National Environmental Policy Act Procedures and Categorical Exclusions, 22688-22695 [2024-06751]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 2, 2024 / Notices
Description of Proposed Mitigation,
Monitoring and Reporting Measures
The proposed mitigation, monitoring
and reporting measures are identical to
those included in the initial IHA and
remain relevant for this modified IHA.
These can all be found in the documents
supporting the initial final IHA.
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Preliminary Determinations
With the exception of the revised take
numbers and addition of a new species,
the MOS’s in water construction
activities as well as mitigation and
reporting requirements are unchanged
from those in the initial IHA. The effects
of the activity on the affected species
and stocks remain unchanged,
notwithstanding the increase to the
authorized amount of Steller sea lion
take by Level B harassment and addition
of take by Level A and Level B
harassment of northern fur seal.
The additional takes from Level A and
Level B harassment would be due to
potential behavioral disturbance,
temporary threshold shift (TTS) or
permanent threshold shift (PTS). No
serious injury or mortality is anticipated
given the nature of the activity and
measures designed to minimize the
possibility of injury to marine
mammals. The potential for harassment
is minimized through the construction
method and the implementation of the
planned mitigation measures (see
Description of Proposed Mitigation,
Monitoring and Reporting Measures
The MOS’s proposed pile driving
project precludes the likelihood of
serious injury or mortality. For all
species and stocks, take would occur
within a limited, confined area (within
Taiya Inlet) of the stock’s range. Level
A and Level B harassment would be
reduced to the level of least practicable
adverse impact through use of
mitigation measures described herein.
Furthermore, the amount of take
proposed to be authorized is extremely
small when compared to stock
The additional 74 takes of Steller sea
lion represents a minor increase in the
percent of stock taken that was
authorized in the initial IHA, and the
anticipated impacts are identical to
those described in the 2023 final IHA.
Additionally, this increase is only of the
Eastern US stock; no additional takes of
the Western US stock are anticipated or
proposed for authorization. There is no
new information suggesting that our
initial analysis or findings should
change for Steller sea lions. Separately,
the addition of take proposed by Level
A and Level B harassment of northern
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fur seal is less than 0.1 percent of the
total stock and therefor this activity will
not cause effects on annual rates of
recruitment or survival. We have
preliminarily determined that the
impacts resulting from this activity are
not expected to adversely affect annual
rates of recruitment or survival for
northern fur seals and we preliminarily
re-affirm our previous findings for
Steller sea lions.
Based on the information contained
here and in the referenced documents,
NMFS has preliminarily determined the
following: (1) the required mitigation
measures will effect the least practicable
impact on marine mammal species or
stocks and their habitat; (2) the
proposed authorized takes will have a
negligible impact on the affected marine
mammal species or stocks; (3) the
proposed authorized takes represent
small numbers of marine mammals
relative to the affected stock
abundances; and (4) MOS’s activities
will not have an unmitigable adverse
impact on taking for subsistence
purposes as no relevant subsistence uses
of marine mammals are implicated by
this action, and (5) appropriate
monitoring and reporting requirements
are included.
Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Section 7(a)(2) of the Endangered
Species Act of 1973 (ESA; 16 U.S.C.
1531 et seq.) requires that each Federal
agency insure that any action it
authorizes, funds, or carries out is not
likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of any endangered or
threatened species or result in the
destruction or adverse modification of
designated critical habitat. To ensure
ESA compliance for the issuance of
IHAs, NMFS consults internally
whenever we plan to authorize take for
endangered or threatened species, in
this case with the Alaska Regional
For the original IHA, NMFS Office of
Protected Resources completed a
Section 7 consultation with the NMFS
Alaska Regional Office for the issuance
of this IHA on August 23, 2023. The
Alaska Regional Office’s biological
opinion states that the action is not
likely to jeopardize the continued
existence of the listed species. This
modification of the IHA does not modify
or change any take of listed species and
there for the prior determination
remains unchanged.
Proposed Authorization
As a result of these preliminary
determinations, NMFS proposes to issue
a modified IHA to MOS for conducting
construction activities associated with
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the terminal redevelopment in Skagway,
Alaska, provided the previously
mentioned mitigation, monitoring, and
reporting requirements are incorporated.
A draft of the proposed IHA can be
found at https://www.fisheries.
Request for Public Comments
We request comment on our analyses
(included in both this document and the
referenced documents supporting the
2023 IHA), the proposed authorization,
and any other aspect of this notice of
proposed modification of the IHA for
the Skagway terminal redevelopment
project. Please include with your
comments any supporting data or
literature citations to help inform our
final decision on the request for MMPA
Dated: March 28, 2024.
Kimberly Damon-Randall,
Director, Office of Protected Resources,
National Marine Fisheries Service.
[FR Doc. 2024–06963 Filed 4–1–24; 8:45 am]
National Telecommunications and
Information Administration
[Docket Number: 240325–0086]
RIN 0660–XC056
National Environmental Policy Act
Procedures and Categorical
National Telecommunications
and Information Administration, U.S.
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
The National
Telecommunications and Information
Administration (‘‘NTIA’’) publishes this
Notice that it will follow the First
Responder Network Authority’s
(‘‘FirstNet Authority’’) National
Environmental Policy Act (‘‘NEPA’’)
procedures on an interim basis with
modifications to account for NTIA’s
internal organization and establish 30
new categorical exclusions (‘‘CEs’’) in
compliance with NEPA, Council on
Environmental Quality (‘‘CEQ’’)
regulations, and other related
The use of these procedures and
CEs will take effect as of April 2, 2024.
Amanda Pereira, Environmental
Program Officer, National
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 2, 2024 / Notices
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Telecommunications and Information
Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue
NW, Room 4878, Washington, DC
20230, by phone at 202–834–4016, or by
email at
I. Background
NTIA is the executive branch agency
that is principally responsible for
advising the President on
telecommunications and information
policy issues. NTIA’s programs and
policymaking focus largely on
expanding broadband Internet access
and adoption in the United States,
expanding the use of spectrum by all
users, and ensuring that the Internet
remains an engine for continued
innovation and economic growth. NTIA
is engaged in a range of efforts to
increase Internet access and adoption.
On November 15, 2021, President
Biden signed the Infrastructure
Investment and Jobs Act, Public Law
117–58, (‘‘IIJA’’) into law. Passage of the
IIJA is a significant step forward in
achieving the Biden-Harris
Administration’s goal of providing
broadband access to the entire United
States. The IIJA sets forth a $65 billion
investment into broadband; $48.2
billion of that investment will be
administered by NTIA. This investment
will leverage NTIA’s experience in
promoting broadband infrastructure
development and digital inclusion
efforts. To facilitate NTIA’s compliance
with the IIJA and because of the critical
need to expand and secure broadband
access across the United States, NTIA
must find opportunities to accelerate
effective use of its appropriated funding
while ensuring compliance with all
relevant authorities, including NEPA.
Presently, CEQ is undertaking a
multiphase rulemaking process to
review and revise the NEPA
implementing regulations.1 Therefore,
NTIA proposed to establish new CEs
and otherwise follow the existing NEPA
implementing procedures of the
FirstNet Authority, an independent
authority within NTIA, in the interim
while CEQ completes its rulemaking
processes. Following the FirstNet
Authority’s procedures 2 will facilitate
the IIJA’s large-scale investment in
NTIA programs and the need for NTIA
to fulfill the mandates of the IIJA in a
timely manner, by ensuring NTIA make
the most efficient use of time and
available funding and resources to fulfill
1 86
FR 55759 (Oct. 7, 2021).
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its environmental analysis and decisionmaking responsibilities. Following
CEQ’s revisions to the NEPA
regulations, NTIA intends to propose
comprehensive NEPA procedures. In the
interim, NTIA will rely on the FirstNet
Authority procedures consistent with
how they are written and currently
executed, with the exception of the
Roles and Responsibilities section,
which NTIA will address by publishing
guidance on its website reflecting
NTIA’s internal organization. In
addition, NTIA is establishing and
publishing CEs specific to NTIA’s
Accordingly, on March 30, 2023,
NTIA published for comment its
proposal to rely on the FirstNet
Authority’s NEPA implementing
procedures and establish NTIA’s CEs.3
Publication of the Notice began a 30-day
comment period that ended on May 1,
2023. NTIA received eight substantive
submissions from the broadband and
telecommunications community,
including one state regional cooperative
and seven industry associations. A
complete set of comments filed in
response to the proposal may be viewed
searching for Docket ID NTIA–2023–
In response to that Notice,
commenters encouraged NTIA to
maintain or incorporate CEs established
by the Department of Commerce in 2009
(which have been used by NTIA since
2009) and to acknowledge the
applicability of CEs established by
FirstNet in 2018 to NTIA’s actions.
NTIA undertook a comparative review
of the existing Department programs to
identify the applicable Department-wide
CEs already available to NTIA. In light
of this review, NTIA is not finalizing the
CEs proposed as B–5 and C–8 because
the actions they cover are encompassed
by existing Department-wide CEs. In
response to comments, NTIA also made
minor editorial revisions to several of
the proposed CEs for consistency with
Department-wide and FirstNet
Authority CEs, as explained throughout
this Notice, and updated its
administrative record to explain the
changes. This Notice finalizes newly
established CEs that NTIA may apply to
its proposed actions and the
implementing procedures it will use in
the interim. Additionally, where
appropriate, NTIA may continue to
apply Departmental CEs that are
currently available to NTIA when they
would best support NTIA’s mission and
NEPA activities. Accordingly, while this
Notice establishes new CEs, in so doing
3 88
PO 00000
FR 19089 (March 30, 2023).
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NTIA clarifies that Departmental CEs
remain applicable to NTIA programs
and that it may adopt or establish
additional CEs through separate and
subsequent processes.
Commenters generally supported
NTIA’s interim use of FirstNet’s NEPA
implementing procedures; however,
NTIA received several comments
expressing concerns about how NTIA
will implement NEPA for the
Broadband Equity Access and
Deployment (BEAD) Program. In the
near term, NTIA will follow the FirstNet
implementing procedures for BEAD and
all other NTIA actions and will also
consider all procedural comments in
developing its final implementing
procedures once CEQ completes its
rulemaking process.
NTIA consulted with CEQ on the
proposed and final revisions to the
FirstNet Authority’s NEPA
implementing procedures and NTIA’s
newly established CEs. CEQ issued a
letter stating that it has reviewed the
revised procedures, including the newly
established CEs, and found them to be
in conformity with NEPA and CEQ
regulations.4 The final CEs and
administrative record will be available
for review at
II. Comments and Agency Responses
Comments on the proposed
procedures and CEs included several
similar positions, inquiries both within
and outside the scope of the Notice, and
recommendations stemming from the
proposed procedural adoption and
development of categorical exclusions.
NTIA has carefully considered each of
the comments submitted, grouped and
summarized the comments by issues
raised, and responded accordingly.
NEPA Should Not Apply to BEAD
Comment: One commenter was
concerned that imposing NEPA’s
environmental review standards on
BEAD recipients will have the effect of
unduly delaying the construction of
broadband networks by adding
unnecessarily burdensome and timeconsuming environmental review that is
not required by the statute. As a result,
the commenter suggested that NTIA
should determine that NEPA does not
apply to the BEAD program.
Response: NTIA has determined that
the issuance of $42.5B in Federal grant
funding meets NEPA’s statutory
definition of major Federal action
because these Federal funds are under
substantial Federal control through
requirements associated with 2 CFR part
4 See CEQ NTIA Conformity Letter (March 1,
2024) available at
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 2, 2024 / Notices
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200. NEPA requires Federal agencies to
interpret and administer Federal laws in
accordance with NEPA’s policies to
ensure sound decision making. NTIA is
committed to work with CEQ to find
ways to ensure NEPA efficiencies,
including through the development of
these CEs.
Multiple Permitting and Approval
Comment: Several commenters noted
that broadband installations often
require permits and approvals on
Federal lands, along interstate and state
highways, through local and private
rights-of-way (ROWs), and on poles and
across railroad crossings across and
from multiple entities and jurisdictions.
Commenters expressed a general need
for an efficient and streamlined
approach to NTIA’s environmental
review and other approvals necessary to
reach the unserved and underserved in
a timely manner.
Response: NTIA recognizes that the
execution and deployment of projects
throughout its programs may involve
multiple permits, approvals, entities
and jurisdictions. NTIA is proactively
engaging with Federal, State, and local
agencies and Tribes to reduce
redundancies, avoid duplicative
reviews, and attempt to streamline
permitting and approvals processes for
these important broadband
infrastructure projects.
As a result of IIJA’s large-scale
investment in NTIA programs and the
need for NTIA to fulfill the mandates of
IIJA, in 2022, NTIA stood up a
Permitting Tiger Team to identify the
most efficient approach to fulfilling the
agency’s environmental analysis and
decision-making responsibilities under
NEPA. NTIA’s extensive work with CEQ
to finalize these newly established CEs
directly benefits recipients by providing
a thoughtful and thorough streamlining
tool that can improve the predictability
of reviews where NTIA is the lead
agency. In addition, if other agencies see
benefits to adopting these newly
established CEs or other applicable CEs
to efficiently execute aspects of
broadband deployment in their
jurisdiction, NTIA will coordinate with
them to do so when appropriate.
Through its participation in the
American Broadband Initiative (ABI)
and its roles and responsibilities under
participates in the ‘‘Streamlining
Federal Permitting’’ workstream (led by
the Departments of Homeland Security,
the Interior, and Agriculture) and has
aligned interagency colleagues in a
range of initiatives to streamline and
facilitate the deployment of
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communications installations. For
example, NTIA identified a potential
bottleneck for deploying
communication facilities on Tribal
lands managed by the Bureau of Indian
Affairs (‘‘BIA’’). NTIA and BIA have
executed a memorandum of
understanding (‘‘MOU’’) that defines the
relationship between NTIA and BIA and
their individual and collective roles and
responsibilities in complying with
environmental, historic preservation,
and cultural resources requirements
related to the Tribal Broadband
Connectivity Program (‘‘TBCP’’)
established by the Consolidated
Appropriations Act of 2021 (‘‘CAA’’).
The MOU streamlines NEPA reviews
and environmental permitting for both
NTIA, as the lead Federal agency for
grant programs, and BIA, as authorized
to grant ROWs over and across land
held in trust by the United States under
the Indian Right-of-Way Act.
In July 2023, NTIA circulated its
Federal Permitting Coordination
Strategy to obtain input from Federal
permitting agencies. In August 2023,
NTIA began implementing strategies
that foster open communication so that
project-level problems and delays can
be identified as early as possible, and
collaborative solutions can be
developed. NTIA has provided
predictive mapping tools to assist
permitting agencies in identifying and
planning for application surges and has
worked with the Federal Permitting
Improvement Steering Council to fund
supplemental permitting staff and
At the project level, NTIA
environmental reviewers work closely
and cooperatively with Federal agencies
when projects are sited on federally
managed lands and will continue to do
so in accordance with new obligations
under NEPA that require the
designation of a lead agency when
multiple agencies have independent but
intersecting NEPA responsibilities on a
single action. In such instances, NTIA
engages in early coordination to align its
approvals with the authorities of
Federal land managing agencies, which
have the expertise and local area
knowledge of the resources and
communities potentially affected by
proposed projects, with the goal of
reducing or eliminating duplication of
effort wherever possible.
NTIA Should Adopt the Findings of
Other Agencies
Comment: Commenters also noted
that environmental reviews are often
required by multiple agencies and may
require redundant and duplicative
analysis. They suggested that, when
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projects require review by multiple
agencies, NTIA should adopt the
findings of the other Federal agency or
agencies without further environmental
review to support compliance with
Response: While NTIA has an
independent obligation to ensure that
analysis of its actions meets legal and
technical sufficiency requirements,
NTIA strives to reduce or eliminate
duplication of effort to gain efficiency in
the environmental compliance process.
Changes to NEPA as a result of the
Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA)
require that ‘‘[t]o the extent practicable,
if a proposed agency action will require
action by more than one Federal agency
and the lead agency has determined that
it requires preparation of an
environmental document, the lead and
cooperating agencies shall evaluate the
proposal in a single environmental
document.’’ Additionally, where NTIA
has an action that is substantially the
same as one considered in another
agency’s NEPA document or categorical
exclusion determination, NTIA will
consider adopting it if consistent with
40 CFR 1506.3.
NEPA Approvals Should Be Provided at
Grant Award
Comment: One commenter noted that
competition for fiber contractors and
availability of materials are challenging
to project timelines and suggested that
providing NEPA approvals at grant
award would enable grantees to
immediately begin construction.
Response: NTIA can approve projects
when there is an ‘‘actionable’’ project
and NEPA documentation is complete.
A project is actionable once NTIA has
decided to award a grant. To make a
NEPA decision on a project, NTIA must
have adequate information about the
project to evaluate the project’s
potential environmental impacts. NTIA
may approve CEs for projects with no
ground disturbance and no impacts on
buildings or structures upon grant
award if the application includes
sufficient information to support such a
determination. Otherwise, NTIA will
either conduct the NEPA review based
on the information the grantee provides
or condition the award on provision of
sufficient information to allow NTIA to
complete the NEPA review prior to
releasing funds.
While NTIA encourages grantees to
provide a detailed description of their
proposed project and the area in which
it would be sited with their grant
applications, NTIA does not require
grant applicants to develop a full NEPA
analysis prior to award. If a grantee
voluntarily elects to submit a complete
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 2, 2024 / Notices
environmental analysis pre-award,
NTIA will review this information to
ascertain if a NEPA decision is possible
at the time of grant award.
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Clarify Environmental Review Timelines
Comment: Some commenters noted
that the environmental analysis and
review process could delay construction
and put projects and grant funding at
risk and requested that NTIA clarify
buildout deadlines and extensions and
environmental review timelines under
IIJA. Commenters also thought that
NTIA should consider applying ‘‘shot
clocks’’ to allow projects to move
forward within an established
timeframe even if environmental review
has not been completed.
Response: Recent changes to NEPA
require agencies to conclude
environmental analysis within 1 year for
EAs and within 2 years for EISs. NTIA
has previously estimated that the CE
process can take approximately 3 to 6
months.5 NTIA’s newly established CEs
ensure that this streamlined NEPA
option is available to most grant funded
broadband projects. As a cooperating
agency to FirstNet’s Programmatic EIS
documents, NTIA is further exploring
how to use these analyses to streamline
NEPA for projects that may not qualify
as categorically excluded but where the
substantial record of past review
supports that, where mitigation
measures and best management
practices are incorporated into the
proposed action, such measures and
practices can eliminate potentially
significant environmental impacts.
NTIA does not currently apply shot
clocks to environmental review but
makes every effort to complete the
NEPA review process in a timely and
efficient manner upon receipt of legally
and technically sufficient analysis.
Allow Segmentation of Projects
Comment: Several commenters
suggested that NTIA should allow the
environmental review of projects to
proceed in segments to enable recipients
to initiate construction of parts of
projects prior to the completion of
NEPA for the full project.
Response: NEPA and the CEQ
regulations do not allow an agency to
break a single project into multiple
components (i.e., phased or staged)
without completing environmental
review for the entire project, whether by
CE, EA, or EIS.6 In the rare cases where
5 NEPA: Environmental and Historic Preservation
Compliance (webinar),
6 Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. v. U.S.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 196 U.S. App.
D.C. 354, 606 F.2d 1261, 1269 (D.C. Cir. 1979).
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a grant includes multiple subgrantees/
subrecipients proposing projects that are
completely independent of each other,
separate NEPA analyses are appropriate,
NTIA may find sufficient ‘‘independent
utility’’ to allow one segment to proceed
while others are still receiving NEPA
NTIA assesses independent utility
based on a project’s independent
function, absent the construction of
other components of the project. Only
component parts of a grant that could be
constructed even if the other phases
were not built and can functionally
operate on their own can be considered
as separate, single, and complete
projects with independent utility. In
contrast, component parts of a grant or
a multi-phase project that depend upon
other projects, phases, stages, or
segments of the project do not have
independent utility.8
When a Federal action is divided and
analyzed into smaller separate
components it is known as
‘‘segmentation.’’ 9 When an agency
intentionally attempts to affect the
NEPA analysis by dividing a Federal
action into smaller components in order
to allow those smaller components to
avoid studying the overall impacts of
the single project, improper
segmentation has occurred.10
Furthermore, until an agency issues a
NEPA determination for the single
project, any action taken for component
parts would limit the choice of
reasonable alternatives and could
prejudice the ultimate NEPA decision
(40 CFR 1506.1). Thus, it is unlawful for
all agencies, including NTIA, to evade
their responsibilities under NEPA by
artificially dividing a major Federal
action into smaller components, each
without significant impact.
Remove the Requirement for Draft EAs
and EISs To Be Submitted and
Reviewed and the Public Comment
Period for EAs
Comment: Several commenters
suggested that NTIA should remove the
requirement for Draft EAs and EISs to be
submitted and reviewed as it adds an
additional layer of review and time to
the environmental review process. One
commenter suggested that NTIA should
not utilize a formal public notice and
7 Save Barton Creek Association v. Federal
Highway Administration, 950 F.2d 1129, 1133 (5th
Cir. 1992).
8 See 40 CFR 1501.9(e) and 1502.4 (Mentioning
the concept of ‘‘connected actions’’ and
‘‘unconnected single actions.’’).
9 West Chicago, IL. v. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, 701 F.2d at 650 (7th Cir. 1983).
10 O’Reilly v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 950
F.2d 1129 (5th Cir. 2007).
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comment cycle unless the project is
similar to one that normally needs an
EIS or is unprecedented.
Response: CEQ regulations are clear
that an EIS is a two-stage process that
requires agencies to publish a Draft EIS
(40 CFR 1502.9). NTIA has historically
required notice of EAs to allow for
public comment, consistent with
NEPA’s commitment to transparency
and public involvement. NTIA has
elected to follow FirstNet’s NEPA
implementing procedures and will
consider all procedural comments in
developing its final NEPA implementing
procedures after CEQ concludes its
rulemaking process.
Streamline NHPA Process
Comment: Several commenters
suggested that NTIA should streamline
its process for compliance with section
106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act (NHPA). They noted
that through program alternatives and/
or adoption of other agencies’ processes,
NHPA review could also be streamlined
to avoid redundancies and delays.
Response: NEPA and NHPA are
separate statutes. While CEs are not
applicable to section 106 reviews, the
Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation (ACHP) NHPA
implementing regulations allow for
‘‘program alternatives’’ that can improve
the effectiveness and efficiency of the
standard section 106 process and
streamline routine reviews while
focusing effort on the more complex
projects or historic properties most
important to communities.11 The ACHP
has issued several program alternatives
for telecommunications projects that
apply to NTIA grant funded activities.
NTIA currently applies the ACHP’s
Program Comment for Streamlining
Section 106 Review for Wireless
Communications Facilities Construction
and Modification Subject to Review
Under the FCC Nationwide
Programmatic Agreement to eliminate
the duplicative section 106 review of
facilities licensed or approved by the
In addition, NTIA requested that the
ACHP amend the Program Comment for
Communications Projects on Federal
Lands and Property to expand its
availability beyond public lands and
establish it as the section 106 review
process for all broadband projects. On
March 14, 2024, in response to NTIA’s
request, the ACHP announced an
amendment that makes the provisions of
the 2017 program comment, which
establishes streamlined historic
preservation permitting rules for
11 36
CFR 800.14.
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 2, 2024 / Notices
communications infrastructure projects
on Federal lands, available to all
Internet for All programs and broadband
projects from all Federal agencies, both
on and off Federal lands.12
NTIA recognizes its obligations to
conduct meaningful consultation with
State Historic Preservation Offices,13
Tribal Historic Preservation Offices,14
federally recognized Tribes,15 and the
public 16 and will continue to work with
the ACHP and consulting parties to
streamline its processes and create
efficiencies that eliminate section 106
duplication and redundances while
appropriately taking historic
preservation into account.
Proposed CEs Should Not Change Once
NTIA Finalizes Its Implementing
Comment: One commenter urged that
NTIA not alter the proposed CEs once
NTIA is able to draft and finalize its
own NEPA implementing procedures.
Response: While the use of the
FirstNet Authority’s NEPA
implementing procedures will be
interim until CEQ completes its
rulemaking process and NTIA
establishes final NEPA implementing
procedures, NTIA considers these CEs
final and does not intend to modify
these newly established CEs in the near
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NTIA Should Maintain Other
Applicable Department of Commerce
Comment: One commenter noted that
the Department of Commerce has CEs
that are available to NTIA, several of
which are applicable to broadband
deployments, and NTIA should
continue to use those CEs when helpful.
Several commenters noted the
applicability of FirstNet CEs to NTIA
actions and requested that NTIA
maintain consistency in its approach,
including for extraordinary
Response: NTIA is currently using the
Department’s CEs to execute its
programs. NTIA also made limited
changes to the text of the proposed CEs
to align them with the FirstNet CEs.
While this Notice establishes new CEs,
in so doing, NTIA clarifies that
Departmental CEs remain applicable to
12 ACHP Announces Program Comment
Amendment to Support President Biden’s
Broadband Initiative, Mar. 14, 2024, available at,
ACHP Announces Program Comment Amendment
to Support President Biden’s Broadband Initiative
| Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.
13 36 CFR 800.2(c)(1).
14 36 CFR 800.2(c)(2)(i)(A).
15 36 CFR 800.2(c)(2)(i)(B) and (c)(2)(ii), and 36
CFR 800.4(a)(4).
16 36 CFR 800.2(c)(5) and (d).
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NTIA programs and that it may adopt or
establish additional CEs through
separate and subsequent processes.
Ensure That NTIA’s CEs Reflect That
Wireless Deployment Is Different Than
Comment: One commenter noted
FirstNet’s charge to build a wireless
broadband network and urged NTIA to
ensure that its final CEs explicitly and
unequivocally contemplate the
installation of wireline infrastructure, as
wireless backhaul and wireline
networks are different.
Response: NTIA recognizes this point
of clarification and the differences
between wireless backhaul and a
wireline network. NTIA’s CEs address
the full range of the agency’s
administrative, real property/facility,
and operational activities and are
intended to apply to broadband
networks that are fiber, wireless, or a
combination of the two. In response to
this comment, NTIA made minor
modifications to CEs C–4 and C–8
(originally proposed as C–9). While this
Notice establishes new CEs, NTIA
clarifies that Departmental CEs remain
applicable to NTIA programs and that it
may adopt or establish additional CEs
through separate and subsequent
Create CE for Two-Way Dispatch
Communications for Critical
Infrastructure Industry
Comment: One commenter suggested
that NTIA should consider a CE for
commercial service providers that offer
primarily two-way dispatch
communications for the critical
infrastructure industry.
Response: NTIA has determined that
CEs B–5 and C–7 are broad enough to
support the telecommunication towers,
antennas, and support/associated
equipment required for such
deployment; therefore, no additional
specific CE is required.
Clarify CE C–8 (Originally Proposed as
C–9) Applicability and Remove Caveat
Regarding Existing ROWs
Comment: Several commenters
requested that NTIA clarify whether CE
C–8 applies to aerial and buried fiber
construction. Additionally, some
commenters suggested that restricting
the CE’s applicability to construction
within existing ROWs was unduly
Response: NTIA intends for CE C–8 to
apply to both aerial and buried fiber
optic construction. NTIA could apply
this CE either to direct or grant-funded
actions for such activities as fiber
installation through trenching, vibratory
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plowing, or directional boring,
installation of fiber or cable into existing
conduit, and aerial fiber or cable
deployment. For clarity, NTIA has
edited CE C–8 to read as follows:
‘‘Acquisition, installation,
reconstruction, repair by replacement,
and operation of aerial or buried utility
(e.g., water, sewer, electrical),
communication (e.g., fiber optic cable,
data processing cable and similar
electronic equipment), and security
systems that use existing rights-of-way,
easements, grants of license,
distribution systems, facilities, or
similar arrangements.’’
NTIA has generated a substantial
record of past analyses supporting the
conclusion that sensitive resources are
unlikely to occur within ‘‘existing
rights-of-way, easements, grants of
license, distribution systems, facilities,
or similar arrangements’’ that are
presumably previously disturbed and
regularly maintained, and thus
potentially significant impacts to
sensitive resources within these
corridors is unlikely. In joint comments,
the Rural Broadband Association and
the National Rural Electric Cooperative
Association noted that the deployment
of wireline broadband networks
typically include buried and aerial fiber
optic cable ‘‘in rights-of-way or
easements,’’ substantiating that these
CEs should apply in most cases.
Extraordinary Circumstances Are Vague
and Will Force Most Projects Into an EA
Comment: Several commenters
requested that NTIA provide more
concrete parameters for extraordinary
circumstances and objected to the
‘‘reasonable likelihood’’ standard as
Response: Consistent with 40 CFR
1501.4(b) of CEQ regulations, when
considering applying a CE NTIA is
required to evaluate an action for
circumstances in which a normally
excluded action may have a significant
effect. In response to comments, NTIA
considered the need for grant recipients
to clearly understand extraordinary
circumstances in order to be able to
identify and avoid them in project
planning and made clarifying edits and
modified the language to remove
‘‘reasonable likelihood’’ references.
Extraordinary circumstance 8 was
further edited to clarify that it would
not apply to an action taken in
proximity to a hazardous waste site or
involving the handling of hazardous
substances if NTIA determines the
action is consistent with an approved
remediation plan. NTIA also agrees that
extraordinary circumstance 9 should
comport with established and industry-
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 2, 2024 / Notices
recognized FCC exposure limits. The
revised extraordinary circumstance 9
states, ‘‘Reasonable likelihood that the
proposed action would involve human
exposure to ionizing or non-ionizing
radiation or use of any radiation in
excess of the Federal Communications
Commission’s established Maximum
Permissible Exposure limits for human
exposure to Radiofrequency
Electromagnetic Energy fields.’’
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Clarify the Low-Income and Minority
Community Provision in Extraordinary
Circumstance 7
Comment: Two commenters suggested
that NTIA should clarify how grantees
should analyze extraordinary
circumstance 7 concerning low-income
and minority communities, since, by its
nature, an increase in broadband
availability is a positive impact to lowincome and minority communities.
Response: As a point of clarification,
NTIA’s CEs are intended to encompass
the entirety of NTIA’s actions, shortand long-term and across business units,
beyond IIJA. The Low-Income and
Minority Community provision in
extraordinary circumstance 7 is directly
related to the concept of environmental
justice as memorialized in Executive
Order (E.O.) 12898 and section 3(a)(ix)
of E.O. 14096, Revitalizing Our Nation’s
Commitment to Environmental Justice
(April 2023) that reinforces and codifies
longstanding Federal agency practice
regarding environmental justice and
NEPA. Environmental justice impacts
and analyses could differ across
different projects and programs.17
Given the BEAD program’s likely
benefits to communities with
environmental justice concerns,
addressing this extraordinary
circumstance can be accomplished with
a fairly simple analysis of the
demographics of the community within
the project area and an explanation of
how that community would benefit
from the project. (Such benefits would
not discount an extraordinary
circumstance giving rise to the potential
of significant effects, which would
require an EA or EIS). NTIA has
provided and will continue to make
available examples of previous projects
that have received NTIA grants to
demonstrate the level of environmental
analysis required for this extraordinary
17 For further guidance, see CEQ’s Environmental
Justice: Guidance Under the National
Environmental Policy Act, and EPA’s Promising
Practices for EJ Methodologies in NEPA Reviews.
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III. Revisions to Specific Categorical
IV. Final Categorical Exclusions and
Extraordinary Circumstances
NTIA is not including in this Notice
the CEs proposed as B–5 and C–8
because the actions they cover are
encompassed by existing Departmentwide CEs. In addition, NTIA has
responded to comments on the
proposed set of CEs and list of
extraordinary circumstances by
incorporating the following seven
clarifications to specific CEs and
framing modifications that affect all 13
extraordinary circumstances.
B–6 (originally proposed as B–7): In
response to comments expressing
support for the existing Department CEs,
including FirstNet CEs, NTIA clarifies
that Departmental CEs remain
applicable to NTIA programs. NTIA
made an editorial change removing the
qualifier ‘‘space within’’ existing
facilities to ensure that B–7 is consistent
with the existing FirstNet CE A–4 and
because this qualifier does not provide
any additional information about how
NTIA may apply the CE.
C–4: In response to comments
expressing support for the existing
Department CEs, including FirstNet CEs,
NTIA clarifies that Departmental CEs
remain applicable to NTIA programs.
NTIA made changes to promote
consistency between these rules,
including ensuring that improvements
of land remain covered and that,
consistent with the Department’s A–2,
actions taking place in a developed area
may be categorically excluded where no
extraordinary circumstances apply.
NTIA also clarified that this CE is
applicable to both wired and wireless
C–5: This CE is established as
originally proposed with minor editorial
C–8 (originally proposed as C–9): In
response to comments requesting that
NTIA clarify that CE C–8 included both
wireline and wireless infrastructure,
NTIA has specified its applicability to
both aerial and buried utilities,
equipment, and systems.
Extraordinary Circumstances
(General). In response to multiple
comments identifying concerns that the
‘‘reasonable likelihood’’ measure was
overly broad, vague, and subjective,
NTIA modified the language to promote
clarity and facilitate the assessment of
how these 13 factors apply to otherwise
categorically excluded actions.
EC–8: NTIA removed the qualifiers
‘‘unmitigable’’ (construction impacts)
and ‘‘non-permittable’’ (generation) to
clarify that CEs are not presumed to
apply to actions involving contaminated
or hazardous waste sites or substances.
Categorical Exclusions
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Administrative Actions
A–1: Personnel, fiscal, management,
and administrative activities, including
recruiting, processing, paying,
recordkeeping, budgeting, personnel
actions, contract administration, and
A–2: Preparation, modification, and
issuance of policy directives, rules,
regulations, procedures, guidelines,
guidance documents, bulletins, and
informational publications that are of an
administrative, financial, legal,
technical, or procedural nature, for
which the environmental effects are too
broad, speculative, or conjectural to
lend themselves to meaningful analysis
and will be, in whole or part, subject
later to the NEPA process, either
collectively or on a case-by-case basis.
A–3: Studies and engineering
undertaken to define proposed actions
or alternatives sufficiently so that
environmental effects can be assessed.
A–4: Planning, educational,
informational, or advisory activities
provided to other agencies, public and
private entities, visitors, individuals, or
the public, including training exercises
and simulations conducted under
appropriately controlled conditions and
in accordance with all applicable laws,
regulations, and requirements.
A–5: Software development, data
analysis, or testing that does not involve
ground disturbing activities.
A–6: Preparation and dissemination of
scientific results, studies, surveys,
audits, reports, plans, papers,
recommendations, and technical advice.
A–7: Technical assistance to other
Federal, Tribal, State, and local agencies
or the public.
A–8: Routine procurement, use,
storage, transportation, and disposal of
non-hazardous goods and services in
support of administrative, operational,
or maintenance activities in accordance
with Executive Orders and Federal
procurement guidelines. Examples
include office supplies and furniture;
equipment; mobile assets (i.e., vehicles,
vessels, aircraft); utility services; and
deployable emergency response
supplies and equipment.
A–9: Purchase of deployable mobile
and portable telecommunications
equipment (e.g., radios, Cell on Wheels,
Cell on Light Truck, System on Wheels)
that will be housed in existing facilities
when not deployed.
A–10: Routine use of hazardous
materials (including procurement,
transportation, distribution, and storage
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 2, 2024 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
of such materials) and reuse, recycling,
and disposal of solid, medical,
radiological, or hazardous waste in a
manner that is consistent with all
applicable laws, regulations, and
requirements. Examples include use of
chemicals for laboratory applications;
refueling of storage tanks; temporary
storage and disposal of solid waste;
disposal of waste through manufacturer
return and recycling programs; and
hazardous waste minimization
activities, including source reduction
activities and recycling.
A–11: Reductions, realignments, or
relocation of personnel, equipment, or
mobile assets that do not result in
changing the use of NTIA facilities or
space in such a way that could cause a
change to existing environmental effects
or exceed the infrastructure capacity
outside of NTIA-managed property. An
example of exceeding the infrastructure
capacity would be an increase in
vehicular traffic beyond the capacity of
the supporting road network to
accommodate such an increase.
A–12: Federal assistance, grants, and
external funding for activities that do
not concern environmental matters or
where the environmental effects are
negligible. Examples of relevant
activities could include, but are not
limited to, planning, studies, or
programs such as the Digital TV
transition, which provided rebates to
consumers to subsidize the purchase of
digital antennas, that have no potential
to impact the environment. If an
analysis determines that such activities
have the potential to impact the
environment, the CE cannot be applied.
A–13: Contracts, collaborative
research agreements, cooperative
research and development agreements,
interagency agreements, and other
agreements that do not concern
environmental matters or where the
environmental effects are negligible.
Real Property/Facility Actions
B–1: Maintenance of facilities,
equipment, and grounds. Examples
include interior utility work, road
maintenance, window washing, lawn
mowing, landscaping, weed
management/maintenance, trash
collecting, facility cleaning, and snow
B–2: Internal modifications,
renovations, or additions (e.g., computer
facilities, relocating interior walls) to
structures or buildings that do not result
in a change in the functional use of the
B–3: Exterior renovation, addition,
repair, alteration, and demolition
projects affecting buildings, roads,
grounds, equipment, and other facilities,
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including subsequent disposal of debris,
which may be contaminated with
hazardous materials, lead, or asbestos.
Hazardous materials must be disposed
of at approved sites in accordance with
all applicable laws, regulations, and
requirements. Examples include the
(i) Painting, roofing, siding, or
alterations to an existing building;
(ii) Adding a small storage shed to an
existing building;
(iii) Retrofitting for energy
conservation, including weatherization,
installation of timers on hot water
heaters, installation of energy efficient
lighting, and installation of low-flow
plumbing fixtures; or
(iv) Closing and demolishing a
building not eligible for listing under
the National Register for Historic Places.
B–4: Abatement of hazardous
materials from existing facilities,
including asbestos and lead-based paint,
conducted in compliance with all
applicable laws, regulations, and
requirements established for the
protection of human health and the
environment. Examples include
containment, removal, and disposal of
lead-based paint or asbestos tiles and
asbestos-containing materials from
existing facilities; and remediation of
hazardous materials in accordance with
all applicable laws, regulations, and
requirements as part of facility and
space management activities.
B–5: Proposed new activities and
operations conducted in an existing
structure that would be consistent with
previously established safety levels and
would not result in a change in use of
the facility. Examples include new types
of research, development, testing, and
evaluation activities and laboratory
operations conducted within existing
enclosed facilities designed to support
research and development activities.
B–6: Acquisition or use of existing
facilities or portion thereof by purchase,
lease, or use agreement where use or
operation will remain unchanged.
Examples include acquiring office or
laboratory space through lease,
purchase, or use agreement.
B–7: Transfer of administrative
control over real property, including
related personal property, between
another Federal agency and NTIA that
does not result in a change in the
functional use of the property. Examples
include transfer of facilities for use by
NTIA and transfers of computer
equipment, office equipment, and
personal property, including laptops
and cell phones.
B–8: Decisions and actions to close
facilities, decommission equipment, or
temporarily discontinue use of facilities
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or equipment where the facility or
equipment, including office equipment,
telecommunications equipment, and
computer equipment, is not used to
prevent or control environmental
B–9: The determination and disposal
of real property, such as excess office
space, or personal property, including
laptops and cell phones, that is excess
to the needs of NTIA when the real
property or personal property is
excessed in conformity with applicable
General Services Administration
procedures or is statutorily authorized
to be excessed.
Operational Actions
C–1: Research activities conducted in
laboratories and facilities where
research practices and safeguards
prevent environmental impacts.
Examples include types of research,
development, testing, and evaluation
activities, and laboratory operations
conducted within existing enclosed
facilities designed to support research
and development activities.
C–2: Outdoor research activities
conducted in compliance with all
applicable laws, regulations, and
requirements. Examples include types
of research, development, testing, and
evaluation activities conducted
outdoors where no new ground
disturbance occurs and no sensitive
resources (e.g., threatened or
endangered species, archaeological
sites, Tribal resources, wetlands, and
waterbodies) are present, such as radar
testing, radio noise measurements, and
public safety communications research.
C–3: Periodic flight activities for
training and research and development
that are routine and comply with all
applicable laws, Federal Aviation
Administration regulations, and other
C–4: New construction or
improvement of land, operations, or
support facilities, switching stations,
maintenance facilities, and other nontower structures supporting wired or
wireless communications systems in a
developed area and/or on previously
disturbed ground with no more than 1
acre (0.4 hectare) of ground disturbance
where the proposed facility use is
generally compatible with the
surrounding land use and applicable
zoning standards and will not require
additional support infrastructure.
C–5: Installing, operating,
maintaining, retrofitting, upgrading,
repairing, removing, and/or replacement
of existing microwave or radio
communication towers, instruments,
structures, or buildings that do not
require ground disturbance outside of
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 2, 2024 / Notices
the original footprint, including
installing or collocating equipment such
as antennas, microwave dishes, or
power units. For communications
towers at or below 199 feet, renovations
and equipment additions must not
cause the total height of the tower to
exceed 199 feet. Existing structures
must not be eligible for listing in the
National Register of Historic Places.18
C–6: New construction or
improvement of temporary buildings or
experimental equipment (e.g., trailers,
prefabricated buildings, and test slabs)
on previously disturbed ground, with no
more than 1 acre (0.4 hectare) of ground
disturbance, where the proposed facility
use is generally compatible with the
surrounding land use and applicable
zoning standards and will not require
additional support infrastructure.
C–7: New construction of selfsupporting (e.g., monopole or lattice)
wireless communication towers at or
below 199 feet with no guy wires that
require less than 1 acre (0.4 hectare) of
ground disturbance and where another
Federal agency would not require an EA
or EIS for its acquisition, installation,
operations, or maintenance.
C–8: Acquisition, installation,
reconstruction, repair by replacement,
and operation of aerial or buried utility
(e.g., water, sewer, electrical),
communication (e.g., fiber optic cable,
data processing cable and similar
electronic equipment), and security
systems that use existing rights-of-way,
easements, grants of license,
distribution systems, facilities, or
similar arrangements.19
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Extraordinary Circumstances
Extraordinary Circumstances that may
preclude the use of a CE include:
18 In response to comments expressing support for
existing Departmental CEs including those of
FirstNet, NTIA notes that establishment of these
new CEs does not preclude the use of Departmental
or other CEs that may be otherwise available to
NTIA where they apply to a proposed action. Two
existing Department of Commerce CEs (the
Department’s A–4 and FirstNet’s B–7) may be
applicable to related actions. Commerce’s A–4
covers Siting, construction, operation, and
maintenance of microwave/radio communication
towers less than 200 feet in height without guy wires
on previously disturbed ground. FirstNet’s B–7
covers Changes or additions, including retrofit and
upgrade, to telecommunications sites, towers under
200 feet, substations, switching stations,
telecommunications switching or multiplexing
centers, buildings, or small structures requiring new
physical disturbance or fencing of less than one
acre (0.4 hectare).
19 In response to comments expressing support for
existing Departmental CEs including those of
FirstNet, NTIA notes that establishment of these
new CEs does not preclude the use of Departmental
or other CEs that may be otherwise available to
NTIA where they apply to proposed actions
involving buried and aerial lines, cables, and
related facilities.
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1. Proposed action occurs within an
environmentally sensitive or unique 20
geographic area of notable recreational,
ecological, scientific, cultural, scenic, or
aesthetic importance.
2. Proposed action may adversely
impact species listed or proposed to be
listed as endangered or threatened or
have adverse effects on designated
critical habitat for these species.
3. Proposed action may adversely
impact protected migratory birds or
their habitats.
4. Proposed action may adversely
affect historic, archeological, or cultural
sites, including Native American
Traditional Cultural Properties, and
properties listed or eligible for listing on
the National Register of Historic Places.
5. Proposed action restricts access to
and ceremonial use of Indian sacred
sites by Indian practitioners or
adversely affects the physical integrity
of such religious sacred sites.
6. Proposed action occurs in
floodplains or involves significant
changes to or effects on waterbodies,
wetlands, floodplains, water quality,
sole source aquifers, public water
supply systems, or State, local, or Tribal
water quality standards established
under the Clean Water Act or the Safe
Drinking Water Act.
7. Proposed action may have a
disproportionate and adverse human
health or environmental effect 21 on lowincome populations, minority
populations, or other communities with
environmental justice concerns.
8. Proposed action involving
construction impacts on or near an
active, inactive, or abandoned
contaminated or hazardous waste site,
or involving non-permitted generation,
transportation, treatment, storage, or
disposal of substances hazardous to
human health or the environment,
unless NTIA determines the action is
consistent with an approved
remediation plan for the site.
9. Proposed action would involve
human exposure to ionizing or nonionizing radiation or use of any
radiation in excess of the Federal
Communications Commission’s
established Maximum Permissible
Exposure limits for human exposure to
Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy
20 ‘‘Environmentally sensitive or unique’’
resources and areas may include: federal lands;
areas having special designation or recognition such
as prime or unique or agricultural lands; designated
wilderness or wilderness study areas; wild and
scenic rivers; coastal zones; National Wildlife
Refuges; National Parks; areas of critical
environmental concern; or other areas of high
environmental sensitivity.
21 E.O. 14096 section 3(i).
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10. Proposed action is controversial
because of the introduction or
employment of unproven technology,
highly scientifically uncertain or unique
environmental effects, substantial
disagreement over the possible size,
nature, or effect on the environment, or
likelihood of degrading already existing
poor environmental conditions.
11. Proposed action may violate a
federal, Tribal, state, or local law,
regulation, policy, or requirement
imposed for the protection of the
12. Proposed size or scope of action
is greater than is normal for an action of
its type.
13. Proposed action may cause other
significant effects on human health or
the environment that have not been
otherwise addressed.
Dated: March 26, 2024.
Sean Conway,
Acting Chief Counsel, National
Telecommunications and Information
[FR Doc. 2024–06751 Filed 4–1–24; 8:45 am]
National Telecommunications and
Information Administration
[Docket Number: 240325–0085]
RIN 0660–XC061
Adoption of First Responder Network
Authority Categorical Exclusions
Under the National Environmental
Policy Act
National Information and
Technology Administration, U.S.
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
The National Information and
Technology Administration (NTIA) has
identified categorical exclusions (CEs)
established by the First Responder
Network Authority (FirstNet Authority),
an independent authority within NTIA,
that cover categories of actions under
the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) that NTIA proposes to take. This
notice identifies the FirstNet Authority
CEs and NTIA’s categories of proposed
actions for which it intends to use
FirstNet Authority’s CEs and describes
the consultation between the agencies.
DATES: The CEs identified below are
available for NTIA to use for its
proposed actions effective April 2, 2024.
Amanda Pereira, NTIA, telephone
number 202–834–4016, email apereira@
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 64 (Tuesday, April 2, 2024)]
[Pages 22688-22695]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-06751]
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
[Docket Number: 240325-0086]
RIN 0660-XC056
National Environmental Policy Act Procedures and Categorical
AGENCY: National Telecommunications and Information Administration,
U.S. Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The National Telecommunications and Information Administration
(``NTIA'') publishes this Notice that it will follow the First
Responder Network Authority's (``FirstNet Authority'') National
Environmental Policy Act (``NEPA'') procedures on an interim basis with
modifications to account for NTIA's internal organization and establish
30 new categorical exclusions (``CEs'') in compliance with NEPA,
Council on Environmental Quality (``CEQ'') regulations, and other
related authorities.
DATES: The use of these procedures and CEs will take effect as of April
2, 2024.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Amanda Pereira, Environmental Program
Officer, National
[[Page 22689]]
Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of
Commerce, 1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Room 4878, Washington, DC 20230,
by phone at 202-834-4016, or by email at">
I. Background
NTIA is the executive branch agency that is principally responsible
for advising the President on telecommunications and information policy
issues. NTIA's programs and policymaking focus largely on expanding
broadband Internet access and adoption in the United States, expanding
the use of spectrum by all users, and ensuring that the Internet
remains an engine for continued innovation and economic growth. NTIA is
engaged in a range of efforts to increase Internet access and adoption.
On November 15, 2021, President Biden signed the Infrastructure
Investment and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58, (``IIJA'') into law.
Passage of the IIJA is a significant step forward in achieving the
Biden-Harris Administration's goal of providing broadband access to the
entire United States. The IIJA sets forth a $65 billion investment into
broadband; $48.2 billion of that investment will be administered by
NTIA. This investment will leverage NTIA's experience in promoting
broadband infrastructure development and digital inclusion efforts. To
facilitate NTIA's compliance with the IIJA and because of the critical
need to expand and secure broadband access across the United States,
NTIA must find opportunities to accelerate effective use of its
appropriated funding while ensuring compliance with all relevant
authorities, including NEPA.
Presently, CEQ is undertaking a multiphase rulemaking process to
review and revise the NEPA implementing regulations.\1\ Therefore, NTIA
proposed to establish new CEs and otherwise follow the existing NEPA
implementing procedures of the FirstNet Authority, an independent
authority within NTIA, in the interim while CEQ completes its
rulemaking processes. Following the FirstNet Authority's procedures \2\
will facilitate the IIJA's large-scale investment in NTIA programs and
the need for NTIA to fulfill the mandates of the IIJA in a timely
manner, by ensuring NTIA make the most efficient use of time and
available funding and resources to fulfill its environmental analysis
and decision-making responsibilities. Following CEQ's revisions to the
NEPA regulations, NTIA intends to propose comprehensive NEPA
procedures. In the interim, NTIA will rely on the FirstNet Authority
procedures consistent with how they are written and currently executed,
with the exception of the Roles and Responsibilities section, which
NTIA will address by publishing guidance on its website reflecting
NTIA's internal organization. In addition, NTIA is establishing and
publishing CEs specific to NTIA's actions.
\1\ 86 FR 55759 (Oct. 7, 2021).
Accordingly, on March 30, 2023, NTIA published for comment its
proposal to rely on the FirstNet Authority's NEPA implementing
procedures and establish NTIA's CEs.\3\ Publication of the Notice began
a 30-day comment period that ended on May 1, 2023. NTIA received eight
substantive submissions from the broadband and telecommunications
community, including one state regional cooperative and seven industry
associations. A complete set of comments filed in response to the
proposal may be viewed at, searching for
Docket ID NTIA-2023-0004.
\3\ 88 FR 19089 (March 30, 2023).
In response to that Notice, commenters encouraged NTIA to maintain
or incorporate CEs established by the Department of Commerce in 2009
(which have been used by NTIA since 2009) and to acknowledge the
applicability of CEs established by FirstNet in 2018 to NTIA's actions.
NTIA undertook a comparative review of the existing Department programs
to identify the applicable Department-wide CEs already available to
NTIA. In light of this review, NTIA is not finalizing the CEs proposed
as B-5 and C-8 because the actions they cover are encompassed by
existing Department-wide CEs. In response to comments, NTIA also made
minor editorial revisions to several of the proposed CEs for
consistency with Department-wide and FirstNet Authority CEs, as
explained throughout this Notice, and updated its administrative record
to explain the changes. This Notice finalizes newly established CEs
that NTIA may apply to its proposed actions and the implementing
procedures it will use in the interim. Additionally, where appropriate,
NTIA may continue to apply Departmental CEs that are currently
available to NTIA when they would best support NTIA's mission and NEPA
activities. Accordingly, while this Notice establishes new CEs, in so
doing NTIA clarifies that Departmental CEs remain applicable to NTIA
programs and that it may adopt or establish additional CEs through
separate and subsequent processes.
Commenters generally supported NTIA's interim use of FirstNet's
NEPA implementing procedures; however, NTIA received several comments
expressing concerns about how NTIA will implement NEPA for the
Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program. In the near
term, NTIA will follow the FirstNet implementing procedures for BEAD
and all other NTIA actions and will also consider all procedural
comments in developing its final implementing procedures once CEQ
completes its rulemaking process.
NTIA consulted with CEQ on the proposed and final revisions to the
FirstNet Authority's NEPA implementing procedures and NTIA's newly
established CEs. CEQ issued a letter stating that it has reviewed the
revised procedures, including the newly established CEs, and found them
to be in conformity with NEPA and CEQ regulations.\4\ The final CEs and
administrative record will be available for review at
\4\ See CEQ NTIA Conformity Letter (March 1, 2024) available at
II. Comments and Agency Responses
Comments on the proposed procedures and CEs included several
similar positions, inquiries both within and outside the scope of the
Notice, and recommendations stemming from the proposed procedural
adoption and development of categorical exclusions. NTIA has carefully
considered each of the comments submitted, grouped and summarized the
comments by issues raised, and responded accordingly.
NEPA Should Not Apply to BEAD
Comment: One commenter was concerned that imposing NEPA's
environmental review standards on BEAD recipients will have the effect
of unduly delaying the construction of broadband networks by adding
unnecessarily burdensome and time-consuming environmental review that
is not required by the statute. As a result, the commenter suggested
that NTIA should determine that NEPA does not apply to the BEAD
Response: NTIA has determined that the issuance of $42.5B in
Federal grant funding meets NEPA's statutory definition of major
Federal action because these Federal funds are under substantial
Federal control through requirements associated with 2 CFR part
[[Page 22690]]
200. NEPA requires Federal agencies to interpret and administer Federal
laws in accordance with NEPA's policies to ensure sound decision
making. NTIA is committed to work with CEQ to find ways to ensure NEPA
efficiencies, including through the development of these CEs.
Multiple Permitting and Approval Processes
Comment: Several commenters noted that broadband installations
often require permits and approvals on Federal lands, along interstate
and state highways, through local and private rights-of-way (ROWs), and
on poles and across railroad crossings across and from multiple
entities and jurisdictions. Commenters expressed a general need for an
efficient and streamlined approach to NTIA's environmental review and
other approvals necessary to reach the unserved and underserved in a
timely manner.
Response: NTIA recognizes that the execution and deployment of
projects throughout its programs may involve multiple permits,
approvals, entities and jurisdictions. NTIA is proactively engaging
with Federal, State, and local agencies and Tribes to reduce
redundancies, avoid duplicative reviews, and attempt to streamline
permitting and approvals processes for these important broadband
infrastructure projects.
As a result of IIJA's large-scale investment in NTIA programs and
the need for NTIA to fulfill the mandates of IIJA, in 2022, NTIA stood
up a Permitting Tiger Team to identify the most efficient approach to
fulfilling the agency's environmental analysis and decision-making
responsibilities under NEPA. NTIA's extensive work with CEQ to finalize
these newly established CEs directly benefits recipients by providing a
thoughtful and thorough streamlining tool that can improve the
predictability of reviews where NTIA is the lead agency. In addition,
if other agencies see benefits to adopting these newly established CEs
or other applicable CEs to efficiently execute aspects of broadband
deployment in their jurisdiction, NTIA will coordinate with them to do
so when appropriate.
Through its participation in the American Broadband Initiative
(ABI) and its roles and responsibilities under the MOBILE NOW Act, NTIA
participates in the ``Streamlining Federal Permitting'' workstream (led
by the Departments of Homeland Security, the Interior, and Agriculture)
and has aligned interagency colleagues in a range of initiatives to
streamline and facilitate the deployment of communications
installations. For example, NTIA identified a potential bottleneck for
deploying communication facilities on Tribal lands managed by the
Bureau of Indian Affairs (``BIA''). NTIA and BIA have executed a
memorandum of understanding (``MOU'') that defines the relationship
between NTIA and BIA and their individual and collective roles and
responsibilities in complying with environmental, historic
preservation, and cultural resources requirements related to the Tribal
Broadband Connectivity Program (``TBCP'') established by the
Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (``CAA''). The MOU streamlines
NEPA reviews and environmental permitting for both NTIA, as the lead
Federal agency for grant programs, and BIA, as authorized to grant ROWs
over and across land held in trust by the United States under the
Indian Right-of-Way Act.
In July 2023, NTIA circulated its Federal Permitting Coordination
Strategy to obtain input from Federal permitting agencies. In August
2023, NTIA began implementing strategies that foster open communication
so that project-level problems and delays can be identified as early as
possible, and collaborative solutions can be developed. NTIA has
provided predictive mapping tools to assist permitting agencies in
identifying and planning for application surges and has worked with the
Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council to fund supplemental
permitting staff and resources.
At the project level, NTIA environmental reviewers work closely and
cooperatively with Federal agencies when projects are sited on
federally managed lands and will continue to do so in accordance with
new obligations under NEPA that require the designation of a lead
agency when multiple agencies have independent but intersecting NEPA
responsibilities on a single action. In such instances, NTIA engages in
early coordination to align its approvals with the authorities of
Federal land managing agencies, which have the expertise and local area
knowledge of the resources and communities potentially affected by
proposed projects, with the goal of reducing or eliminating duplication
of effort wherever possible.
NTIA Should Adopt the Findings of Other Agencies
Comment: Commenters also noted that environmental reviews are often
required by multiple agencies and may require redundant and duplicative
analysis. They suggested that, when projects require review by multiple
agencies, NTIA should adopt the findings of the other Federal agency or
agencies without further environmental review to support compliance
with NEPA.
Response: While NTIA has an independent obligation to ensure that
analysis of its actions meets legal and technical sufficiency
requirements, NTIA strives to reduce or eliminate duplication of effort
to gain efficiency in the environmental compliance process. Changes to
NEPA as a result of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA) require
that ``[t]o the extent practicable, if a proposed agency action will
require action by more than one Federal agency and the lead agency has
determined that it requires preparation of an environmental document,
the lead and cooperating agencies shall evaluate the proposal in a
single environmental document.'' Additionally, where NTIA has an action
that is substantially the same as one considered in another agency's
NEPA document or categorical exclusion determination, NTIA will
consider adopting it if consistent with 40 CFR 1506.3.
NEPA Approvals Should Be Provided at Grant Award
Comment: One commenter noted that competition for fiber contractors
and availability of materials are challenging to project timelines and
suggested that providing NEPA approvals at grant award would enable
grantees to immediately begin construction.
Response: NTIA can approve projects when there is an ``actionable''
project and NEPA documentation is complete. A project is actionable
once NTIA has decided to award a grant. To make a NEPA decision on a
project, NTIA must have adequate information about the project to
evaluate the project's potential environmental impacts. NTIA may
approve CEs for projects with no ground disturbance and no impacts on
buildings or structures upon grant award if the application includes
sufficient information to support such a determination. Otherwise, NTIA
will either conduct the NEPA review based on the information the
grantee provides or condition the award on provision of sufficient
information to allow NTIA to complete the NEPA review prior to
releasing funds.
While NTIA encourages grantees to provide a detailed description of
their proposed project and the area in which it would be sited with
their grant applications, NTIA does not require grant applicants to
develop a full NEPA analysis prior to award. If a grantee voluntarily
elects to submit a complete
[[Page 22691]]
environmental analysis pre-award, NTIA will review this information to
ascertain if a NEPA decision is possible at the time of grant award.
Clarify Environmental Review Timelines
Comment: Some commenters noted that the environmental analysis and
review process could delay construction and put projects and grant
funding at risk and requested that NTIA clarify buildout deadlines and
extensions and environmental review timelines under IIJA. Commenters
also thought that NTIA should consider applying ``shot clocks'' to
allow projects to move forward within an established timeframe even if
environmental review has not been completed.
Response: Recent changes to NEPA require agencies to conclude
environmental analysis within 1 year for EAs and within 2 years for
EISs. NTIA has previously estimated that the CE process can take
approximately 3 to 6 months.\5\ NTIA's newly established CEs ensure
that this streamlined NEPA option is available to most grant funded
broadband projects. As a cooperating agency to FirstNet's Programmatic
EIS documents, NTIA is further exploring how to use these analyses to
streamline NEPA for projects that may not qualify as categorically
excluded but where the substantial record of past review supports that,
where mitigation measures and best management practices are
incorporated into the proposed action, such measures and practices can
eliminate potentially significant environmental impacts.
\5\ NEPA: Environmental and Historic Preservation Compliance
NTIA does not currently apply shot clocks to environmental review
but makes every effort to complete the NEPA review process in a timely
and efficient manner upon receipt of legally and technically sufficient
Allow Segmentation of Projects
Comment: Several commenters suggested that NTIA should allow the
environmental review of projects to proceed in segments to enable
recipients to initiate construction of parts of projects prior to the
completion of NEPA for the full project.
Response: NEPA and the CEQ regulations do not allow an agency to
break a single project into multiple components (i.e., phased or
staged) without completing environmental review for the entire project,
whether by CE, EA, or EIS.\6\ In the rare cases where a grant includes
multiple subgrantees/subrecipients proposing projects that are
completely independent of each other, separate NEPA analyses are
appropriate, NTIA may find sufficient ``independent utility'' to allow
one segment to proceed while others are still receiving NEPA review.\7\
\6\ Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. v. U.S. Nuclear
Regulatory Commission, 196 U.S. App. D.C. 354, 606 F.2d 1261, 1269
(D.C. Cir. 1979).
\7\ Save Barton Creek Association v. Federal Highway
Administration, 950 F.2d 1129, 1133 (5th Cir. 1992).
NTIA assesses independent utility based on a project's independent
function, absent the construction of other components of the project.
Only component parts of a grant that could be constructed even if the
other phases were not built and can functionally operate on their own
can be considered as separate, single, and complete projects with
independent utility. In contrast, component parts of a grant or a
multi-phase project that depend upon other projects, phases, stages, or
segments of the project do not have independent utility.\8\
\8\ See 40 CFR 1501.9(e) and 1502.4 (Mentioning the concept of
``connected actions'' and ``unconnected single actions.'').
When a Federal action is divided and analyzed into smaller separate
components it is known as ``segmentation.'' \9\ When an agency
intentionally attempts to affect the NEPA analysis by dividing a
Federal action into smaller components in order to allow those smaller
components to avoid studying the overall impacts of the single project,
improper segmentation has occurred.\10\ Furthermore, until an agency
issues a NEPA determination for the single project, any action taken
for component parts would limit the choice of reasonable alternatives
and could prejudice the ultimate NEPA decision (40 CFR 1506.1). Thus,
it is unlawful for all agencies, including NTIA, to evade their
responsibilities under NEPA by artificially dividing a major Federal
action into smaller components, each without significant impact.
\9\ West Chicago, IL. v. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 701
F.2d at 650 (7th Cir. 1983).
\10\ O'Reilly v. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 950 F.2d 1129
(5th Cir. 2007).
Remove the Requirement for Draft EAs and EISs To Be Submitted and
Reviewed and the Public Comment Period for EAs
Comment: Several commenters suggested that NTIA should remove the
requirement for Draft EAs and EISs to be submitted and reviewed as it
adds an additional layer of review and time to the environmental review
process. One commenter suggested that NTIA should not utilize a formal
public notice and comment cycle unless the project is similar to one
that normally needs an EIS or is unprecedented.
Response: CEQ regulations are clear that an EIS is a two-stage
process that requires agencies to publish a Draft EIS (40 CFR 1502.9).
NTIA has historically required notice of EAs to allow for public
comment, consistent with NEPA's commitment to transparency and public
involvement. NTIA has elected to follow FirstNet's NEPA implementing
procedures and will consider all procedural comments in developing its
final NEPA implementing procedures after CEQ concludes its rulemaking
Streamline NHPA Process
Comment: Several commenters suggested that NTIA should streamline
its process for compliance with section 106 of the National Historic
Preservation Act (NHPA). They noted that through program alternatives
and/or adoption of other agencies' processes, NHPA review could also be
streamlined to avoid redundancies and delays.
Response: NEPA and NHPA are separate statutes. While CEs are not
applicable to section 106 reviews, the Advisory Council on Historic
Preservation (ACHP) NHPA implementing regulations allow for ``program
alternatives'' that can improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the
standard section 106 process and streamline routine reviews while
focusing effort on the more complex projects or historic properties
most important to communities.\11\ The ACHP has issued several program
alternatives for telecommunications projects that apply to NTIA grant
funded activities.
\11\ 36 CFR 800.14.
NTIA currently applies the ACHP's Program Comment for Streamlining
Section 106 Review for Wireless Communications Facilities Construction
and Modification Subject to Review Under the FCC Nationwide
Programmatic Agreement to eliminate the duplicative section 106 review
of facilities licensed or approved by the FCC.
In addition, NTIA requested that the ACHP amend the Program Comment
for Communications Projects on Federal Lands and Property to expand its
availability beyond public lands and establish it as the section 106
review process for all broadband projects. On March 14, 2024, in
response to NTIA's request, the ACHP announced an amendment that makes
the provisions of the 2017 program comment, which establishes
streamlined historic preservation permitting rules for
[[Page 22692]]
communications infrastructure projects on Federal lands, available to
all Internet for All programs and broadband projects from all Federal
agencies, both on and off Federal lands.\12\
\12\ ACHP Announces Program Comment Amendment to Support
President Biden's Broadband Initiative, Mar. 14, 2024, available at,
ACHP Announces Program Comment Amendment to Support President
Biden's Broadband Initiative [verbar] Advisory Council on Historic
NTIA recognizes its obligations to conduct meaningful consultation
with State Historic Preservation Offices,\13\ Tribal Historic
Preservation Offices,\14\ federally recognized Tribes,\15\ and the
public \16\ and will continue to work with the ACHP and consulting
parties to streamline its processes and create efficiencies that
eliminate section 106 duplication and redundances while appropriately
taking historic preservation into account.
\13\ 36 CFR 800.2(c)(1).
\14\ 36 CFR 800.2(c)(2)(i)(A).
\15\ 36 CFR 800.2(c)(2)(i)(B) and (c)(2)(ii), and 36 CFR
\16\ 36 CFR 800.2(c)(5) and (d).
Proposed CEs Should Not Change Once NTIA Finalizes Its Implementing
Comment: One commenter urged that NTIA not alter the proposed CEs
once NTIA is able to draft and finalize its own NEPA implementing
Response: While the use of the FirstNet Authority's NEPA
implementing procedures will be interim until CEQ completes its
rulemaking process and NTIA establishes final NEPA implementing
procedures, NTIA considers these CEs final and does not intend to
modify these newly established CEs in the near future.
NTIA Should Maintain Other Applicable Department of Commerce CEs
Comment: One commenter noted that the Department of Commerce has
CEs that are available to NTIA, several of which are applicable to
broadband deployments, and NTIA should continue to use those CEs when
helpful. Several commenters noted the applicability of FirstNet CEs to
NTIA actions and requested that NTIA maintain consistency in its
approach, including for extraordinary circumstances.
Response: NTIA is currently using the Department's CEs to execute
its programs. NTIA also made limited changes to the text of the
proposed CEs to align them with the FirstNet CEs. While this Notice
establishes new CEs, in so doing, NTIA clarifies that Departmental CEs
remain applicable to NTIA programs and that it may adopt or establish
additional CEs through separate and subsequent processes.
Ensure That NTIA's CEs Reflect That Wireless Deployment Is Different
Than Wireline
Comment: One commenter noted FirstNet's charge to build a wireless
broadband network and urged NTIA to ensure that its final CEs
explicitly and unequivocally contemplate the installation of wireline
infrastructure, as wireless backhaul and wireline networks are
Response: NTIA recognizes this point of clarification and the
differences between wireless backhaul and a wireline network. NTIA's
CEs address the full range of the agency's administrative, real
property/facility, and operational activities and are intended to apply
to broadband networks that are fiber, wireless, or a combination of the
two. In response to this comment, NTIA made minor modifications to CEs
C-4 and C-8 (originally proposed as C-9). While this Notice establishes
new CEs, NTIA clarifies that Departmental CEs remain applicable to NTIA
programs and that it may adopt or establish additional CEs through
separate and subsequent processes.
Create CE for Two-Way Dispatch Communications for Critical
Infrastructure Industry
Comment: One commenter suggested that NTIA should consider a CE for
commercial service providers that offer primarily two-way dispatch
communications for the critical infrastructure industry.
Response: NTIA has determined that CEs B-5 and C-7 are broad enough
to support the telecommunication towers, antennas, and support/
associated equipment required for such deployment; therefore, no
additional specific CE is required.
Clarify CE C-8 (Originally Proposed as C-9) Applicability and Remove
Caveat Regarding Existing ROWs
Comment: Several commenters requested that NTIA clarify whether CE
C-8 applies to aerial and buried fiber construction. Additionally, some
commenters suggested that restricting the CE's applicability to
construction within existing ROWs was unduly burdensome.
Response: NTIA intends for CE C-8 to apply to both aerial and
buried fiber optic construction. NTIA could apply this CE either to
direct or grant-funded actions for such activities as fiber
installation through trenching, vibratory plowing, or directional
boring, installation of fiber or cable into existing conduit, and
aerial fiber or cable deployment. For clarity, NTIA has edited CE C-8
to read as follows: ``Acquisition, installation, reconstruction, repair
by replacement, and operation of aerial or buried utility (e.g., water,
sewer, electrical), communication (e.g., fiber optic cable, data
processing cable and similar electronic equipment), and security
systems that use existing rights-of-way, easements, grants of license,
distribution systems, facilities, or similar arrangements.''
NTIA has generated a substantial record of past analyses supporting
the conclusion that sensitive resources are unlikely to occur within
``existing rights-of-way, easements, grants of license, distribution
systems, facilities, or similar arrangements'' that are presumably
previously disturbed and regularly maintained, and thus potentially
significant impacts to sensitive resources within these corridors is
unlikely. In joint comments, the Rural Broadband Association and the
National Rural Electric Cooperative Association noted that the
deployment of wireline broadband networks typically include buried and
aerial fiber optic cable ``in rights-of-way or easements,''
substantiating that these CEs should apply in most cases.
Extraordinary Circumstances Are Vague and Will Force Most Projects Into
an EA
Comment: Several commenters requested that NTIA provide more
concrete parameters for extraordinary circumstances and objected to the
``reasonable likelihood'' standard as vague.
Response: Consistent with 40 CFR 1501.4(b) of CEQ regulations, when
considering applying a CE NTIA is required to evaluate an action for
circumstances in which a normally excluded action may have a
significant effect. In response to comments, NTIA considered the need
for grant recipients to clearly understand extraordinary circumstances
in order to be able to identify and avoid them in project planning and
made clarifying edits and modified the language to remove ``reasonable
likelihood'' references. Extraordinary circumstance 8 was further
edited to clarify that it would not apply to an action taken in
proximity to a hazardous waste site or involving the handling of
hazardous substances if NTIA determines the action is consistent with
an approved remediation plan. NTIA also agrees that extraordinary
circumstance 9 should comport with established and industry-
[[Page 22693]]
recognized FCC exposure limits. The revised extraordinary circumstance
9 states, ``Reasonable likelihood that the proposed action would
involve human exposure to ionizing or non-ionizing radiation or use of
any radiation in excess of the Federal Communications Commission's
established Maximum Permissible Exposure limits for human exposure to
Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy fields.''
Clarify the Low-Income and Minority Community Provision in
Extraordinary Circumstance 7
Comment: Two commenters suggested that NTIA should clarify how
grantees should analyze extraordinary circumstance 7 concerning low-
income and minority communities, since, by its nature, an increase in
broadband availability is a positive impact to low-income and minority
Response: As a point of clarification, NTIA's CEs are intended to
encompass the entirety of NTIA's actions, short- and long-term and
across business units, beyond IIJA. The Low-Income and Minority
Community provision in extraordinary circumstance 7 is directly related
to the concept of environmental justice as memorialized in Executive
Order (E.O.) 12898 and section 3(a)(ix) of E.O. 14096, Revitalizing Our
Nation's Commitment to Environmental Justice (April 2023) that
reinforces and codifies longstanding Federal agency practice regarding
environmental justice and NEPA. Environmental justice impacts and
analyses could differ across different projects and programs.\17\
\17\ For further guidance, see CEQ's Environmental Justice:
Guidance Under the National Environmental Policy Act, and EPA's
Promising Practices for EJ Methodologies in NEPA Reviews.
Given the BEAD program's likely benefits to communities with
environmental justice concerns, addressing this extraordinary
circumstance can be accomplished with a fairly simple analysis of the
demographics of the community within the project area and an
explanation of how that community would benefit from the project. (Such
benefits would not discount an extraordinary circumstance giving rise
to the potential of significant effects, which would require an EA or
EIS). NTIA has provided and will continue to make available examples of
previous projects that have received NTIA grants to demonstrate the
level of environmental analysis required for this extraordinary
III. Revisions to Specific Categorical Exclusions
NTIA is not including in this Notice the CEs proposed as B-5 and C-
8 because the actions they cover are encompassed by existing
Department-wide CEs. In addition, NTIA has responded to comments on the
proposed set of CEs and list of extraordinary circumstances by
incorporating the following seven clarifications to specific CEs and
framing modifications that affect all 13 extraordinary circumstances.
B-6 (originally proposed as B-7): In response to comments
expressing support for the existing Department CEs, including FirstNet
CEs, NTIA clarifies that Departmental CEs remain applicable to NTIA
programs. NTIA made an editorial change removing the qualifier ``space
within'' existing facilities to ensure that B-7 is consistent with the
existing FirstNet CE A-4 and because this qualifier does not provide
any additional information about how NTIA may apply the CE.
C-4: In response to comments expressing support for the existing
Department CEs, including FirstNet CEs, NTIA clarifies that
Departmental CEs remain applicable to NTIA programs. NTIA made changes
to promote consistency between these rules, including ensuring that
improvements of land remain covered and that, consistent with the
Department's A-2, actions taking place in a developed area may be
categorically excluded where no extraordinary circumstances apply. NTIA
also clarified that this CE is applicable to both wired and wireless
C-5: This CE is established as originally proposed with minor
editorial changes.
C-8 (originally proposed as C-9): In response to comments
requesting that NTIA clarify that CE C-8 included both wireline and
wireless infrastructure, NTIA has specified its applicability to both
aerial and buried utilities, equipment, and systems.
Extraordinary Circumstances (General). In response to multiple
comments identifying concerns that the ``reasonable likelihood''
measure was overly broad, vague, and subjective, NTIA modified the
language to promote clarity and facilitate the assessment of how these
13 factors apply to otherwise categorically excluded actions.
EC-8: NTIA removed the qualifiers ``unmitigable'' (construction
impacts) and ``non-permittable'' (generation) to clarify that CEs are
not presumed to apply to actions involving contaminated or hazardous
waste sites or substances.
IV. Final Categorical Exclusions and Extraordinary Circumstances
Categorical Exclusions
Administrative Actions
A-1: Personnel, fiscal, management, and administrative activities,
including recruiting, processing, paying, recordkeeping, budgeting,
personnel actions, contract administration, and travel.
A-2: Preparation, modification, and issuance of policy directives,
rules, regulations, procedures, guidelines, guidance documents,
bulletins, and informational publications that are of an
administrative, financial, legal, technical, or procedural nature, for
which the environmental effects are too broad, speculative, or
conjectural to lend themselves to meaningful analysis and will be, in
whole or part, subject later to the NEPA process, either collectively
or on a case-by-case basis.
A-3: Studies and engineering undertaken to define proposed actions
or alternatives sufficiently so that environmental effects can be
A-4: Planning, educational, informational, or advisory activities
provided to other agencies, public and private entities, visitors,
individuals, or the public, including training exercises and
simulations conducted under appropriately controlled conditions and in
accordance with all applicable laws, regulations, and requirements.
A-5: Software development, data analysis, or testing that does not
involve ground disturbing activities.
A-6: Preparation and dissemination of scientific results, studies,
surveys, audits, reports, plans, papers, recommendations, and technical
A-7: Technical assistance to other Federal, Tribal, State, and
local agencies or the public.
A-8: Routine procurement, use, storage, transportation, and
disposal of non-hazardous goods and services in support of
administrative, operational, or maintenance activities in accordance
with Executive Orders and Federal procurement guidelines. Examples
include office supplies and furniture; equipment; mobile assets (i.e.,
vehicles, vessels, aircraft); utility services; and deployable
emergency response supplies and equipment.
A-9: Purchase of deployable mobile and portable telecommunications
equipment (e.g., radios, Cell on Wheels, Cell on Light Truck, System on
Wheels) that will be housed in existing facilities when not deployed.
A-10: Routine use of hazardous materials (including procurement,
transportation, distribution, and storage
[[Page 22694]]
of such materials) and reuse, recycling, and disposal of solid,
medical, radiological, or hazardous waste in a manner that is
consistent with all applicable laws, regulations, and requirements.
Examples include use of chemicals for laboratory applications;
refueling of storage tanks; temporary storage and disposal of solid
waste; disposal of waste through manufacturer return and recycling
programs; and hazardous waste minimization activities, including source
reduction activities and recycling.
A-11: Reductions, realignments, or relocation of personnel,
equipment, or mobile assets that do not result in changing the use of
NTIA facilities or space in such a way that could cause a change to
existing environmental effects or exceed the infrastructure capacity
outside of NTIA-managed property. An example of exceeding the
infrastructure capacity would be an increase in vehicular traffic
beyond the capacity of the supporting road network to accommodate such
an increase.
A-12: Federal assistance, grants, and external funding for
activities that do not concern environmental matters or where the
environmental effects are negligible. Examples of relevant activities
could include, but are not limited to, planning, studies, or programs
such as the Digital TV transition, which provided rebates to consumers
to subsidize the purchase of digital antennas, that have no potential
to impact the environment. If an analysis determines that such
activities have the potential to impact the environment, the CE cannot
be applied.
A-13: Contracts, collaborative research agreements, cooperative
research and development agreements, interagency agreements, and other
agreements that do not concern environmental matters or where the
environmental effects are negligible.
Real Property/Facility Actions
B-1: Maintenance of facilities, equipment, and grounds. Examples
include interior utility work, road maintenance, window washing, lawn
mowing, landscaping, weed management/maintenance, trash collecting,
facility cleaning, and snow removal.
B-2: Internal modifications, renovations, or additions (e.g.,
computer facilities, relocating interior walls) to structures or
buildings that do not result in a change in the functional use of the
B-3: Exterior renovation, addition, repair, alteration, and
demolition projects affecting buildings, roads, grounds, equipment, and
other facilities, including subsequent disposal of debris, which may be
contaminated with hazardous materials, lead, or asbestos. Hazardous
materials must be disposed of at approved sites in accordance with all
applicable laws, regulations, and requirements. Examples include the
(i) Painting, roofing, siding, or alterations to an existing
(ii) Adding a small storage shed to an existing building;
(iii) Retrofitting for energy conservation, including
weatherization, installation of timers on hot water heaters,
installation of energy efficient lighting, and installation of low-flow
plumbing fixtures; or
(iv) Closing and demolishing a building not eligible for listing
under the National Register for Historic Places.
B-4: Abatement of hazardous materials from existing facilities,
including asbestos and lead-based paint, conducted in compliance with
all applicable laws, regulations, and requirements established for the
protection of human health and the environment. Examples include
containment, removal, and disposal of lead-based paint or asbestos
tiles and asbestos-containing materials from existing facilities; and
remediation of hazardous materials in accordance with all applicable
laws, regulations, and requirements as part of facility and space
management activities.
B-5: Proposed new activities and operations conducted in an
existing structure that would be consistent with previously established
safety levels and would not result in a change in use of the facility.
Examples include new types of research, development, testing, and
evaluation activities and laboratory operations conducted within
existing enclosed facilities designed to support research and
development activities.
B-6: Acquisition or use of existing facilities or portion thereof
by purchase, lease, or use agreement where use or operation will remain
unchanged. Examples include acquiring office or laboratory space
through lease, purchase, or use agreement.
B-7: Transfer of administrative control over real property,
including related personal property, between another Federal agency and
NTIA that does not result in a change in the functional use of the
property. Examples include transfer of facilities for use by NTIA and
transfers of computer equipment, office equipment, and personal
property, including laptops and cell phones.
B-8: Decisions and actions to close facilities, decommission
equipment, or temporarily discontinue use of facilities or equipment
where the facility or equipment, including office equipment,
telecommunications equipment, and computer equipment, is not used to
prevent or control environmental impacts.
B-9: The determination and disposal of real property, such as
excess office space, or personal property, including laptops and cell
phones, that is excess to the needs of NTIA when the real property or
personal property is excessed in conformity with applicable General
Services Administration procedures or is statutorily authorized to be
Operational Actions
C-1: Research activities conducted in laboratories and facilities
where research practices and safeguards prevent environmental impacts.
Examples include types of research, development, testing, and
evaluation activities, and laboratory operations conducted within
existing enclosed facilities designed to support research and
development activities.
C-2: Outdoor research activities conducted in compliance with all
applicable laws, regulations, and requirements. Examples include types
of research, development, testing, and evaluation activities conducted
outdoors where no new ground disturbance occurs and no sensitive
resources (e.g., threatened or endangered species, archaeological
sites, Tribal resources, wetlands, and waterbodies) are present, such
as radar testing, radio noise measurements, and public safety
communications research.
C-3: Periodic flight activities for training and research and
development that are routine and comply with all applicable laws,
Federal Aviation Administration regulations, and other requirements.
C-4: New construction or improvement of land, operations, or
support facilities, switching stations, maintenance facilities, and
other non-tower structures supporting wired or wireless communications
systems in a developed area and/or on previously disturbed ground with
no more than 1 acre (0.4 hectare) of ground disturbance where the
proposed facility use is generally compatible with the surrounding land
use and applicable zoning standards and will not require additional
support infrastructure.
C-5: Installing, operating, maintaining, retrofitting, upgrading,
repairing, removing, and/or replacement of existing microwave or radio
communication towers, instruments, structures, or buildings that do not
require ground disturbance outside of
[[Page 22695]]
the original footprint, including installing or collocating equipment
such as antennas, microwave dishes, or power units. For communications
towers at or below 199 feet, renovations and equipment additions must
not cause the total height of the tower to exceed 199 feet. Existing
structures must not be eligible for listing in the National Register of
Historic Places.\18\
\18\ In response to comments expressing support for existing
Departmental CEs including those of FirstNet, NTIA notes that
establishment of these new CEs does not preclude the use of
Departmental or other CEs that may be otherwise available to NTIA
where they apply to a proposed action. Two existing Department of
Commerce CEs (the Department's A-4 and FirstNet's B-7) may be
applicable to related actions. Commerce's A-4 covers Siting,
construction, operation, and maintenance of microwave/radio
communication towers less than 200 feet in height without guy wires
on previously disturbed ground. FirstNet's B-7 covers Changes or
additions, including retrofit and upgrade, to telecommunications
sites, towers under 200 feet, substations, switching stations,
telecommunications switching or multiplexing centers, buildings, or
small structures requiring new physical disturbance or fencing of
less than one acre (0.4 hectare).
C-6: New construction or improvement of temporary buildings or
experimental equipment (e.g., trailers, prefabricated buildings, and
test slabs) on previously disturbed ground, with no more than 1 acre
(0.4 hectare) of ground disturbance, where the proposed facility use is
generally compatible with the surrounding land use and applicable
zoning standards and will not require additional support
C-7: New construction of self-supporting (e.g., monopole or
lattice) wireless communication towers at or below 199 feet with no guy
wires that require less than 1 acre (0.4 hectare) of ground disturbance
and where another Federal agency would not require an EA or EIS for its
acquisition, installation, operations, or maintenance.
C-8: Acquisition, installation, reconstruction, repair by
replacement, and operation of aerial or buried utility (e.g., water,
sewer, electrical), communication (e.g., fiber optic cable, data
processing cable and similar electronic equipment), and security
systems that use existing rights-of-way, easements, grants of license,
distribution systems, facilities, or similar arrangements.\19\
\19\ In response to comments expressing support for existing
Departmental CEs including those of FirstNet, NTIA notes that
establishment of these new CEs does not preclude the use of
Departmental or other CEs that may be otherwise available to NTIA
where they apply to proposed actions involving buried and aerial
lines, cables, and related facilities.
Extraordinary Circumstances
Extraordinary Circumstances that may preclude the use of a CE
1. Proposed action occurs within an environmentally sensitive or
unique \20\ geographic area of notable recreational, ecological,
scientific, cultural, scenic, or aesthetic importance.
\20\ ``Environmentally sensitive or unique'' resources and areas
may include: federal lands; areas having special designation or
recognition such as prime or unique or agricultural lands;
designated wilderness or wilderness study areas; wild and scenic
rivers; coastal zones; National Wildlife Refuges; National Parks;
areas of critical environmental concern; or other areas of high
environmental sensitivity.
2. Proposed action may adversely impact species listed or proposed
to be listed as endangered or threatened or have adverse effects on
designated critical habitat for these species.
3. Proposed action may adversely impact protected migratory birds
or their habitats.
4. Proposed action may adversely affect historic, archeological, or
cultural sites, including Native American Traditional Cultural
Properties, and properties listed or eligible for listing on the
National Register of Historic Places.
5. Proposed action restricts access to and ceremonial use of Indian
sacred sites by Indian practitioners or adversely affects the physical
integrity of such religious sacred sites.
6. Proposed action occurs in floodplains or involves significant
changes to or effects on waterbodies, wetlands, floodplains, water
quality, sole source aquifers, public water supply systems, or State,
local, or Tribal water quality standards established under the Clean
Water Act or the Safe Drinking Water Act.
7. Proposed action may have a disproportionate and adverse human
health or environmental effect \21\ on low-income populations, minority
populations, or other communities with environmental justice concerns.
\21\ E.O. 14096 section 3(i).
8. Proposed action involving construction impacts on or near an
active, inactive, or abandoned contaminated or hazardous waste site, or
involving non-permitted generation, transportation, treatment, storage,
or disposal of substances hazardous to human health or the environment,
unless NTIA determines the action is consistent with an approved
remediation plan for the site.
9. Proposed action would involve human exposure to ionizing or non-
ionizing radiation or use of any radiation in excess of the Federal
Communications Commission's established Maximum Permissible Exposure
limits for human exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy
10. Proposed action is controversial because of the introduction or
employment of unproven technology, highly scientifically uncertain or
unique environmental effects, substantial disagreement over the
possible size, nature, or effect on the environment, or likelihood of
degrading already existing poor environmental conditions.
11. Proposed action may violate a federal, Tribal, state, or local
law, regulation, policy, or requirement imposed for the protection of
the environment.
12. Proposed size or scope of action is greater than is normal for
an action of its type.
13. Proposed action may cause other significant effects on human
health or the environment that have not been otherwise addressed.
Dated: March 26, 2024.
Sean Conway,
Acting Chief Counsel, National Telecommunications and Information
[FR Doc. 2024-06751 Filed 4-1-24; 8:45 am]