialty; however,
each of the 3 experienced faculty would have to come from a different
previously existing program. That is, one may come from Hospital A's
existing program, another could come from Hospital B's existing
program, and a third could come from Hospital C's existing program; but
no more than one could come from any of Hospital A, Hospital B, or
Hospital C. If two were to come from Hospital A, we suggest that would
not be permissible.
We have also been asked whether it would make a difference if a
faculty member had previous teaching experience, but a certain amount
of time has passed since they taught in a program in the same specialty
(for example, because they accepted a non-teaching job in a different
hospital, or the program where they previously taught has ceased to
operate). As mentioned previously, we would want to avoid loss of most
or all of an existing program's experienced faculty. However, we
believe this concern might be mitigated if a faculty member has not
been associated with an existing program for a certain amount of time,
or if the program in question has closed.
In the August 27, 2009 Federal Register, we discussed the specific
scenario in which a hospital discontinued one of its previously
existing residency programs, and then established a program in the same
specialty at some time in the future:
``[I]f a hospital wishes to begin training residents in a
particular program in which it trained residents in the past, but the
program has not trained residents for the past 10 years, the program
could be subsequently considered a new program. We believe that a
program that is closed for several years and then reopens is separate
and distinct from the previous program, and would likely not involve
any residents that had trained in the previous program, even though, as
the commenter indicated, the directors and teaching staff may be the
same. (However, we note that it may be necessary to determine whether
the program director and the teaching staff have been training [dental]
residents during the past 10 years at another training site in order to
determine whether the program at the hospital that is beginning to
train residents after a 10-year hiatus is truly a new program)'' (74 FR
43916, emphasis added).
We continue to believe that if a hospital wishes to begin training
residents in a particular program in which it trained residents in the
past, but the program has not trained residents for the past 10 years,
the program could be subsequently considered a new program. More
generally, we believe that, in determining whether the presence of a
faculty member might jeopardize the newness of a new residency program,
it may make sense to consider whether a certain amount of time has
passed since that faculty member last taught in another program in the
same specialty. We are therefore soliciting comments on whether 10
years, or some other amount of time, would be an appropriate period
during which a faculty member should not have had experience teaching
in a program in the same specialty. For example, it might make sense to
consider whether a staff member taught in another program in the same
specialty at any point during the 5 years prior to their employment in
the ``new'' program, as 5 years is the time associated with building a
new FTE cap, but not to consider teaching experience from more than 5
years ago.
In addition, since we understand that a new teaching hospital may
also want to recruit an experienced program director, we are soliciting
comments on whether it would make sense to define a similar period of
time (for example, 10 years or 5 years) during which an individual must
not have been employed as the program director in a program in the same
specialty. In formulating suggestions, commenters may want to consider
whether the suggested period of time (for example, 10 years or 5 years)
aligns or conflicts with the ACGME common program requirements, which
State that program director qualifications ``must include specialty
expertise and at least three years of documented educational and/or
administrative experience, or qualifications acceptable to the Review
Committee'' (
Finally, we understand that there may be unique issues that small
or rural residencies face in recruiting qualified program directors and
faculty to ensure success during the early years of the residency. In
small programs, when there may only be 2 or 3 core faculty members,
flexibility may be necessary in the proportions of new and experienced
teaching staff. As stated previously, we are soliciting comments on
what should be considered a ``small'' program (for example, programs
accredited for 16 or fewer positions), and what staff threshold or
other approach should be applied to small, which may include rural,
To summarize, we are soliciting comments on the following points
regarding the determination of whether the faculty and program director
are new:
What is a reasonable threshold for the relative
proportions of experienced and new teaching staff? Should there be
different thresholds for small, which may include rural, residency
Should a threshold for determining newness of teaching
staff for a new program consider only Core Faculty, or non-core faculty
(or key non-faculty staff) as well?
We seek feedback on our suggestion that 50 percent of the
teaching staff may come from a previously existing program in the same
specialty, but if so, the 50 percent should comprise staff that each
came from different previously existing programs in the specialty.
In considering whether the presence of a faculty member
might jeopardize the newness of a new program, would it be reasonable
to consider whether 10 years or 5 years, or some other amount of time,
has passed
[[Page 36224]]
during which that faculty member has not had experience teaching in a
program in the same specialty?
Would it make sense to define a similar period of time
(for example, 10 years or 5 years) during which an individual must not
have been employed as the program director in a program in the same
specialty? Should there be a different criterion for small, which may
include rural, residency programs?
c. Commingling of Residents in a New and an Existing Program--RFI
We have learned that it is not uncommon for residents in separately
accredited programs, but in the same specialty, to meet and share some
clinical and didactic training experiences, which for the purpose of
this discussion we refer to as ``commingling.'' For example, residents
in two separately accredited anesthesiology programs may receive
training simultaneously in a certain niche surgical competency, and may
collaborate in certain shared scholarly activities required for
completion of the anesthesiology residency. This is an issue different
from the newness of residents, as the residents in this case are
separately matched into distinct programs, yet have certain current
training experiences in common. We believe this cooperative approach
may be reasonable from an educational perspective, yet when taken to an
extreme, may result in the inappropriate creation of new cap slots for
a program that looks more like an expansion of an existing program
rather than the formation of a truly new program. As an extreme
example, we consider a hypothetical case in which a ``new'' program and
an existing program share 100% of resident rotations, using the same
faculty, and rotating simultaneously to the same locations. In this
case, the ``new'' program would be just a ``carbon copy'' of the
existing one. On the other hand, even a small percentage of shared
rotations can be concerning, as shown under the following scenario:
Assume New Teaching Hospital (NTH) A starts a new Family Medicine
residency program. Residents in the new program spend 90 percent of
their time at NTH Hospital A, and 10 percent at Existing Teaching
Hospital (ETH) B. ETH B has reclassified as rural under 42 CFR 412.103,
and is eligible for an IME cap adjustment for any portion of
participation in the new program. NTH A hires a brand new program
director and brand new faculty, and all the residents are new, so the
newness criteria we adopted in the August 27, 2009 Federal Register are
satisfied. However, during the 10 percent of total time they spend at
ETH B, residents in the program share their rotations with residents in
ETH B's existing Family Medicine program.
In this case, commingling accounts for only 10 percent of total
program time, but for 100 percent of the time at ETH B's existing
Family Medicine program. Under current regulations at 42 CFR
413.79(e)(1)(vi), ETH B would receive a one-tenth share of the overall
IME cap increase, even though that 10 percent of resident time is
functionally an expansion of its existing Family Medicine program. We
are soliciting comments on whether and what amount, if any, of
commingling is appropriate among residents in an existing program and
residents in a program where training is occurring at a hospital that
may be eligible for an FTE cap increase for training residents in a new
d. One Hospital Sponsoring Two Programs in the Same Specialty--RFI
We have been asked whether it is permissible for one hospital to
operate two programs in the same specialty. We have heard this commonly
occurs in states with more sparsely populated areas, where there is
often one dominant academic medical center/sponsor of residency
programs in the state, and that sponsor creates more than one program
in a specialty to provide access to care in different areas of the
state. We have answered this question by saying that if each program in
fact has separate program directors, and separate staff, and separately
matched residents, then it is permissible for one hospital to sponsor
two programs in the same specialty.
However, we are taking the opportunity to solicit comments on why
hospitals might want to train residents in separately accredited
programs, but in the same specialty, and the degree to which this
happens in general, in both sparsely populated and more densely
populated areas. In conjunction with our solicitation of previous
comments regarding commingling of residents in different programs in
the same specialty, and our concerns regarding new FTE caps created for
programs that may not truly be new at hospitals with an urban-to-rural
reclassification, we are interested in hearing from commenters
regarding the reasons why hospitals may sponsor more than one program
in the same specialty, including but not limited to Rural Track
Programs, and the degree to which commingling may occur in these
4. Technical Fixes to the DGME Regulations
In the course of our ongoing implementation of policies concerning
payment for graduate medical education, we have become aware of the
existence of several technical errors in the direct GME regulations at
42 CFR 413.75 through 413.83. We therefore propose to correct these
technical errors, as discussed later.
a. Correction of Cross-References to Sec. 413.79(f)(7)
In the FY 2010 IPPS final rule (74 FR 43918 and 44001, August 27,
2009), we amended 42 CFR 413.79(f) by adding a new paragraph (f)(6) and
redesignating existing paragraph (f)(6) as paragraph (f)(7). The new
Sec. 413.79(f)(6) sets forth requirements for participation in a
Medicare GME affiliated group by a hospital that is new after July 1
and begins training residents for the first time after the July 1 start
date of an academic year, while the redesignated Sec. 413.79(f)(7)
contains the regulations pertaining to emergency Medicare GME
affiliated groups.
We have discovered that, after redesignating the former Sec.
413.79(f)(6) as Sec. 413.79(f)(7), we inadvertently did not update the
cross-references to this paragraph at Sec. Sec. 413.75(b) and 413.78.
Accordingly, in this proposed rule, we are proposing to revise the
language of the definition of ``Emergency Medicare GME affiliated
group'' under Sec. 413.75(b), as well as the language at Sec. Sec.
413.78(e)(3)(iii) and (f)(3)(iii), by correcting the cross-references
to read ``Sec. 413.79(f)(7).''
b. Removal of Obsolete Regulations Under Sec. 413.79(d)(6)
Under 42 CFR 413.79(h), a hospital may receive a temporary
adjustment to its FTE cap to reflect displaced residents added as a
result of the closure of another hospital or residency training
program. Furthermore, under Sec. 413.79(d)(6)(i) (previously Sec.
413.79(d)(6)), displaced residents counted under a temporary cap
adjustment are added to the receiving hospital's FTE count after
application of the three-year rolling average for the duration of the
time that the displaced residents are training at the receiving
In the November 24, 2010 final rule (75 FR 72212 through 72238), we
implemented the provisions of section 5506 of the Affordable Care Act,
which directs the Secretary to redistribute Medicare GME residency
slots from teaching hospitals that close after March 23, 2008. A
hospital that had previously
[[Page 36225]]
accepted residents displaced by a teaching hospital closure and
received a temporary cap adjustment for training those residents under
Sec. 413.79(h) may subsequently apply for a permanent cap increase
under section 5506.
As part of the implementation of section 5506, we finalized several
ranking criteria to prioritize applications, and specified the dates on
which awards would become effective for hospitals that apply under each
of those criteria. In particular, we finalized Ranking Criteria One and
Three, which describe applicant hospitals that take over, respectively,
an entire residency program(s) or part of a residency program(s) from
the closed hospital. Consistent with the policy finalized in the
November 24, 2010 final rule, a permanent cap increase awarded under
Ranking Criterion One or Three would generally override any temporary
cap adjustment that the applying hospital may have received under Sec.
413.79(h), with the result that those resident slots would immediately
become subject to the three-year rolling average calculation (75 FR
We also stated, however, that we believed it would still be
appropriate to allow a hospital that ultimately would qualify to
receive slots permanently under any of the ranking criteria and that
took in displaced residents to receive temporary cap adjustments and,
in a limited manner, an exemption from the three-year rolling average.
Therefore, we finalized a policy that, in the first cost reporting
period in which the applying hospital takes in displaced residents and
the hospital closure occurs, the applying hospital could receive a
temporary cap adjustment and an exemption from the rolling average for
the displaced residents. Then, effective beginning with the cost
reporting period following the one in which the hospital closure
occurred, the applying hospital's permanent cap increase would take
effect, and there would be no exemption from the rolling average (75 FR
72225 and 72263).
Therefore, we amended Sec. 413.79(d) by redesignating the existing
paragraph (d)(6) as (d)(6)(i) and by adding new (d)(6)(ii), which
states stated that if a hospital received a permanent increase in its
FTE resident cap under Sec. 413.79(o)(1) due to redistribution of
slots from a closed hospital, the displaced FTE residents that the
hospital received would be added to the FTE count after applying the
averaging rules only in the first cost reporting period in which the
receiving hospital trained the displaced FTE residents. In subsequent
cost reporting periods, the displaced FTE residents would be included
in the receiving hospital's rolling average calculation.
Subsequently, in the FY 2013 IPPS final rule (77 FR 53437 through
53443, August 31, 2012), we finalized revisions to our policy
concerning the effective dates of section 5506 cap increases awarded
under the various ranking criteria. In particular, we finalized a
policy that slots awarded under Ranking Criteria One and Three become
effective seamlessly with the expiration of temporary cap adjustments
under Sec. 413.79(h) (that is, on the day after the graduation date(s)
of the displaced residents). As stated in that final rule, under this
revised policy, permanent cap increases under section 5506 would no
longer ``replace'' temporary cap adjustments under Sec. 413.79(h), and
exemptions from the three-year rolling average would no longer be
suspended as a consequence of the receipt of permanent slots (77 FR
Under the policy finalized in the FY 2013 IPPS final rule, there is
no longer any need for the regulation at Sec. 413.79(d)(6)(ii), which
would apply in the situation where a permanent cap increase under
section 5506 would otherwise have overridden a temporary cap adjustment
for displaced residents under Sec. 413.79(h). Instead, our policy is
that displaced residents are excluded from the receiving hospital's
rolling average calculation for the duration of the time that they are
training at the receiving hospital, as specified at Sec. 413.79(6)(i).
However, we have discovered that we neglected to make the appropriate
revisions to the regulations text to reflect our current policy.
Accordingly, we are proposing to amend Sec. 413.79(d)(6) by
removing the no longer applicable paragraph (d)(6)(ii), and by
redesignating existing (d)(6)(i) as (d)(6).
c. Correction of Typographical Errors at Sec. 413.79(k)(2)(i)
In the final rule published on December 27, 2021, as part of the
implementation of section 127 of the CAA, 2021 (Pub. L. 116-260), we
finalized various changes throughout the regulations text at 42 CFR
413.79(k), ``Residents training in rural track programs'' (86 FR 73445
through 73457 and 73514 through 73515). We have discovered that the
final sentence of Sec. 413.79(k)(2)(i), as amended in that rule,
incorrectly states, ``For Rural Track Programs prior to the start of
the urban or rural hospital's cost reporting period that coincides with
or follows the start of the sixth program year of the rural track's
existence . . .''
The beginning of the quoted sentence should instead refer to ``cost
reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2022,'' and should
otherwise be analogous to the similar text that appears at Sec.
413.79(k)(1)(i). Accordingly, we are proposing to revise Sec.
413.79(k)(2)(i) to read as follows: ``For cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2022, before the start of the urban or
rural hospital's cost reporting period that coincides with or follows
the start of the sixth program year of the Rural Track Program's
existence, the rural track FTE limitation for each hospital will be the
actual number of FTE residents training in the Rural Track Program at
the urban or rural hospital and, subject to the requirements under
Sec. 413.78(g), at the rural nonprovider site(s).''
5. Notice of Closure of Teaching Hospital and Opportunity To Apply for
Available Slots
a. Background
Section 5506 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
(Pub. L. 111-148), as amended by the Health Care and Education
Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-152) (collectively,
``Affordable Care Act''), authorizes the Secretary to redistribute
residency slots after a hospital that trained residents in an approved
medical residency program closes. Specifically, section 5506 of the
Affordable Care Act amended the Act by adding subsection (vi) to
section 1886(h)(4)(H) of the Act and modifying language at section
1886(d)(5)(B)(v) of the Act, to instruct the Secretary to establish a
process to increase the FTE resident caps for other hospitals based
upon the full-time equivalent (FTE) resident caps in teaching hospitals
that closed on or after a date that is 2 years before the date of
enactment (that is, March 23, 2008). In the CY 2011 Outpatient
Prospective Payment System (OPPS) final rule with comment period (75 FR
72264), we established regulations at 42 CFR 413.79(o) and an
application process for qualifying hospitals to apply to CMS to receive
direct GME and IME FTE resident cap slots from the hospital that
closed. We made certain additional modifications to Sec. 413.79 in the
FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53434), and we made changes to
the section 5506 application process in the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule (79 FR 50122 through 50134). The procedures we established apply
both to teaching hospitals that closed on or after March 23, 2008, and
on or before August 3, 2010, and to teaching hospitals that
[[Page 36226]]
close after August 3, 2010 (75 FR 72215).
b. Notice of Closure of McLaren St. Luke's Hospital Located in Maumee,
OH, and the Application Process--Round 21
CMS has learned of the closure of McLaren St. Luke's Hospital
Located in Maumee, OH (CCN 360090). Accordingly, this notice serves to
notify the public of the closure of this teaching hospital and initiate
another round of the section 5506 application and selection process.
This round will be the 21st round (``Round 21'') of the application and
selection process. The table in this section of this rule contains the
identifying information and IME and direct GME FTE resident caps for
the closed teaching hospital, which are part of the Round 21
application process under section 5506 of the Affordable Care Act.
c. Notice of Closure of South City Hospital Located in St. Louis, MO,
and the Application Process--Round 22
CMS has learned of the closure of South City Hospital, located in
St. Louis, MO (CCN 260210). Accordingly, this notice serves to notify
the public of the closure of this teaching hospital and initiate
another round (``Round 22'') of the application and selection process.
This round will be the 22nd round (``Round 22'') of the application and
selection process. The table in this section of this rule contains the
identifying information and IME and direct GME FTE resident caps for
the closed teaching hospital, which are part of the Round 22
application process under section 5506 of the Affordable Care Act.
d. Application Process for Available Resident Slots
The application period for hospitals to apply for slots under
section 5506 of the Affordable Care Act is 90 days following notice to
the public of a hospital closure (77 FR 53436). Therefore, hospitals
that wish to apply for and receive slots from the previously noted
hospitals' FTE resident caps must submit applications using the
electronic application intake system, Medicare Electronic Application
Request Information SystemTM (MEARISTM), with
application submissions for Round 21 and Round 22 due no later than
July 9, 2024. The Section 5506 application can be accessed at:
CMS will only accept Round 21 and Round 22 applications submitted
via MEARISTM. Applications submitted through any other
method will not be considered. Within MEARISTM, we have
built in several resources to support applicants:
Please refer to the ``Resources'' section for guidance
regarding the application submission process at:
Technical support is available under ``Useful Links'' at
the bottom of the MEARISTM web page.
Application related questions can be submitted to CMS
using the form available under ``Contact'' at:
Application submission through MEARISTM will not only
help CMS track applications and streamline the review process, but it
will also create efficiencies for applicants when compared to a paper
submission process.
We have not established a deadline by when CMS will issue the final
determinations to hospitals that receive slots under section 5506 of
the Affordable Care Act. However, we review all applications received
by the deadline and notify applicants of our determinations as soon as
We refer readers to the CMS Direct Graduate Medical Education
(DGME) website at: Hospitals should access this website for a list of additional
section 5506 guidelines for the policy and procedures for applying for
slots, and the redistribution of the slots under sections
1886(h)(4)(H)(vi) and 1886(d)(5)(B)(v) of the Act.
6. Reminder of Core-Based Statistical Area (CBSA) Changes and
Application to GME Policies
In section III.B. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we discuss
the proposed changes to the most recent OMB standards for delineating
statistical areas announced in the July 21, 2023 OMB Bulletin No. 23-
01. We refer to these statistical areas as Core-Based Statistical Areas
(CBSAs). As a result of the new OMB delineations, some teaching
hospitals may be redesignated
[[Page 36227]]
from being located in a rural CBSA to an urban CBSA, or from being
located in an urban CBSA to a rural CBSA. In the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (79 FR 50111, August 22, 2014), we last discussed the
effects of the CBSA changes on IME and DGME payment policy, as at that
time, we implemented the changes to the statistical areas resulting
from the February 28, 2013, OMB Bulletin No. 13-01. We refer readers to
the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule to learn more about CMS' policies
regarding changes to the CBSAs and how IME and DGME payments are
impacted. We emphasize that we are not currently proposing any
additional policies as a result of the latest CBSA changes; we are
merely providing a reference for readers that may have questions about
our existing policies. As a general overview, the FY 2015 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule discusses the effect on the FTE caps of a hospital that was
located in a rural CBSA, either at the time that it started training
residents in a new residency program, or was located in a rural area
when it received accreditation for a new program, but either prior to
actually starting the program or during the 5-year cap building period,
the CBSA in which the hospital was located became an urban CBSA (79 FR
50111 through 50113). We also discussed what happens to a rural
training track when a rural hospital that is participating as the rural
site is redesignated as urban, either during the period when the rural
track is being established, or after it has been established (79 FR
50113). (Note that under 42 CFR 413.75(b) and 413.79(k), we now refer
to rural training tracks as Rural Training Programs (RTPs)). We
provided for a transition period, wherein either the redesignated urban
hospital must reclassify as rural under Sec. 412.103 for purposes of
IME payment only (in addition, this reclassification option only
applies to IPPS hospitals (or CAHs under 42 CFR 412.103(a)(6)), not
other nonprovider sites), or the ``original'' urban hospital must have
found a new site in a geographically rural area that will serve as the
rural site for purposes of the rural track in order for the
``original'' urban hospital to receive payment under Sec. 413.79(k)(1)
or (k)(2). Also see DGME regulations at 42 CFR 413.79(c)(6), 42 CFR
413.79(k)(7), and for IME, at 42 CFR 412.105(f)(1)(iv)(D).
G. Reasonable Cost Payment for Nursing and Allied Health Education
Programs (Sec. Sec. 413.85 and 413.87)
a. General
Under section 1861(v) of the Act, Medicare has historically paid
providers for Medicare's share of the costs that providers incur in
connection with approved educational activities. Approved nursing and
allied health (NAH) education programs are those that are, in part,
operated by a provider, and meet State licensure requirements, or are
recognized by a national accrediting body. The costs of these programs
are excluded from the definition of ``inpatient hospital operating
costs'' and are not included in the calculation of payment rates for
hospitals or hospital units paid under the IPPS, IRF PPS, or IPF PPS,
and are excluded from the rate-of-increase ceiling for certain
facilities not paid on a PPS. These costs are separately identified and
``passed through'' (that is, paid separately on a reasonable cost
basis). Existing regulations on NAH education program costs are located
at 42 CFR 413.85. The most recent substantive rulemakings on these
regulations were in the January 12, 2001 final rule (66 FR 3358 through
3374), and in the August 1, 2003, final rule (68 FR 45423 and 45434).
b. Medicare Advantage Nursing and Allied Health Education Payments
Section 541 of the Balanced Budget Refinement Act (BBRA) of 1999
provides for additional payments to hospitals for costs of nursing and
allied health education associated with services to Medicare+Choice
(now called Medicare Advantage (MA)) enrollees. Hospitals that operate
approved nursing or allied health education programs and receive
Medicare reasonable cost reimbursement for these programs may receive
additional payments to account for MA enrollees. Section 541 of the
BBRA limits total spending under the provision to no more than $60
million in any calendar year (CY). (In this document, we refer to the
total amount of $60 million or less as the payment ``pool''.) Section
541 of the BBRA also provides that direct graduate medical education
(GME) payments for Medicare+Choice utilization are reduced to the
extent that these additional payments are made for nursing and allied
health education programs. This provision was effective for portions of
cost reporting periods occurring in a CY, on or after January 1, 2000.
Section 512 of the Benefits Improvement and Protection Act (BIPA)
of 2000 changed the formula for determining the additional amounts to
be paid to hospitals for MA nursing and allied health costs. Under
section 541 of the BBRA, the additional payment amount was determined
based on the proportion of each individual hospital's nursing and
allied health education payment to total nursing and allied health
education payments made to all hospitals. However, this formula did not
account for a hospital's specific MA utilization. Section 512 of the
BIPA revised this payment formula to specifically account for each
hospital's MA utilization. This provision was effective for portions of
cost reporting periods occurring in a calendar year, beginning with CY
The regulations at 42 CFR 413.87 codified both statutory
provisions. We first implemented the BBRA NAH MA provision in the
August 1, 2000 IPPS interim final rule with comment period (IFC) (65 FR
47036 through 47039), and subsequently implemented the BIPA provision
in the August 1, 2001 IPPS final rule (66 FR 39909 and 39910). In those
rules, we outlined the qualifying conditions for a hospital to receive
the NAH MA payment, how we would calculate the NAH MA payment pool, and
how a qualifying hospital would calculate its ``share'' of payment from
that pool. Determining a hospital's NAH MA payment essentially involves
applying a ratio of the hospital-specific NAH Part A payments, total
inpatient days, and MA inpatient days, to national totals of those same
variables, from cost reporting periods ending in the fiscal year that
is 2 years prior to the current calendar year. The formula is as
(((Hospital NAH pass-through payment/Hospital Part A Inpatient Days) *
Hospital MA Inpatient Days)/((National NAH pass-through payment/
National Part A Inpatient Days) * National MA Inpatient Days)) *
Current Year Payment Pool.
With regard to determining the total national amounts for NAH pass-
through payment, Part A inpatient days, and MA inpatient days, we note
that section 1886(l) of the Act, as added by section 541 of the BBRA,
gives the Secretary the discretion to ``estimate'' the national
components of the formula noted previously. For example, section
1886(l)(2)(A) of the Act states that the Secretary would estimate the
ratio of payments for all hospitals for portions of cost reporting
periods occurring in the year under subsection 1886(h)(3)(D)
[[Page 36228]]
of the Act to total direct GME payments estimated for the same portions
of periods under section 1886(h)(3) of the Act.
Accordingly, we stated in the August 1, 2000 IFC (65 FR 47038) that
each year, we would determine and publish in a final rule the total
amount of nursing and allied health education payments made across all
hospitals during the fiscal year 2 years prior to the current calendar
year. We would use the best available cost reporting data for the
applicable hospitals from the Hospital Cost Report Information System
(HCRIS) for cost reporting periods in the fiscal year that is 2 years
prior to the current calendar year (65 FR 47038).
To calculate the pool, in accordance with section 1886(l) of the
Act, we stated that we would ``estimate'' a total amount for each
calendar year, not to exceed $60 million (65 FR 47038). To calculate
the proportional reduction to Medicare+Choice (now MA) direct GME
payments, we stated that the percentage is estimated by calculating the
ratio of the Medicare+Choice nursing and allied health payment ``pool''
for the current calendar year to the projected total Medicare+Choice
direct GME payments made across all hospitals for the current calendar
year. We stated that the projections of Medicare+Choice direct GME and
Part A direct GME payments are based on the best available cost report
data from the HCRIS (for example, for calendar year 2000, the
projections are based on the best available cost report data from HCRIS
1998), and these payment amounts are increased using the increases
allowed by section 1886(h) of the Act for these services (using the
percentage applicable for the current calendar year for Medicare+Choice
direct GME and the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) increases for Part A
direct GME). We also stated that we would publish the applicable
percentage reduction each year in the IPPS proposed and final rules (65
FR 47038).
Thus, in the August 1, 2000 IFC, we described our policy regarding
the timing and source of the national data components for the NAH MA
add-on payment and the percent reduction to the direct GME MA payments,
and we stated that we would publish the rates for each calendar year in
the IPPS proposed and final rules. While the rates for CY 2000 were
published in the August 1, 2000 IFC (see 65 FR 47038 and 47039), the
rates for subsequent CYs were only issued through Change Requests (CRs)
(CR 2692, CR 11642, CR 12407). After recent issuance of the CY 2019
rates in CR 12407 on August 19, 2021, we reviewed our update
procedures, and were reminded that the August 1, 2000 IFC states that
we would publish the NAH MA rates and direct GME percent reduction
every year in the IPPS rules. Accordingly, for CY 2020 and CY 2021, we
proposed and finalized the NAH MA add-on rates in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH
PPS proposed and final rules. We stated that for CYs 2022 and after, we
would similarly propose and finalize their respective NAH MA rates and
direct GME percent reductions in subsequent IPPS/LTCH PPS rulemakings
(see 87 FR 49073, August 10, 2022).
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we are proposing the
rates for CY 2023. Consistent with the use of HCRIS data for past
calendar years, we are proposing to use data from cost reports ending
in FY 2021 HCRIS (the fiscal year that is 2 years prior to CY 2023) to
compile these national amounts: NAH pass-through payment, Part A
Inpatient Days, MA Inpatient Days.
For this proposed rule, we accessed the FY 2021 HCRIS data from the
fourth quarterly HCRIS update of 2023. However, to calculate the
``pool''' and the direct GME MA percent reduction, we ``project'' Part
A direct GME payments and MA direct GME payments for the current
calendar year, which in this proposed rule is CY 2023, based on the
``best available cost report data from the HCRIS'' (65 FR 47038). Next,
consistent with the method we described previously from the August 1,
2000 IFC, we increased these payment amounts from midpoint to midpoint
of the appropriate calendar year using the increases allowed by section
1886(h) of the Act for these services (using the percentage applicable
for the current calendar year for MA direct GME, and the Consumer Price
Index (CPI-U) increases for Part A direct GME). For CY 2023, the direct
GME projections are based on the fourth quarterly update of CY 2021
HCRIS, adjusted for the CPI-U and for increasing MA enrollment.
For CY 2023, the proposed national rates and percentages, and their
data sources, are set forth in this table. We intend to update these
numbers in the FY 2025 final rule based on the latest available cost
report data.
H. Proposed Payment Adjustment for Certain Clinical Trial and Expanded
Access Use Immunotherapy Cases (Sec. Sec. 412.85 and 412.312)
Effective for FY 2021, we created MS-DRG 018 for cases that include
procedures describing CAR T-cell therapies, which were reported using
ICD-10-PCS procedure codes XW033C3 or XW043C3 (85 FR 58599 through
58600). Effective for FY 2022, we revised MS-DRG 018 to include cases
that report the procedure codes for CAR T-cell and non-CAR T-cell
therapies and other immunotherapies (86 FR 44798 through 448106).
Effective for FY 2021, we modified our relative weight methodology
for MS-DRG 018 in order to develop a relative weight that is reflective
of the typical costs of providing CAR T-cell therapies relative to
other IPPS services. Specifically, under our finalized policy we do not
include claims determined to be clinical trial claims that group to MS-
DRG 018 when calculating the average cost for MS-DRG 018 that is used
to calculate the relative weight for this MS-DRG, with the additional
refinements that: (a) when the CAR T-cell therapy product is purchased
in the usual manner, but the case involves a clinical trial of a
different product, the claim will be included when calculating the
average cost for MS DRG 018 to the extent such claims can be identified
in the historical data; and (b) when there is expanded access use of
[[Page 36229]]
immunotherapy, these cases will not be included when calculating the
average cost for MS-DRG 018 to the extent such claims can be identified
in the historical data (85 FR 58600). The term ``expanded access''
(sometimes called ``compassionate use'') is a potential pathway for a
patient with a serious or immediately life-threatening disease or
condition to gain access to an investigational medical product (drug,
biologic, or medical device) for treatment outside of clinical trials
when, among other criteria, there is no comparable or satisfactory
alternative therapy to diagnose, monitor, or treat the disease or
condition (21 CFR 312.305).\157\
Effective FY 2021, we also finalized an adjustment to the payment
amount for applicable clinical trial and expanded access immunotherapy
cases that group to MS-DRG 018 using the same methodology that we used
to adjust the case count for purposes of the relative weight
calculations (85 FR 58842 through 58844). (As previously noted,
effective beginning FY 2022, we revised MS-DRG 018 to include cases
that report the procedure codes for CAR T-cell and non-CAR T-cell
therapies and other immunotherapies (86 FR 44798 through 448106).)
Specifically, under our finalized policy we apply a payment adjustment
to claims that group to MS-DRG 018 and include ICD-10-CM diagnosis code
Z00.6, with the modification that when the CAR T-cell, non-CAR T-cell,
or other immunotherapy product is purchased in the usual manner, but
the case involves a clinical trial of a different product, the payment
adjustment will not be applied in calculating the payment for the case.
We also finalized that when there is expanded access use of
immunotherapy, the payment adjustment will be applied in calculating
the payment for the case. This payment adjustment is codified at 42 CFR
412.85 (for operating IPPS payments) and 42 CFR 412.312 (for capital
IPPS payments), for claims appropriately containing Z00.6, as described
previously, and reflects that the adjustment is also applied for cases
involving expanded access use immunotherapy, and that the payment
adjustment only applies to applicable clinical trial cases; that is,
the adjustment is not applicable to cases where the CAR T-cell, non-CAR
T-cell, or other immunotherapy product is purchased in the usual
manner, but the case involves a clinical trial of a different product.
The regulations at 42 CFR 412.85(c) also specify that the adjustment
factor will reflect the average cost for cases to be assigned to MS-DRG
018 that involve expanded access use of immunotherapy or are part of an
applicable clinical trial to the average cost for cases to be assigned
to MS-DRG 018 that do not involve expanded access use of immunotherapy
and are not part of a clinical trial (85 FR 58844).
For FY 2025, we are proposing to continue to apply an adjustment to
the payment amount for expanded access use of immunotherapy and
applicable clinical trial cases that would group to MS-DRG 018, as
calculated using the same methodology, as modified in the FY 2024 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59062), that we are proposing to use to
adjust the case count for purposes of the relative weight calculations,
as described in section II.D. of the preamble of this proposed rule.
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, the MedPAR
claims data now includes a field that identifies whether or not the
claim includes expanded access use of immunotherapy. For the FY 2023
MedPAR data and for subsequent years, this field identifies whether or
not the claim includes condition code 90. The MedPAR files now also
include information for claims with the payer-only condition code
``ZC'', which is used by the IPPS Pricer to identify a case where the
CAR T-cell, non-CAR T-cell, or other immunotherapy product is purchased
in the usual manner, but the case involves a clinical trial of a
different product so that the payment adjustment is not applied in
calculating the payment for the case (for example, see Change Request
11879, available at
We refer the readers to section II.D. of the preamble of this proposed
rule for further discussion of our methodology for identifying clinical
trial claims and expanded access use claims in MS-DRG 018 and our
methodology used to adjust the case count for purposes of the relative
weight calculations, as modified in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
Using the same methodology that we are proposing to use to adjust
the case count for purposes of the relative weight calculations, we are
proposing to calculate the adjustment to the payment amount for
expanded access use of immunotherapy and applicable clinical trial
cases as follows:
Calculate the average cost for cases assigned to MS-DRG
018 that either (a) contain ICD-10-CM diagnosis code Z00.6 and do not
contain condition code ``ZC'' or (b) contain condition code ``90''.
Calculate the average cost for all other cases assigned to
MS-DRG 018.
Calculate an adjustor by dividing the average cost
calculated in step 1 by the average cost calculated in step 2.
Apply this adjustor when calculating payments for expanded
access use of immunotherapy and applicable clinical trial cases that
group to MS-DRG 018 by multiplying the relative weight for MS-DRG 018
by the adjustor.
We refer the readers to section II.D. of the preamble of this
proposed rule for further discussion of our methodology.
Consistent with our calculation of the proposed adjustor for the
relative weight calculations, for this proposed rule we propose to
calculate this adjustor based on the December 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file for purposes of establishing the FY 2025 payment
amount. Specifically, in accordance with 42 CFR 412.85 (for operating
IPPS payments) and 42 CFR 412.312 (for capital IPPS payments), we
propose to multiply the FY 2025 relative weight for MS-DRG 018 by a
proposed adjustor of 0.34 as part of the calculation of the payment for
claims determined to be applicable clinical trial or expanded use
access immunotherapy claims that group to MS-DRG 018, which includes
CAR T-cell and non-CAR T-cell therapies and other immunotherapies. We
also propose to update the value of the adjustor based on more recent
data for the final rule.
I. Proposed Changes to the Calculation of the IPPS Add-On Payment for
Certain End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Discharges (Sec. 412.104)
Under existing regulations at Sec. 412.104, we provide an
additional payment to a hospital for inpatient services provided to
certain Medicare beneficiaries with ESRD who receive a dialysis
treatment during a hospital stay, if the hospital's ESRD Medicare
beneficiary discharges, excluding discharges classified into the MS-
DRGs listed at Sec. 412.104(a), where the beneficiary received
dialysis services during the inpatient stay, are 10 percent or more of
its total Medicare discharges. The additional payment (referred to as
the ESRD add-on payment) is intended to lessen the impact of the added
costs for hospitals that deliver inpatient dialysis services to a high
concentration of ESRD Medicare beneficiaries (76 FR 51692). The
additional payment is based on the average length of stay for ESRD
beneficiaries in the facility times a factor based on the average
direct cost of furnishing dialysis services during a
[[Page 36230]]
usual beneficiary stay (49 FR 34747). The payment to a hospital equals
the average length of stay of ESRD beneficiaries in the hospital,
expressed as a ratio to 1 week, times the estimated weekly cost of
dialysis multiplied by the number of ESRD beneficiary discharges not
excluded under Sec. 412.104(a). The average direct cost of dialysis
was determined from data obtained in connection with establishing the
composite rate reimbursement for outpatient maintenance dialysis (49 FR
On January 1, 2011, we implemented the ESRD PPS, a case-mix
adjusted, bundled PPS for renal dialysis services furnished by ESRD
facilities as required by section 1881(b)(14) of the Act, as added by
section 153(b) of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers
Act of 2008 (MIPPA) (Pub. L. 110-275). Section 1881(b)(14)(F) of the
Act, as added by section 153(b) of MIPPA, and amended by section
3401(h) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the
Affordable Care Act) (Pub. L. 111-148), established that beginning CY
2012, and each subsequent year, the Secretary of the Department of
Health and Human Services (the Secretary) shall annually increase
payment amounts by an ESRD market basket percentage increase, reduced
by the productivity adjustment described in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act (74 FR 49927). The ESRD PPS replaced
the basic case-mix adjusted composite rate payment system and the
payment methodologies for separately billable outpatient renal dialysis
items and services. Payment under Medicare Part B for outpatient renal
dialysis services has been based entirely on the ESRD PPS since January
1, 2014 (78 FR 72160). The ESRD PPS pays ESRD facilities a case-mix-
adjusted, bundled payment, which includes former composite rate
services and ESRD-related drugs, laboratory services, and medical
equipment and supplies (80 FR 68973). The ESRD PPS base rate is
designed to reflect the average cost per-treatment of providing renal
dialysis services.\158\ The per treatment payment amount (that is, the
ESRD PPS base rate, subject to applicable adjustments) \159\ is
typically applied to a regimen of three hemodialysis treatments per
week. CMS updates the ESRD PPS base rate annually. We refer readers to
the August 12, 2010, ESRD PPS final rule (75 FR 49030 through 49214)
for additional details on the establishment of the ESRD PPS, including
a discussion of the transition from the basic case-mix adjusted
composite rate payment system to the ESRD PPS.
\158\ 42 CFR 413.215(a) and 413.220.
\159\ Sec. 413.230.
As described previously, under current regulations the ESRD add-on
payment is based on the average direct cost of furnishing dialysis
services determined from data obtained in connection with establishing
the composite rate. Under the current regulations, the average cost of
dialysis is reviewed and adjusted, if appropriate, at the time the
composite rate reimbursement for outpatient dialysis is reviewed. The
last time CMS updated the composite rate was in the CY 2013 ESRD PPS
final rule (77 FR 67454), as this was the final year in which payments
to ESRD facilities were based on a blend of the composite rate and the
ESRD PPS. In light of the time that has passed since the last update to
the composite rate, we are proposing to change the methodology used to
calculate the ESRD add-on payment under current regulations to the ESRD
PPS base rate used under the ESRD PPS. In addition, since the renal
dialysis services reflected in the ESRD PPS base rate do not include
those services that are not essential for the delivery of maintenance
dialysis (see Sec. 413.171), using the ESRD PPS base rate to calculate
the ESRD add-on payment would maintain consistency with the current
calculation, which is based on the average costs determined to be
directly related to the renal dialysis service, as determined from the
composite rate.
As described previously, under Sec. 412.104(b)(1), the ESRD add-on
payment is based on the estimated weekly cost of dialysis and the
average length of stay of ESRD beneficiaries for the hospital. We are
proposing that effective for cost reporting periods beginning on or
after October 1, 2024, the estimated weekly cost of dialysis would be
calculated as the applicable ESRD PPS base rate (as defined in 42 CFR
413.171) multiplied by three, which represents the typical number of
dialysis sessions per week. The ESRD PPS base rate is applicable for
renal dialysis services furnished during the calendar year (CY) (that
is, effective January 1 through December 31 each year) and updated
annually (see Sec. 413.196). Under this proposal, the annual CY ESRD
PPS base rate (as published in the applicable CY ESRD PPS final rule or
subsequent corrections, as applicable) multiplied by three would be
used to calculate the ESRD add-on payment for hospital cost reporting
periods that begin during the Federal FY for the same year. For
example, the CY 2025 ESRD PPS base rate would be used for all cost
reports beginning during Federal FY 2025 (that is, for cost reporting
periods starting on or after October 1, 2024, through September 30,
2025). The table that follows illustrates the applicable CY ESRD PPS
base rate that would be used to determine the add-on amount for
eligible discharges during the hospital's cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2024 (FY 2025) and on or after October
1, 2025 (FY 2026) under this proposed methodology.
We note that use of the applicable CY ESRD PPS base rate to
determine the add-on payment amount for the hospital's discharges
occurring during the entire cost reporting period based on the cost
report's begin date would be consistent with the determination of
eligibility for the ESRD add-on payment, which occurs at cost report
settlement and is based on the discharges that occur during that cost
reporting period.
[[Page 36231]]
Under this proposal, the payment to a hospital would continue to be
calculated as the average length of stay of ESRD beneficiaries in the
hospital, expressed as a ratio to 1 week, multiplied by the estimated
weekly cost of dialysis multiplied by the number of applicable ESRD
beneficiary discharges. Specifically, for cost reporting periods
beginning on or after October 1, 2024, the proposed payment to a
hospital would equal the average length of stay of ESRD beneficiaries
in the hospital, expressed as a ratio to 1 week, multiplied by the
estimated weekly cost of dialysis (calculated as the applicable ESRD
PPS base rate (as defined in 42 CFR 413.171), multiplied by 3)
multiplied by the number of ESRD beneficiary discharges except for
those excluded under Sec. 412.104(a).
We are proposing to revise the regulations under 42 CFR 412.104(b)
to reflect this proposed change to the calculation of the payment
amount for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1,
2024. We are proposing to revise Sec. 412.104(b)(2) to specify that,
effective for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October 1,
2024, the estimated weekly cost of dialysis is calculated as 3 dialysis
sessions per week multiplied by the applicable ESRD PPS base rate (as
defined in 42 CFR 413.171) that corresponds with the fiscal year in
which the cost reporting period begins. For example, the CY 2025 ESRD
PPS base rate (multiplied by 3 to determine the estimated weekly cost
of dialysis, as described previously) would apply for all hospital cost
reporting periods beginning during FY 2025 (that is, for cost reporting
periods beginning on or after October 1, 2024, through September 30,
2025). We are also proposing to make conforming changes to Sec.
412.104(b)(3) and Sec. 412.104(b)(4) to reflect the proposed change in
methodology for calculating the ESRD add-on payment amount for cost
reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2024.
J. Separate IPPS Payment for Establishing and Maintaining Access to
Essential Medicines
1. Overview
As discussed in the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC proposed rule (88 FR 49867),
on January 26, 2021, President Biden issued Executive Order 14001, ``A
Sustainable Public Health Supply Chain'' (86 FR 7219), which launched a
whole-of-government effort to strengthen the resilience of medical
supply chains, especially for pharmaceuticals and simple medical
devices. This effort was bolstered subsequently by Executive Orders
14005, 14017, and 14081 (86 FR 7475, 11849, and 25711, respectively).
In June 2021, as tasked in Executive Order 14017 on ``America's Supply
Chains,'' the Department of Health and Human Services released a review
of pharmaceuticals and active pharmaceutical ingredients, analyzing
risks in these supply chains and recommending solutions to increase
their reliability.\160\ In July 2021, as tasked in Executive Order
14001, the Biden-Harris Administration also released the National
Strategy for a Resilient Public Health Supply Chain, which laid out a
roadmap to support reliable access to products for public health in the
future, including through prevention and mitigation of medical product
\160\ Department of Health and Human Services, Review of
Pharmaceuticals and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (pp. 207-250),
June 2021:
\161\ Department of Health and Human Services, National Strategy
for a Resilient Public Health Supply Chain, July 2021:
Over the last several years, shortages for critical medical
products have persisted, with the average drug shortage lasting about
1.5 years.\162\ For pharmaceuticals, even before the COVID-19 pandemic,
nearly two-thirds of hospitals reported more than 20 drug shortages at
any one time--from antibiotics used to treat severe bacterial
infections to crash cart drugs necessary to stabilize and resuscitate
critically ill adults.\163\ The frequency and severity of these supply
disruptions has only been exacerbated over the last few years.\164\
\162\ Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental
Affairs, Short Supply: The Health and National Security Risks of
Drug Shortages, March 2023:
\163\ Vizient, Drug Shortages and Labor Costs: Measuring the
Hidden Costs of Drug Shortages on U.S. Hospitals, June 2019:
\164\ Department of Health and Human Services, National Strategy
for a Resilient Public Health Supply Chain, July 2021:
Recent data suggests that hospitals are estimated to spend more
than 8.6 million personnel hours and $360 million per year to address
drug shortages,\165\ which will likely further result in treatment
delays and denials, changes in treatment regimens, medication
errors,166 167 168 as well as higher rates of hospital-
acquired infections and in-hospital mortality.169 170 The
additional time, labor, and resources required to navigate drug
shortages and supply chain disruptions also increase health care
costs.171 172
\165\ Vizient, Drug Shortages and Labor Costs: Measuring the
Hidden Costs of Drug Shortages on U.S. Hospitals, June 2019:
\166\ American Journal of Health System Pharmacology, National
Survey on the Effect of Oncology Drug Shortages on Cancer Care,
\167\ JCO Oncology Practice, National Survey on the Effect of
Oncology Drug Shortages in Clinical Practice, 2022:
\168\ Journal of the American Medical Association, Association
between U.S. Norepinephrine Shortage and Mortality Among Patients
with Septic Shock, 2017:
\169\ Clinical Infectious Diseases, The Effect of a
Piperacillin/Tazobactam Shortage on Antimicrobial Prescribing and
Clostridium difficile Risk in 88 US Medical Centers, 2017:
\170\ New England Journal of Medicine, The Impact of Drug
Shortages on Children with Cancer: The Example of Mechlorethamine,
\171\ Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental
Affairs, Short Supply: The Health and National Security Risks of
Drug Shortages, March 2023:
\172\ Department of Health and Human Services, ASPE Report to
Congress: Impact of Drug Shortages on Consumer Costs, May 2023:
Hospitals' procurement preferences can be leveraged to help foster
a more resilient supply of lifesaving drugs and biologicals. With
respect to shortages, supply chain resiliency includes having
sufficient inventory that can be leveraged in the event of a supply
disruption or demand increase--as opposed to relying on ``just-in-
time'' inventory-management efficiency at the manufacturer level that
can leave supply chains vulnerable to shortage.173 174 This
concept is especially true for essential medicines, which generally
comprise products that are medically necessary to have available at all
times in an amount adequate to serve patient needs and in the
appropriate dosage forms. A hospital's resilient supply can also
[[Page 36232]]
include essential medicines from multiple manufacturers, including the
availability of domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing capacity, to
diversify the sourcing of essential medicines. We believe it is
necessary to support practices that can mitigate the impact of
pharmaceutical shortages of essential medicines and promote resiliency
to safeguard and improve the care hospitals are able to provide to
beneficiaries. Additionally, sustaining sources of domestically sourced
medical supplies can help support continued availability in the event
of public health emergencies and other disruptions. This concept is
consistent with our current policy for domestic National Institute for
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) approved surgical N95
respirators (87 FR 72037). Hospitals, as major purchasers and users in
the U.S. of essential medicines, can support the existence of domestic
sources by sourcing domestically made essential medicines.
\173\ Department of Health and Human Services, Review of
Pharmaceuticals and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (pp. 207-250),
June 2021:
\174\ Department of Health and Human Services, National Strategy
for a Resilient Public Health Supply Chain, July 2021:
When hospitals have insufficient supply of essential medicines,
such as during a shortage, care for Medicare beneficiaries can be
negatively impacted. To mitigate negative care outcomes in the event of
insufficient supply, hospitals can adopt procurement strategies that
foster a consistent, safe, stable, and resilient supply of these
essential medicines. Such procurement strategies can include provisions
to maintain or otherwise provide for extra stock of product (for
example, either to maintain or to hold directly at the hospital,
arrange contractually for a distributor to hold off-site, or arrange
contractually with a wholesaler for a manufacturer to hold product)
which can act as a buffer in the event of an unexpected increase in
product use or disruption to supply. In the event an essential medicine
goes into shortage without existing procurement or substitution
strategies for affected drugs, negative patient care outcomes can
result in reduced quality of care and, in some instances, increased
costs by the Medicare program to provide payment for unnecessary
services that could have been avoided had the drug been available to
the hospital.
In the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC proposed rule (88 FR 49867), CMS requested
public comments on a potential Medicare payment policy that would
provide separate payment to hospitals under the IPPS for Medicare's
share of the inpatient costs of establishing and maintaining access to
a 3-month buffer stock of one or more of 86 essential medicines
(referred to herein as the ``CY 2024 Request for Comment''). Under this
potential policy, the allowable costs would have included the
hospital's reasonable costs of establishing and maintaining buffer
stock(s) of the essential medicines but not the cost of the medicines
themselves. We stated that we expected that the resources required to
establish and maintain access to a buffer stock of essential medicines
would generally be greater than the resources required to establish and
maintain access to these medicines without such a buffer stock. While
CMS did not finalize any policy regarding payment under the IPPS and
OPPS for establishing and maintaining access to essential medicines, we
stated we intended to propose new Conditions of Participation in
forthcoming notice and comment rulemaking addressing hospital processes
for pharmaceutical supply and that we would continue to consider
policies related to buffer stock.
As discussed in the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC final rule, many commenters on
the CY 2024 Request for Comment supported CMS's efforts to promote
resiliency but expressed concerns regarding the potential for such a
payment policy to induce or exacerbate drug shortages through demand
shocks to the supply chain. Some commenters stated that a 3-month
buffer stock may be inadequate to insulate hospitals from drug
shortages, and that the policy may encourage hoarding behaviors and
further fragment the existing supply of essential medicines, which
would primarily disadvantage smaller, less resourced hospitals (88 FR
82129 through 82130). While commenters stated that a 3-month buffer
stock may be inadequate to insulate hospitals from shortages given the
duration of many drug shortages, some commenters further stated that
even a 6-month buffer stock may not fully protect hospitals in the
event of a shortage. Commenters cautioned that drug shortages are
difficult to predict and often due to problems at the manufacturer
level, which can be compounded by panic buying and hoarding behaviors.
Some commenters stated that any buffer stock would need to be
sufficiently large to account for the ramp up time that manufacturers
need to reestablish supply of a given drug in shortage.
As a first step in this initiative, and based on consideration of
the comments we received on the CY 2024 Request for Comment, for cost
reporting periods beginning on or after October 1, 2024, we are
proposing to establish a separate payment under the IPPS to small (100
beds or fewer), independent hospitals for the estimated additional
resource costs of voluntarily establishing and maintaining access to 6-
month buffer stocks of essential medicines to foster a more reliable,
resilient supply of these medicines for these hospitals. This proposed
separate payment could be provided biweekly or as a lump sum at cost
report settlement. As discussed further in section V.J.3. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, we are focusing this proposal on small,
independent hospitals, many of which are rural, that may lack the
resources available to larger hospitals and hospital chains to
establish and maintain buffer stocks of essential medicines for use in
the event of drug shortages. We believe by limiting separate payment to
smaller, independent hospitals, we can also mitigate concerns raised by
commenters regarding large demand driven shocks to the supply chain.
The appropriate time to establish a buffer stock for a drug is
before it goes into shortage or after a shortage period has ended. In
order to further mitigate any potential for the proposed policy to
exacerbate existing shortages or contribute to commenters' concerns of
hoarding, if an essential medicine is listed as ``Currently in
Shortage'' on the FDA Drug Shortages Database,\175\ we are proposing
that a hospital that newly establishes a buffer stock of that medicine
while it is in shortage would not be eligible for separate buffer stock
payment for that medicine for the duration of the shortage. However, if
a hospital had already established and was maintaining a buffer stock
of that medicine prior to the shortage, we are proposing that the
hospital would continue to be eligible for separate buffer stock
payment for that medicine for the duration of the shortage. We are
proposing that hospital would continue to be eligible even if the
number of months of supply of that medicine in the buffer stock were to
drop to less than 6 months as the hospital draws down that buffer
stock. Once an essential medicine is no longer listed as ``Currently in
Shortage'' in the FDA Drug Shortages Database, our proposed policy does
not differentiate that essential medicine from other essential
medicines and hospitals would be eligible to establish and maintain
buffer stocks for the medicine as they would have before the shortage.
CMS will conduct provider education regarding additions and deletions
to the publicly available FDA Drug Shortages Database to assist
hospitals with this proposed policy.
As described in sections V.J.2. and .4. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing that if the number of
[[Page 36233]]
months of supply of medicine in the buffer stock were to drop to less
than 6 months for a reason other than the essential medicine(s)
actively being listed as ``Currently in Shortage,'' any separate
payment to a hospital under this policy would be adjusted based on the
proportion of the cost reporting period for which the hospital did
maintain the 6-month buffer stock of that essential medicine.
We are proposing to make this separate payment under the IPPS for
the additional resource costs of establishing and maintaining access to
buffer stocks of essential medicines under section 1886(d)(5)(I) of the
Act, which authorizes the Secretary to provide by regulation for such
other exceptions and adjustments to the payment amounts under section
1886(d) of the Act as the Secretary deems appropriate. We are not
proposing to make this payment adjustment budget neutral under the
2. Proposed List of Essential Medicines
The report Essential Medicines Supply Chain and Manufacturing
Resilience Assessment, as developed by the U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for
Preparedness and Response (ASPR) with the Advanced Regenerative
Manufacturing Institute's (ARMI's) Next Foundry for American
Biotechnology, prioritized 86 essential medicines (hereinafter referred
to as the ``ARMI List'' or ``ARMI's List'') from the Executive Order
13944 List of Essential Medicines, Medical Countermeasures, and
Critical Inputs (hereinafter referred to as the ``E.O. 13944 List''),
as developed under the E.O. by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
The ARMI List is a prioritized list of 86 medicines that are either
critical for minimum patient care in acute settings or important for
acute care with no comparable alternatives available. The medicines
included in the ARMI List were considered, by consensus, to be most
critically needed for typical acute patient care. In this context,
acute patient care was defined as: rescue and/or lifesaving use (that
is, Intensive Care Units, Cardiac/Coronary Care Units, and Emergency
Departments), stabilizing patients in hospital continued care to enable
discharge, and urgent or emergency surgery.
Development of the ARMI List focused on assessing the clinical
criticality and supply chains of small molecules and therapeutic
biologics. The development of the ARMI List was informed by meetings
with multiple key pharmaceutical supply chain stakeholders (for
example, manufacturers, group purchasing organizations, wholesale
distributors, providers, pharmacies), surveys and workshops with groups
of clinicians and industry stakeholders, public feedback on the E.O.
13944 List (provided during a public comment period starting in October
2020), and other research.
We are proposing that for purposes of the proposed separate payment
under the IPPS, the costs of buffer stocks that would be eligible for
separate payment are the additional resource costs of establishing and
maintaining access to a 6-month buffer stock for any eligible medicines
on ARMI's List of 86 essential medicines, including any subsequent
revisions to that list of medicines. As previously discussed, the ARMI
List represents a prioritized list of 86 medicines that were
considered, by consensus, to be most critically needed for typical
acute patient care. At this time, we believe that the ARMI List
constitutes an appropriate set of medicines to initially prioritize
under this proposed payment policy in order to help insulate small,
independent hospitals, and the inpatient care they provide, from the
negative effects of drug shortages.
As noted earlier, the appropriate time to establish a buffer stock
for a drug is before it goes into shortage or after a shortage period
has ended. If an essential medicine is listed as ``Currently in
Shortage'' on the FDA Drug Shortages Database, we are proposing that a
hospital that newly establishes a buffer stock of that medicine while
it is in shortage would not be eligible for separate buffer stock
payment for that medicine for the duration of the shortage. However, if
a hospital had already established and was maintaining a buffer stock
of that medicine prior to the shortage, we are proposing that the
hospital would continue to be eligible for separate buffer stock
payment for that medicine for the duration of the shortage as the
hospital draws down that buffer stock even if the number of months of
supply of that medicine in the buffer stock were to drop to less than 6
months. By limiting eligibility in this way, we believe that we can
both insulate smaller hospitals from short-term drug shortages and
mitigate the potential for the proposed policy to exacerbate existing
shortages or contribute to concerns of hoarding.
As an illustrative example, suppose a hospital established and
maintained 6-month buffer stocks for five essential medicines. However,
one of those essential medicines was subsequently listed as ``Currently
in Shortage'' on the FDA Drug Shortages Database. The hospital would no
longer be required to maintain a 6-month buffer stock of the essential
medicine that is in shortage to receive separate payment for
maintaining the buffer stock of that essential medicine during the
period of shortage. The hospital would continue to be eligible for the
separate payment from CMS for the buffer stock for that medicine during
the period of shortage as it draws down its established buffer stock of
the medicine in shortage as needed. However, the hospital would be
required to maintain buffer stocks of no less than 6 months for the
other four essential medicines that are not in shortage to be eligible
to receive separate payment for those four medicines.
Because medicine can remain on the FDA Drug Shortage Database for
years, we request comments on the duration that CMS should continue to
pay hospitals for the maintenance of a less than 6-month buffer stock
of the essential medicine if it is ``Currently in Shortage.'' We also
request comments on if there is a quantity or dosage minimum floor
where CMS should no longer pay to maintain a 6-month buffer stock of
the essential medicine if it is ``Currently in Shortage.'' For example,
if a hospital has one remaining dose of a drug ``Currently in
Shortage'' and that drug remains in shortage on the FDA Drug Shortage
Database for 5 years, should there be limits on how much and for how
long CMS would pay a hospital for a 6-month buffer stock?
We are proposing that if the ARMI List is updated to add or remove
any essential medicines, all medicines on the updated list would be
eligible for separate payment under this policy for the IPPS shares of
the costs of establishing and maintaining access to 6-month buffer
stocks as of the date the updated ARMI List is published. To the extent
that in the future other medicines or lists are identified for
eligibility in future iterations of this policy, we seek comment on the
potential mechanism and timing for incorporating those updates.
Comments may consider, among other factors, medicines that were
excluded from the ARMI List, the E.O. 13944 List, or both. For example,
some categories from the E.O. 13944 List--including Blood and Blood
Products, Fractionated Plasma Products, Vaccines, and Volume
Expanders--were excluded from the ARMI List due to
[[Page 36234]]
differences in their supply chains. Additionally, other categories were
identified as not needed for routine/typical acute patient care (that
is, Biological Threat Medical Countermeasures, Burn and Blast Injuries,
Chemical Threat Medical Countermeasures, Pandemic Influenza Medical
Countermeasures, Radiologic-Nuclear Threat Medical Countermeasures).
The ARMI List does not include certain medicines that have recently
been in shortage and that may be considered essential and are more
prevalent in specific care settings other than an inpatient hospital,
such as drugs used in oncology care on an outpatient basis. Further,
there are medicines that are not included on the ARMI List nor the E.O.
13944 List, such as buprenorphine-based medications for treatment of
substance use disorder. We seek comment on whether eligibility for
separate payment for the IPPS share of the costs of establishing and
maintaining access to 6-month buffer stocks of essential medicines
should include oncology drugs or other types of drugs not currently on
the ARMI List.
As noted earlier, CMS will conduct provider education regarding
additions and deletions to the publicly available FDA Drug Shortages
Database to assist hospitals with this proposed policy.
3. Hospital Eligibility
Commenters on the CY 2024 Request for Comment (88 FR 82129 through
82130) raised a number of concerns relating to access to essential
medicines for small hospitals and potential hoarding behaviors among
better resourced hospitals. Commenters also cautioned against the
potential for the policy to cause demand-driven shocks to the
pharmaceutical supply chain, exacerbating pharmaceutical access issues
for hospitals, which they claimed would disproportionately impact
smaller hospitals due to their smaller purchasing power. As hospitals
and hospital systems increase in size through expansion of bed count
and/or consolidation and vertical integration with other hospitals and
health systems, they accrue bargaining leverage for payment
negotiations and thereby increase their purchasing power.\177\ Those
smaller (and often rural) hospitals that lack this increased purchasing
power are faced with potentially lower payments from payers and less
operating capital.\178\ To address this concern, and attempt to better
insulate these smaller, independent hospitals against future supply
disruptions of essential medicines, we are proposing to limit
eligibility for separate payment for the resource costs of establishing
and maintaining access to buffer stocks of essential medicines to
small, independent hospitals that are paid under the IPPS, as defined
later in this section. As many of these small, independent hospitals
are located in rural areas, we also expect this policy to support rural
hospitals, in line with the rural health strategy of the Biden-Harris
Administration.\179\ \180\
\177\ U.S. Congress, U.S. House of Representatives Committee on
Ways and Means, Subcommittee on Health, Health Care Consolidation:
The Changing Landscape of the U.S. Health Care System, May 2023:
\178\ American Hospital Association, Rural Hospital Closures
Threaten Access: Solutions to Preserve Care in Local Communities,
September 2022:
\179\ The White House, The Biden-Harris Administration is taking
actions to improve the health of rural communities and help rural
health care providers stay open, November 2023:
\180\ The White House, Fact Sheet: Biden Administration Takes
Steps to Address Covid-19 in Rural America and Build Rural Health
Back Better, August 2021:
We believe that by focusing eligibility on small, independent
hospitals, we can both support these types of hospitals in their
efforts to provide patient care during drug shortages and lessen any
potential demand shocks to the pharmaceutical supply chain because the
buffer stocks these hospitals would require are likely smaller compared
to larger hospitals and hospital chains. As discussed further in the
regulatory impact analysis associated with this proposed policy in
section I.G.6. of Appendix A of this proposed rule, we identified 493
potentially eligible hospitals based on FY 2021 hospital cost report
data. Of these hospitals, 249 were identified as geographically rural,
6 were identified as geographically urban but reclassified as rural
(under our reclassification regulations at Sec. 412.103), and 238 were
identified as geographically urban without a reclassification as rural.
These hospitals had 216,557 Medicare discharges in total and an average
of 442 Medicare discharges per hospital for the FY 2021 cost reporting
Small Hospital: For the purposes of this policy, we propose to
define a small hospital as one with not more than 100 beds. This
definition is consistent with the definition of a small hospital used
for Medicare-dependent, small rural hospitals (MDH) in section
1886(d)(5)(G)(iv)(II) of the Act. Consistent with the MDH regulations
at Sec. 412.108(a)(1)(ii), we propose that a hospital would need to
have 100 or fewer beds as defined in Sec. 412.105(b) during the cost
reporting period for which it is seeking the payment adjustment to be
considered a small hospital for purposes of this payment adjustment. We
request comment on using criteria other than the MDH bed size criterion
to identify small hospitals for the purposes of this proposed payment
Independent Hospital: For the purposes of this policy, we propose
to define an independent hospital as one that is not part of a chain
organization, as defined for purposes of hospital cost reporting. A
chain organization is defined as a group of two or more health care
facilities which are owned, leased, or through any other device,
controlled by one organization. This proposed definition is the
definition of chain organization in CMS Pub 15-1, Provider
Reimbursement Manual, Chapter 21, Cost Related to Patient Care Sec.
2150: ``Home Office Costs--Chain Operations'' and used by a hospital
when completing its cost report.
Because this proposed definition is the definition of chain
organization used by a hospital when filling out its cost report, to
operationalize our proposed separate payment policy, we propose that
any hospital that appropriately answers ``yes'' (denoted ``Y'') to line
140 column 1 or fills out any part of lines 141 through line 143 on
Worksheet S-2, Part I, on Form CMS-2552-10 is considered to be part of
a chain organization and not independent, and therefore not eligible
for separate payment under this proposal. Please see Table V.J.-01 for
a partial example of this section of Form CMS-2552-10.
[[Page 36235]]
Thus, we propose that in order to be eligible for this separate
payment, under this policy, a hospital would need to be a small
hospital with 100 or fewer beds and meet the definition of independent
described previously. We seek comment on our proposed eligibility
criteria and proposed definition of a small, independent hospital.
We note that critical access hospitals (CAHs) are paid for
inpatient and outpatient services at 101 percent of Medicare's share of
reasonable costs, including Medicare's share of the reasonable costs of
establishing and maintaining access to buffer stocks of medicines. We
seek comment on the use of buffer stocks by CAHs, including the
medicines in the buffer stocks, the costs of establishing and
maintaining the buffer stocks, whether CAHs tend to contract out this
activity, and any barriers that CAHs may face in establishing and
maintaining access to buffer stocks.
4. Size of the Buffer Stock
As summarized in the CY 2024 OPPS/ASC final rule and section V.J.1.
of the preamble of this proposed rule, some commenters on the CY 2024
Request for Comment expressed concerns that a 3-month supply of
essential medicines may not be sufficient to adequately insulate
hospitals from the detrimental effects of future drug shortages.
Commenters stated that drug shortages often persist for durations of
time in excess of 3 months, such that a 3-month buffer stock may be
inadequate to insulate hospitals from the longer-term effects of drug
shortages. As noted in section V.J.1. of the preamble of this proposed
rule, drug shortages generally persist for many months, and some
research suggests that these shortages last for an average of 1.5
years. Accordingly, we believe a buffer stock of at least 6 months
would better support small, independent hospitals in contending with
future shortages. To better address commenters' concerns and hospital
needs during drug shortages, we are proposing separate payment for the
costs of establishing and maintaining access to a buffer stock that is
sufficient for no less than a 6-month period of time for each of one or
more essential medicines. As discussed in section V.J.5 of the preamble
of this proposed rule, we are also seeking comments on whether a phase-
in approach that, for example, would provide separate payment for
establishing and maintaining access to a 3-month supply for the first
year in which the policy is implemented and a 6-month supply for all
subsequent years would be appropriate.
In estimating the amount of a buffer stock needed for each
essential medicine, the hospital should consider that the amount needed
to maintain a buffer stock could vary month to month and throughout the
applicable months of the cost reporting period; that is, a hospital's
historical use of a medicine may indicate that it is typically needed
more often in January than June, for example. Accordingly, the size of
the buffer stock should reflect this anticipated variation and be based
on a reasonable estimate of the hospital's need for that essential
medicine in the upcoming 6-month period. This estimate would be
determined by the hospital and could be based on the historical usage
of the essential medicine by the hospital for that 6-month period in a
prior year, or another reasonable method to estimate its need for that
upcoming period. If a hospital did not maintain a 6-month buffer stock
of an essential medicine for an entire cost reporting period, any
separate payment to the hospital under this policy would be adjusted
based on the proportion of the cost reporting period for which the
hospital did maintain the 6-month buffer stock of that essential
medicine. As described in section V.J.2 of the preamble of this
proposed rule, in the event that a hospital is not able to maintain a
buffer stock of at least 6 months due to one or more of their chosen
medicine(s) being listed as ``Currently in Shortage'' on the FDA's Drug
Shortage Database after establishment of the buffer stock under this
policy, the hospital would continue to be eligible for the buffer stock
payment for the medicine(s) in shortage as the hospital draws down the
buffer stock even if the number of months of supply of that medicine in
the buffer stock were to drop to less than 6 months. Hospitals would be
permitted to use multiple contracts to establish and maintain at least
a 6-month buffer stock for any given essential medicine.
5. Proposed Separate Payment Under IPPS for Establishing and
Maintaining Access to Buffer Stocks of Essential Medicines
As discussed in the CY 2024 Request for Comment, CMS requested
public comments on a potential separate payment under the IPPS for the
additional, reasonable costs of establishing and maintaining a 3-month
buffer stock of one or more essential medicine(s). We stated that
participating hospitals could establish and maintain their buffer
stocks directly, or through contractual arrangements with
pharmaceutical distributors, intermediaries, or manufacturers.
We received comments in response to the CY 2024 Request for Comment
stating that hospitals that maintain buffer stocks of essential
medicines typically do so through upstream entities, such as
pharmaceutical group purchasing organizations and manufacturers.
Furthermore, these commenters stated that hospitals typically lack the
capacity to stockpile large quantities of essential medicines directly.
Some of these commenters
[[Page 36236]]
stated that any buffer stocks established under the potential policy
should be maintained by upstream intermediaries or a neutral third
party instead of directly maintained by hospitals, as they stated that
these upstream intermediaries are generally better positioned and
equipped to maintain these buffer stocks. While other commenters were
receptive to directly maintaining their buffer stock(s) or indicated
that they already maintained substantial buffer stocks of medicines,
these commenters were generally larger, better resourced hospitals or
hospital systems.
We agree with commenters that pharmaceutical intermediaries and
manufacturers are generally better positioned to establish and maintain
larger (for example, 6-month or greater) buffer stocks of essential
medicines, as small, independent hospitals may generally lack the
space, staff, and specific equipment (like large-scale refrigeration
and large, onsite storage) to directly maintain 6-month buffer stock(s)
of essential medicine(s). While we anticipate that most hospitals that
elect to establish and maintain buffer stocks under this policy will do
so through contractual arrangements with pharmaceutical intermediaries,
manufacturers, and distributors, we are proposing that the additional
resource costs associated with directly maintaining 6-month buffer
stock(s) of essential medicine(s) would also be eligible for separate
payment under this policy. Accordingly, we are proposing that for
purposes of the proposed separate payment under the IPPS to small,
independent hospitals for the estimated additional resource costs of
voluntarily establishing and maintaining access to 6-month buffer
stocks of essential medicines, those costs associated with establishing
and maintaining access to 6-month buffer stocks either directly or
through contractual arrangements with pharmaceutical manufacturers,
intermediaries, or distributors would be eligible for additional
payment under this policy. These costs do not include the cost of the
medicines themselves which would continue to be paid in the current
manner. We also note that the proposed payment is only for the IPPS
share of the costs of establishing and maintaining access to buffer
stock(s) of one or more essential medicine(s).
The costs associated with directly establishing and maintaining a
buffer stock may include utilities like cold chain storage and heating,
ventilation, and air conditioning, warehouse space, refrigeration,
management of stock including stock rotation, managing expiration
dates, and managing recalls, administrative costs related to
contracting and record-keeping, and dedicated staff for maintaining the
buffer stock(s). We request comments on other types of costs intrinsic
to directly establishing buffer stocks of essential medicines that
should be considered eligible for purposes of separate payment under
this policy. We also request comment regarding whether staff costs
would increase with the number of essential medicines in buffer stock,
and whether there would be efficiencies if multiple hospitals elect to
establish buffer stocks of essential medicines with the same
pharmaceutical manufacturer, intermediary, or distributor.
We also request comment on whether this proposed policy should be
phased in by the size of the buffer stock to address concerns about
infrastructure investments that may be needed to store and maintain the
supply. For example, under a phased approach, separate payment could be
made available for establishing and maintaining access to a 3-month
supply for the first year in which the policy is implemented and a 6-
month supply for all subsequent years. We also refer readers to the
Collection of Information Requirements in section XII.B.2. of the
preamble of this proposed rule regarding the estimated burden
associated with this policy proposal and seek comment on whether there
are any other potential methods for hospitals to report costs included
under this policy besides the forthcoming supplemental cost reporting
Currently, payment for the resources required to establish and
maintain access to medically reasonable and necessary drugs and
biologicals is generally part of the IPPS payment. As noted in section
V.J.2. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we expect that the
resources required to establish and maintain access to buffer stocks of
essential medicines will generally be greater than the resources
required to establish and maintain access to these medicines without
such buffer stocks. Given these additional resource costs and our
concern that small, independent hospitals may lack the resources
available to larger hospitals and hospital chains to establish buffer
stocks of essential medicines, we believe it is appropriate to propose
to pay these hospitals separately for the additional resource costs
associated with voluntarily establishing and maintaining access, either
directly or through contractual arrangements, to buffer stocks of
essential medicines. As also noted in section V.J.2 of the preamble of
this proposed rule, we are proposing that if the ARMI List is updated
to add or remove any essential medicines, all medicines on the updated
list would be eligible for separate payment under this policy for the
IPPS shares of the costs of establishing and maintaining access to 6-
month buffer stocks as of the date the updated ARMI List is published.
Any medicine(s) that are removed from the ARMI List in any future
updates to the list would no longer be eligible for separate payment
under this policy for the IPPS shares of the costs of establishing and
maintaining access to 6-month buffer stocks as of the date the updated
ARMI List is published.
CMS is proposing to base the IPPS payment under this policy on the
IPPS shares of the additional reasonable costs of a hospital to
establish and maintain access to its buffer stock. The use of IPPS
shares in this payment adjustment would be consistent with the use of
these shares for the payment adjustment for domestic NIOSH approved
surgical N95 respirators, which is based on the IPPS and OPPS shares of
the difference in cost between domestic and non-domestic NIOSH approved
surgical N95 respirators for the cost reporting period in which costs
are claimed (87 FR 72037). The hospital would report these costs to CMS
on the forthcoming supplemental cost reporting worksheet associated
with this proposed policy. The hospital's costs may include costs
associated with contractual arrangements between the hospital and a
manufacturer, distributor, or intermediary or costs associated with
directly establishing and maintaining buffer stock(s). These costs
would not include the costs of the essential medicine itself, which
would continue to be paid in the current manner.
If a hospital establishes and maintains access to buffer stock(s)
of essential medicine(s) through contractual arrangements with
pharmaceutical manufacturers, intermediaries, or distributors, the
hospital would be required to disaggregate the costs specific to
establishing and maintaining the buffer stock(s) from the remainder of
the costs present on the contract for purposes of reporting these
disaggregated costs under this proposed policy. This disaggregated
information, reported by the hospital on the new supplemental cost
reporting worksheet, along with existing information already collected
on the cost report, would be used to calculate a Medicare payment for
the IPPS share of the hospital's costs of establishing and maintaining
access to the buffer stock(s) of essential medicine(s).
[[Page 36237]]
If a hospital contracts with one or more manufacturers or
wholesalers or other intermediaries to establish and maintain 6-month
buffer stocks of one or more essential medicines, the hospital must
clearly identify those costs separately from the costs of other
provisions of the contract(s). As a simplified example for purposes of
illustration, suppose a hospital has a $500,000 contract with a
pharmaceutical wholesaler. The contract is for pharmaceutical products,
50 of which are qualifying essential medicines. Additionally, the
contract contains a provision for the wholesaler to establish and
maintain 6-month buffer stocks of those 50 essential medicines on the
hospital's behalf. The contract further specifies that $10,000 of the
$500,000 is for the provision of the contract that establishes and
maintains the 6-month buffer stocks of those 50 essential medicines.
This $10,000 amount does not include any costs to the hospital for the
drugs themselves which, as previously noted, would continue to be paid
in the current manner. Under this proposal, the hospital would report
the $10,000 cost for establishing and maintaining the 6-month buffer
stocks of the 50 essential medicines on the supplemental cost reporting
worksheet. That $10,000 cost, in addition to other information already
existing on the cost report, would be used to calculate the additional
payment under this policy including the hospital-specific Medicare IPPS
share percentage of this cost, expressed as the percentage of inpatient
Medicare costs to total hospital costs. On average for the small,
independent hospitals that are eligible for this policy, the Medicare
IPPS share percentage is approximately 11 percent.
If a hospital chooses to directly establish and maintain buffer
stock(s) of one or more essential medicines, the hospital would be
required to report the additional costs associated with establishing
and maintaining its buffer stock(s) on the supplemental cost reporting
form. The hospital should clearly specify the total additional resource
costs to establish and maintain its 6-month buffer stock(s) of
essential medicine(s). As in the previous example, this amount should
not include the cost of the essential medicine(s) themselves and would
be used, along with other information already existing on the cost
report, to calculate the additional payment under this policy.
Additionally, we would anticipate that when a hospital contracts
with one or more manufacturers or wholesalers or other intermediaries
to establish and maintain 6-month buffer stocks of one or more
essential medicines, it would ensure that a discrete buffer stock is
maintained for that hospital. For example, if two hospitals held
contracts with a manufacturer arranging for 6-month buffer stocks of
certain essential medicines, the hospitals would verify that the
manufacturer is maintaining sufficient total buffer stock to account
for the 6-month demand of both hospitals in aggregate.
We seek to support the establishment of buffer stocks when drugs
are not currently in shortage in order to promote the overall
resiliency of drug supply chains. As previously discussed, we are
proposing that buffer stocks for any of the essential medicines on the
ARMI List that are listed as ``Currently in Shortage'' on the FDA Drug
Shortages Database would not be eligible for additional payment under
this policy for a hospital's cost reporting period unless the hospital
had already established and was maintaining a buffer stock of that
medicine prior to the shortage.
Additionally, we are proposing that any essential medicine(s) for
which a hospital has successfully established and maintained a buffer
stock(s) of at least 6 months that is subsequently listed as
``Currently in Shortage'' on the FDA Drug Shortages Database would be
exempt from the requirement to maintain a 6-month supply of such
essential medicine(s) for the duration of the period in which the
medicine is in shortage. We are interested in public comments on the
burden associated with hospitals' monitoring of the FDA Drug Shortage
Database, and excluding from the cost report any resource costs
associated with maintaining a buffer stock of an essential medicine
that was listed as ``Currently in Shortage,'' except where the hospital
had already established and was maintaining a 6-month buffer stock of
that medicine prior to the shortage. As of the date that medicine is no
longer listed as ``Currently in Shortage,'' eligibility for separate
payment to the hospital for the drug in shortage would be prospectively
adjusted based on the proportion of the cost reporting period for which
the hospital does maintain the 6-month buffer stock of that essential
medicine. Once an essential medicine is no longer listed as ``Currently
in Shortage'' in the FDA Drug Shortages Database, our proposed policy
does not differentiate that essential medicine from other essential
medicines. However, we also seek comment on whether some minimum
period, such as 6 months, should elapse after a shortage of a given
essential medicine is resolved before that medicine can become eligible
for separate payment under this proposed policy.
We are proposing to make separate payments for the IPPS shares of
these additional resource costs of establishing and maintaining access
to buffer stocks of essential medicines. Payment could be provided as a
lump sum at cost report settlement or biweekly as interim lump-sum
payments to the hospital, which would be reconciled at cost report
settlement. In accordance with the principles of reasonable cost as set
forth in section 1861(v)(1)(A) of the Act and in 42 CFR 413.1 and
413.9, Medicare could make a lump-sum payment for Medicare's share of
these additional inpatient costs at cost report settlement.
Alternatively, a provider may make a request for biweekly interim lump
sum payments for an applicable cost reporting period, as provided under
42 CFR 413.64 (Payments to providers: Specific rules) and 42 CFR
412.116(c) (Special interim payments for certain costs). These payment
amounts would be determined by the Medicare Administrative Contractor
(MAC) consistent with existing policies and procedures. In general,
interim payments are determined by estimating the reimbursable amount
for the year using Medicare principles of cost reimbursement and
dividing it into 26 equal biweekly payments. The estimated amount would
be based on the most current cost data available, which will be
reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted at least twice during the
reporting period. (See CMS Pub 15-1 Sec. 2405.2 for additional
information). The MACs would determine the interim lump-sum payments
based on the data the hospital may provide that reflects the
information that would be included on the new supplemental cost
reporting form. CMS will separately seek comment through the Paperwork
Reduction Act (PRA) process on a supplemental cost reporting form that
would be used for this purpose. In future years, the MACs could
determine the interim biweekly lump-sum payments utilizing information
from the prior year's cost report, which may be adjusted based on the
most current data available. This is consistent with the current
policies for medical education costs, and bad debts for uncollectible
deductibles and coinsurance paid on interim biweekly basis as noted in
CMS Pub 15-1 Sec. 2405.2. It is also consistent with the payment
adjustment for domestically sourced NIOSH approved surgical N95
respirators (87 FR 72037).
We are proposing to codify this payment adjustment in the
[[Page 36238]]
by adding new paragraph (g) to 42 CFR 412.113 to state the following:
Essential medicines are the 86 medicines prioritized in
the report Essential Medicines Supply Chain and Manufacturing
Resilience Assessment developed by the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and
Response and published in May of 2022, and any subsequent revisions to
that list of medicines. A buffer stock of essential medicines for a
hospital is a supply, for no less than a 6-month period, of one or more
essential medicines.
The additional resource costs of establishing and
maintaining access to a buffer stock of essential medicines for a
hospital are the additional resource costs incurred by the hospital to
directly hold a buffer stock of essential medicines for its patients or
arrange contractually for such a buffer stock to be held by another
entity for use by the hospital for its patients. The additional
resource costs of establishing and maintaining access to a buffer stock
of essential medicines does not include the resource costs of the
essential medicines themselves.
For cost reporting periods beginning on or after October
1, 2024, a payment adjustment to a small, independent hospital for the
additional resource costs of establishing and maintaining access to
buffer stocks of essential medicines is made as described in paragraph
(g)(4) of this section. For purposes of this section, a small,
independent hospital is a hospital with 100 or fewer beds as defined in
Sec. 412.105(b) during the cost reporting period that is not part of a
chain organization, defined as a group of two or more health care
facilities which are owned, leased, or through any other device,
controlled by one organization.
The payment adjustment is based on the estimated
reasonable cost incurred by the hospital for establishing and
maintaining access to buffer stocks of essential medicines during the
cost reporting period.
We are also proposing to make conforming changes to 42 CFR 412.1(a)
and 412.2(f) to reflect this proposed payment adjustment for small,
independent hospitals for the additional resource costs of establishing
and maintaining access to buffer stocks of essential medicines.
In summary, for cost reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 2024, we are proposing to establish a separate payment under
the IPPS to small, independent hospitals for the additional resource
costs involved in voluntarily establishing and maintaining access to 6-
month buffer stocks of essential medicines, either directly or through
contractual arrangements with a manufacturer, distributor, or
intermediary. We are proposing that the costs of buffer stocks that are
eligible for separate payment are the costs of buffer stocks for one or
more of the medicines on ARMI's List of 86 essential medicines. The
separate payment would be for the IPPS share of the additional costs
and could be issued in a lump sum, or as biweekly payments to be
reconciled at cost report settlement. The separate payment would not
apply to buffer stocks of any of the essential medicines on the ARMI
List that are currently listed as ``Currently in Shortage'' on the FDA
Drug Shortages Database unless a hospital had already established and
was maintaining a 6-month buffer stock of that medicine prior to the
shortage. Once an essential medicine is no longer listed as ``Currently
in Shortage'' in the FDA Drug Shortages Database, our proposed policy
does not differentiate that essential medicine from other essential
medicines and hospitals would be eligible to establish and maintain
buffer stocks for the medicine as they would have before the shortage.
CMS will separately seek comment through the PRA process on a
supplemental cost reporting form for this proposed payment.
K. Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program
1. Regulatory Background
Section 3025 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, as
amended by section 10309 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care
Act, added section 1886(q) to the Act, which establishes the Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program effective for discharges from applicable
hospitals beginning on or after October 1, 2012. Under the Hospital
Readmissions Reduction Program, payments to applicable hospitals may be
reduced to account for certain excess readmissions. We refer readers to
the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR 49530 through 49543) and
the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38221 through 38240) for a
general overview of the Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program. We
also refer readers to 42 CFR 412.152 through 412.154 for codified
Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program requirements.
2. Notice of No Program Proposals or Updates
There are no proposals or updates in this proposed rule for the
Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program. We refer readers to section
I.G.7. of Appendix A of the proposed rule for an updated estimate of
the financial impact of using the proportion of dually eligible
beneficiaries, ERRs, and aggregate payments for each condition/
procedure and all discharges for applicable hospitals from the FY 2025
Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program applicable period (that is,
July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2023).
L. Hospital Value-Based Purchasing (VBP) Program
1. Background
a. Overview
For background on the Hospital VBP Program, we refer readers to the
CMS website at: We also
refer readers to our codified requirements for the Hospital VBP Program
at 42 CFR 412.160 through 412.168.
b. FY 2025 Program Year Payment Details
Under section 1886(o)(7)(C)(v) of the Act, the applicable percent
for the FY 2025 program year is 2.00 percent. Using the methodology we
adopted in the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53571 through
53573), we estimate that the total amount available for value-based
incentive payments for FY 2025 is approximately $1.7 billion, based on
the December 2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file.
As finalized in the FY 2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53573
through 53576), we will utilize a linear exchange function to translate
this estimated amount available into a value-based incentive payment
percentage for each hospital, based on its Total Performance Score
(TPS). We are publishing proxy value-based incentive payment adjustment
factors in Table 16 associated with this proposed rule (which is
available via the internet on the CMS website). We note that these
proxy adjustment factors will not be used to adjust hospital payments.
These proxy value-based incentive payment adjustment factors were
calculated using the historical baseline and performance periods for
the FY 2024 Hospital VBP Program. These proxy factors were calculated
using the December 2023 update to the FY 2023 MedPAR file. The slope of
the linear exchange function used to calculate
[[Page 36239]]
these proxy factors was 4.7270521828, and the estimated amount
available for value-based incentive payments to hospitals for FY 2025
is approximately $1.7 billion. We intend to include an update to this
table, as Table 16A, with the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, to
reflect changes based on the March 2024 update to the FY 2023 MedPAR
file. We will add Table 16B to display the actual value-based incentive
payment adjustment factors, exchange function slope, and estimated
amount available for the FY 2025 Hospital VBP Program. We expect that
Table 16B will be posted on the CMS website in Fall 2024.
2. Previously Adopted Quality Measures for the Hospital VBP Program
We refer readers to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR
49110 through 49111) for summaries of previously adopted measures for
the FY 2025 and FY 2026 program years and to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule for summaries of newly adopted measures beginning with the
FY 2026 program year (88 FR 59081 through 59083). We are not proposing
any changes to the measure set. Table V.L.-01 summarizes the previously
adopted Hospital VBP Program measure set for the FY2025 program year.
As discussed in section IX.B.2.g(2) of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing to adopt updates to the HCAHPS Survey
measure beginning with the FY 2030 program year. We are also proposing
to adopt updates to the HCAHPS Survey measure in the Hospital Inpatient
Quality Reporting (IQR) Program, beginning with the FY 2027 program
year, as described in section IX.B.2.e of the preamble of this proposed
rule. We are also proposing to modify Hospital VBP Program scoring of
the HCAHPS Survey for the FY 2027 through FY 2029 program years to
score hospitals on only those dimensions of the survey that would
remain unchanged from the current version, as
[[Page 36240]]
described in section IX.B.2.f of the preamble of this proposed rule.
Lastly, we are also proposing to modify the scoring in FY 2030 to
account for the adoption of the proposed modifications to the HCAHPS
Survey measure that would result in a total of nine survey dimensions
for the updated HCAHPS Survey measure in the Hospital VBP Program,
which is described in section IX.B.2.g(3) of the preamble of this
proposed rule. Table V.L.-02 summarizes the previously adopted Hospital
VBP Program measures for the FY 2026 through FY 2030 program years.
3. Baseline and Performance Periods for the FY 2026 Through FY 2030
Program Years
a. Background
We refer readers to the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
59084 through 59087) for previously adopted baseline and performance
periods for the FY 2025 through FY 2029 program years. We also refer
readers to the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR 56998) in which
we finalized a schedule for all future baseline and performance periods
for all measures.
b. Summary of Baseline and Performance Periods for the FY 2026 Through
FY 2030 Program Years
Tables V.L.-03, V.L.-04, V.L.-05, V.L.-06, and V.L.-07 summarize
the baseline and performance periods that we have previously adopted.
[[Page 36241]]
[[Page 36242]]
[[Page 36243]]
4. Performance Standards for the Hospital VBP Program
a. Background
We refer readers to the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR
49115 through 49118) for previously established performance standards
for the FY 2025 program year. We also refer readers to the FY 2024
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59089 through 59090) for the previously
established performance standards for the FY 2026 program year. We
refer readers to the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule for further
discussion on performance standards for which the measures are
calculated with lower values representing better performance (85 FR
b. Previously and Newly Estimated Performance Standards for the FY 2027
Program Year
We have adopted certain measures for the Safety domain, Clinical
Outcomes domain, and the Efficiency and Cost Reduction domain for
future program years to ensure that we can adopt baseline and
performance periods of sufficient length for performance scoring
purposes. In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45294 through
45295), we established performance standards for the FY 2027 program
year for the Clinical Outcomes domain measures (MORT-30-AMI, MORT-30-
HF, MORT-30-PN (updated cohort), MORT-30-COPD, MORT-30-CABG, and COMP-
HIP-KNEE) and the Efficiency and Cost Reduction domain measure (MSPB).
We note that the performance standards for the MSPB Hospital measure
are based on performance period data. Therefore, we are unable to
provide numerical equivalents for the standards at this time. The
previously established and newly estimated performance standards for
the FY 2027 program year are set out in Tables V.L.-08 and V.L.-09.
[[Page 36244]]
As discussed in section IX.B.2.f of the preamble of this proposed
rule, we are proposing to modify the scoring of the HCAHPS Survey for
the FY 2027 through FY 2029 program years while the proposed updates to
the survey would be publicly reported under the Hospital IQR Program.
Scoring would be modified to only score hospitals on the six Hospital
VBP Program dimensions of the HCAHPS Survey that would remain unchanged
from the current version. These six dimensions of the HCAHPS Survey for
the Hospital VBP Program would be:
``Communication with Nurses,''
``Communication with Doctors,''
``Communication about Medicines,''
``Discharge Information,''
``Cleanliness and Quietness,'' and
``Overall Rating.''
We are proposing to exclude the ``Responsiveness of Hospital
Staff'' and ``Care Transition'' dimensions from scoring in the Hospital
VBP Program's HCAHPS Survey measure in the Person and Community
Engagement domain for the FY 2027 through FY 2029 program years. This
would allow hospitals to be scored on only those dimensions of the
survey in the Hospital VBP Program that would remain unchanged from the
current version of the survey while the updated HCAHPS Survey is
publicly reported on under the Hospital IQR Program for one year as
required by statute. We are also proposing to adopt the updated version
of the HCAHPS Survey measure for use in the Hospital VBP Program
beginning in FY 2030 as outlined in section IX.B.2.g of this proposed
Scoring would be modified such that for each of the six dimensions
listed previously, Achievement Points (0-10 points) and Improvement
Points (0-9 points) would be calculated, the larger of which would be
summed across these six dimensions to create a pre-normalized HCAHPS
Base Score of 0-60 points (as compared to 0-80 points with the current
eight dimensions). The pre-normalized HCAHPS Base Score would then be
multiplied by \8/6\ (1.3333333) and rounded according to standard rules
(values of 0.5 and higher are rounded
[[Page 36245]]
up, values below 0.5 are rounded down) to create the normalized HCAHPS
Base Score. Each of the six dimensions would be of equal weight, so
that, as currently scored, the normalized HCAHPS Base Score would range
from 0 to 80 points. HCAHPS Consistency Points would be calculated in
the same manner as the current method and would continue to range from
0 to 20 points. Like the Base Score, the Consistency Points Score would
consider scores across the six unchanged dimensions of the Person and
Community Engagement domain. The final element of the scoring formula,
which would remain unchanged from the current formula, would be the sum
of the HCAHPS Base Score and the HCAHPS Consistency Points Score for a
total score that ranges from 0 to 100 points. The method for
calculating the performance standards for the six dimensions would
remain unchanged. We refer readers to the Hospital Inpatient VBP
Program final rule (76 FR 26511 through 26513) for our methodology for
calculating performance standards. The estimated performance standards
for the six dimensions that are proposed to be scored on for the FY
2027 program year are set out in Table V.L.-09.
c. Previously Established Performance Standards for Certain Measures
for the FY 2028 Program Year
We have adopted certain measures for the Safety domain, Clinical
Outcomes domain, and the Efficiency and Cost Reduction domain for
future program years to ensure that we can adopt baseline and
performance periods of sufficient length for performance scoring
purposes. In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 49118), we
established performance standards for the FY 2028 program year for the
Clinical Outcomes domain measures (MORT-30-AMI, MORT-30-HF, MORT-30-PN
(updated cohort), MORT-30-COPD, MORT-30-CABG, and COMP-HIP-KNEE) and
the Efficiency and Cost Reduction domain measure (MSPB Hospital). We
note that the performance standards for the MSPB Hospital measure are
based on performance period data. Therefore, we are unable to provide
numerical equivalents for the standards at this time. The previously
established performance standards for these measures are set out in
Table V.L.-10.
[[Page 36246]]
d. Previously Established Performance Standards for Certain Measures
for the FY 2029 Program Year
We have adopted certain measures for the Safety domain, Clinical
Outcomes domain, and the Efficiency and Cost Reduction domain for
future program years to ensure that we can adopt baseline and
performance periods of sufficient length for performance scoring
purposes. In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59091 through
59092), we established performance standards for the FY 2029 program
year for the Clinical Outcomes domain measures (MORT-30-AMI, MORT-30-
HF, MORT-30-PN (updated cohort), MORT-30-COPD, MORT-30-CABG, and COMP-
HIP-KNEE) and the Efficiency and Cost Reduction domain measure (MSPB
Hospital). We note that the performance standards for the MSPB Hospital
measure are based on performance period data. Therefore, we are unable
to provide numerical equivalents for the standards at this time. The
previously established performance standards for these measures are set
out in Table V.L.-11.
[[Page 36247]]
e. Newly Established Performance Standards for Certain Measures for the
FY 2030 Program Year
As discussed previously, we have adopted certain measures for the
Clinical Outcomes domain (MORT-30-AMI, MORT-30-HF, MORT-30-PN (updated
cohort), MORT-30-COPD, MORT-30-CABG, and COMP-HIP-KNEE) and the
Efficiency and Cost Reduction domain (MSPB Hospital) for future program
years to ensure that we can adopt baseline and performance periods of
sufficient length for performance scoring purposes. In accordance with
our methodology for calculating performance standards discussed more
fully in the Hospital Inpatient VBP Program final rule (76 FR 26511
through 26513), which is codified at 42 CFR 412.160, we are
establishing the following performance standards for the FY 2030
program year for the Clinical Outcomes domain and the Efficiency and
Cost Reduction domain. We note that the performance standards for the
MSPB Hospital measure are based on performance period data. Therefore,
we are unable to provide numerical equivalents for the standards at
this time. The newly established performance standards for these
measures are set out in Table V.L.-12.
[[Page 36248]]
M. Hospital-Acquired Condition (HAC) Reduction Program
1. Regulatory Background
We refer readers to the FY 2014 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (78 FR
50707 through 50709) for a general overview of the HAC Reduction
Program and a detailed discussion of the statutory basis for the
Program. We also refer readers to 42 CFR 412.170 through 412.172 for
codified HAC Reduction Program requirements.
2. Measures for FY 2025 and Subsequent Years in the HAC Reduction
The previously finalized measures for the HAC Reduction Program are
shown in table V.M.-01. Technical specifications for the CMS PSI 90
measure can be found on the QualityNet website available at: Technical
specifications for the CDC National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)
HAI measures can be found at the CDC's NHSN website at and on the QualityNet
website available at: These web pages provide measure updates and other
information necessary to guide hospitals participating in the
collection of HAC Reduction Program data.
[[Page 36249]]
We are not making any proposals or updates for the HAC Reduction
Program in this proposed rule. We refer readers to section I.G.9. of
Appendix A of this proposed rule for an updated estimate of the impact
of the Program policies on the proportion of hospitals in the worst
performing quartile of the Total HAC Scores for the FY 2025 HAC
Reduction Program.
N. Rural Community Hospital Demonstration Program
1. Introduction
The Rural Community Hospital Demonstration was originally
authorized by section 410A of the Medicare Prescription Drug,
Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (MMA) (Pub. L. 108-173). The
demonstration has been extended three times since the original 5-year
period mandated by the MMA, each time for an additional 5 years. These
extensions were authorized by sections 3123 and 10313 of the Affordable
Care Act (Pub. L. 111-148), section 15003 of the 21st Century Cures Act
(Pub. L. 114-255) (Cures Act) enacted in 2016, and most recently, by
section 128 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116-
260). In the preamble of this proposed rule, we summarize the status of
the demonstration program, and the current methodologies for
implementation and calculating budget neutrality.
We are also proposing the amount to be applied to the national IPPS
payment rates to account for the costs of the demonstration in FY 2025,
and, in addition, we are proposing to include the reconciled amount of
demonstration costs for FY 2019 in the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH final rule. We
expect all finalized cost reports for this earlier year to be available
by that time.
2. Background
Section 410A(a) of the MMA (Pub. L. 108-173) required the Secretary
to establish a demonstration program to test the feasibility and
advisability of establishing rural community hospitals to furnish
covered inpatient hospital services to Medicare beneficiaries. The
demonstration pays rural community hospitals under a reasonable cost-
based methodology for Medicare payment purposes for covered inpatient
hospital services furnished to Medicare beneficiaries. A rural
community hospital, as defined in section 410A(f)(1), is a hospital
Is located in a rural area (as defined in section
1886(d)(2)(D) of the Act) or is treated as being located in a rural
area under section 1886(d)(8)(E) of the Act;
Has fewer than 51 beds (excluding beds in a distinct part
psychiatric or rehabilitation unit) as reported in its most recent cost
Provides 24-hour emergency care services; and
Is not designated or eligible for designation as a CAH
under section 1820 of the Act.
Our policy for implementing the 5-year extension period authorized
by the CAA, 2021 (Pub. L. 116-260) follows upon the previous extensions
under the Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111-148) and the Cures Act (Pub.
L. 114-255). Section 410A of the MMA (Pub. L. 108-173) initially
required a 5-year period of performance. Subsequently, sections 3123
and 10313 of the Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111-148) required the
Secretary to conduct the demonstration program for an additional 5-year
period, to begin on the date immediately following the last day of the
initial 5-year period. In addition, the Affordable Care Act (Pub. L.
111-148) limited the number of hospitals participating to no more than
30. Section 15003 of the Cures Act (Pub. L. 114-255) required a 10-year
extension period in place of the 5-year extension period under the
Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111-148), thereby extending the
demonstration for another 5 years. Section 128 of CAA, 2021 (Pub. L.
116-260), in turn, revised the statute to indicate a 15-year extension
period, instead of the 10-year extension period mandated by the Cures
Act (Pub. L. 114-255).
Please refer to the FY 2023 IPPS proposed and final rules (87 FR
28454 through 28458 and 87 FR 49138 through 49142, respectively) for an
account of hospitals entering into and withdrawing from the
demonstration with these re-authorizations. There are currently 23
hospitals participating in the demonstration.
2. Budget Neutrality
a. Statutory Budget Neutrality Requirement
Section 410A(c)(2) of the MMA (Pub. L. 108-173) requires that, in
conducting the demonstration program under this section, the Secretary
shall ensure that
[[Page 36250]]
the aggregate payments made by the Secretary do not exceed the amount
that the Secretary would have paid if the demonstration program under
this section was not implemented. This requirement is commonly referred
to as ``budget neutrality.'' Generally, when we implement a
demonstration program on a budget neutral basis, the demonstration
program is budget neutral on its own terms; in other words, the
aggregate payments to the participating hospitals do not exceed the
amount that would be paid to those same hospitals in the absence of the
demonstration program. We note that the payment methodology for this
demonstration, that is, cost-based payments to participating small
rural hospitals, makes it unlikely that increased Medicare outlays will
produce an offsetting reduction to Medicare expenditures elsewhere.
Therefore, in the IPPS final rules spanning the period from FY 2005
through FY 2016, we adjusted the national IPPS rates by an amount
sufficient to account for the added costs of this demonstration
program, thus applying budget neutrality across the payment system as a
whole rather than merely across the participants in the demonstration
program. (We applied a different methodology for FY 2017, with the
demonstration expected to end prior to the Cures Act extension.) As we
discussed in the FYs 2005 through 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rules (69 FR
49183; 70 FR 47462; 71 FR 48100; 72 FR 47392; 73 FR 48670; 74 FR 43922,
75 FR 50343, 76 FR 51698, 77 FR 53449, 78 FR 50740, 77 FR 50145; 80 FR
49585; and 81 FR 57034, respectively), we believe that the statutory
language of the budget neutrality requirements permits the agency to
implement the budget neutrality provision in this manner.
We resumed this methodology of offsetting demonstration costs
against the national payment rates in the IPPS final rules from FY 2018
through FY 2024. Please see the FY 2024 IPPS final rule for an account
of how we applied the budget neutrality requirement for these fiscal
years (88 FR 59114 through 59116).
b. General Budget Neutrality Methodology
We have generally incorporated two components into the budget
neutrality offset amounts identified in the final IPPS rules in
previous years. First, we have estimated the costs of the demonstration
for the upcoming fiscal year, generally determined from historical,
``as submitted'' cost reports for the hospitals participating in that
year. Update factors representing nationwide trends in cost and volume
increases have been incorporated into these estimates, as specified in
the methodology described in the final rule for each fiscal year.
Second, as finalized cost reports became available, we determined the
amount by which the actual costs of the demonstration for an earlier,
given year differed from the estimated costs for the demonstration set
forth in the final IPPS rule for the corresponding fiscal year, and
incorporated that amount into the budget neutrality offset amount for
the upcoming fiscal year. If the actual costs for the demonstration for
the earlier fiscal year exceeded the estimated costs of the
demonstration identified in the final rule for that year, this
difference was added to the estimated costs of the demonstration for
the upcoming fiscal year when determining the budget neutrality
adjustment for the upcoming fiscal year. Conversely, if the estimated
costs of the demonstration set forth in the final rule for a prior
fiscal year exceeded the actual costs of the demonstration for that
year, this difference was subtracted from the estimated cost of the
demonstration for the upcoming fiscal year when determining the budget
neutrality adjustment for the upcoming fiscal year.
We note that we have calculated this difference for FYs 2005
through 2018 between the actual costs of the demonstration as
determined from finalized cost reports once available, and estimated
costs of the demonstration as identified in the applicable IPPS final
rules for these years.
c. Budget Neutrality Methodology for the Extension Period Authorized by
CAA, 2021
For the most-recently enacted extension period, under the CAA,
2021, we have continued upon the general budget neutrality methodology
used in previous years, as described above in the citations to earlier
IPPS final rules. In this proposed rule, we outline the methodology to
be used for determining the offset to the national IPPS payment rates
for FY 2025.
(1) Methodology for Estimating Demonstration Costs for FY 2025
Consistent with the general methodology from previous years, we are
estimating the costs of the demonstration for the upcoming fiscal year,
and proposing to incorporate this estimate into the budget neutrality
offset amount to be applied to the national IPPS rates for the upcoming
fiscal year, that is, FY 2025. We are conducting this estimate for FY
2025 based on the 23 currently participating hospitals. The methodology
for calculating this amount for FY 2025 proceeds according to the
following steps:
Step 1: For each of these 23 hospitals, we identify the reasonable
cost amount calculated under the reasonable cost-based methodology for
covered inpatient hospital services, including swing beds, as indicated
on the ``as submitted'' cost report for the most recent cost reporting
period available. For each of these hospitals, the ``as submitted''
cost report is that with cost report period end date in CY 2022. We sum
these hospital-specific amounts to arrive at a total general amount
representing the costs for covered inpatient hospital services,
including swing beds, across the total 23 hospitals eligible to
participate during FY 2025.
Then, we multiply this amount by the FYs 2023, 2024, and 2025 IPPS
market basket percentage increases, which are calculated by the CMS
Office of the Actuary. (We are using the proposed market basket
percentage increase for FY 2025, which can be found at section V.B.1.
of the preamble to this proposed rule). The result for the 23 hospitals
is the general estimated reasonable cost amount for covered inpatient
hospital services for FY 2025.
Consistent with our methods in previous years for formulating this
estimate, we are applying the IPPS market basket percentage increases
for FYs 2023 through 2025 to the applicable estimated reasonable cost
amount (previously described) to model the estimated FY 2025 reasonable
cost amount under the demonstration. We believe that the IPPS market
basket percentage increases appropriately indicate the trend of
increase in inpatient hospital operating costs under the reasonable
cost methodology for the years involved.
Step 2: For each of the participating hospitals, we identify the
estimated amount that would otherwise be paid in FY 2025 under
applicable Medicare payment methodologies for covered inpatient
hospital services, including swing beds (as indicated on the same set
of ``as submitted'' cost reports as in Step 1), if the demonstration
were not implemented. We sum these hospital-specific amounts, and, in
turn, multiply this sum by the FYs 2023, 2024, and 2025 IPPS applicable
percentage increases. (For FY 2025, we are using the proposed
applicable percentage increase, per section V.B.1. of the preamble of
this proposed rule). This methodology differs from Step 1, in which we
apply the market basket percentage increases to the hospitals'
applicable estimated reasonable cost
[[Page 36251]]
amount for covered inpatient hospital services. We believe that the
IPPS applicable percentage increases are appropriate factors to update
the estimated amounts that generally would otherwise be paid without
the demonstration. This is because IPPS payments constitute the
majority of payments that would otherwise be made without the
demonstration and the applicable percentage increase is the factor used
under the IPPS to update the inpatient hospital payment rates.
Step 3: We subtract the amount derived in Step 2 from the amount
derived in Step 1. According to our methodology, the resulting amount
indicates the total difference for the 23 hospitals (for covered
inpatient hospital services, including swing beds), which will be the
general estimated amount of the costs of the demonstration for FY 2025.
For this proposed rule, the resulting amount is $49,522,206, to be
incorporated into the budget neutrality offset adjustment for FY 2025.
This estimated amount is based on the specific assumptions regarding
the data sources used, that is, recently available ``as submitted''
cost reports and historical update factors for cost and payment. If
updated data become available prior to the final rule, we will use them
as appropriate to estimate the costs for the demonstration program for
FY 2025 in accordance with our methodology for determining the budget
neutrality estimate. We will also incorporate any statutory change that
might affect the methodology for determining hospital costs either with
or without the demonstration.
(2) Reconciling Actual and Estimated Costs of the Demonstration for
Previous Years
As described earlier, we have calculated the difference for FYs
2005 through 2018 between the actual costs of the demonstration, as
determined from finalized cost reports once available, and estimated
costs of the demonstration as identified in the applicable IPPS final
rules for these years.
At this time, for the FY 2025 proposed rule, not all of the
finalized cost reports are available for the 26 hospitals that
completed cost report periods beginning in FY 2019 under the
demonstration payment methodology. We expect all of these finalized
cost reports to be available by the time of the final rule, and thus we
are proposing to include the difference between the actual cost of the
demonstration for FY 2019 as determined from finalized cost reports
within the budget neutrality offset amount in the FY 2025 final rule.
(3) Total Proposed Budget Neutrality Offset Amount for FY 2025
Therefore, for this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, the
proposed budget neutrality offset amount for FY 2025 is the amount
determined under section X.2.c.(2) of the preamble of this proposed
rule, representing the difference applicable to FY 2025 between the sum
of the estimated reasonable cost amounts that would be paid under the
demonstration for covered inpatient services to the 23 hospitals
eligible to participate in the fiscal year and the sum of the estimated
amounts that would generally be paid if the demonstration had not been
implemented. This estimated amount is $49,522,206.
However, we note, that the overall amount might change if there are
any revisions prior to the final rule to the data used to formulate
this estimate. We also expect to revise the budget neutrality offset
amount upon calculating the actual costs of the demonstration for FY
2019, after receiving all of the finalized cost reports for that fiscal
VI. Proposed Changes to the IPPS for Capital Related Costs
A. Overview
Section 1886(g) of the Act requires the Secretary to pay for the
capital-related costs of inpatient acute hospital services in
accordance with a prospective payment system established by the
Secretary. Under the statute, the Secretary has broad authority in
establishing and implementing the IPPS for acute care hospital
inpatient capital-related costs. We initially implemented the IPPS for
capital-related costs in the FY 1992 IPPS final rule (56 FR 43358). In
that final rule, we established a 10-year transition period to change
the payment methodology for Medicare hospital inpatient capital-related
costs from a reasonable cost-based payment methodology to a prospective
payment methodology (based fully on the Federal rate).
FY 2001 was the last year of the 10-year transition period that was
established to phase in the IPPS for hospital inpatient capital-related
costs. For cost reporting periods beginning in FY 2002, capital IPPS
payments are based solely on the Federal rate for almost all acute care
hospitals (other than hospitals receiving certain exception payments
and certain new hospitals). (We refer readers to the FY 2002 IPPS final
rule (66 FR 39910 through 39914) for additional information on the
methodology used to determine capital IPPS payments to hospitals both
during and after the transition period.)
The basic methodology for determining capital prospective payments
using the Federal rate is set forth in the regulations at 42 CFR
412.312. For the purpose of calculating capital payments for each
discharge, the standard Federal rate is adjusted as follows:
(Standard Federal Rate) x (DRG Weight) x (Geographic Adjustment Factor
(GAF) x (COLA for hospitals located in Alaska and Hawaii) x (1 +
Capital DSH Adjustment Factor + Capital IME Adjustment Factor, if
In addition, under Sec. 412.312(c), hospitals also may receive
outlier payments under the capital IPPS for extraordinarily high-cost
cases that qualify under the thresholds established for each fiscal
B. Additional Provisions
1. Exception Payments
The regulations at 42 CFR 412.348 provide for certain exception
payments under the capital IPPS. The regular exception payments
provided under Sec. 412.348(b) through (e) were available only during
the 10-year transition period. For a certain period after the
transition period, eligible hospitals may have received additional
payments under the special exceptions provisions at Sec. 412.348(g).
However, FY 2012 was the final year hospitals could receive special
exceptions payments. For additional details regarding these exceptions
policies, we refer readers to the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76
FR 51725).
Under Sec. 412.348(f), a hospital may request an additional
payment if the hospital incurs unanticipated capital expenditures in
excess of $5 million due to extraordinary circumstances beyond the
hospital's control. Additional information on the exception payment for
extraordinary circumstances in Sec. 412.348(f) can be found in the FY
2005 IPPS final rule (69 FR 49185 and 49186).
2. New Hospitals
Under the capital IPPS, the regulations at 42 CFR 412.300(b) define
a new hospital as a hospital that has operated (under previous or
current ownership) for less than 2 years and lists examples of
hospitals that are not considered new hospitals. In accordance with
Sec. 412.304(c)(2), under the capital IPPS, a new hospital is paid 85
percent of its allowable Medicare inpatient
[[Page 36252]]
hospital capital related costs through its first 2 years of operation,
unless the new hospital elects to receive full prospective payment
based on 100 percent of the Federal rate. We refer readers to the FY
2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (76 FR 51725) for additional information
on payments to new hospitals under the capital IPPS.
3. Payments for Hospitals Located in Puerto Rico
In the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR 57061), we revised
the regulations at 42 CFR 412.374 relating to the calculation of
capital IPPS payments to hospitals located in Puerto Rico beginning in
FY 2017 to parallel the change in the statutory calculation of
operating IPPS payments to hospitals located in Puerto Rico, for
discharges occurring on or after January 1, 2016, made by section 601
of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016 (Pub. L. 114-113). Section
601 of Public Law 114-113 increased the applicable Federal percentage
of the operating IPPS payment for hospitals located in Puerto Rico from
75 percent to 100 percent and decreased the applicable Puerto Rico
percentage of the operating IPPS payments for hospitals located in
Puerto Rico from 25 percent to zero percent, applicable to discharges
occurring on or after January 1, 2016. As such, under revised Sec.
412.374, for discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2016, capital
IPPS payments to hospitals located in Puerto Rico are based on 100
percent of the capital Federal rate.
C. Proposed Annual Update for FY 2025
The proposed annual update to the national capital Federal rate, as
provided for in 42 CFR 412.308(c), for FY 2025 is discussed in section
III. of the Addendum to this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule.
VII. Changes for Hospitals Excluded From the IPPS
A. Proposed Rate-of-Increase in Payments to Excluded Hospitals for FY
Certain hospitals excluded from a prospective payment system,
including children's hospitals, 11 cancer hospitals, and hospitals
located outside the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto
Rico (that is, hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the
Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa) receive payment for
inpatient hospital services they furnish on the basis of reasonable
costs, subject to a rate-of-increase ceiling. A per discharge limit
(the target amount, as defined in Sec. 413.40(a) of the regulations)
is set for each hospital based on the hospital's own cost experience in
its base year, and updated annually by a rate-of-increase percentage.
For each cost reporting period, the updated target amount is multiplied
by total Medicare discharges during that period and applied as an
aggregate upper limit (the ceiling as defined in Sec. 413.40(a)) of
Medicare reimbursement for total inpatient operating costs for a
hospital's cost reporting period. In accordance with Sec. 403.752(a)
of the regulations, religious nonmedical health care institutions
(RNHCIs) also are subject to the rate-of-increase limits established
under Sec. 413.40 of the regulations discussed previously.
Furthermore, in accordance with Sec. 412.526(c)(3) of the regulations,
extended neoplastic disease care hospitals also are subject to the
rate-of-increase limits established under Sec. 413.40 of the
regulations discussed previously.
As explained in the FY 2006 IPPS final rule (70 FR 47396 through
47398), beginning with FY 2006, we have used the percentage increase in
the IPPS operating market basket to update the target amounts for
children's hospitals, the 11 cancer hospitals, and RNHCIs.
Consistent with the regulations at Sec. Sec. 412.23(g) and
413.40(a)(2)(ii)(A) and (c)(3)(viii), we also have used the percentage
increase in the IPPS operating market basket to update target amounts
for short-term acute care hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin Islands,
Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa. In the FY 2018
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we rebased and revised the IPPS operating
market basket to a 2014 base year, effective for FY 2018 and subsequent
fiscal years (82 FR 38158 through 38175), and finalized the use of the
percentage increase in the 2014-based IPPS operating market basket to
update the target amounts for children's hospitals, the 11 cancer
hospitals, RNHCIs, and short-term acute care hospitals located in the
U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American
Samoa for FY 2018 and subsequent fiscal years. As discussed in section
IV. of the preamble of the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR
45194 through 45207), we rebased and revised the IPPS operating market
basket to a 2018 base year. Therefore, we used the percentage increase
in the 2018-based IPPS operating market basket to update the target
amounts for children's hospitals, the 11 cancer hospitals, RNHCIs, and
short-term acute care hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin Islands,
Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa for FY 2022 and
subsequent fiscal years.
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, based on IGI's 2023
fourth quarter forecast, we estimate that the 2018-based IPPS operating
market basket percentage increase for FY 2025 is 3.0 percent (that is,
the estimate of the market basket rate-of-increase). Based on this
estimate, the FY 2025 rate-of-increase percentage that will be applied
to the FY 2024 target amounts in order to calculate the FY 2025 target
amounts for children's hospitals, the 11 cancer hospitals, RNCHIs, and
short-term acute care hospitals located in the U.S. Virgin Islands,
Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa is 3.0 percent,
in accordance with the applicable regulations at 42 CFR 413.40.
However, we are proposing that if more recent data become available for
the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we would use such data, if
appropriate, to calculate the final IPPS operating market basket update
for FY 2025.
In addition, payment for inpatient operating costs for hospitals
classified under section 1886(d)(1)(B)(vi) of the Act (which we refer
to as ``extended neoplastic disease care hospitals'') for cost
reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2015, is to be made
as described in 42 CFR 412.526(c)(3), and payment for capital costs for
these hospitals is to be made as described in 42 CFR 412.526(c)(4).
(For additional information on these payment regulations, we refer
readers to the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (82 FR 38321 through
38322).) Section 412.526(c)(3) provides that the hospital's Medicare
allowable net inpatient operating costs for that period are paid on a
reasonable cost basis, subject to that hospital's ceiling, as
determined under Sec. 412.526(c)(1), for that period. Under Sec.
412.526(c)(1), for each cost reporting period, the ceiling was
determined by multiplying the updated target amount, as defined in
Sec. 412.526(c)(2), for that period by the number of Medicare
discharges paid during that period. Section 412.526(c)(2)(i) describes
the method for determining the target amount for cost reporting periods
beginning during FY 2015. Section 412.526(c)(2)(ii) specifies that, for
cost reporting periods beginning during fiscal years after FY 2015, the
target amount will equal the hospital's target amount for the previous
cost reporting period updated by the applicable annual rate-of-increase
percentage specified in Sec. 413.40(c)(3) for the subject cost
reporting period (79 FR 50197).
For FY 2025, in accordance with Sec. Sec. 412.22(i) and
412.526(c)(2)(ii) of the
[[Page 36253]]
regulations, for cost reporting periods beginning during FY 2025, the
proposed update to the target amount for extended neoplastic disease
care hospitals (that is, hospitals described under Sec. 412.22(i)) is
the applicable annual rate-of-increase percentage specified in Sec.
413.40(c)(3), which is estimated to be the percentage increase in the
2018-based IPPS operating market basket (that is, the estimate of the
market basket rate-of-increase). Accordingly, the proposed update to an
extended neoplastic disease care hospital's target amount for FY 2025
is 3.0 percent, which is based on IGI's fourth quarter 2023 forecast.
Furthermore, we are proposing that if more recent data become available
for the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we would use such data, if
appropriate, to calculate the IPPS operating market basket rate of
increase for FY 2025.
B. Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs)
1. Background
Section 1820 of the Act provides for the establishment of Medicare
Rural Hospital Flexibility Programs (MRHFPs), under which individual
States may designate certain facilities as critical access hospitals
(CAHs). Facilities that are so designated and meet the CAH conditions
of participation under 42 CFR part 485, subpart F, will be certified as
CAHs by CMS. Regulations governing payments to CAHs for services to
Medicare beneficiaries are located in 42 CFR part 413.
2. Frontier Community Health Integration Project Demonstration
a. Introduction
The Frontier Community Health Integration Project Demonstration was
originally authorized by section 123 of the Medicare Improvements for
Patients and Providers Act of 2008 (Pub. L. 110-275). The demonstration
has been extended by section 129 of the Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116-260) for an additional 5 years. In this proposed
rule, we are summarizing the status of the demonstration program, and
the ongoing methodologies for implementation and budget neutrality for
the demonstration extension period.
b. Background and Overview
As discussed in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59119
through 591222), section 123 of the Medicare Improvements for Patients
and Providers Act of 2008, as amended by section 3126 of the Affordable
Care Act, authorized a demonstration project to allow eligible entities
to develop and test new models for the delivery of health care services
in eligible counties in order to improve access to and better integrate
the delivery of acute care, extended care and other health care
services to Medicare beneficiaries. The demonstration was titled
``Demonstration Project on Community Health Integration Models in
Certain Rural Counties,'' and commonly known as the Frontier Community
Health Integration Project (FCHIP) Demonstration.
The authorizing statute stated the eligibility criteria for
entities to be able to participate in the demonstration. An eligible
entity, as defined in section 123(d)(1)(B) of Public Law 110-275, as
amended, is a Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (MRHFP)
grantee under section 1820(g) of the Act (that is, a CAH); and is
located in a State in which at least 65 percent of the counties in the
state are counties that have 6 or less residents per square mile.
The authorizing statute stipulated several other requirements for
the demonstration. In addition, section 123(g)(1)(B) of Public Law 110-
275 required that the demonstration be budget neutral. Specifically,
this provision stated that, in conducting the demonstration project,
the Secretary shall ensure that the aggregate payments made by the
Secretary do not exceed the amount which the Secretary estimates would
have been paid if the demonstration project under the section were not
implemented. Furthermore, section 123(i) of Public Law 110-275 stated
that the Secretary may waive such requirements of titles XVIII and XIX
of the Act as may be necessary and appropriate for the purpose of
carrying out the demonstration project, thus allowing the waiver of
Medicare payment rules encompassed in the demonstration. CMS selected
CAHs to participate in four interventions, under which specific waivers
of Medicare payment rules would allow for enhanced payment for
telehealth, skilled nursing facility/nursing facility beds, ambulance
services, and home health services. These waivers were formulated with
the goal of increasing access to care with no net increase in costs.
Section 123 of Public Law 110-275 initially required a 3-year
period of performance. The FCHIP Demonstration began on August 1, 2016,
and concluded on July 31, 2019 (referred to in this section of the
proposed rule as the ``initial period''). Subsequently, section 129 of
the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (Pub. L. 116-260) extended
the demonstration by 5 years (referred to in this section of the
proposed rule as the ``extension period''). The Secretary is required
to conduct the demonstration for an additional 5-year period. CAHs
participating in the demonstration project during the extension period
began such participation in their cost reporting year that began on or
after January 1, 2022.
As described in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59119
through 59122), 10 CAHs were selected for participation in the
demonstration initial period. The selected CAHs were located in three
states--Montana, Nevada, and North Dakota--and participated in three of
the four interventions identified in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule. Each CAH was allowed to participate in more than one of the
interventions. None of the selected CAHs were participants in the home
health intervention, which was the fourth intervention.
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45323 through
45328), CMS concluded that the initial period of the FCHIP
Demonstration (covering the performance period of August 1, 2016, to
July 31, 2019) had satisfied the budget neutrality requirement
described in section 123(g)(1)(B) of Public Law 110-275. Therefore, CMS
did not apply a budget neutrality payment offset policy for the initial
period of the demonstration.
Section 129 of Public Law 116-260, stipulates that only the 10 CAHs
that participated in the initial period of the FCHIP Demonstration are
eligible to participate during the extension period. Among the eligible
CAHs, five have elected to participate in the extension period. The
selected CAHs are located in two states--Montana and North Dakota--and
are implementing three of the four interventions. The eligible CAH
participants elected to change the number of interventions and payment
waivers they would participate in during the extension period. CMS
accepted and approved the CAHs intervention and payment waiver updates.
For the extension period, five CAHs are participants in the telehealth
intervention, three CAHs are participants in the skilled nursing
facility/nursing facility bed intervention, and three CAHs are
participants in the ambulance services intervention. As with the
initial period, each CAH was allowed to participate in more than one of
the interventions during the extension period. None of the selected
CAHs are participants in the home health intervention, which was the
fourth intervention.
[[Page 36254]]
c. Intervention Payment and Payment Waivers
As described in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59119
through 59122), CMS waived certain Medicare rules for CAHs
participating in the demonstration initial period to allow for
alternative reasonable cost-based payment methods in the three distinct
intervention service areas: telehealth services, ambulance services,
and skilled nursing facility/nursing facility (SNF/NF) beds expansion.
The payments and payment waiver provisions only apply if the CAH is a
participant in the associated intervention. CMS Intervention Payment
and Payment Waivers for the demonstration extension period consist of
the following:
(1) Telehealth Services Intervention Payments
CMS waives section 1834(m)(2)(B) of the Act, which specifies the
facility fee to the originating site for Medicare telehealth services.
CMS modifies the facility fee payment specified under section
1834(m)(2)(B) of the Act to make reasonable cost-based reimbursement to
the participating CAH where the participating CAH serves as the
originating site for a telehealth service furnished to an eligible
telehealth individual, as defined in section 1834(m)(4)(B) of the Act.
CMS reimburses the participating CAH serving as the originating site at
101 percent of its reasonable costs for overhead, salaries and fringe
benefits associated with telehealth services at the participating CAH.
CMS does not fund or provide reimbursement to the participating CAH for
the purchase of new telehealth equipment.
CMS waives section 1834(m)(2)(A) of the Act, which specifies that
the payment for a telehealth service furnished by a distant site
practitioner is the same as it would be if the service had been
furnished in-person. CMS modifies the payment amount specified for
telehealth services under section 1834(m)(2)(A) of the Act to make
reasonable cost-based reimbursement to the participating CAH for
telehealth services furnished by a physician or practitioner located at
distant site that is a participating CAH that is billing for the
physician or practitioner professional services. Whether the
participating CAH has or has not elected Optional Payment Method II for
outpatient services, CMS would pay the participating CAH 101 percent of
reasonable costs for telehealth services when a physician or
practitioner has reassigned their billing rights to the participating
CAH and furnishes telehealth services from the participating CAH as a
distant site practitioner. This means that participating CAHs that are
billing under the Standard Method on behalf of employees who are
physicians or practitioners (as defined in section 1834(m)(4)(D) and
(E) of the Act, respectively) would be eligible to bill for distant
site telehealth services furnished by these physicians and
practitioners. Additionally, CAHs billing under the Optional Method
would be reimbursed based on 101 percent of reasonable costs, rather
than paid based on the Medicare physician fee schedule, for the distant
site telehealth services furnished by physicians and practitioners who
have reassigned their billing rights to the CAH. For distant site
telehealth services furnished by physicians or practitioners who have
not reassigned billing rights to a participating CAH, payment to the
distant site physician or practitioner would continue to be made as
usual under the Medicare physician fee schedule. Except as described
herein, CMS does not waive any other provisions of section 1834(m) of
the Act for purposes of the telehealth services intervention payments,
including the scope of Medicare telehealth services as established
under section 1834(m)(4)(F) of the Act.
(2) Ambulance Services Intervention Payments
CMS waives 42 CFR 413.70(b)(5)(i)(D) and section 1834(l)(8) of the
Act, which provides that payment for ambulance services furnished by a
CAH, or an entity owned and operated by a CAH, is 101 percent of the
reasonable costs of the CAH or the entity in furnishing the ambulance
services, but only if the CAH or the entity is the only provider or
supplier of ambulance services located within a 35-mile drive of the
CAH, excluding ambulance providers or suppliers that are not legally
authorized to furnish ambulance services to transport individuals to or
from the CAH. The participating CAH would be paid 101 percent of
reasonable costs for its ambulance services regardless of whether there
is any provider or supplier of ambulance services located within a 35-
mile drive of the participating CAH or participating CAH-owned and
operated entity. CMS would not make cost-based payment to the
participating CAH for any new capital (for example, vehicles)
associated with ambulance services. This waiver does not modify any
other Medicare rules regarding or affecting the provision of ambulance
(3) SNF/NF Beds Expansion Intervention Payments
CMS waives 42 CFR 485.620(a), 42 CFR 485.645(a)(2), and section
1820(c)(2)(B)(iii) of the Act which limit CAHs to maintaining no more
than 25 inpatient beds, including beds available for acute inpatient or
swing bed services. CMS waives 1820(f) of the Act permitting
designating or certifying a facility as a critical access hospital for
which the facility at any time is furnishing inpatient beds which
exceed more than 25 beds. Under this waiver, if the participating CAH
has received swing bed approval from CMS, the participating CAH may
maintain up to ten additional beds (for a total of 35 beds) available
for acute inpatient or swing bed services; however, the participating
CAH may only use these 10 additional beds for nursing facility or
skilled nursing facility level of care. CMS would pay the participating
CAH 101 percent of reasonable costs for its SNF/NF services furnished
in the 10 additional beds.
d. Budget Neutrality
(1) Budget Neutrality Requirement
In the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45323 through
45328), we finalized a policy to address the budget neutrality
requirement for the demonstration initial period. As explained in the
FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we based our selection of CAHs for
participation in the demonstration with the goal of maintaining the
budget neutrality of the demonstration on its own terms meaning that
the demonstration would produce savings from reduced transfers and
admissions to other health care providers, offsetting any increase in
Medicare payments as a result of the demonstration. However, because of
the small size of the demonstration and uncertainty associated with the
projected Medicare utilization and costs, the policy we finalized for
the demonstration initial period of performance in the FY 2022 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule provides a contingency plan to ensure that the
budget neutrality requirement in section 123 of Public Law 110-275 is
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49144 through
49147), we adopted the same budget neutrality policy contingency plan
used during the demonstration initial period to ensure that the budget
neutrality requirement in section 123 of Public Law 110 275 is met
during the demonstration extension period. If analysis of claims data
for Medicare beneficiaries receiving services at each of the
[[Page 36255]]
CAHs, as well as from other data sources, including cost reports for
the participating CAHs, shows that increases in Medicare payments under
the demonstration during the 5-year extension period are not
sufficiently offset by reductions elsewhere, we would recoup the
additional expenditures attributable to the demonstration through a
reduction in payments to all CAHs nationwide.
As explained in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, because of
the small scale of the demonstration, we indicated that we did not
believe it would be feasible to implement budget neutrality for the
demonstration extension period by reducing payments to only the
participating CAHs. Therefore, in the event that this demonstration
extension period is found to result in aggregate payments in excess of
the amount that would have been paid if this demonstration extension
period were not implemented, CMS policy is to comply with the budget
neutrality requirement finalized in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final
rule, by reducing payments to all CAHs, not just those participating in
the demonstration extension period.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49144 through
49147), we stated that we believe it is appropriate to make any payment
reductions across all CAHs because the FCHIP Demonstration was
specifically designed to test innovations that affect delivery of
services by the CAH provider category. We explained our belief that the
language of the statutory budget neutrality requirement at section
123(g)(1)(B) of Public Law 110-275 permits the agency to implement the
budget neutrality provision in this manner. The statutory language
merely refers to ensuring that aggregate payments made by the Secretary
do not exceed the amount which the Secretary estimates would have been
paid if the demonstration project was not implemented and does not
identify the range across which aggregate payments must be held equal.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized a policy that
in the event the demonstration extension period is found not to have
been budget neutral, any excess costs would be recouped within one
fiscal year. We explained our belief that this policy is a more
efficient timeframe for the government to conclude the demonstration
operational requirements (such as analyzing claims data, cost report
data or other data sources) to adjudicate the budget neutrality payment
recoupment process due to any excess cost that occurred as result of
the demonstration extension period.
(2) FCHIP Budget Neutrality Methodology and Analytical Approach
As explained in the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized
a policy to address the demonstration budget neutrality methodology and
analytical approach for the initial period of the demonstration. In the
FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we finalized a policy to adopt the
budget neutrality methodology and analytical approach used during the
demonstration initial period to ensure budget neutrality for the
extension period. The analysis of budget neutrality during the initial
period of the demonstration identified both the costs related to
providing the intervention services under the FCHIP Demonstration and
any potential downstream effects of the intervention-related services,
including any savings that may have accrued.
The budget neutrality analytical approach for the demonstration
initial period incorporated two major data components: (1) Medicare
cost reports; and (2) Medicare administrative claims. As described in
the FY 2022 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (86 FR 45323 through 45328), CMS
computed the cost of the demonstration for each fiscal year of the
demonstration initial period using Medicare cost reports for the
participating CAHs, and Medicare administrative claims and enrollment
data for beneficiaries who received demonstration intervention
In addition, in order to capture the full impact of the
interventions, CMS developed a statistical modeling, Difference-in-
Difference (DiD) regression analysis to estimate demonstration
expenditures and compute the impact of expenditures on the intervention
services by comparing cost data for the demonstration and non-
demonstration groups using Medicare administrative claims across the
demonstration period of performance under the initial period of the
demonstration. The DiD regression analysis would compare the direct
cost and potential downstream effects of intervention services,
including any savings that may have accrued, during the baseline and
performance period for both the demonstration and comparison groups.
Second, the Medicare administrative claims analysis would be
reconciled using data obtained from auditing the participating CAHs'
Medicare cost reports. We would estimate the costs of the demonstration
using ``as submitted'' cost reports for each hospital's financial
fiscal year participation within each of the demonstration extension
period performance years. Each CAH has its own Medicare cost report end
date applicable to the 5-year period of performance for the
demonstration extension period. The cost report is structured to gather
costs, revenues and statistical data on the provider's financial fiscal
period. As a result, we finalized a policy in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule that we would determine the final budget neutrality results
for the demonstration extension once complete data is available for
each CAH for the demonstration extension period.
e. Policies for Implementing the 5-Year Extension and Provisions
Authorized by Section 129 of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021
(Pub. L. 116-260)
As stated in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59119
through 59122), our policy for implementing the 5-year extension period
for section 129 of Public Law 116-260 follows same budget neutrality
methodology and analytical approach as the demonstration initial period
methodology. While we expect to use the same methodology that was used
to assess the budget neutrality of the FCHIP Demonstration during
initial period of the demonstration to assess the financial impact of
the demonstration during this extension period, upon receiving data for
the extension period, we may update and/or modify the FCHIP budget
neutrality methodology and analytical approach to ensure that the full
impact of the demonstration is appropriately captured.
f. Total Budget Neutrality Offset Amount for FY 2025
At this time, for the FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, while
this discussion represents our anticipated approach to assessing the
financial impact of the demonstration extension period based on upon
receiving data for the full demonstration extension period, we may
update and/or modify the FCHIP Demonstration budget neutrality
methodology and analytical approach to ensure that the full impact of
the demonstration is appropriately captured.
Therefore, we do not propose to apply a budget neutrality payment
offset to payments to CAHs in FY 2025. This policy would have no impact
for any national payment system for FY 2025.
[[Page 36256]]
VIII. Proposed Changes to the Long-Term Care Hospital Prospective
Payment System (LTCH PPS) for FY 2025
A. Background of the LTCH PPS
1. Legislative and Regulatory Authority
Section 123 of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP (State Children's
Health Insurance Program) Balanced Budget Refinement Act of 1999 (BBRA)
(Pub. L. 106-113), as amended by section 307(b) of the Medicare,
Medicaid, and SCHIP Benefits Improvement and Protection Act of 2000
(BIPA) (Pub. L. 106-554), provides for payment for both the operating
and capital-related costs of hospital inpatient stays in long-term care
hospitals (LTCHs) under Medicare Part A based on prospectively set
rates. The Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) for LTCHs applies
to hospitals that are described in section 1886(d)(1)(B)(iv) of the
Act, effective for cost reporting periods beginning on or after October
1, 2002.
Section 1886(d)(1)(B)(iv)(I) of the Act originally defined an LTCH
as a hospital that has an average inpatient length of stay (as
determined by the Secretary) of greater than 25 days.
Section 1886(d)(1)(B)(iv)(II) of the Act also provided an
alternative definition of LTCHs (``subclause II'' LTCHs). However,
section 15008 of the 21st Century Cures Act (Pub. L. 114-255) amended
section 1886 of the Act to exclude former ``subclause II'' LTCHs from
being paid under the LTCH PPS and created a new category of IPPS-
excluded hospitals, which we refer to as ``extended neoplastic disease
care hospitals,'' to be paid as hospitals that were formally classified
as ``subclause (II)'' LTCHs (82 FR 38298).
Section 123 of the BBRA requires the PPS for LTCHs to be a ``per
discharge'' system with a diagnosis-related group (DRG) based patient
classification system that reflects the differences in patient resource
use and costs in LTCHs.
Section 307(b)(1) of the BIPA, among other things, mandates that
the Secretary shall examine, and may provide for, adjustments to
payments under the LTCH PPS, including adjustments to DRG weights, area
wage adjustments, geographic reclassification, outliers, updates, and a
disproportionate share adjustment.
In the August 30, 2002 Federal Register (67 FR 55954), we issued a
final rule that implemented the LTCH PPS authorized under the BBRA and
BIPA. For the initial implementation of the LTCH PPS (FYs 2003 through
2007), the system used information from LTCH patient records to
classify patients into distinct long-term care-diagnosis-related groups
(LTCDRGs) based on clinical characteristics and expected resource
needs. Beginning in FY 2008, we adopted the Medicare severity-long-term
care-diagnosis related groups (MS-LTC-DRGs) as the patient
classification system used under the LTCH PPS. Payments are calculated
for each MS-LTC-DRG and provisions are made for appropriate payment
adjustments. Payment rates under the LTCH PPS are updated annually and
published in the Federal Register.
The LTCH PPS replaced the reasonable cost-based payment system
under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA)
(Pub. L. 97248) for payments for inpatient services provided by an LTCH
with a cost reporting period beginning on or after October 1, 2002.
(The regulations implementing the TEFRA reasonable-cost-based payment
provisions are located at 42 CFR part 413.) With the implementation of
the PPS for acute care hospitals authorized by the Social Security
Amendments of 1983 (Pub. L. 98-21), which added section 1886(d) to the
Act, certain hospitals, including LTCHs, were excluded from the PPS for
acute care hospitals and paid their reasonable costs for inpatient
services subject to a per discharge limitation or target amount under
the TEFRA system. For each cost reporting period, a hospital specific
ceiling on payments was determined by multiplying the hospital's
updated target amount by the number of total current year Medicare
discharges. (Generally, in this section of the preamble of this
proposed rule, when we refer to discharges, we describe Medicare
discharges.) The August 30, 2002 final rule further details the payment
policy under the TEFRA system (67 FR 55954).
In the August 30, 2002 final rule, we provided for a 5-year
transition period from payments under the TEFRA system to payments
under the LTCH PPS. During this 5-year transition period, an LTCH's
total payment under the PPS was based on an increasing percentage of
the Federal rate with a corresponding decrease in the percentage of the
LTCH PPS payment that is based on reasonable cost concepts, unless an
LTCH made a one-time election to be paid based on 100 percent of the
Federal rate. Beginning with LTCHs' cost reporting periods beginning on
or after October 1, 2006, total LTCH PPS payments are based on 100
percent of the Federal rate.
In addition, in the August 30, 2002 final rule, we presented an in-
depth discussion of the LTCH PPS, including the patient classification
system, relative weights, payment rates, additional payments, and the
budget neutrality requirements mandated by section 123 of the BBRA. The
same final rule that established regulations for the LTCH PPS under 42
CFR part 412, subpart O, also contained LTCH provisions related to
covered inpatient services, limitation on charges to beneficiaries,
medical review requirements, furnishing of inpatient hospital services
directly or under arrangement, and reporting and recordkeeping
requirements. We refer readers to the August 30, 2002 final rule for a
comprehensive discussion of the research and data that supported the
establishment of the LTCH PPS (67 FR 55954).
In the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR 49601 through
49623), we implemented the provisions of the Pathway for Sustainable
Growth Rate (SGR) Reform Act of 2013 (Pub. L. 113-67), which mandated
the application of the ``site neutral'' payment rate under the LTCH PPS
for discharges that do not meet the statutory criteria for exclusion
beginning in FY 2016. For cost reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 2015, discharges that do not meet certain statutory criteria
for exclusion are paid based on the site neutral payment rate.
Discharges that do meet the statutory criteria continue to receive
payment based on the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate. For more
information on the statutory requirements of the Pathway for SGR Reform
Act of 2013, we refer readers to the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(80 FR 49601 through 49623) and the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
(81 FR 57068 through 57075).
In the FY 2018 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule, we implemented several
provisions of the 21st Century Cures Act (``the Cures Act'') (Pub. L.
114-255) that affected the LTCH PPS. (For more information on these
provisions, we refer readers to (82 FR 38299).)
In the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (83 FR 41529), we made
conforming changes to our regulations to implement the provisions of
section 51005 of the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 (Pub. L. 115-123),
which extends the transitional blended payment rate for site neutral
payment rate cases for an additional 2 years. We refer readers to
section VII.C. of the preamble of the FY 2019 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
for a discussion of our final policy. In addition, in the FY 2019 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule, we removed the 25-
[[Page 36257]]
percent threshold policy under 42 CFR 412.538, which was a payment
adjustment that was applied to payments for Medicare patient LTCH
discharges when the number of such patients originating from any single
referring hospital was in excess of the applicable threshold for given
cost reporting period.
In the FY 2020 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42439), we further
revised our regulations to implement the provisions of the Pathway for
SGR Reform Act of 2013 (Pub. L. 113-67) that relate to the payment
adjustment for discharges from LTCHs that do not maintain the requisite
discharge payment percentage and the process by which such LTCHs may
have the payment adjustment discontinued.
2. Criteria for Classification as an LTCH
a. Classification as an LTCH
i. General
Under the regulations at Sec. 412.23(e)(1), to qualify to be paid
under the LTCH PPS, a hospital must have a provider agreement with
Medicare. Furthermore, Sec. 412.23(e)(2)(i), which implements section
1886(d)(1)(B)(iv) of the Act, requires that a hospital have an average
Medicare inpatient length of stay of greater than 25 days to be paid
under the LTCH PPS. In accordance with section 1206(a)(3) of the
Pathway for SGR Reform Act of 2013 (Pub. L. 113-67), as amended by
section 15007 of Public Law 114-255, we amended our regulations to
specify that Medicare Advantage plans' and site neutral payment rate
discharges are excluded from the calculation of the average length of
stay for all LTCHs, for discharges occurring in cost reporting period
beginning on or after October 1, 2015.
ii. Proposed Technical Clarification
As explained more fully previously, LTCHs are required to have an
average length of stay (ALOS) of greater than 25 days. Prior to a
hospital being classified as an LTCH, the hospital must first
participate in Medicare as a hospital (typically a hospital paid under
the IPPS) during which time ALOS data is gathered. This data is used to
determine whether the hospital has an ALOS of greater than 25 days,
which is required to be classified as an LTCH. We generally refer to
the period during which a hospital seeks to establish the required ALOS
as a ``qualifying period.'' The qualifying period is the 6-month period
immediately preceding the hospital's conversion to an LTCH, and it has
been our policy that the requisite ALOS must be demonstrated based on
patient data from at least 5 consecutive months of this period. For
example, for a hospital seeking to become an LTCH effective January 1,
2025, the qualifying period would be July 1, 2024 through December 31,
2024 (that is, the 6 months immediately preceding the conversion to an
LTCH). In order for the hospital to convert to an LTCH, the ALOS must
be demonstrated for a period of at least 5 consecutive months (for
example, July 1, 2024 through November 30, 2024 or July 15, 2024 to
December 14, 2024) of the 6 month qualifying period.
It has been our general policy to allow a hospital to be classified
as an LTCH after only the 6-month qualifying period (as opposed to
requiring the completion of the more typical 12-month cost reporting
period). We have also referred to the ability of a hospital to be
classified as an LTCH after a 6-month qualifying period in preamble
previously (73 FR 29705), and the Provider Reimbursement Manual at
3001.4 refers to using data from a 6-month period for hospitals which
have not yet filed a cost report. However, our regulations have never
explicitly articulated how the qualifying period policy applies to a
hospital seeking classification as an LTCH. Therefore, we are proposing
to revise our regulations at 42 CFR 412.23(e)(4) to explicitly state
that a hospital that seeks to be classified as an LTCH may do so after
completion of a 6-month qualifying period, provided that the hospital
demonstrates an average length of stay (calculated under our existing
regulations) of greater than 25 days during at least five consecutive
months of the 6-month qualifying period (which is the same timeframe as
the ``cure period'' for existing LTCHs). Specifically, we are proposing
to add new paragraph Sec. 412.23(e)(4)(iv) to explain the qualifying
period for hospitals seeking LTCH classification.
Further, we are proposing to revise certain paragraphs and reorder
certain paragraphs in Sec. 412.23(e) to improve the clarity of the
regulation by clarifying how provisions apply to existing LTCHs and
which provisions apply to hospitals seeking classification as an LTCH.
First, we are proposing to revise paragraph Sec. 412.23(e)(3)(i) to
incorporate a reference that includes new subparagraphs Sec.
412.23(e)(4)(iv) and (e)(4)(v). Second, we are proposing to revise
paragraph Sec. 412.23(e)(3)(iii) to clarify that it applies in cases
of hospitals that have already obtained LTCH classification when the
LTCH would not otherwise maintain an average Medicare inpatient length
of stay of greater than 25 days. Third, we are proposing to reserve
Sec. 412.23(e)(3)(iv) and move that text to new (e)(4)(v) in order to
clarify that this regulation applies to hospitals seeking new LTCH
classification. Fourth, we are proposing to revise Sec. 412.23(e)(4)
to clarify that the provisions of paragraph (e)(3), with the exception
of subparagraphs (e)(3)(iii) and (v) apply to hospitals seeking new
LTCH classification. Fifth, we are proposing to revise paragraph Sec.
412.23(e)(4)(i) to reflect the addition of new Sec. 412.23(e)(4)(iv)
and (e)(4)(v) and clarify existing regulatory language.
We note that none of these proposed revisions reflect a change to
our existing policy; instead, we believe these revisions will improve
the clarity of the regulatory text and better reflect our existing
b. Hospitals Excluded From the LTCH PPS
The following hospitals are paid under special payment provisions,
as described in Sec. 412.22(c) and, therefore, are not subject to the
LTCH PPS rules:
Veterans Administration hospitals.
Hospitals that are reimbursed under State cost control
systems approved under 42 CFR part 403.
Hospitals that are reimbursed in accordance with
demonstration projects authorized under section 402(a) of the Social
Security Amendments of 1967 (Pub. L. 90-248) (42 U.S.C. 1395b-1),
section 222(a) of the Social Security Amendments of 1972 (Pub. L. 92-
603) (42 U.S.C. 1395b1 (note)) (Statewide-all payer systems, subject to
the rate-of increase test at section 1814(b) of the Act), or section
3021 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Pub. L. 111-
148) (42 U.S.C. 1315a).
Nonparticipating hospitals furnishing emergency services
to Medicare beneficiaries.
3. Limitation on Charges to Beneficiaries
In the August 30, 2002 final rule, we presented an in-depth
discussion of beneficiary liability under the LTCH PPS (67 FR 55974
through 55975). This discussion was further clarified in the RY 2005
LTCH PPS final rule (69 FR 25676). In keeping with those discussions,
if the Medicare payment to the LTCH is the full LTC-DRG payment amount,
consistent with other established hospital prospective payment systems,
Sec. 412.507 currently provides that an LTCH may not bill a Medicare
beneficiary for more than the deductible and coinsurance amounts as
specified under Sec. Sec. 409.82, 409.83, and 409.87, and for items
and services specified under Sec. 489.30(a). However, under the LTCH
PPS, Medicare will
[[Page 36258]]
only pay for services. furnished during the days for which the
beneficiary has coverage until the short-stay outlier (SSO) threshold
is exceeded. If the Medicare payment was for a SSO case (in accordance
with Sec. 412.529), and that payment was less than the full LTC-DRG
payment amount because the beneficiary had insufficient coverage as a
result of the remaining Medicare days, the LTCH also is currently
permitted to charge the beneficiary for services delivered on those
uncovered days (in accordance with Sec. 412.507). In the FY 2016 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR 49623), we amended our regulations to
expressly limit the charges that may be imposed upon beneficiaries
whose LTCHs' discharges are paid at the site neutral payment rate under
the LTCH PPS. In the FY 2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR 57102), we
amended the regulations under Sec. 412.507 to clarify our existing
policy that blended payments made to an LTCH during its transitional
period (that is, an LTCH's payment for discharges occurring in cost
reporting periods beginning in FYs 2016 through 2019) are considered to
be site neutral payment rate payments.
B. Medicare Severity Long-Term Care Diagnosis-Related Group (MS-LTC-
DRG) Classifications and Relative Weights for FY 2025
1. Background
Section 123 of the BBRA required that the Secretary implement a PPS
for LTCHs to replace the cost-based payment system under TEFRA. Section
307(b)(1) of the BIPA modified the requirements of section 123 of the
BBRA by requiring that the Secretary examine the feasibility and the
impact of basing payment under the LTCH PPS on the use of existing (or
refined) hospital DRGs that have been modified to account for different
resource use of LTCH patients.
Under both the IPPS and the LTCH PPS, the DRG-based classification
system uses information on the claims for inpatient discharges to
classify patients into distinct groups (for example, DRGs) based on
clinical characteristics and expected resource needs. When the LTCH PPS
was implemented for cost reporting periods beginning on or after
October 1, 2002, we adopted the same DRG patient classification system
utilized at that time under the IPPS. We referred to this patient
classification system as the ``long-term care diagnosis-related groups
(LTC-DRGs).'' As part of our efforts to better recognize severity of
illness among patients, in the FY 2008 IPPS final rule with comment
period (72 FR 47130), we adopted the MS-DRGs and the Medicare severity
long-term care diagnosis-related groups (MS-LTC-DRGs) under the IPPS
and the LTCH PPS, respectively, effective beginning October 1, 2007 (FY
2008). For a full description of the development, implementation, and
rationale for the use of the MS-DRGs and MS-LTC-DRGs, we refer readers
to the FY 2008 IPPS final rule with comment period (72 FR 47141 through
47175 and 47277 through 47299). (We note that, in that same final rule,
we revised the regulations at Sec. 412.503 to specify that for LTCH
discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2007, when applying the
provisions of 42 CFR part 412, subpart O, applicable to LTCHs for
policy descriptions and payment calculations, all references to LTC-
DRGs would be considered a reference to MS-LTC-DRGs. For the remainder
of this section, we present the discussion in terms of the current MS-
LTC-DRG patient classification system unless specifically referring to
the previous LTC-DRG patient classification system that was in effect
before October 1, 2007.)
Consistent with section 123 of the BBRA, as amended by section
307(b)(1) of the BIPA, and Sec. 412.515 of the regulations, we use
information derived from LTCH PPS patient records to classify LTCH
discharges into distinct MS-LTC-DRGs based on clinical characteristics
and estimated resource needs. As noted previously, we adopted the same
DRG patient classification system utilized at that time under the IPPS.
The MS-DRG classifications are updated annually, which has resulted in
the number of MS-DRGs changing over time. For FY 2025, there would be
773 MS-DRG, and by extension, MS-LTC-DRG, groupings based on the
proposed changes, as discussed in section II.E. of the preamble of this
proposed rule.
Although the patient classification system used under both the LTCH
PPS and the IPPS are the same, the relative weights are different. The
established relative weight methodology and data used under the LTCH
PPS result in relative weights under the LTCH PPS that reflect the
differences in patient resource use of LTCH patients, consistent with
section 123(a)(1) of the BBRA. That is, we assign an appropriate weight
to the MS-LTC-DRGs to account for the differences in resource use by
patients exhibiting the case complexity and multiple medical problems
characteristic of LTCH patients.
2. Patient Classifications Into MS-LTC-DRGs
a. Background
The MS-DRGs (used under the IPPS) and the MS-LTC-DRGs (used under
the LTCH PPS) are based on the CMS DRG structure. As noted previously
in this section, we refer to the DRGs under the LTCH PPS as MS-LTC-DRGs
although they are structurally identical to the MS-DRGs used under the
The MS-DRGs are organized into 25 major diagnostic categories
(MDCs), most of which are based on a particular organ system of the
body; the remainder involve multiple organ systems (such as MDC 22,
Burns). Within most MDCs, cases are then divided into surgical DRGs and
medical DRGs. Surgical DRGs are assigned based on a surgical hierarchy
that orders operating room (O.R.) procedures or groups of O.R.
procedures by resource intensity. The GROUPER software program does not
recognize all ICD-10-PCS procedure codes as procedures affecting DRG
assignment. That is, procedures that are not surgical (for example,
EKGs) or are minor surgical procedures (for example, a biopsy of skin
and subcutaneous tissue (procedure code 0JBH3ZX)) do not affect the MS-
LTC-DRG assignment based on their presence on the claim.
Generally, under the LTCH PPS, a Medicare payment is made at a
predetermined specific rate for each discharge that varies based on the
MS-LTC-DRG to which a beneficiary's discharge is assigned. Cases are
classified into MS-LTC-DRGs for payment based on the following six data
Principal diagnosis.
Additional or secondary diagnoses.
Surgical procedures.
Discharge status of the patient.
Currently, for claims submitted using the version ASC X12 5010
standard, up to 25 diagnosis codes and 25 procedure codes are
considered for an MS-DRG assignment. This includes one principal
diagnosis and up to 24 secondary diagnoses for severity of illness
determinations. (For additional information on the processing of up to
25 diagnosis codes and 25 procedure codes on hospital inpatient claims,
we refer readers to section II.G.11.c. of the preamble of the FY 2011
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (75 FR 50127).)
Under the HIPAA transactions and code sets regulations at 45 CFR
parts 160 and 162, covered entities must comply with the adopted
transaction standards and operating rules specified in subparts I
through S of part 162.
[[Page 36259]]
Among other requirements, on or after January 1, 2012, covered entities
are required to use the ASC X12 Standards for Electronic Data
Interchange Technical Report Type 3--Health Care Claim: Institutional
(837), May 2006, ASC X12N/005010X223, and Type 1 Errata to Health Care
Claim: Institutional (837) ASC X12 Standards for Electronic Data
Interchange Technical Report Type 3, October 2007, ASC X12N/
005010X233A1 for the health care claims or equivalent encounter
information transaction (45 CFR 162.1102(c)).
HIPAA requires covered entities to use the applicable medical data
code sets when conducting HIPAA transactions (45 CFR 162.1000).
Currently, upon the discharge of the patient, the LTCH must assign
appropriate diagnosis and procedure codes from the International
Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-
10-CM) for diagnosis coding and the International Classification of
Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-PCS) for
inpatient hospital procedure coding, both of which were required to be
implemented October 1, 2015 (45 CFR 162.1002(c)(2) and (3)). For
additional information on the implementation of the ICD-10 coding
system, we refer readers to section II.F.1. of the preamble of the FY
2017 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (81 FR 56787 through 56790) and section
II.E.1. of the preamble of this proposed rule. Additional coding
instructions and examples are published in the AHA's Coding Clinic for
To create the MS-DRGs (and by extension, the MS-LTC-DRGs), base
DRGs were subdivided according to the presence of specific secondary
diagnoses designated as complications or comorbidities (CCs) into one,
two, or three levels of severity, depending on the impact of the CCs on
resources used for those cases. Specifically, there are sets of MS-DRGs
that are split into 2 or 3 subgroups based on the presence or absence
of a CC or a major complication or comorbidity (MCC). We refer readers
to section II.D. of the preamble of the FY 2008 IPPS final rule with
comment period for a detailed discussion about the creation of MS-DRGs
based on severity of illness levels (72 FR 47141 through 47175).
Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) enter the clinical and
demographic information submitted by LTCHs into their claims processing
systems and subject this information to a series of automated screening
processes called the Medicare Code Editor (MCE). These screens are
designed to identify cases that require further review before
assignment into a MS-LTC-DRG can be made. During this process, certain
types of cases are selected for further explanation (74 FR 43949).
After screening through the MCE, each claim is classified into the
appropriate MS-LTC-DRG by the Medicare LTCH GROUPER software on the
basis of diagnosis and procedure codes and other demographic
information (age, sex, and discharge status). The GROUPER software used
under the LTCH PPS is the same GROUPER software program used under the
IPPS. Following the MS-LTC-DRG assignment, the MAC determines the
prospective payment amount by using the Medicare PRICER program, which
accounts for hospital-specific adjustments. Under the LTCH PPS, we
provide an opportunity for LTCHs to review the MS-LTC-DRG assignments
made by the MAC and to submit additional information within a specified
timeframe as provided in Sec. 412.513(c).
The GROUPER software is used both to classify past cases to measure
relative hospital resource consumption to establish the MS-LTC-DRG
relative weights and to classify current cases for purposes of
determining payment. The records for all Medicare hospital inpatient
discharges are maintained in the MedPAR file. The data in this file are
used to evaluate possible MS-DRG and MS-LTC-DRG classification changes
and to recalibrate the MS-DRG and MS-LTC-DRG relative weights during
our annual update under both the IPPS (Sec. 412.60(e)) and the LTCH
PPS (Sec. 412.517), respectively.
b. Proposed Changes to the MS-LTC-DRGs for FY 2025
As specified by our regulations at Sec. 412.517(a), which require
that the MS-LTC-DRG classifications and relative weights be updated
annually, and consistent with our historical practice of using the same
patient classification system under the LTCH PPS as is used under the
IPPS, in this proposed rule, we are proposing to update the MS-LTC-DRG
classifications effective October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025
(FY 2025) consistent with the proposed changes to specific MS-DRG
classifications presented in section II.F. of the preamble of this
proposed rule. Accordingly, the proposed MS-LTC-DRGs for FY 2025 are
the same as the MS-DRGs being proposed for use under the IPPS for FY
2025. In addition, because the proposed MS-LTC-DRGs for FY 2025 are the
same as the proposed MS-DRGs for FY 2025, the other proposed changes
that affect MS-DRG (and by extension MS-LTC-DRG) assignments under
proposed GROUPER Version 42, as discussed in section II.E. of the
preamble of this proposed rule, including the proposed changes to the
MCE software and the ICD-10-CM/PCS coding system, are also applicable
under the LTCH PPS for FY 2025.
3. Proposed Development of the FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG Relative Weights
a. General Overview of the MS-LTC-DRG Relative Weights
One of the primary goals for the implementation of the LTCH PPS is
to pay each LTCH an appropriate amount for the efficient delivery of
medical care to Medicare patients. The system must be able to account
adequately for each LTCH's case-mix to ensure both fair distribution of
Medicare payments and access to adequate care for those Medicare
patients whose care is costlier (67 FR 55984). To accomplish these
goals, we have annually adjusted the LTCH PPS standard Federal
prospective payment rate by the applicable relative weight in
determining payment to LTCHs for each case. Under the LTCH PPS,
relative weights for each MS-LTC-DRG are a primary element used to
account for the variations in cost per discharge and resource
utilization among the payment groups (Sec. 412.515). To ensure that
Medicare patients classified to each MS-LTC-DRG have access to an
appropriate level of services and to encourage efficiency, we calculate
a relative weight for each MS-LTC-DRG that represents the resources
needed by an average inpatient LTCH case in that MS-LTC-DRG. For
example, cases in an MS-LTC-DRG with a relative weight of 2 would, on
average, cost twice as much to treat as cases in an MS-LTC-DRG with a
relative weight of 1.
The established methodology to develop the MS-LTC-DRG relative
weights is generally consistent with the methodology established when
the LTCH PPS was implemented in the August 30, 2002 LTCH PPS final rule
(67 FR 55989 through 55991). However, there have been some
modifications of our historical procedures for assigning relative
weights in cases of zero volume or nonmonotonicity or both resulting
from the adoption of the MS-LTC-DRGs. We also made a modification in
conjunction with the implementation of the dual rate LTCH PPS payment
structure beginning in FY 2016 to use LTCH claims data from only LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate cases (or LTCH PPS cases that would
have qualified for payment under the LTCH
[[Page 36260]]
PPS standard Federal payment rate if the dual rate LTCH PPS payment
structure had been in effect at the time of the discharge). We also
adopted, beginning in FY 2023, a 10-percent cap policy on the reduction
in a MS-LTC-DRG's relative weight in a given year. (For details on the
modifications to our historical procedures for assigning relative
weights in cases of zero volume and nonmonotonicity or both, we refer
readers to the FY 2008 IPPS final rule with comment period (72 FR 47289
through 47295) and the FY 2009 IPPS final rule (73 FR 48542 through
48550). For details on the change in our historical methodology to use
LTCH claims data only from LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate cases
(or cases that would have qualified for such payment had the LTCH PPS
dual payment rate structure been in effect at the time) to determine
the MS-LTC-DRG relative weights, we refer readers to the FY 2016 IPPS/
LTCH PPS final rule (80 FR 49614 through 49617). For details on our
adoption of the 10-percent cap policy, we refer readers to the FY 2023
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49152 through 49154).)
For purposes of determining the MS-LTC-DRG relative weights, under
our historical methodology, there are three different categories of MS-
LTC-DRGs based on volume of cases within specific MS-LTC-DRGs: (1) MS-
LTC-DRGs with at least 25 applicable LTCH cases in the data used to
calculate the relative weight, which are each assigned a unique
relative weight; (2) low-volume MS-LTC-DRGs (that is, MS-LTC-DRGs that
contain between 1 and 24 applicable LTCH cases that are grouped into
quintiles (as described later in this section in Step 3 of our proposed
methodology) and assigned the relative weight of the quintile); and (3)
no-volume MS-LTC-DRGs that are cross-walked to other MS-LTC-DRGs based
on the clinical similarities and assigned the relative weight of the
cross-walked MS-LTC-DRG (as described later in this section in Step 8
of our proposed methodology). For FY 2025, we are proposing to continue
to use applicable LTCH cases to establish the same volume-based
categories to calculate the FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights.
b. Development of the MS-LTC-DRG Relative Weights for FY 2025
In this section, we present our proposed methodology for
determining the MS-LTC-DRG relative weights for FY 2025. We first list
and provide a brief description of our proposed steps for determining
the FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights. We then, later in this
section, discuss in greater detail each step. We note that, as we did
in FY 2024, we are proposing to use our historical relative weight
methodology as described in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR
58898 through 58907), subject to a ten percent cap as described in the
FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49162).
Step 1--Prepare data for MS-LTC-DRG relative weight
calculation. In this step, we select and group the applicable claims
data used in the development of the proposed MS-LTC-DRG relative
Step 2--Remove cases with a length of stay of 7 days or
less. In this step, we trim the applicable claims data to remove cases
with a length of stay of 7 days or less.
Step 3--Establish low-volume MS-LTC-DRG quintiles. In this
step, we employ our established quintile methodology for low-volume MS-
LTC-DRGs (that is, MS-LTC-DRGs with fewer than 25 cases).
Step 4--Remove statistical outliers. In this step, we trim
the applicable claims data to remove statistical outlier cases.
Step 5--Adjust charges for the effects of Short Stay
Outliers (SSOs). In this step, we adjust the number of applicable cases
in each MS-LTC-DRG (or low-volume quintile) for the effect of SSO
Step 6--Calculate the relative weights on an iterative
basis using the hospital-specific relative weights methodology. In this
step, we use our established hospital-specific relative value (HSRV)
methodology, which is an iterative process, to calculate the relative
Step 7--Adjust the relative weights to account for
nonmonotonically increasing relative weights. In this step, we make
adjustments that ensure that within each base MS-LTC-DRG, the relative
weights increase by MS-LTC-DRG severity.
Step 8--Determine a relative weight for MS-LTC-DRGs with
no applicable LTCH cases. In this step, we cross-walk each no-volume
MS-LTC-DRG to another MS-LTC-DRG for which we calculated a relative
Step 9--Budget neutralize the uncapped relative weights.
In this step, to ensure budget neutrality in the annual update to the
MS-LTC-DRG classifications and relative weights, we adjust the relative
weights by a normalization factor and a budget neutrality factor that
ensures estimated aggregate LTCH PPS payments will be unaffected by the
updates to the MS-LTC-DRG classifications and relative weights.
Step 10--Apply the 10-percent cap to decreases in MS-LTC-
DRG relative weights. In this step we limit the reduction of the
relative weight for a MS-LTC-DRG to 10 percent of its prior year value.
This 10-percent cap does not apply to zero-volume MS-LTC-DRGs or low-
volume MS-LTC-DRGs.
Step 11--Budget neutralize the application of the 10-
percent cap policy. In this step, to ensure budget neutrality in the
application of the MS-LTC-DRG cap policy, we adjust the relative
weights by a budget neutrality factor that ensures estimated aggregate
LTCH PPS payments will be unaffected by our application of the cap to
the MS-LTC-DRG relative weights.
We next describe each of the 11 proposed steps for calculating the
proposed FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights in greater detail.
Step 1--Prepare data for MS-LTC-DRG relative weight calculation.
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we obtained total
charges from FY 2023 Medicare LTCH claims data from the December 2023
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file and used proposed Version 42 of the
GROUPER to classify LTCH cases. Consistent with our historical
practice, we are proposing that if better data become available, we
would use those data and the finalized Version 42 of the GROUPER in
establishing the FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights in the final rule.
To calculate the FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights under the dual
rate LTCH PPS payment structure, we are proposing to continue to use
applicable LTCH data, which includes our policy of only using cases
that meet the criteria for exclusion from the site neutral payment rate
(or would have met the criteria had they been in effect at the time of
the discharge) (80 FR 49624). Specifically, we began by first
evaluating the LTCH claims data in the December 2023 update of the FY
2023 MedPAR file to determine which LTCH cases would meet the criteria
for exclusion from the site neutral payment rate under Sec. 412.522(b)
or had the dual rate LTCH PPS payment structure applied to those cases
at the time of discharge. We identified the FY 2023 LTCH cases that
were not assigned to MS-LTC-DRGs 876, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 885,
886, 887, 894, 895, 896, 897, 945, and 946, which identify LTCH cases
that do not have a principal diagnosis relating to a psychiatric
diagnosis or to rehabilitation; and that either--
The admission to the LTCH was ``immediately preceded'' by
discharge from a subsection (d) hospital and the immediately preceding
stay in that
[[Page 36261]]
subsection (d) hospital included at least 3 days in an ICU, as we
define under the ICU criterion; or
The admission to the LTCH was ``immediately preceded'' by
discharge from a subsection (d) hospital and the claim for the LTCH
discharge includes the applicable procedure code that indicates at
least 96 hours of ventilator services were provided during the LTCH
stay, as we define under the ventilator criterion. Claims data from the
FY 2023 MedPAR file that reported ICD-10-PCS procedure code 5A1955Z
were used to identify cases involving at least 96 hours of ventilator
services in accordance with the ventilator criterion. (We note that
section 3711(b)(2) of the CARES Act provided a waiver of the
application of the site neutral payment rate for LTCH cases admitted
during the COVID-19 PHE period. The COVID-19 PHE expired on May 11,
2023. Therefore, all LTCH PPS cases in FY 2023 with admission dates on
or before the PHE expiration date were paid the LTCH PPS standard
Federal rate regardless of whether the discharge met the statutory
patient criteria. However, for purposes of setting rates for LTCH PPS
standard Federal rate cases for FY 2025 (including MS-LTC-DRG relative
weights), we used FY 2023 cases that meet the statutory patient
criteria without consideration to how those cases were paid in FY
Furthermore, consistent with our historical methodology, we
excluded any claims in the resulting data set that were submitted by
LTCHs that were all-inclusive rate providers and LTCHs that are paid in
accordance with demonstration projects authorized under section 402(a)
of Public Law 90-248 or section 222(a) of Public Law 92-603. In
addition, consistent with our historical practice and our policies, we
excluded any Medicare Advantage (Part C) claims in the resulting data.
Such claims were identified based on the presence of a GHO Paid
indicator value of ``1'' in the MedPAR files.
In the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (87 FR 49448), we discussed
the abnormal charging practices of an LTCH (CCN 312024) in FY 2021 that
led to the LTCH receiving an excessive amount of high cost outlier
payments. In that rule, we stated our belief, based on information we
received from the provider, that these abnormal charging practices
would not persist into FY 2023. Therefore, we did not include their
cases in our model for determining the FY 2023 outlier fixed-loss
amount. In the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR 59127 through
59128), we stated that the FY 2022 MedPAR claims also reflect the
abnormal charging practices of this LTCH. Therefore, we removed claims
from CCN 312024 when determining the FY 2024 MS-LTC-DRG relative
weights and from all other FY 2024 ratesetting calculations, including
the calculation of the area wage level adjustment budget neutrality
factor and the fixed-loss amount for LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate cases. Given recent actions by the Department of Justice regarding
CCN 312024 (see,
we are proposing to again remove claims from CCN 312024 when
determining the FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights and all other FY
2025 ratesetting calculations, including the calculation of the area
wage level adjustment budget neutrality factor and the fixed-loss
amount for LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate cases.
In summary, in general, we identified the claims data used in the
development of the FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights in this proposed
rule by trimming claims data that were paid the site neutral payment
rate or would have been paid the site neutral payment rate had the
provisions of the CARES Act not been in effect. We trimmed the claims
data of all-inclusive rate providers reported in the December 2023
update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file and any Medicare Advantage claims
data. There were no data from any LTCHs that are paid in accordance
with a demonstration project reported in the December 2023 update of
the FY 2023 MedPAR file, but had there been any, we would have trimmed
the claims data from those LTCHs as well, in accordance with our
established policy. We also removed all claims from CCN 312024.
We used the remaining data (that is, the applicable LTCH data) in
the subsequent proposed steps to calculate the proposed MS-LTC-DRG
relative weights for FY 2025.
Step 2--Remove cases with a length of stay of 7 days or less.
The next step in our proposed calculation of the proposed FY 2025
MS-LTC-DRG relative weights is to remove cases with a length of stay of
7 days or less. The MS-LTC-DRG relative weights reflect the average of
resources used on representative cases of a specific type. Generally,
cases with a length of stay of 7 days or less do not belong in an LTCH
because these stays do not fully receive or benefit from treatment that
is typical in an LTCH stay, and full resources are often not used in
the earlier stages of admission to an LTCH. If we were to include stays
of 7 days or less in the computation of the proposed FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG
relative weights, the value of many relative weights would decrease
and, therefore, payments would decrease to a level that may no longer
be appropriate. We do not believe that it would be appropriate to
compromise the integrity of the payment determination for those LTCH
cases that actually benefit from and receive a full course of treatment
at an LTCH by including data from these very short stays. Therefore,
consistent with our existing relative weight methodology, in
determining the proposed FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights, we are
proposing to remove LTCH cases with a length of stay of 7 days or less
from applicable LTCH cases. (For additional information on what is
removed in this step of the relative weight methodology, we refer
readers to 67 FR 55989 and 74 FR 43959.)
Step 3--Establish low-volume MS-LTC-DRG quintiles.
To account for MS-LTC-DRGs with low-volume (that is, with fewer
than 25 applicable LTCH cases), consistent with our existing
methodology, we are proposing to continue to employ the quintile
methodology for low-volume MS-LTC-DRGs, such that we grouped the ``low-
volume MS-LTC-DRGs'' (that is, MS-LTC-DRGs that contain between 1 and
24 applicable LTCH cases into one of five categories (quintiles) based
on average charges (67 FR 55984 through 55995; 72 FR 47283 through
47288; and 81 FR 25148)).
In this proposed rule, based on the best available data (that is,
the December 2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file), we identified 236
MS-LTC-DRGs that contained between 1 and 24 applicable LTCH cases. This
list of MS-LTC-DRGs was then divided into 1 of the 5 low-volume
quintiles. We assigned the low-volume MS-LTC-DRGs to specific low-
volume quintiles by sorting the low-volume MS-LTC-DRGs in ascending
order by average charge in accordance with our established methodology.
Based on the data available for this proposed rule, the number of MS-
LTC-DRGs with less than 25 applicable LTCH cases was not evenly
divisible by 5. The quintiles each contained at least 47 MS-LTC-DRGs
(236/5 = 47 with a remainder of 1). We are proposing to employ our
historical methodology of assigning each remainder low-volume MS-LTC-
DRG to the low-volume quintile that contains an MS-LTC-DRG with an
average charge closest to that of the remainder low-volume MS-LTC-DRG.
In cases where these initial assignments of low-volume MS-LTC-DRGs to
[[Page 36262]]
results in nonmonotonicity within a base-DRG, we are proposing to make
adjustments to the resulting low-volume MS-LTC-DRGs to preserve
monotonicity, as discussed in Step 7 of our proposed methodology.
To determine the FY 2025 relative weights for the low-volume MS-
LTC-DRGs, consistent with our historical practice, we are proposing to
use the five low-volume quintiles described previously. We determined a
relative weight and (geometric) average length of stay for each of the
five low-volume quintiles using the methodology described in Step 6 of
our proposed methodology. We assigned the same relative weight and
average length of stay to each of the low-volume MS-LTC-DRGs that make
up an individual low-volume quintile. We note that, as this system is
dynamic, it is possible that the number and specific type of MS-LTC-
DRGs with a low-volume of applicable LTCH cases would vary in the
future. Furthermore, we note that we continue to monitor the volume
(that is, the number of applicable LTCH cases) in the low-volume
quintiles to ensure that our quintile assignments used in determining
the MS-LTC-DRG relative weights result in appropriate payment for LTCH
cases grouped to low-volume MS-LTC-DRGs and do not result in an
unintended financial incentive for LTCHs to inappropriately admit these
types of cases.
For this proposed rule, we are providing the list of the
composition of the proposed low-volume quintiles for low-volume MS-LTC-
DRGs in a supplemental data file for public use posted via the internet
on the CMS website for this proposed rule at
to streamline the information made available to the public that is used
in the annual development of Table 11.
Step 4--Remove statistical outliers.
The next step in our proposed calculation of the proposed FY 2025
MS-LTC-DRG relative weights is to remove statistical outlier cases from
the LTCH cases with a length of stay of at least 8 days. Consistent
with our existing relative weight methodology, we are proposing to
continue to define statistical outliers as cases that are outside of
3.0 standard deviations from the mean of the log distribution of both
charges per case and the charges per day for each MS-LTC-DRG. These
statistical outliers are removed prior to calculating the relative
weights because we believe that they may represent aberrations in the
data that distort the measure of average resource use. Including those
LTCH cases in the calculation of the relative weights could result in
an inaccurate relative weight that does not truly reflect relative
resource use among those MS-LTC-DRGs. (For additional information on
what is removed in this step of the relative weight methodology, we
refer readers to 67 FR 55989 and 74 FR 43959.) After removing cases
with a length of stay of 7 days or less and statistical outliers, in
each set of claims, we were left with applicable LTCH cases that have a
length of stay greater than or equal to 8 days. In this proposed rule,
we refer to these cases as ``trimmed applicable LTCH cases.''
Step 5--Adjust charges for the effects of Short Stay Outliers
As the next step in the proposed calculation of the proposed FY
2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights, consistent with our historical
approach, we are proposing to adjust each LTCH's charges per discharge
for those remaining cases (that is, trimmed applicable LTCH cases) for
the effects of SSOs (as defined in Sec. 412.529(a) in conjunction with
Sec. 412.503). Specifically, we are proposing to make this adjustment
by counting an SSO case as a fraction of a discharge based on the ratio
of the length of stay of the case to the average length of stay of all
cases grouped to the MS-LTC-DRG. This has the effect of proportionately
reducing the impact of the lower charges for the SSO cases in
calculating the average charge for the MS-LTC-DRG. This process
produces the same result as if the actual charges per discharge of an
SSO case were adjusted to what they would have been had the patient's
length of stay been equal to the average length of stay of the MS-LTC-
Counting SSO cases as full LTCH cases with no adjustment in
determining the proposed FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights would
lower the relative weight for affected MS-LTC-DRGs because the
relatively lower charges of the SSO cases would bring down the average
charge for all cases within a MS-LTC-DRG. This would result in an
``underpayment'' for non-SSO cases and an ``overpayment'' for SSO
cases. Therefore, we propose to continue to adjust for SSO cases under
Sec. 412.529 in this manner because it would result in more
appropriate payments for all LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
cases. (For additional information on this step of the relative weight
methodology, we refer readers to 67 FR 55989 and 74 FR 43959.)
Step 6--Calculate the relative weights on an iterative basis using
the hospital-specific relative value methodology.
By nature, LTCHs often specialize in certain areas, such as
ventilator-dependent patients. Some case types (MS-LTC-DRGs) may be
treated, to a large extent, in hospitals that have, from a perspective
of charges, relatively high (or low) charges. This nonrandom
distribution of cases with relatively high (or low) charges in specific
MS-LTC-DRGs has the potential to inappropriately distort the measure of
average charges. To account for the fact that cases may not be randomly
distributed across LTCHs, consistent with the methodology we have used
since the implementation of the LTCH PPS, in this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule, we are proposing to continue to use a hospital-specific
relative value (HSRV) methodology to calculate the MS-LTC-DRG relative
weights for FY 2025. We believe that this method removes this hospital-
specific source of bias in measuring LTCH average charges (67 FR
55985). Specifically, under this methodology, we reduced the impact of
the variation in charges across providers on any particular MS-LTC-DRG
relative weight by converting each LTCH's charge for an applicable LTCH
case to a relative value based on that LTCH's average charge for such
Under the HSRV methodology, we standardize charges for each LTCH by
converting its charges for each applicable LTCH case to hospital-
specific relative charge values and then adjusting those values for the
LTCH's case-mix. The adjustment for case-mix is needed to rescale the
hospital-specific relative charge values (which, by definition, average
1.0 for each LTCH). The average relative weight for an LTCH is its
case-mix; therefore, it is reasonable to scale each LTCH's average
relative charge value by its case-mix. In this way, each LTCH's
relative charge value is adjusted by its case-mix to an average that
reflects the complexity of the applicable LTCH cases it treats relative
to the complexity of the applicable LTCH cases treated by all other
LTCHs (the average LTCH PPS case-mix of all applicable LTCH cases
across all LTCHs). In other words, by multiplying an LTCH's relative
charge values by the LTCH's case-mix index, we account for the fact
that the same relative charges are given greater weight at an LTCH with
higher average costs than they would at an LTCH with low average costs,
which is needed to adjust each LTCH's relative charge value to reflect
its case-mix relative to the average case-mix for all LTCHs. By
standardizing charges in this manner, we count charges for a Medicare
patient at an
[[Page 36263]]
LTCH with high average charges as less resource-intensive than they
would be at an LTCH with low average charges. For example, a $10,000
charge for a case at an LTCH with an average adjusted charge of $17,500
reflects a higher level of relative resource use than a $10,000 charge
for a case at an LTCH with the same case-mix, but an average adjusted
charge of $35,000. We believe that the adjusted charge of an individual
case more accurately reflects actual resource use for an individual
LTCH because the variation in charges due to systematic differences in
the markup of charges among LTCHs is taken into account.
Consistent with our historical relative weight methodology, we
propose to calculate the proposed FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights
using the HSRV methodology, which is an iterative process. Therefore,
in accordance with our established methodology, for FY 2025, we are
proposing to continue to standardize charges for each applicable LTCH
case by first dividing the adjusted charge for the case (adjusted for
SSOs under Sec. 412.529 as described in Step 5 of our proposed
methodology) by the average adjusted charge for all applicable LTCH
cases at the LTCH in which the case was treated. The average adjusted
charge reflects the average intensity of the health care services
delivered by a particular LTCH and the average cost level of that LTCH.
The average adjusted charge is then multiplied by the LTCH's case-mix
index to produce an adjusted hospital-specific relative charge value
for the case. We used an initial case-mix index value of 1.0 for each
For each proposed MS-LTC-DRG, we calculated the FY 2025 relative
weight by dividing the SSO-adjusted average of the hospital-specific
relative charge values for applicable LTCH cases for the MS-LTC-DRG
(that is, the sum of the hospital-specific relative charge value, as
previously stated, divided by the sum of equivalent cases from Step 5
for each MS-LTC-DRG) by the overall SSO-adjusted average hospital-
specific relative charge value across all applicable LTCH cases for all
LTCHs (that is, the sum of the hospital-specific relative charge value,
as previously stated, divided by the sum of equivalent applicable LTCH
cases from Step 5 for each MS-LTC-DRG). Using these recalculated MS-
LTC-DRG relative weights, each LTCH's average relative weight for all
of its SSO-adjusted trimmed applicable LTCH cases (that is, it's case-
mix) was calculated by dividing the sum of all the LTCH's MS-LTC-DRG
relative weights by its total number of SSO-adjusted trimmed applicable
LTCH cases. The LTCHs' hospital-specific relative charge values (from
previous) are then multiplied by the hospital-specific case-mix
indexes. The hospital-specific case-mix adjusted relative charge values
are then used to calculate a new set of MS-LTC-DRG relative weights
across all LTCHs. This iterative process continued until there was
convergence between the relative weights produced at adjacent steps,
for example, when the maximum difference was less than 0.0001.
Step 7--Adjust the relative weights to account for nonmonotonically
increasing relative weights.
The MS-DRGs contain base DRGs that have been subdivided into one,
two, or three severity of illness levels. Where there are three
severity levels, the most severe level has at least one secondary
diagnosis code that is referred to as an MCC (that is, major
complication or comorbidity). The next lower severity level contains
cases with at least one secondary diagnosis code that is a CC (that is,
complication or comorbidity). Those cases without an MCC or a CC are
referred to as ``without CC/MCC.'' When data do not support the
creation of three severity levels, the base MS-DRG is subdivided into
either two levels or the base MS-DRG is not subdivided. The two-level
subdivisions may consist of the MS-DRG with CC/MCC and the MS-DRG
without CC/MCC. Alternatively, the other type of two-level subdivision
may consist of the MS-DRG with MCC and the MS-DRG without MCC.
In those base MS-LTC-DRGs that are split into either two or three
severity levels, cases classified into the ``without CC/MCC'' MS-LTC-
DRG are expected to have a lower resource use (and lower costs) than
the ``with CC/MCC'' MS-LTC-DRG (in the case of a two-level split) or
both the ``with CC'' and the ``with MCC'' MS-LTC-DRGs (in the case of a
three-level split). That is, theoretically, cases that are more severe
typically require greater expenditure of medical care resources and
would result in higher average charges. Therefore, in the three
severity levels, relative weights should increase by severity, from
lowest to highest. If the relative weights decrease as severity
increases (that is, if within a base MS-LTC-DRG, an MS-LTC-DRG with CC
has a higher relative weight than one with MCC, or the MS-LTC-DRG
``without CC/MCC'' has a higher relative weight than either of the
others), they are nonmonotonic. We continue to believe that utilizing
nonmonotonic relative weights to adjust Medicare payments would result
in inappropriate payments because the payment for the cases in the
higher severity level in a base MS-LTC-DRG (which are generally
expected to have higher resource use and costs) would be lower than the
payment for cases in a lower severity level within the same base MS-
LTC-DRG (which are generally expected to have lower resource use and
costs). Therefore, in determining the proposed FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG
relative weights, consistent with our historical methodology, we are
proposing to continue to combine MS-LTC-DRG severity levels within a
base MS-LTC-DRG for the purpose of computing a relative weight when
necessary to ensure that monotonicity is maintained. For a
comprehensive description of our existing methodology to adjust for
nonmonotonicity, we refer readers to the FY 2010 IPPS/RY 2010 LTCH PPS
final rule (74 FR 43964 through 43966). Any adjustments for
nonmonotonicity that were made in determining the proposed FY 2025 MS-
LTC-DRG relative weights by applying this methodology are denoted in
Table 11, which is listed in section VI. of the Addendum to this
proposed rule and is available via the internet on the CMS website.
Step 8--Determine a relative weight for MS-LTC-DRGs with no
applicable LTCH cases.
Using the trimmed applicable LTCH cases, consistent with our
historical methodology, we identified the MS-LTC-DRGs for which there
were no claims in the December 2023 update of the FY 2023 MedPAR file
and, therefore, for which no charge data was available for these MS-
LTC-DRGs. Because patients with a number of the diagnoses under these
MS-LTC-DRGs may be treated at LTCHs, consistent with our historical
methodology, we generally assign a relative weight to each of the no-
volume MS-LTC-DRGs based on clinical similarity and relative costliness
(with the exception of ``transplant'' MS-LTC-DRGs, ``error'' MS-LTC-
DRGs, and MS-LTC-DRGs that indicate a principal diagnosis related to a
psychiatric diagnosis or rehabilitation (referred to as the
``psychiatric or rehabilitation'' MS-LTC-DRGs), as discussed later in
this section of this proposed rule). (For additional information on
this step of the relative weight methodology, we refer readers to 67 FR
55991 and 74 FR 43959 through 43960.)
Consistent with our existing methodology, we are proposing to
cross-walk each no-volume proposed MS-LTC-DRG to another proposed MS-
LTC-DRG for which we calculated a relative weight (determined in
accordance with the methodology as previously described). Then, the
``no-volume'' proposed MS-LTC-DRG is assigned the same relative weight
[[Page 36264]]
average length of stay) of the proposed MS-LTC-DRG to which it was
cross-walked (as described in greater detail in this section of this
proposed rule).
Of the 773 proposed MS-LTC-DRGs for FY 2025, we identified 425 MS-
LTC-DRGs for which there were no trimmed applicable LTCH cases. The 425
MS-LTC-DRGs for which there were no trimmed applicable LTCH cases
includes the 11 ``transplant'' MS-LTC-DRGs, the 2 ``error'' MS-LTC-
DRGs, and the 15 ``psychiatric or rehabilitation'' MS-LTC-DRGs, which
are discussed in this section of this rule, such that we identified 397
MS-LTC-DRGs that for which, we are proposing to assign a relative
weight using our existing ``no-volume'' MS-LTC-DRG methodology (that
is, 425-11-2-15 = 397). We are proposing to assign relative weights to
each of the 397 no-volume MS-LTC-DRGs based on clinical similarity and
relative costliness to 1 of the remaining 348 (773-425 = 348) MS-LTC-
DRGs for which we calculated relative weights based on the trimmed
applicable LTCH cases in the FY 2023 MedPAR file data using the steps
described previously. (For the remainder of this discussion, we refer
to the ``cross-walked'' MS-LTC-DRGs as one of the 348 MS-LTC-DRGs to
which we cross-walked each of the 397 ``no-volume'' MS-LTC-DRGs.) Then,
in general, we are proposing to assign the 397 no-volume MS-LTC-DRGs
the relative weight of the cross-walked MS-LTC-DRG (when necessary, we
made adjustments to account for nonmonotonicity).
We cross-walked the no-volume MS-LTC-DRG to a MS-LTC-DRG for which
we calculated relative weights based on the December 2023 update of the
FY 2023 MedPAR file, and to which it is similar clinically in intensity
of use of resources and relative costliness as determined by criteria
such as care provided during the period of time surrounding surgery,
surgical approach (if applicable), length of time of surgical
procedure, postoperative care, and length of stay. (For more details on
our process for evaluating relative costliness, we refer readers to the
FY 2010 IPPS/RY 2010 LTCH PPS final rule (73 FR 48543).) We believe in
the rare event that there would be a few LTCH cases grouped to one of
the no-volume MS-LTC-DRGs in FY 2025, the relative weights assigned
based on the cross-walked MS-LTC-DRGs would result in an appropriate
LTCH PPS payment because the crosswalks, which are based on clinical
similarity and relative costliness, would be expected to generally
require equivalent relative resource use.
Then we assigned the proposed relative weight of the cross-walked
MS-LTC-DRG as the relative weight for the no-volume MS-LTC-DRG such
that both of these MS-LTC-DRGs (that is, the no-volume MS-LTC-DRG and
the cross-walked MS-LTC-DRG) have the same relative weight (and average
length of stay) for FY 2025. We note that, if the cross-walked MS-LTC-
DRG had 25 applicable LTCH cases or more, its relative weight
(calculated using the methodology as previously described in Steps 1
through 4) is assigned to the no-volume MS-LTC-DRG as well. Similarly,
if the MS-LTC-DRG to which the no-volume MS-LTC-DRG was cross-walked
had 24 or less cases and, therefore, was designated to 1 of the low-
volume quintiles for purposes of determining the relative weights, we
assigned the relative weight of the applicable low-volume quintile to
the no-volume MS-LTC-DRG such that both of these MS-LTC-DRGs (that is,
the no-volume MS-LTC-DRG and the cross-walked MS-LTC-DRG) have the same
relative weight for FY 2025. (As we noted previously, in the infrequent
case where nonmonotonicity involving a no-volume MS-LTC-DRG resulted,
additional adjustments are required to maintain monotonically
increasing relative weights.)
For this proposed rule, we are providing the list of the no-volume
MS-LTC-DRGs and the MS-LTC-DRGs to which each was cross-walked (that
is, the cross-walked MS-LTC-DRGs) for FY 2025 in a supplemental data
file for public use posted via the internet on the CMS website for this
proposed rule at to streamline the information made
available to the public that is used in the annual development of Table
To illustrate this methodology for determining the proposed
relative weights for the FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRGs with no applicable LTCH
cases, we are providing the following example.
Example: There were no trimmed applicable LTCH cases in the FY 2023
MedPAR file that we are using for this proposed rule for proposed MS-
LTC-DRG 061 (Ischemic stroke, precerebral occlusion or transient
ischemia with thrombolytic agent with MCC). We determined that proposed
MS-LTC-DRG 064 (Intracranial hemorrhage or cerebral infarction with
MCC) is similar clinically and based on resource use to proposed MS-
LTC-DRG 061. Therefore, we are proposing to assign the same relative
weight (and average length of stay) of proposed MS-LTC-DRG 064 of
1.3009 for FY 2025 to proposed MS-LTC-DRG 061 (we refer readers to
Table 11, which is listed in section VI. of the Addendum to this
proposed rule and is available via the internet on the CMS website).
Again, we note that, as this system is dynamic, it is entirely
possible that the number of MS-LTC-DRGs with no volume would vary in
the future. Consistent with our historical practice, we are proposing
to use the best available claims data to identify the trimmed
applicable LTCH cases from which we determine the relative weights in
the final rule.
For FY 2025, consistent with our historical relative weight
methodology, we are proposing to establish a relative weight of 0.0000
for the following transplant MS-LTC-DRGs: Heart Transplant or Implant
of Heart Assist System with MCC (MS-LTC-DRG 001); Heart Transplant or
Implant of Heart Assist System without MCC (MS-LTC-DRG 002); Liver
Transplant with MCC or Intestinal Transplant (MS-LTC-DRG 005); Liver
Transplant without MCC (MS-LTC-DRG 006); Lung Transplant (MS-LTC-DRG
007); Simultaneous Pancreas and Kidney Transplant (MS-LTC-DRG 008);
Simultaneous Pancreas and Kidney Transplant with Hemodialysis (MS-LTC-
DRG 019); Pancreas Transplant (MS-LTC-DRG 010); Kidney Transplant (MS-
LTC-DRG 652); Kidney Transplant with Hemodialysis with MCC (MS-LTC-DRG
650), and Kidney Transplant with Hemodialysis without MCC (MS LTC DRG
651). This is because Medicare only covers these procedures if they are
performed at a hospital that has been certified for the specific
procedures by Medicare and presently no LTCH has been so certified. At
the present time, we include these 11 transplant MS-LTC-DRGs in the
GROUPER program for administrative purposes only. Because we use the
same GROUPER program for LTCHs as is used under the IPPS, removing
these MS-LTC-DRGs would be administratively burdensome. (For additional
information regarding our treatment of transplant MS-LTC-DRGs, we refer
readers to the RY 2010 LTCH PPS final rule (74 FR 43964).) In addition,
consistent with our historical policy, we are proposing to establish a
relative weight of 0.0000 for the 2 ``error'' MS-LTC-DRGs (that is, MS-
LTC-DRG 998 (Principal Diagnosis Invalid as Discharge Diagnosis) and
MS-LTC-DRG 999 (Ungroupable)) because applicable LTCH cases grouped to
these MS-LTC-DRGs cannot be properly assigned to an MS-LTC-DRG
according to the grouping logic.
Additionally, we are proposing to establish a relative weight of
0.0000 for
[[Page 36265]]
the following ``psychiatric or rehabilitation'' MS-LTC-DRGs: MS-LTC-DRG
876 (O.R. Procedures with Principal Diagnosis of Mental Illness); MS-
LTC-DRG 880 (Acute Adjustment Reaction & Psychosocial Dysfunction); MS-
LTC-DRG 881 (Depressive Neuroses); MS-LTC-DRG 882 (Neuroses Except
Depressive); MS-LTC-DRG 883 (Disorders of Personality & Impulse
Control); MS-LTC-DRG 884 (Organic Disturbances & Intellectual
Disability); MS-LTC-DRG 885 (Psychoses); MS-LTC-DRG 886 (Behavioral &
Developmental Disorders); MS-LTC-DRG 887 (Other Mental Disorder
Diagnoses); MS-LTC-DRG 894 (Alcohol, Drug Abuse or Dependence, Left
AMA); MS-LTC-DRG 895 (Alcohol, Drug Abuse or Dependence with
Rehabilitation Therapy); MS-LTC-DRG 896 (Alcohol, Drug Abuse or
Dependence without Rehabilitation Therapy with MCC); MS-LTC-DRG 897
(Alcohol, Drug Abuse or Dependence without Rehabilitation Therapy
without MCC); MS-LTC-DRG 945 (Rehabilitation with CC/MCC); and MS-LTC-
DRG 946 (Rehabilitation without CC/MCC). We are proposing to establish
a relative weight of 0.0000 for these 15 ``psychiatric or
rehabilitation'' MS-LTC-DRGs because the blended payment rate and
temporary exceptions to the site neutral payment rate would not be
applicable for any LTCH discharges occurring in FY 2025, and as such
payment under the LTCH PPS would be no longer be made in part based on
the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate for any discharges assigned
to those MS-LTC-DRGs.
Step 9--Budget neutralize the uncapped relative weights.
In accordance with the regulations at Sec. 412.517(b) (in
conjunction with Sec. 412.503), the annual update to the MS-LTC-DRG
classifications and relative weights is done in a budget neutral manner
such that estimated aggregate LTCH PPS payments would be unaffected,
that is, would be neither greater than nor less than the estimated
aggregate LTCH PPS payments that would have been made without the MS-
LTC-DRG classification and relative weight changes. (For a detailed
discussion on the establishment of the budget neutrality requirement
for the annual update of the MS-LTC-DRG classifications and relative
weights, we refer readers to the RY 2008 LTCH PPS final rule (72 FR
26881 and 26882).
To achieve budget neutrality under the requirement at Sec.
412.517(b), under our established methodology, for each annual update
the MS-LTC-DRG relative weights are uniformly adjusted to ensure that
estimated aggregate payments under the LTCH PPS would not be affected
(that is, decreased or increased). Consistent with that provision, we
are proposing to continue to apply budget neutrality adjustments in
determining the proposed FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights so that
our proposed update of the MS-LTC-DRG classifications and relative
weights for FY 2025 are made in a budget neutral manner. For FY 2025,
we are proposing to apply two budget neutrality factors to determine
the MS-LTC-DRG relative weights. In this step, we describe the
determination of the budget neutrality adjustment that accounts for the
proposed update of the MS-LTC-DRG classifications and relative weights
prior to the application of the ten-percent cap. In steps 10 and 11, we
describe the application of the 10-percent cap policy (step 10) and the
determination of the proposed budget neutrality factor that accounts
for the application of the 10-percent cap policy (step 11).
In this proposed rule, to ensure budget neutrality for the proposed
update to the MS-LTC-DRG classifications and relative weights prior to
the application of the 10-percent cap (that is, uncapped relative
weights), under Sec. 412.517(b), we are proposing to continue to use
our established two-step budget neutrality methodology. Therefore, in
the first step of our MS-LTC-DRG update budget neutrality methodology,
for FY 2025, we calculated and applied a proposed normalization factor
to the recalibrated relative weights (the result of Steps 1 through 8
discussed previously) to ensure that estimated payments are not
affected by changes in the composition of case types or the changes to
the classification system. That is, the normalization adjustment is
intended to ensure that the recalibration of the MS-LTC-DRG relative
weights (that is, the process itself) neither increases nor decreases
the average case-mix index.
To calculate the proposed normalization factor for FY 2025, we
propose to use the following three steps: (1.a.) use the applicable
LTCH cases from the best available data (that is, LTCH discharges from
the FY 2023 MedPAR file) and group them using the proposed FY 2025
GROUPER (that is, Version 42 for FY 2025) and the proposed recalibrated
FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG uncapped relative weights (determined in Steps 1
through 8 discussed previously) to calculate the average case-mix
index; (1.b.) group the same applicable LTCH cases (as are used in Step
1.a.) using the FY 2024 GROUPER (Version 41) and FY 2024 MS-LTC-DRG
relative weights in Table 11 of the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule
and calculate the average case-mix index; and (1.c.) compute the ratio
of these average case-mix indexes by dividing the average case-mix
index for FY 2024 (determined in Step 1.b.) by the average case-mix
index for FY 2025 (determined in Step 1.a.). As a result, in
determining the proposed MS-LTC-DRG relative weights for FY 2025, each
recalibrated MS-LTC-DRG uncapped relative weight is multiplied by the
proposed normalization factor of 1.27356 (determined in Step 1.c.) in
the first step of the budget neutrality methodology, which produces
``normalized relative weights.''
In the second step of our MS-LTC-DRG update budget neutrality
methodology, we calculated a proposed budget neutrality adjustment
factor consisting of the ratio of estimated aggregate FY 2025 LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate payments for applicable LTCH cases before
reclassification and recalibration to estimated aggregate payments for
FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate payments for applicable
LTCH cases after reclassification and recalibration. That is, for this
proposed rule, for FY 2025, we propose to determine the budget
neutrality adjustment factor using the following three steps: (2.a.)
simulate estimated total FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
payments for applicable LTCH cases using the uncapped normalized
relative weights for FY 2025 and proposed GROUPER Version 42; (2.b.)
simulate estimated total FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
payments for applicable LTCH cases using the FY 2024 GROUPER (Version
41) and the FY 2024 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights in Table 11 of the FY
2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule; and (2.c.) calculate the ratio of these
estimated total payments by dividing the value determined in Step 2.b.
by the value determined in Step 2.a. In determining the proposed FY
2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights, each uncapped normalized relative
weight is then multiplied by a proposed budget neutrality factor of
0.988292 (the value determined in Step 2.c.) in the second step of the
budget neutrality methodology.
Step 10--Apply the 10-percent cap to decreases in MS-LTC-DRG
relative weights.
To mitigate the financial impacts of significant year-to-year
reductions in MS-LTC-DRGs relative weights, beginning in FY 2023, we
adopted a policy that applies, in a budget neutral manner, a 10-percent
cap on annual relative weight decreases for MS-LTC-
[[Page 36266]]
DRGs with at least 25 applicable LTCH cases (Sec. 412.515(b)). Under
this policy, in cases where CMS creates new MS-LTC-DRGs or modifies the
MS-LTC-DRGs as part of its annual reclassifications resulting in
renumbering of one or more MS-LTC-DRGs, the 10-percent cap does not
apply to the relative weight for any new or renumbered MS-LTC-DRGs for
the fiscal year. We refer readers to section VIII.B.3.b. of the
preamble of the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule with comment period
for a detailed discussion on the adoption of the 10-percent cap policy
(87 FR 49152 through 49154).
Applying the 10-percent cap to MS-LTC-DRGs with 25 or more cases
results in more predictable and stable MS-LTC-DRG relative weights from
year to year, especially for high-volume MS-LTC-DRGs that generally
have the largest financial impact on an LTCH's operations. For this
proposed rule, in cases where the relative weight for a MS-LTC-DRG with
25 or more applicable LTCH cases would decrease by more than 10-percent
in FY 2025 relative to FY 2024, we are proposing to limit the reduction
to 10-percent. Under this policy, we do not apply the 10 percent cap to
the proposed low-volume MS-LTC-DRGs identified in Step 3 or the
proposed no-volume MS-LTC-DRGs identified in Step 8.
Therefore, in this step, for each proposed FY 2025 MS-LTC-DRG with
25 or more applicable LTCH cases (excludes low-volume and zero-volume
MS-LTC-DRGs) we compared its FY 2025 relative weight (after application
of the proposed normalization and proposed budget neutrality factors
determined in Step 9), to its FY 2024 MS-LTC-DRG relative weight. For
any MS-LTC-DRG where the FY 2025 relative weight would otherwise have
declined more than 10 percent, we established a proposed capped FY 2025
MS-LTC-DRG relative weight that would be equal to 90 percent of that
MS-LTC-DRG's FY 2024 relative weight (that is, we set the proposed FY
2025 relative weight equal to the FY 2024 weight x 0.90).
In section II.E. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we discuss
our proposed changes to the MS-DRGs, and by extension the MS-LTC-DRGs,
for FY 2025. As discussed previously, under our current policy, the 10-
percent cap does not apply to the relative weight for any new or
renumbered MS-LTC-DRGs. We are not proposing any changes to this policy
for FY 2025, and as such any proposed new or renumbered MS-LTC-DRGs for
FY 2025 would not be eligible for the 10-percent cap.
Step 11--Budget neutralize application of the 10-percent cap
Under the requirement at existing Sec. 412.517(b) that aggregate
LTCH PPS payments will be unaffected by annual changes to the MS-LTC-
DRG classifications and relative weights, consistent with our
established methodology, we are proposing to continue to apply a budget
neutrality adjustment to the MS-LTC-DRG relative weights so that the
10-percent cap on relative weight reductions (step 10) is implemented
in a budget neutral manner. Therefore, we are proposing to determine
the proposed budget neutrality adjustment factor for the 10-percent cap
on relative weight reductions using the following three steps: (a)
simulate estimated total FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
payments for applicable LTCH cases using the proposed capped relative
weights for FY 2025 (determined in Step 10) and proposed GROUPER
Version 42; (b) simulate estimated total FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate payments for applicable LTCH cases using the
proposed uncapped relative weights for FY 2025 (determined in Step 9)
and proposed GROUPER Version 42; and (c) calculate the ratio of these
estimated total payments by dividing the value determined in step (b)
by the value determined in step (a). In determining the proposed FY
2025 MS-LTC-DRG relative weights, each capped relative weight is then
multiplied by a proposed budget neutrality factor of 0.9946599 (the
value determined in step (c)) to achieve the budget neutrality
Table 11, which is listed in section VI. of the Addendum to this
proposed rule and is available via the internet on the CMS website,
lists the proposed MS-LTC-DRGs and their respective proposed relative
weights, proposed geometric mean length of stay, and proposed five-
sixths of the geometric mean length of stay (used to identify SSO cases
under Sec. 412.529(a)) for FY 2025. We also are making available on
the website the proposed MS-LTC-DRG relative weights prior to the
application of the 10 percent cap on MS-LTC-DRG relative weight
reductions and corresponding proposed cap budget neutrality factor.
C. Proposed Changes to the LTCH PPS Payment Rates and Other Proposed
Changes to the LTCH PPS for FY 2025
1. Overview of Development of the Proposed LTCH PPS Standard Federal
Payment Rates
The basic methodology for determining LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rates is currently set forth at 42 CFR 412.515 through 412.533
and 412.535. In this section, we discuss the factors that we are
proposing to use to update the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
for FY 2025, that is, effective for LTCH discharges occurring on or
after October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025. Under the dual rate
LTCH PPS payment structure required by statute, beginning with
discharges in cost reporting periods beginning in FY 2016, only LTCH
discharges that meet the criteria for exclusion from the site neutral
payment rate are paid based on the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment
rate specified at 42 CFR 412.523. (For additional details on our
finalized policies related to the dual rate LTCH PPS payment structure
required by statute, we refer readers to the FY 2016 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (80 FR 49601 through 49623).)
Prior to the implementation of the dual payment rate system in FY
2016, all LTCH discharges were paid similarly to those now exempt from
the site neutral payment rate. That legacy payment rate was called the
standard Federal rate. For details on the development of the initial
standard Federal rate for FY 2003, we refer readers to the August 30,
2002 LTCH PPS final rule (67 FR 56027 through 56037). For subsequent
updates to the standard Federal rate from FYs 2003 through 2015, and
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate from FY 2016 through present, as
implemented under 42 CFR 412.523(c)(3), we refer readers to the FY 2020
IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (84 FR 42445 through 42446).
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, we present our
proposed policies related to the annual update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for FY 2025.
The proposed update to the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
for FY 2025 is presented in section V.A. of the Addendum to this
proposed rule. The components of the proposed annual update to the LTCH
PPS standard Federal payment rate for FY 2025 are discussed in this
section, including the statutory reduction to the annual update for
LTCHs that fail to submit quality reporting data for FY 2025 as
required by the statute (as discussed in section VIII.C.2.c. of the
preamble of this
[[Page 36267]]
proposed rule). We are proposing to make an adjustment to the LTCH PPS
standard Federal payment rate to account for the estimated effect of
the changes to the area wage level for FY 2025 on estimated aggregate
LTCH PPS payments, in accordance with 42 CFR 412.523(d)(4) (as
discussed in section V.B. of the Addendum to this proposed rule).
2. Proposed FY 2025 LTCH PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate Annual
Market Basket Update
a. Overview
Historically, the Medicare program has used a market basket to
account for input price increases in the services furnished by
providers. The market basket used for the LTCH PPS includes both
operating and capital-related costs of LTCHs because the LTCH PPS uses
a single payment rate for both operating and capital-related costs. We
adopted the 2017-based LTCH market basket for use under the LTCH PPS
beginning in FY 2021 (85 FR 58907 through 58909). As discussed in
section VIII.D. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we are proposing
to rebase and revise the 2017-based LTCH market basket to reflect a
2022 base year. For additional details on the historical development of
the market basket used under the LTCH PPS, we refer readers to the FY
2013 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (77 FR 53467 through 53476), and for a
complete discussion of the LTCH market basket and a description of the
methodologies used to determine the operating and capital-related
portions of the 2017-based LTCH market basket, we refer readers to the
FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58909 through 58926).
Section 3401(c) of the Affordable Care Act provides for certain
adjustments to any annual update to the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate and refers to the timeframes associated with such
adjustments as a ``rate year.'' We note that, because the annual update
to the LTCH PPS policies, rates, and factors now occurs on October 1,
we adopted the term ``fiscal year'' (FY) rather than ``rate year'' (RY)
under the LTCH PPS beginning October 1, 2010, to conform with the
standard definition of the Federal fiscal year (October 1 through
September 30) used by other PPSs, such as the IPPS (75 FR 50396 through
50397). Although the language of sections 3004(a), 3401(c), 10319, and
1105(b) of the Affordable Care Act refers to years 2010 and thereafter
under the LTCH PPS as ``rate year,'' consistent with our change in the
terminology used under the LTCH PPS from ``rate year'' to ``fiscal
year,'' for purposes of clarity, when discussing the annual update for
the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate, including the provisions of
the Affordable Care Act, we use ``fiscal year'' rather than ``rate
year'' for 2011 and subsequent years.
b. Proposed Annual Update to the LTCH PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate
for FY 2025
As previously noted, for FY 2025, we are proposing to rebase and
revise the 2017-based LTCH market basket to reflect a 2022 base year.
The proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket is primarily based on the
Medicare cost report data submitted by LTCHs and, therefore,
specifically reflects the cost structures of LTCHs. As described in
more detail in section VIII.D.1 of the preamble of this proposed rule,
we are proposing to use data from cost reporting periods beginning on
and after April 1, 2021, and prior to April 1, 2022 because these data
reflect the most recent information that are most representative of FY
2022. We believe that the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket
appropriately reflects the cost structure of LTCHs, as discussed in
greater detail in section VIII.D. of the preamble of this proposed
rule. In this proposed rule, we are proposing to use the proposed 2022-
based LTCH market basket to update the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate for FY 2025.
Section 1886(m)(3)(A) of the Act provides that, beginning in FY
2010, any annual update to the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
is reduced by the adjustments specified in clauses (i) and (ii) of
subparagraph (A), as applicable. Clause (i) of section 1886(m)(3)(A) of
the Act provides for a reduction, for FY 2012 and each subsequent rate
year, by ``the productivity adjustment'' described in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act. Section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the
Act, as added by section 3401(a) of the Affordable Care Act, defines
this productivity adjustment as equal to the 10-year moving average of
changes in annual economy-wide, private nonfarm business multifactor
productivity (as projected by the Secretary for the 10-year period
ending with the applicable fiscal year, year, cost reporting period, or
other annual period). The U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS) publishes the official measures of private nonfarm
business productivity for the U.S. economy. We note that previously the
productivity measure referenced in section 1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) was
published by BLS as private nonfarm business multifactor productivity.
Beginning with the November 18, 2021 release of productivity data, BLS
replaced the term multifactor productivity with total factor
productivity (TFP). BLS noted that this is a change in terminology only
and will not affect the data or methodology. As a result of the BLS
name change, the productivity measure referenced in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) is now published by BLS as private nonfarm
business total factor productivity. However, as mentioned, the data and
methods are unchanged. Please see for the BLS historical
published TFP data. A complete description of IGI's TFP projection
methodology is available on the CMS website at Clause (ii) of
section 1886(m)(3)(A) of the Act provided for a reduction, for each of
FYs 2010 through 2019, by the ``other adjustment'' described in section
1886(m)(4)(F) of the Act; therefore, it is not applicable for FY 2025.
Section 1886(m)(3)(B) of the Act provides that the application of
paragraph (3) of section 1886(m) of the Act may result in the annual
update being less than zero for a rate year, and may result in payment
rates for a rate year being less than such payment rates for the
preceding rate year.
c. Proposed Adjustment to the LTCH PPS Standard Federal Payment Rate
Under the Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program (LTCH QRP)
In accordance with section 1886(m)(5) of the Act, the Secretary
established the Long-Term Care Hospital Quality Reporting Program (LTCH
QRP). The reduction in the annual update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for failure to report quality data under the LTCH
QRP for FY 2014 and subsequent fiscal years is codified under 42 CFR
412.523(c)(4). The LTCH QRP, as required for FY 2014 and subsequent
fiscal years by section 1886(m)(5)(A)(i) of the Act, requires that a
2.0 percentage points reduction be applied to any update under 42 CFR
412.523(c)(3) for an LTCH that does not submit quality reporting data
to the Secretary in accordance with section 1886(m)(5)(C) of the Act
with respect to such a year (that is, in the form and manner and at the
time specified by the Secretary under the LTCH QRP) (42 CFR
412.523(c)(4)(i)). Section 1886(m)(5)(A)(ii) of the Act provides that
the application of the 2.0 percentage points reduction may result in an
annual update that is less than 0.0 for a year, and may result in LTCH
PPS payment rates for a year being less than
[[Page 36268]]
such LTCH PPS payment rates for the preceding year. Furthermore,
section 1886(m)(5)(B) of the Act specifies that the 2.0 percentage
points reduction is applied in a noncumulative manner, such that any
reduction made under section 1886(m)(5)(A) of the Act shall apply only
with respect to the year involved, and shall not be taken into account
in computing the LTCH PPS payment amount for a subsequent year. These
requirements are codified in the regulations at 42 CFR 412.523(c)(4).
(For additional information on the history of the LTCH QRP, including
the statutory authority and the selected measures, we refer readers to
section IX. of the preamble of this proposed rule.)
d. Proposed Annual Market Basket Update Under the LTCH PPS for FY 2025
Consistent with our historical practice, we estimate the market
basket percentage increase and the productivity adjustment based on IHS
Global Inc.'s (IGI's) forecast using the most recent available data.
Based on IGI's fourth quarter 2023 forecast, the proposed FY 2025
market basket percentage increase for the LTCH PPS using the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket is 3.2 percent. The proposed productivity
adjustment for FY 2025 based on IGI's fourth quarter 2023 forecast is
0.4 percentage point.
For FY 2025, section 1886(m)(3)(A)(i) of the Act requires that any
annual update to the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate be reduced
by the productivity adjustment, described in section
1886(b)(3)(B)(xi)(II) of the Act. Consistent with the statute, we are
proposing to reduce the FY 2025 market basket percentage increase by
the FY 2025 productivity adjustment. To determine the proposed market
basket update for LTCHs for FY 2025 we subtracted the proposed FY 2025
productivity adjustment from the proposed FY 2025 market basket
percentage increase. (For additional details on our established
methodology for adjusting the market basket percentage increase by the
productivity adjustment, we refer readers to the FY 2012 IPPS/LTCH PPS
final rule (76 FR 51771).) In addition, for FY 2025, section 1886(m)(5)
of the Act requires that, for LTCHs that do not submit quality
reporting data as required under the LTCH QRP, any annual update to an
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate, after application of the
adjustments required by section 1886(m)(3) of the Act, shall be further
reduced by 2.0 percentage points.
In this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS proposed rule, in accordance with the
statute, we are proposing to reduce the proposed FY 2025 market basket
percentage increase of 3.2 percent (based on IGI's fourth quarter 2023
forecast of the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket) by the proposed
FY 2025 productivity adjustment of 0.4 percentage point (based on IGI's
fourth quarter 2023 forecast). Therefore, under the authority of
section 123 of the BBRA as amended by section 307(b) of the BIPA,
consistent with 42 CFR 412.523(c)(3)(xvii), we are proposing to
establish an annual market basket update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for FY 2025 of 2.8 percent (that is, the LTCH PPS
market basket increase of 3.2 percent less the productivity adjustment
of 0.4 percentage point). For LTCHs that fail to submit quality
reporting data under the LTCH QRP, under 42 CFR 412.523(c)(3)(xvii) in
conjunction with 42 CFR 412.523(c)(4), we are proposing to further
reduce the annual update to the LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate
by 2.0 percentage points, in accordance with section 1886(m)(5) of the
Act. Accordingly, we are proposing to establish an annual update to the
LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate of 0.8 percent (that is, the
proposed 2.8 percent LTCH market basket update minus 2.0 percentage
points) for FY 2025 for LTCHs that fail to submit quality reporting
data as required under the LTCH QRP. Consistent with our historical
practice, we are proposing to use a more recent estimate of the market
basket percentage increase and the productivity adjustment, if
appropriate, to establish an annual update to the LTCH PPS standard
Federal payment rate for FY 2025 in the final rule. We note that,
consistent with historical practice, we are also proposing to adjust
the FY 2025 LTCH PPS standard Federal payment rate by an area wage
level budget neutrality factor in accordance with 42 CFR 412.523(d)(4)
(as discussed in section V.B.5. of the Addendum to this proposed rule).
D. Proposed Rebasing of the LTCH Market Basket
1. Background
The input price index (that is, the market basket) that was used to
develop the LTCH PPS for FY 2003 was the ``excluded hospital with
capital'' market basket. That market basket was based on 1997 Medicare
cost report data and included data for Medicare-participating IRFs,
IPFs, LTCHs, cancer hospitals, and children's hospitals. Although the
term ``market basket'' technically describes the mix of goods and
services used in providing hospital care, this term is also commonly
used to denote the input price index (that is, cost category weights
and price proxies combined) derived from that mix. Accordingly, the
term ``market basket,'' as used in this section, refers to an input
price index.
Since the LTCH PPS inception, the market basket used to update LTCH
PPS payments has been rebased and revised to reflect more recent data.
We last rebased and revised the market basket applicable to the LTCH
PPS in the FY 2021 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58909 through
58926), where we adopted a 2017-based LTCH market basket. References to
the historical market baskets used to update LTCH PPS payments are
listed in the FY 2021 LTCH PPS final rule (85 FR 58909 through 58910).
For this FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH proposed rule, we propose to rebase and
revise the 2017-based LTCH market basket to reflect a 2022 base year,
which would maintain our historical frequency of rebasing the market
basket every 4 years. The proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket is
primarily based on Medicare cost report data for LTCHs for FY 2022,
specifically for cost reporting periods beginning on and after April 1,
2021, and prior to April 1, 2022. For the 2017-based LTCH market, we
used Medicare cost report data for LTCHs from cost reporting periods
beginning on and after October 1, 2016, and before October 1, 2017, or
reports that began in FY 2017. The majority of LTCHs have a cost report
begin date of September 1 and so those LTCHs with a cost report begin
date of September 1, 2021 have the majority of their expenses occurring
in the FY 2022 time period. We are proposing to use data from cost
reporting periods beginning on and after April 1, 2021, and prior to
April 1, 2022 because these data reflect the most recent Medicare cost
report data for LTCHs at the time of rulemaking where the majority of
their costs are occurring in FY 2022 while still maintaining our
historical frequency of rebasing the market basket every 4 years.
We are unable to use data from the FY 2022 HCRIS file, which
reflects cost reporting periods beginning on and after October 1, 2021
and prior to September 30, 2022, as most reporters have a begin date of
September 1, so the dataset in the file is not yet complete. In the
interest of utilizing the most recent, complete data available, we are
proposing to combine data from multiple HCRIS files to obtain a 2022
base year. We are proposing to use a composite timeframe of cost
reporting periods beginning on and after April 1, 2021 and prior to
April 1, 2022, because
[[Page 36269]]
April 1 reflects the middle of the fiscal year and this timeframe would
allow data from 2022 to be included in this rebasing. Using this
proposed method, the weighted average of costs occurring in FY 2022
(accounting for the distribution of providers by Medicare cost report
begin date) is 82 percent. Therefore, we believe our proposed
methodology of using Medicare cost report data based on cost reporting
periods beginning on or after April 1, 2021 and prior to April 1, 2022
reflects the most recent information that is most representative of FY
As described in the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH final rule (87 FR 49164
through 49165), we received comments on the FY 2023 IPPS/LTCH PPS
proposed rule where stakeholders expressed concern that the proposed
market basket update was inadequate relative to input price inflation
experienced by LTCHs, particularly as a result of the COVID-19 PHE.
These commenters stated that the PHE, along with inflation, has
significantly driven up operating costs. Specifically, some commenters
noted changes to the labor markets that led to the use of more contract
labor. As described in more detail later in this section, we verified
this trend when analyzing the Medicare cost reports submitted by LTCHs
through 2022. Therefore, we believe it is appropriate to incorporate
more recent data to reflect updated cost structures for LTCHs, and so
we propose to use 2022 as the base year because we believe that the
Medicare cost reports for this year represent the most recent, complete
set of Medicare cost report data available for developing the proposed
LTCH market basket at the time of this rulemaking. Given the recent
trends in the major cost weights derived from the Medicare cost report
data as discussed later in this section, we will continue to monitor
these data going forward and any additional changes to the LTCH market
basket will be proposed in future rulemaking.
In the following discussion, we provide an overview of the proposed
LTCH market basket, describe the proposed methodologies for developing
the operating and capital portions of the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket, and provide information on the proposed price proxies.
Then, we present the proposed FY 2025 market basket update and labor-
related share based on the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket.
2. Overview of the Proposed 2022-Based LTCH Market Basket
Similar to the 2017-based LTCH market basket, the proposed 2022-
based LTCH market basket is a fixed-weight, Laspeyres-type price index.
A Laspeyres price index measures the change in price, over time, of the
same mix of goods and services purchased in the base period. Any
changes in the quantity or mix (that is, intensity) of goods and
services purchased over time relative to the base period are not
measured. The index itself is constructed using three steps. First, a
base period is selected (in this proposed rule, we propose to use 2022
as the base period) and total base period costs are estimated for a set
of mutually exclusive and exhaustive spending categories, with the
proportion of total costs that each category represents being
calculated. These proportions are called cost weights. Second, each
cost category is matched to an appropriate price or wage variable,
referred to as a ``price proxy.'' In almost every instance, these price
proxies are derived from publicly available statistical series that are
published on a consistent schedule (preferably at least on a quarterly
basis). Finally, the cost weight for each cost category is multiplied
by the level of its respective price proxy. The sum of these products
(that is, the cost weights multiplied by their price index levels) for
all cost categories yields the composite index level of the market
basket in a given period. Repeating this step for other periods
produces a series of market basket levels over time. Dividing an index
level for a given period by an index level for an earlier period
produces a rate of growth in the input price index over that timeframe.
As previously noted, the market basket is described as a fixed-weight
index because it represents the change in price over time of a constant
mix (quantity and intensity) of goods and services needed to furnish
hospital services. The effects on total costs resulting from changes in
the mix of goods and services purchased subsequent to the base period
are not measured. For example, a hospital hiring more nurses to
accommodate the needs of patients would increase the volume of goods
and services purchased by the hospital but would not be factored into
the price change measured by a fixed-weight hospital market basket.
Only when the index is rebased would changes in the quantity and
intensity be captured, with those changes being reflected in the cost
weights. Therefore, we rebase the market basket periodically so that
the cost weights reflect recent changes in the mix of goods and
services that hospitals purchase to furnish inpatient care between base
3. Development of the Proposed 2022-Based LTCH Market Basket Cost
Categories and Weights
We are inviting public comments on our proposed methodology,
discussed in this section of this rule, for deriving the proposed 2022-
based LTCH market basket.
a. Use of Medicare Cost Report Data
The major types of costs underlying the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket are derived from the Medicare cost reports (CMS Form
2552-10, OMB Control Number 0938-0050) for LTCHs. Specifically, we use
the Medicare cost reports for seven specific costs: Wages and Salaries,
Employee Benefits, Contract Labor, Pharmaceuticals, Professional
Liability Insurance (PLI), Home Office/Related Organization Contract
Labor, and Capital. A residual category is then estimated and reflects
all remaining costs not captured in the seven types of costs identified
previously. The 2017-based LTCH market basket similarly used the
Medicare cost reports.
Medicare cost report data include costs for all patients (including
but not limited to those covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and private
insurance). Because our goal is to measure cost shares for facilities
that serve Medicare beneficiaries and are reflective of case mix and
practice patterns associated with providing services to Medicare
beneficiaries in LTCHs, we propose to limit our selection of Medicare
cost reports to those from LTCHs that have a Medicare average length of
stay (LOS) that is within a comparable range of their total facility
average LOS. We define the Medicare average LOS based on data reported
on the Medicare cost report (CMS Form 2552-10, OMB Control Number 0938-
0050) Worksheet S-3, Part I, line 14. We believe that applying the LOS
edit results in a more accurate reflection of the structure of costs
associated with Medicare covered days as our proposed edit excludes
those LTCHs that had an average total facility LOS that were notably
different than the average Medicare LOS. For the 2017-based LTCH market
basket, we used the cost reports submitted by LTCHs with Medicare
average LOS within 25 percent (that is, 25 percent higher or lower) of
the total facility average LOS for the hospital. Based on our analysis
of the 2022 Medicare cost reports, for the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket, we propose to again use the cost reports submitted by
LTCHs with Medicare average LOS within 25 percent (that is, 25 percent
higher or lower) of the total facility
[[Page 36270]]
average LOS for the hospital. The universe of LTCHs had an average
Medicare LOS of 26 days, an average total facility LOS of 35 days, and
aggregate Medicare utilization (as measured by Medicare inpatient LTCH
days as a percentage of total facility inpatient LTCH days) of 34
percent in 2022. Applying the proposed trim excludes 11 percent of LTCH
providers and results in a subset of LTCH Medicare cost reports with an
average Medicare LOS of 26 days, average facility LOS of 30 days, and
aggregate Medicare utilization (based on days) of 40 percent. The 11
percent of providers that are excluded had an average Medicare LOS of
29 days, average facility LOS of 71 days, and aggregate Medicare
utilization of 14 percent.
We are proposing to use the cost reports for LTCHs that meet this
requirement to calculate the costs for the seven major cost categories
(Wages and Salaries, Employee Benefits, Contract Labor, Professional
Liability Insurance, Pharmaceuticals, Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor, and Capital) for the market basket. Also, as described
in section VIII.D.3.d. of the preamble of this proposed rule, and as
done for the 2017-based LTCH market basket, we are also proposing to
use the Medicare cost report data to calculate the detailed capital
cost weights for the Depreciation, Interest, Lease, and Other Capital-
Related cost categories.
(1) Wages and Salaries Costs
We propose to derive Wages and Salaries costs as the sum of routine
inpatient salaries, ancillary salaries, and a proportion of overhead
(or general service cost center) salaries as reported on Worksheet A,
column 1. Because overhead salary costs are attributable to the entire
LTCH, we propose to only include the proportion attributable to the
Medicare allowable cost centers. For the 2022-based LTCH market basket,
we propose that routine and ancillary Wages and Salaries costs would be
equal to salary costs as reported on Worksheet A, column 1, lines 30
through 35, 50 through 76 (excluding 52 and 75), 90 through 91, and 93.
Then, we are proposing to estimate the proportion of overhead salaries
that are attributed to Medicare allowable costs centers. We propose to
first calculate overhead salaries as the sum of Worksheet A, column 1,
lines 4 through 18. We then calculate the ``Medicare allowable ratio''
equal to routine and ancillary Wages and Salaries divided by total non-
overhead salaries (Worksheet A, column 1, line 200 less overhead
salaries). We propose to multiply this Medicare allowable ratio by
overhead salaries to determine the overhead salaries attributed to
Medicare allowable cost centers. The sum of routine salaries, ancillary
salaries, and the estimated Medicare allowable portion of overhead
salaries represent Wages and Salaries costs. A similar methodology was
used to derive Wages and Salaries costs in the 2017-based LTCH market
(2) Employee Benefits Costs
Similar to the 2017-based LTCH market basket, we propose to
calculate Employee Benefits costs using data from Worksheet S-3, part
II, column 4, lines 17, 18, 20, and 22. The completion of Worksheet S-
3, part II is only required for IPPS hospitals. For 2022, we found that
approximately 42 percent of LTCHs voluntarily reported the Employee
Benefits data, which has increased from the approximately 20 percent of
LTCHs that reported these data that were used for the 2017-based LTCH
market basket. Our analysis of the Worksheet S-3, part II data
submitted by these LTCHs indicates that we continue to have a large
enough sample to enable us to produce a reasonable Employee Benefits
cost weight. Specifically, we found that when we recalculated the cost
weight after weighting to reflect the characteristics of the universe
of LTCHs (such as by type of ownership--nonprofit, for-profit, and
government--and by region), the recalculation did not have a material
effect on the resulting cost weight. Therefore, we propose to use
Worksheet S-3, part II data (as was done for the 2017-based LTCH market
basket) to calculate the Employee Benefits cost weight in the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket.
We note that, effective with the implementation of CMS Form 2552-
10, OMB Control Number 0938-0050, we began collecting Employee Benefits
and Contract Labor data on Worksheet S-3, part V, which is applicable
to LTCHs. However, approximately 12 percent of LTCHs reported data on
Worksheet S-3, part V for 2022, which has fallen since 2017 when
roughly 17 percent of LTCHs reported these data. Because a greater
percentage of LTCHs continue to report data on Worksheet S-3, part II
than Worksheet S-3, part V, we are not proposing to use the Employee
Benefits and Contract Labor data reported on Worksheet S-3, part V to
calculate the Employee Benefits and Contract Labor cost weights in the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket. We continue to encourage all
providers to report Employee Benefits and Contract Labor data on
Worksheet S-3, part V.
(3) Contract Labor Costs
Contract Labor costs reported on the Medicare cost reports are
primarily associated with direct patient care services. Contract Labor
costs for services such as accounting, billing, and legal are estimated
using other government data sources as described in this section of
this proposed rule. Approximately 40 percent of LTCHs voluntarily
reported Contract Labor costs on Worksheet S-3, part II, which was
similar to the percentage obtained from 2017 Medicare cost reports.
As was done for the 2017-based LTCH market basket, we propose to
derive the Contract Labor costs for the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket using voluntarily reported data from Worksheet S-3, part II. Our
analysis of these data indicates that we have a large enough sample to
enable us to produce a representative Contract Labor cost weight.
Specifically, we found that when we recalculated the cost weight after
weighting to reflect the characteristics of the universe of LTCHs by
region, the recalculation did not have a material effect on the
resulting cost weight. Therefore, we propose to use data from Worksheet
S-3, part II, column 4, lines 11 and 13 to calculate the Contract Labor
cost weight in the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket.
(4) Pharmaceuticals Costs
We propose to calculate Pharmaceuticals costs using non-salary
costs reported for the pharmacy cost center (line 15) and drugs charged
to patients cost center (line 73). We propose to calculate these costs
as Worksheet A, column 7, less Worksheet A, column 1 for each of these
lines. A similar methodology was used for the 2017-based LTCH market
(5) Professional Liability Insurance Costs
We propose that Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) costs (often
referred to as malpractice costs) be equal to premiums, paid losses and
self-insurance costs reported on Worksheet S-2, part I, columns 1
through 3, line 118. A similar methodology was used for the 2017-based
LTCH market basket.
(6) Home Office/Related Organization Contract Labor Costs
We propose to calculate the Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor costs using data reported on Worksheet S-3, part II,
column 4, lines 1401, 1402, 2550, and 2551 for those LTCH providers
reporting total salaries on Worksheet S-3, part II, line 1. A
[[Page 36271]]
similar methodology was used for the 2017-based LTCH market basket.
(7) Capital Costs
We propose that Capital costs be equal to Medicare allowable
capital costs as reported on Worksheet B, part II, column 26, lines 30
through 35, 50 through 76 (excluding 52 and 75), 90 through 91 and 93.
A similar methodology was used for the 2017-based LTCH market basket.
b. Final Major Cost Category Computation
After we derive costs for the major cost categories for each
provider using the Medicare cost report data as previously described,
we propose to trim the data for outliers. For each of the seven major
cost categories, we are first proposing to divide the calculated costs
for the category by total Medicare allowable costs calculated for the
provider to obtain cost weights for the universe of LTCH providers. For
the 2022-based LTCH market basket (similar to the approach used for the
2017-based LTCH market basket), we propose that total Medicare
allowable costs would be equal to the total costs as reported on
Worksheet B, part I, column 26, lines 30 through 35, 50 through 76
(excluding 52 and 75), 90 through 91, and 93.
For the Wages and Salaries, Employee Benefits, Contract Labor,
Pharmaceuticals, Professional Liability Insurance, and Capital cost
weights, after excluding cost weights that are less than or equal to
zero, we propose to then remove those providers whose derived cost
weights fall in the top and bottom 5 percent of provider specific
derived cost weights to ensure the exclusion of outliers. We note that
missing values are assumed to be zero consistent with the methodology
for how missing values were treated in the 2017-based LTCH market
basket. After the outliers have been excluded, we sum the costs for
each category across all remaining providers. We are proposing to
divide this by the sum of total Medicare allowable costs across all
remaining providers to obtain a cost weight for the 2022-based LTCH
market basket for the given category. This trimming process is done for
each cost weight separately.
For the Home Office/Related Organization Contract Labor cost
weight, we propose to apply a 1-percent top only trimming methodology.
We believe, as the Medicare cost report data (Worksheet S-2, part I,
line 140) indicate, that not all LTCHs have a home office. LTCHs
without a home office can incur these expenses directly by having their
own staff, for which the costs would be included in the Wages and
Salaries and Employee Benefits cost weights. Alternatively, LTCHs
without a home office could also purchase related services from
external contractors for which these expenses would be captured in the
residual ``All Other'' cost weight. We believe this 1-percent top-only
trimming methodology is appropriate as it addresses outliers while
allowing providers with zero Home Office/Related Organization Contract
Labor costs to be included in the Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor cost weight calculation. If we applied both the top and
bottom 5 percent trimming methodology, we would exclude providers who
have zero Home Office/Related Organization Contract Labor costs.
Finally, we propose to calculate the residual ``All Other'' cost
weight that reflects all remaining costs that are not captured in the
seven cost categories listed. We refer readers to Table EEEE 1 for the
resulting proposed cost weights for these major cost categories.
The Wages and Salaries and Employee Benefits cost weights
calculated from the Medicare cost reports for the proposed 2022-based
LTCH market basket are similar to the Wages and Salaries and Employee
Benefits cost weights for the 2017-based LTCH market basket. The
proposed Contract Labor cost weight, however, is approximately 8
percentage points higher than the Contract Labor cost weight in the
2017-based LTCH market basket. The proposed 2022-based Pharmaceuticals
and Capital cost weights are lower than the 2017-based LTCH market
basket by 1.7 percentage points and 1.4 percentage points,
respectively. The proposed 2022-based Home Office/Related Organization
Contract Labor cost weight has increased by 1.8 percentage points
compared to the 2017-based LTCH market basket.
As we did for the 2017-based LTCH market basket, we propose to
allocate the Contract Labor cost weight to the Wages and Salaries and
Employee Benefits cost weights based on their relative proportions
under the assumption that Contract Labor costs are comprised of both
Wages and Salaries and Employee Benefits. The Contract Labor allocation
proportion for Wages and Salaries is equal to the Wages and Salaries
cost weight as a percent of the sum of the Wages and Salaries cost
weight and the Employee Benefits cost weight. This rounded percentage
is 87 percent. Therefore, we propose to allocate 87 percent of the
Contract Labor cost weight to the Wages and Salaries cost weight and 13
percent to the Employee Benefits cost weight. We refer readers to Table
EEEE 2 that shows the proposed Wages and Salaries and
[[Page 36272]]
Employee Benefits cost weights after Contract Labor cost weight
allocation for both the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket and the
2017-based LTCH market basket.
After the allocation of the Contract Labor cost weight, the
proposed 2022-based Wages and Salaries cost weight is 7.2 percentage
points higher and the Employee Benefits cost weight is 1.4 percentage
points higher, relative to the respective cost weights for the 2017-
based LTCH market basket. As a result, in the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket, the compensation cost weight is 8.6 percentage points
higher than the Compensation cost weight for the 2017-based LTCH market
c. Derivation of the Detailed Operating Cost Weights
To further divide the residual ``All Other'' cost weight estimated
from the 2022 Medicare cost report data into more detailed cost
categories, we propose to use the 2017 Benchmark I-O ``The Use Table
(Supply-Use Framework)'' data for NAICS 622000, Hospitals, published by
the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). These data are publicly
available at the following website: For the 2017-based LTCH market basket, we used
the 2012 Benchmark I-O data, the most recent data available at the time
(85 FR 58913).
The BEA Benchmark I-O data are scheduled for publication every 5
years with the most recent data available for 2017. The 2017 Benchmark
I-O data are derived from the 2017 Economic Census and are the building
blocks for BEA's economic accounts. Therefore, they represent the most
comprehensive and complete set of data on the economic processes or
mechanisms by which output is produced and distributed.\181\ BEA also
produces Annual I-O estimates. However, while based on a similar
methodology, these estimates reflect less comprehensive and less
detailed data sources and are subject to revision when benchmark data
becomes available. Instead of using the less detailed Annual I-O data,
we propose to inflate the 2017 Benchmark I-O data forward to 2022 by
applying the annual price changes from the respective price proxies to
the appropriate market basket cost categories that are obtained from
the 2017 Benchmark I-O data, and calculated the cost shares that each
cost category represents using the inflated data. These resulting 2022
cost shares were applied to the residual ``All Other'' cost weight to
obtain the detailed cost weights for the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket. For example, the cost for Food: Direct Purchases
represents 4.3 percent of the sum of the residual ``All Other'' 2017
Benchmark I-O Hospital Expenditures inflated to 2022. Therefore, the
Food: Direct Purchases cost weight represents 4.3 percent of the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket's residual ``All Other'' cost
category (20.8 percent), yielding a ``final'' Food: Direct Purchases
proposed cost weight of 0.9 percent in the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket (0.043 x 20.8 percent = 0.9 percent).
Using this methodology, we propose to derive seventeen detailed
LTCH market basket cost category weights within the proposed 2022-based
LTCH market basket residual ``All Other'' cost weight (20.8 percent).
These categories are: (1) Electricity and Other Non-Fuel Utilities; (2)
Fuel: Oil and Gas; (3) Food: Direct Purchases; (4) Food: Contract
Services; (5) Chemicals; (6) Medical Instruments; (7) Rubber and
Plastics; (8) Paper and Printing Products; (9) Miscellaneous Products;
(10) Professional Fees: Labor-Related; (11) Administrative and
Facilities Support Services; (12) Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
Services; (13) All Other Labor-Related Services; (14) Professional
Fees: Nonlabor-Related; (15) Financial Services; (16) Telephone
Services; and (17) All Other Nonlabor-Related Services. We note that
these are the same categories as were used in the 2017-based LTCH
market basket (with several cost categories being renamed for
clarification purposes).
d. Derivation of the Detailed Capital Cost Weights
As described in section VIII.D.3.b. of the preamble of this
proposed rule, we are proposing a Capital-Related cost weight of 8.5
percent in the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket as calculated
from the 2022 Medicare cost reports for LTCHs after applying the
proposed trims as previously described. We propose to then separate
this total Capital-Related cost weight into more detailed cost
categories. Using Worksheet A-7 in the 2022 Medicare cost reports, we
are able to group capital-related costs into the following categories:
Depreciation, Interest, Lease, and Other Capital-Related costs, as
shown in Table VIII.D-03, which is the same methodology used for the
2017-based LTCH market basket.
We also are proposing to allocate lease costs, which are 65 percent
of total capital costs in the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket,
across each of the remaining detailed capital-related cost categories
as was done in the 2017-based LTCH market basket. This would result in
three primary capital-related cost categories in the proposed 2022
based LTCH market basket: Depreciation, Interest, and Other Capital-
Related costs. Lease costs are unique in that they are not broken out
as a separate cost category in the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket. Rather, we propose to proportionally distribute these costs
among the cost categories of Depreciation, Interest, and Other Capital-
Related, reflecting the assumption that the underlying cost structure
of leases is similar to that of capital-related costs in general. As
was done for the 2017-based LTCH market basket, we propose to assume
that 10 percent of the lease costs represents
[[Page 36273]]
overhead and to assign those costs to the Other Capital-Related cost
category accordingly. Therefore, we are assuming that approximately 6.5
percent (65.0 percent x 0.1) of total capital-related costs represent
lease costs attributable to overhead, and we propose to add this 6.5
percentage points to the 7.3 percent Other Capital-Related cost
category weight. We are also proposing to distribute the remaining
lease costs (58.5 percent, or 65.0 percent less 6.5 percentage points)
proportionally across the three cost categories (Depreciation,
Interest, and Other Capital-Related) based on the proportion that these
categories comprise of the sum of the Depreciation, Interest, and Other
Capital-Related cost categories (excluding lease expenses). For
example, the Other Capital-Related cost category represented 21.0
percent of all three cost categories (Depreciation, Interest, and Other
Capital-Related) prior to any lease expenses being allocated. This 21.0
percent is applied to the 58.5 percent of remaining lease expenses so
that another 12.3 percentage points of lease expenses as a percent of
total capital-related costs is allocated to the Other Capital-Related
cost category. Therefore, the resulting proposed Other Capital-Related
cost weight is 26.1 percent (7.3 percent + 6.5 percent + 12.3 percent).
This is the same methodology used for the 2017-based LTCH market
basket. The proposed allocation of these lease expenses are shown in
Table VIII.D-03.
Finally, we propose to further divide the Depreciation and Interest
cost categories. We propose to separate Depreciation cost category into
the following two categories: (1) Building and Fixed Equipment and (2)
Movable Equipment. We also propose to separate the Interest cost
category into the following two categories: (1) Government/Nonprofit;
and (2) For profit.
To disaggregate the Depreciation cost weight, we needed to
determine the percent of total depreciation costs for LTCHs (after the
allocation of lease costs) that are attributable to Building and Fixed
equipment, which we hereafter refer to as the ``fixed percentage.'' We
propose to use depreciation and lease data from Worksheet A-7 of the
2022 Medicare cost reports, which is the same methodology used for the
2017-based LTCH market basket. Based on the 2022 LTCH Medicare cost
report data, we have determined that depreciation costs for building
and fixed equipment account for 39 percent of total depreciation costs,
while depreciation costs for movable equipment account for 61 percent
of total depreciation costs. As previously mentioned, we propose to
allocate lease expenses among the Depreciation, Interest, and Other
Capital-Related cost categories. We determined that leasing building
and fixed equipment expenses account for 94 percent of total leasing
expenses, while leasing movable equipment expenses account for 6
percent of total leasing expenses. We propose to sum the depreciation
and leasing expenses for building and fixed equipment, as well as sum
the depreciation and leasing expenses for movable equipment. This
results in the proposed Building and Fixed Equipment Depreciation cost
weight (after leasing costs are included) representing 78 percent of
total depreciation costs and the Movable Equipment Depreciation cost
weight (after leasing costs are included) representing 22 percent of
total depreciation costs.
To disaggregate the Interest cost weight, we determine the percent
of total interest costs for LTCHs that are attributable to government
and nonprofit facilities, which we hereafter refer to as the
``nonprofit percentage,'' because price pressures associated with these
types of interest costs tend to differ from those for for-profit
facilities. We propose to use interest costs data from Worksheet A-7 of
the 2022 Medicare cost reports for LTCHs, which is the same methodology
used for the 2017-based LTCH market basket. The nonprofit percentage
determined using this method is 48 percent.
Table VIII.D-03 provides the proposed detailed capital cost shares
obtained from the Medicare cost reports. Ultimately, if finalized,
these detailed capital cost shares would be applied to the total
Capital-Related cost weight determined in section VIII.D.3.b. of the
preamble of this proposed rule to separate the total Capital-Related
cost weight of 8.5 percent into more detailed cost categories and
[[Page 36274]]
e. Proposed 2022-Based LTCH Market Basket Cost Categories and Weights
Table VIII.D-04 shows the proposed cost categories and weights for
the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket compared to the 2017-based
LTCH market basket.
4. Selection of Proposed Price Proxies
After developing the proposed cost weights for the 2022-based LTCH
market basket, we selected the most appropriate wage and price proxies
currently available to represent the rate
[[Page 36275]]
of price change for each cost category. For the majority of the cost
weights, we base the price proxies on U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
(BLS) data and group them into one of the following BLS categories:
Employment Cost Indexes. Employment Cost Indexes (ECIs)
measure the rate of change in employment wage rates and employer costs
for employee benefits per hour worked. These indexes are fixed-weight
indexes and strictly measure the change in wage rates and employee
benefits per hour. ECIs are superior to Average Hourly Earnings (AHE)
as price proxies for input price indexes because they are not affected
by shifts in occupation or industry mix, and because they measure pure
price change and are available by both occupational group and by
industry. The industry ECIs are based on the NAICS and the occupational
ECIs are based on the Standard Occupational Classification System
Producer Price Indexes. Producer Price Indexes (PPIs)
measure the average change over time in the selling prices received by
domestic producers for their output. The prices included in the PPI are
from the first commercial transaction for many products and some
services (
Consumer Price Indexes. Consumer Price Indexes (CPIs)
measure the average change over time in the prices paid by urban
consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services ( CPIs are only used when the purchases are similar to
those of retail consumers rather than purchases at the producer level,
or if no appropriate PPIs are available.
We evaluate the price proxies using the criteria of reliability,
timeliness, availability, and relevance:
Reliability. Reliability indicates that the index is based
on valid statistical methods and has low sampling variability. Widely
accepted statistical methods ensure that the data were collected and
aggregated in a way that can be replicated. Low sampling variability is
desirable because it indicates that the sample reflects the typical
members of the population. (Sampling variability is variation that
occurs by chance because only a sample was surveyed rather than the
entire population.)
Timeliness. Timeliness implies that the proxy is published
regularly, preferably at least once a quarter. The market baskets are
updated quarterly, and therefore, it is important for the underlying
price proxies to be up-to-date, reflecting the most recent data
available. We believe that using proxies that are published regularly
(at least quarterly, whenever possible) helps to ensure that we are
using the most recent data available to update the market basket. We
strive to use publications that are disseminated frequently, because we
believe that this is an optimal way to stay abreast of the most current
data available.
Availability. Availability means that the proxy is
publicly available. We prefer that our proxies are publicly available
because this will help ensure that our market basket updates are as
transparent to the public as possible. In addition, this enables the
public to be able to obtain the price proxy data on a regular basis.
Relevance. Relevance means that the proxy is applicable
and representative of the cost category weight to which it is applied.
We believe that the CPIs, PPIs, and ECIs that we have selected meet
these criteria. Therefore, we believe that they continue to be the best
measure of price changes for the cost categories to which they would be
Table VIII.D-07 lists all price proxies that we propose to use for
the 2022-based LTCH market basket. The next section of the rule
contains a detailed explanation of the price proxies we are proposing
for each cost category weight.
a. Price Proxies for the Operating Portion of the Proposed 2022-Based
LTCH Market Basket
(1) Wages and Salaries
We propose to continue to use the ECI for Wages and Salaries for
All Civilian workers in Hospitals (BLS series code CIU1026220000000I)
to measure the wage rate growth of this cost category. This is the same
price proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH market basket (85 FR 58917).
(2) Employee Benefits
We propose to continue to use the ECI for Total Benefits for All
Civilian workers in Hospitals to measure price growth of this category.
This ECI is calculated using the ECI for Total Compensation for All
Civilian workers in Hospitals (BLS series code CIU1016220000000I) and
the relative importance of wages and salaries within total
compensation. This is the same price proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH
market basket (85 FR 58917).
(3) Electricity and Other Non-Fuel Utilities
We propose to continue to use the PPI Commodity Index for
Commercial Electric Power (BLS series code WPU0542) to measure the
price growth of this cost category. This is the same price proxy used
in the 2017-based LTCH market basket (85 FR 58917).
(4) Fuel: Oil and Gas
For the 2022-based LTCH market basket, we propose to use a blend of
the PPI Industry for Petroleum Refineries (NAICS 3241), PPI for Other
Petroleum and Coal Products (NAICS 32419) and the PPI Commodity for
Natural Gas. Our analysis of the Bureau of Economic Analysis' 2017
Benchmark I-O data for NAICS 622000 Hospitals shows that Petroleum
Refineries expenses account for approximately 86 percent, Other
Petroleum and Coal Products expenses account for about 7 percent and
Natural Gas expenses account for approximately 7 percent of Hospitals'
(NAICS 622000) total Fuel: Oil and Gas expenses. Therefore, we propose
to use a blend of 86 percent of the PPI Industry for Petroleum
Refineries (BLS series code PCU324110324110), 7 percent of the PPI for
Other Petroleum and Coal Products (BLS series code PCU32419) and 7
percent of the PPI Commodity Index for Natural Gas (BLS series code
WPU0531) as the price proxy for this cost category. The 2017-based LTCH
market basket used a 90/10 blend of the PPI Industry for Petroleum
Refineries and PPI Commodity for Natural Gas, reflecting the 2012 I-O
data (85 FR 58917). We believe that the three proposed price proxies
are the most technically appropriate indices available to measure the
price growth of the Fuel: Oil and Gas cost category in the 2022-based
LTCH market basket.
(5) Professional Liability Insurance
We propose to continue to use the CMS Hospital Professional
Liability Index as the price proxy for PLI costs in the proposed 2022-
based LTCH market basket. To generate this index, we collect commercial
insurance medical liability premiums for a fixed level of coverage
while holding non-price factors constant (such as a change in the level
of coverage). This is the same proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH market
basket (85 FR 58917).
(6) Pharmaceuticals
We propose to continue to use the PPI Commodity for Pharmaceuticals
for Human Use, Prescription (BLS series code WPUSI07003) to measure the
price growth of this cost category. This is the same proxy used in the
2017-based LTCH market basket (85 FR 58917).
(7) Food: Direct Purchases
We propose to continue to use the PPI Commodity for Processed Foods
and Feeds (BLS series code WPU02) to measure the price growth of this
[[Page 36276]]
category. This is the same price proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH
market basket (85 FR 58917).
(8) Food: Contract Purchases
We propose to continue to use the CPI for Food Away From Home (BLS
series code CUUR0000SEFV) to measure the price growth of this cost
category. This is the same proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH market
basket (85 FR 58917).
(9) Chemicals
Similar to the 2017-based LTCH market basket, we propose to use a
four-part blended PPI as the proxy for the chemical cost category in
the 2022-based LTCH market basket. The proposed blend is composed of
the PPI Industry for Industrial Gas Manufacturing, Primary Products
(BLS series code PCU325120325120P), the PPI Industry for Other Basic
Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing (BLS series code PCU32518-32518), the
PPI Industry for Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing (BLS series
code PCU32519-32519), and the PPI Industry for Other Miscellaneous
Chemical Product Manufacturing (BLS series code PCU325998325998). For
the 2022-based LTCH market basket, we propose to derive the weights for
the PPIs using the 2017 Benchmark I-O data. The 2017-based LTCH market
basket used the 2012 Benchmark I-O data to derive the weights for the
four PPIs (85 FR 58917 through 58918).
(10) Medical Instruments
We propose to use a blended price proxy for the Medical Instruments
category. The 2017 Benchmark I-O data shows the majority of medical
instruments and supply costs are for NAICS 339112--Surgical and medical
instrument manufacturing costs (approximately 64 percent) and NAICS
339113--Surgical appliance and supplies manufacturing costs
(approximately 36 percent). To proxy the price changes associated with
NAICS 339112, we propose to use the PPI for Surgical and medical
instruments (BLS series code WPU1562). This is the same price proxy we
used in the 2017-based LTCH market basket. To proxy the price changes
associated with NAICS 339113, we propose to use a 50/50 blend of the
PPI for Medical and surgical appliances and supplies (BLS series code
WPU1563) and the PPI for Miscellaneous products, Personal safety
equipment and clothing (BLS series code WPU1571). We propose to include
the latter price proxy as it would reflect personal protective
equipment including but not limited to face shields and protective
clothing. The 2017 Benchmark I-O data does not provide specific
expenses for these products; however, we recognize that this category
reflects costs faced by LTCHs. For the 2017-based LTCH market basket,
we used a blend composed of 57 percent of the commodity-based PPI
Commodity for Surgical and Medical Instruments (BLS series code
WPU1562) and 43 percent of the PPI Commodity for Medical and Surgical
Appliances and Supplies (BLS series code WPU1563) reflecting the 2012
Benchmark I-O data (85 FR 58918).
(11) Rubber and Plastics
We propose to continue to use the PPI Commodity for Rubber and
Plastic Products (BLS series code WPU07) to measure price growth of
this cost category. This is the same proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH
market basket (85 FR 58918).
(12) Paper and Printing Products
We are proposing to use a 61/39 blend of the PPI Commodity for
Publications Printed Matter and Printing Material (BLS Series Code
WPU094) and the PPI Commodity for Converted Paper and Paperboard
Products (BLS series code WPU0915) to measure the price growth of this
cost category. The 2017 Benchmark I-O data shows that 61 percent of
paper and printing expenses are for Printing (NAICS 323110) and the
remaining expenses are for Paper manufacturing (NAICS 322). The 2017-
based LTCH market basket (85 FR 58918) used the PPI Commodity for
Converted Paper and Paperboard Products (BLS series code WPU0915) as
this comprised the majority of expenses as reported in the 2012
Benchmark I-O data.
(13) Miscellaneous Products
We propose to continue to use the PPI Commodity for Finished Goods
Less Food and Energy (BLS series code WPUFD4131) to measure the price
growth of this cost category. This is the same proxy used in the 2017-
based LTCH market basket (85 FR 58918).
(14) Professional Fees: Labor-Related
We propose to continue to use the ECI for Total Compensation for
Private Industry workers in Professional and Related (BLS series code
CIU2010000120000I) to measure the price growth of this category. This
is the same proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH market basket (85 FR
(15) Administrative and Facilities Support Services
We propose to continue to use the ECI for Total Compensation for
Private Industry workers in Office and Administrative Support (BLS
series code CIU2010000220000I) to measure the price growth of this
category. This is the same proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH market
basket (85 FR 58918).
(16) Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Services
We propose to continue to use the ECI for Total Compensation for
All Civilian
[[Page 36277]]
workers in Installation, Maintenance, and Repair (BLS series code
CIU1010000430000I) to measure the price growth of this cost category.
This is the same proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH market basket (85 FR
(17) All Other: Labor-Related Services
We propose to continue to use the ECI for Total Compensation for
Private Industry workers in Service Occupations (BLS series code
CIU2010000300000I) to measure the price growth of this cost category.
This is the same proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH market basket (85 FR
(18) Professional Fees: Nonlabor-Related
We propose to continue to use the ECI for Total Compensation for
Private Industry workers in Professional and Related (BLS series code
CIU2010000120000I) to measure the price growth of this category. This
is the same proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH market basket (85 FR
(19) Financial Services
We propose to continue to use the ECI for Total Compensation for
Private Industry workers in Financial Activities (BLS series code
CIU201520A000000I) to measure the price growth of this cost category.
This is the same proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH market basket (85 FR
(20) Telephone Services
We propose to continue to use the CPI for Telephone Services (BLS
series code CUUR0000SEED) to measure the price growth of this cost
category. This is the same proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH market
basket (85 FR 58919).
(21) All Other: Nonlabor-Related Services
We propose to continue to use the CPI for All Items Less Food and
Energy (BLS series code CUUR0000SA0L1E) to measure the price growth of
this cost category. This is the same proxy used in the 2017-based LTCH
market basket (85 FR 58919).
b. Price Proxies for the Capital Portion of the Proposed 2022-Based
LTCH Market Basket
(1) Capital Price Proxies Prior to Vintage Weighting
We propose to continue to use the same price proxies for the
capital-related cost categories as were applied in the 2017-based LTCH
market basket, which are provided in Table VIII.D-07 and described in
this section of this rule. Specifically, we propose to proxy:
Depreciation: Building and Fixed Equipment cost category
by BEA's Chained Price Index for Nonresidential Construction for
Hospitals and Special Care Facilities (BEA Table 5.4.4. Price Indexes
for Private Fixed Investment in Structures by Type).
Depreciation: Movable Equipment cost category by the PPI
Commodity for Machinery and Equipment (BLS series code WPU11).
Nonprofit Interest cost category by the average yield on
domestic municipal bonds (Bond Buyer 20-bond index).
For-profit Interest cost category by the average yield of
the iBoxx AAA Corporate Bond Yield index.
Other Capital-Related cost category by the CPI-U for Rent
of Primary Residence (BLS series code CUUS0000SEHA).
We believe these are the most appropriate proxies for LTCH capital-
related costs that meet our selection criteria of relevance,
timeliness, availability, and reliability. We are also proposing to
continue to vintage weight the capital price proxies for Depreciation
and Interest in order to capture the long-term consumption of capital.
This vintage weighting method is similar to the method used for the
2017-based LTCH market basket and is described in section
VIII.D.4.b.(2). of the preamble of this proposed rule.
(2) Vintage Weights for Price Proxies
Because capital is acquired and paid for over time, capital-related
expenses in any given year are determined by both past and present
purchases of physical and financial capital. The vintage-weighted
capital-related portion of the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket
is intended to capture the long-term consumption of capital, using
vintage weights for depreciation (physical capital) and interest
(financial capital). These vintage weights reflect the proportion of
capital-related purchases attributable to each year of the expected
life of building and fixed equipment, movable equipment, and interest.
We propose to use vintage weights to compute vintage-weighted price
changes associated with depreciation and interest expenses.
Capital-related costs are inherently complicated and are determined
by complex capital-related purchasing decisions, over time, based on
such factors as interest rates and debt financing. In addition, capital
is depreciated over time instead of being consumed in the same period
it is purchased. By accounting for the vintage nature of capital, we
are able to provide an accurate and stable annual measure of price
changes. Annual nonvintage price changes for capital are unstable due
to the volatility of interest rate changes and, therefore, do not
reflect the actual annual price changes for LTCH capital-related costs.
The capital-related component of the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket reflects the underlying stability of the capital-related
acquisition process.
The methodology used to calculate the vintage weights for the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket is the same as that used for the
2017-based LTCH market basket with the only difference being the
inclusion of more recent data. To calculate the vintage weights for
depreciation and interest expenses, we first need a time series of
capital-related purchases for building and fixed equipment and movable
equipment. We found no single source that provides an appropriate time
series of capital-related purchases by hospitals for all of the
previously mentioned components of capital purchases. The early
Medicare cost reports did not have sufficient capital-related data to
meet this need. Data we obtained from the American Hospital Association
(AHA) do not include annual capital-related purchases. However, the AHA
does provide a consistent database of total expenses from 1963 to
2020--the latest available data. Consequently, we propose to use data
from the AHA Panel Survey and the AHA Annual Survey to obtain a time
series of total expenses for hospitals. We are also proposing to use
data from the AHA Panel Survey supplemented with the ratio of
depreciation to total hospital expenses obtained from the Medicare cost
reports to derive a trend of annual depreciation expenses for 1963
through 2020. We propose to separate these depreciation expenses into
annual amounts of building and fixed equipment depreciation and movable
equipment depreciation as previously determined. From these annual
depreciation amounts we derive annual end-of-year book values for
building and fixed equipment and movable equipment using the expected
life for each type of asset category. While data are not available that
are specific to LTCHs, we believe this information for all hospitals
serves as a reasonable proxy for the pattern of depreciation for LTCHs.
To continue to calculate the vintage weights for depreciation and
interest expenses, we also needed to account for the expected lives for
building and fixed equipment, movable equipment, and interest for the
proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket. We propose to calculate the
expected lives using Medicare cost report data for LTCHs.
[[Page 36278]]
The expected life of any asset can be determined by dividing the value
of the asset (excluding fully depreciated assets) by its current year
depreciation amount. This calculation yields the estimated expected
life of an asset if the rates of depreciation were to continue at
current year levels, assuming straight-line depreciation. Using this
proposed method, we determined the average expected life of building
and fixed equipment to be equal to 16 years, and the average expected
life of movable equipment to be equal to 9 years. For the expected life
of interest, we believe that vintage weights for interest should
represent the average expected life of building and fixed equipment
because, based on previous research described in the FY 1997 IPPS final
rule (61 FR 46198), the expected life of hospital debt instruments and
the expected life of buildings and fixed equipment are similar. We note
that for the 2017-based LTCH-specific market basket, we derived an
expected average life of building and fixed equipment of 18 years and
an expected average life of movable equipment of 9 years (85 FR 58920).
Multiplying these expected lives by the annual depreciation amounts
results in annual year-end asset costs for building and fixed equipment
and movable equipment. Then we calculated a time series, beginning in
1964, of annual capital purchases by subtracting the previous year's
asset costs from the current year's asset costs.
For the building and fixed equipment and movable equipment vintage
weights, we propose to use the real annual capital-related purchase
amounts for each asset type to capture the actual amount of the
physical acquisition, net of the effect of price inflation. These real
annual capital-related purchase amounts are produced by deflating the
nominal annual purchase amount by the associated price proxy as
previously provided. For the interest vintage weights, we propose to
use the total nominal annual capital-related purchase amounts to
capture the value of the debt instrument (including, but not limited
to, mortgages and bonds). Using these capital-related purchase time
series specific to each asset type, we propose to calculate the vintage
weights for building and fixed equipment, for movable equipment, and
for interest.
The vintage weights for each asset type are deemed to represent the
average purchase pattern of the asset over its expected life (in the
case of building and fixed equipment and interest, 16 years, and in the
case of movable equipment, 9 years). For each asset type, we used the
time series of annual capital-related purchase amounts available from
2020 back to 1964. These data allow us to derive forty-two 16-year
periods of capital-related purchases for building and fixed equipment
and interest, and forty-nine 9-year periods of capital-related
purchases for movable equipment. For each 16-year period for building
and fixed equipment and interest, or 9-year period for movable
equipment, we propose to calculate annual vintage weights by dividing
the capital-related purchase amount in any given year by the total
amount of purchases over the entire 16-year or 9-year period. This
calculation is done for each year in the 16-year or 9-year period and
for each of the periods for which we have data. Then we are proposing
to calculate the average vintage weight for a given year of the
expected life by taking the average of these vintage weights across the
multiple periods of data.
The vintage weights for the capital-related portion of the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket and the 2017-based LTCH market basket are
presented in Table EEEE 6.
[[Page 36279]]
The process of creating vintage-weighted price proxies requires
applying the vintage weights to the price proxy index where the last
applied vintage weight in Table VIII.D-06 is applied to the most recent
data point. We have provided on the CMS website an example of how the
vintage weighting price proxies are calculated, using example vintage
weights and example price indices. The example can be found at the
following link: in the zip file titled ``Weight Calculations
as described in the IPPS FY 2010 Proposed Rule.''
c. Summary of Price Proxies of the Proposed 2022-Based LTCH Market
Table VIII.D-07 shows both the operating and capital price proxies
for the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket.
[[Page 36280]]
5. Proposed FY 2025 Market Basket Update for LTCHs
For FY 2025 (that is, October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025),
we propose to use an estimate of the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket to update payments to LTCHs based on the best available data.
Consistent with historical practice, we estimate the LTCH market basket
[[Page 36281]]
for the LTCH PPS based on IHS Global, Inc.'s (IGI) forecast using the
most recent available data. IGI is a nationally recognized economic and
financial forecasting firm with which CMS contracts to forecast the
components of the market baskets and total factor productivity (TFP).
Based on IGI's fourth quarter 2023 forecast with history through
the third quarter of 2023, the projected market basket update for FY
2025 is 3.2 percent. This projected 2022-based LTCH market basket
update reflects an increase in compensation prices (proxied by the ECIs
for All Civilian workers in Hospitals) of 3.7 percent. IGI's forecast
of the ECIs considers overall labor market conditions (including rise
in contract labor employment due to tight labor market conditions) as
well as trends in contract labor wages, which both have an impact on
wage pressures for workers employed directly by the hospital.
We would note that the 10-year historical average (FY 2014 through
FY 2023) growth rate of the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket is
2.7 percent with a 10-year historical average growth rate of
compensation prices equal to 2.9 percent over this same time period.
Consistent with our historical practice of estimating market basket
increases based on the best available data, we are proposing a market
basket update of 3.2 percent for FY 2025. Furthermore, because the
proposed FY 2025 annual update is based on the most recent market
basket estimate for the 12-month period (currently 3.2 percent), we
also are proposing that if more recent data become subsequently
available (for example, a more recent estimate of the market basket),
we would use such data, if appropriate, to determine the FY 2025 annual
update in the final rule. (The proposed annual update to the LTCH PPS
standard payment rate for FY 2025 is discussed in greater detail in
section V.A.2. of the Addendum to this proposed rule.)
Using the current 2017-based LTCH market basket and IGI's fourth
quarter 2023 forecast for the market basket components, the FY 2025
market basket update would be 3.1 percent (before taking into account
any statutory adjustment). Therefore, the update based on the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket is currently projected to be 0.1
percentage point higher for FY 2025 compared to the current 2017-based
LTCH market basket. This higher update is primarily due to the higher
Compensation cost weight in the proposed 2022-based market basket (61.8
percent) compared to the 2017-based LTCH market basket (53.2 percent).
This is partially offset by the lower cost weight associated with All
Other Services (such as Professional Fees and Installation,
Maintenance, and Repair Services) for the proposed 2022-based LTCH
market basket relative to the 2017-based LTCH market basket. Table
VIII.D-08 compares the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket and the
2017-based LTCH market basket percent changes.
Over the historical time period covering FY 2020 through FY 2023,
the average growth rate of the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket
is the same as the average growth rate of the 2017-based LTCH market
basket. Over the forecasted time period covering FY 2024 through FY
2027, the average growth rate of the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket is 0.1 percentage point higher than the average growth rate of
the 2017-based LTCH market basket. This is driven by higher projected
growth for FY 2024 and FY 2025 for the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket, which is primarily a result of the higher proposed Compensation
cost weight combined with faster projected growth in Compensation
prices for FY 2024 and FY 2025 relative to projected prices for All
Other Services. In FY 2026 and FY 2027 prices for these two aggregate
cost categories are projected to grow at similar rates.
6. Proposed FY 2025 Labor-Related Share
As discussed in section V.B. of the Addendum to this proposed rule,
under the authority of section 123 of the BBRA as amended by section
307(b) of the BIPA, we established an adjustment to the LTCH PPS
payments to account for differences in LTCH area wage levels (Sec.
412.525(c)). The labor-related portion of the LTCH PPS standard Federal
payment rate, hereafter referred to as the labor-related share, is
adjusted to account for geographic differences in area wage levels by
applying the applicable LTCH PPS wage index. The labor-related share is
determined by identifying the national average proportion of total
costs that are related
[[Page 36282]]
to, influenced by, or vary with the local labor market. As discussed in
more detail in this section of this rule and similar to the 2017-based
LTCH market basket, we classify a cost category as labor-related and
include it in the labor-related share if the cost category is defined
as being labor-intensive and its cost varies with the local labor
market. As stated in the FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (88 FR
58988), the labor-related share for FY 2024 was defined as the sum of
the FY 2024 relative importance of Wages and Salaries; Employee
Benefits; Professional Fees: Labor-Related Services; Administrative and
Facilities Support Services; Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
Services; All Other: Labor-related Services; and a portion of the
Capital-Related Costs from the 2017-based LTCH market basket.
We propose to continue to classify a cost category as labor-related
if the costs are labor-intensive and vary with the local labor market.
Given this, based on our definition of the labor-related share and the
cost categories in the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket, we
propose to include in the labor-related share for FY 2025 the sum of
the FY 2025 relative importance of Wages and Salaries; Employee
Benefits; Professional Fees: Labor-Related; Administrative and
Facilities Support Services; Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
Services; All Other: Labor-Related Services; and a portion of the
Capital-Related cost weight from the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
Similar to the 2017-based LTCH market basket, the proposed 2022-
based LTCH market basket includes two cost categories for nonmedical
Professional fees (including but not limited to, expenses for legal,
accounting, and engineering services). These are Professional Fees:
Labor-Related and Professional Fees: Nonlabor-Related. For the proposed
2022-based LTCH market basket, we propose to estimate the labor-related
percentage of non-medical professional fees (and assign these expenses
to the Professional Fees: Labor-Related services cost category) based
on the same method that was used to determine the labor-related
percentage of professional fees in the 2017-based LTCH market basket.
As was done for the 2017-based LTCH market basket, we propose to
determine the proportion of legal, accounting and auditing,
engineering, and management consulting services that meet our
definition of labor-related services based on a survey of hospitals
conducted by CMS in 2008. We notified the public of our intent to
conduct this survey on December 9, 2005 (70 FR 73250) and did not
receive any public comments in response to the notice (71 FR 8588). A
discussion of the composition of the survey and post-stratification can
be found in the FY 2010 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule (74 FR 43850 through
43856). Based on the weighted results of the survey, we determined that
hospitals purchase, on average, the following portions of contracted
professional services outside of their local labor market:
34 percent of accounting and auditing services.
30 percent of engineering services.
33 percent of legal services.
42 percent of management consulting services.
For the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket, we propose to apply
each of these percentages to the respective 2017 Benchmark I-O cost
category underlying the professional fees cost category to determine
the Professional Fees: Nonlabor-Related costs. The Professional Fees:
Labor-Related costs were determined to be the difference between the
total costs for each Benchmark I-O category and the Professional Fees:
Nonlabor-Related costs. This is the same methodology that we used to
separate the 2017-based LTCH market basket professional fees category
into Professional Fees: Labor-Related and Professional Fees: Nonlabor-
Related cost categories.
Effective for transmittal 18 (, the hospital
Medicare Cost Report (CMS Form 2552-10, OMB No. 0938-0050) is
collecting information on whether a hospital purchased professional
services (for example, legal, accounting, tax preparation, bookkeeping,
payroll, advertising, and/or management/consulting services) from an
unrelated organization and if the majority of these expenses were
purchased from unrelated organizations located outside of the main
hospital's local area labor market. We encourage all providers to
provide this information so we can potentially use these more recent
data in future rulemaking to determine the labor-related share.
In the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket, nonmedical
professional fees that were subject to allocation based on these survey
results represent approximately 3.6 percent of total costs (and are
limited to those fees related to Accounting and Auditing, Legal,
Engineering, and Management Consulting services). Based on our survey
results, we propose to apportion approximately 2.3 percentage points of
the 3.6 percentage point figure into the Professional Fees: Labor-
Related cost category and designate the remaining approximately 1.3
percentage points into the Professional Fees: Nonlabor-Related cost
In addition to the professional services as previously listed, for
the 2022-based LTCH market basket, we propose to allocate a proportion
of the Home Office/Related Organization Contract Labor cost weight,
calculated using the Medicare cost reports as previously stated, into
the labor-related and nonlabor-related cost categories. We propose to
classify these expenses as labor-related and nonlabor-related as many
facilities are not located in the same geographic area as their home
office and, therefore, do not meet our definition for the labor-related
share that requires the services to be purchased in the local labor
Similar to the 2017-based LTCH market basket, we propose for the
2022-based LTCH market basket to use the Medicare cost reports for
LTCHs to determine the home office labor-related percentages. The
Medicare cost report requires a hospital to report information
regarding their home office provider. Using information on the Medicare
cost report, we compare the location of the LTCH with the location of
the LTCH's home office. We propose to classify a LTCH with a home
office located in their respective labor market if the LTCH and its
home office are located in the same Metropolitan Statistical Area
(MSA). Then we determine the proportion of the Home Office/Related
Organization Contract Labor cost weight that should be allocated to the
labor-related share based on the percent of total Home Office/Related
Organization Contract Labor costs for those LTCHs that had home offices
located in their respective MSA of total Home Office/Related
Organization Contract Labor costs for LTCHs with a home office. We
determined a LTCH's and its home office's MSA using their zip code
information from the Medicare cost report. Using this methodology with
the 2022 Medicare cost reports, we determined that 4 percent of LTCHs'
Home Office/Related Organization Contract Labor costs were for home
offices located in their respective MSA, or local labor markets.
Therefore, we are allocating 4 percent of the Home Office/Related
Organization Contract Labor cost weight (0.1 percentage point = 3.7
percent x 4 percent) to the Professional Fees: Labor-Related cost
weight and 96 percent of the Home Office/Related Organization Contract
Labor cost weight to the Professional Fees: Nonlabor-Related cost
weight (3.6 percentage
[[Page 36283]]
points = 3.7 percent x 96 percent). For comparison, for the 2017-based
LTCH market basket we also allocated 4 percent of the Home Office/
Related Organization Contract Labor cost weight to the Professional
Fees: Labor-Related cost weight (85 FR 58924).
In summary, based on the two allocations mentioned earlier, we
apportioned 2.4 percentage points (2.3 percentage points + 0.1
percentage point) of the Professional Fees and Home Office/Related
Organization Contract Labor cost weights into the Professional Fees:
Labor-Related cost category. This amount was added to the portion of
professional fees that we already identified as labor-related using the
I-O data such as contracted advertising and marketing costs
(approximately 0.6 percentage point of total costs) resulting in a
total Professional Fees: Labor-Related cost weight of 3.0 percent.
As previously stated, we propose to include in the labor-related
share the sum of the relative importance of Wages and Salaries;
Employee Benefits; Professional Fees: Labor-Related; Administrative and
Facilities Support Services; Installation, Maintenance, and Repair
Services; All Other: Labor-Related Services; and a portion of the
Capital-Related cost weight from the proposed 2022-based LTCH market
basket. The relative importance reflects the different rates of price
change for these cost categories between the base year (2022) and FY
2025. Based on IGI's fourth quarter 2023 forecast of the proposed 2022-
based LTCH market basket, the sum of the FY 2025 relative importance
for operating costs (Wages and Salaries, Employee Benefits,
Professional Fees: Labor-Related, Administrative and Facilities Support
Services, Installation Maintenance and Repair Services, and All Other:
Labor-Related Services) is 68.9 percent. The portion of Capital costs
that is estimated to be influenced by the local labor market is 46
percent, which is the same percentage applied to the 2017-based LTCH
market basket. Since the relative importance for Capital is 8.4 percent
of the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket in FY 2025, we took 46
percent of 8.4 percent to determine the proposed labor-related share of
Capital for FY 2025 of 3.9 percent. Therefore, we are proposing a total
labor-related share for FY 2025 of 72.8 percent (the sum of 68.9
percent for the operating cost and 3.9 percent for the labor-related
share of Capital). Table VIII.D-09 shows the FY 2025 labor-related
share using the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket relative
importance and the FY 2024 labor-related share using the 2017-based
LTCH market basket.
The total difference between the FY 2025 labor-related share using
the proposed 2022-based LTCH market basket (72.8 percent) and the FY
2024 labor-related share using the 2017-based LTCH market basket (68.5
percent) is 4.3 percentage points and this difference is primarily
attributable to the revision to the base year cost weights for those
categories included in the labor-related share. The 4.3 percentage
points revision to the base year cost weights is a result of: (1) an
8.6 percentage points upward revision to the base year Compensation
cost weight, which is derived using the LTCH Medicare cost report data;
(2) a 3.6 percentage points downward revision in the base year labor-
related categories associated with incorporating the 2017 Benchmark I-O
data; and (3) a 0.7 percentage point downward revision in the base year
labor-related portion of capital costs, which is derived using the LTCH
Medicare cost report data.
[[Page 36284]]
IX. Proposed Quality Data Reporting Requirements for Specific Providers
A. Overview
In section IX. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we are
seeking comment on and proposing changes to the following Medicare
quality reporting programs:
In section IX.B. of the preamble of this proposed rule, we
have the following crosscutting quality program proposals or request
for comment:
++ Proposed Adoption of the Patient Safety Structural Measure in
the Hospital IQR Program and PCHQR Program.
++ Proposed Modification to the Hospital Consumer Assessment of
Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) Survey in the Hospital IQR
Program, Hospital VBP Program, and PCHQR Program.
++ Advancing Patient Safety and Outcomes Across the Hospital
Quality Programs--Request for Comment.
In section IX.C. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
the Hospital IQR Program.
In section IX.D. of the preamble of this proposed rule,
the PCHQR Program.
In section IX.E. of the preamble of this proposed rule,