Notice of Proposed Information Collection Request: National Museum Survey, 34277-34278 [2024-09276]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 84 / Tuesday, April 30, 2024 / Notices
to a possible response to the question.
We will address these items in
consolidated replies along with any
other comments submitted on that
We will post schedules on our
website in the Records Control Schedule
(RCS) Repository, at https://,
after the Archivist approves them. The
RCS contains all schedules approved
since 1973.
Each year, Federal agencies create
billions of records. To control this
accumulation, agency records managers
prepare schedules proposing retention
periods for records and submit these
schedules for NARA’s approval. Once
approved by NARA, records schedules
provide mandatory instructions on what
happens to records when no longer
needed for current Government
business. The records schedules
authorize agencies to preserve records of
continuing value in the National
Archives or to destroy, after a specified
period, records lacking continuing
administrative, legal, research, or other
value. Some schedules are
comprehensive and cover all the records
of an agency or one of its major
subdivisions. Most schedules, however,
cover records of only one office or
program or a few series of records. Many
of these update previously approved
schedules, and some include records
proposed as permanent.
Agencies may not destroy Federal
records without the approval of the
Archivist of the United States. The
Archivist grants this approval only after
thorough consideration of the records’
administrative use by the agency of
origin, the rights of the Government and
of private people directly affected by the
Government’s activities, and whether or
not the records have historical or other
value. Public review and comment on
these records schedules is part of the
Archivist’s consideration process.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Schedules Pending
1. Department of Defense, Defense
Contract Audit Agency, Learning
Management System (DAA–0372–2024–
2. Department of Energy, Agencywide, Budgeting Records (DAA–0434–
3. Department of Energy, Agencywide, Grant, Cooperative Agreement
and Technology Transfer Records
4. Department of Health and Human
Services, Administration for Strategic
Preparedness and Response, National
VerDate Sep<11>2014
17:27 Apr 29, 2024
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Veterinary Response Team Records
5. Department of Health and Human
Services, Office of the Assistant
Secretary for Preparedness and
Response, Recovery Operations Records
6. Department of Health and Human
Services, Health Resources and Services
Administration, Injury Compensation
Programs (DAA–0512–2024–0002).
7. Department of Justice, Executive
Office for United States Trustees, Credit
Counseling and Debtor Education
Records (DAA–0060–2023–0001).
8. Department of Transportation,
Federal Aviation Administration, FAA
Safety Team website (DAA–0237–2024–
9. Department of Transportation,
Federal Aviation Administration,
Forensic Toxicology Case Files (DAA–
10. Department of Transportation,
Federal Aviation Administration,
Quality Assurance Reporting System
11. Department of Transportation,
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration, Drug and Alcohol
Management Information System
(DAMIS) Annual Reports (DAA–0571–
12. Department of Transportation,
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety
Administration, Training and
Qualification Records (DAA–0571–
13. Administrative Office of the
United States Courts, Circuit Courts of
Appeals, Office of the Clerk, Standing
Orders (DAA–0276–2023–0001).
14. American Battle Monuments
Commission, Office of the General
Counsel, Legal Function and Counsel
Records (DAA–0117–2023–0008).
15. Federal Energy Regulatory
Commission, Agency-wide, Web
Content and Social Media Records
16. National Aeronautics and Space
Administration, Agency-wide, Mishap
Investigation Records (DAA–0255–
17. National Archives and Records
Administration, Research Services,
Internal Disposal for RG 0431 (N2–431–
18. Office of Personnel Management,
Agency-wide, White House Fellows
(WHF) Records (DAA–0478–2024–
Laurence Brewer,
Chief Records Officer for the U.S.
[FR Doc. 2024–09225 Filed 4–29–24; 8:45 am]
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Institute of Museum and Library
Notice of Proposed Information
Collection Request: National Museum
Institute of Museum and
Library Services, National Foundation
on the Arts and the Humanities.
ACTION: Notice, request for comments,
collection of information.
The Institute of Museum and
Library Services (IMLS), as part of its
continuing effort to reduce paperwork
and respondent burden, conducts a preclearance consultation program to
provide the general public and federal
agencies with an opportunity to
comment on proposed and/or
continuing collections of information in
accordance with the Paperwork
Reduction Act. This pre-clearance
consultation program helps to ensure
that requested data can be provided in
the desired format, reporting burden
(time and financial resources) is
minimized, collection instruments are
clearly understood, and the impact of
collection requirements on respondents
can be properly assessed. The purpose
of this Notice is to request a three-year
clearance for the National Museum
Survey (NMS). The NMS will be a
voluntary collection that seeks to
measure and understand the scope and
scale of the role that the nation’s diverse
museums play in American society.
IMLS will use the data collected
through the NMS to provide museum
practitioners, the public, and
policymakers with essential baseline
statistics regarding the museum sector.
A copy of the proposed information
collection request can be obtained by
contacting the individual listed below
in the ADDRESSES section of this Notice.
DATES: Written comments on this notice
must be submitted to the office listed in
the Addresses section below on or
before June 28, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Send comments to Julie
Balutis, Director of Grants Policy and
Management, Institute of Museum and
Library Services, 955 L’Enfant Plaza
North SW, Suite 4000, Washington, DC
20024–2135. Ms. Balutis can be reached
by telephone: 202–653–4645, email: Office hours are from
8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., E.T., Monday
through Friday, except federal holidays.
Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing
(TTY users) can contact IMLS at 202–
207–7858 via 711 for TTY-Based
Telecommunications Relay Service.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 84 / Tuesday, April 30, 2024 / Notices
Soffronoff, Survey Methodologist, Office
of Research and Evaluation, Institute of
Museum and Library Services, 955
L’Enfant Plaza North SW, Suite 4000,
Washington, DC 20024–2135. Mr.
Soffronoff can be reached by telephone:
202–653–4648, email: jsoffronoff@ Persons who are deaf or hard
of hearing (TTY users) can contact IMLS
at 202–207–7858 via 711 for TTY-Based
Telecommunications Relay Service.
particularly interested in public
comments that help the agency to:
• Evaluate whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the proper performance of the
functions of the agency, including
whether the information will have
practical utility;
• Evaluate the accuracy of the
agency’s estimate of the burden of the
proposed collection of information
including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used;
• Enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and
• Minimize the burden of the
collection of information on those who
are to respond, including through the
use of appropriate automated electronic,
mechanical, or other technological
collection techniques, or other forms of
information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submissions of responses.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
I. Background
The United States is home to tens of
thousands of museums. Together, they
steward living and non-living
collections and, through their programs
and services, contribute to the cultural
health, economic vitality, and social
well-being of the communities they
serve. A regular sector-wide datagathering effort is needed to better
understand the museum sector and the
services it provides.
IMLS is exercising its authority under
20 U.S. Code § 9108 to conduct a new
survey that fills this need: the National
Museum Survey (NMS). The NMS will
be a voluntary survey of museums that
aims to capture the scope and scale of
museums’ presence and reach within
the United States over time. The survey
will collect foundational, high-level
data directly from museums to inform
policymakers, the museum field, and
the public about the role that the
nation’s diverse museums play in
American society.
II. Current Actions
Intent to seek approval for a new
information collection.
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Agency: Institute of Museum and
Library Services.
Title: National Museum Survey.
OMB Control Number: 3137–NEW.
Expiration Date: Not applicable.
Agency Number: 3137.
Respondents/Affected Public: IMLS
plans to conduct a census of all U.S.
museums representing a broad range of
museum disciplines, including zoos,
aquariums, botanical gardens, and
arboretums; nature and science centers;
history museums and historic sites; art
museums; children’s museums; natural
history museums; and general and
specialized museums. Institutions must
meet all the following criteria to be
eligible for selection:
• Be a unit of federal, state, local, or
tribal government, or a not-for-profit
• Serve the public in a physical
location it owns or operates.
• Provide exhibitions and programs.
• Primarily function to house,
display, and care for animate or
inanimate objects that form the core of
its exhibitions, programs, and research.
• Under normal circumstances, be
open to the public 90 days or more per
year, either through specific hours of
operation or by appointment
• Have at least one staff member, or
the full-time equivalent, whether paid
or unpaid IMLS will request that a
senior administrator at each institution
be responsible for the completion of the
survey at their institution.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Respondents: The survey’s expected
response rate is 35 percent, leading to
approximately 7,500 completed cases.
Frequency of Response: Once per
Estimated Average Burden per
Response: 1 hour.
Total Estimated Number of Annual
Burden Hours: 7,500.
Total Annual Cost Burden: The
estimated cost burden for respondents is
$431,775 (7,500 hrs × $57.57/hr). $57.57
represents a simple average of hourly
mean wage figures for government,
academic, and company/enterprise
managers (
Total Annual Federal Costs:
Public Comments Invited: Comments
submitted in response to this Notice
will be summarized and/or included in
the request for OMB’s clearance of this
information collection.
Dated: April 25, 2024.
Suzanne Mbollo,
Grants Management Specialist, Institute of
Museum and Library Services.
[FR Doc. 2024–09276 Filed 4–29–24; 8:45 am]
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Sunshine Act Meetings
The National Science Board (NSB),
the NSB Committee on Strategy (CS),
and the Committee on Awards and
Facilities (A&F) hereby give notice of
the scheduling of meetings for the
transaction of National Science Board
business pursuant to the National
Science Foundation Act and the
Government in the Sunshine Act.
TIME AND DATE: Wednesday, May 1,
2024, from 8:30 a.m.–3:40 p.m. and
Thursday, May 2, 2024, from 8:30 a.m.–
2:30 p.m. Eastern.
PLACE: These meetings will be held at
NSF headquarters, 2415 Eisenhower
Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314, and by
videoconference. If the COVID status for
Alexandria, Virginia goes to ‘‘high,’’
please fill out and bring OMB’s
certification of vaccination form with
you. All open sessions of the meeting
will be webcast live on the NSB
YouTube channel.
May 1, 2024:
May 2, 2024:
STATUS: Parts of these meetings will be
open to the public. The rest of the
meetings will be closed to the public.
See full description below.
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Plenary Board Meeting
Open Session: 8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
• NSB Chair’s Opening Remarks
Æ Welcome
Æ Agenda Preview
Æ Chair’s Activities and Updates
• NSF Director’s Opening Remarks
Æ Highlights of NSF Thematic
Æ Engagements
Æ Senior Staff introductions
• NSB External Panel on Artificial
Intelligence, The Future is Now:
Harnessing AI for Good
• Approval of February 2024 Open
Meeting Minutes
• NSB Committee Reports
• Committee on External Engagement
Æ Highlights of engagement initiatives
Æ Reflections and road ahead
• Committee on Science and
Engineering Policy
Æ Indicators 2024
Æ Indicators 2026 and Vote
Æ National Security Team
Æ Talent Development Team
Æ Reflections and road ahead
• Committee on Oversight
Æ Research misconduct
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 84 (Tuesday, April 30, 2024)]
[Pages 34277-34278]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-09276]
Institute of Museum and Library Services
Notice of Proposed Information Collection Request: National
Museum Survey
AGENCY: Institute of Museum and Library Services, National Foundation
on the Arts and the Humanities.
ACTION: Notice, request for comments, collection of information.
SUMMARY: The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), as part
of its continuing effort to reduce paperwork and respondent burden,
conducts a pre-clearance consultation program to provide the general
public and federal agencies with an opportunity to comment on proposed
and/or continuing collections of information in accordance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act. This pre-clearance consultation program helps
to ensure that requested data can be provided in the desired format,
reporting burden (time and financial resources) is minimized,
collection instruments are clearly understood, and the impact of
collection requirements on respondents can be properly assessed. The
purpose of this Notice is to request a three-year clearance for the
National Museum Survey (NMS). The NMS will be a voluntary collection
that seeks to measure and understand the scope and scale of the role
that the nation's diverse museums play in American society. IMLS will
use the data collected through the NMS to provide museum practitioners,
the public, and policymakers with essential baseline statistics
regarding the museum sector. A copy of the proposed information
collection request can be obtained by contacting the individual listed
below in the ADDRESSES section of this Notice.
DATES: Written comments on this notice must be submitted to the office
listed in the Addresses section below on or before June 28, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Send comments to Julie Balutis, Director of Grants Policy
and Management, Institute of Museum and Library Services, 955 L'Enfant
Plaza North SW, Suite 4000, Washington, DC 20024-2135. Ms. Balutis can
be reached by telephone: 202-653-4645, email: [email protected]. Office
hours are from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., E.T., Monday through Friday, except
federal holidays. Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing (TTY users)
can contact IMLS at 202-207-7858 via 711 for TTY-Based
Telecommunications Relay Service.
[[Page 34278]]
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jake Soffronoff, Survey Methodologist,
Office of Research and Evaluation, Institute of Museum and Library
Services, 955 L'Enfant Plaza North SW, Suite 4000, Washington, DC
20024-2135. Mr. Soffronoff can be reached by telephone: 202-653-4648,
email: [email protected]. Persons who are deaf or hard of hearing
(TTY users) can contact IMLS at 202-207-7858 via 711 for TTY-Based
Telecommunications Relay Service.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: IMLS is particularly interested in public
comments that help the agency to:
Evaluate whether the proposed collection of information is
necessary for the proper performance of the functions of the agency,
including whether the information will have practical utility;
Evaluate the accuracy of the agency's estimate of the
burden of the proposed collection of information including the validity
of the methodology and assumptions used;
Enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the
information to be collected; and
Minimize the burden of the collection of information on
those who are to respond, including through the use of appropriate
automated electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection
techniques, or other forms of information technology, e.g., permitting
electronic submissions of responses.
I. Background
The United States is home to tens of thousands of museums.
Together, they steward living and non-living collections and, through
their programs and services, contribute to the cultural health,
economic vitality, and social well-being of the communities they serve.
A regular sector-wide data-gathering effort is needed to better
understand the museum sector and the services it provides.
IMLS is exercising its authority under 20 U.S. Code Sec. 9108 to
conduct a new survey that fills this need: the National Museum Survey
(NMS). The NMS will be a voluntary survey of museums that aims to
capture the scope and scale of museums' presence and reach within the
United States over time. The survey will collect foundational, high-
level data directly from museums to inform policymakers, the museum
field, and the public about the role that the nation's diverse museums
play in American society.
II. Current Actions
Intent to seek approval for a new information collection.
Agency: Institute of Museum and Library Services.
Title: National Museum Survey.
OMB Control Number: 3137-NEW.
Expiration Date: Not applicable.
Agency Number: 3137.
Respondents/Affected Public: IMLS plans to conduct a census of all
U.S. museums representing a broad range of museum disciplines,
including zoos, aquariums, botanical gardens, and arboretums; nature
and science centers; history museums and historic sites; art museums;
children's museums; natural history museums; and general and
specialized museums. Institutions must meet all the following criteria
to be eligible for selection:
Be a unit of federal, state, local, or tribal government,
or a not-for-profit institution.
Serve the public in a physical location it owns or
Provide exhibitions and programs.
Primarily function to house, display, and care for animate
or inanimate objects that form the core of its exhibitions, programs,
and research.
Under normal circumstances, be open to the public 90 days
or more per year, either through specific hours of operation or by
Have at least one staff member, or the full-time
equivalent, whether paid or unpaid IMLS will request that a senior
administrator at each institution be responsible for the completion of
the survey at their institution.
Total Estimated Number of Annual Respondents: The survey's expected
response rate is 35 percent, leading to approximately 7,500 completed
Frequency of Response: Once per request.
Estimated Average Burden per Response: 1 hour.
Total Estimated Number of Annual Burden Hours: 7,500.
Total Annual Cost Burden: The estimated cost burden for respondents
is $431,775 (7,500 hrs x $57.57/hr). $57.57 represents a simple average
of hourly mean wage figures for government, academic, and company/
enterprise managers (
Total Annual Federal Costs: $794,580.49.
Public Comments Invited: Comments submitted in response to this
Notice will be summarized and/or included in the request for OMB's
clearance of this information collection.
Dated: April 25, 2024.
Suzanne Mbollo,
Grants Management Specialist, Institute of Museum and Library Services.
[FR Doc. 2024-09276 Filed 4-29-24; 8:45 am]