Interim Staff Guidance: Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project Chapter 9, Control of Routine Plant Radioactive Effluents, Plant Contamination and Solid Waste, 23058-23060 [2024-07025]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 3, 2024 / Notices
authorized to develop and enforce
relevant environmental standards;
d. Any affected Indian Tribe;
e. Any person who requests or has
requested an opportunity to participate
in the scoping process; and
f. Any person who has petitioned or
intends to petition for leave to intervene
under 10 CFR 2.309.
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
IV. Public Scoping Meeting
In accordance with 10 CFR 51.26(b),
the scoping process for an EIS may
include a public scoping meeting to
help identify significant issues related
to the proposed action and to determine
the scope of issues to be addressed in
the EIS.
The NRC is announcing that it will
hold two virtual public scoping
meetings for the Browns Ferry SLR sitespecific EIS. A court reporter will
transcribe all comments received during
the public scoping meeting. To be
considered, comments must be provided
either at a transcribed public meeting or
in writing, as discussed in the
ADDRESSES section of this notice. The
NRC will hold two virtual public
scoping meetings on April 11, 2024, at
1 p.m. ET and on April 18, 2024, at 6
p.m. ET.
Persons interested in attending this
meeting should monitor the NRC’s
Public Meeting Schedule website at for
additional information and the agenda
for the meeting. Please contact Ms.
Jessica Umana no later than April 6,
2024, for the meeting on April 11, 2024,
and April 13, 2024, for the meeting on
April 18, 2024, if accommodations or
special equipment is needed to attend or
to provide comments, so that the NRC
staff can determine whether the request
can be accommodated.
The public scoping meeting will
include: (1) an overview by the NRC
staff of the environmental and safety
review processes, the proposed scope of
the site-specific EIS, and the proposed
review schedule; and (2) the
opportunity for interested government
agencies, organizations, and individuals
to submit comments or suggestions on
environmental issues or the proposed
scope of the Browns Ferry SLR sitespecific EIS.
Participation in the scoping process
for the Browns Ferry SLR site-specific
EIS does not entitle participants to
become parties to the proceeding to
which the site-specific EIS relates.
Matters related to participation in any
hearing are outside the scope of matters
to be discussed at this public meeting.
Dated: March 28, 2024.
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For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Ashley N. Waldron,
Acting Chief, Environmental Project
Management Branch 1, Division of
Rulemaking, Environment, and Financial
Support, Office of Nuclear Material Safety,
and Safeguards.
[FR Doc. 2024–06990 Filed 4–2–24; 8:45 am]
[Docket Nos. 50–269–SLR–2; 50–270–SLR–
2; 50–287–SLR–2]
In the Matter of Duke Energy Carolinas,
LLC, (Oconee Nuclear Station Units 1,
2, and 3); Order
On February 13, 2024, the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission issued a notice
in the Federal Register providing an
opportunity to request a hearing and
petition for leave to intervene with
respect to the Draft Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement for
Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC’s
subsequent license renewal application
for Oconee Nuclear Station, Units 1, 2,
and 3.1 The Federal Register notice set
a deadline of April 15, 2024, for filing
a hearing request.
Subsequently, on March 18, 2024,
Beyond Nuclear and Sierra Club
(together, Petitioners) filed a motion to
extend by two weeks, until April 29,
2024, the deadline for Petitioners to
request a hearing in this proceeding.2
The Petitioners represent that the
applicant has agreed not to oppose this
extension request provided that its
deadline to respond to such a hearing
request is also extended by seven days,
to May 31, 2024.3 In addition, the
Petitioners state in the motion that the
NRC Staff has not taken a position on
the extension request.4
As good cause for the requested
extension, the Petitioners cite
conflicting litigation obligations, a
personal commitment, and that they
‘‘reasonably anticipated’’ that the
Commission would withdraw the
hearing request in light of the
circumstances in two other subsequent
license renewal proceedings.5 Under
1 Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC; Oconee Nuclear
Station, Units 1, 2, and 3; Draft Supplemental
Environmental Impact Statement, 89 FR10,107 (Feb.
13, 2024) (Hearing Notice).
2 Motion by Beyond Nuclear and Sierra Club for
Extension of Time to Submit Hearing Request (Mar.
18, 2024) (ADAMS Accession no. ML24078A146).
3 Id. at 1.
4 Id. at 2.
5 Id. at 1–2. The Petitioners cite subsequent
license renewal proceedings for North Anna Power
Station, Units 1 and 2, and Turkey Point Nuclear
Generating, Units 3 and 4, the draft supplemental
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Commission precedent litigation burden
is not good cause for an extension.6
Nevertheless, in this instance, the
participants have consulted, the
Petitioners and the applicant have
reached agreement, and the motion is
unopposed. Therefore, pursuant to my
authority under 10CFR 2.346(b), I
extend the deadline for all persons to
file a hearing request in this proceeding
until April 29, 2024. The deadline for
answers to timely hearing requests shall
be May 31, 2024, and the deadline for
any replies shall be June 7, 2024.
Petitions to intervene and requests for
hearing shall be filed consistent with
the instructions set out in the Electronic
Submissions (E-Filing) section of the
Hearing Notice.
It is so ordered.
For the Commission.
Dated at Rockville, Maryland, This 28th of
March 2024.
Carrie Safford,
Secretary of the Commission.
[FR Doc. 2024–06983 Filed 4–2–24; 8:45 am]
Interim Staff Guidance: Advanced
Reactor Content of Application Project
Chapter 9, Control of Routine Plant
Radioactive Effluents, Plant
Contamination and Solid Waste
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Final guidance; issuance.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is issuing Interim
Staff Guidance (ISG) DANU–ISG–2022–
03, Chapter 9, ‘‘Control of Routine Plant
environmental impact statements of which were
similarly noticed for hearing opportunities in
accordance with Commission direction. CLI–22–3,
95 NRC 40, 42 (2022). In the Turkey Point
proceeding, the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
certified a question to the Commission concerning
language in CLI–22–3, specifically, whether the
Staff should have waited to issue the notice of
opportunity for hearing until the completion of the
final supplemental environmental impact
statement. Florida Power & Light Co. (Turkey Point
Nuclear Generating Units 3 and 4), LBP–24–1, 99
NRC __, __(Jan. 31, 2024) (slip op. at 4). The
Commission recently issued an order in which it
accepted the Board’s certification and found the
Staff’s interpretation of CLI–22–3 with respect to
the timing of the hearing notice acceptable. Florida
Power & Light Co. (Turkey Point Nuclear Generating
Units 3 and 4), CLI–24–1, 99 NRC __, __(Mar. 7,
2024) (slip op. at 6).
6 See Consolidated Edison Co. of New York
(Indian Point, Units 1 and 2), CLI–01–8, 53 NRC
225, 229–30 (2001) (quoting Niagara Mohawk
Power Corp. (Nine Mile Point, Units 1 & 2), 50 NRC
333, 343 (1999)).
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 3, 2024 / Notices
Radioactive Effluents, Plant
Contamination and Solid Waste.’’ The
purpose of this ISG is to provide
guidance for prospective applicants in
preparing applications for non-light
water reactor (non-LWR) designs that
use the Licensing Modernization Project
(LMP) process and to assist the NRC
staff in determining whether such
applications meet the minimum
requirements for construction permits,
operating licenses, combined licenses,
manufacturing licenses, standard design
approval, or design certifications.
DATES: This guidance is effective on
April 3, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID
NRC–2022–0076 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of
information regarding this document.
You may obtain publicly available
information related to this document
using any of the following methods:
• Federal Rulemaking website: Go to and search
for Docket ID NRC–2022–0076. Address
questions about Docket IDs in to Stacy Schumann;
telephone: 301–415–0624; email: For technical
questions, contact the individual listed
CONTACT section of this document.
• NRC’s Agencywide Documents
Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly
available documents online in the
ADAMS Public Documents collection at
adams.html. To begin the search, select
‘‘Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.’’ For
problems with ADAMS, please contact
the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR)
reference staff at 1–800–397–4209, at
301–415–4737, or by email to The ISG,
DANU–ISG–2022–03, Chapter 9,
‘‘Control of Routine Plant Radioactive
Effluents, Plant Contamination and
Solid Waste,’’ is available in ADAMS
under Accession No. ML23277A141.
• NRC’s PDR: The PDR, where you
may examine and order copies of
publicly available documents, is open
by appointment. To make an
appointment to visit the PDR, please
send an email to
or call 1–800–397–4209 or 301–415–
4737, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. eastern
time (ET), Monday through Friday,
except Federal holidays.
James O’Driscoll, Office of Nuclear
Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, Washington,
VerDate Sep<11>2014
18:18 Apr 02, 2024
Jkt 262001
DC 20555–0001, telephone: 301–415–
1325; email: James.O’
I. Background
The NRC staff anticipates the
submission of advanced power-reactor
applications within the next few years
based on preapplication engagement
initiated by several prospective
applicants. Because many of these
designs are non-LWRs, the NRC
developed technology-inclusive, riskinformed, performance-based guidance
to support the development and review
of these non-LWR applications. The
guidance will facilitate the development
and review of non-LWR applications for
construction permits or operating
licenses under part 50 of title 10 of the
Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR),
‘‘Domestic Licensing of Production and
Utilization Facilities,’’ or combined
licenses, manufacturing licenses,
standard design approval, or design
certifications under 10 CFR part 52,
‘‘Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals
for Nuclear Power Plants.’’ The NRC
staff notes it is developing a rule to
amend 10 CFR parts 50 and 52 to align
reactor licensing processes and
incorporate lessons learned from new
reactor licensing into the regulations
(RIN 3150-Al66). This ISG may need to
be updated to conform to changes to 10
CFR parts 50 and 52, if any, adopted
through that rulemaking. Further, as of
the date of this final ISG, the NRC staff
is developing an optional performancebased, technology-inclusive regulatory
framework for licensing nuclear power
plants designated as 10 CFR part 53
(RIN 3150–AK31). The NRC intends to
revise this guidance as a part of the
ongoing rulemaking for 10 CFR part 53.
To standardize the development of
content of a non-LWR application, the
NRC staff focused on two activities: the
Advanced Reactor Content of
Application Project (ARCAP) and the
Technology-Inclusive Content of
Application Project (TICAP). The
ARCAP is an NRC-led activity that is
intended to result in guidance for a
complete non-LWR application for
review under 10 CFR part 50 or 10 CFR
part 52, and which the NRC staff would
update, as appropriate, pending the
issuance of the 10 CFR part 50 and 10
CFR part 52 rulemaking as previously
mentioned in this notice, or if the
Commission issues a final 10 CFR part
53 rule. As a result, the ARCAP is broad
and encompasses several industry-led
and NRC-led guidance document
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development activities aimed at
facilitating a consistent approach to the
development of application documents.
The TICAP is an industry-led activity
that is focused on providing guidance
on the appropriate scope and depth of
information related to the specific
portions of the safety analysis report
that describe the fundamental safety
functions of the design and document
the safety analysis of the facility using
the LMP-based approach. The LMPbased approach is described in
Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.233, ‘‘Guidance
for a Technology-Inclusive, RiskInformed, and Performance-Based
Methodology to Inform the Licensing
Basis and Content of Applications for
Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals
for Non-Light-Water Reactors,’’
(ADAMS Accession No. ML20091L698).
The ARCAP ISG titled ‘‘Review of
Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive
Advanced Reactor Applications—
Roadmap’’ (ARCAP Roadmap ISG) was
developed to provide a general overview
of the information that should be
included in a non-LWR application. The
ARCAP Roadmap ISG also provides a
review roadmap for the NRC staff with
the principal purpose of ensuring
consistency, quality, and uniformity of
NRC staff reviews. The ARCAP
Roadmap ISG includes references to
eight other ARCAP ISGs and a TICAP
RG that are the subject of separate
Federal Register notices (FRNs)
notifying the public of the issuance of
these guidance documents. Information
regarding the eight other ARCAP ISGs
and the TICAP RG can be found in the
table at the end of the ‘‘Discussion’’
II. Discussion
The ARCAP ISG titled, Chapter 9,
‘‘Control of Routine Plant Radioactive
Effluents, Plant Contamination and
Solid Waste,’’ that is the subject of this
FRN, was developed because the current
application and review guidance related
to control of routine plant radioactive
effluents, plant contamination, and
solid waste is directly applicable only to
light water reactors and may not fully
(or efficiently) identify the information
to be included in a technologyinclusive, risk-informed, and
performance-based application or
provide a review approach for such an
The table in this notice provides the
document description, ADAMS
accession number, and, if appropriate,
the docket identification number.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 65 / Wednesday, April 3, 2024 / Notices
Document description
Interim Staff Guidance DANU–ISG–2022–01, ‘‘Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project, ‘Review of
Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Advanced Reactor Applications—Roadmap’ ’’ .....................................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU–ISG–2022–02, ‘‘Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project Chapter 2,
‘Site Information’ ’’ ............................................................................................................................................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU–ISG–2022–03, ‘‘Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project Chapter 9,
‘Control of Routine Plant Radioactive Effluents, Plant Contamination and Solid Waste’ ’’ .............................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU–ISG–2022–04, ‘‘Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project Chapter 10,
‘Control of Occupational Dose’ ’’ ......................................................................................................................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU–ISG–2022–05, ‘‘Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project Chapter 11,
‘Organization and Human-System Considerations’ ’’ .......................................................................................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU–ISG–2022–06, ‘‘Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project Chapter 12,
‘Post-manufacturing and construction Inspection, Testing, and Analysis Program’ ’’ .....................................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU–ISG–2022–07, ‘‘Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project, ‘Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection/Inservice Testing Programs for Non-LWRs’ ’’ .....................................................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU–ISG–2022–08, ‘‘Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project, ‘Risk-Informed Technical Specifications’ ’’ ...................................................................................................................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU–ISG–2022–09, ‘‘Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project, ‘Risk-Informed Performance-Based Fire Protection Program (for Operations)’ ’’ ........................................................
RG 1.253, Revision 0, ‘‘Guidance for a Technology-Inclusive Content-of-Application Methodology to Inform
the Licensing Basis and Content of Applications for Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Non-LightWater Reactors’’ ...............................................................................................................................................
Regulatory Analysis for ARCAP ISGs .................................................................................................................
Review of Advanced Reactor Content of Application Project/Technology-Inclusive Content of Application
Project Guidance ..............................................................................................................................................
Response to the Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Letter, ‘‘Review of Advanced Reactor Content
of Application Project/Technology-Inclusive Content of Application Project Guidance’’ .................................
lotter on DSK11XQN23PROD with NOTICES1
III. Additional Information
During the 711th meeting of the
Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards (ACRS), December 6–7,
2023, the ACRS, the NRC staff, and
representatives of other stakeholders
discussed guidance documents related
to the ARCAP and the TICAP. On
December 20, 2023, the ACRS issued a
report documenting its review of these
guidance documents (ADAMS
Accession No. ML23348A182). The
conclusions and recommendations in
the ACRS report apply to all the ARCAP
and TICAP guidance documents. In its
December 2023 report, the ACRS did
not recommend any specific changes to
Draft DANU–ISG–2022–03, Chapter 9,
‘‘Control of Routine Plant Radioactive
Effluents, Plant Contamination and
Solid Waste,’’ was published in the
Federal Register for public comment on
May 25, 2023, (88 FR 33930) with a 45day comment period. Subsequently, the
comment period was extended by 30
days as noted in the Federal Register
dated June 28, 2023 (88 FR 41986). The
NRC staff received thirteen public
comments from stakeholders. The NRC
staff’s evaluation and resolution of the
public comments can be found in a
document located in ADAMS under
Accession No. ML23277A150.
IV. Congressional Review Act
DANU–ISG–2022–03, Chapter 9,
‘‘Control of Routine Plant Radioactive
Effluents, Plant Contamination and
VerDate Sep<11>2014
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Solid Waste,’’ is a rule as defined in the
Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C.
801–808). However, the Office of
Management and Budget has not found
it to be a major rule as defined in the
Congressional Review Act.
V. Backfitting, Forward Fitting, and
Issue Finality
DANU–ISG–2022–03 does not
constitute backfitting as defined in 10
CFR 50.109, ‘‘Backfitting,’’ and as
described in Management Directive
(MD) 8.4, ‘‘Management of Backfitting,
Forward Fitting, Issue Finality, and
Information Requests’’; does not
constitute forward fitting as that term is
defined and described in MD 8.4; and
does not affect the issue finality of any
approval issued under 10 CFR part 52.
The guidance would not apply to any
current licensees or applicants or
existing or requested approvals under
10 CFR part 52, and therefore its
issuance cannot be a backfit or forward
fit or affect issue finality. Further, as
explained in DANU–ISG–2022–03,
applicants and licensees would not be
required to comply with the positions
set forth in DANU–ISG–2022–03.
Dated: March 28, 2024.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Steven T. Lynch,
Chief, Advanced Reactor Policy Branch,
Division of Advanced Reactors and NonPower Production and Utilization Facilities,
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2024–07025 Filed 4–2–24; 8:45 am]
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accession No.
docket ID No.
Interim Staff Guidance: Advanced
Reactor Content of Application Project
Chapter 12, Post-Manufacturing and
Construction Inspection, Testing, and
Analysis Program
Nuclear Regulatory
ACTION: Final guidance; issuance.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission (NRC) is issuing Interim
Staff Guidance (ISG) DANU–ISG–2022–
06, Chapter 12, ‘‘Post-manufacturing
and construction Inspection, Testing,
and Analysis Program.’’ The purpose of
this ISG is to provide guidance for
prospective applicants in preparing
applications for non-light water reactor
(non-LWR) designs that use the
Licensing Modernization Project (LMP)
process and to assist the NRC staff in
determining whether such applications
meet the minimum requirements for
construction permits, operating licenses,
combined licenses, manufacturing
licenses, standard design approval, or
design certifications.
DATES: This guidance is effective on
April 3, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID
NRC–2022–0079 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of
information regarding this document.
You may obtain publicly available
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 65 (Wednesday, April 3, 2024)]
[Pages 23058-23060]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-07025]
Interim Staff Guidance: Advanced Reactor Content of Application
Project Chapter 9, Control of Routine Plant Radioactive Effluents,
Plant Contamination and Solid Waste
AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
ACTION: Final guidance; issuance.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is issuing
Interim Staff Guidance (ISG) DANU-ISG-2022-03, Chapter 9, ``Control of
Routine Plant
[[Page 23059]]
Radioactive Effluents, Plant Contamination and Solid Waste.'' The
purpose of this ISG is to provide guidance for prospective applicants
in preparing applications for non-light water reactor (non-LWR) designs
that use the Licensing Modernization Project (LMP) process and to
assist the NRC staff in determining whether such applications meet the
minimum requirements for construction permits, operating licenses,
combined licenses, manufacturing licenses, standard design approval, or
design certifications.
DATES: This guidance is effective on April 3, 2024.
ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2022-0076 when contacting the
NRC about the availability of information regarding this document. You
may obtain publicly available information related to this document
using any of the following methods:
Federal Rulemaking website: Go to and search for Docket ID NRC-2022-0076. Address
questions about Docket IDs in to Stacy Schumann;
telephone: 301-415-0624; email: [email protected]. For technical
questions, contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION
CONTACT section of this document.
NRC's Agencywide Documents Access and Management System
(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly available documents online in the
ADAMS Public Documents collection at To begin the search, select ``Begin Web-based ADAMS
Search.'' For problems with ADAMS, please contact the NRC's Public
Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1-800-397-4209, at 301-415-4737,
or by email to [email protected]. The ISG, DANU-ISG-2022-03, Chapter
9, ``Control of Routine Plant Radioactive Effluents, Plant
Contamination and Solid Waste,'' is available in ADAMS under Accession
No. ML23277A141.
NRC's PDR: The PDR, where you may examine and order copies
of publicly available documents, is open by appointment. To make an
appointment to visit the PDR, please send an email to
[email protected] or call 1-800-397-4209 or 301-415-4737, between 8
a.m. and 4 p.m. eastern time (ET), Monday through Friday, except
Federal holidays.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: James O'Driscoll, Office of Nuclear
Reactor Regulation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC
20555-0001, telephone: 301-415-1325; email: James.O'[email protected].
I. Background
The NRC staff anticipates the submission of advanced power-reactor
applications within the next few years based on preapplication
engagement initiated by several prospective applicants. Because many of
these designs are non-LWRs, the NRC developed technology-inclusive,
risk-informed, performance-based guidance to support the development
and review of these non-LWR applications. The guidance will facilitate
the development and review of non-LWR applications for construction
permits or operating licenses under part 50 of title 10 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (10 CFR), ``Domestic Licensing of Production and
Utilization Facilities,'' or combined licenses, manufacturing licenses,
standard design approval, or design certifications under 10 CFR part
52, ``Licenses, Certifications, and Approvals for Nuclear Power
Plants.'' The NRC staff notes it is developing a rule to amend 10 CFR
parts 50 and 52 to align reactor licensing processes and incorporate
lessons learned from new reactor licensing into the regulations (RIN
3150-Al66). This ISG may need to be updated to conform to changes to 10
CFR parts 50 and 52, if any, adopted through that rulemaking. Further,
as of the date of this final ISG, the NRC staff is developing an
optional performance-based, technology-inclusive regulatory framework
for licensing nuclear power plants designated as 10 CFR part 53 (RIN
3150-AK31). The NRC intends to revise this guidance as a part of the
ongoing rulemaking for 10 CFR part 53.
To standardize the development of content of a non-LWR application,
the NRC staff focused on two activities: the Advanced Reactor Content
of Application Project (ARCAP) and the Technology-Inclusive Content of
Application Project (TICAP). The ARCAP is an NRC-led activity that is
intended to result in guidance for a complete non-LWR application for
review under 10 CFR part 50 or 10 CFR part 52, and which the NRC staff
would update, as appropriate, pending the issuance of the 10 CFR part
50 and 10 CFR part 52 rulemaking as previously mentioned in this
notice, or if the Commission issues a final 10 CFR part 53 rule. As a
result, the ARCAP is broad and encompasses several industry-led and
NRC-led guidance document development activities aimed at facilitating
a consistent approach to the development of application documents.
The TICAP is an industry-led activity that is focused on providing
guidance on the appropriate scope and depth of information related to
the specific portions of the safety analysis report that describe the
fundamental safety functions of the design and document the safety
analysis of the facility using the LMP-based approach. The LMP-based
approach is described in Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.233, ``Guidance for a
Technology-Inclusive, Risk-Informed, and Performance-Based Methodology
to Inform the Licensing Basis and Content of Applications for Licenses,
Certifications, and Approvals for Non-Light-Water Reactors,'' (ADAMS
Accession No. ML20091L698).
The ARCAP ISG titled ``Review of Risk-Informed, Technology-
Inclusive Advanced Reactor Applications--Roadmap'' (ARCAP Roadmap ISG)
was developed to provide a general overview of the information that
should be included in a non-LWR application. The ARCAP Roadmap ISG also
provides a review roadmap for the NRC staff with the principal purpose
of ensuring consistency, quality, and uniformity of NRC staff reviews.
The ARCAP Roadmap ISG includes references to eight other ARCAP ISGs and
a TICAP RG that are the subject of separate Federal Register notices
(FRNs) notifying the public of the issuance of these guidance
documents. Information regarding the eight other ARCAP ISGs and the
TICAP RG can be found in the table at the end of the ``Discussion''
II. Discussion
The ARCAP ISG titled, Chapter 9, ``Control of Routine Plant
Radioactive Effluents, Plant Contamination and Solid Waste,'' that is
the subject of this FRN, was developed because the current application
and review guidance related to control of routine plant radioactive
effluents, plant contamination, and solid waste is directly applicable
only to light water reactors and may not fully (or efficiently)
identify the information to be included in a technology-inclusive,
risk-informed, and performance-based application or provide a review
approach for such an application.
The table in this notice provides the document description, ADAMS
accession number, and, if appropriate, the docket identification
[[Page 23060]]
Document description accession No. docket ID No.
Interim Staff Guidance DANU-ISG-2022- ML23277A139 NRC-2022-0074
01, ``Advanced Reactor Content of
Application Project, `Review of Risk-
Informed, Technology-Inclusive
Advanced Reactor Applications--
Roadmap' ''..........................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU-ISG-2022- ML23277A140 NRC-2022-0075
02, ``Advanced Reactor Content of
Application Project Chapter 2, `Site
Information' ''......................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU-ISG-2022- ML23277A141 NRC-2022-0076
03, ``Advanced Reactor Content of
Application Project Chapter 9,
`Control of Routine Plant Radioactive
Effluents, Plant Contamination and
Solid Waste' ''......................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU-ISG-2022- ML23277A142 NRC-2022-0077
04, ``Advanced Reactor Content of
Application Project Chapter 10,
`Control of Occupational Dose' ''....
Interim Staff Guidance DANU-ISG-2022- ML23277A143 NRC-2022-0078
05, ``Advanced Reactor Content of
Application Project Chapter 11,
`Organization and Human-System
Considerations' ''...................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU-ISG-2022- ML23277A144 NRC-2022-0079
06, ``Advanced Reactor Content of
Application Project Chapter 12, `Post-
manufacturing and construction
Inspection, Testing, and Analysis
Program' ''..........................
Interim Staff Guidance DANU-ISG-2022- ML23277A145 NRC-2022-0080
07, ``Advanced Reactor Content of
Application Project, `Risk-Informed
Inservice Inspection/Inservice
Testing Programs for Non-LWRs' ''....
Interim Staff Guidance DANU-ISG-2022- ML23277A146 NRC-2022-0081
08, ``Advanced Reactor Content of
Application Project, `Risk-Informed
Technical Specifications' ''.........
Interim Staff Guidance DANU-ISG-2022- ML23277A147 NRC-2022-0082
09, ``Advanced Reactor Content of
Application Project, `Risk-Informed
Performance-Based Fire Protection
Program (for Operations)' ''.........
RG 1.253, Revision 0, ``Guidance for a ML23269A222 NRC-2022-0073
Technology-Inclusive Content-of-
Application Methodology to Inform the
Licensing Basis and Content of
Applications for Licenses,
Certifications, and Approvals for Non-
Light-Water Reactors''...............
Regulatory Analysis for ARCAP ISGs.... ML23093A099 NRC-2022-0074
Review of Advanced Reactor Content of ML23348A182 NRC-2022-0074
Application Project/Technology-
Inclusive Content of Application
Project Guidance.....................
Response to the Advisory Committee on ML24024A025 NRC-2022-0074
Reactor Safeguards Letter, ``Review
of Advanced Reactor Content of
Application Project/Technology-
Inclusive Content of Application
Project Guidance''...................
III. Additional Information
During the 711th meeting of the Advisory Committee on Reactor
Safeguards (ACRS), December 6-7, 2023, the ACRS, the NRC staff, and
representatives of other stakeholders discussed guidance documents
related to the ARCAP and the TICAP. On December 20, 2023, the ACRS
issued a report documenting its review of these guidance documents
(ADAMS Accession No. ML23348A182). The conclusions and recommendations
in the ACRS report apply to all the ARCAP and TICAP guidance documents.
In its December 2023 report, the ACRS did not recommend any specific
changes to DANU-ISG-2022-03.
Draft DANU-ISG-2022-03, Chapter 9, ``Control of Routine Plant
Radioactive Effluents, Plant Contamination and Solid Waste,'' was
published in the Federal Register for public comment on May 25, 2023,
(88 FR 33930) with a 45-day comment period. Subsequently, the comment
period was extended by 30 days as noted in the Federal Register dated
June 28, 2023 (88 FR 41986). The NRC staff received thirteen public
comments from stakeholders. The NRC staff's evaluation and resolution
of the public comments can be found in a document located in ADAMS
under Accession No. ML23277A150.
IV. Congressional Review Act
DANU-ISG-2022-03, Chapter 9, ``Control of Routine Plant Radioactive
Effluents, Plant Contamination and Solid Waste,'' is a rule as defined
in the Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801-808). However, the Office
of Management and Budget has not found it to be a major rule as defined
in the Congressional Review Act.
V. Backfitting, Forward Fitting, and Issue Finality
DANU-ISG-2022-03 does not constitute backfitting as defined in 10
CFR 50.109, ``Backfitting,'' and as described in Management Directive
(MD) 8.4, ``Management of Backfitting, Forward Fitting, Issue Finality,
and Information Requests''; does not constitute forward fitting as that
term is defined and described in MD 8.4; and does not affect the issue
finality of any approval issued under 10 CFR part 52. The guidance
would not apply to any current licensees or applicants or existing or
requested approvals under 10 CFR part 52, and therefore its issuance
cannot be a backfit or forward fit or affect issue finality. Further,
as explained in DANU-ISG-2022-03, applicants and licensees would not be
required to comply with the positions set forth in DANU-ISG-2022-03.
Dated: March 28, 2024.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Steven T. Lynch,
Chief, Advanced Reactor Policy Branch, Division of Advanced Reactors
and Non-Power Production and Utilization Facilities, Office of Nuclear
Reactor Regulation.
[FR Doc. 2024-07025 Filed 4-2-24; 8:45 am]