Adoption of First Responder Network Authority Categorical Exclusions Under the National Environmental Policy Act, 22695-22697 [2024-06748]
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Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 2, 2024 / Notices
the original footprint, including
installing or collocating equipment such
as antennas, microwave dishes, or
power units. For communications
towers at or below 199 feet, renovations
and equipment additions must not
cause the total height of the tower to
exceed 199 feet. Existing structures
must not be eligible for listing in the
National Register of Historic Places.18
C–6: New construction or
improvement of temporary buildings or
experimental equipment (e.g., trailers,
prefabricated buildings, and test slabs)
on previously disturbed ground, with no
more than 1 acre (0.4 hectare) of ground
disturbance, where the proposed facility
use is generally compatible with the
surrounding land use and applicable
zoning standards and will not require
additional support infrastructure.
C–7: New construction of selfsupporting (e.g., monopole or lattice)
wireless communication towers at or
below 199 feet with no guy wires that
require less than 1 acre (0.4 hectare) of
ground disturbance and where another
Federal agency would not require an EA
or EIS for its acquisition, installation,
operations, or maintenance.
C–8: Acquisition, installation,
reconstruction, repair by replacement,
and operation of aerial or buried utility
(e.g., water, sewer, electrical),
communication (e.g., fiber optic cable,
data processing cable and similar
electronic equipment), and security
systems that use existing rights-of-way,
easements, grants of license,
distribution systems, facilities, or
similar arrangements.19
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Extraordinary Circumstances
Extraordinary Circumstances that may
preclude the use of a CE include:
18 In response to comments expressing support for
existing Departmental CEs including those of
FirstNet, NTIA notes that establishment of these
new CEs does not preclude the use of Departmental
or other CEs that may be otherwise available to
NTIA where they apply to a proposed action. Two
existing Department of Commerce CEs (the
Department’s A–4 and FirstNet’s B–7) may be
applicable to related actions. Commerce’s A–4
covers Siting, construction, operation, and
maintenance of microwave/radio communication
towers less than 200 feet in height without guy wires
on previously disturbed ground. FirstNet’s B–7
covers Changes or additions, including retrofit and
upgrade, to telecommunications sites, towers under
200 feet, substations, switching stations,
telecommunications switching or multiplexing
centers, buildings, or small structures requiring new
physical disturbance or fencing of less than one
acre (0.4 hectare).
19 In response to comments expressing support for
existing Departmental CEs including those of
FirstNet, NTIA notes that establishment of these
new CEs does not preclude the use of Departmental
or other CEs that may be otherwise available to
NTIA where they apply to proposed actions
involving buried and aerial lines, cables, and
related facilities.
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1. Proposed action occurs within an
environmentally sensitive or unique 20
geographic area of notable recreational,
ecological, scientific, cultural, scenic, or
aesthetic importance.
2. Proposed action may adversely
impact species listed or proposed to be
listed as endangered or threatened or
have adverse effects on designated
critical habitat for these species.
3. Proposed action may adversely
impact protected migratory birds or
their habitats.
4. Proposed action may adversely
affect historic, archeological, or cultural
sites, including Native American
Traditional Cultural Properties, and
properties listed or eligible for listing on
the National Register of Historic Places.
5. Proposed action restricts access to
and ceremonial use of Indian sacred
sites by Indian practitioners or
adversely affects the physical integrity
of such religious sacred sites.
6. Proposed action occurs in
floodplains or involves significant
changes to or effects on waterbodies,
wetlands, floodplains, water quality,
sole source aquifers, public water
supply systems, or State, local, or Tribal
water quality standards established
under the Clean Water Act or the Safe
Drinking Water Act.
7. Proposed action may have a
disproportionate and adverse human
health or environmental effect 21 on lowincome populations, minority
populations, or other communities with
environmental justice concerns.
8. Proposed action involving
construction impacts on or near an
active, inactive, or abandoned
contaminated or hazardous waste site,
or involving non-permitted generation,
transportation, treatment, storage, or
disposal of substances hazardous to
human health or the environment,
unless NTIA determines the action is
consistent with an approved
remediation plan for the site.
9. Proposed action would involve
human exposure to ionizing or nonionizing radiation or use of any
radiation in excess of the Federal
Communications Commission’s
established Maximum Permissible
Exposure limits for human exposure to
Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Energy
20 ‘‘Environmentally sensitive or unique’’
resources and areas may include: federal lands;
areas having special designation or recognition such
as prime or unique or agricultural lands; designated
wilderness or wilderness study areas; wild and
scenic rivers; coastal zones; National Wildlife
Refuges; National Parks; areas of critical
environmental concern; or other areas of high
environmental sensitivity.
21 E.O. 14096 section 3(i).
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10. Proposed action is controversial
because of the introduction or
employment of unproven technology,
highly scientifically uncertain or unique
environmental effects, substantial
disagreement over the possible size,
nature, or effect on the environment, or
likelihood of degrading already existing
poor environmental conditions.
11. Proposed action may violate a
federal, Tribal, state, or local law,
regulation, policy, or requirement
imposed for the protection of the
12. Proposed size or scope of action
is greater than is normal for an action of
its type.
13. Proposed action may cause other
significant effects on human health or
the environment that have not been
otherwise addressed.
Dated: March 26, 2024.
Sean Conway,
Acting Chief Counsel, National
Telecommunications and Information
[FR Doc. 2024–06751 Filed 4–1–24; 8:45 am]
National Telecommunications and
Information Administration
[Docket Number: 240325–0085]
RIN 0660–XC061
Adoption of First Responder Network
Authority Categorical Exclusions
Under the National Environmental
Policy Act
National Information and
Technology Administration, U.S.
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
The National Information and
Technology Administration (NTIA) has
identified categorical exclusions (CEs)
established by the First Responder
Network Authority (FirstNet Authority),
an independent authority within NTIA,
that cover categories of actions under
the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) that NTIA proposes to take. This
notice identifies the FirstNet Authority
CEs and NTIA’s categories of proposed
actions for which it intends to use
FirstNet Authority’s CEs and describes
the consultation between the agencies.
DATES: The CEs identified below are
available for NTIA to use for its
proposed actions effective April 2, 2024.
Amanda Pereira, NTIA, telephone
number 202–834–4016, email apereira@
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 2, 2024 / Notices
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
I. Background
NEPA and CEs
Congress enacted the National
Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C.
4321–4347, (NEPA) in order to
encourage productive and enjoyable
harmony between humans and the
environment, recognizing the profound
impact of human activity and the
critical importance of restoring and
maintaining environmental quality to
the overall welfare of humankind. 42
U.S.C. 4321, 4331. NEPA seeks to
ensure that agencies consider the
environmental effects of their proposed
major actions in their decision-making
processes and inform and involve the
public in that process. NEPA created the
Council on Environmental Quality
(CEQ), which promulgated NEPA
implementing regulations, 40 CFR parts
1500 through 1508 (CEQ regulations).
Under the CEQ regulations, to comply
with NEPA, agencies determine the
appropriate level of review of any major
Federal action—an environmental
impact statement (EIS), environmental
assessment (EA), or categorical
exclusion (CE). 40 CFR 1501.3. If a
proposed action is likely to have
significant environmental effects, the
agency must prepare an EIS and
document its decision in a record of
decision. 40 CFR part 1502, 1505.2. If
the proposed action is not likely to have
significant environmental effects or the
effects are unknown, the agency may
instead prepare an environmental
assessment (EA), which involves a more
concise analysis and process than an
EIS. 40 CFR 1501.5. Following the EA,
the agency may conclude that the action
will have no significant effects and
document that conclusion in a finding
of no significant impact. 40 CFR 1501.6.
However, if, after the analysis, the
agency concludes that the action is
likely to have significant effects, then an
EIS is required.
Under NEPA and the CEQ regulations,
a Federal agency also can establish
CEs—categories of actions that the
agency has determined normally do not
significantly affect the quality of the
human environment—in their agency
NEPA procedures. 42 U.S.C. 4336e(1);
40 CFR 1501.4, 1507.3(e)(2)(ii),
1508.1(d). If an agency determines that
a CE could apply to a proposed action,
it then evaluates the proposed action for
extraordinary circumstances in which a
normally excluded action may have a
significant effect. 40 CFR 1501.4(b). If
no extraordinary circumstances are
present, the agency may apply the CE to
the proposed action without preparing
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an EA or EIS. 42 U.S.C. 4336(a)(2), 40
CFR 1501.4. If extraordinary
circumstances are present, the agency
nevertheless may still apply the
categorical exclusion to the proposed
action if it determines that there are
circumstances that lessen the impacts or
other conditions sufficient to avoid
significant effects.
Section 109 of NEPA, enacted as part
of the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023,
allows a Federal agency to adopt
another Federal agency’s CEs for its own
proposed actions. 42 U.S.C. 4336c. To
use another agency’s CEs under section
109, the ‘‘adopting agency’’ must:
identify the relevant CEs listed in the
NEPA procedures of another agency (the
‘‘establishing agency’’) that covers the
adopting agency’s category of proposed
actions or related actions; consult with
the establishing agency to ensure that
the proposed adoption of the CEs for a
category of actions is appropriate;
identify to the public the CEs that the
adopting agency plans to use for its
proposed actions; and document
adoption of the CE. 42 U.S.C. 4336c.
NTIA has prepared this notice to meet
these statutory requirements and
identify to the public the FirstNet
Authority CEs that NTIA is adopting.
NTIA’s Programs
NTIA is the Executive Branch agency
that is principally responsible for
advising the President on
telecommunications and information
policy issues. NTIA’s programs and
policies focus largely on expanding
broadband internet access and adoption
in the United States, expanding the use
of spectrum by all users, and ensuring
that the internet remains an engine for
continued innovation and economic
growth. NTIA is engaged in a range of
efforts to increase internet access and
In November 2021, Congress passed
the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs
Act (‘‘IIJA’’).1 The law provides NTIA
with $48.2 billion to establish five new
broadband grant programs and to further
implement the previously established
Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
(‘‘TBCP’’). The largest new program is
the Broadband Equity, Access, and
Deployment Program (BEAD), which
seeks to expand high-speed internet
access by funding planning,
infrastructure deployment, and
adoption programs in all 50 states,
Washington DC, Puerto Rico, the U.S.
Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa,
1 Infrastructure
Investment and Jobs Act, Public
Law 117–58 (2021).
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and the Commonwealth of the Northern
Mariana Islands.
II. FirstNet Authority Categorical
NTIA has identified the following CEs
listed in appendix B of the FirstNet
Authority’s Procedures for
Implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act.2 Each of the
FirstNet Authority CEs includes
conditions on the scope or application
of the CE within the text of the
numbered paragraphs listed below.
Under each CE, NTIA has described
categories of proposed actions for which
NTIA contemplates using the CE at this
time; NTIA may apply the CEs
identified below to other activities
where NTIA determines the CE covers
the activity and no extraordinary
circumstances are present.
1. [B.3] Construction of buried and
aerial telecommunications lines, cables,
and related facilities.
Potential application to NTIA
• Financial assistance for
construction or modification of aerial or
buried fiber optic telecommunications
equipment, including, but not limited
to, fiber optic cable, transmission poles,
including pole replacement, equipment
sheds, and utility huts.
• Construction or modification of
aerial or buried fiber optic
telecommunications equipment at NTIA
facilities, including, but not limited to,
fiber optic cable, transmission poles,
including pole replacement, equipment
sheds, and utility huts.
2. [B.4.] Changes to existing
transmission lines that involve less than
20 percent pole replacement, or the
complete rebuilding of existing
distribution lines within the same rightof-way. Changes to existing
transmission lines that require 20
percent or greater pole replacement will
be considered the same as new
• Financial assistance for
modification of existing transmission
lines, including addition of aerial fiber
optic cables to electric power lines and
burial of fiber optic cables in existing
powerlines or pipelines.
• Modification of existing
transmission lines at NTIA facilities,
including addition of aerial fiber optic
cables to electric power lines and burial
of fiber optic cables in existing
powerlines or pipelines.
3. [B.7.] Changes or additions to
telecommunication sites, substations,
khammond on DSKJM1Z7X2PROD with NOTICES
Federal Register / Vol. 89, No. 64 / Tuesday, April 2, 2024 / Notices
switching stations, telecommunications
switching or multiplexing centers,
buildings, or small structures requiring
new physical disturbance or fencing of
less than one acre (0.4 hectare).
Potential application to NTIA
• Financial assistance for
modifications to structures and sites
supporting telecommunications service
necessary to connect unserved or
underserved locations.
• Modifications to NTIA facilities
supporting telecommunications service
necessary to connect NTIA facilities.
4. [B.12.] Rebuilding of power lines or
telecommunications cables where road
or highway reconstruction requires the
Applicant to relocate the lines either
within or adjacent to the new road or
highway easement or right-of-way.
Potential application to NTIA
• Financial assistance for
construction or modification of aerial or
buried fiber optic telecommunications
equipment in or adjacent to
transportation rights of way, including
reconstruction of power or
telecommunications lines to provide
broadband service.
5. [B.13.] Phase or voltage
conversions, reconductoring, or
upgrading of existing electric
distribution lines or
telecommunications facilities.
Potential application to NTIA
• Financial assistance for
construction or modification of aerial or
buried fiber optic cable to rural and
underserved locations, including
retrofitting, upgrading, or modernization
of existing infrastructure when
necessary to provide broadband service.
6. [B.15.] Deployment of Cells on
Wheels, Systems on Wheels, or another
deployable architecture intended for
temporary placement (no more than two
years) on an impervious surface.
Potential application to NTIA
• Financial assistance for deployment
and maintenance of mobile
communication systems, including
ground-based and aerial deployable
technologies, to provide temporary
broadband service in areas where such
service is not available, including areas
where infrastructure has been damaged
by natural disaster.
• Deployment and maintenance of
mobile communication systems at NTIA
facilities, for testing purposes at
temporary locations, or as needed in
areas where infrastructure has been
damaged by natural disaster, including
ground-based and aerial deployable
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technologies, to provide temporary
broadband service.
III. Consideration of Extraordinary
If an agency determines that a CE
covers a proposed action, the agency
must evaluate the proposed action for
extraordinary circumstances in which a
normally excluded action may have a
significant effect. 40 CFR 1501.4(b). In a
separate Federal Register notice
concurrent with this notice, NTIA is
publishing interim NEPA implementing
procedures and establishes 30
categorical exclusions and a list of the
extraordinary circumstances it considers
in determining whether to apply a
categorical exclusion. The CEs adopted
from the FirstNet Authority will
supplement NTIA’s newly established
CEs and the CEs that NTIA currently
applies to its actions. NTIA will
consider its newly established
extraordinary circumstances, as well as
the extraordinary circumstances
established in the FirstNet Authority’s
procedures, in assessing whether a
proposed action has the potential to
result in significant effects, and if so,
whether there are circumstances that
lessen the impacts or other conditions
sufficient to avoid significant effects,
consistent with 40 CFR 1501.4(b). If
NTIA cannot apply a CE to a particular
proposed action due to extraordinary
circumstances, NTIA will prepare an EA
or EIS, consistent with 40 CFR
1501.4(b)(2), or determine if the action
is covered under an existing NEPA
IV. Consultation With FirstNet
Authority and Determination of
The FirstNet Authority is an
independent authority within NTIA,
established by the Middle-Class Tax
Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 to
deploy and operate a nationwide public
safety broadband network.3 Similar to
NTIA’s grant programs, the FirstNet
Authority’s mandate includes planning
and constructing telecommunication
and broadband infrastructure across the
United States and its territories. The
specific activities that NTIA now
anticipates funding are comparable to
the FirstNet Authority project
implementation activities in both scope
and geographic span.
Over the past year, NTIA consulted
with the FirstNet Authority on the
applicability of the FirstNet Authority’s
NEPA implementing procedures to
NTIA’s proposed actions and took
public comment on a proposal to follow
3 47
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U.S.C. 1401.
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the FirstNet Authority’s procedures on
an interim basis.4 In recent months,
NTIA and the FirstNet Authority have
consulted on the appropriateness of
NTIA adopting certain FirstNet
Authority CEs in response to public
comments NTIA received noting the
applicability of certain FirstNet
Authority CEs to NTIA’s proposed
actions. That recent consultation has
included a review of the FirstNet
Authority’s experience developing and
applying its CEs. The agencies
determined that NTIA’s proposed
actions are similar to the projects that
the FirstNet Authority funds (i.e.,
communications infrastructure) and that
the impacts of NTIA’s proposed actions
will be similar to the impacts of FirstNet
Authority projects, which are not
significant absent extraordinary
circumstances. Therefore, NTIA has
determined that its proposed use of the
CEs as described in this notice would be
appropriate because the categories of
actions for which NTIA plans to use the
FirstNet Authority CEs are similar to
FirstNet Authority’s use of the CEs.
V. Conclusion
This notice documents adoption of
the FirstNet Authority CEs listed above
in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 4336c(4),
and they are available for use by NTIA,
effective immediately.
Dated: March 26, 2024.
Sean Conway,
Acting Chief Counsel, National
Telecommunications and Information
[FR Doc. 2024–06748 Filed 4–1–24; 8:45 am]
Office of the Secretary
[Docket ID: DoD–2024–OS–0029]
Proposed Collection; Comment
Office of the Under Secretary of
Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(OUSD (P&R)), Department of Defense
ACTION: 60-Day information collection
In compliance with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, the
Under Secretary of Defense for
Personnel and Readiness announces a
proposed public information collection
4 88 FR 19089 (
[Federal Register Volume 89, Number 64 (Tuesday, April 2, 2024)]
[Pages 22695-22697]
From the Federal Register Online via the Government Publishing Office []
[FR Doc No: 2024-06748]
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
[Docket Number: 240325-0085]
RIN 0660-XC061
Adoption of First Responder Network Authority Categorical
Exclusions Under the National Environmental Policy Act
AGENCY: National Information and Technology Administration, U.S.
Department of Commerce.
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: The National Information and Technology Administration (NTIA)
has identified categorical exclusions (CEs) established by the First
Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority), an independent
authority within NTIA, that cover categories of actions under the
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that NTIA proposes to take.
This notice identifies the FirstNet Authority CEs and NTIA's categories
of proposed actions for which it intends to use FirstNet Authority's
CEs and describes the consultation between the agencies.
DATES: The CEs identified below are available for NTIA to use for its
proposed actions effective April 2, 2024.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Amanda Pereira, NTIA, telephone number
202-834-4016, email [email protected].
[[Page 22696]]
I. Background
NEPA and CEs
Congress enacted the National Environmental Policy Act, 42 U.S.C.
4321-4347, (NEPA) in order to encourage productive and enjoyable
harmony between humans and the environment, recognizing the profound
impact of human activity and the critical importance of restoring and
maintaining environmental quality to the overall welfare of humankind.
42 U.S.C. 4321, 4331. NEPA seeks to ensure that agencies consider the
environmental effects of their proposed major actions in their
decision-making processes and inform and involve the public in that
process. NEPA created the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), which
promulgated NEPA implementing regulations, 40 CFR parts 1500 through
1508 (CEQ regulations).
Under the CEQ regulations, to comply with NEPA, agencies determine
the appropriate level of review of any major Federal action--an
environmental impact statement (EIS), environmental assessment (EA), or
categorical exclusion (CE). 40 CFR 1501.3. If a proposed action is
likely to have significant environmental effects, the agency must
prepare an EIS and document its decision in a record of decision. 40
CFR part 1502, 1505.2. If the proposed action is not likely to have
significant environmental effects or the effects are unknown, the
agency may instead prepare an environmental assessment (EA), which
involves a more concise analysis and process than an EIS. 40 CFR
1501.5. Following the EA, the agency may conclude that the action will
have no significant effects and document that conclusion in a finding
of no significant impact. 40 CFR 1501.6. However, if, after the
analysis, the agency concludes that the action is likely to have
significant effects, then an EIS is required.
Under NEPA and the CEQ regulations, a Federal agency also can
establish CEs--categories of actions that the agency has determined
normally do not significantly affect the quality of the human
environment--in their agency NEPA procedures. 42 U.S.C. 4336e(1); 40
CFR 1501.4, 1507.3(e)(2)(ii), 1508.1(d). If an agency determines that a
CE could apply to a proposed action, it then evaluates the proposed
action for extraordinary circumstances in which a normally excluded
action may have a significant effect. 40 CFR 1501.4(b). If no
extraordinary circumstances are present, the agency may apply the CE to
the proposed action without preparing an EA or EIS. 42 U.S.C.
4336(a)(2), 40 CFR 1501.4. If extraordinary circumstances are present,
the agency nevertheless may still apply the categorical exclusion to
the proposed action if it determines that there are circumstances that
lessen the impacts or other conditions sufficient to avoid significant
Section 109 of NEPA, enacted as part of the Fiscal Responsibility
Act of 2023, allows a Federal agency to adopt another Federal agency's
CEs for its own proposed actions. 42 U.S.C. 4336c. To use another
agency's CEs under section 109, the ``adopting agency'' must: identify
the relevant CEs listed in the NEPA procedures of another agency (the
``establishing agency'') that covers the adopting agency's category of
proposed actions or related actions; consult with the establishing
agency to ensure that the proposed adoption of the CEs for a category
of actions is appropriate; identify to the public the CEs that the
adopting agency plans to use for its proposed actions; and document
adoption of the CE. 42 U.S.C. 4336c. NTIA has prepared this notice to
meet these statutory requirements and identify to the public the
FirstNet Authority CEs that NTIA is adopting.
NTIA's Programs
NTIA is the Executive Branch agency that is principally responsible
for advising the President on telecommunications and information policy
issues. NTIA's programs and policies focus largely on expanding
broadband internet access and adoption in the United States, expanding
the use of spectrum by all users, and ensuring that the internet
remains an engine for continued innovation and economic growth. NTIA is
engaged in a range of efforts to increase internet access and adoption.
In November 2021, Congress passed the Infrastructure Investment and
Jobs Act (``IIJA'').\1\ The law provides NTIA with $48.2 billion to
establish five new broadband grant programs and to further implement
the previously established Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program
(``TBCP''). The largest new program is the Broadband Equity, Access,
and Deployment Program (BEAD), which seeks to expand high-speed
internet access by funding planning, infrastructure deployment, and
adoption programs in all 50 states, Washington DC, Puerto Rico, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the
Northern Mariana Islands.
\1\ Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, Public Law 117-58
II. FirstNet Authority Categorical Exclusions
NTIA has identified the following CEs listed in appendix B of the
FirstNet Authority's Procedures for Implementing the National
Environmental Policy Act.\2\ Each of the FirstNet Authority CEs
includes conditions on the scope or application of the CE within the
text of the numbered paragraphs listed below. Under each CE, NTIA has
described categories of proposed actions for which NTIA contemplates
using the CE at this time; NTIA may apply the CEs identified below to
other activities where NTIA determines the CE covers the activity and
no extraordinary circumstances are present.
1. [B.3] Construction of buried and aerial telecommunications
lines, cables, and related facilities.
Potential application to NTIA activities:
Financial assistance for construction or modification of
aerial or buried fiber optic telecommunications equipment, including,
but not limited to, fiber optic cable, transmission poles, including
pole replacement, equipment sheds, and utility huts.
Construction or modification of aerial or buried fiber
optic telecommunications equipment at NTIA facilities, including, but
not limited to, fiber optic cable, transmission poles, including pole
replacement, equipment sheds, and utility huts.
2. [B.4.] Changes to existing transmission lines that involve less
than 20 percent pole replacement, or the complete rebuilding of
existing distribution lines within the same right-of-way. Changes to
existing transmission lines that require 20 percent or greater pole
replacement will be considered the same as new construction.
Financial assistance for modification of existing
transmission lines, including addition of aerial fiber optic cables to
electric power lines and burial of fiber optic cables in existing
powerlines or pipelines.
Modification of existing transmission lines at NTIA
facilities, including addition of aerial fiber optic cables to electric
power lines and burial of fiber optic cables in existing powerlines or
3. [B.7.] Changes or additions to telecommunication sites,
[[Page 22697]]
switching stations, telecommunications switching or multiplexing
centers, buildings, or small structures requiring new physical
disturbance or fencing of less than one acre (0.4 hectare).
Potential application to NTIA activities:
Financial assistance for modifications to structures and
sites supporting telecommunications service necessary to connect
unserved or underserved locations.
Modifications to NTIA facilities supporting
telecommunications service necessary to connect NTIA facilities.
4. [B.12.] Rebuilding of power lines or telecommunications cables
where road or highway reconstruction requires the Applicant to relocate
the lines either within or adjacent to the new road or highway easement
or right-of-way.
Potential application to NTIA activities:
Financial assistance for construction or modification of
aerial or buried fiber optic telecommunications equipment in or
adjacent to transportation rights of way, including reconstruction of
power or telecommunications lines to provide broadband service.
5. [B.13.] Phase or voltage conversions, reconductoring, or
upgrading of existing electric distribution lines or telecommunications
Potential application to NTIA activities:
Financial assistance for construction or modification of
aerial or buried fiber optic cable to rural and underserved locations,
including retrofitting, upgrading, or modernization of existing
infrastructure when necessary to provide broadband service.
6. [B.15.] Deployment of Cells on Wheels, Systems on Wheels, or
another deployable architecture intended for temporary placement (no
more than two years) on an impervious surface.
Potential application to NTIA activities:
Financial assistance for deployment and maintenance of
mobile communication systems, including ground-based and aerial
deployable technologies, to provide temporary broadband service in
areas where such service is not available, including areas where
infrastructure has been damaged by natural disaster.
Deployment and maintenance of mobile communication systems
at NTIA facilities, for testing purposes at temporary locations, or as
needed in areas where infrastructure has been damaged by natural
disaster, including ground-based and aerial deployable technologies, to
provide temporary broadband service.
III. Consideration of Extraordinary Circumstances
If an agency determines that a CE covers a proposed action, the
agency must evaluate the proposed action for extraordinary
circumstances in which a normally excluded action may have a
significant effect. 40 CFR 1501.4(b). In a separate Federal Register
notice concurrent with this notice, NTIA is publishing interim NEPA
implementing procedures and establishes 30 categorical exclusions and a
list of the extraordinary circumstances it considers in determining
whether to apply a categorical exclusion. The CEs adopted from the
FirstNet Authority will supplement NTIA's newly established CEs and the
CEs that NTIA currently applies to its actions. NTIA will consider its
newly established extraordinary circumstances, as well as the
extraordinary circumstances established in the FirstNet Authority's
procedures, in assessing whether a proposed action has the potential to
result in significant effects, and if so, whether there are
circumstances that lessen the impacts or other conditions sufficient to
avoid significant effects, consistent with 40 CFR 1501.4(b). If NTIA
cannot apply a CE to a particular proposed action due to extraordinary
circumstances, NTIA will prepare an EA or EIS, consistent with 40 CFR
1501.4(b)(2), or determine if the action is covered under an existing
NEPA document.
IV. Consultation With FirstNet Authority and Determination of
The FirstNet Authority is an independent authority within NTIA,
established by the Middle-Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012
to deploy and operate a nationwide public safety broadband network.\3\
Similar to NTIA's grant programs, the FirstNet Authority's mandate
includes planning and constructing telecommunication and broadband
infrastructure across the United States and its territories. The
specific activities that NTIA now anticipates funding are comparable to
the FirstNet Authority project implementation activities in both scope
and geographic span.
\3\ 47 U.S.C. 1401.
Over the past year, NTIA consulted with the FirstNet Authority on
the applicability of the FirstNet Authority's NEPA implementing
procedures to NTIA's proposed actions and took public comment on a
proposal to follow the FirstNet Authority's procedures on an interim
basis.\4\ In recent months, NTIA and the FirstNet Authority have
consulted on the appropriateness of NTIA adopting certain FirstNet
Authority CEs in response to public comments NTIA received noting the
applicability of certain FirstNet Authority CEs to NTIA's proposed
actions. That recent consultation has included a review of the FirstNet
Authority's experience developing and applying its CEs. The agencies
determined that NTIA's proposed actions are similar to the projects
that the FirstNet Authority funds (i.e., communications infrastructure)
and that the impacts of NTIA's proposed actions will be similar to the
impacts of FirstNet Authority projects, which are not significant
absent extraordinary circumstances. Therefore, NTIA has determined that
its proposed use of the CEs as described in this notice would be
appropriate because the categories of actions for which NTIA plans to
use the FirstNet Authority CEs are similar to FirstNet Authority's use
of the CEs.
\4\ 88 FR 19089 (
V. Conclusion
This notice documents adoption of the FirstNet Authority CEs listed
above in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 4336c(4), and they are available for
use by NTIA, effective immediately.
Dated: March 26, 2024.
Sean Conway,
Acting Chief Counsel, National Telecommunications and Information
[FR Doc. 2024-06748 Filed 4-1-24; 8:45 am]