Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records, 33336-33339 [2024-09147]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 83 / Monday, April 29, 2024 / Notices
A. Shallow-set Longline Turtle Trip
Interaction Limit Evaluation
Working Group Report
B. Life History Module Development
C. Discussion: Assessment of Creel
Survey Design for American Samoa
D. Incorporating Additional Biological
Opinion (BiOp) Monitoring
4. Public Comment
Friday, May 17, 2024, 8:30 a.m. to 4
p.m., HST (7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., Samoa
Standard Time (SST); 4:30 a.m. to 12
p.m. on May 18, 2024, Chamorro
Standard Time (ChST))
5. Discussion: Pelagic SAFE Report
A. Removal of Stacked Bar Charts
from Report
B. Other Items
6. BiOp Reasonable and Prudent
Measures (RPM) Implementation
Working Group Report and
Timeline for Council Action
A. Crew Training Program
B. Insular False Killer Whale Overlap
Area Observer Coverage
7. Electronic Monitoring PreImplementation Program Update
from Electronic Technologies
Steering Committee
8. Characterizing Cookie Cutter Shark
Interactions in the Hawaii Longline
9. Characterizing Hawaii Shortline
10. International Fisheries Updates
11. Discussions
12. Public Comment
13. Pelagic Plan Team
14. Other Business and PPT Closing
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Special Accommodations
These meetings are accessible to
people with disabilities. Please direct
requests for sign language interpretation
or other auxiliary aids to Kitty M.
CONTACT section above) at least 5 days
prior to the meeting date.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: April 23, 2024.
Rey Israel Marquez,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2024–09077 Filed 4–26–24; 8:45 am]
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National Oceanic and Atmospheric
[RTID 0648–XD913]
North Pacific Fishery Management
Council; Public Meeting
National Marine Fisheries
Service (NMFS), National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
ACTION: Notice of a hybrid meeting.
The North Pacific Fishery
Management Council (Council) Fishery
Monitoring Advisory Committee
(FMAC) will meet May 13, 2024 through
May 14, 2024.
DATES: The meetings will be held on
Monday, May 13, 2024, from 9 a.m. to
4 p.m. and on Tuesday, May 14, 2024,
from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Alaska time.
ADDRESSES: The meeting will be a
hybrid meeting. On Monday, May 13,
attend in-person at North Pacific
Fishery Management Council office,
1007 W 3rd Ave., Anchorage, Suite 400.
On Tuesday, May 14, attend in person
at the North Pacific Research Board
office, 1007 West Third Ave., Suite 100
Anchorage, AK 99501 or join online
through the link https://meetings.
Council address: North Pacific
Fishery Management Council, 1007 W
3rd Ave., Suite 400, Anchorage, AK
99501–2252; telephone (907) 271–2809.
Instructions for attending the meeting
are given under SUPPLEMENTARY
Cleaver, Council staff; phone: (907) 271–
2809; email: For
technical support, please contact
Council administrative staff, email:
Monday, May 13, 2024, Through
Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The May 2024 FMAC agenda will
include: (a) updates since the last FMAC
meeting; (b) an abbreviated 2023
Observer Annual report; (c) NMFS
updates, including budget, changes to
data collections in 2024, supreme court
cases, start-up with the Pacific cod trawl
cooperative, (d) observer availability
issues, and (e) other business.
The agenda is subject to change, and
the latest version will be posted at
Details/3044 prior to the meeting, along
with meeting materials.
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Connection Information
You can attend the meeting online
using a computer, tablet, or smartphone;
or by phone only. Connection
information will be posted online at:
Details/3044. If you are attending the
meeting in-person, please note that all
attendees will be required to wear a
Public Comment
Public comment letters will be
accepted and should be submitted
electronically to https://meetings.
Authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.
Dated: April 24, 2024.
Rey Israel Marquez,
Acting Deputy Director, Office of Sustainable
Fisheries, National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2024–09150 Filed 4–26–24; 8:45 am]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of
Corporation for National and
Community Service.
ACTION: Notice of modified systems of
In accordance with the
Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, the
Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,
and Accessibility of the Corporation for
National and Community Service
(operating as AmeriCorps) is issuing a
public notice of its intent to modify a
system of records, Discrimination
Complaint Files–Corporation–10, which
will be renamed ‘‘CNCS–10–CEO–
CRCM–Civil Rights Case Management
System of Records.’’ The Office of
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and
Accessibility maintains CNCS–10–CEO–
CRCM–Civil Rights Case Management
System, which contains program
discrimination complaints alleging
unlawful discrimination under Title VI
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as
amended, arising within programs or
activities conducted or assisted by
AmeriCorps. The revisions update the
system name, authority of the system,
purpose of the system, addresses of the
system location, system managers, the
categories of records in the system, the
categories of individuals in the system,
the routine uses of the records, the
safeguards, retention and disposal,
notification procedures, records access
procedures, notification procedures, and
contesting record procedures.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 83 / Monday, April 29, 2024 / Notices
Any comments must be received
on or before May 29, 2024. Unless
comments are received that would
require a revision, this modified system
of records will become effective on May
29, 2024.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments
identified by system name and number
by any of the following methods:
1. Electronically through Once you access, find the web page for
this SORN by searching for CNCS–10–
CEO–CRCM–Civil Rights Case
2. By email at privacy@
3. By mail: AmeriCorps, Attn: Bilal
Razzaq, Chief Privacy Officer, OIT, 250
E Street SW, Washington, DC 20525.
4. By hand delivery or courier to
AmeriCorps at the address for mail
between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern
Standard Time, Monday through Friday,
except for federal holidays.
Please note that all submissions
received may be posted without change
to, including any
personal information. Commenters
should be careful to include in their
comments only information that they
wish to make publicly available.
you have general questions about the
system of records, please contact
ZhuoHong Liu at,
by phone at 202–938–7868, or mail
them to the address in the ADDRESSES
section above. Please include the system
of records’ name and number.
AmeriCorps proposes to amend the
existing system of records,
Discrimination Complaint Files–
Corporation–10, which was last
published in the Federal Register in 67
FR 4404 (January 30, 2002).
The proposed amendments rename
the system of records as ‘‘CNCS–10–
CEO–CRCM–Civil Rights Case
Management System of Records’’
(CRCM). The CRCM holds the agency’s
records for every part of AmeriCorps’
Title VI Civil Rights discrimination
complaints from intake to resolution
and reporting.
The proposed amendments update the
legal authorities of the system to include
Executive Order 13985, Advancing
Racial Equity and Support for
Underserved Communities Through the
Federal Government, January 20, 2021;
Executive Order 14091, Further
Advancing Racial Equity and Support
for Underserved Communities
Throughout the Federal Government,
February 22, 2023; Executive Order
14096, Revitalizing Our Nation’s
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
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Commitment to Environmental Justice
for All, April 21, 2023. The legal
authority for maintaining records
covered by EEOC/GOVT–1, Equal
Employment Opportunity in the Federal
Government Complaint and Appeal
Records system of records notice is
The proposed amendments convey
that the Equal Employment Opportunity
complaint records of federal employees
and applicants are covered by the
government-wide system of records
EEOC/GOVT–1, Equal Employment
Opportunity in the Federal Government
Complaint and Appeal Records (last
published 81 FR 81116, Nov. 17, 2016),
and are no longer listed as records in
The proposed amendments update the
address of the system, purpose of the
system, the system manager, the
categories of records, the categories of
individuals, the system location,
storage, safeguards, retention and
disposal, notification procedures,
records access procedures, and
contesting record procedures.
The proposed amendments revise
former Routine Uses 6, 7, 8 and 9, and
reorganize the Routine Uses. The former
Routine Use 7 is replaced by Routine
Use B. The former Routine Use 9 is
replaced by Routine Use C. The former
Routine Use 6 is replaced by Routine
Use K. The former Routine Use 8 is
replaced by Routine Use N. The former
Routine Uses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and 11 are
reorganized into Routine Uses O, P, Q,
R, S, T and U.
The proposed amendments add new
Routine Uses A, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L,
and M to meet the current programmatic
needs and the requirements of the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB)
Memorandum M–17–12, Preparing for
and Responding to a Breach of
Personally Identifiable Information (Jan.
3, 2017).
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(r),
AmeriCorps has provided a report of
this system of records to the Office of
Management and Budget and to
CNCS–10–CEO–CRCM–Civil Rights
Case Management System of Records
This system of records is maintained
by the Office of Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion, and Accessibility, Office of
the Chief Executive Officer,
AmeriCorps, 250 E Street SW,
Washington, DC 20525.
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Director, Office of Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion, and Accessibility, Office of
the Chief Executive Officer, 250 E Street
SW, Washington, DC 20525.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
(42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.); Executive
Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity
and Support for Underserved
Communities Through the Federal
Government, January 20, 2021;
Executive Order 14091, Further
Advancing Racial Equity and Support
for Underserved Communities Through
the Federal Government, February 22,
2023; Executive Order 14096,
Revitalizing Our Nation’s Commitment
to Environmental Justice for All, April
21, 2023; the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,
as amended; Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972, as amended; the
Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as
amended; the Domestic Volunteer
Service Act of 1973, as amended; and
the National and Community Service
Act of 1990, as amended.
CRCM enables AmeriCorps’ Office of
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and
Accessibility to modernize the Title VI
Civil Rights complaint filing
management and conduct streamlined
complaint intake, counseling, and
investigation under current legal
The system covers individuals who
have filed informal or formal complaints
with, or against, AmeriCorps, including
any recipient of services, programs, or
benefits from AmeriCorps or one of its
programs; AmeriCorps members,
applicants, or trainees for volunteer or
service status, or employees of a grantee
or program beneficiary.
The identity and contact information
of complainants, including first, middle,
and last names, email address, phone
number, address, city, state, zip code,
and any accommodation needed;
information of program or person
involved; complaint details and
complaint processing and status
information; other information
produced during the course of
processing a complaint, such as Reports
of Investigation, counseling documents,
case decisions, and relevant
correspondence, including settlement
and mediation agreements.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 83 / Monday, April 29, 2024 / Notices
(1) Complainants, witnesses, etc. in
discrimination complaints; (2) Reports
of Investigation and Counselors’
Reports; (3) copies of documents
relevant to investigations; (4) records of
hearings on complaints; and (5)
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
In addition to those disclosures
generally permitted under 5 U.S.C.
552a(b), all or a portion of the records
or information contained in this system
of records may be disclosed as a routine
use pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a(b)(3)
under the circumstances or for the
purposes described below, to the extent
such disclosures are compatible with
the purposes for which the information
was collected:
A. To the U.S. Department of Justice
(DOJ), including the U.S. Attorney’s
Offices, or other federal agencies
conducting litigation or proceedings
before any court, adjudicative, or
administrative body, when it is relevant
or necessary to the litigation or
proceeding and one of the following is
a party to the litigation or has an interest
in such litigation:
(1) AmeriCorps;
(2) Any employee or former employee
of AmeriCorps in his/her official
(3) Any employee or former employee
of AmeriCorps in his/her individual
capacity, but only when DOJ or
AmeriCorps has agreed to represent the
employee; or
(4) The United States or any agency
B. To a congressional office in
response to an inquiry from that
congressional office which is made at
the request of the individual to whom
the record pertains.
C. To the National Archives and
Records Administration or General
Services Administration, pursuant to
records management inspections
conducted under the authority of 44
U.S.C. 2904 and 2906.
D. To an agency or organization for
the purpose of performing audit or
oversight operations as authorized by
law, but only such information as is
necessary and relevant to the audit or
oversight function.
E. To the Executive Office of the
President in response to an inquiry from
that office made at the request of the
subject of a record, or a third party on
that person’s behalf, or for a purpose
compatible with the reason for which
the records are collected or maintained.
F. To an official of another federal
agency to provide information needed
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in the performance of official duties
related to reconciling or reconstructing
data files or to enable that agency to
respond to an inquiry by the individual
to whom the record pertains.
G. To state, territorial, and local
governments and tribal organizations to
provide information needed in response
to a court order and/or for discovery
purposes related to litigation, when the
disclosure is compatible with the
purpose for which the records were
H. To appropriate agencies, entities,
and persons when:
(1) AmeriCorps suspects or has
confirmed that there has been a breach
of the system of records;
(2) AmeriCorps has determined that
as a result of the suspected or confirmed
breach there is a risk of harm to
individuals, AmeriCorps (including its
information systems, programs, and
operations), the Federal Government, or
national security; and
(3) The disclosure made to such
agencies, entities, and persons is
reasonably necessary to assist
AmeriCorps in connection with its
efforts to respond to the suspected or
confirmed breach or to prevent,
minimize, or remedy such harm.
I. To another federal agency or federal
entity, when AmeriCorps determines
that information from this system of
records is reasonably necessary to assist
the recipient agency or entity in:
(1) Responding to a suspected or
confirmed breach; or
(2) Preventing, minimizing, or
remedying the risk of harm to
individuals, the recipient agency or
entity (including its information
systems, programs, and operations), the
Federal Government, or national
security, resulting from a suspected or
confirmed breach.
J. To an appropriate federal, state,
tribal, local, international, or foreign law
enforcement agency or other appropriate
authority charged with investigating or
prosecuting a violation or enforcing or
implementing a law, rule, regulation, or
order, when a record, either on its face
or in conjunction with other
information, indicates a violation or
potential violation of law, which
includes criminal, civil, or regulatory
violations and such disclosure is proper
and consistent with the official duties of
the person making the disclosure.
K. To a court, magistrate, or
administrative tribunal in the course of
presenting evidence, including
disclosures to opposing counsel or
witnesses in the course of civil
discovery, litigation, or settlement
negotiations or in connection with
criminal law proceedings, when it is
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relevant and necessary to the litigation
or proceeding.
L. To contractors and their agents,
grantees, experts, consultants, and
others performing or working on a
contract, service, grant, cooperative
agreement, or other assignment for
AmeriCorps, when necessary to
accomplish an agency function related
to this system of records. Individuals
provided information under this routine
use are subject to the same requirements
and limitations on disclosure as are
applicable to AmeriCorps officers and
M. To appropriate third parties
contracted by AmeriCorps to investigate
a complaint or appeal filed by an
employee or applicant, or to facilitate
and conduct mediation or other
alternative dispute resolution (ADR)
procedures or programs.
N. To any official or designee charged
with the responsibility to conduct
qualitative assessments at a designated
statistical agency and other well
established and trusted public or private
research organizations, academic
institutions, or agencies for an
evaluation, study, research, or other
analytical or statistical purpose.
O. Disclosure including referral:
(1) To a federal, state, or local agency
charged with the responsibility of
investigating, enforcing, or
implementing the statutes, rules,
regulations, or orders that authorize
AmeriCorps’ maintenance of this
(2) to an investigator, counselor,
grantee or other recipient of federal
financial assistance or hearing officer or
arbitrator charged with the above
(3) any and all appropriate and
necessary uses of such records in a court
of law or before an administrative board
or hearing; and
(4) such other referrals as may be
necessary to carry out the enforcement
and implementation of the statutes,
rules, regulations, or orders that
authorize AmeriCorps’ maintenance of
this system.
P. To the Congressional committees
having legislative oversight over the
program involved, including when
actions are proposed to be undertaken
by suspending or terminating or
refusing to grant or to continue federal
financial assistance for violation of the
statutes, rules, regulations, or orders
that apply to recipients of federal
financial assistance from AmeriCorps.
Q. To any source, either private or
governmental, to the extent necessary to
secure from source information relevant
to, and sought in furtherance of, a
legitimate investigation or Equal
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 83 / Monday, April 29, 2024 / Notices
Employment Opportunity counseling
R. To a contractor, grantee or other
recipient of federal financial assistance,
when the record to be released reflects
serious inadequacies with the
recipient’s personnel, and disclosure of
the record is for the purpose of
permitting the recipient to effect
corrective action in the Government’s
best interests.
S. To any party pursuant to the
receipt of a valid subpoena.
T. To federal, state, local and
professional licensing authorities when
the record to be released reflects on the
moral, educational, or vocational
qualifications of an individual seeking
to be licensed.
U. To the Office of Government Ethics
(OGE) for any purpose consistent with
OGE’s mission, including the
compilation of statistical data.
Records may be retrieved by the
complainant’s name.
The applicable records retention and
disposition schedules are General
Records Schedule (GRS) 2.3, item 110
and GRS 2.3, item 111. The disposition
authority for Title VI Civil Rights
discrimination informal complaint case
file is DAA–GRS–2018–0002–0012. The
disposition is temporary, and records
will be destroyed 3 years after
resolution of a case, but longer retention
is authorized if required for business
use. The disposition authority for Title
VI Civil Rights discrimination formal
complaint case files is DAA–GRS–2018–
0002–0013. The disposition is
temporary, and records will be
destroyed 7 years after resolution of a
case, but longer retention is authorized
if required for business use.
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Jkt 262001
[Docket Number DARS–2024–0003; OMB
Control Number 0704–0483]
In accordance with 45 CFR part
2508—Implementation of the Privacy
Act of 1974, as amended, individuals
wishing to access their own records
stored within the system of records may
contact the FOIA Officer/Privacy Act
Officer by sending (1) an email to or (2) a letter
addressed to the System Manager,
Attention Privacy Inquiry. Individuals
who make a request must include
enough identifying information (i.e., full
name, current address, date, and
signature) to locate their records,
indicate that they want to access their
records, and be prepared to confirm
their identity as required by 45 CFR part
All requests to contest or amend
information maintained in the system
will be directed to the FOIA Officer/
Privacy Act Officer. Individuals who
make a request must include enough
identifying information to locate their
records, in the manner described above
in the Record Access Procedures
section. Requests should state clearly
and concisely what information is being
contested, the reasons for contesting it,
and the proposed amendment to the
Any individual desiring to contest or
amend information not subject to
exemption may contact the FOIA
Officer/Privacy Act Officer via the
contact information in the Record
Access Procedures section. Individuals
who make a request must include
enough identifying information to locate
their records, indicate that they want to
be notified whether their records are
included in the system, and be prepared
to confirm their identity as required by
45 CFR part 2508.
AmeriCorps safeguards records in this
system according to applicable laws,
rules, and policies, including all
applicable AmeriCorps automated
systems security and access policies.
AmeriCorps has strict controls in place
to minimize the risk of compromising
the information that is being stored.
Access to the computer system
containing the records in this system is
20:54 Apr 26, 2024
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limited to those individuals who have a
need to know the information for the
performance of their official duties and
who have appropriate clearances or
AmeriCorps stores records in this
system electronically.
Discrimination Complaint Files–
Corporation–10 issued 67 FR 4395–4410
(January 30, 2002).
Prabhjot Bajwa,
Senior Agency Official for Privacy and Chief
Information Officer.
Defense Acquisition Regulations
Information Collection Requirement;
Defense Federal Acquisition
Regulation Supplement (DFARS);
Independent Research and
Development Technical Descriptions
Defense Acquisition
Regulations System, Department of
Defense (DoD).
The Defense Acquisition
Regulations System has submitted to
OMB for clearance the following
proposal for collection of information
under the provisions of the Paperwork
Reduction Act.
Consideration will be given to all
comments received by May 29, 2024.
Written comments and
recommendations for the proposed
information collection should be sent
within 30 days of publication of this
notice to
public/do/PRAMain. Find this
particular information collection by
selecting ‘‘Currently under 30-day
Review—Open for Public Comments’’ or
by using the search function.
You may also submit comments,
identified by docket number and title,
by the following method: Federal
eRulemaking Portal: https:// Follow the
instructions for submitting comments.
Tucker Lucas, 571–372–7574, or
Title and OMB Number: Defense
Federal Acquisition Regulation
Supplement (DFARS), Independent
Research and Development Technical
Descriptions; OMB Control Number
Type of Request: Extension of a
currently approved collection.
Affected Public: Businesses or other
for-profit and not-for-profit institutions.
[FR Doc. 2024–09147 Filed 4–26–24; 8:45 am]
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[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 83 (Monday, April 29, 2024)]
[Pages 33336-33339]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-09147]
Privacy Act of 1974; System of Records
AGENCY: Corporation for National and Community Service.
ACTION: Notice of modified systems of records.
SUMMARY: In accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, the
Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility of the
Corporation for National and Community Service (operating as
AmeriCorps) is issuing a public notice of its intent to modify a system
of records, Discrimination Complaint Files-Corporation-10, which will
be renamed ``CNCS-10-CEO-CRCM-Civil Rights Case Management System of
Records.'' The Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and
Accessibility maintains CNCS-10-CEO-CRCM-Civil Rights Case Management
System, which contains program discrimination complaints alleging
unlawful discrimination under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,
as amended, arising within programs or activities conducted or assisted
by AmeriCorps. The revisions update the system name, authority of the
system, purpose of the system, addresses of the system location, system
managers, the categories of records in the system, the categories of
individuals in the system, the routine uses of the records, the
safeguards, retention and disposal, notification procedures, records
access procedures, notification procedures, and contesting record
[[Page 33337]]
DATES: Any comments must be received on or before May 29, 2024. Unless
comments are received that would require a revision, this modified
system of records will become effective on May 29, 2024.
ADDRESSES: You may submit comments identified by system name and number
by any of the following methods:
1. Electronically through Once you access, find the web page for this SORN by searching for CNCS-
10-CEO-CRCM-Civil Rights Case Management.
2. By email at [email protected].
3. By mail: AmeriCorps, Attn: Bilal Razzaq, Chief Privacy Officer,
OIT, 250 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20525.
4. By hand delivery or courier to AmeriCorps at the address for
mail between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Monday
through Friday, except for federal holidays.
Please note that all submissions received may be posted without
change to, including any personal information.
Commenters should be careful to include in their comments only
information that they wish to make publicly available.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: If you have general questions about
the system of records, please contact ZhuoHong Liu at
[email protected], by phone at 202-938-7868, or mail them to the
address in the ADDRESSES section above. Please include the system of
records' name and number.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: AmeriCorps proposes to amend the existing
system of records, Discrimination Complaint Files-Corporation-10, which
was last published in the Federal Register in 67 FR 4404 (January 30,
The proposed amendments rename the system of records as ``CNCS-10-
CEO-CRCM-Civil Rights Case Management System of Records'' (CRCM). The
CRCM holds the agency's records for every part of AmeriCorps' Title VI
Civil Rights discrimination complaints from intake to resolution and
The proposed amendments update the legal authorities of the system
to include Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support
for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, January 20,
2021; Executive Order 14091, Further Advancing Racial Equity and
Support for Underserved Communities Throughout the Federal Government,
February 22, 2023; Executive Order 14096, Revitalizing Our Nation's
Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, April 21, 2023. The legal
authority for maintaining records covered by EEOC/GOVT-1, Equal
Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government Complaint and Appeal
Records system of records notice is excluded.
The proposed amendments convey that the Equal Employment
Opportunity complaint records of federal employees and applicants are
covered by the government-wide system of records EEOC/GOVT-1, Equal
Employment Opportunity in the Federal Government Complaint and Appeal
Records (last published 81 FR 81116, Nov. 17, 2016), and are no longer
listed as records in CRCM.
The proposed amendments update the address of the system, purpose
of the system, the system manager, the categories of records, the
categories of individuals, the system location, storage, safeguards,
retention and disposal, notification procedures, records access
procedures, and contesting record procedures.
The proposed amendments revise former Routine Uses 6, 7, 8 and 9,
and reorganize the Routine Uses. The former Routine Use 7 is replaced
by Routine Use B. The former Routine Use 9 is replaced by Routine Use
C. The former Routine Use 6 is replaced by Routine Use K. The former
Routine Use 8 is replaced by Routine Use N. The former Routine Uses 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and 11 are reorganized into Routine Uses O, P, Q, R, S,
T and U.
The proposed amendments add new Routine Uses A, D, E, F, G, H, I,
J, L, and M to meet the current programmatic needs and the requirements
of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Memorandum M-17-12,
Preparing for and Responding to a Breach of Personally Identifiable
Information (Jan. 3, 2017).
In accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552a(r), AmeriCorps has provided a
report of this system of records to the Office of Management and Budget
and to Congress.
CNCS-10-CEO-CRCM-Civil Rights Case Management System of Records
This system of records is maintained by the Office of Diversity,
Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility, Office of the Chief Executive
Officer, AmeriCorps, 250 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20525.
Director, Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and
Accessibility, Office of the Chief Executive Officer, 250 E Street SW,
Washington, DC 20525.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.);
Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for
Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government, January 20,
2021; Executive Order 14091, Further Advancing Racial Equity and
Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government,
February 22, 2023; Executive Order 14096, Revitalizing Our Nation's
Commitment to Environmental Justice for All, April 21, 2023; the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; Title IX of the Education
Amendments of 1972, as amended; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as
amended; the Domestic Volunteer Service Act of 1973, as amended; and
the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended.
CRCM enables AmeriCorps' Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,
and Accessibility to modernize the Title VI Civil Rights complaint
filing management and conduct streamlined complaint intake, counseling,
and investigation under current legal authorities.
The system covers individuals who have filed informal or formal
complaints with, or against, AmeriCorps, including any recipient of
services, programs, or benefits from AmeriCorps or one of its programs;
AmeriCorps members, applicants, or trainees for volunteer or service
status, or employees of a grantee or program beneficiary.
The identity and contact information of complainants, including
first, middle, and last names, email address, phone number, address,
city, state, zip code, and any accommodation needed; information of
program or person involved; complaint details and complaint processing
and status information; other information produced during the course of
processing a complaint, such as Reports of Investigation, counseling
documents, case decisions, and relevant correspondence, including
settlement and mediation agreements.
[[Page 33338]]
(1) Complainants, witnesses, etc. in discrimination complaints; (2)
Reports of Investigation and Counselors' Reports; (3) copies of
documents relevant to investigations; (4) records of hearings on
complaints; and (5) correspondence.
In addition to those disclosures generally permitted under 5 U.S.C.
552a(b), all or a portion of the records or information contained in
this system of records may be disclosed as a routine use pursuant to 5
U.S.C. 552a(b)(3) under the circumstances or for the purposes described
below, to the extent such disclosures are compatible with the purposes
for which the information was collected:
A. To the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), including the U.S.
Attorney's Offices, or other federal agencies conducting litigation or
proceedings before any court, adjudicative, or administrative body,
when it is relevant or necessary to the litigation or proceeding and
one of the following is a party to the litigation or has an interest in
such litigation:
(1) AmeriCorps;
(2) Any employee or former employee of AmeriCorps in his/her
official capacity;
(3) Any employee or former employee of AmeriCorps in his/her
individual capacity, but only when DOJ or AmeriCorps has agreed to
represent the employee; or
(4) The United States or any agency thereof.
B. To a congressional office in response to an inquiry from that
congressional office which is made at the request of the individual to
whom the record pertains.
C. To the National Archives and Records Administration or General
Services Administration, pursuant to records management inspections
conducted under the authority of 44 U.S.C. 2904 and 2906.
D. To an agency or organization for the purpose of performing audit
or oversight operations as authorized by law, but only such information
as is necessary and relevant to the audit or oversight function.
E. To the Executive Office of the President in response to an
inquiry from that office made at the request of the subject of a
record, or a third party on that person's behalf, or for a purpose
compatible with the reason for which the records are collected or
F. To an official of another federal agency to provide information
needed in the performance of official duties related to reconciling or
reconstructing data files or to enable that agency to respond to an
inquiry by the individual to whom the record pertains.
G. To state, territorial, and local governments and tribal
organizations to provide information needed in response to a court
order and/or for discovery purposes related to litigation, when the
disclosure is compatible with the purpose for which the records were
H. To appropriate agencies, entities, and persons when:
(1) AmeriCorps suspects or has confirmed that there has been a
breach of the system of records;
(2) AmeriCorps has determined that as a result of the suspected or
confirmed breach there is a risk of harm to individuals, AmeriCorps
(including its information systems, programs, and operations), the
Federal Government, or national security; and
(3) The disclosure made to such agencies, entities, and persons is
reasonably necessary to assist AmeriCorps in connection with its
efforts to respond to the suspected or confirmed breach or to prevent,
minimize, or remedy such harm.
I. To another federal agency or federal entity, when AmeriCorps
determines that information from this system of records is reasonably
necessary to assist the recipient agency or entity in:
(1) Responding to a suspected or confirmed breach; or
(2) Preventing, minimizing, or remedying the risk of harm to
individuals, the recipient agency or entity (including its information
systems, programs, and operations), the Federal Government, or national
security, resulting from a suspected or confirmed breach.
J. To an appropriate federal, state, tribal, local, international,
or foreign law enforcement agency or other appropriate authority
charged with investigating or prosecuting a violation or enforcing or
implementing a law, rule, regulation, or order, when a record, either
on its face or in conjunction with other information, indicates a
violation or potential violation of law, which includes criminal,
civil, or regulatory violations and such disclosure is proper and
consistent with the official duties of the person making the
K. To a court, magistrate, or administrative tribunal in the course
of presenting evidence, including disclosures to opposing counsel or
witnesses in the course of civil discovery, litigation, or settlement
negotiations or in connection with criminal law proceedings, when it is
relevant and necessary to the litigation or proceeding.
L. To contractors and their agents, grantees, experts, consultants,
and others performing or working on a contract, service, grant,
cooperative agreement, or other assignment for AmeriCorps, when
necessary to accomplish an agency function related to this system of
records. Individuals provided information under this routine use are
subject to the same requirements and limitations on disclosure as are
applicable to AmeriCorps officers and employees.
M. To appropriate third parties contracted by AmeriCorps to
investigate a complaint or appeal filed by an employee or applicant, or
to facilitate and conduct mediation or other alternative dispute
resolution (ADR) procedures or programs.
N. To any official or designee charged with the responsibility to
conduct qualitative assessments at a designated statistical agency and
other well established and trusted public or private research
organizations, academic institutions, or agencies for an evaluation,
study, research, or other analytical or statistical purpose.
O. Disclosure including referral:
(1) To a federal, state, or local agency charged with the
responsibility of investigating, enforcing, or implementing the
statutes, rules, regulations, or orders that authorize AmeriCorps'
maintenance of this system;
(2) to an investigator, counselor, grantee or other recipient of
federal financial assistance or hearing officer or arbitrator charged
with the above responsibilities;
(3) any and all appropriate and necessary uses of such records in a
court of law or before an administrative board or hearing; and
(4) such other referrals as may be necessary to carry out the
enforcement and implementation of the statutes, rules, regulations, or
orders that authorize AmeriCorps' maintenance of this system.
P. To the Congressional committees having legislative oversight
over the program involved, including when actions are proposed to be
undertaken by suspending or terminating or refusing to grant or to
continue federal financial assistance for violation of the statutes,
rules, regulations, or orders that apply to recipients of federal
financial assistance from AmeriCorps.
Q. To any source, either private or governmental, to the extent
necessary to secure from source information relevant to, and sought in
furtherance of, a legitimate investigation or Equal
[[Page 33339]]
Employment Opportunity counseling matter.
R. To a contractor, grantee or other recipient of federal financial
assistance, when the record to be released reflects serious
inadequacies with the recipient's personnel, and disclosure of the
record is for the purpose of permitting the recipient to effect
corrective action in the Government's best interests.
S. To any party pursuant to the receipt of a valid subpoena.
T. To federal, state, local and professional licensing authorities
when the record to be released reflects on the moral, educational, or
vocational qualifications of an individual seeking to be licensed.
U. To the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) for any purpose
consistent with OGE's mission, including the compilation of statistical
AmeriCorps stores records in this system electronically.
Records may be retrieved by the complainant's name.
The applicable records retention and disposition schedules are
General Records Schedule (GRS) 2.3, item 110 and GRS 2.3, item 111. The
disposition authority for Title VI Civil Rights discrimination informal
complaint case file is DAA-GRS-2018-0002-0012. The disposition is
temporary, and records will be destroyed 3 years after resolution of a
case, but longer retention is authorized if required for business use.
The disposition authority for Title VI Civil Rights discrimination
formal complaint case files is DAA-GRS-2018-0002-0013. The disposition
is temporary, and records will be destroyed 7 years after resolution of
a case, but longer retention is authorized if required for business
AmeriCorps safeguards records in this system according to
applicable laws, rules, and policies, including all applicable
AmeriCorps automated systems security and access policies. AmeriCorps
has strict controls in place to minimize the risk of compromising the
information that is being stored. Access to the computer system
containing the records in this system is limited to those individuals
who have a need to know the information for the performance of their
official duties and who have appropriate clearances or permissions.
In accordance with 45 CFR part 2508--Implementation of the Privacy
Act of 1974, as amended, individuals wishing to access their own
records stored within the system of records may contact the FOIA
Officer/Privacy Act Officer by sending (1) an email to
[email protected] or (2) a letter addressed to the System Manager,
Attention Privacy Inquiry. Individuals who make a request must include
enough identifying information (i.e., full name, current address, date,
and signature) to locate their records, indicate that they want to
access their records, and be prepared to confirm their identity as
required by 45 CFR part 2508.
All requests to contest or amend information maintained in the
system will be directed to the FOIA Officer/Privacy Act Officer.
Individuals who make a request must include enough identifying
information to locate their records, in the manner described above in
the Record Access Procedures section. Requests should state clearly and
concisely what information is being contested, the reasons for
contesting it, and the proposed amendment to the information.
Any individual desiring to contest or amend information not subject
to exemption may contact the FOIA Officer/Privacy Act Officer via the
contact information in the Record Access Procedures section.
Individuals who make a request must include enough identifying
information to locate their records, indicate that they want to be
notified whether their records are included in the system, and be
prepared to confirm their identity as required by 45 CFR part 2508.
Discrimination Complaint Files-Corporation-10 issued 67 FR 4395-
4410 (January 30, 2002).
Prabhjot Bajwa,
Senior Agency Official for Privacy and Chief Information Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024-09147 Filed 4-26-24; 8:45 am]